S 1 II s 2 3? o s i V^T^i %/OJIlV3-JO^ ^tfOJIlVD-JO^ ^lOS-ANGElfr.* A-OF-CAllFO/?^ ^OF-CAIIFO% I 1^-1 tiu^l fu^l 5 ^ I i ^ UBRARYQx:, I I ^ . ^UB-ANBltt, a is^-* * i i r I 5 L-tlBRABYQr^ ^UIBRARYQc ^_/ -f %*^-S ' WJIIVD-JO^ ^OJI1V>JO>- >FCAIIFO% xj U pUDNVSOl^ %a3AIN.T3\^ U-UNIVfR.C/A SIE WILLIAM FAffiBAIRN, BART, I.ONDOS : PRINTED BY 8POTTISWOODB ASD CO., NEW-STHEET bQUAIlE AND PAKLIAMKXT STREET THE LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAffiBAIRN, BART. F.R.S., LL.D., D.C.L. CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FRANCE MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS HONORARY ASSOCIATE OF THE INSTITUTION OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS CORRESPONDING ASSOCIATE OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, TURIN ETC. ~W IR, I T T E IN" BIT H I M S IE L IE 1 EDITED AND COMPLETED BY WILLIAM POLE, F.E.S. MEMBER OF COUNCIL OP THE INSTITUTION OP CIVIL ENGINEERS WITH PORTBAIT LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 1877 All rights reterved TA .14-0 FI5 A 2. PREFACE. IT WAS NOT without some hesitation that I undertook, at the request of the family of the late SIR WILLIAM FAIR- BAIBX, a task which, under ordinary circumstances, would have been better performed by a more practised writer. It was, however, considered that, from the peculiar nature of his occupations and pursuits, justice could hardly be done to his biography, except by some one familiar with the technical and scientific subjects it must so largely treat of; and it was on this ground alone that I felt justified in accepting the proposal. The autobiography which forms the earlier part of the history bears on its first page the following remark : This memoir was written at the request of some highly respected friends, who were desirous that I should leave on re- cord the events of what they were pleased to call an eventful and useful life. To this I consented, on condition that it should not be published till after my death ; and then only in case my executors and friends should think it would be for the benefit of those who have to encounter similar difficulties in life. As most of the account of my early life was written from memory during a voyage, the narrative will require careful revision and condensation, including such omissions as in the judgment of my friends may be deemed necessary. W. F. MANCHESTER : March 17, 1851. vl PREFACE. My work in regard to this has been simply to carry out the revision directed by the author. For the remainder of the biography, which records the important labours of the last thirty or forty years of his life, my data have been derived from his published works and memoirs ; from an immense mass of his corre- spondence and papers put into my hands ; from informa- tion furnished to me by relatives and friends ; and from facts within my own knowledge. I take this opportunity of expressing my thanks to all those who have so kindly given me their aid. I have thought it would add to the interest of the work to give a notice, more complete than has hitherto appeared, of the profession to which Sm WILLIAM FAIR- BAIKN belonged; one which, although so recent in its origin, has acquired in the present day a magnitude and importance most remarkable. In regard to the general selection of the matter that appears in the following pages, I have been guided by the judgment and wishes of the family ; for the literary and technical treatment I alone am responsible. W. P. OLTTB, LONDON: December 1876. CONTENTS. CHAPTEK I. ON THE PROFESSION OP ENGINEERING GENERALLY. PAGE Interest attaching to the Profession of Engineering Origin of the Term Engineer Examples of its early Use Ancient Engineering Works Persons by whom they were constructed The Architect The Ancient Priests' Title 'Pontifex' Works in the Middle Ages Bridges ; the ' Freres Pontiers ' Hydraulic Works in the North of Italy Appreciation of Science Belidor Want of Men to execute such Works Rise of a new Class of Practitioners called Civil En- gineers Engineering in England Early Works The New River British Bridges Inigo Jones, Labelye, Edwards True Rise of English Engineering with Brindley and Smeaton First Use in England of the present Name of the Profession Sineaton's Suc- cessors : Watt, Milne, Rennie, Telford The Modern Era of Railways Definition of the Profession of Engineering, and the Occupations comprised therein Importance of the Profession as estimated by the Magnitude and Value of the Works executed . 1 CHAPTEK II. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Mechanical Engineering a Branch of Civil Engineering, and not distinct from it Early History of Practical Mechanics Archimedes Hero Vitruvius Works on Mechanics Mechanical Engineering in England Peter Morice's Water Machinery Millwrights Brind- ley Smeaton The Iron Manufacture Works in Sussex Dud Dudley; Darby, and Colebrook Dale The Iron Bridge over the Severn Puddling Cort's Improvements Welsh Iron Works Scotch Iron Works The Carron Company Smeaton Watt and the Steam Engine Connection with Roebuck and Boulton Soho Works The Rotating Engine Albion Mills Rennie Great Stimulus to Manufacturing Progress Later Improvements in the ii CONTENTS. PAGE Manufacture of Iron The Hot Blast Cleveland and Lancashire Iron Districts Statistics Improvements in Workshop Processes, Tools, and Appliances Early Difficulties, and how they were surmounted Founding, Forging, Riveting, Shaping Turning, and Improvement in Lathes Maudsley Boring ; Wilkinson Planing ; Clement Shaping and Slotting Machines Screwing and Screw Threads Whitworth's Improvements Development of Au- tomatic Tools largely due to Strikes among Workmen Decay of the Millwright Class Large Structures in Iron Iron Bridges, Cast and Wrought Iron Ships Iron Armour Plates and Forts Heavy Guns Fairhairn as a Mechanical Engineer 21 CHAPTER III. FROM BIRTH TO THE END OF RESIDENCE AT KELSO. AGE, TO 14. 1789-1803. Date and Place of Birth Pedigree Father and Mother First School- ing Athletic Exercises Family Circumstances Connection with Sir Walter Scott and his Family Character and Ability of Wil- liam's Mother Spinning Competitions Farm at Moy Difficult and trying Journey to the Highlands Ingenious Method of clear- ing the Land Farm Improvements Effect of Residence at Moy Early Indications of Taste for Mechanical Pursuits Relinquish- ment of the Conduct of the Farm Mullochy School ; its Disci- pline Further Education with his Uncle at Galashiels The Psalms of David Return to Kelso Employment on an Engineer- ing Work Serious Accident 51 CHAPTER IV. FIRST EMPLOYMENT AND APPRENTICESHIP. AGE 14-21. 1803-1810. Appointment of Andrew at Percy Main Colliery, Northumberland William joins him Prosperity among the Pitman and Sailors ; its Consequences Boxing Matches; William's First Victory fc Bound Apprentice to a Millwright Endeavours to improve his Mind Programme of Study First Love Attachment ; Its influ- ence on his Literary Abilities Frederick and Felicia Mathe- matics, History and Poetry Mechanical Pursuits Design for a Clock-Orrery; its Failure Music and Musical Instruments The Story of a Fiddle Home-Brewed Music Takea charge of the Steam-Engine and Pumps of the Colliery Severe and trying Nature of the Duties Subscription to the Keg ; its Consequences Completion of his Term of Apprenticeship George Stephenson 67 CONTENTS. IX CHAPTER V. REMOVAL TO LONDON EMPLOYMENT THERE. AGE 21-24. 1810-1813. PAQK Search for Employment Work at Newcastle David Hogg Tlie future Mrs. Fairbairn Discussion Society The Theatre The Poet of Plessy Castles in the Air Embarks for London Perils of the Voyage Arrival in the Thames The Captain's Walk on Shore Midnight Murders Difficulties Application to Mr. Rennie The Millwrights' Society Cold and Hunger New Use of a Bedstead Refusal of Permission to work with Mr. Rennie Walk to Hertford Discouragement Sunshine Chestnut Wind- mill Supper Return to London Trades' Unions The Indepen- dent Society Employment and Residence in London Mr. Hall . 81 CHAPTER VI. FURTHER EMPLOYMENT MARRIAGE AND SETTLEMENT IN MANCHESTER. AGE 24-28. 1813-1817. Studies in Agriculture Steam Ploughing The Society of Arts and the Board of Agriculture Sausage-Making Machine Visit to Bath Reminiscences of the Novelists Bristol South Wales ' Dublin Breakfast with Duke Humphrey Festivities in the Phre- nix Park Employment with Mr. Robinson Nail-Making Machi- nery Passage to Liverpool First Arrival at Manchester Em- ployment with Mr. Parkinson Attack of Scarlet Fever Mr. Houtson His Brother, the African Traveller Belzoni Prospects for the Future Saving Money The Fiddle again Habits of the Lancashire Operatives Marriage in 1816 Domes- tic Arrangements Mrs. Fairbairn's Illness Accident by Fire The New Blackfriars Bridge at Manchester Mr. Hewes Resolu- tion to start Business on his own Account ..... 95 CHAPTER VII. COMMENCEMENT OF BUSINESS IN MANCHESTER SUCCESSFUL ESTA- BLISHMENT OF MANUFACTURING WORKS. AGE 28-34. 1817-1823. Determination to set up for himself in Business First Order under- taken Partnership with Lillie Patent Claim Difficulties and Discouragements Small Orders The Irishman as a Motive Power Mr. Murray Order to rearrange his Mill Machinery The Poverty of the Land Nature of the Alterations Defects observed and Improvements introduced Their Importance and Success CONTENTS. PAGE Eepairs on Sundays abolished New Mill for M'Counel and Kennedy Reminiscences of Murdoch, of Soho Rising Fame of the new Firm of Fairbairn and Lillie Increase of the Manu- facturing Establishment Constant Occupation . . . . 109 CHAPTEE VIII. WATER-WHEELS AT CATRINE BANK CONNECTION WITH ESCHER JOURNEY TO THE CONTINENT AND WORK THERE. AGE 34-41. 1824-1830. Order from Mr. Buchanan, of Catrine Bank, for New Waterwheels Mr. Fairbairn visits the Site Nature of the old Machinery Im- provements proposed Completion and Success of the New Wheels Character of Mr, Buchanan Application from Mr. Escher, of Zurich Adventures of a Cotton Mill during the War Lavater Effect of the Peace in stimulating Industry on the Continent Account of Mr. Fairbairn's Journey Posting through France Lille Paris The Old Parts of the Town M. Fourneyron and his Turbine Stay at Zurich The Mills and the Alterations to them Pleasure Excursions The Righi Sunrise Increasing Success in the Business Mr. Fairbairn joins the Institution of Civil Engi- neers 119 CHAPTER IX. STEAM LOCOMOTION ON CANALS IRON BOATS VOYAGE OF THE ' LORD DUNDAS ' TROUBLES IN BUSINESS DISSOLUTION OF PART- NERSHIP. AGE 41-43. 1830-1832. Experiments on the Ardrossan Canal Mr. Fairbairn's Trials on the Forth and Clyde Navigation Results Competition of Railways with Canals Fears of the Proprietors Endeavours to introduce quick Passenger Boats Commission to Mr. Fairbairn to build a new Iron Vessel, to be propelled by Steam-Power Publication of the Experiments Mr. Fairbairn's first Literary Essay Contents of the Book Dr. Henry's Opinion on the Style The 'Lord Dundas ' Description First Trial on the River Irwell Mr. Fair- bairn's Anxiety Results of the Trial Mr. George Rennie Other Trials Departure of the 'Lord Dundas' for the Isle of Man Deviation from the proper Course Errors of the Compass Mr. Fairbairn follows His Search for the Boat Correction of the Compass Arrival in the Clyde Further Trials Final Result Letter to the Baron Dupin Influence of this Event on Mr. Fair- bairn's Career New Speculation in the Egerton Dye- Works Failure Misunderstandings between Mr. Fairbaim and Mr. Lillie Resulting Dissolution of Partnership 131 CONTENTS. XI CHAPTEE X. IRON SHIP-BUILDING RIVER BANN EXPERIMENTS ON IRON THE RIVETING MACHINE. AGE 43-50. 1832-1839. PAGE Iron Ship-Building The 'Manchester' Canal Steamer Other Iron Vessels Establishment of a Ship-Building Yard at Millwall Competition Difficulties "and Anxiety Perseverance and Energy Evening Meetings for Discussion Proposed Establishment of ' The Workshop ' Periodical HodgMnson Woodcroft Nasmyth Literary and Scientific Ambition Soham Mere Drainage Report on the River Bann Mr. John Frederick Bateman Recom- mendations adopted Construction of Reservoirs River Don Experiments and Investigation on hot and cold Blast Cast-iron in conjunction with Mr. Eaton Hodgkinson, for the British Asso- ciation Paper for the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society The Riveting Machine Mr. Robert Smith Patent taken out . . 151 CHAPTER XI. JOURNEY TO CONSTANTINOPLE AND WORK FOR THE TURKISH GOVERNMENT. AGE 50-54. 1839-1843. Commission sent by the Sultan to England Their Report Applica- tion to Mr. Fairbairn He visits Constantinople Death of the Sultan Ohanes Dadian Exploration of the Country Animated Boulder Stones Survey of the Government Manufacturing Works Their Imperfections Astrological Considerations about casting a Gun The Seraskier's Dinner Party English- Railways Trades in the open Air Mr. Fairbairn's Attempt to imitate the Turkish Workmen, and ignominious Failure Large Orders Second Mis- sion to England Investigation regarding Iron Ores Paper for the Institution of Civil Engineers Telford Medal Account of a large Woollen Factory Complimentary Letter, and Decoration from the Sultan , . 165 CHAPTER XII. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. AGE 51-60. 1840-1849. Conclusion of the Autobiography Data for subsequent Chapters Professional Matters Haarlem Lake The Manchester Geological xii CONTENTS. PAGE Society Further Experiments on Oast-IronLetters from a Fellow-Labourer Accidents in Factories Patent for Improve- ments in joining Metal PJates The Smoke Nuisance The use of Iron for krge Buildings Fires in Liverpool Fire-Proof Con- structions Fall of a Mill at Oldham Bridge at Basle Iron Structure Commission of 1847 Mr. Fairbairn's Evidence "Water- Wheels with ventilated Buckets Personal Matters Pupils Dr. Birkbeck Miss Fairbairn's Marriage Death of Mr. Fairbairn's Father Haydon, the Artist Proposed Wrestling Match with George Stephenson 177 CHAPTEE XIII. THE CONWAY AND BRITANNIA TUBULAR BRIDGES. 1845-1849. Mr. Fairbairn's Book on the Subject Origin and early History The Chester and Holyhead Railway Mr. Stephenson's original Idea Mr. Fairbairn consulted by him Doubt as to the best form of Tube, cylindrical, elliptical, or rectangular Nature of the Strains Weakness of the upper Part Mr. Eaton Hodgkin- son Corrugated Top Reports to the Directors Proposed use of Suspension Chains Mr. Fairbairn's Confidence The large Model Drawings for the Bridges Definition of Mr. Fairbairn's Position Resolutions of the Directors Commencement of the Construction of the Conway Bridge Contracts for Ironwork Erection and fixing Completion Retirement of Mr. Fairbairn Publication of the Book Assistance of Eminent Men Patent for Tubular Bridges Extensive Manufacture of them . . .195 CHAPTER XIY. BRIDGE OVER THE RHINE AT COLOGNE. 1849-1852. Application to Mr. Fairbairn Proposed Chain Bridge The Chevalier Bunsen Mr. Fairbairn visits Berlin Reception by the Baron Yon Humboldt Presentation to the King Correspondence with Humboldt and Bunsen Mr. Fairbairn's Impressions of the Berlin Journey Visit of Commissioners to England Letter to Mrs. Edgeworth Invitation by the Prussian Authorities for competi- tive Designs on the Chain Principle This Principle abandoned Second Mission to England Complete Design sent in by Mr. Fairbairn Adoption of the general Principle Rejection of the Tubular Form of Girder and Preference for the Open Lattice Final Correspondence . . , . . . . . .215 CONTENTS; Xlll CHAPTER XV. SCIENTIFIC HONOURS. AGE 61-64. 1850-1853. PAGE Culminating Point in Mr. Fairbairn's Life Effect of Controversies The Royal Society of London Mr. George Kennie Certificate- Election as F.R.S. The National Institute of France Its Founda- tion and Constitution The French Academy and Johnson Vacancy Mr. Fairbairn proposed as a Candidate Commission of the Academy of Sciences Correspondence with Arago, Dupin, Morin, Poncelet Water- Wheels Election The Athenseurn Club Its Objects and Mode of Election Rule II. Mr. Fairbairn elected without Ballot Minor Honours ..... 239 CHAPTER XVI. STEAM BOILERS AND MATTERS CONNECTED THEREWITH. 1844-1874. Steam-Boilers Mr. Fairbairn engaged largely in their Construction Improvement in their Design The Two-Flued, or Lancashire Boiler Boiler Explosions Their Frequency in the Manufacturing Districts Mr. Fairbairn's frequent Evidence at Coroners' Inquests Lectures at Leeds and other Towns Paper at the British Asso- ciation Foundation of the Association for the Prevention of Boiler Explosions First Ideas First Steps for the Formation of the Society Fairbairn and Whitworth Notices by the Press Pre- liminary Meetings Formal Establishment Mr. Fairbairn becomes President Present State of the Association Theoretical Investi- gations undertaken by Mr. Fairbairn Paper to the Royal Society The Resistance of Tubes to Collapse The Strength of Glass The Properties of Steam Letter from Regnault Legislative Inter- ference in regard to Steam Boilers Mr. Fairbairn's Opinions there- on Committees of the British Association and of the House of Commons Sir William's late Improvements in Boilers Communi- cation with the Association near the Close of his Life Tribute by them to his Memory . . . 256 CHAPTER XVII. MR. HOPKINS'S EARTH EXPERIMENTS. 1861-1857. Mr. William Hopkins of Cambridge His Investigations in the Appli- cation of Mechanics to Geology Igneous Origin of the Earth Condition of its Crust Internal Heat Scientific Discussions xiv CONTENTS. PAGE Experiments wanted of a practical Nature Application to Mr. Fairbaini Experiments begun in 1851 Grant of the Royal Society Mr. Joule Professor William Thomson Ingenious Magnetic Indicator Scientific Correspondence between Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Joule Progress of the Experiments Liverpool Meeting of the British Association in 1854 Mr. Hopldns's Illness and Death Conclusions drawn from the Experiments . . . 285 CHAPTER XYI1I. THE MANCHESTER MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. Mr. Fairbairn as a Manufacturing Engineer The Manchester Works Their Origin Improvements in Driving Machinery Water- WheelsTestimony to their Efficiency Dissolution of Partner- ship New Branches of Business Ship-building The Manufac- ture of Steam-Engines and Boilers Locomotives The Tank Engine Work for Constantinople Entrance of Mr. Fairbairn's Son into the Business Liverpool Landing Stage The Tubular Bridge Patent Improvements in the Steam-Engine Caisson for Keyham Dockyard Express Locomotives Tubular Cranes Strike of the Engineering Workmen Letters of ' Amicus ' to the 'Times' Lord Shaftesbury The Small Arms Factory at Enfield Saltaire Woollen Factory Great Prosperity of the Manchester Business Retirement of Mr. Fairbairn Flour-Mill and Bakery for the Crimean War Rebuilding of Viaducts on the Manchester and Sheffield Railway Limited Liability Company Winding Up . CHAPTER XIX. THE MILLWALL SHIP-BUILDING FACTORY. Contrast with the Manchester Business Early History of Iron Ship-building The ' Aaron Manby ' and Sir Charles Napier Mr. Fairbairn's early Experiments Choice of a Locality for the Ship-building Manufacture Millwall Outlay Management Orders Work for the Admiralty, the East India Company, and the Mercantile Marine Royal Pleasure Yachts Patents Diffi- culties Competition Want of Experience Unfavourable Reports as to Mr. Fairbairn's Credit Depression and Anxiety Resolu- tion to get rid of the Works Their Sale Mr. Fairbairn's Sons Large amount of Loss by these Works 333 CONTENTS. XV CHAPTEK XX. IRON ARMOUR. AGE 73-79. 1861-1867. PAGE Application of Iron to Defensive Purposes Change in the Construc- tion of the Navy Iron Ships Refusal of the Admiralty to adopt the new Material Ignorance and Prejudice in regard to it Rifled Guns and Shell Casing of Timber Ships with Iron The Emperor of the French The Russian War ' La Gloire ' The 1 Warrior ' Iron Armour Plan of first doing a Thing and then enquiring how it should be done Appointment of the Iron Committee Their Labours Evidence Experiments Nature of the Material Mode of Manufacture Hammering and Rolling Form and Material of the Shot Law of Resistance of Plates Mode of applying the Armour to the Vessels Wood Backing Minor Particulars Experimental Targets Mr. Fair- bairn's Contributions to the Committee The Gibraltar Shield . 343 CHAPTER XXI. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. AGE 61-80. 1850-1869. Visit to Northern Europe Interview with the Emperor of Russia Medal from the King of Sweden Inventors, Letter from Mr. Cobden Exhibition of 1851 British Association at Hull Cooling Air in Hot Climates The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Business in France Mr. Babbage French Exhibition of 1855 Backwardness of English Design Lord Ashburton The Legion of Honour James Watt Henry Cort Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition Journey to Italy Atlantic Cable Man- chester Literary and Philosophical Society Gold Medal from the Royal Society President of the British Association at Man- chester in 1861 Offer of Knighthood Richard Roberts Honorary Degrees British Association at Cambridge International Exhi- bition of 1862 Baronetcy 361 CHAPTER XXII. LITERARY WORK. 1850-1873. Mr. Fairbairn a voluminous Writer Tubular Girder Bridges Paper for the Royal Society Effect of repeated Meltings on Cast-iron i CONTENTS. PAGB Application of Iron to Building Purposes Article ' Iron ' in the ' Encyclopaedia Britannica ' ' Useful Information for Engineers ' Self- Acting Brakes The Strength of Iron Ships Second Series of ' Useful Information ' Effect of vibratory Action on Girders Mills and MUlwork Iron Ship-Building Third Series of ' Useful Information ' Contribution to Baines's ' Lancashire and Cheshire ' On the Durability of Iron Ships Mr. Fairbairn as a Lecturer His Last Address Mr. W. C. Unwin . . . . . .399 CHAPTER XXIII. ILLNESS AND DEATH. The Fairbairns a long-lived Family William's robust Constitution First serious Illness Reaches his Seventy-eighth Year Loss of his Eldest Son Letters from Sir David Brewster and Dr. Robin- son Complaints Obliged to give up Romping and other juvenile Propensities Owens College Bronchial Attack Visits to Brigh- ton and to Holland Park Marriage of his Grand-daughter ' Give her a Round ' Visits to Mr. Bateman Last Days at Moor Park Death Bishop Sumner Funeral Obituary Notices Memorial by the City of Manchester 423 CHAPTER XXIV. PERSONAL DETAILS ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. The Golden Wedding Day Sons and Daughters The present Baro- net The Royal Family, the Prince Consort and the Prince of Wales Offers of Rank House at the Polygon, Society there Mr. Fairbairn's Character Business Integrity Domestic Letters New Stock and Barrel Two Moons Opinions on worthless Schemes Religious Feelings, Cross Street Chapel, the Rev. W. Gaskell, Rival Hymn-Books Peculiar Notions of Religious Tolera- tionNovel Reading Correspondence with Mrs. Gaskell Pro- fessional and Scientific Character Personal and Private Traits Indefatigable Activity Regular and punctual Habits Liberality Popularity ' There's Fairbairn ! ' Fondness for Children- Moral . 447 APPENDIX. List of Sir William Fairbairn's published Works and Papers . . 475 INDEX . . , ..>- -v ^ . 493 CHAPTEE I. ON THE PROFESSION OF ENGINEERING GENERALLY INTEREST ATTACHING TO THE PROFESSION OF ENGINEERING ORIGIN OF THE TEETH ENGINEER EXAMPLES OF ITS EARLY USE ANCIENT ENGINEERING WORKS PERSONS BY WHOM THEY WERE CON- STRUCTED THE ARCHITECT THE ANCIENT PRIESTS' TITLE 'PONTIFEX' WORKS IN THE MIDDLE AGES BRIDGES; THE . n. reverberatory furnace, it having previously been pro- duced on a 'refinery' hearth with charcoal. This was the invention of two foremen at Colebrook Dale, named Cranege, and was carried out by Kichard Rey- nolds, the manager there at the time. By the exertions and enterprise of three generations of Darbys the Colebrook Dale works had become greatly enlarged, and had widely extended their operations ; they had formed establishments in London, Bristol, and Liver- pool, and had erected workshops for the manufacture of machinery generally, many of the atmospheric, or Newcomen's steam-engines being made there, to be used in mines in various parts of the kingdom. The Darbys were the first to substitute, in 1767, iron for wooden rails in the tram roads along which coal and iron were con- veyed from one part of the works to the other, thus initiating the modern system of iron railways. The Colebrook Dale works have also the credit of having erected the firsfe iron structure of any magnitude, namely, a cast-iron arch bridge of large span. Some proposals and attempts at using iron for bridges had been previously made, but the material was prohibited by the great cost and even impossibility of obtaining it in suffi- ciently large masses. Abraham Darby the third, when he entered the busi- ness as a young man, saw the necessity of forming a communication between the steep banks of the river Severn, to accommodate the large population which had sprung up on both sides. Emboldened by his improve- ments in iron manufacture, he designed an iron arch of 100 feet span, which was cast at the works, and was opened for traffic in 1779. It still stands as firm as ever, and Mr. Eobert Stephenson said of it : ' If we consider that the manipulation of cast iron was then completely in its infancy, a bridge of such dimensions was doubtless HENRY CORT. 31 a bold as well as an original undertaking, and the effici- ency of the details is worthy of the boldness of the con- ception/ After the successful example of Colebrook Dale, other iron works became established in different parts of the country, particularly in Staffordshire, Wales, and Scotland. In 1783 a man named Peter Onions, working in the Welsh district, made a valuable improvement in the manu- facture of malleable iron, by combining with the reverbe- ratory furnace (introduced by the Craneges some years before) the peculiar process called ' puddling,' which has since been the universal mode employed. At the same date some very important improve- ments were introduced by Henry Cort. In the course of his business as a navy agent or contractor, he had occasion to see the inferiority of English malleable iron to that imported from Eussia and Sweden ; he entered on a series of experiments with a view to its improvement, and he took out two patents in 1783 and 1784. They related in the first place to the mode of producing the malleable iron from the pig, and, secondly, to the mode of giving it certain merchantable forms. In regard to the first of these, he adopted the rever- beratory puddling furnace of Cranege and Onions, and does not seem to have added to it any novel feature of striking originality ; but he so altered and improved the details of working as to produce a very much better quality of iron. His other invention was more original. In the first place he took advantage of the welding power of malleable iron, when in a highly heated state, in order to form masses of larger size than had been previously made. He piled several pieces together, heated the whole in a furnace to a white heat, and then subjected the pile to 32 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. n. the blows of a heavy hammer, whereby it became welded and consolidated into one integral mass, which could be forged into any shape desired, as to make anchors and so on. But having a view to the more general usefulness of malleable iron in the shape of long parallel bars, he pro- posed to make these by forming his piles of a long shape, and effecting the consolidation, not by hammering but by passing the piles through grooved rollers, so that, using successively grooves diminishing in size, the iron could be drawn into long bars of any dimensions required. It was one of Cort's objects, that by the force of the hammering or the pressure of the roll-drawing, not only should the iron be welded and consolidated, but the dross, scoriaB, or ' slag ' should be thoroughly squeezed out, and the iron generally made purer and of better quality. The processes described by Cort have been followed by iron manufacturers, with but slight modifications, to the present time. After the lapse of nearly a century the modes of manufacturing bar from cast iron, and of puddling, piling, hammering, and rolling, are all nearly identical with the descriptions he gave. Cort expended a fortune of upwards of 20,000/. in perfecting his inventions, but he was robbed of the fruit of his discoveries by the villainy of officials in a high department of government, and he was ultimately left to starve. Mr. Fairbairn, as we shall see in a future chapter, took up warmly the cause of some of his descendants, and by great exertions succeeded in getting something done for them. In 1759 the Carron Ironworks were established by Dr. Eoebuck and others, on an excellent site, sur- rounded with coal and ironstone, near Falkirk in Scot- land. Soon afterwards their mechanical arrangements THE CARRON WORKS. 33 were taken in hand by John Smeaton, who by many ingenious alterations and improvements enabled the pro- prietors to manufacture cast-iron of a much better quality than before. Smeaton took advantage of this by intro- ducing the use of iron more largely into machinery and mechanical constructions generally. Formerly, the staple material of the millwright had been wood, iron being only used in small pieces, chiefly for binding the woodwork together. Smeaton saw the immense advan- tage it would be to make the parts more extensively of iron, and he was now enabled by the improvements at Carron to do this, applying the material to many new uses. The first cast-iron axis for a water wheel was made there in 1769, and iron cog-wheels and shafts of all dimensions gradually followed, although the use of the new material was yet uncertain, and failures were not unfrequent. The well-known carronades, or light cast- iron guns, so long used in the navy, took their name from the Carron Works, where they were originally made. We now arrive at the date of the great improvements in the steam-engine effected by James Watt. About 1710 Newcomen had invented the earliest really efficient form of steam prime mover, then called a fire-engine, and subsequently many of these had. been erected for the purpose of raising water in the mines of Cornwall and elsewhere. Brindley, in the course of his millwright's practice, had paid some attention to them, and Smeaton had also much improved their construction, and had, shortly after 1770, erected some that were pronounced the best in existence. The cylinders of the early engines were made of brass, which caused them to be very expensive, but as the manufacture of cast-iron improved, Smeaton substituted this metal with great advantage. 34 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. it. Watt took out his patent for the separate condenser in 1769, but he saw, with a truly practical eye, that he could make no progress with his machines till he could ensure their proper manufacture. With this view, finding the Carron Works promising well, he asso- ciated himself with Dr. Eoebuck, proposing to establish his manufactory there. But while Watt was contending with his first difficulties of construction, Dr. Eoebuck became embarrassed, and in 1773 sold his share of the patent to Mr. Matthew Boulton, of Soho. The works at this place had been built about 1765, for the general manufacture of various kinds of Birming- ham hardware, and Watt was so well pleased with the manner in which their mechanical arrangements had been carried out, that he desired nothing better than to find a home there for his own inventions. Fortunately his wish was gratified, and the Boulton and Watt partnership en- sured the fulfilment of his most sanguine plans. His first successful engine was made in 1774, and soon afterwards, the merits of the invention being at once recognised, it came into extensive application. For some years, however, the new engines were adapted exclusively to rectilinear motion for pumping water, the great field for their employment being the mines of Cornwall. The important change which enabled them to produce rotary motion was not perfected till about 1784, and this is therefore the date when the great prime mover which has since worked such 'wonders may be said to have really come into existence. One of the first made was for the Albion Mills, a large establishment erected for grinding corn on the south bank of the Thames, a little to the east of Black- friars Bridge. In the design and construction of the machinery for this mill Mr. Watt was assisted by a young man, afterwards known as one of the most eminent THE ALBION MILLS. 35 English engineers, John Eennie. This youth had learnt mechanics under a clever millwright, Andrew Meikle, the inventor of the threshing-machine, and had acquired such a good reputation that Watt entrusted to him a large share of the work. The mill was not only novel in its motive power, but the machinery was on a larger scale and of a more ad- vanced character than anything of the kind before con- structed. The use of cast-iron was carried farther than had been done by Smeaton, and with better results, as the experience at Soho had been greater. The parts were more accurately formed, and their strengths better determined. 1 This first example of modern millwork was set to work in 1788. It proved a great success, and measures were in progress for the extension of the mill, when it was un- fortunately burnt to the ground in March 1791. After the ruins were cleared away Mr. Eennie bought a piece of the land, on which he set up a manufactory for engines and machinery ; and it was here that Mr. Fair- bairn had his interview with him described in the fifth chapter. The manufacturing business, on Mr. Eennie's death, passed into the hands of his sons, and is still carried on, on the original site of the Albion Mills, by his grand- sons, George and John Eennie. During the century that has elapsed since Watt began his career, mechanical engineering has been ever advancing with rapid and gigantic strides. Every new application of power has stimulated industry and commerce, and this has reacted in calling for extended exertions on the part of the mechanical engineer. It 1 See Watt's own description in Dr. Robison's Mechanics ; also Farey On the Steam Engine. D 2 36 LITE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. n. would be vain to attempt here to enumerate the wonderful results achieved in this way ; but we may dwell for a little on the advances made, since Watt's time, in the production of iron, and in the processes for applying it to the purposes of mechanical engineering. The production of iron has immensely extended. One cause of this has been the introduction, by James Beaumont Neilson, in 1828, of the hot blast, which has rendered available a class of minerals and substances formerly useless. It has, in fact (as Mr. Fairbairn has remarked), effected an entire revolution in the iron in- dustry of Great Britain. The iron-producing districts mentioned in a former part of this chapter, namely, the midland counties, Wales, and Scotland, have enormously developed, the latter being greatly extended by the discovery, in 180], by David Mushet, of the ' Black Band ' ironstone. In addition to these, other districts have been made available for iron production, the most important being the great iron fields of Cleveland, in the north-east of England. The ironworks established within the last few years in the valleys of the rivers Tees and Wear have an extent and magnitude quite surprising, considering the suddenness with which the industry has sprung up in the neighbour- hood. Another large seat of iron manufacture, also very recent, is on the opposite or north-western coast, at Barrow-in-Furness, in Lancashire, where large works have sprung up for the utilisation of a particular kind of ore, the red hematite, found plentifully there. In the neighbourhood of Leeds, at Low Moor and elsewhere, large works have also been built, chiefly with the object of making iron of particularly fine quality; and in many other parts of the country where ore has PRODUCTION OF IRON. 37 been found, works for its conversion have come into existence. The most recent novelty has been the introduction of certain new processes for the production of the higher classes of the material in a way more direct than for- merly. The best known of these is what is called the Bessemer process, by which a metal having the qua- lities of malleable iron is produced by fusion. The metal has been found to possess certain advantages which have acquired for it a large consumption, and the effect has been to stimulate its manufacture on a corresponding scale. As an illustration of the increase of iron production, the following figures may be given, partly taken from Sir William Fairbairn's book : THE QUANTITY OF IKON ANNUALLY PRODUCED IN GREAT BRITAIN ; Tons. In 1740 was 17,350 1788 68,300 '. 1796 1820 1827 1857 186.5 108,793 400,000 690,500 3,659,44V 4,768,000 1870 5,963,500 1872 6,742,000 Since this last date it has declined, and is now pro- bably about 6,000,000 tons. We have now to speak of the various processes and appliances necessary for working up this material, and for bringing it into the shape and condition required to form machinery and iron structures. The improvements made in this respect during the last century have been most extensive and important. When Watt began to carry his improvements into 38 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP. n. practice he was terribly hampered and delayed by the difficulty he found in getting his work made with the necessary accuracy. 'The machine projected,' says Mr. Smiles, ' was so much in advance of the mechanical capa- bility of the age, that it was with the greatest difficulty it could be executed. When labouring at his invention at Glasgow, he was baffled and thrown into despair by the clumsiness and incompetency of his workmen. Even after he had removed to Birmingham, and he had the assistance of Boulton's best workmen, Smeaton (no bad judge of the state of mechanics in his time) expressed the opinion when he saw the engine at work, that notwith- standing the excellence of the invention, it could never be brought into use because of the difficulty of getting its vari- ous parts manufactured with sufficient precision. Nearly everything had to be done by hand. The tools used were of a very imperfect kind. A few ill-constructed lathes, with some drills and boring machines of a rude sort, con- stituted the principal furniture of the workshop.' Watt endeavoured to remedy the defect by keeping certain sets of workmen to special classes of work, and allowing them to do nothing else. Fathers were induced to bring up their sons at the same bench with themselves, and initiate them in the dexterity which they had acquired by experience ; and at Soho it was not unusual for the same precise line of work to be followed by members of the same family for three generations. In this way as great a degree of accuracy was arrived at as was practicable under the circumstances ; but, not- withstanding all this care, accurate fitting could not be secured so long as the manufacture was conducted mainly by hand, and hence arose gradual improvements in tools, chiefly with the view of making them act auto- matically. By this means not only was their capability greatly increased, but far greater precision was attained FOUNDING AND FORGING. 39 than could ever have been ensured by manual labour. The facilities thus afforded led to a constant progressive improvement in the character of the work done, at the same time constantly diminishing the dependence on mere manual skill. The manufacturing processes by which works in iron are constructed may be classed under four great heads founding, forging, riveting, and shaping ; the latter in- cluding operations of many kinds. Founding, or the manufacture of articles in cast-iron, is still pretty much as it was left by Abraham Darby. An impression of the object is moulded in sand, and this is filled with molten iron. All since done has been con- fined to details for improved accuracy and facility in moulding, and the formation of larger and sounder cast- ings by peculiar modes of preparing the mould. In malleable iron the manufacture of articles by the operation of forging received a great impulse about 1840, through the invention, by James Nasmyth, of the steam hammer. The power of men in wielding hammers was always limited ; and although huge hammers moved by steam were in use for the purpose of iron production, their action was too rough to admit of the formation of accurate shapes, and hence the use of forgings in machi- nery was much restricted. Nasmyth's apparatus, while it enabled the most powerful blows to be given, provided for their regulation and application with the greatest nicety of adjustment, and this at once brought the stronger, tougher, and more trustworthy material into use, for cases of a magnitude and variety unknown before. The gigantic wrought-iron stem and stern posts of iron ships, the huge shafts and axles of engines, and the 40 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. n. monster wrought- iron guns lately produced, owe their existence entirely to the steam hammer ; and by means of dies, fashioned in a proper way, small articles of peculiar shape can be forged with facility and certainty. Other ingenious machines have been introduced for forging bolts, nuts, rivets, and other small articles of large consumption, much facilitating and cheapening their production. Riveting is a very useful process by which iron ships, boilers, tanks, and the most ordinary kinds of iron bridges are formed from malleable iron plates of small thickness. Holes being punched or drilled in correspond- ing positions in the edges of two plates, these are placed over each other, red-hot rivets are passed through and clenched over, and thus a strong union is formed. This process is a very old one, but it has been much improved by Fairbairn's invention of the riveting-machine, of which Si notice will be found in a subsequent chapter. We may next consider the processes necessary to bring pieces of ironwork, either cast or wrought, into the true shapes they are intended for, with the view either of ensuring their perfect mechanical action, or causing them to fit firmly and closely together. In this shaping we may distinguish four kinds of operations ; namely, turning, boring, planing, and general shaping. Each requires tools of a special nature, and all have received much attention. Turning is the most important operation, on account of the great predominance of parts of machinery which are of a circular or a cylindrical shape, or otherwise symme- trical round an axis. The great tool for this purpose the lathe has been in use from time immemorial, and in THE SLIDE REST. 41 every engineer's shop the lathe is largely employed. The principle of the lathe is still what it was thousands of years ago ; the article to be turned being caused to revolve about an axis, while a cutter is applied to its exterior, and caused slowly to move or slide so as to produce the desired profile. There has been, however, a great improvement intro- duced in the slide rest a very simple but beautiful con- trivance by which the cutter, instead of being held and guided by the hand of the workman, is attached to a holding-frame or rest, which is made to move or slide, either by a handscrew, or automatically by the same power which turns the lathe. The effect of this is not only to save skilled labour, but to give much more accuracy to the work, as well as the power of pro- ducing with the greatest ease effects which, by mere hand motion, would be scarcely possible. This invaluable addition to the lathe was invented by Henry Maudslay, one of the men to whom mechanical engineering is largely indebted for its modern advance- ment. Originally a smith, he afterwards went to the shops of Joseph Bramah (the inventor of the hydraulic press, the Bramah lock, the water-closet apparatus, and many other ingenious things), where, about 1794, he first introduced the improvement in question. In 1810, he founded the celebrated engineering establishment in Lambeth, still carried on by the firm of Maudslay, Sons and Field. The lathe has received a vast variety of ingenious additions for the purpose of executing fine complicated ornamental turning ; but as used for large purposes in en- gineering work, it remains in nearly its simplest form, with the addition of the slide rest, and some improvements by Joseph Clement to equalise its action. It has, however, been given gigantic dimensions and great power for work 42 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP. n. of large size, and the most delicate accuracy for small uses. Boring is an operation analogous to turning, but, so to speak, reversed, as it is in this case an interior surface, instead of an exterior one, which has to be made true. The cylinder of a steam-engine is one of the best examples of this kind of work. It is made of cast-iron ; but it is necessary that its interior surface should be made accu- rately cylindrical and perfectly true and smooth, so that the piston may slide easily up and down, at the same time fitting perfectly tight in all positions, to prevent waste of steam and loss of power. This accuracy must be given by the operation of boring. It was in this particular that Watt found the greatest difficulty, for his machine required greater accuracy than it had been necessary to give to the old fire-engines. His early cylinders were made at the Carron Works, where Smeaton had put up a machine for boring cannon, but they were so untrue that they were next to useless. The pistons could not be kept steam-tight, notwithstanding the various expedients of stuffing with cork, putty, chewed paper, and greased old hat. Watt complained, in regard to one of eighteen inches diameter, that it was so far from circularity, that 'at the worst place the long diameter exceeded the short by three-eighths of an inch ! ' The defect of the ordinary boring apparatus was that it was fixed from one end only of the cylinder, as if boring a gun (for which purpose the machine was indeed origi- nally made), and hence was not sufficiently stable in posi- tion to guide the tool accurately in its heavy work of cutting the interior surface. The first efficient boring-machine was contrived, about 1775, by a founder and millwright at Chester, named John Wilkinson. He conceived the happy idea of putting a strong bar completely through IRON PLANING. 43 the cylinder, and fixing it firmly at both ends on lathe centres. Hence when this bar, being provided with proper cutters, was caused to rotate by the ordinary lathe motion, great power could be brought on the cutters without endangering their steadiness of position in regard to the axis. The ' boring bar,' as it was termed, has since been the universal tool for such work, having been, like Maudslay's lathe, made automatic, and given other im- provements in detail. Planing differs from turning and boring, inasmuch as it requires the metal to be operated on in right lines instead of curves, so as to form plane surfaces perfectly flat and true. It is, in fact, analogous to the well-known opera- tion of the same name in woodwork, where a tool carry- ing a cutter is driven along by the workman's arm, shaving down the surface of the wood till the requisite smoothness is obtained. Down to a late period no operation at all analogous to the planing of wood was practised with iron ; for although a good steel tool could be made to cut iron with the aid of a lathe, it was beyond the power of a man to make such a tool take a shaving off iron in a right line. The usual mode of getting plane surfaces was by what was called ' chipping and filing.' The iron was first brought to something like a level form by chipping little bits off it with a steel chisel, and it was afterwards worked down by large files till a smooth surface was gained. It need hardly be said that such a plan was very laborious and troublesome, and also very likely to be inaccurate. At length, as tools improved, it seems to have occurred to machinists that it would be possible to construct a sliding frame strong enough to hold and guide a cutting tool in a rectilinear path, so as to make it cut a shaving off a piece of iron underneath ; and then, by repeating 44 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. IT. these cuts, to form the plane surface required. The thing was done, and so arose the planing-raachine, a tool of the greatest utility. The invention of the planing-machine has been claimed for several eminent mechanics. It is probable that, as the apparatus required considerable contrivance to make it successful, it grew up under several hands, but it is certain that a large share of the credit is due to a man named Joseph Clement. He was, like Maudslay, a work- man of Bramah's, who afterwards went into business for himself as a mechanical engineer on a small scale, and was greatly celebrated for his ingenuity and mechanical skill, particularly in regard to the construction of tools. He was the only person to be found who could make the extremely accurate work required for Mr. Babbage's Calculating Engine. He made a planing-machine before 1820, and afterwards established a larger machine which for many years was the only good thing of the kind in existence. He allowed it to be used on hire by other engineers, arid it brought him a considerable income. The planing-machine is now extensively used, and of such size as to plane very large surfaces. It is one of the most indispensable tools in a large engineering fac- tory, and its value in promoting accuracy of work has been very great. It is made in two forms : either the article to be planed is fixed, and the tool traverses back- wards and forwards over it ; or the tool is fixed, and the article is made to move underneath it. It is very customary to make the tool reverse after the forward stroke, so as to present its cutting edge in the other direc- tion, and cut also on the return stroke, by which time is saved. In either case an arrangement is added by which the line of the cuts is caused to advance automatically by a small distance at every cut, so as to cover at length the whole surface to be planed. SHAPING, SLOTTING, SCREWING. 45 The planing-machine being once established, its prin- ciple was soon carried out more generally in what are called shaping and slotting machines. These are smaller but not less useful instruments, in which a cutter moving in a reciprocating line like that of a planing-machine, but in a path of only a few inches long, can be made to cut away portions of a piece of ironwork in any direction. If the exterior of the article is offered to the tool, it is shaped by the metal being cut away ; or, by bringing the cutter to bear upon a hole already formed by casting or drilling, the hole can be enlarged and given a square or oblong form, or transformed into what is called a slot, whence one of the names of the machine. The article to be shaped or slotted is placed on a movable frame, arid made to advance automatically, and by altering its position great varieties of shapes can be produced. These shaping and slotting machines are used in large numbers in good shops, and contribute essentially to accuracy and good finish of engineering work. There are many minor but very useful improvements in engineering tools which are worthy of mention. The mode of making screws, for example, has been much improved. Screws are so largely used in ironwork for connecting the parts together, that their manufacture, in the shape of what are technically called bolts and nuts, is a large trade of itself. The old method of forming the threads, namely the male thread by movable steel cutting * dies,' fixed in a * stock ' or handle, and the female by cutting ' taps,' is still the general one, but the arrange- ments have been much perfected, and the process has been much facilitated by screwing machines taking the ' place of hand labour. As machinery advanced, much inconvenience was found from the varying sizes of the 46 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. u. threads, screws of the same diameter differing so much in this particular that it was scarcely possible to match a male and female screw unless they were actually made together. It occurred to Henry Maudslay that standard sizes ought to be adopted throughout the trade, and the idea was afterwards fully carried out by Whitworth, his pupil. In the present day, to form an ordinary screw- thread of any other size than ' Whitworth's standard,' is little less than a crime in the eyes of educated mecha- nical engineers. For large exceptional screws, the lathe with slide rest is used, the automatic sliding motion allowing of such a progression being given to the tool as will form the required spiral in any given proportions, and with absolute perfection. Sir Joseph Whitworth has also much promoted me- chanical excellence in other respects ; one for example in the mode of getting perfectly plane metallic surfaces ; another in the establishment of a series of ' standard gauges,' for obtaining great accuracy and uniformity in the dimensions of moving parts in machinery. The construction of automatic machine tools has been much stimulated and improved by the ' strikes ' and com- binations of workmen that have taken place from time to time. These have caused so much inconvenience to the trade, that efforts have naturally been made to lessen the amount of manual skill requisite, and to reduce the human labour to a kind which may be performed by less practised hands. Hence every strike has been followed by improved tool machinery ; already, not only has skilled labour been largely superseded, but the quality of the work has been immensely improved, and the price gene- rally reduced also. Mr. Whitworth gives an example of this in regard to the planing-machine. The original price for making a ENGINEERING MANUFACTORIES. 47 surface of iron true by the old process of chipping and filing was twelve shillings a square foot, whereas now it is done very much better by the planing-machine at a cost for labour of less than a penny. The improvements in tools changed the mode of doing mechanical work, by rendering necessary large and care- fully laid out manufactories. The old millwrights had little need of large or expensive premises or plant. A small workshop and a few simple tools were all they required ; but under the improved conditions brought about by Watt's inventions, these no longer sufficed ; it was necessary to have more systematic arrangements, and tools of complicated and often expensive character, and these necessities brought about the establishment of large manufactories, which gradually supplanted the old millwright's trade. In these manufactories the designing and direction of the work passed away from the hands of the workman into those of the master and his office assistants. This led also to a division of labour ; men of general knowledge were only exceptionally required as foremen or out-door superintendents : and the artificers became, in process of time, little more than attendants on the machines. One important result of the improvements in the iron manufacture has been the use of this material for structures of much greater magnitude than formerly. Iron bridges have been the most prominent objects of this kind. The example set at Colebrook Dale in 1779 was followed in other places by Telford and other en- gineers, and the cast-iron bridge culminated in the erection by Mr. Eennie, in 1819, of the magnificent South wark Bridge over the Thames, which contains 6,000 tons of iron. 48 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. n. When malleable iron had come into use, of a quality that could be depended on, it was adopted in the first instance for bridges on the suspension principle, of which the elegant structure erected by Telford over the Menai Straits, in 1826, is the best-known example. The introduction of railways soon after this date in- volved the necessity for bridges in large numbers, of a more substantial kind, and sometimes of large dimensions ; and malleable iron being a material very suitable for their construction, from the facility with which it could be fashioned and put together, a great demand for iron bridges set in. No very large structure, however, of this kind existed until the erection of the great Tubular Bridges over the river Conway and the Menai Strait, in regard to which, as will be seen hereafter, Mr. Fairbairn took an active and important part. The Menai Bridge is 1,511 feet long, and contains 11,468 tons of malleable iron. Other examples of large structures in iron are found in modern iron ships. These have lately assumed great magnitude; the great war frigates of our modern navy often containing many thousands of tons of metal. The celebrated ' Great Eastern.' designed by Mr. Brunei in 1858, weighs nearly 20,000 tons. The iron armour-plates used on the war frigates are huge masses of malleable iron, the provisions for manu- facturing which are of gigantic character; and the use of this material for defensive purposes has been carried further by the construction of massive iron forts of great strength and solidity. The modern rifled wrought-iron guns, of many tons in weight, are not only very heavy forgings, but are fine specimens of accuracy in workmanship, that could only have been brought about by admirable perfection in the tools and mechanical arrangements employed in their manufacture. AN ENGINEER AND PHILOSOPHER. 49 From 'the foregoing description the reader will be able to form an idea of the nature and extent of the profession of which Sir William Fairbairn was one of the most dis- tinguished members. Having undergone a thoroughly practical apprentice- ship with working millwrights and mechanics, he com- menced business in 1817 by setting up a manufactory at Manchester; and from this date to his death, in 1874, he was in active and constant practice as a mechanical engineer. During this long period he was engaged in the design and practical construction of engineering works in great variety, and on a large scale. Steam-engines, water- wheels, millwork and machinery of all kinds, steam navi- gation, the iron and steel manufacture, iron defences, iron bridges, and other large structures in iron, locomotives, and in fact almost every kind of subject embraced in the mechanical branch of the profession occupied his atten- tion, and almost everything that he touched received some improvement at his hands. But if he had done nothing more than what occupied him in his business capacity, he would not have ac- quired the name he has left behind him. He was not only an able designer and skilful manufacturer, but he devoted much time to original investigation and to the promulgation of mechanical knowledge. He was not, strictly speaking, an eminent theorist, for his educa- tion had been too plain and practical to allow of his acquiring high theoretical attainments; but he had a scientific mind, a great love of experimental enquiry, an indefatigable perseverance in tracing out mechanical truths, and a gift of expressing clearly the results he had obtained. These qualifications prompted him to contribute 50 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. n. largely to the spread of knowledge on professional sub- jects. He wrote many complete works, which became very popular ; he sent many able but less known papers to scientific bodies ; he was continually appealed to on intricate or difficult questions ; and he was largely sought after to give public lectures or addresses on sub- jects bearing on mechanical science. His ability and public spirit were acknowledged by the award to him of honours of the highest character. He was made a Fellow of the Eoyal Society, and received their gold medal ; he was chosen President for one of the meetings of the British Association ; he received honorary degrees from two British Universities ; he had the great distinction of being elected one of the few foreign members of the Institute of France ; and passing over many other marks of respect of a minor kind, he had, as a crowning honour, the dignity of a Baronetcy graciously conferred on him by Queen Victoria. A long life, so spent and so rewarded, cannot fail to be of public interest, and the story of this life it is the object of the following pages to tell. CHAPTER III. FROM BIRTH TO THE END OF RESIDENCE AT KELSO AGE, TO 14. 1789-1803 E 2 DATE AND PLACE OP BIRTH PEDIGREE FATHER AND MOTHER FIRST SCHOOLING ATHLETIC EXERCISES FAMILY CIRCUMSTANCES CONNECTION WITH SIR WALTER SCOTT AND HIS FAMILY CHARACTER AND ABILITIES OF WILLIAM'S MOTHER SPINNING COMPETITIONS FARM AT MOY DIFFICULT AND TRYING JOURNEY TO THE HIGHLANDS INGENIOUS METHOD OF CLEARING THE LAND FARM IMPROVEMENTS EFFECT OF RESIDENCE AT MOY EARLY INDICATIONS OF TASTE FOR MECHANICAL PURSUITS RELINQUISHMENT OF THE CONDUCT OF THE FARM MULLOCHY SCHOOL ; ITS DISCIPLINE FURTHER EDUCATION WITH HIS UNCLE AT GALASHIELS THE PSALMS OF DAVID RETURN TO KELSO EMPLOYMENT ON AN ENGINEERING WORK SERIOUS ACCIDENT. CHAPTEE HI. WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN was born in the town of Kelso, in Roxburghshire, on February 19, 1789. His father, Andrew Fairbairn, was descended, on the male side, from a humble but respectable class of small Lairds, or, as they were called ' Portioners,' who farmed their own land, as was the custom in Scotland in those days. On the female side the pedigree may have been of a higher character, for Andrew's mother was said by him to have claimed descent from the ancient Border family of Douglas. This lady's maiden name was Anderson ; she was a tall, handsome, commanding woman, and lived to a great age. William writes thus of his father : My father was never brought up to any business, and simply learned to read when very young at Smailholme. At the early age of twelve, my father's parents considered it time that he should be doing something for himself. His brother William, then only fifteen, was teaching a school at Holy Island ; and my father was accordingly hired out to a neighbour as an assistant on the farm. In this humble situation he learned to be an expert ploughman, and one of the first agricultural operatives in that part of the country. The commencement of my father's career as a practical agriculturist was at the time when the new systems of draining, deep ploughing, and rotation crops were making some noise in the country. It was a new era in the history of agriculture, and one that has produced, and is yet producing, very extraordinary results. With these new pro- 54 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. in. cesses my father became perfectly familiar, and the knowledge subsequently served him in the development of those resources which exhibited themselves some years afterwards in Eossshire. He afterwards went to reside near a seaport in England, where, during the American war, he was pressed on board a frigate, from which he was drafted into a ship of the line, and served under Lord Howe at the destruction of the Spanish fleet off Gibraltar. At the close of the war, the fleet was ordered round to Spithead, where he was when the 'Eoyal George' sank (August 29, 1782), and assisted in saving the survivors. On receiving his discharge he returned to Scotland, and married shortly afterwards. William's mother was a Miss Henderson, the daughter of a tradesman in Jedburgh, and the direct descendant of an old Border family of the name of Oliver, for many years respectable stock-farmers in a pastoral district at the northern foot of the Cheviots. At four years of age William was sent to a small day school, not so much for the purpose of learning as to keep him out of mischief, As, however, his chief re- collections at this time refer to the frequency and severity of the punishments he received, it would not appear that even this object was successfully attained. The first real steps in. education he describes as follows : From Mr. Ker's seminary I was in due time transferred to the parish school, kept by Mr. White, a man of considerable talent, and a good English scholar. Mr. White had a large school, with an usher, Mr. Phail, a young man of some learning, but irritable in his temper, and with knuckles harder than flint, which he applied with a peculiar jerk to the cranium ; he was by nature unfit for a teacher. His superior, Mr. White, was quite the reverse : with a fine open benevolent countenance, he enjoyed the reputation of being an agreeable companion and a man of great goodness of heart. He was one of those men of whom there are many in Scotland, who love their profession ; he was fall of enthusiasm, a strict disciplinarian, and took great delight in exhibiting his pupils not only in the various ATHLETIC EXERCISES. 55 branches of learning, but more particularly in their powers of declaiming selections from our best poets, such as Dryden's Alexander's Feast, the orations of Cicero, Paul before Agrippa, &c. All these used to be favourite exercises, and great prepa- rations were made for the annual examinations, which took place every autumn before the ministers and the influential people of the town. I learned to read, in Scott and Barrow's collections, pieces selected from some of our best poets and prose writers, amongst whom may be enumerated Addison, Fielding, Swift, De Foe, Hume, Goldsmith, Robertson, Johnson, &c. If to these be added a course of arithmetic as far as Practice and the Rule of Three, they will constitute the whole of my stock of knowledge up to my tenth year. He was early fond of athletic exercises. He records that when very young he succeeded, after many fruitless attempts, in climbing a high boulder-stone with polished sides and a conical top ; but, falling off, he cut a gash in his forehead, the mark of which remained all his life. While at school he kept up his skill by running races and so on, and he adds : I also learned to improve my climbing propensities by per- forming with a number of others certain feats of ascent to the top of the mouldering turrets of the old Abbey at Kelso, which, next to Melrose, still remains as one of the finest specimens of the Norman Gothic in Scotland. With every tower, arch, and cranny I was familiar, and the great feat used to be which of us could reach the bells over the western window in the shortest time, starting altogether by different routes from the kirkyard. At that time the ruins were open to any intruder, and in too many cases they were the receptacle of stray cattle, ' cuddies,' donkeys, and all the filth of that part of the town. He gives an animated description of the family cir- cumstances in his early youth : During the time I was at Mr. White's school, my father lived in Kelso, at the foot of the Woodmarket, in the same 56 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIBBAIRN. CHAP. iir. house with Mrs. William Curl, the aunt of the late Sir Walter Scott. My father was on terms of intimacy with the Scotts of Sandy Knowe. His father was the gardener there, as well as for another family at Meliston, and, although inferior in station to the family at Sandy Knowe, he was, nevertheless, highly re- spected by every member of it, and more particularly by Mrs. Curl and Miss Scott. Both families lived at Smailholme Tower, and my father, although a few years older than Sir Walter, was well acquainted with him, and, as a boy, used often to carry him when unable to walk from the dislocation of the hip-bone, which made him a cripple for life. All these circumstances of early association promoted a degree of intimacy with the family which was kept up with Mrs. Curl and Miss Scott till their deaths. My mother, although exceedingly active, never enjoyed good health. She had a very limited income on which to maintain and bring up her family ; and the efforts she was called upon to make in her domestic duties, and her desire to assist in the education and maintenance of five small children, by extraordinary exertions in spinning upon the long and small wheel, exhausted her strength and frequently incapacitated her for the performance of the ordinary duties of the family. I remember that those extraordinary efforts were a constant cause of anxiety to my father, whose strong attachment for his wife caused him to remonstrate on the folly and impropriety of her conduct. His attempts were, however, fruitless, as absence from home during six days in the week furnished abundant opportunities for keeping the spinning-wheel constantly in motion and in- creasing the evils of which my father complained. By these exertions it must, however, be borne in mind that the whole of my father's clothes and those of all the children, till I was four- teen years of age, were spun and manufactured by my mother. She bought the wool and the flax, spun it into yarn, reeled it into hanks, and gave it out to the weaver to be manufactured. When the \voollen cloth came home it was carefully measured, and sent to the fulling-mill to be dressed and finished ; and when the linen web was finished she bleached it herself; and many were the times I was set to watch and water the web. For FAMILY ENCUMBRANCES. 57 nearly twenty years, from 1785 to 1804, I believe the whole, or nearly the whole of the woollen clothes, shirting, sheets, and blankets, were spun and manufactured by my mother. In addition to these industrial resources, which always formed a prominent feature in my mother's character, there were her knowledge and skill in the useful arts. She was thoroughly acquainted with dyeing and bleaching ; when my father resided in the Highlands of Scotland, she made his coats, waistcoats, and breeches, as well as all the jackets and trousers for her sons. She was also an adept at dress-making, and used not only to make for herself and daughters, but frequently cut out for the neighbours, and she encouraged the same system of economy in other families as she practised in her own. My father, on the other hand, possessed a strong and muscular frame, an excellent constitution, and could undergo any amount of fatigue. He was a hard worker, a great reader, and a man of unblemished integrity of character. No exertion was too much for him ; and the respect in which he was held by all the more wealthy and intelligent classes was a great source of pride and gratification to my mother. To each other they entertained the most tender affection, and excepting only the words which occasionally passed between them on the subject of the long wooden wheel, they were a happy couple. In politics my father was a Liberal, or what was considered in those days a staunch Whig, with a tendency to Jacobinism ; but he was never violent, as my mother, who was more Conservative, exercised considerable influence over him, and retained him within the bounds of moderation. In their religious tenets they were both of the Church of Scotland, from which they never deviated, and from which my mother in particular derived great consolation. She was pious and discreet, much more so than my father, who I always thought was tinged with scepticism. The writer of the autobiography proceeds with his story, which comprises many interesting incidents : I must, however, now return to that part of the narrative where I had been entered at the parish school, and where I had attained some little proficiency in reading, writing, and arith- 58 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. in. metic. As near as I can recollect I was about three years in that establishment, and during that time I remember Mrs. Curl's nephew, Mr. Walter Scott, who was then an advocate at Edinburgh, spending some months of two summers at Kelso. I believe he was then collecting materials (or, as his aunt used to say, foolishly spending his time amongst all the auld wives of the country,') for his ' Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border.' It was at this time I frequently saw Mr. Scott, who used to hear me read to his aunt, and rewarded me, when I read distinctly, with some little mark of his attention. From the intimacy of those days I cannot recall any indication of those great powers of imagery which afterwards became the delight ol every reader in Europe. During the long winter evenings, when my father was from home, which, as already stated, was five nights out of the seven, Mrs. Curl used to bring down her wheel and join my mother at a camp with the ' pirns,' or my mother went up to her, as best suited their convenience. They were both good spinners, and used to engage in a friendly competition as to the quantities each could turn off in a given time. My mother was generally the winner, as she spun with the double rock and both hands, whilst Mrs. Curl never attempted more than the single ' pirn.' Eighty years ago spinning was common in all the farm-houses of Scotland during the winter months ; at Mervinslaw, where my mother was brought up, all the lasses were engaged at the wheel, and, in order to encourage the rivalry and lighten the task, the Border songs were chanted in no unmeasured time, and with a pathos and good feeling that not unfrequently touched the heart. The same rivalry was carried on between the two friends during the winter months of the residence of the family at Kelso. In the autumn of 1 799 the pleasing monotony of this quiet life was materially changed by new prospects which were held out to my father in Eossshire, when he was offered the charge of a farm of 300 acres. The farm was to be the joint property of himself and his brother, Mr. Peter Fairbairn, for many years a resident in that country and secretary to Lord Seaforth, of Castle Brahan. The farm was leased from his lordship, on the express condition that one half of the stock, and one half of the proceeds, should belong to my father. It was situated at Moy on the banks of THE MOY FAEM. 59 the river Conan, about five miles from Dingwall, and although possessing a few fertile spots, the greater portion was overgrown with whins and brushwood, and covered with stone . and rocks, some of them of great magnitude. The stocking of the farm was a heavy business, as my uncle had a large family, with a limited income, and a very scanty capital. My father had none ; but he was to find skill and industry in the management; and having purchased a good assortment of carts and ploughs, and all the necessary imple- ments, as used in the best farms in the south, our little estab- lishment at Kelso was broken up, very much to the regret of Mrs. Curl and my mother. To effect the transport my father bought an old horse, and having bent some canvas over one of the carts, he left Kelso in October with a delicate wife and a family of five children, the youngest only six weeks old, on a journey of upwards of two hundred miles through a wild country, at a most inclement season of the year. It will not be neces- sary to recount the difficulties we had to encounter, with a broken down and restive horse, under rain and sleet, at that in- clement season, over the Grampians. Suffice it to observe, that my mother was so ill as to be lifted in and out of the cart every night and morning. At length we arrived at our destination, but unfortunately the house intended for our residence on the farm was not finished, and we had reluctantly to take up our quarters in a temporary hovel very inferior to the comfortable abode we had enjoyed for so many years at Kelso. Early in the spring the house was completed, and my father set vigorously to work on a series of improvements, which, in less than two years, com- pletely changed the face of the farm. I have already observed that the whole surface of the farm was nearly covered with whins and rocks, and to remove these my father adopted an ingenious method. Having cut down the brushwood and piled it upon the large blocks of whinstone, the fuel was ignited, and, the stones becoming heated to almost a red heat, the ashes were cleared away, and a small stream of water being applied from a bottle, the rapid condensation, or rather contraction, caused a fracture of the rock in any required direction. CO LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. in. This to. the surrounding and wondering neighbours was an extraordinary performance, which some of them did not hesitate to attribute to an agency much more powerful and dangerous than the little bottle which effected such wonders. Two years were employed in this way, and the farm began to exhibit, in place of whins and rocks, fine crops of turnips and barley ; and from the introduction of a good system of draining, which was practised by deep trenching, several fields were thus reclaimed that had never before felt the coulter of the plough. The failure of the crops in 1800 -and 1801 did great damage, and ruined most of the farmers, and amongst others it bore severely upon the owners of the Moy farm, which had incurred an expensive outlay without yielding any return. That was not, however, the greatest evil that the family had to endure, as my uncle, whose company as well as services had become indis- pensable to Lord Seaforth who was deaf and dumb had engaged to go out with his lordship as secretary on his appoint- ment to the Grovernorsliip of Barbadoes in the West Indies. This appointment made a total change in the prospects of both families. My father was urged to continue his improvements on the farm until my eldest cousin became of age, and I was selected, as the eldest of my father's family, to go out to India, through the influence of his "lordship, as a cadet. Tliis arrangement, had it been carried out, would have changed the whole course of William's life ; but it was frustrated by unforeseen difficulties, and he remained at the farm with his father. The effect of the residence at Moy on William's education and prospects is described as follows ; and here we get the first indications of that taste for mechanics which moulded his future career : The residence of the family at Moy was entirely lost as re- gards the education of my brother Tom and myself. One of the conditions of the agreement with my uncle was that a tutor should be engaged for both families, and that we should have the benefit of a good education along with my cousins. For some reason or other, which I could never clearly understand, EARLY TASTE FOR MECHANICS. 61 this was never accomplished ; and the whole two years spent at Moy proved a serious loss to myself, as well as the other branches of the family. Attempts were made by both my father and mother to rectify the error, but the laborious engage- ments to which my father was subjected in carrying forward the improvements, and the assiduous duties of my mother in keeping us all right and tight at home, were as much as they could accomplish, and, with the exception of an occasional lesson, and the reading on Sundays, I may with safety affirm, that this time was for the most part unprofitably spent and produced no good or lasting impressions. It will readily be seen that a boy of eleven years, with all the activity and bustle of youth, if not engaged in some useful pursuit, is likely to do mischief. Fortunately my inclination took a different turn. After the first year's residence at Moy, my younger brother, Peter, then a child of fifteen months old, required a great deal of nursing, and as that duty devolved upoa my eldest sister and myself, I managed, in order to relieve myself of the trouble of carrying him on my back, to make a little waggon with four wheels, and by attaching a piece of old rope, used to drag him in all directions, sometimes to a consi- derable distance from the farm. The construction of the waggon was, however, a formidable undertaking, as I had no tools but a knife, a gimblet, and an old saw. With these im- plements, a piece of thin board, and a few small nails, I managed to make a respectable waggon, which, though fre- quently out of repair, was nevertheless much better than could be expected. The greatest difficulty was the wheels, which I surmounted by cutting sections from the stem of a small alder tree, and with a red-hot iron burnt the holes in the centre to receive the axle. The success which attended this construction led to others of greater importance, which I continued to practise, and which my father encouraged during the whole time we were in the Highlands. In the formation of boats and ships I became an expert artificer, and was at once a ' Jack-of-all-trades,' having to build, rig, and sail my own vessels. From ship-building, I pro- ceeded to construct wind and water-mills, and attained sucli proficiency that I had sometimes five or six mills in operation at 62 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. m. once They were all made with the knife. The water-spout was composed of the bark of a tree, and the mill-stones were represented by round discs of the same material. It is not for me to offer an opinion as to the influence these exercises had upon my future fortunes, I may leave others to form their own judgment. Shortly after the departure of the uncle for the West Indies, it appears that family differences arose as to the management of the farm, and Andrew, who could not brook what he considered improper interference, relin- quished his post at Moy, and engaged himself as steward to Mackenzie of Allangrange. where he removed with his family. William's prospects of education then brightened, as he was sent to a school at Mullochy, a mile and a half away ; he says : The Mullochy school was conducted by a Mr. Donald Fraser, a good classic and severe disciplinarian. Under this gentleman's tuition I made great progress in reading, writing, and accounts, but learned neither Latin or Greek, confining my studies, according to my father's orders, to a plain English education. The want of a good grammatical course, and a slight knowledge of the classics, has always been to me a serious loss. I have repeatedly found the want of it, and to the present day I am unable to determine whether I write or speak correctly. Mr. Fraser was a gentleman well qualified to impart this knowledge, but it was not only considered as not essential, but as standing in the way of the more practical and useful branches of study, to which it was necessary I should apply. The classics were therefore al once abandoned for arithmetic, book-keeping, and a smattering of mensuration, which, with the exception of three months with my uncle at Gralashiels, constituted the whole extent of education I ever received. Whilst noticing the Mullochy school, I may mention that it consisted of about forty boys and twenty girls, a considerable number of them coming barefooted, and without bonnets or THE TAWSE. 63 caps, from a considerable distance. The boys were all dressed in tartan kilts, and the winter always entailed severe trials upon the wearers. What with poor feeding and thin clothing, the greatest sufferings frorn cold were endured, often at the ex- pense of the health, and sometimes endangering the lives, of the children. I have before observed that Mr. Fraser was a severe disciplinarian, and in order to enforce the system he had adopted for the regulation of the school, he called a muster roll every Thursday at three o'clock, and having ascertained the defaulters in attendance, negligence, &c., for the week, the whole list was cleared off by the usual application of the ' tawse ' which never failed to effect a demonstration on that part of the person which may be described as being the most sensitive, and the least liable to injury. I must, however, do Mr. Fraser the justice to say, that my brother and myself (being differently dressed and wearing the Saxon costume) in some degree escaped the severity of this application, from the diffi- culty and trouble incurred in the unbuttoning and removal of the tight trowse. This did not, however, enable us entirely to escape, and a transfer was occasionally made from those parts to the palm of the hand, which never failed to ensure pain and preserve a glowing heat for a considerable time afterwards. These were some of the drawbacks upon the system which at that time was pursued throughout Scotland, but in other respects, it must be admitted that Mr. Fraser was an excellent teacher, and made several scholars who afterwards distinguished themselves. Andrew Fairbairn remained only two years in bis steward's place. My father was never satisfied with the Highlands, as the whole of his time had been spent in laborious improvements, which enriched others, but presented to himself and family no result. Thoroughly disgusted with the people and the country, he accepted an offer made to him by Sir William Ingleby to remove to Yorkshire and take the management of his farm at Ingleby Manor, near Knaresborough. This arrangement made a total change in the condition and prospects of his family, and 64 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBA1RN. CHAP. in. having sold off everything in the shape of furniture, our necessaries were packed up, and in three days we embarked at Cromarty. After a tedious voyage we landed at Leith on the King s birthday, June 4, 1803, and what caused me to recollect the date were the rejoicings which we witnessed at Edinburgh on the evening of the same day. A few days more replaced us at Kelso, where we found on enquiry that Mrs. Curl had left the old house at the foot of the Woodmarket, and we were therefore content to take up our residence in a small cottage in another part of the town. Having settled the family, my father lost no time in preparing for his departure for the scene of his future labours in Yorkshire. Previously, however, to leaving Kelso, William, his eldest brother at Galashiels, proposed to take me for a few months, in order to improve my arithmetic, and give me a short course of book-keeping and land-surveying. These offers were gladly accepted by my father, and I forthwith started on foot for my new destination. My uncle had been at the head of the parish school for nearly thirty years. He was a good English scholar, an excellent land-surveyor, and a person of considerable attain- ments as a practical mathematician. Like other members of his family, he was self-taught, and he had exercised the vocation of a schoolmaster from fourteen years of age till the day of his death, which was occasioned by a severe cold caught during his surveys in the autumn of 1809. To my uncle I was indebted for some knowledge in land-surveying, but he was a severe task- master. I think too much so, as he exacted from his pupils lessons which to me were exceeding disagreeable, such as verses from the Psalms of David, which he insisted should be com- mitted to memory every Sunday. I laboured incessantly at the 119th Psalm, until I got thoroughly disgusted with the whole book ; and such was my antipathy to the task that, to the pre- sent day, I never look into it without thinking of the unpro- fitable labour to which I was at that time subjected. At Galashiels I, however, made some progress, but the time was so short only three months that I was only beginning to under- stand what I was about when I was removed. SERIOUS ACCIDENT. 65 William being now a tall lad of fourteen, it was con- sidered desirable lie should render some assistance to- wards the support of his younger brothers and sisters ; and, in August 1803, he was taken away from school, and sent back to Kelso. He goes on : In a few days, through the influence of some of the neighbours, I got employment at the New Bridge, which was then building under the direction of the late Mr. Eennie, and a more chaste and beautiful structure, with the exception, probably, of the Waterloo and new London Bridges, does not exist. I was only a few days in this employment, to which I took a great dislike, when I met with an accident which nearly crippled me for life. Those who noticed the methods in use at that time for carrying the materials for buildings would observe that the smaller stones were carried on handbarrows by two men, one before and another behind. On this occasion I was the leader, and during the process of carrying the stone, one much beyond my strength, with a coarse, unfeeling fellow behind, I sank under the load, and the stone fell over upon my right leg, making a fearful gash, which effectually barred my claims for the honourable distinction of a mason's clerkship. Nearly three months' confinement was the result of this accident ; and a hard struggle we had for it, as the money my father was enabled to send from Yorkshire was a mere trifle. My earnings were only three shillings per week and to increase the diffi- culties, my father's money was badly paid, which caused him to throw up his appointment, and return again to Kelso. All these hardships were endured with resignation by my mother. What added to the misery, and increased the troubles under which she laboured, was the loss of my youngest sister, Eliza, a beautiful child of two years of age. This was the heaviest blow my poor mother had yet received. She appeared to sink under her affliction, and I well remember the intensity of her grief when she saw her eldest boy, almost a confirmed cripple, take the place of his father in the position of chief mourner. My sister's funeral, doctor's bills, and the limited remittances re- ceived from Yorkshire, entailed a great deal of suffering upon the family, and before the following November, when my father F 66 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. in. returned, we had expended the last shilling and were almost in a state of destitution. His return was most welcome to my distressed mother, whose health had suffered from the anxieties attendant upon the loss of her child and the exhausted state of the funds upon which she depended for support. CHAPTER IV. FIRST EMPLOYMENT AND APPRENTICESHIP AGE 14-21 18O3-181O F 2 APPOINTMENT OP ANDREW AT PERCY MAIN COLLIERY, NORTHUM- BERLAND WILLIAM JOINS HIM PROSPERITY AMONG THE PITMEN AND SAILORS; ITS CONSEQUENCES BOXING MATCHES; WILLIAM'S FIRST VICTORY BOUND APPRENTICE TO A MILLWRIGHT ENDEAVOURS TO IMPROVE HIS MIND PROGRAMME OF STUDY FIRST LOVE ATTACH- MENT ; ITS INFLUENCE ON HIS LITERARY ABILITIES FREDERICK AND FELICIA MATHEMATICS, HISTORY, AND POETRY MECHANICAL PUR- SUITS DESIGN FOR A CLOCK-ORRERY; ITS FAILURE MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS THE STORY OF A FIDDLE HOME-BREWED MUSIC TAKES CHARGE OF THE STEAM-ENGINE AND PUMPS OF THE COLLIERY SEVERE AND TRYING NATURE OF THE DUTIES SUBSCRIP- TION TO THE KEG ITS CONSEQUENCES COMPLETION OF HIS TERM OF APPRENTICESHIP GEORGE STEPHENSON. 69 CHAPTEE IV. THE unhappy state of things so pathetically described at the end of the last chapter did not last long ; for Andrew Fairbairn was a man of energy and strong will, and having now a growing family, he determined to exert himself to the utmost to put them in better circum- stances. Soon after his return he succeeded in getting another appointment at Percy Main Colliery, near North Shields, as steward of a farm belonging to the coal-owners. The pay put him in comparative comfort, and he retained the appointment for upwards of seven years. The family remained for some time at Kelso, but William followed his father as soon as he was able. He says : As soon as the bargain was fixed, my father again started for his new destination, and early in the following February, 1 804, my leg being healed, I was packed off by the carrier to join my father at the colliery, and here commences a new and probably the most important part of my history. Percy Main Colliery is situated within a distance of two miles of North Shields, which at that time and during the whole of the late war was one of the most flourishing seaports in the kingdom. These were days of prosperity for both coal and ship- owners. Bounties and wages were high. The colliers were demanding from ISl. to 201. binding money, and the able- bodied seamen were in receipt of eleven to twelve guineas per voyage (to London and back), and some of them, if they had the good fortune to escape the press-gang, made as many as ten 70 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP. it. voyages in the year. Wages were high and men were scarce ; but I doubt much whether periods of extreme prosperity are not on the whole injurious. This occasion was marked by the greatest excesses, and, although the Methodists exercised a salutary influence over a considerable number of the pitmen, yet the sailors were fairly adrift, without rudder or compass, on a sea of reckless dissipation. The great majority of the colliers were almost beside themselves ; and from that day to this I never witnessed the same extent of demoralisation as I did at that time. Pitched battles, brawling, drinking, and cock-fighting, seemed to be the order of the day, and there was no excitement, however coarse, but what was seized upon by the majority of the recipients of the 181. bounty. Amongst the 'pit lads,' boxing was considered a manly exercise and a favourite amusement, and I believe I counted up no less than seventeen battles which I reluctantly had to fight before I was able to attain a position calculated to ensure respect. Naturally I was averse to these encounters, but I had no alternative, as, immediately on my arrival from Kelso, I was placed in a position where I had to lead coals in a one-horse cart from behind the screen to the pit- men's houses, and what with my Scotch accent and different manner, I became the mark of every species of annoyance, which I frequently returned with interest, but not before I was soundly drubbed by some selected pugilist much stronger and older than myself. These attacks were very discouraging, and I was several times on the point of abandoning the work altogether rather than undergo the buffeting to which I was almost every day a martyr, when an occurrence took place which effectually turned the scale on my adversaries. This was an attack made upon me by the son of one of the ' sinkers,' and his companion, a young- engine- wright, who for several months had watched every oppor- tunity for carrying on the persecution. One afternoon, when I was at work as usual behind the screen, a volume of water was squirted down behind my neck, and immediately after the attack the perpetrator took to his heels. I lost no time in the pursuit, and picking up a brick, I let fly at him with all my force, and cut him in the heel to the bone. His companion came to his assistance, and, after using the most abusive BOUND APPRENTICE. 71 epithets, he retired, supporting his helpless assistant. The occurrence of the brick relieved me from further attacks, but it did not rest there, as the associate of the wounded lad, a noted boxer, was determined I should pay the penalty for my temerity. Accordingly, some time afterwards, I was challenged to fight him under circumstances which I repeatedly declined, but one of the men perceiving the insults to which I was subjected, took my part, and the kindly feelings of the stranger operated so powerfully upon me as to renew my courage, and the battle began. For the first five minutes I had the worst of it, and the heavy blows I received on the stomach not only exhausted my breath, but caused me to feel sick, and I was ready to drop, when one of the lookers-on called on us to stop, which gave me time to breathe till the contest again commenced. In this round I was driven to desperation. I laid out right and left at his face and nearly blinded him, in fact, I threw my head first, and then my whole body upon him with such force, that it brought us both to the ground, and I was declared the victor. That was the last of my battles. During this time it would appear that William only acted as helper in some way to his father ; but he was shortly put into a better and more definite position by entering regularly on his course of education as a mechanical engineer. On March 24, 1804, he was, at the instance of the owners of the colliery, bound appren- tice to a Mr. John Eobinson, described in the indenture as ' of Percy Main, in the county of Northumberland, millwright.' The indenture was for seven years, and he was to receive wages beginning with five shillings per week, and increasing to twelve shillings. Mr. Fairbairn continues : Mr. Eobinson, who held the appointment of engine-wright, and had the charge of all the machinery and engines, was the person appointed to give me instruction. Mr. Eobinson had been nominated to the office by the late Mr. Buddie, one of the most eminent coal-viewers in the North of England, the friend 72 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHIP. IT. and supporter of Sir Humphrey Davy, and a gentleman highly distinguished in his profession. To Mr. Buddie we are indebted for many improvements in the art of mining, both as respects the nature of the working and the principle of ventilation, to which he directed his attention with considerable success. Mr. Kobinson was considered a good colliery engineer, with a rough, passionate temper, but in other respects an easy, good- hearted man. As was the fashion in those days he indulged in what was considered amongst a certain class an ornament of speech, profane swearing, and this was carried to such an excess amongst the leading men of the colliery, that an order was scarcely once given, or a sentence uttered, unless accompanied by an oath. At the present day such language would not be tolerated in any society, even in that of bargemen or navvies. I had entered upon my fifteenth year, when I commenced the business of an engineer. I had good wages, which, with extra work in making wooden wedges and blocking out seg- ments of solid oak for walling the sides and drawing off the water of a new pit, which was sinking at Howden Pans, gave me an opportunity of making some money which was of great use to the family. I sometimes doubled the amount of my wage, and rendered great assistance to my parents, who were still struggling against a very limited income, and the increasing expenses of my younger brothers and sisters whose school fees had to be paid. For three years I continued to work in this manner, and, during the winter evenings, when I did not work overtime, I entered upon a course of study, which I have since, under the blessing of Divine Providence, turned to moderately good account. My limited knowledge, and the very few opportunities which, up to that period, had presented themselves for improve- ment, operated forcibly upon my mind. I became dissatisfied with the persons I had to associate with at the shop, and feeling my own ignorance, I became fired with ambition to remedy the evil, and cut out for myself a new path of life. I shortly came to the conclusion that no difficulties should frighten, nor the severest labour discourage me in the attainment of the object I had in view. Armed with this resolution, I set to work in the first year of my apprenticeship, and, having written out a COURSE OF STUDY. 73 programme, I commenced the winter course in the double capa- city of both scholar and schoolmaster, and arranged my study as follows : Monday Evenings for Arithmetic, Mensuration, &c. Tuesday , Reading History and Poetry. Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Recreation, Reading Novels and Romances. Mathematics. Euclid, Trigonometry. Recreation and Sundries. Church, Milton, and Recreation. These were the exercises of the week, which I kept up with wonderful constancy and with few interruptions, considering the temptations and attempts at ridicule which occasionally I had to combat from some of my shopmates, an annoyance of little moment, as I very soon altered their tone and turned the tables upon them, probably as much for their benefit as my own. What, however, led to my perseverance was the line of conduct I had laid down for my guidance and improvement, and the kindness of my father, who bought me a ticket in the North Shields subscription library. Here the writer gives an account of an attachment he formed to a young girl who attended the same place of worship. As this had no result influencing his future life, it would be unnecessary to notice it here, were it not that it led him to practise literary composition by a somewhat odd process which he thus describes : It led me into a course of letter- writing which improved my style, and gave me greater facilities of expression. The truth is, I could not have written on any subject if it had not been for this circumstance, and my attempt at essays, in the shape of the papers which I had read with avidity in the 4 Spectator,' may be traced to my admiration of this divinity. In the enthusiasm of my first attachment it was my good fortune to fall upon a correspondence between two lovers, Frederick and Felicia, in the ' Town and Country Magazine ' for the year 1782, Nos. 3 and 4. This correspondence was of some length and was carried from number to number in a series of 74 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIEBAIRN. CHAP. tv. letters. Frederick was the principal writer, and although greatly above me in station, yet his sentiments harmonised so exactly with mine, that I sat down at Frederick's desk and wrote to my Felicia with emotions as strong as any Frederick in existence. Frederick by his writing was evidently a gentleman, and in order to prepare myself for so much goodness as I had conjured up in Mary, I commenced the correspondence by first reading the letter in the magazine, and then shut the book for the reply, and to write the letter that Frederick was supposed to have written. I then referred to the book, and how bitter was my disappointment at rinding my expressions unconnected and immeasurably inferior to those of the writer. Sometimes I could trace a few stray expressions which I thought superior to his, but, as a whole, I was miserably deficient. In this way did I make love, and in this way I inadvertently rendered one of the strongest passions of our nature subservient to the means of improvement. He did not, however, let this agreeable occupation trench upon his other studies. He goes on : For three successive winters I contrived to go through a complete system of mensuration, and as much algebra as enabled me to solve an equation ; and a course of trigonometry, naviga- tion, heights and distances, &c. This was exclusive of my reading, which was always attractive, and gave me the greatest pleasure. I had an excellent library at Shields, which I went to twice a week, and here I read Gibbon's i Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,' Hume's 'History of England,' Robertson's ' History of Scotland,' ' America,' ' Charles the Fifth,' and many other works of a similar character, which I read with the utmost attention. I also read some of our best poets, amongst which were Milton's * Paradise Lost,' Shakespeare, Cowper, Goldsmith, Burns, and Kirke White. With this course of study I spent long evenings, sometimes sitting up late ; but, having to be at the shop at six in the morning, I did not usually prolong my studies much beyond eleven or twelve o'clock. During these pursuits I must in truth admit that my mind was more upon my studies than my business. I made pretty DESCGN FOR AN ORRERY. 75 good way in the mere operative part, but, with the exception of arithmetic and mathematics, I made little or no progress in the principles of the profession ; on the contrary, I took a dislike to the work and the parties by whom I was surrounded. The possession of tools and the art of using them renewed my taste for mechanical pursuits. I tried my skill at different combinations, and like most inventors whose minds are more intent upon making new discoveries than acquiring the know- ledge of what has been done by others, I frequently found my- self forestalled in the very discovery which I had persuaded myself was original. For many months I laboured incessantly in devising a piece of machinery that should act as a time- piece and at the same time as an orrery, representing the sun as a centre, with the earth and moon and the whole planetary system revolving round it. This piece of machinery was to be worked by a weight and a pendulum, and was not only to give the diurnal motions of the heavenly bodies, but to indicate the time of their revolutions in their respective orbits round the sun. All this was to be done in accordance with one measure of time, which the instrument, if it ever could have been com- pleted, was to record. I looked upon this piece of mechanism as a perfectly original conception, and nothing prevented me from making the attempt to carry it into execution but the want of means, and the difficulties which surrounded me in the complexity and numerous motions necessary to make it a useful working machine. The consideration of this subject was not, however, lost, as I derived great advantage in the exercise which it gave to the thoughts. It taught me the advantage of concentration, and of arranging my ideas, and of bringing the whole powers of the mind with energy to bear upon one subject. It further directed my attention to a course of reading on mechanical philosophy and astronomy, from which I derived considerable advantage. Finding the means at my disposal much too scanty to enable me to make a beginning with my new orrery, I turned my attention to music, and bought an old Hamburg fiddle, for which I gave half-a-crown. This was a cheap bargain, even for such a miserable instrument, and what with new bracing of catgut and a music-book, I spent nearly a week's wages, a sum 76 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. IT. which I could ill afford, to become a distinguished musician. I however fresh rigged the violin, and, with a glue-pot, carefully closed all the openings which were showing themselves between the back and the sides of the instrument. Having completed the repairs, I commenced operations ; and certainly there never was a learner who produced less melody or a greater number of discords. The effect was astounding, and after tormenting the whole house with discordant sounds for two months, the very author of the mischief tumbled to pieces in my hands, to the great relief of every member of the family. I was not, however, to be frustrated in my attempts to become a musician, and the old fiddle proving useless, I set to work with inflexible determination and made a new one. This operation cost me five weeks' hard labour, chiefly at nights ; and having made the necessary tools out of old hand-saw files, I completed the violin, which, to my astonishment, emitted tones as loud and sonorous as an organ. The transfer of the strings and bridge of the old instrument to that of the new one was to my mind a day of secret rejoicing, which confirmed me still more in my determination to persevere in acquiring the neces- sary knowledge and skill to play. For the attainment of these objects I once more commenced my studies, and proceeded to acquire a knowledge of the notes and to finger them, in which I found little or no difficulty ; yet I never could attain a good bow-hand, which I afterwards found was one of the essentials for becoming a good musician. Eepeated discomfitures at last con- vinced me that nature never intended me for a fiddler ; and, impressed with this opinion, I consulted an old man who played at weddings and other merry-makings, as to what I should do. He advised me to become his pupil, and to bring my violin with me on the following night, when he had no doubt he could after a few lessons make me an accomplished performer. Follow- ing this advice, I repaired to his house, and after two or three lessons he offered twenty shillings for my violin, and advised me to abandon all thoughts of ever rising in the profession. After some consideration I declined the offer ; and having paid him for my instruction, I departed, under the conviction that in case the instrument was worth twenty shillings to a person who con- sidered himself an artist, it must be of the same, if not more, HOME-BREWED MUSIC. 77 value to myself. Impressed with this conviction, the violin became my constant travelling-companion for a number of years. I could play half-a-dozen Scotch airs, which served as an occa- sional amusement, not so much for the delicacy of execution as for the sonorous energy with which they were executed. For several years after my marriage, my skill was put to the test for the benefit of the rising generation ; and although duly appre- ciated by the children, the fiddle was never taken from the shelf without creating alarm in the mind of their mother, who was in fear that some one might hear it. A dancing-master, who was giving lessons in the country, borrowed the fiddle, and, to the great relief of the family, it was never returned. Some years after this I was present at the starting of the cotton-mill for Messrs. Gros, Deval & Co., of Wesserling, in Alsace, where we had executed the water-wheel and mill work (the first wheel on the suspension principle in France). After a satisfactory start, a great dinner was given by Mr. Gros on the occasion to the neighbouring gentry. During dinner I had been explaining to Mr. Gros, who spoke a little English, the nature of home-brewed ale, which he had tasted and much admired in England. In the evening we had music, and perceiving me admire his per- formance on the violin, he enquired if I could play, to which I answered in the affirmative, when his instrument was in a moment in my hands, and I had no alternative but one of my best tunes, the ' Keel Eow,' which the company listened to with amazement, until my career was arrested by Mr. Gros calling out at the pitch of his voice, ' Top, top, monsieur, by gad, dat be home-br&ived music.' The construction of [the violin brings me to that part of my story which eventually led to a new epoch in my history, and that was my removal from the workshop to take charge of the pumps and steam-engine of Percy Main Colliery, which required to be kept constantly at work in order to clear the mine of water. This department was much more to my taste than the mere operative part of the work. I was more independent, and so long as I kept the engine and pumps in order, I was entirely my own master. Besides, I had ever a mortal anti- pathy to be rung in and out by bells ; force work was to me the most irksome duty I had to perform. Now I was free ; and 78 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIKX. CHAP. TV. having attained a responsible trust, I made up my mind to discharge it with the greatest fidelity. The duties were at times exceedingly severe and trying to the constitution, particularly in winter ; and from the nature of the water, which contained much salt and sand, the wear and tear upon the pumps were very great. I, however, devised every possible means to keep the pumps in good repair ; but much depended upon the quality of the leather used for the buckets and clacks, as in some cases I have known a bucket wear to pieces in half-an-hour, whilst others would last for a couple of days. The depth of the pit was 150 fathoms, with four sets of pumps ; and what with broken pump-rods and other casualties, I have frequently been suspended by a rope during the winter nights, with the water pouring upon me, for seven to eight hours at a stretch, until every limb was numbed with cold. This often repeated, and being roused out of bed at all hours, and having to descend the shaft (which was a cold downcast draught) with a flannel shirt and trousers, a leather hat, and buckskin to protect the head and neck from the water, which descended like a shower-bath, the whole duty on these occasions was one of great severity, in fact, so severe as seriously to injure the health of one, and destroy the life of another, of my fellow-assistants. These trials, and many others of nearly equal severity, I have, with the blessing of God and a strong constitution, overcome, for which I have ever felt most grateful. The great and important advantage of this new office was, however, the number of days and hours of leisure which I had at command. To fill up these hours usefully, I applied myself assiduously to reading. I frequented the library at Shields every other night, and being a favourite with the librarian's daughter, a young quakeress, I was enabled to procure a perusal of nearly all the new publications before they were sent into circulation. Thus with a book in my pocket, I could stroll into the fields ; and having erected a tall flag-staff over the sheers of the pit, I extended my excursions for two or three miles in every direction, so as not to lose sight of the signal- staff; this I found of great convenience, as the moment any- thing was wrong, up went the flag, and I hurried home. GEORGE STEPHENSON. 79 During these intervals of leisure, I had several local adven- tures, which, although productive of no results, nevertheless exhibited the moral condition of a certain class of workmen. It used to be a custom in the shop where I was employed to club together once or twice a week, and to subscribe for what was denominated the keg. This keg was a nine gallon barrel of ale, which on particular days was brought by an un- frequented and circuitous route from the Howden Pans Brewery, about a mile and a half distant. It generally arrived about two o'clock in the afternoon, and was placed upon the bench with one of the apprentices to ' watch hawks,' and to give notice by a loud whistle when any appearance of danger was likely to threaten the community. The result of these indulgences was a beastly state of intoxication, in which the elder men had to be led home after dark by myself and other apprentices, who enjoyed the amusement of landing them in a wet ditch before they were delivered up to their wives. This practice, during the five years I was at Percy Main, was pursued with a perseverance which ended in making most of the young men confirmed drunkards, and ruined the reputation and health of those whose duty it was to set a better example. I was afterwards often thankful at having escaped the contagion of those irregularities, which at a more matured period told with tenfold force, and hastened the ruin of some of my contemporaries. William remained in this situation till he was of age, and had completed his seven years' apprenticeship, the indenture being duly and honourably cancelled by Mr. Eobinson on March 26, 1811. During this time he made the acquaintance of George Stephenson, who had then charge of an engine at Wil- lington Ballast Hill, only a mile or two from Percy Main Colliery. The two young men, who were nearly of the same age, and were both earnest in their love for me- chanics, here formed a friendship which lasted through life. It is on record l that in the summer evenings Fair- 1 Smiles, Lives of the Engineers, vol. iii. p. 41. 80 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP. iv. bairn was accustomed to go over to see his friend, and would frequently attend to the Ballast Hill engine for a few hours, in order to enable Stephenson to take a two or three hours' turn at heaving ballast out of the collier vessels, by which he earned a small addition to his regular wages. George Stephenson had recently married, and established a humble but comfortable home in a cottage at Wellington Quay, where his friend was a frequent visitor. Mr. Fairbairn, in after life, often alluded with pride and satisfaction to his early intimacy and close friendship with the great founder of the railway system. CHAPTEK V. REMOVAL TO LONDON-EMPLOYMENT THERE AGE 21-24. 181O 1813 SEARCH FOR EMPLOYMENT WORK AT NEWCASTLE DAVID HOGG THE FUTURE MRS. FAIRBAIRN DISCUSSION SOCIETY THE THEATRE THE POET OF PLESSEY CASTLES IN THE AIR EMBARKS FOR LONDON PERILS OF THE VOYAGE ARRIVAL IN THE THAMES THE CAPTAIN'S WALK ON SHORE MIDNIGHT MURDERS DIFFICULTIES APPLICATION TO MR. RENNIE THE MILLWRIGHTS' SOCIETY COLD AND HUNGER NEW USE OF A BEDSTEAD REFUSAL OF PERMISSION TO WORK WITH MR. RENNTE WALK TO HERTFORD DISCOURAGEMENT SUNSHINE CHE8HUNT WINDMILL SUPPER RETURN TO LONDON TRADES' UNIONS THE INDEPENDENT SOCIETY EMPLOYMENT AND RESIDENCE IN LONDON MR. HALL. 83 CHAPTER V. MR. FAIRBAIRX continues his story : I had now reached my twenty-second year, and having finished my apprenticeship, I left reluctantly the scene of my trials and many friendships, and went in search of other employ- ment. Some of the other young men did the same ; two of them went to sea as ship's carpenters, and another married and turned out a confirmed drunkard, and a prize-fighter. As regards myself, I went to Newcastle, where I got employment as a millwright, at the erection of a saw-mill in the Close. Here I worked for a few weeks, where I made the acquaintance of a young man named David Hogg, from Tweedmouth. Hogg was about my own age, a very powerful man, and good-looking. He was a good workman, and had more experience in that descrip- tion of work than myself. At the saw-mill we had 20s. per week, but a gentleman from Sunderland, of the name of Norval, who wanted hands to go to Bedlington, engaged us at 24s. per week, and we accordingly left Newcastle and went to Bed- lington, where I spent the summer very agreeably. Here I first met my future wife, who then lived with Mrs. Barker, an elderly lady, to whom she was much attached, and from whose house she was married five years afterwards. I was then in the vigour of youth, I had a good wage, few cares, and was alive to every impression. In a word, all nature smiled around me. I was happy, and in love with the world and all mankind. With these feelings I was more inclined to gaieties than study, and although I kept up my reading by subscribing to a circu- lating library at Morpeth, I must admit I did not read with the same assiduity as I did at Percy Main. The summer evenings were generally spent in short excursions into the country ; I o 2 84 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP, v became the leader in a Discussion Society, and patronised the players. The manager, Mr. Brady, was very poor, which caused me to exert myself to procure him a house, and occasionally to assist behind the scenes. Another way of assisting Brady was to induce Mr. William Waddle, the poet of Plessey, 1 to recite some of his pieces. The poet liked his drink, and on the nights of representation we seldom failed to give him as much as would steady his nerves and enable him to go through his part with eclat. Unfortunately Willie did not always suit the action to the word ; but that was of little consequence, as his friends were always ready, by way of encouragement, to come down with a shower of plaudits, calculated to please the performer, but not always successful in concealing the defects of the performance. The whole summer was passed over in this manner, and what with these amusements, and occasional visits to Mrs. Barker's, I spent one of the most agreeable half-years of my life. Mrs. Fairbainrs maiden name was Dorothy Mar, the youngest daughter of Mr. John Mar, a respectable burgess of Morpeth, who had for many years occupied a farm on the Wansbeck, which went by the name of Mar's Banks. To these banks I used to resort as a sort of pilgrimage, to contemplate the spot which had formerly been the residence and playground of the object of my affections. In this and many other things I entertained wild and romantic notions, and my reveries on these occasions were such as to form ideal plans, build castles in the air, and picture to myself a paradise, in which my imagina- tion realised all the forms of domestic happiness and many enjoyments which I promised myself in our little house. It was to have a neat parlour, every corner filled with books, and I painted my smiling wife, with a couple of pledges of our mutual love, as prominent objects in the foreground, to give force and colouring to the picture. How exceedingly vain and proud I was of my future habitation and its inmates which, considered merely as a dream, was not without its influence upon my future fortunes. The impression that I must have such a retreat, with such a wife, never forsook me; and I never lost sight of these charming objects, first 1 Waddle bad published a small volume of Poems, in imitation of Burns, so much in vogue at that time. COLLIER-SHIPS. 85 traced in imagination on the banks of the Wansbeck, and after- wards realised by perseverance elsewhere; It is stated by one of the ancient sages that * there is nothing new under the sun,' and with equal propriety I may observe that there is nothing permanent, as the month of November, which generally deprives nature of its gayest attire, al?o changed the aspect of my affairs. The works at Bedlington were finished, and, as was frequently the case in the North, I was thrown out of employment with a very distant hope of obtaining another situation during the winter. Business was flat, and work scarce, and no other prospect appearing but a dreary winter before me, I carried into execution a long- projected plan of leaving that part of the country to try my fortunes in some other district, where the chances and facilities for advancement were greater than appeared to exist at New- castle. Impressed with this resolution, I took leave of Miss Mar, after an interchange of promises of unalterable affection, and with half-a-dozen new shirts, a new suit of clothes, a watch, and four pounds in my pocket, I embarked on board a collier, on December 11, 1611, at North Shields, for the metropolis. This may be considered as another epoch in my history. The war with France, and our great naval victories, had drained the coasting trade of its able-bodied seamen to such an extent that the collier ships from Shields and Sunderland were left almost destitute of men. The result of this reduction proved seriously injurious to the service, as every winter during the war increased the number of wrecks, and many lives were lost for want of hands to work the ships. In the ship in which I had taken a passage (with my old friend and companion Hogg, who agreed to accompany me), there were only three old men, with the captain, the mate, and three boys ; altogether they num- bered eight hands, whereas, in the midst of winter, twelve was the complement. Under these circumstances, we were no sooner at sea than I had to render assistance throughout the voyage, and to work like any of the sailors to keep the ship afloat. Hogg should have done the same, but he was prostrated with sea-sickness, and never showed face above deck but once during the twelve days which elapsed before we reached the Nore. It would be endless to recount the difficulties we hud to encounter 86 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP. v. in a ship sunk to a few inches from the deck, badly manned, with a strong gale from the north-east which lasted for nearly a week. The vessel rolled like a tub, with the sea sweeping the decks in every direction, and for nearly eight days we were constantly drenched with water. One night, when at anchor in the Swin, 1 and riding out the gale till daylight, the ship dragged her anchors, and we had the greatest difficulty to bring her up and prevent her drifting on the breakers which were close upon our stern. We, however, succeeded, through the exertions of the mate, the captain being unfortunately in that state which rendered his services of little value. Two days more and we reached the Nore, and I shall never forget the sensations I felt when I passed close to the North Fleet, in all the pomp and splendour of an armament which had proved invincible, the only drawback to its beauty being the sight of one of the seamen undergoing the punishment of being flogged. In working up the river to Gravesend, Woolwich, and Black- wall Reach, where we anchored, I was deeply interested in everything I saw, and here my reading became useful, as I had made myself acquainted with Gravesend, Tilbury Fort, the Woolwich Docks, and all the places of historical interest on the Thames ; for to a foreigner, or even to a native who has never before visited the capital, by far the most imposing approach is by the river. We arrived at Blackwall early in the afternoon, and towards dusk the captain, who was anxious to save a tide, made preparations for walking up to Wapping ; and conceiving there would be no objection, I asked permission to accompany him, to which, after some hesitation, he consented. We accordingly started through Blackwall, and along the road to the West India Docks, but I soon found, as we went along, that the captain had been making free with the bottle before he started, and instead of making his way through Limehouse, we sauntered through the upper streets of Shadwell in the direction of Stepney Church or Whitechapel. It was in vain that I remonstrated with him, and told him I was sure we were leaving the river ; he persisted Merchantmen at that time had to take the inner and more dangerous channel between the sands, on account of the number of privateers hovering about the coast and the outer channel. MIDNIGHT MURDERS. 87 that I knew nothing about it ; until, at last, I made enquiries, and found to my mortification that we were wandering in a totally wrong direction. Laying hold of my companion, I dragged him along, till we at length reached our destination, two hours too late for delivering the papers. The captain, how- ever, ordered supper, and after supper followed large potations of spirits and water, until the evening wore late, when the captain, after repeated applications, at last consented to return to Blackwall. We accordingly sallied forth, but were again brought to anchor in a pot-house up a narrow lane, where there was a tremendous noise of screaming, singing, and dancing. I refused to enter this den, and left him with the intention of making my way to the ship. It was now twelve o'clock, and rinding no chance of reaching Blackwall, I enquired of the watchman where I could obtain a lodging for the night. He walked with me to a house in a narrow street, where I got a bed, and was soon in a profound sleep, which continued till morning. At break of day I was suddenly awakened by a loud noise in the street, and having hastily dressed, I found that some persons had been murdered in a house the next door, or next but one I forget which to where I had slept. After paying the landlord I went into the street, but the crowd was so great that I could not reach the door. I found I was in a street called New Gravel Lane, and that a whole family of the name of Williamson (who also kept a public-house), including the servant girl, had been murdered during the night. These acts of violence, and a similar murder which had taken place a fortnight before on a family of the name of Mar, in Batcliflfe Highway, gave me a most unfavourable impression of London ; I even began to doubt my own safety, and having made the best of my way back again to the ship, I entered on board with feelings of thankfulness for my escape. On my arrival at Blackwall I found the captain had not made his appearance, and the ship, which should have moved up to the Pool by the morning tide, was left at anchor, the mate declining to take the responsibility during the absence of his superior. At two, the skipper made his appearance, having, as I afterwards found, been charged before the Police magistrate with disorderly conduct during the night. Thus 88 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. v. occurred my first entrance into London, which we reached in safety on the following day. After settling for the passage, and bidding adieu to the captain (without much regret), Hogg and I took a lodging in a garret in Duke's Court, St. Martin's Lane, until we could obtain employment. We counted our money, and found that Hogg had 31. and some odd shillings left, and I had 21. 7s. 6d., together about 6., to provide for our lodging and maintenance till we could obtain work. Hogg had some friends ; a brother, Mr. Wm. Hogg, and a sister, Mrs. Brown, living in Burr Street, where St. Catherine's Dock now stands. I had no friends but a cousin of my mother's, who was married to Mr. Stewart, a joiner and builder, and lived in St. Martin's Lane. To them I applied for advice, and they recommended the lodging in Duke's Court, of which we took immediate possession. In London we found things totally different from what we had been accustomed to in the country. Provisions and fuel were exceedingly dear, a keen frost had set in, and, living close to the tiles, we found our quarters exceedingly cold and dis- agreeable. We further discovered that unless we used the most rigid economy there was no chance of our money lasting above a fortnight or three weeks. We had to purchase everything, even to a bundle of chips for lighting the fire, and the girl whose duty it was to wait upon us, finding it not likely to be a profitable employment, left us to our own resources, and forced us to perform the various duties of housemaid, and others of an equally onerous description. The landlord, who was a tailor, appeared to encourage the slut ; but we subsequently revenged ourselves in a way he little expected. Having fixed our residence, we started the next morning in search of work, and the first person we applied to was the late Mr. Rennie, at Blackfriars Bridge. 1 Mr. Rennie at that time had just commenced the building of the Waterloo Bridge, and so highly was he spoken of, both as an engineer and a mill- wright, that amongst the workmen he went by the name of the 1 . e. At his manufactory near Blackfriars. See ante, p. 35. The present Messrs. Rennie tell me that the tradition of this application has remained in their establishment, and that the room was identified in which the inter- iew took place. ED. MR. KENNIE. 89 ' almighty Eennie.' I was most anxious to see the great engi- neer, and accordingly we went there direct. It was arranged that I should be the spokesman, and having enquired for Mr. Kennie, we were admitted to the office, where we found him seated at a desk, with a small model in his hands. After we had stated the object of our visit, he enquired where we came from, what description of work we had been accustomed to, and the reason of our leaving Newcastle at that inclement season of the year. To these enquiries we replied that we had no alter- native, there was nothing doing at Newcastle, and we had come to try our fortune in London. After a strict examination he desired us to go to Walker (the foreman), and he would give us work. With light hearts, and grateful acknowledgments, we proceeded in search of Mr. Walker, who informed us that we might commence on the following Monday ; but, he said, ' You will have to see the Millwrights' Society (a body who mono- polised the right of determining who should be employed in that and other shops in London) before you can start work.' Mr. Walker desired us to call at the club-house, and we should receive all the necessary information for our admission. We accordingly waited upon the secretary, who informed us that a general meeting of the members would be held on the first Tuesday of the following month, when our claims would be taken into consideration, but not before. This was a damper to our hopes, as the last monthly meeting had taken place only two days before, and the question now was, how we were to live on 51. for that length of time ? There was, however, no alter- native. Having ascertained the terms of admission, and other facts connected with this most important body, we returned to Duke's Court, and starved ourselves for a month, and what with the cold garret, empty stomachs, and sharp appetites, we spent one of the most uncomfortable months of our existence. It is true we made up for our six meagre days by a capital dinner on Sundays, as I always had an invitation at St. Martin's Lane. Hogg went to his brother's, whilst I was creating the greatest alarm in the mind of Mrs. Stewart as to my powers of digestion, which she was afraid would suffer by what, good woman, she considered a dangerous habit. I entertained no fears of this sort. 90 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. OHAP. v. Our scanty meals were not worse than the cold which we suffered at the top of the house. We slept two in a bed one of Goldsmith's' A bed by night, a chest of drawers by day ; ' and this was fortunate for our comfort, as we never could have escaped being frost-bitten but for the natural warmth which we imparted to each other. Fuel was so dear that we collected papers from every bill-holder that we passed in the streets, in order to save the expense of the matches we had to buy for lighting the fire. We carried on this practice for some time, till one day, rummaging under a back-stair that led to the roof, and where we kept our coals, I run my hand against some pieces of wood, which we found to be an old bedstead ; and to square accounts with the tailor and his daughter, we set to work and slit up every bit of it except the beech posts, which we could not accomplish with the knife. When half of the curtain-frame was demolished we got alarmed, and the follow- ing ten days kept us in misery for fear the landlord might want his bed, and find it cut up. To prevent discovery, however, we purchased a bundle of lighters, which we took care to exhibit every morning in passing through the shop, and we were fortunate in making our escape before the bed was wanted. At the end of the month the two men presented themselves again before the junta of the Millwrights' Society ; but from some informality in their qualifications (in regard to the nature of which the autobiography is obscure, and appears somewhat inconsistent,) their claims were rejected, and they were refused permission to work for Mr. Eennie. The narrative continues : Having made sure of obtaining employment, we had given up our lodgings in Duke's Court, and had deposited our clothes with Mrs. Stewart in St. Martin's Lane ; we were therefore free from incumbrance ; and having called on Mrs. Brown, where we slept on the carpet, we started before daylight next day for the country, and taking the north road, travelled as far as Hertford, through rain and sleet, and over roads nearly im- passable. We reached Hertford wet to the skin, without food, and with only thirteen pence in our pockets. CLOUDS AND SUNSHINE. 91 At this town we were directed to a master millwright who wanted hands ; but we found that he had only a prospect of obtaining a new mill to build as soon as the days were a little longer. I told him how we had been treated in London, that our funds were exhausted, and that we should be glad of even two or three days' work. He appeared interested in our story, said we were two nice young men. and offered us half-a-crown to help us on our way. At this kind offer my pride took alarm, and though we were without money, and almost fainting for want of food, very much to the annoyance of Hogg, who pressed hard in whispers for me to take it, I peremptorily refused the half-crown, and whilst passing through the churchyard, Hogg seated himself on a wet tombstone, burst into tears, and obsti- nately refused to move an inch further. I used every endeavour to pacify him, but the only reply was a cutting remonstrance at my having refused to accept the money. I sat down beside him, and the weather having in some degree cleared up, the sun burst from under a dark cloud, and seizing the occasion, I remarked that we were perfectly safe, as the beams of the setting sun thus bursting upon us were a sure omen of our ultimate success. We moved on at a slow pace towards the outskirts of the town, and had not proceeded far, when arriving at a wheelwright's shop I stopped to enquire if he knew of any place where we could obtain employment. The master entered freely into conversation, and after some further enquiries he recommended us to make the best of our way to Cheshunt, about ten miles off, where a person from Chelmsford was building a windmill, and was, he believed, in want of hands. With renewed hopes we moved on at a rapid pace, almost ankle-deep in melted snow, till we reached Cheshunt, nearly exhausted with hunger and fatigue. .We took up our quarters at a little public-house, and on the faith of more encourage- ment for the morning, I had promised my friend that he should have an excellent supper, whether it was paid for or not. Accordingly, as soon as we were seated, the landlady, a good- tempered middle-aged woman, laid before us the remains of a cold leg of mutton, a large loaf, and a quart of ale. Nearly the whole disappeared to the bare bone before she returned from some domestic duties she had to attend to in another part 92 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. v. of the house ; when, casting her eyes on the table, she ex- claimed, in a good-natured tone, ' Bless your hearts, but you must have been hungry.' We smiled in the affirmative, on which she handed out the cheese, with which we finished our repast, and then retired to rest. Early next morning we pre- sented ourselves at the mill, and to our great joy procured employment for a fortnight. During that time we remained inmates with our kind friend, the landlady of the Black Bull. Our engagement being temporary, we received our wages at the expiration of the time, and with nearly three pounds in our pockets, were again on the road. We parted reluctantly from our kind friend at the Black Bull, and directing our steps towards London, we had time to consult as to our next movements, when, after some deliberation, we concluded to try London once more, and if unsuccessful there, to proceed for- wards to Portsmouth, where we proposed to embark on board some ship, and work our passage to America. Our second entry into the metropolis was, however, more fortunate than the first ; as my friend David met an old shopmate and schoolfellow from Coldstream, who ridiculed our ignorance of the trade and the ways of the town. He told us he had been only eighteen months in London, had only served three years to the business, had good employment at seven shillings a day, and made from nine to ten days in the week. Moreover, he was secretary to the Independent Millwrights' Society, ' a society,' as he stated, ' founded on liberal principles, and greatly superior to the vagabonds at Little Eastcheap.' From this man, whose name was Dewer, we learned that there were three Societies in London, viz., the old Society, the one at which we had been rejected ; next, the new Society, and lastly, the Independent Society, who were less stringent in their rules than the other two. All of them, however, took cognizance of the hours of labour, which at that time were from light to dark in winter, and from six to six in summer, with two hours for refreshment. They also regulated the rate of wages, and no man was allowed to work for less than seven shillings a day, and as soon as he entered the Society he was bound by the rules to maintain the rights and privileges of the trade in their full integrity. This system of dictation and ex- TRADES' UNIONS. 93 clusiveness was kept up in London for the whole of the last and part of the present century by a body of men, most of whom had never served any time to their business, and whose moral character was far from exemplary. The natural result of such a combination was to create disgust in the minds of their employers, and to raise a powerful opposition amongst a class equally meritorious as workmen, and infinitely superior in moral worth. From their excesses, and from the unwarrantable demands made by the Societies on the employers and the employed, the clubs in London may date the decline of their power, and the almost ultimate extinction of the name of mill- wright as a distinct profession. Previously to that time it was held in great respect in almost every part of the United King- dom. The members were generally men of talent, and ranked amongst them the celebrated names of Brindley, Smeaton, and Eennie. To return, Dewer moved our admission as members of the Independent Society. This was accordingly done, and two days afterwards we were enrolled as members. Having been thus legalised, we shortly afterwards got employment at a Patent Ropery belonging to a Mr. Grundy at Shad- well, where both Hogg and I continued till the completion of the works, about eighteen months after we commenced. At the close of Mr. Grundy's work, I went for a few weeks to Wandswortb, and then to Mr. Penn, of Greenwich, where I con- tinued till the spring of 1813, when business became slack, and I left the great metropolis in search of information and employment in another quarter. I cannot pass over two years of the most important period of my life without referring to the pleasures and advantages which I derived from my residence in London. During the greater portion of the time I had constant employment, and an income which varied from two to three poujads a week. I lived moderately, renewed my reading and studies, and subscribed to a library in Ratcliffe Highway, where I had a moderately good choice of books. I further got acquainted with some friends at the West End, attended the theatres once or twice a week, visited the Westminster Forum, and heard Major Cartwright and Gale Jones declaim. In a word my hat covered my family, and I had never before been so happy or so independent. 94 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. v. During the whole of my residence in London I seldom missed dining on the Sundays with my relatives in St. Martin's Lane. They had a small shop in front, and a workshop behind. The first floor was the family residence, and a clergyman of the name of Hall occupied the chambers above. Mr. Hall was a regular Sunday guest at Mrs. Stewart's table, as well as myself ; he was a great projector, had taken out a patent for making hemp from beanstalks, and was a writer in ' Tilloch's Philoso- phical Magazine,' and in several other periodicals of the day. He was a native of Perth, eccentric in his manners, somewhat loose in his religious principles, but a powerful reasoner, and intimately acquainted with most of the literary and scientific men of the day. Through Mr. Hall I was introduced to the Society of Arts, to Mr. Tilloch, and to several distinguished persons, and the advantages which I derived from this connec- tion were greater than I could have expected, considering the position in which I was placed as a common workman. CHAPTEE VI. FURTHER EMPLOYMENT MARRIAGE AND SETTLEMENT IN MANCHESTER AGE 24-28 1813-1817 STUDIES IN AGRICULTURE STEAM PLOUGHING THE SOCIETY OF ARTS AND THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE SAUSAGE-MAKING MACHINE VISIT TO BATH REMINISCENCES OF THE NOVELISTS BRISTOL SOUTH WALES DUBLIN BREAKFAST WITH DUKE HUMPHREY FES- TIVITIES IN THE PHCENIX PARK EMPLOYMENT WITH MR. ROBINSON NAIL-MAKING MACHINERY PASSAGE TO LIVERPOOL FIRST ARRIVAL AT MANCHESTER EMPLOYMENT WITH MR. PARKINSON ATTACK OF SCARLET FEVER MR. HOUTSON HIS BROTHER THE AFRICAN TRA- VELLER BELZONI PROSPECTS FOR THE FUTURE SAVING MONEY THE FIDDLE AGAIN HABITS OF THE LANCASHIRE OPERATIVES MAR- RIAGE LN 1816 DOMESTIC ARRANGEMENTS MRS. FAIRBAIRN's ILL- NESSACCIDENT BY FIRE THE NEW BLACKFRIAR3 BRIDGE AT MAN- CHESTER MR. HEWES RESOLUTION TO START BUSINESS ON HIS OWN ACCOUNT. trusted to my care, several important ideas presented them- selves. First, the superior strength of iron as compared with wood ; the distribution of the material in these constructions ; and the superior strength and lightness which a judicious appli- cation of this material afforded. All these circumstances were present to my mind in the construction of the ' Lord Dundas,' and by the introduction of T an d angle ~| iron as frames and ribs, I found that the required rigidity and strength was attained at a comparatively small expenditure of material. In the construction of iron ships I may mention that our knowledge at the commencement was very imperfect ; and I had to watch with the utmost care and attention the position and disposition of the material, in order to effect economy in its use, and that with as near an approach as possible to the maximum of strength. In this respect I laboured under great difficulties ; and having no data on which we could rely for guidance in these constructions, I felt the want of information, and at a very early period (1834) determined to institute a series of experi- L 146 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. rx. ments on the strength of malleable iron of different forms and conditions, in order to effect an improved system of construc- tion, both as regards the strength and a judicious application of the material. These experiments were read before the Eoyal Society, and published in the Transactions of that body, of which I think you have a copy. I have the honour to be, My dear Baron Dupin, Your faithful obedient Servant, WM. FAIRBAIRN. Hitherto the business in which Mr. Fairbairn was engaged had been entirely prosperous and pleasant, but about this time some troubles began to arise, which resulted in an important change. It appears that a few years previously three gentlemen had associated themselves together for the purpose of establishing large dye-works in the neighbourhood of Manchester. An Italian merchant living in that town found the capital ; a Swiss engineer, who had made him- self known by great ingenuity and prolific production in mechanical inventions, was to design the machinery ; and another Swiss gentleman, a practical chemist and dyer, was to superintend the practical processes. The parties do not seem to have begun in perfect harmony ; for the chemist declared that all he wanted was a few cisterns, tubs, kettles, and wash-wheels ; but such a primitive plan did not please the mechanical inventor. He proposed great savings by extensive self-acting machinery ; and as his counsels prevailed, an estate of nearly 100 acres was bought near Egerton, and weirs, dams, and water-courses were laid out, and new buildings constructed, filled with machinery on an entirely new principle, designed to ac- complish every motion and every process by mechanical power, instead of in the ordinary way, by hand. TROUBLES IN BUSINESS. 147 In this way upwards of 40,000/. had been spent with- out any immediate prospect of the manufactory being completed, when the capitalist took alarm, and refused to find any more money. The works were stopped, and the whole property was offered for sale at a price greatly below what it had cost. Mr. Fairbairn writes : Mr. , failing to effect a sale, again applied to me, requesting I would endeavour to find him a customer. I con- sulted with Mr. Lillie, and applied to a firm whose mills and property were situated a little further down the river. We were on intimate terms with the members of this firm, for whom we had erected a water-wheel, and done other work at their mills. They had very little spare capital, but they urged me to buy the estate, at a fixed price, and said they would join Mr. Lillie and me in converting the buildings into a cotton- mill. The whole property was bought in our joint names for 13,000^., each paying one-fourth of the purchase-money. The completion of the contract was the signal for active operations. We set vigorously to work, and in less than twelve months one side of the principal building was removed, and the mill made double the width. The weir and overflows were also completed, as also a new water-wheel 62 feet in diameter and 130 horse- power; and the mill-work and part of the machinery were erected and at work in less than fifteen months. The drains caused on the capital of the firm of Fair- bairn and Lillie for this work were so great as to cripple their legitimate business as millwrights to a serious extent ; for after the mill was set to work all the money made was expended in enlargements or other capital investments returning no interest to the proprietors. Four or five years went on in this way all outlay and no income when a source of serious trouble arose, namely, a commencement of misunderstanding and mis- trust between the two partners. Mr. Fairbairn in his diary enters at some length into the causes and circum- 148 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. ix. stances of the disagreement, but it is needless to reproduce the particulars here. It will suffice to quote his conclud- ing observations : All these circumstances convinced me of the necessity of a speedy dissolution of partnership, and from 1830 to 1832 I urged upon Mr. Lillie the necessity of a change. At the beginning he refused to listen to such a proposal, remarking that there was no reason for such a step, that he was willing to take his fair share of the business, and that he thought me un- reasonable in wishing to break up a connection which had for many years been so successful. Perhaps there was some reason in these observations ; but after a careful consideration of the circumstances I felt convinced that we could no longer go on together with safety or comfort. I offered either to take the concern entirely into my own hands, and pay his share as it stood in the books ; or for him to retain it, as we might ulti- mately decide. Finding further persuasives unavailable, and a separation determined on, it was ultimately arranged that I should take the works on payment of a sum of money equiva- lent to his share as it stood in the books. This was accom- plished in 1832, by my handing over my share in the Egerton Cotton-mills ; and on paying a sum of money down, the works in Canal Street became mine as sole proprietor. At the same time a dissolution took place with the Egerton firm, who agreed to pay the capital which stood in both our names over to Mr. Lillie, also a retiring partner, by instalments. This change of circumstances, throwing Mr. Fairbaira entirely on his own resources, was a serious one, and cost him much anxious thought to determine on. But he was confident in the soundness of his judgment, and strong in his self-reliance, and the event showed he was right. Mr. Lillie decided to enter into business on his own account, and took new premises within a" few hundred yards of the old ones. It seems that an impression had been circulated that he had been harshly treated, and DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. 149 forced out of the business against his will, and in conse- quence he received much sympathy and support in his opposition to -the old establishment. Mr. Fairbairn, how- ever, stood up manfully, and the more his difficulties increased the greater was his determination to overcome them. He says : I felt alone, but with renewed energies; and I hoped in a short time, by an indomitable spirit and unflinching industry, to conquer every difficulty. I had come to the determination to strike out a new path for myself ; and in spite of the break- ing up of the different departments, by the loss of the foremen, who nearly all went over to Mr. Lillie, I nerved myself for an active opposition from whatever quarter it might arise. I entertained the utmost confidence in my own powers ; and knowing that Mr. Lillie was neither more active nor more industrious than myself, I came to the conclusion that I had nothing to fear, and that ultimate success was sure to follow. Armed with these resolutions, I set vigorously to work, and never relaxed till I had taken a position entirely independent of any competitor. In all our subsequent transactions I must, however, do this gentleman the justice to say that I found him as an opponent the same honourable, kind-hearted man that I had found him as a partner. CHAPTEE X. IRON SHIPBUILDING -RIYER BAM- EXPERI- MENTS ON IRON-THE RIYETING MACHINE AGE 43-50 18321839 IKON SHIP-BUILDING- THE 'MANCHESTER' CANAL STEAMER OTHER IRON VESSELS ESTABLISHMENT OF A SHIP-BUILDING YARD AT MILLWALL COMPETITION DIFFICULTIES AND ANXIETY PERSE- VERANCE AND ENERGY EVENING MEETINGS FOR DISCUSSION PRO- POSED ESTABLISHMENT OF ' THE WORKSHOP ' PERIODICAL HODGKINSON WOODCROFT NASMYTH LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC AMBITION SOHAM MERE DRAINAGE REPORT ON THE RIVER BANN MR JOHN FREDERICK BATEMAN RECOMMENDATIONS ADOPTED CONSTRUCTION OF RESERVOIRS RIVER DON EXPERIMENTS AND INVESTIGATION ON HOT AND COLD BLAST CAST-IRON IN CONJUNCTION WITH MR. EATON HODG- KINSON, FOR THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION PAPER FOR THE MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY THE RIVETING MACHINE MR. ROBERT SMITH PATENT TAKEN OUT. 153 CHAPTER X. WHEN Mr. Fairbaim entered on the sole charge of his business he appears to have turned his attention to a new branch of engineering manufacture. He reverts in his diary to the investigation he had made a year or two before, on the application of steam- power to canals, and he goes on to say : The experiments and constructions above described were the precursors of that great department of our national industry, Iron Shipbuilding, from which this country has derived so much benefit, and to which mankind are indebted for that rapidity of ocean communication which distinguishes the steamers of the present time Although nothing could be done for the attainment of high speeds on canals, it was perfectly possible to open a useful steamboat communication between Glasgow and the towns on the eastern coast through the Forth and Clyde Canal. For this purpose I constructed an iron steamer, called the ' Manchester,' on the same principle as the ' Lord Dundas,' with the paddles at the stern ; and having launched her on the Irwell, and fitted her with high-pressure engines of 40-horse power, she was tried on the Mersey with the greatest success, and had such speed that she steamed round the fastest boats then at Liverpool. She made the passage from Liverpool in a comparatively short time, and having been stationed on the canal, she carried on a regular and considerable traffic for a number of years between Port Dundas and the towns along the Firth of Forth up to Dundee. The success which attended the 'Manchester,' her great strength, buoyancy, and lightness, and her qualities as a sea- 154 LIFE OF SIR WILT JAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP. x. boat, pointed out the advantages to be derived from the use of iron, and induced the building of other iron vessels of greater burden. During the two succeeding years not fewer than eight vessels were built in sections at Manchester, taken to pieces, and reconstructed at the ports. The system, however, of building ships of 100 to 250 tons burden in an inland town, taking them to pieces, and having to rebuild them at some convenient seaport, was in itself a process that could not be long maintained, and the only alternative left was either to abandon iron shipbuilding altogether as a business, or establish an entirely new concern for' that purpose in Liverpool or London. The former town offered many ad- vantages ; but after mature consideration, London being the seat of government, and a railway communication having been determined on, I arrived at the conclusion that the metropolis held out more encouraging prospects for the formation and ex- tension of this new business than Liverpool. Having foreseen from what had already been done that iron shipbuilding must of necessity increase, I came to the determination to establish works in London, and for this purpose I bought a plot of land at Millwall, Poplar, and with one of my own pupils, Mr. Andrew Murray, 1 who was given a small share in the business, entered on the premises early in the year 1835. The following year we had orders for twelve iron vessels for navigating the Granges, for the East India Company, and four others for different parts of Europe. About this time the subject began to attract much public attention. Others embarked in the trade, and we had to con- tend with a formidable opposition which was started against us by several shipbuilders on the Thames. This competition we had to fight against for many years; but we were well sup- ported by the Government and the East India Company, and by increased orders from abroad. We made many blunders as to prices &c. in a business which we had yet to learn, and the rapid increase of the demand for iron vessels, and the con- sequent necessary outlay and extension of the works in buildings, tools, &c. trenched so hard upon our limited capital 1 This gentleman was subsequently chief engineer at H.M. Dock Yards, Woolwich and Portsmouth. ANXIETIES. 155 as to hamper us for a long time. Unfortunately, also, I could not attend personally to the London establishment, as by doing so that in Manchester, of much greater importance, and which in fact created the other, would have been neglected. My young friend Murray, who was without experience, and had everything to learn, could not do much, and although he exerted himself to the utmost, it could hardly be expected that so young a man could exercise all the judgment and precaution of a person whose training had attained greater maturity. In this situation I felt all the responsibility of both con- cerns. I was hurried backwards and forwards between Man- chester and London for more than five years, without a mo- ment's repose, and with a degree of mental strain and anxiety that would have broken down a constitution of less rigidity than my own. Nature had, however, supplied me with an elasticity of spirits which enabled me to throw off for a time the mortifications and anxieties attendant upon arduous under- takings ; and having the power and determination to forget, in a change of scene or conversation, the cares and troubles of the moment, I found the greatest relief from such relaxations. Many were the times that, seeing no relief at hand, I have, from this buoyancy of disposition alone, returned with re- doubled energy to the charge, mastered every difficulty, and given a new colouring and new features to the prospects before me. Thus constituted, I never for an instant gave way to despair. I was often disappointed ; sometimes miserable, but never discomfited ; and I attribute to this peculiar quality of temperament that constant desire to rise, and that never-tiring exertion, which carried me through troubles and difficulties apparently insurmountable. In relating this part of my history I should be wanting in gratitude if I did not allude to the exertions of an excellent young man, Mr. John Elliot, now no more, who acted for several years in the capacity of foreman of the millwrights at Man- chester, who assisted at the trials of the ' Lord Dundas,' and who ultimately was offered a small share in the works at Millwall. During my residence at Medlock Bank, Manchester, I frequently received visitors in the evenings ; among these were Mr. Elliot above mentioned, (whom I found exceedingly intelli- 156 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. x. gent), Mr. Eaton Hodgkinson, Mr. Bennett Wooderoft, the scientific adviser of the Commissioners of Patents, and Mr. James Nasmyth, engineer, and inventor of the steam-hammer. The evenings were most agreeably spent chiefly in philoso- phical and scientific discussions. Amongst other projects which at that time we had in contemplation, was the establishment of a quarterly publication, to be entitled ' The Workshop,' and in- tended chiefly for the working classes. The subjects to be treated of were the industrial and mechanical arts ; mathematics as applied to them ; biographical sketches of eminent men ; and such other subjects as would interest, stimulate, and improve the class it was intended to benefit. It was further intended to give accounts of all the improvements, suggestions, and discoveries in the manipulations of the workshop the origin and management of tools, the division of labour, and the rise and progress of in- ventions of every description within the reach of the editors and their contributors. Last but not least, a portion of the work was to be set apart for essays on domestic culture, moral im- provement, and such other matters as would raise the character of the workman, correct dissipated habits, encourage economy, ensure self-respect, and render his domestic hearth attractive, instructive, and happy. All these objects the projectors of ' The Workshop ' had in view ; and I went so far as to write the in- troduction and prospectus, and some other papers. As will readily be supposed, these papers, and the project altogether, were of a most sanguine description. We had some practice in our peculiar walks of life. My friend Hodgkinson was an able mathematician ; Wooderoft was an original inventor ; Nasmyth imaginative ; Elliot cautious and persevering ; and I myself with a slight mixture of the whole ; so that there would have been a singular compound a literary ' hotch-potch,' not perhaps very refined, but which might have been acceptable to those it was intended for. Unfortunately the intentions of the projectors were never carried into effect. We were all of us well employed, and could not devote much time to such a pursuit. The arrangement and classification of the subjects, as far as they went, were satisfac- tory, but we never got beyond that point ; and the whole affair at last died away. A ROCK A-HEAD. 157 I was incessantly engaged in conducting my two large establishments in London and Manchester, where I had col- lectively upwards of 2,000 hands employed. With such a business I could not have done much for ' The Workshop ' if that publication had gone on. I could not, however, suppress the desire I always had of giving to the world such information as I had collected in the varied forms and pursuits of my profession. I confess that nature had endowed me with a strong desire to distinguish myself as a man of science. I was pleased to see myself in print, and the only fear I entertained was the im- perfections of style, and the great difficulty I had to encounter in expressing my ideas in a clear and perspicuous manner. This was a difficulty I laboured hard to overcome, and I have up to the present moment no clear perception whether I am right or wrong in any composition in which I have been engaged. The imperfection which I have just admitted, and which, like Meg Merrilies to Dirk Hatterick, has always been a ' rock a-head,' has not, however, deterred me from attempting, every now and then, to launch my uncouth barque amongst a host of critics on the sea of literature ; for almost every year from 1834 to the present time I have had some communications, or scientific enquiry, ready for the press. Although Mr. Fairbairn's chief practice lay in the mechanical branch of the profession, he did not confine his attention exclusively to that subject ; for we find him, at this period, undertaking several engineering matters of a more general nature. In 1832 he was desired to examine the drainage of a fen district called Soham Mere, near Ely, in Cambridge- shire. He found the existing arrangements imperfect, and he reported, on March 23 in that year, explaining the facts, and making recommendations for the improve- ment of the drainage operations. In 1835 he was engaged by the millowners on the Kiver Bann, in County Down, Ireland, to examine the 158 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP. x. locality, and to report on the best means of improving the water-power. Numerous linen factories had been established on the river, but they were much hampered by the irregularity of the stream. In dry seasons there was not water enough to work the wheels, while during rains the floods were so great as to drown the machinery, and often do much mischief. Mr. Fairbairn undertook the commission, associating with him in the work a young engineer, Mr. John Frederic Bateman, who had commenced business in Manchester shortly before, and with whom he had formed a friendship. Mr. Bateman afterwards married his daughter, and attained to high eminence in the profession. They examined the district together, and in January 1836 Mr. Fairbairn made a report, which, from its im- portance to the industrial interests of the district, he was requested to get printed for general circulation. The title was : 'Reservoirs on the River Bann, in the County of Down, Ireland, for more effectually supplying the Mills with Water.' Manchester, printed by Robert Robinson, St. Anne's Place. 1836. It was prefaced by an address ' To the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the County of Down, and particularly those interested in the improvements of the Eiver Bann dis- tricts, and connected with the proposed Eeservoirs for supplying the Mills with Water,' in which the author urged the benefits that would arise from the improvement of the industrial resources of the country. In the report itself he showed that the measures for the cure of the evils complained of should consist of the formation, on the course of the stream, of large reservoirs, which would catch and impound the excess of water in time of floods, allowing it to be distributed down the stream in RIVER BANN RESERVOIRS. 159 dry seasons, in aid of the natural scanty flow at those times. He pointed out three sites where such reservoirs could be made, and gave an estimate of the probable cost of their construction. He further examined, economi- cally, the alternative plan of providing steam-power, and showed that the reservoirs would, in the end, be cheaper by the large sum of 7,000/. a year. The report went fully into the scientific calculations of rainfall, evaporation, water-power, &c., bearing on the question, and was illustrated by a large map showing the works proposed, and signed jointly by Mr. Fairbairn and Mr. Bateman. The recommendations of the report were adopted by the mill proprietors; funds were raised, and the works were afterwards successfully carried out, the detailed designs and construction being entrusted, at Mr. Fair- bairn's wish, entirely to Mr. Bateman. 1 About the same time Mr. Fairbairn made an en- quiry of a very similar character in regard to the Eiver Don, in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. He reported to the mill proprietors in November 1835, also recommending the construction of reservoirs on the stream. But this proposal does not appear to have borne any fruit. In 1835 Mr. Fairbairn took part in an investigation of great scientific and mechanical importance, and with which his name has ever since been honourably associated ; namely, the determination on a large scale, and with great accuracy, of the strength and other mechanical pro- perties of cast-iron. The previous knowledge on the sub- ject was limited, and great uncertainty existed as to the effect which had been produced by the introduction, a 1 Full descriptions of the works, communicated by Mr. Bateman to the Institution of Civil Engineers, will be found in their Proceedings for 1841, page 168 ; and for 1848, page 261. 160 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. x. few years before, of the new process of manufacture by the hot blast. Some iron-masters, in one part of the country, had come to the conclusion that the new process greatly deteriorated the quality of the iron produced; while others from other neighbourhoods maintained, on the contrary, that no deterioration resulted from the pro- cess, which was admitted by all to diminish the cost of production. These widely differing opinions, both expressed by persons largely connected with the manufacture of cast- iron, were brought to the notice of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, at their meeting at Dublin, in September 1835, and the Committee resolved to submit the whole question to the joint investigation of Mr. Eaton Hodgkinson and Mr. Fairbairn. Mr. Hodgkinson had previously been engaged in making ex- periments at Mr. Fairbairn's works, and he afterwards acquired great eminence for his scientific investigations on the strength of materials. The resolution was as follows : That Messrs. Hodgkinson and Fairbairn be requested to undertake a series of experiments on the difference of strength and other mechanical properties of iron obtained by the hot and cold blast, under similar circumstances as to the nature of the coal employed, and from the same manufactory ; and that a sum not exceeding 30L be placed at their disposal for that purpose. The preparations for the enquiry, the collection of samples, &c., occupied more time than had been antici- pated; and at the Bristol meeting, in 1836, the matter was re-considered, and an additional sum of 60/. was granted for expenses. It appears that during the course of the investigation Mr. Fairbairn had the opportunity of making many trials of the properties of cast-iron generally, independently of IRON ENQUIRY. 161 the special instructions from the Association; and, not wishing that the results thus obtained should be lost, he gave an account of them in a preliminary paper which he read, on March 7, 1837, before the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, and which was after- wards published (1842) in vol. vii. of their Transactions. It is entitled ' An experimental Enquiry into the Strength and other Pro-. perties of Cast-iron, from various parts of the United Kingdom.' By Mr. William Fairbairn. It contains accounts of experiments on thirty-nine samples of cast-iron, twenty-two being of English, four- teen of Welsh, and three of Scotch manufacture. They were tried for what is called transverse strength. A bar, one inch square, was cast from each kind of iron, and placed horizontally on supports 4ft. Gin. apart. A weight was then hung on the middle point of the bar, and was gradually increased till the bar broke, the deflec- tion and elasticity of the bar being carefully noted at the different stages of loading. The results were all carefully tabulated, and useful remarks were added on the practical qualities of the various kinds of iron. At the Liverpool meeting of the British Association in September 1837, reports were submitted having more formal reference to the enquiry ordered by that body. It appears that when the two investigators began to work, they found that it would be more convenient to divide their labours. It was proposed to test the strength of the various kinds of iron in three ways, namely 1. By ten sion, or tearing the metals asunder in the direction of their length. 2. By compression, or crushing. And 3. By transverse strain. Mr. Hodgkinson undertook the two former of these, and Mr. Fairbairn the third, and each experimenter reported to the Association separately on 162 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. x. his branch of the subject, the two reports being printed in the Beport of the Association for that year, vol. vi. Mr. Fairbairn's report is entitled : ' On the Strength and other Properties of Cast-iron obtained from the Hot and Cold Blast.' By W. Fairbairn, Esq. It gives elaborate accounts of numerous experiments, conducted generally in the same way as described in his earlier paper, but directed more especially to the comparison of the two kinds of iron, the result being that on the average of the whole but little difference existed between them. In addition, however, to the main question submitted for investigation, Mr. Fairbairn voluntarily undertook two collateral branches of enquiry ; first as to whether, when the loading was long continued, any appreciable weaken- ing of the metal took place ; and, secondly, to what extent the strength of the iron was affected by variations of tem- perature. On the first point he summed up his results with the following pithy sentence : It is now upwards of fifteen months since the bars were charged, and if we are to judge from the hardihood displayed in their resistance to the load, there is every probability of the experiments outliving the experimenter. The results of the temperature experiments were too complicated to admit of brief summary. The Association, at this meeting, resolved that the experiments should be further prosecuted, and should be extended to wrought-iron, granting another 100/. for expenses; and the names of Professor Willis and two other gentlemen were added to the committee ; but we do not find that Mr. Fairbairn published, or attached his name to, any further report on the subject to the Asso- ciation, THE RIVETING MACHINE. 163 About this time Mr. Fairbairn introduced an invention which has been of the greatest utility in engineering manufacture namely, the riveting machine. He gives the following account of its origin : I have before alluded to a circumstance which occurred at this time, namely, the stoppage of a part of the works at Man- chester by a strike of the boiler-makers. For some time pre- viously we had been busily engaged in the construction of boilers, and nothing could have been more injurious than the stoppage of the works at such a time. I remonstrated with the men, but without effect ; and perceiving no chance of coming to terms in any reasonable time, I determined to do without them, and effect by machinery what we had heretofore been in the habit of executing by manual labour. In arranging this Mr. Fairbairn took into his counsels his assistant-engineer, Mr. Eobert Smith. Two plans were proposed, one to act on the rivet by a lever (on the principle of the ordinary punching machine), the other to compress it by a screw. Mr. Smith was in favour of the latter plan, and wished to make drawings of a new machine on that principle ; but Mr. Fairbairn says : I replied that the screw would be too slow ; and before any further steps were taken, I insisted on making a trial with the punching-machines which were in daily use. This was done on the following day, and Mr. Smith pro- duced as fine a specimen of riveted work as I have seen either before or since. This was the origin and history of the riveting machine, which so much improves the quality and reduces the price of labour in this important branch of mechanical construc- tion. Previous to the experiment made with the punching machine, which was accomplished by the simple introduction of two steel dies corresponding with the ends of the rivet, it was argued that compressed rivets would never be tight, that they would become loose and spoil the work ; and many other objections were brought against the project by persons interested in the maintenance of the old process. To these, and also to the threats that were 11 2 164 LIFE OF SIB WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. x. held out by the workmen, I turned a deaf ear ; and after the first trial I was fully convinced that the principle was sound, and that we had nothing to fear from one or the other. Having convinced myself of the practicability of this new invention, a patent was taken out for it ; and as Mr. Smith was the person first to accomplish the task, it was taken out in his name, but at my expense, and he was given an interest in it. The patent, in the name of Eobert Smith, is dated February 16, 1837 (No. 7,302), and entitled 'Certain Im- provements in the means of connecting Metallic Plates for the Construction of Boilers and other purposes.' It gives a full description and drawings of the riveting ma- chine, and it claims ' the manner of connecting metallic plates for the construction of boilers and other purposes, by riveting them together by compression obtained by the aid of machinery.' Mr. Fairbairn continues his account : The new machine effected a complete revolution in boiler- making and riveting, and has substituted the rapid and noise- less work of compression for the eternal din of the hammer ; besides making the work infinitely superior in quality and strength. The introduction of .the riveting machine gave great facili- ties for the despatch of business. It fixed, with two men and a boy, as many rivets in one hour as could be done with three men and a boy in a day of twelve hours on the old plan ; and such was the expedition and superior quality of the work, that in less than twelve months the machine-made boilers were pre- ferred to those made by hand, in every part of the country where they were known. This success was not attained without oppo- sition ; and, as happens in all similar cases, I had not only to contend against modifications and improvements, but I had to combat prejudice and opposition from quarters where it was least expected. The patent, however, expired some years since, and the machine is now in general use ; and I have reason to be satisfied that it has not only answered the purpose intended, but has been of use to the public in the development of a new and important principle in the constructive arts. CHAPTER XI. JOURNEY TO CONSTANTINOPLE AND WORK FOR THE TURKISH GOVERNMENT AGE 50-54 18391843 COMMISSION SENT BY THE SULTAN TO ENGLAND THEIR REPOET APPLICATION TO MR. PAIRBAIRN HE VISITS CONSTANTINOPLE DEATH OF THE SULTAN OHANES DADIAN EXPLORATION OF THJB COUNTRY ANIMATED BOULDER STONES SURVEY OP THE GOVERNMENT MANU- FACTURING WORKS THEIR IMPERFECTIONS ASTROLOGICAL CONSIDE- RATIONS ABOUT CASTING A GUN THE SERASKIER's DINNER PARTY KNGLISH RAILWAYS TRADES IN THE OPEN AIR MR. FAIRBAIRN's ATTEMPT TO IMITATE THE TURKISH WORKMEN, AND IGNOMINIOUS FAILURE LARGE ORDERS SECOND MISSION TO ENGLAND INVESTI- GATION REGARDING IRON ORES PAPER FOR THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS TELFORD MEDAL ACCOUNT OF A LARGE WOOLLEN FACTORY COMPLIMENTARY LETTER, AND DECORATION FROM THE 8ULTAN. 167 CHAPTEE XL IN the year 1838, Mahmoud, Sultan of Turkey, sent some intelligent and trustworthy officers to England for the purpose of making enquiries with a view to certain tech- nical reforms which he desired to carry out. He wished to place several of the government works and manufac- tories, especially the arsenal and the dockyard, on a better footing, and to introduce such mechanical improvements into them as would enable them to meet the require- ments of the service with greater promptitude and despatch. The commissioners reported the high state of perfection in which they found the mechanical and useful arts in England, and the benefits which would be likely to follow if some of those arts were introduced into Turkey. It appears that the commissioners visited Mr. Fair- bairn's works, both in Manchester and in London, and he may tell the result in his own words : A few months after the commission had given in their report, I received through the Ottoman ambassador then in London the commands of the Sultan that I should repair to Constantinople for the purpose of surveying and reporting upon the different establishments then in operation. With the numerous engagements I had in hand in London and Manchester, and the mercantile difficulties which were pressing upon me, I found it next to impossible to absent myself for so long a time as the work would require ; and I was about to give up the journey at once, when I was again 168 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIEBAIRX. CHAP. XT. summoned to London with fresh offers from the ambassador, and a renewed request that I would comply with the wish of the Sultan. This new application, and an understanding which I came to with Mr. Smith at Manchester, and Mr. Murray in London, that they would, to the best of their ability, manage the business at both places, induced me to undertake the jour- ney; and I set out [in 1839] with the necessary credentials, taking with me my eldest son, for Marseilles, where we em- barked in a French steamer for Constantinople. On our arrival at the Turkish capital, we found an Armenian officer, Ohanes Dadian, and a dragoman, waiting our arrival, with an intimation that the Sultan would give us an audience at the palace on the following Wednesday. Unfortunately, that audience never took place, as his majesty died the very morning of the appointment. In consequence, my inspections and sur- veys of the public works were suspended for some days, and during that time I had an opportunity of delivering my intro- ductory letters to the British ambassador, Lord Ponsonby, at his residence up the Bosphorus at Therapia. His lordship received me with great courtesy, and invited my son and myself to remain with him till after the funeral. During the interval I made several excursions into the country which surrounds the Ottoman capital; and as there were no roads excepting tracks for camels and horses, we had to perform our journey on horseback. WTiat struck me very forcibly in these excursions was the immense area of good land lying waste in almost every direction in which we travelled. Some spots were under cultivation, and I noticed that the land was excel- lent. I remarked, however, that it was covered with what I at first thought were boulders, all of the same dimensions, but which, on inspection, I found to be tortoises engaged in devour- ing grubs and worms which infest the soil. On our return to Stamboul the Turkish quarter of Constan- tinopleI received orders from the Grand Vizier to proceed with my surveys and reports. In the performance of these duties, I found the Imperial dockyards, small-arms manufac- tory, cannon foundries, powder mills, and roperies, in a very primitive state. Some additions and new machinery had been introduced a year or two before my arrival, but they were far TURKISH GOVERNMENT ESTABLISHMENTS. 169 from perfect, and the native workmen appeared to me to be at a loss how to work and manage machinery of such a complicated character. The object of my visit was, however, to report on the different works as I found them, and to advise the authorities what was necessary to be done, in order to place them in a more perfect and efficient state. In the course of five or six weeks I had inspected and reported on all the government works, and recommended what I con- sidered essential to their efficiency and improvement. Much was required in this way in the dockyards and roperies. In the former I found that a powerful steam-engine and a new set of pumps were required to empty the docks when repairs were wanted, instead of having to wait three or four days for the slow action of mules and horses, the only motive power then in use for driving the imperfect machinery. In the roperies the spinning, stranding, and laying of cables were entirely done by hand. Since that time good and improved machinery have been introduced in both establishments, greatly to the benefit of the government. At the powder-mills, under the superintendence of Boghos Dadian, I found things in a more forward state, with new machinery for grinding charcoal, saltpetre, &c., imported from England. The sheds for the grinding and dangerous processes were placed at distances of about 100 yards from each other, and the machinery was driven by compressed air conveyed through pipes to the different sites. This was an expensive plan, and I recommended the same system that has since been introduced into the powder-works of our own government at Waltham Abbey. In the small-arms manufactory I found much new machinery from Messrs. Eennie, and Maudslay and Field, which had been introduced only some fifteen or eighteen months before. But with all this new plant, little or nothing was doing in the shape of manufacture, through the apathy of the Turks and their aversion to new things. My attention was next directed to the cannon foundries ; and here I found the works in the same state as when they were erected two centuries ago. They consisted of large circular buildings of great strength ; brick domes lighted from the top, 170 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP. si. and massive wood cranes and sheaves, and ropes almost as thick as small cables. These cranes were for raising and lowering the moulds in the casting-pit, and I was informed that it re- quired many weeks to prepare the moulds ready for casting. As an example of the dilatory manner in which the works were conducted, a day was appointed when a large gun, which had been in the mould for a considerable number of weeks, had to be cast, and I was advised by the Seraskier to be present at the casting, and to see the superintendent, in order that there might be no mistake. In our visit to this dignitary, along with the dragoman, we found him seated on an ottoman with his attendants, in the full enjoyment of his coffee and pipe. Having intimated our desire to be present at the casting as directed by the Seraskier Hallil Pasha on the Monday, he took out a Turkish almanack, and unfolded it from a small bobbin, which he carefully consulted. After pondering for some time, he at last said that it could not be done, as the appointed day was unlucky, and the casting could not take place. Although all was then ready, it had to wait till some more fortunate day in the following week, before which I had sailed for Malta. During my short residence in Constantinople, I had oppor- tunities of witnessing more of the Turkish habits and customs than most other visitors. Being engaged on the part of the government, I had access to the different government depart- ments, and the officials by whom they were conducted. Among the most active was the Seraskier Hallil Pasha, who was at the head of the war 'department. With this functionary I had the honour of dining; and every person at the table, which was very low, had two servants in attendance ; one with a glass goblet of clear water, and the other with a napkin. These were in requisition after every course; and the repast, after a tureen or goblet of sherbet, wound up with pipes and coffee. There was a party of twelve at dinner, composed of officers and effendis, connected with the war and ordnance departments. There were also present my Armenian friend, Ohanes Dadian, and the dragoman, whose presence was necessary in order to interpret the conversation which ensued at dinner and during the time pipes and coffee were introduced. This conversation TURKISH MARKETS. 171 was chiefly made up of queries as to the improved state of prac- tical science in England, and the introduction of railways, which appeared to them inexplicable, if not entirely beyond their comprehension. They could not realise the idea of travel- ling- at the rate of forty miles an hour, and doubted the correct- ness of the descriptions that had reached them. I could not object to this reserve, as railways had not extended beyond England and Belgium, and the results came so unexpectedly upon the public as to astonish those who had never seen a rail- way train. My frequent intercourse with the ministers and officers of the different departments gave me opportunities of studying the habits and customs of the Turks in their daily intercourse, and the way in which they conducted their business. Constanti- nople proper, or Stamboul, is, like all other Oriental cities, divided into sections, where the different trades are carried on. The wares are exhibited in shops under brick arches lighted from the top, and well protected from the summer's sun and the winter's rain and snow. These covered markets are laid out in departmental order. In one quarter will be found gold and silversmiths ; in another, linen and woollen drapers ; in a third, bookbinders, stationers, and workers in toys and other light ornamental articles. But what struck me as the greatest novelty was the way in which the work of manufacture was done. For example, in the trade of joiners, cabinet makers, turners, &c., a great part of the work appears to be done on benches in front of the shops, on which the operator or workman sits, with his tools and work before him. In turning whether for furniture or tobacco pipes, which appears to be the most extensive trade in the capital the lathe consists of two head-stocks, between which the article to be turned is placed, and by a line of catgut attached to a wood spring above and a treddle below, a reci- procating motion is produced, which being acted upon by the foot of a powerful operator, the shavings fly in all directions at every alternate stroke. It was surprising to me to witness the process, and in most cases I noticed the work was done sitting, and the tool was held and guided by the large toe and the hand. In fact, I was so much interested with this mode of working 172 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM 'FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xi. that I got permission from one of the workmen to try my own hand at it ; but in taking off my stocking, I gathered such a crowd about me from the contiguous benches, as caused me to desist after a fruitless attempt to imitate the operation. The visit to Constantinople was an important event for me, as it eventually led to large orders which I executed for the government after my return. Immense quantities of iron ore deposits were found at Samakoff, on the shores of the Black Sea, and furnaces, forges, and rolling-mills were sent out for the purpose of smelting, forging, and rolling it into bar and plate iron : but I never could learn with what success. I apprehend the enterprise was ultimately abandoned for want of fuel, as they chiefly depended on some beds of lignite for the reduction of the ore. I also sent out a large woollen mill and machinery for the manufacture of clothing for the army, and driven by a large and powerful water-wheel on the principle of suspension. There were also silk and cotton model mills, a corn mill, an iron house for the Seraskier Hallil Pasha, and a large workshop and tools. In 1843 the Turkish Government sent a second mission to England, in furtherance of the designs of the Sultan for introducing useful arts and manufactures. The Turk- ish officer already mentioned Mr. Ohanes Dadian was the head of this mission, and he was aided in his object by his Excellency Ali Effendi, the Ambassador to the Court of England, and the Consul- General, Mr. Edward Zohrab. Mr. Dadian spent some months in England, during which time he was in frequent communication with Mr. Fairbairn on the subject of the Turkish works ; and Mr. Fairbairn seems to have formed a high opinion of his ability and character. Among other objects of his mission was one already alluded to in Mr. Fairbairn's notes, namely, to investigate the best means of utilising certain iron ores which existed in the Turkish dominions in large quantities, and of a very pure quality. Many scientific and- practical men expert in the iron TURKISH IRON ORES. 173 manufacture were consulted on the subject Mr. Fair- bairn among the number and many experiments and trials were made at Mr. Dadian's suggestion. Mr. Fair- bairn was led to combine with this enquiry others upon certain English ores of similar kinds, and the results are given in a paper that was laid before the Institution of Civil Engineers on April 30, 1844, and is printed in the volume of their Minutes for that year. It is entitled ' Experimental Researches into the properties of the Iron Ores of Samakoff in Turkey, and of the Haematite Ores of Cumber- land, with a view to determine the best means for reducing them into the cast and malleable states. And on the relative Strength and other Properties of Cast-iron from the Turkish and other Haematite Ores.' By William Fairbairn, Mem. Inst. C.E. In this paper the author, after stating that the art of reducing the richer class of iron ores had not kept pace with the advancement made in regard to the commoner and poorer varieties, gives an account of the experiments and enquiries undertaken by himself in conjunction with Mr. Clay, a metallurgical chemist, and others, upon the class of iron in question, and describes the processes which it was considered most advisable to follow in the manufacture. He also adds a classified table of the com- parative strengths and other qualities of fifty-two different kinds of iron, including those mentioned in the paper. This communication was rewarded by the Institution with a silver Telford medal. Mr. Fairbairn gave some further account of his Turkish work at a meeting of the Institution of Civil Engineers, March 21, 1843. 1 The following are extracts from the published Proceedings : Almost all the houses and many of the public buildings in Turkey, being constructed of timber, destructive fires were 1 Min. Proc. Inst. C.E. 1843, page 125. 174 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xr. frequent. In many parts of the country the common building materials were expensive, iron had therefore been resorted to for construction, and Mr. Fairbairn had already sent over an iron house for a corn mill, fifty feet long, twenty-five feet wide, of three storeys in height, and with an iron roof. It was finished in 1840, and erected at Constantinople in the following year. The success of this attempt led to a second order, which was for an extensive woollen factory, to be composed entirely of cast- iron plates, the interior being framed throughout of brick arches, upon cast-iron columns and bearers, with an iron roof. The machinery was to be driven by a fall of water twenty-five feet in height, of the computed average power of 1 80 horses. Several ingenious devices were introduced for preventing any objectionable effects from the high conducting power of the metal. The piers between the windows were hollow, so as to admit a current of air through during the hot season, and the iron roofs were so arranged as to have beneath them a coating of plaster, to serve as a non-conducting substance. The two principal rooms were, one 272 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 20 feet high ; and the other 280 feet long, 20 feet wide, and 20 feet high ; with a great number of other rooms for the several processes in the manufacture of coarse woollen cloths, for the counting-houses, apartments, &c. &c. The area of the enclosed surface, including the courtyard and buildings, was nearly three acres ; the floor" surface in the whole of the rooms was 71,100 square feet. This building was erected near the town of Izmet in Turkey. The following interesting letter, written a few years later by the Turkish officer who had been instrumental in employing Mr. Fairbairn, will show the estimation in which he was held by the Turkish authorities. It is given just as written by the author, in English : Malta, March 14, 1847. William Fairbairn, Esq. Dear Sir, I have had the pleasure of writing you some time ago that I should have the honour of seeing you in England DECORATION BY THE SULTAN. 175 soon, and have an honourable conversation with you, which I intend to do in a few months, if God pleases, after having travelled over Italy, France, and some other countries in Europe. Before I see you, allow me to inform you, and at the same time explain to you what I meant by an honourable conversa- tion, that His Imperial Highness, Sultan Abdul-Megid has been good enough to give you a decoration set in diamonds along with a Ferman, in which he is kind enough to write you to be the chief fabricator of the machineries required to be cast and fitted up in England for the use of His Imperial Majesty's Factories, and that it is given to you as a reward for your old services to him in making a great number of machineries for the Government ; so the Ferman is the document belonging to the grand decoration, indicating the right of you deserving such a mark of honour to be presented to you by His Majesty, which I shall take with me to London, and then write you the day you are to come there and meet at the Turkish Ambassy, so as the Turkish Ambassador may present you the decoration with the valuable document, from the part of His Imperial Highness the Sultan, in my presence, and explain you the good and kind heart of His Imperial Majesty, which is sure to induce him to reward all the faithful persons who serve so well to His Government as you, my dear friend. I hope you will not forget me to be your intimate friend, and you will think me always as one who has the interest of your welfare at heart, consequently I expect, hope, and I am also sure, that as you have had the same good feeling towards me, so you will also have it hereafter, and pay the greatest attention to my interest and honour, by executing carefully the small number of orders I shall have soon to give you, respecting some more machineries and other articles. Please to remember me to Mrs. Fairbairn, and tell her that I hope I shall see her in perfect good health, when I come to England, and I shall also see your children and embrace them, as I long to have the pleasure of seeing them all. I write with pleasure to inform you also that, though we have had a dispute with Mr. some time past, consequently he was out of our service, yet as I was coming away from home 176 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xi. to Europe, I did not wish to leave him in sorrow behind me, out of employment in a foreign country, therefore I have sent for him, and forgiving him his trespasses, as the Christianity de- mands from us to do so to one another, got him into the new Iron Works at Zetia Bourni, where is going to be a school built by the Government for the instruction of the young men of our country in different branches of mathematics and chymistry, &c. so Mr. will be the professor of the mathematics in this new school at the Iron Works. I remain your most faithful friend, OHANES DADIAN. CHAPTER XII. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS AGE 51-60 1840-1849 CONCLUSION OF THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY DATA FOR SUBSEQUENT CHAPTERS PROFESSIONAL MATTERS HAARLEM LAKE THE MANCHES- TER GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY FURTHER EXPERIMENTS ON CAST-IRON LETTERS FROM A FELLOW-LABOURERACCIDENTS IN FACTORIES PA- TENT FOR IMPROVEMENTS IN JOINING METAL PLATES THE SMOKE NUISANCE THE USE OF IRON FOR LARGE BUILDINGS FIRES IN LIVERPOOL FIRE-PROOF CONSTRUCTIONS FALL OF A MILL AT OLDHAM BRIDGE AT BASLE IRON STRUCTURE COMMISSION OF 1847 MR. FAIR- BAIRN'S EVIDENCE WATER- WHEELS WITH VENTILATED BUCKETS PERSONAL MATTERS PUPILS DR. BIRKBECK MISS FAIRBAIRN's MAR- RIAGE DEATH OF MR. FAIRBA1RNS FATHER HAYDON, THE ARTIST PROPOSED WRESTLING MATCH WITH GEORGE STEPHI-NSON. 179 CHAPTER XII. THE autobiography, which has formed the substance of the nine preceding chapters, extends no further, in any connected shape, than about 1840, when Mr. Fairbairn had completed his fiftieth year. Some notes remain, re- ferring to matters of a later date ; but they are frag- mentary and incomplete, and can only be made use of as subsidiary explanations. But although, in regard to that portion of his life and work which remains to be chronicled, we lose the benefit of his own interesting and vivid narration, we are fortunately not left altogether without guidance. Mr. Fairbairn was very fond of writing; nothing gave him greater pleasure than to put his ideas on paper ; and hence, in regard to the later occupations of his life, there exists a mass of information from his hand, either published or in manuscript, which has served not only to facilitate the task of the biographer, but to render the accounts given authoritative and trustworthy. In the present chapter it is proposed, in the first place, to give a brief notice of several miscellaneous matters, scientific and professional, which occupied Mr. Fairbairn's attention between his fiftieth and sixtieth years ; and, secondly, to chronicle some few private and domestic events of interest that happened during the same period. 180 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FATRBAIRX. CHAP. xu. In 1840 Mr. Fairbairn was consulted regarding the best means to be adopted for draining the lake of Haar- lem ; and he appears to have devised an ingenious me- chanical arrangement to facilitate the process ; but no record of any report on the subject can be found. In the same year he became one of the managing council of a society formed in Manchester under the presidency of the Eight Hon. Lord Francis Egerton, called the Manchester Geological Society, and althougn not properly speaking a geologist, he contributed a paper to their meetings which was read on October 29, 1840, and was published the following year in vol. i. of their Transactions. The paper was entitled ' On the Economy of raising Water from Coal Mines on the Cornish Principle.' It gave an account of the improvements made in the steam- engines for draining the mines of Cornwall, and the great economy of fuel resulting therefrom ; and it advo- cated the introduction of similar improvements in the colliery districts. It was illustrated by drawings of the engine, and by copies of diagrams of the steam -pressure indicator. Mr. Fairbairn continued to prosecute his experiments on the strength of cast-iron ; and in November, 1840, he read, before the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, a second paper, entitled ' An experimental Enquiry into the Strength and other Pro- perties of Anthracite Cast-iron, being a continuation of a series of experiments on British irons from various parts of the United Kingdom.' This paper was published in the same volume as the former one, and it gave an account of the extension of IRON EXPERIMENTS. 181 the trials to a ne\v kind of iron that had been introduced into the market, named anthracite iron from its being prepared with anthracite coal. The following letter from Mr. Fairbairn's fellow- worker in these important iron experiments will be interesting as showing the zealous and earnest part Mr. Fairbairn took in the investigations. The parts omitted refer to private matters. Manchester, December 11, 1840. My dear Sir, Very many thanks for your kind letter of this morning. . . . The sentiments your liberality has inspired are deeply engraven upon my heart. It is perhaps not less than a dozen years since I first availed myself of your (and your then partner's) kind offer to afford me the means of making experiments at your works. In that in- terval more experiments, of a really useful character, have been made there, either by yourself or me, than have been made at any one place in Europe in the time ; and when one considers that the expense has been wholly borne by yourself . . . your public spirit deserves the highest praise. This praise has been expressed to me a hundred times, and every man of science seems willing to join in it. I had not expected that we should have parted so soon. \Ve have both run for some years an interesting race for reputation in practical science, mutually indebted to each other; and though your name is now not bounded by Europe, it might have been (perhaps) no worse for either of us if it had been our lot jointly to investigate the steam-engine. I should have gone to-day, but as the extra copies of the paper on Pillars arrived at the same time with your letters of introduction, I thought they might be an auxiliary if taken with me, and I would stay till Monday and dispose of some of them. I have sent five for your use besides those which are addressed, and if you would like more I will send you any number. Kemember me with every sentiment of respect to Mr* 182 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xn. Fairbairn and your amiable daughter. Thank them for the kindness they have long shown to me, and believe me, Ever yours, Wm. Fairbairn, Esq. EATON HODGKINSON. - Another letter, written by the same gentleman a little later, is in the same strain : March 19, 1842. My dear Sir, I have received the medals safe, which through your liberality in the encouragement of enquiries into practical science, I have had the honour to obtain. It will afford me very great pleasure to visit your hospitable lady and yourself on Monday at six. Mrs. H. is, thank (rod, somewhat better to-day, and if ever I saw a gleam of pleasure marked strongly upon her countenance, it was when she saw the medals which you have enabled me to obtain. With every feeling of affection and gratitude, believe me, my dear Sir (both on her part and my own) most truly yours, Wm. Fairbairn, Esq. EATON HODGKINSON. In 1841 Mr. Fairbairn was applied to, at the sugges- tion of the government, to give advice as to the best means of preventing accidents to workpeople in factories by their getting entangled in the machinery. It was con- sidered advisable that mill-owners should be compelled to box or fence off all dangerous moving parts ; but that the opinion of skilled persons should be taken as to how far this could be done without interfering with the convenience of working. Mr. Fairbairn gave the required informa- tion at some length in a report to Mr. Heathcote, the local factory inspector, dated April 8, 1841, and he encouraged the enforcement of the protection, if kept within reason- able bounds. In 1842 he took out a patent (July 7, No. 9,409) for * certain improvements in the construction of metal PREVENTION OF SMOKE. 183 ships, boats, and other vessels, and in the preparation of metal plates to be used therein.' The object of this invention was to avoid the weaken- ing of wrought-iron plates due to the ordinary process of riveting. To prepare for this process it is necessary to punch holes in the edges of the plates to be riveted, by which of course the metal is considerably cut away, and much loss of strength ensues. To remedy this, Mr. Fair- bairn proposed to roll the plates somewhat thicker on the edges, so that the holes being made in the thickened parts, the extra strength would compensate for the area re- moved by the holes. This invention was partially carried into practice. An iron steamboat of some magnitude was built for the Admiralty on the system, and it was also used to some extent for locomotive boilers. But it has been found that the extra trouble and expense of getting plates specially rolled with the thickened edges are objected to, and hence the plan has not come into general application. In 1842 and the following year Mr. Fairbairn under- took some elaborate investigations on a subject that had often excited the attention of practical engineers, but on which very crude and indistinct notions appear to have generally prevailed, namely, the prevention of smoke from steam-engine boilers. At the meeting of the British Association at York, in September 1844, he presented a report ' On the Consumption of Fuel and the Prevention of Smoke,' which was published in the volume of Trans- actions for that year. It begins by stating There is perhaps no subject so difficult, and none so full of perplexities, as that of the management of a furnace and the prevention of smoke. I have approached this enquiry with considerable diffidence, and, after repeated attempts at definite 184 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xir. conclusions, have more than once been forced to abandon the investigation as inconclusive and unsatisfactory. After alluding to the nature of the difficulties, the author adds : I shall endeavour to show, from a series of accurately- con- ducted experiments, that- the prevention of smoke, and the perfect combustion of fuel, are synonymous, and completely within the reach of all those who choose to adopt measures calculated 'for the suppression of the one and the improvement of the other. He divides his essay under four heads of enquiry : The analysis or constituents of coal and other fuels. The relative proportions of the furnace and forms of boilers. The temperature of the furnace and surrounding flues. The economy of fuel, concentration of heat, and prevention of smoke. All which are fully treated in the paper. In the same year (1844) Mr. Fairbairn was called on, in the course of his professional business, to investigate a subject which occupied him for a long time afterwards, namely, the use of iron in the construction of large buildings. The first occasion for this study was an application from Liverpool, where, for some years, an enormous loss of property had been sustained by fires in large ware- houses. From 1795 to the end of 1842 this loss had amounted to two millions and a quarter sterling ; and the damage by one fire alone, in September 1841, was esti- mated at 380,000/. In fact, Liverpool had acquired an unenviable notoriety for the frequency and extent of the fires ; the character of the town had become stamped as insecure for the storage of merchandise, and the rates of insurance had been raised to such a pitch as to prove a FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES. 185 most serious charge and embarrassment to the commerce of the port. This led to an urgent demand for ameliorations in the construction of the warehouses, particularly by the free use of iron in place of timber. But as such an application of this material was to a certain extent novel, it was felt to be desirable that the opinion and advice of a thoroughly competent engineer should be obtained ; and at the end of March 1844 Messrs. S. and J. Holme, large builders and contractors of Liverpool, applied to Mr. Fairbairn to visit that town, and make a report on the matter, as they were about to erect a new warehouse of great magnitude, covering nearly an acre of ground. ' The subject,' said Messrs. Holme, c is most important to the commerce of the town, as well as to many persons individually, and as we shall not like to take any steps in regard to the large pile, we shall esteem it a favour if you will name the earliest day in your power to visit Liverpool.' Mr. Fairbairn paid the visit asked for, and made his report on June 3. He pointed out that fire-proof modes of construction had for some time been introduced for mills and factories, described their peculiarities, particu- larly in regard to the strength of the iron columns, girders, &c., and recommended the application of the same prin- ciples to the case of warehouses, concluding with the fol- lowing remark : In my own mind there is not the shadow of a doubt as to the security of such a structure, and I do not hesitate to assert that a well-built and properly-arranged fire-proof warehouse can not only be constructed, but may be made to entail upon the commercial and manufacturing communities of this country an important and lasting benefit. This Report was thought so valuable to the Liverpool interests, that it was published, with introductory re- marks by Messrs. Holme, for general circulation, and was 186 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xn. reprinted in the ' Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal,' vol. xxxviii., 1845. A few months later Mr. Fairbairn's attention was again directed to the construction of large buildings by a dreadful accident that occurred at Oldham. On October 31 a large cotton-mill in that town fell in with a tre- mendous crash, burying a number of work-people beneath the ruins, and destroying property to a very large amount. At the coroner's inquest the jury expressed a wish that the circumstances should be enquired into by Mr. Fairbairn, in association with a Mr. D. Bellhouse. This was done, and a joint Eeport, dated November 6, was presented at the adjourned inquest by the two gentlemen, who also gave viva voce explanations. They ascribed the accident to the weakness of some of the iron beams, which it appeared had been constructed without due regard to the mechanical principles determining their strength. The jury, in returning a verdict of accidental death, added ' their unanimous opinion that the causes of the accident were fully pointed out in the able report of Mr. Fairbairn and Mr. Bellhouse.' 1 At this time a Commission or Committee was sitting on Fire-proof Buildings, the Commissioners being Sir Henry de la Beche, the eminent geologist, and Mr. Thos. Cubitt, the well-known builder, of Pimlico. These gentle- men, hearing of Mr. Fairbairn's investigation of the Oldham accident, requested him to give evidence before them, which he did ; but no report or publication of the proceedings of the body can be found. A year or two afterwards he followed up the subject by a paper ' On some Defects in the Principle and Con- struction of Fire-proof Buildings,' read before the Insti- tution of Civil Engineers, April 20, 1847, and published in vol. vi. of their Minutes of Proceedings. It was 1 Manchester Guardian, November 9, 1844. IRON STRUCTURE COMMISSION. 187 founded on an examination of another cotton-mill in Manchester that had fallen shortly before ; and the paper pointed out that in this case, as at Oldham, the iron beams were far too weak for the load they had to sustain. Some years later he published a book on this subject, which will be noticed in a subsequent place. In 1847 Mr. Fairbairn was applied to by the authori- ties of the city of Basle to design a bridge for crossing the Ehine at that place. He accordingly made drawings and estimates of a bridge on the hollow girder principle. It was to be in several spans each 100 feet long, and was to cost 34,000/. It does not appear, however, that anything further resulted from this offer. In the second chapter of this work allusion has been made to the large use of iron bridges consequent on the great extension of railways that took place soon after 1840. Some of these structures proved faulty on trial, and some serious accidents occurred from their giving way. The conditions were to some extent new, on account of the vibrations and concussions to which the bridges were exposed by the passage over them of heavy trains, often at high speed ; and doubts were felt as to the state of engineering knowledge in regard to their design. This attracted the attention of government ; and in August 1847 a Eoyal Commission was appointed 'for the purpose of enquiring into the conditions to be observed by engi- neers in the application of iron in structures exposed to violent concussion and vibration.' The Commission con- sisted of Lord Wrottesley, Professor Eobert Willis, Cap- tain Henry James, R.E., Messrs. George Eennie, William (afterwards Sir William) Cubitt, and Eaton Hodgkinson, and Captain Douglas Galton, E.E., was the Secretary. 188 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xn. The Commission collected much information and examined many witnesses, among whom Mr. Fairbairn, from his large practice in ironwork, was one of the most prominent. He gave evidence in November 1847, de- scribing iron structures he had designed, stating his expe- rience in regard to the properties of iron, and the mode of using it, and explaining his views as to the forms of iron beams, the mode of testing them, the influence of vibra- tion, &c. &c. In a subsequent communication he gave useful suggestions for experiments, and furnished full particulars of the investigations he had made for the Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges. The Commis- sioners made their report in July 1849, in a Blue Book which is well known, and often quoted when the pro- perties of iron are in question. In January 1849 Mr. Fairbairn read before the Insti- tution of Civil Engineers a paper ' On Water-wheels with Ventilated Buckets,' which was afterwards published in vol. viii. of their Minutes of Proceedings. It contained an account of an invention originally introduced by him many years before, and which has been always admitted to be of great value. In the course of manufacture of waterwheels for Catrine Bank and elsewhere, at an early period of his mechanical practice, Mr. Fairbairn had the opportunity ' of carefully studying their action and of making many improvements, the most important of which was an arrangement for what was called the ' ventilation of the bucket.' It had been found that difficulty had existed in getting the water to enter the buckets freely, particularly when the opening was contracted, as was often necessary. This difficulty arose from the fact that the air in the bucket could not get away to make room for the water. Mr. Fairbairu saw that IMPROVED WATER WHEELS. 189 from this simple defect many large water-wheels lost an important proportion of their power; and he took steps to remedy the evil. His mode of doing so was .simply to construct a small passage opening upwards out of the bucket, by which, when the water entered, the air could rise and get away, and so leave the whole con- tent free for the reception of the water. The following section of the buckets (taken from the published paper) will illustrate at a glance the nature of this simple and elegant contrivance. The arrows show the course of the escaping air. VEKTILATED BUCKETS FOR WATER-WHEELS. It should be added that the same improvement which ensures the quick admission of the water also facilitates its quick discharge (an object also of much importance) by allowing the air to enter again into the bucket. The first wheel constructed on this principle was at Handforth, in Cheshire, in 1828. No patent was taken out for the invention; but the contrivance so much 190 LIFE OF SIE WILLIAM FAIKBAIRN. CHAP. xn. improved the action of the wheels as to acquire great notoriety, and to bring large orders to the firm. The arrangement was subsequently improved and extended to various classes of water-wheels, and full descriptions are given in the paper. The following matters, of more personal interest, may be noticed in this place for the purpose of preserving the chronological arrangement of events in Mr. Fairbairn's life. He occasionally took pupils into his manufactory, which, from the care and knowledge with which it was laid out and worked, formed an excellent school for mechanical engineering. One of the young men so taken, the son of the celebrated founder of Mechanics' Institu- tions, Dr. Birkbeck, was also a frequent visitor at Mr. Fairbairn's house. The following extracts from the father's letters may be interesting : 38, Finsbury Square, April 13, 1840. Dear Sir, On my visit to Millwall, I had a very satisfac- tory conversation with your partner, Mr. Murray ; and your kind and liberal communication from Manchester has quite confirmed my favourable impressions. I have decided, quite with my son's concurrence, that he should proceed to Manchester and enter your establishment there. I really hope that he will render himself worthy of the opportunity which he will enjoy of acquiring sound and varied practical information. He will, I think and hope, be greatly interested in the construction of the beautiful and splendid pieces of mechanism which must continually be in progress in your establishment; one of the most extraordinary, I under- stand, in the most wonderful school for mechanical invention in the world, the town and neighbourhood of Manchester. If I mistake not, judging from the kind and rational re- marks which you have made on the duties of young men des- DR. BIRKBECK. 191 tined for a liberal profession, my son will be very likely to enter with great cordiality into your views. I wish it was in my power to accept your invitation to visit Manchester ; this is a pleasure, however, which must be deferred until the weather is a little more settled, and until, by the practice of taking exercise, not very convenient to me in winter, I may acquire strength and activity enough to cope with the demands which Manchester would make upon my curiosity and my exertion. About thirteen years ago, on my return from a hasty journey into Yorkshire, Westmoreland, and Lancashire, I spent one day in Manchester. My friend Sir Benjamin Hey wood kindly dis- posed of the principal part of my day, in which of course the Mechanics' Institution was not forgotten. If I once more re- turn I shall be at your disposal in regard to this interesting object, and many others since brought into operation. With great respect, I remain, my dear Sir, Very faithfully yours, Wm. Fairbairn, Esq. GTEOKGE BIRKBECK. 38, Finsbury Square, January 18, 1841. My dear Sir, We all rejoice in the effects of my son George's residence under your superintendence. His feelings are better regulated in consequence of the influence of occupa- tion, under kind and friendly control, and he has acquired a taste for industrious pursuits, which I am persuaded will benefit him through life. He speaks in the highest terms of yourself and Mrs. Fairbairn, and the rest of the family. I had formed, I confess, great expectations from this engagement, and it is no small gratification to me to feel that I have not in any respect been deceived or mistaken. Dr. Birkbeck died in December of this year. In September 1841 Mr. Fairbairn's daughter Anne was married to his young friend Mr. J. F. Bateman, an alliance which gave him great pleasure. He was much attached to her, and from that time he often spent the leisure which he snatched from business with Mr. and Mrs. Bate- 192 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIE BAIRN. CHAP. xn. man and their family, sometimes also accompanying them on tours and excursions either on the Continent or in the picturesque districts of Great Britain. The business connection of Mr. Bateman with his father-in-law in some important works in Ireland has already been mentioned. After that their communica- tions on engineering matters were very frequent; and Mr. Bateman's previous engineering education and scien- tific tastes enabled him to be of considerable service to Mr. Fairbairn. Indeed for many years there was scarcely any engineering scheme or scientific investigation under- taken in which Mr. Bateman's assistance was not called in, until the time when Mr. Fairbairn's own sons grew up, and were able to render him efficient help in his business transactions. In January 1846 Mr. Fairbairn's father died at the great age of eighty- six. The following letter, written to his wife on receiving the news, is characteristic : Millwall, January 17, 1844. My dearest Dorothy, I have this moment arrived from Paris and received the announcement of my poor father's demise. It came upon me unexpectedly, and although he had reached a good old age, yet I feel the stroke most severely, and can scarcely reconcile myself to the change. The last link which bound us to the last generation is now snapped asunder, and the many events of my childhood, with the endearing attentions of my good parents, rise up before me as fresh as on the days of their occurrence. Poor old man ! I used to listen to him with great attention, and always admired his sound judgment, and above all his unflinching integrity, which was never absent under whatever circumstances he was placed. I shall always cherish his virtues and look back with pleasure to the happy days I spent under his roof. I feel my heart fill now they are gone, and although a father myself, I experience the weakness of a child at the bereavement I have sustained. I have been up for the last two nights, but HAYDON, THE PAINTER. 193 I must move again by this evening's train to Leeds, and from thence join my brother at Newcastle, in order to perform the last sad duties to my excellent and affectionate parent. Your very affectionate, W. FAIRBAIRN. The following letter from an eminent but unfortunate artist will be read with interest, and shows the character Mr. Fairbairn had acquired for kindness of heart. It is no breach of propriety now to allude to the circum- stances of the writer, for they have been but too clearly told in his published life. 14 Burwood Place, London, December 22, 1844. My dear Mr. Fairbairn, You once gave me hopes of an order. Shall I make a proposition ? Frank goes up for examina- tion and his degree in a week or ten days, at furthest. His fees are 151., and his college bill 40. 14s. lld.= 561. Us. lid. I have brought him through all his terms but this last, and if this last be not paid up, he is ruined and will not have his degree. I will paint you a small picture for that amount, or for any portion you will advance me at once. You were kind to Frank, and may feel an interest in getting him through. I never broke my word about a picture in my life. Close at once and you shall have an ornament for your house. I hope you and Mrs. Fairbairn and boys and all are well. Mrs. and Miss Haydon's kind respects. Yours truly, B. E. HAYDON. Mr. Fairbairn endorsed the letter : * Answered Feb- ruary 15, with an order for a picture, value to be 30/.' Poor Haydon did not break his word. One day, about the middle of June 1845, he called at the house, in London, of one of Mr. Fairbairn's relatives, and left o 194 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xir. an unfinished sketch in the hall, giving a hasty message for its care. On the 22nd of the same month he shot himself in his painting-room. The picture, the subject of which is 'Christ before Pilate,' is still in the possession of Lady Fairbairn. The pride Mr. Fairbairn took in his long friendship with George Stephenson has already been noticed. The following letter is curious, when it is recollected that at this time the two men's ages were fifty-eight and sixty-six respectively : Tapton House, January 5, 1847- My dear Sir, I have only this day received yours of January 1. It will give me great pleasure to accept your kind invitation to Manchester when you return from Ireland. Should I find it convenient to do so, I will inform you in due time. In the meantime let me wish you and Mrs. Fairbairn many returns of the season. Now for the challenge to wrestle. Had you not known that I had given up that species of sport, you durst not have made the expressions in your letter you have done. Although you are a much taller and stronger looking man than myself, I am quite sure that I could have smiled in your face when you were laying on your back ! I know your wife would not like to see me do this, therefore let me have no more boasting, or you might get the worst of it. Notwithstanding your challenge, I remain yours faithfully, GEO. STEPHENSON. CHAPTER XIII. TI1K CONWAY AND BRITANNIA TUBULAR BRIDGES 1845-1849 MR. FAIRBAIRN'S BOOK ox THE SUBJECT ORIGIN AND EARLY HISTORY THE CHESTER AND HOLYHEAD RAILWAY MR. STEPHENSON'S ORIGINAL IDEA MR. FAIRBAIRN CONSULTED BY HIM DOUBT AS TO THE BEST FORM OF TUBE, CYLINDRICAL, ELLIPTICAL, OR RECTANGULAR NATURE OF THE STRAINS WEAKNESS OF THE UPPER PART MR. EATON HODGKINSON CORRUGATED TOP REPORTS TO THE DIRECTORS PROPOSED USE OF SUSPENSION CHAINS MR. FAIRBAIRN'S CONFIDENCE THE LARGE MODEL DRAWINGS FOR THE BRIDGES DEFINITION OF MR. FAIRBAIRN'S POSITION RESOLUTIONS OF THE DIRECTORS COM- MENCEMENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONWAY BRIDGE CON- TRACTS FOR IRONWORK ERECTION AND FIXING COMPLETION RETIREMENT OF MR. FAIRBAIRN PUBLICATION OF THE BOOK AS- SISTANCE OF EMINENT MEN PATENT FOB TUBULAR BRIDGES EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURE OF THEM. 197 CHAPTER XIII. DURING the period comprised in the previous chapter Mr. Fairbairn was engaged, for four years, on a work of such importance and novelty as to merit special descrip- tion. This was the great series of experimental investi- gations necessary to determine the details and proportions of the colossal wrought-iron tubular bridges erected on the Chester and Holyhead Railway. After the close of his connection with this work, in 1849, Mr. Fairbairn published a book, the title of which is as follows : 'An Account of the Construction of the Britannia and Con way Tubular Bridges ; with a complete history of their progress, from the conception of the original idea to the conclusion of the elaborate experiments which determined the exact form and mode of construction ultimately adopted.' By William Fairbairn, C.E., Memb. Inst. Civil Engineers, Vice-President of the lite- rary and Philosophical Society, Manchester, &c. London : Weale ; Longman & Co. 1849. As this work expressed Mr. Fairbairn's matured views on this subject, it will naturally form the most appropriate basis for the brief notice to be given in this chapter, Reference may be made to the work itself for further details. The following extracts give an account of the origin and early history of the proceedings : In the construction of the Chester and Holyhead Railway two formidable obstacles had to be overcome. The deep and, 193 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xi;r. rapid tidal streams at the Conway and Menai Straits had to be crossed by bridges which must necessarily be of extraordinary span, and of great strength. No centerings or other sub- structures, such as are usually resorted to for putting such massive structures together, could be erected. Under such circumstances the most obvious resource of th^ engineer was a suspension bridge, but the failure of more than one attempt had proved the impossibility of running railway trains over bridges of that class with safety. Some new expe- dient of engineering was therefore required, and an engineer bold and skilful enough to conceive such an expedient and to apply it. That engineer was found in Mr. Eobert Stephenson, and that expedient is the one, the history of which it is the object of the following pages to relate. Having to encounter extraordinary difficulties of execution, and being compelled by the Admiralty [who opposed the erec- tion of any structure which should offer a hindrance to the free passage of vessels under it] to abandon the ordinary resources of the engineer, Mr. Stephenson conceived the original idea of a huge tubular bridge, to be constructed of riveted plates and supported by chains, and of such dimensions as to allow of the passage of locomotive engines and railway trains through the interior of it. It was with reference to this expedient, after all others had been found inapplicable, that I was consulted by him, and that my opinion was requested, first as to the practicability of the scheme, and secondly as to the means necessary for carrying it out. This consultation took place early in April 1845, and, as far as could be gathered from Mr. Stephenson at the time, his idea then was that the tube should be either of a circular or an egg-shaped sectional form. At this period there were no drawings illustrative of the original idea of the bridge, nor had any calculations been made as to the strength, form, or proportions of the tube. It was ultimately arranged that the subject should be investigated ex- perimentally, to determine, not only the value of Mr. Stephen- PRINCIPLE OF THE BEAM. 199 son's original conception, but that of any other tubular form of bridge which might present itself in the prosecution of my researches. The matter was placed unreservedly in my hands ; the entire conduct of the investigation was entrusted to me ; and, as an experimenter, I was to be left free to exercise my own discretion in the investigation of whatever forms or condi- tions of the structure might appear to me best calculated to secure a safe passage across the Straits. This freedom of action was obviously necessary to the success of my experiments. I cannot but feel myself to have been honoured by that confidence in my judgment which it implied. The whole series of experiments (detailed in the Appendix) was conducted at my works, Millwall, Poplar. By July 21 a considerable number of experiments had been made ; nearly the whole of the cylindrical tubes had been tested, and preparations were then in progress for the rectan- gular and elliptical forms. The difficulties experienced in retaining the cylindrical tubes in shape, when submitted severe strains, naturally suggested the rectangular form. Many new models of this kind were prepared and experimented on before the end of July, and others, with different thicknesses of the top and bottom plates, or flanches, before August 6. On this day he wrote a letter to Mr. Stephenson, which clearly pointed to the principle thenceforward adopted in regard to the beam namely, that of treating it as a hollow girder. The letter says : From these investigations we derive several important facts, one of which I may mention, namely, the difficulty of bringing the upper, as well as the lower, side of the bridge into the tensile strain. For this object several changes were effected, and attempts made to distribute the forces equally, or in certain proportions throughout the parts, but without effect, the results being in every experiment that of a holloiu beam or girder, resisting, in the usual way, by the compression of the upper and extension of the lower sides. In almost every instance we have found the resistance opposed to compression the weakest ; the 200 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CUM: xm. upper side generally giving way from the severity of the strain in that direction. These facts are important so far as they have given rise to a new series of experiments calculated to stiffen or render more rigid the upper part of the tube, as well as to equalise the strain, which in our present construction is evidently too weak for the resisting forces of compression. Mr. Fairbairn continues his narrative : It will be seen by this letter that the weakness of the tube had been recognised in its upper surface, which yielded to com- pression before the under side was upon the point of yielding to extension ; and that the course which the experiments hence- forth took, of so strengthening the upper surface that it should not be on the point if yielding to compression until the under surface was about to yield by extension, had been already shaped out ... I had ordered the top of the tube to be thickened. It now occurred to me that the top might be strengthened more effectually by other means than by thickening it, and I directed two additional tubes to be constructed, the one rectangular and the other elliptical, with hollow triangular cells or fins to pre- vent crushing. These experiments led to the trial of the rectangular form of tube with a corrugated top, the superior strength of which decided me to adopt that cellular structure of the top of the tube which ultimately merged in a single row of rectangular cells. It is this cellular structure which gives to the bridges now standing across the Conway Straits their principal element of strength. In a letter to Mr. Stephenson, dated September 20, 1845, Mr. Fairbairn, after describing the experiments with the tubes, adds : It is more than probable that the bridge, in its full size, may take something of the following sectional shape. The parts a a, being two longitudinal plates, divided by vertical plates so as to form squares, calculated to resist the crushing strain in the first instance ; and the lower parts 6 6, also longitudinal plates, well connected with riveted joints, THE SQUARE CELLULAR SECTION. 201 and of considerable thickness to resist the tensile strain in the second. Mr. Fairbairn remarks on this : The reader will not fail .to observe how much this sketch resembles the tubes actually constructed for the Con way and Britannia Bridges. 11 MR. FAIRUA1RN S FIRST SKETCH FOR THE TUBE OF THE BRITANNIA BRIDGE. Towards the end of August Mr. Fairbairn considered that the experiments had assumed a shape which seemed to require the assistance of a mathematician, in order to deduce, from the trials on a small scale, formulas and modes of calculation applicable to a larger size. For this purpose he invited the assistance of Mr. Eaton Hodgkin- son, who, it will be recollected, had already been asso- ciated with Mr. Fairbairn in investigations on the strength of iron. Mr. Stephenson concurred in the pro- position, and Mr. Hodgkinson first visited Millwall on September 19. The square cell tube, although so clearly indicated in the above letter, was not, however, at once tried - f for Mr. 202 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xin. Fairbairn preferred to experiment on another modifica- tion of the same principle namely, a rectangular tube having a corrugated top, resembling in section the eyes of a pair of spectacles. This was tried on October 14, and Mr. Fairbairn, writing the next day to Mr. Stephen- son, says : Our experiments of yesterday were the best and most satis- factory we have yet made ; and, agreeable to expectation, the form, as per annexed sketch, gave not only the greatest strength, but what was of equal importance, there was a near approxima- tion to an equality of the forces on the top and bottom sides. .... It is evident we are approaching the strongest form. . . I think we have sufficient data to guide you as to the security of such a structure. Mr. Fairbairn adds : It is from this period that I date the disappearance of almost every difficulty respecting the construction and ultimate forma- tion of the Britannia and Conway tubes. The powerful re- sistance offered to compression by the cellular form of the top, as exhibited in the last experiment, at once decided in my mind the form to be adopted in those for the large tubes ; and from that time forward I had no doubts as to the practicability and complete success of the undertaking. Towards the end of the year it became necessary for Mr. Stephenson to make some report to the directors of the Chester and Holyhead Eailway. They had up to this time shown a great deal of patience, and had watched with much interest the progress of the experiments at Millwall ; but as the next general meeting of the share- holders was approaching, the directors naturally desired to have some definite statements to produce. It was accordingly arranged that Mr. Stephenson's own report to the directors should be accompanied by two separate ones, by Mr. Fairbairn and Mr. Hodgkinson USE OF CHAINS. 203 respectively, each giving his own views relative to the ex- periments, as well as to the chances of ultimate success in the construction of the bridges. Mr. Stephenson's Report was dated February 9, 1846, and the three documents are given entire in Mr. Fair- bairn's book. A few extracts will serve to illustrate Mr. Fairbairn's position in the matter. Mr. Stephenson says : I will lay before you the results of the experimental inves- tigation, which, with your sanction, I commenced some months ago in reference to the construction of the bridge over the Menai Straits. In conducting this experimental investigation I saw the importance of avoiding the influence of any preconceived views of my own, or at least to check them, by calling in the aid of other parties thoroughly conversant with such researches. For this purpose I have availed myself of the assistance of Mr. Fairbairn and Mr. Hodgkinson ; the former so well known for his thorough practical knowledge in such matters ; and the latter distinguished as the first scientific authority on the strength of iron beams. He then gives a resume of the experiments made to that time, which had, he said, served to determine finally two essential points namely, the form of the tube, which should be rectangular, and the distribution of the material, which should be such as to throw the greatest thickness into the upper side. The important question remaining to be determined was the absolute ultimate strength of a tube of any given dimensions, which required further experimental elucidation. There had been an idea, in the first instance, of using, for the erection of the tubes, large suspension chains on each side, and Mr. Stephenson had contemplated retain- ing these permanently in their position as an auxiliary support for the tubes. Mr. Fairbairn had expressed the 204 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBA1RN. CHAP. xiir. opinion that these were unnecessary, and Mr. Stephenson remarks on the subject as follows : You will observe in Mr. Fairbairn's remarks that he con- templates the feasibility of stripping the tube entirely of all the chains that may be required in the erection of the bridge ; whereas, on the other hand, Mr. Hodgkinson thinks the chains will be an essential, or at all events a useful auxiliary, to give Ihe tube the requisite strength and rigidity. This, however, will be Determined by the proposed additional experiments, and does not interfere with the construction of the masonry, which is designed so as to admit of the tube, with or without the chains. The application of chains as an auxiliary has occupied much of my attention, and I am satisfied that the ordinary mode of applying them to suspension bridges is wholly inadmissible in the present instance ; if therefore it be hereafter found necessary or desirable to employ them in conjunction with the tube, another mode of applying them must be devised, as it is abso- lutely essential to attach them in such manner as to preclude the possibility of the smallest oscillation. In the accomplish- ment of this I see no difficulty whatever, and the designs have been arranged accordingly, in order to avoid any further delay. It will be noticed that Mr. Fairbairn was the only one of the three reporters who gave a positive and decided opinion against the use of chains ; Mr. Hodgkinson decidedly recommending them, and Mr. Stephenson appearing, by his expressions, rather favourable to them than otherwise. Now, as ultimately the chains were abandoned, not only for permanent, but even for temporary use, the event testified strongly to Mr. Fairbairn's sagacity and soundness of judgment in a matter so confessedly novel and obscure. Mr. Fairbairn's Eeport gave a succinct account of the experiments which had been conducted namely, 9 on cylindrical tubes, 5 on elliptical, and 10 on rectangular tubes. These tubes varied from about 17 to 30 feet long, THE LARGE MODEL. 205 and from 7 to 24 inches in transverse dimensions, and the trials clearly proved the superiority of the rectan- gular form and the cellular top. Mr. Fairbairn expressed great confidence as to the ultimate success of the under- taking and the self-supporting power of the tube. After the presentation of these reports, the experi- ments were continued, with the view of determining more accurately the dimensions and strength of the structure ; but before much more was done Mr. Hodgkinson, in March 1846, requested that his share of the work should be performed separately and under his own control ; and as Mr. Stephenson acceded to this, Mr. Hodgkinson had no further connection with Mr. Fairbairn's proceedings. In April Mr. Fairbairn communicated to Mr. Stephen- son an account of further experiments, which had enabled a rough preliminary estimate to be made out of the dimen- sions of the real tube. Mr. Fairbairn also began to give some attention to the details of construction, proposing certain modes of connecting the plates by riveting, which he considered would be advantageous. It was further determined to construct a large model tube, in every respect accurately proportioned to one- sixth of the dimensions of the real structure; this, Mr. Fairbairn remarked to Mr. Stephenson, would complete everything necessary for their practical guidance. About April 1846, the design of the bridges was com- menced in earnest, the drawings were put in hand, and measures were considered and discussed for obtaining the material and arranging the manufacture. The distribu- tion of the metal, the sizes of the plates, and the methods to be pursued for putting them together, became matters of considerable importance, and much time and thought were devoted to them. 206 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAlRBAIRN. CHAP. xiri. Mr. Fairbairn's duties now became more onerous. It was no longer the making and testing of small models that he had to do. He was required to render efficient aid in the designs and manufacture of the largest and most important iron constructions that had ever been known, thousands of tons in weight, and involving great novelty, both in principle and detail. Hence it became desirable that his position and occupation in regard to the work should be acknowledged and clearly denned ; and, with Mr. Stephenson's concurrence, this was done at a board meeting of the directors of the Chester and Holyhead Railway on May 13, 1846. The following is an extract from the official minutes : Resolved: 1. That Mr. Fairbairn be appointed to super- intend the construction and erection of the Con way and Britannia Bridges, in conjunction with Mr. Stephenson. 2. That Mr. Fairbairn have, with Mr. Stephenson, the ap- pointment of such persons as are necessary, subject to the powers of their dismissal by the directors. 3. That Mr. Fairbairn furnish a list of the persons he re- quires, with the salaries that he proposes for all foremen or others above the class of workmen. 4. That advances of money be made on Mr. Fairbairn's requisition and certificates, which, with the accounts or vouchers, are to be furnished monthly. The works connected with the first bridge it was intended to erect, that at Conway, may be said then to have fairly commenced, and we find Mr. Fairbairn hard at work in regard to various practical matters connected with the construction visiting ironworks, arranging workshops and tools, preparing for letting the contracts, and so on. The large model tube was pushed on, and was completed, ready for experiment, in June. It was 75 feet long, 4 feet 6 inches high, and 2 feet 8 inches wide. It was tested to destruction, by hanging weights on it till DRAWINGS AND CONTRACTS. 207 it gave way, the object being to find out the weak places, and to ascertain how it would fail. After each trial the injured and defective parts were cut out arid the tube was restored to its original form, with plates of altered strength, as indicated by the nature and appearance of the fracture, and as circumstances might require. This was done seven different times, until proportions were arrived at which appeared to be satisfactory, as giving all the strength of which such a tube was capable. By the middle of July a decision had been come to as to the proportions and distribution of material to be adopted in the real tubes. About this time we find Mr. Fairbairn considering and proposing plans for the erection and fixing of the bridges, and earnestly urging on Mr. Stephenson the aban- donment of the proposed suspension chains. In August he was at the Menai Straits attending to the arrangements there. Mr. Stephenson was away on the Continent till the end of September, and on his return the contract drawings and specifications, which had been prepared by Mr. Fairbairn in conjunction with Mr. Edwin Clark (Mr. Stephenson's chief assistant on the bridge), were ready. The contracts took some time to settle, but they wore not of such a nature as to shut out alterations and improvements in the forms or proportions of the tubes, as new information was obtained. The experiments and investigations still went on, and the forms of the cells and other points of detail underwent careful discussion. At the end of the year 1846 Mr. Fairbairn, after visiting several manufactories, reported progress in the preparations for the construction of the tubes. When the contracts were first considered, it was pro- 208 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xin. posed that Mr. Fairbairn's firm should take an important share in the manufacture. Mr. Stephenson, writing to Mr. Fairbairn on October 25, said : I am sincerely glad that your son and Ditchburn [another maker] have succeeded in arranging with the Company. We must put the whole of the Britannia into their hands, as I am sure the others are unequal to the thing. We must visit both their establishments when I come down to Manchester. In reference to this, Mr. Fairbairn says afterwards : A joint contract, which had been entered into by my son, as representative of the firm of Messrs. Fairbairn and Sons, Millwall, with Messrs. Ditchburn and Mare, of Blackwall, for constructing the greater part of the tubes for the Britannia Bridge, was looked upon with suspicion by the board. Although interested as a partner, I had not personally interfered in the matter, and I was even unacquainted with the terms of agree- ment between the two firms ; but when the feelings which were entertained by the directors were made known to me, and as it appeared difficult for me, in consequence of the partnership, to maintain a perfectly independent position, I urged a transfer of the whole contract into the hands of Messrs. Ditchburn and Mare. This transfer was afterwards satisfactorily arranged by my son and Mr. Mare, and approved of by the Company. The detailed dimensions of some parts of the tubes continued to be under consideration, as more light was thrown on the nature of the forces and resistances, until about the spring of 1847, when the whole may be said to have been finally arranged. All this time Mr. Fairbairn was occupied in various matters connected with the work, and, among others, with the mode of erecting it. On March 24, 1847, he wrote to Mr. Stephenson : I have now completed, or nearly completed, the whole of MANUFACTURE AND ERECTION. 209 the drawings for the framework, girders, &c., for lifting the tubes. The arrangement of the hydraulic apparatus, chains, &c., is also complete ; and as soon as we have copied the draw- ings &c., the whole shall be laid before you. I am now well satisfied as to the security of the ends of the tubes, where the chains [for lifting them] are to be attached, as also the large girders, and all the roller platforms, which are now secure and in a most satisfactory position. The actual manufacture of the tubes also engaged his attention, although the superintendence of this was not strictly within his province. On June 8 Mr. Stephenson wrote to him : I am much gratified at your resolution to devote a con- siderable portion of your time to looking the tube builders up, and getting a good job made of the whole affair What would be most valuable is a regular periodical visit, so that the progress may be narrowly watched, and advantage taken of every new continuation [contrivance] as it occurs. Of these there will be many, which must suggest improvements in our arrangements. Mr. Fairbairn answered, June 9 : I have made up my mind to devote my best energies to the construction and due completion of the tubes, and I will watch narrowly and regularly the progress of each construction, that the work be well done, and free from blemish in every respect. As the time approached for making arrangements for the erection, Mr. Fairbairn wrote, August 16, to Mr. Stephenson : Will you write me whether it is your wish that I should take charge of the floating and raising of the tubes ? I have no objection to do it, and to take the management of the whole thing, subject to your approval, and to be responsible for the result. Mr. Steplienson answered, August 23 : p 210 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xiii. I was surprised at your letter this morning, asking if I wished you to take charge of the floating and lifting. I con- sider you as acting with me in every department of the proceed- ings, and I shall regret if anything has been done which has conveyed to you the idea that I was not desirous of having the full benefit of your assistance in every particular. On January 7, 1848, Mr. Stephenson wrote : I am glad to hear from your note, received this morning, that all is progressing satisfactorily, though not with that des- patch which could be desired. Your presence will do much, and I hope you will give as large a portion of your time as you can possibly spare. It had been decided that, in order to ascertain the strength of the structure by actual trial, the first tube completed, that at Con way, should, before putting it in its place, be tested by supporting it on its ends and load- ing it with a considerable weight. This test was made at the end of January, and on February 2 Mr. Fairbairn wrote to the effect that the anticipations derived from the experiments on the model had been fully borne out by the trials of the real tube. A few weeks later the tube was hoisted into its place, and the trains passed through it in April 1848, Mr. Fairbairn continuing to give his aid in the matter until the solution of the great problem was practically completed. Shortly after this time, some misunderstandings having unfortunately arisen as to the precise nominal position Mr. Fairbairn occupied (there could be none as to the value of the services he had rendered) in regard to the bridges, he did not feel it consistent with his self-respect that he should continue his connection with them, and on May 22, 1848, he wrote to the directors resigning the appointment he had formally received from them two years before. AID OF MEN OF SCIENCE. 211 He then put in hand the book mentioned at the begin- ning of the present chapter, with the object of giving an authentic record of the proceedings he had been a party to, in reference to these bridges, and thereby establishing his claims to what he considered an important share in the merit of their construction. In the preparation of this work (the largest literary effort that had yet pro- ceeded from his pen) he had the assistance of many friends, among others the late Eev. H. Moseley, Canon of Bristol, and Mr. Tate, of Battersea, the latter gentleman furnishing the many mathematical calculations which the book contained. Many other men eminent in science also actively interested themselves in Mr. Fairbairn's work on these bridges, among whom may be mentioned Sir David Brewster, Mr. George Bennie, Mr. James Nasmyth, Dr. Andrew Ure, Mr. C. Babbage, and Professor James D. Forbes. Mr. Babbage wrote thus in answer to an invitation from Mr. Fairbairn : My dear Sir, I very much regret the impossibility of my accepting your very agreeable invitation for next week. I have been compelled to leave London on account of my health, and am endeavouring, by the aid of sea air and quietness, to recruit it. This will detain me in the West of England as long as cir- cumstances permit. It is now several years since I have visited your part of England, and I know how rapidly it advances. I am, therefore, very anxious to take the earliest opportunity of renewing my acquaintance with it, and of studying those great mechanical advances in which you have taken so large a part. I am, my dear Sir, yours faithfully, C. BABBAGE. Ashley Combe, Portlock, Somersetshire, September 3, 1848. Another letter, from one of the cleverest practical p 2 212 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP. XIIT. mechanics of the age, contains also some interesting passages : Patricroft, December 15, 1849. ' My dear Sir, Feeling such a lively interest as I shall always do in all that relates to your well-earned fame, and having, from the first, through your great kindness, noted the develop- ment of this masterpiece of your genius, I did not fail to purchase a copy of your work when it first came out, and have perused it again and again with the deepest interest. I assure you I feel most proud in being thought worthy of receiving a copy of your work direct from the author, and shall store it up along with a few other much valued treasures, and so let my locomotive copy free to run about telling the truth in many a quarter where the truth ought to be known, and where it can be justly appreciated. The Earl of Ellesmere has taken a most lively interest in this affair, and, after carefully perusing your work, I think it would have done your heart good to have heard the way in which he gave forth his verdict, one afternoon, before some rather influential folks. Long may you live to enjoy the fame (and, I trust, the profit) which shall attend your triumphant intro- duction of a new era in engineering, which is destined to do mankind most mighty service ! With kindest regards to Mrs. Fairbairn, in which Mrs. Nasmyth desires to unite, Believe me, I am yours most faithfully, JAMES NASMYTH. During the course of Mr. Fairbairn's experiments it seems to have occurred to him that the principle which was being developed might be made of extended applica- tion for bridges generally, particularly on railways ; and as its application involved points of novelty, he, with Mr. Stephenson's concurrence, took out a patent for the improvement. It is dated October 8, 1846, and bears the official number 11,401. The title is for 'Improve- ments in the construction of iron beams for the erection TUBULAR BRIDGE PATENT. 213 of bridges and other structures.' It states the nature of the improvement to consist In the novel application and use of plates of metal, united by means of rivets and angle iron, for such or similar purposes, and forming by such combination a hollow iron beam or girder. The drawings show several varieties of wrought- iron girders, all embodying the hollow or ' box ' construc- tion with a cellular top, combining peculiar stiffness and lightness with great facility of construction. Mr. Fairbairn states in regard to this patent : The patent for wrought-iron girder bridges was a joint affair between Mr. K. Stephenson and myself. It was in my name as the inventor, but he paid half the expense, and was entitled to one half the profits, but it ultimately became a dead letter, and was abandoned by Mr. Stephenson. Under the circumstances the question was, shall I continue to build the bridges. I chose to do so, and I believe I did right, as the principle was quite new, and no one understood the construction so well. I therefore gave designs, and received orders for more than one hundred bridges in the course of a very few years. Up to the present time, 1870, I have built and designed, with the assistance of the Fairbairn Engineering Company, nearly one thousand bridges, some of them of large spans varying from 40 to 300 feet. CHAPTER XIV. BRIDGE OYER THE EHINE AT COLOGNE 18491852 APPLICATION TO MR. FAIRBAIRN PKOPOSED CHAIN-BRIDGE THE CHEVALIER BUNSEN MR. FAIRBAIRN VISITS BERLIN RECEPTION BY THE BARON VON HUMBOLDT" PRESENTATION TO THE KING CORRE- SPONDENCE WITH HUMBOLDT AND BUNSEN MR. FAIRBAIRN's IMPRES- SIONS OF THE BERLIN JOURNEY VISIT OF COMMISSIONERS TO ENGLAND LETTER TO MRS. EDGEWORTH INVITATION BY THE PRUSSIAN AUTHO- RITIES FOR COMPETITIVE DESIGNS ON THE CHAIN PRINCIPLE THIS PRINCIPLE ABANDONED SECOND MISSION TO ENGLAND COMPLETE DESIGN SENT IN BY MR. FAIRBAIRN ADOPTION OF THE GENERAL PRINCIPLE REJECTION OF THE TUBULAR FORM OF GIRDER AND PREFERENCE FOR THE OPEN LATTICE FINAL CORRESPONDENCE. 217 CHAPTEE XIV. FOLLOWING closely on the great Welsh bridges, and arising out of Mr. Fairbairn's connection with them, was another design of a similar character which, though it was not carried into execution by him, made his name favourably known on the Continent, and brought him into contact with some very eminent men. This was a plan submitted by him in 1849-50 for a large bridge across the Ehine at Cologne. Mr. Fairbairn gives the following account of the cir- cumstances that led to this commission : * During the progress of the construction of the Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges, and shortly after the completion of the latter, in October 1849, I was invited by his Excellency the Prussian Minister, Chevalier Bunsen, to visit Berlin and the Rhenish Provinces, for the purpose of conferring with the autho- rities on the expediency of erecting a tubular bridge for carrying the railway and general traffic across the Ehine at Cologne. Some time previous to that visit a chain suspension bridge from the designs of the government engineer had received " the sanction of the government, and preparations were being made to carry it into effect. The flexibility of a bridge of this character would render it un- suited to the support of railway traffic, and to remedy this serious defect it was intended to split the trains into sections, and after raising them by machinery to the required level of the bridge, 1 The Application of Cast and Wrought Iron to Building Purpose*, 1857-8, p. 261. 218 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP. xiv. to drag them piecemeal by means of horses from one side of the river to the other. A more complicated and unsatisfactory plan, and one better calculated to create delay and inconvenience, could hardly have been devised. Although this plan had received the Eoyal assent, it was, at his Majesty's request, postponed until the govern- ment could make themselves acquainted with the system about to be adopted in the great railway bridges in England. The Chevalier Bunsen visited Manchester in September 1849, and entered into communication with Mr. Fairbairn, and the following letter was written soon afterwards : Manchester, October 7, 1849. Dear Sir, The completion of the drawings convinces me of the superior efficiency of the tubular girder bridge to meet all the requirements of railway and general traffic across the Khiue at Cologne. I am further convinced, now that the scheme is more fully developed, that the bridge will be constructed for less money, and prove more durable than any other description of bridge calculated to attain the conveniences contemplated in this design. Having attained this conviction, and your Excellency having done me the honour to request that I would visit Cologne, and submit the whole project to the proper authorities in that city, I would respectfully suggest how far it would be advisable for me to proceed direct to Berlin, and fortified with your kind recom- mendations, to lay the whole of the designs before his Majesty and the Prussian government, after which I would return to Cologne. I offer this suggestion from having heard that a difference of opinion exists between the government and the authorities [of the city] as to the propriety of making the proposed bridge double acting, for the united purpose of railway and general traffic. The Corporation of Cologne, as I understand, require a bridge only for carriages and foot-passengers, whereas upon the plan I propose both objects can be obtained without incurring THE CHEVALIER BUXSEX. 219 much, if any, additional cost. I think these are the views of your Excellency and the government, and I shall deem it a great honour to be the engineer to carry these objects into effect. I am sure your Excellency will pardon me, if in this, as in all other transactions, I speak freely and openly. On the con- struction of this great work, should it be executed, it is not my intention to become the contractor ; the government or the authorities of Cologne shall make their own selection as to those who shall do the work, but I shall give all the designs and working drawings, superintend, and take the responsibility of the execution and security of the work, and that upon some scale of remuneration which may hereafter be agreed upon. I have the honour to be your Excellency's faithful obedient servant, WM. FAIBBAIBN. His Excellency the CHEVALIER BTTNSEX, &c. &c. This proposal was agreed to, and Mr. Fairbairn left for Berlin towards the end of October. He had been given letters of introduction by the Chevalier Bunsen, and was met on his arrival by the Baron Alexander von Humboldt, who, although occupying no official position in the Prussian government, was residing at Potsdam, in immediate communication with the King, and was honoured with his Majesty's friendship and confidence The following letter to the Prussian Consul in Eng- land will show Mr. Fairbairn's first impressions on arriving in Berlin : Berlin, October 29, 1849. My dear Sir, You will be somewhat surprised to hear of my being in Berlin, but I was hurried off from Manchester without the possibility of consulting with yovi before my departure, A recent visit of the Ambassador Chevalier Bunsen to Man- chester, whom I had the honour to meet at the Bishop's, suggested the propriety of this visit, for submitting to the authorities here and at Cologne, a project for the construction of 220 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIKBAIRN. CHAP. xiv. a bridge upon a new principle across the Rhine at the latter city. It was my intention to have written you direct from that place, but I found so many conflicting opinions, that I was under the necessity of extending my journey here to deliver letters to the different ministers, with which I was entrusted by the Ambas- sador. I was in hopes, after consulting with the different autho- rities, by whom I have been most kindly received, that I should be enabled to write you definitely upon this subject ; but I find so many difficulties to encounter with the different interests as almost oblige me to leave the matter as we found it. Some gentlemen will, however, be sent over from this country to in- vestigate the properties of this new description of bridge, and I should be delighted, should the business go on, to see it entirely in your hands. I hope to be in London in the course of a week or ten days, when I shall do myself the pleasure of calling on you immediately on my return. In the meantime a note will find me at the Hotel de Belle Vue, Bruxelles, on my way home. Yours faithfully, WM. FAIRBAIRN. B. HEBELEE, Esq. The king being absent, Mr. Fairbairn went to Dresden, from whence he wrote to the Baron von Humboldt as follows : Dresden, October 30, 1849. My dear Sir, I send you a rough draft of a letter I have addressed to the Minister of Commerce. It contains my views respecting the construction of the bridge across the Rhine ; and the minister having taken great interest in my new principle of construction, and I think being fully aware of its importance, he proposes accompanying me on Thursday to Potsdam, in order through your kindness to present me to his Majesty. I shall bring the model of the bridge with me, and I hope through your considerate attention to impress his Majesty with the impor- tance of having the work executed on a permanent and solid principle of construction. My chief object is to offer to the Prussian government and the Prussian public a bridge that BARON HUMBOLDT. 221 shall be permanent and secure, and on a plan that has been eminently successful. I do not deny that it will be exceedingly grateful to my feelings to become the instrument of its intro- duction. I shall wait the commands of his Majesty, which you will probably communicate to me, at the Hotel de Kussie. I have to apologise for this intrusion upon your valuable time. And have the honour to be, dear Sir, Your devoted humble servant, WM. FAIRBAIRN. The BAEON von HTJMBOLDT, &c. &c. The Baron answered : Je repois, Monsieur, votre interessante lettre, datee de Dresde du 30 Octobre, si tard, que je suis incertain si ma reponse vous arrive a temps. Le Eoi, auquel j'ai pu dire combien vous etes presse de partir avec votre aimable famille, desire vous recevoir a diner demain, Jeudi l er Novembre a 3 h. a Sans Souci, con- jointement avec le Minis tre de Commerce. Agreez, je vous prie, 1'expression de ma haute consideration. Mes respects a Lady Fairbairn. LE BARON DE HUMBOLDT. A Potsdam, Mercredi soir, [Oct. 31] 1849. The following is a translated extract of a letter written by Humboldt to Chevalier Bunsen the day after Mr. Fairbairn's reception by the King : Potsdam, November 2, 1849. Most honoured Friend, The haste with which the excellent Mr. Fairbairn, the creator of the gigantic structure, will leave us, after coming back from Dresden, obliges me to thank you only with a few lines for your letter of October 12. I cannot be grateful enough to you for having made us acquainted with a man possessing so much knowledge, so highly esteemed by all, so amiable and so modest. The designs for suspension bridges, which Mr. Fairbairn deems very dangerous, were already decided upon for the Khine and Vistula ; but the presence of this celebrated man, which we 222 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xiv. owe to you, has made such a deep impression upon the Minister of Commerce, M. von der Heydt, that he begins to be undecided about his designs for suspension bridges. He has occupied him- self very much and very kindly with Mr. Fairbairn by means of interpreters, and has accompanied him to Potsdam, when the latter was invited to the King's table, and showed, till half-past six in the evening, the model, as well as all the drawings for tubular bridges. When Mr. Fairbairn arrived I made haste immediately for Berlin, to offer my services to him and to his family, as well as to the most amiable Mr. Homer, son of the astronomer, the com- panion of Krusenstern. The King was then hunting for many days in the Harz. I advised, therefore, Mr. Fairbairn, who wanted to leave already the next day, to come here again from Dresden for a few days only. I knew for certain that, according to your wish, so warmly expressed, the King would receive Mr. Fairbairn immediately after his arrival in Sans Souci, and the departure of the Queen for Vienna. The King was enchanted by the demeanour of the great man, and Mr. Fairbairn did not like less the frank and hearty de- meanour of the King. The King was very much pleased too, to see Mr. Homer, having made the acquaintance of his father at Konigsberg on his return from Kussia to Zurich, and having got his likeness in a painting of Krusenstern's travels, which he ordered as pendant to a painting of the Chimborazo journey. The family, which I expect in an hour for viewing the palaces, will start this evening for Ostend. As the King himself has no personal influence in the matter, and the minister being dragged along by the councillors, it is yet unknown to me whether the propositions will be definitely adopted or not. For my part I do all that is in my power to show clearly the boundless resistance of the cellular system, &c. The next day Mr. Fairbairn left Berlin, after writing a warm letter of thanks to Baron Humboldt for the cordial reception he had been honoured with at the Prussian court. The following letter to an old and inti- mate friend, Dr. Robinson of Armagh, gives -his impres- sion of the Berlin journey : DINNER WITTI THE KING. 223 London, November 14, 1849. My dear Sir, We have just returned from a tour in Prussia, which you will recollect was in contemplation when we had the pleasure of your company in Manchester. Mrs. Fairbairn and my son (reorge have been with me first to Cologne and Coblentz, and subsequently to Berlin. In my visits to these cities I went fortified with introductions from the Chevalier Bunsen, not only in furtherance of the objects of my journey the bridge across the Ehine but to most of the ministers and leading members of the Prussian government, amongst others to the distinguished traveller and philosopher Humboldt. From all these gentlemen I received the most marked attention, but above all from the Baron Humboldt, who, at the great age of eighty, came all the way from Potsdam to Berlin to pay his respects to Mrs. Fairbairn and myself. It was my duty to have gone to him, and I am sure it was a great deal more than I could possibly deserve or expect for him to come to me. But be this as it may, I am certainly indebted to his Excellency for the gracious reception I received from his Majesty a few days afterwards, and to whose table I was invited to dinner. I dare not inform Dr. Kobinson of the sayings and doings which took place on that occasion. It would savour too much of a weakness which I fear I have in common with many others. I must endeavour to suppress this rising vanity, and reserve what I have to say for a private tete-a-tete with Mrs. and Miss Robin- son. I must, however, inform you that I was seated with feel- ings of pride and gratification beside a greater man than the King, and enjoyed the benefit of a conversation similar to that I had the pleasure to listen to on the occasion of a recent visit of a highly-valued friend of kindred mind and pursuits. I cannot express to you how much I valued the society of this amiable and distinguished man. At eighty years of age he possesses the mental energies of a man of forty, and retains what appears to me to be the desideratum of advancing years, a mind susceptible of impressions, with a power of discernment and retention which can only be looked for in the maturity of life. Such, however, is the mind of Humboldt, perfectly alive to every improvement and every development in the advancement of his favourite studies. 224 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xiv. By the different ministers I was kindly received, and (by the help of a model) explained to them the principle of the con- struction which I ventured to recommend for the bridge across the Ehine at Cologne. I did not, however, make much progress until Humboldt made himself master of the subject, when the difficulties quickly disappeared, and the authorities at once saw the advantage of a perfectly rigid bridge supporting a continuous line of railway, instead of the flexible chain-bridge which had partly been decided upon, and the transport of the carriages by horses one by one from one side of the river to the other. I have urged upon the government the necessity of avoiding this ex- pensive and complex process, and of having the power not only to have a continuous uninterrupted traffic from one extremity of the Prussian dominions to the other, but I have further recom- mended a double bridge, one side for the railway and the other for general traffic, as exhibited in the following rough sectional sketch which you will clearly understand. The bridge in this case would be composed of three principal girders, with galleries outside for foot passengers, and the river being 1,288 feet wide, it would be composed of four spans of 320 feet width. This plan I am convinced would not only meet the requirements of the railway, but that of general traffic, and pro- cure ample accommodation for the public and citizens of Cologne. I must apologise for thus troubling you with matters that more immediately concern myself. The interest you have all along taken in the development of this new principle of construction must, however, plead my excuse. Believe me to be, my dear Sir, with kind remembrance to Mrs. and Miss Robinson, Yours faithfully, WM. FAIRBAIRN. The following official acknowledgment of Mr. Fair- bairn's proposals followed in a few weeks, after the government had had time to consider their general nature : 9, Carlton Terrace, November 29, 1849. Sir? Although you will have received verbally the expression of the high satisfaction which the inspection of your model, and OFFICIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT. 225 the examination of the drawings and plans, illustrating the prin- ciple of the cellular or tubular construction, with particular ap- plications to the projected bridge over the Khine at Cologne, has given not only to the committee charged with examining the same, and to the Ministers of Trade, of the Home Department and Engineering, and of Finance, to whose departments this subject particularly refers, but to his Majesty in person ; I have been ordered to express to you officially the high sense of the value of that construction and of those plans and proposals which his Majesty's government entertains. Although the plan for a suspension bridge (which, of course, could only have served for the ordinary passage) had already been approved of, the government are so convinced of the superior advantages of your system, calculated as well for the railway passage as the ordinary passage of carriages, horses, and foot passengers, that they have ordered two of their most experienced engineers to avail themselves of your kind offer to show to them the constructions already terminated or in progress in England, according to the plan of tubular bridges, and to lay before the government without delay a professional report, preparatory to his Majesty's government's final decision, of which in due time I shall have the honour of informing you. I remain, Sir, with high consideration, Your obedient servant, BUNSEN. WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX, Esq., Manchester. The commissioners arrived in England soon after this date, and their proceedings, so far as Mr. Fairbairn was concerned, are related in the following letter which he w T rote to Baron Hurnboldt : Manchester, December 3, 1849. My dear Sir, The Chevalier Bunsen, our mutual and excel- lent friend, has communicated to me the flattering terms in which you have written to him on the occasion of my late visit to Berlin. For these kind expressions I am most grateful, and notwithstanding they are so far beyond my deserts, I neverthe- less receive them with no small degree of satisfaction ; not in Q 226 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIKN. CHAP. xiv. the vain hope of approaching the distinguished eminence of the donor, but with a sincere desire, by future exertions and honour- able conduct, to merit their application. It will indeed be one of the most fortunate events of my life to have the good opinion, and I hope along with it the friendship of an intellect so highly cultivated and so universally honoured as that of the Baron Humboldt. The deep interest you have from the first taken in the project 1 have in contemplation, not only for the extension of the useful arts, but for the benefit of Prussia, induces me to hazard your displeasure by making you acquainted with the progress I have n ade with the gentlemen of the commission appointed to enquire into the nature of the construction I have had the honour to pro- pose for acceptance in Prussia. That commission consists of (three names illegible). The first is a gentleman of talent and discernment, and I think will take a fair and candid view of the subject; the second is highly respectable, but having originated the project of the chain-bridge across the Rhine, it cannot be expected that his mind will be free from bias which naturally inclines in the direction of his own design. The other gentle- man is equally committed to the flexible structure, as the author of the chain-bridge across the Vistula, and unless the superior strength, rigidity, and safety of the tubular system which I have exhibited to them has brought conviction to his mind, I should look in vain for support in that direction. I must, however, do the whole of these gentlemen the justice to state that they collectively expressed themselves satisfied with what they witnessed at the gigantic operations now going for- ward in the floating and raising the large tubes at the Menai Straits. They further acknowledged their surprise at the im- mense strength and solidity of the Con way tube when .standing in the middle of it during the passage of the trains. Altogether I hope their journey has not been unprofitable either as regards the interests of practical science or the introduction of those improvements into Prussia and other parts of the Continent of Europe. On the return of the Commission to Berlin it is more than probable you will become acquainted with the result of their labours, and I have no doubt they will report in full as to what COMMISSION TO ENGLAND. 227 should be done in the case, not only of the bridges at Cologne and the Vistula, but of all other bridges of similar import and character. As to the nature of the Report I am unable to form an opinion, but whatever it may be, it must come from the sound judgment of Mr. ; and I have no doubt, from the opinions laid before him and the experimental tests made in his presence, that he will speak favourably of this new principle of construc- tion, and recommend it for adoption both at Cologne and the Vistula. The Minister of Commerce and Public Works, M. Van der Heydt, will undoubtedly be guided by the Report he receives from this gentleman, and to enlarge the objects of the Com- mission I shall write to his Excellency in a few days, with a statement of the different bridges these gentlemen have seen, and the places visited by them. To your Excellency I will simply state that I met the gentlemen in London, and accom- panied them to Lincoln, and from thence to Grainsbro', where they were shown the tubular bridge of two spans 1 60 feet each, and the model of which I had the honour to exhibit at Potsdam and Berlin. At this bridge they had an opportunity of witness- ing three different railway trains run in succession over it at full speed ; and at Liverpool they examined two bridges of the same kind each 154 feet span. From Liverpool we proceeded, via Chester, to Conway and the Menai Straits in North Wales, where they had ample means for forming a judgment as to the effi- ciency of the immense structures, partly finished and partly in progress, and with which your Excellency has done me the honour to make yourself fully acquainted. At the Conway Bridge, which is finished, the gentlemen stood in the middle of one of the tubes (400 feet span) when the train ran through it at nearly thirty miles an hour, and I believe with no more vibration or yielding than is found in a stone tunnel or on the solid ground. All these experiments were made and exhibited before the eyes of the deputation, and having completed their survey, they proceeded direct for Scotland, called here again on Thursday, and are now in London, after having visited the Great Western and Devon Railways, Plymouth Dockyards, &c. I have much reason to apologise for the trouble I am in- flicting upon you in the perusal of so long a letter, and should 228 LIFE OF Slli WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xiv. not have ventured to do so but that I deem it a duty to make you acquainted with everything that has transpired since I last had the pleasure of seeing you at Potsdam. I retain a lively recollection of the great satisfaction I ex- perienced on the occasion of making your acquaintance, and the pleasure which the meeting gave to Mrs. Fairbairn, Mr. Homer, and my son : they collectively and individually unite in kind enquiries, and that you may yet be long spared, with increasing health and honours, is the earnest wish of Your Excellency's obliged and humble Servant, WM. FAIRBAIRN. His Excellency the BAEON von HUMBOLDT. The Baron answered this letter, as the answer is alluded to in a correspondence, about a month later, be- tween Mr. Fairbairn and General (after wards Sir Edward) Sabine, President of the Eoyal Society ; but unfortunately it has not been preserved. Tow r ards the end of February Mr. Fairbairn, becoming impatient, again wrote Baron Humboldt a letter, which he enclosed to the Ambassador with the following : Manchester, February 23, 1850. My dear Chevalier Bunsen, It would appear ungracious and unbecoming on my part if I attempted to forward my com- munication, relative to the propositions I had the honour to make at Berlin, without your sanction and approval. Next to yourself, there is none I so much reverence and highly esteem as the good and talented philosopher to whom the accompany- ing letter is addressed. It is your Excellency to whom I am indebted for the kind and flattering introduction which first ushered me into the presence of his Majesty Frederick William, and also into that of your friend, and I hope mine also, the Baron Humboldt. I can assure you the good opinion and friendship of such men is to me of more value than the building of a thousand bridges. Still I have a profession, and must be useful in it, and I feel impressed with the conviction that I owe to myself DOUBTS. 229 and our distinguished friend, to use my best efforts, and leave nothing undone, to substantiate your good opinion and kind recommendation I have received. To do so effectually I must build the bridge across the Rhine, and that in a manner which I make no doubt will redound to the honour of all concerned. It is from this feeling that I venture so often to trouble your Excellency, and again to thrust myself upon the notice of our friends at Berlin. I hope I am not doing so inopportunely, but finding some energetic competitors on the spot, and me at a distance, is one of the reasons which induce me to commit the enclosed to your care. If you think such a letter is proper and will be well received, you will do me the honour to transmit it to its destination. On the contrary, should you think it premature and likely to do harm, pray return it, and oblige Your Excellency's faithful and very obedient Servant, WM. FAIRBAIRN. P.S. We are going to have a public meeting on Tuesday, on the Great Exposition of 1851. I remarked you in the ' Times ' on Friday, and will send you a paper showing what we are about. Do you think it will be possible for me to have an interview with H.R.H. Prince Albert next time I am in town ? I should like him to see the drawings of Westminster Bridge and the model, in which I think he will take much interest. His R.H. fully understands the subject. The following is the reply, which it will be seen begins to convey some doubts as to the acceptance of Mr. Fair- bairn's plans : 9, Carlton Terrace, March 20, 1850. My dear Mr. Fairbairn, Allow me to introduce to you by these lines M. Kreuter, Engineer to H.M. the Emperor of Austria, a highly distinguished gentleman, whom that Govern- ment had charged in 1848 with the plan of a railway from Semlin to the Adriatic, a plan which he has published with all details, and which is highly approved. He wishes now to study your tubular bridge system, and in general your new construc- tions on railways. I therefore take the liberty of addressing him to you. He has also been lately at Berlin. 230 - LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xiv. Your two letters arrived safely. The letter to Humboldt was sent immediately. I delayed writing, because the news- papers communicated the resolution of government to lay before the Chamber next summer or in November their pro- posals respecting the two bridges on the Ehine and Vistula, but had first to receive the proposals and objections of the Municipality of Cologne. Soon afterwards I received a despatch from government, announcing they would soon send me a pro- gramme about those bridges, or at least that over the Khine. I am in daily expectation of receiving it, and then alone shall I feel able to judge how far they are dealing j ustly with you or not, and what guarantees are demanded and given as to pro- jects presented. A gentleman of the War-Engineering Office of Berlin, who was here for some other business, told me the Cologne people had declared they would never consent to a bridge being made 15 feet in height, which would obstruct the view of Cologne from Deutz ! I suppose this all turns about the selection of the place for the bridge. I expect that not much will be done before the great German business is settled. As soon as I hear something I shall let you know. Ever yours sincerely, BUNSEN. The next intimation of the state of matters is con- tained in a letter from Mr. Fairbairn to Mrs. Edgeworth (a relation of Maria Edgeworth), whose acquaintance he had made shortly before : Manchester, April 16, 1850. Dear Mrs. Edgeworth, I have purposely delayed my reply to your kind and interesting letter until I had ascertained my movements relative to a journey which I am about to undertake to Sweden and Russia. I have now fixed the time, and shall probably leave this country about the middle of the ensuing month. I entertain a lively recollection of my hurried but interest- ing visit to Edgeworth Town, and I am sure I ought to apologise for the unceremonious manner in which, a total stranger, I came upon you. But having the railway to Alullingar, and my DISAPPOINTMENT. 231 friend Hemans as a companion, I could not resist the tempta- tion of becoming acquainted with a family I had long respected and had heard so much about. These tubular bridges are a never-ending theme of discus- sion ; in the scientific world they seem to engage the attention of those who are very competent to judge of their merits. . . My late journey to Prussia is likely to turn out a fruitless one, as I have just received a letter from the Minister of Public Works, thanking me for the information I have given them, but the government have come to the conclusion to put up the bridge across the Ehine to competition, and a programme has been issued stating that they will not require the bridge to carry the railway, as they have concluded to split the trains into a number of pieces, and send them across the bridge, bit by bit, by men or horses. This is the decision of government, having before their eyes a solid bridge which I offered to con- struct for less money ; that it should open a continuous railway communication from one extreme of the kingdom to the other ; that it should not obstruct the currents or the navigation of the stream, and that it should carry railway trains with double engines at all speeds, and give all the facilities required for general traffic ; also splendid galleries for pedestrians outside the girders. All this I offered, and this was approved by his Majesty and declared to be correct by Humboldt ; and yet, in the face of the whole, this wise government is going to build a bridge whose rickety and palsied frame will shudder at the sight of a locomotive. I have written my friend Humboldt about it. The letter to Humboldt expressed, at much length and in somewhat strong terms, Mr. Fairbairn's remon- strance against the proposed measure. The Baron's answer was as follows, and it is impossible not to admire the skilful way in which he conveyed to Mr. Fairbairn, under cover of the most courteous and even flattering expressions, information which he knew would be distasteful to him. 232 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIEN. CHAP. xiv. Mon cher Monsieur, Je suis bien coupable d'avoir tarde si longtemps a vous ecrire, a vous exprimer 1'hommage de ma vive reconnaissance de tout ce que deux de vos lettres, et surtout celle dont vous venez de m'honorer, en date du 15 Avril, renfer- ment d'aimable pour moi. Soyez bien persuade que les impres- sions que vous avez laissees dans les regions que j'habite, sont restees les memes que pendant votre trop court sejour parmi nous. Mon trop long silence n'a tenu ni au vif interet qu'in- spirent nos interets Germaniques, que j'embrasse avec la meme ardeur que notre digne ami M. le Chevalier Bunsen, ni a un changement d'opinion a votre egard. Je suis reste silencieux comme j'ai 1'habitude de le faire dans ma position aupres du Souverain aussi longtemps qu'il m'etait reste 1'espoir de vous etre utile, mon cher Monsieur. J'aime mieux agir qu'ecrire sur des choses non terminees. Le Roi, qui a conserve une haute opinion de votre talent, de la dignite de votre caractere, de la courageuse sagacite avec laquelle vous avez lutte avec les elemens, n'a pas ete dans la situation d'exercer une influence directe et active dans une affaire toute materielle et technique. La nature de notre gouvernement constitutionnel laisse la liberte d'action et la responsabilite au ministre du commerce et des travaux publics. Deux jours apres avoir repu votre premiere lettre et des renseignements utiles que m'avait donnes M. le Chevalier Bunsen, je me suis rendu au ministre. La personne que vous avez vue a la tete de la commission a ete admise a la conversation. On a discute les frais, les difficultes de donner passage aux bateaux mates, la tendance de renoncer au passage des 'wagons' au moyen d'une locomotive, preferant (comme ebranlant moins) le passage au moyen des chevaux Le parti de ne pas se resoudre definitivement avant d'avoir porte le probleme devant le public m'etait deja positivement annonce. Vous savez combien les discussions verbales ramenent toujours les memes motifs sans faire changer les resolutions prises d'avance ! La declaration du concours publique a ete main- tenue et vous avez vu a, quelles contestations les conditions proposes ont deja donne lieu dans les journaux. Le ministre a commence a entrer en lutte avec la Gazette de Cologne. Tout cela m'a paru peu concluant, toute comparaison de frais tres vague, lorsque les localites different tant de votre admirable et COMPETITIVE DESIGNS. 233 monumental ouvrage du grand Tubular Bridge ! Un evenement tristement instructif a eu lieu depuis en France. J'espere qu'il fera faire des serieuses reflexions sur ce changement mysterieux, mais suffisamment constate dans la forme et juxtaposition des molecules comme effet du mouvement ondulatoire. Les opinions ont aussi leur mouvement d'oscillation et le temps amene quelquefois des chances favorables. Puissiez vous jouir, mon cher Monsieur, dans Pheureuse independance que vous devez a votre beau talent, de ce calme interieur et de cette serenite que donne la confiance des propres forces et 1'aspect du bien que vous regardez autour de vous. Je vous prie d'agreer vous-meme, Monsieur, votre fils, et mon aimable compatriote Grermano-Suisse, 1'expression renouvelee de mon devouement affectueux. Mon respectueux hommage a Madame Fairbairn, votre digne epouse. Votre t. h. et tres obeissant S. A. V. HUMBOLDT, A Potsdam, le 30 Avril, 1850. A month before the date of this letter, namely, on March 30, 1850, the government issued a notification inviting engineers, either Prussian or foreign, to send in designs for the bridge in competition. The conditions were that it was to be built in a line with the Cathedral, that it was to provide for the ordinary road traffic, and also for the railway so far as to allow loaded carriages and waggons to pass over without locomotives. The de- signs were to be sent in by August 1 in the same year, and the two best designs were to be rewarded with prizes. 1 Sixty-one designs were sent in, and the prizes were awarded, one to a Prussian engineer, Mr. Schwedler, for a suspension bridge ; the other to Captain W. Moorsom, the well-known English engineer, for a lattice bridge on the American plan. 1 Zettschriftfiir Sauwesen, September 1, 1851, p. 138. 234 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xir. The judges, however, came to the resolution that none of the plans, not even the rewarded ones, were so satis- factory as to warrant their recommending them for adop- tion, and so the question still remained open. The government then determined to send over a second time to England for the purpose of examining further into the nature and the merits of the iron bridges that had been erected for the railways in this country. The commissioner this time was General Eadowitz, a dis- tinguished military engineer. This measure emboldened Mr. Fairbairn to persevere in his project, and he accordingly proceeded to prepare his plans and estimates with more completeness, and they were despatched to Berlin in March 1851, as appears by the following letter : 9, Carlton Terrace, March 11, 1851. My dear Mr. Fairbairn, To-day your beautiful drawings and memoir are in the hands of General Kadowitz. They came just in time for the King's messenger. The General will report on the same to the King directly. I assure you that I deeply feel the kind confidence you have shown me and my illustrious friend on this occasion, and I hope it will not be without final good effect in Prussia. I am sorry to find that you have been confined to your room, and hope soon to wish you joy in person here for your perfect recovery. Believe me, dear Mr. Fairbairn, Yours faithfully, BUNSEN. Mr. Fairbairn also wrote directly to Baron Humboldt at the same time, recommending the new plans to his further consideration. The plans submitted by Mr. Fairbairn have been pub- lished by him. 1 They consisted of two different designs. 1 In the work above cited. MR. FAIRBAIRN'S SUGGESTION ADOPTED. 235 One was in four spans, the two middle ones 326 feet each from centre to centre of the piers, and the two end ones 244 feet. There were to be three parallel lines of wrought- iron box-girders, on the plan patented by Mr. Fairbairn, providing between them for railway and carriage roads, and having external footpaths on each side. The cost of this structure was estimated to be about 400,000/. The other design was for two spans only, of 570 feet each, and for these Mr. Fairbairn proposed two lines of hollow rectangular tubular girders, similar to those of the Britannia Bridge, but larger. Each tube would admit one line of railway within it, and there was to be a carriage way between them, and footpaths on the sides. The cost of this was estimated at 470,000^. The result of the further consideration of the matter in Berlin was, that the Government abandoned their own scheme of a suspension bridge, with an interruption of the railway traffic, and adopted Mr. Fairbairn's suggestion so far as it comprised a strong and rigid structure over which the trains could cross in their complete state. This measure of establishing a free railway connection between the north and south banks of the river was really the great point of his recommendation. But the Government, while adopting his ideas as to the general nature of the bridge, demurred to his pro- posed mode of construction, that of large tubes formed of solid wrought-iron. They probably attached more weight than he did to sesthetical considerations of design, and in such a situation they feared that a bridge of the same description as that of the Britannia and Conway tubes would be objectionable in appearance. Whether, under these circumstances, they ever entered into communication with Mr. Fairbairn (as it would have been not only courteous but just for them to do) with a 236 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHA.P. xiv. view to inducing him to modify the construction, does not appear. But, however this may be, the Government de- cided that the bridge should be constructed on the lattice or open-work principle, which had been shortly before adopted for a large bridge carrying one of the Prussian railways over the Vistula. 1 Mr. Fairbairn, being informed of this, wrote to Hum- boldt, on August 23, 1852, a letter from which the fol- lowing is an extract : From the condescending manner in which. I was received by his Majesty, and the unwearied attention you personally be- stowed on the objects of my journey, I was taught to believe that at no very distant period I should again have the pleasure of meeting you, and that the projected bridge across the Ehine at Cologne, in which you took so deep an interest, would sooner or later have been carried into effect. I believe this is now likely to be accomplished, not upon the principle I recom- mended, but some other construction, which doubtless the authorities believe superior to those I had the honour to lay before them. One important consideration was, however, ob- tained by our united exertions, and that was to condemn an imperfect and abortive construction, and to direct the public mind to the importance of having a structure that was not only capable of supporting the railway, but all the other objects con- templated in the requirements of the public traffic. These objects have now been attained; at least I am so informed; and that the drawbridges, as well as the hoisting and lowering of the carriages from one level to another, are to be dispensed with. This, you will recollect, is what we contended for ; and I consider it fortunate for the country that his Majesty suspended the perpetration of a project that would never have realised the expectations of the Government or the wants of the public. Mr. Fairbairn then goes on to criticise the proposed plan of construction, and to vindicate the superiority of his own, after which he adds : 1 Zeitschriftfur Sauwesen, 1857, p. 309. PRESENT BRIDGE. 237 Altogether, I trust the investigation of this subject has not been without its use ; and although I have received official notice that the authorities decline adopting the system I have recommended, I nevertheless still hope to find their construc- tions founded upon the same principles I have had the honour to advocate, and which I make no doubt will be for the benefit as well as the security of the public. No further reference seems to have been made to Mr. Fairbairu, but the plans, according to the new conditions, were elaborated by two Prussian engineers, Messrs. Wall- baum and Lohse, and after several changes, resolved themselves into the form of the present bridge, which was commenced in 1855, and finished some years later. It crosses the river, in a line with the axis of the cathedral, in four spans, each 313 feet wide in the clear, and con- sists of two pairs of girders, side by side, one pair carrying a double line of railway, and the other the road traffic. The girders are formed of open lattice-work, instead of plates, as Mr. Fairbairn had proposed ; but in other respects there has not been much material departure from Mr. Fairbairn's designs. CHAPTER XV SCIENTIFIC HONOURS AGE 61-64 1 85O 1853 CULMINATING POINT IN MR. FAIRBAIRN 8 LIFE EFFECT OF CONTRO- VERSIES THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON MR. GEORGE RENNIE CERTIFICATE ELECTION AS F.R.S. THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FRANCE ITS FOUNDATION AND CONSTITUTION THE FRENCH ACADEMY AND JOHNSON VACANCY MR. FAIRBAIRN PROPOSED AS. A CANDIDATE COMMISSION OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES CORRESPONDENCE WITH ARAGO, DUPIN, MORIN, PONCELET WATER-WHEELS ELECTION THE ATHENJEUM CLUB ITS OBJECTS AND MODE OF ELECTION RULE H. MR. FAIRBAIRN ELECTED WITHOUT BALLOT MINOR HONOURS. 241 CHAPTER XV. THE publication of Mr. Fairbairn's work on the great bridges formed a culminating point in his life ; and the controversies which took place on the subject, although they caused him much annoyance at the time, were not without advantage to him, inasmuch as they brought his name more prominently before the world, and called more general attention, not only to the part he had taken in the works in question, but to his distinguished posi- tion generally as a mechanical engineer. The appreciation of his merits was manifested imme- diately by some honours being paid him of very high character. The first of these was his admission into the Eoyal Society of London. This society elects fifteen members every year, who are selected carefully by the council, out of a large number of candidates, on account of eminent scientific merit ; and consequently the fellowship of the society is a high distinction. The proposal appears to have originated with the late Mr. George Eennie, who, writing to Mr. Fairbairn on December 4, 1849, said: Few men would have a better chance, as your name and reputation are too well known to the world at large to- permit of any doubt of your success. I will desire the assistant secre- tary to send you a printed form to be filled up, and to be sent R 242 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIKBAIRN. CHAP. xv. round to your friends for signature, in which I will assist, although I am precluded from signing it myself. The form, or certificate, as it is called, was ultimately filled up as follows : 1 William Fairbairn, Engineer, Manchester, author of nume- rous papers which have been from time to time published in the Transactions of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, in the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, and the Transactions of Institution of Civil Engineers. These papers embrace an enquiry into the comparative strength of hot and cold blast iron, an extended investigation of the strength and other properties of all the irons of Great Britain, and of the Samakoff Turkish iron ; an Essay on the Combustion of Fuel, on the most Economical Method of Eaising Water from Mines, &c. The author also of a work descriptive of the Conway and Britannia Tubular Bridges, and containing also an experimental research to deter- mine the law which governs the strengths, &c., of Wrought- Iron Tubular Bridges and Girders ; being desirous of admission into the Eoyal Society of London, we, the undersigned, propose and recommend him as deserving that honour, and as likely to become a useful and valuable member. Dated this 31st day of January, 1850. It was signed by the following names, among which many will be recognised as of great scientific eminence : Henry Holland, Henry Moseley, John Rennie, J. Walker, W. Cubitt, Joshua Field, James Booth, F. Beaufort, W. C. Mylne, G. R. Porter, Robert Willis, John Barrow, Charles Babbage, Andrew Ure, William Brockedon. The council included Mr. Fairbairn 's name in the selected list of candidates ; and he was elected into the Society, June 6, 1850. 1 Inserted by permission of the Society. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FRANCE. 243 Within a year after Mr. Fairbairn's election into the .Royal Society another honour was paid him, which was still more distinguished, on account of the very few of his countrymen on whom it has been bestowed that of admission into the National Institute of France. As the nature and constitution of this body are not generally known in this country, a few explanatory words may be in place here. The Institute of France was founded by the Republic on the 5 Fructidor (August 22), 1795, its declared object being : 1. A perfectionner les sciences et les arts par des recherches non interrompues, par la publication des decouvertes, par la correspondance avec les societes savantes et etrangeres. 2. A suivre, conformeraent aux lois et arretes du Directoire executif, les travaux scientifiques et litteraires qui auront pour objet Futilite generale et la gloire de la Kepublique. It was confirmed by Bonaparte some years later ; and again by Louis XVIII. in 1816, and by Louis Philippe in 1832. The body termed ' ITnstitut de France ' comprises five 'Academies,' the constitution of which is as follows : 1. L'AcADfiMiE FRAN^AISE. This consists of forty members chosen from the most eminent literary and public men of the kingdom. 1 1 This body is older than the Institute generally, having been ' employed in settling the French language and editing the celebrated dictionary ' before Johnson's time. Garrick's complimentary epigram on Johnson's Dictionary says, alluding to them : I And Johnson, well arm'd like a hero of yore, Has beat forty French, and will beat forty more ! E2 244 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xv. 2. L'ACADfiMIE DES INSCRIPTIONS ET BELLES LETTRES. This consists of men eminent in antiquarian and polite literature, and the members are : Acade"miciens . . . . . . 40 Academiciens libres . . . . . . . 10 Associe"s Strangers ....... 8 Correspondants, French . . , . . . 20 Foreigners 30 3. L'ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. This is divided into eleven sections, and the numbers of members of different grades are : Academiciens. Geometry 6 Mechanics fj Astronomy . 6 Geography and Navigation 3 General Physics 6 Chemistry . .6 Mineralogy ......... 6 Botany 6 Rural Economy g Anatomy and Zoology 6 Medicine and Surgery 6 63 Academiciens libres . 10 Associ^s Strangers 8 Correspondants. Geometry g Mechanics g Astronomy jg Geography and Navigation 8 General Physics 9 Chemistry g Mineralogy g Botany. . . . . . \ \ \ '.10 Rural Economy JQ Anatomy and Zoology .... 10 Medicine and Surgery ... g loo NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FRANCE. 245 4. L'ACADEMIE DES BEAUX ARTS. This also is divided into sections, with numbers as follow : Academidens: Sculpture Architecture .... 8 8 Engraving Musical Composition 4 6 40 Academidens libres .... . 10 Assodes etranyers .... Correspondants .... Correspondants honoraires . 10 . 40 3 5. L'ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES MORALES ET POLITIQUES. The subdivisions in this Academy are : Academidens. Philosophic 6 Morale 6 Legislation, Droit public, et Jurisprudence ... 6 Economic politique, et statistique G Ilistoire ge"nerale et philosophique .... 6 30 Academidens libres ....... 7 Assodes etrangers o Correspondants. Philosophie 7 Morale 7 Legislation 7 Economie politique 10 Histoire _7 38 TOTAL OP THE INSTITUTE. Academiciens 213 Acade"iniciens libres 35 Associes etrangers 31 Correspondants 228 Correspondants honoraires 3 610 246 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIKI3AIUX. CHAP. xv. When a vacancy occurs by the death of any acade- mician, a list of at least three names is drawn up and presented to the Institute by the Academy in which the vacancy arises, and the choice between them is made by the general body. The corresponding members in each Academy are elected by that Academy, on the presenta- tion of a list by the section in which the vacancy occurs. In the middle of the year 1851, a. vacancy occurred among the corresponding members of the Mechanical Section of the Academy of Sciences by the death of Sir Mark Isambard Brunei. Mr. Fairbairn had previously made the acquaintance of some influential members of the Institute, among whom were Generals Poncelet and Morin, Baron Dupin, and M. Arago ; and on the en- couragement of these and other friends, he decided to offer himself as a candidate. He went to Paris in Sep- tember, and shortly afterwards sent over full particulars of his claims, accompanied with the following letter to General Poncelet : Manchester: October 1, 1851. Dear General Poncelet, The interest you have taken in wishing me to become a candidate for admission as a corre- sponding member of the Institute of France, induces me to lay before you a brief statement of facts in connection with my past and present history. I would not have ventured to aspire to the dignity but for the encouragement I received from your- self and M. Arago ; nor is it my intention even now to present myself before the members of the Academy unless well supported by friends who may consider me worthy of such a distinction. I have no doubt there will be found many claimants of higher standing and much greater learning than myself, entitled to such an honour, but I should deem myself ungrateful, after the encouragement I have received, if I did not lay before the Academy a list of my qualifications, with copies of such as I have in my possession, which, I now forward for acceptance by that distinguished body. OFFICIAL LKTTKK. 247 I have further drawn up for your guidance a short account of my early history, and a brief statement of my endeavours to be useful in my professional capacity, and the advancement of practical science. In these attempts I have laboured under an imperfect education, and many other disadvantages, which nothing but an indomitable perseverance could overcome. How far I have been successful I must leave my works to determine ; and all I have now to offer is (in case of my election) the same determined spirit to be useful to the Institute of France, as I humbly trust I have been to the Institutions I have been con- nected with in this country. Yours faithfully and obliged, WM. FAIRBAIKN. The Academy named a commission of three members to investigate Mr. Fairbairn's claims ; and, the result of this being satisfactory, an official letter was addressed to him as follows : Paris, le 13 Novembre, 1851. Moil cher Monsieur, II y a en ce moment une vacance de Meuibre Correspondant de la Section de Mecanique a 1'Academie des Sciences a Paris. Les grands et beaux travaux que vous avez diriges et executes vous mettent au nombre des personnel sur lesquelles doit se porter la pensee de 1'Institut. Je vous prie done de me faire savoir si votre intention est de vous porter comme candidat en titre de Membre Correspondant de 1'Academie des Sciences (Section de Mecauique), et dans le cas de i'affirmative, de m'envoyer une note des principaux travaux sur lesquels s'appuie- rait votre candidature. Kecevez, Monsieur, 1'expression de la haute considera- tion de votre devoue serviteur, Le Colonel d'Artillerie, Membre de 1'Institut, Adminis- trateur du Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers, A. MORIN, Monsieur WM. FAIEBAIRN. This letter was answered in due course, but the stirring political events of the end of the year so inter- 243 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FA1BBAIRN. CHAI-. xv. rupted the even course of routine business that nothing was done towards the elections for some months. Many vacancies had occurred, and the French members had to be elected before the claims of the Corresponding members could be entertained. Mr. Fairbairn, however, continued to receive strong expressions of support from his distinguished friends, as is shown in the following interesting letter from one of the greatest mechanics of the age : Paris, le 4 Fevrier, 1852. Mon cher et ties estime Collegue, Mou long silence n'aurait aucune excuse legitime, sans les evenements politiques qui sont venus nous surprendre. D'une autre part, lors de vos premieres communications et de 1'envoi de vos nombreux titres aux suffrages de 1'Institut, la plupart de mes collegues de la section de mecanique etaient absente de Paris, et il afallu attendre leur retour pour les mettre au courant de notre projet d'election, sans trop en brusquer le denouement et leur faire penser que notre parti etait pris et arrete a 1'avance. Aujourd'hui, malgre les evenements, les choses sont beaucoup plus avancees, et j'ai tout bien de croire que votre nom sera porte en tete de ia liste des candidates de la section de mecanique. A l'egard de vos titres et des divers travaux de votre labo- rieuse carriere, ils seront, vous pouvez en etre sur, apprecies a leur juste valeur. Pour moi, je les trouve, en tous point?, dignes des suffrages de 1'Academie des Sciences, soit au point de vue pratique, soit a celui de 1'invention et des recherches experi- mentales entreprises en vue d'eclairer la science de construction. Vos immenses travaux comme ingenieur et constructeur, votre ingenieuse machine a river, et la maniere dont vous avez su, 1'un des premiers, assouplir la tole et en propager 1'emploi dans Industrie manufacturiere, et les grandes constructions nautiques, sont dignes de la plus haute estime. Enfin je suis tout a fait de 1'avis du Dr. Ure quant aux eloges qu'il donne a votre systeme d'etablissement des arbres de commande dans les filatures, &c. Votre bel ouvrage sur les ponts tubulaires ne laisse rien a desirer a cet egard [vos droits comme inventeur et perfection- LETTERS FROM POXCELET. 249 neur]; j'en dirai autant de votre machine a river, et de vos con- structions de roues hydrauliques, ou chacun appreciera les belles dispositions adoptees ; neanmoins pour les hommes tels que moi alles peu au courant du progres que les constructions de ce genre ont repu en Angleterre, il serait utile de connaitre la riliere historique des idees. Au sujet de vos grandes et belles roues a augets courbes ventiles a systeme de suspension, je trouve des renseignements precieux dans le memoire que M. Ferey a bien voulu me remettre de votre part, et dont je vous adresse mes bien sinceres remerciments. Vos systemes de construction sont sans contredit superieurs a ceux qui avaient, j usque-la, ete employes, et je les crois tres propres a rendre les services auxquels il sont destines ; cependant je ne pense que 1'evacua- tion de 1'air en dehors les augets soit le seul obstacle oppose a 1'introduction de 1'eau dans les augets, et que par consequent le moyen de ventilation si simple que vous employez soit le dernier mot de la question. D'apres des etudes tres anciennes que j'ai faites de cette question, le rapport des vitesses de la roue et de la veine d'eau, les angles des augets et de cette veine avec la circonference exterieure de la roue doivent exercer aussi une tres grande influence, et c'est dans cette vue que j'ai imagine des dispositions nouvelles, pour les roues en dessus et de cote, qui different beaucoup de tout ce que Ton avait imagine jttsqu'a present, outre que j'ai eu aussi en vue une acceleration de vitesse. GrENEUAL PONCELET. M. Poncelet added a lucid description of his im- provements in water-wheels, illustrating it with sketches. These improvements have now long been known, and have become highly appreciated among engineers, for their elegant scientific merit and their practical utility ; but the description is too technical for insertion here. A little later, another great mechanic wrote : Paris, le 14 Mars, 1852. Mon cher Fairbairn, J'ai tarde bien longtemps a vous ecrire au sujet de 1'affaire qui vous interesse ici, parce que je 250 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAI1JI3AIRX. CHAP. xv. voulais pouvoir vous en donner quelques nouvelles certaines. Apres des pourparlers assez longs, et difficiles, nous sommes par- venus, MM. Dupin, Poncelet et moi, a faire decider par la section de mecanique que vous seriez presente pour etre nomme membre correspondant de Hnstitut avec MM. Babbage, Hodg- kinson et Willis ; mais que la section declarerait que dans 1'etat actuel des besoins de la science elle demande que vous soyez choisi. M. Dupin se charge de faire le rapport. Votre bien affectionne, M. MORIN. The final proceedings are detailed in the following- letters, which are given verbatim, as they were written in English by the great man whose signature they bear. Paris, May 6, 1852. Dear Sir, Monday last I had the honour and pleasure to read my report, in the name of Mechanics' Section of the Insti- tute of France, to propose the candidates for the place of cor- respondent, vacant by the death of Sir M. I. Brunei. I have been happy enough to obtain that your name should be the first of all candidates. I can say you that I have been quite enthusiastic with the study of your numerous and so meritorious works and inven- tions ; the picture of them did strike the whole Academy with admiration. I hope next week to be able to write again to you a letter announcing your election as our worthy Correspondent, and nobody will be more happy for that result than I shall be. I am, Sir, Your most devoted servant, BARON CHARLES DUPIN. Paris, May 11, 1852. Dear Sir, I rejoice very much in giving .to you notice that you have been elected to-day Correspondant of the National Institute of France, and your majority has been enormous, thirty- seven against four. I am, dear sir, Your most devoted colleague and friend, BARON CHARLES DUTIN. ELECTIUX. 251 The official announcement of the election was as follows ; Institut de France, Academic des Sciences, Paris, le 11 Mai, 1852. Le Secretaire perpetuel de 1'Academie pour les Sciences Mat hematiques. Monsieur, J'ai 1'honneur de vous adresser 1'extrait ci -joint du Proces-verbal de la seance du Mardi 1 1 Mai, dans laquelle 1'Academie vient de vous nommer 1'un de ses Correspondants pour la Section de Mecanique, en remplacement de feu Mr. Brunei. En vous offrant ce titre comme un temoignage de son estime, 1'Academie vous invite, Monsieur, a lui faire part du fruit de vos recherches dans les sciences dont elle s'occupe. Veuillez, Monsieur, agreer 1'assurance de ma consideration la plus distinguee. F. AKAGO. Enclosure. L' Academic precede par la voie du scrutin a 1'election d'un Correspondant, appele a remplir la place devenue vacante par suite du deces de Mr. Brunei. Le resultat du scrutin donne la majorite absolue des suf- frages a Mr. Fairbairn a Manchester. En consequence M. le President le proclame elu corres- pondant. 1 Pour extrait conforme, F. ABAGO. 1 It may be interesting to add a list of the Englishmen who were mem- bers of the Institute about the time of Mr. Fairbairn's election : Academic des Inscriptions. Horace Hayman Wilson, Oxford, Associe Etranger. William Martin Leake, London, Correspondant. Thos. Gaisford, Oxford, Thos. Wright, London, H. Rawlinaon, Bagdad, B. H. Hodgson, Bengal, Academic des Sciences. Hubert Brown, Agsocie" Etranger. Capt. Scoresby, Correspoudant. Michael Faraday, Admiral Beaufort, 252 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FA1RBAIRN. CHAP. xv. In 1853 came a third distinction, one highly appre- ciated by those who know its nature, namely, his election without ballot, into the Athenaeum Club. This institution was founded in 1824, with an object- independent of all political or party views, namely, 'for the association of individuals known for their scientific or literary attainments, artists of eminence in any class of the fine arts, and noblemen and gentlemen distinguished as liberal patrons of science, literature, or the arts.' The number of members is 1,200 ; and although ad- mission into the club has not been exclusively confined to persons who come within the avowed classification, it is David Brewster, Associe Stranger W. R. Hamilton, Correspondant. H. Moseley, W. Fairbairn, Sir John Herschel, General Brisbane, G. D. Airy, Capt. Smyth, J. R. Hind, Dr. Buckland, Correspondant. Sir R. Murchison, Sir H. de la Beche, Wallich, Sir Edward Parry, Correspcndant Sir John Franklin, Sir James Clark Ross, Prof. Barlow, Prof. Forbes, Edinburgh, Correspon- dant. Prof. Wheatstone, Correspondant. Prof. Graham, Prof. ConybearR, Bracy Clark, Correspondant. Lindley, Richard Owen, Sir B. Brodie, Academic ties Beaux Arts. Chas. Cockerell, Associe Etranger. T. L. Donaldson, Correspondant. Howard Vyse, Academic des Sciences Morales et Politiques. William Jacob, London, Correspon- dant. Nassau Senior, London, Correspon- dant. Lord Brougham, Associe Etranger. H. Hallam, J. R. MacCulloch, Sir W. Hamilton, Edinburgh, Corre- spondaut. C. Babbage, London, Correspon Dr. Whateley, Dublin, Correspon- dant. dant - Tooke, London, Correspondant. John Austin, London, Currespon- T. B. Macaulay, dant. ATHENAEUM CLUB. 253 understood that the club is distinguished from all others by the predominance of members of scientific, literary, and artistic pursuits and tastes. The ordinary mode of admission into the club is by the usual process of a ballot among the members gene- rally; and so great is the demand for admission that there are at present above 1,500 candidates on the books waiting their turn for election, and a name has to stand about fifteen years on the list before it is called on. The club has, however, a feature peculiar to itself, namely, the existence of a rule which requires the managing committee to keep up its special character by introducing into it, without being subject to the general ballot, nine members annually, chosen for their eminence in the objects for which the institution was founded. The following is the rule in question : It being essential to the maintenance of the Athenaeum, in conformity with the principles upon which it was originally founded, that the annual introduction of a certain numher of persons of distinguished eminence in science, literature, or the arts, or for public services, should be secured, a limited number of persons of such qualifications shall be elected by the com- mittee. The number so elected shall not exceed nine in each year. The elections shall take place during the months of January, February, March, and April. The committee shall be specially summoned for the purpose, at least one week before the intended election ; no election shall take place unless nine at least of the committee be actually present, and the whole of those present be unanimous in their election. Not more than one-third of the total number of persons to be thus admitted within the year shall be elected at any one meeting. The club intrust this privilege to the committee, in the entire confidence that they will only elect persons who shall have attained to distinguished eminence in science j literature, or the arts, or for public services. The names of members so elected are to be immediately hung up in the public rooms. 254 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xv. In December, 1852, Mr. Fairbairn's name was entered in the candidates' book, being proposed by Mr. George Eennie, and seconded by Sir Eoderick Murchison. On February 1, 1853, he was elected by the committee under the rule above cited. Among those similarly intro- duced in the same year were Thomas Carlyle, Baron Marochetti, and Sir Francis Grant, now P.R.A. The following honours were paid him at subsequent periods of his life, on account of his scientific merits. In November, 1855, he was elected member of the Academic Nationale Agricole, Manufacturiere et Com- merciale, Paris ; In December, 1856, a Corresponding Associate of the Eoyal Academy of Sciences, Turin ; In November, 1860, an Honorary Member of the Prussian 'Verein fur Beforderung des Gewerbfleisses,' Berlin ; In July, 1861, an Honorary Member of the Royal United Service Institution, London ; In November, 1861, a Corresponding Member of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool ; In the same month, an Honorary Associate of the Institution of Naval Architects, London ; In February, 1862, an Honorary Member of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society ; In June, 1862, an Honorary Associate of the Society of Arts, Geneva ; and In October, 1867, an Honorary Member of the Society of Engineers, London. CHAPTER XVL STEAM BOILERS AND MATTERS CONNECTED THEREWITH 1844-1874 STEAM-BOILERS MR. FAIRBATRN ENGAGED LARGELY IS THEIR CON- STRUCTION IMPROVEMENT IX THEIR DESIGN THE TWO-FLUED, OR LANCASHIRE BOILER BOILER EXPLOSIONS THEIR FREQUENCY IN THE MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS MR, PAIRBAIRN's FREQUENT EVIDENCE AT CORONERS' INQUESTS LECTURES AT LEEDS AND OTHER TOWNS PAPER AT THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOUNDATION OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR THE PREVENTION OF BOILER EXPLOSIONS FIRST IDEAS FIRST STEPS FOR THE FORMATION OF THE SOCIETY FAIRBAIRN AND WHITWORTH NOTICES BY THE PRESS PRELIMINARY MEETINGS FORMAL ESTABLISHMENT MR. FAIRBAIRN BECOMES PRESIDENT PRESENT STATE OF THE ASSOCIATION THEORETICAL INVESTIGATIONS UNDERTAKEN BY MR. FAIRBAIRN PAPER TO THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE RESISTANCE OF TUBES TO COLLAPSE THE STRENGTH OF GLASS THE PROPERTIES OF STEAM LETTER FROM REGNAULT LEGISLATIVE INTERFERENCE LN REGARD TO STEAM BOILERS MR. PAIRBAIRN'S OPINIONS THEEEON COMMITTEES OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION AND OF THE HOUSE OP COMMONS SIR WILLIAM'S LATE IMPROVEMENTS IN BOILERS COMMUNICATION WITH THE ASSOCIATION NEAR THE CLOSE OF HIS LIFE TRIBUTE BY THEM TO HIS MEMORY. 257 CHAPTEE XVI. A SUBJECT that much interested Mr. Fairbairn during the best part of his life, and one on which he did most valu- able service, was that of steam-boilers. In his large practice as a manufacturer of steam- engines, he could not fail to see the extreme import- ance of that element of the machine from which its power was derived. He had his attention directed to the fre- quent occurrence of disastrous explosions ; and hence he was led to study carefully the mechanical principles in- volved in the construction and arrangement of boilers. He noticed many defects, and introduced several impor- tant improvements. He further made it his business to promulgate knowledge by writings and lectures on the structure and management of boilers ; and last, though not least, he founded a public association for the object of promoting safety in their use for manufacturing pur- poses generally. Mr. Fairbairn began to make steam-engines soon after 1832, and the construction of the boilers for them formed an extensive manufacture in itself. In 1837 he applied to them his new invention of the riveting machine, as described in Chapter X. ; and a few years later, viz., in 1844, he introduced a valuable change in boiler design. He was always an advocate for high-pressure steam, on account of its economical advantage ; but its use was s 258 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xvr. limited by a fear of danger in the vessel wherein it was generated. The kind of boiler which had been found by experience to be best adapted for this purpose was that known as the Cornish or Trevithick's boiler. 1 This was of cylindrical form, having a tube running through it in which the fire was placed, in the manner shown in the first of the following figures. This had the disadvantage that the tube must ne- cessarily be of large size, so as to admit sufficient fire, and it was on that account exposed to a severe external crushing strain, which its form was not well calculated to bear. It had also the evil that the water over the top of the tube was only of small depth, and that if by accident the water level happened to get low, the top of the tube, being exposed to the most intense action of the fire, was liable to become over- heated, which would lead to danger of explosion. The steam space was also contracted by the necessary height of the water line. Mr. Fairbairn's improvement consisted in using two internal fire-tubes, of smaller size, instead of one large one. These tubes were subject to a much diminished external strain, while at 'the same time they allowed of an increase of the fire-grate and heating surface ; and, what was of more importance, a much greater depth of water could be maintained over them, and the level could, if necessary, be lowered so as to enlarge the steam room. The second figure shows the improved arrange- ment. The idea, though extremely simple, was admirably practical and useful ; and the invention was patented by Wm. Fairbairn and John Hetherington (an engineer who had aided him in it), on April 30, 1844 (No. 10,166). 1 See Pole on the Cornish Engine, Arts. 124 to 150. CORNISH AND LANCASHIRE BOILERS. 259 TREVITHICK'S, OR THE CORNISH BOILER. FAIRBAIRN'S, OR THE LANCASHIRE BOILER. s 2 260 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIKBAIRN. CHAP. xvr. This form of boiler found great favour. It was soon widely adopted, and is now by far the most usual con- struction for high-pressure boilers in the manufacturing districts. Indeed, so common is it there that it is often called the ' Lancashire Boiler ' in contradistinction to the ' Cornish ' one, which prevails in the south-western counties. Independently, however, of his practice in the con- struction of boilers, Mr. Fairbairn had his attention called to them in another way, as it had been his lot to see many lamentable cases where either inattention to the proper principles of construction, or careless management, had caused disastrous explosions and fearful destruction of life and property. The great extension of manufacturing industry in the Lancashire and Yorkshire towns had led to the employ- ment of steam-power to a vast extent ; steam-engines were required in great numbers, and their manufacture was often undertaken by persons not well instructed in scientific principles, and at prices which did not admit of all possible care being taken in regard to the propor- tions or the practical workmanship. Moreover, these engines were not unfrequently worked under careless management, being put into the charge of incompetent or ignorant men, unable to see where danger arose, or unscrupulous as to overtaxing the powers of the apparatus. Hence, boiler explosions be- came but too common in these districts ; and when they did occur, from the magnitude of the buildings and the great number of people employed, the consequences were usually very severe. The worst feature of the case was that the causes of these explosions were often very difficult to trace out. The destruction was so complete that tangible evidence BOILER EXPLOSIONS. 261 was in a great measure destroyed; and it usually hap- pened that the persons who would have been best able to throw light on the causes were killed. The proprietors or managers, not wishing to criminate themselves, were loth to admit that there had been anything amiss in con- struction or attention, and hence all sorts of fanciful theories were conjured up, such as electric action, chemical decomposition of the steam, and mysterious agencies of many kinds, to account for what was merely a natural sequence from simple mechanical conditions. At the inquests held on such occasions the juries were often puzzled by these various theories, and it became a common custom for coroners or magistrates to call in an independent and impartial engineer to aid in the investi- gations, and to endeavour to throw light on the causes of the accidents. Mr. Fairbairn, from his great experience and high reputation, was much in request on these occasions, a few of which may be named. In November 1845 he attended at Bolton, to examine into the circumstances of a disastrous explosion, by which fourteen lives were lost. He gave evidence at the inquest, pointing out defects in the boiler arrangements, and the jury returned a verdict of manslaughter against one of the partners, with a recommendation that Mr. Fairbairn's report ' should be forwarded to the Secretary of State for the Home Department, with a view of bringing the subject of steam-boilers before the legis- lature.' In December 1850 he was called in by the magis- trates of Halifax, to investigate a serious explosion that had taken place there, and which he succeeded in tracing to the weakness of a certain part of the boiler. In November 1853 he attended at Blackburn, to give 262 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP. XYI. evidence on the bursting of a boiler at a mill in that town, by which seven persons were killed, and which he traced clearly to the defective condition of the boiler. He declined to receive remuneration for his services, directing that the fee offered him should be applied for the benefit of the families of the sufferers. Many similar accidents were investigated by him, among which was the unfortunate explosion of a locomo- tive durin^ its testing at the Atlas Locomotive Works of Messrs. Sharp, Eoberts & Co., Manchester, in July 1858, by which nine persons were killed. It was felt that it would be very useful both to the manufacturers and users of steam machinery if Mr. Fair- bairn would make some publication of the knowledge he had gained on this subject, and at the beginning of 1851 he received the following letter : Leeds, January 11, 1851. My dear Sir, It has occurred to the Committee of the Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institutes that you might confer an important boon on the manufacturing classes of York- shire if you could deliver a lecture on ' Steam-Engine Boilers, the causes of explosion, and the means of prevention,' or some- thing to that effect. You have bestowed so much attention on the boiler explo- sion at Halifax, that we hope the preparation of the lecture would not be attended with much trouble. That, and other similar calamities, would cause your lecture to be received with great interest. Our idea is that it should be a lecture expressly adapted to practical men, both to masters and engine tenters. We should ask the favour, if your numerous engagements would permit, of your delivering the lecture first to the Leeds Mechanics' Institution ; and should say that you would lay the public under additional obligation if you could afterwards repeat the lecture in the Mechanics' Institutions of the three other great manufacturing towns of Yorkshire, Brad- ford, Halifax, and Huddersfield. LECTURES OX BOILERS. 263 We feel that this is a very bold request to make, and we could not have made it had we not known your public spirit, and also that you are already fully charged with all the facts on the subject. The report of the lecture in the papers would make it useful through the whole of Yorkshire and far beyond. You are aware that the Earl of Carlisle has set a noble ex- ample by delivering two lectures to our Mechanics' Institution ; but you do not need an example, as you have always been friendly to the diffusion of science and the advancement of the operative classes. Requesting your kind consideration of our proposal, I am, dear sir, yours truly, EDWARD BAINES, President of the Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institutes. \Vm. Fairbairn, Esq. He complied with this request, and on April 23rd and 24th he delivered two lectures before the Leeds Mechanics' Institution. In the first lecture, ' On the Construction of Boilers,' he discussed the forms, propor- tions, and material of such vessels, and the forces they were subject to ; in the second, ' On Boiler Explosions,' he explained the various probable causes of such acci- dents (giving many examples in illustration), and de- scribed various precautionary measures with the object of guarding against them. The lectures were repeated in several manufacturing towns, and were printed by the committee in the form of a cheap tract, 'in the hope that much practical benefit might result from their publication in that manufacturing district.' They were afterwards re-published in ' Useful Information for En- gineers,' and in several foreign scientific periodicals. At the meeting of the British Association at Hull, in September 1853, Mr. Fairbairn communicated a paper, entitled ' Experimental Eesearches to determine the '264 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP. xvi. Strength of Locomotive Boilers, and the causes which lead to explosion.' This was brought about by the bursting of a locomotive boiler belonging to the London and North-Western Eailway at Manchester. Difler- ences of opinion had arisen among engineers in regard to the causes of the failure of the boiler, and Mr. Fairbairn instituted a series of experiments for the pur- pose of settling the question. They were directed to the resistance of locomotive boilers generally, and in par- ticular to the strength of the screwed stays by which the internal fire-box is secured to the outer shell. A locomotive boiler was subjected to hydraulic pressure, increased till the boiler gave way, and it was inferred that it would bear 300 to 350 Ibs. pressure per square inch before bursting. A trial was also made to determine the rate at which the pressure would rise, supposing the fire kept up and the safety-valve closed, and it was found that in about half-an-hour a bursting force would be attained. But, not satisfied with merely talking or writing about boiler explosions, the idea occurred to Mr. Fairbairn of doing something practical to prevent them, or at least to render them less frequent; and this idea led to the foundation by him of an ' Association for the Prevention of Steam Boiler Explosions,' which has been of incalcu- lable benefit in the saving of life and property, and, in fact, has become, under his guidance, one of the most valuable mechanical institutions of the country. It is only due to him to give an account of the rise and pro- gress of this excellent society. 1 1 The early particulars are chiefly taken from a report by Mr. Lavington Fletcher (the engineer to the society), made in August 1874, immediately after Sir Wm. F.iiibairn's death. BOILER ASSOCIATION. 265 His notion was that, as he was convinced all boiler explosions arose from ordinary mechanical causes easily avoidable, it would be possible, by careful and fre- quent inspection or examination, to discover when any- thing was likely to go wrong, and so to apply a remedy in time. And he conceived that, by the formation of a society, this inspection might be made systematic, and might combine other advantages with that of safety. It was about 1851 that he first gave expression to this idea. In his evidence with regard to a boiler ex- plosion at Stockport, about April of that year, he said : It seems to me that there should be some association, either under the local authorities or under Government, by which registers should be kept, not only with reference to the safety of the public, but also to show what duty engines and boilers perform. The best results have arisen from such regulations in Cornwall, and it has led there to the greatest possible economy. Further, at the Blackburn case in 1853, he again called attention to the subject : I think the inspection would be better in the hands of the proprietors of steam-engines, if they would undertake it, than in those of the Government. If the proprietors undertook the work it would have to be done under an Association of em- ployers, and I have no doubt it would be much more acceptable to manufacturers that they should have the control of their own engines and boilers than that the Government should interfere. The following extract of a letter shows that he had about this time been discussing the subject with his friends : Manchester, July 29, 1854. Dear Sir, The recent lamentable boiler explosion has re- called to my mind the subject of a conversation we had some time since, when we accidentally met in a railway carriage. 266 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP. xvi. I think you then expressed the opinion that much would be done to prevent these catastrophes if owners of steam-engines couid agree to retain the services of a suitable inspector, who should periodically examine and report upon the condition of the boilers and engines. I hope that the importance of the subject will lead you to lay your views in some practical form before the public, and thus add one more to the many services you have already con- ferred upon it. I remain, dear sir, Your obedient servant, KICHARD JOHNSON. WM. FAIRBAIHN, Esq. Mr. Fairbairn replied, and promptly gave attention to the matter. His first step was to find an influential manufacturer and mill-owner who would take an interest in the scheme ; and he made a happy choice in Mr. Henry Houlclsworth, the chief partner in a large firm of cotton spinners in Manchester. Some other gentlemen were spoken to, and a preliminary meeting was held on August 15 ; the general feeling was found to be favour- able to the formation of such a society, and Mr. Fairbairn was deputed to sketch out its objects and rules, with the view of submitting them to a larger and more general meeting to be called for the purpose. Meantime the attention of the public was attracted to the proposal. A notice of the first meeting had appeared in the ' Manchester Guardian ' of August 16, and the same paper, on September 16, devoted a leading article to a further explanation of the nature and objects of the proposed association, warmly recommending it to the attention of engineers and manufacturers. The ' Mining Journal ' of September 9, 1854, recorded the verdict of the coroner's jury on a fearful boiler ex- plosion at Eochdale, which concluded with the following paragraph : THE MINING JOURNAL. 267 The jury cannot separate without pressing on the considera- tion of the owners and users of steam-boilers throughout the kingdom the necessity there is that measures should be taken by them to ensure a thorough and frequent inspection of boilers, so as to prevent, as far as human foresight can, the recurrence of explosions. In giving his evidence on this tragic case (where ten persons were blown to atoms and an immense deal of property was destroyed), Mr. Fairbairn Suggested it was possible, and indeed quite practicable, to establish associations in the several districts, the members of which should appoint inspectors to take cognizance of the boilers within their respective precincts, and to report to the* association weekly in what state they found them, and the causes which prevented them from being in working order, if the in- spectors should consider such to be the case. He did not con- ceive that it would be any tax on the proprietors of boilers to pay a trifling sum yearly to meet the expense of such an asso- ciation, for it struck him forcibly that, in addition to preventing those very serious accidents, it would be productive of benefit to the proprietors themselves, and save a great deal of money. The ' Journal ' added : Since the above observations were written, we perceive that Mr. Fairbairn's earnest recommendation has been adopted, and that an association has been formed in the district for the inspection of steam-boilers and the prevention of boiler ex- plosions. We cannot avoid anticipating from it the best results. On the 19th of September a second meeting, con- vened by circular, was held in the Manchester Town Hall, the Mayor in the chair, when a committee was appointed for making arrangements for the formation of the asso- ciation. They set vigorously to work, and for some time met every week, the minutes being usually signed either by William Fairbairn or Joseph Whitworth, or both. 268 LIFE O^F SIR WILLIAM FAIKBAIRX. CHAP. xvr. They succeeded in enrolling 271 steam-users as mem- bers, and on Jan. 23, 1855, they called another public meeting at which the Society was formally established. Mr. Houldsworth was the first president, but in April 1 858, he retired, and Mr. Fairbairn was elected in his place, a position which he held till his death. He was ever one of the most active and persevering supporters of the association, always accessible to the chief en- gineer when seeking his advice, and always one of the most regular in his attendance at the meetings of the executive committee. He always advocated the view that steam-boiler explosions arose simply from a greater pres- sure of steam than the boiler was able to withstand, and never afforded any countenance to those fanciful and visionary theories that would have attributed them to mysterious causes. He maintained that periodical inspec- tion was adequate to prevent the greater number of explo- sions, and he wished inspection to be the fundamental principle of safety. The institution is now in a most flourishing condition. Its full title is, The Manchester Steam Users' Association, for the Prevention of Steam-boiler Explosions, and for the attainment of Economy in the Application of Steam. Its objects and constitution are stated as follows: This association undertakes the periodical inspection of steam-boilers, and gives a pecuniary guarantee of the integrity and efficiency of its inspections to the amount of 3001. on each boiler enrolled, so that in the event of the explosion of an approved boiler, whether that explosion arise from collapse of the furnace tubes, or from rupture of the shell, or failure of any part of the boiler whatever, all damag-e done thereby, other than by fire, whether to the boiler itself or to the surrounding property, will be made good to the extent of 300L The association also assists its members by taking indicator diagrams when requested, as well as by affording competent THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES. 269 engineering advice with regard to the working of boilers and engines, the prevention of smoke, the economy of fuel, and any other points calculated to prove of value to the members of the association as steam-users. Its system of inspection is voluntary, and permissive on the part of its members. Its reports are suggestive and recom- mendatory on the part of its officers. Its benefits are mutually shared by all enrolled. There are no shareholders to whom dividends are paid out of the members' subscriptions, but the funds are devoted solely to promote the direct objects of the association. The executive committee are appointed by the general voice of the members of the association. They receive no remuneration for their services. They employ a considerable amount of steam-power themselves, and are thus interested in everything that affects its use. The object of the guarantee is not so much to ensure the members against pecuniary loss in case of explosion, as to give a pledge of the bond fide intention of the association to pre- vent the occurrence of explosions by efficient supervision and careful periodical boiler inspection. The number of members in 1874 was 768, and the annual income 5,236/. The number of boilers under regular inspection was 2,689. Soon after the foundation of the Boiler Association, Mr. Fairbairn determined to follow out one of the ideas which had been present to his mind when he established the society. It was originally his intention that the asso- ciation, in addition to the commonplace work of inspect- ing boilers and finding out faulty or weak places, should undertake the investigation of theoretical principles. The practical views of his coadjutors were opposed to this, and it was struck out of the programme ; but Mr. Fairbairn, nothing daunted, resolved to effect the investigations in his own way. 270 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xvi. At the meeting of the British Association at Glasgow, in 1858, he urged the subject upon many scientific friends, and as the importance of it was admitted, it was agreed that the Eoyal Society and the British Association should jointly authorise the enquiry, and should furnish a grant of money for the expenses. The objects immediately named were to investigate certain doubtful points in the construction of boilers, and in the nature of steam. The former was first undertaken, and Mr. Fairbairn availed himself of the assistance of a practical mathematician, Mr. Thomas Tate (who had pre- viously aided him in other labours) and Mr. Unwin, a young engineer, whom he had engaged as secretary. The first result was a paper * On the ^Resistance of Tubes to Collapse,' read before the Eoyal Society May 20, 1858, and afterwards published in the Philosophical Transactions. It has already been mentioned that the internal tubes, or fire flues, of high pressure boilers, are subject to a severe external pressure, tending to cause them to collapse or crush in ; in fact, they form the weakest and most dangerous element of the construction, inasmuch as the external crushing force is uncertain and obscure in its action, and the resistance to be provided against it is difficult to determine. When accidents have occurred with this kind of boiler, it is almost always the internal tube that has given way ; and some cases of col- lapse have occurred with a very moderate pressure. No scientific or well-founded rule existed to guide the design or proportions of this part of a boiler, and hence it was desirable in the first place to make some experiments of a general nature to ascertain the resistance of tubes to strains acting in this way. For this purpose, tubes of various dimensions, thick- nesses, and lengths, were constructed, and were subjected, COLLAPSE OF TUBES. 271 in a closed water bath, to external hydrostatic pressure till they collapsed, the pressures and the circumstances of collapse being carefully recorded. The particulars were given in the paper, but the general result deduced from the whole was that the strength of the tubes diminished in an important degree as their length increased, a principle of much importance, on account of the great length steam-boilers were usually made. It was always Mr. Fairbairn's principle to give, if he could, a practical value to his enquiries ; and having discovered the defect, he set to work to find a remedy. It occurred to him that it would be possible effectively to shorten the tubes, without shortening the boiler. For this purpose he inserted stiff rings of iron at various points in the length, which served as supports to the tube in the places where they were fixed, so that the effective length of the tube was shortened to the distance between two of these rings. For example : in a boiler 24 feet long, by inserting two rings, the effective length of the tube became reduced from 24 feet to 8 feet, and the resistance to collapse was increased accordingly. He further sug- gested some improvements in the riveting, the advan- tages of which were described in the paper. Mr. Fairbairn, in his Autobiography, thus alludes to this memoir : Shortly after the meeting of the British Association in Glasgow, I entered upon a long series of experiments on the law of the resistance of tubes to collapse. These investigations were the more interesting as they led to the establishment of the law of collapse from pressure on the external surfaces ; and the im- provements deduced from this law led to the security of steam- boilers, by doubling or trebling their powers of resistance, and thus were the means of saving many valuable lives from violent death by explosion. 272 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xvr. This was an important discovery, for in the case of steam- boilers with tubes it was found that the internal tubes were, in most cases, only one-third of the strength of the outer shell, and hence the fallacy of the ordinary belief, that the tubes from their reduced diameters were stronger than any other part of the boiler. Another important feature in these investigations was, that by simply encircling the tube with two or more rigid rings, the resistance to collapse was increased in the inverse ratio of the distances between the rings. The experiments were very expensive, as large and powerful apparatus had to be prepared to sustain a pressure of upwards of 300 Ibs. per square inch. In this I was assisted by a grant from the Royal Society, out of the Government fund, and I had every facility for conducting them at the engine shed of the London and North Western Company at Longsight, Manchester, who were interested in the subject. This essay was one of the most meritorious works of Mr. Fairbairn's scientific and professional career, and deserves more credit than it has generally received. The process of investigation was admirably philosophical; there was first the ascertaining of facts by careful and well-directed experiment and observation ; then there was the deduction from them, by scientific reasoning, of a general theoretical law ; and finally there was the in- vention and application of a measure founded on that law, which rendered the whole of practical utility and advantage. Mr. Fairbairn's anti-collapse flue rings, which arose out of this investigation, have been in con- stant use ever since, and have been the salvation of the high pressure stationary-engine boiler. An abbreviated account of the investigation was pub- lished in the Eeport of the British Association for 1857. On May 12, 1859, a second paper* was read at the Eoyal Society, as a sequel to the former one, and in this Mr. Fairbairn connected Mr. Tate's name with his own. STRENGTH OF GLASS. 273 It was entitled ' On the Eesistance of Glass Globes and Cylinders to Collapse from Internal Pressure, and on the tensile and compressive Strength of various kinds of Glass,' and was published in the Philosophical Transactions for the year. The novel results arising out of the first trials had suggested the propriety of carrying them farther, with a variation in the nature of the material; and glass was chosen, as a homogeneous crystalline and rigid substance, to contrast with the ductile and fibrous one at first em- ployed. Moreover it was remarked that, much as glass 5 was employed in philosophical experiments, there was a want of information as to its properties, which it was very desirable to supply. Accordingly, the strength of glass to resist tensile and compressive forces was first experimented on ; after which trials were made on the power of glass vessels to resist external crushing force. The law of their strength was found to correspond with that deduced for iron tubes. An anticipatory notice of this series of experiments was communicated to the British Association at their Leeds meeting, September 1858. A third paper, which arose out of the boiler enquiry, was presented to the Eoyal Society on May 10, 1860. It was entitled ' Experimental Eesearches to determine the Density of Steam at Different Temperatures ; and to deter- mine the Law of Expansion of Superheated Steam, by William Fairbairn, Esq., F.E.S., and Thomas Tate, Esq.' This paper was considered of such importance and merit that it was selected by the Society as the ' Bakerian Lecture ' for the year, and it was published in the Phil. Trans., vol. cl. The first object of the enquiry was to determine by direct experiment the law of the density and expansion 274 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xvi. of steam and other condensible vapours at all tempera- tures. Theoretical laws had been propounded and ex- tensively adopted, but no trustworthy direct experiments had been made to test their truth. The paper gave full details of a large number of carefully conducted observations made with this object, with a deduction of generalised formulae from the results obtained. The second part of the paper was devoted to an in- vestigation of the laws of what is called superheated steam. A plan had been coming into use, for steam-engines, of heating the steam after it had left the boiler, with the object of evaporating any water it might contain, and rendering it dry. This process, which was called super- heating, was supposed to offer practical advantages, but no sufficient investigation had previously been made of the properties of steam so treated. The paper supplied, to a certain extent, this deficiency. The authors were assisted by Mr. Unwin, and Mr. Fairbairn testified to the great precision and care with which the experiments were conducted. The substance of the enquiry was laid before the mechanical section of the British Association at their Aberdeen meeting in Sep- tember 1859. In this paper Mr. Fairbairn had occasion to refer to the great researches on vapours by the eminent French philosopher, Eegnault. From the wide reputation of these researches and of their author, the following letter may be placed on record : Mon cher Mr. Fairbairn, J'ai recu votre lettre, et je m'empresse d'y repondre par ecrit, afin de pouvoir vous 1'envoyer de Paris, car lundi prochain je pars pour Londres, et j'espere bien que j'aurai 1'occasion de discuter oralement avec vous les questions importantes que vous avez traitees. Vous pouvez faire 1'usage que vous voudrez du tableau REGNAULT. 275 numerique que je vous ai donne sur les forces elastiques des vapeurs. Grace au Ciel, le gros volume qui contient 1'ensemble de mes experiences est enfin termine. Voici sept ans que Pim- primeur a commence ; vous jugerez facilement que le volume represente une enorme labeur. J'espere apporter ce volume moi-meme a la Societe Royale de Londres. II ne manque que la planche qui renferme les courbes grapbiques et qui n'est pas entierement termine a la gravure. J'aurai 1'honneur de vous en offrir aussi un exemplaire quand le tirage sera termine. Veuillez me croire Votre serviteur devoue, V. REGNADLT. Some years before Mr. Fairbairn's death the question was much agitated whether it would be advisable to introduce any legislative measures to ensure the safety of boilers, or to prevent or diminish the danger of explosion. Mr. Fairbairn took much interest in the controversy. It seems that the matter had also excited interest in France, for in 1863 the eminent French mechanical engineer, M. Chas. Combes, wrote to ask Mr. Fairbairn's opinion, which was given as follows : Manchester : March 28, 1863. My dear Sir, In this country we are always jealous of Government interference, in matters relating to the industrial projects of individuals in their single or collective capacity, and that for two reasons ; firstly, that official inspection is not always j udicious ; and, secondly, that it removes the responsibility off the shoulders of those that ought to bear it. I am quite aware of the regulations which exist in'France as regards the construction of boilers, but in this country^we prefer that the owners of boilers should be responsible for their own actions, and the Government holds them responsible in every instance where loss of life or injury to the person arises from any neglect on their part. This is the extent of the i 2 276 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. XYI. English law, and every man is at liberty to make any description of boiler he pleases, but he must be answerable for the results. It is true, and we admit it to be the duty of every Government to afford protection to life and property, but not to interfere so as to cramp the energies and enterprise of individuals in their pursuit of knowledge, and the advancement of industrial re- sources. In this country, as in France, but at a later period, there was a transfer from the low-pressure system, as adopted by Watt, to that of high pressure, working the steam expansively, by which a considerable saving of fuel was effected. During the time of this change, which spread over a series of years, many serious accidents, attended with loss of life, occurred, and the public in this district became alarmed to such a degree, that we found it necessary, in order to prevent Government interference, to establish the association of which I send you the rules. Being the founder of this association, I have never ceased to advocate its efficiency, and the principles on which it is founded. Out of an average of 1,600 boilers under the inspection of the associa- tion only three accidents, with the loss of two lives, have occurred during the eight years of its existence. This association takes cognizance of the construction, form, and quality of material used, and the monthly reports point out, in every case, but without mentioning names, the defects that require attention, and of which a written statement is immediately forwarded to the proprietor, leaving it to his option to apply the remedies or not as he may deem expedient. I have now to reply to your queries as follow, viz. : 1. Is it desirable to fix by law, under penalty of fines, the, thickness of plates, &c. Ansiver. It is not desirable, as there is a great difference in the quality of plates. These points are left to the makers, and the association make no recommendations. They simply inspect existing boilers, and point out the defects, if any, and suggest the remedies to be applied. 2. Do you consider the previous testing necessary ? Ansiver. We consider a hydraulic test necessary up to one and a half times, or in some cases to double the pressure at which the boiler is worked. BOILER LEGISLATION. "277 3. (Question not quoted.) 4. Is it desirable to prescribe, under penalty of fine, the combustion of smoke ? Answer. Yea, under local acts applied to towns, as the emission of smoke from furnaces may be prevented. 5. Are there any rules in England respecting the condition of the boiler house, &c. ? Ansiuer. There is no condition by law, but it is desirable in every case to have boilers in a separate building, distinct from the factory where a number of persons are employed. Yours faithfully, WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. M. CHAELFS COMBES, Member of the Institute. A little later the subject was taken up at the British Association, who, at their meeting at Norwich in 1868, appointed a committee, consisting of Messrs. Fairbairn, Whitworth, Penn, Hick, Bramwell, Webster, Fletcher, and others, to consider ' how far coroners' inquisi- tions are satisfactory tribunals for the investigation of boiler explosions, and how these tribunals may be im- proved.' The committee reported at the Exeter meeting in 1869, to the general effect that the inquests were un- satisfactory, and with a recommendation that coroners should get the assistance of skilled engineers. The report alluded to the fact that during the past session a bill had been introduced into Parliament for placing all steam- boilers under Government inspection ; but the committee expressed a strong dread of any such legislative interfe- rence, in which the meeting of the Association con- curred. The next year, 1870, the bill was re-introduced, when Sir William personally exerted himself to procure its rejection, and to obtain instead the appointment of a select committee to investigate the question. His efforts were successful, and the committee was appointed on May 16. 278 LIFE OF S1K WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. XTT. They sat many days, and took evidence, but could not conclude their labours, and adjourned over the recess. In the meantime the committee of the British Associa- tion, at their meeting at Liverpool in 1870, took up the matter again, and presented a long report, the gist of which was in the last paragraph : They are convinced that explosion might be, and ought to be, prevented ; that competent inspection is adequate for the purpose ; and that any well-organised system of inspection extended throughout the entire country would partially ex- tinguish boiler explosions. But they did not point out what was the best means of ensuring this inspection. The House of Commons Committee met again in March 1871, and took more evidence; but Sir Wm. Fairbairn, conceiving that some of this was misleading, at once wrote an energetic letter to Mr. John Hick, the chairman, pro- testing against it, and showing its fallacy. The committee reported in June, but their report did not go farther than to recommend that the responsibility of explosion should remain upon the steam users ; and that the efficiency of coroners' enquiries should be somewhat improved. This left the question just where it was, and Sir Wil- liam had the gratification of seeing that, although his favourite remedy of inspection had not received Parlia- mentary confirmation, he had at any rate succeeded in defeating the attempt to introduce Government interfer- ence. In April 1871 he published an article in the ' Quar- terly Journal of Science,' embodying his views on this subject. Sir William, in his late years, again exercised his in- vention on the subject of boilers. In 1870 he took out NEW BOILER. 279 a patent (March 18, No. 810) for improvements in them. He had long held the opinion that it would be ad- vantageous to use a still higher pressure of steam. It had already been much increased in locomotives, and he believed it might be also increased with benefit in stationary engines, if the boilers could be made strong enough to bear the requisite strain with safety. He had, in his two-flued boiler with the stiffening rings, added greatly to the strength ; but still, when FAinBAHLN'S IMPROVED BOILER FOR HIGH-PRESSURE STEAM. any great power was required, it was necessary to have the outside shell of a large diameter, which always involved more or less danger, the risk being proportionate to the size. He strove, therefore, to contrive a form of boiler which, while retaining ample heating surface and evaporating power, should enable him materially to reduce the diameter of the vessels used ; and the arrange- 280 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRS AIRX. CHAP. xvi. ment he hit upon was to substitute three or more smaller vessels for one large one. He placed the fire or furnace tubes within external shells, not much larger than them- selves (thus leaving merely annular water spaces round them) and he added above them other vessels for the purpose of obtaining the requisite water and steam room ; proper communication pipes being made to connect the various vessels together. The annexed figure will illus- trate the nature of the new construction. By this means he could make, he stated, boilers which would have a resistance equal to 750 Ibs. pressure per square inch. He also added arrangements by which the examination, cleaning, and repair of the boilers might be much facilitated, knowing how much the safety and economy of working depended on these precautions. In 1873 he took out another patent (January 23, No. 270), in conjunction with Mr. Thos. Beeley, a boiler-maker at Hyde, near Manchester, for improvements in the 1870 form of boiler, which rendered it more especially suitable for steam vessels ; and in February 1874, he sent to the Admiralty a design for the adaptation of the new boiler to one of Her Majesty's frigates, the ' Daring.' At the beginning of 1874, a few months before his death, he expressed a wish to resign the chairmanship of the Boiler Association ; receiving the following letter in reply from one of his colleagues : Groby Lodge, Ashton-under-Lyne, March 10, 1874. My dear Sir William, Your letter of resignation was read at our meeting to-day, and there was evoked one united response expressive of the feelings which in every heart arose on the reading of it. A resolution was promptly adopted, which will be sent to you officially. It conveys a very inadequate and imperfect recognition of the honour and esteem in which you Th e Po 1 Y9 on Ar&tokfc, Manchester. JL*~J^- MB. FLETCHER. 281 are held by your colleagues. We cannot let you break your official connection with us yet. So long as the Almighty is pleased to spare your valuable life, I earnestly hope we may have the great honour of your presidency. Your name and high character are a tower of strength to the Association of which you are the founder. Your services can never be realised. You have been the instrument of saving very many valuable lives by means of the Association. Allow us to continue to receive the lustre of your great name. For your sake we will do our best to uphold the reputation of the society. I feel it a very great honour to have been associated with you. May the years of your declining life be blessed with every mercy. With great respect, I remain, My dear Sir William, yours sincerely, HUGH MASON. Sir WILLIAM FAIEBAIRN, Bart. The last letter he wrote on engineering matters was one dated June 8, 1874, to Mr. Fletcher, the engi- neer of the Association, referring to a proposed test of one of his new boilers by hydraulic pressure up to the bursting point. The Association had a fac-simile taken and distributed, as a memorial of their respected founder ; a copy is inserted on the opposite page. Mr. Fletcher has favoured the editor with the following remarks on the subject of boiler explosions, which, in consideration of the importance of this subject, and the great interest Sir William Fairbairn took in it, may be inserted here. Manchester, July 5, 1876. Dear Sir, In addition to the information already furnished with regard to the Manchester Steam Users' Association, it may perhaps be of further assistance if I add a few lines thereto. When the association first started its operations, a good 282 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAHIBAIEX. CHAP. xvi. deal of mystery was attached to the subject of steam boiler explosions, and they were apt to be attributed to very recondite causes. The association has been at the expense, however, of investigating the cause of every boiler explosion which has occurred for many years in any part of the country, carefully recording the results, and circulating amongst the members and the public generally, by means of its printed monthly reports, an abridged account of the cause of each of these catastrophes. The association has always advocated the view that explo- sions are not mysterious and not accidental, but that they arise from simple causes, the cause being, in the great majority of cases, merely that the boiler is too weak for the pressure at which it is worked, the weakness in some cases resulting from original malconstruction, such as the want of encircling hoops round the flues, &c., and in others from wear and tear, wasting of the thickness of the plate by corrosion, &c. All our investi- gations go to support the simple statement of the late Joshua Field, when President of the Institute of Civil Engineers, viz., that ' boilers burst because they are not strong enough.' That we find to be the whole secret. The association does not take credit to itself for having arrived at this conclusion, but it has endeavoured persistently to keep this view before the public, and those not brought face to face with the circumstances of the case will scarcely believe how difficult it is to get this view accepted after an explosion has occurred. The boiler owner and the boiler maker have both an interest in throwing the blame on the attendant, so that they always attempt to show that the explosion was due to shortness of water, through the attendant's failing to keep up the regular supply. In some cases the most absurd and fanciful theories have been suggested to account for explosions. They have been attributed to the formation of gases inside the boiler, ignited by the fire outside through cracks in the plates. In some cases they have been attributed to a sudden accession of pressure through the mixture of two steams flowing from different boilers. They have been some- times attributed to magnetism or, in fact, to any cause but un- scientific construction or the bad condition of the boiler. In Cornwall we find it most difficult to induce boiler owners to GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE. 283 strengthen the furnace tubes with hoops. They cannot be per- suaded that a boiler can burst unless short of water. Sir William Fairbaim and the members of the executive committee, as steam users, always entertained a very wholesome dread of Governmental interference with private industries, and therefore hoped, by taking up the system of periodical boiler inspection, to render Governmental inspection unnecessary, so that they had in view a double object one, to prevent the sacrifice of life by steam-boiler explosions; the other, to prevent Governmental interference, which it was feared this loss of life would provoke. It is interesting to trace how the working of the association for years has somewhat led to a modification of the view with regard to Governmental interference, and this is a point to which I would call attention. It was found that, in spite of all the association could do, steam users still persisted in working old and dangerous boilers, and continued year after year to incur on an average fifty explosions, killing between sixty and seventy persons, and injuring about 100 others. Seeing that inspection was competent to prevent these disasters, the association felt at length compelled to urge on the Government to interfere in the interest of the public safety, and to take some measures to stimulate steam users to a due sense of their responsibility. What the association recommends is that the Government should institute an impartial and thoroughly competent tribunal to make a most searching investigation in the event of every explosion, so as to bring the blame home to the right party, the tribunal being empowered to institute a prosecution. The association has twice waited on the Home Secretary with memorials to this effect ; the first time in June, 1875, and the second in June, 1876. The depu- tation was favourably received on each occasion (the memorials are published in our proceedings). Prior to this, the association had presented a memorial to the Home Secretary, in April, 1869, very much to the same effect as those referred to, the primary difference being that in the memorial of 1869 we pro- posed that the investigation should be conducted by the coroner's court, aided by scientific assessors, and in the memorials of 1875-76 it was to be conducted by another and more competent court, entirely independent of the coroner's. 284 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIEBAIRN. CAP. xvi. Between the presentation of the memorial of 1869 and the one of 1875, public opinion seemed to set in favour of a direct compulsory system of enforced inspection, and Mr. Henry B. Sheridan, then member for Dudley, brought in a Bill for placing all the boilers in the country under the inspection of the Board of Trade. To this measure the association strongly objected, and instigated the appointment of a Select Committee to enquire into the whole quest 1 ' on of steam-boiler explosions. Evidence was given before the committee by Sir William Fairbairn, by Mi\ Hugh Mason, our present president, by the late Mr. Charles F. Beyer, member of our executive committee, and by myself. The association has now fallen back from any system of compulsory inspection of boilers when in use, to a searching investigation of boilers after explosion, with a view of increasing the owner's responsibility. The question, like many others, has assumed different phases in different stages. I have troubled you with this little history of the association's movement with regard to steam-boiler legislation, as it seems to me to open a very interesting and important question, and one that is being raised with reference to the conduct of other of the world's industries, such as mining, shipping, &c., the pro- blem being how to control the careless without hampering the careful, and how to save human life and check recklessness with- out hampering progress. That questions of such interest should spring out of the simple subject of boiler inspection might not perhaps at first be anticipated. We have at these offices very full illustrated reports of all the explosions the association has investigated, and which form a most valuable record. LAVINGTON E. FLETCHER, Chief Engineer. CHAPTER XVII. ME. HOPKINS'S EARTH EXPERIMENTS 1851-1857 MR. WILLIAM HOPKINS OF CAMBRIDGE HIS INVESTIGATIONS IN THE APPLICATION OF MECHANICS TO GEOLOGY IGNEOUS ORIGIN OF THE EARTH CONDITION OF ITS CRUST INTERNAL HEAT SCIENTIFIC DIS- CUSSIONSEXPERIMENTS WANTED OF A PRACTICAL NATURE APPLI- CATION TO MR. FAIRBAIRN EXPERIMENTS BEGUN IN 1851 GRANT OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY MR. JOULE PROFESSOR WILLIAM THOMSON INGENIOUS MAGNETIC INDICATOR SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE BE- TWEEN MR. HOPKINS AND MR. JOULE PROGRESS OF THE EXPERIMENTS LIVERPOOL MEETING OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION IN 1854 MR. HOPKINS'S ILLNESS AND DEATH CONCLUSIONS DRAWN FROM THE EXPERIMENTS. 287 CHAPTER XVII. MR. FAIRBAIRN was engaged for some years on an ex- perimental investigation of great scientific interest, in regard to which, although the results were not published in his own name, he was entitled to much credit. This was an enquiry into certain physical properties of the materials of the earth's crust, undertaken at the instance of the late Mr. William Hopkins, of Cambridge. Mr. Hopkins was an eminent mathematician and phy- sicist ; but he had chiefly made himself celebrated for studies of a novel and peculiar character, involving the application of high mathematical and mechanical prin- ciples to the science of geology. The study of the structure of the earth, although from the time of Hutton and Werner it had occupied the earnest attention of scientific men, had involved only de- ductions and reasonings of a comparatively simple cha- racter. Mr. Hopkins had set himself to investigate, in a much deeper and more comprehensive manner, the nature of the mechanical forces and conditions which had been at work in order to produce the observed appearances ; and he had shown that they were as capable of being re- duced to rule and law as the phenomena of astronomy, although of course the processes were more obscure and the demonstrations more difficult to obtain. He had pub- lished many papers, for example, on the mechanism of glacier motion ; on the influence of mechanical forces on the conformation of rocks, their elevation, denudation, 288 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xvn. &c. ; on the theories of volcanoes and earthquakes ; on the temperature of the earth ; on climate ; and many other subjects involving mathematical reasoning. In the course of investigation it occurred to him that it would be possible to extend mathematical enquiry to the problem of the share that igneous action had had in the formation of the crust of the earth. There had always been a leaning in the minds of cosmical philosophers to the hypothesis that our planet had originally been a globe of matter in a state of fusion, on which a crust had become formed by the gradual cooling of the exterior, leaving the interior in all probability still a molten igneous mass. In support of this hypothesis were brought the well-known phenomena of volcanoes, earthquakes, and hot springs, as well as the established fact of the gradual increase of temperature in descending below the surface of the ground. In January and March 1839, Mr. Hopkins laid before the Eoyal Society two papers, ' On the Phenomena of Precession and Nutation, assuming the Fluidity of the Interior of the Earth/ in which were some profound speculations and calculations as to the refrigeration and internal heat of the globe, and their effects on astro- nomical phenomena. These were followed by another paper in January 1842, on the ' Thickness and Constitu- tion of the Earth's Crust,' in which he pointed out that the problems would be materially affected by the effect of pressure on the temperature of fusion of the different matters forming the earth's crust, which were sup- posed to have been in a liquid state. He added, ' With the aid of a proper series of experiments on this point, a direct method of arriving at an approximation to the thickness of the crust of the globe, or rather to its least limit, might be easily explained.' At the meeting of the British Association at Oxford, MR. WILLIAM HOPKINS. 289 in June 1847, Mr. Hopkins presented a long and elaborate report 'On the Geological Theories of Elevation and Earthquakes,' in which the problems of the fluidity, solidi- fication, form, and thickness of the earth's crust, were largely treated of, and he again urged (p. 52) the im- portance of the experimental determination of the influence of pressure in the process of solidification. To show in what a remarkable manner this would bear on the theory of the earth, he said : If this influence can be detected at all by experiment, it is probably considerably greater than stated above, as sufficient to justify the conclusion of the earth's solidity to a great depth ; and there could, I conceive, in such case be little doubt as to the earth's entire solidity. If, on the contrary, it should appear that pressure exerts no such influence, or that it tends to retard solidification, we must conclude that the interior temperature of the earth cannot be due to its original heat. Whatever, then, may be the results of experiment on this subject, they must probably lead us, should they be sufficiently determinate, to con- clusions of the first importance in speculative geology respecting the state of the interior of the globe. To obtain these data by experiment, it became ne- cessary to consult a mechanical engineer ; for the means of producing and resisting the enormous pressures re- quired were far beyond the scope of any ordinary laboratory arrangements. Mr. Fairbairn was known to Mr. Hopkins, not only as a practical engineer, but as a man devoted to science, and Mr. Hopkins, early in 1851, wrote to him as follows : Cambridge, April 25, 1851. My dear Sir, I am very anxious to get some experiments made for the purpose of determining whether great pressure has any sensible effect on the temperature of fusion of any pro- posed substance (a metallic substance for instance), or what will U 290 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. XYII. probably be found to be the same thing, on the temperature at which any substance, in a previous state of fusion, will become solid. For this purpose I want the means of producing an enormous pressure on a cylinder of perhaps an inch or rather more in diameter, such as Mr. Hodgkinson produced on similar cylinders in his experiments on the crushing forces for them. My friend, Professor Willis, informs me that the lever which Mr. Hodg- kinson made use of for this purpose is still, as he believes, in your hands at Manchester. And my object in now writing to you is to ask whether you could allow me the use of it, sup- posing the experiments to be made under my own superinten- dence, at Manchester. I have no doubt of being able to pro- cure considerable pecuniary assistance from the committee for disposing of the annual grant made by Government for scientific purposes, but I should not like to apply to them till I can see my way clearly to the means of performing the experiments effectively. With the exception of the lever, the apparatus required would be of very small magnitude. If you would have the kindness to give me an answer as soon as may be perfectly convenient to you, I shall feel very much obliged to you, as my application for pecuniary aid must be made during the present year. Yours very truly, W. HOPKINS. To this Mr. Fairbairn replied : Manchester, April 29, 1851. My dear Sir, I have a lever such as you describe, with all the requisite apparatus, the whole of which is very much at your service. The strength of the lever is computed to a pres- sure of about fifty tons, but this may be doubled by an addi- tional apparatus if required. It will afford me great pleasure to render any assistance towards the completion of your interesting experiments, and I shall be glad if you will inform me when you can visit Man- chester for that purpose. In the interval you will perhaps inform me further of the nature of your experiments, and the GOVERNMENT GRANT. 291 preparations you will require to render them effective and satis- factory. I am, My dear Sir, Yours sincerely, W. FAIRBAIRN. Mr. Hopkins then applied for the Government grant, and obtained an allowance of 250/. 4 for investigations on the effect of pressure on the temperature of fusion of certain substances.' It was stipulated in the terms of the grant that the expenditure of the money should be under the superin- tendence of a committee, in which the name of Mr. Joule was inserted. This gentleman had, as is well known, identified himself especially with the study of the me- chanical action of heat, and he took, thenceforward, an active share in the investigations. In July Mr. Hopkins gave some further explanations, of which a few extracts may be inserted, as illustrating the nature of some of the difficulties Mr. Fairbairn had subsequently to overcome. One of the most important, and perhaps difficult points, will be the determination of the time when the solidification of the matter experimented on (concealed from sight) takes place, and its temperature at that time. It has occurred to me that this may be done by carefully observing the change of temperature, as the matter is allowed to cool from a temperature which maintains it in a state of perfect fluidity. The temperature will decrease pretty uniformly till the solidification begins, but will remain nearly stationary r , I conceive, till the solidification is completed, after which it will again regularly decrease. This is the first point I wish to have clearly tested, to ascertain with what degree of exactness the stationary temperature can be determined. If it can be done with accuracy I anticipate no serious difficulty in the experiments. 292 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. S.TH. He then went on to describe certain preliminary experiments on easily fusible substances, and added suggestions as to how these might be extended further, recommending Mr. Fairbairn to consult with Mr. Joule on the subject generally. After some further correspondence, Mr. Hopkins, in the middle of December, visited Manchester, and conferred fully with Mr. Fairbairn and Mr. Joule ; the nature of the apparatus was settled, and it was put in hand, Mr. Hopkins paying another visit in January 1852, to examine what was being done. The construction appears to have occupied some months, for in April, Mr. Fairbairn, in writing an account of what he was doing to his friend Dr. Eobinson, of Armagh, remarked that he had some difficulty in ' pro- curing vessels sufficiently strong at an increased tempera- ture, to retain the substances on which the experiments were to be made.' Constant discussions went on between the parties, and on May 8 Mr. Fairbairn wrote : I had a long conversation with Lord Rosse this morning, and he informed me he has written to you on the subject of a report as to what you are about. I think that report should be that we are only beginning ; that we shall want all the money, and that it will be well spent. I think your views on the subject are correct. I make no doubt that a new theory on the laws of solidification will be the result ; at all events we shall be able to show how nature works in the cooling of bodies under severe pressure. On May 20, 1852, Mr. Hopkins wrote : I much approve of your latest suggestion respecting our apparatus. The idea of the arrangements which you propose was the first I recollect which occurred to me ; but the mecha- nical difficulties seemed to me so great that I at once abandoned EARLY EXPERIMENTS. 293 it. If, however, you can overcome them, I believe it will be the best arrangement possible. [This was done.] On June 26 Mr. Fairbairn wrote from London: I had no time to write you on the subject of our experi- ments, which in some respects were highly satisfactory, in others not so. The apparatus is now completely insulated and per- fectly tight, but we had some difficulty in reading off the tem- perature, &c., &c. The earlier experiments were directed to the be- haviour of a substance easily fusible namely, spermaceti, the object being to make very exact observations on the temperature of fusion ; and for a long time the aim was simply to verify by careful observation the sugges- tions in Mr. Hopkins's letter of July 1851 as to the tem- perature remaining stationary for a time at the point of solidification. When this was settled the spermaceti was put under heavy pressure, with the object of observing what effect this had in varying the point at which the congelation occurred. The experiments appear to have been conducted by all three of the persons mentioned. Mr. Fairbairn and Mr. Joule were living at Manchester, but Mr. Hopkins paid, as appears from the papers, ' long and frequent visits,' during which he was generally a guest at Mr. Fairbairn's house. Writing to Baron von Humboldt on August 23, 1852, Mr. Fairbairn said : I am at present engaged, in conjunction with Mr. Hopkins, of Cambridge, on a series of experiments to determine the laws of the solidification of bodies under severe pressure. It is a subject in which I am sure you take a deep interest, as it in- volves a question in physics most difficult to solve ; namely, under what circumstances solidification is effected at great depths under the surface of the earth, and how nature works under superincumbent pressure. I have a powerfid apparatus 294 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xvn. for the purpose, and can give a pressure of nearly 6,000 Ibs. upon the square inch; but we have many difficulties to en- counter, and considerable trouble in preventing the radiation of heat from the vessel which contains the substances under pressure. I have got the apparatus so far complete as to indi- cate with certainty the progressive changes of temperature during the progress of crystallisation in passing from the fluid to the solid state ; nevertheless, we have still much to do. In September Mr. Hopkins was again at Manchester, arranging further contrivances for increasing the accu- racy of the experiments, which it still took two months to carry out; and on November 23 Mr. Fairbairn wrote to Mr. Hopkins : Enclosed you have the results of our experiments on Satur- day last, which on examination you will find a nearer approach to the stationary temperature than any of those yet made. On a consultation with my friend, Mr. Joule, we have come to the decision to let the matter stand over for a time, till we hear from, or rather till we have the pleasure of seeing you either here or in London. At our next meeting something must be determined upon, and I think it may be desirable to vary the form and character of our proceedings, in order to arrive at conclusions, that will enable you to deduce your laws. Some further experiments were made, and Mr. Hop- kins replied on December 21 : I thank you for the account of your last experiments. I have no doubt whatever of the temperature of solidification having been obtained very approximately in both of the last experiments under pressure. We are manifestly approximating to unquestionable results. After this, new apparatus was prepared according to the plans jointly agreed on. In March 1853, Professor (now Sir) William Thomson, MAGNETIC INDICATOR. 295 who had been previously consulted on the subject by Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Joule, devised an improvement in the apparatus, so elegant and ingenious as to deserve a brief mention. It had been difficult to find out, while the heat was increasing, the exact point of time at which the fusion took place. As the only feasible mode thought of, the spermaceti was enclosed in a glass tube, through which it could be observed, and the fusion determined by its loss of opacity. Professor Thomson suggested that a small piece of magnetised steel wire should be put into the spermaceti before it was enclosed in the tube, and so placed as to be at the upper part of it when operated on. A small compass was then placed outside the vessel, in such a position that its needle might be acted on by the magnetised wire inside. When fusion took place, the wire, being no longer sup- ported by the solid material, fell to the bottom, and the moment of its doing so was made evident by the motion of the compass outside. This was tried in July, and answered admirably, allowing the containing tube to be made of brass, and so avoiding the danger of the use of glass under such great heat and pressure. On August 12, 1853, Mr. Joule wrote to Mr. Fair- bairn : Salford, August 12, 1853. My dear Sir, Our experiment this morning was satisfactory, the needle having fallen at 373, the exact temperature ex- pected by Mr. Hopkins, and which shows that the temperature of fusion rises with the pressure in arithmetic progression. The lead box answered capitally. I have sent a line to Mr. H. to communicate the result. I am yours truly, JAMES P. JOULE. WM. FAIKBAIRN, Esq. Mr. Hopkins, remarking on this in a letter dated August 22, said : 296 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xvn. I had previously heard from Mr. Joule of his completely successful experiment, for such it has manifestly been. Its agreement with my calculated result is most satisfactory. In this case the law is clear, that the increase of the temperature of the fusion is proportional to the pressure. With respect to the conductive power of the substances pressed, we had better leave those experiments till my next visit to Manchester, or at least till after the meeting at Hull. Could you send to Professor Phillips a drawing (it does not signify how rough) of our apparatus ? It may be as small, too, as you please. He will get an enlarged drawing of it made for exhibition at Hull [British Association meeting] if I should find it expedient, as I think I shall, to exhibit it at the time of my address. The subject was brought forward at the Hull meeting, and the nature of the experiments and apparatus was explained ; but no written paper upon it was presented, and therefore no record of it appeared in the published report for the year. The following letter may be put on record on scien- tific grounds : Salford, August 24, 1853. My dear Sir, I transmitted to Mr. Hopkins yesterday, an account of some experiments on the physical properties of beeswax, which may perhaps serve to throw some light on the experiments on the alteration of the point of liquefaction by pressure. The results arrived at are as follow : Specific heat between 48-88 Centigrade and 18-74 = -991 39-8 and 19-1 = -923 32 and 18-34 = -647. The wax softened gradually until the point of absolute fluidity, 54 Cent., was reached. The increase of the specific heat at high temperatures was owing to the heat due to a change of state being mixed therewith. I find the specific heat of wax in the perfect fluid condition to be -506, and another experiment gave -509. DR. JOULE. 297 Taking the specific heat both at perfect solidity and perfect fluidity to be *5, I find the heat absorbed in changing the state of one grain of wax from perfect solidity to perfect fluidity to be 33*2 Cent, per one grain of water. I find the expansion of beeswax weighing 61*828 grains to be From 16-6 to 26-8 = 0-793 gr. of water volume, 26-8 to 37-4 = 2-739 37-4 to 49 = 4-255 49 to 53-4 = 1-609 ., 53-4 to 67-4 = 0-578 The total expansion of 61-828 grs. of wax between 26-8 and 53*4 Cent, being equal in volume to 8*603 grs. of water. The volume of 6T828 grs. of wax at 26-8 being 04-795, and at 53-4 73-398. Professor Thomson's formula gives, with the above data, 96 divisions of the thermometer used in the pressure experiments, or 24 Cent, as the theoretical elevation for our greatest pressure, the actual result being 68 divisions, or 17 Cent. The difference is not great under the circumstances. I am afraid I shall not be able to get to Hull, unless, indeed, I contrive to get off for one day. Believe me, dear Sir, Yours very truly, J. P. JOULE. W. FAIKBAIRN, Esq. To this time the experiments had only been preliminary i.e., on substances which had no immediate connection with the enquiry, but were used to obtain general laws. But, emboldened by the success of these trials, Mr. Hopkins now proposed to carry them out on a large scale, to apply them to other substances, and to make use of greater pres- sures and higher temperatures. He accordingly, on No- vember 7, 1853, gave Mr. Fairbairn suggestions for the necessary alterations and additions to the apparatus, and requested his advice and co-operation thereon. At the 298 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xvn. beginning of 1854 he again spent some days at Man- chester, but the new arrangements took some time. In April thermometers were still in construction (extend- ing to 640 Fahr.), and it was the middle of the year before Mr. Hopkins could get the new experiments fairly in hand. The following letter, written by Mr. Hopkins to Mr. Joule, has not much bearing on Mr. Fairbairn's share of the work, but it will be interesting to scientific men as an important part of the investigation, and as a specimen of the author's able reasoning ; and as it does not appear to have been already published, it is inserted entire : Cambridge, June 6, 1854. My dear Sir, I have been lately considering the formula given by Thomson. 8 P = L.fc. y-r I think I some time ago expressed my doubts as to its ap- plicability to the case in which a mass passes from a solid to a fluid state, or the converse, by slow gradations extending through a considerable range of temperature, as was the case in your experiments with wax. At all events the mode of investigating the formula, as given in Thomson's memoir, does not seem to be founded sufficiently on the physical conditions of the problem, in this case of gradual solidification, to prove the formula to be strictly applicable to it. An infinitesimal portion of the fluid is supposed by Thomson to pass into the gaseous state, or if a solid into a fluid state instantaneously on an indefinitely small increase of heat, the physical state of the remaining portion of the fluid in one case and that of the solid in the other being supposed unaltered, as in the case of water passing into steam or ice into water. In the case, on the contrary, of a gradual change, it would seem that the ivhole solid mass undergoes an infinitesimal change in its physical state, by an increase ?>t of temperature, instead of an infinitesimal portion of it undergoing its whole change, leaving the rest unaffected. MATHEMATICAL INVESTIGATION. 299 We have by this theory, you will recollect, With respect to any particular substance, M has of course to be determined experimentally. Now if a mass whose volume = v be compressed till its volume = v, the temperature being constant, M(v v) or M.Sv = the quantity of heat which must be given out by the mass when thus compressed. Let Q be this quantity of heat, then M(v -v) = Q, or if q = the quantity of heat thus given out by a unit of volume, Q = qv and M(v v) = qv This is easily put under another form. Let Q be such as will raise a unit of the volume V of water r. Then W o- . T. When W and a> are the weights of the water whose volume = V, and of the mass experimented on, s and a being the specific gravities of water, and the substance. Here M = ^v ?' -- ^ W.*. r . V Q -V CD S T might, I suppose, be determined as you have done in many of your experiments, provided a compression can be at once produced to develop a sufficient quantity of heat to make T large enough to be accurately observed. The compression, I imagine, might be produced by means of a piston worked by a screw, the motion of which might be measured by its having a graduated head. But you could manage all this better than any way I can suggest. It would be necessary to repeat the experiment on any pro- 300 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xvn. posed substance at several different temperatures between those of perfect solidity and perfect fluidity, for it would seem pro- bable that the values of M may be different for different physical states of the substance. We should thus get Pi -Po - M {K/=i + M 3 (r - f) + &c. + M a <<"> - < ( -'>} . Mj being supposed constant for the difference of temperature if t , M 2 for the difference f' f, and so on, and n being sup- posed the same between the temperatures of solidity and fluidity. That the values of M for different values of t between the temperatures of solidity and fluidity are different, would seem perhaps probable from the following reasoning. The quantity q may be supposed to consist of two parts, q l and q 2 , the former being the value which q would have supposing no physical change to take place in the substance in its compression from v to v ; and q 2 to be that part which is due to such physical change. It seems not improbable that q { may be constant or nearly so, while q 2 may be very different for different values of t between the above-mentioned limits. q x is probably always positive, while q 2 may be positive or negative, and greater or less also than q l so that M may be positive or negative according to the substance operated on. The reason why pressure, affects the temperature of fusion may, I conceive, be thus explained. Conceive a substance to be retained at a given volume. Then a general theorem asserts that if a quantity of heat be added which shall raise the tem- perature St we must have Now the pressure must generally be affected by the change of physical state (as well as by the mere fact of adding a quantity of heat) by the expansion or contraction superinduced by that change. But the whole change of pressure must be consistent with the condition expressed by the above equation ; and there- fore if the physical change tends to produce a value of &p different from the above for an increase Bt of temperature, the physical change must be arrested. Hence the dependence of the temperature of fusion on the pressure. The formula above given for p l p o is that which corre- sponds to the extreme case in which every part of the substance CONDUCTIVE POWER. 301 is supposed to pass simultaneously and gradually from a state of solidity to that of fluidity or the converse, the corresponding limiting temperatures being different from each other. Thom- son's formula applies to the other extreme case, in which the passage of any infinitesimal portion of the substance from solidity to fluidity is instantaneous, but takes place at consecutive times for consecutive portions. To these latter cases belong (very approximately) those of ice and water, and water and steam ; to the former the case of wax would seem, from your experiments, to approximate much more nearly. The actual cases in nature are, I doubt not, really between these extreme limits, and formulae for intermediate hypotheses might be easily investi- gated should it be found that those for the two extreme hypo- theses give considerably different results. The formulae for these hypotheses are not derivable, as far as I see, the one from the other, though each may be derived from a more general formula, founded on the union of both extreme hypotheses. These experiments ought to be made, and assuredly you are the man to make them. I expect to be at Manchester next Wednesday, and should then like to have some talk with you on the subject. I send this sketch beforehand, that you may have time to give it a little previous consideration. I will bring your results obtained for wax with me. Some of our magnetised needles have been lost or broken. Will you have the kindness to have five or six more prepared for us by Wednesday. I have procured the requisite thermo- meters. They go up to above 600 Fahr., I believe (I have not yet seen them). Oil, I believe, can be elevated to that temperature without difficulty. Believe me, yours truly, W. HOPKINS. At this time the second element was brought into the investigation. Mr. Hopkins desired to ascertain the capa- bilities of the various substances for the conduction of heat, and the influence of compression on this property. Mr. Fairbairn had accordingly to prepare specimens, in the form of small cubes, which were compressed under 302 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xvn. pressures sometimes reaching to 80,000 Ibs. on the square inch. At the meeting of the British Association at Liver- pool, in September 1854, Mr. Hopkins presented to the Physical Section ' An Account of some Experiments on the Effect of Pressure on the Temperature of Fusion of different Substances.' 1 In this he stated ' his great obli- gations to Mr. Fairbairn for the promptitude with which, in the first instance, he proffered his assistance and co- operation ; and the manner in which he had since afforded the aid of his great practical knowledge, and the ample means which his establishment afforded for conducting experiments of this nature.' Mr. Hopkins described the apparatus, and the causes of the failures which had occurred successively, till by degrees apparatus had been devised and constructed which was likely to prove successful. He then gave the results obtained, which showed that the temperature of fusion increased in regular ratio with the pressure. The fol- lowing were the substances tried, and the melting points (Fahrenheit) at different pressures : At Atmospheric Pressure At 7,790 Ibs. per square in. At 11, 880 Ibs. per square in. Spermaceti . 124 140 176-5 Wax . 148-5 166-5 176-5 Sulphur Stearine 255 138 275-5 155 285 165 On October 20, 1854, Mr. Fairbairn wrote to Mr. Hopkins : 1 Report for 1854. Transaction* of the Sections, p. 57. Mr. Fairbairn also gave, at the same meeting, some account of the experiments and appa- ratus; pp. 56, 140. NEW MACHINE. 303 The tubes, cylinder and furnace, and other parts of the apparatus for the compression of substances, are now complete, excepting- only the electric wires and the float for measuring the amount of compression. Altogether it is a complete ap- paratus, and may be used in a laboratory or elsewhere, with tolerable certainty as to the results. It is rather an expensive piece of machinery, something above 20., but it is very com- plete, and I make no doubt will effect good and satisfactory results. The only difficulty will be the working of the wires and the float, but that can only be determined by a few ex- periments. It was decided to make the first trial of the new machine at Manchester ; but Mr. Hopkins could not get there till the Easter vacation of 1855. On June 16 of that year, Mr. Fairbairn, writing to Sir David Brewster, said : I am the more anxious to see you, as I wish to consult you upon the experiments on densities, which I mentioned to you some time since. Some of them are very curious and inte- resting, and I make no doubt, with the powerful apparatus I have at command, that some new facts are almost sure to present themselves. You shall see them, and at the same time give me your advice, when you come down. Mr. Hopkins spent some further time at Manchester in the long vacation, and afterwards, on October 8, 1855, he wrote Mr. Fairbairn a letter from which the following are extracts : I was prevented writing to you as I had intended, at Glasgow, by the difficulties which continued to beset me in my experi- ments till the last moment of my being at Manchester. It was only on the last day of my sojourn there that I considered myself to have overcome, as I believe, the last difficulty, and to have obtained results which I could rely upon with the more difficult substances, such as tin and bismuth. With respect to the latter, there is clearly no increase, but probably a decrease 304 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP. xvn. of the temperature of fusion resulting from pressure. According to our new theory of heat, this ought to be the case, provided there be no increase of volume while the substance passes from the solid to the fluid state. I had just time before I left to try the experiment, and assure myself that bismuth in a fluid state probably occupies less volume than in its solid state, while such substances as wax, spermaceti, &c., of which the temperature of fusion is so much increased by pressure, occupy much larger space in a fluid than in a solid state. This is all accordant with theory ; but requires still to be worked out with accuracy, which there will be no difficulty now in doing. This, with some other things, must remain for my Christmas visit. But this Christmas visit never took place ; Mr. Hopkins's health began to fail, and he was obliged to give up any further active labour in the experiments. In August, 1864, he wrote to Mr. Fairbairn as follows : During the winter I have repeatedly formed the intention of writing to you. My old enemy, the bronchial cough, attacked me again in the summer of 1 863 I became very feeble and ill. I was sure also that my memory for abstractions, and my power of continued application to that kind of mental effort which, during the latter and best part of my life has afforded me the most intellectually active and agreeable employment, was in danger of being affected. I understand that there is 100Z. with which the Royal Society has accredited me over and above what I have drawn on account of our experiments. I will see, whatever it may be, that it be paid to yourself. I wish you also to keep all the instruments, about which I think I spent myself some 50. or 60. All this, in addition to what the Royal Society has ad- vanced to you before, will, I fear, be but a very poor compen- sation for all the expense and trouble you have undertaken for me. My age now numbers too many years to allow me to work as I have done, and for the last eighteen months or more I believe that I have injured my health by too close application. I am not strong enough at present to carry on the experiments, and from what I have stated above you will understand that I am DEATH OF MR. HOPKINS. 305 not sanguine of ever being able to do so. They have already enabled me to produce two memoirs, which perhaps will here- after be found of some value to those interested in the subject ; but I fear now that I shall not have sufficient strength to finish the final memoir which I had contemplated, though I 'have obtained a certain amount of materials for it. But it would require still much labour to make it complete enough for pub- lication, except as an abstract. Mr. Hopkins's prognostications were but too well founded. Soon after this, his powerful mind succumbed to the great strain he had put upon it, and lie died in October 1866. In December, 1865, the Royal Society wrote to Mr. Fairbairn on the subject of the balance of money ; but he declined to receive anything further. The results of the whole matter were given, in a scientific form, in a paper read by Mr. Hopkins before the Koyal Society, June 18, 1857, 1 entitled 'Experi- mental Eesearches on the Conductive Powers of various Substances, with the Application of the Results to the Problem of Terrestrial Temperature.' In the opening paragraph he says : I am likewise bound to express in the strongest terms my obligations to my friends Mr. Fairbairn and Mr. Joule. With- out the aid of the former of these gentlemen I should have been unable even to commence the series of experiments which I have now nearly concluded ; and among the many ways in which this assistance has been so promptly rendered, I may mention his having constantly placed at my disposal the invaluable services of one of his principal workmen, William Ward, without whose 1 Phil. Trans. 1857, p. 805. X 306 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. cn^r. xvn. untiring activity and mechanical resources I should have utterly despaired of bringing my experiments to any successful issue. This paper contains an elaborate mathematical dis- cussion of the subject ; but a more popular account of the results arrived at may be gathered from a lecture D 2 404 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxn. appears from the facts already recorded, that iron is very superior in its powers of resistance to strain ; it is l highly ductile in its character, and easily moulded into any required form without impairing its strength. It is also stronger in combination than timber, arising from the nature of the con- struction ; and the materials composing the iron ship become a homogeneous mass when united together, forming as it were a solid, without joints, and presenting as a whole the most for- midable powers of resistance. These are some of the properties which cannot be obtained in the union of timber, however ingeniously contrived. It moreover possesses the property of lightness along with strength ; in fact its buoyancy, strength, and durability constitute the elements of its utility in the innu- merable cases to which it may be applied. In ship-building it possesses other advantages over timber. Its hull is free from the risk of fire ; and in case of shipwreck, either on rocks or sandbanks, it will resist the heaviest sea, endure the severest concussion, and with proper attention to the construction it may be the means of saving the lives of all on board. It moreover has the advantage of bulkheads, which, made perfectly water- tight, not only strengthen the vessel, but give greater security to it, and by a judicious arrangement in the divisions will float the ship under the adverse circumstance of a leak occurring in any one of the compartments. These are the qualities and the powers of the iron ship ; and I trust the present research into the strength and propor- tions of the material of which it is composed, will not only give increased confidence in its security, but will lead to an extension of its application in every branch of marine and mechanical architecture. There was also added a mathematical investigation relative to the experiments, contributed, at Mr. Fairbairn's request, by Mr. Tate. The paper was selected by the Council of the Eoyal Society for publication in the quarto ' Philosophical 1 When of good quality. Of late years, unfortunately, much iron has been used for common boat work, to which this description does not apply, En. PAPERS ON IRON. 405 Transactions ' (an honour awarded only to those papers that are considered of special scientific merit), and it accordingly appeared in the volume for 1850, page 677. It occupies 50 pages, and is illustrated with many tables and with five engraved plates. Mr. Fairbairn, in his autobiographical notes, speaks of this paper as one of the most important he had ever undertaken. He says : These experiments were of great value, as they not only de- termined the strength and other properties of the iron, but they exhibited what was of greater importance, namely, that the riveted joint was little more than one-half the strength of the plate itself. These discoveries led to further experiments, which resulted in the single, double, and chain riveting joints being subsequently used in all well-proportioned and well-constructed iron ships. The principles they disclosed have been adopted in her Majesty's dockyards, and for many years have been in use throughout the kingdom. At the meeting of the British Association in 1 853, at Hull, he read a paper ' On the Mechanical Properties of Metals as derived from repeated Meltings, exhibiting the Maximum Point of Strength, and the Causes of Deteriora- tion.' This paper was written in pursuance of a request from the Association passed at the meeting of 1850. The object was to throw light on certain anomalous conditions ob- served by practical ironfounders in regard to the use of their material. It is the habit frequently to melt iron, for cast- ing purposes, again and again, and it had been observed, or rather conjectured by certain appearances, that re- melting improved the quality. The object of Mr. Fair- bairn's enquiries was to determine this, and to ascertain with precision the conditions of the problem. Numerous elaborate experiments were made, and the result seemed to be a gradual improvement, both in strength and elas- 406 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN, CHAP. xxn. ticity, up to about the twelfth melting, beyond which a sudden and rapid deterioration set in. In regard to this, Dr. Eobinson, of Armagh, wrote to Mr. Fairbairn, as follows, dated May 28, 1855 : I have only recently got the report of the Hull meeting of the British Association, and have just read your interesting re- port on the effect of repeated fusion on the strength of cast-iron. I was greatly struck by the abrupt loss of strength and the silvery grain assumed by the iron, and fear you have not kept the fragments ; but if they are to be found, it would be very desirable to have a chemical analysis made of the iron so changed, and another of the original quality. My reason is this : Many years ago, while working at che- mistry, I reduced mixtures of lime and oxide of iron in charcoal crucibles at an extremely intense heat. The buttons some- times contained the metallic basis of lime ; they were exces- sively hard, and their fracture was fine and silvery. Now the re- peated fusion with lime and coke seems not unlikely to alloy the iron with calcium. We want greatly, by the way, a well- arranged set of experiments on the combination of the metals of the earths with iron, which I suspect play an important part, especially in steel. In 1854 Mr. Fairbairn published his second book, the title of which was, ' On the Application of Cast and Wrought Iron to Building Purposes.' It was originally intended to be an essay on ' Beams and Bridges,' more general in its scope than the former work on the Menai structures, and containing fuller information resulting from the large experience the firm had had in the manu- facture of such works. But it was afterwards extended to other applications of iron. The author says in his preface : In the following pages I have endeavoured to collect the sum of our practical knowledge on the use of iron, in its com- bination with other materials, in the construction of fire-proof IRON FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. 407 buildings. The subject is one of vast public importance. It is undeniable that great want of judgment has been displayed in many examples of buildings even of very recent date, and it is to be lamented that so much ignorance of those unde- viating laws which govern the strength of materials should still prevail. Experimentalists and mathematicians haVe provided the knowledge, but practitioners I fear have, in a great degree, failed to avail themselves of it. Part I. treats of cast-iron beams .for supporting the floors of buildings, giving many experiments on their form and strength, and the influence on them of various dis- turbing causes. Part II. treats, in the same manner, of beams of the lighter and stronger material, wrought-iron. Part III. refers to the construction of lire-proof ware- houses, and the work concludes with a general description of the mill at Saltaire. The book is dedicated to Sir David Brewster, and the following letter, from a well-known literary man, refers to a presentation copy sent to the writer : 58 Lincoln's Inn Fields, May 19, 1854. My dear Sir, I have received with the greatest pleasure the volume you have kindly sent me, of which I mean to read every word. So far from connecting you with 'plain matter of fact,' I regard you, and men like you, as the great enchanters of modern time. What we mere bookmen used in old days to do with fiction and fancy, you now more nobly accomplish with fact and philosophy, and are properly become the leaders of the world. May your Government last long, and be as beneficently administered as it has been justly obtained. Always, my dear sir, Most sincerely yours, JOHN FOBSTEB. WM. FAIRBAIRN, Esq. A second edition of the work was brought out in 408 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FATRBAIRN. CHAP. xxn. 1857, incorporating a new part of considerable length, on the construction of bridges formed of malleable iron beams or girders. A third edition appeared in 1864, containing a few further additions. It was also translated into French, by M. L. Ferret, in 1855. In 1856, Messrs. Black, of Edinburgh, the publishers of the ' Encyclopaedia Britannica,' applied to Mr. Fairbairn to re- write the article ' Iron ' for the eighth edition of that work, which was then in process of publication. The publishers felt it was desirable to introduce into this edition a notice of the many improvements that had been effected in the iron manufacture ; and knowing how com- pletely Mr. Fairbairn had identified himself with the use of the material, they selected him as the best qualified person to undertake what they desired. It was soon found that it would be scarcely possible to alter satisfac- torily the former article, and it was accordingly determined that he should write an entirely new essay. 1 The article contains twelve chapters, and is copiously illustrated with woodcuts, not the vague imperfect tilings publishers too often produce in scientific works, but pre- pared, as might be expected, from accurate engineering drawings. Mr. Fairbairn acknowledged, in this article, the assist- ance he had received from many friends, who had furnished him with novel information on special points. Among these was his old friend Mr. James Nasmyth, who sent him complete descriptions of his steam hammer, an 1 The succeeding article, on ' Iron Bridges,' was written by Mr. Robert Stephenson, and it was interesting to see side by side the writings of the two men who had been engaged together on the largest applications of iron that had ever been made. Both articles were, however, brought out in a somewhat imperfect state through haste in their preparation. ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA. 409 invention which was then only recent, but which may be said to have almost revolutionised the iron manufac- ture, by increasing to an enormous extent the magnitude of its operations. Mr. Nasmyth, in forwarding the particulars to Mr. Fairbairu, said: I am very happy to know that the article ' Iron ' lias fallen into such able and authentic hands ; and I am sure you will not only render it worthy of the theme, but also worthy of yourself, which is saying everything. With respect to the description of the steam hammer, would fain that you gave it in your own words, as I don't like to do anything that savours of the ' Use Warren's Blacking ' system. The steam hammer is so well known and so simple, that a mere figure of it is description enough. I am but a poor tool in the literary line ; had I but the powers that you so hap- pily possess, wouldn't I hold forth on things in general, and steam hammers in particular ! The steam hammer has really been a great help in the mechanical arts, and will do more and more yet. I am at No. 489 ; they are making them by the thousand on the Continent and in America, but I am well satisfied with my share. The article was so much approved that, a few years after it appeared, the publishers reprinted it as a separate book, Mr. Fairbairn having the opportunity of correcting the imperfections in the ' Encyclopedia ' copy, and of adding some new matter. It was afterwards translated into French, with ad- ditions, by M. Gustave Maurier. In 1856, Mr. Fairbairn brought out another work, entitled: 'Useful Information for Engineers, being a series of lectures delivered to the working engineers of Yorkshire and Lancashire. Together with a series of ap- pendices containing the results of experimental enquiries 410 LIFE OF SIB WILLIAM FAffiBAIRN. CHAP. xxn. into the strength of materials, the causes of boiler explo- sions, &c.' The title will explain pretty clearly what the work consists of. Mr. Fairbairn had frequently delivered lectures to Mechanics' Associations and other similar insti- tutions in the manufacturing districts. These had some- times been printed in ephemeral pamphlets, or abstracts had been given of them in still more ephemeral local journals ; but they were inaccessible to engineers in general, and the author reaped no profit from them, and but little fame. He consequently determined to collect and publish them in a volume. In the preface he says, in his justification : In presuming to offer useful information to the members of an important profession, I would especially guard myself against an undue assumption of personal merit, and rather rest the justification of the title given to the present volume upon the well-grounded opinion that the elementary principles of science are too much neglected in the study and practice of engi- neering. It is generally admitted that one of the most popular and useful forms of imparting knowledge to others is that of public and entertaining lectures, and I may therefore state that the lectures which I have now the opportunity of publishing were mostly prepared at the request of the directors of the various educational institutions of the north of England, and delivered to the mixed assemblies of their members. The circumstances of passing- events gave to some of the addresses considerable local and temporary interest ; but it does not by any means fol- low that, thus hastily conceived, the subjects of which they treated were wanting in permanent value and importance to the mechanical student My object was to impart to working engineers, in intelligible and simple terms, all I myself knew of the varied branches of practical science which their calling embraces ; and hence my main reliance was on the results of my own practice and experience. IRON SHIPS. 411 The volume contains ten lectures, chiefly on steam and steam boilers. It was so well received by the public that it went through several editions, and the author was induced afterwards to follow it up with further collections of the same kind. In 1859 Mr. Fairbairn presented a short memoir to the British Association, entitled c Experiments to deter- mine the efficiency of continuous and self-acting Brakes for Eailway Trams;' but he afterwards re-wrote the paper in a more elaborated form, and submitted it to the Institution of Civil Engineers, where it was read on April 17, 1860. In March 1860 he read an important paper before the Institution of Naval Architects, on ' The Strength of Iron Ships.' He said that former investigations had related princi- pally either to the strength of the material itself, or to the detailed arrangements of its use, riveted joints, &c. Nothing, however, had been done in determining the strength of an iron ship as a great whole, and this it was the object of the paper to do. It explained the cases in which large iron ships might become strained in actual use. A ship might, for ex- ample, get on two rocks, one at each end, and so be with- out support in the middle ; or she might lodge upon a single rock in the middle of her length, leaving the two ends overhanging. He pointed out that of late years it had been found convenient to increase the length of iron vessels to as much as eight or nine times their breadth of beam, partly to obtain an increase of speed by giving fine sharp lines to the bow and stern, and partly to secure an increase of capacity for the same midship section. This, he pointed out, seriously compromised the strength of 412 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBA1RN. CHAP. xxn. the ship if she ever got into circumstances of the kind alluded to. And he remarked that even independently of the possibility of being stranded, the ordinary circum- stances of floating under the swell of a heavy rolling sea would subject a ship to strains similar in nature, although less in amount. Eeasoning from the known laws established in regard to large iron tubes, he went on to determine the nature of the strains, and to compare them with the strength actually put into ships as ordinarily built ; and he showed how insufficient was the resistance of the fabric. He then proceeded to explain how the defect might be remedied, by adding to the strength in certain ways which he pointed out and illustrated by diagrams and calculations. In 1860 he brought out a second series of 'Useful Information for Engineers,' containing reprints of four scientific papers contributed by him to scientific societies, and of eight lectures he had delivered at various places and times. This volume was dedicated to General (now Sir) Edward Sabine, President of the Eoyal Society, who, in acknowledging the compliment, said : August 17, I860. This morning's post brought me your kind present, and I have read its inscription to myself with a gratification which I shall not attempt to describe I regard the honour this inscription confers as one of the greatest which I have ever received ; and on which I may reflect with confidence, should I ever be tempted to think that my life has been passed in vain. At the Oxford meeting of the British Association in 1860, Mr. Fairbairn contributed a Eeport of: Experi- VIBRATORY ACTION. 413 ments to determine the effect of vibratory actions and long-continued changes of load on wrought-iron girders. The frequent occurrence of accidents to railway trains by the fracture of wheel tyres and axles, and other iron parts of the engines or carriages, had raised an important question, whether the material suffered in its molecular structure by the repeated and long-continued blows, vibrations, and jarrings to which it was subject during the working of the trains. It had often been noticed that the parts so fractured exhibited a structure not favourable for strength and toughness, but it had been difficult to determine whether this was so originally, or whether such a condition had been induced by use. As is generally the case in difficult problems, all sorts of recondite explanations were volunteered ; electrical, mag- netic, and chemical agencies were supposed to be at work, and it was often assumed that either by these, or by purely mechanical influences, the structure of the iron really underwent some deteriorating change. There had, however, always been a want of positive proof of the fact; and it therefore occurred to engi- neers of a more practical mind that it might be possible to get, by direct experiment, some conclusive evidence whether the change was real or only imaginary. The Iron Structure Commission of 1849 had tried some experiments, but Mr. Fairbairn considered they were incomplete, and he therefore instituted others on a more comprehensive scale. He directed attention chiefly to bridge girders of wrought-iron, with the view of testing whether the repeated passage of trains would produce any injury, and he contrived an apparatus by which a load could be alternately applied and removed for a great number of times. This was continued till the changes had reached a million and a half, and the results were thus expressed : 414 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxn. It would appear, therefore, that with a load equal to one- fourth the breaking weight, the structure undergoes no deterio- ration in the molecular structure ; and, provided a sufficient margin of strength is given, say from five to six times the working load, there is every reason to believe from the results of the above experiments that girders composed of good mate- rial and of sound workmanship are indestructible, so far as regards mere vibratory action. At the Manchester meeting the next year, he reported a continuation of the experiments, confirming the results in the former paper. In 1864 he embodied the foregoing results in a paper which was read before the Eoyal Society on February 4 in that year, and was published in the * Philosophical Transactions,' vol. cliv. About this time Mr. Fairbairn brought out an im- portant work on a subject peculiarly his own, namely, a ' Treatise on Mills and Millwork.' It was in two volumes or parts. Part I. appeared in 1861, and Part IE. in 1863. The editor of the present biography had occasion to review Mr. Fairbairn's book for a scientific periodical soon after its publication, and ventures to insert here some extracts from the opinions on it then expressed : It has often been remarked that, although the English have been in advance of all other nations in the practice of engineer- ing, they have been sadly behindhand in its literature. Indeed, it has become a proverb that we have executed works for others to describe; and the students of engineering know well that the best accounts of many of our most important engineering operations must be sought for in the publications of France and Germany. In regard to the great branch of the profession compre- hended under the name of mechanical engineering, the want of MILLS AND MILLWORK. 415 correspondence between our literature and our progress is most striking. We need not dwell on the fact that we are, and have long been, the first mechanicians in the world ; but it is no less true that the evidence of this fact which will go down to pos- terity on the shelves of our libraries will be meagre in the extreme. 1 It is, therefore, with much satisfaction, that we greet the production of the veteran mechanic whose name appears at the head of our article. He had founded, at an early part of his life, a firm in Manchester who have since become celebrated for the designs and manufacture of machinery in great variety, and on a very extensive scale ; and it is more especially to the illustrations of modern machinery, derived from the archives of this firm, that the present work owes its value. The first volume is devoted to the general principles of me- chanism and to prime movers. After a chapter of ten pages (which might have been much extended with advantage) on the history of mills, a discourse follows on the theory of mechanism, and the remainder of the book is occupied with notices of the modes by which water, steam, and wind are made available as sources of mechanical power. In regard to the former of these, Mr. Fairbairn has not confined himself, as previous authors have done, to the treatment of the machines for making use of the power, but he has traced the moving agent back to its source in the clouds, and followed in detail the circumstances of its fall, its distribution, its storage, and its conveyance to the point where it is to become useful. The construction of water wheels and other hydraulic machines is also given very fully it is a department to which the author has evidently devoted much at- tention ; and this division of the book forms the best and most comprehensive essay on water power we have seen. We are the more pleased with this, because, since the general introduction of steam, water-power has been far too lightly esteemed. The second part of the work is still more technical than the former, consisting, first, of chapters on wheels, straps, shafts, and couplings ; and, secondly, information on the arrangement 1 This was written in 1863; since that date the advanced education which has spread among the engineering profession has induced a much more copious literature, as well as a higher tone of thought. 416 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIBN. CHAP. xxn. of mills of various kinds for corn, cotton, woollen fabrics, flax, silk, oil, paper, gunpowder, and iron. This latter division is, if we mistake not, almost entirely a novelty in engineering litera- ture the only similar attempt we remember being contained in an old work, called 'Nicholson's Operative Mechanic,' which, though popular in its day, is now quite obsolete. We could find much in these essays to remark on, if we were writing a technical review ; but we must here content ourselves with re- commending the work as supplying a want of long standing, and as calculated to be of much practical utility. It is illus- trated profusely with woodcuts, and contains also several plates, well drawn and engraved. In 1865 Mr. Fairbairn brought out a ' Treatise on Iron Shipbuilding ; ' which he dedicated to the Duke of Somerset, then First Lord of the Admiralty. It is an octavo volume of 300 pages ; the earlier chap- ters treat of the laws of strains, the properties of iron, and the modes of jointing ; the later portions refer to iron armour and the effect of projectiles, with remarks gene- rally on ships of war. The book contains also a theo- retical essay on the strength of materials, contributed by Mr. Tate. In 1866 appeared a Third Series of the ' Useful Infor- mation for Engineers,' containing, as before, several lectures and papers on miscellaneous subjects. This volume was dedicated to Lord Brougham. In 1869 Mr. Fairbairn gave his aid in the preparation of a work entitled ' Lancashire and Cheshire, Past and Present,' by Mr. Thomas Baines. The book was a large and handsome one, in four volumes quarto, giving a full history and topographical description of the two counties, and it was illustrated by many engravings of the scenery, buildings, and worthies of the locality. Mr. Baines wisely saw that as subjects of a technical LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE. 417 and industrial character entered so largely into the interest attaching to the county of Lancashire, it would be well to get some expert to write the portion of the book treat- ing of these matters ; and he accordingly applied to Mr. Fairbairn, who responded with his usual public spirit. His contribution to the work was a very important feature of it, forming of itself one quarto volume of 260 pages, and it was probably the largest book he ever wrote. It had a separate title' The Eise and Progress of Manu- factures and Commerce, and of Civil and Mechanical Engi- neering, in Lancashire and Cheshire.' He says in his preface : When I was invited to write this work I entertained grave doubts of my own competency. The task seemed to require rather the descriptive powers of the historian than the bare matter of fact views of the engineer ; and I must, therefore, crave the indulgence of the reader for the imperfections which will doubtless be found in my treatment of a large subject. If I have failed to make the essay as attractive as a more fluent writer might have done, I have, at least, endeavoured to bring together a mass of information which will be useful to the student who may desire to weigh and appreciate the wonderful development of this great centre of manufacturing industry. I have endeavoured to trace the influence which the progress of manufacturing enterprise has had upon national character. The rapid growth and present high state of perfection of the trades touched upon in the following pages have raised the mechanics and artisans from mere labourers into a class remark- able for their intelligence, skill, and perseverance. They are now a great power in the state one to be guided by wise laws and liberal encouragement, to the exercise of infinite good, but also capable of producing great evil to themselves and others, if their association and organisation are not regulated by high principles and sound judgment. E E 418 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP. xxn. The book is (like the main body of the work to which it is attached) somewhat desultory and ill-arranged, and it is difficult to give a precise summary of its con- tents ; but it contains a great deal of valuable informa- tion, historical and descriptive. Among the subjects treated of are the scientific institutions of Liverpool and Manchester, and the engineering works of the district, such as the canals, the railways, the water supply, the docks, and the landing stages : the engineering and iron trades, and the cotton manufacture, are also fully described. Mr. Fairbairn was engaged on this work from August 1867 to July 1869, but he received no remuneration for his labour, charging only a trifling sum for the expenses of drawings. We do not even see, in the preface to the main work, any acknowledgment of the service he had rendered. Sir William's last literary production was a paper read before the Royal Society on April 26,1873, ' On the Durability and Preservation of Iron Ships, and on Rivet- ed Joints.' The author, as an experienced iron ship-builder, dis- cussed the liability of such structures to injury by corro- sion, which he believed might be entirely prevented by proper care and watchfulness ; and he recommended the same measure which he had found so beneficial in the case of boilers, namely, periodical inspection. He further treated various questions in regard to riveted joints, such as the relative merits of machine and hand riveting, the comparative effect of drilling and punch- ing in forming the holes; and the paper was accompanied by various tables and theoretical investigations. Mr. Fairbairn was in great request as a lecturer, and HIS LAST ADPRESS. 419 received frequent invitations to deliver lectures at scien- tific societies, mechanics' institutions, and the like, which lie generally complied with if he could. Some of these lectures were printed at the time in separate pamphlets, and some were republished by him in the ' Useful Infor- mation for Engineers.' Independently, however, of regular lecturing, he had many calls upon him to take the chair at anniversary meetings, distribution of prizes, &c., and he generally gave at each meeting an address appropriate to the object. On all these occasions his great popularity never failed to attract large audiences, and to give eclat to the institu- tions that asked his aid. His last address was on October 28, 1873, at a meeting of the Manchester Scientific and Mechanical Society, of which he was president. Although suffering from severe illness and very weak, he contrived to write the address ; but when the day came he was unable to leave his bed, and it was read by the secretary. A few extracts will show that age had done nothing to diminish the sound practical sense he had always manifested on such occasions : It is a source of pride to bear witness to the inventions and discoveries that have been effected in machine making in every department of industry. In the beauty, exactitude, and mathe- matical accuracy of these constructions, we stand unequalled ; and we have only to refer to the International Exhibition of 1851 and its successors to be assured that rapid strides and im- provements have been silently but progressively going on, not only in the machinery then in use, but the introduction of the self-acting principle, so much wanted and so eagerly looked for in every manufacturing process where it could be intro- duced. And here it is only just to state that the introduction of new machinery and the self-acting principle owed much of their efficacy and ingenuity to the system of strikes, which compelled 420 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxit. the employers of labour to fall back upon their own resources, and to execute, by machinery and new inventions; work which was formerly done by hand. Let me give an example which strikingly illustrates the benefits as well as the inconveniences of a sudden cessation of labour. Some forty years ago, when I undertook the manufacture of boilers, I had large orders on hand, and being un- willing to allow the men to dictate the terms on which I should engage apprentices and conduct the work, I received notice of a turn out, which immediately took place, and the works were sus- pended for a number of weeks. In this dilemma, with impatient customers, I was driven to the necessity of supplying the place of riveters by a passive and unerring machine, which from that day to this has never complained, and did as much work in one day as was formerly accomplished by twelve of our best riveters and assistants in the same time, and executing the work with greater perfection than could possibly be done by the hammer. This is not the only example of the effects of strikes that may be quoted, as I might instance the late Mr. Roberts, with his self-acting mule and other inventions, which produced much benefit. I have stated that we have reason to be proud of the numerous inventions and discoveries that have been made in the machinery for the manufacture of the textile fabrics. We must not, how- ever, run off with the idea that we are the only improvers and inventors ; on the contrary, we are on many occasions far behind, and I am anxious to impress upon the Society the necessity for exertion in every scientific pursuit, if we are to maintain our position and cope with the natives of other countries who have equal opportunities and are better educated than ourselves. This is actually the case in France, Switzerland, and Germany, and in the United States we have to contend with intelligent and very powerful rivals in both the scientific and the industrial arts. I have dealt largely on the necessity of our members having a knowledge of first principles, and that all their designs and constructions must be founded on the unalterable laws of scien- tific truth. I intended to have said that the age of the rule of thumb was at an end, and that any design, however perfect and however ingenious in its development, is utterly useless unless it is also a work of science. It is true that great works have MR. TIN WIN. 421 been sometimes accomplished by the master minds of men with- out education, but how much more certain and how much more perfect are the emanations and works of such men as James Watt, Smeaton, and others who have combined science with their discoveries. As compared with many other professions, engineering has been in a dormant state within a period in my own recollection. In the year 1804, when I first entered business as an apprentice, there were not in the whole kingdom above half a dozen persons deserving the name of engineer. I recollect quite well when I first entered Manchester, in 1813, that the only important tools then in vogue were a few common lathes, a screw-cutter, and a boring machine for steam engine cylinders. These facts show the low ebb at which mechanical science was fifty years ago, and how much we are indebted to the late Mr. Roberts and our talented friend Sir Joseph WTritworth and others for the introduction of new and more perfect tool machinery, which has given not only mathematical precision, but almost a creative power as one machine creates another, In Mr. Fairbairn's more important writings, and in the experimental investigations they related to, he availed himself freely of such assistance as he felt would be useful to him, and this he alw r ays honourably acknowledged. He was not a deep mathematician, and mathematical reasoning was often necessary for the reduction and generalisation of his experiments, and for the clear ex- position of the results obtained. In his earlier publications he was assisted in this way by Mr. Thomas Tate, mathematical master of Battersea Training School. But at a later period, when he began to devote himself more earnestly to scientific work, he engaged as secretary a young engineer, Mr. W. C. Unwin, who, having had a good theoretical training, was able to take this work permanently for him. Mr. Unwin was with him from 1855 to 1863, during which time he gave 422 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP. xxir. active aid in the many important investigations under- taken by Mr. Fairbairn, and in the publications recording them, particularly those referring to boilers, the proper- ties of steam, the strength of materials, submarine cables, railway brakes, and iron armour. Mr. Fairbairn always expressed a high opinion of Mr. Unwin's ability and the value of his assistance, and he now occupies an eminent position as one of the professors of engineering at the Eoyal East Indian Engineering College, Cooper's Hill. CHAPTEE XXIII. ILLNESS AND DEATH THE FAIRBATRNS A LONG-LIVED FAMILY WILLIAM S ROBUST CON- STITUTION FIRST SERIOUS ILLNESS REACHES HIS SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR LOSS OF HIS ELDEST SON LETTERS FROM SIR DAVID BREWSTER AND DR. ROBINSON COMPLAINTS OBLIGED TO GIVE UP ROMPING AND OTHER JUVENILE PROPENSITIES OWEN'S COLLEGE BRONCHIAL ATTACK VISITS TO BRIGHTON AND TO HOLLAND PARK MARRIAGE OF HIS GRAND-DAUGHTER ' GIVE HER A ROUND ' VISITS TO MR. BATE- MAN LAST DAYS AT MOOR PARK DEATH BISHOP SUMNER FUNERAL OBITUARY NOTICES MEMORIAL BY THE CITY OF MANCHESTER. 425 CHAPTER XXIII. WE now approach the close of this long life, so actively and so usefully employed. William Fairbairn came from a long-lived family. His grandfather, John Fairbairn, died in 1797, at the ripe age of eighty-one, and his grandmother also lived to a great age. His father, Andrew, died in 1844, aged eighty-six, and his mother lived to her sixtieth year. William himself inherited a robust constitution, and en- joyed generally good health for the greater part of his life. It was not till between his fiftieth and sixtieth years that he had any serious illness. Owing to some irregularity or other exciting cause during a journey, he was seized, somewhere about 1845, with an obstruction of the bowels, and was for some time considered in danger, powerful remedies being applied. He recovered from this attack, but it left evil consequences behind, from which he suffered more or less during the remainder of his life. He was obliged frequently, and often continuously, to take medicine for the purpose of ensuring proper digestive action, and he was subject at intervals to attacks of spasms in the stomach and intes- tines, which were very painful and troublesome. Still he had nearly reached his eightieth year before he began to feel the approach of the last enemy. At the beginning of 1867 he lost his eldest son, John ; he 426 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIKX. CHAP. xxnr. felt this affliction deeply, and an aggravated recurrence of his spasmodic attacks at the same time brought him very low. Two of his oldest and most valued friends, both emi- nent in science, and both, like himself, well advanced in years, wrote to him as follows : Brae Lodge, Murrayfield, March 4, 1867. My dear Mr. Fairbairn, My wife and I grieve to hear of your illness, and of the severe domestic affliction which you and Mrs. Fairbairn have suffered. We hope that the genial air of the south will hasten your convalescence, and that the hope of rejoining the son you have lost will alleviate a dispensation which would otherwise be difficult to bear. Since I had -the pleasure of seeing- you, I have suffered a severe loss in the death of the widow of my eldest son ; a beau- tiful woman, worshipped by everybody that knew her. I have also been an invalid like yourself, but from a diffe- rent cause. When on a visit to my daughter in autumn, I caught ivhooping cough, a horrid complaint, from the effects of which I am not yet free. Time, too, has begun to tell upon limbs that have been doing duty for more than 85 years, and the brainwork which 1 have gone through has begun to tamper with the upper part of the machine, so that I am burning the candle of life at both ends. Having been unable to get a house in Edinburgh this winter, we are living in a charming villa in the immediate neighbour- hood, and if business should bring you northwards, we have a spare room at your service. Notwithstanding my ailments, I have written three papers for the Eoyal Society, of which I hope soon to have the pleasure of sending you copies. My wife joins me in kindest regards to Mrs. Fairbairji and yourself, and to Mr. and Mrs. Bateman, and I am, My dear Mr. Fairbairn, Ever most truly yours, D. BKEW&TEK. OLD FRIENDS. 427 Observatory, Armagh, February 22, 1867. My dear Friend, We are greatly grieved at learning through Miss Holland of your severe illness, and the subse- quent death of your son. But I trust you are fully recovered in health, and I know that one so good and wise will bear the bereavement, however painful, as coming from God and there- fore appointed for the best. I know how precious your time is, but I entreat you to spare so much of it as to tell us how you are, and how Mrs. Fairbairn has borne her affliction. Of myself and mine I have little to tell, except that my sight is failing fast. If deprived of it, I shall feel the loss very heavily, but I hope I shall bear it in a proper spirit. I have at least this consolation that during my long life I have used it not unprotitably. Ever yours affectionately, T. R. ROBINSON. W. FAIHBAIKN, Esq. Early in 1868 he wrote to an old friend : I have had a second attack of my painful and troublesome complaint. The approach of winter seizes on me in the shape of spasms in the chest, and I have suffered more or less ever since. The doctors say I must give up my juvenile propensities, and con- sider myself an old man. This I am unwilling to do, and although I entered my 80th year last month, I am still unable to realise the fact that I am old. I hope you will long con- tinue to have the same feeling when you get to my age, and be free from the torments under which I almost daily labour. In July 1869 lie alluded to ' more spasmodic attacks ;' and in August of the same year he was, to his great dis- appointment, prevented by them from attending the British Association meeting at Exeter. In April 1870 he was better. He wrote : I am glad to inform you I have got a reprieve from the spasmodic attacks under which I have laboured for nearly two 428 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxur. years ; and, as an old man, I must not now romp. I still go to the works, and although a little stiff, I nevertheless endeavour to keep the judgment sound and the mind clear. On May 23, 1871, he wrote to Dr. Kobinson :- I still continue to do a little in the field of practical science and improvement, but I find it difficult to keep up with the present generation, whose minds are better prepared and better instructed than they were in my time. I, however, endeavour to the best of my ability, even at the advanced age of 82, to keep pace with them ; but it is difficult to keep the mind young when the exterior casing becomes brittle and insecure. In December 1872 he complained again of spasms, but not so severe as a year or two before. In April 1873, writing to Professor Eankine, he said : I cannot work now as I used to do, not so much from mental deficiency as from physical ailments and the wear and tear of life. I ought not, however, to forget that I entered my 84th year only six weeks ago, and might yet be useful for some time longer but from severe spasmodic attacks, under which I have been suffering for the last three years. In October of the same year, the new buildings of Owen's College, Manchester, were opened ; and he, some- what imprudently, resolved to be present at the ceremo- nial. He, no doubt, felt himself compelled to do so, because not only was the Duke of Devonshire, the presi- dent, his guest on the occasion, but in 1870 his Grace had appointed him one of the three governors of the Institution. Here he caught a severe bronchial cold, which prostrated him for some time, and from the effects of which he never recovered. About the middle of 1874 his strength began rapidly to fail ; and being much troubled by the bronchial irrita- HIS LAST LETTER. 429 tion, he was recommended to try to get relief by a change of air to the South Coast. A friend opportunely offered him the use of his house at Brighton, and it was during this visit he wrote, on June 8, the letter to Mr. Fletcher, mentioned in Chap. XVI., the following passage in which may be repeated here : I am sorry to say I do not improve. I will, however, give the clear air, which is warm and excellent, a trial for another fortnight, and if I get no better I will return and prepare for the change which cannot be far distant. He did not get better, and he left Brighton to pay a short visit to his son William, at Holland Park, London. Here in July, he complained of frequent nausea, and con- sulted Sir William Gull, who (warning the family of his critical coadition) recommended absolute rest, and great caution in avoiding all risk of increasing the bronchial irritation by taking fresh cold. The middle of this month, one of his grand-daughters, the second daughter of Mr. Bateman, was married to Major Maxwell (since unhappily deceased) ; he was very desirous to be -present at the wedding at Moor Park, but was too ill to go. He sent, however, to the bridegroom the following letter, which was the last he wrote. It will show that although so ill, his exuberant animal spirits had not yet forsaken him : My dear Major Maxwell, I would have written to Maggie, but she is busy. She will never have patience to read anything on such an occasion from such an old scratch as myself. I therefore address you on so momentous an occasion as the present to express Lady Fairbairn's and my own deep regret that the extremely infirm state of my health prevents us being present. Let me, however, recommend you, like all experienced and prudent husbands, to follow a piece of advice which I received from an old friend on a similar occasion, namely 4 Be sure, on every occasion of difference (and where is the 430 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxm. family that have not differences), that you and the wife are never in a passion at the same time.' He added, however, in a half-whisper, ' But when she is done, 'gad, you may then give her a round.' You will pardon me for adding more, as I am scarcely able either to read or write, and can only add our united blessing, and prayer for your future happiness, and remain, Your affectionate, W. FAIRBAIRN. [Date. July 14, 1874.] Immediately after the marriage he went down to Mr. Bateman's country seat at Moor Park, near Farnham, Surrey. There had always been a warm and reciprocal attachment between him and his daughter, Mrs. Bateman, and during the later years of his life, when he had given up the cares of business, although he retained to the last his home at the Polygon, Manchester (where his widow still resides), he had spent much time every year with Mr. and Mrs. Bateman and their family. The large works which Mr. Bateman had frequently been required to carry on in various parts of the kingdom had led him, partly for business convenience, and partly by a pre- ference for country scenery, to occupy from time to time residences in picturesque districts ; Morecambe % Bay, Ambleside, North Wales, and Perthshire, were some of the situations chosen ; and it was a great delight to Mr. Fairbairn to visit at these places. The house at Cardross in Perthshire, was taken by Mr. Bateman when carrying out the great works of the Loch Katrine water supply to Glasgow ; it was held several years, and here, or at a house in which he subsequently lived, Fern Tower, near Crieflf, Mr. Fairbairn spent, with his wife, much of the summer and autumn of each year. He was fond of the neighbourhood, from his old Scotch associations, and he met here many friends who esteemed him for his talents LAST HOURS. 431 and worth, and loved him for his estimable social qualities. The Glasgow Water Works being finished, Mr. Bateman gave up his Scotch residence, and bought, in 1859, the Surrey estate, where Sir William Fairbairn was afterwards a frequent visitor. After his arrival there, about the middle of July, 1874, he was for a short time able to walk about and dine with the family. One day he walked round the grounds with Mrs. Bateman, after having visited, with her, the camp at Frensham, during the autumn manoeuvres. He took great interest in mili- tary matters, and conversed freely on what they had seen ; after which he spoke to her of his own state, and of what he felt was the approaching change. The walk was per- haps too much for him, for after it he took to his room, which he never again left alive. The windows of this room looked out on the flower garden, and on a beautiful rural prospect, which he often expressed himself as en- joying- His last attack was a painful one, but he bore it with exemplary patience, no murmur ever escaping from his lips. He loved life and the exercise of his active mental power, but he looked upon death as an inevitable doom, and he was quite prepared to die. He spoke little of the pro- bability of his own decease, beyond an expression of resignation to it. He gave few directions as to the future, and made no particular communications either to his wife or his children. He gradually sank, retaining to the last a silent consciousness, and he died quite peacefully on August 18, 1874. His friend Bishop Sumner lay on his deathbed at Farnham Castle at the same time, and each took great interest in the state of the other. The bishop died two days before Sir William. 432 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxm. It was the wish of the family that the funeral should be strictly private, but it was desired by the authorities of the town of Manchester and many friends of the de- ceased that a demonstration of respect should be made. The following account is extracted from a Manchester paper : The mortal remains of the late Sir William Fairbairn, Baronet, were interred yesterday at Prestwich parish church. The distinguished position of the deceased, and the fact that, notwithstanding his Scotch birth, he was pre-eminently a Man- chester man, combined to make the occasion one of a public character, and the result was a public demonstration of respect for the deceased and of sympathy with the bereaved family. The deceased Baronet died on Tuesday last at Farnham, in Surrey, and his body was brought to Manchester on Friday night. The funeral cortege left the residence of the deceased the Polygon, Ardwick about eleven o'clock, and, accompanied by bodies of the city police and fire brigade, proceeded by way of Ardwick Green, Piccadilly, Market Street, Strangeways, and Bury New Road to the place of interment. In Stockport Road and along the line of route large crowds collected to witness the procession, and to pay the last token of respect to an eminent citizen. The shops were partially closed, and the blinds of many private houses were drawn. The body of police consisted of twelve men from each division of the city constabulary ; and the fire brigade was represented by twelve men from the central station. The following was the order of procession : Two Mutes. Police. Fire Brigade. Several private carriages. Three carnages, containing a deputation from the Manchester Steam Users' Association. Police. The private carriages of the mayor and other members of the Corporation of Manchester. Two Mutes. The Hearse, drawn by four horses. FUNERAL. 433 The private carriage of the deceased, closed. Seven mourning coaches, containing relatives and friends of the deceased. Private carriages. Police. As the procession passed through the town, several other private carriages and a number of gentlemen on foot joined it, and it was not until one o'clock that it reached Prestwich. The corpse was met at the church gates by the Rev. Canon Gibson and the Eev. Canon Birch, the officiating ministers, and the path from the gates to the porch was lined by work- men in the employ of the deceased, who stood uncovered as the coffin was borne by. The church was thronged by a large con- gregation. The service was brief but impressive. The coffin, which was covered with wreaths of choice flowers, was deposited in the family vault near the south-west corner of the burial- ground, where three sons of the deceased are interred, A brass plate on the coffin bore the simple inscription, WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN, BARONET : Born 19th February, 1789 ; Died 18th August, 1874, The number of people present at the funeral was estimated at from 50,000 to 70,000. The death was promptly announced in almost all the newspapers of the country, as that of a well-known public character, and memoirs of considerable length were given. The Times, in the course of a biographical notice, said : It is almost useless to state here that no name stood higher than that of Fairbairn in the world of civil engineering ; and that although late in life he accepted a well-earned title, his repu- tation hereafter will date from a generation at least earlier than his patent as a baronet. The Daily News, a journal always prominent in scientific matters, gave a leading article, containing such F F 434 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxm. an admirable and truthful estimate of Sir William's posi- tion, character, and merits, that we may be pardoned for giving extracts from it at some length. The death of Sir William Fairbairn, occurring as it does during the British Association week, breaks in upon the meet- ing of his scientific brothers almost as harshly as the death of the official in the Faroe Islands did upon the ceremonies at the reception of the King of Denmark. Of course Sir William Fairbairn' s was not a premature end. He had lived to a good and even to a great old age. He had multiplied his years by intellectual activity and unceasing enterprise in the fields of industrial science. Nature could hardly have prolonged much farther his busy and fruitful career ; and even in this age of longevity, when men turn to the real work of a public life at a time when their forefathers would have thought of retirement and rest, Sir William Fairbairn would be considered an old man. Still the death of such a colleague, occurring at the opening of the annual meeting of the British Association, must come upon its leading members with a painful shock. Sir William Fairbairn was one of the founders of the British Asso- ciation, and he was one of its most distinguished presidents. He was a fitting representative of the spirit which made that Association a success, and of the age of industrial science, illus- trated by literary intelligence, which allowed it to be successful. It used to be the habit at one time to sneer at the Association of ' philosophers.' But in the days when philosophy was a pro- fession and a culture we should like to know what its teachers would have thought of an age when, even as a sneer, the title of philosopher could be conferred upon a maker of roads or a worker in iron. Sir William Fairbairn was emphatically a man who might be accredited with having helped to bring about the condition of things in England which proved that philo- sophy can enter into the building of bridges and the putting together of the hulls of ships. The career of him and of his like expounds the secret of modern England's greatness. He was an indefatigable worker in what we may call the literary illustration of his enterprises and objects. Treatise OBITUARY NOTICES. 435 after treatise, lecture after lecture, on all subjects in connection with this branch of industrial science, came from his active and unresting hand. He was associated with almost every society formed here or abroad to develop the true principles of engineering. Nothing that concerned in any way the interests of industrial science escaped his attention, or failed to enlist his sympathy. Thus he became known widely beyond the limits of his own profession. In every calling of life, as our social life is now constituted, there are men who acquire high reputa- tion and enjoy entire confidence within the limits of that particular craft, but who are hardly known to the public out- side. Every lawyer, every soldier, every engineer, every scholar, can tell of men in his vocation who rank, by common consent of its members, second to none there, and yet whose names, when told to an outsider, are spoken to unfamiliar ears. Sir William Fairbairn was not a man of this class. He always seems to have enjoyed a reputation with the general public as well as with those who were qualified to judge more accurately of the value of his career. That literary faculty, if we may so call it, in which the elder Stephenson was so entirely deficient, enabled Sir William Fairbairn to secure the whole public some- times for his audience, and his death will therefore be felt as a national loss. The distinction which was conferred upon him at the recommendation of Mr. Gladstone, in 1869, was, we need not say, much better deserved than in nine cases out of ten in which a Prime Minister is the means of bestowing such an honour. It was a tribute to a very remarkable career, in which talents and perseverance fought their way from the lowliest rank and amid immense difficulties ; and it is only to be regretted that such distinctions are not made of more genuine value by being less frequently conferred as the reward of plodding and brainless political partisanship. But Sir William Fairbairn was of all men the son of his own works. If he bore a title towards the close of his life we are glad of it, rather because it affirmed that the State acknowledges the dignity of industrial science than because we think it in any way ennobled him. The Engineer said : A GREAT engineer in a past generation has departed. Sir William Fairbairn died a little after noon on Tuesday, at Moor F F 2 436 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxirr. Park, Farnham, Surrey, full of years, and not without honours, hardly earned and very fully deserved. Fairbairn's forte lay in millwright work. It is not too much to say that he revolutionised the art of making mills, whether for grinding wheat or spinning cotton. He introduced, to begin with, most important improvements in water-wheels. Some of his Scotch wheels have never been excelled in efficiency by any water- power motor, except a very few turbines. He was not content with this. From end to end he remodelled the system on which mills were constructed. He gave the milling world new shaft- ing, new couplings, new gear accurately made and properly proportioned to the work to be accomplished. No man, living or dead, has done so much to make mechanical engineering in two important branches so nearly perfect. Fairbairn found millwrighting a second-rate trade. He abolished the mill- wright, and introduced the mechanical engineer ; and for this achievement alone he would deserve to be honoured. In one word, it is difficult to discover a branch of the art of mechanical engineering to which Fairbairn has not contributed something. His footprints may be found on every path which the engineer can tread, and the sands of time will never efface them. The Manchester papers especially made the occur- rence their most prominent piece of news, and devoted many columns to obituary notices. The Manchester Examiner said : A full account of Sir William Fairbairn's life would be to a large extent identical with a history of half a century of pro- gress in mechanical science, in the development of the pro- ductive power of Manchester manufactures, in the application of iron to the building of ships, and in a wide range of inven- tion and discovery connected with the strength of materials of construction and the economy of motive forces. Some of the greatest works of peace and war in our time are associated with Sir William Fairbairn's name. In whatever way we seek to account for Fairbairn's remark- able success in life, compared with that of the mass of men who start from a similar station, it is a magnificent instance of the rewards that may attend such persistent endeavours directed to aims so honourable. FAME IN GERMANY. 437 Another Manchester paper said : But the story of his life points a moral of the most valuable kind. It was by the force of his will and the integrity of his character that Sir William Fairbairn won his position. He learned to labour and to wait, and, having a large faith in time, looked cheerfully forward to the ' perfect end.' No mere dreamer, he utilised every hour, and when disappointment came, as come it often did, if he retreated from what seemed to be an untenable position, it was only to gather strength for renewed effort and fresh enterprise. ' Something attempted, something done,' every day earned him physical and mental repose. Patient study enabled him to acquire that knowledge of first principles which resulted in the exercise of foresight akin to the marvellous, and the steady momentum imparted to his life by continuous application imparted an onward impetus to his fortunes, which resulted in the establishment of his reputation as the foremost mechanical engineer of his day. That branch of industry to which he devoted himself with so much zeal is now one of the most important in the world. Thou- sands owe their daily bread in a measure to the ardent mechani- cian who demonstrated with such telling effect the utility of iron, and the resources of the world have been augmented to an almost fabulous extent by his labours. It is natural, therefore, that Manchester should be proud of her foster-son, and fitting that honourable mention should be made of him by all who are capable of appreciating sterling worth and indomitable zeal. In an age replete with able men he held a prominent place, and his career serves to show that honesty of purpose, patient toil, unwavering integrity, while they tend to ensure material prosperity, are justly to be enumerated among those virtues which alone can give to nations a solid greatness, or to indi- viduals an imperishable fame. But it was not only in England that these manifesta- tions of respect to his memory took place. One of the most important mechanical and industrial organs of Germany, the Berlin Allgetneine Deutsche Polytec/misc/ie Zeitung, published, on September 12, 1874, a bio- 438 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP, xxnr. graphical notice with a portrait, and a statement of his chief services to practical science, concluding with the words : ' Let all aspiring workers take Sir William Fair- bairn as a model. He is no more ; but his name will ever live in what he has done.' The Manchester Steam Users' Association took pro- ceedings which are described in the following extracts from their annual report : The Committee of Management have now to refer with sin- cere and deep regret to the loss the Association has sustained by the death of its president and founder, the late Sir Wm. Fairbairn, Bart., which took place on the 18th of August last. At the institution of the Association, in 1854, Sir Wm. Fair- bairn was elected a vice-president, and continued one for four years, when he was elected to the presidency, which office he continued to hold till the time of his decease, a period of six- teen years. The services rendered by him to the Association, and to steam users generally, the committee believe to be in- valuable. His attendance at the committee and annual meetings of the Association was most regular, while his advice and service were at all other times freely placed at the disposal of the com- mittee. The committee think it well to introduce the following copy of an address presented by them to Lady Fairbairn, to- gether with a copy of Sir Thos. Fairbairn's acknowledgment of the same. Copy of address to Lady Fairbairn, presented by the Vice- presidents and Executive Committee of the Manchester Steam Users' Association, on the death of Sir William Fairbairn, Bart., F.R.S., LL.D., &c. 'To LADY FAIRBAIRN, * Dear Madam, We, the colleagues of the late Sir William Fairbairn, on the board of the Steam Users' Association, desire very respectfully to express to your Ladyship our profound sym- pathy on the irreparable loss you have sustained by his deeply lamented death. ' We beg to assure you that so far as it may be possible to offer words of comfort and condolence to your afflicted mind ADDRESS TO LADY FAIRBAIRN. 439 and heart, we share in a very high degree those feelings of un- feigned regard and respect for the memory of Sir William Fair- bairn, which we know are experienced by every one whose good fortune it has been to have enjoyed his friendship and acquaintance. ' It has been our happiness to have been associated with him for many years in the management of an Association of which he was the originator and founder, the object of which is one of practical regard for human suffering, and the safety of life to a large class of working men, no less than for the promotion of scientific enquiry on questions of vast public utility. ' Under Sir William's sagacious and able chairmanship, our Association has acquired a hold on the public mind which to him, its distinguished founder, must have been unspeakably gratifying. ' With your Ladyship's kind permission, we hope to have the honour and pleasure of placing in our board room a marble bust, by an eminent sculptor, of our late admirable president, and trust we may be allowed the favour of duplicating the bust which you possess. ' We will not multiply words in this brief record of our opinions and views. His important works are his enduring monument, and will ever live in the regard of his thoughtful fellow-countrymen. ' It is not enough for us to say that we respected and honoured him, for we loved him for his many fine qualities of heart, and shall never cease to revere his memory. ' We have the honour to be, dear Madam, ' Your Ladyship's very humble servants, ' (Signed) Vice-Presidents : JOSEPH WHITWORTH, HUGH MASON, THOMAS BAZLEY, JOHN PENN. Executive Committee: JAMES PETRIE, CHARLES F. BEYER, JABEZ JOHNSON, JAMES TAYLOR, CHARLES HEATON, ADAM DUGDALE, THOMAS SCHOFIELD, WRIGHT TURNER, HENRY E. GREG, . Louis J. CROSSLEY, WILLIAM ROBERTS, EDWARD W, WRIGLEY. SAMUEL RIGBY.' 440 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FATRRAIRN. CHAP. xxru. Copy of reply from Sir Thomas Fairbairn. Brambridge House, Bishopstoke, December 26, 1874. ' My dear Mr. Mason, ' I received on Thursday evening the case containing the beautiful volume, " In Memoriam," from the Vice-Presidents and Council of the Manchester Steam Users' Association, and yesterday I fulfilled your wishes by presenting it to the Dowager Lady Fairbairn. My dear mother desires me to assure you that no Christmas Day greeting could have been more conso- latory to a widow's sorrowing heart than this most touching address. The distinguished men whose names are appended to it record not only their admiration of Sir William Fairbairn's career and public services, but they state that they " loved him for his many fine qualities of heart." ' The exquisite form in which this valuable testimony is enshrined will be retained and guarded by my family as one of its most precious heirlooms. I have always looked upon the founda- tion of the Steam Users' Association as one of my father's most useful and most honourable achievements. It was at all times a source of great joy to him that the persistent and unwearied support of yourself and colleagues had made the Association which he founded instrumental in saving hundreds of valuable lives. ' He advocated the system of inspection as against that of insurance with unswerving constancy ; and I cannot help think- ing that there are some other branches of the world's enterprise to which such a system could be applied with great profit to human life and happiness. In connection, for instance, with the safe working of ships, how much fraud and wickedness might be avoided, how much property be preserved, and how many lives be saved, if the mercantile marine of this country were subjected to careful searching and periodical inspection. ' " Duty to others, and not gain to ourselves," has been the main-spring of your admirable Society, and a strict perform- ance of this solemn obligation during a period of now many years has given your Association the reputation, authority, and power of usefulness which it now deservedly enjoys. I can MANCHESTER MEMORIAL. 441 wish no more honourable association of merit with my father's memory than that the sphere of your labours may be greatly extended, and that you may reap the reward of public gratitude for promoting an object of paramount utility upon the basis of scientific truth. ' I am, my dear Mr. Mason, ' Yours very truly, '(Signed) THOMAS FAIRBAIRN. 'HuH MASON, Esq.' The marble bust, to which allusion is made in the address, has been executed by Mr. T. Woolner, R.A., and is now to be seen at the offices of the Association. Almost all the other institutions with which he had been connected followed the example. The city of Manchester, in their corporate capacity, were not backward in manifesting their sentiments of the honour their departed townsman had been to them. At the first meeting of the Council, the following proceedings were reported : The Chairman : Before proceeding with the remaining business of the council this morning, it is my painful duty to call attention to the fact that since we last met Manchester has lost one of her most valued citizens. I allude to Sir William Fairbairn, who was connected with the interests of our city for a very long period. I will ask the town clerk to read a resolu- tion of condolence with the family of the late baronet, and I have no doubt it will be adopted by the council ; I trust, also, that the esteem in which Sir William was held in Manchester will find still further expression. It would be a fitting thing in this city to erect a monument on the area in front of the Royal Infirmary, that may hand down to posterity the name of a man who has done so much for the city in the particular branch of business with which he was associated, namely, the engineering trade. (Hear, hear.) Already Dalton and Watt are commemorated by statues before the Infirmary, and for them a 442 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRX. CHAP. xxin. statue to Sir William Fairbairn would be fit companion. (Hear, hear.) Had his Worship the Mayor been here, he would have been one of the first to express his willingness to assist in any steps that may be thought desirable by his fellow-citizens to carry out so desirable an object. (Hear, hear.) The town clerk read the following resolution, which was moved by the chairman, namely : ' That this council has heard with deep sorrow of the removal by death of their distinguished fellow-citizen, Sir William Fair- bairn, Bart., who has for so many years been one of the most useful and valuable members of this community, and who has during the last half-century been actively and honourably asso- ciated with all movements having for their object the improve- ment of the intellectual, moral, or social condition of all classes of his- fellow-citizens. That the Mayor be respectfully requested to communicate, through Sir Thomas Fair bairn, to Lady Fair- bairn and the other members of the family the assurance of the veneration and affectionate regard which is entertained by this Council for the memory and character of the late Sir William Fairbaim, and of sincere sympathy and condolence in the irreparable loss which they have sustained. Mr. Alderman Nicholls seconded the resolution. The resolution was supported by Mr. Alderman Heywood, and unanimously passed. On October 19, a public meeting, convened by the Mayor, Mr. Alderman Watkin, was held in the Town Hall, ' for the purpose of considering what steps should be taken to secure, as generally desired, some suitable permanent memorial of their distinguished fellow-citizen.' The Mayor presided ; and there were also present the Bishop and the Dean of Manchester, Sir Joseph Heron, the Town Clerk ; Sir Edward Watkin, M.P., and many distinguished inhabitants of the town. The Mayor said, being fully convinced that a general desire existed in the city and the neighbourhood to commemorate in some fitting way the greatness, goodness, and usefulness of their departed friend, he had not waited for the usual and somewhat MANCHESTER MEMORIAL. 443 tiresome method of organising in order to call this meeting, but had done it forthwith, so that what was to be done might be done without delay. He had called the meeting to receive suggestions as to the form which the memorial should take, and to organise means for carrying it out. Sir Joseph Heron mentioned that he had received a great number of letters from gentlemen unable to attend, stating how fully they agreed in the object of the meeting, and that they would be prepared in any way to co-operate to carry out the object of the meeting. The Bishop of Manchester said that he had much pleasure in moving the first resolution, which declared the desirability of obtaining a suitable permanent memorial of Sir William Fairbairn. He had not had the gratification of making the acquaintance of Sir William till he had passed the ordinary limit of life he had passed the fourscore years. But since he had known him Sir William had been kind enough to admit him to a certain measure of personal intimacy and almost friendship, and lie had certainly learned to feel his great quali- ties, his generosity, his largeness of heart, and those other qualities which seemed to have so much endeared him to the citizens of Manchester. His, certainly, was one of those names which Manchester people of this generation would desire should be held in respect and regard by generations yet to come. It was not the sum of money that was required, because he supposed that any sum could be raised that was reasonably required, but that an opportunity should be given to Manchester people to express their sense of the high quali- ties by which Sir William Fairbairn became the architect, he would not say of a very large fortune (but for his own part he did not care for that), but the architect of a reputation which ought to be dear to Manchester people, and which he believed would be an example to men of ability, who were conscious of intellectual gifts, of how those gifts might be best used to the advantage of the common wealth. Fairbaira's was a name which Manchester should delight to honour, and he had much pleasure therefore in proposing the resolution. Mr. W. K. Callender, M.P., seconded the resolution. He said there were three causes why a testimonial should be adopted ; 444 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxm. first of all, to commemorate the virtues of a departed fellow- citizen ; secondly, to serve as an encouragement to those who might come after him ; and, thirdly, to be of some practical use to the present and future generations. They ought, there- fore, in erecting this memorial to Sir William, with the primary object of perpetuating his memory, to give also to those whom they wished to stimulate some means of following in his foot- steps by providing for them some educational advantage either in connection with the Owens College or some other scientific society. The Eev. Mr. Graskell completely coincided with the remarks made by Mr. Callender, and read part of a letter which he had received from an old friend of Sir William Fairbairn, Mr. Ainsworth, of Cleator, who said, ' I cannot take the initiative I am too old. But I shall be a liberal contributor for a statue and scholarship in the Owens College, or, better still, an en- dowment in his name as an adjunct to the professorship of practical mechanics.' He (the speaker) thought it would be very desirable indeed to have, as a memorial of Sir William, something which he himself would have wished ; and they all knew the great interest he took in mechanics' institutes and kindred societies. He thought they could not do better than carry out such a suggestion as had been made by Mr. Ainsworth. Dr. Pankhurst said he had not had the honour to know Sir Win. Fairbairn in his private capacity, and it was not his province to speak of him with reference to his professional eminence, but he asked to say a few words of him as a public man. He had had the pleasure and honour of meeting him in many parts of the kingdom on great public occasions, and he had always found in him one of those men who were capable not only of exerting public influence themselves, but of inspiring the dis- position to exert it in others. Never was an appeal to follow his example in that respect more needed than it now was in our own city of Manchester. The public life of Manchester was very onerous and very exacting, and unless we could have a succession of men willing to devote time and thought to the public service, we should certainly not be able to keep up the great traditions of the city and district. Sir William Fairbairn being engaged in an industry which was" very exacting in its MANCHESTER MEMORIAL. 445 claims upon him, and which could have given him enormous pecuniary returns, yet sacrificed much of his time and thought to the public service. He honoured him for so doing, and there could be no stronger reason given for cherishing his memory and for putting his effigy and figure in some public place. Mr. Oliver Heywood asked to be allowed also to support the resolution. Sir William Fairbairn had been throughout his life a most kindly friend of his. He had had the pleasure of attending the same school with five of his sons. He had per- sonally obtained from him the greatest assistance in the man- agement of the Mechanics' Institution, of which Sir William had been the first secretary, and in which he had taken through life a very active interest. The Eev. W. Gaskell also supported the resolution as one who had enjoyed the intimate friendship of Sir William Fair- bairn for more than forty years. The resolution was then unanimously agreed to. A discussion then took place as to the form which the me- morial should assume, it being felt, as pointed out by the Bishop of Manchester, that the amount of subscriptions must be regu- lated by the nature of the scheme submitted for adoption to the public. Various opinions were expressed, some in favour of a statue, others in favour of the establishment of a scholar- ship ; and after much discussion, the following resolution was adopted : That the permanent monument of Sir William Fairbairn be in the form of a statue of such character, and to be placed in such position as may be hereafter determined, and also of a scholarship or some other suitable endowment in connection with the Owen's College. A committee was then appointed to raise subscrip- tions and cany out the resolution. The Manchester papers all took interest in the discus- sion of the measure. One said : The prompt action taken by the Mayor of Manchester in organising a scheme to commemorate the name of the late Sir 446 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxni. Wm. Fairbairn, will commend itself to general approval. That this public duty will be well done, the enthusiasm which char- acterised the meeting held yesterday, and the influential and representative character of the committee then appointed, abundantly assure us. It remains for the thousands who in Lancashire owe direct advantage to the scientific labour of Sir Wm. Fairbairn, to assist the committee in seeing that the work is done with readiness. A public testimonial derives its value and its grace above all things from its spontaneity, and perhaps there never was a Manchester citizen who established a more substantial claim upon the respect of his neighbours far and wide. The Committee, having collected about 2,700/., de- cided that the statue should be of marble, and placed in the new Town Hall ; and after a good deal of discussion the commission was given for it, in December 1875, to Mr. G. E. Geflowski, of London. No action has yet been taken with reference to the scholarship at Owen's College. CHAPTER XXIV. PERSONAL DETAILS ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER THE GOLDEN WEDDING DAT SONS AND DAUGHTERS THE PRESENT BARONET THE ROYAL FAMILY, THE PRINCE CONSORT, AND THE PRINCE OF WALES OFFERS OF RANK HOUSE AT THE POLYGON, SOCIETY THERE MR. FAIRBAIRN'S CHARACTER BUSINESS INTEGRITY DOMESTIC LEI- TERS NEW STOCK AND BARREL TWO MOONS OPINIONS ON WORTH- LESS SCHEMES RELIGIOUS FEELINGS, CROSS STREET CHAPEL, THE REV. W. GA8KELL, RIVAL HYMN-BOOKSPECULIAR NOTIONS OF RELIGIOUS TOLERATION NOVEL READING CORRESPONDENCE WITH MRS. GASKELL PROFESSIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC CHARACTER PERSONAL AND PRIVATE TRAITS INDEFATIGABLE ACTIVITY REGULAR AND PUNCTUAL HABITS LIBERALITY POPULARITY ' THERE'S FAIRBAIRN ! ' FONDNESS FOR CHILDREN REALITY OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN'S MERITS MORAL. 449 CHAPTER XXIV. THIS chapter is intended to supply some personal details which it was not convenient to introduce elsewhere, and to give some illustrations of Sir William Fairbairn's character. Mr. Fairbairn was, as already stated, married in 1816. The couple therefore lived together eight years beyond the date of the ' golden wedding day,' which is so seldom attained. He had nine children, seven sons and two daughters, of whom three sons and one daughter are now living. The second and eldest surviving son Thomas, the present baronet, was born in 1823. He was the most active assistant to his father in his manufacturing business, and latterly had its sole management. He is a deputy lieutenant and magistrate for Lancashire and a magistrate for Hampshire, where he has a seat, at Brambridge, near Winchester, and he served as sheriff for that county in 1870. He has long and often been before the world on matters of science, art, and public policy. In 1860 he was elected by the Koyal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 a member of that Commission, and again was nominated by the Crown in a similar capacity for the International Exhibition of 1862. He was chairman of the Exhibition of Art Treasures at Manchester in 1857, and on the occasion of her Majesty's visit there was offered the honour of knighthood, which he declined. Of the two other sons, the elder, William Andrew, G O 450 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxiv. (formerly one of the partners,) still resides in London, and, the younger, the Eev. Adam Henderson Fairbairn, M.A., is vicar of Waltharn St. Lawrence, Berks. During the lifetime of the Prince Consort Mr. Fair- bairn, as well as other members of his family, were honoured with frequent instances of the esteem and regard of various members of the Eoyal Family. Prince Albert on several occasions had conversations with Mr. Fairbairn on topics of scientific and educational interest ; these subjects engaging, as is well known, the Prince's thoughtful consideration and constant devotion. General Knollys, writing to Mr. Fairbairn on December 9, 1865, to acknowledge the receipt of some volumes of his writings, which he had presented to the Prince of Wales, was desired by his Eoyal Highness To return the Prince's best thanks, and to acquaint Mr. Fairbairn that it will always be a pleasure and instruction to him to receive the publications of so practical and scientific a writer, and one so highly esteemed by his Royal Highness's lamented father. It ought further not to be unnoticed in this volume, as a circumstance probably without precedent, that this one family were honoured by one Sovereign, her present Majesty, with no fewer than five offers of rank : the knighthood to Mr. Fairbairn in 1861 ; the baronetage to him in 1869 ; the knighthood to his son in 1857 ; a knighthood accepted by his brother Peter in 1858 ; and another also accepted by Sir Peter's son in 1868. Mr. Fairbairn purchased his house at the Polygon, Ardwick, Manchester, in 1840, and was so attached to it that he continued it as his residence till his death the long period of thirty -four years. He was very hospitable. Nothing gave him more SOCIETY AT THE POLYGON. 451 pleasure than to receive his friends as guests. His letters teemed with invitations to ' the Polygon,' and whenever there was anything of public interest going on in Man- chester his house was always full. The society at the Polygon during the last fifteen or twenty years of his life was of an unusually intellectual, refined, and attractive character, and brought together guests of singularly varied acquirements and talents. Among the'm were the Chevalier Bimsen, Sir David Brewster, Mr. Wm. Hopkins, Dr. Prince Lee, Bishop of Manchester, Lord Rosse, Lord Wrottesley, the Rev. Vernon Harcourt, Dr. Robinson of Armagh and his gifted wife, Sir Edward and Lady Sabine, the Earl of Derby, Earl Granville, Lord Brougham, Mr. Leonard Horner, Mrs. Gaskell, Lord Houghton, Lord Shaftesbury, the several eminent Professors of Owen's College, and many others, whose names are well known in science, literature, and the public service. It was his custom to invite groups of visitors regularly every autumn ; his invitations were gladly responded to, and these annual pleasant gatherings of choice spirits were thoroughly enjoyed by those who had the good fortune to be present at them. To offer an estimate of Sir William Fairbairn's cha- racter we may, in the first instance, gather some illustrative traits from, his correspondence, and then add the more direct testimony of those who were best acquainted with him. The following extract of a letter to his partner Lillie, written when he was quite young, first entering into busi- ness, gives an example of the high feeling of honour and integrity that actuated his business transactions. The italics are his own : G G 2 452 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxiv. London, December 12, 1827. Mr. Cooke's wheel, Mr. Potter's work, and all the rest, we shall talk over together. In the meantime I shall look in at the watchmaker's and order both yourself and me a gold watch, but on the condition that it is not to be delivered until we have paid for our buildings, and are FAIRLY ODT OF DEBT. His domestic letters had often a mixture of gaiety and jocularity with serious and good feeling. The following are fair samples : February 19, 1858. Many thanks for your kind and affectionate congratulations [on his 69th birthday]. By my letter to you will find I am a happy and contented old codger, and whether my doom is fixed for seventy or eighty, more or less, is a matter of little moment. Men only live while they are useful, and my hope is that my years will not be prolonged beyond that period. The following was a new year's letter to one of his fellow-workers : January 2, 1856. Many happy new years to you and your family, and I hope as long as I can keep up the steam that we shall always bring in the new year, not with some compliment, but with something useful to mankind. I am an engine always ready for service, and although a little antiquated in construction, the working parts are never- theless in pretty good repair. The boiler has a few patches upon it, but a little careful stoking will not only prevent an explosion, but maintain the old vessel in moderate condition and efficiency for a few years longer, when I make no doubt the repairs will terminate in a ' new stock and barrel.' He had a quiet sense of humour which he could ex- hibit very effectively. On one occasion a friend asked him to present to the Eoyal Society a communication descriptive of some remarkable optical phenomena which TWO MOONS. 453 the writer professed to have witnessed ; and Mr. Fairbairn replied : I have read your paper which you are desirous of commu- nicating to the Royal Society ; but you will forgive me if I recommend you, in the present crude state of your observations, not to send it. If you could trace the appearance to its cause in some peculiar action of the organ of sight, it would be much more satisfactory. I remember many years ago posting from Coventry to Bir- mingham on a clear moonlight evening, and the more I looked the more I was convinced that there were two moons ! I saw them distinctly ; but I afterwards accounted for the appearance by the fact of having previously dined with a jovial party. I am sure you will pardon me for this suggestion. He could express himself strongly, too, when he con- sidered himself aggrieved. On one page of his letter book is this note : These two letters were addressed to two scoundrels who re- pudiated payment for work ordered under an award where I was appointed sole arbitrator. W. F. One of the letters runs thus : Sir, I have paid 1. for your defective work and un- principled character. I do not envy the saving you have effected when attained at the expense of equity and justice, and I offer no apology for remaining, with unqualified contempt, yours, W. FAIRBAIRN. The other is in similar tone. It was one of the penalties of his position to be con- tinually consulted on worthless schemes, often by personal friends ; and all eminent engineers and men of science know how exceedingly difficult sometimes is the task of replying to such applications. The following extracts of letters show how Mr. Fair- bairn was in the habit of dealing with such cases : 454 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxtv. Manchester, November 24, 1853. My dear Sir, With a strong desire to render myself useful to the undertaking in which you are engaged, I have arrived at the conclusion, after a careful perusal of the Eeports of , that it would be premature, if not injurious, to allow my name to appear in public as one of the promoters of this project. On your account, and that of my respected friend Sir , I would gladly do it ; but until the invention is more matured, and its practical effect more clearly developed, neither my name nor that of any other person, however high in station, will ad- vance it may retard its progress. In my opinion a great deal has yet to be done in the way of perfecting the ingenious dis- covery of M. ; but this is a work of time not unaccompanied with experimental research. I am satisfied that the principle is a happy idea ; but from what I can see at present, its commer- cial value and utility, when compared with our best steam engines, has not been satisfactorily established, and that it still requires additional tests and experiments to satisfy the public as to the superior advantages likely to accrue from the change. In the consideration of this subject I deem it essential that I should speak plainly, and not attempt to raise expectations which I might not at some future period be able to realise. The question altogether is one of considerable importance, and I shall deem it my duty to watch the progress of the invention, and to encourage its ultimate success to the utmost of my power. This I cannot, however, accomplish as a director of the com- pany ; and if my services are to be at all available in a practical point of view, I must remain unfettered and with time to act, as circumstances may require. Whenever you consider these services requisite, you may command, My dear Sir, yours sincerely, W. FAIRBAIRN. Manchester, February 11, 1850. My dear Sir, I have just received your note of Saturday last. I much fear there is something wrong with your friend in Belgium, otherwise he would not hesitate, but rather court, investigation into the principle, as well as the practical working, of his motive power. USELESS INVENTIONS. 455 I was in hopes I could have been of service to you, as well as to the projector, by a careful examination of his machinery, in case his ideas were sound and practical. I entertained hopes of being able to assist in bringing to maturity a well-digested scheme which had for its basis not a visionary but a permanent superstructure. On the other hand, should it prove to be one of those projects with no other foundation than that which exists in the imagination of the projector, I was then prepared, confidentially, to give to both an honest opinion as to the inutility of a scheme which could have no other result than loss of reputation and a useless expenditure of money. As it is, I most respectfully decline any interference with your friend and his scheme. I would be willing to do so on your account, but it is quite evident there is some screw loose in the principle, as well as the practice of the undertaking, otherwise a free and open explanation would not have been withheld. Believe me, my dear Sir, Very faithfully yours, WM. FAIRBAIRN. The following was to an eminent scientific professor, who had been stepping out. of his way to meddle with practical mechanical inventions : Paris, July 24, 1855. My dear Sir, I have given your new project my best con- sideration, and I cannot better express my earnest desire to serve you than by advising you not to be too sanguine of suc- cess in this matter. I am sorry to differ from you in a question to which you attach so much importance, but I deem it my duty in projects which involve considerations of money as well as reputation, to be perfectly candid and perfectly honest in giving an opinion. Under all the circumstances, whilst I admit the existence of the force, I must confess I do not see my way clearly to its practical application. There are difficulties to be encountered before the project, however good, can be realised. The great difficulty will be to induce capitalists to embark in under- takings of this kind unless they see their way clearly before them. 456 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxiv. I mention all these things to show how much is to be done before your new invention comes into use, and the difficulties which will require to be surmounted before the improvements you suggest can be brought into useful application. I am sure you will pardon me for speaking thus plainly. I would not advise a patent for England, as we have no rivers on which it could be applied. It might be applicable in some parts of Europe or America, but I would not advise the expense of a patent until you have further experience of its utility. Yours, &c., WM. FAIRBAIRN. His religious feelings were often manifested in his correspondence. On his settlement in Manchester he became a member of the congregation at Cross Street Chapel, and remained so to the end of his life, ready on all occasions to show his interest in its welfare, and asso- ciating on terms of closest intimacy with its ministers, more especially with the Eev. J. G. Eobberds and his colleague, the Eev. W. Gaskell, M.A. The following letter will show the interest Mr. Fair- bairn took in religious subjects : The Polygon, Sept. 15, 1861. My dear Mr. Gaskell, I almost regret that the printing of the sermon of last Sunday, so generously inscribed to myself, had not waited for the addition of your equally valuable and truly philosophical discourse of this morning. I look upon these two discourses as highly appropriate to the termination of the labours of the past week, 1 and I sincerely hope they may shortly be pub- lished (to which I would cheerfully contribute) for the benefit, not only of the Cross Street congregation, but of the general public. I am sure Mrs. and Miss Gaskell and family were highly gratified to find the whole term of the meeting an ovation of the most gratifying description. Pray make our united regards acceptable to them, and believe me, Ever faithfully yours, W. FAIRBAIRN. 1 Alluding to the meeting of the British Association ; see Chap. XXf. RIVAL HYMN-BOOKS. 457 On another occasion his interest in the chapel took the form of a sensible scolding to some of the trustees : Manchester, September 11, 1866. Dear Sirs, As one of the oldest pew-holders in Cross Street Chapel, I have witnessed with deep regret a tendency to dispute, if not a total disruption of the congregation, arising as I sup- pose from the desire of one party to establish new forms and conditions inimical to the other. I am totally at a loss to dis- cover the cause of these differences. They cannot arise from the simple consideration of a change of hymn-books, and unless some other motives are at work, I am unable to account for the antagonisms which exist. I am not sufficiently acquainted with the movements of parties to discover to whom we are indebted for all these un- fortunate cavils, but I regret them, and should greatly deplore any attempt to carry out views by one party or another, contrary to the wishes of the congregation, and at variance with the harmony and good feeling which for a long series of years has been the pride and satisfaction of its members. If the present unfortunate contest rested exclusively upon the choice of Kippis's or Martineau's hymns, the question might soon be settled by the decision of the majority. I am, from early associations, personally in favour of Kippis's, but I will sing from Martineau provided the congregation so wills it. On these points I am, however, of opinion that nothing should be done without the aid and assistance of our Pastors. They of all others ought to be consulted. They have to con- duct the services of the church, and it is fitting and right that they should have a voice in whatever changes may be considered necessary and expedient. I offer these remarks under the impression that the present differences may be amicably settled without risk or danger of disruption, and that such may be the result, I am, dear Sirs, sincerely and truly yours, W. FAIRBAIRN. The Trustees of Cross Street Chapel. Above the pew in the chapel in which for so long a period he was accustomed to sit, a white marble tablet,. 458 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxrv. exquisitely sculptured by T. Woolner, E.A., was erected by his son, the present baronet. It bears the following simple inscription between two stems of oak and thistle : THIS TABLET IS PLACED HEKE TO THE MEMORY OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN LL.D. D.C.L.. FIRST BARONET OF ARDWICK WHO WORSHIPPED IN THIS CHAPEL FOR MORE THAN 50 TEARS. HE WAS BORN AT KELSO 18TH FEBRUARY 1789. AND DIED AT MOOR PARK SURREY 18TH AUGUST 1874. In a letter of 1854 to the daughter of an old friend, he says : Many thanks for the book of sermons, but I very much doubt whether they are at all likely to supplant Blair. Blair and I are old friends, and I have treasured up his benevolent and homely maxims from early life until they have become almost a part of my existence. Besides, they are very healthy discourses, and as I like my religious garments to sit easy upon myself, I am inclined to extend the same comfort to others. You must not therefore be alarmed about me, as in my en- deavour to do my best in the faithful discharge of the duties of this life I hope, through God's mercy, to meet our dear friends in that which is to come. At a later time an event occurred which tried his temper sorely. The young lady to whom the letter just mentioned was written had married, and Mr. Fairbairn invited the pair to pay him a visit; the invitation was accepted, but the husband (a Scotchman) having heard that Mr. Fairbairn attended a chapel where Unitarian RELIGIOUS OPINIONS. 459 views were held, was so shocked that, considering the residence of such a person as a pest house to be avoided, he wrote an angry letter putting an end to the arrange- ment. This letter cannot be found, or it might be printed as an example of Scotch notions of toleration ; but Mr. Fairbairn's admirable answer to the young wife was as follows : My dear Mrs. , I do not wish to say a single word against the husband of your choice ; but if I am to judge of his character by a letter received this morning, I should certainly arrive at conclusions anything but favourable to his discretion. He may be a good man, and have all the conditions you require, but he is assuredly devoid of the feeling of what is due from one gentleman to another. You may inform Mr. , that I do not envy his religious convictions, but I do most earnestly pray that I may never possess them. I may be wrong in this, but I am quite able to judge for myself in matters of faith without calling upon Mr. as my Father Confessor. I regret, my dear madam, that your promised visit to the Polygon should have had such a termination. Both Mrs. Fairbairn and myself retain a lively recollection of your former self, and with every good wish, believe me, Most sincerely yours, W. FAIRBAIRN. P.S. Mr. 's letter requires no answer. In April 1874, a few months before his death, a lady friend, zealous to do good, wrote a long letter to him on his religious views. His answer is not preserved ; but he endorsed the letter ' I can think for myself,' and he re- mained in this tone of mind to the end. The following remarks appended to an obituary notice in a Manchester paper are happily appropriate : It remains to say that in Sir William Fairbairn an urbane amiability of demeanour was united to intellectual strength, 460 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxiv. and that no man could be more deserving of the tributes of social esteem which he so constantly received. He had the straightforward simplicity so characteristic of strong men, with a grave gentleness, neither rugged nor repel- lent. The painter Haydon, visiting Manchester thirty-five years ago to lecture, to start a school of design, and to apprentice a son at Fairbairn's, is said to have made this entry in his journal after a dinner party at Mr. Darbishire's : * Liked Fairbairn much ; a good, iron, steam-engine head. To see his expression when they talked of " Ernest Maltravers," made me inwardly rejoice. " I cannot get through novels," said he ; it showed his good sense. He has risen from a foundry labourer to be master of as great a manufactory as any in the world.' Haydon's obser- vation, however true as far as it goes, prompts the addition that Fairbairn in his youth had been no ignorant clown. His mind was of finer mould, and had been better trained at home than is commonly to be looked for in the class of life to which Haydon referred him. Familiarity with hardships had no more roughen- ing effect on him than would be expected from some of the sports of young gentlemen's playgrounds, or the experiences of a military campaign. The expression quoted as his by Haydon that he ' could not read novels,' was, however, not literally true ; for when well written he read them with much interest, and when he happened to be on friendly terms with the authors he generally wrote to them his opinion of their works, sometimes indeed criticising pretty freely the parts which he did not approve. He had a good deal of correspondence of this kind with Mrs. Gaskell, with whom, as the wife of his pastor, he was on terms of intimate friendship ; and his remarks were taken by that talented lady in very good part, as the following extracts from her letters will show : Plymouth Grove. My dear Mr. Fairbairn, I am ashamed that I have been so long in acknowledging your kind friendly note, and very just NOVELS. 461 criticisms on 'North and South.' Do you know I have half begun to expect a note from you after the publication of every story of mine, and I was beginning to feel a little disappointed that none arrived on this occasion. You see how unreasonable authors (as well as other people) become if they have once been indulged. Your kind and racy critiques both give me pleasure and do me good ; that is to say, your praise gives me pleasure because it is so sincere and judicious that I value it ; and your fault- finding does me good, because it always makes me think, and very often it convinces me that I am in error. This time I believe you have hit upon a capital blunder ... I don't think a second edition will be called for ; but if it should be, you may depend upon it I shall gladly and thoughtfully make use of your suggestion. I agree with you that there are a certain set of characters in ' North and South,' of no particular interest to any one in the tale, any more than such people would be in real life ; but they were wanted to fill up unimportant places in the story, when otherwise there would have been unsightly gaps. Mr. Hale is not a ' sceptic ' ; he has doubts, and can resolve greatly about great things, and is capable of self-sacrifice in theory; but in the details of practice he is weak and vacillating. I know a character just like his, a clergyman who has left the Church from principle, and in that did finely ; but his daily life is a constant unspoken regret that he did so, although he would do it again if need be. But I am afraid I am taking up your time with what you will not care to read. Thank you again, dear Mr. Fairbairn, for your note, which I shall always value, and believe me, I am yours most truly, E. C. GASKELL. The following relates to remarks of his on the work by which this authoress is perhaps best known, the ' Life of Charlotte Bronte.' (Date probably June 1857.) My dear Mr. Fairbairn, I don't think you know how much good your letter did me. In the first place I was really afraid 462 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxiv. that you did not like my book, because I had never received your usual letter of criticism ; and in the second, it was the one sweet little drop of honey that the postman had brought me for some time, as, on the average, I had been receiving three letters a day for above a fortnight, finding great fault with me (to use a mild expression for the tone of their compliments) for my chapter about the Cowan Bridge school. So I gave your letter a great welcome, my dear Mr. Fair- bairn, and I should have replied to it sooner, but that it has seemed very difficult to catch you. No sooner did I hear you were in Manchester than you wrote to Mary Holland, saying that you were leaving; and, really, unless I had directed to ' Wm. Fairbairn, Esq., Eailway Carriage,' I don't know where I could have found you. I have had a preface to my (forthcoming) third edition sent to me, which I dare not insert there ; but it is too good to be lost, therefore I shall copy it out for you : * If anybody is displeased with any statement in this book, they are requested to believe it withdrawn, and my deep regret expressed for its insertion, as truth is too expensive an article to be laid before the British public.' But for the future I intend to confine myself to lies (i.e. fic- tion). It is safer. "We did so enjoy Eome. We often thought of you, and half con- sidered if you would not turn up in the Holy Week, which you hinted at as possible when we left. We came home by Florence, Venice, Milan, Genoa, and Nice. I wonder if you are at home, and if we could tempt you to come in to our 8 o'clock tea to-morrow night. We have Miss Bronte's faithful friend E. staying with us. Yours ever most truly and gratefully, E. C. GASKELL. In regard to Sir William Fairbairn's professional and scientific character, the following communications from friends who had the best opportunity, as well as the best capability of judging, speak for themselves : SCIENTIFIC CHARACTER. 463 Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper's Hill, Staines, October 31, 1876. You have asked me for an expression of my opinion in re- gard to the late Sir W. Fairbairn, especially with regard to his scientific position. I was, as you know, well acquainted with his scientific work during seven, years, and assisted him in his researches. I am very glad, therefore, to state my impressions. I would remark first of all that Sir W. Fairbairn's knowledge of science was not chiefly learned from books, and that his know- ledge of mathematical methods was not extensive. He owed his extensive knowledge of the use of materials almost entirely to observation and experience. Interested in knowing what pro- gress was making in different branches of science, and ready to accept any help from mathematicians, he still fought his own way to knowledge along a different path. He did not appear to me to accept with firmness anything which he had not confirmed by his own observations or experiment. His thorough reliance upon direct experiment made him willing to undertake any in- vestigation likely to throw light on doubtful points of practical science, and when he had once formulated the results of his experiments he relied on them with a remarkable absence of doubt or hesitation, and applied his conclusions in practice with a courage which would have sometimes seemed rashness to anyone more conversant with theoretical considerations. I do not think that anyone else would have ventured to apply the common plate girder formula to so different a construction as a ship. But after the wreck of the Koyal Charter he investi- gated the strength of ships in that way, and was led to the con- clusion that many ships were deficient in power of resisting bending strains. At the moment no more elaborate investiga- tion was possible, and the rough result obtained by Sir W. Fair- bairn was not only correct, but did good service. Later inves- tigations of a much more elaborate character on the transverse strength of ships have been made ; but so far as I know, Sir W. Fairbairn was the first to point out that an iron ship needs to be considered as a girder resisting transverse forces. There can be no question that parallel with theoretical in- vestigations in applied mechanics there is needed a series < f 464 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. XXIY. experimental investigations to check the results of theory, and to furnish the numerical data which are required. I suppose no one has done so much to supply such data as Sir \V. Fairbaim. His experiments on the strength of materials and of structures involved a considerable expenditure of thought, of labour, and of money. Those experiments always were of a practical cha- racter, but they did not aim at any immediate commercial result. Sir W. Fairbairn was always ready to undertake researches which it appeared would increase practical knowledge, trusting that in time the results would prove to be of value. I may add that his experiments were always made in a truly scientific spirit, and with all the precautions which were known to be desirable. His experiments are therefore trustworthy, and free from any suspicion of bias. As to Sir "W. Fairbairn's position as an engineer, it would hardly be becoming in me to say very much. His reputation was so well established in so many different branches of engi- neering, and his works are so important and well known, that no testimony from me is needed. I can only say that a younger engineer could not help being struck with his sound and rapid judgment of practical questions. Personally, it was extremely pleasant to be engaged under Sir W. Fairbairn. I found him uniformly kind and considerate. He made his influence strongly felt without exercising any direct pressure. He was very indefatigable in his own work, and very ready to recognise conscientious work in others. His memory was very accurate and retentive. In manner he was always calm, and free from hurry or irritation. W. CAWTHORNE UNWIN. Dr. Bobinson, F.E.S., of Armagh, one of the ablest and most respected men of science of the present day, writes thus : Observatory, Armagh, November 8, 1876. I would say that Sir William Fairbairn was among the noblest of the good and wise whom it has been my good fortune to know during my long life. Through all our intimacy of more than forty years I never saw in him anything to cloud the high esteem in which I held him. SCIENTIFIC CHARACTER. 465 Kind, generous, and upright; prudent in forming resolu- tions, energetic in carrying them out, and gifted with rare experimental sagacity, he was one of the best types of a class of men to whom our nation owes so much of its greatness. In one respect (at least so it seems to me) he was distin- guished above the other great engineers of his time in the spirit of research which urged him to enquiries involving much ex- penditure of time, labour, and money, which, though of the highest importance to the science of mechanical engineering, brought with them no material remuneration. These he gave to the public without reserve ; and it is not too much to say that his investigations on the strength of riveting, on the dete- rioration of cast-iron by long-continued strain, and as to the re- sistance of tubes to collapse under external pressure, were boons not merely to his profession, but to humanity itself. Not less notable in him was the complete absence of affec- tation ; he knew the exact measure of his attainments, and never pretended to anything beyond them. Nor had he any of that jealousy of rivals which I regret to say is not very uncommon among men of science. Even in vexed questions where he considered he had been unfairly treated, he was never unjust to his opponents; and though more than one of his proteges repaid him with ingratitude, yet he spoke of this in no angry spirit. T. R. EOBINSON. The late Professor Macquorn Eankine, a high autho- rity on mechanical science, spoke of Sir William's long series of experimental investigations as * unparalleled for extent and for practical utility.' Another friend, who knew him well in business, says : In a professional sense, no difficulty daunted him. He liked, as he said, 4 to tackle a big job,' the more novel and daring the better ; his energy and determination seemed to increase in proportion to the number and magnitude of the difficulties he had to overcome. He was for this reason very often consulted by the different departments of the Government, and by many of the H H 466 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM PAIRBAIRN. CHAP. XXTV. great civil engineers who, between 1830 and 1870, were develop- ing and completing great industrial and national undertakings with a rapidity and success which astonished the world. His eagerness to associate himself with such enterprises, and his desire to secure for his own manufacturing establishments some portion of the constructive works, often led him into unprofit- able bargains. He liked to secure a great order, and his one anxiety, when such an opportunity presented itself, was to ' do the work,' thinking little of the result, whether for profit or the reverse. Fame with him was ever before money. He was never, in the ordinary acceptation of the term, a ' good man of business,' and thus we find that it was not till after 1845, when his sons became associated with him as partners, and their influ- ence began to predominate in the management of the concerns, that he began to accumulate wealth, and make safe those profits of business which he had constantly earned, but had allowed to melt away again. He made several fortunes, but only kept one. In connection with his professional character and success, one thing deserves especial mention. He had a wonderful eye for proportion and the mechanical fitness of things. It was the universal judgment and remark of the troops of eminent scientific men whose friendship he enjoyed, that although he made no pretensions to theoretical attainments, he had an emi- nently scientific and philosophic turn of mind and thought. For this reason he almost intuitively went right in all his designs of novel and original nature. I cannot call to mind a single instance of failure, either from inadequate strength or faulty proportions in any of his work ; and his steam-engines, water-wheels, mill-gearing, his boilers and bridges, were models of symmetry, and were never disfigured, as is too often the case, by the superfluous and injurious introduction of unnecessary material. He was frequently called in to satisfy public anxiety as to the safety of large and important public structures. On these occasions he seemed to take in at a glance the merits and defects of any combination of parts, and he was never wrong in the immediate opinion he expressed as to its security or insecu- rity. He was presented with a gold snuff-box, by the council of PERSONAL CHARACTER. 467 the famous Anti-Corn Law League, for the advice and assistance he gave in the construction of the roof which covered the vast area of the first great Free Trade Hall in Manchester ; and I remember Ins judgment and reports were at once accepted, as assuring the public safety, when he was asked to examine the galleries and passages of the buildings for the great International Exhibition in London, and the Exhibition of Art Treasures in Manchester. The weak points were detected in a moment, and the appropriate remedies and strengthenings were suggested at once. His hand-sketching was admirably clear and clever. His business letters were frequently illustrated by neat drawings, and the draughtsmen who elaborated his plans never had any difficulty in rendering in full detail the original sketches he put in their hands. It was also a characteristic practice with him to order many of his mechanical contrivances to be drawn out full size on a large surface. For this purpose the floor of one large room nearly seventy feet long was kept free as a huge drawing- board; to these full-sized drawings the wooden patterns, when completed, were brought down and adjusted. In addition to the above, the editor has been favoured by intimate friends of Sir William with many less formal memoranda, which enable him to give the following details of his personal and private traits of character : Perhaps the most remarkable feature was his indefati- gable activity and his earnestness of purpose in work. With him work seemed a necessity of life, and he could not rest or be happy unless well employed. He was never heard to complain of hard toil ; indeed it was to him a pleasure. The simple record of what he did as a school-boy, as an almost self-teaching student, as an engineer, as an ex- perimentalist, and as a writer, shows that his favourite and oft-repeated assertions of ' indomitable perseverance ' and 'determination to excel' were with him no idle phrases, but active guiding principles of conduct. His love for work lasted down to almost the very end of his long 468 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxrv. life. No hour of his day was ever unoccupied or passed in idleness. He never found ' dignity in leisure,' but was ever doing. In business he was unceasingly at work with his brain, his pen, and his draughtsmen, in scheming, inventing, or trying to improve something or other. Wherever he was he breakfasted early, and the meal over he at once set about a long day's work. When at Manchester, from nine to six o'clock of every day was spent in the office or the workshops ; and during the height of his prosperity as a mechanical engineer he had seldom less than eight or ten draughtsmen constantly at work under his own personal direction. His correspondence was prodigious, and he never failed to answer letters, however trivial their subject, and however obscure the writer, giving always the best advice and assistance to all he considered worthy of it. His reports and scientific writings were mostly done at night. When the family retired to rest he adjourned to his library at the Polygon ; and at a little writing-desk in one corner of the room, with a shaded lamp by his side, and with the little picture of the Arbeitszimmer of his illustrious friend, the author of ' Cosmos,' before him, his pen might be heard scribbling away incessantly till the small hours of the morning. The quantity of matter he wrote was astounding ; for the mass of his writings chronicled in the pages of this work, large as it is, only represents a small fraction of what proceeded from his hand. The leisure moments he so fairly earned after a hard day's work, if not spent in writing, were devoted to read- ing. He was especially fond of history and biography. For works of fiction generally he had no particular taste, though he greatly enjoyed a novel which faithfully por- trayed the scenes of home life. Goldsmith, Washington Irving, and Prescott were his favourite authors, and in later times he highly appreciated the works of George REGULAR HABITS. 469 Eliot, Mrs. Gaskell, and the authoress of c John Halifax, Gentleman.' His holidays, which seldom exceeded three weeks or a month, were spent either at the houses of friends, or in short trips abroad, or in revisiting in Scotland the scenes of his early days. But long familiarity with the stir and activity of a large manufacturing town had disqualified him for enjoy- ing the quiet and repose of country life. Nor had he any taste for field sports; he neither hunted, nor shot, nor fished ; his only exercise was walking. Whenever busi- ness or inclination called him into the country, he would derive his chief interest from farming operations. Any time he could spare was usually spent in company with the nearest farmer, discussing the state of the markets and the different improvements in agriculture ; and it has been noticed how the farmers were struck with his sagacity and information on such matters. Though he studied and thought much in solitude, he loved companionship, and on his long journeys, as well as on his visits to scientific gatherings, such as the British Association, he was generally accompanied either by one of his sons or by his son-in-law. He was essentially a man of regular habits, always punctual to hours and in keeping appointments, and par- ticularly neat and orderly in all he did. His friend Mr. Hopkins gave an amusing instance of the power of a long-continued habit. In his daily walk to arid from Canal Street he was accustomed to cross the road at cer- tain fixed points, and he would never allow anyone or anything to interfere with this practice. When these various stages in his walk were reached he would give Mr. Hopkins a gentle push from the causeway into the mud, and thus silently insist on crossing at the places he had been accustomed to. 470 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN. CHAP. xxrv. All who were acquainted with Sir William Fairbairn will bear willing testimony to his high-mindedness and integrity. Strictly honourable and sincere in all his dealings, he had the greatest abhorrence of. all mean- ness ; and guiding his conduct by the high standard of truth and right, he was one who could be invariably trusted. He was very liberal, not only with his purse, but in his feelings and behaviour to those with whom he came in contact. His activity in the cases of Cort and Eoberts has already been noticed, and many other instances of his kindliness of feeling might have been cited. The fol- lowing letter from one of his assistants only expresses what was a general sentiment among all who had served him : My dear Sir, Your most generous present requires me to render again to you some imperfect acknowledgment of your kindness. I thank you much for that, but I value more the esteem you express in your letter. I have sometimes failed in doing what I might have done, but I am proud notwithstanding to have earned in some degree your respect. I shall serve many masters and not find one who will treat me with so uniform a courtesy or such considerate trust. I can only repeat that I shall always be glad, with such ability as I may have, and such opportunities as circumstances may permit, to assist you, or to preserve the record of your example as one of the most valuable heirlooms of all that you will leave for the benefit of men. His sympathy with suffering and distress, together with his amiability and unsuspicious nature, made him sometimes an easy prey to impostors. This trustfulness, though no real loss to him, was often detrimental to his success as a man of business. Though fully alive to the value of money, he never made it an object of unworthy desire ; simple in his tastes and wants, he POPULARITY. 471 was amply satisfied as long as he obtained sufficient for the comfort and usefulness of himself and his family. In the gatherings at the Polygon there were often earnest discussions, and sometimes long arguments, in which he willingly joined. But in these cases he was always calm ; and whenever the combatants in dispute became heated or excited, his favourite exclamation, * Stop a moment, now, let us consider,' would generally bring them to reason. He had little appreciation of refined wit, and the most skilful play upon words and the most appropriate quotations would scarcely move him ; but a good story, especially if it were a Scotch one, would of all things delight him, and he would recur to it again and again with fresh pleasure. In private life Sir William Fairbairn was distin- guished by a quiet dignity of manner, combined with a modesty, simplicity, courtesy, and gentleness, which won him all hearts, and made him a general favourite. Though without the advantage of early association with high-born people, he was by nature a gentleman in the best sense. He was a most faithful friend, never forget- ting anyone who had shown him kindness or civility. He was thus known by thousands who were unknown to him, they having probably remembered some kindly word or act which he had forgotten. The people who sought his counsel were of all ranks and classes, and the very humblest of them never applied in vain. In Manchester especially his tall commanding figure and venerable white locks were known by everyone, and as he passed along the streets one heard constantly uttered, ' There's Fairbairn ! ' The universal esteem in which he was held was strikingly shown on the occasion 472 LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM FAIIIBAIRN. CHAP. xxiv. of his funeral, of which an account has already been given. As a parent he was most affectionate and indulgent. He always impressed on his children the necessity of inde- pendence of mind and action. * Never play second fiddle to anyone ' was his frequent advice to them. He would help them to the utmost of his power in any worthy pur- suit they undertook, even when opposed to the course he had marked out for them and wished them to follow. His appreciation of his eldest son's sacrifice for his interests 1 was marked by his making him a partner in the profit- able business before he came of age. He was very fond of children. In the later years of his life he seemed to become quite young again in com- pany with his grandchildren ; and there was nothing he enjoyed more than a good romp with them, chasing them round the room amidst their screams of delight, singing them one of his songs, or giving the little ones a ride on his foot. On the whole, most of his personal friends agree that his virtues were many and his faults few. He had per- haps an excessive ambition for popularity and fame ; but this foible had one redeeming feature, namely, that he aimed not so much at obtaining the applause of the million as at standing well with the good and the wise. Sir William Fairbairn was fond of drawing a moral from his owii career. He would often, when lecturing to working men, or addressing students, allude, with pardon- able pride, to the position he occupied, contrasting it with his humble origin. He would declare that it was by his own industry, perseverance, and determination that his 1 See page 342. MORAL. 473 success had been brought about, and he would urge on his hearers a like course of action. He only consented to the publication of his biography on the ground that it might be * for the benefit of those who have to encounter similar difficulties in life ; ' and it is earnestly hoped that the present work may fulfil the condition he so much desired. APPENDIX APPENDIX. LIST OF SIE WILLIAM FAIKBAIRN'S PUBLISHED WOEKS AND PAPERS. IN this Appendix is given a list, arranged in chronological order, of the various books, papers, and memoirs published by Sir William Fairbairn. The list is complete so far as the editor has been able to ascertain ; but it is quite possible that, considering the large mass of his writings, and the great variety of societies and pub- lications to which he communicated them, some few may have escaped attention. The more important writings in the list have been noticed in the biography, and reference is given, in each item, to the place where the notice will be found. In other cases a few words of explanation are appended. 1831. ' Remarks on Canal Navigation, illustrative of the advantages of the use of Steam as a Moving Power on Canals.' 8vo. pp. 93. With five plates. London : Longmans & Co. See Chap. IX., p. 135. 1836. ' Reservoirs on the River Bann, in the county of Down, Ireland, for more effectually supplying the Mills with Water.' (Report) Tract, 4to. pp. 23. With large map. Manchester: Robinson. See Chap. X., p. 158. 478 APPENDIX. 1837. ' An Experimental Enquiry into the Strength and other Pro- perties of Cast Iron from various parts of the United Kingdom,' pp. 103. Eead March 7, 1837, before the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, and published in their ' Transactions,' vol. vi. 1842. See Chap. X., p. 161. ' On the Strength and other Properties of Cast Iron obtained from the Hot and Cold Blast,' pp. 39. Keport presented September 1837 to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, and printed in their ' General Keport,' vol. vi. 1837. See Chap. X., p. 162. 1840. ' An Experimental Enquiry into the Strength and other Properties of Anthracite Cast Iron,' being a continuation of a series of experiments on British irons from various parts of the United Kingdom. Eead November 1840 before the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, and published in their ' Memoirs,' vol. vi. 1842. See Chap. XII., p. 180. ' On the Economy of raising Water from Coal Mines on the Cornish Principle,' pp. 15. With two plates. Transactions of the Manchester Geological Society, vol. i. 8vo. London : Simpkin & Marshall. 1841. See Chap. XII., p. 180. 1843. ' Description of a Woollen Factory erected in Turkey.' Min. Proc. Inst. C.E. vol. iii. 1843, p. 125. See Chap. XL, p. 173. 1844. ' Experimental Eesearches into the Properties of the Iron Ores of Samakoff in Turkey,' &c. &c., pp. 20. Min. Proc. Instit. C.E. vol. iii. p. 225. See Chap. XL, p. 173. APPENDIX.' 479 ' On the Consumption of Fuel and the Prevention of Smoke,' pp. 20. Keport of the 14th Meeting of the British Association, September 1844, p. 100. See Chap. XIL, p. 183. ' Keport of William Fairbairn, Esq., C.E., on the Construc- tion of Fireproof Buildings,' with introductory remarks by Samuel Holme. Also Eeport of Mr. W. Fairbairn and Mr. D. Bellhouse, on the cause of the Falling of Messrs. Eadcliffe's Mill at Oldham.' Tract, 8vo. pp. 39. Liverpool : Thomas Baines, Castle Street. 1844. See Chap. XIL, p. 185. 1847. ' On some Defects in the Principle and Construction of Fire- proof Buildings,' pp. 25. With a plate. Min. Proc. Inst. C.E. vol. vii. p. 213. See Chap. XIL, p. 186. Evidence and Documents on the subject of Iron Struc- tures. Eeport of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the application of Iron to Eailway Structures. Presented to Parlia- ment 1849. See Chap. XIL, p. 188. 1849. 1 An Account of the Construction of the Britannia and Con- way Tubular Bridges, with a complete history of their progress,' &c. Large 8vo. pp. 291. With several plates. London : Weale & Longman. 1849. See Chap. XIII., p. 197. ' On the Expansive Action of Steam, and a new Construction of Expansion Valves for Condensing Steam Engines.' Civil Engineers and Architects' Journal, vol. xii. p. 315. Dingler's Polytechnische Journale, vol. cxv. p. 1 . See Chap. XVIII., p. 319. 480 APPENDIX. * On Water-wheels with Ventilated Buckets.' Min. Proc. Inst. C.E. vol. viii. p. 45. See Chap. XIL, p. 188. 1850. ' An Experimental Enquiry into the Strength of Wrought Iron Plates and their Eiveted Joints, as applied to Shipbuilding and vessels exposed to severe strain.' Phil. Trans. 1850, p. 677. See Chap. XXII., p. 402. ' On Tubular Girder Bridges.' Min. Proc. Inst. C.E. vol. ix. p. 233. See Chap. XXIL, p. 401. * An Experimental Enquiry into the Relative Power of the Locomotive Engine, and the Eesistance of Railway Gradients.' Read before the Literary and Philosophical Society of Man- chester, February 5, 1850, and published in vol. ix. of their ' Memoirs.' This paper consists of a record of several series of experi- ments with locomotive engines on steep inclines on the Lanca- shire and Yorkshire and the East Lancashire railways, to de- termine the possibility of working such inclines with locomotive engines instead of by fixed engines. It is not clear what share Mr. Fairbairn had in these trials ; but he reasoned upon them, and gave his opinion that 'the locomotive engine of the present day is more than commensurate for the attainment of these objects,' an opinion which has been amply borne out by subsequent experience, as of late years locomotive power has been used successfully for inclines much steeper than those contemplated in the above paper. 4 On the Security and Limit of Strength of Tubular Bridges constructed of Wrought Iron.' Read April 2, 1850, before the same Society, and published also in their vol. ix. This was for the most part a reproduction of the paper presented to the Institution of Civil Engineers about the same time. APPENDIX. 481 1851. ' Two Lectures on the Construction of Boilers, and on Boiler Explosions ; with the Means of Prevention.' Delivered before the Leeds Mechanics' Institution April 23 and 24, 1851. Tract, 8vo. London : Simpkin, Marshall & Co. ; Weale. 1851. (Also in Journal of the Franklin Institute, 1851.) See Chap. XVI., p. 263. 1852. ' On Metallic Constructions.' Civ. Eng. and Arch. Journal, vol. xv. p. 145. Franklin Inst. Jour. vol. xxiv. A paper containing matter for the most part published elsewhere. 'On a new Tubular Boiler' (Brit. Assoc.) C.E. and Arch. Jour. vol. xv. p. 330. This was a description of a proposed modification of his original double flued boiler, but it involved some internal com- plexity, and did not come into general use. 'On the Minie Rifle' (Brit. Assoc.) C.E. and Arch. Jour. vol. xv. p. 331. A description of the arm, then a novelty exciting much interest in this country. 1853. 'Experimental Researches to determine the Strength of Locomotive Boilers, and the Causes which lead to Explosion.' Reports of the British Association. Hull Meeting, 1853. See Chap. XVI., p. 264. ' On the Mechanical Properties of Metals as derived from repeated Meltings, exhibiting the Maximum Point of Strength and the Causes of Deterioration.' Jbid. See Chap. XXII., p. 405. II 482 APPENDIX. 6 On the Progress of Mechanical Science.' Address delivered by the President of the Mechanical Section on the opening of the business. Ibid. See Chap. XXL, p. 369. ' Experiments on the Strength of Cast Iron Smelted with Purified Coke.' Min. Inst. C.E. vol. xii. p. 360. This related to a proposed mode of purifying coke from sulphur by chemical means, and Mr. Fairbairn's experiments showed that the process improved the quality of the iron,; but it has not come into use. ' On a new Description of Winding Engine.' Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1853. This was an account of an engine erected by Messrs. Fair- bairn and Sons at a colliery at Dukinfield near Manchester, 700 yards deep. The peculiarity of the engine was its large size, 400 to 450 horse power, and the fact that it had been modelled on the direct acting principle, similar to the marine engines which the same firm had put in Her Majesty's frigates, the ' Vulture,' ' Odin ' and ' Dragon.' The paper was accom- panied by drawings of the engines. < On the Eetardation and Stoppage of Railway Trains.' Ibid. The object of this was chiefly to describe the continuous self-acting brake, invented shortly before by Mr. James Newall, of Bury, and which has since come largely into use both in England and abroad. The experiments quoted in the paper showed that a train weighing 88 tons, when running at 48 miles an hour down an incline of 1 in 40, could be stopped by this break in 371 yards; when running on a level at 33 miles an hour it could be stopped in 100 yards. 1854. ' Description of an Improved Steam Travelling Crane.' Read before the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, July 1854, and published in their 'Proceedings.' APPENDIX. 483 This was an apparatus constructed for the purpose of lifting heavy weights and moving them ahout, chiefly applied to large stones during building operations. The hoisting machine was made to traverse a scaffold erected overhead, having motion both in the longitudinal and transverse directions ; the novelty in this machine was that both the hoisting and the locomotion were effected by the power of a small steam engine attached to the machinery, and which moved about along with it ; this ap- plication of power effecting a considerable saving both of labour and time. ' Description of the Sliding Caisson at Keyham Dockyard.' Min. Proc. Inst. C.E. vol. xiii. p. 444. See Chap. XVIII., p. 320. * On the Application of Cast and Wrought Iron to Building Purposes.' London : Weale. 1856. Large 8vo. pp. 183, with plates. Second edition, with additions. Weale, 1857. Third edition. Longmans, 1864. See Chap. XXII., p. 406. 1855. ' Description of a New Construction of Pumping Engine.' Proceedings of the Inst. of Mechanical Engineers, 1855, p. 177. This was merely a description of a pumping engine erected by Messrs. Fairbairn at Dukinfield Colliery. 1 Provisional Keport of Committee of the British Association on the Properties of Metals used for Artillery.' Brit. Assoc. Eep. vol. xxiv. p. 100. This was the beginning of an enquiry that was not continued. 1856. ' On the Tensile Strength of Wrought Iron at various Tem- peratures.' Brit. Assoc. Kep. vol. xxv. p. 405. He had before investigated the same subject for cast-iron, and the Association had made him a grant for continuing the investigation. This paper was the result. It gave details of a large number of experiments on wrought-iron, and it appeared 484 APPENDIX. that in a range from to 500 or 600 Fahr. no perceptible variation in strength was caused by the alteration of tempe- rature. 4 Useful Information for Engineers.' Being a series of lec- tures, &c. London : Longmans. 1856. Large 8vo. Plates. Followed by other editions. See Chap. XXII., p. 409. 1857. * On Tubular Wrought Iron Cranes ;' with description of the 60-ton tubular crane recently erected at Keyham Dockyard, Devonport. Proceedings of the Inst. Mechan. Eng., 1857, pp. 87 to 96. With four plates. See Chap. XVIII., p. 321. 4 On the Comparative Value of various kinds of Stone as exhibited by their Powers of resisting Compression.' Kead before the Literary and Philosophical Society of Man- chester April 1, 1856, and published in their 'Transactions,' second series, vol. xiv. pp. 31-47. This paper described a great number of experiments made in crushing small cubes of various kinds of stone, and a compa- rison of these with other materials, such as iron and timber. Drawings of the fractures were also given. 1857. Note on the ' Life of James Watt.' In Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men. By Francois Arago. London : Longmans. 1857. See Chap. XXL, p. 378. 1858. ' Experiments to determine the Strength of some Alloys of Nickel and Iron, similar in Composition to Meteoric Iron.' Eead before the Manchester Philosophical Society March 9, 1858. Published in their ' Transactions,' vol. xv. pp. 104-112. It had been supposed that such a mixture would be stronger and tougher than the simple iron, but these experiments proved the contrary. APPENDIX. 485 ' On the Comparative Temperature of the Climate of Eng- land and some parts of Italy.' Ibid. pp. 45-48. See Chap. XXI., p. 380. * On the Resistance of Tubes to Collapse.' Read before the Royal Society May 20, 1858. Phil. Trans., 1858, pp. 389 to 413. With two plates. See Chap. XVI., p. 270. The same abbreviated. pRep. Brit. Assoc. 1857, pp. 215-219. ' On the Collapse of Glass Globes and Cylinders.' Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1858, pp. 174-176. See Chap. XVI., p. 273. ' The Patent Laws.' Report of Committee. Presented by \V. Fairbairn. Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1858, pp. 164-167. A summary of the effect of recent patent legislation. ' On Shipping Statistics,' Report of Committee. (W. Fair- bairn, chairman.) Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1858, pp. 239-260. Having a view to the improvement of the character of statis- tical records, particularly as regards the definition of tonnage. ' Description of a Floating Steam Corn Mill and Bakery.' 'Proc.Inst. Mechanical Engineers,' 1858, pp. 155-158. Two plates. See Chap. XVIII., p. 330. 4 Notice of some Experimental Apparatus for determining the density of Steam at all Temperatures.' Contributed by Mr. Fairbairn to the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society on November 16, 1858, and published in their ' Transactions.' This consisted of a brief sketch of the apparatus with which he, in conjunction with Mr. Tate, was performing the investigation afterwards laid before the Royal Society. ' An Experimental Enquiry into the effect of Severe Pres- sure upon the Properties of Gunpowder.' Read before the same society March 22, 1859. Published in their ' Proceedings.' 486 APPENDIX The Government had, during the late war, requested him to subject some samples of gunpowder to severe pressure, in order to ascertain the effect of close contact between the particles on its explosive properties ; and the effects are stated. ' Experiments to determine the effects of different Modes of Treatment on Cast Iron for the Manufacture of Cannon.' Eead before the same society May 3, 1859, and published in their ' Proceedings.' This is an account of some experiments with certain peculiar modes of casting which were applied to some guns made by him and tried at Woolwich in 1855. 1859. ' Eeport of Committee on the Patent Laws.' Presented by W. Fairbairn. Eep. Brit. Assoc. 1859, p. 191. ' Experimental Eesearches to determine the Density of Steam at various 'Temperatures.' By Wm. Fairbairn and Thomas Tate. Eep. Brit. Assoc. 1859, p. 233. See Chap. XVI., p. 273. 'Three Lectures on the Eise and Progress of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, and 011 Popular Education.' (Two delivered at Derby and one at Blackburn.) Derby : W. & W. Pike. 1859. ' On the Eesistance of Glass Globes and Cylinders to Collapse from External Pressure, and on the Tensile and Compressive Strength of various kinds of Glass.' By W. Fairbairn and Thomas Tate. Phil. Trans. 1859, pp. 213 to 247. See Chap. XVI., p. 273. 1859-60. ' On the Efficiency of various kinds of Eailway Brakes.' Eep. Brit. Assoc. 1859, p. 76. Also a more extended paper on the same subject in Min. Inst, C.E. vol. xix. pp. 490 to 517. See Chap. XXII., p. 411. APPENDIX. 487 'Experimental Eesearches to determine the Density of Steam at different Temperatures, and to determine the Law of Expansion of superheated Steam.' By Wm. Fairbairn and Thomas Tate. Phil. Trans. 1860, pp. 185 to 222. With three plates. See Chap. XVI., p. 273. ( Useful Information for Engineers.' Second Series. London : Longmans. 1860. 8vo. pp. 330. Plates. See Chap. XXII.. p. 412. ' The Strength of Iron Ships.' Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects. Vol. i. 1860, pp. 71-81. Two plates. See Chap. XXII., p. 411. 1860-61. ' Experiments to determine the effect of Vibratory Action and long-continued Changes of Load upon Wrought-iron Girders.' Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1860, pp. 45-48 ; Ditto 1861, pp. 286-9. See Chap. XXII., p. 413. 1861. 1 Iron : its History, Properties, and Processes of Manufac- ture.' (Eeprinted from the eighth edition of the ' Encyclopaedia Britannica.') Edinburgh: Black. 1861. 8vo. pp. 236. Third edition 1869. See Chap. XXIL, p. 408. ' On the Mechanical Properties of Iron Armour Plates.' Eeport of the Iron Armour Committee, 1861 (not pub- lished). See Chap. XX., p. 359. 1 Treatise on Mills and Millwork. Part I. On the Prin- ciple of Mechanism and on Prime Movers.' London: Long- mans. 1861. Svo.pp. 280. Plates. See Chap. XXIL, p. 414. 'Opening Address at the Meeting of the British Association at Manchester.' Eeport for the year. See Chap. XXL, p. 386. 488 APPENDIX. ' Remarks on the Temperature of the Earth's Crust, as ex- hibited in the Dukintield Deep Mine.' Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861, p. 53-56. One plate. This mine was sunk above 700 yards deep, and careful ob- servations were made of the temperatures of the strata at various points in the descent. It increased from 62^ at 358 yards to 75 at 717 yards, and the experiments appeared to con- firm the previous impression that the temperature increased directly as the depth. * On the Permeability of various kinds of Insulation for Submarine Telegraph Cables.' Report of Joint Committee on the Construction of Submarine Telegraph Cables, 1861. Appendix No. 5. See Chap. XXI., p. 382. ' On the Resistance of Iron Plates to Statical Pressure, and the Force of Impact by Projectiles at High Velocities.' Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1861, pp. 280-286. 1862, pp. 178-184. See Chap. XX. 1862. 4 On the Resistance of different kinds of Shot.' 4 On the Properties of Iron Armour Plates.' Report of the Iron Armour Committee, 1862 (not pub- lished). See Chap. XX., p. 408. 4 Address at the Opening of the Section of Mechanical Science, British Association.' Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1862, pp. 178-182. See Chap. XXI., p. 394. ' On the Properties of Iron and its Resistance to Projectiles at High Velocities.' Lecture at the Royal Institution, May 9, 1862. Proc. vol. iv. pp. 491-502. See Chap. XX. 1863. * Treatise on Mills and Millwork. Part II. On Machinery of Transmission and the Construction and Management of Mills.' London: Longmans. 1863. 8vo. pp. 284. Plates. See Chap. XXII., p. 414. APPENDIX. 489 ' On the Reconstruction of the Dinting and Mottram Viaducts.' Min. of Proc. Inst. C. E., May 24, 1869. See Chap. XVIII., p. 331. ' Four Papers on the Properties of Iron Armour Plates, and of Projectiles.' Report of the Iron Armour Committee, 1863. (Not published.) See Chap. XX., p. 408. ' Experiments to determine the effect of Impact, Vibratory Action, and long-continued Changes of Load on "Wrought-iron G-irders.' Phil. Trans. 1864, pp. 311-325. Two plates. See Chap. XXII., p. 414. 1864. Three Papers on the Properties of Iron Armour Plates.' Report of the Iron Armour Committee, 1 864. (Not pub- ished.) See Chap. XX., p. 408. 1864-5. On the Atlantic Cable.' Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1864, and 1865. See Chap. XXI. 1865. < Treatise on Iron Shipbuilding, its history and progress ; as comprised in a series of experimental researches on the laws of strain ; the strengths, forms and other conditions of the material, and an enquiry into the present and prospective state of the navy, including the experimental results on the resisting powers of armour plates and shot at high velocities.' 8vo. Plates and cuts. London : Longmans. 1865. See Chap. XXII., p. 416. 1866. 4 Description of the Removing and Replacing of the Iron Columns in a Cotton Mill.' 490 APPENDIX. Eead before the Institution of Mechanical Engineers August 1, 1866, and published in their 'Transactions' for the year, pp. 181-185. Three plates. In consequence of the improvements in mule spinning it became necessary to widen the old mills, and to effect this in the case described a number of iron columns in a fire-proof building carrying iron and brick floors of a weight of 90 tons had to be removed while 300 persons were at work in the mill. The paper gives a description, with plates, explaining how this was successfully done. ' Useful Information for Engineers.' Third series. London : Longmans. See Chap. XXIL, p. 416. 1869. 'An Experimental Enquiry into the Strength, Elasticity, Ductility, and other Properties of Steel manufactured by the Barrow Hsematite Steel Company.' London : Spottiswoode, 1869. 8vo, pp. 51. One plate. ' On the Law of Eesistance of Armour Plates.' Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects, 1869. See Chap. XX. ' The Eise and Progress of Manufactures and Commerce, and of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, in Lancashire and Cheshire.' Forming part of Baines's ' Lancashire and Cheshire, Past and Present.' London : Mackenzie. See Chap. XXIL, p. 416. 1870. 'On Governmental Boiler Inspection.' A letter to John Hick, Esq., M.P. (Tract.) Manchester Guardian Office. 1870. See Chap. XVI., p. 278. 1871. ' On Steam Boiler Legislation.' Quarterly Journal of Science, April 1871, pp. 214-227. See Chap. XVI., p. 278. APPENDIX. 491 1873. * On the Durability and Preservation of Iron Ships, and on Eiveted Joints.' Proceedings of the Royal Society, vol. xxi. pp. 259-263. See Chap. XXII., p. 418. INDEX INDEX. A AEON MANBY,' the, 335 JLl. Abdul-Megid, Sultan of Turkey, 175 Accidents, protection against, 182 Admiralty, the, Fairbairn's work for, 395 Ainsworth, Mr., 444 Air-cooling apparatus, 369 Airy,G.D., 252 Albano Lake, drainage of, 9 Albert, Prince, his acquaintance with Fairbairn, 450 Albion Mills, the, 34 Ali Effendi, ambassador to England, 172 Alps, the, Fairbairn's opinion of, 128 Amalgamated Society of Engineers, 322 'Amicus', letters of, to the ' Times,' 324, 325 Angelo, Michael, 10 ' Anthracite Cast Iron, Enquiry into the Strength of,' 180 'Application of Cast and Wrought Iron to Building Purposes,' 406 Aqueducts of Rome, 9 Arago, F., his acquaintance with Fairbairn, 246 ; his correspondence with Fairbairn, 251 Arch, invention of the, 8 ; iron arch over the Severn, 30 Archimedes of Syracuse, a mecha- nical engineer, 24 Ardrossan Canal, experiments con- cerning law of traction in boats on, 133 Armour, iron ; see Iron armour Armour-plates, iron, 48 Art Treasures Exhibition in Man- chester, 379 Ashburton, Lord, and the strike of 1851, 324 ; letter to Fairbairn from, 375 Association for the prevention of steam-boiler explosions, 264 ; first steps for the formation of, 265 ; BEE preliminary meetings, 267 ; formal establishment, 268 ; Fairbairn as president, 268 ; present state of the association, 268 ; objects of the in- stitution, 268, 269 ; boiler legisla- tion taken up by, 277 ; tribute to Fairbairn's memory, 281 Athcnajum Club, its objects and mode of election, 252, 253 ; Rule II., 253 ; Fairbairn elected member without ballot, 254 Atlantic Cable, the, 381 Atlas Locomotive Works, boiler ex- plosion at, 262 Austin, John, 252 Autobiography of Fairbairn, 53-176 Automatic machine tools, 46 T)ABBAGE, Charles, 242, 252; his \J calculating engine, 44 ; letters to Fairbairn from, 211, 372 Baines, Edward, letter to Fairbairn from, 262 ; his work ' Lancashire and Cheshire, Past and Present,' 416 Bann, River, Fairbain's report on the reservoirs, 157 Barker, Mrs., 83 Barlow, Prof., 252 Barrow, John, 242 Basle, Fairbairn's design for a bridge at, 187 Bateman, John Frederick, assists Fairbairn with the Bann River reservoirs, 158 ; his marriage with Fairbairn's daughter, 191 ; presi- dent of the mechanical section of the British Association in 1861, 388; Fairbairn's visit to him, 430 Bazley, Thomas, 439 Beam, hollow, 199 Beaufort, Admiral, 242, 251 Beche, Sir Henry de la, 186, 252 Beeley, Thomas, 280 Beeswax, physical properties of, 296 496 INDEX. BEL Belidor's ' Architecture Hydraulique,' 12 Bellhouse, D., 186 Belzoni, 102 Bessemer, Process, the, 37 Beyer, Charles F., 284, 439 Bidder, G. P., 381 Biographical notices of Fairbairn, 433 Birch, Rev. Canon, 433 Birkbeck, Dr., letters to Fairbairn from, 191 Black Band ironstone, 36 Blackburn, boiler explosion at, 261 Blackfriars Bridge, London, 17 Blackfriars Bridge, Manchester, 105 Boiler explosions, their frequency in manufacturing districts, 260 ; Fair- bairn's lecture on, 263 ; association for the prevention of, 264 Boiler-making, 316 Boilers, Cornish or Trevithicks, 258 ; Lancashire or Fairbairn 'a, 258 ; two- flued, 258 ; Fairbairn 's lecture on, 263 ; locomotive, 263, L'64 ; steam, legislative interference in regard to, 275 ; government inspection of, 277 Bolton, boiler explosion at, 261 Books written by Fairbairn, list of, 477 Booth, H., letter to Fairbairn from, 389 Booth, James, 242 Boring, difficulties as to, 42 Boulton, Matthew, 34 Brading Haven, embankment of, 14 Brady, Mr., 84 Brakes, self-acting, 411 Bramwell, Mr., 277 Brethren of the Bridge, association of the, 11 Brewster, Sir David, 211, 252, 451; his correspondence with Fairbairn, 303, 392, 426 Bridges, British, 8; cast iron, 30; cast and wrought iron, 47 ; tubular, 197-213; Britannia and Conway, 197-213 ; at Cologne, 217 Bridge water canals, 15 Brindley, James, his construction of canals in Lancashire, 15 ; as a mill- wright, 28 Brisbane, General, 252 Britannia bridge, 48 Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges, book on the subject, 197 ; origin and early history, 197 ; prin- ciple of the beam, 199 ; doubts as to form of tube, 200 ; nature of the CHE strains, 200 ; weakness of the up- per part, 201 ; corrugated top, 202, use of chains, 203 ; the large model, 205 ; commencement of construc- tion, 206 ; drawings and contracts, 207 ; erection and fixing, 208 ; com- pletion, 209 British Association, at Hull in 1853, 369; at Manchester in 1861, Fair- bairn elected president, 385; at Cambridge in 1862, 394 Brockedon, William, 242 Brodie, Sir B., 252 Brougham, Lord, 252, 451 ; letter to Fairbairn from, 388 Brown, Robert, 251 Brunei, Sir Mark Isambard, designer of the 'Great Eastern,' 48, 246 Brunelleschi, 10 Buchanan, Mr., of Catrine Bank, en- gages Fairbairn to supply water- wheels to his mills, 121 ; his cha- racter, 123 ; his testimony to Fair- bairn's improvements in water- wheels, 313 Buckets, ventilated, for water- wheels, 188 Buckland, Dr., 252 Buddie, Mr., 71, 72 Bunsen, Chevalier, 217, 451 ; his cor- respondence with Fairbairn, 218, 224, 228-230, 234 riAISSQN at Plymouth, 319 \J Caledonian canal, 18 Callender, W. R., M.P., on the memo- rial to Fairbairn, 444 ' Canal Navigation, Remarks on,' Fair- bairn's first literary essay, 135 Canal Street Works, foundation of, 313 ; enlargement of, 316 Canal works in ancient Italy, 9 Canals, competition with railways, 134 Cannon foundries in Turkey, 169 Carlyle, Thomas, 254 Carron ironworks, the, 32 Cast-iron, effect of repeated meltings on, 405 Catrine cotton-works, 121 Chain-bridge, proposed at Cologne, 217 ; competitive designs for, 233 Chains, proposed use of, for bridges, 203 Chantry, Mr., of Macclesfield, 105 Charlemagne, 11 Cheshunt mills, 91 Chester railwav, 197 INDEX. 497 CIV Civil engineer ; gee Engineer, Civil Clark, Bracy, 252 Clarke, Edwin, 207 Clay, Mr., a metallurgical chemist, 173 Clement, Joseph, inventor of the planing machine, 44 Cleveland iron-fields, 36 ' Coal Mines, Economy of raising Water from, on Cornish Principle,' 180 Cobden, Richard, letter to Fairbairn from, 368 Cockerell, Charles, 252 Colebrook Dale iron-works, 29 Collapse of tubes, 270 Collier ships, 85 Cologne, bridge at, application to Fairbairn, 217; planning of the bridge by Fairbairn, 217-237 ; com- petitive designs, 233; Fairbairn 's suggestion adopted, 235 ; present bridge, 237 Combes, M. Charles, letter from Fair- bairn to, 275 Comparative Temperature of the Cli- mates of England and some Parts of Italy,' 380 Compass, deviation of, in iron boats, 141 Conductive power, 301 Conservatory, iron, Fairbairn 's first order, 111 ' Construction of the Britannia and Con way Tubular Bridges,' 197 Construction of boilers, lecture on, 263 Consumption of Fuel and Prevention of Smoke,' 183 Conway Tubular Bridge, 48 ; sec Bri- tannia and Con way Tubular Bridges Conybeare, Professor, 252 Copley medal, the, 384 Cormorant,' the, 338 Cornish boiler, 258 Correspondence illustrative of Fair- bairn's character, 451 Cort, Henry, his improvements in iron manufacture, 31 ; Fairbairn 's as- sistance to, 378, 379 Cotgrave's ' Dictionary,' 7 Cotton-mill, adventures of during the war, 124 ; dreadful accident at Old- ham to, 186 Cranes, tubular, 320 Cran worth, Lord, on the strike of 1851, 324 Cross Street Chapel, Fairbairn 's letter to trustees of, 457 Crossley, Louis J., 439 ENP Cubitt, Thomas, 186 Cubitt, William, 187, 242 Curl, Mrs. William, aunt of Sir W, Scott, 56, 58-59 DADIAN, Ohanes, American officer, 168, 170; heads mission to Eng- land, 172 ; letter to Fairbairn from, 174 ' Daily News,' biographical notice of Fairbairn, 433-435 Dal ton, Dr., 383 Danube canal, 11 Darby, Abraham, introduces a method of making iron castings, 29 Deanstone, water wheels at, 129 De Caus, Solomon, his work on steam- power, 25 Derby, Earl of, 451; letter from to Fairbairn, 396 Dewer, 92, 93 Ditchburn, Mr., 208 Don, river, Fairbairn 's report on, 159 Donaldson, T. L., 252 ' Dragon,' the, 338 Driving machinery, improvements in, 313 Dudley, Dud, his invention of iron smelting by coal, 29 Dugdale, Adam, 439 Dupin, Baron Charles, 246 ; letter from Fairbairn regarding his early labours in the construction of iron vessels, 143 ; his correspondence with Fairbairn, 250 ' Durability and Preservation of Iron Ships, and on Riveting Joints,' 418 Dutch mechanics, 26 EARTH, the, igneous origin of, 287; condition of its crust, 288 ; scien- tific discussions, 289 ; experiments commenced by Hopkins, 292 ; re- sults of the experiments, 305 Eddystone Lighthouse, rebuilt, 16 Edgeworth, Mrs., letter from Fair- bairn to, 230 Edwards, his fame in bridge-build- ing, 15 Egerton Dye-works, Fairbairn's spe- culation in the, 147 Egypt, engineering works of, 8 Ellesmere canal, 18 Elliot, John, Fairbairn's superinten- dent, 139, 140; renders great ser- vice to Fairbairn, 155 Enfield Small Arms factory, establish- mcnt of, 327 K K 498 INDEX. FAT Engineer ' biographical notice of Fairbairn, 435 Engineer, origin and definition of the word, 4 ; early French use of the word, 5 ; English use of the term, 6 Engineer, civil, origin of, 13; forma- tion of in France, 13 ; first use of the term in England, 16 ; profes- sion of, 23 ; enrolment of Fairbairn as, 130 Engineers, ancient, 9 Engineering, interest attached to, 3 ; ancient works, 7 ; hydraulic con- structions, aqueducts and canal works, 9 ; progress of in England, 14 ; early works, 14 ; true rise of, 15 ; definition of the profession of, 18 ; importance of the profession, 20 ; value of the works done, 20 ; manufactories, 47 ; strike of work- men, 322 Engineering, mechanical, a branch of civil engineering, 23 ; early history of, 24 ; works on, 25 ; rapid advance of, 35 ; improvements in tools, 38 ; founding and forging, 39 ; rivet- ing and turning, 40 ; the slide rest, 41 ; boring, 42 ; planing, 43 ; shap- ing, slotting, and screwing, 45 ; iron bridges, ships, and guns, 48 English design, backwardness of, 374 English railways, conversation on, 171 Escher, Albert, his establishment, 129 Escher, G., his mills at Zurich, 123 ; extension of his mills, 124 ; em- ploys Fairbairn to supply him with water wheels, 125 Etruscan engineering, 9 Exhibition of 1851, Fairbairn as a juror in the machinery department, 368 FAIRBAIRN, Adam Henderson, son of Sir William Fairbairn, vicar of Waltham, 450 Fairbairn, Andrew, father of Sir Wil- liam Fairbairn, outline of his life, 53 ; his connections, 56 ; his cha- racter, 57 ; as steward to Macken- zie, 62 ; his death, 192 Fairbairn, Anne, daughter of Sir William Fairbairn, her marriage with Mr. Bateman, 191 Fairbairn Engineering Company, 332 Fairbairn, John, son of Sir William Fairbairn, his death, 425 Fairbairn, Lady, wife of Sir William Fairbairn, letters of condolence to, 438 Fairbairn, Peter, uncle of Sir William Fairbairn, 58. Fairbairn, Sir Peter, brother of Sir William Fairbairn, 450 Fairbairn, Sir Peter, nephew of Sir William Fairbairn, 450 Fairbairn, Sir Thos., son of Sir Wil- liam Fairbairn, enters his father's business, 317 ; takes an active part in the strike of 1851, 323; writes under the signature of 'Amicus,' 324, 325 ; sole partner, 331 ; -his particulars concerning the Millwall works, 342 ; chairman of the Art Treasures Exhibition, 379 ; a royal commissioner at International Ex- hibition of 1862, 394; letter to Hugh Mason, 441 ; commissioner for the Exhibition of 1851, 449 ; chair- man of Art Treasures Exhibition, 449 Fairbairn, Sir William, on mill- wrights, 26 ; as a mechanical engi- neer and philosopher, 49 ; his auto- biography, 53, 176; his birth, 53; pedigree, 53 ; his schooling, 54 ; a good athlete, 55 ; his description of his family circumstances, 55 ; at the Moy farm, 59 ; his education effected by his stay at Moy, 60; early taste for mechanics, 61 ; at Mullochy school, 62 ; takes the ma- nagement of a farm near Knares- borough, 63 ; with his uncle at Ga- lashiels, 64 ; a labourer at Kelso, 65 ; serious accident to him, 65 ; at Percy Main Colliery, 69 ; leads coals at Percy Main Colliery, 70 ; boxing matches, 70 ; his first vic- tory, 71 ; bound apprentice, 71 ; his course of study, 72, 73 ; his first love attachment, 73 ; his mechani- cal pursuits, 75 ; designs an orrery, 75 ; home-brewed music, 75-77 ; takes charge of the pumps and steam-engine, 77 ; his severe duties, 78 ; completes his apprenticeship, 79 ; makes the acquaintance of George Stephenson, 79; gets em- ployment at Newcastle and Bed- lington, 83 ; leader in a Discussion society, 84 ; voyage to London, 85 ; perils of the voyage, 85 ; his first impressions of London, 87 ; his in- terview with Mr. Rennie, 89 ; re- fused permission to work by the society, 90 ; discouragement, 91 ; gets work at Cheshunt mills, 92 ; re- turns to London, 92 ; and obtains em- INDEX. 499 FAI FAI ployment, 93 ; his steam-ploughing machine, 97 ; his sausage-making machine, 98 ; at Bath, 99 ; at Dub- lin, 99 ; engaged at the Phoenix foundry, 100 ; at Liverpool, 101 ; at Manchester, 101 ; takes scarlet fever, 101 ; preparations for mar- riage, 103 ; his marriage, 104 ; in the service of Mr. Hewes, 104 ; ac- cident to his wife by lire, 105 ; do- mestic arrangements, 105 ; resolves to start business on his own account, 106 ; in partnership with Lillie ; his first order, 111 ; difficulties, 111 ; gets orders from A. and G. Murray, 112 ; and effects alterations in their mill, 113 ; completes Murray's order, 114 ; recommended to O'Con- nel and Kennedy, 114 ; improve- ments in mill- work, 115; increase of business, 117 ; constant occupa- tion, 117 ; order for new water wheels at Catrine, 121 ; his journey to Zurich, 125 ; his employment at the Zurich mills and his alterations there, 127 ; pleasure excursions, 128 ; success in business, 129 ; enrolled as a civil engineer, 130 , his experi- ments on law of traction in boats, 133; constructs the first iron ves- sel, the ' Lord Dundas,' 136 : his anxiety regarding its trials, 137- 140 ; results of the trials, 142 ; letter to Baron Dupin regarding the con- struction of iron vessels, 143 ; trou- bles in business, 146 ; his specula- tion in the Egerton Dye-works and its failure, 147 ; dissolves partner- ship with Lillie, 148; takes to building iron ships, 153 ; estab- lishes shipbuilding works at Mill- wall, 154 ; difficulties and anxieties, 154-155 ; his literary and scientific ambition, 156-157 ; his investiga- tion on the strength of iron, 159 ; introduces the riveting machine, 163 ; commission from Turkey wait upon him, 167 ; his visit to Constan- tinople, 168 ; explores the country, 168; receives large orders from Turkish government, 172 ; his own account of his Turkish work, 173 ; obtains Telford medal, 173 ; com- plimentary letter from Turkish au- thorities, 174; presented with a decoration from the Sultan, 175; continues his experiments on the strength of cast-iron, 180; his paper on the prevention of smoke, 183 ; on the use of iron in the con- struction of large buildings, 184- 186 ; his evidence before the Iron Structure Commission, 188; his improvement of water wheels, 188 ; his pupils, 190 ; death of his father, 192 ; letters from Haydon and Ste- phenson, 193-194 ; consulted about the Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges, 198 ; experimental details concerning the Britannia and Con- way Tubular Bridges, 197-210 ; his position, 208 ; his retirement, 210; consulted by the Prussian govern- ment regarding bridge across the Rhine, 217-237 ; his impression of Berlin, 219; visits Berlin, 219; is presented to the king of Prussia, 222 ; dines with him, 223 ; Prussian Government adopt his suggest ion, 235 ; culminating point of his life, 241 ; elected member of Royal Society of London, 241-42 ; proposed as a candidate for the Institute of France, 246-247 ; his election, 251 ; elected member of the Athe- naeum Club without ballot, 254 ; his minor honours, 254 ; his con- nection with steam boilers, 257 ; invention of the two-flued boiler, 258; interests himself in the in- vestigation of boiler explosions, 260-262 ; his lectures on boilers, 263 ; undertakes the investigation of theoretical principles, 269 : his essay on the collapse of tubes, 271 ; on the strength of glass, 273 ; on the properties of steam, 273 ; his opinions on legislative interfe- rence in regard to steam boilers, 274; his late improvements in boilers, 278 ; wishes to resign the chairmanship of the Boiler Asso- ciation, 280 ; his last letter on en- gineering matters, 281 ; as a manu- facturing engineer, 311 ; new branches of business, 314 ; compe- tition with Lillie, 315 ; his success in shipbuilding, 315; takes his sons into the business, 317 ; his im- provements in steam engines, 319 ; constructs caisson at Plymouth, 319 ; invention of tubular cranes, 320; on the strike of 1851, 326; great prosperity of his business, 328 ; his retirement, 329 ; his early experiments on shipbuilding, 336 ; his difficulties at Millwall, 339 ; un- favourable reports as to his credit, 340 ; depression and anxiety, 340 ; serious loss sustained by the Mill- K K 2 500 INDEX. wall works, 342 ; his application of iron to defensive purposes, 345 ; his investigations on iron armour plates, 359 ; his visit to Northern Europe, 363 ; his visit to Sweden, 363 ; interview with the Emperor of Eussia, 366 ; receives medal from the king of Sweden, 367 ; as a juror in the Exhibition of 1851, 368 ; as president of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 371 ; business in France, 371 ; awarded the Legion of Honour, 377 ; his journey to Italy, 380 ; on the At- lantic cable Commission, 381-382 ; as president of the Manchester Philosophical Society, 384 ; awarded gold medal by Royal Society, 384 ; president of British Association at Manchester 1861,385 ; his address, 386 ; offer to and refusal of knight- hood, 390-391 ; his honorary de- grees, 392-394 ; on the machinery of the Exhibition of 1862, 395 ; the honour of the baronetage con- ferred on him, 396 ; a voluminous writer, 401 ; his literary work, 401; his paper for the Royal Society, 402 ; re-writes the article 'Iron,' in ' Encyclopaedia Britannica,' 408 ; contributes to Baines' ' Lancashire and Cheshire, Past and Present,' 416 ; as a lecturer, 418 ; his last ad- dress, 419 ; his constitution, 425 ; first serious illness, 425 ; bronchial attack, 428 ; at Brighton and Hol- land Park, 429 ; his last letter, 429 ; his last days at Moor Park, 430 ; his death, 431 ; his funeral, 432 ; obituary notices, 433 ; Manchester memorial to, 441-446 ; personal de- tails of his life, 449 ; his hospitality, 450-451 ; his mode of dealing with impracticable schemes, 453 ; his re- ligious feelings, 456 ; tablet to his memory, 458 ; a Unitarian, 458 ; novel reading, 460 ; his correspon- dence with Mrs. Eskell, 460-462 ; his professional and scientific cha- racter, 462-467 ; his personal and private traits of character, 467- 473 ; his activity and regular and punctual habits, 467 ; his liberality, 470 ; and popularity, 471 ; reality of his merits, 472 ; list of his books, papers, and memoirs, 477 Fairbairn, William Andrew, son of Sir William Fairbairn, 449 ; enters his father's business, 317 ; retires from business, 330 ORE Faraday, Michael, 251 Field, Joshua, 242 Fire, the use of iron as a preven- tive against, 184-185 Fire-engine, invention of, 83 ' Fire-proof Buildings, Defects in the Principle and Construction of,' 186 Fire-proof warehouses, 185 Fletcher, Lavington, 264, 277; on boiler explosions, 281-284 Flour mill and bakery, floating, 330 Forbes, Professor James D., 211, 252 Forging, advance of, 39 Forster, John, letter to Fairbairn from, 407 Forth and Clyde Canal Company, 136 Founding, 39 Fourneyron, Mr., 127 Fowler, John, 401 Fox, W. J., M.P., 325 France, Institution of Civil Engineers in, 13 Franklin, Sir John, 252 Fraser, Donald, master of Mullochy school, 62 Frederick and Felicia, correspondence between, 73 'Freres Pontiers,' the, 11 Fucino, Lake, drainage of, 9 pAISFORD, Thomas, 251 U Galton, Captain Douglas, R.E., 187 Gaskell, Rev. W., on the memorial to Fairbairn, 444 ; letter from Fair- bairn to, 456 Gaskell, Mrs., 451 ; letters to Fair- bairn from, 460-462 Gauges, standard, 44 Geflowski, G. E., 446 Germany, Fairbairn 's fame in, 437 Gibraltar shield, the, 360 Gibson, Rev. Canon, 433 Girders, effect of vibratory action on, 413 Gladstone, W. E., letter to Fairbairn from, 396 Glass, strength of, 273 Gothic engineering, 10 Graham, Professor, of Glasgow, 252 ; at the trial of the ' Lord Dundas,' 138 Grant, Sir Francis, P.R.A., 254 Granville, Earl, 451 'Great Eastern,' 369, 383 Greeks, the ancient, en ineering works of, 8 INDEX. 501 ORE Greg, Henry R., 439 Grey, Sir George, his correspondence with Fairbairn, 390, 391 Gros, Mr., 77 Grundy, Mr., 94 Gull, Sir William, 429 Guns, iron, 48; astrological consi- derations about casting, 170 TTAARLEM Lake, drainage of, 180 -Ll Halifax, boiler explosion at, 261 Hall, Mr., 94 Hallam, H., 252 Hallel Pasha, Seraskier, 170 Hamilton, Sir W., Edinburgh, 252 Hamilton, W. R., 252 Harcourt, Rev. Vernon, 451 Hardie, Dr., 103 Hay, Sir John Dalrymple, R.N., 351 Haydon, B. R., letter to Fairbairn from, 193 ; his opinion of Fairbairn, 460 Heathcote, Mr., factory inspector, 182 Heaton, Charles, 439 Hebeler, B., Prussian consul, letter from Fairbairn to, 219 Henderson, Col. W., R.A., 351 Henderson, Miss, Fairbairn 's mother, 54 ; her character and abilities, 56 Henry, Dr., 383 ; on Fairbairn 's first literary essay, 135, 383 Hercules, labours of, 7 Hero, a mechanical engineer, 24 Heron, Sir Joseph, 442 Herschel, Sir John, 252 Hetherington, John, 258 Hewes, T. C., 104, 105 Heydt, Van der, 227 Heywood, Oliver, 442 ; on the memo- rial to Fairbairn, 445 Hick, John, 277 Highland roads, 18 Hind, G. R., 252 Hodgkinson, Eaton, 156, 187, 383 ; his investigations on the strength of cast iron, 160 ; letters to Fairbairn from, 181, 182 ; consulted regard- ing the Britannia and Conway Tu- bular Bridges, 201 Hodgson, B. H., 251 Hogg, David, 83, 85 Holland, Henry, 242 Holme, Messrs., on fire-proof ware- houses, 185 Holyhead railway, 197 Holyhead roads, 18 Hopkins, William, of Cambridge, his investigations in the application to IRQ mechanics of geology, 287 ; his re- port on 'Geological Theories of Elevation and Earthquakes,' 289 ; consults Fairbairn, 289-291 ; ob- tains government grant for the in- vestigation on the effect of pressure on the temperature of fusion, 291 ; his correspondence with Fairbairn, 289-291 ; consults Mr. Joule, 291- 293 ; commencement of his earth experiments, 292 ; scientific cor- respondence with Joule, 295-301 ; an account of his experiments read before the Association, 302 ; pro- gress of experiments, 303 ; his fail- ing health, 304 ; his death, 305; re- sults of his experiments, 305 Horner, Leonard, 222, 451 Hot blast, introduction of, 36 Houghton, Lord, 451 Houldsworth, Henry, his interest in the association for the prevention of boiler explosions, 266 Houston, Mr., of Johnstone, his prin- ciple of traction, 133 Houtson, James, his kindness to Fair- bairn, 101 Houtson, John, outline of his life, 102 Hulme, J., Ill Humboldt, Baron Von, his correspon- dence with Fairbairn, 220-221, 225, 232, 236, 293 Hydraulics, construction, 9 ; works in the north of Italy, 11 TNDEPENDENT Millwrights' So- J. ciety, 92 ; Fairbairn admitted as a member, 93 Indicator, magnetic, 295 Institute of France, its foundation and constitution, 243 ; a vacancy occurs, 246 ; Fairbairn proposed as a member, 246 ; election of Fair- bairn, 251 ; list of English mem- bers, 251 Institution of Mechanical Engineers, , Fairbairn as president, 371 International Exhibition of 1862, 394 Iron, history of its manufacture, 28 ; melting by coal, 29 ; works in Sus- sex, 29 ; first arch, 30 ; first use of rails, 30 ; Welsh works, 31 ; Scotch works, 32 ; great improvements in the production of, 36; Cleveland and Lancashire fields, 36 ; increase of its production, 37 ; statistics of production in Great Britain, 37 ; first bridges, 47 ; st ructure of bridges in, 47 ; structure of ships in, 48 ; 502 INDEX. IRQ LYO armour plates, 48; construction of guns, 48; construction of ves- sels, 136; results of the trials of steamboats, 142 ; investigation on its strength, 159 ; iron ores in Turkey, 172 ; use of, in the construction of large buildings, 184; structure com- mission, 187 ; application of to de- fensive purposes, 345 ; compared with wood as a material for ship- building, 403 ; papers on, for build- ing purposes, 406 ; Fairbairn re- writes the article, 'Iron' in the ' Encyclopaedia Britannica,' 408 Iron armour, practicability of using it for ships of war, 348 ; want of policy by the government, 350 ; ap- pointment of special committee on, and their labours, 351 ; the evidence obtained, 352 ; nature of the material to use, 352 ; the mode of manufacture, 353 ; ham- mering and rolling plates, 353, 354 ; material of the shot, 355 ; laws of resistance of plates, 356 ; form of defensive material, 356 ; mode of applying the plates, 356 ; wood backing, 357 ; experimental tar- gets, 358 ; favourable results, 358 'Iron, Enquiry into the Strength of,' 161 'Iron; its History, Properties, and Processes of Manufacture,' 408 ' Iron Ores in Turkey, Experimental Researches on,' 173 Iron ships, Fairbairn on the con- struction of, 143-146, 153-157; early history of, 335 ; Fairbairn's first experiments, 336 ; outlay, ma- nagement and orders, 337 ; work for the Admiralty, 338 ; difficulties, 339 ; suggested for the use of war, 345; refusal of the Admiralty to use them, 346 ; ignorance and pre- judice in regard to, 346 ; strength of, 411 ; on the durability of, 418 'Iron, Strength and other Proper- ties, from Hot and Cold Blast,' 162 Inventors, 367 Italy, hydraulic works in, 11 ; hydrau- lic engineering in, 12 ; temperature of, 380 JACOB, William, 252 James, Captain Henry, R.E., 187 Jervois, Major, R.E., 351 Johnson and the French Academy, 243 Johnson, Jabez, 439 Johnson, Richard, letter to Fairbairn from, 265 Jones, Inigo, 14 Joule, Mr., consulted by Mr. Hopkins concerning his earth experiments, 291-293; scientific correspondence with Hopkins, 295-301 T7ELSO New Bridge, 65 JY Kennedy, John, of Manchester, his improvements in millwork, 115 Ker's seminary, 54 Keyham Dockyard, caisson for, 319 Kreuter, M., 229 T ABELYE, designer of Westmin- JJ ster Bridge, 15 ' La Gloire,' 349 Laird, John, 336 Lancashire boiler, 258 Lancashire iron districts, 36 Lathe, the, improvements in, 41 ; the slide, 41 Lavater, the physiognomist, 124 Leake, William Martin, 251 Lee, Rev. Prince, 451 ; letter to Fair- bairn from, 393 Leeds iron district, 36 Legion of Honour awarded to Fair- bairn, 377 Lillie, James, in partnership with Fairbairn, 111 ; dissolves partner- ship, 148 Lindley, 252 Linen factories on the Bann river, 158 Lisbon aqueduct, 9 Literary and Philosophical Society, Manchester, 383 Liverpool landing stage, 318 Locks, invention of, 12 Locomotive engines, 316 ; express, 320 ' Locomotive Boilers, Experimental Researches to determine Strength of,' 243, 264 Lohse, Mr., 237 London Bridge, 17 London Docks, 17 ' Lord Dundas,' constructed by Fair- bairn, 136; satisfactory trial of, 138 ; description of its sail to the Isle of Man, 139 ; errors of the com- pass, 139, 140; further trials, 141 ; final results, 142 Lowe, Mr., of Nottingham, 121 Lyons, old bridge at, 11 INDEX. 503 MAC MACAULAY, T. B., 252 Machinery of the Paris Exhibi- of 1855, 371-374 ; of the Exhibition of 1862, 395 M'Connel and Kennedy's new mill, 115 MacCulloch, J. R., 252 Mfvgnetic indicator, 295 Mahmoud, Sultan of Turkey, sends commission to England, 167 ; his death, 168 Manby, Aaron, 335 Manchester : Geological Society, 180 ; rebuilding of viaduct on railway, 331 ; Art Treasures Exhibition, 375) ; Literary and Philosophical Society, 383 ; Steam User's Association, 438 ; Memorial to Fairbairn, 441-446 Manchester, Bishop of, 451 ; on the memorial to Fairbairn, 443 ' Manchester Examiner,' biographical notice of Fairbairn, 436 ' Manchester,' the, canal steamer, 153 Manchester Works, their origin, 311; Canal Street works, 313 ; iron ship- building, 315 ; steam engines and boiler-making,. 316 ; locomotive en- gines, 316 ; work for Constanti- nople, 317; Liverpool landing stage, 318 ; improvements in steam engines, 319 ; caisson at Plymouth, 319 ; cranes, 319 ; strike of engi- neering workmen, 322 ; great pros- perity of, 328; Fairbairn retires, 329 ; railway viaducts, 331 ; trans- ferred to a limited liability com- pany, 332 ; winding up, 332 ; con- trasted with the Millwall ship- building factory, 335 Manufactories, engineering, 47 ; im- perfections of, in Turkey, 169 Mar, Dorothy, 84 ; her marriage with Fairbairn, 104 ; serious illness, 104 Mare, Mr., 208 Marochetti, Baron, 254 Mason, Hugh, 439; letter to Fair- bairn from, 280 ; letter from Thomas Fairbairn to, 440 Mathematical investigation, 299 Maudslay, Henry, his invention of the slide rest, 41 Maurier, Gustave, 409 Maxwell, Major, letter from Fair- bairn to, 429 Meagher, becomes acquainted with Fairbairn, 100 Mechanical Engineering ; gee Engi- neering, Mechanical Mechanical Science, progress of, 369 Mechanics, early history of, 24 ' Megaera,' the, 338 Memoirs by Fairbairn, list of, 477 Memorial in Manchester to Fairbairn, 441-446 Menai bridge, the, 18, 48 Mesopotamia, ancient engineering works of, 8 Metal plates, patent for improve- ments in joining them, 182-183 Millwall Shipbuilding Works, con- trasted with the Manchester busi- ness, 335 ; outlay, management and orders, 337; work for the Admi- ralty, 338 ; difficulties, 339 ; clos- ing of the works, 341 ; their sale, 342; serious loss by these works, 342 Millwork, improvements in, 115 ; trea- tise on, 414 Millwrights, description of, 26 ; decay of, 47 Millwrights' Society, the, stringent rules of, 89, 90 ' Mining Journal, 'extract from, 266 Moorsom, Capt. W., 233 Morice, Peter, his pumping appara- tus, 26 Morin, General, 246 ; his correspon- dence with Fairbairn, 247, 249 Moseley, Rev. H., Canon of Bristol, 211, 242, 252 ; letter to Fairbairn from, 368 Moy Farm, the, 58 ; improvements on, 59 ; Fairbairn 's life at, 60 Mullochy School, its discipline, 62 Murchison, Sir Roderick, 252, 254 Murdoch, Mr., of Soho, reminiscences of, 116 Murphy, James, 112, 115 Murray, A. and G., give orders to Fairbairn, 112 ; alterations effected in their mill, 113 Murray, Andrew, 154 Murray, Matthew, of Leeds, 116 Mushet discovers the Black Band ironstone, 36 Myddclton, Sir Hugh, 8 Mylne, Robert, 17 Mylne, W. C., 242 \[ AIL-MAKING machinery, 100 ll Napier, Sir Charles, 336 Napoleon III. introduces iron armour to defend ships of war, 348 Nasmyth, James, 211 ; his invention of the steam-hammer, 39 ; a fre- quent visitor of Fairbairn 's, 156; letter to Fairbairn f rom, 212 ; letter 504 INDEX. NAY to Fairbairn regarding steam-ham- mer, 409 Navy, change in the construction of the, 345 ; refusal of the Admiralty to use iron ships, 346 Neilson, Beaumont, introduces the hot blast, 36 Newcomen, 33 New River, construction of, 14 Nicholls, Mr., 442 OBITUARY notices of Fairbairn, 433 Odin,' the, 338 Oldham, dreadful accident at, 186 Onions, Peter, his improvements in iron manufacture, 31 Orrery, clock, Fairbairn 's design for a, 75 Oscar, King of Sweden, presents Fair- bairn with medal, 367 Overstone, Lord, letter from Fairbairn to, 374 Owen, Richard, 252 Owen's College, Manchester, opening of, 428 PALLISER, Captain, 355 Palmerston, Lord, letter to Fair- bairn from, 392 Pankhurst, Dr., on the memorial to Fairbairn, 444 Papers written by Fairbairn, list of, 477 Paris, Fairbairn 's opinion of, 126 ; Fairbairn on the machinery of the Exhibition of 1855, 371-374 Parkinson, Adam, 101 Parry, Sir Edward, 252 Patents, riveting machine, 164 ; for improvements in joining metal plates, 182 ; for Tubular Bridges, 212 ; for two-flued boiler, 258 ; for Tubular Cranes, 320 ; for the im- provement of driving the screw propeller, 338 ; for improvements in the construction and arrangement of steam-engines, 338 Patronage, royal, of the Fairbairn family, 450 Penn, John, 277, 439 Percy, Dr. John, F.R.S., 351 Percy Main colliery, 69 Ferret, M. L., 408 Petrie, John, 439 Phillips, Professor, 296 Phrenix Park, Dublin, 100 Planing-machine, invention of, 43, 44 EIV Pliny, 9 Plutarch on Pontiffs, 10 Plymouth caisson, 319 Plymouth breakwater, 17 Pole, Dr. William, F.R.S. ; a mem- ber of the iron committee, 351 ; his criticism on Fairbairn 's ' Treatise on Mills and Millwork,' 414-416 Polygon, the, society at, 450 Poncelet, General, his correspondence with Fairbairn, 246, 249 ; on water wheels, 249 Ponsonby, Lord, British ambassador, 168 Pont du Gard, 9 Pontifex, origin of the title, 10 Porter, G. R., 242 'Pottinger,' the, 338 Powder mills in Turkey, 169 Prussia, commission from regarding bridge across the Rhine, 217, 225- 228 Puddling, invention of, 31 Pumping apparatus at London bridge, T)ADOWITZ, General, 234 It Rails, iron, first use of, 30 Railways, modern era of, 18 ; corr> petition with canals, 134 ; English, conversation on, 171 Ramelli, Agostino, 5, 25 Rankine, Professor Macquorn, 369 ; on Fairbairn's experimental investi- gations, 465 Rawlinson, H., 251 Reed, Mr., 395 Regnault, P., letter to Fairbairn from, 275 Religious toleration, peculiar notions of, 458-459 Rennie, Messrs. George, 187 Rennie, George, 211, 241 , 242, 254 ; at the trial of the ' Lord Dundas,' 138 ; on Fairbairn's address at British Association, 388 Rennie, John, 17, 242 ; his assistance to Watt, 35 ; interview with Fair- bairn, 88 Reservoirs constructed on river Don, 159 ' Reservoirs on the river Bann,' report on, 158-159 Rialto at Venice, the, 11 Rifled guns, 347 Rifled shell, 347 Rigby, Samuel, 439 Righi, the, 128 Riveted joints, 402 INDEX. 505 scs Riveting, improvements in, 40 Riveting machine, 40 ; Fairbairn's in- troduction of, 163; patent taken out for it, 164 Robberds, Rev. J. G., 456 Roberts, Richard, Fairbairn endea- vours to obtain provision for, 391 Roberts, William, 439 Robinson, Dr., of Armagh, 451 ; letter from Fairbairn to, 223-224; let- ter from to Fairbairn, 406 ; letter to Fairbairn regarding his illness, 427 ; on Fairbairn's scientific know- ledge, 464 Robinson, John, colliery engineer, 71 Rochdale, boiler explosion at, 266 Roebuck, Dr., establishes the Carron iron works, 32 Romans, ancient engineering works of, 8 ; mechanics, 25 Rome, hydraulic construction of, 9 ; aqueducts of, 9 Romney Marsh embankments, 14 ' Rose,' the, 338 Ross, Sir James Clark, 252 Rosse, Lord, 292, 451 Royal medals, 384 Royal Society of London, 241 ; Fair- bairn elected a member, 242 ; grant to Mr. Hopkins, 291 ; award Fair- bairn a Royal medal, 384 Rumford medal, the, 384 Russell, Scott, 342 Russian war, first use of iron armour on ships at, 348 QABINE, General (Sir Edward), 228, Cj 412, 451 St. Esprit bridge, 11 Salt, Mr., his works at Saltaire, 327 Saltaire works, construction of, 327 Sausage-making machine, 98 Schofield, Thomas, 439 Schuster, Leo, 103 Schwedler, Mr., 233 Science, appreciation of, 12 Scientific ambition of Fairbairn, 157 Scoresby, Captain, 251 Scotch iron works, 32 Scott, Sir W., his connection with the Fairbairn family, 56, 58 Screws, improvements in the making of, 45 Sedgwick, A., letter to Fairbairn from, 390 Segovia, aqueduct of, 9 Self-acting Brakes for Railway Trains,' 411 Senior, Nassau, 252 Severn, construction of iron bridge across, 30 Shaftesbury, Lord, 451 ; on the strike of 1851, 325 Shakspeare's use of the term engineer, 6,7 Shaping machines, 45 Sheffield railway, rebuilding of via- duct on, 331 Sheridan, Henry B., 284 Shields for land defences, 360 Ships, iron ; see Iron ships Ships of war, practicability of defend- ing them by iron armour, 348 Slotting machines, 45 Small arms manufactory in Turkey, 169; factory at Enfield, establish- ment of, 327 Smeaton, John, engineering works of, 16 ; first styles himself civil engi- neer, 17 ; a mechanical engineer, 28 ; at the Carron Works, 33 Smiles, Mr., on the early difficulties Watt had to contend with, 38 Smith, Professor Piazzi, 371 Smith, Robert, 341 ; assists Fairbairn with his riveting machine, 163, 341 Smoke nuisance, the, 183 Smyth, Captain, 252 Soham Mere drainage, 157 Soho Works, 34 Southwark iron bridge, 17, 47 Spoleto aqueduct, 10 Standard gauges, 46 Steam, properties of, 273 ; super- heated, 274 Steam-boilers, Fairbairn's improve- ment of, 257 Steam-engine, improvements in, 33, 319 ; invention of the rotary motion, 34 Steam hammer, invention of, 40 Steam ploughing machine, modelled by Fairbairn, 97 Stephenson, George, letter to Fair- bairn from, 194; makes the ac- quaintance of Fairbairn, 79 Stephenson, Robert, on iron bridge across the Severn, 30; his idea of Tubular bridges, 198-213; his article on iron bridges, 408 Stockport, boiler explosion at, 265 Strength of Iron Ships, the, 411 Strikes of workmen, cause of, 46 ; in 1851, 322 Suez canal, 8 Sumner, Bishop, his death, 431 Superheated steam, 274 Sussex, iron manufactories in, 29 L 506 INDEX. TABLET to Fairbaim's memory in Cross Street Chapel, 457 Tank engine, the, 317 Tate, Thomas, 21], 270; on the pro- perties of steam, 273 ; assists Fair- bairn in his early publications, 421 Taylor, James, 439 Telford, Thomas, 17 ; his erection of iron bridges, 47, 48 ; president of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 135 Temperature of the earth, investiga- tions on, 287 ; results, 305 Thames embankments, 14 Thistle,' the, 338 Thomson, Professor William, 294, 295 Tillock, Mr., 94 Timber ships, casing of with iron, 348 ' Times,' biographical notice of Fair- bairn, 433 Tooke, 252 Tools, improvements in, 38 ; develop- ment of automatic tools, 46 Toothed wheel, origin of, 24 Traction in boats, experiments on, 133 Trades' Unions, 92 Trajan's bridge, 8 Trajan works, 9 Transverse strength, 161 ' Treatise on Iron Ship-building,' 416 ' Treatise on Mills and Millwork,' 414 Trevithick's boiler, 258 Trustees of Cross Street Chapel, letter from Fairbairn to, 457 Tubes, resistance of, to collapse, 270 Tubular bridges, 198-213 ; patent for, 212 ; extensive manufacture of them, 213 ; great success of the pa- tent, 318 Tubular cranes, 320 ' Tubular Girder Bridges,' paper on, 401 Turbine water wheel, 127 Turkey, trades in the open air, 171 ; iron ores in, 172 Turkish Government, sends mission to England, 167 ; engages Fairbairn, 169; second mission, 172; Fair- bairn's survey of establishments, 168-169 Turkish habits, 170 Turner, Wright, 489 Turning, improvements in, 40 TTNWIN, Mr. W. Cawthorne, 270, U 274 ; assists Fairbairn in his in- WIL vestigations on iron armour-plates, 360 ; his great assistance to Fair- bairn, in his investigations and publications, 421 ; on the scientilic position of Fairbairn, 463 Ure, Andrew, 211, 242 ' Useful Information for Engineers,' 263 ; first series, 409 ; second series, 412 ; third series, 416 VENICE engineering, 11 Vermuyden, Cornelius, 14 Viaducts of Manchester and Sheffield Railways, rebuilding of, 331 Vibratory action, effect of, on girders, 412 Vitruvius, on mechanical engineer- ing, 25 'Vulture,' the, 338 Vyse, Howard, 252 WADDLE, William, 84 Wales, Prince of, his acknow- ledgment of Fairbairn 's works, 450 Walker, J., 242 Walker, Mr., foreman of Rennie's, 89 Wallbaum, Mr., 237 Wallich, 252 Ward, William, 305 < Warrior,' the, 349 Waterloo bridge, 17, 88 Water wheels at Catrine, 121 ; sus- pended, 127 Water wheels with Ventilated Buck- ets,' 188 ; Poncelet on, 249 ; testi- mony to their efficiency, 313 Watkin, Sir Edward, M.P., 442 Watt, James, 17 ; his improvements in the steam engine, 33 ; his con- nection with Roebuck and Boulton, 34 ; his invention of the rotary en- gine, 34 ; his difficulty regarding boring, 42 ; his statue at Manches- ter, 377 Webster, Mr., 277 Welsh iron works, 31 Westminster bridge, 15 Whateley, Dr., 252 Wheatstone, Professor, 252, 381 Whewell, W., letters to Fairbairn from, 390, 394 White's school, 54 Whitworth, Sir Joseph, 267, 277, 439 ; his mechanical improvements, 46 Wilkinson, John, inventor of a boring bar, 42 Willis, Professor Robert, 162, 187, 242 Wilson, Horace Hayman, 251 INDEX. 507 woo Wood compared with iron as a ma- terial for ship-building, 403 Woodcroft, Bennett, 156 Woollen factory in Turkey, account of, 174 Woolner, T., B.A., 441, 458 Workshop processes, 37 ' Workshop,' the, proposed establish- ment of, 156 Wright, Thomas, 251 ZOH Wrigley, Edward W., 439 Wrottesley, Lord, 187, 451 ; on Fair- bairn's claims to scientific distinc- tion, 385, 386 Wrought iron plates, strength of, 402 ZOHRAB, Edward, consul-general, 17 LONDON : PRIXTKD BY SPOTTISWOODB AND CO., NKW-8TRKKT RQCARK AMD PARLIAMENT STKKKT Jp ^ Q I 3 'f s**~ \f s ^ %JBAiMNfc 1 S I i i 1 S , ^EUN!VE(?% " I I IS g 4 O O: ^ S I I 1M *v* - ^ & e 5? ^, S__k^ u3 Ci | Sl| g MNH-3UV s S < s Q ^l * U ^ ^v^^- I I. %OJ m- J\EUN!VER% 1138170 < ^ I 1 1 I 2 = ^ ^ S % ilrf a UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY I Illllll Illll III! 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