< . * ' Harding fc l;v NAVAL BIOGRAPHY; OR, THE HISTORY AND LIVES OF DISTINGUISHED CHARACTERS IN THE. BRITISH NAVY, FBOM THE EARLIEST PERIOD OF HISTORY TO THE PRESENT TIME. ILLUSTRATED WITH ELEG4NT PORTRAITS, ENGRAVED BY EMINENT ARTISTS. VOL. I. LONDON: PRINTED FOR JOHN SCOTT, NO. 442, STRAtfD. 1805. S. Gosncll, Printer, Li tie Queen Street. Printed by T. Bens/ey, Bolt Court, Fleet Street, London. INTRODUCTION. THE hiftory of the Britifti navy is beft learned in the lives of the Britifli naval heroes. The biographer fepa- rates the individual from the refl of his clafs, examines his motives, appreciates his means, and compares his im- pediments. The hiftory of the age and of the event fur- nifh documents, and fupply the very materials for this talk; but in hiftory, the relations are given on a fcale too expanfive for minutenefs, and the figures are combined in maffes too grand to admit of any, except, perhaps, the moft prominent, being feledled as the peculiar objecl: of contemplation. In remote periods where the at- tainment of certainty is often difficult, if not impoffible, it muft neceflarily occur, from the nature of the times, and the various occupations of thofe who then affumed the direction of naval exploits, that the life of an admi- ral will contain .but a fmall portion of maritime adven- ture, while the remainder of his tranfacYions relate to tlu land fervice, the cabinet, the tribunal, or even the church. In the more early ages, even this fcanty information is not attainable ; if we occafionally rind a record of the exploits of a fleet, we are left in total ignorance of the name and character of the admiral. It will therefore be neceflary firft to 'ketch a brief outline of the naval hiftory of Britain from its eftablifhment, and for fome time after- B wards 2031817 2 INTRODUCTION. wards to give the lives of fuch illuftrious men as have diftinguifhed themfelves on the ocean, connecting by means of their names the progreflive feries of naval events, even though not immediately tranfacted by the individuals themfelves. In a work profeffedly biographical, the refearch of the antiquarian may be confidered in fome degree unnecef- fary, but as the lives of illuftrious mariners form a diftin- guilhed feature in the national hiftory of great Britain, it cannot be improper to trace the hiftory of that naval force which now aftonifhes and rules the world, to its earlieft authenticated origin. In this attempt it is not intended to afcend into thofe regions of obfcurity where hiftory is fo intermixed with fable as to render difcrimina- tion impoilible, and reduce a feries of laborious deduc- tions to nothing more than a happy conjecture : it is not intended to difcufs whether the aborigines of Britain pof- feffed fleets, by which they maintained an extenfive com- merce, and difputed in arms the fovereignty of the ocean : it is merely defigned to fix the firft national eftablifliment of a navy, and proceeding from that point, with as little interruption as the nature of events, and the obfcurity of records will allow, trace the grand bads of Briti fh glory, the great bulwark of Britifli profperity, from the firft mo- ment of its known exiftence, to its prefent ftate of ftrength and pre-eminence. E'-en in objects of minute importance the name of founder* is contemplated with a degree of enthufiaftic ve- neration, but when every beneficial eftablifhment, every grand national endowment, combine to give celebrity to one individual, how great muft be his eftimation, ho\t tranfcendant his glory ! With what rapture muft he be regarded INTRODUCTION. 3 regarded by his country, with what honours muft his name be crowned ! With all thefe fentiments, hailing him at once as the parent of their conftitution, their commerce, their envied liberty, and its beft guardian, their invincible navy, Britons repeat the name of Alfred. This monarch, to whom even the envy of foreigners has not denied the name of Great, came to his throne at a period of unexampled diftrefs. His fubjedts drained by rapacious invaders, feared by repeated cruelties, and rendered liftlefs by continued exactions, feemed to have abandoned all ; even the thought of felf-preferva- tion had left them, and they awaited in ftupid indif- ference the mandate of authority, or the impulfe of ra- pacity, which fhould extinguifh their name by difperfion, flavery, or extermination. To fubjec"ls fo difpirited it was the tafk of Alfred to give animation ; to unite them in the bonds of mutual confidence ; and fan the feeble fpark of languid felf-love into the brilliant flame of pa- triotifm, and the genial ardour of liberty. In all thefe objects he fucceeded, though not without encountering difficulties, fu flaming reverfes, and exercifing talents and virtues commenfurate to the magnitude of his object. He defeated and expelled the Danifh invaders ; vindicated the rights of his people, and reftored them to that fhte which is the real glory of a Briton, that of being fubjedt to none but their fovereign and the law. Senfible that without adequate fecurity to individuals, the progrefs of fcience and legiflation, both of which he fmcerely wimed to eftablifh, would be but flow, and in- eflfe&ual, Alfred meditated the beft means of fecuring his dominions from foreign invafion. The luxuriancy B 2 of 4 INTRODUCTION. of the foil, the riches of the inhabitants, and the facility of approach, had hitherto drawn over fvvarms of free- booters, who diftinguiflied their fteps by cruelty and rapacity, who fpread terror by murder and fire, and whofc object was to retreat with their plunder, or to found their authority in the kingdom on the reduced and miferable (late of the natives. Againft fuch a foe the- .Englifh monarch faw that the march of armies was vain : they were not ambitious of honour acquired in the mock of battle ; they would not flay to difpute their acquiii- tions in the field, and even if they were overtaken and defeated, victory could not replace what rapine had de- ftroyed, or reanimate thofe whom cruelty ha was next after Alfred furnamed the B 4 Great. 8 INTRODUCTION. Great. Approaching the radiance of that confpicuous Briti/h luminary, his title fhines with diminiflied bright- nefs, but upon companion with moft other monarchs to whom it has been attributed, Edgar will net be found deficient in claims to that diftindtion. He took great de- light in maritime affairs, and augmented the Britifli navy to an unexampled number. The fabulous genius of that age has (hewn itfelf in an unwonted degree of exaggeration on this point. Some authors ftate his na- val armament to have confifted of three thoufand fix hundred fhips of war, fome fay four thoufand, and others carry it to four thoufand eight hun- dred; but thefe accounts are utterly incredible, and probability is more confulted by thofe who eftimate it at lefs than a thoufand, which is dill a moft formida- ble force, and juftiries the obfervation by which the other accounts are conftantly accompanied, that his fleet was more powerful than thofe of all the other European princes put together. If it were to be fuppofed that Edgar equipped four thoufand and eight hundred (hips, it would follow that, exclufive of foldiers who might be embarked on board for particular expeditions, the num- ber of feamen conftantly employed in rowing and na- vigating the grand fleet would amount to more than a hundred thoufand men, allowing only twenty- one men to each fhip, which is lefs than the full complement: but fuch a number of feamen could not by any means be fupported in thofe days, nor perhaps could they at any iuhfeque:-,t period have been employed in one fmgle fervice, without injury and ruin to all the reft. His fleet, whatever might be its force, was divided into three fquad<-ons, one of which was conftantly fta- tioned on the eaft, another on the weft, and a third on the INTODUCTION. 9 the north coaft of the ifland, and every year, after Eafter, the king patting from one of thefe fquadrons to the other made a complete circuit of his dominions, and looked into every creek and bay, not only on the Eng- lifli but on the Scottish coaft, in Ireland, and the He- brides. Thus by conftantly ihewing a formidable front, prepared for war, he maintained his dominions in peace ; the Danes were convinced that to invade the territories of fo acYive a monarch, was a hopelefs attempt ; and thofe who were refident in England prudently refolvcd not to incur the penalties of an infurreclion which pro- mifed neither honour nor advantage. Once only Edgar's reign was difcnaieted by the turbulence of the Welch, who committed fome ravages in his dominions. He at- tacked them with vigour, and permitted his foldiers to retaliate on them by plundering the borders of Wales ; but when he faw that the prefence of diftrefs had brought the delinquents to a proper fenfe of their error, accom- panied with contrition, the generous monarch com- manded reftitution to be made of the property which had been taken from them ; thus fubduing their ftub- born minds no lefs by lenity than by military force. Yet Edgar maintained tenacioufly the dignity of hi? throne. He once held his court at Chefter, where all his feudatory princes, eight in number, being afTembled to do him homage, he made them enter a barge, and, fitting four on each fide, row him on the river Dee, while he fleered. Thus they proceeded to the monaftery of Saint John, where they took their oaths of fealty. Among thefe princes were Kenneth III. king of Scot- land ; Malcolm, king of Northumberland ; and Mac- cufius, 10 INTRODUCTION. cufius, king of Man ; the remaining five were petty kings of the Britons. If profperity could give a claim to the epithet Great, Edgar's title was undifputed. He was uncommonly fortunate during a reign of fixteen years ; aggrandized his realm; maintained his fubjecls in peace and happinefs ; promoted civilization by the feafonable encouragement afforded to foreigners ; and advanced the influence of true piety by reftraining and reforming the clergy: truly GREAT could he have reftrained his own paffions, which, befides fomevvhat more of pride than becomes a hero, betrayed him, in the courfe of his amours, into cruelty, weaknefs, and injuftice. Edward, fon of Edgar, was but a child when he fuc- ceeded to the throne; he reigned only three years, and acquired the title of the martyr, from the tragical cir- cumftance of his being murdered by command of his flep-mother Elfrida, in the year 978. Elfrida committed this crime for the purpofe of giv- ing the throne to her own fon Ethelred, who, coming to the fovereign dignity in fo inaufpicious a manner, feemed to give immediate promife of verifying thole dif- mal prophecies which fuperftition had made re-fpe&ing him in his earlieft years *. In the third year of his reign, the Englifhcoaft was infulted, and Southampton plundered by a Danifh fquadron confifting of no more than fcven (hips, and in a few years after they ravaged and defolated the coaft. Ethelred, governed by his * Minxit namque cum baptizaretur, in fncro fonte. Unde vir domini ex termini um Anglorum in temj>ore ejus futurum predbdt. Hen. Hxir.t, L. IV. Cul. Malmf. L. II. c. jo, wicketl INTRODUCTION. II wicked mother, and fvvayexl by pufillanimous counfels, endeavoured to bribe the invaders by a fubiidy often thoufand pounds, which gave rife to the infamous and oppreffive tax called Danegeld. The Danes, like wild beads, who grow more favag.e and ferocious when once they have tailed blood, inftead of de rifting from their ravages, renewed them from year to year with greater violence, and uninterrupted fuccefs. The feeble Ethel- .red, who, from his extreme vveaknefs, had acquired the furname of the Unready, oppofed to thefe barbarians no other arms than fupplication, and exhaulled his fubjecls by repeated taxes to gratify the increailng avarice of the invaders. Driven to defpair by repeated outrage, Ethelred, by the advice of the great council of the nation, at laft had recourfe to that meafure which ought to have fuggefted itfelf at firft : inftead of raifmg money to bribe the Danes, he applied the fame fums in the equipment of a fleet to oppofe them. But a king who is weak enough to neglect his own honour, feldom finds thofe whom he employs fufficiently honeft or difmterefted to keep that of the public good invariably in view. Ethelred was betrayed by his fervants. The Danes with a confuler- able fleet approached the eaflern coaft, jn the year 991. A great naval force having been railed, it was refolved to furround and deftroy the Danes ; but this plan was fruflrated by that confpicuous traitor Alfric, duke of Mercia, who not only apprized the enemy of their dan- ger, and thus enabled them to avoid it, but, in the heat of the a&ion, deferted and joined them v/ith the fquadron under his command. Ethelred, in revenge, put out the eyes of Alfnc'sfon; but this was a mere ebullition of rage, 12 INTRODUCTION. rage, unattended with any beneficial confequences, for fuch was the power of the Earl of Mercia, that, not- withftanding his treafon, he returned to court ; and fuch was the weaknefs of the king, that though he muft have been confcious Alfric could never forgive the injury done to his fon, he was conftrained again to employ him in offices of high truft, and was again a vidlim to his treachery. In 993, Unlaff, a famous pirate, invaded the kingdom, and with a fleet of ninety-three {hips failed up the river to Staines, wafting the country on both fides the Thames. From Staines he returned to Kent, where Ethelred fent an army to oppofe them ; but the army was defeated, and the general flain. From this period, to the year 1013, England was con- tinually a prey to thefe barbarous invaders, who ravaged all parts of the country, committing the grcateft vio- lences, and extorting immenfe fums, which were oc- cafionally the price of a fhort-lived truce, but fome- times did not procure even that alleviation of mifery. In this crifis, Ethelred, inftead of the legitimate arms of a fovereign, had recourfe to the bafe artifices of an af- faffin. In the year 1002, he iniligated his fubje&s to a general maflacre of the Danes, which took place in all parts of the kingdom on the thirteenth of November, being Saint Brice's day. The king not only authorized but participated in thefe fanguinary excefies, in which neither fex nor age was fpared, and which extended not only to the invading Danes, but to thofe who had been long fettled in the ifland. This outrage could not pafs unrevenged : the Danes poured a new fprce into the kingdom, and the Englifli, deprived of their beft INTRODUCTION. 13 bell protection, a fleet, exhaufted by frequent exac- tions, and their fpirits broken by unavailing oppofition, began at length to fubmit, and fwear fealty to Sweyn, king of Denmark. Ethelred, who had only the policy refulting from cowardice, fled for refuge to the court of Richard duke of Normandy, whofe fitter he had ef poufed. Sweyn was prevented by death from enjoying the fruits of his conqueft, and the Englifh nobility, ftill retaining an aftedlion for their native fovereign, invited him to refume the throne he had abandoned. He re- turned to England in 1014 ; but misfortune had not taught him wifdom, or infpired courage, prudence, or moderation. He ftill diftinguifhed himfelf by preferring traitors, and difgraced his reign by murder and rapacity. The Danes, under Canute, renewed their invafions with their accuftomed fuccefs, and Edric, the king's fon-in-law, who had fucceedcd Alfric in the govern- ment of Mercia, and the command of the army, by his repeated treafons deftroyed all the hopes derived from the intrepidity of prince Edmond. Ethelred, after an inglorious reign protracted to the period of thirty-five years, died at London, while his fon Edmond was preparing to engage the enemy. This prince, who poflefTed many virtues, and from his extra- ordinary valour and ftrength was furnamed Ironilde, found his affairs in fo defperate a ftate, that foon after his acceflion he "was forced to confent to a partition of the kingdom with Canute, and was, in a month after- wards, murdered at Oxford by his own chamberlains. Thus in little more than a century after the death of the founder of the Britifh navy, and in forty years after the 14 INTRODUCTION. the deceafe of Edgar, who had carried it to its greatefl poffihle extent, their fucceffor loft the kingdom by neg- le&ing that only fafe, and never-failing defence, a fu- periority at fea. The period of the Danifli ufurpation affords no in- terefting traits of the Britiih naval hiflory. The Saxon line was, for a fhort interval, restored in the perfon of Edward the Confeffbr, who fucceeded to the throne in 1041. The Danes, being then diftradted by civil com- motions at home, had neither the power to prevent his coronation, nor to trouble the quiet of the kingdom. Edward appears to have had a due fenfe of the import- ance of a navy, by his eftablifhing and incorporating the cinque ports, for the purpofe of obtaining a confbnt fupply of Ihips and men ; but his character was weak, and his reign was rendered uneafy by domeftic troubles, originating in the too great power of his nobles, and in his own difpofition to afford too much encouragement to foreigners. Earl Godwin, a moft powerful baron, father to the queen, oppofed him with fuccefs ; and though the earl and his fons were at one time baniflied, they returned with a fleet procured in foreign countries, and Edward having imprudently difmifled his failors, they took from him all his fhips, and compelled him to re-admit them to their former rank and honours. Edward was fucceeded, in 1066, by Harold, fon of earl Godwin; William, duke of Normandy, early de- clared himfelf a competitor for the throne, and, to weak- en Harold as much as pofiible, excited againfl him Tofti, his own brother, who joining Harold Harfagar, king of Norway, invaded England with three hundred ihips. The king fitted out a fleet to oppofe them, and i marched INTRODUCTION, 15 marched with his army into the north, where the ene- my had intrenched themfelves. He attacked them with fpirit, and entirely defeated their army (25th Septem- ber, 1066); Tofti and Harfagar were flain in the conteft. His fleet was no lefs fuccefsful at fea ; his admiral de- feated the Norwegians, and Olaf, fon of Harfagar, was glad to compound for his fafety by quitting the kingdom with the reiidue of his forces in a few vefTels, leaving an immenfe booty which they had acquired, and the re- mainder of the fleet to the king of England. But, alas ! how ftiort-fighted is mortal man, and how little capable of estimating juftly the events of life ! This illuftrious fuccefs was the immediate caufe of Harold's ruin. The obftinate conteft with the enemy had weak- ened his force by the lofs of many men and fome of his beft officers, and he had offended the army by his in- juftice in taking all the fpoils to himfelf. Before Ha- rold had time to rejoice in his victory, he received in- formation that William with a formidable army had landed at Pevenfey in Suflex. The Norman invader, confcious that his fleet could not oppofe the navy of Harold, burned it as foon as he had difembarked his troops (28th September, 1066 ). He fortified himfelf as well as he could on fhore, and proceeded into the country. Harold eafily perfuaded the nobles to forget their refentment, and attend only to the public danger. His army was foon recruited in numbers, but enfeebled by fevere fervice and want of reft. Urged by his impetuous and martial fpirit, and ftimulated by the apprehenfion of dangers which muft arife from delay, Harold, contrary to the advice of his moft able counfellors, proceeded without lofs of time i a purfuit l6 INTRODUCTION. purfuit of the enemy. The pretenfions of thcfe rivals were decided, the 1 4th of Oiloher, by the fatal battle of Haftings, in which Harold and two of his brothers, Gurth and Leofwin, were {lain, befides an immenfe num- ber of nobles and private men, amounting, according to fome accounts, to feventy thoufand. Three of Harold's fons were fortunate enough to fecure and carry off the fleet ; but though they were enabled to give fome dif- turbance to the Conqueror, they could not wreft from his powerful grafp the kingdom he had acquired. Thus England faw a new race feated in the regal chair. They felt the intrufion with fullen indignation - r but weakened by their long ftruggle againft the Danes, divided between the intereits of contending claimants, and opprefled by the ftrong and tenacious hand of Wil- liam, they were unable to effel their deliverance from his fway. The efforts made by Harold's fons were, however, fuch as induced William to provide a fleet for the defence of the realm ; but it appears that neither he ncr his fucccflbrs, William Rufus, Henry I. or Ste- phen, took plcafure in augmenting the navy, or relied on it either as a means of defence or conqueft. Henry II. was a brave and wife prince, and feems to have had a proper judgment of the importance of a fleet, by the naval preparations which, early in his reign, he made againft the Welch who infeftcd his realm, and for the conqueft of the earldom of Thouloufe. But in his reign the naval ftrength of Great Britain was never carried to its greateft height, becaufc the kingdom was not in danger of being attacked. The princes of Europe v/ere engaged in the crufades, undertaken for recovery of the holy land from the infidels, and fo great a portion of INTRODUCTION, 17 of their force and nttention being thus diverted into ano- ther channel, prevented them from injuring each other. Henry, however, found means to invade and conquer the kingdom of Ireland, which he kept in fubjedion by conftantly maintaining a fleet of four hundred fail, with which he threatened, at a moment, to land an army in that kingdom. His naval fuperiority was alfo of great ufe in reftraining the efforts of his undutiful fons, who broke out in rebellion againft their parent; and once, in 1175, nis ^ on Henry gave him battle at fea, but was defeated. When in the latter part of his reign this great monarch was obliged to wage war againft his rebellious fons on (hore, he was overcome, and com- pelled to accept fuch terms as the infulting victors thought fit to impofe. Richard I. furnamed Coeur de Lion, the fucceflbr of Henry, early and earneftly engaged in the holy wars. He had before the death of his father formed an alliance with Philip II. king of France, in confequence of which they bound themfelves by oath to attempt the delivery of the holy land. Richard, immediately after his coro- nation, collected a large army, and equipped a fleet of one hundred and fifty fhips of war, and about fifty gal- lies, befides eight or nine capital fhips of extraordinary fize ; a force which greatly exceeded any that the other princes had aflembled, and which, infpiredby the valour, and aided by the judgment, of Richard not only for- warded the grand objects of the expedition, but was the true fource of that rcfpedt which has been ever fmce paid to the Britifli flag. The regulations which king Richard eftablifhed for the prefervation of peace and difcipline were wife and C prudent, l8 INTRODUCTION* prudent, and exhibited, perhaps, the origin of fonle modes of punifhing and fKgmatifmg delinquents which are ftill in practice. The man who killed another on mip-board was to be tied to the dead body and thrown: into the fea. The drawing a knife or weapon to kill another, or wounding him to the drawing of blood, was punimed by cutting off' the offender's hand ; but if no blood followed, he was to be plunged three times in the fea. Contumelious, or opprobrious words, reviling, or curfmg, were punimed by the forfeiture of an ounce of filver for each offence. A thief was doomed to have his head morn, hot pitch poured on it, and feathers or down thrown upon the pitch ; the felon thus marked with infamy was to be fet afhore at the firfl landing place. Richard and Philip having had an interview in France, completed their treaties, and received the homage and oaths of fealty of their refpedtive fubje&s, agreed to ren- dezvous at Meffina. The progrefs of the Englifh king to this place was delayed by florins and other accidents ; but, at length, he arrived the 2Oth of September, 1 190. At Meflina Richard found occafion to exert his prowefs with advantage and honour. The king of Sicily having treated him with difrefpedr., and expelled all the Englifh from his capital on account of fome unimportant difpute, Richard, in the night of the 4th of October, aflaulted and took the city. He compelled the king to pay him forty thoufand ounces of gold, to which he had an ancient claim, to furnim four large galleons, and fifteen gallies, for the ufe of the crufaders, and give his daughter in marriage to Arthur, duke of Bretagne, Richard's ne- phew. 8 In INTRODUCTION. ig ' in adjufting thefe difputes the winter was confumed, and the Englifh did not proceed in their expedition till April 1191, when Richard was joined by his mother, and Berengaria, princefs of Navarre, his affianced wife. In the courfe of this voyage Richard Was reduced to great diflrefs by a tempeft ; fome of his veflels were ftranded in the ifland of Cyprus, the king of which, whofe name was Ifaac, refufed admiffion into his ports even to the fhip on board of which was Richard's bride. Not content with this, he feized and plundered thofc unfortunate Englifhmen whom fhipwreck had compel- led to land on his fhores. Enraged at this unworthy treatment, Coeur de Lion difembarked his whole force, and in a few days, after a refolute engagement at fea, and another by land, conquered the ifland, took three caftles, made the tyrant and his daughter prifoners, and poffefled himfelf of all their treafures. At Cyprus Richard con- fummated his marriage, and having received the homage of the principal nobles, eftablifhed two of his followers, Richard de Camvill, and Robert de Turnham, gover- nors of the ifland. The king he fent prifoner to Tri- poli, but kept his daughter to carry with him to Palef- tine. The conquefts Richard had made augmented his fleet to two hundred and fifty-four flout fhips. In his paf- fage from Cyprus to Acre, in the month of June, he met a veflel belonging to the Saracens, of fuch im- me'nfe fize, that (he refembled a caftle floating on the wares. This huge carrack, or galeafs, was bound for Acre, and had fifteen hundred foldiers on board in- tended for the relief of the garrifon. The fize of this ftupendous veflel, or the apparent impoflibility of aflfail- C 2 inz JO INTRODUCTION. ing it with effect, did not deter or intimidate the ardent foul of Richard. He fucceeded in boarding and cap- turing her ; and as the {hips which compofed his fleet were not capable of receiving many prifoners, he was obliged to drown thirteen hundred men ; the remainder, being perfons of diftin&ion, he carried with him. Saladin, the valiant and generous fultan of Egypt, one of the moft acccomplifhed princes of the age, defended his paternal dominions againft the invaders. He was a fuitable opponent to Coeur de Lion, and their feats, per- formed in the true fpirit of chivalry, have fpread their mutual renown, embelliftied the annals of hiftory, and formed no inconfiderable refources for amplifying the pages of fi&ion ; but of thefe it is not in our province to treat. The importance of Acre was fo great that many at- tempts were made to relieve it, and although it was blockaded at fea by the Englifh, the Infidels refolyed to refcue the poft if poffible. They approached with a powerful fleet, but the Engliih bore down upon them with fuch a vigour and refolution as fpeedily decided the fi&ory, and enabled them to capture the greater part of the enemy's fhips. They found on board great ftore ei ammunition and provifions, a large quantity of grap- pling irons, and among other preparations for the de- ' ItrudYion of the Britifh fleet, a number of veflels replete withanunextinguifhable combuflible competition called ignis gr&cus, and others filled with living ferpents, nei- ther of whichthe enemy had time to ufe, fo alert and tnafterly was the attack. In July Acre was furrendered by Saladin to his great competitor Richard, who was then conftituted captain general INTRODUCTION. 21 general of all the chriftian forces in Afia. His prowefs was flill difplayed to the utmoft advantage ; but while it begat admiration and generous refpet in his adverfaries, it engendered envy and malignity in the bofoms of his aflbciates. The king of France retired from Paleftine, leaving ten thoufand men under the duke of Burgundy, to whom in public he gave orders to pay implicit obedi- ence to Richard, though there is good reafon to fuppofe his fecret inflru&ions were widely different. Through the treachery and coldnefs of the allies, the object of the expedition could not be completed in that year, and the dukes of Auftria and Burgundy took advantage of this circumftance to defert the expedition, drawing off all their forces. Thus Richard, after having performed the moft ftupendous and important exploits, after having feen Jerufalem, and beheld the enemy flying on all fides before the terror of his name, was fubje&ed to the ne- ceffity of concluding a truce with Saladin for three years, three months, three weeks, and three days, and returning to his own dominions. A circumftance took place at the conclufion of this compact too charadlariftic to be omitted. Richard told the fultan that at the end of the truce he would return, and once more endeavour to re- cover the holy land from him. Saladin anfwered, that if it muft be his fate to lofe a part of his dominions, he had rather it fhould be to Richard than to any other prince whomfoever. The generous fentiments which animated the bofom of an infidel monarch, againft whom Richard had waged war, did not extend their influence to the chrif- tian potentates in alliance with him. When the truce was agreed on, and the urgency of his affairs compelled C 3 hini 2 INTRODUCTION. him to quit the holy land, he had the misfortune to be Shipwrecked. Knowing the meannefs and malice of his rivals, he affumed the difguife of a pilgrim ; or, as fome ?ffert, of a merchant ; and travelled through Germany j but, being difcovered, he was made captive by the duke ofAuftria, thrown into a dungeon, and, for a time, hid from the world, which he was born to ornament. He \vas afterwards compelled to undergo an infulting exami- nation before the diet of Worms, and to pay an enor- mous ranfom for his liberty. Richard returned no jnore to Paleftine, nor had he any further occafion to /hew his prowefs at fea. He found his kingdom in a ftate of difcordand confufion, which required all his at-r tention ; and he felt bound in honour to avenge the in- juries he had fuftained from Philip of France. This engaged him in a long defultory war, in the courfe of which he received from an ignoble hand a mortal wound, and terminated his glorious career the 6th of April, 1 199, in the forty-firfl year of his age, and the tenth of his reign. From this period the Naval Hiftory may be traced through the commanders of fleets and veflels ; and there- fore, according to the plan on which this work has been undertaken, the memoirs of thofe illuftrious men will be given in fuch a feries, as to impart a copious and mi- nutc knowledge of all the grand naval tranfacYions of Great Britain, whether tending to enlarge the empire by difcoyeries, or to fupport it by warlike achievements, NAVAL NAVAL BIOGRAPHY. WILLIAM, (Surnamed Longefpee, or Longfword) EARL OF SALISBURY. LONGSWORD was natural fon of king Henry II. by the celebrated Rofamond Clifford, better known by the name of fair Rofamond. He obtained the title of earl of Salisbury by marrying Ela, the only- child and heirefs of William, earl of Salifbury, whom he received from the hand of his royal relative, Richard I. together with the titles which her father had poflefled. In the reign of king John, Longfword was diftin- guillied with thofe marks of favour which became his rank and royal extraction. He was nine years flieriffof Wilts, and afterwards constituted warden of the marches of Wales. Richard I. whofe reign was too ihort for the nation's welfare, though amply fufficient to procure him a death- lefs reputation, beftovved great care and attention on the augmentation and improvement of the navy. He fup- ported the ports and havens throughout the king- dom, and afforded fuch encouragement to feamen, that great numbers reforted from other nations to man his fleets. C 4 John, 24 WILLIAM, John, whatever might be his vices, and how great foever his imprudence in other refpe&s, was not unmind- ful of the importance of the fleet. Early in his reign (in the year -i 202) he published a fpirited edict, importing that if the commander or governor of the king's navy fhoulden-r counter on the high feas any (hips or veflels of a foreign nation, the matters of which refufed to ftrike to theBritifh flag, they were to he attacked, and if captured, deemed, lawful prize, even though it fhould appear that the ftates to which they belonged were at amity or in alliance with England ; and the perfons found on board fuch veflels were to be punimed with imprifonment at difcretion, as a due chaftifement for their rebellion. This refolutc claim of naval fuperiority, and jealous enforcement of fubmiffion, rendered the fituation of chief commander of the fleet; which was beftowed on the earl of Salifbury, a poft of unufual importance, demanding great courage and ability, and infuring great refpect. During the conteft which prevailed between king John and the Barons, Longfword adhered with unfhaken loyalty to his royal relative, and his exertions were fa highly refented, that he was ftigmatifed as one of the king's evil counfellors. Philip king of France, the treacherous enemy of Coeur de Lion, and who had encouraged John in acts of rebellion againft him while he was abfent in Paleftine, now that John had obtained the crown of England, ihewed himfelf no lefs adverfe to him than he had before been to his brother. Under pretence of fupporting the claim of prince Arthur, John's nephew, who in fa& had a juft title to the crown, Philip prepared a mighty army for the purpofe of wrefting Normandy fiom the Englifh monarch. EARL OF SALISBURY. 35 .monarch. The diflenfions which prevailed in England gave hii every advantage, and he obtained feveral pro- vinces belonging to the Britifh crown. In 1205 the king equipped a fleet, but was prevented from ufing it by the remonftrances of the archbiftiop of Canterbury and the earl of Pembroke. In i ao6 he raifed a great army, which, as well as the fleet, was commanded by the earl of Salifbury. The province of Poitou was recover- ed, and there was every reafon to expe6l that ftill greater exploits would be performed, when Philip, who was not prepared to withftand the Engliih monarch, prevailed on, him to make a truce for two years. John was involved in perpetual difputes with the pope, who, at length, excommunicated, and finally, in 1213, depofed him, and gave his kingdom to Philip. But John f who w;s apprehenfive of this meafure, had put his army and navy in fuch a formidable ftate as to keep the enemy at bay. As a pretence for this armament, he had in the preceding year landed in Ireland with a large army, and enforced the homage of the kings of that country. The fleet thus equipped proved of the greateft fervice to him in the prefent exigency. When he learned that Philip was making mighty preparations to invade Eng- land, he exerted himfelf with fo much effect, that al- though the French king had colledled an immenfe fleet, amounting, according to fome accounts, to feventeen hundred fail, John's was ftill ftronger, and he had an army of fixty thoufand men. In 1$:, he collected fo great a force both by fea and land, that he could not maintain it, but was obliged to difband a confiderable number of ihips and troops. Yet while he lay under the papal in- terdiction, John could not depend- on the fidelity of his fubjeds, 26 WILLIAM, fubje&s, and therefore, on the I2th May, 1213, was compelled to make fubmifllon, and even J^fign his crown into the hands of the pope's legate, and do ho- mage for his kingdom. Longfword was an unwilling witnefs of this difgraceful, though neceflary a6t, which at once induced the pope to reverfe his bull, and reftove to John his dominions. If the king's loyal adherents were difgufted.at the de- gradation of their fovereign, Philip was no lefs incenfed at lofmg the prize he had flattered himfelf he fhould ul- timately obtain from John's obftinacy. He declared that he would not obey the papal injunction to defift from his enterprize, and called a council of his princes and nobles, whom he endeavoured to engage by oath to adhere to him notwithftanding the cenfures of the pope. They all feemed inclined to comply, except the earl of Flanders, who had concluded an alliance with John. He not only refufed to fhare in the expedition, but reproached Philip for his bafencfs in thus taking advantage of another fove- rcign's misfortunes. The French king, indignant at this freedom of remonflrance, turned his vengeance againft the earl of Flanders, and directed his fleets to fail to his coafls, whilfl he marched an army to afiail him by land. John, feeing a prince thys attacked by an enemy of fuperior force on his account, acted as honour directed. He difpatched a fleet of five hundred fail, under the earl of Salifbury, who, though inferior in force, refolved to attack the French fleet, which he found at anchor in the port of Dam, in Flanders. He performed this impor- tant fervice with the greateft intrepidity and fuccefs, tak- jpg three hundred fhips and deftroying a hundred more : EARL OF SALISBURY. VJ and Philip, finding it impoflible to prevent the reft from falling into the hands of the Englifh, fet fire to them himfelf, thus deftroyingthe principal means by which he hoped to carry his enterprize into execution. Elated by this fuccefs, John raifed a powerful army, refolved to attempt recovering thofe provinces which the king of France had taken from him. Longfword was one of the chief commanders, and his experienced va- Jour and judgment fhewed that he was worthy of fo im- portant a truft. His fortune was not fo good by land as at fea ; for having formed a plan for taking Philip pri- foner by furprife on Sunday, the feaft day of St. Mar- garet, he was himfelf made prifoner, with all his aflbci- ates, in the daring enterprize. Propofals were made for reftoring the earl to liberty, by exchanging him for Ro- bert, fonof the earl of Dreux, a near relation of the king of France ; but Longfword himfelf, from the moft generous and patriotic motives, oppofed this proportion. He wrote to the archbifhop of Canterbury and princi- pal nobles, reprefenting the danger of fuch an exchange, as the power the king of England retained over fo near a relation of Philip was the only caufe which reftrained him from wreaking his vengeance on thofe who had op- pofed him, and whom the fatal battle of Bouvines had lain at his mercy. He intimated, that if fuch an ex- change were concluded, the king of France would put the earl of Boulogne to death, and keep the earl of Flan- ders in perpetual imprifonment. John had no\v concluded a truce with the French monarch, and Longfword foon obtained his liberty, but on what terms we are not clearly informed. The king's abfence from England had given leifure to the barons to oncett meafures againft him, and at his return he found they l8 WILLIAM, they had reduced their demands to writing, and prepared to fupport them by force of arms. After an ineffectual oppofition, he was obliged to concede the points which they infifted on, and on the I5th June, 1215, exe- cuted that famous inftrument which, from its great importance in fecuring the liberties and privileges of Englishmen, is commonly denominated MAG.NA CHARTA. Longfword, who witnefied the flgning of Magna Charta, was incenfed at the king's efforts to coun- teract its beneficial tendency, and to annul what he had ib folemnly ianctioned. The barons, indignant at his perfidy, prepared again to oppofe him in arms-, and the earl of Salisbury, for the firft time, aban- doned the caufe of the monarch, and fided with the mal- contents. By the confent of the affociated barons, Lewis, fon of Philip king of France, was invited over to take the government of England ; but juft after he had invaded the country with a formidable force, king John died at Newark, the lythof October 1216, not without ftrong fufpicion of being poifoned. The caufes which induced the barons to take up arms related merely to points in difpute between them- felves and the king ; they had no inclination to divert the courfe of fucceffion and feat a foreigner on the throne. The conduct of John had driven them to the fatal expedient of calling in foreign aid to diminifh the horrors of civil war, by giving to their caufe the defired preponderance ; but when with John their fears expired, and they obtained information of the treacherous and cruel defigns of Lewis, they, without hgfita,tion, carried their 6 EARL OF SALISBURY. $9 their allegiance to the lawful heir, did homage to Henry, though then an infant, and prepared all their forces to expel Lewis from the realm. The earl of Saliflbury was among the firft who evinced thefe patriotic difpolitions : he was received with kindnefs, and, jointly with the carl of Pembroke, intrufted with the command of an army deftined to raife the fiege of Lincoln. This im- portant fervice was performed with valour and fuccefs ; the French were foon expelled the kingdom, and Long- f word was diftinguiflied byfeveral new honowrs and marks of favour. He next made a voyage to the Holy Land, and wa$ prefent at the battle of Damietta, where the Chriftians were worfted. On his return, in 1 223, he was employ- ed in reducing the Welili to fubjedlion, and in 1224, he went to Gafcony, and befieged the caflles of thofe who refufed homage and fealty to king Henry. In returning from this expedition he was overtaken at fea by a violent tempeft, which gave rife to the fol- lowing narrative of a miraculous interpofition, fo con- fident with the genius of that age, that it is given in the very words of an ancient author. " There arofe fo " great a temped at fea, that, defpairing of life, he *' threw his money and rich apparel overboard. But " when all hopes were paft, they difcerned a mighty ta- " per of wax, burning bright at the prow of the ihip, *' and a beautiful woman ftanding by it, who preferv- " ed it from wind and rain, fo that it gave a clear and " bright luftre. Upon fight of which heavenly vifion " both h'unfelf and the mariners concluded of their future " fecurity ; but every one there being ignorant what " this vilion might portend, except this earl, he attri- 41 buted it to the benignity of the Blefifed Virgin ; by " rcafon, 3 WILLIAM^ EARL OF SALISBURY. * reafon, that upon the day when he was honoured witti ** the girdle of knighthood, he brought a taper to her *' altar, to be lighted every day at mafs in honour of " her, when the canonical hours ufed to be fung, and " to the intent, that for this terreftrial light, he might " enjoy that which is eternal." The danger to which Longfword was expofed was fo great, that his death was generally believed, and reported to the king. On hearing this news, Hubert de Burgh, who was then in high favour, folicited that a kinf- man of his own, named Raymond, might be permitted to make his addreffes to the countefs of Salifbury. The king confented, but Ela, virtuous in mind, and conftant in affection, repulfed her new fuitor with difdain- After encountering great difficulties, the earl landed in Cornwall, and fpeedily prefented himfelf before the king at Marlborough, complaining of the infult offered to his family by Hubert, and affirming that he had fentan unworthy fuitor to his wife, who had audacioufly folicited her chaftity. Hubert did not deny the charge, but fought to appeafe the complainant by conceffions and large prefents. He effected a reconciliation, and invited Longfword to a feaft, where it was ftrongly fufpedted he was poifoned : he immediately became very ill, and went to his caftle at Salifbury, where fending for the bifhop, he behaved in fuch a manner as fhewed he was delirious. He continued in this ftate at intervals for fe- veral days, and at length expired the loth of March 1226. He left large eftates and fums of money to charitable and pious ufes ; and his widow, refolutely refuf- ing all offers of marriage, enjoyed her hereditary honours till death. HUBERT ( 3 1 ) HUBERT DE BURGH, EARL OF KENT. HUBERT DE BURGH was a collateral defcandant of William Fitz-Aldeleme, itevvard toHenry II. who was ad- vanced by that monarch to confiderable dignities, and de- puted to manage his affairs in Ireland. Hubert was employ- ed by Richard I. and John in feveral important negocia- tions ; in the reign of John he attained progreflively to various exalted and confidential ports: he was warden of the marches of Wales, fenefchal of Poitou, and filled the office of fheriff in feveral counties. He was alfo employed in feveral emballies and foreign negotiations, and was appointed one of the commiffioners on the part of the king, to fettle the terms upon which Magna Charta was executed at Runny mede. He gave fo much fatif- fa&ion in this arduous affair, that the king, upon the fpot, appointed him chief judiciary of England; in ten days afterwards he was conftituted fheriff of Kent and Surry, governor of the caftle of Canterbury, and in five days more, conftable of Dover caftle. He was advanced to feveral other polls of henour and profit, and when the barons again declared themfelves in opposition to the king, he was appointed a commiffioner to treat with the earl of Clare, and others authorized by them, at the church of Erith, in Kent. The negotiation proving ineffectual, Hubert repaired to Dover cattle, and though it was flightly garrifoned, having only a hundred and forty foldiers belides his own fervants, 3* HUBERT DE BURGH, fervants, he refolvcd to defend it to the lad extremity. The caftle was befieged by Lewis, but the defence wa3 fo effe&ual, and the French prince loft fo many men, that he judged it expedient to draw off his army and en- gines of aflault to a greater diftance. When king John was dead, Lewis defired a parley with the conftable. He rernonftrated, that now the king was no more, Hubert's allegiance had ceafed, and he might, without impro- priety, furrender the caftle ; and he promifed in that cafe to enrich him, to load him with honours, and to advance him to be the chief of his council. De Burgh was nei- ther to be terrified nor feduced ; he anfwered, that though the king his mafter was dead, he had left both fons and daughters who ought to fucceed him. To prevent all fufpicion, he declined giving a further anfwer till he had confulted with the garrifon, and the refult of their de- liberation Was a refolute refufal to incur the guilt of treafon. Chagrined and difappointed at this anfwer, Lewis left Dover to befiege other caftles lefs capable of refiftance, or lets honourably defended. The acquisition of Dover caftle at this time would, in all probability, have placed Lewis inexpugnably in pof- feflion of the whole kingdom of England, fince a fleet had been difpatched by Philip, his father, containing fuc- cours for him to profecute his enterprizes. Hubert hav- ing received intelligence of this circumftance, refolved to prevent the landing of the troops. He collecled aU the force of the cinque ports, and put to fea for the yurpofe of intercepting them. He met with the French fleet, confiding of eighty large fliips, befides fmaller veflels, the 24th of Auguft, 1 1 1 /; and, although his force confjfted but of forty (hips, refolved to give them battle. The EARL OF KENT. 33 The inferiority of his fquadron did not permit him to at- tack the enemy in the ufual manner, but he tacked about, and, getting to windward, bore down upon them and funk feveral fhips by running againft them with the iron prows or beaks with which the Engliih veflels were conducted. The decided fuperiority of the En- glifh archers alfo contributed much to the victory, and the effect of their valour was incieafed by a ftratagem. which produced the mofl fortunate confequences. Each fhip was provided with a quantity of quick lime in powder, and when they were to windward of the French, and near enough for this fcheme to take effect, they threw it in the air, fo that it was blown into the enemies' eyes, and blinded them. The victory was complete; the few French who could efcape bore away for Sandwich, and when they arrived burned the town, but they were not fufficiently numerous to carry an effectual re-inforce- ment to their prince. This fuccefsful naval exploit ruined his affairs : he was forced to fhut himfelf up in London, where he was befieged by the army, while the fleet under Hubert's command blocked up the mouth of the Thames. Thus ftraitened, and in a manner furrounded, Lewis faw the inutility of further efforts towards the conqueft of England, and therefore made a compact with the barons, by which he agreed to quit the realm, and renounced all his pretended rights to the fovereignty. Among other captives taken in the fea fight was Euftace, furnamed Le Moyne, an apoftate monk, who, having thrown off his frock, had for many years infefted the feas as a pirate ; he fold his fervices in the time of war, fometimes to one prince, and fometimes to another, D and 34 HUBERT DE BURGH, and, to ufe the expreffion of an ancient annalift, " of a wicked monk became a very devil, full of fraud and mifchief." Him de Burgh refolved to bring to punifh- ment according to the laws of nations: the pirate offered a large fum of money for his ranfom, but Hubert was inexorable, he delivered him over to the executioner ; his head was {truck off, and, being fixed on a pole, car- ried in triumph over great part of England. The important fervices rendered by de Burgh greatly raifed his reputation, and he was gratified with feveral valuable and important gifts, efpecially fome large manorial domains, which were given him in right of his third wife, Ifabel, countefs of Gloucester. On the death of William Marifchall, earl of Pembroke, in 1319, he was made governor of the king and kingdom, in conjunction with Peter de Rupibus, or des Roches, bi- fhop of Winchefler. This exalted fituation, which he filled with judgment, integrity, and refoltition, expanded his views of ambition ; he was accufed of great pride, and faid to carry himfelf higher than any nobleman of England : this difpofition received an additional impulfe from his marriage with Margaret, fitter to the king of Scotland. But what- ever imputations might be fuggeftcd againft his haughti- nefs, or his avarice, of which he was alfo accufed, no- thing could be alledged againft his loyalty : he ferved the king with fidelity and fpirit, and incurred every rifque in oppofing the foes of the fovereign. He was princi- pally engaged in fubduing the earl of Albemarle, a re- bellious noble, who had collected in the north a band of refolute outlaws, whom he protected in robbery, -and every fpecies of crime. He fortified himfelf in Biham EARL OF KENt. 35 Biham caftle, deriding alike the civil force and eccle- fiailical excommunication. At length, Hubert having feized Rockingham caftle, one of Albemarle's ftrong holds, an army was levied to difpoflefs him of Biham alfo; Snd, being deferted by his aflociates, he was at length reduced to fue for mercy, and had his eftates re- ftored. About the fame period, Hubert fhevved his courage and loyalty in fupprefling an infurre6lion which broke out in London, and, though it arofe from a trifling caufe, portended important confequences. A wreftling match had taken place, in which the Londoners were matched againft the inhabitants of Weftminfter and the neigh- bouring villages. This gave rife to a tumult, in con- fequence of which the Londoners rofe in a body, and pulled down fome houfes belonging to the abbot of Weftminfter. Efforts were made to give this popular commotion a more dangerous direction. Many of the citizens were known to be in the French intereft, and the cry of the French foldiers, Montjoye ! Montjoye ! God help us, and our lord Lewis ! refounded through the flreets. One Conftantine Fitz-Arnulf was found to be a ringleader in this infurre<5tion ; and de Burgh having fummoned him to anfvver for his conduct, he avowed and juftified it. Incenfed at this audacity, Hu- bert ordered him to be proceeded againft by martial law ; and he was hanged without trial or form of procefs. A feeble clamour was raifed againft this proceeding, as an infringement on the great charter; but the nature of the crime, the ftate of the realm, and the fatal confe- quences which muft refult from fuch a tumult in the D 2 capital, 36 HUBERT DE BURGH, capital, remaining unpumfhed, mull be admitted to fonit a fufficient juftitication. Although Hubert was accufed of pride, and was, iii fad}, fufficiently tenacious of all the marks of refpect due to his rank, he was not defirous of retaining a dignity which did not belong to him. Perfuaded that he could only preferve the royal prerogatives, which the mifcon- du6l of John, the minority of Henry, and the turbu- lence of the barons, had reduced to a miferably low ebb, by refigning the government into the king's own hands, he applied to the pope, and obtained a bull, enabling Henry to affume the reins of ftate, though he was only fixteen years of age. Having obtained the papal fanc- tion, in 1224, Hubert refigned into his royal matter's hands all his caftles, and particularly thofe important for- trefles, the tower of London and Dover cattle. The other barons were fummoned to do the fame, but re- fufed, and even formed a confpiracy to furprife the city of London. They found, however, that, through the vigilance of Hubert, the king was prepared for them, and therefore defifted from the enterptize, and excufed their appearing in arms, by denouncing their opponent as a traitor, whom they were determined to remove from his office of jufticiary. From this period a refolute party was formed againft de Burgh, but for a time they cpuld make no impref- fions to his difadvantage. On the contrary, Henry, on the uth of February, 1227, created him earl of Kent, and, befides many valuable manorial demefnes and ad- yowfons, which he beftowed on him, confirmed to him his offices of jufticiary of England, and conflable of Do- i vcr EARL OF KENT. 37 ver cafUe, for life. He was alfo, as warden of the marches, employed in fupprefiing an infurre&ion in Wales, and began to build a caftle in Montgomeryfhire ; but his workmen met with fuch confbnt annoyances and impediments from the natives, that he was obliged to leave the building unfinifhcd, which was, for that rea- fon, called Hubert's Folly. In return for thefe favours, the earl of Kent was con- flantly attentive to his fovereign's Sntereft ; and, befides raifmg large fupplies for thofe who adventured to the holy land, he enabled the king to gratify his inclination in making voyages to the continent, for the purpofe of recovering his hereditary dominions from the king of France. Thefe expeditions refembled warfare in a flight degree, but were more in the fpirit of mere pa- rade, as no important enterprises were achieved, or even undertaken. On one of thefe occasions Hubert is faid to have provided the king with thirty large caiks of fpecie to defray his expences. The mifemployment of fuch vaft fums, in an age when gold and filver did not fo much abound as at pre- fent, frequently reduced the king to a Mate of need, and, as de Burgh's extenfive poffeflions and prudent economy had made him very rich, this circumflance was by his enemies enforced to his prejudice. Henry was a weak prince, and his reign, the longed recorded in the Britifh annals, affords no fubjeft of contemplation gratifying to the mind of an Englifhman. Philip being dead, Lewis, who fucceeded to the crown of France, made frem inroads in the provinces belonging to the EnglHh monarch ; Henry refolved to make fome effectual at- tempts for recovering his continental dominions. His D 3 views 38 HUBERT DE BURGH, views were well feconded by parliament, who enabled him to raife a great military force, confifting of Englifh, Welch, Scots, and Irifli. They had a rendezvous at Portfmouth, in 1230; but no attention having been paid to the navy, a fleet to convey them to Normandy was not found. Henry imputed the fault to Hubert, and, having already been prejudiced againft him, grew en- tirely outrageous. He called him an old traitor ; faid, he had received a bribe of five thoufand marks from the queen of France to fruftrate the expedition ; and, draw- ing his fword, would have killed him on the fpot but for the interpofition of the nobles. He difmifled him, how- ever, from the office of jufticiary ; and Hubert, fearing worfe confequences, was obliged to avoid the king's prefence till his rage had fubfided. The bifhop of Winchefter, a native of Poitou, was one of Hubert's principal enemies, and he availed him- felf of the advantage to be derived from the king's abfurd predilection for foreigners. The efforts of de Burgh's adverfaries, however, were not immediately attended with fuccefs; the king reftored him to his office of jufticiary, and, having in the next year made preparations for an, expedition to Normandy, defifted by his advice, and turned his forces againft Gafcony and Poitou, where he was well received. The earl of Kent, for fbme fhort time after, continued to receive frelh marks of the royal favour : but at length the influence of his enemies entirely prevailed, and the king's indignation was exerted againft him with a vio- lence and pertinacity proportioned to his former kindnefs. In 1231 he difplaced him entirely from the office of jufticiary, and took from him the cuftody of all the royal caftles, EAK.L OF KENT. 39 caftles, including the tower of London, and Dover caftle. An account was required of large fums of money received during the life-time of king John, and during Henry's minority ; and feveral other accounts were demanded, fo perplexing and multifarious, that the obvious intent was to render a precife anfwer impoffible. To the demand of an account relative to the money he- longing to John, Hubert pleaded, that that monarch had granted him a general charter of releafe; but to this the bifhop of Winchester replied, that fuch a charter could only avail him in the life of king John, but could not bar his fucceflbr. Hubert's other enemies, feeing the extent to which the king's anger was carried, now prefled forward with more grievous accufations. He was charged with hav- ing endeavoured underhand to prevent the king's mar- riage with the duke of Auftria's daughter; with having corruptly diffuaded the king from making an expedi- tion into Normandy; with having lived in fornication with his prefent wife, the daughter of the king of Scot- land, who had been committed to his guardianfhip, and afterwards marrying her, in hopes of obtaining the crown of Scotland, if her brother mould die without iffue. To thefe were added a ridiculous accufation of his having ftolen from the royal treafure a jewel, which had fuch virtue, that it rendered the wearer invulnerable in battle, and fent it to the king's enemy, Leoline, prince of Wales. He was further charged with having, by means of traitorous letters, caufed Leoline to put to death William de Braofe, a nobleman of illuftrious family, who was hanged as a thief. Upon thefe ftrange accufations, the eaii of Kent was D 4 put 40 HUBERT DE BURGH, put into prlfon; he craving time to anfwer, was indulged with a releafe from his confinement. But new accufations continued to be daily prefented againft him. He was charged with having poifoned Longfword earl of Salifbury, William Marifchall earl of Pembroke, Faleafe de Breant, and Richard archbiihop of Canterbury. It was alfo alledged that he obtained his afcendancy over the king by enchantments and forcery. Even his celebrated naval vitory in the beginning of the reign furniihed grounds of accufation: he was reproach- ed with having taken from the mariners the captives they had made, and turned their ranfom to his own pro- fit. Numerous complaints were preferred againft him for rapacity and extortion, and the citizens of London did not omit fo fair an opportunity of being revenged on Hubert for the execution of the rebel Conftantine , they brought it forward as an article of accufation againft him. In this miferable (late Hubert was abandoned by every one except the archbifhop of Dublin, who remained his friend in all extremities. The king, with his ufual weaknefs, countenanced the popular delufion, by ifluing a proclamation, that whoever had any caufe of complaint againft him fhould be heard. Defpairing, in the prefent (late of the public mind, and while the king was thus incenfed, of obtaining an equitable trial, de Burgh fled for refuge to Merton abbey, and refufed to quit that fan&uary. The king commanded the mayor of London to fend all citizens who could bear arms to befiege the abbey, and bring him thence dead or alive. The hope of feeing a perfon, whom they hated without caufe, murdered by the rab- ble, EARL OF KENT. 41 ble, made both the king and the bifliop of Winchef- ter, now prime minifter, infenftble of the danger of per- mitting twenty thoufand of the licentious citizens of London to afiemble in arms. But the earl of Chefter and bifliop of Cbichefter made fuch remonftrances that the king recalled his orders. The archbiihop of Dublin at length prevailed with the king to grant Hubert time to anfwer the complaints ailedged aga'mft him, with permiffion to go to St. Ed- mund's Bury to fee his wife. He refided for fome time in a town in Effex, in the neighbourhood of Saint Ed- mund's Bury, belonging to the bifhop of Norwich ; but the feeble-minded king was foon influenced by his evil counfellors to feel alarmed left in this fituation he fhould excite an infurreclion, and he fent Sir Godfrey de Craw- cumbe, knight, with three hundred foldiers, charging him, upon peril of his life, to bring the earl of Kent pri- foner, and lodge him in the tower of London. Thefe commands were punctually executed, and not without confiderable brutality. The unfortunate object of per- fecution was kneeling at the altar, with the hoft in one hand, and the crucifix in the other, when the foldiers rufhed in, and fnatching from him the facred fymbols, bound him with cords, and fent for a fmith to make fet- ters for his legs. This order gave rife to one of thofe pathetic in- ftances of fenfibility, in an individual of the lower clafs, which are always recorded and perufed with plea- fure. When the fmith received inftrucYions to make fetters, he inquired for whofe legs ? Being anfwered, ' For the legs of Hubert de Burgh, a fugitive, and con- ' vidted 48 HUBERT DE BURCH, " vi&ed perfon," the honeft man, with a deep figh, re~ plied, " Do what you pleafe with me ; God have mercy " on my foul : I will rather fuffer death than put fet- *' ters on him. Is not this that faithful and ftout Hu- " bert, who hath often preferved England from rain by " aliens ; who hath ferved fo faithfully and conftantly *' in Gafcony, Normandy, and other places, in the time " of king John, fo that he was fometimes neceflitated to *' eat horfeflefli, his enemies admiring his conflancy ? "Who for a long time kept Dover, the keyofEng- *' land, againft the king of France, and all his power ? " Who fubdued our enemies at lea ? What fhall I fay of " his noble exploits at Lincoln, and Bedford ? God be ** judge betwixt him and yon, for thus inhumanly " dealing with him, recompenfing to him evil for good, " and the worft rewards for his beft deferts." This pathetic appeal was attended with no efFedl : Hubert was carried to London, with his feet tied under the hoi fe's body, and lodged in the tower. He was re- claimed by the clergy, who were very tenacious of the fights of fancluary, and being replaced in the chapel, the fherifrs of Effex and Hertfordshire were commanded to blockade the place and ftarve him out. While they were thus employed, the archbifhop of Dublin again ventured to folicit in his behalf, and it foon became obvious that avarice was the chief fpring of the king's conduct in this fevere perfecution. He gave Hubert his choice, either to abjure the realm for ever, to fubmit to perpetual imprifonment, or publicly ac- knowledge himfelf a traitor. If he had fubmitted to per- petual imprifonment, he would mod probably have* been EARL OF KNT. ^.-B been murdered, and by either of the other two alter- natives he would have left his property at the difpofal of the king. He offered to quit the kingdom, but would not confent to abjure it ; but this propofal was not accepted. At length Henry having heard that he had depofitecj a'great treafure in the new Teinp'.e, Lender., endea- voured to obtain pofleffion of it. The Templars refufed to give it up without Hubert's confent ; but the Ling having put him in fetters in the tower, he at length figned an order for the delivery of his property. The booty thus acquired was very valuable, and de Burgh's enemies urged the amount as a motive for the king to have him executed as a traitor ; but Henry, whofe ends, were now anfvvered, under pretence of gratitude for his former fervices, refufed to liflen to thefe fuggeflions, and fet him at liberty. Still Hubert's property continued an irrefiitible temp- tation to the avarice of the king. He was ever ready by terror and imprifonment to deprive him of parts of it, and his life was often in extreme danger through the malice of his enemies, tiir at length the unfortunate victim of perfecution, by facrificing foine of his mofl va- luable demefnes, obtained a general pardon, and free li- cenfe to enjoy the remainder. Having thus tranquillifed thofe ftorms which fo long threatened his exiftence, the earl of Kent, though he re- covered a great (hare of the king's confidence, never fhewed any inclination to reinftate himfelf in power and authority, but devoted his days to piety, and founded and endowed many charitable and religious houfes. He died in November 1243. Hubert 44 ROBERT TIPTOFF. Hubert de Burgh was the moft able and virtuous minif- ter Henry ever poffefled. He was fteady to the crown in the moft difficult and dangerous times, yet fhewed no difpofition to opprefs the people. While he was at the head of adminiftration, great care was taken or com- merce, and, as far as he could dire6t, confiderable atten- tion paid to the navy. From the period of his removal the fleet declined to fuch a degree, that the coafts of Eng- land were infefted by pirates, who carried their depreda- tions to an alarming extent ; they were with great diffi- culty reprefled, and that rather by conceffion than by force. ROBERT TIPTOFF. THE family of Tibetot, Tiptot, or TiptofF, for the name is fpelled in all thefe various ways, is traced no higher than the reign of John, when Walter de Tibe- tot, for adhering to the king's enemies, was deprived of a confiderable eftate in Leicefterfhire. In the enfuing reign amends were made for this privation, by befknv- ing on Walter's heir a large property in the counties of York and Lincoln. To thefe eftates Robert fuccecded, and, having diftin- guifhedhimfelf by his valour, while he attended prince Edward, afterwards king of England, in the holy land, was ROBERT TIPTOFF. 45 was rewarded by being made governor of Nottingham and Porchefler caftles. Edward I furnamed Longflianks, at the period of Hen- ry's death, was abfent in Paleftine. Difgufted at the feeblenefs and want of judgment which diftinguilhed his father's government, he indulged his propenfity to he- roic exploits in that region, which was deemed the pro- per fphere for the difplay of Chriftian valour. Though accompanied only by an infignificant force, he diftin- guifhed himfelf ib much, and performed fuch fplendid acliievements, that he was conlidered the life of the Chriftian caufe, and marked out for the peculiar ven- geance of the Saracens. Defpairing of fuccefs againft him in the field, they employed an aflaffin to deprive him of life ; but this attempt was frullrated by Edward's ftrength, fpirit, and prefence of mind. Although, in that age, primogeniture or even heredi- tary fucceffion were little regarded, fuch was the effect of Edward's reputation among his brave fubjens difputed the right of fucccilion, and prepared to vindicate their claims by force of arms. MADOC, one of the number, weary of this contention, and not wifhing to contribute to the depopulation of his country by a civil war, went on board a Ihip with a certain number of his adherents, to feek a more tranquil fettlement. He fleered due weft, leaving Ireland to the north, and arrived at length in an unknown country. It appeared to him fo defirable to form an eftablifhment in this new region, that he re- * See Lord Lyttleton's Hift. of the Reign of Henry II. Book V. p. 371, Dr.Robertfon's Hift. of America, Vol. I. p. 330. Hackluyt's Voyages, Vol. III. p. i. Lcdiard'., Naval Kifl. Vol. I. p. 13. Campbell, Vol. I. p. 194; and a vaft number of other authors. turned g2 DISCOVERIES. turned to Wales, and vaunting the exquifite richnefs, beauty, and fertility of the lands he had feen, reproached his countrymen for their folly in lofing. their lives in a quarrel for the barren mountains of Wales, while fo delicious an abode awaited them in another part of the world. This reprefentation induced many to join him in an expedition, and he went with ten fhips to take pofleffion of his new difcovered land. Thefe adventurers were never heard of afterwards; but when America was explored by Columbus, and other nations became anxi- ous to deprive him of the honour thus acquired, then fome Welch writers revived the hiftory of this expedi- tion, and infifted that Madoc was the firft European who failed to America. If it may be believed that Madoc actually made fuch a voyage as is imputed to him, there will remain many reafons to doubt that America was the place at which he landed. It is to be doubted whether in the twelfth century the Welch poffeffed (hips of a fufficient fize for the accom- plifhment of fuch a voyage, and it appears by no means certain, that if Madoc had reached to America by acci- dent, he could ever have found his way back again to Wales, and from thence have returned to America again. If chriftians had eftablifhed themfelves on that continent, it appears utterly improbable, that in fo fhort a fpace as three centuries all traces of that religion, and every veftige of European manners and cuftoms, mould have been utterly loft and eradicated from among their progeny. In fupport of their fancied point of national honour, the Welch with confiderable confidence advanced that many words ufed in America appeared of Welch deriva- DISCOVERIES. 93 tk>n, and bore analogous meanings in both languages* But fuch an argument, either in coincidence or oppofi- tion, carries very little weight in the eftablifhment of ail hiftorical fact. The origin of language is fo imperfectly underftood, that nothing in the nature of analyfis can prove the affinity of one diftant nation, to another in a nearer degree than their common derivation from one univerfal parent (lock. The inftance moil infifted on by the Welch is fomewhat unfortunate. The word penguin, which is the name of an American bird, is according to them compounded of two Welch monofyllables fignifying white-head. A derivative fo perfedt was long admitted as a ftrong circumftantial proof of the eorrectnefs of the Welch hiftorians, but the learned zoologift Mr. Pen- nant, who accurately defcribes this fowl, has deftroyed the hypothecs by ftating, that all birds of this genus have black heads; " fo that we muft reiign every hope," he adds, " of retrieving the Cambrian race in the new world*." Some authors have attempted to compromife with the Welch, by admitting the truth of Madoc's emigration, and fuppoiing that the ifland of Madeira was the place diicovered by him. But even of this there is no certainty. The difcovery of that valuable ifland is by others attri- buted to an Englifhman named MACHAM, who landed there by accident in the year 1 344, It is faid than Ma- cham, having gained the affe&ions of a Portuguefe lady, perfuaded her to elope with him, and went on Ihipboard intending to have carried her to Spain. When they were at iea, a ftorm arofe, which drove the veflel en- tirely out of the intended courfe, and after encountering * Phil. Tran. Vol. LVIII. p. 91. RoberLfon's Hift. of America, Vol. f. 33*- great 94 DISCOVERIES. great clangers, they landed at an unknown ifland, which was afterwards called Madeira. The crew, while Macham and his lady, accompanied by a few of their fervants, were on fhore, put to fea again, and left them in that defolate iltuation. The lady foon died of ficknefs and fatigue ; and Ma- cham and his companions having performed her funeral obfequies, eredled a fmall wooden chapel which they confecrated to Jefus Chrift, and then made a fort of canoe of one fingle tree, which they laborioufly hol- lowed. In this they put to fea again, and gained the coaft of Africa. They were taken prifoners by the Moors, who lent them to the king of Caftile. The narrative of their voyage becoming generally known, infpired a great curiofity to improve and afcertain the difcovery of the new ifland, which was fpeedily effected under the aufpices of Henry king of Portugal. It was named Madeira from the quantity of wood with which it then abounded ; and it is alleged that the bay where Macham and his friends landed is Hill called after him Machico. In this narrative there are feveral improbabilites, and the account is not adopted by the abbe Raynal, or by Dr. Robertion, who give the hiftory of the difcovery of Madeira, without mentioning the name of Macham. It would be prefumptuous to aver that a narrative which does not originate in an Englifh author, and therefore may be read without fufpicion on the fcore of national vanity, is utterly untrue ; and as this account has been received by many writers of confi derable dilcernment, it ought not to be fuppreffed. It may however be obferved, that the derivative Machico does not add much tb the prefumptive "DISCOVERIES. 9^ prefumptive evidence, fince there is in the territory of Spain, in the bay of Bifcay, a promontory called Machi- caco, from which the Portuguefe were much more likely to derive the name of a bay in their new fettle- ment. Among the enterprises undertaken by Engliflimen for thepurpofe of extending by difcovery the limits of know- ledge, and the fphere of commerce, the labours and voy- ages of NICHOLAS DE LINNA hold a confpicuous place. This learned adventurer was a friar of Oxford ; he had made a great proficiency in aftronomy, and underftand- ing in a greater degree than his contemporaries the ufe of the magnetic needle, he refolved, in the year 1369, to make a voyage of difcovery to the north. When he had proceeded to a confiderable diftance further than any previous navigator, he left his companions, and went in fearch of new difcoveries, which he conftantly noted down, making {ketches of the countries he viewed, and diftinguifhing the indrawings of the feas. At his return he prefented his book to king Edward. It was inti- tled, Inventio Fortunata, or a difcovery of the northern parts from the latitude of fifty-four degrees to the pole. He made five feveral voyages after this, to perfect his difcoveries ; but fo uncertain is the prefervation of books before the art of printing was eftabliihed, that from the circumftance of no trace of his volume being found, and from fome fabulous accounts which are mixed with his hiftory, the voyages of Nicholas are alfo become fubjecT: to doubt. But, upon a candid examination, they feem fumciently authenticated to claim belief. The account of them is tranfmitted by John Dee, a great antiquary and (kilful mathematician ; and he obferves, that $6 DISCOVERIES. that from the haven of Lynn in Norfolk, of which dd Linna, as appears by his name, was a native, it was but a fortnight's fail to Iceland. The paflage to Iceland was well known, and much ufed by the inhabitants of the northern part of England. It is not therefo e fur- prifing that a man of fcience fhould conceive and exe- cute the project of pufhing his difcoveries further than ignorant mariners could do, or could even believe, on any other teftimonies than their own fenfes. It appears very probable that de Linna's book, though perhaps gracioufly received, would not be highly prized by the king. A voyage to the north promifed neither pleafure nor profit ; no luxurious natives offered an eafy conqueft ; no mines or treafures promifed to in- demnify a monarch for the expe;ifes of an expedition of difcovery or colonization. Befides, at the time this learned friar returned, Edward was grown old ; the fire of enterprize was damped, if not extinguiftied ; his views were entirely directed to other objects, and a dif- clofure much more important to his immediate intereft than that prefented by de Linna would hardly make a great impreffion. The improbability of this adventurer's leaving his companions to proceed on his difcoveiies without them, may alfo occafion fome doubts. It is to be confiJered that the veflels in which he failed were not fitted out exprefsly for voyages of difcovery, but for the purpofes of trade, and when the mafters had accomplished the objects of their expedition, the curiofity of an individual, who could not promife an adequate compenfation, would not have a fufficient influence to induce them to profe- cute a voyage to the detriment of their own intereft. But DISCOVERIES. 97 But de Linna, animated by the fire of genius, and the irrefiftible impulfe of a fuperior mind, could not be de- terred by fuch obftacles ; he purfued his original defign in fuch conveyances and at fuch periods as the country- enabled him to avail himfelf of, and thinking only of the end, forgot the difficulties of his progrefs. Vanity, flander, ignorance, or fuperftition, produced the greateft ground of difbelief in the truth of his adven- tures, by favouring the aflertion, that he went to the north pole by the aid of magic, or the black art. The prevalence of this (lory may have induced fome of de Linna's biographers, and particularly Leland and Bale, to omit all mention of his voyages, and of his book called Inventio Fortunata. They were unable to clear the nar- rative from the weeds of fiction, which had taken fuch deep root, and therefore forebore to touch on the fub- je6t. But the report that Nicholas made his difcoveries, by means of a commerce with fupernatural .agents, proves at leaft that the fadt of his being a great traveller was well known and generally accredited. That fuch a report fhould be raifed in an age fo igno- rant and fuperftitious, affords no room for furprife. The influence of the flars on human affairs was fo univerfally believed that any acquaintance with the motions of the heavenly bodies was fufficient to induce a fufpicion of forcery. Maps and charts were not yet in ufe, and a confiderable proficiency in geography was unattainable ; but the ignorance of the age with refpet to the fhape and defcription of the earth is almoft incredible. The following inftance affords a proof of its extent and ge- neral prevalence. Pope Clement VI. having, in 1344, created Lewis of Spain, prince of the Fortunate iflands, H meaning 9$ DISCOVERIES meaning the Canaries, then newly difcbvered; the Eng:- hfh embaflador at Rome and his retinue were feized with an alarm that Lewis had been created king of England, and actually hurried home to- convey the im- portant intelligence. When perfbns in fuch a high flation difplayed fo remarkable a degree of ignorance, it might be prefumed that England was deficient in femi- naries for inflrudtibn, or that thofe which exifted were utterly negledled ; but, on the contrary, in Oxford alone there were thirty thoufand ftudents. Their time was principally devoted to the ftudy of logic and fchool di- vinity, and therefore their fmall acquaintance with the more ufeful fciences is not to be wondered at. They had no refpe& for attainments which they were never inftru6led to purfue, and all knowledge which was not found in the limited circle which occupied their atten- tion was exploded as degrading, or ftigmatized as preter- natural. JOHN ( 99 ) JOHN PHILPOT. FEW obfervations tending to eftablifh univerfal pofl- tions are univerfally true. Horace fays, Fortes creantur fortibus, et bonis; * * * * nee imbellem feroces Progenerant Aquils Columbam. But hiftory frequently difproves this aflertion, and in no inftance more ftrongly than that of Richard II. king of England. Richard was the offspring of the illuftrious Black Prince, but was far from being endowed with his valour, generofity, prudence, or patriotifm. The con- trad between them was fo great, that in Richard's mif- fortunes, his fucceflbr, the ufurper Henry IV. re- proached him with his father's example, and his own degeneracy, and took occafion from thence to revive, or perhaps invent, a ilory derogatory to the honour of the mother, who before her marriage was called the fair maid of Kent. Richard II. was born at Bourdeaux, and his father dying during the life-time of Edward III. that monarch was obliged, in order to quiet the folicitude of his fub- jecls, to declare in parliament that his grandfon was his lawful fucceflbr. Richard was but eleven years old when H 2 his 106 JOHN PHfLPOT. fits grandfather died ; he was neverthelefs univerfalfy acknowledged, and his coronation performed with un- ^'xampled fplendour. A fhort time before his death Edward had recom- menced hoftilities againft France. The feeble govern- ment of a regency was peculiarly favourable to the defires of the enemy, and the French and Scots com- mitted great depredations both by land and fea. The French pillaged the ifle of Wight, and burned Haftings, Plymouth, Portfmouth, Dartmouth, and Rye. They alfo made a defcent near Dover, and in all quarters car- ried off a confiderable booty. In 1378, the Scots ra- vaged the eafrern coafls, under the command of one Mercer, and plundered and took a great number of Englifh (Lips. The regents and their adherents, intent on ichcmes of perfonal ambition and aggrandizement, took no meafures to protect the kingdom againft thefe a6ts of rapacity, but indolently permitted the enemy to infeft the feas, and annoy the coafts without impedi- ment. To the honour of the metropolis it is recorded, that the firft check they received in this career was from John Phil- pot, a merchant and citizen of London. This patriotic individual fitted out a number of frigates at his own ex- pence, and going on board his little fleet in perfon, at the head of a thoufand men, fet fail in purfuit of Mercer. He foon had the good fortune to encounter him, and in a fpirited engagement defeated his whole fleet, made him prifoner, and recaptured all the Englifli veflels which had fallen into his hands, befides feveral French and Spaniuh fhips richly laden. Philpot JOHN PHILPOf. JOt Philpot was rewarded by the judgment of his aflbciatcs in this expedition with fifteen Spanifh veffels and their cargoes, which amply indemnified him for the expences of the armament. The government, who had not fpirit or vigilance enough to at with vigour in the defence of the nation themielves, felt a mean jealoufy at feeing their vacant office ufurped by an individual, and on his return, inftead of being received in triumph, and crowned with oak, as he had richly deferved, he was taken up and imprifoned for having levied forces without a proper authority. But the contraft between his condoft and that of the government was too glaring for them to permit it to be made a topic of public inveftigation. They caufed him to be examined before the privy council. His anfwers were fo full of fpirit and wifdom, that, inftead of the punifhment with which he had been threatened, he was difmified with thofe thanks which ought to have been paid him without hefitation. He lived to enjoy the efteem of all his fellow citizens, who faw him without envy blefled in the poflefiion of that wealth which he had acquired, by relinquifhing for a ihort time the character of merchant, to affume the higheft which can be claimed by any man, that of protedlor and avenger of his fellow citizens. And in thofe days, when com- binations were formed with impunity for the moft illegal, unjuft, and opprefllve purpofes, the governors would have merited a much higher eulogium, if, in- ftead of affecting to be very fcrupulous in this inftance, they had diftinguifhed between the patriotic motives which led him to a momentary tranfgremon of the law, H 3 and 102 JOHN PHILPOT. and thofe dishonourable compacts which fet it at de- fiance ; by To diftinguiuYmg, they would not have af- forded encouragement to illegal combinations, but would have held out the moft inviting encouragement to thofe of an oppofite tendency. SIR SIR JOHN ARUNDEL. "SiR JOHN ARUNDEL was the fecond fen of Richard earl of Arundel, who, in the I3th of Edward III. was conftituted admiral of the weftern feas ; he alfo held under that monarch many high and important com- miffions; and, while a fpe&ator, was no inglorious con- trrbutor to the fplendid battle of Crefly. The comparative ina&ion of the latter days of Ed- ward III. and the minority of his fucceflbr, had a very unhappy influence on the naval exertions of the country. A king, difpirited by lofles, enfeebled by affliction, and in whom enterprize and hope were nearly extinguiflied, was not calculated to counteract the ambition or the malice of his neighbours ; nor -did the -fvrft years of Richard If. under the contending views of his uncles, and the felf-interefled fpiritofhis minifters, exhibit a more promifmg attention to the public profperity. At fuch an aera, it was the fate of Sir John Arundel to be marmal of England ; in the retinue of Woodftock , earl of Buckingham, uncle to the king; and retained to ferve his fovereign at fea, with 300 men at arms, and 200 archers. In the latter end of June, 1376, fix days after the deceafe of Edward III. the French, after infelling our fhores with fifty (hips, landed at Suflex, and burned the town of Rye. Encouraged by this fuccefs, and being under no apprehenfions of oppofition, they landed in the ifie of Wight on the 2ift of Augufi. The even* but H 4 too IO4 SIR JOHN ARUNDEL. too well anfwered their defigns ; for, though Sir John Arunclel exerted every nerve to thwart them, the infe- riority of his force could only enable him to drive them from Southampton, which they attempted with great lofs. Spirited as was the repulfe which they here ex- perienced, it came too late to fave the ifle of Wight ; which was pillaged, and in part burned. The enemy exjj&ed from the inhabitants one thoufand pounds as a tribute for not completing the conflagration ; nor wa& the force under Arundel adequate to the purpofe of pre- venting the further incurfions of the foe ; they after- wards burned Haftings, attempted Winchelfea, and ex- tended their incurfions to Lewes. A fleet was at length fent out, under command of the earl of Buckingham. This equipment was deftined tft intercept the Spanifti fleet in their voyage to Sluys : but this firft ferious attempt to affert our greateft pride and ftrength, the fuperiority of the feas, was ren- dered abortive by contrary winds ; Buckingham twice attempted to put to tea, and as often returned into port. About the fame period, the duke of Bretagne was in England, foliating aids of Richard : and towards the clofe of 1379, thefe fuccours being ready, they were put under the command of Sir John Arundel. The whole fquadrcm was moft unfortunately fhipwrecked the 1 6th of December, fome on the coafts of Ireland, a part on thofe of Wales, and a third on the (hores of Corn- wall. Sir John Arundel was among thofe who pe- rifhed. It is ftated, that before he fet fail, Sir John had plun- dered the country people, which conduit brought their bitterell SIR JOHN ARUNDEL. 105 bittereft imprecations on his head ; and although the feaftof St. Nicholas took place on the 6th, and Sir John did not perifti till the i6th of the. month, his death was attributed to the vindictive exertions of the faint, who, it was faid, had now heard and anfwered the merited curfes of the good. Many innilar anecdotes might be recited from the periods now under review ; and, trivial as they would in all probability be confidered by fome, yet are they far from uninterefting. Reflecting minds will perhaps be led to contrail the fuperftitions of different ages, and to obferve the migration of the fame fpirit into bodies varioully formed, and modes feemingly oppofite. Such characters may thus guard themfelves againft the impofition of words ; they will not take appearances for realities ; and they cannot but perceive how remote the bulk of men are, in all times, from that found and beneficial philofophy which fome ages would ex- clufively arrogate. Sir John Arundel was fummoned to parliament the fiiTt, fecond, and third years of Richard II. He mar- ried Eleanor, daughter of John Lord Maltravers, and fifter to Henry Lord Maltravers, by whom he had one fon named Jokn, whofe fon became afterwards earl of Arundel. RICHARD RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL. THE FITZALANS were an ancient family, and be- came heirs to the earldom of Arundel, by marriage, during the reign of Henry III. The title continued iij their line, notwithstanding all the attaints ami reverfes of the civil wars, as late as the time of queen Elizabeth. .Richard was the elder brother of Sir John Arundel, whofe memoirs are already traced. Richard earl of Arundel heartily coincided in the mea- fures of the duke of Gloucefter, and was entrufted by that regent with many diftinguiihed offices. At the be- ginning of the minority, he was made admiral of th king's fleet to the weitward, and this command was almoft immediately extended to the force which was deftinexl to aft fouthward, in conjunction with the duke of Lancafter. The firft naval exploits of Arundel occurred in his pafTage fo Normandy, where he . was ordered, in 1378, to take pofleflion of Cherbourg, a port ceded to the Englim by the king of Navarre ; and though they had the misfortune to meet and engage a very fuperior fleet of Spaniards, this did not prevent him from gaining Cherbourg, and afterwards burning feveral merchantmen in St. Malo. He had even lain fiege to the latter place, and was only prevented from taking it, by his being obliged to return home, on information that the French had availed themfelves of his abfence to ravage the Coniiih coafts. Many RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL. IOJ Many caufes concurred in reducing the kingdom to that deplorable ftate which emboldened the enemy to a6ls of invafion, when an expedition to the continent left us conftantly expofed to the incurfions of an enter- prizing foe. Foreign merchants, whofe goods were convoyed in foreign bottoms, were encouraged to the great detriment of the natives. This mode of convey- ance, it is eaiily to be conceived, by leflening the de- mand of Englifh merchant fhips, muft have operated directly againft our marine: and, if to this we add thQ uncealing calls which had been made during the late reign on this part of the fubjecls' property for the fcrvice of government, we can be at no lofs to account for that dilemma into which the nation was ib fpeedily brought by fuch powerful and difaftrous caufes. In fome meafure to remedy this evil the parliament, in 1381, pafled what has been juftly denominated the Firft Navigation A6t. This at., by ordering that all Englifh merchants fhould freight none but Englifh /hips, on penalty of forfeiting all goods difcovered in foreign bottoms, was intended to remedy the want of' fhipping, by rendering the building indifpenfable to trade And there is nothing that can place in a ftronger light our moft unnatural debility of naval power, than the circumftance that at firil the parliament were ob- liged to limit the effe6t of the navigation act. Englifii merchants were now permitted to freight foreign bot- toms where they could not be provided with Englifh, ones. The duke of Buckingham having gone over to Calais with the Englifh grand fleet, in an attempt upon France, fome French and Spanifh gallies began to com- mit depredations on our coafts ; when, however, they were IO8 RICHARD were attacked, greater part of them taken, four hun- dred of their men flain, and twenty -one Englifh {hips recovered by the Engliih and Irilh, after being driven into Kingfale by a fmall weftern fleet. Scotland was not all this while unmindful of her general enmity to England. Robert Stuart, king of that country, added to the common principles of war, that mutually harafled the two nations, fuch a predilec- tion for France as almoft indicated a courfe of unvarying hoflility. He had received from the French fifteen hun- dred men at arms, to affitt him in his incudions againtr. the Engliih. The regency were ferioufly alarmed ; they levied an army of fixty thoufand men, and the young king, whofe fortitude in confronting Wat Tyler and his infurgents had excited univerfal expectations of future ability, was dcitined to humble the Scots. Richard entered Scotland by Berwick, and, deftroying all in his way, reached Edinburgh, which alfo he re- duced to allies : proceeding to Perth and Dundee, he deftroyed both, and then made his way back ; very con- trary to the advice of his beft officers, who wifhed him to intercept the army of French and Scots, which was returning from their irruption into Cumberland, Weft- moreland, and Lancafhire. The earl of Arundel, who attended this expedition, difgufted at the king's con- tlu6t, immediately afterwards requefted leave to travel, and to continue in foreign parts as long as himfelf ihould think fit. Probably the crifis, which he muft have difcerned to be near, delayed, and finally threw afide his defign of quitting the realm. Diffenfions between the French and Scots enfued upon this affair. France was diifatisfied with the mode of Scott iih EARL OF ARUKDEL. ICQ Scotti Hi warfare, and, as the wrelling of fea-ports from England had ever been a favourite object of all her \vars, Charles VI. refolved to endeavour on his own footing fomething more conducive to the interefts of his flates, than had refulted from his alliance with Scotland. Xo this end, in 1385, he made extenfive preparations, which had for their avowed objects the invafion and fub- jugation of England. Thefe threats were attended to by the regency, who raifed an army, according to fome authors, of three hundred thoufand men ; and who fent out fo powerful a fleet, as to induce Charles, at kait, to defer the execution of his projects. This fleet, commanded by the earl of Arundel, cruif- ingon theweftern coafls of ''France, met with a fleet of French, Spanifh, and Flemifh. merchantmen : the earl captured one hundred fail, laden principally with wine. Previous to this dawn of naval fuperiority, the inhabitants of Portfmouth fitting out a fleet, cleared the feas of fomc Gallic veflels, ftationed to interrupt the trade with Flanders, and a little fquadron was no lefs fuccefsful in attacking eight Frenchmen with fifteen hundred tons of wine on board. Thefe fuccefles could not fail to revive the ancient claims of the nation to the dominion of the feas: Robert Belknappe, an eminent judge, declared, that the fea was as much the king's as his crown. Happy would it have been for the nation if the qualities of their king had b^en fuch as to infure the continuance of that energy, which feemed at lafc to animate the people. But Richard II. if not a bad, was a feeble monarch. He had his favourites, a weaknefs to- tally incompatible with any vigorous exertion of 4he mind. HO RICHARD mind. Robert de Vere, earl of Oxford, a youth of. noble family, and agreeable perfon, but of the moft diffolute manners, was the firft whom he fo improperly diftinguifhed. He created him marquis of Dublin, a title unknown in England, then duke of Ireland, grant- ing him the fovereignty of that country for life : he next married him to his coufm-german ; and carrying his predilection beyond all reftraints, permitted him to repudiate that lady, though ot a moll excellent and unim- peachable character, and to marry a Bohemian with whom he became enamoured. All favours paffed through his hands : he was the fole medium of accefs to the mo- narch ; the centre of all hopes, and the difpenfer of all dignities. Gloucefter, always anxious for his own fafety, began to fear the confequences of this attachment. Of his own want of favour he could not doubt, for he had in too many infbnces thwarted the inclinations of his nephew, to overlook the probable effects of de Vere's afcendancy, He therefore was the firft to found the nobles on the fubjet of the favourite, and fortunately perceived that he was not without companions in dif- guft ; but that feveral illuftrious perfonages, among whom was the earl of Arundel, would moft readily affift in hurling the young minion from his eminence. Michael de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, lord chancellor, and one of the duke of Ireland's prime friends, was the firft deftined to feel the refentment of thefe powerful nobles. Though the king, forefeeing thefe meafures, had drawn to Eltham, the commons foon obliged him to re- turn, and to countenance the proceedings againft Suffolk. They EARL 'OF. ARUNDEL. 1 1 1 They refafed to raife fupplies for the defence of the ftate againft a threatened invafion from France, unlefs the king returned to their deliberations; and one member even went fo far as to call for the record of the parlia- mentary depofition of Edward II. thereby plainly inti- mating what Richard might expetSt, Should he venture any longer to oppofe the didtates of trie confederacy. De la Pole's difmiffion did not accomplish the views of the nobles. From the chancellor to the crown it was an eafy tranfition, and Richard foon found himfelf fettered by one of thofe bodies called commiffions, which ever fince Richard I. had repeatedly aimed at reducing the king to a cypher. The commiflion conlifted of fourteen perfons, all in Gloucester's intereft, to whom, for a twelvemonth, the whole of the royal prerogatives were effectually configned, though Richard had now attained the twentieth year of his age. The duke of Ireland is accufed of traducing the con- duct of the earl of Arundel, and it has been faid, that the favourites " growing more infolent, and the king being totally guided by them, they confpired the death of divers great perfons, of which this earl was one*." This account favours ftrongly of party ; the whole evidence of hiftory moft undeniably fliews that violence originated with the regency ; that Richard, though certainly culpable in adopting fuch a mode of defence, was driven into the protection of a favourite through the tyranny and ufurpations of his uncle, Glou- cefter, who had no other purpofe in view than that of keeping the king in perpetual minority, and retaining * See Dugdale's Baronage, art. Earl of Arundel, and the authorises there referred to. the 112 RICHARD the government in his own hands. Richard could nei- ther be ignorant of this intent, nor was it to be expected, coniidering the natural warmth of his temper, together with the extreme difficulty of his fituation, that he ihould diffemble his knowledge of circumftanc.es fo alarming. By the advice of his few friends, the judges were privately convened to decide on the legality of the commiliion : they uniformly declared it a manifeft in- fringement of the kingly office, contradictory to the fpirit of the Englifh coniVitu'tion, and iubverlive of all regular and effective government ; and they figned this their opinion in prefence of the archbifhops of York and Dublin, the bifhops of Durham, Chichefter, and Ban- gor, Vere duke of Ireland, DC la Pole earl of Suffolk, and two counfellors of inferior quality. This tranfaclion found inftant vent ; it completely alarmed the Gloucefter intereft ; and their terror in- creaied with the meafures enfuing on the decifion. Richard difpatched the earl of Northumheiland to Rie- gate, where Arundel then refided, with orders to ar- reft him : and Arundel owed his fafety to that force which he had the precaution to collecl:. Report ftates, that fecond mefiengers were fent off, with orders to murder this obnoxious earl. Diflimulation becoming no longer neceflary or practicable, each fide dropped the mafk. The peers in confederacy met at Haringay Park, near Highgate, accompanied by an army which Richard and his friends dared not encounter. Demanding the difmiffal of his prefent advifers, they, in a few days after, repaired into the king's prefence, accufmg, by name, the archbifhop of York, the duke of Ireland, the earl of Suffolk, fir Robert Trefillian, and fir Ni- I cholas EARL OF ARUNDEL. 11$ cht>las Brembre. They threw down fheir gauntlets be- fore the king, and offered to maintain the truth of their Charge by duel. The parties accufed had either with- drawn or concealed themfelves. The duke of Ireland, who had fled to Chefhire, le- vying fome troops, advanced to relieve the king; but Gloucefter encountered him in Oxfordfhire, with much fuperior force, routed him, difperfed his followers, and obliged him to fly into the Low Countries, where he died in a ftate of exile a few years after. Five great peers, men whofe combined power was able at any time to fhake the throne, the duke of Gloucefter, the king's uncle ; the earl of Derby, fon of the duke of Lancafter ; the earl of Arundel ; the earl of Warwick ; and the earl of Nottingham, marefchal of England, entered be- fore the parliament an accufation on appeal, as it was called, againlt the five counfellors whom they had al- ready accufed before the king. Moft of the counfellors thus inculpated, not attend- ing their citations to appear before the houfe of peers, were, after a very fhort interval, without invefligating a charge, or examining a witnefs, declared guilty of high treafon. Sir Nicholas Brembre having gone through the farce of a trial, was condemned, and exe- cuted with fir Robert Trefilian, who, being appre- hended during the examining of fir Nicholas, was hur- ried to the fame fcaffold without a hearing. Nor did the judges efcape ; they were, for their opinion on the commifllon, at firft fentenced to death, which was, however, mitigated into banifhment, and they were ihipped to Ireland. And fir Simon Burley, who had been tutor to Richard, and who was generally beloved J and 114 RICHARD and refpeled, foon experienced his part in the tragedy. He was condemned to die. Neither the prayers and entreaties of the queen, who was fo univerfally cfteemed as to be entitled the good queen Ann, and who re- mained three hours on her knees befeeching the inexo- rable Gloucefter to fave Burley ; nor the tendernefs with which Richard was known to regard him, a ten- dernefs arifing purely in motives of gratitude and friend- fhip, could avert his doom. Amidft thefe changes, Arundel was appointed, by the parliament, governor of Breft in Britanny, and the king's lieutenant in thofe parts; and alfo, being admiral, captain-general of his fleet at fea : he was at the fame time appointed to treat of peace with the duke of Britanny. On his return from fulfilling the laft appointment, 1387, he took, burnt, and funk, about eighty French freighted (hips. He afterwards plundered the ifles of Rhe and Oleron, and then returned to England. A truce for three years, between the two crowns, fol- lowed this event. The king foon refolved to emancipate himfelf from th power of Gloucefter, and executed his projedl with unexpected promptitude and vigour. In lefs than twelve months after his entire fubmiflion to the coalefced peers, he declared himfelf, being twenty-three years of age, fit to aflame the reins of government, and determined to a6t for himfelf j difplaced thofe who had princi- pally oppofed him, and removed even Gloucefter from the council table. Arundel was previoufly deprived of his admiralfhip. It is fuppofed that fome diflenfions which happened among the confederates produced this extraordinary: 4 change. EARL OF ARUNDEL. Tl^ change. The earl, immediately on his return from his laft fuccefsful cruife, being again difcontented, obtained licence to travel with twenty perfons of his retinue, and to be abfent as long as he fhould think fit. This fa6l fupports the conjecture of a difunion in the party. Arundel's friends and colleagues were all in power when he came home from his laft expedition into France; the very men who loaded him with honours before he failed : and furely fome unufual difference muft fubfill at the time of his return, to caufe that degree of difcon- tcnt which induced him to abandon the realm. This period is diftinguifhed by the return of the duke of Lancafter, one of the king's uncles, from Spain, to which country he had repaired in 1386 to profecutc his claims to the crown of Caftile. His nephew, fupported by the parliament, had very liberally granted to Lan- cafter the means 01 afierting this right, in which alfo he was countenanced by the Portuguefe. Twenty thoufand men, of whom two thoufand were men at arms, and eight thoufand archers, with a fuitable fleet, enabled him to take feveral places in Gallicia, and, finally, to mafter Compoftella. But the whole expedition had no other effet than that of inviting the danger of a French invafion by the abfcnce of fuch great forces from Eng- land ; fortunately the elements were not in alliance with the enemy. Twelve hundred and eighty-feven of his fliips, charged with fixty thoufand fighting men, were fo difmembered by a ftorm which they encountered October 31, 1386, as to become utterly incapable of their deftined talk : numbers foundered at fea, others on the.Englilh coafts ; fome were captured by the the go- I 2 vernor \\6 RICHARD vernor of Calais; and thofe which efcaped into their own ports were in too difmal a plight again to venture on the ocean. A very uncommon machine is {rated to have been on board the fleet ; it was made of timber, and in joints; it was three thoufand paces in length, twenty feet high, and had at the end of every twelve feet a turret ten feet higher, large enough to contain ten men. The contrivance of this inftrument (its in- tent is not eafily afcertainable) is attributed to an out- lawed Englimmaru Thofe civil commotions which had fo often clouded the profpecls of the king were bat partially fubfided. His own conduct too effectually ferved the wiflies of his opponents ; and the reftlefs Gloucefter foon found a very popular theme, on which, once more, he en- deavoured to regain that afcendancy of which events had fo unexpectedly deprived him. In 1396 the courts of France and England agreed to terminate a conteft which had proved unfortunate to both fides. Breft was reftored to the duke of Britanny, Cherbourg to the king of Navarre ; each party was left in pofleffion of fuch places as he held at the time of concluding this agreement; and to render the whole binding, Richard, who had become a widower, was betrothed to Ifabella, daughter of Charles. The prin- cefs was only feven years of age, but the political rea- fons were fufficient to counterbalance this difparity of years. The odium excited by this truce with the French, for a truce it was called, according to the ufage of thefe times, though intended to laft twenty-five years, was inftan- EARL OF ARUNDEL. 117 mftantaneous and general. Of this, as xvell as the cir- eumftance of Richard's attachment to two new fa- vourites, the earls of Kent and Huntingdon, Gloucefter did not fail to profit. He boldly arraigned the truce with France, afcribing it to the inglorious inactivity of the prefent reign, and went the length of debating the lawfulnefs of throwing off all allegiance from a king who had fo bafely agreed with the ancient and inveterate enemy of his country. His effrontery procured him. what he wifhed the applaufe and fupportof the people. It was not to be concealed, it was faid, that the duke was the only man calculated to reflore the fplendour of ancient fuccefs, and to humble, inftead of pacifying, the French. Richard took the alarm which thefe whifpers, and his uncle's conduct, very naturally infpired : and, as the truce lately concluded with France was the great theme of Gloucefter's inflammatory fpeeches, that court foon advifed fuch meafures on the part of Richard as were perfectly agreeable to his own feelings on the fubjecl. An order being iffued for the arreft of Gloucefter, he was feized, put on board a fhip, and conveyed to the caftle at Calais under cuftody of the governor of that place, where, as it appeared on examination in the next reign, he was fhortly after fuffocated with pillows by his keepers. So high and fo popular a prince could not have been tried without endangering the peace of the realm ; and the king was unwilling to riik a meafure fo pregnant with mifchief. Whatever contentions had recently difunited the par- tizans of Gloucefter, they were now to be combined in I 3 adverfjty, Il8 RICHARD ndverfity. The feizure of the earls Warwick and Arun- del took place almoft at the fame time with the arreft of their leader. Arundel, it appears, f ore fa w the florm, and wiihed to flicker himfelf from its vengeance by re- tirement : he procured a difpenfation from attending all public bufmefs, and was employed in the care and im- provement of his own patrimony, when fecuredby the king's meffengers. The earl of Arundel was enticed into cuflody, or, iuch was his power atr this time, that he could have faved himfelf, and refcued his fiiends. Warwick and Arundel were foon tried, and convicted of high treafon. Warwick, on account of his fuh- mifllve deportment, was only banifhed to the ]fle of Man for life; but Arundel, though he pleaded the king's pardon, both general and particular, was fentenced to be beheaded, on the fcore of his former appearance in arms at Haringay Park. This fentence was executed in Cheapfide ; Thomas JVIowbray, earl marfhal, who had married Arundel's daughter, binding his eyes ; and the earl of Kent, his own nephew, guarding him during the ceremony ! Theie circumfbnces greatly affected him : he told thefe relatives, " It had been much more fit that they fhould have abfented themfelves ; for the time will come," he continued, " when as many {hall wonder at your misfortunes as they now do at mine." The king was prcfent at the execution. His body was interred at the Friars Auguftins in London, and his lands were beftowed on Thomas Mow- bray and the earl of Kent ; the former of whom the king advanced to the dukedom of Norfolk, and the latter to be duke of Surrey. By Elizabeth, daughter of William EARL OF ARUNDEL. Jig William de Bohun, earl of Northampton, he left three fons, Thomas, Richard, and William ; and four daugh- ters, Elizabeth, who had four hufbands; Joan, Mar- garet, and Alice, who had each one hufband. His elder fon, Thomas, was reftored to blood by the revo- lution that ended Richard's reign and life. And in the firft year of Henry IV. the judgment againft. Richard carl of Arundel was reverfed. 1 4 SIR ( 120 ) SIR THOMAS PERCY, AFTERWARDS EARL OF WORCESTER. THE honours accruing from a long and iliuftrious line of anceftors are undoubtedly due to the family of de Percy. From Mainfred de Percy, who at a very early period went from Denmark into Normandy, tp Geffrey, whofe two fons, William and Serlo, in the fourth generation from Mainfred, accompanied the con- queror in his defcent upon this ifland, the houfe of Northumberland may be clearly and lineally traced. Of the Percys thus attending the Norman, William, furnamed Algernon, was the beft efteemed, and the moft rewarded by his matter. He continued alfo in favour with William Rufus, in whofe reign A Igernon, founded an abbey of Benedi&ines at Whitby, to which abbey, dying in the Holy Land, he was finally brought for interment. William, the fifth from Algernon, fig- nalized himfelf in continual and obftinate engagements with the Scots, during the reiga of Stephen ; and with him the male line of de Percy became extinfl. His four fons dying in his life-time without iffue, the family inheritance was diftributed between Maud and Agnes, his daughters. Agnes married Jofceline de Lovame, on the exprefs condition tha; he ihould aflfume the name and SIR THOMAS PERCY. 121 and arms of de Percy. Maud, her fifter, died foon after Richard, the elder ion of Jofceline and Agnes, came to the patrimonial poiTeffions ; and thus all the eftates of de Percy were once more united in the regular order of fucceffion. In thofe difputes which agitated the realm during the reign of King John, Richard took fo confpicuous a part, efpccially in obtaining Magna Charta from the king, that he was among the number excommunicated by the pope, for what his holinefs ftyled faction and fedition. Succeeding heirs of the de Percys obtain the peculiar notice of hiftory*. Henry de Percy, in the reign of Edward I. bore an arduous fhare in the Scottifh wars. Henry, his fon and fucceflbr, reforted to the queen Ifabel, on her landing to reform the court of Edward II. and was by her entrufted with many effective fituations: he was in the great fea-fight off Sluys, in the reign of Edward III.; foon after he defeated the Scots, and made Pavid, their king, his prifoner; and he was held in very high eftimation during the whole of his life. His elder fon, who alfo was a Henry, fhared the glory of the memorable battle of Creffy; and is diftinguiflied as the father of Sir Thomas Percy, the fubjeft of the prefent Biography. * The following is an amufnig inftance of the ftrangc tenures by which effotes were held in the feudal times. Henry de Percy, a defcendant of the family, married Ifabel, fitter of Peter de Brus, of Skelton. The marriage portion was the manor of Lrkenficld, near Bcverley in Yorklhire ; and the tenure by which this eftate 'vas to be held ran thus " He, or his heirs, were to repair to Skelton caftle every Chriftmas-day, to lead the lady of that cattle from her chamber to the chappel, at mafs, and thence to her chamber again ; ;uvi) after dining with her, to depart."' Sir 122 SIR THOMAS PERCY, Sir Thomas, being a younger fon, had only the manor of Foxton left him by his father as a fupport ; his bro-> fher, Henry, inheriting the principal property. Sir Thomas was uncle to the celebrated Hotfpur, whofe father, Henry, juft named, was created earl of Nor- thumberland by Richard II. at his coronation. Family connexions fo extenfive and fo important as thofe which the Percys were from time to time enabled to form and eftablifh, entitled them to great eflimation. Their private alliance was eagerly fought by the higher ranks of fociety, and their public intereft was almoft as affiduoufly cultivated by the king. Sir Thomas Percy enjoyed no common fhare of the confidence of the three fovereigns under whom he flourished. Edward III. granted him a life annuity of one hundred marks, in eonfideration of fervices for which he confidered himfelf perfonally indebted to his exertions ; and a funi-lar grant was at the fame time made out on account of the Black Prince, who did not conceive himfelf lefs obliged than his father to the merits of Sir Thomas Percy. He affifted at the coronation of Richard II. and in 1377, the year following this ceremony, was created Admiral of tbe North Seas. His firft naval fervice was effected in 1370. Aflb- ciated with Sir Hugh Calvely, he was appointed to con- voy home the duke of Britanny, who had been folicit- ing aids of Richard. In performing the firft object of this conVoy, Percy fell in with feven fhips laden with wine, and one man of war, all which he fcnt fafely into Briilol, and fpeedily accomplilhed the purpofe of his voyage. Sir Thomas was alfo on board the fleet fent fliortly a/ter to fupport the duke of Britanny. The fate EARL OF WORCESTER. 12$ fate of this fleet is detailed in the memoirs of the earl of Arundel : but there are circumftances attending that event which belong exclufively to the prcfent fubjcft. Separated from the other members of the fleet, and nearly fhipwrecked, he was aflailed by a Spanifti cruifer: this veffel, after an obftinate contefl: of three hours, was boarded by the English, and brought fafe to land. Percy fold his prize for one hundred pounds, and putting again to fca, reached Calais ; of which place lie and Sir Hugh Calvely were governors. In 1380, being appointed to command the fleet deftined againft France, he failed to Calais, I9th July, with a large army under the duke of Buckingham. This army was to have taken its route through France into Bretagne, to co operate with the duke of Britanny. 1 hey experienced but a faint degree of oppofltion, com- mitted many depredations in their courfe, and had not the duke of Britanny thought fit to conclude a truce with the court of France while the English were haften- ing to his fupport, this expedition might have been crowned with a fuccefs fomcvvhat adequate to the ex- pectations it had raifed at home. Breft having been delivered into the hands of Richard, as a fecurity for remunerating his endeavours in the caufe of the duke of Britanny, Sir Thomas was ii> 1381 made governor of that cnltle and port. In 1383 he was again conftituted admiral, from the Thames northwards, and continued, with a very liberal appointment, in his government of Breft. And when, in the fame year, preparations were completed for the fervice of Lancafter in his war with Spain, Sir Thomas was made admiral of the fleet appointed to conduct the duke and his forces. On 124 S * R THOMAS PERCY, On his return from this expedition he was conflituted juftice of South Wales, and in this fituation obtained of the king grants of land to a confiderable amount. He continually received from the king frefh proofs of* munificence and regard. In 1391 he was Steward of the Houfehold, and both in this year and in i ^93 he was fent ambaflador to France, on occafions of the highefl moment : and, in further reward of his fervices, on the feaft of St. Michael 1396, he was created earl of Wor- cefler. The earl was retained to ferve the king in Ireland, with 40 men at arms and 100 archers ; made admiral of the fleet of that realm ; and was at the fame time releafed from all debts, accompts, and arrearages of accompts, rents and arrearages of rents, with which he flood charged. Conftituted Admiral, with powers never granted to preceding commanders, Vice-Chamberlain, Steward of the Royal Houfehold, holding many other confpi- cuous trufts, and by the king confulted on every emer- gency, the earl of Worcefter at length flood on a par with his brother of Northumberland. The periods of Englifh hiftory now brought to view, are melancholy in the extreme. Accuftomed to the jnpftimable bleflings of fixed laws and a regular mo- narchy, we are precluded from experiencing the dif- ferent forms which civil fociety undergoes in its procefs towards refinement and flability ; and the miferies that characterized the early flages of our government. It was the deftiny of Richard II. to live in one of thefe periods, and to feel its accumulated evils : to terminate in darknefs and famine, at the age of thirty-four, an .exiflence commenced under the bondage of his uncle, and EARL OF WORCESTER. 125 and which had been uniformly marked by continued oppofition. The diicontents excited in England by the truce with France, fpeedily extended to Ireland. Richard had often made expeditions into this country, where ths hope of profiting by the king's unpopularity now tempt- ed the malcontents of Dublin to renew their infurrec- tions with more than ordinary boldnefs. Roger Mor- timer, earl of March, prefumptive heir to the crown, for Richard had no children, became, unfortunately, the firft victim of the infurrection. The king had given March the fupreme ftation in Ireland, dreading the cabals that might arife from fo near a relative in England, fo that the medium whereby he fought fecurity proved the caufe of his deftruction. Had March lived in England it would have been his highcft intereft to protect his auguft kinfman from the defigns of his ene- mies, and to have fruftrated, inftead of affifting, their intrigues. To avenge his death, Richard collected a good body of troops, and two hundred fhips, and landed at Waterford in the fpring of 1399, purpofmg to inflict on the rebels a puniftiment fuited to their crimes. Wor- cefter, as admiral of the fleet for Ireland, attended in the prefent expedition. Soon after his landing the king received intelligence that the young duke of Lancafter was arrived in Eng- land, accompanied by the earl of Arundel, and a retijiue of fixty perfons, to aflert his claims to the eftates of his father the great John of Gaunt, which had been feized by the king. Richard haftened from Ireland, and landed at Milford- Haven, with 60,000 men, but learning that the earls of Northumberland 126 SIR THOMAS PERCY, Northumberland and Weftmoreland, two of his moft potent nobles, had joined Lancafter, that the people were inclined to rebel, and finding his own army continually deferting, till from fixty it had di mini fried to fix thoufand men, he refigned all thoughts of maintaining the crown, and fled to the Ifle of Anglefea. From thence he determined to proceed to France or Ireland, and await better fortune. But he was lured from his retreat by Northumberland, who, inftru&ed by Lan- cafter, made fuch profeffions as induced Richard to yield himfelf to his enemies. The delufjon was inrtantly dif- pelled ; Richard was lodged in the tower of London, whence he was afterwards removed to Pom fret caftle. Amidft this preflure of misfortune a trait of great magnanimity is recorded of Richard. Perceiving the ill turn of his own affairs, he di unified the earl of Wor- cefter from following him, conjuring him to " referve himfelf for better times." At his firft landing, Lancafter difclaimed any defign beyond the mere reparation of his own perfonal wrongs. But if his views were at firfl loyal and innocent, fuccefs foon determined him to retain every poffible advantage refulting from his popularity. A parliament devoted to his purpofes found no difficulty in framing a fet of accufations againft their late mafter. When thefe ar- ticles were read to the houfe, there appeared but one illuftrious diflentient; the biihop of Carlifle was hardy enough to aiTert the caufe of a degraded monarch. The houfe, on Carliile's expulfion, who was arrefted by order of Lancafter, and carried to the abbey of St. Albans, unaniinoufly voted the deposition of Richard, for mea- fures, mofl: of them, which they had either counfelled EARL OF WORCESTER. 127 or ratified. The throne being thus vacated, Lancafter afTumed the vacant diadem the 28th of September 1399, and the ceremony of his coronation was performed the 331!) of October. A few days fubfequent to the coronation of Hen- ry IV. the duke of Northumberland made a morion in parliament relative to their treatment of the depofed fovereign, and it was immediately ordered that he fhoukl be imprifoned under a fecure guard, in fotne fecret place, and deprived of all intercouife with any of his friends or partisans. It was eafy to forefee the cataftrophe to which fuch a fentence inevitably led; and therefore, when Richard was removed to Pomfret caftle, and died there on the I4th of February, in the next year, the moft ignorant might judge by what means his days vvere terminated at the early age of thirty-four. The premature death and cruel treatment of Richard gave birth to feelings, which, though they did not be- nefit him while living, had an effect favourable to his character. When Northumberland afterwards threw off his allegiance to Henry, at the inftigations of the earl of Worcefter, he gave out that Richard was yet alive, and with them, and that in his name they took up arms; which fictitious pretences did really ftagger many, for a great part of the common people flood cor- dially affected to Richard, efpecially thofe who knew him, and had obtained gifts and fees at his hands. As it would have been neither fafe nor honourable for Henry to have entirely overlooked thofe who had elevated him to the regal eminence, the earl of Wor- cefter was in 1401 conllituted the king's lieutenant for north and fouth Wales. Shortlv after, fome fymptoms of 128 SIR THOMAS PERCY, of hoftility being evinced by France with a defign on the Englifh in Guienne, the earl was fent over with fuch force as induced the French to defifl from their projects ; and Worcefter was created governor of the province. Notwithftanding the many reciprocal obligations fubfifting between Henry and the Percys, for he had appointed Northumberland his conftable for life, and conferred various favours on other branches of the family, no cordiality did in fat fubfift. The fubjeft thought his fervices infufficiently recompenfed, and the fovereign was equally anxious that no great addition fhould be made to that power which had already depofed one-raonarch and raifed another to the fupreme dig- nity. In an engagement with the Scots, in 1402, wherein that people were utterly routed, their great earl Douglas, Mordac, eaii of Fife, nephew to the Scottifh king, and many of their firfl nobles, were made prifoners by Northumberland, and the famous Hotfpur, "his fon; thefe Henry defired him to retain, as the means of an advantageous treaty with Scotland : but North- timberland infifted upon his right to their ranfom, according to the ufages of war. In his refentment he fet Douglas at liberty, and even entered into alliance with him againft the king, and they contrived to en- gage in the fame interefts Glendower the Welfli chief- tain. But Northumberland being taken ill at the head of his army, was obliged to delegate the command to Hotfpur. The earl of Worcefler, who was the prime iniligator of thefe meafures, quitting the king's household, foon joined EARL OF WORCESTER. 139 joined his celebrated nephew; and the whole force pro- ceeded towards Shrewfbury. This movement was deiignedtc efredl a junction with Glendower; in which, however, they failed through the celerity of Henry's operations, who had the fortune to come up with them near Shrewfbury, before their union with Glendower had taken place. The Percys had about twelve thou- fand men, chiefly raifed in Scotland, under the badge of Richard, whom, as before related, they now re- ported to be alive : the army of the king was nearly equal in numbers. Hearing of the near approach of the royal troops, Hotfpur prepared for vigorous action. " A manifffto was fent to the king, charging him with the perjury by which he had gained the throne; with his having dethroned, and then murdered, king Richard ; and with his continued ufurpation of the title belonging to the houfe of Mortimer ; with fundry griev- ances exercifed towards the people, over whom he thus ufurpingly reigned; and finally, with packing a parlia- ment, the circumftance which himfelf had enumerated as a peculiar blot in the character of Richard II." This manifefto was not calculated to allay the ani- mofitics of the combatants ; neverthelefs, Henry, the evening previous to the battle, which took place on July 21, 1403, deputed the abbot of Shrewfbury, and the clerk of the privy feal, with overtures of a more pacific nature. Hotfpur, moved by this procedure, fent the earl of Worcefter to rep re fent their defires to the king, and treat for a redrefs of grievances. Henry very cor- dially afTented to the juftice of many of the earl's re- quefls ; he even acceded to fome propofals hardly to be, expccled from a monarch fo tenacious of his throne and K dignity ; 1^0 THOMAS PERCY, dignity ; but all to no effect Worcefter was hoftile to every plan of reconciliation, and, on his return to camp, fo mifreprefented what had paffed between himfelf and the king, and thereby fo effe&ually exafperated the im- petuous and confident fpirit of Hotfpur, that the fword only was from that hour mentioned as the arbiter of their fatal quarrel. The enfuing narrative of the battle is given in the words of an ancient author. " This battle, which began on the eve of St. Mary Magdalen, 1403, was fought with extraordinary courage on both fides; infomuch as, great flaughter enfuing, many of the royalifts forfook the field, fuppofmg the king had been flain. " In which heat Hotfpur himfelf, and the earl Dou- glas, whofe valour was beyond expreffion, bent all their aim at the perfon of the king, with their fwords and lances, furioufly making towards him ; which being difcerned by the carl of Dunbar, he withdrew him (the king) from his ftation, whereby his life was then faved ; for they flew his ftandard-bearer, and thofe who were with it, and miffing of him (the king), moil defperately charged into the midft of their enemies ; whereupon Hot- fpur fuddenly fell, though by what hand is not known: whofe death immediately occafioned an utter route of his whole party, in which the earl Douglas was taken, fo likewife the earl of Worcefter, the unhappy inftrument of all this mifchief." " Henry the king," fays another writer, " expofed his perfon in the thickeft of the fight : his gallant fon, whofe military achievements were afterwards fo re- nowned, and who here performed his noviciate in arms, iignalized himfelf on his father's footfteps, and even a wound EARL OF WORCESTER. 13! wound which he received in the face with an arrow could not oblige him to quit the field. There are faid to have fallen that day, on both fides, near two thoufand three hundred gentlemen : but the perfons of greateft diflindliori were on the king's. About fix thoufand pri- vate men periihed, of whom two thirds were of Percy's army." The earl of Worcester was not long permitted to fur- vive the carnage of this dreadful day. He was beheaded at Shrewfbury ; and his eitates in the courfe of a few years were granted to the earl of Northumberland. Neither did the prefent earl of Northumberland, whofe hiftory has been fo intimately interwoven with the life of the earl of Worcefter, his brother, ever recover thefe reverfes in the fortunes of his houfe. Though he was abfolved from all participation of his Ion's rebellion, on joining Henry, after the affair at Shrewfbury, he never could obliterate from his heart the remembrance of Hot- fpur, nor conceal that pain which the confequent exe- cution of his brother had indelibly inflicted on his mind. He joined afterwards in the infurrecYion of the earls of Nottingham and Weflmoreland ; but efcaping their doom by a flight into Scotland, in 1407, he again fallied forth from his retirement, and entered the north in arms. Being attacked at Bramham by Sir Thomas Rokefby, {heriff of Yorkfhire, the earl with lord Bar- dolph was flain, and his few followers utterly broken. EDMUND EDMUND DE HOLLAND, EARL OF KENT. FEW families have rifen more inflantaneoufly from obfcure and contracted circumftances into opulence and fame, than that of Edmund earl of Kent. To anti- quity they had an undoubted claim : they were ancient in the reign of John, and then well known in Lanca- fhire ; hut they were not pofleffed of riches till the days of Edward I. From that period they rapidly afcended in the regions of fortune and honour. In the time of Edward III. Thomas de Holland fignalized himfelf in every war; he was admitted to the order of the garter at its inftitution, in confideration of his extraordinary valour. He married Joan *, the daughter of Edmund, and fjfter of John earl of Kent, and in her right claimed, and obtained, the earldom, which defcended to his heirs. - Edmund earl of Kent was grandfon of Thomas de Holland, and fucceeded to the title and eftate while yet a minor; his elder brother, named Thomas, having been beheaded by the people of Cirencefter while en- deavouring to excite them to rebellion againft Henry IV. Many infults were experienced in the commence- * Before" her union with Thomas de Holland, Joan had been divorced from the earl of Salifbury ; and the year following the earl of Kent's dcccafe, for ihe outlived 'him feveral years, flie became the wife of Edward the black, prince, who left her piincefs dowager of Wales. ment IDMUND DE HOLLAND, EARL OF KENT. 133 merit of the reign of Henry IV. at the hands of our old enemies, the French, before they felt that return which their conduct had long provoked. Even while the court was yet occupied with rejoicings on the king's fecond marriage with Joanna of Navarre, widow of the duke of Britanny, they effected a defcent on the Ifle of Wight, under the earl of St. Pol. Here, though their numbers enabled them to achieve fome temporary de- predations, they met with fuch refiftance from the inha- bitants, as obliged them to feck protection in their {hips. This did not difcourage them from another attempt. Aware of the internal difcords of England, and rightly concluding that the monarch could not pay due atten- tion to their irruptions while employed in quelling the infurre&ion of the Percys, a few months fubfequent to their attack on the Ifle of Wight, they landed at Ply- mouth, and burned that town. Henry became juftly alarmed ; and as he could not equip a force adequate to a regular oppofition of the enemy, and wiflied not to offend the regency of Bretagne, from whom the laft attack had proceeded, he gave fecret orders to the inha- bitants of Plymouth to fend out a fquadron, as of them- felves, under the command of William de Wilford, then admiral of the narrow feas. De Wilford, failing to the coafts of Britanny, took forty fail laden with iron, oil, foap, and wine, and burnt to the fame amount in their harbours ; landing at Pen march, he deftroyed that place, and afterwards ravaged the whole coaft of Britanny. This fuccefsful expedition had not the defired effect. De Cartel, admiral of the Flcmifh and French fleets, in the midft of de Wilford's fuccefs, vifited the Ifle of K 3 Wight; 134 EDMUND DE HOLLAND, Wight ; but finding that a landing was impracticable, he fteered for Devonihire. More fortunate in this at- tempt, he attacked Dartmouth, and teemed awhile at- tended with prolperity ; but the militia having affem- bled from all parts in 'great flrength, de Ca.lel was taken, four hundred of his men were flain, and two hundred made prifoners. His (quadron, to revenge this difgrace, ftill continued to infeft the coafts ; and in this fituation having captured fome Englifh. veflels, they barbaroufly hung every feaman found on board. Edmund earl of Kent was immediately difpatched to chaftife the Flemings, even while the refult of their Dartmouth expedition remained as yet undecided. En- tering the port of Sluys, he took, after a gallant refifl- ance, three Genoefe merchantmen of arTunufual fize, who were lying at anchor in the harbour. Continuing his courfe along the Norman coafts, he looked into all their ports, and effecting continual landings, burned no lefs than fix and thirty towns, and at length returned, with an immenfe booty, to Rye. This exploit, which he performed in 1405, had a very favourable influence on the fubfecment fortunes of Kent. In 1406, he married Lucy, daughter of the duke of Billaine : this wedding was folemnized in the priory of St. Mary Ovey, Seuthwark, and kept, with great fplen- dour, at the houfe of the bifliop of WincHefter. The fame year he was joined in feveral important commif- fions; and in 1407 he was made lord admiral. A plague breaking out in London in the year 1407, the king retired to Leeds caftle, in the county of Kent. His affairs calling him into Effex, he embarked at Queenborough with only five (hips. He had not proceeded OF KENT. 135 proceeded far on his paflage, when he was attacked by a fquadron of French privateers, who, after a warm en- counter, took every veffel excepting that on board o^ which was the king. This efcape naturally directed him to the importance of naval fuperiority. He ordered the immediate equipment of a powerful fleet, which, when prepared, was put under the command of the earl of Kent, his admiral. Kent failed in the fummer of 1408. His inftru&ions were, to clear the feas ; to make a defcent on Britanny ; and to harafs the enemy in every poflible manner. The firft of thefe objects he erMually accomplifhed; then, {landing over to Britanny, landed in the little ifland of Brifach. Proceeding to the town .of the fame name, he took it by ftorm ; and feizing the pirates who had fled thither for flicker, put them all to the fword. An event fo propitious to his country, proved, however, fatal to the earl. In the courfe cf thefe actions he received a wound on his head, from the arrow of a crofs-bow ; and of this he died, September 20, 1407. His remains were conveyed home, and depofited among thofe of his, anceftors. K 4 SIR SIR JOHN PENDERGAST. THIS officer, of whofe family no certain accounts are preferred, diftinguilhed himfelf, very early in the reign of Henry IV. by his fucceiTes againft the pirates. He was never highly in favour with his fuperiors. When he had freed the narrow feas from plunderers it \vr.:, faid, that he had appropriated fo much ot the booty to himfelf, as rendered him little better than thofe from whom he had taken it. The exertions againft Pender- gaft were fo violent, though the populace were cla- morous in his behalf, that he was obliged to take fanc- tuary in Weftminfter ; from which, however, he was foon relieved, and reftored to that profeffion of which he was truly an ornament. Sir John commanded in the channel during the year 1412. On this ilation he made feveral prizes laden with provisions " which," fays an old writer, " got him little reputation with the nobles, *but much love from the people, who by this means enjoyed plenty of French commodities at a very cheap rate." Betides WILLIAM DE WILFORD, of whom mention is made in the life of Edmund earl of Kent, there are feveral naval characters, ornaments of the reign of Henry, of whom no biographical accounts are to be traced at this diftance of time, but ought not to be paffed with- out notice and honour. When the French, in aflifting Glendower, made a powerful attempt on Wales in 1405, Lord SIR JOHN PENDERGAST. I^J Lord BERKLEY, and HENRY BE PAY, attacked them in Milford-Haven, took 14, and burnt 15 of their fhips. And war being declared againft the Scots in 14.11, SIR ROBERT UMFREVILLE, Vice-admiral of England, failed to the Firth of Forth, ravaged both fhores for fourteen days together, and burned the largeft fhip of Scotland, called the Great Galiot. On his return he took fo many {hips laden with corn, and thereby fo re- duced the price of that article, that he obtained the furname of Mend -Market. WILLIAM WILLIAM LORD CLINTON AND SAY, EARL OF HUNTINGDON. WILLIAM LORD CLINTON AND SAY, for fo he is called in the 6th of Henry IV. but better known by the appellation of earl of Huntingdon, was related to the great earl of that name, \vhofe memoirs are given in a preceding page. This earl having already diftinguifhed himfelf in the frequent contefts fometimes with Scotland, and at other times with France, which occupied the reign of Henry IV. was now detained to a& a more import- ant and confpicuous part in the wars of his country. Henry V. was but recently feated on the throne, when France became an object of his attention. He had many motives for making attempts on that country. His predeceflbr had tampered with the oppofite French factions, and availed himfelf of their mutual hatreds ; this was marking out to Henry the moft advantageous path he could poflibly tread. The late king conjured his fon not to permit the Englifh too long an indulgence in the eafe and affluence of peace, fuch indulgence being apt to breed inteftine commotions, and to engender difpofi- tions inimical to the fubordination which is requifite to good WILLIAM EARL OF HUNTINGDON. 139 good government ; but to employ them in foreign wars; and efpecially to avail himfelf of thofe advantages which the itate of France exhibited to her enemies. The temper of the new monarch, difpofed him to make no delay in the execution of his father's injunc- tions. In 1415, about eighteen months after his accef- fion, he embarked with his army at Southampton, Au- guft the 1 9th, and, landing at Havre de Grace, laid fiegc to Harfleur, which furrendered after a refinance of five weeks. His fuccefles were foon checked by the ravages of the flux ; and 'inftead of that hope which profperity at firft infpired, he now felt concerned only to fave the remains of his enfeebled army. With this view he refolved to gain Calais by the route of Picardy. No other way offered for his efcape, as he had, confident of fortune, difmifled his fleet the inftant he h.id fecured the landing of his troops. But this determination prefcnted as many obftacles as the fituation in which he was involved. A French army of fourteen thoufand men at arms, and forty thoufand foot, commanded by the conftable d'Albert, oppofed his retreat. This army, befides its fuperiority in health, food, and fpirits, was by its numbers fufficient to accom- plifli the deflruc~tion of Henry's forces. To extricate himfelf and his foldiers from their de- plorable condition, and to avoid, what might well be apprehended by him, to be a hopelefs effufion of human blood, Henry proffered his conqueft of Harfleur on con- dition that he might proceed unmolefted to Calais. This the conftable abfolutely negatived, and Henry, compelled to fight under eyery difad vantage, gained I the J40 WILLIAM the memorable battle of Agincourt; a vi&ory that has ever been moft defervedly ranked, viewed both as to the circumftances of the engagement and the confequences of its decifion, with the triumphs of Creffy and Poicliers. The earl of Huntingdon attended the king, and llgnalized himfelf in the exploits of that glorious day. Henry, in 1417, purpofing a more effective irrup- tion into France, thought it prudent to clear the feas previous to his own failing; and Huntingdon, with a powerful fleet, was directed to perform the king's com mand. Near the mouth of the Seine, he had the good fortune to meet with the combined fleets of France and Genoa, which he inflantly engaged. The con- teft was extremely obftinate, the Genoefe being the firft and moft powerfully conftructed veflels of thole times: at length, victory, which had for fome time feemed doubtful, once more crowned the Englifh ; they took four of the Genoefe {hips, made prifoner the Baftard of Bourbon, the French admiral, and found on board a vefiel captured from the Gsnoefc a quarter's pay for the combined navy. During the minority of Henry VI. the earl of Huntingdon accompanied the duke of Bedford to France with fuccours, in 1427. After this, the earl attended young Henry to his coronation in Paris. The retinue entered that city in December 1430, where Henry was crowned by the cardinal of Winchefter, with all due folemnitics. Henry had been proclaimed on the death of Charles VI. of France, who was almoft all his life a lunatic, Henry VI, of England, and Henry EARL OF HUNTINGDON. 14! Henry If. of France, the French lords then at Paris fwearing the ufual allegiance. This is the laft public capacity in which the carl of Huntingdon acted. He died July the 3Oth, 1431, leaving by Ann his wife, daughter of lord Botreaux, John, his fon and heir. JOHN JOHN DE LANCASTER, DUKE OF BEDFORD. JOHN, DUKE OF BEDFORD, whether contemplated as a ftatefman, as a military, or as a naval commander, forms one of the rnoft illuilrious characters that ever adorned the Englifh annals. He was the third fon of Henry IV. while duke of Lancafter, by Mary his firft wife, daughter of Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Northampton. On the 1 3th of October, 1399, Bedford received the honours of knighthood at the hands of his father. In 1402 he was appointed by his father cohltable of England, and governor of Berwick upon Tweed : in 1414, he was created by Henry V- his brother, earl of Kendal, and duke of Bedford, and divers grants were at the fame time made out for the fupport of his new dignities: in 1415, Henry being engaged in his French war, con- ftituted Bedford lieutenant of England, a high truft, and one which he afterwards frequently held during the king's abfence from home: and in 1416 he was made general of his majefty's forces both by fea and land. But, important as were the fervices of Bedford in the ftate, Henry's affairs could no longer difpenfe with his brother's affiftance in fcenes more a6live and hazardous. The firft attempt made by the French to recover the difgrace JOHN DE LANCASTER. 143 difgrace of Agincourt was the fiege of Harfleur; where Henry, being obliged to quit France, had left the earl of Dorfet in command. AtTiftances derived from the Genoefe enabled the French to mufter a formidable fleet, with which, before they invefted Harfleur, they ventured over to the Englifh coafts, and attempted Southampton. Being repulfed by the duke of Bedford, the fleet immediately proceeded to the blockade of Har- fleur. Dorfet, inverted on the land fide by the conftahle in great force, and blocked up at fea by Narbonne with the whole of the French navy, found himfelf in a very perilous condition ; fo much, in fa&, was he now ftrait- ened, that nothing (hort of a powerful and inflantaneous relief could in any wife prove efficacious to his fafety. Henry was not ignorant of the critical flate of his general, nor inactive in providing the means to extricate him. Bedford was unremittingly employed in flattening the relief of Dorfet. Four hundred fail, and 20,000 men, under the duke's command, were difpatched to cfFetl this important object. They entered the Seine in a moment of the moffc painful anxiety to their be- lieged countrymen, and found Narbonne and his Ge- noefe, far fuperior in number and ftiength, lying before the haven of Harfleur, and prefling the fiege with an alarming vigour. A view of the enemy's petition con- vinced the duke that the moll: determined exertions would be requifite to the relief of the place. The French confidered themfelves perfectly fecure, but the Engliih began the attack with bravery, fuftained it with fortitude, and finifhcd it with the mod memorable fuc- cefs. Five hundred of the enemy's veflels were either taken or funk, together with five of thofe Genoefe (hips, 144 JOHN OE LANCASTER, fhips, called carracks, which, from their uncommon di- menfions and power, it was thought by the enemy the Englifh would have not ventured to engage. Twenty thoufand of their men were flain. On this great naval action, which was fought in 1416, the whole Englifli fleet entered the port in triumph; and the conflable, hearing of the victory, felt it prudent to raife the fiege of Harfleur, and immediately decamped. The king, in the enfuing year, 1417, went to France. His army confifted in part of troops in his own imme- diate pay, and in part of forces raifed by his barons : of the firft there were fixteen thoufand four hundred men, of the latter nine thoufand one hundred and twenty- feven ; and of this army about a fourth part were horfe. To tranfport them from Dover, a navy was prepared of one thoufand five hundred (hips, of which two were very remarkable. They feem to have been both ad- mirals, and were equally adorned with purple fails, em- broidered with the arms of England and France; one was ftyled the king's chamber, the other his hall ; from whence it plainly appears that he affected to keep his court upon the fea, and to make no difference between his palace and his fliips royal. While the king was in France, 1421, his queen, Catharine, daughter of Charles VI. was delivered of a fon '* at Windibr, afterwards Henry VI. to whom the * When news was brought the king of his fon's birth, he was difpleafed at the place of his nativity, having ftri&ly forbid the queen to lie-in there. Turn- ing to the lord Fitz.-Hugh, his great chamberlain and confidant, he prophe- tically exclaimed : *' I, Henry, born at Monmouth, fhall Small time reign and much get ; But Henry of Windfor fhall long reign and lofe alb But, as God will, fo be it. duke JOHN DE LANCASTER. 14^ duke being in France, wa3 made governor of Nor- mandy. In May 1422 Catherine joined her hufbancl in France, juft in time to witnefs his end : this great prince died at Vincennes the 31 ft of Auguft. His malady was a fiftula, a diforder to the treatment of wh\ch the medical fkill of that age was utterly incompetent. He expired in the thirty-fourth year of his age, after a diftinguifhed reign of nine years, five months, and eleven days. Finding that his end approached, he fertt for the dukes of Bedford and Exeter (before earl of Dorfet), the earl of Warwick, and a few of the nobility, to whom, with great calmnefs, he delivered fuch directions as he judged requifite for the conduct of the ftate pending the prince's minority. He recollected, with fatisfadion, the bril- liancy of that reign which was about to terminate, though he exprefied a regret that the meafures of his opponents fhould have caufed fo great an expenfe of human lives. Turning to Bedford and Exeter, he conjured them to the ftricleft fr.iendfh.ip ; to feek the welfare of his fon, by improving the good-will of his ally the duke of Burgundy ; to confole his widow* ; to educate the prince with care, and ferve him with fidelity. He concluded thcle inftru6Uons, declaring it as his will that the regency of France (hould be vefted in his elder brother, the duke of Bedford ; that of England to his * Catherine of France, Henry's widow, married, fan after his Je.itfi, a Wcllh gentleman, Sir Owen Tudor, faid to b: defcended from the ancient princes of that country. She bore him two fons, Edmund'and Jafper, of whom the eldeft was created earl of Richmond, the ftcond earl of Pembroke. The family of Tudor, raifed to diftindlioa by this alliance, afterwards.afcend- ed the throne of England. L younger, 1,0 JOHN DE LA.NdA.STER. younger, the dukeofGloucefter ; and the care of his fon's perfon he committed to the earl of Warwick. Me then went through the ufual folemnitiesof a dying man. Such was the life and death of Henry V. a prince whofe early courfes were thought to portend a difgraceful and difaftrous reign, but who in the end difappointed the forebodings of the timid and malignant, and exceeded the mod fanguine hopes of his affectionate adherents. His character comprized as much heroifm, and, after his [ reformation, exhibited as little frailty as is incident to man. The parliamant, fhortly after the deceafe of their lite monarch, taking his laft defines into their cognizance, agreed to alter, in fome meafure, the nature of the ap- pointments which he had made. Inftead of regent, they conftituted Bedford protector or guardian of Eng- land, inverting the duke of Gloucefter with the charge during his elder brother's abfence. They alfo, as a fur- ther reftri&ion on the powers of thefe peers, appointed . a council, without whofe advice and approbation no meaiure of real importance could be undertaken. Ex- tending their thoughts to the" prince, they nominated Beaufor-t bifhop of Winhefter, inftead of Warwick, to the fuperintendance of his education, and to the pre- fervation of his perfon. The death of Charles VI. which took place in a few weeks after that of Henry V. made a confiderable alteration in the afpeft of French affairs . Charles VII. who fucceeded his fathe/, although pent up within a fmall portion of his own foil, was yet the true heir of the French monarchy. He had none of thofe mental imperfections which degraded his predeceflbr ; and his; difpoiitioft, JOHN DE LANCASTER. 147 difpofition, if it did not evince the fpirit of a martial determination calculated inftantly to retrieve his affairs and to grafp the falling diadem, pofieffed all that fweet- nefs and affability which render diftrefs univerfally in- terefting, and attach thofe by affection whom no other motive could excite to a participation of danger and grief. The duke of Burgundy, relenting at the miferies to which his paffions had fubje&ed his country, began 1 alfo to abate in his friendfhip to England. Paris foon felt the change : and as its inhabitants were devoted to Bur- gundy, they prepared to ferve the caufe which he efpoufed. Advices were fent to Bedford, of the enemy- being fecretly 'lodged in the country round the capital ; that they continually annoyed the Parifians; were con- certing fome formidable plot, and ought to be fought out and difperfed. All which was faid, in truft that the duke of Bedford, leaving the metropolis, to purfue the enemy, might afford them an opportunity of getting young Charles into the city. But the duke, who pe- netrated the defign, feized the reporters of this tale; they were convicted of a plot to exterminate the Eng- lifh, and executed. At the fame time, to fecure the wavering Burgundy, with whom this fcheme had ob- vioufly originated, he married, in 1423, Ann princefs of Burgundy. Meanwhile Charles had procured a body of troops, chiefly Scots, who under the earl of Buchan, conftable of France, ventured to engage the duke of Bedford at Verneuil, Auguft 27, 1424. Nothing but ext-reme rafhnefs could infligate the conftable to this a6tion : it accordingly terminated in his defeat, and five tboufand L 2 of 148 JOHN DE LANCASTER. bf his troops were killed. This victory might have proved of decifive advantage to England, had not the circumftances of Gloucester's quarrel with the duke of Burgundy obliged Bedford, in lieu of following up his fuccefs at Verneuil, to take a journey to England. While here, he was made great admiral ; and having, as well as he could, mitigated all dilputes, he returned to France. He arrived, in the beginning of 14 27, with confiderable reinforcements. He found the fituation of affairs ma- terially deteriorated during his abfence : the duke of Britanny and the count de Richmond had gone over to Charles, and Burgundy's attachment was weak and pre- carious. His profperity became more infecure by the valour of Dunois, Charles's general, who compelled the earl of Warwick to raife the riege of Montargis ; the firft action that turned the fide of fuccefs againft the En- giifli. Orleans, Charles's capital, was a primary object of confideration ; if this city were reduced, it was not likely that Charles fhould efcape, or that he could long evade the reach of a victorious purfuer. This enterprise being refolvedon, the command of it was entrufted to the earl of Salifbury; and although the force under his direction was inadequate to the object againft which he was directed, his approaches were attended with fuccefs. In thefe circumftances the duke of Orleans, yet a prifoner in England, propofed, through the duke of Burgundy, that all his demefnes (hould be fequeftered, as the balls of a neutrality. The regent, however, informed Burgundy " he was not of a humour to brat the bufhes JOHN DE LANCASTER. 149 bufhes while others ran away with the game ;" a reply that Burgundy never forgave. The drooping fortunes of the French king were rc- cftablifhcd by one of thofe extraordinary interventions which it is hardly improper to term miraculous. The hiftory of Joan of Arc, the maid of Orleans her youth, her enthufiafm, her. courage, her achieve- ments, and her fate, circumftances that have been fre- quently commemorated, and are generally known, need not be here repeated. Whether incited to ac~l her me- morable part by the advice and under the fanction of confpicuous perfons in the French court; or whether (he really deceived herfelf into the belief of her being in- fpired to free her country from the dominion of ftrangers, and raife her deprefTed fovereign to the throne of his anceftors; it is certain that her heroic exploits eflentially contributed to thofe events. Her progrefs was marked by enterprize and viclory, and her countrymen, infpired by the energy fhe difplayed, performed every fervice with valour and alacrity, and obtained a proportionate fuccefs. The duke of Bedford encountered thefe unparalleled events with a promptitude and fteadinefs which placed his talents in the mofl exalted point of view. It is (incerely to be lamented that he fhould have fullied fo fair a re- putation by his folicitude in procuring the condemnation of the unfortunate Joan of Arc, who was taken pri- foner by the Englifli in 1429, and foon after, June 14, burnt as a witch, in the market place at Rouen. But the effects of her example, and the high martial fpirit which (he had fubftituted for defpair in the bofoms of her countrymen, did not expire with her. All the L 3 energy, j^O JOHN DE LANCASTER. energy, fagacity, and experience, of Bedford became inadequate to the tafk of preferving the once formidable power of the Englifh. in France. A feries of difafters and defeat was followed by the en- tire defection of the duke of Burgundy. His daughter, the duchefs of Bedford, died early in 1432, and Bedford united himfelf, before the expiration of the year, to Jaquetta, daughter of the earl of St. Pol. The duke of Burgundy immediately abandoned the Englifh alliance^ ivith fentiments of irreconcileable antipathy. Bedford was not long permitted to enjoy the pleafures or advantages he might have propofed to himfelf in his union with Jaquetta ; nor to experience the adverfities that were accumulating on his country. He died at his caftle of Rouen in Normandy, without legitimate offspring,. in 1435 ' an ^ was buried, agreeably to his will, at the church of Notre Dame in that city. His widow, Jaquetta, in the year enfuing his death married Sir Richard Woodville, to the great difpleafure. of her uncle the bifhop, and of her brother St. Pol. From this alliance fprang Elizabeth de Woodville, wards wife of Edward IV. RICHARQ RICHARD NEVILL, EARL OF WARWICK. FROM Gilbert de Nevill, who left Normandy with the conqueror, and who, although not mentioned as fuch in our hiftories, was admiral to that prince, defcended Richard earl of Warwick A long and fortunate fuo ceflion had given to the branches of de Nevill every appearance of fertility and ftrength ; already earls of Weftmoreland and Salifbury, and intermixed with the firft families of the country, Richard, to the other titles of his houfe, added that of Warwick, by his marriage with Anne daughter and heir of Beauchamp earl of Warwick. Had the members of this extenfive con- nexion allied themfelves as clofely in politics, as they were connected by confanguinity, their preponderancy over the regal influence would at any time have been, certain and uncontroulable. We are not yet arrived at that period when the naval profcflion becomes the diftinct and fole employment of the individual. In the ages now under review, we have continually to purfue the fame character from the opera- tions of the navy to thofe of the field, and from thence to the intrigues of a cabinet and the detail of an embafly r fomctimes the biihop turns general, and the general is involved in the mazes of ecclefiaftical hiftory. Thus it occurs that the annals of the individual, however L 4 carefully I5 RICHARD BTEVlLL, carefully reftricled to the principal fubjedl: of contem- plation, compofe, in fome fort, thofe of the country itfelf. Warwick had, in the conduct of his father the earl of Salifbury, an example highly calculated to ftimulate his natural ambition ; and his immenfe pofleflions en- abled him fully to execute what his fentiments fo ar- dently prompted. Convinced that, in turbulent times, there was no better ladder to power than the unbounded confidence of the populace, he began his career by dif- playing a magnificent hofpitality : in London, his houfe was the never-failing receptacle of all who adhered to his fame ; " Six oxen were ufually eat at a breakfaft, and every tavern was full of his meat." His muni- ficence gained the hearts of the common people, while his valour was equally fuccefsful in procuring the affec- tions of the feamen. The incapacity of Henry VI. became every day more evident. He had loft all his father's acquifitions in France ; and, though this reverfe muft be chiefly afiigned to the death of Bedford and the intrigues of the cardinal of Winchefter during the minority, yet, when it was feen that Henry committed himfelf entirely to the management of his queen and her favourites, and facrificed the good duke of Gloucefter, his only remaining friend and his uncle, to this new and imperious afcendancy, his fubjects did not hefitate to at- tribute every difafter they felt to the dreadful imbecility of their monarch. The navy, which had been fo fuccefsfully maintained during the victorious reign of his father, was not, how- ever, neglected by Henry VI. He made Warwick his ad- miral : and, if the unprecedented exertions of Charles VII. in EARL OF WARWICK. 153 Ki the aggrandizement of his fleet, emboldened ths French to aflail the Britim fhores, whatever fuccefs attended their onfet was generally counterbalanced by their final repulfe, and the chagrin with which they returned. Richard duke of York, who had long meditated his aflertion of that right to the crown of England, of which his progenitors, from Richard II. were deprived by the ufurpatton of Henry IV. in the year 1453, 'deeming it unneceflary further to difguife his intentions, collected an army of 10,000 men, and marched towards London. Warwick, and Salifbury his father, who were both allied to the duke of York, though they were decidedly en- gaged to fupport the claims of that houfe, yet confidering it imprudent to forfeit the confidence of Henry before the fuccfs of the plot became apparent, remained in the royal camp, prudently refolving to retain a fituation where their influence would be ferviceable in fecuring York's pardon with the king, fhould his views mifcarry. The event proved the wifdom of thefe earls : York found London fhut againft him, and was compelled to retire into Kent. The king purfued ancj overtook him with a fuperior army. Indifcretion would now have made his ruin inevitable, but as he had merely demanded a reformation of the abufes of government, and the dif- miffal of Somerfet, the queen's favourite, the good offices of his two friends, Warwick and Salifbury, prevailed over the refentment of the court, who were contented to fee their opponents views fruftrated. The king foon after fell into a ftate which rendered him totally incapable of fuflaining the duties of his office; and the queen found herfelf no longer able to refjft 154 RICHfARB NEVILL, refjft the clamour in favour of the duke of York : So- meriet was fent to the tower ; and York declared by parliament lieutenant of the realm. This ftate of things could not laft. As Henry flowly recovered, he releafed Somerfet, and annulled the power of the 1'eutenant. York immediately raifed another army, demanding, 4 as before, the removal of the court favourites. Thefe troops were encountered at St. Albans, on the 22d of May 1455, by the king, where, the battle prov- ing favourable to the Yorkifts, Henry fell into their hands, and with him the government again devolved to York. In this engagement, the firft of thofe dreadful encounters which commenced the civil wars of the rofes, were {lain about 5000 of the Lancaftrians ; among whom were the duke of Somerfet, the earl of Northum- land, the earl of Stafford, lord Clifford, and many other perfons of diftin&ion. When he arrived in London, York made his firft open claim to the monarchy before the houfe of peers: but the king was by them empower- ed to retain his office. Conciliatory meafures were Attempted on the part of Henry : York, Salifbury, and Warwick, were invited to attend the court at Coventry : but thefe noblemen, either receiving or pretending to have received notice of deiigns formed againft their lives by the court, feparated while on the road to Coventry; York went to his caftle of Wigmore, Salisbury to Middleham in Yorkfhire, and Warwick to his govern- pient of Calais. Moderate men began to be ferioufly apprehenfive of the iffbe of thefe proceedings. At the inltance of the archbifhop of Canterbury the three friends were induced to quit their retreat ; and another reconciliation was fct on foot in London, but it termi- nated EARL OF WARWICK. 155 pated flill more unpropitioufly than the former. A perfoq. jn the king's retinue having infulted one of Warwick's train, a fkirmifh enfued, and Warwick again fled to Calais. His friends, taking the example,, fled alfo to their refpe&ive feats, each party preparing to decide by- arms a conteft which, it was now clear, admitted of no pther determination. The government of Calais, which, was confided to Warwick by the authority of parliament after the battle of St. Albans, was, on many confiderations, a poft of extraordinary moment at this juncture ; it gave him the unlimited command of the only regular military- force then maintained by the crown, and it afforded him a harbour wherein he might fecurely collect the -prime of the Britim navy. Over the laft department his in- fluence wa nearly unprecedented. He had been ap- pointed high admiral, and for the fupport of this com- mand, in which he was ftyled Great Captain of the Sea^ the parliament had Allowed to him, not only the whole of the duties arifmgfrom tonnogeand poundage, the ufual provifion for the fupport of the navy, but be had alfo a grant of one thoufand pounds per annum from the re- venues of the duchy of Lancailer. Such an idea had the woild of this earl, that he was familiarly called The Stout Earl of Warwick, and The King-maker. Warwick had butjuft fettled himfelf at Calais, when putting to fea, in order to prevent any fuccours arriving from France to Henry, he fell in with five very large, fliips, three Genoefe and two Spanifh, richly laden * thefe he took, after a fpirited refinance, and fold their cargoes at the price of ten thoufand pounds. Henry, nding it impoffible to draw the earl |rom this fortrefs, for 156 RICHARD NEVILL, for he had fummoned him to anfwer in London for the produce of his late captures, fent out the young duke of Somerfet to fuperfede him in his government. But the inhabitants refufed obedience to the royal order; and finding them bent on maintaining their rejection of the new governor, the king ordered lord Rivers, whom he now conftituted his admiral, to collect all his re- maining fleet at Sandwich, and proceed to force War- wick from his ftation. The earl perceiving this defign, difpatched Sir John Denham, a veteran officer, to Sand- wich, who completely furprifed the ihips that were affembled under Rivers, fecured them, and returned to Calais with Rivers and his fleet. The fleet which had carried over young Somerfet, hearing of this fuccefs, re- volted from the king, and entered into the fervice of Warwick. The duke of York was now in Ireland, where he had been obliged to take refuge ever fmce the defeat of his friends at Blore Heath, on the borders of Staffbrdfhire, on the 230! of September 1459 ; and, as the importance of their pjans rendered an interview indifpenfable to both, Warwick undertook a voyage for that purpofe. As this adventure could be no fecret in London, the duke of Exeter, with the grand fleet under his com- mand, failed to intercept Warwick in his return. They met : but fuch was the coldnefs of the men to the royal caufe, when oppofed to that of the earl, that Exeter deemed it fafeft to Tetire without making any hoflile attempt. Events foon explained the nature of Warwick's con- ference with the duke of York. Having founded the men, and finding them not unfriendly to his hopes, EARL OF WARWICK. 1^7 hopes, lie landed at Sandwich in 1460. But he did not take this decifive meaiure till he had removed every im- pediment to his operations, and fecured a formidable force. He had, a few weeks hefore, furprifed a fleet deftined to oppofe his paflage, which was commanded by fir Simon Montfort, lord warden of the cinque ports, and conducted it into Calais. Nor, when he now land- ed at Sandwich, did he omit the precautions necefiary to fuccefs. His profefiions of allegiance to Henry, which he ratified by a folemn public oath at the crofs of Can- terbury, not merely deceived the populace, but many alfo of the great men who joined him, and who, to- gether with the people, enabled him to encounter the king at Northampton, where an obftinate battle enfued on the loth of July. The refult of this conflict placed Henry in the cuftody of his adverfaries, and carried the Yorkifts in tiiumph to London. Here York firtt made an unequivocal demand of the crown ; and ob- tained from parliament an acknowledgment of his right. This adjuilment was but of fliort duration : Mar- garet, who had fled into Scotland on the breaking out of this rebellion, returning from thence with a n-ume- rous force, and, aided by the northern barons, gave battle to the duke of York at Wakefield: here York fell; and here the earl of Saliihury, father of Warwick, being made prifoner, was beheaded by the queen's or- ders. Advancing towards the metropolis, {he was en- encountered at St. Albans by the divifion ftationed in the capital under the command of the earl of Warwick. This engagement alfo terminated in her favour, through the treachery of Lovelace, who deierted to the queen 1^8 RICHARD NEVItti queen with a confiderable body of his vaflats. No fia- bility, however, attended this fortune. Young Edward; the new duke of York, advanced upon her from the oppofite quarter ; collected the remains of Warwick's forces; and prefented fuch a threatening afpect, as compelled the queen to retire into the north : Edward entered the city of London amidft the loudeft acclama- tions, and was immediately declared king by the title of Edward IV. Margaret remained yet unfubdued, and in pofleflion of her hufband's perfon. She had even gathered to- gether a force of fixty thoufand men in Yorkshire, and ib powerful was her influence in thefe parts, that "Warwick was difpatched with an army of forty thou- fand men to arreft her progrefs. On his arrival at fomfret, the earl detached a body of troops under lord Fitzwaller, to fecure the pafs of Ferrybridge over the 1 Ayre, which divided him from the enemy. This party gained, but were not able to maintain, the pofition againft lord Clifford the queen's general, who repulfed them with great lofs. Warwick was too experienced a commander not to perceive the critical effect of this check,, if he allowed it to gain an afcendancy over thfc minds of his followers. He Called for his horfe, ftabbed him in the prefence of his whole army, and kiffing thd hilt of his fword, exclaimed, " Let him flee that flee will, I will tafry with him that will tarry with me ;" an adlion that inftantly reitored the wavering refolutions of his adherents, and to which he flood much indebted for the victory that eniued. On the following morn- ing the two armies engaged at Teuton ; the conteft, which was unufually bloody, decided the expulfion of -;. Henry EARL OF WARWICK. I${) Henry and his unfortunate queen, who were defeated, and fled into Scotland. Edward did not forget the man who had fo import- antly contributed to advance the interefts of the houfe of York. Warwick was made general warden of the eaft marches towards Scotland ; lord great chamberlain of England for life ; conftable of Dover cattle ; lord high fteward of England ; entrufted with all the embaffies o( moment; and fent to negociate, in 1464, Edward's marriage with Bona of Savoy, fifter of the queen of, France. To ufe the language of Philip de Comines, " this great earl was the chiefeft man in England for fupporting the houfe of York, as the duke of Somerfet was for that of Lancafter : fo that he might juftly be called king Edward's father, as well for that of training him up, as for the great fervices he did him." While Warwick was negotiating this marriage, Ed- ward married Elizabeth, widow of fir John Grey, and daughter of Jacquetta, widow of the great duke of Bedford, by her union with Woodville. This conduct offended the earl, who had nearly concluded his matri- monial miffion with the French court. Nor did Edward, ' on Warwick's return, affett that concern for hisambaf- fador's difappointment, which might have tended to mollify the refentment of the baron, and could not pof- fibly degrade the prince. Rafti, haughty, and incon- fiderate, Edward feemed not to fear the animofity of his, moft powerful friend ; or he was induced to attempt to lower that pride and greatnefs which might one day infult even the piefent poffeflbr of the throne. Cer- tainly motives extremely ftrong, bcfides the king's beha- viour in the projected union with Bona, and which are not l6o RICHARD NEVILL, not to be underftood at this diftance of time, raufl have* concurred in producing that enmity which foon broke out between Warwick and the fovereign. He retired into Warwickfhire ; and,- fending for his brothers, the archbifhop of York, and lord Montague, confulted on the means of dethroning Edward. Though his intentions were not difclofed, the king ftrongly fufpecled them ; for, at a banquet t6 which the earl in- vited him, he fuddenly rofe, and entertaining an idea that it was meant either to murder or to poifon him, abruptly quitted the entertainment. Edward's conclusions did not prevent him from ftill employing the earl of Warwick, who was fhortly after- wards fent, with the duke of Clarence the king's brother, whom Warwick had feduced to his party by marrying him to his elder daughter, to fupprefs a rebel- lion in Lincolnfhire. The confpirators, inftead of quelling, endeavoured to turn this infurrecTion to their own advantage, but failed. Clarence and Warwick were afterwards refufed entrance into Calais, and com- pelled to feek refuge in France ; where, in conjunction with that court, they undertook the refloration of Henry. Edward contrived, however, to regain the duke of Clarence t;o himfelf. Towards the latter end -of September, 1470, War- wick landed in England. His amazing popularity, and his- addrefs, placed him at once at the head of iixty thoufandmen; Edward had but juit time to fave him- felf bv flight into Holland, and Henry was reftored. When the exaltation^ of the Lancaftrians feemed complete, Edward fuddenly appeared at Ravenfpur in 'York {hire : the duke of Burgundy had {"applied him 8 with EARL OF WARWICK. l6l with fourteen (hips, a little money, and two thoufand men. It is remarkable that he landed at the fame place, and made a fimilar declaration to that of the duke of Lan- cafter, afterwards Henry IV. He had the addrefs to avoid Warwick, and enter London, where he made himfelf mafter of Henry's perfon. Edward, finding himfelf in a condition to oppofe Warwick, encountered him at Barnet, April the 24th, 1471. Clarence was now with his brother, but entertained fo high a regard for his father- in-law, the earl of Warwick, that he induced the king to liften to fome plan of reconciliation. Thefe over- tures were difdained by the earl ; who, without waiting for fuccours that were haftening to his affiftance under queen Margaret, hazarded that engagement in which he ended his tumultuous days, and in which the Lancaftrian caufe experienced a fatal blow. His body was expofed at Paul's crefs, anl then interred with his ancestors, M SEBASTIAN" SEBASTIAN CABOT. A NEW and more delightful fcene now opens itfel'f to contemplation. Every age has its ruling and dift'm- guifliing paflion ; and that of the age now enfuing was the difcovery of unknown countries, the extenfion of human intercourfe, and the enlargement of human information. The few days of Edward V. and the fhort and un- certain reign of Richard III. afford nothing worthy of notice in the naval hiftory of the country. Not thus the long and pacific years of their fucceffor Henry VII, His youth was paffed in exile and activity, amongft the traders of the continent, and being thus acquainted with every object that agitated the fpeculative mind, Hemy became verfed in mercantile interefts, expert in naval tranfa&ions, and qualified to diftinguifh and appreciate thofe projects of difcovery with which Europe abounded, Bartholomew Columbus found his applications fuc- cefsful in England ; and though his brother Chriftopher effedted his difcovery for Spain, prior to his receiving news of the treaty concluded, on his account, between the king and Bartholomew, the figning of this agree- ment did, in fat, antedate the difcovery. But, if this claim to the firft difcovery of America were not to bee rorged, it is certain that the Cabots ranged a great part of this unknown world in 1497 ; and that, though Columbus had previoully found certain ifles, it was. i 149* SEBASTIAN CABOT. 163 1498 before he faw the continent. So that, in reality, the honour of this GREAT DISCOVERY is as much, or more, due to the Englim, than the Spaniards. Sebaflian Cabot was bora at Briftol about the year 1477. He was fon of John Gabota, a Venetian, who was introduced to the notice of Henry VII. in the courfe of a treaty with Denmark. The name was by corrup- tion foon called Cabot. John was fully adequate to the tafk of inciting his fon to thofe fludies which might conduce to his reputation as a feaman. Sebaftian was early inftrucled in arithmetic, geometry, and cofmogra- phy ; and, by the time he had attained the age of feven- teen years, he had made feveral trips to fea, and thereby added to great theoretical knowledge a competent de- gree of {kill in the practice of navigation. In 1495 John Cabot obtained from Henry a patent, empower- ing himfelf and his three fons to proceed in their dif- coveries ; and in the fpring of 1497, having collected four fmall veflels, and a fhip fitted out at the king's expence, they quitted England on their projected def- ti nation, propofmg to feek a north- weft paflage to the Eaft Indies ; a hope with which John Cabot had been infpired in confequence of the progrefs of Columbus. Purfuing their north-weft courfe they difcovered, at about five in the morning of June 24, 1497, an ifland which, from the number of that fifli feen on its coaft's, they called Baccalaos ; and which is now known by the name of Newfoundland. The following account of this tranfacTion is found on a map drawn by Sebaftian, and merits prefervation in thefe pages, both becaufe it is the dfcription of Sebaftian Cabot, and alfo the firft account M 2 Of j54 SEBASTIAN CABOT. of the difcoveries made by adventurers in the pay of the Englim nation. " In the year of oar Lord 1497, John Cabot, a Vene- tian, and his fon Sebaftian, with an Englim fleet, fet out from Briftol, and difcovered that ifland which no man before had attempted. This difcovery was made on the four and twentieth of June, about five o'clock in the jnorning. This land he called Prima Vifta^ or firft feen, becaufe it was that part of which they had the firft fight from the fea. The ifland, which lies out before the land, he called the ifland of St. John, becaufe it was dif- covered on the feflival of St. John the Baptift. The inhabitants of this ifland wore beafts' {kins, and efteemed them as the fineft garaientt. M So far Sebaftian's memorandum. Fabian, in his chronicle, tells, that there were brought unto Henry VII. " three men taken in the new-found ifland: thefe, he continues, were clothed in beafts' {kins, and did eat raw fiefh, and fpake fuch fpeech that no men could underftand them, and in their demeanour were like brute beafts." Purchas gives fome account of the cuftoms of the natives, and produce of the ifland. As to the rela*n given by John Cabot of this voyage, it is involved In too much confufion and obfcurity to merit 3 feriout detail. He failed afterwards to Cape Florida, and then returned to England with a valuable cargo, and the three favages on board : he was well received, and obtained from the king the honour of knighthood. This is juftly ftyled a very important difcovery, fmce, in truth, it was the firft time the continent of America had been feen, Columbus being unacquainted with it till SEBASTIAN CABOT. l6$ till his laft voyage, which was the year following, when he coafted along a part of the Ifthmus of Darien. And the learned Purchas aflerts, that America ought rather to be called Cabotiana, or Sebaftiana, becaufe Sebaftian Cabot difcovered more of it than Americas, or Columbus himfelf. Of the voyages performed by Sebaftian in the courfe of the next twenty years, there is now no trace. All the facts certainly known relating to him during this period are the death of his father ; his great intimacy with Sir Thomas Pert, Vice Admiral to Henry VIII. and his procuring from his friend a good {hip of the king's, in order to effect dtfcoveries to the fouth. It appears that he had now changed his route ; for he failed firft to Brazil, and, miffing there of his purpofe, fhaped his courfe for the iflands of Hifpaniola and Porto Rico, where he carried on a little traffic, and then re- turned ; failing, however, of his true defign, "through the timidity of Pert. This difappointment fo affected Sebaftian, that he left England, and entered into the fervice of Spain. Here he was treated with the refpeft due to his merits : he was appointed chief pilot of Spain} and as this office empowered^ him to review all projects of difcovery, it was of great importance at this era, and admirably fuited to his genius. Cabot did not long retain a ftation which, honourable as it was in itfelf, could give no fcope for his more ac- tive fpirit. Some merchants, who were defirous of un- dertaking a voyage on their own account, applied to him in 1524, who was to proceed by the late found ftraits of Magellan to the Moluccas. The propofal was highly gratifying to Cabot. He failed from Cadiz, in April M 3 1525, l66 SEBASTIAN CABOT. 1525, to the Canaries, then to the Gape de Venl iflands, thence to Cape St. Auguftine, and near the hay of All Saints he met a French fliip. At the ifland of Patos he was relieved hy the Indians from that fcarcity of provifion to which erroneous calculations had reduced him ; but in requital of thefe good offices he took away by force four of the fons of their chiefs. In his way to Rio de la Plata, he fet afhore, on a, defert ifland, Mar- tin Mendez, his rice-admiral, captain Francis dc Rodas, and Michael de Rodas, for contumacious carriage and cenfuring his orders: he did not touch at the Spice iflands, being in want of provifions, and alfo apprehend- ing that his men would not truft theinfelves to his management up the Straits. About thirty leagues above the mouth of the river de la Plata he found an ifland, v^hich he called St. Gabriel : here he anchored, and rowing with the boats three leagues higher, difcovered a river which he called San Salvador, very deep, and a fafe harbour for ihips. Here he brought up his vefiels and unloaded them, and then built a fort. Advancing, in boats, thirty leagues further, and perceiving the peo- ple of thofe (hores to be focial and rational, he creeled another fort, which he named Santi Spiritu, or the Holy Ghoft, and that wherein he had left fome of his- followers he called Cabot's fort. Keeping along the gre& ftreani, and difcovering feveral iflands and rivers in his way, he now gained the river Paraguay. Near this quarter he found the natives employed in tillage, a cir- cumflance he had never before witneffed in thofe regions. Jrie attempted to land, but was compelled to retire. James Garcia, who had been fent from Galiicia with two- veflfels, on a voyage of difcovery, and entirely un- apprized SEBASTIAN CABOT. 167 apprized of Cabot's route, entered the Plate. Garcia had fent away his own fhip, which was the largeft, when he came to an anchor at the place where Cabot's vefTels was all {rationed. They foon joined company, and. returned together to the fort of the Holy Ghoft, and from thence difpatched meflengers into Spain with an account of their difcoveries ; fpecimens of gold and filver, the produce of the countries difcovered ; and requefting TL good fupply of provifion, ammunition, wares adapted to traffic, and a recruit of men. The merchants, taking the whole into confideration, refolved to give up thefe acquifitions to the king of Spain, as, better qualified to fupport and eftablim them. The monarch acceded readily to the offer ; but was fo dilatory in recruiting the adventurers, that Cabot, tired ofhisfituation, returned to Spain in 1531. He was but coldly received at court. His feverity to the vice-admiral and his aflbciates, he now faw, had made him too many enemies at home to leave the leaft room to doubt from whence had arifen the denial of fuccours, and the prefent indifference of the monarch. Towards the clofe of the reign of Henry VIII. Cabot repaired to England, and fettled in Briflol ; at the in- ftance, it feems, of Mr. Thorne, an intimate friend of the navigator, and an eminent merchant in that city, Ca- bot had the good fortune to attract the notice of the duke of Somerfet, uncle to Edward VI. in the commence- ment of that prince's reign. Somerfet introduced him to the young king, who became iincerely attached to the feaman, and created for him an office equivalent to that which he had enjoyed in Spain, with a penfion of i66/. 13^. 4< He continued in high favour with M 4 Edward, l68 SEBASTIAN CABOT. Edward, who confulted him on all mercantile bufinefs, and on every important naval expedition. In 1553 he drew up the inftructions for the merchant-company about to embark for afcertaining a paffage by the north to the Eaft Indies. Cabot founded, and was by letters patent made go- vernor for life of, the Ruflia company, in the firft year of queen Mary, who alfo continued to Cabot the penfion granted to him by her predeceffor. He was ever active in the affairs of this company. On his flay at Grave- fend, where he had been one day in April 1556, to at- tend the departuie of a veffel employed in the Ruffia trade, after diftributiwg alms very liberally to the poor, he caufed a grand entertainment to be made at the Chriftopher, where, fuch were his natural franknefs and gaiety, he entered himfelf into the dance. " This, except the renewing of his patent, is the laft circumfhnce relating to Cabot that can be difcovered ; and as it is cer- tain that a perfon of his temper could not have been idle, or his actions remain in obfcurity, fo it is almoft certain, that he died fome time in the next year, when, if not four- fcore, he was at leaft confiderably upwards of feventy." Sebaftian Cabot, though defcended of an Italian fami- ly, was by birth and affections an Englishman. He is entitled to a diftinguimed place in the firft rank of Bri- tifh Naval Characters. He was the moft fkilful feaman of the times in which he flourished ; the firft who re- marked the variation of the compafs, a point of the ut- moft importance in navigation ; and the difcoveries which he made are undeniable teftimonials of his fpirit, vvifdom, and fortitude. ( 1*9 SIR EDWARD POYNINGS. THE reign of Henry VII. if we except the oc- cafional extenfion of the royal power beyond the limits .confident with the juft liberty of the fubje6t, was pecu- liarly fortunate to his people. He united the contend- ing interefts of York and Lancafter, and thereby ter- minated the horrors of civil war; and was generally re- vered by his neighbours. He built the GREAT HARRY, the fir ft ihip of the royal navy ; for though he, as well as his predeceffors, fitted out fome veffels, and hired others, on every equipment of the marine force, he was the firft who began to raife fuch a fufficient permanent navy as might be at all times found adequate to the de- fence of the (late, and prompt and efficacious to afTert the rights of his kingdom. Throughout the whole of his government, the Engliih navy exifted on a foundar- tion more reipedable, as well as more powerful, than at any previous period*. Sir Edward Poynings may be faid to have flourifhed during the reign of this wife and refpecled monarch. His anceftors, the de Poynings of 'SufTex, greatly diftin-* guifhed themfelves under their refpetive fovereigns. * " The king forcfaw an incrcafe of commerce would make larger veflels necefiary, and therefore began to bmilcl, and let oujfuch to hire for the advan- tage of, aad by way of example to, his fubjefts." Sir I JO SIR EDWARD POYNINGS. Sir Edward's father was Robert, a younger fon of lord Robert Poynings, who died in 1469, leaving Edward, then eleven years of age, his fon and heir. Though the crimes of Richard III. had advanced him to the throne of his murdered nephew, they could not fecure to him the allegiance of the nation. Bucking- ham, who really elevated the tyrant to this eminence, was amongfl the firil: who were found ready to depofe the atrocious ufurper. This duke being allied to the Lancaftrian family, and, as almoft invariably happens in fimilar tranfa&ions, feeling himfelf not rewarded ac- cording to the nature and extent of his fervices to Richard, very cordially acquiefced in the rettoration of the houfe of Lancafter in the perfon of Henry earl of Richmond, then in a fort of honourable cuflody at the court of Britanny. Sir Edward Poynings engaged deeply in this fcheme ; which was, however, apparently fruftrated by the failure of Buckingham's in fur regions, who was taken in a private houfe, to which he fled on. the difperfion of his Welfhmcn, and was immediately executed at Salifbury. Sir Edward learnt the inaufpi- cious event in time to evade its effects : he fled inftantly into France, and there joined Richmond, whohadjuft made an efcape no lefs critical from the hands of Peter Landais, a mifcreant hired by Richard to affriflinate him in Britanny. Charles VIII. gave to Richmond thofe fuccours for which he hnd vainly importuned at Bri- tanny. With only a few ihips, on board of which were two thoufand men, the earl failed from Harfleur, and difembarked at Milford Haven. Richard advanced from Nottingham, and Richmond through Shrewfbury, where he was joined by confiderable numbers. The SIR EDWARD POYNINGS. 1 7 J t'.vo armies met near Leicefler, where the battle of Bofworth field foon decided their reciprocal claims : Henry became king of England, Atiguit the 22d, 1485, and was crowned at London on the 3Oth of the cnfuing Odtober, amidft the unfeigned congratulations of his fubjecls. At his coronation, Henry inflituted a band ot fifty archers, called yeomen of the guard ; an inftitu- tion which, while it added fplendour to the ceremony, gave alfo fecurity to the perion of the king. Sir E4- ward was appointed mafter of this guard towards the latter days of the fovereign, under the appellation of knight for the king's body. Regret is not to be excited by the fate of j?Jchad III. ; it is, however, worthy of remark, that, had he not negle&ed his fleet, he might long have prelerved to himfelf that crown he fo iniqui- toufly acquired. Richard made all his preparations by land, when the flighted naval opposition muflr have de- terred Henry from fetting foot in his dominions, and re- turned him with confuilon upon France; it was, moft probably, a knowledge of Richard's deficiency in this quarter that induced Henry to undertake his invafion. Henry did not forget the perfons who adventured themfelves in his caufe ; thofe firm and generous adhe- rents to whom he ftood indebted for his crown, in this fele6Hon, fir Edward was made one of the privy council; and, in 1489, he was joined with fir Ralph \Villoughby, afterwards lord Broke, in the conduct of troops fent to the affiftance of the dqchefs of Britanny, according to Henry's ftipulations with Maximilian. Count Ravenftein, a rebellious fubjecl: pf Maxinrlian, fuming pirate in 1492, fir Edward Poynings was lent outtodeflroy him. Raveuftein'sfituation wasfoundfuf- ficiently 1 72 SIR EDWARD POYNINCS. ficiently formidable. He had fortified himfelf in the town of Sluys, and had collected together a considerable jiaval force for the defence of the port. Poynings, while confulting the meafures proper to be purfued, received the fatisfa&ory intelligence that the duke of Saxony had invefted Sluys by land, which determined him to beliege it by fea. The principal itrength of the befieged con- fifted in two caftles, one of which Poynings attacked twenty days fucceflively ; and had at length the good fortune to take both, by fetting fire, in the night, to the bridge of boats that formed the communication between the callles. The town was furrendered to the elector, and its caftles were delivered up to the Englifli. In 1495 fir Edward was appointed lord lieutenant of Ireland ; he had, two years before, evinced fuch alacrity in detecting the impofture of Perkin Warbec, when deputed to Flanders for that end by Henry, that the king, as a fingular token of favour and confidence, now cntrufted to him the final fupprefiion of Perkin's Irifh partifans, and the reformation of the conftitution of that country. So effective were his regulations, that Perkin jn vain eflayed to acquire a fettlement ; and, after fecreting himfelf for fome time among the wild natives, he was compelled to take fhelter in Scotland. But fir Edward's exertions went much further than the mere expulfion of Perkin, and the entire fuppreffion of the importer's friends : he abfolutely combined the govern- ment of Ireland with that of England, By that great ftatute, which is known to this day by the title of POYN- ING'S LAW, " all the former laws of England were made to be of force in Ireland ; and no bill can be in- troduced SIR EDWARD POYNINGS. 173 traduced into the Irifh parliament, unlefs it previoufly receive the fan&ion of the council of England." On the acceffion of Henry VIII. which took place in 1509, fir Edward Poynings is found among the new miniftry, and in the office of comptroller. The tribute given by the hiftorian to this miniftry is no fmall praife to the individuals of whom it was compofed. " Thefe men had long been aecuflomed to bufmefs under the late king, and were the leaft unpopular of all the minifters employed by that monarch." Sir Edward did not lofe, under the aufpices of the fon, the favour h had acquired under Henry VIL Already inverted with the order of the garter, and made conftable of Dover Caflle, he was chofen, by Henry VIII. comptroller of his houfehold, numbered with the privy council, made warden of the cinque ports, and continu- ed in his conftablefhip of Dover Gaftle. In the year 1511 Henry became concerned for the ftate of Flanders. Sir Edward Poynings was therefore difpatched, with a choice body of troops, to aflift the Bur- gundians in repelling the duke of Gueldres : he met with confiderable fuccefs; and returned with much honour, and little lofs, to his native country. He was af- terwards, in 1 51 2, employed on an embafly to Maximilian. Henry, young, fanguine, and ambitious, panted after military glory , while the amazing treafures left by the late king, together with a powerful and well-regulated navy, were circumftances highly favourable to his de- iires. He had engaged in the great league againft Louis XII. and although the deportment: of Maximilian was uniformly ambiguous and interefted, yet his refined iubtilty and the project of a conqueft of France, which was 174 SIR EDWARD POYKINCS. was entertained by the Englifh monarch and ardently feconded by Maximilian, induced Henry to augment bis confidence in his ally, and to rufh eagerly into the Inare thus fpread for hope and credulity by that artful politician. About April 1513 the firft detachment of the def- tined invafion paffed over to Calais ; whither it was followed, towards the end of June, by Henry and the remainder of the expedition. Maximilian, who had long dHcernrd the weak fide of his confederate, enlifted himfelf in Henry's fervice, wore the crofs of St. George, and received hundred crowns a day as one of his fab-* jects and capia;ns. Henry was fo blinded by this finefie, as to overlook Maximilian's default in a very ferious par- ticular. This prince had received an advance of 1 20,000 crowns from Henry, and had promiled to reinforce the Swifs, who were to make an effectual irruption into Burgundy with 8000 men ; but utterly failed in the performance of this engagement. Henry arrived in camp juft in time to obtain a decifive advantage over the French forces fent to relieve Teroiiane, the ficge of which fortrefs was already formed by the earl of Shrewf- Ixiry and lord Herbert. Inftead of purfuing the confe- quences of a victory that had thrown Paris into general confternation, and at an epoch when her monarch was in no condition to refift the power of his enemies, Henry returned to the feige of Teroiiane. But his movements were, if poflible, ftill more inexcufable on the reduction of the place befieged. By the advice of Maximilian, he laid feige to Tournay. This city, though lying within the Flemifh frontiers, belonged to France ; and Maxi- milian was heartily denrous of freeing his grandfon from fo SIR EDWARD POYNINOS. 1 73 fo troublefome and dangerous a neighbour by the friend- ly arms of his ally. Having taken Tournay alfo, and hearing of the retreat of the Swifs, Henry thought it prudent to return home ; a meafure to which he was alfo prompted by refle<5ting on the advanced ftate of the feafon, for it was now near the clofe of September. Though this campaign was tardily began, the. king might have reached Paris, had it been judicioufly pur- fued, or had he not fuffered himfeJf to be impofed upon by the defigning counfels of Maximilian. Sir Edward Poynings bore a principal fhare in the whole of thefe tranfa6tions, and was left to keep pofleflion of Tournay. The fortrefs thus committed to Poynings being at length ceded by treaty to the French, Sir Edward re- turned to his government of Dover Caftle ; where, on the 25th of May 1520, he had the honour to receive the emperor Charles V. who landed on a vifit to Henry. Charles had but recently afcended the imperial throne ; and learning that Francis, the French monarch, who had been his competitor in the conteft for that diadem, was arranging an interview with Henry, he refolved, by- making his previous refpedts and infuring Wolfey's fa- vour, to counteract the fuppofed defigns of Francis ; and the fuccefs of his journey did not difappoint his expec- tations. In 1523 fir Edward Poynings fell a victim to the plague, which raged in England with great violence. By Elizabeth, daughter of fir John Scot, he had only one fon, who died in his life time, but he left fevcral illegl- mate children. SIR 176 SIR TH6MAS KNEVEf, ALL that can be offered on the fubjeft of fir Thomas Knevet's origin is conjecture. He was probably a de- fcendant of the Knevets of Norfolk ; a branch of which family, John Knivet, or Knevet, was chancellor and keeper of the great feal in the reign of Edward III. Sir Thomas Knevet was matter of the horfe to Henry VIII. He was ordered to the coaft of Britanny, during the fmmmer of 1^12, with a fleet of forty-five fail ; carrying with him fir Charles Brandon, fir John Carew, and a number of the young nobility, who were earneftly and equally defirous of exerting their naval abilities on this occafion. They had fucceeded in committing various ravages, when they were unexpectedly encountered by Primauget, the French admiral, who fuddenly iflued from Breft with thirty-nine fail. Primauget began the en- gagement. Fire feized his ihip; and finding his own deftru&ion inevitable, he bore down upon the veflel of the Englifli admiral, refolved that he Jfhould meet a fimilar doom. Both fleets flood for fomc time in fuf- pence, fpetators of this dreadful flruggle. The horrof of the flames, the cries of fury and defpair which pro- ceeded from the miferable combatants, and the ghaftly confirmation of the furrounding feamen, who contem- plated the difmal conteft, formed altogether a fcene of indefcribable mifery. At laft the French veflel blew SIR THOMAS KNEVET. I'J'J up, and at the fame time deftroyed the Englifti. The reft of the French fleet made their efcape into different harbours. Thus perifhed fir Thomas Knevet a loyal fubjeft, an honourable citizen, and a zealous aflertor of the naval fuperiprity of his country. N SIR C 178 ) SIR EDWARD HOWARD, ' LORD HIGH ADMIRAL. THERE are not many families to whom confiderations of refpeft and admiration are fo juftly due as to the illuftrious line of the Howards: all that antiquity fo remote as not to be afcertaincd ; all that patriotifm, va- lour, genius, and exalted fervices can claim, is exacted by the virtues, the talents, and the actions of this noble houfe. Their firft recorded anceftor is Edward Howard, judge of the court of common pleas in the times of Edward 1. and his fucceflbr Edward II. Hif- tory has not been deficient in commemorating the cha- racier of this great man. He is reprefented as a man of wiblemimed manners, great learning, becoming fe- rioufnefs, indefatigable in duty, and of unimpeachable integrity. By the favour of Edward IV. John, a de- fcendant of this magiftrate, was made lord Howard; afterwards, in the days of Richard III. he was advanced to the dukedom of Norfolk ; and he fell, in defence of his laft patron, at Bofworth field. Thomas, fon of John, was, notwithftanding the attachment of his parent, much favoured by Henry VII. and foon reftored to the earldom of Surry, a diftin&ion procured for him by his father from Richard III. but of which he had been deprived by the viciflitudes of civil 8 war. SIR EDWARD HOWARD. 1 79 war. Thomas mull be confulered the true founder of his family's profperity, the great origin of their future importance. He was almoft as highly eftimated by Henry VIII. as by his predecefior. He married Eliza- beth, daughter ar.d fole heir of fir Frederick Tilney, and widow of Humphrey Bouchier lord Bsners ; from which union he derived eight fons and three daughters, among whom were fir Edward, and his brother, fir Thomas Howard. On the death of Elizabeth, lord Howard married Agnes, daughter of fir Philip Tilney, and by her had two fons and four daughters. Sir Edward Howard gave early proof of his attach- ment to the naval interefts of his country. He was with Poynings at the redu&ion of Sluys; though at that period but a fti ipling, he came with the hope of attain- ing fome practical knowledge of a profeflion wherein he afterwards fo greatly excelled. The judgment, activity, and courage, which he on this occaiion difplayed, pro- cured him the applaufes of his bed officers, and opened to them pleaiing expectations of his future fame. Indeed, his knighthood was conferred on him by Henry VII. in confideration of his conduct at Sluys. Henry VIII. appointed fir Edward his (landard- hearer; a poll of great honour, and never conferred but upon characters of fingular worth and bravery. The king further augmented fir Edward's reputation, by con- flituting him lord high admiral of England . Howard was advanced to this dignity March the I9th, 1513; and Henry, by an indenture, dated April the 8th, granted to fir Edward Howard the following allowance for the fupportof his new rank : " For his own maintainance, N 2 diet, jSo SIR EDWARQ HOWARD, diet, wages, and rewards, ten {hillings a day. For each of the captains, on the like accounts, one (hilling and fixpence a day. And for every foldier, mariner, and gunner, five (hillings a month for his wages, and five millings for his victuals, reckoning eight and twenty days in the month." Barton, a famous Scot, having long committed acts of piracy on our coafts, with two ftout (hips, which he had fitted out under colour of revenging himfelf on the Portuguefe, fir Edward, accompanied by fir Thomas Howard his brother, were difpatched in queft of the pirates. They fell in with them off the Goodwin fands, on their return from Flanders to Scotland. As the force was equal, the conteft became exceeding hot. Barton fought defperately, and, when reduced to ex- tremity by the wounds he had received, he encouraged his men, by means of a boatfvvain's whittle, to his lateft breath. The pirates were conducted to London, but difmified, by Henry's clemency, to their native, land. Scotland complained of this act as an infraction of fubfifting treaties, but Henry replied, " That to pu- nifh pirates was no infraction of treaties between princes." After convoying the duke of Dorfet into Spain, Howard cleared the coalts of Britanny, and was prefent at that dreadful engagement recorded in the life of Knevet. The fpring of 1513 is replete with naval tranfactions. Henry had long cherimed the intention of invading France ; and, purpofmg to pafs over to Calais in the prefent fummer, gave orders to the lord admiral to equip a competent fleet, and clear the feas. This armament, amounting to forty-two fail, left England in the month of LORD HIGH ADMIRAL. l8l of April. Howard found the French in Brefl, waiting for a reinforcement of fix gallies which were daily ex- pected from the Mediterranean wnder Pregent. Finding it an hopelefs attempt to attack the enemy in that fitua- tion, he made a feint of landing at a little diftance, by which he drew the enemy from the harbour, entered Bred, and ravaged the country in fight of its caftle. Pregent, meantime, arrived, and placed himfelf in Conquet, in a fiuation which he confidered perfectly iecure. He was at anchor between two rocks, on each of which ftood a ftrong fort, and lay fo far up the bay, that it was with extreme difficulty the Englifh admiral could bring any of his fhips to the attack. Having two gallies in his fleet, he chofe one, and committing the other to lord Ferrers, with no other afliftance than two barges and two boats, entered the bay of Conquet, April the 25th. It was a maxim of Howard's, that no admiral was good for any thing that was not even brave to a degree of madnefs. He immediately fattened on Pregcnt's rtiip, and leaped on board, attended by Carroz, a Spaniard, and feventeen feamen. The cable that linked him to Pregent being foon cut, Hownrd was left grap- pling with the French, and was tinally pufhed over- board in the ftruggle, and was drowned. Ferrers feeing the ftate of the admiral's galley, and having ex- pended his (hot, withdrew from the fcene ; and the ge- neral dejecYion of the Englifh now rendered it moft prudent to return home, without attempting any thing further again ft Pregent. Though the character of the admiral muft un- doubtedly have prompted him to exertions of the moft confummate valour, he would have acled more circum- N 3 fpeaiy, l8a ' SIR EDWARD HOWARD. fpe&ly, but for fome occurrences on fhore. So little did he doubt of the utter extirpation of the French fleet, that he wrote to court, apprifing the king of his fitua- tion, and exhorting him to come and take upon himfelf the glory of the achievement. Others were not fo fanguine, and Howard received an anfwer ordering him to do his duty in a ftyle of unmerited reproach. The reply took deep root in Howard's breaft, and, perhaps, urged him to a defperate attempt. The only account afterwards collected from his own men amounted merely to this : they faw him take his whiftle and the chain of gold nobles from his neck, and then throw them into the fea, that they might not fall into the pofleffion of the enemy, Sir Edward Howard was in all refpe&s a very eftima- ble man ; a brave and intelligent feaman : he was alfo a good foldier ; an able and upright ftatefman ; and an amiable private character. He fell in the flower of his age, April the 25th, 1513; and it was fortunate for Henry, that the lofsof an admiral, which might at one time have been irreparable, could now be fupplied from the fame itock which had produced the meritorious fir Jidward. Foreign potentates entertained an high ppinion of fir Edward Howard. " And furely, deareft brother," fays the king of Scots, in a letter to Henry VIII. IVfay the 141!), 1513, " we think more lofs is to you of the late admiral, who deceafed to his great honour, trian the advantage might have been in winning all the. gallies." SIR HOWARD L ORD HIGH ADMIRAL SIR THOMAS HOWARD, AFTERWARDS EARL OF SURRY AND DUKE OF NORFOLK, LORD HIGH ADMIRAL. WHEN complaints were preferred to the privy council of the practices of the Scottilh pirates, the great duke of Norfolk, the father of Edward and Thomas, declared the narrow feas fhould not be fo infefted while he had eftate enough to furnifli a fhip, or a fon capable of commanding it. Sir Thomas Howard was a worthy defcendant of fuch a father, and an inheritor of his brother's merit. It will be recollected that he aflifted his brother in his memorable conteft with Barton, but there are peculiarities belonging to the engagement which were naturally referved for the life of fir Thomas Howard. The two fliips, it is conceived, were fitted out at the expence of the duke of Norfolk. This conjecture is fan&ioned by the duke's declaration in council, and the alacrity difplayed by the brothers in the execution of it. Had they entered upon the en- terprize by royal commiffion, it is probable that not two fhips, but a fquadron, as was cuftomary, would have been affigned to them on the occafion. Bcfides they needed no commiffion; for pirates being hofles N 4 hvunani 184 SIR THOMAS HOWARD, humani generis, " the enemies of mankind," every man is at liberty to adt againft them ; and on this principle king Henry afterwards juftified the action. The bro- thers were feparated by a florm, in confequence of which Thomas firft engaged Barton in the Lion. In this fituation he had nearly accomplifhed his victory, when Edward came up, and encountered the confort fhip. The Lion was adjudged to be the prize of Thomas; but any comparifon between the exertions of the brothers in this action would be invidious and unjuft. Sir Thomas Howard, on his return from accompany- ing the duke of Dorfet againft Guyenne, learnt the melancholy cataftrophe of his brother Edward. Neither the fame he had acquired in conducting back the troops employed in that unfortunate difpute, nor the intelligence of himfelf being appointed lord high ad- miral, in place of his deceafed brother, could render him unmindful of the lofs of fo near and fo diftinguifhed a relative. The chief pleafure he appears to have derived from his laft appointment originated in the hope, that it would fpeedily afford him both the means and oc- caiion of revenging his brother's death. In this hope he was not deluded. Pregent, flufhed with his recent fuccefs, landed fome men in Suflex, who pillaged the country. Sir Thomas put directly to fea ; and having fcoured the channel, fo that not a French bark would venture to appear, landed in Whitfand bay, pillaged the places adjacent, and burnt a considerable town. The admiral, after thus clearing the feas, convoyed Henry and his preparations to Calais, on his long- meditated irruption into France. While AFTERWARDS EARL OF SURRY, &C. 185 -While Henry was amufmg himfelf with the flatteries of MaKimilian^ James IV. made a ferious incurfion into England. But the Howards quickly impeded his progrefs. Sir Thomas landed five thoufand men at Alnwick, to the affiftance of his noble .father, who was proceeding againft James. They fent their herald to the Scottifti king, who was particularly inftru&ed by the admiral to inform that monarch, " That whereas he could not meet with any of the Scottifh (hips at fea, he thought fit to land, to the end that he might juftify fir Andrew Barton's death ;" adding, " that, as he looked for no mercy from his enemies, fo he would fpare none but the king only, if he came into his hands $ and to make all this good, that he would be in the van-guard of the battle." The Howards were not unrewarded by Henry : their father, who had till now been only earl of Surry, was made duke of Norfolk, and fir Thomas was created earl of Surry. This battle, called that of Flodden field, wherein the Scottifh king and the flower of his nobility were flain, was fought the 8th of Sep- tember 1513. During the (liort interval of peace that followed thcfe tranfadlions, Ireland aflumed a troublefome cha- racter ; the miffion of a new lieutenant became indifpen- fable, and fir Thomas Howard, then earl of Surry, was delegated. His afliduity and talents recovered the au- thority of government, . and had no lefs fuccefs in conciliating the minds of the fubje6t. He left every thing on its legal foundation ; iupprefled Defmond's rebellion, lowered the O'Neals and O'Carrols; and re- turned to England with a reputation very defervedly augmented by the folid advantages which both nations had 186 SIR THOMAS HOWARD, had experienced under his adminiftration. Wolfey's jealoufy is afligned as the immediate caufe of Surry's recall : diflenfions had long prevailed between the car- dinal and the Howards ; Wolfey grew alarmed at the increafmg honour of this connexion, and their probable afcendancy in the political fcale. Pretexts were not wanting to veil the real motives of the minifter ; a new war had broke out with France, in the profecution of which it was averred the abilities of the admiral would be of the firft moment. France had perpetrated her accuitomed infults on the Englifh coaffc before Howard was called into action. The admiral firft applied himfelf to remedy this evil, which he did effectually, by difpatching his vice-admiral, Fitzwilliams, to guard the narrow feas. On the 4th of December, 1522, Surry was appointed lord treafurer. The new war had been kindled in confequence of a treaty lately concerted between Henry and the emperor, Charles V. Henry was deluded into this alliance by cardinal Wolfey, whom Charles had fecured to his in- terefts under a promife of raifmg him to the papacy, agreed to join his forces to thofe of Charles, and en- gaged the admiral in equipping the ftipulated naval fuc- cours, at the time when Fitzwilliams was deputed to guard the coafts. Surry was then, by a patent from Charles, made great admiral of the combined fleets. He proceeded to the coait of Normandy, and landing fome forces near Cherbourg, wafted and deftroyed the coun- try ; after which he returned. This retreat was a mere feint : the admiral landed in a few days on the fhores of Bretagne a large body of troops, with which he took and plundered Morlaix,; and having opened a pafiage for tht AFTERWARDS EARL OF SURRY, &C. 187 the Englifh forces into Champaign and Picardy, and gained a valuable booty, he returned to Southampton, leaving a ftrong fquadron under the vice-admiral to pro- tect the merchants and fcour the feas. Charles V. who liad been fome time in England, embarked, on Surry 's return, on board the admiral's (hip, and was fafely con- voyed to the port of St. Andero, in Bifcay. In 1525 died the great and good duke of Norfolk, the admiral's father. Norfolk lived long enough to be thoroughly difgufted with the cares of office, and the contentions of courts : and died in time to avoid a fight of that precipice over which the ambitious felfifhnefs of the nobility, aided by the feeble jealoufies of the old king, had nearly precipitated his children. Surry, on his fa- ther's demife, was entrufted with the fole command of an army againft Scotland ; in the conduct of this enterprife he was attended with his ufual fuccefs. In 1526 he was appointed one of the commiffioners to treat with France. But the fall of Wolfey approached. Sufpe&ed by his mailer, envied and hated by his peers, and univerfally decried by the people, this mighty minifler was at length deftined to undergo the feverefl trials that could pofiibly arife to a man of his ambition, opulence, and renown. Of thofe who accelerated the ruin of Wolfey, none were more powerful, none more inveterate, than the Howards. The cardinal had uniformly conducted him- fclf with fmgular afperity towards this family, which provoked from them a warm retaliation. Surry was one of the firft to fubfcribe the articles which were framed againft this extraordinary perfonage ; and when it was fonfulted among the lords, to what place he fhould be banifhed, j88 Sift. THOMAS HOWARD, baniflicd, the duke of Norfolk named York, the car- dinal's Tee, adding to Cromwell, who was chofen to cttfivey the order to Wolfey, on finding that the mi- nifter made no hafte to obey it, " Tell him further, that if he get not away, I will tear him With thefe teeth." Henry effected an interview with the French king in 1533 ; in this fcene the duke a&ed a confiderable pbrt. He was again in France, in the latter part of the year, to urge with the pope, the emperor, and the king of France, the necefTity of granting Henry a divorce from the queen. There is no doubt that Norfolk con- ducted this conference in a way perfectly acceptable to his royal matter, fince he was, amongft the firft of the nobility who had figned a declaration to his holinefs, " whereby they gave him a modeft intimation, that the allowance of his fupferhacy here would be endangered in cafe he did not comply with king Henry." Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk, refigning the office of earl marfhal, the king appointed the duke of Norfolk his fucceflbr, May the 28th, 1534: about the fame time he alfo nominated him viceroy of Ireland. Towards the clofe bf the year, Norfolk made another fruitlefs jour- ney into France on the fubjel of the divorce. Great political changes are moftly accompanied with violence; nor is it to be expelled that a revolution in the religious creed of a people fliould be effected without refinance. But the overthrow of the papal power, the fupprcffion of the monafteries, the execution of the moil eminent Englifh catholics, the public expofition of fe- crct hiflories of nuns and friars, formed all together, at the age wherein it was exerted, fuch an effort of un- paralleled AFTERWARDS EARL OF SURRY, &C. iSo, paralleled authority, that the confequent tumults it ex- cited, though exhibiting a temporary terror, will appear to have fallen far fhort of the caufes in which they originated. The firft oppofituon made to the king's proceedings in Lincolnfhire, hardly deferves that defcription : a more formidable oppofition, but al- moft as ihort-lived as the firft, was now attempted in the north. This infurredtion was called the pilgrimage of grace. Like the tumultuary and ill appointed com- motions fo often entered upon by the populace in times of unufual events, this vanifhed before the regular movements of the king's general, the duke of Norfolk. Other jnfurgents made fome efforts, but never could mufter an adequate force. Henry himfelf always enter- tained a contemptuous opinion of thefe tumults : he tells them, in a proclamation, that they ought no more to pretend to form a judgment of government, than a blind man of colours. " And we," he adds, ' with our whole council, think it right ftrange that ye, who be but brutes and inexpert folk, do take upon you to appoint us who be meet or not for our council." Henry, having concluded a hafty peace with th Scots, paffed again into France, in I 544 : he had con- certed this invafion with the emperor; the two princes were to enter on the campaign with one hundred thou- fand men, Henry by Calais, and Charles from the Low Countries. Had they fucceeded, nothing fhort of the deilrucYion of Francis, and the French monarchy, would have enfued. Norfolk, with his fon Henry, earl of Surry, took part in this enrerprize : the war opened in July, and terminated in September, un- attended I()0 SIR THOMAS HOWARD, attended by any action of moment, or any acquinYion of utility. Numerous and powerful as were the fervices which the Howards had rendered to Henry, there were alfo many caufes which counteracted their merits in the breaft of that prince. Unfortunately he married Cathe- rine Howard, niece to the prefent duke of Norfolk ; and her conduit, in the opinion of the king, reflected dif- grace on all her relations. To the difguft which her behaviour had excited in Henry, were added caufes of diflike perfonally affecting the duke. Norfolk was too powerful and too popular a fubject ; ftrong rumours were circulated of his attachment to the Romifh efta- blifliment; and, finally, he flood allied to the throne. His fon Henry, earl of Surry, unhappily rendered himfelf flill more obnoxious to his raafler. In the warmth and unfufpicioufnefs of youth, he is faid to have dropped fome unguarded intimations, which, whether true or not, were affiduoufly forwarded to the monarch, of a wifh to marry the lady Mary, who afterwards afcended the throne. Thefe motives acted fo violently on the jealous temper of the king, and were fo vehe- mently enforced by the enemies of Norfolk, that pri- vate orders were fuddenly ifTued for the arreftof that peer, together with his fon the earl of Surry ; and they were accordingly lodged in the tower in December 1546. Wit and learning, qualities in which the young earl highly excelled, though exerted with the utraoft promp- titude and acutenefs by him during his trial, could not avert his determined doom. He was beheaded on Tower-hill, January the ipth, 1547. His father's attainder AFTERWARDS EARL OF SURRY, &C. 191 attainder was expeditioufly obtained from a parliamen iummoned for that purpofe; he was tried, and condemn- ed unheard, and orders were iffued for his execution on the morning of the 2Qth of January ; when the death of the king, happening on the evening of the 28th, re- ferved him to a more peaceful end. He furvived till the commencement of Mary's reign in 1554. The character of fir Thomas Howard is fufficiently illuftrated in his life. He was brave in war, prudent in council, loyal to his king, and highly ferviceable to his country. WILLIAM ( 192 ) WILLIAM FITZWILLAMS, EARL OF SOUTHAMPTON. WILLIAM FITZWILMAMS fprang from William Fitzgodric, who flourished in the time of Henry II. His fon Thomas changed Godric for Williams, and thus, in lieu of Fitzgodric, became Fitzwilliams. A de- fcendant of this houfe was city recorder during the fhort reign of Edward V. An anecdote is related of this Fitzwilliams truly honourable to his character, and which reflects no fmall credit on his progeny. When Buckingham had convened the citizens of London at Guildhall, in order to found them relative to the ufurpa- tion of Richard III. and in hopes they would declare for the tyrant, he found that eloquence to which he had trailed entirely loft on the obdurate honefty of the Londoners. No (bout of " God fave king Richard !" no teuimony of popular approbation crowned his artful harangue ; unlefs the lilence which fo awfully prevailed might be taken for confent. Turning about to the mayor, he nfked him the rcafon of this filence. " Perhaps (faid the mayor) they do not underftand your grace." Buck- ingham renewed his eloquence, and was again as filently received. " I now fee (faid the mayor) the caufe : the citizens are not accuftomed to be harangued by any but their recorder, and know not how to anfvvcr a perfon of 6 vour WILLIAM FITZWILLIAMS. 193 your grace's quality." The recorder Fitzwilliams was then commanded to urge the principal topics upon which Buckingham had in vain expatiated. But as Fitzwil- liams felt heartily inimical to the bufmefs, he performed his office with fuch relutlance, and took fuch pains to inform the people that what he faid proceeded not from himfelf, but from the duke, that his grace found him- fclf compelled anew to addrefs the multitude, which he did in concife and plain terms: but the citizens perfe- vered in their difaffection to Richard : a few apprentices were at laft incited to join Gloucefter's fervants in the feeble and defpicable cry " God fave king Richard !" And Buckingham declared, that the favour of the nation was now manifefted towards the perfon of Richard III. late duke of G loucefter. Sir Thomas Fitzwilliams married Lucia, daughter and co-heir to Nevil, marquis Montacute, by whom he had two fons, Thomas, flain at the battle of Flodden ; and this William, who became earl of Southampton. As Willam was a younger fon, he began early to reflect on ci re urn fiances which unavoidably impelled him to ac- tivity ; and he chofe the naval fervice, as the faired and moft certain method of railing himfelf into favour and fortune. Important changes had recently been made in this profeffion. Whatever were the defects of Henry VIII. his attention to the naval interefts of his country entitle him to the gratitude of every Englishman. He was the firft of our princes who can be faid to have inftitutcd a ROYAL NAVY ; for though his father, Henry VII. paid fingular attention to this important concern, and fuch as fairly procured to him the honourable applaufes of pof- terity, yet it was referved for the fon to have the glory 1 of improving and eflabli filing the great fource of oui O fafety, 194 WILLIAM FITZVVILLIAMS, fafety, riches, and grandeur, the naval fuperiority of this country. When the Sovereign, the largeft (hip at that time in our pofleffion, blew up with Knevet, the king inftantly repaired the lofs, by building Henry Grace de Dieu, a (hip of flill greater magnitude. From the Conqueft to this period there was no fixed i.nd per- manent naval force : the cinque ports and maritime towns fitted out, upon application, their quota of (hips, which, after meeting at a certain rendezvous, ranged under the royal authority. It is not neceflary to dwell on the imperfections of this mode of procuring a pub- lic navy. Sometimes no force could be procured in any degree adequate to the urgency of the occafion, and that which was obtained often ferved with reluctance, and without vigour. Sometimes an admiral was felf- appointed ; at others he was elected by the people ; and at another time, he was chofen and conftituted by his Tovcreign. Henry remedied all thofe- evils. He built, or collected, a royal navy ; founded a navy-office ; fixed falaries for his admirals, vice-admirals, captains, and fea- men ; fo that, by the wifdom of his regulations, and the munificence of his protection, the naval fervice became a diftindl and regular profeflion, and has ever fince been furnimed with an illuftrious feries of officers. There is abundant reafon for believing that fir William Fizwilliams began his career of glory at an early period of his life, though no hiftories now mention the nature of his youthful exploits. In 1511, near the commence- ment of the reign of Henry VIII. he was appointed one of the efquires of the king's body. He was foon after- wards in- the engagement off Bred, where he received a dangerous wound; but this accident did not prevent him EARL OF SOUTHAMPTON. 195 him from aflifting the fiege of Tournay. In acknow- ledgment of his merits Henry conferred on him the ho- nour of knighthood. In the fpring of 1522 fir William acquired the ftation of vice-admiral, and putting to fea, retrieved the loffes of the merchants upon the French. He performed a fer- vice of the fame nature early in the next feafon. This condut highly ingratiated him with the mercantile world ; nor was his royal mailer lefs fenfible of the abilities and exertions of the vice-admiral, for he ob- tained of Henry, in the courfe of 15121, laige grants of thofe eftates forfeited to the crown by the attainder of the duke of Buckingham. Hitherto fuccefs attended his operations, and if alacrity in preparation, and vigour and underftanding in executing the commands ot his country, could infure a profperous iffue, fir William had never failed of the fulleft extent of the defigns entruftcd to his condudr.. He had recently returned from an embafTy into France, when he received orders to afford the accuftom- ed protection to our trade, to moleil the enemy, but particularly to way-lay the duke of Albany, who was daily expected to pafs with French fuccours to Scotland. Commerce found no reafon to lament a mifplaced con- fidence in her gallant friend the vice admiral, and it is much to be regretted that he experienced not that good fortune in intercepting Albany which ever attended him in his exertions to protect the valuable acquifitions of trade. The fleet affigned him for this fervice, con- fifted of but eight-and-twenty fail. With thefe he had, however, the fatisfation of chafing twelve Frenchmen, which formed a part of Albany's fleet, and had a number O t of 196 WILLIAM FITZWILLIAMS, of the great Scottifh nobility on board, into Dieppe, with the lofs of two of their fquadron. The duke meanwhile, feeing it impofllble to attempt his pafiage while Fitzwilliams was at fea, feigned to relinquifh his defign, throwing his troops into quarters, and difperfmg the tranfports. Unhappily this ftratagem fucceeded too well with the Englifh commander. The vice-admiral, having fcoured the French coaits, and fe- cured confiderable booty, returned home ; while Albany putting to fea, about the middle of September 1523, efcaped to the place of his deftination. During the year following, 1524, fir William was preferred to be captain of Guines cattle, in Picardy, and in the courfe of the fame year appointed treafurer of the king's houfehold. One circumitance will place in a convincing light the intereft that he had gained with the king. Fifher, Bifhop of Rochefter, faid in the houfe of lords, " That nothing now would ferve with the commons but the ruin of the church." Both the king and the commons were much offended by the bifliop's obfervation ; but Fitzwilliams, who alone pof- fefled great influence with the parties offended, found means to mediate the quarrel. In 1537, on returning from another French embafly, in which he had conducted matters in a manner pecu- liarly acceptable to Henry, he was raifed to the dignity of admiral of England : he already held the offices of treafurer of the houfehold, and chancellor of the duchy of Lancafter ; he was, befides, knight of the garter. Henry did not here paufe in his favour towards him : he\was fhortly after created earl of Southampton, and made lord privy feal. He appears to have been one of the firft feamen raifed to the honours of the peerage. Jn EARL OF SOUTHAMPTON. 197 In 1539 the earl of Southampton was fent with a fleet of fifty fail, to bring home the princefs Ann of Cleves, to whom Henry was marriedj January the 6th, 1540. His conftitution was now evidently broken ; he even made a will, whereby he bequeathed the king his beft collar of the garter, and his rich George fet with diamonds ; yet the continual intimations that he felt of his approaching diffolution could not damp the ac- cuftomed ardour of his difpofition. " Age had notquench'd one fpark of manly fire." He was not to be reftrained from participating in the war which broke out between England and Scotland in 1542. But having accompanied the duke of Norfolk as far as Newcaftle, overcome by the fatigue, he could pro- ceed no more. The duke commanded his banner to be borne, as it had hitherto been, in the front of the army, during the remainder of the expedition. Fitzwilliams had no iflue by his countefs Mabel, daughter of lord Clifford, and fifter to Henry, the firlt earl of Cumberland. He left, however, an illegitimate fon, Thomas, who aflumed the name of Fitzwilliams, alias Fifher. O 3 JOHN 98 JOHN DUDLEY, VISCOUNT LISLE, &c. JOHN DUDLEY, afterwards, fucceffively, vifcount Lifle, earl of Warwick, duke of Northumberland, and lord high Admiral, was elder fon of the memorable Ed- mund Dudley, co-partner with Empfon, during the lat- ter years of Henry VII. Thefe minifters, by their afli- duity in the fervice of Henry VII. incurred that popu- lar refentment to which they were politically facririced under the reign of his fucceflbr. In the third year of Henry V1I1. one year after his father's execution, young Dudley was, however, reftored to the blood and eflates of the attainted parent. John was about eight years of age when, on the petition of his guardian, Edward Guildford, efq. thy} restitution took place. He was knighted in 1494 ; in 1535 he was appointed matter of the tower armoury ; and, on the arrival of Ann of Cleves in 15 59, he was made matter of the horfe to that princefs. On the 1 2th of March, 1543, he was created vifcount Lifle. In the courfe of the fame year Henry VIII. conferred on him the rank of lord high admiral. War being determined on againft Scotland in 1544, the earl of Hertford, aflifled by the lord admiral, was ordered to invade that realm. Lifle failed with one hun- dred JOHN DUDLEY, VISCOUNT LISLE, &C. 199 dred mips from Newcaftle to Leith, where he difem- barked the troops early in May. The land forces ef- fected great devaluation, and then retreated fecurely to Berwick, while the admiral burut Leith, and ravaged the Scottifh coafts. But, as Henry's projects required this force in another direction, peace was foon granted the Scots, and Lifle initructed to attend the operations of the war with France. The duke of Suffolk had lain ifiege to Bou- logne ; the reduction of this place feemed important ; and the admiral therefore haftened to accelerate its cap- ture. Long inverted by fuperior forces on the land, and now blocked up by the English commander at fea, Bou- logne furrendered September 14, 1544. The king of France could not fubmit tamely to this defeat. He collected a powerful navy, which, under the orders of D'Annebault, his admiral, and aided by five and twenty gallies from the Mediterranean, com- manded by Paulin,- baron de la Garde, failed for the English coafts. Francis, unremittingly employed in concerting the recovery of Boulogne, determined, till the requilite preparations were accomplished, that his fleets (hould make fome attempts on the Britifh fhores as fome return for the lofs of that fortrefs. Juft as this force was about to proceed on its deftination, the admi- ral's fhip blew up* ; this accident, according to the fu- * This fhip, called the Carracon, had (according to Bellay) 100 large brafs cannon on board : but they muft have been vciy fmall, when proportioned to what are now diftinguilhed by that appellation, as he allows that the Carracon was only of eight hundred tons burden. Yet, it is equally clear that (he was the ftoutefl ftiip of the French naVy. A contemporary writer affures us, that (he appeared like a calf le among the other Ihips of the fleet, and that (he had nothing to fear at fea but fire and rocks. O 4 perftitious 20O JOHN DUDLEY, perftitious genius of the times, might have been expect- ed to damp the ardour of the French ; but they follow- ed up their defigns, apparently undifmayed by the cala- mity : they met, however, with little fuccefs in the ex- pedition. The next year, 1546, they refumed their defign upon Boulogne. Lifle, the lord admiral, had been conftituted lieutenant of Boulogne, and was left to fecure its de- fence. In this fltuation he bravely contended with the dauphin, who, at the head of 52,000 men, repeatedly aflaulted the place. Though the walls were much /nattered, and the French had once effected an entrance, a refolute fally drove them from this laft advantage, with the lofs of 800 of their beft troops. Hearing of their re- cent vifit to England, he likewife put to fea, and, land- ing fome forces in Normandy, took ample revenge. Each fide had now grown weary of the conteft : Lifle was therefore empowered to negociate with the French commiflioners of peace ; and a treaty, the refult of this negociation, was concluded between the two nations, near Guifnes, June 7, 1546. Henry VIII. did not long furvive the termination of his French campaigns. He died on the night of the 28th of January, 1547, leaving the lord admiral, who had at- tained to great favour, one of his fixteen executors. The admiral's character had now a full opportunity of difplaying itfelf. Finding that Someriet, young Ed- v/ard's protedlor, was deficient in capacity and courage ; that he was weak, credulous, and fufpicious, he foon in- gratiated himfelf into the confidence of that minifter, refojving to ered in him the ladder by which he fhould 6 mount, VISCOUNT LISLE, &C. 2OI mount, imperceptibly, to the firft offices of government. His prefent influence and popularity were fuch as to warrant thcfe gigantic projects. " He was the minion of that time ; fo as few things he attempted, but he achieved with honour ; which inade him the more proud and ambitious. Generally, he always increafed both in eflimation with the king, and authority amongft the no- bility." This year, 1547, he was made earl of War- wick, an honour which he claimed by his clefcent, on the maternal fide, from Margaret, elder daughter and co-heir of Richard Beauchamp earl of Warwick. Nearly at the fame time he was appointed to the truft of lord high chamberlain. With his title he alfo obtained the grant of Warwick caftle, and of the annexed lands. War with Scotland, and a rebellion in Norfolk, are amongft the leading features of the firft years of the reign of Edward VI. and from both thefe events did Warwick reap a new acceffion to his power. On the reduction of Ket's iniurrection, he was again made lord admiral ; and in 1550, the year following, as a farther recom- pence of his fervices, he was advanced to be fteward of the houfehold. Such a quick accumulation of honours and riches only extended the views of their pofTeflbr. He is accufed of having fet no bounds to his thirft after power, and of having paufed in no ftep that might ter- minate in the gratification of his deTires. To Warwick are attributed the beginnings and progrefs of that conten- tion between the protector and his brother, which ended in the deftruction of lord Thomas Seymour. And to him is alfo affigned the fubfequent ruin of the protector. Such, in truth, appears to have been the nature of his proceedings, 2O2 JOHN DUDLEY, proceedings, that they cannot bejuftified even by the mod refined policy. His intrigues were, however, interfperfed with actions of a more eflimable kind. During the profecution of thefe political defigns, he difcharged feveral iituatiens of importance with his accuftome.d ability and fuccefs ; and his rewards kept pace with his merits. On the 20th of April, 1551* he was conftituted earl mardial ; and on. the nth of October, the fame year, created duke of Northumberland. The fchemes fo long in preparation took at length their defined effect. Somerfet, the protector, was ar- raigned, tried, and condemned of various treafonable in- tentions towards the young monarch, and immediately beheaded on tower hill. But Edward did not long fur- vive thefe tumultuous tranfations. It has been aflerted, and it is probably true, that he never forgave himfelf the confenting to the execution of his uncle, the pro- tetor ; and that the impreffion of this event, on his young and feeling mind, accelerated his end. North- umberland watched the declining days of this amiable prince, with an anxiety proportioned to the ufe that he defigned to make of his demife. When Edward's fate became no longer doubtful, he married his fourth fon, Guilford Dudley, to lady Jane Grey, elder daughter of Hnry duke of SufFcik by Frances, daughter to Mary, fccond fifter to Henry VIII. But the meafure remain- ed yet imperfect:, unlefs Mary, the lineal fucceffor of Edward, were fecured. The princefs was then at fome diftance from court ; and her dying brother was induced to write to her, and requeft her attendance in his ficknefs. She VISCOUNT LISLE, &C. 203 She accordingly made preparations to that effect, and had almoft reached London, whrn {he was informed of the real intention of the king's friends Edward now breathed his laft ; and the lady Jane was proclaimed queen. Mary, mean time, warned of the plans of her adverfaries, ..was not lefs active in procuring adherents. Norwich hill recognized and afferted her rights, and was fpeedily fupported in this meafure hy the counties of Buckingham and Northumberland. The earl, who advanced hoftilely to meet Mary, was foon in- duced, by the coldnefs of his followers and the increafc of his foes, to abandon all hope of fupporting his daugh- ter-in-law, the lady Jane. He returned to Cambridge, where, attended by the mayor and the earl of North- ampton, though deftitute of herald or trumpet, he pro- claimed queen Mary in the market place, throwing up his cap in token of his extreme joy, and in expectation of reconciling himfelf to his rightful fovereign. This fervility very defervedly procured him no favour in the eyes of Mary. He was the next day arrefted ; then tried ; and executed on tower hill, Augjift 22, 1553. ^' s re ~ mains were interred in the tower church by John Cock, an old fervant, whofe gratitude induced him to petition Mary for his matter's body, that he might make fome return to his lord, dead, from whom he had received fo many favours, while living. At the place of execution Northumberland made ample confeffion of his attachment to the catholic caufe. " He acknowledged himfelf guilty ; and, craving par- don for his infatiable ambition, admoniftied the people, that they fliould embrace the religion of their forefathers, rejecting 204 JOHN DUDLEY, rejecting that of later date which had occafioned all the miferies of the forepafied thirty years. And, for prevention for the future, if they defired to prefent their fouls unfpotted to God, and were truly affected to their country, they (hould expel thofe trumpeters of fedition, the preachers of the reformed religion. As to himfelf, whatfoever he might have pretended, his confcience was fraught with the religion of his fathers ; but, being blinded by ambition, he had been contented to make wreck of his confcience, by temporifing ; for which he profeflfed himfelf fincerely repentant, and acknowledged the juftice of his death." The circumftance which he afligned as having prompted him to countenance the re- formation, is too light to merit any ferious degree of credit : he told fir Anthony Brown, afterwards vifcount Montague, that, albeit be knew the Romi/o religion to be true, yet, feeing a new religion was begun, run dog, run devil, he would go forward. Perhaps it may not be difficult to appreciate the cha- racter of Dudley. To a great portion of perfonal bra- very he certainly has an equitable claim ; nor were his talents as a ftatefman of an inferior defcription : but thefe advantages were wholly counteracted by his un- limited ambition ; a paffion whofe nature it is not to fee, or perceiving, to flight the obftacles which would rationally prefent themfelv.es to the attainment of its fa- vourite views. Another important defect in the temper of this great perfonage muft not be overlooked. There are thofe who never are known to link under adver- fity ; and who are always concerned that the means by which they endeavour to regain their afcendancy fliould bo VISCOUNT LISLE, &C. 20$ be worthy of the objedt to be retrieved, and compatible with the dignity of their aims. Herein was Dudley moft culpably deficient. How pitiful were the arts by which he ruined the Seymours ; and how wretched and contemptible was the device by which he effayed to con- ciliate himfelf with Mary ! THOMAS ( 206 ) THOMAS LORD SEYMOUR OF SUDLEY, LORD HIGH ADMIRAL. THE Seymours, fo confpicuous in the reigns of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. were defcendants of fir Roger Seymour of Wiltfhire : Thomas of Sudley was younger fon of fir John Seymour, knjght, and brother to Sey- mour duke of Somerfet, protedlor, during the minority of Edward VI. Thomas flood high in the favour of Henry VIII. to- wards the decline of whofe reign he attended the fuc- cours fent to the emperor, and was in the fame year con- ftituted mafter of the ordnance for life. In the 38 of Henry VIII. he was knight marfhal of the forces em- ployed at that time in France under the earl of Hertford. On the demife of Henry VIII. his name is alfo found among the number who were nominated by that mo- narch to aflift and advife with the executors appointed to fuperintend the education of the prince, and to con- duit the government till he ftiould attain to years of maturity. But a greater acceflion of honour WPS intended him by Henry VIII. It appearing from the evidence of thofe who were intimately acquainted' with the mind of the deceafed king, that Henry really had it in contemplation TJIOolLOM]D) SEYMOUR THOMAS LORD SEYMOUR, &C. 207 to confer on Thomas the dignity of a baron of the realm ; he was, on the i6th of February, 1547, created lord Seymour of Sudley, by the new adminiftration ; and to this advancement almoft immediately followed the poft of lord high admiral. Great wifdom and providence characterize the final difpofitions of Henry V1I1. fuch attention and fuch forefight a<; might be juftly expedted of a prince whofe reign was diftinguifhed by firmnefs and vigour; and, with all its violences and ftretches of power, by a fingu- lar and very beneficial attention to the improvement and profperity of the fubje<$t. His unwearied occupation in naval concerns, has been the fubjecl: of fmcere admira- tion : and with undiminifhed fatisfa&ion we can like- wife dwell upon his application to objects of internal ftrength, utility, and riches. The laws made in his time, for facilitating and fuppotting inland navigation ; ihis fo- licitude for the augmentation and ftability of the hemp manufactures ; the munificence with which he ex- pended, from his own coffers, between fixty and feventy thoufand pounds in building a new pier at Dover; the fortreffes which he erected in every part of his dominions for the protection of his navy, and the fecurity of his people ; and, above all, his founding thofe two cradles of the Britifli marine, the royal yards of Woolwich and Deptford, conftituting and eftabl;ihing at Deptford the noble fraternity of the Trinity : thefe actions, collec- tively, evince fo true an attachment to the interefts of his country as balance many of his vices, and muft for ever entitle him to the gratitude and efteem of Englifhmen. An union betwixt England and Scotland had been one of Henry's mod favourite fchemes ; he cherifhed it 9 with 208 THOMAS tORD SEYMOUR, with a folicitude worthy of its objects, and recommended it to the inveftigation and purfuit of thofe who were de- fignated to guide the councils of his infant fon. This recommendation became, accordingly, a leading fubjeft in the confideration of Edward's minifters : many over-' tures were made on their part, towards the defired end, in all which it was uniformly propofed, that a matri- monial contract fhould be inftantly completed between Mary, the young queen of Scots, and Edward ; but, left thefe offers fhould not, unlefs urged by more prefling confiderations, obtain the notice of the Scottifh court, the protector prepared himfelf with a force fully adequate to eftablifh his fovereign's claim to the territories of the princefs. He collected a fine army, 16,000 ftrong, to which the lord admiral, Somerfet's brother, added the equipment of a powerful and well-appointed fleet. As the Scots perfifted in refuting the proffered alliance, a decitive engagement enfued, in which, on September 10, 1547, the enemy were defeated, leaving 14,000 dead on the field, and Soco of their nobility and gentry pri- foners. The next year the lord admiral with a flout fleet failed about the coafts of Scotland, to prevent the enemy from repairing their harbours, and to effe& ad- ditional depredations j to this end he made two defcents, in both which he now proved unfuccefsful ; and as Mary had, meanwhile, efcaped into France, and great efforts were there making to obtain afliftance. in her caufe, a peace was fought after by the Englifh, and as foon acceded to by the Scots. It muft not, however, be concealed, that the jealoufies and quarrels of the pro- tedtor and the admiral operated more effectually in fa- vour of Scotland than any dread excited in the Englifli, from LORD HIGH ADMIRAL. 2?9 from their late check, or by the threatening language of France. To understand the nature of diffenfions fo fatal to the profperity of the public, it will be neceflary to ef- timate the characters of thefe eminent individuals. The protedtor was eafy, generous, placable, yet ex- tremely irritable. The admiral poffefled a lofty fpirit, was impatient of a fuperior, and indignant againft thofe who gained favours which he considered as unmerited. Both were hafty ; when moved to anger, carelefs of what they faid, or to whom they communicated their difcon- tents ; and there were never wanting thofe who lay in wait to avail themfelves of thefe errors. Somerfet was more in favour with the people ; Seymour more re- fpe&ed by the nobles. Thefe contrarieties, fufficient in themfelves to create ferious differences between the bro- thers, were yet heightened by additional aggravations. The admiral had early paid his court to Elizabeth, after- wards queen of England, on whofe young heart it is 'nought he made no tranfient impreflion; for his perfon was (lately, his manners were accomplished and im- poiing, and his voice fonorous, which heightened the effect of his appearance ; and he enjoyed the reputation of great courage. But the protecStor becoming alarmed at this procedure of the admiral, interpofed, and obliged him to feek another wife : thus neceflitated to forego his views, he married Catherine Par, queen dowager of Henry VIII. a lady endowed with too many virtues and graces for her huiband's peace. Somerfet had betrothed himfelf to Anne Stanhope, daughter of fir Edward Stanhope, a woman exactly the reverfe of Catherine. She eafily conceived a deadlyh a- tred to the admiral's lady, who, befides her great compa- P rative filO THOMAS LORD SEYMOUR, rative fuperiority both of heart and mind, enjoyed the- confpicuous advantage of precedency at court. As the effects of this malicious fpirit could not be wreaked on Catherine, they were eafily transferred to the admiral, Catherine died fhortly after in childbed ; but never could Anne reft, till, goaded on by Northumberland, {he brought the admiral to the block. Unhappily the conduct of this nobleman but too well countenanced the fuggeftions of his enemy. He was in- ftigated to intrigue againft his brother; and renewed his addreffes to Elizabeth. Such movements roufed all the caution of the protector ; Seymour was deprived of his admiralftiip, and committed to the tower. Here he uniformly repulfed his brother's conciliatory advances ; defiring to fee the nature of his accufatipn, and demand- ing a trial. The pailiament by whom his attainder was patted, accufed him of attempting to get the perfon of the king into his cuftody, with the view of governing the realm ; of making fufpicious provifion of money and victual ; of endeavouring to marry the lady Elizabeth, the king's lifter; and perfuading Edward, in his tender age, to af- fume the rule and ordering of himfelf. Such, amongfl much frivolous matter, are the principal grounds upon which, unfupported by any regular evidence, the par- liament patted the bill of attainder againft Seymour, March 1549. Their fentence was carried into exe- cution on the aoth of the fame month. How far the accufations are countenanced by events, the reader will, perhaps, determine. On the fcaffold, Seymour protefted, that, he never willingly did, either tftually tndeavour, or ferioujly intend, any thing againjl I the LORD HIGH ADMIRAL. 21 1 the perfon of the king, or the Jlate. As he was not per- mitted to anfwer his accufers, thefe proteftations, when coupled with the general franknefs of his life, procured general belief, and excited a proportionate difguit againft the protector. He left no offspring. Amidft the din of thefe wretched cabals, the general interefts of the community were not wholly difregarded. In 1548 an act was paffed for laying the Newfoundland trade entirely open ; and Smith, Edward's agent at Antwerp, in fettling (bme mercantile tranfatSlions, af- fured the emperor's commiflioncrs, that Bis mafler ivoultl fupport the commerce of htsfubjefls, at the hazard of any monarch* s friend/hip upon earth. On another cafion, Edward very gracioufly received a memorial, wherein certain methods were enumerated of encou- raging and increafing the number of feamen in his do- minions, alfo of preventing the carrying on of Englifh trade in foreign bottoms. Great hopes were formed of this good prince, founded on the many excellencies that diftinguifhed his government, but he did not live to realire the fond anticipations of his fubje&s. JOHN ( 312 ) JOHN LORD RUSSELL, AFTERWARDS DUKE OF BEDFORD, LORD ADMIRAL. THE Ruffells were originally of Dorfetfhire, and are a family of great antiquity. John lord Rufiel, after- wards duke of Bedford, refided near Bridport ; he was a perfon of great genius and learning, and became the founder of that honour which fo eminently dittinguifhed his defendants. The circumftance that immediately effe&ed his rife, evinces as much of what is ufually termed fortune, as can well fall to the lot of an individual. When Philip of Aurtria, driven on pur coafts, landed at Weymouth, fir Thomas Trenchard, a wealthy knight, who refided in thofe parts, wifhing to give the befl poffible entertainment to his royal gueft, till he could inform the court of the event, fent for lord Ruf- fell. Ruflell was nearly related to fir Thomas, and, being but recently arrived from his travels, was efteemed by his worthy relative a tit character to contribute to the amufement of the illuftrious ftranger. Philip knew how to eftimate worth ; and he fo much admired that of Ruflell, as to folicit his company to Windfor, and to recommend him, on their arrival there, to the notice and advancement of Henry VII. The JOHN LORD RUSSELL. 2,1$ The deceafe of Henry VII. which happened foon after, formed no bar to the profperity of Ruffell. In 1515 he accompanied Henry VIII. in his French ex- pedition, where he perfonally attended the king, as one of the gentlemen of his privy chamber. His fervices were rewarded in 1524 with the marflialfea of the royal houfehold. In the year following his employments were various; fometimes attending Henry in his irruptions into France, and fometimes entrufted with embaffies of the firft moment. Between 1534 and 1539, he was princi- pally in Italy. During the laft of thofe years he was made comptroller of the king's houfehold, and one of the privy council ; he alfo fhared largely in the diflribu- tion of church lands in 1540. In 1541 he fucceeded Fitzwillams, earl of Southampton, in the dignity of ad- miral of England, Ireland, Wales, Normandy, Gaf- coigne, and Acquitain, and in this capacity he paffed over into France, together with Fitzwilliams, who was on that occafion appointed lord privy feal. Fitzwilliams dying fhortly after, the admiral was made privy feal ; and again employed, 1545, in France, where he fuftained a principal part in the capture of Boulogne, being captain general of the vanguard of the army occupied in that expedition. Such was Henry's confidence in Ruffell, that he named him one of his executors. Preparations were now making for the coronation of the young prince, and as it was intended that the cere- mony fhould be brilliant, Ruffell was appointed lord high fleward on the 17th of February, 1547, three days antecedentto its performance. P 3 Religiou 214 J OHN Religious contentions, which had raged to a great height under Henry VIII. were rather increafed hy the firft proceedings of the new government. In Devon- /hire fome priefts turned an infurre&ion on common, grievances to their own account; and the infurgents became formidable enough to draw the attention of the council, who difpatched lord Ruffell to reprefs them. For fome days he was held at bay by the rebels, but fuc- cceded at length in completing the full object of his ap- pointment. He was hereupon advanced to a new dig- nity, being created duke of Bedford, January 19, 1549. The politics of the day now engaged his attention, and perceiving the defpondency of the protedlor, he went over to the Northumberland intereft. Bedford was fo fortunate as to acquire under Mary a confidence and profperity not inferior to what he had enjoyed during the reign of her predeceflbr. When the matrimonial articles were adjufted between this princefs and Philip of Spain, the honour of efcorting the prince from the Spanifh territories into England was entrufted to the duke of Bedford ; and when, in 1554, the difcontents to which this marriage gave birth, burft out into open oppofition, Bedford being again difpatched towards Devonshire, fucceeded in quelling fir Peter Carew, nearly on the fame fpot where he for- merly hail fubdued a portion of thofe religious tumults which diftracled the reign of his late fovereign. He died foon alter the reduction of thofe infurgents ; about the I4th of March the fame year, at his houfe near the Savoy in the Strand, and was buried at his feat in Buckinghamshire. AGAIN DISCOVERIES. 215 AGAIN the courfe of biographical narration is fuf- pended to purfue that fpirit of adventurous difcovery, which originated in the times of Henry VII and from which the mod important confequences have refulted to fucceeding ages. The general propenfity of the times towards voyages of difcovery, but particularly the hiftory of the Cabots, incited in the breafts of the Englifli merchant an inex- tinguifhable dedre for adventures of this defcription. THORNE, the friend and intimate of Sebaftian Cabot, {lands foremoft in the ranks of illuftrious individuals vvhofe talents were thus exerted for the fervice of their country. In 1527 he addreffed himfelf to Henry VIII. on the fubje fion of timely information of his inimical intentions, commodore Winter was difpatched with a few veflels, and eight hundred men in tranfports, to the relief of the iflands. He found the enemy prepared to receive him ; they had blocked up the jx>rt9 with a very fuperior force. Undifmayed by thefe circumlhnces, he re- (oived to attack them, and executed this refolution with fuch (kill and vigour, that, having killed near a thoufand 224 STR WILLIAM WINTER. a thoufancl of their number, lie compelled the refidue to embark on board fome light veffels, in which they pre- cipitately fled, abandoning their (hips, which were fet on fire by Winter's orders. The defeat fo chagrined the French, that they' forbade any particular mention of it under penalty of death. It was effected in 1549. Early in the reign of Mary, commodore Winter was employed with afloutfquadron to bring over the ambafla- dors fent by Charles V. to conclude the marriage of the queen with Philip. The emperor prefented the Englifli commander with a very handfome gold chain on his arrival at Oftend, a prefent which had nearly proved fatal to its owner; for {hewing it to fir Nicholas Throckmorton, that gentleman, after mufmg over it a few moments, faid to Winter, " For this gold chain you have fold your country :" the obfervation getting .vent, it almoft endangered the lives of the two friends. This is the only tranfa&ion recorded of fir William Winter during the government of Mary. In 1560 he was entrufted by queen Elizabeth with a fleet deftined to fupport the confederate Scots, a body of that nation who leagued themfelves againft the in- fluence which the French court was infidioufly ac- quiring over their liberties. Sir William appears for the firft time, in this expedition, in the character of vice- admiral, and it is certain that he now filled the fituation of matter of the ordnance. He failed up the frith of Forth, blocked up Leith road, where feveral of the French Ihips were riding at anchor, and while the land forces under lord Grey were preparing their attack, made himfelf matter of this fleet. In the fiege of the town he alfo materially affifted. It SIR WILLIAM WINTER. 225 was prefled with decifive ardour; the enemy were obliged to capitulate, upon terms perfectly agreeable to Elizabeth, and afterwards to negociate a peace. The vice-admiral was joined, fome time after, with Robert Beale, efq. in a miflion to Holland, requiring reftitution for certain infults experienced by Englifh individuals at the hands of the Dutch. The ever memorable armada called anew into exercife the abilities of the veteran, Winter. He commanded the Vanguard, a fliip of five hundred tons, carrying two hundred and fifty manners ; and was ftationed off Calais, together with lord Henry Seymour, there to await the approaches of thehoftile fleet, and alfo to be in readinefs to reinforce the lord admiral, Charles Howard. On the 27th of July, 1588, the Spaniards came to an anchor before Calais, while Howard, inftantly joined by Win- ter and Seymour, anchored likewife not far from the enemy. Sir William Winter fuflained a very confider- able part in the engagements which enfued : he was ever in the heat of each action, performing feats of the rnoft eminent valour, with the vigour of youth, and the judgment of years. This is the laft of his recorded tranfa&ions, and it is probable that death foon -afterwards clofed his ufeful and honourable career. EDWARD EDWARD LORD CLINTON AND SAY, AFTERWARDS EARL OF LINCOLN, HIGH ADMIRAL. THOMAS lord Clinton, the father of Edward, de- fcended of a long line of illuttrious ancestors, died of the fweating ficknefs in 1518, at the early age of twenty- fix j leaving his fon, who was born about the year 1515, to the inactivity of a long minority. Edward took his feat in the houfe of Peers in 1537. In 1545, having previoufly diftingnifhed himfelf in the celebrated tournament given by Henry VIII. to- wards the latter part of his reign, lord Clinton accom- panied the earl of Hertford in his irruptioa into Scot- land ; he conducted himfelf fo gallantly in this enter- prize, that he obtained the honour of knighthood from that commander. During the fummer of the fame year, he fuftained a part in the expedition commanded by vifcount Lifle, with increafed reputation. With the commencement of the reign of Edward VI. began alfo that feries of good fortune which conti- nued to favour the exertions of lord Clinton, with aug- menting fuccefs, during his fucceeding years. For the diftin&ion of admiral of the North Sea, the pofleffion of EDWARD LORD CLINTON AND SAY, 22; of which at this time he had attained, it is probable that he Hood indebted to his firft commander, the earl of Hertford, then duke of Somerfet, and protector. He was, therefore, entrufted with the effective command of that fleet, fo ably equipped by lord Seymour, and def- tined to aflift the operations of the protector againft the Scots *. It appears that lord Clinton had before, in the reign of Henry VIII. executed an almoft fimilar commiflion in the fame quarter ; carrying off the Sala- mander and Unicorn, two of the enemy's beft fliips, and a number of veflels. He now continued in thefe parts long after the engagement of the loth of Septem- ber 1547, and with profperity far exceeding his former ravages on the Scottifh coafts : for he burnt the fea- ports, with the fmall craft lying in their harbours, and fcarched every creek, and all the mouths of rivers, with fuch determined perfeverance, that he did not leave one fhip of force or burden to that kingdom. The next year, 1548, lord Clinton was appointed to the government of Boulogne. In 1549 t ^ ie French, under a young and afpiring prince, Henry II. began the recovery of thofe parts of their territory (till in the hands of the Englifli, by befieging Boulogne. Though every exertion that could be expected of a brave com- mander, feconded by a refolute garrifon, was made to repulfe the French, and though fome of thefe valiant efforts fucceeded, yet it was found impracticable to hold out beyond the fpring of 1550. There exifls not a doubt of lord Clinton having honourably and fully ex- erted himfelf on this trying occafion ; iince, though * The particulars of this expedition are detailed in the life of the lord high admiral Seymour; brother to the protestor. Q^ 2 Somerfet, 228 EDWARD Somerfet, his friend, was accufed, among other (tpnge charges, of carelefsly refigning Boulogne, Clinton, on the completion of the treaty between France and Scot- land and England, was conftituted lord high admiral for life, and had large grants of land awarded him by the king, in confideration of his eminent fervices to the ftate. On the arrival of the marfhal of ' France at Gravcfend, entrufted with the order of St. Michael for king Edward, lord Clinton conducted him to London. Mary continued to lord Clinton the truil of lord high admiral ; (he alfo inverted him with the order of the garter ; and, in 1558, file commiflloned him to revenge a lofs that preyed deeply on her heart the lofs 6f Ca- lais. With a fleet of one hundred and forty fail, to which were added thirty of Flemings by king Philip, the lord high admiral put to fea in July, his great ob- ject the reduction of Breft. Finding the main point of his orders impoffible to be effected, he landed at Con- quet in Britanny, which, together with the abbey of St. Michael, and feveral of the adjacent places, were facked and burnt. The Englifh, having executed this retaliation, retired to their ihips, while the Flemings, not fo provident, rambled up into the country, and were nearly all cut off in their retreat. But both were deftined to ac~b a part of yet greater moment. The count d'Egmont, governor of Flanders, advancing to- wards Gravel ines, encountered de Termes, governor of Calais, with an inferior force. Fortunately fome of the Englifh (hips, which were accidentally on the coafts, hearing the noife of camion, and concluding it to pro- ceed from battle, entered the river near the fcene of action, and, having ranged in a line with their broad- fides LORD CLINTON AND SAY. 22p Tides towards the French army, they fo galled the right wing of the enemy with cannon, that it could no longer Hand the tremendous fire. It foon gave way ; and, a panic at once feizing the remaining ranks, the victory on the Spanifli fide became complete: two thoufand French were killed on the fpot ; numbers of them were knocked on the head, by peafants, in retreating ; and among numerous prifoners was de Termes himfelf, wounded. D'Egmont prefented the Engliih two hun- dred of his captives as a recompence for their fervice, which were carried in triumph to the queen. This en- gagement was fought on the 3d of July 1558. Lord Clinton, on the acceflion of Elizabeth, was pe- culiarly diftinguifhed by that queen. Very early in her reign fhe numbered him with her privy council ; {he afterwards fent him, with the earl of Warwick, againft the infurrecYion of the earls of Northumberland and Weftmoreland; and, in the I4th of her reign, ad-^ vanced him to the title of earl of Lincoln. He was then nominated one of the commiflLon for the trial of the duke of Norfolk ; and, fhortly after this, appointed to treat of the marriage of Elizabeth with the duke of Anjou. The earl of Lincoln had three wives : Elizabeth, daughter of fir John Blount, widow of Gilbert lord Talboys, and at one time concubine to Henry VIII. Urfula, daughter of William lord Stourton ; Eliza- beth, daughter of Gerald Fitzgerald, earl of Kildare. .He died in the year 1584 ; and was buried on the fouth fide of the collegiate chapel of St George at Windfor. LORI} L0KD WILLIAM HOWARD, OF EFFINGHAM. THIS nobleman was the firft fon of Thomas Howard, duke of Norfolk, by his fecond marriage with Agnes, daughter of fir Hugh Tilney, and fitter and heir to fu; Philip Tilney of Lincolnfhire. To lord William Howard were entrufled feveral emi- nent einbailies during the reign of Henry VIII. who feems, indeed, to have had a genuine attachment towards his family ; for though William was arrefted by that king's orders, and committed to the^wer, on the difco- very of the infidelities of Catherine Howard, Henry's fifth queen, and niece to William, yet his confmeinent was but of fhort continuance, and bore no kind of pro- portion to the difpleafure which the conduct of his fe- male relative had excited in the breaft of the monarch. He was afterwards received into great favour by Ed- ward VI. and made deputy of Calais in 1552. On the acceflion of Mary he became yet more fuc- cefsful. That princefs, perceiving him to be a perforj of real yalour, and finding that his deportment had ever been characterized by unfliaken fidelity to the fovereigns under whofe reigns he had flourifhed ? firft raifed him to the LORD WILLIAM HOWARD. 23! the dignity of a baron of the realm, by the title of lord Howard of Effingham, March the nth of 1554; and then, on the 2d of the fame month, to the important truft of lord high admiral. He was further advanced, on the 8th of April following, to be lieutenant-general of all her majefty's forces at fea, and alfo lord chamberlain of the houfehold. It was the wifti of Mary that lord Howard, with the Englifh fleet, fhould proceed towards Spain, in order to efcort over her confort king Philip, and for this end the admiral put to fea ; but fo high were the difcontents of the failors, when acquainted with the queen's wifhes, that it was thought rafli any longer to perfift in the intention of going in quefl of Philip, and the admiral was therefore ordered to cruize about the coafts. Mary's precautions for her huiband foon proved to be extremely ridiculous, as Philip (liortly after entered the narrow feas with a fleet of one hundred and fixty fail. The Spaniard had the weaknefs and vanity to carry the Spanish flag in his main top, a circumftance that foon rouzed all the feelings of the Englifh commander, who immediately faluted him with a (hot, and obliged him to take in his colours before he would make his compliments to the prince. Such an a&ion needs not the feeble teftimony of individual praife ; it is worthy of everlaftirig remembrance. Elizabeth, who next afcended the Englifh throne, was too noble not to be affected with the merits of fuch a commander as lord Howard, and too lagacious to per- mit any circumftance of religious opinion to deprive her of the fer vices which fuch abilities were calculated to perform. He was employed on feveral millions, and 0.4 '* 333 DISCOVERIES. ill quelling the infurrecYion of the earls of Northum- berland and Weftmoreland ; and received from her the order of the garter. He prefided, during this reign, at the trial of the duke of Norfolk. He died about the i^th of Elizabeth, and was baried, according to his will, in Ryegate church. THE unhappy reign of Mary is remembered for few events mpre than for the lofs of Calais, which was re- covered by France in January 1558. Thus did we lofe, in eight days, a place which had coft Edward III. eleven months fiege, and which we had now held two hundred and ten years. Whether Calais were beneficial or in- jurious to the Englifh, its lofs is clearly to be attributed to the queen's marrying Philip of Spain. At any other era the nation would have fired at the report of fuch fuccefs on the part of France, and would have exerted every means in order to arreft the victorious progrefs of the ancient enemy ; but nqw it was feared to enter into hoftilities in which the king of Spain mnft take part, left the fortune of the war fhould by Philip be turned to his own finifler ends. Two or three voyages of difcovery were profecuted. during this fliort and diffracted reign. STEPHEN BURROUGHS was fitted out in order to purfue and per- fect the attempt, fo unfortunately made by fir Hugh Willoughby, to find a paflage by the north to the Eafl Indies ; but in this Burroughs alfo failed, though he pafled as far as the ftraits of Weygatz, In 1555-6 captain DISCOVERIES. $33 captain CHANCELLOR made two additional voyages to Ruffia, on behalf of the Ruffia company, who were now incorporate, and who had appointed him their grand pilot. He readied Mofcow on the eleventh of October 1555, and being admitted to an audience of the czar, obtained to the company thofe decifive privi- leges upon which they have fince fo fuccefsfully traded, eftablifh'mg at the fame time that liberal intercourfe between Ruffia and England which has ever been ac- companied with the moft momentous and falutary ef- fects to both countries. Chancellor effe&ed his third andlaft voyage in 1566. He was again moft courteoufly received by the czar, who deputed Ofep Napea, a per- fon much in the emperor's confidence, with rich prc- fents to Mary and Philip, his ambafiador into England. Ofep Napea, together with fixteen of his countrymen attendants, embarked for England July the 2Oth, 1556, on board the Edward Bonaventure, which was laden with goods to the amount of twenty thoufand pounds. The Confidenza, the Bona Speranza, and the Philip and Mary, were the fhips in company with that on board of which were the Ruffians and captain Chancellor. They experienced a tempeftuous fea ; the Confidenza and Bona Speranza were loft, nor did the Philip and Mary arrive in the Thames till the iSth of April 1557. More afflicting than that of the two loft ihips was the fate of the Edward Bonaventure ; after beating the fea for the fpace of four months, {lie arrived, November the loth, 1556, on the coaft of Scotland, where having parted from her anchors, and being driven on the rocks, {he fplit. Captain Chancellor, intent only on faving fhe life of the ambaflador, tqok him, with as many of his 234- DISCOVERIES. his attendants as he could, into the boat. The boat wa* thus probably ovc'iet ere it could reach the fhore, and Chancellor perifhed. It was with fignal difficulty that the ambaffador, with a few of his attendants, were refcu- ed from fimilar deftru&ion. The (hip with her whole cargo, the czar's prefents, and the ambaffador's bag- gage, were either loft in the Tea or plundered by the in- habitants. As foon as the company were apprized of thefe events, they deputed two of the body to wait upon Ofep Napea, and attend him towards London, within twelve miles of which metropolis he was met on Fe- bruary the 27th, 1557, by eighty merchants, richly at- tired*, who conducted him to a merchant's houfe, within four miles of the city. Here his excellency was fuperbly refitted, at the expence of the Rufiia company. He entered the city in great ftate, on February the 28th, and on the 20th of April following had his public au- dience at court. The Ruffian ambafiador failed from Gravefend, on his return, May the i2th, 1557, on board the Primrofe, * They all had chains of gold about their necks ; their fcrvants alfo were very numerous, in one uniform livery, and well mounted. Near the city four merchants prefented him with a (lately gelding magnifi- cently caparifoned, which he immediately mounted. He was met by the lord vifcount Mon^.ue, and numbers of the nobility, &c. with the queen*s compliments. At Smithfield bars the lord mayor and court of aldermen in their robes waited to receive him ; and in this manner was he conducted to apartmsnts provided by the company for his reception in Fenchurch Street. On the 29th of April, 1557, he was fumptuoufly entertained by the fo- ciety at Drapers' hall. And a cup of wine being drank to him in their name, they entreated him that he would permit them to defray all charges, both for his pcrfon and attendants, from the hour of his fetting foot in Scot- land to the time fixed for his departure from Gravefend, the third of May approaching. Such were the honouis which diftingui/hed the arrival of the FII.ST RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR in England. 4 commanded DISCOVERIES. 235 Commanded by captain Anthony Jenkinfon, and in, company with the St. John the Evangelift, the Ann, and the Trinity. They reached in fafety the bay of St. Nicholas, where they difembarked July the i2th, 1557, and proceeded to Mofcow. Captain Jenkinfon met with a moll grateful reception from the Czar. Jenkin- fon afterwards penetrated, though with infinite labour, and almoft incredible danger, into Bucharia,' having traverfed the countries bordering on the Cafpian fea, and thus became the firft difcoverer of the Periian trade, by the way of Mufcovy. AMBROSE AMBROSE DUDLEY, EARL OF WARWICK. AMBROSE DUDLEY was the third fon of the great duke of Northumberland, and came to the title of earl of Warwick on the demife of his brother John, who, attainted with their father, by the parliament held the jfl of Philip and Mary, died in prifon foon after, with- out ifiue. Ambrofe, reflored to blood by the clemency of queen Mary, in the 5th of Philip and Mary, foon occupied fituations of eminence in the {late. Signally as the favour of Mary was difplayed in his reftitution, the acceffion of queen Elizabeth muft be neverthelefs confidered a fortunate circumflance for Warwick. He was, on this event, immediately re- inftated in the full patrimony of his anceftors; and ex- perienced, at the hands of the new fovereign, a fuccef- fion of honours and emoluments. Elizabeth, in 1559, gave him the place of mafter of the ordnance for life, and, before the clofe of 1562, he was made captain- general of all her majefty's fubjedls in Normandy, an appointment of a nature rather fmgular. The hu- guenots had long fued for her protection, offering to put the port of Havre de Grace, then called Newhaven, into her hands. She, at length, liftened to the wifhes and accepted the conditions of this perfecuted people. Warwick AMBROSE DUDLEY, EARL OF WARWICK. 337 Warwick was difpatched, in September 1562, with a confiderable fleet, on board of which were fome excel- lent forces, to the relief of the French proteftants,, The treachery of the inhabitants of the port, and ap- pearances of a peftilence among the Englifli foldiers, at the moment when they were likely to be clofely and vigoroufly befieged by France, induced Warwick to furrender the town of Havre de Grace, July 29, 1563 : hut the furrender was made on terms highly honour- able to England, and fuch only as were ftriclly compa- tible with the fafety of the proteftants. While in Havre de Grace, the earl of Warwick received the order of the garter ; a pleafing teftimonial of his fovereign's attention and approbation. He feems to have been particularly happy in ac- quiring the good opinion of Elizabeth ; and not lef* fortunate in confirming what he had fo happily ac- quired. He was made lieutenant-general of the forces which, aided by lord Clinton, were raifed to quell the northern disturbances ; in 1570, he was appointed chief butler of England ; in 1572,. admitted to the privy council ; he prefuled, on that year, at the trial of Nor- folk ; and, in 1586, at that of Mary queen of Scots. Ambrofe earl of Warwick died the 2ift of February, 1589, at Bedford Houfe in the fuburbs of London, and was buried at Warwick, in a chapel adjoining the collegiate church. He married three wives : Anne, daughter and coheir to William Whorwood, efq. at- torney general to Henry VIII. Elizabeth, daughter of lir Gilbert Talboys, knight, and fifter and fole heir of George lord Talboys j and Anne, daughter to Francis earl of Bedford, but he had no offspring. i CHARLES CHARLES HOWARD, BARON OF EFFINGHAM, AFTERWARDS EARL OF NOTTINGHAM,, HIGH ADMIRAL. DEAR to the heart, and proud to the imagination of Englifhmen, is the age on which we are entering, the age of Elizabeth ; a fovereign who had the fpirit to refcue ner country from a ftate of the moft humiliating defpon- dency ; and who, having fucceeded in reviving the an- cient temper of her people, eftabliftied, by her vvifdom and firmnefs, the profperity to which (he had conducted them. Her reign is diftinguifhed by a long lift of illuf- trious naval characters a Drake, a Howard, a Hawkins, a Raleigh. We open this fplendid fcene with the life of the High Admiral, in whofe hiftory are involved the leading tranfadtions of the Englifli navy during the era of queen Elizabeth* Charles Howard, baron of Effingham, afterwards earl of Nottingham, and high admiral, was the elder fon of Howard earl of Effingham by a fecond marriage. He was born towards the clofe of the reign of Henry VIII. in the year 1536. The a&ive fituation of his parent, 'who, as we have feen, was lord admiral to Mary, did not permit CHAR.LES HOWARD, &. 139 permit the youth of Charles to pafs away inefficient and indolent. Charles, on the contrary, ferved under his fa- ther in feveral expeditions which preceded the ac- ceflion of Elisabeth. During the firft years of her reign he was deputed into France to compliment Charles IX. who had juft afcended the throne ; and he was, afterwards, a general of horfe in the army headed by Warwick againft the earls of Northumberland and Weftmoreland. His next fervice was in the efcort of Anne of Auftria, daughter of Maximilian the emperor, to the coaft of Spain. In 1571 he was chofen to parlia- ment as knight of the {hire for the county of Surry ; and very foon after fucceeded his father in title and eftates. Never did fovereign evince more difcretion than was difplayed by Elizabeth in the general distribution of ho- nour : her favours were not eafily procured, and they were therefore exceedingly prized. She made Charles, now lord Effingham, chamberlain of the houfehold, and, on the 24th of April 1573, a knight of the garter. On the death of the earl of Lincoln, in 1585, the queen im- mediately determined to raife lord Effingham to the pod of high admiral. To this office he came with the una- nimous approbation of the people, and highly to the gratification of the feamen, by whom he was greatly etteemed. Philip of Spain, the hulband of Mary, in vain exerted his arts to acquire that afcendancy with Elizabeth which he had formerly gained over her credulous and infatuat- ed lifter. He wiflied alfo to become the hufband of Eli- zabeth, but his propofals were uniformly rejected. No doubt this difappointment not a little heightened hisdif- like of the Englifh ; and at length urged him, among many 246 CHARLES many powerful polititical confiderations, to the which he made for the fubverficm and deftruction of the country. Elizabeth, always vigilant, foon penetrated the dreadful fclieme. As early as 1574, there is not any thing more frequent in our annals than inftradlions for viewing fortifications ; for inquiring into the condi- tion of the militia*; taking frequent mufters ; and, in- deed, for inflituting every kind of examination into the ftrength and extent of the national refources. It ap- pears, by this inquifition, that the ferviceable men throughout England were computed at 182,929 ; of whom, fuchas were armed, and in a capacity of imme- diate action, were reckoned to be 62,464 ; and of light horfe 2,566. The royal navy, in 1548, amounted to no more than twenty-four fhips of all fixes : among thefe the largeft, the Triumph, was one thoufand tons burden, and the fmalleft was under fixty tons. At the fame time, all our fhips of one hundred tons and up- wards were but one hundred and thirty-five ; and all under one hundred, and upwards of forty tons, were fix hundred and fixty-fix. " The queen employed herfelf in augmenting this force, which, after all, bore no fair proportion to the enemy. Nor did fhe negle6l, under the menaced invafion, to invigorate the commerce of her fubje&s, and even to affail the enemy in every vul- nerable direction. " A maritime power injured, in- ftead of expoftulating, immediately makes reprifals." With great juftice did Elizabeth acquire the glorious diftindtion of the RESTORER OF NAVAL POWER, and SOVEREIGN OF THE NORTHERN SEAS. But, while the queen was replenishing her maga- zines ; while ordering the conftrudtion of new cannon ; BARON OF EFFINGHAMo 24* and while commanding the manufacture of a (lore of gunpowder, the firft that England produced ; ihe took other methods, befides thofe already fpeeified, of did reff- ing and confounding her foes. Having detected the prin- cipal engines by whcm Philip propofed the accompliih- ment of his plans, inftead of expoilng or deftroying them, fhe contrived to turn them to her own preferva- tion ; though they remained, all the time, and in their own eftimation, the agents and the penfioners of Spain*. Philip, far from deeming it expedient to conceal the nature and intention of his preparations againft England* arrogated to himfelf fuch ideas of infallible fuccefs, that lie publifhed aloud both the extent and the force of his "MOST HAPPY, AND INVINCIBLE ARMADA!" Ac- cording to the, lift which announced this equipment, and which was publifhed in Latin and in moft of the European languages, except Englifh, the armada con- fifted of 130 {hips, making in all 57,868 tons; on board of it were 19,295 foldiers, 8,450 mariners, 2,088 flaves, with 2,630 pieces of cannon, alfo 124 volunteers of quality, and about 180 monks. Added to this force^ there was a large fleet of tenders, with a prodigious quantity of arms on board, intended for thofe who * She caufed the Spani/h ambaflador, Mendoza, whofe arts might have been otherwife dangerous, had he remained here, to be fo wrought on as to forfeit his charafter, by fuborning perfons to murder fecretary Cecil; and Mfpread libels in the night through the fireets, reflecting on htrfclf. The Spanilh emifla-.ies employed to fcduce her people, (he took care to engage in plots againft her perfon, whereby they became fpeedily obnoxious to a legal conviction, and fo were brought to an ignominous death, equally ter- rible and fhameful to the papal facYion. This appears clearly from the cafes of Parry and other confpirators, with whom her fecretaries played till their t'.eafons were ripe, and then feized and convicted them. R WUJ(1 HZ CHARLES HOWARD, would join them. Towards the clofe of May 1588, the refpe&ivc officers repaired on board the armada at Lifbon ; and in a few days after the whole was in rea- dinefs to fail. They left Lifbon on the ift of June, with hopes as great as ever yet deluded the mod con- fident ambition, and with a pomp commenfurate to their hopes. To contribute to the {late and impreffion of this force, twelve of the ihips were named after the twelve apoftles. Such formidable proceedings might have juftified no inconfiderable alarm among the people upon whom they were deftined to aft : without betraying, however, any fymptoms of difmay, Elizabeth and her minifters per- formed all that prudence and courage could achieve. There were not wanting advifers filly enough to fuggeft, that the enemy fhould be allowed to land, and then welcomed with a warm martial falute : but thofe who then fo happily directed the national councils thought more wifely upon the fubjedt., and by confulting the na- val reputation, confulted alfo the true interefts of Eng- land. A good fleet, although by no means fo numerous as the Spani(h, long fmce prepared for the impending ftorm, was put under the command of lord Howard of Effingham, who had for his vice-admiral fir Francis Drake, and for his rear-admiral fir John Hawkins, and who was alfo affifted with many other experienced of- ficers : they were ordered to lie on the weft coaft, in readinefs to receive the enemy. Lord Henry Seymour, with count Naflau, cruifed on the coaft of Flanders, to watch the movements of the prince of Parma, - wha w?s expelled to attempt a defcent. When the miniilry difcountenanced a land defence, 6- thev BARON OF EFFINGHAM. 843 they difliked it merely while propofed as the chief bar- rier to invafion, for they" were too confiderate to be in- fenfible to its juft importance, if viewed as a laft refource, when the foe fhould have landed. An army of 81,000 men, well appointed, and wifely diftributed, under the joint command of the earl of Leicefter and lord Hunf- don, were occupied in the internal defence of the ftate. The lord admiral having collected the whole of his fleet, about ninety fail, and victualled them at Ply- mouth, put to fea, and lay off and on in the channel, between Ulhant and Scilly. All parts of the kingdom were at once animated by the vigour of government, and became equally emulous in feconding its meafures. The city of London ad- vanced great fums of money to the queen ; and, on being defired to furnifh 5000 men and 15 mips, they inftanta- neoufly fupplied 10,000 men and 30 {hips ! There was indeed no apprehenfion on the countenances, no hefita- tion in the minds of Englifhmen : the hearts of the people were as the heart of one man, filled with love of his native land, and with joy and alacrity in its defence. The Spaniards had hardly proceeded in their voyage when they were fo affailed by the fury of the elements, as to be obliged to put into the Groine. This circum- fhnce, but for the reafonings of lord Howard, had pro- bably proved more difadv^otagebus to the Englifti than to their enemies. It became now the univerfal report that the armada was deftroyed ; and though the mi- nifters did not credit the full extent of the account, they yet concluded the Spanifli fleet to be fo much damaged, that they would not be enabled to proceed till another year, and therefore Walfinghain, who thought his in- R 2 telligence 244 CHARLES HOWARD, telligence fo far correct, fignified the queen's pleafarc to the lord admiral to fend back four of his largeft (hips into port. The admiral received the fame information as the court, but, doubting its truth, retained the four fhips, alleging the danger of immediate credulity in circumftances fo eventful, and adding that he would rather keep the four fhips out at his own charge than expofe the nation to fuch a hazard. Howard now bore away towards Spain, and picked up fuch news of the holtile fleet as foon confirmed the propriety of his re- cent conduct : he therefore regained Plymouth by the 1 2th of July, and fpeedily fupplied himfelf with fuch flores as were wanting. Meanwhile the Spaniards became in fome degree en- trapped in a fnare from which Howard had fo fortu- nately efcaped : meeting with an JEnglifh nfherman, while they lay at the Groine, who, either ignorantly or defignedly, gave information that the Englifli fleet, lately at fea, had, feeing no profpeft of the Spaniards purfuing their defign that year,' returned, and difcharged the greater part of the failors ; hearing this the duke of Medina Sidonia, the Spanifh commander, was induced to depart from his orders*, with the view of furpriling * His orders were To repair, as wind and weather would allow, to the, road of Calais, and there to wait a junction with the duke of Parma's fleet ; then, upon their meeting, to have opened a letter directed to both, with further orders. He was efj ecially commanded to fail, till this time, along the Ooafts of Britanny and Normandy, avoiding the ErgHfh, with refpect to whom, if he fliould unexpectedly meet them, hs was as yet to act purely on the defenfive. To the breach of their orders the Spani'fh court afterwards imputed the mifcarriage of the enterprize. The dukr e fcaped punifliment through the intereft of his wife, but don Diego' Flcres de Valdez, whofe perfuafions greatly induced the duke to his raih ftep, king conducted to the cattle of St Andero, was never heard of more. the .BARON OF EFFINGHAM. 245 the Engiifli, and thus deftroying their fleet. Falling in with the Lizard, which they miftook for the Ram's Head near Plymouth, towards night, they flood off to fea till morning, in which interval they were defcried by Fleming, a Scotch pirate *, who bore away inflantly for Plymouth, and gave the lord admiral notice. It was at four p.m. July 19, that Howard received this critical information. The feafon had fo far ad- vanced that the Englifh began to feel little thought of an enemy, and were almoft lulled into a fatal fecurity : but the lord admiral was equal to his fituation. He, to flimulate others, not only appeared and gave orders in every thing himfelf, but worked likevvife with his own hands, and with no more than fix {hips got the firft night out of Plymouth, and the next morning, though increafed only to thirty, and thefe the fmalleft of the fleet, attacked the Spaniard. On the 2Oth of July, feeing the Spanish navy drawn up in a half moon, fail- ing flowly through the channel, its wings being near feven miles afunder, the admiral permitted them to pafs, that, having the advantage of the wind, he might the more effectually affail them in the rear. And he performed this intention, on the enfuing day, with fuch courage and fuccefs, that he compelled don Martinez; de Ricalde, who did, notwithstanding, all that a brave officer could do, to retire with confiderable lofs and \r\ evident confufion. * This man was, in reality, the caufe of the abfolute ruin of the Spa- niards; for the prefervation of the Englifh was undoubtedly owing to his providential difcovery of the enemy. At the requeft of the lord-admiral, the queen afterwards granted a pardon to Fleming for his piracies, and a penfion for the fervice he had rendered t ) the nation in his timely inti T piation of the approach of the Spanim fleet. R 3 Many 246" CHARLES HOWARD, Many days were confumed in immaterial engage- ments, or in plans which proved incapable of execution ; while the Spaniards, the wind favouring them, conti- nued their courfe up the channel, and anchored before , Calais on the a;th of July. This was nearly the point at which Howard wifhed them to arrive, as he was by this means enabled to join lord Henry Seymour, and fir William Winter, who had waited with a frefh fqua- dron in the ftraits of Dover. He now found himfelf decidedly ftrengthened, commanding near one hundred and forty fhips, and receiving daily additions, either of fupply or force, from the public fpirited conduct of in- dividuals. On the 28th it was therefore determined to effect a ftratagem long meditated againft the enemy. The admiral, at the queen's particular defire, picked out eight of his worft fhips, and, depofiting in thefe plenty of pitch, tar, rofin, and wild-fire, and having charged their cannon with bullets and chains, he fent them, be- fore wind and with tide, about two hours after midnight, under the conduct of Young and Provvfe, into the midfr. of the Spanifh fleet. The approach of thefe, veffels, which had been kindled by the two officers ere they quitted them, was no fooner perceived by the Spaniards, than the whole fleet became victims of the inoft dread- ful confirmation. Numbers of the enemy had wit- neffed the deftrudYion attendant on the machines that were employed at the fiege of Antwerp ; and naturally fufpeting that the prefent, which already effected fuch a prodigious blaze, as to reprefent the Iky and ocean in one united and general conflagration, were big with a fate equally tremendous, they fet up a moft hideous cry of BARON OF EFFINGHAM. 247 of Cut your cables and get up your anchors, and immedi- ately put to fea with the utmoft precipitation. The neptt day, July 30, an admiral-galeafs ran afliore on the fands of Calais, where (he was taken by the Eng- lifh, though not till don Hugo de Moncada, her captain, was killed, and her hands, to the number of four hun- dred, either drowned or involved in the fate of their brave commander. Eager to retrieve, if poffible, their accumulated diftrefies, the enemy collected near Grave- ling, where, however, after fruitlefsly waiting for fornc relief from the prince of Parma, and finding themfelves hard preffed by the fire of the Englifh, they made a re- folute effort to retreat through the ftraits of Dover, But the wind corning about, with hard gales at N. W. : they were at firft driven on the coafts of Zealand, which they yet efcaped by the wind foon after veering to S. W. It is faid that when the Spanifh admiral gave the fignal for weighing anchor, on the approaches of the fire- ihips, he did it only to avert prefent danger, and ordered that each {hip, the danger avoided, fhould return to her iliation. He certainly adted upon this plan, and at the- fame time fired a gun as a fignal for the fleet to rendez- vous: but his fignal was purpofely mifunderflood by fomc, and could not be diftinguifhed by others whofe pa- nic had carried them a confiderable way out to fea> lo that when he collected near Graveling, his force was ' fadly diminifhed. The duke, taking all circumitances into view, now fummoned a council of war, by which it was refolved, that, as there were no hopes of fuccefs remaining, it would be more eligible to throw up their defign, and to fave as many {hips as poffible. R 4 The 2^8 CHARLES HOWARD, The execution of this refolve admitted no delay. The whole Spanifh navy made all the fail they could for their own fhores, going north about. The Spaniards had directed their courfe towards Zea- land, chiefly with the view of being at hand to receive reinforcements from the dilatory Parma ; but here again they were difappointed by the wifdom of the lord ad- miral, who had fent lord Henry Seymour with a flout fquadron to cruife off Zealand. Thus fruftrated, they refolved to return to Spain by north of the Britifh ifles. Arriving on the Scottifh coaft, purfuant to their lafl re- folution, and finding they were effectually prevented from acquiring any fupplies, they threw their horfes and mules overboard, to fave water. Meanwhile the lord admiral, leaving lord Seymour to affift the blockade of the duke of Parma, and having ftationed fir William Winter, with another fquadron, in the narrow feas, purfued the Spanifh fleet as far as the Frith of Forth, where he thought to deftroy them. But the Spaniards kept on their courfe by the Orkneys, the Weftern Ifles, and Ireland. The lord admiral perceiving, at length, that the real purpofe of this divifion of the ene- my's fleet was merely to efcape, defifted from the pur- fuit; for he found himfelf much contracted in provi- fions, and deftitute of almoft every thing that was re- quifite to a fuccefsful profecution of the chace. A part of the Spanifh fleet, fuch of them as were properly ftored, with the duke de Medina Sidonia on board, had made dire6lly for the Bay of Bifcay. What they miffed at the hands of Howard, was, how- f yer, fpeedily inflicted on the hoftile fleet by the fury Pf BARON OF EFFINGHAM. 249 of the elements. On the fecond of September, a tem- peit arofe, which drove mofl of them afhore, and up- wards of thirty {hips and many thoufand men perilhed on the Irifh coaft. Some were a fecond time forced back into the Engliih channel, and there captured either by the Englifh or by the Rochellers : others were cafl away among the Weftern Ifles. Such was the fate of the Great Spanifh Armada ! It took no lefs than three year's preparing: it was de- ilroyed in one month. It at firfl numbered one hun- dred and thirty fine ihips, completely manned, and amply provided : but no more than thirty -four of thefe, many of them in a Shattered, all in a neceffitous, condition, regained the Spanifh coafts ; and there pe- rifhed at leaft 20,000 of the individuals who had fo eagerly embarked in the enterprize. It left Spain with the character of Invincibility ; and its firft progrefs feemed to alarm all Europe for the fate of the Britifh ifle : but that which had roufed the amazement, now excited the derifion of the world. The king of Spain is by fome faid to have received the intelligence of this difafter with great ftoicifm ; but this neither accords with the expectations which were raifed of the fuccefs of his fleet, nor with the treatment of don Diego Florez de Valdez, nor with Philip's procla- mation to prohibit mourning on the event. Far more probable is the account, that, being at mafs when the news was brought to him, Philip fware, after mafs, " he would wafte and con fume his crown, even to the value of a candleftick (pointing to one that flood upon the altar), but either that he would utterly ruin Eliza- beth fl^O CHARLES HOWARD, beth and England, or elfe that himfelf and all Spain fhould become tributary to her." As to Elizabeth, {he adopted that mode of exultation which became a chriftian princefs : fhe performed a public tbankfgiv- ing, which was conducted with great folemnity, at St. Paul's, where the colours and ftandards taken from the enemy were hung up : and fhe afterwards applied her- felf to the diflribution of thofe rewards which had been fo juftly merited by her navy *. On every occafion, during the whole of this trying fcene, and when victory was as yet indeterminate, the abilities and courage of the lord admiral fhone forth in pre-eminent luftre. It was owing to his magnanimity, experience, and prudence, that the defeat was at laft fo fignal ; and thofe who furmifed that our advantages might have been ftill greater, yet do not impute any want of exertion to Howard. The queen acknowledged his great merits in very expreflive terms. Though ex- tremely frugal, fhe awarded him a penfion for life ; and immediately after his expedition to the coaft of Spain, with the earl ofEflex, in 1596, fhe advanced him to the title and dignity of earl of Nottingham, declaring, in the patent, " That, by the victory obtained anno 1588, he had fecured the kingdom of England from the invafion of Spain, and other impending dangers ; and did alfo, in conjunction with our Gear coufm Robert * Several medals were ftruck in commemoration of this glorious vic- tory : one, in honour of the queen, reprefented fire-fhips, and a fleet in hurry and confuiion, with the infcription Dux Ftemifia Fafii : on another, in honour of the Englifli navy, with the device of a fleet flying under full fail, was the motto Venit VUit Fuglt. ; earl BARON OF EFFINGHAM. 25! farl of Eflex, feize by force the ifle and the ftrongly- fortified caftle of Cadiz, in the fm theft part of Spain; and did likewife entirely rout and defeat another fleet of the king of Spain, prepared in that port againft this kingdom." When the earl of Nottingham fir ft enter- ed the houfe of peers, he was received with the mod lively, and unufual marks of congratulation. He was fhortly after made lord juftice itinerant of all the forefcs fouth of Trent, for life. Circumftances of extreme delicacy and great appre- henfion again demanded the fervices of Nottingham : in 1599, when the Spaniard meditated a new invafion, and when the conduct of the earl of EfTex had embroiled the concerns of Ireland, a good fleet and a large army were expeditioufly collected and put under the admiral's command, who bore, for the fpace of fix weeks, the very unufual and alrnoft unlimited authority of lord lieute- nant general of all England. When Efiex, quitting his poft in Ireland, afterwards gave himftlf up to rebel- lion, and fortified himfelf in his houfe in the Strand, confining the chancellor and the chief juftice with other nobles fent by the queen to inquire into his grievances ; Nottingham was fo fuccefsful in reducing this contuma- cious earl, as to obtain from Elizabeth an encomium which (he had often applied to the character of her ad- miral, that " he was born to ferve and to lave his coun- try !" The fame year the admiral was appointed one of the commiffioners for executing the office of earl-mar- ihal. To him, upon her death bed, the queen was alfo free to make known her intention with refpect to the fucceflionj an unequivocal proof of her regard for the earl 252 CHARLES HOWARD, earl of Nottingham, fince it was a difclofure for which fhe had hitherto been in vain fupplicated by her mod favoured minifters, and which, even at this time, fhe made to no one fo readily as the admiral : " Her throne ((he faid) was a throne of kings;" and, by her iigns, directed the appointment of James of Scotland *. The acceffion of James by no means impeded the for- tunes of the earl of Nottingham. He was appointed lord high fteward, that he might affift at the coronation of the new fovereign ; and filled, fhortly after, the mofl brilliant embafly that this country had ever before de- puted. He was commiffioned to this employment, not as a man of very great fortune, but from the known ge- nerofity of his temper, and the number of his dependants who at their own charge were content to accompany him on the voyage. During his ftay at the Spanifh court, the dignified fplendour of his diplomatic character procured the admiration and refpe6l of that people; and at his departure, Philip III. made him prefents to the amount of . 20,000. Though this feafonable and even neceffary oftentation had, properly viewed, done honour to the Engliih government:, at leafb as much as to its agent, it was fome time ere Nottingham could entirely erafe from the mind of James the unlucky ufe to which his enemies had converted his unprecedented difplay of magnificence; thefe men knew but too well the * This account of the deceafe of queen Elizabeth evinces, on her part, an uncommon degree of attachment to the earl of Nottingham, whofe countefs'had been the perpetrator of an aft (vide Andrews's continuation of Henry's Hifirory of Grejt Britain, vol. I. p. 159 to 201) which is thought to have materially accelerated ths queen's end, temper EAR.ON OF EFFINGfiAM. 253 temper of their mailer, to whom there was not any thing more oilenfive than a popular and refpected fub- jed*. But Nottingham difappointed the activity of his foes : he regained the confidence of the king; was felected to afTift at the marriage of the lady Elizabeth with the elector palatine, and afterwards efcorted her with a fcjua- dron to Flulliing. Difqualified by age, and its attendant infirmities, from profecuting the high duties of his of- fice, he fliorlly after refigned the poft of lord admiral to Villiers earl of Buckingham. As his eftate was rather contracted, and he had lately married a young wife, the terms of his refignation were that a debt of ^.1800 due from him to the crown fliould be remitted ; that he fhould have an annual penfion of . 1000 and that he fhould take feat in the houfe as earl of Nottingham, according to his defcent, from the time of Richard II. Buckingham vifited the late admiral in perfon, returning him thanks for having refigned, and at the fame time prefenting his young countefs with .3002. Nor is there a doubt but that Buckingham truly efteemed his veteran predeceflbr; for he ever called him father, and bent his knee whenever he approached him. The life that had long been exercifed to the moft beneficial ends, expe- rienced, as it deferved, a calm and honourable clofe on * This is a trait very confpkuous in the hiftoiy of this monarch. He was always obferving to his nobles, when at court, " that t'v. y were there but little vefiHs failing round the maftsr-fli'p ; whereas, in t'.ie country, they were fo miny great fhips, each riding maj^fticaUy on its own ftrearr, and more diftinguifhed :" a device by which he hoped to lure th:m from the metropolis into fitiutbns in reality lefs favourable t; the op: rations of p 'pul.trity and ambit! 'jn. the 254 CHARLES HOWARD. the eleventh of December, 16^4. The arl of Not- tingham died at the advanced age of eighty-eight. Extenfive as were the fervices, and acknowledged as were the abilities and merits, of Nottingham, yet has he not efcaped the ftri&ures of his contemporaries. To him is attributed, though ramly, fome portion of that envy which certainly too much influenced the court of Elizabeth; for it is fairly prefumable that the earl, who was of a generous and manly difpofition, has in this inftance been charged with the effects of the temper of his firft countefs, whofe enmity to Eflex feems unac- countable. The perfon of Nottingham was graceful : his loyalty, hispatriotifm, his courage, are confpicuous in every a6t of a long and indefatigable life. He loved the fhte and hofpitality which were formerly attached to elevated rank ; of this his Spanifh embafify, and the practice of keeping " feven ftanding houfes at once," are inconteft- able proofs. On the whole, there is in the character of this nobleman much to admire, much to applaud, and very little to cenfure. SIR SIR JOHN HAWKINS, ADMIRAL. SIR JOHN HAWKINS was the fon of William Hawkins, efq. by Joan, daughter of William Trelawny, efq. of Cornwall. The family of Hawkins were of Devonshire, and poflefled great opulence and refpe6ta~ bility. Under his father, who is celebrated for his voyages to Brazil, John moft probably acquired that found maritime knowledge which raifed him to fuch diftin&ion during the profperous years of queen Eliza- beth : he was early inclined to the ftudy of navigation, and became fo great a proficient in this fcience, that he was " employed by Elizabeth as an officer at fea, when fome, who were afterwards her chief commanders, were but boys, and learned the {kill, by which they rofe, from him." Having in the coui fe of his voyages to the Canaries, gained fome infight into the flave trade, he fuccceded Jwith his friends in engaging them to open a new traffic; firft to Guinea for flaves, and then' to Hifpaniola,.and other Spanifh iflands, for fugars, hides, (liver, &,c. He failed from England upon this (peculation in October 1562. Touching firft at Teneriffe, he proceeded to Guinea, where having obtained three hundred negroes, he failed directly to Hifpaniola, at which place he completed his purchafes and fales, and returned home in fafety, about September 2^6 SIR JOHN HAWKINS. September 1563. Another voyage, performed in nearly the fame direction, and tending to fimilar views, in 1564-5, added fo much to his nautical reputation, that Harvey, then Clarencieux king at arms, granted him by patent, for his creft, a demi-moor in his proper colour, bound with a cord. Early in 1567 he failed to the relief of the French proteftants in Rochelle ; as this object was almoft in- ftantaneoufly effected, he employed the greater part of the fummer in preparing for his third voyage to the Weft Indies. This voyage began in florms, and terminated in war. He failed from Plymouth, October the 2d, 1567, and met at firft with fuch repulfive weather that he pur pofed to return ; but the tempeft abating, he profecuted his route to the Canaries, to Guinea, and thence, for the fale of his negroes, to Spanifh America. After flopping at Rio de la Hacha, and Carthagena, he was again arrefted by the elements, on the coaft of Florida, and compelled into St. John de Ulloa, in the bottom of the bay of Mexico. He entered the port on the i6th of September 1568, and fecuring two perfons of dif- tinction as hoftages, he forwarded his demands to Mexico. The appearance of the Spanifh fleet, on the 17th, firft awakened the fufpicion of Hawkins ; who, however, agreed to admit it, provided the new viceroy of Mexico, who was on board, would ftipulate that the Englifli fhould have victuals for their money, that hoftages fhould be given on both fides, and that the ifland and its cannon fhould be entrufted to his crew while they remained : to thefe demands the viceroy acceded, though not SIR JOHN HAWKINS. 257 not without evident reludtance and ominous difcontent. Upon this fettlemcnt, however, the Spaniard was per- mitted to enter the port on the a6th ; mutual faluta- tions pafled, and the two following days were employed in a correct arrangement of the (hips of the two nations. But the movements of the Spaniards too foon juflified the apprehenfions of the Englifh. On the 24th Hawkins difpatched a mefTenger to the viceroy, with di- rections to require an explanation of fomc recent mo- tions that were obferved on board the Spanifli fleet ; and as the anfwer did not fatisfy the inquiry, he fent the matter of the Jefus, who underitood Spaniih, to learn from the viceroy, whether a great number of men had not been concealed in a (hip moored next the Minion, and what purpofe was intended by their concealment. The Spaniard's language became at laft explicit ; he de- tained the matter, he caufcd the fignal trumpet to be founded, and an attack was immediately commenced againft the Englifli, in all directions. Thofe of our countrymen who landed, attempted to regain their fhips, but were all butchered, and the Minion was at once befet by the three hundred who had been hid in an adjacent veflel. The Minion and Jefus getting clear of the enemy, began a moft ftubborn engagement, in which the admiral of the Spaniards and another fhip were funk, and their vice-admiral burned : it was a con- flict truly honourable, but at the fame time really cala- mitous to the EngJHh ; for the Minion and the Judith were the only two of their (hips that efcapcd, and even the Judith became feparated from the Minion. Extremely limited in food, and almoft exhaufted of S water, 258 SIR JOHfi HAWKINS. water, in unknown feas, and many of her men wound- ed, the Minion, under the command of Hawkins, en- tered a creek in the bay of Mexico, on the 8th of Octo- ber, in order to procure refrefhment. At this place, one hundred of his company defired to be put afhore ; . on the 1 6th he weighed, and flood through the gulph of Florida ; he flopped in his way home, at Ponte Vedra and Vigo, and arrived at Mount's bay in Cornwall on the 25th of January 1586. " If (fays captain Hawkins) all the miferies and troublefome affairs of this forrowful voyage ihould be perfectly and thoroughly written, there ihould need a painful man with his pen, and as great a time as he that wrote the lives and deaths of the martyrs." In commemoration and reward of the adlion at R io de la Hacha, the following addition was made to his arms. On an efcutcheon of pretence, or, an efcallop between two palmer's ftaves, fable. Fortu- nately, the revolution of a few months brought to Hawkins no unimportant opportunity, of humbling the national fpirit of his adverfaries. He was riding in Cat water with a fmall fquadron of the Englifh fleet, when the Spanifh admiral, on his way to bring Anne of Auftria, the laft wife of Philip II. from Flanders, attempted to run between the ifland and the place, unmindful of the ufual compliment to the Englifh flag. "Perceiving this, Hawkins ordered the gunner of his own fhip to fire at the rigging of the Spanifh admiral, who neverthelefs, taking no notice hereof, the gunner fired now at the hull, and fhot through and through. The Spaniards, upon this, took in their flags and topfails, and ran to anchor; the Spanifh commander then fending an officer of diftin6Hon in a boat SIR JOHN HAWKINS. 2 9 boat to carry at once his compliments and complaints to Hawkins, be, (landing upon deck, would not ad- mit either the officer or his mefiage; but bade him tell his admiral, that, having neglected the refpecl due to the queen of England, in her feas and port, and having fo large a fleet under his command, he muft not expect to lie there ; but, in twelve hours weigh his anchor, and be gone, otherwife he muft regard him as an enemy de- clared, as his conduct had already rendered him fufpecl:- ed. On receipt of this meflage the Spaniard went in his boat to the Jefus of Lubeck, on board of which Hawkins's flag was flying, and dellred an audience 5 which was at firfl refilled, but at length granted. The Spaniard then expoflulated the matter, infilling that there was peace between the two crowns, and that he knew not what to make of the treatment he had re- ceived. Hawkins informed him that his own arrogance had brought it upon him, for that he could not but know what refpe6l was due to the queen's fhips ; alfo, that he had difpatched an exprefs to her majefty, with advice of his behaviour, and that, meantime, he would do well to depart. The Spaniard affected ignorance of his offence, but proffered fatisfadlion. To this Hawkins very mildly replied, that he could not be a ftranger to what was pracYifed by the French and Spaniards in their own feas and ports : and put the cafe " Sir, added Haw- kins, had an Englifh fleet come into any of the king, your mailer's ports, his majefly's fhips being there, and that thofe Englifh fhips fhould carry their flags in their tops, would you not fhoot them down, and beat the fhips out of your ports?" This was an irrefiflible appeal to the equity and common fenfe of the Spaniard ; S 2 he 26o SIR JOHN HAWKINS. he confefled his error, and fubmitted to the penalty impofed. Hawkins was appointed to the rank of rear admiral, on board the Victory, in 1588, and acquitted himfelf Co ably in the conflict with the Spanifh armada, particjlar- ly in the purfuit of the enemy, as to obtain the honour of knighthood, accompanied with very expreffive com- mendations from his fovereign. In 15^0 he was fent with Sir Martin Frobifher to intercept the Plate fleet, and annoy the Spanifh coafts ; an expedition that was conducted entirely to the fatisfaclion of government. As the war continued, a more effectual attack in thofe parts was propofed by fir John Hawkins and fir Francis .Drake, to which the queengave a ready countenance : the plan, which was to be executed at the joint cofts of the commanders and her majefty, included the burning of NombredeDios, marching thence by land to Panama, and there fa/Ting the treafure which they knew mult arrive at that place from Peru. But this important defign proved completely abortive, partly through the oppofition of the feaibn, but more by the contentions of the pro- jectors ; and concluded in the lofs of the gallant Haw- kins, who, ilckening upon the mifcarriage of his fa- vourite icheme, expired of a broken heart, on the 21 ft of November 1595. Thus died Sir John Hawkins, who had commanded at fea with high reputation, during foi tyreight years, and had been treafurer of the navy for the fpace of two and twenty. He was a man ardently attached to the naval interelts of his country* who, with his brother William, pofleflfed at once thirty fail of good fhips, and was both the au- thor and promoter of many beneficial regulations in the 7 navy. SIR JOHM HAWKINS. 26l navy. To him and fir Francis Drake is the brave ieamen indebted for the inflitution of the CHEST AT CHATHAM ; a fcheme of the moft excellent tendency, in which every failor may, by a voluntary deduction from his gains, relieve the wants and reward the fervices of thofe of his comrades who are either difabled by the fate of war, or the adverfities of fortune. The bene- volence of Hawkins is indeed truly eftimable ; for he alfo built and liberally endowed an hofpital at the fame place. s 3 S;R ( 26* ) SIR JOHN NORREYS. THIS brave officer defcended from a refpeclable family in Oxfordshire. The Netherlands and France were the fcenes of his early prowefs ; fcenes in which the effects of an enterprifmg and daring foul had, on more than one occafion, drawn upon him the reprimands of queen Eli- zabeth. In the year 1589, when the Spaniards meditated a fe- cond armada, fir John Norreys was entrufted with the joint command of an expedition intended to fruflrate their plans. Too prudent to engage in open warfare with Spain, the queen exprefled only her intention of aflifting don Antonio to recover his kingdom of Portugal ; and confidently with this idea the equipment was made partly at the royal charge, and partly at the expence of individuals. Sir Francis Drake, with whom Norreys was aflbciate in command, contributed largely to the fcheme ; the commanders and their united friends adven- tured 50,000 /.; her majefty furnifhed fix men of war and 60,000 /. ; and the reft was provided by London, the cinque ports, and the Dutch. They firft difembarked near the Groine, where hav- ing burnt the adjacent country, and defeated a body of Spaniards, they failed for Lifbon. This place had cer- tainly fallen into the hands of tbe Englifh, but for the diflenfions of the commanders, together with a peftilen- tiajl diforder which i nfefted the troops. On their return, they SIR JOHN NORREYS. 263 they plundered Vigo, and took about fixty prizes, which however they were obliged afterwards to reftore to the Hanfe Towns, When it is added, that the adventurers would have fallen vidtims to famine had they not been met and relieved by the earl of Cumberland, their difap- pointments feem fufficiently great. Sir Francis Drake arrived at Plymouth on the sift of June, and fir John Norreys, with the reft of the fleet, on the.gd of July ; they had loft 6000 of their men by licknefs ; and Drake's moft valuable prize was dallied to pieces on the rocks of Cornwall, at the very moment when he was exulting in the profpeft of fecurity and home. This refult procured to the commanders a very cold reception at court : it had alfo the melancholy efFedl of fomenting the virulent altercation between themfelves. Sir John charged his coadjutor with breach of promife, in not meeting him with the fleet at Lifbon ; and Drake retorted theabfurdity of depending upon what could not be done, of exped-ting from a fleet fervices to which it was wholly incompetent*. If, however, the event was eflentially injurious to the adventurers f, the damage ii}- * The chief grounds of their mifcarriage were held to be thefe : They were but indifferently manned and victualled ; their landing at the Grains contnry to their inftrucYions, gave the men an opportunity of drinking new wines, and expofed them to great and unnecefiary lofs : then the dif- ;igreement of the generals defeated the remaining part of the defign j whereas if, in purfuance of their inductions, they had failed dire&ly for the coaft of Portugal, and landed the forces there, it is more than probable they had effectually feated don Antonio on his throne. f The foldiers, &c. extremely difappointed and difgufted at returning without money, and not being nice cafuifts in their distinctions between, foreign and domeftic property, were with difficulty retrained from making themfalves amends, by plundering Bartbcloturtv fair ! STOVVE. S 4 2&4 SIR JOHN NOB.REVS. fli&ed upon the enemy was dill great enough to aug- ment his terrors, and to infure the fafety of Elizabeth. Norreys fuftained an arduous conflict in Britanny during the year 1594, where he defeated the Spanifh forces, and affifted at taking Morlaix, Quimpercorentin, and Brett. From this career of fuccefs, he was fuddenly commanded to Ireland, where the refllefs Tyrone had excited a new infurrecTion. His efforts to reduce the rebel were at firfc apparently profperous; but the deceit and barbarity of Tyrone triumphed over the generofity of Norreys. Sir John fell a vi<5lim to the craft of this turbulent individual : he broke his heart on finding that Tyrone had taken advantage of his confidence to injure the affairs of England. SIR DRAKE SIR FRANCIS DRAKE, VICE-ADMIRAL. OF the family of this eminent navigator and feaman, the firft who made the circuit of the globe, and one who moft ably fuftained the truft of vice-admiral in 1588, the details are neither copious nor fatisfac~lory. Some who have endeavoured to explore the origin of Drake, believe him to have been the fon of a clergyman, in. circumftances by no means affluent, who inclining to the proteftant communion, was compelled to fcek refuge in Kent from the perfecution excited againft this branch of chriftians, in the reign of Henry VIII. by the law of the fix articles. Others, who have evinced no lefs labour and circumfpecYion in afcertaining the parentage pf Drake, declare him to have been the fon of a common failor, the elder of twelve, and born near Taviftock, in 1545. Thefe likewife afiert his relationfhip to fir John Hawkins, by whom, they affirm, he was educated, and at the age of eighteen introduced into the navy as purfer of a fhip trading to Bifcay ; and that at the age of twenty-two he fucceeded to the command of the Judith, in the harbour of St. John de Ulloa, in the gulph of Mexico; a ftation in which he conducted him- felf entirely to the fatisfalion of that brave com- mander, fir John Hawkins. Thofe who, on the con- trary, i}66 SiR FRANCIS DRAKE, trary, contend that Drake was the offspring of an indiw gent clergyman, explain his introduction to fea fervice in a very different manner. His father retiring into Kent, read prayers on board the fleet, and this was pro-r bably the mode by which young Drake became ac- quainted with the feas ; for he was foon after apprenticed to the mafter of a coafting veffel, who entertained fo high an opinion of the lad, that dying unmarried, he bequeathed to him his {hip, and thereby laid that foundation upon which Drake afterwards raifed the fuperftrufture of fo much fame and fortune. Johnfon fupports the opinion that Drake was the fon of a clergy- man : Campbell, on the contrary, favours the fuppofi- tion that his father was a feaman. Both, however, agree that Drake was engaged in fir John Hawkins's ex- pedition to the Weft Indies ; and both coincide in the opinion, that it was on this voyage he firil entertained thofe extenfive defigns which aftonifhed his own age, and from the execution of which his name has defcended with fo much honour to pofterity. As nothing was at this time more popular than re- prifals on the Spaniard, Drake found no difficulty in collecting money enough to fit 'out two fliips, the Dragon and the Swan. With thefe, in the year;, 1570-1, he made two voyages of adventure. He re- turned in fafety ; and acquired from both confiderable pecuniary advantages, as well as that experience which confirmed him in the purfuit of more important under- takings. He next applied himfelf to the performance of a favourite fcheme. On the 24th of March 1572, he failed from Plymouth, in the. Pafcha, a fliip of feventy tons, SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. Q.6j and accompanied by his brother, John Drake, in the Swan, of twenty-five tons, with no more than twenty- three men and boys, proceeded to the town of Nombre de Dios, which at that time held the fame importance in the maritime concerns of Spain, as Porto Bello holds at this day. He arrived at Nombre de Dios July the 28th, having been joined on the way by one captain Raufe, with a bark of fifty men. This place he at- tacked in the night, with great bravery ; but was obliged to retire at break of day, with little booty, and badly wounded. To .a Spanifli gentleman, afterwards fent on board to inquire " whether the captain was that Drake who had been before on their coafts ; and whether the arrows with which many of their men were wound- ed were not poifoned r" Drake firmly anfwered, " that he was the fame Drake with whofe character they were before acquainted ; that he was a rigid obferver of the laws of war, and never permitted his arrows to be poifoned." He added, as he difmifled the meflenger, with confiderable prefents, ' that though he had un- fortunately failed in this attempt, he would never de- fift from his defign till he had fhared with Spain the trea- fu res of America." About this time he parted with Raufe, who became too timorous to adventure further in bis fortunes, and defired to be difcharged. But Drake was not to be difcouraged by finifter accidents or trivial interruptions. Having acquired from a Symeron whom he took on board at Nombre de Dios, a knowledge of the wealthieft parts, and by ftratagem prevailed upon his brother to deftroy the Swan (a meafure he judged indifpenfable to the manning of his pinnaces, which were here found to be of fmgular benefit), he failed to 6 Carthagena, 268 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. Carthagena, where he made feveral prizes ; but was foon neceffitated, by the ficknefs of his crew, to return to Port Diego, where he had left his brother. On his ar- rival, he learnt that his brother was no more ; lie had been killed in an attempt to board a frigate full manned and prepared, while he was hi mfelf unarmed and almoft vmaffifted. This misfortune was followed by the calen- ture, a fever whofe ravages deftroyed, among many others, Jofeph, another of Drake's brothers. It was at this diftrefling juncture that fome Symerons, who had ranged the country for intelligence, brought informa- tion of the arrival of the Spanifh fleet at Nombre dc Dios; the treafures of the American mines were now to be tranfported overland, from Panama to Nombre de Dios : and now, therefore, Drake, directed by his faith- ful Symerons, on February 3, fet out from Port Diego, to intercept the riches of the new world. Difeafe had bereft him of twenty-eight of his men, and a detach- ment muft be left to guard the fhip. Eighteen of the Englifh, and thirty Symerons, were all that could ac- company him on this fervice. Though unimportant in number, as they were abun- dantly fupplied with other requifites, this little band had probably effected their moil fanguine expectations, but for the wretched imprudence of one man. When in view of Panama, their avant courier came running with the welcome intelligence that the treafurer of Lima, intending to return to Europe, would pafs on that night, with eight mules laden with gold, and one with jewels. Drake, therefore, ordered his men to lie down in the long grafs, about fifty paces from the road, half n one fide with himfelf, and half on the other with Oxenham SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. 269 Oxenham and the captain of the Symerons ; fo placed that one company might feize the foremolt recoe, and the other the hindermoft ; for the mules, being tied to- gether, travel on a line, and are all guided by the firft. But Pike, a drunken fellow, as foon as the mule-bells greeted his ear, quitted his place, and, inftead of lying ftill while the droves from Venta de Cruz pa(Ted by, and awaiting the fignal for attack, prevailed upon one of the Symerons to creep with him to the vvayfide, that fo they might fignalize themfelves by feizing the firil mule. Thus was the ambufli difcovered, and difap- pointed. However, Drake proceeded to the attack of Venta de Cruz : he carried it, and acquired fome booty. Nor was his honour lefs confpicuous in the difpofal, than was his fortitude in fupporting thofe fatigues which ac- companied him in the acquifition of riches. On re- ceiving from Pedro, chief of the Symerons, four large wedges of gold, in return for a fine cutlafs with which he had prefented him) Drake threw the wedges into the common flock: " It was but juft," he faid, " that fuck as bore the charge of fo uncertain a voyage, on his credit, ihould (hare the utmoft advantages that voyage pro- duced." It was on February nth, 1573, that Drake on .his progrefs toward Panama, arriving at the top of a very high hill, from a kind of tower which had been eredled on the hill, law the great South-fea, on which no Eng- lifh veflel had yet failed. At that moment, animated by an enthufiafm known only to genius- and magnanimity, he lifted up his hands towards heaven, and implored the bleffing of God upon the refolution, which he then formed, of failing in an -Englifh fhip on that fea. Drake embarking his men, with confiderable wealth, bore 270 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. bore away for England. He was fo happy as to fail from Cape Florida to the ifles of Scilly in twenty-three days ; and to arrive at Plymouth, without any accident, Auguft 9, 1573- It was on a Sunday, in the afternoon, that Drake arrived and landed; and fo greatly did the tidings of this event arFe6t the good people of Plymouth, that they unanimoufly quitted the church, and ran in crowds to the key, to congratulate the return of their brave countrymen. That fuccefs which ought to have advanced his merits ferved for fome time to retard his career : it had raifed him many enemies. Too many were difappointed in their prognostications of the failure of his bold plans ; and Too many, whofe cowardice would not permit them at firft to league with Drake, now found themfelves com- pelled, by a fpecies of neceflity, to depreciate the value of his achievements. Thus thwarted, he was content, during fome time after, to ferve as a volunteer in Ire- land, tinder Walter, father of the unfortunate earl of EfTex. At length becoming known to fir Chriftopher Hatton, then vice-chamberlain and privy-counfellor to queen Elizabeth, who introduced him to her majefly, he was enabled to form that expedition on which he had inceffantly meditated. He propofed a voyage into the South-feas, through the Straits of Magellan ; a pro- ject at laft favourably received, and decidedly fecondecl by the court. He was conitituted, by a commiflion from queen Elizabeth, captain-general of a fleet confill- ing of five veflels. Thefe fhips *, as ufual in that time, partly equipped by * The Pelican, admiral, 100 tons Drake; the Elizabeth, vice-adrai- val, 80 tons John Winter; the Marigold, 30 tons John Thomas; the Swan, SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. 271 by Drake, and partly by other adventurous individuals, he manned with 164 ftout feamen, and furniflied them with fuch providons and {lores as the nature of his voyage feemed to indicate. Naval and military itores were not all that fuch an enterprize required : he carried with him every thing neceflary to facilitate his inter- courfe with thofe diftant nations, and eftablifh with them a high character of his country. He, therefore, procured a complete fervice of iilver for his own table ; and furnifiied the cook-room with various veflels of tlvs fame metal. Still to add to the effect of his appearance, he engaged feveral muficians to accompany him : for he well knew the power of mufic, efpecially on the favage or uncivilized breaft. Prudence advifed that the obje6t of thefe preparations ihould be concealed, and they were accordingly declared to be for Alexandria. November 15, 1577, about three in the afternoon^ the fleet endeavoured to clear Plymouth ; but were forced, by a heavy dorm, into Falmouth, to refit. He put again to fea on the I3th of December following. His courfe was much embarrafied, though on the 2<,th he fell in with the coait of Barbary, and on the 2Qth with Cape Verd ; on the 1310 of March, 1578, he pafled the equinodliai line. The 5th of April he made the coaft of Brazil in 30 N. L, arul entered the river de la Plata, where he loft the company of two of hisfhips; but, meeting thefe again, and having taken out their provifions, &c. he turned them adrift. On May -the 2Qth he entered the port of St. Julian. Here, Swan, 50 tons John Chefter ; thi Cbr'^opher, 15 tons Thomas Moche. 273 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. on July 2, 1^78, lie fanlioned the execution of Mr. John Doughtie, a pcrfon next in authority to himfelf ; who was tried for defigns againfl the conduct of the fleet and the life of the admiral, and fcntenced to be be- headed, by a jury of twelve men, after invefligaang the proceedings of the accufed. This is the only tranfa&ion of his long life, that ever involved the memory of Drake in any degree of oblo- quy or reproach ; and it is, unhappily, fo ft range! y de- tailed by thofe who undertook to record it, that we have now no clue by which to obtain any thing like pre- cifion or certainty on the fubjecl. The plaineft ac- counts which we have of Doughtie's death exhibit only a tiffue of inconfiftencies. Drake, for inftance, is repre- fented as apprized of the maiverfations of this confpira- tor, before he failed from England; and yet he was ad- mitted to Drake's confidence, during the whole of the voyage. Nofymptorns of the confpiracy, thus framed, are difcloted till the fleet arrives at a remote corner of the world, and then Doughtie, in one moment, accufed by Drake of criminal and mutinous deiigns, confelTes the guilt, and cheerfully fubmits to the fentence pro- nounced by his peers: he even prefers immediate death ; rejecting the alternatives of being let afliore on the main land, or feat to England for trial. But it has been Hated, that " Doughtie was lent abroad for no other purpofe than to meet with his end, and this becaufe he had charged the great earl of Leicef- ter with poi foiling the earl of Effex" a fa6l generally admitted at that era, from the circumftance of Leicef- .ter's marrying, in a fhort fpace, Lettice, countefs of Eflex, with whom it was known he had been already too SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. 273 too familiar. In a poem, called Leicefter's Ghoft<> are the following ftanzas: I doubted, left that Doughtie would bewray My counfel, and with other party tike ; Wherefore, the fooner him to rid away, I fent him forth to fea with captain Drake, Who knew how to entertain him for my fake. Before he went, his lot by me was caft ; His death was plotted, and perfjrnVd in hafte,. He hoped well : but I did fo difpofe, That he, at Port St. Gillian, loft his head ; Having no time permitted to difclofe The inward griefs that in tys heart were bred, We need not fear the biting of the dead. Now let him go, tranfported to the feaj, And tell my fecrets to the antipodes. When, however, it is obferved that the earl of Effel Was Drake's firft patron, and highly efteemed by that commander ; that Doughtie embarked eagerly in the prefent expedition, and, a few minutes previoufly to his execution, embraced Drake with the moll lively cor- diality ; when thefe points are confidered, it becomes difficult to conceive, how the commander could be active in crufhing a man whofe only offence conftft- ed in his defigning to reveal the murderers of Drake's patron and friend ? Nor is it probable that Doughtie would have (hewn fo mucli readinefs to enter on a voyage of which he was the intended victim. He un- derwent the ufual examination, and feems to have been equitably condemned, although the criminalities of his conduct appear never to have been fufficiently expofed and detailed. Soon after the execution of Doughtie, Auguft 20, 1578, Drake entered tbe Straits of Magellan. About T this 374 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. this time he experienced fo violent a tempeft, that, when the florin abated, he found he was driven through or round the Straits into the latitude of 50 degrees. Here, lying clofe under an ifland, which he named Eli'/,abetha, he went on fhore, and, having ftretched himfelf as far over a promontory as was com- patible with perfonal fecurity, he told his crew, when returned, that he had been farther fouth than any man living. He reached Machos, the place of rendezvous, in latitude 30 degrees, on November the 25th, where he learnt that captain Winter, having repafled the Straits, was returning to England. Drake, 'how- ever, continued his courfe by Chili and Peru; and, coalting North America to the height of 48 degrees, endeavoured to difcover a paflage back into our feas on that fide. Though he failed of that dcfign, he was by this time confiderably enriched by the capture of Spaniih (hips. Having, therefore, trimmed his own ihip, and called the country New Albion, on the 2Qth of September, 1579, he let fail for the Moluccas. The dangers to be apprehended from the attacks of the Spaniards, and the approach of the hurricane feafon, induced Drake to prefer this paffage to that by the Straits of Magellan. On the 4th of November lie gained fight of the Moluccas, though not without having contended with finny ftorms ; and was kindly received by the king of Ternate. Under the direction of an Indian, whom they met with at Philip's bay, on the 5th of December they came to anchor near the town of St. James of Chiuli : here they found abundance of ftores, bolides captur- ing a valuable pri/.e. Early ?1R FRANCIS DRAKE. H~ $ Early in the night of the 9th of January, 1580, while Jailing on an unruffled and profperous fea, their courfe was fuddenly arrelled by one of thole dreadful oppofitions to which the mariner is peculiarly expofed. Thev were thrown upon a fhoal, and by the celerity of the motion fixed too faft to indulge the thought of becoming extricated. The pump was plied, and the fhip found free from new leaks : but, in attempting to afcertain, towards the fea, fome place where they might fix their boat, and from thence drag the fhip into deep water, it too readily appeared, that the rock on which they had flruck rofe perpendicularly from the water, and that there was neither anchorage, nor a bottom to be attained a boat's length from the {hip. This was a conjuncture wherein even the intrepidity of Drake felt alarmed ; and while exhorting his men to lighten the vefTel, by throwing part of their lading over- board, he alfo directed, with his accuflomed devotion, that the facrament (hould be adminiliered. And now, when hope itfelf paufed, and all human efforts were ac- knowledged ineffectual, the v, ind, which had hitherto blown flrongly againft the fide of the fliip towards the fea, and held it up againft the rock, flackening ; as the fhip lay higher with that part which relied on the rock than with the other (it was low water), no longer borne up by the wind, (he reeled at length into the deep wa- ter. Vain would be the attempt to defcribe feelings fb truly indefcribable as thofe which now lczed the tranfported breafts of the adventuiers. Tc f?ar had fuc- ceeded hope ; and to the moft difrreffing apprehenfions, furprife, gratitude, and joy. But as this was the, moft accumulated diflrefs which they had yet undergone, it T 2 taught 27$ SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. taught them to contradt the incautious fpreading of their fails, and to move forward with becoming circumfpedVion ; for adverfity is a forcible teacher. Thus inftru&ed, they preferved an equable courfe, and anchored before Java on the nth of March 1580. By the king of Java, to whom Drake fent a prefent of cloth and filks, he was favourably received; and this friendly intercourfe was at length only interrupted by his leaving Java, on March 26, when he directed his courfe towards the Cape of Good Hope. He faw the Cape on the 5th of June ; paffed the .tropic Auguft 15 ; and arrived at Plymouth on the 26th of September. In a tour fo ex- tenfively diverfifted, it is not to be wondered at that they fhould err In the computation of time ; and Drake ac- cordingly difcovered, on his arrival in England, that they had 'loft a day in their account it being Sunday by their journals, but Monday by their regular reckoning*. April 4, 1581, Drake having brought his fhip up to Deptford, the queen went on board, and conferred on him the honour of knighthood, as a pledge of her entire approbation of his conduct f. Towards the end of 1585, Drake put into execution * In this voyage he completely furrounded the globe, which no com- mander in chief had ever done before. His fuccels in this enterpriz'", and the immenfe mafs of wealth he brought home, raifed much difcourfe throughout the kingdom, fome highly commending, and fome as loudly decrying him. The former alleged, that his exploit was not only honour- able to himfelf, but to his country j and the latter, that, in faft, he- was no better than a pirate,' f- She likewife gave directions for the prefervation of his fliip, that it might remain a monument of his own and country's glory. In procefs of time, the vefiel decaying, it was broken up; but a chair made of the plonks was prefcnted to the univerfity of Oxford, and is ftill preferved. 6 a fcheme SIR. FRANCIS DRAKE. 277 a cheme concerted with fir Philip Sidney. Though the queen had detached fir Philip from this adventure, Drake, aflifted by the captains Carlifle, Frobifher, and Knollys, left Plymouth for the Weft Indies, with a fleet of twenty- five {hips, on the I2th of September. Having touched at Bayonne, and plundered Vigo, they arrived before St. Jago on the i6th of November, and burnt a little town called San Domingo. From this ifland they purfued their voyage to the Weft Indies, defigning to attack St. Domingo in Hifpaniola, which they confidered as the richeft place in that quarter of the world. Provoked by the treachery of the Spaniards, they deftroyeJ part of St. Domingo, and then failed for Carthagena. Againft this place they were equally fuccefsful ; and, having taken St. Auguftin, they returned to Portfmouth on July 28, 1586. There perifhed in this voyage 760 men. The gain of the expedition amounted to 60,0000 /. Of this fum, all that devolved to the furviving crews, after thofe who had fitted them out were fatisfied, did not exceed fix pounds each man. Thus, the undertaking could hardly be thought profitable ; but Drake had diftreffed the enemy, if he had not enriched himfelf, and the re- i'ult was ftill honourable. His next enterprise may be regarded as more fortu- nate. In 1587, with thirty fail, he proceeded to Lifbon againft a numerous fleet, intended to compo r e part of the armada, which was aflembled at Cadiz. He entered this bay, and burnt upwards of ten thoufand tons of {hipping. But he refted not here. Proceeding to Ter- cera, he there awaited the arrival of acarrack, which .he . T 3 captured. 278 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. captured. This {hip amply recorrpenfed his toils, and wore than anfwered the expectations of his employers*. Sir Francis now enjoyed an interval of repofe. But his repofe was not idlenefs: he employed- this interval in fupei intending a project for bringing water into the town of Plymouth. This idert, which originated with himfelf, was reaHfed by conducting into Plymouth a ftream which iffucd from fprings at thediftance qf twenty miles; but which diflance was reduced, by the mode in which the ftream became conducted, in a ftraight line, to the length of eight miles only. Whatever, therefore, might be the extent of Drake's riches, the hazards at which they were acquired, and the ufes to which they were applied, ought to have filcnced the clamour of his adverfanes, In 1588 fir Francis Drake received a further proof of his fovereign's ellimation f, in his appointment to the fhtion of vice-adiriiral, under the lord Howard, high- admiral, lie acquitted himfelf of this momentous truft * Important indeed were the ultimate conferences of this capture : ' It was in confequcnce of the journals, charts, papers, taken on board his EAST INDIA prize, that it was judged practicable for us to enter into that trade." f The origin of the arms of fir Francis Drake furni/hes another evi- dence of Elizabeth's attachment to his fervices. He had a quarrel with his countryman, fir Bernard Drake, whofe aims Francis had afiumed ; which fo proyoked Bernard, who was alfo an enterprizing feaman, that he gave Francis a b-x on the ear. The queen took up the quarrel, and gave fsr Francis a new coat j which is thus blazoned : Sable, a fefs-wavy be- tween two pole liars argent : for his creft, a /hip en a globe under a ruff, held by a cable with a hand cut of the clouds j over it this mot;o, Auxilio Jwina-y unde;nesth, Sic far-vis magi g; and in the rigging is hung up by the htels a wive, gulss, which was the arms of Bernard Diake. SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. 279 in- a manner that refle&ed additional honour on his al- ready pre-eminent reputation. The terror of his name awed don Pedro de Valdez into the furrender of a galleon that contained 50,000 ducats; thefe were diftributed by the vice-admiral, with his ufual liberality, among the feamen and foldiers. He was alfo eminently fuccefsful in the purfuit of the flying enemy, whom he impreffed with augmented apprehenlions of the effects of his long- tried abilities. During 1589, he was conjoined with Norrey in an expedition againft the Spaniards. Thr years 1594 and 1595 are rendered memorable by that expedition to the Weft Indies which terminated with the deftrucTion of Nombre de Dios, and was followed by the death of the two commanders, fir John Hawkins and fir Francis Drake. Drake expired about four in the morning of January 9, 1596, on board his own {hip, in the Weft Indies, and was committed to the fea, in a leaden coffin, with all the magnificence that naval obfe- quies could beftow. Sir Francis Drake was in petfon rather {hort, but mufcular; had a broad, open cheft, and a roundhead; he was of a fair complexion^ his eyes large and clear, and of a frefh, cheerful and engaging afpe ; his hair was of a fine brown, his beard full and comely. His difpofition was rather imperious and decifive, but he was extremely generous and unfufpicious. Some degree of oftentation has been imputed to him ; but thofe who conlider the number and rancour of his ene- mies, and at the fame the value of his fervices, will not haftily blame him for occafionaliy afTerting thofe merits which his opponents were fo afiiduous to traduce, and claiming that reward of which the injuftice of others T 4 would ^80 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE, would have deprived him. He poiTefled great abilities, and was indefatigable in improving them to the beft ad- vantage. To a thorough knowledge of maritime affairs, he joined as competent an acquaintance with aftronomy as he could then obtain; and he was an eloquent and graceful fpeaker. He, in fine, muft have been a great jnan, who, difadvantaged by birth, and deprefled by ene- mies, rofe, in fpite of fuch obftacles, into affluence and fame, while characterized by the moft unbending intp- grity, and unverfed in the flatteries of the world. SIR. l^j SIR ( 281 SIR RICHARD GREENVILLE. THIS officer {ailed for the American coaft in 1584, in order to the fettlement of a colony which Elizabeth had diftinguifhed by the appellation of Virginia. But diffenlion being followed by famine, foon after Green- ville had landed the new fettlers, and fome of them being carried off by death, the remainder returned to England in 1585, fo difpirited as not to attempt further emigration. In 1591 a fleet of feven (hips, in which fir Richard was vice-admiral, failed to the Azores, defigned to in^ tercept the ufual remittances of Indian gold. Here five of the Englifti veflels, unexpectedly affailed by a large Spanifh, fquadron, immediately effected their efcape, leaving the Revenge, commanded by captain Greenville, and another fhip, to conteft the day. Greenville, ani- mated by unjuflifiable contempt for his affailants, or by a heroifm devoid of prudence, refolved, fooner than Ihew the ftern of his fhip to a Spaniard, to engage fifty- three men of war, manned with ten thoufand failors, for fuch was the force to which he prefented the Re- venge. He fuftained the almofr. incredible conflict for fifteen hours : andnow,when he was covered with wounds; when his men were either nearly removed by death, pr incapacitated by their fufferings ; his powder almoft fpent ; 2$2 SIR RICHARD GREENVILLE. fpent ; his mafts gone ; and his veiTel finking under him; even at this moment, he ftill fcorned to yield, and re- commended the furvivors to truft in God rather than in Spain, and blow up the (hip. But this was aw^oifi- tron with which the majority could not I>e brought to comply ; and the Revenge was furrendered, on ho- nourable terms, to Don Alphonfo BafTano, the Spanifh admiral. " A dear prize,'* obfcrves the hiftorian, " as the capture of her had coft the enemy two thoufand of their braveft Jaifors, nnd two of their ftouteft fliips funk, betides two difabled." Memorable are the laft words of the gallant Green- ville: ** Here (he exclaimed) die I v Richard Green- ville, with a joyful and quiet mind ; for that I have ended my life as a true foldier ought to do, fighting for his country, queen, religion, and honour. My foul willingly depart trig from this body, leaving behind the lading fame of having behaved as every valiant foldier is in his duty bound to do." Greenville was of that diftinguiilied number in whom the example of Drake had kindled up this noble and enthufiaftic attachment to their country. The Revenge, the firft English man of war the Spaniards had yet taken, fuak, ihortly after, with two h.undicd men on board. fit, ( 283 SIR MARTIN FROBISHER. SIR MARTIN FROBISHER was the fon of poor pa- rents, who rciided near Doncafter in Yorkshire, and who bred him to the fea. Of his early years, puffed prohahly in obfcurity and pain, we have no accounts. Indigence claims attention from no one ; and the indi- gent, who expand afterwards into affluence, are feldom inclined to expofe the penury from which they have efcaped. By what means, therefore, Frobi{her contrived to attract the attention, or fecure the confidence of a re- fpeclable portion of the mercantile world, in the year 1576, when he made his firft voyage for the difcovery of the north-weft paifage, we may conjecture, but we cannot determine. He had two barks and a pinnace affigned him by his employers; and with thefe, affiited by captain Matthew Kinderfley, he quitted Gravefend about the middle of June, and returned to Harwich in October, having juft discovered Greenland. The next year, in a fccond attempt this way, he further explored the country, but found nothing to recompenie his trouble; he met only with favages, cold as the re- gion they inhabited. In the courfe of thefe voyages, Frobimer, fiom the ^Irait which ftill bears his name, brought a large quan- tity of black, foft ftone, full pf grains, which, pofleifing a yellowilh 284- SIR MARTIN FROBUHER. a yellowifh light, he fuppofed to be gold ore. On trial, this compofition did not, however, anfwer the ideas of its difcoverer. Frobifher was appointed to the command of the Triumph, in the year 1588. His exertions on this occafion, againft the armada, procured him the diftinc- tion of knighthood, an honour conferred on him by the lord admiral. In 1590 he commanded a fquadron on the coaft of Spain, and by his vigilance ft uftrated the failing of the Plate fleet for that year. In 1592 he fuperfeded fir Walter Raleigh in the command of a fleet which was equipped to acl: againft the Spaniard*. Notwithftanding the difcontents of the other officers on board, who, when the queen's letters of revocation arrived to Raleigh, refufed to ferve under Frobifher, the fquadron proceeded to the coaft of Spain, where, with only three fhips, he burnt one large galleon, and cap- tured another. Elizabeth having ftipulated certain aids to the French, in order to drive the Spaniards, whom fhe confidered her more dangerous neighbours, from Breil, fir Martin Frobifher was difpatched, in the autumn of 1594, to accomplish the object of this treaty. He landed his failors, and, defperately ftorming the place, it foon furrenderecl to the vigour of the Englifh arms. But it was an advantage purchafed at the expence of too many brave men, among whom was fir Matthew Fro- bifher *." He received a fliot in his fide, which, through * Tlie flaughter of fo many excellent fubjefts and officers affefted the queen fo much, that on the firft a<3vices of the impetuous attack of Brett, ilie difpatched a mefienger to the Englifli, informing them, that " The blood SIR MARTIN FROBISHER. 285 through the unfkilfulnefs of his furgeon ended his exiftence at Plymouth, a few days fubfequent to his return. He was manly in perfon; of unblemimed character; and of great naval abilities and knowledge. He was alib a flrict difciplinarian ; and this, in an age when " undaunted valour, and a forward fpirit of enterprize diflinguifhed the foldier and the mariner, but when fubordination appears not to have marked his character," will explain that averiion with which he was certainly regarded by his inferiors. blood of men ought not to be fquandered away at all adventures : that the boiling heat of pufliing and forward men had need to be curbed, and not encouraged and edged on into danger and ruin." The commander was particularly reminded, that, " if he obferved thefc me>.fures, he would fave the credit of his conduct, and lit free at the fame time from the charge of cruelty : and, finally, that ilie herfclf fhould, upon better ground, com- mend his care and regard for her fubjefts." Unhappily, this truly excel- .idiite arrived too late to reftrain the impetuofity of the Englifli. SIR f 286 ) SIR HUMPHREY GILBERT. THE family of Gilbert are of Devonfhire, and pofleis great claim to antiquity. Sir Humphrey Gilbert was the fecond fon of Otho Gilbert efq. of Greenway, by Catherine, daughter of fir Philip Champernon, of Mod- bury ; a lady who became afterwards the wife of Walter Raleigh, efq. of Fardel, and, by this marriage, the mo- ther of the great fir Walter Raleigh. As his father was rich, Gilbert, though a younger fon, inherited con- Cderable property. For that eminence to which he attained, Humphrey Gilbert ftood highly indebted to his female relatives. It was to his mother that he owed the advantages of ail education begun at Eton, and perfected at Oxford; and from his aunt, Mrs. Catherine Afhley, who attended on the perlon, and was greatly in favour with queen Elizabeth, he derived an early introduction at court, where his abilities and acquirements loon procured him the molt flattering eflimation. Elizabeth recommended him to fir Henry Sidney, as a youth of much promife, by whom he was incited to purfue his favourite ftudies ef cofmography, navigation, and the art of war, and who readily undertook his initiation into the practice of thofe important theories. Young Gilbert foon con- vinced his noble patrons that he was net unworthy of this fupport. He accompanied fir Henry Sidney into 3 Ireland, S I MUMI-" II ||. iR K V C I.TL.JBB JR T SIR HUMPHREY GILBERT. 2S? Ireland, about the year 1570, ami acquitted himfelf fo highly to his fatisfacYion as to obtaiu from that expe- lieu.ccd commander the honour of knighthood. Sir Humphrey Gilbert was not lefs accomplished as a writer, than he was brave and judicious as an officer. In 1576 he delivered to the world that celebrated treatile On a north-wf/t paffage to the Indies, whofe confetju-ences we have already witneflbd in the fever a! voyages that were fpeedily made to realize the favourite fuggeftion. This work is characterized by Simplicity of language, and great methodical arrangement. His ground for a belief in the practicability of a north weft paffage thus explained : " There was (he fays) one Salvaterra, a gentleman ot Victoria, in Spain, that came by chance out of the Weft Indies into Ireland, anno 1568, who affirmed the north-weft paflage from us toCataia, con- (iantly to be believed in America navigable ; and furtlvcr faid, in the prefence of (ir Henry Sidney, then i-ord deputy of Ireland, in my heaving, that a friar of Mexico* called Andrew Urdancta, more than eight years before his then coming into Ireland, told him that he came from Mer del Sur into Germany through this north- weft paffage, and (hewed Salvatcrra (at that time being then with him in Mexico) a fea card made by his own experience and travel in that voyage, wherein was plainly let down and defcribed the north weft paffage, agreeing in all points with Ortelius's map. And fur- ther, this friar told the king of Portugal, as he return- ed by that country homeward, that there was of certainty luch a paflagc, north- we/I from England, and that he meant to publirti the fame; which done, the king moil -eurneCHy deft red him not in any wife to dilcbfc 288 SIR HUMPHREY GILBERT. difclofe or make the pafTage known to any nation ; for that (faid the king) if England had knowledge and ex- perience thereof, it would greatly hinder both the king of Spain and me. This friar (as Salvaterra reported) was the greateft difcoverer by fea that hath been in our age. Alfo Salvaterra, being perfuaded of this paffage by the friar Urdaneta, and by the common opinion of the Spaniards inhabiting America, offered, moft willingly, to accompany me in this difcovery; which it is like he would not have done, if he had flood in doubt thereof." Gilbert then proceeds to reafon on the probability of fuch a pafTage ; and it muft be confefled, that, if his work contains much that is futile and exploded, it has alfo many valuable conjectures, and is, upon the whole, a manly and refpe&able performance. Colonization, however, no lefs than difcovery, en- gaged the attention of Gilbert ; and, therefore, laying afide for the prefent his project of the north-weft paffage, he procured from Elizabeth a patent, datedjimeii, 1578, by which he was fully empowered to undertake the weftern difcovery of America, and to inhabit and pofTefs any of thofe lands as yet unoccupied by chrifUan potentates or their fubjedh. Full of hope, he failed for. Newfoundland in the fummer of 1578. He continued here but a fliort time, and in his way home, with ex- treme difficulty, cleared himfelf of feveral Spanifh vef- fels ; his firffc experiment by no means anfwering the anticipations to which it had given rife- Such a failure might, in this fanguine age, have ruined any man of lefs reputation than fir Hurnphrey Gilbert. But, undeprcffed himfelf, he alfo found means to re- animate the courage of others ; and, on the nth of June, SIR HUMPHREY GILBERT. #89 1583, again fet fail for Newfoundland *. Here they landed on the 3d of Auguft, when the general read his commiffion ; and, being duly recognized by the adven- turers, he, on the 5th, took pofleflion of the harbour of St. John, in the nameof the queen of England, granting, as her patentee, leafes unto fuch as were willing to take them. One Daniel, a Saxon, an able miner, about this time difcovered a rich filver mine. Having changed his refidence to the Squirrel, becaufe, being light, he eiteemed her better calculated for enter- ing all creeks and harbours, and fent home the Swallow with the fick .and weary, 'he Left St. John's on the 2oth of Auguft. They failed profperoufly till the night of the 2gth, when a ftorm arofe, and the Delight, on board of which was captain Brown, was loft, with the excep- tion of twelve of her crew, who efcaped in the boat. The lofs of this {hip was feverely felt by Gilbert ; for with her he was deprived of his Saxon miner, and the Silver which had been dug in Newfoundland f, befides a number of excellent feamen. * His fleet, which was ready for fea by the firft of the month, confifted of the five following fliips : The Delight, of 120 tons, admiral, on board of which was fir Humphrey Gilbert, and under him captain William Winter; the bark Raleigh, a ftout new fhip of 200 tons, rue-admiral, built and manned and victualled at the expence of fir Walter (then Mr. Raleigh, and commanded by captain Butler} the Golden Hind, 40 tons, rear-admiral, captain Edward Hayes, who was her owner j the Swallow, 40 tons, captain Maurice Brown j the Squirrel, 10 tons, captain William Andrews. On the I3th of June the bark Raleigh returned, the captain and moft of thofe on board falling fick of a contagious diftemper. f So highly did he exult in the difcovery of this ore, that he told fome of his friends, " Upon the credit of that mine, he doubted not to borraw 10,000 /. ot the qneen for his next voyage," U September 29$ SIR HUMPHREY GILBERT. September 2d, he repaired on board the Golden Hind, for the purpofe of getting his foot drefled. The officers of the Hind endeavoured, by every effort of perfuafion, to prevail upon him to pafs the refidue of the voyage on board their fhip, alleging, that the Squirrel was very in- adequate to the exigency of his fituation, too weak fuc- cefsfully to refift the increafing violence of the feas. But he immediately negatived their advice, by affuring them that " he would never defert that bark and that crew with whom he had efcapcd fo many dangers;" and re- turned to the Squirrel. In the evening of September the 9th, his danger was indeed but too evident ; yet, in this fituation, was he feen fitting in the ftern of the hark, with a book in his hand, and heard frequently to exclaim, *' Courage, my lads ! we are as near heaven at fea as at land!" About midnight he funk into the deep with the whole of his crew. He was an eminent naval character ; and the firft who introduced among his countrymen a Jegal and regular method of colonization. EARL EARJL Tublifhd. April. J. 1800. ty Edur? Harding 9Z.Pa.ll Jfall EARL PERCY, HENRY PERCY, the ninth earl of Northumberland, was eldeft fon of that unfortunate earl of Northumber- land, who Was arrefted during the feign of queen Eli- zabeth, on fufpicion of being attached to the caiife of Mary of Scotland, and who, while imprifoned in the Tower, was found dead in his bed, {hot with three bul- lets near his left pap. The mother of Henry was Ca- therine, eldeft daughter and co-heir of John Neville, lord Latiaier. There can be no doubt but earl Percy received an education not unworthy of his quality, as he was after- wards the great patron of learned men, and the munifi- cent encourager of learning. His valour alfo was not lefs confpicuous than his literary abilities. In 1585 he embarked with Dudley, earl of Leicefter, for the Low Countries, where he difplayed true courage, and acquir- ed confiderable perfections as a foldier ; and he was among the foremoft of thofe patriotic young noblemen, who in 1588, hiring fhips at their own charge, joined the grand fleet under the high admiral Howard. In 1593, his lordfliip was created a knight of the garter, at Windfor. Percy, in 1601, accompanied fir Francis Vere in the fege of Oftend. A diiagreement unhappily arifmg U 2 between EARL PERCY. between thefe great men, in which earl Percy conceived himfelf aggrieved, that nobleman, on his arrival in Eng- land, difpatched the following challenge to Vere. To the valorous and ivortty Captain, Sir Francis Verc, Lord Governor of the Bril/, and Commander of the Engli/h under thcftates. " I tould you at Oftend that then was noe fytt time to expoitulate matters ; nowe I hould it proper to call you to an accompt for thofe wronges you have done mee. You love to take the ay re and to ryde abroade ; appointe, therefore, a place and tyme to your liking, that I may meete you. Bring you a friend with you ; I will be accompanied with another, that (hall be witnefle of the thinges I will laye to your charge. If you fatisrie mee, wee will return good friends ; yf not, wee ihall doe as God fball put in our mindes. I will efchew all bitter words, as unfit for men of our occupa- tion. Seeke not by frivolous (hiftes to diverte this courfe of fatisfadtion ; for all other meanes than this I have prefcribed I (hall call as an affirmation of what I have heard, which will caufe mee to proceed in wright- ing myfelfe as the wronge requires. Make no replies by letter, but fend mee your will by this bearer dire<e, that you will or not, for from mee you (hall have no more. Give no caufe of noyfes in the world, to hinder this courfe, leaft you baffle your own reputation. Whatfoever I mall doe in this juft caufe of offence, fewer words I could not have ufed to exprefs my mind." This EARL PERCY. 393 This notice was tranfmitted toVere on Saturday the 24th of April 1602. Notwithstanding, however, Percy's inti- mation to " give no caufe of noyfes," it is palpable that either Vere or his friends informed the queen of. thefe proceedings, who immediately commanded Percy to defift. In this he did not tamely acquiefce , but defired thofe of his friends, who were prefent when the injunc- tion arrived from court, to obferve " That he referred himfelf to all men of judgment, that made profeffion of honour, and that he hoped they would not blame him, if that in attending to his fatisfaflion, he protefted that fir Francis Vere was a knave and a coward, who in fleering and jeering, like a common buffoon, would wrong men of all conditions, and had neither the ho- nefty nor 'the courage to fatisfy any." Vere fet forth a very unfatisfadlory reply to thefe charges, and here the affair feems to have terminated. The earl of Northumberland, on the death of the queen, applied himfelf fo fuccefsfully to the favour of James, that his fubfequent depreflion becomes a matter of furprize. He was by that prince continued in the council, employed in many royal commiffions, and affifted in the chriftening of the princefs Mary, to whom his countefs flood godmother ; and yet, before the end of 1605, he was arrefted and charged with being privy to the; gunpowder treafon. In themonth of Auguft preced- ing, he had received the degree of mafter of arts in the univerfity of Oxford. King James was prefent at the ceremony ; and very "honourable record is made of Percy, " the moft generous count of Northumberland, a great, encourager of learning and learned men, especially ma- U 3 thematicans, i$4 EARL PERCY. tbematicians, who, as well as others, have in a high manner celebrated his worth." Though the earl was imprifoned in 1605, and not li- berated till 1620, and fentenced to a fevere fine, his innocence is incontvovertibly clear. . To \ife his own words*, " 1 thought I had chofen an honeft inftru- 4nent, and fit, becaufe of the place he lived in, to be the Carrier of my letters ; but I finde to my forrow, that he had craft and poifon laid up in his bread againft your majefty, the (late, and unfairhfulnefs to me :" and by this inftrument, who correfponded with a treacherous relative, fir Thomas Percy, the earl was driven into dif- grace and almoft ruin. He who had been confidentially employed by his fovereign to execute the laws againft papifts, was now accufed of coalescing in the fouleft plots in order to advance the popedom. In vain did he befeech when Percy was taken, that the confpirator might be queftioned as to his innocence ; in vain did he imprecate on himfelf and his family, the dircft ven- geance of the Almighty, if he were not free of the criminalities imputed ; in vain did he fupplicate the throne, and his friends to intercede with the throne ; an enormous fine was exacted, and a painful bondage was fuftained. A more fevere fentence, it has been obferved, could hardly have been pafled, without bereaving him of his life and all his efbtes ; and without doubt, it much induced his fon Algernon to efpoufe the party which in the reign of Charles I. aboliflied the ancient court of He was at lalt indebted for his releafe to * SrcKs letters to the king. the EARL PERCY. 295 the friendlhip of lord Haye, afterwards earl of Carlifle, who had married the lady Lucy, earl Percy's youngelt daughter, a lady of incomparable beauty, and celebrated in the poems of the moft exquifite wits of her time. Percy pafied the latter days of his life in focial tran- quillity. In Auguft, 1620, there were with him, as guelts at Petworth, Buckingham the king's favourite, prince Charles, the earl of Suffolk, the earl of Pembroke, the earl of Montgomery, his own fon, lord Percy, two fons-in-law, the lord vifcount Lifle, vifcount Doncafter, fir George Goring, fir Henry Rich, and feveral other knights and gentlemen. He lived juft long enough to fee the beginning of the reign of Charles I. dying at Petworth on the 5th of November 1632. Northumberland married Dorothy, daughter of Wal- ter Devereux, earl of Eflex, and widow of fir Thomas Perrott, by whom he had four fons and three daughters. U 4 SIR SIR RICHARD HAWKINS. THE adventures of this officer cannot fail to imprefs us with regret that his fuccefs was not proportioned to his merits; like Drake, he defjgned to pafs the ftraits of Magellan, and then to furround the globe; but he ex- perienced the fevereft difappointment. Sir Richard, fon of the great fir John Hawkins, was born at Plymouth in Devonshire. Having a flrong predilection for the naval fervice, he fitted out, in 1593, two ftiips and a pinnace, and obtained the queen's com- miffion, empowering him to aflail the Spaniards in South America. His progrefs did not, however, cor- refpond with his wifhes and abilities. He was at firft thwarted by the elements, and the whole of his fcheme fubjefted afterwards to ruin by the bafenefs of one Tharlton, whom he had taken into the employment of captain. Upon the lofs of his pinnace, which was accidentally burnt at St. Ann, Tharlton deferted, leaving Hawkins, who had but juft entered the river of Plate, to pafs the ftraits of Magellan by himfelf, with one fliip. It afforded but little fatisfadion to fir Richard for the injury which refulted from Tharlton's treachery, that the mifcreant became in time amenable to the tribunal of juftice, which did not neglect to award the punifhment fo fully merited. Thefe. SIR RICHARD HAWKINS. 297 Thefe fatal difadvantages could not intimidate fir Richard Hawkins ; who at length, with equal refplu- tion and prudence, made the Straits of Magellan in Ja- nuary 1594- Having failed up to the height of 56 de- grees, and fpent fix weeks, fleering againft currents at once dangerous and uncertain, amongft the neighbour- ing iflands, he directed his courfe towards Peru, with, the reputation of being the fixth navigator who, accord- ing to the account of the Spaniards, had paffed the Straits. On the coafh of Peru he captured feveral prizes ; hut this profperity was fpeedily reverfed by his having the ill- fortune to encounter with the Spanifh admiral Don Ber- trand de Caftro, who commanded a fquadron of eight fail, on board of which were two thoufand men. Yet this misfortune is in a great degree attributable to the rafhnefs or the avarice of Hawkins. Thofe elements which oppofed his outfet now favoured his efcape, and he had happily cleared himfelf of the enemy, when, by his attempting to fecure frefh prizes, he gave him an opportunity to come up with him again. He was over- taken in the bay of Atacama, and, after an obftinate re- fiftance, obliged to furrender* to de Caftro. As long as * The conteft luftc.l for three days and nights fuccefiively, and then, moft of his men b:ing lulled, his fliip finking under him, and himfelf dan- geroufly wounded, he was importuned to ftrikc. The terms of his fur- render were potwithftanding honourable: That himfelf and all on board fliould have a free paflage to England as foon as pofiible. De Caftro fwore, by his Maker and by his knighthood, that the capitulation fliould be ob- ferved with fidelity } in token of which, having fcnt his glove to Hawkins, he took pofleffion of the /hip without difplaying the kaft infolence, or jsernwting the finallcft outrage. Hawkins 298 SIR. RICHARD HAWKINS. Hawkins remained in America with de Caftro* he was treated with great humanity and politenefs ; but he was commanded by the Spanifh court to the metropolis, and remained during feveral years a prifoner in Seville and Madrid. Sir Richard Hawkins was at length releafed from im- prifonment and reftored to his country. The laft years of his life, which he pafled in honourable retirement, were employed in digcfting his adventures ; of thefe he had written an account to the era of his captivity, when death for ever fufpended his profecution of the in- terefting narrative. He was ftruck with an apoplexy while attending the privy-council on bufmefs, in one of the outer rooms, and expired. * After Hawkins had furrendered, the Spanilh admiral produced a letter from the king of Spain to the viceroy of Peru, which gave a particular ac- count of the voyage, the (hips, the force, and the defignation of Hawkins. " You may fee by this (faid De Caftro) whether the king my matter has not fome good friends in England !".*' No wonder (returnedHawkins) that your matter has fo many friends every where, fince he has fo much gold and filvcr : it is no uncommon thing to fee thefe make people tell tales out ef fchool, and out of country too." THOMAS ( 299 ) THOMAS CAVENDISH, ESQ. THE life of Cavendifh is a full verification of the re- mark, that necefllty is the mother of invention ; that a fortune diflipated by extravagance is only to be retrieved by enterprife. He appears to have defcended from the ancient family of Trimley in the county of Suffolk, and was the inheritor of ample property ; but his refources were not proof againft libertinifm early indulged, and expenfes often repeated. He, therefore, refolved to exa& from his enemies the money which he had lavifh- cd on his friends ; and with this view, having at his own cort bqilt two mips and a bark, he failed from Plymouth on the 2iftof July 1586. His defign was to enter the South feas for the exprefs purpofe of plundering the Spaniards. Having gained the coajl of Britanny he fleered for Brazil, made the Straits of Magellan, January the 5th, 1587, and pafling thefe he coafted along Chili and Peru, where he con- ducted himfelf with great prudence and intrepidity, and fecured fome valuable prizes. In the progrefs of this route mention is made of a harbour about 48 degrees fouth latitude on the coaft of America, whofe inhabi- tants, the favages, were extremely gigantic, one of their feet meafuring eighteen inches in length ; this place they named Port Defire. Cavendifh continued his courfe as high as California, where he took the St. Ann, an 30O THOMA^ CAVENJ>ISH, an Acapulco (hip : her cargo was exceedingly rich; but, as his ihips could not retain it, after difburthening her of gold to the amount of 60,000 1. he was compelled to fink the reft. Steering now for the Philippine iflands, he reached Java Major on the firft of March 1588. June the firft he doubled the Cape of Good Hope, and returned in fafety to Plymouth on the 9th of September. In this voyage, which was attended but with little lofs, and was diftinguifhed by much bravery, wifdom, and perfeverance, Cavendifh had failed completely round the globe, and had alfo acquired what, in that age, might be efteemed an amazing fortune. On his arrival in England, Cavendifh immediately wrote to lord Hunfdon, one of her majefty's privy- council, and at that time lord chamberlain, the follow- ing account of his voyage. " It has pleafed the Al- mighty to fuffer me to circumnavigate the whole globe of the world: entering in at the Strait of Magellan, and returning by the Cape of Good Hope. In this voyage I have either difcovered, or brought certain intelligence, of all the rich places of the world that ever were known or diicovered by any Chriftian. I navigated along the coafts of Chili, Peru, and Nueva Efpanua, where I made great fpoils. 1 burnt and funk nineteen fail of ihips, fmall and great. All the villages and towns that ever 1 landed at 1 burnt and fpoiled, and hail I not been difcovered upon the coaft I had taken great quantities of treafure. The moft profitable prize to me was a great /hip of the king's which I took at California, &c. &c. From the cape of California, which is the uttermoft part of Nueva Efpanua, I navigated to the iflands of the Philippines, bordering upon the coafts of China; of 6 which THOMAS CAVENDISH, ESQ^ e Bark ley Bay, captain Cotch ' the old Frigat, captain Harper. l James, EARL OF CUMBERLAND. 335 James, by whom he was much refpe&ed. This event took place at his houfe in the Savoy, on October the 3Oth, 1 605 ; when he left iflue by his wife Margaret, daughter of Francis earl of Bedford, a daughter and heir called Anne. DISCOVERIES, ( 33* ) DISCOVERIES. To that extenfion of commerce and navigation which forms the moft interefting part of the reign of James the Firft, a few pages of this work may be not improperly devoted : for, during this period, colonization was pro- fecuted with vigour and fuccefs, and many fources of trade were effectually afcertained and beneficially efta- bliihed. As the expedition of Levifon and Monfon will be treated of in the life of Monfon, Captain PRING'S voy- age to Virginia in 1603, (landing foremeft in chrono- logical fucceffion, is the firft adventure for difcovery which occurs under the reign of James. The chief ob- ject of this equipment appears to have been in queft of faffafras, with which they were fo fortunate as to return well laden. But fafiafras did not wholly engrofs their purfuit. Among other curiofities they brought home one of the boats which were ufed by the wild inhabi- tants of Virginia. This, which was made of the bark of the birch-tree, was fewed together with twigs, the feams being covered or fecured with rofm and turpen- tine; and, though it was feventeen feet long, four feet broad, and calculated to contain nine perfons, the weight of the boat did not amount to quite fixty pounds. In the courfe of this year, 1603, Captain BENNET, at about DISCOVERIES. 337 about 74 degrees and 30 minutes to the northward, dif- covered a place which he called Cherie Ifland, in honour of the gentleman, a Mr. Francis Cherie, at whofe ad- venture the voyage had been made. DURING the year 1604, Captain LEIGH made a re- folute attempt to form a fettlement on the coaft of Gui- ana. He obtained of the natives fome ground on the banks of the Guiapoee, to which he gave the name of Mount Howard; and but for the flux, which foorv after began its ravages among the Engliih, he would probably have effected a defign of evident utility to his country. ANOTHER voyage was undertaken to Virginia in 1605. Captain WEYMOUTH, the officer to whom this bufmefs was entrufted by the earl of Southampton and lord Arundel, arrived firft at Long Ifland, and after- wards difcovered Connecticut River ; he traded with the favages, was particularly delighted with the place, and returned. The firft attempt towards a regular colonization of New England occurs in the year 1606. It will eafily be recollecled, that this part of the American continent was rirft diftinguifhed by the captains Barlow and Amidas ; that fir Francis Drake, when he touched here on his re- turn from the Weft Indies in 1586, was the tirft Eng- lifhman who landed in thefe parts, and to whom one of the Indian kings fubmitted his territory ; and that cap- Z tain 33^ DISCOVERIES. tain Gofnoll, who made a little ftay in the fame place, gave fuch a report of New England as to attradl the at- tention of his adventurous countrymen, fome of whom immediately procured a charter * to colonize in any part of that country lying between 38 and 45 degrees of north latitude. The prefent voyage was placed under the conduct of CHALLONS, who proved very unfortu- nate. Captain POPHAM endeavoured to profecute the fcheme, but with no better fuccefs. Virginia ftill iecured the attention of the mercantile world, by whomf at length a fettlement was began in the fouthern diftridt of this ftate. The circumftances attending the formation of the fettlement refemble more the phantaftes of romance, than the regular progrefs of events. Under the condudl of captain SMITH, who is reprefented to have been as able a feaman, as the courfe of the narrative will prove him an intrepid leader, the * This charter was made to Thomas Hanham, Rawleigh Gilbert, William Parker, and George Popham, efqrs.j and other gentlemen of Plymouth. J- Some merchants of London, Briftol, Exeter, and Plymouth, joined in a petition to the Throne, fetting forth " That it was too much for any fingle perfon to attempt the fettling of Colonies, &.<;.: they, therefore, prayed his Majefty to incorporate them, enable them to raife % joint ftock for the purpofr, and countenance their undertaking." Accord- ingly by Letter 1 ; Patent, dated April loth, 1606, the petitioners were incorporated, in one charter, into two diftincl colonies, and to make two diftintr. companies, for the colonization of Virginia. This patent included Maryland, Virginia, and Carolina, for the London adventurers , and New England, New York, New Jerfey, and Penfylvania, for the Plymouth adventurers: but the whole was then cal'ed Virginia. The adventurers fpecifi',d are Sir Thomas Gates, f,r George Sommers, Mr. JV.chard Haikivjvt, and Edward Maria Wingfield, Efq. ; Thomas Hanham, Rawleigh Gilbert, William Paiker, and George Popham, efquires. 3 little DISCOVERIES. 339 little fleet deftined for Virginia, after many delays and miftakes, arrived at the mouth of Chefapeak Bay, on the 26th of April 1607 Landing on the fouthern cape of this bay, they built fort Henry ; and, foon after, on the northern, fort Charles: they now difcovered a river, at that time called Powhatan, to which they gave the name of James River, in honour of their fovereign. They then proceeded to eredl a town ; and to this they gavq the fame appellation as to the river. It was now that Smith began to feel the effe&s of that malice which, great ability and beneficial exertion feetn fated to ex- perience. His enemies, accufmg him of mutinous and tyrannical defigns, did not fcruple to impeach, and for a time imprifoned the very man to whom they were in-* tlebted for their fuccefs. But Wingheld, his arch-adver- fary, was at length detected, depofed from his authority, and Smith reilored to his friends. Thefe tumults onco calmed, all things feemed ealily progrefUve : they built, traded, cultivated the land, and difpatched two fhips homeward. A ftate of things fo propitious to the young colony was, however, fuddenly interrupted by a cir- cumftance that had nearly proved fatal to the fettlers. In a neck of land, at the back of James-town, there was found a freih flream of water, fpringing from a final! bank, which warned down in its courfe a yellow kind of duft-ifinglafs ; and this, as it lay glittering at the bot- tom of the water, was miftaken by our adventurers for gold. All bufmefs became immediately neglected, all defence difcontinued ; and in the height of childifh ex- ultation, Peru and Mexico were defpilcd, as inferior to this invaluable flream. Great, however, as might he Z z the 340 DISCOVERIES. the worth of this difcovery ; their town burnt by the Indians, while themfelves were filtering the ftream, and agriculture and economy discarded, foon convinced them of the inefficacy of their recent purfuits. They were, indeed, reduced to fuch diftrefs, by the enmities of the natives and the want of provifions, that, had not their two fliips returned from England with the necefiary fupplies, they muft have inevitably perifhed. Yet un- convinced of their delufion, they loaded thefe fhips with the yellow dirt,"and difpatched them in triumph home. The 'accounts returned by the ihips, in a fhort time, efFe&ually cooled the avarice of the adventurers, who now. redoubled their colonial labours, and in 1608 gathered Indian corn of their own planting. Thus fet- tled into induftry and perfeverance, their numbers aug- mented, their profperity was confirmed, and Virginia gradually rofe into that importance which it afterwards affumed. IN 1607, Mr. HENRY HUDSON, having made the coaft of America, failed next to that of Greenland, where he difcovered the Bay which bears his name. Early in 1608, Hudfon fet fail in fearch of a north-eaft paflage to the Eaft Indies. The only remarkable cir- cumftance incident to this expedition was the difcovery of a mermaid, which is thus related. " On the I5th of June (fays the journal) one of our company, looking overboard, favv a mermaid ; and cailing up fome of the company to fee her, one more came up, and fhe was then clbfe to the (hip's fide, looking earneftly on the DISCOVERIES. 341 the men. Soon after, a fea came and overturned her. From the navel upwards her back and breafts were like a woman's, her body as big as one of us, her fkin very white, and long black hair hanging down behind : in her going down, they faw her tail like the tail of a porpoife, and fpeckled like a mackarel." A third voyage towards Nova Zembla was attempted by Hudfon in 1609. In 1610, Hudfon made another voyage, in fearch of the north-weft paffage, and in this he periflied. Mr. GUY, merchant, and afterwards mayor of Briftol, made a ftrenuous effort, in 1609, to found an Englifh fettlement at Conception Harbour in Newfoundland : it had a partial and temporary fuccefs, but his countrymen found it yet impracticable to eftablilh themfelves on a fhore that had proved fo inhofpitable to Cabot, Gilbert, and Bernard Drake. By the defire of prince Henry, fir THOMAS BUTTON undertook a voyage for afcertaining the north-weft paf- fage, in 1611. This gentleman, having pafled the ftrait, and left Hudfon's bay to the South, failed above two hundred leagues S. W. through a fea more than eighty fathom deep, and difcovered the continent which he denominated New Wales. After wintering at port Nelfon, in fifry-feven degrees and ten minutes north latitude, he likewife difcovered the great laud called Swan's Neft. In the courfe of this year, the Englifli made their firft adventure to Greenland in purfuit of the Z 3 whale DISCOVERIES. whale fifhery : they killed a fmall whale, about June the 1 2th, which yielded twelve tons of oil, the firft they had obtained in thefe parts. THE BERMUDAS, which had been difcovered by fif George Somers, were fettled during the year 1612, by a company ereled for that purpofe, and who deputed one Mr. Moor their governor. Under the fuperinten- dance of this worthy man was begun the prefent St. George's Town of thofe iflands *. DURING the years 1614 an ^ 1615, captain Fo- THERBY made two voyages of difcovery to the north- ward. Fotherby was fitted out by the Mufcovy Com- pany, and gives the following account of his adventures. ..-. " In the month of June, 1614, I went with the fhallop into Maudlin Sound, there to fet up the king's arms. I caufed a crofs to be fet up, and the king's arms to be nailed on it ; and under it a piece of fheet-lead, with the Mufcovy Company's mark, the day of the month, and the year. Then, cutting up a piece of * The following circumstances ftem to merit attention. A few rats, which had ifTued from on board the jfhip, multiplied to fuch a degree as to threaten the entire deftruilion of the firft plantations in the Bermudas. Having continued their devastations for the fpace of four years, they at length, however, fuddenly and completely difappeared, as ftrangely as thej hd recently increafcd. It is as Angular, that a number of ravens, who had hovered about the iflands during the prevalence of the rats, difap- p sired with tfiem, and were never feen afterwards. , earth, DISCOVERIES. 343 earth, I carried it aboard, and, in the prefence of the men, faid to this effect: " I take this piece of earth as a fign of lawful poflef- fion of king James's new land, and of this particular place (which I name Trinity Harbour), taken on behalf of the company of merchants called 'The Merchants of New Trades and Difcoveries, for the ufe of our forereign lord James, &c. &c. ; whofe royal arms are here fet up, to the end that all people, who (hall here arrive, may take' notice of his majefty's right and title to this coun- try, and to every part thereof. God fave King James." THE year 1616 furnifhes us with a memorable en- gagement, which took place near the Spanifh coafrs, between the DOLPHIN of London and five Turkifh men of war, aflifted by a Sattie. The firit encounter lafted upwards of two hours, after which the Dolphin was twice aflailed by the Turks. During the whole of this fevcre conteft, her crew performed acts of the moil aftoniming valour, and the enemy at length defifted. *' The loffes we received in the aforefaid fights (fays the relater of thefe tranfadtions) were fix men and one boy, which were killed outright; and there were hurt eight men and one boy more : but the Lord knows what da- mage we put them to, and what number we flew in their fhips." " The matter of the fhip (continues the narrator) being at the helm, was (hot twice betwixt the legs ; and the furgeon, dreffing the wounds of one of our men, a ball of wildfire fell into his bafon, which Z4 he 344 DISCOVERIES. he fuddenly eaft into the fea, otherwife it had greatly endangered us. The Turks were aboard, and founded their trumpets; notwithftanding which, our men af- faulted them fo fiercely, that they forced them off, and the boatfwain, feeing them fly, moil undauntedly, with a whiftle, dared them to the fkirmifh, if fo they durft." Not Jefs worthy of prefervation is the fpcech with which Mr. Edward Nicholls, the mafter of the Dol- phin, exhorted his men to this noble refinance. Speak- ing of the enemy's approach, the author thus proceeds: " They feemed prepared for any defperate affault, whereupon we immediately made ready our ordnance and fmall ihot, and with no little refolution prepared ourfelves to withftand them. This being done, we went to prayers, and then to dinner, where our mafter gave us fuch noble encouragement that our hearts even thirfted to prove the fuccefs ; and, being in readinefs for the fight, our mafter went upon the poop, and fpake to us in the following manner : ** Countrymen and fellows ! You fee into what an exigency it has pleafed God to fuffer us to fall. Let us remember that we are but men, and muft of neceffity die; when, where, and how, is alone in God's know- ledge and appointment ; but if it be his pleafure that this muft be the laft of our days, his will be done; and let us, for his glory, our foul's welfare, our country's honour, and the credit of ourfelves, fight it valiantly to the laft gafp. Let us prefer a noble death before a flaviih life; and if we die, let us die to gain a better life. For my part, I will fee, if we efcape this danger, that, if any be hurt and maimed in the fight, they fhall be carefully provided for, for their health and maintenance, as long DISCOVERIES. 345 as they live. Be, therefore, refolute ; (land to it ; here is no fhrinking, We muft be either men or flaves. Die with me ; or, if you will not, by God's grace I will die with you." IN this year, 1620, Mr Robinfon's friends fettled themfelves at New Plymouth, in NEW ENGLAND ; and this was the firft efhbli foment of the Englifh. in that exteniive colony. ONE Sir William Curtein having previoufly explored the country, the Englifh were incited to commence a fettlement at BARBADOES in the year 1624. I' 1 l ^ e fame year they alfo effected a fettlement at ST. CHRIS- TOPHER'S. The EAST INDIA COMPANY rofe fad into import- ance during the reign of James, and fitted out a number of voyages from their joint (lock. JAMES THE FIRST died in March 1625, in the year of his age, and twenty-fecond of his reign over England. The praife to which a few acls of James are entitled will be certainly diminifhed by a collective view of his proceedings. Though he iffued a fpirited proclamation prohibiting foreigners to fiih on the Bri- tifh coafts, it was never feconded by a conduct worthy of its language. His indifference towards the execrable proceedings 346 DISCOVERIES. proceedings of the Dutch at Amboyna muft for ever ftigmatize his character as an independent monarch. He was, however, not inattentive to his navy*; though this care for the interefts of his people was rendered almoft ufelefs by the fhaineful inactivity of his reign. That commerce increafecl, and colonifation was purfued with fuccefs by the Englifh, at this era, was rather owing to the enterprifing temper of the fubje6l, than to any particular virtue in the monarch. In faft, it is impoflible to revert contentedly to the hiftory of a prince who was invariably the dupe of his enemies, and who taught them to ridicule that country which they had hitherto feared. * Ira 1610 James built ' a moft goodly fliip for wa-, the keel whereof was one hundred and fourteen feet long, and the crofs beam forty- four feet in length ; Ihe would carry fixty-four pieces of great ordnance, and was of the burden of fourten hundred tons. This royal ihip was double built, and was moft fumptuoufly adorned, within and without, with all man- ner of curious carving, painting, and rich gilding ; being, in all refpecls, the greatett and goodlieft (hip that ever was built in England : and this glorious ihip the king give unto his for* Henry, prince of Wales. On the 2-j.th of September, the king, the queen, the prince of Wales, the duke of York, and the lady Elizabeth, with many great lords, went unto Wool- wich to fee it launched ; but, becaufe of the r.arrownefs of the dock, it could not then be launched } whereupon the prince came the next morn- ing by three o'clock, and then, at the launching thereof, the prince named it after his own dignity, and called it the Prince. The great w*rk- rnafter in building this (hip was Phineas Pet, gent, fomc time M. A, of Hmanuel College, Cambridge." James went alfo on board the great Eaft Indian of twelve hundred tons, which was built at Woolwich, and was the firft fliip of this magnitude launched in England. He called it the Trade's Increafe ; and a pinnace of two hundred and fifty tons, built at the fame time, he called the Peppercorn. Elizabeth's /hips of war, at the time of her death, contained about fixteen thoufand tons: thofe in the days of James amounted to twenty thoufand (6ai. SIR ( 347 ) SIR ROBERT MANSEL. THIS officer, who is allowed, even by his enemies, to have been one of the ableft feamen of the times in which he flourished, was defcended of a very ancient and fplendid family in Glamorganfhire, being the third fon of fir Edward ManfeJ, knt. by Jane, daughter to Henry earl of Worcefter. He was early patronifed by Howard, afterwards the great earl of Nottingham, who advanced him in the fea-fervice, and recommended him' to the notice of the earl of Effex, from whom he re- ceived the honour of knighthood while on the Cadiz expedition, and by whom, during the ifland voyage, he was made captain of the admiral-fhip. On his return from this fervice, Manfel again applied himfelf to the favour of his old friend Nottingham, under whofe au- fpices he found continual opportunities of evincing his abilities and courage. It was on one of thefe occafions, in 1602, that Manfel, meeting with fix of the Spanifli gallies deftined for Flanders, funk three, and difperfed the others. Through the intereft of Nottingham, fir Robert had been raifed to the rank of vice-admiral ; a fituation that he was fortunate enough to retain under the govern- ment of James. Indeed, he was indebted to his firft patron 348 SIR ROBERT MANSEL. patron for every thing ; and, it muft be recorded to his honour, that he was neither infenfible nor ungrateful. When the fortunes of Nottingham declined, Manfel for a long time refifted the opponents of that nobleman ; though, when at length he became convinced of his friend's incapacity, he was among the firft and moft earned of thofe who advifed the old admiral to decline a port to which he appeared no longer adequate. He was now as importunate with Buckingham to accept, as he had been with Nottingham to decline the ftation of high admiral*; and accordingly, when the duke rofe to that dignity, he made Manfel vice-admiral for life. Whatever were his fubfequent courfes, in the firft fteps of his new career Buckingham fubmitted himfelf to the direction of fir Robert Manfel : by his advice, he procured that commiflion for the management of the navy, without which our naval affairs muft have fallen into confufion and ruin. In 1620 Manfel was made commander of the only memorable expedition that occurs in the annals of James : it was directed againft Algiers. The fleet, which confifted of fix men of war, and twelve good merchant-fhips, came to an anchor in the road of Algiers * Buckingham, it feems, did not .think himfdf fo competent to the trulf, but objected his youth and want of experience. To this Manfel re- plied, that in time of peace the beft fervice that could be done was to look well to the conftant repair of the navy, and to rebuild occafionally fuch fliips as wanted it ; and that by applying himfelf afiiduoufly to the duty of his office, he might acquire all the reqiifite knowledge before any war fliould call him into action. Hence it is evident that the duke either had, or affected, a jufter opinion of himfelf, than that which he imbibed from Manfel. on SIR ROBERT MANSEL. 349 on the ayth of November. It is not difficult to relate the progrefs of an armament, which juft glanced at the enemy and then retired. The Turks conducted them- felves with fo much politenefs that the Englifh could have no excufe for attacking them. But an enterprize which had excited fuch great ex- pectations was not to be thus tamely relinquished. In the fpring of 1621 another fleet was prepared, and di- rected to burn the ihips in the mole. This fecond ex- pedition anchored before Algiers on the 21 ft of May; and, proving ultimately of as little avail as its predeceflbr, through the unpropitioufnefs of the wind, returned to England in the month of June. Though the nation was much embittered at the- refult of thefe ill-judged enterprizes, it does not appear that any fhare of culpa- bility was attached by the people to fir Robert Manfel; who, confidering the limited nature of his commiffion, the inexperience of his officers, and the exifting circum- ftances of the cafe, did as much as it was poflible for him to do. Whether the neglecl originated in this unfortunate bufinefs, or in the declenfion of Buckingham's favour, fir Robert, though he retained his profeffional dignity, was never employed by Charles the Firft. He died foon after the commencement of the civil wars, without iffue, at Greenwich. SIR V 35 ) SIR WILLIAM MONSON. SIR William Monfon was the fourth fon of John Monfon, efq. of Lincolnshire, by Mary, daughter to fir Robert Huffey. He was born about the year 1569. Though Monfon 's predilection for fea muft have been early difcernible, it feems that his father did not encou- rage his inclination, as young Monfon effected his firfl voyage without the confent, or even the knowledge, of his parents. He was therefore expofed to the hardships ufually experienced by thofe who have the refolution to venture unpatronized into public lif. His wages did not exceed ten fhillings a month ; and in the courfe of this voyage, which he made during the year 1585, he favv the fevereft fervice that ever befel him as a na- val character. In the fpace of two years he acquired, however, fuch a degree of reputation as to be raifed to the command of a (hip; and lie was afterwards fuccefs- fully employed throughout the long reign of Elizabeth. From 1589 to 1593 Monfon was repeatedly engaged in the expeditions of the earl of Cumberland. In 1596 he received the honour of knighthood from the earl of EfTex, whom he accompanied in the affair of Cadiz j and he afterwards commanded the Rainbow, under the fame nobleman, in his ifland-voyage. He alfo SIR WILLIAM MONSON. 35! aifo commanded the Defiance in the Downs, in 1599 and in 1602, in the capacity of vice-admiral, captured a very valuable carrack. Towards the middle of the latter year, fir William Monfon held a diftinguiftied poft i-n the fleet that was appointed to guard the coafts in that critical period which comprifed the deceafe of the queen and the acceflion of James. He does not, however, appear to have derived any ex- traordinary benefit from the performance of this impor- tant truft ; if we except the command of a fmall fleet in the narrow feas, which he held from 1604 to 1616, and with which he effectually cleared both the Englifli and Scotch coafts from the depredations of the pirates. Notwithilanding the extent and the duration of his fer- vices, fir William Monfon had at laft the infelicity to incur the difpleafurc of the great and the reproaches of the multitude. Powerful men were irritated by the fpi- rit with which he purfued an inquiry into the abufes of the navy ; and the people were not lefs difpleafed that he overtook the lady Arabella, who was at this time the po- pular favourite, and thereby rendered her flight abortive : though in the firft inftance he cffentially benefited his country, and in the fecond had merely adled in obedi- ence to the commands of his prince*. To thefe caufes, operating ' Of a producYion fo much redounding to the fame of fir William Mon- fon, and from which pofterity has derived fuch intcrefting information, the reader may not be difpleafed with the following analyfis, as it is drawn up with candour *ad difcrimination. " This work (the Naval Trails) is di- vided into fix books, all on different fubje&s, and yet all equally curious and inftrudlive. The firft book is, for the moft pirt, a collection cf every y.-ai'i aftions, in the war againft Spain, on our own, upon the Spanifli coaft, and 352 SIR WILLIAM MONSON. operating againft Monfon, the Dutch, incenfed at hi? conduct while flattened in the narrow feas, added a va- riety of complaints ; and, in 1616, on fome trivial pre- and in the Weft Indies : a brief narrative; for no more is faid, but the force they were undertaken with, and the fuccefs of the enterprize: jet the defign is to fhew the reafons, either why they mifcarricd, or why fo little advantage was made where they fucceeded. In fome he is more par- ticular than in others ; and, what perhaps may be (Till of ufe, he at laft fets down the abufes in the fleet, and the methods for redrafting them. His fecond book continues fomewhal of the method of the firft, beginning with fatherly inftrucYions to his fon ; whence he proceeds to the peace with Spain, which puts an end to the warlike naval actions, yet not to his com- mand, being afterwards employed againft pirates. He inveighs againft the Dutch, fliews the ill-management of a defign againft Algiers, and makes very curious remarks on the attempt upon Cadiz by king Charles I. Dif- clofirg methods how Spain might have been much more endangered j with other particulars about the Ihipping of England, and fovereignty of the feas. The third bo Kdu/*TIardmff 98 Pall Mai I. ( 3*5 ) ADMIRAL BLAKE. PERHAPS war fupplies the only means by which, in general, an ufurped government can be prolonged and maintained. While their attention is directed to external enemies, the people have little leifure to attend to the internal proceedings of their rulers, and thus their minds become effectually diverted from the conduct of domeftic foes. Thefe obfervations arife in the hiftory of all regicides and revolution ids, to whofe triumphs, and to whofe alone, they are ftridtly applicable ; nor is there any thing that more clearly demonftrates the unnatural character of fuch a power, than the consideration that it can only fubfift by thofe meafures which would annihi- late regular authority. The commonwealth of England did not in this refpect deviate from the ufual routine of revolutionary factions. As foon as the men who com- pofed this cabal had fucceeded in wrefting the fleet from the hands of Charles the Firft, they configned it to per- fons devoted to their caufe, and who, they knew, would eflentially contribute to render that great inftrument of national fafety and honour fubfervient to the confolida- tion of the new government. They did not permit the Englim. navy to remain under the command of a rebel peer, though he had acquired it to their interefl ; but immediately 366 ADMIRAE BLAKE. immediately placed it under the direction of officers in \vhom they could confide : fo true is the remark, that a traitor will never be accredited even by thofe for whom he has forfeited his honour. Blake was the man to whom the long parliament con- fided the fuperintendance of their naval power. This gentleman was defcended from a very refpeitable family, which had been long eftabliflied in Somerfetfhire ; and was the eldell fon of Mr. Humphry Blake, a Spanifli merchant, who had feveral children. Robert Blake, the fubjet of this biography, was born at Bridgwater, in Auguft 1598, and received the firft parts of his educa- tion in the free-fchool of that place. He was afterwards removed to Oxford, where he became fucceflively a member of St. Alban's Hall and Wad ham College. He remained at the univerfity feven years, and took a degree ; but, meeting with no preferment in the feat of the mufes, he left Oxford for more active fcenes. The gravity and probity of young Blake foon at- tracted the attention of the puritans, by whom, in 1640, he was elected a member for Bridgwater. The fpeedy diflblution of the parliament into which he had been chofen, prevented Blake from giving the world any proof of his fenatorial capacity : but, as he had declared for the parliament, and taken arms on their fide, 'he was early promoted to the command of a dragooa company ; a ftation in which he is faid to have difplayed great bold- nefs and dexterity. In 1643 he had at Briftol an opportunity of evincing the character of his genius, On the soth of July, when prince Rupert attacked that important place, Blake, who commanded a little fort on the line, perfifted to retain his port, though the governor had ADMIRAL BLAKE. 367 had agreed to furrendcr upon articles, and actually killed feveral of the king's forces. This bravado fo exafpe- rated the royal general, that he threatened to hang Blake, and would probably have executed the threat but for the entreaty of feveral gentlemen who pleaded the inexperience of Blake in excufe of his raflinefs and folly. In 1644 Blake was conftituted governor of Taunton, which he had recently taken for the parliament. Though neither the works could be confidered as ftrong, nor the garrifon numerous, he contrived to keep Goring at bay, who appeared before that place with ten thoufand men, till the garrifon was relieved. Before, however, relief arrived, Goring had carried the out- works, and actually taken a part of the town ; circum- ftances that were not overlooked by the parliament, who voted the garrifon a bounty of 20oo/. and to Blake a prefent of 500 /. for his gallant defence. During April, 1646, Blake reduced Dunfler Caftle ; and this was his Jaft military fervice in the rebel war. The year 1649 faw Blake appointed to his firft com- mand on that element where he afterwards fo eminently excelled *. This fea-fervice commenced againll prince * It is not eafy to gu;fs, Campbell obferves, what induced the parlia- ment to make choice of him, who had always ferved as a horfe-ofiicer, to have the fupreme command of die fleet. Perhaps, as the parliament had lately taken upon themfelves the rank, though not the title, of States- General, thsy might therefore be inclined to make ufe of deputies fur the 4ireftion both of fleets and armies who were to judge in great points, and to be obeyed by fuch as were fkilful in their profefiion, either as fea- men or foldiersj for, in thei- judgment, ta command was one thing, and to aft another. Such' appears to have been the origin of thofe who, from mere land officers, quickly acquired the love of failors, and became in a 'h ">T r . time fuch able feamen themfelves. Rupert, 368 ADMIRAL BLAKE. Rupert, whom he purfued from the Irifh coaft into the Mediterranean, highly to the fatisfacYion of the parlia- ment. ]n the couife of this exploit he not only ended that piratical warfare which had been fo long carried on againft our merchants, but alfo awed both the Spaniards and Portuguefe into a perfect fubmiflion to the new- created claims of the Engliih commonwealth. On his return from thefe fervices, he had a fmgular engagement with a French man of war of forty guns. Blake or- dered the captain on hoard, and inquired if he was wil- ling to lay down his fword ; the Frenchman replying in the negative, Blake defired him to return to his fhip, and fight it out as long as he could. They fought nearly two hours, when the enemy fubmitting, repaired immediately to Blake's fhip, faluted, and then prefented his fword to the admiral upon his knees. He foon after reached Plymouth with this prize, and four others, where he received the thanks of his mailers, who had made him one of the wardens of the cinque ports. In March, 1651, he was appointed one of the admi- rals and generals of the fleet for the year. During that period he was principally engaged in the reduction of Scilly, Guernfey, and Jerfey. Towards the clofe of this year ^he was elected a member of the council of ftate. In March, 1652, when the profpe& of a Dutch war * became * The fiift blood that was flied in this dreadful and memorable war, was occafioned by commodore Young having fired upon a Dutch man of war, on the I4th of May, i65Z, who had refufed the accnftomed honour of the flag. That Young did not, however, invite a battle is evinced by his having Cent his boat on board the Dutchman to perfuade him to rtrike. The D'Kch captain very honeftly replied, that the States had threatened to take off his head if he ftruck ; a proof that the H >llanders were de- termined ADMIRAL BLAKE. 369 became certain, Blake experienced an unequivocal fign of the confidence of the parliament, who then confti- tuted him generalifiimo of the fleet for nine months. The Dutch ^admiral, Van Tromp, who was at fea with a fleet exceeding forty fail, rode into the Downs on the 1 8th of May 1652, where he met with a fmall fquadron under the command of major Bourne. He talked to Bourne of ftrefs of weather, as a plea for his meeting the Englifh in that fituation : to this Bourne roundly anfvVered, that the veracity of his excufe would beft appear by the fhortnefs of his flay. Nor did Bourne, who foon difcerned the jeal intent of the Dutchman, neglect to give timely intimation to Blake of Van Tromp's appearance. The next day fully verified the fufpicions of Bourne. About noon, on the ipth of May, Van Tromp, with his fleet, bore down upon Blake in Dover Road. Blake now fired twice at the Dutch flag, when the enemy inftantly returned a broad- fide. Near the clofe of the conflict, which lafted from 4 P. M. till 9, Bourne came in with his eight fhips; for Blake had been engaged nearly four hours alone, before the weather permitted the whole of the fleet to aft. But the Englifh now made fo decided a refiftance as obliged Van Tromp to bear away. The Dutch do not deny that this victory was entirely on the fide of the Englifh, who, at firft with fifteen, and at laft with no termined on war. Upon this the fight began, and the enemy were foon comp.-lled to fubmit. There were two other ihips of war. and about twelve merchantmen, none of which interfered j nor, after the Dutch /hips had taken in their flags, did Young even attempt to make any prlies. It is plain, i.i eve:y circumftance of this action, that the Engli/h were far from being the aggreffors. B b more 370 ADMIRAL BLAKE. more than twenty-three fail, bravely contended againft a fleet of forty-two fhips, which they vanquished, oblig- ing them to retire with the lofs of two taken and one difabled. Blake acquired much reputation from this action, in which, indeed, he had conducted himfelf with great ability. When he at firfl perceived that Van Tromp approached nearer to him than the occafion de- manded, he faluted him with two guns without ball, to remind him of ftriking fail ; the enemy, in contempt, then tired on the contrary fide. To Blake's fecond and third gun Van Tromp replied with his broadfides. Still defirous to prevent the effufipn of human blood, Blake iingled out his own (hip from the fleet, in which, as he was approaching Van Tromp in hopes of adjufting their differences by parley, he received fuch broadfides from the Dutch fleet as broke all the windows of his (hip, and mattered the flern. Blake was at this moment in his cabin, drinking with fome of his officers, and could not reprefs the ftrongeft burfts of refentment at a pro- ceeding in fuch diredl hoftility to the law of nations: he commanded his men to anfwer the Durch in their own language, obferving, when his pamon abated, " he took it very ill of Van Tromp, that he mould take his mip for a bawdy-houfe and break his windows." He lay in the Downs for a long time after this engagement, dur- ing xvhich he employed himfelf in the repairs and in- creafe of his fleet, occafionally detaching fmall fquadrons to cruize upon the enemy. Having recruited his ftrength, inftituted a folemn faft on board his fleet for fuccefs on their enterprifes, and finding Ayfcue returned from Barbadoes with a force competent ADMIRAL BLAKE. 37! competent to defend the Downs, Blnke failed on the 2d of July, 1652, in purfuit of a plan which lie had deviled to abate the infolence of the Dutch. Bearing north- wards, he foon fell in with the Dutch fifhers, which were in great numbers, under the protection of twelve men of war. Thefe defended the convoy with great determination ; but the whole were at length neceflitated to fubmit to the fuperiority of the Englilh commander. Blake on this occafion exacted that for which the unfor- nate Charles I. had in vain efiayed, though he a6ted, at the fame time, with the cleared honour and beneficence. After intimating the utter deftrudlion of their bufles, if, for the future, they were found in that fituation with- out licence of his government, he collected the tenth herring, and then permitted them to complete their lad- ings and depart. Truly fenfible of the importance of this fifhery to the efiential interefts of their country, the Dutch writers do not hefitate to applaud the conduit of Blake, as an Engliihman, in terms honourable to themielves, and not unworthy of this eminent feaman. Some hoftilities having been committed on the coafts of Newfoundland by France, Blake, about this time, at- tacked a ftrong detachment of the French fleet which were failing to the relief of Dunkirk. He either took or deftroyed the whole of this fquadron. On the 28th of September this year, 1652, Blake again engaged with the Dutch fleet, under De Wit and Ruyter. This conteft, though in the approach courted, was, at the moment of engaging, evidently evaded by the enemy, who covered themfelves behind a fand-bank. Blake, notwithfhmding, having difpofed his (hips into B b 2 three 372 ADMIRAL BLAKE. three divifions, the firft commanded by himfelf, the fe- cond by his vice-admiral Pen, and the third by rear- admiral Bourne, refolvcd to attack the foe. Trie opening of this battle was entirely to the difadvantage of the Engliih, till De Wit came freely from his (belter into a fair engagement. A Dutch man of war, who now tried to board the Sovereign, a fine new (hip that had been but juft liberated from the fands, was funk by her firft difcharge. This was fpeedily followed up with the capture of the Dutch rear-admiral, by captain Mildmay; while, before the termination of the affair, two more Dutchmen were funk, and a third blown up. De Wit began his retreat, and was chafed by the Englifh till night, who, refuming the chace with morning, did not ceafe to purfue the flying enemy till they were within twelve leagues of their own (hores, and feen entering the Goree. The .Englifli had three hundred killed, and about the fame number wounded. For the wounded, the parliament made ample provifion ; and tranfmitted their thanks to Blake and his officers, who had by this time returned in triumph to the Downs. It was the 2Qth of November when Blake, who thought the feafon for action over, and had accordingly difperfed the greater part of his fleet, found himfelf fud- denly faced by Van Tromp, who, learning the fituation of the Englidi admiral, had failed with a fleet of eighty (hips to attack him in the Downs. Notwithftanding Van Tromp's fuperiority, the wind only deterred the tnglifh from engaging him till eleven in the morning of the 3Oth, by which time both fleets were plying weftward, and Blake had the weather-gage. Small as was the force of Blake, confifting of no more than 6 thirty- ADMIRAL BLAKE. 373 thirty-feven (hips, when controlled with that of his op- ponent, his fituation was rendered yet more critical from the circumftance of the half of his fleet only being able to fhare in the conflict. Van Tromp had therefore little juflice in exulting fo foolilhly as to place a broom at his topmaft head, intending by this to intimate that he would fweep the narrow feas of Englifh fhips. Happily for Blake, that, unlike the people of Holland, the par- liament did not always eftimate the merit by the refult of an undertaking : they could fee worth in a defeated as well as in a fuccefsful commander; they applauded their admiral, immediately augmented his naval force, and named him, in conjunction with Monk and Deane, general at fea for another year. . By the nth of February, 1653, they had a fleet of iixty fhips ready for war ; and with thefe Blake failed over againir. Portland, in order to welcome Tromp on his return. Tromp had almoft three hundred merchantmen un- der convoy, when, to his great furprife, he fell in with Blake, aflifted by Deane, on board the Triumph, and followed by twelve ftout (hips, about eight in the morn- ing of the iSth of February, 1653. Though the force of the adverfe fleets was nearly poifed, yet, as confider- able time elapfed before Blake could bring the whole of his fhips to bear, his fituation became extremely alarm- ing. He was wounded in the thigh with a piece of iron which had been driven into the direction by a fhot, and which alfo damaged Deane's clothes. Captain Ball, who commanded the Triumph, was fhot dead, and fell at the admiral's feet ; his fecrefary, Mr. Sparrow, was flain while receiving his orders ; a hundred of his crew were killed, moft of the others wounded ; and his fhip B b 3 was 374 ADMIRAL BLAKE. was fo thoroughly fhattered that it made but a pitiful figure in the fucceeding contefts. The Fairfax had an hundred men killed, and was wretchedly difabled ; the Vanguard loft her captain, the brave Mildmay, and many of her men. As to the Proferpine, of forty four guns, fhe was boarded by De Ruyter, and on the eve of being taken, when De Ruyter was himfelf boarded by an-Englifh man of war, and the Proferpine refcued. Two fhips were difabled, and retired into Portfmouth. T^-ornp, who was moft engaged with Blake, loft the greater part of his officers, and had his fhip difabled. De Ruyter loft his main and fore-top-maft, and nar- rowly efcaped being captured. One Dutch man of war was blown up ; and one of another fix, that were cither funk or taken, had its rigging fo clotted with blood and brains, that it was impoflible to look upon it but with emotions of indefcribable honor. The night of Friday was paffed in difpofitions for the engagement of Saturday. On the afternoon of that day, the Englifh came up with the enemy about three leagues N. W. of the Ifle of Wight. The engagement that enfuedvvas but partial, though it continued through the night of Saturday, as Tromp chofe to make a kind of retreating fight. During this period the merchant- men, finding they muft fhift for themfelves, threw part of their cargoes overboard, and began to make off. In this way, fixteen merchant fhips, and eight men of war, were at length fecured by the Englifh. Every effort made by the Englifh t Tenew the fight on Sunday was ineffectual. Tromp had flipped away, in the dark, with fome of his convoy, to Calais fands ; whence, with thefe, and near forty fail, the wind fa- 3 vouring ADMIRAL BLAKE. 375 routing him, he tided it home. Blake could follow him but flowly ; for, though he cared not for Dutch- men, he entertained a juft dread of their fhallow coafts. Three men of war were, however, taken in this pur- fuit, and many of their merchantmen picked up. The Dutch loft, . in thefe engagements, eleven men of war ; thirty merchantmen ; fifteen hundred killed, and as many wounded. In (hips, the Englifh loft only the Sampfon, which was Junk by her captain, becaufe dif- abled ; in men, it is probable that their lofs was not lefs than that of the enemy. It was in the courfe of this affair that Blake made excellent ufe of a body of foldiers on board the fleet. As Blake was known to be a man zealoufly devoted to the glory of his country, and one who would ferve it under any modification of government, Cromwell did not hefitate to give him that confideration in his pro- tectorate which he had acquired from the gratitude of the long parliament. In the fummer of 1654 Crom- well ordered the equipment of two powerful fleets, one of which was immediately committed to the direction of admiral Blake. With this Blake failed firft to Leg- horn, where he demanded 150,0007. of the grand duke for his behaviour to a former Englifh fleet under Apple- ton, and obtained 6o,ooo/. From Leghorn he pro- ceeded to Algiers, where he anchored without the Mole on the loth of March, 1655 ; an ^ fr m thence fent an officer to demand fatisfa&ion for the piracies committed on the Englifli, and requiring the releafe of all captives belonging to his nation, The dey gave the bell fatisfaclion in his power to the refolute requifitions Cb4 of 37" ADMIRAL BLAKE. of Blake; and promifed a very different fyftem towards the Engltfh in future, on the part of the Algerines. Blake now direded his courfe to Tunis, where he fpeedily arrived, and difpatched to the governor of that place a meffage not diffimilar to that on which he had laft infilled at Algiers. To the prefent demands he, however, received an anfvver that had more of temerity than valour: " Here are our caftles of Guletta and Porto Ferino (faid the governor of Tunis) ; you may do your worft : we do not fear you." Blake, entering the bay of Porto Ferino, foon reduced the caftle and line to a defencelefs condition ; and immediately re- folved to hurn nine fhlps which were then in the road. This refolution was executed with a boldnefs and ce- lerity worthy of him who had conceived it. Each of his fhips fent out her long-boat, manned with the choiceft of his men, who entered the harbour and fired the enemy's fhips ; while he and the remainder of the fleet completely covered their brave comrades from the caftle, by playing upon it inceflantly with cannon. The veflels of the pirates were entirely deftroyed, with the lofs of twenty-five men killed, and eight wounded. He now made an excurfion to Tripoli, and, having made a peace with that government, returned again to Tunis, where he at laft compelled the inhabitants to conclude a treaty on terms glorious and profitable to his country. It is pleafing to reflect upon thofe attentions which were invariably paid to the valour of this extraordinary man. A Dutch admiral would not wear his flag while Blake was in the harbour of Cadiz. One of the vic- tuallers attending his fleet, being feparated, fell in with the ADMIRAL BLAKE. 377 the French admiral and feven men of war, near the mouth of the Straits : the captain of the viftual ler was ordered on board the admiral, who inquired where Blake was drank his health with five guns, and wifhed his captain a good voyage. Even the daring audacity of the Algerines was fo humbled before Blake, that they were accuftomed to Hop the fally rovers, from which they took out every Englifh prifoner, and fent them to him, in hopes of obtaining his favour *. Blake was cruizing before the haven of Cadiz, in the month of April 1657, when he gained intelligence of a Plate-fleet that had put into Santa Cruz, in the ifland of Teneriffe. He arrived before the town of Santa Cruz on the 2oth of April, where he difcovered * The following circumftance cannot fail even to heighten the reader's refpedt for the memory of Blake. Some of his feamen going aflr>rr , while he lay in the road of Malaga, they m?t the hoft as it w.is carrying to fome fick perf >n, and highly ridiculed the proceflion. The prieft, refent'mg thii procedure incited the popuU.e to revenge the indignity j who hereupon beat the failors fe verely. Thefe men, when they returned on board, com- plained to the admiral of their ufage, wh* inft^ntly difmifl'ed a tiu i;pt to the viceroy, demanding the prieft who was the author of the infult. The Ticeroy anfwered, he had no power over a prieft, and could not therefore comply with the truwpet. Blake replied, he would not difcnfs who had power to tranfmit the prieft j but that, if he were not fent within three hours, he would burn the town about their ears. Alarmrd at this intima- tion, the inhabitants brought the viceroy to a compliance with Blake's de- mand. When the prieft appeared, he excufed himfelf to the admiral on account of the misbehaviour of the failors. Blake faid ; If you had complained to me, I would have puni/hed them fevereiy ; for I would not .f lifter any of my men to affront the eflabliihed religion of the place where- at I touched : but you were to blame in fetting the Spaniards to btat them; for, I would have you and the world to know, that nofie but an. Englishman ihonld chaftife an Englishman." the 378 ADMIRAL BLAKE. the flota, confiding of fix galleons richly laden, and ten other veflels ; the veflels were fecured within the port by a ftrong barricade, and the galleons were Rationed without the boom. Nor was the port in a neglected condition : but, on the contrary, ftrongly defended ; having on the north a good caftle well ftored with artillery, and feven forts united by a line of communication and manned wilh mufqueteers. When the mailer of a Dutchman, who heard of Blake's approach, requefled permiffiou of the Spanifh governor to fail ; fo fecure did that gen- tleman confider himfelf as to reply, " Get you gone, if you will ; and let Blake come, if he dare !" Having called a council of war, wherein it was de- termined to deftroy the enemy's fhips, as it was itfpofli- ble to bring them off, Captain Stayner was fent with a fcjuadron to effect that purpofe : he forced his paflage into the bay ; while other frigates played upon the forts and line, and hindered thefe from difturbing Stayner's operations. Supported by Blake, Stayner boarded the galleons ; and, in two hours, the whole Spanifh fleet was cleftroyed. The wind now veering to S. W. Blake patted in fafety out of the port, with the fmall lofs of 48 killed and 120 wounded. This dreadful exploit fo con- founded the Spaniards, that they began to perfuade thenafelves its perpetrators muft be devils rather than mere men, and never afterwards conceived themfelves fafe, however fuperior in numbers, iltuation, or for- tifications. Cromwell received the news of this fuccefs with evi- dent exultation. He loft no time in communicating it to his parliament, who were then fitting, and who, after ordering ADMIRAL BLAKE. 379 ordering a day of public thankfgiving, voted a ring worth live hundred pounds to Blake, as a teftimony of his country's gratitude; the fum of one hundred pounds to the captain who brought the intelligence ; and their thanks to all the officers and foldiers concerned in the action. Blake hovered about Cadiz for fome time after his expedition to Teneriffe ; when finding that his (hips were become foul, and feeling his health on the decline, he.failed for England. But his complaint, a combina- tion of dropfy and fcurvy, having been neglected during the lait three years, rofe to fuch a pitch, in proportion as he drew nearer home, as for ever to deny him the gratification of again fetting foot on his native fhore. He expired while his (hip, the St. George, was entering Plymouth Sound, on the lyth of Auguft 1657, having frequently inquired for land, during the latter moments of the voyage. His bowels being taken out and de- pofited in the great church at Plymouth, his body was then embalmed, and wrapped in lead, in order that it might be removed to London, purfuant to the directions of the Protector. After the corpfe had lain during feveral days in flate at Greenwich, it was carried from thence in a fuperb barge, on the fourth of September, to be interred in Weftminfter Abbey. This procefiion was accompanied by the relations and fervants of the deceafcd Admiral ; by Cromwell's council, the commiffioners of the navy, &c. the lord mayor and aldermen of the metropolis, the field officers of the army, and numerous perfons of diftin&ion, in different barges and wherries, coveitd with mourning, marfhalled and fuperintended by the 'heralds at 380 ADMIRAL BLAKE. at arms. When arrived at Weftminfler bridge, where they landed, the proceffion continued through a guard of feveral regiments of foot, at the head of whom Blake's intimate friend, general Lambert, though at that time difgufted with Oliver, was allowed to appear on horfe- back. The body of Blake was at length committed to a vault purpofely erected in Henry the Seventh's chapel. Some time after the reftoration of Charles the Second, an order was, however, tranfmitted enjoining the dean and chapter of Weilminfter to caufe fuch bodies as had been interred in their church during the late rebellion to be removed; and, in confequence of this injunction, Blake's remains, among thofe of many others, were ejected from the Abbey. On the twelfth of September, 1661, after it had lain in the Abbey four years, the admiral's coffin was removed from the chapel of Henry the Seventh to the church-yard, where it was at laft fuffered to repofe. When young, Blake was remarked for the fedate- nefs of his manners, and the inflexible integrity of his character ; though, among his college intimates, he could relax into evening mirth, and was by them confidered a cheerful fellow. His religion was probably fincere, and, from the circumftance that occurred to him while at Malaga, it appears to have been blended with greater Jiberality than was generally evinced by the feclarifts with whom he fuled. That his character poffeffed no inconfiderable portion of vehemence, was demonftrated at his meeting with Tromp, on the io,thof May 1651, when the unmerited broadfides of the Dutchman fo irritated Blake, that even his whifkers curled with in- dignation, ADMIRAL BLAKE. 381 dignation, as (obferves the narrator) they were ufed to do when he was angry. Whoever lhall attentively revolve in his mind the actions of Blake, cannot hefitnte to pronounce him a republican. While at college, he was in the conftant habit of declaiming againft the pride of the nobles and the power of the church. Once, indeed, he was heard" to fay, that ~" he would as freely venture his life to fave the king, as ever he did to ferve the parliament ;" but this was a proportion which he never illuftrated by his con- duct. His political principles, if they could not be acculed of any pointed feverity- towards kings, were cer- tainly fuch as tended equally to ferve the caufe pf the vicious, or the good, as circumftances fliould render either predominant. He always inftructed his men, " that it was his and their bufmefs to act faithfully in their refpective ftations, and to do their duty to their country, whatever irregularities there might be in the councils at home." He had fiiewn himfelf an able military leader, when the difcrimination of the parliament directed his genius to the ftudy of maritime affairs. After having fo amply detailed the naval hiftory of this eminent character, it would be fuperfluous to dwell long on his excellency in that department of life. He was fo ftrict a difciplinarian, as to fubmit his brother, captain Benjamin Blake, for whom he is known to have felt the highefl regard, to the rigours of a court-martial, for fome mifdemeanour in the action of Santa Cruz. Of this mifconduct, being pro- nounced guilty, he was, by Blake's fentence, removed from his Jliip, and the command of it was given to another. " He was the firft man" (fays lord Claren- don) 382. ADMIRAL BLAKE. don) " that declined the old track, and made it mani- fcft that the fcience might be attained in lefs time than was imagined ; and defpifed thofe rules which had been long in practice, to keep his fliip and men out of danger, which had been held in former times a point of great ability and circumfpection, as if the principal art requifite in a captain of a fhip had been to come home fafe again. He was the firil man who brought the {hips to contemn caflles on fhore, which had been thought ever very formi- dable, but were difcovered by him to make a noife only, and to fright thofe who could be rarely hurt by them. He was the firfl that infufed that proportion of courage into the feamen, by making them fee, by experience, what mighty things they could do, if they were refolved; and taught them to fight in fire, as well as. upon water : and though he hath been very well imitated and fol- lowed, he was the firft that gave the example of that kind of naval courage, and bold and refolute atchieve- ments. DETACHED ( 383 ) DETACHED ADVENTURES. DISCOVERY forms no part of the hiftory of the Engliih Commonwealth ; but this era of our country is not deftitute of thofe circumftances, which, though they occupy but a fmall fpace on the general map, yet defei ve to be particularized and celebrated. IN October, 1653, ca P tam HAYTON, in the Sa- phire, fell in with eight French men of war. He fliot twice at the enemy's admiral, and, receiving a broadfide in return, he then endeavoured to board her, but flie efcaped. Hayton, however, at length rinding himfelf between the admiral and vice-admiral of the French, fired both fides at them ; when the vice-admiral called immediately for quarter, while the admiral ran. He took the vice-admiral, and another of the hoftile {hips, and, foon after, fecured alfo their rear-admiral. The French loft feveral men in this adlion : Hayton had only four of his crew killed, and but a few wounded. Captain Hayton followed up this fuccefsful gallantry with the capture of feveral Dutch and French prizes. ABOUT this time captain WELCH, the commander of a privateer, took a Dutch packet-boat, and the next morning $84. DETACHED ADVENTURES, morning three Dutchmen of three hundred tons each, and a bpfs laden with herrings. One of the Dutchmen was laden with iron, fliot, guns, and copper. CAPTAIN DARCY, who, with a fmall veffel and but twelve men, attempted alfo a Dutch frigate called the Hart, of fifty men, experienced not that fortune which had fallen to Hay ton and Welch ; but this was entirely owing to the bafenefs of half his little crew. After he had, with fix of his men, dettroyed fixteen of the enemy, and driven their captain overboard, he was at laft com- pelled to lubmit. Darcy had received quarter feverai hours, when the Dutch captain, who had regained his fhip, moft infamoufly fhot him in cold blood, ran his fword repeatedly through his body, and then cut him, into pieces and pulled out his heart ! IT cannot be denied that the naval power of this coun- try was directed with unprecedented fuccefs by thofe who aflumed the helm of government after the depofition of the unfortunate Charles the Firft. This was their chief praife, that they made England terrible to her enemies, and invaluable to her friends. But in this, after we have allowed them -every impartial commendation, it will appear that they merely trod in the fleps of their mur- dered monarch, who would have equally afferted and diffufed the glory of the Englifh. character, had he enjoyed the fupport of his fubjedls, and could he have availed himfelf of the fame refources which were fo readily opened to the projects of his domeilic enemies ! Some- DETACHED ADVENTURE?. 3^5 Some attention was given to our colonial fettlementi during the interregnum ; and, confidering the em- barrafled ftate of our foreign connexions, commerce 1 cannot be faid to have been altogether unprcfperow. GEORGE GEORGE MONK, DUKE OF ALBEMARLE, AND KNIGHT OF THE GARTER. THIS ifluftrious man was defcended from an ar^ cient and honourable family, eflablifhed from the time of Henry III. at Potheridge, in Devonfhrre ; by the female line he was even nearly related to Henry IV. His father, fir Thomas Monk, being confiderably em- barraffed in pecuniary concerns, and having therefore no fortune to give independence fo his offspring, always defigned George for the profeffion of arms. George Monk was born on the 6th of December 1608, and received afterwards fuch an education as was calculated to prepare him for the field. So early as his feventeenth year we find him at fea, as a volunteer, in the fleet that then failed for Cadiz, under the command of lord Wimbledon ; and two years after, again on the fame element in Burroughs's expedition to the ifle of Rhe. The circumftance, which is known to have obliged- young Monk, contrary to his education, to embrace the fea-fervice, reflects confiderable honour on his character. Wherr Charles I. in the beginning of his reign, repaired to Plymouth, in order to infpedT: the naval preparations, which were in forwardnefs, with the view of a Spanish war, fir Thomas Monk, who was extremely defirous of tendering GV.GRGK Mowx:DtrKB<*.AiiBfej i GEORGE koNK. 387 tendering his refpe&s to the king, took this opportunity of performing his loyal intentions. As, however, the old gentleman laboured under no fmall apprehenilon of the law, he firft difpatched a cOnfiderable prefent to the under merifF of Devonshire, who, upon this, engaged that fir Thomas fhould be unmolefred on the occafion of his vifit to the king. But the creditors of iir Thomas, informed of thefe proceedings, fent a larger bribe to the under flieriff, who accordingly took old Monk in execution before the whole county. The filial impe- tuofity of George induced him immediately to repair to Exeter, where, after having vainly expoftulated with the pettyfogger, he gave him a moft hearty beating, and left him. The confeqUences of this adventure had proved, as might be expected, very difagreeable to George, but for his timely efcape to fea. Monk did not quit the navy till 1628, when he re- paired to Holland. Here his valour and fklll were abundantly difplayed under the earl of Oxford, and were afterwards rewarded by lord Goring, from whom he re- ceived the command of his lordfhip's company before he had attained his thirtieth year. Difagreeing with the Dutch, he returned to England. In 1641 he was em- ployed wholly in Ireland. During the year 1643, when the difputes between Charles I. and the parliament were at their height, Monk was arrefted by Fairfax, and brought up to the tower of London. While he was a prifoner in that place, Charles fent him one hundred pounds in gold, which, fays the hiflorian, was a large fum out of fo poor an exchequer. The king tranfmitted him this money from Oxford, and it was certainly a C c 2 flattering 3 GEORGE KIOSK, flattering evidence of his majefty's generofity attil efteem. Early in 1647, Monk, perceiving the total ruin of the royal caufe, confented to accept a commiffion under the lord Lifle, in Ireland, and by this meafure obtained his liberty. That Monk, notwithftanding, retained his attachment to royalty, and a difpolition to avail himfelf of a favourable opportunity, if it occurred, for redoring the houfc of Stuart, will not be doubted by any candid perfon who fhall perufe the following anecdote. Before Monk quitted the tower, he turned into the apartment of the venerable Wren, biftiop of Ely, and having re- ceived his blefling, took his leave of him with thefe remarkable words, " My lord, I am now going to ferve the king, the bed I may, -againd his bloody rebels in Ireland ; and I hope I (hall one day live to do further ier- \ice to the royal caufe in England." This fal was recorded in bifhop Wren's diary, which was fome time in the poffefiion of Dr. More, bifhop of Ely. Monk was often employed in Ireland by the parliament, but did not, for fome time, confider it prudent to declare for the king. In the year, 1650, when Cromwell was about to march- againd the Scots, he engaged Monk to accept a cora- miffion. It cannot be concealed, by tile warmed ad- vocate of Monk, that he on this occafion, at lead, ap- peared to coiitradict, if not to defert, his former prin- ciples ; for he entered fo fully into the wifties of Crom- well, as to become the indrument of that victory which gained Oliver his highed reputation. At the very mo- fnent when Cromwell had begun his retreat towards Dunbar, and the Scots were prefling hard upt>n his rear, at DUKE OF ALBF.MARLE. 389 at -the moft critical inftant of the enterprize, this was the language of Monk " Sir, the Scots have numbers and the hills ; thofe are their advantages : we have dilci- jjline and defpair ; two things that will make foldiers fight, and thefe are ours. My advice, therefore, is to attack them immediately, which if you follow, I am ready to command the van." Cromwell no longer hefkatcd upon the part he was to act, but gladly acquiefced in Monk's propofal, and gained advantages of which he had jdefpaired. Nor did Monk Hop here ; he pafled the fol- lowing futnmer in reducing the greater part of Scotland to the parliament ; a progrefs in which he committed many feverities, and perfectly deprefled the royaliits. If any one ihould imagine Monk to have been all this while attached to royalty, and felicitous to ferve it, he can found the opinion upon this hypotbefis only ; that the general a'yned at the fupreme power, in order to fecurc fuch power for him to whom he wifhed it reftored. His fatigues jn the reduction of Scotland, together with the continual agitation of his mind, had thrown Monk into a dangerous ficknefs, from which he flowly recovered at Bath. On coming to I+ondon, h-e had the fatisfaction to learn that he was named a commiflioner for the profecution of the plan then in project of an union between Scotland and England. Like Blake, Monk now found himfelf deftined to a part for which he had not been originally defigned. The deaih of colonel Popham rendered it ne^eflary that the parliament fhould appoint another officer to his Ration in the fleet. Monk was in his forty -fifth year, rather an advanced sera of human life, when he was thus cntrufted with no inferior command in the navy; but C c 3 tjjp 39 GEORGE MONK, the recollection that he had been at fea in his hoyiih ^ays, and the in fiances in which they had experienced the fuccefsful nomination of land officers to naval ap- pointments, gave the parliament full confidence in the maritime abilities of Monk. Being joined vyith admiral Deane in the command of the fleet deftined againft the Dutch, -Monk repaired on beard the fhip Refolution, in May 1653. ^ n tne 2d of June, the enemy were difcovered by the Englifh, near the Gober, and were immediately attacked off the fouth point of that place, with determined vigour. In the commencement of the action, Deane was almoft put in two by a chain-fhot ; a new engine of deftruftion, the invention of which was afcribed to De Wit. Monk, who firft faw the accident, immediately threw his cloak over Deane's body, and by this admirable prefence of mind probably prevented fuch confufion in the fleet as might have produced very ferious difadvantages. After taking a few turns, and exhorting the men to the per- formance of their duty, he caufed the corpfe to be re r moved to his cabin: as no flag was taken in, and there- fore the other fhips had no intimation of Deane's death, the engagement continued with unabated ardour and undifturbed regularity. The Dutch fell into diforder about three P. M. and continued a kind of running fight till nine in the evening, when a fine ihip, commanded by Cornelius Van Velfen, blew up. In the courfe of the night Blake came in to the affiftance ef the Englifh, with eighteen fhips. Though Tromp had done all within his power to fecure the fuccefs of the firft day. he would gladly have avoided the fight of the 3d of June : but as he was a brave DUKE OF ALBEMARLE. 3QI fcrave man, worthy of better captains than thofe he commanded, and difdained abfolutely to fly, the Englifh, xvho were bent on a fecond attack, came up with him in the morning by eight o'clock, and inftantly engaged ivith the utmoft fury. Tromp was twice boarded, and mud have been taken, but for the feafonable relief of tie Wit and de Ruyter. At laft, after a defperate con- flict of four hours, the Dutch unequivocally fled, feeking Shelter on the coaft of Newport, from whence, with great difficulty, they efcaped to Zealand, The enemy were now blocked up, and mortified by the fight of * foreign fleet riding off their own ports. In this affair, the Englifh had ninety-five men of war, and five firefhips ; the Dutch ninety-eight men of war, and fix fireflu'ps. The lofs of the enemy confided in fix of their bed fhips funk, two blown up, and eleven captured ; fix of their beft captains made prifoners, and fifteen hundred men. Our greateft lofs was the brave Deane, befides whom but one captain peri Hied : we loft few privates, and not a fhip was miffing. Monk's naval reputation was elhblimed. But the Dutch were at this time a high fpirited nation; not eafily fufceptible of depreffion, or, if for a moment obfcured, foon feen to emerge from the gloom with re- doubled fplendour. By the latter end of July the States General had recovered their late defeat, and were at lea with a force of upwards of ninety fail, victualled for five months, and completely manned. Van Tromp, who commanded this fleet, was directed to proceed to the mouth of the Texel, to draw the Englifh from theijT Jlation, who had long detained de Ruyter in that port with twenty-five fail. On the 2pth of July, 1653, C c 4 Tromp, 3)i GHOS.GE MONK, Tromp, in purfuancc of his orders, came in fight of tho Englifh fleet. The latter were eager to advance ; but >s the Dutch admiral, v/hofe chief injunction ran upon the releafe of de Ruyter, evaded a battle, it was about {even in the evening before Monk, in the Reiblution, followed by thirty of his (hips, could charge through the adverfe fleet. N ight prevented a repetition of the charge ; Monk veered fouth ward, while Tromp, unobferved by the Englifh, fteering north, gained the weather gage, and joined de Ruyter. Thefe circumftances were of no confequence during the 3Oth> when the wind was fo tempeftuous, and the fea ran fo high, that neither lid? could proceed to arms. Sunday, July the qifr., both fleets came at length to. an engagement. The f>ufch conducted their fire/hips with fuch effect as actually to fire the Triumph, and to endanger the greater part of our fliipping. JLawfon contended wir.h de Ruyter, killed and wounded above half his men, and fo difabled his ifrip, that fh.e was towed out of the line, and her admiral obliged to fli'iff his flandard. The fight was indeed dreadful, and loft; nothing of its fury till about noon ; Van Tromp was {hot through the body with a mufket ball as he wa$ giving his orders. The death of Tromp decided in favour of the Englifh, for his countrymen immediately fled ; though it was night before the fcattered enemy recovered the Texel, from whence they faw the Englifh, who here ceafcd the purfuit on account of the flats, riding at fix leagues diftance. The Dutch fuflfered in thefe engagements, to the amount of twenty-fix fhips, which were either burnt or funk ; had five captains taken prifoacrs, and betvyeen four and five thoufand men deftroyed. DUKE OF ALBEMARLE. 393 destroyed. On the fide of the Englifti is to be reckoned the lofsof the Oak, and the Hunter frigate ; of captains, fix killed and fix wounded; about five hundred men killed and eight hundred wounded. This was in many rcfpects a memorable conflict. The victory was atchieved over an enemy fuperior in force, and who added to this fuperiority the advantage of fire- Ihips : of five Dutch flags that were flying at the onfet, thofe of Tromp, Evertfon,and de Ruyter, were all lower- ed before the termination of this conteft. As to Monk In- dividually, there are fome circumftances in the bufinefs which place his talents in a very high point of view. Finding occafion to employ feveral merchantmen that were in the Englifli fleet, he previoufly fcnt to the captains of thofe (hips to remove their concern for the property of their owners; a fcheme that fully anfwered its purpofe, as no {hips in the fleet behaved better. Having often obferved that much time and many op- portunities were loft in moil naval battles, by taking {hips and fending them into harbour, and confidering that ftill greater inconvenience muft arife from fuch a practice in the prefent inftance, when they were diftant from their own coafts, and near thofe of the enemy ; he iflued orders in the beginning of the fight, that they ihould neither give nor take quarter. A reftri&ion fo dreadful in itfelf, and which feems to have been ren- dered inevitable by the peculiarity of Monk's fituation* was not, however, obeyed fo ftri&ly but that twelve hundred Dutch were refcued from deftru&ion as their /hips went down ; ftill the carnage was exceflive. ?* In a few hours, (fays fecretary Burchett, alluding to Monk's injun&ion) the air was filled with- the fragments of fhips 394 GEORGE MONK, ihips blown up, and human bodies, and the fea dyed with the blood of the flain and wounded." Monk con- tinued fo long in the heat of the battle, that his fhip was at laft towed out of the line. De Wit, in his letter to the States, confefles that he had made a very pre- cipitate retreat, for which he affigns two reafons ; that the beft of his (hips were miferably Shattered, and that many of his officers had behaved like poltroons. - Cromwell's parliament, on Auguft the 8th, 1653, ordered gold chains to be preferred to Monk, Blake, Pen, Lawfon, and other flag officers ; alfo medals to the captains ; and then appointed Augufl the 251!) a thankf- giving day. When Monk arrived in town, Cromwell at a feftival in the city put the gold chain about his neck, and ftudioufly fhewed his refped. for him through- out the entertainment. The care of three kingdoms becoming too much for the protector, in the fpring of 1654 he deputed Monk to the government of Scotland. All that the general had formerly done to forward the intereft of Cromwell among the Scotch was little when contrafted with the proceedings which he at this time inftituted. He re- duced the royal caufe to the loweM ebb, fetting a price upon the heads of the principal royalifts in the north ; he creeled magazines and garrifons for maintaining the protectorate in every part of Scotland ; and governed Jthat kingdom with abfolute authority. His government was, however, characterized by great wifdom, and its effects were highly conducive to the welfare of the Scottifh nation. Whether his loyalty tothe exiled king remained unfhaken, and he merely adled with feverity io\vards the friends of monarchy in order to obtain the entire confidence of the republicans, and fo throw thefe off DUKE OF ALBEMARLE. 39$ joff their guard as to his real purpofes, while he was in truth preparing things for the restoration of bis lovereign, cannot be fully afcertained ; though 5-t is certain that the protestor was not without fufpicions on this fubjeft *, and the defigns which were framed againft Monk's life by colonels Overtoil and Smdercome, two vehement repub- licans, are tefHmony enough that the general was by no rneans held true to their caufe. On the death of Oliver, Monk proclaimed Richard Cromwell; uncertain as yet what turn the public mind would take, he thought it prudent to affedl his ufual attachment to the protec- torate, while he contented himfelf with fecuring the power that he had acquired in Scotland. Monk, having with infinite genius and circumfpec- tion long directed thecourfe of public affairs to this ifiue, the Englifh fleet, conducted by loyal officers, repaired cheerfully to the coaft of Holland, where, on the 23d of May, 1660, after giving new names to the fhips, they received on board his majefty Charles IT. the duke pf York, &c. and landed them ihortly after in Kent. Charles arrived at his palace in Whitehall on the 2gth of May, a day memorable in the life of that monarch ; on the 29th ot May he was born, on the 2o,th of May he evaded the purfuit of his enemies, and on the 2gth of May he returned from exile to a crown. Monk was immediately created duke of Albemarle, inverted with * Cromwell wrote a longep'ftl,' to Monk, a fhort time antecedent to- his death, which is fingularly characterise of that extraordinary ufurper, and expreffes his doubts of Monk's intentions. " There be that tell me (Cronawe!! writes) that there is a certain cunning fellow in Scotland, called George Monk, who is fold to be in wait there, to introduce Charles Stuart. I pray ufe your diligence to apprehend him, and fend him up to me." the 396 GEORGE MONK, the order of the garter, and conftituted vice-admiral of England, under James duke of York. On his being called up to the lords, almoft the whole of the commons attended him to the door of the upper houfe. Such a man as the duke of Albemarle could not but form a prominent character in the government of Charles II. Accordingly he was early entrufted with the effective fuperintendance of the navy ; and during the plague that foon after broke out in London, to him were confided the arduous cares of the metropolis, the king and miniftry having retired to Oxford. Before he had entirely difcharged the duties which devolved to him from his fituation in London, he was appointed, in conjunction with prince Rupert, to the command of the fleet which was then equipping againfl the Dutch. If the duke had likened to the partial fuggeftions of his friends, rather than to the general voice of the com- munity, he would, at leaft, have hefitated to accept the prefent nomination. Regardlefs, however, of the riiks to which he might expofe a juftly eftabljfhed reputation, and intent only on promoting the defires of his prince, and th,e expectations of his country, Albemarle, having taken leave of Charles, joined the fleet towards the clofe of April 1666. Prince Rupert had been unfortunately detached with the white fquadron in queft of the French, who, as it was then rumoured, were haftening to the afliftance of the Dutch, though no fuch afliftance ever appeared, when the duke, with about fixty fail, defcried the enemy on the firft of June. Though their force amounted to ninety-one fail, they were immdiately attacked, and the blue fquatjron, under fir William Berkley, performe4 actions DUKE OF ALBEMARLE. $9^ actions worthy of Englifhmen ; fir John Harman was equally diftinguimed. Evertz, the Dutch admiral, feeing Harman's {hip difabled, offered him quarter; '* No, lir, it is not come to that yet," replied our countryman, and inftantly difcharged a broadfide by which Evertz fell, with a number of his crew. This condud fo irritated the Dutch that they cornmiflioned three firefhips to deftroy fir John's veffel. The firft grappling her ftarboard quarters, raifed fo thick a fmokc that fome time elapfed before the boatfwain of the Henry could difcover the grappling irons. Scarcely had he effeded the removal of the irons, when another firefhip was fixed on the larboard, fired the fails, and terrified z part of the crew into the fea. Harman now drew his fword and declared that he would kill any other who fhould attempt to leave the Henry. When, at laft, they had nearly extinguimed the fire the crofs beam fell on fir John's leg, and a third firefhip bore down. But the latter {hip was quickly difabled ; Harman brought the Henry into Harwich, and not with (landing his broken leg, having repaired, returned to the fcene of engage- ment. The conflict was renewed with the enfuing day, but produced nothing important. On the 3d of June, the duke finding it prudent to re- treat, burnt three of his difabled {hips, caufed fuch as were Shattered to fail before, and with the remainder of his force brought up the rear. The moft interefting occurrence of this day was the acceflion of prince Rupert, Thus ftrengthened, Albemarleon the 4th of June again came up with the enemy at eight in the morning. The Englifh charged five times through ; and an ar- duous conflict was reciprocally fuftained till feven P. M. when 39$ GEORGE MONK, When each party appeared willing to defift, In the firft of thefe actions the Englifli were deprived of the brave Berkley, and in the laft fell Minnes, a Dutch admiral of uncommon fpirit : having received a fhot in the neck, he yet remained upon the deck upwards of an hour, giving orders, and preventing with his fingers the efflux of blood from his wound, till a fecond fhot penetrated his throat and terminated his exiftence. The lofs of the Britifh fleet; was by no mean's unimportant, and the Dutch claimed the honours of fuccefs, though de Wit owns " If the Englifh were beat, their defeat did them more honour than all their former victories; our own fleet, he (ays, could never have been brought on after the fiift day's fight, and I believe none but theirs could : all the Dutch difcovered was, that Englishmen might be killed, and Englith (hips burnt, but that the Englifti courage was invincible." Albemarle has by fome been cenfured as rafh, in thefe contefts with the enemy ; but his valour entitles him to a fufficient {hare of applaufe to counteract cenfure, and his firit engagement with the Dutch was undertaken by iheadviceof a council of war. This council refolved, after mature deliberation, that, "In regard feveral good fhfps, befides the Royal Sovereign, then at anchor in the Gun Flat, neither fully manned nor ready, would, upon our retreat, be in danger of a furprifal by the enemy, and that fuch a courfe might make fome impreflion upon the fpirit and courage of the feamen, who had not been ac- cuftomed to decline fighting with the Dutch ; it was at laft unanlmoujly refolved to abide them, and that the fleet fliould prefently be put in rcadinefs to fall into a a line," During the engagement that followed this DUKE OF ALBEMARLE. 39$ tlecifion, the duke engaged de Ruyter, and though for a while towed out of the line, bore into the center of the hoftile fleet. At the fecond council he was remark- ably explicit. " If," faid Albemarle, '* we had feared the number of our enemies, we Ihould have fled yefter- day ; but though we are inferior to them in fhips, we are in all things elfe fuperior. Force gives them courage ; let us, if we need it, borrow refolution from the thoughts of what we have formerly performed. Let the enemy feel, that though our fleet be divided, our fpirit is entire. At the worft, it; will be more honourable to die bravely here, upon our own element, than to be made fpedlacles to the Dutch. To be overcome is the fortune of war ; but to fly is the fafhion of cowards. Let us teach the world that Englishmen had rather be acquainted with death than with fear/' A council of war refolved afterwards upon the retreat ; and at another of thefe councils, heldon the re-union with prince Rupert, the fubfequent engage- ment was voted. On the 2fth of July, 1666, the Dutch having re- fitted, both nations entered again on the fcene of action. Sir Thomas Allen began the attack, about noon, upon Evertz, and was effe&ually feconded by prince Rupert and Albemarle, who furioufly aflailed de Ruyter. This battle, which continued with great obftinaoy till night, ended in the total difcomfiture of the Dutch. In the courfe of the chace, which commenced with the en- fuing day, de Ruyter found himfelf fo befet as to ex- claim with eameftnefs, " My God, what a wretch am 1 1 ' amongft fo many thoufand bullets, is not there one to put me out of my pain ? " De Ruyter at length reached 400 GEORGE his native ftiores, but only to experience the rage of difappointed people, and to reflect that the Englifh were then lying at Schonevelt, the accuftomed rendezvous of the Dutch fleet. The duke of Albemarle exerted himfelf with his ufual energy, to ward off the effedls of a Dutch invafion in 1667 ; and this appears to have been among the laft of his public fervices. His health began vifibly to decline, fo that he dedicated his remaining months to the regula- tion of his domeftic affairs. On the 31! of January, 1669, while fitting in his chair, he departed this life, at the age of threefcore and two years. By defire of the king, the duke's body lay for fome time in ftate at Somerfet houfe, and on the 4th of April was interred in? Weftminfler abbey. His valour was unqueflionably great. While op- pofing the landing of the Dutch at Chatham, he floocj in the thickefl of the (hot ; being importuned to retire, he replied, ** Sir, if I had been afraid*of bullets, I ftiould have quitted this trade of a foldier long ago." He was likewife a ftrift difciplinarian ; though at the fame time a decided enemy to all naval or military oppreffion in officers: thefe (he would fay) fhould have power to command and to protect, but not to terrify or pillage the men." What adds greatly to this nobleman's cha- ra&er is, that he was not ambitious : he would gladly have retired upon feeing the completion of the Reftora- tion, and was with difficulty reftrained from retirement by the earneft entreaties of the king, and the defires of the people. " Independently of his merit in the re- itoration," fecretary Nicholas obferves, " the duke of" Albemarle, DUKE OF ALBEMARLE. 4OI Albemarle, by his indefatigable zeal and fuccefsful fer- vices afterwards, had merited more than his prince could conjunction with colonel Hammond, was de- puted to London with the news of this important fuc- cefs. Though not yet of age, he was alfo in parliament for Huntingdonfliire ; but neither his military reputa- tion, nor the advantage of being at this time a repre- fentative, could allure him to deviate from his own ideas of rectitude, and take part in the cabals of the army, or the commotions of the fenate. Colonel Montague was at length transferred to that element on which he afterwards exhibited fo much ability and courage : he had juft attained his thirtieth year, when he found himfelf appointed, in conjunction with Blake, to the command of the Mediterranean fleet; and as this was the firft of thofe fcenes which have con- veyed his glory to pofterity, it may be fairly remarked, that Montague, after all, did not effectually enter upon his career of immortality till he had arrived at thofe years, before the completion of which it was not fup- pofed, in this age, that men were calculated to render any eflential fervice to the ftate. The refult of the Mediterranean expedition, which took effect 1656, was extremely propitious to the views and wifhes of the commonwealth : Montague accordingly found himfelf, on his return from that expedition, carefled by the pro- tector, and praifed by his parliament. In 1657 he was entrufted with a fleet in the Downs. This ftation does not appear to have communicated any gratification to Montague, who, though honoured with D d 3 Cromwell'? 404 EDWARD MONTAGUE, Cromwell's entire confidence and approbation *, and ac- companied with fuccefs in his own fphere, was feveral times upon the point of refigning. It is imagined, by thofo who have endeavoured to inveftigate the caufes of Mon- tague's difcontent, that the orders which he received to afiift the French, together with that kind of piratical war which the protedtor found it convenient to wage againft the trading property of moll European nations, but particularly his depredations on the Dutch, had ,dif- gufted this able feaman; whofe information cduldnot but lead him to perceive the injurious confequences of fuch a war, even to his own country, and whofe integrity Would not fuffer him to am" ft in fchemes fo iniquitous and pernicious. During the few days of Richard Cromwell's eleva- tion, he tried to tread as much as poflible in the path which had been marked out by Oliver: he repofed a particular degree of confidence in admiral Montague. Under him was fent into the Baltic one of the ableft fleets that had yet failed from the Englifh coaftsf. But this force, capable of fuch mighty effe&s, was not en- tirely * Campbell fays " Cromwell defired that the admiral flioiild rather regulate things by his difcretion, than julti'fy himfelf by attending ttridtly to the tetter of his orders : and this particularly appears in the bufinefs of the flag, upon wkich the prote&or wrote him an epiftle with his own hand, commanding in exprefs terms, that he ihould infift upon the honour of the flag from all nations, within the limits of the Britifli Seas, and yet telling him as exprefsly, thati knew not ivbat tbofe limits were $ adding, at the fame time, that he was to execute thefe orders with caution, iince peace and war depended on them." }- The Nafeby, admiral, carried feventy guns and fix hundred men ; the Jlefolution, with eighty guns, contained alfo fix hundred men : there were fourteen EARL OF SANDWICH. 405 lirely confided to Montague, for Algernon Sidney, Honey wood, and Boon, were nominated to afiiil, but were in reality defigned to controul the admiral. The parliament appear, indeed, to have no longer repofed their wonted confidence in the character of Montague, and were evidently not very ftudious of his favour. Befides creating this board of controul over the admiral's ac- tions, they did not fcruple, juit at this time, to give away his regiment of horfe ; and he may therefore be reafon- ably fuppofed to have left England with a difpofition rather unfavourable to his matters. Charles II. who wanted not good intelligence on fuch occafions, applied himfelf with fuch fuccefs to the admi- ral, as heartily to difpofe him for the fcenes which after- wards followed. Though narrowly watched, and al- moft detected by Sidney, Montague had yet Jkill enough to obtain the return of the fleet to England ; and this was the greateft fervice he could at prelent achieve, as the plan of the Reftoration could at that inftant be pro- fecuted no further. By the activity of Monk, Monta- gue, who had gone a while into retirement, was again reftored to his command. He found every thing fa- vourablv reverfed ; Lawfon, lately an anabaptift repub- lican, was become a flaunch royalift, and the general difpofition of the crews was equal to his mod fanguine hopes. In this fbte of things, having received his ma- jefly's commands, Monk and Montague failed imme- diately for Holland, and had foon the fatisfadTion of fourteen /hips carrying from fifty guns upwards each ; about twenty-eight of forty guns each j four of thirty guns each ; and twelve bearing from eight to twenty-two pieces of cannon. The aggregate was fixty fliips, on board of which were eleven thoufand eight hundred and twenty men. D d 3 devoting 406 EDWARD MONTAGUE, devoting to their prince and country a fleet which had been equipped to promote the defigns of men whofe profperity muft have proved inimical to both. Fully imprefled with the value of fuch fervices, Charles, two days after his landing at Dover, fent Garter king at arms to deliver his declaratory letters, accom- panied by the garter and George of the moft noble or- der of the garter, to admiral Montague. Thefe honours were delivered to the admiral in his own fhip, on the morning of the a8th of May, while riding in the Downs. Honourable as thefe tokens of the king's refpeft were to Montague, yet they were not the higheft which his attachment and fidelity had deferved, nor which the liberality and efleem of the monarch deligned to beftow. On the 1 2th of July, 1660, he was created baron Montague of St. Ncot's in the county of Huntingdon, vifcount Hinchinbrooke in the fame county, and earl of Sandwich in Kent; he was the fame day fworn one of the privy council, made mafter of the king's ward- robe, admiral of the narrow feas, and lieutenant admiral to the duke of York as lord high admiral of England ; he carried St. Edward's ftaff at the coronation, attended afterwards conftantly at the council, and was invariably confidered as one of the king's ableft minifters. A laige fleet under the earl of Sandwich failed from the Downs on the iQth of June 1661. This fleet had two great objects propofed ; the punifhment of the Algerines, and the care of bringing over the infanta ot Portugal : his lordfhi-p did every thing in his power to humble the enemy, and then, taking her rnajefty on board EARL OF SANDWICH. 407 board at Lifbon, he landed her fafely in England on May I4th, 1662. The earl entered heartily into the war of 1664-5; and to him mud be attributed the fuccefles of the duke of York, efpecially in that memorable conflict with the Dutch which ended in the lofs of their admiral, Opdam. That fuch was the merit of the earl of Sandwich is clearly demonftrated in the decifion of the king, who, ordering theEnglifh fleet to be immediately put in readi- nefs fora vifit to the coafi of Holland, retained his brother, the duke, at home, and fubmitted to Sandwich the en- tire direction of the fquadron. When this force was repaired, it put to fea ; but met with no fortune worthy of its refpedtability and exertions. The earl returned to England towards the latter end of September 1665. It now became neceflary to depute a particular em- bafly to Madrid. The earl of Sandwich, who had been frequently employed in negotiations during the inter- regnum, and often confultcd in the deliberations of the cabinet, was felecled as a perfon who, while eminent in. war, was no lefs calculated to fuppoit the great cha-> rafter of an ambaffador of peace. His nomination was peculiarly acceptable to the Spaniards. When he landed at the Groyne, on the 28th of April 1666, he was wel- comed in the mod expreflive manner ; many unufual -honours were lavilhed upon this great man, and were continued by every town through which he pafled in his way to the capital. His reception at Madrid was be- yond precedent fplendid and flattering ; he was for feve- ral days magnificently entertained by the queen, at the ex- penditure of eighty-feven pounds fterling per diem. He had his firft public audience oo the ^pth of June, after D d 4 which 408 EDWARD MONTAGUE, which he fully entered into his diplomatic bufmefs, and conducted it with fuch happy dexterity as to can'y every important point in a long and arduous treaty. With equal fuccefs he now turned to the fecond object of his miffion, and compofed the long-exifting differences between Spain and Portugal. The earl returned to Portfmouth on September igth, 1668. Never, perhaps, had embaffy been fulfilled more ho- nourably or more advantageoufly. Charles was fo im- prefied with the merits of his ambaflador, that, on the conclufion of the treaties, he acknowledged, in the moft emphatic terms, by letters -under his own hand, his high fenfe of the conduct of the earl of Sandwich ; and, on that nobleman's arrival, received him at court with marked partiality. Such was his deportment in Spain, that the Spaniards could not fay any thing too high in praife of the abilities, the honour, the integrity, and the politenefs of the Englifli ambaflador. In 1673 the fecond Dutch war broke out, and lord Sandwich again put to fea. He commanded the blue fquadron, and count d'Eilrees the white, under James duke of York. On the 28th of May, between two Snd three A. M. the Englifh were informed of the approach of the Dutch fleet. The engagement was begun about eight by the earl, who, in the Royal James, attacked Van Ghent with the rear of the enemy. His lordfliip riiked much by thus proceeding to engage before his own fquadron were perfectly prepared to fupport him. This he ventured, however, that the reft of the fleet might have time to form. Van Ghent fell early in the con- flict ; but the earl had flill to cope with Brackell, a Dutchman, in the Great Holland. Having at laft dif- 7 engaged EARL OF SANDWICH. 409 engaged himfelf from this gnppler, he even funk three firemips who attempted to burn him, and difabled ano- ther aflailant. But he could do little elfe ; for by this time mod of his men were killed, and the hull of the Royal James was fo pierced with (hot, that it was found impofllble to carry her off. It was in this condition that, feeing his vice-admiral, fir Jofcph Jordaine, pafs by without noticing his fituation, he exclaimed, " There is nothing left for us now but to defend the fhip to the laft man !" When a fourth firefhip had grappled him, he entreated his captain, fir Richard Haddock, and all his fervants, to get into the boat and fave themfelves ; a requeft with which they at laft complied. Some of the failors, who neverthelefs would not quit the fhip, but ineffectually exerted themfelves to extinguifh the flames, and one of his own fons, perifhed together about noon, when tlie Royal James blew up *. The body of the earl was not found till a fortnight after the melancholy event of his death: the circum- ftancc is thus recorded in the Gazette of June loth, 1672. * The author of the Life of de Ruyter gives another account of this even'." The fight began between the 'earl of Sandwich and Van Ghent; it was terrible and bloody, efpecialJy between the blue fquadron .iiid Van Ghent, who, in the beginning of the battle, was fliot to death. The brave earl of Sandwich, who was refolved to pawn his life for his ho- nour, overpowered with a number of men of war and fire/hips, and a hardy Dutch captain, Adrian Brackel!, having laid -him aboard athwart the hawfe,- yet Itill continued the fight with fuch unfliaken courage, that he funk two or three of tb fireffiips that had grappled with him, and forced the Dutch captain to caH for quarter ; hut, at laft, his /hip being unhap- pily fired by another firefliip, was burnt, and he himfelf, with many per- fons of quality, bravely, but unfortunately, perilhed." " This 410 EDWARD MONTACUE, " This day the body of the right honourable the earl of Sandwich, being by the Order upon his coat difco- vered floating on the Tea by one of his majefty's ketches, was taken up and brought into this port (Harwich), where fir Charles Littleton, the governor, receiving it, took immediate care for its embalming and honourable difpofmg, till his majefty's pleafure fhould be known concerning it. For the obtaining of which, his majefty Xvas attended at Whitehall the next day, by the mafter of the aforefaid veffel, who, by fir Charles Littleton's order, was fent to prefent his majefty with the George found about the body of the faid earl, which remained, at the time of its taking up, in every part unblemifhed, faving fome impreffions made by the fire upon his face and breaft." It is moft likely (obferves Charnock), from the appearance of his body when taken up, that the earl did endeavour to fave himfelf by fwimming, and peri fhed in the attempt; in fupport of which opi- nion this writer makes the following extract from the certificate of the earl's funeral. " He (the earl of Sandwich) did, in the naval battle fought with the Dutch, upon Tuefday the 28th of May 1672, fo he- roically fignalize his courage and conduct, that, being admiral of the blue fquadron in the royal navy then engaged, he bore the firft brunt of the battle ; and, after long reiiftance, and finking and difabling divers of the Dutch fhips, the (hip, the Royal James, which his lordmip commanded, was fired, wherein Jlaying until tbf 'laftt he u>as forced to put himfelf to the mercy of the feas t wherein he peri fhed." Of the king's affection to the deceafed earl, the Ga- zettes of June the J3th and July the 4th afford the 3 moft EARL OF SANDWICH. 411 mcft ample and pleating tefti monies. " His majefty (lays the firft of thofe papers), out of his princely regard to the great defervings of the {aid carl, and his unexam- pled performances in this Lift ad! of his life, hath refolved to have his body brought up to London, there, at his charge, to receive the rights of funeral due to his great quality and merits." The Gazette of July the 4th in- forms us, accordingly, that " the carl of Sandwich's body being taken out of one of his majdly's yachts at Deptford, on the 3d of July 1672, and laid, in the moft iblernn manner, in a fumptuous barge, proceeded by water to Wefiminfter bridge *, attended by the king's barge, his royal highnefs's the duke of York's ; as alfo with the feveral barges of the nobility, lord mayor, and the feveral companies of the city of London, adorned fuit- ably to the melancholy occafion ; with trumpets and other mulic, that founded the deepeft notes. On pafilng by the Tower, the great guns there were difcharged, as well as at Whitehall ; and, about five o'clock in the evening, the body being taken out of the barge at Well- minfter bridge, there was a proceflion to the Abbey church, with the higheft magnificence. Eight earls were affiftant to his fon, Edward earl of Sandwich, chief mourner; and moil of the nobility, and other perfons of quality in town, gave their ailifhnce to his inter- ment." In this order they proceeded, through a double line of the king's guards drawn up on each fide the ftreet, to the weft end of the Abbey, where the dean, prebends, and choir, received them, and conduced them into Henry the Seventh's chapel, where the remains of * A cauf:;w3j-, fo called at that time. the 412 EDWARD MONTAGUE, the earl of Sandwich were molt folemnly committed to the duke of Albemarle's vault, on the north fide of the choir ; which done, the officers broke their white ftaffs, and Garter proclaimed the titles of the moffc noble earl 1 deceafed. The great earl of Sandwich died in the forty - feventh year of his age, and was fuccceded in his title by Edward, his eldeft fon. Envy, which feems fcarcely to have glanced at the earl of Sandwich while alive, hovered not about his tomb. He took no fhare, neither under the common- wealth nor the monarchy, in the intrigues which he was compelled to witnefs; and he appears, as the juft award of fuch honefty, to have himfelf efcaped the malice of the crafty and the turbulent. As his life was one uni- form feries of public fervice, fo all have been unanimous in their commendation of a man who lived only for his country. That he was brave, and wife, and liberal, and independent, even his few enemies allow. Higli as are the eulogiums of his friends, thefe have never been ar- raigned for faying too much of him, of whom too much could not eafily be faid. All parties concur in the praife of one who was the advocate of no party; whofe highefl ambition was to be inftrurnental in the profperity of that country, in the welfare of which the numbers of opinions the moft diffonant were equally and indivi- dually concerned. SIR SIR RICHARD STAYNER, KNT. STAYNER was commander of a fiiip of war, during the protectorate, in 1655; and has rendered his name permanent by the deftru&ion of the Spanish flota, in the bay of Santa Cruz, which he effected under the orders of admiral Blake. His career of naval glory began early, and continued happily. During the year 1655, * n conjunction with a captain Smith, he captured a Dutch Eaft-Indiaman of eight hundred tons, on board of which were four chefts of filver. The next year, with three frigates*, he fell in with a Spanifli flota of eight fail. He immediately commenced an attack, in which he was fo fuccefsful, as, in a few hours, to fink one, burn a fecond, capture two, and drive two of the remainder on fhore. The trea- fure which he thus acquired amounted to 6oo,ooo/. fterling ; and he therefore returned to his native fhores crowned with emolument and honour. In the fpring of 1657 he failed with Blake, who was fent out, as in the preceding year, to intercept the Spa- nifli Weft India fleet. Having received intelligence of a flota which lay at*Santa Cruz, Blake haftened thither, ^nd made the beft difpolitions for attacking it. As, on f The Speaker, his own /hip ; the BridgewatCr, and the Plymouth. reconnoitring 414 SIR RICHARD STAYNER, KNT. reconnoitring the fituation of the enemy, there 'ap- peared no chance of carrying off their galleons, it was refolved to burn them ; and this refolution, the execu- tion of which aftoniihed even thofe who had achieved it, and extorted the admiration of the foe, Blake parti- cularly committea to the intrepidity of captain Stayner. ^Proceeding to the accomplimment of his orders, that officer, having fucceeded in forcing his paflage into the bay, engaged the enemy with a determination that foon ended in their total defeat ; their fhips were fet on fire, and burnt down to the water's edge. This fphited acYion, as it was at the time very popu- lar, proved peculiarly acceptable to Cromwell. He was, indeed, fo fenfihle of its importance, as to caufe the cap- tured treafure to be drawn publicly through the ftreets of the city. The filver was carried in open carts and ammunition waggons through Southwark to the Tower , while this gratifying proceffion, to render it {till more agreeable to the populace by a (hew of confidence, was efcorted by no more than ten foldier^. Stayner was de- fervedly knighted, and his commander Blake expe- rienced from the protector every mark of confideration and refpedh Whatever rrwght haye been at one time the political convictions of Stayner, however ardent his zeal and his efforts on behalf of republicanifm and proteclorfhip, anarchy could not always allure ; he became convinced of the neceffity of a fettled government, and anxious to promote its reitoration ; for there is a period when un- certainty and turbulence are no longer defirable. Wea- ried, therefore, and difgufted with the fcenes through which he had paffed, he entered fincerely and heartily into SIR RICHARD STAYNER, KNT. 415 into the plan of the king's return, and aflifted in con- dueling the fleet over to Holland. Charles rewarded this fervice with the honour of " legal knighthood," and alfo conftituted Stayner rear-admiral of the royal fleet. The remaining years of the life of fir Richard were few and tranquil. Soon after his late promotion, " he hoifted his flag, by appointment of the duke of York, on board the Svviftfure ; and the following year ferved alfo in the fame Nation, merely removing his flag to the, Mary. The nation being now at peace, no opportunity was offered to this brave man of adding to thofe fervices he had already rendered his country. Although no no- tice is taken of fuch event by hiftorians, which is fome- what fmgular, confidering the eminence of his reputa- tion, it is moil probable that he died foon afterwards, as no mention is ever made of him fubfeqUently to the year,i66l." PRINCE PRINCE RUPERT. PRINCE RUPERT was the third fon of the ele&or Palatine, afterwards king of Bohemia, by Elizabeth, elder daughter to James I. Accompanied by his bro- ther Maurice, he repaired to England at the commence- ment of the civil wars, and offered to his uncle, Charles I. the only treafure he poflefied a heart devoted to the caufe, and a fvvord prompt and able to defend the inte- refts of his unfortunate relative. He was thereupon created by the king baron of Kendal, earl of Holdernefle, and duke of Cumberland. Rupert's firft fervices were, however, by no means propitious to the royal caufe. The battle of Marfton Moor, and the furrender of Briftol, events in which the king's affairs underwent a material derangement, are fuppofed to have derived much of their ill-fortune from the inexperience of the prince. His highnefs returned fhortly after to the continent, but was foon fummoned from that retreat to affume the command of the little fleet that flill adhered to the houfe of Stuart. Towards the clofe of 1648 the prince failed for Ireland, defigning to countenance the royalifts of that nation. Here he was purfued by Blake and Popham, and, after bravely forcing Ul'PKMT PRINCE RUPERT. 417 forcing his way From Kinfale through the parliamentary fhips, compelled to retire to the coaft of France. It would be neither gratifying to the reader, nor im- portant to his {lock of naval information, were we mi- nutely to follow prince Rupert through the various con- flicls and efcapcs which he now experienced. Upwards of two years he continued a piratical war againfl the re- publicans, and was as continually hunted by their ad- mirals from one direction into another ; till, having loft mod of his fhips, finding the reft miferably (nattered and deficient in every requifite, and feeing his brother periili in the Reformation, he difpofed of his remaining fhips and prizes at Nantz> and with the money fo produced difcharged the remnant of his faithful crews. The Reftoration at length took place, and Rupert was again called from feclufion into the arduous avocations of public duty. On the 26th of April, 1662, he was fworn of the privy-council : in 1664 he was named ad- miral of the fleet then equipped to watch the move- ments of the Dutch, hoifted his flag on board the Hen- rietta, and afterwards on board the Royal James. He was, in 1665, on board the fleet that defeated Opdam* as admiral of the white. That impetuofity, (b detri- mental to his early fame, had now beneficially fubfided, and in this a6tion he rendered very important fervices to the Englifh nation, and gave the moft flattering hopes of future exertion. He was, conjointly with Albemarle, fome time afterwards appointed' to the fupreme com- mand ; and fhared with that eminent character thofe memorable naval engagements which charadlerifed the year 1666. Between the years 1666 and 1672, an in- terval of peace, Rupert applied himfelf to fcientific E e difcoveries 4l8 PRINCE RUPERT. difcoveries and ufeful and elegant ftudy. On the death of the great earl of Sandwich, in 1672, he was appointed to fucceed him as vice-admiral of England ; and when the duke of York, ihortly after, retired from the com- mand of the fleet, that truft was entirely depofited in the hands of Rupert. The prince repaired to his charge in the April of 1673. His pre fence gave a new turn to the afpedt of our maritime concerns; and the Dutch, who had lately diverted themfelves with the idea of a defcent on our coafls, were not a little furprifed by the prefence of an Englifh fleet at their doors in the middle of the month of May. De Ruyter was difcovered riding within the fands at Schonevelt, and very advantageoufly fituated; it became then necefiary to draw him from that pofition. About nine in the morning of the 28th a fquadron, confifting of thirty- five frigates and thirteen firefhips, were accordingly detached by the prince to lure the enemy from his retreat*. This deception fucceeding, the acYion commenced about noon. The advanced de- tachment engaged Van Tromp, and the prince fell in with de Ruyter, almoft two hours before our confe- derates, the French, thought proper to interfere. Even when engaged with d'Eftrees, de Ruyter knew enough * The principles of naval tallies, eftablifhed during the laft century, tvere totally different from thofe of the preferit day ; they rather refem- bled the operations of an army than the manoeuvres of a fleet ; and, in confequence of this fyftem, a detachment was made up of thirty-five fri- gates and thirteen firemips, as the advanced corps by which the intended attack was to be commenced. Thefe were to retir", as fuon as they found de Ruyter got under way to meet them, and quitted the ftrong po- fition he then lay in. of PRINCE RUPERT. 419 of Gallic friendfhip to juftify him in difpatching the greater part of his fquadron to the relief of Van Tromp. Here the conteft was indeed obftinate. Tromp had (hifted his flag four times ; nor were Spragge and the earl of Oflory lefs diftinguifhed, as the opponents of fo intrepid a feaman. Rupert, on his fide, performed all that could be expected of a wife and valiant commander. Towards the clofe of this battle, which lafted till night, the prince's ihip took in fuch quantities of water at her ports, that fhe could not fire her lower tier. Victory, however claimed by their adverfaries, was clearly on the fide of the I^nglifh. The Dutch retired behind their fands, which alone faved them from indif- putable defeat : " Had it not been for fear of the flioals (fays the prince, in his letter to the earl of Arlington), we had driven them into their harbours, and the king would have had a better account of them. But," he adds, " I hope his majefty will be fatisfied, 'that, confi- dering the place we engaged in, and the fands, there was as much done as could be expected. We loft, in this affair, the captains Fowls, Finch, Tempefl, Worden ; colonel Hamilton had his legs fhot off; and two fhips were difabled. Schram, the Dutch vice-admiral, Vlugh, their rear-admiral, and fix captains, perilhed, and they loft one fliip. Undoubtedly, had the French followed up our operations, our triumph had then been complete." With the advantage of recruiting immediately, as they were left on their own fhores, while the Englifh were obliged to put back into port ere they could refit, the Dutch were again at fea by the beginning of June. Sufpicious of the enemy's celerity, and knowing the E e 2 wind 42d PRINCE RUPERT; wind favourable to his wifhes, prince Rupert went on board the Royal Sovereign on the evening of June the 3d, and watched during the whole of the night for his approach. On the morning of the 4th the Dutch were plainly defcried, bearing down on our fleet, when the prince, eager to meet, ordered his cables to be cut. It was four P. M. before Spragge could engage with Tromp : but the fleets did not then clofe with each other, and, though the cannonading was continued brilkly till dark, the whole affair did not exceed a fkir- mifh. If at nrft courted, the conteft was, however, at laft, avoided by the Dutch, who, between ten and eleven at night, ftood ofF to the S. E. The French, as in a former inftance, would not mix actively in the en- gagement. As the office of lord high-admiral had become vacant by the refignation of the duke of York, who vacated his poft on the palling of the left a6l, prince Rupert was appointed firft commiffioner for the execution of that office, on the pth of July. The rival nations were by this time again prepared to encounter; and, on the nth of Auguft, prince Ru- pert and de Ruyter met for the third time. Some time was unavoidably loft by the Englifh, during which the Dutch admiral had gained the wind, and now bore down upon the confederates, as though he defigned to force them to a battle. This was no fooner underftooci by prince Rupert, than he immediately tacked, and put his force into good order ; ftationir.g the French in the van, himfelf in the middle, and Sir Edward Spragge in the rear : this was a wife difpofition, and one in which d'Eftrees might have gained the wind of the enemy, which, PRINCE RUPERT. 421 xvhich, in the ufual ftyle of Gallic friendmip, he never- thelefs neglected to acquire. Long fince aware of the nature of French affiftance *, the Dutch, from the be- ginning of the action, took fcarcely any notice of our allies, but prudently directed their main efforts againft Rupert and fir Edward Spragge. Againft Rupert the conteft became particularly violent. But, furrounded as he was by enemies, and deprived for a while of all afliftance from friends, having beaten off the {hips by which he was moft prefled, he fully fucceeded in hii en- deavours to rejoin Sir John Chichely, the rear-admiral of his own divifion, who had, early in the action, been difmembered by the enemy. With this reinforcement he failed, about two o'clock, to the relief of Spragge, whom he found hard prefied by Van Tromp. Mean- time de Ruyter, perceiving Rupert's defign, made fail to the fupport of his colleague. " Seeing that Tromp had tacked, and was bearing down to fall upon the crippled /hips, the prince ran between them and the enemy ; and made a fignal for fuch of Spragge's fquadron as were in any condition for fervice, to fall into the line. He re- peated fuch fignal to the white, under d'Eftrees, which Bankart contented himfelf with fending eight men of war and three fire/hips againft rear-admiral de Martel, who feemed to be the only man that had any real defign to fight. Dz Martel, being left not only by the body of the French fleet, but even by the captains of his own divifion, was attacked by five Dutch fhips at once. He fought them for two hours, and with fuch courage and fuccefs, that, having difabled one, the reft were glad to fhcer off, and he rejoined the white fquadron : where ex- postulating with the captains of his own divifion for ieferting him fo bafely, they told him plainly, Thy Lad orders from the admiral not to objtrve bit Kctions. On his return Co France the brave de Martel was fent to th E e 3 however, 422 PRINCE RUPERT. however, though it had fuftained little or no damage, and might have completely extricated him from his dif- trefs, never (hewed the fmalleft inclination of coming to his relief. Of the blue fquadron the vice and rear- admirals alone were by this time, through the great ac- tivity of their commanders, fo far refitted as to be capable of obeying the fignal. About five o'clock de Ruyter, with the whole of his divifion, having joined Van Tromp, the conteft was renewed, if poflible, with greater fpirit and obftinacy than in the earlier part of it ; and although the prince had a force not exceeding thirteen {hips to fuftain this truly formidable attack, yet fo fuccefsfu! were the valorous efforts of this naval phalanx, that, after having fought about two hou.rs, the Dutch began to give way, and fall into confufion : this was very critically increafed by the prince, who, at this inftant, fent two firefhips among the difordered fqua- drdhs of the enemy, and by that ftep completed his own deliverance and their overthrow. Upon the whole, this may be confidered a drawn battle. The prince made eafy fail towards the Englifh coafts ; and the main benefit which the Dutch derived from the engagement was, the opening of their ports, and the difperfion of all their fears of an invafion. Though the prince did not relinquiui his admiralty commiffion till February 1679, he muft be confidered as having retired from public life foon after his laft engage- ment with the Dutch. The years of his retirement were pafled chiefly at Windfor Cattle, of which he was governor, and were exclufively devoted to the profecu- tion of the elegant and ufeful arts, and to literature in general. Thus it was he produced the mode of engrav- ing PRINCE RUPERT. 423 ing called mezzotinto, and the invention of an art long fmce loft, by which wadt, or black lead, was diflblved into a fluid as perfect as that of any other metal. Many other difcoveries are attributed to prince Rupert. Dr. Birch, in his Hittory of the Royal Society, records the following. " A particular kind of fcrew, applied to a quadrant at fea, by the aid of which it was fecured from receiving any alteration, either from the unfteadinefs of the obferver's hands, or the violence of the lliip's mo- tion ; a gun which difcharged feveral bullets with the utmoft fafety and rapidity ; a fmgular improvement in the ait of munufacturing gunpowder, fo that its force was augmented as twenty-one to two ; a very curious engine for the purpofe of railing water ; an inftrument for the more expeditious and accurate drawing of per- fpedtive, for which the fociety appointed a fpecial com- mittee of their members to return him thanks ; a new and advantageous method of blafting rocks in mines." To him Dr. Hook afcribes the invention of a mode of making hail fhot, of different frzes. And he is acknow- ledged to have been the original contriver of that compo- fition, called after him, prince's metal. This excellent perfonage at length died at his houfe in Spring Gardens, on the zpth of November 1682, in the fjxty-third year of his age: he was interred in Henry the feventh's chapel, with that folemn refpect which his actions ha4 fo juftly merited. Prince Rupert has defcended to pofterity with a cha- racter not to be impaired by the ufual devaluations of time. He was always a brave commander, and in the maturer years of life, whatever were the defects of his youth, he joined to that valour no inconfiderable por- E e 4 tion 424 PRINCE RUPERT. tion of judgment, wifclom, and prudence ; perhaps his ideas of difcipline were, however, too rigid, and his manners not perfectly conciliating to thofe whom he fo fuccefsfully commanded. He meddled not in the concerns of the cabinet. In religion he was a fteady proteftant ; to the ftate a zealous and faithful fervant; to his king a loyal and a valuable fubjeft. He was, in few \yords, an hqneft, a wife, and a brave man. SIR SIR JOHN LAWSON. THE negle6l of merit has been too frequently and too juftly remarked; but that it always pafles unnoticed and unrewarded is, among many other inftances, abun- dantly difproved in the fate of fir John Lawfon. This officer's origin was obfcure, his parents living in circum- fiances extremely low, at Hull ; and thus urged by ne- ceffity, or a choice impelled by neceflity, he very early in life applied himfelf to the fea. They, who on this boifterous element would arrive at reputation and riches, muft attain that eminence by many painful gradations; it was accordingly 1653 before Lawfon, though an able and diligent feaman, attracted any particular attention. He now rofe to the command of the Fairfax, in which ftation he had the fortune to refcue the Triumph from the very center of the hoftile fquadron, in our firft ac- tion with the Dutch. This fhip, on board of which were Blake and Deane, was fo feverely prefled as to be in imminent danger of deitru&ion, or of fpeedily be- coming the prey of the enemy ; Blake himfelf being wounded, and her captain and nearly an hundred of her men killed. In a fecond engagement, Lawfon boarded and carried off one Dutch man of war, and captured another in the courfe of the purfuit following Xhe adtion. As a fuitable acknowledgment of bravery fo 426 SIR JOHN LAWSON. fo fuccefsfully exerted, the parliament at once promoted him to the rank of rear-admiral. Lawfon had now under his command a fquadron of forty-four fail ; and on the iffc of June, in a third a6tion, attacked de Ruyter with fo much vigour, that his divi- fion was nearly broken, and even the admiral himfelf had in all probability been made prifoner, but for the timely appearance of Xromp. Owing to the unexpect- ed arrival of Tromp, Lawfon was obliged to remain con- tented with having funk a Dutchman of forty-two guns. On the igth of July, the gallantry of Lawfon was again difplayed. The havoc made in the fleet during thepro- grefs of this fourth, arid moft tremendous ftruggle, was indeed dreadful ; it was fuch as to compel the enemy immediately to fue for peace, almoft on any terms. Lawfon, who had by this time attained the rank of vice- admiral, was as much diftinguifhed on this occafion as in any of the preceding conflicts ; and being left to block up their ports, he in a few days captured no lefs than thirty-eight of the enemy's (hips. For this, and his other eminent fervices, the parliament, who never with- held or delayed the recompence due to merit, voted him a gold chain. In the year 1655 admiral Lawfon was appointed to the command of the channel fleet. But the alteration that had taken place in the government at lall affected his profperity. Lawfon was a man who really adled from the impulfe of principle, and one who of courfe could not brook the ufurpation of Cromwell. He was therefore by the protector's order arrefted, and committed to the tower ; and though ihortly after releafed from confinement, he appeared no more on the public ftage till the deceafe of Oliver, 7 Perhaps SIR. JOHN LAVTSON. 427 Perhaps this fpccimen of republican freedom might firft lead Lawfon to reflect on the erroneoufnefs of his political tenets ; for he very maturely, very honeftly, and very cordially, gave into thofe meafures which were in agitation among the friends of the monarchy ; being entrufted by the parliament with the command of a few frigates, and inftrucled to take charge of the whole of Montague's fleet, on that admiral's return from the Baltic, he evinced the fmcevity of his political regenera- tion, by coalefcing with Montague and Monk to effect the re-eftablifhment of royalty. Immediately on the arrival of Montague and Lawfon in Holland, the latter received the honour of knight- hood, and was afterwards, on the king's coming to England, appointed a commiffioner of the navy. Not long after the Reftoration Lawfon accompanied the earl of Sandwich in the fleet that was equipped to awe the Algerines, and bring over the infanta of Portugal. While in this fervice, fome circumftances happened between Lawfon and de Ruyter which kindled the fpirit of a new war. De Ruyter had fired a falute, to which Lawfon making no return, the Dutch admiral thought proper to withdraw from our fervice. As Charles had but recently concluded his alliance with the States, he never forgave this dereliction of their commander. It is to be obferved, in justification of iir John Lawfon, that he had received a pofitive inftruc- tion from government not to return the falute to the Jhlps of any prince or Jlatc whatever. Sir John was recalled from this fcene, to a6l as rear admiral of the red under his royal highnefs the duke of York. He was very grateful for this honour, and is faid to have 428 SIS. JOHN LAWSOtf. have tendered his fovereign fucYi advice * as would have effected a more fpeedy termination of hoiVilities than was likely to enfue from the proceedings which were really adopted. During the firft year of the war nothing material occurred, the Dutch fuffering themfelves to be blocked up in their own ports by the Englifh fleet. The year 1663 was more actively diftinguiftied. On the 2ifl of April, the duke of York failed with the grand fleet to Holland, and refolutely engaged the enemy. At thd latter end of the engagement, which took place oiFLeoftofF, on the third of June, fell the brave fir John Lawfon, who was wounded in the knee by a mufket- ball, after having exceeded every former effort of his valour. Though deprived of enjoying the reward which inuft have awaited his exertions, he had yet the gratifi- cation to know that thofe exertions were crowned with iuccefs. He was conveyed to Greenwich , where for fome time great hopes were entertained of his recovery, but where he at length yielded up his mortal exiftence, in the fervice of his country, on June the 23d, 1663. * He obferved, that, in the former Dutch war, the enemy were more diftrefled by the captures he made after the laft great battle, than they had been by ail the operations of the war ; from which circumftance he reafoned thus That they were able, as a ftate, to fit out great fleets in lefs time and at a much If fs expence, than it was pofiible for his majefty to do ; and their fubjeds willingly contributed to this, becaufe they faw the neceflity, and were fenfible of the good effects of it. But if numbers of their mer- chant ihips were taken, if their commerce was rendered precarious, and many of their traders became beggars ; for this they had no remedy, and that therefore this was their tender part in which they might be hurt, and in which if they were hurt, they muft make a pece on fuch terms as his niajefty fljould think fit to prefcribe. This advice was rejected at that time, but after Gr John was dead, the king began to think upon the counfel be had given him, and wifiitd to have purfued iu Adverting SIR JOHN LAWSON. 4^9.' Adverting to the actions of fir John Lawfon, it has been juftly obferved, that, " a man of real integrity, \vho ats always from the dilates of his reafon, will be fure to raife a high character, and to be juftly efleemed even by thofe who differ from him ever fo widely in fentiments." The truth of this remark could not be more ftrikingly illuftrated than by a reference to the life of Lawfon. He was efteemed and honoured by the parliament, and not lefs fo by the king than he had been by the commonwealth ; for he ferved both from principle, and with that ardour which is never evinced but by thofe whofe hearts are engaged in the caufe they have undertaken to fupport. SIR f 430 ) SIR JOHN KEMPTHORNE. SIR JOHN KEMPTHORNE was born at Widfcombe in Devonmire, anno 1620. His father, ardently at- tached to the royal caufe, having quitted the profeffiou of the law to ferve as a lieutenant of horfe in the king's army, had thereby fo much impaired his fortune as to be incapable of beftowing on his fon that education and thofe advantages to which, as the brave defceridant of a gallant and refpedhble family, John was peculiarly en- titled. Young Kempthorne was bound apprentice to the mafter of a trading veflel belonging to Toplliam. In a fituation fo adverfe to thofe profpedh which he muft at one time have contemplated, inftead of finking under the prefiure of difappointment, he feemed rather to collect ftrength from the conflict ; and, blefled by nature with a clear and a ftrong understanding, he ap- plied himfclf fo earneftly to the fludy of his profeflion, as, at an early age, to fecure the patronage and employ- ment of the moft wealthy merchants in Exeter, on whofe account he made feveral trading voyages. The commencement of the Spanifh war afforded Kempthorne a very flattering occafion for the difplay of his courage and talents. He was, in his pafifage to the Mediterranean, attacked by a Spanifh man of war, com- manded SIR JOHN KEMPTHORNE. 43! raanded by a knight of Malta. Having at firft fuccefs- fully refilled the fuperior force of his aflailant, he was now, through the failure of ihot, in danger of imme- diate capture. In this trying/noment he fupplied him- felf with a fmgular relief. RecollecYmg that he had everal bags of dollars on board, he fubftituted them in the place of the ordinary charge ; and thus what might have been confidered as the fpoils, had nearly proved the eftrucYion of the Spaniards. Kempthorne, notwith- flanding this expedient, was at laft compelled to fur- render : but the knight, who, like a brave man, admired the conduct of his antagonift, after an interval, during which he could not be viewed as enduring the fate of a prifoner, freely difcharged Kempthorne, and fent him home. But the adventure did not terminate here. A few years afterwards this very knight was himfelf cap- tured by commodore Ven, and on being brought into England, fent prifoner to the tower. When Kemp- thorne was informed of this event, he haftened to repay that generofxty which he had fo fully experienced. He, in fine, refted not till he had procured the knight's en- largement ; though this was with difficulty achieved, at confiderable expence and inconvenience to himfelf. An alion fo honourable to captain Kempthorne was not overlooked ; it acquired him the efteem and affec- tion of every wife and generous mind, and considerably contributed to the advancement of his reputation and fortune. Shortly after the Reftoration Kempthorne entered into the royal navy, and was made captain of the Kent; in the courfe of the fame year, 1664, he was removed, firft into the Dunkirk, and again into the Royal James. He 432 SIR JOHN KEMPTHORNE. He commanded the Old James, in the firft action be- tween the Englifli and Dutch. Early in 1666 he was promoted to the Royal Charles, the fhip on board which the duke of Alberparle had hoifted the ftandard. His merit in the latter ftationrai fed him, on the termina- tion of the duke's firft engagement with the Dutch, to a6t as rear admiral of the blue, in which rank he command- ed the Defiance during the fecond action, and eminently diftinguifhed himfelf. He was entrufted, in 1667, with a convoy to the Straits, and returned with a nu- merous fleet of merchantmen in May the fame year. In his fecond expedition to the Straits, during the year 1669, he fell in, on the 2gth of December, with feven Algerine men of war.* Thefe, after a brilk a&ion of four hours continuance, and having preferved his con- voy entire, he compelled to fly *. Having refitted at Cadiz, he failed from thence on the 8th of March 1670, with a convoy of fixty-four fail ; and immediately after his arrival in England received the honour of knight- hood. In 1671 he was appointed commander of the Viaory. On the commencement of the fecond Dutch war, fit John Kempthorne hoifted his flag on board the St. Andrew, as rear admiral of the blue ; he exerted himfelf * This gallant a&ion was feme years afterwards out-done, though with infinite fatisfalion to Kempthorne ; for his fon, when twenty- three years of age, in the King's Fifher, a frigate carrying forty-Sx grnis and two hundred and twenty men, engaged feven Algenines, three of which Algerines carried as maay guns as the whole fquadron with which the father contended. After many hours fight, during which young Kempthwne was frequently boarded, the enemy were obliged to defift, and the king's, fhip was carried fafe into a SpaniA port, where, however, her brave young captain dijd of his wounds, i to Slfc JOHN KEMPTHORNE. 433 fo nobly in the Solebay fight, that he was fliortly after promoted to be rear admiral of the red, and in the fol- lowing fpring, to be vice admiral of the blue ; flill con- tinuing in his old {hip, the St. Andrew. In the two acYions of 1673 fir John Kempthorne was eminently dif- tinguiihed, and here his naval fervices ended ; for, on the 25th of November, 1675, he was appointed a com- miflioner of the navy at Portfmouth, and never after had an opportunity of exerting himfelf at fea. Sir John Kempthorne died at Portfmouth on the igth of O&o'ver 1679 " a moft zealous proteftant, a gallant officer, and anhoneft man," Ff SIR. ( 434 ) SIR GEORGE AYSCOUGH, THE family of Ayfcough poflefTes confiderable claim to antiquity, and was originally feated in Lincolnfhire. William Ayfcough, efq. father of fir George, was gen- tleman of the privy chamber to Charles I. from whom George received the honour of knighthood. When fir George Ayfcough firft gave himfelf to the purfuit of maritime affairs, we are not informed : as little do we know of thofe reafons, which, in the beginning of the re- bellion, induced him to fide with the parliament ; we are only informed that " he was treated very refpe&- fully by the parliament, which bouud him effectually to their fervice," That, however, he was fmcerely at- tached to his new mafters, he fully proved when, in 1648, on the general revolt of the fleet in favour of the prince of Wales, he brought off his fhip, the Lion, into the Thames. Grateful for this evidence of his fidelity, and willing to encourage a difpofition fo propitious to their interefls, the parliament immediately fent him to watch the proceedings of his former colleagues, and foon after- wards promoted him to a greater truft on the Trim coafts. In March 1649 he was constituted admiral of the Irifh feas; a ftation in which he effectually ferved the caufe of proteftantifm, by promoting the objects of his employ- 6 ment. SIR GEORGE AYSCOUGtf* 435 ment. As a further mark of their gratitude and efteerr, the parliament made due provifion for fir George's arrears, and extended his command to the clofe of 1650. Other fcenes now claimed the attention of his employ- ers; and Ayfcough was difpatched early in 1651 to the reduction of the Scilly iflands. In this enterprize he was aflbciated with Blake. The iflands were at this time garrifoned for Charles II. hy a flout force, under fir George Grenville, and the Dutch were alfo tampering with the governor. But the vigilance of Blake and Ayfcough diffipated every difficulty ; a treaty was fet on foot, by which the effufion of Wood was fpared, the in- trigues of the Dutch were baffled, and the ilks were honourably and peacefully furrendered to the Englifti republic ; though much againft the temper of that government, the members of which were not a litttle difpleafed that Grenville had not been driven to ex- tremes. From this fcene Ayfcough proceeded to Bar- badoes, his main deftination. He reached that ifland on the 26th of October 1651, where he foon became ac- quainted with the difficulties that oppofed his progrefs, and refolved to furmount them. His force, when com- pared with that of the ifland, was inconfiderable ; and the governor, lord Willoughby, a wife and fpirited man, and entirely beloved by the iflanders, had already aflem- bled a body of five thoufand troops. Thefe circum- ftances, fo formidable in the onfet, were at length over-' come by the condudl of the republican commander, and his lordfhip was brought to a capitulation. General Ludlow gives the following {ketch of the tranfacYion. ** Sir George opened a paflage into the F f a harbour 436 SIR GEORGE AYSCOUGH. harbour by firing fome great (hot, and then feized upon twelve of their fliips without oppofition. The next morning he fent a fummons to the lord Willoughby, to fubmit to the authority of the parliament of England ; but he, not acknowledging any fuch power, declared his refolution of keeping the ifland for the king's fervice. But the news of the defeat of the Scots, and their king, at Worcefter, being brought to fir George Ayfcough, together with an intercepted letter from the lady Wii- loughby containing the fame account ; he fummoned him a fecond time, and accompanied his fummons with the lady's letter, to affure him of the truth of that re- port. But the lord Willoughby relying upon his num- bers, and the fewnefs of thofe that were fent to reduce him, being in all but fifteen fail, returned an anfwer of the like fubftance with the former. Whereupon fir George Ayfcough fent two hundred men on fhore, com- manded by captain Morrice, to attack a quarter of the enemy's that lay by the harbour, which they executed fuccefsfully by taking the fort, and about forty prifoners, with four pieces of cannon, which they nailed up, and returned on board again. At this time the Virginia fleet arriving at Barbadoes, it was thought fit to fend a third fummons to the lord Willoughby; but finding that neither this, nor the declaration fent by the com- miflioners of parliament to the fame purpofe, produced any effect, fir George landed feven hundred men, giving the command of them to Morrice, who fell upon thir- teen hundred of the enemy's foot, and three troops of their horfe, and beat them from their works, killing many of their men, and taking about one hundred pri- foners, Sift. GEORGE AYSCOUGIt. 437 foners, with all their guns. The lofs on our fide was inconfiderable, few of ours being killed upon the place, and not above thirty wounded. In this conjun&ure, colonel Muddiford, who commanded a regiment in the ifland, by the means of a friend that he had in our fleet, made his terms, and declared for the parliament. Many of his friends following his example, did the like, and in conjunction with him encamped under the protection of our fleet. Upon this, the moft part of the ifland were inclined to join us ; but the lord Willoughby prevented them, by placing guards on all the avenues to our camp ; he even defigned to charge our men with his body of horfe, had not a cannon ball that was fired at random beat open the door of a room where he atid his council of war were fitting, and which, taking off the head of the centinel who was placed at the door, fo alarmed them all, that he changed his defign, and retreated to a place two miles diftant from the harbour. Our party, confiding of two hundred foot and one hundred horfe, advancing towards him, he defired to treat. The treaty ran, "that the iflands of Nevis, Antigua, and St. Chrifto- pher, fhould be furrendered to the parliament of England; that the lord Willoughby, and feveral others, fhould be reftored to their eftates ; and that the inhabitants of the faid ifles fhould 'be maintained in the quiet enjoyment of what they poflefled, on condition to do nothing to the prejudice of the commonwealth." Sir George found, however, that he had again erred in liberality to the foe, again difpleafed his rigid and unrelenting matters. Unfitted as fir George was, by fuch a feries of fervice, Ff 3 for 438 SIR GEORGE AYSCOUGH. for new adventures, he yet learnt, on his return to Europe, that his fhips were immediately to engage in the profe- cution of a Dutch war. He was attended with his ufual fuccefs ; he had not been long at fea, when he fell in with the St. Ube's fleet, confifting of forty fail, and took, burnt, or deftroyed, thirty of them. Nor was he lefs happy in baffling Van Tromp, who, with a ftout fquadron, endeavoured to intercept his return. Sir George, refitted and reinforced, fhortly after, off Ply- mouth, fell in with de Ruyter and a convoy. An action enfued. Lediard fays, that fir George having charged the enemy with the utmoft gallantry, broke through their line and weathered them ; and that, after this ad- vantage, not being properly fupported by fome of his fhips, he thought proper, as night put nn end to the conteft, to retire to Plymouth. If de Ruyter at laft carried his point, the protection of his convoy, it was with a force much fuperior to that of Ayfcough, and at a cofl not inadequate to the object protected. After all, as our advantages were notdecifive, the parliament took this opportunity of excepting to their ufual praifes of fir George ; " they thought proper to difinifs him from his command, under the pretence, that he had not beenfo viflorious as he ought to have been" But difcerning men could eafily fee, that fir George's generofity to royalift governors was the real, and his partial fortune in the engagement with dc Ruyter merely the oftenfibls reafon for his difmiflion. Yet, though they had difcard- ed, they could not venture wholly to offend a favourite commander ; and the parliament therefore voted a pen- ilpn of 3. by Edu ( 451 SIR CHRISTOPHER MINGH. MINGH was made captain of the Centurion in 1662 ; in 1664 he became fucceflively captain of the Gloucef- ter, the Portland, and the Royal Oak, and was appoint- ed vice-admiral of the channel fleet under Rupert. In the engagement between the Dutch and Opdam, he hoifted his flag on board the Triumph, as vice-admiral of the white. He was fhortly after advanced to be vice- admiral of the blue, and entrufted with the command of a ftout fquadron defined for the protection of our com- merce. He failed firft to the Downs, and then to the Elbe, fully affording to trade that fupport which is only to be expedted, and is only given, by a wife, a brave, and a vigilant commander. His abilities were at length again fummoned into fcenes of greater exertion and peril. When the fleet was afTemblcd under Rupert and Albemarle, he was ap- pointed vice-admiral of the white. In that capacity he had no (hare in the three memorable engagements which took place between the Dutch and the duke of Albemarle, as his divifion, under the orders of Rupert, had been detached, on a falfe alarm, to meet the confe- derate French. He came, however, into the fourth day's conflict ; and, as if concerned to compenfate even, G g a for 452 SIR CHRISTOPHER MINGH. for unavoidable inactivity, he how exerted himfelf be- yond all that the moft rigid duty or moft exalted honour could require. We are affured by the author of De Ruyter's Life, that " Mingh having received a mufket ball in his throat, would not be perfuaded to be bound, or to leave the quarter deck, but held his fingers in the wound, to ftop the flowing blood, for about half an, hour, till another ball taking him in the neck, he died, after having given the moft fignal proofs of his courage to the very laft gafp." So perifhed a man, whofe ex- ertions had created the moft flattering hopes of a long feries of exploits at once honourable to himfelf and bene- ficial to his country. He died on the 4th of June 1666, in the hour of victory, and in the prime of life. CAPTAIN ' BDEKRYTERITE ( 451 ) CAPTAIN HENRY TERNE. LITTLE can be learnt of the life of Terne, and that h'ttle, it muft be confefftd, by no means fatiifadrory or important. He was appointed commander of the Hamp- fhire in 1661, and from thence fucceffively removed to t"he Milford and Portfmouth. In that great action with the Dutch, which was fought in 1665, captain Terne commanded the Dreadnought, a {hip of fifty-eight guns, and was, on account of the gallantry he then difplayed, promoted, in the courfe of the following year, to the Triumph, a fecond rate, of feventy-two guns. And here terminated his line of promotion; for he was kill- ed, on board the Triumph, during the firft action with the Dutch, in June 1666. Here alfo terminates the only account we have been enabled to afcertain relative to captain Henry Terne. He was doubtlefs a valiant and an able commander. Gg 3 SIR ( 454 ) SIR TRETSWELL HOLLES, THE family of Holies, or Hollis, were anciently feated in Warwickfhire, and are traced up to John de Holies, who flouriflied in the reign of Edward III. Tretfwell was the elded fon of Gervafe Holies, efq. one of the matters of requefts to Charles I. Of the firft years of the life of Tretfwell Holies we have no information : he was appointed to the Antelops in 1666. As his promotion occurred only a few days antecedent to a long and defperate action with the Dutch, his courage and fkill were immediately brought to the left. It was in the difplay of thofe qualities, on this occafion, that lie had the misfortune to lofe an arm ; but, as fome recompence for fuch lofs, he was advanced to the command of the Henrietta, a third rate, and ob- tained the honour of knighthood. If his honours were augmented, his anxiety to merit diftindtion was alfo in- creafed. Though his recent accident might have jufti- fied his retiring from fervice during the remainder of the fummer, far from availing himfelf of fo obvious an ex- cufe for inaction, he repaired with eagernefs to his ne\? appointment, and confiderably contributed to the victory acquired over the Dutch on the 25th of July following. The peace of Breda for a while interrupted the pro- grefs of the naval heroifm ; and fir Tretfwell Holies ap- pears SIR TKET SWELL HOTLLBS Feb 9i.t8M.l>yEdw>Hardm% SIR TRETSWELL HOLLES. 455 pears to have retired from public life till the fecond rup- ture with Holland, in 1672. He Was at this time ap- pointed to the Cambridge, and is reported, in the account of the action with the Smyrna fleet, rear-admiral* of the fquadron commanded by Holmes. This war ended the exertions of the brave Holies, as it did thofe of many eminent men; he fell in the battle of Solebay, univer- fally and defervedly lamented. Sir Tretfwell died in ihp prime of life, leaving behind him Jane, fourth daughter of Richard Lewis, of Mar, in the county of York, efq. his widow. * To confer temporary rank of this nature has long been o'lfufed j but no praftke was more frequent during the reign of Charles II. SIR WILLIAM BERKELEY. SIR WILLIAM BERKELEY defcended from a family who are lineally deduced from Robert Fitzharding, a perfonage of great eminence at the time of the conqueft. He was the third fon of fir Charles Berkeley of Bruton, created lord Fitzharding, and treafurer of the houfehold to Charles II. by Penelope, daughter of fir William Godolphin, knt. Berkeley entered early into the navy. In 1661 he was made lieutenant of the Swiftfure, in 1662 of the Affift- ance; and, fhortly after, promoted to the command of the Bonadventure : in 1663 he was appointed to the ISriflol, and in 1664 to the Refolution. At length, in 1665, he rofe to the command of his nrft fhip, the Swiftfure. He was now about twenty-fix years of age, when, although he had as yet found no inftance in which he could fully have difplayed the extent of his abilities, he was at once raifed to be rear-admiral of the red, under the duke of York : on the return of the fleet into port, he was advanced to the vice-admiral(hip of the white, under fir William Penn. There was no feconcl action in 1665; but fir William Berkeley's condud in this fi'rfl engagement with the enemy was fuch as to have juftified his former honours, and even to warrant a new acceflion of truft. The SIR WILLIAM BERKELEY. 457 The year 1666 is dilVm^uiflied by tliofe memorable conflicts between the duke of Albemnrle, prince Rupert, and the Dutch. In this year fir William Berkeley's abilities were particularly called forth ; as vice-admiral of the blue, he led the van of the fleet. The feparation of the Englifh fleets rendered the commencement of the battle perilous in the extreme; and towards the conclu- ilon of the fecond day's action, the Swiftfure, with two others, being cut oft" from our line, was difabled and taken. " Highly to be admired," exclaims the author of Van Tromp's Life, " was the refolution of vice- admiral Berkeley, who, though cut off from the line, funounded by his enemies, great numbers of his men killed, his fhip difabled and boarded on all fides, yet con- tinued fighting almoft alone, killed feveral with his own hand, and would accept of no quarter till, at length, be- ing {hot in the throat with a mufket-nall, he retired into the captain's cabin, where he was found dead, extended at his full length on the table, and almoft covered, with his own blood." The States-General paid every poflible refpect to the memory of fo gallant an adverfary ; by their order, his body was embalmed and depofited in the chapel of the Great Church at the Hague, having mean- time difpatched a fpecial meflenger to Charles II. to in- quire his pleafure concerning the final difpofal of the remains of fir William Berkeley. SIR ( 458 ) SIR ROBERT HOLMES. OUR firft information relative to Kolmes is, that he commanded the Bramble at the era of the Reftoration, Not long after that event, he was fuccefiively appointed to the Truelove and Henrietta. After being promoted to the Charles in 1661, Holmes was fent with a final! fcjuadron on the coaft of Africa, to chaftife the Dutch, who had poflefied themfelves of Cape Corfe caftle, and perpetrated various enormities, in oppofition to the exit- ing treaties, and in diredl violation of the common law of nations. He drove the enemy from their forts, and luccefsfully achieved the leading obje&s of his defigna- tion. Returning home, he was nominated to the com- mand of the Referve, and then to that of the Jerfey. Towards the clofe of January 1663, he arrived a fecond time on the African coaft, reduced Goree in a few hours, and proceeded from thence tc the attack of St. George del Mina. But he failed in that attempt ; though he afterwards fucceeded in the redu&ion of Cape Corfe caftle, and in reducing the ifland of New York, on the coaft of North America, whither he had failed from Africa. In 1665 he was appointed to the Revenge, and in j666 to the Defiance: on launching I the SIR ROBERT HOLMES. 459 the Defiance, a new (hip of fixty-four guns, his majefty, who was prefent at the ceremony, conferred the honour of knighthood on her intended commander. Sir Robert, in the two great naval rights of 1666, difplayed fo high a degree of valour, as to be promoted to the rank of rear admiral of the red, and fent foon afterwards on a very important expedition againfl a large fleet of mer- chantment lying between the iflands of Ulie and Schelling*. He executed this commiffion with the higheft ability: the two men of war, and the greater part of the merchantmen, for ten or twelve only are ex- cepted, were burnt. Sir Robert immediately followed up his fuccefs, by landing his troops and deilroying the town of Bandaris. With the lofs of about twelve men, killed and wounded, he deftroyed of the enemy's pro- perty to the amount of twelve thoufand pounds, and carried off an immenfe booty. The gazette account of the affair muft not to be fupprefled. " On our fide (Gazette, No. 79) we can only obferve in it a wife and prudent counfel, feafonably taken, and moft vigoroufly executed ; the whole, by the blefling of God, attended with admirable fuccefs, without any confiderable lofs in the attempt ; the feveral officers and commanders on the occafion, bringing home a juft re- ward of glory and reputation, and the common feamen and foldiers their pockets well filled with ducats and other rich fpoil, which was found in great plenty." There is not any thing remarkable in the life of * The force allotted to Holmes was fire fourth rates, four fifth rates, five firefliips, and feven bomb ketches. The merchantmen amounted to one hundred and feventy fail, the fmalleft of which wai two hundred tons fcurden, and they were guarded by two men of war. fir 460 SIR ROBERT HOLMES. fir Robert till 1672, when he was appointed commander of a fquadron deftined to intercept the Dutch Smyrna fleet: if we except his promotion to be governor of the Ifieof Wight, and the magnificent entertainment which he there gave to Charles II. and his court in the July of 1671. Holrnes having hoifted his flag on board the St. Michael, fell in with the Dutch convoy, confifting of feventy-two merchantmen, guarded by fix men of war, on the I3th of March. Though decidedly in- ferior in force, he hefitated not to attack the enemy on their refufmg to ftrike. It can excite no wonder that he barely repulfed the Dutch ; but on the following day, finding himfelf reinforced by a few frigates and fmaller vefTels, he renewed the conteft. Still combating with a fuperior foe. he was ftill far from attaining the completion of his wifhes ; yet, after a defperate action, the rear admiral of the enemy was captured, and the remainder of their fleet obliged to retire, with the lofs of four merchantmen. Succefs, however, would in all probability have been complete, had Holmes permitted Spragge to fhare in the toils and the honours of thefe attacks: the latter commander was in fight, and would have gladly concurred in the deftru&ion of the Dutch ; but, it feems, Holmes could bear no rival in glory. A fad difTenfion enfued between thofe great men ; . and owing, as it is thought, to cabinet cabals, Holmes was no further employed: both the time and place of his deceafe are uncertain*. * His brother, fir John Holmes, alfo fei ved in the navy whh confiderablt reputation. SIR SIR THOMAS ALLEN. THE family of Allen was refident at Lowcftoffe in Suffolk ; and being uniformly and zealoufly loyal, Thomas Allen went over to the royal caufe with that portion of the fleet which, early in the civil wars, re- volted to the prince of Wales. On the completion of the Reftoration, Allen met with the recompence his conduct had fo eminently merited ; he was appointed by the duke of York to the command of the Dover on the 24th of June 1660. He afterwards experienced a fucceflion of beneficial appointments, till on the nth of Auguft, 1664, he was made commander in chief in the Mediterranean. Early in the enfuing fpring, being then on a cruife with his fquadron, off the mouth of the Straits, he fortunately fell in with the Dutch Smyrna fleet, confifting of forty fail, under convoy of four men of war. His own fqviadron comprifed eight or nine {hips; and having juft received the intelligence of war being declared againft Holland, he determined to attack the foe. The conteft was obftinate ; for the Dutch, as ufual, had drawn the ftouteft of their merchant fliips into the line; yet in the end, Brackel, the enemy's commodore, was killed, their line broken, feveral of their fhips 42 SIR THOMAS ALLEN. fhips were funk, four of the richeft taken, and the re- mainder blocked up in Cadiz. Allen returning to England, he was in June 1655 made admiral of the blue, having befides a fpecial com- miflion to at as vice admiral of the fleet then under the earl of Sandwich, and receiving on the 24th of the fame month the honour of knighthood. In 1666 he was appointed admiral of the white, and hoifted his flag on board the Royal James. Being detatched to oppofe the French fleet, which wasfaid to be approaching, he could not (hare in the firft great adlions with the Dutch ; he, however, returned, with prince Rupert, juft in time to refcue the duke of Albemarle from the increafmg fupe- riority of his competitors. In the action of the 25th of July, when the rival fleets again met, fir Thomas Allen, continuing to command the van, or white fquadron, made a moft refolute attack on the Dutch admiral, Evertzen : the Friezland and Zealand fquadrons, of which Evertzen had the chief command, were totally defeated ; he, together with his vice and rear admiral, killed, and two large men of war deftroyed. This brilliant fuccefs over the Dutch was followed by tha capture of the Ruby, on the i8th of September, the neweft and fined (hip in the French navy; her com- mander, De la Roche, having miftaken fir Thomas's fquadron, which lay at this time off Dungenefs, for his own, furrendered almoft without refiftance. Sir Thomas Allen was much at fea during the years 1667, 1668, and 1669. Atone time he cruifcd in the channel ; at another he was named to an expedition that was never carried into eflre6t ; in the beginning of 1668 he was a fecond time fet to watch the motions of France in SIR THOMAS AILCN. 463 5n the channel ; and towards the latter end of that year, and through the greater pan of 1669, he was employed in the Straits, and againft Algiers. From this fcrvice, t his own earneft requeft, he was recalled in 1670, and arrived accordingly at St. Helen's on the 3d of Novem- ber this year. On his return, he was appointed comp- troller of the navy, and retired to a feat which he had pyrchafed at Somerly. He was, notwithftanding, drawn from his retirement, in March 1678, on the probability of a war with France, and actually hoitted his flag on board the Royal James, as commander in chief of his majefty's fleet in the narrow feas; but, as the rupture proved merely rumour, he again 'retreated to Somerly. The time of his death, which took place in great privacy, and hpngurable retirement, is not pofitively afcertained.. SIR ( 4*4 ) SIR JOHN HARMAN. OF this wife and brave officer we have no family ac- counts, and are therefore again compelled to lament the limited nature of biographical refources. He was ap- pointed to the Gloucefter of fifty-eight guns in 1664, and in the fpring of 1665 to the Royal Charles. He Shortly after received the honour of knighthood. Having fhifted his flag into the Henry, fir John Har- man was particularly diftinguifhed as leader of the van of the Englifh fleet in the long ftruggle between the duke of Albemarle and the Hollanders. He foon got into the centre of the Zealand fquadron, where being in afhort timedifabled, and grappled on the ilarboard quar- ter, he was indebted for his fafety to the wonderful fpirit of his lieutenant*. But on deftroying the Henry, the Dutch * As this officer has, through a very fingular and gallant exploit, ac- quired no trivial or tranfient fame, Come account of him in thii place mull be acceptable to the reader. The firrt notice that we find of this gentle- man, Mr. Thomas Lamming, is his appointment to a lieutenancy on board the Harpy Return in i 664 ; from that fhip he was transferred, in the fame ftation, to the Henry, in 1666. On board of this (hip fir John Harman had hoifted his flag as rear admiral of the blue. After fir John had for a confiderable t'me defended bimfelf againit nine of the ZealanJers, and killed 6 SIR JOHN HARMAN. 465 Dutch now fent down a fecond fireftiip, who grappled her on the larboard, with much greater fuccefs than the . preceding affailant ; . for the fails inftantly taking fire, the crew were fo terrified, that near fifty of them jumped overboard. Things were now brought to that crifis wherein nothing ihort of the moft determined valour could avail to refcue the Englifli. Sir John Hirman, feeing the confuiion of his (hip, ran infbntly, with his fword drawn, among thole who yet remained on board, and threatened with immediate death the firlt who ihould attempt to quit the Henry, or who fhould not exert himfelf to quench the flames. The fire was in a little time got under, but the rigging being much burnt, one of the topfails fell and broke Harman's leg. At this moft critical moment a third firefhip prepared to grapple with him. Before j however, fhe could effect her de- fign, four (hot from the Henry 'slower deck guns funk her; and Evertzen, who began to lofe all patience him- felf, now bore up to fir John, and calling on him to fur- render, offered him quarter. Sir John boldly anfwered, " It was not come to that yet," immediately difcharging a broadiide, which killing Evertzen, fo intimidated the ki.led their vice admiral, Evertz, the Dutch thought it prudent fo change their mode of attack^ and attempt by their fire/hips the deftruclion of an enemy whom they could not cor.quir. Fiom the mifchievous effects of the firft of thefe, the Henry was preferved by the intrepidity of Lamming, who, to ufe John's words, < fw.ing himfelf into the firefhip, and by the light of the fire found where the grappling irons were fixed in the firefliip, and having caft them loofe, fwang on board his own fii!p ?' in -" Thc cxercions of Lamming were, afccr the aftion, rewarded with the command of the Ruby. JJ.t whether from death, or his retirement from th'J 1'crvicc, his name does not again occur in the naval ar.nah of the couuti > . H h reft 466 SIR JOHN HAHMAN. reft of the enemy, that they declined all pfofecution of the conteft. Shattered as was his {hip, and difabled as he felt him- felf, having refitted for a few hours at Harwich, no en- treaty could diffuade fir John Harman from failing out to {hare in the honour of the laft day's engagement. He, however, arrived not on the fcene of conflict till all was decided ; and when, under Rupert and Albemarle, he would have hurried again out to fea, thofe admirals abfolutely forbad him to purfue a determination, fo ge- nerous, but fo imprudent. In the month of March, 1667, fir John was fent on an expedition to the Weft Indies. He failed on this occafion in the Lion, a third rate, of fifty-eight guns, with permiffion to wear the union flag at his main-top as foon as he {hould be clear of the channel. He had under his command feven men of war, and two firefhips, arrived at Barbadoes early in June, and having joined to his fquadron four men of war, which he found in Car- lifle bay, proceeded from thence to Nevis. Arriving at Nevis on the I3th, he there learnt that the French fleet, confiding of twenty-four men of war, was then at anchor under Martinico. This information . he laid be- fore a council of war, upon vvhofe advice it was deter- mined to proceed immediately to attack the French. When Harman came in fight of the enemy, he perceived their fituation fuch as to preclude the poflibility of forcing them to engage; it was, owing to this circum- flance, the 2^th of the month ere Harman could efFecT: his purpofe. The wind being now favourable, his fuccefs became complete. Eight of the French fleet were foon on fire, many afterwards funk, and two or i three SIR JOHN HARMAN. 467 three only efcaped. There is a remarkable anecdote concerning fir John Harman in this action, which is related by Lediard, and has been copied from him by all fucceedirig hiftorians. Sir John was very lame at the time of the engagement, and violently afflicted with the gout; yet on bearing in for the enemy's fleet, he got up, walked about, and gave orders, as if in perfect health, till the fight was over, and then became as lame as ever he had been. The fervices of fir John Harman, though rather in- termitted, on one occaiion, by peace, and on another by ill health, were, after his fuccefs in the Weft Indies, of great worth to the country. He ma le a voyage to the Straits, under Allen, and, however deprefled by bodily in- firmities, conducted himfelf with the promptitude of better days, in the ftrenuous conflict off Solebay, and in the fecond action between prince Rupert and de Ruyter. After this, a peace enfuing, fir John Harman went into retirement : where, or when he died, is equally uncertain. Hha SIR, SIR WILLIAM PENN. THE fir ft mention that occurs of Penn is in 1648, :yhen he is diftinguifhed as rear admiral on the Iriih iration. He ferved afterwards againft Rupert, in the Straits, and greatly contributed, as vice admiral, to the victory obtained under Blake over the Dutch in 1652. Under Cromwell's administration Penn was held in high estimation. To him are we considerably indebted for that iignal defeat of Tromp, in the May of 1653, jnd tor the fuccefs of thofe acTions which were alfo fought againft the Dutch, in the fummer of the fame year. In 1654 a formidable fleet, deftincd to act upon the Spanish fettlements in the Weft Indies, was put under the conduct of Penn. Partly owing, however, to the difagreement of Penn 1 and Venables, as well as to other caufcs, this mighty project of the protectorate came to nothing. What were Penn's main faults in this tranfaflion is not determined; for deje6led in fpirits, and apprehenfive of Cromwell's refentment, he refigned his eommand, and returning to Europe, was, on his arrival, arrefted and committed to the Tower. Though he was foon after releafed from confinement, Penn enjoyed no further appointment during the reign of Oliver. 6 It SIR WILLIAM PEJ?N. 469 It feems that Perm had long been known to the court as fmcerely attached to the caufe of royalty ; he was, therefore, on the re-eftablifhment of the throne, among the firft who experienced the king's favour : on the gth of June, 1660, Penn was knighted, ?nd appointed a com- mimoner of the admiralty and navy, with the falary of five hundred pounds per annum. The great maritime knowledge, and long practical experience of Penn, while they fully entitled him to thofe remunerations which the generofity of the crown had thought it juft to bellow, rendered him alfo of confiderable importance in the conduct of naval affairs after the Reftoration. Clarendon informs us, that, during the firlt Dutch \var, the duke of York, to whofe friendship Penn was par- ticularly indebted for preferment, daily confuhed with fir John Lawfon, fir George Ayfcough, and fir Wil- liam Penn. At the commencement of the war, fir William was appointed by his royal friend commander in chief in the downs ; and when the duke went himfelt" to fea in the following year, he was made captain of the fleet, with the rank of vice admiral. No ftronger proof than the duke's having thus in effect confided to him the direction of the fleet, can be given of that prince's attachment to Penn, who has fortunately efcaped th,e obloquy ^thrown on different characters, in conlequence of the fleet's fhortening fail after the action, inftead ot vigoroufly purfuing the Dutch to their own ports. Penn, quitting foon afterwards the active line of fcrvige, was appointed comptroller of the victualling accounts on the 1 6th of January 1666. He is fuppofcd to have lived a conlidcrable time after his retirement from pub- lic life: when and where he died are unknown. H b 3 SIR ( 470 ) SIR WILLIAM REEVES. IN 1664 Reeves was made lieutenant of the Hen- rietta, and in the courfe of the fame year promoted to the command of the Mary Rofe. He was, in the en- fuing fpring, in the long alion between de Ruyter and Albemarle, commander of the Eflex, one of the (hips which, in the chance of war, became captured by the Dutch. Reeves received, towards the conclufion of an engagement, in which his valour had beeri eminently confpicuous, a mufket {hot a little below his right tem- ple, which, pafling diagonally, lodged in his throat on the left fide, and occafioned fuch an inward effufion of blood as deprived him of his fpeech. In this critical ftate, and when moft of his officers were wounded, and thofe remaining in command neceflitated to bring the jfhip upon the heel to flop fome (hot-holes which {he had received under water, the Bull, another Englifh man of war, nearly as much difabled as the Eflex, fell on board her. The Dutch, availing themfelves of this diflrefling conjuncture, boarded and took pofleflion of the Eflex *. Having * The Dutch accounts fay " We cannot but admire the courage of the Eugliih, particu.aily of captain Reeves, our prifoner, who, though much SIR WILLtAM REEVF'. 47! Having recovered from his wounds, Reeves returned to England at the conclufion of the war, where he re- ceived the merited honours of knighthood immediately after his arrival. In May, 1673, *" ir William Reeves, then commanding the Henrietta, fo highly exerted him- felf in the adlion between the Dutch and Rupert as to draw forth the following particular commendation. " Among thofe who efpecially diftinguifhed themfelves in my fquadron (fays the prince) was fir William Reeves, who brought up a firemip and laid himfelf to leeward of Tromp ; and if the captain of the firemip had done his duty, Tromp had been certainly burnt." On the nth of Auguft, 1673, fir William again met much wounded, when he faw his vefiel muft inevitably fall into our hands, threw himfelf twice overboard to avoid being taken, but was recovered by our men." Extract of a letter from the H.igue, June zpth", 1666. Captain R^evs, in his account of the tranfj&ions, afiigns very different reafons for having attempted his own deltrucYion : " that they (the Dutch) led him to the deck, and, feeing him wounded, immediately ftripped him to his fkin ; that he was then conveyed to a Dutch boat, and brought on board a man of war, whofe captajn refufed to give him the afliftance of his furgeon, and in which (hip he was forced to lay feveral hours covered only with a rug : the next day he was fent to Fluihing without any care taken of him, or allowance made to him during the paflage." He certainly, in sonfequence of his ill-treatment, flung himfelf everlaard, but was again recovered by boat-hook*, and, notwithstanding his condition, put in irons. For the fpace of three days he received no fuftenance, till, at laft, being nearly periling, he was removed to a pro- voft's houfe, whers, by the care of the furgeM, he, contrary to all expec- tation, recovered, but ftill was kept almoft naked and in chains!" In mitigation, though by no means in extenuation, of this barba:ous ufage, it is reported that captain Reeves, when he had a little recovered him- felf, endeavoured, in conjunction with his gunner, to have blown up the Eflex. H h 4 the 472 SIR WILLIAM REEVES. the Dutch, as commander of the Sovereign, a firft-rate of an hundred guns. And in this memorable conteft fell fir Wiljiam Reeves ? one of the ableft feamen and mod diftinguifhed patriots of an age barren neither in the higheft order of naval ability, nor in true pa~ triotifm. - JAMES v 'r : v ( 473 ) JAMES DUKE OF YORK. JAMES duke of York, afterwards, for a fliort time, James the fecond, as the brother of Charles II. and principal dire&or of our maritime affairs during the greater part of that monarch's reign, is too important a perfonage to be overlooked in the enumeration of Britifh admirals. Among the nrft acls of Charles II. after his reftora- tion to the throne, was that of declaring the duke of York, his brother, lord high admiral, on the 4th of June 1660. In this office the duke acquitted himfelf fo well, thai in 1665 he was received with pleafure as the commander of the Englifh fleet. Having hoifted his flag on board the Royal Charles, he put to fea on the 25th of April, with a force confirming of fourteen fail, befides rirefhips and fmaller veflels. Alter a fruit- lefs cruize on the hoftile coafts, the duke was compelled to return home. Opdam, the Dutch admiral, availed himfelf of this opportunity, and putting to fea, captured a homeward bound fleet from Hamburgh. Eager to revenge this lofs, James, having recruited, got alfo out to fea. The two fleets met on the third of June 1665. It was about three A. M. when the Englifli, getting the 474 JAMES DUKE OF YORK. the weather gage, both navies came to an engagement off Lovveftoff. At firft the conteft was Curtained with equal fuccefs ; but about noon, the earl of Sandwich, to whom we are highly indebted for the fortune of the day, fell into the center of the Dutch fleet, effected its divifion, and thereby began the confufion which ended in the defeat of Opdam. The duke of York in the Royal Charles, and Opdam in the Eendracht, were clofe- ly engaged for fome hours, during which theftrug r le was kept up with fingular obftinacy, feveral officers of the Royal Charles were killed, and the duke himfelf was repeatedly in the utmoft danger. At length, about one o'clock, the Dutch admiral blew up with a tremendous noife*. Once begun, the misfortunes of the enemy crowded fail upon them. Four fine Dutch (hips, and three large veflels, ran fucceflively foul of each other, and were burnt by a firefnip. Towards four P. M. all fell into diforder, fo that by eight o'clock Tromp, who perfevered to the laft, and fought retreating, had no more than thirty ihips remaining. The victory on the fide of the Englifii was fo decifive, that, if purfued, it muft have terminated the conteft with Holland. Much cenfure now fell upon the duke of York, rela- tive to his not having pufhed his advantages in the late adion ; nor could the excufes of his friends, who pleaded * Some fay, a fhot fell in the powder-room; others, that Opdam's black blew up the ftup to be revenged of his matter for beating him. The moft probable account is, that it was occafioned by fome careleflnefs in diftributing the powder. In this veflel, together with the admirI, pe- riflied five hundred men, only five of the whob crew efcaping; many of them volunteers, of the bift families in Holland, and not a few Frenchmen, who took this opportunity of being prefe.it in a fea-fight. high JAMES DUKE OF YORK. 475 high winds from the fhore, and a want of firefhips, avail to exculpate him with the nation. i ill this diflike had evaporated; it was not thought prudent to entruft the duke with another naval command. He therefore engaged himfelf in the performance of civil duties, not choofing to appear at fea for fome time. On the commencement of the fecond Dutch war, the duke repaired once mote to the chief command of the fleet. He difplayed his ufual fpirit, engaging the great de Ruyter (hip to (hip. The St. Michael being reduced almoft to a wreck, the duke fhifted his flag on board the Loyal London; and, notwithftanding the trea- chery of the French, and fuperiority of the Dutch, he had again the fatisfa&ion of regaining the Engliflh ports in triumph. From the year 1673 to the death of his brother, the operation of the ten al effe&ually preclud- ed the duke of York from fulfilling a public truft. If the nature of his religious prejudices had in fome degree difgufted the people, there were, notwithftanding, circumftances which, on the other hand, tended to re- concile the public mind to the acceflion of the duke of York to the throne. He was a prince of good parts, very diligent, a great economift, of mature habits, perfe&ly acquainted with the naval affairs of the country, and well difpofed to promote the general interefts of his fubjecls. The commencement of his reign was alfo calculated to fupport the good opinion which fome had ventured to promulgate of his abilities and intentions : one of his firft fleps was directed to new model the management of the navy, and correct thofe abufcs which had infefted this department of the Hate, during the latter part of his brother's 476 JAMES DUKE OF YORK. brother's reign*. Yet all the'fe qualifications were ftrarigely invalidated, by the failings of this fovereign, and could not reconcile the people of England to fupef- ftitious rites or arbitrary proceedings ; fo that when the prince of Oratlge landed, James found but few friends, and numerous enemies. Indeed, fomething like infatua- tion attended him from almoft the dawn of his govern- ment to the hour of his compulfory abdication. Though the Englifh fleet was never in higher order than * This commiffion, for the reformation of nsval concerns, was the wifelt adl of his whole reign, and anfwered very effectually all that was, or indeed could be expected of it. It was dated the I7th of April 1686, and by it the comrr.ifiioners were directed to inquire, into, and remedy all the diforders that were then in the navy, to reflore it in every refpect to g-iod order, and from time to time to report the proceedings to his majeity and the privy council. The comrr.iffioners veiled with thtfe powers loft no time, but fell immediately on a diligent infpection into the ftate of the navy, &c. taking fuch meafures for the remedy of the mif- i-bief they difcovered, that the old fhips were perfectly repaired ; the new ones, where they wanted- it, altered and mended ; the yards properly fupplied with the ablcft workmen; all the ftorehoufes filled with what- ever was requifite, bought at the beil hand, and in all refpects the bcft of their kind ; the eftimates brought into proper order, and the whole eco- nomy of the navy reduced into fo clear a method, that it was impoflible any officer cou'd be ignorant of, cr iniftake in his diuy, the public f;rvice fuffer in any cf its various branches, or the king run any hazard of being cheated without an immediate difcovery of the offender. Having dcmon- irrat2d the jullice of their conduct, by leaving the navy much i,i> in perfect, aider, and with f;a-ftorcs valued at 400,000!. the commiffioners laid clown their p^fli, their commiffion being fup-.-rfcdeJ, with a juft ap- probation of their conduit, by letters under the great feal, October 12:11, i6feS. Tim , in liitl; more th;n two years time this gre/tt reform was iru'Je, ail the oriicefs of the na\y in general paid to a farthing, and a fay- ing made to toe public of 307,570!. 95. 4d. and ail for the inconfiJi-'- 1 ' le eaptrice of 6cc;l. p'.id to the new commiflioners. While JAMES DUKE OF YORK. 477 than when the firft intimation arrived of prince Wil- liam's defign, though, perhaps, none of his predeceffors in royalty knew better how to have directed the provi- dent ufe of fo powerful an inftrument as the navy of England, James feems to have wholly difmiffed his wonted circumfpection ; for he committed continual errors, , in his precautions againft the invader. His fhips were put under Strickland, who had juft ren- ' dered himfelf hateful to the feamen by his attempt to profelyte them to the Roman faith ; and when, at laft, this fquadron was ordered to the Downs, it was indifferently manned. After the landing of the prince of Orange, the conduct of James was not lefs enigmati- cal, nor lefs remote from prudence and good fenfe. He made no ufe of his fleet, now under the earl of Dart- mouth, an able, intelligent, and loyal peer; nor did he even requeft the afliftance of the French, who might have joined him with a fquadron. But thefe things were neglected, or overlooked, by James II. who abdicated his kingdom without making one real effort to retain it. White this comroifiion fubfifted, the king ifi'ued new inftruiior. officers commanding his ihips of war: thefc are dated July i;th, loL-U and are extremely well calculated for promoting the public fVrvics, fecur- ing difcipline, and preferving proper memorials of every man's particular merit, by obliging all captains and fuperior officers to depofit a perfect copy of their journals with the fecretary of the admiralty. Very juftly is it, therefore, acknowledged, that to the extraordinary attention and zeal of James II. we are indebted for that fleet which was afterwards fo gbrioufly and fuccefsfully cmpl-iyed in checking the ambi- tious project? of Louis XIV. a fleet which, though it rendered fo Jittts f-rvice to the caufe of its founder, confifted, at the timi of his abdi- cation, of no lefs than a hundred and feventy-thrce fail, a:i hundred of which were fourth-rates and upwards. 478 JAMES DUKE OF YORK. The reigns, or, more properly, the adminiftrations of the two brothers, Charles and Junes, bear a fatal refem- blance to each other. Both thefe princes were inclined, if not attached, to a religion peculiarly ungrateful to their people, as it was in direct contradiction to that mode of belief upon which the very bafis of their autho- rity refted: both were but too evidently aiming to con- tract the liberty of the fubjecl: ; if not abfolutely to re- ftore the original power of the crown, they were each almoft uniformly tinctured with a prediledVion for fo- reign habits and foreign notions ; each the dupe of Gallic friendfhip and intrigue. hND OF THE FIRST VOLUME. T. BEKSLEY, Printer. Bolt Court, Fleet Street, London.