2036242 - f JIM THE HISTORY OF THE JEWS, FROM THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY HANNAH ADAMS, OF BOSTON, AMERICA. " And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people from the one end of the earth even unto the other; and among these nations shalt thou find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest" Deut. xxviii. 64, 65. loiition : Printed by A. MACINTOSH, Brick Lane, Spitalfields : SOLD AT THE LONDON SOCIETY HOUSE, 10, WARDROBE PLACE, DOCTORS' COMMONS; AND BY OGLES, DU>CAN, AND COCHRAN. PATERNOSTER ROW; SEEJ..EY, FLEET STREET; AND HATCHAKD, PICCADILLY. 1818. at tatumerg SRL6 URL ADVERTISEMENT. THE following " History of the Jews/' by Mrs. Hannah Adams of America, is now printed in England, with that Lady's kind permission, at the expense and for the benefit of the " London Society for promoting Christianity amongst the Jews ; " and the hope is warmly cherished, that when British Christians shall have been made more fully acquainted, through the medium of this pub- lication, with the calamities which have befallen the Jews since their last dispersion, such sympathy will be excited, as to stimulate them to co-operate zealously with the above Society, in its benevolent endeavours to impart the knowledge of the crucified Jesus, the true Messiah, to that long oppressed nation, whose past sufferings, present degradation, and future glory, are equally foretold by the prophets of the Old Testament, and the apostles of the New. It is proper to remark, that a few alterations were deemed expedient, in the present edition. 2036242 THE AUTHOR'S PREFACE. THE history of the Jews since their dispersion has been but little investigated even by the literary part of the world, and is almost entirely unknown to the general mass of mankind. The design of this work, including the introduction, is to give a brief sketch of their situation, after their return from the Babylonian captivity, to the nineteenth century. The compiler is sensible, that the subject is not calculated to engage the attention of those readers whose object is merely amusement. ^Instead of a narration of new and entertaining events, they .will find a tedious succession of oppressions and persecutions, and probably turn with disgust from the gloomy picture of human guilt and wretchedness. To the speculative and inquisitive part of man- kind, the subject must, however, appear more interesting. The history of the Jews is remark- able above that of all other nations, for the number and cruelty of the persecutions they have endured. They are venerable for the antiquity of their origin. They are discriminated from the rest of mankind by their wonderful destination, peculiar habits, and VI PREFACE. religious rites. Since the destruction of Jerusalem, and their universal dispersion, we contemplate the singular phenomenon of a nation subsisting for ages without its civil and religious polity, and thus surviving its political existence. But the Jews appear in a far more interesting and important light when considered as a standing monument of the truth of the Christian religion ; as the ancient church of God to whom were committed the sacred oracles ; as a people selected from all nations to make known and preserve the knowledge of the true God. To them the Gospel was first preached, and from them the first Chris- tian church in Jerusalem was collected. To them we are indebted for the scriptures of the New, as well as of the Old Testament. To them were given the spirit of prophecy, and power of working miracles. From them were derived an illustrious train of prophets and apostles. To use the language of an inspired writer, " To them pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, the service of God, and the promises; and of them, as concerning the flesh, Christ came." The history of the Jews by Mr. Basnage, a learned French refugee, who was pastor of the Walloon church at the Hague, and died in 1723, is the principal authority made use of in the first PREFACE. ?11 part of this history ; the references are made to the translation of Mr. Taylor, published in 1708, which received the approbation of the author. The compiler is greatly indebted to the writings of M. Gregoire, formerly bishop of Blois, senator, member of the National Institute, &c. &c. His excellent " Essay on the Reformation of the Jews" has afforded much important information respecting this extraordinary people. His late valuable work, entitled " Histoire des Sectes Religieuses/' pub- lished at Paris, 1810, besides interesting and en- tertaining accounts of the various denominations of Christians, contains several curious articles re- specting the Jews. The works of David Levi have furnished materials for what is said of the religious tenets and ceremonies of his brethren. Occasional assistance has been given by modern travellers, whom curiosity has induced to investigate the present condition of this singular people. The learned Dr. Buchanan, in his valuable works, particularly his " Researches in Asia," has fur- nished authentic documents respecting the state of the eastern Jews. Some recent intelligence concerning those in Europe has been collected from a late work of Mr. Adam, entitled, " The Reli- gious World Displayed, published 1809. The respectable author observes in his preface, that " he was indebted for particulars respecting them to Joshua Van Oven, a learned, distinguished, and Vlll PREFACE. worthy member of the society of German Jews." Various other authors will be found referred to in the history ; but the above mentioned have fur- nished the principal materials for the work. To the intelligent and well informed the difficulty of collecting the history of a people so little known, particularly in this country, during the last and present century, wholly from desultory and un- connected materials, will appear obvious. The compiler can only say, that however deficient and ill arranged her history may be, she has spared no exertions in her power to collect authentic do- cuments, and has used them to the best of her ability. But while she relies on the candour and indulgence of the public, she cannot forbear to express the warmest gratitude to those respectable gentlemen whose generous patronage has enabled her to devote her time to literary pursuits. INTRODUCTION. SECTION I. Of the state of the Jews under the Persian monarchy; and the change which took place after the Babylonish captivity. B. C. 536.] THE Jews * having remained in captivity seventy years, according to the prediction of the prophet Jeremiah, f were restored to their native country by Cyrus the Great, king of Persia. For this purpose he issued a decree, in the first year of his reign, by which they were permitted to return to Palestine, and rebuild their city and temple. This opportunity was joyfully embraced by the most zealous of the tribes of Judah, Benja- * So denominated from the name Judah, as this tribe obtained the pre-eminence, and was more numerous than that of Benjamin. All the descendants of Jacob were anciently called Israel, or children of Israel, till the time that ten of the tribes revolted from the house of David : (See 1st. of Kings.) These ten tribes were afterwards called the house of Israel, and the other two tribes, of Judah and Benja- min, the house of Judah. From time to time many of the house of Israel joined that of Judah for the enjoyment of religious privileges ; (1 Chron. ix. 3.) became incorporated with them, and were with them carried captive to Babylon. Many of these embraced the opportu- nity of returning to Judea after the captivity ; for the decrees of the Persian kings extended to all the house of Israel. The people of Judah and Israel, after their return, were blended together under the name of Jew. Prideaux's Connection, vol. i. p. 190 270. i Chap. xxv. 11. " And these nation* shall serve the king of " Babylon seventy years." B INTRODUCTION. in; and Lcvi. A large part of the Jewish cap- tives, who chose to remain in Babylon, made liberal contributions towards assisting their brethren.* B. C. 534.] Soon after the return of ,the Jews, they began* with alacrity and zeal to rebuild their altar, and laid the foundation of their temple. While they were engaged in this important under- taking, the Samaritans f expressed an earnest desire to assist in the completion of the building. But as they blended the worship of their false deities with that of the God of Israel, the Jews rejected their request, alleging that, as the decree of the Persian monarch extended only to the house of Israel, they could not admit them to participate in the work. This refusal gave rise to that impla- cable enmity which subsisted between the Sama- ritans and Jews; J and induced the former to exert * Ezra i. 6. t The Samaritans were originally heathen colonies from different countries. After the king of Assyria had taken Samaria, the capital of the ten tribes, he removed the greatest part of the Israelites into Babylon and Assyria. And in order to re-people the desolate country, he brought colonies from Babylon, Cutha, Ava, Hamath, and Se- pharvaim, and established them in the cities of Samaria instead of those .whom he had carried into captivity. These people being im- mediately after their settlement much infested with lions, attributed* this calamity to their neglect of the tutelary deity of this country, and petitioned the king to send one of the captive Jewish priests to instruct them how to worship the God of Israel. A priest was ac- cordingly sent back, who took up his residence at Bethel, and esta- blished the worship of the true God. Yet while Jehovah was feared because of his supposed influence in that land, the gods of the Baby- lonians and other countries had divine honours paid to them. This mixture of idolatry with the Mosaic worship continued til) the build- ing of the Samaritan temple on Mount Gerizzim. Henry's Ancient Israelites, p. 352. J John iv. 9. INTRODUCTION. 3 themselves to obstruct the building of the temple. In consequence of their malicious attempts, the erection of the sacred edifice was suspended, till Darius issued an edict which not only ratified the grants of Cyrus, but denounced a severe penalty against all who obstructed the work. When this important decree was communicated to the Jews, they rapidly proceeded in the building, which was finished in the sixth year of Darius, and the dedica- tion performed in the month Adar with all imaginable splendour and solemnity.* B. C. 349.] The history of the Old Testament closes with an account of the restoration of the Jews to Palestine, and the building of their city and temple under Ezra the priest, and Nehemiah the governor. The assiduous labours of these pious and eminent men to reform the abuses of the Jewish state and church, to enforce the observance of the Mosaic law, and restore divine worship to its original purity, are recorded in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. It appears from the sacred records, that the Jews, after their return from captivity, were in a feeble state under the first Persian monarchs. They were exposed to the envy and malice of those strangers who resided in the vicinity, in particular to the insults and calumnies of the Samaritans. It is also evident from the cruel edict which Haman obtained against them, from which they were saved by the powerful intercession of queen Esther, that they were in danger of being destroyed upon the least intimation of the king's pleasure. By degrees, how- * Ezra vi. 16, 17. 4- INTRODUCTION. ever, their affairs were established, and though they were subjected to an easy tribute, they lived under their own laws, in the form of a commonwealth, governed by the high-priest, and the council of seventy- two elders ; and exercised among them- selves the power of life and death.* Jerusalem being at length rebuilt, fortified, and repeopled., began to resume some appearance of its former splendour, and the temple was honoured by the offerings of strangers.f After the death of Nehemiah, the government of Judea appears to have been joined to the prefecture of Syria, from which the high priests received their authority.]; This circumstance induced many per- sons to aspire to that high office merely through ambition and avarice, who were destitute of zeal * The grand council of the nation called the Sanhedrim, which assembled in an apartment of the temple at Jerusalem, possessed the power of life and death. The Jews styled it a hedge to the laws, because the members of the council had authority to interpret it at certain times and on certain occasions, as they thought proper. Its authority extended over all the synagogues in Judea and remote countries, and no appeal could be made from its sentence. Whether this consistory of seventy elders was a perpetual, or only a temporary institution, is a subject of dispute. The Jews, and after them Gro- tius, Selden, Lightfoot, and several other learned Christians, maintain that it was first instituted by Moses; that the seventy-two elders appointed to assist him were its first members; and that the Sanhe- drim, so famous in the latter ages of Jewish polity, subsisted after his time until the destruction of the temple. But Basnage and others hare attempted to prove that the court of the Sanhedrim was first established in the time of the Maccabees. Basnage, p. 400. Jen- nings' 1 Jewish Antiquities, vol. i. p. 39. + Fleury's Ancient Israelites. J The candidates purchased this office from the Syrian governor, and retained it by means of money ; hence they oppressed the people with taxes to enable them to fulfil their pecuniary engagements. INTRODUCTION. 3 for religion, or love for their country. For whole centuries, the office of high priest being the chief object of men's ambition, the violent contests for the sacerdotal dignity, and the arbitrary conduct of those who obtained it, involved the Jewish nation in various calamities. B. C. 373.] A remarkable instance of the truth of this assertion occurred in the 34th year of Ar- taxerxes Mnemon ; at which period Joiada was succeeded in the high priesthood by his son Johanan. Some time after his investiture he received a visit from his brother Joshua, who asserted that Bagoses, the governor of Syria, had promised to transfer the sacred dignity to him. A dispute immediately ensued, and Joshua was slain in the interior court of the temple. Bagoses receiving intelligence of this event, severely upbraided the Jews with defiling the habitation of their God, and imposed a heavy fine upon the pontiff, which was not taken off till the death of Artaxerxes changed the face of affairs. The Jews were, however, by no means free from trouble in the reign of his successor ; for Ochus having subdued the greatest part of Phoenicia, car- ried his victorious arms into Judea ; reduced Jeri- cho, and sent a great number of the inhabitants into captivity. Ten years after this event Johanan died, and was succeeded by his son Jaddua.* After the Babylonish captivity the Jews retained a constant aversion to idolatry, which they justly supposed was the principal cause of their expulsion from their native land. Prideaiu's Connection, vol. ii. p. 658. :! 6 INTRODUCTION. It has been assigned as a reason for this change, that previous to the captivity they had no syna- gogues* for public instruction, nor places for religious worship, except the temple and the cities of the Levites. In consequence of which the di- vine laws were neglected and forgotten, and they were easily allured into the superstitious practices of their idolatrous neighbours. But after their return, they had synagogues erected among them in every city, which were opened, not for ceremonial wor- ship, as sacrificing, for this was confined to the temple; but for praying, preaching, reading the law,f divine worship and social duties. The people repaired to the synagogue morning and evening for prayer, and on sabbaths and festivals the law was read and expounded to them. The custom of reading the scriptures and preaching in the syna- gogues is supposed to have been introduced by Ezra.J * Dr. Prideaux and other learned writers have maintained that there were not any synagogues before the captivity, as there is no mention of them in the Old Testament, hut after that period their number was very great. They were places of prayer and religious assemblies for the worship of God. The times of the synagogue service were three days every week besides fasts and festivals. The Jews also attended prayers three times every day, in the morning, afternoon, and at night. At the east end in every synagogue is an ark or chest, in commemoration of the ark of the covenant which was in the temple; and in this ark they lock up the Pentateuch, written upon vellum with a particular ink. Sec Prideaux's Connection, vol. ii. p. 534, 535, and Picurl's Iteligious Ceremonies of the Jftus. + The mode of worship adopted in the Jewish synagogues subse- quent to the captivity, differed but little from the present worship of Christian assemblies; for it consisted of three parts, reading the scrip- tures, prayer, and preaching. Graves s Lectures on the Pentateuch. Published 1807. i We have a short but beautiful description of Ezra's first preach- INTRODUCTION. < The reformation, begun by Ezra and others, at length degenerated into formality and superstition ; and when the Jews first deviated from the purity of their morals, and the simplicity of their religious worship, their zeal for the rites and ceremonies of their law increased. It is supposed the lamentable change became more general after miracles and prophecies ceased,* which had in some measure prevented them from taking the shadow for the substance of religion. + O > It is evident, that soon after the termination of the prophetic age ? | the Jews began to corrupt the law of Moses, by introducing certain precepts and insti- tutions which they professed to have received by oral tradition from the most ancient time. This traditionary law, which chiefly respected religious ceremonies, fastings, and other practices distinct from the moral duties of life, at length obtained with the greater part of the Jewish nation a degree of aulhority equal to that of the Mosaic law; whilst the minor part, rejecting these innovations, adhered strictly to the institutions of their sacred oracles. These two general classes, which do not appear to have been distinguished by any peculiar appellation, gradually adopted other tenets and customs, and at length formed several distinct sects, of which the principal were the Sadducees, the Caraites, the ing in Xehemiah viii. The Jews had liturgies for their prayers, in which are all the prescribed forms of their synagogue worship. Prideaux's Connection, vol. ii. p. 537. * From the lime of Malachi, the Jews had not been favoured with any prophet. He flourished about the year 397 before Christ. \ Picart's Ceremonies and Religious Customs of the Jews. Enfield's Philosophy, vol. ii. p. 171. & INTRODUCTION. Pharisees, and the Essenes.* These denomina- tions were formed at different periods after the spirit of prophecy ceased from Israel, and were in a flourishing state at the time of our Saviour's appearance upon earth. SECTION II. Sketch of the History of the Jews under Alexander and his Successors to the Revolt of Mattathias. B.C. 330.] A GREAT event, foretold in the pro- phetic pages f at length arrived, when the mighty empire of Persia was subdued by Alexander the Great, 208 years after the overthrow of the Baby- lonian empire by Cyrus. The Jews gave a striking proof of their fidelity to Darius Codomanus, the last Persian monarch, by refusing to assist Alex- ander in the siege of Tyre. The Macedonian hero, exasperated at this refusal, after the conquest of that city led his victorious army against Jeru- salem. J At this alarming crisis, Jaddua, the high priest, offered sacrifices and supplications to the God of Israel, and being, as it is said, directed by a vision in the night, went forth the following day to meet the conqueror, dressed in his pontifical robes, at- tended by the priests in sacerdotal vestments, and the people in white garments. Alexander, struck with profound awe at the sight of this solemn pro- cession, bowed himself down before the high priest, * See an account of these sects in Section V. t Dan. ii. 39. + Josephus's Jewish Antiquities. INTRODUCTION. 9 and adored the name of Jehovah, inscribed on his mitre. In reply to those who expressed their asto- nishment, that the victorious monarch of so many nations should pay homage to a Jewish priest, he declared, that during his abode in Macedonia, he had seen this pontiff in a vision, encouraging him to pursue the war against the Persians, and promising him complete victory. He was therefore convinced that he had engaged in this expedition under the conduct of God, whom he worshipped in the person of his high priest. The king then entered Jerusalem in the midst of the procession, and of- fered sacrifices in the temple, where Jaddua shewed him the prophecy of Daniel, that a Grecian king should overturn the Persian empire. This predic- tion heightened his confidence of success.* Alexander, after this event, highly favoured the Jewish nation by exempting 1 them from paying the tribute on the seventh, or sabbatical year ; permit- ting them to live under their own laws, and enjoy the free exercise of their religion. He transplanted many of them into a new city which he built in Egypt, and called Alexandria, after his own name, granting them privileges and immunities equal to those enjoyed by his Macedonian subjects. f B. C. 333.] Upon the extinction of the Persian monarchy, in consequence of Alexander's J con- * Such is the account given by Josephus and some other histo- rians. JosephHt's History of the Jews, and Rollings Ancient History \ t Prideaux's Connection, p. 696, 697. Fleury's Ancient Israel- ites, p. x35. After the conquests of Alexander a distinction is made of the Hellenist Jews. This name was given them because they mingled with the Greeks and spoke their language. They rend the Scriptures 10 INTRODUCTION. quests, the Samaritans endeavoured to accomplish a civil and ecclesiastical union with the Jews. For this purpose Sanballat, governor of Samaria, gave his daughter in marriage to Manasses, the brother of Jaddua the high priest., fully expecting that the succession in the priesthood would devolve upon Manasses, and that by this means a coalition might be effected. Sanballat upon finding that the Jews, particularly the members of the Sanhedrim, highly resented this profane alliance, took his son-in-law under his protection, and having obtained permis- sion from Alexander to build a temple on mount Gerizzim, appointed Manasses its high priest. A powerful body of priests and Israelites, who had been involved in similar connections, joined the Samari- tans.* The erection of the temple highly exaspe- rated the Jews ; the violent animosity between the parties increased, and gave rise to frequent hosti- lities.f B. C. 324.] After the death of Alexander, the Macedonian empire was divided among four of his generals; and Judea being situated between Egypt and Syria, became subject to all the revolutions and wars in which his successors were engaged against each other. It was at first governed by Laoraedon, the Mitylenian, one of Alexander's captains, and after he was defeated by Ptolemy Soter, king of in Greek also, after the Septuagint Version had been prepared, by order of Ptolemy Philadelphia, king of Egypt. Basnage, p. 527. * It is supposed, that when Manasses fled to the Samaritans, he first brought the law of Moses among them; and after they received it they renounced idolatry, and worshipped the true God. Prideaux's Connection, -vol. ii. p. 598. t Josephus, p. 284. Enfield's Philosophy. INTRODUCTION. Egypt, the Jews refused to violate their engage- ments to him. Enraged at their resistance, Ptolemy marched to Jerusalem, and being apprized of the religious veneration of the Jens for the Sabbath, fraudulently surprised and took the city on that day, and carried a hundred thousand of the inhabitants captive into Egypt. However, in consideration of the loyalty they had on various occasions evinced to former conquerors, he advanced the most distin- guished persons among them to places of trust in the military department ; and eventually confirmed all the privileges which Alexander had formerly bestowed upon their nation. Ptolemy settled some of the captives in Lybia and Gyrene ; from those who were established in the latter of these countries descended the Cyrenian Jews, mentioned by the writers of the New Testament.* Soon after the recovery of Judea by Ptolemy, Simon, the Jewish high priest, died in the ninth year of his pontificate. The character given of him in Ecclesiasticusf evinces his distinguished merit ; and the piety and integrity which uniformly marked his conduct, induced his cotemporaries to honour him with the surname of Just. He exhibited an ardent love of his country by repairing and fortifying the city and temple ; and is said to have rendered the most essential service to religion by completing the canon of the Oid Testament. This celebrated pontiff was the last member of the grand synagogue. J * Prideaux's Connection, vol. ii. p. 150. Encyclopedia, TO!, ix. t Ecclesiasticus, chap. i. t The grand synagogue consisted of 120 elders who, in a regular INTRODUCTION. On the decease of Ptolemy Soter, his successor Philadelphia confirmed and enlarged the privileges of the Jews. He established many of that nation in his dominions, ransomed those who had been carried captive into Egypt,, and caused a copy of their sacred books to be translated into the Greek language,* and deposited in his famous library at Alexandria. By means of the translation, which was styled the Septuagint version, f the Jewish reli- gion was made known among the Gentiles, so that the temple was enriched with magnificent presents from the neighbouring monarchs. The Jews also obtained distinguished favours from Seleucus Nicator, king of Macedon and Syria, who admitted them into all the cities which he had built in Lesser Asia, and allowed them the same privileges with his Grecian and Macedonian sub- jects.* The Jewish affairs continued to wear a favour- succession after the expiration of the Babylonish captivity, laboured assiduously in restoring the Jewish church and state; and exerted themselves to diffuse an accurate knowledge of the Holy Scriptures among their brethren. Sacred Mirror. D * This translation is frequently quoted by the sacred writers of the New Testament. Butler's Boras Biblicce. f A late author observes that, with respect to the history of the Septuagint, there scarcely is a subject of literature upon which more has been written, or of which less with any degree of certainty is known. The popular account of its being made in the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus, at the suggestion of Aristeas, and under the direction of Demetrius Phalerus, by seventy or seventy-two Jews shut up in cells, appears to be generally exploded. The prevailing opinion is, that it was made at Alexandria at different times, and by different interpreters, but that all pf them were Jews. Butler's Horte Biblica, p. 18, and also Prideaux's Connettion, vol. iii. p. 29 52. + Flenry's Ancient Israelites, p. 235. INTRODUCTION. IS able aspect till in the reign of Ptolemy Philopator they were greatly oppressed by the incursion of the Samaritans. At the same time Antiochus the Great, king of Syria, made a vigorous effort to conquer Judea. He was however defeated by the Egyptian monarch, who soon after visited Jerusalem, and offered sacrifices to the God of Israel for his recent victory. Stimulated by an extreme curiosity to view the interior part of the temple, in spite of the remonstrances of the priests and the lamentations of the people, he forced his way through the two outer courts ; but it is related, that on his attempting to penetrate into the most holy place he was struck with inexpressible terror, and was obliged to be carried out by his attendants. Instead however of being humbled by this judgment, he was exaspe- rated against the Jews ; and on his return to Egypt raised a persecution against those in that kingdom, deprived them of their privileges, ordered them to be enrolled among the lowest order of Egyptians, and sentenced many to slavery and death. He was afterwards however induced to revoke his sangui- nary decrees.* B. C. 212.] After the death of Ptolemy Philo- pator, Antiochus the Great invaded Caelosyria and * It is said, that the king had resolved to destroy the whole nation, beginning with those who resided in Egypt, whom he ordered to be brought in chains to Alexandria to be killed by bis elephants. As this wa* to be done publicly, a vast concourse of people were col- lected together to behold the horrid exhibition, when to their great surprise, the elephants having been made drunk with wine and frank- incense, turned all their rage upon the spectators, and destroyed great numbers of them, while the Jews remained in perfect safety. The king relented, and restored this persecuted people to their former privileges. Prideaux's Connection, vol. iii. p. 118. INTRODUCTION. Palestine, and soon made an. entire conquest of these provinces. The Jews renounced their alle- giance to Egypt, placed themselves under his pro- tection, and offered him their assistance. The Syrian monarch, highly gratified by the fidelity and zeal they exhibited in his service, restored to Jerusalem its ancient privileges ; gave a large sum out of his own treasury for repairing the temple, and maintaining public worship; granted an exemp- tion from all taxes for three years to all the dispersed Jews who should return to their capital, and libe- rated all who had been sold for slaves in any part of his dominions.* B. C. 176.] Upon the decease of Antiochus, his son and successor Seleucus continued to the Jews the enjoyment of their civil and religious pri- vileges, and the expenses of their sacrifices were defrayed out of the royal treasury. Their prospe- rity was, however, disturbed by an unhappy alter- cation between Onias the high priest, and Simon the governor of the temple. The latter, actuated by a principle of revenge, gave such an exagge- rated account of the treasures in the temple, that Seleucus determined to appropriate part of them to his own use, and commanded Heliodorus, his trea- surer, to convey them to Antioch. Upon his arrival at Jerusalem, Onias endeavoured to dissuade him from his purpose, assuring him that these treasures were appropriated to the use of the widows and orphans in the Jewish community. Heliodorus, however, still persisted to execute his commission. t Pridcaux's Connection, TO!, ii. p 128. INTRODUCTION. 15 But while the priests and people united in ardent supplication to the God of Israel to preserve the sanctuary, he was suddenly struck, according to the book of Maccabees, with inexpressible terror by an awful vision, and soon after quitted the city, which he acknowledged was under the protection of a divine and irresistible power, Simon, enraged at the defeat of his malicious designs, accused Onias of having invited the king's treasurer to Jerusalem. But the high priest justified his conduct to his royal master, and at length procured the banishment of the treacherous governor.* B. C. 173.] Soon after Antiochus Epiphanes assumed the Syrian diadem, Jason, brother to Onias, went to Antioch and purchased the high priesthood for three hundred and sixty talents f He also obtained an order that the present pontiff, who was a man of exemplary piety and justice, should be sent to that metropolis, and there confined for life. This impious priest subverted the religion of his ancestors, by procuring a grant for erecting a Gym- nasium, or place of exercise, at Jerusalem, similar to those which were built in the Grecian cities ; and encouraged the people by rewards, precepts, and example, to adopt the superstition of their idolatrous conquerors. From this time, therefore, a general apostacy took place, and the service of the temple was neglected.! After Jason had enjoyed his ill-acquired dignity for a few years, he was supplanted by his brother * Josephus, p. 303. 2 Maccabees iii. Prideaux's Connection, t About ninety thousand pounds sterling. Josephus, p. 304. 2 Maccabees. 16 INTRODUCTION. Menelaus, whose impiety, if possible, exceeded that of his predecessor. After he had obtained the high priesthood by offering the additional price of three hundred talents, he ordered the sacred vessels to be sold to pay the stipulated sum, and bribe the courtiers in his favour. He also caused Onias, \vho had reproved him for his impious sacrilege, to be put to death. He was indefatigable in his exer- tions to destroy the Jewish religion ; engaged that himself and his party should wholly conform to the Greeks; drove Jason from Jerusalem, and by his tyranny and extortion caused an insurrection in that city.* B. C. 166.] In the mean time Antiochus was prosecuting the war in Egypt, and on a false report of his death, Jason marched to Jerusalem at the head of a thousand men, and severely chastised the adherents of Menelaus. But the approach of the Syrian monarch compelled him to elude his ven- geance by flight; and at length he died in exile universally hated and despised. Antiochus, exaspe- rated at the supposed revolt, and the rejoicings upon the report of his death, abandoned Jerusalem for three days to the fury of the Syrian army. Forty thousand persons were slain, and nearly an equal number sold for slaves. The impious mo- narch, conducted by the traitor Menelaus, forced his way into the temple, and even penetrated into the most holy place ; tore off the golden ornaments, carried away the sacred treasures and utensils ; and in order to offer the greatest insult to the Jewish *^ Josephus, p. 303. Prideaux's Connection, vol. ii. p. 175, 176. INTRODUCTION. 17 religion, sacrificed a large hog on the altar of burnt offering.* After the capital was drained of treasure, and filled with blood, the tyrant appointed a barbarous Phrygian, named Philip, governor of Jerusalem, established the apostate Menelausf in the high priesthood, and returned in triumph to Antioch. B. C. 168.] About two years after this terrible event, Antiochus despatched Appollonius, governor of Syria, at the head of twenty-two thousand men, commanding him to destroy Jerusalem, massacre the men, and sell the women and children for slaves. The king's officer concealed his intentions till the first sabbath after his arrival ; and while the people were assembled for the solemn worship of God, he executed his horrid commands with unrelenting bar- barity. Every part of the city was then plundered, set on fire, and the walls demolished. The temple was indeed permitted to stand, but its service was totally abandoned ; for the Syrian troops built a fortress opposite to the sacred edifice, in order to overlook and assault all who came to worship the God of Israel. J The impious monarch, not yet satiated with the blood of the Jews, resolved totally to abolish their religion, or extirpate their whole people. He therefore issued a decree, that all the nations within his dominions should forsake their old religion and * Josephus. t The temporal authority, which was united with the pontifical, made the office of high priest appear of such value to Menelaus and Jason. Prideaux, vol. ii. p. 168. t Rollin's Ancient History, vol. viii. p. 390. C 18 INTRODUCTION. gods, and worship those of the king, under the severest penalties. To enforce obedience to his orders, he placed overseers in every province, and being apprized that the Jews were the only persons who would presume to disobey his commands, strict injunctions were given to have them treated with the utmost severity. Atheneas, an aged and cruel man, well versed in all the rites of Grecian idolatry,, being sent into Judea, dedicated the temple of Jehovah to Jupiter Olympus,* and set up his statue on the altar of burnt-offering. All who refused to offer their adorations before the idol, were either massacred, or compelled to endure the most exquisite tortures. At the same time, altars, groves, and statues were established not only in Judea, but in all the parts of the Syrian empire ; and all who professed the religion of Moses, were obliged to worship them under the same penalties. The king also promulgated an edict, making it instant death to offer sacrifices to the God of Israel, to observe the sabbath, practise circumcision, or any of the Mosaic institutions. In short, an energetic attempt was made to destroy every copy of the law, which the king commanded to be delivered up under penalty of death, while he strenuously en- deavoured to exterminate every faithful worshipper of God. f At this distressing period, multitudes quitted their * At this time the Samaritans presented a petition to the king, in which they declared themselves not to be Jews, and requested that their temple on Mount Gerizzim might be dedicated to the Grecian Jupiter, and called after his name. Ilollins Ancient History. t Frideaux, vol. ii. p. 184, 1ST. INTRODUCTION. i9 habitations, and retreated to caves among the rocks, where they subsisted on herbs and roots. A large number apostatized ; yet the ministers of cruelty were frequently baffled by the intrepid firmness of their victims. The king, exasperated at their boldness in defying his edicts and punishments, re- solved to visit Jerusalem in order to enforce the execution of his sanguinary decrees. When the tyrant arrived, he had recourse to the stake and the rack ; and commanded and superintended the most horrid executions.* The unshaken constancy of the sufferers filled him with rage and astonishment ; while their triumphant deaths strengthened the faith and courage of their brethren. Though the persecution under Antiochus was the greatest the Jews had ever suffered, they had hitherto endured the horrid cruelties of the tyrant without resistance. But at length men eminently distinguished for valour armed themselves in defence of their religion and laws ; and while they fought under the banner of the God of Israel, they were enabled to effect the destruction of their idolatrous enemies, the deliverance of their nation, and the restoration of the true worship. * The venerable Eleazar and the seven brethren, with their pious mother, were at this time put to a most cruel death. 2 Macca- beet vi. vii. c 2 20 INTRODUCTION. SECTION III. Sketch of the history of the Jews under the Asmonean family. MATTATHIAS, an eminent priest of the Asmonean family,* lamented with deep anguish and regret the wretched situation of his country, and had for some time retired to Modin, his native place, in order to avoid the persecution which raged in Jerusalem. Apelles, one of the officers of Antiochus, was sent to that city to establish the heathen worship. After assembling the people, he endeavoured to persuade that venerable priest to set an example of com- pliance with the king's edict, by insinuating compli- ments, magnificent promises, and by stating the number who had apostatized. Mattathias boldly replied in the hearing of the multitude, " that though all the Jews, and all the nations on earth, should conform to the king's decree, he and his sons would continue faithful to the law of their God, and that no consideration should ever induce them to abandon the religion of their ancestors." Immedi- ately after, he killed one of his countrymen who offered sacrifices on the altar of Modin. Upon being joined by his sons, and some others, he exe- cuted the same summary vengeance on the king's officer and his attendants ;f and hastily passing * He was the great grandson of Asmoncus, from whom the family derived their name. Prideaux's Connection, vol. ii. p. 187. + Mattathias's conduct was conformable to the law of Moes in such cases. See Deuteronomy xiii. INTRODUCTION. 31 about the city, exhorted all who were zealous for the law of God to follow him. Animated by the example of Mattathias and his pious family, large numbers of Jews being deter- mined to make vigorous exertions for the recovery of their civil and religious privileges, followed their venerable leader into the desarts of Judea.* They were soon pursued by the royal army ; and being attacked on the sabbath., many perished without offering to make the least resistance. Their leaders were hence induced to pass a decree for defending themselves for the future on that holy day, which being ratified by the priests and elders, was privately communicated to Palestine and the adjacent vil- lages, f B. C. 1 67. ] The party of Mattathias being strongly reinforced, furiously attacked the Syrians and apostate Jews, destroying many, and compelling others to seek refuge in foreign countries. After having struck their enemies with terror, the conquerors marched from city to city, overturning the heathen altars, demolishing the graven images, opening the Jewish synagogues, and enforcing the practice of circum- cision. They also assiduously employed themselves in searching for and transcribing the sacred books, and causing the reading of the scriptures to be resumed. Their heroic exertions were crowned with such remarkable success, that in the short space of one year, a happy reformation had begun to extend over a large part of Judea, when death ar- rested Mattathias in his glorious progress. In his * Whiston's Josephuv vol. iii. p. 46. t Ibid. 22 INTRODUCTION. last moments he exhorted his sons, in the most fervent and affectionate manner, to emulate, their pious ancestors, and hazard their lives in defence of the religion and laws of their country.* B. C. 160.] Judas, surnamed Maccabeus,f his eldest son and successor, is said to have been the greatest uninspired hero of whom the Jews can boast. J With his small army, which at first only consisted of six thousand men, he soon made him- self master of some of the strongest fortresses in Judea ; became terrible to the Syrians and Sa- maritans ; compelled the apostate Jews to retire in confusion, while the pious emigrants returned and enlisted under his banners. The Syrian monarch, and the governors of the provinces, exerted them- selves to the utmost to crush this dangerous revolt in its infancy. For this purpose they repeatedly sent formidable armies against Judas, commanded by officers of consummate valour. The Maccabean hero, animated by religious confidence in God, was not alarmed by the vast superiority of numbers on 'tfA, r.^J ;y.'fi V_' - . ' ; '.-.!. ; ;. ; . , . * 1 Maccabees ii. Josephus, p. 309. + The motto on the standard of Judas was taken from Exodus xrv " Who is like unto thee among the Gods, O Jehovah !" which being written by an abbreviation formed the initial letters of the words put together, which made the artificial word Maccabees. Such at least is the national tradition concerning the origin of a name applied in its strict sense to persons enlisted under Judas and his brethren ; but also more extensively to those who, before Judas raised his standard, had magnanimously braved death in the same religious canse. Parti- cularly to those Jews recently tortured at Jerusalem by the merciless Antiochus Epiphanes, as well as those martyred 50 years before at Alexandria by the cruel Ptolemy Philopater. Prideaux'a Connection, vol. ii. p. 193. Gillie's History, vol. iii. p. 183. + Encyclopedia. INTRODUCTION. 23 the side of his enemies : but continued successfully to defend the laws and religion of his countrymen : and in one year defeated the Syrians in five battles. In the last of these engagements, the army which was raised by Lysias the Syrian governor, amounted to sixty-five thousand men. Judas gained a com- plete victory, obliged the troops who had escaped the sword to elude his vengeance by an ignominious flight, and their commander to abandon the en- terprize, and return to Syria.* B.C. 165.] Encouraged by this brilliant success, the victorious Maccabees marched to Jerusalem, destroyed the Syrian idols, repaired and purified the temple, replaced the sacred vessels, and divine wor- ship, which had been interrupted for three years and an half, was resumed with the greatest splendour and solemnity. The temple, which was decked with a profusion of ornaments, was consecrated anew to the service of God, and an annual feast appointed to perpetuate the remembrance of this joyful event. But notwithstanding the triumphant success of Judas and his army, they were not able to expel the Syrians from their fortress on mount Acra, which was opposite to the temple ; in order therefore to prevent the interruption of divine worship, they protected the sacred edifice by building high walls and lofty towers, which were supported by a powerful and vigilant garrison. f The surrounding nations, exasperated at the re- establishment of the Jews, united against them, and * For a particular account of the battles between the Syrians and Jews, see 1 Maccabees iii. iv. t 1 Maccabees iv. INTRODUCTION. attacked them on all sides, being resolved to destroy every worshipper of Jehovah. But Judas and his valiant brothers repeatedly attacked and vanquished their forces with prodigious slaughter ; reduced several of their principal places ; and obtained the most complete success.* In the mean time Antiochus, being on his return from an unsuccessful expedition against Persia, re- ceived the alarming news, that all the Jews had revolted, defeated his generals, expelled their armies from Judea, and restored the primitive worship. This intelligence filled him with such frantic rage, that he declared he would utterly extirpate every in- dividual of the Jewish nation. These words were scarcely uttered, says the author of the book of Maccabees, when he was struck with a torturing and incurable disease, and was compelled to acknow- ledge, that his sufferings were justly inflicted by the God of Israel, whose people he had persecuted with unrelenting cruelty. After having languished for some time in a mise- rable condition he expired, and his death freed the Jews from the most inveterate enemy they had ever known. Antiochus Eupater, his son and successor, continued to prosecute the war against the Jewish nation, f Some time after the death of the tyrant, Judas laid close siege to the tower of Acra, which Appol- lonius had built to overlook the temple. The young king advanced to the relief of the garrison at the head of an hundred thousand foot, twenty thousand * Rollin's Ancient History, vol. viii. t 2 Maccabees ix. Josephus, vol. iii p. 69. INTRODUCTION. 25 horse, thirty-two elephants, and three hundred chariots of war. Upon the approach of this formi- dable army, the Maccabean chief having exhorted his troops to fight valiantly for their liberties, and given for the watchword, " Victory is of God,' 1 attacked the enemy in the night, slew four thousand six hundred men, threw the whole army into confu- sion, and made a regular retreat into Jerusalem.* Antiochus Eupater, having reduced the fortress of Bethsura, conducted his army to the Jewish metropolis. The garrison defended the city with undaunted courage, till they were reduced to the utmost extremities from want of provisions ; but Providence interposed in their behalf, and the report of a rebellion in Syria induced the besiegers to grant them an advantageous peace. The king en- gaged to leave the fortifications of the temple entire ; but upon the cessation of hostilities he caused them to be demolished, in open violation of the treaty which he had just confirmed with the most solemn oath.f Menelaus the apostate high priest, who had at- tended the Syrian army in this expedition, was accused by Lysias, the commander, of being the instigator of the war, and condemned to suffer a cruel death. The Syrian government then con- ferred the pontifical dignity upon Alcimus, a man equally unprincipled and vicious as his predecessor. But the Jews refused to admit him to officiate at their altar, on account of his known impiety, and attachment to the superstitions of the Grecians.]; * 2 Maccabees ix. Josephus, vol. iii. p. 69. t 1 Maccabees vi. 68. + 2 Maccabees xiii. 26 INTRODUCTION. B. C. 162.] Onias, the son of Onias HI. who was murdered in Antioch, being disappointed in not obtaining the high priesthood after the death of his uncle Menelaus, withdrew into Egypt. Indignant at the promotion of the unworthy Alcimus, he peti- tioned Ptolemy Philometer and Cleopatra his queen to permit him to build a temple for the Jews in that country, alleging that the prophet Isaiah had fore- told that " there should be an altar to the Lord in Egypt."* The king and queen granted his request, assigned a portion of land, and an adequate revenue for the purpose. The place chosen for erecting the temple was Heliopolis, or the city of the sun. It was built after the model of the temple at Jerusalem ; but not on so large and magnificent a scale. Onias was made high priest ; inferior priests and Levites were also appointed ; and divine worship conducted as in the capital of Judea.f Demetrius, son of Seleucus Philopater, and lawful heir to the crown, having put Antiochus Eupator to death, Alcimus, the apostate high priest, who upon being rejected by the Jews had become their implacable enemy, petitioned the new king to support his title. Demetrius at his instigation sent large armies under the command of Bacchides the governor of Mesopotamia, and Nicanor, governor of Judea. But the designs of both were frustrated by the valour and prudence of the Maccabees ; and Nicanor, who had blasphemed the God of Israel, and threatened to destroy the temple, was slain in the engagement, and his army defeated with prodi- gious slaughter.^ * Isaiah xix. 18, 19. t Josephus, vol. iii- p. 59. + Ibid. INTRODUCTION. 27 Soon after this victory, Judas sent an embassy to Rome, and obtained an alliance with that powerful state. But previously to the return of the ambas- sador, Demetrius despatched Bacchides into Judea with the flower of his troops, consisting of twenty- two thousand men, to revenge the death of Nicanor, and establish Alcimus in the priesthood. At the approach of this formidable army, the soldiers of Judas, which amounted to only three thousand men, were intimidated to such a degree, that all left him except eight hundred. With this small force, which he exhorted in the most pathetic manner to die vali- antly rather than desert, he broke the strongest wing of the idolatrous army, and chased the fleeing troops to Mount Azotus. But at length being sur- rounded on all sides, and overpowered by numbers, this heroic defender of his country fell, covered with honourable wounds, on heaps of his expiring enemies. His death was deeply lamented, and his heroic exploits deservedly celebrated.* B. C. 100.] The death of Judas filled his coun- trymen with the utmost consternation, while their enemies, inspired with fresh courage, reduced Jeru- salem, put many of the adherents of the Maccabees to death, and reinstated Alcimus in the priesthood, which sacred office he perverted to the vilest pur- poses. Josephus observes, " that the calamities the Jews suffered at this time were equal to any they had experienced since their return from Babylon." But at length the impious high priest having pre- sumed to break down one of the walls of the sanc- tuary, was suddenly cut off in the full career of his * 1 Maccabees ix. 28 INTRODUCTION. wickedness, and expired in agonies.* The party of Judas made the most strenuous exertions against their enemies, and unanimously chose Jonathan to succeed his brother as their prince and general. Under his direction the war was conducted with such energy and success, that the Syrians, disturbed by their own intestine divisions,, solemnly engaged to refrain from further hostilities, and a treaty of peace was concluded, f Immediately after the Syrian forces left Judea, Jonathan commenced a regular government, similar to that of the ancient Israelitish judges ; be repaired the walls of Jerusalem, fortified the city, and made several important reformations in the civil and eccle- siastical affairs of his country. The increase of his reputation and success, induced the competitors for the Syrian monarchy to court his friendship ; and as Demetrius had formerly persecuted the Jews, he joined the party of his rival Alexander Bela. With the unanimous consent of the people, he accepted the high priesthood from him ; [B. C. 144.] that place having been vacant seven years from the death of Alcimus. Jonathan also formed an alliance with the Romans and Lacedemonians, and rendered himself formidable by his military achievements. But after he had governed the Jewish nation with equal pru- * By the order of prophets Haggai and Zechariah, a low wall or inclosure was built round the sanctuary to separate the holy from the unholy ; and the rule was, that within this no tincircumcised person was to enter. Alcimus, in order to give the Gentiles equal liberty with the Jews, to pass into the inner courts of the temple, ordered this wall of partition to be pulled down. Prideaux'x Connection, vol. ii. p. 264. + Prideaux's Connection, vol. ii. p 264. INTRODUCTION. 29 dence and skill for about seventeen years, he and his children were treacherously put to death by Tryphon, a Syrian usurper, in the city of Ptolemais. One thousand persons who attended him as guards were likewise assassinated.* B. C. 143.] After the death of Jonathan, the leaders of the Jewish nation assembled at Jerusalem, and chose Simon, the only surviving son of Matta- thias, for their general and high priest ; and settled both the civil and sacerdotal power on his posterity. He imitated the valour and prudence which marked the conduct of his brother ; repaired the fortresses of Judea ; reduced and demolished the tower of Acra ; renewed the treaty with the Romans ; and sent an embassy to Demetrius, lawful heir of Syria, offering; to acknowledge his sovereignty, and assist him in depriving the usurper Tryphon of the regal dignity. These proposals were cheerfully accepted by Deme- trius ; and a letter was returned, which constituted Simon sovereign prince and high priest of the Jewish nation ; ordered all public acts to be made in his name, and released his territories from all foreign o dominion. After the independent reign of Simon had commenced, he bravely defended his country ; took Gaza and Joppa ; restored peace, to Jerusalem ; beautified the sanctuary, and enforced obedience to the divine law. At length, however, [B. C. 135.] a period was put to his life and usefulness at the castle of his son-in-law, by whom he and two of his sons were treacherously murdered after he had governed the Jews eight years. f * Whiston's Josephus, vol. v. p. 13. 1 Maccab. x xhrin 'n * t I Maccabees xvi. Testament, vol. ii. p. 158. INTRODUCTION. 41 reflected such a dazzling effulgence, that the eye was unable to sustain its radiance. The temple was encompassed with august porticoes, on which im- mense riches were profusely expended; and every ornament bestowed, that human art and genius could devise. This superb structure was continually receiving additions to the time of the ministry of our Saviour.* Herod set up a golden eagle of ex- quisite workmanship, the arms of the Roman empire, over the gates of the temple. About this period there was a general expectation through the eastern world of the advent of some illustrious prophet and deliverer, who should change the aspect of human affairs. f The Jews in parti- cular eagerly anticipated the coming of the promised Messiah, as the time predicted by Daniel for his manifestation was arrived. Devout persons waited day and night for the consolation of Israel ; and the whole nation, groaning under the Roman yoke, and stimulated by the desire of liberty or of venge- ance, expected their deliverer with the roost anxious impatience. At length, that most interesting and important epoch arrived, when the Saviour Jesus Christ made his appearance on earth. When the sun of righteous- ness arose on a benighted world, Polytheism was in * Hence the Jews might with literal propriety assert, as they ostentatiously did, " Forty and six years was this temple in building," John ii. 20. As the whole was executed under the idea of repairs, it continued to he called the second temple. t Josephus, Suetonius, and Tacitus, mention this general expec- tation ; and hence Virgil, the Roman poet, in his fourth eclogue, describes the blessings of the government of some great personage who was, or should be born about this time. INTRODUCTION. every country, except Judea, the predominant, and almost universal religion. The Roman empire under Augustus had attained the zenith of its power : while the pagan nations, who composed this vast monarchy, exhibited the most glaring picture of human depra- vity ; and the Jewish state, and true religion, were almost at the lowest ebb. Just before our Saviour was born, the temple of Janus was shut, to intimate that the nations of the earth were at peace. This remarkable peace, after so many ages of tumult and war, was a fit prelude to the introduction of the glorious prince of peace into the world.* The malicious attempt of Herod to involve the Saviour of the world in the slaughter of the babes of Bethlehem is recorded by the sacred history. f The tyrant died the following year in exquisite tortures. During his illness he sent for the heads of the most eminent families in Judea, confined them, and left orders, that, as soon as he had breathed his last they should all be put to the sword, to oblige the nation to go in mourning at his death. He expired soon after, in the thirty-seventh year of his reign ; the sentence was not executed ; and the nation re- joiced at their deliverance. J After the death of Herod, the Roman emperor divided the kingdom of Judea between his sons. The brothers, for some years, governed Palestine without any open rebellion or disturbance. But Archelaus, who obtained half the kingdom, under the title of exarch, proved so corrupt and wicked a prince, that both Jews and Samaritans sent ambas- * Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History, vol. i. p. 16. t Matthew xi. J Josephus, vol. v. p. 154. INTRODUCTION. 43 sadors to accuse him to Augustus. The emperor deposed and banished him for his tyrannical conduct; and reduced Judea to the form of a Roman province, to be ruled by procurators, who were to be appointed and recalled at the pleasure of the reigning monarch. The power of life and death was taken from the Jews ; their taxes were regularly gathered by the publicans ; and justice was from that time administered in the name, and by the laws of Rome.* SECTION V. Of the different denominations among the Jews at the time of Chris? s appearance upon earth. THOUGH the Jewish nation, at the time of our Saviour's appearance, retained the worship of the true God, they had grossly perverted their religion, by exalting the traditions of their ancestors above the clear and positive injunctions of their law ; and while they presumed to infringe the strongest moral obligations, they were scrupulously exact in per- forming the most minute and trifling ceremonies, which were enjoined by their rabbies. The ultimate object of many, was to obtain popular applause; hence they publicly displayed all the parade of os- tentatious charity, and were privately guilty of the * The precise year, when this event took place, it may be difficult to ascertain : but the judicial forms which were observed on the trial and condemnation of oiir Saviour, and the acclamation of the Jews, " We have no king but Csesar," irrefragably shew that it had arrived. Horse Biblicae, p. 42. This event illustrates the celebrated prophecy of Jacob, Genesis xlix. 10. The generality of interpreters, Jewish as well as Christian, have by Shiloh understood the Messiah. 44 INTRODUCTION. greatest extortion and cruelty. Yet, elated with spiritual pride, they considered themselves as the only favourites of heaven, and excluded all other nations from the hopes of eternal life.* During Christ's ministry on earth the temple was used as a place of merchandize, and the most sacred offices, even the high priesthood, were sold. The chief priests, who purchased their places by bribes, maintained their ill acquired authority by the most abominable crimes. The inferior priests, and those who possessed any degree of authority, had become dissolute and abandoned in the highest degree : while the multitude, excited by their corrupt example, ran headlong into every kind of iniquity, and, by their seditions, robberies, and extortions, armed against themselves both the justice of God and vengeance of man. The Jewish nation, at the time of our Saviour's appearance, were divided into a great variety of sects. The principal points in dispute among them respected the law of Moses, the immortality of the soul, the resurrection of the body, future rewards and punishments, and the nature of virtue. AH admitted the divine authority of the Mosaic law. All agreed in thinking, that their religious tenets and observances were the only objects worthy of their attention. f The rabbies, or the teachers of each sect, defended their tenets with the greatest zeal and pertinacity. The Jews and Samaritans were, in particular, violently opposed to each other. The latter, at first, Harwood's Introduction, vol. i. p. 108, 109. Moshsim. t Prideaux'a Connection, vol. i. p. 353. Horse Biblicse. INTRODUCTION. 45 were heathens, who worshipped the God of Israel, in conjunction with other deities, till Menasses, who was made their high priest, with other fugitive Jews, coming to them from Jerusalem, brought with them the book of the law, and taught them to worship the true God only, according to the Mosaic institution. From this period they are considered a sect of the Jewish religion. They looked upon the temple of Gerizzim, as the only place where God was pleased to be worshipped, and the centre of true religion. They received no scriptures except the books of Moses, Joshua, and Judges, which two latter, however, they did not allow to be of divine authority like the Pentateuch.* The Pharisees were the most distinguished, flou- rishing, and popular sect among the Jews. They assumed this name on account of their separating themselves for superior strictness in ritual observ- ances. Their separation consisted chiefly in certain distinctions respecting religious ceremonies, and does not appear to have interrupted the uniformity of religious worship, in which the Jews of every sect always seem to have been united. f It appears, from the frequent mention which is made by the evangelists of the scribes and phari- sees in conjunction, that the greatest number of Jewish teachers, or doctors of the law, were at that time of the pharisaical sect. The ecclesiastical scribes were the learned of the Jewish nation, who expounded the law, and taught it to the people. J" The Pharisees were principally distinguished by * Basnage, p. 115. + Jennings' Jewish Autiquitie*, vol. L p. 437. t Jennings' Jewish Antiquities, p. 392. 46 INTRODUCTION. their zeal for the traditions of the elders, which they not only maintained to be of equal authority with the written law, but in many cases explained the latter by the former, entirely contrary to its true intent and meaning ; and thus made the command- ments of God of no effect by their traditions. They pretended that those traditions, which they called the oral 'aw, were delivered by God to Moses, on Mount Sinai, and preserved through successive ge- nerations. They were charged with maintaining, that by observing both the written and oral law, man may not only obtain justification before God, but perform meritorious works of supererogation ; that fasting, alms, ablutions, and confessions, are sufficient atonement for sin; that thoughts and desires are not sinful, unless they produce evil actions. They acknowledged the immortality of the soul, future rewards and punishments, and the resurrection of the body.* According to Josephus, they main- tained the doctrine of predestination ; but supposed, that the divine decrees did not interfere with the freedom of the human will.f * Dr. Prideaux supposes that the Pharisees maintained only a Py- thagorean resurrection, that is, the transmigration of the soul into another body. David Levi, on the other hand, asserts, that the Pharisees knew and taught the true resurrection of the body and soul together. For proof of this, he quotes Ezekiel xxxvii, and other passages in the Old Testament. Whence he asserts, that " the doctrine of the resurrection, and consequently that of a future state of rewards and punishments, was well known and established in the Jewish nation, (and that in the most clear, explicit, and unequivocal manner) for almost a thousand years before Christ." David Levft Ceremonies of the Jews, pp. 255 2(51. i They maintained* that " before a man is born, it is predes- tinated, whether he shall be wise or foolish, weak or strong, rich or INTRODUCTION. *7 This denomination, by their apparent sanctity of manners, had rendered themselves extremely popular. It appears both from the scripture, and the testimony of Josephus, that the common people were entirely at their disposal, and gave their suffrage to every religious prescription and judicial sentence, that had obtained their sanction. - The great, who feared their artifice, were frequently obliged to court their favour. Hence they obtained the highest offices both in the state and priesthood; and assumed the chief direction both of public and private affairs.* The peculiar manners of this sect are strongly marked in the writings of the evangelists ; particu- larly their exactness in performing the rites and ceremonies of the law, both written and traditionary ; the rigour of their discipline in washings, fastings, and ablutions ; their scrupulous care to avoid every kind of ritual impurity : their long and frequent prayers, made not only in the synagogues and temples, but in the public streets ; their phylacteries on the borders of their garments, on which were written sentences of the law ; their assiduity in making proselytes ; their ostentatious charities ; and, under all this specious mark of Zealand purity, their abominable and atrocious vices. According to our Saviour's representation of them, they were a race of the most demure hypocrites that ever disgraced human nature, resembling whited sepulchres, which poor. But whether he is to be wicked or righteous, vicious or virtuous, it entirely in his own free will." David Levfs Ceremoniet of the Jews, p. 267. * Josephus. 48 INTRODUCTION. outwardly appear beautiful, but inwardly are full of putrefaction.* The above account is confirmed by the testimony of the Jewish writers themselves. The Talmudk books mention several distinct classes of Pharisees, under characters, which show them to have been deeply immersed in superstition. Among these were the truncated Pharisee, who, that he might appear in profound meditation, as if destitute of feet, scarcely lifted them from the ground ; the mortar Pharisee, who, that his contemplations might not be disturbed, wore a deep cap in shape of a mortar, which would only permit him to look upon the ground at his feet ; and the striking Pharisee, who, shutting his eyes, as he walked, to avoid the sight of women, often struck his head against the wall. They practised many painful austerities and mortifi- cations, frequently observed severe fasts, covered their features with gloom and solemnity, and used every artifice to captivate the admiration of the populace, f The sect of the Sadducees was inconsiderable in number ; but some of those who professed its tenets, were of illustrious families, and others distinguished for their opulence. We find that Caiaphas, an high priest, was of this denomination, and Josephus mentions several other Sadducees, who were exalted to the supreme power in church and state. The chief heads of the doctrine of this sect are as follow. All laws and traditions not comprehended in the written law, are to be rejected as merely human * Har wood's Introduction' t Godwin's Jewish Autiq. p. 45. Enfield's Plulos. vol. ii. p. 18. INTRODUCTION". 49 inventions. Neither angels nor spirits have a distinct existence, separate from this corporeal vestment. The soul of man therefore does not remain after this life, but expires with the body. There will be no resurrection of the dead, nor any rewards and punishments after this life. Mau is not subject to irresistible fate, but has the framing of his condition chiefly in his own power. Polygamy ought not to be practised.* The sect of the Caraites, though its history be exceedingly obscure, is not to be confounded with that of the Sadducees. The name denotes a scrip- turist, and seems intended to distinguish those, who adhere to the scriptures as the whole and only rule of their faith and practice. This denomination was given them about thirty years before Christ, when,, upon the dissension betwixt Hillel the president of the Sanhedrim, and Shammai the vice-president, by which their respective pupils were divided into two parties, betwixt whom there were perpetual contests, those, that were of the opinion of the Caraites, sided with the school of Shammai, and those, who were zealous for traditions, with that of Hilld. According to Dr. Prideaux they did not absolutely reject all traditions, but only refused them the same autho- rity with the written oracles of God. They were distinguished from the Sadducees, by maintaining the doctrines of the immortality of the soul, and future rewards and punishments, f The Essenes differed from all the above men- tioned sects, as they secluded themselves not only * Josephus. Enfield's Philosophy. + Prid. Con. vol. ii. p. 388. Jennings' Lectures, vol. i. p. 433. E 50 INTRODUCTION. from politics and public affairs, but, as much as the nature of man and constitution of society will admit, from the common concerns and intercourse of private life. Some suppose they took their rise, from the dispersion of their nation, after the Baby- lonish captivity ; others, that they began when the persecution of Antiochus compelled the Jews to retire to the woods and mountains. They main- tained, that rewards and punishments extended to the soul alone, and regarded the body as a mass of malignant matter, and the prison of the immortal spirit. The greatest part of this sect considered the laws of Moses as an allegorical system of spiritual and mysterious truth, and renounced all regard to the outward letter in its explanation. The leading traits in the character of this sect were, that they were sober., abstemious, peaceable, lovers of retirement, and had a perfect community of goods. They paid the highest regard to the moral precepts of the law ; but neglected the ceremonial, excepting what regarded personal cleanliness, the observation of the sabbath, and making an annual present to the temple at Jerusalem. They commonly lived in a state of celibacy, and adopted the children of others, to educate them in their own principles and customs. Though they were, in general, averse to swearing, or to requiring an oath, they bound all, whom they initiated, by the most sacred vows, to observe the duties of piety, justice, fidelity, and modesty : to conceal the secrets of the fraternity ; to preserve the books of their institutions; and with great care to commemorate the names of the angels.* * Enfield, vol. ii. p. 180. Jennings' Lectures, vol. 5. p. 170. INTRODUCTION. 51 Philo mentions two classes of Essenes ; one of which followed a practical institution, the other pro- fessed a theoretical system. The latter, who were called Therapeutae, placed their whole felicity in the contemplation of the divine nature. Detaching themselves entirely from secular affairs,, they trans- ferred their property to their relations and friends, and retired to solitary places, where they devoted themselves to an holy life. The principal society of this kind was formed near Alexandria, where they lived not far from each other, in separate cottages, each of which had its own sacred apartments, to which the inhabitants retired for the purposes of devotion.* Besides these eminent Jewish sects, there were several of inferior note, at the time of Christ's appearance ; the Herodians, mentioned by the sacred writers, and the Gaulonites, by Josephus. The Herodians derived their name from Herod the Great, and were distinguished by their coinciding with the plan of that monarch to subject himself and his dominions to the Romans ; and also by com- plying with many of the heathen usages. Their distinguished tenet appeared to be, that it is lawful, when constrained by superiors, to comply with idol- atry, and with false religion. Herod seems to have formed this sect, in order to justify himself in his practice of studying every artifice to ingratiate himself with the emperor, and to secure the favour of the principal personages in the court of Rome. We find the Sadducees readily embraced the tenets of this party ; for the same persons, who, in one of * Enfield, vol. ii. p. 186. 52 INTRODUCTION. the gospels, are called Herodians, are in another styled Sadducees. The Herodians were not so much a religious, as a political sect, attached to Herod during his life, and to his sons after his decease.* The Gaulonites were Galileans, who derived this name from one Judas Theudas, a native of Gaulpn, in Upper Galilee, who, in the tenth year of Jesus Christ, excited his countrymen, the Galileans, and many other Jews, to take arms, and venture upon all extremities, rather than pay tribute to the Romans. The principles he instilled into his party were, not only that they were a free nation, and ought not to be in subjection to any other ; but, that they were the elect of God, that he alone was their governor, and that therefore they ought not to submit to any ordinance of man. Though Theudas was unsuccessful, and his party, in their very first attempt, entirely routed and dispersed ; yet so deeply had he infused his own enthusiasm into their hearts, that they never rested, till they involved the city and temple in their own destruction. f Many of the Jews were attached to the oriental philosophy concerning the origin of the world. Prom this source the doctrine of the Cabala is sup- posed to be derived. That considerable numbers of the Jews had 'imbibed this system, appears evident, both from the books of the New Testament, and from the ancient history of the Christian church. It is also certain, that many of the Gnostic sects were founded by Jews.J * Josephus. Prideaux's Connection. t Josephus. J Mosheim's Eccles. Hist. vol. i. p. 38. INTRODUCTION. 53 At the time when our Lord Jesus Christ appeared upon earth, the great body of the Jewish nation were waiting with great anxiety for their promised Messiah. Yet they formed erroneous ideas of his character. They expected not a spiritual, but a temporal sovereign. They supposed he would manifest himself as a mighty conqueror, free them from subjection to the Romans, aggrandize their nation, render Jerusalem the metropolis of the world ; and, after subduing all their enemies, com- mence a glorious reign of prosperity and peace. Hence they were disgusted with the humble ap- pearance of the divine Redeemer ; while the Phari- sees and great men were exasperated at the boldness and severity of his rebukes. For though he united in himself the accomplishment of every ancient prophecy, he was ignominiously rejected and put to death by the Jewish nation. The tremendous cala- mities which befell them after perpetrating this horrid crime; the fulfilment of our Saviour's pre- dictions, respecting the destruction of their city and temple, and their consequent dispersion and sufferings, will be related in the following pages. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. CHAPTER I. Tyranny of the Roman government in Judea. Herod Agrippa made king. The emperor Caligula attempts to have his statue placed in the temple of Jerusalem. Resistance of the Jews. Death of Herod Agrippa Arbitrary conduct of the Roman governors. Many Jews depart for foreign* countries. Number of Jews in Je- rusalem at the Passover. The prodigies which preceded the war. Of the contest respecting the city of Cesarea Jews and Syrians take up arms. Vast numbers destroyed on J)oth sides. The Jews take several important fortresses. Cestius Gallus marches against them and besieges Jerusalem. The Christians retire to Pella. Jews make great preparations for war. Vespasian is sent against them with a powerful army. He reduces the cities of Galilee. Of the parties among the Jews. Of the civil war in Jerusalem ; and the cruelty of the Zealots. Vespasian is pro- claimed emperor, and scads his son Titus to terminate the war by the reduction of Jerusalem. THE ministry of our blessed Saviour, while he remained on earth, was principally confined to the Jews ; and notwithstanding the obstinate incredu- lity of the majority of the nation, who, impatient under the tyrannical government of the Romans, eagerly expected a temporal deliverer, a large number acknowledged him as the true Messiah. The apostles also, in obedience to the command of their divine Master, began to preach the Gospel to this distinguished people. Under their ministry 56 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. many were converted, and the first Christian church was founded at Jerusalem. But the unbelieving Jews, who had rejected and crucified the Prince of Life, exhibited the same enmity against his apostles and followers, and, in the infancy of the Christian Church, they were its most cruel persecutors.* The most signal marks of divine vengeance, however, soon pursued this infatuated people ; and the pre- dictions of the Divine Redeemer, respecting the tremendous destruction of Jerusalem, began to be accomplished. The governors of Judea, appointed by the Ro- mans, constantly insulted the feelings of the Jews, by exhibiting a marked contempt for their religion and law. Pontius Pilate, during his administration, took every occasion of introducing his standards, with images, pictures, consecrated shields, &c. into their city ; and at length attempted to drain the treasury of the temple, under pretence of bringing an aqueduct to Jerusalem. Seven years after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, complaint being made of the tyranny and rapine of Pilate, he was super- seded, and, in extreme poverty and misery, pe- rished by suicide at Vienne in France.f Soon after, Herod Agrippa, grandson to Herod the Great, was promoted to the regal dignity ; and, during his reign, the Jews were involved in new difficulties. The Roman emperor, Caligula, intoxi- * The early ecclesiastical historians, as well as the New Testa- meat writers, attest the emniU of the Jews against the Christians, and, that they were more particular y exasperated against those be lievers, who were of their own nation. t Josephus, vol. r. HISTORY OF THE JEWS, 57 cated with mad ambition, claimed divine honours ' f and, being determined to have his statue placed in the sanctuary of the temple, ordered Petronius, the governor, to raise an army to enforce obedience to his impious injunction. At this alarming period, the Jews went in a large body to the governor, beseeching him in the most pathetic terms not to defile their temple with images ; and, falling pros- trate on the ground, offered to die rather than disobey their law.* Their moving entreaties ex- cited the compassion of Petroni us, and he engaged to interest himself in their behalf. At length Agrippa, who was in high favour at court, under- took their cause ; and, upon the emperor's solemnly engaging to grant whatever he should ask, he, generously preferring the welfare of his people to his own emolument, requested the monarch to relinquish the design of having his statue erected in the temple. Caligula reluctantly granted his suit ; and the death of the tyrant, which took place soon after, prevented his renewing the impious at- tempt, f According to the sacred historian,* Agrippa, who, from an ambitious desire of popularity among his countrymen, raised a persecution against the Chris- tians, and blasphemously suffered himself to be styled a God by some deputies from Tyre and Sidon, was miraculously struck with a terrible disease, which soon put an end to his life. After his death Judea was again reduced to a Roman province, and the new governors appointed over it were continually * Josephus, vol. v. p. 172, 173. t Ibid. t Acts v. 58 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. irritating the minds of the people by the most glaring infringements upon their privileges.* Felix, who had advanced from obscurity and servitude to rank and power, with the true spirit of a slave, exercised the tyranny of an eastern prince.f His oppression, rapine, and cruelty, excited a spirit of revolt ; while the false prophets (who were so numerous under his government, that some of them were apprehended and killed every day) were con- tinually blowing the flames of sedition. The people were massacred by the troops of Felix for following these deceivers, who, according to our Saviour's prediction, drew multitudes into the desart to shew them signs and wonders. In particular, a certain Egyptian Jew, entered Judea with a numerous banditti, and, having collected about thirty thousand men, led them to Mount Olivet, and promised to deliver them from the Romans. Felix, with his legions, met him at the foot of the mountain, slew many of his followers, and took others prisoners. The impostor, with a remnant of his adherents, made their escape. J Judea, during the government of Felix, was in- fested with robbers, and clandestine assassins, named Sicarii, who, with poiniards concealed under their garments, used to mingle in the crowd, and stab their supposed enemies. By the just judgment of heaven, the Jews, who had crucified their Messiah, and desired a robber and murderer to be granted to there, had their country overrun with robbers and * Josephus's Wars of the Jews, vol. v. p. 184. + Tacitus. J This is supposed to have happened in the year of Christ 55. ^ Joseph us, vol. v. p. 184, 185. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 59 murderers ; and the frequency of the horrid assassi- nations among them, excited universal consternation. Porcius Festus, who succeeded Felix upon his removal from the government, supported a better cha- racter than his predecessor. At the commencement of his administration, the assassins were spreading terror throughout Jerusalem. He punished these wretches with exemplary severity, and exerted him- self to the utmost to suppress the civil discords, which, in consequence of the extravagant claims, and frequent depositions of the Jewish pontiffs, raged among the priests, and filled the country, the city, and sometimes the temple, with blood.* Festus died in his government, and the Roman emperor Nero sent Albinus in his room. Insatiable avarice being his ruling passion, he burdened the nation with extraordinary tributes ; and became the encourager of all kinds of villany, by yielding to bribery and corruption. f Gessius Florius, who succeeded Albinus, far sur- passed him in wickedness ; and gloried in his greater violence. He even robbed the sacred treasury, pillaged whole provinces, oppressed the Jews by all kinds of rapine and extortion, encouraged the rob- bery and plunder of the banditti, for a share of their booty ; fomented the public divisions ; and even used his utmost exertions to excite an open rebellion, in hopes, that the public confusion might prevent complaint against his iniquitous conduct. In a word, he was one of the vilest wretches, that ever disgraced * Josephus, vol. v. p. 186. Mavor'f Univ. Hist. vol. ii. p. 347. t Josephus, vol. v. p. 186. 60 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. human nature ; and a distinguished instrument of divine vengeance upon the subjects of his capricious tyranny.* In consequence of the distracted state of Judea, many of its inhabitants sought an asylum in foreign countries; while those who remained, applied to Cestius Gallus, governor of Syria, who was at Je- rusalem, at the passover, earnestly beseeching him to deliver them from the tyranny of their cruel go- vernor. Cestius, instead of making a strict inquiry into the conduct of Florus, dismissed the Jews, with a general promise, that he should behave better for the future. In the meantime directions were given to compute the number of Jews then at Jerusalem, by that of the lambs offered at the festival, which were found to amount to 2,556,000. f A. D, 65.] While the arbitrary conduct of the governor, and the irritated state of the Jewish people, threatened them with the horrors of war ; famines, earthquakes, and terrific sights in the heavens, ap- peared to fulfil the awful predictions of our Saviour. Josephus, among many other fearful prodigies, relates, that before the rebellion, when a great multitude were assembled in Jerusalem, at the Passover, at the ninth hour of the night, so great a light shone round the altar, and the temple, that it seemed to be bright day; that a few days after the festival, before sun-set, chariots and troops of soldiers in armour were seen passing through the clouds, and surrounding cities ; and that the priests, going into the inner temple, felt the place move * Josephus, vol.v. p. 187. t Ibid. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. ()1 and tremble, and heard a voice, more than human crying, " Let us depart hence."* This account is confirmed by Tacitus, the Roman historian, who says, " Portents and prodigies an- nounced the ruin of Jerusalem ; swords were seen glittering in the air; embattled armies appeared; and the temple was illuminated by a stream of light, that issued from the heavens, the portal flew open, and a voice more than human announced the imme- diate departure of the gods; there was heard at the same time a terrific sound, as if superior beings were actually rushing forth. "f A contest had long subsisted between the Jews and Syrians concerning Cesarea, which was situated in the confines of Syria and Judea. The Jews maintained,, that the city belonged to them, because it was built by Herod their king; while the Syrians pretended, that it had always been considered^ as a Grecian city, since even that monarch had erected in it temples and statues. During the administration of Felix, the contest rose to such a height, that both parties armed against each other. That governor allayed the ferment for a time, by sending some of the chiefs of both nations to Rome to plead their * Josephus, vol. v. See Archbishop Newcome's Observations on the character of our Lord, for an admirable detail of these events. t Murphy's Tacitus. Dr. Jortia remarks, that " if Christ had not expressly foretold, that there should be fearful sights, and great signs from heaven, many, who give little heed to portents, and know that historians have been too credulous in this point, would have suspected that Josephus had exaggerated, and that Tacitus was misinformed : but, as the testimonies of Josephus and Tacitus confirm the pre- dictions of Christ, so the predictions of Christ confirm the wonders related by these historians." JortMs Remarks on Ecclesiastical History. O4 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. cause before the emperor. The aftair hung in sus- pense till this period, when Nero decided it against the Jews. This event was the immediate cause of the fatal war with the Romans, which proved the most desperate of any recorded in history ; and ter- minated in the destruction of Jerusalem.* A. D. 66.] The decree of the emperor was no sooner published, than the Jews, in all parts of the country, took up arms; Agrippa,f who happened to be at Jerusalem at the commencement of the war, attempted to appease the fury of the multitude by an elaborate speech, in which he painted, in glowing colours, the vast extent and grandeur of the Roman empire ; the mighty nations who had been subdued by its all-conquering arms ; the folly and infatuation of the Jews in opposing the masters of the world ; and concluded by a pathetic exhortation to his country-men, to lay down the weapons of their rebellion. But his entreaties and remonstrances were alike disregarded; and he was compelled to provide for his personal safety by quitting the city. The flames of intestine war now raged with irre- sistible fury in every part of the unhappy province, and its progress was marked by acts of cruelty and * Josephus, vol. v. p. 188. t He was the son of Agrippa, great grand son to Herod, and king of C hale is. He resided chiefly at Jerusalem, and obtained the adrai- uistration of the temple, and a right to appoint or depose the high priests. When the high priest Ananus, had condemned St. James to death, some Jews who disapproved of this cruelty, complained to Agrippa, and this prince deprived him of the high priesthood. He, with his sister Bernice, heard St. Paul's defence before Festus, the Roman governor, and he owned himself almost convinced by it. See Acts xxv. 26. Basnage's History of the Jetes, p. 23. t Josephus. vol. v. p. 215 HISTORY OP THE JEWS. 63 desperation. Twenty thousand Jews were massacred at Cesarea, fifty-two thousand at Alexandria, two thousand at Ptolemais, and three thousand five hun- dred were cut off at Jerusalem by the troops of Florus in one day. The Jews, to the utmost of their power, exercised similar cruelties on the Syrians and Romans, and slaughtered immense numbers of people.* The rebellious Jews being joined in Jerusalem by numerous assassins, with their assistance beat the Romans out of the fortresses of Antonia and M assada, possessed themselves of the towers of Phasael and Mariamne, and reduced the palaces of Agrippa, Bernice, and the high priest to ashes. They even carried their fury to such a height, as to massacre those Romans, who had capitulated on condition of having their lives preserved. Their treachery was. however, soon revenged on the Jews in Sythopolis, who had offered to assist in reducing their factious brethren. For their sincerity being suspected, above thirteen thousand of their number were inhu- manly massacred. The rebels, in the mean time, crossed the Jordan, and took the fortresses of Ma- chaerus and Cyprus ; the latter of which, after putting all the Romans to the sword, was razed to the ground, f Upon the general revolt of the Jews, Cestius Gallus, president of Syria, marched at the head of a powerful army into Judea and Galilee, burning all the towns and villages in his way, and slaughtering the inhabitants. He was met at Gibeon, a city about six miles from Jerusalem, by large numbers of Jews, who attacked him with such fury, that his whole * Josephus, vol. v. p. 215. t Ibid. O-t HISTORY OF THE JEWS. army was in danger. Agrippa, who joined him with a body of troops, endeavoured once more to appease his rebellious countrymen by sending two of his officers to them with proposals of peace. But after they had killed one of his officers and wounded the other, Cestius advanced with his whole army, repulsed the rebels, and made himself master of the lower parts of Jerusalem.* Josephus says, " If Cestius had continued the siege a little longer, he would have taken the city ; but God being angry with the wicked, would not suffer the war to be terminated at that time." But Cestius suddenly and unexpectedly raised the siege at the instigation of some of his officers, who, it is said, were bribed by Florus. Emboldened by this impolitic step, the insurgents pursued Cestius to his camp at Gibeon, from whence he escaped by night, with the loss of upwards of five thousand of his army.f It is recorded by an ancient historian,^ that the Christians abandoned Jerusalem at this awful period. Having called to mind the warning of their divine Master, that, when they should see Jerusalem en- compassed about with armies, and the abomination of desolation (the Roman army with their idolatrous images ) standing in the holy place, they should * About A. D. 67. f Josephus. + Eusebius's Ecclesiastical History, Book iii. chap. 5. ^ " The Roman armies are styled, the abomination of desolation, because they not only spread desolation before them, but were held in the utmost abhorence by the Jews, on account of the images of their gods and emperors, which they carried in their standards, by which they swore, and to which they sacrificed. The usual orna- ments of these standards gave such offence to the Jews, that, in peaceable times, the Romans entered Jerusalem without them : and Vitellius, at the request of some eminent Jews, humanely avoided HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 63 flee unto the mountains. In obedience to this sacred injunction, they removed to Pella, a city beyond the river Jordan, about an hundred miles from Jerusalem, belonging to Agrippa, and inhabited by Gentiles. Here they obtained a safe asylum ; and \ve do not find, that even a single individual of them perished in the ruin of the Jewish metropolis.* The defeat of Cestius heightened the obstinacy of the Jews, who, elated with their success, made formidable preparations for the prosecution of the war. Ananus, the high priest, and Joseph, the son of Gorion, were appointed to govern Jerusalem, and repair the walls ; while persons of approved valour and resolution were sent to command the troops in the provinces. Josephu^f a priest of considerable marching his forces through Judea on account of these ensigns. When therefore they were planted within sight of the city and temple, when they stood within the holy precincts of Jerusalem, rivalling, as it were, the God of Israel, this was a hostile contempt of the Jews, and is justly placed among the presages of their utter destruction." Newcome's Observations on our Lord, p. 240. * Newton on the Prophecies, part ii. p. 19. f Josephus was born at Jerusalem, 37, and descended from the illustrious Asmonean family. He soon discovered great acuteness and penetration; and made so rapid a progress in the learning of the Jews, that he was occasionally consulted by the chief priests and rulers of the city at the age of sixteen. He adopted the opinions of the Pharisees, and engaged in civit affairs. In the early part of the Jewish war, he was a famous general ; and after he was taken prisoner admitted to share the confidence of Vespasian, and his son Titus, the latter of whom he accompanied to the siege of Jerusalem. After the city was taken, he attended Titus to Rome, where Vespasian gave him the freedom of the city, and settled a pension upon him. At Rome he applied himself to study the Greek language, and com- posed his history of the wars of the Jews. He Kved till the thirteenth year of Domitian; and died in 93,. aged fifty-six years. General Bia^ graphical Dictionary, vol. ix. p. 28. F 66 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. rank, and the celebrated writer of the antiquities and wars of the Jews, was appointed governor of the two Galilees. Nero, the Roman emperor, who had received intelligence of the defeat of Cestius, and was alarmed at the energetic measures which were taken by the Jews, commanded Vespasian, an officer of distin- guished prudence and bravery, to march with all possible expedition into Judea. Accordingly, that commander employed himself in raising forces ; and his son Titus was despatched to fetch two of the Roman legions from Alexandria. But the Jews, previous to the arrival of the army in their country, had twice attempted to take the city of Ascalon, and were each time repulsed, with the loss of ten thou- sand of their number in the first, and eight thousand in the second engagement. Early in the following spring, the imperial army, which amounted to sixty thousand men, completely armed, and fully disciplined, entered Galilee. Soon after their arrival, Gadara was taken on the first assault ; all the adults were put to the sword, and fire set to the adjacent towns and villages. The conquerors next closely besieged Jotaphala. Jo- sephus, being apprized of their design, supplied the city with ample stores, and defended it with heroic valour for forty-seven days. The Romans, however, finally surprised and took the place, and all the inhabitants were either slain, or made prisoners. The captives amounted to one thousand two hun- dred ; and forty thousand lost their lives on this occasion.* * Josephus, vol. v. p. 285. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 67 Josephus was among the prisoners. He had escaped the general massacre, by flying from the midst of his enemies, and with forty of his bravest men, concealed himself in a deep cavern. His retreat was discovered to Vespasian, and that famous ge- neral sent to offer him life, upon honourable con- ditions. Upon his preparing- to accept the terms, his companions upbraided him in the severest manner, and even offered to murder him. At this critical moment, he appeased their fury, by advising them, if they were determined upon death, to draw lots, who should kill his companion, in order to avoid the crime of suicide. This dreadful proposal was accepted ; and Providence so ordered it, that the two last survivors were Josephus, and a person whom he easily persuaded to live. The Jewish commander, upon his arrival in the Roman camp, assured Vespasian, that he should soon be chosen emperor ; and, in consequence of this prediction, the conqueror treated him with great respect and generosity.* While the Roman forces were besieging Jota- phata, the inhabitants of Japha, a neighbouring city, rebelled. The general sent a powerful army against them, and they were reduced, after an obstinate siege. All the men, amounting to 15,000, were massacred; and the women and children made prisoners. About a week after, the Samaritans, who had assembled in a riotous manner on Mount Gerizzim, were almost all put to the sword, or perished. Joppa, which had been formerly laid waste by Cestius, being now re-peopled and fortified * Josephus, vol. T. p. 293. F 2 68 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. by some seditious Jews, who infested the country, fell the next victim to the Roman vengeance. When the imperial army invaded that city, large numbers of the wretched inhabitants betook themselves to their ships. But they were driven back by a violent tempest, which dashed the vessels against the rocks. In this extreme distress many perished by suicide; others were swallowed up by the waves, or crushed by the broken ships ; and such as were enabled to reach the shore were killed by the merciless Romans. The sea was for a long space discoloured with blood; four thousand two hundred dead bodies strewed the coast, and not a messenger remained to report this great calamity at Jerusalem.* After Vespasian had refreshed his troops, he marched to Tiberias; the city yielded; and the inhabitants were spared at the moving intercession of king Agrippa. Tarichse, on the sea of Galilee, was next attacked ; and, after an obstinate resistance, reduced by the victorious Romans. Multitudes of Jews were destroyed, and upwards of thirty thousand sold for slaves. Vespasian proceeded to invest Gamala, a city placed on a rocky isthmus. The assailants were driven back with prodigious slaughter. Their last attack, however, was successful, the flight of their darts being favoured by a violent storm, which obstructed those of the enemy. After the city was taken, the exasperated victors slew four thousand of the inhabitants ; and a large number fell victims to their own impatience and ungovern- able fury. The Romans also obtained a decisive * Josephus, vol. r. p. 291. Newcome's Observations on our Lord, p. 228. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 69 victory over the Jews, who had retired to a strong hold on Mount Itabys.* Titus, who was sent to besiege Gischala, earnestly exhorted the inhabitants to save themselves from destruction, by a timely surrender. The citizens were inclined to accede to his advice ; but a seditious Jew, named John, the son of Levi, head of his faction., vehemently opposed it ; and, having the mob at his command, overawed the whole city. On the sabbath he entreated Titus to forbear hostilities till the following day, engaging, on that condition, to accede to his proposal. But, after his request was granted, he with a number of his followers, withdrew to Jerusalem. The citizens then sur- rendered, and, having apprized Titus of John's flight, earnestly besought him not to punish the innocent with the guilty. The conqueror, after yielding to their entreaties, pursued and killed six thousand of the followers of John, and brought back three thousand women and children prisoners. The traitor himself eluded their pursuit, and exasperated the inhabitants of Jerusalem against the Romans. f After the conquest of Galilee was completed, by the reduction of Gischala, Titus joined his father, at Cesarea, where his troops were permitted to enjoy an interval of repose ; during the remainder of this, and in the following year, the revolutions in the Roman empire prevented Vespasian from pursuing the war with vigour. He the more readily deferred commencing the siege of Jerusalem, from being * Josephus. + Hence Josephus says, * God saved John for the destruction of Jerusalem," p. 294. 70 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. apprized, that the Jews were wasting their strength by internal divisions, and facilitating the conquest of their devoted city.* The Jewish nation at this time were divided into two very opposite parties. The more rational part, who clearly saw that the war, if continued, would end in the total ruin of their country, strongly urged the necessity of immediate submission to the Romans. Another party, called Zealots, from their boasted zeal for the law of God, arid the religious customs of their ancestors, vehemently opposed all pacific measures. This faction, which was far the most numerous and powerful, consisted of men of the vilest and most abandoned characters ever re- corded in history. They were the remains of the sect of the Gaulonites, which was headed by Judas Theudas, and like him affirmed, that it would be offering the greatest dishonour to God to submit to any earthly potentate, much less to Romans and heathens. Under the mask of religion, these wretches committed the most horrid and unnatural crimes, f John, who had fled from Gischala, put himself at the head of these incendiaries ; and, being joined in that city by a band of robbers and assassins, seized upon the temple for a fortress, and that holy place was made a theatre of civil war. The opposite party, under the conduct of Ananus, a wise and venerable man, among the chief priests, armed in their own defence ; and, after an obstinate contest, forced the Zealots into the inner cincture of the temple, where they were closely invested. John, * Josephus, vol. T. p. 355. t Ibid, p. 334. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 71 who had pretended to agree with those, who desired peace, was sent to the Zealots with terms of accom- modation ; but he betrayed his trust, and earnestly exhorted them to persevere with unshaken firmness. He intimated to them the necessity of foreign assistance ; and persuaded them to enter into a treaty with the Idumeans. But Ananus shut the gates of Jerusalem, and precluded the new allies from entering the city.* On the night the Idumeans were excluded, there was a tremendous storm, accompanied with thunder, lightning, and a violent earthquake. The* Zealots took advantage of the prevailing terror and con- fusion, sawed the bolts and hinges of the temple gates without being heard, forced the guards, sallied into the city, and introduced twenty thousand of their allies. After being thus strengthened and assisted, they perpetrated the most horrid cruelties. Twelve thousand persons of noble birth, and in the prime of life, upon their refusal to join them, were inhu- manly murdered. Ananus and Joshua, the chief priests, were next put to death, and their dead bodies left without burial. After massacreing many persons of distinction, they turned their sanguinary cruelty upon the citizens and lower classes, and the capital was filled with blood and carnage. At this dreadful period, none dared publicly to lament the loss of his nearest friends or relations ; or even afford them the last melancholy rites of interment. This cruel despotism compelled many to forsake Jeru- salem, and take refuge with the Romans, though the attempt was extremely hazardous, as the avenues of * Josephus, vol. v. p. 37i. 72 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. the city were strictly guarded ; and all, who were detected in attempting to escape, were immediately put to death. The Idumeans, who were of John's party, at length complained of the vast numbers, who were massacred ; repented of having joined the tyrant, and returned to their native country.* The Zealots, after they had massacred or driven away all, who were capable of opposing them, turned their murderous weapons against each other. A new faction was formed against John by Simon, a man of an abandoned character, and daring spirit, who had his head quarters in the fortress of Masada. To increase his party, he published a proclamation, in which he promised liberty to the slaves, and suitable encouragement to all freemen, who would enlist under his banners. After he had, by this stratagem, collected many followers, he invaded Idumea, perpetrated all kinds of cruelty, corrupted the general of that country, and having gained possession of their military forces, advanced towards Jerusalem, and encamped before the city. This army destroyed the Jews without the walls, and were more dreaded than the Romans ; while the Zealots within excited still greater terror than either.* The inhabitants of Jerusalem, in order to oppose the tyranny of John, who, they apprehended, would burn the city, formed the fatal resolution of admitting Simon and his troops. Accordingly, they entered the metropolis, and increased the calamities of the miserable people, who were exposed alter- nately to the rage of both factions. Another party * Josephus, vol. v. p, 347. t Ibid. HISTORY OF THE JEW:*. 73 also arose in the city, under Eleazar, formerly a commander of the Zealots, seized upon the court of the priests, and kept John confined within that of the Israelites. He, being enclosed by Simon, who had possession of the city, and by Eleazar, who occupied the inner temple, defended himself with great resolution against both his powerful enemies; killed and wounded many of each party ; and the temple and altar were frequently polluted with blood.* A. D. 69.] During the internal contest in the city, Vespasian had marched from Cesarea, and conquered the yet unsubdued part of the country ; he stormed Hebron near Jerusalem, slew all the adults, and burned the city. He had also gained possession of Gadara, the metropolis of Perea, and reduced all the Idumean towns to ashes, except such as were deemed serviceable to the troops, whom he appointed to overawe the country. As every place was now reduced, but Herodium, Masada, and Machaerus, which the robbers had occupied, Jeru- salem became the grand object of the Romans. Vespasian, therefore, being elected emperor, pre- viously to his taking possession of his dominions, sent his son Titus to reduce this metropolis. An account of the tremendous calamities of the Jews, during the destruction of their city and temple, will be related in the following chapter. In the meantime, while, with the most painful sensations,, we read an account of calamities, which no other description of men ever experienced in any age or country, let us recollect, that the Jews had * Josephus, vol. v. p. 369. 74 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. called down the divine wrath, by crucifying the Lord of glory, and blasphemously exclaiming, "His blood be upon us and our children." This dreadful imprecation was fulfilled ; and the vengeance of heaven, of which they had been mercifully fore- warned by the prophets, and by Christ himself, was discharged upon them by that very nation, whom they had instigated to condemn the Messiah. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. CHAPTER II. Strength of Jerusalem. The Jews are assembled from all parts to keep the passover. The city is invested by Titus. They make great preparations for an attack. They gain the first and second wall. A famine raged in Jerusalem. Inhuman practices of the Zealots. Jerusalem is surrounded by a wall. Terrible situation of the city. The temple is plundered, and daily sacrifice ceaseth. The temple set on fire. Horrid massacre of the Jews. All Jerusalem con- quered by the Romans. The temple and city demolished. The remaining castles in Judea are taken. JERUSALEM was built on two mountains, and surrounded by three walls on every side, except where it was enclosed with deep vallies, which were deemed inaccessible. Each wall was fortified by high towers. The celebrated temple, and the strong castle of Antonia, were on the east side of the city, and directly opposite to the Mount of Olives. But notwithstanding the prodigious strength of this famed metropolis, the infatuated Jews brought on their own destruction by their intestine contests. At a time, when a formidable army was rapidly advancing, and the Jews were assembling from all parts, to keep the passover,* the contending factions were continually inventing new methods of mutual destruction, and in their ungoverned fury they wasted * " The day ou which Titus encompassed Jerusalem was," says a late author, " the feast .of the passover ; and it is deserving of particular attention, that this was the anniversary of that memorable period, in which the Jews crucified their Messiah." See a pamphlet entitled, "The destruction of Jerusalem an absolute and irresistible proof of the divine authority of Christianity." London, pub- lished 1805. 70 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. and destroyed such vast quantities of provisions as might have preserved the city many years.* A. D. 70.] Such was the miserable situation of Jerusalem, when Titus began his march towards it with a formidable army ; and, having laid waste the country in his progress, and slaughtered the in- habitants, arrived before its walls. The sight of the Romans produced a temporary reconciliation among the contending factions, and they unanimously re- solved to oppose the common enemy. Their first sally was accordingly made with such fury and resolution, that, though Titus displayed uncommon valour on this occasion, the besiegers were obliged to abandon their camps, and flee to the mountains. No sooner had the Jews a short interval of quietf from their foreign enemies, than their civil disorders were renewed. John, by an impious stratagem, found means to cut off or force Eleazar's men to submit to him ; and the factions were again reduced to two, who opposed each other with implacable animosity. J The Romans, in the mean time, exerted all their energy in making preparations for a powerful attack upon Jerusalem. Trees were cut down, houses levelled, rocks cleft asunder, and vallies filled up ; towers were raised, and battering rams erected, with other engines of destruction, against the devoted city. * Josephus. t Bishop Newcome remarks, that at this period the Christians had au opportunity of escaping from Jerusalem, according to our Lord's solemn exhortation. For some time before this flight was precluded, as it bore the appearance of a revolt to the Romans. Newcome's Observations, p. 242. ^ Josephus, vol. vi. p. 127. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 77 After the offers of peace, which Titus had repeatedly sent by Josephus, were rejected with indignation, the Romans began to play their engines with all their might. The strenuous attacks of the enemy again united the contending parties within the walls,, who had also engines, which they plied with uncommon fury. They had taken them lately from Cestius, but were so ignorant of their use they did little execution, while the Roman legions made terrible havock. The rebels were soon compelled to retire from the ponderous stones, which they threw inces- santly from the towers they had erected, and the battering rams were at full liberty to play against the walls. A breach was soon made in it, at which the Romans entered, and encamped in the city, while the Jews retreated behind the second en- closure.* The victors immediately advanced to the second wall, and plied their engines and battering rams so furiously, that one of the towers they had erected began to shake, and the Jews, who occupied it, perceiving their impending ruin, set it on fire, and precipitated themselves into the flames. The fall of this structure gave the Romans an entrance into the second enclosure. They were, however, re- pulsed by the besieged ; but at length regained the place entirely, and prepared for attacking the third and inner wall.f The vast number of people, which were enclosed in Jerusalem, occasioned a famine, which raged in a terrible manner ; and, as their calamities increased, * Josephus, vol. vi. p. 38. t Ibid, p. 49 50. Mayor's Universal History. 8 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. the fury of the Zealots, if possible, rose to a greater height. They forced open the houses of their fellow citizens in search of provisions ; if they found any, they inflicted the most exquisite tortures upon them, under pretence that they had food concealed. The nearest relations, in the extremity of hunger, snatched the food from each other. Josephus, who was an eye witness of the un- paralleled sufferings the Jews experienced during the siege of their metropolis, remarks, that "all the calamities that ever befel any nation since the beginning of the world, were inferior to the miseries of his countrymen at this awful period."* Thus we see the exact fulfilment of the emphatic words of our Saviour respecting the great tribulation in Jerusalem, f Titus, who was apprized of their wretched con- dition, relaxed the siege four days ; and, being still desirous of saving the city, caused provisions to be distributed to his army in sight of the Jews, who nocked upon the walls to behold it. Josephus was next sent to his countrymen to attempt to persuade them not to plunge themselves in inevitable ruin by persisting in defence of a place, which could hold out but little longer, and which the Romans looked upon as already their own. He exhorted them in the most pathetic terms, to save themselves, their temple, and their country ; and painted in strong colours the fatal effects, which would result from their obstinacy. But the people, after many bitter invectives, began to dart their arrows at him ; yet he continued to address them with greater vehe- * Josephus, TO!, vi. p. 63. + Matthew xxiv. 21. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 7 if mence, and many were induced by his eloquence, to run the utmost risk in order to escape to the Ro- mans ; while others became more desperate, and resolved to hold out to the last extremity. * The Jews, who were forcibly seized by the Romans without the walls,, and who made the utmost resistance for fear of punishment, were scourged and crucified near the city. Famine made them so daring in these excursions, that five hundred, and sometimes more, suffered this dreadful death every day ; and, on account of the number, Josephus observes, that " space was wanted for the crosses, and crosses for the captives." And yet, contrary to Titus's intention, the seditious Jews were not dis- posed to a surrender by these horrid spectacles. In order to check desertion, they represented the sufferers as suppliants, and not as men taken by resistance. Yet even some, who deemed capital punishment inevitable, escaped to the Romans, con- sidering death, by the hands of their enemies, a desirable refuge, when compared with the com- plicated distress which they endured. And though Titus mutilated many, and sent them to assure the people, that voluntary deserters were well treated by him, and earnestly to recommend a surrender of the city, the Jews reviled Titus from the walls, defied his menaces, and continued to defend the city by every method, which stratagem, courage, and despair could suggest. -j- In order to accelerate the destined ruin of Jerusa- lem, Titus, discouraged and exasperated by the re- * Josephus, vol. vi. p. 50. t Ibid, p. 5165. Newcorne's Observations, &c. p. 245. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. peated destruction of his engines and towers, under- took the arduous task of enclosing the city with a strong wall, in order to prevent the inhabitants from receiving any succour from the adjacent country, or eluding his vengeance by flight. Such was the persevering spirit of the stfldiers, that in three days they enclosed the city by a wall nearly five miles in circuit. Thus was the prophecy of our Saviour accomplished:* " The days shall come upon thee, when thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side." Upon this, the famine raged with augmented violence, and destroyed whole families; while Jerusalem exhibited a horrid spectacle of emaciated invalids and putre- scent bodies, f The dead were too numerous to be interred ; and many expired in the performance of this office. The public calamity was too great for lamentation, and the silence of unutterable woe over- spread the city. The Zealots, at this awful period, endeavoured to encourage the obstinacy of the people, * Luke xix. 43. i The vast number of people shut up by the war, occasioned pesti- lential diseases, and afterwards famine of course advanced more rapidly. Dr. Lardner observes, that " it might have been expected, that the bad food, which the Jews were forced to make use of, the strictness of the siege, and the noisome smell of so many dead bodies lying in heaps in the city itself, and in the Tallies and ditches without the walls, should have produced a plague. But nothing of this kind appears in the history; which must have been owing to the special interposition of divine providence. Josephus, in some of the places, where he speaks of the putrefaction of the dead bodies, may use expressions equivalent to pestilential ; but he never shews, that there was an infection; if there had been, it would have equally affected the Romans and the Jews, and the siege of the city must have beea broken up, and the Romans would have gone off as fast as they could.'' fVatson's Tracts, vol. v. p. 170. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 81 by hiring- a set of wretches, pretenders to prophecy, to go about the city, and declare the near approach of a speedy and miraculous deliverance. This im- pious stratagem for a while afforded delusive hopes to the miserable remains of the Jewish nation. But at length an affair took place in Jerusalem, which filled the inhabitants with consternation and despair; and the Romans with horror and indignation. A Jewess, eminent for birth and opulence, rendered frantic with her sufferings, was reduced to the dread- ful extremity of killing and feeding upon her infant. Titus, being apprized of this inhuman deed, swore the total extirpation of the accursed city and people ; and called heaven to witness, that he was not the author of their calamity.* The Romans, having pursued the attack with the utmost rigour, advanced their last engines against the walls ; after having converted into a desert, for wood to construct them, a country well planted, and interspersed with gardens, for more than eleven miles round the city. They scaled the inner wall, and after a sanguinary encounter, made themselves masters of the fortress of Antonia. Still, however, not only the Zealots, but many of the people, were yet so blinded, that, though nothing was now left but the temple, and the Romans were making for- midable preparation to batter it down, they could not persuade themselves, that God would suffer that holy place to be taken by heathens ; but still ex- pected a miraculous deliverance. And though the war was advancing towards the temple, they them- selves burnt the portico, which joined it to Antonia; * Josephus, vol. vi. p. 7382. 108. 6 82 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. which occasioned Titus to remark, that they began to destroy with their own hands, that magnificent edifice, which he had preserved. When Josephus was sent for the last time to John, who commanded in the temple, to upbraid him for obstinately ex- posing that sacred building-, and the miserable remains of God's people to inevitable destruction, he answered with the bitterest invectives, adding, that " he was defending the Lord's vineyard, which he was sure could not be taken by any human force;" yet this monster had not scrupled to plunder the temple of a large quantity of its golden utensils, and the magnificent gifts of kings, which he con- verted to his own use. He also seized the sacred oil, which was to maintain the lamps; and even used to intoxicate himself and his party with the wine, which was intended for sacrifice.* On the 17th of July, the daily sacrifice ceased for the first time since its restoration by the brave Judas Maccabeus, there being no proper person left to make the offering. Titus upbraided the Zealots for neglecting their worship ; and challenged them to leave the temple, and fight on more proper ground, in order to preserve that sacred edifice from the fury of his troops. But, as they persisted in their inflexible obstinacy, Titus, after several bloody engagements, took possession of the outward court of the Gentiles, and forced the besieged into that of the priests. The Roman commander had determined in council not to burn the temple, con- sidering the existence of so proud a structure an honour to himself. He, therefore, attempted to * Josephus, vol. vi. p. 79. Mayor's Universal Hist. vol. ii. p. SIS. HISTORY OP THE JEWS. 83 batter down one of the galleries of the precinct ; but as the strength of the wall eluded the force of all his engines, his troops next endeavoured to scale it, but were repulsed with considerable loss. When Titus found, that his desire of saving the sacred building, was likely to cost many lives, he set fire to the gates of the outer temple, which, being plaited with silver, burnt all night, and the flame rapidly com- municated to the adjacent galleries and porticoes. Titus, who was still desirous of preserving the temple, caused the flames to be extinguished; and appeased the clamours of his troops, who vehemently insisted on the necessity of razing it to the ground. The following day was, therefore, fixed upon for a general assault upon that magnificent structure.* The utmost exertions of Titus to save the temple were, however, ineffectual. Our Saviour had fore- told its total destruction, and his awful prediction was about to be accomplished. f And now, says Josephus, " the fatal day approached in the revo- lution of ages, the 10th of August, emphatically called, the day of vengeance, in which the first temple had been destroyed by the king of Babylon." While Titus was reposing himself in his pavilion, a Roman soldier, without receiving any command, seized some of the blazing materials, and, with the assistance of another soldier, who raised him from the ground, threw them through a window into one of the apartments, that surrounded the sanctuary. The whole north side, up to the third story, was immediately enveloped in flames. The Jews, who now began to suppose Heaven had for- * Josephus, vol. vi. p. 03, 94. t Matthew MW 9, 84 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. saken them, rushed in with violent lamentations, and spared no effort, not even life itself, to preserve the sacred edifice on which they had rested their security. Titus, being awakened by the outcry, hastened to the spot, and commanded his soldiers to exert themselves to the utmost to extinguish the fire. He called, urged, and threatened his men. But so great was the clamour and tumult, that his entreaties and menaces were alike disregarded. The exas- perated Romans, who resorted thither from the camp, were engaged either in increasing tbe confla- gration, or killing the Jews; the dead were heaped about the altar, and a stream of blood flowed at its steps.* Still, as the flames had not reached the inner part of the temple, Titus, with some of his chief officers, entered the sanctuary and most holy place, which excited his astonishment and admiration. After having in vain repeated his attempts to prevent its destruction, he saved the golden candlestick, the table of shew bread, the altar of perfumes, which were all of pure gold; and the volume of the law, wrapped up in a rich golden tissue. Upon his leaving the sacred place, some other soldiers set fire to it, after tearing off the golden plaiting from the gates and timber work.f A horrid massacre soon followed, in which pro- digious multitudes perished ; while others rushed in a kind of phrensy into the midst of the flames, and precipitated themselves from the battlements of their falling temple. Six thousand persons, who, de- luded by a false prophet, with hopes of a mira- * Josephu, wl. Vi. p. 117. + Ibid. p. 115. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 85 culous deliverance., had fled to a gallery yet standing without the temple, perished at once by the relentless barbarity of the soldiers, who set it on fire, and suffered none to escape. The conquerors carried their fury to such an height, as to massacre all they met, without distinction of age, sex, or quality. They also burnt all the treasure houses, containing vast quantities of money, plate, and the richest furniture. In a word, they continued to mark their progress with fire and sword, till they had destroyed all, except two of the temple gates, and that part of the court which was destined for the women.* In the meantime, many of the Zealots, by making the most vigorous exertions, effected their escape from the temple, and retired into the city. But the avenues were so strictly guarded, that it was impos- sible for them to escape. They therefore fortified 4Jhemselves, as well as they were able, on the south side of it ; from whence John and Simon sent to desire a conference with Titus. They were answered, that though they had caused all this ruin and effusion of blood, yet their lives should be spared if they would surrender themselves. They replied, that " they had engaged by the most solemn oaths, not to deliver up their persons to him on any conditions ; and requested permission to retire to the mountains with their wives and children/' The Roman general, enraged at this insolence, ordered proclamation to be made, that not one of them should be spared, since they persisted in rejecting his last offers of pardon. f The daughter of Zion, or the lower city, was * Josephus, vol. vi. p. 116, 117. t Josephni, vol. vi. p. 127. 86 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. next abandoned to the fury of the Roman soldiers, who plundered, burnt, and massacred with insa- tiable rage. The Zealots next betook themselves to the royal palace in the upper and stronger part of Jerusalem, styled also the city of David, on Mount Zion. As many of the Jews had deposited their possessions in the palace for security, they attacked it, killed eight thousand four hundred of their countrymen, and plundered their property.* The Roman army spent nearly twenty days in making great preparations for attacking the upper city, especially the royal palace ; during which time, many came and made their submission to Titus. The warlike engines then played so furi- ously upon the Zealots, that they were seized with a sudden panic, quitted the towers, which were deemed impregnable, and ran like mad men towards Shiloah, intending to have attacked the wall of circumvallation, and escaped out of the city. But being vigorously repulsed, they endeavoured to conceal themselves in subterraneous passages ; and, as many as were discovered, were put to death. The conquest of Jerusalem being now completed, the Romans placed their ensigns upon the walls with triumphant joy. They next walked the streets, with swords in their hands, and killed all they met. Amidst the darkness of that awful night, fire was set to the remaining divisions of the city, and Jeru- salem, wrapt in flames, and bleeding on every side, sunk in utter ruin and destruction. During the siege, which lasted nearly five months, upwards of eleven hundred thousand Jews perished. John and * Josephus, vol. vi. p. 127. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 87 Simon, the two grand rebels, with seven hundred of the most beautiful and vigorous of the Jewish youth, were reserved to attend the victor's triumphal chariot. After which, Simon was put to death ; and John, who had stooped to beg his life, con- demned to perpetual imprisonment.* The number, who were taken captive during the fatal contest with the Romans, amounted to ninety seven thousand ; many of whom were sent into Syria, and other provinces, to be exposed on the public theatres, to fight like gladiators, or to be devoured by wild beasts. The number of those destroyed during the war, which lasted seven years, is computed to have been one million four hundred and sixty two thousand, f When the sword had returned to its scabbard for want of objects whereon to exercise its fury, and the troops were satisfied with plunder, Titus com- manded the whole city and temple to be demolished. Upon viewing the strength of the works, he ex- claimed, " We have fought with the assistance of God ; it was God who drove the Jews out of these fortifications ; for what can the hands of men, or the force of machines effect against these towers." In order to give posterity an idea of the strength of the city, and the astonishing valour of its conquerors, he preserved the highest towers, Phasaelus, Hip- picus, and Mariamne, and a part of the wall which surrounded Jerusalem to the west. All the other circuit of the city was so levelled, as not to leave those, who approached it, any proof that it ever had been inhabited.]; It is recorded in the Talmud, * Josephus, Tol. vi. p. 139. + Ibid. J Ibid. p. 142, I4S. 88 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. and by Maimonides, that Terentius Rufus ploughed up the foundations of the temple ; thus were our Saviour's prophecies fulfilled : " Thine enemies shall lay thee even with the ground; and there shall not be left one stone upon another."* On the reduction of Jerusalem, Titus returned in triumph to Rome, where the senate decreed him a triumph with Vespasian, his father ; and all things, that were esteemed the most valuable and beautiful, were exhibited to grace this great occasion. Among the rich spoils, those, which were saved from the temple of Jerusalem, were the most remarkable ; and the volume of the law was the most venerable of all the trophies of the conqueror. Three strong castles still remained untaken in the almost desolated land of Judea. Lucillius Bassus was sent by Vespasian, as lieutenant general ; and soon reduced Herodium and Machserus. But the castle of Masada, being very strong both by nature and art ; and defended by Eleazar, a man of un- daunted courage, baffled the attacks of the Romans. At length, however, they caused it to be surrounded by an high wall, set fire to the gates, and prepared to storm it the following day. When the Jews found no way of saving themselves, or their fortress, from the hands of the enemy, Eleazar instigated the garrison to burn the valuable stores of the castle, destroy first their women and children, and then themselves. Ten men who were chosen by lot exe- cuted this horrid purpose. The last survivor among these executioners, set fire to the place, and de- stroyed himself. [A. D. 73.] When the Romans * Luke xix. 44. Newcome's Observations, p. 25S. HISTORY OP THE JEWS. 89 on the morrow were preparing to scale the walls, two women, who had escaped by concealing them- selves, while the rest were intent on slaughter, related to them the whole transaction.* After this terrible event, the opposition on the part of the Jews ceased. It was, however, the sub- mission of despair. Every where ruin and deso- lation presented itself to the solitary passenger, and a melancholy and deathlike silence pervaded the whole region. " The ruin of the Jews/' says a late historian, " is, in itself, a very interesting event; but infinitely more so, when considered as connected with religion. A bloody war, in which party rage conspires with foreign arms to destroy the nation ; an ancient and famous people, who from their country, as from a centre, had spread themselves into every part of the known world, smitten with the most dreadful ca- lamities ever recorded in history ; a great and lofty city devoured by flames, and eleven hundred thou- sand inhabitants buried under its ruins ; a temple, the wonder of the world, and the object of the ve- neration of those, who followed a different worship, so entirely demolished, that not one stone was left upon another^ are surely such events, as, if they were merely human, could not but highly interest every one. How much more regard ought we to pay to them, when we reflect, that they were foretold by Jesus Christ forty years before they happened, at a time when nothing seemed to portend such an event ;f that the dispersion of the Jewish people, * Josephus, vol. \i. p. 188, 189. t It ought to be remembered, that the prediction of our Saviour 90 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. and the ruin of their temple, form a part of the gos- pel system, by means of which, a knowledge of the true God was no longer to be confined to one nation only, or his worship attached to one particular place. In short, that these disasters, the greatest that can be conceived, are the vengeance, which God took for the greatest crime which ever was perpetrated upon the face of the earth, the cruel and ignominious death of his Son/'* It has pleased Providence, that this important part of history should be transmitted to us by Josephus, one of the Jewish nation, who was an eyewitness, and had himself a great share in the principal events. He has, unintentionally, given us a striking demon- stration of the truth of the Christian religion, by exhibiting, in the most lively manner, how the prophecies of our blessed Lord, concerning the destruction of Jerusalem, were literally fulfilled in their fullest extent. was given at a time, when Judea was at peace, under the sway of a nation, which never, till the destruction of Jerusalem, treated their enemies with utter excision, and unsparing desolation. Watton't Tracts. * Crevior's Roman History. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 91 CHAPTER III. Wretched state of the Jews after the destruction of Jerusalem. Titu commands their lands to be sold, and confiscates the tribute which was paid annually to the temple. His successor, Domitian, treats them with still greater severity. Sedition at Alexandria. The temple built by Ouias is shut up. The Jews seek an asylum in various countries. Institution of the patriarchs in the west. State of literature among the Jews. Of the Cabbalistic philosophy. Account of the celebrated cabbalistic book. Of the rabbi Akibha. THE condition of the Jews was extremely miser- able after the destruction of their capital. The mul- titude of the dead, the prisoners who were sold, and the fugitives who had fled into various parts of the world, had left the country almost depopulated. The once flourishing plains of Palestine were covered with dead bodies ; and of the celebrated cities, which existed formerly on their coasts, such as Capernaum, Bethsaida, and Chorazin, nothing was left but shapeless ruins. Some women and old men were permitted to remain in Jerusalem ; but all, who were able to bear arms, were removed. A strong attach- ment to their native residence probably induced a number to return, and dwell among the ruins of their devoted city.* After the war was terminated, the emperor ordered all the lands in Judea to be sold, strictly prohibited building any cities therein, and commanded the Jews, on condition of preserving their religion, to pay to Jupiter Capitolinus the capitation tax, which devotion had destined annually for the service of the temple. Although the sum assessed on the head of * Basnage, p. 508. $&, HISTORY OF THE JEWS. each individual was inconsiderable., the use for which it was assigned, and the severity with which it was exacted, was considered as an intolerable grievance.* Domitian, brother to Titus, who succeeded in the Roman empire, increased the calamities of this wretched people. They were involved in the persecution, which the Christians endured during his tyrannical reign ; and many of them were con- demned to suffer death.* This emperor intended to extirpate all the lineage of David, but when the grandsons of St. Jude the apostle, kinsmen of our Lord, were brought before him, their poverty induced him to retract his sanguinary purpose. A. D. 72.] Notwithstanding their late calamities, some of the seditious Jews, who had retired to Alex- andria in Egypt, began to excite fresh insurrections. Bat their countrymen who resided in the city, appre- hending the consequences that might ensue, pru- dently interfered, and delivered them up to the Romans, who put six hundred of them to death. They maintained their inflexible obstinacy to the last ; and even their children would suffer the most exquisite tortures, rather than acknowledge Caesar for their lord. The emperor, being apprized of their rebellious disposition, ordered the temple, * Though, after the conquest of Pompey, Judea was made tributary to the Romans, they were permitted to collect the taxes by their own receivers, and were exempted from tribute during the sabbaticai year. The annual tribute to the temple, they supposed to be an offering to God, as his subjects. But after the destruction of Jeru- salem, the emperor usurped the place of God, and appropriated the tribute to himself. ThU was the more afflicting and disgraceful, because it obliged them to purchase the liberty of exercising their religion. Basnage, p. 509. t Basnage, p. 509. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 93 which Onias had built in Egypt, to be shut up, lest it should afford them a pretence for assembling them- selves, and thus give them an opportunity of exciting some new sedition.* Multitudes of Jews, who had survived the sad catastrophe of the destruction of their city and tem- ple, sought an asylum in various parts of the world. Many retired to Egypt, where a Jewish colony had resided from the time of Alexander ; others fled to Cyrene j a large number removed to Babylon, and joined their brethren, who had remained in that country ever since the captivity ; some took refuge in Persia, and other eastern countries. By degrees, they formed themselves into a regular system of government, or rather subordination, connected with the various bodies of their brethren dispersed throughout the world. They were divided into the eastern and western Jews ; the western included Egypt, f Judea, Italy, and other parts of the Roman empire. The eastern were settled in Babylon., Chaldea, Assyria, and Persia. In process of time both these parties chose a distinguished personage to preside over each of their respective divisions. The heads of the eastern Jews were styled princes of the captivity ; and those of the western Jews were known by the title of patriarch. Mr. Basnage and other learned men have supposed, that the patriarchal J dignity was first instituted in the reign * Basnage, p. 492. t Some refugees passed from Egypt to Ethiopia. Basnage, p. 494. $ According to the Jewish writers, this office originated at a much earlier era. The first patriarch was Hillel, surnamed the Babylonian. He came to Jerusalem about thirty years before the birth of Christ, and lived to an advanced age. The Jews regarded 94 HISTORY OP THE JEWS. of Nerva, who succeeded Domitian. This emperor favoured the Jews ; recalled those who had been banished on account of their religion ; relieved them from the heavy taxes which had been imposed upon them by his predecessor ; and forbade their being molested in future on account of their religion. They are supposed to be of the Levitical race, since the least attempt in the tribe of Judah to recover any of their former power, would have excited the jealousy of the Romans.* But the priests and Levites were permitted to assume the power of teaching the people, to set up schools, to appoint preceptors over them, and at length install one above the rest, with the title of patriarch; because neither their tribe, which was excluded the regal authority, nor their office, which was confined to religious concerns, could give umbrage to the Romans. The celebrated city of Tiberias, situated on the banks of a lake which bears its name, and was rebuilt by Herod, tetrarch of Galilee, was chosen for the patriarchal seat. The dignity of their chiefs was hereditary, f The authority which the patriarchs acquired over the people committed to their charge, owed its rise and gradual* increase to their great reputation for him as a second Moses, who was little inferior to their lawgiver: and asserted, that the patriarchal dignity continued in his family till the fifth century. Modern Universal History, Tol. xiii. p. 141. * The house of David was now almost extinct ; and the few who remained reduced to poverty, and obliged to labour for their daily subsistence. If there was any shadow of authority among this people, after the destruction of their city and temple, it fell into the hands of the priests of the race of Levi and Aaron. Their understanding and science raised them above the vulgar; and as the people became more numerous, their authority increased. + Basnage, p. 146. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 95 learning and piety. They decided cases of con- science, and religious controversies ; presided over synagogues ; were empowered to appoint subor- dinate ministers and missionaries to execute their orders ; and to receive an annual contribution from their dispersed brethren, in order to support their dignity. They obtained, by degrees, a great au- thority over the western Jews, who were pleased to depend upon them in order to maintain some shadow of union. The power, which these chiefs obtained, has, however, been much exaggerated by the Jews., to enable them to repel a powerful argument urged by the Christians, viz. that the sceptre, or regal authority, was departed from them.* The learned Dr. Lightfoot has imagined, that the Jewish sanhedrim was not immediately destroyed, but only removed to Jafna, and thence to Tiberias, where it subsisted till the death of Judah, the saint. Other learned men, particularly Mr. Basnage, sup- pose this tribunal did not exist after the destruction of Jerusalem, for the following reasons. f If Titus had made any such concession, Josephus would have mentioned it for the honour of his nation. Domitian, who hated and oppressed the Jews, would never have allowed them such a signal privilege ; besides, it has been the prevailing idea of the Jews, as well as of the Christians, that this tribunal had not power to sit in any other place but in Jerusalem. Our * Basnage, p. 146. t After the Sanhedrim was abolished, the Jews substituted in it* room some particular tribunals for the decision of religious disputes. These tribunals, which were afterwards called houses of judgment, were a very imperfect image of the sanhedrim. Picarft Ceremonie, p. 195. 96 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. Saviour, it appears, alluded to this, when he said, (Luke xviii. 33) that it could not be, that a prophet should perish or be condemned to death out of Je- rusalem, since the sanhedrim alone had the power of passing that sentence on him.* The Jews, though a considerable part of their religion was involved in the destruction of their country, still adhered with inflexible ^obstinacy to those customs and religious rites, which remained in their power to practise. After their national polity was dissolved, they appear to have been confirmed in their attachment to the oral traditions and unau- thorized decisions of the rabbies. As they agreed in thinking, that their religious rites and observances were the only objects worthy their attention, it fol- lowed, that their literary controversies, instead of embracing, like those of the philosophical sects of the Pagans, the wide field of general literature, were directed and confined to their religious and ritual institutions, and were exhausted in questions or dis- cussions immediately referrible to these subjects.f After the devastation and ruin of their country, a small number of learned men only were left among them to transmit their ancient doctrines and insti- tutions to posterity. Of these, part escaped into Egypt, and part withdrew into Babylon ; in both which countries the refugees were humanely re- ceived. Those, who remained in Palestine, collected the scattered fragments of Jewish learning from the general wreck into the academy of Jafna (frequently called by the Greek writers, Jamnia) where they * Basnage. Modern Universal History, vol. xiii. p. 136. t Butler's Hone Biblicre, p. 40. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 97 also revived their forms of worship. The rabbi Jochanan,* was the founder of this school, and the design which he begun was completed, as far as the state of the times would permit, by the rabbi Gamaliel, who is from this circumstance called Gamaliel Jafniensis. The success, which attended this school, induced many of the dispersed Jews to return to Palestine ; and another academy was formed at Tiberias, which soon became the chief seat of Jewish learning in its native country. This school obtained immunities and privileges from the emperor Antoni- nus Pius; and it produced that curious record of Jewish wisdom, the Jerusalem Talmud. Other schools, after the examples of Jafna and Tiberias, were erected at Bitterah near Jerusalem, at Lydda or Diospolis, at Cesarea, and (which became more celebrated than the rest) at Zippora, or Sephora, in Galilee, f Prom this time, there was not wanting a succession of Jewish doctors to transmit their religion and phi- losophy to posterity. These doctors flourished, not only in Palestine, but in the Babylonish schools, which, in process of time, were established at Sora, Pundebita, and other places on the Euphrates.^ Two methods of instruction were in use among the * The Jewish writers assert, that the academy which Jochanan erected at Jafna, consisted of three hundred schools, or classes of pupils. They extol the extraordinary merit of this rahbi in the most extravagant terms. According to them, " If the whole heaven* were paper, all the trees in the world pens, and all the men writers, they would not he able to record all his merits." Modern Universal History, vol. xiii. p. 141. i Enfield's Philosophy, vol. ii. p. 198. t According to Basnage, these schools were not founded till the beginning of the third century. H HISTORY OF THE JEWS. Jews ; the one public, the other secret. The public doctrine was that, which was openly taught the people from the law of Moses, and the traditions of the fathers. It comprehended (he popular articles of faith, and rules of manners.* The secret doctrine of the Jews was that, which treated of the mysteries of the divine nature and other sublime subjects, and was called cabbala, from a Hebrew word, which signifies to receive, because it was received by tradition. After the manner of the Pythagorean and Egyptian mysteries, it was taught only to certain persons, who were bound, under the most solemn anathema, not to divulge it. The cabbala is divided into three sorts. By the first, the Jews extract from the words of scripture recondite meanings, which are sometimes ingenious, but always fanciful. The second is a kind of magic, in employing the words and letters of the scriptures in certain combinations, which they suppose have power to make the good and evil spirits of the invisible world familiar with them. The third, which is properly the cabbala, is an art, by which they profess to raise mysterious expositions of scrip- ture, upon the letters of the sentences to which they apply them.f The Jews assert, that the mysteries of the cabbala contain the profoundest truths of religion, which, to be fully comprehended by finite beings, are revealed through the medium of allegory and similitude, in the same manner as angels can only render them- selves visible upon earth | by assuming a subtle body * Enfield. t Butler's Horae Biblicze. Basnage, p. -202, J Maurice's Indian Antiquities, vol. iv. p. 588. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 99 of refined matter. According to their account, while Adam was in paradise, the angel Rasael brought him a book from heaven, which contained the doctrines of heavenly wisdom. And when Adam received this book, angels came down to him to learn its contents ; but he refused to admit them to the knowledge of sacred things, entrusted to him alone. They assert, that, after the fall, this book was taken back into heaven ; after many prayers and tears, God restored it to Adam, and it passed from Adam to Seth. The Jewish fables proceed to relate, that the book being lost, and the mysteries it contained almost forgotten in the degenerate age before the flood, they were restored by special reve- lation to Abraham, who committed them to writing in the book Jezirah ; that the revelation was re- newed to Moses,* who received a traditional and mystical, as well as a written and preceptive law, from God ; that, being again lost amidst the cala- mities of the Babylonish captivity, it was once more revealed to Esdras ; that it was preserved in Egypt, and has been transmitted to posterity, through the hands of Simeon-ben-Setach, Elkanah, Akibha, Si- meon-ben-Jochai, and others. Dr. Ennekl,f from whom the above account is * According to .the Jewish accounts, all the patriarchs of the ancient world had their separate angels to instruct them in these mys- terious arcana; and Moses himself was initiated in them by the illustrious spirit Metatron. Basnage, p. 1S5. t The chief heads of the cabbalistic doctrine, are thus delineated by the abovementioned author. " From nothing, nothing can be produced ; since the distance between existence and non-entity is infinite. Matter is too imperfect in its nature, and approaches too near to non-entity to be self- existent. The Being from whom all things proceed is a spirit, uu- 100 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. chiefly selected, supposes, that the mystical or cab- balistic philosophy of the Jews, arose in the time created, eternal, intelligent, percipient, having within itself the principles of life and motion, existing by the necessity of its nature, and filling the immensity of space. This spirit is En soph, the infinite Deity. This Eternal Fountain of existence sends forth from himself natures of various orders, which, nevertheless, are still united to their source. The world is a permanent emanation from the Deity, in which his attributes and properties are unfolded, and variously modi- fied. The nearer any emanation is to the First Fountain, the more perfect and divine is its nature ; and the reverse. " Before the creation of the world, all space was filled with the Or Hnen Soph, or infinite intellectual light. But, when the volition for the production of nature was formed in the divine mind, the eternal light, hitherto equally diffused through the infinite expanse, withdrew itself to an equal distance in every direction, from a certain point, and thus left about this centre, a spherical portion of empty space, as a field for the operation of emanation, by which all things were to be produced. -In the space from which the divine light was thus with- drawn, there was still, however, some portions or traces left of the divine essence, which were to become the receptacle of rays, sent forth from the Eternal Fountain, or the basis of future worlds. From a certain part of the concavity of infinite light, which sur- rounded the opaque sphere, the energy of emanation was first exerted, and rays were sent forth in right lines, into the dark abyss. The beam of light, thus produced, formed a channel, through which streams were to flow for the production of worlds. This beam was united to the concave of light, and was directed towards the centre of the opaque sphere. From this luminous channel, streams of light flowed, at different distances from the centre, in a circular path, and formed distinct circles of light, separated from the concave of light, or from each other, by portions of dark or empty space. Of these circles of light, ten were produced, which may be called Sephirae, or Splendours. The rectilineal beam of light, which is the first emanation from the eternal fountain, and is itself the source of all other emanations, may be distinguished by the name of Adam Kadman, the first man, the first production of divineenergy, or, the Son of God. The Sephirze are fountains of emanations, subordinate to Adam Kadman, which send forth rays of divine light or communicate essence and life to in- ferior beings. The ten Sephira are known, according to the order of emanation, by the names, Intelligence, or the Crown, Knowledge, HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 1 01 of the first Ptolemies, and originated in Egypt, where they learned, by the help of allegory, to mix Wisdom, Strength, Beauty, Greatness, Glory, Stability, Victory, Dominion. " These are not the instruments of the divine operations, but media, through which the Deity diffuses himself through the sphere of the universe, and produces whatever exists. They are not beings detached from the Deity, but substantial virtues or powers, distinctly, but dependently, sent forth from the eternal source of existence through the mediation of Adam Kadman. the first emanating power, and becoming the immediate source of existence to subordinate ema- nations. They are dependent upon the First Fountain, as rays upon a luminary, which is conceived to have sent them forth with a power of drawing them back, at pleasure, into itself. " The first infinite source of being is the Ensophic world, or world of infinity, within which, after the manner above described, four worlds are produced by the law of emanation, according to which the superior is the immediate source of the inferior; these are Aziluth, or the world of emanation, including the Sephirae; Brisk, or the world of creation, containing certain spiritual natures, which derive their essence from the Sephira; ; Jezirah, or the world of forms, composed of substantial natures, derived from the superior spiritual substances, and placed within etherial vehicles, which they inform ; and Asiah, or the material and visible world, cora^-ehending all those substances which are capable of motion, composition, division, and dissolution. " These derived worlds are different evolutions, or expansions of the divine essence, or distinct classes of beings, in which the infinite light of the divine nature is exhibited with continually decreasing splendour, as they recede from the First Fountain. The last and most distant production of the divine energy of emanation is matter; which is produced wLen the divine light, by its recession from the Fountain, becomes so attenuated as to be lost in darkness, leavin^ nothing but an opaque substance, which is only one degree above non- entity. Matter has no separate and independent existence, but is merely a modification and permanent effect of the emanative energy of the divine nature. " The Sephirae, or first order of emanative being, existiag in Azi- luth, are superior to spirits, and are called Parzuphim, Persons, to denote that they have a substantial existence. The inhabitants of the second world are called Thrones, on account of the dominion, which they possess over the various orders of Angels, which inhabit the 102 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. Oriental, Pythagorean, and Platonic dogmas with Hebrew wisdom. The cabbala having, according to this author, obtained early credit among the Jews, as part of their sacred tradition, was trans- third world. The fourth, or material world, is the region of evil spirits, called K/ippolh, the dregs of emanation. These are the authors of the evil, which is found in the material world; but they are continually aspiring towards the sephirs, and will, in the great revolution of nature, return into the inexhaustible fountain of deity. Spirits of all orders have a material vehicle, less pure and subtile in proportion to their distance from En Soph ; and this vehicle is of the nature of the world next below that to which they belong. Jlfetalron is the prince of Jezirah, or the angelic world, in which there are ten distinct orders ; Sandalphon of Asiah, or the material world : these, together with the hosts over which they preside, animate aerial vehicles, capable of impression from corporeal objects, and in dif- ferent ways requiring renovation. " The human soul, proceeding by emanation from the Deity, is an incorporeal substance of the same nature with the divine intellect. Being united to the body, one complex nature is produced, endued with reason, and capable of action. The human soul consists of four parts: Nephesh, or the principle of vitality ; Ruach, or the principle of motion; Pfschumah. or the power of intelligence; and Jechidah, a divine principle, by means of which it contemplates superior natures, aud even ascends to the Ensophic world. All souls were produced at once, aud pre-existed in Adam. Every human soul has two guardian augels, produced by emanation at the time of the production of souls. " The mind of man is united to the divine mind, as the radius of a circle to its centre. The souls of good men ascend above the mansion of the angels, and are delighted with the vision of the first light, which illuminates all the worlds. " The universe continues to exist by the divine energy of emana- tion. Whilst this energy is exerted, different forms and orders of beings remain; when it is withheld, all the streams of existence return into their fountain. The Ensoph, or Deity, contains all things within himself; and there is always the same quantity of existence, either in a created or uncreated state. When it is in an uncreated state, God is all ; when worlds are created, the Deity is unfolded, or evolved, by various degrees of emanation, which constitute the several forms and orders of created nature." Enfteltfs Philosophy^ vol. ii. p. 2172-21. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 103 mitted under this notion by the Jews in Egypt to their brethren in Palestine. Simeon ben-Jochai, a celebrated rabbi, was the first who committed these mysteries to paper ; and, as the Jews affirm, by divine assistance, he rom- ped the Zohar, or brightness.* He is said to have lived some years before the destruction of Jerusalem. Titus condemned him to death ; but he and his son escaped the persecution, by secreting themselves in a cave, where he had leisure to com- pose the abovementioned book. He perfected the work with the assistance of the prophet Elias, whom God sent from heaven, from time to time, to explain to Simeon such mysteries as were above his compre- hension f The Sepher Jetzirah, or book of the creation, is the next in cabbalistic fame to the Zohar : and is quoted by the Jews, as of divine authority. Some ascribe this work to the patriarch Abraham ; others suppose it was written by the rabbi Akibha, who lived in the second century. He was president of the academies of Lydda and Jafna ; and a disciple and successor of the rabbi Gamaliel. Until he was forty years of age, he was a shepherd in the service of a rich citizen of Jeru- salem ; but his master's daughter having promised to marry him, if he became a learned man, he assi- duously applied himself to study. So successful was his application, that he became one of the most famous teachers in the schools of Jewish learning. * David Levi calls the Zohar a cabbalistical commentary on the Pentateuch. t Basnage, p. 1 85. 104 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. He was considered by his nation, as the oracle of the times; and one of the greatest preservers of the traditional law.* The Jews in Palestine did not scruple to say, that God revealed to him, what he concealed from Moses ; and, if their accounts are to be credited, he had twenty four thousand dis- ciples. This rabbi is mentioned with veneration through the whole Talmud ; not only on account of his great attainments in the cabbalistical learning, but for his extraordinary abilities and wisdom in solving important questions in the law.f Towards the close of his life, he followed the standard of the impostor Barchocheba, who appeared under the cha- racter of the Messiah, to deliver his countrymen from the power of the emperor Adrian. An account of this revolt, and the new and dreadful calamities, which the Jews suffered in consequence of the insurrection, will be related in the following chapter. * De Rossi's Hebrew Biography. t David Levi's Ceremonies of the Jews. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 105 CHAPTER IV. The Jews rebel in the reign of the emperor Trajan. They are subdued and banished from the Isle of Cyprus. The emperor Adrian begins to rebuild Jerusalem, and plants a Roman colony in the new city. Rebellion of the Jews. Barchocheba declares himself the Mes- siah, and is made leader of the insurgents. He chooses the famous rabbi Akibha for his precursor. The rebels raise a formidable army. Adrian sends forces against them, and besieges them in Either. This city surrenders to the Romans. The false Messiah is slain. Horrid carnage of the Jews. Multitudes of them are sold, and transported to Egypt. Adrian completes the building of Jerusalem, and prohibits the Jews from entering the city. NOTWITHSTANDING the complicated afflic- tions, which the Jews suffered in Palestine during the destruction of their city and temple, the measure of their calamities was not completed. They had scarcely begun to breathe after the ruin of their country, when their impatience under a foreign yoke broke out in an open revolt during the reign of the emperor Trajan, who had interdicted them from reading their law, and treated them with great seve- rity.* A. D, 115.] The rebellion was commenced by the Jews in Cyrene, where they had been settled for many years, and become powerful. At first they gained considerable advantages over the enemy, who fled to Alexandria, and massacred all the Jews in the city. Those of Cyrene, exasperated at this dreadful re- prisal, having chosen one Andrew for their com- mander, murdered two hundred and twenty thousand of the Lybians, and depopulated the country. The emperor Trajan sent Martius Turbo with a power- * Basnage, p. 611. 106 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. ful army against them, and the rebels were reduced after several desperate battles, which were attended with great slaughter.* A. D. 116] The following year, the Jews in Mesopotamia, alarmed at the fate of their brethren in Egypt, appeared in arms, and with such force, that the inhabitants of the whole country were filled with consternation. This induced Trajan to send Lucius Quietus, the greatest general in the empire, against them, who slew great numbers of the insur- gents, and subjected the rest to the Roman power. To prevent their again assembling and rebelling, the emperor appointed him governor in Palestine, to watch their motions and keep them in awe.f Soon after, the Jews, who were numerous in the island of Cyprus, made a more dreadful insurrection, and massacred two hundred and forty thousand of the inhabitants. Trajan sent Adrian, a famous ge- neral, against them, with a powerful army. After an obstinate conflict, the rebels were reduced, and the emperor published an edict, banishing them from the island, and forbidding them to return, under the severest penalties.]; A. D. 130.] Notwithstanding the miseries, which the Jews suffered by their revolt, their rebellious spirit was still unsubdued. Adrian, the successor of Trajan, had prohibited them from circumcising their children ; and sent a colony to rebuild Jeru- salem, near the place where the ancient city stood. He designed to adorn it after the Roman style, and call it CEiia Capitolina, from the name of his family. * Basnage, p. 511. + Ibid. i Ibid. p. 512. HISTORY OP THE JEWS. 107 This exasperated the minds of the Jews, and stimu- lated them to commence an open rebellion.* A. D. 132.] Coziba, one of the banditti, who infested Judea, and committed all kinds of violence against the Romans, was the leader of the in- surgents. To facilitate the success of his bold enterprize, he assumed the name of Barchocheba, which signifies the son of a star ; and pretended he was the person prophesied of by Balaam in the words, ( ' There shall come a star out of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise out of Israel." This barbarian, so well calculated by his courage and enterprising spirit to be the Messiah, according to the perverted conceptions of the Jews, was acknowledged in that character by his infatuated countrymen. f He en- gaged to deliver his nation from the power of the emperor Adrian, and restore its ancient liberty and glory. The famous rabbi Akibha, being chosen by him for his precursor, espoused his cause, afforded him the protection of his name, and not only pub- licly anointed him as the Messiah, and king of the Jews, but placed a diadem on his head, caused money to be coined in his name, and followed him to the field, at the head of twenty thousand of his disciples, and acted in the capacity of master of his horse. By calling on all the descendants of Abraham to assist the hope of Israel, an army of two hundred thousand men was soon raised, who repaired to * Basnagc, p. 512. + Several impostors had appeared before him; some under the title of the Messiah; others under that of his precursors; most of whom were the disciples of Judas the Gaulonite. But Barcho- cheba was the first who obtained great celebrity. 108 HISTOKY OF THE JEWS. Either, a city near Jerusalem, chosen by the famous impostor for the capital of his new kingdom.* Adrian at first neglected to take measures against the revolt, supposing the Jews had been too effectu- ally humbled by his predecessor to be able so soon to raise a formidable insurrection. But being ap- prized, that numbers had flocked to the standard of Barchocheba, he sent Tinius Rufus, governor of the province, with a powerful military force against them. The rebels, however, gained great advan- tages over the imperial army, and destroyed vast numbers of Romans and converted Jews. Their rapid success and sanguinary devastations, filled Rome with astonishment and consternation. At length, Julius Severus, one of the greatest generals of his age, was despatched to crush this dangerous revolt. This able commander, not thinking it prudent to oppose at once so formidable an army, attacked and defeated the insurgents in parties ; and, at length, cut off the supplies of the enemy, and besieged them in Either, f The rebels defended themselves with obstinate resolution ; and, even put Tryphon, a famous rabbi, to death, because he proposed their surrendering to the Romans. However, they were not able long to withstand the repeated and vigorous attacks, which were made upon the city. In one of these assaults, the pretended Messiah was killed, and Either obliged to surrender. The Jewish history, bloody as it is in almost every page, records no fact, excepting the destruction of Jerusalem, more horrid, than the undistinguished and promiscuous slaughter which * Basnage, p. 515. t Ibid. p. 518. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 109 ensued. Akibha* and his son were put to a most cruel death. Five hundred and eighty thousand fell by the sword in battle, besides a vast number, who perished by famine, sickness, fire, and other calamities. The Jewish historians affirm, that a greater number were destroyed in this war, than the whole amount of their nation, when they emigrated from Egypt ; and, that their sufferings, under Ne- buchadnezzar and Titus, were not so great as those they endured under Adrian. Of these unhappy people, who survived the second ruin of their nation, vast numbers were exposed for sale at the fair of Terebinth, f at the price of horses, and dispersed over the face of the earth. Those who could not find purchasers at this place, were removed to another fair, which was kept at Gaza ; others were transported to Egypt.J A. D. 136.] After the war was terminated, Adrian completed his design of rebuilding Jerusalem. In order to prevent new revolts among the Jews, he caused the ancient monuments of their religion to be destroyed, and studiously profaned all the places which they revered. He erected a theatre with the stones, which had been used for the temple, and dedicated a temple to Jupiter Cajfitolinus, where that of Jehovah formerly stood. He placed a hog of marble upon the gates of the city, on the side of * With him, say the Jews, perished the glory of their law. After bis death, hi-s tomb, which they suppose to have been at Tiberias, was visited with great solemnity. Enfitltfs Philosophy, TO!, ii. p. 201. t The fair of Terebinth was annually kept on the plain of Mamre, sacred for having been the place where Abraham pitched his tent, and where he received the heavenly guests. Gen. xvii. 17. i Basnage, p. 519. 110 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. Bethlehem ; and, as he hated the Christians as well as the Jews, he erected a statue of Venus in the place where Christ was crucified ; and in that where he arose from the dead, one of Jupiter. In the grotto of Bethlehem, where our Saviour was born, he established the \ orship of Adonis.* The emperor, by a severe edict, prohibited the Jews, upon pain of death, from entering Jerusalem,f and fixed a vigilant garrison of the Roman cohorts to enforce the execution of his orders. He even forbade them to view their once beloved city at a distance. " Before this period," says a late author, CHAPTER IX. Appearance of Mahomet. His behaviour to the Jews. They take arms against him, are reduced, and compelled to become tributary. Rapid conquests of the caliph Omar; he besieges and takes Jeru- salem. The Jews rejoice at his success in Persia. They are fa- voured by the first caliphs. -Those in Italy are protected by pope Gregory the Great. They are severely treated by the emperor Heracliusj who instigates other monarchs to persecute them. A. D. 609.] MAHOMET, the famous Arabian impostor, appeared in the early part of the seventh century, and established a new religion, which, by force of arms, made a rapid progress in the world. Many of the Jews, after the destruction of their country, had tied to Arabia; and the industrious exiles, who aspired to liberty and power, obtained possession of several towns and fortresses, and had armies, and princes to command them. Their number and respectability induced Mahomet at first to treat them with great attention. He ordered his followers when they prayed, to turn towards the temple of Jerusalem ; and adopted many of their opinions and customs, in order to engage them in his interest.* The Jews, dazzled by the splendour of his vic- tories, began to regard him as the expected Messiah, and some persons of distinction among them em- braced his religion. However, they were, soon after, much offended at his eating camel's flesh, which is forbidden by the Mosaic law. But the fear of appearing inconstant, or the hope of deriving ad- vantage from the impostor, induced them to aid him * Basnage, p. 566. Gibbon, vol. vi. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 153 in his design. The Arabian writers assert, that this nation sent twelve of their doctors to assist him in compiling the Koran.* But they afterwards became his inveterate enemies; and their behaviour gave rise to the most implacable hatred on his part. His aversion to this unhappy people continued till the last moment of his life ; and, in " the double character of an apostle and a conqueror, his per- secution extended to both worlds. "f In his Koran, he reproaches them with betraying and murdering the prophets, and styles them, " a people justly cursed of God for their violation of his sabbath and laws ; for their treatment of Jesus Christ, whom he acknowledges to be a great prophet ; and for having filled up the measure of their iniquity by rejecting his own mission. "J The Jewish tribe at Kainoka dwelt at Medina under the protection of the city. Mahomet seized the occasion of an accidental tumult, and summoned them to embrace his religion, or contend with him in battle. " Alas!" replied the trembling Jews, tc we are ignorant of the use of arms; but we persevere in the faith and worship of our fathers; why wilt thou reduce us to the necessity of a just defence." But as war was inevitable, Cajah, one of the most distinguished persons of the Jewish nation, who had uniformly opposed all the measures of the impostor, appeared at the head of his country- men. In the third year of the Hegira.ll Mahomet be- / O ^ II * Basnage, p. 566. t Gibbon, vol. -vi. J Sale's Koran, vol. i. p. 35. ^ Basnage, p. 568. i Hegira, is a term signifying the epocba, used by tbe Arabians 154 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. sieged the Jews in Hegiasa, and having obliged them to surrender at discretion, drove them into exile. Their wealth was confiscated,, and distributed among his followers. After several engagements, in which the impostor was victorious, Cajah attacked him near Kaibar; and though this place was the seat of the Jewish power in Arabia, this miserable people were defeated with great slaughter. Their leader, who with difficulty escaped, being resolved to try the event of another engagement, was again com- pletely routed; and suffered death with that con- stancy which characterizes his nation. After the termination of the unequal conflict, the Jews were compelled to submit to the power of the conqueror, and become tributary. Some time after the death of the impostor, they were transplanted to Syria, he having left it as his dying injunction, that one and the true religion should alone be professed in his native land of Arabia.* In the caliphs, who succeeded Mahomet, were united both the temporal and the spiritual power; and their valour, being animated by the violent spirit of fanaticism, was altogether irresistible. Omar, the second caliph, was one of the most rapid con- querors, who ever spread desolation over the face of the earth. During the ten years of his reign, he subdued Arabia, Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia, and Egypt. With the Saracens under his command, he invested Jerusalem, and after an obstinate siege, and Turks, who begin their computation from the day that Mahomet was compelled to make his escape from the city of Mecca, which took place, July 16, A. D. 622, under the reigu of the emperor Heraclius. * Gibbon, yol. vi. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 155 which lasted four months, the Christians, having obtained an honourable capitulation, surrendered the city. The conqueror would not allow them to be deprived of their churches. But by his command, the ground where Solomon's temple stood, was pre- pared for the foundation of a mosque, which was the first Mahometan place of worship erected in Jerusalem.* When Persia submitted to the victorious Saracens, the Jews, who hoped for a favourable change in their affairs, rejoiced in their success. Isdesgerdi the Third, the last Persian monarch, had, according to their annals, either begun, or carried on a bloody persecution against them ; giving their synagogues to the Magi, and causing their academies to be shut. The rapid conquests of the enemies of their cruel oppressors, who were either Pagans or Christians, and the frequent destruction of the churches of the latter, highly gratified their inclinations. They are even accused of having ingratiated themselves with the Saracens, by instigating them against the Chris- tians. Those enthusiastic conquerors for some time used their prosperity with moderation ; and though the Jews often changed masters by the swift suc- cession of monarchs, they only participated in the * Basnage, p. 572. Jerusalem was transferred from the possession of the Greek Christians, to the dominion of the Arabian Musselmans, and continued in subjection to the caliphs, about four hundred years. When Omar look the city, the inhabitants were allowed the exercise of their religion; but they were prohibited from building any new churches, either in the metropolis, or the adjacent country; from riding upon saddles, or bearing any kind of arms. They were obliged to dress in a different manner from the Maho- metans, and subjected to pay tribute to their conquerors. Ocfcley'f Saracen's Conquests, p. 258. 156 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. common calamities which attend great revolutions in governments. They highly extol the humanity of the first caliphs, who restored them to the free exercise of their religion ; allowed the princes of the captivity to enjoy great authority, and permitted their academies to be opened, and placed in a flourishing condition.* A. D. 606.] A number of the Roman pontiffs have been equally indulgent to the Jewish nation with the first caliphs. In Italy, where this people were numerous in the seventh century, they were treated with moderation and kindness by pope Gregory the Great. Their general conversion was the object of his ardent desires, and earnest endea- vours. In order to effect this benevolent design, he wrote to his receiver in Sicily, to abate those who professed the Christian religion a third part of the revenues they were indebted to him. He also warmly exhorted his clergy and flock to use the Jews with candour and tenderness, alleging, that they were one day to be recalled, and become a large part of Christ's fold ; and that the proper method to conduct them to the unity of the faith, was kind and friendly treatment. te Violence," said he, " will dis- gust those who might be allured by gentleness and charity." He strongly expressed his abhorrence of the persecution they suffered in different countries, and condemned the zeal of some of the bishops against them. He even reprehended the conduct of a converted Jew, who, in order to ingratiate himself with the Christians, set up a cross, and image of the virgin, in a synagogue. Gregory ordered the cross * Basil age, p. 573. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 357 and image to be removed, alleging, that since the laws did not permit the Jews to build new syna- gogues, they ought to be allowed the free enjoyment of those they already possessed.* With the same liberal spirit he condemned the conduct of the bishop of Terracina, who had deprived them of a syna- gogue in his diocese, which was permitted by the laws ; and had expelled them from another place, where they had retired in order to perform their devotional exercises, f This pontiff, however, who was frequently con- sulted respecting the domestic affairs of the Jews, disapproved of their purchasing Christian slaves, and revived the laws which had been enacted against this traffic. He also ordered, that all their Jewish domestics, who professed the Christian religion, and received baptism, should obtain their liberty. J The cruel treatment which the Jews soon after experienced from Heraclius, the Greek emperor, formed a striking contrast to the clemency of the Roman pontiff. This monarch hated the Hebrew race on account of their religion, and his animosity against them was increased by finding at Tiberias one of the nation so rich as to be able to supply his army and court with provisions. This man, elated with his affluence, molested the Christians with trou- blesome law suits, and malicious prosecutions. But, being sensible that he had exposed himself to the resentment of the emperor, he endeavoured to elude * It appears that the former edicts of the emperor Theodosius were still in force against the Jews, notwithstanding the clemency of pope Gregory towards this people* Modern Univer. Hist. vol. xiii. p. 220. + Basnage, p. 579. * Ibid. 158 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. his vengeance by professing the Christian religion. This expedient, however, did not lessen the mo- narch's aversion to the Jewish nation.* Heraclius was still more exasperated against the Jews, when, upon his consulting the diviners con- cerning the fate of the empire, he received for answer, that a circumcised nation would prove its ruin. Considering how powerful and numerous the Hebrews were in most parts of his dominions, and that they still cherished the hope of being restored to their native country, he believed them to be the people intended by the prediction. The great and frequent efforts they had made to recover their liberty, and their cruel and sanguinary proceedings against the Christians at different times, and in various places, confirmed him in this belief; and induced him to persecute them with the utmost seve- rity. He banished them from Jerusalem, to which they had once more gained access ;f and issued an edict, prohibiting them from approaching within three miles of the city. The emperor was not satisfied with persecuting this unhappy people in his own dominions ; but instigated other monarchs to follow his example. J The calamities which they suffered in Spain, Gaul, and other kingdoms, will be related in the following chapter. * Basnage, p. 580. According to the account of Mosheim, " the emperor Heraclius, being incensed against this miserable people, by the insinuations of the Christian doctors, persecuted them in a most cruel manner, and ordered multitudes of them to be inhumanly dragged into the Christian churches, in order to be baptized, by violence and compulsion." Mosheims Ecclesiastical History, vol. ii- p. 152. t Previous to the conquest of Jerusalem by the Saracens, which has been mentioned in the preceding part of this chapter. J Basnage, p. 58 1 . HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 159 CHAPTER X. The Jews in Spain are cruelly persecuted by Sisebut, the Gothic king of that country. Decrees of the councils of Toledo. Frequent apostasy of the Jewish converts. The archbishop of Toledo writes in order to convert them. They form a conspiracy against the Spanish government. Severe laws are enacted against them. Of the Jews in Gaul. They are expelled by king Dagobert, and by Wamba, king of the Goths. They found an academy in Lunel. THE Jews, who were transplanted to Spain by the policy of Adrian, had become numerous in that kingdom, and acquired wealth by their dexterity in trade. Their affluence excited the avarice of their masters ; and, as they had lost the use of arms, they might be oppressed with impunity. The emperor Heraclius, who had been engaged in war with Sisebut., the Spanish monarch, made it one of the principal articles of the peace, that the king should compel them to receive baptism, or abandon the kingdom. The religious bigotry of Sisebut induced him readily to accede to this article ; and without consulting any of his bishops, and even contrary to their remonstrances, he imprisoned the most distin- guished personages among this unhappy people.* After having remained some time in confinement, large numbers of Jews, in order to preserve their wealth and lives, consented to be baptized. The estates of the more obstinate were confiscated, and their bodies tortured. Some found means to retire into Gaul, where similar miseries awaited them. They assert, however, that during the life of Sisebut, they were not even allowed the privilege of * Mariana's History of Spain. 160 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. preferring their religion to their country, and endea- vouring to escape by a voluntary exile from the evils they endured.* A. D. 633.] The conduct of the king was highly censured by Isidore, bishop of Seville, and condemned by the clergy in Spain. In the fourth council of Toledo, f in which Isidore presided, it was declared unchristian and unlawful to use com- pulsory measures in religion. The reasons assigned were, that God hardens, and has compassion on whom he pleases ; and that none can be saved with- out their own free consent. This council, however, ordained, that those whom persecution had induced to receive baptism, should be compelled, for the honour of the church, to persevere in conforming to the external rites of the Christian religion. This decree, which derogates from the liberal spirit exhi- bited in the former, was enacted, because the pretended converts relapsed into Judaism, whenever the immediate influence of terror was withdrawn.]; A. D. 638.] Chintila, who succeeded Sisenand, treated the Jews with the greatest rigour ; and appeared to be totally regardless of the sacred rights of conscience. The decree of this monarch, which commanded all his subjects to profess the Christian faith, was the signal of persecution and exile ; and an edict was passed for their total expulsion. It * Basnage, p. 581. History of Spain. f This council was assembled by Sisenand, who having dethroned the son of Sisebut, endeavoured to reconcile the minds of the people to his government, by prevailing upon the clergy to give a religious sanction to his proceedings. The council conformed to his views, and instructed the Goths to unite under his government. Basnage, p. 581. | Basnage, p. 5S2. History of Spain. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 161 appears probable, that the usurious advantage, which they might derive from their wealth, augmented the public hatred against them. Yet the Goths were unwilling to deprive themselves of industrious men over whom they might exercise lucrative oppression ; and the Jews continued in Spain under the weight of the civil and ecclesiastical laws.* In order to engage the Spanish clergy to forward his views, Chintila convened the fifth council of Toledo. This assembly passed several decrees in his favour, which the king caused to be confirmed by another council, convoked the same year, and at the same place. The divines, who composed this assembly, highly commended his zeal against the Jews ; and blessed God for having given them such a wise and pious prince. They solemnly ra- tified the edict he had enacted for the banishment of this miserable people; and declared, that no prince for the future should ascend the Spanish throne, till he had taken an oath to observe all the laws against them ; and he who violated this sacred engagement was to be anathematized. f These severe laws were punctually observed by the succeeding monarchs. The Visigothic kings enacted a law which completely authorized perse- cution; and alleged in their vindication, that "since the violent take the kingdom of heaven by force, men ought to be stimulated to obtain this blessing." * Basnage, p. 582. History of Spain. + Basnage observes, that the different decrees enacted in this, and the preceding council, were owing to the death of Isidore of Seville. This benevolent prelate, who was a strong advocate for mild treatment, presided in the fourth council of Toledo, but died before the sixth. Basnage, p. 582. M 162 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. By this law it was ordained, that every Jew, who refused to receive baptism, should suffer a severe corporal punishment, be exiled from the kingdom, and have all his goods confiscated.* A. D. 653.] Multitudes of this persecuted people, intimidated by the gloomy prospects before them, were induced to conform externally to the national faith. But as their conformity was only extorted by terror, many were soon observed to apostatize. To remedy this evil, a new council was convened. The Jews, apprehending that the decrees of the assembly would be the prelude of a violent persecution against them, resolved to shelter themselves from the im- pending calamity. For this purpose, the most dis- tinguished personages of their nation met, and wrote to the king in the name of their brethren in Spain, declaring that, though they had till then dissembled, they were now firmly resolved to become sincere converts, and wholly conform to the laws of the gospel. They 'assured his majesty, that they would no longer observe their sabbath, circumcise their children, or form any connexions by marriage with those who were unbaptized ; and promised to persecute any of their brethren, who should presume to violate these engagements. They even consented., provided their lives might be spared, to be doomed to perpetual slavery, and have all their effects con- fiscated, f The ample promises contained in this letter, ren- dered their sincerity more suspected, and their conduct more strictly observed. It was accordingly * Modern Universal History, vol. xiii. History of Spain. t Basnage, p. 582. Modern Universal History, vol. xiii. p. 223. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 163 discovered, that they still performed the Jewish rites, and even ventured to attack the Christian religion. The king, finding* the difficulty of effecting his purpose by coercive measures, ordered Julian, archbishop of Toledo, to write against them; and this prelate, in 686, published a learned treatise, in which he proves from the prophetic writings, that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah. The Gothic kings and bishops at length discovered, that injuries would produce hatred, and that hatred would find an opportunity of revenge. The Jews exulted in the victories of the Mahometans, and commenced a dangerous and hostile correspondence with their brethren, who, under the administration of Chintila, had sheltered themselves from perse- cution in Africa. On receiving from them assurance of support, and with the secret hope of more ef- fectual succour from the Saracens, they fixed a day to erect the standard of revolt.* Before the appointed time arrived, their pre- parations had alarmed, and their intentions been betrayed to king Egica. This monarch complained of the conspiracy to the council of Toledo, and demanded the assistance and advice of the divines, who composed the assembly. Upon deliberation they resolved, that all the circumcised should be declared perpetual slaves, that their estates should be confiscated, and their children taken from them, and educated in the Christian faith. f If from Spain we turn to a neighbouring country, we find the Jews still oppressed and persecuted. * Basnage, p. 583. History of Spain. + Basaage. M 2 164 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. As soon as the Romans* were driven out of Gaul, and the Visigoths suppressed, several directions and decrees were made respecting them, and one in particular, under Childebert, [A. D. 540.] who forbade them to appear in the streets of Paris from Tuesday in the holy week to Easter Sunday. The council of Orleans about the same time enacted a similar decree, which renders it evident, that they were dispersed in several parts of France, f They were still more numerous in Languedoc. Ferreol, bishop of Uzes, was expelled from his diocese, for having treated them with too great familiarity and kindness. His motive was, an ardent desire to effect their conversion. After he had continued in exile many years, and the king had restored him to his bishopric, he fell into the other extreme, and ba- nished the Jews.J Avitus, bishop of Clermont, was distinguished by his zeal for the conversion of this people, and induced several persons among them to profess their belief in Christianity. One of the new converts entered the city in his white garment, which being observed by a Jew, he threw a pot of oil of very offensive odour upon him. This outrage irritated the Christians to such a degree, that had not the bishop interposed, the otfender would have been * Gaul was shared by the Visigoths and Burgundians, when Clovis, king of the Franks, defeated Syagrius, a Roman usurper in that pro- vince, and established a new kingdom, to which he gave the name of France, or the land of freemen. Russell's Modern Europe. t The Jews who settled in Gaul at an early period, made but little figure, and are only known by some edicts of Constantino, which mention them in Belgic Gaul. They began to be noticed in the his- tories of the country in the sixth century. t Basuage, p. 583. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 165 immediately put to death. The humanity* of Avitus, however, only delayed the effects of their resentment till the succeeding festival. The people at that time demolished their synagogue, and the Jews were reduced to the alternative of professing Christianity, or being exiled. The greater part of them chose to conform to the established worship, and were bap- tized.* King Chilperic, who observed, that the Jews in Paris were numerous and affluent, resolved to use compulsory measures to induce them to abjure their religion. As he led an immoral life he hoped, by his zeal in attempting the conversion of an unbelieving people, to make an atonement for his sins, and secure the favour of heaven. He therefore com- manded, that all who refused to receive baptism, should be punished with the utmost rigour, f A. D. 692.] They were treated with still greater severity by king Dagobert, who was notorious for the scandalous irregularity of his conduct. In order to avoid public odium, to ingratiate himsdf with his clergy and people, and gratify the emperor Hera- clius.^; he banished from his kingdom upon pain of death, all the Jews, who refused to profess the Christian religion. Many who had fled from Spain to escape persecution suffered a second exile. But still more of them preferred dissimulation, and con- sented to be baptized. * Basnage, p. 584. t Ibid. + The emperor Heraclius, who had expelled the Jews from his dominions, and caused them to be banished from Spain, sent ambas- sadors to Dagobert to oblige him to imitate these examples. Basnage, p. 584. ^ Modern Univer. Hist. vol. xiii. p. 226. 166 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. A. D. fi'JS.] Wamba, king of the Goths in Languedoc, also exhibited a violent enmity against this people ; and issued an edict which expelled them from his dominions. But he experienced the most determined opposition from the abbot Raymirus, and the court of Toulouse, who united to protect this persecuted race, and opposed the king's edict by force of arms. The king entrusted count Paul, his favourite, with the command of an army, which was destined to act against the rebels. But, instead of suppressing, he united with them, took Narbonne, and caused himself to be crowned king. At length, however, he was defeated, and condemned by Wamba ; and his accomplices, especially the Jews, felt the effects of this monarch's resentment, and were expelled from Ihe kingdom.* Notwithstanding the sufferings of the Jewish nation in the seventh century, the academy which they had founded at Lunel, a city in Languedoc, began to flourish. In process of time it acquired great celebrity, and was the place where some of the most learned Jewish rabbies received their education. * Basnage, p. 584. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 167 CHAPTER XI. Of the pretended conversion of the king of Chozar to Judaism. State of the eastern Jews in the eighth and ninth centuries. They are favoured by several of the caliphs, who were attached to literary men. Edict of Iraan Jaaffar against them. Al-Wathek obliges them to pay heavy taxes. Motavel condemns, them to wear a disgraceful badge of distinction. State of the Jews under the Grecian emperors. A false Messiah appears in Spain. Of their state in France. Punishment inflicted upon them by the emperor Charlemagne. They are highly favoured by Lewis, suruamed Debo- nair; but their condition is less agreeable under Charles the Bald. THE eighth century is celebrated by Jewish writers for the conversion of Chozar, a Pagan prince, to their belief. According to their accounts, he became dissatisfied with the religion of his people and progenitors ; and conversed on this subject with philosophers, Christians, Mahometans, and Jews. At length, a learned rabbi convinced him, that Judaism was the only true religion, to which all others were but as the shadow to the substance, or the picture to the living original. Chozar there- fore abjured his former tenets, and, after he was initiated in the belief and ceremonies of the Jews, employed himself in converting his subjects. He sent for the most learned men of this nation from all countries to instruct his people ; and from that time the original Jews were held in high estimation. A tabernacle was erected, similar to that of Moses ia the wilderness ; to which they and the Chozrean converts repaired to the Jewish worship. The king became prosperous ; triumphed over his enemies, 168 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. and enlarged his dominions by new and considerable ^ conquests. Such is the account of Jewish writers ; but notwithstanding 1 the degree of credit which they have endeavoured to attach to the conversion of Chozar, and of his subjects, the real existence of that prince, and of his kingdom, has always been much disputed.* During the eighth., and part of the ninth century, the eastern Jews under the dominion of the caliphs, sustained their share in the calamities which resulted from the civil wars among their conquerors. They, however, enjoyed entire liberty of conscience under the caliph Abdalmelech, and his two successors Alwalid and Solyman. Their academies flourished; and their doctors possessed all their ancient privi- leges. In the reign of Zeyd they suffered some oppres- sions, which were caused more from the rapacious- ness of his ministers, than the cruelty of the monarch. But upon the dissolution of the govern- ment of the Ommiades under Mervan, their con- dition was ameliorated by the princes of the dynasty of the Abbassides.f A. D. 740.] The caliph Almansor, who was a learned prince, patronised and encouraged literary men, and invited a large number of them to his court, without any regard to their particular reli- gious opinions. Many Jews accepted the invitation of this monarch, and took advantage of his liberality to place their academies in a more flourishing condi- * Basnage, p. 587. Modern Universal Hist. vol. xiii. p. 228. t The fall of the Ommiades, and the establishment of the dynasty of the Abbassides, took place about 750. Gibbon. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. tion than ever. They boast of the many famous men who appeared among their nation at this period ; among whom Rabbi Acha was distinguished for his profound learning, and his voluminous treatise on the precepts of the law, under the tide of Shealtoth, or Questions. About this time rabbi Annanus revived the sect of the Sadducees, which had been almost extinct after the destruction of Jerusalem ; but under him the denomination acquired new vigour, and became formidable to that of the Pharisees.* A. D. 760.] The Jews of Arabia and Persia experienced the mortification of having an edict issued against them by Iman Jaaffar, surnamed the Just. Stimulated by zeal for his religion, he or- dained, that those who embraced the Mahometan faith should be sole heirs of the property of the whole family. This decree, which was punctually executed, induced many Jewish, and other children to apostatize in order to obtain estates, to which they were unable to claim any just title. Almansor was succeeded by Mohadi, who obliged the Jews either to embrace the Mahometan religion, or wear a disgraceful badge of distinction. In the reign of this prince, Hakem, an impostor, appeared, and by pretended miracles gained many disciples. This man, who is said to have been of Jewish origin, asserted, that the divinity, which in former times appeared in a human shape, now made his abode in him, and that he was the visible image of the * Some writers have styled Annanus the founder of the Caraites but according to Basnage, and the authors of the Modern Universil History, this denomination were of much earlier date ; and Annann only revived the ect of the Sadducees. 170 HISTORY OP THE JEWS. most high God. Mohadi sent forces against the impostor, who besieged him in one of his fortresses. Upon which he first poisoned his followers, and then destroyed himself.* A. D. 786 ] Aaron, the successor of Mohadi, was distinguished for his love of literature, and encouraged and patronized learned men of all reli- gions, and of every profession. In particular he highly favoured the Jews, who were dispersed in his dominions, and chose one of their nation to send on an embassy to Charlemagne, the emperor of the west. He succeeded in his commission, and enjoyed a distinguished reputation at the court of Aaron. This caliph placed the academies of the eastern Jews in a flourishing condition ; and they enjoyed ^profound tranquillity during his reign. f A. D. 831.] Mamoun, the brother of Aaron, was also attached to literature, and caused the most valuable Jewish works to be translated into Arabic. And though this instance of his liberality exasperated his subjects, he continued to distinguish learned men of all nations and religions. Mashalla, a celebrated Jewish astronomer, was so highly esteemed at his court, that he was styled the Phoenix of the age. During the reign of Mamoun, the famous impostor Moses appeared, who pretended that he was the great lawgiver of the Jews, whom God had recently raised from the dead.J A. D. 841.] Al-Wathek, instead of imitating the conduct of the most enlightened caliphs who ^receded him, became an implacable enemy to the * Basoage, p. 591. Gibbon, vol. vii. p. 189. t Basnage, p. 592. J Ibid. p. 594. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 171 Jews. He hated this people, because they refused to receive the Koran as an authentic revelation ; and the fraudulent practices of which they had been guilty in the management of the finances, during the reign of his predecessor, increased his enmity against them. During his reign they were loaded with heavy taxes, and obliged to pay large sums into the treasury.* A. D. 849.] Motarakei the successor of AI- Wathek, treated the Jews with still greater severity. He compelled them to wear a cord or sash round their waists, as an invidious mark of distinction ; and excluded them from all offices in the Divan, which it appears they had till then enjoyed. He forbade their riding on horses, and only permitted them to use asses or mules with iron stirrups. The edicts of this monarch not only extended through his empire, but spread into the neigh- bouring kingdoms ; and these marks of infamy, in a greater or less degree, have subsisted ever since in those countries which are subjected to the Turks ; and also in other parts of Europe under Christian kings. Many of Motarakel's successors treated this degraded people with equal contempt. In the reign of Mahomed, the last of the princes who succeeded him, Achmet, the governor of Egypt, revolted, and formed a new dy nasty. f If we turn from the Mahometan to the Christian monarchs, we find the Jews exposed to equal, if not greater, vexations and persecutions. The empire in * Basnage, p. 594. + Egypt was dismembered from the caliphate about the end of the ninth century. 172 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. the west, in the eighth century, was greatly agitated by the civil dissensions between the Iconoclasts and the worshippers of images ; and the Jews were un- justly accused of fomenting these dissensions. Leo Isauricus, the Grecian emperor, commenced his reign with the persecution of this people ; and com- manded them to abjure their tenets, and embrace Christianity under the severest penalties. They saved their lives by dissimulation, and consented to be baptized, and receive the communion ; but at the same time expressed their internal aversion to the religion they had recently professed, by washing themselves in common water, and eating common bread immediately after receiving the sacraments. The patrons of images, notwithstanding the stre- nuous exertions of the emperor, at length prevailed. The Jews, who had pretended obedience to the mandates of Leo, being suspected of insincerity, were obliged to subscribe a new formulary, in which they acknowledged themselves worshippers of the cross, and holy images ; and prayed to God that he would inflict upon them the leprosy of Gehazi, and the fear of Cain, if they did not willingly conform to the established religion.* Nicephorus, who succeeded Leo about the com- mencement of the ninth century, protected the Jews, and permitted them to live quietly under his govern- ment. They were still more favoured by his suc- cessor Michael, who tolerated all religions; is said to have imbibed something from each denomination ; and entertained a peculiar regard for the Jews.f * Fleury's Ecclesiastical History, vol.v. p. 43. Basnage, p. 569. + Modern Universal History, vol. xiii. p. 239. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 173 But little is known respecting the situation of this people in Italy and Spain during the eighth and ninth centuries. About the year 724, those who resided in Spain involved themselves in a new cala- mity by listening to the delusive promises of one of their countrymen, named Serenus. This man, taking advantage of the dissensions between France and Spain, proclaimed himself the Messiah, and induced multitudes to follow his standard towards Palestine, where he engaged to establish his empire. The wealth which this infatuated people left behind them was seized by the government. Those, who did not perish by the way, returned to Spain to lament their blind credulity, and the losses they had sus- tained.* A. D. 763.] Languedoc, being at this time in the possession of the Visigoths, (as well as part of Spain,f) was infested with frequent incursions of the Arabs. It is said they were in alliance with, and even invited by the Jews, who engaged to assist them in destroying the Christians. They are also accused of requesting the aid of the Saracens to emancipate themselves from the tyranny and oppres- sion of the bishop of Toulouse. These Mahometan invaders, after traversing Narbonne, penetrated as far as Lyons, and laid waste the country with fire and sword. Charlemagne, having afterwards com- pletely defeated the Saracens and retaken Toulouse, resolved to destroy the treacherous Jews, who had encouraged the invasion, and occasioned so much * Basnage, p. 597. + The Saracens, or Moors, bad invaded Spaio, and rednced a lar?r part of that kingdom. 174 IIISTOIIY OF THE JEWS. bloodshed. He was, however, prevailed upon to commute their punishment, and only the principal and most guilty suffered death. The others, who inhabited the city, were condemned to receive a box on the ear thrice a year at the gates of one of the churches, which should be named by the bishop ; and to pay a perpetual fine of thirteen pounds of wax.* Charlemagne, however, in some instances, treated the Jews with gentleness and moderation. They boasted of having the liberty of purchasing the sacred utensils and rich furniture of the churches, which the bishops and abbots, induced by luxury and avarice, had exposed to sale. And though this monarch enacted a severe law, prohibiting the clergy from carrying on this scandalous traffick, he did not exact any restitution from those of Hebrew origin, or lay any restrictions upon their commerce. f They were highly favoured by Lewis, surnamed Debonair, whose chief physician, named Sedecias, was one of the Jewish nation. This man had acquired such an ascendancy over the monarch, that the courtiers endeavoured to conciliate his and his countrymen's friendship with the richest presents. They had an easy access to the person of their sovereign, who allowed them the liberty of * This event, though related by many historians, is disputed by Basnage, who admits only the truth of two facts, viz. that Toulouso was besieged by the Saracens, and that the Jews in the city were ill used and buffetted in the person of their syndic. " This," says he, " was done out of hatred to the Jews, without their being guilty of the imputed crime of betraying the city; and the story of their treachery was invented, in order to authorize the punishment and the infamy." Basnage, p. 598. t Basnage, p. 598. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 175 erecting new synagogues, and granted them other extensive privileges. Such powerful protection ren- dered them haughty and insolent, and excited the jealousy of the Christians. Agobard, bishop of Lyons, not only prohibited them from purchasing Christian slaves, but forbade them to observe the sabbath, and carry on any commerce with the Christians during Lent. They complained of these edicts to the king, who sent three commis- saries to Lyons to make inquiries into the bishop's conduct; and, upon their report, the Jews were immediately restored to their ancient privileges. Agobard, being mortified and disappointed, formed new accusations against them ; but they were re- jected at court, as false and groundless.* After the bishop found all his attempts frustrated, he resolved to take a journey to court, to solicit Lewis more effectually against the Jews. But the king, surrounded by courtiers who hated the prelate, and were attached to this people,, absolutely resisted all his solicitations, and only granted him an audience when he was about to depart. The protection the outcasts of Israel found at the court of Lewis against one of the most learned bishops of the age, rendered them so popular, that it was said openly at court, that the descendants of Abraham were entitled to respect. Even some Christians observed Saturday for the sabbath, and preferred attending the sermons of the rabbies to those of the curates and monks, who at this time were extremely ignorant. It is even said, that a deacon named Paudo, quitted his office in the church, and went over to the synago^ue.f * Basnage, p. 599. Mod. Univ. Hist, vol.xiii. p. 241. t Ibid. 176 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. The Jews under Charles the Bald, were less flou- rishing and popular, than they had been during the reign of his predecessor. One of the French bishops, named Remisius, ordered the clergy in his diocese, to preach every Saturday in the synagogues. This induced a number of Jewish parents to send their children to other parts of the kingdom in order to prevent their conversion. Remisius complained of their conduct to the king, and persuaded him to command the bishop of Aries, and other prelates, to follow his example. The consequence was, that many of the Jewish children were voluntarily bap- tized. Soon after Charles was poisoned by Sedecias, the Jewish physician, who was so famous in the preceding reign ; and it was supposed he was in- stigated to commit this crime by his countrymen, who hated the king, because he favoured these conversions. It was, however, discovered, that many of the nobility corrupted Sedecias, and en- gaged him to destroy the life of his sovereign.* The Jews were also accused of favouring the incursions of the Normans, which took place during the reign of Charles ; and of treacherously betraying Bourdeaux and other cities into the hands of these invaders. They were still exposed to the ignomi- nious sentence of being buffetted three times every year at the church door. But this indignity, which originated from a decree of Charlemagne, was not executed on all the Jews, but confined to the syndic, or head magistrate, who received this punishment in the name of the rest. In remote cities they were also liable to many insults from the populace. At * Basnage, p. 699. Modern Universal HUtory, vol. xiii. p. 243. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 177 Beziers, in Languedoc, it was the custom to throw stones upon them from Palm Sunday to the Tuesday in Easter week. This indignity, however, was at length redeemed by a tribute which they paid to the bishop in this place.* * Basnage, p. C92. Gregoire, p. 224. N 178 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. CHAPTER XII. Flourishing state of learning among the eastern Jews at the com- mencement of the tenth century. Their tranquillity is interrupted by internal divisions. Of their learned rabbies. The Jews in Egypt are persecuted by the caliph Hakem, who introduces a new reli- gion. They are expelled from the east. Some of the most learned among them pass into Spain, and cultivate literature under the Sa- racens. The Talmud is translated into the Arabic language. They attempt to convert the Mahometans; and are persecuted by the king of Grenada. King Ferdinand I. resolves to destroy them ; but is prevented by the pope and bishops. The revolution caused by the Moors in Africa extricates them from persecution. They are favoured by Alphonso, and his grandson Peter. The Crusaders massacre the Jews. Disputes arise among them respecting the study of the sciences. Of the learned rabbies in Spain and France. A. D. 927.] WHILE Christendom was involved V in darkness and ignorance, the Saracens became the / patrons of philosophy in the east. The Jews, under their dominion, imitated their example, and applied to learning with assiduity and success.* New aca- demies were erected in consequence of the rapid increase of professors and pupils ; and those which had subsisted for ages were placed in a flourishing condition, under able preceptors. The Jews boast, that the famous men who appeared among them at this time, were superior to those of any preceding "~age, since their dispersion. f Their tranquillity was, however, soon interrupted * In the ninth century the Jews began to make themselves ac- quainted with the sciences of the Arabs. In particular tfiey excelled in the study of medicine. From the beginning of the ninth to th end of the thirteenth century, eminent schools of philosophy flourished in the Saracen empire. Enfield's Philosophy, vol. ii. p. 234. t Bainage, p. 601. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 179 by internal divisions. David, prince of the captivity, a haughty and ambitious man, had, according to the Jewish accounts, found means to deliver his nation from the tribute which till then they were compelled to pay to the caliphs. After having thus augmented his authority, he reigned as absolutely as an eastern monarch. In consequence of his ar- rogant behaviour, frequent altercations took place between him and the heads of the academies,* which produced fatal divisions, and involved the Jews in fresh difficulties. A.D. 103?.] The nation at this time were nu- merous and powerful, especially in the city of Pheruty Shiboour. A new academy was founded in this city, at the head of which was the famous rabbi Sherira, under whom it flourished about thirty years. He was a man of great learning, but a vio- lent enemy to the Christians, particularly to the monks; and on that account more highly respected by his brethren. When arrived at an advanced age, he was succeeded by his son Hay,f who obtained such a distinguished reputation, that the Jews re- sorted from all parts to attend his instructions; and * The power of the heads of the academies was almost equal to that of the princes. For the latter could not enact any laws except they were sanctioned by the former. These chiefs have had frequent insurrections against each other. The princes of the captivity and heads of the academies were both elected by a majority of votes ; and sometimes both these dignities were vested in the same person. Basnage, p. 602. t The Jews pretend that he was lineally descended from king David; hence he bore the lion on his arms, as did all the kings of Judah, agreeably to Jacob's prophecy concerning that tribe. But he acquired still greater celebrity by various writing*, particularly the famous cabbalistical work, styled, " The voice of God in power." Modern Univertal Hittory, vol. xiii. p. 247. 180 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. styled him, " the most excellent of all the excellent." He was placed at the head of two academies, and elected prince of the captivity. He died in 1037, aged sixty-nine years.* The Jews, in the reign of the caliph Hakem, suffered persecution for a short time in Egypt. The object of this monarch was to abolish Islamism, and establish a new religion, of which he should be the head.f The large number of Pagans, who acceded to his novel dogmas and pretensions, flattered his vanity, and induced him to persecute the Christians and Jews, who opposed and contemned his doctrines. He obliged the latter to wear a disgraceful mark of distinction ; commanded their synagogues to be shut ; and compelled them to embrace his tenets. But he soon changed his opinions, and permitted them to return to their former religion. A. D. 1039.] The caliphs of the house of the Abbassides, who had always favoured the Jews, having lost their authority, the sultan Gela Doullat, who reigned by the name of Cajem, resolved to extirpate this unhappy people. For this purpose he shut up their academies ; banished their professors ; and killed the prince of the captivity, with his family. This persecution dispersed some of the nation into the deserts of Arabia, while others sought an asylum in the west. From the period in which the Jews were expelled from the east, most authors date the total extinction of the princes of the captivity ; but, * Basnage, p. 602. t He blended the religion of the Druses, with other tenets, which he pretended to receive from the deity. Basnage, p. 605. * Basnage, p. 605. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 181 if we may believe the Jewish travellers, Benjamin de Tudela and rabbi Petachiah, who visited their brethren in the twelfth century, they still found one of these chiefs among the Israelites in Persia, who boasted that he was lineally descended from the prophet Samuel. If this account is true, it proves that these princes were not all of the lineage of David, as the Jews pretend. It is evident, however, that they were seldom seen after the eleventh cen- tury ; and preserved only an empty name without authority.* When the Jews were expelled from the east, multitudes of the nation passed into Africa, and from thence joined their brethren in Spain, who were favoured by the caliphs. They had assisted the Saracens in the conquest of this kingdom ; and gratitude, as well as policy, induced the victors to reward those to whose open or secret aid they were so much indebted. An intimate connexion, there- fore, took place between the disciples of Moses and those of Mahomet, which was cemented by their reciprocal hatred of the Christians ; and subsisted till their common expulsion. f Some of the most learned men among the Jews, after their banishment from the east, found an asy- lum in Spain, and were patronized by the Saracen monarchs. This period, therefore, was one of the most brilliant epochas of Jewish literature from the time of the destruction of Jerusalem. Even in the darkest ages of their history they cultivated their language with assiduity, and were never destitute of grammarians, or subtle interpreters of the scripture. * Basnage, p. COS. + History of Spain. 182 HISTORY OP THE JEWS. But, generally speaking, it was only during their union with the Saracens in Spain,* or in the flou- rishing ages of the caliphs of Bagdat, that they ventured into general literature, and used in their writings a foreign, and consequently (in their view) a profane language.f While the attention of the Christians and Ma- hometans in Spain was occupied by (heir mutual hostilities, the Jews enjoyed an interval of tranquil- lity. Their academies were in a flourishing state under the Saracen monarchs ; and they became numerous and affluent. During this prosperous era many learned doctors appeared among them, whose erudition has been celebrated by Jewish writers. fThe Talmud, however, was so little known in Spain, that they were obliged to send deputies to the Babylonian academies, to decide the disputes which arose among them. Even the prayers which they offered up on the grand expiation day, and other national fasts, were composed by one of the Babylonish rabbies.jj Hasheym II. the Saracen monarch of Cordova, Who was a friend and patron \ to the Israelites, commanded this celebrated work to be translated into the Arabic language, in order either to gratify his curiosity, or prevent their frequent excursions to Bagdat, or Jerusalem, from which it is said he apprehended fatal conse- quences. J The wars in Spain, which raged with violence during the eleventh century, and the revolutions to * The Saracens subdued Spain in the eighth century, t Butler's Horae Biblicse. + Basnage, p. 606. ^ About the beginning of the eleventh century, Toledo, Valentia, HISTORY OF THE JEWS. which they gave rise, were in their commencement beneficial to the Jews. Rabbi Samuel Levi, being secretary and prime minister to the king of Grenada, was by him appointed chief of their nation, and exerted himself to the utmost to promote their interest and honour. For this purpose he sent for some of the most learned Jewish rabbies from Babylon and Egypt, to whom he was a liberal bene- factor. His countrymen had the satisfaction of seeing his son succeed him in all his dignities. [A. D. 1055.] Their joy, however, was damped by his arrogant behaviour, which was very different from that of his father, who in the zenith of his prosperity was distinguished for humility and moderation.* The interval of tranquillity which the Jews en- joyed, was, about the middle of the eleventh century, disturbed by an unfortunate event. Joseph Hallevi, a learned and zealous rabbi, assisted by the Arabic version of the Talmud, endeavoured to convert the Mahometans to the Jewish faith. The king of Gre- nada, highly exasperated at this attempt against the established religion, caused the principal offender to be apprehended and executed. A violent persecution of his nation immediately followed, and one hundred thousand families experienced its destructive effects. The severity of this monarch was more sensibly felt after a series of prosperity, which had rendered them affluent and powerful. They were appre- hensive that the other sovereigns would follow his Seville, and almost all the great cities in Spain, had their independent kingdoms. RtuseFs Modern Europe, vol. i. p. ISO. * Basnage, p. 607. 184 HISTOEY OF THE JEWS. example. But the persecution was quickly sup- pressed, and did not extend beyond the kingdom of Grenada.* The Jews were exposed to suffer still more severe and cruel treatment under king Ferdinand. This monarch, having declared war against the Saracens, resolved to consecrate his enterprise by previously / extirpating all the Israelites in his kingdom. But the Spanish prelates openly condemned and opposed this measure ; and pope Alexander II. wrote a letter to them, in which he highly commended their opposition to Ferdinand's bloody design ; severely reproved this monarch for his furious and unchristian zeal ; and reminded him of the example of pope Gregory the Great, who had strenuously opposed similar persecution, and the demolishing of the synagogues. The united remonstrances of the pope and bishops delivered the Jews from the impending evil.f A. D. 1080.] The revolution, caused by the Moors in Africa, more effectually extricated them at this period from persecution. Alphonso, the suc- cessor of Ferdinand, being extremely distressed by the increasing power of the Saracens, found himself obliged to befriend and caress the Jews, in order to obtain from them personal and pecuniary assistance. Accordingly he promoted them to great and lucrative offices ; and even allowed them to be judges over the Christians. Pope Gregory highly disapproved of this last instance of the king's indulgence ; and upbraided him with having exalted the synagogue of Satan above the church of Christ." The reinon- * Basnage, p. 607. + Ibid. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 185 strances of the Roman pontiff could not induce the monarch to diminish those privileges, which he had granted merely from interested motives.* A. D, 1096.] Peter I. the grandson of Alphonso, was equally regardless of the remonstrances of Nicolas de Valeutia, who endeavoured to prejudice the king against the Jews, by painting in strong colours their hatred to the Christians ; and assuring him, that they were his most dangerous and inve- terate enemies. But this monarch was averse to persecution ; and maintained that violence would have no lasting, or beneficial effect. The moderation of Peter could not, however, preserve this 'unhappy people in several other parts of Spain from the fury of the crusaders, f who massacred vast numbers of * Basnage, p. 607. t The crusades, or expeditions to recover the holy land from the hands of the Mahometans, commenced about the year 1095. The foundation of these expeditions was a superstitious veneration for those places where our Saviour performed his miracles, and finished the work of redemption. Peter the Hermit, a native of Amiens in Picardy, had made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and being deeply affected with the dangers to which the pilgrims were exposed, as well as Ihe oppressions which the eastern Christians endured, formed the bold design of leading into Asia, from the furthest extremities of the west, armies sufficient to subdue that warlike nation, which then pos- sessed the holy land. This fanatical monk ran from province to province, with a crucifix, exciting princes and people to the holy war; and wherever he came kindled the same enthusiastic ardour with which he himself was animated. People of all ranks caught the contagion ; not only the gallant nobles of the age with their martial followers, but men in the more humble and pacific stations in life ; ecclesiastics of every order, and even women and children engaged with emulation in an undertaking which was deemed sacred and meri- torious. If we may believe the concurring testimony of contemporary authors, six millions of persons assumed the cross, which was the badge that distinguished such as devoted themselves to this holy warfare. Nor did the fumes of this enthusiastic zeal evaporate at 186 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. , them. Under the idea of procuring a blessing on their expedition, they destroyed the descendants of those, who crucified our Saviour.* Notwithstanding all the persecutions the Jews suffered in Spain during the eleventh century, many rabbles appeared, who were distinguished for ability and learning. Samuel Cophni, a native of Cordova, published a commentary on the Pentateuch, the ma- nuscript of which is still extant in the Vatican library. Soon after him flourished the five Isaacs at nearly the same period; one of whom, called Isaac Alphesi, came from Africa to Spain. He was esteemed the most learned man of his age ; and was chosen chief of the captivity in this kingdom. The second of the Isaacs was the son of Baruch, who derived his origin from the ancient Baruch, and pretended, that his family came to Spain as early as the reign of Titus, and had subsisted there till this time. He understood Latin, Greek, and Arabic ; and was so profoundly versed in mathematics, that the king of Grenada, who was a passionate admirer of this science, sent for him to court in order to receive his instructions. This monarch treated him with such flattering distinction, that he continued to reside at his court till his death, which took place 1007. The other three Isaacs were also men of distinguished ability and learn ing. f once ; the phrensy was as lasting as it was extravagant Daring two centuries Europe seems to have bad no object but to recover, or keep possession of the holy land; and during this period vast armies conti- nued to march to Palestine. Robertton't History of Charlet P. vol. i. p. 22. * Basnage, p. 608. t Basnage, p. 609. Modern Uaiver. Hist. vol. xiii. p. 256. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 187 The number of famous rabbies, who appeared in Spain during the eleventh and twelfth centuries, gave rise to disputes respecting the utility of stu- dying the sciences. Those who had acquired a taste for literature ardently wished to make farther im- provements. According to Enfield,* " the attention, which was paid to the writings of Aristotle,f both by Arabians and Christians, excited the emulation of the Jews, who addicted themselves to the study of the Peripatetic philosophy. This innovation, so inconsistent with the reverence which they professed to entertain for the law and traditions of their fathers, was exceedingly displeasing to the zealous advocates for Talmudic learning, who easily perceived, that as the one gained ground, the other would decline." The ancient curse denounced upon the Jew who should instruct his son in Grecian learning was revived. But rabbi Solomon-ben-Abraham, who taught at Barcelona, mitigated the severity of this decree, which he had not sufficient courage to abolish ; and pronounced an anathema and sentence of excommunication against all, who began to study Greek before they were twenty years old. Rabbi Mar, however, restored the Jewish students to the entire liberty of learning the languages, as well as the arts and sciences. J In Prance, during the tenth and eleventh cen- * Enfield's Philosophy, vol. ii. p. 204. -, t To facilitate the study of Aristotle among the Jews, his writings were translated from the Arabic to the Hebrew tongue- Several other ancient works, particularly the Elements of Euclid, and the medical writings of the Greeks, towards the close of the thirteenth century, appeared in a Hebrew dress. i Basnage, p. 610. 188 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. turies, only a few rabbies appeared, who were dis- tinguished for ability and learning^ The most cele- brated among them was rabbi Gersion, who flourished in the eleventh century. Some suppose he was a native of Germany ; however, he published his book of constitutions in this kingdom. Though a long time elapsed before this work met with the approbation of the other Jewish doctors ; yet it was received as a code of excellent laws about the year 1204, and its author dignified with the title of the " Light of the French Captivity."* Jacob, the son of Jekar, one of Gersion's pupils, was a great musician and casuist; and the succeeding Jewish doctors followed his decisions with implicit reverence. Rabbi Judah, another of his disciples, also held a distinguished rank among the learned men of his nation. He composed a treatise on the rights of women ; and a work on the Jewish calculations of time. According to his account their first epocha was from their departure from Egypt ; they began another date from the period in which they were first governed by kings ; and a third from the time Alexander the Great first entered Jerusalem, which was observed till the tenth century, during which period rabbi Sherira flourished, and obliged his nation to date from the creation of the world. He also published a number of sermons. Another of Gersion's pupils, rabbi Moses Hardarsian, or the preacher, acquired a distinguished reputation. He, and rabbi Judah, introduced the custom of preaching in the synagogues, which had been much neglected. The former was the author of a commentary on * Basnage, p. 610. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. J89 Genesis, which has often been quoted by Christians against the Jews.* Joseph-Ben-Gorian, known to his nation by the name of Josippon, is supposed, by Basnage and others, to have been a French rabbi of the eleventh century. He endeavoured in his History of the Jews, written in Hebrew, to pass for the famous historian Josephus, and has succeeded with his nation. f But the most learned Christian writers reject this performance as spurious, on account of the many interpolations, modern names, and con- tradictions, which are found in this history. * Basnage, p. 609. t Priestley's Letters to the Jews, p. 4. David Levi asserts, that the work called Josephoen Ben Gorian was written bj Josephus to the Jews in Hebrew; and that the other history, to which his name is prefixed, was written to the Romans in Greek. Lev?* Letters to Priestley, p. 67. 190 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. CHAPTER XIIL Of the Jews in Hungary during the eleventh century. Persecution of this people in Germany and Bohemia. The Crusaders massacre vast multitudes of them in their march through the cities of Ger- many to the Holy Land. They arrive at Jerusalem, besiege and take the city, and put all the Jews to death. Of the second crusade. The Jews are massacred in most parts of Europe. A.D. 1092.] DURING the latter part of the eleventh century, St. Ladislaus, king of Hungary, convened a synod, which prohibited the Jews from marrying Christian women, or purchasing slaves who had embraced this religion. Colo man, his son and successor, also forbade their making use of Christian slaves ; but he permitted them to buy and cultivate lands within the jurisdiction of a bishop. These laws clearly demonstrate, that they were numerous and powerful in this kingdom.* The number and power of the Jews had also become great in Germany ; and they had erected superb synagogues in most of the principal cities, particularly at Treves, Cologne, Metz and Francfort. They had passed from Franconia into Bohemia ; and having in the eleventh century assisted the Christians against the irruptions of the barbarians, were allowed the privilege of a synagogue. They suf- fered indeed severe persecutions in several parts of these kingdoms ; and the fanaticism of the populace frequently exposed them to destruction. A priest named Gotescal, at the head of fifteen thousand ban- ditti, declared war against them ; and being sup- ported and encouraged by several monarchs, passed * Basnage, p. 616. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 191 into Hungary, and committed the most horrid out- rages upon this unhappy people. But at length it being discovered, that he pillaged the Christians as well as the Jews, he was surprised and slain with the greatest part of his army. Not long after, the landgrave of Lininghen declared himself the persecutor of the Jews, and committed several acts of violence against them. But on his attempting to penetrate into Hungary, he was surprised and defeated. The emperor Henry IV. exerted himself in defence of this oppressed people ; and ordered them to be reinstated in their abodes and property. This occasioned fresh complaints against them : and they were accused of having exaggerated their losses, in order to enrich them- selves by a more plentiful restitution.* A. D. 1096.] Soon after, the Crusaders in- volved them in the most terrible calamities they had ever experienced since the reign of Adrian. These expeditions awakened all the rage of their enemies against them ; and ' ' their population seemed to have increased only to furnish new victims." The cham- pions of the cross, in their march through Germany to the holy land, massacred all who refused to profess the Christian religion. Fifteen hundred were burnt at Strasburgh, thirteen hundred at Mayence ; and the flames being communicated to the city, it was in great danger of being reduced to ashes. -j- This massacre was continued from the month of April till July. According to the JewishJ historians, five * Basuage, p. 616. t Grcgoire on the Reformation of the Jews, p. 5. t A. modern Jewish author has thus described the miseries his 192 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. thousand of their nation were either slaughtered or drowned ; and the number of those, who preserved their lives by dissimulation, was much more consi- derable. They were so far from exaggerating, that the Christian writers make the amount of those who were destroyed vastly greater. The Batavian an- nalists assert, that upwards of twelve thousand were slain in their country ; and all agree, that the number of those who perished in other parts of Germany* was almost incredible. Many, in the phrensy of despair, put a period to their own lives. Even some women at Treves, seeing the Crusaders approaching, killed their children, telling them, te that it was much better to send them into Abraham's bosom, than to abandon them to the Christian's." Some of the men barricaded their houses, and preci- pitating- themselves, their families, and wealth into nation endured from the fury of the Crusaders : " When from his soli- tar; retreat an enthusiastic hermit preached the crusades to the nations of Europe, and a part of its inhabitants left their country to moisten with their blood the plains of Palestine, the knell of promis- cuous massacre tolled before the alarm-bell of war. Millions of Jews were then murdered to glut the pious rage of the Crusaders. It was hy tearing the entrails of their brethren that these warriors sought to deserve the protection of Heaven. Skulls of men and bleeding hearts were offered as holocausts on the altars of that God who has no pleasure even in the blood of the innocent lamb; and ministers of peace were thrown into a holy enthusiasm by these bloody sacrifices. It is thus that Basil, Treves, Coblentz, and Cologne, became human shambles." Appeal to the Justice of Kings and Nations, by 31. Michael Berr. * Metz is, perhaps, the only city in Germany where the Crusaders did not imbrue their hands in the blood of the Jews. Lewis the Young, on his departure for Palestine, assembled his army in this place; and yet it is not said, that the Jews received any insult. The silence of history in this respect amounts to a positive proof, if we consider, that Metz theo had historians. Gregoire, p. 242. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 193 the rivers, or the flames, disappointed the malice, or at least the avarice, of their implacable enemies. Others, who were less obstinate, fled for refuge to the palace of Egibert the bishop. This prelate preached to them a sermon, by which they pretended to be converted. But as soon as the influence of terror was withdrawn, all except one resumed their former religion. During this period of darkness and fanaticism, while the public outcry denounced vengeance against an unbelieving race, it must gratify every benevolent heart to catch a feeble voice in history whispering consolation to tbejjufferers in Israel. Our pleasure is increased when we discover this humanity among the clergy, who have been often accused of insti- gating the persecutions against them. > At Mayence and Spires we find prelates sheltering them from the fury of the Crusaders, receiving the fugitives to their houses, and even causing some of their perse- cutors to be executed. The bishop of Spires, in particular, has been celebrated for his active inter- ference in their behalf.* A. D. 1099.] After murdering the Jews in the cities through which they passed, the champions of the cross advanced in order to invest Jerusalem, which they regarded as the consummation of all their labours. They took the cityf by assault, after * Gregoire on the Reformation of the Jews, p. 5, 6. t This great event took place on the fifth of July, in the last year of the eleventh century. The Christian princes and nobles, after choosing Godfrey of Bouillon king of Jerusalem, began to settle themselves in their newly conquered countries. Some of them, how- ever, returned to Europe, in order to enjoy at home the glory which O 194 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. a siege of five weeks ; and impelled by a mixture of military and religious rage, destroyed the inhabitants without distinction of sex or age. Their fury rose to such a height, that all the Jews, being the suc- cessors of those who had crucified our Saviour, were most inhumanly put to death.* A. D. 1147.] The persecutions which the Jews suffered from the Crusaders were not terminated after the conquest of Jerusalem. Other expeditions were undertaken in order to secure to the Christians the possession of the holy land, to enlarge their con- quests, and to recover the city after it was retaken by the Mahometans. f The second crusade was promoted by the exhortations of St. Bernard, and supported by the emperor Conrad, and the French king Lewis VII. The hermit Rodolphus, who was commissioned to proclaim the holy war along the banks of the Rhine, earnestly inculcated upon the German princes the necessity of exterminating the enemies of Christ within their own territories. Other preachers followed his example ; and the Jews, seized with consternation, retired to Nurem- burg, and other cities, in which the emperor kindly received and protected them. Many of the Chris- tian bishops highly condemned the hermit's perse- cuting doctrine. St. Bernard in particular severely they had acquired by this popular enterprize. Hume's History of England, vol. i. p. 232. * Guthrie's History of the World, vol. vii. p. 66. Gibbon, rol. zi. p. 65. i From the time that Jerusalem was taken by the western Chris- tians, that is, from July 5, 1099, to the end of the year 1162, the city was governed by five Latin kings, and the church by eight patri- archs. Jfarilie'i Travels HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 195 censured it ; and, in a letter to the archbishop of MetZj advised to have the fiery zealot banished to his solitude. Not contented, however, with writing pathetic letters upon the subject, he repaired to Germany, where he afforded an efficacious protection to the Jews by the influence he derived from his talents, learning, and virtues.* The persecution kindled by the Crusaders was not confined to Germany, but extended through the greatest part of Europe. The public outcry was, " Let us exterminate the descendants of those, who crucified Jesus Christ ; and let the name of Israel be no more remembered." But though vast multi- tudes fell a sacrifice to the bigotry of the princes and people, a still greater number, driven to despair by the miseries they suffered, perished by suicide, f While our attention is engaged, and our feelings agitated in reviewing the terrible calamities which the Jews were compelled to endure, we may be led to inquire, What are the causes of the reciprocal hatred which has subsisted between them and other nations ? A celebrated author, who has deeply interested himself to ameliorate the condition of this persecuted nation, has given the following answer to this query. " The resistance of the Jews in their last war against the Romans greatly incensed the latter, who took every opportunity of inspiring all the people of the empire with their prejudices. The Jews, driven from their country, but continually elevated by the imposture of false Messiahs, who added fuel to their fanaticism, could not tamely submit to a foreign * Basnage, p. 617. Gregoire, p. 6. t Basnage, p. 616. 02 196 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. yoke ; and they preserved, even to the seventh century, a spirit of sedition, which excited hatred against them. , one time incurred a severe penalty by renouncing Judaism ; at *+\ another epoch, those in the same country, who refused to profess I Christianity, were ordered to be burnt. The practice of confiscating / the property of those Jews who professed Christianity began under i the feudal government, and was continued in most parts of Europe x_tH the end of the fourteenth century. Mimtesquieu't Works. French Encyclopedia. + Essay on Public Happiness, vol. ii. p. 427. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 239 etude, pursue you on all sides ; may the earth swallow you up like Dathan and Abiram ; may all the sins of your parents, and all the male- dictions contained in the law of Moses fall on your head." To this dreadful imprecation the Jews were to answer three times, " So be it."* A. D. 1288.] The most signal calamity which the Jews suffered during the reign of St. Lewis was a persecution raised against them by the Parisians, on acount, as was pretended, of their sacrificing some Christian children on Good Friday, and of using their blood at the solemnity of the passover. For this imputed act of murder and impiety, they were cruelly slaughtered in the metropolis. The persecution was also extended to Brie, Touraine, Anjou, Poitou, and Maine ; in which places up- wards of two thousand five hundred Jews^ who refused to embrace Christianity, were put to death by the most cruel tortures. Their sufferings would probably have been prolonged, had not pope Gre- gory IX. interposed, and written to St. Lewis, requesting him to allow them liberty of conscience. During the king's imprisonment in the holylandf a crusade was formed in his kingdom of simple shep- herds, whose professed object was to march thither and release him. They grounded their chimerical design upon revelations, and pretended they had the gift of working miracles. The enthusiastic fury spread till their army amounted to an hundred thou- sand men, who marched to Bourges, plundered the * Gifford's History of France, vol. i. p. 436, 437 450. t St. Lewis was at the head of the sixth and seventh crusades in 1248 and 1870. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. Jews, and seized all their books in order to commit them to the flames. At length, however, they were subdued, and many of them put to death.* The following- year a conference was held in the presence of Blanche, the queen regent, during St. Lewis's absence, between rabbi Jechiel, a learned cabbalist, and Nicholas Donim, a celebrated Jewish convert. The French authors assert, that Jechiel, baffled and mortified by the powerful arguments of his opponent, retired in disgust to Jerusalem. While the king was under confinement in the holy land, he sent an edict to France to expel the Jews from his dominions, which was punctually executed by the queen regent. A. D. 1239.] The Israelites being numerous and great usurers in Brittany, the nobility and merchants united in a complaint against them to John le Roux, the duke. An act was passed which declared, that at the request of the bishops, abbots, barons, and vassals in Brittany, all the Jews should be for ever banished from that province. By this law all their debtors were exonerated, and their effects ordered to be retained; and those who had recently killed a Jew were forbidden to be disturbed. The king of France was to be requested to expel this hated race, and confiscate their property. The duke en- gaged for himself and his successors, for the present and future to support this law; and, if he violated it, he authorized the bishops to excommunicate him, and confiscate his lands in their dioceses without regard to any privileges. f * Basnage, p. 672. t Ibid. p. 671. Gregoire, p. 248. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 241 A. D. 1240.] The celebrated council of Lyons passed also a decree enjoining all Christian princes who had Jews in their dominions, under penalty of excommunication, to compel them to refund to the Crusaders all the money they had obtained by usury. This oppressed people were also prohibited from demanding any debts due to them from the Crusaders till their death or return. The council of Vienna, held in the same century, defended the Christians against the exorbitant usury of the Jewish nation. This people, however, not- withstanding these decrees and precautions, in some provinces of France, particularly in Languedoc, were raised to the magistracy,* and in most parts of the kingdom kept Christian slaves. A. D. 1275.] Philip the Bold, the successor of St. Lewis, was induced to recal the Jews in order to promote commerce, effect the circulation of money, and improve his exhausted finances. They became powerful and affluent under the reign of this prince. In 1290, Edward king of England, banished this people from Gascony, and his other dominions in France, f A. D. 1300.] The example of the English mo- narch was followed by Philip the Fair, who published an edict by which all the Jews who refused to profess Christianity were expelled the kingdom, never to return upon pain of death. It is allowed, that this * The city of Montpelier in particular had been frequently ia danger of seeing a Jew at the head of the magistracy ; upon which account, William IV. lord of it, found himself obliged to forbid it by his last will, as his grandfather had done about fifty years before. Modern Universal History, vol. xiii. p. Sit. t Hume's History of England. R 242 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. unhappy people were sacrificed to the king's extreme avarice,* for he seized upon all their wealth, and only allowed them money to defray their expenses to the frontiers. Many perished by the way with fatigue and want, and those who survived retired into Germany. Hence the Jews of that country supposed themselves of French extraction. .Among those who escaped exile by receiving baptism^ many relapsecTand returned to J udais m . The conversion of the celebrated Nicolas de Lyra, however, appears to have been sincere. He wrote a learned treatise against his nation, and spent the remainder of his life in the explanation of the scrip- tures. Most of the proselytes think themselves obliged to give a testimony of their faith by writing against their deserted brethren; but he is said to have adduced more cogent arguments against them than any Jewish convert before him. He studied some time in the university of Paris, and then en- tered into the Franciscan order. He died at his convent at Verneuil in the year 1340. f A. D. 1314.] The same avarice which caused Philip to expel the Jews from France, induced Lewis the Tenth, the succeeding monarch, to recal them. He expected by this measure to recruit his finances, and thus be enabled to reduce the Flemings to sub- jection. The condition of their return was paying a very heavy tax; and the time of their remaining in the kingdom limited to twelve years. During this period they were at liberty to engage in trade, or support themselves by labour. They were allowed * Basnage, p. 674. t Modem Universal History, rol. xiii. p. 32 1 . HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 243 to collect their old debts, two thirds of which the king claimed for himself. They were also permitted to purchase synagogues, burying-places, and their books, except the Talmud. But they were BOW obliged, as before, to wear a particular mark of distinction. They were prohibited from lending money on usurious interest, written obligation, or, in short, any thing but pledges. They were like- wise forbidden to dispute on religion either in public or private.* A. D. 1320.] In the reign of Philip V. surnamed the Tall, the shepherds and other inhabitants of the country left their flocks and farms, and asserted, that they were going to Jerusalem for the relief of the holy land. With no other weapons than a pilgrim's staff they marched in great bodies, which were in- creased by the junction of the populace, which they met on their way. Their leaders were two profligate priests, who pretended to work miracles, and thus imposed upon the credulity of the people. They ravaged several of the southern provinces, broke open the prison doors, and enlisted all the criminals they found into their society. By these means they made themselves masters of several cities, and com- mitted the vilest outrages and cruelties; but more particularly against the Jews. This miserable race, left to the choice of death or baptism, collected their most valuable effects, and fled before this tumultuous rabble. A considerable number of them having taken refuge in the royal castle of Verdun, in the diocese of Toulouse, were there besieged by the shepherds. They defended themselves with vigour * Basnage, p. 674. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. and desperation ; and, finding* their arms fail, began to throw their children over the walls in hopes to excite the compassion of their enemies ; but in vain.* The shepherds set fire to the fortress, and expected to satiate their rage with the slaughter of the be- sieged. But the Jews perceiving there was no means of escape, to avoid falling into the hands of the enemy, requested one of their brethren, a young man of great strength, to put them all to death. The wretch accepted the fatal commission, and after he had massacred five hundred he presented himself >^ to the besiegers with a few children, whose lives he had spared, and demanded baptism. His request, however, was rejected, and he received the punish- ment due to his barbarity. At length a great number of the shepherds were apprehended and executed at different places, particularly at Tou- louse, where they had massacred all the Jews in the city.f A. D. 1330.] This miserable people were ten years after involved in another calamity, pretended to have been occasioned by their having suffered themselves to be bribed by the Saracen king of Gre- nada, to procure the poisoning of all the rivers, wells, and reservoirs of water. A leper having de- posed, that he was hired hy a certain rich Jew to effect this purpose, the people in several provinces, without waiting for the necessary formality, attacked the Jews, and put them to the most cruel death. Some, driven to despair, perished by suicide. At * Basnage, p. 675. Gifford. + Basnage, p. 664. Gifford, vol. i. p. 539. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 345 Paris, however, none but those who were supposed guilty were destroyed. The rich were imprisoned till they would discover their treasures, the greatest part of which the king seized for his own use, and expelled this devoted race from his dominions.* After the Jews were banished the kingdom by Philip the Tall, they took refuge in Lombardy, and gave to the foreign merchants bills of exchange, drawn upon those to whom they entrusted their effects at parting, and those bills were accepted. Thus te commerce was seen to arise from the bosom of vexation and despair." f It was reserved for an \ oppressed people to invent a method, by which merchants in regions the most remote from each / other could procure the value of their commodities / without the inconvenience of transporting gold or I silver. In this way the Jews often eluded the vio- J^ lence and rapacity of their enemies ; the richest among them frequently having none but invisible effects, which they could convey imperceptibly wherever they pleased. Thus they accelerated their return ; for though the princes were willing to banish their persons, they wished to retain their wealth. J A. D. 1360.] In the reign of John II. the Jews endeavoured to procure their recall. During the king's captivity they had made several proposals * Basnage, p. 675. Giffbrd, vol. i. p. 139, vol. ii. p. 206. t Montesquieu's Works, vol. ii. p. 60. J French Encyclo. Gregoire's Observations nouvelles sur les Juifs. ^ King John was taken prisoner in 1356 by the celebrated prince of Wales, surnamed the Black Prince, sou of Edward HI. of England. The French king had agreed to pay three millions of gold crowns for his ransom. The first payment was to be 600,000 crowns ; and a* France could not then furnish the money, they were obliged to recall 246 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. to the regent, who evinced a disposition to grant them a favour which they offered to purchase at a very high price. Soon after his release John pub- lished a declaration, by which he permitted them to return and remain in the kingdom twenty years. Besides the sum which they advanced for this privi- lege, every master of a family paid twelve florins of gold on his entrance into, and six florins yearly for the liberty of residing in France. A general poll tax was also levied upon them of one florin per head. The king strictly prohibited their exorbitant usury, and permitted them only to take moderate interest.* During the reign of Charles VI. the Jews were accused of murdering a new convert, and other crimes, f for which some were executed, others scourged, and fines levied upon the synagogues. These severities induced many to assume the mask of Christianity. | The people, however, in 1380, insisted upon their expulsion, and assembled as it is said at the instigation of certain noblemen, who had borrowed large sums of this persecuted race, who though generally considered as the outcasts of so- ciety, exerted their industry with success in the acquisition of wealth. The houses of the public receivers, most of whom were Jews in Lombardy, were broke open ; the chests in which the money the Jews, and sell them the liberty of trading in France. Anderson, vol.i. p. 45'2- * Gifford, vol. ii. p. 269. Basnage, p. 676. t Charles VI. during his reign, becoming deranged in his intellect, it was suspected that the Jews deprived him of his reason. Gregoire, p. 22. i Basnage, p. 676. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 24? was deposited were seized,, and their contents emp- tied into the streets ; while the registers, bonds, and all other securities for money lent, were destroyed. In one street alone thirty houses were pillaged, and all the furniture, clothes, plate, and jewels, became the prey of the populace. The Jews endeavoured to preserve their lives by flight, but most of them were intercepted and massacred ; while the few who escaped, took refuge iu the dungeons of the Chatelet. The women in despair attempted to follow their husbands with their children in their arms ; but the mob forced their children from them, and carried them to be baptized.* The government was too weak to inflict on the insurgents the punishment which their crimes deserved. The Jews, however, were re-established in their habitations ; and an order was issued by the council for every one to restore, under pain of death, whatever he had taken from them ; but the order was treated with contempt. These miserable objects of oppression, after being despoiled of their property, were exposed to prosecutions from those who had left pledges in their hands ; but an ordi- nance was passed to exempt them from the conse- quences, on taking an oath, that the property which was the object of the action had been taken from them during the tumult, f A. D. 1394.] In the reign of Charles VI. a council, which was held on the 17th of September,, passed an act for the final expulsion of the Jews from France. The provost was ordered to super- intend the execution of the edict, and take an inven- * Gifford, vol. ii. p. 269. + Ibid. 248 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. tory of all the effects which could be found in their houses at the time of their departure. They were obliged to leave the kingdom in November ; and from this last exile they begin the date of their years. The greater part of this persecuted people retired into Germany. In the city of Metz in Lor- raine they preserved their ancient privileges,* the city being at the time of their expulsion a free town in the imperial territories. After it was annexed to the French dominions, the king of France continued to tolerate the Jews who were settled there, and for a long period it was the only place in the kingdom where they enjoyed a privileged abode, f Respecting the repeated accusations brought against the Jews, of crucifying Christian children, poisoning the rivers, &c. a late author observes, " In the dark periods of the middle agesj the Jews, punished but in the most dreadful manner for real crimes, suffered oftener for crimes merely chimerical. The relations of their sacrificing Christian children are given by Christian historians. But even grant- ing, that rage, madness, or a desire of revenge, may * The Jews were established at Metz as early as the year 888, since at that epoch Gorabert the dean brought some complaints against them. Sigebcrt de Gemblours taught in this city in the twelfth century with such success, that they eagerly resorted to hear his instructions. Gregoire on the Reformation of the Jews, p. 283. t Basnage, p. 676. Clifford, vol. ii. p. 344. * The middle age, as it is called, is considered as terminating at the taking of Constantinople in the fifteenth century. Its commence- ment is not so well fixed by historians, some carrying it back even to the reign of Constantine, and some only to the division of the empire under Theodosius. The middle age contains a period of about one thousand years. The term dark age is sometimes used to express the ninth, tenth, and eleventh centuries, which were the most barbarous portions of this dark period. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 24$ have induced some fanatics to commit these excesses, are we to consider the whole nation as culpable ? " The poisoning of fountains by bundles of herbs, or noxious mixtures, forms an accusation much more absurd ; for in order to commit crimes, people must be actuated by some motives, and the hopes of success. But what success could the Jews expect in poisoning the springs, which were con- stantly renewed, and from which they themselves daily drew water. Ask the physicians, if, at a time when chemistry was only in its infancy, a poison was known sufficiently active to produce that effect. Can we allow ourselves to be persuade'd, that the Jews, who were so much interested in living upon good terms with other nations, should attempt crimes, / the execution of which was evidently impossible ; and which they must naturally expect would provoke new persecutions?"* It ought, however, to be remembered, that the cruelty of professed Christians to the Jews in the dark ages is no argument against the truth of that sacred religion, the genuine spirit of which breathes " peace on earth and good will to men." This spirit was exemplified in the primitive Christians, the apostles, and martyrs, and more especially in their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who prayed for his persecutors, saying, " Father, forgive them,, for they know not what they do."f * Gregoire on the Reformation of the Jews, p. 26. According to Basnage most of these accusations against the Jews were the reports of their inveterate enemies, who continually sought their de- struction, p. 044. t See Letters of certain Jews to Voltaire. 250 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. CHAPTER XVIII. The Jews in Spain are persecuted by the bishop of Toledo. They are massacred by the Crusaders. Raymond de Penneforte attempts to convert them. They are favoured by Alphonso X. and James I. king of Arragon. They are deluded by an impostor, who predicted the appearance of the Messiah. Irruption of the shepherds. The pestilence spreads from their army. The Jews are accused of poi- soning the rivers. They are favoured by Alphonso XL- Their enemies conspire to destroy them. Fresh insurrections at Toledo. Many Jews perish by suicide. Of the persecutions they suffered at Castile and Arragon in the latter part of the fourteenth century. Pope Benedict appoints a conference between them and the Chris- tians. A large number of Jews profess Christianity. Of the pre- tended conversions by Vincent Ferrier. Cruelty of the inquisition. They are banished from Spain. Terrible distress of the refugees. They are received into, and soon after expelled from Portugal. A. D. 1209.] THE sufferings of the Jews in Spain, were equally severe with those of their bre- thren in England and France. At the commence- ment of the thirteenth century, the bishop of Toledo perceiving them to increase in number and wealth excited the populace against them, and., putting himself at their head, entered and plundered their houses and synagogues. He endeavoured to vin- dicate his conduct by accusing the Hebrews of having betrayed the city when it was besieged by the Moors ; but the silence of impartial historians exculpated them from the charge.* A. D. 1212.] The Crusaders, who soon after assembled near Toledo, completed the work of de- struction which the bigoted prelate had begun. They prescribed no limits to their cruelty, but made such * Basnage, p. 659. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. havock and carnage among this miserable people, that Abarbanel, a celebrated Jewish writer, con- sidered this as one of the most severe and bloody persecutions which his nation ever suffered, and that it caused a gTeater number to abandon Spain than Moses conducted out of Egypt. The Spanish nobles endeavoured to interpose their authority, and to suppress these cruelties. But Ferdinand, who then possessed the sovereign power, and wished to in- gratiate himself with the populace by the extirpation of the Albigenses and other sects, encouraged and promoted the persecution.* A. D. 1250.] During the reign of James I. king of Arragon, who was distinguished for his zeal for Christianity, great efforts were made to convert the Jews. Raymond de Penneforte,f general of the Dominicans, confessor to the king and minister to the pope, used energetic measures to effect this purpose. He had already, by his reputation and address, suppressed the violence of the populace against this unhappy people; and persuaded the king that mildness and instruction were the most effectual means to induce them to embrace Chris- tianity. Agreeably to his benevolent plan, several of the Dominican friars were chosen to learn the Hebrew and Arabic languages, and directed to apply themselves assiduously to the study of the scriptures, that they might be enabled to dispute with the Jewish rabbies in order to convince them of their errors. The attempts made to convert the Jews were, how- ever, in general unsuccessful; though they highly * Basnage, p. 670. t Raymond was canonized by pope Clement Till. 252 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. esteemed Raymond for his singular humanity and moderation.* A. D. 1255.] Alphonso X. king of Castile, and a celebrated astronomer, encouraged and promoted learned men of all religious denominations. By his order Judali de Toledo translated and improved the astronomical works of Avicenna, a learned Arabic writer. Isaac, the son of Cid, and other rabbies, assisted him in compiling certain astronomical tables, which bear the name of the king, and do honour to his memory.f Alphonso rewarded them with royal munificence, and became so generous a patron to the nation, that the jealousy of the Zealots was excited, and they formed new plots and accusations against them. Three villains of the city of Orsana, in Andalusia, threw the dead body of a man into the house of a Jew, and accused him of the murder. This improbable as- sertion gained credit, and awakened the popular fury and hatred against them. A great number of Jews were inhumanly put to death, and others fled for refuge to the houses of their Christian acquaint- ance. The inhabitants of Palma also rose, and destroyed many of this unhappy people. Upon this * Raymond Martin, another Dominican, wrote a treatise against the Jews, called " Pugio Fidei," or the " Poniard of Faith." This work is considered as a learned and powerful defence of the Christian religion against the arguments of the Jews. Another monk, named Paul, of the same order, held a conference in the palace of the king with Moses Nachmanides, a famous cabbalistical Jew. Both sides claimed the victory. Paul obtained an edict from king Ferdinand, enjoining the Jews to open their houses and synagogues to him, and to furnish him with all their Hebrew books whenever he came to dispute with them. Basnage, p. 660. t Modern Universal History, vol. xiii. p. 304. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 253 they sent a deputation to court to obtain the sup- pression of a massacre which was so likely to prove general. Their enemies also sent deputies on their part, who arrived first at court, and accused them. Joseph, however, who was at the head of the depu- tation, and chief of the Jewish council, was so elo- quent in pleading his cause before the Spanish monarch, that his countrymen were acquitted of the pretended murder.* Many learned men appeared among the Jews daring the time that they enjoyed the favour of the king Alphonso. In this number, Meir Mithridos, a native of Toledo, was eminently distinguished. He was the author of a famous cabbalistical work, and a volume of letters against Nachmanides and Maimonides, and educated many pupils who became the boast of the Jewish nation. Nor was it only at the court of Castile that learned rabbies appeared and were respected. James I. king of Arragon, was so far from adopting the pre- judices against them, that he applied to them for moral and religious instruction.f For, though the Jewish people were hated and despised by the populace, and by the ignorant among the clergy, they were at this time admired and encouraged by the great and learned. A. D. 1258.] Their happiness was, however, soon after disturbed by a celebrated impostor named Ze- chariah, who formed the design of deceiving all the * Basnage, p. 663. + The king, it is said, expressed an approbation of some parts of the Jewish prayer books. The clergy in this age applied themselves rather to controversy than devotion. Modern Universal History. vol. xiii. p. 307. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. synagogues in Spain. He pretended, that by his knowledge of the prophecies he had discovered the exact time of the appearance of the Messiah, which he predicted to be just at hand. This impostor even foretold ttje very day on which this mighty deliverer was to appear, who should gather together his elect people, subdue their enemies, and replace them in their ancient inheritance. Deceived by this pro- phecy and expectation of the Messiah, the Jews prepared themselves for the event by fasting and prayer, and at the time appointed repaired to the synagogues clothed in white. But discovering the imposture, they became ashamed of their blind cre- dulity, and were exposed to the insults and derision of their enemies.* A. D. 1320.] But the most terrible calamity which they suffered during this period was by the body of shepherds who had committed such fatal ravages in France. Having become numerous and powerful they entered Spain, and carried fire and sword into several provinces. The Jews, in parti- cular, were the victims of their rapacity and cruelty. Many preserved their lives by surrendering their property and renouncing their religion. Those who could not be induced to make these sacrifices were instantly and inhumanly put to death.f The pestilence which arose in the army of the shepherds, and extended through the neighbouring countries, was productive of new evils to this un- happy people. The desolation occasioned by this destructive scourge, was attributed to their malice * Basnage, p. 664. Modern Universal History, TO!, xiii. t Basnage, p. 604. HISTORT OF THE JEWS. 255 against the Christians. They were accused of having bribed the peasants of Mesura to poison the rivers, and of having furnished them with poison for that purpose. This absurd allegation* gained cre- dit, and caused great numbers of Jews tg be impri- soned and tried. After a long confinement, how- ever, they acquitted themselves of the crimes laid to their charge. But the king, who was unwilling to confess and condemn the injustice of his conduct, pretended that he detained them in prison in order to effect their conversion ; and caused fifteen thou- sand who refused to receive baptism to be put to a cruel death. A. D. 1333.] Alphonso XI. king of Castile, was the friend and protector of the Jews, being principally directed in his affairs by Joseph, one of the nation, whom he had appointed intendant of his finances. This monarch was, however, prevailed upon by his mutinous and discontented subjects to pass a decree against them, on account of a pre- tended indignity offered to the sacrament by a Jewish boy. The clamour of the populace was so violent, that a council was convened to deliberate whether they should be put to death or banished. The latter measure being preferred, they were com- manded to abandon the kingdom in three months. Happily for them, the prince royal obtained a revisal of the process, by which it appeared, that a young Christian had inadvertently committed the supposed crime. On this deposition, the king * The inventors of this palpable calumny were those who owed money to the Jews, and who wished to be delivered from their em- barrassment without paying it. Gregoire, p. 28. 256 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. recalled his edict. The acquittal of the Jews highly mortified and exasperated their enemies, who as- serted, that the Christian had been bribed to give an evidence in their favour. In another city many of the nation werf put to death for the pretended offence.* A. D. 1349.] Soon after, a fresh insurrection against the Jews broke out in Toledo, and their terror and desperation on this occasion baffles all description. One of them, perceiving the Zealots breaking into the house in order to massacre all they found, in a phrenzy of rage and despair killed his relations who had taken refuge with him, and then destroyed himself in order to avoid falling into the hands of his enemies, f A. D. J396.] In the reign of Henry III. of Castile, Martin, archdeacon of Astigi, by vehe- mently preaching against the Jews through the streets of Seville and Cordova, exasperated the populace to such a degree, that they massacred them in both places. The persecution spread to Toledo, Valencia, and Barcelona, where some were plundered, others murdered, while the most artful professed Christianity in order to escape such acts of violence. The populous synagogues of Seville and Cordova became almost deserted. These wretched fugitives, who had fled to Andalusia and other pro- vinces, were put to death by the inhabitants. King John, the son and successor of Henry, treated the Jews with equal cruelty. During his reign, many perished by being deprived of the necessaries of life, and those who survived were compelled to wear a disgraceful mark of distinction. J * Basnage, p. 665. + Basuajje, p. 667. + Ibid. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 25? The situation of the Jews in Arragon was not much more eligible than that of their brethren in Castile. That kingdom was involved in civil and intestine wars, which could only be supported by large imposts. The heaviest taxes were levied upon a people who had been so long the miserable objects of oppression. But though they were exposed to continual vexations and persecutions, several learned men, during the fourteenth century, appeared among those in Spain. In particular, two physicians* of the Castilian king acquired great celebrity. One of these famous men, named Meir Algudes, was chief of all the synagogues in Spain. He translated Aristotle's Ethics, and flourished till the year 1405. f A. D. 1412. ] At the commencement of the fif- teenth century, the antipope Benedict XIII. who was then in Arragon, distinguished himself by his zeal for the conversion of the Jews. To efifect this purpose, he summoned the most celebrated rabbies in Spain to attend a conference which he appointed for religious discussions between them and the Chris- tians. Jerome de Sancta Fide, who had deserted the synagogue and embraced Christianity, persuaded the pope to take this step, by assuring him that he could convince his countrymen, by passages out of the Talmud, that Jesus Christ was the Messiah. This convert was not only the chief promoter, but the principal conductor of the dispute. Rabbi Vidal * The learned Dr. Friend in his History of Medicine asserts, that the Jews were the princes of that science in Europe during the middle ages. Gregoire, p. 218. t Basnage, p. 680. 258 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. was chosen to defend the Jewish religion. The Jews at this time expressed unusual respect for the pope, who entertained them with politeness, and defrayed their expences.* But they treated Jerome with great asperity, their minds being exceedingly embittered against him, both for deserting the syna- gogue, and involving them in a dispute from which they apprehended fatal consequences, f The tenour and result of this famous conference is variously related by Christian and Jewish histo- rians. The latter, however, confess that they bribed several bishops to persuade Benedict to break off the dispute, from an apprehension that it would exasperate their enemies against them. But the pope insisted upon Jerome's performing his engage- ment ; and four or five thousand Jews were con- verted upon reading his relation of the conference, which he presented to this pontiff. The high celebrity of this performance induced Joseph Albo, J J a Spanish rabbi, to compile his articles of faith, in N order to confirm the wavering minds of his brethren. 1 He pretended, that a belief of the future coming of / the Messiah was not necessary to salvation ; and ( censured Mai mon ides, without naming him, for \ having made this an essential part of his creed. He * They, it is said, even carried their impious flattery so far as to apply to him the words of David's petition to God ; " Shew us thy mercy, O Lord, and grant us thy salvation." Basnage, p. 680. t Basnage, p. 680. Modern Univer. Hist. vol. xiii. This rabbi, finding the arguments which were adduced to prove that the Messiah was come made a great impression upon the Jews, maintained, that a belief of his coming was out an essential article of faith, and wished to have it expunged from the creed of Maime- nides. Basnage, p. 344. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 259 reduced the fundamental dogmas of the Jewish faith to three, viz. the existence of God, the law of Moses, and future rewards and punishments.* A. D. 1413.] The following year Benedict XIII. published his constitution against the Talmud,, and the usury of the Jews. But, as he was deposed soon after, all his ordinances were revoked; and it does not appear that his plans were followed by Martin of Florence his successor. A. D. 1413.] Vincent Perrier, who has been canonized for his miracles and zeal for converting the Jews, appeared at this time. The Christians compute, that the number whom he induced to abandon their religion amounted to twenty-five thou- sand. According to the Jewish accounts still more deserted the synagogues. But whatever was their number, it appears that the greatest part of them renounced their former religion, merely to avoid severe and cruel treatment. They secretly circum- cised their children, observed the passover, and neglected none of the Jewish rites and ceremonies. f The dissimulation of the pretended converts did not long pass unnoticed by the clergy, who ac- quainted Ferdinand, the Spanish monarch, and the pope Sixtus IV. with their conduct. Exasperated * Addison's Present State of the Jews, p. 17. t Basnage, p. 689. Modern Universal History, vol. xiii. p. 347. A small number of Jews were, however, esteemed sincere converts; among whom Solomon, the son of Levi, was included. Having read a work of Thomas Aquinas, he embraced Christianity, and took the name of Paul of Burgos. Soon after his baptism he was raised to the bishopric of that city, which was his native place, and afterward* to the patriarchate of Aquileia. He left a SOD who succeeded him in the bishopric, and wrote a history of Spain. Basnage, p. 690. 260 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. at (he affront offered to the Christian religion, the tribunal of the inquisition* was directed to pay close attention to the behaviour of these delinquents ; and all Christian princes were exhorted to assist in bringing them to condign punishment. This de- cree, which was published in most parts of Spain, filled the Jews with such consternation, that seven- teen thousand immediately returned to the church, and submitted themselves to whatever censure or penance should be inflicted. Two thousand of this miserable people, part of whom confessed that Jesus Christ was the true Messiah, were put to death. Many were sentenced to a long imprisonment, and, after regaining their liberty, were ordered to wear two red crosses on their upper garments, in ac- knowledgment that they had deserved the flames. Nor were the sacred repositories of the dead spared ; human bodies were disinterred and burned ; their property was confiscated, and their children were declared incapable of succeeding to the possessions of their parents. Notwithstanding the watchfulness of the inquisition, many found means to emigrate; others -were more careful to conceal their dissimu- * The court of the inquisition was introduced into Spain in the fifteenth century by Ferdinand and Isabella ; and was principally intended to prevent the relapse of the Jews and Moors, who had been, or pretended to be, converted to the faith of the church of Rome. Torquemade, a Dominican, confessor to queen Isabella, pre. tended that the dissimulation of the Jews would greatly injure the cause of religion. The queen listened with respectful deference to her confessor, and at length gained over the king to consent to the establishment of this barbarous tribunal. Its jurisdiction extended over all who in their practice or opinions differed from the established church. Walton's History of the Reign of Philip II. vol. ii. p. 134, 135. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 261 lation ; and some endeavoured to be better instructed previously to their professing Christianity.* A. D. 1445.] The populace" still continued to oppress and insult this unhappy people, and at- tributed all the public calamities to the obstinacy of the recusant, or the hypocrisy of the conforming Jews. At this time an insurrection of the inha- bitants of Toledo took place, on account of a pretended infringement on their privileges. The resentment of a mutinous people was principally levelled against the Jews, whose houses they plun- dered, and murdered all who opposed them. After the tumult subsided, laws were enacted which ex- cluded the new converts from all offices of trust and honour. The Spanish clergy, however, took them under their protection. The dean of the cathedral church in the city particularly exerted all his eloquence in their favour, and endeavoured to interest- the feelings of the people by representing, that many illustrious families, who had intermarriedf with the converted Jews, would be deprived of all their em- ployments by the execution of these laws. All his efforts would have proved ineffectual, had not pope Nicolas I. published a bull, by which he excom- municated all who were for excluding the Jewish or Pagan proselytes from any civil or ecclesiastical preferment. This decree of the sovereign pontiff * Basnage, p. f.91. Modern Univer. Hist. t A number of the Grandees, who had nothing left but their titles, had married into Jewish families in order to repair the losses they had sustained by their prodigality. Voltaire's fforks, vol. Hi. p. 33. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. was so displeasing to the Spanish nation, that he was obliged to issue a second bull to confirm it; and Mariana is almost the only Spanish writer who has given it a place in his history.* A. D. 1492.] Soon after Ferdinand and Isabella had completed their reduction of the Moors, they issued an edict, commanding the Jews either to embrace Christianity, or quit the kingdom in four months. The people were at the same time pro- hibited, under the severest penalties, from affording provisions or any other assistance to those who should be found in Spain after this period. Their attach- ment to the law of Moses was superior to every other consideration; and the Spanish historians affirm., that eight hundred thousand persons abandoned the kingdom pursuant to this decree. The Jewish writers make the number two hundred thousand families ; which, reckoning only five to each family, must have amounted to a million of souls, f The reputation which the celebrated rabbi Isaac Abarbanel enjoyed at court, could not prevent his being included among the exiles. J He was born at Lisbon, 1437, of an ancient family, who boasted a lineal descent from king David. His parents took * Mariana's History of Spain. Basnage, p. 691. t Ibid. * Rabbi Isaac Karo was another learned exile. He retired first to Portugal, and thence to Jerusalem. He lived a perfect recluse in this city, and devoted himself to study. He composed a Commentary on the Pentateuch, partly cabbalistical and partly literal. Modern Universal History. ^ He founded his pretensions on the testimony of Isaac AbenGeath, who says io one of his commentaries on the scriptures, that at the time of the destruction of the first temple, two families of the race of David went into Spain ; one of whom settled at Lucena, the other at Seville; and that from the latter Abarbanel was descended. After HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 263 great care of his education, and, as he possessed distinguished abilities, he made a rapid progress in the sciences, especially sacred literature. But his ambition to figure at court induced him to turn his chief attention to politics, finance, and commerce. During the reign of Alphonso V. king of Portugal, he was chosen one of his privy council, and filled his station with dignity and splendour till the death of this monarch. But being discarded in the reign of his successor, who hated the Jews, he fled to Castile. He was graciously received by Ferdinand and Isabella, and advanced to preferments, which he enjoyed until his countrymen were expelled from Spain. He exerted himself to the utmost to save himself and his nation from this fatal stroke. But finding all his efforts useless, he embarked for Naples, and arrived there with his family in 1493. Being educated a courtier, he ingratiated himself with Fer- dinand, king of Naples; and both that sovereign and Alphonso his successor protected and employed him. He died at Venice, 1508, in the seventy-first year of his age, and was interred at Padua. Several of the Venetian nobles, and all the Jews, attended his funeral. He published many learned works,* par- ticularly a commentary on Exodus, Deuteronomy, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and other books of the Old Testament^ the example of his father he assumed the title of Don, the usual custom among the nobles of Spain. Boissi Dissertations Critiques pour servir a Vhisloire des Juifs. * Basnage, p. 692. De Ilossic's Hebrew Biography. f He applied himself to study with indefatigable ardour, and was held in such high estimation among the Jews, that some did not he- sitate to pronounce him superior to Maimonides. They agree, that 2()4 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. The sufferings of the Jewish emigrants who em- barked for other countries were inexpressible and almost inconceivable. Some of the vessels took fire, and the miserable objects of oppression perished in the names. Others were so heavily laden that they sunk, and many were drowned. Great numbers were shipwrecked on foreign coasts, and perished with cold and hunger. One of the Spanish pilots formed the resolution of murdering all the Jews in his vessel, in order, as he pretended, to revenge the death of Christ, whom their ancestors had crucified. They represented to him that Christ, tf who died for the redemption of mankind, did not desire the death but the salvation of the sinner." The sailor in consequence of this pathetic remonstrance gave up the design of murdering them ; but caused them to be stripped naked, and set down on the next shore, where part of them perished with hunger; others were destroyed by lions who came out of a neighbouring cavern. The remainder were saved by the humanity of a master of a vessel, who took them in upon seeing their miserable condition.* The pestilence also destroyed many of these un- fortunate exiles; and, to complete their calamities, those who reached the city of Fez in Africa, were refused admittance by the merciless inhabitants, and died for want of the necessaries of life. When those who sailed for Italy arrived at Genoa, they found the city afflicted by a famine, which had greatly raised to a mind clear and penetrating he added a lively and fertile imagina- tion, which was exhibited in his easy and copious elocution. Dis- sertations Critiques, fife. * Basnage, p. 693. HISTORY OP THE JEWS. 265 the price of provisions. The inhabitants, seeing them macerated by sufferings, and destitute of money to purchase food, met them with the cross in one hand and bread in the other ; and refused to give sustenance to any who would not previously consent to adore the cross. Many of this wretched people,, who had the courage to abandon their coun- try and riches for their religion., were unable to resist this second temptation.* The tyrannical manner, in which the bigotry and avarice of king Ferdinand had induced him to treat the Jews, was highly condemned by all judicious Christians. This unhappy race, upon the first notice of their intended expulsion, had found means to elude the vigilant rapacity of the monarch, and convey the richest of their effects into the countries where they intended to retire. In consequence of which, the wealth acquired by their expulsion was not so considerable as the king expected. The Spanish nobility complained that their cities and towns were disinhabited. The senate of Venice and the parliament of Paris expressed their astonish- ment at the banishment of a nation, whose address in pecuniary negociation was so useful to the public. f Though pope Alexander VI. dignified the Spanish monarch with the title of Catholic, yet he readily received the exiles into his own dominions, and treated them with great kindness and humanity.^ ' . * Basnage, p. 692. i The expulsion of the Jews gave a violent check to the commerce of Spain, which was almost entirely in their hands. Bigland't f^iew of ihe World. Basnage, p. 69;). 266 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. Many of the Jews sought a nearer asylum in Por- tugal. John II. * the sovereign of that kingdom, had formerly sent some of this nation f to make dis- coveries on the coasts of the Red Sea; and they brought him exact and faithful accounts. They had assisted the Portuguese adventurers in the discovery of the East Indies. Notwithstanding these impor- tant services, the king consented to receive them only on condition that each one should pay him eight golden ducats, and quit his dominions at a limited time, or forfeit his liberty. On his part he engaged, when the time fixed for their departure arrived, to furnish vessels to transport them to any place where they chose to retire. The king was desirous of fulfilling his engagement; but his orders were disregarded, and the fugitives, who were about to leave Portugal, were treated in such a barbarous manner by the seamen, that many chose to remain in the kingdom and be sold as slaves, rather than expose themselves to the perils and hardships of a new voyage. J Emanuel, his successor, appeared at first to com- miserate their sufferings, and restored to them their liberty. Their peace, however, was of short du- ration ; and the king reluctantly sacrificed them to an alliance which he contracted with the daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella. The queen having de- clared, that ct she would not acknowledge a son-in- law who permitted the enemies of God to remain in * In the reign of John I. the Jews had their synagogues and rabbles in Portugal. t Murphy's Travels! n Portugal, p. 223. i Basnage, p. 694. Murphy's Travels in Portugal, p. 224. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 267 his dominions/' he issued an edict which expelled them from Portugal, and fixed a day on which those who remained should be deprived of their liberty. When the appointed time arrived, the king was greatly affected with the idea of expelling such mul- titudes of people ; and resolved at least to effect the conversion of their children. He had engaged that ships should be provided for their emigration at three principal ports ; but he issued a proclamation forbidding them to embark any where but at Lisbon. When they arrived at this city, he ordered all the children under fourteen years of age to be forcibly* taken from their parents, in order to be educated in the Christian faith. The execution of this barba- rous command was attended with the most affecting circumstances. Many of the wretched parents, in a phrenzy of rage and despair, first killed their children, and then destroyed themselves. The king had invented so many delays to retard the departure of these unfortunate exiles, that many remained in the kingdom, and were sold as slaves. Overwhelmed with these complicated afflictions, at length they consented to assume the mask of Christianity, and recovered their liberty and children. The sincerity of these pretended converts was, however, greatly suspected, and the least discovery of their predilection for the Mosaic religion exposed them to the cruelties of the merciless inquisition.* * Murphy's Travels in Portugal, p. 6901 268 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. CHAPTER XIX. The Jews in Germany are accused of various crimes. They endeavour to hinder the conversion of a young man of their nation at Frank- fort. Part of the city is burned, and a number of Jews destroyed. Accusation against those of Haguenau. They are massacred at Bavaria and Bern. Of several learned nibbles. The Jews nourish at Lithuania in the thirteenth century. Decrees enacted against them in the council of Vienna. A regulation made at Augsburg respecting the oaths to be administered to them. Disputes between the Rabbinists and Caraites. Raind Fleisch excites the people in various parts of Germany to massacre the Jews. They are pro- tected by the bishop of Spires. They are murdered by the Flagel- lants. Persecution against them on pretence of their poisoning the rivers. Cruelties practised against those of Bohemia. They are accused again of poisoning the rivers, and banished the empire. They are persecuted in various parts during the thirteenth century. A. D. 1222.] THE Jews have been more fre- quently accused of enormous crimes in Germany than in any other part of Europe. When the Per- sians and Tartars made incursions into this country, they were charged with favouring and assisting these enterprizes, in hopes of being delivered from the persecutions which they suffered from the Christians. They were., probably, more justly accused the same year of opposing the conversion of a young man of their nation at Frankfort who was desirous of re- ceiving baptism.* The people were incensed at this opposition, and arms were seized on both sides. Several Christians lost their lives; and about one hundred an^ eighty Jews perished by the sword, or the fire they had kindled. One half of the city was consumed; and the most prudent among them were * Basnage, p. 682. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 269 induced to profess Christianity, to avoid being sacri- ficed to the resentment of the multitude.* A. D. 1241.] The Jews in Germany were fre- quently accused of murdering Christian children at their passover. The first instance which occurs was at Haguenau in Lower Alsatia, where three of them were found dead in a Jewish house. Com- plaint was made to the emperor Frederic II. who, not being inclined to believe the report, coldly replied, " that since the children were dead, they must be buried/' This instance of his incredulity exasperated the people ; but as they were unable to prove the alleged crime, the Jews, upon paying a considerable sum, obtained a favourable judgment from the emperor. f A. D. 1286.] About this time those of Munich in Bavaria suffered a severe calamity. An old woman having confessed that she sold them a child^ whom they murdered, the people, without waiting the event of a trial, put to death all of this miserable race whom they could find. The town officers, after attempting in vain to suppress the tumult, advised the Jews to retire into their synagogue, which was a strong stone building. They complied ; but notwithstanding great efforts were made by the duke and the officers to appease and disperse the multitude, they were all burned and destroyed in it.;}; An accusation of a similar nature was brought * The fervour of the Jews is singularly inclined to fanaticism; and they are highly incensed when one of their members abjures his reli- gion. This is in consequence of a principle imputed to Maimonides, that those who abandon Judaism ought to be persecuted to hell Gregoire, p. 84. + Bagnage, p. 683. + Ibid. 270 HISTORY OP THE JEWS. against those of Wurtzburg and Bern, where they were massacred in the same manner. Notwithstanding these persecutions, the Jews in Germany boast of the learned rabbles who appeared in the thirteenth century, particularly Baruc and Eliezer de Germeciman, both of whom were famous cabbalists ; and the latter wrote a celebrated treatise, called, " The Mantle of the Lord." Meir de Rot- temburgh was also distinguished for his learning, and became the judge and chief doctor of his German brethren.* The Jews nourished in Lithuania during the thir- teenth century. King Boleslaus granted them liberty of conscience and other privileges, which they preserved under his successors. Their pros- perity excited the envy of the populace, who endeavoured to disturb their peace, and blast their reputation. It was observed in the council of Vienna, which was convened in 1267, that they were become so numerous and powerful that the income of the clergy was considerably diminished. It was, therefore, ordained that they should reim- burse them, in proportion to what they might have considered themselves entitled, had their families been Christian. The council also enacted, that they should be compelled to demolish the new and superb synagogues which they had erected, and be con- tented with their former places of worship. These decrees, however, proved abortive ; for the German princes and nobles protected those who refused to obey ; and even obliged their officers to afford shelter to the unhappy victims who implored their assistance. * Basnage, p. 684. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. The clergy were, therefore, necessitated to pursue more violent measures, and excommunicated all who favoured and defended the Jews.* A new regulation was made at Augsburg upon observing that they did not consider it a crime to violate their oaths. Previously to this time they had been compelled to swear by the saints, by the blessed Mary, or even by the Son of God. But, as they made no scruple to violate these oaths, they were obliged to swear by the name of God, and the law of Moses. Yet they supposed even these solemn engagements were annulled on the great day of expiation ; and could, therefore, be of force for only one year. It is also said, that a number of their casuists authorize deception, equivocation, mental restriction, and hypocrisy, f According to a concession of the Talmud, it is lawful to dissemble for the sake of peace. J A. D. 1285.] About this time the disputes be- tween the Rabbinists and Caraites were conducted with great violence. Aaron Cohen, a rabbi of great learning, who was the head of the latter sect, wrote a treatise to expose the absurdities of the Talmud. He explained their articles of faith, and styled his work, " The Tree of Life/' because he supposed a belief of their dogmas necessary in order to attain eternal salvation. Though he acknowledged a re- surrection, he confined it only to the true believers of the house of Israel. But notwithstanding his attempt to lessen the attachment which the Caraites * Basnage, p. 684. Modern Univer. Hist. vol. xiii. p. 337. t Gregoire, p. SI. J Modern Univer. Hist. vol. xiii. p. 338. , The Rabbinists arc modern Pharisees. 272 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. began to discover to tradition,, rabbi Nissi, another famous doctor of this sect, was obliged at the earnest request of his pupils, to explain the Misna. Even Aaron was at length induced to give an alle- gorical explication of several passages of scripture. But though this relaxation in the tenets of their opponents gratified the Rabbinists,* the hatred between the two sects continued with unabated violence, f A. D. 1264.] During the contest between Adol- phus of Nassau and Albert of Austria, each of whom had been elected emperor, a fanatical peasant, named Raind Fleisch, taking advantage of the wars which raged in Germany, commenced an itinerant preacher in the Upper Palatinate, Franconia, and other provinces. He pretended that God had sent him to exterminate the Jews ; and, in order to exas- perate the people against them, asserted that they had stolen a consecrated host. The credulous mul- titude, without further enquiry, immediately seized upon those in Nuremberg, Rottemberg, and several other towns in Franconia and Bavaria, and put them to death. Others chose rather to destroy them- selves, with their wives, children, and effects, than to be thrown into the flames by their enemies. Albert would gladly have suppressed this barbarous massacre ; but he was afraid that Raind Fleisch, who was regarded as a messenger from God, would * Basnage, p. 085. t The hatred between these sects is carried so far, that the Rab- binists assert, that if a Caraite and a Christian happen to be in danger of drowning together, they ought to make a bridge of the body of the Caraite, in order to save the Christian. Gregoirc, p. 86. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 213 persuade the people to favour and join his com- petitor. The persecution was at length stopped, and the city of Nuremberg laid under a heavy fine, besides being half consumed by the fire which the miserable Jews had set to their houses.* A. D. 1339.] The council, which pope Cle- ment V. convened at Vienna against the Templars, condemned the usury of the Jews, and decreed that those who favoured them should be considered as heretics. This edict involved them in vexatious lawsuits and other misfortunes. They were, how- ever, in some measure, relieved by Menicho, bishop of Spires, who forbade them to be molested on that account in his dominions ; and alleged, that the law could not concern them, seeing the church does not judge those that are without. A few years after, Lewis I. king of Hungary, banished them from all his dominions. f A. D. 1349.] The Flagellants, who arose in the fourteenth century, and derived their name from the cruel scourges which they inflicted upon their own persons, supposed that murdering the enemies of Christ would render their penance more acceptable. J Accordingly they plundered and burnt the Jews at Spires, Strasburg, and Thu- ringen. But, after committing some outrages at * Basnage, p. 685. Modern Univer. Hist. vol. xiii. p. 340. + Basnage, p. 686. It has been asserted, that before these fanatics began their penance, they read their commission with an audible voice, which was comprised in a letter sent to them by the Almighty himself, and delivered to them by an angel, with express cominand to scourge themselves and massacre the Jews. Picarfs Religious Ceremonies ef the Jems, p. 172. T 274 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. Frankfort, they agreed to an accommodation. A Jew named Cicogne, whose family was numerous in that city, being dissatisfied with the compromise, threw fire into the town house, which consumed the building, and all the records preserved in it. The flames spread to the cathedral, which was reduced to ashes. This crime was severely punished ; for not only the incendiary, but all his brethren in Frankfort, a few excepted who retired into Bohe- mia, were put to death.* In the course of the same year the Jews were accused of poisoning the rivers, wells, and reser- voirs of water. They were suspected of this crime upon no other foundation, than that they had escaped the common mortality which took place in most parts of Europe. A suspicion being sufficient to condemn them, a new massacre ensued in several provinces of Germany, in which some were burned, and others cruelly slaughtered. Those of Metz, however, resolved to defend themselves ; and having seized about two hundred unarmed Christians, put them to death in a barbarous manner. The in- censed populace collected, furiously attacked, and killed twelve thousand Jews. They next set fire to their houses, which spread and raged so vehemently, that the great bell and glass in the cathedral church were melted down. The persecution of this miser- able people extended over all Germany. In the imperial cities all their houses were demolished, and castles and towers built with the materials, f Robert, the reigning count Palatine, and his ministers, endeavoured in vain to suppress the * Basnage, p. 686. t Ibid. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 275 tumult and afford an asylum to an injured race, whose innocence was acknowledged by honest men. But they were opposed by some of the nobility ; and the populace accused them of accepting bribes to defend the enemies of Christ. All the Jewish inhabitants of Ulm, together with their property and effects, were burned ; their wretched brethren who survived in those parts were without friends or a place of refuge, the princes not daring, at so critical a time, to interpose in their behalf. At Lithuania, however, they met with more equitable treatment. Casimire the Great, being enamoured with a beautiful Jewess, named Esther, had, at her request, granted them several consi- derable privileges.* A. D. 1391.] Those Jews who had fled for refuge to Bohemia, were not better treated than their brethren in Germany. Winceslaus,f the emperor and king of Bohemia, squally discharged the cities and nobility from the debts they owed to these miserable objects of persecution. The people, therefore, considering them abandoned by tha4, prince, attacked them at Gotha, and a terrible car- nage ensued. The Jews of Spires, without distinc- tion of age or sex, were all put to death, except a few children, who were hurried to the font to be baptized. As a pretence for this cruelty, they were accused of insulting a priest as he was carrying the sacrament to a sick person. The citizens of Prague, * Basnage, p. 686. + This prince, having rendered himself odious to his people by his intemperance and other vices, sought to regain their favour by his severity to the Jews. T 2 276 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. irritated at seeing them celebrate their passover, chose that time to burn their synagogue, and those who there engaged in devotional exercises. This inhuman deed was executed without any opposition, and not one of them escaped.* Soon after, they were again accused of poisoning the rivers and springs, and punished for this pre- tended crime. The persecution was not confined to Germany, but extended to Italy, Provence, and other parts. The Jewish historians assert, that the emperor was convinced of their innocence, and represented to his council, that it was impossible for them to be guilty of this offence, as the rivers and springs, which have a free and unrestrained course, cannot be contaminated by poison. But the people were so highly exasperated against this miserable race, that, in order to preserve them from more dreadful calamities, the emperor was under the ne- cessity of issuing an edict, enjoining them to depart the country, or receive baptism. [A. D. 1400.] The Jews assert, that few at this time were induced to apostatize, or, as they expressed it, " to forsake the glory of their God."f Great numbers of the Jews had settled in Thu- ringia and Misnia. But, at the commencement of the fifteenth century, the landgraves exacted vast sums for affording them an asylum. Upon their refusal to pay an enormous tax, they were arrested and imprisoned, and obliged to give up a large part of their wealth in order to regain their liberty. J ,, ,:;^t .-,; .-,?*" * Basnage, p. 687. t Modern Universal History, vol. xiii. p. 343. J Basnage, p. 687. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 277 A. D. 1434.] About this period, the council of Basil commanded the prelates, in all the places where there were Jews, to appoint learned divines to preach to them, and obliged them, under the severest penalties, to attend the sermons. At the same time, the Christians were prohibited from having any social intercourse with them, or em- ploying them as servants, nurses, farmers, or phy- sicians. They were not permitted to reside in houses near any church, or in the inside of any city. This degraded people were also compelled to wear a particular habit; and condemned to lose all the sums they lent on sacred books, crosses, and the ornaments of churches.* Twenty years after, Lewis X. duke of Bavaria, banished them from his dominions, without re- garding his own interest, or the remonstrances of his friends. He also confiscated all their effects, and erected public edifices in the places where they had inhabited. f A. D. 1492.] The princes of Mecklenburgh also treated this wretched people with extreme rigour. They were accused of offering an indig- nity to a consecrated host, which they purchased of a priest ; for this crime thirty Jews, together with the priest, were put to a cruel death. Seven years after, [A, D. 1499.] those of Nuremburg, who were numerous and affluent, were banished from the city. The citizens charged them with various offences, in order to palliate their severity. But the principal cause appears to have been their wealth, and * Jortin's Remarks on Ecclesiastical History. t Basnag-c, p. 729. 278 HISTOHY OF THE JEWS. the usurious practices to which they were ad- dicted.* Their expulsion was probably accelerated by the appearance of an impostor, named David Leimlein. Though he had' not the temerity to declare himself the Messiah, he confidently affirmed, that the mighty conqueror would appear in 1500. He styled himself chief of the army of Israel, and went to Lisbon and persuaded a young convert to return to Judaism, and act in concert with him. He gave him the name of Solomon Malcho, and exhorted him to diligently read the rabbinical writings. His pupil made such a rapid progress in his studies, that the Italian Jews affirmed his sermons were dictated by some angel. Not contented with preach- ing, he compiled several curious treatises, which increased his reputation. Meantime David distin- guished himself by his long fasting, being some- times six days without taking any food, and thus attracted public notice and admiration. The credu- lous Jews were hence induced to demolish their ovens, expecting the^ following year to eat unlea- vened bread in Jerusalem. While they were preparing for the voyage, David, perceiving that he had set too short a time for their pretended deli- verance, declared, that " the sins of the nation had retarded the coming of the Messiah." This caused the infatuated people to appoint a solemn fast, in order to appease the anger of God, and hasten the appearance of their long expected de- li verer.f At length, Malcho, who declared himself the * Basnage, p. 729. t Ibid. HISTORY OF THE JEWS* 279 precursor of the Messiah, was so imprudent as to desire an audience of Charles V. then at Mantua. He was admitted ; but that monarch caused him to be arrested and put to a cruel death.* * Leimlein was sent prisoner to Spain, and died there a few days after his confinement. Yet such was the infatuation of the Italian Jews, that a long time elapsed before they would believe but that he was still alive in this kingdom. Modern Universal History, vol. xiii. p. 393. 280 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. CHAPTER XX. The Jews are protected by the Roman pontiffs during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. They are numerous in Naples. They are massacred in Trani. They build a magnificent synagogue in Bologna in the fifteenth century. The Jews are persecuted by pope John III. Massacre of those in Trent. Alexander VI. favours and protects the Jews. Those refugees, who seek an asylum in Naples, are persecuted by the inquisitors. Paul HI. is partial to the Jewish nation. WHILE the other European nations oppressed and persecuted the wretched fugitives of Israel, the Roman pontiffs, with a small exception, treated them with lenity, defended them against their per- secutors, and often checked the mistaken zeal of those who sought to convert them by force.* In- stances of their kindness and humanity towards the Jewish nation occur in various parts of the fore- going history. As early as the seventh century they were protected by pope Gregory the Great. In the eleventh, Alexander II. condemned the per- secuting spirit of king Ferdinand, and endeavoured to defend them against the rage of the Crusaders. At a later period, Gregory IX. a zealous promoter of the holy war, observing that the Crusaders in many places began their expedition with massacres of the Jews, not only loudly reprehended them, but took all proper methods for preventing such barbarity. He also interposed in their favour when the inhabitants of Haguenau accused them of mur- dering Christian children. He wrote a letter to O Lewis IX. to stop the persecution which was raised * Butler's Horae Biblicae, p. 88. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 281 ngainst them during the reign of that monarch. Two other letters of his,, addressed to all Christians, pass a severe censure upon those, who, under the cloak of religion, concealed their avarice in order to harass the Jews ; and he there enjoined them to imitate the example of his predecessors, who had declared themselves their defenders. Many of the nation were indebted for their lives to his toleration, not only in his own dominions, but in England, France, and Spain. In 1247, Innocent IV. wrote to vindicate them from the crimes* which were laid to their charge ; and said, that they were more miserable under Christian princes, than their ances- tors had been under Pharaoh/'f In Naples the Jewish people were become nu- merous and affluent, particularly in the capital and the city of Trani. The king, in order to reward them for some important services, treated them with great indulgence, and at his death recommended them to the States. Bat these, instead of allowing: o them the full enjoyment of their religion, endea- voured to effect their conversion. The Jews, apprehending a persecution, offered to embrace Christianity upon condition of being permitted to marry into the richest and noblest families in the kingdom. To their great surprise these terms were accepted, and they were obliged to accede to their own proposal. Those, however, who could not * The edicts of so many pontiffs to destroy the effects of the calumnies against the Jews render it highly probable, that these reports were not founded on sufficient evidence. JVote to JMosheim'* History, vol. vi. p. 220. f Basnage, p. 668. Butler's florae Biblicae, p. 88. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. form advantageous connexions, soon relapsed into Judaism. A monk of Trani, resolved to punish them for their dissimulation ; and, to effect this purpose, concealed a cross in a heap of earth, and charged a Jew of the city with the fact. Exaspe- rated at this supposed crime, the people rose, and a massacre immediately followed. The tumult ex- tended to Naples, where the Jews would have been put to death had not the nobility interposed, and concealed the most wealthy, and consequently the most obnoxious, in their houses. Pope Alexander the Fourth also sent to Naples to exert his authority in their favour.* Clement V. who at the commencement of the fourteenth century had removed the papal seat to Avignon, exerted himself to save the Jews from the persecution of the shepherds. He excommuni- cated them ; but the anathemas of the church made little impression on that furious people. This pontiff not only protected the Jews, but afforded them the means of instruction, and ordered that every university should have professors to teach Hebrew, and men whose education rendered them capable of disputing with and convincing the Jews of their errors. f John XXII. his successor, was for pursuing a different method; and supposed the most probable way of effecting their conversion was to burn all the copies of the Talmud. Several of the bishops having asserted, that they had seen some of this nation ridiculing the Catholics as they carried the cross in procession, the pope was prevailed upon to * Basnage, p. 669. + Ibid. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 283 issue an edict which expelled them from all the terri- tories of the church. In order to avoid the im- pending evil, they applied to Robert, king of Naples and Sicily, who, being a friend and favourite of the pontiff, persuaded him, upon their presenting him with a large sum of money, to revoke his edict. Clement VI. treated the Jews with singular kind- ness and humanity. When they were put to death in various parts of the kingdom upon pretence of poisoning the rivers, he exerted himself to the utmost to suppress the popular fury. He also preserved them from the cruelty of the inquisition , which raged with unrelenting fury against the Albi- genses. Under his protection they even maintained a friendly correspondence with some of the members of this bloody tribunal. They presented Emerio, who compiled the directory of the inquisition, a Bible that they pretended was written by Ezra, which the Dominicans have preserved with great veneration. While they were massacred without mercy in every part of Europe, Avignon became their asylum ; and Clement VI. their friend and protector, omitted nothing that could tend to soften the lot of the persecuted, and disarm the fury of their persecutors. * A. D. 1394.] The Jews were numerous and powerful at Bologna during the fourteenth century. They had there built the most magnificent syna- gogue in Italy, and established an academy. Boni- face IX. did not oppose their erecting this syna- gogue, which, by its size and beauty, excited the attention and admiration of travellers. * Basnage, p. 670. Gregoire, p. 8. 284 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. A. D. 1412.] Though the Jews were generally favoured and protected by the popes, yet, at the commencement of the fifteenth century, John the Twenty-third issued several edicts against them. He not only raised a persecution in his own domi- nions, but encouraged and stimulated the Spanish government to massacre this unhappy people. Soon after, however,, Nicolas II. being raised to the pontificate, treated them with great indulgence. He preserved those in his own dominions from the inquisition ; and sent letters into Spain to prevent their being obliged to abjure their own religion.* A. D. 1472.] They had not long enjoyed the patronage of this pontiff before a new persecution was raised against them. Sextus IV. had been prevailed upon to canonize one Simon, who, as was pretended, had been murdered two hundred years before by the Jews in Trent. The public hatred being thus revived, the populace, in the bishopric of Trent and in the city of Venice, plundered and massacred the circumcised. The doge and senate were obliged to interpose their authority to suppress the slaughter ; but the magistrates of Trent, being less equitable, expelled the Jews from the city. A. D. 1492.] After the Catholics in Spain and Portugal had banished the Jews, the Italians re- ceived them with open arms. Pope Alexander VI. not only relieved the wants of the unhappy fugitives, but enjoined their brethren at Rome, who had treated them with great neglect, to afford them every assistance in their power for establishing themselves in his dominions. He allowed them the * Basnage, p. 721. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 285 same privileges as their brethren had formerly en- joyed ; and endeavoured to procure them the free and unrestrained exercise of their religion in all the other states of Italy.* It is said, that when the Portuguese exiles came to Italy, the university of Jews at Rome offered the pope a thousand ducats on condition of his refusing those of Spain permission to settle in his territories. But Alexander rejected their offer with disdain, and reproved them for their barbarity towards their brethren. He also decreed, that they should be banished from his dominions, and the Spanish Jews received in their place ; and they were obliged to pay a vast sum before they could obtain a revocation of this order.f The favourable disposition of pope Alexander towards the Jewish nation., induced many of them from various parts to seek an asylum in his terri- tories. Among others, whom the pontiff's kindness invited to Rome, was the learned rabbi Jochanan, a German, who had been settled at Constantinople, and who was celebrated for his knowledge in the mysteries of the cabbala.J Part of the Spanish and Portuguese exiles sought an asylum in Naples. But they were exposed to the unrelenting cruelty of the inquisitors in that kingdom, and suffered such terrible oppressions, that the people rebelled. The viceroy was induced to expel them, in order to be delivered from the * Basnage, p. 722. t This curious fact is handed down to posterity by Jewish writers. Rossi's Hebrew Biography. t Basnage, p. 722. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. tyranny of these merciless men. He alleged, that " as the ancient inhabitants were sound in the faith, there was not any farther need of this bloody tri- bunal." Charles V. soon after [A. D. 1534.] au- thorized his viceroy's conduct, by refusing to tolerate them either in Naples or Sicily. This severity, however, did not deter one Ricci, a converted Jew, from dedicating to that monarch a celebrated trea- tise on what he styled " Celestial Agriculture." He was a physician in Germany and a profound cabba- list, who attempted to prove the mysteries of Chris- tianity from that science.* A. D. 1539.] Paul HI, was so indulgent to the Jews, and they became so numerous and powerful during his pontificate, that cardinal Sadolet in- 'veighed against him on account of his partial fondness for an unbelieving race. He asserted, that this pontiff was kinder to them than to the Christians ; and that none could be raised to civil or ecclesiastical dignities but through their favour and interest ; while at the same time he persecuted the Protestants. Though the cardinal's remonstrance did not produce all the effect that was desired, yet it caused a redress of the most flagrant abuses. They were, however, sometimes persecuted in Rome ; yet, it must be admitted, that there is no country in the world in which less Jewish blood has been spilled, and in which the rites of humanity have been more respected with regard to their nation, than in the ecclesiastical state. f A learned writer has thus accounted for the kind- * Basnage, p, 723. t Basnage, p. 722. Letters of certain Jews to Voltaire, p. 41. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 287 ness of the Roman pontiffs to the Jews. l( The court of Rome excelled all other courts in policy, craft, and worldly wisdom. It saw the folly of expelling and distressing the Jews ; it knew the use that was to be made of an industrious people, skilful in commerce, and in the management of the reve- nues ; who had no particular dislike to papal autho- rity, and no disposition to assist heretics, schismatics, or reformers, and had not credit sufficient to make proselytes to their own religion."* The persecution of the Jews during the middle ages, which has been related in the five preceding chapters, exhibits in such a striking manner the exact accomplishment of the famous prophecy of Moses, Deut xxviii. that this chapter appears to be a correct miniature picture of the leading features in their history, drawn by the pencil of inspiration. The reflecting and devout must feel an augmented veneration for the sacred scriptures, while they turn their attention to the complete agreement of the prophecies, and the events which fulfil them ; and scepticism and infidelity be confounded by seeing the history of succeeding ages so accurately delineated, and contemplating, in the fate of this suffering people, a <( striking phenomenon, incomprehensible to human reason." Among other awful denunciations against the Jewish nation, which we have seen fully accom- plished in the course of this history, Moses declares, ff Thou shait only be oppressed and spoiled ever- more." Numerous instances occur of the cruel op- pressions and pillages this devoted race have suffered * Jortin's Remarks on Ecclesiastical History, vol. ii. 288 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. in England, France, Germany, and Spain. In the east, as well as in Europe, they have been continu- ally subjected to heavy fines and impositions. How often in different countries have they been forced to redeem their lives by vast sums extorted from them ! Did sovereigns want pecuniary assistance to carry on their wars, the Jews were compelled to give up their riches. A massacre was generally the prelude to a plunder, as we have seen in various parts of Europe. When banished from England in the reign of Edward I. their estates, which were confis- cated, brought immense sums to the crown. When Philip Augustus expelled them from France, he confiscated their estates ; yet he soon after recalled this oppressed people in order to fleece them again. They have " every where paid for liberty to exist, and have scarcely obtained that of breathing an impure air." The great lawgiver of the Hebrew nation also declares, " Thy sons and thy daughters shall be taken from thee, and given to another people." How exactly has this prophecy been fulfilled in several countries, especially in Spain and Portugal. In the former of these kingdoms the council of Toledo decreed, that the children of the Jews should be taken from them, and educated in the Christian faith ; in the latter, when this miserable people were expelled, all under fourteen years of age were for- cibly detained, in order to be baptized. In the frenzy and despair of the wretched parents at parting with their children, we contemplate the accomplishment of another prophetic denunciation : " Thou shalt be mad for the sight of thine eyes, HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 289 which thou shalt see." Accordingly we find that some of them, driven to madness, put a period to their own lives ; and others, sacrificing nature to their religion, destroyed their tender offspring. In- stances of their madness and desperation frequently occur in the preceding chapters in England, when the Jews in York Castle killed themselves, their wives, and children ; in France, when they were assaulted by the shepherds, and destroyed their children ; in Spain, when a number perished by suicide at the insurrection of Toledo ; and in Ger- many, when persecuted for the pretended crime of stealing a consecrated host, they destroyed them- selves, their wives, children, and effects. After mentioning the oppression and barbarous cruelty the Jews were compelled to endure, and the madness consequent upon their extreme sufferings, Moses declares, " Thou shalt become an astonish- ment, a proverb, and a by- word among all nations, whither the Lord shall lead thee." How exactly has this prophecy been fulfilled upon this unhappy race, who have been consigned to infamy ever since their dispersion ! " Is not the pretended avarice, usury, and hard-heartedness of a Jew become pro- verbial ?"* In various countries of the east, as well as in Europe, they have been subjected to invi- dious, humiliating, and disgraceful distinctions, and condemned to wear exteriorly the badges of their abject state ; and every where exposed to the insults of the vilest populace. They have been treated as of a different species ; and in several parts of * See David Levi's Defence of the Old Testament in a series of tetters to Thomas Paine U 290 H1STORV OF THE JEWS. Europe, subjected to the same toil with those animals which by their religious principles they abhor.* Pagans, Christians, and Mahometans have agreed in abusing, vilifying, and persecuting the Jews. The sacred writer proceeds in delineating the horrid outline of their miseries, and declares, " The Lord will make thy plagues wonderful, even great plagues, and of long continuance/' The calamities they have endured were indeed the greatest which the world ever witnessed. Ever since the destruc- tion of Jerusalem they have been outcasts from society, subsisting amidst contempt and persecution. For near eighteen centuries, the nations of the earth have been treading under foot the remains of Israel. What nation ever suffered so much, and yet continued so long ? The chief diversity in their condition has arisen from the various kinds of miseries to which they have been subjected. In Christendom they have been despised, calumniated, oppressed, banished, executed, and burned. The tyranny exercised against them has been as capri- cious as it was cruel. In France they have been at one time compelled to assume the mask of Christi- anity to save themselves from a cruel death ; at another epoch the estates of those who renounced Judaism were confiscated. At one period, they have been banished through superstition ; at ano- ther, recalled through avarice. An animated writer of their own nation has observed, " It seems as if they were allowed to survive the destruction of their country, only to see the most odious and calumnious * Gregoire on the Reformation of the Jews, p. 52. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 291 imputations laid to their charge, to stand as the constant object of the grossest and most shocking injustice, as a mark for the insulting finger of scorn, as a sport to the most inveterate hatred. It seems as if their doom was incessantly to suit all the dark and bloody purposes, which can be suggested by human malignity, supported by ignorance and fanaticism."* * * M. Michael Berr's Appeal to the Justice of Kings and Nations, published at Straslmrg, 1801. 292 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. CHAPTER XXI. State of the Jews in the east. They suffer from the invasion of the Tartars. -Those in the Grecian empire enjoy an interval of tran- quillity. Of their state in Media and Persia.- Agreement made between Shah Abbas I. and the Jews in the latter of those kingdoms. A general massacre of them takes place during the reign of Shah Abbas II. Of those in Schiraz and other parts of Persia. Of the learned men in the academy of Sapheta. Dissimulation of a pre- tended convert to Christianity. State of the nation in the Ottoman empire. THE number and power of the eastern Jews were greatly diminished in the thirteenth century. Nasser Ledinillah, caliph of Bagdat, being a zeal- ous Mahometan, and extremely avaricious, became jealous of a people who exerted their abilities with success in the acquisition of wealth, and who re- ceived every pretended Messiah with alacrity and joy. He therefore soon raised a persecution against them, and compelled them all to adopt the Maho- metan religion, or leave the Babylonian territories. Some departed into different parts, while others dis- sembled in order to avoid exile.* Palestine was greatly depopulated by the wars which raged between the Christians and Saracens, and the government of the cities was frequently changed. The Jews, however, had still syna- gogues and learned rabbies in their native country. Moses Nachmanides, one of the greatest cabbalis- tical writers which the age produced, left Gironna, the place of his birth, retired to Judea, and erected a synagogue. On account of his profound know- * Basnage, p. 655. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 293 ledge of the law, he was styled the father of wisdom ; and a sermon he preached before the king of Castile, " on the excellence of the law/' rendered him equally famous for his eloquence. His writings are various, but chiefly of the cabbalistical kind.* During the thirteenth century several learned rabbies appeared in other parts of the east. In particular Aaron Cohen, a Caraite, who practised physic at Constantinople, 1294. He was the author of a commentary on the Pentateuch and other parts of scripture, and a work styled the " Perfection of Beauty." Aaron the son of Eliab, another Caraite, appeared about fifty years after. He attacked Aben Ezra, and other traditionalists, with great energy and force of argument, in a work entitled, " The Crown of the Law," which is a literal comment on the Pentateuch, f A. D. 1291.] The Jews in the vicinity of Baby- lon, and in other parts of the east, suffered greatly from the invasion of the Tartars ; but at length they enjoyed an interval of tranquillity under Jehan Argun, by means of a Jewish physician named Saadeddoulat, whom that prince raised to the office of his chief minister. Being learned and of po- lished manners, he acquired great influence at court ; and exerted himself to the utmost to promote the welfare of his brethren, who derived important advantages from his interposition in their favour. Their prosperity, however, was soon interrupted by the death of this monarch ; and the Jewish * Basnage, p. 655. Modern Universal History, vol. xiii. p. 339. + Biographical Dictionary, vol. i. p. 8. 294 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. physician, who had exasperated the Mahometans by his partiality to his nation, was charged with having poisoned his benefactor, and on the accusation con- demned to suffer death. The populace soon after massacred vast numbers of his countrymen, in order to revenge the real or pretended injuries they had suffered from them during the life of Argun.* It is probable, that the Jews in the Grecian empire were generally allowed the exercise of their religion during the fourteenth and fifteenth cen- turies ; for the Greek writers of those periods severely reproach the Latins for compelling them to be baptized and assume the mask of Christianity. f A. D. 1500.] During the wars and rapid con- quests of Tamerlane, the Jews in Media and Persia were not only attenuated and impoverished, but their academies, learning, and learned men had totally disappeared. They had scarcely recovered from these disasters when they were involved in new calamities. They were numerous in Media when Ishmael Sophi, chief of the family of the Persian kings, commenced his conquests ; and, astonished at his rapid and wonderful success, they began to consider him as the true Messiah. In this opinion they were confirmed by his declaring himself a prophet sent by God to reform the Mahometan religion. But Ishmael exhibited a peculiar aversion to the Jews, despised their flattery, rejected their bomage, and treated them with greater severity than any of his subjects.^; At the commencement of the reign of Shah * Basnage, p. 659. Modern Universal History, vol. xiii. * Basnage, p. 658. J Ibid. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 295 Abbas,, the kingdom of Persia was greatly depo- pulated. This monarch was hence induced to confer important privileges on all strangers who would settle in the kingdom. Multitudes of people repaired from the neighbouring parts, in particular vast numbers of Jews. Their dexterity in pecu- niary negociations, and success in engrossing the commerce of the country, having excited the envy and jealousy of the other inhabitants, they com- plained to the king. This monarch was appre- hensive, that severity to them would deter others from settling in and induce foreigners to retire from his dominions. But having found a fortunate pretence for persecuting them by the authority of the Koran, he resolved to compel them to embrace Mahometanism, or suffer death. The Mufti hu- manely interposed, and prevented the execution of his cruel design. It was resolved, however, to summon the principal Jewish doctors before the Sophi's tribunal.* Shah Abbas strictly examined them respecting the abolition of their sacrifices, and other ceremonies at the appearance of Jesus Christ, whom Mahomet had succeeded. The rabbies, astonished at those interrogatories, declared that they expected a Mes- siah, and could not receive him whom their ancestors had crucified. Abbas was exasperated at this answer, since the Koran mentions Christ with vene- ration. " Why will you not believe in Christ," says he, " since I believe in him ?" He afterwards asked them, " What they thought of Mahomet ?' This demand intimidated and confounded them, and * Basnage, p. 697. 296 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. sensible of the danger of discovering their opinion of the impostor, they answered, that c< Moses was the great prophet, and the only one whom they ought to follow ; but that they did not absolutely reject Mahomet, because he was the son of Abraham by Ishmael." They then had recourse to prayers and entreaties for mercy ; and to protestations, that their object in settling in Persia was to serve the king with fidelity and zeal.* Abbas severely reproved them for adducing their expectation of a Messiah, as an excuse for their obstinate incredulity. " But," said he, " to remove this vain pretence, fix a time for his appearance, I will tolerate you till the accomplishment of this period. Yet, if the Messiah, who has delayed his coming for so many ages, deceive you once more, it is just you should embrace the Mahometan faith, or be deprived of your property, your children, and lives." He allowed them some time to prepare an answer. After mature deliberation they informed the king, that their great deliverer would appear in seventy years from the day on which they had been summoned before his tribunal. Their object was to elude the threatened punishment, expecting that neither the monarch nor themselves could survive till this period was terminated. Abbas, who was ex- tremely avaricious, extorted vast sums for granting an oppressed people this interval of tranquillity. He engaged, it is said, on his part, that if the Messiah appeared within seventy years, all Persia was to profess Judaism. If not, the Jews were to embrace the Mahometan religion, or consent to * Basnage, p. 697. Modern Universal History. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 297 their utter destruction in all the Sophi's dominions. After the agreement was registered and signed by both parties, they were taxed at two millions of gold.* Many years elapsed after the death of Abbas before this contract was discovered, during which the Persians were disturbed by continual wars with the Turks. Amurat IV. who in 1638 subdued Bagdat, found great numbers of Jews in that city ; but though he violated his engagement, and mas- sacred the Persians, he spared the Israelites, under the idea that they might render him essential service. f A. D. 1666.] It is related, that Shah Abbas II. who enjoyed a peaceable reign, in searching the registers of the palace found the treaty which his predecessor had made with the Jews. A great council was convened on this occasion, in which it was unanimously resolved, that this wretched people should be exterminated without delay. Accordingly an order was issued to Persians and strangers, to massacre them without regard of sex, age, or condition. Those only were excepted who should profess the Mahometan religion. This persecution commenced at Ispahan, the capital of the kingdom, extended with equal severity to the several provinces inhabited by wealthy Jews, and for three years they were pursued with fury, and * Basnage disputes the truth of the account of Shah Ahbas's en- tering into this agreement with the Jews, though related by many historians. It is, however, agreed by all, that they were violently persecuted by this monarch, as well as by Shah Abbas II. Basnage' t History, p. 698. t Basnage, p. G98. 298 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. massacred without intermission or pity. A few, however, found means to escape into the Turkish dominions., others into India, and many preserved their lives by abjuring their religion.* It was, however, at length observed, that the pretended converts secretly practised the Jewish rites, and the king, finding that compulsory measures could not effect a change in their minds, permitted them to retain their former religious principles. They were obliged annually to pay a large sum of money to the sovereign, and to wear a disgraceful badge of dis- tinction, f The Jews were numerous at Schiraz, where the Persians had a more famous academy than at Is- pahan. They pretended to be descended from the tribe of Levi. A still larger number resided at Lar, the metropolis of one of the Persian provinces, and had a quarter assigned them between the city and castle. They extended themselves on the coast of Ormus, in order to procure some part of the Indian trade, which was once conducted by their brethren, who were formerly numerous in those parts. J A. D. 1638.] Bagdat, once the residence of the princes of the captivity, was much reduced after it * Modern Universal History, vol. xiii. p. 369. t Basnage, p. 699. Gregoire, p. 16. After the king of Portugal expelled the Jews from his kingdom, he suffered them to live at Goa and other places, and exercise their religion. But in 1639 they were deluded by a pretended Messiah, whose fame extended to Portugal. Some of the Jewish converts in that kingdom, elated with the prospect of a deliverer, betrayed their secret attachment to the religion of their ancestors. Upon which the inquisition compelled all in the eastern parts, who were subject to the king of Portugal, either to suffer exile or profess Christianity. Modern Univer. Hist. vol. xiii. p. 3fi5. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 299 was taken by Amurat IV. A large proportion of the inhabitants were Jews, who possessed a syna- gogue, and enjoyed the unrestrained exercise of their religion. They were, however, hated and despised by the Persians.* The Jewish historians inform us, that those of their nation in Armenia were charged with having killed a Christian ; and the murder being confessed by the accused, many of this miserable people were crucified, and others burned. Three days after, the Christian appeared ; the accusation was disco- vered to have been invented through malice, and the confession extorted by torture. Complaint being made to Solomon II. the Armenian magistrates were forbidden to take cognizance of similar cri- minal cases in future, and they were ordered to bring them before the tribunal of the sultan. f The Jews, since their dispersion, have never been numerous in Palestine, but have seen their ancient and beloved country successively possessed by Pagans, Christians, and Turks. It has indeed been frequently visited by Jewish, as well as Christian devotees. But few have fixed their abodes in a province, where they found it difficult to acquire wealth, and even procure a tolerable sub- sistence. Sapheta in Galilee was the most populous and celebrated city which the Jews possessed in Pa- lestine. Those who inhabited it were treated with more kindness than in any other part of the Ottoman empire. They have had many learned rabbies and professors, who have presided in the academy in * Basnage, p. 699. t Gregoire, p. 18. Basnage, p. 703. 300 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. this city, to which they sent their children to be in- structed in the Hebrew language ; for it was their opinion, that it could no where else be taught with equal purity. This academy succeeded that of Tiberias, and acquired a similar reputation.* The most celebrated cabbalist who has appeared since Simeon Jochaides, taught in this seat of learning. He was born at Cordova in Spain, hence he acquired the name of Moses Cordova. He left a cabbalistical work, entitled " The Garden of Pomegranates."f Dominic of Jerusalem taught for a considerable time in the same academy. After he had completed his studies and lectures on the Talmud, he applied himself to the theory and practice of medicine, and acquired such celebrity, that the sultan invited him to Constantinople to be his physician. At length, he embraced the Christian religion, and afterwards translated the New Testament into Hebrew, and at the same time answered some objections of the rab- bies against Stephen's martyrdom. { But those who have been most celebrated in the academy were, the learned Moses Trani and Joseph Karo, who presided in it about the middle of the sixteenth century. The former was a native of Trani, and taught with such success, that he was styled by his brethren, " the light of Israel," " the Sinaite of Mount Sinai, and the rooter up of Mountains/' because he solved the difficulties in the * It appears that this academy was not erected till after the twelfth century, since Benjamin de Tudela does not mention it in his trayels. + Basnage, p. 783. Modern Univer. Hist. vol. xiii. p. 395. i Basnage, p. 703. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 301 law. He wrote a body of Jewish laws, in which he distinguished between those which were written by Moses, those which have been transmitted by oral tradition, and those which are only founded on the decisions of the doctors. Joseph Karo was a native of Spain, from whence he retired into Galilee. He wrote so well on the rights of the Jewish nation, that he was styled " the prodigy of the world."* Besides the abovementioned doctors who were foreigners, there were other celebrated rabbies, who were born and educated at Sapheta ;f among whom Moses Alsheh and Samuel Ozida were emi- nently distinguished. The former acquired great reputation by his eloquent sermons and his learned commentaries upon some parts of the law. All the titles of his works are metaphorical. One is called " The Rose of Sharon," and others have similar titles. Ozida was also a celebrated preacher, and wrote a commentary on the Lamentations of Jeremiah, which he called " The Bread of Tears." The number of Israelites in Jerusalem was much smaller than in Sapheta. In 1665, an instance of profound dissimulation took place in this city. A Jew, who was induced from interested motives to desert the synagogue, so eminently distinguished himself among the Christians, that they promoted * Basnage, p. 700. t The famous Judah Jona was born at Sapheta ; but after he com- pleted his studies, he travelled to Amsterdam, and from thence to Hamburg, and the Jews in this city chose him for their judge. Soon after he removed to Poland, and embraced the Christian religion. He at length settled at Rome, where he taught the Hebrew language to Bartolocci, an Italian monk, and the author of the " Bibliotheca Rabbinica," a learned work in four folio volumes. Judah died in 1668. Modern Univer. Hftt. 302 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. him successively to all the orders of the clergy , and at length exalted him to the dignity of patriarch of Jerusalem. Being a man of boundless ambition, he repaired to Constantinople to obtain that see, which was vacant. He was there seized with a dan- gerous distemper, and perceiving death approaching, he called many Grecian bishops and a large number of his Hebrew brethren, to whom he solemnly declared, that " he had always believed the Jewish religion, and renounced the bishopric of Jerusalem to die in his old profession." Those who heard him lay aside the mask of Christianity were filled with astonishment and consternation.* The Jews have long been numerous in other parts of the Ottoman empire, particularly at Con- stantinople ; they inhabited a suburb in Galata, which was called the Jewry in the time of the Cru- saders. Though hated and despised by the Turks, they rendered themselves so useful by their skill in pecuniary transactions, that they carried on the greatest part of the commerce of the country, and Christians as well as Turks employed a Jewish broker in all their negociations. Among other pri- vileges they obtained that of selling wine ; and it was supposed that which they prepared was of the purest kind, because they are prohibited by their law from making any mixture, f Michsez, a Jew, was accused of having per- suaded Selim II. to attempt the conquest of Cyprus. In consequence of which, after the reduction of the island, his nation obtained greater privileges than * Basnage, p. 701. Modern Universal Hist. vol. xiii. p. 373. t Basnage. p. 718. Oregoire, p. 184. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 303 the Christians, and became numerous and affluent. The sultan made choice of a Jew named Solomon Rophe, to negotiate a peace with the republic of Venice, and soon after granted them the privilege of establishing a printing-office at Constantinople and Salonichi. By this means copies of the law, which had become scarce in the east, were universally dis- persed, and, in consequence of their being more assiduously studied, several eminent rabbies and heads of synagogues left the place of their birth to settle in these cities.* In particular, Solomon, the son of Japhe, came from Germany to reside in Constantinople, where he explained the Jerusalem Talmud, and printed a comment on the Pentateuch, and several other works. Rabbi Gedaliah, another learned doctor, who boasted that he was descended from king David, left Lisbon to settle in that metropolis as a phy- sician, and teach the laws and ceremonies of his nation. He was appointed head of the synagogue, and assiduously laboured to reconcile the Caraites and Talmudists. But both parties proved so obstinate, that his labours were ineffectual. He, however, de- rived the advantage of publishing several other works, as well as his own treatise of Seven Eyes, alluding to the vision of Zechariah.f Many of the Jews settled at Lepanto, Corinth, and other cities in Greece. But, in consequence of the desolate state of the country, and the heavy taxes which they were compelled to pay to the Porte, they have been generally in indigent circumstances. Their condition was more eligible at Thessalonica * Basnage, p. 719. t Ibid. #04 HISTORY OP THE JEWS. (now Salonichi) where they have been settled ever since the time of St. Paul. They for ages have possessed a considerable academy, and in later times a printing-office has been established. In this city Moses Abelda published several of his works, the most celebrated of which were, his mystical expo- sition of the Pentateuch, and a moral treatise on the miseries of human life, called the " Vale of Tears." The design of this performance was to comfort his nation under their calamitous dispersion. Joseph, the son of Sen, also published a treatise " on the use of the Gemara " in this city. The famous impostor Zabathai Tzevi chose Salonichi as the theatre whereon to act his part, imagining, that, if he could impose on the doctors in this academy, it ^vould be easy to delude his more ignorant brethren. An account of his success among his infatuated nation will be given in the following chapter. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 305 CHAPTER XXII. The Jews frequently duped by impostors. An account of Zabathai Tzevi, a false Messiah. Of bis precursor Nathan Levi. Of his success in different cities. He repairs to Constantinople, and is imprisoned by the sultan's orders. Of the great attention which was paid him in prison. He is summoned to appear before the sultaii, and professes the Mahometan religion. IN the foregoing- chapters we have seen the Jews during sixteen centuries obstinately persisting in rejecting the true Messiah, and frequently duped by impostors who assumed this character. This infa- tuation continued unabated, notwithstanding the repeated disappointments which often involved this miserable people in terrible calamities. A. D. 1666.] The Jewish nation entertained sanguine expectations that some wonderful event would take place during this year, and false reports were eagerly circulated. It was said, that great multitudes marched from unknown parts to the remote desarts of Arabia, and were supposed to be the ten tribes of Israel who have been dispersed for many ages ; that a ship was arrived in the north part of Scotland with sails and cordage of silk ; that the mariners spoke nothing but Hebrew, and that on the sails was this motto, " The twelve tribes of Israel." These accounts excited the enthusiasm of the credulous people, and prepared their minds to receive an impostor.* At this period Zabathai Tzcvi proclaimed himself * According to the predictions of some Christian writers, who commented upon the Apocalypse, some wonderful eyent was to take place ia 1666 respecting the Jews. Turkish History, p. 174, X HISTORY OF THE JEWS. the Messiah and deliverer of Israel, to whom he promised a glorious kingdom of prosperity and peace. This famous, or rather infamous impostor, was born at Aleppo, of mean and obscure parents. But, as he early discovered a taste for learning, he made great proficiency in that kind of literature which was taught by his nation. As soon as he came from school he began to preach in the Streets and fields, even before the Turks ; and though ridi- culed by them, he had the address to gain a number of disciples by whom he was greatly admired. He studied the prophecies so assiduously, in order to apply them to himself, that it was supposed his in- tellect was deranged. He imagined, or pretended to fancy, that he could ascend above the clouds, as Isaiah had foretold ; and upbraided his disciples with their blindness, because they would not ac- knowledge they had seen him in the air. He also pretended to perform other miracles by the power of the name Jehovah. Upon which account some of the most intelligent Jews summoned him to appear before the synagogues and condemned him to death. But, as they could not prevail upon any to execute the sentence, they contented themselves with banish- ing the impostor. He passed over to Salonichi, and, as the Jews were numerous in this city, he supposed it a proper theatre on which to act his part. But being ex- pelled from thence, as well as from Athens, and several other Greek towns, he retired to Alexandria, where he acquired great celebrity. After travelling into the Morea and Tripoli he arrived at Gaza, and there preached repentance, and faith in himself so HISTORY OF THE JEWS. effectually, that the Jews gave up business* and applied themselves wholly to devotion and alms. But in order to render his character more agreeable to the predictions of the prophets, it was necessary that he should be ushered in by a precursor. For this purpose he made choice of a Jew of great repu- tation at Gaza, named Nathan Levi, whom he easily persuaded to act this part. The time was favour- able, for, according' to the cabbalistical interpretation of Daniel, the Messiah was to appear in or about the year 1675. f Zabathai Tzevi and his precursor travelled to Jerusalem. Levi, after his arrival, assembled the Jews, and abolished the fast which was to be cele- brated in the month of June following, because mourning was improper at the joyful period of the Messiah's appearance. He then declared Tzevi was their long expected deliverer, and specified the time for the conquest and ruin of the Grand Seignor. Part of the nation believed in the im- postor ; but the most sensible men among them clearly perceived, that the intended insurrection would cause their destruction in the Ottoman empire. They, therefore, anathematized and condemned him to death, alleging that he neither possessed the characteristics of the Messiah, nor Levi those of his precursor. Being obliged to quit Jerusalem, he came to Smyrna, and from thence to Constantinople, where * These were prohibited from conducting business, under the pe- nalty of excommunication. They expected that after their Messiah had subdued the nations they should gain possession of all the wealth of unbelievers. Turkish History, vol. ii. p. 176. t Basnage, p. 702. Turkish History, p. 175. 308 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. he expected to gain numerous disciples. But the Jews in this city had previously received letters from twenty-five rabbles, who had excommunicated him, in which they pronounced him lf an impious wretch/' and declared, " that the person who killed him would render an acceptable service to God, and save many souls." This induced Tzevi to return to Smyrna,, where he received four ambassadors sent by his precursor to acknowledge him as the Messiah. As Levi was a man of eminence among his brethren, this embassy greatly increased the followers of the impostor, and even imposed upon part of the learned rabbies. The multitude, dazzled by his affected humility, frequent washings, diligent and early attendance at the synagogues, and more espe- cially by his pathetic sermons, acknowledged him for their Messiah and king, and brought him magni- ficent presents to support his dignity.* In the mean time Levi was employed in per- suading his nation in different parts, that Tzevi was their long-expected deliverer, who was about to sub- vert the Ottoman empire. He asserted that, after being concealed nine months, this mighty conqueror would appear in glory, mounted upon a celestial lion ; and that a superb temple would descend from heaven, in which sacrifices were continually to be offered. While Levi was at Damascus, he wrote to Tzevi, and thus began his letter, " To the king, our king, lord of lords, who redeems our captivity, the man elevated to the height of all sublimity, the Messias of the God of Jacob, the celestial lion, Zabathai Tzevi/' * Basnage, p. 70S. Turkish History, fol. ii. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. At this period, the Jews in all the Turkish domi- nions entertained great expectations of glorious times. They were devout and penitent, prayed, fasted, and inflicted severe penances upon them- selves. Business was neglected, superfluities were sold, and the poor provided for by immense contri- butions.* The Jewish doctors at Smyrna convened again to consult upon an affair which daily became more important. The most judicious among them, not finding the character of the Messiah in Tzevi, con- demned him to death. But the impostor's party being far the most numerous, he caused them to assemble in the great synagogue in this city, cele- brated a new feast, repeatedly pronounced the name Jehovah, and altered the Jewish liturgy. His audi- ence acknowledged his authority, and supposed they beheld something divine in his person. A third sentence of death pronounced by the rabbies did not intimidate him, because he was convinced none would presume to execute it. He repaired, however, to the cadi, whom his friends had found means to gain, and put himself under his pro- tection. Some of the credulous multitude affirmed, that fire proceeded from his mouth when he addressed the cadi, that a pillar of fire had terrified the Turkish governor, and deterred him from putting Tzevi to death. The multitude conducted him from the cadi's presence in triumph, singing these words from Psalm cxviii. 16, " The right hand of the Lord is exalted," &c.f * Basnage, p. 70J. t Basnage. p. 702. Turkish History. 310 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. The next step taken by the impostor was to cause a throne to be erected for himself and his queen, from which he addressed his subjects. He com- posed a new summary of belief, which the people were obliged to receive with implicit faith, as coming from the hand of their Messiah. Some, who had the temerity to oppose it, were compelled to- save themselves by flight. Many who had been incredulous now professed to believe in him to whom they applied the prophecies of the Old Tes- tament. When he had attained this height of authority, he ordered the Jews, who were in the habit of praying for the grand seignor in their syna- gogues, to erase his name from their liturgy, and substitute his own. He styled himself, " King of the kings of Israel," and Joseph his brother, {f King of the kings of Judah ;" he also elected princes to govern his brethren in their march to the holy land, and to administer justice to them after they obtained the possession of their beloved country. At length, he declared he was called of God to visit Constantinople, where he had a great work to perform ; and accordingly embarked in a small vessel for this city, while many of his disciples followed him by land. The sultan, being informed of his arrival, despatched orders to his vizier to ap- prehend and confine him in prison.* This event, instead of discouraging, strength- ened the faith of the Jews ; for they recollected that Levi had predicted, that the Messiah was to be concealed nine months. They maintained that the sultan had not power to put him to death. The * Basnage, p. 702. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 311 criminal, upon his examination, asserted that his nation had compelled him to assume the title of king. This answer induced the vizier to treat, him with great mildness, and permit the Jews to visit him in prison. Those of Constantinople were as infatuated as their brethren in Smyrna. They forbade commerce, and refused to pay their debts. Some English merchants not knowing how to re- cover what was owing to them, from the Jews, took this occasion to visit Tzevi, and make their complaints to him against his subjects ; upon which he wrote to them as follows : " To you of the nation of the Jews, who expect the appearance of the Messiah, and the salvation of Israel, peace without end. Whereas we are in- formed that you are indebted to several of the English nation, it seemeth right unto us to order you to make satisfaction for your just debts, which, if you refuse to do, be it known, that you are not to enter with us into our joys and dominions."* Tzevi remained a prisoner in Constantinople two months. The grand vizier, who was preparing to go to Candia, did not think it safe to leave him in the city during his absence, he therefore removed him to the Dardanelles. This the Jews supposed a new miracle ; and asserted, that the sultan had not power to put him to death. Having bribed the governor, great numbers repaired to the castle where he was confined, not only those who were near, but from Poland, Germany, Leghorn, Venice, and other places. f They brought Tzevi rich pre- * Basnage, p. 702. t Even the Portuguese Jews at Amsterdam composed a form of prayer to be made use of by those who went to Adrianople to visit the pretended Messiah. Modern Univer. Hist. vol. xiii. p. 376. 312 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. sents, and received in return his blessings and pro- mises of advancement. The Turks raised the price of provisions upon those who visited their pretended Messiah.,, and the profit induced them to connive at the attention which was paid him. The impostor, during his confinement, com- manded the Jews to celebrate his birth day with feasting, illuminations, and music ; and abolished the solemn fast which had been observed on that day on account of the destruction of their temple. He despatched ambassadors to various parts to pro- claim him the Messiah, and publish the miracles which he pretended to have performed. He en- joined his nation to acknowledge the love of God in giving them consolation by the birth of their king and Messiah.* In the height of Tzevi's success, Nehemiah Cohen, a Polish Jew, came to visit him in his con- finement. He was a man of great learning in the cabbala and eastern languages. It is said, that he, in his conference with the impostor, maintained, that according to the scriptures there ought to be a twofold Messiah ; one the son of Ephraim, a poor and despised teacher of the law, the other the son of David, and a mighty conqueror. Nehemiah was contented to be the former, and leave the dig- nity and glory of the latter to Tzevi. But he accused him of too great forwardness and presump- tion in assuming the character of the son of David previously to the appearance of the son of Ephraim. Tzevi, exasperated at this reproof, excluded Cohen from any share in the transaction. Upon which the latter went to Adrianople, and informed the mi- * Turkish History, vol. ii. p. 177. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. nisters of state, that the impostor was a dangerous person, who sought to subvert the Turkish govern- ment. The grand seignor, at the request of his principal officers, summoned him to appear in his presence, and commanded him to be set as a mark for his archers, to prove whether he was invulnerable.* In order to avoid the impending trial Tzevi re- nounced all his vain-glorious pretensions, and con- fessed that he was only an ordinary Jew. The sultan informed him, that his treason and other crimes could only be expiated by embracing the Mahometan faith ; and that if he refused, the stake was prepared to impale him. The impious wretch replied, that " he had long earnestly desired to own himself a convert ; and he felt himself highly ho- noured in making this glorious profession of the true faith in the presence of his sultan /'f The news of Tzevi's having embraced the Ma- hometan religion soon spread through the Turkish dominions. His deluded followers were filled with consternation, grief, and shame, and exposed to the contempt and derision of their enemies. Several of the Jews still continued to use, in their public worship, the forms prescribed by this Mahometan Messiah ; which obliged the principal men of that nation in Constantinople to send to Smyrna, and forbid this practice upon penalty of excommuni- cation. J During these transactions, the Jews, in more remote parts, instead of attending to commerce, wrote letters to their brethren, filled with accounts * Basnage, p. 702. Turkish History, vol. ii. p. 181. t Basnage, p. 703. J Ibid. 314 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. of the wonderful works performed by Tzevi their Messiah. They reported, that when the grand seignor sent messengers to apprehend him,, he caused them alt to be struck dead ; but upon being requested, recalled them to life. They added, that though the prison in which Zabathai was con- fined was fastened with strong iron locks, he was seen to walk the streets with numerous attendants, and that his chains were converted into gold, which he gave to his followers. The Jews of Italy sent legates to Smyrna to inquire into the truth of these reports, who, upon their arrival, were mortified and astonished at the intelligence, that their pretended Messiah had embraced the Mahometan faith. But the brother of Tzevi attempted to persuade them that it was only his apparition which appeared in a Turkish habit; that he had been translated to heaven, and that God would again send him down to earth at a proper season. He added, that Nathan his pre- cursor, who had wrought many miracles, would soon arrive at Smyrna, reveal hidden things, and confirm their faith. But this pretended Ellas was not suf- fered to visit the city, and though the legates saw him in another place, they received no satisfaction.* Tzevi passed the remainder of his days at the Turkish court. He became a learned and zealous Mahometan under the instructions of Vanni Effendi, preacher to the seraglio, to whom he \vas a most do- cile pupil. Still, however, he continued to profess himself a deliverer of the Jews ; but being extremely cautious to avoid giving offence to the Turks, he declared. " that unless his brethren would imitate * Basnage, p. 104. Turkish History. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 315 his example, in renouncing the imperfect elements of the Mosaical law, he never should be able to prevail with God to restore them to the holy land." This induced many Jews to repair to Constantinople from Bagdat, Jerusalem, and other remote parts ; and in the presence of the grand seignor, they voluntarily professed themselves proselytes to the Mahometan religion. By this means the impious impostor ingratiated himself with the Turks, and retained his influence over large numbers of his infatuated nation. Tzevi was, however,, finally be- headed by order of the sultan Mahomet.* After the death of Tzevi, Daniel Israel, a Jew, who had dwelt at Smyrna six or seven years, under- took to persuade the Hebrew nation, that Zabathai was yet alive and concealed, and that he would re-appear after the space of forty-five years. f Some prodigies which he pretended to perform astonished many of the Jews, and induced them to credit his assertions. His supposed miracles excited the admi- ration of the credulous people ; and he was not only followed by the populace, but he even imposed upon several eminent rabbies. In particular Abra- ham Michael, and Raphael Cordoso, a physician who was famous among the Jews in Candia, openly declared for him. However., part of the learned men opposed Daniel Israel, and declared him to be an impostor. In consequence of their remon- strances, the cadi expelled him from the city, and imposed a fine upon his adherents. Cordoso, who ..'.,. , ..{ -,,.,! . :,,., -., ... * Basnage, p. 702. f Daniel Israel attempted to support this assertion, by a false in- terpretation of the prophecy of Daniel xii. 11, 12. 316 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. maintained the impostor, was killed by his son-in- law ; and his death blasted all the hopes of the Jews, and unveiled the deception.* The murderer fled into a Turkish mosque, and was converted to Mahometan ism ; but we are not told what became of Daniel Israel. The denomination of Zabathaites is given to the followers of Zabathai Tzevi. The sect formed by this impostor survived him ; and he actually has yet at Salonichi partizans, who outwardly professing Mahomefanism, observe in secret the Judaic rites, marry among themselves, and live in the same quarter of the city without communicating with the Musselmans except for the purpose of commerce, and in the mosques. They never enter the syna- gogues, nor make known their schism. Hence it appears, that ce the Turks pardon a secret observ- ance of another religion in favour of a public pro- fession of their own." Zabathai Tzevi had many adherents among the Jews of England, Holland, Germany, and Poland, who have continued in small numbers to our days.f One of the Jews, named Jonathan, born at Cra- cow in 1690, and who in 1750 was elected grand rabbin of the three towns of Hamburg, Altona, and Wansbeck, was accused of being a follower of Zabathai Tzevi, which occasioned a very ani- mated dispute, and produced many pamphlets. * Many of the infatuated Jews not only believed that Zabathai was living, and would re-appear, but even celebrated the day of his birth with great rejoicings, crying, " Long live sultan Tzevi." Basnage, p. 756. i Gregoire's Histoire des Sectes Religieuses. Tome ii. p. 509. Published at Paris, 1810. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 317 CHAPTER XXIII. Of the Jews in Ethiopia. The conformity which subsists between their religion and that of the Christians in that country. Of the Falasha in Abyssinia. Of the Jews in Egypt and other parts of Africa. Of their state in Morocco. Tyrannical conduct of the emperors of that kingdom. They are numerous at Fez, and several learned Jews have appeared among them. THE Jews have enjoyed more tranquillity in Ethiopia than in most other countries, on account of the conformity which subsisted between their re- ligion and customs, and those of the Christian inha- bitants, who are circumcised, abstain from swine's flesh, and observe Saturday for their sabbath. Their kings boast of having descended from the Jewish monarchs, and bear for their arms a lion holding a cross with this motto, " The Lion of Judah has conquered."* The Jewish hierarchy is still retained by the Falasha in Abyssinia, who claim their descent from a colony of Jews in the time of Solomon. About the Christian era, they elected one Phinehas to be their king, and from him their present sovereigns pretend to be lineally descended. This family is called by the Abyssinians Ben Israel, to distinguish them from the house of Solomon, from whom the sovereigns of the country derive their origin. About the year 960, the Falasha attempted to seize the throne of Abyssinia, and the wars with the nation were long and distressing. At last they were so weakened as to be obliged to leave the flat country of Dembea and retire to the craggy mountains of * Basnage, p. 714. #18 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. Samen, where they maintained their independence. Their capital is still called the Jews' rock.* In 1600 they were reduced to the brink of ruin ; and Gideon and Judith, their king and queen, were both slain in battle. Since that time they have paid taxes to the state, but are allowed to enjoy their own government. When Mr. Brucef was there, about 1771, they were estimated to amount to an hundred thousand effective men. Their king and queen were then called Gideon and Judith ; and these names seem to be preferred for the royal family. According to the accounts of the Falasha their sovereigns are of the tribe of Judah. J Their Old Testament is in the Geez language, written by Abyssinian Christians and sold to them. No dispute has ever existed about the text of scrip- ture. They have no table of various readings ; no Talmud, Targum, or Cabbala ; no fringes or ribbands upon their garments,, nor any scribe. They have lost their Hebrew, and only speak the language their ancestors learned in the country where they settled. They acknowledge candidly, that they have no Hebrew nor Samaritan copies, and that they trust wholly to the translation. They say the prophecy of Enoch is the first book of scripture they ever received, after which they place the book of Job. They maintained that the sceptre has never departed from Judah, and apply the pro- * Bruce's Travels, vol. ii. chap. vi. p. 114. t Mr. Bruce observes, " that he did not spare the utmost pains in inquiring into the history of this curious people, and that he lived in habits of intimacy and friendship with several of the most learned among them." Bruce, vol. ii. p. 406. Bruce's Travels, vol. ii. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 319 phecy of the gathering of the Gentiles to the future appearance of the Messiah. The Falasha have no knowledge of the New Testament but from conversation ; they imagine it very absurd to suppose the Messiah is already come, who they appear to think is to be a temporal prince., prophet, priest, and conqueror.* The Jewish law is in full force among this people, and all the Le- vitical observances, purifications, atonements, absti- nences, and sacrifices. The Jews for many ages have found an asylum in Egypt; they were, however, in 1524, near the precipice of destruction, Achmet, governor of Egypt having revolted against Solomon II. At the com- mencement of the rebellion, the soldiers plundered their houses ; and Achmet imposed a tax upon them of two hundred talents. They, however, pleaded insolvency, and paid only fifteen talents into the treasury. The governor, exasperated at this re- fusal, commanded all the Israelites in the kingdom to be arrested and imprisoned. This order was annulled by a conspiracy against Achmet, in conse- quence of which he was put to death ; and the Jews celebrated a feast in memory of their deliverance.f The liberty which this people have since enjoyed in Egypt, has rendered them numerous and power- ful, particularly at Cairo, where they possessed thirty synagogues. J They have long farmed all the cus- toms in that city, and have acquired influence, and reputation by this employment. The bashaw of Cairo every two years lets out the custom-house for * Bruce's Travels, vol. ii. p. *13. -f Basnage, p 116. t Pocock's Description of the East, vol. i. p. 177. 320 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. the benefit of the grand seignor. He adjudges it to the best bidder, and it commonly falls to the lot of the Jews, because they have the art of gaining his favour either by presents or intrigues. The greater part of the Jews in Cairo are Pharisees or Talmudists. There are, however,, a number of Caraites, who have a synagogue of their own. One proof of the consequence which the Hebrew nation enjoy under the aristocracy of Cairo is, that the offices of the customs are shut upon their sabbath, and no goods can pass upon that day although be- longing to Mahometans and Christians.* The Jews are also numerous in other parts of Africa, and are the principal traders in the inland provinces. Some of them were so affluent, that Muley Archey, king of Taphilet, by seizing the property of a rich Jew, was thereby enabled to achieve the conquest of the province of Quiriana. and to dispossess his brother of the kingdom of Morocco and Fez. To recompence the people for this act of oppression to an individual, he allowed them to enjoy their former privileges, and appointed Joshua Ben Hamosheth prince of that nation. His brother Ishmael, who succeeded him, was a still greater benefactor to the Jewish people. As an acknowledgment for the services he had received from Joseph de Toledo, he not only made him one of the principal officers of his household, but con- stituted him his envoy to the different courts of Europe ; and in 1684 he concluded the peace with the United Provinces. f * Niebuhr's Travels, vol. i. p. 102. Published 1792. t Basnage, p. 717. Modern Univer. Hist. vol. xiii. p. 383. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 321 The Jews had been a long time settled at Oran, and were entrusted with some of the most honour- able and lucrative offices in the city. Yet, notwith- standing the ill treatment they had received from the Spanish government, they, being it is said bribed by cardinal Ximenes,* betrayed the town to the Spanish soldiers. This, and other signal ser- vices, did not., however, preserve them from being expelled from the city in 1669 ; but it is not known on what pretence they were banished. In the pro- vince of Suz, they were also numerous and flou- rishing ; in the capital of that principality they had a superb synagogue, which was served by several priests and officers. They had their judges and in- terpreters of the law, who were maintained at the expense of their brethren, who supported themselves by labour and commerce. f The Jews have beenj and still are very nume- * The cardinal was a great persecutor of the Jewish nation, and, it is said, that he used his influence to persuade queen Isabella to expel them from Spain. t Basnage, p. 717. : It appears that the Hebrew nation were settled in Morocco as early as the year 1062 ; for the Jewish rabbi Samuel, who lived at the close of the eleventh century, received his surname from that city, where he resided. Samuel, having passed into Spain, had conferences with the Christians, who succeeded in convincing him of the truth of their religion. Before his conversion was completed, he addressed a letter to rabbi Isaac, a Jew in the same kingdom, in which he says, " I would fain learn of thee, out of the testimonies of the law and the prophets, and other scriptures, Why the Jews are thus smitten in this captivity wherein we are ? which may be properly called, the perpetual anger of God, because it hath no end ; for it is now above a thousand years since we were carried captive by Titus. And yet our fathers, who worshipped idols, killed the prophets, and cast the law behind their back, were punished only with a seventy years' capti- vity, and then brought home again. But now there is no end of our Y 322 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. rous in all parts of Morocco; after they were expelled from Spain and Portugal, multitudes sought an asylum in this empire. They are not confined to towns, but have spread over the face of the whole country. They are not only tributary in these parts, but upon every small disgust, in danger of being ex- pelled ; and can never promise themselves any permanent settlement or security. Though this unhappy people, in almost every place where they have resided, have been treated with cruelty and contempt ; yet in no part of the world have they suffered more severe and undeserved oppressions than in Barbary, where the whole country depends upon their industry and ingenuity, and could scarcely subsist without their assistance.* The lowest classes among the Moors imagine they have a right to oppress and insult the Jews, who suffer the greatest ill treatment with a patience they have acquired by being daily abused. They have not courage to defend themselves, because the Koran and judge are always in favour of the Maho- metans. Their superior knowledge and address give them, however, many advantages over the Moors ; and their skill in pecuniary negociations enables them to act as agents and brokers. More industrious as well as better informed than the Ma- hometans, they are employed by the emperor in farming the customs, coining the money, and in calamities, uor do the prophets promise any." Dissertations pour servir a Vliistoire des Juifs. Gisborne on the Christian religion. * Lancelot Addison's Present State of the Jews. Lempriere's Tour to Morocco. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 32S *> Conducting his intercourse with foreign merchants, , and his negociations with foreign powers.* Thus. L employed, they have great opportunities for benefit- \ ting and injuring the state; and they have sufficient j art to enrich themselves by every resource in their power ; and find means to console themselves for the indignities they are obliged to suffer. The Jews, in most parts of the empire, live separate from the Moors, and, though oppressed in other respects, are allowed the exercise of their reli- gion. Many of them, however, in order to avoid the arbitrary treatment to which they are continually exposed, have professed the Mahometan religion. Upon their renouncing Judaism they are admitted to all the privileges of the Moors. There are great numbers of Jews in the moun- tains of Morocco, f who are engaged in laborious employments, to which the other inhabitants are averse. This, however, does not deter others from attempting to raise themselves to eminent stations at court. One of their nation, named Pacheco, was sent ambassador to the United Provinces. He died at the Hague, 1604, and was interred with great pomp. Some time after, in the same century, two Jews were residents in Holland, from the courts of Portugal and Spain. J A. D. 1660.] The Jewish synagogues having been demolished in the kingdom of Fez, Muley Mahomet, when he ascended the throne, not only * Chenier's Present State of Morocco, vol. i. p. 157. \ It has been computed that there are nearly four hundred thou- sand Jews in Morocco, Fez, and Algiers. Dissertations Critiques. J Basnage, p. 717. Gregoire, p. 201. 324 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. caused them to be rebuilt, but made one of that nation his high treasurer and prime minister. This people, however, have frequently suffered from the tyranny and caprice of the arbitrary sovereigns of Morocco. Sidi Mahomet, the emperor, having imposed a heavy tax on his son Muley Ali, com- manded him to raise the sum required., on the Jewish community, "- who, not being, as he said, in the road to salvation, merited no indulgence/' The prince offered his father the revenues of his government, but earnestly entreated him not to oppress the Jews, and add to wretchedness, which was already too great.* A. D. 1672.] Muley Ishmael, ingenious in finding pretences for plundering his subjects, as- sembled the Jews, and thus addressed them : o ^tniii > ju,, CHAPTER XXVII. The Jews apply to the emperor Charles V. for the liberty of retumfng to Spain. Cardinal Ximenes persuades him to reject their request. Of the conspiracy of the Portuguese Jews against the house of Braganza. Vast numbers of concealed Jews remain in Spain and Portugal. Account of Orobio, a celebrated Spanish Jew. Of the severity of the Spanish government. The Spanish and Portuguese Jews claim their descent from the tribe of Judah, and refuse to connect themselves by marriage with those of other nations. A law is enacted in Portugal which prohibits the inhabitants to call any person a Jew. THOUGH the Jews had suffered severe perse- cution in Spain, and towards the conclusion of the fifteenth century were cruelly expelled from this kingdom ;* yet upon the accession of Charles V. the fugitives petitioned for liberty to return. They represented to this monarch, that " they had con- ducted with honour the whole commerce of the nation, and were the most useful, and perhaps faithful subjects in the kingdom ; that, therefore, the confidence they reposed in his justice and good- ness induced them to hope he would allow them the free exercise of their religion." On this condition they engaged to present him eight hundred thou- sand crowns of gold.f Charles was at first disposed to return a favourable answer to their petition, but cardinal Ximenes ex- erted all his influence to dissuade the king from per- mitting their return. He reminded him, that Fer- dinand had refused six hundred thousand crowns which the Jews offered him, for the liberty of con- * See Chapter xviii. t Basnage. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 361 tinuing peaceably in his dominions ; arid asserted, that " those who rejected Christ from reigning over them, were unworthy of the protection of Christian princes." Charles, who entertained an extreme aversion* against this people, preferred the counsel of the cardinal to the advice of his ministers, and peremptorily rejected their request. A. D. 1640.] After the Portuguese had freed themselves from the tyrannical government of Spain, f in the reign of Philip IV. the archbishop of Braga, who was wholly devoted to the Spanish monarch, conspired against his sovereign, the king of Portugal, and engaged avast number of JewsJ to assist in the design. They had long resided at Lisbon in the external profession of the Christian faith, and had lately offered the king a large sum of money if he would free them from the inquisition, and permit them to possess synagogues in Lisbon. * Charles hated the Jews on account of their being so frequently duped by the impostors who appeared among them. One of them was so impudent as to affirm, that he was the Messiah, even in hi? presence, upon which he was apprehended and suffered a cruel death, 1534. Modern Vniver. Hist. vol. xiii. p. 392. + After Philip II. extended his dominion over Portugal, he enacted that those of his subjects who were descended from Jews or Moors should be excluded from all ecclesiastical and civil employments. This mark of infamy, with which the new converts to Christianity were stigmatised, caused many of the wealthy Jews to emigrate to Bourdeaux, Hamburg, and other places. Raynafs History of the Indies, vol. iv. i Men of superior talents were formerly found among the Portu- guese Jews. Duarte Nonnez, oue of this nation who was banished from Portugal, his native country, in the sixteenth century, was pre- ferred by the Catholic king to be a privy counsellor, on account of his great abilities, though all of that persuasion were formerly banished from Spain. Murphy's Travels in Portugal, p. 223. 362 HKTORY OF THE JEW'S. The rejection of this offer filled them with re- sentment and consternation, as their appearing in this petition,, had exposed them to the tortures of the merciless inquisition.* The archbishop of Braga promised them, in the name of the king of Spain, that, if they would be instrumental to his restoration, they should be allowed liberty of conscience, and be permitted to profess their religion openly without incurring any penalty. The part assigned them was to set fire to the palace, and several houses in the city and suburbs, in order that while the people were engaged in extinguishing the flames, the conspi- rators might fly to the palace and assassinate the king. The grand inquisitor was also engaged in this plot against the government, and this was, perhaps, the first time that the inquisition and syna- gogue acted in concert. The meditated revolution, however, was not effected. Baeze, a rich Jewish merchant, being put to the rack, confessed the treacherous design formed against the house of Braganza, and the intended perpetrators of the crime were severely punished.f * Vertot's Revolutions of Portugal, p. 82. t Though the Jews have been accused of treason, and some other instances similar to that of the conspiracy against the house of Bra- ganza have been proved, the greater part of these accusations were, says a late anthor, the children of imposture; and there are other anecdotes of a contrary nature. In 1749, Malta was saved by a Jew from a formidable conspiracy. The Turkish slaves had combined to destroy the whole order of knights in the island; and every slave had taken a solemn oath to put his roaster to death. This treacherous design was discovered by a Jew who kept the coffee-house. He under- stood the Turkish language, and having overheard discourses which he thought suspicious, went immediately and informed the grand HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 363 V The Jews, finding themselves baffled in all their legal and illegal attempts to obtain a toleration in Spain and Portugal, continued under the spe- cious veil of Christianity to perform the Mosaic rites in secret.* Their aversion to a religion, which \? they were compelled to profess externally, became more implacable. The law of Moses was still privately transmitted from father to son ; and the vigilance of the inquisition, and murder of so many of their brethren, which has caused them to be more circumspect, must, at the same time, have rendered them more bigoted. Many, who could no longer submit to wear the mask of Christianity, quitted their country. The greatest part of the fugitives have settled in England and Holland, and, among the Jews who reside in these countries, those of Portugal have the reputation of main- taining the most respectable characters.f Large numbers of the Israelites have, however, remained in the dominions of Spain and Portugal, who have availed themselves of the liberty of dissi- mulation permitted by the Talmud. Outwardly .good Catholics, but inwardly Jews ; they have abounded in varioue ranks and professions, and have not hesitated to fill the most sacred departments master. The suspected persons were instantly put to the torture, confessed the whole plot, and were executed. We also read of a Jew, who, during the siege of Tunis by Charles V. saved the lives of several thousand Christian slaves, whom Barbarossa intended to have put to death. Gregoire on the Reformation of the Jews, p. 41. Brydone's Tour, p. 163. * Vertot's Revolutions in Portugal. t Southey's Letters from Spain and Portugal, vol. i. p. 112. Mur- phy's Travels in Portugal. HISTORY OP TriE JEWS. of the Romish priesthood. By pretending to an uncommon zeal for a religion which they detest, they have generally passed unobserved, if not un- suspected. Hence it has been said, that when a house is found to be remarkably decked with images, relics, and lamps, and the owner celebrated for being the most enthusiastic devotee in the parish; there is reason to believe the family are Israelites at heart.* These facts rest on the unquestionable authority of Jews who themselves have practised dissimulation, and are particularly recorded on the testimony of Balthasar Orobio, a celebrated Spanish Jew, who was carefully educated in the religion of his an- cestors by his parents, who assumed the mask of Christianity, and outwardly conformed to the Roman Catholic worship, and abstained from the practice of Judaism in every thing except the observation of the fast of expiation. Our author was distin- guished for his talents and learning; and, having studied the scholastic philosophy as it was taught in Spain, acquired such celebrity, that he was made professor of metaphysics in the university of Sala- manca. But afterwards, applying himself to the study of physic, he practised the healing art at Seville with reputation and success. f In process of time Orobio, being suspected of Judaism, was suddenly seized and thrown into the inquisition, where he suffered such exquisite * Swinburn's Travels to Spain, vol. i. p. 104. Those Jews who, in Spain and Portugal, have been compelled to profess Christianity, are styled " new Christians." + Biographical Dictionary, vol. ii. p. 34$. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 365 torments, that he began to be deranged. Sometimes he imagined that his past life was only a dream, and that the dungeon in which he was confined., was his true birth place, and would also prove the place of his death. At other times, as he had a very meta- physical turn, he first formed arguments of that kind, and then resolved them, acting thus the three different parts, of opponent, respondent, and mode- rator, at the same time. In this way he diverted himself from time to time, and, notwithstanding the cruel tortures which he endured, had the for- titude constantly to deny that he was a Jew. At last, after three years' confinement, the inquisitors, finding themselves baffled by his perseverance, or- dered his wounds to be cured, and discharged him from the inquisition.* As soon as Orobio obtained his liberty, he re- solved to quit the Spanish dominions; and going to France was made professor of physic at Toulouse. He continued in this city some time, still outwardly professing the Roman Catholic religion. Averse, at length, to further dissimulation, he repaired to Amsterdam, vrhere he was circumcised, took the name of Isaac, and professed Judaism. He conti- nued to practise physic, and was highly esteemed in his profession. In Holland, he held his famous dispute with Philip Limborch, a celebrated Pro- testant clergyman, concerning the truth of the Christian religion. f This dispute was conducted with great moderation on both sides. But the tic ;., 'ixflfy.T T- ' * Biographical Dictionary, vol. ii. p. 344. t Limborch published a very interesting account of this conference, under the title of " Amica Collatio cum erudito Judaeo." 366 HISTORY OP THE JEWS. learned divine was not able to conquer the pre- judices of Orobio, who declared, at the end of the conference, that he was of opinion, " that every man ought to continue in the religion in which he was educated, since it is much easier to attack the opinions of others, than to defend our own." He continued in Holland till the time of his death, which took place 1687.* The great number of the dissemblers, and their existence even among the grandees and clergy in Spain, Orobio attests in the strongest terms, and relates, that many of those who assumed the mask of Christianity, even Franciscan monks, Domi- nicans, and Jesuits, came annually to the synagogue at Amsterdam to confess and expiate their dissimu- lation, f A late author informs us, that a Catholic clergy- man, who had recently quitted Spain, after a resi- dence there of twelve years, spontaneously related to him the following circumstances : " That the Spaniards universally believe, there are among them very great numbers of concealed Jews, chiefly in the trading classes, and some among the clergy ; and that the captain of a pacquet, with whom he was windbound at Corunna, informed him, he had met with many persons in France, South America, and elsewhere, who had freely confessed to him they were Jews, though they had lived long in Spain as Catholics ; and that one of these persons had been * Bio. Diet vol. ii. p. 345. t The Jews are said to have been numerous in the Spanish and Portuguese monasteries and nunneries ; and that many of the priests, inquisitors, and even bishops, are of Hebrew origin. Modern Uni- vtrsal History, vol. xiii. p. 357. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 367 outwardly a Catholic clergyman, and really in orders as such."* Even as late as the close of the eighteenth century, any person believed to be a Jew, whether he had previously appeared as a Catholic or not, would still be seized in Spain, if discovered by the inquisition, f The following is an extract from a decree of the Spanish government, promulgated against the Jews, July 22, 1800. "His majesty ordered his ministers to deliver no passports to Jews intending to enter Spain, whatever might be the motive of their journey ; and whether they be desi- rous or not of making any stay in the kingdom. He enjoined the governors of the frontiers to pre- vent their entrance into the Spanish territories, and to expel all who may be discovered in it. For a long time the laws of this monarchy have for- bidden all the Jews to attempt a transit, or an esta- blishment in the dominions of his majesty ; a late transgression calls for a rigorous reinforcement of these laws." The Spanish and Portuguese JewsJ claim their descent from the tribe of Judah ; and found these pretensions on a supposition which prevails among them, that many of their ancestors removed, or * Gisborne on the Christian Religion, p. 110. t It is said, that in about 1755, when a terrible earthquake in Lisbon destroyed thirty thousand of the inhabitants, the Portuguese believed that the mercy of God might be obtained by burning some Jews, and other heretics, in what they call the Auto da Fe, or act of faith. foltaire's Age of Levels XI f. + It appears that the Jews have no accurate deduction of their descent or genealogy ; they suppose that they are in general of the tribe of Judah and Benjamin, with some among them of the tribe of Levi. Butler's Horee Biblicae, p. 85. _ 368 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. were sent into Spain, at the time of the Babylonian captivity. In consequence of this supposed supe- riority, they, till very lately, would not by marriage or otherwise, incorporate with their brethren of other nations. They had separate synagogues ; and if a Portuguese Jew, even in England or Holland, married a German Jewess, he was imme- diately expelled from the synagogue, deprived of every civil and ecclesiastical rite, and ejected from the body of the nation. A late instance has occurred of a Jew in Berlin, who having married the daughter of a Portuguese physician, the parents of the girl went in mourning, as for the death of a relation.* The manners of the Portuguese Jews differ from the> rest of the nation, and are more polished. They have nothing peculiar in their dress. The opulent among them vie with the other nations of Europe in refinement, elegance, and show ; and differ from them in worship only.f In Portugal, the name of a Jew is a term of such high reproach, that the government found it neces- sary to enact a law, which forbade any person to call another by that appellation. If a man who is styled a Jew to his face stabs the offender, the law does not condemn him ; and trifling as this regu- lation may appear, it has produced beneficial effects.^ * Gregoire, who mentions this fact, informs us, that it was com- municated to him by a learned German Jew. Essay on the Refor- mation of the Jews, p. 86. t Letters of certain Jews to Voltaire, p, 23. t Southey's Letters, vol. i. p. 118. Review of the Naturalization of the Jews, p. 52. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 369 The Jews in Portugal remain separated from the Germans., and retain their ritual usages ; but go- vernment has destroyed the obstacles which the institutions of Portugal opposed to their marriage with the Germans.* * Gregoire's Histoire des Sectes Religieuses. B B 370 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. CHAPTER XX VI II. Account of the Jews in Holland. One of the German Jews deludes his brethren with the promise of a Messiah. They erect academies and synagogues at Amsterdam. An account of Meuasses Ben Israel, and several other learned rabbies, who flourished in Holland, during the seventeenth century. Of their state at a later period. HOLLAND has long afforded the Jews a fa- vourite asylum ; and the lenity of the government, by giving free scope to their commercial genius, has enabled them to accumulate wealth. Basnage, who closes his history of this people with the seventeenth century, has asserted, that they enjoyed more liberty in this country, and have been more rich and flourishing there, than in any other part of the world.* Part of the Jews emi- grated from Germany, the others from Spain and Portugal ; and, on account of some difference in their religious ceremonies, a violent animosity has subsisted between them.f Zeighler, a distinguished personage among the German Jews, came to Amsterdam, in order to delude his brethren, who were recently settled in the city, with the hopes of a Messiah, whom he pretended to have seen at Strasburg when he was only fourteen years old. He affirmed him to be lineally descended from king David, and that his ancestors had resided a thousand years in the king- dom of Tunis, whence they passed into Grenada in Spain, but, upon being expelled by king Ferdinand * Basnage, p. 738. + Basnage, p. 739. Modern Universal History. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 3? I the Catholic, they settled in Germany. Zeighler asserted, that he reserved a diadem and sword to present to the Messiah, when he should be of age to assert his dignity and appear in arms. He was then to exhibit himself as a mighty conqueror, to destroy Antichrist and the Ottoman empire, and extend his dominion over the whole world. The Messiah was also to assemble a council at Constance which was to last twelve years, and decide all reli- gious controversies. Those who gave credit to the assertions of this impostor, regretted too late their blind credulity and infatuation. The first assembly of Jews in Amsterdam, excited great jealousy among the citizens, who supposed them to be Roman Catholics in disguise. But in searching their houses, especially those in which they performed divine worship, they found nothing but Hebrew books, and a copy of the Mosaic law. After this discovery, they were only enjoined to pray for the preservation of the city, which they readily promised.* Soon after, they obtained permission to build their first synagogue in this city, which they called " The House of Jacob," because a rich Jew of that name was its founder. Not long after, they erected another synagogue, which they styled, <( Neve Shalom/' the dwelling of peace ; and committed it to the care of a celebrated rabbi named Joseph Vega, who composed a history of bis nation down to the destruction of Jerusalem. He was succeeded by rabbi Uziel, who incurred the resentment of his brethren, by his severe animadversions on their * Basnage, p. 189. BBS 372 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. conduct. This induced them to build a new syna- gogue called " Ben Israel/' to which the dissenters retired. This schism lasted about twenty years, and the disputes between the two parties were con- ducted with great animosity. But, in 1639, these divisions were terminated, and the three synagogues united in one.* The Jews of Amsterdam founded academies as well as synagogues, and one of them, called, The Crown of the Law, which was built in 1643, was governed by some of the most learned men of the nation. Their flourishing state in Holland during the seventeenth century, was exhibited by a superb synagogue, begun 1671, and consecrated in the year 1673.f Many celebrated rabbies have flourished in Hol- land, among whom Menasses Ben Israel was emi- nently distinguished. This great man was born in Portugal 1604 ; but his father Joseph, being perse- cuted on account of his religion, retired with his family to Holland. Menasses was instructed in the Hebrew language by rabbi Uziel, and made such rapid progress in this and other branches of know- ledge, that after his tutor's death, he was chosen to succeed him in the rabbinical chair at Amsterdam, when he was only eighteen years old. At the age of fifteen he began to preach., and his discourses at that early period were highly applauded by his brethren. He pursued his studies so assiduously that, when only twenty, he published the first part of his Conciliator]; on the Pentateuch, in * Basnnge, p. 789. + Ibid. t This work when completed was divided into four parls, and comprehended the remainder of the Old Testament. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. which he endeavoured to reconcile the sacred books. By this work, which he afterwards completed, he acquired the esteem and admiration of the learned, both among Jews and Christians.* Menasses married Rachel, of the family of Abar- banel, and boasted of his connection with one of the descendants of king David, f He was cele- brated by his nation for his skill in physic, as well as for his knowledge in theology. In order to improve his fortune, he established a well furnished printing office for Hebrew books, which produced many beautiful and rare editions. He afterwards visited his brother Ephraim, a rich merchant at Basil, by whose advice he engaged in commerce. The hopes of rendering important services to his nation, in- duced him to repair to England, under the protec- torship of Cromwell, who gave him a favourable reception, and entertained him at dinner with several learned divines. He, however., soon returned to Zealand, and died at Middleburgh in 1657, aged fifty three, and was interred with great respect at the public expense.^ Menasses was the author of various learned works, too numerous to be particularly mentioned, which were printed by his son. In some of his writings, he directly or indirectly attacked Christi- anity, and defended Judaism. But, being modest, ,; * Modern Universal History, vol. xiii. p. 435. De Rossie's He- brew Biography. t Menasses adopted the tradition of Abarbanel, that two Jewish families of the race of David came to Spain, but differed from him in supposing that they did not arrive till after the ruin of the second temple. De BoissVs dissertations pour servir'juVhisloire des Juifs. * De Rossie's Hebrew Biography. 374 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. affable, and polite,, he conciliated the affection and esteem of the Christians ; and some of the greatest men of the age, as Grotius, Episcopius, and others, were his intimate friends.* His great object ap- pears to have been to promote the welfare of his nation both by his life and writings. One of his publications is entitled " Vindicae Judeorum," or a letter in answer to certain questions respecting the Jews, in which he exploded all the calumnies raised against his persecuted nation. In another of his productions, styled, " The Hope of Israel," he attempted to prove, that the American natives are the descendants of the ten tribes. His works were published in Hebrew, Latin, Spanish, Portuguese, and English ; and part of them in Dutch and German. Rabbi Zacutus, an eminent Jewish physician, and friend and panegyrist of Menasses, was born at Lisbon in the year 1575. His parents, who assumed the mask of Christianity, sent him to study philo- sophy and medicine at Salamanca and Coimbra. After having taken his degree of doctor at Mor- vedro, a famous university in Spain, he practised physic at Lisbon till 1624. He acquired great cele- brity by his knowledge of the healing art, and was * Bishop Huet, a learned Roman Catholic divine, observes, " Du- ring my stay in Holland I was induced to visit Menasses Ben Israel, a very learned Jew, known to me by his reputation and his writings, for the purpose of becoming better acquainted with him, and making inquiries of him respecting several circumstances connected with the Jewish rites, and the Christian religion. His answers appeared to me acute, yet candid, and to show that he was not far distant from a knowledge of the truth, were he treated with reason and moderation, and not with that contumely and harshness commonly displayed to his nation." dikins Memoirs of the Life of Huet, vol. i. p. 208. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 375 distinguished for his benevolent attention to the poor. After having dissembled about thirty years he retired to Amsterdam,, and died, in the profession of the religion of his ancestors, 1642. He was the author of a history of the principal physicians and various medical works.* Joseph Athias, a Spaniard by birth, was first a teacher of the Talmud at Hamburg, but re- moved from thence to Amsterdam, and purchased a printing-office. In 1661, he published an elegant edition of the Hebrew Bible, which was reprinted six years after with additions, and is remarkable for being the first edition in Hebrew in which the verses are numbered. The states of Holland rewarded Athias with a present of a golden chain and medal- lion. f Uriel Acosta was born in Portugal, towards the close of the sixteenth century. His parents were of the nobility, but originally descended from those Jews who had been compelled to profess the Roman Catholic religion. His father, however, was really a Christian, and carefully instilled the principles of religion into the mind of his son. It appears, by Acosta's account of his life, that he received a liberal education, and, having been instructed in various sciences, applied himself to the study of the law, and afterward had an ecclesiastical benefice. The activity and zeal he exhibited in the service of the church, his assiduity in explaining the evange- lists and other parts of the sacred scriptures, his re- gular and exemplary conduct, procured him, at the age of twenty-five, the dignity of treasurer in a col- * Modern Universal History, vol. xiii. p. 437. t Ibid. p. 438. 376 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. legiate church. But the anxiety of mind which he then began to feel respecting religion disturbed all his happiness. Being terrified with the idea of suffering eternal death, he sought relief by con- forming to all the precepts of the church, by assidu- ously studying the Scriptures, and consulting the creed of the confessors. But still his distress in- creased ; and at length, being reduced to a state of despair, he experienced the most terrible mental agonies.* After Acosta had decided that he could not be saved by the religion he had imbibed in his infancy, he began to inquire into the grounds and reasons of his faith. These inquiries rendered him more and more wavering and undecided; and his dissatis- faction with the Roman Catholic church induced him to study Jewish authors until, at length, he became a convert to the religion of his ancestors. But as he could not profess Judaism in Portugal, he gave up an honourable and profitable employment, left an elegant house which his father had built in the most delightful part of Lisbon, and embarked for Amsterdam with his mother and brothers, whom he had ventured to instruct in the principles of the Jewish religion, even when in Portugal. Soon after their arrival in this city they became members of the synagogue, were circumcised according to custom, and he changed his name of Gabriel for that of Uriel.f It was not long, however, before he discovered, to use his own words, " that the modern Jewish * Biographical Diet. vol. i. p. (53. Acosta's Account of his Life, t De Rossie's Hebrew Biography. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 377 rabbies were an obstinate and perverse race of men, strenuous advocates for the odious sect of the Pha- risees and their institutions." He declared that they did not conform to the law of Moses either in their rites, or morals, and censured . their conduct with the utmost asperity. The chiefs of the synagogue., however, gave him to understand, that he must exactly observe their tenets and customs ; and that his deviation from them, even in the minutest points, would expose him to excommunication. But this threat did not intimidate him ; and, having left an elegant situation in his native country purely to enjoy the liberty of professing his sentiments with freedom, he thought it would show both want of courage and piety to submit to a set of rabbies without any proper jurisdiction. He, therefore, persisted in his invectives, and was excommunicated. In consequence of this sentence, his own brothers dared not to speak to him, nor salute him when they met him in the streets. Acosta wrote a book in his justification, wherein he endeavoured to shew, that the rites and traditions of the Pharisees were contrary to the writings of Moses ; and soon after adopted the opinion of the Sadducees. His adversaries were overjoyed at this change in his sentiments, which they foresaw would tend greatly to justify in the sight of the Christians, the proceedings of the synagogue against him. They, therefore, made application to the magistrates of Amsterdam, and represented him as a person who endeavoured to undermine the foun- dation both of the Jewish and Christian religions. Upon this information he was thrown into prison, 378 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. but bailed out in about ten days after. However, all the copies of his works were seized, and he him- self fined three hundred florins. Yet he was not deterred from proceeding still farther in his scep- ticism, and, at length, he not only denied the autho- rity of the Mosaic law, but the truth of all revealed religion. * After he became a deist, as his patience was ex- hausted by the insults and indignities to which the avowal of his sentiments had exposed him* he thought it best to dissemble for the sake of peace, and returned to the Jewish church after he had been excommunicated fifteen years. He made a re- cantation of what he had written, and subscribed every thing as they directed. It was, however, soon discovered that he did not live after the Hebrew manner, and that he had dissuaded two Christians who came from London to Amsterdam from professing Judaism. He was summoned be- fore the grand council of the synagogue, and, upon his refusing to make a public confession, was sen- tenced to a second excommunication. f After re- maining seven years in a most wretched condition, being exposed to a series of persecutions, he de- clared himself willing to submit to the sentence of the synagogue. This concession was made in con- * Acosta's Account of his Life. + There are two degrees of excommunication among the Jews ; the lesser which only excludes a person from some particular society, or congregation, till he repents, which he is allowed to do in thirty days ; and if he does not, then the greater is pronounced, which con- fiscates his property to sacred uses ; and deprives him of any dealings with or support from his nearest relations, as well as subjects him to many other grievous penalties. Abendenda's Jewish Polity. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 379 sequence of his receiving intimations that the judges,* being satisfied with his submission, would soften the severity of the discipline. Acosta, how- ever, found with astonishment and indignation, that the sentence pronounced against him was executed with the utmost rigour. He was compelled to enter a synagogue full of people, assembled to see his humiliation, being dressed in mourning with a black torch in his hand. After reading a recantation of his errors, and confessing that he deserved a thou- sand deaths, he was subjected to a severe and dis- graceful corporal punishment. Acosta was so highly exasperated at the public infamy which he suffered, that he formed the horrid resolution of putting a period to his own life ; but determined previously, to be revenged on a relation to whom he attributed the cruel treatment he had experienced. But finding himself baffled in his at- tempt to kill his principal enemy, and that his design was discovered, he immediately destroyed himself, (1647) leaving a manuscriptf which gave an ac- count of his life and sentiments. Benedict Spinoza, another extraordinary Jew, was born in Amsterdam, 1632 ; but his father was * It appears surprising that Acosta did not implore the protection of the magistrates of Amsterdam to guard him from the violence of his nation. But he was apprehensive that the Christians would not be more favourable to him than the Jews, and relied upon the promise which the Parnassiraor administrators of the synagogue made to him, and threw himself upon their mercy. Boissfs Dissertations pour ser- vir a Fhisloire des Juifs. t The above mentioned particulars relating to the life of Acosta are taken from his piece entitled, ' Exemplar Humanae Vita?," which contains a severe invective against the Jews, interspersed with objections against all revealed religion. It was published and refuted by Limborch. 380 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. originally a native of Portugal, and by profession a merchant. After having learnt Latin of a scep- tical physician, Spinoza applied himself for many years to the study of theology, but began very early to be dissatisfied with the Jewish religion ; and, as his temper was naturally open, he did not attempt to conceal his doubts from the synagogue. The Jews, it is said, offered to tolerate his infidelity, and even promised him a pension of one thousand dollars per annum, if he would continue externally to practise their ceremonies. If this proposal was really made, and he rejected it, his refusal was owing to his dis- like of hypocrisy, or rather from a fear of the restraint it would impose upon him. He also refused a very considerable fortune to the prejudice of the natural heirs, and learnt the art of polishing glass for spectacles, that he might subsist independently.* Spinoza would probably have continued in the synagogue some time longer, had he not been trea- cherously attacked and wounded by a Jew, as he was coming from the theatre. The wound was slight ; but he believed the assassin designed to murder him. From that time he separated from his brethren, which was the reason of his excommunication. After leaving the synagogue he professed to be a Christian, and not only went himself to the Churches of the Lutherans and Calvinists, but frequently exhorted others to attend, and highly recommended some par- ticular preachers. But that he was only outwardly a Christian, appears not only from his writings, but from many anecdotes which are preserved of his life. The Jews, finding all their attempts against * Basnage, p. 741. Encyclopedia, vol. xvii. p. 6a^. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 381 him ineffectual, accused him of apostacy and blas- phemy before the magistrates of Amsterdam, and he was expelled from the city. In his exile he studied mathematics and natural philosophy. His nation pursued him, however, with the grand excommunication ; but he wrote a protest against the sentence, directed to the rabbies of the synagogue. In 1664, he published "the principles of the Cartesian philosophy, demonstrated geometrically," with an appendix, in which he advanced metaphysical opinions wholly inconsistent with ^he doctrine of Des Cartes. In 1670, one of his works was printed at Amsterdam, which con- tained all the seeds of that atheism which was more fully developed in his " Opera Posthuma." He, however, lived in retirement at the Hague, with great sobriety and decency of manners, till the year 1677, when a consumption put a period to his life, at the age of fifty three.* " Spinoza was a Jew by birth, a Christian through policy, and an atheist by principle." His attachment to certain philosophic opinions had ac- quired such an ascendancy over his mind, that he secluded himself from the world, and renounced its pleasures in order to devote himself to abstruse me- ditations. He was, it is said, the first who reduced atheism into a system, and formed it into a regular body of doctrines. f * Acosta's Life, published by Limborch. + Spinoza taught, that the whole universe is but one substance, which is extended, infinite, and indivisible. That substance he calls God; but labours to prove that it is corporeal, and that there is no difference between mind and matter ; that both are attributes of the Deity variously considered ; that the human soul is part of the 382 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. In later times many learned men have appeared among the Jews in Holland,, and by a decree passed in 1769, the nation in this country acquired certain political rites. The Portuguese Jews are more numerous and affluent than the German, their man- ners more polished, their morals generally more correct, and they are considered as the most en- lightened part of the community. They excited the industry of the other inhabitants ; and Amsterdam is much indebted to them for its flourishing con- dition.* There are a large number of Jews in Rotterdam, many of whom are as much distinguished for their integrity as for their industry and opu- lence, f intellect of God ; that the same soul is nothing but the idea of an human body; that this idea of the body and the body itself are one and the same thing; that God could not exist, or be conceived, were the visible universe. annihilated ; and therefore that the visible universe is either the same substance, or at least an essential attribute and modification of that substance. Bayle's Dictionary. * Monthly Magazine, 1809. + Carr's Tour to Holland, 1806. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 383 CHAPTER XXIX. The Jews remain exiled from England three hundred and fifty years. Cromwell resolves to attempt their return. Menasses Beu Israel repairs to England in order to solicit him in behalf of his brethren. The protector summons a convention of divines to deliberate respecting the Jews, but is afraid of openly favouring them. A number of this people, however, return to England and are tolerated. Charles II. connives at their admission. James II. was inclined to favour them. A law enacted in the reign of queen Anne, to oblige them to provide for their children if they should embrace Christianity. Of Moses Marcus, a converted Jew. A bill is passed in the reign of George II. for their naturalization ; but soon repealed, in consequence of the popular clamour. State of the Jews in England since that period. A. D. 1656.] THE Jews had continued exiled from England about three hundred and fifty years. But after the English government was changed to a republic, Holland became a respectable object of emulation. The advantages that country had de- rived from tolerating a people so skilful in pecuniary negotiations were too obvious to escape observation; and the policy of Oliver Cromwell induced him to attempt to restore their industry and wealth to Great Britain.* The first intercourse between the protector and the .Jews was managed by one Henry Martin, upon whose intimation a deputation of this people waited on the English ambassador residing in that city, and entertained him with concerts of music in the syna- gogue. By his intercession they obtained per- * Life of Cromwell. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. mission from the instrument parliament * to send a public envoy to England with proposals for their admission into the kingdom. The celebrated Me- nasses Ben Israel, who was deservedly held in high estimation by his brethren, was chosen to conduct the negotiation. This venerable rabbi, after his arrival in England, presented an address to Cromwell, recognizing his authority, and soliciting his protection. " For our people," said he, " presage that the monarchical government being now changed into that of a com- monwealth, the ancient hatred towards them would also be converted into good will ; and that the rigo- rous laws, if any were yet extant, made against so innocent a people, would happily be repealed." He also printed and dispersed a declaration to the commonwealth, and a treatise, containing several arguments for toleration, addressed to the justice of the principled, the prudence of the reflecting, and the prejudices of the multitude. f Cromwell was inclined to recal the Jews; but, being apprised of the unpopularity of the measure, and desirous of conciliating the favourable opinion of the clergy, he summoned a convention of divines and other influential men to debate whether it would be advisable to readmit them to settle in the kingdom. He declared to the assembly, " that since there was a promise of the conversion of this people, and the gospel in its primitive purity was preached in Eng- * A name given to a parliament convened by Cromwell, according to a form which he had prescribed in a paper styled, " the instrument of government." t Monthly Mag. and British Reg. 1796. Life of Cromwell, p. 346. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 385 land, their recal might be a mean to induce them to embrace Christianity." Dr. Goodwin and a fevr other ministers exerted all their eloquence in favour of re-admitting the Jews, and allowing them equal privileges with other sects. But the majority of the clergy strenuously opposed their return, and alleged, that there was danger of their seducing others to their religion ; that their customs and practices would set an evil example ; and that their possessing synagogues was not only an evil in itself, but a scandal to all Christian churches. The intolerant sentiments advanced in this assembly convinced the protector that the measure could not be introduced into the pulpit in such a way as to assist its popu- larity. He, therefore, dismissed the assembly, saying, that, ci instead of elucidating, their discussions had rendered the subject more perplexing than ever."* The project of recalling the Jews appears to have been very unpopular among the lower classes of society, and was so vehemently opposed not only by them, but by some persons of abilities and learning, f that Cromwell took leave of Menasses with a polite, but evasive answer. Some of his nation, however, ventured to return to England ; but though they were permitted to reside in the kingdom, J and exercise their religion, and had a part of London near Aldgate assigned for their * Monthly Magazine. ThurJow's State Papers, vol. i. p. 387. + William Prynne, who suffered for the boldness of his publications, during the reigu of Charles I. was extremely zealous against per- mitting the Jews to return to England, and published a work in two parts on this subject. A late author has asserted, that they were permitted to return upon three express conditions; first, that they should make no proselytes; secondly, that they should bury their own dead; and, C C 386 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. residence, not a single act of the British legislature was passed to settle them in the country. Not even so much as a single proclamation was made in their favour, though they were ready to advance immense ^ sums for an establishment. It is even said, that they offered to prove Cromwell the Messiah,* but that he was ashamed of the proposal, and rejected it with contempt. About the same time that Menasses Ben Israel came to England to solicit the re-admission of his brethren, a deputation of Asiatic Jews arrived with the celebrated rabbi Jacob Ben Azabel at their head. It is asserted, that it was their object to make private inquiries in order to ascertain whether Cromwell was not their expected Messiah ! These deputies, pretending other business, were several times in- dulged by the protector with a private audience. They offered to purchase all the Hebrew books and manuscripts belonging to the university of Cam- bridge, but he rejected the proposal with contempt. They afterwards, it is said, embraced an opportunity to inquire among his relations where he was born, and whether any of his ancestors in the male line could not be proved of Jewish origin. These in- quiries, however, were not conducted with all the secrecy such a scheme required, and the real motive of their coming to England soon transpired at thirdly, that they should maintain their own poor. fPithcrby't f in- dication of the Jews, p. 4. * Gregoire adduces the life of Cromwell by Gregorio Leti as a proof of this fact. " We find there," says he, " an account of the deputation of the Jews to the protector, who, instead of assuming the quality of Messias, was very angry at their request." Gregoirt'g Etsay on the Reformation of the Jewt, p. 244. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 387 London ; and, on account of the scandal they had occasioned, they were expelled the kingdom. Soon after, another deputation, with Menasses Ben Israel again at their head, arrived in England. But still Cromwell did not dare to give them a li- cence to settle in the kingdom. He only connived at their admittance, and granted them a toleration.* Charles II. gained by bribes, and indifferent to all religious professions, connived at their settlement ; and, as he introduced the sale of patents of deni- zation, their number increased. But the parliament of England has never abrogated the decree which expelled them, and they are considered as aliens in the eye of the law.f They were not permitted to purchase houses, nor practise professions which might ennoble their genius and dignify their nation.^ James II. whose disposition to tolerate Dissenters exasperated his subjects, remitted the alien duty upon all goods exported in favour of the Jews. This was universally resented by the English mer- chants, who were apprehensive that the same duties would also be remitted upon imported goods. Pe- titions from various mercantile companies were offered against this regulation, which to the great joy of the Christian merchants, was superseded after the revolution. During the reign of queen Anne^ a bill was \ * Gentleman's Magazine, 1810. t Blackstone, vol. iv. p. 372. J Gentleman's Magazine, 1810. ^ When William, prince of Orange, was preparing to dethrone James II. his father-in-law, Schwartzau, a Jew of Amsterdam, lent him above eighty thousand pounds sterling, telling him, " If you are successful, pay me; if not, I shall lose my money with pleasure."- - Gregoire's Essay, tyc. p. 42. cc2 388 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. , passed obliging the Jews to provide for their Pro- testant children. It appears, that in 1723, the church of England was deeply iuterested iu the conversion of this extra- ordinary people ; for we find a Jewish proselyte patronized, and his work, exposing the absurdities of the Talmud, sanctioned by a primate of the day.* This convert, named Moses Marcus, was descended from a respectable family in the city of Hamburg, and born in London 1701. His parents, who resided in this city, and were in affluent cir- cumstances, endeavoured to procure him every ad- vantage in their power ; and he was carefully instructed in Hebrew, Chaldaic, and Rabbinical learning. Being sent to Hamburg to complete his education, he formed an acquaintance with several German Protestant clergymen, with whom he con- versed upon the difference between the Jewish and Christian faith. He then applied himself to study- ing the New Testament, and became convinced, that Jesus Christ is the true Messiah. In 1721, his father, who had been on a voyage to India, returned with immense riches, and sent for his son from Hamburg. Marcus soon informed him of the change which had taken place in his religious sentiments. His father threatened him with being totally disinherited, and even with the loss of life, if he embraced Christianity. On the other hand, he made him the most alluring and magnificent offers to induce him not to desert the synagogue. But, his faith being confirmed by further conver- * Dr. Wilkin, Archbishop of Canterbury, to whom Marcus dedi- cated his work. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 389 ation with some English divines, all these threatening^ and promises were ineffectual. He was baptized in 1723, and soon after published a work, which explained his motives for embracing the Christian religion, pointed out the fulfilment of the pro- phecies concerning Christ, and exposed the absur- dities and contradictions of the Talmud.* A. D. 1753.] At this time, during the reign of George II. a bill was brought into parliament for naturalizing all persons professing the Jewish religion, who had resided in Britain or Ireland three years, without being absent more than three months at a time during this period. This favour wa to be obtained upon application, without receiving the Lord's supper, f They were, however, to be disabled from obtaining any civil or ecclesiastical promotion. The bill was supported by petitions from a number of merchants and manufacturers, who, upon exami- nation, appeared to be Jews, and their dependants.^ But it has been asserted, that many respectable mem- bers of their community opposed the passing this act, from an apprehension that it had a tendency to annihilate their existence as a distinct people. The British ministry countenanced and encou- raged the bill, and enumerated the advantages which would result to the nation from favouring the Jews. They asserted in particular, that by admit- * Jewish Tracts. t The church of England, in the reign of James I. obtained an act, which prevented all persons from heing naturalized unless they first received the sacrament of the Lord's supper, according to its own peculiar mode of commemoration. + Monthly Magazine, &c. 1796. > Smollet's Continuation of Hume, vol. iii. 390 HISTORY OF THE JEWS; ting them to a participation of the civil rights of British subjects, they would contract a warm attach- ment to the English constitution and country, and diminish the public burdens ; that a great portion of the funds belonging to foreign Jews, it was our obvious interest to induce them to follow their property, and spend their income in the kingdom ; and that, connected as they were with the great bankers and monied interest in Europe, their resi- dence in the country would, in case of future wars, give the inhabitants a great command of capital, and facilitate their loans. They supposed that passing the act would encourage the most affluent of the nation to emigrate from foreign parts to Great Britain, increase the commerce and credit of the kingdom, and set a laudable example of industry, temperance, and frugality.* On the other hand, those who opposed the passing of the bill argued, that the peculiar rites of the Jews were formidable obstacles to their incorpo- ration with other nations ; and that if they were admitted to the rank of citizens, they would engross the whole commerce of the kingdom, gain pos- session of the landed estates, and dispossess the Christian owners. They also asserted, that it was impious to gather a people whose dispersion was foretold in the sacred Scriptures, and who, according to the prophecies, were to remain without country or habitation, until they should be converted and collected together in the land of their ancestors; and that an attempt to incorporate them, previous to their renouncing their religious tenets, directly * London Mag. 1754, p. 538. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 391 opposed the will of heaven ; by endeavouring to procure for them a civil condition while Jews, which, it is predicted, they should not enjoy till they became Christians.* The lord mayor, aldermen, and commons of the city of London, presented a petition to parliament, which expressed their apprehension, that the bill, if passed into a law, would tend greatly to dis- honour the Christian religion, and endanger the excellent constitution. Another petition to the same purpose was presented to the house, subscribed by the merchants and traders in London. But not- withstanding the general opposition, the bill passed the ordeal of both houses, and his majesty vouch- safed to give it the royal sanction. f This act, which during the last session had tri- umphed over the most obstinate opposition, soon became an object of national horror and execration. Every part of the kingdom resounded with re- proaches of the ministry, who had enforced such an odious measure. It was vehemently opposed from the pulpits,J by the corporations, and by the popu- lace. In consequence of which, by the next session of parliament, instructions were sent to almost all the members to solicit the repeal of this obnoxious bill. * Smollet's Continuation of Hume. + Ibid. Among the clergy, however, Dean Tucker took a decided part in favour of the naturalization of the Jews, and wrote ably in defence of this measure. The opponents of the bill, treated him with great rudeness and virulence on this occasion. He was not only severely attacked in pamphlets, newspapers, and magazines ; but the people of Bristol burnt his effigy dressed in canonicals, together with hi* letters on behalf of naturalization. Public Character!, vol. i. p. 140. ^ London Magazine. 392 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. The British minister did not attempt to resist the torrent ; but was amongst the foremost who spoke in favour of the repeal. He was answered with much force of reasoning by Thomas Potter, Esq. Sir George Lyttleton made an elegant speech in favour of toleration, in which he asserted, that " the greatest mischief which can be done to reli- gion is to pervert it to the purposes of faction ; and that heaven and hell are not more distant, than the benevolent spirit of the Gospel, and the malignant spirit of party." The bill was, however, repealed by an act, which received the royal assent the same session. The bishops had generally appeared satisfied with the indulgence granted to the Jews, and they acquiesced also in the repeal of the bill.* But, though the nobility in general concurred in the expediency of the latter measure, a few among them viewed it as too great a sacrifice to the bigotry of the populace. f The parliamentary leaders of the people, endea- voured, (but their attempts were successfully op- posed by Mr. Pelham and Mr. Pitt,) to repeal so much of an act for naturalizing foreigners in Ame- rica, as did not exclude the Jews. It has been asserted, that the spirit of intolerance was excited by those who resented the zeal and loyalty with which they were known to oppose the late rebellion. Among many instances are the following. Two Jewish merchants had some armed ships in a river, loaded with goods for foreign markets. But upon being apprized that they were wanted by the go- * Smollet's Continuation of Hume. t Belsham's History of Great Britain, vol. ii. p. 386. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 393 vernment to prevent the enemy from landing forces on the British coasts, they tendered the ships to the service of the public., without expecting any other advantage than what they should enjoy with other subjects under the British government.* After this attempt in favour of the Jews was de- feated, their legal condition in England was not altered ; but they are no longer the objects of that contempt, and of those debasing injuries, to which formerly they were perpetually subject. They are indulged in the free exercise of their religious worship, and admitted to an equal participation of every civil right, which is essential to the acquisition, or the secure enjoyment of property ; and, though their religion keeps them from taking the test oaths, and consequently from public offices, they appear to be contented with the privileges they enjoy. An English Israelite, in a letter to the sanhedrim of Paris, 1808, observes, " that the liberal policy of the British government, has already conceded to them every immunity and indulgence granted to others, who are not of the established church. "f Another Jewish writer asserts, that " his brethren in England were never so well versed in foreign and domestic literature as at this time ; that many among them of both sexes possess talents and infor- * Gentleman's Magazine, p. 447. t A late author observes, that " the change of public sentiment in England, with respect to the Jews is evident, iu their now being al- lowed to hold lands, and in the public exhibition of their character on the stage. Shakespeare's Jew is represented as cruel and avari- cious, and endowed with all the strong prejudices of his nation ; " / hate him, for he is a Christian ,-" whereas Cumberland's Jew is humane and benevolent; characteristic indeed in his manners, but honest, liberal, and friendly, to persons of all denominations." Adand Religious World Displayed, vol. i. p. 15, published 1809. 394 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. mation, and that they could not at any period boast of more learned and enlightened rabbles, than Dr. Hirschel* and Dr. Mendola."f Among the learned Jews who have appeared in England, David LeviJ and D'Israeli are eminently distinguished. The Jews in London, are divided into those of the Portuguese and German synagogue, each of which has separate regulations for its own internal government. The brokers, and most respectable merchants among them, are chiefly of the former. But those of the German are far the most nu- merous, and, with the exception of a few wealthy individuals, who carry on trade with probity and honour, it is said, they are generally poor, and frequently dishonest, and that some of them conduct their fraudulent designs, by circulating counterfeit money, and by receiving, and selling stolen goods. The reproach arising from their iniquitous practices, has engaged the attention of the respectable part of both synagogues ; but attempts to remedy the evil, have generally proved ineffectual. || * Dr. Hirschel, the presiding rabbi of the German synagogue, frag born in London, 1762, at the house of his father Hirsch Levin, who was at that period chief rabbi in the city. Some time after, he removed to Berlin, and his son was called to officiate in London, 1802. t Dr. Mendola, the presiding rabbi of the Portuguese synagogue, is a native of Leghorn. + The celebrated author of the Dissertations on the Prophecies, Account of the Ceremonies of the Jews, Translation of the Penta- teuch, Letters to Dr. Priestley, and other learned works. ^ M. D'Israeli, who is said to be of Jewish origin, in early lifedis. covered a taste for polite literature, and is the author of a number of elegant poems, besides the Curiosities of Literature, Vaurien, a phi- losophical novel, and other works. See Public Ctoracten, J7&9, vol. i. p. 462. | Colquhoun's London Police, p. 20, 91. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 395 The Jews in all their synagogues, on their sabbath days, and solemn festivals, exhibit their loyalty, by using a form of prayer for the pros- perity of the royal family in Great Britain. And it must be considered as highly creditable to this people, that the heads of the different synagogues in London, and other distinguished men among' them, have lately addressed to their brethren a strong exhortation, " to obey the laws; not to carry on an}' trade on the Christian sabbath ; not to keep houses of ill fame, nor to commit other irregu- larities, under their high censure, and forfeiture of the privileges attached to them, as belonging to*/ their community."* The Jews in England, contribute towards the poor's rates, equally with the other inhabitants. The Jewish population in London, and of course the number of their poor, having much increased of late years, some means for ameliorating their condition were found expedient ; and certain pro- positions with that view, were suggested by J. Van Oven, Esq. a learned and distinguished member of their community, in two letters addressed, in 1801, to Mr. Colquhoun, author of the Police of the Metropolis ; and the consequence has been the erection of a Jews' hospital at Mile End, entitled, N'vy Tsedek, or the Charity Workhouse, which was opened in June, 1808, " for the reception and support of aged men and women, as well as the education and industrious employment of youth of both sexes." They are chiefly indebted for the accumulation of a fund which laid the foundation of * Adam's Religious World Displayed, vol. i. p. 44. 396 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. this establishment, to the liberal and philanthropic exertions of Benjamin and Abraham Goldsmid,* Esqrs. two eminent Jewish merchants. Different calculations have been made respecting the number of the Jews in England. According to Mr. Colquhoun they amount to twenty six thou- sand, f Others have supposed,, that their total number does not exceed sixteen thousand. They have now five synagogues in London, viz. one called Portuguese Jews', three called German Jews', and one which is a kind of chapel of ease at West- minster, or in the Strand. Of these, the chief is the great synagogue in Dukes' Place, in and near to which street, most of the Jews in London now reside, as formerly in the Old Jewry.J * Both these gentlemen have recently perished by suicide. They were eminently distinguished as the lovers and patrons of literature, for the honour and promptitude of their commercial transactions, and their active benevolence, which was not confined within the boundaries of their own peculiar people. The Marine Society, the Royal Humane Society, and other charitable institutions, have publicly expressed their gratitude to them. Abraham Goldsmid, in particular, has been described by Van Oven, as " a man who is an honour to his species in general, and to his nation in particular." He was born in 1757, and early initiated into the mercantile life. This man, who was reckoned the greatest commercial character of the age in which he lived, was remarkably successful in the acquisition of wealth, and celebrated for his munificence to charitable institutions. But, after a series of prosperity, he experienced a severe reverse of fortune, which exposed him to bankruptcy; in consequence of which he became melancholy and deranged ; and finally put a period to his life, Sept. 23, 1810, aged fifty three years. Commercial Maga- zine, November, 1810. t London Police, p. 21. t Adam's Religious World Displayed, vol. i. p. 72. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 397 CHAPTER XXX. Of an Institution formed at Halle in Germany for the conversion of the Jews. Of the edicts of Joseph II. and his successor Leopold, in favour of the Jews. The regulations against them in Prussia are abolished. An account of Mendelsohn, and several other learned Jews in Berlin. The Jews establish a literary journal in that city. Of their efforts to improve education. They establish schools in several parts of Germany, They are oppressed in Frank- fort upon the Maine, but restored to the complete enjoyment of their civil rights in Westphalia. They have also obtained privi- leges in Russia, Sweden and Denmark. IN the preceding chapter a sketch has been given of the favourable change which has taken place in the situation of the Jews in England. The present, will contain a brief account of the measures which have been pursued to ameliorate their condition in Germany, the progress which some eminent men of their nation have made in literary pursuits, and their successful attempts to reform the mode of education. i About the year 1728, some zealous Christians in \ Germany, formed a plan for the conversion of the yi'Jews to Christianity, not in the highly censurable tnanner in which such attempts had been made in / Spain and Portugal, but in a manner consonant with the mild spirit of the Gospel. This Institution was established at Halle, principally under the ma- ; nagement of Dr. John Henry Callenberg, and ac- \ quired the name of the Callenberg Institution. I Works were printed, with a view to state to the \Jews the evidences of the divine origin of the ^Gospel, and the importance of receiving it as 398 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. a revelation from God. The success that attended this benevolent attempt, does not appear, however, to have been considerable.* Joseph II. emperor of Germany, by a memorable edict (1781) conferred many privileges upon the Jewish people. He granted them the right of exercising all the arts and trades ; of following agri- culture, and freely pursuing their studies at the schools and universities, f This monarch also called them to military services, and had a large number of Jews enrolled among his troops. There was a be- nediction printed, which was given by a rabbi in Prague to twenty-five Bohemian Jews enrolled as common soldiers, in which he exhorted them to conciliate, as much as possible, the practice of their religion with their service. He gratified each of them with a cord of silk named Zizim, and a pair of tephilim, or a kind of leather band, to which is attached a parchment, on which the decalogue is inscribed. In the course of the war which was terminated by the division of unhappy Poland, one army had about six Jewish battalions. J The emperor Leopold, the successor of Joseph the Second, granted to the Israelites dispersed through his hereditary dominions, the privilege of being admitted, if properly qualified and educated, to academical degrees in the lay faculties, and also the liberty of acting as advocates, and pleading as such, either for their brethren, or for Christians. * Jewish Repository, vol. i. p. 1. t Core's History of the House of Austria, vol. iii. p. 677. i Gregoire's Histoire des Sectes Religieuses, torn. ii. p. 38. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 399 In 1791, a Jew was admitted to the degree of doctor of civil law in the university of Prague.* In the states of the king of Prussia, the Jews at a recent epoch were vexed by certain regulations. The father of a Jewish family could marry but one of his sons, rarely could he obtain permission to marry a second, and all the others were condemned to celibacy. Each Jew who took a wife, was also obliged to purchase a certain quantity of porcelain, the refuse of the royal manufactory. These regu- lations were abolished in 1809 ; and the Jews in the Prussian dominions, are now assimilated in many respects to the Christians.f It is but justice to the Jews to acknowledge, that the learning and liberality of mind exhibited by several of their nation upon the continent, have probably paved the way for the steps which have been taken in their favour. Among those who have promoted the literary improvement, and raised the reputation of their brethren, Moses Mendolsohn is eminently distinguished. This illustrious philosopher was born at Dessau, a city of Anhalt in Upper Saxony, in 1729. He received the rudiments of his education from his / father, who was a Jewish school-master. In these schools, which were formed merely for the children of the Hebrews, the summit of their education terminated with an introduction to the Talmud, and the student wasted the season of youth, in studying this vast collection of fabulous legends and super- stitions. J * Coxe's History, &c. p. 577. t Gregoire's HUtoire, &c. J Monthly Magazine, 1798. 400 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. Mendelsohn, who possessed a vigorous and ori- ginal genius^ united with an ardent desire to acquire knowledge, soon selected from the mass of rabbi- nical writings, the superior works of Maimonides. But such was his intense application, and the irrita- bility of his frame, that, at the early age of ten years, he was attacked with a nervous disorder of a very peculiar nature. In addition to this mis- fortune, he suffered all the embarrassments of poverty, being obliged to travel on foot to Berlin to find employment for subsistence. He lived in the city several years, indigent, unknown, and often destitute of the necessaries of life. This houseless wanderer was, at length, invited by a rabbi to transcribe his manuscripts ; and this man initiated him into the mysteries of the theology, the juris- prudence, and the scholastic philosophy of the Jews.* A Polish Jew named Israel Moses, who was dis- tinguished for the freedom of his inquiries and his love of philosophy, taught him Euclid's Elements from the Hebrew version. After the premature death of his beloved friend, Dr. Kisch, a Jewish physician, supplied him with books, and devoted some part of his time to the instruction of a student, whose strength of intellect he had the discernment to perceive, and the affection to aid. Under the instruction of this valuable friend, he was soon ena- bled to read Locke in a Latin version. In 1748, Mendelsohn formed an acquaintance with Dr. Samuel Gumpertz, another learned Jew, who to his professional studies added a knowledge * Monthly Magazine, 1793. HISTOUY OF THE JEWS. 401 of the mathematics, and was well acquainted with the modern languages. He introduced him to a lite- rary circle, and this intercourse enlarged his mind. He now applied himself to the living languages, chiefly to the English, that he might read his favourite Locke in his own idiom. His literary friends soon became numerous, among whom was the celebrated Lessing,* who encouraged and as- sisted him in his studious labours. In 1751, he published some philosophical dia- logues ; a translation of Rousseau's Essay on the Inequality of Man ; and a dissertation on the Sen- sation of the Beautiful. The German language was then in a neglected and unpolished state, and the clearness, precision, and dignity of the style of the Hebrew philosopher was exhibited to great advantage. He next associated himself with Les- sing, Ramler, and Nicolai, in writing a journal, composed in the form of letters, on German lite- rature ; and this work obtained great celebrity. In 1767, he published his " Phaedon, or discourse on the immortality of the soul." This work was con- sidered as a most curious disquisition on a subject so abstract and sublime, and diffused the fame of Men- dolsohn through literary Germany. He was styled, " The Jewish Socrates" for the strength of his reasoning, and fc The Jewish Plato" for the ame- nity of his diction. This work has been translated and published in French and English. In 1794, * A German dramatic writer who has been celebrated in hU native country. By his philosophical plays, " Nathan the Wise," and the " Monk of Lebanon," he attempted to lessen the prejudice against the Jews, and ameliorate their condition. Monthly Magazine, 1796. D D 402 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. he gained the prize from the Berlin academy, for his essay on the evidence of the metaphysical science. After these publications, amidst the daily occupa- tions of commerce, he still retired to his studies, and composed elementary books for the children of his neglected nation. To raise the degraded cha- racter of his brethren was the favourite object, which he always had in view. One of his publi- cations, styled, " The Ritual of the Jews/' was formed under the direction of the chief rabbi Hirsch Levin.* The tranquillity of Mendelsohn's life was at length disturbed, by his publishing a work, entitled, "Jerusalem/* in which heVpretends, that the Jews have a law, and not a revealed religion ; that dogmas can never be revealed ; and that the only doctrine of his nation is the religion of nature. His ad- vancing these opinions .gave rise to a controversy, which agitated his feeble and sensitive frame to such a degree, that it is supposed to have occasioned his death. Zimmerman, who was personally acquainted with him, informs us, " that his nervous system was deranged, in an almost inconceivable manner."f His whole character was a too subtle composition of * Monthly Magazine, 1796. In Prussia, the rabbi was ex-officio the chancellor of orphans, and could claim this right from the ordi- nary channel of the government. He was the adjudicator of disputed testimonial property, and responsible for the just performance of hit office. The important charge thus devolving upon the chief rabbi in Prussia, occasioned a demand on the part of Frederick II. for the translation of the code of laws on that subject, which was effected by Hirsch Levin, father of the present presiding rabbi of the German synagogue in London, in conjunction with Mendolsohn. European March, 1811. Zimmerman on Solitude. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 403 genius and sensibility, and his whole life a ma- lady. He died of an apoplexy, 1785, aged fifty three years. It has been said of Mendelsohn, that " he instructed his fellow citizens as a father, and his rivals he cherished as a brother." His soft, modest, and obliging disposition, procured him the esteem of the superstitious and incredulous, and at his death, he received from his nation the honours which are usually paid to the first rabbies. Beside the works above mentioned, he published letters to Lavater, a version of the Pentateuch in German for his countrymen, general principles of the Belles lettres and fine arts, and several other ingenious productions. 2 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. medicine. Leon Gamparte, who distinguished him- self hy a work on literary subjects and the drama. Ben David, president of the society of the friends of humanity at Berlin, and author of several pro- found works, who has endeavoured to apply algebra itself to the theory of taste in the arts.* There has been of late a literary journal in Berlin, composed in Hebrew by several intelligent Jews, in which the reveries of the Talmud are attacked with argument and ridicule. Under a new form, with the title of Soulamith, the journal is / renewed at Dessau, and published in the German / language. It is edited by Mr. Frankel and Wolf, men of ability and learning ; the former of whom is counsellor of the Israelitish consistory at Cassel. Many intelligent Jews do not approve of having / separate schools, exclusively appropriated to the } children of their own nation. But the prejudices fa of the Christians by rejecting them, or at least attaching a kind of stigma to Judaism, induced them to establish particular schools in different cities in Germany ; as in Nuremberg, Furth, Breslau, Koningsberg, &c. They have also such schools at Berlin, Frankfort on the Maine, Dessau, and Seezen, particularly for poor children. They have been almost all established and supported by voluntary contributions. These schools, which are now in exercise, have their regulations printed with several elementary works written for their benefit, f In 1796, a society of Jews, chiefly young men, founded some particular schools at Dessau for the * Gregoire's Observations nouvelles sur les Juifs. + Gregoire's Histoire des Secies Religicuses, torn. ii. p. 584. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 405 children of their nation. They were obliged to encounter various obstacles ; but the protection of the government, which approved of the statutes of the school, the success attending the mode of in- struction, and the applause which was acquired by their public and solemn examinations, caused the establishment to prosper. The founders, who were chargeable with the expense, had recourse to the benevolence of those in easy circumstances, and received abundant assistance, which enabled them to enlarge their plan. They have accordingly in- creased the number of preceptors, and are preparing a proper place for a library. The pupils, whose number amounts to about one hundred, are under the direction of Mr. Frankel,* who is eminently qualified to discharge the duties of his station. He was assisted by professors worthy of him, among others, by the modest Tillich, recently dead.f Seezen is a town situated between Brunswick and Gottingen. Here, in 1801, by the modest name of school, a college was founded for the Jews, by the generosity of Jacobson, who has filled an high office in the service of the late duke of Brunswick, and enjoys the esteem of all ranks. He confided the direction of it to a man of learning and zeal, Schott- laender, counsellor to the landgrave of Hesse Darm- stadt. In 1804, there were ten professors, though the number of students did not then amount to more * Editor of the Soulamith, which has been mentioned. It appears from intelligence received, 1810, that the school for the children of the Jews, is in a flourishing condition. Among an hundred pupils who are taught in this school, thirty-four poor children receiv instruction gratis. t Gregoire's Histoire, &c. torn. ii. p. 536. 406 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. than fifty ; but they are daily increasing. The arrangement of the building and the adminis- \jf tration of the establishment may serve as models. There, as well as at Dessau, the children are distin- guished by neatness, good order, and an air of health and content. The poor are admitted gratis, and the others pay according to their abilities. They are taught the Hebrew, Latin, French, and German languages ; geography, history, oratory, natural history, mathematics, technology, &c.* At Seezen, they add to the above the Greek * language and music. It is also intended to establish a school of industry. Each student is to have a small plot of ground allotted to him, which he is to culti- y> vate with his own hands. It is one object of the school to detach the Jews from commerce, the spirit of which is so deeply rooted among them. In these schools, the pupils are taught the ele- ments of such knowledge as is necessary in every station in life, the acquisition of which prepares the way for the developement of the greatest talents with which they are endowed. The pupils, when very young, are able to converse with facility in the French and Latin languages, as well as on various subjects of instruction, and solve very complicated arithmetical problems, and make mathematical de- monstrations. ^ These details attest the capacity and diligence of the pupils, who are all Jews, and the well directed efforts of the preceptors, some of whom are Jews and some Christians, who reside together in the most perfect harmony. f A * Gregoire's Histoire des Sectes Religieuses, tom.^i. p, 386. t Gregoire's Histoire, &c. torn. ii. p. 387. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. Beside the ascetical books with which they are provided, Schottlaender has compiled for the stu- dents a collection of poems and moral precepts, selected from various authors. He has inserted the thirteen fundamental articles of the Jewish faith by Maimonides ; an abridged history of the Hebrew language ; the second canto of the Moysiade, an epic poem by Hartig Vezelize, a rabbi who lately died at Hamburg ; and other instructive and inter- esting works.* The Jews of Frankfort upon the Maine cite with applause Wolf Heidenheim, a learned orientalist from Rodelheim, a borough near the city ; Lipman Buschental, a young poet ; Heidelsheim, deputy from his co-religionists to the sanhedrim at Paris ; and Geisenheimer, who is gone to study the method of Pestalozzi at Yverdun with one of the institutors of their Philanthropin, or school for the poor. Geisenheimer, associating music with poetry, and restoring the two arts to their true destination, has compiled for the pupils a collection of poetry. This establishment, to which the prince primate gives six hundred florins annually, prospers, and makes sensible progress, f The Jews laboured without ceasing to obtain their political restoration to a city, where they have been for several centuries oppressed. A proverb said formerly, that at Frankfort the Catholics had the churches, the Calvinists the riches, the Lu- therans the places. What then had the Jews? Outrages and persecution on the part of the Christians. Opinion stigmatized them in such * Gregoire's Hiitoire, &c. t Ibid. 408 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. a manner, that, confined in the narrow paths of the ramparts, they dared not, under penalty of being insulted, enter into the large alleys which served for walks to the Christians. The Jews, shackled in their commerce, were victims to rejnila- o tions which raised a wall of separation between them and the Christians.* An infamous toll placed the Jews on the level of cloven-footed animals. By the efforts of Jacobson and Breinteinbach, between twenty and thirty German princes have repaired this outrage done to the human race, by abolishing these tolls. The primate of Germany set the example, Frankfort being part of his territories. The Jews hoped, that under this prince all their grievances would be redressed. But a regulation was forced from him in 1807, which limited the number of Jews to five hundred families. The community gives twenty two thousand florins for the liberty of residing in the city. Their street is a kind of Ghetto out of which they cannot establish themselves. An Isra- elite in proportion to his means, pays more contri- butions than a Christian ; he pays for the right of protection for himself and each of his sons. The women, if unmarried at the age of twenty-five, are subject to the same imposition. The Jews are obliged to make presents to various functionaries on new year's days, fairs, and other times, which are to continue till the death of those who receive them. If they establish a manufacture, or hire a farm, they can employ only Jewish labourers. Those who are merchants can only sell in two streets except their * Gregoire's Histoire, &c. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 409 own quarter, and that only at the time of the fair ; and a particular account is given of the articles which they are allowed to buy and sell. The Jews of Westphalia were lately placed in more favourable circumstances than those of Frank- fort. A decree passed in January 1808, breaks all the barriers between the Jews and Christians. In effecting this change in the condition of the Jews, the celebrated Muller seconded the efforts of Dohm.* In these events we every where recognize Jacobson, who pursued with ardour his projects to ameliorate the character, the manners, and condition, of his co-religionists.f This eminent man, president of the Jewish consistory in Cassel, employed his wealth to accelerate the civilization of the Jews. A medal was stamped, in memory of the privileges they obtained in Westphalia.J * A Prussian officer who, in 1781, offered to the German public, remarks on the means of improving the civil condition of the Jews. + Gregoire's Histoire, torn. ii. p 390. + M. Jacobson, in a letter to the senator Gregoire, dated De- cember, 1810, with a copy of which the latter had the goodness to favour the compiler of this history, observes : " It must be confessed, thanks be given to providence! several of my establishments flourish, and afford me moments dear to my heart. The sun of light and truth dissipates many a cloud in the house of Jacob. "Westphalia reckons already many Jewish soldiers of different grades, who fight with courage under their beneficent king, and for their new country. A part of the Israelites devote themselves much more than in past times to the arts and sciences. The youths detach themselves more and more from commerce, they apply themselves to trades, and exercise them with success. " Since all these metamorphoses have been produced within a few years, the future presents to us an interesting prospect, such as every friend of humanity would desire. " We see the singular phenomenon, that the military service 410 HISTORY OP THE JEWS. In other parts of Europe as well as Germany and Prussia, the Jews appear to be making improve- ments in literature ; and their exertions have been encouraged, and their condition ameliorated in numbers several Israelites who have enlisted of their own accord. Others march from pure patriotism, after haying furnished their sub- stitutes, and others serve also as substitutes. " As President of the Israelitish consistory, I labour incessantly in clearing as far as possible the chaos of our interior constitution. Some enlightened rabbies and secular members of the college, exert themselves in the same pious work. We already see the country towns adopt more simple and better regulated courses. We may also hope from that quarter for a more happy and consoling futurity. " A new regulation relative to the synagogues puts an end to dif- ferent abuses that are found in our divine service, and renders it more worthy of its object. " Better schools, particularly religious schools, have been esta- blished in different parts of Westphalia. As for my institute at Seezen, I particularly apply myself to educate in it artizans and artists. " I have caused to be raised in the inclosure, a temple of a beau- tiful style, and regular architecture. I have caused to be built in it an organ ; it is surmounted by a tower and bell. " On the seventeenth of July, 1810, I celebrated the dedication of the Temple. The ceremony was august and solemn, notwithstanding every thing breathed in it the most open gaiety. There were present several hundreds of all religious denominations, particularly Catholic, Lutheran, and Reformed clergymen, besides the Israelites." The inscriptions upon the new synagogue, which is styled by the Jews, " The Temple of Jacob," are as follows : On the eastern part of the edifice : " Blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord." On the south side : " Have we not all one father ? Are we not all children of the same Creator " On the western part : " Hearken also to a stranger, who is not of thy people Israel, bnt shall come from a distant country for the love of thy name." The north portico is decorated with two hands joined together, inscribed with these words ; " My house shall be called an house of prayer for all people." Ste Dedicace du tempi* de Jacob, a Senen. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. several kingdoms. They were formerly excluded from Russia, but there are now probably two mil- lions of Jews in that empire, of which number, about four hundred thousand inhabit the Russian provinces of Poland. In 1805, Alexander, emperor of Russia, published an Ukase, which, among other privileges, granted them the liberty of educating their children in any of the schools and universities in the empire ; or they were allowed to establish schools at their own expense.* In 1817, another Ukase, published by the same emperor, offered portions of land, with peculiar privileges annexed, to such Jews in his dominions, as would embrace the Christian religion. A colony of Caraite Jews reside in a fortress in the Crimea, and enjoy the free exercise of their ancient customs and peculiar rites. These Caraites deem it an act of piety to copy the Bible, or pious commentaries upon the text, once in their lives. All their manuscript copies of the Old Tes- tament begin with Joshua, and even the most ancient did not contain the Pentateuch. That part of the Bible was kept apart, but only in a printed version, for the use of schools. In the synagogues, with the exception of the books of Moses, every thing was in manuscript. The difference between them and the other Jews consists in a rejection of the Talmud, a disregard to every kind of traditions, to all rabbinical writings or opinions, all marginal interpolations of the text of scripture, and in a measure of their rule of faith by the pure letter of the law. They pretend to have the text of the Old * Repertory, June 88, 1805. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. Testament in its most genuine state. The character of the Caraite Jews is directly opposite to that which is generally attributed to their brethren, being altogether without reproach. Their honesty is proverbial in the Crimea ; and the word of a Ca- raite is considered equal to a bond. Almost all of them are engaged in trade or manufacture. They pay great attention to the education of their children, who are taught publicly in the synagogues.* The Jews have also obtained privileges in Sweden. In Denmark, where they have enjoyed sufficient liberty, we find many distinguished characters, even some painters. Their mode of education is daily improving, and the exertions of Jewish parents are seconded by the Christians ; among others, by the celebrated Munter. In 1803, an establishment was formed in Copenhagen, for the instruction of Jewish youth. It is a species of free school, and well endowed. At the end of the year 1805, the number of pupils was forty. A public examination was held in 1806, and it appeared that they had made great progress in the Hebrew, French, and German languages, in geography, and in natural history ; and, in short, that this establishment was in a very flourishing condition. f ' . j ; ;< . ;. , . . , * Dr. Clark, a late traveller, entered this fortress, and conversed with a rabbi, who, he says, " was highly esteemed and exceedingly well informed, and had passed a public examination with distin- guished honour at Petersburg, after having been sent for expressly by the empress Catherine." Clark's Travels in Russia, Tartary, and Turkey, p. 387. + Transactions of the Parisian Sanhedrim, p. 124. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 413 CHAPTER XXXI. Of the Jews in France after their expulsion by Charles VI. An ac- count of those who were established at Metz. Letters patent granted them by Henry IV. and hi* son Lewis XIII. In 1718, their number is limited to four hundred and eighty families. These pay an annual tribute to the king. A house was established for those who professed the Christian religion. Of the Jews in several parts of France. Their condition in, the kingdom during the seventeeth and eighteenth centuries. A plan 'is concerted for their reformation. The academy of Metz offer a premium upon the subject, and three works are crowned. They present petitions to the Consti- tuent Assembly soon after the French revolution. And at length obtain the rights of citizens. Usurious practices of the Jews in the northern departments. Edict of- Buonaparte. An assembly of Jewish deputies is convened at Paris. Sketch of their answers to the queries proposed to them. A grand sanhedrim is convened at Paris to give a religious sanction to the principles contained in their answers. They organize the Jewish worship. Of the literary Jews in France. Last decree of Buonaparte concerning the Jews. THE cruel treatment the Jews received in France during the middle ages has been briefly related in a preceding part of this history ;* and that after their final banishment from the kingdom by Charles the Sixth, (in 1394) they preserved their privileges and synagogues at Metz, a city where they were very anciently established. About 1566, they were expelled; but in the following year four families obtained the right of naturalization by the interest of Marshal Vielleville, governor of the city. In 1603, when they had increased to twenty four fa- milies, they obtained from Henry IV.f letters patent, * See Chapter XVII; f Mary de Medicis, wife of Henry IV. sent for Montalto, a Jew, who was skilled in the healing art, to Paris, to be her physician, and 414 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. which gave them liberty to reside and carry on trade in the city, according to their ancient privileges. In 1632, Lewis XIII. by new letters patent, confirmed those of his predecessor ; and, though this monarch had, in 1615, expelled the Jews from France, they still were permitted to reside and trade in Metz and Bourdeaux.* In 1644, the city of Metz contained seven hundred and ninety five of Hebrew extraction, who, seventeen years after, obtained new letters pa- tent, with the additional liberty of trading in all kinds of goods. The merchants opposed the ex- tension of their privileges ; but their attempts were repeatedly defeated, and the parliament of Metz inflexibly maintained the rights of the Jewish com- munity.f In 1718, the different bodies of merchants in Metz united to demand of the king, that the number of Jews should be reduced, as they were a public charge, and that they should not be allowed to have any other commerce but that of lawful interest. In consequence of this request, his majesty ordained, that the letters patent of his predecessors should be executed according to their form and tenor, and therefore permitted only four hundred and eighty families to continue in the city. Even this indulg- ence was granted them upon condition that they should reside in the quarter assigned them, and be obtained from the king absolute liberty of conscience for him and his family. Basnage, p. 676. * The legal existence of the Jews in Bourdeaux is traced from the year 1G50. They obtained at that epoch, under the denomination of merchants in Portugal, called " new Christians," letters patent by which they were permitted to acquire real estates in France. t Gregoire on the Reformation of the Jews, p. S83. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 415 prohibited, under penalty of a heavy fine, from having houses in any other part of the city. The disputes between them and Christians were to be referred to the judges and consuls of Metz; and there was an appeal to parliament in cases subject to it. But they were permitted to bring before the rabbies or chiefs of their community, disputes with their co-religionists respecting their police, religion, customs, ceremo- nies, and impositions. They paid the king an annual tribute of twenty thousand livres.* " From time to time the Jews of both sexes have been converted at Metz ; there was even a house with some funds attached to it for those who had been baptized." fe The Jews had in Lorrain several synagogues, of which two were at Nanci. That of Luneville has been built about twenty-five years. But Alsace was the province in which they were the most nu- merous ; they had there fifty-two synagogues, but none at Strasburg, where they had not even the right to sojourn. Since the French revolution the number of them in that city is computed from five to six thousand ; other cities in France contain a small number of them, but they are more numerous in Paris than in any part of the kingdom, "f * French Encyclopedia. This tribute was paid by the Jews of Metz, and of the Messin country, under the denomination of duty of habitation, protection, and toleration. After they obtained the rights of citizens, these duties were suppressed and abolished, without any indemnity to the owner of and contractor for the said tribute. Transactions of the Sanhedrim, p. 6. t The paragraphs which are marked with inverted commas, are translated from a letter which the compiler was favoured with (Sep- tember 1810) from M. M. Gregoire, formerly bishop of Blois, member of the conservative senate, &c. t 416 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. " At Bourdeaux, Bayonne, and some neighbour- ing cities, there were many thousands of Spanish and Portuguese Jews, thus named from the countries from which their ancestors have been expelled. They had more extensive privileges than the German Jews, that is, those of Alsace, Lorrain, &c." " Avignon, formerly subject to the popes, and Nice to the king of Sardinia, had also, and still have colonies of Israelites, become French by the union of the countries." The celebrated Gregoire having been appointed member of the convention to organize the department of the maritime Alps, took care at Nice to secure to them the enjoyment of the rights of citizens which the law allowed them. " In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the history of the Jews in France offers a very few anecdotes to collect, which proves, that they were generally tranquil during these periods, and had not to experience those bloody catastrophes which de- solated them in preceding ages. But the public contempt was exhibited by avoiding their society, and sometimes an ignorant populace insulted them. In various places they were obliged to wear a dis- tinctive mark in their dress ; those of Metz had a black mantle and a white band. This singularity of costume made them known, and the bad effect which it produced was to designate them in a more special manner for insults. However, the progress of knowledge has insensibly attenuated the preju- dices against them."* In 1767, six mercantile societies in Paris printed a remonstrance against the admission of the Jews * Letter from Gregoire. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 417 among them. This virulent piece was reprinted in 1790. In 1784, the corporal toll required of them was abolished. The following year Malesherbes united with several intelligent Israelites, Furtado, Gradix, Cerf, Berr, &c. to concert a plan for the reformation of the Jews. The academy of Metz had offered a premium on this subject.* Three works, written by Zalkind Hourwitz, a Polish Jew, M. Thiery, counsellor of Nanci, and Gregoire, who was then a member of the academy, were crowned at Metz, and gave a favourable impulse to the public opinion. That of the last named author has, in particular, obtained the most impressive publicity.f The learned author of this excellent work has victoriously refuted the absurd calumnies at different times charged upon the Jews, pointed out the event- ful causes of the vices with which they were re- proached, and proved, that they were qualified for the pursuit of every profession, and of every science.^ " Soon after the French revolution commenced, the Jews from all parts presented memorials to the Constituent Assembly, requesting admission to equal rights with the other members of the community." Among those who exerted themselves to obtain a legal improvement of their condition in France, the first assembly has numbered Mirabeau, Tonnere, and Rabaud. " The subject was discussed with animation, and finally justice triumphant granted to the children of Moses a legal existence, and the enjoyment of the rights of citizens." * Sectes Religieuses, torn. ii. p. 392. t Monthly Magazine, &c. 1789. Transactions of the Sanhedrim, p. 330. E E 418 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. The decree, however, which was passed in 1790, acknowledged as active citizens those Jews only, who, previously to 1789, had obtained letters of naturalization. In order to remove those limitations, the national assembly, in 1791, ordained, that all of the Jewish persuasion who would take the civic oath, and unite the other qualities required by the constitution to enable them to be active citizens, should be considered as such. All the Jews in France hastened to take the oath, which constituted them citizens.* At the time of that famous decree which, in 1791, gave the Jews a country, many, in congratulating their brethren on the greatness of the boon, ad- dressed to them instructions on the full extent of their duties, and proved the necessity of altering in their habits and manners whatever might tend to perpetuate prepossessions and prejudices against them. A moral revolution must, however, be the result of time and experience. And, notwithstanding the improvements made by a number of intelligent Jews, the usurious practices of some in the depart- ments in the north of France, caused several French writers to propose annulling the act, which granted them the privileges of citizens. The complaints made against the Jewish community gave rise to the decree of May 30, 1806, by which it was enacted, that " an assembly of the principal Jews shall * It was on the report of Gregoire, then bishop of Blois, who bad eminently distinguished himself by his exertions in favour of the Jews, that the national assembly passed the decree, which put them on a level with the rest of the citizens. Transactions of the San- hedrim, p. 330. HISTORY OP THE JEWS. 419 be convened in Paris, and that commissioners shall be appointed to make known to them the royal intentions, who shall, at the same time, collect their opinions as to the means they deem the fittest to re-establish among their brethren the exercise of mechanical arts and useful professions, in order to replace by an honest industry the shameful resources to which many of them have resorted from generation to generation these many cen- turies/'* It was also enacted, that " there shall be a sus- pension for a year from the date of the present decree of all executions of judgment and bond obli- gations, except so far as to prevent limitation ob- tained against husbandmen not traders, of the departments of La Sarre, La Roer, Mont Terrible, Upper and Lower Rhine, Rhine and Moselle, and Vosges, whenever the bonds entered into by these husbandmen are in favour of Jews." Respecting the formation of an assembly pro- fessing the Jewish religion, it was decreed, that ee they should be convened in Paris, on the fifteenth of July next ; that in all the departments of the empire where there were five hundred of them, a deputy should be named, and five deputies for a thousand." They were f( to be nominated by the prefects, from among the rabbies, the land-holders, and other Jews, the most distinguished for their in- tegrity and knowledge."*}- In compliance with the mandate, the Jewish deputies arrived in Paris in the July following ; on the twenty-sixth of the month they assembled, and * Transactions of the Sanhedrim, p. 105. i Ibid. p. 106. EE2 420 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. were met by Buonaparte's commissioners. Abraham Furtado, a merchant from Bourdeaux, who had acquired a distinguished reputation both for his talents and virtues, was chosen president. At the second sitting, the commissioners put twelve ques- tions to them, relating to the internal economy of the Jewish nation, and the allegiance due by them to the French government.* A declaration preceded the answers of the Jewish deputies, which declared, in the name of all the Frenchmen professing the religion of Moses, that their religion makes it their duty to consider the law of the prince as the supreme law in civil and political matters ; that, consequently, should their religious code, or its various interpretations, contain civil or political commands,, at variance with those of the French code, these commands would of course cease to influence and govern them, since they must, above all, acknowledge and obey the law of the prince ; that in consequence of this principle the Jews have, at all times, considered it their duty to obey the laws of the state ; and that, since the revolution, they, like all Frenchmen, have acknowledged no other."f The questions proposed to the assembly of Isra- elites were generally answered in a manner agreeable to Buonaparte. The epitome of their answers is as follows : they declared in the first place, that in all European countries they conformed to the ge- neral practice of marrying only one wife. But that, as several individuals in some preceding ages in- dulged in the practice of polygamy, a synod was * Transactions of the Sanhedrim. t Ibid. p. 150. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 421 convened at Worms in the eleventh century, com- posed of one hundred rabbies, with Guerson at their head ; and this assembly pronounced an ana- thema against every Jew who should in future take more than one wife. Since this prohibition, the influence of European manners has universally prevailed.* In answer to the second query, concerning di- vorces, the Jewish deputies affirmed, that though they were allowed by the law of Moses, they were not valid if not previously pronounced by the French code ; that, though before they were ad- mitted to the rights of French citizens, their reli- gion allowed them the liberty of repudiating their wives, yet it was extremely rare to see it put in practice ; and since the revolution, that they have acknowledged no other laws on this head, but those of the empire. At the epoch, when they were admitted to the rank of citizens, the rabbies and the principal Jews appeared before the municipalities of their respective places of abode, and took an oath to conform in every thing to the laws, and to acknowledge no other rules in all civil matters. Consequently, since the Jews have begun to enter into engagements before a civil officer, no one attached to religion can repudiate his wife but by a double divorce, that pronounced by the law of the state, and that prescribed by the law of Moses ; so that in this point of view it may be justly affirmed, that the Jewish religion agrees vyith the civil code.f With respect to the marriages between Jews and Christians, the assembly declared, that the pro- * Transactions of the Sanhedrim, p. 151. t Ibid. p. 152, 153. 422 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. hibition in the Mosaic law in general, applies only to nations in idolatry. The Talmud declares, that, modern nations are not to be considered as such, since they worship, like us, the God of heaven and earth. And accordingly there have been, at several periods, intermarriages between Jews and Chris- tians, in France, in Spain, and in Germany ; these marriages were sometimes tolerated, and sometimes forbidden by the laws of those sovereigns who had received Jews into their dominions. Unions of this kind are still found in France ; but the opinion of the rabbies is against these marriages. They asserted, that although the religion of Moses has not forbidden the Jews to intermarry with nations not of their religion, yet as marriage, according to the Talmud, requires religious ceremonies called Kiduschim, with the benediction used in such cases, no marriage can be religiously valid unless these ceremonies have been performed. The rabbies being therefore unwilling to bless marriages between Jews and Christians, they were declared valid in a civil, but not in a religious sense.* In the answers of the deputies to the three ques- tions concerning the relations and conduct of the Jews towards Frenchmen, and the duties which they owed the nation since they were admitted to the privileges of citizens, the assembly declared, that the descendants of Israel considered Frenchmen as their brethren, and not as strangers ; that the true spirit of the law of Moses is consonant with this mode of regarding them, since, when they formed a settled and independent nation, their lawgiver * Transactions of the Sanhedrim, p. 152, 153. HISTORY OP THE JEWS. <6 commanded them to love the strange rs, for, says he to the Israelites., ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. They declare, that they are bound to love all as their brethren who observe the precepts of the Noachides,* whatever their religious opinions may otherwise be ; that it is their incumbent duty to visit their sick, bury their dead, assist their poor, and perform every act of humanity towards them, as well as the Israelites ; and, in short, that all the principles of their religion, as well as gratitude for the recent favours they have received from the government, induce them to consider France as their country, and Frenchmen as their brethren ; that, consequently, the duty prescribed towards Frenchmen not of their religion is the same as that between Jews themselves ; and that they do not admit of any other difference but that of worshipping the Supreme Being, every one in his own way. At the present time especially, when they are incorpo- rated with the great nation, they declare, that it is impossible for a Jew to treat a Frenchman not of his religion in any other manner than he would treat his Israelitish brethren, and that they consider the duty of defending their country as equally sacred and honourable. As a proof of this, during the last wars French Jews have been seen fighting despe- rately against their brethren, the subjects of coun- tries then at war with France. f * These precepts are, to abstain from idolatry, from blasphemy, from adultery, and not to kill or hurt our neighbours, neither to rob, steal, nor deceive, to eat only the flesh of animals killed, and, in short, to observe the rules of justice; and take care that it be inipar- 1 tally administered to all. t Transactions of the Sanhedrim, p. 178 180 1S>2. 424 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. In answer to the questions concerning the nomi- nation and jurisdiction of the rabbies, it was asserted, that since the revolution, the majority of the heads of families name the rabbies whenever there is a sufficient number of Jews to maintain one, after previous inquiries into the morality and learning of the candidate. This mode of election is not, how- ever, uniform ; it varies in different places ; and to this day, whatever concerns the election of rabbies is in a state of uncertainty.* The assembly declared, that the rabbies exercise no kind of police jurisdiction among the Jews ; that the qualification of rabbi is no where to be found in the law of Moses, nor did exist in the days of the first temple, but is only mentioned towards the end of those of the second ; yet that after the Israelites were totally dispersed, and had formed small com- munities in different places, a rabbi and two other doctors constituted a kind of tribunal, called " a house of justice ;" the rabbi being judge, atfd the other two his assessors. The attributes, how- ever, and even the existence of these tribunals, have, to this day, always depended on the will of the governments under which the Jews have lived, and on the degree of toleration they have enjoyed. Since the revolution, these rabbinical tribunals are totally suppressed in France and Italy. The Jews, raised to the rank of citizens, have conformed in every thing to the laws of the state ; and accordingly the functions of rabbies, wherever any are established, are limited to preaching morality in the temples, blessing marriages, and pronouncing * Transactions of the Sanhedrim. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 425 divorces. As to judicial powers they absolutely possess none; for there is among them neither a settled ecclesiastical hierarchy, nor any subordi- nation in the exercise of their religious functions. The Jewish deputies asserted, that there were no professions which their law forbids them from exer- cising ; but, on the contrary, the Talmud expressly declares., that the father who does not teach a pro- fession to his child educates him to be a villain. In reply to the queries respecting usury, the assembly asserted., that the Hebrew word which has been improperly translated by the term usury means interest of any kind, and not usurious in- terest. It is, say they, even impossible that it ever could have had this acceptation ; for usury is an expression relative to, and compared with another and a lawful interest : and the text contains nothing which alludes to the other term of comparison. By usury we understand an interest above the rate fixed by law ; and, if the law of Moses has not fixed the rate, can it be said that the Hebrew word means an unlawful interest?* " The aim of the lawgiver in forbidding the Hebrews to lend upon interest to one another was to draw closer between them the bonds of fraternity, to give them a lesson of reciprocal benevolence, and to engage them to assist each other with disin- terestedness. The intention of Moses was to make of his people a nation of husbandmen for a long time after him, and all his regulations seemed de- signed to divert their attention from commerce. His prohibition must therefore be considered as * Transactions of the Sanhedrim, p. 107. 426 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. a principle of charity, and not as a commercial regulation. According to the Talmud it is to be considered as made to a man in want ; for in case of a loan to a merchant, even a Jew, profit ade- quate to the risk should be considered as lawful. The Mosaic law forbids all manner of interest on loan, not only between Jews, but between a Jew and his countrymen, without distinction of religion. The loan must be gratuitous when it is not intended for commercial speculations. These humane laws, however, were made for a people who then formed a state, and held a rank among nations. " If the remnants of this people, now scattered among all nations, are attentively considered, it will be seen that, since they have been driven from Palestine, they no longer have had a common country, they no longer have had to maintain among them the primeval equality of property. Although filled with the spirit of their legislation, they have been sensible that the letter of the law could no longer be obeyed when its principle was done away ; and they have, therefore, without any scruple, lent money on interest to trading Jews, as well as to men of different persuasions.* " It is an incontrovertible point according to the Talmud, that interest, even among Israelites, is lawful in commercial transactions, where the lender, running some of the risk of the borrower, becomes a sharer in his profits." This is the opinion of all the Jewish doctors, f The birth day of the French emperor, was ob- served by the Jewish deputies on August 15th, * Transactions of the Sanhedrim, p. 200, 201. + Ibid. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 427 1806, as a day of thanksgiving. On this occasion the grand synagogue was superbly illuminated and ornamented. The imperial eagle was placed above the altar; vocal and instrumental music was per- formed ; sermons and animated orations delivered ; and a collection made for the poor of all religious denominations.* On the eighteenth of September the deputies were again convened, and assured, by a discourse read to them by one of the emperor's commissioners, of the satisfaction their answers had given his imperial majesty. At the time it was declared ee to be the emperor's intention to secure to them the free exercise of their religious worship, and the full enjoyment of their political rights. But that, in return for his gracious protection, his majesty re- quired a religious pledge for their strict adherence to the principles contained in the replies to the queries proposed to them, and that the answers of the Jewish deputies, converted into decisions by another assembly, of a nature still more dignified and reli- gious, might find a place near the Talmud, and thus acquire, in the eyes of the Jews of all coun- tries, and all ages, the greatest possible authority. For this purpose it was deemed requisite to convene the grand sanhedrim, which, according to ancient custom, will be composed of seventy members exclusive of the president. The duties of this venerable assembly shall be to convert into religious doctrines the answers which have been given by the Jewish deputies, and also those which may result from the continuance of their sittings. "f * Transactions of the Sanhedrim. t Ibid. 4-28 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. The momentous event of convening a grand san- hedrim was announced to the dispersed remnants of the descendants of Abraham, in a grateful and pa- thetic address to the synagogues of Europe, signed by the president and two leading members. This address was soon after answered by one of concur- rence and congratulation from the Jews of Frankfort upon the Maine.* The grand sanhedrim assembled in Paris, 1807, and the number and distinction of the spectators greatly increased the solemnity and grandeur of the scene. Numerous addresses were read, and ani- mated orations delivered. This venerable assembly passed and agreed to various articles respecting the Mosaic worship, and sanctioned the answers pre- viously given by the Jewish deputies. A decree was enacted, consisting of seventeen articles, esta- blishing a synagogue and a consistory in every department which contains two thousand individuals professing the religion of Moses. The seats of the synagogues were to be in the most populous cities ; and each of them was to be superintended by a rabbi and two elders. No one can be a member of the consistory who has addicted himself to usurious practices. Among other func- tions which are to be exercised by the consistory, they are to see that the rabbies do not, in public or private, give any instructions or explanations of the law, in contradiction to the answers of the assembly confirmed by the decisions of the grand sanhedrim. They are also directed to do all in their power to encourage the Israelites to follow agriculture and o o * Transactions of the Sanhedrim. HISTORY OP THE JEWS. 429 useful professions ; and to report to government the names of those who cannot give a satisfactory ac- count of their means of subsistence. The grand san- hedrim invited the Jews to acquire landed property ; passed a law for the condemnation of usury ; and declared,, that the profession of military services was equally incumbent upon them as upon other citizens.* The Jews have at present ,in Paris a consistory composed of three grand rabbies, &c. &c. In most parts of France where they are found they are making exertions to place themselves in the rank of citizens. Some have become farmers ; and one Jew in the department of Vosges has received a medal from the society of agriculture in Paris. Others devote themselves to the arts and trades of every kind ; others to the sciences, particularly medicine and mathematics. Recently among the three hun- dred pupils in the Polytechnic school are found six Jews. Furtado, Rodriguez, Eli-Levi, Zinstheimer, Cologna, Bing. lately dead, Berr-Isaac-Berr and his son Michael Berr, Zalkind Hourvitz, Einsheim, Luzzati, Lipman-Moses, Terquem, Anschel, &c. all of France, are distinguished by their talents and their works. Anschel, lately become a Christian, is professor of physic and chemistry, and Terquem of the highest branches of mathematics in the Ly- ceum of Mayence.f Among the Italian Jews convoked at the sanhedrim are also found men of distinguished talents. There are two Jewish poets in Leghorn ; Florentini, who shines in one kind of elegy, and Michael Bolassi, * Nicholson's British Encyclopedia. t Gregoire's Histoire des Sectes Religieuses, torn. ii. p- 386. 430 HISTORY OP THE JEWS. who translated from Hebrew into Italian verse a work of rabbi Ghevirol, on the " wonders of cre- ation/'* Notwithstanding the great improvements which have been made by a number of literary Jews, the French emperor appears to be dissatisfied with the manner of life which is still pursued by some of the nation. The last decree which was issued con- cerning them, in March 17, 1808, {f forbids them, indiscriminately to pursue their speculations, and excuse themselves from honest labour. In order to partake of the fruits of the earth in his large do- minions, they must till the ground. The rich are enjoined to purchase rural property, and to abandon the low pursuits of sordid avarice. This decree also annuls all obligations for loans made by Jews to minors without the sanction of their guardians ; to married women without the consent of their hus- bands ; or to military men without the authority of their superior officers. Bills granted by French subjects to Jews must be demanded, unless their holders prove that the full value was given without fraud. All debts accumulated by interest above five per cent, are to be reduced by the courts of law ; if the interest growing on the capital exceed twenty three per cent, the contract is to be declared usurious. No Jew is to be allowed to trade without a patent, which patent is to be granted to such individuals only, as produce a certificate to the prefects that they are no usurers. These regulations are to be * Similar improvements with those in France and Italy have been made by the Jews in Germany and Holland. See the preceding and following chapters. 431 continued during ten years, in the hope, that after that period there will be no difference between the moral character of the Jews and the other citizens of the empire; if the contrary should appear, the law will still be continued in force."* An English Israelite, in a letter addressed to the sanhedrim of Paris, highly reprimands the conduct of this assembly, and charges many of the members with having little estimation, not only for the law of Moses, but for every species of revealed religion. The author asks them, tf what suffrages they have received from the Jewish societies who are not sub- jects of France? Have," says he, "any of our brethren of Constantinople, of Aleppo, of Bagdat, or Cochin ; or have any of our congregations, not under the dominion of France, sent deputies to join you ? or have they demonstrated any approval of your proceedings? In England they would hold no communion with you either on religious or political subjects, especially as the local welfare of the coun- try so imperiously forbids it."f As the Jews in Holland united with those of France and sent deputies to the sanhedrim, an account of their state in that country previous to this period, and the events which gave rise to their union with France, will be given in the following chapter. * Nicholson's British Encyclopedia, published 1809, vol. iii. t Letter to the Sanhedrim, 1808, p. 32. 342 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. CHAPTER XXXII. Of the Jews in Holland. Thej are prohibited from the exercise of the arts and professions. Conduct of the Syndics. The intelligent Jews in Amsterdam concert a plan, and present it to government. They are opposed by the Syndics, and form a new community. Of their altercations with the Syndics. Regulations of the new community. An account of the literary Jews in Holland. Three deputies from the schismatical community in Holland are sent to the grand sanhedrim at Paris, and agree to the decisions of that assembly. *SIXTY thousand Portuguese and German Jews inhabit Holland. Amsterdam contains nearly two thirds of this number. The toleration which their ancestors found in this country was happiness, compared with the cruelties that were exercised towards them in other parts of the world, f Yet in Holland as elsewhere some lucrative and honourable employments were shut upon them, and they were forbidden the exercise of the arts and professions. The burgomasters of Amsterdam enacted an eccle- siastical law, by which they were placed under the control of the Syndics. These Syndics or Par- nassim, constituted absolute masters of their co- religionists, had authority to excommunicate them. A fine of one thousand florins was the penalty of him who dared to complain of the proceedings of the Syndics. A sentence to be ignominiously scourged was pronounced against him who pur- chased meat of any butcher but that of the commu- * The whole of this chapter is an abridged translation from Gre- goire's Histoire de Sectes Religieuses. t See chapter xxviii. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 433 nity. Whence it would appear, that the Syndics exercised imperiously the power conferred upon them by the law. Literature has long since been advancing among the Batavian Jews, who have produced a large number of writers, many of whose names will descend with honour to posterity. The education of their children became more an object of their attention ; they began to frequent the society of the Christians, and gradually to conform to their habits. On the late entrance of the French troops into Holland, many of the Jews of Amsterdam as- sembled, and concerted a plan which should secure to their sect the enjoyment of certain civil advan- tages, and presented it to the government. But the difficulties they encountered were very considerable : for their wishes were opposed by the Syndics, who endeavoured to render their remonstrances in effectual. The discussions in the national assembly of Bata- via, in 1796, attest these facts. At length, the privileges of the city were decreed to them by the supreme authority. Four or five were admitted into judicial, municipal, and legislative offices ; all of whom, with one exception, have become members of the schismatical synagogue which we are about to describe, and which was almost entirely composed of Germans. As soon as the law which has been mentioned was abolished, they solicited the enaction of another, but being repulsed by the Syndics, towards the end of 1796, they resolved to effect a separation, and to erect a new community, styled, Adath Jesurum. The Syndics, in consequence, forbade all marriage alliances with the schismatics. F F 434 HISTORY OF THE JEWS; The Syndics instituted twenty-three suits against twenty-three members of the new community, in order to subject them to the fine of one hundred florins, by virtue of an article in the law before cited,, which had been repealed. The defendants, confident that the issue of the suit must be in their favour, waited the decision with impatience ; and earnestly entreated that it might be pronounced by the tribunal. But the Syndics obtained a continu- ation of the cause, and the defendants were sub- jected to the payment of considerable sums for costs. The new community have discarded from their liturgy, those prayers which contain imprecations against other sects. In general, among the Jews, the ceremony of interment is performed with great precipitation ; sometimes in twenty-four and sometimes even in twelve hours after the decease. This abuse, which every wise police should prevent, is not permitted in the new community, which prohibits the in- terment within forty-eight hours, unless for urgent reasons, attested by the physicians appointed to act on such occasions. This community has never found effectual sup- port from the intermedial governors of Holland ; except the grand pensioner Schimmelpennink. But, in general, the professors of the predominant religion have succeeded in keeping* the Jews and Catholics from places of trust. Amsterdam and the Hague have witnessed soci- eties, the express design of whose formation was, \to render Jewish children more easily admissible to HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 435 the apprenticeship of trades. Yet, scarce a Chris- tian in Amsterdam would admit them to his shop. At the Hague, not one of them would be received. After this, it is not surprising, that of three hundred Jewish families in this city, but four or five indi- viduals are artizans. A Jew of Amsterdam, who supported by his exertions a superannuated mother, could not, till after difficulties and delays, obtain permission to pursue the business of a locksmith. A society whose views embrace all Holland, and that has published the most interesting works on various branches of popular instruction, and adopted for its motto, Pro bono publico, has, in the first article of its regulations, excluded the Jews. The same remark applies to another society, the Felix Mentis. They too had resolved to admit , only Christians ; and therefore excluded Vanlann, a Jew, a physician and mechanic, and the inventor of many astronomical instruments, one of which has been named Tellurium Laniene by M. Van Swinden, who himself in the same society has read three memoirs in praise of the discovery. This exclusion falls upon many others ; for an academy might be formed of the literary Jews that now honour Holland with their residence ; among whom are Belinfante, Desolla, Cappadoce, and Asser. The catalogue would be incomplete without adding the names of the physicians at the Hague ; Heyman, Polak, and Stein, professor of botany, who has published a dissertation de Hydrope Pinto the younger, author of a work on the efficacy of the principle of oxigene in the animal body, &c. Heilbron, physician of Amsterdam, who has been FF2 436 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. six times crowned by the academy of sciences at Rotterdam Salomon, physician of Ley den, author of various works, who could never obtain employ- ment in that city till he joined the sect of the Remonstrants David, a physician, who came at his own expense to Paris to obtain information con- cerning vaccination, which he first introduced into Holland., and which has since been promoted by societies, one at Amsterdam for the Jews, and the other at Rotterdam for the poor Almeida, captain of a ship of war, who, in a naval action in 1781, distinguished himself against the English, and re- ceived a medal of honour Asser the elder, one of the first counsellors of his age in maritime laws and insurances Lemon and Bromet, whose writings have greatly contributed to the reformation of the Jews in Holland. Three persons among the Isra- elites have been representatives of the people; the two last mentioned, and Acosta Athias, who pre- sided at the national assembly. At the bar of Amsterdam are three Jewish advocates, Charles Asser, Mendez, and Meyer. The last named was received at the bar when only sixteen years of age, being a pupil of professor Cras, who was acquainted with every language in Europe. Meyer, in 1804, published a treatise proposed by the academy of Berlin, " Whether the moral tendency of an action should be taken into consideration in the formation and application of penal laws ?" The work arrived after the decision of the academy, otherwise it would, probably, have received the prize. The Syndics refused the invitation to unite with the sanhedrim of Paris without consulting the HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 437 community; part of which has protested against them. They exerted themselves to the utmost to prevent the deputation from the new community. But the government of Holland, who had manifested a desire that the Jews should be treated as the Christians, authorized the departure of three depu- ties from the schismatical community Asser, jun. a counsellor ; Lemon, formerly legislator and phy- sician ; and Littwak, a mathematician. They ar- rived at Paris, and in the name of their constituents agreed to the decisions of the grand sanhedrim. With regard to the new community, a regu- lation, digested by themselves and adopted by the government, organized their consistory. Many of its members received marks of public consideration. The physician Cappadoce was named chevalier of the order of the union ; Meyer, member of the institute ; Asser the elder, one of the compilers of the code of commerce ; and his son was nominated minister of worship, chief of the division charged with the affairs of their co-religionists. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. CHAPTER XXXIII. Of the Jews in the Ottoman empire. They are numerous in Constan- tinople and Salonichi. Some particulars respecting those of Aleppo and Palestine. Of the independent Jewish tribes in the high lands of Hedjas in Arabia. An account of their emigration into China and India. AFTER having in the preceding chapters sur- veyed the favourable change which has taken place in the condition of the Jews in Europe during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, we follow them to the east, where they have experienced fewer vicissitudes. It appears, from the acconnts of late travellers, that there has been little alteration in their fate in the eastern countries since the seven- teenth century, when Basnage closed his history. He has computed that there were, at that epoch, one million in the grand seignior's empire, above eighty thousand of whom resided at Constantinople and Salonichi ; and that there were thirty syna- gogues, and an hundred and five thousand families in the former of these cities.* Though the Jews in the Turkish empire are held in detestation, and exposed to undistinguishing contempt, they have rendered their services indis- pensible in conducting traffic, almost every species of which, through the supineness and indolence of the Turks, has fallen into their hands. It is said, te that the Jews in Constantinople are less affluent and more ignorant than those in Europe. A few among them are physicians, but none * Basuage, p. 718. J1I8TORY OF THE JEWS. 439 farmers. They are chiefly brokers, bankers, or traders, and devote themselves to every kind of traffic, even the lowest."* The Jews in the Ottoman empire pay a heavy tax to the Porte for the right of exercising their religious worship ; and they are subject to a chief of their own nation, called Cochan Pascha, whose power over them is said to be even greater than that which the patriarch exercises over the Greek Christians, f The Jews at Aleppo are computed at about five thousand. They possess a synagogue, in which they have a manuscript of the Old Testament, said to be very ancient. They are distinguished by the colour of their babooge, and the form of their turban ; the former of which is orange, and the 'latter blue. They all wear beards, even foreign Jews are obliged by the priest to submit to this custom. J They speak more corrupt Arabic than the Chris- tians. Their morning salutation on the sabbath is frequently Hebrew, and extends only to a few words, none of them speaking it familiarly, though many read it. In writing Arabic they often use Hebrew letters, as they are said to do in other places with the language of the country. Their children are sent to the reading school, but seldom get beyond their psalter. Their books are chiefly supplied from Venice. Few of them are either manufacturers or me- chanics. The principal part are either merchants * Olivier' s Travels to the Ottoman Empire, published 1S02. + Zimmerman's Political Survey of Europe, i Russell's Account of Aleppo, vol. ii. 440 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. J or bankers ; the others are chiefly brokers, grocers, or pedlars. The established bankers of the seraglio are Jews, and, by being employed to act in that capacity by most of the great men, they acquire an extensive influence over those who despise and contemn their religion. They are generally more sober than the Christians. Their chief priest is called Khakhan, or great Khakhan ; but the title is also extended to priests in general. They are much respected by their own people, over whom they exercise both temporal and spiritual power ; but the latter is always subject to an appeal to the Turkish authority. The scrip- tures are read by them in Hebrew, and explained according to the traditions of former times. Their schools are kept by inferior priests.* They so strictly observe the sabbath, that they do no business on that day, and allow no fires to be made in their houses, except in case of sickness, and even then it is generally done by a Christian servant. The poor people on such occasions are assisted by Arabian women, who cry along the streets, " Fire to sell." This is done every sabbath. On the sabbath they remain long at table, drinking wine and singing psalms, but their music does not conform to European modes.f The Jews, more frequently than the other inha- bitants of Aleppo, believe in the existence of evil spirits, and their agency in the production of epi- lepsy, madness, and certain other maladies. In such cases they not only call in their own rabbies, but the Mahometan scheiks to exorcise them. Russell's Acconnt of Aleppo, TO!, ii. Ibid. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 441 They generally marry at an earlier age than the Turks ; and chiefly form connexions with relations who are previously acquainted with each other. The nuptial feast lasts seven days, and is celebrated with music, dancing, and festivity. Both Turkish and Christian women are frequently spectators. Polygamy, being considered as scandalous, is seldom practised among them, and then only in some parti- cular cases.* Besides the festivals and feasts which are observed by the Jews in general, those of Aleppo keep a voluntary fast of six entire days, in which they abstain from all nourishment, even water. The two first days they attend business at the Bazar, but afterwards employ themselves at home in reading the Bible and in prayer. In the evening of the sixth day, at the end of the fast, they moisten their throat with liquids ; and afterwards return by slow degrees, to the use of solid food. It is a long time before they recover their former appetite. Few, however, attempt to keep this fast ; not more than twenty-five in a year. Sometimes they are obliged to renounce it before it is finished ; and it is never observed by the same person more than once in his life. They have also occasional fasts for public cala- mities ; and individuals observe private devotional fasts. From their extensive commercial connections these fasts cause a stagnation of trade at the time, and occasion great delays in the departure and march of caravans. The Jews, except such as are under the protec- tion of some foreign prince, are subject to a capita- * Russell's Account of Aleppo, vol. ii. 442 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. tion levied on the able bodied men, ten crowns a year on the rich, six on the middling, and three on the lower classes.* In Palestine, where the Turks and Arabs unite in oppressing them, .few comparatively are to be found. /Yet a learned inquirer, who passed some time at C Jerusalem during the spring of 1800, supposes that / the city, at that period, contained three thousand ( Jews.f * Russell's Account of Aleppo. + Mr. de Chateaubriand, a celebrated French author, who visited Palestine in the year 1807, has given the following account of the miserable condition of the Jews who still reside in Jerusalem. After a striking description of the piety and humanity of the Christian monks who constantly perform their devotions at the tomb i of our Saviour, he observes, " While the New Jerusalem is seen shining in the midst of the desert, you may observe between Mount Zion and the temple, another spectacle of almost equal interest ; it is that of the remnants of another people, distinct from the rest of the inhabitants ; a people individually the objects of universal contempt ; who suffer the most wanton outrages without a murmur ; who endure wounds and blows without a sigh; who, when the sacrifice of their life is demanded, unhesitatingly stretch forth their necks to the sabre. If a member of the community thus cruelly proscribed and abused happens to die, his companion buries him clandestinely during the night in the valley of Josaphat, within the purlieus of the temple of Solomon. Enter their habitation and you find them in the most abject squalid misery, and for the most part occupied in reading a mysterious book to their children, with whom again it becomes a manual for the instruction of succeeding generations. What these wretched outlaws from the justice and compassion of the rest of mankind did in past ages, they do still. Six times they have witnessed the destruction of Jerusalem, and are not yet discouraged ; nothing can operate to divert their looks from Zion. We are sur- prised, no doubt, when we observe the Jews scattered over the face of the earth; but to experience an astonishment more lively, we have but to seek them in Jerusalem. The legitimate masters of Judea should be seen as they are in their own land, slaves and strangers ; they should be seen awaiting, under the most cruel and oppressive of all despotisms, a ting who is to work their deliverance. Near the HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 443 The Jews in Arabia are regarded with extreme contempt ; and., as in Turkey, despised alike by Mahometans and Christians. They abound in Yemen, the region anciently known by the deno- mination of Arabia Felix. Yet they are not per- mitted to reside in cities, but dwell as in other parts of Arabia, in a separate quarter without the gates. Their quarter adjoining to Sana, the capital, contains two thousand. They carry on a great trade, and are the best artists in Arabia. One of their merchants, named Oraeki, had been during twenty- eight years, under two successive imans of Yemen, comptroller of the customs, and of the royal buildings and gardens. But in 1760, he fell into disgrace, and was imprisoned and fined fifty thou- sand crowns. At the same time fourteen synagogues in the Jewish quarter at Sana were demolished by order of government, together with all private houses above a certain height, beyond which none were afterwards to be raised.* The highlands of Hedjas are possessed by a number of independent sovereign scheiks. The most numerous and the best kown of these commu- nities is that which the Jews have formed upon the mountains lying to the north east of Medina. That tract of country is called Kheibar, and the Jewish inhabitants are known in Arabia by the name of Beni Khiebar. They are governed by their own temple, of which there does not remain " one stone upon another," they still continue to dwell ; and with the cross as it were planted upon their heads, and bending them to the -earth, still cling to their errors, and labour under the same deplorable infatuation." Ame- rican Review, JVo. 1, January, 1811. * Niebuhr's Travels. 444 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. independent scheiks, and are divided into three tribes. Their settlement appears to have subsisted for more than twelve centuries ; they are surrounded with deserts, and the natural advantages of their situ- ation have enabled them to preserve their freedom.* The Jews in this district do not maintain any intercourse with their brethren in Asia, and are therefore supposed to belong to the sect of the Caraites, who are few in number, much dispersed, and detested by the sect of the Pharisees. The Jews settled themselves in China under the dynasty of the Han, which began in the year 206 before Christ, and ended 220 years after his birth ; but it is not known at what part of the period they appeared in the empire. They not only increased in number and wealth, but were distinguished for literature and raised to offices, being governors of provinces, and mandarins. The principal places of their abode were Ham-tehen, Peking, and Cai- fong fou. By degrees their affairs began to decline, and many embraced the Mahometan religion. After this change took place among the Jews in Peking and other parts, they were only found in Cai- fong-fou, the capital of the province of Honan, which is an hundred and fifty leagues from Peking. Those in this city were, at length, involved in various calamities ; their synagogue was inundated, in 1446, by the river Hoango. They also suffered by fire during the administration of Ouanhi, who reigned from 1573 to 1620 ; and another desolating inundation took place in 1642.f * Niebuhr's Travels. + Brotier's Notes to Tacitus, vol. iii. p. 578. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 445 In 1704,, father Gozani, a Jesuit missionary,, had the curiosity to investigate the state of the Jews in the empire. To effect this purpose he contracted an acquaintance with some of their learned chiefs, who introduced him into their synagogues. Ac- cording to his account he succeeded so well in ingratiating himself with this people, that they even suffered him to enter into the most secret part of their synagogue, to which they have no access themselves, it being reserved for the chief of the synagogues, who never approaches it but with profound respect.* They showed him one of their volumes, or parchment rolls of the Pentateuch, written in Hebrew in fair and legible characters, and also other parts of the Old Testament, namely, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, part of the Pro- phets, and some other books containing their liturgy and commentaries, written likewise in Hebrew. They acknowledged they had lost part of their sacred books, and some of their Targums, para- phrases, expositions, &c. by the overflowing of the river Whamho, which had greatly damaged their roll of the Pentateuch. To remedy this mis- fortune they ordered twelve fair copies to be taken of it, which are still carefully preserved in the taber- nacles that are placed in the synagogue. f They informed Gozani that they divided the five books of Moses into fifty-two lessons, one for every sabbath throughout the year, which division is sup- posed to have been instituted by Ezra. Our author, being ignorant of the Hebrew language, was not * Leltres Edifiantes, torn. ii. t Modern Universal History, vol. viii. p. 137. 446 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. able to investigate their usages in such an accurate manner as could have been wished. But from their blending 1 fictitious tales with the facts recorded in scripture, and even in the five books of Moses, he concluded these Jews were of the Talmudic sect. He observes, however, that this can only be deter- mined by one versed in the scriptures, and well acquainted with the Hebrew language.* Their synagogue fronts the west, and when they address their prayers to God they turn towards that quarter. In the middle of the synagogue stands a magnificent chair raised very high, and richly adorned with crimson velvet, gold fringe, tassels, &c. This they style the chair of Moses, on which every sabbath, and on days of great solemnity, the law and other parts of the Old Testament are read. The synagogue is also furnished with a table of incense, magnificent candlesticks, large candles, a censer, perfumes, and a painting, on which the names and titles of the emperor are superbly en- graved. There were also thirteen tabernacles placed upon tables, and surrounded with rich curtains, in each of which the Pentateuch, or sacred roll of the law, is shut up. Twelve of these tabernacles repre- sent the twelve tribes of Israel, the thirteenth Moses. f r The Chinese Jews strictly observe the sabbath, and do not kindle any fire, or dress any food on .that day. They also observe circumcision, and several other ceremonies mentioned in the Old Testament ; in particular the passover, feast of unleavened bread 9 the week of Pentecost, of tabernacles, and other * Modern Universal History, vol. viii. p. 137. + Winterbothara's History of China, vol. i. p. Ill, 112. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 447 occasional festivals and fasts. They pray and read the law with the thaled or veil over their faces, in remembrance of Moses. They also abstain from / blood, and retain the Jewish manner of killing / their animals and preparing their food. In some cases, however, they readily comply with the Chinese customs, and address the Supreme ^ Being by the appellation which is made use of in this country; which is, " Lord of Heaven," "Creator of all things/' &c. They also honour Confucius, and imitate the solemn rites which the Chinese pay to their ancestors. Contiguous to their synagogue is a large hall, in which they burn perfumes in honour of their Chimgins, or great men of their law. But instead of such pictures as are used by the Chinese, and forbidden by their religion, they have a number of censers. The largest of these, which is intended for the patriarch Abraham, stands in the centre of the hall. The next were those of Moses, Joshua, Esdras, and several other illustrious persons of both sexes. The mandarin who is over them is also entitled to have his tablet set up in the hall, inscribed with his own name, and all his titles.* The Jews informed father Gozani, that their ancestors came from the west, from the kingdom of Judah, which Joshua conquered after they left Egypt, had crossed the Red Sea, traversed the desert, and that the number of Jews who left Egypt amounted to six hundred thousand. They also gave him to understand, that they had formerly been numerous in the empire, but were then reduced to only seven families. They form alliances with each * Winterbotham's History. 448 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. other, and never connect themselves with the other inhabitants of China. When father Gozani spoke to them of the Mes- siah, promised and announced in the Holy Scrip- tures, they exhibited great astonishment. But when the missionary informed them, that the Messiah had already appeared, and was called Jesus Christ, they replied, that they had heard of a holy man named Jesus, who was the son of Sirach, but that they were entirely ignorant of the new Jesus of whom he discoursed.* They had not any knowledge of some of the books of the Old Testament, and had lost others in the inundation which took place October 29, 1642. f Dr. Buchanan, while he resided in India, was assiduously engaged in investigating the state of the inhabitants. ff The Jews/' says he, " are numerous in India, and reside in a town, about a mile distant from Cochin, called Jews' Town. It is almost wholly inhabited by this people, who have two respectable synagogues. Among them are some very intelligent men, who are not ignorant of the present history of nations. There are also Jews here from remote parts of Asia, so that this is the fountain of intelligence concerning that people in the east, there * A modern traveller observes, that " if this be really the fact, their ancestors could not have been any part of the tea tribes who were carried into captivity, but may rather be supposed to be among the followers of Alexander's army, which agrees with their own account of the time they first settled in China. Barrow's Travels in China, 1805. + Modern Univer. Hist. vol. viii. p. 139. + Dr. Buchanan's first tour to Cochin was in November, 1806, and he remained in the country till February, 1807. He again visited it in January, 1808. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 449 being constant communication by ships with the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, and the mouth of the Indus. The resident Jews are divided into two classes, called the Jerusalem or White Jews, and the an- cient or Black Jews. The White Jews reside at this place. The black Jews have also a syna- gogue here ; but the great body of that tribe inhabit towns in the interior of that province." This learned author thus proceeds in his inter- esting relation : " On my inquiry into the antiquity of the White Jews, they first delivered to me a narrative in the Hebrew language of their arrival in India, which has been handed down to them from (heir fathers ; and then exhibited their ancient brass plate, containing their charter and freedom of residence, given by a king of Malabar. The following is the narrative of the events relating to their first arrival. " After the second temple was destroyed (which may God speedily rebuild !) our fathers, dreading the conqueror's wrath, departed from Jerusalem, a numerous body of men, women, priests, and Levites, and came into this land. There were among them men of repute for learning and wisdom ; and God gave the people favour in the sight of the king who at that time reigned here, and he granted them a place to dwell in, called Cranganor. He allowed them a patriarchal jurisdiction within the district, with certain privileges of nobility ; and the royal grant was engraved, according to the custom of those days, on a plate of brass.* This was done * Dr. Buchanan requested the Jews to shew him their brass plate. Having been given by a native king, it is written of course in the GG 450 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. in the year from the creation of the world four thousand two hundred and fifty, (A. D. four hundred and ninety ;) and this plate of brass we still have in possession. " Our forefathers continued at Cranganor for ahout a thousand years, and the number of heads who governed were seventy -two. Soon after our settlement, other Jews followed us from Judea; and among these came that man of great wisdom, rabbi Samuel, a Levite of Jerusalem, with his son, Malabaric language and character, and is now so old that it cannot be well understood. The Jews preserve a Hebrew translation of it which they presented to the learned author. This ancient document begins in the following manner according to the Hebrew translation : " In the peace of God the king, which has made the earth ac- cording to his pleasure. To this God I, Airvi Brahmin, have lifted up my hand, and have granted by this deed, which many hundred thousand years shall run. I, dwelling at Cranganor, have granted, in the thirty-sixth year of my reign, in the strength of power I have granted, in the strength of power I have given in inheritance to Joseph Rabban." Then follow the privileges of nobility, such as permission to ride on an elephant ; to have a herald to go before to announce the name and dignity; to have the lamp of the day; to walk upon carpets spread upon the earth ; and to have trumpets and cymbals sounded before him. King Airvi then appoints Joseph Rabban to be " chief and governor of the houses of congregation, (the synagogues) and of certain districts, and of the sojourners in them. What proves the importance of the Jews at the period when this grant was made is, that it is signed by seven kings as witnesses. There is no date in this document, further than what may be collected from the reign of the prince, and the names of the royal witnesses. Dates are not usual in old Malabaric writings; One fact is evident, that the Jews must have existed a considerable time in the country before they could have ob- tained such a grant. The tradition before mentioned assigns for the date of the transaction, the year of the creation 4250, which is in Jewish computation, A. D. 490. It is well known, that the famous Malabaric king, Cerani Perumal, made grants to the Jews, Christians, and Mahometans, during his reign ; but that prince flourished in the eighth or niath century. Christian Researchet, p. 220, 21. HISTORY OP THE JEWS. 451 rabbi Jehuda Levita. They brought with them the silver trumpets, made use of at the time of the jubilee, which were saved when the second temple was destroyed ; and we have heard from our fathers, that there were engraven upon those trumpets the letters of the ineffable name.* There joined us also from Spain and other places, from time to time, certain tribes of Jews who had heard of our pros- perity. But, at last, discord arising among our- selves, one of our chiefs called to his assistance an Indian king, who came upon us with a great army, destroyed our houses, palaces, and strong holds, dispossessed us of Cranganor, killed part of us, and carried part into captivity. By these massacres we were reduced to a small number. Some of the exiles came and dwelt at Cochin, where we have remained ever since, suffering great changes from time to time. There are amongst us some of the O children of Israel, (Beni Israel) who came from the country of Ashkenaz, from Egypt, from Isoba, and other places, besides those who formerly inhabited this country. f " The native annals of Malabar confirm the fore- going account in the principal circumstances,^; as * This circtim stance of the Jubilee trumpets is to be found in a si- milar account of the Jews of Malabar, published in the " history of the works of the learned" for March, 1699. It is not necessary to suppose that these trumpets belonged to the temple, for it is well known, that in every considerable town in Judea there were jubilee trumpets. Buchanan's Christian Researches. t Buchanan's Christian Researches, p. 218 220. J The above account is also confirmed in the principal circum- stances by the testimony of Moses de Paiva, a Portuguese Jew of Amsterdam, who, having visited Cochin in 1686, published on hie G G2 452 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. do the Mahometan histories of the later ages, for the Mahometans have been settled here in great numbers since the eighth century. f< The desolation of Cranganor the Jews describe as being like the desolation of Jerusalem in mini- ature. They were first received into the country with some favour and confidence, agreeably to the tenor of the general prophecy concerning the Jews, for no country was to reject them ; and after they return to Europe an account of his tour, which is now become very rare, and contains what follows : " In the year four thousand one hundred and thirty of the creation of the world, after the destruction of the second temple by Titus, seventy or eighty thousand Israelites penetrated as far as the coast of Malabar. The king Che ram Iberimal assembled, and gave them the city of Cranganor, with a certain extent of territory and divers privi- leges, which were engraven on tables of brass. These Israelites brought two trumpets of which the Levites in the temple made use. Cranganor having at length been taken from them, they took refuge in Cochin. " The Jews of Cochin," says our author, " loaded him with civi- lities, and gave him a number of entertainments. Though the climate had rendered them so swarthy that they were almost raulat- toes, they would have considered themselves dishonoured, if they had eaten, drank, or prayed with the black or negro Jews of Ma- labar, because the last were descended from the slaves in the service of the Jews at Cranganor, who were afterwards emancipated. The negro Jews had nine synagogues, three in Cochin, and the others in the vicinity. In the French translation of the travels of P. Paulin de St. Barthelemy it is said they formed four hundred and sixty families." This account is copied verbatim from the relation of Paiva ; and the elements of which his calculation is composed give as a total number four hundred and sixty-five. The other Jews ground their aversion towards them on the pretence, that the Malabar Jews have been mixed with the Canaanites and the Ishmaelites. But though they have separate synagogues their worship is the same. Thus we see a diversity of colour, but none of sect. Gregoire't Histolre des Secies Religieu$es t torn. ii. HISTORY OP THE JEWS. 453 had attained some wealth, and attracted the notice of men, they are precipitated to the lowest abyss of human suffering and reproach. The recital of the sufferings of the Jews at Cranganor resembles much that of the Jews at Jerusalem, as given by Josephus." The Black Jews retain the tradition that they arrived in India soon after the Babylonian capti- vity. " Their Hindoo complexion, and their very imperfect resemblance to the European Jews, indicate that they have been detached from the parent stock in Judea many ages before the Jews in the west, and that there have been intermarriages with families not Israelitish. The White Jews look upon the Black Jews as an inferior race, and not of a pure cast ; which plainly demonstrates that they do not spring from a common stock in India."* Dr. Buchanan observes, that d chapter of Genesis, and after giving God thanks, and enjoining them to observe the sabbath, * Lcvi's Ceremonies, &c. HISTORY OF THE JEWS/ 473 he blesses the wine, drinks, and gives some to the rest of the family. He then blesses and distributes the bread. They repeat the usual grace after supper, with the addition of making mention of the sabbath.* In the morning they repair to the synagogue later than usual on the week days, where, after the accustomed prayers, besides others which are appro- priate to the day, they read a lesson from the law, and afterwards a corresponding portion from the prophets, f When the reading is concluded they pray for the peace and prosperity of the govern- ment under which they live, in observance of the direction in Jeremiah xxix. 7. Then the law is put into the ark. They then pray that God would be pleased to deliver them from captivity, and bring them to the holy land, where they should be able to perform the offerings of the sabbath according to the law. After some other prayers the morning service is concluded. The religious rites observed at dinner are similar to those used at supper. They frequently have sermons either in the morning or afternoon, the subject of which is taken from the lesson read that day in the Pentateuch. They make three meals on the sabbath, one on Friday evening and two the * David Levi's Ceremonies, &c. + The custom of reading portions from the prophets on the sabbath has obtained since th ; time of Antiochus Epiphanes. He having prohibited the Jews from reading the law, they substituted passages from the prophets. When the law was restored by the Maccabees, they retained this custom in remembrance of their severe affliction and great deliverance, and it is observed at this day. JVole to David Levi's Translation of the Pentateuch, vol. i. 474 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. next day in honour of the festival. On this holy day they beseech God to be merciful,, and grant them an inheritance in that day, which is all sabbath, and eternal rest.* In the evening, as soon as the stars appear, they suppose the sabbath is ended, and that it is lawful to do any work after they have attended the evening prayers at the synagogue. The Jewish year is either civil, or ecclesiastical. The civil year commences in the month Tishri, or September. The Jews have a tradition that the world was created on the first day of this month, and from this epoch they compute the age of the world, and make use of this date in all their civil acts, The ecclesiastical year commences about the vernal equinox, in the month Nisan, which answers to part of March and April. All the religious rites and ceremonies are regulated by the ecclesiastical year.f On the first of every month they celebrate the feast of the new moon, praying God to restore them to the holy city, and erect the temple at Jeru- salem, where they could render the offering for the feast according to the law, Numbers xxviii. 11. J On the fourteenth day of the month Nisan, the celebration of the passover commences, and imme- * Meaning the kingdom of the Messiah ; for they suppose that the world is to continue six thousand years, (according to the six days of the creation) and tke seventh to be that of the Messiah. It is that which is here alluded to, as heing the day which is all an entire sab- bath. David Levfs Ceremonies of the Jews, p. 20f>. + The Jews call the seventh month of the civil, the first of the ecclesiastical year, because at the departure of the children of Israel from Esjypt, it is enjoined, that " this month shall be unto them the beginning of months, and the first month in the year." Exodus xii. 2. ^ David Levi's Ceremonies of the Jews. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 475 diately after the feast of unleavened bread ; the whole includes eight days. On the evening* pre- ceding the festival, the first born of every family observes a fast, in remembrance of God's mercy in protecting the nation. During the whole of this feast the Jews are obliged to eat only unleavened bread,* and refrain from servile labour. The two first and two last days are kept as strictly as the sabbath, only they permit fires to be kindled, and prepare food. As they cannot now offer the paschal sacrifice, the passover cakes are placed on the table with some bitter herbs, and they eat a piece of un- leavened bread instead of the paschal lamb. The festival concludes with psalms and thanksgivings to God for their great deliverance, and petitions that he would put a period to their captivity and bring them to Jerusalem. The feast of Pentecost commences seven weeks after the passover, hence it is called the feast of weeks. It is also styled in scripture, the day of the first fruits, because on that day they offered the first of their fruits in the temple. At present this festival is observed two days, during which time all servile labour is prohibited. As it was instituted to recall the remembrance of the law's being given at Sinai, that part of scripture, which declares the delivery of the decalogue, is solemnly read in the synagogue, and all those passages from the prophets which correspond with the subject. They gene- rally have a sermon delivered in praise of the law. Their prayers are suitable to the occasion, con- * They begin the passover with carefully searching the house, and removing every thing which has had leaven in it. 476 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. eluding with petitions for their deliverance from captivity, and for the welfare of the government under which they dwell.* The feast of trumpets is observed on the first and second of Tishri, or September, the seventh of the ecclesiastical and first of the civil year ; hence the first of this month is called new year's day. On this festival, besides a portion from the law and prophets, part of the two first chapters of the first of Samuel are read. They then pray for the pro- tection of the government under which they reside, and blow the trumpet, which is made of a ram's horn,f saying, " Blessed be thou, O Lord, our God ! king of the universe, who has sanctified us with his commandments, and commanded us to hear the sound of the trumpet." After this ceremony, they repeat with a loud voice the following verse, " Happy are the people who hear the joyful sound, they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy coun- tenance." On the morning of the second day they repair to the synagogue, and repeat nearly the same prayers as on the preceding day. They then read the 22nd chapter of Genesis, which gives an account of Abraham's offering his son Isaac, and God's blessing him and his seed for ever. For, according to their received tradition, that great event took place on that day. They, therefore, beseech the Almighty through the merits of this memorable event to bless * David Levi's Ceremonies, &c. p. 78. + The trumpet is made of a ram's horn in remembrance of Abra- ham's seeing a ram caught by the horns in a thicket, which he took and ofiered for a burnt offering to the Lord, instead of his son. t-encsis xx'ti. 12 15. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 477 them. After reading the law and prophets, they blow the trumpet, and pray as usual, that God would gather them from their dispersion, and conduct them to Jerusalem.* The Feast of Tabernacles is observed on the fifteenth of the month Tishri, and lasts nine days. Each person at the commencement of the festival, erects an arbour, f which is covered with green boughs, and decked with a variety of ornaments in remembrance of their miraculous preservation in the wilderness. The two first and two last days are kept with great solemnity ; but the intermediate time is not observed with equal strictness. On the first day they take branches of palm, myrtle, willow, and citron bound together, and go round the altar, or pulpit,;}; singing psalms, because formerly they used to perform this ceremony in the temple. The Jews chiefly reside in their respective taber- nacles during the feast, both night and day, if the weather will permit. At every meal, during seven days, they are obliged to repeat the following grace : " Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God, king of the universe, who hast sanctified us with his com- mandments, and commanded us to dwell in taber- nacles." During the feast they beseech the Lord to be merciful, and erect for them the tabernacle of David which is fallen ; and portions of the law and prophets are read in their synagogues. On the seventh day of the festival, they take * David Levi's Ceremonies of the Jews, p. 100. t Levit. xxiii. 39. J In the midst or at the upper end of the synagogues, there i a kind of altar or pulpit. ^ David Levi's Ceremonies of the Jews, p. J 25. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. seven of the laws from out of the ark and carry them to the altar, and those who are possessed of the palm branch, &c. with the reader at their head, go seven times round the altar, in remembrance of the sabbatical years, singing the 29th Psalm. On the evening of this day the feast of solemn assembly commences, which being a time of rejoicing, they assemble and entertain their friends ; but are strictly enjoined not to do any servile labour. They read passages from the law and prophets, and entreat the Lord to be propitious to them, and deliver them from captivity. On the ninth day they repeat several prayers in honour of the law, and bless God for his mercy and goodness in giving it to them by his servant Moses, and read that part of scripture which makes mention of his death. After going to the synagogue in the evening, and saying the usual prayers, the festival is concluded.* On the fourteenth of Adar, or March, the Jews celebrate the feast of Purim, in commemoration of their deliverance from the destruction designed by Haman. This festival is observed two days, and derives its name from Esther ix. tf Therefore they called these days Purim." Previous to the feast, a solemn fast is observed in remembrance of Esther's fasting. The whole book of Esther written on parchment is repeatedly read during the feast, and as often as the name of Hamanf is mentioned it is * David Levi's Ceremonies of the Jews, p. 125. + In some places the reading is concluded with curses upon Haman and his wife, and blessings upon Esther and Mordecai. They had a custom in some countries of erecting a gibbet, and hanging up a man in effigy to represent Hainan's punishment. But this custom has been for a considerable time disused, because it was insinuated, in HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 479 customary for the children (who have little wooden hammers) to knock against the wall,, as a memorial that they should endeavour to destroy the race of Amalek. Part of the first day is spent in feasting and rejoicing, sending presents to each other, giving liberally to the poor, in visiting their friends, and entertaining them by all kinds of diversions. The Jews, at the present day, observe many festivals which were not appointed by Moses. In particular they celebrate the dedication of the altar, which was instituted by the Maccabees, in remem- brance of the victory they obtained over Antiochus Epiphanes. This tyrant, having profaned the temple, reduced them to the necessity of cleansing and dedicating it anew. The festival is observed in a splendid manner, and lasts eight days ; and is ap- pointed to be kept by lighting lamps. The reason they assign for this ceremony is, that, after they had purified and dedicated the temple, there was only enough of pure oil left to burn one night, which miraculously lasted eight nights, till they were able to obtain a fresh supply. The great day of expiation is observed by the Jews, though they have no high priest to officiate, nor temple wherein to offer the sacrifice. Before the fast commences, they think it a duty incumbent upon them to ask pardon of those they have of- fended ; to make restitution to those whom they have defrauded of any property ; to forgive those who have offended them ; and, in short, to do every the dark ages, that they did it in contempt of Christ. Basnage, p. 45J. 480 HISTORY OF THE JEWS; thing which may serve to evince the sincerity of their repentance.* This great fast is observed on the tenth day of the month Tishri, or September. In the preceding eveningf they repair to the syna- gogue,, where they remain saying prayers upwards of three hours ; and when they return from the synagogue they may not taste any kind of suste- nance, and are even prohibited from taking one drop of water. They are also forbidden to do any kind of labour, even to kindle a fire, and observe this day as strictly as the sabbath. At six in the morning they attend the synagogue, and offer those prayers and supplications for the pardon of their sins, which are peculiar to the occa- sion. In the course of the service, various portions of scripture are read, particularly part of Leviticus xxvi. Numbers xxix. and Isaiah Ivii. They mention in their prayers the additional sacrifice of the day, and entreat God to rebuild their sanctuary, to gather their dispersions among the Gentiles, and conduct them to Jerusalem, where they may offer the sacrifice of atonement, agreeably to the Mosaic law. In the afternoon service, besides portions from the law and prophets, the greatest part of the book of Jonah is read in the synagogues. They beseech God to be propitious, and forgive their sins. * Maimoaides affirms that the goat Azael expiated both great and small sins which were repented of, and that repentance, supplying the place of sacrifice, has at present the same effect, provided it is accom- panied with renunciation of sin. Basnage, p. 450. t All the commanded ordinary fasts of the Jews begin in the even- ing, and they neither eat nor drink till they can see the stars the fol- lowing evening. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 481 The fast continues from morning to night,* for up- wards of twelve hours, without intermission. In Awb, which answers to July or August, in the fifth month of the ecclesiastical year, the Jews observe a strict fast, occasioned by the destruction of the first temple by Nebuchadnezzar. On this day also the second temple was burnt by the Romans. During this fast they not only abstain from all food, but do not even taste a drop of water. In the evening they go to the synagogue, and, after their usual prayers, the book of Jeremiah is read in a low mournful voice. In the morning they attend the synagogue early, and read a portion of the law, and part of the 8th and 9th chapters of Jeremiah. They go to the synagogue again in the afternoon, and read passages from the law and the prophets suitable to the occasion. All their prayers on this day tend to remind them of their captivity ; and the destruction of their temple, which deprived them of offering the daily sacrifice by which an atonement was made for their sins.f Besides the public fasts, which the Jews are com- manded to observe, there are some others peculiar to the nation in different countries. The German Jews for instance, both after the passover, and the feast of tabernacles, keep three fasts, viz. on Monday, Tuesday, and the following Monday. The reason assigned for this practice is, that they might, during the preceding feasts,^ have committed * Some remain in the synagogue all night, to say prayers and penitential psalms. t David Levi's Ceremonies of the Jews. J This custom appears to be founded upon the practice of Job, who offered sacrifices for his children after they had feasted, for fear they should have sinned against God. Job i. 4, 5. I I HISTORY OF THE JEWS. some offence against God. They fast also on the vigil of the new year, and some on that of every new month. Several other fasts and festivals have been instituted, but not generally received, and are not observed at present.* The Jewish church is, at present, governed by a presiding rabbi in the city or town where they may be settled, who attaches to himself two other rabbies, and these three combined form a kind of tribunal in sacred or religious cases, and frequently determine private disputes. This tribunal is termed Beth Din, or the house of justice. As the priest- hood is at present totally abrogated, having ceased with the temple, the term high priest is an exploded one, no presiding rabbi now exercising the func- tions of this pontiff, which were only applicable to the temple. Hence the choice of rabbi is not con- fined to the tribe of Levi ; although that tribe be the only one that they conceive can now be at all distinguished. Its members are all at present con- sidered as laymen. They have notwithstanding some trifling distinctions paid them in the synagogue service ; for those among them that are descended from the priests, who are called Cohen, or in the plural Cohenim, perform the benediction, and are called first to the law. They also personate the priest in the ceremony of redeeming the first born, and have some other complimentary precedencies paid them. The Levites, i. e. those who are de- scendants from the singers in the temple, are second in rank, and are called next to the law, and wash the hands of the Cohenim before they go to the benediction, &c. With all this the rabbi has * Leo Modena'0 Customs, &c. of the Jews, p. 137. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. nothing to do, unless he be of this tribe. The ministry of a presiding rabbi, elected for that purpose from the general mass of learned rabbies in the congregation, whose head he is, consists of nothing more than that, as a spiritual director, he solves questions which arise in the ceremonial observances ; occasionally preaches, marries, super- intends divorces, and the ceremony of throwing the shoe, called Chalitza,* &c. He is generally allowed a competent salary, which, together with per- quisites, renders it unnecessary for him to engage in any secular business, nor is it thought honour- able ; although it is said, that, in a few instances, some presiding rabbies in Germany and Italy, have been engaged in trade, through the medium of some intervening friend. f Other rabbies may follow any worldly occupation, as the title of rabbi is merely honorary, and does not confer any priestly ordination, or sacred cha- racter. J * Marriage, in all regular societies, is always performed by the presiding rabbi, or by some one deputed by him : but a marriage so- lemnized with the due ceremonies by any other orthodox Jew is valid. The ceremony of throwing the shoe takes place when a Jew refuses to marry his brother's widow, and is grounded on Deuter- onomy xxv. 9. + Adam's Religioui World Displayed, (published 1809,) vol. i. p. 48, 49. Ibid. K K 2 484 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. CHAPTER XXXVI. Of the religious tenets of the Jews. Articles of faith which were drawn up by Maimonides in the eleventh century. Explanation of their belief respecting several articles. Prevalence of infidelity among them. Of the ancient sects which remain at present among the Jews. THE religious tenets maintained by the modern Jews coincide with the confession of faith which the celebrated Maimonides drew up at the close of the eleventh century, which is as follows : 1st. " I believe, with a true and perfect faith, that God is the Creator, (whose name be blessed) governor and maker of all creatures, and that he has wrought all things, worketh, and shall work for ever. 2nd. " I believe, with perfect faith, that the Cre- ator, (whose name be blessed) is one ; and that such a unity as is in him can be found in none other, and that he alone has been our God, is, and for ever shall be. 3d. "I believe, with perfect faith, that the Cre- ator, (whose name be blessed) is not corporeal, nor to be comprehended with any bodily properties ; and that there is no bodily essence which can be likened unto him. 4th. " I believe, with perfect faith, the Creator, (whose name be blessed) to be the first and last, and that nothing was before him, and he shall abide the last for ever. 5th. " I believe, with a perfect faith, that the Cre- HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 485 ator, (whose name be blessed) is to be worshipped, and none else. 6th. ee I believe, with perfect faith, that all the words of the prophets are true. 7th. " I believe, with perfect faith, that the pro- phecies of Moses our master, (may he rest in peace) are true ; that he was the father and chief of all wise men who lived before him, or ever shall live after him. 8th. " I believe, with perfect faith, that all the law, which at this day is found in our hands, was delivered by God himself to our master Moses, (God's peace be with him.) 9th. " I believe, with a perfect faith, that the same law is never to be changed, nor any other to be given us of God, (whose name be blessed for ever.) 10th. " I believe, with a perfect faith, that God, (whose name be blessed) understandeth all the thoughts and words of men, as it is written in the prophets, " He fashioneth their hearts alike, he un- derstandeth all their works," llth. I believe, with a perfect faith, that God will recompence good to those who keep his com- mandments, and will punish those who transgress them. 12th. " I believe, with a perfect faith, that the Messiah is yet to come ; and though he retard his coming, yet will I wait for him till he appears. 13th, " I believe, with a perfect faith, that the dead shall be restored to life when it shall seem fit to God the Creator, (whose name be blessed, and memory celebrated, world without end. Amen.)"* * Butler's Horse Biblica?, p. 95. 486 HISTORY OF THE JEWS, The Jews consider the unity of God as one of the most essential of the above articles. " The Christians and Jews/' says Basnage, " separate at the second step in religion, for after they have united in the adoration of one God, absolutely perfect, they find immediately after the abyss of the trinity,* which entirely separates them/' The Jewish nation, ever since their dispersion, have been vehemently opposed to the Christian doctrine of the trinity, which, they suppose, destroys the unity of the Supreme Being. The twelfth article of the creed of Maimonides, or the expectation of the promised Messiah, is the leading tenet and distinguishing feature in the reli- gion of the modern Jews. Infatuated, however, with the idea of a temporal Messiah and Deliverer, who is to subdue the world, and reinstate them in their own land, the Jews still wait for his appearance. But they have fixed neither the place whence, nor the time when he is to come, for though many have endeavoured to calculate upon the seventy weeks of Daniel, they discourage all attempts this way,f and deem them improper, since a miscalculation may * Some learned Christian writers, however, find the doctrine of the trinity in the Jewish Cabbala, and suppose, that the three principal Sephira?, are meant for the three persons in one essence, and the other seven, the seven spirits, or seven orders of angels that stand before God. But Basnage, who assiduously applied himself to studying the history and opinions of the Jews, supposes, that all the ten Sephirae are alike to be considered as the attributes of God, and explodes the idea of finding the doctrine of the trinity in the Cabbala. Maurice's Indian Antiquities, vol. iv. p. 454. Horae. Solitarite, vol. i. p. 358, and Basnage's History of the Jews, p. 200. t The rabbies have denounced the most dreadful anathemas against all who shall attempt to calculate the time of the Messiah's ap- pearance. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 487 tend to shake the faith of the ignorant ; and Mai- monides had an eye to this in the composition of this same article, tf and although he retard his coming," &c. Finding it difficult to evade the force of those texts in Isaiah, &c. which speak of a suffering Mes- siah, some have had recourse to the idea of two Messiahs, who are to succeed each other, one Ben Joseph of the tribe of Ephraim, in a state of humi- liation and suffering ; the other, Ben David, of the tribe of Judah, in a state of glory, magnificence, and power. This, however, is said not to be a settled belief, but an opinion exhibited in a book of Medrash, or commentary. And yet something very like it seems to have been the tenet of the rabbies ; for Abarbanel observes, that " although when they first go up from the captivity, they will " appoint themselves one head/' (Hosea i. 11.) who he says is the person called by the Rabbins,* Mes- siah Ben Joseph, as he will be slain in battle ; Israel will then seek David their king, a rod from the stem of Jesse, whom God will make choice of for to reign over them/'f As to the character and mission of their Messiah, " he is to be of the tribe of Judah, the lineal de- * Rabbies is the modern title, but when we are speaking of the ancient Mishnical and Talmudical doctors, the term rabbins is then more properly used. Adam's Religious World Displayed. t (Abarbanel on Hosea iii. 5.) Mr. Levi says, that " this opinion of the rabbins, concerning the death of this personage, was what gave rise to the Christian system of a suffering Messiah, as the prophecies of the Old Testament do not inculcate any such principle whatever." Dissertation on the Prophecies, p. 100, quoted in Adam'i Religious World Displayed. 488 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. scendant of David, and called by his name. He is to be endowed with the spirit of prophecy, and his special mission is to restore the dispersed sheep of Israel, plant them safely in their own land, and subdue their enemies, and thereby bring the whole world to the knowledge of the one true God." His coming and their restoration have not yet taken place, " because they are still unworthy of being redeemed, and have not repented, or have not yet received the full measure of their punish- ment." At the same time they insist that their re- demption is not conditional, but will take place at the appointed time, though they should not repent ; that God will not restore and redeem them for any merit of theirs, (for there will doubtless, even then, be many wicked and unbelieving among them) but for his name sake, " for the sake of the few right- eous, and also in consideration of what they will be after their redemption, when they will all be good and righteous.* Those therefore, who are righteous in captivity, will happily attain to the redemption. But those that are wicked will be destroyed in the wars and troubles which will take place before their final restoration. "f They believe, that " Judea will finally be the seat of those wars which will precede their redemp- * " They will," says a celebrated Jewish writer, " no more follow their irregular desires, and their cupidity, for the great and stupen- dous miracles, that will then be performed in their sight, will make such a lasting impression on them, as entirely to destroy their evil imagination, and incline them to all good; so that they will then be in the same state that Adam was in before his fall." Thus David Levi interprets Ezekiel xxxvi. 26. + Adam's Religious World Displayed. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 489 tion, and that after due vengeance is taken on the nations for the cruelties exercised on the people of God, during this long and deplorable captivity, they will terminate in the complete subjection of all nations to the power of the Messiah, and in the introduction of universal peace and happiness that shall fcever more be interrupted.* " Although they profess to know nothing certain, as to the real place of abode, or the present state of the ten tribes, yet they believe that they are lost only in name, and that they shall be restored to- gether with Judah and Benjamin, and likewise that all those Jews that have embraced Christianity or Mahommedism, shall then return to the religion of their fathers ; that their nation thus restored and united shall never again go into captivity, nor ever be subjected to any power ; but on the contrary they suppose, that all the nations of the world shall thenceforward be under their dominion. Judea will then become fruitful as formerly, Jerusalem will be built on its ancient ground plot, and the real de- scendantsf of the priests and Levites will be rein- stated into their respective offices, although they may have been forced to apostatize. Then likewise will be restored the spirit of prophecy, the ark and * Adam's Religious World Displayed, vol. i. p. 22. t Should it be asked, how it shall be known that they are thus descended ? Mr. Levi answers, " By means of the spirit of prophecy, which will then be restored to the nation ; for then the tribe of Levi will be distinguished in a particular manner, as the prophet Malachi said, chapter iii. 3." Dissertations on the Prophecies, vol. ii. p. 87. It is generally admitted, that the distinction of tribes is lost, yet some Jews seem to be of opinion, that the tribe of Levi can be now in some measure distinguished, however incorrect such distinction may prove to be intrinsically. Adam's Religious World Displayed, 490 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. i cherubim, fire from heaven, &c. the same as their fathers enjoyed in the tabernacle in the wilderness, and in Solomon's temple. And, in fine, then will idolatry " wholly cease in the earth, and all men acknowledge the unity of God and his kingdom, agreeable to what Zechariah said, chap. xiv. 9."* Such are the expectations of the Jews in regard to the Messiah and his kingdom, which they still avow to be not of a spiritual, but of a temporal nature." The Jews believe that two great ends are to be effected by the resurrection, the one particular, and the other general. Accordingly David Levi ob- serves, "that which is particular is for his brethren; and the other which is general, is for them and all the other nations. "f Several other doctrines are maintained by the Jews, which are not contained in the thirteen ar- * Levi's Dissertation on the Prophecies, vol. iii. p. 228, quoted in Adam's Religious World Displayed, vol. i. p. 24. According to this author, " All those that shall be restored shall serve God together in unity ; for then there shall be no separation of the tribes, no division of the kingdom, and no calves in Dan and Bethel ; and on account of the great and stupendous miracles which will then be wrought by God for the deliverance of the nation, all nations will sanctify him as a great and holy God." Levi's Dissertations, fyc. f " The first great end," says David Levi, " which I call a parti- cular one, as it is for the Jewish nation only, is to effect, that those who have been persecuted and slain, during this long and dreadful captivity, for adhering to the true faith, may enjoy the salvation of the Lord, according to what the prophet says, (Isaiah xxvi. 19, and Ixvi. 10.) The second great end, which I call a general one, because it affects all mankind, whether Jews, Gentiles, or Christians, is to bring all nations to the knowledge of the true God, and to effect that the firm belief of his unity may be so unalterably fixed in their hearts, as that they may attain the end for which they were created, to honour and glorify God, as the prophet observes, Isaiah xliii. 7.'' Levfs Dissertations, fyc. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 491 tides. The rabbies acknowledged, that there is in man a fund of corruption ; and the Talmud speaks of original sin thus : " We ought not to be sur- prized that the sin of Adam and Eve was so deeply engraven, and that it was sealed as it were with the king's signet, that it might be thereby transmitted to all their posterity ; it was because all things were finished the day that Adam was created, and he was the perfection and consummation of the world, so that when he sinned, all the world sinned with him. We partake of his sin, and share in the punishment of it, but not in the sins of his descendants."* The rabbies teach, that the evils in which men were involved by sin will be removed by the Mes- siah. They do not, however, entertain the idea that this illustrious personage will make an atone- ment for sin ; this they suppose is done by the fulfilling of the law, and circumcision. f The Jews maintain, that the souls of the right- eous enjoy the beatific vision of God in paradise,]; and that the souls of the wicked are tormented in hell with fire and other punishments. They sup- pose, that the sufferings of the most atrocious criminals are of eternal duration, while others * Fleury's Ancient Israelites, p. 341. + Basnage, p. 371. They pray God to remember unto them the merits of their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses. Levt's Ceremonies, 6fc. p. 78 115. One party of Jews, with Maimonides at their head, suppose that the souls of the righteous after death are to inhabit the garden of Eden till the appearance of the Messiah, at which epoch their souls are to be united to their bodies, and enjoy the delights prepared for them by the Messiah during a thousand years. This opinion is sup- ported by Menasses Ben Israel and Abarbanel. Basnage, p. 391. 492 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. remain only for a limited time in purgatory, which does not differ from hell with respect to the place, but to the duration. They pray for the souls of the dead, and imagine that many are delivered from purgatory on the great day of expiation. They suppose that no Jew, unless guilty of he- resy or certain crimes specified by the rabbies, shall continue in purgatory above a year ; and that there are but few who suffer eternal punishment. Maimonides, Abarbanel, and other celebrated Jew- ish writers maintain the annihilation of the wicked. Others suppose, that the sufferings of hell have the power of purifying souls and expiating sin.* Some eminent Jewish writers assert, that it is a mistake to suppose that their nation are intolerant. " They hold indeed, that all men are obliged to observe what are called the Noachides, or seven precepts of the sons of Noah ; but it is the unani- mous opinion of their rabbies, that the Sinaite co- venant, or law of Moses, is obligatory on those of their nation only." They say, " It was a covenant between God and the Jews, that they therefore are bound to the observance of it ; but that it is not binding to the rest of mankind ; for if they do but keep the law of nature, that is, the precepts of the Noachides, they maintain that they thereby perform all that God requires of them, and will certainly by this service render themselves acceptable to him, and be partakers of eternal life/'f * Basnage, p. 390. Picart's Religious Ceremonies of the Jews. t Levi's Letters to Dr. Priestley, p. 16, 17, and Maimonides on Repentance, chap. iii. quoted in Adam's Religious World Displayed. Mr. Schott, director of the institute at Seezen, pronounced a dis- course at the dedication of the temple in that place, July 17tb, 1810, HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 493 It appears from authentic accounts, that many Jews at the present day have imbibed the principles of infidelity,* and no longer receive the writings of the Old Testament as divinely inspired, or expect the coming of the Messiah. A modern author, who has deeply investigated their history, and is well versed in their opinions, observes, that tc many of the Israelites are disgusted with the follies of the Talmud; but not distinguishing between the absurd tales which good sense reproves, and the truths which enlightened reason reveres, they have in* volved the absurdities of the rabbins and the reve- lation from heaven in one common proscription. "f " The spirit of infidelity is exhibited among the Jews of Leghorn, of Holland, and Germany, and especially of Berlin, J where the greatest part do not attend the synagogues." in which he declares, " Our religion is not the only one which conducts to eternal happiness ; those who profess another are neither heretics, nor reprobates. We are far from entertaining this horrid idea.". Dedicace du Temple de Jacob. * The learned author, whose authority is so frequently referred to in this work, observes, that " indifference to religion has passed as a contagion from the Christians to the Jews," and gives a recent in- stance, " in the 21st of Brumaire, an 1 1, when the assassins attempted to despoil the temples, those Israelites in the street of the Boucheries of Paris offered the spoils of their temple to the convention, ruled by the faction called la Montagne, saying to them, the Israelites always receive good from the wise laws emanating from the mountain. Others have imitated the scandal of pretended Christians, and thrown their sacred books on a pile, as a light for impiety. Gregoire's Hisloirede* Sectes Religiettses, torn. ii. p. 398. t Gregoire's Histoire, &c. ^ lu 1 798, a large number of Jews in this city, heads of families of respectable character, subscribed and published a letter to Dr. Teller, provost of the upper consistory, (the department which has the super- intendence of ecclesiastical affairs) in which they declare, that being 494 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. This statement is confirmed by a distinguished Jewish writer ; David Levi complains, that there are two different parties in the nation who slight the ' prophecies which speak of their future restoration., and ridicule the idea of a Messiah coming to redeem them. The one consists of such as call themselves philosophers, enlightened men, who, says he, tf are perfect deists,* not believing a syllable of revelation, convin - ed the laws of Moses are no longer binding upon them, as not being adapted to their circumstances at this day, they are willing and ready to become Christians as far as relates to the moral doctrines of Christianity, provided they shall not be required to believe the mira- culous part of the Christian creed, and above all, the divinity of Jesus Christ ; and provided they may be admitted to enjoy all the rights and privileges enjoyed by the members of the established reli- gion. They ask Dr. Teller's advice on this plan, and whether he thinks it practicable ? This gentleman has published an answer, in which he informs them, that they do well to believe as much of Christianity as they can, and that if they cannot in conscience believe more, they do well to profess it ; but as to the question whether their fragment of faith ought to entitle them to share the civil and political privi- leges enjoyed exclusively by entire Christians, it is not in his province, but belongs to the civil authority of the country to decide. Mr. de Luc, a celebrated chemist and theologian, has published a letter to these Jews, in which he boldly advances to meet them on the ground Dr. Teller eludes ; he tells them that " far from scrupling points of Christian doctrine, they ought not even to abandon the standard of Moses ; that the history of the earth and its present ap- pearance are the strongest of all possible testimonies to the truth of the Mosaic history, and that if they would only take the pains to be better natural philosophers, they will not be so ready to renounce their faith as Jews." There have been numerous pamphlets more written and published upon this subject, which made, as the French term it, a great sensation in the north of Germany. Letters from an American resident abroad on various tepfcs of foreign literature, pub- lished in the Port Folio, 1801, Monthly Magazine, vol. x. 1800, and Gregoire't Histoire des Sectes Religieuses, torn. ii. * Levi's Dissertations on the Prophecies, vol. ii. Mr. Levi seems ty view it a one reason why infidelity gains so much ground among HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 495 and not ascribing our sufferings to the immediate providence of God, but to a concatenation of causes in a political light." The other party are such, as either through the length of the captivity, or the A easy circumstances that they are in, and the splendid and voluptuous manner in which they live, neither \look for nor desire a restoration."* The same author remarks, that " both these par- ties, nevertheless, adhere to the body of the nation, and outwardly conform to the Jewish rites ; they thus remain Jews ; are denominated God's people, the same as the true believers of the nation ; and in like manner bear God's covenant in the flesh." " Even those of the nation that have not the least spark of religion in them, would yet be highly offended at being called Christians, Gentiles, or apostates, "f An ancient Jewish writer numbers among the children of Israel four sects, viz. the rabbinists, his nation, that " many wish not to be shackled with the burden of the ceremonial law." * Dr. Adam Clarke informs us, that a Jewish rabbi, a man of ex- tensive information and considerable learning, lately observed to him, " that as Moses had to do with a grossly ignorant, stupid, and head- strong people, he was obliged to have recourse to a pious fraud, and pretend that the laws he gave them were delivered to him by the Creator of all things, and that the time was not far distant when all the civilized world would be of one religion, that is, deism. When our author expressed his surprise at hearing a Jew talk thus, and asked him if any of his brethren were of the same mind, he answered, *' Yes, every intelligent Jew in Europe, who reflects upon the subject, entertains the same sentiments," Clarke's Translation of Pleury's An- cient Israelites, English edition. t " This," says Mr. Adam, " is no doubt wonderful, and may be adduced as a proof of the truth of prophecy, and that the Jews are held together by an invisible and Almighty hand." Religious World Displayed, vol. i. p. 25. 496 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. the Caraites, the Samaritans, and the disciples of Anan ; but the account which he gives of the last, contains no particulars ; they appear to hold the middle rank between the Caraites and Talmudists.* The Rabbinists, or modern Pharisees, form the bulk of this nation. The two branches of Portu- guese and German Jews are of this denomination, which includes all who admit traditions, &c. They, however, differ in practice from the ancient Pha- risees, as they are far from affecting such an extra- ordinary sanctity. f The Caraites reject the Talmudic traditions, and for that reason they are detested by those who admit them. In the last age a Caraite was at Frankfort on the Maine, and narrowly escaped being assassi- nated by the Jews of that city. A few of this de- nomination may be found in Turkey, in Europe, in cidevant Poland, and in the Ukraine, where they cultivate the land. There is a very ancient and interesting body of Caraites, in a fortress called Dschoufait Kale, near Bahchisaray in the Crimea, who possess and often use a translation of the Old Testament in Jagatai Tartar. An approximate calculation, made about the middle of the seven- teenth century, gives only four thousand four hun- dred and thirty for their total number. The sect of the Sadducees have made but little figure since the destruction of Jerusalem. A few indeed are said still to subsist in Africa, and some other places ; but they are rarely found, at least there are but few that declare themselves of these * Gregoire's Histoire des Sectes Religieuses, torn. ii. p. 308. t Picart's Religious Ceremonies. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 497" , * opinions, and they are held by the other Jews as heretics. A brief account of the ancient Samaritans, whose history is closely connected with that of the Jews, has been inserted in the introduction to this work. A sketch of the history of this singular people in later periods, and a detail of the religious tenets which are maintained by them at the present day, will be given in the following chapter. 498 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. CHAPTER XXXVII. An account of the Samaritans. After the destruction of Samaria, the principal place of their residence has been Naplouse, the ancient Sichem. Their history was investigated by Joseph Sca- liger, by Ludolph, and Huntington, and in the present century by the Senator Gregoire. Recent account which was received from the Samaritans respecting their condition, belief, and customs. *THE Samaritans were scattered in small num- bers over several countries of the east ; they had synagogues at Cairo, in Damascus, Jaffa, Gaza, Ascalon, and Cesarea. But after the destruction of Samaria, their chief place has always been Naples, or Naplouse, the ancient Sichem, the birth place of Justin Martyr, at some distance from Samaria, with which it has been improperly confounded by Her- belot, founded no doubt on the testimony of Stephen of Byzance, while he might have kept to that of St. Jerome, who lived in Palestine. Maundrell, and with him all the modern geographers, place Nap- louse or Sichem between the Ebal, or Mount of Curses, and the Gerizim, or Mount of Blessings, which is held sacred by the Samaritans. They pretend, that Gerizim is understood in that passage of Deuteronomy, which enjoins all males to present themselves three times a year before the Lord. Benjamin of Tudela asserts, that he found only one hundred Samaritans, poor and miserable, at Sichem, where they continued to offer sacrifices. * The whole of the account of the Samaritans is translated from a late work of the senator Gregoire's, entitled, Histoire des Sectej Religieuses. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 499 This author is discredited ; but his account is con- firmed by those travellers who followed him. Beau- veau pretends, that the whole number of Samaritans at Naplouse, when he visited the city, did not exceed one hundred and fifty individuals. The Chronicles of the Samaritans report, that, in the time of Adrian, they placed the figure of a pigeon on the summit of Gerizim, which made itself heard when a Samaritan came to pray on this mountain ; and that on this pretext, the Jews accused them of worshipping a dove. Joseph Scaliger, having written to the Samaritans of Cairo and Naplouse, received, in the year 1590, an answer in Hebrew, which the learned Sylvester de Sacy translated into Latin from the autographs deposited in the national library, and which have been inserted in a journal of biblical and oriental literature. " We are ignorant," say they to Joseph Sullami, which is the name they give to Scaliger, e{ what is thy faith ? thou declarest that from thy youth thou hast loved our law ; we cannot transmit to thee, by the hands of the uncircumcised, the copy which thou demandest. Send us two worthy, pious, prudent, and learned men, if thou wouldst know our law ; send us also alms for the treasury of Israel." On the part of their high priest, they demand a present of stuffs forsacerdotal vestments. They consider themselves of the tribe of Joseph by Ephraim, and boast of having a grand pontiff of the race of Phinehas, son of Eleazar, son of Aaron. He is, according to them, the two hundred and twentieth from Aaron ; like him he has a son named K&2 500 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. Phinehas, and these pontiffs never leave the inside of the temple. The Samaritans offer sacrifices ; they give the shoulder and some other parts to the priest. They celebrate seven feasts ; they are monogamists, and practise the legal ablutions. They reproach the Jews with not observing continency ; with going out of the city and lighting fires on the sabbath, and not obliging children to fast on the days prescribed by the law until they are seven years old, whilst among the Samaritans they except from this obligation only children at the breast. A Jew of Palestine, being at Frankfort on the Maine, in 1684, Ludolph sent by him a letter to the Samaritans. He received answers, which are inserted by Morin in his Antiquitates Ecclesiae Orientalis. The last reply, which was made in 1689, did not reach him till 1691. They asked whether there were any Samaritans in his country ? We have here, say they, a small number, who are very poor. They thanked him for the present of money which he had sent them, and requested new assistance to repair their holy place. Ludolph, who inherited from Scaliger an ardent desire of renewing the correspondence with the Samaritans, wrote once more on the subject io Robert Huntington. This man, who was born in 1636, and died in 1 70 1, was agent of the English factory at Aleppo. While travelling in Palestine, he visited Naplouse, where he found thirty Sama- ritan families, the remains of the Cutheans. There are, he asserts, perhaps as many at Gaza. It appears by a letter which they wrote to Joseph HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 501 Scaliger, that there were some of them at Cairo ; but Huntington found there only one poor old man and his wife. The Samaritans at Naplousej says Huntington, call themselves the only Hebrews and Israelites. They despise, hate, and fly from the Jews for fear of being contaminated by them. They religiously regard the sabbath. A young Samaritan to whom it was proposed to come to England, and who desired to make the voyage, dared not undertake it, because it would have been necessary to have sailed on the sabbath. They have two calendars, the Hegira, and the Grecian computation. They ap- pear not to have any determinate ideas respecting the Messiah, though, in their Chronicle, like to Josephus, they make honourable mention of the Saviour. In their little obscure synagogue Hun- tington found two copies of their law, which ap- peared to be about five hundred years old. They asserted to him, that the original of one of these was written by Abisha, the grandson of Aaron, and that this fact is mentioned at the end of the work. Huntington, having proved to them the falsity of this assertion, they persisted in saying, that the last leaves had been unfortunately torn off formerly. These Samaritans, whom he had occasion to visit twice in an interval of five years, were at Naplouse, at Joppa, and Gaza, scribes to the Pacha and his agents for levying imposts, like the Cophts in Egypt, and the Jews in different parts of the Ottoman empire ; they were habited as decently as their extreme misery would permit. They de- 502 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. manded of Huntington if there were any Hebrews in his country, he replied affirmatively, and added; that in England they were called Jews. But as he informed them he read Samaritan with facility, they pretended that a Samaritan alone could have taught him, and that the Hebrews in England were their brothers. (f It is not true," says Huntington, " that I persuaded them that they had brethren in my country ; I supported the contrary opinion, but they would not believe me/' In this persuasion, the Samaritans, in 1672, sent to him at Jerusalem a copy of their law for their brethren in Great Britain, with a letter in the Hebrew language, (Samaritan characters) written by Merchib-Ben-Jacob, the most distinguished per- sonage among them ; it is written from Naplouse, near to Gerizim, the habitation of God, and ad- dressed to their brethren in the city of England. They demand of them if they are Samaritans, if they believe in the holy mountain Gerizim ; they solicit presents, as both Jews and Christians had sent presents to their holy places. Huntington enclosed and transmitted the whole to Thomas Marshal, a learned Oxonian, who replied, and kept up a correspondence with them until the time of his death, which happened in 1685. Mar- shal spoke of the disobedience of the first man, which had rendered us all children of Belial, and brought death and a malediction upon all his de- scendants. He questioned them concerning the Shiloh, recalled to their remembrance the promise of a deliverer, and insensibly led them to recognize Jesus Christ. On the other side, the Samaritans HISTORY OF THE JEWS. exhibited their doctrines, declaring that they had no images, repelled the charge of idolatry, and the accusation of adoring a dove, (an article which they never could forget) and requested alms. Their letters were translated into German by Schnurrer, professor of Tubingen. The care with which they have preserved the Samaritan Pentateuch attests its authenticity. Huntington here acknowledges the hand of divine providence in preserving this further proof of religion, and additional argument against incredulity, before the extinction of this feeble colony. Huntington believed that this epoch was at no great distance ; but the following details prove, that he was deceived in this particular. While Gregoire, bishop and senator, was occu- pied with his researches concerning the Hebrew nation, upon finding nothing in modern history re- specting the Samaritans, since their letters to Joseph Scaliger, Huntington, Marshal, and Ludolph, and an age having elapsed since the latest of these accounts have been received, he, being eager to collect information, digested a series of questions, which the minister of foreign relations had the kindness to transmit to the French consuls at St. Jean d' Acre, Tripoli, Syria, and Aleppo. Their responses, which arrived in 1808, attest a zeal at once enlightened and courteous. " The Samaritans," (said the consul of St. Jean d' Acre) " persist in believing that the English Jews are of their sect. They live in the most abject poverty. Those whose condition is most tolerable are in the service of the chief of the country. This employment just affords them bread. The 504 HISTORY OP TH JEWS. others endeavour to gain it by industry ; they in- habit deserted old houses in a bad quarter of Nap- louse. " The desk on which they place the holy scriptures is surmounted by the figure of a bird, which they call Achima, a word peculiar to their sect. When they invoke the Supreme Being, they do not say Adonai, like others, but Achima. From this they are supposed to adore the divinity, under the symbol of this bird which has the form of a dove. " If they are forced in their employment to touch a stranger, or his garment, they purify themselves as soon as possible. They marry only among them- selves. The dead are considered impure ; they cause them to be buried by the Turks and Chris- tians. The men have the manners of the wretched of all countries, being intemperate. A few of their women have disordered manners, but without pub- licity. " At their passover they go annually upon Ge- rizim to offer a sheep for a sacrifice. Formerly each family, at least the most considerable, sacri- ficed a sheep and a lamb ; but their means being straitened, they content themselves at present with a general offering." The reply of the consul of Tripoli proves that the taste for ancient literature is hereditary to the family of Guys. He examined the accusation levelled by the Jews against the Samaritans relating to their pretended adoration of a dove, and saw in it only a commemorative symbol of the bird which brought to Noah the sign of peace. He was led to examine an accusation too visibly marked by calumny HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 505 not to induce scepticism, because it had been often repeated to him by a Jewish rabbi of Tripoli, who called the Samaritans Cutheans, a name which they abominated. This rabbi exhibited the measure of his charity by praising the harshness with which the Sarrat, (a Jew) who accompanies the Pacha of Damascus in his annual tour through Palestine in order to levy contributions, treated the unhappy Samaritans. The consul of Aleppo observes, that the Sama- ritans inhabit a distinct part of Naplouse, which bears their name. This quarter is a large khan^ composed of ten or twelve houses communicating with each other, in one of which is a synagogue containing: two or three chambers. In the largest o o of these is a level space on which they place their Bible, concealed by a curtain, which the kakhan alone has a right to draw. The whole assembly rise at the sight of the Bible, on which is sculptured the image of a dove. The first day of the passover the Samaritans cele- brate at midnight the feast of the sacrifice. The kakhan kills a sheep in the synagogue. They then light a fire in the place prepared for the purpose. The whole victim is roasted, and divided among the assistants, who eat it in the synagogue. The Samaritans, like the Jews of the east, eat only of the flesh of animals killed by one of their own sect, and with certain formalities. They are separated from the Jews, Turks, and Christians, and form no alliances with them. They are poor and inconsiderable ; many of them keep shop, and live by petty commerce. 506 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. There are among them some Serafs, (brokers) particularly the Seraf-el-Beled, or Seraf of the governor. The Turks in Naplouse leave them in quiet ; Gezar Pacha, however, would have molested them, but they escaped by pretending they were Jews. The Samaritans speak Arabic and corrupt Hebrew. To this information the consul of Aleppo, wishing to add some more particulars, transmitted directly to the Samaritans of Naplouse, the questions of Gre- goire amplified, and obtained from the chief of their synagogue an answer in Arabic, which was translated into French* by Corances, jun. " To Mr. Corances, senior consul of France at Aleppo. " We have received your kind letter in which you propose thirty questions concerning the religious doctrines of the Samaritan nation. You demand a circumstantial reply, and we will grant your request. " We beseech you to continue the correspon- dence, for your letter gave us extreme pleasure. " You desire to know in what places the Sama- ritans are now found ? You will find an answer to this question among the others ; but we desire you to examine the letter which you have received from Paris, and see if any mention is there made of those who are at Genoa, for we have received two letters from them which inform us, that our nation is much more scattered over Europe than Turkey, and that their number amounts to one hundred and * The 2)st article will appear undoubtedly very obscure, and even unintelligible. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 507 twenty-seven thousand, nine hundred and sixty souls. Do us the favour to enquire of the senator Gregoire, whether he has any knowledge of these Samaritans; and request him to establish through your medium, a correspondence with them, with us, and with those who are in Russia. " The 14th of July according to the Grecian calendar ; the year 6246 of the Hebrew era, since Adam ; the year 3256, since the departure of the Israelites from Egypt ; Tuesday 3d of Jumaelhi, 1223, (of the Hegira.) " Signed Salame Kahenm Kahenm, of the Sama- ritan nation at Naplouse. " P. S. We request a speedy reply." " I Salame, Son of Tobias, Levite, priest at Sichem, praise the Lord. Amen. " Article 1st. There are no Samaritans to be found in our eastern countries excepting at Naplouse and Jaffa ; but it is now a hundred years since we received letters from Genoa, brought by a European, who was going to Jerusalem, and had a Hebrew Bible, written in a character similar to ours. " Art. 2d. It is now a hundred years since there have been any Samaritans in Egypt. st Art. 3d. The Samaritans at Jaffa and Naplouse amount to two hundred persons, men, women, and children. ' f Art. 4th. They consist of about thirty families, and dwell in the quarter of Rhadera, which was named by our lord Jacob, the king of the Sama- ritans, and where he resided, as is written in our holy Bible. le Art, 5th. The origin of the Samaritans is de- 508 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. rived from the true Israelites. We are really de- scended from our lord Jacob, called Israel, from whom sprang 1 the twelve tribes, who entered into Egypt, amounting to seventy persons, and went out again by the number of six hundred thousand. After the miracles performed by their minister in Egypt, and in the desert by our lord Moses, son of Amram ; and who entered into the land of Canaan, where we, the descendants of the first settlers, still continue, after all the migrations which have happened to us. We are of the tribe of Joseph, son of our lord Jacob the Israelite. " Art. 6th. This is the difference between the Jews and ourselves ; the law is one, and consists of six hundred and thirteen precepts according to both. The only difference between us concerns the puri- fication, which we observe, but which they cannot, because they are no longer masters of Jerusalem. " Art. ?th. Their law is exactly the same as ours from the beginning to the end, but we pronounce it differently from them. " Art. 8th. Our law is written in the true Hebrew language, the same which was found written on the tables of precious stone containing the ten com- mandments given by God to Moses. Some rabbies from Jerusalem, having examined the writing of our law, acknowledged it for the ancient Assyrian, handed down on the tables of precious stone. ' fe From this we shall never deviate, and conform- ably to the word of God, " neither add nor diminish." " Art. 9th. There is then no difference between our law, and that of the Jews/ except in the characters. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 509 " Art. 10th. The adoration of the golden image of a turtle dove is the greatest disobedience to the law ; for God has said in the ten commandments, " I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other God but me ; make not to thyself any graven image, nor the likeness of any thing which is in heaven, or earth, nor in the waters under the earth, for I the Lord am a jealous God/' ee After these prohibitions how can we adore the image of a dove ? "Art. llth. Our worship is that of God alone, as it is written in our law, " Adore the Lord thy God." f< Art. 12th. As to what regards other animals, and golden birds, far, very far, be it from us to worship them, God forbid, that we should act con- trary to our law ! God has said, " Thou shalt not make gods of silver and gold/' ** How can we adore a dove or any other animal when God has so strictly forbidden us ? We worship God alone, the eternal being, who has no beginning or end. We know that God created birds, men, brutes, and all things. " God says in his law, God is your God, the God of gods, the most excellent, the powerful, the great, the majestic, who makes no distinction of persons, and cannot be tempted by presents. l< God also says, each Israelite ought to repeat the law of God at all times, on entering the house, on the way, in lying down, in rising up. It should be always in his hands, between his eyes, and on the door of his house. For this is the sacred 510 HISTORY OP THE JEWS. precept there meant, (c Hear, O Israel, God is our God, he is one, &c." " After all these prohibitions, how can we adore images of gold in an apartment, and pervert the worship of the true God to that of a turtle dove, or other animals wrought by men's hands ? " God says again, Thou shalt fear and adore the Lord thy God, and continue in his religion ; thou shalt swear by him. How then can we worship images, and forget his commands ? There are many similar precepts. God is our God, and we adore him at all times. " Art. 13th. The sacrifice of sheep and lambs is the foundation of our law, and at the epoch of the tabernacle established by Moses, there were in the interior of it many altars for sacrifice, each for a certain era. One was an altar of expiatory sacrifice, the other for peace offerings. Moses ordained, that every day the chief of the tribes of Israel should offer a sacrifice morning and evening. This took place while the tabernacle stood. After the end of the time of grace, and the destruction of the tabernacle, our chief priests, of the family of Aaron, ordered us in place of the sacrifices, to make a prayer for a testimony of our fear of God, and to solicit from him pardon and indulgence. ef Art. 14th. The feast of the passover, which God commanded all Israel to observe, is in a fixed and invariable time, which is the first month of the year, as it is said, This is a law for all ages, on the first month, the fifteenth day, at the setting of the sun, it is to be observed in the chosen place, which is HISTORY OP THE JEWS. 511 Mount Gerizim. We eat it at midnight., according to the rites prescribed by the law, and that once a 3'ear. " Art. 15th. We offer our victims with the rites which are commanded, as it is said, te You shall take a lamb of the first year, without blemish, from the goats or from the sheep, and keep it until the fourteenth day of the month ; you shall roast it in the fire, and eat it in haste rejoicing." This sa- crifice is accompanied by other ceremonies, too long to be detailed. " Art. 16th. These sacrifices ought to be offered on Mount Gerizim ; but for the last twenty years we have made them in the city, as we cannot now repair to the mountain. " Art. 17th. We offer our sacrifices in the open air, because God said to our lord Moses, Say to Pharaoh, Let us go three days* journey (from the city) and sacrifice to the Lord our God. " It was at first commanded that these sacrifices should be offered in the country. After the entrance of the people of Israel into Canaan, Mount Gerizim was chosen for this purpose, as God has declared in his law. The sacrifice of the passover must not be made in any of the inhabited places which the Lord has given you, but only in the spot which God has designated for this purpose. This place is the mountain above mentioned ; this renders it evident, that it can be offered but once a year. Those who are not present at this solemnity ought to cele- brate it in the second month. " Art 18th. To the question when, and why sacrifices have ceased ? we reply ; that God forbid 512 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. that we should omit them, while it is in our power to perform them ; but only for twenty years past, instead of Mount Gerizim, we offer them in the city, because it is comprised in the chosen place. Therefore we exactly observe the prescribed rites. " Art. 19th. We have a Levite priest of the race of Levi, but no Iman, or grand pontiff. In this country, we have had no priests of Aaron for one hundred and fifty years past. " Art. 20th. The grand pontiff is called in the law in Hebrew Hakchem Haggadol, and in Arabic illustrious chief, (raies et djalil). His functions, and those of all the tribe of Levi, are prescribed by the law. He may take the tithe of our sacrifices and property ; he is to judge according to what is written in the law. He has also other privileges which would be too long to detail. " Art. 21 st. You inquire whether the Samaritans are divided into different classes, and what are these divisions ? There exists among us some known and observed divisions. These are the engagements which God entered into with our fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and before these with Noah, and also with Phinehas, by which he established him Pontiff. We have likewise the divisions of heaven, and three engagements with Moses; and the Hebrew sea, which appears in the eclipses of the sun and moon, and the conjunctions by which we know on what day of the week the first of the month com- mences. We also know by this means the day of the feast which we celebrate, and on what day of the week it will take place. We have many other divisions ; but these are all whose names it is neces- HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 513 sary to mention. Such are the divisions among us. f{ Art. 22d. There are no Caraites among us, nor have we any intercourse with this sect. " Art. 23d. The Khassams, called Rabbinists in France, a sect which, you say, is found in Egypt, are totally unknown to us. There are none in our country ; we have no relation with them ; we know not what is said of them, nor have we ever even heard their names pronounced. " Art. 24th. We are separated from all nations, even the Jewish ; we have houses and temples apart. We have already said, that the character of our writing differs from theirs ; we add, that they do not read the former, nor we the latter. Such is the difference which exists between them and us. " There are besides some articles of their law which they cannot observe out of Jerusalem. " Art. ^5th. Our customs in our houses are, to adore and praise God at all times, to observe the rules of the law, and to abstain from every usage which is contrary to the words of God in the law. ee Do not cause evil to enter into your houses ;" the meaning of which is, not to admit any worship but that of God. " We do not therefore admit any images ; our sole occupation is to read the law during our whole life. " As to the relations between parents and children, husbands and wives : the father is obliged to teach his offspring the rules of justice, and to teach them to read. They are bound to honour their father and mother, as is enjoined in the decalogue. L L 514 HISTORY OP THE JEWg. " We cannot marry, but conformably to the rules, and in the degrees permitted by the law. " Art. 26th. Our dress is different from that of all other nations. We always wear a turban ; but on sabbaths and festivals, when we go to the temple, we dress wholly in white. (f Art. 2?th. Our population was scattered over Egypt, Damascus, Ascalon, and Cesarea. But six hundred years have elapsed, since these were carried away by the Franks, and are now found in their country. This is the cause of our diminished popu- lation. We have been reduced by the migrations which have taken place in past ages, according to the will of God. " Art. 28th. Our usages are, the observation of the commandments concerning holy days, and the sabbaths ; the observation of the degrees permitted and prohibited in marriage. The prayers which were ordained by God, and enjoined by the priests of Aaron, in place of the daily sacrifices which were abolished after the destruction of the tabernacle of Moses. Since that epoch, prayers were instituted for every festival, with particular ceremonies. There are three prayers for the sabbath, and each holy day has appropriate ones, as the prayers peculiar to the passover ; the feast of seven days, when we eat unleavened bread ; the pilgrimage to Mount Ge- rizim ; the feast of Pentecost, which is observed a certain number of days, and is terminated by a solemn festival in which we present ourselves before God. At that time we do not sleep, and employ ourselves without ceasing, day and night, in reading the law, and praising God. The fifteenth HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 515 is the feast of tabernacles, which has its own appro- priate ceremonies, and we are also to appear before God. " Finally, the twenty-second is the festival of the closing of all the holy days, with ceremonies conformable to the orders of our high priests. All the above mentioned festivals are performed ac- cording to the commands of God. " Art. 29th. By an express order, given by God to Abraham, we observe circumcision,, which is per- formed on the eighth day at sun-rise, and we observe all the ceremonies commanded on that occasion ; we cannot alter or disobey a single article. " Art. 30th. We say our prayers turned towards Mount Gerizim, which is the house of God, and of his angels, and where the Deity exhibits his majesty, and the place for the sacrifices, enjoined in the law. Our faces are therefore turned towards this place during prayer. According to the order of our pontiffs, prayers are now substituted for the sacri- fices of sheep, which were offered morning and evening. " The 15th of July, according to the Greeks, in the year 1808, of Jesus Christ." J The learned author to whom we are indebted for this recent account of the Samaritans observes, (e that during one hundred and nineteen years the communication between this sect and the Europeans had entirely ceased. The answer which I obtained to my queries, preserves a traditional chain of docu- ments concerning them. Conformably to the pro- mise which they exacted, I wrote to undeceive them respecting the opinion they had formed, that persons LL2 516 HISTORY OP THE JEWS. of their sect were to be found in Russia and Genoa. They are not known in any part of Europe, and every circumstance concurs to induce us to believe, that those of Jaffa and Naplouse are the only Sama- ritans in existence. What they say of the transmi- gration of their brethren, who were carried to Europe by the Franks, appears to be totally des- titute of proof. My researches into the history of the Crusades has afforded me no information to confirm their assertion. "Under the name of the Palestine Association, a society has recently been formed in England, the object of whose labours is every thing relating to the holy land, and the adjacent countries. The amiable and learned Hamilton of the academy of Calcutta is the president. The barriers interposed by war and politics between different parts of the globe deprives me of the means of corresponding with him ; but if some happy circumstance should place this account before his eyes, he will find in it the expression of my esteem, and my desire that he and his worthy coad- jutors should second my researches concerning the Samaritans." HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 517 CHAPTER XXXVIII. An account of the Chasidim. Of a Society of Jews in Podolia. Of the followers of Zabathai Tzevi. AFTER having in the two preceding chapters given an account of the ancient Jewish sects, notice will be taken of those which appeared in the last century, and continue to exist at the present time.* The following details concerning the sect of the Chasidim are extracted from notice published in 1799, at Frankfort on the Oder, by Israel Loebel, second rabbin from Novogroduk ^ in Lithuania. This account was reprinted in 1807, in the Su- lam ith, an interesting journal published at Dessau, by Frankel and Wolf, which has for its object the diffusion of useful knowledge among the Jews, and their co-religionists. The following account is an abridgment from Loebel's own words. A rabbi, named Israel, rendered himself very famous at Miedzyvorz, in the Ukraine, between the years 1760 and 1765. He was an ambitious man, who, being destitute of Talmudic knowledge, and not able to gain reputation by his learning, sought other means to acquire influence, and became an exorcist. My spirit, said he, frequently detaches itself from my body to explore the novelties of the intellectual world ; it reveals to me whatever passes there, and averts many evils with which the world of spirits threatens our earth. * This chapter is translated from Gregoire'i Histoire des Sectes Religieuses, torn. ii. p. 337, &c. 518 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. In order to realize his designs, Israel assumed the mask of exemplary piety, and joined to his name that of Balschem, or possessor of the name of God. The propensity of ignorant and credulous men towards the occult sciences procured him, in less than ten years, more than ten thousand followers, whom he called Chasidim. This name designated those men, who not content to follow the ritual laws of Moses, laboured to unite themselves more inti- mately to the Deity by their sanctity. But it was soon discovered, that the connexion between rabbi Israel and his disciples did not conduce to the end he had announced, and that their intentions and their actions were hostile to the principles of piety and morality. It was this which induced the Tal- mudist Elias, grand rabbin in Wilna, in concert with the elders of the synagogue of Brod, to write a work against the new sect, in order to prove, that it was injurious to the Jewish religion, and to the state. Elias, being near his death, enjoined all who visited him, to proclaim, that whoever loved God and man, ought carefully to shun all communication with the Chasidim, who, under the mantle of hypo- crisy, concealed the most profound immorality. The artful Israel Balschem, seeing it was neces- sary to strengthen his party to oppose the orthodox, exerted himself to gain the most opulent people, and published a work, which is the code of his doctrine, and which contains abominable principles. He prohibits his adherents, under the most severe spiri- tual penalties, to cultivate their minds. Those who possess information ought to suppress it; for it is dangerous, said he, to permit reason to interfere in HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 519 matters of religion. He is not willing that those who pray to God should melt into tears ; for the father beholds with more pleasure his children cheerful and happy, than discontented and sorrowful. Israel Loebel, the writer of this narrative, ob- serves, that " these ideas are contrary to the Jewish law ; for Moses commands us to study the laws of religion and the state. For why should God have given us reason, if we do not apply it to enlarge our religious knowledge ? Is it not our special destiny on earth to endeavour to approach the divinity ? The successors of Moses in the dignity of prophets have thought and taught like him. " If prayer is not accompanied with a fervent elevation of the heart to God, what is it, but an assemblage of insignificant words ? Are not the tears shed in prayer often signs of true devotion ? Do not the Talmudists teach, that in order to increase it, it is necessary to pray slowly, and without clamour ? Many of our nation, indeed, maintain that a large part of the ceremonies joined to prayer are superfluous ; yet they serve to strengthen our recollection." The following is a specimen of the maxims of this sect : If any one has committed, or wishes to commit sin, he can promise himself absolution from his leader, without subjecting himself to a change of conduct, and leading a regular life. This detestable principle, especially among those who have received but little instruction, increased the number of Bals- chem's partizans to such a degree, that they amounted to forty thousand at the time of his death, 520 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. which took place fifteen years after the sect was founded. At that time, his plan, both interior and exterior, assumed a new form. To a single leader they sub- stituted many directors., who, to defend their doctrine, printed various works, after having- published two posthumous ones attributed to their founder. One of these productions, called Kesser Schemtow appeared at Korstchik and Zulkiew, in two parts. In the first part, he gives to his followers a general absolution for the sins which they have committed, and shall commit, on condition that they educate their sons Talmudists. He asserted, that his soul, being transported in an extacy to heaven, the archangel Michael, the protector of the Jews, de- clared to him, that on this condition every sinner should not only obtain remission, but even a reward for his crimes. In the second part, he invites his adherents to pray to Abraham, the father of the Jews, who has conducted so many of his unhappy race to the true belief, and who has preserved it in the souls of many disposed to quit it. He condemns all connection between their children and those who do not belong to the Hebrew nation, especially his sect. The second posthumous work of Balschem, under the title Likute Amomir, has been printed at Lem- burg, and in the two other cities before mentioned. He teaches, that in order to be united to the divinity it is necessary to commit sin upon sin ; and that the more horrible they are, the more agreeable are they to him. For God -being the first in the scale of HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 521 beings, and the greatest sinner being in the last grade, there is between them a species of contiguity by representing to ourselves, that the scale is of a circular form. Baer Medsersitz, rabbin of Kortschik, and one of the directors of this sect, has commented upon the principles of the founder in a work in which he proscribes every exercise of virtue. But the most abominable book, entitled Noam Hamelech, has for its author Melech, another of the directors, and grand rabbin of Lezanst. Balschem had granted a general absolution upon conditions which could not always be performed. Melech goes much further ; he teaches, that each of the directors can absolve the greatest crimes, past and future, if one of the directors wishes to commit them ; and, at the same time, encourages men to abandon themselves to vicious practices, by assuring the guilty, that, having no terrestrial power to fear, they will controul nature by their prayers, provided, however, that the sect will remain faithful to their engagements. In this work he prohibits the use of medicine to the sick, seeing that he who can give them eternal life, may at his pleasure prolong their temporal life. From these specimens, drawn from the books of this sect, we see how pernicious it is to the state, and apprehend, that it must have found many adver- saries. But -the Hebrew works published against these sectarians, are less of the polemic kind, than exhortations to preserve themselves from the conta- gious principles of the Cbasidim. In combating them in this manner they hoped to restore the- lost sheep to the fold of Israel. Unhappily these expec- 522 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. tat ions have failed, and while we render justice to the talents and integrity of the authors, we regret that most of them, having their residence out of the country ravaged by tb,e sect, attain their know- ledge only from the relation of others. When I, says Loebel, was rabbin at Moholyw, I had an opportunity to look about me and observe the progress of this sect, which obliged me to make exertions to preserve the community committed to my care from these pernicious sentiments. The Chasidim, having circumvented by their art, and entrapped in their errors, my only brother, an intelligent, and in other respects a good young man, I wrote many letters to him to open his eyes, by the contrast between his actual immorality, and the estimable conduct he had before maintained. I wrote also to the principal director of this sect, the famous rabbin Solomon Witeyst, and proved to him his errors by invincible arguments, with a menace of combating him publicly, if I could not recover my brother. My letters were unsuccessful, as was also a journey I made with the same views. But my journey having procured me an opportunity of disputing with the director, as I thought our confe- rence would be interesting to many people, I printed it in Hebrew at Warsaw, under the title of Bituach. Emboldened by the success of this pamphlet, I pub- lished, in the same city, my work Kiwroth Hataywa, which is a severe, but impartial criticism upon the writings of the Chasidim. It obtained the flattering approbation of the wise Talmudists, whether na- tional or foreigners. I am now about to give a succinct account of my conference with the rabbin HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 523 Solomon Witeyst, who being very urgent to see me, began the debate by addressing me in this despotic manner. Solomon Witeyst. Who has ordered you to attack us ? Are you more wise than many others, who have failed in the enterprize ? If you have any thing to object to us, at least it was not necessary to divulge it to discredit our nation, already too much humbled. Israel Loebel. It is necessary to correct our erring brethren. I might turn the question against you, for you know it is not permitted to any indi- vidual, ecclesiastical or civil, to found or patronize a new sect. It is said. in holy writ, the laws are binding upon your descendants. Jeremiah says, Has any man ever changed his God and his faith ? Why from the commencement of your sect have you affected a clandestine progress ? If you only aspire to the title of separatists, live as a considerable part of our nation, who, though they do not strictly follow the Talmud, at least do not hate those who reject their opinions ; but you abhor all who are not of your sect. As to what you say respecting the contempt which oppresses our nation, let us discuss this article. The Christians no longer revenge the death of Jesus Christ upon the descend- ants of the Jews. They do not believe that the Jews should be obliged to detest all who are not of their religion. They do not believe that our religion is contrary to morality and the state. Let us hope that from henceforth they will respect all the rites of humanity. They reproach the Jews with their dishonesty. 524 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. But many of the Christians will not see that this accusation is only a pretence invented by hatred against our nation. They have left us no other profession than traffic, in which deception is more easily remarked than in any other calling. They have extremely restricted the faculty of commerce granted to the Jews, and they are loaded with taxes. But it is known that very honest merchants are found among them ; and that there are some very dishonest Christian merchants. The Chris- tians do not hate the Jews as such ; and, in ex- posing your maxims as contrary to religion and the state, I have done no injury to our nation. I think we ought to free ourselves from contempt by re- vealing the crimes of our co-rcligionists. Solomon Witeyst. All that you allege is without foundation ; it is an attempt to oppress our sect. But you will fall into the pit which you have dug for us. Israel Loebel. I abhor the maxims of your sect ; for all your books contain invitations to liber- tinism. In that which is entitled, Kesser Schemtow, do we not read, that " sins committed upon certain conditions will be rewarded." The nocturnal revels are, according to your system, the means of salva- tion. You intimidate the simple by false prophecies; you forbid the sick to consult a physician ; and, levying a contribution on credulity and misfortune, you take money from the unhappy, and persuade them you can avert from them the wrath of heaven. By your dishonesty and rapine you have made thousands of men to perish ; you have caused di- vorces, and given trouble to society, &c. &c. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 525 This frank declaration irritated my adversary so much the more, as he saw that I was acquainted with the intrigues of the directors ; and, from that moment, he swore implacable vengeance against me. Encouraged by the good cause which I had de- fended, in 1797 I set out to visit the countries where this sect had the most adherents, and un- masked the hypocrites, who usurped the reputation of saints. In my journey I carried two hundred and fifty copies of my two works. In the course of my travels I had the satisfaction of recovering a few of the sectarians into the right path by my sermons. On my arrival at Cracow, I applied to the adminis- tration called the Revision, or Revision office, to examine my writings, that I might obtain a certi- ficate of approbation, which was granted me. I then directed my way to Lemburg, to continue every where my exhortations. But upon my arrival at Stsechow, where the sect were powerful, they im- puted to me the project of endeavouring to bring evils upon my co-religionists, and reproached me with having introduced books from the Prussian territories into the country subject to Austria. In consequence of this denunciation they came in the night to seize my works ; but I obtained restitution by showing to the regency of this city the certificate which I had obtained at Cracow. I arrived at last at Lemburg in September, 1798 ; and dreading new oppressions, I confined myself in my first sermons to treat of moral subjects, without making mention of the sect. But soon after, two emissaries arrived from the cantons through which 526 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. I had passed, who pointed me out to the rabbins of Lemburg as an enemy to the Chasidim. They repeated their accusations against me, and robbed me of my certificate of approbation, which the governor of the city caused to be restored to me ; I returned to Cracow, where they showed me a decree from the chancery of Gallicia, sitting at Vienna, which commanded the seizure of my books, until a new order, considering that some members of the sect of pious Jews, (die fromen juden) had made remonstrances against them. I perceived then the necessity of a journey to Vienna; and, in Jan. 1799, I presented my petition to the emperor, with a copy of my pamphlets, and supplicated him to order them to be translated by the rabbles of Moravia and Hungary. The consequence of my request was, that the Chasidim were prohi- bited from assembling in public, under severe pe- nalties, in Austrian and Russian Poland. Many chiefs of this sect emigrated into other parts. They established themselves in another part of Poland, especially at Grodzisk, at Bielsk, and at Strikow. The learned author of the work,* from which the above account is translated, observes, " Thus ends the narrative of Israel Loebel. He promises the public further details of what he can collect con- cerning the Chasidim, who arc a most abominable sect, if all the facts which have been mentioned against them are true. Many of them have, how- ever, been contradicted by a Polish Jew, well in- formed and disinterested respecting the subject in * Qregoire's Histoire de Sectes Religieuses, torn. ii. p. 848- HISTORY OP THE JEWS. 527 question. For example, he denies that the Chasidim are forbidden when sick to consult physicians, and medicine. He even cites one of the richest par- tizans of this sect, who had recourse to all the succours of art to heal his daughter, and expended more than five thousand ducats. Some of the crimes imputed to the Chasidim are so enormous, that they surpass credibility ; and how can we judge a cause of this kind upon the exclusive evidence of one advocate ?"* In 1756, a small society of Jews in Podolia, being disgusted with the Talmud, made a profession of faith almost Christian, which is as follows : " We believe all that God has taught and ordained in the Old Testament. The grace of God is indispensable in order to understand the sacred writings. The Talmud ought to be rejected, because it contains blasphemies against God. God is the Creator of all that exists ; God is one in essence, and triple in person. It is possible that God became incarnate, and submitted to human infirmities, in order to expiate human sins. According to the prophecies, it is certain that Jerusalem will never be rebuilt. The Messiah promised in the scriptures is no longer to come. God himself will abolish the malediction pronounced on our ancestors and their posterity, and he is the true incarnate Messiah. f These Anti-Talmudists held assemblies at Lan- koron in Podolia, for the purpose of reading the Bible, and performing other religious exercises. They were accused by the Talmudists of giving * Gregoire's Histoire de Sectes Religieusei, torn. ii. p. 348. t Gregoire's Histoire des Sectes Religieuses, torn. ii. 528 HISTORY OF THE JEWS. themselves up to dissipation, and being associated with the sect of Zabathai Tzevi,* under the direc- tion of a Jew from the frontiers of Turkey. The accused proved that these imputations were false ; and as they were incessantly insulted by the more numerous Talmudists, who caused them to be ex- communicated and proscribed, they demanded an official safeguard from the bishop of Caminiek ; when they were declared innocent, their enemies were condemned to pay them a fine, and also to give one hundred and fifty-two Hungarian crowns of gold towards repairing the towers of the cathedral of Caminiek. The bishop declared himself the pro- tector of the Anti-Talmudists, and exhorted the two parties to live in peace, and to search truth in the holy scriptures. Some time after, the Anti-Talmu- dists wrote to Augustus III. king of Poland, and to the primate, who answered them affectionately, and to the archbishop of Lemburg, declaring to him that they recognized Jesus Christ as the Messiah, and desired baptism. f Towards the conclusion of the last century, there were at Prague Jews who were, or who were said to be, disciples of Zabathai Tzevi. The rabbi excommunicated them even from the other world, and interdicted them from entering the synagogue, from whence they were driven with great fury. The magistrate, obliged to interpose his authority, caused several of the principal persecutors to be imprisoned, and condemned them to bread and * That the followers of this impostor have continued till the present time has been mentioned in chapter 22nd. t Gregoire's Histoire des Sectes Religieusws, torn. ii. p. 312. HISTORY OF THE JEWS. 529 water for some time ; he even inflicted punishment on some children, who, in imitation of their parents, had manifested too great zeal for Judaical ortho- doxy. About sixty years since, a rabbi 398 , by Leopold s. ,. ib. , by Alexander 411 Edgardus, (Esdras) converts many Jews 338 Edward I. his severity to the Jews 233 Egypt, Jews numerous in this country 319 Eleazar, a zealot, his party 73 Emanuel, (king of Portugal) his cruelty to the Jews 266 Essciies, their tenets 49 Ethiopia, of the Jews in this country 317 Expiation, (fastof) 479 F. Falasha, an account of *.. 317 Felix, character of 59 Ferdinand, (king of Spain) persecutes the Jews 184 Ferdinand III. (emperor of Germany) grants privileges to the Jews 338 Festus, state of the Jews under his government 59 Fez, Jews numerous in 325 Flagellants, their cruelty to the Jews 273 Florus, character of 59 Frankel, editor of a Jewish literary journal 404 Furtado, (Abraham) president of the Jewish Assembly 420 G. Galilee reduced by the Romans 69 Gantz, (David) a Jewish historian 333 Gaulonites, their tenets 52 Gedaliah, a learned rabbi ,. 303 INDEX. 567 Page Gerizira, (temple of) built 10 Gersion, a learned rabbi 1 ?8 Ghetto, or quarter for the Jews that are iu Padua .... S56 Goldsmids, Jewish merchants 396 Gotescal makes war upon the Jews 190 Gozani, (a Jesuit,) his account of the Jews in China 445 Grecian cities, of the Jews in 304 Gregory the Great, his indulgence to the Jews *... 15ff Gregory IX. protects the Jews from the Crusaders 280 Gregoire, (bishop and senator) writes in favour of the Jews .... 417 , Extract of a letter from... 415 H. Hakem, an impostor, his tenets 1 69 Hakem, (caliph) attempts to establish a new religion 1 80 Halevi, (Abraham and Judah) famous rabbics 214 Halle, an institution formed there for the conversion of the Jews 397 Hamburg, of the Jews in this city 338 Hay, a celebrated rabbi 179 Heilbronner, a convert to Christianity 345 Heliodorus attempts to plunder the temple 14 Heliogabalus attempts to blend Judaism with Paganism 120 Hellenists read the Septuagint in their synagogues 118 Henry II. tolerates the Jews 22S Henry III. oppresses the Jews 230 Henry IV. (emperor) defends the Jews 191 Heraclius persecutes the Jews 157 Herod the Great obtains the crown of Judea , 38 , his tyranny and cruelty 39 , rebuilds the temple ; his death 40, 42 Herodians, their tenets . . 51 Hertz, (Mark) a learned Jew 403 Holland, settlement of the Jews in this country 370 , of the learned men who flourished in the seventeenth century 372 , oppressions of their Syndics 432 , they form a separate synagogue 434 , of the learned men among them in the thirteenth and nineteenth centuries 436 Honorius, emperor, allows the Jews liberty of conscience 137 Hormisdas favours the Jews 146 Hospital for the Jews, erected in London 395 568 INDEX. Page Houcwitz, Zalkind, writes in favour of the Jews 417 Hypatia teaches philosophy ....^..^.. 136 is assassinated 137 I. Jd umeans conquered by Hyrcanus 30 introduced into Jerusalem 71 Infidelity, its prevalence among the Jews 493 Innocent XI. pope, favours the Jews 357 Isaacs, five eminent rabbies of that name 186 Ishmael, Sophi, his aversion to the Jews 294 Isidore of Seville, his moderation 1 60 Israel, Daniel, an impostor 315 J. Jacobson, his efforts to civilize the Jews 408 , extract of a letter from 409. Jamaica, settlement of the Jews in this Island 458 James, king of Arragon, approves of the Jewish prayer books 253 James II. king of England, favours the Jews 387 Jarchi, Solomon, a famous rabbi 212 Jason, purchases the high priesthood. ..... _.. 15 Jechiel, a famous rabbi 209 Jechiel, a converted Jew 355 Jerome de Santa Fide defends the Christian religion .... 257 Jerusalem, rebuilt under the Persian monarchy, 4 ; fortified by Jon- athan, 28; reduced by Forapey, 35; its strength previous to its being besieged by Titus, 75; terrible destruction of, by the Romans, 86 ; it \ rebuilt by Adrian, and its name changed to Elia, lOfi; enlarged and beautified by Constantine, and its ancient name restored, 123; taken by Chosroes II. the Persian king, 147; retaken by Heraclius, the emperor of Constantinople, 190; con- quered by Omar, the Saracen caliph, 154; after being taken from the Saracens by the Seljukian Turks, it was reduced by the Cru- saders under Godfrey, who is elected kiug of it, 193 ; forced from the Europeans by Saladin, the Mahometan Sultan of Egypt, 225; the Jews never numerous in this city since their dispersion, 299 ; account of their wretched condition in the nineteenth century under the Ottoman Turks, 442. Jews, (before Christ) they return from captivity, 2; state of under the kings of Persia, 3 ; under Alexander the Great and his successors, 9 15; they are persecuted by Antiochus Epiphanes, 1523; they, revolt under Mattathias, 21 ; they regain their independence, 28; INDEX. 569 their state under the Asmonean princes, 28 34; they are reduced by Pompey, 35 ; state of, at the time of Christ's appearance, 36 52. Jews, .after Christ) the gospel first preached to them, 55; they are cruelly oppressed by the Roman goyernors, 56; they revolt, 62; vast numbers of them are massacred, 63 ; a formidable army is sent against them, 66; they are repeatedly defeated with great slaughter, till all Galilee is reduced, 07 69 ; of the different par- ties among them, 70; intestine war in Jerusalem, 72; they are besieged in the city by Titus, 76 ; their terrible sufferings during th siege, 78 84 ; numbers of them destroyed and taken captive during the war, 87. Jews, (after the destruction of their city and temple,) 91 ; they are dispersed over the world, 92; confirmed in their attachment to oral traditions after the dissolution of their national polity, 96; of the rebellion caused by a false Messiah, 107 ; vast numbers destroyed in the war, 108; of their state in the east, 112; condition in the west under several of the Pagan Roman emperors, 113 122 ; they are treated with severity by the first Christian emperors, 123 125 ; they are favoured by Julian the apostate, 126; they insult the Christians at the feast of Purim, 132; their altercations with the Christians at Alexandria, 135 ; those in the east persecuted by the Persian monarchs, 145; those in the west cruelly oppressed by Justinian, 148; their state after the appearance of Mahomet, and under the first caliphs, 152 155; the persecution they suffered in Spain and France during the seventh century, 159 166; their situ- ation under the Mahometan caliphs in the eighth and ninth cen- turies, 169 171; the condition of those in France during the same periods, 137 177$ those under the Saracens cultivate learning in the dark ages, 178 181; their state in Spain in the eleventh century, 182; learned men among those in Spain and France in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, 187 189; their sufferings in Germany and other countries from the Crusaders, 191 195; causes of the general hatred against them, 195; account of their situation and numbers in various parts in the twelfth century, 198 '468 ; account of the learned men and false Mes- siahs who appeared among them during the twelfth century, 209 220 ; their sufferings in England from the eleventh century to their expulsion by Edward I. 221 235; in France, from the eleventh century to the time of their banishment by Charles VI. 236 248 ; in Spain, from the thirteenth century to their being expelled by Ferdinand and Isabella, 250 265 ; in Portugal, where they sought an asylum, till the time of their banishment by Ema- nuel, 266, 267 ; persecution they suffered in Germany from the 570 INDEX. thirteenth century till they were expelled from the empire, 209 278 ; their condition during the same periods more tolerable in Italy, though they were sometimes persecuted, 280 286; exact accomplishment of prophecy in their fate during the middle ages, 287 291 > account of those in the east from the thirteenth cen. tury to 1665, 292304; of Zabathai Tzevi, a false Messiah who appeared 1666, 305 316; account of their number and condition in various parts of Africa, 317 327. Of those in Germany, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, 3'28 335; their flou- rishing state in Poland under John Sobieski in the seventeenth century, 337 ; particulars respecting them in various parts of Ger- many and Poland, 337 346 ; account of those in Italy from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, 347 359 ; they attempt in vain to obtain a settlement and a toleration in Spain and Portugal, and assume the mask of Christianity, 360 367- Of their settle- ment in Holland, and the learned men who appeared among them in the seventeenth century, 370 382 ; of their return to England in the seventeenth century, 385; their state in' the kingdom from that period to the nineteenth century, 386 396. Favourable change in their condition in Germany and other countries during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, 397 412. Account of those in France from their establishment in Metz to the nineteenth century, 413 431 ; in Holland, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, 432 437; of their state in the Turkish dominions, and other countries in Asia in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, 438 454 ; of those in various parts of America, 455 467 ; of their synagogue worship, religious rites and ceremonies, 468 483. Account of their religious tenets, and of the sects which still exist among them, 484497. Of the dissimulation of many of this people who have professed Christianity ; and of the efforts which are now used in England to effect their conversion, 530 533. Of their character, moral and literary, 544 548 > of their number, 549. Concluding reflections, 549 555. Jochaides, Simeon, a famous cabbalist 300 John of Gischala, his cruelty 70 John, king of England, oppresses the Jews 229 John II. king of France, permits their return to the kingdom . . 246 John II. king of Portugal, his severity to the Jews 266 John XXII. pope, orders the Gemaras to be burnt 282 John XXIII. pope, persecutes the Jews ~. 28-4 Jochanan, a famous rabbi 97 Joseph Ben Gorion, his fictitious history IS 9 Joseph Albo, censures the creed of Maimonides 258 INDEX. 571 Page Josephus, Flavius, his origin 65 , taken prisoner 67 Judas Maccabeus, the motto on his standard 2-2 , he purifies the temple from the pollutions of Antiochus .. 23 , his death 27 Judah, surnamed the Saint, compiles the Misna 114 Julian, surnamed the Apostate, attempts to subvert the Christian religion 126 , his design of rebuilding the temple frustrated by a miracle 128 Julius Cesar favours the Jews 38 Justinian, his severity to the Jews 1 48 K. Karo, Joseph, a famous rabbi 300 Kimkies, three celebrated rabbies of this name 213 Korkos, Mordecai, writes against the Cabbala 354 L. Ledinillah, Kasser, persecutes the Jews 168 Lemlein, David, an impostor 278 Leo Isauricus, his severity to the Jews 1 72 Leontius, bishop of Cyprus, attempts to convert the Jews 151 Levita, Elias, account of 348 Levi, Nathan, precursor to Tzevi 307 Levi, David, a celebrated Jewish writer 394 Lewis, Debonai r, prosperous state of the Jews under 174 Lewis IX. persecutes the Jews 237 Lewis X. recalls them to France 242 London, number of synagogues iu the city 396 London Society, their efforts to convert the Jews 532 Lunel, an academy founded in this city 1 66 Luther deters some princes from receiving the Jews 331 Luzati, Simeon, a famous rabbi 353 Lyra, Nicholas, a convert to Christianity 242 M. Mahomet establishes a new religion 1 52 commences a war with the Jews 153 jVlaimonides, his character 210 , creed of 484 Maimon, Solomon, a learned Jew 403 Malcho, Solomon, an impostor 278 Margalitha, Aaron, a converted Jew , 345 572 INDEX. Page Marcus, Moses, embraces the Christian religion 388 Martin, archdeacon, preaches against the Jews 256 Masada, suicide of the Jews in this castle SS Masora, account of 144 Mattathias heads a revolt against the Syrians 20 Mecklenburg, princes of, their cruelty to the Jews 77 Menasses Ben Israel, a famous rabbi, account of 372 Mendolsohn, a celebrated rabbi, his character 399 Meir Algudes, a Jewish physician 257 Meir Mithridos, a learned rabbi 253 Menicho, bishop of Spires, protects the Jews 273 Menelaus, an apostate high priest 16 Mersburg, Jews banished from this city , 331 Messiahs, false, account of those in the twelfth century 21 G Messiah, sentiments of the Jews on his mission and character . . 53 Mesopotamia, rebellion of the Jews at 1 06 Michez, a Jew, persuades Selim II. to attempt the conquest of Cyprus 302 Minorca, reputed conversion of the Jews in this Island 133 M isna, account of 115 Modena, Leo, a celebrated Jewish writer 355 Mordecai Ben Moses, embraces the Christian religion 345 Mordecai, rabbi, pretends to be the Messiah 334 Mohadi, caliph, his seventy to the Jews .. ~. 1C ( J Monis, Judah, embraces the Christian religion 460 Moors oppress the Jews 323 Morrocanus, Samuel, embraces the Christian religion 321 Mostanged, caliph, favours the Jews 200 Motarakel, caliph, his contemptuous treatment of the Jews.... 171 Muley Arcby seizes the property of a rich Jew 320 Muley Mahomet causes the synagogues to be rebuilt. 323 Muley Ismaelj his tyrannical behaviour to the Jews 324 N. Nachmanides, Moses, a famous Cabbalist , 292 Nachmias, Samuel, embraces the Christian religion 353 Xasci, David, settles a colony in Surinam 455 Nasci, Isaac, a learned Jew 453 Nero, Roman emperor, sends an army against the Jews 66 New York, of the Jews in this city 464 None hides, precepts of 423 Nuremburg, Jews expelled from this city 277 INDEX. 573 Page o. Oaths, those administered to the Jews in France 238 , regulation of those in Augsburg 271 Omar, caliph, his rapid conquests 1 54 Onias, high priest, put to death 16 Onias, his son, builds a temple in Egypt 26 Oran, Jews numerous in 321 Orobio, Balthasar, is confined in the inquisition 364 Orsana, the inhabitants of, massacre the Jews 252 Ottoman empire, state of the Jews in 438 . , their number in the seventeenth century ib. Ozida, Samuel, a Jewish preacher , 301 P. Pacheco, a Jew, sent ambassador to the Hague . . ,,. 323 Paramaribo, of the Jews in 456 Patriarchs, Jewish, their origin, 93; they are suppressed 139 Paul III. pope, his partiality to the Jews 286 Paul IV. treats the Jews with severity 350 Paul V. expels the Jews from his dominions 352 Pentecost, feast of 475 Pestilence destroys the Jews in Spain 254 Peter I. king of Spain, averse to persecution 185 Pharisees, their origin, 31; their tenets 46 Philacteries, pieces of parchment on which are written sentences of the law, bound by the Jews on the forehead, or left arm 470 Philadelphia, Jews in this city - 465 Philip Augustus expels the Jews 236 Philip the Bold recalls the Jews . . 241 Philip the Tall banishes the Jews 243 Pfepfercorn attempts to burn the Jewish books 329 Plates, brass, with privileges engraved upon them, granted to the Jews 449 Popes, of their indulgence to the Jews 280 Portuguese Jews claim their descent from the tribe of Judah 367 Princes of the captivity, their origin unknown 113 Ptolemy Soter carried 100,000 Jews captive to Egypt H Ptolemy Philadelphia orders the Old Testament to be translated into the Greek language 12 Ptolemy Philopater persecutes the Jews IS Pundebita, academy of 199 Purgatory maintained by the Jews 492 Purim, feast of 478 574 INDEX. Page R. Rabbinists, or modern Pharisees , 496 Raind Flaisch preaches against the Jews 272 Raymond de Penneforte, his efforts to convert the Jews 251 Reformation, Luther's, its effects upon the Jews 330 Reuchlin defends the Jews , 32<) Hied, a converted Jew 286 Richard I. massacre of the Jews iu his reign 223 . S. Saaddoulat, a Jewish physician 293 Sadducees, their rise, 33 ; their tenets 48 , their number very small at present 496 Samaritans, their origin, 2 ; enmity between them and the Jews, 3 ; they are considered as a sect of the Jewish religion, 44; Benjamin de Tudela's account of them 202 Samaritans, account of, from the twelfth century to the year 1808 498516 Sanhedrim, its origin, 4 ; reasons for supposing it did not exist after the destruction of Jerusalem 95 Sanhedrim convened at Paris, 428 ; of their proceedings 428 Sapheta, Jewish academy in this city 299 Saracens, they cultivate learning in the dark ages 1 78 , their union with the Jews 181 Sansanding, Jews in this part of Africa 326 Schools for Jews established in Germany 404 Schools established in Copenhagen -. 412 Sects now existing among the Jews 496 Seburians, or sceptics, a Jewish sect 144 Seezen, college at 405 Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Testament 12 Serenus pretends to be the Messiah 173 Shepherds, crusade of, in France 239 , they massacre the Jews in France 243 , massacre by those in Spain 254 Sidelius forms a new Jewish sect 331 Simeon Ben Jochai, a great cabbalist 103 Simon, Jewish high priest, his character 1 l Simon, son of Mattathias, the Jews began their independence under his administration 29 Smouse Jews ~ 459 Sixtus V. pope, grants privileges to the Jews 351 Society, London, for promoting Christianity among the Jews .. 532 INDEX. 575 Page Solomon, Don, a celebrated Jew 215 Spinoza, Benedict, a celebrated Jew 379 Spira, Nathan, a learned Jew 334 Spire, bishop of, protects the Jews against the Crusaders 273 Stiles, president, his attention to the Jews 401 Surinam, settlement of the Jews in this colony 455 Synagogues, their rise - 6 Syndics, their arbitrary conduct 432 T. Tabernacles, feast of - , 47T Talmud, account of that of Jerusalem .. 115 , of that of Babylon 142 , the latter is translated into Arabic 182 Temple, second, begun by the Jews after their return from cap- tivity, 1 ; completed under Darius, 3 ; rebuilt by Herod, 40 ; destroyed by the Romans 5 Temple, inscriptions on one built at Seezcn .... 410 Tephilim. See Philacteries Theodoret, Gothic king, protects the Jews 140 Titus reduces Giscala, 69 ; besieges Jerusalem, 76 ; surrounds the city with a wall, SO ; attempts to save the temple S3 Toledo, decrees of fourth council of, 160; of fifth council .... 161 Toledo, bishop of, his cruelty to the Jews 250 , insurrection in this city 256 Trajan, emperor, his rigorous treatment of the Jews 106 Traiii, Jews massacred in this city 282 Trani, Moses, a famous rabbi 300 Treraellius, Samuel, a converted Jew 349 Trumpets, feast of 476 Tucker, dean, favours the naturalization of the Jews 391 Tzephalon, Jacob, a Jewish physician 355 Tzevi, Zabathai, a famous impostor, account of 305 V. Valentinian, emperor, tolerates the Jews 131 Vespasian sent against the Jews, 66 ; reduces Galilee 73 Tidal, rabbi, defends the Jewish faith , 257 Visigoth, kings, their severity to the Jews 161 W. Wamba, king of the Goths, expels the Jews 166 William the Conqueror brings a colony of Jews to England .... 22 1 576 INDEX. Pag;e William Rufus favours the Jews 222 Winceslaus, king of Bohemia, his unjust conduct to the Jews .. 275 Witeyst, Solomon, his conference with Israel Loebel 523 Z. Zabathaites, the followers of Zabathai Tzevi 316, 528 Zacutus, a Jewish physician : 374 Zealots, their character, 70; barbarous conduct, 71; insolent behaviour to Titus 85 Zechariah, a Jewish impostor 253 Zeighler, an impostor ....; 370 Zenobia, queen of Palmyra, prosperity of the Jews during her reign 120 Zohar, a cabbalistical work 103 FINIS. MACINTOSH, Printer, London Society's Office, Spitalfields, London. from which it was borrowed. * JAN 2 3 igge REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 654 273 2 '