UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA Investigations in the Sulfuring of Fruits for Drying J. D. LONG, E. M. MRAK, and C. D. FISHER BULLETIN 636 July, 1940 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 3 Purpose of the investigation 6 Review of literature 7 Scope of investigations 13 Experimental procedure 14 Effect of fruit characteristics on absorption and retention of sulfur dioxide. . . 18 Factors affecting the gas environment 23 Influence of tight construction 23 Convection distribution 23 Tray construction " 24 Sulfur dioxide gas concentration obtainable 24 Temperature 25 The favorable gas environment 26 Types of sulfur and factors affecting their use 27 Variability in sulfur burning 28 Liquid sulfur dioxide 29 Sulfur burners 30 Metal pan burners 30 Earthen pits and other burners 31 Burner baffles 31 Design of the sulfur house 33 House capacity 33 Type of house 33 Convection channels 34 Tight construction 36 Type of door 37 Natural ventilation 38 Forced ventilation 39 Construction material 40 Painting 41 Moisture condensation 41 Remodeling old houses 42 New construction 43 Retention of sulfur dioxide by the fruit during drying 43 Relation of loss of moisture and of sulfur dioxide 43 Effect of climatic differences 46 Placing of fruit on the drying yard in the evening 47 Securing high retention ratio 48 Fruit temperatures during drying 50 Effect of tray color 50 Dehydration 52 Summary 52 Acknowledgments 54 Literature cited 55 INVESTIGATIONS IN THE SULFURING OF FRUITS FOR DRYING 1 2 J. D. LONG, 3 E. M. MRAK,* and C. D. FISHER 5 INTRODUCTION The production of dried fruit has been an important agricultural indus- try in California since the latter part of the nineteenth century. Prunes and raisins are the most important crops from the standpoint of produc- tion but the sulfured dried fruits have been more important from the standpoint of value per pound. The tonnage of dried sulfured fruits, consisting of apricots, peaches, nectarines, pears, apples, bleached rais- ins, and figs has totaled for the past few years about 90,000 tons annu- ally, with an estimated total value of about fifteen million dollars. Dried sulfured fruits are produced in nearly all valleys of the state. The prin- cipal localities, varieties, and seasons are given in table 1. The season, yield, drying ratio, and values vary with the variety and locality as well as with the year. Detailed information concerning deciduous fruit sta- tistics is given by Shear (1939). 6 Sulfur dioxide has been used for the treatment of foods since ancient times. Fruits are so treated in order to preserve their natural color, flavor, and, in part, to protect certain nutritive values. Sulfuring also prevents enzyme and microbiological deterioration; repels insects to some extent during drying and storage ; facilitates drying by plasmolyz- ing the cells ; and is sometimes used to prevent losses during rainy dry- ing seasons (see Bioletti and Way, 1919, and Cruess, 1921a). Years of scientific investigations and practical trials have failed to reveal another pretreatment agent equal to sulfur dioxide in preserving the desired qualities in cut, dried fruits. When sulfur is burned in air it combines with the oxygen of the air to form sulfur dioxide, a colorless gas. The white fumes commonly seen in sulfur houses are due to the fogging of water vapor about particles of sulfur trioxide simultaneously produced, but which represent a small 1 Received for publication January 11, 1940. 2 Part of the nontechnical assistance was supplied by the Works Progress Admin- istration, in Project No. 431, Northern California Section, Area 8. 3 Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering and Assistant Agricultural En- gineer in the Agricultural Experiment Station. 4 Instructor in Fruit Technology and Junior Mycologist in the Experiment Station. 5 Chief Chemist, Dried Fruit Association of California. 6 See "Literature Cited" for complete citations which are referred to in the text by author and date of publication. [3] University of California — Experiment Station ^ S S « of o CO <5 w DQ o co e o a o "*! «H ^ o e o o o CM CM CM ~r CO CO CO ai J c ^ £ -3 i si XI J3 £ M : E b M _M SP 03 13 E 13 13 13 e 15 13 *"* jj « •" ^ e> ^ ^ '3 i 5 E S £ £ £ £* «i« 3 ^ s 3 = p - 3 T3 .2 -a 03 ^ W g 0) T S a a 1 T3 s IC £ £ £ £ £ £ <*H <* i lO IQ e K t^ o © .d c d e e d 2 IS is ,° 5 13 & &" & * ■$ Be o ~ c o c c c o £ 1-1 i- h hJ i- h3 h5 a J ^ M »o OS CM ,_i c a ■^ >o ft Si ® si 03 ^ M 03 2 S 03 > > 03 •o CO M 03 a 03" M 03 a V 33 > 03 as ? 03 > c > r 03 > > 03 o3 »c T! 03 ei CO ^^J" Q .IT w iO o io O f C o C r- « C o 71 ■* »c W oc -H "* ^ oc to ^» CO "* c ** s o I 83 to M a tn a, § E 3 c co +j 3 a 3 CO ^ o o ^ cr 3 es X c , ft O c u. a c « C c c CM 03 O U O o o CN "FA Q *^ CM a £ 3 3 a « 3 >> bB 3 S3 "5 3 co 3 M 3 3 M 3 h» i-s l-S <; i-s Hi < > >> >> > 3 'E a. _o. 3 — — rt X o s PQ £ 2 I "a > 13 > "a > c 3 -2 "eS c 1 3 C C o c 3 £ 3 s jo ci s c 3 3 3 02 a 03 3 a. 13 a. 6 s a 13 £ c £ £ 2 o T 6 S - oj 03 EQ "S a 1 a °0 £ t O c X 13 3 s a t- - 03 ai e 03 B O 3 03 X a > j X B) G o ss a: 03 g -c .2 § c a: t c si CO 3 03 3 '3 X c 8 C '5 a 1 4 I t c "a: > • 1 3 '3 '3 b3 1 & c 1 c S E 1 o* c C rt ■5 ^ « e 03 2 l» 8) oi g 03 < cr C c J c c O c _c c O £ S3 3 3 *- O 03 8 CQ g Hi C s Hj 3 03 i-s c a 03 - of- Hi c a •-s 3 03 H tx tx m X H X CC 3 03 ii 1 3 8 3 O CO CO > a a .22 GO O .2 £ £ .2 3 '-2 CO z z 03* 0) CO 03 .2- > s o H o -3 > 15 C 'S a B oi C 3 ?3 ® w 3 'f "i o Oh g 3 3 a | & a 53 '3 '8 a S is > c c i C a t < 1 e .S c -2 03 o w C 09 o e 1 15 - 4- J a 1 or I >4 1 1 (H o '^ J* a -c § So £ | c fe.!s .c S 1 1 3 | c S S QC 1 i CO ^5 fe % ft. Pis ft, cy as S3 tf BUL. 63C] SULFURING OF FRUITS FOR DRYING 5 portion of the sulfur burned. According to B. Hatherell, 7 approximately 10 per cent of the sulfur burned in air is converted into sulfur trioxide, and the concentration of sulfur trioxide in the sulfur house is usually equal to about 10 per cent of that of the sulfur dioxide concentration. The formation of sulfur dioxide by burning sulfur in air may be stated by the following equation : S + 2 -» SO., (Sulfur) (Oxygen) (Sulfur dioxide) When sulfur dioxide dissolves in water or fruit juice it forms sul- furous acid which is a weak acid that should not be confused with sul- furic acid. The equation for the reaction of sulfur dioxide with water to produce sulf urous acid is : S0 2 + H 2 -* H 2 S0 3 (Sulfur dioxide) (Water) (Sulf urous acid) Sulf urous acid is used as a preservative in numerous food products. This acid, and its salts (sulfites) are reducing substances (having oxygen- removing power) and it is this property which is probably responsible for its action in preventing discoloration. The control of sulfuring so that fruit is not undersulfured is of pri- mary importance to the producer of quality dried fruits. The trade de- mands a light and uniformly colored product that will not deteriorate or darken during storage. For this reason the fruit must contain a suffi- cient quantity of sulfur dioxide when first dried. When fruit once darkens during storage, subsequent exposures to sulfur dioxide will not change the appearance of the darkened fruit to that of the originally prepared fruit. Consequently it is often necessary to dispose of darkened fruit on a lower-quality basis and at a lower price. Love (1937) has emphasized the importance of the first sulfur treatment in regard to the retention of color in dried apricots. To maintain the desired qualities in fruit it has been found necessary to incorporate in it an excess of sulfur dioxide to allow for losses occur- ring during handling and storage. The exact amount of sulfur dioxide needed to preserve the color and other qualities of dried fruit varies with the nature of the fruit and with storage conditions. For example, dried cut fruits may be relatively low in sulfur dioxide content and still retain the characteristic color of the fruit if properly and thoroughly dried. Cut fruits of high moisture content will darken during storage even though 7 Unpublished data from sulfuring investigations project of the Research Labora- tory of the Dried Fruit Association of California, 1928. 6 University of California — Experiment Station they contain a high initial sulfur dioxide content. The amount of sulfur dioxide which should be incorporated in the fruit at the drying yard to maintain quality is approximately, in parts per million (1,000 p.p.m. equals % of 1 per cent by weight), as follows : apricots, 2,000; peaches and nectarines, 2,000 ; pears, 1,000 ; golden bleach raisins, 800, sulfur bleach raisins, 1,500 ; and apples, 800. In certain districts as a result of adverse climatic conditions, inadequate drying-yard practices and poor sulfur absorption and retention by the fruit, it is difficult to obtain the necessary quantity of sulfur dioxide in the fruit. The technique of sulf uring fruits usually consists of exposing the fruit on trays to sulfur dioxide in a closed chamber for periods of time, vary- ing according to the variety and maturity of the fruit, the locality, and the experience of the operator. The sulfured fruit is then dried in the sun or in a mechanical drier. Nichols (1933) has described in detail the sulfuring procedure commonly used in California. The treatment of fruit with sulfur dioxide appears to be a relatively simple process. There are, however, numerous variations in procedure, the relative merits of which have never been determined. During the last half century or more of the development of the dried-fruit industry, many practices have been adopted and many designs of equipment developed which may not be well founded, or which may be subject to change or modification un- der current operating conditions. Within a given district it has been ob- served that growers tend to adopt similar methods, some of which are questionable. Practices may vary markedly between districts with no apparent reason. Many problems and questions have arisen concerning the factors affecting the burning of sulfur, and the absorption and re- tention of sulfur dioxide by the fruit. They relate to sulfur-house design, orientation, gas concentration, temperature of the compartment, and the climate in general. PURPOSE OF THE INVESTIGATION The 1936 apricot drying season in the Hollister district found many of the producers experiencing difficulty in their sulfuring practice. A survey of the conditions existing in other areas revealed that the same difficulties were being encountered in many districts, and that the troubles reported in that year were merely a continuation of a series of annual troubles. The investigation of sulfuring practices and problems reported in this publication was conducted during the years 1937, 1938, and 1939. The purpose of this investigation has been to obtain information that might enable growers to improve their sulfuring and drying procedures BUL. 636] SULFURING OF FRUITS FOR DRYING 7 to secure better-quality products. Information was obtained concerning factors involved in the burning of sulfur, sulfur dioxide gas concentra- tion and distribution, and the temperature within the compartment. Information was also obtained concerning the typical sulfuring tech- nique and results from farm practices used in representative districts, and an effort made to correct conditions responsible for such waste as shown in figure 1. Furthermore, an attempt was made to correlate the Tig. 1. — Sulfur slag waste resulting from poor burning in earth pits: Left, two- or three-ton accumulation in a large drying yard; right, clinker weighing 69 pounds formed in one season from about thirty burnings. interrelations of the important structural, chemical, and physical fac- tors common to farm procedure with the absorption and retention of sul- fur dioxide by fruit. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Certain phases of the sulfuring problem, including methods of sulfuring fruits for drying, have been discussed by a number of authorities. It is of interest to review these publications since they frequently show a di- vergence of opinion and in certain instances disagree with the results reported in this bulletin. Nichols (1933) has given a recent summary of the sulfuring procedure used in California. Beekhuis (1935) made a comparative survey of drying-yard practices and equipment used in the twelve major fruit-producing areas of north- ern California. He paid particular attention to the construction of sulfur houses, their number, condition and capacity of each unit, elapsed time between cutting and sulfuring, exposure of the fruit to sulfur dioxide and pounds of sulfur used per ton of fresh fruit. He considered the Sui- sun district the best of the areas surveyed. The general practice in this district is to employ a large number of sulfuring compartments, each holding a single field car. The compartments are joined in a long shed 8 University of California — Experiment Station with overhanging roof which protects the doors. The interior walls are plastered. These compartments were not considered ideal, however, be- cause : (1) their short length requires that the sulfur burner be placed under one end of the car, which interferes with the gas circulation and creates a fire hazard; (2) no provision is made for ventilation; and (3) the doors of many of the compartments are built in a wall parallel with the prevailing winds, a feature he considered conducive to uneven draughts within the compartments. A second burner at the rear of the compartment provided with a vent through the rear wall was recom- mended to correct this fault. In the Patterson district, Beekhuis observed the use of drying-yard carts for moving stacks of trays rather than the conventional field car and tracks. This favored the installation of move- able, "hood-type" sulfur houses of pressed fiberboard. Beekhuis used, as a measure of variations in exposure to the sulfur fumes, a "sulfuring factor," defined as the pounds of sulfur used per ton of fresh fruit multiplied by the hours of exposure. Isolated cases were cited of growers successfully sulfuring apricots with a sulfur factor of 10 to 20 (4 to 8 pounds of sulfur per ton and an exposure of 2% hours) . The average factor was about 30-35 with extreme cases extending to 90. The sulfuring procedures used in Argentina, as described by Croce (1936 and 1937), and in South Africa, as described by Perkins (1925), are very similar to those used in California. The Australian sulfuring practices described by Quinn (1926a, b) and Jewell (1927a, b) and recommended by Quinn and associates (1929), differ somewhat from those in common use in California. It is generally agreed that the variety, maturity, and general condition of the fruit are important factors in determining the absorption and re- tention of sulfur dioxide by the fruit. Jewell (1927a, b) stated that peaches and pears do not absorb sulfur dioxide as readily as apricots and for this reason are not as easily oversulfured. x\ccording to Culpepper and Moon (1937), peeling or slicing of pears enhances the absorption of sulfur dioxide. Quinn and associates (1929) indicated that fruit, to be sulf ured, should be of "eating ripe" maturity. Nichols, Mrak, and Bethel (1939) showed that color and sulfur dioxide retention by dried apricots varied with the locality in which the fruit was produced. There is no agreement concerning the desirability of sprinkling fruit with water or brine solutions prior to sulfuring. Christie and Barnard (1925) believed that because the reaction S0 2 -f- H 2 — > H 2 S0 3 occurs during sulfuring it was desirable to sprinkle the fruit with water before sulfuring. Anderssen (1929) found that apricots moistened before sul- furing contained more sulfur dioxide than unmoistened apricots, but BUL. 636] SULFURING OF FRUITS FOR DRYING 9 the final quality was about the same. According to Jewell (1927a and 19275) the amount of moisture on the cut surface of the fruit influences absorption. Chace, Church, and Sorber (1930), on the other hand, could not detect differences in the absorption of S0 2 or in the appearance of fruit sprayed with water before sulfuring. Beekhuis (19366) states that the sprinkling of pears with water has been abandoned in many drying yards as it does not seem to answer any definite purpose. Lyon (1930), Nichols and Christie (1930a), and Nichols (1933) state that sprinkling fruit prior to sulfuring has no beneficial effect. Storage of the fruit be- tween cutting and sulfuring was considered undesirable by Beekhuis (1936a) because it permitted drying of the fruit surfaces and he recom- mended that the period between cutting and sulfuring be less than iy 2 hours. Blanching in steam or hot water prior to sulfuring does not alter the sulfur dioxide absorption or retaining capacity of the fruit according to Nichols and Christie (19306) and Chace, Church, and Sorber (1933). Fruit blanched after sulfuring, however, retained 50 per cent more sul- fur dioxide than unblanched fruit. Various types of sulfur burners have been suggested and used. Nichols and Christie (1930a), Beekhuis (1936a and 1938), and Kennie (1936) described concrete pipe and magnesia burners which have proved satis- factory. Nichols (1933) and Nichols and Christie (1930a), stressed the importance of maintaining a dry burner and the latter authors recom- mended protecting the burner from moisture by the use of oil or tar. Quinn (1926a and 1935) suggested the use of a glazed vessel or an old oil drum for a burner. He further recommended that the sulfur be lighted with live coals obtained from a wood fire. On the other hand, Cameron and associates (1929) , stated that a minimum of inflammable material should be used to light fires. Nichols, Powers, Gross, and Noel (1925) indicated that it is preferable to burn sulfur in from three to six shallow pans stacked one above the other in zigzag formation in order to obtain a high concentration of sulfur dioxide in a short time. Nichols and Christie (1930a) and Nichols (1933) later pointed out the danger of subliming the sulfur when using the stacked pan burner. Residue resulting from the incomplete combustion of sulfur need not be discarded according to Nichols (1933) for it will burn if mixed with other sulfur and given the proper amount of draft. Mixing 1 pound of sodium nitrate (Chile saltpeter) with 20 pounds of sulfur will promote burning under very difficult conditions. Caution should be observed in the preparation and handling of the mixture because of its inflammability. Sulfur-house construction, design, materials, and location have been 10 University of California — Experiment Station discussed in detail by Christie and Barnard (1925), Cameron and asso- ciates (1929), Nichols and Christie (1930a), Rennie (1936), Croce (1936) and Beekhuis (1936a and 1938). It is agreed that the sulfur house should be tight and constructed of permanent materials if pos- sible. The house should be so located that the prevailing winds will not interfere with burning of sulfur or the distribution of sulfur dioxide gas within the house. California investigators recommend that the sulfur house be constructed of sufficient length to allow for a free space above the burner at the front end of the house. Vents should be used on the front or near both front and rear walls when needed to facilitate burn- ing. Cameron and associates (1929), recommended the use of two con- trollable vent holes, 1 inch in diameter and about 1 foot apart, located in the roof of the chamber close to the wall farthest from the sulfur burner when only one burner is used. "When two burners are used, one at each end of the sulfur house, they recommend that the vents be located in the center of the roof. Jewell (1927a and 19275) described two types of houses in common use in Australia: (1) a practically tight, either portable ("malthoid" covering over a wooden frame), or permanent fixture (of brick or fibro-cement sheets) ; (2) a more or less gas-perme- able chamber consisting of a wooden frame covered with hessian cloth or bagging, generally washed with lime. The amount of sulfur used varies considerably with the kind, variety and condition of the fruit being sulfured. There are, however, several other factors that have an effect on the quantity of sulfur used in a single charge. According to Anderssen (1929) the theoretical maximum of sulfur that can be burned per 100 cubic feet of air is about 1.5 pounds and would yield a concentration of about 20 per cent of sulfur dioxide by volume. Under optimum farm conditions it is doubtful, however, if a concentration exceeding 7 per cent of sulfur dioxide can be obtained by burning sulfur. Bioletti and Cruess (1912) found that in actual practice the possible yield of sulfur dioxide from a given amount of burning sulfur is much less than the theoretical value. This difference was at- tributed to losses of oxygen resulting from the formation of sulfuric acid, escape of air from the enclosure as it expands with rise in tempera- ture, and the failure of some of the oxygen to combine when the propor- tion in the air becomes too small to support combustion of sulfur. Pacottet (1911) stated that the low yield of sulfur dioxide obtained when sulfur is burned in wine casks is due to loss of sulfur which is volatilized or melted without burning and to that which forms sulfuric acid. It varies with the amount of sulfur burned in a given space and with the physical condition of the sulfur. Lyon (1930) stated that the Bul. 636] Sulfuring op Fruits for Drying 11 amount of sulfur consumed bears little direct relation to the length of burning period. Other factors that influence it are draught, air tempera- ture, humidity, and area of the ignited surface. Jewell (1927) listed fac- tors influencing absorption and hence the amount of sulfur used as follows : (1) variety of fruit; (2) type of sulfur house; (3) quantity of TABLE 2 Quantity of Sulfur Burned and Length of Sulfuring Period Commonly Used in Various Dried-Fruit-Producing Eegions Fruit Region Pounds sulfur per ton of fresh fruit Length of sulfuring period, hours Bibliography reference California Argentina Australia k South Africa California Argentina 3-4 3-4 7-8 2* 3-4 3-4 Day, 7; night, 6 8 12 8 10-12 3 3 2-4 2-3 2-3 2-3 4-5 3-4 3-4 Day, 6; night, 12 4 24-36 24-36 24, maximum 12 4 4 2-3 Nichols (1933) Croce (1936) Cameron and asso- ciates (1929) Perkins (1925) Nichols (1933) Croce (1936) Pears (Bartlett) ] Australia [ South Africa [ California ] Argentina ( Australia Eastern United States California California Jewell (1927a) Perkins (1925) Christie and Barnard (1925) Croce (1936) Jewell (1927a) Figs (Adriatic) Culpepper and Moon (1937) Raisins (sulfur bleach) Raisins (golden bleach) Barnard (1925) Christie and Barnard (1925) Christie (19306) * Two pounds per 100 cubic feet of space. sulfur used per unit weight of fruit or per unit volume of air space ; (4) amount of moisture on the cut surface of the fruit ; and (5) temperature in the sulfur house. The quantity of sulfur and the sulfuring period for various fruits as recommended by different authorities are given in table 2. According to Jewell (1927a) the bottom tray of fruit in the sulfur house tends to absorb more sulfur dioxide than fruit on the top trays. This seems to indicate unequal distribution and the concentration of sulfur dioxide fumes at the bottom of the house. Nichols and Christie (1930a) stated that the concentration of sulfur dioxide in the chamber 12 University of California — Experiment Station is controlled by the amount of sulfur burned, the rapidity and complete- ness of burning, the volume of space and quantity of fruit in the chamber and the loss of sulfur dioxide from the chamber through ventilators or leaks ; also that the decrease in concentration is further influenced by wind velocity and direction. Nichols (1933) stated that for rapid, uni- form sulfuring there must be dense white fumes in the house throughout the sulfuring period. Chace, Church, and Sorber (1930) found that the concentration of sulfur dioxide fumes in the sulfur chamber influenced the rate of ab- sorption of sulfur dioxide by the fruit. Apricots were satisfactorily sul- fured when treated for 3 hours in a chamber having an initial sulfur dioxide concentration of 2 per cent or for 2 hours in a chamber having an initial concentration of 3 per cent. Temperature had less effect on the retention of sulfur dioxide by the fruit than either time of exposure or concentration of the fumes. Temperature above 120° Fahrenheit caused apricots to become red in color. According to Nichols and Christie (1930a) temperature affects absorption in several ways. As the tempera- ture rises, the solubility of sulfur dioxide in water decreases. On the other hand, an increase in temperature increases the rate of combination of sulfur dioxide with other substances in the fruit and increases the rate of penetration of it into the fruit tissues. High temperatures presum- ably soften the fruit and facilitate absorption and penetration. Jewell (1927&) found that a longer sulfuring period was required at night than in the daytime because of the lower night temperature. In this connec- tion, Nichols and Christie (1930a) indicated that the choice of construc- tion material would depend upon whether a sulfur house is to be used principally during the day or night. Observations showed that while wood and metal houses reach higher temperatures in the day than do concrete or brick houses, at night the temperatures in the concrete and brick houses are higher. Quinn (1926a) and Love (1937) also stressed the importance of temperature in sulfuring fruit. According to Love, it is more difficult to sulfur fruit properly in cool weather. The experiments of R. S. Hiltner 8 have shown that apricots and peaches can be sulfured in 3 hours with relatively small amounts of sulfur by use of his "dense smoke method." The method consists of ex- posing peaches or apricots for 3 hours in a warm and tight compartment containing dense fumes of sulfur dioxide obtained from burning sulfur in the sulfur house. A dense smoke must be maintained throughout the sulfuring period. The dense smoke method, however, has not come into 8 Unpublished data from sulfuring investigations project of the Eesearch Labora- tory of the Dried Fruit Association of California, 1928. BUL. 636] SULFURING OF FRUITS FOR DRYING 13 general use because of periodical and hitherto unexplainable difficulties encountered in obtaining complete combustion of the sulfur. Beekhuis (1938) and Cruess (1938) suggested testing freshly sul- fured fruit by cutting and noting the depth of penetration. Chace, Church, and Sorber (1933) found that this was not a reliable method for determining the extent of sulfur dioxide absorption. Chace, Church, and Sorber (1933) and Nichols, Mrak, and Bethel (1939) have shown that unfavorable drying weather or drying in the shade favors the loss of sulfur dioxide by the fruit during drying. Anderssen (1929) also found that shade-drying decreased its retention during drying. Beekhuis (1935) cited data to show that apricots dried rapidly retained more of this chemical than those dried slowly. C. F. Love 9 was able to increase the sulfur dioxide content of fruit dried under unfavorable conditions by drying on white painted trays and by stack- ing the trays at night to avoid excessive losses during the cold, foggy night. Positive but less pronounced increases were noted in fruit spread in the morning to secure the advantage of the morning sun rather than at night. Roleson and Nichols (1933) stated, in regard to sulfur dioxide reten- tion during drying, that the content of fruit exposed in the drying yard for one day would be nearly the same as that for the ordinary dried pro- duct, if no correction for moisture content is made. Hanus and Vorisek (1937) found that the sulfur dioxide content of apricots, dried in ordi- nary atmosphere and compared on a moist weight basis, remained con- stant for 35 days. It began to decline only when the apricots ceased to lose water. This apparent constancy was attributed to the comparable loss of water, for where sulfur dioxide was determined on a moisture free basis it decreased during the entire drying period. Cruess, Christie, and Flossfeder (1920), Cruess and Christie (1921), Cruess (19215), and Caldwell (1923) have shown that fruits to be dried artificially require less sulfuring than fruits to be sun-dried. Nichols and Christie (1930a) described the characteristics of properly sulfured and dried fruits. Eoleson and Nichols (1933) stated that for cut fruits other than apples and pears, 2,000-2,500 parts per million of sulfur dioxide in the fruit is considered the optimum. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATIONS Experiments to determine the effects of various factors on gas concen- tration and temperature conditions in the compartment were conducted 9 Unpublished data from sulfuring investigation project of the California Prune and Apricot Growers Association, 1935. 14 University of California — Experiment Station at Davis in a three-compartment panel-board sulfur house, as designed by Long, Catlin, and Nichols. 10 The structure is shown in figure 15. Tests involving the relation of certain chemical and physical factors to sulf uring practices were made in the following fruit-growing areas : Aromas, Brentwood, Esparto, Exeter, Fresno, Gridley, Hemet, Hollister, Kerman, King City, Kelseyville, Ojai, Modesto, Suisun, Ventura, and Vacaville. In the field studies data were obtained concerning : (1) num- ber and size of trays to each sulfur house, size of house, and general con- struction features; (2) weight of sulfur used and completeness of combustion; (3) fruit variety, maturity, and size; (4) gas analyses from at least four points within the compartment at frequent intervals ; (5) temperature observations at six points within the compartment at frequent intervals; (6) atmospheric and drying-yard temperature read- ings during sulf uring and drying ; (7) wind velocity and direction ; (8) sulfur dioxide analyses of freshly sulfured, of partially dried, and of dried samples; (9) general observations concerning drying-yard prac- tices and climatic condition during drying; (10) results of correcting obvious sulfur-house defects. Three test houses of different construction materials erected for the work are shown in figure 14. Fruits used in the various tests were : Royal, Blenheim, Moorpark, Hemskirke, and Tilton apricots ; Muir and Lovell freestone and Paloro cling peaches; New Boy nectarines; Bartlett pears; and Thompson seedless grapes. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Burning tests were made with sulfur samples collected from growers located in different drying areas. These samples varied considerably in the time and manner in which they had been stored and in certain physical and chemical characteristics. The burning tests were conducted as follows : Four pounds of sulfur were placed in a round metal pan, 10 inches in diameter and 2% inches deep. The loaded pan was then placed on the bottom of the burner pit and ignited by touching a lighted match to a depressed area in the sulfur at the center of the pan. The match was subsequently discarded to avoid contaminating the burning sulfur with carbon. The sulfur-house door was then closed and left undisturbed until burning ceased, after which the remaining slag was weighed and observed for surface characteristics. The effect of sulfuric acid, black-surfaced sulfur slag, and rock sulfur 10 Long, J. D., H. E. Catlin, and P. F. Nichols. Fruit sulfuring house. California Agr. Ext. Service Farm Building Plan C-173. 1934. (Available from the California Agricultural Extension Service, University of California, Berkeley. Price 25 cents.) Bul. 636] SlJLFURING OF FRUITS FOR DRYING 15 on the burning quality of good sulfur was determined by mixing various quantities of these materials with the sulfur before lighting the sulfur. For the guidance of chemists certain technical procedures are given in some detail in the following paragraphs. Fig. 2. — Equipment used in the experiments. A, Test equipment used with sul- f uring at the College of Agriculture, Davis ; B, test in progress on the house from which the pile of slag shown in figure 1 was taken ; C, close-up view of analytical equipment for determining sulfur dioxide gas concentration ; D, small sulf uring compartment used to secure constant concentration of sulfur dioxide gas for making tests; E, small electric dehydrater used in studies of sulfur dioxide re- tention during drying. Sulfur dioxide concentration attained at various points within the sulfur house during operation were determined with the equipment illustrated in figure 2. Copper-tubing (% 6 inch outside diameter) gas inlets were fastened on tray surfaces at the center and about 1 foot from each end where they were surrounded by fruit. These inlets were located at three elevations, as illustrated in figure 9, for the 1937 experiments. In 1938 and 1939 only four gas inlets were used, located at points 1, 3, 16 University of California — Experiment Station 7, and 9 of the tray stack (fig. 9) because the results of 1937 indicated that these points were sufficient to determine gas distribution. The cop- per tubes extended out of the sulfur house, through the track openings, and connected with the gas-analysis equipment (fig. 2, C) by means of rubber tubing. Gas samples were withdrawn from the house through an absorption vessel, by means of suction resulting from the drainage of water from an air-tight reservoir connected to the absorption vessel. The connections were "swept out" prior to each determination. The volume of water withdrawn from the reservoir constituted a measure of the volume of gas removed from the house. A hydrometer jar, 12 inches in height and 2 inches in diameter, served as the absorption vessel, and gas from the compartment was drawn into the bottom of this jar which con- tained water, a few drops of starch solution and 1, 2, or 5 cubic centi- meters of tenth normal iodine solution. The depth of solution in the vessel was maintained at about 9 inches. The volume of the iodine solu- tion used was adjusted according to the gas concentration within the house so at least 100 cubic centimeters of gas were withdrawn for each test. Gas was slowly drawn through the solution in the hydrometer jar until the blue color resulting from the starch iodine reaction disappeared. At this point all of the iodine had been reduced by sulfur dioxide. The gas concentration was then read on curves prepared for each amount of standard iodine used, plotting cubic centimeters of gas withdrawn from the sulfur house against per cent by volume 11 of sulfur dioxide in the gas sample. Data for the curves were calculated using Bureau of Standards values for the volume of one pound of sulfur dioxide gas at 80° Fahren- heit and 1 atmosphere pressure which is equal to 5.968 cubic feet. Vari- ations of 20 degrees from this temperature cause changes in this volume of about 4 per cent. The maximum probable error in gas concentration determinations was approximately 5 per cent, caused chiefly by these temperature variations within the gas absorption vessel. This degree of accuracy was considered sufficient for the purposes of these investi- gations. Temperature measurements were made with resistance thermometers placed on the trays adjacent to the gas lead inlets. Thermometers were also suspended in the front and rear air spaces inside the house. Atmos- pheric temperature was determined by suspending thermometers in the shade near the sulfur house. Mercury-bulb thermometers were used to secure the various drying-yard temperatures. Wind velocities were u Per cent by volume of sulfur dioxide at 80° Fahrenheit multiplied by 0.167 = pounds sulfur dioxide per 100 cubic feet. BUL. 636] SULFURING OF FRUITS FOR DRYING 17 measured by use of a vane-type anemometer and wind direction was determined by use of a cloth streamer. Readings were made in most instances at 15-minute intervals during the first 3 hours of each test. Other experiments included absorption studies made by periodically withdrawing fruit samples during sulfuring, through a small opening in the door of the sulfur house or from a specially constructed gas-tight portable sulfur chamber. Samples were withdrawn in such manner that the gas concentration in the chamber was not appreciably affected. Liquid sulfur dioxide was used in the small chamber and distributed by means of a small electric fan located within the chamber. Liquid sulfur dioxide was also used in a limited number of full-scale sulfuring runs to determine any possible advantages over the customary method of burn- ing "flowers of sulfur," and also the comparative costs. Dehydration studies were made with a specially constructed mechani- cal drier consisting of a lower air chamber containing electric heaters placed immediately in front of a motor-driven fan and eight 18 X 25 inch trays in an upper chamber. Wet- and dry-bulb thermometers were located in the air-stream at the dry end of the top compartment. A thermostat, the bulb of which was placed adjacent to the thermometers, controlled one of the three 660-watt electric heaters. The other two elec- tric heaters were manually operated. Adjustable ports for control were provided at the fan end of the drier. Samples of fruit for analyses were collected in glass-topped jars and sealed until sulfur dioxide determinations were made. In the full-scale tests of actual sulfuring practice, at least four samples from the extreme corners of the tray stack, and others from mid-stack points when deemed necessary, were taken and averaged for the final results. The jars were filled with from 10 to 50 pieces of fruit, according to their size and stage of drying. The time between sampling and analysis varied from 1 to 4 days. Trials indicated that sulfur dioxide loss during this interval was insignificant in well-sealed glass jars. Sufficient fruits were always used in the analysis to give a good random sampling. In the small-scale tests with the tight sulfur box used for the constant gas concentration and similar studies, and in the tests with the de- hydrator, the single samples taken for the different stages of the test procedure were representative. The method of analysis used for sulfur dioxide determination was that described by Nichols and Reed (1932) which involves the distillation of a weighed ground sample of fruit in hydrochloric acid solution into standard iodine solution and titrating the unused iodine with standard sodium thiosulfate solution. Results were reported in parts per million 18 University of California — Experiment Station by weight (1,000 p.p.m. equals 1/10 of 1 per cent by weight). Moisture tests were made on fresh fruit samples by the method of Nichols, Fisher, and Parks (1931) by distillation of a weighed sample of fruit with xylene and the collection of the moisture in a calibrated sedimentation tube under a reflux condenser. Dried samples were tested for moisture with the electric moisture tester developed by Fisher. 12 EFFECT OF FRUIT CHARACTERISTICS ON ABSORPTION AND RETENTION OF SULFUR DIOXIDE The physical and chemical factors influencing the absorption and reten- tion of sulfur dioxide by the fruit are as yet incompletely understood. Among the variable factors which are believed to affect the process are TABLE 3 Effect of Size of Tilton Apricots on Their Absorption and Eetention of Sulfur Dioxide Diameter Absorption, p.p.m. Retention, p.p.m. Retention ratio* 3,410 3,510 3,730 510 640 490 0.15 .18 0.13 * The retention ratio is derived by dividing the sulfur dioxide content of the dried fruit by the content of the freshly sulfured fruit; this necessitates no correction for mois- ture. It is obvious that the higher the ratios the greater the retention. The retention ratios given above are very low, but typical of the drying conditions of the Aromas district. variety, composition (probably as related both to variety and to locality and other conditions of growth) , maturity, and size. Investigation of the physical and chemical processes of absorption and retention are fundamental to a complete solution of the f arm-sulfuring problem. Further work is in progress, particularly with regard to the effect of temperature and added fixative agents. It is known that sulfur dioxide is readily absorbed by the liquid present on the freshly cut sur- face of the fruit, forming sulfurous acid which gradually penetrates the tissues. Some penetration proceeds simultaneously through the skin- covered surface of the fruit, but at a slower rate. The size of the fruit is believed to be a factor in the absorption of sul- fur dioxide and later loss. Table 3 gives the results of a test in which apri- cots selected for uniform maturity in three size ranges were exposed simultaneously to sulfur dioxide in a concentration of 2 per cent, for 3 " Fisher, C. D. Apparatus for determining moisture content of dried fruits, etc., by electrical conductivity. U. S. Patent No. 1,961,965. 1934. Bul. 636] SULFURING OF FRUITS FOR DRYING 19 hours. The data obtained are not very conclusive. In spite of care in se- lecting the fruits, the maturity may not have been as uniform as indi- cated by appearance; furthermore in analyzing for sulfur dioxide the limit of accuracy is considered to be about 50 parts per million. A comparison of maturity differences secured in a field test is shown in table 4. The results indicate that maturity is a critical factor in suc- cessful sulfuring practice. From this and other tests by the authors and those by other investigators, notably Quinn (1926a and 19265) and Jewell (1927a and 19275) it is obvious that ripe fruit frequently absorbs less sulfur dioxide than green, but always has a much higher retention ratio. The term "retention ratio" expresses the relative amount of SUI- TABLE 4 Absorption and Eetention of Sulfur Dioxide as Affected by Maturity in Apricots Variety Maturity Absorption, p. p.m. Retention, p. p.m. Retention ratio f Green \ Ripe ( Green \ Ripe 3,490 3,490 3,810 3,380 230 590 210 610 0.07 Tilton .17 .05 0.18 fur dioxide present in the dried fruit as compared with that absorbed by the fresh fruit during sulfuring. This method of comparison obviates the necessity of correcting for moisture differences. Variation in size and difference in composition are believed to be pri- marily responsible for the differences in absorption (not retention) ex- pressed in table 5 wherein the gas environment is expressed in terms involving both sulfur dioxide concentration and exposure periods of typical farm-sulfuring practice. Since the exposure period tends to be constant for each kind of fruit this gas-environment factor essentially is based on the average sulfur dioxide gas concentration during sul- furing. The data in the last column give an indication of the absorption char- acteristics of the various fruits and varieties. It is interesting to note that pears exhibit the lowest factor, that the large Moorpark and Hems- kirke apricot varieties have the highest, and that the Paloro cling peach has a slightly higher value than the two freestone varieties. A similar in- dication of the effect of varietal differences is given in table 9. Studies under controlled conditions must be made before the exact role of pos- sible variations in composition as related to variety can be determined. 20 University of California — Experiment Station A comparison by districts of the absorption factors of Blenheim or Royal apricots, is given in table 6. Using as criteria the results of the tests made in experimental houses at Davis, in 1937, and at Aromas, in 1939, it is obvious that the gas-environment rating secured in ordinary farm sulfuring houses in the coastal areas is appreciably below that which can be readily maintained in good sulfuring practice. TABLE 5 Eelation of Fruit Variety to Sulfur Dioxide Absorption Fruit and variety Number of tests Average exposure in minutes Average absorption factor* Apricots: Tilton 7 29 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 210 220 185 180 260 245 275 240 2,180 160 10.43 12.25 19.00 19.50 Nectarines: 8.40 Peaches: Muir 8.73 10.20 11.20 Pears: Bartlett. . . 0.89 Raisins: 10.50 * "Absorption factor" is a numerical expression used here to compare the absorption of sulfur dioxide by various fruits in different sulfur houses, operating under farm conditions, throughout the state. The factor number represents absorption by the fruit in parts per million divided by "gas environment" value which in turn is equal to the percentage gas concentration in the sulfur house multiplied by the minutes of exposure of the fruit while sulfuring. The gas environment was conveniently determined in each case by planimeter measurements of the area enclosed by the graphs ; a representative graph is shown in figure 6. The results of previous investigators, particularly of Nichols, Mrak, and Bethel (1939) have indicated considerable variation in the absorp- tion characteristics between fruit grown in the interior valleys and that in the coastal areas. It appears that the variations may be due to differ- ences in composition, as previously explained, and perhaps also in part to the higher relative absorption in the concentrations found in sulfur houses of the coastal areas. In tests with all kinds of fruit it has been noted that fruit exposed to the lower gas concentrations absorbs a higher proportional amount than that exposed to higher concentrations. For example, apricots exposed to a 1 per cent maximum concentration might absorb 1,500 p.p.m. of sulfur dioxide, but would take in appreciably TABLE 6 Belation of Locality to Sulfur Dioxide Absorption by Blenheim or Royal Apricots Locality and year Number of tests Average gas environment value* Average absorption factor Hemet (1938) 3 2 1 8 4 5 7 2 272 339 175 247 318 184 291 155 205 10.50 Davis (1937) 11.05 Upper Ojai Valley (1938) 11.20 Suisun Valley (1938) 11.70 Aromas (1939) 11.25 Aromas (1938) 12.40 Hollister (1937) 12.94 Ventura (1938) 13.30 King City (1938) 15.80 For meaning of "gas environment value" see footnote to table 5. 5000 t 4000 D a: * 3000 z o I- CL o g 2000 < 1000 3 SULFUR O O O^ *^p ^" - 3 c ^ < ) o 8J ' o V / / y V / i 1 • / / / A / o 7 C LEGEND o Apnir^" 1 *^ — — of ^ D r a r i -IF ^ ■• 1LO ™ — 100 200 300 400 DIOXIDE CONCENTRATION 500 600 x TIME CMIN) Fig. 3. — Showing the sulfur dioxide absorption by apricots as related to the environmental factor defined as sulfur dioxide concentration in per cent by volume in the sulfuring chamber multiplied by time in minutes. It is evident that under farm conditions an increase in the environmental factor would not greatly increase absorption above the 4,500-p.p.m. level. The few tests that were made with peaches illustrate their relatively slower absorption. 22 University of California — Experiment Station less than 3,000 p.p.m. if subjected to a 2 per cent sulfur dioxide environ- ment for the same period. From table 6 it is apparent that in the Hol- lister area tests a high concentration was maintained, but that similar 100 uj or a. i FRONT OF TRAY STACK ^ 90 UJ o. uj 80 2 Q ,• „ * f£. «" 70 2 M _i > «° 2.0 o w «0 1.5 H z 10 o £ 0.5 /' \ \ \ 1 1 \ T_ CENTER OF TRAY STACK -.' j^"-. t ^ "\ J 1 Wk y / \ / f REAR OF TRAY STACK 2^. ^ ■"T* 30 60 90 120 ISO 180 30 60 90 120 150 180 TIME IN MINUTES WEATHER CONDITIONS FOR THE TEST 90 120 150 N MINUTES uj or >o J 100 cp|qz|qi|oqqi dz WIND r DIRECTION VELOCITY 30 60 TIME 90 120 150 IN MINUTES Fig. 4. — Typical curves and analytical results showing the type of data taken dur- ing each field test. These data are from test 53, Davis, sulfuring Tilton apricots in the house illustrated in figure 2, A. Note the uniformity of the sulfur dioxide concen- tration curves taken from nine points within the tray stack, and the fact that a con- centration above 2.5 per cent was maintained for 90 minutes — two characteristics of a desirable gas environment. Temperature curve 1 was taken just outside the tray stack, and curve 2 at the rear track level. Missing temperature curves in this test were due to broken contacts. The temperature curves at the top front and at the rear track level indicate the direction of the convection currents within the compartment. Cor- responding data on the absorption and retention of sulfur dioxide by the fruit used in these tests are given in table 7. data in the Ventura and Aromas (1938) areas were low. The differences in the absorption ratios for these districts do not correspond with those of the gas-environment values. Sufficient data were secured in 24 experiments at Davis to plot the sul- fur dioxide absorption of apricots (fig. 3) using the planimeter measure- ment of the sulfur dioxide concentration and the time as described in Bul. 636] SULFURING OF FRUITS FOR DRYING 23 table 5 for the independent variable, and plotting the absorption on a logarithmic scale. A limited number of tests with peaches are also given on the curve, and show the slower absorption of this fruit. It is obvious that in typical farm sulfuring practice apricots tend to reach a maxi- mum absorption of 4,500 p.p.m. under a gas environment such as is il- lustrated in figure 4. In short, further sulfuring, under these conditions would not noteworthily increase absorption. The slopes of the absorption curves in figure 3 give the rate of change of the proportion of sulfur di- oxide in the fruit in parts per million with respect to the environmental value (percentage of sulfur dioxide in gas chamber X time in minutes) . FACTORS AFFECTING THE GAS ENVIRONMENT As indicated in table 6, and in figure 3, the conditions under which fruit is exposed to the gas influence the absorption of sulfur dioxide in the fruit. Obviously, for uniformity of absorption at all points in the tray TABLE 7 Data of Absorption and Betention of Sulfur Dioxide for the Bespective Graphs Shown in Figure 4 Location (top to bottom) of fruit in tray stack Front of tray stack Center of tray stack Rear of tray stack Absorption of SO2 by fresh fruit Retention of S0 2 by dried fruit Absorption of S0 2 by fresh fruit Retention of SO2 by dried fruit Absorption of SO2 by fresh fruit Retention of S0 2 by dried fruit Top Middle p.p.m. 4,060 3,900 3,960 p.p.m. 1,950 1,970 2,230 p.p.m. 4,000 3,960 3,920 p.p.m. 1,960 2,240 2,340 p.p.m. 3,840 4,000 3,840 p.p.m, 2,230 1,990 2,710 stack it is necessary to have a uniform distribution of gas within the compartment. The gas concentration, the exposure period, and the tem- perature of the fruit are all factors in the rate and amount of absorption. Field tests in which these factors were considered were conducted in the major dried-fruit-producing areas of the state. Data from the field tests were plotted for analysis, as shown in figure 4. For the 4 pounds of sulfur burned, the gas-concentration curve shows an ample concentration main- tained for a suitable time, as evidenced by the average sulfur dioxide ab- sorption of 3,942 p.p.m. (table 7). The distribution throughout the tray stack, taken at the nine points illustrated in figure 9, is also fairly uniform. Influence of Tight Construction. — In many of the field tests disturb- ances were noted attributable to drafts caused by moderate breezes blow- ing through relatively tight-appearing construction joints, poorly fitted 24 University of California — Experiment Station doors, or poorly designed ventilation openings. In the test of a four-car tandem house made with a moderate breeze blowing, sulfur dioxide con- centrations varied uniformly from 0.75 per cent maximum, at the loosely- fitted door end, to 1.5 per cent maximum at the other. A variation from 1 per cent at the bottom of the tray stack to 2 per cent at the top is shown in figure 12 ; this difference was due to a poorly designed system which caused excessive ventilation. Convection Distribution. — In single-car houses a tendency for a lower temperature and a lower concentration of sulfur dioxide at the lower front portion of the tray stack just behind the sulfur burner has been noted. This is caused by sluggish convection currents through the lower trays, and sulfur dioxide removal through absorption by the fruit. The rapid rise of gases immediately above the burner appears to retard diffu- sion from the front. Under such conditions the atmosphere at this point may take half an hour to reach concentrations of sulfur dioxide equiva- lent to those at other points in the tray stack, and sometimes remains slightly lower throughout the sulfuring period. This variation occurred in all types of sulfur houses tested, but is not sufficiently marked to be considered a serious fault. The use of a structural design which approximates the convection- channel clearances shown in figure 9 would appear to be a satisfactory solution. This difficulty is the reverse of that noted by Jewell (1927a) in the tendency of the fruit on the bottom trays to have the highest ab- sorption. No corroborating evidence was found for this situation, but it may have been caused by a temperature differential between top and bottom of the tray stack. Tray Construction. — Where free convection currents maintain a uni- form gas concentration about the tray stack, and open spaces are left across the ends of the trays, the gas diffuses through the tray length rap- idly. In only a few tests was the accumulation of gas at the central tray points noticeably slower than at the ends of the trays. The three sizes of standard tray design used in California, the 2X3 foot open-end raisin tray, and the 3X6 foot and 3X8 foot closed-end trays used for other fruits, appear to be well designed for their purpose. For sulfuring the largest-sized fruit, it is desirable to increase the depth of the side rail, or the thickness of the bottom cleats, to maintain ap- proximately % inch clearance between the fruit and the bottom of the tray above. Sulfur Dioxide Gas Concentration Obtainable. — Theoretically, sulfur burning within a closed compartment and utilizing all of the oxygen in the air develops a 21 per cent sulfur dioxide concentration. Several f ac- BUL. 636] SULFURING OF FRUITS FOR DRYING 25 tors contribute to materially reduce this percentage in practice. The maximum gas concentration reached in an empty compartment was 7 per cent. In actual sulf uring practice the rapid absorption of the gas by the fruit still further reduces the concentration, a maximum of 3.5 per cent being reached in this series of tests. With conditions similar to those of figure 7, the empty compartment maximum was about 6 per cent and the buffer effect of the fruit reduced the maximum sulfur dioxide concen- tration to about 3.0 per cent. Large sulfur-burning area, adequate air supply, and freedom from sulfur impurities increase the rate of burning and develop higher gas concentrations. Leaky houses permit a ready es- cape of the gas with low concentrations as a result. Temperature. — Sulfur-house temperatures depend on the following factors : rate and duration of burning of the sulfur ; convection and cir- culation characteristics of the house; outside air temperature; house construction material, or design features that absorb and transmit solar radiation to the compartment ; the temperature of the fruit entering the compartment ; and the cooling effect of the evaporation from the moist fruit surfaces. Burning sulfur within the sulfur house generates heat. As shown in figure 4, the heat generated by free-burning sulfur in a 10-inch-diameter pan is sufficient to raise the air temperature within the tray stack about 15° Fahrenheit. Opposing this temperature rise is the evaporative cool- ing effect of moisture leaving the freshly cut fruit surfaces, as well as the heat capacity of the fruit mass. Burners with large surface areas increase the temperature rapidly, and to relatively high maximum points. Burner baffles decrease the rate of burning, so the temperatures rise slowly and somewhat more uniformly throughout the house. The tests on mechan- ical forced-draft burning showed little temperature difference over nor- mal natural-draft burning. Air temperatures surrounding the fruit consistently ranged between 80° and 100°, with a maximum record of 134° for the interior valleys, and a minimum of 70° for the coastal areas. A temperature differential of 12° to 18° exists between top and bottom trays in houses located in coastal areas; those in the interior valleys usu- ally have a much lower variation. Outside the tray stack in the free air of the compartment the tempera- ture commonly ranges up to 15° Fahrenheit higher ; temperatures taken 6 feet above the sulfur burner may be 30° above the average air tempera- tures within the tray stack. The hot gases tend to travel back under the ceiling, down the rear wall and forward under the tray stack to the burner again, as indicated in figure 9. A temperature differential of 20° between ceiling and floor is not uncommon, and as much as 50° has been 2() University of California — Experiment Station recorded. These differences tend to equalize when burning has ceased. Such temperature variations induce convection currents which facilitate uniform gas distribution within the compartment. Locating burners at each end of the compartment or midway of the floor area under the tray stacks tends to cause conflicting convection currents and uneven distribu- tion of sulfur dioxide. Atmospheric temperatures during the sulfuring period and the solar heat absorption by the structure have some effect on interior tempera- tures. As previously mentioned, the thermal insulation and heat absorp- tion characteristics of certain construction materials may play a part in reducing the effects of the solar radiation. Nichols and Christie (1930a) observed differences in the temperatures occurring in concrete or brick houses as compared with those in wood structures. A horizontal ceiling helps to insulate the structure. Although house construction material or design may influence the interior temperatures, these differences are not usually large enough to greatly affect the temperature of the fruit. Tests on houses of different construction have failed to indicate any marked variations in sulfur dioxide fixation due to their interior temperature differences. Small-scale, controlled experiments with liquid sulfur di- oxide, however, indicated that fruit temperature does exert a marked effect on absorption and retention. High temperatures result in lower absorption, but in higher retention. Royal apricots sulf ured at a constant sulfur dioxide concentration of 2 per cent for 3 hours at an average tem- perature of 62° Fahrenheit had an absorption of 3,870 p. p.m. while at a temperature of 117° the absorption was 2,970 p. p.m. Placed on the same drying yard they produced dried specimens of 300 and 860 p.p.m., respec- tively. Further work is being done on this phase of the study. The Favorable Gas Environment. — From a total of 75 field tests, results comparable to those illustrated in figure 4 indicate that farm practice should be directed to securing the sulfur dioxide environment obtained by burning the quantities of sulfur and exposing the fruit for the periods given in table 8. The favorable absorption data indicated in the table, for freshly sulfured fruit, were secured in field trials under reasonably good farm practice ; they would appear capable of material improvement. An individual grower attempting to improve his sulfur- ing practice should have an analysis made of his freshly sulfured fruit and from these results modify the pan area, amount of sulfur, or ex- posure period to secure the desired absorption. The analysis of freshly sulfured fruit is used here to avoid the variable of sulfur dioxide loss in the drying yard. Laboratory tests using liquid sulfur dioxide at various concentrations Bul. 636] Sulfuring of Fruits for Drying 27 indicated that the higher concentrations may result in a more rapid ab- sorption by the fruit. However, "fixation" 13 of sulfur dioxide by the fruit tissues also requires time; and a minimum exposure time — as yet unde- termined but believed to be dependent on such factors as variety, matur- ity, and composition — is essential to avoid excessive sulfur dioxide losses in the drying yard. Somewhat higher concentrations than those indicated in figure 4 can be secured in burning sulfur by using burner pans of larger diameters. Longer effective sulfuring periods are obtained by using larger quanti- TABLE 8 Conditions of Good Farm Sulfuring Practice (Using 10-inch-diameter pan burner and tight house) Fruit Pounds sulfur burned per 1 ,000 pounds cut fruit Sulfuring period, hours Maximum SO2 concentration in house, per cent Probable SO2 content of fresh fruit after sulfuring, p. p.m. Apricots Nectarines Peaches 4 5 5 13 2 3 4 4 30 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.0 2.5 4,000 3,200 3,200 2,000 1,500 ties of sulfur, in a burner pan of any given size. The sulfur dioxide con- centration in the gaseous atmosphere drops to an ineffective low point within about 1 hour after the sulfur has burned to completion and there is little advantage in holding the fruit in the compartment longer if dry- ing-yard conditions are favorable. In the majority of the farm structures tested the gas environment values were materially less than the optimum for good practice indicated in table 8. The major causes for this were the use of earthen burning pits, ineffective or baffled burners, poor-burning sulfur, improper ventilation, and leaky houses. TYPES OF SULFUR AND FACTORS AFFECTING THEIR USE The most commonly used source of sulfur dioxide gas is sublimed sul- fur, burned within the sulfur compartment, although rock and granu- 13 By "fixation" is meant the result of those changes either physical or chemical, or both, which in effect cause a bonding between the fruit substance and sulfur dioxide. When "fixation" takes place, sulfur dioxide is more firmly held by the fruit in contrast to the "free" sulfur dioxide that readily escapes from the fruit immediately after sulfuring. 28 University of California — Experiment Station lated sulfurs are occasionally used. In a few cases gas obtained from the evaporation of liquid sulfur dioxide has also been tried. Variability in Sulfur Burning. — During the harvest of 1936 unusual difficulty was reported from several districts in getting the sulfur to burn satisfactorily. Early the next spring about two dozen samples of sulfurs remaining from the previous season, and stored over winter in typical farm storage sheds, were collected. When these were burned in clean metal pans in an empty sulfur compartment one group burned to Fig. 5. — Illustrations of slag resulting from incomplete burning: A, Light- colored slag indicates that the fire was smothered through insufficient ventila- tion; B, dark-surfaced slag indicates that the fire was smothered by carbon or carbonaceous matter or other impurities which floated to the surface of the molten sulfur. completion, or between 90-100 per cent; the remainder, comprising about two-thirds of the samples collected, burned to only 10-40 per cent. Invariably, the sulfur slag from the latter group was covered with a black film or scum as shown in figure 5,5. Unsuccessful attempts were made to correlate this incomplete combustion with the use of metal sul- fur burners, insufficient ventilation, moisture absorbed from the air, and texture and acidity of the sulfur. An admixture of the slag from a poor-burning sample, however, was found to materially reduce the burn- ing percentage of a sulfur which previously burned to completion. Investigations pertaining to the composition of the black film and fac- tors contributing to its formation and influence on the completeness of combustion of sulfur were conducted in the laboratory of the Chemistry Division by H. W. Allinger and C. S. Bisson. The information resulting from their studies is summarized in the remaining paragraphs of this section. BUL. 636] SULFURING OF FRUITS FOR DRYING 29 Chemical tests on the slag obtained from some poor-burning sulfurs showed that the black surface film consisted largely of carbon or car- bonaceous matter with small amounts of iron compounds and silicious material. Further experiments indicated that the film probably origi- nated from the interaction of the hot molten sulfur (or hot sulfur va- pors) with traces of certain organic impurities present in the sulfur or the burner. Extraction of samples of poor-burning sulfurs with solvents to remove oily contaminants increased the amount of sulfur that would burn. Laboratory tests were therefore directed toward determining the type of impurities which contributed to this black film formation. The addi- tion of very small amounts of different organic substances to samples of a high-quality sulfur was found to decrease the percentage of sulfur burned and to produce a film or scum similar in appearance and effect on burning to that observed when contaminated sulfurs are burned. Of the many organic substances added, the petroleum oils were found to favor the formation of the black film or scum, and to decrease the per- centage of sulfur burned. Small amounts of iron oxide and ignited dust showed little or no effect on the percentage of sulfur burned. Samples of a high-grade sulfur when stored for several days in an atmosphere of vapors arising from fuel oil at room temperature were found to absorb sufficient amounts of volatile carbon compounds to cause black film formation, and to decrease the amount of sulfur burned. This would probably have an important bearing on defining proper conditions for the storage of sulfur. By raising the temperature of samples of poor-grade commercial sul- furs, which increases their volatility, such sulfurs can be made to burn almost completely. Later, in the field trials it was observed that farm practices were some- times the source of sulfur contamination with resultant difficulties in burning. Attempting to burn sulfur in oily pots or storing sulfur on oily floors gave ample opportunity for contamination. In one instance sulfur stored over winter in a farm garage burned poorly, owing presumably to the automobile exhaust gases which had been absorbed. Liquid Sulfur Dioxide. — In a comparison trial with liquid sulfur di- oxide, 10 pounds of the liquid was used in a relatively tight house to sulfur 1,000 pounds of Tilton and Royal apricots. A maximum gas con- centration of 5.75 per cent sulfur dioxide was attained, and a concen- tration of 2 per cent or more maintained over an exposure period of 3 hours. Chemically, 10 pounds of the liquid sulfur dioxide is the equiva- lent of 5 pounds of burning sulfur. Theoretically, the gas formed from 30 University op California — Experiment Station either would result in approximately a 33 per cent concentration if it were all contained in the available gas space of about 180 cubic feet in the one-car compartment under the standard temperature and pressure conditions stated in the section on experimental procedure. In practice, however, leakage and absorption reduce the theoretical values mate- rially. To compensate for the convection currents normally induced by the burning of the sulfur, three 6-inch electric fans were used in the liquid sulfur dioxide trial, but the distribution so secured was very poor. Tem- perature on the trays ranged between 70° and 75° Fahrenheit. Analyses of the fruit so sulfured averaged 4,600 p.p.m. in the freshly sulfured samples and 450 p.p.m. in the dried product. The parallel check run in which 4 pounds of sublimed sulfur was burned, and the exposure main- tained at 3 hours, resulted in analyses of 4,050 p.p.m. and of 500 p.p.m. At current market prices the sublimed sulfur is the more economical source of sulfur dioxide gas. Fruit treated with fumes from liquid sulfur dioxide showed little "juicing" when removed from the sulfur house, but juiced as much as the check lot after standing in the drying yard for a short period of time. No other differences were noted in the two lots of fruit. SULFUR BURNERS In the majority of farm sulfur houses the sulfur is burned in an earthen pit excavated just inside the door and between the car track rails. Nu- merous trials with various burners demonstrated the desirability of limiting the burning area of the molten sulfur so as to secure gas con- centrations similar to those indicated in figure 4. This avoids dissipation of the heat of burning, and also protects the burning sulfur from con- tamination. Moreover, restricting the burning area also permits design- ing a ventilation system which will provide an adequate supply of air to maintain combustion without excessive loss of gas through venting. Metal Pan Burners. — A tin pan, of 10-inch diameter and 3-inch depth, makes a very satisfactory, easily cleaned sulfur burner. Setting this on the floor in the open space between the front of the tray stack and com- partment doors brings it close to the air inlets and gives it sufficient space to avoid a fire hazard. The sulfur should be leveled in the pan, and ig- nited with a match which is subsequently discarded to avoid carbona- ceous contamination of the sulfur. The pan confines the molten sulfur during the initial stages of burning and aids in maintaining the tem- perature necessary for combustion. There appears to be little practical value in insulating the pan burner to prevent the loss of heat, except in Bul. 636 SuLFURING OF FRUITS FOR DRYING 31 the case of poor-burning sulfur. By raising the temperature of such sul- fur through insulation, or by the use of regenerative burners, or of su- perimposed pans, it may be possible to secure complete combustion in spite of contamination. Such measures, however, are not recommended with good-burning sulfur because of the danger of sublimation of the sulfur and subsequent deposition on the fruit. If the floor of the house consists of damp soil, a layer of gravel beneath the pan burner will mini- mize chilling. The pan may be placed in a shallow pit, if desired, for fire safety. 3.0 Ul 2 3 2.5 TE :st 61 TEST 62 / \ / \ / / / / 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 30 60 TIME IN MINUTES 90 120 150 180 210 Fig. 6. — Average results of two successive tests of a two-car parallel compartment made on the same day. In test 61, 6 x /2 pounds of sulfur were divided and burned in two earth pits 21 inches deep. In test 62, the only change was to burn the same amount of sulfur in two pans set in the pits. Under the higher gas concentration of the sec- ond test the apricots absorbed 2,670 parts per million of sulfur dioxide, as compared to 2,010 for the first. Earthen Pits and Other Burners. — Several comparative trials showed unmistakably the advantage of pan burners over the earthen pits com- monly used. The results of one such trial are shown in figure 6. In the earthen pits the molten sulfur is dissipated and cooled among the clods, almost invariably leaving some slag. In one instance 69 pounds of waste slag were removed from a burner pit after one season's operation, esti- mated at thirty burnings (fig. 1). Hearths or shallow pits of concrete give excellent results as sulfur burners, provided they are kept clean. Pits lined with concrete pipe are difficult to clean. It is important that the burner be so shaped as to concentrate the molten sulfur to a burning surface area comparable to that of a 10-inch-diameter pan if comparable gas concentration characteristics are desired. Stove burners outside the compartment appear to offer little advantage other than a saving of in- terior space. Burner Baffles. — It is important in the natural-draft system that the 32 University of California — Experiment Station surface of the burner not be constricted if free burning is desired. Plac- ing a shield close above the burner, as is commonly done when the burner is beneath the tray stack, materially reduces the rate of burning and con- 6.0 5.5 5.0 i 4.0 m 3.5 o a 0.5 bJ a. TE ST 50 p — L -^ / V / / 1 TEST 48 ^^•^ -■*- —■ *»«■ " '~y \ 7 t _TE ST 49 *"" ——" 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 O 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 TIME IN MINUTES LEGEND S0 2 CONCENTRATION TEMPERATURE u 60 I !c - ____28__ sr 26 '1 29 "-"27 i 26 6A.M. 6RM. Fig. 17. — Four tests showing loss of sulfur dioxide from drying pears under typical drying-yard conditions. Fruit sulfured with liquid sulfur dioxide evidently had low fixation. Bul. 636] SULFURING OF FRUITS FOR DRYING 45 most of the fruit-drying areas the loss of weight in water is sufficient after the first 24 hours to tend to keep the ratio for sulfur dioxide con- tent almost constant. In the Aromas apricots and in the Lake County pears this ratio was not maintained constant but declined at a much TABLE 9 Sulfur Dioxide Retention in Dried Fruit as Affected by Variety and Locality Fruit and variety District Year Number of tests Sulfur dioxide in freshly sulfured fruit, p. p.m. Sulfur dioxide in dried fruit, p. p.m. Retention ratio Apricots: Blenheim Blenheim Blenheim Blenheim Hemskirke Moorpark Royal Royal Royal Royal Royal Royal Royal Tilton Tilton Tilton Tilton Nectarines: New Boy Peaches (clingstone) : Paloro Peaches (freestone) : Lovell Muir Pears : Bartlett Raisins (sulfur bleach) Thompson Seedless. Vacaville Davis Aromas Hollister Hollister Hollister Hemet Upper Ojai Valley Ventura Suisun Valley .... King City Aromas Aromas Davis Hollister Aromas Aromas Gridley Escalon Brentwood Esparto Kelseyville Kerman 1937 1937 1938 1937 1937 1937 1938 1938 1938 1938 1938 1938 1939 1937 1937 1938 1939 1937 1937 1937 1937 1938 1938 4,005 4,250 2,230 3,475 2,400 1,970 2,730 1,970 4,160 2,720 3,253 2,130 2,781 4,340 2,670 2,480 2,056 2,030 2,510 1,860 2,800 2,760 2,365 1,978 1,970 715 1,085 1,254 1,035 2,800 1,225 1,790 1,052 1,104 600 420 2,350 1,090 565 309 1,150 1,630 1,040 1,530 1,106 1,020 0.49 46 0.32 0.31 0.52 0.52 1.02 0.62 0.43 39 0.34 0.29 0.15 54 0.41 0.23 0.15 0.57 0.56 0.55 0.41 42 slower rate after the first day ; this is shown in figures 16 and 17. In the Hemet district the moisture loss is sufficiently more rapid than the sulfur dioxide loss to cause an apparent gain in the sulfur dioxide content, as shown in the analysis and retention ratio of table 9. Expressing the analyses as actual contents on a moisture-free basis rather than as ratios would have shown a continual sulfur dioxide loss 46 University of California — Experiment Station from the time the fruit left the sulfur house for both Aromas and Hemet, the difference being a much smaller and slower loss for the latter. The ratio expression is preferred for this investigation as it is commonly used in the dried fruit industry. A more accurate picture of the various phe- nomena concerned would be secured if the analyses were expressed on a moisture-free basis. Effect of Climatic Differences. — The climatic differences of the various districts particularly with respect to temperature and relative humid- TABLE 10 Comparison of Sulfur Dioxide Losses from Freshly Sulfured Apricots Held in Tray Stacks Overnight with those Spread in the Evening; Aromas, 1939 Fruit and test conditions Absorption, p. p.m. S0 2 content of freshly sulfured fruit next morning, p. p.m. Per cent S0 2 lost overnight SO2 content of dried fruit. p. p.m. Retention ratio, dried fruit Royal apricots; kept in house overnight; door left open from 8 :00 p.m ; night fog . Tilton apricots; kept in house overnight with door ajar from 8:30 p.m; night fog. Tilton and Blenheim apricots; held on car on track overnight from 7:00 p.m; night fog 2,325 3,185 2,635 2,330 2,330 1,510 1,830 1,256 1,100 1,260 35 43 53 53 46 530 475 415 355 330 0.23 15 .16 Roya! apricots ; spread on drying yard at 6:00 p.m. as fog rolled in Royal apricots (same lot as preceding) spread at 9:30 a.m. after remaining in opened sulfur house overnight 15 0.14 ity materially affect the retention ratios, as shown in table 9. A compari- son of these ratios serves as a relative rating of the drying effectiveness, or drying-yard efficiency, in the different districts. The drying condi- tions in Aromas in 1939 were not so favorable as during 1938, and this is reflected in the retention ratios for the two years. Considerable differ- ence in retention ratio may be secured in any given district or between districts of similar climate because of the variations in the initial sulfur dioxide absorption by the fruit. The higher the initial absorption analy- sis for any given drying condition, the lower the retention ratio. Hence, it is obvious that the fixation of sulfur dioxide by the fruit is not directly proportional to the absorption. Furthermore, it will be observed that quickly sulfured fruit of high initial sulfur dioxide content loses this Bul. 636] SULFURING OF FRUITS FOR DRYING 47 at the greatest rate ; this is, presumably, attributable to the fixation-time factor previously mentioned. Placing of Fruit on the Drying Yard in the Evening. — Growers fre- quently hold sulfured fruit overnight in the sulfur house rather than TABLE 11 Effect of Location of Drying Yard Within a District on Retention of Sulfur Dioxide; Aromas, 1938 Test no. Location S0 2 absorption, p. p.m. Absorption factor SO2 in dried fruit, p. p.m. Retention ratio 13a 1,550 2,120 1,060 2,380 31.0 10.9 10.1 13.2 670 940 830 650 43 14a .44 15a Notch between two hills, subject to .78 16a Protected hollow on river bank, in al- 0.27 TABLE 12 Effect of Ground Cover in the Drying Yard on Sulfur Dioxide Retention by Apricots Drying-yard condition S0 2 content of freshly sulfured fruit, p. p.m. SO2 retention, p. p.m. Retention ratio Green grass, 8 to 10 inches high . , Trays laid on grass Trays supported 2 feet above 2,910 2,260 3,200 3.340 490 510 640 850 0.17 .23 Trays laid on 2-inch rails, flat on the ground Trays supported 2 feet above k the ground .20 25 spread it on the drying yard in the late afternoon or evening. While considerable sulfur dioxide loss takes place from fruit so held in the house it is not so great as that from fruit spread during a cool, humid evening. In developing the individual test data for table 9 it was noticed that invariably those samples spread after midafternoon had retention ratios below the average for that district. If the fruit is held in the tightly closed house overnight, it frequently 48 University of California — Experiment Station juices enough to run out on the tray. This causes a loss in weight of the dried product, impairs the quality grade, and increases the labor of tray cleaning. Most operators follow the practice of opening the door slightly, or of partially removing the car from the house, as they believe that this reduces juicing, presumably because of the cooling of the fruit. no 100 90 cr x £ 80 70 60 50 40 30 r / \ • s // k s V \ \ A \\ \\ Y \ \\ / \\ >* [/ V -^ A r *' — — ' "~ ■■ FRU AIR IT TEN ■EMF 1PER ERA ATUF ■URE E A r t «AY >URF/ ,CE i 12 I 2345676 P.M. HOURS ON JULY 25 8 9 10 II 12 I 2 3 4 A.M. RM. HOURS ON JULY 28 Fig. 18. — Typical Aromas drying-yard conditions for two days, showing the rela- tive internal temperatures of the fruit at different stages of drying with relation to adjacent air temperatures. The freshly sulfured fruit was placed in the drying yard at noon. Evaporative cooling at the cut surface of freshly sulfured fruit holds the internal temperature below the air temperature until the surface has dried. The di- vergence between temperature of air and partially dried fruit on the 28th was min- imized by clouds. Comparative tests indicating the losses to be expected from this pro- cedure and from evening spreading in the drying-yard, are summarized in table 10. Although these results were from only one test for each condition, it would appear desirable under such conditions to delay sulf uring until about midnight and to open the house as early next morn- ing as possible to prevent excessive juicing. Securing High Retention Ratio. — Drying-yard factors favorable to high retention ratios include : (1) spreading the fruit in the drying-yard Bul. 63C SULFURING OF FRUITS FOR DRYING 49 immediately after sulfuring to secure full sun exposure and (2) a mod- erate, arid breeze to evaporate any juice from the cups and the surface moisture in 3 hours or so. Shade, fog, or location near bodies of water or green vegetation all retard drying and reduce sulfur dioxide retention. Table 11 gives comparison data of one test sample each from four privately operated drying yards in the Aromas district, located within a 1-mile radius. Those for tests 13a and 14a were hillside locations ; the retention ratios of these two were almost identical. Test 15a was on a drying yard in a "notch" between two peaks and subjected to strong air currents. The high retention ratio, however, is believed to be partially TABLE 13 Effect of Tray Color on Sulfur Dioxide Betention by Tilton Apricots Color S0 2 content of freshly sulfured fruit, p. p.m. SO2 retention, p. p.m. Retention ratio Black White 3,165 3,165 3,165 400 270 420 13 .08 13 due to the fact that the test fruit was held overnight in the sulfuring compartment and subjected to leakage from an adjacent compartment, with a higher fixation resulting. Test 16a is from a lowland drying yard, near a river. The humidity from the heavy vegetation along the river and from the alfalfa covering the drying yard undoubtedly delayed drying and so reduced the retention ratio. Similar undesirable results from green vegetative ground cover in the drying yard were also noted in one instance in the Hemet district. The high absorption ratio for test 13a is believed to be due to the exceptionally low gas enviroment main- tained during sulfuring. Further evidence of the influence of drying-yard environment on the retention of sulfur dioxide by the fruit is given in table 12. These data are from one test series of Aromas (1939) , hence the influence of humid- ity close to the ground and above dried grass is more pronounced because of the night fogs than would be the case in interior-valley yards. For such climatic conditions, or on drying yards covered with green grass, setting the trays on wooden horses 2 feet above the ground will prove beneficial. 50 University of California — Experiment Station Fruit Temperatures During Drying. — When fruit is first exposed to the sun the ready evaporation of moisture maintains the internal tem- perature of the fruit below that of the air at the tray surface. Later the slower evaporation and darker color of the fruit (and consequently TABLE 14 Comparison of the Effect of Sun-drying and Dehydration on Eetention of Sulfur Dioxide by Apricots ; Aromas Treatment S0 2 retention p. p.m. Per cent in- crease in SO2 retention of dehydrated over sun- dried Retention ratio Sulfured with liquid SO2 for 95 minutes at 4 per cent concentration Freshly sulfured fruit Sun-dried; spread 5:00 p.m. Dehydrated Sun-dried; spread next a.m. Dehydrated Sulfured under typical farm conditions Freshly sulfured fruit. Sun-dried Dehydrated Freshly sulfured fruit Completely sun-dried Sun-dried 24 hours Dehydrated, after sun-drying 24 hours. Freshly sulfured fruit Sun-dried Sun-dried, after dehydrating 1 hour — Freshly sulfured fruit , Sun-dried Dehydrated, after sun-drying 3 hours. Dehydrated Freshly sulfured fruit Sun-dried Dehydrated, after sun-drying 3 hours. Dehydrated greater absorption of solar radiation) result in internal temperatures rising above the air temperature during the hours of solar radiation, as shown in figure 18. Effect of Tray Color. — The color and surface texture of the tray is a factor in the heating of the fruit, the darker colors being more effective in absorbing solar radiation and transmitting it to the fruit. This is Bul. 636] SULFURING OF FRUITS FOR DRYING 51 o f-8 co CM CO CM -2 ^ O « , S0 2 retentio in sun dried fruit, p.p.m, O co CM 10 O CM **< CO d 8 SO2 orpti tresh Ifure ruit, .p.m >o O "tfl g o'>> 6 6? 10 >o 2 in " " Moisture content in dried fruit, per cent t^ CO CM O CM CM d '■+3 02 CO CO O d +3 CD 03 CO >o CD CD O C .' S02 entio deh.v rated ruit, .p.m. 00 CM CO CO O O IO O -5 d-d*" a ^" H C >*. q^ S0 2 orpti fresh Ifure ruit, .p.m O £ O O O CM CO co co CM '-I 03 3 t *" 1 Q, -a d w ea— ,-h M - to cj C a) ^ 10 10 O O Tot dryi tim hou 10 «o CO CM "- 1 co 2 03 listure ntent dried ruit, r cent t- co CM CO CO d _o § °-S ft "c3 . >> >+> ,d >."S d O 10 10 > a> a CO IO UO q" i •O Ui H CD »-m >.-d d '42 "0 « 00 IO -d 15 S