E 664 M25 S74 1909 MAIN STEPHEN RUSSELL MALLORY IN THE SENATE OF THE PRESENT, liite r ~&7X-4 ) 4./-v .** ^ .1 ^.aftrn^LTj M 8^) \; :s*&*j*irff& ^OI f ^^xiw^fi^ * ^^0 , T *&rt&**9S&& ^^^^Kt^^f^^^S; sSS^S&^i^l^&s^Si^^ STEPHEN RUSSELL MALLORY (Late a Senator from Plorida) MEMORIAL ADDRESSES Sixtieth Congress First Session SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES May 2, 1908 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 3, 1908 Compiled under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing WASHINGTON : : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : : 1909 kC .bchc rv Reli .0. ri TABLE OF CONTENTS I ^ Cv Page. Proceedings in the Senate Prayer by Rev. Edward E. Hale 5,7 Memorial addresses by: Address of Mr. Taliaferro, of Florida 9 Address of Mr. Gallinger, of New Hampshire __ 15 Address of Mr. Daniel, of Virginia 20 Address of Mr. Nelson, of Minnesota. _ 26 Address of Mr. Clay, of Georgia 30 Address of Mr. Perkins, of California 36 Address of Mr. Milton, of Florida 4 Proceedings in the House 45 Prayer by Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D 47 Memorial addresses by: Address of Mr. Spafrkman, of Florida 5 Address of Mr. Payne, of New York _ _ 59 Address of Mr. De Armond, of Missouri. 62 Address of Mr. Lawrence, of Massachusetts _ . 67 Address of Mr. Brantley, of Georgia __ 69 Address of Mr. Lamb, of Virginia 74 Address of Mr. Waldo, of New York _ 79 Address of Mr. Sufeer, of New York . . 80 Address of Mr. Clark, of Florida 84 3 DEATH OF SENATOR STEPHEN R. MALLORY PROCEEDINGS IN THE SENATE MONDAY, January 6, 1908. Rev. EDWARD K. HALE, Chaplain of the Senate, offered the following prayer: The people that sat in darkness saw a great light; and to them who sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up. * * Unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of Right eousness arise with healing in His wings. * * * Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Father of light, Father of love, in the midst of darkness Thou wert pleased to reveal Thyself to all sorts and conditions of men to all Thy children. The Sun of Righteousness arises with healing in His wings. From day to day and from year to year this world is coming nearer and nearer to its God. And here are we, Father. Thy servants are sent to do Thy will, to enter into Thy service, that service which is perfect freedom, that Thy kingdom may come and Thy will may be done here on earth as in heaven. As the year begins, Father, as these Christmas solemnities go by, we come to Thee as so many children of the living God, asking Thee that we may be strong with Thy strength^ that we may speak as His servants, that we may enter into Thy king dom. Hear us and answer us as Thy children. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. -Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. 6 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Mr. TALIAFERRO. Mr. President, it has become my painful duty to announce to the Senate the death of my late colleague, the Hon. STEPHEN R. MALLORY, at his home in Pensacola, at 12.48 o clock on the morning of December 23 last. At some future day I will ask the Senate to set aside a time to pay fitting tribute to his memory. I ask now the passage of the resolutions which I send to the desk. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator from Florida asks for the adoption of resolutions, which will be read by the Secretary. The Secretary read the resolutions as follows : Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow of the death of the Hon. STEPHEN RUSSELL MALLORY, late a Senator from the State of Florida. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate a copy of these resolutions to the House of Representatives. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The question is on agreeing to the resolutions submitted by the Senator from Florida. The resolutions were unanimously agreed to. Mr. TALIAFERRO. As a further mark of respect to the memory of my deceased colleague, I move that the Senate now adjourn. The motion was unanimously agreed to, and (at 12 o clock and 5 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, January 7, 1908, at 12 o clock meridian. TUESDAY, April 14, 1908. Mr. TALIAFERRO. Mr. President, I desire to give notice that on Saturday, May 2, immediately after the routine morning business, I shall ask the Senate to consider resolutions commemo- Proceedings in the Senate j rative of the lives, character, and public services of my late colleagues, Hon. STEPHEN R. MALLORV and the Hon. WILLIAM JAMES BRYAN. SATURDAY, May 2, 1908. The Chaplain, Rev. EDWARD E. HALE, offered the following % prayer : Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the faithful brethren: We do not cease to pray for you and to desire that ye might be filled with the spirit in all wisdom and understanding; that ye might walk worthily of the Lord, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God, strengthened with all power according to the might of His glory. Let us pray. Here is our prayer, Father, that what the apostle asked from Thee Thou wilt give to us to-day in this day s duty, in to-day s pleasure, in work, in thought, alone or together, that the Lord God will be with us to teach us, Father, Thy will; that we may walk worthy of this Christian vocation to which we are called; that it may not be in vain that Thou hast lifted this nation where it is, to be the messenger of Thy glad tidings to all men. To-day, Father, we go back into the past to recall memories of the lives of those who have served in this Chamber, and to look forward for the good of this people. May every lesson of the past be translated for us into duties for to-day, to-morrow, and every day. Oh, God, make this nation that happy people whose God is the Lord. We ask it, in Christ Jesus. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is done in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. 8 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory Mr. TAUAFERRO. Mr. President, I ask for the consideration of the resolutions I send to the desk. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator from Florida submits resolutions, which will be read. The Secretary read the resolutions, as follows: i Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow of the deaths of the honorahles STEPHEN R. MALLORY and WILLIAM JAMES BRYAN, late Senators from the State of Florida. Resolved, That as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased Sena tors the business of the Senate be now suspended to enable their associates to pay proper tribute to their high characters and distinguished public services. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate a copy of these resolutions to the House of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the families of the deceased Senators. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The question is on agreeing to the resolutions submitted by the Senator from Florida. The resolutions were unanimously agreed to. Address of Mr. Taliaferro, of Florida MEMORIAL ADDRESSES " ADDRESS OF MR. TALIAFERRO, OF FLORIDA Mr. PRESIDENT: The late distinguished Senator, STEPHEN R. MALLORY, of Florida, died at Pensacola, his home, on Monday morning, December 23, 1907, in the sixtieth year of his age. He was born in Columbia, S. C., November 2, 1848, but very soon thereafter was taken by his mother to Key West, Fla., where his boyhood days were spent. In the fall of 1864, when only 1 6 years old, he entered the Confederate army, but after a brief service, or in 1865, was transferred to the navy, serving as a midshipman on the Patrick Henry until the war ended. Soon after the surrender, or in November, 1865, he entered Georgetown College, District of Columbia, and graduated there from in June, 1869. The fortunes of the family having been sapped by the four years struggle, he had to bend his efforts of body and mind to the serious affairs of life, and, having made a fine record in college, he applied for and obtained a chair in his alma mater and taught there for two years. In June, 1904, this institution conferred upon him the degree of doctor of laws. The hours not filled by his duties at college were diligently spent in preparing himself for the practice of law. Later he removed to New Orleans and, while still read ing law, supported himself by teaching school. In 1873 he, was admitted to the supreme court of Louisiana and in 1874 removed to Pensacola and began practice. From his early life he took an active interest in govern ment and politics, and especially in the herculean struggle io Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory being made to free Florida from the corrupt control of political adventurers. In 1876 he was elected, as a Democrat, to the lower house of the Florida legislature; was elected to the State senate in 1880 and reelected in 1884, his services covering in all a period of ten years. His record was excellent in every way and inspired his people with such confidence in his integ rity and ability that he was sent to represent his district in the Fifty-second and Fifty-third Congresses. In 1897 the Florida legislature balloted many days for many men for United States Senator in one of the most exciting con tests of the history of the State, and finally elected Senator MALLORY to succeed the Hon. Wilkinson Call. He was actually not a contestant for the place, but believed that the honor would go to one of the declared candidates then in the field. Indeed, it is said that he had no notice of any purpose to propose his name earlier than twenty-four hours before his election. Senator MALLORY S career in this body shows him to have been a careful thinker and a conservative statesman. He was not opposed to reform, but first satisfied himself that a change was needed and that the new order would be better than the old. He thought that the basic principles of this Government were sound; his respect for the Constitution was profound, and his abiding faith was that through the study of the Constitution the broadest and best principles of government could be learned. In his will he left a sum to Georgetown University to be invested and the proceeds used to provide medals to be awarded from time to time for the best essays upon the Con stitution of the United States. Senator MALLORY S mind was essentially judicial and his sense of justice true and correct. He was of the Catholic faith and loved his church, but I submitted a case to him once in which the church was largely interested, and, after giving it Address of Mr. Taliaferro, of Florida n careful study and thought, he decided that the contention of the church, while possibly correct in equity, had no standing in the law. While he was grateful to those who had brought about his election to the Senate from the deadlock of the Florida legisla ture in 1897 and loyal to the men who led in that contest, yet his gratitude and loyalty were not allowed to extend beyond the bounds of what a correct conscience told him was right. In his first term in this great deliberative body Senator MALLORY made an excellent record, and upon the strength of it had no opposition for a second term, his election by the legislature in April, 1903, being unanimous. I had known Senator MALLORY as a lawyer in Florida, as a member of the legislature, and as a Representative in Congress, but my home was in Jacksonville and his in Pensacola, cities wide apart, and because of the infrequency of our meetings our acquaintance was only casual. In 1899 I came to the Sen ate, and it was then that our real acquaintance began. The sturdy excellence of the man caused me to admire and esteem him, and I was soon glad to number him among my strong and steadfast friends. It is largely upon the intimacy with him here in this body that I base my views and judgment of his character. He was the son of a distinguished man, but this did not spoil him or cause him to seek prominence or adulation. .He fought his own fight with a definiteness of purpose that was commend able and showed the sterling stuff of which he was made. He attained, but the honors he won were worn with touching mod esty. His career shows steadfastness of character and purity of principle. His record here in all his life, indeed displays a patriotic and abiding faith in the principles of our Govern ment, a correct sense of justice, and a deep and generous sym- 12 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory pathy for those who struggle for the betterment of themselves and their children. He believed that the foundation of a wise and enduring Government was the education of its people, and if there was one cause more than another which appealed to his sympathy and enthusiasm it was education. Child-labor legislation, compulsory education, the organiza tion of the public school system of Florida, and the reorganiza tion of school matters in this city all bear the impress of his zeal in behalf of thousands of children whom he could never know. But the children whose pitiful condition touched him most closely were those in the naval reservation off Pensacola, in sight of his own home. There were 500 or more of these children, many of them descendants of workmen who were long ago induced to go there under the promise of homes in peaceful security. The State had no jurisdiction or control of this reservation, and therefore no power or authority to supply schools, and the children were growing up in comparative ignorance. The first congressional provision for their relief was introduced by Senator (then Representative) MALLORY. Since then he worked untiringly in every Congress of which he was a Member for free school facilities for these children. In the Fifty-ninth Congress he introduced a bill in the Senate for the establishment and maintenance of public schools on the naval reservation. Finally, certain, because of his fast failing health, that he could not live long, he arranged for a place on the Committee on Naval Affairs (exchanging with his old friend, Senator Blackburn, who went to the Committee on the District of Columbia), one of his purposes being to further the educational interests of the neglected children of the Pen sacola Navy- Yard. Entering the portals of death, a soul whose life labors were dedicated even in part to the betterment of the condition of little children need have no fear. Address of Mr. Taliaferro, of Florida i? A friend of Senator MALLORY, a friend of education, and especially of neglected children of the naval reservation, has suggested that no more enduring monument could be erected to his memory, no more fitting tribute of love and veneration could be laid upon his grave, than for this great body to assume the work of providing the little neglected proteges of the nation with the educational advantages which should be assured to all. Senator MALLORY was the son of Stephen Russell Mallorv, who was a Senator from the State of Florida in this body from 1851 to 1 86 1, when he retired to follow the fortunes of his State, which had seceded from the Union to become a part of the Confederate States of America. The elder Mallory was secretary of the Confederate navy, which placed upon the seas the first fighting ironclad the world had ever seen an ironclad which ended the era of the wooden vessel and revolutionized the naval architecture of the world. The elder Mallory was born in Trinidad on his father s vessel, sailing from Bridgeport, Conn., famed as the home of mariners and shipbuilders. The junior MALLORY also was reared within the sound of the sea. Indeed, his early boyhood days were spent at Key West, an island in the sea, some miles distant from the mainland of Florida. Reared in such an atmosphere and descended from the sturdy mariner folk of Connecticut, it is but natural that he should love the sea, its vast air of freedom, the grandeur of its storms, the music of its murmurs and its mysteries. The Spanish blood in his veins, a heritage from his mother, produced in him, as the strange chemistry of the Latin admixture usually produces, a perhaps more intense love of the beautiful in poetry and art and nature than the Anglo- Saxon seems to hold, and especially in nature, which he looked upon as the open book the ideal of both poetry and art. For many years preceding his death Senator MALLORY had been an invalid. During much of that time he was compelled to 14 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory rest in a sitting posture. He bore his troubles silently and with out complaint even to his most intimate friends. He has ap peared in this body more than once with the tell-tale flush of fever on his face and suffering bodily pain to participate in some important debate or to advocate some measure of interest to the people of his State and the nation. Nor did he measure the sum of his duty by the interests of his State alone. When he came to die the Senate was sent a message one of his last requesting that there be no official funeral. He wished no pomp or display, but merely to be laid quietly away by his own people at his own home with the simple service of the Catholic prayers for the dead. He asked, too, that there be no eulogy, but Father Fullerton, who conducted the funeral, felt "that a life so modest, so full of lessons for the living, war ranted a disregard of part of this request at least. He said that Senator MALLORY "had died as he had lived, a courageous man, religious without pretense, and a faithful soldier of the cross. There was no complaining or repining in the long fight against sufferings which were a martyrdom. He showed us how to live, and when he could not longer show us that, he showed us how to die." On the north face of the Confederate monument at Pensacola there is a legend selected by Senator MALLORY and chosen, "per haps, because it was the lode star of his own life : Tis not in mortals to command success. We ll do more, Sempronius we ll deserve it. And I may add, Mr. President, that the success which my lamented colleague achieved he well deserved. Address of Mr. Gallinger, of New Hampshire ADDRESS OF MR. GALLINGER, OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Mr. PRESIDENT: A singularly conscientious and devoted public man of the very best American type has been lost to the Senate and the nation in the death of STEPHEN R. MALLORY, of Florida. His splendid character was manifest in the very aspect of his face and form in the refinement of his well- remembered features and the dignified and courteous bearing of the well-born, cultivated gentleman. He was a worthy heir to one of the historic names of the South, the second of his family to adorn this Chamber. This is a distinction rare in the annals of the Republic. Not often in our bustling, aggressive democracy are the public honors of a father transmitted to a son nor were these honors in this instance merely transmitted as a matter of right, in the aristocratic Old World way, from the older to the younger MALLORY. Rather were they achieved anew by the younger man, in our good American way, by dint of sheer ability, ardent endeavor, and high personal deserving. Fortunate is he who inherits a distinguished name, but still more fortunate is he who, inheriting it, leaves that name all the more illustrious because of the manner in which he has borne it throughout his life and of honest and beneficent work in the service of his country. It was the fortune of Senator MALLORY to have lived during the most stirring and dramatic period of our national career. These are the years spanned by the lives of the majority of the older men now in this Chamber. As a lad he saw the final intensifying of the sad and bitter estrangement between North and South, that consummate tragedy of America, the transform ing of brethren into deadly enemies a tragedy which we are 1 6 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory mourning still, but, fortunately, one which heals and fades so swiftly in these present years that to our children s children it will be a thing incredible. Young MALLORY not only saw this tragedy. L/ike tens of thousands of brave and ardent boys, South and North, he was himself a part of it both witness and actor in its heroism, grief, and suffering. As a young officer of the Confederate navy he bore his share in the final scenes of the drama, and it happened that his own role was of the most difficult and dis couraging character. It is a matter of history that the little, improvised Confederate fleet was outmatched almost every where by the overwhelming resources of the Federal Navy, and that it was only the solitary commerce destroyers, free and far on the ocean, some of which never saw Confederate waters, that could make any headway against the tremendous mari time power of the North. Yet peculiarly hard and dishearten ing as was the service of the Confederate navy in the work of home defense, it proved to young MALLORY to be an admirable school of manly courage and endurance. What is more, it helped to give him that unusual interest in and knowledge of the affairs of the sea which, strengthened by his long residence at a historic Southern seaport, made him so useful afterwards in House and Senate in the consideration of important matters of ocean trade and navigation. On all these things he spoke among us here with rare information and authority. But Senator MALLORY was a well-rounded man. Nothing of concern to the nation or his State found him indifferent or forgetful. The great war had broken in upon his school years, as it broke in upon the student life of so many of the wisest and best men who have sat here and in the other House of Congress. But when there was opportunity he turned again resolutely to his education and gathered an excellent equip Address of Mr. Gallinger, of New Hampshire 17 ment in the law. His habit of mind was exact, logical, and fair. He would have made a great and able judge. Indeed, his temperament was naturally the broad and philosophical one of judge and arbiter rather than of sharp, uncompromising partisan advocate. But his honored name, the ripeness of his scholarship, and his notably attractive personality marked him out for an active political career. The people of Florida were proud of his qualities of mind and heart, and proud of the distinction of being represented by a man like this at Washington. Senator MALLORY in his later day and generation recalled some of the best traditions of those earlier and fortunate years before the slavery feud had rent North and South asunder. He was-of a distinguished race, long identified with the most im portant public service. The power of leadership and of states manship were with such men a matter of instinctive habit and inheritance. They knew their people and were absolutely trusted by their people, and they held to lofty ideals of the obligations and the powers of government. Even those who differed with them never dreamed of doubting the sincerity of their logical conclusions and their disinterestedness of purpose. Senator MALLORY endeavored, in his long and valuable public service here in Washington, to approach every public question with entire openness of mind. His manner of discussion was always candid and philosophical. He respected his honest adversaries and commanded respect from them. He was one of those rare public servants who could be both fair and firm for beneath his kindliness and courtesy there was always mani fest the bed rock of deep and strong individual conviction. Out of many years of pleasant associations with Senator MAL- LORY in the general service of the Senate, I can not but recall especially the most faithful and considerate performance of his 72901 S. Doc. 762, 60-2 2 1 8 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory duties a few years ago as a member o the Merchant Marine Commission. This was a difficult and thankless labor, involv ing as it did much journeying and long and weary sessions in the heat of summer and the crowded year of a Presidential campaign. Senator MALLORY was not at that time in robust health. The additional duties of the work of the Commission were sure to prove a severe tax upon his physical strength and to rob him of a well-earned and needed leisure. Yet, instinc tively recognizing that his own personal knowledge of maritime conditions made his presence and participation of the utmost value, he loyally undertook the task, traveling, studying, and laboring to the very limit of his physical capacity, personally- arranging for and presiding over several of the Commission s sessions of inquiry in the far South, and aiding materially in the final drawing up of the recommendations of the Commission to Congress. On every point where he could consistently agree with his Republican colleagues Senator MALLORY fully and unhesitatingly agreed, just as on other points he firmly and courteously differed. But he made it his business to seek points of agreement rather than of disagreement, and if this question of our mer chant marine, long such a contentious and almost hopeless ques tion in the American Congress, is now, as I believe,, somewhat further along toward a fair, friendly, and satisfactory solution, the credit for it must be held to be in a large measure due to the untiring industry, the breadth of temper, and the devoted patriotism of my good friend and keenly missed and well-re membered associate, the late Senator from Florida. But for the ill health which so unfortunately hampered the activities of his later years, Senator MALLORY would have left a far longer record of personal achievement. Yet all of us who knew him here know well how great a contribution to the vast Address of Mr. Gallinger, of New Hampshire 19 work of legislation was his conscientious service on his com mittees and his close attention to the business of the Senate when he was not debarred by sheer lack of physical strength or by physical suffering. The keenness of his well-trained intellect drove right to the heart of a complex and baffling problem. Able as he was, earnest and devoted, he had that all-essential quality often lacking in men of really great ability and high purpose, and that is that fine, strong, human talent for working harmoniously and effectively with his fellow-men. Such a public man as this intellectual, learned, patriotic, high-souled, generous is sure to inspire affection among all with whom he meets and works in the great and important responsibilities of the American Senate. We who knew Senator MALLORY think of him to-day with admiration and gratitude aye, but with something even warmer than that, more human and more enduring. He was distinguished as a Senator, and he was also lovable as a man. So it is with a grief deep and per sonal, and not in any mere ceremonious way, that we meet here to-day to speak of him, to recall his vanished face and form, his gracious words and noble work, and to do honor to a dear and sainted memory. 2O Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory ADDRESS OF MR. DANIEL, OF VIRGINIA Mr. PRESIDENT: Within the space of less than one year Sen ators MORGAN and PETTUS, of Alabama, L-ATIMER, of South Car olina, PROCTOR, of Vermont, WHYTE, of Maryland, and both MALLORY and BRYAN, of Florida, have been removed from the scene of their labors by the Omnipotent One who wills the com ing and going of his creatures. These losses, in proportion to numbers, are greater than the average number killed in a great and fierce battle. They show that we walk in our daily ways as soldiers under fire, and none may tell who next will lie amongst the fallen. The oldest Senator and the youngest are enrolled amongst these dead, and neither youth nor age can wear a shield against the dart that struck them down. MORGAN and PETTUS were recently commemorated by their colleagues in this body on the same day. At that time such an event was without precedent, but the precedent has been speed ily repeated, and to-day our farewell tributes are bestowed upon MALLORY. and BRYAN, who passed away in swift succession. STEPHEN RUSSELL MALLORY was an able man, a learned man, a patriotic and a good man. He made an excellent Senator, and of his useful service the records of the Senate bear witness. In his conduct and character he realized Blackstone s ideal of a good citizen, for he "lived honestly, hurt nobody, and rendered to every man his due." He was punctilious in the discharge of every task. The whole Senate respected him highly, and by his intimates he was beloved. Address of Mr. Daniel, of Virginia 21 He was always modest and unobtrusive, neither provoking nor giving offense, and he had no enemy amongst his colleagues. He was as manly as he was modest, and in debate was as firm and assertive as became the dignity of his personality and of the body to which he belonged. A certain refinement, both of ap j pearance, manner, and speech, indicated the instincts which make the character of the. gentleman. The cleanness and clear ness of his mind were illustrated whenever he spoke in argu ment upon this floor. His positions were chosen with wisdom, his views were uttered with precision; whatever he thought was so succinctly and forcibly expressed that none failed to understand his meaning or to be .impressed by the force and earnestness of his nature. No man could ever question either the propriety or the integrity of his course, and his good name was as precious ointment. His father, Stephen Russell Mallory, was the fourth Senator of the new State of Florida, and served ten years. Our late colleague was the fourteenth Senator elected by that State and served an equal time. His father became secretary of the navy of the Confederate States, which when he assumed the office was only a name, but he made a navy. Little and makeshift as it was, it held its position on the James River as long as L/ee held his lines on land, and, as war is a great teacher, its history and achievements will be studied, and those who study them will find a lesson taught which will appease anxiety as to this country being ever overrun by an enemy in war. The younger MALLORY was born in 1848. He became the bearer of arms in the Confederate army in the autumn of 1864, and was soon made a midshipman in the Confederate navy, and served on the Patrick Henry in the James River fleet until war speedily ended. It was at a time when, as Grant said, the Confederates had robbed the cradle and the grave for their 22 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory recruits, and the dissolution of the Confederacy, of which their very presence was a sign, was soon fulfilled. As the South dropped the sword it picked up the pruning hook, seized the plow handles, and opened anew its neglected books. The steps by which MALLORY advanced to fields of large usefulness and honor are indicated by his successive occupations. We find him at Georgetown College in 1865; a graduate of that institution in 1869; a professor of Latin and Greek in the service of his alma mater; again a student, teaching himself the law; at New Orleans a practitioner of the supreme court of Louisiana in 1873, and then, in 1874, settling down in his old home in Pensacola beginning practice. It is in the legislatures of the States that many of our most distinguished statesmen have learned something of the art of legislation. In 1875 he was in the house of representatives of Florida. He was elected to the state senate in 1880 and again in 1884. A little later his capacities have so developed and have been so well recognized by his constituents that he is sent in succession for two terms to the House of Representatives of the United States. In 1897 he was chosen to the United States Senate. When he died he was in the second term of a ripe ex perience and of a service valuable in all its connections with the interests of his State and country. He had been a member of all the legislative bodies known to the administration of the governments of the State and of the United States, and in each of those bodies he had well performed his part and left a me morial of his labors. Amongst other measures with which Senator MALLORY was identified was one which he offered in the Fifty-ninth Congress looking to the enlarged usefulness of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service. He realized what we all know, that Address of Mr. Daniel, of Virginia 23 the pestilence which wasted at noonday is far more destructive and terrible to the human race than is battle, and that more perish from disease in war than by the bayonet, the bullet, and the sword. Mr. MALLORY was for years troubled by a physical ailment which was to him a source of constant impediment and suffer ing. How patiently and unmurmuring he bore his burden all of us know. Christian by faith and by profession, his life was the best insignia of his devotion. A soldier of -the cross and a bearer of the cross, he fought the good fight without display of banners, and he closed his life the real conqueror who had con quered and subdued himself. He had scarce reached three score. To one of his simple life, his strong nerve, his prudent and well-ordered disposition, a score or more of years might have been reasonably anticipated as his portion; but it was not so ordered. The acclaims of the multitude, the conspicuous display of i public honors, the dazzling badges of distinction, the resounding speech of eulogy, and the printed page; all these things which flatter the vanity and stiffen the pride of man have their place even in the just economy of life s ambitions, which urge on and measurably reward men in their best endeavors. MALLORY had no burning ambition for these things. He lived on the work that was for him to do, and he bore to the grave that highest of earthly comforts that God has ever vouch safed to the workers of His will the calm repose of the spirit which holds itself in peace to all others and so goes its way to that peace which passeth all understanding. Scarce had he died at his own home, on December 23, 1907, than a new name took its place by the appointment by the gov ernor of Florida on the Senate roll, and WILLIAM JAMES BRYAN, with the freshness of youth, stepped into the Senate. Only 24 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory seventy-three days was he here, and over thirty of them were spent in the weariness and affliction of a mortal malady, of which he died on the 22d day of March, 1908. Painfully did he illustrate the lines: Life can little more supply Than just to look about us and to die. He was a native of Florida and of a family notable in its private worth and in its honest and useful service. He was himself tall, slender, straight, and handsome, an athlete and a student, a graduate of Emory College, Georgia, and then of Washington and Lee University in Virginia. A recognized orator and debater amongst the young men who were his fellow- students, a lawyer who was soon chosen as solicitor in his community, a successful practitioner, with the beckoning re wards and honors of his profession swiftly extended, no young man could have had a more auspicious or promising position amongst his people. Added to these things w r ere his happy marriage to Miss Allan, of Lexington, Va., a daughter of Col. William Allan, a man who had won the honors of war as the chief of ordnance in Jackson s corps, and the honors of peace as a writer of his tory and as a professor in Washington and Lee University. On Christmas day came to BRYAN a commission to the Senate of the United States. His bearing here fulfilled the expecta tions of those who saw in him the making of a long, honorable, and useful career. He heard his days before him and the trumpet of his life. But those days were not to be fulfilled. He had barely time to become acquainted with and on easy terms with his associates when came the lingering sickness which afflicted him, and then the solemn repose of death. Address of Mr. Daniel, of Virginia 2^ The names of MAI V LORY and BRYAN will ever linger in the memories of those who knew them here. They will long be cherished in their State and honored by them whom they hon ored. They may remind us of the flickering and how soon ex tinguished is the flame of life, but in the generous economy of that Providence which permits nothing to be lost, their lives intermingle with the meditations of those who come after them, repressing unworthy things, inspiring virtuous deeds and aspi rations, and cheering the column of humanity as it moves in its successive generations of toil and conflict, of achievements and disappointments, of sickness and sorrow, and pain and death to That one far off divine event To which the whole creation moves. 26 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory ADDRESS OF MR. NELSON, OF MINNESOTA Mr. PRESIDP:NT: We all know, especially those who have been for a long time members of this or other legislative bodies, that the most effective work leading to material results in the way of legislation is not always accomplished by those who are regarded as great orators or great debaters, but rather by that other class of legislators who are not much given to debate or oratory. This class is made up of those men who do the hard and substan tial work of the legislative body. They are usually the men who are active participants in the work on committees and who prepare and formulate legislative measures and who put them in practical and effective shape. To this class of industrious, unobtrusive, and quiet workers belonged our late colleague, Senator MALLORY. I became intimately acquainted with him soon after he made his first appearance in the Senate, and during his entire service in this body we were associated on one of the most important committees, and frequently during that time we were thrown together as members of important subcommittees which had under consideration many important and far-reaching measures, and in such committee work I found him to be one of the best-equipped, one of the most industrious, and one of the most efficient of Senators. He seemed to grasp intuitively, as it were, the full importance and scope of every important measure that was under considera tion, and if the measure had come to the committee in a crude and imperfect form he alwavs seemed to know how to prune, correct, and improve it; and he never allowed a spirit of par tisanship to control or warp him to any extent. Senator Address of Mr. Nelson, of Minnesota 27 was a most excellent lawyer, well grounded in the fundamental principles of constitutional and common law, and hence was always able to determine the true legal scope and constitutional validity of any pending bill or proposition. He was barely old enough to serve in the Confederate army and navy during the last two years of the civil war, and his army and naval service no doubt left its impress on his physical constitution, so that he was not as strong and rugged as he otherwise might have been if he had not been engaged in such service; but this service, in connection with his legal training, seemed to have equipped him for the important duties of a leg islator in a very high degree. And he was as loyal and faithful to the welfare of our entire country in all his public duties as though he had never at any time borne arms against her. While he may not have been regarded either as an orator or a great debater, nevertheless he would on occasions discuss im portant measures in a clear, succinct, and instructive manner. He never spoke for the mere sake of making a speech. He was never given to posing as a legislator for mere show or to attract attention. To him the work of legislation was a serious matter and he was always serious and in earnest in respect to any propo sition or measure that he had in charge or advocated. He was in no sense a radical, but rather inclined to be conservative, prudent, and careful in all his legislative efforts. Whenever he spoke in this body he was always listened to and always gave the Senate valuable information and demonstrated that his judgment was sound and that he was possessed of the true con servative spirit. A legislative body composed of men like Senator MAU.ORY would not be apt to make mistakes, but would move along safe and conservative lines and never drift into slipshod legislation and never pander to public clamor. He took a broad and 28 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory national view rather than a mere local view of great legislative problems, and never seemed to be a creature of, or tied down to, mere local environment. He was always a faithful attendant upon committees and upon the sessions of the Senate, and never sought to shirk his duties and his work in any direction. I served with him on important subcommittees when I knew his health was poor and that he was hardly in a condition to work, and yet he would stick to his task as faithfully and as thor oughly as though he were in the prime of life. He was a true son of the South, typical of all that is bravest and best among the Southern people, and while his heart and his spirit were with his State and his people, his legislative vision extended to the entire country, whose welfare he had at heart as fully and to as great an extent as any member of this body. His State never had a more earnest, a more hard-working, or a more faithful representative in this Senate. He was a most kind-hearted and lovable man, as companionable and as ready to form true and real friendships as any man with whom I have ever come in contact. As a member of the committee on which we were so long associated I miss him very much, and I know all his colleagues in this body feel his loss most keenly. The generation of men who participated in the great civil war are rapidly passing away, and in a few years more none of them will be left ; but when they have finished their task and finally passed away and finally surrendered to that inexorable fate that awaits us all, the verdict of history will be that they, both of the North and of the South, were big enough and great enough to unite and cooperate in the great and noble task of healing the wounds of the war and recementing the bonds of the Union and of placing it upon a more permanent and enduring basis than ever, and of zealously cooperating to extend, fortify, and perpet uate the moral and industrial greatness of our common country; Address of Mr. Nelson, of Minnesota 29 and it will redound to his glory and be something that his de scendants may look back to with pride that Senator MAUUORY was one of the prominent members of this class. In the latter years of his life he was in poor health; but in the midst of his afflictions, and in spite of them, he struggled along bravely and heroically with his Senatorial duties, always aiming to do his share of the work and never complaining ; but I have no doubt that in the midst of it he often felt like exclaiming in the language of Father Ryan : And I am restless still; twill soon be o er; For down the west Life s sun is setting, and I see the shore - Where I shall rest. 30 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory ADDRESS OF MR. CLAY, OF GEORGIA Mr. PRESIDENT: My first acquaintance with the late Senator MALLORY began in March, 1897. We began public life in the Senate at the same time. He was elected to the United States Senate by the legislature of Florida for the term beginning March 4, 1897. I was elected by the legislature of Georgia for the term beginning the same time. We served continuously together in the Senate for nearly eleven years, and about half of that time we were members of the Committee on Commerce, and I knew much of his services as a public man and Senator. We were warm personal friends, and I will not be accused of exag geration when I say that Senator MALLORY had the respect, the confidence, and esteem of every Member of the Senate with whom he served. He had held many positions of trust and honor in his own State before he was elected a member of this body. He had served in both branches of the legislature of Florida with honor and distinction, and had served two terms as a Member of the Lower House of Congress. Mr. MALLORY was elected to the United States Senate when he was not a can didate, and his services for the first term were so valuable and satisfactory to his constituents that he was returned a second term without opposition. Had his life been spared he doubt less would have been elected for a third term, for he constantly grew in popularity with the people of Florida. When Senator MALLORY first canie to the Senate he was in wretched health, but, notwithstanding this fact, he was diligent and attentive in the discharge of his public duties, and especially devoted to his work on the Commerce Committee, where he was so valuable in secur ing the necessary appropriations to develop the waterways and Address of Mr. Clay, of Georgia 31 protect the coast of his State. All of his associates recognized him as a very valuable member of this body. He possessed an analytical mind, reached his conclusions slowly, but when he formed an opinion his associates rarely questioned the soundness of his views. He was genial, lovable in all the relations of life, was modest, sincere, and hated every form of wrong and loved justice. His life was dominated by the highest moral purpose. His ideals were lofty. I am sure he lived for that which was noble, pure, and uplifting. He made one of the most valuable members of the Committee on Commerce. He took deep interest in the development of our waterways, and his opinions on any subject before that com mittee always carried the greatest weight. He served on sub committees in solving the most important problems before the Committee on Commerce, and he was diligent in his attendance and untiring in his efforts to faithfully discharge his duty. His intellect was of the highest order, grasping every phase of a subject, overlooking no detail, going to the core of the most complicated problems. In investigating public questions he was actuated by the purest of motives. He sought to know the very right of things. He was a man of positive convictions, and was always moved by those convictions. Convince Senator MALLORY that a proposition was right and no power could move him from supporting the right. While positive and firm in supporting his views on public questions, he was kind and gen tle, "tender as a woman and guileless as a child," and sincere and loving in his friendships. Florida lies adjacent to Georgia. The people of my State have always been deeply interested in the growth and progress of our sister State. I knew of Senator MALLORY as a public man before he became a member of the Senate, and of his high character and standing in Florida. His growth was a steady one. Each da.y he grew stronger in the confidence and affec- 32 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory tions of his associates. During the eleven years that I served with him in the Senate I have never heard an unkind word spoken of him. Both his friends and foes in political life in Florida recognized in him a man of ability, of sterling integrity, and the broadest patriotism. No man can gain and retain the public esteem and affections of the people of his State as he held them without having rare qualities of mind and heart. Partisan considerations and prejudices never warped his judgment, but with an even temper, an impartial mind, he was found where justice and equity prevailed. Everyone who knew him and watched his career pointed to him as an upright man, an able, conscientious, and honest public official. No one ever questioned his integrity, and his private life was without a blemish. Few men pos sessed and enjoyed the confidence of their associates as did Senator MALLORY. The distinguished chairman of the Com mittee on Commerce, representing with distinction and ability his State in the Senate for more than a quarter of a century, recognized Senator MALLORY as one of the most valuable mem bers of his committee. This high opinion of the deceased was entertained by every member of that committee. He loved his native State. He diligently studied to advance the interests of that State; but he not only loved Florida, but was devoted to the entire country. No one ever heard him speak dispar agingly of any section of his country. He recognized that the Republic was composed of States and that the Senator who assaulted any section of his country assaulted the Republic. He acted upon the theory that a Senator who was the enemy of any section was the enemy of his country. Sometimes we are swayed by partisan considerations and are inclined to criticise one section of the Republic in comparison with another. But our dead friend loved Maine, Massachusetts, Florida, Georgia, Address of Mr. Clay, of Georgia $3 New York, Virginia, and every State in the American Union. He had studied the history of his country. He had watched with pride the rapid progress we had made, and his statesman ship was of the highest character, recognizing that it was the duty of a Senator not only to represent his own State, but to advance in every possible way the interests and welfare of the entire nation. His life is a lesson to the American youth. Although in wretched health, a constant sufferer, he struggled and tri umphed over difficulties. He rose step by step in the estima tion of the community where he lived and won one victory after another and at last honorably reached one of the highest places of public life, where his usefulness was recognized by the entire country. How did he achieve success? Why is his memory held in such high esteem by his countrymen and associates in this body? The answer can easily be made. He led an honest, industrious life, was faithful in the discharge of every duty, and such a life is always properly rewarded. We can say to the American youth: "Follow in his footsteps lead an honest, industrious life, be faithful in the discharge of every duty, and success will crown your efforts." Illustrious and sterling honesty will always be rewarded. Temporary success gained by undue advantage and dishonor able conduct will always end in ruin and disgrace. The future of the Republic depends upon the education and training of the American youth. Most of the education and the training we acquire comes from contact with others. Education by asso ciation and example is a powerful factor in forming character. Association with the intelligent, the industrious, and the good tends to elevate and build up. Association with those who lead an indolent, dishonest, and immoral life tends to corrupt and 72901 S. Doc. 762, 60-2 3 34 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory degrade. A life of continued exhibition of high morals, purity of soul, and Christian charity is a source of strength and eleva tion to any community. The young men of a community respect, honor, and follow such a life. Senator MALLORY was not sensational. He possessed none of the arts of the demagogue. He was not a meteor in the political firmament. He never sought notoriety. He gradually built himself up in the confidence and esteem of the Senate by real, genuine worth. Each day he grew stronger and more useful. But, Mr. President, his work is finished, but his influence will never die. Mr. President, I have been a member of this body eleven years, and the mortality of the Senate during that period has been remarkable. Senators who have been members of this body since March 4, 1897, will recall those of our number who have gone to the world beyond. The Senators who have died during this period are as follows : Alabama. John T. Morgan, Edmund W. Pettus. Connecticut. O. H. Platt, J. R. Hawley. Florida. STEPHEN R. MALLORY, William J. Bryan. loua. J. H. Gear. Maryland. Arthur P. Gorman, William Pinkney Whyte. Massachusetts. George F. Hoar. Michigan. James McMillan, Russell A. Alger. Minnesota. Cushman K. Davis. Mississippi. Edward C. Walthall. New Jersey. William J. Sewell. South Dakota. James H. Kyle. Ohio. Marcus A. Hanna. Oregon. John H. Mitchell. Pennsylvania. Matthew S. Quay. South Carolina. Joseph H. Earle, A. C. Latimer. Tennessee. William B. Bate, Isham G. Harris. Vermont. Redfield Proctor, Justin S. Morrill. Address of Mr. Clay, of Georgia 35 % Four vSenators who died after ceasing to be Senators were : Donelson Caffrey, of Louisiana; Stephen M. White, of California; Edward O. Wolcott, of Colorado; George G. Vest, of Missouri. I repeat, Mr. President, that Senator MALLORY S growth was a steady one, the result of a modest, sincere, and studious life. In Washington, after becoming a Member of Congress, .he lived the same plain, temperate, economical life. His influence was not derived from social functions, but from work and worth. No scandal was ever connected with his name in either private or public life. He was not the representative of any trust, com bine, or special interest, neither was he ever engaged in the advancement of his own schemes, using his office as a means to an end. He was a plain, straightforward, unassuming gentle man, a sound thinker, a fearless advocate of what he believed to be right. Senator MALLORY was a staunch friend of honest, clean, economical government. He sought in every possible way to elevate the standard of our civilization, and by precept and example to prepare and qualify our young men for the highest possible standard of citizenship. He abhorred every form of hypocrisy and deceit. He left no doubt upon the minds of those who heard him as to the earnestness of his convictions. Those who differed with him knew he was both honest and sincere. He did his own thinking, formed his own conclusions, and sought diligently to reach conclusions that were just and right. He believed that a Senator should be under no personal obligations to any power and that a Senator should do his own thinking. He formed high ideals and lived up to them. No man is perfect. Doubtless Senator MALLORY had his faults; but if so, I was never able to discover them. I am glad that such a man lived, and I am sure his influence will never die. I most cheerfully place upon the records of the Senate my tribute of affection and admiration for the memorv of the deceased. 36 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory ADDRESS OF MR. PERKINS, OF CALIFORNIA Mr. PRESIDENT: The South has been more than fortunate in the men she has sent to represent her in the Senate of the United States. They have been selected from among the ablest and best of her citizens, and have brought to this Chamber an influence for honest and conscientious endeavor that has com ported with the high standards set by the greatest of those who have preceded us. We have recently had cause to mourn with her for great and irreparable losses which she has sustained. Some of the most distinguished Americans of this generation who have occupied seats here have been lost to us through death within a year, and among them are numbered some of the South s greatest men. Of these is STEPHEN RUSSELL MALLORY. My acquaintance with Senator MALLORY began when he first became a member of this body in 1897. I was instantly attracted to him by reason of his honesty and sincerity, and soon my admiration was awakened through the recognition of those great powers which he possessed, but which his modesty prevented him from displaying, except on such occasions as specially demanded their exercise. But it was not long before his ability was fully recognized here, and he took a place among the foremost men of the Senate. I was associated with him on the committees of Naval Affairs and of Commerce, and there had the opportunity to learn his peculiar fitness for such matters as came before us. He was unusually well equipped for the dis cussion of such business as arose, by reason of his early experi ence in maritime affairs which excited within him an interest that never flagged. He was the son of the secretary of the Address of Mr. Perkins, of California 37 navy of the Confederate States, and in his early youth he was appointed a midshipman in the Confederate navy, and though his service was short on account of the end of the war, he imbibed the spirit which naval training and following the sea gives, and which is one of the most valuable possessions which a man can have. However short may have been a man s connection with a fighting sea force, there will inevitably be born within him an ambition to emulate the deeds of bravery and self- sacrifice which illuminate all maritime history. The men who sail the seas, whether in an armored vessel of a navy or on a merchantman or fishing schooner, have experi ences which toughen the moral fiber, which cultivate self-reli ance, which promote unselfishness, which cultivate generosity, and promote honesty in the dealings of man with man. And the traditions of the sea, which will always be of vital interest to one who has once been connected with it, transmit and per petuate all these influences which make for courage, honesty, and sincerity. Senator MALLORY came within these influences, and in him they contributed to the formation of that strong character which commanded the respect of all who knew him. His devotion to public duty was untiring, and no constituency has ever had a representative here whose interests were more carefully studied. He loved his native State with the ardor which characterizes the affection of all Southrons for the State of their birth. The glamor of romance and adventure which was cast over that fair land by the search by Ponce de Leon for the fountain of perpetual youth, and the name which he gave the unknown region when he saw it brilliant with the flowers of a Palm Sunday nearly four centuries ago, undoubt edly have had their influence in strengthening the devotion which is felt for it by all who claim Florida for their native State or adopted home. That of Senator MALLORY was sweet, 38 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory simple, and sincere, as was his own character. That devotion accentuated his firm belief in the doctrine of State rights, which more than once he ably expounded before this body, and his education in the law and his training in the courts made him a powerful champion of the principle that the States are the possessors of every power not delegated to the Federal Govern ment by the Constitution of the United States. Senator MALLORY began his public career early, and has been conspicuous in State and national affairs ever since. After the war he attended Georgetown College, graduating in 1869. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in Louisiana in 1873, and in 1876 w r as elected to the lower house of the Florida legis lature, from which he passed successively to the State senate, the House of Representatives of the National Congress, and in 1897 to the Senate. His political career presents a record of clean, honest, efficient work, which gained for him the respect of all people and all parties. Those who knew him admired him for his sterling integrity and his genial companionship. He was always true to himself, to his convictions, ideals, and his conceptions of the best public good. His heart went out to all that was good and noble in others, for he looked upon the manifestations of high character as of inestimable value as examples. Example He once said- is the most potent of preceptors. The object lesson is the most impressive method of reaching the understanding and shaping the inclination of the young, and the oftener we can present to their plastic minds authentic illustrations of character which of itself conquers adverse environment, rises to eminence by its innate merit, and wins the respect and esteem of good men and women, the greater the probability of our inspiring those who are to follow us with a zealous purpose to emulate such virtue. Address of Mr. Perkins, of California 39 This reveals his view of life, its duties, and its responsibilities, and we all know how closely he lived up to that high standard. In his work in Congress he had ever before him the examples of the great men who in years gone by made this body illustrious, and he strove to reach their high level of pure statesmanship. And when he saw that the end of life was near he again exhibited that honeSt simplicity of character which endeared him to all who knew him. He wished that in the last duties which should be paid to him there should be that absence of even a suspicion of ostentation that had always characterized his acts in life. His wishes were respected, and he was quietly laid to rest by the friends he loved. As one by one of our colleagues fail to answer the roll call in the Senate and we realize that we will never again hear their eloquent or persuasive voices, may we not well ask ourselves the question Oh why should the spirit of mortal be proud? Like a fast -flitting meteor, a fast-flying cloud, A flash of the lightning, a break of the wave, He passes from life to his rest in the grave. 40 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory ADDRESS OF MR. MILTON, OF FLORIDA Mr. PRESIDENT: I have not the gift of language nor of elo quence to fittingly portray the character and attainments of Florida s distinguished son, STEPHEN RUSSELL MALLORY, whose life, character, and public services we now pause from the cus tomary duties of the Senate to commemorate and commend. My reason for speaking on this occasion is not that I think I can do him justice, but these words of commendation, veneration, and eulogy, though weak and halting, come from a friend and are the only tribute he can pay. As flattery to the living is unjust, so fulsome praise of the dead seems mockery; therefore I speak of him as I think and feel. More than twenty years ago I met STEPHEN RUSSELL MAL LORY, and so impressed was I with his worth, pure character, integrity of heart and mind, and nobility of soul that whether he was in the shade of temporary political defeat, or crowned with the laurels of success, I was always his friend, admirer, and political follower. His friendship was an honor of which I feel justly proud. Mr. MALLORY was a true type of a southern gentleman and statesman, modest, courteous, wise. He was the worthy son of a great sire, and his life work was full and active, replete with Southern sentiment and instinct but of national breadth and force in its statesmanship. He was born November 2, 1848, as the war clouds were gathering over this great land. His father was a member of this body from 1851 to 1861; there fore he was reared in the midst of the activities and battles of intellectual arguments which preceded the conflict of giant brothers. Address of Mr. Milton, of Florida 41 At the age of 16 he entered the Confederate army of Vir ginia, and later became a midshipman in the navy of the South, freely risking his life fighting in that titanic struggle for what he deemed to be right then and believed to be right to the day of his death, the sovereign rights of a sovereign State. At the close of the war he completed his education and began the practice of law. But his State, like other Southern States after the war, was suffering from the rule of ignorance, vice, and robbery. Thinking it his duty to again serve his country, he entered heartily into the struggle of the people of Florida to redeem her government from negro and carpetbag domination, and in 1876 was elected a member of the Florida legislature. He was elected to the state senate in 1880 and returned again in 1884. In her legislative halls so ably did he serve the people that, feeling his abilities and usefulness should not be circum scribed by state bounds, he was elected to the National House of Representatives, and served two terms. While here he so well represented the interest of Florida and so favorably impressed the citizenship of his State that in 1897, when the most momentous and bitter strife among Florida Democrats was waged, the representatives of the people turned to MALLORY as the only man who could properly represent them ; and although he was not a candidate for the honorable position, he was elected to the United States Senate and reelected in 1905. Here for nearly eleven years he gave to the service of his country the benefit of his ripened intellect. At the age of 59, while in the prime of life and the activity of his intellect, and and while he bade fair to still give years of service to his country, he was mowed down by the grim reaper, Death. As a soldier he was brave and gallant, bearing cheerfully the hardships necessarily imposed by reason of his impoverished 42 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory country. He followed the flag of the lost cause with the same zeal, devotion, and self-sacrifice which characterized the hero soldiers of the Confederacy. As a citizen he was law-abiding, diligent in the discharge of his duties, and worked for the advancement of good govern ment. He was modest and unassuming, but courageous and bold in the pursuit of and in the path of duty and never swayed by fleeting public opinion from the right, as he saw it. As a friend he was honest, loyal, and true. He trusted and could be trusted. His conversation was pure, chaste, and full of kindness. His ambitions were noble and his aims and aspira tions high. He was such a friend that time and separation mattered not; his friend knew at all times that he could be depended on and that he would only do what was right. He was a lawyer of wide information and knowledge of law. He was faithful to the interests of his clients, and he won the confidence of all by his high ideal of justice and right. His well-trained mind was analytical, his reasoning logical, and his conclusions just. He was an able lawyer, a credit to the bar, and an honor to his profession. As a Christian he was baptized and had an abiding faith in the wisdom, justice, love, and mercy of his Maker. He well performed his duty to his neighbor and in his life exemplified the golden rule: Do unto others as you would they should do unto you. As a public man he was broad in his views and had a ready grasp of national affairs. He was no demagogue, but at all times a loyal advocate and an outspoken champion of the principles for which he stood. No selfish ambition ever kept him silent or made him swerve from his duty to his people. His character and mind were well balanced, conservative, but bold. If he had one trait of character that impressed one more than Address of Air. Milton, of Florida 43 another, it was his strict integrity. MALORY S honesty was known, admired, and esteemed throughout the length and breadth of Florida. A prince can mak a belted knight, A marquis, duke, and a that, But an honest man s aboon his might. STEPHEN RussELL MALLORY was an honest man, the noblest work of God. As a citizen, a soldier, and a statesman he freely gave to Florida and the nation his best efforts. He was earnest, dili gent, and faithful to every trust reposed in him. His spotless life and character without stain is his best monument, and to succeeding generations will illuminate the path to duty and to honor. And now that his life work is over, his body rests beneath the sod of his loved Florida. The Southern sun, which warmed his heart to love of his native State and filled it with patriotism, now with each returning springtime kisses into life aud bloom the flowers that lovingly adorn his grave, and its too warm rays to them as tempered by the soft, balmy southern breezes from across the Mexic Sea, which he loved so well, and his slumber is soothed by the requiem of its rippling waves; for he is not dead, but sleepeth, his pure soul having risen, until resurrection s dawn, to rest on high in realms of eternal bliss with his Maker, for Death s but a path that must be trod, If man would ever pass to God. PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE MONDAY, January 6, 1908. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE. The message announced that the Senate had passed the following resolutions : Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow of the death of the Hon. STEPHEN RUSSELL MALLORY, late a Senator from the State of Florida. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate a copy of these resolutions to the House of Representatives. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased the Senate do now adjourn. Mr. CLARK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, the House has just heard of the death of the distinguished senior Senator from Florida, the Hon. STEPHEN R. MALLORY. At some future time the Florida delegation will ask the House to set apart a day in order that the Members may pay tribute to the dis tinguished public services of this illustrious son of Florida. At the present time I offer the following resolution and move its adoption. The Clerk read as follows : Resolved, That the House has learned with profound sorrow of the death of Hon. STEPHEN R. MALLORY, a Senator of the United* States from the State of Florida. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect the House now adjourn. The resolutions were unanimously agreed to. Accordingly (at 12 o clock and 31 minutes p. m.) the House adjourned. 45 46 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory THURSDAY, April 23, 1908. The SPEAKER. Pending the announcement, by unanimous consent, the gentleman from Florida [Mr. Sparkman] desires to make a request. Mr. SPARKMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the present consideration of the order which I send to the Clerk s desk. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Florida [Mr. Spark man] asks unanimous consent for the present consideration of the order which the Clerk will report. The Clerk read as follows : Ordered, That the House shall meet at u in. on Sunday, May 3, which shall be set aside for memorial addresses on the life, character, and public services of Hon. S. R. MALLORY, late a United States Senator from the State of Florida. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The Chair hears none. The question is on agreeing to the order. The question was taken and the order was agreed to. Mr. CLARK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con sent for the present consideration of the order which I send to the Clerk s desk. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will report. The Clerk read as follows : Ordered, That Sunday, May 3, at the conclusion of the addresses on the life, character, etc., of the late STEPHEN R. MALLORY shall be set apart for memorial addresses on the life, character, and public services of Hon. William J. Bryan, late United States Senator. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? / [After a pause.] The Chair hears none. The question is on agreeing to the order. The question was taken, and the order was agreed to. Proceedings in the House 47 SUNDAY, May 3, iqo8. The House met at 12 o clock m. and was called to order by the Clerk, Hon. Alexander McDowell, who caused the follow ing communication from the Speaker to be read : SPEAKER S ROOM, HOUSE or REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, D. C ., May j, 1908. I hereby designate Hon. John Dalzell, of Pennsylvania, to act as Speaker pro tempore for this day. JOSEPH G. CANNON, Speaker. The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the following prayer : We bless Thee, our Father in Heaven, for the immutability of Thy character, that Thou art the same yesterday, to-day, and forever; that we are Thy children; that we may rely implicitly upon Thine infinite wisdom, power, and goodness, and that whatsoever Thou dost order for us is better than anything we could desire for ourselves. "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." We thank Thee, our Father, for the great and the true, the wise and the pure, the strong and the brave of every age, who comprehended the light which shone out of the darkness and the meaning of life, caught its spirit, and gave themselves in a faithful service to Thee and to mankind. We are gathered here to-day to pay a tribute of love and respect to two such men men in whom their fellows reposed confidence and trust, who never deceived, never betrayed that confidence, but lived pure, 48 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory noble, exemplary lives, and wrought a good work for mankind. Grant that their lives may be an inspiration to us and to those who shall come after us. And bless, we pray Thee, those who were near and dear to them in life, and comfort them with the blessed thought that they shall meet again in a land where love - shall find its full fruition in the hearts of the true. and the pure. And so may our lives be ordered that we shall be counted worthy in the day of our departure. And Thine be the praise through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen! Mr. SPARKMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask that the special order of the day be read. The SPEAKER pro tempo re. The Clerk will read. The Clerk read as follows : On motion of Mr. Sparkman, by unanimous consent, "Ordered, That the House shall meet at 12 m. on Sunday, May 3, which shall be set aside for memorial addresses on the life, character, and public- services of Hon. S. R. MALLORY, late a United States Senator from the State of Florida." (Order adopted in the House April 23, 1908.) On motion of Mr. Clark of Florida, by unanimous consent, "Ordered, That Sunday, May 3, at the conclusion of the addresses on the life, character, etc., of the late STEPHEN R. MALLORY, shall be set apart for memorial addresses on the life, character, and public services of Hon. William J. Bryan, late United States Senator." (Order adopted in the House April 23, 1908.) Mr. SPARKMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all those who may address the House to-day have permis sion to revise and extend their remarks in the RECORD. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Florida [Mr. Sparkman] asks unanimous consent that all Members ad dressing the House to-day may have leave to extend their remarks in the RECORD. Is there cbjection? There was no objection. Proceedings in the House 49 SUNDAY, May 3, 1908. Mr. SPARKMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the consideration and adoption of the resolution which I send to the Clerk s desk. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Florida [Mr. Sparkman] submits the following resolution, which the Clerk will report. The Clerk read as follows : Resolved, That in accordance with the order of the day, an opportunity be given for tributes to the memory of Hon. STEPHEN R. MALLORY, late a United States Senator from the State of Florida. Resolved, That as a particular mark of respect to the memory of the deceased and in recognition of his distinguished public career, the House, at the conclusion of the exercises of this day, shall stand adjourned. Resolved, That the Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate. Resolved, That the Clerk send a copy of these resolutions to the family of the deceased. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on agreeing to the resolutions. The question was taken, and the resolutions were unani mously agreed to. 72901 S. Doc. 762, 60-2 4 50 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory MEMORIAL ADDRESSES ADDRESS OF MR* SPARKMAN, OF FLORIDA Mr. SPEAKER : We are assembled on this occasion to perform one of those sad duties that have become so frequent here during the past few years, that of paying tribute to the life and char acter of some Member of this body or of that at the other end of the Capitol, who has answered the summons from on high, to which all must give heed and from which none can turn away. All alike the rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak, the sovereign and the subject must obey that summons. No station so high as to be above its reach, none so low as to lie beneath the compass of its sound. How frequently, in this body, are we reminded of this sad truth. How often at each session do we pause in the proceedings here to commemorate the life and services of some one who, in advance of us, has answered the call to go hence. I am not one of those, Mr. Speaker, who regard services such as these an idle waste of time. On the contrary, I think we can not use more profitably the brief period necessary to pay loving tribute to those honored by the people with commissions to serve them in the National Legislature, and who have gone down before the grim reaper in the midst of their duties and ere their work here has been done. True, we can not, if we would, bring the dead back to life by aught we might say here, no more than the flower dropped upon the casket or the high pealing anthem above the bier can lift the Address of Mr. Spark-man, of Florida 51 coffin lid and restore to those who remain behind the departed friend or companion. But they all serve a purpose in life. They soften the gloom of the death chamber and make lighter the burden of bereavement. Touching, as these simple acts do, thetmore delicate cords of our nature, they make us better and purer, and strengthen the bonds of sympathy that link all human hearts together. Then, too, the country at large derives a benefit in other ways from such proceedings as these. By them we not only stimu late patriotism, broaden our political horizon, and temper the asperities engendered by party strife, but, by spreading upon the records here the history of an honored and illustrious career, to be read from one end of the land to the other, we kindle the ambition of the young in every walk of life and stimulate them to nobler effort and grander achievement. No one has ever accomplished aught in any field of endeavor without having been inspired thereto by some one, and few lives ^are so barren of results as not to furnish a stimulus to still more worthy action by those who may come under their influence. A gifted poet has said : There s never a rose in all the world But makes some green spray sweeter; There s never a tvind in all the sky But makes some bird s wing fleeter; There s never a star but brings to Heaven Some silver radiance tender, And never a rosy cloud but helps To crown the sunset splendor; No robin but may thrill some heart, His dawnlike gladness voicing. God gives us all some small, sweet way To set the world rejoicing. 52 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory And in that gem-laden poem, Lucile, Owen Meredith gives utterance to the same truth in the following lines: No stream from its source flows seaward, how lowly soever its course, But what some land is gladdened; no star ever rose And set without influence somewhere; no life ^ Can be pure in its purpose and strong in its strife And all life not be stronger and purer thereby. And, sir, if influences for good may flow from humble sources, how much greater results may come from the contemplation of the life and character of one such as we are assembled here to commemorate. I can not, perhaps, do better, Mr. Speaker, than to quote a short paragraph from the address by the deceased himself. Eulogizing the life and character of the late James Montraville Moody in the Senate a little more than five years ago, Senator MALLORY used this language: Mr. President, it is a natural impulse that prompts those who, by associa tion or observation, have learned the intrinsic merit of one who has closed a life of usefulness to pay such tribute as can be conveyed by our inade quate powers of expression to the memory of such a career. When Death has placed his imprimatur on the last chapter of our little earthly life story, and what we have done for good or ill has thereby become fixed forever, a part of our irrevocable and unamendable record, it is eminently proper that not only those who have the incentive of personal affection, but that those who in the casual intercourse of a strenuous existence have had occasion to note exceptional and shining traits in the character and career of one who has passed away forever, should also put in as permanent a shape as possible the results of their observation. This impulse ought to have, and generally does have, with the thoughtful a higher and nobler inspiration than that which evolved the maxim of the ancients which enjoined nought but good when speaking of the dead. Example is the most potent of preceptors. The object-lesson is the most impressive method of reaching the understanding and shaping the inclination of the young, and the oftener we can present to their plastic minds authentic illustrations of character which of itself conquers adverse environment, Address of Mr. Sparkman, of Florida C7 rises to eminence by its innate merit and wins the respect and esteem of good men and women, the greater the probability of our inspiring those who are to follow us with a zealous purpose of emulating such virtue. Senator MALLORY S life is one well worthy of being studied. While he had not reached its allotted span nor passed much beyond its meridian, he had trodden the pathway of duty and had lived long, if life be counted by achievement rather than by the flight of years. Although springing from an honored and distinguished parentage, he had, by reason of adverse condi tions, been compelled to start well down in the humbler walks of life; but, by his own unaided efforts, had climbed, one at a time, the steep heights of success until he had reached the goal of his ambition, the highest point, save one, that may be touched in the field of political endeavor; and that, too, without a stain upon his life or a blot upon his character. How much, then, may we, whether young or old, learn from a career so filled with bright achievement. STEPHEN RUSSELL MALLORY was born on November 2, 1848, in Columbia, S. C., where his parents were sojourning tem porarily, their home being in Key West, Fla., from which city they subsequently moved to Pensacola. He sprang from Eng lish and Irish stock on his father s side, his paternal grand mother having been a Miss Russell and a cousin of Lord Russell, of England, and from Spanish lineage on his mother s side she having been a Miss Moreno, a lady distinguished for her many qualities, both of mind and heart. His father was a man of marked ability, and, elected to the United States Senate from Florida in 1851, served the people in that high position until his State seceded, in 1861, when he resigned from the Senate, becoming afterwards secretary of the navy in the cabinet of Jefferson Davis, there likewise discharging his duties with dis tinction until the star of the Southern Confederacy "went down forever in smoke and blood." 54 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory Nor did the son escape the hardships and perils of that blood iest of conflicts. Being then at school in Richmond, the Con federate capital, and where his father s official position had required him to reside, the son, at the call of what he conceived to be the voice of duty, entered Lee s army at the age of 15 years,, later being transferred to the navy, in which he served as a midshipman on the Patrick Henry until the surrender of Lee at Appomattox, when he returned to Pensacola. But only for a brief period did he remain there at this time, for we soon find him at Georgetown University, in this city, from which he graduated in due time, with distinction. Being without finan cial means, his father s fortune having been dissipated, as so many fortunes were in that disastrous war, he became a pro fessor of classic languages in the university from which he had graduated, teaching there for two years, when he removed to New Orleans and began the study of law, supporting himself the while by teaching school. Admitted to the bar in Louisiana, he returned to Florida in 1874, where he commenced the prac tice of his profession, in which he took at once a commanding position, and that, too, at a bar ever noted for the ability, learning, and high standing of its members. But he was not permitted long to follow without interruption the profession he had chosen. The people of his county, indeed of the State, had a use for his services in the political field. In 1876, a period in Florida as well as over the entire South when partisan feeling ran high, he was elected to the lower house of the Florida legislature, where his talents and high character at once placed him in the front rank of Florida s public men, a position he ever afterwards retained. Elected to the state senate in 1880, he was reelected in 1884, all the while continuing the practice of law, except when engaged in the performance of his official duties. In 1890 he was elected Address of Mr. Sparkman, of Florida c c to the Fifty-second Congress and reelected to the Fifty-third, serving the people with that fidelity and conscientious regard for duty which characterized him throughout his entire life. From his seat in this body he retired to private life at the end of the Fifty-third Congress, broken in health but not in spirit, still with the determination to give the best that was within him to the world in which he lived. His retirement, however, was not to be for long, for in 1897 he was elected to the United States Senate, and reelected without opposition in 1903, serving well the State whose commission he bore until death laid its hand upon him on December 23, 1907. This, Mr. Speaker, is but an outline of a remarkable career, but from it, even if we knew no more, we might easily fill the space within. I have only touched the more prominent eleva tions along his pathway, but from these resting places we can easily discern the difficulties of the course he trod, and picture to ourselves his struggles to surmount them, until finally he reached the goal of his ambition, the highest point for which he strove. A soldier at 15 under the greatest chieftain of the South in one of the most gigantic struggles the world has ever witnessed; a civil war veteran at 1 7 ; a graduate and professor in one of the first colleges of the country at the age of 2 1 ; a lawyer with a large practice in the city where his childhood had been spent at 26; a member of the lower house of the legislature of his State at 28; twice a state senator between then and his thirty-sixth year; twice a Congressman ere he had reached the age of 45, and then with broken health ten years in the greatest lawmak- ing body in the world; finally, after years of physical suffering, yielding to the ravages of disease and falling under its pitiless assaults, but with earthly honors thick upon him; these show not only a remarkable career, but indicate the traits which gave 56 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory success commanding talents, honor-able ambition, singleness of purpose, energy in the discharge of duty, unyielding determina tion, and a well-rounded character. It was my good fortune, Mr. Speaker, to know Senator MALLORY intimately, and particularly after he had been hon ored with a seat in the Senate. I have seen him in private and public life, have met him in the social circle, accompanied him in political campaigns, observed him in the performance of his official duties at the other end of this Capitol, and know full well the qualifications he possessed for the work demanded of him and the fidelity with which he served those who had intrusted their interests to his keeping. But if I were asked to specify the leading trait in his character, I would unhesitatingly say that it was his high sense of honor. No political or other exigency could make him swerve from what he conceived to be the path of right. The voice of the tempter is heard in all the walks of life. With no less frequency, perhaps, is it whispered in the ear of him engaged in civil strife, and the temptation to sacrifice con victions to political exigency is sometimes great, but fortunate is that constituency represented by one who, with an honest heart and a clear head, will, seeing the right, dare to do it in the face of the probable disapproval of that public on whom he relies for support. That trait the subject of this sketch possessed in a high degree. Mistakes he may have made now and then in the support of men and measures. Who has not made them? But if such there were, they were of the head and not of the heart. Arid in saying that, Mr. Speaker, I have perhaps said all that is nec essary to be said of STEPHEN R. MALLORY. For he who pos sesses this characteristic can ever be trusted by those he serves. In the life of such a man, the conditions being given, friend and Address of Mr. Sparkman, of Florida 57 foe alike will know what his action will be. With the star of right to guide him, he ever moves on a straight line to the end of the way. Another characteristic of Senator MALORY S, which, after all, is but one of the many aspects of a high sense of honor, was his fidelity to his State and the people he represented. He ever had their interest before him and never lost an opportunity to serve them when able to do so. I have referred, Mr. Speaker, to the condition of his health. Indeed, he entered the Senate in 1897 an invalid and never afterwards did he regain his accus tomed vigor. Often, to appearances, near death s door, he remained at his post of duty, except when compelled to absent himself on account of the severity of the disease from which he suffered. Going in and out of the Senate Chamber, but a shadow of his once strong and robust physique, though his body might be racked by pain and weakened by fever, he never failed to respond to the request of a constituent, no matter how hum ble or obscure, when able to leave his bed. Frequently I have seen him in the Senate Chamber with a high fever participating in the deliberations of that body, or at the departments serving some friend or constituent, when prudence and a proper regard for his waning health and strength should have kept him in his room. But his sense of duty was such as to cause him to disregard his physical condition as long as an obligation claimed by a constituent or imposed by his official position remained undis charged. With him duty was first, everything else, including health and physical comfort, secondary. Knowing of his ill health and the drain which disease and suffering had made upon his strength, I have wondered at his ability to perform so well his official duties. Besides attending to his correspondence and departmental work, he kept well up with the proceedings ^8 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory of the Senate often engaging in the discussions of that body. In fact, there was scarcely a great measure before the Senate while he was a member there upon which he did not speak and which was not rendered more lucid by his utterances. Senator MALLORY, while a partisan, was not a bitter one, and although his arguments were presented with force, his kind ness of heart was such that his language left nothing to rankle in the heart of an adversary. While standing firmly by his con victions, he was magnanimous and liberal to all. He was not quick to take offense, and never intentionally wounded the sensibilities of another. He was always in earnest never a trifler but regarding every subject at all worthy of his con sideration as meriting his best effort he conducted the discus sions in which he engaged upon a high plane. Such in part, Mr. Speaker, were the leading characteristics of S. R. MALLORY. But he is gone. As the last eventful days of 1907 were slipping away into the centuries that have passed his spirit laid aside its wasted abode of flesh and took its flight to the God who gave it. But though with us no more, his memory still lingers in our hearts. Indeed, such a life is never lost in death nor buried in the grave, but passes out upon the years to cheer mankind as the centuries go by. The world is better for his having lived in it, and rich indeed is the heritage of those he left behind or who may come after him. Of him it may be truly said he left- Footprints on the sands of time. Footprints that perhaps another, Sailing o er life s solemn main, A forlorn and shipwrecked brother Seeing, shall take heart again Address of Mr. Payne, of New York eg ADDRESS OF MR. PAYNE, OF NEW YORK Mr. SPEAKER: My first acquaintance with STEPHEN R. MALLORY began in December, 1891, when he entered the Fifty- second Congress as a Representative from the southern district of Florida. He came here when his party was in the full flush of victory. The McKinley tariff act became a law on the 6th of October, 1890, and the election was held only a month later, before the act had gotten into full operation. Its various pro visions were magnified by the imaginations of the people and there was a universal feeling and apprehension that prices on all commodities would be enormously high under its operations. I remember well seeing large placards in the stores announcing that certain goods would be sold at a certain price and that now was the time to buy, because on the next invoice they would be compelled to advance the price 25 per cent because of the opera tions of the McKinley law. There was no partisanship either in the display of these placards, because they were seen as fre quently in stores owned by Republicans as those of the opposition party. The result was an overwhelming Democratic majority in the House of Representatives, elected in the fall of 1890; and in 1892 his party came into full power in both the executive and legislative branches of the Government. Here was a great opportunity for- a newly elected Member. Mr. MALLORY was fresh from service in both houses of the Florida legislature. He had a mind well trained in statecraft. Yet being a new member he was largely overshadowed by many of the old-time leaders in his party, and with his naturally modest and retiring disposition did not bring himself so much to the front as he would have done under other circumstances. I got 60 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mal/ory to know him well during his service here in the House, although we were not on the same committee in any instance. He was of gentlemanly disposition, of friendly nature, a man of warm friendship, and always courteous in his bearing and intercourse with his fellow Members. He was defeated for renomination in 1894 by the present popular and able Representative from that district, the Hon. STEPHEN M. SPARKMAN. The success of Mr. SPARKMAN was a tribute to his wide popularity in the district. But it is a great tribute to the character of Mr. MALLORY that though defeated for Congress in 1894 he was elected to the Senate in 1896 for the term commencing March 4, 1897. He at once took high rank in that body as a patient, persistent, hard-working Senator, a man who looked for results and not for oratorical display. He did not bring himself into the lime light, but was content to work out quietly his plans, with the result of unusual success. He was reelected to the Senate in 1 902 , having been renominated by a vote in the primaries without opposition. His fatal illness overtook him in November last, and the subsequent days of his life marked his character for industry and devotion to duty. His last speech was delivered in this city on the Sunday evening before his sickness, and the last article from his pen was com pleted only a few hours before he was stricken with his fatal malady. He fully realized the condition of his health some time before his death, as he declined to be a candidate for reelection to the Senate and also declined any position of chairmanship of a committee in the Senate. His last request showed the sim plicity of his life; he desired that no committee be appointed to attend upon his funeral and that the services be of the simplest character. It is a remarkable fact in the career of Mr. MALLORY that he enlisted in the Confederate army at the age of 15 years and Address of Mr. Payne, of New York 61 became a midshipman in the Confederate navy in the spring of 1865. He retired as a veteran of the war at the age of 17 years. Mr. MALLORY S devotion at this early age to the Confederate cause is but a fair example of the fealty of the men of the South during those sad and bloody years of fratricidal strife. In common with millions of his countrymen he believed the cause of the South was right, although this belief is now generally conceded to have been a mistaken one as to the question of whether the United States was a nation or simply a confederacy; yet all are willing to concede the general good faith of those adopting the latter view who risked their lives in their vain endeavor to sustain it. Now everywhere their valor is recog nized. The heroism which sent boys at 15, or even younger, into the field side by side with old men, tottering on the verge of the grave, showed a sturdy determination and valor never surpassed in history. However we may differ on other ques tions relating to the war of the sixties, none of us can forget that these men were Americans, and well illustrated the fighting blood shed on every field from Lexington to San Juan Hill. 62 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory ADDRESS OF MR. DE ARMOND, OF MISSOURI Mr. SPEAKER : On occasions like this we are impressed with a sense of the narrowness of the round of life a rejoicing over the advent into existence in this world, a buffeting of its billows and a braving of its storms, an enduring of its trials and a sharing of its joys and triumphs for a brief period, and then scenes like this, where the survivors gather to pay tribute to those who are gone. The subject of our memorial remarks had quite a remarkable career. Into few lives is there crowded so much of history as may be written about the man of whom we speak to-day. A soldier, a sailor, a legislator in each branch of the legislature of his State, a Member of this House of Representatives, and a member of the Senate of the United States, and yet death reached him before old age had come, and when he had but by little passed his meridian. Into few lives is crowded so much of work and of glory. To but few is it given to render so much of public service. I came to Congress at the time Senator MALLORY entered this House; I served with him in the Fifty-second and Fifty-third Congresses, and in that time came to know him quite well. As others have remarked, he was modest and unostentatious in the discharge of his duties. His effort seemed to be to find the right side of questions and to adhere to the right as he saw it. The devotion of his State to him and the signal manner in which it honored him is evidence of itself that he served the people of that State, both in his Congressional district and afterwards in the State at large, faithfully and well. Address of Mr. De Armond, of Missouri 63 It is a comparatively rare thing for son to succeed father, directly or remotely, in the membership of this House. It is still rare for son to follow father in membership at the other end of this Capitol. It is a notable fact that the service of the son in the Senate in this instance is about equal in length of years to the Senatorial service of the father a generation earlier. What an amount of history was made in the period during which this young man was upon the boards as an actor in life. In that time was our great civil war, one of the mighty con flicts not only of modern times but of all time, and he was an actor in the scenes, both upon land and upon sea. The events of that war were so tremendous, the results of it are so far- reaching that even those of us who may have given the most thought to the subject perhaps but feebly comprehend the full significance of what then happened, and what has resulted and what will result from what then happened. In another respect the career of Senator MALLORY is some what remarkable, because in the death chain his name is linked forever with the name of his successor. It is surely an ex traordinary and perhaps an unprecedented event that upon the same day, in the same Chamber, tributes are paid to the memory of a departed Senator and to the memory of another departed Senator who followed him, his immediate successor in the Senate and in death. With what audacity does Death tread upon the heels of Life! How fleeting is earthly existence, and how rapidly are the scenes shifted ! The vacancy in the Senate made by Senator MALLORY S death was filled by the appointment of young Mr. BRYAN. He came here in the flush and strength of young manhood, and yet in a few weeks mourning friends followed him to his last resting place, as mourning friends had followed his predecessor to the tomb; and to-day in this Chamber tribute will be paid to his 64 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory memory, as well as to the memory of the Senator who preceded him in office and in death. Senator MALLORY S abilities were of a solid, substantial, and accomplishing kind, if I may use the expression. A modest man, he never sought display and never attempted it. His pur poses were high, and the means by which he tried to accomplish them were worthy of the ends in view. His aim was to serve faithfully those who intrusted -him with public duties and their interests in this Capitol and elsewhere, and without exaggera tion and without favor or partiality we may well say his services were faithful and efficient. It is often a matter of curious study as to who accomplishes most in a given forum in this life and what means are the best for the accomplishment of desired results. Perhaps each can accomplish best the task set before him by his own methods and in his own ways, by the employment of his talents in the ways that are natural for him, because the natural ways of each of us are better for each than the superibr ways of others which we might try to copy or follow. This man, not gifted with extraordinary brilliancy, not possessed of display talents, used faithfully and persistently, honestly and courageously the substantial talents which were given him; and the faithful use of these is what results in the attainment of the desirable things of life. Brilliancy dazzles momentarily, startles, perhaps gratifies, but steady work, steady persistence in the pursuit of an object, steady aim in the ac complishment of what is laid out for accomplishment that is what produces results, that is what in the main makes the world better, advances a good cause, and retards that which is bad. Some are of the opinion that services and exercises such as these are merely formal and ought to be dispensed with. I am Address of Mr. De Armond, of Missouri 65 not of that mind. I believe that it is worth while for us in this everyday, plodding life of ours to throw in a dash of sentiment where we can. Life is an extraordinary mingling of tragedy and comedy, the most wonderful thing of which we can con ceive, the one wonderful thing of which we have experience from our entrance into it until our departure from it. It is entirely fitting that those associated with a worthy man in his life and in his work when he is gone should turn aside from their everyday performances to pay a tribute of respect to his memory, a tribute that may be paid honestly because it is richly merited. Of course the departed is neither benefited nor injured by what we say here, nor by our failure to say any thing. He is gone beyond the realm of temporal things. Tem poral voices no longer reach his ear, temporal toncerns no longer command his attention. It is rather for us and for those who follow after us ; it is rather in the example and effect upon humanity in general, that exercises like these have their meaning and use. It is no idle ceremony to pay tribute to the memory of such a man as Senator MALLORY; an honest, sincere, worthy man, honored far beyond the average of American citizenship; nota ble by the honors heaped upon him, and by his conduct so worthy of them. In him we have lost a friend and coadjutor in the work of good government; and in our several ways and with our varying lights, blinded sometimes and warped by our prejudices, in the main, I like to believe, we seek good govern ment and its good results. One who battled with us and who wrought by our side, one who was a helper and a friend, is gone; and in a comparatively short time for life is fleeting, and soon the longest life ends we who are yet in the flesh shall have performed our part in life, well or ill, and also shall have gone hence. 72901 S. Doc. 762, 6o-j 5 66 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory \ May it be our good fortune when the time comes for kind, loving friends to say something concerning us, to have such records that they may honestly speak well of us, as we this day may honestly speak well of him to whose memory we would pay the tribute of abiding reverence. Address of Mr. Lawrence, of Massachusetts 67 ADDRESS OF MR. LAWRENCE, OF MASSACHUSETTS Mr. SPEAKER: It is not my purpose at this time to speak at length of the life, character, and services of Senator MALLORY. That privilege belongs properly to those who knew him longer and more intimately than I did. I do desire, however, to pay a brief tribute to one whose whole career was characterized by a splendid integrity and an absolute fidelity. When he passed away a great loss came to his State and section, but more than that, Mr. Speaker, a great loss came to his country. The sorrow felt by his friends, neighbors, and associates was shared by those who lived in more distant parts of our land and who admired and respected this brave and useful man. In the fall of 1864 he was but a boy of 15 years, yet he enlisted in the Confederate service and fought for the cause in which he believed until the war was over. He then taught school and studied law. He had, however, hardly entered upon the prac tice of his profession when he was elected to the lower house of the Florida legislature, and for ten years was a member of that body and of the state senate. So satisfactory was his record there that his constituents sent him to Washington as a Member of the House of Representatives. He had been a United States Senator since 1897. Practically his whole life, therefore, was given to the public service. He had the entire confidence of the people of Florida, and in return he gave them the best that was in him. He was an intense patriot. He loved his Southland, and during the days of civil strife showed that he was willing, if need be, to die for its people. His military record was marked by fidelity and fearlessness. When the war came to an end he showed like 68 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory fearlessness in confronting the distressing difficulties which fol lowed it. From that hour he devoted himself with all his might not alone to bettering local conditions, but to the welfare of the whole country. And how eagerly have those associated with him in public life testified to the signal ability with which he discharged his duties. Senator MALLORY was brave, courteous, kindly, the very soul of honor; in a word, he was a true Southern gentleman. I have listened with great interest to the affectionate and eloquent tributes which have been paid to him to-day, and I was espe cially touched by the reference made by my friend [Mr. Spark- man] to the pluck and determination shown by Senator MALLORY in pressing steadfastly on with his work in spite of ill health. There was something very thrilling in that recital of daily battle with disease by one who "though his body might be racked by pain and weakened by fever, never failed to respond to the request of a constituent, no matter how humble or obscure." I think we do not always realize how much of heroism there is in such a life. It calls for a finer courage than that shown upon the battlefield. Companionship with a man who carries cheer fulness with him and goes on with his work in spite of physical ills is inspiring. It drives away melancholy, and makes the world a better place to live in. I have also been impressed by the many references to his rugged honesty. In these days, when there have been revelations of dishonor in public and private life which rrave shocked and alarmed us, it is indeed uplifting to contemplate the life of a man whose record is without stain. Mr. Speaker, a strong man has gone; a life of rare usefulness is ended; the record is made up. As the years pass by, it will be realized more and more clearly how great is our loss. A noble constituency which he served so devotedly and unselfishly can be depended upon to see to it that such service is ever gratefully remembered. Address of Mr. Brantley, of Georgia 60 ADDRESS OF MR. BRANTLEY, OF GEORGIA Mr. SPEAKER : The friends and admirers of STEPHEN RUSSELL MALLORY, late a Senator from the Stkte of Florida, received a great shock on December 23 last when the news of his death at his home in Pensacola, Fla., was flashed across the wires. That shock settled into a deep and profound sorrow as we here and elsewhere came to a full realization of the great loss we had sustained. The hearts of countless numbers became and are filled with mourning because of his passing away. This House, of which he was twice an honored Member, took fitting and proper action on his death when notice of same was received, and meets to-day to permit its Members to pay a last final tribute to his memory. Some, more gifted in speech and beautiful thought, will sing his praises and sound his virtues in grander and more harmonious tones than others less gifted can do, but the heart of each will be in his song and each song will be a song of love, for Senator MALLORY was beloved by all who knew him. So far as he is concerned, our exercises this day are vain and futile. He has solved the mystery of life and of death and is beyond the reach of our words. We can not contribute to his happiness or his glory; nor can we, by our most affectionate thoughts or tenderest words, provoke the faintest sign of recog nition from him. He has passed from our midst and the things that are earthly concern him no more. As he could not in life by taking thought add a single cubit to his stature, so we to-day by taking thought can not add to the stature of manhood and of fame that he for himself carved out of the life that was given him to live. 70 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory \ We pay honor therefore to his memory with no thought save that of paying honor where honor is due; and in truth by that which we do we but honor ourselves. It has been truly written that it is not all of life to live nor all of death to die. We know the former; we believe the latter. We need not enter the realm of speculation nor invoke our re ligious faith to know that it is not all of life to live. Poor indeed would be the life that at its closing could point to no other achievement than that of mere existence, and poorer still would be our great country if the lives that have made it glorious had been pitifully empty and useless lives. But it is not all of life to live, when that living has been filled with mighty deeds and crowned with works of beneficence, for such a life in the hearts and minds of those who knew it lives on and on. The grave marks the ending of the physical life, but there is no ending there of memory, and a man s works live after him. The influence of a good and useful life furnishes hope and cour age and is an inspiration to nobler and better things. This influence for neither its beginning nor its ending takes any note of the hour when the life that gave it birth passes from time into eternity. It was such a life that Senator MALLORY lived, and it is because of it that now, when his physical life is ended, we meet to utter words of love and praise about him. The short sketch of him that appears in our directory but faintly reveals the busy and useful life he lived. It shows, however, that he was called to many positions of honor and trust, and those who knew him know that he was faithful and true in every instance. Before he was 16 years of age he became a volunteer in the Confederate army to do battle for his beloved Southland, and from that hour until his last expiring breath he was loyal to the noblest and best traditions of the people he loved and the people who loved him. Address of Mr. Brantley, of Georgia 71 One by one the old soldiers of the South, who, after the "bloody conflict," were called to the patriotic service of a re united country, are passing away. The roll call on the other side of the river is lengthening, while here it is growing shorter and shorter. One of the last to leave us and to swell the great majority on the other side was Senator MAU.ORY. We grieve and lament his departure, while hosannas of joy welcomed his answering "present" to the roll call over there. No better or more efficient or more loyal service to the Stars and Stripes has been rendered here than has come from these old soldiers of the South, and among them all there has not been one more patriotic nor one more consecrated to duty than Senator MALLORY. He was a scholarly man, and his mind was a great storehouse of learning. He was fitted by nature, by inheritance, and by training for the great work of statesmanship. His people recognized this, and for almost half of the fifty-nine years he lived he was engaged in the arduous and exacting work of making laws. He served in both branches of his state legis lature, and he served in both branches of the Congress of the United States. He knew the science of government as but few men learn it, and the Constitution was the chart and guide to which he clung at all times and in all cases. He leaned to the school of strict constructionists, and he ever questioned the exer cise of any power by Congress plain warrant for which could not be found in the written delegation of power. The sover eign State found in him a stanch defender, and no knightlier blade was ever drawn in defense of a just cause than that drawn by him in defense of what he believed to be the reserved power of the States. So gentle, however, was he in thought, and so polished and persuasive in phrase and word, that no opponent met him but to admire, and be disarmed. Whatever 72 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mall or y the result of the conflict, it left no feeling of enmity or resent ment. Senator MALLORY was not merely a student and defender of the Constitution, but he was a man of action and of deeds. He was a man of theories, but he put his theories into practice. The improvement of the harbors and the waterways of his State and country greatly interested him, and the results in this direc tion that he accomplished speaks a greater eulogy of his achieve ments than can any feeble words of mine. He was much con cerned for the protection of the South from the invasion of yel low fever, and our present quarantine law is largely the result of his labors. He was a stanch believer in the future of his State and of the South. He ever had before him not only their present great ness, but their greater possibilities, and whatever of law, what ever of speech, whatever of precept that lay within his power to induce .the realization of these possibilities was ever at the service of his people. In all this he was neither sectional nor partisan. He was simply true to those who first reposed their trust in him, for truly his labors were not confined to his own section. He was a man of broad and national views and loved his whole country, and he served it all and served it well. So clean was he in his methods and so uprightly did he walk in this body that he possessed the confidence and esteem of both sides; and as it was here, so it was in the upper House. He was the friend of all his associates and all his associates were his friends. He was by instinct a gentleman, and his cour tesy was as unfailing as the atmosphere of honesty in which he lived. He was of kind and sympathetic disposition, and while he knew law and statesmanship and government he also knew people. He never lost sight of the individual, and was ever ready to extend a helping hand to the needy and distressed. Address oj Mr. Rrantley, oj (jforgia ji While sick and suffering for many years before his death, no murmur of complaint came from his lips, but he was ever, in sickness, as in health, the generous friend and the ready sym pathizer. He gave aid and sympathy, but he sought neither for himself. Quiet and unobtrusive, one had to know him to thoroughly appreciate him, but once knowing him his personality was im pressive, and those who knew him did not forget him. But few who have served in this body knew the city of Wash ington so well as he. He was here as a student and here as a teacher long prior to his advent into political life. This Capital City of the nation lost a friend when his life went out a friend who not only knew and understood its needs, but who was pow erful to aid. There are many in this city, as elsewhere, who have cause to remember his broad and catholic spirit, who know his work for and interest in the boys and girls of the country, and who. know of his zealous efforts in the cause of education a cause near and dear to him throughout his public career. His influence was ever on the side of the weak and helpless, and he left no stone unturned to carry education, to carry aid and sustenance to the dependent children of the land. In his death education has lost a friend, virtue and morality a stanch adherent, and his country a devoted, loyal son. In every walk of life, wherever he was known, his death is de plored; but while we deplore it, we, at the same time, rejoice that he was permitted to live and that we were permitted to know him. 74 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory ADDRESS OF MR. LAMB, OF VIRGINIA Mr. CHAIRMAN: The State of Florida has been unfortunate in losing two senators within a short space of time. Indeed, the grim monster has played sad havoc in both Houses since this session of Congress began. We are constantly reminded that we have here no continued city and that death is no respecter of persons. In the death of STEPHEN RussELL MALLORY the State of Florida has lost a useful citizen, the Senate of the United States a valuable and distinguished member, and his colleagues in both Houses a warm-hearted and genial friend, whose splendid traits of character endeared him to all who enjoyed the pleasure of his acquaintance and friendship. For several years I was thrown with him .at the same table and in his room at the hotel where we both lived, and am there fore as well fitted to speak of his life and character as any Member of Congress outside of his own delegation. I loved to hear him talk, and found inspiration and instruc tion in communion with him. We had much in common. We were both soldiers in the civil war he in the Navy, I in the cavalry service. Being the elder of the two, I was longer in the service, for he entered at 15 years of age and .was a veteran of that war at 17. He often told me of riding around the defenses of Richmond when a mere lad of 13 years. He seemed to love every foot of ground around that historic and lovely city, and he knew many of the leading families of the place, who exhibited a fortitude and courage during four long years that has never been surpassed, if equaled, by any people in all the tide of time. Address of Mr. Lamb, of Virginia jc It is no wonder that after entering the Confederate army as a private, he subsequently entered the navy as a midshipman, for his distinguished father, of the same name, was the secre tary of the Confederate navy during the four years of the war between the States. He had been a distinguished Member of the United States Senate and chairman of the Committee on Naval Affairs, and also a member of the Committee on Claims. He refused the appointment of minister to Spain in 1888. He also declined to serve as chief justice of the admiralty court of Florida when that State seceded from the Union. Jefferson Davis appointed him secretary of the navy, which he accepted and held until the close of the war. It was here that he mani fested the wisdom of the choice of the Confederate president, for he succeeded in organizing a navy where none had previ ously existed. In proof "of the wisdom of this choice and the work performed I quote a monograph by Major Gorgas. He says: We began, in April, 1861, without an arsenal, laboratory, or powder mill of any capacity, and with no foundry or rolling mill except at Rich mond, and before the close of 1863, within a little over two years, we sup plied them. During the harassments of war. while holding our own in the field defiantly and successfully against a powerful enemy crippled by a depreciated currency throttled with a blockade that deprived us of nearly all means of getting material or workmen, unable to use slave labor, with which we were abundantly supplied, except in the most unskilled department of production; hampered by want of transportation, even of the commonest supplies of food; with no stock on hand even of articles such as steel, copper, leather, or iron, which we must have to build up our establishments against all these obstacles, in spite of all these deficiencies, we pe rsevered at home as determinedly as did our troops in the field against a more tangible opposition, and in that short period created almost literally out of the ground foundries and rolling mills at Selma, Richmond, Atlanta, and Macon; smelting works at Petersburg; chemical works at Charlotte, N. C.; a powder mill far superior to any in the United States and unsur- 76 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory passed by any across the ocean, and a chain of arsenals, armories, and laboratories equal in their capacity and improvements to the best of those in the United States, stretching link by link from Virginia to Alabama. The inheritance from and the example set by such a father must have contributed largely to the development of the char acter and the forming of the life of our late friend and col league. In 1865 young MALLORY matriculated in Georgetown College, was graduated, and for some time filled the chair" of classical languages. While teaching school in New Orleans in 1870 he read law and was admitted to practice by the supreme court. In 1876 he was elected to the Florida legislature. In 1880 he was elected to the lower House of Congress and reelected two years later. He was elected United States Senator in 1 897 and reelected in 1902 for the term expiring March, 1909. He died in December last at the age of 59 years, leaving a splendid record and an untarnished name. He literally died with his harness on, resisting to the last the fatal disease that had been preying on his constitution for years. He delivered a speech to the Knights of Columbus the Sunday night before he was taken very ill. A few hours before he was stricken he compiled an article for the Christmas edition of one of his State papers. His was the simple life in many respects. In evidence of this his last request was that no Congressional delegation be ap pointed to attend his funeral and that the ceremonies be of the simplest character. His taste was cultivated to a degree. In many years of association with him I never heard fall from his lips an unkind or hasty word. He suffered much. I have been in his room when he was racked with pain, but never heard a murmur or a word of complaint. He possessed patience for the small sor- Address of Mr. Lamb, of Virginia 77 rows of life, as he had shown courage for the great disappoint ments that came to him and those he loved in his early youth. He appeared to me as a link between the old time and the new when together we discussed the issues of 1865 and the characters of the men who figured in the civil and military life of that stormy time. He knew many of the leading men and officers. He had judged them from the view point of youth, and these impressions wore off with his student life. He knew only what he had gathered from history of the trials and hardships and sufferings of the rank and file of the Con federate army. History has not yet told and will never fully portray the heroic sacrifices and unquenchable spirit of the men and officers of the Southern army. In addition to the simple life and patience that marked the character of our deceased colleague I was often struck with the correctness of his judgment and his strong sense of justice. He was fair to his opponents in debate, and rarely, if ever, did he lose his equanimity of temper. He was a safe. counselor. He was sincere and frank always. It might be said of him "That he was a man that would swear to his own hurt and change not." If he possessed some of the weaknesses that attach to our frail natures, I did not observe them. Inheritance, association, and education combined to make of Senator MAU/)RY a model character. That these together fitted him in an eminent degree for the responsible duties of a legis lator the public records of Congress, running through more than a decade, will amply show. That he was warm-hearted and affectionate was clearly shown by the manner in which he often spoke of his family and kindred. I often thought that his simple and somewhat exclusive life was possibly the result of self-imposed sacrifices for the good 7 8 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory of others. This world has many such lives. The period in which our colleague lived and was reared and educated produced such characters. Sacrifice was the lot of all. It was necessary. Besides, it was contagious. It was in the air and filled the hearts and molded the lives of men and women. The youths who drank in this spirit every day and watched it make heroes of beardless youths and angels of mercy of women raised in the lap of luxury, could but drink at the foun tain of waters of sacrifice that flowed in bleeding wounds around the beleaguered city, and spent its force in the hospitals where diseased and mutilated humanity appealed for aid and sym pathy. The records of Congress in both Houses will hand down to future generations the public life and services of our colleague. Had he been blessed with robust health there is no calculating the greater extent of his achievements. Had his party been in the majority he would undoubtedly have been one of its ablest leaders. Those who knew him best will long regret his untimely end, particularly the men in both Houses riearing the "three score and ten," who look upon a Member of 59 as yet young and active. Another trait of character stood out prominently in Senator MALLORY S life. It was the virtue of gentleness, the crowning grace of great and good men. He possessed this in an eminent degree. It helped no doubt to endear him to a loyal and devoted constituency. It bound him as with hoops of steel to those who knew him best and loved him most. It will keep green his memory in their minds and hearts when the scenes in which he figured shall have faded and the public acts in which he participated become, as it were, ancient history. Address oj Mr. Waldo, of New York 79 ADDRESS OF MR. WALDO, OF NEW YORK Mr. SPEAKER: While I had known of Senator MAI. LORY and of his distinguished life and services for many years, my personal acquaintance only started from the year 1906, when I first came to Congress. His whole life, as has been stated here perhaps many times, was practically spent in the service of the public, commencing with service as a soldier at the age of 15. There are few men who have passed through personally so much of the history of this country as did Senator MALLORY and yet have died comparatively young. He was not, from all that I have read or heard or have known of him, a man of exceptional brilliancy in any way. He was a simple, plain, unostentatious American citizen who was devoted to whatever duty came before him. When I first met him I was particularly impressed with this characteristic a man of such distinguished services in almost all branches of the public service and yet as unassum ing and modest as a schoolboy. He seemed to be an example of the kind of modest, hard, simple, plain work upon which the very life of our great Republic was founded. It is such men as Senator MALLORY that carry on the work of this country and of the world. They ask for no reward except the knowledge that their work has been well done. If anything can justify or does well justify such ceremonies as these, it is the calling to our minds and to the minds of those who come after us that such attention to duties, without the desire or the seeking for ap plause, the attending to whatever comes before us at the moment, is the one thing that is worth while in this life. It is the one thing upon which the stability of human affairs depend. 8o Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory ADDRESS OF MR. SULZER, OF NEW YORK Mr. SPEAKER : On this sad and solemn occasion we meet to pay a most deserved tribute to the memory of a good and worthy man STEPHEN RussELL MALLORY late a Senator in the Congress of the United States from the grand old Common wealth of Florida. It is fitting for us to pause for a short space of time to con template the march of grim death that within, the past year has deprived us of seven distinguished Senators, who have passed away to their eternal reward. What a commentary on the un certainty of this frail and transitory life. They were all great men and faithful public servants. The mortality in the Senate has, I believe, been greater during the past few months than in any other like time in all the history of our country. Call the roll of the illustrious dead. MORGAN and PETTUS, the grand old men of Alabama; the genial LATIMER, of South Carolina; the stately WILLIAM PINKNEY WHYTE, of Maryland; REDFIELD PROCTOR, the sturdy oak of Vermont; and MALLORY and BRYAN, the popular idols of the land of sunshine. They were men upon whose like we shall seldom look again. Their places can not be taken. They leave a void which can never be filled. The death of these noble men is an irreparable loss to their States and a misfortune to the country they served so faithfully and so well. All dead, within a year! All friends; and all gone to their eternal reward and final rest. They were all my friends. I knew them well. I served in Congress with them all. I was a friend of each. I grieve with those who grieve, I mourn with those who mourn. Address of Mr. Sulzer, of New York 81 They were all true men, all honest men, all great men, all loyal friends, heroically serving their country and working for the good of mankind in the vineyard of the people. How sad it all is to lose such friends: Friend after friend departs; Who hath not lost a friend? There is no union here of hearts That finds not here an end. Mr. Speaker, the career of STEPHEN RUSSELL MALLORY is a most interesting one. It teaches a lesson we should all learn. He crowded much in the active years of his instructive life. He was a worker, a plodder, and he made progress and history. He was born on the 2d day of November, 1848, in Pensacola, Fla., of distinguished parents. He was the worthy son of an illus trious sire. The father made history; so did the son. That story is a part of the annals of our country. Every youth in the land should read it. At the age of 15, in 1863, young jVlALLORY entered the Con federate army as a private, and subsequently served with dis tinction as a midshipman in the Southern navy. The great con flict over, he entered Georgetown College, in the District of Co lumbia, in November, 1865, and graduated with high honors in June, 1869. He taught a class at the college until July, 1871; then was admitted to the bar by the supreme court of Louisiana, at New Orleans, in 1873; subsequently, in 1874, ne removed to Pensacola, Fla., and began practicing law; was elected to the lower house of the legislature in 1 876 ; was elected to the senate of Florida in 1880, and reelected in 1884. He was elected to the Fifty-second Congress and reelected to the Fifty-third from the First District of Florida, and then the crowning glory of his career the legislature of Florida elected him to the United States Senate for the term beginning March 72901 S. Doc. 762, 60-2 6 82 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory 4, 1897, and he was unanimously reelected in 1903. He received the degree of doctor of laws from Georgetown University in June, 1904; and, had he lived, his term of sendee in the Senate would not have expired until March 3, 1909. But in the midst of his arduous labors came the inexorable call of the dread messenger of death. In the month of November, 1907, he suffered a general break down as the sequence of an illness of some ten years duration. On December 16 he announced that because of the condition of his health he would not be a candidate again for reelection to the United States Senate, and shortly thereafter, on the 23d day of last December, he died, in the fifty-ninth year of his life, re spected and honored and loved and mourned by all who knew him. But he left us a priceless legacy One of the few, the immortal names, That were not born to die. Senator MALLORY, Mr. Speaker, was a Democrat of the old school, true to the teachings of the fathers. He had no pre tense. He did not know what it was to be untrue to himself or false to any man. He was a man of the simple life, of courteous ways, and of genial manners. He was a quiet man, without display or ostentation. He cared naught for the pomp and circumstance of the world. He had a gentle manner, a lovable disposition, a magnanimous mind, a kindly character, and was hospitality personified. He had clear ideas of life, fixed views of things, well-defined principles, much determina tion, great force of character, and the love for his native South land was the inspiration of his life. He was broad minded in his views, tolerant of the opinions of others, and he believed in the greatest liberty for the individual consistent with the liberty of every other individual. He was farseeing and sagacious, a wise counselor, a true friend, and a Address of Mr. Sulzer, of New York 83 safe guide. He was the foe of every special privilege and fought the good fight, in Congress and out of Congress, for equal rights to all. He had a great mind, a good heart, a genial nature, and a kindly word for all. He was a student, a lawyer, a soldier, and a statesman. He was a cultivated gentleman without fear and without reproach. For years he suffered much, but he bore the ills and pains of mortal disease with Job-like patience. Amid all his suffering he worked on with a smile on his pallid face and a fortitude that commanded the admiration of all. He did his duty to the last. He died in the service of his country. He knew that death was near, yet he had no fear. Beneath his calm exterior there beat an unconquerable heart that never quailed, that never doubted, that never failed, that never mur mured, and that never complained. He welcomed the final summons, and when it came he bade farewell to earthly things, and in his quiet way, so characteristic of his earthly life, he quietly journeyed to that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns. Sleep sweetly, tender heart, in peace! Sleep, holy spirit, blessed soul, While the stars burn, the moons increase, And the great ages onward roll. 84 Memorial Addresses: Stephen R. Mallory ADDRESS OF MR, CLARK, OF FLORIDA Mr. SPEAKER: It may not be generally known that, although Florida was admitted into the Union of States on the jd day of May, 1845, this is the first time since she became a member of the Federal Union that a Senator from Florida or a Rep resentative from that State has died during his tenure of office. The first to die while engaged in active service was Senator STEPHEN RUSSELL MALLORY, only to be followed in a few weeks by his successor, WILLIAM JAMES BRYAN. For nearly sixty- three years of Florida s history as an American State the hand of death was never laid upon a single one of her representa tives here in either House. It seems a strange dispensation of Providence, and one that I shall not undertake to fathom, that almost within the month after Senator MALLORY had fin ished his labors and gone across the river the young Senator appointed to succeed him should also be called from his labors here. I was asked, Mr. Speaker, a few days ago by a gentleman, what was the distinguishing characteristic of Senator MALLORY? I answered without hesitation, and I think that would be the answer given by all the people of Florida, that his most distinguished characteristic was his sterling, rugged, uncom promising honesty under any and all circumstances. As has been said by gentlemen who have paid tribute to him to-day, he did not rank in that class of American statesmen known for their great brilliancy, known for their gifts of magnificent oratory, but he was painstaking, he was careful, he was loyal, he was true, and he was honest. Address of Mr. Clark, of Florida 85 No step in his life, whether as private citizen, whether as a practitioner at the bar, whether as a member of the Florida legislature, a Member of this House, or a member of the Senate, was ever taken except with the purest of motives and the most patriotic of purposes. I knew Mr. MALLORY personally for nearly a quarter of a century. I have gone with him over the State of Florida in political campaigns. I have known him well during all that time and, although we have had in the State of Florida at times fierce factional differences, the opponents of Senator MALLORY always knew that he would never stoop to anything that was improper or unfair to achieve an advantage. The people of the State of Florida, I think, loved Mr. MALLORY probably with an intenser affection than any other of her sons. People who bitterly opposed him in the field of politics admired, honored, and respected him. I think I can say, too, Mr. Speaker, for him something that is exceedingly rare in American politics. Having been a Member of this House for two terms, as has already been mentioned, he was a candidate for a third term, and having been defeated by the present occupant of the chair [Mr. SPARKMAN], he retired to his home at Pensacola and assumed his position as a quiet citizen, taking up his work as a lawyer and lending every possible aid in the upbuilding of the city and State he loved so well. In 1897 there was a fierce Senatorial conflict before the legis lature of Florida. Mr. MALLORY was not a candidate. The contest was between others. After this contest had dragged its weary and bitter lengths for some weeks and it seemed im possible that either of the contestants could be elected, some gentlemen who were not supporters of either of the two promi nent candidates got together and it was suggested that they send for Mr. MALLORY. 86 Memorial Addresses: Stephen K. Mallory They telegraphed for him, and he came to Tallahassee. I remember how he looked when he arrived. The dread disease which eventually carried him off was then upon him. Pale and emaciated, he was hardly recognizable by the friends who had known him in the years before. He had a conference that night with the gentleman who had sent for him, and the next day, without the expenditure of a dollar, without a promise of any character, he was elected to the United States Senate. In 1904, without the expenditure of a cent, he was unanimously renominated, and in 1905, without an opponent, and without the expenditure of a dollar, he was unanimously reelected as a Senator. I believe it is generally conceded among the people of the State of Florida that if his health had improved he would have been returned for the third time to the Senate, with practically no opposition. Mr. MALLORY S life will always be an inspiration to the youth of Florida. It ought to be an inspiration to the youth of this whole country. What he was he had carved out for himself, because as has been so well stated, he was left in his early youth to strike out for himself, without money and without aid. He has never been "found wanting" in any position of honor or trust to which his fellow-citizens have called him. Modest, unassuming, and generous, he was a model citizen; honest, sin cere, and patriotic, he was a faithful public servant; candid, kind, and unselfish, he was a genuine friend. He despised hypocrisy. He would spurn success secured at the sacrifice of honor. He never comprised with wrong or winked at fraud. The Senate may have had abler members, but no man who ever sat in that august body was more thoroughly consecrated to the cause of right than was our dead Senator STEPHEN RUSSELL MALLORY. O Kfii^efe^f&fSea^^^ea^^^ffls idF ^r** ftsJ^Vik*^ T *, Tll^ SiT 3XCS7 Jit <*TvlC afe -5<r v >J7 - OTV ^C-"!^ d^^X)*^^**^ ^^*