UC-NRLF - ELEMENTS OF THE PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS AND GRAPHICAL METHODS BY H. M. GOODWIN, PH.D. PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY 239 WEST 39-TH STREET, NEW YORK 6 Bouverie Street, London, E.C. 1913 Engineering Library COPYRIGHT, 1908 REVISED, EXTENDED, AND COPYRIGHTED, 1913 BY H. M. GOODWIN All rights reserved PRESS OF GEO. H. ELLIS CO., BOSTOM PREFACE. In its present form the "Elements of the Precision of Measure- ments and Graphical Methods" represents the ground covered in a brief course which has been given for a number of years at the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology to all students in connection with their work in the Physical Laboratory. The author has been induced to amplify the printed "Notes" on this subject and give them a wider circulation in response to repeated requests to use them elsewhere. Although prepared primarily to meet the needs of his own classes, it is hoped, in the present form, they may prove useful in other tech- nical schools and colleges where quantitative work forms a part of the curriculum, and also to engineers whose work involves experi- mental testing. In many laboratories far too little weight is attached to the discussion of the magnitude and effect of sources of error on a result. This has been forced upon the writer's attention as the result of personal interviews with hundreds of graduate students entering the Institute, who apply for excuse from laboratory work. It is the exceptional student who has any conception how to figure out the precision of a final computed result from the precision of his individual measurements, and this is true even though his laboratory note-book shows his work to have been carefully and credi- tably performed. It is the author's firm conviction that one of the most valuable and enduring benefits of physical laboratory training to a student of Science or Engineering is the acquisition of the proper view-point with which to approach an investigation, be it either purely scientific or technical; that is, the ability to recognize the essentials of a problem at the outset, so as to economize both time and labor in its solution. Although the exercise of judgment, based upon the personal experience of the investigator, is essential to the "best solution" of any experimental problem, still it is desirable to direct the student's attention to precision methods at an early stage of his laboratory work. Experience has shown that this may be satis- factorily done as soon as he has had a little practice in exact measure- ments and can handle the elements of Differential Calculus. At the Institute the course is given at the middle of the sophomore year, after the student has performed some six or eight experiments on fundamental measurements in Mechanics. Continued application of the principles is then made in subsequent laboratory work throughout the junior and senior years, and a precision discussion is regarded as 267862 PREFACE an important feature of the final thesis. It has been the writer's experience that students have little trouble in understanding the gen- eral principles involved, but meet with considerable difficulty in applying these principles to concrete problems. For this reason the subject is most satisfactorily taught to small sections by recitations based on the text and the solution otnumerous problems selected from the book and from the current laboratory work. A close correlation of class-room and laboratory work is indeed highly desirable, and in the Rogers Laboratory of Physics it is the practice to require with each laboratory report a precision discussion of the data or a solution of some precision problem related to the experiment. The laboratory manuals have been written with this in view. The method of treatment has been kept as brief as possible. A full discussion of the subject, with proofs based on the Theory of Probability and the Method of Least Squares, would so enlarge the work as to defeat its end. Proofs of the few theorems and formula which the student is asked to assume may be found in any good treatise on Least Squares. An excellent treatment is that given in Bartlett's "Method of Least Squares." A more exhaustive treatment of Pre- cision Methods- may be found in Holman's "Precision of Measure- ments." A chapter on the solution of illustrative problems has been added to assist students who find it necessary to work up the subject by themselves. The collection of problems has been compiled from recent examination papers. The chapter on Graphical Methods con- tains specific directions for constructing graphs, and general directions for obtaining therefrom the functional relationship between two variables. For engineering students, as well as physicists, the method of logarithmic plotting will be found of wide application. In the Appendix several tables, of assistance in precision computations, have been added. In conclusion the author desires to express his indebtedness for many suggestions to his colleagues who have so ably assisted him in the instruction of this subject in recent years, and in particular to Professor William J. Drisko, whose experience in teaching this and related subjects has been most helpful. H. M. GOODWIN. CONTENTS. PART I. PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS. Classification of Measurements 7 Precision Discussion of Direct Measurements 7 Determinate Errors 8 Indeterminate Errors 11 Law of Error 13 Method of Least Squares 14 Deviation and Precision Measures 15 Average Deviation of a Single Observation 16 Deviation of the Mean 16 Fractional and Percentage Deviation 17 Deviation vs. Precision Measures 17 Probable Error v . 18 Mean Error 19 Weights and Weighted Mean 20 Criterion for Rejecting Observations 20 Computation Rules and Significant Figures 21 Precision Discussion of Indirect Measurements 25 Separate Effects 27 Resultant Effects 29 Criterion for Negligibility of an Error 30 Equal Effects 32 Fractional Method of Solution . 33 PART II. GRAPHICAL METHODS. Nature of Problems 41 Procedure in Plotting 41 Determination of Constants of a Straight Line 46 Rectification of Curved Lines 47 Trigonometric Functions 48 Reciprocal Functions 50 6 CONTENTS PAGE The Logarithmic Method. Exponential Functions; y = mxn . ... 52 Special Cases: y = m(x + p)"> 58 y = m IQn*; y = menx 59 Precision of Plotting 59 Residual Plots , 60 Interpolation Formulae ' 63 Graphical Solution 64 Least Square Solution 64 PART III. PROBLEMS. Solution of Illustrative Problems 69 Problems 81 APPENDIX. Table I. Mathematical Constants 99 Table II. Approximation Formulae 100 Table III. Squares, Cubes, and Reciprocals 101 Table IV. Four Place Logarithms 102 Table V. Sines, Cosines, and Tangents 104 PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS. Classification of Physical Measurements. All physical measurements may be classed as direct or indirect ac- cording as the measurement gives the desired result di- rectly, or as the result is obtained by combining the re- sults of several measurements by means of some formula. Examples of the first class are the measurement of a length by means of a scale, the mass of a body by means of an equal arm balance, and the electrical resistance of a wire by the direct method of substitution. Examples of indirect meas- urements are the determination of g, the acceleration due to gravity, by means of a pendulum, involving the measure- ment of the length and time of vibration of the pendulum, the determination of the index of refraction of a substance from measurements of the angle and the minimum deviation of a prism by means of a spectrometer, and the determina- tion of the specific heat of a substance by the method of mixtures hi which the results of the measurement of a num- ber of temperatures and weights are combined. The great majority of problems arising hi practice come under the second class. Reliability of a Result. In order that the result of any measurement, whether direct or indirect, may be of any scientific or technical value, it is necessary to have some numerical estimate or measure of its reliability. The im- portance of such a measure cannot be overestimated. The result of a test, of a study of an instrument or method, or of the determination of a constant, may be rendered almost worthless, unless the investigator is able to state the degree of reliance which can be placed upon it. This phase of an investigation should be kept constantly hi mind in all laboratory work. The student's ability to intelligently dis- 8 PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS cuss the reliability of his data is regarded as of no less im- portance than his ability to perform accurate work. By the precision or precision measure of a result, denoted for brevity by p.m., will be always understood the best nu- merical measure of its reliability which can be obtained after all known sources of error have t>een eliminated or corrected for. How this may be computed will be explained below. By the accuracy of a result should, strictly speaking, be un- derstood the degree of concordance between it and the true value of the quantity measured. Since, however, the latter is usually unknown, it is seldom that we can obtain a numeri- cal measure of the absolute accuracy of a measurement. We must in most cases be content with an estimated or computed precision measure. The terms "accuracy" and "precision" are often carelessly used indiscriminately. The precision measure of a direct measurement is of no less importance than of an indirect measurement. As the precision of the latter depends primarily on the precision of the separate components from which it is computed, the method of determining a numerical estimate of the reliability of a series of direct observations w r ill first be considered. Classification of Errors. When any quantity is measured to the full precision of which the instrument or method em- ployed is capable, it will in general be found that the results of repeated measurements do not exactly agree. This is true not only of results obtained by different observers using different instruments and methods, but also when the meas- urements are made by the same observer under similar con- ditions. The cause of these discrepancies lies in various sources of error to which all experimental data are subject. These may be grouped conveniently in two classes, de- terminate and indeterminate errors. Determinate Errors. Determinate errors are, as their name indicates, of such a nature that their value can be de- termined and their effect on the result thereby eliminated. They may be classified as follows: a. Instrumental Errors. These may arise from poor con- DETERMINATE ERRORS 9 struct ion or faulty adjustment of an instrument, as, for ex- ample, a defect in a micrometer screw, faulty graduations of scales and circles, eccentricity of circles, unequal balance arms, etc. b. Personal Errors. These may arise from characteristic peculiarities of individual observers, as, for example, the tendency to always record the occurrence of an event too soon or too late. This frequently happens in recording transit observations in which the "personal equation" of the observer becomes an important factor. c. Errors of Method or Theoretical Errors. These may arise from using an instrument under conditions for which its graduations are not standard. The following illustrations will make clearer the nature of the above sources of error. Suppose that the arms of a chemical balance are slightly unequal in length. All weigh- ings made with such a balance will be in error due to this cause (if the balance be used in the ordinary way), by an amount depending on the inequality in the length of the arms. Repeated weighings of the same substance on the same balance by the same method will, however, give no indication of the presence of this source of error. The re- peated independent weighings may indeed check among themselves to the full sensitiveness of the balance, and yet the result may be in error, due to the constant instrumental error, by a very large amount. The presence of such an error would only be detected by comparing the results of the weight of the same body obtained on different balances or by differ- ent methods of weighing, for the probability of the same in- strumental error occurring to the same extent in different instruments' is very small. Again, suppose a length is measured by means of a grad- uated scale at 20 C., while the scale is standard at some other temperature, say C. Repeated measurements with such a scale by the same method and under the same condi- tions would probably show a very close agreement among themselves, and give no clew to the presence of any constant 10 PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS error. The result would, however, be too small, since the value of the units of the scale would all be too large, due to the expansion of the scale from to 20. The error thus introduced by using the scale under conditions other than those for which it is standard is, however, determinate in its nature, since a knowledge of the coefficient of expansion of the scale and of the temperature at which it is standard, and also at which it is used, furnishes all necessary data, for reducing the observed result to the value it would have had, had the scale been standard at the time of the measurement. The concordance of a series of observations taken under similar conditions is, therefore, no criterion of the absence of constant errors even of very large amount. To detect and eliminate such errors, it is necessary to com- pare the results of measurements of the quantity by different methods, different apparatus, and, if possible, different ob- servers, and to average such independent results by a special method described later; for the probability of the same source of error being present under such variable conditions is very small. An interesting illustration of the presence of a con- stant error escaping detection is to be found in the original determination of the ohm by the British Association Com- mittee. The excellent agreement of the observations among themselves lead to the conclusion that the result possessed a high degree of reliability. Later determinations by inde- pendent methods and observers gave values which differed from the B. A. value by over one per cent., an amount far hi excess of the precision with which the B. A. determination had been carried out. Attention was thus called to the probable presence of some constant error which further in- vestigation verified. Residual Errors. After a result has been corrected as well as may be for all known sources of determinate errors, there may still remain in it small errors, the value of which cannot be determined, and which, therefore, fall into the second general class of errors, indeterminate errors. Thus, if the instrumental error arising from inequality in the length of INDETERMINATE ERRORS 11 balance arms be corrected by a determination of the ratio of the arms, this ratio will be known to only a certain degree of precision, and hence the corrected result of a weighing may still be in error by an amount depending on the preci- sion with which the correction itself has been determined. Or, again, correcting for the expansion of a scale involves an experimental investigation of the coefficient of expansion of the material of which the scale is constructed, and this con- stant can be determined with only a certain degree of pre- cision. A result corrected by means of this coefficient will, therefore, still be uncertain beyond a certain point due to the uncertainty in the value of the coefficient used. These small errors remaining, because of the impossibility of com- pletely correcting for constant errors, are called residual errors: then- numerical value and algebraic sign cannot be determined, but usually limiting values may be estimated and assigned to them. For this reason they are properly grouped and treated under the second general class of errors mentioned, indeterminate errors. Indeterminate Errors. Accidental; Residual. Experience shows that, when a measurement is repeated a number of times with the same instrument and by the same ob- server under apparently the same conditions, the results usually differ in the last place or sometimes last two places of figures. Thus in so simple a measurement as the determination of the distance between two lines with a scale graduated in millimeters, successive measurements will not agree to one-tenth millimeter if fractions of a millimeter are estimated by the eye. Errors which give rise to such varia- tions which at one time cause a result to be too high and at another too low are due to causes over which the observer has no control, such as sudden temperature fluctuations which may give rise to unequal expansion of different parts of an apparatus, or to changes in refraction, barometric changes, shaking of the instrument due to mechanical jar or to the wind, etc.; and, more important still, to physiological causes arising from imperfections or fatigue of the eye or ear 12 PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS of the observer. The magnitude and sign of errors arising from such causes have been shown, however, to follow a perfectly definite law, namely, the law of chance. The nature of this law may be illustrated as follows. Suppose a thousand shots be fired at a target by a skilled marksman under conditions as nearly alike as possible. Experience shows that the shots will be distributed in a manner which at first sight seems entirely irregular, but which on more careful examination will be found to be approximately in conformity with a perfectly definite law. In an actual case obtained with a target ruled in horizontal sections by lines one foot apart, the centre line (corresponding to the bull's eye) being in the middle of one of these spaces, the follow- ing results were obtained: In space No. of shots 1 4 10 89 190 212 204 193 79 16 2 If a plot be made with the number of shots falling hi the several sections as ordinates and the distance of the corre- sponding spaces from the central line as abscissae, we obtain Figure 1. From this it appears that plus and minus devia- tions of the shots from the central line are about equally frequent, and that small deviations occur with much greater frequency than large ones. If the number of shots (corre- sponding to observations) be increased, the irregularities pres- ent in the curve will tend to smooth out, and it can be shown mathematically that in the limit the curve represent- + 54 to +4* + 44 " + 34 + 3* " + 24 + 24 " +14 + 14 " + 4 + 4 " - 4 2 "-14 -14 " 24 -24 " 34 -34 "-44 -*4 "-54 CURVE OF ERROR 13 ing the law of chance takes the general form shown in Fig- ure 2, the equation of which is Here y is the frequency of the occurrence of an error of the magnitude z, and h is a constant, the value of which depends on the character of the observations and which affords a measure of their precision. The curve represented by this 14 PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS equation is called the Curve of Error. By inspection it is seen that: First. Small errors occur more frequently than large ones (curve of error has a maximum for x = o) ; Second. Very large -errors are, unlikely to occur (curve is asymptotic to the axis of X) ; Third. Positive and negative errors of the same numerical magnitude are equally likely to occur (curve of error is sym- metrical with respect to axis of Y). Since accidental and residual errors of a series of observa- tions follow the law of chance, they may be properly subjected to mathematical treatment based on this law. It must be remembered, however, that, since the law itself represents a limiting case, corresponding to an infinite number of ob- servations, deductions from it apply to a finite number of observations only with a certain probability which becomes less the smaller the number of observations. The Method of Least Squares. As already pointed out, in the great majority of measurements the true value of the quantity is unknown and cannot be determined. Were it known, a measurement would be superfluous. All that we can hope to obtain from our experimental data is the most probable value of the quantity or quantities in question. In many cases this is a simple matter; but in others, where the number of observations is larger than the number of unknown quantities to be determined, the problem may become one of some difficulty. The branch of mathematics which treats of the general problem of the adjustment of errors of observation so that their effect upon the result is reduced to a minimum, and the best representative values of the desired quantities thus obtained, is called Least Squares, the name being derived from the criterion upon which the adjustment of the observations is based. This states that the most probable values of a series of related observations arc those for which the sum of the squares of the errors is a minimum. Certain deductions from the theory of Least Squares will be assumed as demonstrated in the course of ARITHMETICAL MEAN 15 this work. For the proofs the student is referred to Bart- let t's Method of Least Squares or other treatises on the subject. An illustration of the method as applied to the computation of the constants of an empirical equation is given under Graphical Methods. The Arithmetical Mean. Deviation Measures. We will now consider the precision discussion of a series of direct measurements. Let a 1} a 2 , . . . a n be a series of observations on a quantity, all of which possess an equal degree of prob- ability. Under these conditions the most probable value of the quantity is given by the arithmetical mean, m, of the series, i.e. (1) Since the .true value of the quantity is unknown, the error of each of the observations and of the mean, m, cannot be determined. We can, however, obtain a numerical measure of the amount by which each observation differs from the mean value, and from this the probable deviation of the mean can be computed. The difference between the value of any observation of a series and the mean value of the series is called the deviation of that observation from the mean. It is to be distinguished from the absolute error of the obser- vation, i.e., the difference between the observed value and its true value, from which it may differ widely. Deviations as thus computed follow the same law as indeterminate errors, i.e., the law of chance, and are subject, therefore, to the same mathematical treatment. They give a measure of the magnitude of the accidental error of a measurement, but evidently afford no indication of the presence or magnitude of any constant errors which may be present. If the numerical deviations d^ d%, d B , ... d n , be computed for any series of observations as above, their algebraic sum will be zero, since the sum of the positive deviations is equal to the sum of the negative deviations. If, however, their arithmetical mean be computed, disregarding their sign, the 16 PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS result will be a number which expresses how much on the average any single observation of the series taken at random is likely to differ (plus or minus) from the mean, m. This average value n (2) is called the average deviation of a single observation, and will be denoted by a.d. In recording data as o|, 0%, . . . a n , space should always be left for computing the deviations d i} d%, . . . d n , respectively, and their a.d. as follows: a-i m d 1 m d w== a.d.=~ Looked at from another point of view, an a.d. is a numerical measure of the amount by which a new observation taken under the same conditions as before is likely to differ from the mean value, m. It gives a numerical measure of the reliability of any single observation of the series so far as accidental errors affecting the measurement are con- cerned. Deviation of the Mean, A.D. In general, however, it is the reliability of the mean that we desire to know rather than that of a single observation. As the mean has a higher degree of probability than any single observation from which it is computed, it must evidently have a smaller deviation than a single observation in proportion to its greater reli- ability. It can be shown that an arithmetical mean com- puted from n equally probable observations is Vn times as reliable as any one observation. Hence, if the deviation DEVIATION MEASURES 17 measure of a single observation of a series is a.d., the devia- tion measure of the mean of n such observation is only Vn as great; i.e., the deviation of the mean, denoted by A.D., is, Thus, if the mean value of nine measurements of the dis- tance between two lines is 1.3215 mm. and the average devia- tion of any one of the measurements is found to be a.d. = 0.0033 mm., the mean will have a probable deviation not 0.0033 greater than 7= = 0.0011 mm. From this it will be seen that in general it does not pay to increase the number of observations beyond a certain limit, say nine or sixteen, as the time and labor involved soon become excessive, without a corresponding increase in the precision attained. Fractional and Percentage Deviation Measures. It is fre- quently convenient to express the reliability of a quan- tity as a fractional or as a percentage part of the quantity itself. Thus we have in very common use the two following deviation measures derived from the preceding: the fractional deviation of a single observation = ^-i the percentage deviation of a single observation = 100 '- a ' A D the fractional deviation of the mean = - - m ' A D the percentage deviation of the mean = 100 - '-. in Since these measures are never computed to more than two significant figures, see page 23, a and m, being approxi- mately the same, may be used indiscriminately in the com- putation. Deviation Measure vs. Precision Measure. A little con- sideration will make clear that all of the above deviation measures give a measure of the magnitude of errors of that 18 PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS type which has been classed as accidental. A result may be seriously in error due to residual errors, and yet the ob- servations show a good agreement among themselves, and their deviation measure be correspondingly small. If the magnitude of the residual errors can be estimated, we may compute the true precision measure, abbreviated p.m., of the result as follows: Let the estimated magnitude of the residual errors be r \j r 2) - r n> Let d.m. represent the value of the deviation measure of the accidental errors. This may be expressed as an average, fractional or percentage deviation, but, which- ever is chosen, the residuals must be expressed in the same way. It can then be shown that the most probable measure of the reliability of the result will be given by the expression : p.m. 2 = d.m. 2 + rf + r* + . . . +f**, (4) or p.m. = -yd.ra. 2 + r\ + r 2 2 + . . . + r n 2 . (4a) Thus the precision measure of a result differs from its devia- tion measure in that it includes the effect of residual as well as of accidental errors. In a great many cases the value of the residuals is negligible compared with the magnitude of the accidental errors. In this case p.m. = d.m. The synir bol 8 will be used to represent the value of p.m. or d.m. in- discriminately, as the latter is only a special case of the former when Sr 2 is negligible. It will be shown on page 31 that any single residual r k may be regarded as negligible in computing p.m. if r t = J p.m. (5) Also that any number p of residuals are simultaneously neg- ligible if Vri' + r, + . . . + V = J p.m. (6) The Probable Error and the Mean Error. In the discus- sion of observations by the method of Least Squares and in many foreign treatises certain other measures are in common use; namely, the so-called probable error and the PROBABLE ERROR AND MEAN ERROR 19 mean error. The "probable error" of an observation is of such a magnitude that the probability of making an error greater than it is just equal to the probability of making one less than it, both probabilities being one-half. The probable error of a single observation and of the mean of n observations are given by the expressions p.e. = 0.6745 J ^ and P.E. = 0.6745 \J __ ^ - ' n 1 r n (n 1) respectively, where 3d 2 is the sum of the squares of the deviations of the single observations from the mean. The following approximate formulae are more convenient forms to use for purposes of computation: p.e. = 0.8453 , J^= and P.E. = 0.8453 JJ . \n (n 1) n\n 1 The "mean error" ^ is defined as the square root of the arithmetical mean of the squares of the errors. It is seldom used except in treatises on Least Squares. It can be shown from the equation of the curve of error (p. 13) that, interpreted geometrically, p.e. = OP, the ab- scissa of the ordinate which divides the area OXY into equal parts; a.d. =OD, the abscissa of the ordinate pass- ing through the center of gravity of the half area; and p=OM, the abscissa of the point of inflection of the curve. From this it follows that 0.4769 1 1 P .e.= --; .<*. or p.e. = 0.85 a.d. = 0.67/*. Although the probable error is frequently used by physi- cists as a/ precision measure, the average deviation is simpler, and will be adopted throughout the present work. Weights. It frequently happens that it is necessary to average a series of results which have not been taken under like conditions, and which are not all equally probable ; i.e., 20 PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS which do not have the same precision measures. In this case it is first necessary to assign relative weights to the obser- vations, so that, in taking the average, the more precise measurements may be given a proportionally greater " weight " than the less precise measurements. It can be shown that the relative weights of a series of observations are inversely proportional to the squares of their precision measures; i.e., if p 1; p z , p 3 , . . . etc., are the weights of a series of observations whose respective precision measures are B l9 S 2 , $3, etc., respectively, 1 . i . i . , PI P2 PS =:== ^ 7T2 jr| l*J In determining the values of p } the nearest round numbers satisfying the above proportion should be chosen. Since the various precision and deviation measures differ from each other only by a constant factor, any one of them may be used in computing " weights." It is, of course, neces- sary, however, that the same measure be used throughout any given discussion; i.e., it is not permissible to express the precision of one quantity as an average deviation, another as a probable error, and a third as a percentage error. The Weighted Mean. Having obtained the weights pi, p 2 , p 8) etc., to be assigned respectively to a series of quantities Wj, w 2 , m s , etc., the best representative value or weighted mean will evidently be given by the expression ViXm-i + VvX m + p X m* ... /ox (8) Pi + Pz + Ps + - Rejection of Observations. In a series of measurements taken under similar conditions, it not unfrequently happens that an observation will differ quite widely from others in the series, and the tendency to regard such an observation as erroneous and to reject it is great, particularly among beginners. If such an observation obviously contains a mistake, as, for example, the recording of a wrong number, the recording the wrong scale division, the incorrect adding REJECTION OF OBSERVATIONS 21 up of weights, etc., it may, of course, be legitimately re- jected. If, however, no mistake is apparent, the observa- tion should never be rejected without the most scrupu- lously unbiassed judgment on the part of the observer or the application of some mathematical criterion for the rejection of doubtful observations. For the experienced observer the former procedure is preferable, even though several mathematical criteria, Peirce's, Chauvenet's, etc., have been deduced, which are very satisfactory when the number of observations considered is large. In most physical work the number of observations is not very great, however, and one widely discordant from the others has an undue weight on the value of the mean. It is frequently better to reject such an observation, even though it contains no apparent mistake. A good cri- terion to follow in such cases is the following: Compute the mean and the average deviation a.d., omitting the doubtful observation. Compute also the deviation, d, of the doubtful observation from the mean. If d >T 4 a.d., reject the observation, since it can be shown that the probability of the occurrence of an observation whose deviation is equal to four times the average devia- tion is only one in a thousand. An error of this unusual magnitude is called a Huge Error. Computation Rules and Significant Figures. It is prob- ably true that at least half the time usually spent on com- putations is wasted, owing to the retention of more figures than the precision of the data warrants, and to the failure to use either logarithms or a slide rule instead of the lengthy arithmetical processes of multiplication and divi- sion. An important feature of physical laboratory work is the proper use of significant figures in recording data and in subsequent computations. The habit should be ac- quired at the outset of rejecting at each stage of the work all figures which have no influence on the final result. Rules for the correct use of significant figures are dis- cussed in the introduction to Holman's "Computation 22 PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS Rules and Logarithm Tables" which may very advantageously be used in connection with the laboratory work. A fuller discussion, including the demonstration of these rules, is given in Holman's "Precision of Measurements." The following brief statement of the rules is essentially that given in these works: A Digit is any one of the ten characters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,0. A Significant Figure is any digit to denote or signify the amount of the quantity in the place in which it stands. Thus zero may be a significant figure when it is written, not merely to locate the decimal point, but to indicate that the quantity in the place in which it stands is known to be nearer to zero than to any other digit. For example, if a distance has been measured to the nearest fiftieth of an inch, and found to be 205.46 inches, all five of the figures, including the zero, are significant. Similarly, if the measurement had shown the distance to be nearer to 205.40 than to 205.41 or to 205.39, the final zero would be also significant, and should invariably be retained, since its presence serves the most useful purpose of showing that this place of figures had been measured as well as the rest. If in such a case the quantity had been written 205.4 instead of 205.40, the inference would be drawn either that the hundredths of an inch had not been measured or that the person who wrote the number was ignorant or careless of the proper numerical usage. Failure to follow this simple rule is a common source of annoyance and un- certainty. A zero, when used merely to locate the decimal point, is not a significant figure in the above sense; for the position of the decimal point in any measurement is determined solely by the unit in which the quantity in question is expressed. The number of decimal places in a result has, therefore, in itself no significance in indicating the precision of a measure- ment. For example, suppose a certain distance is found to be 122.48 cm. with a A.D. of 0.12 cm. The percentage pre- RULES FOR SIGNIFICANT FIGURES 23 12 cision of the measurement is -J - X 100 = 0.10%. The re- suit contains five significant figures, and its precision remains the same, namely, 0.10%, whether it be expressed as 1.2248 meters, A.D. = 0.0012 m., or 1224.8 mm., A.D. 1.2 mm. The statement that the distance is measured to 0.12 cm. gives no idea of the precision of the measurement unless the distance itself is stated. A fractional or percentage precision measure, on the other hand, gives a definite idea of the precision of the measurement without any further statement, as it involves both the value of the quantity and its average deviation. The following rules are deduced subject to the condition that the accumulated errors in a computation shall not affect the second unreliable place of figures in the final result by more than one unit, even though as many as sixteen rejec- tions of figures are made in the course of the computation. This is a safe limit to assume for most physical work, as it is seldom that more than this number of quantities or oper- ations enter into any single computation. Rule I. In rejecting superfluous figures, increase by 1 the last figure retained, if the following figure (that rejected) is 5 or over. Rule II. In all deviation and precision measures retain two, and only two, significant figures. The reason for this rule is as follows: consider the above example where the length measured is m = 122.48 cm. with an A.D. 0.12 cm. The significance of the A.D. is that the place of figures in m occupied by the 4 is uncertain by 1 unit, and that the next place of figures occupied by 8 is un- certain by 12 units, while the third decimal place would be uncertain by at least 120 units; i.e., by an amount which would render it practically worthless. In general, the place of figures corresponding to the first significant figure of the deviation measure is somewhat uncertain (from 1 to 9 units), while the place corresponding to the second significant figure in the deviation measure is uncertain by ten times this amount (10 to 90 units, or, more exactly, 10 to 99 units). Beyond 24 PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS this place the significance of additional figures is so slight as to be of no value : hence, as deviations and precision meas- ures are at best only estimates of the reliability of a result, it is useless to compute them to places of figures which have no real significance in the result to which they refer. If the first significant figure of the precision measure is as great as 8 or 9, in which case the place of figures in the data corresponding to the second place in the precision measure is unreliable by 80 to 90 units, it is usually sufficient to retain but one significant figure in the precision measure. Rule III. Retain as many places of figures in a mean re- sult and in data in general as correspond to the second place of significant figures in the deviation or precision measure. Two places of doubtful figures are thus retained in data and computations rather than one, so that accumulated errors due to rejections in the course of a computation may not affect the first place of uncertain figures in the result. Rule IV. The sum or difference of two or more quanti- ties cannot be more precise numerically than the quantity having the largest average deviation. Hence, in adding or subtracting a number of quantities, find the average deviation of each, and then retain in each quantity as many places of figures as correspond to the second place of significant figures in the largest deviation. Rule V. In multiplication or division the percentage precision of the product or quotien cannot be greater than the percentage precision of the least precise factor entering into the computation. Hence, in computations involving these operations, the number of significant figures to be re- tained in each factor is determined by the number properly retained under Rule III. in the factor which has the largest percentage deviation. Computations involving a precision not greater than ^ P er cent, should be made with a slide rule. For greater precision logarithm tables should be used. If multiplication and division must be resorted to, the "short method" of rejecting all superfluous figures at each stage of the operation should be adopted. INDIRECT MEASUREMENTS 25 Rule VI. In carrying out the operations of multiplication and division by logarithms, retain as many figures in the man- tissa of the logarithm of each factor as are properly retained in the factors themselves under Rule V. Precision Discussion of Indirect Measurements. We will now consider the precision discussion of indirect measure- ments; i.e., those in which the final result is a more or less complicated function of one or more directly measured quantities. Two distinct classes of problems may arise: First. The precision measures of the directly measured components are known (determined as above described), and it is desired to find the precision measure of the final result. Second. The desired precision of the final result is stipu- lated at the outset, and the problem is to ascertain what precision is necessary in the components, in order that the accumulated effect of the errors in these on the final result shall not exceed the prescribed limit. The importance of these problems cannot be overesti- mated; for, in the first case, a final result, be it the result of chemical analysis, the value of a physical constant, the algebraic expression of a law, or an efficiency test of an en- gine, is practically worthless unless a numerical estimate of its reliability can be stated. In fact, it may be worse than worthless if carried out to indicate a higher precision than the data warrant. And the second case is of equal importance; for, unless an investigator makes a preliminary precision discussion of his method and apparatus before beginning work, so that he may know, at least approx- imately, how precisely each quantity entering into the final result should be measured, the chances are that much time and labor will be wasted in measuring some compo- nents more precisely than necessary, while others will be measured to a degree of precision which will render impos- sible the attainment of the desired precision in the final result. Notation. In the precision discussion which follows, the following notation will be adopted. 26 PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS M = the final computed result of any indirectly measured quantity. A = numerical precision measure of M. m ij m z, . . . = directly measured quantities, which may be either mean results or single observations. Si, 52,... = the numerical precision measures of m 1} m z , . . . respectively. The values of 5 might be expressed as average deviations, probable errors, or mean errors, discussed on page 19. In the discussion of any given problem, however, the same kind of precision measure must be used throughout; i.e., in any given problem it is not proper to express the precision meas- ures of some quantities as probable errors, others as average deviations, and still others as percentage or fractional de- viations. In the following discussion we shall always assume values of 8 to be expressed as deviations. A 1; A 2 , . . . , will be used to denote the deviations pro- duced in M by deviations Si, 8 2 > m the components %, ra 2 , . . . respectively. From the above notation it follows that, the fractional precision of the final result ; 100 = percentage precision of the final result ; a $ , ,...= the fractional precision of the components 7?ll m^ m i> m z> - - respectively; OJ $ 100 , 100 . . = the percentage precision of the com- ra x m% ponents m l} w 2 , . . . respectively. In general M = f (m lt ?n 3 , . . . m n ), (9) which for brevity may be written M = f ( ), where the form of the function is determined by the formula by which M is computed from raj, ra 2 , etc. The first class of problems may then be stated mathematically as follows : INDIRECT MEASUREMENTS 27 Case I. The Direct Problem. Given the precision meas- ures 8 1? S 2 , . . . 8 n , of the component measurements m l} m 2 , . . . m n , to compute the precision measure A of the result M. The solution of this problem is obtained by finding, first, the effect of the deviation in each component on M, and then combining these separate effects to get the resultant effect. The method of computation to be followed in this last procedure depends upon the law to which the deviations concerned are subject, and will be considered below. Separate Effects. The effect of a deviation 8* in any com- ponent m k will be to produce a deviation A* in M of an amount i.e., an amount equal to the rate at which the value of the function M = f( ) changes, as m k changes (the other com- ponents m 2 , ra 3 , . . . etc., remaining constant), multiplied by the actual change 8# in m k , or, in other words, the partial differential coefficient of the function with respect to m* multiplied by the actual deviation 8* in m t . Example 1. Find the deviation in the volume of a sphere whose diameter is 10.013 cm., if the average devia- tion in the measurement of the diameter is A.D. 0.012 cm. V = *D*. Comparing with the notation on page 26, it is evident that M=V = f( ) = %TrD*, m = D = 10.013 cm., and 5 = A.D. = 0.012 cm. The computed value of V is V = i X 3.1416 X 10.013* = 525.52 c.c. By (10) the deviation A in this volume produced by the deviation 5 in the diameter is A=A a ^ 3) . 5 = i IT. 3D 2 . 5 = i X 3.1 X 3 X 10 2 0.012 = 1.9 c.c. ; 28 PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS i.e., the volume 525.5 c.c. is uncertain by 1 .9 c.c., or by 19 parts 0.012 D ~ 10 in 5300. A deviation of 100 ^ = 100 ^^ = 0.12% in the A 19 diameter introduces a deviation of 100 y 100 -^ 0.36% in the volume, i.e., a percentage deviation three times as great. In this case V is a function of only a single vari- able, hence the resultant deviation in V is given at once by the above result. Example 2. What will be the numerical deviation in the value of g, as determined by a second's pendulum, due to a deviation A.D. = 0.0020 second in the determination of the time of vibration, and a deviation A.D. = 0.10 cm. in the determination of the length? 9 = Hence in the general notation M = g = f ( ) = ^ mi=l=WO cm.; mz = t 1 sec.; 5i = 5i = 0.10 cm.g 5 2 = Si = 0.0020 sec. The deviation Aj in g produced by the deviation Si in I is by (10) = ^~ X 1 X 0.10 sec. i.e., a deviation of 0.10 cm. in the measurement of I will cm produce a deviation of 0.96 - 2 in the value of g. Similarly the deviation A t in g due to the deviation 8 t in t is by (10) HfcS) 2 X3 - 1 1 2 8 X1 X 0.0020 cm. = 3.8 sec. RESULTANT EFFECT 29 i.e., a deviation of 0.0020 sec. in the measurement of the time cm. will introduce an uncertainty in the value of g of 3.8 == sec. The negative sign simply indicates that a positive deviation in t produces a negative deviation in g, and vice versa. Since all deviations are equally likely to be plus or minus, in pre- cision discussions no attention is usually paid to the sign resulting from differentiation of a function. By a direct application of (10) the effect of a deviation in any single component on a final result may always be computed. A much shorter method than the above, applicable in certain special cases, will be pointed out below. Resultant Effect. To find the combined or resultant effect A, on the final result of the separate deviations AJ, A 2 , . . . etc., produced by the components. If for any reason the values of A b A 2 , ... etc., are of specified magnitude and sign (in which case they would not follow the general law of deviations), they should be com- bined according to the formula A = A! + A 2 + . . . + A n . (11) As this case rarely occurs in practice, it need not be further discussed here. The important case to consider is that in which the values of AJ, A 2 , . . . etc., are equally likely to be plus or minus and of a magnitude determined by the general law of deviations. If each A* is computed by formula (10), page 27, i.e., these conditions will always be fulfilled, since the values of 8 k which determine A* are of the nature of true deviations. Under these circumstances the most probable resulting devia- tion A, in M, can be shown by the method of Least Squares to be that obtained by combining the values of A* by the formula A 2 = A X 2 + A 2 2 + . . . + A 2 n , (12) or A = V Al 2 + A 2 2 + . . +An 2 . (12a) 30 PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS This does not give us an exact solution of the problem, but rather the solution which in the long run is better than that obtained by any other method of combining the values of A*. It is to be noted that by this method of computation the effect of the sign of individual deviations A* is elim- inated. The resultant deviation A is, of course, to be re- garded as equally likely plus or minus. Example 2 (continued). Thus in Example 2 the com- bined effect of the deviations in I and in t on the value of g is to be found by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of the deviations Aj and &t, which 61 and <$t sep- arately produce in g respectively; i.e., * Vo.96 2 + 3.8 2 cm. = 3.9=^ sec. Hence a deviation of 0.10 cm. in Z and 0.0020 sec. in t will make the value of g = 980 ===% uncertain by nearly 4 ==3. sec. sec. iterion for Negligibility of Deviations in Components. It is frequently important to determine whether the deviation arising from one or more components may be neglected in computing the A of the final result. For this purpose the following criterion may be deduced. As explained under rules for significant figures on page 23, two significant figures are all that should be retained in any deviation measure. A quantity which affects a re- sult by only yg- the amount of its deviation or precision measure will therefore affect it only in that place of significant figures corresponding to the second place in the deviation measure. This place is so uncertain that such an amount may in general be regarded as negligible. Although the assumption that $ p.m. or -fa d.m. is negligible is some- what arbitrary, it has been found to be a convenient and practical criterion to adopt. Suppose, therefore, that the value of the A of some quantity NEGLIGIBILITY OF DEVIATIONS 31 M is made up of deviations A x , A 2 , . . . A n , arising from various deviations S 1; 8 2 > S n , in components m lf m z , . . . m n . May any of these A's, as A*, be neglected in com- puting A, or, in other words, may any of the components, as m t , be regarded as being without sensible error on Mf To answer this question, let -fA 2 2 +. .+A, 2 +...A n 2 and A' = V A x 2 + A 2 2 -f . . . + A n 2 with A* omitted. Then, if A A' < T V A or A' > 0.9 A, by the above criterion A* may be considered as negligible. But A/ = A 2 A' 2 = A 2 (1 2 0.9 2 ) = 0.19 A 2 /. A* = 0.43 A. Hence the deviation in any component m may be neglected in computing the A of M , if its effect on M is equal or less than 0.43 A. A still safer and more convenient criterion to adopt, since the number of components considered is usually small and hence the assumed formula of squares is less rigidly applicable, is A* ^ 0.33 A ^1 A. (13) In the same way it can be shown that deviations in any number, p, components are simultaneously negligible if V Al 2 + A 2 2 + ...A p 2 < J A. (14) The above criterion also applies to the rejection of residuals in computing the value of the precision measure by the formula p.m. = d.m. 2 + r-f + r 2 2 + . . . r n 2 , as stated on page 18. Case II. The Converse Problem. Given a prescribed pre- cision A to be attained in the final result M, to find the allow- able deviations 1} 8 2 > &> i n the components m l} w 2 , etc., re- 32 PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS spectively, such that their combined effect on M shall not exceed the value of A. We have seen that when the deviations follow the law of errors, If the value of A is given and no further conditions im- posed, there are evidently an infinite number of solutions to the problem; i.e., an indefinite number of values can be found for A b A 2 , . . . etc. (and hence for the correspond- ing values of 8^ S 2 > etc.), which will satisfy the above equation. The most advantageous distribution of errors among the components will evidently be that one by which the desired precision is obtained with the minimum expenditure of time and labor on the part of the experimenter. As this will vary greatly with each individual problem, no mathe- matical criterion can be formulated which will embrace all cases. It is best, therefore, at least for a preliminary distribution of errors among the components, to so adjust them that the errors inherent hi each variable or component shall produce the same effect on the final result. This is spoken of as the solution of the problem for "equal effects." Solving the formula for resultant effects subject to this condition, i.e., = A," _ we have * hence for any component, (16) Having thus determined A*, the corresponding value of can be found at once by equation (15). EQUAL EFFECTS 33 Example 3. How precisely should the time of vibration and length of a seconds pendulum be measured in order that the computed value of g may be reliable to one-tenth of one percent.? g= ^-- As the pendulum is stated to be a "seconds" pendulum, t = one second and Z = 100 cm. approximately. It is further stipulated that 100 ^0.10; hence the allowable resultant deviation A in g must not be greater than A = g x 0.0010 cm. = 0.98 =4 We are to find the allowable values of 8 t and Si, sec. which will give this precision. Solving the problem subject to the condition of equal effects, -i.e., that the resultant de- viation in g is caused equally by the deviation in t and in I, we have A 0.98 cm. cm. A, = A* = -j= = ^- =2 = 0.70=^ . yn y2 sec. sec. Hence the allowable deviations in the time and length meas- urements must be reduced to such a magnitude that they do not separately produce a deviation in g greater than 0.70 ^ sec. respectively. But by the general equation (10), page 27 7 _ cm. 2 x 3. 1 2 X 100 cm. or 0.70 =3 = - . S t sec. 1 sec. hence 5 t = 0.00037 sec. Shnilarly, -*.,- cm. 3 or 0.70 =r = =2 Si sec. I 2 sec. hence 81 = 0.073 cm. The time of vibration of the pendulum should there- fore be measured to 0.00037 sec., and its length measured to 0.073 cm. The Fractional or Percentage Method of Solution. The preceding formulae for obtaining the precision of a final result from the known or estimated precision of the com- 34 PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS ponent measurements, and for calculating the necessary precision of the component measurements when the de- sired precision of the final result is stipulated, are entirely general, and by them any type of problem can be solved. It is to be particularly noted throughout the preceding discussion that the values of the precision or deviation measures 8 and A are numerical deviations expressed in the same units as the quantities to which they refer. Percentage and fractional deviations should not be used when applying the general formulae (10) to (12a), (15) and (16). If in the statement of a problem, as in example 3, the fractional or percentage precision is given, the cor- responding deviations 8 or A should first be computed before proceeding with the solution. There are, however, a large number of formulae which may be discussed with a great saving of time and labor by the use of percentage or fractional deviations. This is the case whenever the function M =/(rai, m 2 , . . . m n ) can be put in the form of a product of the general type M = k . mf .m ...m* (17) where k, a, b, : . . p are constants (positive, negative, fractional, or integral). For all such cases a very simple relation holds between the fractional or percentage devia- tion in any component and the fractional or percentage deviation which it produces in the final result. This may be shown as follows. Applying the general for- mula (10) for separate effects to the above special case, we have for the deviation A! in M produced by Si in mi 9M Dividing through by equation (17) --0 . ^ (18) M mi CN i.e., a fractional deviation -- in mi produces a fractional EQUAL EFFECTS 35 deviation a times as great in the final result. Thus, if 8 a = 2, a deviation of one per cent. (100 = 1) in mi will tn\ introduce a deviation of two per cent, in M, no matter what the value of the remaining factors in the expression may be. The separate effect of a known fractional or percentage deviation in any component on the final result may therefore be stated at once by inspection, whenever the formula under discussion can be put in the above form. Since the formula for Resultant Effects (12a) may be put in the form M the complete solution for any product function of the type given by equation (17) may be written down at once by inspection as i if the fractional deviations , etc., of the components ?n\ are known. Similarly, the solution of the converse problem for a product function is equally simple, as the condition for equal effects, page 32, may be written _Al = ^2_ _Ak_ __A^ M M~ ~M~~ ' ~M and hence the allowable fractional deviation in the final result which any component as m k may produce is M < sin M where TT is the prescribed fractional deviation of the 36 PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS final result which must not be exceeded. Having thus determined the value of -A, we obtain at once the allow- g able fractional deviation - in the corresponding com- ponent m k by inspection from the simple relation ex- pressed by equation (18). Since the exponents a, 6, c, etc., of the factors may have negative as well as positive values, the above solu- tions apply to formulae involving division as well as mul- tiplication of factors. It is to be especially noted that, if the function M in- volves the sum or difference of several components, or is a trigonometric or logarithmic function, no simple relation exists between the fractional deviation of a com- ponent and the fractional deviation which it produces in the final result. The above special method of procedure is, therefore, inapplicable to such cases. This will be readily seen from the following simple example. Sup- pose M= a rrii+b m 2 . Then A ' and A i from which it appears that -^ stands in no simple relation <\ to unless the term b m 2 happens to be negligible in mi magnitude compared with a Wi, in which case we should have assumed at the outset for our precision discussion that M = ami approximately. It frequently happens, however, that apparently com- plicated functions can be transformed into a simple product of factors by changing variables or noting that certain components may be neglected in the precision discussion. When this is possible, the fractional method may be applied with advantage to each factor. EQUAL EFFECTS 37 Example 4. The solution of problem 2 may be obtained much simpler by the fractional or percentage method than by the general method as worked out on page 28. For the formula g = 7r 2 - = irH t- 3 - is evidently a simple product func- tion of the variables I and t. To find the deviation in g due to a deviation of Si = 0.10 cm. in I and a deviation 8 t = 0.0020 second in t, we find first the fractional deviation in I and in t respectively. di 0.10 cm. / 100 cm. = 0.0010, and ^ = 0.0020 sec. = t 1.0 sec. Then by inspection, since g is directly proportional to the first power of Z, *' = 5 J = 0.0010; and, since g is proportional to the second power of t (neglect- ing sign), ^ = 2- = 2 X 0.0020 = 0.0040. = V/(0.0010) 2 + (0.0040) 2 = 0.0041 or A = 0.0041 X 980 = 2 = 4.0 -^ sec. sec. which is practically the same result previously obtained, the slight difference arising from the use of but two signifi- cant figures in the computation. Example 5. Again, the solution of example 3, page 33, may be simplified by using the fractional method. Thus, if it is stipulated that g is to be measured to 0.10 per cent., i.e., 100 ~0.10, the prescribed fractional deviation is ^ 0.0010. Distributing this deviation by the criterion of equal effects between the component measurements I and t respectively, we have . o.ooon. 99^/29 y/2 TT-l But by inspection of the formula g = /2 it is seen that g is 38 PRECISION OF MEASUREMENTS proportional to the first power of I and to the second power of t, therefore A? 81 , At 8 t = v and = 2 9 I 9 t Hence ,- = 0.00071, or the length must be measured to 5z = 100 cm. x 0.00071 = 0.071 cm. Similarly, -' =4 X 0.00071 = 0.00036, t i or the time must be measured to d t = 1 sec. X 0.00036 = 0.00036 sec. These, it is seen, are practically the same values previously obtained by the differentiation method on page 33, the dif- ference in the second place of figures arising from the use of only two figures in the computation. Discussion of "Equal Effect" Solution. It not infre- quently happens upon solving a problem as described above, that some component (or components) can with little additional time and labor be determined with a much higher precision than the solution demands. In this case such a component or factor should be so meas- ured and then regarded as a constant in the precision discussion, since the error in it will have a negligible effect on the final result. The problem should then be re-solved on the basis of one less variable, in which case the remaining components which are more difficult to determine, may be measured with somewhat less pre- cision than was demanded by the first solution. The proper adjustment of precision among components so as to give the desired precision in the final result with the apparatus at one's disposal and with the least ex- penditure of time and labor, requires some experience and good judgment on the part of the investigator. Beginners will not go far astray, however, if they follow the above criterion for equal effects. PART II. GRAPHICAL METHODS. GRAPHICAL METHODS. Nature of Problems The graphical method of discussing experimental data is of great convenience and importance when the problem under investigation is to determine the law or fundamental relationship between two quantities. This type of problem arises very frequently in scientific and technical investigations. The graphical method is also of great value for purposes of interpolation, discus- sion of corrections, etc. Procedure. The general procedure to be followed in dis- cussing observations by the graphical method will be ex- plained and illustrated by following through, step by step, a specific problem. Suppose it is desired to find the relation which holds between the resistance of a certain coil of wire and its temperature, between 10 and 100 C.; that is, to determine the formula by which the resistance can be com- puted at any given temperature between these limits. The experimental procedure would consist in making a series of measurements of the resistance r of the wire at various temperatures t from approximately 10 to 100 C. Suppose that the result of such experiments gives the two following columns of data, the resistance measurements being reliable to 0.003 ohm, and the temperature measurements to 0.02 C., as shown by their respective deviation or precision measures. EXPERIMENTAL DATA. r = resistance of t = temperature of coil coil in ohms. in degrees C> 10.421 10.50 10.939 29.49 11.321 42.70 11.799 60.01 12.242 75.51 12.668 91.05 42 GRAPHICAL METHODS The Direct Plot. To obtain some clue to the relation between r and t (supposing it unknown), a Direct Plot should first be made. Plotting-paper suitable for this work should be ruled with carefully adjusted pens, other- wise the errors arising from* irregularity of ruling may easily exceed those of only moderately accurate data. A convenient size is about eight by ten inches, ruled either in millimeters, or preferably, in twentieths of an inch. First. Choice of Ordinates and A bscissce. The first thing to decide upon is which data are to be plotted as ordinates and which as abscissae. The usual convention of analytic geometry should always be followed. If, as in the problem under consideration, it is desired to obtain a relation in which r is expressed as a function of t, then values of r should be plotted as ordinates and values of t as abscissae. If, on the other hand, it were desired to obtain a formula for computing the temperature t corresponding to any resistance r, as in resistance pyrometry, the converse would be the case. Second. Choice of Scales. By the "scale" of a plot is meant the ratio of the number of units (inches, centi- meters, etc.) of the plot to one unit of the data. Scales of both ordinates and abscissa? should be clearly indicated on the plot. Thus, if 100 is plotted so as to extend over 10 inches, the scale is 10" : 100 = 1 : 10, or one-tenth. This is usually expressed as 1 inch to 10 degrees. In general, it is not feasible to choose the same scale for both ordinates and abscissae, nor should the attempt be made to have the origin fall on the plot. If equal scales are chosen for both abscissae and ordinates, the locus of the data is likely to be a line either nearly horizontal, in which case the precision of the data plotted as ordi- nates is sacrificed, or nearly vertical, in which case the same is true of the abscissae. Moreover, the intersection of a nearly horizontal line with lines parallel to the axis of X can be read off only with difficulty and liability to error, while its point of intersection with the axis of Y is much DIRECT PLOT 43 more definitely defined. In order, therefore, to preserve equal precision in the interpolation of both co-ordinates, the line should be inclined as nearly as may be at an angle of 45 with both axes. Deviations of 10 or so to either side of this position are not serious. The scales chosen should, furthermore, be convenient; i.e., in aiming to distribute the data approximately 45 across the plotting-paper, scales of one inch equal to 1, 2, 4, 5, or 10 units (or these units multiplied by 10 n where n is an integer), should be chosen, but never such scales as one inch to 3, 7, 6, 11 units. The latter scales make plotting not only laborious, but very liable to error, whereas the former scales permit data to be plotted with facility. In choosing scales for plotting, the student should guard as carefully against adopting excessively large scales as excessively small ones. In the latter case the plot will be cramped and the precision of the data sacrificed. In the former case the deviations of the data from the general law which they follow are likely to be so magnified to the eye that it is difficult or impossible to draw a representative line. Moreover, such plots give an exaggerated idea of the precision of the data. As an upper limit, a safe rule to follow is to adopt a scale which permits of easy interpolation to not more than two uncertain places of figures in the data; i.e., to that place corresponding to the second significant figure in the deviation or precision meas- ure. This rule applies particularly to data extending over narrow numerical limits, to corrections, etc. In the present problem it is seen that the extreme variation of r is about 2.3 ohms, and of t, 90. The scales should there- fore be so chosen as to distribute these quantities well over the paper. Scales of 1" = 0.4 ohm and I" = 10 evidently fulfill this condition and are at the same time convenient. It is evident, however, that some of the precision of the data will be sacrificed in plotting with these scales, since it is impossible on a plot of the size chosen to locate the last significant figure of the data with any great degree of pre- cision. It should also be noticed that the origin will not fall 44 GRAPHICAL METHODS on the plot. This is not at all necessary, and only in those cases when the data for both variables simultaneously approach small values (zero) is this likely to be the case. It is, however, desirable (although not imperative), that the zero value of the abscissae should fall on the plot, in order to determine the intercept of the curve with the ordinate through this point for reasons explained below. Third. To plot the data. Data should be plotted as fol- lows. Locate the abscissa of the first point along the axis of abscissae and with a straight edge placed vertically through this point draw a fine line about one-eighth of an inch long approximately at the place where the corresponding ordinate is to be located. Then locate the ordinate along the axis of ordinates, and draw a short horizontal line intersecting the first line drawn. The intersection is the desired position of the point. Never locate the data by dots, as the preci- sion attainable with the paper is not only sacrificed, but there is also much greater liability to error in the operation of plotting itself when the attempt is made to locate both ordinate and abscissa at the same time. Fourth. To draw the "Best Representative Line." The data being plotted, the next step is to draw a smooth curve, the equation of which shall best represent the law connecting the two variables in question. Inspection of the general form of this curve will usually give valuable information as to the form of the equation sought. If the points appear to lie along a straight line, the best representative line may be located by moving a stretched fine black thread among the points until a position is found such that the points lie as nearly as may be alternately on either side of the thread and in such a manner that the points above the line deviate from it by the same amount as those below. The exact criterion for locating the best represen- tative line would be to so adjust it among the points that the sum of the squares of the deviations of the points above the line is equal to the sum of the squares of the deviations of the points below the line. (Criterion of Least Squares.) When DIRECT PLOT 45 the best position of the thread has been found, the location of two points through which it passes is noted, and a fine straight line is then ruled through these points with a hard pencil, or, better, with a ruling pen. If the points cannot be uniformly distributed about a straight line, but deviate systematically from it, then the best representative curved line is to be drawn with a French or a flexible curve. The line should in this case be drawn as before, so that the points are distributed as nearly as may pff ^ - it* 1A >" x j 12.4 UL BE J u UL L R _Q A. p -Cj IF ^ p ^x +.01 1 r- p _ p ^\ R _ nr P <^ / u.2 x x X x X / P P^ ifr ~ " 3 5 ~ x ' __ /" " tf ~ - 51 T -f xf t-- n __ -J ^ X ~~ -~" - * / J * - ,X ^. ' R' -*-- * - (. Jf - - ^x x - ! Ti J^ X ,0 y io" eo' Jo* 40* so- *o- 70* 60* 9o m Temperature. PLOT 1. be on alternate sides. From the form of the resulting curve its equation may often be inferred. The next step is to determine the equation of the curve by transforming it graphically into a straight line by some one of the special methods of transformation described below. The numeri- cal constants in the equation of a straight line can always be readily determined directly from the plot. In the problem under consideration, the points are seen, Plot I., to lie very closely along a straight line A'A", the 46 GRAPHICAL METHODS deviations from the line being of an irregular and not of a systematic character. The relation between r and t is there- fore a linear one; i.e., of the first degree. To determine completely the function r=f (t), we have to find the numeri- cal value of the constants in tjje equation of this line A!A". Determination of the Constants of a Straight Line. The general equation of a straight line is y = ax + 6, (1) where a and b are constants. The constant a = -^- is the tangent of the angle which ax the line makes with the axis of X. The value of a cannot in general be found by reading off the angle with a protractor and looking out the value of its natural tangent, as the angle is usually distorted owing to the unequal scales used in plot- ting. To determine a, read off the value of the ordinate and abscissa x', y' and x", y", respectively, of any two points on the line, preferably near the extremities. These points will not in general be observed points. Then y" y f a = tan == x _^' Thus the co-ordinates of two such points A' and A" are seen to be x' = 6.0, yf = 10.30 ohms, and x" = 94.5, y" = 12.76 ohms. Hence 12.76 10.30 2.46 94.5 - 6.0 85 The constant b is the value of y when x = 0; that is, it is the intercept of the line (prolonged, if necessary) on the axis of Y, read off on the scale of ordinates chosen. Thus from the plot it is seen that the line A' A" cuts the ordinate through x = at b = 10.13. The desired equation con- necting r and t is therefore r = 0.0278 * + 10.13. (2) RECTIFICATION OF CURVES 47 Whenever the data are such that a long extrapolation of the line is necessary in order to make it cut the ordinate through x = 0, or when this ordinate falls off the plot, the value of b is found as follows. Substitute the value of a as determined above, together with values of x* and y' of some point on the line, in equation (1) and solve for b directly. It is to be noted here that the precision of the constants in equation (2) is less than the precision of the original data. Values of r computed by this formula cannot at best be more precise than one or two parts in 1,000, while the observed values were stated to be reliable to 3 parts in 10,000; in other words, the full precision of the data has not been utilized in the plot of the size here chosen. The procedure by means of which the precision of the constants as above determined may be increased, and another place of signi- ficant figures obtained, will be explained later. See Resid- ual Plot, p. 60. Rectification of Curved Lines. When the plotted data do not lie along a straight line, the form of the smooth curve best representing the points will often suggest the relation- ship sought. Thus curves resembling any of the conic sec- tions or trigonometric functions are usually readily recog- nized. In all such cases it is usually necessary to transform the curve into a straight line in order to determine the con- stants in its equation. Suppose from inspection of the curve that the relation y = F (x) is suggested. If F (x) can be factored or written in the form F (x) = af(x) + b, where a and b are numerical constants and f(x) contains no constants, the function suggested can be very readily tested graphically. This includes evidently the special cases when a = 1 and when 6 = 0; i.e., the functions, y = af(x); y = f(x); and y = f(x) + b. In all of these cases let f(x) = z, and for each value of x of the data compute the corresponding value of z. Construct 48 GRAPHICAL METHODS a new plot with values of z as abscissae and the correspond- ing (observed) values of y as ordinates. The general equa- tion of the new line will then be y = az + b, jt or that corresponding to the above special cases, y = az; y = z; and y = z + &, all of which are equations of a straight line, the constants of which may readily be determined as described above. Whether the assumed equation y = af(x) + b represents the experimental data or not can thus be judged by the mag- nitude and sign of the deviations of the plotted data from the straight line. If the correct function has been assumed, the values of the constants a and b should be corrected by means of a residual plot, provided the precision of the data war- rants it. Problem. Trigonometric Functions. Suppose that with a certain galvanometer the following deflections are pro- duced by the currents, 7, respectively, and it is desired to de- termine the law of the galvanometer, i.e., the form of the function / = F (6), so that the curre'nt corresponding to any deflection may be computed. OBSERVED DATA. Deflection 6. Current I. z = tan 6. 10.17 0.0704 0.1794 19.27 0.1368 0.3496 29.16 0.2184 0.5580 40.47 0.3348 0.8532 48.45 0.4430 1.128 55.90 0.5780 1.477 The data plotted directly with values of I as ordinates and as abscissas are found to lie along a curve A, Plot II., which evidently suggests the relation I = a tan where a is con- stant ; f or / = when 6 = and / approaches a very great TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS 49 value (infinity), for 6 = 90. Comparing the suggested equation with y = af (x), we see / (x) = tan 0. Hence, to test the suggested equation, we compute the value z = tan for each observed value of 0, and construct a new plot with the values of / as ordinates as before, and values of z as Deflections 6 Curve A. Tangent Curve B PLOT II. abscissae. The line best representing these data is shown in B. This line must necessarily pass through the origin, since the current and corresponding deflection of the gal- vanometer approach the value zero simultaneously. The galvanometer is seen to follow the law of tangents between and 60. Since the line B passes through the origin, the value of the constant a, i.e., the tangent which the line 50 GRAPHICAL METHODS makes with the axis of X, is readily found from the co-or- dinates x" ?/" of a single point M to be The value of a, in this particular case, can also be obtained as follows: Since tan 45 = 1, it follows from y = atanfl that y = a, for = 45 or z = 1; i.e., the ordinate of curve A at 45 or the ordinate of curve B at z = 1 gives the value of a directly. By this method we find a = 0.393 from M', curve A, and a = 0.392 from M", curve B, both values being in good agreement with that obtained in the usual way. The desired formula for the galvanometer is, therefore, I = 0.392 tan 0. If the observations had been extended beyond = 60 and it were found that the points corresponding to these data regularly deviated from the straight line, the conclusion would be that the instrument followed the law of tangents only within certain limits, which could be thus determined. Problem. Reciprocal Functions. Suppose the volume v of a definite mass of gas kept at constant temperature is de- termined at various pressures p with the following results, and it is desired to find the law connecting p and v; e.g., to determine the form of the function p = / (v). Pressure p Volume v in cm. of Hg. in c. c. v 37.60 41.90 0.02380 39.35 40.13 0.02493 43.59 36.51 0.02739 47.50 33.67 0.02971 54.34 29.65 0.03373 56.26 28.63 0.03497 58.28 27.70 0.03610 Constructing a direct plot from these data, we obtain a slightly curved line A, Plot III. The volume diminishes as the pressure increases, but not proportionally, since the data do not lie along a straight line. The curve suggests an equi- RECIPROCAL FUNCTIONS 51 lateral hyperbola referred to its asymptotes as axes, the equation of which is xy = const. If this suggested relation be the correct one, i.e., if vp = const., or, otherwise written, p = const. f-Y by changing the variable from v to z = -, the resulting equation becomes p = const, z, the equation of 60 SCALE DIRECT PL|OT RECIPROCAL ORO. ABS. PLOT ORD. 38 I 4 CM. I"- 2CC. l"= -4 CM. \"m 0.002 .020 .030 .09* Curve A, Volumes. Curve B, Reciprocal of Volumes PLOT III. a straight line. Constructing, therefore, a second plot, with the same values of p as ordinates and the reciprocal values of v as abscissae, we obtain curve B, which should be a straight line if the gas in question follows Boyle's law within the errors of the experiment. This is seen to be the case. If it were not the case, a study of the deviations of the data 52 GRAPHICAL METHODS from the straight line would afford a proper means of dis- cussion of the deviations of the gas from Boyle's law. Another method of treating this problem would be to compute the product pv for each pair of values of p and v and then to discuss .the values of the product graphically as follows. With values of p as abscissae construct a plot with corresponding values of pv as ordinates. If the data satisfy the relation pv = const, within the experimental error, the best representative line will be parallel to the axis of abscissae, with the values of pv distributed alternately and about equally on either side. If, on the other hand, the gas deviates from Boyle's law, as many gases do even under ordinary conditions, and as all gases do at very great values of p, the resulting curve will give information not only as to the amount of the deviations, but also as to the method of correcting the assumed simple relationship to make it better conform with experimental facts. The Logarithmic Method. Exponential Functions. If the data of a direct plot are found to deviate continually from a straight line, they may very often be represented by an exponential equation of the form y = mx n where m and n are constants which may have any value. Cases of this kind are of very frequent occurrence, and it is, therefore, of great importance to be able to test this relationship and to determine the numerical values of the constants m and n. This can always be done by means of a Logarithmic Plot; i.e., a plot constructed with the values of the loga- rithms of y as ordinates and the corresponding logarithms of x as abscissae. For, if we take logarithms of both sides of the equation y = mx", we have log y = n log x -\- log m. Changing the independent variables x and y in this equation to x' and y' respectively, by putting x' = log x and y' = log y, and writing b = log m, the equation becomes y' = nxf -|- &. This is the equation of a straight line of which the in_ tercept on the axis of Y is b = log m, and of which the LOGARITHMIC METHOD 53 natural tangent of the undistorted angle which it makes with the axis of X is n. Hence the constants in the -original equa- tion y = mx n may be obtained at once by looking out the number ra whose logarithm, b, is the intercept of the straight line on the axis of Y, and by determining the tangent which the line makes with the axis of X. 93 ECT PLOT 6. PLOT GALE ORD. l" ABS. I" ORD. I" ABS ! VVO CM. O.ISECONJD O.2000 O.I 000 J20 . T* T6 PLOT IV. T.7 0.6 10 O.7 Tft 0* Here, again, the values of the constants m and n as thus determined are usually reliable to not more than 0.5%, and hence, if the orginal data warrant it, they should be further corrected by means of a residual plot. Problem. The logarithmic method will now be illustrated by discussing data obtained for a body falling freely under the influence of gravity. Suppose experiments gave the fol- lowing values for the distance s, through which a ball fell in the time t, and it is desired to deduce the law between s 54 GRAPHICAL METHODS and t; i.e., to find the equation by which the distance s can be computed for any value of t. OBSERVED DATA. Distance s in Time tin s f = log s. t' = log t. centimeters. seconds. ^ 30.13 0.2477 1.4790 1.3939 85.26 0.4175 1.9308 I- 6207 150.39 0.5533 2.1772 L7430 223.60 0.6760 2.3495 1.8300 274.20 0.7477 2.4381 1.8737 A direct plot A, Plot IV., of s and t, shows at once that s and t are not proportional. The regular deviation from a straight line suggests an exponential curve, i.e., s = ml". To test this relation, we construct on ordinary co-ordinate paper a "logarithmic plot" B with s' = log s as ordinates and if = log t as abscissae. Convenient scales which dis- tribute these values about 45 across the paper are V = 0.2 for the ordinates and 1" = 0.1 for the abscissae. It is to be noticed that the values of t, being less than unity, lead to values of log t with negative characteristics. The abscissae are, therefore, laid off to the left of the origin as indicated, the plot thereby lying in the second quadrant. The data are seen to lie very closely along a straight line, the constants of which are to be determined as described on page 46. Thus the intercept of the line on the axis of Y is b = log m = 2.688, whence m = 488. The tangent which the line makes with the axis of X is found to be n = 1.995 or n = 2.00 within the error of plotting. The desired equation is, therefore, s = 488 t 2 - 00 . Since the law of falling bodies is known to be s = Jgtf 2 , it follows that %g = 488, or the mean value of g from the data, within the cm error of direct plotting, is g = 2 X 488 = 976 ^ . sec. If the data s and t are reliable to more than about 0.5 per cent., the constants m and n should be corrected by means of a residual plot. Attention should be called to one important point in this LOGARITHMIC METHOD 55 connection. In constructing a plot like the above in which the intercept on the axis Y is to be determined, it is con- venient to choose the units in which the abscissae are ex- pressed such that the resulting line cuts the axis of Y without a long extrapolation. By a suitable choice of units this condition can always be attained, for increasing or dimin- ishing the unit expressing the abscissas by a multiple of ten does not affect the slope of the line, but simply shifts it parallel with itself to or from the origin. Logarithmic Plotting-paper. When the constants of a num- ber of exponential curves of the type y = mx n are to be determined, a great saving of time and labor may be effected by using so-called logarithmic co-ordinate paper. Four quadrants of such paper are shown in Plot V. The length OX is laid off equal to OF and put equal to 10 or some in- tegral power of 10 units. This is then subdivided into spaces such that the distances 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, etc., are proportional to the logarithms of 2, 3, 4, etc. Thus the point numbered 2 is located not at two-tenths the distance from to Z, as in ordinary plotting-paper, but at log 2 = 0.301 of the distance OX. The rulings thus become more and more crowded together as they proceed from to X and Y. Con- tinuing the rulings beyond 10 in either direction, it is evi- dent that the unit square XOY repeats itself indefinitely, since the value of the logarithm of any quantity multiplied by 10*, where & is a positive or negative integer, is equal to the logarithm of the original quantity plus k. Thus the point marked 0.2 is laid off at a distance equal to log 0.2 = log (2 X 10- 1 ) = log 2 -- 1 = 1 + 0.301 to the left of 0; i.e., just the distance OX to the left of the point marked 2, etc. It is evident that a series of values of x and y which satisfy the equation y = mx* will, if plotted directly on logarithmic paper, lie along a straight line; for the paper has the effect of locating the data y and x at points proportional to their logarithms, and 56 GRAPHICAL METHODS it has been shown on page 52 that this leads to a straight line. We are thus saved the labor of looking out logarithms and locating them on rectangular co-ordinate paper as pre- viously explained. Moreover, since the scales of ordinates and abscissae are here necessarily equal, the slope of the f 9 ft 7 6 5 / 4- / 3 / / 2 4 & . J 4/ / 5 1 < .7 s .? f 2 3 4 5 7 8 ,Q V' / .9 / ft- 1 g / .7 / .6 / > ' ,4 ORD: -DIS" "ANC ET f \ \ IE re R >. / A5S: 3 -TIM E JN S CO NO s. / .2 / Y' | PLOT V. resulting line is undistorted, and, therefore, the tangent which it makes with the axis of X is obtained by measur- ing off with a scale the distance y" y' and x" x' of two y" y' points on the line and taking their ratio, ,, , = n. gives the desired value of the exponent of x. This LOGARITHMIC METHOD 57 To find the value of the constant m, we note that in the equation log y = n log x -f- log m when x = 1, log y = log m. Hence, since values read off on logarithmic paper correspond to the numbers of which the spacings are the logarithms, the intersection of the logarithmic plot with the ordinate through x = 1 gives at once the value of m, whereas with rectangular plotting paper the intercept with the Y-axis gives the value of log m. The following difference between logarithmic plots, drawn on rectangular and on logarithmic paper, should also be noted. Suppose the line representing the data plotted on logarith- mic paper intersects the ordinate not through x = 1, but through x = 10*, where k is any positive or negative in- teger. Let ra' be the value of the intercept. To obtain the value of m in the equation y = mx n from m', we have y =i m' for x = 10*, i.e., m' = m 10*" m f = In the case of rectangular paper, on the other hand, the line intersects the ordinate through x = log 10* = k at m". To obtain m from this intercept, we have w" = log y = nk log 10 + log m = nk -f- log m Hence log m = m" nk. The solution of the problem discussed on page 54, by the use of logarithmic paper is shown on a reduced scale in Plot V. Values of s and t are plotted directly and lie, as is seen, along a straight line. It is convenient to express here values of s in meters instead of centimeters. The tangent which this line makes with the axis of X measured off directly along OY and OX' is found to be 2.00. Extrapolating the 58 GRAPHICAL METHODS line to cut the ordinate OY through x = 1, we see the inter- cept to be m = 4.89. The equation connecting s and t is therefore s=,4.89Z 2 - which agrees, within the error of plotting, with that pre- viously obtained with rectangular co-ordinate paper, when we remember that in the above equation s is expressed in meters instead of centimeters. Equations of the Form y = m (x -f- ft)". A slightly more complicated relation than that represented by the equation y = mx n , which may also be treated by the logarithmic method, is that represented by the formula y = m (x +ft Y where ft is a constant. If a logarithmic plot be made with data xfli, z 2 2/2> etc., which satisfy an equation of this form, the points will not lie along a straight line for both large as well as small values of the variables. Suppose it is found that for large values of x and y the curve is practically straight, but for small values it becomes curved. Under these circumstances it is worth while to see if the best repre- sentative logarithmic plot cannot be rectified into a straight line by assuming an equation of the above form, for by putting z = x + ft the equation reduces to y = mz n from which m and n are easily determined, if values of y and z are plotted logarithmically. It is only necessary therefore to find the value of the constant ft to be added to all values of x. This may be found as follows. Select two points a;^ and x%y 2 near the ends of the original logarithmic plot. Compute the ordinate 2/3 of an intermediate point such that log 2/3 = i -Logj/1 + i log 2/2 or 2/3 = V 2/i2/2 and look out its corresponding abscissa X B on the line. PRECISION OF PLOTTING 59 Then it follows, if the data satisfy an equation of the form = m ( x + )*, that log fa + ft = * log fa + ) + * kg fa + ft or * 3 + j8 = V 2 from which = Having thus obtained , proceed in the usual manner to determine m and n from a new logarithmic plot of the equa- tion y = m 2 n where 2 = x + ft. Equations of the Form y = m 10"*; y = m c** Data satisfying equations of the form -^ = m I0 nx and y = m e**, where e is the base of Naperian logarithms, may also be treated graphically by the following special logarithmic method. Taking logarithms of these equations, we obtain log y = nx -{ log m and log y = Mnx -f- log m respectively, where M = 0.4343 is the modulus for reducing Naperian to common logarithms. If, on ordinary plotting paper, values of y' log y are plotted as ordinates and the unchanged values of x as abscissae, the resulting curves will be straight lines; the intercept on the axis of Y f or x = will give y f = log m and the tangents of the lines with the axis of X will give the values of n and Mn respectively. Precision of Plotting. The question now arises as to the precision of the constants deduced from a direct or rectified plot. In discussing this question, we will consider only errors inherent in the process of plotting and interpolation, and in the plotting-paper itself. The error of estimating tenths of the smallest division, together with the uncertainty introduced by the width of the lines locating the data and the inaccuracies in the paper due to errors in ruling and unequal shrinkage, make 0.02 inch a fair estimate of the extreme precision of reading or 60 GRAPHICAL METHODS plotting. If the plot be 10 inches on a side (about the maxi- mum size ordinarily employed), the fractional precision attainable cannot therefore be greater than about -~ = 0.002, or 0.2 per cent. A more probable estimate of the precision ordinarily attained in direct plots is 0.4 to 0.5 per cent. Constants deduced from a direct plot of the size considered can therefore be relied upon only to this degree of precision; that is, in general, to three significant figures, with the fourth doubtful. If the experimental data are reliable to four or more signifi- cant figures (i.e., to 0.1 per cent, or better), some of the pre- cision will evidently be sacrificed in the direct plot unless a much larger plot be made. In order that the full precision of such data may be utilized, the direct plot should be fol- lowed by a so-called residual plot, by means of which the constants first obtained can be corrected and rendered more precise. By this procedure the precision of the graphical method may be greatly extended. The procedure to be fol- lowed in constructing a residual plot will now be considered. Residual Plot. A residual plot is one in which the de- viations of the observed data from the "best representa- tive line" are plotted on an enlarged scale. It serves to correct the position of this line among the points, to correct the numerical value of the constants, and to test whether the data follows the assumed law within the precision of the measurements. It is constructed as follows. Substitute in the equation y = ax + 6, deduced for the best represen- tative line, which may be either a direct or rectified plot, the observed values of. x, and compute the corresponding values of y. The differences between these computed values of y and the corresponding observed values are called the residuals. A study of the sign and magnitude of these re- siduals furnishes much valuable information regarding the representative character of the "best line" chosen, and the graphical discussion of these constitutes the residual plot. If a plot be made (preferably on the same paper and with the RESIDUAL PLOT 61 same scale of abscissae as the straight line plot), with the values of the residuals r = y (observed) y (computed) as ordinates, and the corresponding values of x as abscissae, we obtain a graphical representation of the deviations of the observed data from the line assumed to best represent them. To better study these deviations, they should be plotted on a large scale. In effect, the process is to project the "best representative line" horizontally and to magnify the devia- tions of the plotted data from it. If it is found that the plotted residuals lie alternately and about equal distances on either side of the horizontal line passing through the zero of the residuals, the conclusion is that the original line is the best line which can be drawn to represent the data. In gen- eral, however, it will be found that a new line can be drawn among the residuals which will distribute them more nearly alternately on either side. The values of the tangent a and intercept 6, found for the original representative line, should therefore be corrected by the values of the tangent and in- tercept respectively of the new best representative line of the residual plot, read off of course on the scales on which it is plotted. In this way the original constants may be corrected to the fourth significant figure. It is sometimes necessary to follow the first by a second residual plot when extreme precision is desired. If the residuals are found to deviate systematically from the straight line, the conclusion is that the data cannot be represented by the line in question within the precision of the measurements. In such a case a new formula should be sought. Illustration of a Residual Plot. The procedure to be fol- lowed in making a residual curve or plot will be illustrated by the data given in the Problem discussed in Plot I., p. 45. The equation of the best representative straight line for these data was found to be r = 0.0278 t + 10.13. To test whether this equation is the best which can be obtained to represent the given data, we proceed to compute 62 GRAPHICAL METHODS the residuals, as described above, by substituting the observed values of t and computing /. t observed. r observed. T* computed. r-r 1 first residuals. r* computed. r-r" second residuals. 10.50 10.421 10.422 m 0.001 10.413 + 0.008 29.49 10.939 10.949 0.010 10.946 0.007 42.70 11.321 11.317 +0.004 11.317 +0.004 60.01 11.799 11.798 +0.001 11.802 0.003 75.51 12.242 12.229 +0.013 12.237 +0.005 91.05 12.668 12.661 +0.007 12.673 0.005 2 (r r') 2 = 437 2 (r r") 2 = 188 Inspection of these residuals, column 4, affords valuable information, but they can be better studied graphically, especially if the number of observations is great. The scale to be chosen for the ordinates should not be greater than about 1 inch to 0.01 ohm, since this will permit the residuals to be plotted directly without interpolation to the last place of significant figures of the data, while by estimation the plot can be read to the next place of figures; i.e., to 0.0001 ohm, which is more than ten times the precision of the data. The plot may conveniently be made on the same sheet as the direct plot, using the same scale of abscissae as shown in Plot I., p. 45. The heavy horizontal line through represents the line A' A!' projected horizontally. The residuals, plotted on a magnified scale, are connected by dotted lines. Inspection shows that the positive residuals preponderate, and that a new line B'B" can be drawn which will distribute the residuals more nearly alternately on either side of it. The original line A' A!' should evidently have been drawn with a slightly greater inclination. The value of the intercept of the new line B'B" on the axis of Y (on the scale of residuals) is 0.011. The tangent of the angle which it makes with the axis of X is obtained from the ordinates and abscissae of two points B' and B" on the line respectively: thus x f 5.00, y' = 0.0095; and x" = 95.05, y" = 0.0135. Hence y"-y' _. 0.0135 -(-0.0095) = _ F^"? ~ 95.05-5.00 INTERPOLATION FORMULA 63 Hence the constants of the original equation should be corrected by these amounts, thus becoming V = 10.13 0.011 = 10.119 a! = 0.0278 + 0.00025 = 0.02805. The corrected equation connecting r and t is, therefore, r = 0.02805 t + 10.119. This represents the original data much better than the first equation obtained, as may be seen from the sign and magni- tude of the new set of residuals r r" computed from the corrected equation and given in the last column of the table. There is now seen to be no systematic deviation among the residuals, and the sum of their squares is seen to be much less than in the case of the residuals from the first equation. Interpolation Formulae. It frequently happens that ex- perimental data whose locus differs slightly but progres- sively from a straight line cannot be represented by a two constant formula of the general exponential form y mx n . This is the case, for example, with data on the coefficient of expansion of many substances over wide ranges of tem- perature. To obtain an algebraic relation for such cases, interpolation formulae of the general form y = a + bx + ex 2 + dx 3 + . . . are usually assumed. The number of terms to be taken in this equation (i.e., the number of constants to be determined) depends upon the precision of the data and on the extent of the deviation of the curve representing them from a straight line. The values of the constants in such an equation are in gen- eral best determined analytically. For this purpose it is necessary to know at least as many pairs of values of x and y as there are constants to be determined. Thus, if the equation assumed to represent the data be y = a -f- bx + ex 2 , it is necessary to know at least three pairs of values of x and y which, substituted in the equation, will lead to three simultaneous equations, from which the values of the three unknown constants, a, &, c, can be at once determined by 64 GRAPHICAL METHODS elimination. It is seldom necessary to carry the series be- yond the fourth term da?; in fact, three terms are sufficient for most purposes. In general, however, the experimental data furnish many more pairs of values of x and y than there are constants to be determined. In all such cases the most probable value of the constants can be determined by the graphical procedure described below or by the method of Least Squares. Graphical Solution. Let x^ l} x^, . . . x n y n , be the numerical values of pairs of observations on the variables x and ?/, which are assumed to satisfy the equation y a + bx + ex 2 . Any three pairs of values substituted in this equation will give three simultaneous equations from which a, b, and c can be computed, but the values of these constants will vary to a certain extent according to which sets of values of x and y are chosen. The simplest procedure by which to obtain the best or most probable values of a, 6, and c, is to plot all values of x and y and draw the best representative line among them. Then select three points on this line, one near each end and one half-way between for convenience, determine their ordinates and abscissae, and with these three pairs of values form three simultaneous equations and com- pute a, b, and c. Having obtained the constants in this manner, they may be further corrected by computing re- siduals and studying these by means of a residual plot, although this requires both care and judgment. A more exact although more laborious method of procedure is the analytical solution of the equation by the method of Least Squares. Least Square Solution As before, let Xjy lt z 2 7/ 2 , x n yn, be numerical values of the observations, and y = a -f- bx + ex 2 the equation the constants of which are to be determined. This may be written y a bx ex 2 = 0. LEAST SQUARE SOLUTION 65 If the observed values x, y, were free from all experimental errors and the equation represented the law connecting them, each pair would exactly satisfy the equation, with proper numerical values of the constants. This, however, is not the case, since all observations are liable to indeterminate error. Hence, if the observations be substituted in the equation, the right member will not in general equal zero, but will differ from zero by some small quantity v called the residual error, which may be plus or minus. Thus, by substituting the observations in the assumed equation, we get the following so-called "observation equations": y l a bx l cxf = v lt a bx cx 2 = v yn a bXn CXn* = V, from which the most probable values of the constants a, 6, c, are to be determined. By the principle of Least Squares those values of a, 6, c, are the most probable which make the sum of the squares of the residual errors v a mini- mum; i.e., those which make the value of 2,v 2 = v-f + i> 2 2 + . . . Vn 2 a minimum. The expression 2,v 2 is a function of the quantities a, 6, c, and the condition that it shall be a minimum is that its first differential coefficient with respect to these variables shall be zero, and its second differential coefficient positive. The latter test need not be applied, however, as inspection will distinguish between maximum and minimum values, the limit of the former being evidently infinity. Applying this condition to the above observation equa- tions, we have d 66 GRAPHICAL METHODS Substituting the values of Vj, i? 2 , etc., and differentiating, we obtain & C 2 ) = 0, a &*i czi 2 ) a - 6Xn - CXn 2 ) Xn = 0, a 6a^ cx)x+. , which may be simplified to the equations = 0. = 0. 0. These are called the "normal equations," from which the values of the constants a, b, c, may be computed by the ordinary methods of elimination, there being now the same number of equations as unknowns. It will readily be seen that the process of substituting the values of ^y, 2xy, 2xy 2 , etc., in the normal equations and the subsequent so- lution of the equations for the constants is a tedious proc- ess, the labor involved increasing rapidly with the number of constants to be determined. For further details regarding the method of Least Squares consult Bartlett's The Method of Least Squares, Wright's Treatise on the Adjustment of Observations, or Merriman's Least Squares. For special Graphical Meth- ods see Peddle's The Construction of Graphical Charts. PART III. SOLUTION OF ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS, AND PROBLEMS. SOLUTION OF ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS. Before proceeding to the numerical solution of a pre- cision problem, the student should first decide the follow- ing questions: First. Is the formula to be discussed in the simplest form for precision treatment? It frequently happens, by the omission of certain terms the deviations in which evidently produce a negligible effect on the final result, that an apparently complex formula can be reduced to a more convenient form. If it can be reduced to a pro- duct function, this should always be done. Second. From a consideration of the form of function to be discussed, a decision should be made as to which method it is better to employ in the solution; that is, whether to use the general " deviation method " involving, differentiation of the function or the fractional or "in- spection" method. Third. Having decided these questions, the statement of the problem should be studied; that is, all given data should be systematically written down and inspected to see if they are in the proper form for applying the method of solution decided upon. If this is not the case, numer- ical deviations S or A should be changed over into their corresponding fractional deviations ; or -v^, or vice m j\fJL versa, as the case may be. Only after the problem has been consistently stated should the actual solution be begun. These general directions are illustrated below by the solution of several typical problems. 70 SOLUTION OF ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS Problem i. Given the following mean values of the weight of four substances with their respective deviation measures: MI = 3147.226 gms. A.D. = 0.312 gm. 102 = 100.4211 gms. reliable to 0.015 per cent. w 3 = 1 .3246 gms. Probable error P.E. = 0.001 1 gm. w 4 = 604.279 gms. reliable to 1 part in 5000. (a) Indicate any superfluous figures in the above meas- urements, considering each independent of the others. Each quantity should be carried out to two places of un- certain figures as indicated by the two significant figures in its average deviation (Rule III., p. 24). The average devia- tion of each measurement should therefore be computed for each measurement if it is not already given. Computing the average deviations and applying Rules I., II., and III., it will be seen that the correct number of figures to be retained is as follows: 101 = 3147.23 gms. A.D. = di= 0.31 gm. w 2 = 100.421 gms. A.D. = 5 2 = 0.015 gm. as 100 4^ = 0.015. J-UU w&= 1.3246 gms. A.D. = 5 3 = 0.0013 gm. as P.E. = 0.85 A.D. W) =604.28gms. AJ>.- ,- 0.12 gm. a.^'- JL . (b) Which is the most and which the least precise of these measurements? When the quantities whose precision is to be compared are not of approximately equal magnitude, their relative pre- cision is found by comparing their fractional or percentage deviations, but not their average deviations or probable errors. Hence with the above data we must compute the fractional or percentage deviation of each of the quantities. For wi, 100 = 100 = 0.010 per cent. ; 100 = 100 = 0.015 per cent. ; Wz iOO wa, 100 - = 100 p = 0.10 per cent. ; W, 100 ^ = 100^ = 0.020 per cent. Therefore, the order of precision is wi t wz, w*, ws. It is to be noted that, although ws is weighed to a much smaller fraction SOLUTION OF ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 71 of a gram than any of the other quantities, it has by far the largest percentage deviation, and is to be regarded, there- fore, as the least precise measurement. (c) Find the sum of the measurements and its devia- tion measure, retaining the proper number of significant figures in the computation. M = Wi -{- w 2 + w 3 -\- w. The quantity having the largest A.D. is wi, its average de- viation being 0.31 gm. In the units chosen to express the measurements, the first and second decimal places are un- certain. Therefore, by Rule IV., page 24, two decimal places only should be retained in each of the other quantities to be added. 3147.23 gms. 100.42 gms. 1.32 gms. 604.28 gms. M= 3853. 25 gms. The resultant deviation A of th3 sum M is A! = ~ . 5i = 61 = 0.31 gm. OWl Similarly, A2 = 52 = 0.015 gm., which is negligible. A 3 = 63 = 0.0013 gm., which is negligible. A 4 =6 4 =0.12 gm. Therefore, A = vV + 5 4 2 = Y/olH 2 + 0.12* = 0.33 gm. (d) Find the product of the four quantities and its precision measure. M = WI . w 2 . w 3 . w 4 . By Rule V., page 24, the least precise factor is 103, which is good to only 0.10 per cent., and in which, therefore, five significant figures should properly be retained in a compu- tation, the last two being uncertain. Five figures should likewise be retained in each of the other factors, and five place logarithms should be used in the computation. wi =3147.2 log =3.49793 wz = 100.42 log = 2.00182 tos=l .3246 log = 0. 12209 W* = 604.28 log = 2.78124 log M= 8.40308 or M= 252980000. gms. 4 72 SOLUTION OP ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS The precision of M should be computed by the fractional or inspection method, as it is a product function. By referring back to problem (6) , it will be seen that the percentage pre- cision of w\, wz, and w* is between five and ten times as great as that of ws. Hence practically all of the uncertainty in the product will result from the deviation in this factor alone. As M is directly proportioned to the first power of ws, 100^= 100 6 i M ws and therefore the percentage deviation of the product 100 ~ = 0.10 per cent. Hence A = M x ~ = 250000. glnZ 4 (e) Suppose the quantities are to be combined by the formula M = Wi X w 2 w$ X w. Compute M and its deviation measure. Before substituting the values of w in the actual calcula- tion of M, it is always well to note the approximate value of the terms involved. From inspection of the data it is evident that wix wz = 3 10000. approximately, and, as the least precise factor w% is good to 0.015 per cent., this product should be computed to six significant figures, of which the last two will be uncertain. The second place of uncertain figures thus falls in the units' place; anything beyond this is, therefore, negligible. The term ws X w\ = 600. approxi- mately, and, as this is to be subtracted from wiXwz, it is useless to compute it beyond the units' place, i.e., three sig- nificant figures are sufficient. Six place logarithms should therefore be used in computing w\ x wz, and three place logarithms, short multiplication, or a slide rule in computing 108 X W4. Thus wi = 3147.23 gms. log w\ = 3.4979284 wz= 100.421 gms. log w 2 = 2.0018245 log wix wz =5.4997529 .' .wiXw 2 = 316048. gms. 2 Ws = 1.32 gms. log ws = 0.121 tC4 = 604. gms. log W* = 2.781 log wsXW4= 2.902 =798. gms. 2 AT =316048 gms. 2 -798 gms?= 315250 gms. 2 SOLUTION OF ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 73 To determine the precision of M, we note that, if the for- mula be treated in the form M = w\ x w% - wz X w*, we must use the general differential method and find the effect of each 5 on M, and take the square root of the sums of the squares. It is evident, however, since ws is good to 0.10 per cent., and W4 to 0.02 per cent., that the first three significant figures of the product ws . w are known exactly, and, therefore, the deviations in ws and w* introduce no uncertainty in the final result M . The whole uncertainty comes from the measure- ments MI and v>2. As WB x w\ is also numerically small com- pared with wi x wz we may, in the precision discussion, neglect it and write M =wi x W2 approximately, and obtain the precision of M by the fractional method. The resultant fractional deviation in M is M But ~ = - - = 0.00010 M wi and T?-- =0.00015 M 102 Therefore, =>= 0.0001 J I 2 + 1.5 2 = 0.00018 or 100 M = 0.018 per cent. and A = 320000. gms! 2 x 0.00018 = 58 gms? ; that is, the value of M is uncertain by 58 units. The above problem illustrates the manner in which the number of significant figures to be retained in a measure- ment depends entirely upon the way in which it enters into the computation. Thus in (d) w 3 was required to its full precision, while in (e) it might have been measured much less precisely. Problem 2. It is desired to determine the amount of heat H generated in one hour by a certain incandescent lamp, together with its deviation expressed in calories and in per cent. Suppose mean measurements obtained by an ammeter and voltmeter give 7 = 2.501 0.012 amperes, and E 109.72 0.34 volts respectively, and the time of opening and closing the circuit is uncertain by 74 SOLUTION OP ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 0.5 second at each operation. The value of H expressed in calories is # = 0.2390 /.#.. The expression for H is, as it stands, a simple product function of the variables /, E, aiid t, and cannot be further simplified. The problem should therefore be solved by the fractional method. The data given are 7 =2.501 amp. 8 f = 0.012 amp. E = 109.72 volts. 8 = 0.34 volt. t = t<2 h = l hour = 3600 sec. 5^ = 5*2 = 0.50 sec., but d t is unknown. The desired results are the value of H, its deviation A in A calories, and its percentage deviation 100 . H The first step is to change the given deviations 5 in each component into their respective fractional deviations. The fractional deviation in 7 is = = 0-0048. The fractional deviation inE ia^ = ~ = 0.0031. E 110. To find the fractional deviation in t, we must first compute its numerical deviation. Since t = t% t\ and 5^ = 5< 2 = 0.5 sec., the numerical deviation in t is 5 = y /r A 1 2 +A 2 2 ; dt but AI = .5^=5^ dt and A 2 = 7 . ot a == 8t a dt 2 2 2 Therefore 8 = V^O.5 2 + 0.5 2 = 0.70 sec., and the fractional deviation in t is This is seen to be negligible compared with the fractional deviation in the current 7 and voltage E (see page 31). Hence the resultant fractional deviation in H is H SOLUTION OF ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 75 By inspection of the formula for H, since / and E both enter as first power factors, ^ = *' = 0.0048 * = * = 0.0031. H E Therefore, ^ = V/O0048 2 + O^OSl 2 = 0.0057, or the percentage deviation in H is 100 -^ = 0.57 per cent. ti In computing the value of H, we note that the least pre- cise factor is the current which is uncertain by 0.48 per cent., and hence should be carried in the computation to four sig- nificant figures. H should therefore be computed by four place logarithms, four figures being retained in each factor, including the constant for transforming Joules to calories. H = 0.2390 x 2.501 x 109.7 X 3600 = 236100 calories. The numerical deviation A in H is obtained at once from its fractional deviation, as A = 240,000 x 0.0057 = 1400 calories. Problem 3. The candle power of a gas flame is meas- ured against a standard candle by means of a photo- meter, the flame being placed at the end of a bar 100 inches from the candle. Suppose the mean of a series of disk settings gave a = 20.17 0.27 inches, a being the distance of the disk from the candle. Compute the candle power of the flame and its deviation, assuming that the candle is burning at its normal rate. L (flame) _(100-q) 2 L (candle) a* /100 a\ 2 /100 aV This may be written L = L / - / = ( - / as L = 1 candle power = 1 c.p. = constant. 100. 20.17 20.17 L is a function of a single variable a; it is to be noted in the precision discussion that the function cannot be regarded as a fraction in which a deviation in the numerator is inde- 76 SOLUTION OF ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS pendent of the deviation in the denominator. The formula may, however, be simplified by writing it in the form 100 -a L'=\IL=\X^- and solving first for the deviation in L', after which the desired deviation in L can be Easily found. The deviation A' in L', due to a deviation 5 = 0.27 inch in A , d/ lx !00-vA Ix 100 5 da \ a / a 2 = l(c.p.)* =r= x 0.27 cm. = 0.068 (c.p.)*. 20 cm. To find now the deviation in L, we may proceed in either of two ways: First, General Method : L' = /Z = L where A is the desired deviation in L. Therefore, A = 2y/L . A' = 2x y/16 c.pTx 0.068 (c.p.)i = 0.54 c.p. Second, Fractional Method: The fractional deviation in L' corresponding to A' is A' 0.068 0.068 and, since L'L^, the fractional deviation in L' is one-half the fractional deviation in L; 1 A 2 ' L' 2x 0.017 = 0.034. .. . Li Therefore, A = 0.034 x L = 0.034 x 16 c.p. = 0.54 c.p. The same result would of course be obtained by applying the general differentiation method to the original formula for L, but the resulting value of the differential coefficient is somewhat more complicated. SOLUTION OP ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 77 On the assumption that the average light emitted by the candle during the measurements is equal to one candle power, the candle power of the gas flame is 15.67 + 0.54 c.p.; 54 i.e., it is known to only 100 -^- = 3.4 per cent., although the 27 original photometer setting a is good to 100 - = 1.4 per cent. Problem 4. Suppose the index of refraction n of a substance is to be determined by measuring the angle of incidence i and the angle of refraction r of a ray of light. If approximate measurements give z = 45 and r = 30, how precisely should these two angles be measured to give n to 0.2 per cent.? The formula for n is _sin i '""sin r* As this is not a product function of the variables i and r, we must use the general deviation method if we treat the for- mula in the above form. If, however, we change variables to x and y, letting x = sin i and y = sin r, the formula becomes n=-, to which we may apply the fractional method of solu- tion for finding the allowable deviations in x and y. Having done this, however, we still have two new problems to solve by the general method, namely, the determination of the deviations in i and r from the equations x = sin i and y = sin r. Both methods lead, of course, to the same result. We will solve the problem both ways. First Solution. General Method: sin i n=- . sm r Given 100 - = 0.2; i=45; r = 30; to find ,- and S r . We must first find the value of the A in n from the pre- scribed percentage precision before proceeding to the solu- tion. This necessitates knowing the approximate value of n, which is easily obtained from the data; sin 45 1.1 " = S30 = ^ ^ 2 = 1A *P P rox,mately. Hence A = 1.4 X 0.0020 = 0.0028. 78 SOLUTION OF ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS Distributing thia deviation between i and r by equal effects, A 0.0028 ^n A/= A r = = 7- = 0.0020. Y/2 dn , cosi But *--" . - . = A< JET _ 0.0020 - - 0.0014 cos i cos 45 To express this allowable deviation in the angle in degrees, we note that 1 = - = 0.017 radians, therefore, * = = 0.082, or 4.9'. dn , sini cosr Similarly, A, = - . 5 r = sin2? . . r = 0.0020 . qn = 0.00082, cosr sin 45 cos 30 00082 or, expressed in degrees, ^.~r2f =0.048, or 2.9'. The solution shows, therefore, that, to obtain a precision of 0.2 per cent, in n, an instrument should be used capable of reading to at least 3'. In practice one graduated to read to minutes would be chosen. Second Solution. Fractional Method: If we put z=sin i and y=sin r, then n=-, and we may use the inspection method as follows. The prescribed fractional deviation is stated to be not greater than - = 0.0020. Hence, distribut- ing this deviation between x and y by equal effects, we have n n y/2 n y2 But by inspection of n =- it is seen that Hence - = 0.0014 and ^ = 0.0014. We have now two new problems to solve, namely, to find 8 t and 5 r from the above values of the allowable precision in SOLUTION OF ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 79 x and y. As z=sin i is a trigonometric function, we must go back to the general differentiation method to find the deviation in i corresponding to a deviation & x in x. As ^ = 0.0014, we have 8* = 0.0014 x = 0.0014 sin 45 = 0.0010. d sin i di cos i . 6,=- = 0.0010 -r - =0.0014, cos i V2 or in degrees 5, = = 0.082 = 4.9'. Similarly, to find 5 r , given y = sin r and = 0.0014, we have d y = 0.0014 y = 0.0014 sin 30 = 0.00070. Also 5,= . 5r= cos r . 5 r - a00070 * - or in degrees 6, = = .048 = 2.9'. In this problem there is evidently no saving of labor by transforming the function to the product form and first using the fractional method, as the ultimate solution necessi- tates going back to the general method. PROBLEMS Questions and Problems. 1. Explain the terms: precision measure; deviation measure; constant error; residual error; probable error; mean error; huge error; indeterminate error; weighted mean; weights. 2. What is the geometrical significance of the average deviation, probable error, and mean error in relation to the curve representing the law of chance? 3. Is it practicable to reduce the average deviation of a mean result to any desired value by increasing the number of observations? Why? 4. If the mean value of the length of a rod computed from nine measurements is 24.213 cm. A.D. = 0.012 cm., how many more similar observations should be made in order that the A.D. =0.0060 cm.? 5. Under what circumstances may an observation properly be rejected, and why? 6. What determines the number of places of significant figures to be retained at any part of a computation? Under what circumstances should four, five, or seven-place logarithms be used in a computation? 7. Do the number of significant figures in a result depend upon the position of the decimal point? Explain reasons for your answer. Does the precision of a result depend upon the position of the decimal point? Why? 8. Explain why when adding or subtracting observed quantities we are governed by decimal places in rejecting figures, but, when multiplying or dividing, places of signifi- cant figures, regardless of the decimal point, must be con- sidered. 82 PROBLEMS 9. Given the following measurements and their deviation measures: 241.631 gms. reliable to 0.25 per cent. 1620.124 gms. A.D. = 0.81 gms. 10.005 gms. reliable to, 1 part in 1,000 7141.110 gms. P.E. = ti.603 gms. (a) Indicate all superfluous figures. (6) Which is the most and which the least precise quantity, and why? (c) How many figures should be retained in each quantity in computing their sum? (d) How many figures should be retained in each quantity in computing their product? (e) How many figures should be retained in each quantity in computing the difference between the product of first two and the product of the last two quantities? 10. Given the following measurements of the length of a rod and their precision measures: 24.316 cm. A.D. = 0.028 cm. 24.3922 cm. fractional precision 12 parts in 1,000 24.358 cm. P.E. = 0.0121 cm. 24.3091 cm. reliable to 0.11% 24.3100 cm. A.D. 0.0172 cm. (a) Indicate any superfluous figures. (6) Indicate the order of reliability of the results. (c) Compute the relative "weights." (d) Compute the weighted mean. 11. The precision measures of four independent determina- tions of the modulus of elasticity of steel are expressed as follows: 1st, 0.60 per cent.; 2d, 2 parts in 1,000; 3d, probable error = 4.2 ^ m "- 4th, average deviation = 10. gm '- mm. mm. The modulus of elasticity is about 20,000 2 '- 171171. Which measurement is the most reliable? Find the rela- tive weights of the four determinations. PROBLEMS 83 12. Independent determinations of the rate of a pendulum by different methods and observers gave 0.70061 sec. A.D. = 0.00023 sec. 0.70047 " A.D. =0.00069 " 0.70056 " correct to 0.092% 0.70051 " P.E. = 0.00039 sec. (a) Which is the most reliable observation? (6) Compute the relative "weights" of the observations. (c) Indicate how to compute the best representative value of all the observations. 13. The dimensions of a right cylinder are found to be as follows: length = 12.183 cm. A.D. = 0.024 cm. diameter = 4.242 cm. A.D. = 0.021 cm. Find the volume and its deviation measure, indicating proper number of significant figures at each step of the com- putation. 14. The diameter of a spherical globe is found to be approxi- mately six inches. If the average diameter varies by 0.1 per cent., what variation in cubic inches will this produce in the volume? If the variation in the diameter is 0.0020 inch, what uncertainty will result in the volume? 15. The length of a physical pendulum is given by the expression where r = \ diameter of ball = -, and h = distance of knife edge from the top of the ball. Suppose h = 100.031 cm. A.D. = 0.027 cm. d= 6.256cm. A.D. = 0.022 cm. (a) Find the resultant deviation in I. (b) How many significant figures should be retained in each term of the formula, in computing I, and why ? (c) Is it necessary to consider the third term in this formula in a precision discussion of If Why? 84 PROBLEMS 16. The mean time of nine coincidences of two beating pendulums is 50.43 seconds. A.D. = 0.11 second. The standard pendulum beating true seconds gains on the other pendulum. Compute the true time of vibration of the latter and its precision measure. 17. The time of swing of a half-second pendulum is measured to 0.20 per cent. The length is measured to 0.10 mm. Find the precision of the computed value of g. 18. Measurements with a spherometer gave for a certain lens h= 1.22110mm. A.D. = 0.00088 mm. r = 35.735 mm. A.D. = 0.061 mm. Compute R, the radius of curvature of the lens retaining the proper number of significant figures throughout compu- tation. What deviation would be introduced in R by a devi- ation of 0.00088 mm. in h ? By a deviation of 0.061 mm. in r f What would be the combined effect of these deviations on R? Is the term negligible in the above precision discus- sion, and if so, why? 19. A 10 ohm coil is standard at 15 C. What will be its resistance at 30 C. and how precise will this be known if the temperature is determined to 0.1 degree? -4- 0.00388 (t 15)1 . How closely must t be known in order that the resistance may be depended upon to 0.02 per cent.? 20. The electromotive force of a Clark cell is E t = 1.4340 [~1 0.00078 (t 15)1 . How closely must t be measured in order that E may be known to 0.05 per cent.? PROBLEMS 00 21. Given a coil of wire the resistance of which at 15 C. may be assumed to be exactly 100 ohms. The wire is an alloy the resistance of which at t may be computed by the expression Rt=Ris fl + 0.00051 (t 15)1. Calculate the amount of heat H generated in the wire in an hour's run by a current of 11.273 amperes, if the wire is main- tained at a temperature of 45 C. H=I 2 Rt. If the temperature is known to 1.0, the duration of the run to 1.0 second, and the current to 0.011 ampere, calcu- late the deviation in H in Joules and in per cent. Are the deviations in any measurements negligible, and if so, why? 22. The sensitiveness of a spirit level is = y X 206265". (a) If I = 380. mm. approx. and h = 0.0597 mm. 0.0018 mm., how many figures would you keep in the value 01 (b) How many would you use in the value of the radian, 206265? How many in h? (c) If I and 206265 are to introduce no deviation in the re- sult in comparison with h, what is the allowable percentage deviation, and how few figures may be used in each ? (d) If you wished to determine with greater precision than above, in which measurement would you use greater care? 23. In calibrating a burette by drawing off water for each 10 cc. and weighing it in a flask, how precise should the weigh- ings be made if the calibration is to be reliable to 0.01 cc.? Suppose the calibration were made with mercury, how close should the weighings be made? Is it necessary to note the temperature of the water in this calibration and why? 24. It is desired to calibrate a flask to hold 1,000 cc. at 20 C., the calibration to be reliable to 0.5 cc. What weight (using brass weights sp. gr. = 8.5) would you add to the weight of the flask empty, so that it would exactly balance the water having the desired volume? How precise would you make your weighings? Would it be necessary to take 86 PROBLEMS into account the barometer reading in figuring the correc- tion for reduction to vacuo? Why? 25. The per cent, of silver in a certain alloy is determined gravimetric ally by weighing the amount of silver present as silver chloride. Suppose an -''analysis gave the following results: Wt. of alloy 1.43252 gms. 0.00014 gm. " "AgCl 0.19513 gms. 0.00021 gms. Compute the per cent, of silver in the alloy and the preci- sion with which this would be known. Atomic weight silver == 107.93 0.02 Atomic weight chlorine = 35.45 0.03 26. A specific gravity determination by Archimedes' prin- ciple gave the following results: weight of substance in air = 10.2431 gms. .0004 gm. weight of substance in distilled water at 20 C. = 9.0422 gms. .0010 gm. density of water at 20 C. = 0.99825. Compute specific gravity and its precision measure, using the correct number of places of significant figures through- out the computation. Is the correction for reduction of weighings to vacuo negligible in this case, and why? 27. Given wt = ( Ww - 6) [l + k (t - 20)]- where w 2 o = 27.6231 grams = weight of bottle plus water. b = 12.6193 grams = weight of bottle. k = 0.000026 per degree C. Dt and D 2 o = density of water at t and 20 respectively. The density D diminishes 0.02 per cent, per degree C. What is the greatest allowable value which t may have and the correction term due to expansion of glass be negligible; i.e., affecting the value of (W ZQ b) by less than 0.0001 gm.? Is the correction due to change of density negligible for t = 22 PROBLEMS 87 and why? If D 20 = 0.99827 and t = 25, compute wt, using as few figures as practicable. 28. With what precision would it be necessary to meas- ure the length and diameter of a right cylindrical column approximately 12 inches long and 6 inches in diameter in order to determine the volume to 0.10 per cent.? What deviation in cubic inches would this correspond to? 29. If it is desired to compute the area of a circle approxi- mately 10 sq. cm. in area to 5 parts in 10,000, how precise should the diameter be known? How many places should be retained in IT in the computation? 30. If the volume of a sphere is computed from a measure- ment of its diameter, how precise should the latter be measured in order that the former may be reliable to 0.1 per cent.; to 1 part in 500? If the sphere is approximately six inches in diameter, what precision in the diameter does a precision of 0.1 per cent, in the volume require? If the A.D. of the diameter is 0.022 inch, what is the precision of the volume? 31. The ratio of the length of the arms of a balance is given by the expression _ length right arm */Wi length left arm VW7' where Wi and W r are the observed weights of a given mass when weighed in the left and right hand pan, respectively. If the mass weighs approximately 20 grams, with what precision must Wi and W r be determined in order that the ratio r may be reliable to 0.01 per cent.? 32. The specific gravity of a platinum alloy is desired to 0.1 per cent. The method based on Archimedes' principle is to be used. The weight of substance in air is about 42 grams. The specific gravity is approximately 21. To what fraction of a gram should each weighing be made? What corrections should be applied? 88 PROBLEMS 33. A freely falling body passes through the distance h= %gt 2 in t seconds. It is desired to determine g to one- tenth per cent, from a measurement of h and t. (a) How precisely should h and t be measured? (b) If h = 4 meters, what will be the allowable numerical deviation in h and t? (c) If h 4 meters and it is found that Bh = 1.0 mm. and 8* = 0.0014 second, what will be the resultant deviation in gf 34. If g is to be computed from the mean of a series of nine observations on the time of swing of a pendulum, the length of which is I = 1 meter, what must be the percentage precision of t and I in order that g be precise to 0.1 per cent.? What will be the value of ad. and A.D. in the case of t? How many figures should be retained in IT? 35. The gas constant R is given by the formula R = 2? where T = t + 273. (a) How precisely must p, v, and t be measured in order that R may be reliable to 0.1 per cent.? (6) How large a deviation will be introduced in R by a variation of 1 C. in the temperature alone at 20 C. ? 36. The indicated horse power (I. H. P.) of an engine is P X L XA X N given by the expression 7. H. P. = . Suppose for a given engine the approximate values of these quantities are as follows: P = 50 Ibs. per sq. in. = mean effective pressure. L = 2 feet == length of stroke. A = Area of piston, the diameter, D, of which is 16 inches. N = 100 = number of strokes per minute. How, precisely, should P, L, D, and N be determined in order that the computed horse power of the engine may be reliable to 1 per cent.? To one-quarter of a horse power? 37. A rectangular steel rod of breadth b and depth d is supported at its ends and loaded at its centre by a weight W. PROBLEMS 89 If I is the length of the rod between its supports and a is the deflection at the centre, WP 4Ebd 3 ' where E is the modulus of elasticity. Suppose measurements of these quantities gave b= 8.113mm. 8 b = 0.042 mm. d = 10.50 mm. 8d = 0.025 mm. I = 1.000 meter precise to one part in 5,000 a = 2.622 mm. precise to 0.25% W = 2 kgms. precise to 0.02 gram Compute (a) E, the modulus of elasticity. (6) The deviation in E due to each component. (c) The resultant deviation in E. 38. What would be the allowable deviations in the meas- urement of b, d, I, and a for the beam defined in problem 37 if the value of E is to be reliable to \ per cent.? Assume the error in the value of W to be negligible. Do you think this precision could be readily attained? Why? 39. The modulus of elasticity E of a cylindrical wire, of length I, cross section q, which when loaded with a weight w is elongated by an amount a, is given by the expression: = ^. aq a = mi m where mi and m are mean micrometer read- ings when the wire is under a load of w kilograms and no load, respectively, q = \trd? where d is the mean diameter of the wire. Given the following data: I = 200.11 cm. a.d. = 0.05 cm. w = 10 kilograms accurate to 1 gram. mi = 9.4255 mm. A.D. = 0.0024 mm. m = 8.2233 mm. A.D. = 0.0012 mm. d = 1.002 mm. correct to 0.2% 90 PROBLEMS (a) Compute the average deviation and the percentage de- viation of q. (b) Compute the deviation of a. (c) Compute E, using proper number of significant figures. (d) Compute resultant percentage error of E. (e) Are any of the above dat^ more precise than necessary and why ? 40. (a) If it is desired to determine E for the above sample of wire to 0.5 per cent., how precisely should the compo- nents a and q be measured, assuming that the deviations in I and w can be made negligible? (b) How precisely must d be measured to fulfil this condi- tion? (c) How precisely must Wi and m be measured? (d) Do you think this degree of precision could be readily attained, and why? 41. It is desired to determine the focal length of a plano- convex lens from spherometer measurements, n 1.5 ap- proximately. . 1 (a) If F is desired to 0.1 per cent., how precisely must n and R be determined? (b) If preliminary measurements give r = 40 mm. and h = 4 mm., approximately, how precisely should r and h be determined to fulfil condition a? 42 The formula for computing the wave length by means of a diffraction grating is for second order spectra X = . sin 0. ifl If the grating is ruled 17,296 lines to the inch, and a prelimi- nary measurement gives = 53 approximately for the sodium band, with what precision must be measured, and how should the optical circle be graduated to give X to one part in 10,000? PROBLEMS 91 43. / = K tan $ for a tangent galvanometer, whose galva- nometer constant is K = 1.963 0.002. If the deviation in reading any deflection is 8$ = 0.1, com- pute the value of / and its deviation measure for = 45 and = 60. 44. The heating effect H of an electric current is to be calculated from measurements of 7, t, and E, or 7, t, and R. #=0.23907^; 77 = 0.2390 PRt. (a) If H is to be reliable to 0.2 per cent., what must be the percentage precision of each of the component measurements in both cases? The allowable deviation in each measurement? (b) If E= 110 volts and is measured to 0.5 per cent., R = 100 ohms and is reliable to 1 part in 1,000, 81 = 0.03 amp. and 8t = 0.2 sec.; compute the precision of a ten-minute run by each method, and state which method you consider the better. 45 Given the following approximate values for a specific heat determination: s = sp. ht. of substance w = wt. of substance = 300 grams w = " " water = 500 grams Wi = " " calorimeter = 100 grams i = sp. ht. of calorimeter = 0.095 (ts t*) = fall of temperature of substance = 100 - 20 = 80 C. (t z ti = rise of temperature of calorimeter plus water = 20 - 15 = 5 C. (W Q + k) (I* - 7 : w (t, - , where k = w l If s is desired to 0.5 per cent., with what precision should each of the quantities w, w , Wi, Si, t f , ti, and 2 2 , be measured or known? Can the deviations in any of the above quantities be readily made negligible? Solve the problem under these conditions. 92 PEOBLEMS 46. The resistance of a metal bar is determined by measur- ing the drop in potential between its ends and the correspond- ing current flowing through it. Suppose mean measurements gave I = 11.431 amperes 0.022 ampere, E= 0.5073 volt J).010 volt. Compute the resistance of the bar and its deviation in ohms. 47. Suppose the mean of nine settings of a photometer disk gave a = 240.1 cm. 1.1 cm., a being the distance of the disk from a gas flame whose candle power, L, is desired, and 300 a, the distance of the disk from a standard candle. Assuming the candle to be burning at its normal rate, compute the candle power of the flame and its percentage deviation. L (flame) a 2 V (candle) "(300 a) 2 ' 48. If E = K log e , compute the deviation in E due to a Pa deviation of 0.1 per cent, in the measurement of p\ and p z respectively, K being a constant. If the deviations in pi and Pa were known to be of the same sign, what would be their resultant effect on E? 49. Suppose a stop watch loses regularly at the rate of 1.2 seconds in 15 minutes and the uncertainty of stopping and starting the second hand is 0.1 second in each case. If a runner makes a one-mile record in 4 minutes 35f seconds by the watch, calculate the true time and its deviation measure in seconds and per cent. 50. To what fraction of a gram should a piece of aluminum be weighed in air and in water, respectively, in order that its computed specific gravity may be reliable to one part in a thousand? The approximate weight of the sample in air is 25 grams, and its specific gravity is approximately 2.7. 51. Four independent observers determine a resistance of about one ohm to 0.10 per cent., 0.0030 ohm, one part in five PROBLEMS 93 hundred, and with a probable error of 0.00085 ohm, respectively. What are the relative reliabilities of the determinations and their respective weights? 52. A certain 32 c.p. lamp takes a current of approximately 1 ampere at 110 volts. If its resistance under these conditions is desired to 0.5 ohm, how precise should the current and voltage be measured? 53. The mean of sixteen comparisons of a yard scale and a standard meter scale gave the result: 1 yard = 0.91449 m.; A .D.= 0.00011 m. If there is a residual error of 0.007 cm. in the meter scale after all sources of constant error have been corrected for, to what fraction of an inch is the value of the yard reliable? If the meter scale were correct at C. and used at 20 C., how large a constant error (in inches) would result if its expansion were neglected, assuming that it expanded 0.0025 per cent, per degree? 54. Two tuning forks of slightly different pitch "beat" with each other 45.31 0.45 times per minute when sounded simul- taneously. If the standard fork makes exactly 256 vibrations per second, what is the rate of the second fork and its deviation measure, assuming it to be of lower pitch than the standard? 55. Given the following data on the specific gravity of a sub- stance lighter than water. Weight of substance in air = 10.1321 gms. 0.0002 gm. Weight of substance and sinker immersed in water at 20.0 C. = 8.4418 gms. 0.0020 gm. Weight of sinker immersed in water at 20.0 C. = 10.4522 gms. 0.0010 gm. Compute the specific gravity of the substance referred to water at 20.0 C. and its numerical and percentage deviation. If the density of water decreases 0.18% between 4 C. and 20 C., compute the specific gravity referred to water at 4 C. How precisely should the temperature of the water at 20 be deter- mined if this last reduction is to be reliable to 0.05%? 94 PROBLEMS 56. Suppose a pendulum approximately 550 feet in length is swung from the top of the Washington Monument. How pre- cisely should the length and time of vibration be measured in inches and seconds, respectively, if the value of g computed from these data is to be reliable -to 0.50 7 -r^ ? (second) 2 57. Suppose that fifty 16 c.p. incandescent lamps are used on the average 2 hours a day for 4 weeks. Each lamp takes 0.5 ampere at 110 volts. Calculate the total amount of energy consumed in Joules. If this energy is measured by determin- ing the average current and voltage by an ammeter and volt- meter each of which reads uniformly 2% too high, how much overcharge would there be on the lighting bill if the cost of electrical energy is 10 cents per kilowatt hour? If the average voltage and current are uncertain by 1.1 volts and 0.0050 ampere, respectively, what uncertainty would there be in the total electrical energy consumed, and ia its value in dollars and cents? 58. If the weight of a substance in air is w = 49.7631 0.0012 grams and it is desired to calculate its weight W in vacuo, how closely should the density 8 of the substance, the density A of the balance weights, and the density * From a series of values of 7 and corresponding values of explain how you would find K by a graphical method. 79. The formula for the focal length of a lens is iJUi. / P P' From a series of measurements on p and p f explain how you would find the mean value of / by means of a graphical method. APPENDIX. TABLE I. MATHEMATICAL CONSTANTS. Quantity. Value. Remark. Common Logarithm. c 2.71828 Base of Napierian, natural or hyperbolic logarithms. 0.434295 loglO 0.434295 Factor to multiply Napier- ian logs to convert into Common logs. 9.637784 1 loglO 2.30259 Factor to multiply Com- mon logs to convert into Napierian logs. 0.362216 7T 3.14159 Ratio of circumference to diameter. 0.497150 1/7T 0.318310 Reciprocal cf ir. 9.502850 X 2 9.86960 Square of IT. 0.994300 V^ 1.77245 Square root of x. 0.248575 1 radian 5717'45" 57.2958 = 206265" = arc equal to radius. 1 degree ^ = 0.017,4533 radian 100 APPENDIX TABLE II. APPROXIMATION FORMULA. It frequently happens in a computation that a factor of the general form (1 a) n enters wjaere n is a constant and a is a quantity whose numerical value is small compared with unity. In such cases the approximate value of the factor given by the first two terms of its expansion -may usually be substituted in place of the factor itself without introducing an appreciable error in the result, and the computation becomes thereby decidedly simplified. If the factor is of the form (m a') n where a' is small compared with m, it may be written - 1 =m n (1 a) n and so reduced to the first form. Table II. contains the approximate forms of the factor for several values of n, together with the error which would be introduced by using the approximation. Factor. Approximate Form. Resulting Error. Computed Error if d = 0.01. (1 a)* la n(n-l) 2 (1 a) 2 1 2a a 2 0.0001 (1 a) 3 1 3a 3a 2 0.0003 (1 0)4 1 4a 6a 2 0.0006 (1 a)J (1 a)i (1 a)-* 1 \a 1 ia 1 T a |a 2 -i<* 2 a 2 0.00001 0.00001 0.0001 (1 a)- 1 =p2a 3a 2 0.0003 (1 a)- Iqp^a fa 2 0.00004 (1 a)-* 1 T ia fa' 0.00002 For (1 a) (1 6) (1 c) use (1 a b c). For I mi ma use mi - when mi and m% are nearly equal. m APPENDIX 101 TABLE III. SQUARES, CUBES, RECIPROCALS. No. Square. Cube. Recip. No. Square. Cube. Recip. 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.5 30.3 166. .182 1.1 1.21 1.33 0.909 5.6 31.4 176. .179 1.2 1.44 1.73 .833 5.7 32.5 185. .175 1.3 1.69 2.20 .769 5.8 33.6 195. .172 1.4 1.96 2.74 .714 5.9 34.8 205. .169 1.5 2.25 3.38 .667 6.0 36.0 216. .167 1.6 2.56 4.10 .625 6.1 37.2 227. .164 1.7 2.89 4.91 .588 6.2 38.4 238. .161 1.8 3.24 5.83 .556 6.3 39.7 250. .159 1.9 3.61 6.86 .526 6:4 41.0 262. .156 2.0 4.00 8.00 .500 6.5 42.3 275. .154 2.1 4.41 9.26 .476 6.6 43.6 287. .152 2.2 4.84 10.6 .455 6.7 44.9 301. .149 2.3 5.29 12.2 .435 6.8 46.2 314. .147 2.4 5.76 13.8 .417 6.9 47.6 329. .145 2.5 6.25 15.6 .400 7.0 49.0 343. .143 2.6 6.76 17.6 .385 7.1 50.4 358. .141 2.7 7.29 19.7 .370 7.2 51.8 373. .139 2.8 7.84 22.0 .357 7.3 53.3 389. .137 2.9 8.41 24.4 .345 7.4 54.8 405. .135 3.0 9.00 27.0 .333 7.5 56.3 422. .133 3.1 9.61 29.8 .323 7.6 57.8 439. .132 3.2 10.2 32.8 .313 7.7 59.3 457. .130 3.3 10.9 35.9 .303 7.8 60.8 475. .128 3.4 11.6 39.3 .294 7.9 62.4 493. .127 3.5 12.3 42.9 .286 8.0 64.0 512. .125 3.6 13.0 46.7 .278 8.1 65.6 531. .123 3.7 13.7 50.7 .270 8.2 67.2 551. .122 3.8 14.4 54.9 .263 8.3 68.9 572. .120 3.9 15.2 59.3 .256 8.4 70.6 593. .119 4.0 16.0 64.0 .250 8.5 72.3 614. .118 4.1 16.8 68.9 .244 8.6 74.0 636. .116 4.2 17.6 74.1 .238 8.7 75.7 659. .115 4.3 18.5 79.5 .233 8.8 77.4 681. .114 4.4 19.4 85.2 .227 8.9 79.2 705. .112 4.5 20.3 91.1 .222 9.0 81.0 729. .111 4.6 21.2 97.3 .217 9.1 82.8 754. .110 4.7 22.1 104. .213 9.2 84.6 779. .109 4.8 23.0 111. .208 9.3 86.5 804. .108 4.9 24.0 118. .204 9.4 88.4 831. .106 5.0 25.0 125. .200 9.5 90.3 857. .105 5.1 26.0 133. .196 9.6 92.2 885. .104 5.2 27.0 141. .192 9.7 94.1 913. .103 5.3 28.1 149. .189 9.8 96.0 941. .102 5.4 29.2 157. .185 9.9 98.0 970. .101 102 APPENDIX TABLE IV. FOUR PLACE LOGARITHMS. 3 2 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. i O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 j I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0000 0043 0086 0128 0170 0212 0253 0294 0334 0374 4 8 12 17 21 25 29 33 37 11 0414 0453 0492 0531 0569 0607 0645 0682 0719 075.5 4 8 11 15 19 23 2G 30 34 12 0792 0828 0864 0899 0934 0969 1004 1038 1072 1106 3 7 10 14 17 21 24 28 31 13 1139 1173 1206 1239 1271 1303 1335 1367 1399 1430 3 6 10 13 IG 19 23 26 29 14 1461 1492 1523 1553 1584 1614 1644 1673 1703 1732 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 15 1761 1790 1818 1847 1875 1903 1931 1959 1987 2014 3 6 8 11 14 17 20 22 25 16 2041 2068 2095 2122 2148 2175 2201 2227 2253 2279 3 5 8 11 13 IG 18 21 24 17 2304 2330 2355 2380 2405 2430 2455 2480 2504 2529 2 5 7 10 12 15 17 20 22 18 19 2553 2788 2577 2810 2601 2833 2625 2856 2648 2878 2672 2900 2695 2923 2718 2945 2742 2967 2765 2989 2 2 5 4 7 7 9 9 12 11 14 13 16 IG 19 18 21 20 20 3010 3032 3054 3075 3096 3118 3139 3160 3181 3201 2 4 6 8 11 13 15 17 19 21 3222 3243 3263 3284 3304 3324 3345 3365 3385 3404 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 22 3424 3444 3464 3483 3502 3522 3541 3560 3579 3598 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 17 23 3617 3636 3655 3674 3692 3711 3729 3747 3766 3784 2 4 6 7 9 11 13 15 17 24 3802 3820 3838 3856 3874 3892 3909 3927 3945 3962 2 4 5 7 9 11 12 14 16 25 3979 3997 4014 4031 4048 4065 4082 4099 4116 4133 2 3 5 7 9 10 12 14 15 26 4150 4166 4183 4200 4216 4232 j 4249 4265 4281 4298 2 3 5 7 S 10 11 13 15 27 4314 4330 4346 4362 4378 4393 4409 4425 4440 4456 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 13 14 28 4472 4487 4502 4518 4533 4548 4564 4579 4594 4609 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 14 29 4624 4639 4654 4669 4683 4698 4713 4728 4742 4757 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 13 30 4771 4786 4800 4814 4829 4843 4857 4871 4886 4900 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 13 31 4914 4928 4942 4955 4969 4983 4997 5011 5024 5038 1 3 4 6 7 S 10 11 12 32 5051 5065 5079 5092 5105 5119 5132 5145 5159 5172 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 33 5185 5198 5211 5224 5237 5250 5263 5276 5289 5302 1 3 4 c ij 6 8 9 10 12 34 5315 5328 5340 5353 5366 5378 5391 5403 5416 5428 1 3 4 5 G 8 9 10 11 35 5441 5453 5465 5478 5490 5502 5515 5527 5539 5551 1 2 4 5 G 7 9 10 11 36 5563 5575 5587 5599 5611 5623 5635 5647 5658 5670 2 4 5 G 7 8 10 11 37 5682 5694 5705 5717 5729 5740 5752 5763 5775 5786 2 3 5 6 7 8 g 10 38 5798 5809 5821 5832 5843 5855 5866 5877 5888 5899 2 3 5 G 7 8 g 10 39 5911 5922 5933 5944 5955 5966 5977 5988 5999 6010 2 3 4 5 7 8 e 10 40 6021 6031 6042 6053 6064 6075 6085 6096 6107 6117 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 41 6128 6138 6149 6160 6170 6180 6191 6201 6212 6222 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 42 6232 6243 6253 6263 6274 6284 6294 6304 6314 6325 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 43 6335 6345 6355 6365 6375 6385 6395 6405 6415 6425 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 44 6435 6444 6454 6464 6474 6484 6493 6503 6513 6522 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 45 6532 6542 6551 6561 6571 6580 6590 6599 6609 6618 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 46 6628 6637 6646 6656 6665 6675 6684 6693 6702 6712 2 3 4 5 G 7 7 8 47 6721 6730 6739 6749 6758 6767 6776 6785 6794 6803 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 48 6812 6821 6830 6839 6848 6857 6866 6875 6884 6893 1 2 3 4 4 ,5 6 7 8 49 6902 6911 6920 6928 6937 6946 6955 6964 6972 6981 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 50 6990 6998 7007 7016 7024 7033 7042 7050 7059 7067 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 51 7076 7084 7093 7101 7110 7118 7126 7135:7143 7152 1 2 3 3 4 5 G 7 8 52 7160 7168 7177 7185 7193 7202 7210 7218 7226 7235 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 53 7243 7251 7259 7267 7275 7284 7292 17300' 7308 7310 1 2 2j 3 4 5 6 6 7 54 7324 7332 7340 7348 7356 7364 7372 738073887396 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 APPENDIX TABLE IV. FOUR PLACE LOGARITHMS. 103 Natural numbers. O I 2 3 4 '5 6 7 8 9 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 55 7404 74U J741S 7427 7435 7443 7451 7459 7466 7474 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 56 7482 749C 7497 7505 7513 7520 7528 7536 7543 755 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 57 7559 756C 7574 7582 7589 7597 7604 7612 7619 7627 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 58 7634 7642 7649 7657 7664 7672 7679 7686 7694 770 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 59 7709 7716 7723 7731 7738 7745 7752 7760 7767 7774 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 60 7782 7789 7796 7803 7810 7818 7825 7832 7839 7846 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 61 7853|7860 7868 7875 7882 7889 7896 7903 7910 7917 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 62 7924 7931 7938 7945 7952 7959 7966 7973 7980 7987 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 63 7993 8000 8007 8014 8021 8028 8035 8041 8048 8055 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 64 8062 8069 8075 8082 8089 8096 8102 8109 8116 8122 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 65 8129 8136 8142 8149 8156 8162 8169 8176 8182 8189 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 66 8195 8202 8209:8215 8222 8228 8235 8241 8248 8254 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 67 8261 8267 8274 8280 8287 8293 8299 8306 8312 8319 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 68 8325 8331 8338 8344 8351 8357 8363 8370 8376 8382 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 69 8388 8395 8401 8407 8414 8420 8426 8432 8439 8445 1 1 Q 2 3 4 4 5 6 70 8451 8457 8463 8470 8476 8482 8488 8494 8500 8506 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 71 8513 8519 8525:8531 8537 8543 8549 8555 8561 8567 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 72 8573 8579 8585:8591 8597 8603 8609 8615 8621 8627 1 1 2 2 3 4 2 5 5 73 8633 8639 8645 8651 8657 8663 8669 8675 8681 8686 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 74 8692 8698 8704 8710 8716 8722 8727 8733 8739 8745 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 75 8751 8756 8762 8768 8774 8779 8785 8791 8797 8802 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 76 8808 881418820 8825 8831 8837 8842 8848 8854 8859 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 77 8865 8871 8876 8882 8887 8893 8899 8904 8910 8915 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 78 8921 8927 8932 8938 8943 8949 8954 8960 8965 8971 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 79 8976 8982 8987 8993 8998 9004 9009 9015 9020 9026 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 80 Q031 9036 9042 9047 9053 9058 9063 9069 9074 9079 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 81 )085 9090 909619101 9106 9112 9117 9122 9128 9133 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 82 9138 9143 9149 9154 9159 9165 9170 9175 9180 9186 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 83 9191 9196 9201 9206 9212 9217 9222 9227 9232 9238 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 84 9243 9248 9253 9258 9263 9269 9274 9279 9284 9289 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 85 9294 9299 9304 9309 9315 9320 9325 9330 9335 9340 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 86 9345 9350 9355 9360 9365 9370 9375 9380 9385 9390 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 87 9395 9400 9405 9410 9415 9420 9425 9430 9435 9440 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 88 9445 9450 9455 9460 9465 9469 9474 9479 9484 9489 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 89 9494 9499 9504 9509 9513 9518 9523 9528 9533 9538 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 90 9542 9547 9552 9557 9562 9566 9571 9576 9581 9586 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 91 9590 9595 9600 9605 9609 9614 9619 9624 9628 9633 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 92 9638 9643 9647 9652 9657 9661 9666 9671 9675 9680 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 93 9685 9689 9694 9699 9703 708 9713 9717 9722 9727 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 94 9731 9736 9741 9745 9750 754 9759 9763 9768 9773 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 95 9777 9782 9786 9791 9795 800 9805 9809 9814 9818 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 96 9823 9827 9832 9836 9841 845 9850 9854 9859 9863 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 97 9868 9872 9877 9881 9886 890 9894 9899 9903 9908 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 98 9912 9917 9921 9926 9930 934 9939 9943 9948 9952 [ 1 2 9 3 3 4 4 99 9956 9961 9965 9969 9974 978 9983 9987 9991 9996 ' 1 2 } 3 3 3 4 104 APPENDIX TABLE V. SINES, COSINES, TANGENTS. Natural. ** Logarithmic. Sin. Cos. Tan. Sin. Cos. Tan. 0.0 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 oo 0.0000 oo 0.5 0.0087 1.0000 0.0087 7.9408 0.0000 7.9409 1. 0.0175 0.9998 0.0175 8.2419 9.9999 8.2419 1.5 0.0262 0.9997 0.0262 8.4179 9.9999 8.4181 2. 0.0349 0.9994 0.0349 8.5428 9.9997 8.5431 2.5 0.0436 0.9990 0.0437 8.6397 9.9996 8.6401 3. 0.0523 0.9986 0.0524 8.7188 9.9994 8.7194 4. 0.0698 0.9976 0.0699 8.8436 9.9989 8.8446 5. 0.0872 0.9962 0.0875 8.9403 9.9983 8.9420 10. 0.1736 0.9848 0.1763 9.2397 9.9934 9.2463 15. 0.2588 0.9659 0.2679 9.4130 9.9849 9.4281 20. 0.3420 0.9397 0.3640 9.5341 9.9730 9.5611 25. 0.4226 0.9063 0.4663 9.6259 9.9573 9.6687 30. 0.5000 0.8660 0.5774 9.6990 9.9375 9.7614 35. 0.5736 0.8192 0.7002 9.7586 9.9134 9.8452 40. 0.6428 0.7660 0.8391 9.8081 9.8843 9.9238 45. 0.7071 0.7071 1.0000 9.8495 9.8495 0.0000 50. 0.7660 0.6428 1.1918 9.8843 9.8081 0.0762 55. 0.8192 0.5736 1.4281 9.9134 9.7586 0.1548 60. 0.8660 0.5000 1.7321 9.9375 9.6990 0.2386 65. 0.9063 0.4226 2.1445 9.9573 9.6259 0.3313 70. 0.9397 0.3420 2.7475 9.9730 9.5341 . 4389 75. 0.9659 0.2588 3.7321 9.9849 9.4130 0.5719 80. 0.9848 0.1736 5.6713 9.9934 9.2397 0.7537 85. 0.9962 0.0872 11.43 9.9983 8.9403 1.0580 90. 1.0000 0.0000 00 0.0000 00 00 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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