SF ; 4-GI He 1903 Jll^ * ?3 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID HOLDEN'S NEW BOOK ON BIRDS. BY GEORGE H. HOLDEN. Little dewdrops of celestial melody. CARLYLE. KEEP YOUR BIRDS IN HEALTH. THE FOOD, CARE, BREEDING, DISEASES AND TREATMENT OF HOUSE BIRDS. \ds GEORGE H. HOLDEN, PUBLISHER, 240 SIXTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. (Between isth and i6th S' reels.) ii BOWDOIN SQUARE, BOSTON, MASS. 1903 17 30 V 7 / /h&y 22. y / 1Sl~LS ?4 fl ' c? of Congress, in the year 1900. n the Office of the Librarian of "Congress at Washington THE new Canary article shows all the latest and /7 *># reeding pprpved methods of feedings-care, its worth if you follow its highway of proper living and thus permit them vocally to express them- selves, *^ GEORGE H. HOLDEN ANNOUNCEMENT. Mr. George H. Holden personally manages the New York establishment, No. 240 Sixth Avenue, near 15th Street, and can he ad- dressed, or seen, there. CONTENTS. PAGE. PAGE. deface .... 3 Canaries, Bedtime for 29 nnouncement . 4 Temperature for 29 5, 6 " Dust Injures . . 7O " TheDon'ts o w 3 dvice to Purchasers 123 " Diseases . . 31-39 dams' Express 118 " Loss of Voice . 31 nts' Eggs 92 " Asthma 32 ngora Cats . *35 Diarrhoea . 32 ustralian Paroquet For treatment see . 84 39 Constipation Epilepsy, or Fits 33 33 " Cramps 34 " The Pip . 7 A ird Cages 125 " Surfeit 3^ 34 lack Bird 66 " Yellow Gall 35 ack Cap 57 Sore Feet . 35 obolink .... razilian Cardinal . . reeding Cages 99 88 20 Swollen and Red Legs, " Plumage Poor . Pie Bad for 35 36 3 6 ulfiiich CO * ( Lotig Nails " Long Beak 37 37 Iciiicirit's r* / " Broken Legs " Harz . " Voices 10 II " Puffed Up . 1 Insects 37 37 37 St. Andreasberg 12 Moult .... 3 " Campanini-Holden X 3 Mice Admire 39 " The Brainy 14 Fishbone for 39 " The English 15 ' Cures for . 39 " The Mule . " Piping . . 16 16 ' Remedies for . 39 " Breeding . Breeding Cages for " Mating, Laying . '7 20 22 Finches for Aviary . . i Avadavat .... Cordon Blue .... 06-113 109 in Nestling . 2 3 Cut-throat .... 112 " Sweating Females 24 Diamond .... IIJ Second Brood . 2 5 Fire IIJ " The Young Quairel 2 ? Nuns " Food and Care . " Proper Seeds for *;> 26 27 Orange Cheeks Waxbills . 110 112 Bathe. 28 Zebra I IO Hanging Place . 28 In Draughts Height to Hang 28 29 Insect Powder .... Insects for Soft-bill Birds 39 93 c CONTENTS. PAGE. PAG Java Sparrow . 89 Parrot, Diseases . . .81- " Table of Talkers Lark, Sky ... 60 Parrot Cage .... " Stand . . * " Wood . Ladies' Dress . Linnet, Gray . " Red . . . 62 125 44 100 Patience in Tramii g Pocket Monkey Postage on Seed . . . " Mules. Lice on Birds . . Loss of Voice . 45 37 Remedial Agents . . . Robin, English . . . " Japanese ... Meal-Worms, how bred . Mocking-Bird . 93 91 Selecting Birds . Seed for Birds . . . Food . 92 " Sicily Canary . Lice . Monkey for Pocket . 94 " German Rape . " Hemp .... Cages. '. 136 " Millet . . ;_ . ? Nightingale Nonpareil 53 102 " Maw, or Poppy . . Paddy .... " Cracked Corn . . " Cracked Wheat Poems Siskin . . . . Birds of Killingworth . Black-Cap . Blackbird . 49 57 66 " Smothering " Birds . . : i Sparrow, Java . . , ~ Goldfinch 40 Gray Parrot . Linnet . 73 Talking Minor . . . . Taming Hirds . Nightingale . . Robin Redbreast . : li Teaching Birds . ..." * H Tobacco Smoke . . ' I Song of Birds . Tune his Merry Note . 7 59 Trapping Birds . . . . ' Training Birds . . . '' Thrush . . 64. Trap Ca^e . Parrot, Gray . 73 Truopial, South American . Mexican 79 Thrush, Song .... " Carthagena . . 80 Single Yellow Head 80 Virginia Nightingale . . " Amazon . . 81 " Blue Front . 81 Wood-Lark . . . . Maracaibo . 81 Wrapping up Birds . . . " Cuban 81 " Food . . . 77 Yellow-Birds . . . . M Training . . . 74-76 Your Bird Store . . . THE SONG OF BIRDS. BY W. W. CALDWELL. WHEN spring returns in bud and flower, And south winds breathe o'er hill and plain, And winter's cold hath lost its power ; Then longings come to hear again From field and grove the blackbird's call s The sparrow's chirp, and, over all, The bobolink's exultant strain. When summer blushes in the rose, And woodland odors fill the air, And all the grassy wayside glows With golden light and blossoms fair ; In welcome shade I love to rest, While near me, o'er his hidden nest. The linnet trills, and lulls my care : Or wake at early dawn, when now Faint flushes up the orient play, And hear from every leafy bough Glad choirs their adoration pay ; Or, when the twilight purples die, Thrill to the robin's plaintive cry, His farewell to departing day. (7) THE SONG OF BIRDS. And still, when winter spreads around The chilly covering of the snow, And woods in dreary silence bound No more with sounds of joy o'erflow, Beside my hearth I sit, and hear The same sweet music ringing clear,. And summer-time within I know. For look ! where at the window swings Yon blithe canary, full of glee ; And answers to my call, and sings All day his varied melody, So that I seem to hear again The skylark's song across the main, Or nightingale in Thessaly. NEWBURYPORT, Jan. 14, 1875. ST. ANDREASBERG CANARY, (THREE QUARTERS NATURAL SIZE.) The canaries generally kept in America are bred either in Germany or in England. The Germans breed birds for their songs, while the English breed especially for high colors and larger sizes. Most every part of Germany has its canary breeding dis- trict, but the larger numbers are bred by the inhabi- tants of the villages in the Harz Mountains. These birds are called the Harz canaries. They are about five and one half inches long, with compact bodies, 10 THE CANARY. well proportioned, and in color varying from the light mealy to the clear green; some have crests. Their singing qualities commend them to the world at large ; hence the strife among the buyers from Russia, Europe, and America to obtain the best, the selected stock. It is hardly n,ecessary to say that we, in America, are ready to pay well for this most delightful merchandise, and in this case money not only talks, it also sings, and you hear the songs sweeter sounds than the jingle of all the gold Mother Earth ever bore us. The Harz canary has a mellow voice with a good variety of notes, and varying from the medium to the louder and softer songs. That is, some singers have voices of medium volume, while others have louder songs, and still others have the lower, softer voices. There is also quite a difference in the com- pass of the voices, some singing higher and also lower than others, and some voices are confined to the high notes, while others have the contralto register. That is, a canary voice may be a tenor, a soprano, or a contralto ; or it may have some notes in all these parts. The original canary, the forefather of all canaries, wore a dull yellowish-green coll, and had a voice like the sparrow. Man caught him, recognized the possibility of making an improvement in him, and kept right at the cultivation for some hundreds of generations, a canary generation is one year, and we see and hear the charming results. Being familiar with the demands of cultivated bird THE CANARY. II lovers here, and being personally acquainted with the largest dealers and breeders in Germany, it is possible to show those breeders what qualities of voice are most sought after in America. The best argument so far used is gold; but I have had moments when a rapid-fire gun seemed necessary to let in a little daylight to open up some subject whose brain was protected with that more than steel-clad armor, precedent. The differences in the voices, explained above, result from certain methods pursued by the breeders. In the German districts each breeder tries each year to obtain certain desirable characteristics in the voices of his birds, and in a few years some thus get a reputation for breeding such special birds. There are bird-shows and singing matches with blue ribbon and other attachments, so that the exact results which each man has actually obtained are known, not alone in Germany, but in one of the best markets, New York ; and to the blue ribbon man over goes our gold to buy his next year's raising, months before the eggs are laid, and nearly two years before the voices will be sold by me in New York or Boston, or perhaps to some bird lover in St. Louis or San Fran- cisco, whose face I have never seen, and yet am well acquainted with him, his tastes, and daily needs, through the mail bag and telegraph wires. So I am not only " counting the chickens before the eggs are hatched," but I buy the bird a year before the egg is laid from which he is to issue, and often sell " him " prior to his existence, guaranteeing 12 THE CANARY. that his voice shall be of a certain quality. This might be called "dealing in futures." These busi- ness methods indicate what a demand there is for first-grade song-canaries, and that such can surely be obtained if you buy at the right place. There are many here in America who have kept canaries for years, and think they have good birds, who have as yet never heard a first-grade song canary. Many owners actually boast of their fine singers which they assure me " can be heard three or four blocks away." Spare us, good Lord ! THE PROPER SEEDS for the Harz canary is a mix- ture of fully one half German summer rape seed, and the rest Sicily canary seed. The German rape is the smallest rape seed and of reddish brown color. This is a sweet, nutritious seed, and if any German-bred canary was to be given only one kind of seed the rape not canary would be the one kind. These seeds should be purchased in an establishment where birds well-cared-for birds are sold. Millet seed should not be given to these canaries. It injures the song. THE ST. ANDREASBERG CANARY, bred in the vicinity of St. Andreasberg, in the Harz Mountains, Ger- many, is a grade whose song has a greater variety of notes than the regular Harz breed, and the music is softer and given more freely. Much more care is given to the breeding and voice culture of a small number of birds, so the variety of notes is greater, the song has wider range, and often with a well- trained bird continues through the moulting season. THE CANARY. 13 I have met many people who exclaimed with vehe- mence that they " could not bear a canary, his song was so loud and sharp," and, after hearing one of the St. Andreasbergs, say, " Oh ! I didn't know a canary could sing like that ; I should be delighted with a bird having such a mellow, rich voice." To me it is a great surprise to meet each day so many who keep birds and yet never owned or even heard a first grade singer, and do not know there is any canary other than some ordinary screecher. The St. Andreasberg canary usually sings in the evening, but if you wish him to work evenings he ought to have his cage covered and be put in a darkish place two or three hours in the afternoon. It ruins any voice to work it all the time. These and the Campanini-Holden canary are the smallest of all canaries, being from four and a half to five inches long. The colors are usually a light, mealy yellow or yellow and green. There is sometimes a crested specimen. THE CAMPANINI-HOLDEN canary is bred in St. Andreasberg and some other villages of the Harz by a class of men better fitted by education to accept suggestions, especially if the suggestions are based on " more gold." So I have been saying to them, year after year, " The better the song the heavier the gold. There 's no limit to the gold and I hope there will be none to the song." For this reason the most intelligent breeders discard the poorer voices, and then train the better ones' with this master-canary or with the European nightingale. Thus, their birds 14 THE CANARY. have no sharp or harsh notes, but a long, limpid song with combinations of soft shakes, bells, flutes, and trills which would lull a hearer, whose nerves were at a tension with business or professional cares and per- plexities, to quiet moods and to sleep. While these are the most expensive canary in regard to " first cost," if one recalls that the bird sings probably five times as much each day as any other canary, and also that he generally sings right through the moulting season, and that his song is really a grand production, it will be understood that an owner really gets more for his money than in buying any other breed. So the old statement holds good, " The best is the cheap- est." Because this bird is so carefully bred, year after year, generation after generation, from the best strains of blood, and passes through a vocal training extend- ing over several months, he becomes the " brainy " canary, intelligent, observing, teachable, and, in many cases, very tame. He distinguishes different members of the family, is usually fond of the children, especially if they are tow-headed, and selects some one favorite for whom he will phrase his most en- chanting song at any time when the favored one learns how to give him some desired cue. Some of these birds sing regular scale songs and have a range of nearly three octaves. GERMAN SUMMER RAPE is his usual regular seed, and every other day a thimbleful of both parts of a hard-boiled egg. Twice a week he may have a little apple, and a bath as often. " If kept ten feet from a window, in a two thirds light, he will sing more and THE CANARY. 15 better than in a light place. Strong light makes any bird sing louder and more shrill, and so ruins the voice of a soft, sweet singer. Strong light also makes a canary restless, and should be avoided. THE ENGLISH CANARIES find great favor with those who admire large, high-color birds. Their singing is louder than that of the German birds, but they have many odd, wild-bird notes. THE MANCHESTERS, being both long and thick, are the largest canary. Some have plain heads ; others have thick, full crests falling over the eyes. There are yellow birds with green crests and wings. The all-green with heavy, green crests are especially handsome. THE NORWICH CANARY, not so large, but with higher colors, deep gold, both clear and mottled, and also the odd filbert or cinnamon colors, are all in de- mand. From these, strong, beautiful birds may be bred. THE RED CANARY is obtained by breeding from the gold or gold and green colors, and when the young are about eight weeks old and begin to shed their body feathers, feeding the cayenne pepper in sufficient quantity to color the plumage a cayenne shade. Some of the imported birds are a clear cayenne color, others have dark green crests, or green on wings or body. THE RED FOOD is now prepared and sold here, ready to be mixed with egg, for food for coloring the young birds. GOLD-SPANGLED LIZARD CANARIES, also bred origi- i6 THE CANARY. nally in England, have bright, gold-capped heads, and continuous lines of spangles, from the neck down the back. Each spangle is decided; its clear gold edging and olive-green centre, distinct and regular, mark the several rows of spangles with great beauty, The silver- spangled are marked exactly like the gold, but have silver-colored spangles where the others have gold. All these English canaries eat two thirds canary seed and one third rape ; but are otherwise cared for like the German varieties. THE GOLDFINCH-CANARY MULE, bred in England, is a beautiful specimen, when he is from half to four fifths snow-white, with ruddy face like his father, and golden wings from the same source. Such a hand- some mule, when he also has a good song of the com- bined goldfinch- canary notes, is very enjoyable. He is a free singer, with just enough of the goldfinch traits to be pert, merry, and gay. This mule is obtained by breeding a male goldfinch to a light, clear yellow hen which has descended from several generations of light, clear yellow hens. It is said to be the fact that only from such a pure-bred hen is one likely to rear the greatly-sought-for light-color mules. It is well to raise one brood of canaries first from the hen, and then mate her with a tame goldfinch in full song about the last of April. OTHER MULES. The female canary will mate with linnet, bulfinch, siskin, and other finches. PIPING CANARIES are taught to pipe or whistle a tune just as a bulfinch is, either by an organ, or by THE CANARY. I*J having the song whistled by the trainer. The bird's education should begin when he is six or eight weeks old, or as soon as 'you can be certain, by his warbling, that he is a male, and lessons given him for an hour at a time, morning, noon, and before sunset. He must not hear other canaries, for if he does he will forget his acquired song and sing his natural song. After he has thoroughly mastered the song you are teaching, it should be whistled to- him, or played on the organ, whenever it seems necessary to refresh his memory, especially in moulting time. Piping cana- ries are imported to order, from January to April, when not already in stock. LENGTH OF LIFE. Any canary, properly bred and properly fed and cared for, should live from eight to fifteen years, and there are many instances where they have lived over twenty years. Two SONS OF ERIN bought a canary, and, after it was paid for, one said to me, " I suppose it will die on me, now " ; and before I could reply, his friend answered, " Av course it will, ye dom fool, if it lives long enough." BREEDING BIRDS. To breed and rear canaries is very easy if you have good, strong stock, and are will- ing to put them together, and not inquisitively disturb them. The birds you wish to mate should not be related to each other and should be placed near each other, the female in the breeding cage, and the male in his own cage, and permitted to thus become ac- quainted before occupying the same apartments. Some extra nourishing food, either hard boiled egg, both 1 8 THE CANARY. yolk and white grated together, or the ground food called Holden's Song Restorer, should be given every day for at least a week before you put the birds together. Apple should be given as required, daily, or every other day. These foods, with the canary and rape seeds and an abundance of gravel, will get the pair into condition, so in a few days they will be anxious to mate ; and the male can then be put in the breed- ing cage with every probability that he will love and be loved, and, later, many fledglings will flutter their approval . CANARIES WILL MATE, have the mating fever, any time from early January on, until nearly June, and will breed, when once mated, until September. It is better to mate birds during the colder months of January, February, March, and April, as birds hatched then are stronger, grow better, and have sweeter qualities of voice. AGE OF PAIRS. The male should not be over four years old, and the better age is one or two years. The female may be from one to four years. Some breeders think if the female is a year or more older than the male there will be a greater proportion of males among the young birds because the younger male will naturally be more vigorous than the older female. COLOR BREEDING. A yellow male and a light color female produce usually handsome yellow birds. A gold color pair will produce same color. A golden male and deep green female often produce the filbert or cinnamon colors. Solid green pairs usually pro- duce solid greens ; but in some cases, unless the same THE CANARY. 19 colors have been bred for several generations, the young birds may show colors unlike the parents but like the grand or great-grand parents. The highest colors are found in the Norwich, England, stock. SONG, COLOR, SIZE. In breeding, size and color may often be had, but best song is seldom or never found with the larger birds or fancy colors. Birds of high color or great size usually have strong, heavy voices, and not the longest songs. SONG BREEDING. We are still compelled to go to Germany for the best song canary. To breed best singers, have both male and female of the finest grade of the St. Andreasberg canary. This grade I called in other editions the Campanini, and now call it the Holden canary. He is the smallest canary, with mealy yellow, or mottled, or green colors, and sometimes has a crest. In size and color he is inferior to the big and brilliant color canaries, but he can give you a wealth of soft, varied, charming music in a single song. Mate him with a wife of his own class, let the progeny hear only him or one of his kind, and you may justly be proud of some choice songsters. SIZE BREEDING. For largest canaries breed the famous Manchesters or Lancashires from England. There are both plain heads and crests, mammoth crests that conceal the eyes. They are most showy birds, with full voices. Some -of the Norwich birds are quite large, and their deep gold, or gold and green colors make them sought after by breeders desiring "fancy " stock. 20 THE CANARY. BREEDING CAGES may be made of brass or of wood, but the former keeps freer from insects, and, with nest removed, may be used for a singer through the year. For a single pair, the cage should be not less than 8 x 10 inches, and 9 x 12, or 10 x 16 or 18 is better. The larger cage gives the pair more exercise, so the progeny are stronger, and also gives the young birds better flights. The wood frame and tinned wire cages with solid wood backs, and wood platform for nest are very convenient to hang or set against the wall. The largest and most convenient wooden cage has a removable partition. These cages, as made especially for the writer, have deep zinc drawers and large cups, which are held by the glass buttons of the cups to the front of the cage, either side of the main door. There is also a second door in all except the smallest cage, at one end near the nest. The nests are wire, and lined with cotton-wool flannel. Deer's hair or tow is fur- nished the pair so they may arrange the interior of the nest to suit their own tastes. SOFT-SHELL EGGS. Gravel should be strewn in abundance in the drawer, and a bit of old plastering from an old building should be partially crushed and given in small quantities daily. Crushed oyster shell may be substituted. Birds thus provided for seldom lay soft-shell eggs. THE DAILY FOOD should be equal parts of German summer rape and Sicily canary seeds, well mixed, and, for one pair of birds, one third of both parts of a hard-boiled egg, grated on a coarse grater, with THE CANARY. 21 which mix a thimbleful of powdered cracker; mix with the egg a very little maw or poppy seed every other day, or as often as is needed to keep the bowels open. Give apple every other day. In place of the egg, Holden's Song Restorer, a ground food all ready for use, and most nourishing, is now often given during the mating; it is given just as in the bottle, or moistened with water, as seems better. DISTURBANCES. After the birds have been cared for, and had their bath twice a week if they wish, unless some ailment requires attention leave them to their own pleasures. Too close attention and fre- quent taking down of the cage, to show the pair to callers, have separated many mates, and ruined pros- pects that gave promise of a large and beautiful family. QUARRELS sometimes occur when the pair are first put together, and if hard and continued, the male should be put back in his own cage again for a day or two and then they may try again. Usually the dis- agreement is brief, the male coaxes, with dainty morsels of food, feeds and kisses freely, and the life- work begins at once. THE FEMALE should be changed when disputes cannot be settled. SOME PAIRS ARE DELIBERATE, and seem to waste two or three weeks of time, building the nest in the morning only to tear it to pieces in the afternoon, with an occasional attempt on the part of the female to sit some of the time. The pair has not yet really mated, one or the other not being "in condition." 22 THE CANARY. Give more fresh egg in the early afternoon, for where there are no quarrels there will in almost every case be a perfect mating and, later, eggs. THE FIRST EGG is laid on the eighth day after mating, and one egg is laid each day until the laying of from four to seven eggs is complete. EGG-BOUND. Females fed with apple and the maw seed are seldom egg-bound. Sometimes when the female is expected to lay she will seek a corner of the cage, panting, and squat on the floor with wings outstretched, feathers ruffled, head thrown back, eyes closed, and apparently prostrated. Put some hot wa'er in a bottle and expose her vent to the rising steam, and afterward put two or three drops of sweet oil on the vent. Gently replace her in the nest and the egg will soon be laid, if it be not dropped when the oil is applied. If an egg is broken inside of a bird, it kills the bird. EATING THE EGGS as soon as laid is usually done because the pair has not been fed richly enough. Mated birds require rich food, egg paste, and Song Restorer, and these should be given daily for a week or two weeks before the pair is put together; and continued until you are through breeding and the youngest birds eat the seeds. EGGS MAY BE REMOVED with a spoon each day when laid, or left in the nest. They should be re- moved when either bird inclines to throw them out or destroy them. If removed they should be re- turned to the nest on the afternoon of the day the third one is laid ; the female then goes to the nest at THE CANARY. 23 night, lays her fourth egg in the morning, and gen- erally commences to sit so closely that the date of hatching may be reckoned from the fourth morning. SHE WILL SIT THIRTEEN days and hatch, punctually to the hour, one egg each day. But if the eggs should not hatch as expected, let the bird remain undisturbed three or four days, then remove the eggs and nest, and in a few days give a new nest. THE MALE bird should remain with the sitting female if he behaves well ; but if he shows a dispo- sition to disturb too much, or drive the female from the nest, he may be put in his own apartment. Usu- ally he sits on the eggs when she gets off, or else feeds her. The pair may bathe twice a week. THE NESTLINGS are fed by the old birds with the egg and cracker paste which should be given fresh two or three times a day. In some cases where the old birds are very good parents and feed the young, as they should, a second nest is put in the same cage with the young birds, and the second laying goes on while the father bird feeds the young until they can eat for themselves. But if the male gets quarrelsome, or the pair in getting too anxious to mate more thus neglect the young, it is well to separate them, putting the male in his own cage until the young birds can eat for themselves and fly on to the perch. They may then be removed and the male returned to his mate, and another brood raised. BOTH PARENTS DESERT the young birds or feed them too little sometimes. In such an event a bachelor uncle or a maiden aunt will sometimes adopt the 24 THE CANARY. brood and give it the best attention and care. If you wish to raise the brood by hand, cut a hard boiled egg in halves, and after moistening the yolk with saliva scrape up some of the egg, with a flat quill or sliver of wood, making it very moist, and feed each hungry bird. With young birds, if in place of full crops, plump breasts, and heavy abdo- men, you find every feature dwarfed, it is time to commence artificial feeding as above; the egg trough should be filled anew two or three times a day, and apple, chick-weed, or lettuce given fresh frequently. Fresh food often induces the mother to feed the young when she might otherwise neglect them. SWEATING FEMALES often mat the plumage of young birds, four or five days old, by sitting too closely. Wash the female lightly in salted warm water, and afterwards in fresh warm water, drying her as rapidly as possible and gently, with a hot, soft cloth. Then sprinkle a slight spray of sherry wine on her plumage. If the male can be put in an adjoining compartment where he can feed the female through the wires he will in- cessantly call her to come- and feed, and, accepting these invitations, she will get right again. KEEP THE YOUNG birds confined to the nest until they are three weeks old, if possible, by which time they can use the perch. If, now, the female inclines to pull the feathers, the young may be put in the cage with the father bird, and he will feed them as long as it is necessary. The young can crack and eat the soaked rape seed when they are six weeks old. THE CANARY. 2$ A SECOND BROOD may now be started by putting the male in with his mate for a short time, night and morning, so that he will fertilize the eggs ; when the third egg has been laid he can be removed altogether and put in charge of the young birds. MIXED FAMILIES. Young birds of the same age may be kept together quite a long time ; but when birds of different ages are kept in one cage, the older birds often pick the feathers from the younger and seriously injure them. If young birds eat one tenth part canary seed with nine tenths rape, when ten or twelve weeks old, their growth and progress in war- bling will be more rapid. WHEN YOUNG BIRDS QUARREL they should be sep- arated ; and while the males naturally sing some they do not inherit the best song any more than a child does. If you wish the birds to sing well they must be taught by a good singer. The father bird cannot devote himself to raising a second brood and give the first brood the best instruction. The instructor may be a choice canary, a Virginia nightingale, or a Euro- pean nightingale, the Virginia bird being less desirable than either of the others, YOUNG BIRDS MOULT their body feathers only the first year, the moulting commencing when they get into full feather at the age of six to eight weeks. The larger feathers, the wing and tail feathers, are not shed until the second season when the bird is about a year old. YOUNG MALES swell out their throats in attempts to warble when about eight weeks old, and with increas- 26 THE CANARY. ing age try to sing more . By this action the sex may be determined. FOOD, CARE, DISEASES, AND TREATMENT. The demand of bird owners is for the most practical and condensed article which can be written on the proper care of the canary. I am primarily a business man owning and selling many thousands of birds annually, and to make such a live-stock business profitable I have been compelled to study closely for twenty years everything in bird foods, and whatever pertains to the healthfulness and song-yielding quali- ties of my goods. But more than this : many good birds are owned by those who through want of knowl- edge or through mistaken kindness injure the bird or his singing qualities, and these patients have been brought to me for treatment, and, in some cases, as it seemed to me, for resurrection. My hospital practice covers the widest range of diseases and accident cases, so that some days I regret I am not a specialist. I would confine my study to appendicitis, which birds cannot have. I am popularly supposed to be able to restore the sight ; to recall to its place again the bird's lost "mind " ; to cure the consumptive, and to attach to a suffering victim, so the jointure cannot be discovered, a canary leg which has been rescued from the cat. Intending to enter a profession I went to Yale and in the Academic Department laid the foundation for this most delightful elective, "Birds"; but this study presents some problems apparently not solvable. The worst one is, " How to make your canarv live twenty years and sing every day, regardless THE CANARY. 2 7 of the sorts of diet and ' care ' which you give him." To those who know me I do not need to explain the above statements, but I make them so that those whom I do not personally know may understand that whatever courses of food and treatment are proposed in the following pages are the results of careful tests and close analyses, and have been used, not in a few isolated cases, but with many subjects through many years. FOOD FOR A SINGING CANARY is as follows : for food give only German summer rape seed, it is the smaller rape, reddish brown, not the large black rape, and Sicily canary seed, large, bright, free from dust, mixed, equal parts, and purchased, not at the nearest grocery, drug, or fancy goods store, as there is as great difference in the quality of bird seed as in teas and coffees, but at a bird store. Give only a small quantity, a large teaspoonful if the bird can reach it all, so he will be compelled to eat the rape. If a bird eats too much canary it is very bad for him, and generally soon ruins his song. If a canary selects all the canary and does not eat the rape, that is the time to give less canary and four-fifths rape, or else all rape. Keep gravel paper, or washed, silver, loose gravel on thick paper, in the cage ; the paper keeps the bird's feet from the metal. A cuttle-bone should always hang in the cage. One tenth of both white and yolk of a hard-boiled egg, grated, should be given twice a week, and, in moulting season, every day; a piece of apple, the size of a thimble, sweet if it can be had, two or three times a week ; apple is better than 28 THE CANARY. lettuce, celery, or any other green stuff. All canaries should be fed the year through as above, except that the finest grades of St. Andreasberg canaries and our own bred Holden canary and our own bred Carnpanini canary should have one tenth to one fifth Sicily canary seed, and the rest German summer rape seed. A canary may have two or three hemp seeds from fingers or lips once or twice a week, to encourage tameness. THE BATH. A canary should bathe all through the year, two or three times a week, not every day. Remove seed and water cups and the base of cage, and set body of cage over the bathing dish of tepid water, and then remove the perches. Use the regu- lar canary bath-tub, with three quarters of an inch depth of water. If the bird will not bathe in the tub, try less water, and perhaps a dozen shapes and sizes of dishes, until you find the only one he will use ; sometimes this is an old flat saucer, or your choice bit of Royal Worcester or Doulton, with a quarter of an inch depth of water. THE HANGING PLACE. The bird may hang in the sunshine fifteen minutes, not longer, to dry his feathers after the bath ; but a bird hanging in the sunshine at midday is in a bad place for his health or song. Nearly all birds keep in better health if not hung near a window. I have seen many so-called air-tight windows, but I never saw an air-tight win- dow fit to hang a bird near in cold weather. DRAUGHT OF AIR. Do not leave a bird in a room in cold weather where the window is open to air the room. THE CANARY. 2Q THE BEST HEIGHT to place a canary is from three to five and a half feet from the floor, and in a not too light place, if you wish soft, sweet songs. Close to a window, or in other too strong light, the bird jumps about too much, and his song gets loud and shrill. The finest grades of canaries sing best in even a half light. BED TIME. About dusk the bird should be put to bed, just as most wild birds seek secluding shade and cover at that time. Your canary, to keep health good, voice sweet, and life prolonged, should have one thickness of paper about his cage in summer, and in winter, in our northern latitudes, three thick- nesses about the cage and same amount thrown over the top to lap over that which stands edgewise around the cage. The paper should fit close to the base of the cage, all around, and stand up almost even with the ring the cage is hung by, thus prevent- ing all draughts through the cage. A shawl or towel arranged partly around a cage and left open near the bottom causes a draught through the cage and about the bird, and is worse than no covering. When prop- erly covered the cage should be put in a dark place ; but do not remove the bird from a comfortable to a real cold place. THE TEMPERATURE. Sudden changes of temper- ature are bad for the voice and health. Sixty-five to seventy degrees is right. CAREFUL HANDLING. In moving the cage with a bird from one position to another, do it with moder- ation, not hastily. 30 THE CANARY. SWEEPING AND DUSTING. Birds should never be in a room where particles of dust fill the air. Dust injures the voice. Remove the bird, or sprinkle the floor with water before sweeping. EASY TO CARE FOR AND KEEP IN SONG. The ca- nary is easily kept in song all through the year, in most cases right through the moulting period, if the seeds and care are right, and one refrains from doing foolish things ruinous to the bird's voice THE DON'TS. Don't " take chances " buying a cheap bird. There is no " chance " about it ; you lose every time. Don't buy poor seeds or gravel; they cost you more in loss of song or loss of bird than three times the price of the best seeds. Buy bird seeds at a bird store. Don't hang the bird in the window. Don't hang the bird in the sunshine except for a few minutes immediately after his bath. Don't hang the birds where there are draughts, or in kitchen or laundry where there is steam or damp air. Don't give figs, or sugar, or candy. Don't put the bird in water because he will not bathe ; it is cruel and generally has fatal results. Don't feed mustard seed or turnip seed instead ot sweet rape ; they look like good rape but are bitter, and as fit for food for a bird as sawdust is for you. Don't let the canary fly about the room if you want his best songs. Don't carry the bird out of doors in cold weather THE CANARY. 31 with cage only partly covered. Wrap the cage com- pletely in three thicknesses of paper in winter ; in spring and autumn two thicknesses ; in summer one thickness. In summer only put two or three pencil holes in the paper. DISEASES. Colds, draughts of air, poor seeds, and impure water cause most diseases. A bird with a cold is puffed up, sometimes remaining still on the perch and breathing hard, and at other times hop- ping about on the bottom of the cage and constantly eating. Don't let the cold " run," for it will likely run away with the bird. Use home remedies until you can get proper medicines. Give the paste made from one third of yolk and white of a hard boiled egg grated or mashed, as much red pepper as will stay on a ten cent piece, and two or three drops of olive or table oil, all thoroughly mixed. Put from two to six drops of whiskey in the drinking water which should be given warm, that is from five per cent to ten per cent of whiskey in the water. Keep the bird in a quiet, warm place. When a bird does not take the liquid remedies a small dropper should be used and doses dropped in his mouth every two or three hours as the case demands. Use Holden's Bird Cure No. 4 for cold or moulting. Also, hang a small strip of raw, fat, salt pork in the cage. Let him eat this, and put a new piece in every other day. Loss OF VOICE. When this is caused by a cold, treat as above. If it is caused by the bird's having sung too much, dissolve a piece of unflavored rock candy the size of a pea in the drinking water; give 32 THE CANARY. also the paste, and cover the cage so the bird will not try to sing. This treatment should be continued for some days until the hoarseness disappears. ASTHMA OR HARD BREATHING. When this results from a cold, give the paste and whiskey, and also the raw, fat, salt pork cut into bits like seeds and put red pepper on it. A teaspoonful of quite warm milk with bread in it is good, and a bit of sponge cake soaked in sherry wine may be put in as a separate dish. All these remedies should be given fresh two or three times a day. Withhold the canary seed and moisten the rape seed so the dust will all be removed and the hulls will be made soft. Use Holden's Bird Cure No. 5 for asthma. DIARRHCEA. This is caused by a cold, or by poor, musty seed, or foul drinking water. Cure the cold, or change the seed and water. Drop with a dropper which has a rubber bulb to force the fluid out, three or four drops of table, or olive, oil in the bird's mouth ; put a rusty nail in water with four drops of brandy. Put a good pinch of pulverized chalk, common chalk, in the bottom of the cage with the gravel. If the disease continues twenty-four to thirty-six hours with any severity, put two to four, or even more, drops of paregoric in the water. The cage should be cleaned three times a day, and fresh gravel, which has been warmed, strewn in it. Another remedy is to give from five to fifteen drops each of elixir of vitriol and of tincture of opium in the water. When the bird gets better continue the egg food, without pepper, or give some of Holden's Song Restorer, as a bracing THE CANARY. 33 tonic. This Restorer is used largely now in all cases of weakness or debility, instead of the egg; it is more nourishing and more easily digested. Use Holden's Bird Cure No. i for diarrhoea. CONSTIPATION. From four to six drops of castor oil dropped in the bird's mouth, or as an injection for the rear passage, usually affords prompt relief. Give apple or freshly grated raw carrot with a trifle of pul- verized sugar on it. In severe, continued cases put two drops of glycerine in a teaspoonful of warm, soapy water, and give an injection of ten drops with the dropper. A second injection, if needed, may be given in a few minutes. Use Holden's Bird Cure No. 2 for constipation. EPILEPSY OR FITS. This is caused by too rich food, over-eating, or too frequent mating, any one of which may cause a partial suspension of the heart's action ; or it may be caused by fright. When the bird is attacked hold the cage in the fresh air and sprinkle a few drops of cold water on the bird's head. If pos- sible discover the cause. Hanging the cage in the hot sun often causes fits. In such a case smelling salts are required in addition to the water. The diet should be carefully regulated ; perhaps too much canary seed has been eaten. In that case give more of the German summer rape seed, and every second day a little cracker soaked in milk. RUPTURE, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. This is caused by eating too stimulating food, or from sour food or bad water. The symptoms are lan- guidness, the bird rarely stands up on his feet as he 34 THE CANARY. should, but rests his body on the perch, and does not sing. If the invalid is examined, the lower part of the abdomen will be found to be of a color varying from a rich red to a dark red. The diet should be changed, and all parts of the cage and cups cleaned. Dip a camel's-hair brush into warm turpentine, and paint the inflamed abdo- men; open the bowels if there is . constipation. A few drops of gum-arabic should be added daily to the drinking water. The food should be of the lightest description ; light biscuit soaked in milk, and given fresh every three hours, should be the main diet. From five to ten drops of brandy may be added to the drinking water if the bird seems quite weak. As the bird's health improves give stimulat- ing food, Song Restorer. CRAMPS are caused by a filthy cage or close con- finement in too small a cage. Immerse the legs in water as warm as bird should bear ; give a larger cage, and put two drops of laudanum in the drinking water. Do not allow the bird to bathe more than twice a week. THE PIP is a small swelling which appears on the bird's rump. It may be easily cured by opening the swelling with a needle and rubbing a little cold cream gently over it. SURFEIT is indicated by a slight eruption on the body, and baldness, slight at first, and then extending all over the head. Feed of seeds only the plain rape ; give a piece of apple daily if this does not cause too great evacuations of the bowels. The head where bare may be rubbed with any simple ointment. THE CANARY. 35 YELLOW GALL is indicated by a small ulcer, or a number of them, around the eyes. If the bird has been fed on plain food change to a more nourishing diet ; but if diet has been too rich change to rape seed only. The ulcers should be cut and rubbed with ointment made of a strong solution of sugar of lead with soft water. Saturate the ulcers thoroughly with this, and bathe the sore parts three or four times a day until healed. SORE FEET are the result usually of filthy cages or from lack of attention to the legs and feet while the bird is growing old. Clean dirty feet by soaking them in warm water, removing all particles of dirt, and after wiping dry, anoint them with glycerine or with Holden's Bird Cure No. 6. If the soreness is caused by scales which grow on the bird's legs as he gets older, take the bird in hand and anoint the affected parts with cold cream, and, after three applications daily for three days, gently remove the scales with the back edge of a penknife blade, being careful not to break the under-skin. When the scales are removed as much as possible, anoint daily until legs and feet are healed. RED AND SWOLLEN FEET AND LEGS are usually caused by too little green food and too much canary seed. A bird thus affected should be given of seeds only the German summer rape for three months or six months, and apple, size of a thimble, every other day, or even every day, if it does not cause too great diarrhoea. This method of feeding will change the blood and effect a cure. 36 THE CANARY. BARE PLACES about the eyes or above the beak, or around the neck, are caused often by too hearty diet. Give only plain rape, also apple daily or every other day until blood is changed so the feathers grow properly. PULLING THE FEATHERS from the body or outer part of wings is caused by bad blood. Give only rape seed and the apple. A HARD GROWTH which forms just above the beak may be touched daily with vaseline ; after a time the core will drop off. This is a blood trouble; give rape and apple. The universal cry is : " My bird will not eat the rape." On investigation, I generally find that the alleged rape is only mustard seeds, or turnip seeds which are bitter, or that the mixture contains one part rape and nine parts canary, or canary and millet seeds ; or else, if the mixture has been made right, fully half German summer rape, so much seed is given each day that the bird has all he wants to eat in his preferred seed, the canary, and so does not eat the rape. A LARGE TEASPOONFUL OF SEED, provided it is m a receptable from which the bird can get it all readily, is enough for one bird one day. When I was a child and was offered mince pie and bread, I never cared for bread ; bread was an insult ; and so a bird always lives, if possible, with the idea, " Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die." The dying part is sure soon to follow when you permit a bird to eat for some months as he wishes. THE CANARY. 37 THE NAILS often grow long and hook- shaped, and need to be cut. Hold the bird up to a strong light so the vein in each nail may be seen ; then cut each nail, avoiding the vein. THE BEAK also grows so the bird has difficulty in eating ; cut the overgrown parts with sharp scissors, and scrape them into correct shape carefully with edge of a penknife blade. If convenient, send the bird into the store for these surgical operations. BROKEN LEGS may be set if broken between the joints. Shear the feathers off around the break, and draw the leg carefully away from the body, so that the ends of the bone may be pressed into place. Then place strips of court plaster a sixteenth of an inch wide, inside and outside of the leg, and extend- ing one third inch, if possible, each side of the break. Other narrow strips may be put around the legs, in three or four places, to hold the lengthwise " court-plaster splints " in. place. Put the food, seeds, and Song Restorer, and water inside the cage, on the bottom, so the bird will not have to struggle to get up on the perches and thus dislocate the break. A BIRD is PUFFED UP when he has diarrhoea, when constipated, when there has been neglect in feeding or watering, when he has a cold, when a mouse gets in his cage at night, when insects are devouring him, or when he is in any way diseased. RED INSECTS seem to come out of the air, and get on the bird regardless of the best care. The symp- toms are a puffed appearance, alternating with a scratching, a shaking and frequent pecking at the 3$ THE CANARY. body. Put .a dry white cloth with some creases in it over the cage at night, and if there are insects some will be found in the creases or on other parts of the cloth in the morning. To destroy all the vermin about the bird remove the hollow top from the body of the cage ; wash it out and put some of the German Insect powder in it and leave it in it, fastening the top again to the cage. Take the bird in your hand and dust the powder all through his feathers thoroughly, using your ringers, not a bellows, to do it thoroughly. Two applications made within four days' time are sure to exterminate all the pests. If the bird is in a wooden cage change him to another cage, scald the wood work with water having soda in it, and var- nish all the wood work two or three times, and dry the varnish to a hard condition, before again using the cage. Young insects are black; the older ones full of the bird's blood are red. THE MOULTING SEASON with birds a year old or more is regularly some parts of August, September, or October, and generally lasts from six to eight weeks, or, with very old birds, sometimes longer. The operation is a weakening process, and this is why the bird should then have extra strengthening food, and a comfortably warm place, say 70, out of all draughts, with the cage covered at 6 p. M. Give the egg mix- ture daily, or a half teaspoonful of Holden's Song Restorer. A bird in good health should moult only once in a year, and in those months ; birds moulting at other times have colds, and should be treated for colds. THE CANARY. 39 MICE ARE FOND of bird seeds, and admirers of birds ; and if they can get into a cage will remain there for hours. Their continued visits usually cause a canary to go into a decline so he does not sing and often permanently loses his health. Mice will run up a curtain or even a hard surface if it is not exactly perpendicular. Destroy them. CUTTLE FISH is necessary for all seed-eating birds on account of the salt it contains. A new one should be placed in the cage every three months. CURES, INSECT POWDER, REMEDIES. We put up simple remedies, as follows : Holden's Bird Cures : Cure No. One, for Diarrhoea ; No. Two, for Constipa- tion ; No. Three, for Debility ; No. Four, for Colds, or moulting out of season ; No. Five, for Asthma, and loss of voice; No. Six, for Sore Feet; No. Seven, German Insect Powder; No. Eight, Holden's Song Restorer. Any one of these will be forwarded by mail prepaid for 25 cents, or any eight packages for $1.75. Full directions for use with each. BIRD TONIC. Holden's Bird Tonic a liquid, my own prescription is one of the best tonics to strengthen a bird during moulting season, and is one of the best remedies for cold or for asthma, either alone, or in connection with cures No. 4 or No. 5. Price, 25 cents. Being a liquid, it cannot be mailed, but can be sent by express. All the small seed-eating birds, such as the Bulfmch, the Goldfinch, the Linnet, the Indigo, and Nonpareil, and the Paroquets and small Finches may be treated, in case of sickness, just like the Canary. THE GOLDFINCH. * OH ! what is so pretty, so cunning, so gay, So daintily busy the livelong day, As my little goldfinch, beautiful pet, With his butterfly wings, and cap of jet ? Far, far, from his native bowers of bloom, He lives a prisoner, yet feels no gloom ; For his merry glance and his sprightly song Tell plainly as words that he fears no wrong.** C4Q) THE GOLDFINCH. 4* THE GOLDFINCH, of all parlor birds, is certainly one of the most delightful, alike for the beauty of his plumage, the excellence of his song, his proved docility, and remarkable cleverness. He is also very easily tamed, and is capable of great attachment to his owner ; and may be taught various amusing tricks, such as dragging a little wagon up an inclined plane into his cage to supply himself with food, or to ring a bell whenever he requires attention, and to haul up water from a little well underneath the cage. All these he will learn very readily, and without any coercion. Goldfinches have been known to live confined in a cage for sixteen or twenty years ; and, though they may lose their bright colors, they retain their activity and cheerfulness of disposition. Their food, in their wild state, consists of all kinds of seeds, &c. : in a cage, they should be fed upon maw-seed. As their bill, though as sharp as a needle, is in young birds quite soft, and, although very fond of rape and canary seed, they cannot readily crack it until they are at least two years old, it would always be well to soak a little canary and rape for them, thereby softening the hull, and making it a matter of no trouble for them to crack ; and occasionally, as a reward for some trick, or display of affection, a few crushed hemp-seed, which he should be made to take from the hand. Most wild birds, when cap- tured, become in confinement sullen and dispirited : want of exercise and of a peculiar kind of food so alters the quality of the fluids, that fits and ailments 42 GOLDFINCH DISEASES. ensue ; and the bird mopes, and soon dies. Not so with the goldfinch : immediately after his capture he commences to feed on maw-seed, mixed equal parts with hemp, rape, and canary, frisk about the cage, and dress his plumage, without manifesting the least apparent regret for the loss of companions or liberty. His beauty, melody, and speedy reconciliation to confinement, render him a desirable companion ; and he is captured to cheer us with his manners and voice in airs and regions very different from his native thistly downs and apple-blossom bowers. There are many varieties of the goldfinch, shown by the difference in markings or colors of the plumage. The highest prized of these varieties are the scarlet-headed, which has the entire head colored in rich scarlet or crimson : there are no other mark- ings to mar the brilliancy of color on the head. This is a very rare and beautiful variety. The white-breasted Cheveral, or King Goldfinch, has a pure white breast, and clear white ring around the neck. This variety is highly prized as a breeder of white or handsomely marked goldfinch-canary hybrids. The white-legged variety is esteemed for the readi- ness with which he mates with the female canary. The Black Goldfinch is a variety which is obtained by keeping the bird in close confinement in a dark- ened room. The goldfinch hybrids are in some cases very beautiful birds, and exhibit a wonderful variety of markings and color. The pure white is the high- est prized, and the colors range from that of the above specimen to the very dark, and are varied by GOLDFINCH DISEASES. 43 elegant spots of brilliant crimson or yellow through- out the plumage. The goldfinch is found throughout Europe, and in the summer season frequents gar- dens, groves, and even mountainous districts which are not altogether uncultivated. The goldfinch, when caged, sings throughout the year, with the exception of the moulting season. His song is on a high key, and real agreeable, and contains many warbles, trills, and twittering notes, which are intermingled in a most charming manner. The bird, during the continuance of his song, is in constant motion ; and these lively movements, com- bined with his graceful form, delicately blended colors, and sprightly song, make him one of the most attractive bird objects with which a home can be adorned. Goldfinches may be reared in cages in the same manner as canaries; their mating season begins in April. GOLDFINCH HAS DISEASES, epilepsy, diarrhoea, constipation, etc., which may be treated in the same manner as like ailments in canaries. Decline, or wasting, is cured by changing the diet to richer food, giving freely apple or any fruit the bird will eat, and lean, raw, juicy, scraped beef. Giddiness may be treated by withdrawing the maw-seed and feeding on soaked millet and rape seeds. The goldfinch, if properly cared for, will live caged for twelve or sixteen years, and in his old age will lose none of his gay colors, general friskiness, or sprightly melody. His cage should be of the square style, from ten to sixteen inches long. TTfE LINNET. I wadna gie the Unties sang, Sae merry on the broomy lea, For all the harps that ever rang In all the halls of minstrelsie. Mair dear to me, where bush or breer Amang the pathless heather grows, The Unties wild sweet note to hear, As on the ev'nin' breeze it flows. Burns. THE LINNET, either gray or brown, is a beautiful songster, and is very generally kept throughout Eu- rope. He is of a hardy constitution, easily domesti- cated, a most lovely and constant singer, uttering many very sweet, flute-like notes ; and if fed princi- pally on canary and rape seed, with occasionally a very few hemp seed, will remain in health. These two birds are spoken of as two distinct varieties, but in reality they are not ; for the same bird which at one year old, when it has no red feath- ers in the head, is a gray linnet, becomes after the second moulting, when the red of the breast takes a golden hue from the yellowish-white margins of the THE LINNET. 45 feathers, a yellow linnet ; and in the spring of the third year, when the forehead is blood red, the feathers on the side of the breast the same color, and a ferruginous tinge prevails over the whole body, the bird comes out in all his glory as a rose linnet. By and by, when age steals on, or sickness or con- finement tell upon the constitution of the sweet songster, he falls from his high estate ; his plumage changes, and he is a brown, gray, or yellow linnet, as the case may be. There is scarcely any bird, per- haps, that puts on so many different dresses in the course of his life as our little linnet ; there is scarcely any telling what changes each moult will produce : that is, in a state of confinement ; for in a natural state the bird will go through its regular gradations of plumage in a natural manner, and one may safely judge of his age by his dress ; but in an artificial state it is not so. He is fond of bathing, and we might say of two kinds : first, like the skylark, in plenty of gravel (of which there must be an abundance in the cage) ; and, second, in water, and a bathing-dish must be given daily. His diseases are similar to all seed- eating birds in confinement; and the treatment must be the same, for which see article on Sick Birds. LINNET MULES. The male linnet will some- times mate with the canary ; but the mules are not nearly so beautiful as the offspring of the goldfinch and canary, though they are generally good song- sters, and highly prized on that account. THE SISKIN. THE SISKIN, sometimes called the black-headed thistlefinch, in point of beauty will bear no com- parison with the goldfinch, although possessing this recommendation in a high degree. The prevail- ing color of plumage is a yellowish green, elegantly marked and shaded with black ; a neat little bird, with a short tail, and stout beak ; the top of the head is altogether black, hence one of its names. This, as well as the goldfinch and linnet, is one of the species used in crossing with the canary. In Europe a favorite cage-bird, and really a beautifully plumaged one. Their song is short and low, though very agreeable, and they imitate with facility the notes of various birds. Caged, they should be fed on maw-seed mixed with crushed hemp. As they are a greedy bird, care must be taken not to feed them too much. In health or sickness their treat- ment, except feeding, should be the same as the canary. (46) THE CHAFFINCH. " The low, sweet singing of a bird, The murmur of the breeze, How soft would glide our fleeting hours, Blest as the sunshine and the flowers, And calm as summer seas ! " Amelia. THE CHAFFINCH. Who that has ever read the letter of Michelet to his good wife, in his work en- titled "The Bird," could have failed to read his vivid description of a poor blind chaffinch that was offered for sale in the great bird auction rooms in Paris ? This bird had been a pet ; and poverty in the family had compelled his sale. This bird is one of the many European song-birds, and for the sweet- (47) 48" SONG OF CHAFFINCH. ness of his song, as well as for his sleek plumage, should be generally kept. In Germany chaffinches are so highly valued that very high prices are given for them if they possess a fine song ; a common workman will give sixteen shillings for a bird whose notes he considers good, and will frequently live upon bread and water until he can save money to purchase the desired ob- ject. His wild notes are soft and mellow, but have little variety : they are first heard very early in the year ; for Chaffy seems at all times ambitious to open the vernal chorus, and to make a start before any other of the feathered musicians have got their in- struments in order. A curious circumstance con- nected with the natural history of chaffinches is, that the males and females separate during the winter, and resort to different parts of the country : hence the scientific name ccelebs, or the bachelor, ap- plied to this bird. In Europe they have singing matches amongst their birds, and the chaffinch that sings the greatest number of perfect notes within a given time gains the prize for his owner. A perfect note is represented by the syllables toll-loll-loll-chick- wee-do ; and if a bird slurs them over, or stops at chick or wee, the note is not counted. They are extremely docile, and can be trained, or taught to perform many amusing tricks. Their food should be the same as the canary ; adding, however, in the spring, a few hemp-seed to induce them tr sing more freely. THE BIRDS OF KILLINGWORTH. 49 THE ballad-singers and the troubadours, The street-musicians of the heavenly city, The birds, who make sweet music for us all In our dark hours, as David did for Saul. The thrush that carols at the dawn of day From the green steeples of the piny wood ; The oriole in the elm ; the noisy jay, Jargoning like a foreigner at his food ; The bluebird balanced on some topmost spray, Flooding with melody the neighborhood ; Linnet and meadow-lark, and all the throng That dwell in nests, and have the gift of song. Whose household words are songs in many keys, Sweeter than instrument of man e'er caught. Whose habitations in the tree-tops even Are half-way houses on the road to heaven. Think, every morning when the sun peeps through The dim, leaf-latticed windows of the grove, How jubilant the happy birds renew Their old, melodious madrigals of love ! " Longfellow, THE BULFINCH. BULFINCH. This bird has no natural song, but is gifted with the ability of imitating, with an astonish- ing accuracy, in a sweet and flutelike tone, almost any air that is whistled, or played to them on an instrument. This has made him a great favorite among all lovers of birds. In Germany, particularly in Hesse and Saxony, a large number of these birds are taught, and by the dealers brought to various parts of the world. The raising and teaching is generally accomplished by shoemakers, tailors, and weavers, who, being con- fined to their rooms, are thus enabled to take care of them. The teaching begins from the time they are taken into the house. The tune that it is intended they should learn is whistled to them whistling is always preferred, as instruments are generally too shrill several times a day, more particularly in the morning and evening. The tune must be whis- tled always in the same key, and no other tune whistled in the hearing of the bird, which is kept THE BULFINCH. 51 in rather a dark place during the process of train- ing. Taken as they are when quite young, and brought up by hand, they are always tame, and will take food from the hand of any one, and may be trained to sing or pipe their tune at command : they very soon learn to know the person who feeds them, and we will here remark that the same person should always feed them, and will pipe their tune, making beautiful and elegant gestures, now moving the body, and then the head, first to the right, then to the left, spreading the tail like a fan, and seem- ingly "fanning" with it, when they commence with a short flourish, or prelude, and pipe their tune through perfectly. The bulfinch should be fed principally on sum- mer rape-seed, to which may be added a little canary, and occasionally one or two hemp-seed, as a reward for piping his tune. Sugar, sweet-cakes, or such-like delicacies,*spoil their taste, and should not be given to them. A little greens in the sum- mer, or sweet apple in the winter, is very whole some, both of which must be fresh. As their claws grow very fast, and also very hooking, they must be cut at least twice a year. They must always be handled very gently, as they are easily frightened, and harsh treatment often causes their death. These birds usually moult in the month of Sep- tember and, as they shed their feathers very rap- idly, sometimes becoming almost bare in one day, great care must be taken to keep them from alJ 52 THE BULFINCH. draughts of air; and, in addition to their regular seed, a little of the yolk of a hard-boiled egg should be fed diem at least three times a week. The bulfincii has diseases. These, however, are usually caused by improper care; for if the bird be fed and watered regularly every day, at the same hour and by the same person, and plenty of dry sand freely used, the cause of disease is greatly reduced. Occasionally these birds are troubled with a diarrhoea, and can be greatly relieved, and many times a permanent cure effected, by placing a rusty nail in their drinking-water : a nail should also be placed in their drinking-water during moult- ing season j and, should a bird be troubled with the reverse of this complaint, costiveness, a piece of sweet apple, a little chickweed, lettuce, or any green food, will usually afford full relief. Occa- sionally this bird will appear dumpish, sitting all day upon his perch with ruffled feathers : the best mode of treatment is to give "him a supply of maw, or what is sometimes called poppy-seed, which will in most cases quickly restore him to his usual spirits. Piping bulfinches arrive from Europe about December i each year, and are on sale from then until June i, and I have some seasons had them for sale all through the year. To me they are the most charming and enjoyable of all cage birds. They pipe " How can I leave thee," "The bridal wreath for thee we twine," " Away to the wildwood," " Polly Perkins," "I will love you forever," "The mill in the valley," "America," and other songs. THE NIGHTINGALE. " Night from her ebon throne stoops down to listen To this the sweetest songster of the grove ; And pulses thrill, and eyes with rapture glisten, As forth she pours her plaintive song of love." THIS bird is decidedly the most melodious of all singing-birds. The compass, flexibility, prodigious variety, and harmony of his voice, make him the (53) 54 THE NIGHTINGALE. greatest favorite of the lovers of the beauty of na- ture. Coleridge wrote thus of this bird : " The merry nightingale, That crov/ds and hurries and precipitates, With fast, thick warble, his delicious notes, As if he were fearful that an April night Would be too short for him to utter forth His love-chant, and disburden his full soul Of all its music." He will sometimes dwell for several seconds on a strain composed of only two or three melancholy tones, beginning in an under-voice, and swelling it gradually by a most superb crescendo to the highest point of strength, then ending it by a dying cadence. His very striking musical talent, surpassing all other singing-birds, has acquired for him the name of the king of songsters. There are variations in the voices of Nightingales, just the same as in a great many classes of song-birds. These cannot be easily accounted for ; it may be that the teaching of the inferior-singing Nightingales has been defective ; in other cases, where the Nightingale is reared in forests where various song-birds abound, he has been excited by rivalry or jealousy to perfect his own song to the highest degree : and these pecu- liarities may be transmitted from generation to gener_ ation. The same conditions of rivalry do not exist in all the different parts of the world which the Nightingale inhabits, therefore there is the difference in the voices of birds of the same species which grow up under different circumstances. This rivalry of THE NIGHTINGALE. 55 the choice songsters extends to the small districts where they are trapped, and bird-lovers of one dis- trict may claim a superiority for the birds of their own country over those of a neighboring one. Many discussions have arisen as to the relative merits of the European Nightingale and the American Mocking- bird. It is admitted that both birds are the leading representatives in song of the countries which they represent. Perhaps the discussion will never be fully decided ; for it is almost impossible to compare the songs of the two birds, they are so unlike in style. The Nightingale probably rivals the Mocking-bird in the power, brilliancy, and quality of the natural notes ; but, while a mimic in a small degree, he cannot bear comparison with the Mocking-bird in this respect. The Nightingales which I receive are now taken from nests in Germany and Italy and raised by hand ; and because of being " hand-raised " they arrive here in good plumage, and many of them are tame enough to take meal worms from the ringers. Such a bird is very desirable and valuable, for he is easily kept in good order and, being indifferent to changes of loca- tion, is at home anywhere, and ready to sing at all times. This bird will sing nearly the whole season. Years ago we had only the older trapped^ birds, difficult to care for and which gave us little melody; now, in 1903, we have the young, hand-raised birds, easy to care for, free, constant songsters and strong enough to live mmy years. Some time ago I heard a Nightingale in Turin. He was hanging out of doors in front of a very small inn. When I asked if the 56 THE NIGHTINGALE. bird was for sale the owner replied, " Oh, yes." Then he took a slip of paper, consulted his wife, made quite a long column of figures and adding them up, said, " 15,000 francs." Asked for an explanation, he replied, " The bird alone cannot be sold ; you must pay for the house and ground and the wife, too, for she could not live without the bird." I admired the wife's love for the bird, but not intensely enough to warrant my owning both. FOOD. Use the dry prepared food. Take a table- spoonful and an equal quantity, or a little more, of grated raw carrot and its juice, mix thoroughly. When carrot, late in season, is not juicy add a little water. When the juicy carrot and food is mixed properly the particles should fall apart and not be paste-like enough to all stick together. Add a dessert spoonful of ants' eggs which have been moistened with water. Besides this the bird may have daily from six to twelve meal worms. Currants thoroughly soaked are good, as is also any fresh fruit or berry in its season. The regular bird gravel should be used, and bath given three or four times a week. In illness, follow the treatment as given for the Mocking-bird. CAGE. The cage now used which I have had specially arranged is all brass, body n x i3x 17 inches high, with mocking-bird cups, and perches half inch diameter. It has a new pattern of base, extending so that food cannot be thrown out. THE BLACK-CAP. SWEET warblers of the sunny hours, Forever on the wing, I love them as I love the flowers, The sunlight, and the spring. They come like pleasant memories In summer's joyous time, And sing their gushing melodies As I would sing a rhyme. In the green and quiet places, Where the golden sunlight falls, We sit with smiling faces To list their silver calls. And, when their holy anthems Come pealing through the air, Our hearts leap forth to meet them With a blessing and a prayer. Amid the morning's fragrant dew, Amid the mists of even, They warble on as if they drew Their music down from heaven. How sweetly sounds each mellow note Beneath the moon's pale ray, When dying zephyrs rise and float Like lovers' sighs away 1 " (57) 5 8 THE BLACK-CAP. THE BLACK-CAP, sometimes called the mock nightingale, possesses, in the opinion of some, powers of song equal to those of the more univer- sally acknowledged leader of the sylvan choir. He is a most delightful singer ; and his notes, though quite different, are no less admirable than the nightingale's, and are heard throughout the year, during the whole day, except in the moulting season. This may also be called the English mocking-bird, as he readily catches the notes of any other songster which he chances to hear. Sweet says that he has heard the black-cap imitate the nightingale so exactly that even his practised ear was deceived. If you love real bird-music, procure a black-cap at any cost ; for he will make the whole house ring again, his song is so full, so sweet, so deep and loud, and so enriched with a variety of oily, silvery mod- ulations, especially that long, soft shake*, which, though it sinks gradually into the lowest note a bird can utter, is heard as distinctly as the louder tones ; and then just as you think it is about to die away, and you begin to anticipate the silence that must follow, higher and higher swells the song to the lofti- est burst of melody, and you feel as if you wouldn't part with the bird for twenty times his weight in gold. When singing he distends his little throat, while the whole body quivers with delight, telling that he feels as much pleasure as he gives to the listener. Gil- bert White, whose " Natural History of Selborne " every boy ought to read for the sake of its beautiful THE BLACK-CAP. 59 descriptions of the habits of birds and animals, speaking of the black-cap, says his " note has such a wild sweetness that it always brings to my mind those lines in a song in Shakspeare's 'As You Like It:' ' And tune his merry note Unto the sweet bird's throat.' " And I have no doubt in my own mind that Shak- speare was listening to the singing of the black-cap, or called to memory his notes, as he had often heard them when a boy in the green fields that spread around his native place, when he composed that beautiful and simple song which begins with, " Under the greenwood tree, Who loves to lie with me." The back and wings of the black-cap are of an olive gray, throat and breast of a silvery gray, belly and vent white, sides of the head and back of the neck ash color, and the top of head black as night, whence the name. Caged, he requires the same food as all soft-bill birds, with the addition of elderberries, of which he is very fond. The black- cap, and most of the genus, suffer from tender feet, and swellings or warts upon them : a little cold cream will soon cure these. TO A SKY-LARK. ETHEREAL minstrel ! pilgrim of the sky ! Dost thou despise the earth where cares abound ? Or, while the wings aspire, are heart and eye Both with thy nest upon the dewy ground ? Thy nest, which thou canst drop into at will, Those quivering wings composed, that music still. Leave to the nightingale her shady wood : A privacy of glorious light is thine ; Whence thou dost pour upon the world a flood Of harmony, with instinct more divine. Type of the wise who soar, but never roam, True to the kindred points of heaven and home. Wordsworth. (60) THE SKY-LARK. 6 T THIS beautiful warbler is spread all over Europe, and has the most peculiar manner of flying of any of the feathered tribe, his movement being invaria- bly upwards in a perpendicular line ; after leaving his grassy abode, beginning his melodious song, which he continues unceasingly till nearly out of sight, looking like a mere speck, towards the heav- ens, and even then you may hear his sweet voice dying away as if in the clouds, he descends in like manner, still continuing to gratify his hearers below with his own peculiar melody till within a short dis- tance from his nest ; then silently alighting, hiding himself in the grass, fearing, as if by instinct, some straggling wanderers were watching his movements, to find out the spot to " rob a bird's-nest," when he creeps along, quite unseen, to visit his home and little family. He is the bird that Shakspeare fancied went singing up into the very gates of heaven ; the minstrel of the sky, who makes all the gold and sil- ver pillars in cloud-land echo when he warbles in his great star-roofed skyey hall. This is the bird that sleeps beside the daisies, and among the gentle lambs ; that makes a nest in any hole in the ground, the print of a horse's or bullock's hoof serving as well as any thing else in which to deposit the five greenish-white brown spotted eggs. The sky-lark will readily imitate the songs of other birds, and also learn tunes, and in confinement sings during half the year, and may be tamed so as to come and eat from the hand. THE WOOD-LARK. " What time the timorous hare trips forth to feed, When the scared owl skims round the grassy mead, Then high in air, and poised upon his wings, Unseen the soft enamoured wood-lark sings." THE WOOD-LARK is also a beautiful bird, and resembles the sky-lark in color, but is smaller. If he cannot soar so high nor sing so sweetly as the sky-lark, he can do what the latter can't ; and that is, either sit and sing on the branch of a tree, or have a fly, and carry his music along with him. But, though so partial to perching on a branch, like the sky-lark he builds on the ground. Some bird-fan- ciers say he possesses a more musical and sonorous C62) THE WOOD-LARK. 63 note than most other singing-birds ; but his imitative faculties are not very good, for, unless reared from the nest near some other birds, he will not learn their strains. His song is very much prized, and ranked by many amateurs next to the nightingale's : he sings far into the night. This bird is more easily tamed than the sky-lark, and appears more happy in captiv- ity. He is of an affectionate disposition, and, if pains are taken to gain his affection, will become much attached to his owner; but he is a delicate bird, and dainty in appetite, and requires variety in food. Most of the wood-larks perch, therefore he must have a square perch put into his cage ; but, if not used, it should be taken away. He must have a fresh-cut turf, if possible, once a week, and plenty of gravel and chalk. It is very rare that either of the larks will take a bath, much preferring like domestic fowls to dust themselves ; and for this reason sand or gravel must be used very freely, and always kept in the cage to the depth of not less than half an inch. The lark requires what is known as the lark-cage, and will not do well in any other. It is a low-priced cage, and can always be purchased at any bird-store. The food of the sky and wood lark is the same as the American mocking-bird. If the bird is unwell, or becomes loose, grate a little cheese into his food : some licorice in his water will also be of service, as likewise a spider occasionally. THE THRUSH. But when the morning broke, and the green woods Were all alive with birds, with what a clear And ravishing sweetness sang the plaintive thrush ! I love to hear his delicate rich voice, Chanting through all the gloomy day, when loud Amid the trees is dropping the big rain, And gray mists wrap the hills ; for aye the sweeter His song is when the day is sad and dark. Longfellow. THE SONG-THRUSH is a most melodious singer, being gifted with a more powerful tone than any of the feathered choristers of the European forest. This speckled musician pleases with delight, and (64) THE THRUSH. 65 satisfies, as it were, the very soul of the listener. In the wild state he sings only during the spring ; but, when caged and properly treated, will sing eight or nine months of the year, commencing about December or January. It is for this reason, as well as for his beautiful song, that the thrush is so much kept in cages, and domesticated. He must have a large cage, well strewn with coarse sand or gravel, and should be well supplied with water for drinking and bathing ; but his bath should be taken away when used, as the bird is liable to cramp. The food and water should be put outside 'of the cage, if possible. The thrush will live many years in confinement, if properly fed and cared for. The ailment to which he is most subject is constipation. A large spider is the best remedy ; abundance of pure fresh air, and a change of diet, should be given. The male and female are so much alike in color, that it is very difficult to distinguish them : the female is a little smaller, and has not quite such a glossy brown plumage as the male 5 so that the purchaser of a thrush should make sure of the sex by hearing the song. The male has great imitative powers, and will readily learn tunes played on wind instruments or whistled to him. Food same as preceding. THE BLACKBIRD. " O blackbird ! sing me something well : While all the neighbors shoot thee round, I keep smooth plats of fruitful ground, Where thou may'st warble, eat, and dwell." Tennyson, THE BLACKBIRD, whose plumage is of a pure vel- vety black, with an orange-yellow bill, is a fine songster. The notes, though not so various as those of the thrush, still are of a more sweet, flute- like tone. Besides this, he possesses the ability of imitating airs which are ^histled to him : these he executes with great perfection, and is said never to forget a tune once learned. An anecdote is told of THE BLACKBIRD. 67 one who had been taught to whistle an air, which, on hearing played with variations on the piano, af- fronted him so exceedingly that he hissed and flut- tered his wings till the performance stopped, and fc then gave his version of the air, whistling it all through as he had learned it. The same bird fell into the hands of a lady whose custom it was to have the Evening Hymn sung at the conclusion of family prayers. He caught the tune, and always accompanied their voices, and from that time regu- larly whistled it every evening at the same hour, long after he had passed into another family, and continued the practice for the remainder of his life. The blackbird will also learn to imitate the songs of other birds, the crowing of a cock, the gobble of a turkey, and in his wild state will often mimic them. He is very fond of bathing, and may have a good deep bath daily in the sunshine ; but his cage should not be left wet, as he is subject to cramp like the thrush : there should be plenty of dry sand or gravel on the floor. He will live in captivity from twelve to sixteen years, and sing in a loud and joyous tone the whole year, except during the moulting season. When in a wild state, this bird sings only three months in the year ; when caged, nearly throughout the year. His food and treatment are the same as for the mocking-bird. rm^_ ROBIN REDBREAST. " Good-by, good-by to summer, For summer's nearly done ; The garden smiling faintly, Cool breezes in the sun ; The thrushes now are silent, Our swallows flown away, But Robin's here in coat of brown, &nd scarlet breast-knot gay. Robin, Robin Redbreast, O Robin dear ! Robin sings so sweetly In the falling of the year ! " THE ENGLISH ROBIN REDBREAST. This bird is very popular in Europe, particularly in England, being lively and very handsome. He is easily tamed, so as to be let out of his cage, and play about a room. He has, by fearless conduct, earned golden opin- ions from all classes of men. Every nation seems (68) ENGLISH ROBIN. 69 to protect him. Even the American redbreast lives unharmed, possibly on account of his connec- tion with his English relation, whose oft-told charity is mentioned in the good old ballad of the " Babe? in the Wood " whom Robin Redbreast " painfully " did bury beneath the leaves : " Leaves of all hues, gold, red, and green, Ruins of summer bowers ; A thousand times more beautiful Than all her choicest flowers." In the winter, when the berries are gone, insects dead, and the worms hidden under the hard-frozen soil, then the robin flies for refuge to the habita- tions of man for shelter and food. It is very amus' ing to see the half-trusting, half-fearful look with which he hops to the window-sill for the first time, After a while he becomes bold, and taps at the win- dow, if the expected crumbs are not thrown out. He possesses a sweet warbling song, is very fond of bathing, and should therefore be daily provided with a bath ; but, when allowed to fly about a room, care must be taken not to leave a pitcher or any large vessel with water within reach, as he is very apt to try to bathe in it, and frequently gets drowned. Being a soft-bill bird, his food is the same as the preceding birds. THE STARLING. THE STARLING. His natural song is racher poor ; but he has a wonderfully good memory. He will learn to repeat several airs that are played to him, with great ease ; nay, more : he learns to pro- nounce words very distinctly, or imitate the song of other birds, or any sounds when repeatedly heard. Besides this, he becomes very tame in the house, so as to be let out of the cage, and walk about the room. He soon knows ail the persons in the house, is always gay and wakeful, and as docile and cun- ning as a dog. His food and treatment may be the same as that of the mocking-bird. He is a very hardy bird, and will sometimes attain the age of fif- teen years. THE TALKING MINOR. THE TALKING MINOR, or " musical grakle," is a good talking bird, and can accurately whistle in sweet, full tones any song which may be taught him. A minor will converse at any time, and correctly reply to in- quiries respecting his health or feelings though sometimes, if pressed, too closely, my own bird will consign the too-inquisitive person to that proverbially hot country. He is a vain bird, saying often, " Pretty minor," " What a pretty minor ! " and replying to the common salutation says, " I'm pretty well : how are you? Will you have a glass of champagne ? " He is about the size of a dove ; and his beak, feet, and legs are orange-color. The prevailing hue of the plumage is a glossy black, which is tinged with purple, violet, and green, according to the light in which it is viewed. The feathers on the head are short and glossy, and have the appearance of satin velvet. Be- low each eye is a small bright yellow naked mem- (70 72 THE TALKING MINOR. brane ; and close to these, but detached, another extends from each side to the back of the head and down on the neck. A white stripe in each wing, with the bright hues mentioned above, combined with ele- gant form and graceful movements, make the bird uni- versally admired. He is a native of the East Indies. An East- Indian acquaintance of mine used to have her children say the Lord's Prayer and the Apostles' Creed at a regular hour each evening ; but, whenever the children were absent at the usual hour, her minor, with most devout tone, would commence with " Our Father," and repeat the prayer and the whole of the creed. The minor as a talking bird is unsurpassed. He speaks plainly, and can acquire and retain an unlimited number of words, which he readily forms into sen- tences. My own bird will converse with me or a stranger at any time, and can. whistle, in full, sweet tones, a regular song which has been taught him. He flies about the house friendly to all, including the cat and dog. He is fond of fruits and berries, which are good food for him ; and if a ripe cherry is shown him he cries for it. He is fed daily on Holden's Pre- pared Food, the same as all soft-bill birds ; boiled egg and boiled -potato is good for him, and, once or twice a week, lean raw beef chopped fine is beneficial. He is fond of bathing, and has the tub daily. He is tough and strong, and should live in good health caged very many years. The bird has been known to live sev- enty-five years. The suitable cage is twenty-four to thirty inches long and about twenty inches high. THE GRAY PARROT. Fie, silly bird ! ' I answered, tuck Your head beneath your wing, And go to sleep ; ' but o'er and o'er He asked the selfsame thing. Then, smiling, to myself I said, ' How like are men and birds ! We all are saying what he says, In action or in words.' " WHITTTER. IN the parrot family, the African gray, with ashen gray body, black bill, light gray face, and scarlet tail, takes high rank. Until the bird is a year old the body plumage is a darker gray, and the tail dark brown, excepting close to the body, where the crimson shows a little. The birds vary from twelve to fifteen inches (73) 74 THE GRAY PARROT. in length, about the size of a common pigeon. Some- times a bird has red feathers in spots on the back - } this is known as a " king " African, and is highly esteemed, and commands a higher price, being con- sidered more intelligent; but I am not certain that the " king " learns any more than his subjects can. West and Central Africa is its home ; and from there these birds are brought to America, either, via Eng- land in steamers, or direct in sailing-vessels, a few of which arrive at New York, but most of them arrive in Boston. The birds brought in sailing-vessels are preferred, because they get acclimated in the longer trip, and have also better care when brought by the captains themselves, some of whom have been fur- nishing me with birds for over ten years, in both cities. These birds make excellent talkers and whistlers, and occasionally learn to sing both words and music of popular ballads ; but, like children, they vary some in " mental activity," though during my study of the subject of parrot training for the past fifteen years, I can truly say that the teachers' abilities vary much more than the pupils', to the latters' great disadvantage. Parrots learn more readily in the three hours next fol- lowing sunrise, or the three hours before sunset, and should be taught verbally just as one would teach a child, line upon line, precept upon precept. I have known many children give from six months to a year to long division, and not understand it very well then ; and it may take the brightest parrot that time, or even longer, to commit, " The Lord is my Shepherd," etc., " Mary had a little, lamb," or a list of oaths varied THE GRAY PARROT. 75 enough to please alike the Quaker, the gamin, and the rector. In teaching, speak in clear, ringing tones, pitched on rather a high key. Babies learn to talk some in from twelve to eighteen months ; parrots learn to talk some in from four to twelve months. I have known a gray to be taught for twelve months and not utter a word ; then one morning he said, " Hurrah ! " and in six months more could speak fifty or sixty words with elegant accents, and whistle two songs. If we ask how talented a speaking bird may become, the answer presents many difficulties. Brehm, a great authority on birds in Germany, gives an account of a gray parrot, which talked in three languages as clearly as a human being, and at the same time often caught up forms of speech which had never been repeated to it, and which it then applied suitably to the -astonishment of all. He also gives this example of its sharpness. A fat major, whom it knew well, one day paid a visit to teach it tricks. " Get up on the stick, Polly ; up on the stick ! " com- manded the bold warrior. The parrot was decidedly annoyed. Then suddenly it laughed loudly and said, " Up with you on the stick, major ! " Brehm describes this as a witticism of the bird's, and adds, " I cannot relate all this parrot said and did : it was half human." " I had to wait," says one owner, " fully eight months before my gray pronounced one word ; but then I was richly rewarded, for it learned something new almost every day, and now, after four years, there is scarcely any expression in the daily conversation of the family which it has not learned to repeat ; and how well it 76 CAGE OR STAND. knows how to apply the words ! It commands the cats and the dogs, whistling to one, and coaxing or crying to the other. If the black-cap is heard, it calls at once, ' Just wait, you black-cap ! ' If the blackbird whistles, it exclaims, ' Be quiet ! ' It distinguishes between the canary's song and that of the red bird and thrush, speaking to each as it hears the song of each." If proper methods of instruction are followed, there is no imaginary fixed line in intellectual progress beyond which a parrot of ordinary ability may not go. In teaching or training a parrot, let the bird remain for two weeks after purchase, unnoticed, further than proper care is concerned ; it will then be less shy, and, finding no harm is intended, will incline to become friendly. It is better not to use any forcible means for training, but always be gentle, and avail yourself of some knack, according to the bird's inclinations. Take away the drinking-water or coffee for some hours, then hold it out to the bird, and offer also some tidbit, of which the bird is fond, and thus the bird will learn to take food from the hand, and will presently volun- tarily come " on the finger, allow its head to be scratched, and soon permit you to caress and handle it at will. Many trainers feed the bird bread or fruit from the mouth ; this as a reward for tameness or speaking is a great incentive to progress, and birds form warm attachments for any one who thus feeds them. CAGE OR STAND. This parrot should have a cage fourteen or fifteen inches in diameter, or fifteen to FOOD. 77 twenty-four inches long ; but larger ones can be used, or a stand of the usual style. Generally, parrots do not talk as well if allowed about a room, and are apt to find something to eat which is injurious. FOOD. The food now very generally given to all parrots over four months old, consists of a mixture of equal parts of unhulled rice, cracked corn, hemp, and sunflower seeds ; but the effects of all food should be watched, and any one of the above which seems to disagree with the bird must of course be withheld. Probably ninety-nine parrots in every one hundred thrive on the above mixture. Give daily, if. eaten, a piece of cuttle-bone the size of a walnut. Half a dozen peanuts may be given occasionally, but no other nuts, as they are too rich. Never give any meat, bones, or greasy food of any kind, as they cause diseases, and ruin the plumage. Dainties from the table are usually indigestible and harmful. Fruits, such as apples, oranges, bananas, cherries, can be given, but only those proper for your special bird should be allowed in limited quantity. A vegetable red-pepper pod can be given every week or so, and is particularly desirable during the moulting season. A piece of raw onion, half the size of an egg, acts as a good tonic. Cracker, or stale but good bread, soaked in coffee, is good daily ; but some gray parrots will not take coffee, or it may make them nervous, in which case water should be used. Water causes some to have diarrhoea, and coffee, in that case, is the better drink. Silver gravel in abundance should be given fresh daily for eating and bathing. The cage or stand should be cleansed THE GRAY PARROT. with water, or soap and water, every third day, and oftener if necessary. Bathing in sand is usual, in water is unusual, for parrots ; but water baths should be given according to the health and needs of the bird, one to three times a week, through the year. Use from a pint to a quart of tepid water, in which a tea- spoonful of borax has been dissolved, spraying the bird with the coarse atomizer which holds a half- pint. If a teaspoonful of wine is afterwards thrown on with a small atomizer, the plumage will become glossy and beautiful. The grays, like most of the larger parrots, sometimes live from fifty to seventy-five, and even one hundred years. TABLE OF THE PARROT FAMILY. M V c c o ~ s'2 ti *o *' | .&> fe ^2 ^ >> rt D T3 S 5 2 .a i a B "c3 3 3- |Sjj 1= 3 E2 Gray IO IO IO 8 Mexican . . 10 9 10 5 8 9 51 Carthagena . Single H'd . IO 7 8 6 I 8 3 8 7 9 7 5 2 Amazon . . 8 8 5 3 8 8 4 Blue-front . 6 5 5 5 6 27 Maracaibo . 6 5 5 _ 4 8 28 Cuban 6 6 6 _ 5 Dwarf. . . 6 6 4 4 9 IO 33 3 Macaw 7 5 5 IO 6 33 Cockatoo . . 6 4 - 7 8 25 In the above comparative table, 10 is the highest figure under each heading, and the total number of points is 60. A GREEN PARROT. THERE are many varieties of the green parrots, but this article will treat only of those usually caged in America. THE DOUBLE YELLOW HEAD of Mexico is the operatic star of the parrot family ; his natural gift of song is great, and his voice is clear, sweet, and reso- nant. There are marvellous stones of the repertoire which some of these Mexicans are capable of render- ing. I have owned birds of this variety, which could sing the words and music of two, three, and four songs, and give each with its best points, well phrased, and in a style that would always " take the house." The Mexican is of a beautiful green through- out the body, with a pale orange forehead, and scarlet and blue feathers in wings and tail ; his feet are strong and white ; his beak is white ; his tongue (79) v- A GREEN PARROT. may be white, black, or mottled. His length is from fourteen to sixteen inches, being a somewhat longer and thicker bird than the gray parrot. As the birds get older, the pale orange color of the forehead deepens, and extends back over the head. These birds are not only great singers, but free talkers as well, learning many words when taught for three months or so, and are most amusing at times by theii manner of mingling songs and speeches. The grays, and these Mexicans, are the most enjoy- able birds to own, because most intelligent and teach- able. Cage, food, and care, are the same for the Mexican, as for the gray. THE CARTHAGENA PARROT is from thirteen to fifteen inches long, being about the size of the Mexican, and has all green plumage, except on the back of the neck, a pale orange marking about the size of a silver half- dollar ; and in the wings and tail feathers red and blue markings. This bird becomes quite a singer, whistles some, and talks very well ; he is generally next to the Mexican, and his food and care are the same as that bird's. THE SINGLE YELLOW HEAD is smaller than the Double Yellow Head, being from eleven to thirteen inches long, but has the same colors and markings as that bird, except the beak is dark, instead of flesh color, and the narrow pale-orange stripe on the fore- head does not extend as the bird grows older. This bird makes a fair talker, learning easily, but not so many sentences as those named above. His food and care is the same. DISEASES. 8l THE AMAZON PARROT is a native of the upper por- tion of South America; he is not quite as large as the Mexican ; his light-green body, and brilliant head- dress of blue and yellow, throat of orange tinged with red, scarlet-tipped wings and parti-colored tail, make him very attractive. He is an apt scholar, and easily learns to talk and sing. Food as above. THE BLUE FRONT PARROT is twelve or thirteen inches long, with plain green body and blue forehead, and slight red and blue markings in the wings. He becomes a fair talker. His food is same as above. THE MARACAIBO PARROT is ten or eleven inches long, with green body, forehead well marked with yellow, and wings having some blue, yellow, and red markings. He looks like a small edition of the Mexi- can, and sometimes makes an excellent talker. His food is the same as above. THE CUBAN PARROT is ten to twelve inches long, with green body, white forehead, scarlet throat, and scarlet and blue wings. These are usually imported when three months old, so they are tame, and very teachable, becoming quite good English scholars. The food is the same as above. DISEASES. If parrots are properly fed, and their cages or stands kept clean, they remain in good health during the long life of from fifty to one hundred years. The principal diseases afflicting birds not properly cared for are as below. I have written these prescrip- tions without seeing your particular patient. Use your judgment about increasing or diminishing the number and quantity of the doses. 82 COLD AND INDIGESTION. COLD. Keep the bird in a very warm place, and give a few bird peppers ; into a glass of water put ten drops of aconite, and every hour pour a teaspoonful down the bird's throat. Second remedy : Clean the bird's nostrils with a feather dipped in salt water, and then moisten them with the oil of almonds. Rub the beak and throat externally with a solution of chlorate of kali one part, and twenty parts of hot water ; let the bird inhale tar vapor, putting the tar in a bottle, one part of tar to twenty-five parts of hot water. INDIGESTION. Give a plain, light diet of unhulled rice, and a few sunflower seeds ; but little green food or fruit, some salt, and tepid drinking water, with a tea- spoonful of lime water in it ; a teaspoonful of warm Bordeaux wine can be poured down the bird's throat. CONSTIPATION. Use warm castor-oil and olive-oil in equal parts, dropping it into the vent or passage from the head of a pin ; after several repetitions, large masses of excrement pass away; give a dose of ten drops of castor-oil, with half a teaspoonful of honey, once or twice a day. Feed hemp and sunflower seeds in equal parts. DIARRHOZA. Keep the bird in a warm place, feed unhulled rice, and give a half cracker soaked in brandy, on which sprinkle red pepper. In severe cases, put five drops of paregoric into a teaspoonful of boiled milk, and give this full dose every three hours. BLOODY DIARRHCEA. Give four drops of laudanum in a teaspoonful of boiled milk every three hours. Give no fruit or green stuff, and do not allow the bird to drink water, unless it has had some tincture of iron put into it. DYSENTERY AND VOMITING. 83 DYSENTERY. Treat as for diarrhoea ; and give also one-half to one teaspoonful of castor-oil, with ten drops of honey. The sticky feathers under the tail should be washed with warm water. VOMITING, when caused only by fright, or anxiety, or overeating, has but little significance ; but when arising from inflammation of the stomach, and accom- panied by weakness, shivering, loss of appetite, or bloody discharges, should be treated as follows : Apply warm or nearly hot poultices of bread or flaxseed to the belly ; also apply sand as warm as is pleasant to the hand. Give teaspoonful doses of a solution of tannin, two parts to seventy-five or one hundred parts of warm water two or three times a day. PULLING THE FEATHERS. This is caused usually by improper food, too much hemp-seed, meat, or bones, and too close confinement. Feed sunflower seeds and annulled rice ; keep plenty of gravel in the cage, and a constant supply of wood for the bird to gnaw. Amuse the bird by giving spools and a " robust " china doll to play with. Put a half-teaspoonful of glycerine to a teacupful of tepid water, and spray the bird thoroughly six to ten times daily, using the full dose each time. Smear the plumage with the tincture of bitter aloes. Put the bird into new surroundings to occupy his attention. Some keepers have good results by reducing the quantity of food by degrees, till the bird gets only a third of its usual allowance ; then it becomes weakened, its blood being reduced, and leaves off the habit. For further information on diseases and treatment, consult Holden's " Canaries and Cage Birds." THE AUSTRALIAN PAROQUET. PAROQUET is the name generally given to the smaller kinds of parrots, from which birds the species placed under this head do not otherwise differ than in size : the term is somewhat arbitrarily applied, so that you will frequently have the same bird called at one time a parrot, at another a paroquet, as might be expected, there being no exact boundary line to divide the larger from the lesser kinds. THE AUSTRALIAN PAROQUET. 85 THE AUSTRALIAN PAROQUET, a very beautiful and eccentric bird, has but recently been introduced into this country; yet he possesses so many desirable qualifications that he has at once become a well- known member of the " bird family." This bird is a native of the island from whence the name is derived ; and in a wild state leads a retired and sequestered life, sometimes alone, and again in pairs. During mating season they are found in pairs, and in immense numbers, the male and female each singing to the other incessantly. As they are inhabitants of the ground, where they build their nests, they are rarely found in trees. Their plumage is a beautiful shade of green, with a few brownish or black feathers upon the back, and the feathers of the head a bright lemon color ; which, added to the bright blue spots around the head and neck, make them a beautiful and attractive bird. They easily become domesticated to cage-life, and are capable of being taught many amusing tricks. They are hardy birds, and easily endure the cold winters of the north, the author once having placed a pair where water froze to the depth of an inch, and this, too, without any perceptible injury to the birds. They should be fed wholly upon canary-seed, and allowed frequent baths. With this treatment they will continue in perfect health for many years. THE TROOPIAL. THE SOUTH AMERICAN TROOPIAL has a beautiful rich plumage, and looks very much like our Ameri- can golden robin, or what is known as the Baltimore oriole ; the chief difference being that he is much larger in size, with the orange of the body more of a yellow. Few, if any, birds have a natural song at once so sweet and powerful as this ; and none have a nicer ear and a more retentive memory. Take a young male, and instruct him carefully by means of a flageolet or flute, and he will not only repeat the air played, but imitate the very tones of the instru- (86) THE TROOPIAL. 87 ment with astonishing fidelity. We have heard troopials thus instructed whose strain seemed to us the very perfection of melody, such as only a skilful performer could produce ; and such a one as this is really a valuable bird. Give us the troopial with the loud sweet song morning and evening, the vesper and matin chants, and his beautiful plumes seeming veritable sunbeams of the tropics, diffusing light and warmth around. They are extremely active, and very graceful in their movements, and require a cage the same size that a mocking-bird is usually confined in. In their wild state their food consists of insects and berries ; caged, they require the same food and treatment as the mocking-bird. They may also be brought up without much difficulty upon white bread soaked in milk, and raw lean meat scraped fine, and mixed with it. There are few wild birds, which, when confined, become so thoroughly domesticated as the troopial. They can be taught with little trouble to accept food from the hand, to fly to and perch upon the one who regularly attends to their daily requirements ; while their extreme docility is a fact proven beyond a doubt. THE BRAZILIAN CARDINAL. THE BRAZILIAN CARDINAL is one of the beautiful whistling birds of the tropics, and is justly admired as a cage-bird. The back is dark gray, the quill- feathers of the wings are of a darker shade of the same color, and the tail is nearly black ; the head, crest, cheeks, and throat are bright red of an orange hue, deepest on the chest, where it ends in a point ; the lower part of the body is grayish white, and the feet and legs are black ; the strong beak is dusky gray ; the crest is pointed like that of the Virginia nightingale, and is raised and depressed at pleasure. His brilliant scarlet head forms a beautiful contrast with the snowy white of his body. In addition to his beautiful plumage, he is also gifted with powers of song. If fed upon unhulled rice and canary-seed, and given plenty of bathing water, he will live many years in confinement. (88) THE JAVA SPARROW. THE JAVA SPARROW takes his name from the Java Islands, where they abound in immense numbers. Their chief recommendation is the great neatness and beauty of plumage ; their glossy black head, with clear white cheeks, and delicate rose-colored bill, that looks like a piece of wax-work, and their light- slate or almost ashen-gray body, forming one of the richest combinations of colors ; the plumage being so neat and smooth that the feathers all seem to fit into each other ; and all appear covered with bloom QO THE JAVA SPARROW. like that upon plums. They are very affectionate birds, and happy in confinement; and occasionally one is seen that can in reality be called a bird of song. They can be taught a variety of amusing tricks ; and, perhaps more than any other caged bird, will perform their tricks at command, with the seem- ing fear of a child. The pairs are much attached to each other, and are continually dressing each other's feathers. They are generally fed upon canary and millet seed, but in a wild state live chiefly on rice. At a bird exhibition at Crystal Palace, London, a few years since, a pair of Java sparrows were exhib- ited, entirely white, with the black head and throat and rose-colored beak of the gray Java sparrow, a.nd with the plumage equally soft and downy and I was told that they were most beautiful birds. THE MOCKING BIRD. THE AMERICAN MOCKING-BIRD. This unrivalled songster, though he may not possess the melodious sweetness of the nightingale and lark, or the beau- tiful pipe of the blackbird, yet in himself he unites all the excellences to a greater extent than any other living bird. Who, on passing through the streets of any large city on a bright night in June, has not heard the shrill scream of the eagle, the mourning note of the turtle-dove, the delicate warble of the blue-bird, the cackling of the domes- tic hen, followed by the quarrelling of a dozen or more grimalkins, each seeming to vie with the other as to the quantity of noise ; then the cry of the (90 92 MOCKING-BIRD POOD. katydid, the mellow whistle of the cardinal, the grunt of the maternal porker searching for her juveniles, the creaking of some rusty swing-sign- board, the pipe of the canary, and the cry of some lost puppy wailing in the midnight air, and each succeeding the other with such rapidity, that the listener wonders if such a variety can come from so small an object. All this the mocking-bird is capable of. The mocking-bird is a general favorite, and deserves to be attentively cared for. He is particular, and should be fed and watered at the same time every day. His cage should be large, and kept very clean, with plenty of gravel. His food should be OUR PREPARED FOOD. It is for mocking-birds and all long-bill or soft-bill birds ; has been used for a great many years, and -is pronounced best. It is in bottles all ready for use ; in the boxes it requires the addition of equal quantity of grated raw car- rot. The box-food lasts longer, and so is cheaper. A good way is to feed the two kinds alternately. A few ant's eggs, soaked and mixed with the food, is very beneficial. They can be had of us. A little sweet-apple grated up with the food gives it a fine flavor, and often restores the appetite when it is poor during moulting, and hot weather. During moult- ing, add ants' eggs and meal-worms to food, daily. A SUPPLY of INSECTS should be gathered during the proper season, such as flies, grasshoppers, spi- ders, &c., and put loosely in a paper bag, and hung ap to dry ; and, when used in winter, they should MOCKING-BIRD FOOD. 93 have boiling water poured over them, wh ch will soften them, and make them as palatable as if they were still alive. A grasshopper thus prepared is a Thanksgiving dinner to your bird. Zante currants, the same as used for cake, washed clean, soaked over night, and wiped dry, also make a dainty morsel. Give any fruits or berries. MEAL-WORMS give a bird a great deal of life, and, being the richest of food, should only be given occasionally, say two or three worm; daily. Every owner of a soft-bill bird should raise a stock of meal-worms. The process is very simple, and con sists in first taking an old box or jar, and placing therein a quantity of bran or meal, in fact, any fari- naceous meal, a few biscuit or part of a loaf of bread, a few pieces of leather from an old, worn-out boot or shoe, and some woollen rags ; place therein a few meal-worms, say fifty, and then cover the opening tightly with a thick cloth. If this cloth is moistened with water occasionally, they will breed faster ; and, if not disturbed, at the expiration of from four to six months, you will have thousands. MOCKING-BIRDS HAVE DISEASES. Should your bird's feathers stand loosely all over, and he stiii seem healthful, give him cooling food only. Should your bird be dumpish and stupid, a few spiders will usually cure him. Should he refuse to eat, examine his tongue, and you probably will find on it a horny scale : this must be removed with great care, as, if allowed to remain, your bird will surely die. To remove this scale, hold the bird on his back firmly 94 MOCKING-BIRD DISEASES. wri f h one hand, and, with the finger-nail of the othei hand, gently peel this scale from the tongue. Care- fully watch the bird's droppings, and immediately apply the cure for illness. DIARRHOEA is CURED by a very rusty nail placed in his drinking-cup, and the reverse by insect food, 01 water with a few ants' eggs soaked in it. Blind- ness is not to be cured ; and the bird thus attacked will shortly die, its spirit being broken by the illness. During the month of May, sometimes eaiiier, all birds have what is called the MATING FEVER. They grow melancholy, allow their feathers to grow rough, cease to " plume themselves " before retiring, waste away, and die. All lovers of birds must have observed that, a bird never goes to sleep without arranging, just before dark, every feather. The uniformity and tedious ness of a bird's life, confined in a cage, that was not bred in one, is the cause of this mating-fever. They have an ungratified sensual desire. In many instances they forget their inclination for freedom and a mate, by simply changing tTie cage, and hang- ing near a window, where their time will be taken up in watching new surroundings. MOCKING- BIRD LICE are a great annoyance to a bird, and should be gotten rid of. This is best done by placing the bird in another perfectly clean cage ; then steep some fine-cut chewing tobacco in water, and, with a very weak solution, wash the bird very thoroughly, particularly under the wings ; then place a white cloth or towel on top of the cage, BIRD-LICE AND IMPROPER FOOD. 95 and they will crawl up, and in a few days you will be rid of them. Clean your cage very thoroughly before you replace your bird therein ; and, with proper attention to cleanliness, you will not again be troubled with them. Experience has taught us that nine-tenths of the ailments of birds are caused by improper feeding. Bits of sugar, candy, daily green food, grapes, meat from the table, all are bad for any bird. Birds need plain food, regularly given. Seed-birds require seed free from dust ; other birds, food mixed daily in clean vessels. A bath should be given the mocking- bird daily ; and the vessel should be removed from the cage when the bird has bathed. You can soon teach any bird to bathe directly when you give him his bath, if you give it to him at the same hour each day. If irregular yourself, the bird will contract the same habit. These remarks on the mocking-bird will also apply to the thrush, starling, lark, nightingale, robin, black cap, and, in fact, all the family of soft-bill birds, [n doctoring your sick bird, ascertain as nearly as possible what his complaint is, and apply the rem edy ; if it does not succeed, try another. Birds have been known to be at the point of death with cos dveness, when a small spider has been forced down their throats, and a large knitting-needle, dipped into oil, inserted into the passage as an injection, and the bird caused to fly a few feet, when imme diate relief followed, and in a few hours the bird was again in song. THE GROSBEAK. THE ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK, though a very elegant bird, is but little known ; yet few of our domestic birds much surpass him in sweetness of song, or beauty of plumage. He sings by night as well as by day, and the notes are very clear and mel- low. His great rarity accounts for the fact that he is so seldom seen caged ; yet no bird can be more highly prized ; the bright carmine breast, and deep black and snowy white body, forming such a rich contrast. Caged, he becomes very tame in a short space of time, and, being well contented in confine- ment, lives many years. He usually keeps in the best of health if fed upon nothing but canary-seed. If hemp or unhulled rice (unless necessary) is fed, he will eat until it is with difficulty that he can move from the bottom of the cage. (96) THE VIRGINIA NIGHTINGALE. " Give me but Something whereunto I may bind my heart, Something to love, to rest upon, to clasp Affection's tendrils round." Mrs. Hemans. THE VIRGINIA NIGHTINGALE, sometimes called the Virginia red-bird, sometimes the cardinal, is a native of the Southern States, and one of the handsomest birds of the New World. His color is of a brilliant red, with the exception of the throat and the part round the beak, which are black. The head is orna- mented with a tuft, which he is capable of raising, giving a very commanding appearance. Together 98 VIRGINIA NIGHTINGALE. with his beautiful plumage, this bird is gifted with a very sweet, pleasing song, or rather whistle, which sounds almost like the playing of a flageolet, being very pleasant to the ear. He is very hardy, and easily taken care of. He is also very tender-hearted, and kind in feeding young birds even of a different species, when placed in the same cage. One belong- ing to an old woman at Washington earned for his mistress a large sum of money by rearing a number of young birds of other species placed under his charge. He should be fed with a mixture of canary and hemp seed, and rough (unhulled) rice, to which may be added a little fresh green food, or a piece of apple occasionally. When properly treated, this bird often attains the age of fifteen years ; though he will fade away from the beautiful scarlet to a delicate shade of pink. A lady who has had a pet Virginia nightingale for some years says he is still in the highest health and beauty; she feeds him upon canary-seed, giving him a few hemp-seeds, four or five meal-worms, or spiders, grubs, or caterpillars every day. He is fond of Spanish nuts, almonds, walnuts, and Indian corn, but cannot crack the nuts. A piece of salt and a lump of chalk are always kept in his cage, and she gives him opportunity for a daily bath. The salt causes the bird to retain his bril- liancy, and the chalk keeps him regular. THE BOBOLINK. THE BOBOLINK received his name from a peculiar song of his own, in which he expresses very dis- tinctly the words " bob-o-link " several times in suc- cession. They are found all over the United States in the summer season, in great numbers, but migrate southerly when cold weather approaches. Their song is a confused, merry jingle of notes, of about the quality of the canary, but without any method whatever. They are easily domesticated to cage-life, and, when fed on nothing but canary-seed (no hemp), will sing about eight months of the year. They are hardy, and will live many years. The author owned one that was sent to the World's Fair in 1851, and, after taking the first prize in Europe, came safely back to America. (99>) THE AMERICAN LINNET. THE RED LINNET, a beautiful singing, or we might say whistling bird, is one that should be as univer- sally kept as the canary. His song is equally as sweet ; and he will sing for ten months of the year, or the whole season, excepting during the time of moulting. The song consists of a variety of low, sweet-sounding notes, which are never harsh to the ear ; and if kept near other birds, the power of imi- tation being very good, he will soon add many beauti- ful notes to the already sweet song. In confinement he becomes very tame, and, if fed sparingly, will live a number of years. He should be fed exclusively on rape and canary seed, and, at times, a short allowance of that. If hemp-seed is fed, very soon he has a giddiness followed by epilepsy, and shortly after by death. He is fond of bathing, of two kinds ; first, like the sky-lark, in plenty of gravel, and second, in water ; and a bath must be given daily. (100) THE AMERICAN YELLOW-BIRD. " Blooming trees, and bubbling springs ! Bless me, how that wild-bird sings ! " THE AMERICAN YELLOW-BIRD, or what in reality is the American goldfinch, is a beautiful lemon- colored bird with a black cap and black and white wings, and has always been a favorite with every- body. He is a pretty thing to look at, and has many graceful attitudes when jumping about in a cage ; or, as we once heard a countrywoman say, who was a great lover of birds, " He has such a many winning ways with him, that one can't help liking him, if even we try." Then to say nothing of his singing, although that is very pleasant to listen to, a little deficient in variety perhaps, not so quick in picking up tunes as a few other birds, still he can do no end of things which better singers cannot do ; and, in a wild state, his song has a brisk, cheerful, heart- stirring ring. Thousands are caught every season by means of trap-cages, using almost any bird for a decoy. If fed upon maw, millet, and a little canary- seed (the two latter should be soaked a little), and otherwise treated as a canary, he has been known to live ten years in confinement. THE NONPAREIL. " A merry welcome to thee, glittering bird ! Lover of summer flowers and sunny things ! A night hath passed since my young buds have heard The music of thy rainbow-colored wings, Wings, that flash sparkles out where'er they quiver, Like sudden sunlight rushing o'er a river." THE NONPAREIL is what his name indicates, " without an equal ; " being one of the most beautiful cage-birds, and needs only to be seen to be admired. He is called by many authors the " painted finch " or " painted bunting," and is also spoken of by Buffon as "the pope," on account of his beautiful violet hood. I have a beautiful specimen of the bird, which at the present moment has a violet head (102) THE NONPAREIL. 103 and neck, a red circle round the eyes, the iris brown, the beak and feet brown, the upper part of the back yellowish-green, the lower part of the back, and the throat, chest, and whole under part of the body, as well as the upper tail-coverts, of a bright red ; the wing-coverts are green, the quills reddish-brown tinged with green ; the tail is reddish-brown. He is about the size of the English robin, and very much resembles that bird in his attitudes and character- istics ; and his song, though not powerful, is very agreeable. He is fed upon canary and millet seed, and is exceedingly fond of flies and spiders, which he ought to have to keep him in health. If I offer him one, he darts across the cage to seize it, and takes it from my hand fearlessly ; and, when allowed to fly about the room, will catch flies for himself, either pouncing upon them in the window, or taking them on the wing in the course of a rapid dash across the room. He is a sociable bird, and very inquisitive, hopping about on the table, and examining every- thing he sees ; and, when tired of his sudden flights about the room, will go to a vase of flowers placed before a mirror, and warble away to his image re- flected in the glass. This bird is very fond of bath- ing, and should therefore be daily provided with a bath ; but, when allowed to fly about a room, care must be taken not to leave a pitcher, or any large vessel with water, within his reach, as he is very apt to attempt to bathe, and might get drowned. THE JAPANESE ROBIN. THE JAPANESE -ROBIN. Perhaps, not the least among the beauties and pleasures which our present commercial relations with the empire of Japan afford, are the gorgeous plumage, elegant songsters, so quickly introducing themselves, and so completely charming us. The Japanese have reduced the breeding of birds to a science ; so that one may take any color or even shade to a bird-breeder, and in a short space he will show you a fledgling of just the desired hue. But the natural colors of the robin far surpass those which can be obtained by domestic breeding in cages. " The head of the robin is a bronze-green ; beak yellow ; body the color of a mourning dove ; eyes black, with a circlet of white ; throat cru tint of yellow, shading on the breast into orange ; wing-feathers black, with parti- colored stripes of gold and white ; and tail-feathers glossy black, barred with white so clear, that the bird looks as if he had just been out in an April (104) THE JAPANESE ROBIN. 10$ flurry of snow." For this description of colors we are indebted to Mrs. Dr. G. Kimball of Lowell, Mass. In size, the bird is similar to a bulfinch ; has an eye large, mild, and genial, and every movement is graceful and sprightly. In such a Venus of shape and beauty, we usually expect little or no music ; but listen ! he utters a low prelude. You whistle a responsive call, which he never fails to answer ; and as the sun now rises, and its rays gleam on his square, golden palace, his full, strong melody surprises you. On, on he sings. Now you are delighted ; then rap- ture follows delight, as trill and warble and merry run follow in quick succession. His voice compasses all the notes and semi-tones contained between the low contralto and high tenor. Every day he delights with new and surprising com- binations, as well as notes totally different from any before uttered. Some day from the porch he hears a wild bird's tender song or delicate trill, and forthwith makes it his own, and yours too in pay- ment for a little care and petting. He whistles every month in the year. Though not reared in a cage, he is tame and teachable, never quarrels nor complains, eats with keen relish the prepared bird-food, and occasionally wants a few meal-worms or ant's eggs. Being very hardy he has few diseases. Carrot grated and mixed with his food once or twice a week, keeps him in good health and song throughout the year. His cage should be square, about medium size. DIAMOND SPARROW. CUT-THROAT SPARROW "The birds around me hopped and played : Their thoughts I cannot measure ; But the least motion which they made, It seemed a thrill of pleasure." WORDSWORTH. DIAMONDS, emeralds, and sapphires are beautiful gems ; but the living gems, the beautiful little crea- tures known as finches, far outshine them. I can never forget the day that I first saw these darlings. America is the home of the humming bird and lovely nonpareil ; Europe sends us her loved songsters : but to Africa, India, Asia, Australia, and Japan are we indebted for the dear, sweet, lovely, little creatures, marvels of beauty that they are, known under the name, somewhat arbitrarily applied, of African finches, and Japanese nuns. (106) AFRICAN FINCHES. l ? " Caged at my window the little birds sing, Wild with delight at the coming of spring." Among the various colors we have the ashen gray, turquoise blue, crimson, ruby, emerald green, mal- tese, the rich reddish brown, the wine color, the cinnamon and white, invisible green, and black and white, the orange and slate, the delicate fawn ; in fact, colors of every conceivable hue, many of them shaded with a darker color of the same, giving the effect to the plumage of scallop shells, laid one over the other. Added to these you have the little white Chinese finch, the coal black Cuba finch, the coral red finch ; and among them ail you have the neutral tints of every color. " To charm the sense, and soothe the pensive heart, And bid sweet dreams and gentlest fancies start." These finches are thoroughly happy in each other's society, and sit all together in a row, packed as closely as possible, caressing and pluming each other. If you place a small box or nest in the cage, and supply them with cotton-batting, thread, or horse-hair, they will make a charming little nes"t, which, if the weather be cool, several will occupy, " cuddling " closely together, often sleeping for hours. The pleasure to be derived from watching the little creatures is certainly very great. Most of them are the sweetest songsters ; and it seems at 108 AFRICAN FINCHES. times, as if there certainly was a singing school, and each was striving to see how long he could sing, and how great a variety of notes he could utter. Those who are confined to the house can profit- ably spend days and weeks in familiarizing them- selves with this, the most interesting branch of natural history. And the price has now become so reasonable that all who have the taste and who has not ? can have it gratified. A ten-dollar bill will purchase a brass cage, and four or five small birds or finches. Before America was blessed with an assortment of these pets, our own loved poet, Bryant, wrote, " And thou wert still a hope, a love ; Still longed for, never seen." During the past five years there has been a per- fect revolution in the bird trade ; and Bryant's wish has been more than realized, for at any well-kept bird store large family cages can be seen, and their occupants, " Birds from every clime." Among the various finches we will describe such ones as are usually first selected. ST. HELENA WAXBILL. AVADAVAT. " These musicians excel in their wonderful art : They have compass of voice, and the gamut by heart." THE AVADAVAT. This little well-known beauty comes to us in great numbers. They are natives of China, Asia, Africa, and India. Their plumage is beautiful ; and, unlike most other birds, they change plumage yearly until the third year. At this time, the head and under part of the body are a fiery red tinged with black, the back brown, tail black, wings a reddish brown ; all the feathers are tipped with white, giving the bird the appearance of being speckled with white spots ; beak red, the upper mandible on the top being almost black. " A little bird sang on the tree ; His song was joyous, glad, and gay." THE GRAY-BLUE FINCH. This bird has a song that seems a mixture of the canaries' and bobo- (109) THE ORANGE-CHEEK WAXBILL. I IO links', but very much finer than either of these much- admired birds. " Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight." He will mate and rear his young in the aviary, ad- hering to the tropical spring month, November, raising beautiful young birds in our mid-winter. THE SILVER-BILL, or Quaker bird, has a pretty warbling song, and will often dance upon the perch, as if keeping time to his melody. When kept in couples, they are very affectionate, and devote the greater part of their time to caressing each other. " And hear the sound of music sweet, From birds among the bowers." THE ORANGE - CHEEK WAXBILL is a beautiful, smooth little bird, always as neat as possible, with every feather in its place, vermilion beak, gray head, neck and throat brown. THE ZEBRA, or orange - breast waxbill, is quite small, but very pleasing ; and, as he is scarcely three inches long, he is considered desirable. THE CHESTNUT FINCH is another choice bird, and one which will speedily become a favorite. The whole body is of a rich chestnut-brown, both above and below ; the upper and under tail coverts white, and the tail black. THE MAGPIE FINCH is one of the little beauties with a bottle-green head, brownish back, white JAPANESE NUN. Ill throat and breast, always neat and trim, and a songster. " From perch to perch the magpie hops, And chirrups as he flies." NUNS, both black and white capped, often called African manikins, are a really beautiful bird, their white head forming a rich contrast with the choco- late brown and black bodies. An aviary is hardly complete without one of each. JAPANESE NUNS are a beautiful combination of the purest white, intermingled with the much ad- mired cinnamon color. These pets, being bred in cages, are very tame, of a quiet disposition, and sing so merrily that you would think two songs were striving for united utterance. " There's a concert, a concert of gladness and glee ; The programme is rich, and the tickets are free." Not less beautiful are the brown and white, and yellow and white, charming pets that they are, and with which you would not part. THE CORDON BLUE, native of Africa, or, as some call this well-known finch, crimson-ear waxbill, is one of great beauty. The male has a soft, pleasing song, and is usually to be heard cooing, as if for his own amusement. This little fellow has a pe- culiar habit of singing with a bit of twine, or some- thing which he can hold, in his bill. If he can find a piece of cotton, or a stalk of any kind, he will hop about his cage, and sing to his utmost. JAPANESE NUN. CORDON BLUE FINCH. " Thou hast no sorrow in thy song, No winter in thy year." THE CUT-THROAT SPARROW, a native of Africa, sometimes called " fascinated finch," is about half the size of the canary. He is of a delicate grayish- fawn color, spangled with white spots. " Come, little bird, and live with me, You shall be happy, light, and free." THE ST. HELENA WAXBILL. This finch comes to us from Africa in great numbers : and, being com- paratively well known, our description will be brief. The beak, a bright red resembling sealing-wax, a darker shade of same passing through each eye ; also a dash of same on under part of the body: the prevailing color of the plumage is a grayish-brown, THE DIAMOND SPARROW. 113 the wings and tail being a shade darker; all the feathers have transverse blackish wavy lines all over them, giving them a very soft and silken appear- ance. THE DIAMOND SPARROW, or " spotted-sided finch," a native of Australia, is a short, stout bird, some- what larger than the St. Helena waxbill. The un- der part of the body is white, and the sides under the wings quite black, with oblong white spots. They have the utmost desire to catch flies ; and, if allowed the liberty of a room, will rush to the win- dow, and remain by the hour catching them. They can be made remarkably tame, and can be trusted without their cage. THE FIRE FINCH bears a strong resemblance to the avadavat at certain seasons of the year. He is somewhat larger, but has little song, being kept particularly for beauty and cheerful disposition. THE SAFFRON FINCH is in many respects similar to the canary, though not quite as large. In point of color, however, the finch is more desirable, as the shades are of brighter tints. " The tropic sunshine from his golden wings." The above comprise a variety of the family of finches. There are, however, very many others, which can be obtained at any well-kept bird store. They should be fed upon millet-seed, and given a bath daily ; care should be taken that they are kept in a warm room, and, if possible, in the warm rays "4 FINCHES, THEIR CARE. of the sun. Cayenne pepper, sprinkled on the sand in the bottom of the cage twice a week, will be found beneficial. They are fond of the sun, and delight to bask in its warmth. Their ailments are very few, and these few are about the same as those of the canary and other seed-eating birds ; for treat- ment of which see article on canary. Care must be taken not to leave them exposed to cold draughts or the dampness of the night air. With the above precautions, all these birds can be kept in the aviary for many years. So far as possible in a volume of this size, the description of finches will be found complete. These birds are all suitable for the aviary ; but the following birds can be placed with them by those who desire to make a more extended collection: canary, goldfinch, linnet, bulfinch, chaffinch, siskin, American goldfinch, indigo bird, nonpareil, song sparrow, Java sparrow, Australian paroquets, love birds, mountain finch, rose bunting, Virginia night- ingale, rose-breast grosbeak, Brazilian cardinal, sparrow, and many others. Of course the bird family, like all others, is liable to domestic troubles. Sometimes a bird of certain species will become troublesome, and destroy the quiet and happiness of the entire family. When such one is found, he should be taken out, and exchanged at a first-class bird-store for another of his kind : by this means the aviary will become a model of quietness and harmony. BIRD-SEED. II 5 BIRD-SEED. Very few persons are aware ho\i much a bird's health, and consequently its song, depends upon the selection of seed. There are as many qualities or grades of canary-seed as there are qualities or grades of flour. Is all flout alike! If it is," then all seed is alike. The qual ity of canary-seed is usually based by dealers in seed upon the price per bushel, it varying from $6.75 to $8.00 at present writing . (Jan, 1875). The very best seed is the SICILY CANARY. It is a very plump and heavy- feeling seed, and is extremely palatable to the bird. A sample of this seed enough to last one bira two months will be sent by mail, prepaid, on re- ceipt of twenty-five cents. THE GERMAN SUMMER RAPE-SEED is excellent for birds, and should always be given them. It is their only food in Germany, where they are reared, and, being of a very cooling nature, will always keep the bird in excellent condition ; though, if fed on this exclusively, he will not sing as much as if his seed were mixed with canary, the canary giving the bird life and animation. A PACKAGE OF CLEAR RAPE, or rape and canary mixed, will be sent the same as the clear canary, and at same price. The next seed which is used, and often by persons en- tirely ignorant of its nature, is HEMP-SEED. This is a very rich, oily, sweet seed, and very much loved by birds of every species. When mixed with other seeds, the bird never fails to scatter all other around the room, searching r6 BIRD-SEED. tor this dainty morsel, and, so long as he has one seed, will not taste either rape or canaiy. This, being the richest of all seed, should be fed very sparingly If the bird is in health and song, never give hemp for it only fattens, and, if constantly fed, will ruin the song. Occasionally a bird seems deli- cate, and is a very small eater : in such a case give a few hemp, and only a few, unless the bird be a long breed, in which case give about a thimble- ful, not oftencr than twice a week. Goldfinches and siskins are fed upon MAW-SEED, sometimes called poppy. These two lit- tle climbing birds have very soft bills, that is, the young birds, and it is with difficulty that they crack rape and canary seed, unless it has been previ- ously soaked, until the birds are at least two years old. All birds are great lovers of maw-seed ; and it must be fed sparingly; for, being a powerful opiate, they will feed upon it until they drop from the perch from its intoxicating effect. The few birds that require this seed, besides the preceding, are the bulfinch, canary, and occasionally some other seed- eating bird j for which see Treatment of Birds. The next seed used is called PADDY, unhulled or rough rice. This seed is fed to most of the seed-eating birds of the rice-fields of the Southern States, and also those that come from China, Java, or in fact from any part of the world that rice is grown. All of the family of grosbeaks are particularly fond of it, as is also the Java spar- row and rice bird. Our native bobolink is not BIRD-SEED. 117 averse to a bountiful supply ; -but, with the feeding of this in any quantity, his vocal powers are ruined For the family of finches, MILLET-SEED is used exclusively. It is the size and color of mustard-seed, very sweet ; and birds thrive remarkably well upon it, though many of them will also eat readily of rape and canary seed. This seed, being nutritious, can be fed to any seed-eating bird, and without detriment to them. The only other food required is CRACKED CORN and cracked wheat. This is fed principally to macaws, parrots, paroquets (of the larger species), cockadillos, cockatoos, lories, &c. The corn, being of a heating nature, should only be given in small quantities. By the present postal laws, seed can be sent safely through the mail ; and all orders intrusted to us will be filled with the very best quality, and the largest possible amount forwarded for the money sent. To those living remote from a bird-store, and de- siring one of "God's joyous warblers," it is with pleasure that we here state that they can be safely sent by express to any part of the United States 01 Canadas. All any party need do is to give an ordei I to an express company, accompanying the same with a five-dollar bill, this is very important to the express company, and for this sum he will procure [you a first-class singing canary. I am aware that many people are reluctant to trust a bird to the \tuppostd rough handling of an expressman. The n8 TRANSPORTING BIRDS. expressman may handle a trunk roughly, and throw packages around in a careless manner, but not the little innocent bird. Could you but see, as the author has so many, many times, on a cold,*bleak winter's day, an ex- press-messenger, clad in an ordinary under coat, drive to the store door, and take from his wagon a package of birds closely wrapped in his overcoat, re marking as he placed the package within the door, " I could not bear, Mr. Holden, to see the little things suffer such a terrible day as this." Or had you been with the author one stormy night last winter, when coming eastward from New York by steamer, upon which was a large shipment of birds in charge of the Adams Express Company, you might have seen the messenger, on arriving at Fal. 1 River, carry the package with the utmost care into the cars, and place it near the stove in that part of the car usually occupied by himself. The comfort and safety of these helpless creatures was to him of the utmost importance. Having some curiosity. I asked him why he was so particular about the package, he replied, without knowing to whom he was speak- ing, " Ah, sir, I love those little birds ! they can- not take care of themselves, and God knows my first duty is to them." A call at the office of the com pany revealed the fact, that the messenger was Mr, David Crowley, one of the three survivors of the fated * Lexington," which was burned in 1842. The large bird importing houses have shipped nearly half a million birds; and this immense number TAMING AND TRAINING. IT 9 without any loss worthy of mention. If our ex- perience is worth any thing, do not hesitate to order; for the express company will always pur- chase at the point nearest your residence, and get them to you with as little exposure as possible. Almost all fanciers take a delight in having then birds so tame that they will not only take their food from the hand, but will readily fly to, and remain with, the person from whom they daily receive atten tion. When wild birds are first caught and placed in a cage, it is not well to begin at once upon their educat ion. It requires some little time for them to become accustomed to their new mode of life : the change of food, together with a diminishing of their usual exercise, so changes the fluids that the bird is not in a healthy condition, and is therefore wholly unfit for mental training. There are some birds which seem thoroughly in capable of learning the important fact, that their at tendant is their friend. When it is discovered that such is the nature of the bird in hand, it is as well to give up all hopes of attaining favorable results. Patience will, however, accomplish much ; and it is best to give a long and careful trial before pronoun- cing final judgment. Young birds can be taught more easily than old ones. Yet with siskins, gold- finches, Java sparrows, and chaffinches almost any ?.ge will answer. One of the best ways to teach a bird to fly and return, or to go out of doors perched upon the finger or shoulder, is first to tease it with a soft feather in its cage, leaving the door open. The T20 TAMING AND TRAINING. bird at first will appear frightened, but, on finding that no harm is intended, will peck at the feather, vhich should be quickly withdrawn. The bird, soon thinking that it has mastered the feather, thereby gains confidence, and will peck at the finger : soon it will come out of its cage, and perch upon the hand. A few choice morsels should be laid down for it ; and in this way it will soon learn to eat from the hand itself. The bird should then be made ac quainted with some call, which should invariably be used whenever the training is going on ; after a short time the bird can be placed upon the bhoulder, and carried from one room to another, care being taken to close the windows and outside doors. In ihis way it will speedily become accustomed to being handled, and can be allowed to fly about the room, inviting it to return by the previously-arranged call or whistle. As soon as it attends to the call with out appearing nervous or frightened, it can be taken into the open air, and gradually accustomed to being carried abroad without its offering to fly. Adult birds should not be carried into the open air in the spring or in pairing time ; for at this sea c x>n of the year they show indications of resuming Jieir native wildness. A siskin, goldfinch, or canary can easily be tamed by cutting away more or less of the inner web of the pinion-feathers, care being taken that the bird shall have sufficient power to fly from the hand without injury. The nostrils are then smeared with any essential oil, bergamot is as good AS any, which will render it partially insensible tor a TAMING AND TRAINING. 121 time. It should then be placed upon a finger, ana changed from one to another. It may fly a few times, but should be brought back, and kept upot the hand until the effects of the oil have wholl) passed away, when the bird, finding no harm is in tended, will sit quietly. A few crushed hemp -seed* should be given for its good behavior, and the above repeated from day to day until a satisfactory result is obtained. Hunger will speedily teach a bird to take food from the hand. Place it in a small cage, one that has a door large enough for the hand to pass through, then remove all food. In a few hours try putting a seed-dish into the cage with your hand : if the bird flutters wildly about, and refuses to accept your offering, remove your dish, and wait a few hours longer. You will not be compelled to remain long in suspense, for two or three trials will generally effect a good result. After food has been accepted from the dish, try your hand ; and as soon as you have convinced your pupil that only from you can food be procured, and to you, and you only, must he look for all his goodies, a friendship will be formed which he will not be first to break. Birds that are desired to be tame should be talked to and made of : they should be placed upon your writing-table, and every now and again a little notice taken of them. It is surprising how speedily these little fellows will learn the difference between neglect and attention. Some of the best birds which have been placed on exhibition have been those owned by tailors and shoemakers, who, owing to the nature 122 TAMING AND TRAINING. of their business, could keep their feathered pupils constantly with them. Thus far I have spoken only of taming these " little dewdrops." They are capable of still greater things, and can, with little or no coercion, be taught to pei form many amusing tricks. The goldfinch and siskin may be taught to fire off small cannon, to imitate death, to draw up their food and water in a little bucket. The apparatus consists of two lines of broad, soft leather, in which there are four holes, through which their feet and wings are passed, and the ends are held together beneath the belly by a ring, to which is attached a delicate chain that sup ports the buckets containing the food and drink. A bird thus equipped will draw up the chain by its beak, retaining the draw links by its feet, and thus succeeds in obtaining what he wishes. A cage can be made with a bay-window, in the floor of which have a hole : across this place a narrow bridge of wood, to which attach a small chain or piece of cord to hold the bucket, which should be about the size of a thimble. By drawing up the bucket filled with water, and letting the bird drink, then lowering it and pulling it part way up, he will soon acquire the habit of working at it. And, by gradually leaving a longer and longer length of chain between the bridge and the bucket, the bird will soon discover that he must pull the chain up into the cage, and hold it after it is there ; and he readily comprehends the necessity of holding the chain with his foot. As loon as this is done, his education is complete. TAMING AND TRAINING. 123 Birds which are taught in this way never forget, and are always unhappy if out of their cage. Care should be taken to see that the working of the ap paratus is not hard, and that it is always in order, otherwise a serious result might follow. A chain attached to a little wagon may be drawn into the cage and held in the same manner ; and the bird may be taught to ring a bell by suspending it in a corner of the cage, and leaving him without seed until he is hungry, pulling the string attached to it and ringing it, and putting some favorite food into the glass. He will soon discover, that, whenever the bell rings, he gets his food, and will seize the string and ring it whenever he is hungry. A few words of advice to those about purchas- ing a bird. All lovers of birds desire one with beautiful plumage, as well as one gifted with exqui- site powers of song. There are times when it is impossible to secure both advantages in one bird, and, when this should be the case, always select the bird for his beauty of song, never for plumage. In visiting a bird-store to make a purchase, perhaps your first one, if the dealer has a large stock, and there is an incessant singing, it is almost an im- possibility for any person to select just such a bird as he desires. One that the purchaser may think is an elegant singer may, after you have him alone, prove to be only a " twittering " bird, and his song composed of only six or eight notes. Again, you may select a bird for a sick friend who desires something quieting, something that will sing 124 TAMING AND TRAINING. "words of comfort for hcurs of sorrow " you may possibly select just such a bird ; but nine, times out oi ten you are liable to select a loud, shrill singer, whose notes seemingly pierce the brain. How are you to obtain that which you so much desire ? You have a friend whose bird just suits you ; but that particular song you cannot by any possibility select in a bird-store. You have but one resource left ; and that is, your confidence in the dealer : tell him plainly what you wish ; and, if he has such a bird, you may depend upon his giving it to you ; for he knows, even better than the purchaser, just what is required ; and he will strive to please you, thereby not only gaining your esteem, but also the patronage of your friends, whom you will as suredly send to "your bird-store." One source of great annoyance to a dealer is, after having select- ed such a bird, for the purchaser to turn to some other patron (always a perfect stranger) and ask his or her opinion of the bird, and then take the advice of a person whom they never saw before, and proba- bly will never see again, and select a bird which the dealer knows is not what is desired, and in a few days a week at furthest return to exchange it ; when, by taking the dealer's first selection, and holding no conversation with a stranger whose knowledge of a bird may have been as profound as the bird's knowledge of him or her, thereby causing a " little unpleasantness " between dealer and patron, which was as needless as it was unnecessary. Many persons have an idea that a bird with cleaj TAMING AND TRAINING. 12$ yellow feathers is the best singer, while others main tain that those with dark-green feathers are the best, and yet others think that a mottled bird is the best singer ; and many times it is hard to convince people otherwise. Upon inquiry, we find these ideas usually based upon the fact, that a friend of theirs once had a bird such and such a color, and it was a very fine singer, and they have been repeatedly told, that that colored bird was the best singer. To those who labor under this delusion we will simply state, that there are birds of every color that are in- ferior singers, and also those of every color that are very superior singers. The fact is, a bird's feath- ers have no more to do with his song than a lady's dress has to do with her voice. If a lady cannot sing with a plain dress, I doubt very much whether a moire trimmed with real lace would give her that much-wished-for accomplishment. In selecting a cage for a bird, always look first to his comfort, never forgetting that he is our little caged prisoner, and our first duty is to make his prison-life happy. The canary and many other birds will live happily in a cage of any size or shape; while there are many birds that must be confined in a flat-top cage \ others again that must be kept in a cage the top of which must be of wood. The bird-dealer is always the best judge of the kind of cage best adapted to a bird's requirements ; and, if you follow his advice, you cannot go amiss. The improvements made in cages for the comfort of its occupant during the past three years have been very many ; and, in mak- t2 BIRD-CAGES. ing these improvements, style also has been consult ed. We have the beautiful moresque, the Chinese pagoda, the Swiss cottage, the mansard, gothic, and in fact styles after every order of architecture, and many of them are very beautiful, and certainly pleasing to the eye. A bird's comfort, however, should be consulted a little, never forgetting that he is your caged prisoner; and your first thought always must be to make his prison life happy. Very few who own a " Little .dewdrop of celestial melody" give a moment's thought to the fact that many of the song-birds require vastly different cages. A canary will pour forth his chant in any cage in which you place him. True, he loves a large cage, and will fly from one end to the other for joy. He will even take a bath several times a day if the oppor cunity is given him, and plume his feathers times without number. All this he will do, as well as eat, and sing occasionally. Should you keep such a bird for a pet, such a cage would answer every pur- pose: if you keep the bird for his song, then he must be kept in a small cage. Owners of feathered songsters must have ob- served that many of them constantly flutter theii wings, and look up as if about to fly upwards ; others again look up, and turn their heads backwards, until you think they will fall backward, which they sometimes do. Did it ever occur to the owner of such a bird that he was not in a suitable cage ? foi TRAPPING BIRDS. 127 such is the fact. To those who have not studied this branch of natural history, and buy for the first time a bird and cage, always take the bird-dealer's advice as regards the cage. Your bird will then sing readily, remain quiet, and not fly as if afraid of his life, and ruin his plumage the first day that you possess him. TRAPPIN ; BIRDS. Bird-dealers are constantly re, ceiving orders and calls for " bird-lime." This article is made from the inside bark of the holly, a tree almost unknown in this country, though very plentiful in England. A substitute for this can be made by boiling linseed-oil away to about one-third the quan- tity you start with. It is a very dangerous operation, and should never be done in a house, its explosive qualities being fully equal to gunpowder. It will make a very strong bird-lime, and hold any small bird that lights upon a twig that has been smeared with it. Unless, however, the trapper is near at hand to remove the bird at once, he becomes besmeared all over his body and wings ; and it is almost impossible to remove it until the bird moults, thereby, for the time being, ruining the sale of it. A far better way is with a TRAP- CAGE, and a bird for a caller ; and, if you can obtain a blind bird, he will sit quietly, and call all day long, and many, very many more birds can be taken than if the bird had his sight. WRAPPING BIRDS. There are very many people who think that a bird will " smother " if covered up closely. Such, however, is not the case. A dealer knows better than any one else possibly can. And, if the purchaser would only remain quiet until the 128 WRAPPING BIRDS. package was ready to deliver, he or she would always discover that the last thing done was to make a few small holes in the top to let out the hot air, .but by no means let in cold ; if so, a bird would assuredly catch cold. And lastly, I will say to all who now own birds, or ever expect to, that all they require is suit- able seed, as you have been informed in the body of this work, clean water for drinking and bathing daily, gravel-paper or sand on the bottom of the cage, a little green stuff or sweet apple once in three or four weeks, not oftener, and nothing else. TOBACCO SMOKE is not, as many suppose, injurious *o birds. A little occasionally is beneficial. TO CLEAN A BRASS, SILVER, OR GOLD PLATED CAGE, always wash with a sponge or piece of old towel, using clear cold water, and wipe dry. The surface of these cages being varnished, if hot water is used, they will have the appearance of being spattered with milk, which can never be removed. If they are scoured the same as brass-ware ordinarily is, the varnish will be removed, and the cage commence to corrode, and require polishing daily. SILVER PLATED AND BRASS CAGES can be refinished in two days, and made in appearance equal to new. Cages are refinished in silver for $2.00; in brass, $1.00. SEEDS, FOODS, AND MEDICINES. THE health and song of birds depend on the quality of seeds and foods: I sell only the best. PER QT. Seed, canary, Sicily, best quality, clean $0.20 " rape, German summer, best quality, clean 20 " millet, domestic, " " " .20 " " French, " " " .40 " maw, " " " . .25 " padda, or unhulled rice, " " " 20 " hemp, Russian, " : . . .20 ' canary, rape, equal parts, mixed for Canaries 20 " cracked corn 20 " hemp, cracked corn, padda, and sunflower, mixed for Parrots. . .20 Ants' eggs i.oo Maw-meal . . . 25 Packages of seeds, ants' eggs, or maw-meal, will be sent by mail, on receipt of 25 cents or 50 cents; largest packages, $1.00. Fresh seeds of the best quality can thus always be promptly had. Cuttle-bone, large each, $0.05; by mail, $0.08 Meal-worms per dozen .06; per hundred, .40; by mail, .50 Food, prepared, either moist, ready for use, or dry, requiring grated /aw cat rot per qt., .33 Food, moist in bottles, or dry in boxes 40 " moist or dry, packages by mail 25, .50, or i.oo Red food, for coloring Canaries red .... per box, $1.00; by mail, 1.12 Gravel pint box, .05; quart box, .10 Holden's Tonic, a liquid not mailable, to tone up weak birds . . . .25 Holden's Song Restorer, a nourishing food* ...... by mail, .25 Bird Treat, or Appetizer per package, by mail, .15 Lime, to use in catching birds , per box, .25 ; by mail, .35 Holden's Bird-Cures, carefully prepared after a long experience in the care of all kinds of birds, are recommended for birds which are out of song, either because they are sick, or are infested with vermin. We put these powders up in suitable form for mailing, and send them to any address, with full directions for use with each package, postage prepaid, for .25 per pack- age; or five packages of Cures or Insect Powder, $1.00. The whole seven are sent on receipt of $1.40. Holden's Bird-Cure No. i . . . . For Diarrhoea. " No. 2 .... " Constipation. " ' " No. 3 .... " Debility. No. 4 .... " Cold or Moulting. No. 5 .... " Asthma, or Loss of Voice. No. 6 . ..." Sore Feet. " " No. 7. German Powder, for Insects. (129) G. H. HOLDEN, BIRD IMPORTER. 240 Sixth Avenue (near isth St.), NEW YORK, N. Y. 9 Bowdoin Square . . BOSTON, MASS. HOLDERS LIST OF BIRDS, CAGES, ETC. My birds can be bought from me only in the above stores. No pedlers or agents are employed; any one representing himself as such is a swindler. Please send orders direct to me. Birds and cages are sent everywhere safely by express. Money can be sent by bank-draft, by money orders which can be had of the Express companies, by Post-Office order, or in a registered letter. Postage- stamps are accepted for any article sold for $1.00 or less. GUARANTIES. Birds, cages, seeds, etc., are guaranteed best quality. Special orders are taken for all kinds of rare birds. German male Canaries, guaranteed to sing to suit, each $2.00, $2.50 to $3.00 St. Andreasberg Canaries, trained singers, each $5.00 to $6.00 Holden Canaries, fine grade singers, each $8.00, $12.00, $15.00 Holden Canaries, best, imported to order, eacl $25.00, $40.00, $50.00 Canary-bird, English, red, singer, each $8.00, $10.00 to $12.00 Females, red each $4 oo to $5.00 Canary-birds, Gold or Silver Spangled Lizard, singers, each $10.00 to $15.00 Females, same kind, each $5.00 to $8.00 Canary-birds from Norwich, Eng., large, deep golden, high green, and fancy colors, each $4.00, 6.00, and $8.00 Females from Norwich, each $2.00, $3.00 to $5.00 Canary-birds, Manchester Coppy, the largest breed of canary singers, with big crests, each $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 to $15.00 Females, same kind, each $8.00 to $10.00 Canary-birds, Scotch Fancy, singers, each $10.00 to $15.00 Females, same kind, each $8.00 to $10.00 Cinnamon Canary, in perfect color and song each $5.00, $6.00, and $8.00 Females, same kind, each $2.00, $3.00 to $4.00 Canary-birds, olive-green or golden-brown, singers, each $5.00 AH female Canaries of the ordinary colors, each $1.00 High-colored females, deep gold or olive-green, each $3.00 to $5.00 Canary that pipes a tune, each $50.00 to $iso.o< The above prices for males- and females apply to the German birds and the English birds, all imported, which are the finest songsters. Long-Breed Canaries, sometimes called Belgium or Antwerp birds, males or females each $5.00, $8.00 to $io.o The above prices refer to imported stock. Half Long-Breed Canaries, domestic, male or female, each $4.00 to $8.0 Special orders are taken for finest Holden canary singers, extra large Mar r.hesters or other prize canaries, and extra piping bulfinches. G. H. HOLDENS PRICE-LIST. 131 Bullfinch, unlearned, each $3.00 to $5.00 " that pipes one tune, each $15.00 to $25.00 " " two tunes, each $40.00, $50.00, $60.00 " phrasing, echo songs, etc. each $75.00, $100.00, $150.00 Black-Cap Warbler, each $5.00 to $6.00 Blackbird, each $8.00 " that pipes one tune, each $25.00 to $40.00 Brazilian Cardinal, each $5.00 " a very choice songster, $8.00 Goldfinch, each $2.00 " a very choice songster, $3-5 to $5.00 Goldfinch Mule, each $5.00 to $8.00 " a very choice songster, $10.00 " " " " " and high colored or clear white, each $10.00 to $20.00 Chaffinch, each $2.00 to $3.00 Japanese Robin or Pekin Nightingale, each $6.00 to $7.00 Java Sparrows, each $1.50 to $2.00 " " white, each $5.00 Sky-Larks, each $4.00 to $5.00 " choice songsters, each $6.00 to $10.00 Wood-Lark, each $5.00 to $8.00 " choice songsters, each $15.00 Linnet, Gray or Brown, each, $2.00 " " " choice songsters, each $3.50 to $5.00 " Green, each $3.00 " " choice songsters, each $5.00 Nightingale, English or German, each $10.00 to $20.00 " choice songsters, each $25.00 Siskin, each $1.50 to $2.00 Starling, each $5.00 to $8.00 " that pipes one tune, each $20.00 to $40.00 Talking Minor, or Musical Grakle, young, each $20.00 to $25.00 " " well trained, each $50.00, $100.00, $150.00 Troopial, each $8.00 to $10.00 Thrush, each $8.00 " choice songsters, each $10.00 to $15.00 All the above are imported birds; and the highest prices quoted should purchase the choicest bird of its kind in any part of America. The following birds are suitable for the aviary: Avadavat or Amandava, Bishop Finch, Banded Finch, Cordon B.luefinch, Cut-throat Finch, Celestial Finch, Cuba Finch, Diamond Sparrow, Fire-finch, Fascinated Finch, Indian Sparrow, Indian Silver-bill, Clear White Japanese Nuns, Brown and White or Cinnamon and White Japanese Nuns, the Little Doctor, Magpie Finch, Napoleon Finch, Negro, Nun (both black and white capped) Quaker Finch, Rockhampton Finch, Strawberry Finch, Spotted-sided Finch, Saffron Finch, St. Helena Waxbill. Spice Birds. The preceding birds range in price from $2.00 to $5.00 each, and are im- ported from Europe, Asia, and Africa. G. H. HOLDEN S PRICE-LIST. Paroquets, Australian, " Red Face Love Bird, " other kinds, Parrots, African, Gray (young birds), " " " talkers, pair, $6.00 to $8.00 pair, $7.00 to $8.00 each $2.00 to $5.00 each $12.00 to $20.00 each $25.00 to $75.00 1 extra fine talkers, each $100.00, $200.00, and $300.00 Double-yellow Head, young, each $15.00 to $20.00 " " " talkers, each $40.00, $50.00, $100.00, $200.00 Half-yellow Head are about 25 per cent less. Blue Front, each $12.00, $15.00, $20.00, $35.00 Maracaibo, " Cuban, Dwarf, tame and learn to talk, Bobolink (wild), " in song, Cardinal Bird or Virginia Nightingale, Scarlet Tanager, Grosbeak, rose-breasted (wild), " in song, Indigo Bird (wild), : ' in song, Linnets, red (wild), " in song, Mocking-Birds (nestling), " one-year-old, in song. two-year-old choice songsters, Nonpareils, Robins (American), " Golden, Redbreast, European, Red Bird or Virginia Nightingale, Yellow Birds (American Goldfinch), each $7.00, $8.00, and $10.00 ach $4.00, $5.00, ai.d $6.00 each $3.00 to $10.00 each $1.00 to $1.50 each $2.00 to $3.00 each $3.00 to $5.00 each $3.00 to $5.00 each $3.50 to $5.00 each $5.00 to $8.00 each $1.50 each $3.00 to $5.00 each $1.00 each $2.00 to $3.00 each $3.50 to $5.00 each $10.00 to $15.00 each $20.00 to $50.00 each $3.00 to $5.00 each $3.00 to $5.00 each $3.00 to $5.00 each $3.50 to $5.00 each $3.50 to $5.00 each 75 cts. to $2 oo Enamelled Cages, with patent doors and fastenings, each 50 cts. to $3 oo Mocking-Bird Food (box or bottle), 40 cts. ; by mail, 50 cts. Ants' Eggs, half pint, by mail, 25 cts. Gravel-paper, 12 sheets, 25 cts.; by mail, 37 cts. Lovers of birds, living remote from our large cities, and desirous of ob- taining any article pertaining to birds and cages, can procure the best quality horn me at the lowest rates. G. H. HOLDERS PRICE-'LIST. All cag* measurements are from wire to wire. The following list of prices refers to chart at end of book : Price each. kT & > ^j ' -No- IOO. IS I " ;; J s >OI. ) g K M g 1.75 , A " ,, T.CO M IO2. B 83 ,J|W T.7r ic 4 , A */D 2.OO *t TQO < < o 7C 1UJ. M " body, ?3 xc4 x 13! high O'/O IO4. ( A " /4 63 X XU 2 93 x 125 " very strong . . 25O 1. 00 105. B " 7 X 10 X 13 . . 1.50 (C " i( *< 73 X ioft X 13* it it . 2.00 M 106. j A " " " 63 X 93x12 " with drawer 1.25 ' B " 7 X 10 X I2 5 it a i-75 (( a (t 7 2 x Q 2 x !," it o OO 107. 108. a /4 73 X y4 9^ x 1 j5 13 " with drawer . ^.VJW 3-25 " 109. " " 73 X 93 X 15 a n . 3-25 M < 8 x io x I4 i a 32C III. it < 8 X 10 X 1 T-5 i4i " with drawer *o 3-5 f| 41 x ioi x I4 i n Sen 113. 9 X iw^ io| X A< ti x 4 i " with drawer . y 3-75 * 114. " " " 73 X 93 X 15 a a . 3-5o " "5- " 85 X ll h x 16 it a < . 3-75 " 116. " 9 X 103 x 14 . 3-50 iff {4 tt ff 0? x 12 x I C 4.00 ^ 117. 118. ,4 K sw Q5 x 12 x *3 16 4.25 119. < < V2 9 X iii X 16 " with drawer . 4-25 120. < " " 9 X "i X 16 it a it 4-5 4< 121. < 9 X 12 X iSi tt if it . 4.50 " 122. xo* X 13 X i8i " for breeding 5.00 " 123. " 7 X isi X 22 " wheel for canary 6.00 ** I2 4 . " " " "3 X 14! X J 7 " for Bullfinch . . 5.00 125. " " ii X 133 X x6i " for Paroquets . . 6.00 126. ( A ' ' 14^ x 20 X 21 " for Mocking-Bird 9.00 IB " it it 14* X 23i x 2 3 " for Mocking-Bird 10.00 fA " it a 13* X x6J x i8i " for Cardinal 8.50 (4 127. IB t a 14* X 20 X aii " for Mocking-Bird 12.00 **/ 1C u ti H! X 23! X 23^ " for Mocking-Bird 13.00 ID - it u 14* X 3- X 24 " for Mocking-Bird 16.00 H 128. Brass Banded Cage, strong, for Parrot. Tinned wires, heavy zinc base ; the best low-price cage made; diameter 12 inches, $2. so; I? in.. $3.00; 14 in.. $4.00: i^i in. 5.o *34 G. H. HOLDEN'S PRICE-LIST. No. 129. Brass base, body, iron, 14 x 17 x 24 in. high, for Parrot . . $7.00 " 130. " Cage, 15 inches diameter, for Parrot 8.50 " 131. " " body, 15 x 18 x 25^ in. high, for Parrot . . . 9.50 | A Brass Cage, body, 15 x 18 x 21 high, for Parrot . . . 10.00 t B " " " 15 x 22 x 22^ " " " ... n.oo " 133. " " " 15 x 22 x 264 " " Cockatoo . . 15.00 " 134. Parrot Stand, 3 feet 6 in. high, iron foot, $6.00; brass foot . 7.00 " 135. "- " 3 feet 10 inches high, $9.50; with swing . . n.oo " 136. Cover, fits stands 134, 135, all brass, with door 6.00 Dwarf Parrot Stand, brass, $5.00; cover, $2.00; complete . 7.00 " 137. Brass Cage, body, 65 x 94 x 125 high, for 4 small birds . . 2.25 " 138. " " " 9 x ii x 13 " " 6 " " . . 4.00 " 139. " " " 10 x 13 x 175 " " 10 " " . . 8.00 ("A Brass Cage, body, 13 x 16 x 19 high, for 16 small birds 10.00 B " " " 12 X 22 X 215 " " 2O " " 15.00 <~ " " " 14^x23^x27 " " 25 " " 18.00 fe: 20 x 29 x 32 40 35-oo Revolving wheel inside B, C, or D, extra, $3.50; dome, extra, $4.00 No. 141. Squirrel Cage, tinned wire and brass, 1 2^x 14 .... .$8.00 j 2 \ A Brass Cage, body, 15 x 18 x 21 high, for Squirrel . . 10.00 ' B " " " 15 x 22 x 21 " 2 wheels .... 12.00 " 143. Tinned wire, wood frame, sizes 8 x 10 to 13 x 24 . $1.40 to 3.00 / A Same material, for breeding, body 9x16 in., $1.50; 10x18 in. 2.00 " 144.