UNIVERSITY OF CAUFOftNlA SAN DIEGO Ac FOR EVER AND A DAY." In Bohemia with Du Maurier 'The First of a Series of Reminiscences Bv FELIX MOSCHELES With 63 Original 'Drawing* Bv G. Du MAURIER Illustrating the tAr list's Life in the Fifties NEW-YORK HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS 1897 'The few introductory words to this volume were written, and the last -proofs -posted, shortly before the fatal news overtook me in lovely Venice. My world, resplendent with sunshine, was suddenly lost in darkness. The most lovable of men, whose -presence alone sufficed to make life worth living to all those near and dear to him, was gone from amongst us. His hand was no longer to hold those -pens the finely-pointed one that drew, the freely-flowing one that wrote. His well- earned rest was not to be enjoyed on earth. Now that all is changed, the joyous note of these pages jars upon me. How differently would I attune the story of our student days, were I to write it to-day in loving memory of my friend ! But as it stands, so it must go forth.