PUBLIC HEALTH LIBRARY 1 PUBLIC Health UBRARY REPORT HEALTH COMMITTEE OF THE BOKOUGH OF LIVERPOOL, ON THE SEWERAGE, PAVING, CLEANSING, AND OTHER WORKS, UNDEB THE Sanitary Act, from 1856 to 1862 inclusive. JAMES NEWLANDS, C.E., BOROUGH ENGINEER, ORDERED BY THE HE ALTH. COMMITTEE TO BE PRINTED. LIVERPOOL: HENRY GREENWOOD, PIMNTER, 33, CASTLE STREET, 1863. ^ -4- w /Sr (^/>^^^'Hi^^ (^W^vvi^^e-t/^ CHAIEMAN OF THE HEALTH COMMITTEE BOROUGH OF LIVERPOOL, Sir, I beg to lay before you a Report of the various Works in my department, done under the direction of the Health Committee during the last six years. For the sake of succinctness and facility of reference I have an*anged the matters, where possi- ble, in a tabular form, reserving remarks for such works only as by their magnitude, or the benefits derived from them, or by their being somewhat out of the common way, appear to claim particular notice. SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE. The first statement in the series is a list of sewers constructed since February, 1856. The sewers are classified according to (heir dimensions, and the length and cost of each are given. In these six years the enormous length of 58 miles 796J yards of sewers has 9K«I I ft .•^- 1** been constructed at a coat of £127,153 19s. 2d. as shown in the following summary: — Liverpool. KlRKDALE. EVERTON. 1 i Yards. Cost. 1 i Yards. Cost. Yards. Cost. 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 15 n 668J 834,*, 513 160nj I245i 16.i9J £3028 17 3981 3 6297 7 3(il2 2 10062 18 3886 9 10791 17 10 11 6 4 9 3 5 1 554 1471* 799^ 986^ 1293| ]5.S8^ 634J £451 10 2921 14 824 2 2102 14 1717 3 2532 2 2031 17 6 8 6 8 6 3 9 2 2 3 4 2 1 135 220| 1(194§ 1172 1466 990^ 1577* £2626 9 5 2647 16 2 6625 10 7 11614 1 9 7175 5 4035 13 3 2187 17 8 1228^^5 £41660 17 5 287 12581 5 10 17 1255^ 36912 13 10 West Derby. ToxTETH Park. 1 OTAL. CO Yards. Cost. CO Yards. Cost. CO Yards. Cost. 1 2 1 1 271^ 37-.i 146JJ 1022i 6(>6i 37('i^ 859J £1530 8 2934 2 5402 17 1258 15 1003 5 3491 10 2988 15 4 1 8 1 8 10 1 2 2 2 1 1 675 8:»8* 32H^ 96 i 129] J 58.1g 57 5 J £2758 14 3^<• 7 13 3001 17 2536 10 3589 17 428 6 606 7 6 9 2 6 11 1 10 7 11 10 9 8 5 5 1521§ 112^ lOOl^'j 1134 1037J 1263| 6^ £10,396 7 16,352 10 7 22.751 15 5 21,124 4 4 23,548 10 10 14.374 1 8 18,606 15 9 8 15l2i il8609 14 9 11 _3ii_ £1V3n9 7 9 58 796 i 127.153 19 2 During the same period the Health Committee have constructed 30 miles 1,195a yards of courts and passage drains, of 12 and 9 inches diameter, at a cost of £26,453 Is. 6d., as shewn in detail in Table No. 2. The total length of sewer made since 1847 is 115 miles 7 74 J yards. Among the more important sewerage works made or completed since 1856 I may particularize those following, viz. : — 1st. The great chain of outlet sewer along the inland boundary of the Borough. The southern portion of this, comprising the Dingle outlet, was begun on the 20th August, 1849, and was carried on as the necessity arose to its terminus in Kensington, at the end of Beech-street, which was reached in November, I8f8. This division of the outlet sewer has a total length of 3 miles 237 j-ards. The area of land within the Borough which can be drained into it is 3,780,000 superficial yards, and, if it were deemed advisable, it would afford an outlet for the drainage of 7,000,000 yards beyond the Borough. The sewer is for 4,925 yards of its length 6 feet high and 4 feet wide, and for the remainder of its length 5 feet by 3 feet ; its average depth below the surface is 29 feet 10 inches, its greatest depth is 51 feet 5 inches. Its worst gradient is 1 in 360 ; its steepest gradient 1 in 11. The total cost of the work was £14,389 10s. lOd. ; its cost per lineal yard £2 12s. 2d. The northern division of the outlet begins at the Dock AVorks at the west end of Vulcan-street. The outlet through Vulcan-street was made by Lord Derby at his own cost in 1852. From the east end of Vulcan-street the sewer was continued by the Health Com- mittee, through Bank-hall and the Dingle in Kirkdale eastwards, to the Borough Boundary in Walton-lane, thence nearly along the line of the boundary to the south end of Belmont-road, and thence to the south end of Shiel-road in Kensington, opposite the terminus of the southern division. This point was reached in July, 1862. This divi- sion of the sewer has a total length of 3 miles 884* yards ; its drain- age area within the Borough is 3,784,700 yards, and beyond the Borough 1,734,000 yards. The sewer for 4,472 yards of its length is 5 feet high and 3 feet wide ; for 952 yards it is 3 feet 9 inches high and 2 feet 3 inches wide ; and for the remaining 360 yards it is 3 feet high and 1 foot 10 inches wide ; its average depth is 26 feet below the surface, its greatest depth 59 feet ; its worst gradient is 1 in 480, its steepest gradient is 1 in 42. The total cost of this divi- sion was £12,036 5s. lOd., its average cost £2 Is. 7}d. per lineal yard. 2nd. The south relieving sewer for the Paradise-street district, a work most beneficial inits effects, was begun in July, 1857, andfinished July, 1858. Its total length is 1,051 yards, it is 5 feet 6 inches high, and 4 feet wide ; its average depth is 15 feet, its greatest depth 18 feet 9 inches; its lowest gradient 1 in 240, its steepest gradient 1 in 24. Although carried for a great part of its length along very narrow streets with high, old warehouses on both sides, and through bad ground, it was completed without accident and without the slightest damage to property. The total cost of this w^ork was £2,798, its cost per lineal yard £2 13s. 2-^d. 3rd. The relieving sewers for St. George's and Prince's Basins The discharge of the sewage of the town into these Basins had long been complained of. It was animadverted on by Mr. Rennie, in his Report on the Sewerage of Liverpool, so long ago as 1816, but no remedy for the evil was pointed out. The plan proposed in my Report of 1848 was approved of by the Health Committee, but many difficulties were encountered in carrying it out ; the greatest being the want of an outlet on the Dock Estate. The work re- quired to be a joint undertaking of the Health Committee and the Dock Board. After much negotiation the plans were reff^rred to Mr. Hartle}^, who, in June, 1859, reported in favour of carrying out the work, verified the estimates, amounting to £12,540, and recom- mended the Dock Board to contribute towards the expense. The chief obstacle being thus happily removed, the work was begun in August, 1859. In July, 1861, the south division was completed, since which date no sewage has been discharged into St. George's Basin — a fact of which even those who daily cross the Ferry seem to be unaware, as the flowing of sewage into that Basin is still frequently pointed out in the newspapers as the monster nuisance of Liverpool. This south relieving sewer is 3 feet 9 inches high, and 2 feet 3 inches wide, it is 638i yards long, its average depth below the sur- face 14 feet 8 inches, its greatest depth 17 feet 1 inch. Its gradient is the lowest of all the sewers, being 1 in 600. Its total cost was £2,233, its average cost per lineal yard £3 10s., nearly. The north relieving sewer was begun in September, 1859, and finished in February, 1862. It is 5 feet high and 3 feet wide, and 2,650 yards long, its average depth is 20 feet 10 inches, its greatest depth is 29 feet, its lowest gradient is 1 in 300, its highest gradient 1 in 120. It cost altogether, with its branches connecting the old works, £10,158, or nearly £3 l6s. 8d. per lineal yard. The estimated cost of both works, as has been stated, was £12,540, the actual cost was £12,381. Towards this amount the Dock Board paid £3,098. The old connections with the Basins are still retained, and arranged to act as bye-washes for the new sewers in the event of an excessive rain fall. 4th. Netherfield-road North. This sewer is 3 feet 9 inches high, and 2 feet 3 inches wide, and 1,014 yardslong. It is formed in solid rock; its average depth is 20 feet; its total cost was £1,417; its cost per yard £1 7s. lid. It was begun February 16, 1857, and finished December 24, 1857. 5th. St. George's-hill, Everton-terrace, and Waterhouse-lane. This sewer is 641*1 yards long; its height is 3 feet, its width 1 foot 10 inches; it is formed in solid rock; its average depth is 17 feet 2 inches; it cost £966 5s. Id., or £l 10s. 2d. per yard. These two sewers, Nos. 4 and 6, form part of the series of relieving sewers for Great Homer-street, afterwards mentioned. 6th. The great sewer first projected by Mr. Rennie in 1816, as a boundary sewer for the old Municipal Boundary, and subsequently constructed in a modified form by Mr. Foster, in 1830, commences at the Southern end of Crown-street and proceeds northwards to the shore at Beacon's-gutter, following the turns and bends of the boundary line in its course. It has various rates of inclination. At the time of its construction the western slopes of West Derby and Everton, then beyond the Borough, consisted chiefly of fields. These are now crowded with streets, whose sewers, throw the water rapidly into the main sewer, tending to gorge it at the turns. In 1848 a series of relieving sewers for this district was projected. These sewers, with one exception, as I have mentioned above, have been constructed. This sewer, which is not executed, is the most important of the series. It was proposed to be carried northwards along the line of a projected street from Netherfield-road South to Kirkdale. At that time this street could have been made at a moderate cost, the land being almost unoccupied. Now this land is entirely covered by streets, and the projected street, and, conse- quently, the line of relieving sewer is impracticable, except at very great cost. Plans of other mode of relief were ordered ; but in the meantime it was necessary to do something for the mitigation of the evil arising from the engorgement of the sewer. This it was considered might, to a great extent, be prevented, or at least the time of its duration shortened, and the evil arising from it lessened, by getting rid of the sharp or right-angled turns in the main sewer. The localities which suffered were those where the sewer running from east to west down the steep slopes changed its direction to north and south with a slackened gradient. For example, at the junction of Everton-brow, Fox-street, and Richmond-row, and the junction of Boundar^^-street with Beacon's-gutter and Great Howard- street. At these points new turns of large radius and increased capacity were substituted for the old turns, with the desired result. The cost of these works was as folloAvs : — Two at Boundary-street - - - £833 5 11 One at Fox-street and Richmond-row 252 5 2 The plans of the substituted relieving sewer are now nearly completed, and will shortly be submitted to the Committee. As connected with the sewers I may here notice a singular subterraneous work found in James-street. In ascertaining the exact depth of the old sewer in this street, wdth the view to obtain drainage for a sumph or well in the very deep cellars of the North and South Wales Bank, the workman came to a point where he plainly heard the sound of water dropping, not into the sewer but into some excavation below it. On trying this excavation with his probing iron, he found it to be very deep and nearly filled wdth mud. The existence of some subterraneous w^ork was known of before, but no one w^as aware of its position or its exact dimensions. On opening the ground and clearing away the mud, a tunnel cut in the solid rock ^vas discovered. It is about seven feet high and nine feet wide for about eighty yards westwards from Derby-square, and there its dimensions are 5 feet by 6J feet ; its sides are carefully dressed, but its roof is of ruder formation. It has a well-formed roadway at the bottom, with a channel sunk along its southern side to keep it dry. The roadway is 22 feet below the surface of the street. At the junction of the Back Goree w4th James-street the tunnel turns northwards. It is probable that this work con- nected the Old Castle ditch either with the Old Towner or wdth some defences on the shore, as at that point where it may be conjectured it joined the Castle ditch provision for a gate had been made. This old defensive work has been made to serve a useful pur- pose, a proper sewer having been constructed along its bottom, at the cost of the North and South Wales Bank, for the drainage of the deep cellars referred to. Charge for Permissioj^ to Drain Property lying beyond the Borough into the Outlet Sewers. — When the outlet sewers were approaching completion many persons possessing property on their margin, but outside the Borough, were desirous of obtaining the privilege of draining into them. The Act of Parliament recognizes the power of the Council to enter into arrangements for the drainage 9 of property beyond the Borough; it was only necessary, therefore, in the absence of power to rate such property, to fix a sum to be paid in advance as a composition for the rate. On mature consid- eration the following scale of charges was settled. It is calculated on the principle of the present value at 4 per cent, of the probable sewerage rate regarded as an annuity for twenty years. This, in fact, places the owner of land beyond the Borough in respect of drainage on the same footing as the rate-paying owner of land within the Borough. In addition to this composition, there is a frontage charge of 6s. per yard for all property situated on the line of sewer and draining directly into it. lUnt. Compoaltion. £ 8. Rent. CompoilUon, a«at. CompodtlOB. Beat. CompotiUon. Eent. CompotiUon. Rant. Comporition. £ 8. iJ £ 8. £ £ 8. £ £ 8. £ £ 8. 10 3 10 27 9 9 43 15 1 59 20 13 75 26 5 91 31 17 12 3 17 28 9 16 44 15 8 60 21 76 26 12 92 32 4 13 4 4 29 10 3 45 15 15 61 21 7 77 26 19 93 33 11 14 4 18 30 10 10 46 16 2 62 21 14 78 27 6 94 33 18 15 5 5 31 10 17 47 16 9 63 22 1 79 27 13 95 34 5 16 5 12 32 11 4 48 16 16 64 22 8 80 28 96 34 12 17 5 19 33 11 11 49 17 3 65 22 15 81 28 7 97 34 19 18 6 6 34 11 18 50 17 10 66 23 2 82 29 14 98 35 6 19 6 13 85 12 5 61 17 17 67 23 9 83 29 1 99 35 13 20 7 36 12 12 52 18 4 68 23 16 84 29 8 100 36 21 7 7 37 12 19 53 18 11 69 24 3 85 29 15 110 38 10 22 7 14 38 13 6 54 18 18 70 24 10 86 30 2 120 42 14 23 8 1 39 13 13 55 19 5 71 24 17 87 30 9 130 45 10 24 8 8 40 14 56 19 12 72 25 4 88 30 16 140 49 25 8 15 41 14 7 57 19 19 73 25 11 89 30 3 150 52 10 26 9 2 42 14 14 58 20 6 74 25 18 90 31 10 160 56 Gullies. — The total number of new gullies constructed in streets during the six years is 1558. In courts and passages 205. The number of gullies which during the same period have been reconstructed or trapped is 2527. In cleansing the sewers only 6353 loads of rubbish have been removed, and 2576 loads from the gullies. Table No. 3 contains a statement of all the street houses, courts and passages, and houses in courts, drained from March, 1856, to December, 1862 ; and of which the following is an analysis ; — LiTEBPOOL. KiRKDALB. EVEKTON. West Derby. ToXTETH Park. Total. Street houses 7090 2599 614 492 1471 52 9 46 6681 428 69 41 3121 206 38 26 4629 1399 207 65 23599 4084 997 670 Court houses Courts Miscellaneous 1 11395 1578 7226 3391 1 6300 29950 10 Flushing Drains and Washing Places of Deposit after the OPERATIONS OF THE NiGHTMEN. — The duty of washing courts, pas- sages, and places of deposit after the emptying of middens, was im- posed on the nightmen under their contract, but it never was effi- ciently performed, owing chiefly to the condition in the contract, which made it imperative to wash only when a public hydrant was within thirty yards of the place. This restriction left more than half of the places unwashed. It was proposed to remedy this by com- bining the operations of flushing drains and washing these places, and to appoint a sufficient number of men pro vided with proper hose and apparatus, to wash every place requiring it, however distant from the hydrant. These men, it was arranged, should commence washing after the nightmen at four in the morning, and finish that service at eight ; then, after an hour's rest, they should resume work with the flushing apparatus, and continue from nine until one o'clock : eight hours being considered a sufficient day's work at this employ- ment. During the currency of the contract it was arranged to charge the Contractors the same amount as they had paid in previous years. It was believed that the two operations of flushing the drains and washing after emptying middens would be more perfectly and economically done by a special staff under the control of your own Officers than when left to the Contractors. The arrangements were proposed to the Committee in July, 1861, but the new staff did not begin their operations until January, 1862. They have been thus twelve months at work, and only three complaints have been received in that time. For their operations the Borough is divided into seven Districts, as follows : — No. 1 District is bounded by Water-street and Dale-street on the south, Scotland-road and Byrom-street on the east, Burlington- street and Regent-street on the north, and on the west by the line of Docks. No. 2 District includes the Township of Kirkdale and its boundary, which is the boundary of the Borough ; it includes also portions of Everton and Liverpool. It is bounded on the south by Regent- street and Burlington-street, Collingwood-street and Roscommon- street, St. George's-hill and Mere-lane ; on the west by the line of Docks. 11 No. 3 includes the remainder of Everton and a part of Liverpool. It is bounded on the south by Shaw's-brow, London-road, Moss- street, Greenside, and West Derby-road ; on the east by Boundary- lane, Whitfield-road, and the Boundary of the Borough ; on the north by Mere-lane, Church-street, St. George's-hill, Roscommon- street, and Collingwood-street ; and on the west by Scotland-road and Byrom-street. No. 4 is bounded on the south by Upper Parliament-street; on the east by Crown-street and Boundary-place ; on the north by London-road; and on the west by Lime-street, Renshaw-street, Berry-street, and Gt. George-street. No. 5 is bounded on the south by Parliament-street ; on the east by Gt. George-street, Berry-street, Renshaw-street, and Lime-street ; on the north by Shaw's-brow ; and on the west by the line of Docks. No. 6 is the extra-parochial place of Toxteth Park within the boundary of the Borough. No. 7 is the portion of the Township of West Derby lying within the boundary of the Borough. There are two Contractors for removing the nightsoil. One has Districts 1 to 5 ; the other has Districts 6 and 7. The staff for washing and flushing consists of fourteen men and one foreman ; there are thus two men to each district. One man in each district belongs to the original drain-flushing staff, and his companion is a workman belonging to the water-staff, conversant with the management of the plugs and hydrants. All the men meet the foreman at the Waterworks Office in Hotham-street every morning at four o'clock, to receive instruc- tions and a list of places required to be washed that morning. The list is supplied by the nightsoil contractors' foreman, and is previously entered in the District books, of which there are two for each district used alternately. The work is systematised as much as possible to avoid travelling over the same ground twice, a thing not easily done, however, as there are several gangs of nightmen in each district, each having a certain number of mid- dens to empty, and all having to finish work at the same time, namely, seven o'clock in the morning. This throws the work of washing later than was originally proposed, the men being seldom able to get it over by nine o'clock. 12 The apparatus they are provided with consists for each District of two 2-inch stand pipes, one adapted for a plug and the other for a hydrant ; one set of turncock tools, namely, a key, bar, and spoon ; one rod, with hose and box for tools; two buckets and one besom, one branch and coupling. Every morning, when the washing is finished, this apparatus is put up at the stations appointed for it, which are as follows : — District No. 1 at Bevington Bush Water Station. „ 2 at ditto ditto. „ 3 at Soho Water Station. „ 4 at Mr. Rose's Yard, Back Bedford-street. „ 5 at Mr. Ellison's Yard, Duncan-street. „ 6 at Water-street Water Station. „ 7 at Windsor Water Station. After an hour's interval the men begin their work as a flushing staff. A special apparatus is provided for this service. It consists of one covered hand-cart, one 3-inch stand pipe adapted for a plug and one for a hydrant ; one set of turncock tools, as before ; three lengths of hose, each fifty feet; one length of hose, 25 feet; two hose keys, one flush-box key, one pick. Of this apparatus one set is kept at each of the District Stations, which are as follow : — No. 1. Bevington Bush Water Station. „ 2. Ditto ditto. „ 3. Soho Water Station. „ 4. Health Committee District Yard, Smithdown-lane. „ 5. Cornwallis-street Yard. „ 6. Water-street Water Station. „ 7. W^indsor ditto. The men, provided with their lists of places, meet at these stations and proceed to work, attending to special cases in the first instance. In long courts and passages the water is allowed to run through the hose for an hour ; but the hose is during that time moved to differ- ent flush-pipes, or to the stand-pipes of the wet traps, and sometimes it is necessary to open the ground and break into the pipes. A list of all drains flushed in each district is kept, and the time the water has been allowed to run through the hose as accurately noted as possible, to afford the Water Engineer some data on which he may estimate the quantity of water used each week. 13 The foreman's duty is to have the lists of places requiring wash- ing ready in time, to see that the work is sufficiently done, and to keep the contractors' men to their proper hours of finishing the emptying of the middens. When the flushing is proceeding he sees that the special cases are duly attended to, and that the proper rotation is observed as prescribed in the lists. He makes a return every day at twelve o'clock to the Engineer's Office, Corn- wallis-street, of all drains which he finds choked ; of all flush-pipes which he finds stopped or requiring repairs or renewing; and of places requiring additional flush-pipes. He then receives from the Drainage Superintendent the list of special cases, stating the time at which the flushing apparatus will be required, as for instance? where the ground has to be first opened and the pipe entered. He keeps the time-books of the men ; one for the seven men belonging to the Water Staff", and one for the other seven men belonging to the Health Committee. These books are given in on Thursday morning at the offices of the Water Engineer and Borough Engineer respectively. I have already stated that only three complaints of places not having been washed have been made in twelve months, which considering the number of operations every morning, afford no very great evidence of neglect or inattention. The following is a statement of the average number of places washed daily during the past year : — ) This district is thickly District No. 1, average per day, 33.| i^^^^^ited. 2, 26. ' This is not quite so populous. 3, „ „ 24. This is still less so. 4, „ „ 21.1 In these three districts 5, „ „ 21.1 the places lie stilhvider 6, „ „ 21.) apart than in No. 3. (The inhabitants are widely scattered. Although the numbers of places vary so much, the average distance travelled over in each district by the men is nearly the same. From actual measurement this is found to be five 14 miles, not including the going to or returning from the stations with the apparatus. The average number of drains in courts and passages flushed every month, in each district during the past year, is as follows : — District No. 1, average per month ?' ^j » J) 11 • » ?5 H 82 58 73 92 87 97 97 EXTENT AND COST OF PAVING AND OTHER STREET WORKS. The next statement (Table No. 4) shews in detail the streets in which square sets have been substituted for Macadam or boulder paving, or vice versa. The list of those which are now paved with square sets and channel stones comprises some of the worst streets in the lowest neighbourhoods in Liverpool. The Committee having now given their steady adherence to the doctrine that, for the sake of health and cleanliness, it is true economy to pave the worst streets in the best manner. The fact can never be too forcibly urged that, in a great commercial town like Liverpool, if attention is paid to the back streets, the great thoroughfares can always look after themselves. The following is a summary of the work : — LlVREPOOL. KiRKDALB and West Dbeby. TOXTETH Paek. Total. 1 EVEETON. 1 Supl. Yards. Supl. Yards. Supl. Yards. Supl. Yards Supl. Yards. ! 1. Square sets substituted for boulder paving . - . 223,583 25,248 4,133 40,266 293,232 , 2. Square sets substituted for ' Macadam . . - . 24,257 1,764 26,021 3. Macadam substituted for 1 square sets - . . . 1,277 1,277 4. Macadam substituted for 1 boulders . . . . 10,608 12,076 912 2,422 26,018 1 5. Caithness, Irish and Welsh flags substituted for York- ' shire 10,732 658 11,290 6. Caithness flags substituted 1 for boulders, cinders, &c. 1,050 1,016 2,057 4,123 7. Yorkshire flagging 44,170 39,047 37,134 36,468 156,819 8. New Gullies constructed in Streets 650 216 509 283 1,668 9. New Gullies constructed in j Courts and Passages 134 66 16 205 10. Gullies reconstructed or trapped - . . . 1,827 407 126 167 2,627 15 In the beginning of 1862 there was great distress among the labouring poor, which the parochial authorities endeavoured to relieve by employing the men in navigators' work, in the formation of Rake-lane, Kirkdale, and North-street, Toxteth Park. The work was set out and superintended by your officers ; but the labouring gangs were under the management of the parish officers, and were paid by the Parish. The Health Committee sup- plied tools ; having on hand the greater part of the stock provided under similar circumstances of distress the previous winter as here- after detailed. The experiment was eminently unsuccessful ; the men were unskilled, and by previous habits or want of strength were quite unfit for the work. The labourers at North-street did more work than those at Park-lane, and I therefore give the detail of the former in illustration of the failure of the experiment. There were 53 men employed for 86 days at Is. 6d. a day =£341 178. They excavated 1,690 yards of stuff and removed it by wheel- barrow to a distance of 100 yards, and they in addition broke 80 cubic yards of stone for Macadam. Allowing the usual price for the Macadam, the cost of the earth- work was 4s. per cubic yard. The men worked from the 1st March to the 14th June, and our own men completed the work ; excavating and removing in the same way 2,480 cubic yards of material, at a cost of £103 6s. 8d. or lOd. per yard, being little more than a-fifth part of the cost of the unskilled labour. After this, recourse was had to the usual labour-test of stone- breaking — which I only mention here because of the wretched state of the Macadam roads which resulted from it. The material was of excellent quality, but badly broken ; and when it is con- sidered that the material costs above 6s. per ton, and the labour only Is. 6d. per ton — that an unskilful breaker makes a great deal of waste — that the broken stones in place of being nearly cubes of equal size, are of all sizes and shapes, which tumble about on the road and are soon ground to powder — it will, I think, be agreed that some other test should be devised. By the present one the material is wasted, the roads are injured, and, which is probably the worst feature of the case, the poor labourer does not earn enough to keep him fit for his work, 16 New Streets. — The next statement (Table No. 5) is a list of the new streets in the Borough, paved with a view to adoption by- contract under the Health Committee, from 1856 to 1862 inclusive. The total number of streets is 218, the aggregate length of which is 16 miles 334 yards. Table No. 6 contains a list of streets paved with a view to adoption by the workmen of the Health Committee. The number of streets is nine ; their aggregate length 1016 yards. Levels of Streets. — The list next following, Table No. 7, is of levels supplied for new streets, for the completion of streets par- tially built, or for the erection of houses in streets not quite com- pleted, or for the re-erection of houses in old streets. The number of times levels have been supplied in the same street is marked in each case. Street Tramways. — In 1860 many applications were made to the Committee by parties to be allowed to lay down iron rails in the street, at their own expense, and I was instructed to report on the subject. In order to form an opinion of the effect of railways in the public streets, it was necessary to seek for information from places where they had been in common use, and I accordingly obtained from America a mass of evidence conflicting in its details, but nevertheless establishing the following points : — 1st. That even under monopoly and mis-management the railroad had been a boon to the commimity, especially to the humbler classes. 2nd. That it had organized and systematized traffic in the streets in which it had been introduced. 3rd. That on the other hand, the horse railroads interfered with the general traffic of the city, and were injurious to ordinary vehicles and attended with danger to life. In all the railroads referred to in the evidence from America, and in those which the applicants intended to lay, the horse track forms a kind of trough in the street, and it is easy to see why the evils complained of must inevitably follow their introduction. If the gauge is so wide, which it is in most cases, that the wheels of a light vehicle can get entirely into the track, then in the attempt to leave the track when the vehicle is turned obliquely, one wheel must in endeavouring to get over the upstand of the rail thrust the other against the upstand of the opposite rail, and the vehicle must suffer a wrench in which it is not unlikely that its axle may be 17 either bent or broken. The risk of accident from this cause would of course be increased in the case of a four-wheeled vehicle. In crossing the rail obliquely, too, light vehicles are liable to be forced into the track : their only safety is to cross it at right angles. I considered that if the horse track were raised instead of being depressed the liability to such accidents would be much diminished, the road would not so soon be put out of repair, and it would be drier and firmer. [ recommended also that in Macadamized roads the horse track should be paved with narrow sets, and that a line of stone blocks should be laid outside of each rail, with the double object in view of rendering the road firmer, and preventing the wearing down of the macadam into holes along the rails by the jumping of the crossing vehicles. Then as to the point as to whether such tramways should be laid down by and at the expense of the applicants, I ventured to recommend that no concession should be made to any individual or company, but that if tramways were found to be good for the public, they should be laid and maintained by the public authorities at the public expense. When the subject was under discussion by the Committee, permission was granted by the Road Trustees to lay a line of railroad from the Borough boundary to the Old Swan. A short experience proved that all the anticipated evils were realized; vehicles were injured, horses were lamed, and it became so great a nuisance that it had to be taken up. Among the more important new streets and roads and improved roads and streets which have been completed are — ^ 1. Stanley-road, within the Borough, 1496 yards long, 24 and 22 yards wide. 2. Commercial-road, from Sandhills-lane to Stanley-road, 597 yds. 3. Commercial-road, from Boundary-street to Sandhills-lane, 515 yards. These two roads were made by and at the expense of the Earl of Derby. 4. Gore-street North, Great Mersey-street, and Back Great Mersey-street, improvement. 5. Improvement of Lime-street. 18 6. Improvement of Shaw's Brow. 7. „ of St. Luke's-place. 8. „ of Old Haymarket. 9. „ Crossliall-street. 10. „ Park-lane. 11. „ West Derby-road. 12. Shiel-road. This, although outside the Borough, was made under the direction of your officers. It is 1136 yards long and 20 yards wide. It was begun on the 13th September, 1861 ; it was sewered, the retaining walls built, and the road made and lighted by the 31st July, 1862. The road was formally opened on the 19th September of the same year. Hoards and Scaffolds. — I beg again to urge on the notice of the Committee the necessity for making some charge for licenses to erect hoards, scaffolds, and guy posts. I have no doubt that such a charge would tend to reduce the time during which these ob- structions occupy the public ways, and would not be felt as a hard- ship by the builders. Details as to the benefit which has been ex- perienced in London by a system of charges for hoards, &c., will be found at page 81 of my Report to the Health Committee of 1851 ; and also the details of the system of licensing and the charges then proposed. Bridges. — In the great lines of thoroughfare in the north end of the town. Great Howard-street, Chisenhale-street, Athol-street, Boundary-street, and Sandhills-lane, the traffic was impeded by the contracted roadway of the bridges over the Leeds and Liverpool Canal. The Committee long ago turned their attention to the im- provement of these bridges, and had many interviews with the Canal Committee with this object in view. At length an arrange- ment was come to by which the Health Committee undertook to improve the bridges, the Canal Company paying the sum of £1000 in respect of whatever responsibility attached to them. Athol- street Bridge had become unsafe and required early attention, and this and Great Howard-street and Boundary-street Bridges were selected as the first to be operated upon. Oldhall-street Bridge, or rather, as it might be termed, Oldhall- street Canal Tunnel. — The work here consisted of the substitution of cast-iron girders for the old stone arch. There are 16 spandrel 19 girders, connected together by the road-plates which are bolted to them. The spandrels are flushed in with bituminous concrete forming the foundation for the paving. The use of cast-iron ad- mitted of the summit of the bridge being lowered, and the inclina- tion on each side, heretofore very steep, being made easier and more suitable for the heavy traffic. An addition of 10 feet, too, was made to the width of the carriageway, and the roadway of the bridge is now of the same width as that of the street. The cost of this bridge was as follows : — Mason work ----- £351 4 9 Iron work ------ 349 1 q Asphalte - - - - - - 64 10 6 Flags 19 14 8 Timber 10 3 7 Felt, lead, & plate with Corporation arms 6 15 3 Rebuilding walls - - - - 1892 Total cost - - £821 11 5 Athol-street Bridge, commonly called Leigh Bridge. — The re- moval of the old stone bridge was begun in May, 1860 ; and the new bridge was finished and opened for traffic in March, 1861. The old bridge was in a dilapidated state. It was of stone^ 23 feet span, and with a roadway 13 feet wide between the para- pets. The new bridge is 51 feet span, and 51 feet wide between the parapets. It is a spandrel bridge formed of 13 cast-iron arched ribs, rising four feet from the springing line to the soffit. The ribs rest on and are keyed to cast-iron abutment plates, bedded in the imposts. The structure is united and stiffened by transverse tubes, through which pass strong tie-rods, as well as by the manner in which the road-plates are attached to the ribs. Provision is made in this and the other bridges for the gas and water mains, which are laid in tun- nels under the footpaths, and can be reached by merely lifting a flag ; whereas formerly, when they passed under the canal, it was neces- sary to run it dry when there was necessity for inspecting the pipes or of making repairs. The effect of the improvement of this bridge is manifested by the immensely increased traffic, and the improve- ment of the property in its vicinity. Land, which had long lain idle for want of proper access, is now covered with buildings. 20 The cost of the work was as follows : — Mason work ----- £1411 12 6 Ironwork 996 2 4 Asphalting 74 8 Flagging ----- 41 10 6 Miscellaneous, including carving shields 13 Total cost - - £2536 13 4 Boundary-street. — The old stone bridge here being in good condition was allowed to stand, and wings were added to it at each side to extend it to the required width. These consist of seven spandrel girders of 34 feet span, three being placed on one side of the stone bridge, giving an additional width of roadway of 10 feet, and four on the other side, giving an additional width of 15 feet ; thus widening the roadway from 33 to 58 feet. The cost of this bridge was as under : — Mason work £1157 7 4 Iron work 804 14 4 Asphalting - - - - - - 36 86 Flagging 40 20 Shields and miscellaneous items - - 10 £2048 12 2 The working drawings and specifications for Sandhills-lane Bridge are completed, and those for Chisenhale-street Bridge are in progress ; the work may be proceeded with during the present year. The new bridge at Sandhills is very much required to per- mit the improvement of Sandhills-lane to be carried out. The estimated cost of Chisenhale-street Bridge is £2500. of Sandhills Bridge - - - 4000. Scavenging. — The next statement (Table No. 8) shews the cost of scavenging the Borough in each year from 1856 to 1862 inclusive. The cost has steadily increased with the extension of the streets, which in these six years amounts to 16 miles 1350 yards. The question as to the propriety of scavenging the streets by night has been considered by the Committee and settled in the negative, and therefore need not again be opened here. There is, however, in my opinion, room for improvement in the organization 21 of the scavenging Btaif, and the mode of carrying on the work applicable at least to narrow and densely peopled streets with many courts and passages entering from them. In these places, it appears to me that, it would be an improve- ment to give a certain extent of street, with its courts and passages, to be kept clean by one man, letting him attend to it during the whole of the day, and holding him responsible for its perfect clean- liness at all times. This workman would also have the charge of the tank water closets subsequently mentioned. The heaviest expense for scavenging was incurred in 1861. There was much snow and ice to be removed during that winter, aud the ordinary scavenging force had to be temporarily increased. The severe weather also threwa great number of labouring men out of em- ployment; and the Mayor and Chairman and Deputy-Chairman met together on the 29th December, 1860, to consider whether temporary employment could be afforded them in clearing away the snow and ice. The great obstacle to giving such employment on the instant, and on a scale sufficiently large, was the want of tools. This diffi- culty was overcome ; and as many spades, picks, and shovels were got together that afternoon as would suffice for 400 men. I was, therefore, instructed to advertise that 2s. a day would be given on the Monday following to those who offered. On the same evening, however, the weather changed, and a heavy rainfall speedily cleared away the snow. As it appeared, too, on the following day as if the ordinary channels of employment would be again open, I was instructed to withhold the advertisement. On the following week Note. — Comparison of the cost of cleaning different towns are of not much value unless the towns are nea»ly of the same extent, and are similarly circumstanced in respect of paving, efficiency of cleansing, &c. ; but it may be interesting to give here the detail of the cleansing of Berlin in the year 1856, when the population (400,000) was nearly the same in number as that of Liverpool. The number of men estimated to be em- ployed was 360, with 16 superintendents. 1 ^67403-62 ! ^450-16 £15463-192 4927-1096 Extra for Winter .£9853-64 2073-536 760-0640 613-952 2172-000 Esdmated cost of { ^^J^^^ Superintendence Eent and miscellaneous expenses... ..... Amount expended beyond the estimates :- Tools 1610176 3144.332 1621-760 ClearinGT ice and snow. ................. Cleaning public squares and corners Total actual expenditure je-iO 390-301 6 22 there were heavy falls of snow succeeded by frost, and the condition of these poor people was worse than before. At one period a repe- tition of the bread riots of 1855 was apprehended, without sufficient cause, as it appeared; but more serious alarm was caused by bands of men prowling about the outskirts of the town watching the departure of gentlemen from their residences, and then de- manding food and money from the inmates. Under these circum- stances the Mayor and the Chairman and Deputy-Chairman of the Health Committee instructed me at once to provide for the employ- ment of as many men as should offer. The Town Clerk immediately issued large placards, intimating that men would be employed the following morning on applying to the Surveyors at the district yards. On the morning of Friday, the 11th January, many men did apply, but nearly 300 would not accept the terms, and went away. Provision was made for the employment of 3000, but only 442 availed themselves of it. As the pinching of want was felt the numbers increased, and from the 11th to the 18th, when the number was at its greatest, there were at work as follows : — January 11 - - 442^ January 16 - - 2527 12 - - 1113i „ 17 - - 3040 14 - - 1379i » 18 - - 3063i 15 - - 2118 The immediate eff'ect of this employment was to reduce the pressure on the parish and on all the benevolent funds throughout the town, to diminish solicitation of alms, and altogether to do away with any pretext for the half-coercive begging in the outskirts. The whole of the men employed were paid at the close of each day. The Committee having regarded the work as a labour test merely, I was instructed to employ every adult who applied. Con- sidered as productive labour, the public, doubtless, did not get value for the money spent. Many of the men were not accustomed to use the spade, many were too feeble to do serviceable work, and many were of the class who will not work. There was no properly organised system of superintendence, but as many of the regular workmen of the Committee as could be spared were appointed to act as superintendents. These men did their best at least to preserve order, if not to turn the work to useful account. 23 As a protection against imposition in paying the labourers, every one was compelled to hand in the implement used by him before receiving his money, and there is reason to believe that this pre- caution checked, if it did not altogether prevent, imposition. One great drawback from the utility of the scheme was the want of carts and horses to remove the ice and snow when col- lected. The greatest number which could be obtained was 103J per diem over and above the usual supply. Hence the heaps of snow and dirt were gathered up only to be spread out and gathered again and again. The Committee were aware of this; but appreciating the neces- sity for continuing the employment were satisfied that the best was done under the circumstances. As the severity of the weather abated so did the necessity for this extraordinary relief. It was considered advisable to diminish gradually the numbers employed, and notice was accordingly posted to the effect that on and after Monday, the 21st, none but residents in the Borough would get work. The numbers from the 19th to the 25th were as follows : — January 19 - - 2967 January 23 - - 985^ 21 - - 1937^ „ 24 - - 456 22 - - 1492 „ 25 - - 240 The proceedings of the Committee, it is gratifying to know, gave general satisfaction to the inhabitants. The following statement shows the number of men employed in each district of the Borough : — Januaet, 1861. Liverpool North. Liverpool Sooth. KiRKDALK. EVKRTON. West Derby. TOXTBTH Park. Total. Friday, 11th- - - 128 125 22i 37 41i 88i 442i Saturday, 12th - - 868i 382 m 63 104 144i 1113 J Monday, I4th - - 401 508J 108^ 40 105i 195 1379i Tuesday, 15th - - 560 902 115* I68i 263* 2118 Wednesday, 16th - 73li 945 124 107 270i 391 2527 Thursday, l7th - - 801 1327 149 129 237 897 3040 Friday, 18th 893 1319 132 121 277^ 321 3063i Saturday, 19th - - 752 1302 128 137 295i 352 i 2967 Monday, 21st - - 499i 849 95 87 167 240 1937i Tuesday, 22nd - - 398i 633 73i 69J 127i 190 1492 Wednesday, 23rd - 2(J6 419 45i 47 82 126 985 i Thursday, 24th - - 133 173 25 25 40 60 456 Friday, 25th - - 65 95 12 13 20 35 240 Totals - 5987 9039i 1086 981 1935J 2704 21662 £2184 10 241 17 596 3 24 The cost of tin's extra work was as imdernoted, viz. : — Wages - - _ _ . Tools and brooms Cartage - - - . , iPetty expenses - - - . Total - - £3025 7 Street Watering. — The number of carts in efficient condition is fifty-five, and there is one which will not run over another year. I recommend that the number be increased to sixty after the ensuing year. The number of loads of water distributed during the last six years is as follows : — 1857 45,434 •1858 104,182 1859 132,346 1860 144,243 1861 84,331 1862 110,951 The statement (Table No. 9) shows the cost of the work in each of these six years for each district in the Borough. It will be seen that the cost of delivery per load varies from 3'08d. to 4-56d. The average cost is 3-72d., nearly 3f d. per load. The cost is increased when there is a great number of half-days' hire of the horses. Hydrants. — From February, 1856, to December, 1862, the num- ber of hydrants erected in each district is as follows : — Liverpool ----- 50 Kirkdale - - - - - 4 Everton ----- 11 West Derby - - - _ 7 Toxteth Park - - - - 9 Total - - —81 Urinals. — The next statement (Table No. 10) shows in detail the situations in which urinals have been erected, and their kind and number, from which it appears that in the six years 102 urinals have been erected, with accommodation for 227 persons, and that ten other urinals had also been erected and subsequently removed, owing to the alterations of the adjoining property. Courts and Alleys. — It will be seen by the return of the 9r. Scavenging (Table 8) that the number of Inspectors of Scavengers was 11 until 1858. Towards the close of that year two extra Inspectors were appointed, with special duties. The following observations will shew the necessity for their appointment, and afford a clue to their duties. There are in Liverpool many courts constructed on a good plan having back yards and conveniences to each house, and a passage between the back yards of the contiguous courts, v These courts are commonly open at both ends, which gives a proper circulation of air, and, being flagged, they are easily kept clean. Such places, when they do not consist of more than six or eight houses, are, apart from the vital error of over-crowding, tolerably healthy, and are in general, inhabited by an industrious and cleanly descrip- tion of tenants. Unfortunately, however, such are the exceptions. The majority of the courts in Liverpool is very different indeed. The houses are generally built back to back, one end of the court as a rule is closed either by houses, or, which is worse, by the privies and ashpits ; or a worse state of things still, the privies and ashpits are placed at the entrance of the court, and the only air supplied to the inhabitants must pass over their foul contents. But even this miserable state of things can be outdone. There are courts, which, by a perverted ingenuity have been formed in the following manner: — An ordinary street house has had its lobby converted into a common passage leading to the back-yard. The passage is of course roofed over, and is, in fact, a tunnel from which the back room of the original house now converted into a separate dwelling has its entrance. The back yard has been filled with other houses in such manner as to have only the continuation of the tunnel for access, and from this little area of 3 feet wide the houses receive their supply of light and air. The passage is generally terminated by the privy and ashpit common to all the wretched dwellings, with its liquid filth oozing through their walls, and its pestiferous gases flowing into the windows of the two last houses. The structural evils of these miserable abodes are aggravated by the filthy habits of the occupants. " What is everybody's business is nobody's business," and so the duty of keeping the court and its conveniences clean is neglected. Even when the middens have been filled so as to overflow the court, no one cared to take the 26 trouble to apprize the officers of the Nuisance Department of the fact in order to their being emptied. For this state of matters the owners of the property could not provide a remedy. They had no power to enforce cleanliness, Under the Sanitary Act, however, the Council possessed this power, and resolved to exert it. A special Sub-Committee was formed ; bye-laws were framed, notices were printed and posted in every court and alley throughout the Borough, and two Inspectors were appointed to carry out the wishes of the Committee. The Inspec- tors began by arranging among the inhabitants of each court their turns of duty in cleansing it, and on failure or neglect they summoned the whole of the parties before the Magistrate. They had some little difficulty at the outset in identifying the people and the houses they occupied. The courts were not properly numbered ; the houses in the courts were not numbered at all. This was promptly remedied. A short experience proved that a great amount of good was done by this new staff at an inconsiderable cost, and the Committee resolved to increase it by giving each of the Inspectors an assistant. To those not conversant with the subject, it may appear that the evils of this court and alley life are exaggerated in the foregoing statement, and that the means taken for their mitigation are excessive. But let any one glance at the analysis which follows this, and then take into consideration the facts as there set forth, and in complete detail in Table No. 11, that in the Borough there are 3173 courts containing 18,610 houses ; that the average num- ber of houses in a court is 5*86, and the average number of inhabi- tants to a house is a fraction more than six: and it will be found that upwards of a fifth part of the population of Liverpool is condemned to live in these morally and physically unwholesome dwellings. In the analysis which follows, I have presented the most impor- tant facts contained in Table No. 11. The first column of each table of the analysis contains the number of courts which have the structural peculiarities noted in the colums which follow in succes- sion. For example, the first horizontal line of the first table of the analysis will be read thus, viz. : — In the North division of the Parish of Liverpool, there are 673 courts which have entrances of 27 three feet wide and under. Of these entrances 526 are arched and 147 are open. Further, of these 673 courts, 447 are closed at the upper end, and 226 are open ; 98 have their privies at the entrance, 97 at the side, 409 at the upper end, 52 at both the entrance and side or the end and side; 17 have water closets; none have sepa- rate yards. Continuing to read along the horizontal line we find that, of the 673 courts, 80 contain one house only, 179 contain two houses, 78 contain three houses, 152 contain four houses, 29 contain five houses, 82 contain six houses, 11 contain seven houses, 28 con- tain eight houses, 6 contain nine houses, 11 contain ten houses, 6 contain eleven houses, 7 contain twelve houses, and 4 contain thirteen houses. In the second horizontal line we find 395 courts with entrances from three to four feet wide ; 194 of the entrances are arched and 201 are open. The upper ends of the courts in 187 cases are closed, in 208 cases they are open. The privies of 101 of the courts are at the entrace, of 37 at the side, of 222 at the end, and of 25 at both side and entrance or end and entrance. Seven of the courts have water-closets ; one has separate yards to the houses. Of the 395 courts 18 contain one house, 34 contain two houses, 25 contain three houses, and so on. The notes at the foot of each table contain such additional particulars as could not well be included in the tabular form. Among others, the number of courts in each district in which the houses are built back to back, and the number in which there are passages between the blocks of houses, and also a digest of the remarks on the margin of Table No. 11. § 1 — 1 -1 p s < 1 p o o P ^ 1 "^ 1 ^ i 1 g 1 1 ^ 1 ~^ 1 1 " 1 - ?? 1 II ^ 1 ^N F^ 1 (M 1 ^ 1 - S 1 1 S 1 1 S 1 1 Of '^ -" y-i — 1 (N ?, -^ '" SJ ^ (-1 (M CO s — ^ (N '2 T-H « ,_, CO C) « CO (M CO o C^ - -^ ^ Z C&tN-^ — — — ^ CO CO 2 ^^^) — (>> rl<(Nt*p^ CO — «0 CO — < i-H rH -^ (M -^ CO o 1— 1>— (t^CSC^Ot^Ot-irjfCO CO-^ — tH ^^ «>• =^- OXJiOOJ i-i(N— 'rH O '-' o CO (M CO»r553OO -^CO l>J>Tf(-^(?1.HO(M o ^ o C50JC5CSO Or-HrH rH '-" cc ri) (N O O CO CS 00 O CO C<> CO (M 00 — 1 O 00 r-t • (N rH r-i o it Oi C5-H-t*OC0-<*-^0? «oc''*c»COC^ rH OOrH -t- 8 X •pasojo l--t^(N'r*(OrHOlOOCC(MrHa5rH -+ X O O CO C< rH rH rH rH rH ■^ r—t ■^ "^ o •uadf) C-rH ■>» TTrHOOC^ — -HC CO CO tJ( CO (N rH CO rH rH O -tH CO -*- X X OS •paqoay O-HJCSCDOCO-JfTjlC^J rHC^r-H rH rH C<1 ^Ti)oot>xoorH(Nco-rfocot>a.- C5 O (M O C<« CO 1 1 — cs ^2111111111111 ^ Cc0-HO:0t-X=lOrHCv5C0-f..0 I 1 1 1 X Oi [xi^ '-Hr-.rHrHrHTH rH rH — ™ •^•" no3j< ) jaq umx coiOrH(Nw;c:co-^cc-t.c^>c:x-f< (M rH f-H -* n ■«* -" 1 tens ;3 o §? § "3 1! to .s "3 1 ^ 03 'o o o ID 0; o 'SrC ni'^ bD s ^ ^.t^ 1i C >H ® ■^,:4 t, a -^ 03 <_( O 03 ® § o c .^ 03 ^;? •5 o O o a ©^ C,l -"^^ bD tc u ^ - O C « c v. n> '<1 ■^ C n .S-a g ■tJ ;/. O) ^ o +J -rH 'r, M'x-^ ^ 03 o M 0) 1^ o 0) ^ .rt ill 03 Oj ii w Ti ~ Of i O ^gs O tf CO 33 30 ? ^2 3 R2S5 .2-? rr 2 rS C3 C3 c; 03 o •^ ft «j 2 13 o o > -a !! ^ r r r r :;.^ e3 oi * CO ■— —• -^ •paqoJV coc;»r5(Ncococ^ i 1 o ee 2 a ^'=^§§ ? rt 03 3 3^ Srt £ 5' S £ 2 o O 41 .2 - «=^ = 0} 2 X s?l 1 < 1 1 ^1 o 1 - ^CO (N — — < (N -- - t- •paqojy -< C* ^ is Ft. 3 and under 3 to 4 4—5 5—6 6—7 O O — 1 1 1 00 05 O TO ^ 1 I (N TO 1 CO ••^anoojo jaqtatiK d eoTO — » rO t ^ «o » o -. — CO C4 — -— -^ -^ (N ^ ■" •* ---- . CO eo w -• — w- p^ CO c^ jopu apovspig coo l>Ci(N -^ - M t- 00 cocoes — « ^ l/ua •tapig C4 r-* t- ••oinujaa OlO-i-. tK CO ^ •aado O O (M -HI -. o (N — M C^ CI i# OCDt-(M •eijnoo JO aaqraiiij O T^ -i( CO O O rH rH Of [ 05 «o CDTH^rHCOi-lT-( CO -< Is .-2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j^'(MCO^O«OI>.XC&0 — ^ O CO 1 1 1 CO Hi O 05 1 00 ••vnoQ JO J9qran|ii CO — •^ococxjc^o — -^n ^g^C « rH o ,o . P to 6 ^ ■^ o '§ o CO ^ ^ CD rrj fc< cS cS o CO too -" cu -u -u ® ii ^ ^ CD V, W .2 ° a as o *^ ^ g 9 o © *3 -M ;i:i 5 o 2 a c«« 1—1 CO o 1 1 < S 1 1 1 8$ 1 ^ |- , 1 « CO Of 1 « 1, - 1- .s ^ 1 1 "S £ ® S5 1 1 CM 1 Of 1 1 ot 1 ''^ 1- i i 1 . o €9 1 "^ *^ l« 2 IT 1 '^ |- 1 ■ g J 1 1 .M f-l l« O 1 ^ o< p^ ^ I"" e froD kind. Court ining o j »-< .-« ,^ |CO -1* 1 -^ CO PH ^ ^ I'' CO 1 ^ ^CO 0« r- ^ rs5 a fH ^Ci CO ^ «CO^Cl^ elonging iences ol high, an " 1 —• ♦^ ^ ^ 1^ o 1 COOC*'*^ ^r-i ^ » „ 1^ C5 1 „ Ol ^ ^ ^ « 1^ allyb >treet. onven aches he Co 00 1 o -i< c; CO 7/ ^ .M ^ o ^ i-i X c: F-< ^ g £* 1 ■ofooeoi-i .^otf-4 »^ CO the back. n the yard origin iurear of front s ds. fvnter closets or c ol only 5 feet 4 i he footway, ting them from t CO j;^j:^2«<» CO «• CO CO t» fc- rn O » C* CO rH f- _( Ii •sapis 00 t- '^Jl ^t«P3^^oj £ s s I : : : - - = OS II ^^CO-^OCOt^QOCSOFHCMCO'l^OOl^OOCS .2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iT g(Mco-^oco£^aocsorHOjco-«*ocot^ao sunoQ JO aaqmn^ oi^co:or-io?OrHoaoxco-oo>J'5cOrH 1 cs 2i "*"* =^ '^ ^ '^ '^ ^ <^ -^ 1 Ci o 34 Whatever amount ot success lias attended the enforcement of cleanliness is due in a great measure to the periodical inspections of the Sub-Committee, a duty often disgusting, and always dis- agreeable, but attended with excellent results. These visits give the Inspectors an invaluable moral support, and show the people that the operation is one of sympathy and kindness, not of punishment. The Bye-laws were passed by the Council on the 9th March, 1859, and are as follow : — 1. Whenever tenants or occupiers of several houses in courts, alleys, streets, and other places within the Borough have the right to use in common any middenstead or privy, the several persons having such right shall be and they are hereby required to keep the internal walls, floors, seats, and fittings of such middenstead or privy thoroughly clean, so that the same is not a nuisance or annoyance to any inhabitant of the said Borough. 2. That if any privy or middenstead so used in common, or the walls, floors, seats, or fittings thereof, or any of them, shall be in such a state or condition as to be a nuisance or annoyance to any inhabitant of the Borough for want of proper cleansing thereof, as aforesaid, then the persons having the use in common as aforesaid, shall severally be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings, and a further penalty not exceeding five shillings for every day during which the same shall remain in such state or condition. All the courts of the Borough have been periodically inspected, some more than once a day. The following is a return of tlie parties summoned for infraction of the Bye-laws from April, 1859, to 31st December, 1862, with the result : — Summoned. Acquitted. Fined. War- rauts issued. Paid. Sent to paol. Left. 35 541 137 V- 4 2/- 178 2/6 3/6 80 ! 1 4/- 1 5/- 3 126 5/6 2 9/6 9 14/6 1 66 19 12 The cost of the Staff from its appointment in 1858 to the 31st December, 1862, has been as follows : — 1858 - - - - £16 16 1859 - - - - 124 16 1860 - - - - 124 16 1861 - - - - 219 1862 - - - - 270 Total - - £755 8 But although this new staff under the directions of the Committee have unquestionably done good, the real source of the evil is not reached by it. The middens still exist to pollute the air of the place. In some of the courts, as the returns show, water closets have been substituted for the common privy; and, although in some instances with good effect, yet in the majority of cases, arising from abuse, from ignorance, or from intermittent or deficient supply of water, they have proved failures. In my Report to the Health Committee in 1848 I advocated the introduction of water closets to courts and small dwellings, but remarked that the closet should be adapted to the place it is to occupy and to the habits of the users. I there described a kind of closet adapted for back yards, courts, and public necessaries. These have been largely introduced into public institutions, schools, &c., and an experience of their working of nearly sixteen years' duration warrants the conclusion that they admirably serve their purpose. But in order that they may effectually do so, it is requisite, as stated in my report of 1848, that the control of them should not be left to the persons using them, but that they should be managed by servants of the Corporation. With this view, I have at page 21, proposed an alteration in the organization of the scavenging staff, whereby this duty could be accomplished in combination with the scavengers ordinary w^ork ; securing economy in the use of the water and preventing injury to the apparatus, without entailing additional expense. There is another point, too, on which some improved course of action is required. The flagging of courts and passages is laid and maintained by the owner or owners, but it often happens that the surface ot a court gets out of order, particularly in courts occupied by oakum pickers and chip dealers, who use the flagged area as a workshop, and speedily contrive to break or displace the stones in cutting old ropes or in cleaving large billets of wood. Now, the displaced or broken flags too frequently have a most prejudicial effect on the health of the inhabitants directly by form- ing pools of filth, and indirectly by so disarranging the surface that the liquids cannot find their way into the drains, and the whole place becomes filthy. So long as the process of repair has to be 36 effected by serving notice on the owers — and there are many owners iu a court — and so long as property changes hands in these places as frequently as at present, we must expect a continuance of the evils arising from broken and disarranged flagging above spoken of The remedy appears to be to regard these places as ordinary streets subject to repair by the authorities. They would then, after being put in perfect order by their owners, or by the Committee at the expense of the owners, be adopted and maintained as streets by the pubHc. The above remarks and suggestions as to the improvement of courts, apply only to such as are susceptible of improvement. An investigation of the Table No. 11, will show to the Committee that in very many cases demolition is the only cure. The works which have been enumerated and described are com- prehended in the ordinary duties of the staff of the Health Com- mittee. But a great amount of work for other Committees of the Council has been done, some of which is here mentioned. 1. Plans for the various Improvement Committees, including one showing the projected Boulevards on a scale of six inches to the mile, and detailed reports and estimates to accompany the plans. 2. Detailed survey for the Parliamentary plans of the improve- ment in Dale-street. 3. Detailed plans and models of the projected improvement ot the approaches to the Landing Stages. 4. Report to the Special Improvement Committee by the Borough Engineer in April, 1859, accompanied by plans and documents, and the detailed survey for the Parliamentary plans of the improvements recommended by that Committee for Session 1860. 5. Report on Tramways, with plans, estimates, and models. 6. Plans for the proposed Public Offices. 7. Various plans for the Baths Committee. 1. For Bath at Old Reservoir, Everton Valley. 2. For Baths at Margaret-street, in- cluding working drawings, specifications, &c. These Baths are now in process of erection. 8. For the Watch Committee. 1. The usual work of inspector of lighting, including reports on application for lighting ; also, for the lighting of new streets, all of which are accompanied by plans. 2. Designs for large lamps for places of refuge. 3. Plans, specifica- 37 tions, &c., for fitting up testing-room and apparatus, and subsequently plans and specifications for the erection of an independent building for the accommodation of this branch of the public service. In conclusion, I may be permitted to congratulate the Com- mittee on the fact that, notwithstanding the enormous amount of work executed, the greater portion of which has interfered with private rights, no unfriendly feeling has been manifested by any of the parties affected ; but, on the contray, your operations have been rightly appreciated, and not a single claim for compensation has arisen either in respect of damage to property or injury to the person. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient Servant, JAS. NEWLANDS, Borough Engineer. Liverpool Public Offices^ February^ 1863. TABLE No. 1. LIST OF SEWERS CONSTRUCTED IN THE BOROUGH OF LIVERPOOL Fkom 1856 to 1862 Inclusive, SHEWING THEIR DIMENSIONS, LENGTH, COST, AND AVERAGE COST PER LINEAL YARD. PARISH OF LIVERPOOL, 1856. No. 2 Sewer. KAHES OF STREETS. LENGTH IN YARDS. COST. AVERAGE COST PER LINEAL TARD. Parliament-street 53 £ s. d. 54 2 1 £ S. d. 10 5 No. 3 Sewer. (Chanel-street 1 78 1 . 123 9 10 1 1 11 8 No. 4 Sewer. Ascot-street 22 27J 31 314 41 42 22 11 73§ I47i 137 13 202J 111 105 4Ci 27 43 200* 96 8 11 19 143 }? I74i 00 36 12 160 12 112J 11 41 161 64 17 10 2 94 12 3 33 12 24 2 2 23 5 217 6 2 23 7 8 41 10 9 18 5 6 11 18 7 77 15 7 135 5 7 125 5 10 15 5 182 11 2 116 2 82 17 3 41 9 2 28 12 6 33 4 1 179 7 6 63 14 12 3 4 12 17 3 14 5 3 95 3 7 11 5 4 27 3 96 2 2 41 16 10 31 17 4 16 5 125 7 10 9 8 9 82 9 10 11 18 7 42 13 7 177 4 4 105 4 15 11 19 15 1 17 8 14 10 13 10 11 5 19 9 16 8 118 1 1 1 18 4 18 3 16 7 18 1 1 11 15 9 17 10 112 15 5 17 11 13 8 1 10 6 13 4 15 13 4 15 9 2 5 3 11 13 11 17 8 17 1 15 8 15 9 14 8 1 1 8 19 5 12 1 12 10 Athol-street Back Little Canning-street ,, Peach-street „ Sandon-street ■ Blenheim-street Challinor-street Charlotte-street Cross-street Evans-street Fairhurst-street Greenland-street Henry-street Lawson street , Lightbody-street Little Canning-street „ Huskisson-street „ Walnut-street London-road, Branch on South Side Mathew-lane Melville-place Menai-street Milford-street Myers-street Neville-street Newport-street Orphan-street Parr-street Queen Anne-street Queen's Dock, East Side Roscoe-street St. Augustine-street Sidney-street East . . , Stanley-place • Steele-street Titchfield-street Turner-street Union Dock, East Side Walnut-street 2495 7 3 39 No. 5 Sewer • NAMSS OF STRBETS. LRMQTH IN TASDS. COST. 1 1 ATKRAGB COST PKR LUJBAL YARD. Aintvpfl.sit.ri^ftf. .........••.....••-. ...•-• 23 69 51 36 39 9 134 20 £ 8. d. 18 3 9 76 11 5 45 2 1 30 1 32 1 1 9 8 1 12 11 7 15 19 8 £ 8. d. 15 10 1 5 11 17 8 16 8 16 5 1 11 18 8 16 Bollon-street Lad-lane Mercer's-court iMillard- street Wellin"ton-street Walrusley-street 250i 239 17 9 No. 8 Sewer. Back Ranelagh-place 24 19 29 III 10 10 12 11 11 12 1 10 7 6 39 1 1 8 4 11 3 8 10 2 11 9 Bolton street Col(iuitt-street ....»• •........•.••.. .•• Hackin'8 Hey lifturel-Btreet Passace 159 81 ]d 6 ' 1 No. 9 Skwei I. Laurel-street Passaffe. ..• .•••••••• 60 17 23 3 6 11 3 11 7 9 13 2 Sidney.street East (Passage N. of) 77 34 7 5 TOWNSHIP OF EVEF No. 4 Sewei ITON, 1 I. 856. Alma-street ..... 241 40 30 27 16 16 291 157 16 8 8 284 37 9i 37 89i 176 334 2534 ! 66 ; 244 74 10 278 222 18 7 34 19 4 20 17 3 23 5 7 31 11 8 30 6 8 195 14 1 121 7 8 26 14 8 12 3 4 12 3 4 23 4 2 322 18 2 37 13 3 76 1 11 182 10 10 16 5 7 146 14 8 50 15 6 22 5 48 19 7 69 14 8 8 10 8 241 5 3 13 11 18 6 17 6 13 11 17 3 1 10 6 1 17 11 13 5 15 5 1 13 5 1 10 5 1 10 5 16 3 17 10 4 17 10 9 9 9 1 11 7 1 15 5 18 2 ' 1 1 18 10 i 17 1 17 4 ! 1 1 2 Ann-street ••.. . Blythe-street >•.. Elias-street „ Passage Gordon-street , Hill-street Hughes-street Kilshaw-street McGregor-street Mount-street Netherfield-road North Portland-place Salisbury- street South-street St, George's-street Victoria-street William -terrace, Salisbuiy-street 2358| 1992 8 4 1 40 No. 5 Sewer. KAHES or STREETS. LENGTH IN TABD3. Anderson street Aughton-street. . Clegg-street . . . . 142 155 12 309 £ s. d. 75 4 10 70 9 7 10 9 9 156 4 2 AVERAGE COST PER LINEAL YARD. M S. d. 10 7 9 1 17 6 No. 8 Sewer. Blythe-street passage . . . , Ellison street „ , . . Mount-street „ (1) 24 149 45i 218i 10 6 9 74 10 34 1 1 118 17 10 8 7 10 15 No. 9 Sewer. Back Clarence-ternice Bala-terrace passage Blythe-street „ McGregor-street, passage E. No. 7 » W. „ 8 Mount „ „ „ 5 ft >» »> N „ 2 i> » »> S » 6 , . . . Portland-place, „ E „ „ Portland-buildings „ „ Portland-square Sanderson-street „ „ passage South-street, passage E, of St. George's-hill passage 50 48 57 40 i 77 47 56 47 39 1.3i 14 16 35 48 53i 647^ 28 7 11 12 11 17 2 29 13 6 56 10 20 4 7 36 17 45 14 7 5 14 4 18 8 1 3 30 8 37 17 3 358 19 1 11 4 6 12 14 8 13 19 7 12 14 TOWNSHIP OF KIRKDALE, 1856. No. 4 Sewer. Back Sterling street Burton-street Bury-street John's-terrace Milford-street Pleasant-street Trent street 96 51 20 21 143 12 20 363 10? 16 2 55 4 23 1 10 14 12 1 144 19 7 9 7 3 23 1 10 378 2 9 Leekworth-street passage John's-terrace, passage N 43 .25 14 2 57 17 9 9 62 17 2 10 162 GO 6 9 12 5 117 1 3 1 13 11 10 3 15 7 13 1 No. 8 Sewer. 1 29 1 13 1 9 No. 9 Sewer. 11 11 6 2 5 6 41 TOWNSHIP OF WEST DERBY, 1856. No. 1 Sewer. • NAUBS OF STREETS. LENGTH IN TABDS. COST. AVEEAGE COST PER LINEAL TARD Wavertree-road, Outlet Sewer under Railway. . 65 £ s. d. 255 3 6 £ 8. d. 3 18 6 No. 3 Sewer. Wavertree-road, Branch for Gasworks 72 27i 172 8 6 50 11 6 222 19 10 2 7 11 1 16 9 No. 4 Sewer. Angela-street . . . Chalmers-street . Clarendon-street . Edge- vale Elm-grove Forbes-street . . . Garden-street. . .. Hume-street Lord-street Macauley-street . Owens-street .... Packington street Palmers ton -street Spekeland street . Walpole-street . . . , 26 i 2i) 27J 23 56 25 12 2Hi 130 24 29 29 29 206 24 696i 16 7 16 2 24 19 23 23 11 24 16 5 1 15 18 115 13 23 10 19 11 17 15 19 8 138 19 19 8 504 2 10 No. 8 Sewee. Clarendon-street Holt-street, passage S Macauley-street Montague- street 31 17 13J 96 158 J 18 14 7 10 13 1 6 57 3 5 92 11 1 12 4 11 9 18 3 10 8 5 19 11 8 6 12 17 9 19 7 13 6 12 3 13 5 13 6 16 2 12 2 12 1 9 11 11 No 9. Sewer. Cecil-street, passage 3 . Chalmers-street, „ 3 . Clarendon-street „ H l» »» S Fairclough-lane „ 1 . M i> » 2 . Forbes-street, „ N . »» >> >> ^ • Hardwick-square „ Holt-street, „ S . „ ., „ N. Hyde-street, „ 6 . 7 »» >» j> 8 . Carried forward. 122 58 28 4 52§ 61 92 27 20 49J 89 96 64 64 52 879 52 14 21 19 11 1 26 30 9 10 9 8 8 43 14 13 7 12 14 19 16 42 5 53 11 27 15 10 24 16 11 19 18 10 402 3 11 8 8 7 7 8 3 7 5 10 9 10 9 6 9 11 12 9 8 9 6 11 2 8 8 7 9 7 8 42 NAMES or STRKBTS. LENGTH IN YARDS. COST. AVERAGE COST PER LINEAL TARD. Brought forward , 879 3U 28 23 50§ £ 8. d. 402 3 11 11 1 7 9 17 8 13 9 7 19 18 3 £ s. d. 7 7 1 10 10 7 10 Macauley-street, „ 7 Owens-street, ,, No. 2 Packington-street, „ 4 Stand-street, „ 8 1012^ 455 11 TOWNSHIP OF TOXTETH PARK, 1856. No. 3 Sewer. Park-street 1 217 1 234 5 11 1117 1 No. 4 Sewer. Ann-street 117 69 21 8 42i 159 12 228^ 118 1204 17 92 74 81 42 21J 52 93 95 57 112 3 86 8 3 16 18 9 6 6 4 51 8 8 161 13 16 179 13 6 106 14 1 131 14 7 11 15 50 62 3 55 5 55 9 4 28 4 9 37 12 10 88 8 11 94 15 4 61 7 9 19 2 15 1 16 2 15 10 14 2 10 4 16 8 15 9 18 1 1 1 10 13 10 10 10 16 10 13 8 16 5 16 6 14 19 19 11 116 Carlton-street Clive-street ....••.... ...i •••• Dantzic-street . ... Hampton-street .... « Lilanrwst-street ...*.. .... Llewellyn-street ...••» Mann-street Melbourne-street Napier-street ....• Southwell- street Stanhope-street „ „ Windsor Tamworth-street Vaughan-street Wood-street 15191 1414 2 1 No. 5 Sewer. OlevedoD- street 13 1 9 10 5 1 14 8 1 No. 8 Sewer. Grafton-street 92 28 73 14 12 15 10 10 5 Windsor-street 120 87 12 No. 9 Sewer. Ann-street, Brunswick-buildings „ „ Kensington 81 31 31 31 35 37 12 13 12 2 11 15 10 11 13 12 11 13 12 11 15 18 9 13 9 7 10 10 3 18 10 7 10 10 8 10 8 10 9 1 7 1 12 7 6 1 „ „ Melbourne „ „ ,, Trevor ,, Bedford-street, Passage 12 Blair-street, Blair-place „ „ Brewerj'-place „ „ Mason-place Cnrried forward 221 95 8 10 43 NAMES OF STREETS. LENGTH TN YARDS. AOERAQB COST PER LINEAL YARD. Brought forward Carlton- street, Passage 1 >» »» )> " Castle-street W., Joseph -place „ „ Charles-place ,, „ Passage Clevedon-street, Passage Frank-street, Clyn 03'- terrace „ „ Dinorwing- terrace „ ,, Jones-place „ „ Passage No. 1 »> i» )> «3.«. ............. >» n i> 7.,...., M M „ 9 Hampton-street, Berklej-place „ „ Court No. 2 4 „ „ Friendship-place II „ Hampton-place and Passage „ „ „ terrace II „ Jackson -place and Passage . . II II Mona-terrace „ II I, Mornington-terrace M M Princes-terrace •I ,1 Union-terrace II II "SVilliam-terrace and Passage Llanrwst-street, Belgrave-place ,1 „ Hope-place •1 II Jordan-terrace ,1 „ Mill-place ,1 ,1 Passage N Jordan-terrace .... n " — . " ^ »» »» • * • • t, ,1 Dnion-place •••• M II Wrexham-place Llewellyn-street, Mona-terrace V I, Mostyn-terrace II M Llewellyn -terrace » I, Orchard-place If I, Park-terrace It II Passage S of ditto 11 „ Salisbury-terrace If ,, Passage S of ditto 1) II ,1 S of Ann-street II „ Passage W of Mona-terrace II ,, York-terrace Lorton-street, Ann-place 11 „ Lorton-place )i I) George's- place Napier-street, Passage W of ditto >» M II F , »» " » E , ^ " . , '» »> E „ Pennth -street, Passage N of ditto Southwell-street, Jones-terrace II ,, Castle-place II II Southwell-terrace » „ Passage 4= Stanhope-street „ N Carried forward 221 15 49 16 16J 67| 86| 25 25 10 24 33 i 19 50 22 22 39 23i 54 22 fi3i 47i 28J 22 23 61 28 25 34 2(3} 29i 32 20i 28 i 37 35 35 25i 35 35 29 45 42 25 26 51 30 47 34 40 35 39 74| 25 25 32 19 5li 2167| £ 95 7 21 7 7 20 41 s. d. 8 10 3 5 12 1 6 8 6 10 8 11 9 10 17 11 9 11 5 4 14 2 9 11 9 14 11 6 12 11 10 5 10 9 6 2 2 3 9 4 2 5 9 19 16 16 9 9 18 2 9 19 27 6 17 19 13 8 8 19 32 7 12 11 11 5 16 6 10 15 18 6 14 8 11 7 12 4 15 14 14 17 14 17 10 17 14 17 11 10 19 2 2 10 8 5 2 3 6 6 14 12 19 17 10 12 11 1 24 3 14 21 10 26 4 18 13 17 18 16 6 33 11 10 10 II 9 9 1 8 34 10 950 5 9 £ s. d. 9 7 8 10 9 2 8 11 7 1 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 6 7 11 6 10 7 4 1 8 9 8 8 6 9 8 7 9 8 9 9 8 8 8 9 9 8 5 8 13 8 3 13 8 9 9 7 8 1 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 8 9 6 9 4 9 3 15 6 9 4 10 3 44 NAMES OF STRBETS. LENGTH IN YARDS COST. AVERAGE COST PER LINEAL YARD. Brought forward 2167J 34 66i 23 £ 8. d. 950 5 9 16 17 23 16 6 12 16 10 9 8 £ s. d. 16 5 6 2 11 2 5 6 Vaughan-street „ W Windsor-street „ 2325J 1013 4 1 PARISH OF LIVERPOOL, 1857. No. 3 Sewer. Anson-place 59^ 76§ 69 78 114 28 72 1 1 86 14 96 8 123 9 10 133 6 9 38 10 5 14 3 12 7 1 7 11 1 11 8 13 5 17 6 Anson-street Chadwick-street Chapel-street London-road Oakes-street 425 550 10 1 No. 4 Sewer. Addison-street 109 100 10 52 3S 43 11 97 133i 90 98 107 107 153 229 53 39J 35 32 20 30§ 10 93 57i 70i 23§ 21§ 29 54 108 34 25 99 39 189J 95§ 150 18 7 78 14 11 14 14 7 52 16 4 3 2 42 16 9 18 6 5 126 9 1 155 6 7 73 18 5 95 12 10 60 13 7 66 16 7 107 17 11 176 6 9 39 15 1 36 11 11 28 8 1 19 17 4 15 7 2 34 9 11 13 16 4 86 13 9 57 10 6 47 1 7 27 18 8 29 1 1 34 7 7 63 16 110 4 5 29 19 21 18 11 77 15 1 41 3 3 149 13 2 86 12 7 17 8 15 9 19 6 10 4 16 5 19 11 1 13 4 16 1 13 3 16 5 19 6 11 4 12 6 14 1 15 5 15 18 7 16 3 12 5 15 4 12 9 17 8 18 8 10 13 4 1 3 7 1 6 10 1 3 8 13 8 10 5 17 7 17 7 15 8 1 1 1 15 10 18 1 Almond-street Amber-street Anson-terrace , Atkinson-terrace Atkinson-street Back Almond-street Bagging-entrv Bailey-street Back Chatham-street , „ Peach-street „ Sir Howard-street Birkett-street Bispham-street Bond-street Back Lowther-street Blackburne-place Cross-street Cumming-street Copperas-hill Back Brownlow-street Date- street Daulby-street Drinkwater-gardens Ellenborough-streot Fontenoy-street Forrest-street Gibraltar-place Green-street Hart-street Lander-street Little Vine-street London-road Love-lane McKee-street Nile-street , Carried forward 2502 i 2276 10 11 45 NAMES OF STEEETS. LENGTH IN YARDS. AVEEAGE COST PER LIMLAL YARD. Brought forward Norris-place Cakes-street Oswald-street Palm-street Pilgrim-street Kiding-street Scarlet-street Seymour-street .... Upper Newington . . Vine-street Walnut-street White-street 2502i 78 201 Hi 66 48 22 69 65 15 113 £ 2276 57 210 9 15 42 84 32 21 54 65 15 122 8. d. 10 11 2 18 7 14 3 7 3 6 8 15 9 11 8 5 2 10 4 9 6 19 7 17 1 32014 2999 8 9 £ s. d. 14 8 110 17 2 17 9 15 10 15 8 13 7 19 4 15 10 17 1 114 119 No. 6 Sewer. Burlington-street Latimer-street . . . Lowther-street . . . 160 16 127 303 155 3 2 15 6 8 122 3 2 292 1'3 Back Chapel-street Drinkwater-gardens Pilgrim -street, passage East of. 19 32 16 67 9 10 16 6 2 10 31 12 10 19 6 19 2 19 3 No. 7 Sewer. Back Chapel-street 8i 23 4 13 6 68 1 7 11 8 2 19 2 „ (IronPipe) 314 72 16 1 No. 8 Sewer. 10 10 7 8 No. 9 Sewer. Back Hope-place. , Upper Newington m 12 lOOJ 29 8 2 4 16 34 4 2 6 8 8 TOWNSHIP OF KIRKDALE, 1857. No. 3 Sewer. Bailow-lane . . Bootle-lane . . Castle-street . . Dingle-lane . , Morley-street Spellow-lane . . Walton-road. . 72 133 12 8 1 17 1 356 374 10 5 1 1 1 227 196 13 7 17 4 244 190 2 7 16 i 129 138 9 4 1 1 6 42 44 10 1 1 2 438 512 3 11 1 3 5 46 50 19 2 1 2 2 1554 1647 7 8 46 No. 4 Sewer. NAMES OF STREETS. LENGTH IN TAEDS. COST. AVKEAGE COST PER LINEAL YARD. Alcock-buildings , m 37i 72 I21i 222 m 20 54 47i 74 27 14 19 12 12 40 19 £ s. d. 62 2 8 49 3 2 68 2 9 101 10 2 194 9 7 20 14 11 14 13 8 43 12 6 58 17 6 66 10 10 18 1 3 9 4 7 21 7 11 14 17 9 17 5 4 43 17 9 12 12 43 8 11 14 2 11 je s. d. 1 10 16 3 18 11 16 8 17 6 13 6 14 8 16 2 1 4 10 18 13 5 13 2 J 2 6 1 10 10 1 8 9 15 6 110 1 1 9 14 11 Back Castle-street Barlow-street Bootle-lane Christopher-street Elizabeth-street Johnson-street King-street Maylield-street Morley-court Netherfield-road North Pleasant-view Salop-street Summer-gardens Tetlow-street Thomaston-street Whitefield-lane 912f 874 16 2 No. 8 Sewe] ^v Bootle-lane Passage, 1 18J 28 50 95 50 33 16 13 16 1 11 14 5 23 17 10 50 11 6 36 13 9 31 16 6 6 8 15 1 8 4 9 7 10 8 14 8 19 3 8 2 Brunswick-square , . . . Elizabeth-street Passage, 2 . . . . . . „ „ „ 3 Gore-street North Morley-court 290J 174 18 1 No. 9 Sewei ^. Bootle-lane Passage, 1 39 12 33 30 78J 169 76 2^ 13 23 8 5 8 13 4 12 38 10 10 76 1 41 16 9 11 5 4 12 9 8 8 9 10 9 11 7 5 8 Brunswick-square Castle-street Elizabeth-street, Passage, 1 „ •„ „ 2 o >J ») >» ^ Morley-street , 474§ 224 12 9 TOWNSHIP OF EVE No. 3 Sewei RTON, 1 I. 857. Everton Valley Plumpton-street 42i 74 27 41 4 2 161 15 10 41 9 19 5 2 3 9 1 10 5 I43i 244 9 47 No. 4 Sewer. NAMES OF STBBBTS. Back Field-street „ Exraouth-street ., Guilford-street Breck-road Brunei-street Canton-street »» >» Dover-street Eaton-place Exmouth-street Ellison-street „ „ Passage >j »» >» • . . . . George's-terrace „ Guilford-street Hodgson-place „ ,, continuation, Margaret-street , Netherfield-place , Netherfield-road South Newlands-street Queen's-road , Salisbury-street , Seacombe street , „ „ Passages . . . St. George's Hill , Tynemouth-street Upper Roscommon-street . . Watmough-street Wentworth-street „ ,, Passage.. Whitefield-lane liSNOTH IN TARDS. U8J 14 11 89 27 17 m 28 78 28 291 157 U9 Gli 11 197 155 177 52 32 13 5 40f 50 93 24 43 23 i 37 7§ 64 272 2413J £ s. 117 2 14 5 15 14 77 18 19 11 12 10 18 14 21 2 59 12 32 15 103 6 128 15 59 6 38 16 16 4 262 13 50 18 136 19 61 6 33 12 3 39 23 1 10 12 8 3 60 19 11 32 10 10 33 10 7 26 6 10 25 13 11 9 18 2 27 10 6 125 14 1770 11 10 AVKEAOK COST PER LINEAL TAHO £ S. 15 1 1 8 17 14 14 1 1 15 15 1 3 13 16 8 12 1 9 1 6 1 6 7 15 19 9 8 19 14 19 9 1 1 1 H 7 1 15 7 1 6 13 11 5 10 8 7 9 3 No. 5 Sewer. Brow Side Everton Terrace 124 148 272 89 7 144 2 233 9 14 6 19 6 No. 8 Sewer. Seacombe-street Passage Watmough-streer 70J 25 95i 36 12 15 51 12 10 6 12 No. 9 Sewer. Belmont-road Eaton -place Passage Ellison-street „ »» » j> Seacombe-street „ » . . Tynemoutb-street, Passage No. 2 Carried forward 471 26i 6 26 147 34 212 10 11 10 19 2 8 7 16 61 17 3 11 7 2 30G 18 4 9 8 4 8 48 NAMES OF STREETS. LENGTH IN TAEDS. COST. AVERAGE cost PER LINEAL YARD. Brought forw^ard 710J 24 35J 40 7 £ s. d. 306 18 4 9 19 13 3 7 14 11 8 3 10 £ s. d. 8 4 7 6 7 4 10 Tynemouth-street, Passage No. 3 jf j> »i 5 Watmough-street 816§ 348 2 7 TOWNSHIP OF WEST DERBY, No. 3 SEWER. 1857. Chatsworth-street 348§ 446 385 2 9 453 9 2 12 1 10 4 Wavertree-road 794§ 838 11 1] No. 4 Sewer. Back Hutchinson-street 62 59 25i 21§ 52 64 53 41i 212 24 43 Hi 21i 30i 83i 40 219 48§ 53 58 206 26 in 18 m 24 vii 157 58 6 11 38 10 3 17 19 7 19 4 3 22 12 10 68 12 8 46 1 1 38 19 9 191 8 1 20 10 38 17 11 11 4 9 20 16 4 20 12 8 46 3 9 35 7 8 187 2 10 55 15 7 42 1 60 19 1 138 19 2 17 19 10 8 14 9 16 18 4 8 17 3 17 19 54 19 9 116 1 9 18 10 13 1 14 1 17 8 8 9. 1 1 5 17 5 18 9 18 1 17 1 18 1 19 7 19 4 13 7 11 1 17 8 17 1 1 2 11 15 10 110 13 6 13 1 15 1 18 10 15 5 14 11 15 5 ,, Mount Vernon-green Clarence-street, Lord-street „ ,, Chatsworth-street Cohden street Duke-street Ellesmere-street Goulding-street Harbord-street Helena-street Juno-street Leyland-street Lissant-street, E. End „ „ Lord-street „ W. End Lord-street Lovat-street Nelson-road Sandon-street Sophia-street Spekeland-street Squires-street, Lord-street M E.End St. Arnaud-street Troughton-street „ ,, Lord-street Wavertree-road Woodside-street I748i 1421 15 11 No. 5 Sewer. Marsden-street 1 44 33 4 8 15 1 1 No. 8 Sewer. Back Bolton-street 47 120 ■ 28 8 9 68 1 11 12 1 11 4 Chatsworth-street, Passage E 167 96 10 8 49 No. 9 Sewer. NAMES OP STREETS. LENGTH IN TASDS. COST. 1 AVEEAGB COST PER 1 LINEAL TARO. Chatsworth-street, Passage E 104 124 35 25 22^ el* 42 156 10 36 40J 35 31§ 688 72 87 54 £ s. d. 52 59 6 8 17 10 2 11 14 5 7 5 10 8 19 3 32 3 7 15 7 6 11 2 20 4 16 7 6 98 8 9 4 18 14 2 8 13 9 14 1 9 18 3 6 43 13 1 43 11 9 28 4 10 24 17 3 i A' 8. d. 10 9 7 10 9 5 8 8 7 3 13 2 8 4 6 8 7 9 12 7 8 10 5 4 4 8 1 11 6 12 9 3 12 1 6 6 9 2 >» »i >> w Clarence-street, N. S Cobden-street, Passage W. S George'sterrace Gilbert-terrace Goulding-street, Passage 6 »> »> '1 '^ >» »» »» 8 Helena-street „ 4 Harbord-street „ 5 J uno-street „ 2 Lovat-street „ „ Passage Luther-terrace Mount Vernon-terrace and Passage Spekeland-street, Passage S „ „ „ N St. Arnaud-street „ Woodside-street „ 3 M •> » 8 1138^ W3 18 11 1 1 TOWNSHIP OF TOXTEI No. 3 Sewe m PAR] K, 1857. Bedford-street 14 16 355i 385 i 18 6 10 17 11 U 392 16 3 1 6 2 12 1 2 1 Mill-street Park-street 428 14 ' 1 No. 4 Sewer. Aberdeen-street 22i 20 3'^8 81 10 24 24 24 150 95 12 25 67 83 187i 19i 29 12 21 641 18 9 1 13 8 4 19 15 1 60 16 5 16 14 2 20 17 22 10 25 17 6 81 4 3 62 15 4 13 9 4 24 4 47 5 59 8 7 143 4 10 14 11 6 20 19 1 11 15 4 26 8 7 797 9 16 5 13 5 12 1 15 1 13 5 17 4 18 9 1 1 7 10 10 13 3 12 5 19 4 14 14 4 15 3 14 11 14 1 19 7 1 5 2 1 4 10 Arthur-street Bail's-court Back iMill-street West Branch to Pit Lodge-lane Brenton-street Collins-street Caple-street , Catherine-street Church-street South Cummings-street Exeter-street Fairview-place George's-street Gibson-street Haliburton-street High Park-street Jackson-street Lodge-lane Carried forward 1580| i 1500 9 7 50 NAMES OF STREETS. Brought forward Longville-street • > M Lucy-street Marshall-street Mill-street »» < Mornington-street . . , >> »» • • Park-road Prince's-park Rhyl-street Rodney-street Roper's-row „ S.S Toxteth-street >» Upper Essex-street. . »i >> • • Vere-street Yatos-street LENGTH IN TAEDS. 1580i IQO 14 23 64 53 143 m 90 214 255 77 99 10 10 138$ 12 13 131 73 6 £ 1500 82 14 22 87 32 142 14 68 170 287 58 54 17 17 212 18 18 122 53 8 8. d. 9 7 14 11 5 10 5 11 4 9 4 1 14 7 10 8 16 1 11 8 14 7 8 7 7 9 18 2 18 2 8 16 16 5 13 10 3 11 5 ATEEAGE COST PER LINEAL YARD. M s. d. 3139 I 3006 8 6 13 1 19 1 7 12 1 1 1 15 15 1 2 15 11 1 15 10 1 15 10 1 10 9 1 11 4 1 8 11 18 9 14 7 17 6 9 5 5 3 2 10 3 11 7 2 No. 6 Sewer. Back Chester-street 78 I 48 17 1 I 12 No. 8 Sewer. Catherine-street, Passage E Toxteth-street, „ No. 10 SOi 1491 180J 16 8 10 66 5 82 9 3 10 9 8 10 No. 9 Sewer. Aberdeen-street Brenton-street Catherine-street, Passage East. Essex- street, „ 16 . . . )i » »> 17 . . , » 18... Haliburton-street , Longville-street, Passage 1 . . , tl !• l S. Tyrer-street Walnut-place Walnut- street Washington-street Weale-street LENGTH IN YARDS. 988 36^ 115i 42 30 35J 23 142 10 65 35 100 29 7 263 29 75J 7 7 221 32 22 5 15 79§ 10 73 41§ 13 30 14 15 7§ 25 28 161 30i £ 954 30 182 38 43 33 14 143 10 54 15 33 8 90 15 34 6 13 15 233 3 41 15 118 14 8 2 5 2 153 8 57 7 17 18 10 2 17 1 38 7 8 13 9 99 16 6 10 13 10 98 14 20 17 d. 3 6 4 8 7 7 10 4 7 10 8 1 7 6 9 11 2 1 6 16 10 37 12 12 14 30 66 197 22 AVERAGE COST PER LINEAL YARD £ s. d. 16 6 1 11 6 18 4 1 8 11 18 9 12 6 10 2 1 11 10 10 19 1 18 2 13 8 1 19 4 17 9 18 9 1 11 1 3 14 13 1 15 16 11 1 7 17 1 5 15 1 7 1 7 10 10 1 4 17 16 1 18 1 4 2 7 1 4 14 6 3 8 10 10 4 5 11 11 1 8 6 9 5 6 9 3 4 28481 I 3005 16 6 I No. 5 Sewer. Benns Gardens . . 68 ( 61 19 9 1 18 3 No. 7 Sewer. C\it ri\rt .» " »» »» Anthony-street Atherton-street Back Belgrave-terrace „ Canning-street . Beacon-lane Breck-road Brook-square Brunei-street Cambridge-terrace . . . Canning-street Canton-street Castle -street Clegg-sireet Devonshire-place . . . Earl-street Edward-street Everton-terrace Gloncester-place High-street Hughes-street John-street Iliad-street Carried forward. lOi 79 li)7 212 lOi 34i 43J 306 133i 36 62 i 41 56J 115 104 304 105 43 lOi lOi 28i 14 19 5 18 6 84 6 6 114 14 13 7 16 77 5 14 6 259 19 6 14 6 14 2 7 1 6 11 30 9 7 17 8 60 14 9 13 5 877 16 1 14 8 91 2 4 13 8 14 1 7 9 29 1 11 11 1 30 4 10 1 5 11 61 6 7 1 9 11 36 13 10 13 13 17 5 16 5 114 18 7 10 17 6 1 1 13 222 4 3 14 7 91 16 6 17 6 50 17 8 13 8 13 19 5 16 7 12 14 5 14 2 34 9 LI 14 2 79 10 6 1 16 7 54 13 2 14 11 1917| I 1892 18 11 54 NAMES OF STREETS. Brought forward. Iliad-street Jersey-street Johnson-street John-street Mc Gregor-street Mary Anne-stveet . . . . Melbourne-street Moss-street Mere-lane Netherfield-road North Napier-street Queen's-road Eeservoir-street Kupert-street Rose-vale St. George's-hill »» »> Tarlton-street „ ,. passage. Walton Breck-road . . . LENGTH IN YARDS. 1917* I8i 17 69 20| 29 112 42i 20 24 48 lOi 240 o2J n 1401 84 68 383 20 £ s. 1892 18 16 15 57 21 24 99 3337^ 9 14 13 3 9 69 1 30 19 44 9 65 16 19 16 200 19 34 10 8 3 119 9 127 15 78 15 372 18 20 5 16 9 3337 2 AVERAQB COST PER LINEAL YARD. £ s. d. 18 17 16 1 1 16 17 16 13 1 1 17 1 10 1 3 19 1 2 7 No. 8 Sewer. Adelaide-street passage , Back Belgrave-terrace. . Britannia-square Edward-street , Tarlton-street passage. . 80 22 3 123 100 328 52 11 1 11 3 65 2 1 65 194 13 4 13 10 10 10 13 No. 9 Sewer. Adelaide-street passage ...> 16i 14 113 63 28 50 22 29 42 40 29 27i 51 8 5 5 12 19 15 6 37 16 15 17 8 20 11 17 13 5 25 10 20 14 9 10 20 13 11 27 2 1 10 8 Brook-square 3 6 Cambridge-tei'race 12 Cyrus-place 114 Edward-street 8 Jersey-street 10 Jones-terrace 12 2 12 2 Tarlton-street passage • 10 Tarlton-terrace >.... C 10 Tarlton-view 15 1 Victoria-street passage, N.S. 10 8 525 243 15 5 TOWNSHIP OF WEST DERBY No. 1 Sewer. 1868. Street East-side of Botanic Gardens 1 671 . 1830 2 2 1 2 14 7 No. 2 Sewer. Beech-street 591i 131i 1324 10 9 396 1 2 2 4 9 3 3 Kensington-road 723 1720 11 11 55 No. 3 Sewer. NAMES OF STREETS. Crown-street, S. end. Edge-lane LBMGTH IN TAaos. 61 135 196 £ s. d. £ 8. d. 53 7 11 17 6 216 19 9 1 12 2 270 7 8 AVERAGE COST PER LINEAL YARD. No. 4 Sewer. Albert-street 1 22i 34 710 35 20 50 1 416J 29 62i 17 20 4 4 27 18 8 746 12 43 15 21 3 4 52 19 8 367 11 36 3 30 3 10 17 Alice-street ..*... 18 16 5 Edge-lane „ „ N.S 110 15 Kinders-street 112 Linden-street 111 Rake-lane 17 8 Rogers-street 1 4 11 West Derby-road 11 6 13708 1346 17 9 No. 8 Sewer. Albert-street.. .. Edge-mount.. .. Edge-lane, N. S. Elm-grove . . . . 17 206^ 236§ 10 4 3 5 19C 13 10 8 8 218 6 3 12 11 4 19 1 110 No. 9 Sewer. Albert-street. Edge-mount. Elm-grove . 10 8 27 4 10 3 4 10 7 11 8 16 11 11 10 9 18 11 TOWNSHIP OF TOXTETH PARK, 1858. No. 3 Sewer. Mill-street I 443 I 491 11 I 1 2 2 No. 4 Sewer. Aberdeen-street . . . Brenton-street Brighton-street . . . Caple-street Clevedon-street . . . Collins-street Combermere-street . Cordon-street Critchley's-court . . . Cummings-street , Digby- street , Edward-street Carried forward, n 90 24 m H 180 24 7 H 12i 196i 27J 610 12 8 12 3 103 29 10 12 19 12 3 158 31 10 12 13 4 6 12 11 3 1 2 9 136 15 4 39 19 11 583 17 2 1 13 1 13 1 2 1 4 13 1 13 17 1 5 1 10 1 13 1 1 13 1 9 56 NAMBS or STEKBTS. LBNOTH IN YARDS. COST. AVBEAGE COST PER LINEAL TARD. Brought forward 610 161 101 30 0^1 107 1^8 2(-§ 150 180 76 30^ 32 201 64^ 15 17 5| 80 96 13 m 53| 25 139 11 31 197 95 iJ s. d. 583 17 2 103 2 9 127 8 7 29 8 12 3 1 99 4 1 102 1 3 195 5 11 21 13 8 190 3 11 110 13 9 77 4 9 30 15 8 27 4 189 2 2 70 12 11 21 6 3 149 16 5 93 4 88 8 13 5 5 40 13 3 52 13 10 12 17 3 148 14 10 10 7 27 19 9 174 16 7 65 5 10 A* 8. d. 10 3 15 3 16 4 1 13 2 112 19 I 10 9 110 16 2 12 4 10 4 10 4 10 11 18 10 12 1 18 5 17 1 13 3 18 5 10 5 12 1 10 2 10 3 115 1 10 1 18 1 17 9 13 9 Essex-street Fletcher-street Fylde-street Halibmton-street Harper-street High Park-street Hughes-street John-street , . Jones-street King-street xMargaret-street Marr-street Mill-street Kew ton -street M orth-street Prince William-street Prophet-street Eussel-street Sefton-square South-street Upper Harper-street Victoria-street Wesley-street Wellington-road Windsor-view Woolfe-street Windsor- view, N. S 3065^ 2947 5 6 No. 8 Sewer. Brighton-street 20 46 25 14 17 12 8 42i I84,i 1 11 25 6 12 10 7 8 10 6 4 u 22 4 9 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 6 Fletcher-street Harper-street John-street King-street Margaret- street Prince WilUam-street Wesley-place 96 10 9 No. 9 Sewer. Brighton-street 26 55 75 11 14 24 15 30 9 9 8 Fletcher-street Prince William -street 156 66 9 PARISH OF LIVERR No. 4 Sewer )0L, 185 9. Back Clare-street 54 58§ 64 56 16 3 13 8 19 4 „ Colquitt-street rflrnVrl' forward 112^ 120 16 3 57 NAMES OF STBEETS. Brought forward . Back Mansfield-street. „ Mount-street . . . ,, Vine-street Caradoc-street Chaucer-street Christian-street Clare-street Clayton-street Cow-lane Crompton-street Davies-street Downe-street Great Richmond-street »i >» »» Grosvenor-street Hankin-street Hardy-street Holly-street Houghton-street „ lane Hunter-street Hutton-street Islington-place . Johnson-place . . . Lawson-street . . . Lithotimer-street Mansfield-street . Meadow-street.. . Newsham-street . Pilgrim-street . . . Plumbe-street . . . Primrose Hill . . . Redmond-place . Rose Hill Sprin gfield-street Spring-place „ N End St. Ann-street Taylor-street Thurlow-street Tomkinson-place . . . Torbock-street Tyrer- street Wakefield-street William- street William Moult-street . Vauxhall-road LENGTH IN YARDS. 79 116 125 21 71 54§ 132 59 200 i 41 19 52 23 62§ 165 47 226A 101 47 125i 43 73 19 4 71 46 114 8 174 b9i 242 79 96 82 J 47 llOi 16§ 104 118 11 60 23 123 25 112 58 61i 17J 20 1^§ 38181 M s. 120 16 58 7 86 14 131 19 10 17 65 16 106 10 62 7 50 1 147 15 57 14 12 13 35 12 41 58 14 119 8 35 13 166 13 95 12 21 4 128 17 72 7 72 10 12 18 4 19 40 10 39 16 79 19 3 12 147 10 40 17 281 4 57 2 113 1 149 8 90 16 87 5 16 5 83 19 6 12 10 7 49 3 27 5 68 9 11 26 10 5 78 7 88 15 57 9 20 23 4 19 4 d. 3 2 1 8 6 4 5 4 1 5 6 6 7 6 8 1 3 7 1 1 1 1 5 8 1 a 4 6 3 4 6 6 1 6 3 2 4 1 3 4 1 3500 1 6 ATBBAGE COST PER LINEAL TAKO. £ s. d. 14 9 14 11 1 1 1 16 1 15 9 1 19 12 17 14 8 13 13 15 11 18 9 14 6 15 2 14 9 18 11 9 10 6 1 13 8 19 10 13 4 1 4 11 17 14 9 11 5 4 9 16 11 13 9 3 3 14 3 16 18 15 19 16 11 18 16 1 3 11 1 1 14 1 10 18 1 2 10 13 2 16 3 No. 8 Sewer. Back Clare-street . . . . Clay ion-street Carried forward. H 47 18 65 33 17 7 8 2 41 19 7 14 6 9 58 NAMES OF STKESTS. Brought forward. Cow-lane Gibraltar- street Redmond-place Taylor-street 125 LENGTH AVKRAGE COST IN COST. PER TAEDS. LINEAL TABD. £ s. d. £ s. d. 65 41 19 7 12 6 10 37 22 16 11 12 4 5 3 12 6 3 10 76 16 6 No. 9 Sewer. Clayton-street . . , Lawson-street . . . Mansfield-street Eedraond-place. , Torbock street . , Wakefield-street. 27 16 12 20 6 B9i 9 9 6 8 4 16 4 3 4 8 2 8 35 4 4 7 8 8 10 8 8 TOWNSHIP OF KIRKDALE, 1859. No. 2 Sewer. Bank Hall Outlet 1 567 1 1622 2 9 1 2 17 3 No. 3 Sewer. Walton-lane 1 24J 1 63 2 8 1 2 n 11 No. 4 Sewer. Church-terrace Johnson-street. King-street . . . Potter-street . Salop-street . . . Walton -road. . . 82 118 37§ 30 34 3945 79 14 115 7 49 1 53 4 32 15 94 6 417 9 3 19 19 1 2 1 15 19 1 TOWNSHIP OF EVERTON, 1859. No. 2 Sewer. Bank Hall Outlet 2357J 6§ 5772 11 11 19 10 11 2 9 2 18 8 Boundary-lane 2364 6792 2 10 No. 3 Sewei I. Anfield-lane 15 13i 192 10 46 40 19 7 35 15 9 227 10 24 4 25 6 8 32 17 8 54 12 6 2 14 8 2 13 8 13 8 1 15 6 1 14 6 3 5 9 13 9 Breck-road Gregson -street Sleeper's-hill St. Domingo-grove , Walton Breck-road Willmott-street 304§ 441 6 2 59 No. 4 Sewer. NAME3 OF STREETS. Albion-Btreet »» »> ••.............«..•.•..«•»•• Back Guilford-street „ St. George's-road „ street from St. Domingo-rd. to Albion-st. Beresford-street Breck-road f; II •••••••••.•••••••••••••....••• Bright-street »> »» •••• • •••• Barrow-street Castle-street China-street Church-place „ street Clarence-grove Clifton-street Cobden-street Cornwall-street Deacon-street East View •. Kdward-street Everton-road Franklin- place »» i> • Gadsby-street Gregson-street Grecian- terrace Henry-terrace High-street Hill-street James-street John-street Kermode-street Margaret- street Moss-street Napier-street >» »» • Newlands-street Northumberland-terrace »» > ^ . » »> Orient-street Prince Edwin-street Priory-grove „ mount „ road ,1 street Private-road Queen's-road, Passage E,S Kadcliffe-street Richmond-grove „ terrace Carried forward LENGTH IN TARDS. 12 22 170 6 31J 47 7 I30i 13 8 80 5| 165 254 8 155 8 22 130 129 52 7 24 120 77 10 m 209 11 13 37 88 22 24 8 32 54 42^ 42^ 29 12 38 439J Hi 312j 30 104 HU 80 30 311i 29 352 4257^ £ a. d. 17 10 27 19 6 70 10 4 11 53 5 45 15 6 2 159 10 21 10 15 18 75 9 8 7 177 1 205 18 10 7 159 6 11 10 17 4 23 18 143 4 110 11 48 1 2 25 89 17 70 6 18 3 13 4 191 9 12 14 19 8 6 3 40 11 11 72 13 4 37 19 24 19 3 15 11 15 11 20 72 56 38 23 17 20 5 53 14 470 17 12 3 210 12 33 3 110 1 154 81 10 21 309 18 10 10 1 8 6 9 350 14 7 ATEBAOE COST PER LINEAL YARD. £ 8. 1 8 1 5 9 15 1 14 19 17 1 4 1 13 1 19 18 10 1 11 6 1 1 16 1 5 7 1 1 18 18 6 3 11 7 a 1 17 1 1 15 19 10 4 3 3 2 10 5 2 1 16 18 14 1 3 1 9 16 1 5 16 1 14 6 1 10 15 5 16 9 1 6 11 16 9 18 2 10 6 1 13 10 1 8 3 1 8 13 2 1 7 9 4 12 10 14 19 10 12 8 10 3 4128 18 11 60 NAMES OF STEKETS. LENGTH IN YARDS. COST. AVBEAOE COST PER LINEAL YARD. Brought forward 4257^ 24 52 34 43 191 6 179 31 7 6 35i 10 341 35 20 237J £ 8. d. 4128 18 11 35 89 14 9 30 10 8 47 9 1 200 5 5 4 11 3 128 15 6 25 2 11 6 2 11 5 11 2 33 11 16 3 2 293 7 1 27 11 4 16 8 4 6 3 2 274 12 9 £ 8. d. 19 2 1 14 6 18 1 2 1 110 15 2 14 5 16 3 17 6 18 6 18 11 1 12 4 17 3 15 9 16 5 16 5 13 2 T?iplimonrl-tprrftf»fi . ................... Ilichard-street • Ruth-street Snowdon-terrace Springfield St George's-road . ». Te^id-street • The Willows , West View-terrace Whiteford-street Willmott-street ',i ", Passage E. of York-street „ terrace 5516§ 5369 19 5 No. 9 Sewer. Woodville-terrace 26i 1 10 13 4 8 TOWNSHIP OF WEST DERBY, No. 4 Sewer. 1859. Angela-street 59 l^ 114^ 53J 191i 172 23^ 108 139i 23^ 75 2 1 78 2 11 118 5 11 41 17 8 222 4 209 2 10 9 12 7 27 9 1 219 6 210 19 7 27 2 1 15 5 1 1 7 10 8 15 8 13 2 14 4 13 4 13 4 2 7 1 10 3 1 3 1 Deane-street Dinorbin-street Erskine-street Holden-street Kensington-road Linden-street rx)vat-street ... Oliver-street Pine-grove Troughton-street 971§ 1238 19 3 No. 8 Sewer. Oliver-street 1 6 1 3 6 1 11 1 No. 9 Sewer. Dinorbin-street 18J 16§ 6 7 6 6 5 3 17 4 7 7 6 8 Oliver-street Pine-grove , 44§ 16 9 10 TOWNSHIP OF TOXTETH PAR No. 3 Sewer. K, 1859. Grafton-street 369 158^ 364 11 9 141 2 9 19 9 17 10 Harrington-street 527i 505 14 6 61 No. 4 Sewer. | NAMKS OF 8TEEETS. LKNOTH IM TAKD8. COST. ATBIU6S COST FEB LINEAL YARD. 154 242J 97i 134 56 7i 98i 147 126 48i 73 7 108^ 67 m 137i 122 105^ 186 32§ 163* 18i £ s. d. 152 1 10 249 1 2 80 12 1 113 13 4 47 18 8 8 8 2 96 12 7 114 3 3 144 16 2 37 12 8 61 10 5 8 2 11 99 16 74 11 9 16 4 8 125 14 4 103 16 2 83 10 6 188 3 8 39 11 3 154 19 4 10 13 1 £ s. d. 19 9 1 7 16 7 17 17 1 1 2 6 19 7 15 6 1 3 15 6 16 10 1 3 3 18 5 1 2 3 18 7 18 4 17 15 10 1 3 1 4 3 19 11 6 Beresford-road Carter- street •• Denton-street Ecrerton-street Francis-street Gibson-Street Greaves-street Holland-place „ street Malta-street Morton -street . . . Thornton-place Townsend-street Wellington-road William -street Windsor- street 2149} 2011 14 No. 8 Sewer. Holland-street 1 15 7 10 1 10 No. 9 Sewei !l. 6 12 3 8 3 8 4 16 1 4 3 4 8 8 8 8 Francis-street Holland-street Townsend-street 29 11 12 PARISH OF LIVERI No. 2 Sewe 'OOL, 18 R. 60. *Lancelots Hey 240 21 276 1310 19 8 98 11 4 858 5 2 5 9 3 4 13 10 3 2 2 *Strand-street 537 2267 16 2 No. 3 Sewe R. *Back Goree 236J 236i 36 126 11* 54 60 146 770 15 7 674 3 10 118 19 386 18 3 14 17 11 36 5 9 J42 2 3 157 13 255 18 3 3 5 3 2 17 1 3 6 1 3 15 3 3 10 3 4 2 12 8 2 12 7 1 15 1 Beacon-street Blackstone-street *Canning-place West * , „ North James-street Milford-street Newport-street Pitt-street •. . . . 910§ 2557 13 10 62 No. 4 Sewer. NAlfKS OF STREETS. Back Wilbraham-street. . Benledi-street Brick-street Challinor-street Clevedon-square „ N.E.side Comus-street Cranmer-street Crooked-lane Diokinson-street Dickson-street . . . Eldon-street Fazakerley-street Forrest-street . . . , Gay- street Gerard -street . . . . , Greetham-street . . Gt. George's-place Kent-street ,, square., , Lincoln-street Moore-street Myrtle-street, N. . . . Nelson-street New Hall-street .... Norfolk-street Oswald-street Pitt-street Queen-street Kedcross-street Shadwell-street Silver-street Sycamore-street . . . . Surrey-street Thomas-buildings . . Union-street Upper Pitt-street . . „ Surrey-street Virgil-street Watkinson-street .. York-street LENGTH IN YARDS. 68 141 172 74 122 57 32 243 i 7 8 30 228 236 0§ 19 10 90 156 33 70 12 34 54 10 H 104J 35 36 45 32 296 5§ 10 17 114 59 21 43 88 22 167 21 i: s. d. 76 8 4 112 16 11 307 9 2 170 4 10 57 9 2 94 17 11 20 13 6 304 11 8 12 16 3 14 17 8 36 18 6 531 419 22 27 17 56 8 237 17 48 15 11 129 25 46 18 87 8 27 2 22 8 104 7 54 14 72 6 113 9 48 18 458 12 15 8 27 9 51 10 198 10 89 19 34 34 9 29 11 157 19 35 12 48 7 354 18 42 16 AVERAGE COST PER LINEAL TAED 3085^ 4881 2 4 £ s. 1 2 16 1 15 2 6 9 1 13 12 11 15 16 17 4 6 15 6 14 12 10 17 2 7 12 14 3 13 10 11 2 1 11 2 14 2 3 1 1 1 2 5 7 4 14 11 7 14 10 10 6 12 16 2 1 1 1 2 2 5 4 15 11 12 5 11 11 No. 5 Sewer. Tindal-street I 79 I 123 10 5 1 11 3 No. 8 Sewer. Back Goree 5 22J H n 4 2 10 17 4 11 5 2 5 2 16 3 13 4 2 13 4 10 15 5 1 1 11 12 10 10 10 „ Wilbrabam-street passage, N.S Dickinson-street. Pitt-street York-street 50* 34 10 63 No. 9 Sewer. NAMES OF STSKKTS. Back Wilbrahara-street passage, N.S. Back Goree Benledi-street Brick-street Canning-place, W Clevedon-square, N.E. side Comus-Btreet Cranmer street , Crooked-lane Eldon-street Gay-street Greethara-street Myrtle-street, North Pitt-street »> »» •••••••••••••••••••••• Silver-street Strand-street Tindal-street Watkin son- street York-street LENGTH IN TARD3. 458 iJ S. d. 28 18 2 16 10 3 12 18 3 12 4 4 16 20 6 2 8 16 4 16 28 3 4 7 10 2 10 8 108 6 ATERAGE COST PER LINEAL YARD. £ 8. d. 12 11 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 6 10 7 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 TOWNSHIP OF KIRKDALE, 1860. No. 3 Sewer. Vauxh all-road . . . .• 1 528J 1 628 13 2 1 3 10 No. 4 Sewer. Aspinall-street. . . Back Bootle-lane. Christopher-street Eleanor-street Lancaster-street „ „ Passage Lodwick-street Mersey-street, North . . . . Rake-lane Rockingham-street Salop-street, Passage N. 38 100 135 44 6 57 115 35 106 15§ 40J 32i 750» 44 4 135 1 184 10 3 94 13 4 5 12 6 78 5 5 160 1 6 55 6 6 160 14 9 22 3 5 62 12 8 49 17 6 38 7 3 1081 10 4 1 3 1 7 1 7 a 3 18 1 7 1 7 10 1 11 7 1 10 4 1 8 11 1 6 1 1 10 8 18 9 No. 8 Sewer. A spinall street .. Rockingham-street 4§ 14 3 6 8 4 18 4 7 10 10 TOWNSHIP OF EVERTON, 1860. No. 3 Sewer. West Derby-road | 234 388 11 10 I 1 13 3 64 No. 4 Seweb. NAMES OF STSKETS. Abram-street Alfred- street Atherton-street . . Avon- street Back Queen's-road Banies-place .... Barnes-street Beresford-street Bethesda-street Breck-road Breckfield-road, South Boundary-lane. Bute-street . . . Caird-street . . . Calmet-street . . . Cicero-terrace . . . Dawber-street . . . Devonshire-place . Duke's-road . , . . . Dunkeld-street. . . Ewbank-street . . . Field-street Greenwood-street Hapten -street . . . Havelock-street . >> f> 2 Haworth-street . Heaton-place ... Knowsley-street . Lynedock-street . Neil-street Nicholson- street . Osborne-grove ... Patinos-street ... Perth-street Pickering-street Priory-terrace , Pyramid-street. Rose-vale St. Albans Severn-street . . . Severs-street . . . Seville-street . . . St. Domingo-road Strawberry-bank . Thompson-street Tynemouth-street LENGTH IN TAED3. 16§ 13 26 23 40 3 80 8 115 7 9 218 19 320 237 55i 30 10 9 115 HI 224 55 10 30 9 253 170 14 101 63 29 11 80 8 9 27 35 20 10 30 33 25 27 9 124 150 234 15 124 29 130 289J 6 48 8 M s. 19 14 17 3 60 5 18 19 36 10 4 18 116 17 10 18 13 4 221 17 26 2 12 17 364 18 38 7 263 7 480 12 75 12 56 15 3 2 11 14 11 11 9 9 11 10 1 7 16 10 4 2 13 118 233 223 65 15 14 52 14 13 14 341 18 311 41 3 116 15 71 9 67 15 16 8 171 11 7 13 13 3 45 18 25 19 23 13 15 4 54 15 26 13 44 10 65 13 13 2 140 7 282 12 193 18 10 22 8 4 211 5 7 83 13 2 137 12 7 508 5 19 2 6 115 17 6 12 6 4 AVERAGE COST PER LINEAL YARD. 2 6 17 18 1 12 11 3 8 T 8 7 5 6 7 3 17 11 10 5 9 4 7 2 18 14 8 13 16 2 1 7 1 1 1 1 2 19 11 19 1 9 1 14 14 3 10 16 16 15 1 9 2 17 16 9 11 14 2 17 1 1 1 15 3 3 2 8 1 10 Carrierl forward , .S903^ .7fin U 65 Ni.MKS or STRKKTS. LKNOTH IS TARDS. COST. AVERAOB COST PER LINEAL TARD. Brought forward 3903i 287 134 133 41 64 39 18 M s. d. 57G6 14 398 16 3 139 7 202 7 3 70 2 3 73 2 3 49 12 28 19 1 £8. d. 1 y 9 1 9 1 10 5 1 14 2 1 2 10 1 5 5 1 12 3 Upper Beau-street Washington- street . , Watmough-street Webster-street , West Derby-road , Whitfield-lane Wye-street 4619^ ! 6728 13 8 No. 8 Sewer • Havelock-street , 6 3 4 6 3 1 16 2 8 3 10 12 12 10 Severs-street Thompson-street Webster-street 19 10 4 No. 9 Sewei I. Abram -street ••• 4 12 4 9 20 3 4 H 3 6 4 4 3 9 8 8 3 1 12 4 16 1 12 3 12 8 1 4 1 12 4 5 6 14 2 8 2 1 12 1 10 4 10 3 4 3 4 1 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 10 8 10 10 8 8 10 Breckfield-road South Caird-Ktreet Cicero-terrace • Devonshire-place ..••..••....••.. Dukes-road Dunkeld-street Greenwood-street Havelock-street Osborne-grove Perth-street Rose. vale Seville-street Upper Beau-street Watmouf^h-street Whitfield-lane 113i 47 15 6 TOWNSHIP OF WEST No. 4 Sewe DERBY R. , 1860. Arrow-street 25 10 13 74 52 26 219 29 19 130 10 26 21 2 7 19 2 4 10 19 11 127 14 4 83 8 8 23 6 6 422 14 9 62 16 7 22 14 8 159 8 2 18 4 8 25 4 6 16 11 1 18 3 16 11 1 14 6 1 12 1 17 11 1 18 8 1 16 5 1 3 11 1 4 6 1 16 6 19 5 Ash-street Bamber-street Barton-lane „ street BDtanic-street Holborn- street Kensington View ............ ............ View ,. Ryder-street Speke-street 633 986 17 8 6Q No. 8 Sewer. ] NAMES OP STREETS. LENGTH IN YARDS. COST. IVERAGE COST PER LINEAL YARD. Arrow-street 6 6 6 £ s. d. 3 3 3 £ S. d. 10 10 10 Botanic-street Speke-street 18 9 No. 9 Sewer. Holborn-street 12 3i 6 18 10 8 Kensington View 15i 7 8 TOWNSHIP OF TOXTETH PARK, 1860. No. 3 Sewer. Croxteth-road 1 464 52 256 602 2 10 78 16 8 421 3 6 1 5 11 1 10 4 1 12 11 Devonshire-road , Lodge-lane 772 1102 3 No. 4 Sewer. \ Anglesea-street 80 308 28 14 122 164 18 19 146 51 81 .28 481 14 89 177 208 56 16 3 406 8 9 36 3 15 9 2 173 2 11 196 19 11 19 13 6 20 12 8 100 6 49 1 1 58 8 11 45 6 495 3 4 14 9 10 174 4 4 117 2 1 309 11 7 14 2 16 5 1 5 10 12 1 18 5 14 1 1 10 119 14 3 19 3 14 5 1 12 2 10 7 10 8 1 19 2 13 3 19 9 Bel videre -road Calvin-street Caple-street Passage, N. S Clevedon-street Devonshire-road Embledon-street . . Green's Hey's-road Gregson-street Park-place ... Lincoln-street Peel-street South-street Tavistock-street Windsor-street Wellington-road Woolfe-street 2028 2288 8 4 No. 5 Sewi R. Rodney-street 82 m 65 85 17 15 8 11 59 10 8 1 11 17 5 18 4 „ „ Passage E Whitefield-street 165J 160 16 7 No. 9 Sewer. Belvidere-road 4* 10 8 13 5i 45 1 19 4 10 3 4 5 17 2 15 20 5 9 9 8 9 10 9 Calvin-street Gregson-street Rodney-street Passage Windsor-street „ Woolfe-street , <-5g 38 10 67 PARISH OF LIVERPOOL, No. 3 Sewer. 1861. NAMES OF STREETS. LENGTH IN TAEDS. COST. AVEBAOB COST PER LIKEAL YARD. Elgin-street 65 22 43 i i; s. d. Ill 11 10 63 12 8 109 IZ 4 £ 8. d. 1 14 4 2 17 10 2 10 7 Horatio-street Seacombe-lane 130^ 284 16 10 No. 4 Sewer. Back Bond-street 163 83 29 181 203 49^ 21^ 23 4-34 29 32 24 27J 23J 131 66 27 61 29 25 III 52J 132 64 124i H 168 10 3 62 4 7 67 13 8 19 11 1 174 10 8 183 18 7 132 11 60 17 9 179 9 3 58 14 37 10 8 19 8 1 149 19 10 712 16 7 20 2 2 45 13 4 62 11 9 40 14 6 14 9 9 158 19 8 60 16 11 19 6 9 66 1 10 72 18 10 33 16 1 29 18 9 72 15 47 14 5 231 13 11 234 1 2 96 6 8 148 15 9 30 9 1 1 8 12 7 14 6 13 6 19 3 18 1 1 10 7 1 9 11 1 12 3 1 3 9 1 15 2 16 10 2 2 8 1 13 8 13 10 1 8 6 2 3 10 1 9 10 12 5 1 4 18 6 14 4 1 6 3 1 3 11 1 3 4 1 3 11 16 6 19 9 4 8 7 1 16 6 1 10 1 1 3 11 3 5 3 „ St. Bride-street „ Vine-street, N Bartlarn-street Beau-lane Boardman -place Cases-street Church-street Clayton-lane Copperas hill Eccles-street . . Epsom-street Exchange-street West Fleet-street Fulford-street Heathfield-street Horatio-street Islington -place Latimer street Lawrence-street Little Saint Bride-street Llewellyn -street Market-street Mill-lane North Haymarket Page-street Rathbone -street Simms street Upper Milk-street Westmoreland-place ,. passage William Henry-street Worfield-street 2624i 3492 11 2 No. 8 Sewer. Back Berry-street 20 25J 9 12 1 9 9 6 Llewellyn-street 45i i 21 1 No. 9 Sewe R. Back Berry-street 4 31 21 1 10 12 8 9 18 9 7 6 8 9 6 ,, Bond-street „ St. Bride-street Carried forward 66 23 16 9 68 NAMES OF STREETS. LENGTH IN YARDS. COST. AVERAGE COST PER 1 LINEAL YARD. Brought forward 56 12 10 13 55 9 15 7 12 6 10 M s. d. 23 16 9 4 16 4 5 4 22 4 5 6 7 10 3 3 5 5 3 5 £ s. d. 8 8 8 8 9 6 10 9 8 9 10 10 Bartlam-street Beau-lane Boardman-place Fleet-street Horatio-street Lawrence-street Mill-lane Rathbone street Seacombe-lane Upper Milk-street 205 88 3 i TOWNSHIP OF KIRKDALE, No. 4 Sewer. 1861. Alexander-street 23^ 133i 62J 220 45 ^1§ 42§ 39§ 165J 36^ 73 26 8 123J 158 123 66 90 21 6 2 44 17 3 255 6 9 89 16 9 350 19 3 92 2 10 73 13 3 65 4 56 18 8 207 12 6 19 8 2 58 10 11 151 3 8 67 17 2 17 13 4 131 17 3 303 10 4 137 7 57 11 2 110 5 198 13 10 18 3 2 3 5 1 18 3 1 8 9 1 11 11 2 11 1 15 8 1 10 6 1 8 8 1 5 1 2 15 5 1 12 1 2 1 5 2 12 2 2 4 2 1 1 5 1 18 5 1 2 4 17 8 1 13 5 2 4 2 Back Stanley-crescent Brunswick-street Christopher-street Errington-street Heather-street Knight-street Leekworth-street Major-street Ottawa-street Pleasant-street , Regent-road Rooney-street ...>.. Salop-street Stanley -street Tetlow-street Toronto-street Victoria-road 15461 2511 11 7 No. 8 Sewe R. Pleasant-street 1 5i 1 3 4 1 12 No. 9 Sewer. Alexander-street 8 4 4 6 4 3 4 3 3 4 2 8 2 4 2 14 2 1 10 1 16 8 1 10 8 12 11 9 10 10 9 2 10 Back Stanley-crescent Brunswick-street Christopher-street Pleasant-street Rooney-street Tetlow-street Toronto-street 36 17 6 8 TOWNSHIP OF EVEB No. 3 Sewei iTON, 18 61. Rokeby-street 33 1 52 3 4 1 1 11 7 69 No. 4 Sewek. NAlfES Of STBEET6. Aber-street Albion-street Back Brandon-street „ Whitfield-street , Compton -street , Court S. S., Upper Beau-street, Dover-street Elbow-street Garibaldi-street Garth-street Hobart-street Johnson-street »» »> Larch-lea Lavan-street Melbourne-street Nottingham-street Ogwen-street Priory-hill Rothwell-street St. Domingo-grove St. Domingo-vale Shakespeare-street Spencer-street Steers-street Upper Beau -street Whitefield-lane Whitefield-terrace LKNOTH IN TABD8. 35 35 m 187 35 50 U 6 100 m 25 14 12i 337 411 52 10 129 24 32§ 500 339 8 6 212 64 211 8 26571 £ s. 69 4 39 7 64 2 482 4 82 16 64 13 11 5 8 16 10 68 13 171 11 43 13 11 5 5 5 249 17 11 83 8 9 128 3 12 17 250 28 13 55 18 766 6 304 1 23 13 14 2 234 12 7 2 3 7 4 4 3 4 1 7 77 18 11 628 22 3953 2 6 AVEIUGB COST PEE LINEAL TABD. £ 8. 16 1 9 13 1 17 1 11 16 8 14 2 2 9 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 10 2 15 d. 7 6 3 7 4 10 1 6 11 1 5 10 8 4 1 9 11 3 11 6 2 5 2 4 1 5 No. 8 Sewer. Court S. S., Upper Beau-street, Garth-street Lavan-street Ogwen-street 35i 1 14 6 12 19 9 2 8 3 20 2 3 11 6 11 2 12 12 No. 9 Sewer. Albion -street Priory -hill . . Rokeby-street Steers-street 24 2 14 1 16 3 19 2 1 16 10 5 2 TOWNSHIP OF WEST DERBY, 1861. No. 2 Sewer. Kensington-road i 218 I 517 3 9 12 7 5 No. 3 Sewer. Kensington-road. 173 I 306 6 6 I 1 15 5 70 No. 4 Sewer. NAMES OF STREETS. LENGTH IN YARDS. COST. AVERAGE COST LINEAL YARD. BackMyers-street Barlow-street , . 84 30 22 217 136 90 74 6H 183 107i 112 •m 67 4 121 123 127 £ s. d. 177 3 9 71 14 4 14 19 3 108 9 8 259 3 3 203 9 3 144 9 9 124 18 11 288 15 3 98 5 11 200 10 8 20 13 11 28 10 7 71 9 4 8 19 1 204 2 9 234 14 5 180 4 8 £ s. d. 2 2 2 2 7 11 13 7 IS 4 1 13 3 2 14 11 1 19 1 1 18 2 1 11 7 18 3 1 15 10 2 6 6 1 18 11 1 1 4 2 4 9 1 13 9 1 18 2 1 8 5 Coltman-street Coleridge-street Cottenliam-street Denraan-street Edge-vale Gilead-street Kensington- road Love-lane , Myers-street Patterson-street ,....,., Penton-street Pollock-street liolfe-street Smithdown-lane Upper Baker-street Wightman-street 1615^ 2597 9 No. 8 Sewer. Back Myers-street 24 3 9 4 13 2 1 10 5 8 2 10 11 12 12 10 Barlow-street Kensington-street Penton-street 40 22 6 No. 9 Sewer. Back Myers-street Coltman-street Coleridge-street Cottenham-street 27 4 11 16 6 3 8 9 3 3 17 9 1 1 12 6 14 7 8 118 2 16 6 1 10 4 3 ]2 1 4 1 4 12 11 8 12 3 10 9 9 5 10 10 8 8 8 Denman-street Edge-vale Gilead-street Love-lane Pollock-street Wightman-street 90 48 13 10 TOWNSHIP OF TOXTET No. 4 Sewee H PARI I, 18G1. Amity-street Carlton-hill 24 29 48 182 31 9 31 168 28 12 9 22 16 1 33 4 6 139 4 8 23 14 9 16 25 8 119 12 8 1 3 10 15 9 13 10 15 4 15 3 119 16 5 14 3 Cordon-street Grafton-street Hodges-street Jevons-street Letitia-sti'eet North-street 522 402 8 8 71 No. 8 Sewer. NAMKS OF STREETS. LENGTH IN YAKDS. COST. ATKRAGK COST PFIl LINf AL YARD. Carlton-hill 5 H 5 £ 8. d. 2 10 2 12 3 2 10 £ 8. d. 10 9 10 10 Grafton-street Hodges-street 15J 7 12 3 No. 9 Sewer. Amity-street 5 3GJ 5 2 14 5 2 2 8 7 10 8 Grafton-street Letitia 46* 18 5 2 PARISH OF LIVERP No. 2 Sewe DOL, 1862. a. *Battery-lane 276 138 346 572i 2207 5 3 126 16 2 2198 18 4 170 8 11 3363 15 6 8 9 5 7 7 1 11 9 10 5 17 6 *Neptune-street *Regent-road *Saltney-8treet *Waterloo-road 1222§ 8007 4 1 No. 3 Sewei I. *Carlton -street 148 15 18| 15 U§ 14§ 24* 15i 54 1 8 64 2 9 128 11 7 54 18 4 53 17 3 64 15 10 96 1 7 68 18 11 3 13 9 4 5 6 6 17 9 3 13 1 3 13 5 4 8 4 3 19 3 16 11 *Dublin-8treet *Oil-street *Porter-street *Regent-street *Vandries-street *Vulcan-street *\Villiam.street 132 i 575 5 11 No. 4 Sewer. Ashton-street 49i 12SJ 37 40 50 10 iJ* 88* 22 121 11 leo. m 3 11 5§ 34 7 140 11 9 31 14 11 44 16 9 35 8 10 20 8 1 5 4 14 11 11 66 5 9 22 3 6 89 10 8 11 3 7 119 7 9 25 4 2 10 11 4 53 1 4 20 14 7 13 10 1 1 U 17 2 12 5 14 2 2 10 2 14 9 19 2 15 1 2 14 10 1 4 14 11 17 7 3 10 5 4 16 6 3 13 2 Back Grove- street North „ Hood-street „ Peach-street ., St. East of Ljing-in Hospital „ Vine-street * Barton-street Bidder-street Birchfield-street Carver-street Church-street, Soho Dah-ymple-street *Dickson-street _i HJ H-H— l-i »-• t-« H OC 00 00 00 00 00 00 M 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 » C5 CS Ci C 0» C 0» CS C5 C5 c;» C-1 C" CJ« ► Wh- O flO 00 -J <» ? *0 H- o «o 00 ^ o» H M (O ^ ^ •>^ M KO *». 0» CO CO #^ kS H-1-* — 2 *C CO C CO t-- 00 !-• CO y. t^^ -•• 6i 00 00 C3 00 rfk o> W -^ *«. 00 CO (f-. If*. 1 4* -«» o o o <» . »T} r< w >— -o ci -» 4^ o o »0 O N3 CO t^. to *- O 00 » O ^J CO O 00 o V c to 00 t^* -J CO ■« )(» f "^ UIH UN E4H U^ (4^ Md Oa J* ^ CMS c g iO Q •^7 COt-'lO>-'aD-7CO,. N3«7H-'C0l-«tOlO^ «O00K-tt-O^C0P» o CO Oi ^ 1— ' t-" 00 ►- C^ -J c.-« o ► Hi a» O O CO 65 Ifk. O CO ► s iC o a 2 »-> Kt t-i h-i »-i 9! If^ -J t»»'Cooo«i*kh-coS" H H 00 »- O -^ -7 CD -1 W ? CO *Dl-»i0*»<^OO? K3 •1 »-i *l c M » CO C 0« »-* y 00 o« *^ l«». *»►-• 2 c» -• c;« O 9» CO to CO O h-> o CO t*- OD 00 1*-. to 00 •5' 00 CO 00 4> 00 CO CO •>] •8 M«B OV UH ««« Mt* ? H «- c*- >-• "C *Q t— ' ►-* to >3 hO ►-• K o ^^ 5 -J •'I "n 3 n H C5 •>?»-• l-» CO to I-i y p o C C5 C5 C^ O 00 CO o C3 O ^T C5 CO Oi Ot o »-' O O /C Cji CO ■^ "2 c: C« to to CO 6S CO C "S 91 utw uw a^ 90- j» ■^ «•» o*» •!« ■»• n o» t-t }-i >-* N» o -)m^C06iCl't-'ft? CO O 0« CO CO ►-* . CO00»^C>«^OSCO»? ig t(^ C5 00 00 CO 4*- -J U^ O >> ^ CS O ^T X QD It*. O > K X »^tOOOO<|COCH? o h-> 00 *? coMifk-co *?? 3 If^ a 3 (O o o«oo>o«occ»p t^ 00> MO 00 rf*. mO I-* t-i io i-j lo ^^ ^u ? 1^ »^ CO CD 00 0« l^' t^COOQC CO OM "^ o« CO ^I -7 H- (->»-" NO a 00 s to ^ 4- » OS c: io io Ni o «« -J O M •*- C5 O •o :;:- ^ '^4^6S^o2'® " •5* Ml>' "'"islt. "•"*" ? ? JO tf*. O >»». 00 ex en IT*. o« NS :d ci 1^ ^5 Ci 00 to t*». KO CO k-- N- H- % )i^ a M- CO CO C5 m. I-- ot ►0 P3 C5 C" C OC CO -J t-i ifk. »-• 1— ' 00 cs CO 63 •::; A3 ;3 rf^ VJ -^ ND C5 CO C <0 •9 1-3 CO 00 14- 00 CO -*O»*. cj 00 (-» t-» CO (-'•^ Q H i-H 55 03 o •y. Ui H C5 o H W Hi H HI w W > H o o H H W w TABLE No. 3. LIST OF STREETS, WITH THE NUMBER OF HOUSES, COURTS AND COURT HOUSES, (fee. DRAINED, From March 1st, 1856, to December 31st, 1862, Inclusive. LIVERPOOL. Names of Streets. Ashfield'Street , Ashton-street Albion-street Abercromby-square Audley-street Ashton-place , Anson-terrace ^■, Anson-place Atkinson-street Aintree-street Arley-street Atberton-street ., Addison-street . . .'.. Almond-street Ansdell-street. . Addington-street Argyle-street AthoUstreet Alfred-street Arrad-street Arden-street Ascot-street Anson-street Augustine-street Amber street Abercromby-terrace Back Queen Anne-street „ Bridport-street „ Little Canning-street . . . „ Berry street „ Nile-street „ Eldon-place „ Leece-street „ Ratbbone-street „ Colquitt-street „ Pickop-sti'eet „ Eldon-street „ Parliament-street „ Goree ,, Bittern-street „ Lime-street „ Russell-street „ Nelson-street „ Mount-street Carried forward Houses. Courts. 5 2 2 1 1 5 6 19 1 4 4 4 21 1 5 120 9 2 3 30 13 4 11 3 3 6 4 2 7 2 7 5 1 2 4 1 2 1 329 Court Houses. Miscellaneous. 12 Stable and Yard. Stable. Warehouse, Yard. 6 Warehouses, Bridewell. Schools. Stable and Coach-house. Stables. Stables. 2 Warehouses. Stable. Stable. 65 89 Names of Streets. Brought forward Back Chatham-street . Mansfield-street Clare-street . . . . Castle-street Almond-street . . Bedford-street . . Roe-street Bond-street Portland -street. . Milton -street . . Bromilow- street Sandon-street . . Byrom-street Brick- street Bailey-street Bostock-street Bent-street Blackstone-street . . . . Barton-street Blake-street Baptist>strcct „ l«^no Boimdaiy-terrace . . . . Bii»i«haiu>street BeAcOn*street Brooks-streot .- Bennett-street boundary-street Blackburn-place Bolton-street Bloom-street Blackstock-street Bridgewater-street Brunswick-street Blundell-street Bury-street Birchfield-street . . . . Button-street Bas^nett-street Bachelor-street Bow-street Black Diamond-street Brownlow-street Bevington Bush . . . . Bath-street Benson-street Beckwith-street Erook's-alley Blenheim-street Bevington „ hill Beau-street Banastre-street Benn's-gardens Birkett-street Blackburn-street . . . . Bri>lport-street Houses. Carried forward 329 1 1 6 1 16 29 7 1 J4 15 20 8 1 10 1 2 28 3 1 28 5 26 1 4 8 10 3 29 11 3 1 21 3 1 11 13 1 14 1 1 4 10 12 ]2 9 11 18 8 5 Courts. 790 12 Court Houses. 77 4 6 4 59 10 24 Miscellaoeous. 20 Stables. Bank, Warehouse. Stable. Stables. 2 Stables. Stables. 360 Stable and Yard. Stable. Smithy. School. Stable and Yard. Stables. 3 Stables, 8. Back Boundary street 5022 520 133 79 47 3323 140 1125 3397 23 300 788 60 30 109 40 40 40 40 765 405 20 42 700 54 647 129 1236 45 358 120 40 170 30 130 296 70 106 90 880 81 220 315 „ Stanley-crescent Bankfield-street, Derby-road Barlow-street Brunswick-place, Derby-road Castle-street, Kirkdale-road Claremont-terrace Clyde-street, Derby-road Derby-road Fulford-street Gore-street North, Stanley-road Great Homer-street „ Mersey-street Johnson- street, King-street King-street, Castle-street Kirkdale-road . . . . Lancaster- street, Stanley-road Luton-street, Boundary-street Major-street, Stanley-road Mersey-street East .... Milford-street Morley-street, Kirkdale-road 1 Eake-lane, Vauxhall-road '■ Regent-road ! Rooney-street, Derby -road Salop-street, Walton-road i Sandhills-lane, Regent-road Session-road i Stanley-road (late Gore-street Nortli) Victoria-road Walton-road Total ! 13809 1088 199 7109 EVERTON Aber-street, West Derby-road Albert-street, William Henry-street 1080 35 383 15 487 319 Alma-street Anderson-street Anthony-street Atherton- street, Netherfield-road North Carried forward 2318 123 Brought forward . Aughton-street Back Field-street „ Koscoramon-street ,, Strickland-street Barwise-street Beacon-lane, Church-street Beresford-street, Bute-street Bethesda-street, Northumberland- terrace . Beckerstaffe-street, Soho-street Breck-place, Breck-road „ road Breckfield-road North Buckin gham-street Bute-street Caird-street Calmet-street China-street Church-street, Everton Village Cicero-terrace, Patmos-street .. Clifton. street Conway-street Cornwall-street Cresswell-street Dover-street, Portland-place . . . Duke-street, Great Homer-street Duke'8-road Earl-street, Great Homer-street Edinburgh-street Elias-street Ellison-street Everton-crescent V road terrace Field-street Gadsby-street Gleave-street Gordon-street Great Homer-street Greenside, Brunswick-road Greenwood-street, Thomson-street Higham-street HiU-street Hodson-place, Everton Village . Howarth-street, Beresford-street Howe-street Hughes-street, West Derby-road. Hygeia-street, i> Iliad-street, Prince Fd win-street. India-street, Netherfield-road . . . Carried frward 1 Sets Vice Boulders and Macadam. 1724 50 20 60 3349 5203 2 Macadam Vice Sets or Bou ders. 105 7228 7333 Caithness, Welsh, or Irish Flags 817 Torkshire Flags. 817 2318 100 229 259 240 704 188 12 20 936 10 234 598 178 845 385 161 126 125 195 82 30 330 131 286 112 315 20 853 945 10 276 72 77 60 157d 88 84 81 118 115 190 026 68 85 71 14217 124 Brought forward Johnson-street, Koscommon-street . Kermode-street Kilshaw-street Knowsley-street Luther-street Melbourne-street Mellor-street, Kose-vale Mere-lane, Church-street Mill-road, Everton-road 1 Sets Vice Boulders and Macadam. 2 M cadam Vice S ts or Boul lers. 5203 20 17 Neil-street, Northumberland-terrace Netherfield-road, North „ South Northumberland-terrace Ogwen-street Portland-place, Eoscommon-strert Priory-mount, Church-street . . . . „ road, St. George's-hill . . . . Keynolds-street, Hygeia-street Kokeby-street Eoscomraon-street Eose-vale Eupert-street, Mill-road Salisbury- street Seacombe-street Severn-street Severs street Seville-street, Netherfield-road North Shaw-street Sleeper's-hill Spencer-street, Everton-road St. Domingo-road Steer-street, Spencer-street 52 21 40 51 32 7333 3 Caithness, Welsh, or Irish Flags 817 Yorlfshire Flags. Thomson-street . . . Upper Beau-street , Victoria-street Watmough-street, Everton-crescent Wentworth -street. Church-street Westbourne-street West Derby-road Whitefield-lane, Breck-road road, Breckfield-road . . . . Total 47 20 27G3 11439 1000 2655 10988 558 1375 14217 632 115 34 509 1095 67 140 180 971 94 901 88 377 .38 146 9,8 969 517 34 1049 490 146 784 195 COO 2160 26 2>7 165 416 974 1095 315 392 40 1175 257 60 31754 125 Brought forward. . William Henry-street Wye-street, St. Domingo-road Total 1 2 Sets Vice Macadam Boulders Vice and Sets or Macadam. Boulders. 3 Galthness, Wels:., or IrishFligs. 11439 10988 1375 11439 10988 1376 Yorkshire Flags. 31754 160 24 31938 WEST DERBY. Aigburth-street 1652 912 922 112 122 839 662 394 164 117 260 169 286 36 153 224 72 1 1288 14(> 104 2190 185 189 296 27 1853 102 131 66 323 575 167 264 239 620 361 34 608 296 C52 1419 246 168 662 204 (;58 Albert-street Alice-street Arrow-street Ashley-street Ash-street Back Chatham-place ... „ Coslett-street „ Erskine-street „ High-street „ Myers-street Bamber-street .... Barton-lane „ street .... Beech-street Bolton-street Botanic-view Brunswick-road Butler-street . ... Chalmers-street Chatsworth-street Clarendon-street Cobden-street Codrington-street Corlett-street Cottenham-street Croft-street, Low-hill „ Windsor Crown-street Dalton-street Denman-street .... ... . . . . Derby-place street Dinorben-street Duke-street North „ South Edo'e-laiie mount . ... Ellesmere-street Elm-^rove . . . Enworth-street Carried forwar 1652 912 1 995 16569 1 126 Brought forward , Erskine-street Falkner-street. Garden-street . . . Gerald-street . . . Gloucester-street Gregson-street . H arbord-street . . Harding-street . . High- street Holborn-street . . . Holden-street .... Holford-street. . . . Hop-street ' Hutchinson-street Irvine-street Kensington . . Kinder-street King-street . . Knight-street Lea-street Linden-street . . Lord-street . . . . Lovat-street . . . . Low-hill Lowndes-street Macauley-street Malt-street .... Marsden-street Moira-street . . Mount Vernon 1 Sets Vice Boulders and Macadam. 1652 160 2186 221 street Myers-street North-view Oliver-street Oswald-street Oxford-street East. Paddington Palmerston-street Patterson-street . . Pine-grove Plan-street Pollock-street Portwood-street . . Prescot^street . . . . Prospect-street . . Queen-street Carried forward 2 Macadam Vice Sets or Boulders. 912 3 Oaithness, Welsh, or Irish Flags, 1995 4219 Yorkshire Flags. 912 I 16569 740 67 386 243 146 272 748 82 1170 108 477 192 132 120 12 1211 194 84 112 220 214 2444 122 95 182 58 109 143 778 264 402 308 174 746 633 341 55 31 22 264 527 22 404 424 856 270 1995 33123 127 Eodgers-street Eyder-street. . , Brought forward . Sandon-street . . Sidney-place . . Smithdown-lane Spekeland-street Speke-street. . . . Stancliflfe-street Swan-street .... Talbot-street Troughton-street Upper Parliament-street Walker-street "Waterloo-place Wavertree-road Weightman-street West Derby-street William-street Total. 1 2 3 4 Sets Vice Macadam Caithness Boulders and Vice Sets or Welsh, or Yorkshire Macadam. Boulders. Irish Flags Flags. 4219 912 1995 33123 100 182 170 623 1666 62 687 30 154 84 176 603 102 284 78 30 112 295 122 136 250 6897 2067 912 37134 TOXTETH PARK Aberdeen-street Back Mill street „ Parliament-street Bedford-street Bell-street Berkley-street Blair-street Brancker-street Brenton-street Brighton-street Calvin-street Carter-street Castle-street Chesterfield-street Clevedon-street Clive-street Cordon-street Cotter-place „ street Crown-street Denton-street Egerton-street Elton-street Embledon-street Essex-street Exchange-street Total 180 121 2591 300 507 207 280 1377 5563 120 120 36 99 121 2514 240 253 340 37 30 30 360 416 201 160 1075 323 17 61 220 230 206 125 137 427 975 259 8946 128 Fairview-place Fisher-street . Fletcher-street Brought forward . George-street , Gibson-street , Gore-street . . . Grafton-street . Hampton-street . Hawkston-street Heath-street . . . High Park-street John-street . Jones-street . Llanwrst-street Lorton-street Lower Harrington-street Lucy-street Maddox-street Mann-street . Miles-street , . . Mill-street . . . North-street Park-road Peel-street Prince William-street Rhyl-street . . . Richard-place . Rowland-street Smithdown-lane Stanhope-street Sussex-street . . Threlfall-street Upper Harrington-street ,, Hill-street „ P arliament-street „ Park-street „ Stanhope-street „ ,, Windsor, ,, Warwick-street Warwick-street Whitfield-street Windsor-street Woolfe-street . . Total 40268 743 1573 490 9400 88 9526 279 804 71 1976 1279 1181 2460 1911 2625 3 Caithness Welsh, or Irish Flags 232 964 63 144 498 1365 2422 248 Yorkshire Flags. 1212 8946 450 240 38 672 234 743 313 33 738 4344 047 484 60 372 698 64 55 984 3404 715 1429 57 464 25 59 67 72 418 414 991 1845 158 611 163 670 66 1461 25 1493 1680 36468 TABLE No. 5. LISTS OF NEW STREETS IN THE BOROUGH PAVED, WITH A VIEW TO ADOPTION, BY CONTRACT UNDKR THE HEALTH COMMITTEE. LIVERPOOL. Names of Streets. Back Little Canning-stn et. ,, Hope-street „ ,, place ,, Egerton-street North and East of Beilford-st. „ Egerton-street North and Westof Bedford-st. „ Egerton-street South and East of Bedford-st. „ Vine- street , Barmouth-street Beacon-street. . . Benledi street . Catherine-street . Darwen-street . Deiibigh-street . Glegg-street Hankin-street . Hedley street. . . Houlgrave street Idris-street Little Canning „ Huskisson-street „ Pilgrim-street . . . Lincoln-street Love-lane Louis-street Menai-street . . Millard street Milford-street Newport-street Neville-street. . Oldham-place Paget-street . Raglan-street . Shadwell-street . Sherwood-street I eiigth in 'iards. 45 (.4 8ft 150 122 125 178 128 lU 141 131 33 27 27 245 131 140 103 143 106 44 82 127 231 125 50 82 104 50 129 119 33 34 115 16 Rt marks. Liillt^ Canniii^'-slieet to Southern extremity. Blftckhurn-iihice to linck Canning-sireet. Pilgritii-street to Ensfern extremity. (■ West- em I of No 35, Egerton-street, to East- \ end of No. 79. f West-end of No. 1, Egerton-street, t« East- \ end or No. 35. i West-end of No. 2, Egerton-street, to East \ erd of No. 32. Walnut street to Vine-street. Boundary-street to Athol-street. Blackstone-street to „ „ Scotlaud-road to Western extremity. Myrtle-street to Falkner-street. Denbigh -street to Bentinck-street. Idris-street to Eabt-side of L. & Y. Railway. Love-lane to Warehouse 6 yards West of ditto Latimer-street to Gore-street North. Boundarv-street to Athol-street. Athol-street to Southern extremity. Bedford-street South to Catherine-street. ., ,, ,. ''andon-stieet. Pilgrim -street toEnstvrn extiemity. Shatlwell-street to Beatvtn street. Stone- street to N- rth-sideof Sherwood-street. Scotland-road to Great Honier-street. Boundary-s'reet to Athol-street. Houlgrave street to Steel-street. Boundary-street to Great Howard-street. „ „ to Townshend-street. Houlgrave-street to Steel-street. Back Renshaw-street to Roscoe-street. Boundary-street to Athol-street. Denbigh-street to Bentinck-street. Idris-street to L. and Y. Railway. Boundary-street to Athol-street. Love-lane to West-side of L. and Y. Railway Carried forward 1 353S 130 Names of Streets. Length in Yards. 3538 18 132 177 234 102 88 72 43 121 Remarks. Brought forward Slate-street Love-lane to West-side of L. and Y. Railway. Boundary-street to Athol-street. ( Aimond-street to Bloom-street. \ Bloom-street to Western extremity. Scotland-road to Great Homer-street. Latimer-street to Eastern extremity. Boundary-street to Great Howard-street. Sugnal-street to East-end of No. 57. Love-lane to West-side of L. and Y. Railway. Boundary-street to Athol-sireet. = 2 miles 1005 lineal yards. Steel-street Sycamore-street ) »> >» i Taliesin-street Tindal-street Townshond-street Upper Hope-place „ William-street Walmsley-street Total 4525 KIRKDALE. Back Castle-street „ Stanley-crescent Barlow-street 88 151 182 89 85 47 243 284 80 IGd • 155 113 200 113 246 123 87 Morley-street to Castle-street. Bankfield-street to Leekworth-street. Barlow-lane to Elizabeth-street. Townshend-street to Luton-street. " >' Bootle-lane to Barlow-street. ( Victoria-road to West-side of Lancashire and \ Yorkshire Railway. Walton-road to Walton-lane. Derby-road to Stanley-street. Boundary-street to East-side of No. 40. Boundary-street to East-side of No. 20. Back Great Mersey-street to Whittle-street. ( From South-side of No. 58 to entrance gate \ to Session-house. Brunswick-place to Leekworth-street. Great Homer-street to Netherfield-road North. Boundany-street to Bury-street. Townshend-street to Luton-street. = 1 mile 692 lineal yards. Bury-street Elizabeth -street Grundy-street Johnson-street Leekworth -street Milford-street Smith-street Session-road Stanley-street Thomaston-street Townshend-street 2452 EVERTON. Abram-street , . . . . 28 245 20 1 151 230 151 271 128 148 170 03 127 1973 28 yards South of Rose-vale. Westbourne-street to Duckworth-street. Great Homer-street to Netherfield-road North. Johnson-streot to Mellor-street. St. Domingo-road to Netherfield-road North. ( East-side of Margaret-street to East-side of \ Queen's-road Great Homer-street to Netherfield-road North. Church-street Soho to Carver- street. William Henry-street to Barwise street. Plumpton- street to Edward-street. Havelock- street to Pyramid-street. Salisbury-street to Rokeby-street. 1 Anderson-street Anthony-street Atherton-street Aughton-street Back Canterbury-street , Field-street ,, Guilford street „ Pyramid-street Barwise-street 1 Carried forward 131 Names of Streets. Leiii-tli in yards. Remarks. Brought forward Berpslbrd-street 1973 50 00 40 43 122 179 81 18 110 279 28 48 114 123 153 100 165 316 46 290 126 205 85 • 127 290 69 139 144 115 833 414 210 177 150 65 16 61 313 167 138 33 15 154 28 298 100 30 237 157 114 50 100 102 5i Cornwall street to South-side of No. 47. Audley-street to Spencer-street. Norihumberland-terrace to Cicero-terrace. Breck-road to Sotithern extremity. Kverton-road to Gregson -street. Breck-road to "NVhitetield-lane. „ to Southern extremity. Cornwall-street to North-side of No. 8. Everton-road to Necropolis Wall. Netberfield-road South to Beresford-street. Sheridan-street to iiouth-side of No. 26. Northumberland-terrace to Cicero-terrace. Pafmos-street to Southern extremity. Prince Edwin-street to Northern extremity. Everton-road to Napier-street. Shaw-street to Grecnside. „ to Westbourne-street. Netherfield-road South to Clifton-street. Sah>.bury-street to Haigh-street. Everton-road to Margaret-sireet. Boundary-lane to Reynolds-street. Portland-place to Johnson-street. 85 yards South of Atherton-street. Everton-road to R»idcliff»'-street. Great Homer-street to Netherfield-road North. Northumberland-terrace to Back Pyramid-st. Plumpton-street to Guilford-street. Prince Edwin lane to Everton-brow. Everton-road to Rupert street. Great Homer-street to Netherfield-road North. Brunswick-road to Eastbourne-street. Dawber-street to Southern extremity. Plumpton-street to Edward-street. Netherfield-road North to Northumberland-ter. Greenwood-street to Reynolds street. Cornwall-street to South-side of No. 6. China-street to North-side of No. 13. Great Homer-street to Netherfield-road North. West Derby-road to North-side of No. 52. Prince Edwin-street to Sherwood-street. RadcHfi'e-street to Gregson-street. China-street to South-side of No. 11. William Henry-street to Church-street, Soho. Gordon-street to Conway-street. Great Homer-street to Netherfield-road North. Breck-road to Newlands-street. Conway-street to Gordon-street. Neiherfield-road North to St. Domingo-road. Kilbhaw-street to East-end of No. 145. Cobden-street to Western extremity. Northuniberland-terrace to Cicero-terrace. Breck-road to Mackenzie-street. York-tt iTace to South-side of No. 89. Johnson-street to West-end of Court. Belgrave-terrace Bethesda-street Breck-place Bright-street Brunei-street Blyth-street Carson -street Canton-street China-street Clifion-street Calmet-street Cicero-terrace Clejzg-street Cobden-street College-street Sou*h „ North Cornwa'l-streei Coronation-street Cresswell-street Dawber-street Dover- street .... Edwards-street Edward-»treet Ellison-street Ewbank-street Exiuouth-street Garden-lane Gleave-street Gordon-stn^et Gregson-street Greenwood-street Guilford-street Havelock-street Haworth-street Hi-j ham street Hill-street Howe-street Hughes-street Iliad-street John-street Kerm ode-street Kirby-street Leach Hall-street Lutlior-street , . . . . Mackenzie-street McGill street Melbourne-street Miil-road Napier-street Neil-street Newlands-street Northumbirland terrace .... Nottingham street Carried forward 9251 132 Names of Sti eets. LtMi>-th :n Yards. 9251 62 215 69 321 420 39 32 350 101 201 23 59 189 54 103 72 30 362 112 85 313 157 310 75 152 110 82 344 117 250 Remarks. Brought forward Pfltmos-street Northumberland- terrace to Dnke'sroad. P'verton road to Eastbourne-street. Northumberland-terrace to Back Pyramid-st. ( Breck-road to Whitefield-lane. ( Audley-street to „ Brunswick-road to Eastbourne-street. Dawber-stroet to South-side of No. 16. Gregson-street to Western extremity. Breck-road to Whitefield-iane. Johnson-street to Netherfield-road North Portland-place to Johnson-street. Cnnton-street to Passage 23 yards North. ( Mill-road to Passage 23 yards North of Can- ( ton-street. Boundary-lane to Hygeia-street. liuke-street to Tarlton-street. St Domingo-road to Beacon-lane. Northumberland-terrace to Duke's-road. Thomson-street to Wester^ extremity. Great Homer-street to Netherfield-road North. Greenwood-street to Sever-street. Garden-lane to Watmouth-street. Great Homer-street to Sanderson- street. Church-street to Fast-end of No. 41. Eastbourne-street to Greenside. Greenwood-street to Reynolds-Street. Church street to Eastern extremity. Whitefield-lane to Dawber-street. Gregson-street to Guilford -street. Breck-road to Northern extremity, St Domingo-road to Beacon-lane. „ to Netherfield-road North. = 8 miles 40 lineal ynrds. Plunipton-street Pyramid-street Queen's-road | ) Radcliflfe-street Reynolds-street Richard-street Ruse-vale Rupert-street Severs-street Sanderson-street Severn-street Seville-street Strawberry-bauk Tarlton-street Thomson street Upper Beau-street Victoria-street Washington street Westbourne-street Webster-street Wentworth-street Whitefield-terrace Willmott street Woodville- terrace Wye-sti'eet York-terrace 14120 WKST DERBY. Albert street J15 101 63 53 40 151 468 59 72 155 162 79 66 1573 Paddingtoa to Souihern extiemity. „ to Elm-grove. Erskine-street to Prospect-street. Gloucester-street to High-street. Gerald -street to Talbot-street. High-street to Souihern extremity. Kensinj^ton to Edge-lane. Harding-street to Eastern extremity. Barton-street to Malt-street. Prospect-street to Oswald-street. Grenfield to Clarence-street. Mason -street to High-street. Footwalk, Smithdown-lane to S.-side of R'way. Lowudes-street to Sandon-street. Alice-street - Ashley-street Back Bnltnn-sfreet „ Krskine-street High-street Beech-street ,, lane Blucher-stveet Bolton-street Cobden-btreet Carried forward 133 N;tme of Streets. Length in Yards. Remarks. Brought luiward Codrinffion-stieet 1573 52 115 217 84 20 105 lft6 25 139 70 67 162 102 138 66 86 237 40 70 70 62 81 77 44 70 232 194 130 95 118 222 37 68 170 63 Epworth-street to Shepherd-street. to Malt->treet. Kensington to Love-lane. Smithdown-lane to Upper Parliament-street. Shepherd-street to Croft-street. Kensington to North-side of No. 35. Wavertree-road to Water-street. Derby-strC' t to Northern extremity. Upper Parliament-street to Linden-street. Paddington to Elm-grove. Mount Vernon-street to Cobden-street. Smithdown-lane to Edge-mount. to Vlhert. street. Brunswick-road to Erskine-street. Mason-Htreet to High -street. Footwalks, Lord-street to Chatsworth-street. Diu'kworth-street to Gregson-street. Upper Parliameni-siieet to Falkner-lreet. Malt-street to Northern extremity. • Baker-street to Kuight-street. Gregson-street to Duckworth-street. Manfred-street to Ashley-street. Oliver-street to Dinorben-street. Mount Vernon-street to Fairclough-lane. Corlett-street to Barton-street. Prospect-street to Erskine-street. Upper Parliament-street to Corlett-street Chapel-place to Low-bill. Crown street to Dinorben-street. Brunswick-road to Oswald-street. Upper Parliament-street to Smithdown-lane. Moria-street to Harper-street. Pine-grove to Linden-street. Mount Vernon-street to Cobden-street. Brunswick-road to Erskine-street. Fairclough-lane to Dalton-street. =2 miles 1696 lineal yards. Corlett-street Co tt6Dhani -Street Derby-street Diuorben-street Edgenioiiiit. EUesmore-street Elm-grove Garden-street <^erald-street Gloucester-street Harbord-street Hal ford-street Holden-street Huichiason-bUvct Kinder-Street Linden-street Lowndes-street Malt street Manfred-street Oliver-street Oswald-street Pine-grove Plan-street Portwood-street Prospect-street Roger-street Talbot-street "William-street 5216 TOXTE -TH PARK. Aberdeen-street 153 189 117 119 Park-road to South-street. Upper Warwick-street to Upper Hill-street. Digby-streetto East-end of No. 34. Berkeley-street to Windsor-street. Brenton-street Carried forward 578 134 Names of Streets. L"n;?th in Tiirds. Remarks. Bronj^ht forward Clive-street 578 120 153 155 Park-street to Ann-street. Park-road to Melville-street. Cumining-street Dio^by-street 207 High Park-street to South-street. Park-road to Mill-street. George's-street 188 Haliburton-street 152 „ to Melville-street. Melville-street 170 High Park-street to South-street. Miles-street to Threlfall-street. Eowland-street 43 Threlfall-street . . 163 Peel -street to Whitfield-street. Upper Park-street „ Warwick-street 106 108 Park-road to West side of No. 34. Windsor-street to Berkeley-street. Victoria-street 38 Embledon-street to Eastern extremity. = 1 mile 421 lineal yards. 2161 ?l TABLE No. 6. LIST OF STREETS PAVED, WITH A VIEW TO ADOPTION, BY THE HEALTH COMMITTEE'S WORKMEN. WEST DERBY. Names of Street*. Lenjjih in Yard*. 100 45 28 17:] Remarkx. Dalton-street West Derby-street to Stancliffe-street. Fairclougli-lane to Dalton-street. Stancliife-street to Northern extremity. Lineal yarHs. Stanclifte-stieet Upper Dalton-street STREETS PAVED, WITH A VIEW TO ADOPTION, BY THE HEALTH COMMITTEE'S WORKMEN. TOXTETH PARK. NnmoofStrpetji. Lensth In Y«r.I«. Remarks. Clevedon-street 248 75 76 177 75 193 843 ( Park-road to Miles-street, and Hawkstoner ( street to Kodney-street. Cleveland-street to South-street. Park-road to Miles-street. Clevfdon-street io South-street. Whitfield-street to South-btreet. Lineal yards. Elton-street Exchange-street Fairview-place Hawkstone-sireet TABLE No. 7. LEVELS SUPPLIED. LIVERPOOL.— 1856. Names of Streets. Ascor. street Athol-street Boundary-street Brick-street Berry-street Back (:;hapel-8treet . „ Hope-street ... „ Peach-street. . . Cnzneau-street Clare-street Cranmerstreet Cross-street ])ale-street Dover-street Kxchange-street East Flint-street Hankin-street Harford lane liurton-street Bnry-street Derby-road Errington-street . . . Grnndy-street Johnston-street Luton-grove „ street Milford-street Adelaide-street Anderson -street Anthony-street Aughton-street Breck-place Breckfieldroad South Bright-street , Buckingham-street . Canton-street Clarence-street Cresswell-street Dover-street Eastbourne-street . . Edward-street Elias-street Ellison-street Ellenborough-street . Exmouth -street Gordon-street Great Homer-street . No. of Applica- tiuns for Levels. Names of Streets. Hatton-garden Hoy wood-street Houl grave-street . . , Huskisson-street . . . Latimer-street Lime-street MnlyneauK-street . . . Neptune- street Neville-street Peach-street Steel-street Tindal-street Tithebarn-street . . . Walmsley -street Water-street William Moult-street Wood-street KIRKDALE. Rake.lane Bedfern-street . . Sal<»p-street Spellow-lane .... Tetlow-sireet Thomastoii-street Townsend-street . Trent street . . . . Walton-road .... EVERTON. Gregson-street . . . . Giiilford-street. . . . Hughes-street . . . . Johnston-street . . Luther-street Mere-lane Netherfield-road . . Phythian-street . . . Phimpton-street . . Priory-grove Eadcliffe-street . . . Rupert-street . . . . St. Domingo-lane . Seacombe-street . . Upper Beau-street Washington-street . Wrntworth-street . Wostbourne-street . Woodville-terrace . York-terrace 137 WEST DERBY. Names of Streets No. of Applica- tions for Lev. Is. Names of Streets. No. of Applica- tions for Levtls. 5 Lord-street 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 Arrow-street ^ • Lovat-street ^ Macauley-street Botanic-street. Oxford-street East Owen-street - Butler-street Chalnaers-street Packington-stroet Chatsworth-street Palmerston-street . . Queen-street 1 Clarence street St. Arnaud-street Smithdown-lane 1 Dee-street 1 Edge-lane Sophia-street 2 3 2 3 1 4 1 Every-street bpekelands-street Forbes-street Harbord-street Squires-street Troughton-street Helena-street Wavertree-road . Holt-street Walpole-street West Derby.road Lissant-street TOXTETH PARK Boresford-road 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 Greaves-street Haliburton-street 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 Berkeley-street Brenton-street Larrock-bank Mill-street Calvin-street Caple-street Collins-street Northumberland-street Park-road Conning-street Kowland-street Cordon-street South-street .... Cumraing-street Thornton-place Denton-street Digby-street Upper Hill-street Wellington-road Egerton-street Whitfield-street George-street LIVERPOOL.— 1857. Ainf rpp-Qtrpfit 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 ; I i Latimer-street Ascot-street Louis-street Mould-street Newsham-street "Rpld-street Orrj'-street Canterbury-street Dalrymple-street Queen Anne-street Scotland-road Taliesen-street TT.ncrtm.Jitrppt Taylor-street Falkner-street Westmoreland-street Hankin-street William Moult-street KIRKDALE. Christonher-street Milford-street Nursery-street T)infTlp-lftnfi i River-view Dou"las-street Spellow-lane Stanley-road Tetlow-street Great Homer-street 1 1 •J •TnbTTNnTi-^trppt Townsend-street Leekworth-street Vesuvius- street 138 EVERTON. Names of Streets. No. of 1 Applica- tions for Levels. Names of Streets. No. of Applica- tions for Levels. Adelaide-Street 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 Holford- street . 3 1 2 4 2 1 1 5 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 \ 1 Anthony-street Howe-street . Atherton-street Hughes-street Audley-street Iliad-street . . . Back Canterbury-street „ College-street Johnson -street Luther-street . . „ Field-street Melbourne-street „ Salisbury-street Netherfield-road Belgrave-terrace Nicholson-street Beresford-street Orient-street . . Breck-road Poplar-street Canton-street Plumpton-street Ciirson-street Prince Edwin-lane China-street Priorv-c'rovo Church-street Queen's-road . „ Soho Clifton-street Rokeby-street Rose-vale Clegg-street St. Domingo-road . College-street North vale Cornwall-street Sackville-street . Dover-street Duckworth-street Sheridan-street Spencer-street Everton-crescent T3'nemouth -street Exmouth-street Whitefield-lane . . Field-street road Great Homer-street William Henry-street Gordon-street Woodville-terrace Gregson-street York -terrace Guildford-street Street (Breckfield-road North, op- opposite St. Domingo-street) . . Havelock-street Hill-street WEST DERBY. Back Myers-street 1 1 1 1 2 Mount Vernon Burns-street Pollock-street . Hutchinson-street Sophia-Street . Lissant- street Spekelands-street Lovat-street West Derby-road TOXTETH PARK. Aberdeen-street 1 1 4 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 Melville-street 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 Arthur-street Menzie-street Caple-street Mill-street Collins-street North-street Denton-street Park-road , South Hill-road Eo^erton-street ,, street H aliburton-street Threlfall-street Hawkstone-street Wellington-road High Park-street Whitfield-street LIVERPOOL.-1858. Aintree-street 1 1 1 1 Benledi-street 1 2 1 1 Canterbury-street Rack Cannincr-street Caradoc-street Bangor-street Charlotte-place 139 Names of Streets. No. of Applica- tions for Levels. Names of Streets. No of Applica- tions for Levels. Coopers-row Cranmer-street 1 2 2 i Hutton-street 2 3 1 Lithotomer-streei Crompton street ! Molyneaux-street Epsom-street 1 Rathbone-street 1 Rooney-street Hankin-street i Slade -street Hook-street Taylor-street Hopwood-street William Moult- street 1 Huskisson-street KIRKDALE. Brunswick-place . . 1 1 Johnson-street i 1 Derby-road Luton-grove Salop-street Thomaston-streel Waltou-road Douglas-street Errington-street Great Homer-street EVERTON. Albion-street . . . . . 1 1 Hughes-street 2 2 2 Amelia-street Jasmine- street Jenkinson-streei Anderson-street.. . . ... Anthony- street John-street . . . . Atlierton-street .... Johnson-street Kermode street Monor-groTe Audley-street Back Canterbury-street „ John-street Back Pyramid-street Margaret-street Mill-road Barnes-street Moss-street Beacon-lane Beresford-street Netherfield-road Newlands-street Bethesda-streei Northumberland-terrace Osborne-grove .... Breckfield-road South Breck-road Patmos-street Potter-street Bright-street Buckingham-street Priory-grove rnnnnt ... road street Carson -street Pyramid-street Queen's-road China-street Radcliffe-street Church-street Soho Reservoir-streei .... Richmond-grovi Cicero-terrace Clifton-street Cornwall-street Elias-street Rokeby-street • Rupert-street Ruth-street St. Chrysostom's-street Everton-valley Ewbank-street Sheridan-street Spencer-street Exmouth-street The Willows Gadsbv-street. Tynemouth-street i Gleave-street Wentworth-street Gregson -street Hill-street Howe-street Whitefield-lane Woodville-terrace York-terrace WEST DERBY. Ansrela-street 1 1 Back King-street ' 1 Back Hisrh-street ., Myers-street 1 140 Names of Streets. No. of Applica- tions for Levels 1 1 2 i I : 2 1 Names of Streets. No. of Applica- tions for Levels. Chatsworth-street St. Arnaud-street J Clarence-street . Spekelands-street Holden-street Nelson-place Stancliflfe-street Oliver-street Talford-street Palmerston-street Troughton-street Queen-street West Derby-road TOXTETH PARK. Berkeley-street 1 !- 1 1 Greaves- street 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 Brenton-street Hampton-street Caple-street Calvin-street Carlisle-street Haliburton-street Malta-street Melville-street Collins-street More ton-street Cordon-street r Park-road Cumming-street Denton-street 1 Threlfall-street Upper Hill-street Digby-street Egerton-street ,, Park-street LIVERPOOL.— 1859. Back Little Canning-street ,, Vine-street 1 3 Morgan-street 1 Page-street Bridgewater-place Roscoe-lane Canterbury-street . .... „ street Shadwell-street , Simms-street Springfield-street Chatbam-street Darwen-street . . Grove-street Stafford-street Great Homer-streei Taylor-street Vine-street Hatton-f^arden . . William Moult-sireti KIRKDALE. Aspinall-street 3 1 2 Q Johnson-street 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 3 2 . 1 1 1 1 i Knight-street Beaumaris-street Mitylene-street Newby-street street Street north of ditto Ottowa-street r~IVi ri fitnTib fr-st.rpftt Regent-road Commercial-road . Rockinghara-street Stanley-road drptp-Qtrppt. Thomaston-street T*!! 1 ford -street Toronto-street Gore-street North .... Zante-street Street for Canal Company 1 Great Mersey-street East Heather-street EVERTON. A Kram-Btrppf. 3 \ 1 1 j Beresford-street 2 1 1 1 1 1 Boundary-lane Breck-road Allpn-strppt Avon-street Back-street (York-terrace) Breckfield-road South T^ricrlit-«trppt. • 141 Names of Streets. Brunei-street Caird-street Calmet-street Canton-street China-street Church-street, Soho. Cicero-terrace Compton-street Cornwall-street Deacon-street Duke's-road Dunkeld-street Eastbourne-street . Edinburgh-street . . Everton-brow Field-street Gadsby-street Garden-lane Gregson-street HaptoD-street Havelock-street Higham-street . . . . Hill-street Hobart-streei. . Holford-street India-street . James-street Jasmine-streei . . . Johnson-street Kirby-street ... Larch-lea No. of j Applica- tions for' Levels. I 1 : 5 1 i 1 I 6 U ( 2 i t\ 1 I 1 3 1 I ! 1 I 1 1 1 2 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 i a I 2 i 1 I Names of Streets. Lynedock-street Melbourne-street Mill-road .... Netherfield-road Nicholson-street Northumbcland-terrace Nottingham-street Osborne-grove Perth-street Plumpton-street Priory-grove „ mount „ road „ terrace Rokeby-street Rose-vale Rothwell-street St. Albans St. Domingo-road .... St, George's-grove S^evern-street Seville-street Underbill- street Upper Beau-street ... Washington-street .... West Derby-road Whitefield-lane „ road Woodville-terrace Wye-street WEST DERBY. No of Applica- tions fur Levels. i 1 Back Chatham-pla-^' Deane street .... Hume-street Lovat street Mount Vernon View . Owen-street Palmerston-street . . Penton-street . ... Squires-street .... Upper Baker-street TOXTETH PARK. Brighton-street . . Carter-street . . . . Conning-street . . Fletcher-street . . Gibson-street.. . High Park-street Jones-street Malta-street Moreton-street . . . Upper Hill-street. Whitfield-street. . . LIVERPOOL.— 1860. Albion Mill-place .... Athol-street Back Vine-street .... Canterbury-street Catherine-street .... Church-street, Soho . . Crannier-street Exchange-street VVe.=,t Hankin-street Islington Jackson's-lane Lime-street Oldhara-place .... Oswald-street Street out of ditto . . Page-street Rose-street Rumford-street Simms-street Soho-square South Chapel-street Tariflf-street 142 Names of Streets. No. of Applica- tions for Levels. Names of Streets. No. of Appliea. tions for Leveli. Water-street I 1 1 2 1 1 Westmoreland-place Street east of Lying-in-Hospital (Myrtle Street} Wilbraham-place „ street KIRKKALE. Aldams-grove Alexander-street Aspinall-street 5 Haddock-street 2 2 1 John-street Kirkdale-road Lancaster-street Back Stanley-street Beaumaris-street Leekworth-street Boundary-street Major-street Burrel-street Marius-street Clyde-street Mayfield Coraraercial-road Crete-street Florence-street Mersey-street North Milford-street Pleasant-street Forth-street Rogerson-street Gore-street North Great Homer-street Rockingham-street Stanley-street „ Mersey-street Zante-street East EVEI LTON. Aber-street 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 McGregor-street 1 1 & 3 8 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 Abram-street Melbourne-street Albion-street Netherfield-road . . Back Canterbury-street „ Street North of Prince Edwin- street Beacon-lane Northumberland-terrace Ogwen-street Orient-street Perth-street Bethesda-street Prince Edwin -lane Breckfield-road North .... „ Edwin-street Buckingham-street Priorv-grove Burnley-street „ hill Caird-street „ mount China-street Clyde-square „ road Reservoir-street . . . Compton-street Rose-vale Cresswell-street Dunkeld-street St. Albans St. Domingo-grove Edinburgh-street St. Domingo-vale Everton-road St. George's-hill Gadsby-street Seacombe-street Seville-street Spencer-street Garth-street Garibaldi-street Hapton-street Steers-street . Underbill-street India-street Upper Beau-street West Derby-road I-arch-lea Whitefield-lane Lavan-street Lynedock-street York Terrace ^ V^EST ■ DERBY. Smithdown-lane 3 1 1 143 TOXTETH PARK. Names of Streets. No. cf 1 Appli. a- tion> for I^vel«. Names of St re t.«(. iNO. of A) jilici- tioiis lor Levtl8. Amity-street 1 : 1 1 1 i Lodge-lane 1 1 2 1 1 1 Berkeley-street Malta-street Calvin-street Moreton -street Caple-street North-street Chipping-street.. 1 j Greaves-street 1 Upper Warwick-street Wellington-road LIVERPOOL.— 1861. Bidder-street Oswald-street 1 1 1 Birchfield-street Page-street Paradise-street Roderick-street Rose-street Bold-street Cable-street Canterbury-street Church-street, Soho School-lane Clayton-street Simftis-street Soho-sqiiare I Dale-street 1 Jackson's-lane South John-street . . 1 Lime-street Temple-street Thomas-street Vauxhall-road . . 1 1 1 Manesty's-lane Myrtle-street Oldham-place Wilbraham-street 1 KIRKDALE. Alexander-street a 3 3 2 1 2 1 I Great Mersy-street East Gore-street North 1 5 I 2 Back Great Mersey-street Grundy-street Brunell-street Haddock-street Eirkdale-road Crete-street .... Leek worth -street T^prViv-rnftd Luton-street Mfyor-street Mitylene-street Hake-lane P'nrorp-Qtrppt ..... Rooney-streei Stanley-road EVERTON. Ahpr-street 1 3 1 I 1 Pickering-street 1 1 1 1 3 Poplar-strtet A twill -ctrppf. Priory-mount "Ronlr Qnonppr-wtrppt Richmond-groTe 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 8 2 1 2 6 Rivington-street "Rrpfkfipld-roftd South Rothwell-street Buckingham-street Cttlmet-street St. Domingo-grove Sparling-place „ street Kl how-street Spurgeon-street Steers-street Underbill-street 'XTolKmirnp-cif rppf. ....... Upper Beau-street Mill-road West Derby-road IVTncc-ctrPpf. Whitefield-Iane ,, road Ogwen-street York-terrace 144 WEST DERBY. Names of Streets. Brunswick-road Ewart-street . . . Green-side . . . No. of Applica- tions for Levels. Names of St: eot-^ No. of Api'Hca- tioiis for Levt-lfi. Lovat-street Upper Baker-street TOXTETH PARK. Amity-street . Bentley-road . Carlton-hill . Cordon-street Grab am -street Hodges-street Moreton-street iSorth-street . . LIVERPOOL.— 1862. Back Peach-street Ea^t „ St. Bride-street . Bidder-street Birchfield-street Croston-street Gore-street North ... Myrtle-street Old Haymarket Page-street Roderick-street . . Scotland-road . . Silkhoiise-lane . . Skelhorne-street Soho-street Vauxhall-road . KIRKDALE. Ash-grove Candia-street Christopher-street Crete-street Douglas-street Errington-street Ethiopia-street Great Mersey-street East, Haddock-street Holme-street Kirkdale-road Mitylene-street Rooney-street Whittle-street Zante-street Street North of Baukhall-street. Ditto, ditto EVERTON. Ahram-street Albion-street , Back Eastbourne-street Barnes-street Buckingham-street . . . Burleigh -road North . ., South . Calder-street Christian-Street North Compton-street Druid-street Edinburgh Everton-terrace Harewocd-street Heber-street Hibbert-street Hodder-street Horne-street JefFerson-street Jubilee-street North . Kilshaw-street^ Luvan-street Lloyd-street Lowry -street Lune-street , Margaret-street Marwood-street INIazzini-street Nethei-field-road Ogwen-street Pickering-street Phoebe Ann-street Rendal-street Reservoir-street Ribble-street Rishton-street Rothsay-street Roth well-street St. Alban's St. Domingo-grove St. Domingo-lane Shakspeare-street Sparling-place Spencer-street Sampson-street Sykes-street Tooke-street Upper Bute-street Potter-street Waterhouse-street "VVhitefield-lane Street east of Beacon-lane 145 WEST DERBY. [ Names of Stwetg. No. of Applica- tions fo» Levels. 1 1 1 2 ! 2 I ! 2 1 1 1 1 1 Kmm» vf Stretts. No oe A(.pii«:«- ; tions foi Levels. Allcard -street ►...►►.►.► Guthrie-street 1 1 9 1 & 1 1 1 Ash-Htreet Kilshaw-street South Barker-street ► ►,► Moorgate-street Boalcr-street •.►.^». »>»»». >...».> Penton-streei S eo tt -street Botanic-street »..► City-street .- Tunnel-road ................... Dee-street ► Uxbrklge -street.... ............ Edgeware-street ....» Westminster-otieet ............ Every -street >...... ^..»..^...». Street east of Spete-strect TOXTETH PAEK. Aikin-street 2 Hajlock-6-tTeci ».,.► Ak-slreet ► . 1 HoB»er -street ►...^. ...... Amity-strefet .................... Isis-stieet Arthur-street. ... ..... ' Lafrock Bank .......... .. 1 Marshall-street Bright-street Moontfield -street Carlton-hill ► 1 Nestor-street CbJr)pLng-street ... 1 North-street Cock burn -street 1 Panlt on -street Cordon -street 1 P»rk Hill-road I Park-rood Eden-street ' Kodnej-etreei Soiwaj-etreel Graham-street Ifpper Bam ptoB -street WiDdsMTHrieir O c P5 O w o < EH C Eh H ••P-rei n| mPlM o oo 1— ( !—♦ I— 1 'spjBiuimSaai »0 -^ CO Tii -^ tH 1 Conning-street Denton-street Rowland-street .... P5 W Q H •spjBjt m q;ptAi C9 c* c? c< rH -H rH 1— * •SpJBi Ul ll%&U9ri O CO ^ -* 9 5? Angela-street ...... Burns-street ...... St. Arnaud-street . . Sophia-street . , 5?5 o •spatJi iH q^pjAi CO O O O 00 o o lH i-H iH r-l r-i 1-1 •Bp«i nj qiSa»Tt O r-t CO r-( CS? C5 O r-( O •«* (N 00 CO r^ ,-4 i-H i-H tH 5 1 Abram-street, part of Anthony-st. „ Breck- place , College-street, East . Dover-street, part of Exmouth-street . , . , Flumpton-8t., partof 1— 1 •spjRiuiqipi^ ■ •BpjBjtmqjau9i , i 1 h4 o o •spjB^ui qipiAi OOOOOIC?CC»'*: •spjBi m ^'^3a9q H^OOiOiOOOWCD-^ . OCiQOOOOCO-<#CO . I-H r-l 1— t O? CI 1 1 Ascot-Street Cross-street Doncaster-st., part of Epsom-street Millard-street...... Neville-street Steel-street Thomaston-street . . William Moult-street CO a H •spjBi ot mpiAi •spj^i ui qi2a»i "S K •«pj«A ui qipjM ••pjBi UI q»au9'i 5 i o •tponi m qjpiAk ooooccooooc*o o» »-trHr-(rHi-ti— 11— li— trHi-li— (iH ^-H "PJBJL ni q»*iaq t* «0 t» CS O CO t^ «o « t- C« i-t t» —1 Of CO -< c»^ o 03 s \nthony-st., part of Beresford-st, „ Carson-street, „ China-street Cornwall-street Havelock-street Hill-street, part of Kermode-st.^ ^, Nicholson -street . . Priory-grove Queen's-road Rose-vale 4. , Street opposite St. DominKo Pit s •spjtJA UI qjpjAV r-t 1— ( •■P"JL UI qiSuaq n CO 1 o CS ;2: ' it 22 o > •spaBA ni qipi^ -t •8pj«i UI q«r:a»i CO OJ « •s - ■£ « 2 S H X! g •P|«t?iaimp!ii •spoBi. ui inSadi t- OS I— 1 5 1 CO I 4^ n en Q St a o Q H CO •spat?i ut mp!A\. •spJBJi. m mSi»7 Names of Streets. o ;> •spjBjL «i q»P?AV Ol>OOt^r-lOOOOOOOt~Oc«OOOOOOOt-OOOOOfO r— 1 I— (i-H I— ("-^rHi— 1 rH-Hi— t -H ^^ r-t r-i y-i r-i i—{ i—i i— li— IrHi— l-nrH 'spjBi UI q;Stt«i «oaecc~oD-t(X)-f-Ci(?* CO s ::::::::: :*j : :^; : • Q> :•:*:!:•::: ! :::'::: t^ : ^ : oo ^— 1 Amelia-street . . . Back Pyramid-str Retbesda-street . Bradbury -street. Breck-grove . . . Burleigb-road, N Calmet-street. . . Cicero-terraco . Compton-street . Duke's-road . . . Ewbauk street . Gadsby-street.. . Hapton-street . Man or- grove .. . Neil street Osborne-grove . Patmos-sireet . Potter-street . . . Priory-bill . . . . „ mount... „ terrace . Pyramid -street . Reservoir- street. Ricbmond-grove Rutb-streei . St. Chrysostom's- Seville-street . . . Sbakspeare-street Spencer-st., part < The Willows . . . •spJBA ui qjpiM. ooo ooooo 'spaBi aj mSaai Names of Streets. " * CO I •S -f: liiv § •siMBi m q»piM o o o o 1— ( T—l 1—1 rH •«paBi UI qj8aai O -* -* Td -f -f -^ -rjl 1 i Bangor-street Crorapton-street . . Hutiou-street Litbotomer-slreet . . oo •spjBi ui q»piAV I— ) •spjBi ut qjSuai o ? » •spjBi u{ mpiii ct rH •gpaei ui HiSuaT g s S 00 i a o w •gpjBi UI qjpiii 005«OOOOOOOOOSVO(NOOO •spjHi at qjauyi HtOrHCOaOOOi-HOOiHCS-HCCiCOCnCOt^ 1 i SI II Dunkeld-street .... Hobart-street India-street jLynedock-slreet 1 Nottingham-street . i Perth-street Pickering-street . . . Rothwell-street .... St. Alhnn'a Severn -street Underbill-street Wye-street w < s ••paBXaimpiAl O O O^O O O O C?°-H c^o o o* o rH •«pji»A u| q^aaa^ i-o» -^ i« i» o ooo « i-Oeoio c» o rH » -I) r? ^ rf O rH eve iH It t-. t» t* O rH rH -N OJ rH e* lO »H W rH C* rH rH 1 i ••1 St if 03 22 ; : I I . . r^' ; : : : > c Candia- street . . Crete-street . . Clyde-street . . Eleanor-street Forth-street .. Forge-street < . Great Mersey-st Haddock-street Mitylene-street Ottowa-street . . Foronto-street Zante-street . . Street N. of Ba • I o o Ph w ;> 1— 1 •Bpaiiiaiqipi,^ O to o o •8p«x UI qjSuaq ^ IIS Nairn s of Streets. Caradoc-street .... Church-street, Soho, part of up CO a i < i X! O H •8p«i nt mpiAV s •spjBA UT qiSuai 00 o 1 1 a PQ P^ W P H en •spjBi ai mpiM •spaBiuiqq3u8T[ i !5 o •spjBi ui q»piAi i-H^rHiH -^r-lTHr-l •fcpjBi ui q;2u3i OOOODOOt-OC? rH Names of Streets. Burnley-street .... Garibaldi-street Garth-street Lavan-street Ogwen-street Reservoir-st., part of Steers -street p4 Q S s •spjBi UI mpiM. O O O O O CiJ o o »o rH r-H r-l O? rH rH ,-1 rH r-l •spjBjL UI q^Suai O Ti< rH OS O CO C^ 00 C OjTH-^t-OOt^OO O __ ^ O -H rH CC 1 Aldam's-grove Alexander-street . . Burrell-street Commercial road . . Florence-street .... Major-street Marius-street Ram say- street .... New Road from Com- mercial-road to h4 o 3 •spaBA ui q^pjii o o o o Ol rH rH •8pat?i UI qiSaai -frH 00 (N fO(Mt^OSi>C3 •»p.TBi ui q^ipiAV • ..... : reet . , b .... •eet ... et . . . . ' 0^ r * I -S ?i i3 *^ S ^V 5^ 4:^ o o ts 03 O «= P 5 9 ±i 5 13 mu ?3 >^ e^ CO ^ OOOOOCTOJOrfS-rtl •spJBi UI qjSusq r-l O 00 00 -rfl C3i C5 CC- CO fH C« 00 I— I CJ CO 1-1 F-l O *- OO O ec o c; CI rH rH C? <1W -tP CO S •« -^^ i3 : ^^ ^ii w h Q^ tA a: I 1^ 1« ?^ 53 «*■, ti K. a) 1 5h _V CD : : : SlS : i . S^ ;- o T« -e ti o _^: ■"-*-< ^ -u CO 00 •spa^i HI q:j/p?Al OOC?OOOOOr-IOOOOOOOOOOOOC •spjBjt Ul tl?2u81 00 O I— I O C* 00 rH CO as 0) fc. ai ® O) o to ^ 03 *-> i3 2^ E: >i. o; =2 ® .oil • § • : is ^ ■♦^ ^ i/5 o .!:; 'S a> o * o D O CS CO coH M •spjB^ nt qiPlAi 2 2 ^ i2 o •spoBj^ UT q?Sa8»i •spjBi oi qipjAi :,i4 :^ . ^ . o . c . c • oj . e8 . (?? CO r-l H W H >< rS . . . . : :^ rH g 53 •»»awigjo-OK CO, 'WrHiHO -H* ^ • 01 • • es • • -H >o 7 i3 • • • -co So . . — • ■ Tt CO C5 es >, H , Q Jz; fe Cd l> c St 3>. rH h- 1 •sjaaajs jn 0^ •^ . .r-( . . CO • • • • r^ X rH _« ^ -., ^ a 00 w^ t« « ' ;:^ ^ c«*X)^0»c»« a •y. St^rr — ec^r-ir? c >» r-^ »-^ rH r- r; , _, ;s. > X • • • ; fH w ■^ : "" : : - X. "' • 0» CO ^ 9 ^ • oc I- w S • •?* X c: rw G* CO -< >. • .-( a « Pi >-4 M = :::--:: "-^ •sioaajg JO -OS. 1—1 <2 H^ c» • l-i iJ "H 00 t- CO «o • a r-( CO i-H CO tJ r*< • -T< Q >4 rH r-^ CU (6 g oS H) MUe •S530J?gJO-OiJ C5 CO -^ -11 "<* ,eo . H* CO t- aO C5 — T' tf: -c CO CO 00 00 00 00 00 X) 00 iH rH iH 1-1 rH 1-H r-l fcD p o o c f25 o •-H to o a ;2; to c ^ > > CO ■ 57 IS „ ^ Oi 00 O 00 ^ CO 00 C5 Tt* 'f CX) O tH 00 CO ,-3 CO CS CO O CO o5 r-l CO O? O I i-i (^ CO T-H 00 00 O ^ CO OT O t-( I -H 00 I CO CO^ O -« ^ "' ;:; -H O? 10 CJ <^=; ^CO * CO O 00 O -J-, t- CO 00 O '^ £0 X CN< 1-1 ■^ — H ^' t- 00 -H .: :5 X « -^ -^< U! « W C^ggOO CO " 0^ r^' O CC 00 O I C? k" -o o O 00 CO CO Oi rH O r-( O rH O 00 o o O O »0 C: i-H uO CO O O t- o o o t^ ^ o o Ci t^ c? o CO cr; -rti o CO »C t- i-H t> CO' fco"5 >H O " fl o « r^ q; ^ fc- O Oh (S CS O S a, o fl tc "-r; H O a a o 3 OHcc 2 " o 00 I-H tHOCO o O-H coo iH 1-4 oco (?* 00 c* o 00 rH OO C» o e» o "i* o rH r-t -tH CO CO TO 00 OS « rH rH O iH 30 H ^- OS O 00 O Cfi iH 1— t O O rH a i-H OOCSO oooco o o o o a» 00 ^ O CO o t*o cod oo ||3« CO O rH rH O H H ^•oooo . CO 00 rH O W 1— 1 -f CT c^ O qjOO >* COfH 00 CO iHO^O O 00 QOO rH OJC6tH O C9 00 C* O 00 CS o o ■<* CO CO rH «> CO s cs CO cs i-t i ^ X 00 oo ^.ooooo on ooooo O ^ t-O jt t^ o o O -I* rH O rH O O CO o o 00 O".* CO t* t- rH ''it CO It S5 i »I3 ^ o o o o t^O O 00 o t> CO cs o § 1— 1 ocooo o « oo CO >-l <>- rH OS >-> ooooo o o « o so CO cs 00 ;:: o 00 iH : 1 c 1 c o H 5^ c CO H rH 00 U 1 oc 1 1 I , 3 t 1 1 c •' a 1 ^1 CO , 3 ^ . a o H ^ cl H ^ a 08 H ^-^ o a CO Ha 5 P3 S I j^ -^ O 05 O 00 • Ot OJ o O 00 1-1 t- O) cr I— ( C^ I— t Ci 00 «5 « CO O Ti^ -J< O CO o O) tJ< O O O CO CO O CO 000 r-t » C» CO O CJ O X> CO O O CO CO 'f O rl O C30 t- O O C5 O -rfl rH tH t-H CO 00 -H COCO O CO O O w o o r-H i-l O Tl< Oi CO OS CO O H* o T— ( r-l tH in CO CO fH C^< o o CO o O O O I o O O tH- C5 O X CO OS O CD CO CO O X -t< ca i> CO o cs CO « O CO o CO cs o? O w t>» Odd T-i CO CO -H iH ^ C- i.» o? C^ tH tH -* CO C CO C? "^ rH j.^ 03 5 o o 6^ -3 a as ^ O ® j^ «i o t^ rt So V 03 t, "d 0) tj « 5 o '» Hi t TABLE No. 10. UllINALS. Arden-street Back Goree Back Leeds-street ... . Baltimore-street Barlow-lane, K Barton-street Bath-street , Bayhorse-lane Bevington-hill Birkett-street , Blackstock-street Blackstone-street Blundell-street Bolton. street Boundary-street Brick-street Brownlow-hill Castle-street, K Canning-place Charles-street Cheapside Cleveland- square College-lano Copperas-hill Cropper-street Crosbie-street Crown- square Denison-street Dexter-street Dickson-street Dryden-street Edinburgh-street Fishraarket Fontenoy-street Ford-street Gill-street Goree Gray son-street Griffiths-street Great George- place . . . „ Ilomer-street . . . „ Howard-street . „ Ilichmond-street Harford- street Haigh-street Hill-street Holly-street Hood-street Ilford-street Juvenal-street Little Howard-street . Mary Ann-street Mitchell-place Moira-street Monument-place SLATE. No. of Cumpartments. IRON. No. ot Compts. 2 1 158 Netherfield-road New Quay Northumberland-street Olaham-street Pickop-street Plumbe-street , Portwood-street , Pudsey-street Rathbone-street , Eegent-road Roscoe-street Sankey-street . . School-lane Sefton-street Sprainger-street St. Anne-street St. Thomas's Church . . Scotland-road Market. . „ place Stanhope-slreet Temple-court Upper Parliament . . . . ,, Warwick-strtrt. . Vandries-street Walker- street Warwick-street Waterloo-road Water-street William Brown-street.. „ Moult-street . . Walter-street No. SLATE, of CorTipartmentP. SLATE. No. of Coiupmts. 1 ^3^ 3 1 I i 1 In all- 105 urinals, with accommodation for 234 persons. Ten other urinals were also erected in the following places, but afterwards removed, owing to alterations in the adjoining property. Back Castle-street j Hawke-street Sweeting-street ! Shaw's Brow Cazneau-street | Nelson-street Lord Nelson-street I Crooked-lane Cooke-street Oldhall-street » S H It It 1 3 o o O o U<: .:^ ^ j^ ^ JJJIJ O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCJOOOOti .O ^ ^ ^ ,0,0 JS J= ^ .£ ^ ^ ^ ^ .o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ mher and UMtion of rivies or er Closets. •2 u i •HOT rH « C« « « « C« CO CI « Ot « Ci « C* Ci Ct rl e* CI fHC« ct >-t ^H ^■^^^ - -H •a T 11 O O 'v'vj "o "o '« 'o "o ^ "o O C3 t> O ll" a 1 s c a fl fl a o o o o o o fl fl 'S '5 "S 's "S 'S ,S ,S ,C ,:= ^ ,2 2 2 2^22 08 es ei s es es 0) o 0) O) a; 2 2 2 £i 2 •J! e3 (S « (S II c fl fl a o o o o aaflfl flflflflfl a o«ooo e3JC« 0« OJ C« 59 tH C? « s§- ooooooooooo^oooooooooocooo > ,-^ <•■» ^•^ !•-. 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