^ |/yy\|^i:^ ^1 ^^[^^^=]^ arjht ====0F flrOERICfl - = BY THE PICTURES POSED BY MILLIE WOLUi^m - wflLKm^ s^^nci - 1 wflLKinfi sonfl 2 BCi/qTin6 5onc 3 WORK S6/1fi * 4 HflnnY noon 5 B00-6A n(\n 6 tFI^(l€( 7 < $ BORri FIRE BORn ^ - /THE SBELTERinC FLflHE COOD niGHT * ^ * OOR OUEST ^ * ^ LBLE5Smfi ^ ♦ - - ALSO ISSUED in OHE VOLUnE WITH VOICE PARTS FOR TWO AH D THREE VOICES PUBLISHED BY TIHIE (f^il!IS)LO(Rl(S(Ei $mmi DISTRIBUTED EXCLUSIVELY BY TOE mnF FD^E mimim^ £io 17 WE$T 17 ST. HEW YORK CITY. m Cp V n^ If !^ r^^^^^^^ii=Q"^^^ o ^ <^[g)ll^2^ NT I .C^' \ • '••'"•Walking Song The Lure of the Road Soprano Alto I. II \' Piano Allegro 7lf ^ Words and Music by W. H. NEIDLINGER g^''>- '^J- r "F 4^i •> I J A - lon^ the road that leads the way, We trav - el as it will, It M4-^:^, J, J r ^^ 4 'J J^ A- long the road that leads the way, We trav el as it will. It fe H P^ fT % J ^b± wrr W r i 5^ MTl- -^ jt — ^ ? i i rcffT i t* i 3 s -p r I I f p^ r If ^ ^ -^ p r I I r" p ^ w self a guide-post good e-nough To find both dale and hill: Our hearts are light,ourcour-agehi^;The t* S ^ E ^^i^ jy. J i j. J'^n^- ;u ^J self a guide-post good e-nough To dale and hill; Our hearts are light,ourcour-agehi^;Thc !* P ^^ ro i ^ ^ a i r^ TT^ f-p rr ^ i ^ ^^ iU^^^I;^ ^ ^S f sen wrr wrr lox: ■>' ^ t a ^ ^ S ^ \ i crr f T s ^ ^t« -i?^ way is good and broad G ive a cheer,give a cheer,give a cheer,RahI Hur-rah! for the 0-pen Road ! way is good and broad_ Give a cheer, Hur-rah! Hur-rah!Hur-rah!fortheO,-pen Road! U p^p^. S ^ ± ^^1 ^ ^5 rr^ J=^ r— T? Ttfr ■'c " . , ■ ^^ ^ if r ^ s ^^ n f al Copyright i9iS by W. H. Neidlinger Fop all Countries Give a cheer,give a cheer, give a cheer,Rah! Hur- rah! for the 0-pen Road . A long the kfe Give a cheer, Hur-rah! Hur-rah! Hur- rah! for the 0-pen Koad. Fiwe Tra-la-la! ^^ ^^ ^ ^m 1 m 4 s ^ ^^^ r i fe 1 n ^ ^^ ^ ^ f In the night, in theniffhtW S * ^ way, We sing the live-long, live -long day, In the night, in the night We r f r r f^ f r ^n ^ S W "i Tra-fa-la!We sing all day, Or in $ ^ i J: the night, our ^^ fe 4 ! TJ- m i^ ^ ^ i ^^ ^^ ♦^ .^^ i'fj ^i^ ^ ^ s ^ find ourhearfsde - light. A - long the way, We sing the live-long, live - long day; In the night, in the night We find ourheart's de - light. A the night, our heart's M J J J ^ ^ P ^ de - ll'pht/ A J).'A til Fine 3351J>6 ^^ m a 2 r ww Ff ' Fr r 1^9^ :3: xr J. -o- #=^ i :M<. f^i^v.:. t^"^ -pr^ "" -V ^^ ' ,?^f I "I? T fltOAJC THE ROAD THAT LEflQS TME WAV. We TRAVEL AS IT WILL, Itself a cvidepost good enovohTo fimd both dole amdmill; OVK MEflRTS ARE LIGHT, OVR COVRACE HI6H; The WAY IS good anb broad — 6IVE A cheer, give fl CHEER, CIVE A CHEER. Rah! Hvrrah! ftt f ■ ^ P V 01 For the open road! flLo/No the way -; }0Sf - '• ^i*^; / UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY UNIVEESITY OF CALirORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. JUL 5 1917 M M r9?f