LIBRARY University of California. 7 :• P21'S Class I(o0-b nil tEbe tEubor ^Facsimile tEepts |Jati([ut dirissill HENRY CHETTLE, WILLIAM HAUGHTON and THOMAS DEKKER" 1603 Date of the first known edition, 1603 {British Museum. C 3. a. ig.) Entered in Henslowe's Diary ^599 Reproduced in Facsimile, igii. Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER |ati^iit (irissill HENRY CHETTLE, WILLIAM HAUGHTON and THOMAS DEKKER " 1603 Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXI |ati£nt drisaiU 'HENRY CHETTLE, WILLIAM HAUGHTON and THOMAS DEKKER " 1603 The original of this facsimile is, as stated, in the British Museum. Collier, in 1841, in the introduction to his reprint for the Shakespeare Society, said the play possessed " almost the rarity of a manuscript:" there was, he said, no copy in the British Museum; none at Cambridge; the only other public library that contained it was the Bodleian ; the only private collection that of the Duke of Devonshire. Collier possessed an imperfect copy given him by the Duke. Notwithstanding this, the press-mark of the present B.M. copy shows that the book came to the Museum in the King's Library, ''presented" by George IV. in 1823. Furtherviore, the Roxburghe arms stamped oti tJie covers and on the back of the title-page indicate that the book passed into the Royal Library at the sale of the 3rd Duke of Roxburghe's library in 1812. So, Collier was wrong; even as the departmental assistant of the B.M. is now wrong in allowing the statement to pass in the General Catalogue that " there appear to be only two copies extant. Also, there is a note on one of the fly-leaves at the beginning: " The only copy extant. LB. 1788." Below this is a pencilled note : " / have seen another Copy but it was imperfect. G. N." The identity of both "LB." and "G.N." is unknown." According to " Henslowe's Diary " the authors were " Chettle, H aught on and Dekker," for whose records see " The Dictionary of National Biography." The entry occurs under date of I9th December, 1599. // was entered on the Stationers' Registry for publication in the following March. Across the title page is xvJiat purports to be the autograph of " William Shakespeare." Opposite th& title-page appears in pencil the following note by the late Dr. Garnett : — " The signature on the title-page has been submitted to Mr. Bond, who pronounces it to be spurious, and adds that it strongly resembles those in the Ireland forgeries. R. G. Oct. 28, 1869." A comparison of this facsimile with the original shows that the reproduction is (says Mr. J. A. Herbert, of the Manuscript Department of the British Museum) " altogether admirable, reproducing the varying degrees of clearness or faintness of the type with almost unfailing accuracy ; and indicating, without exaggerating, the occasional yellow stains : e.g. Bi. recto, li. verso, lii. recto — are excellent facsimiles of difficult pages." JOHN S. FARMER. PLEASANT C ^M OT>IE OF Patient Grisfill. A$ it hath bcenc fundric times lately plaid byiherighthonorable thcEarlc otNot-» tinghain (Lord high Adinirall) his * ftjuants, .;..: ^^ t O N D O N. Joiprinted for Henry Rocket, and arc ce kcfeldeattheloiie «;hbp vnder S, Mildw^' ' Church in the PoHbyv " 1 6 p J» it n(«»"j''.*Wm(l»;iwii -wi. ThepIeafantCommcrJye of Patient Grifsill. Enter the Marqaefle,Pauu,Mai-io, Lepido.and huntt men : all like Hunters. A noyle of homes withiii. MarquefTe. LOofec row ft ffcang m p f)cactB,ta f« one limbcs W)u& fuitcD in a \^mttis liusx^ i ^^ tis a buclp Ijabite, iiil)cn grisnetouttj %i'ktto tfyc floVu;^ bifllTomc of t!jerp;Mn0, Confojmcs Ijis ouHnaiS ^abite to lji5 mtnDe* JL3obef)oii! ?on one t^n Ujagonec of fjcauen, !^ >tlj bj? 1)13 lbo?fi» Sfci? tojtifica fjojfes, SiBuuB ope t^e iwelanciioli? 3(af le of JTiigfjt, ■ ;Ki36 toitS) !jt« gilt bearms canning Mchimy, g^um'e al tfysfi: f Icuoes to golo ,U3t)o(tMitl) t\)C toinDs) tUlpon iljcic mifty> SjouIdctb b^ing in Da^: 'E^m fatli? not ttjis mojning toitf; fonlc loofecs, )i&!5t tcad) rout: 3o£onn fpicits to pip ttje Ctjafe, iffij i^nting is a fpojt fo) <£mpero;w . Pa«. HMt ftnotu it i0,ano t^eccfb^e hoc not tfj: ote ^iStJjefe Tfo'jc p3ftinie9,a confractcD bjeln, i^oto ftoifl vout!)3 ^iafl cuns to catc^ Delights, Ss mc id not Dnbnotvue : no b;ott)ec Gualthv-r, The plcafant Commody 2DiiU( oa^ ^u t)otxieo tc Satu : but noiu 3| Tcs, |^outp;u)mifts ttjcnc ail to motbmc. LcpL-2[J^i5 Das ^out fdf oppointcD to siut anfU)Ct« JI^ all tljofe ncigfjbouC'P^tntcB, tutjo in lone] £)fFect^cii:S)augl)tccs, ^ifitts ant» iJHtffi, Sn marriage to ^cia tjanD : ret (b; all tl)i5 . 2^l)c l)ourcJgcinR corns tljat cnllcs ^ou to roiir cljovce IPou ftanD p;icpatb fij^ fpoU anO Itarf atiDr: £Do (junt poo^e Date topcn ^lou fijoulD fdrfeca X5:iDc. Marq. jp$a^ coittc Mario ^our opinion too, ^"an neeDc often men's init tjjat goes to inoe. Ala. if irtt fatisfietljcfe p,jinfC0,lu|)o crpcct Pouc^daus Gnliocrc to tljctccmbafficB, SCljea mat! ron fwcUc reuell : noiu rou aic i3ot|j from ^ouc olpnc tjotofs,? tljcir aniitic. (t»ifc Marq. ^otu muti) \ioi\t tiitigmcns f rrc: tnljo ect0 iit*arip0 tt?c actiuc |)ounD, t oft hjrncB bsckf £Co notctbcangcicbifascofdcrfoc tClljo grccDp to poffcffe fo fU)»t a pm* j>cucr giucs ouec till lie c^ajc on bee, ^0 farrs it \Bit^ cov Damcs^inbo great tuitb fr ^^clu tfjc carc^pinco bcarfs.tljat fuc to tbem |uctont^atfctncofligl)t, (ILouc conquering tjjcm) snijcp caa an cpc of longing backc againe, Xls \ii^o iBoulD ra)?,be not DirmaiD Untb frotonrs, Jf J tijouglj our tongue? fp?akc no : our fjcarts fotmb £>i if U3t fo, befo je tfjcitcmilTc tijcir loucrs, (?fa, S^^ir fiwit t btcatljcs HfUl perfume tl)t ^mo;ous at?e ^nD b;auc tj^cm Itill to run in beauties Ci^afc: ^^crt an sou blame me to be [j:mtec like, Wi^zn 3! mutt get a Uiifw but be content^ ©0 7^ of patient GrJsfil. ^otitUKlU0 C^all anrtoece mms, tm U^ins ^outtt," 0n8 t^at no Uiitncble on ^ouc t^eebes fl^aU nts;, Z^iB oay tijc ^acquell^ totoes to clKwre a h}\r>t, Pa. C-aenb^mt»^onoj, Marq. iBwt^cr be aDuifD, S^eimpojtumtieof^u anb tfjeft, jn^mlJs m? fccctbougi^ts infn t^cpoa&e ef lone, S^o grone birter tfjc ioabc of marriage, ^mtc tfjen i?ou ttj jotue tfjts btirtfjcn on mi? pontb ^Uicarc to nic inbomc focucr nn? fanrte cljoofe, i©f tofjaf Bifcent, beautte o> bictij l^c be, ^ettjcu d^all like ano k>ue as I'ou loaenie. (pleats, P«. ^oUi bt? jn^ bictf) 3 riuearc,toco toboine ?o« , an6|letnibiaa;^cttoitI)ab?ot^«3armc. Lepj. Mario ano m^fclft; to I'ourfaicecljoife, ^Ifall ^telD all Ducries ano trueceuecrnce. Marq. ^ouc pjotellafionjg plcafc mc JoUilie, llcfc6rinsabunterBpcalc,anbint{)e care0 £)f onr Quift fo>rclf , Cittijens p?ocki(me, Defiance to ti)cit lig^tncs : our fpojtB Done, aijetiJcnfcn tt)atUi,cbill fl^all fcaft otir b^toe,' 3fft)e pjoucbau, itcVaft all blame on ^ou, DlSuttfriDcct peace fucceeoc tifis aino:ous Qrife) 3;le iws mr luit teas belt to c^oofe a toife. Exeunt, As they gocin^jcrnes (bund & hollowing witbin.-that kcts begun to Ijc wrought. Bab. iI>liieS10affer1jfcrc»amojntng.ablctomaUc bs Uioihetootl) auD naile (mamc tben toe mittt tjauc ■bittaatte)ibe ^tin IjatfvplatD faoc pocp in tijc clement anic tbrtstbefe tluo bouces ,as 3j Doc fomc moaiings to^f routaUUi^flt^abuio fa? ?ou:I)ttCC spattec fap H anD t^jsH tbtssEC open«,'?et Don is tbc moufc,lte ftill : t . ' SI 3 toljat The plcafautCotrmody Irtjat Babulo fapw GriTil.anonc far 3[,an6 tfjm fl^fi c pe locbffl t>p,rrt uolune 3| fnug againc; toljat Babu- lo rap rou auamc , ano t1)cn 3f ttart tp , ant) fa f ^e &unnc,anD t\icn fnaje , ana ffjcr, italic mine rares, anD tt)cn dfe,anD tl)cn gctntf b:c<*faa,dnft iljai fal to iuoifec,anD tl)cn iuat^m^ lwn05,anD bp tfjts time 3[ rjnttaoi; : ijaz's nmttnfket , anoGrifliU|jat'a yoiirs. Ian. jTctdjtlnncotonBabnlo letfplpoutbuCnw. Bab. CJoD fcno me gooe !utfee Rafter. Gii fHln? BabuIo,tiif)affi tJje matters Bab. Ooo fb:Btuc mrc, 3 tljinfcc 5 fljall not eatca pcckc of fait : 3 f^all not f iue long (ucc, 3! t^oulD be a rirt) man bp ttgfjtjfio; tfjet ncucc doc gooD Daties,b«t Utljcn tljrp fattjc^ muftOpc,anBgi Ijaucnoto amon' ficou0 Ifomacbeto iDo;be , beraufe 3 t\)in\it 3 H)aih- not Ituc long. laii. »afie tifis bamctnlUt and fall to iDotUe. Bab. 3|lel>ampcr fomebobp if 5 Bpc, bwaufc 3 am abafhetmoket. Exk. Iin. ComtGiKTill, tDO?kcftoat0irlc, iieextt^t faiacme &unneU)tll (^iiie on \}0, 0nb txi|)en l^is fiicesbegin, Mec'U cmlc out ftopsilng bjotors in fontccfijab?, Gri. if ntfjcr ,mc t|)inUr0 if twtfj not fit a maibr, SB^ fitting tfjuB in biein ,to b Wai m«w r^w 2Coffarebpon hec: migfjt it plrafc pour age, 3|coulDbcmo.:efontt;nttDUio,:b?ir!tl)tn. Ian. Jnbeeb mp ci)i!Dc,ntm9 cr Gri. giDiUauoiDetbeicbaityanbtDOitbeixittftin. Ian, ^ottneebKnetjtnapointeDcoateeoeftfin, ;9n8 of patient Grisfill. ^ ^t ^tOwi to tnante of t^s (tn ^oU) mantslDantoiuitn Saliuia, j^!»ts}iielikett)ert!Uenm]S^,tD(ien ^eitfaitsfat&s SlKz ^io iDtt^tn ao;es i hut eoi ontt ab^oao , %^e^ t^ne out to be (tore^tijeic loofee^cs tell, K,i)a.t in t^ bofomcs fuantonnesr imc DtoelU SC^ou cantt not Doe fo GiifTiU, ft? tf)^ $»vm, 3s but a ^tacce, tt)T> &tan:c,arpackeof ficc, ^!ti)ul) i^ati; no poloec t'tnflame Bottng defies: i[^piilfec0at:et^!to4iacecuiret3: aUt^? portion 3gbu£anI)oneftname: ti)atgont|)ouactbeajD> £d^|i^I) oeao ttjou Iui1l,tt)at being tnblemtd^o. GfiT. 3irto Die fcee fcom il^ame be nece tc 4ie, SE^cn^lebertolunD toitt^immoitaUitie. (foulc laa )D2ai) <:!5oD t^ou maid :i>etci)ilDem? tealouiSi ff/tcmblcs tfjjougfjfcates, fo often as mine ei?eB ^e<»out;SS>uke court tf)ee:anDlDljen to ttjtneeares 1^ tunes rttieet loue^fonpi : 9^ h^xme m? Gri0iU ^e can p:epace iyts tpa? foi^ gifts of goloe, tUpon tns b^eat^, Uitngd) p^omotian ities ^^ mt> beace d^ide tnil^notf>is ro;tcetzes, SDiDlie notfeebet()e1^tp1]i;tacfaeof t^ fame; WJ^it (^oulB l^e feno ^is tailoai to tabe meaOns •2PfGn(IIl$ boQie tlwt as onef^ulfrfai?, . 3f tljou toilf be tf)c f^arqueflrc concubine, SD^ou ajaltUicateatlj attires ;ijutt()cpt^at tijinbc, t:29lif^ccftl^ garments, fins blatfae face tofiiDe, iMcutt riak£D b:mu8neano caggeo pjioe. (feaccs GfiC dPaaafatijertoenotll^atetouMgC'toitl) ait^ou^ tljc iJ^atqueffefomctimrsDifitus, ^et si^t^tt)o;t»anMieet»s«celibciH0btcti>) J^teepttnP(nie^jnto}ibuta4tttttl(($iDecetifit;, J^;«1)|{^fralet80totiocft jmtfrfpcckleD finne^ The plcafantCommbrfy ■i^V ljnnD0 11^1 mabc mc pale Dcatl)cs tjmietKng, Jan. s:|)emulitU oft[jorcluo;Mj0ftucrtcminccaits Coincgitlclrts fAftcttoojfec ; tinic apart tuwtcs. Lnt«r Babulo with Ws workc. . Gi-if (romcBabuloiuijptiaffitljoallaiDfolong:^ Ba. j^atrU)^? ace ion ;o QjoityilBattttB \)cttcs moi mc J toobe (Onrc 3 lucnt) fo: accaDlc : t^is ^cacc 2 ti;inUc be leapt pcaccfoitoonic Docnotfjmg butbu? ridDlcSjb? ms rtott) 3 tfjinbc t^ic tuo^lD 10 at an cni) , fo: as foonc as \uc be bo^nc lue mncne:ai! rone as luc maraeU)cgctcijilD:cn,(b^ fjooUeo; bp raoUe^i^jt tt)ep ai:e)cl)ilD;rn mua ^auc ccaDlc0,ani) OiS^ jpnie 00 t^cp ate ?n tl)cm,t!)cp t)op out oftijr ,fij.i 3 iljiui^nc little gicLBttjatpctteroap ijao fcaac aljanis to make tljcni ccaDp, tfjc ncjct bap fjab luojnc iucDDing dngs on tljctt ftngct»,fo t^at iftttt tooilb Doe not cnac , toe fl)all not Itue one bp anotljcc : baftet mafeing a0 all t)^ t^ccttabes t:un0 te Decap, ano fijo^tlp toe fljall not be toojtfj abuttcn,fo,: non in tljis tutting age foiuc true lHt£^e0,but tapletB anb l^oomabeis , ? yitt noU) anO tl)en tt)ei> ttcab tfjcir fijooea a to.jic too. la. Let not tl)V tongue goc fo : fit botoncf too^bc flnb tljat out laboot map not fcemc to long, miccle cunntnglp beguile it toitfj a fong. Ba. )S[>oema(tecro;tt)at0^oncacouronagc. TheS'ong, Song Art thou poore yet haR moa golden 5lufnbef s: Oh fwcct content! Art thou rich yet is thy njindc perplexed* Oh punnifhinmt.: Deft thou laugh to fee how fooles are vexed; T^adto golden numbers, golden nunabeis. O fwcct wntcaiioivvcet &C. — fottt Woiie bfparicnt Grufill, f«*u WorkM[J».c,i^4:e,4J»:«, spaces The.i hey «ia j/,ao!iey : hi y noaey,io3ey. Ctnd Jriaketha wMc:; ofcHc Crifped fpt ing, OfveetcorjtJac! Swim'ftchoutnwealch.yecfiack'il ia thiae ownecearca^ Opuoni'hncnt. Then hec ihJt pa.-icnrl y w.i its, burden hsucs. No burden beares,but is a Kin^ija King, Onvectcontent,&c, Fstt, Workeapace,apace,«Scc, , Enter Laureo» #^p(eep maitcc^nDet comcB ^ont &onne liini laureo m? fronnef o^ |)C3Ucn let ti)? ctcii (jonQ )^DHceplcntu)tu ttffiotts of blediing on i)i9 f)e<(D. Lau. 2Cixble t^e numbec f»U tippon ^ouc age, Gn. iB[)ean:eb;wti)ei; Laureo loeUome borne. 6a. i^aftei: Laureo) laniculaes ronne)tDelcomeb0me» ^U> boe tt)e nine mureit, ^;tbe,cou0tonrne2,euuie,floti;* lo;tatb)Sluttoine anb l^ene; rou tt^at are ^cboU^] ceabbotJDtbe^boe. Lau. spares : tbefc (fcolc) are (tie featicnbeablp firej. Ba. ai:ctt)C?:q9a3mc{I;tnftC3it0bettecfermnstt^ f^zn tout nine mufes ,fo j f Ijeg aw ft atbc beggewt , Ian. ;©ft0n3|t)auctot(bttofatfonbcec?, Laii. Jtgcieuesmct^atpoufecmefje^cefo (bone, Ian. ji2S»J5 />aureo ooH t^o J gricae to fee ttis fatljec, ;^ ; boll tfjon fcotrts ms iio; mp poiicrtie. Ba. I^cncc!)e£(not,«io^&e'oobf?likcpooje3|o!jn btm* fclft, d>Tfjt to a nake oftpatten,tsnot tijat^ouctom* tnon^,! aCue ofb:;caDe^ Lau. ifatfjJcBi grieuem^^ouns rwwetotifiucage, jdponlD a9be mo^ ro^to'^nc. ^* Ian 3^ TheplcarantCcminr^ Un. tXV)^ fonnc \M^ate rtjc mattrt; Laii. 2L^ it tuljtrl) to t unlu? on niahcfi mt ncfprtatc. 3 t^at Ijauecljaiga iiir tntn^jj, ano fiommp faHjcc palo mo:ctljm|)ccoulD rp.,tc, J tl;at|)aucUui3, j::f)c:c nine ve-ttcs at tf)c anittcditf , ?piitt nolu fo.: tbis \xiDt\m ccuil'. : t^i5 angd! of to'Df . ^^)msi all tljo^e oaics ano niglUa to brggr nc folor , £;i);ouglj Uiar.tof nioncT'-, liiiiat 3 icant 3 miEc, CClfjo 10 ino!C (ioin'Q t^caa ?oo;c:ftOollcc isi Cab. |3Mtl).:cct!)mg3:ilgc, anitjomc, jbaHjct jmv Gri. l5:ot|jci'slul)utincanc0tl)crcU)o;Di3; ;bcr« Lau. ^l)3jainnujiJ. 'Sjo t\)inUc fjaU) mutlj a ferljcller tjntirrgof sr, 0nD in tfj'cnDc cwpcs naujjljt but pcnnutic. ^atljcc 3 am infoKCD to Icaucni}.' boohc, IBccauft tf)c QuDic of mp bookc Dotl) Icauc mc, 3|nt^clcancarmeB oflanchcnccclTitie. ^auing no ftjelter (afj mc) bnt to flic 3|nto fijc fanctuaric ofv'oircagco anncs. Bab, ;atcai)c,a tcaDcfoUoiubaOrcf-mabcing, Icauc boosts anbtucncblocU'^eaQ. Ian. ^caccfffllc,vuckomcmp fonnc, ttogl) % amprois 9^p louc (^all not be fo : goe oaugljtcc Gnffill, jffetcl) Uiatct fcom tf^e fpjing to fcctlj out fitJj, 7m\)u^ t!Cttct Da^ 3 caugfjt : tift cfjcate is mcanc, JlButbc content,iB^)cn 3 Ijati^folDctljcfc IBafbcts, %ift nunic f^all be (pmtto bio tl;cc uicUomc: Griflitl makcf>att,tun anu feinDlcfirc, txit. GrifTIl, Ba. <3oe Gnfljll jlpmabe firc,aniJ fr oiicc tfjc brttic, itita IjacD tDo:lo toljcn icFjoUccb catc fiflj tjpon flril; oaic0 Lau. 3;ilnotafljamcfoim0tf)atamaman,(Exk. Ba* ^aig mojca fcljolla; to cnButc fucft necDc, ^fjat 3 muftpiaf on f)im,lnl)omE BK^oulo fccucf ftooe Ian. j]iap giic;tc not foon-^c, better Ijauc fdt too^fc ,i Come fit b? mc tuftilc 31 U)o:bc to get bjeao, f^^ Gitflill tjfin M9 ^eatne to cloat^ ouc Ijarbjj, STfioit' ' ofpatfentGrisfill.' Spon IJjrttrwiK trocfrinc to t)fl foi t(>c ftttlc, f%% loijm ioe teafe from tsojbc euen in tliat tul^tle, ^S foagil^aU c^amte gmfes zaus ano cace beguile* EnterGrinTilIrttaainjwitha Piccber** Grif. if;;ft»eca03ltoasnmain8fcl1fefcljtuater, 3 ftiu t^ Marq jcfle iDttM sallant tcainc Come ciDitts totoarOd U0> £) Tee tp^cix tj)^? comr< Eutcr MarquclTc, Pauia.M ario/.epido, twi),J,adics «nd fome other attendants. Mar. ^tt toljcre mp Gri(n!l,antt Ijcr fatfjcc i?, i^c ttiinS'S ft,: bcauttc i^ing tfjjougfj tljofc Idc«W«, i ^cemes like a b^tg^t m tl;c fullcn mgljt. \^oU) loueli? pouerttc DU} :l£i on ^«i; backe, E>io but tbc puuD tuojlb note i;cr OS 31 Ooe, ^^e iDoulD raS ofFctcf) cobes^lb^floeacc md Oatc;,' ^ rlot^ tt)cm in ruct) poo:e abilimentjs, ifatl)ctgooii rojtunccuablcirctljineage. Jan. ail fjappincs attcnD mp gracious llojOC. Maiq. ilnD Ui?)atluil^ pou faicc C^aiOc? Grif. Stljatfouc^igSjtHougfjtB. ST^ ^nuc contentment ma^ be fatisficD. M r, SL{jouU^aulDatui{^roe,l^ncU)atl)oufb;U)f>at3| 315jJJbttOf PauiabcljolbetfjlJi tiitgin, (ccm< M ^ofullofbcautie* M ar. SiKecc but GrifTils bitf ?j, as too;t!)jc as f)et fojmc, fl)C migbt beljelD a fit companinn fo J tfjc grcoteff ftate. Lau. £>i) blini>nc3,fo t{)at men mat beautte finbe, S^es wee tefyea tt>ebcautic3 oftjjcminbc, 15 z Mswrq. ifatljCt Mar, ifa[fl)ftlanifolih3Saf5^»tt>ff;fpcstef Ian. apoo;cDerp(fclifi:l)0'lcran5mr&onite. Mar, 2i;5)isi0 no time to i)ollii B:rpKtc )xiii) icboUnsi KtUmt (it ftiit!) srioc m.m to!j.if dc tt tljon tljitihtl ^jcaufctlje Marqacfl'e to:fitfl t!)CC ("o 3Xti fan. 2J!jc tDill of p unrcs fubitTs imiffi not fcrffj,. 3Lft it fufFicc.youi: grace ts Utckomr |)it!jtr. Marq. anD ilc ccquitc tbat VDCkinie if 3 line, GriiTill fuppot a man ll^oulD louc jioi: oeatd)', 0s Jkiiotnfomctliiitijoe, luculovouagiec %o qtnttante tmt affection luit^ t^c UHir. Gri. /jJoneisfofonDtofanricpoucctiP. ^lar. j fai' tfjrrciBt romc Hojob ftano b^ nn? fioc, ^ap b^otlicc roN ace fpcD anD f)auc a ioifc, iLifm giuc 1}0 Icaue ttjat ace all )15atct)eler0, j^oU) cJi ilTil^ cpe t>0 todl anD giue vouc tjct&trte,. u(iai)iclj of t)B tiijce^ou fjoloe tfjcp;op,:caman, Gri. 3l)aucncrkill toiuoacpiopojtionfl. Marq. j(^p tl)en you ieft, toomen ijauc casks cpw, 2Co p;ie euetito t^c ^eact. ano U)f)? not i?ou^ Come, U)eSitn&fatrd?,^eeIt?(^eat;erouc minQe, iFo;^ bs mi? but|i , lie loliomrt^t ct)oicc fl|)aU bleOie, &;)alIbet^?tinrbano^ Mar. iiiaxtiattntoiu tout grate; Lepi. f^)?llo}D 31 |iauet)oU)et) to lcal)ea0ngUitfe, Ma q, ja CnglfliGr^ tfjfe cunning tannotfecwe; 2Docnot31 bnotopouloucljecj Ijanc (jcato; ^ouc pairioTO! fpent fo? tfev pout figfjea fo.j Ijcr, Mario to tfjetuonDec of^jer beautify Comptleo a bonnet. Mar. 3 m<8 ILojD ixijite fonnrtfif Marq. ^opDioiiitccatemetotntrcafe^ecfatljcrj SE^at ^ou mtgt)t f) aue Ijis baugdtrr to t)t0 lotie. Lep. SDoanieoneB! Utillinglp tefrgne, ;au intecett in |>ec tuhicl^ ootlj looUc tihe mine. " fefpatientGri«(ilF, m>efl^fii)eaeerotoo bdngtfins Dmi&e« Marq. IBOt^ OfpOttfum'fiApoitacaeitnloues i^at! tlicn 31c plap t[jcn:pcc:ottcc,tU)ife,t:)?ue, ^peateo^f^c'sgotieclB uio (xnccttDtUnfltbef ^luc i?03 ace not fo,? fjcc,rct Uja's fi»,j me. Pau. tt33,!jat meane fou 13 jot^cc; n.Marq. ifait^ti3mo:cuiitfl)is: SBp lotiej moft teonD:oua Cgcttunojpfjolw, aSo tucnc t!)i3 C^atDs into votir ll5:o*i)«:s Imfc, ^at» fvucct Ijeait loobc not ^ansc 3f ooc r.o: icif, j3utto tfjtnc caccs mine amojous t :o:!sgts impartT Gualtcr p jotcttS l;C I0UC8 V.)X icitlj fjuf Jica.f , I.aii. ICtjcaDiracationo,'fuc!)f)appincs, $(^akc3mca(tontfl)t. Grif. ^l)msgtaciou0llo;jD, fumble not pone Ijigb Oatc to m? lotnc birtfj, StaS'^omc not luo :ti)t? to be l;dD I'ouiflaue, £@ucl)leircroni;U)tfe. Marq. Gridllltljatf^aUfuflFtfC, 31 fount t(>ccUJOitt)ic: oloclmicola, M t^ou content ttjat 31 &onne^ Jan. JamtjntoojtbpoffogtcatagooD. ^ Marq. sCall^ f ull> talk not of u>o:t^ ,tn ^rtcff tcmms SCcllmctfJ l^allt)aaef)ct:^fo:b^^connrff name^ Ian. Laureoa3pgraciou«lLo;B. Marq. 3!ic Ijauebotf) roue confcnts : 3 tell ^t %a?X>8. 3 bauc toooco tlje tottgtn bjng,olj manteaniiouce, l^aue 3 bin glao to ftcalc fixim all roue c^es, E^o come fiifguifo to bee : 3 ftocateto roa, 515cautie ficftmabemcloucanB bertueiooc, 3B lou'D hec lotolrncs, bat taben 3 trioc ^ai')atbcrtuesU)eteintempleD inl>ecb:rlf, s^Hcl>aaNrtftoojctMfl)6l^oulOb8m)? b.^Ofi I T he pleafant Comroody ^at i^flrtjcc,muft 31 be fo jfU)o;nc o^tioti inn. (^'^tiot to m^ fioiQ rc»nc0 bcft tc im famea b Marq. Laarco tnl;ati3 t!OUCOpUlton;f Lau. S!)UjBrar3lo?Dc. 3 f cquall tijoug^tfl Duett botfj roue ttaf CB confeiw, ^ct's is to loU)C,anD rflu to |)igl) fti Ijct, Marq. CCJiwt faics faice GrilfiU noU)^ Grif. SC^isDotJjf^ftr. fls fjcr olDc jf attjci: rcclDcs to voui D:catJ toiltj ^0 l^c \}et fatfjcts plcafucc muft fulfill, 3folOcIanicolamafecCnnilli)OJi;0, Gnffill mutt not Dcnr ,V2t U^ fl)C tatljcc, i5t tljc poo,:c iSDaug()tec ftill of Ijcc poo;c jfatfjer. Marq. 3ilcgi),ot^atpoucrtic.aiiOmakeitfijin«, tditlj bcamcs of Dtgtiitic : tljis faafc attiit, SDljcfe lUQics (^al tcatcof, anDOccbctfjv bcautie 31n wbcs of l;onouc,tl)at t\)t tuoJlD mnv (iip, Clrrtuc ano bcaufic luas inp bjioc to rmv. Mar. Sljig mcanc tl)otrc,Uiill DtttvUiie vout nobknttf Marq. ^^omojc Maiiotl)cnitDott> Difgcafc £t)c ^utincto l^ine tn mc. Lcp. )iil)ee'0 poo:c ano bafe. Marq. ^l)ce'fli nrt: foj bcttuc bratitififB f)« face. P.1U. jA!lljatU)ill('U)o;lttfei?tDljcntf)c trump of faint ^fjall fouuD vouc f)igl) bitttj toitt) a beggto name? Marq. £[k^ctt)o.2U) ttill loo*tc0 3 fquuit, f 5i DectOe l^is purbliuD iuogcmcnt jGriiHn is mr iS^iW, ]anicol.\,a!iD [ 3iirco:fatl)cc,b20tl)cc, .5-^.ou a;i!) rpur &on gtat'o luitl) our toraU fauoutj ^nall Uuc to cuttoi ace tiinp in ijappinee. , Ifitcr Bahulo. me Ba. 39affcr J l)anpmatic« g©t» fire : ffrija Cn{Tdl,t^t Ian. jfallont!)f linrlP3t^)Dufcclc:ffft)cfcrsour Dub* Pa. 3ii)aucuota(fcnocDi)im>tt)cwffl;c jlcnfitDucfec ono ©fparicnr Grisflll, ^leUicdPto none but ©oDanBtttj? pjirtM* C!)tBiflt!)PP;mfe,ti8filrntBabulo.? ^ Bab. fdilsntmaxycttmytnadctis a oiimbc tctfuc; 35loMet)citii3t^at fpcafee0,ano*;as a long tongue Utc.i !)cKTi?Jt!)ec,to ?caoc otijcc tjcttuca aftecu.'hc Oc a l^jincc, 3J i)opel)cci3 rjotpjinrcouctmt' tongue, unailcsAnijeie- fozc cortte all thcfc : J^alec i)C?cc3 not fil^ cmoiTg^ fo; tjs, ^it^a CnlTill t'qc fire butnes out. Marq. SCellm: lup loue Vuljat pleafant fcifoto is tifisi Gtii. ^^ agco jfat^cca fecuantm? gcactous lloiBc. Eab. ^olu,"m? loue:niaffccatoo:Dcto i> Unfcjcilhcct memrlouc. Marq. 5Ell)atsl;usname, Bab. BabulG&icijBmpnamc. Marq. 52ll)i» ooft tt)ou ttcmblc fof U)e ace al tlj^ tdtxm Bab^ jtB ^atD fit foiti)is motlcg 3|ccfein,to finu fttcntt* it)ip toitl; tlj is ft.ic Doublet. Marq. lamcola b ling f)im to Court U)itl) tljc e. Bab. ^ouma^bca(^am'DtolapfucljUnaut^buc6cn tjppon oloe ages fljoulocca : but 31 fee tljcp ace ficoping a Ctttle,all trie Dclonc toitl) Ijim : \^t fljall not b.nng me fiCj ilecaccienii'fclfe^ • Marq. 3Bpja\»t{)ee6oe,31lc!jaaet^cc lincatcoucf, Ba, 3|^aueabcrtcctcaDcf!c,ba(tetmafeing, Marq. Gridill J Ufte tfjc fintpUtttie, &tiH{l^aUljcbetlj|»fecuant Babulo , GriTlll tlji? mittreirc,notD ftiall be mp iuifc. Bab. i t\)inUt Cc 3 am a fittcc IjafbanD foj Ijcc. Marq. Mil)? fljDulDft tfjou tl^ink, J Uiil make l)cc titfj Bab. sbljats al one fK,beggecs ice fit fo? beggec6,gftlci folfeesfoigctlefolbcs:3Iamafcab|^tfji3Uj5Dcc ofv ticlt Icuing^ poo; ,Mlaft but nine Daie0:olD sp biotl)tsmcc; .tiegentiemStrometg {itnncr,?outi^al tjaucagoooDiO^of fi^ fie:? tbanb Jjim fo? l^w gmo toil to roin; D-ugfjtec Grifl tojilcbe^agetf Ijc dc not(a8 nianrricljcogging marrtjats) noina^aie^iwe ioiiien t^e^t)a.4egot U)i)at tijep iuouIDd The plearant Ccir irbdy sine lEiet; tl^e bdl^5,let i^ec fl^c> Cti. £)t) heatenve lLo.:D tvttf) \}is tnttinpecatefongac Marq. GnflTiU 3| tafec Ddigfjt to ^cacc ^im talbc. Bab. 31,31, p'oatebetttabc meecp fo;i tone foote: ace not ipon Ijctljat came fpeaUing fo;' to GrilTill |iffrc,Do2 ^otj cctnemb(!ti)oU) ^bnoctttouoiue fo^ offmngto ^n\ita Urbeatijeclipf. Marq. 3] DoctemcttibCT it anD foj t()p paitW0, ^SolD:n tccompencc tic gtue to Vjet. Bab. iMbpDocano tic knock vou as often as ^ouUff. Matq. Griflill tljts mctttc fellotn fljall be mine, )5utu:ic forget one rclties, tbe oaicgcolDesolDe. Come ILoitisct^eacebp^out looked 3 toitt) fairefntile^* dl^caceouc tntenseo nuptials : time map come, ^l|cn all commaMnOing lone )>ouc beaits TubDue, Sutjc MarquclTe mag petfojme as mucf) fo; ^ou. Exeunt, Enter Farneze,Vrceo7.e,and Rice meeting them running. Far. Rice ijotD noti) manf toljctbet: ai:t f gallopptngv Ric. jf ait^ cuen to ftnne a full maunger:m^ tiet^ toa* tet;till31?iemotinc!)»ng, 3l!)<«'t*binattbcC'4tlccg, tobiB !)imbanD |iee(et^ismarbeta bfpatient Grisfill. UM tl}t g«n tan nrittjcr {oiite no.j rcaHc Ric. ^a f)a,not ^}ite ano tcatc^toljp 3( fiaue fan^ lb«« Mill out a bunDle of fonnct0 to?if etT,t rcao tijcm to iiaoics. Far, ^e gottlje b^ Ijeart Vrcenzc,! fo Dccriu'D tfjcpmj fouleg: as a gallant lu!jome3bnoto , cojehsotfjccfcfi)? m^ fajifeefpasleo babic iuil come into a^tationcrs D^op, callfbjaftooleanDacul^ion, ano t^en affetng fo.: fojnc grcehc poet,to f)im Ije falles^ano tljcrc IjegcumblMf Oot> bnotocs to^at, btit 3llc be fUJOjnc Ije bnotoes not fo muc^ asoncCl)atadctoftl)ctonga9. Ric. 2Siai)?tl)en its gt«bc to l)tm. Far. I^a, Ija, Emulo not lD0( ttonr- ^ignto;ui bot(),3| tommeno routo ti;e (htes; 3 (omtntt t!0«to^ii5oD,aDctD. Far, ^aiifiucet Rice a little mo;ie, Ric. a ItttlcmojetoiUmabemeagtcatoealeletTc, fioufebeepingrouhnolD ijsoutof fa(^ton : bnleflfeH hoc jroft, 31 iJtffe tlje pott : in a too?Oe tie tell ?ou all,cljallm«c to«tfenf, anflDCCCOno figljt, no kill, all ftienos, all foole0,Eraulo totoaco, ^ic Owen b.:taHC man,facetoell, Oinncc* ijnngrie:littlc f|eate,gi:eat great ttomacbe,meatc imat,meate,moat^,moHtJj,moutl>,aDue,aoue,aDuc.Exir. Vrc, l^a,lja,aoueRicc,^icOwcnbel&e6tepe0 a Icanc Uitfljin. Far. WOjat tie man, t^ats one of tfje mifctablc boiucs J)ema*C0tDljcnl)ecsDubO:j'etf)e 8otli but ag manic of ^isbjotl)ccbmgl)t0 oac, hecpeano^oinsrie fable fb? hint anot)t0longcoatefbllotQec. ' Vrc. E;ijatlongcoatemafec0tf)c maffcc a little fting, fai toljttfoeuer fjis piece of a funoUiet comes popping aftcc liim, t>ce0 fuce of a Double gtiatoe. Far. ■ 31 le fet fomc of tljc ^D agea bpon tt)p f&irt0 fo;t tW Vrc. ll^allfceU tjjem nomo;c t|jcn fo man^ fleas, , ^ ^ fl)ccefo;c The plfafawt Corrmody ttjreefo je 3 csw aot : but Fariiezc loak p;oouc a uiott nc« complii^trorecombe. br. >5^ olDe touclilao, fl)is i?ontctiB cis'jt r rinkiado puce lcaferobacco,fb.imoccDl}ee'0 nothing piicffc, tdebc, ano liiot>!!o betcico (not b^ 0oo anO I)i0 countcte) biitb^ fice,t|)e tiertc foulc of t)is fubttance ant! nccDcsluoulO (onuectinttirmofae. Vrc. Ipcc'fl Steele to tl;c bacfec roii fccfoj Ijc iD;itf0 Ctjallenges. Far. Ccue, anD 3ton to tt)C\)ca.ii,op tljctcsaricljlcaj tcnmtiiccallamong{li)ub2atncs,ir't)iB fhull ^juccc \3it\l DigD, &ic!ja Vrccncc, ttjiB is one of ti)ofc ri}angedblc &ilkc gaUant0,lot)o in at)cnercucutcp^tD,rco;ncaircI)oI;) lei:0,anD ccao^ no boobes but a loobtns glafTcan'o fpcakc no languagcbut fUjcet JIai)r>anD ftncet Signi(»ianD ctjeto bctluecn t^eic tizti) tsxdb\£\DOitiS,as tt)0t>gl) ti)tf Uiouli) toniutc, as tompiement ano p;oic(tfi,anB jf aftiotous, j i |)obbu;t)o;rc. Far. S>^^t toouiD Daunrc a rmma catel^ if^tc toctl ^ung toicljbellM. Vrc. l^etoonloiattgle^ilanouOB. Far. lacacclctswcseiifitcct^cm. S. O. 5*3? Cod ^it Emulocs, Cc Owen ia dau outntxk befauftBfttenD»-tottlj!>ec,fo?&iEpwen ftecacc, Diobss not ftocatC Rice; Ric ^sgfojfOOt^. 5pitouthismeate. S.Ow. HB^Coaisftoeatctcmblc to bncg |)cc pane, " am fling Ijcc fpiagle legs at plum feces .tofjcn Ijcc tome to fail to !)et taggec ana fencing tcigs,pc« f«itfj ano to b^eag Ijegii^insoiDljccnotRicef' Ric. ^esb^nrttrottj ]&ic. S.Ow. i3p Coas tbge mc is all tcuc,anD to giue fjcc agtsattc5i?ofb!ou!)Dicnofc, becaufe ^icE^uloes ^ou ^ailcnge tjje p2i ttiO^ fenigljt. Rice pou bnoiuc Sir Owen il^cntUroan fictt, ano fctonal^ bnig^t, to^at apoF ale rou Rice,i5 l^obe noU)? fman. Ric. j^o Ct 31 l)auc in^ fine fcnccg ana am 00 led as ang S.O. MeU^ccei5f)ano,noU3W jnigljtsfrienoff, ' Emu. feicOwen Far, jptoU) tf)c galUmaufric of language comeB in. Emu. 3 p:otcIl to \)ou, tijc magnifuoc of mg conDole^ mentjfjatl) bin cleuatcD tljc ^igljec to fee ^ou ano mp felfe, tlBO gentlemen. S.Ovv. /la? tisineUfenoUjnc SirOwtnis goott l^ctt* tleman^is not Rice; (laojos. Ric. ^c tijat fljall Denp it &ic tlemafec htm catc ^is Emu. (SJooCfcienD 3Iamnotiniljci;iegattue,becnot fo Capricljioug.^ou nufpiije mc,mp collocation teoctlj to ^.Owens Dignifiing. Ffa- Jicts Hep in, ©00 fane ?ou Singnior Emulo. Vrc. iSacllcnrountccu&.Owcn. SO. iDUje,5otB DO ?ou &. frenDs one act? noto C i but TheplcjfantCommody tut cmuloes tabc :;ccDc,\»ou mattlj no mo^iclouf ttlgg fo iDtDDpUl Gwcn'.hy ans.bp CoD ti^OflC m5,t{)at P05 fO ItlUtt bnogc liei;, fee pou notoe; Ein i^ot fo tem?efttou3 ftoaethntgtjt : tI)otigI)tomT» Difconfo!atton,3ltDiUoblw;o:ii5c nuMpuc tot?)ctudc(j tuioootoe > ana Doe \)ccte p;>o:laimD mp Dclintiuifljiiicnt, but ftoCCf 5ignior be not to Diogciii.all to mc, SirO. i^atjaiBbnotoenotiuljatgeaicallsmcanc, but ^ic Owen iDillgciii call Ijcc, nnu IjCCtaiJ Ijcr gcniallmg Gweothyan, Far. ^a? fait i) tu cclc Ijauc vou fount) fcicnos tnoccDc, otl)ectoirepou6noto,S;gnior Hmalo, If ^'ou t^oulD ucacc all tl)C Ui.:on6£!, rou tooulD be out Athlailed. £mu. fpofttiue. Sit O. is^ goD 10 out a tcio fritntis,but l)at:g Farnczc, Vrcenzc tloag a great teale to Emulocs: Ow. is gccait tcalc of fonO0 : f)a 1)3 tfl tell fine aomicable ft)ttt,hv Cod Emu- locs,fb;i feace ^.Owen,bnog Ijcc lljineSjis teU,&ts;Owcn b^ tojen ll^entlemen Ijec pooetB is put aiwut tuttl) lattice ^ |^a,<)a,fecge I)ec fecge ^ec. Fa, /^omojstcll Vrcenre of it: tl)I)^fl^0Ult(t!6utttifl fall out fio^ tt)c loue of a looman , coufiscring lu^at ao;c tuefjaue of tljentf &it Emulo 3 gcatulate ^oiic pcatc, Souc compant? \!0U bnoU) is p;eriou0 tc t0, atic \ucclc bcc tnecciejanti nt>e ab;2oab:befo.:e goo nolo 3; talfac of cioing, ^ic Owen mc tijinbes ^a0 an erccllciU bootc. Vtc. i^is leg gcacestfjc bootc. S.Ow. 21Bp ©CO ia &m. leg ano fine poote to: btii; Hniu- . lasleg ispetfccant) finef,anO fijcnglict fltinto iueacc. Emu. 31 bougljt tfjcm of a pennurious CojDiuaincc, f t{ie? arc tljc molt incongcuent tijat etc 3I Uiate- S.Own. Congruent;? fplouDtotjstteatljet is tongruj ent, fpani^ leatl^er^ Emu lpaJ)a,U)ell(!I5cntlcmen 3Iljaueot!)crpjoictt6 betken fo? me,31 mutt otfgrcffc from t^gljias , ano Icaae SOu;««Q»t 3|bcfm!>!!Ottoft^'WDul0acanD oomeftttb (ompUmcnt. Gnsdll, "^ «mplcmenf. Whilftthcyarcfaluting.SirOwcn gets to Emulocs leg and puis downe his Boote. Sir.O. |9.ja\? Emuloes let ^es fcj fjcc coitgcuenec kat\)tc l^alja.otuc iubat a ports fjcece: t«»>[)a ismngatualUo ^cc fl^ins.foifeccb Ijec iuacmcf Fa. WL^ts^mlat^esiXn^etc's^elixm^Wthmlo, Ric dDljtaccist^isfofaucfjififljmsf S.Ow. ^a,fia,RiccgoCCallGwenthyan, Ric, 3! lutUmattcc dahoma, Gcwnthyan dahoma^ S.Oiv. apogs on Ijecgoc fcOjgc fjcc ano call $cc tuit^iti Ric 31 am gone fie. JExicRice, Fa. i^ap fir Owen tnfjatmcancijou? S.Ow. 515gCoD i0mcane ta let ovvcnthyanfecUiIjat bobte foole louc ijecapogs on pou. Emu. &itO;venano&tgniojBbofIj,Docnet crpattatc m^ obloquic, mplouefijallbcefo fatt congluttnatco to tou. S.Ow. CoD3 pluDj^OU call fjer gluttomi, Gwenthyan, fi) YfO Gwenthyanf Emu. 3ilc not Difgcff tljis pill.Signiors abicu. I^ou arc Faftidious ano 31 banifl) |?ou. Exit Emub; Enter Gwenthyan, 1 r Fa. <©oD3fo,f)cccc comes tf)eU)tDDotu,buf in fattl)S>tc Owen fap notI)tng of tfjis. SOwj^ogoefotfjc.bgCob&icOvvcnbcare asp:auc tnmoeas(!£niprour- Gwe. mx^ calks Gwenthyan fo great tealc of timej" t Vrc. S>toeetUjibbolDcucniiourcountnemanf)ccre. W 5.0w. Belly the ruddo whec: vv"gewitho,Mandag eny Mou du ac whcUock en wca awh. Gwc. Sir Owen graimiTKCwhecGwenthyanMandage € i ' " cny ^ TheplcafantCoramody efiy,ac wcllocken Thawen en ryn inogh. Fai Mundagc Thlawcn, ojj nip gOoO iuiOlJOlD SabblC tijat Ujc map DnftcrftanD ^ou ,anD ^auc at ^ou. S.Ow, ^auc it t)tt, : nap b\? Cob is no tjauc atl)C«: fo, 38taU)gc tnfjcc pitttifl^ tongue, fo.: tie fine Oclitates tongue, 9( can tell ijit. tocK^c tongue is fincc as gteebe tongue. Far SL babtc /icates tongue is fincc tfjen botij, S.o'w, iSuttufjat fates Gwcnthyans noil) ^ toillljauc ^icOvvcn, &it Owen is fenoiune fo? a iotfclieman, as ant: finfc Adam auD Eucsttme , ann tfjat is bp ^^oDS togc mc a gtcat tcalc agoc. Vrc. 3 tfjinbe Salomon to as Unfectfjcn &icOwen. S.Ow. Salomons IjaD pjcttte \xnt : but to^at fap pou to iiingTauie ; iiinRTauic istocll bnotonc toasasgooo muCtions,a3t^cpcKfiBlccinaul Italic anoiitng Tauie hins ^tc Owens countcieman,t?c8 ttuclp a pjcttifl^ <^cn< tIcmcnpo:nc,anDB!6 tvuinfftlc.ttcincfelt;, ttoin£feU,out a ccic bpon toellfy-65a!:pc,anfi tis knotonc Tauic louc 9pif- triflPcrfabe, aS &icOwcnlflUCfiGwcn hyan: JyilllJCt Ijauc ^it Owen note i Far jfaitl) toioboic tafec l)im, &it owcn is s tall man 31 can tell I'ou. S.OW, S^all man, as tiifi>15cntcIman,iBfaliant as Mars tijatss tljc fiiKhnauc's,t^c poets (av tfje C5oDof pnblcs? pjablcs, a IjopctoJPUotot |?oufcc little mojein ^icowentfjcR in J&ic Emulocsjfap Ifyil fjecf fjaus fjcr noto,tis fiiliant, as can Dclite,^ toaccantfjcc. Gw. ^icowen,^icoacn, tisnot fo? faltani,Gwe^- thyancaccfomut^ , butfo^ ^oneff anDfettuousjanoloii uing ano punonli! to Uaftefjcc bauc bee toilL S.owe. (5oD 'ooge mee, tagc ^cc atoay fo liec fjuD boncano is let: Iftx tfma ^et luiU otub a ccic, "set b? (^^ is pjiDk bet toe 11 enouglje. G w» ^RStU ^.owen^Gwznthjan is going to hfC foim Ctualther bfpaticnt GrisCll. mamagcbtttfgcct^unjano tf)atp;mg t)cuxom Wales. ow. Bp Coo Wales is bCttCC fDlUltttt fijcn Ital-cSj a 0ceaticale Tobettsc. Gw, ^oluifijctfOjmGwalthcrfap Gwenthyantagc tI))Sp.jitif^fenist)f,l9aU loupfjcc uwgon t but?mjftlja«c Ijci gooB iuiU : marg pauc tljao &it owen, o«% £)U)e U)i5at0 elfc : &ic owen macg ?t fttxctocl, ^tt f^all tagc Ijct Dotunc qutgltc iiiougfjj fomc luieaotoc toill toag to tbe foUiaro, noln to Ij^c rojcn.anD feo Jjcei-d- ?c!t tcU Ijec minoe of ^ts owen. Gw, ^loulc matt Gwcntiiyan^ic owen; ow. ^csbpCoD anopjaucIpfo,fomc^!jfntleman0 pu'lgtagpaincBto gociuitfjfjccs' Far. CTecIc folloUs pou pjcfentl? &ic owen. S.ow. Come tolDOoU); Vn loddis Glanc G w cih) a mondu Gw. Giamercicwhcch.AmaMockhonnoh. Exeunt, Far. ^0 tijts toil be race:&ina|j Vrccnzc,aC tJjc mats riagcmgf)ioft!jcfcttoo,inafcorof3o Hymen, tocll^all !jccccl)epf)oHiemen, t^cic loue toiHbcElibcagicalfiic maDcofbapicauea, tijat rccloeu notfjingbnt 'tarfemg noifc.noife. (jji„g^ Vrc. 3f(l^cmiirc^u(frotDncttfl' nomattccfoirrach* Far. l&ol^cfoaDet it agatnc , it toill paffcruccant. Enter Onophrio and lulia walking oucr the 5'tagi :c. Vrc. peace Ijcccefomcfl out faiccmfttm. Far. Jictsljaueaflingatfjec. Vrc.^0 rou map,bni tfje fjacOnes w eo W fjec * Ono. jfatstocl Farneze pou attcD ijicl t)p6 yoacmittriflj Jul. ipa?,nat>,fljcittoagesi^allbe9ft^cfajite rolout t^atti)ctt;rccuicet£of. Far. if aii^ miftris toculo pou |>aD trauellefi a lit ilc foi ncttfjisijja?, youl^oulD ^auefcenc aww rameo,; uct teObs£inulo« The pleafant Comhibdy Vrc. ©uetfe courteous moutf) tuillteaffagefojt^a^ Atijcc tell ^et of tf)c toclclj ttascDic tj^at's toinatiw. . lul. MI)atCcageDi« Far. ^ic Owen l^aUmamcf out foajcn Gwenthyan» Tul. 3|tt poffiblc : of) tljcp ttoo Vaill beget bJauc \3iacw ones : ft? if Il^e fcolDc ^eele figljt, ano if Ije quawell fl^cele taUeijp tljebutblec8:^ee'j8 ficc anoijee'B b;>imnonc,muff not tljete be f)ot boeings ttjen ttjinket^ou; On. 2rf)ctlcp;ooue2nurtlcB,fb? ttjeicfjeartfl being fo like, tiiq? cannot ct^oofe but bee louing. lul. iEuctles : SCucbic^rocbjs, fo;; (BoDg louelets intreatc tlje ©uhc ms b,:otf)ec, tomafec alatoe, tljat tobcrcfoe^ ucc^ic Owen anD bis5U.aDteDluell, tbc nert neigbbour map alUiaies be Conltablcleaa tbc peace bee b>oben,foi tlK?re Doe nothing but cttearme, armcarme. Far. 3itljinbeflcOwen tooulD bietatbectijenlmrefjet Jul. ^ott)tnbenot3|. (loue On. 3|f]^oulofozIulia,if3|UieixIuliesf)urbano. lul. ^^ercfo?c lulia t^alnot be Onophr jcs tuifc,fi)? %k ijauenoncbiefoAmc. 3|liUenottl)atcoloucc. Far. ^esfo.ipouclouet^oulooulDluIia. lul. ^0 no? pet fo? mv Ijatc Farn«c. Vrc. viiHonlD pou not liaue men lone pou fiaat miOxisi Jul. j]5o not 31, fpetjpon it ftoeetferuant. On. OToubpouiuil^mentofjaterouf lul. ^C8 catfjet tljen louc mc,of al faints 3 louc not to ferae miftci« Venus. F.11-. CljenBlpccriucT'ou mcane to Icabe apes in !)cU. lul. JEtjat fpitefuU pjouetbc toas proclaim'!) againft tljcmtijataccmatrpeo t)poneartlj,fo;tobemame5i0to I(ueinabinoeofl)eU. Far. 31 as tfjcp Ooc at batlibjeafec lul. fouc luifc i6 70ucapc,anDt{;ati)eaniebut;tl^en lDeOU)cke,t!ouc 3]acUe an japes clog, t^ctcfo?c ile not bee tpcDfoo.t ; seaftet Farnczc , ftocct tJirginitie ib t^st inuifible ^ ofpatlent GrisCll iituiOble CE$oB^l()eaD ttjst tarns into angelto, tj^af ma&ef tffatnttf on eactt^attoff 31X00 tn tieauentlime naitrsto feeme goool^^but ttiece gb;ton0:3n (leaum is no toooing ^et all ^eci wx louel? : in ^taatn ace no toeoomss set a\ t^euateloneca. On. iiettisflDeet^aoameettcne eattli int»\ieatm, bP betns all louetis ^em to. lul. ^0 toe Doe to an cacti)!? t)eauen lue tamett. On. /ia? but Dcacc lulia,tcl tjs inljp To muc^ ]?ou fjate, to entcc into tlje lifts of tljis fame combat fpactimonicf lul. fou map toell call tfjat;? ino«Bcmai> nage is notljins elfc,but a battaile of loue,a fnenbl? 6^ ting,a feinoeof fauoutablc tccriblc toatcc:but rourn* Onophrio in tfjinbing 31 fjate it 3 Dcale b^ mattiagc as feme Indians doc t\)t ^unne, ano^eit, anOceucrence itf but bate not ftarc an it , fojfeatc Jbettacbeblinbc : Fou t^;cc ace batcijellccs, anb being Oc^e oftiits matben- ^eaD , count ol tttia^es bittec,U)btc^ tfyt p|)iQt&e of a fingo lelifcminniftecB bnfo poo: ?oa imagine i.Y^oa coul9 mafe tijc acmes of faice Jiaotcs tlje (pastes of pone Reacts, gooo beacts>t|eti pou Uicce in beauen : o^ but ]15atc^tlec0 tabebeeoc, tou ace no foonec in tt^at {yeanen, batpou Scaite lip into bell> Far. ^long as 31 ^auea beanttfuQIUDie toto^ent me,3icacenot. Vrc. j^o; 3 tbe ruicctncs of bee teobes l^all mafte mc celliti) anp punniibntcnt. On. Ccccpt tbcpunnii^ment of tlje ^o;meVrcenzc, fut^atin, lul. ^pf)eetoccebeftputtljatb?:ILo;sD, iLo?b, fee tuljat bntlj:iftfl tljis louc makes bs; if be once but get into oucmoutbes , ijeelaboucsto tucneouc tongues to clap; pecs, anb to ciagall itt,at Cupids Cbuccb iubca toe foece bettectobiteo3ouct5guc5,rotoe ma^tb;uft !)im out, Cupid is rtoo;jne cncmic to time , f Ije t^af loofctti time 31 can tell ^u loafetli afcienb. SO. Fa, 3t Tlic plcaLuu Ccmmody Far, 3!,abal3ftienD. lu. s-tjcrefojcmp sooofeitjanfaif/ouUifntcm^U* uctic,calcoftl}ifiloorctippeccoatcofloiic ; breat^amue totoatcc tjppon a bar, a toaj, ab'inBpijop, a uianton: v©vb.::t!;crt;;cS:>ul5C U3ant3oii;;roru;'aincB, tis jnicl ixcs mn loue.maHcs ^ou captaincs to tijis foUf arines Mf touie mc i '.Qiic mt,i tic tc acl) ^^ou Ijo'u) to fine Ubcuie. All. i:iirobEiitofollcVDrou,butnotMUiiict»cu,Rot«. nouncctbatobcDicnce. txcunc Enter the Marqucfle ind Furio, Marq. Furio, Fur. i^pllojDC. Marq. %if^ fait^ 3 oft 1^ mt thntyt})^ fail^ 3 cr^^tft ifo? 31 l)aue founD it foUiD as t\)c uotbc: ^ babbling cccbo Cts tpon tfjp lips, $01 Clcttce cue.n in fpcac^ ,Dctlj fca!^ tijcra ftp, aaiilt tijou be truOic Fnrio to t^p i:o.;D« Fur. atnill. Marq. 3!tis«:toas'[),f!jofc tno;jejE(3IU)iU, ^«lws flDCCtcrmuIirtiet|)cntl)2 gilDcOfounDS, OTljitlj cl)atting paaats long toung d arcpl;ant», ^cnD ftom tljc o:gans of tijcir ficcn bouc, GrilTiU mv' \oife t!;ou fecft bcace in tjec iuoaibf, JEt)e»o? of macciagc: Funo 3 pjotctt, 8p\?louc toljcrisastfje^catctofiie, !^cc lotjc to mee as bcautte to f {)c &unnj?> (jjnfcpccablc aBiu;itt3)tn o.icUiojD, ^0 Dcacclr loue 3 GnlTin, t^at my> life ^Ijalleno.tu^en 0)C5otj)gtt9Jto bcmtUiiffc'. Fit. HDtei iucll Done. Marq. ^(:ism?bofomefcaattbptDit3)5diK«, ^ jCo tricmp GrrfTiK paticncsjl;; pat on auj^intklcD ojcl)cao,anJ> turncbotfj miiiecg$0, 3|nto (too M\C8 t)(&xejmn cW^tms fisno of patient Grisfill. jLifeD fo a mace of 3icon,totl);faitenocaft>; ^ jgut f urio tu^en ttjat l)anD lifts top to ftritei 3It l^all fiic open to cmbjacc mp louc, §it Gridill mutt not knoiuc tjjis : all mpt»o:6f oope pou fo;r it,fo; 31 tuiii ^sue pou ff oope, ;anD ftneeic cucn to t(je mcanett gcoomc 31 Ueepc. CtiC %is but mp buetic if poulc Ijauc nic ftoopc, Cn?ii to pouc mean eft gwomc mp iLojb ile ttcopc Marq. Furio IjoU) fiouenlp tfjou sccft^tit'Oi? Fur, jail)p fomp lojfie? ' Marq jLoobe t)cet:et?)pll^ooc0awlwt$tjnfJDe, GtilTiU bnecU sou awo tpe tfion* bfpatlent Grisfill, Far. ^aroonme. Marq. ^utcfeelp 3 c!)acgc SOU, . GriT. jfrieno^ouDoemetD.Ming, Co let mc l)oloc m? JLojD in tD.:att> ft Ions» J&tano fttll 3He bncclc ano tpe tfjcmttoljat 3 Boc Furio ti5 Done to l)tt/i*anD not to ijou. Tye them, fur. SCiB fo. iMarq. ^Ij ftcangc olj aumirall patience, 3 featc Vu'jcn GriiWls bones flccpc in Ijer scaue» 2CfJc \uo:lo a fcconD Gri/IiU necc loiU ijauc, /jio^fl get ^ou in. Grif. jgocmi'gcaciousJLoilJ. Exit Marq. HDiolt t[)ou not {)cte l)et: Cjjfj^oia not one ftoton Contract t)ec faeautious fo^cfjcao. ^, rur. 3 ra\u none Marq. 2I>iDnotoneD:opfalDoiuncfto fo;;jotoC£ietC5, SCo b'.ajne m? Ijcart fo: tfjcfe ^tt tniuries? Fur. if ait^ not a Ciop, 3 fe«te l^edc ftotonc on mts, jfoiDoemgmce feruiref >*Marq. \ruuot\)at ilttdc, jp? tjoiw m.ip y^tt o.jc4«me ()ec : Griilill^GriOi Enter Griflfill, Fur. ^Ijc comes at ffrtt can. Grif. iSiom^ Ho 30e calif •. Marq. taoman 3 calo tijee not, 3 fato t^is flaueU).t3 libe toGrifUll.Gnflill, 3nD maS t?ou t!)cccro'i) patoone !)im mp iLo:a, foi mecctea Inittgf SBsates couno abonttfje laojlfi tlje famcof iiinjsps, SDempec couc lo^ 3 b^S it on mg baec, ifo^e The plea&nt Comniocly if o;grae fjts ftiult t^ougi) ^ouU not jwoon m*j ^arq. 2Cf)anUcIjcr. Fu. SCfwnbes fQaOrotie. Marq. atjauenottnicpotott, SDotoouno tf)a Ujit^ Dcmall,oi) nijj^Griilill, l^olu Dcaxcl? fl^oulD 5 louc tfjec, |9m Die to Ooc tijcc gooDjOui tfjat m? fubt«t8 vJlpb;aiD nic tuttfj tljp btrt!j,anD rail it bafc, BnD gticiic to fee t^)^ i?at!;cr a»0 tljti 15cot^et igeau'Dc tjp to oignittcs. Grid iiD})rafi:f^cmDolDne, fltio fcna poojc Griinil poo^cli? ticmiG agaiitc, ^ig^ Ceoacs faU,U)l;en lolus f^.jubs rafetcmain^. Exit Enter at the fame doorc Mario and Lcpido« Mali, jf etc!) mc a cup of iDittt. Fnr, ^ijctsafaintfuK. Marq. j^lj Furio noU) ilc boaff tijat 31 Ijauc founo, 0n ^ngcU topon cacti) : n)c i^allje ccouno 21^^ecmp,:circofalliuomcn.Lepido; Mai io;SDf)at toas l^e tfjat paffco bu ^ouf Both. |>ourt3ertui3iisluife. Marq. Call l)cc not Ucrtucufl, ^0.: 3B ab^orte \)ct, m not fjccftoolnc crefl iLoobc ceo ivitj) batco^ n'o.:iTC^ OtD (l;e not cutfe jpi? na r.c o; Furioes name; Mori. jiiompDearcJlo^id. Kiarq. ifoibcant>31 tailDatljet/pttatfjcc, 3 Ic buttt ijcc fjrar: lutti) rojcoto', foj 31 Stieuc S^o ic-t r ou gncuc ti)at 31 ijaue vujong'D mp ftafCj, 3l5Btoi!'ngo::ete!;ofcbafenainoto 31 ijate. ttjterGriflill with Kine. Come faHet if j'oh can fojbeare Mario, %is but he<:ctr^-e;lEl;atll^iujfB to nt«, ^i^c^^aUpe;:fo?in€to ansflf^ott t^?ef, Ikdrinke bfpatieat Grisfill. Lep. 31 3 njla) to fee^acpztoctija? tcampleaootoac jSnoaa gauboVDJtomSvO bettD ^o crif. Jle not ocm'i to in.'i a Dioonne. Miri. ^ouciutr332i::3i i-.M n?no tyjatfjauc '^ potocc SCo taife ojtlj.ioto D vUiae aj i-o-i mi'e oi loturr. Grif. ^ouc patience 3i t-oui!n?na t!jat can abiac, jEo t)cate a flattctci: fp.^aUc t?ci itcuer CtjiDj. Maiq. l^e:tcc,I)>ncc Dare\;OUconttt>uUt()ctej>omeS Come not \uittjinmpfisijt- (grate Gnf. 3i\)jillcbcv, otu:tDO?Dst;oucBaW»> gpr sjcart C^a'l leap* ft; lor.tljat Ijcr Jjeart blecoea, WMt t(jon DOC tl)l3 Mariof Mari, 3f pou fa\n Mario, Doe this 31 muffin it obep. Marq. 3 fenotu pou mutt, (6 Lepidomull ?0U %iGisM ; but counielt nic to^ata beft to ooc, i^oU) njall 31 pleafe »nr fubiertsf Ooe but f^cafee, gic ooe tt ttioug!) Gnfl^ls Ijeart i n funoej; fajcabc. Lcpi, ^m fubiertiS ooe repine at not^i«arao?«, a^tjen to beljoloe lamcola tjer jf tt^et, jawtt'^cc bafe b.ioti)in; lifleo bp fo i»i(j}}. M^i. 2Dobaniil^tf)cmf(om^poUtcie* Marq. !^^ The plcafant Comirbdy Mirq. fl)ljtacj?,(>^p,:ofounDiBircDcmc,oeat«Mario, ' 3lt ftojttjtDitl) l^all be Donc,t^c^ Q)M not aap, '2Choaglj3ImapU)mb?t^cma;lim!jDomraflDaH, Exit Lep. Matiolaugljatt^Ut. Ma. caij^foBlDoe. ^eblong 31 tjao cat^ct fall to mifetir. •JCfjenftcabgggejraiPDtoDignittc. Exeunt, Enter Babuk) finging with a boy after him. Bab. JlBop IjBlu fits m^ rapttt : 1« fol la folScc Boy. Ht^angB asrucnaBaclianDlcrBbeamc. Bab. ^omcof.tfiem Defccue to fjang bpon a beame fbj tljat tuetmcs, bop leatne to gioc cucct? juait Ijia ouc , giuc t[)c Ijangman tjis Due, ft^ Ijef '0 a ncccffac^ nicinbcc. Boy. 2Dljat0 ttue,fb? Ijc cuts of manieioicttco mcbcw. I Bab. I^res an eFcellentbacbcr,ljcl]^aurt!mott cleanly ::- ^utpagel)olu Dolt t|ou like tf)e Courts ( Boy. ^ o iiattiscfo bcijiolEnf. Grii; w>iot\)fc fojbeacc^ce's fcttianf fo nip 3:0:0. Ba. 2Col)im,£9.fparS;tjmtnotanmr|j. lau. poc not IctuDs a^inttrcls in ffjcittibalDettmca, »cofc at ^cc btitlj,ano ocfcant on fjec ootuecf Jan. ^Ia5m}!ilo;it»,^oafenciubet:ftatcbero^. Ahtq. S DiD>anD ftoni tfjc bounty of mp fjrart, 31 tob'o m^ Uiaib.jop of all p?ecious cobos, E^ut fijc tmgfjtl^inc inbcauttchftc tfjc^tmnc, cinD in c):tfjangc,3l Ijunjj tt)is cuCcf gctunc, ano tifis pooic pttf tier fo; a monument, ajnonjftmptoftlicSJcnmirs : ftil)cccctl)Cg§ans» GriiriU lootic l)icre,tl)iB goUuic is bnliUc to tfjis; Giif cpp 5uatiousJio.:D,3ibnotnfullU)cUitis. Ik CnfTilltoas as p;tctts n GrifiTiU in tjje one as in tljcotljcc Marq. jioujfjattc IbjgottljcfcwcSjfljistoatcrpot. Ctif. uS'.ti) cructcncc of pout l9iQl)ncs 3| l;aiic not. IJa. i?o;3l,manrasooDmeirc bftoatcr gcftocU t>aJ t^at^cclDcDts. Marq. Pf0,po'.i acc pionSf of tfjcfe pouc tic!) atfsjcs. Grif. /Jeuer bib piibc her p pare toitJ) mr bcficcs. Uxc^. £.ncl,grtpou on, pact biicflicluitl) rout fafljct . ' Ian. sDuc parting fljall be rt)0,jt,Dan5l)tccfaccti)ril. L:ui. lDuc patting fljall be fljojt.rittct faceUtcll. Pa. O-K parting njall be 11)0 itjGriiTiU fatcUjcll. Jan, l\Cincmbcct|)ouDio(t liticluljentljoulucrtpaj;, SL 10 no lU ti)oa oofl but Itucfoine fonnc nomo:c. Maiq. §>cctljemUiitl)ouCtljcpdllacc Furio. Fu. Oco5),).'Ct tis bab. Ex'-imt w ich Furio. I 'a. fel)aUl-ur:o ffctljcmoutof tbcpallaitf bocv'ou fi'tnc t)3 out of DOOJES i )<0U tUHlC t)0 OUt Of OOO^fS Kfarq, |5enfclBiib f1)nt^coU!,^'a;•^oaa(Ic f)iml)cnfc. Ba. l9:(^aUnotnccOe,?amno£Drcno;iIirc,3! ran g5ctoit^o«tOiiuins>fo.jnl|)ij8 tunung,5 tuvnc, rolJotoec 3 muftf «* facclnelltjo^.- Ea. 3 .1;^ s';iD tijcrj t'jU'il 1'^)^ ^^'i^ To 5)aftiaTtf,^,fa:t:« toril nip iLo rtjfiouc mv JiaD i' , great kia3 ttjs intfcuomc of tfjat SSav'Jo:. tijat ftrttijC ihe in ;'^5o>le^ , ft; !)«'£( arftgte tl^atteatiwballiaimaftmjto-ucixc Courtier: g|fe ib?-- Dcftint? Dogs m^ : at ficU j \a.13 a foolc (fc,: 3 tuas borne a:t 3nnocciit'»^^n 3 toas a ItauclliJcaHD tljcn a BnGirt^ m&tjer,p Wit toill ncuw be,ncuci: fjatf) bin. Mario, Lepido; Mario Lepi. CSrStatioUSlCJD. Mar. 2C!)cbanDofpoueitp?;clDBotBn?t!C!JrlEaifc;6^ sue it DiD Giiflils, anD as fjec 3 Lai^fD, ICo I^inc in gceatncs O)l)crc,ro DJD mine c^e, 2C});ougt) gilt bcamcs of pouc bitf ljs,tI)etfiBje mc t^infc« 1^ out foiilc l^oulD fimpatljucanD r ou ll)oulo fenoio, tEtt!)at paffions in mp Gi iiTiU fcofonic flotuc, jfait^tellmcpour opinions ofmplvife; Lcp. ^Jjc is as tiectuous ano as parent, ^ innoccncc,::s patience it iclfr. *• Mari. S)f)e meWts niucj) of louCjlittte of Nte, j©nelE m bictlj ttfc is tjnfojtuHate. Mar, ^9 ^z , ofpatlentGrisfilL ^.^«i353tfliii):lDei?ou fca,vct:ft:auat[epaa, 5 uni s ptBi:'.:tinsD ftie Ibal! Icaue tfje Coucf, ;itn-3 Uae uiTai:s2^'i)ii; oiiic faniccLi, Marq. HJiCrsj t'n'v^CiJ; ^:a:j fanvo? iC fpi'li fc? Doitc, 3!!c fjatic |?ou ttwa • Mart, tilit'jiuingauief.i.';. Maiq. iB^^otic tljcrt: o'jC^jcfkJtJmw, tlictt tittpicua ttiiJM, l^olu funft i^mifdjiefcf ioielj Ui^ai nimble ftetc -:;E)of^cna^ Sjallop to Doe intuit? Sutjo? bot!) confctfc ttiB GnfTils tnnof ?:icc, SC^jj? botl) aonriccfjcj: iDonBjouBpjtimce, ^eti'.i tiick malice anD to flattec me, ^eaV-ong t()cp run to tljifi impietp . iu)') iMljats t^is taoilD, but a confufeK tf^jong ^ £) ffbolcs ait:; mao men,ccotuotng in a t^jnlf So f^oiiloec out tijc U)ife,ttip Dotone tljc iutt. 115ut 31 tuill tt^ b^ fclfc ccpcrience, iSno a)-jn t!)c tuUac fentcttcc of t^ebafe, 3f 3 fiii^2 GrilSH fftong in patience, Elijefc flatterers 8)atl beiuounoja toitlj oifgcace, 5im) tobiia ticcfe liuc3,tl)e fame l^all ncuet ore, !OfGn(lilspatiencc,anol)ccconftancu. Exit. Enter Vrccnzc and Onophiio atfcuetall doorcj, and Farnc/.ie in the mid'rt. Far. Onoplirio anS Vrcenze tatl^mtt, tU&i^ mStt tiHeljis ftano, fo: tljere cornea amoftticb puwfjafeof mtctt):Emulo l»itt)|ii0 i)ano in a (aittttwiz, nnOiuli« ® i loit^ The plcafam Cdm'mbdy ISM apace. Enter Emulo with luUa, Far. iftgfjting:!jangt)imfoUjarD Vrc. pecl;aps i)c Dors it to (^ctu Ijis fcufc. Far. ipcacc.^ccrc tf)c nlTc conicfl^ftanD aDoc , anD fct lltmcutuct. lul. JDin m? ncto martcD roufcn &tcOv\en Unjuno tou ttjUfi? ^ Emu. %^)ccfCct£s,njSl)ci0aU\'rD'f3tf;cilIuffriousIu- lia.3|liuc^isDcuotcD,a5Sigi'ior£inLljcs cncmp , noa- Dulato:p language ran ccDcrmcfjimfiomtcngranrc: if vou plrafc nn? moftarconiplilljt ^tCftt?', J luillmaUia iMoft palpablf DcmcnQration of out batt. ik, hiU ^gpalpablsajsvoutansooDfmtant. Ono. ■£)]) fijc gullc0 jjim fmjpl\'. Far. ^Ijc tjas l)c tiot a fmiplc gul!; i Vic; ^oujiD an nIlaru;ncic|)U3 battle bcgiiT. I Farn. Bcarc,fa,ffl,fa. Emu. ^icOvvenanDmrrdfccncountn'ngj 3! I^ailoc mptjppetganttcnt.aiibruricljingiHi' iicnn agatrc unJIj afinctcluctcap,U)!)iff)3t!jC5!U!o;c, luitfja bar.otoU of£l?;icnt pcaik ano <2c[t!r , ano a foolin; IV:ig cf fomc n:nco:tcnpoanDp,:!CC> o; fo,U)CcatcU)c to atuniparic* flnrr. Far. iD\)^0l}0,\])i3i3tatC. lul 5youDiDtoifdptoronfctcrbffo:erou rombatcD. Emu? ucnlplucDiofajbjt falling into tijrbanpcaof bitter tDO2D0,\Df reto^tcD a tobt'r, auD (Ijcn 6.:ciij. Ono, £:tuc,!ju( glourc to tf\s fjanD?. Vrc. iJo,b!S Ijanu-bcrrtiOT to Unpc V,is face. Far. §efU)catpit(ifiiUsfti?fcarc if it tocrcf cue: if. Emu. a brpatlcntGrisfill. "^ ^ Enw. 3|toas fi^cncncounttxDlEttfjapurcSTolelio fil- ncrct'jano ctc;!:«tm6mmcatmc,m t^eo^aUimsfbtSic- fu rincv'tc S0aoanic,mi? ticl} cloakc loaOcD Uiitlj pcarlc, lu^ifl)3'JiJ0J-''»f ^oui;fiIIecGri(Iilsfai« uantagiou3figttc35( )t|i!slcggc (Ijauing a fav:c tarnation ftlSc Itoching: on)C uinblcD , m^ fpanglcD eac;" tcrs in tijat impnfion fell about mis feet c,anD !je fctr^ing a moK balatous anD ingcniotis f arecre,in»ai)r53 mp iXfi'- pict f).wD,cntreti t'oi? giloco fc:t,ano in tijat paffaoo uuU nctatcD 1111? f)ant>^ti>uB occpc 3 pjotett , anD contett \)ta- ucn. • ' ', Jul. jjiomoic.tfsfoofrajsicail. pi Krou. 3|ronclutic,3Jtf)cog^t(bptf)eSynthercfisofm^ foule) 3 liao not been impcrifl^eo, till tljc blouD f^eiuing fjis ccD tincture , attljetopof a fairc cnnclopeb jj^Iouc, funfecalong m? acine.f fpoil'o a rie^ inaffccoatc lujottgiit in Clbc ano golDCj^atoj amcT!CuljaliapitiAil liantitoitfjf!)!^ foolcbut (ctiitis inonttcn. Ill, iButfar.antUjfjcrcisrourotfjct^ianD; Ono. ^rc ftoctt niiftiis one is mv pjifonrt. Vrc. SD^cotljci; Jljauctnnctp iiiitljttic fine finger. Jul. iLoohc hi \)is fcntfe Famezc fo; an otljcr,t)cc IjaB a tIjirB {lano.anD tis pitifully toounDcD fee tcis mc,pihful • lp,pirtfn!lu. Far. OToBntic3,ol) palpable, ronie a Dcanontfratton ofit. Ono. ©iucljimvouclatDeDrloa&cSjgniorfoIlcp yis mout^.foj Ijclijill tnDoe pon luitl) Ipcs. Vrc. Come Si Junior, cite fine IfcnoU) to appatwtl all tl)cfefo.:nter,in^fcnieltcl)t fttitenrttobc of tnitfj: none, ttjia mint; Ii'l. i?rcfrcuant,iBtout arfcmpiiflit Ccutttl^tp no- ttitngbutlpesr Ono. if pc mufttfec in roue montlj.tut bat* tisBy^et a mcete milUc-fop. Vrc. if pe Emulo.nctfjinBbut tuatn^op , ret ^ate all joucttunAcsoffiiiteg* Far- ifpeSignior.aftacfcabotitronc nfcbe.pcftuiU not fjang pouc fclfe to ficarc all t^isi lul. ^ccuantaoifcljarBetDa mp fcrwire , 3!e CKtcc tainenob:aggart0. Ono. Signior.tuc Dircfjafjjcrop tfjc Coucr,\r>ce'l Ijauc no guile? in one companp. Far. Abram toe raftjeere pou our companp, iccc muft bauc no mmniono at Court. £mu. aDb patience beetjiou inp fo;tiecctioij : Udy of'parienrGnsfill. tijoti fputnctttne foj fittferins ttfst nutcimimt , to^fe!) 3^ fucWftomtljBe. ...... Fa. ^oto Italy ;' atoap ^n toeof : Italv tnfed becaufet30ut foul^ismuD, ano t^at ^^outjatiC bicatljcDirt Italy ,t?on'U fa^ Italy liaue Defi'leo pou : atoag ^ou bo:e,t^ou ioilf iuallolu in nmt m tl)t fijceeteft coun^ , £mu. 3 cannot conteipf tfjis ratones : Italy fatciBEll, Italians acne. SltjcrtROusfoulcabljojregfoDiDClItoif^Ilsu. Exit, All. ^aljalja: Laugh. Enter Marqueflc and Sir Owen, lu. '^cacc feruauf 0,l)cr0 tctrcg t!)c SDabe mp bjorter, Marq. 3loccoufcut)-Ci:ctl)c^bc: dvC^cc f}ea'euthCiS parable to fjtm, 3ua fouccSrcnc oaies bcfojc nert penttcoatt, Cojeit conccrnes t»ou,tt)ercfb^e kct'^ tljemfafp. Ovvcn. iftjgi),«)crtoan:antljcif^a{l!o5tljfmW)ftom ^tmiw ano v]9oone, anD ftaucn Caixcs too 31 l)Obe , but l}aC3'POUC0?cn Marqueflc. jM arq j^otw , ttbats tijc matters Ow. a poreontttisfcalcc matfct, lucll jtwcUpjag fojcn MarqueiVe ,*jfc fjci; iiatic Criffill a gtDD tealc bcttei:, lojasCoobagcracvoa IjtttD ^it Owfnout at cc^ bg niagtns Ijcc fat» ano potoo To/ce gou? Marq. ^uvt rou i itiljat ijarmc 0.: gooo rcape tot* ttjcicbEi jff. o^ven. i^sime, T he plcafiint Com tncHy Owen. \$mnt, ^es bp ;JDow lie, a poggic tealc of Ijaimcfo? loog rou co jcn,anD cojcn inlia, f fetscntlniicn aU)l,(fi3,j atol ts to biioUi \)ei iuife» tafc ) vou fenoiu ^cc tag to 'at(|)all)a;Doe noUi loitti t^efa ftste mtl knog^n; Gvvendiian. Enter Mario. Marq. ^ou i^al not tafee fuc^ connfaiU ftom m? ltpjP« ^o\D noiD Mario.nutiat netoes bjings t^ee ^^tt in futh M*ri. |Poucl0ifc(mpBtatioa«aojt>) 3|0 noU) Deliuccco of ttuo beantious ttotnier, ;aronneanDOaugf)tec. . Marq. Si^bettjatfojfi^^pamcfl, /^ot fo.i tfje io^ tdat 31 concnuc tfJ^wb?* jfo? GrilTill 15 not gratiouB in tlje e^e 2)f ttjofc t^at loue me, tl;cccfo;ic 3 muff ^afe SCfjofe tijat toe mafee m^ lift tjnfo^f tmate. 0tH) tljatfi m? iI:)ilD«n : mutt 31 not Mario? S^ou botueft tbr 6ncCjtucU,iueU 31 btwio ^ mtnoe, taertue in tiillaincs ran no ftjcfoutftnoe, ;afonneanDDaugtjtet;31 bj? ttjcmtoiUpjoone, gp^ GrifTils patienf c feettccanD Ijcc loue : Come Iuiia,come Onophrio,£o jc faretoelF, Uefetactl)ofcUianoefl,tfjerctf).2ee3lcbcateatDai?, Wi^cn 31 require &)tm barfec,t(jen toill 3| lIjctD l^oto cafilg a man maj? tame a rtjjcto. £xeunf. Ovv. ^af)al)a,Mmean)2eUj,oiDetifiouf acri? tcra* ble1jacD,anD mojc iDo^fe tfjcn tamea man puU.buf tobao ttieane \icc r ojcn to mag fjct rut bee tuanbc; fja ba , ©06 t)6gemc tis fine 1inag,3I fee fjcc bnauecp noiu ,tiE! to pans GwcntbyaDspooic ano Q^c mag a noife f p;abblc : 3Ig not fo ;bj! ©05.5 liD ro4 Gwcnthian, fit Owen Ujtll fenog tOU i^ei' abioc TucI) bo.ttibic Doe. Enter G wcnehian and Rice. ®oDs to Ijece fjec comes.Tet Jawgh g wcntliim Tcrdawgh. Owe. Terdawgh whec, feit O wen Terdawgh vvfaee. owcn.^DiuCjlsogehcett^ fineiuanDes not* if J Gwen, Rees The plcaf-jn' C^rrracrlv CAvf . Siiiwt lat! i cu iTjjfcsilj; r*" Tattrtt fensuc,nuilE \)a fell •)?£ o.'ice, atiD ttesfce, anD ti);icc,ai-.D foaicttuses, Iwyatto t)oe;!.vsagtijdeirani53» O .V. Klcs is pcttrc p.:caUc i\ecs l;ts pate : Ijtctc Ren; Ov\cn? ov\ en. ^tSyljet m?.rg l)cr,Rce5 pjaf nt.irs fjct llaDie? Hi. jjiof 3 Uc I^rc'll fct Sjcc iiiaitjra on tnc tfjen. Gwcii. 30 pjatjcfis p;a5ef S50C to Rccs, ^ic Recs firr, t?oufa\ogt'ot% Owen, ^;a^ Gwcndiicn bee paticnf , as Ijer rojcn CuMis. owe. Griffin olDSfo'jucfGiiflflllf no nOjiicnoAfrn-all iWtmaijGweticbian (ttC) nin»? pobfaic foolCdfiGiifrill, 3 fap pieagc Ijcciua iDcs. oAcn. CoD0pluDcispot!g!jtI;crfcpcnfc buff cut of lieccloaganbparrcis. G'Ac. peatcKcrcloaisaiibpartelsif fifjfie,ftC;ttsItc ^ttOwcntisl^i. Rt, your ujoji^ip map ffab Ijrr.fljc rpucB tou t^e If c. Ow^ tacatc Kecs, goc to , ?! poug!?t f f)fm- inbecDt (0 inar;t);c6o2retnn anb gee a migb tie fealc of pace,p;ap Lt ^ees ta3 fier in gOOb Gwcnthiait? c,^A rn. llccs 'jearc in Jwttoar.oes bwaufe^icOwen l^jfogentlr. ^' owcn. ocRccs, goelocfecttjemtjpmaporo^iljeff, 50r Hi, |*pH C^al not n«b to bio mt 0of,fo^ Bit «••"• I^xit. "1 brpatientGrisfill, Owen. 31 pougljf t^tm fo; ^tt !)o:fe iatn?cDc,%),j Ijmc ians^tt ro?cn MarquefTe awD p:oug^f f)ct pontes ant) fmbltngsl)Cfrcfojt!« montV' Cwcnthyan p;ja^bcepc ^erponociSanD top \)tt Utirdr : S>tcra Gwenthyan is tcll^crpiaucnctocSjOnfTillispiotigljt to bcD of liDOle i^c,itlcina:7anDajc;itxu;onun:(tsg!aD oiita cc? fp.-as Jjcr fatrc)rps tcucly C riiriil is p;ougW a bcD. G.ven. GrifTiUnopoDiclJutGrinnisftofjat tacc 3! fo; Griillll: 31 far if^it Owen [out Gwcnthyan, (^al notlOUC ei.TiU iioi Ma; qncffe fo/CC poll no^Oi Ow. (Z>oD'a33cmc,5iotlDucf)ctcojenf i0l]^calous; clue « fii:ie tng.not loac {jet tojcn^SoD 'jDjsemcfjcc tot},, anu !).U5 '-M felfc/ec pow noto? . G'.ve. l^noino:coUje,otoc,oU)C,Ta\\rons owcmhyaos, c bee ncU) catD to noe in , f ttoo nea^ fine ho:fe3 , ano mo;3 pleto toatcs ano paoges ti ftillolu ijcr beclc3,fCG pou nottif Gwcn. i5at Ujill ^cc fav no mezc fjang Ijer Wfe; Inter 'I ice. Ow ^1) nomoic,asOoot'Dgemce no mo;e, p^ag lca'je,olue,otue,otoe. r Ri. rdnn?kintl)cjf:oe!jat!)fa?ougIjfvouc]Krt»ato,it tomes to tt)zccpounu Ow. mw a pciWeiWC is ttjia foj owenthyan? ThepleafantCommody i*u'^'^ Z**-^ ^^ "^2,ws calD repafoci^.cv\enthian fowrc owen. m&uti^esispmc,tistcpatotsnmmnf &ec:3|pafoMmoncpoatacnc, rwti0p;atw,Kces tbt Ri. 2D[)ciftxieCcfatc«fiueponnb. owen. I^aljafia.pouno, cwemhyan p;ar Doc not pre It. Gwcn. Bs(I5oDt)j)gcme|>?tIbaUppeif. owen, (15oDt3Dsenie()ctlTjaUnot. Gwen. ^fjall not^Rces f ng fjcc atoap , a fa^ hn ffiaU owen. 2:iw;nmasapobbteftioIeof§&icOvveninOEPD* ©006 pluDe qjnllf 3f fa? fljal not: fiue potrnD fo; puble foi patoec; Ijcre mte,(o fag it nolD^iufatc it nolupotofrhfc nefljfl^aUpjtoleacOwcnfjaf *^ -^ Ki. ^1} care fit Owen, el; p^tioufl Hmngftt, ob tare ^itOwcn, ' i Gwe. J©ut?outaIfeal5,i:onp;aDeanOpwoe,itep;aiie 1 ^oucncaccg. '^ 1 Ri. ^!) tate.^afiamcjof) p;jctiou0®atiame,;© dPoD, Gwe. SlaDomtrcctcnoto^routwrcfjfttnffcsandtc* patoE3,rflo pjcafer fj »t ponDsv 3ilc tcatc as gooD ponow, »no pettec too, ana .pt*tct f 00. Ow.. fi)tocGwent :'an,CoWpIuD0 is fiucttoufanD 6«cbrt«,l)olDJ>olDf)oiD,upog0on$a:p;iDc, tc^'af fcaa ijctDonc^ Gw. pfbjfjettepafofB,ilefjauc IjcrlnilleB i DeftoSjilcteaCgcljcf p^Alcfjet JLaop: Catho croggCjNe vcthojcn rhloni^l. gna wat' cnathla tec.Exic owen. A breath va wcr or no Tee * piiQlt fjcr , fit owen is p;iiolcD 3! iuaftant:ti3iDDoto0(ii)ece pet tci (Coos plune maws tol;oo;c) tocte pcttcr be ljang"B anD quattet , tljen mattr toiDolues as coulOfpcal5C, bitjat tf;infee rou tljc? iDoulD far^ CrL gD^tainetlltfjtnjjstoillfcortoilobor- ' Marq. ^bai?itt|eninfilewevi^Unot3 ^^ JBeffotoj ofpati'entGrisfill. •jiSeffotoctoljaf ismpneotonc, aa likes me bcttf 5I)cUucr me t^efc b?ats ; come pjcce me Dotonc, Wtitl) tncigljtie infamie : t»eccc is a loaDe j©f(^amc,offpcrkleDl]^ame : £> €5oD tjotofwauic SinacmcfuHof Dil^onoutw? f)eere0tU)o, GnffiU &; tljis ilc ttjanfee none els but pou, ^^ifl) tuap fo etc 3 tucnc 5 mcctc a face, St'oatmaUcB mp cfjeebes blufl^ at mine otonc Diffiwct. 2C!)is lo.i? 0: t\)is toaPjiicucr fljall mine cvc ILoobc t\)us, 0} tt)us; but (of) mc} p^cfcntlie, (2Dafeet')cni fo: ^aas falie Furio)p:crcntlie 3 f^all fpcnD cljiloifl^ teaces : ttae teatcs tnOeeO, SCljattljus 3 tojongm\?babe0 ano mabcticcbleeDe, <5ocGriirill getvouin. Gri. I gocmpllozDc. jpateUJcU fluret fiucet Dcarc babM,fo pou tocre ftee, tCtotilo all t!jc tooj'.os races migljt be t!),:otone on me. Mar. ^a,f)a,lu'o» tfjifl is pleafing fjacmonie. (tljem^r Fu, ipi? JloiDtl)cp'lc lD;atole,U)^at lljall 31 Doeioitfi Marq. 2Dell Ijet tijcu mutt pjouioe a nutfe (oi ttjcm Comes I^c not batke Mma Mari. j^Jom^ilOjD. Marq. 2Cu(l^,tu(l^,itcannof faebutl^cclecetucnc, 3 fenoto Ijcc bofome bcatcs no matfale ^catt, 31 bnoiue,a tenncc Sl^otljec cannot pact, Wiitl) fuel) a patient foule,ftom fuel) f Inect fonlcff, J&l) : ttanDs anD luatcljcs fuce,anD fuce l^e locepcs, 2Cofccmprcnmngflinticb.jratt, Mario ^ ?::JIlitl}tiiaUi Uiitlj mc : Furiottai' t^ouljccceftill, 3f(^crcturnc,fcemccfiil!)illj,anDDenie 2i;oletl)2i;{uJrco2toucf)tljem. rxeimt Fur. jf aitf) not 31 : 31 Ijaue not fuel) a fjeacf , ano Qjec a(Ue to toucb tijem, 31le Deny it bccaufe ile obcp mp !lo;o, ^etfljcOjallbiffeanD touclj tljrm to,betaufe 3|lcplcafc mr ilabic : alas, alas, picttie fooles 31 loue^outocll but 31 tvoulD ^ou t)ao a bettecj^ucfe. ©. Enter ThepleafantCommody ', EncerGrifTiUflcal'ngly, ;a bettei iiaurfctijcn iwtjomef Fu, sit)cnv'ou,aUiap. Grif, 3iamtljeir^otl)cr3ntuCni)fatua7, 3Loc&c,looUc,200lJ FuriolooUc tfjcp finiteonnia, ^T bnotJD poo^E Ijearts ttjep feacc to fmjle on tljcc, 3! po 00 31 care not. Mara %o c^iioe | mt(c ^^ JLo}ti tl)9n Ifatl mo}t nceii Grir mat ofpatientGrisfill. Grin MHt^ottnotttllmt^i\ofi)^htt^tl(tfi,wsE6i Fu. j^o. Fu ^d 31 fa?« crif. 3J pjttljee kt m ttaxes, let nrp boto'D feneftJ, ©000 tlji' oboarate t)act,frc Ijac'B a fbuntaitw, ?ljabic}) f)catien into V^is iilablaffet botoete, ^ 3!nttilo to iiourifl^ tijem : man tJjcple eric, ^no blame t^cc tFjat tl)tfl ronneg fo lauill^lt?, i^crcs niiibe fo; botlj nrj? babes ttoo bjctts fo;i fiuo. Maiq. ^oojc b,abcs 3i lucep to fa loljat U);u)ng 31 Dot. Giif. 3lpiai?tIje£lettf)cmfufU, Jainmoftmote 55Do pla^ 't\)tit /Surfc : tljcr le fniilc an9 Tap tis f iuat, zasi^iO) tlitainesfcofumcciftljouDoft beatet^em^fcc, gg^ angttc bieafts iuill fUi ell,anD as mine cfcs Hicts fall fait D;o?s,toitlj tijefctuljitc j^cctettearca, 3I!:!)c? iDillbe mijt ; tfjigflueet luillt^en bcbjine, SD^eplc mc 3lc cf)iDe ano fag tlje annc i5 tljiiw. Fu. spine armcs^cmtgfjfil?. iSnomB'^eartabes, Marq. ^no fo Dotlj mine : (iattt foanM tfiis DUi:o;b ma6e£(. Fu. ^eetca^aoamctaftcone, 3lamtDeatrofbrt^, toucf) it ant) hiCCe it to-,its a fitiret c^iloe,3| tooulo 3| toecc ^ rti)ofmpmifene,foi3J(^aUo;ioU)nem^F5art, toitljmf ^ teares tljat fall intoato. Grif: aD^ t&is is gientlie cone fljis is mp bo^, Sj95 firitbo.:nc caie:tl)p fcetc tljat necc felt gcounB, ^aue tcanelD longcllin t\fia lano of U'oe, '!t\)is toojlDs U)iltieEmes,ano Ijaft molt neene, ^ fmp moft toiiTfojf : ol; 3! tl)anfee tljec Purio, 3 kncUj 5 C^oalD tianfro jme f (jce Untlj m? tcaccjt, 0nD melt t^-^ aOamantiuc ^cart lifectoaicc, vKaijat U)<«)itc^ {^ali tl;efc banc to be tane from tme, ' fpilDelg inticatc tJjctt j^urfe to f oacl) tfjem mitod?; iFojmT2fauletelsmc,tliatmv?fionoufcOJlo;0, ThepleafantCommody SDocfl buttotriepoDjeGnfiTilsconftjmae, "*^ .^«0fuUofmcrttctufticc,f«Uofloue. " Marq. (^\ifl)£irkesoccgloU)Uiitl)lljamc toljccicljct fpcaUc, &l)ouH)31 not Vuccpc foiio^ mv?)C3tf tuoulo b.:cal;c, Sinn vet aUttle mo;ic jilc ftcctc^ mi? trrall. Enter Mario and Lepido. Mario, Lcpitlo? Both 9SV5CactOUi8lU),:Bf Marq. "|0ouI^aUbcUjitne(rcofti;isopentnjong:, 3 gattc ttcaif cljargc, (Ijc n)ouli3 net touci; tljeff bjats^ j |)etfjaj8l^ctcmptc5tuitljlafcuitcii3tcarcs, SDljc Ijeact of Furio,fe£ ft)c oanDlcB tt)cni, 2Dabe tljat r^tlDe from |)ec : ttar>ft a^) ,ilc ronuncno^ SCljat pittic inttjecUj^c!) 31lc wpjepcno. Fu, 2Doe. Marq. JDare t ou tijuff f ontraotct our ffrait commaanl i iButfjcccc0attuaicfftoontc,outl)ipomtc, ^ 3 flSjall DOC 3uauctujoni5 to l^ttljcc b;catlj, ^- ifo^Oifbbaringmc. f Grif. sp^gtariouSlLOJtJ, i Marq. SCdtipt me not &i??en, fin« rou ate fo louiits, I ^oll»routa1icbot^l?om:t^tlD:£n,getrougon, 1 ^ifrobc iiet of tfjeTe ttcl^ abiUments* [ 2E;abeDoiiine!)crf>at,f)ecpitcljeranol)ergot»n?, ! ;ant5ae!l^ecamefomeinbeg8ecie, I ^0 Djiae ^et to fjcc fathers. Mafi, C|pt>DeaEc!lfl:ce. Marq. tuier me not gcoo Mario if foutooemc, i (£) ^ou loofe m\? fauonc eiieriattinglv, Both. aascmuaobfvftncetf;ieEC'Bnotcmca^c^ Marq. ^oumnttbetJiilaineftthetxanocenieDif;, Mario, Lepido, vou ti»0 (^alltjclpe, Si;abe«ei>ac|)ilD;cn^otnc. _, .. ofpatient GrisfiU. Gri. 3!f (I^H not nane 31 can btatt moje, Marq. SDfo" bcacctt too mucf) tnttecD. (content Gn. Contt,comc fiijcct lambcs toec'll laug^ anO hue SD'iougl) fcom tfjc Court toe hue in baniJ^inent, X,\)c(cuc^ att^jM ace foi routmortjetfit, l,6ut not pouc nucfe,tl)crefo;c Jleoff toit|j it. Marq atoau toit^ Ijcc 3 faj». Grif. ^to.Tr.atoaj'^ ^otijing but t^iat colDe comfort tuee'II obap, *?caacn fnrile bpon mi' iLojo Uiitlj gtatious e^c, ' Marq. JD^iuefjec^ienccLcpido. Lep. (SooDilpaDamclicnce. Gri. SD'justp^annp opp^effcflj fnnorcncc, E^ljH? looUcB fecmcljcaur.but t^p Ijcact i5 lig^t, iioi tjillaines laug^ to^en tojong oppjeffrt^ ttgljt. Run spuft toetl)cn be o^iucn Ijcnce: £'lj fecmp Lo:D, to luu; ^\jitet pjctttc fcoleB tl;ei? botfj fimll) at ttjat tuojD. S^fjcp fmile ag toljo l!)oulD fap inbeeoc inrjcetic, ^ouc tongue cci'eB fjence,but vouc fi cart's not agtec'D,. . Can pou tbus part fcom ttjemf in tcuti) 3 ftnoto, fouctcue louc cannot let tfjefc infants goc Marq. ^tjcc'll tci?tunp^ oucc me doc toljat 3 tan, Tutncsfrom her. Mari. ©ooDCSaDamcljence. Gri. £Dli fenD one gcatious fmile iBefoie toe Icaue tljis place : turnc not atuap, 2Doe but loohc bacbc,let bs bat once mo3i ^aue no teates ?ou bnoto,tU5CTegooa ton t^oog^ttjpon it* Marq. ^^ete'^fiOlDe. Fu. Cljat'sgooij! Marq. ^ jeuiDe fljem nutfcff. Fu. snijafs faettci:,31 toill art) 3; ran. Exit Funo. Marq. jatoat!,t[)ougl) 31 Dace ttuft tij? fcciet?, |?ct toillS fo.Uolu f ^ee f n fome Difguife, janD tri' t'oii faitl), anD Griflils conaanc^: 3f t|)ou abiDe tJnblcmif[)t,t!jcn 3 ftecate, ^ Ijauc fotmo ttpo toonDcrs tljat are filDomc rift, 3 Dance mine oinnccbiloc.^c : Ija Ija , inlioop oloe fjo bo,loobc ljccce,anD 3 Dance mine oton cl)ilDe,fc: tern's ftrtecnc pence a ujccftc, anofirteene pence a toeckex tgljt gcoates, fopc ano canole, 31 met ijec in)3Deci:5roue,crpingl)u(^,ljufl^,l;ufl),bufb: 3I tljougbt it bac been fome bcggcr tooman.becaufc of |)cr pitcber.fbj toulinotutbevbe:ireriicbboufl^oloftuafe, to put Djinbe anD pojragc togetljccanb 3 Dance mine,(rc. Lau. iS>^ fat|>cc nolo fojftoeacc all paticitcej Griffill coms3 bomc to ?on in poo?e an:aB> criiTill 10 mabc a DmDsc,a catt-atoa?. Ian. GnifiUuiQ^UomeliametopotKitr, The plcafant Commbdy ^otd nolo m^ c^ilue ace tl)cfe t^p pjett^ babefif Ba. ;aitD3!DanccmpncoUJnec^ilDe; act tijoa tfim^ act ttjou tl)cc« Ian. m^\?acttl)outfjus(comc!)Oinc, io^jo flrnt t|i?e Gri. 3|t ig tijc plcafucc of mp p?incrii? Ua^d, VBifo taking fpmcofftnccto jnctjnbnotune, l^atl) banil^t mcfcom race to quictncs. Ba. ^figfojcacc-.olDc qsattccbutnotodoc gcanMi ftcctabc tijis little pope 3nnoccnt,Uiec'{l gtuc oucc bafi» itrt mafeingano tucnc nucfcs , l^celjas tntbUa laurco ; 3i ts no jiiattecpou l^all goc make a ficc , <5can6ficc row fl^allDanoletljan, Gnfllllfl^allgocmabeJDap, ans 31p licfectljcnjilletfautfittt gicfctrt) a traole, its a fignc Us ttotaDeai'epcacc,lD!)entt)C{?tomcbp tiuo at once, Rett's a couple quotf) Jacfec DaUie,act tljou tfjccc ? fing ©cano? Cce. Hxit. Ian. tSaOdat fato tfje Marqucrte tuljcji ficbaHil^t tfjof Gii, l^e gauc me gentle languagc,fetftnii?tl)ccfee, iroj (E'oDs rafeet!)ecfo:c "pcafecnot ill ofljim, ilcaccs f citblingfrom tjis e^cs.anD fojtotccij fjan& jQ>topptng \)is mout(j,t ^us Diu fje "jiD aoac, tea l)iltt manp a Deep fctcljt Cgf; ftoin l)is bjeff flelo. Subccefojc foj (BoDB faUc fpeaftc not ill of fjim. ©000 JlojD fjotu man? a kiffe Ije gauc m^ babesf, jano toitl) iuct c^cs bao me be patient, lanD bp m? ttut^ (if 31 Ijauc anp trutfj) 31 came fcom Couct mo;:e quiet ano content, ys>^ mmv a tljoufano pact tfjen toljcn 31 ^cnt: Sl^cnjfo.:c f02 ©oDs lotic fpeakc not ill of f)im. Lau. ja)t)ileDeiertionoffoobafeafoule, Baft tbou beljela tfje ipacaDice of Couct, 5f CD of ticb feuecall mcatejs, batbU in ftocct ffceamrs, ^lept on tfje bcD of pleafuce.fafe int^:oneD. OTfjilft tcoopca of &aint=ltfee fjanc aooicD tfjcc: ^0 b?ing notD tlj^otuncfioton* br biolence, " * S'oa ©fpaticntGrisClI. ©ott t!)Ou not tmv tfjofe tljat a^suc fi^cc eij^ttf Gii. jfatbei'dtomm^ ^cartfrom cnn^ing m^5.o;U %n th{i\idt,mac^ ItSi evtijct in Dccti o}. luoztJ. Lau. SLljmtiaftt^^aitioulDCUtfe xfxam t^t ^unncB arifing to !)ts tocttfcnc fall^ l-^hc Marqueflc anD tjis fiatfccmg minions. . ori. iiBTioasan'ontgljt.fetnDcIjcaucnpjotetttljemaU, - taijat t»:on5 Ijauc tticp Done mcf ioljat ^atc to ^oui i^auc 3 not fco ^pon tl)c princes cott; ®ecn tioatl)'D inritlj attpjcs,lm'D on fjis cljatgcv jLooltc^cctcmrruffctgoiunctst', 0nD man\? a iuintct nio.2C nta|i fecuc m^ tucw, iii iljc pzcrccuing it fo mnm mo\\tl)cs: V@|l pitc^cc 15 tn^tirt,fcc It is fiU'O cait^ cljiiaall toatct of tijc ciifpcD fp^tng. gftoa rcntcniba* en mv tocf Dinguaf , f ou rent mctoitf) t^is pitd;cr to i^t tocU, 0no 3J came cmptp f)Oiii£,faccaufc J met jr^c ca:atious Marqucfle anD jji? rompanf. ^liotofiat'oljcfcntrou tfjiscup full ofteatrs,' •. jjou'llfar t^ctomfo:f5f6lDe,tocllfae it fo, ~ pet eneiT! little f omfojt ijclpes in tooe. Ian. Enic mode ofttue tectuCjUielcome ri)ilDc, Cl)ou anD tbcfc tcrDcc babes to mc ate inclcome. Elcc*lUno:UctoiinuctIjcmfocDc,romcfeifrctl)cmfoonc, Jln^ let's fo,:sct tljcfe \u:on3!? as ncuec Done. Enter Babulo w ith a cradle. P,.i. CcmcluijetcbctljcfcinfiDelsf Ijcerc'stfie ctaDle ef(Vfuritv,anomvpilloty ofiDlcncGfoztljemianD t\)m C'cairtfnxs doabc'not of l)rpotrific)but Ijonctti? to couec Ian. La? tbC!" bOtl) foftll' DoUUtcGrifTill fit Dotonc, 1 aiireo fetch )-a:i mv hitcvocUc tljoutljeccaDle. Coucc tljc POD22 foolrs atmc, ilc fl)acme tijeir e^cs, 5:otaUeaft::peby!fU)ecttunDclullab\;cs. The pkaramCommody The Song. Golden numbeis"ki(Te your cyei, Smiles awake ycu when you rile t Slitepe pretty wantons doe nor cry, . And I will Hngalullabie, Rocke chetn tocke chem iulbbic. Care is heauy therefore flecpe you, You are care and carcjnud keep y oil's: SIcepe pretty wantons doe not cry, And I will fing a lullabic, Rocke them rocke tbenilullabie." « r - . Enter Furio and Marqucfle aloofc difguifcd with baskets* Fur. JLcaucfmsing. Ba, wsit map cl)oofe,cDr> Griflil beace al U),yjn ^s vb patience. Weepcs Gri. (ScoDfatftrc let true patience cute all iiioe, |?oubiDm:bccont:nt,of)bc poufo. Laii. jT^atfjcr ioljp Hoe pou toecpef Ian. (iaaijatcanSooe, SCl)ougI) f)ec tft puni(^,lje migfjt ptttp pou, wij. fUi^» ftxt anD CM(f? tJJC Marqueffc c««!ilr . - Ba, 3( ofpatient Grisfil. Ba. 3!b^mrftotl)ti)at'Bac;ooDtoat!,tDemasfoeUtte) ff,noto toe aie out of l)W tjcaring. Gri. C)9utt 3 ttjcn be 6iuo;rt:'anD loofefijMifteafare,, 3 ttiutt anD am contcnt.anre tis f)Ui pleafutc, 3 p?ietljtc tell tuc U)|)it|iec tljet mutt goe; Fu. J!5B. Gri. ;art t^ou cotnmaunnc&to cora ealc tpe placef Fur. 3(. Gri. 2r'})cntoillnof35mquitc,ftJOu6oabntKft 3 bnotu tfjou muft not cob mc,ft0 to ftT! 3Bf 3 loiiet^em : no,no,f)eere 31 «ao, (bleeiw, ^Efjat to^icl) ftubcB bUnDc mine e^es^abcs m^ ^cart jfatctDcU, farelucll.Dcait roul00,aDu0aiJUE, fi^ouc fattjcc fenbes anb 3 muft part fronrijou, 3 nuia oi) af«tliemattcw Fu. ^^atcnr'fttljou. Lau. Ebtjis is pooje crifni.tutfc bnto out SDnfee, ;inb t!)cfc ici tl)ilb2m,t^»s Ije fenbcs \)tt l)ome, ;anb t^us ^e ftnbs a fccpent to bcuour, - %^tix pietious lines fje brings commiffion, . jHo lialc tljcm fjente, but iuh'tjjcc none can tcIU Grif. j'o:beare,tD2bcare. M arq. SCafec ttjem ftom ^ti pccfojce, ;atcti^crcl)igd)ilD,:en^ . Ba. &ofi)eraic0. Marq. SCtoo rvrieetS)ntfee«,anB i&i^isi^ toift^ Ea. ?0e)s,tjelja8lT'netDit^l)ct. Mjr. a pjrttT? fotrtc,toaQ>oat»iltbel)ang'o fo; tfjis. Fa. ^anstl)i?felft- . ^ a Marq. SBcatS n The pleafant GommoHy Mar. 15catcl)im>butfirfffafect|3cfetiuofiomf){s 3 am a baluct nla1^cr,a^o 3B fUicace «* (nciHW> 3lc D^c bcrc.:c Ije bctitc atuav tl;c babrfl. Ha. iiDijwi:e,cc^p:cntifc0anDclubfljtl)c corporation cannot tc( )liicia fct coVunc tljp baflicts nno to't pcUmell. Fu. fc«lIoulD3U»creri5ofmrcfF;rcf Gii. (uiai>it iDill ton Doc , D:uie tf)t3 raC^c fellotoc l;enrr^ ' Mar.q. SDfjc Marque(Tcts atpjant anD Dofciuojng. Gri.^ 3J.U)oulD not (0} tf!C U"Oj!t ttjat Ijcc I^oulo fjf ace tjjee. Mar. 31 tooultj not foz ten Uio.jiBs but ijcacc mt? Griflil. Gri. ^ (v';ant,no Ijc's mrrri' cucn fjcc fclfe, 3inffkc in triumplj liacG in f)i0 ttoo crcs, E^alJC IjceOc f)olu tliou pjopfjancft Ijig!) Ddtjics : Deacc llojoa f«:uant from tfjia placp, 31 fenoiu I;ee'U doc m? p:ctt? babes no l)mm, ■ jf 0? fee Furio loobcs gently : o!) get tfjcc gone, pitt^ (if B on t\)V cfjecbes ,bHt dUoD can tell, ' £p^ Ijeart fates mv tongue Ipes.farctoell faceloclL Marq. &tat?fircafalietf)??pucre. Fur. 3jlcf none fall. Ba. I^alffepmt. Ta, ^putfe of golDe Furio is Mm (torn t!)ce. Fu. 3!ts noneofn«ne,fin:a b.intct-maUccifmp amies iuetc not full, t|)on ff)Oulc Ijaue tf)p IjanDes full : face Uicl GriflTiil.if tl)oti ncucc fre tijp cr,tlt>:t n mo.:e , cucfc me e, if tijou Doff fee tf)cni againe,t^anfte t5oD,aoi«c. - Exit. Ba. ifaretoellanDbelbang'o. Gri. 31 ioill tbanbe dUoD fo;i atltulfp ffjoulD 3( grieuCi SDj loofc mt? tl)t!Dzmf no noj ougljttattiec jKcio^f e,bccaure tlje? ate bfl^nc to tt)eit if atfjcr. la. 3aDaug^ter,lbeet;c'0 notf)hig in ttjis iunfebutgoltie. Ba, ^omuc!)tt)€b$ttec,(^nltet:tudlquuk«Ictucne it ofpatlcntGrisfill. ftinfoflfuer. la. C^u ptttfe f bat fellolu Dto let fall^ean tuHj Cacti! it I)'*" atjainCjtun Babdo, Sltoav toitl) it ,ttii latDc to Uoc tjs in^ong. Lau. 2Dct»alltf)meoH)cnbattC5,ttai»iieucct:un, Slljet! can Doc no ino^c U3;ong tljcn tljct! |jauocUionti.;ousUl,(]^oulD 3l repine, ^t nir babes loffe fo.j ti)t\> ace none of mine. la. 3 am glaD t|)ou tab'tt tijijs ioowiD fo paticntlp. Ba. 2?ttl)oopc \i}\}ttifctis n\y> bjotfjct batftct-ma&cr gone i !)a let me fec,3i fmcU a tat,fneaUt fjcnce ano ncucc tafeclcauc, ertl)ct^ee'5accaftiefenauc,o^dfel)ee togs Furio to bi?tc f)im, fo? toljen a quacrellcntecs into a traoc it fecucs feauen pcaucs bcfo:c it be free. la. JLetl)imbctul)omcfjcU)ill,{)efecm'ooutfcifnft, GtHrill la^ Ijp t\)is goloe tis Fui iocs futc, S)jit ma^ be tf)^ Jio?D did giuc it Ijinr, 2Do let it fall foj tl)ce,but Ueepit fafc, 3f f)c Diftainc to louc tt)ec as a luife, ^is golDe C^all not bn^ foooc to noutiO) tfjce, GriiWl come itT,timc ftoif tl? tuns atoap, JCljegwatettfojtoUjijatlj an enoingDa^. Ex«unr; ^ 3 i:nwi The plcafantCommody Enter Gwenthyan and Riee,flie nnanely,hclike a Ojoke. Gvfcn.^ Ijec table,anti tet out lier fittaiUs, anft p;iea6c0,anot»tnt0,anoale>ant) peace^ano faU fo; tjec fiueDTc. ' ' Ri> ^ei8fiozrcDt^ms)LaOsbufloi)at(^al3{DoU)tt;jaU ^onOCTbeggeMtv owe. &enDoutt^epcggcr£t intoIjctiLaDp,goe. Ri. ^olB^tljc beggecs m.toec (liall tiauc a Iouj« ffeatt spaoame. _ HxicRccs, G wen. |>ou tafcalfl pjate no mo;!e,birt fttclj t^cm m: l^all p;;tDlt &tc O wen a gooD tcalc IdcI! cnougt) , u( ^x^&u ranf^cc J&icOwenw gone to bio IjarojenMarquefle anba mciny> toDpne at^cijoufc, biitGwencliyan fijall hint t)erDmncc|tuan;anti)cc,fi9;:pegg^0ll^aU fiaue^l lecmeate. Enter Rces with a company of bcggers: a Table is ■* fccwithmeate. Ri. Come m?<)eatt0,tioopc,tiopc,eu£r:^ man fbUote 4>i0 leatictjbeerc'a mp Jtabp. Ail, . of patient Grtsfil. 1 Beg. i0e!iimtM^no\u^imiisi»tllasnhcQm Gwc. 0tDl tfye(t ttttlstemait fo;t Cojcn Marqucffc: ^icOvven 10 gone to fci)gef)ira,but ^ir owenljjas angcc faeclLaDts. 1 Beg. £po:cll^am0fo^I>im,I|cc'j8nota?4mgf)f,buf a ftnWetofcapjBfo? it. Gwe. ^it Owentja3 anger fjecJLaop,ani) tI)ccfo;cfjec JLaur is anger &ir Owen. I Ecg, fpabe Ijima cucfeolDc fpaoame, ano tpon tljat 31 D?infecto t?ou : ^dtetCktitcc Ijece roagucs.fop ano top gallant, pell mcll, J)aftie tuftie,|)em, CSoOfauct!)* 2)ufee.anD a eg fbj tl)e hangman. Gwcn. KeesfcDgcitiincanDpcarcficnouglj.anO fall to peggcr,anD eate atpl t;ei; t^ffire.ano tomincere. Tee ?ou nolu,p.iai? ooe. A drunken fcaft,tliey quarrel and grow dmnke,and pocket vpthemeatCjtbe dealing ofCanncslikca fetat Mawe. ExhKers. Gwe. 0s^ 31 p;ap peggcrB be qutct.tag ^our meates, f ou Ijaue trinfecB cnougt) 31 fee, ano get pou '^omc notoc gooupeggccB. I Beg. Comctouroagucs.IetflgoetaganDrag, cut ano long taile, 31 am tjictnaleo fo^ a mont!), (IJoD bo'^ fll9at)2:tie,p;ja^ ^ofi&icowcnanDvoumat; faliouteHC«^ CT! Dap:3|s ttjeieanp Ijacmein tljis notaf tjcp tri-lill,giuE t^eDogaloafe>filU^ctot[)erpot^oulDt)oo:e f Cf^oo faue tl^eSDiibe. Exeunt. owe. 31 tijang tou gooD peggcrB,!jat)a,tIji« is fine fpo;o,b^ <2>ob is l)aue pcggecdcate^ier fittaUd all Das long. Enter SirOwcn and Rccs. Ow, OTijerx 10 t!jc fljeccc Recsf CoOs plutie toFjerc? Ri. 31 brfcccl) rou fit be patient, 31 tellpju tlje beggers tjaueit. Owen. ^aD a pogs i» not tottfi peggersf UmO is peg:* aerg The plcafant Cbmmbdy 0fti 00 at ^ni^ti ^oniti 31 ^ mm» fsi^ Owens peOie Rccs; Ri. /io§&itOwcntt)q?tom!mtLaDtcsguc(rc. Ow. ^a; rou l)unsc?rarcallcfi,tDt)erc*j5tja:lUDtc Gvvenchyanf CoospluDcpeosccseateticcf^eeceani) co^ IcnMarqucflccome. Ri. 3 fenolunoi:U)I)CtcttH)3laDpi0,batftjere'« allege get iuoman , nflie fjcr, foj m^ LaD^ oealt |et alnws a- inongfttl)cmfjftfclfe. Ow. japogBonroupcggcttnljo.j^, iufjccc'stljerpjcao ano t^ccce; sIoD bOgc mc Jlc peggct you fo: fittels. Gwe. ^atolD,l^aUjlD,l)aiD!D,lDtjat ifl mac noto^ljcte is t)« JlaOv : is f)ci: Jlaop pcggei; vou rafrnls^ Ri, /JoftucctCpaDamCj^ouarcmfllniipjanmnis a man t!)ougf) tje |iaue but a l)orc on t;ts ^cao , ano yiou ate mv iiaor t^oug^ vou tuant a l)ooo . Ow. l^oU) notodjotu nolu^ljafja^ljpr JLaDtcintalDni! coate,ani> tags ano tags foftoljetc is fjct nicatc G wcnthi- an.Mubcte is \fct l^cccc. Ijcr to jcn Maiquene is l}tcTt ano Biieat teale of ^ijcntlefolbes anD SLatts? ano )iaip;t)C0 pieanoptct Gwc. mW face Ijcc fo; iiafic s o; fojcn f oo,fitfcls is- atnlgonf. Oa'. jiDiucgonwwfljftlLaiiicmaD? cwen, ^OjOutJioji) is mao.toutcateljccrufPfjsanb rcpatoc0,nnD pjiolc Ijrt, is t)ct p^iolcc noto; is Ijrr trpa* toco noto^ is Ifct tcatein pccccg noUj; glc tcogc fjct p?i# OlcfjeciiaOf agatnc, Ijctcojcn MarquefTei^aUratcno pjcao ano meatcIjceK;, ano ^et 5laoic cwcnthians toill goc in tags ano cags.ano like pcggcc to tere ano cljafe fie OwcivfcerounotD.' Owen, cipoggfeeljer, CcDspluoqinljatisDoenolw Rccsf ■ - . Ri. &pcaUe^c£fa:tc3l9affci;.fo;t f^eeloofeMiTwiloclv. Owen, 3;s looUciDilodv inD^t!e,Gwcnthian p^a? gw tn^ano put pjaticcte tjpon f;ec pocb? (qiB (lell^, Cop troge bfpatfcnt Gnsfii. ' m( » pie nt\o repatoes ano cuffi^s fo;|>0tlLaiit!)P.!ar tioe 6jWapgooollaDse». Ki. ^ocgooD JpaDamc. GW . Cartho crogge.Cattho crogge.GWcnthian feo^nCS Ijcr flattenc3,!jct ilaot? got no pcttCT.^tj: O wen Ijang ^et fcifc. Ow. o mon Iago,!)cr p t^'eatts:^ befcecl) ^ou be quiet lott),3ilc make a ftce &tt; Owen to pUarc ^on. Ow. jDoeRces JlepjiolcljcElLabicBtDCllenongtj. Gwcn. czaillron.tourafcalsi' Ki. ^avbnt^icaix^ouflofetjpabamc, Jlcmahea fice to picarc&tr; o wen,ano lB{)en it bucnc0 , 31^ quencl; it to pkafctiou. Exit. Enter Farneric apace* Far. H^a ba f)a,tub^ boto ncaj &ic Owen, ^ouc Cojeti tbe MarqiieHc ano all ^out guctte0 ate at Ijanb, anb 3; (x nomeatelotoacDs, (toaco. Ow, 3|8 no mcatc toloarb , but bcr^att? is fcirc bnto - Far. WL^&t bagacge is ti)ts (lanbs laugbing t^usf Ow. apogBon bee, tiso utitatg bagaOjje tis Gwen- 31 *yan. ThcpletfaatCditowWy ■ Fa. !^tD VKi iU5H ovvcnthianfljfi||a!ja, ' •-■ ■^ci*Marque0c>Iulio;,Oftbfhfia,Vrccnz<,Marioi» JM»rq. ^ou fee &tc Owen toe atffooncinatiCti, ^fi!Jf)e«fet8i'CWtftthcfiat(^'bweiHJiian? '' |j :i(? put cn vci:t pwumg anfi fine Unass,ana Ji;atne not J&ic Owep,^es ttuelj Cwenfhian is tcme out pip'anD pt«, Mao gT»s vs iartlie whe? co^H Margueffe, M«n gras woi the wheerojsnif Iia^stodcomcatol. far ^^5^ekdni8,forT:iet Marq» a!a^tPamc7.e3to^iit'i3it^emattrr# > Fav '|^a^lf>ere'«no iwKft fit ie, fl)0firc'« qtmtcf!t,fl[w trfttuals giuQi to bcggcts^^it Owens J|jitd)in ttoboilito t^effdl^ Chads,e;i ItSe'a1Ba*riirffaiS ,fiin of cwfeehftw: ej-tSscfte enb offomefrtttJteftntf le.ft: tpen etin? bjcf* ii»ll>c» iesises ani) feafleU) and t)f€d5 or pofi^e €aponB - ^itt toiloe fcail0t|dt1)i^inh matone ano pu^ntred^ anS ttoib itoarttetlNrt ttjriicatfeiflfef "ace cactcD aiuhi; : l»y arehottrtbitiatttfee,fi)?tt)ttrlBn6fpant) fbmc p;ap fo^ «tirlLoj6. Marq. ^a>itOwenMerediJii8ant|)i«fCHW (true* Ow, SCme.tfiBftittlfDatranfljerpogsonfjcttoo Ono. |>0U fo[oclji« (Sracc^a|attam*5?cui; U)!»» t^tftc jPe Ceo i;8 td( $iec a ise^;|M»: loif? Iim pji« ifcfpaticntGrisfill. tfeDI tattfh ^ccfnDccD : fojen Marqut/TepKaufe GtiffiQ ismaoeftioleanD futneaU)a?,GwcnthianmagaoUflifit foneen'Enno'h Cwewle,ti0 l^e,tifl l?C,fltOwentcatCl>«; ccpatoM ano raffts ,auD pjioU ^ct Jlatic , ( bin bet bang bccfcife, butts p?iDl«D3l toattant l;cc, w not ^it O- owe. AdologguhccbethoghenThlonigh, enMoy«n •4ue,Gvventhiap. t " tr t- Gwc. NevcthoenTlilonighjGrtawatnagethlaTce. Vrc. Ml !)at fares Ibc fit Owen.' Owe. 31 pja^i f pwv Dct fo;i Coca loue fcc qatet,fplnt» ka, fa? bcE toill net be qpwt,Do Uibat feicowcn can: mop due GwcnthiaQ jVlc knoqkc ihc pen,cn vmpleth, ppoe dcs, aJi4pobc nofe.^ ,. « ■ l ' Gwe. G wcnbp.h olclia vf fsagh whec,cnbcraw^,^e. lu. &fanO kci:Wccne tbem t"amM<. Far. ^ou-(^aUt«bnonofebecr^ ewe. t'n hera' vgh t cf mc grauattfie Lcg8tc<,adjlanooi ,|>«udc,e^adcoh ornymcc on didar,efrhB,ce^fi>^Il 3 a ' ^:' hfeerou tl) ano t)otoe« to loaet'on. ' lu. jpartt)enm fatf^mal^emealirouloutYmmeetetf al>.:uni,ni?bea'Jti0^oui; n)louc0«anQm?f)an( tout; at-* ofpatient Grisfil. Far. 3|t httomss t)0 to cea,befo.» foe tomt to ti)t teS^ Xtt fo; a ncvoe iueroiilo tucne \^on into an acmotmc : as fo? cramplCj^ouc U; s(Ict n;cfec)no point of tear fc.i fouc Upjif ran 5 put ti)em to no tfc buttttflTtng^ o|) ^e0, if i^ou cl^c tpon rou, tou'rc nottbing but U)oo:mctt)coD , anD oabe , and gtafiPc: roti-jauc bittcc tongues , Ijacb IjeartB, anls b;ittlefattlj. Ono. Conbcinnc tjs not till ^ou tt^e oui loue£t. lul. &iucef fccuanf fpcabe not in tfjist language of kiuc,Gvvcnthyanspceui(^nfsant»Griinispatienfc,u:alie mebectc to ocfict!jat ape Cupid, ifpouloueftanb tpoti !)i3la\ue«, 3 t^aiQ^e ^on Uaueit , 31 cbacgc touncitfjet tofigbroj!oue,no.2fpeaftcofloue,no;fiolDnefo?f)atc: if ^oufig5)ilemotfte^ou,iffourpeakc ilcftop minceareSj if ?ou ftoVone ile beno mp fitf. far. 2CI)cn ?oule turne luarrtour in oceue. lul. \^ao 31 not neeoe encountcing toitb fuc?) sne^ mic5i but fa^ toiU ^ou oba^ anO foUome mee ni 3I» i ^i}o. 3J The pleafant Comroody Onb. . 31 obaf0nte it is f oar pbafuce. Vrc. 3lo''apti)oag^3itaffenoplEaIl ti^\3}foua(sirtpamofifctlesmtiaies ncUi S^iQctsa iictDjtf an^ pttf tfull rreattice Uttll Ibauc me. lul. 3Bcttctlotttl)cnftiunOifpoubefotDauerittg. £ntcrMarqucrtc.Lcpido,Sirowca,Gwcocbyan braue.andFiirio, M arq. Furio Ijic tijce to OlDe f anic olaf s, Charge l)tnt,f)t5 Daugfjtcr GiifTiI, anD f)is &ormc %oc8me to Couctjto Doe fuel) office, ^f ouettc to oucmacciage, as (1^ li^ j2)ur ffatc to lav ^pon tlinn. lul. £)tjnn?Ji02D, lacr not pooje criifill nto;je, alas fjeclieart , , , Marq. 2Sut tut,tle Ijaue mt? ujiU ano tame ^ctpiU^ij 3|lc maijcljec be a fccuaiit to mi? b;i»c, Julia ale b?tWcljer. k . luI, ^ouDoelitttojong. # Marq. ^tffeetpiCwttfjatenBUCfomejfeitcweij, ♦ Js not t{)ts better mufiebe tjjen ront b.:a'jvte£:f . ow, |3cj( aj5 Cod t)Dgmcu(:l)OU) rojgn lulia.ts out « trie f^ienO0 noVi))Gwcnthvan is lougl) t be ferte patience noUi j^tr Owen ktflie t)ec )Laote,a great teaU nolo : fee els/ Far. 31 btit&iroweo,tt)cbiffinj5i)ecJlaDp is nomiit!) to t)fi,if toee kifff tljc pofte. owe. ^toc ^ CD jen Marqueffe Ijajs terrible Bitgfjjft'e nelue* to: tell tiecro; eb ie maDeeeatiie a great banquit at i)omeifojavril,p;javcemc^orac,t5stollreaor foitier, ^ec JLaoie fa^ not bocpeepe noli) : but iiicft [jcare [ler ccjen WarqueflieneVuCfi. M arq. lulia ano ©ciit'emsn f&efc arje tlj j neloe;, , S5:ouci:^toutf?eiDtng)BoffjaIl anD fjippihes, ^V truttie Lcpido our enoeaccD b^otper, 3i0^ar6at^anai»^oiu^i0con!pan«, , , 3i5?uig0 ms fairc fecono Ajok^ a iW^c i^^iw. of patient Grijfill. 0ftciTt)ea b^ l!^e fefafesof P«uia, ^\)tCS Daug!)fCEtotf)ciaDufeeof f^randciibirfgh, ' ^Boto fljall no ftibierts f nmoufi foulc ccpinc, ^nDratl|)crbafclul;cme»toUi 3 tutllmaljeminc, ^one Qjall i3pb;atD mc ncUi,(a5 tbcp IjaueDonc) 2S^at 3 toill flar a DaugJjtecanD a&onne, GrifIl!s,ti»o babes ace Djao,artD Uilo bp fto;nc , OiBut tl;3t fuicc iffuc tjjat l^all notu be bojnc j&^aU mabe a fatiffaiticin of all iu<;ongs. Come gentlemen U)C toill goc mecte tfjis ttainc, jLctcncriconep'.it on a fntiltng b;!0\r!e, jfeit Owen 3 toill ^atie ^ouc mmpanp, ^ntt t!OUi:'s faire co jcn : tncU ccmcmb.:co to, ^nnsTjoMC t|>,i«e toanos 6)it Owen to t^c Coatf ^ SEi)oug^ Ciwcnthyan lookeUjttlj a fniootljcrcpe, 3le teact) ^ou Ijoto te toin tfje fouccaigntic. Ow. 3B6glat>oftl)at,tja, ^a, Ija, tagljcseDof toanwt iiao?, Gwen. 2C3gl)e?DcofnaiU:5femgI)f, Marq. Mlcplay t})ctjntt)iift0mtonftimingtim«, fi:J)Oug^ pout cucft twtfc make fomc aftaiD to Voce ^et 3lle luoc once mo:c ano bcmacrieD to. Ow. CootJDgcme&icOwfntooulDljang befb.jcljcr mamc oncemo^, if 3( toecc anottjec ^attljclCT : matte DiUC Exeunt omnes. Enter Lauico reading and Babulo with him. Bab. Come 31 Ijauc left m^ Ujo jbe to fee tuJjat mattes tou mumble to pone felfe, fait^ taureo 3 teoulD^ou couHjlcauc tljiB lattin.anti fal to mafeebantefs,vou tfjinft tisenoiigl)tfatl>innec^outcllij3a talc of|pigntes, ano ^en moun cl) bp out tjtctuals, but tljaf fits not tjs : oj tfje l)tfto,:ic of tljeicell Helicon, 3 t^enD.JtnHviJOOUtbcaM toccannotliuetjponit Lau. a l^^oUcc not^ tiifsatnc to fpenB ^fs fpidttf; m^m (ucii b»r$urinlQitmr>t$ ^ |)an9Ub8si». Bab. jCIiW The ptcafantCommody Ba. S^en rou (^lo DtfOauiC to rate ts oat of Ijoufc |]^ome:t)oal(ano all oa^peeptna; into an antb;te^m, anbtat&eofmon(lec£ianDmicafl»t,anD countdts to no pucpofc:b0fi);0 3 ftll to m^ trade 3] inaB a trauellcc , ant) ft uno moiw in one f ca« tfjcn rou can bu ^out poets ^d paltticfl in fcaucn ^eatc0. Lau. ^t)atb]onoec0l)a(ftI)ourecne, tpfjicj^orenot Ba £)I)CI5o6,3|pittictfjpcapactt^cgcoDfcf)oIla::a«a little luinD mabea artucct ball Tnidl/o a rcummc of leac« nins makes tiouc tcat)ep:ouDc:lDt)at IxionDecaf luonDera not of nine oaics, but iy99.31 fjauc fecnc tnocr lohn Prcftcr anO Tamer Cams people, toitf) Ijeos like S)oj50» Lau. alas of nic^j tl)ece ate too nianie ^c:i:e, ail Italic i0 full of tl)em tfjat fnatle, 0nD ba^ ant) backc at otf;er mens ^nfe Pet line ttjemfclues like beaftcs in all abufe. Bab. gts tcue 31 knotu manie of tfjat ccmplo:ton,faut 31 Ijauc fecnc manpU)ttl)out ^eatjs , fjauing t|)eir erca nofe ano moutfjs m tfjcir bieatts. La«. Mfjie tljats no inontjer, euetie ttxtzti iuitfi tj«, ^luatmcafulloffut^, Ba, 3 roulDneucc fee t{)em. Lau. SPoQ t()ou not fee ourli]tne4}eIItet);iunfam;tid tccle? ^uc fat feD jjluttons toallotD in tl;c if reetes, l^auingno ev'PS but to faef)olD ttjeir guts, Jfio !)caD0 but b:ainelcfi fence to fmell, )t5ut Uiljerc full featle0 abound in all erccITe ffifjefe Epimoei bC out Epicures. , £a. 3ibfluefi£ncmonIlet:softi)at(olout;to:bntfo^t (a\! tou to tljcm tbot ^aue but one leg , ami ^et UitU out cun a ^o0i ,LaD. ^ucl)areout;banc6t;out0ant)outfujjttine«, ^Qo^e leaning one soot) leg,o; one poD limbe, )3>ti( i;utf ttmcaeoitojui, anD tjivofe t^ Ui^fing. Bib, ^n$ . efpaticnt GfisfiM. &. ^asfUttut t^ereluas a aippk tti ouc tillage,' tsBbc^onD Venice, anD f)i0Ccctitto;)8 fettf) t^tkbsit legs foulD ncuft Cncctabcl^imjbut Irtmc Dcfccno f gioto lotocc ano loioec , lB|jat fa|» pou to f {)e litU; litlE Pigniics, no tjtgfj ec t^etr a \jovcs gi0,ano ret t^up tog « fig^t tottfj tJiclongnccbfCcanw. uii. iDf) poo,:canD to?rtdjcD people ate^c Pigiftics* Q]) net) opp;cffD;!S tfjc Dcuouring Ccaitf s, '(SClit^in mr fatljcts Ijoufc 3lc fl^rto t^ce Pigmiet, 3El;ou fceft nip fiflcc GriiTill lice's a Pigmie, fia. ^cc'is a p2ettr Itttk Itiontan inDecD,but too bis foj a Pigmic. L»n. JamaPigmif, Ba. ifpcfpc,iuoifcaiwU)ojfc. Lau. Sp\|oH)Cfatl)cc'0onc. Ba. ^onono,^tf3!toantcDlcsB,bponinpbnfc0 '^/"'» , 3ile tmpC to Court fo 3 may fw Ijiui plcaf '0, SLljCit courage ipatljpc. Ian. ffiZIcUfaiDpancnre, STfjy berturs armc mine egc iuj'tfj ronfificitf? Ciittiefon,bona-mcn muff retuc,n)an ii)raUia« ^ ^au. 3l»3!>lJUttl)isfl)aUp^ooueafatallDaji Gii. mM\)ttM my fatic ooc not mjongviruc km- Gn. |»efi UiDmyouctaojbsfa^nctgetccmrOf Utactie of me LauKo 3- tfiat njaie uioff Uioe, ' jam t|>e Icaff moou'D,fatJ)ec Icane on mine arme IBiti^n Icabe you tlje iDay,Uu;ilft to jctrljcii 11 ' TFIpfjolDe oloe agc,ano caff bobjnc mifcrie. fu. 0bjap, Ba, iJ^Jaep.VoU^^efii^efafcei^affijf afpp p^ EncerMarqucrrcPauia Lct.ido.Onophrio.Vrccnzi Farnezi.and Mario. ' * ' Mwq. ^>lw««rouU)Wi)uc^faf^^(ttotttiotift8,i bfpati'entGiisfill -5il;gc \)3 no flitt^CCjGvvalcer is ccfolu'0> SCo nmtV tiiC fjalfeljCfJCOf Brandcnburgh, IB V ti :ot!)cc Pauii iuitlj no fmall erpencc, i^atjjbjcugljt tl}cp:tnce(rc otif of Germany, SLo gciliCL- luitlj p;tncc G waiter Ijcr roimg b;otl)cr, ^oto tl)c? atcfonie,lcarneof tfjeriang&unnc, ^f attcc t!jc doluDi' miftcs of Difcontci'.t^ ^siic pifpcrcctij 'oapoms tuitl; i)is bcamcff, pau. 115;oti)cc, t^ccc is no n?c but b^igfjtl\? ffiiiies, (SJ'.aDncs Dot!j loogc in i?ouc jpiobles looUcs, f>o.i tiauc tijcv any rauft to clouoc tf)cir b.:oincs. '** Enter S'fOwen.Gvventhlan.antJRees with wandes.' Far. u))) ficcce conif s ^k Owen , anu mi' Jiafi? patvj cncsjiooinetljcce. ov\ en. Tarclangh Cojcn Marqiicfic | iLaUiJlJCS aUil. Mar. ti^fclccmc gOOD CO jcn c vvcnthi3n,lBil you plca!^ , Cof in,ano IcnD r our p;cff ncc to my> biinti , dwc Cojcn, its lici; intentions fo to Do,bnt 31 ftocart ano 3 tocic Gi iiTill^ tooulD pnll Ijcr ci'csout, f ftje tucrc as uiauy.Shfrinaines CaugljtCt .13 tl)Ctt bcf oUifS in Cam- bria.ant) f !)at is abouc tiucntt? fco.:c anD a licle njo^c.^ou folOlli&»ttOwenf Ow. J3c3 titiclp abouc aoojcniKojcis toatcantljcc^ Marq. ciiiriUis patient fI9aDamc,bcrotipIcaf'D. Gwcn. :::£lcll, anis IT)C bcc fc bafdics niinDcD fis UjcH, but j! titioti! UtJjau J UkqIu, ^icOwen \)cetc t^infJM to niaUc G A crrhi jKs fo patiCiuc, laowen tis alul in toainfs, UiilJigcctoljiiluSnDfg. Exic. Ow. p3u p;ai)ca 'iD \^on taugGventhians,but | maOc vou put on panels fo; alul rciii; tmq, cm p;aDc; liccs, toljccc'j Rcis'pn'ng tl)"aMnDi?s jj^cie Rccs. Ri JIfjcv avc v)£E«;£ ftr,in tljc tipimiiliiin; of an, eye. o-,\e €o5;!T,\y3;cns)ei:Uici3D!ngsate!5oncan!3 at ka* fuics.J IwilUf arnc ^out mcQicincs to tame llijevjcc ^ ' . Mar.. f>ou Thepleafant Commpdy Marq. ^oufl^allanonsooD Ccjeu Metcdith. J&ctuingman0,ftetpc ^ec tuanW)? tiUj call.^cacc y^ou m\iii Enter Fuiio. Ri, ^cs'&it. Exit. Matq» PunoawGiinTill anB fijc otljccfomc; Fur, ^M,tl)q?acc«inc, Marq. j^fC t^cp UliplOtCDOCCOiSDinS tO OWCljatgK Fm. 2Df)et» ace. Marq. ^fitoDofj8?)ccb,:ott)ctttiheitf Fu. 3U. Marq. ^oitil)Ct;iFat|)C« Fu, OTcU. Marq. ^)oto l)ec felfcf Fu. mttsc Marq. Furio,C0C tall oat Griffill ftOMT f fie i5;(W. Fu, 3Iiutll. IfxitFurio, Fam, 3fs pitt^ tijat fclloU) inajj notmaDca feolDt'er, |;ee(l)oulD i^aue but a tooiti ano a blob) at j^ts tjanos. £nccr lanicola and Babulo carrying coalcs, Laiirco with woodjGrifliil wkli wood. Ba. 99affct goc yoti but tjr.Dct t!jc teafantCdmmbt!y Ee.Vlty ariftjbf »uty aiifc.thy gloriouilightcs difplay," WhjUt wc fing lo,gIid CO fee ihis day, lo To CO Hvmen lo lo fing, OFvvcdlockeJou;,and youth is Hymen King, Jan. fficiljo tan be filiiD ujljcn \)c inDiirct^ iuwng^ Ow. ^sCDlJtoDgcmcIanNic!a*is|)oncII ISWI!,!)CC floc0 not flattCT ano fcmblrs,but tell fjia inteiittcnfi; otoe nio:cmeloDies,olDCl)eet;c(omet)ei;neU) ^u^t. MufickcfcnndSiCnccrGrilTillalonc.aftahcrthcMarqucflc Sonne and daughter, liilia,Gvventh:an and ether Ladic3,and Mario aud Furio. Marq. Salute my beautiouslouc. AlK ^\l iog bctiDC to Gratiana out DcaiC Marqucffe 315,:ioe. Marg, iiBimg ntcncroUjncofgolDtoaotuncinv lour, Sx Ui jcatf) of UuiioU) fo;i DifptfcD Gnifill. C jvi. Grid^li ts ttofcOefpifcD ill fout eye, ^itljeucc v'cti »wmc ^et name fo gcntlv. Ow. Gvventl)ianstI)CCe'« ll)iuC3,tl)CCC"0 patlCIlt itUttS owe jfi\]f (lii) is fojlcfl.Tawfonc is arrant pcliicfa)lt0, Marq. GrjdiU piace v'ou tifis nctonetjpcn Jj«r l)Ci.D, put tijcfc imb:oDcceD flippers on l)ct fcctc. iSEic iuelljiicUucr ir.e ^otir U)cDa:n0 ring, Ctrc le fjcr finger iDttlj it , nolo ftano br, J3rttl)0ii content tinth all? Grii; Content Imllj all. Marq. n?\'15nDciBCcotwn'o,noUjtcUmcallofvoti, tlX'ijid) Dfroti cucr fain n:^' Icuc btfo;.ti ua^atis f)crnuuie,{jecbtct!),place,o}cllatc, Lep. C'li iiotu 31 iieiicr befteloe Ijer bcauttc. Ono. jj5o.?3. Vrc, JlrnCmcno;^^, Far. 13vmvtrot|)no,i |. Mari. VHc Iirarc iily^t (lie toai? bo?n>? m Gcnuany, ^no Ijalfc l)!-?;? ;!:; tljcpube ofBtanfltRbur^, Marq. |^|JU bfpatlcntGfijfilf. All. mermt, Marq X')m Fu. GanotJjoi! foo.Jfr;,3lo,joai»t!3t«!biCft 5jlo5)all fectwnte tctie foulc Dotl; ted, Funo i^aU be apparcclicfi Jrt a tobc. Fat. 3;il)iUiiotUMomctf, Marq. ^omc tJjat acc !j«af put rcbw on pm(iMt($t Mario, Lepi(iofcmcpOU t\i)0 tjltfjcr, site tiot Do;i rici)l{' clciD^Ijauc 5 Done fo? ■ Both. tuEltjatrnMncs pout grace brtfiiV Maic]. 3;n cU'j abiUmcnts.tfict' (^all atuljilc JS3 fljttetcii tint!) falfe fortunes iuanton fmilca. la, jif ojtiincian Do no mo;c tljcnnjcfjatfj Done, gDtjcp tV'tarcmatbttoUjoe.totuocmufttun. ExitFurio Marq. ^oiuDoepoulibcmglli5;iD« tVlaoicola. Gri. JtljinlictJCi^I'lctt' SCc Ijauc tljclouc of fuel) a noble !Lo.:5» Marq/^ouflattec mC Gnfli. JtiDtcDJfpeaUctljcfrHff), i3>.ifll' 3 pjoftcatclp b0fccfljyoutcca«, SC'^at row tonftocc Of fjet tcnDcc rcat:c0, M'^ic^aiJ a flolDCC in fpjing map ftoiie be ((ttpf, t'Sl:t))tl5^lea(tfroftoffO'DcaDHecfitp. Marq W^^'d ace not pou f Ijm itipt:poa ftil fcemc ftx(^ a« if aDuecfttics tolDc 3S?ic t^ano , \^in matt latoeljis fingmi on roar Ijearf . Gri. 3jjtncuertoucl)tmpi)eact,a?iuerfitt» SE>in!)elfi ftiU lintt) tbcm f!)at Dtoels toitlj mtfctt?, jlB'jtmilDc content l)at!j eaf '0 meof tljat poatj?, B^tiencetjat'oboiBctljebjuijeatiD 3 tljeft-roUe, £otcr Furi:'Janrcola,and uurco^triiwng aboutattyre» The pleafant Cdmmbdy Lau. (Biuc Ijtm tns (tlbcs f liep ttjal not f outlj mp back Warq. SJJl)atftrifeistf)ctc,U)!>atatlctl^ Laureo; Lau. 3 totll not tocatc pjonc trappings libc a bead, Jfet l)om:elic ftclc tt)C fco jnfull riorrs fpucw, Marq. Clott) olDC lanicola in cifj) attu», Ian. S>or,loaomc, fo^tobeatxisni^iicflcc. Marq. jaDoc ?c tcpinc.nat? tfjm ilc btrtou n:o;ie, Gtidlll 31 iuiU ttcciue tljts fecont) tuifc iftom none but ftom tl)? Ijanas ♦. come gtuc l)ct mi, Grif. 3!)«ccp;cfcnt\?ouluit()ancnDlcirebliirc, Kicb l)onouc.bcaiitious t)Cttuc,bcttuouBt!Out^, JLong liuc mp liojb iuitl) fjcr contentcoli'. owe. $^arg paticnrc t^ccc cwenthyan fee rou tijaficf Marq. Griinil ooft tl)oti Deliucc mc tljts maiOc, 3s an bntatntcD fioUicc Infjicb 3 fljall bcepe, SDcfpitcofcnuies tanftec, till tfjc tutt, aDf all tonfumtng bcatl) finiflj bcr lilfc^ Gri. 31 DOC mi! DcaceLo:D,anD as iDiHin^B iXs 31 beltuercD bp m;^ maiben voutj). Marq. WL\}at (aitSlnnKolai la. 3{ra^buttl)Uil, — • ^ccat men arc piap Cojen kecpe pout p;wnu(c , Rces h)t \mn^ts Keer, pouc mcoictnes anb.gne tcigs to tame fif}eiozs- Marq, FuriotD^ece bstI)eU)ant»st^at3|bounD bp^ % Fur. l^ecrc The plwfant Cotnmody " Fur; t^tmm JUi>8' Marq. ^ tujcatb'o t|)em t^tn fit O-a en anD I'on ft« JC!)cr Ihll contlttiie ro,\3i^'«£(j vo« tlJcft tijjcc. Ow. jBDiucUjmtiettxiu, t:CS55tointic!i}fmanDtiiag CooD itiigljtic cuDgcll , fo tame mn fenog tictLatic, iiOB ft)cp;atulf,Djtric,o,:gii5cpiraDcanOm'atc to pcggcrs, o; tcate pcnora, bv CoDistcuca0i3iftleanD oumfce iufjen ^oar fdfS IboulDbwbblc: tafee ibis catoDfc nert^ouctjearteaetg mojnmg,ano if t?out: tuifc be not patient , t!)c ttCFt amc- WthatS luto\Dt0,tobupt>oiiriDinDing(ljeetc. Gwe?Co5enMarqiicflc,cojenluli3,anDJLatoiiDsanO llaticsaU ,it fljall not ncco as ^cc co jcn ^as tm^ GtiiWI, fO GwcnthunbaS&icOwen. Ow. £)lDC,bg Cob IB tijougf)t ff)oalB pull lite boU)ite> al) Jja. Gwe. 3!8 notpul'D Doiunc n0itfjet,but at Owen l^al be *ccl)caD,ano is fo^t^ Ijasangec ^m IjcaD anb magitafee, but p'a\! gojD limgl)t benot pjouDc ? triumpi) toj muclj « ti'caDcbctlLaticDoii)ne,ixt ior?c0 ate f onipleatc,fo;rtMarb to our fcaff-,' ^Baticncc fjati) iuontbep^ijc ano nolt is blett« la, j]ia\} biot^cc ?out pacDon atobile: bcfibcs one fclues tbite ate a number l)acc,tbat IjaucbcIjelDe Gnflils patience, ro« ot»ne trials , ano &ir Owens fufftraiue, GwcmhunsfroiDm:Dne0,tl)efc (Scntlcmen iouetttne, anb tnrlelfealjatctofloue: amongfttbijs tompan^ 31 fruft tfjecc are fomc ma^ben batcl)clerB,anD tiirgin ma^jbcna , t^ofe tbat liuc in ttjat fcccQome f loue it, ttjofe tfjat bnoln ti}t i»at of mariagc anb bate it,fet ttieic banog to mt? bill, \3oi)it\f is ratbec toD^canfapb'c anoleaoe ^pest in bell, Qen to line a toife anb be tontinimllp in bell. owcn. lulia b^ ^our leaticji a liojc li)9ile,?ou taug anD ^up;jable about (bibingB in mariagcs; V anu ?ou abufe ^onj men8 ano oamfelB,! ftatoc tbcm ftom gooo fpojtes anobonojableftatea : but beatei'ou noto -, atol tbatbee ftmblebljecce ,fenoiDi:o« t^at bifcojo'g maggoob rau# The plcafantCommodvr fu!;c,a»it) toljeu loncts fall out is foonc fall in^no tis goft Soabnato: pia^ ^ou al be marieDjfio.: Uictilortse mcicafra fcoblcs ariD ntiefi,atol f ou tijcn tljat Ijauc fjufLwDs that poutoOlllD p;tDlC,fCtf out IjanOS to c-vvenchiansplll,fo:ti« not fit) t[)at poojc iDomcns fljou'.D be kept altoaies Xtnnn. Marq. ^ince lulia oftljC maitiCS,anD G wcnchian £)f ftoluaro iuiuegjtntccatc a femDc applnuDc, ^ec Griffrll among ail tl)is muUituDe, Wil)0 tuill be fticnD to gentle patiences O w. I9a Ija l)a,Gri{ril is U)eat;p,p;at? let (ir owenfpe,jg Gii{rilligpattcnt,ant)l)ecfojcnt0 patient, tf;ecefo,:e is fpeagefoitiuo,tDoD0pluDe?oufeef)ctJLatic isfp^ioc of but tcie,rct fit owen fame Ijet ano tcarc Ijec niffte, 9 mag Ijcc ccf anti put ou Ijec pacrcls.anD fav is fojct' &ic o wen, tnarg tljaf fcell : if fir owcn tnas not patient , Ijct iLatie fjali not beene pableD, if Gridill ijau not beenc patient fiec f oKTt Marqiiefle Ijati not been paDleD : tocU ncUi if you louefitowcnsjtatic, 3il)obetou louefic owcn too, 02 10 CtolD mtgliti' angrv,fic owcn loue f ou as <3on bcgc niec out a cr? , a f ecrible tealc , Hoc pou l^cacc notu , tijen. pjap ainl tijat f)aue crabbcD ^ufbanos anD cannot meno tijem, as GrifTiis l)aD,anD aiul ttjat fjanc ftren toiuc0,anD vet is tame f)Ct:lucU enough as fie owcn ooes^atol tijattjauc reolDcsasQcowcntioes, anoaloltf^at lone faicc Latics asfrtowenDocSjtofeO^n: tiro IjanDs to Ijis pill, anD bp