'*-M UJU-» iiiS^, m^ \ ^. I y%::r m^ ■'^jtf^^-.^ SLATER'S EOYAL NATIONAL AND COMMERCIAL DmECTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY OP THE COUNTIES OP BEDFORDSHIRE, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, HUNTINGDONSHIRE, NORFOLK, OXFORDSHIRE, AND SUFFOLK. COMPRISING CLASSIFIED LISTS OF THE MERCHANTS, BANKERS, PROFESSIONAL GENTLEMEN, MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS, IN THE ABOVE COONTIES, ALSO OP ' » TOGETHER WITH OF THE LARGER AND MORE POPULOUS TOWNS; "With Historical Sketches of each Connfy, Town and Villag^e. AN ACCOUNT OF EVERY CONVEYANCE m^ m AIIL s> M © A B AM® W A T IM 1B> : THE POSTAL REGULATIONS OF EACH PLACE, AND A VARIETY OF MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. VXIB BANKERS OF THS VrJITBD KZIi^GDOiyi 'VtriTIZ THEZK BRAIffCHBS, ARF. APPENDED TO THE DIRECTORY. T'iUm WOJBE Hg USHIBiiaSiillgJllIS® WS'S'SI BfiAlJTIFUfi COVMTY MAPS, UPON WHICH IS CONSPICUOUSLY LAID DOWN EVERY RAILWAY. 1 4>.i PRINTED AND PUBLISKED BY ISAAC SLATER, FOUNTAIN-STREET, AND PORTLAND-STREET, MANCHESTER, AND FLEET-STREET, LONDON, A7id Sold by him and the following Booksellers, viz. EIMPKIN, MARSHALL AND CO. STATIOXERS' COURT; LONGMAN AND CO., AND SHERWOOD AND CO. PATERNOSTER RDW( BV OrHEE RESPECTABLB BOOKSELLERS, AND BY WILLIAM HALKSWOETH , 58, PLE8T-STBEET. £ s. d. Price, to Subscribers, hau'lsomiht hound in Calf, with Coloured Maps 1 5 Ditto , hoJiwI in Cloth, with Plain Maps 1 A^rice If) Non-Subscribers, ot tbe Clotli-bouMi! copy r'rentt/.five Shillings ; of the Calf-bouna Tkirly ShiJJingi. 1850. SfacK Anne< 5;)12207 ADDRESS. The portion of England comprehended in the present volume — if not eminent in subjects for peculiar notice, or replete with objects of absorbing interest, possesses, still, a ' self-contained importance,' which, on a closer view, will entitle it to a large share of consideration with the Topographer and Tourist, and no small mark of attention from the Man of Business. The North''Eastern Section is distinguished by a two-fold advantage over other of the counties — being celebrated for its Manufactures, and for its Fisheries. Norwich, indeed, has long occupied a prominent position, by the elegance and variety of its Loom-productions — while the entire coast of Norfolk teems with Fish — giving employment to Capital, and to the hardy seaman. As a Farming County, too, it is no where excelled by fertility ; and its agricultural operations are, perhaps, the most perfect in the World. Other counties have also claims, recognized, in this respect, and the Landed Interest, is of the first importance in most of them. The Counties of Oxford and Cambridge, moreover, in addition to the vital essential of Agriculture, are peculiarly distinguished— for, in their Capitals, flourish, in unimpaired Classic Grandeur, after the lapse of centuries, the magnificent ' Twin Seats of Learning' — the Colleges and Halls of which have sent forth, to an admiring World, the most illustrious ornaments of the Church, the Senate and the Bar. The capabilities of the remaining districts of this Work — whether in connexion with the cultivation of the soil, or Manufactures and Commerce, are briefly, but faithfully noticed at the head of each County, and more particularly detailed in each Town. In furnishing these, and other particulars, the proprietor has been kindly assisted by many talented residents, in th«^ difl^erent localities, for which he here begs most respectfully to record his thanks — accompanied by his expression of gratitude for the amount of patronage bestowed upon the Work. National Directory Offices, Manchester, June, 1850. INDEX TO THE COUNTIES AND TOWNS. BEDFORDSHIRE, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, COUNTIES. CAMBRIDGESHIRE, HUNTINGDONSHIRE, AND SUFFOLK. NORFOLK, OXFORDSHIRE, A^derbary Oxfi>riA 4 Aldborough Suffolk 3 AH Saints Uockland ..Norfolk 3 ABiersham Bucks 2 Ampthill Bedford 2 Aspipy Guise .....,,. Bedford 35 Aitlf bfiHoagh ,.,..... Norfolk 3 Aylfsbupy Bucks 4 Aylsliam ......... ..Norfolk 5 Balliiigdon. ,,,....,,.. Suffolk 68 Bampton .,...,.,.,.. O^vfard 2 ^atibury. . , . . , Oxford 3 Banlmin Norfolk 32 Barnwell . . , , Cambridge 6 Bartoi) Bedford 33 Barton M ills ......... . Suffolk iie ^assingbourne ....Cambridge 38 BeaconsfieW ........... Bucks 8 Beccles , , , . . . . '. ...... Suffolk 4 B e d t () rd ,'.'...'.'.. Bedfo rdshire 5 Beetley ,,,,.......... Norfolk 24 Bensinidton ..Oxford 9 Bestborpe. Norfolk 3 Bicester Oxford 10 Biddenhani Bedford 7 Biggleswade Bedford 13 Bildeston ....Suffolk 8 Bisham Bucks 23 Blakeney ,,..,... ....Norfolk 11 Bletchley Bucks 19 Bletsoe..., Bedford 19 Bloxham Oxford 4 | Bluutishann Huntiiisdon 18 | Botesdale Suffolk 8 Boughton Norfolk 95 Bow Bi ickhill ...... Bucks 1^ Boxford Suffolk 10 Bramptou Huntingdon 3 Brancaster Norfolk 104 Brandon Su^olk 10 Brickliill (Great) Bucks 19 Brit khill ( Little) . . . '. . . Bucks 19 Bristi ,u , . Norfolk 35 Brontham........ ....Bedford 7 Broome . . . , Siffolk 26 Buckden ...Huntingdon 15 Buckenliam, New .... Norfolk 8 Buckeuhani, Old. ..... Norfolk 8 Buckiughani ....Bucks 10 B'lngay Suffolk 12 Bures Sufolk .58 Burford Oxford 12 Bnrnliam Bucks 14 Burnham Deepdale. . . . Norfolk 9 Buriihain Market Norfolk 9 Burnhaai Norton ....Norfolk 9 Burnbani Ovt- ly Norfolk 9 Burnliam Sutton Norfolk 9 Buriibam Thorpe Norfolk 9 Burnham Ulph Norfolk 9 Bursion Norfolk 14 Burwell Cambridge 2 Buiy Huntingdon 8 Bury St. Edmunds .... Suffolk 16 Caddington ., Bedford 25 Caistor Norfolk 114 Cambi idge .... Cambridgeshire 4 Cam Dton Ben ford 31 Carbnioke Norfolk 1 07 Cardiugton Bedford 6 Carlton Bedford 19 Castle Acre Norfolk 98 Cawstoa Norfolk, 6 Caxion Cambridge 22 Charlhury Oxford 14 C hatteris .......... Cambridge 22 Cliedgrave Norfolk 37 Cheilington Bedford 19 Chesham Bucks 14 Chesterton Cambridge 6 Chipping Niirtpii ...... Oxford 15 Chun h Enstone ...... Oxford 14 Claphara Bedford 7 Clare Suffolk 24 Cley Norfolk U Clifton Bedford 31 Clifton Reyijes Bucks 28 Clophill ....'...'.'.'.'..Bedford 3 Coates Cambridge 45 Cckayne H alley. .... .Bedford 29 Coleshill fiwc** 2 Colkerk ........Norfolk 28 Colnbrook Bucks 17 Coltishall AV/«/6 12 Cranfield Bedford 3 Crawley, Husborn....iJ''<^orrf 35 Creake, North Norfolk 9 Creake, South Norfolk 9 Crendou, Long Bucks 21 Cressingham Norfolk 107 Cromer , Norfolk 13 Croxton Norfolk 101 Dean, Nether ..Beiford 19 Dean , U pper Bedford 1 9 Debenham Suffolk 25 Deddiugton Oxford 17 Denver Norfolk 21 Dereham , East Norfolk 23 Dereham , West Norfolk 95 Dickleburgh Norfolk 14 Diss Norfolk 14 Ditchingham Su'folk 12 Docking Norfolk 18 Doddington Cambridge 32 Dorchester Oxford 18 Downham Market .... Norfolk 20 Dunstalile Bedford 16 Dunwich Suffolk 63 Duxford Cambridge 29 Eai ith Huntingdon 1 8 Earsham 5w/b/6 12 East Adderbury Oxford 4 East Dereham Norfolk 23 East Harling Norfolk 32 Ea^trea Cambridge 45 Rat on Socon Huntingdon 14 Eccles Norfolk 32 EUingham Norfolk 3 Elm Cambridge 49 Elmham iVo>/o/A 24 Elstow Bedford 6 Ely Cambridge 24 Emberton iJMcfr* 28 Emneth Cambridge 49 Ensham Oxford 42 Everton Bedford 29 Ewelme Oxford 40 Eye Sif^o/* 25 E vnesbury Huntingdon 14 Eyworth Bedford 30 Fakenham Norfolk 27 , Felmersham Bedford 19 PAG p. Fen-Stanton Huntiiisdon 1 1 Fell ny Stratford Bucks 19 Fincham A'«?/o/A 95 Flitton Bedford 33 Flitwick Bee/ford 3 Fordham Cambridge 40 Fordham Norfolk 21 F.iulsham A'or/o/A 29 Fiamlingham Suffolk 29 Garholdisiiam Norfolk 32 Gillifghum Suffolk 4 Goilnianchester ...Huntingdon 3 Goldingtou Bedford 6 Gorleston. A'o^/o^A 115 Great Brickhill Bucks 19 Great Cressingham Norfolk 107 Great EUingham .... Norfolk 3 Great Hautboys Norfolk 12 Gieat Linfoid Bucks 35 Great Marlow Bucks 23 Gieat Missenden Bucks 34 Great Shelford Cambridge 7 Great Walsingham Norfolk 105 Gressenhall A " rfolk 24 Grision Norfolk 106 Haddenham ^?'c*5 21 Hadleigh Suffolk 30 Halesworth Suffolk 32 Hai dingham Norfolk 34 HarUston Norfolk 30 Harling Norfolk 32 Harrold Bedford 19 Hartfoid Huntingdon 3 Hautboys A'o?/o^4 12 Haverhill Suffolk 34 Haynes Bedford 3 Hiacham Norfolk 18 Hcadington O.t/orrf 25 Hemingfoid Abbots//;/«bin', whicli county also, wiih Heitfonlshiie, forms its soutiieni b ■uudiiry; its eastern extremity is met by Cambridgeshire, and its south-easleni by HeitfordKshire. The form of the county is an irregular oval, about thiity-five miles in lenttli, twenty in breadth and ninety-six iu circiimfereiici', comprising an area of four hundred and sixty-three square miles, or 296,320 statute acres. Bcdfordslilre ranks as tiie thirty-seventh Knglish county, both in size and population. Name .md Early Histoky.— When the Romans landed in Hiitain (B.C. 55,) this part of the country was included in the di>trict inhabited bv the CutieuchliimtU, or Ctmii, whose chief Cassibeilaunus, headed the force of the whole island against Caesar, and ilie vear following was totally dehated. When the Empeior Constan- line divided IJritain into five Uoman piovim es, it was included in the third division, called Flavia Ctesariemis. Bedfordshire was the si e of two Roman staticms— one at Dunstable, the oilier near the village of Sandy; and it was penetrated by the two unat Roman roads, the J f'atling -street and the Ickneild atreet—AWii by a militaiy way, and others teimed 'vicinal' ways. The Kkneild-street enters the comity on the south-east side, and, cros>ing at the sixteenth mile-stone on ihe lond from Bedford to Luton, passes along the intermedirtte hill sides, and through the town of Dunstable into Uuckinghani-hiie. The Watliiig-strtet iniroduces itself near Baldock, and continues its course to Salince, near Sandy ; thence across Tempslord marsh— passing a tumulus, it keeps to the left of Hardwick, and proceeds to the Roman station at Godmanche>ter; but it is dilficult to distinguish between this road and the great one from London to Chester. There is a branch of the Ickntild- street which, diverting from the imin line at the Luton load, may be traced through Bramingham and Houghton to the Brit.i»h camp at Maiden Bower, near Dunstable. On a hill near Sandy is a large Roman camp; and near Totternhoe castle, cuniiguous to Dunstable, are very consideruble entrenchments. About a mile troin the latter town is the encampment named Maiden Bower, two thousand (ive-hundred feet in circumference, environed by a ditch and a rampart; near Leighton Buzzard is a similar one. and on the road from Bedford to Katon Socon a third may be tliscerm-d. Roman coins, urns and other relics, have frequently been dug up in different parts of the county. At the establishment of the kingdom of Meicia (one of the di* isions of the Saxon lieptarchy), it was considered as part of that kingdom, and was known as ' Betlicauford,' signifyine a loitress on a ford; and when Alfred dividtd England into counties, &c., he applied lo this shire the umut of Bede/ord— hence its piesent appellation. Durimithe reign of Edward the Elder this county was frequently disturbed by the incursions of the Danes. In 919 Edward came to Bedford, and built a fortress on the souih side of the Ouse. In 921 the Danes entered and fortified Tempsfoid, from wht nee they issued ai d attacked Bedford, but were put to flight by it5 inhabitants; Edward, soon after, in his turn, attacked Tempsford, which he captured, and slew the Danish kirn; and his principal chieftains. In 1010 Bedford and Tempsford were burned by the revengeful Danes; next year Kina Ethelred recovered tliis teritoiy; bnt in 1017 the Danes were again its masters, and under Canute it was included in the Dane lege, or Danisli jurisdiction. After the Conquest but few events of importance occurred in the county, till the capture ot Bedford castle by Kinu Stephen (held pre- viously by the Beauchamps, his opponents), in 1138; this family held it afieiwanls against King John; but his favourite, Fulk de Breant, having liesieged and taken it, received the prize as a reward of his sei vices: it was again taken, and destroyed by Henry 111, in consequence ol one of his justice^ itinerant havina been imprisoned by Fulk. Ail the oi her castles in the county followed the fate of that of Bedford ; and, owing to the demolition of these foniesses, the countv, durhig the proti acted strngule of the 'Roses,' was preserved from being the scene ofany decisive conflict. At the cmnmer.ceinent of the great contest between Charles I and the Parliament, Bedfordshire took part with the latter, for Charles never had many paitizansin the county, although the royalist forces, in tlie month of October, 1643, had a transient possession of the town of Bedford. In Prynne's ' Popish Koyal Favourite' it is stated that, fiom the 1st of Charles I to the 14tli, about ninety Popish rtcnsants were convicted i'.i ihis county; and Archbishop Laud, in his aunual report of hisproiince to the Kim;, in 1634, states that his 'visiters fuund Bedf-ndshirc, Irom the bigness, the most tainted of any part of the diocess—aiid, iu particular,' adds the zeahms prelate, 'Mr. Buckley is sent to the high commission for non-comforinitv.' Of the fourteen religious houses existing prior to the Reformation, the remains of Dunstable Priory and of Elstow Abbey are the chief \estiges existing". An inteiesting fragment of Newenhain Priory, and several ot the cliurches at Bedford, will also gratify the antiquary. Surface, soil, produce, climate, &c.— Bedfordshire, although never romantic, and seldom picturesque, is pleasingly diver>ifiei) by hill and valley, and some of its prospects combine every concomitint of landscape s'cenery— for example, the tine view from Totternhoe castle, near Dunstable; those from -Millbrook church- yard and Ridymont are also weL harmonised and lovely. The downs i)etween Uarton and Streatley, and those of Luion and Dunstable, command a lich scenic picture; the umbiaaeous vicinity of VVobuin, too, has often employed the iiencil of tin- artist. The diversified soils common to all the uplands of the kingdom are fotind in Bedfordshire: chalk prevails in the southern division, beneath which is a narrow stratum of flint, cowering a bed of < lay— the whole resting on a chalky rock. The hinh chalky of the county, and takes a north-westerly course by Leighton Buzzard, forming, for a considerable distance, the bdundary line between this county and lincUinghamshire. Tliere are several miintal springs in the county, both chalybeate and saline, but none of them are much frequented — their localities aie, the [larishes of Barton, Bedford, Bletsoe, Blunham, Broniham, Bushinead, Clapliain, Cranfield, Holcutt, Milton-Ernest, Odell, Peitcnhall, Risley, Silso and Turvey. Canal. — The Grand Junction Canal passes close to Leighton Buzzard, to which town and the tieighbouring country it affords a cheap medium of tr^dic with the metropolii and with the north-western counties; and pievious to tlie openiDg of iaih\ay3 was of considerab'e iinponance in the carriage of corn and other agricultural produce, coal, iron, &c. Railways. — The London and North Western Railway passes a short distance to the west of Leighton Buzzard, and between four and five miles weourhood is the seat of the Duke of Bedford (now the residence of Sir James Paike), deligbtfully situate about half a mile from the town, and comman- ding an extensive view of the fertile vale of Bedford. The park, which is open to the public, is admired for its interesting diversity of scenery, and for its majestic and venerable oaks, clothed with rich and umbrageous foliage; near the centre of the paik is an oak, which, accoidiiig to the inscription on it, has exi-sted one thousand and twelve years. An avenue, planted on cither side by lime trees, which by ineetii;g at the top, form a handsome aich, is a most inviting walk. At this place was formerly a castle or palace, long since demolished, in which Katherineof Arragon, one of the unfortunate wives of Henry VIII, resided during ih the manor prior to the thirteenth century. The parish church of All Saints, contains several monuments of that family, and one to Thomas Archer, a former rector of the parish and chaplain to Janus I ; his figure is represented in canonicals, in his pulpit, with his book and cushion before him ; he died in 1629 : tbe living is a rectory, in the appointment of Saint John's college, Cambildge. A free- school and almshouses were founded !iere by Sir Francis Clerke. Flitwick village, three miles .south from Ampthill, contains a church wliich was formerly the chapel to a monastery or cell to Dunstable priory, erected by Philip de Sannerville, in 1170: the benefice is a vica- rage, in the gift of tlie Dnke of Bedford. Clophill is a parish in the hundred of Flitt — tbe village is three and a lialf miles east from Ampthill; and the parish church, an ancient gotliic structure, stands nearly a mile from the village : the living is in the patronage of the Earl de Grey. In the viihge is a good school, in which one hundred and thirty hoys are instructed on Dr. Bell's system ; and there is anotlier school in which ninety girls are taught. The village of Lidlington, about three and a half miles west of Ampthill, contains its parish chnicli of All Saints (rebuilt in 1809), and a Methodist chapel. The living of Lidlington is a vicarage, in the gift of the Duke of Bedford. A charity, by means of which six poor men and women are clothed, and a school wherein a limited numberof boys are instructed, are in the parish. Haynes or Haicnes parish is about four miles from Ampthill, in the hundred of Flitt. Haynes House, the superb mansion of Lord John Thymic, is in this parish; and the church of Haynes is the burial place of that noble family. The patronage of this living, which is a vicarage, belongs to Sir George Osborn. WiLSHAMPSTEAo is ail inconsiderable village, four miles N. by e. from Ampthill, containing an ancient period her unjust divorce was in agitation, and near i church, a chapel for Methodists, and a charity school tbe site of the palace stands a gothic cross, erected in with a small endowment. The church is dedicated to 1773 by the late Lord Ossory, with an inscription by j All S dnts : the living is a vicarage, in the presentation Hoiace VValpole, Earl of Orford, in commemoration > of Lord John Thynne. of the nnJDSt treatment of that injured princess. The | Marston-Moretai.ne, a parish and village — the market is held on Thursday; and the fairs May4thand latter formerly a market and fair town, is four miles November 30th for cattle, and September 2yth fur N. w. from Ampthill. The parish church of Saint hiring servants. The parish of Ampthill contained, ; Rlary, is in the later style of English aichitecture, with in 1831, 1,688 inhabitauis, and in 1841, 2,001. i a square and massive tower detached from the main One mile from Ampthill, is the parish of Mill- building: there are some ancient nionumental brasses BROOK. The church of Saint Michael stands on a hill, beneath which is tbe village: the living is a lectory, in tlie patronage of the Crown. The popula- tion of this, and of the following parishes, is stated after the notice of Cranfield. Maui.den village is one and a half mile from Ampt- hill. 'J'he palish church of Saint Mary was repaired some few years since, and the chancel beautified by the lector. Adjoining the church is a mausoleum, erected by the Earl of El«in, in 1657, to the memory of his Countess : the centre is occupied by an oval sarcophayus, from which rises the figure of the lady in white marble: beneath the mausoleum is the burial place of the noble family of Ailesbury. The living of Maulden is a rectory, in the patronage of the Marquess of Ailesbury. There is a place of worship for Baptists, and a Sunday school. HouGHTON-CoNouEST is 3 Village, two miles and a half N.N.E. from Ampthill. This place derives its adjunct from the ancient family of Conquest, lords of in the chancel, besides a handsome altar-tomb and other memorials to the family of Snagg. The living is a rectoiy, in the presentation of the Master and Fellows of Saint John's college, Cambridge. Cranfield is a village, about six miles n. w. from Ampthill. The church is an ancient building, dedicated to Saint Peter and Saint Paul : the living is a rectory, in the patronage of the Rev. James Beard. There are almshouses for three poor widows. Cranfield gives the inferior title of Baron to the Duke of Dorset. Population, &c. — The foregoing parishes are all of an agricultural character, and possess little or no interest but that connected with the land. IVJillbrook, Maulden, Houghton-Conquest, Flitwick, Lid- lington, WiLSHAMPSTEAD, MaRSTON-MORETAINE and Cranfield are all in the hundred of R-dborne- stoke, their population respectively (in rotation) in 1841, was 462, 1,3.30, 746, 693. 926, 763, 1,150, 1,371. Clop- bill and Haynes are in Flitt hundred — their population. at the same period, was 1,066, and 913 POST] OFFICE, Marketplace, Ampthill, Ann Shaw, Post Mistress.— Letters from London and all parts arrive every mot ning at a quarter before seven, and afternoon at half-past two, and are despatched at tweuty minutes past nine in tlie morning and seven in tbe evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND i Halter Rev. George Gardner, m.a., Cranfield Rectory [Park Howard Charles, Esq., Ampthill James Thomas, Esq., Lidlington Manle Rev. Geo., M. A., Church st Mendhum Rev. John, m.a., Clophill Vicarage [Cottage Moore Capf. Charles, r. n. Maulden Newman.Mr. Richd., Wilshampstead Odell Mr. Edward, Cranfield ParkeSirJames, Knt. Ampthill Park Passey Rev. Frederick, M. a., Wil- shampstead Vicarage [stead Peacock Mr. Ebenezer, Wilshanip- C1.ERGY. Armstrong Mr. Joshua, Haynes Armstrong Mr. William, Haynes Austin Mrs. Anne, Dunstable st Bennett Mr. Thomas, Marston Bridges Rev. Edward Brook, m. a., Haynes [wick House Bnroks John Thomai, Esq., Flit- Croson Mrs. Marv, AJilbrook Crouch Mr. Edward, Lidlington Dawson Rev, Wm. Alfred, Flitwick Dowdeswell Mr. William, Maulden Green Kev. William, Steveuley Peacock Mr. Henry, Wilshampstead Randall Mr. Jolin, Marston Read Mrs. Mary, Church st Robinson Rev. William Charles, Maulden Rose Rev. Henry John, Houghton - Conquest [Milbrook Smythe Rev. henry Ralph, m. a.. Spring Mr. Henry, Dunstable st Stimpson Mr. William, Marston Swaffield Mr. Samuel, Ampthill Prk Thynne the Right Hon. Lord John, Haynes House Tickle Rev. James, Lidlington 3$£l»forl»«!f)(rc. AMPTHILL, &c. Slatcl'jJ GENTRY, 6tc. -Continued. Tyleasjte Rev. Tlios., d. d., Marston ' Rectury Ward Rev. Charles, Maiilden Wl)itel)ur>t Rev. Thiiiiias Beach, Chincli St ! Worn) ward Mrs. Mary, Lidlinpton ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. British School, Aniptliill — Kdwd. Shelley, master; iMaryAniiSliclley ini«tres9 Holding Ann (day), Clophill Infants' SrHOOL, Lidlinaton Rebecca Hansbnry, nii«tr<'ss National School, AnipthiU- Thomas Squires, master; Ellen Squires, mistress National School, Marston (leoige Trumliy, master; Elizbth. Trnniiiv, mistress Nationa'lSchool, Maulden— Mary Stewart, mistress National School, Wilsbampstead —James Herbert, master; Eliza- beth Griffin, nii-tress Wright William (boarding and day), ^ Lidliiitit ui ; ATTORNEYYS. Eagles John, l)ui)>tablf st j Gieene Jol.n, Cliiiicli St 1 Wandscornbe Edward, Wobnrn st ' AUCTIONEERS at APPRAISERS Batti>on Samuel, Cliurcb st i Greene Tliomas, Redtoid ft BAKERS. Alcock Thomas, Wilshampstead 1 Atteiburv L-twirnce, Hayii«3 i Hartram John, Church st I BnnkerThos. Honghton-Cnnquest Crouch Jnlin Edward, Lidiington Crouch William, Lidiington Farnell VVilliam, U'ohnrii st Foskett Bernard, Bedford st Goodman Charles, Cranfield Jeffs William, U'il-han»p'*fead Moore James, Dunstable st Morgan George, Wibhanipslead Morris Joseph Marsh, Dunstable st Queenbv Richard, Wilshampstead Stanton' Thomas, Cranfield BANKERS. Sharpies and Co. (Branch of Hitchin Bank) Bedford st— (draw on Bar- clay Bevan & Co. London)— May & Strange, agents Savings' Bank, Church st — John Marvhall, iiCtuary j BLACKSMITHS. | Abbis Richaul, Wohnrii st ! Abbis William, Woburn .st 1 Api)leliv Richard, Clo|)liill 1 Arnold'WiHiam, .Mauldeii I Bigg James Li(lli"^;ton lierridge TU-'ige, Marston Odell DHuiei, Clophill Parkes Richard, Cianfield Smith William, Dunstable st TufTnail John, Wdsliamiistead BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND PRINTERS. Cook Ger.rRC, Churrh st Shaw Aim fstationer), .Market pince BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Ahbott Mark, Cranfield (ioode GeorRe, Duiisiahle st HarriMm William, Church st Hart William, Haynes Herbert Kdmiind, Chinch st Jdhn'-on William, Diinstaldest Pack Henry, Dunstable st Sbefficld Jot Ramsav John (Jrimwood, Church St CORN MERCHANTS. C^iulcutt C^ileb, Market place George William, Hog hill Goodman Wiliam, Cranfield Mav & Strange (and hop and seed), Beiiford st L^'tead Qiicnby Thomas &Ja?., Wilshainp- FIRE, Ac. OFFICE AGENTS. County (tire) 6i Provident (life), Mav& Strange. Bedford sr Crown (life>, Thomas Greene. Bedford st [stable st General, William Claridae, Dun- .\oRWicH Union, EdwaidColeman, Woburn st Star, Edward Handscomb, Wobnrn street [stalde st Suffolk (fire), John Rbsiles, Dun- GROCERS ANDTEADEALERS. {See also Shopkeepers, &(c.) Miirkrd thus * are also Tallow Chandlers. *Claridee William, Dunstable st *Coleman (^'dward, Woburn st Coleman George, Cranfield , 1 Foskett Bernard, Bedford st I Go'dhall John, Lidiington ! KimptonSimeon RobinM)n,Manmen 1 'May & Strange (and curriers), 1 Bedford st I Morris Joseph. IMarket place } Stevens John, Clophill HAIR DRESSERS. Gascoiii J'din, Dunstable st 1 Roberts William, Dunstable st i Savage Robert, Wnburii st I HATTERS. Rogers Jovepli Mead, Market place i Rusbbrnoke Georue, Cbur( h st Taylor William, Dunstable st INNS. {.Sefalso Tavermis; Puhlir Nouses) Kind's Arms (commf rcial), Gioige Whi'bread, Maiket place White Hart iCMUimercial A posting), JaiiKS liiauuiont. Marketplace JOINERS AND CARPENTERS. Uattison Samuel, Cliuicb -t H.iswortb Jnhii, l.idlii gton Burrows John, Woburn st Bui rows Sauiiiel. Clopbill Clarke John, Haynes Goodman George, Cranfield Lansbury, John, Lidiington Manning Thomas, Cranfield Northwood John, Maulden Randall James, Marston Woodruff Thomas, Milbrook Young John, Haynes LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS Cideman Giorge. Cranfield Goodhali John, Lidiington KiuiptoiiSimeoii Robinson, Manldcn Mav & Strance, Bedford lingers Joseph Mead, Market place Kushbrooke Geoige, Church st MALTSTERS. Furze Robert, Dunstatle st Mollis John, Bidford st Odell Edward, Cianfield MILLERS. Burroughs John, Clophill Caulcnti Caleb, .Market pi 'ce Croxford Jo-hua, Maulden Hallwoith Charles, Maulden MILLINERS* DRESS MAKRS. CookeFauny«i Rebecca. Dunstable nt Iinpiiy Ann, .M;irket pl^ce Parkes Rachael, Church st Robinson .'\nn, AM'ion place Ward Sarah, Maulden PAPER HANGERS. Battison Samnel, Church st Handscomn Isaar, Dnn^taMe st R;ini-av J.diii Grimwood, Church st PLUMBERS, PAINTERS AND I GLAZIERS. Kingston Wihiain, Dunstable St Sharpe Jo'.eDh, Woburn si Sheaid William, Woburn st SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Cato John, Wilshampstead Cato Elizabeth, Bedford st Robinson Win. Negus, Dunstable st SHOPKEEPERS &DEALER SIN GROCERIES * SUNDRIES. Bell William, Bedford st Biigg William, Lidlinuton CliappelJiK-eph,Hough:on-Conqucst Crouch Marv, Liidlington Dynes Joseph, Wilshampstead Kaulknev Daniel, Marston Kennell Daniel, Wilshampstead Klint Jnhii, Maulden Hall Wiliam. Flitwiek King Elizabeth, Haynes Lovell Thomas, Cranfield Mann Jnhii, Dunstable st Nicholls William, M-.inlden i Odell Daniel, Clophill Phinps Thomas, Wilshampstead KuH'head John, Lidiington Savaue Henry, Cranfield Sharp Hinry', Clopbill Siiiiih James, Marston Two Steven, Marston Wilmer Win. Tlios, Wilshampstead Woodcraft Eli/abeib, Milbrook STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Ahboit Elizabeth, CranficM Axain Eli/.abeih, Dunstable st Cooper Lucy, Church st Handscomb Sarah, Dun-table st Howes Hannah, Dunstable st Ramsay Tbirza, Church st SURGEONS. Chapman Thomas, Dunstable st Hamilton Andrew, Dunstable st Paxtoit George Kay, Cranfield Slinii William Samuel, Church st TAILORS. Blunt William, Milbrook Crick Isaac, W>d)urii st Klwing John, Woburn st S.nticid Thomas, Lidlmgtnn lavlor William, Dunstable st Walker William, Albion place iI3(vecto\j), AMPTHILL, &c. i$£trfoitr!s6trf* TALLOW CHANDLERS. See nnder the head Grocers. TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Bell, William Conk, Marslon liird-in-Hand, Henrv Austin, Flitwiek Black Hat, Geo. Phipps, Wilshampstead Chequers,Jas Baker. Houghton-Coiiqiiest Chequers, Charles Wheeler, Milhronk Compasses, .John Gasroin, Dunstable st Compasses, William Maddams, Clophill Cross Keys, Francis Green, Bedford st Crow, William Millard, Cranfield Crown & Sceptre. Jno. Smith, Bedford st Dog, William Waller, Hajnes George, Willi im Abbis, Woburn st George, Joshua Croxlord. Manlden Green .Man, Sarah Bosworth, IJdlington King's Head, William Bright, Wob irn st Ossorv Arms, John Kingston, Milbrook Red Lion,.roseph Sheffield. Church st IJed Lion, Edwd. Travis, Wilsliampstead Rose & Crown, George Welch, Market pi Sun, George Roberts, Unustable st Swan, Henry Brinkler, Flitwiek AVhite Hart Edwd.Ddwrieswell, Mauldem White Horse, Thomas Sinims, Haynes Retailers of Beer. Barber Thomas, Wilshampstead Clarke John, Manlden Crouch William, Lidlington Huckle Henry, Wilshampslead Monk Elizabeth, Lidlington Rnlfhead John, Lidlington Savavie Robert William. Woburn st Sl«nbriige Henry, Bedford st Two David, Manlden Toll Samuel, WiUharapstead Worley John, Dunstable st WHEELWRIGHTS. Atterbury Jas. Hoiiehtoii-Conqiiest Bosworth John, Lxllingtcm liuiiovvs Samuel, Clophill Dynes Joseph, WiLshainpstearl Foster Jose|)h, Craiitidd Howsiin Samuel, VVohurn st Travis Edward, Wilsjiampsiead \(riNE «c SPIRIT IVIERCHANTS. Beaumont James, Market place Whitbread George, Church st Miscellaneous . Armstrong William, agricultural imple- ment maker, Woburn st Axam Thomas, nnrsery and seedsman, Dunstable street Bowden Thomas, cooper, Woburn st Chater William, parish clerk. Church st Cooper George, railway station master, Marslon County Court Office, King's Head Inn. John Eagle.i, c/ei/i Course George, millwright and brass founder, Cliuich st Gas Works, Maulden road — Frederick Churchill, seo-efari/ fburn st Handscoiiib Mary, furniture broker Wo- Hairison William George.vevenue ollicer, Bedford street Haynes Thomas, lace dealer, Woburn st Inland Revknuk Office, at the King's Arms Inn, Thomas Hield, supervisor LiTF.RARV Society, Woburn st— Lewis Ban ram, srcrttary May 5c Strange, cuiriers. Bedford st Miller John, railway station master, Lid- lington Morris John, brewer, Bedford st Morris Joseph, ironmonger. Market pi Overman Thos. Wm. graricr, Manlden Patten Wm. tinman & brazier, Bedford st Pembroke Jas. watch maker, Dunstable st Reagan John, travelling draper, Maulden Roberts Wi-liani, toy dealer and neivs agent. Dunstable st Pmiih William, whitesmith, Dunstable st Stamp Officb, Bedford street — May & Strange, sub-distributers [Park Swaffield Samuel, land agent, Anptliill Tall Mary, slay maker, Maulden [ble st Wells Hy. baikel & .«ieTe maker, Dunsia- Wilmer William Thomas, cheese factor. Wilshampslead [Albion pi Wonfor Elizabeth, Berlin wool renository, Wonfor Wm.veterinary surgeon, Albion pi PLACES OF W^ORSHIP, AND THF.IR MINISTF.RS. CHURCHES. All, Saints, Houghton-Conquest — Rev. Henry John Rose, reci{!erable quantities, and much liuie is hniiit in the neishbouihood. There are two iron and brass foundries, seveial corn mills, malt- iiigs and lirrvveiies, and a tolerable trade is carried nn in coal and tiiiib( r by river carriage — the Ouse being navigable for barees from hence to Lviin, on the Ger- man Ocean. There aie some good inns heie; the 'George,' in High street, is an excellent commercial house, and posting establishment. Bedford was incorporated in the 23id of Edward I. under the title of ' the Boi ouyh and I'own of Hedford ; ' at which pel iod the elective franchise was bestowed, and it then, as now, returned two members ; the pre- sent are, Henry Stuart, Esq. Kempston, in this county, and 18, Hill street Berkeley square, London ; and Sir Harry V^erney, Bart. Claydoii Hall, and 9, St. James' place, London. A char'ei' of incorporation wasgiauted to Bedford by Charles II, and under this the borough was governed until the Municipal Act, passed in 1835, vested the jurisdiction in a mayor, six aldermen and eighteen cnunciliors, with a town clerk and assistant officers — the corporate body being styled 'the Mayor and Burgesses of the town of Bedford : ' the same act divided the town into two waids, and granted to it a commission of the peace. The borough magistrates have jurisdiction of all criminal ofTences committed within tl;e lown and borough. The assizes are held in lent and midsummer in the shire hall, as are the quarter sessions for the town and county, and a County Court— the latter is held monthly under the new act (parsed August, 1846), foi the recoveiy of debts to any amount nut exceeding £20. At the coronation of Jiiiues II, in 1685, the Earl of Exeter, Sir George Bhindel, and Tliomas Snaggs, Esq. 'as seised of several parts of ihe iiiirony of Bedford, respectively cla'med to execute the office of almoner; and claimed, as the fees of that office, to have the >ilver alms-basin, and the distribuiion of all the alms therein, nnd of the cl^th spread for their majesties to walk on, as also ibe fine linen towel and a tun of wine : the king appointed the earl pro hac vice. 23ctrfoilri5i)ire. BEDFORD, &c. ;i)latcr^ja; with -ASnlvu jure to tlie other two clairaaiits; but the silver dish, and the cloth fioiu the throne to the west rloor of tlie ahhey, only were allowed as fees.' The harony of Bedford is now possessed jointly by the Duke of Bedford, the Marquessof Exeter, and William Henry AVhitbrt-ad, ICsq. 'llie five pai ishes into which the town is divided are, Saint i^iui's, in the patronai^e of I^ord John Thynne ; Saint Cutiibci t's and Saint Pett r's Martin, in the gift of ihe Crlio|i of Lincoln ; and Saint Joim's, in the paironatje of the coriroration : the livinf^s art- all rKtories, except that of Saint Paul's, which is a vicarage, to whicli Trinity district church is annexed. The church of Saint Paul is a ca[)acious and veiieriible structure, with an octagonal spire springing from a noble tower: the chancel eiuioses an altai- toinh, with a representation of Sir William Harpur and his lady in bra^s- work. Tlie old stone pulpit has tiecn replaced by one of oak, and the library has been incorporated with tliat of the new coumy. The church of Saint Mary, is i[i the later style of English architecture, with a plain s(inare tower. Saint John's clan cli is a neat structure, with a handsome modernized tower. Saint Peter's Martin is an ancient edifice, Willi a tower, and a beautiful Norman aicli at the southern entrance. There are places of worship for various religious denominations, of which a list is appended to the Directory, with their situations and ministers. In the \estry of the Baptist chapel is the chair once occupied by John Bunyan, and over it an original portrait of i his celebrated author, who officiated as tlie minister : his allegory of ' The Pilgrim's Pro- gress' was written during his twehe years' incarceration in the gaol of this t(.wn, in the tolerant reign of the second Charles, for the heinous crime, in those days, of preaching and ' holding conventicles;' his confine- ment was, however, occasionally intermitted by his more humane gaoler, who sometimes allowed his jirisoner to depart on his paiole of honour for several (lays together — it is needless to add that his parole was nererviolaled. A new and sjiacious chapel has recently been erected on the sight of the \enerated old meeting- liouse, at a cost of nearly £4,000. and capable of hold- ing a Congregation of twelve bundled. 'The Moravian comimiiity settled hereiuI745; tlieir domicile is well deservinn the stranger's inspection: the higher branches of needlewoik are beautifully executed; the school at'arhed to the establishment is under admirable regu- lations, both for moial discipline and high attainments. The charities of Bedford are exceedingly numerous; but those of an educational character are beyond all others, extensive and important— it beint; computed that at least fourteen hundred children daily teceive gtatuitous education, and aie furnished with every scho(d requisite. The principal scholastic establishment 13 the ' giamuiarand matliematical school,' founded by Sir William Haipur, a native of this town, and in l.'jfil lord mayor of London ; the school premises were re- built in i7()7, and a statue of ihe founder placed in the front. The revenue of this school, ai the periorl of its foundation, did not exceed £180.— whereas it now realizes upwards of £1.3,000. per annum; the appro- priation of these funds is regulated by various at ts of jiarli.tnient. The masters are of the mo^t respectable and Iciined class, and their sal.n'ies are commeiisui ale with their talmt, and the objects to be attained by the establishment. There are eight scholarships, of .£80. each, tliat can be held four years, in either of the universities of Oxford, Cambriilge or Dublin ; six are restricted to the sons of inhabit ints of Bedfoid — the other two are o|)en to all cm the foundation: theWarden and Fellows of New Cidlegi-, Oxford, appoint the master and usheis; the corporation and eighteen trustees are the manugers. Besides the education of youth and the i)lHcing id" others as apprentices, the bestowing of iii;irriace portions upon hi'iiest and virtuous maidens is not the least interesting fe;ituie amongst the views of the benevolent founder. Supported by the funds of this excellent cliarity are an Kn>;lish school, in which is taught l.,ann; a [ircpaiatory and coninieicial S( liool, a girls' school, a liospital for fifty poor hoys and girls, and almshouses for sixty-six decayed bousekcejiers, besides a fund distiihuted amongst other poor persons. T'he trusti'cs of tlie charity have erected a magnificent pile of building, in the later style of English arcliitcc- 6 ture, with a tower of considerable height in the centre: this election, which adjoins the anci en teram mar school, contains the various schools, hospital for the children, house for the clerk, and apiirtments for holding meet- ings of the trustees. The house of industry has lately been appropriated to the use of the forty-four paiishe.s which comprise the ' Bedford Union.' For the erudite of Bedfoid, and the general reader, there are libraries and news rooms, and aliteraryand scientificinstitution. 'i"he principal public buildings exclusive of those for divine worship are, a handsome shire hall, the county lunatic asylum, a female penitentiary, the town and county ga(d, the new corn exchange before mentioned, and the county infirmary ; towards the erection of the last named the late Samuel VVhitbrend,Esq. contributed the munificent sum of .£10,000., and the Marcjuess of 'i'avistock jiresented £2,000 towards its etdargement. Contiguous to St. Paul's church is an ancient biiild- ini;, conjectured to have been one of the prebi ndal iiouses mentioned by Leiand. A short mile west of the town are the remains of Caldwell Priory, founded in the reien of King John ; and a mile east, at Newcnham, are the more considerable fragments ofa prioi y foiiuded by Simon Beauchamp, in the time of Henry II, for black canons; but the original site was Bedford, from whence it was removed. This town gives the title of Duke to the noble family of Russell, and has been the residence of jome eminent individuals — Hovvaid the pliilanthropist, resided at Cardington, as did the late Samuel Whitbread, Esq. In 1813 died in this town, aged 106, Mr. Philip Thompson, who a few months before had followed his wife to the grave, with whom he had lived happily upwards of seventy years; Mr. Thompson had been visited by many of the nobility, and even by royalty — by several of the former he was stilicited to sit for bis picture. With the gratification imbibed from pleasing views and a fertile country, this neighhinirhood conjoins other at tractions, both modern and ancient: — Oaklev House, the beautiful seat of the Duke of Bedfoid, is but thiee miles distant; the ruins of Ncwenham abbey — those of Elstow nuiiery — and the site of the once highly piized castle of Bedford, which IS still to be traced, presents subjects of inteiest with the admiiei s of fine scenery, and for the contemplation of the anrnpiary. The casile, in early days, was fre- quently the seine of hlooilshed, and was at length (lemolished by Henry ill. A monastery also existed here at a very remote ])eriod, in a chapel of which was interred Otfa King of Mercia; but the river Ouse un- dermined the fabric, and engulphcd both the chapel and the royal tomb. The market davs are Monday, chiefly for hogs, and Saturday, for general commodities. Fairs the first Tuesday in Lent, April 21st, July 6th, August 21st, October 12ih,and December 19th; these fairs are principally for cittle, except that held on the 6th of July, which is likewise a considerable one for wool. The borough of Bedford (which comprises the several parishes before named), contiined, in 18.'U, 6,959 in- habitants, and in 1841, 9,178 — the population at the present time (IS.'.O), probably amounts to 11,000. EiSTOW, or Ehic.itow, a village nearly 2 miles s. from Bedford, wa« the birth-place of the celebrated and pious John Biinyan, before mentioned. 'i"be paiish church of Saint Nlary and Saint Helen, is chiefly in the Noiinan style of architecture, and contains several monuments of considerable antiquity: the living is a vicarage, in the pationage of the Whitbiead family. There are places of woisbip for Baptists and Indepen- dents. Fairs aie held on the l.itb and 16th May, and .'itii and 6th November, chii fly for cattle. The popii- liition of this and of the following parishes is stated after the notice of Wootton. Goi.DiNGTON tillage is 2 miles n. u. of Bedford. The church is dedicated to St. Mary: the livingisavicaraue in the presf-ntatioii of the Duke of Bedford. A Sunday school, and a chapel for Independents, are in Ihe villaRe. Cardingion vilhme is about 2J miles S. E. from Bedford. The parish church of Saint Mary, contains several ancient monuments ; also a mural tablet to the memorv of the great philanthropist, Jolin Howard, who resided some years in this parish; and there is a su|)erb monument, bv Bacon, erected in 1799, to the memory of Samuel Whithrearl, Esq. The living is a dischaigi d vicaraRo, in the ^ift of tlie Master and Fol- lows of Tiinity College, Cambridge. l3trector|)* BEDFORD, &c. l^cUfotHslbire* BiDDENHAiM, two luilc's west of Bedford — Clai'Ham, the like di-tance novtli— and Bkomiiam, tliree miles west iiv 1101 til, are inconsiderable \illages *nd parishes in tlie hiiiidied of Willey ; they have each their parish church, but contain nothing worthy of particular observation. Kempston a considerable village, is three miles nortli-west of Bedford. The church dedicated to All Saints, is a small unpretending huilding; the pre- sent incumbent, who is also patron of the liung, is the Kev. John Hamilton Williams. Near the church is a school conducted on Dr. Bell's system ; and within the parish, in a delightful situation, 'environed by sjrounds and gardens, is 'SpringtieldHouse,' an ably-conducted piivate hinatic asylum. Oakley is a neat village pleasantly situated about three and a half miles n. w. from Bedford, near to the Ouse, on the hanks of which river also stands Oakley Villa, the seat of the Duke of Bedford. The pari-h chuich of Saint IMaiy contains an ancient altar-tomb and etllgy in robes of the family of Keynes: the living is a vicarage in the patronage of the Provost and Fel- lows of Eton College. About a mile and a half west of Oakley is the village of Stevington. The church of Saint Mary, contains a monumentiil brass of a knight in armour, with the date 1422: the livint; is a vicarage, in the gift of the Duke of Bedford. In the centre of the village is an ancient cross, with an accent of steps. There are alms- houses, endowed by Robert Barritiger, in the year 1630, for five indigent persons. VVooTTON is rather a populous village, 5 miles s. w. from Bedford. The parish church of Saint Mary, contains a number of monnments to members of the Monoux family : the living is a vicarage, in the gift of the Rev. John Jenkin, the present incumbent. Population, &c.— The foregoing are all agricultural parishes; Elstow, Kempston and Wootton aie in Redbornestoke hundred — iheir population re-pectively in 1841, was 562, 1,699 and 1,106. tioLDiNGTON isinthe hundred of Barford — population 509. Cardington ia Wixhamtree hundred contained, 1,466. Biddenham, Bromham, and Stevington, are in Willey hundred — their population was 345,314 and 602. Clapha.m and Oakley are in Stodden hundred, and contained 370, and 561 inhabitaiiis respeciivily. POST OFFICE, HIGH STREET, BEDFORD, Mr. CHARLES DITHREY, Post Master. Arrival of the Mails, From London and various places South, East and West, every morning at six, and aficrnooti at half-past two From Ampthill, Woburn, Bir-viingham, Manchester, Liverpool, and all parts of the North of Eng- land, also fiom Scotland and Ireland, every nioriiing at eight. From the Counties of Huntingdon, Cambridge, and the Isle of Klv, every morning at half-past seven. Fromvariousp^acesin Buckinghamshire, letters arrive from Newport Pagnell, every morning athalf-past six Despatch of the Mails. To London and various places South, East and West, every morning at half-past nine, and night at ten. To Ampthill, Woburn, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, and all p.irts of the North of England, aKo to Scotland and Ireland, every evening at si.x. To the Counties of Huntingdon, Cambridge, and tlie Isle of Ely, every evening at half-past six. To the vaiious places in Buckinghamshire, letters are despatched to Newport Pagnell, every night NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Abbott Mr. Arclihjd. Clapham walk Adauison Chas, E^^q. St. Cuthbertst Addington the Mioses — , Potter st Addington Capt. William Sylvester, Goldington Lodge Alliott Rev. William, St. Peter st Anderson Mr. Walter, Oakky Ball Mr. Thomas, Oakky Bankes Mrs. Elizabeth, '/'avistock st Barker Mrs. Elizabeth, Goldington Bainard Tisomas, E>q. East Lodge Bass Mrs. Elizabeth, St Paul's S(|. iiedell James, Esq., Piiory terrace Bedford His Grace the Duke of, Oakley Villa Bodger Mr. John, Cardington Honil Rev. William Heniy, Oakley Boulton Henry Dyott, Esq., Putten Hoe, Goldington Kreretnn Rev. Chaile'*, Cauldwell st Brereton Rev. Dr. John, f. s. a., M. R. v.. s.. St. Paul's square BriglitmaiuMissSiiphiaKiniliolion id BiowneJoseph, Esq ,CauldwellVilla Browne Willi;im Kenworthy, Esq., Goldington Hall [Peter's gieeii Burnabv Rev. (lU.stavus Andrew, St. Chalk Rev. William Shove, Rectory, Wilder! [row Chambers Mrs. Catherine, Crescent ClarksoiiRev.John,M.A.,Gt. Burford Clay Serjeant-Major Matthew, Tavistock st T terrace Clementi Rev. Vincent, Victoria Colborn Mrs. Ellen, Bedford tei race Col(|uhoun William James, Esq., Elstow Lodge Coope Mr. Samuel, Tavistock st Cox Thomas, Esq. Victoria terrace Creasy John, Else]., Crescent Crespin Rev. Abraham John, M. A., Vicarage, Rixliold Dawson John Thomas, Esq. Wood- land House, Clapham Dawson Wilhani Ambrose, E>q, Victoria ten ace Dennis the Misses, Cauldwell st Deverell Major Wm.Adelaide square Dixon Colonel John, Kempston Donne Rev. Jas., D.D.,St. Paul's sq Dumelow Mrs. Mary, St. Peter's st Eaules Ezra, Esq. (coroner). Dame Alice st [House Edwards Thomas, Esq., Wootton Elger Mr. Isaac, St. John st Elliott RohertEsq.jGoldineton House England Rev. Jidin, St. Peter st Entwisle Rev. Jose|)li, Harpur st Farrell Rev. .Maurice, Cardington Fewson Mrs, Mary, Crescent Fount dii Mr. John, St. Peter st Francis Mrs. Hannah, Harpur place Frost Rev, John, Cotton end Fuller Rev. Henry, m. a.. Priory terrace ' [road Gaskiii Rev. John, m. a., Kimbblion Gell Mr. Wm.Wiight,Pleisant place Gibbins Mr. Heniy, Bromham Golding Mr. Widiam, Biddenham Goiidall Rev. Jas.Joseph, Bromham Gostlina Mr. Henry Valentine, Hill farm, Oakley [holton road Gow Mrs. Charlotte Sophia, Kim- Green Mr. Edward, Cotton end Green Mr. Thomas, Si, Mary st Grimshawe Rev, Thomas Shuttle- worth, Biddenham Haigh Rev, John, OakJey Halfhead Mrs, Harpur place Halfhead Richard Esq. Harpur place Hsmilton Captain Gerrard B, Kim- bo I ton road [Albert terrace Harcourt Captain George Simeon. Harridine Mr, William, Cotton end Harris Joliii,Esq.Springfield House, Kempton it at ten, HaslchamCaptain W. G., St. John st HawKins Mrs. Jane, Olfa .st Hedges Rev. James, New tovvn Heieford Richard, Esq. Cauldwell st Higgins Chas., Esq. St. Cuthbert st Hine Mr. George, Oakley Hol>sonRobt,Esq.iheHoo,Kempston Holben ftliss Saiah, Potter st Howard Mr. Charles, Biddenham Hutchinson Captain Charles, r. n.. Crescent [place Ineraiity Mrs. Elizabeth, Harpur Jackson Charles, Esq., Offa st Jenkin Rev. Jidiii, a.m., Wootton Jenkins Miss Eliza, St. Peter st Joyce Mr. George, Kempston Jukes Rev. John, Dame Alice st Killeii Rev. Hugh, St. Peter st Kiljiin the Misses — , Mill st Kin« Mr, Thomas B., St Jrdiii st Langiey Miss Elizabeth, High st Lavender Mr. John, Biddenham Lawson Mrs.Elizabth.Priiiry terrace LecciiCapt. Htnry, Anipihill st Leech the Misses' — ,Har|iur p!a>~e Le .Mesurier Rev. Henry.Hornelant; LittledaleHy. Esq. KempstonGrange Livius Geo. Peter Fsq.St.Cuihben st Lucas .Mrs. Harriet, Priory terrace Lynn Mr. William, EKtow M'Cumming Major Richard, Vic- toria terrace Maclear Rev. George, ma. Cre.'cent Meek Mrs. Sarah Jane, Priory road Mesliam Mrs. Mary, St. Loyes st Medcalfe Mr. Samuel, Pleasant place .Miller Major James, Crescent Mills Mrs. Charlotte, Potter st Minster Mrs.Mary, St. Pe:cr's green Monkliouse Rev. Wm., Goldington Moore Mr. John, Home lane Mossop Miss Mary, Bedford terrace Newland Capt. Robert, Kempston Norfolk Buileigii, Esq. , Adelaide sq. 33£tifoilJj5i)iie. BEDFORD, &c. plater J5 GENTRY, &c Conlinued. Paiiic CliailL-i. Ksij.. St. iMaiy st P.ruu- Mi-s .Maiv Caidingt'in Palgnnt' Clias Kredk. E^■q. Hij;h st Palmer Win. Fyslic, E>(\. CH'^Vt line PaiktrMr. \Vi'l!iaiii St Paiil'.s square I'aiidtt l\ev. .loliii, [4asse(tst Poaise Htv. Henry, St. Jnlin st Peck iMis. Caroliiu', Piioiy tt-nace Pesiell William, Esq., the Elms, Eistinv Phillips Mr. 'riionia*, TaviNtocI; st Putliill Captain Fieiltiick, Howbury riall, Ucnliolii Powles Capt. Philip, Albert terrace Prowle Mr. Benjamin, Cardni(;t(iii Purser Mrs.Eliz.,GiilirMii;t()nCi)ttane llaynsfurdMrs. Eliza Ann.l'i imy tei r Hcibe Ca])tain Jolm Wni.liidtienliam Hoheits Kev. J. L, Albei t terrace Itog. r» Mr. John, UrDUiliam Hog. rs Mr. Samuel, Oakley Rogers William, E>q., Howard'.s Cottige, Mill st [rd Uowfiott Major Krancis, Kimbolton Poy Mrs. Maltha, Cre.scent Co'tane IUi(l(lachCapt.llq., Crescent Skevin);tonMis.I'>lizal)itli,Si John st Small Mis. Dorolhv, Priory terrace Smith FievBcitelt-rCheiiiorke.Oakley Smith .Mrs. Frances, High st Smiih Capt. John, KimbolioiiHouse Smith Mis. Oliver, Haipiii place Spaiiinv .Mr>. Aniie, Haipiir place .Siieet Mr. )aine«, Hairnwden Stuait Cot. Ceoig", Albert terrace Stuart Henry, K>-i\., m.p., Ktiiipston Tale John, Esq , Albi it terrace ThomasMiss*:aiuli,St. {'aiii's scjuare 'riiompsoiiRu hard, Esq. Bed (""rd terr Tliorp ll.ibert Es(|., St. John st TovMisend Mis Eliz., St. Peter .st Tn vor Hoiible. George Rice, m. p., Biomham [Harpnr place 'I'rollope Captain George li., k. n., V'erej Heiii y, l'-M|.,BrnnihHmCottage Warner Capt. |{ich(l.\'Jctoiia terrace U'eale liobert, Esi).. St. Peter st WelN .Mis. Mary, '^avi^tock st Wells'i'hos. Em). the Barns. Feiilake Wliithnad Samuel Chaile-, Es(j., Howard \'illa, Cardinuton Williams iUv. John Hamilton, vicar- agi', Kt nip^ton William son the Misses — ,Kempstoii Wi|sonlooL, St. Paul's sijuaie : — //('(/(/ Muster — Rev. Dr. Jolm Biereton, k. s. a., m k. g. s. Second Miiiter—\it:v. Henry Le Mesuriei, M. a. Mathemtitleal Tutor — Reverend Edward Swann, m. a. Assistant Classical Master — Rev. Chailes Brereton, B.C. L. Junior Classical Master — Mr. Heniy Dodwell, M. A. H'ritiiig Muster ami Teacher of Arithmetic — Mr. J. liowden French Master — Monsr. Rudde Drauimf Master — Mr. Bradford Rudge English Commercial School, Harpur street : — Head Master — .Mr. John Moore Second Master— ^\v. Finlinson Cuncurrent Assistants — George Windward, Mr. Nialls, George Grant, Mattliew Guttridge Preparatory Commercial School — Harpur st: — Master — Mr. James Bannister Concurrent Assistants — Charles Hall, Frederick Hill General Preparatory School, Harpur street: — Master — Mr. Thomas Riley GiRi.s' School, Hat pur street Mistress — Mrs. Furze Infants' School, Harpur street Master — Thomas Jagg Mistress — Anne Jagg Green Misses (board ng) St. Leonard's Cottaiie Harding Sarah, Gadsbv st Infants' School, Biddenhain, Mary Nicholls, niistre.ss Mayle Mary (boarding and day), Wellington st Mills Sarah (boarding), Crescent Moravian — S'. Peter st — Mary Jenkins, governess NationalSchool; Hafpurstrcct — Thomas Riley, master National School, Cardington — Willium 'I'aylor, master National School, Kempston — Williain Brooks, master Smith Mary (boarding), Priory terr. Theological Society, Cotton end • — Rev. John Frost, tutor ACCOUNTANTS. Kilpin Joseph, St. John st Stafibrd Charles, Mill st AGENTS. CSee also Fire tell John, Gievfiiars' wa:lk Bairatt William, 'Offa st Barringer Favell, St. Cuthbert st Bennett Jidin, Gohliiigton iiettle vVilliam, Cauldwell st Bitigs Willimi, Bromham *Bitliiey luhvard, St. Loye.s st Bithrey Thomas, St. John st •Biimly John, St. Miry st Cambers Thomas, Cotioii end Chapman Susan, St. John st Chuirh John, St. Lojes st *Clifion Anne, Hiiih st Coleman .John, Harpur st Crouch William, ENtow Dudley Edmund, Kemp.ston •Duiilop Sarah, St. {..oye^ st Ekin.'^ Giorgr, 'I'.ivisiOLk st Eraser vVilliam, Har|)ur st Gentle JaiiKS, Comluii st Gobble Jose|)li, St. John st HardwicI: Frederick, Mill st Hart James, Tavistock st iUing John. Grevfiiars st Joyce .lohii, Kempston Kent Heiiiv, Gw\n st *A}ald.n David. High st Maxev John.O^klev Nichols John, WelLs st Paris George, IMUioft st Pearson V\ illiam, High st Poole 'I'liomas, Stevingtoii »Ro.ss Williain, Silver st Sanderson Jolm, Caidiiigfon -Skeviniiton Robert, St. .lohti st Smith Samuel, Elsiow Whi'ehead .lane. Conduit st Worrall William, Conduit st BANKERS. j Bamard ^ Son, High st — (draw on Sir Chillis I'lice t Skene Geoisie Roliert, Bedford .Mercuiy Otfice. Millst Smith Mary, Sih'tr st Tliompson Fredeiick, High st 'I'iniaeU'* Charles Frederick, High st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Allen James, 'ravi>tock st Ashby Robert, Pilcroft st Chamberlain Thomas, Tavistock st Chapman Isaic, Silver st Course George, Tavistock st Denyer James, Piincess st Denyi r Josejih, Harpnr st Flood Mary Ann, St. Loyes st Gauthorn Jo^iali, Hassettst Hart Jan)es, St. Cnthbert .st Hart Joseph, Mill st Haydoii Daniel, Gadsby st Hull Thomas, (Jolditigtoii Jones Edward, High st Kent William, High st Alallows Charles, Si. Loves st Mayes Geoit;e, Hasseit st Mayes 'Ihomas, Greenhill st Muhsey Jacob, High st, St. Peter's IMunsey Thomas, Wells st Niclnds John, Gvvyn st Parrott William, Harpur place Pickering Cbpistoplier, Wells st Plowman Sainnel, Crescent row Robinson Willian), Kempstim Sletcher John, Kempston Sletcher William, St. John st Smith Rolieit, St. John st Smith Thomas High si Stock John, Pilcroltst Swilt Thomas, Greet. hill st Tntt Samuel, Wells st Wliildman Tlioma-^, Newnhain st White Joseph Cooper, Conduit st Wright Cbailes, Wells st Young William Tilsnn, Mill .st BRAZIERS AND TIN-PLATE WORKERS. Markeil thus ^aiealso Coppeismilhs. Bentley VVilliam Henry, Caiildwellst "Howard Joiiii i^ Son, High st Jelly William Henry, Gwyn st *Kilpin William Wells, High st Moiton 'I'homas, High st Skerman Joseph, St. Loves st ♦Williams Willi. m, High st BREWERS. Day William, Tavi^tock st Dines Jane, 'I'avistock st Higgins George, Castle lane Hulatt Robert, Conduit st Nash George Peregrine & Son, St. Mary st Newland& Pestell, St.Paul's square Redden Frederick, Home lane Small Naihanial Wells St. Peter st BRICK AND TILE MAKERS. Urown Jose|)li, High st Howard & Son (& flour pol). High st Page'Phos., Castle mills, Goldington BRICKLAYERS, SLATERS AND PLASTEREES. Benin Charles, Potter st Day William, Gwvnst 2 Francis David, Canldwell st Francis George, Harpnr st Francis James, Tavi.stock st Francis John, St. Peter's green Horsford James, Wells st (vaw>on Thonns, Newnhara st Masters Kdward, Offa st Smith Thomas, Wells .st BRUSH MAKERS. Hnckliffe William, St. Loyes st Shelton Henry, High st BUILDERS. {See also Carpenters i<,- Joiners.) Berrill Charles, Potter st Cobb John, Offa st Fiaiicis David, Canldwell st Francis John, St. Peter st Francis Samuel, Gwyn st Horsfotd James, VVeils st Meix;er William, Gwyn st Miller Georiie Handscomb, High st Preston William, Cauldwell st Waul Samuel, St. Peter st Wing James Tacy, Potter st Wdodiuffe James, St. Cuthbeit st Woottcn Charles, St. Loyes st BUTCHERS. Antes Joseph, VVells >t Baiton William, Sievingtoii Ba.Kter John, Ofla st Heriington James, Cardington Brooks Jo-eph, VVells si Brown Thos. Robert, St. Pauls squre Carit f J(din, Harpur st Chapman James, St. Cuthbeit st Chuich Bi njainii), St. Loyes st Colson John, High st Ciawley James, Cre-cent row Darrington William, Gieyfiiars walk Davis Barnard, St. Loyes st Fa\ ell John, Ofla st I'owler Charles, Harpur st Fmr William, Harimr st Hull Josiah, rfarpnr st Isitt James, Si. John st Isitt John, High st Joice William, Goldington Jones GenrceTalboys, Silver st Kingston Thomas. St. iMary st [>acey James, High st Makeham John, Greyfriars walk Malilen Jnhn, St. Mary st Martin .Ann Maiia, Mill st Miles Thomas, Haipnr st Norman Tboiiias, St. John st Peers Humphrey, High st Peers Thomas, .silver st Robinson John, K' tuiiston Tansley Chrirles, Harpur st Tanslev Jose|)h, St. Loves st Thody William, High st" Trueman Thomas, Cardington Turner Wiliiam, Harpur st Waldock Thomas, St. Loyes st Walker Samuel, St. Loyes st White Jo>ei)h, Kempston CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Burr James, High st Hutcher Wm. Swithin,St. IMary st Denton Wm. Joseph, St. Loyes st French Brooks, Silver st Frohcick Joiin, Silver st George Martin William, Harpur st Gillions William, Gwvn st Hockliflfe William, St. L'.yes st Pearson John, Silver st Randall Edward, St. Paul's square Reynolds Thomas, Conduit st Mock John, St. Paul's square Tavlor Thomas, St. Loves st Warne William, St. Mary st Wells George & Co., High st CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Karratt Thomas, Greyfriars walk Clayton I-aac, Caiildwellst Cobb John, Olfast Cor.quest John, Kempston st Deniiy Thomas, Gwyn st Fastatr Hemy, Adelaide square Freshwater Samuel, Castle lane Fiohock John, Silver st Frolmck .lohn, Dame Alice st Green ftlaydwell Tavistock st Hilton John, Oaklev Holding Benjamin, Harpur st Howlett Francis, Stevington Maxev William, Gwyn st .Millis" Thomas, St. Paul's square Preston William, Cauldwell .st Revnolfls Thomas, Conduit st Taylor Thomas, St. Loyes st Pail John, Albert st Ward Richard, Harpnr st Wootton Charles, St, Loyes st CARVERS AND GILDERS. Shelton Chailes John, High st '•helion Henry, Higli st I'accbi Anthony (& paper hanger), St. John st CATTLE DEALERS AND GRAZIERS. f.,acey James, High st Rowiiey William, Fenlake Street James, Harrow den CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. .Anthony Jacob, Higii st Coombs .lames, Hich st Conie Chailes, St. Mary st Cuttiiss William (& dentist) High st Palgiave Cli is. Fiederick, High st Prior Thomas Fowler, Highst Seigeant John, High st riiorne John, St. Loyes st CHINA GLASS; &c. DRALERS. Cox George, St. Loyes st Hester Mary, Silver st Rawlns Thomas, High st CLOTHES DEALERS. Careless Klietiezer, High st Carter Eieazer, Harpur st Hoilson 'I'homas Battyll, St. Mary st iMav Henry, Silver st PesUett Philip, High st Rolls Sainut 1, High st Skevington Josef)b, Silver st Smith Thomas, High st COACH BUILDRRS. Bedford James Heniy, Wells st (MarkeCbas. Lennox, Newnhani st Last William, Canldwell st COAL MERCHANTS. Marked thus* are also 'limber Merchants Barringer Favell, St. Cnthbert st Curiis John, St. Peters green Curtis James, VVells st *(Jreen Thos. & James, St. Mary st Hollier Jolin, Cauldwell st Hull John & Co., New whart *Lovell Samuel, St. Mary st Redden Fiediiiek, Home lane Smith Jabez, Gwyn st CONFECTIONERS. {See also Bakers.) Biashiei John, High st George John, Harpur st Mann James, St. Loyes st Woollams Maiy, High st COOPERS. Clifton Thomas, High st Hodgkins Mary, Silver st Smitli Wm. Holyoake, Cauldwell st Yickeis Susannah, Wells St IJcbfoiUjEfftive. BEDFORD, &c. plater 15 CORN DEALERS. Cliuic)) Ji'liii [&. flour'), St. Loyes st Clifton Heiiiti. f.V flour), Higli st Hipwell Willi.iiri, Ui>:h >>t [ington Hob>ou Fraucis, Ca-tle mills, Gold- Joy Jd-epl), Gtvyii st I.e'tt William, Uiiiou st Nicliiills Hiiirv & Co, High st Paine J ibez, St. Jolm st Sergeant Tliomas, St. Paul's square Siual Nailianiel Wells, St. Peter st CORN MILLERS. Bigps Williani, lirdniliani mills Colder Tliomas, Keinp>ton Favell Echvard, Stevington Hipwell Wi liam, HIkIi st [ington Hubson Fiancis, Castle mills, Gold- Rojiers Cliailts, Oakley White 'riionia>, Cardinnton mill CURRIERS AND LEATHBR SELLERS. Flood Mary Ann, St. l.,oyes at Lovell John. Cattle Ihiu' Pickerinn (Jhristoplier, Wells St Smith Thomas, Hiuli st Smith \\ illiam, Gwyn st White iMary, St. iMaiy st DYERS AND SCOURERS. Circeu William Henry, St. John st Tisdiill Henry, St. John st FANCY BAZAAR. Wells George eech & Wing, Mar- Eagle & I'rotector (life), William Rayment, St. Petri's green i'AMiLV Endowment, Charles Fredeiick Timaiui. High st HABERDASHERS «i HOSIERS. Allen Edmund, St. Loyes st Aston William Goode, High st Attack Sarah, Tavistock st Strange Elizabeth, Silver st HAIR DRESSERS AND PER- FUMERS. Bithrey Susannah, High st Clare John, High st Claik Thomas, St. Loves st Clements Walter, Cauldwell st Collins Edwin, St. Paul's si)uare Farmers', Charles William Roger- Coulston William, (Jreyfiiars walk son, Amptbili st ,. , ' Cox John, Harpur st Guardian, James Coombs High st ; K{,j„n Joseph, Tavi.stock st General, Samuel Woodman Hill, HenOiaw Henry. St. John .st Highst [MaiketliiU Umb William, High st Gresham flife), James Shepherd, ' J^^^,„l^.Jol„l(&lJi,,J stufl[er),Silverst Legal, Luke ( berry, HUh st I p,;,,,. Stephen, Harpur st London, Jax. Shepherd, .Market hill \ p,j,|,. William, Wtlls st National Provident (life),Saml. Sinith Isaac. St. John st Claydon, High st [High st Waines William, Silver st Norwich Union, Joxeph Browne. I Pelican (life) and Pikemx (fire),] HATTERS. JoM'pb Kilpm, St. John st ; Cherry Luke. Hinh st Pro.moler, Jame-i Wyatt, High st Franklin Eli/abeth, St. Mary st Provident (life). Leech and Wing, Grant .Alexander, High .st Market hill , Hodson Thos. iJattyll, St. Mary st Royal, Clarke B. Merry, Wells st Lilburn Thomas, High st Royal Exchange, William White, St. Marv st .Sovereign (Wiv:), Speiling&Symes, Cauldwell st Star, Fiederirk Howard, High st Su K, Alexander Sharman, St. Cuth- bert street Times {life),Thomas Siuiih, Highst 10 May Hem V, Silver st Peskett Phi.ii|), High st Poller William, High st Shepherd James, St. Paul's square Skevingion Josepli, Silver st Sturgcs NatliHiiiel, St. John st Walker Matilda, High st Wells George & Co., High st INNS AND HOTELS. [See also Taverns i( Public Houses.) Fountain (commercial), John Ward, St. John st George (commercial and posting], Eliza Tobhs, High st Red Lion (commercial), John Jenks, Hiuh st [Hiehst Swan(&postiDgbouse),Chas.Higgiu9 IRON & BRASS FOUNDERS. Howard John & Son, High st Williams William, High st IRON MERCHANTS. Green Thns. & James, St. Mary st Howard John &. Son, High st LovcU Samuel, St. Mary st IRONMONGERS. Burr James, High st Howanl John & Son, High st Kilpin William Wells, High .st Morton Thomas, High st Pearson John, Silver st Williams William, High st LACE MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS. Abrahams Samml, Kempston Clark Samuel, Priixes st HoriLSey Joseph, Hi.ih st Lester Tiioma«, High st Sims James Charles. High st Thorp Iloberi, St. John st LIME BURNERS. Benin Charles, Potter st Browne Joseph, High st Green Thomas & James, St Mary st Howard John, Clapham ruad LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS AND SILK MERCERS. Allen Edmuiiil, St. Loyes st Ballard Samuel, High st Bull William, Silver st Cherry Luke, High st Claydon Samuel, Hi;Sh st Hurst & Wootton, High .st Kniib Fredeiick Henry, Higli .st Lester Thomas, Hi«h st Pe.skett Philip, Hiih st Porter William, Hitli st Priest & Cooper, High s« Pulley Henry. St. Paul's squaie Strange Elizabitb, Silver st Sturgess Nathaniel, St. John st Trapp John, High st LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS AND owners of HORSKS, GIGS AND carriages for hike. Bannti John, St. Paul's .square Hariiss John, Home lane Hill George, Gadsby st Wahloek Thomas (& horse dealer), St. Loyes st MALTSTERS. Higgins George, Castle lane Hulatt Unbelt, Conduit st Lovell Samuel, St. Mary st [st NaO) Geo. Peiegrine& Son, St.Mary Newlaiid & Pcstell. St. Paul's sqare Prowle Beniamin, Caidingion Redden Fredeiick, Home lane Sergeant Thomas. St. Paul's sqnaie Small Nathaniel Wells, St. Peter st White Edwaid, Goldinglon MILLERS. See Corn Millers. MILLINERS dcDRESS MAKERS .Allen Charlotte, I'rinces st Bentley Elizabeth, St. John st Boston Sarah, St. Loyes st Brown Hannah, OH'a st Bundav Lury, St. Mary st Burr Marv, High st ISlvectoi)^, BEDFORD, Ac. 3$tlrfoilr0D(ie. Cherry Mary, High st Clavdoii Rebecca, High st Clifton Mary, Gwyii st Cotsworth Eliza, Wellington st Crawley Eli/abeth, Highst Curvin James, Gadsby st Denyer Hanitt, Harpurst Easy Sarah, Harpur st lidwards Aiiiif, Cauldwell st Emery Elizaluih, Offast Fintdon Reberca, Duck Mill lane Gazeley Eliza, Grey friars bt Haydon Mary, Gadsby st Haynes EtnnM&Jani-, Wt- llington st Hiikcy Caroline. Hassett st Hor.^ford Jane, Wellingfon st Howell E. &S , Ampthill st Humphries Elizabeth, Castle lane Kilpin Emily, Tavistock st Knight Prudence, St. Mary st Maliey Ann, St. Cnthbert'st Nichols Lucy, Gwyn st N'lrman Eliza, Highst Payne Jane, Hassett st Peer Susnn, Dame Alice st Piior Martha, Wells st Rayner Mary, Higli st Roberts Anne, Silver st Robinson Caroline, Kenipston Sergeant Sarah, High st Smith Anne, St. Loyes st Smith Charlotte, Priory terrace Smith Elizabeih, St. John Nt StHpleton Kliza.St. Loyes st 'J'ay.or Mary, St. Loyes st Taylor Susan, St. Loyes st Thatcher Sarah, Albert st [place Thompson Eleanor & Eliza, Harpur Wdotton Elizabeth, Kenipston VVooiton Mary, Si. Loyes st MUSIC SELLERS. Bithrey Cliarles, Tavistock st Nunn John, Crescent Rose Rol)eit [& organist). High st NURSERY «c SEEDSMEN. Barringer Kavell (and florisi\ St. Cuthlieri st Constant Thomas, Cauldwell st Crdft Felix, Newnham st Hipwill William, High st Lancaster Isaac. Pilcioft st Maiiton James, Wells st Nicholls Henry & Co., High st Sheppard & Son, Albert terrace Smith Henry, St. Loyes st PAPER HANGERS. See under the head ItookseUers, Sfc. PATTEN AND CLOG MAKERS. Frazer Joseph, Silver st Samuel William, Gvvynst PAWNBROKERS. Rolls Samuel, High street Yard ley James, Offa st PHYSICIANS. Barker Thos. Herbert, Priory terr Dick Paris Thomas, Potter st Evans Griffith Francis, High st Fitzpatrick Nicholas, Claph^m road Hughes James Vaughan, High st Prior Charles, Bedfoid terrace PLUMBERS, PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. Barker Isaac, Cardington Barker Jeeph, Gwyn st Joyce Geoige, Kenipston Lilley Joseph, Tavistock st Longstaff jjevl, St. Loyes st LongstaflT William, Kenipston Mackness Elizabeth. Newnham st Makham William, Biddenham Manton Thomas, St. John st ^Jayle Su^annnh, St. Cuthbert st Millward John, Silver st Mobbs William, Wells st Munsey Thomas, Weils st Norman Ann, St. John st Paviis Elizabeth. Elstow Whitehead Jane, Conduit st Wootton Mary, St. Loves st SURGEONS. Bailey William, St. Paul's scjuare Barker Thomas HerbcMt, Priory teir lilower William, Mill st Coachman Robert, Highst Hurst Isaac, High st Hyne Charles W., 'J'avistock st Robinson Charles, Haipurst Thurnall William. St. John st SURVEYORS. Harris Richard Abbott (of taxes), Tavistock st Horsford James, Wells st [ter st Ja( kson & VViiig(& aichitects), Pot- Moryaii Philip (ottaxes),Tavistock st Pulley & Son, St. Paul's square Staffoid Chatles, Mill st [green Usher John (& architect), St.Prter's Woodroffe James, St. Cuthbert st TAILORS. Marked thus * are also Drapers. Baldock Williatn, Ciesceiit row Bandey William, Goldinttou Barratt Ehenezer, Kenipston •Boston George, St. M^ry st Brown Thoma^, Conduit st Brown Thomas, Offa st 1 Campion VVilliam, Beckett st Craddock Thomas, Conduit st Davis John, Kenipston *Pawson VVillium, H'gli st Fitzhugh Richard, Allhallows lane Gazeley William, Mill st Grant Alexander, High st Green Samuel, Wells st Hipwell Samuel, St. John st Kay William, Union st Lilburn Thomas, High st May Henry, Silver st Mayes James, St. Loyes st Miller George, High st •Moore George, St. John st Moore Isaac, Gwyn st Nicholson William, Pilcroft st Nobles John, Harpur place Peet John, St. Loyes st Savage John, St. Mary st Shepherd James, Market hill Skevington Joseph, Silver st Smith Isaac, St. John st Smith VVilliam, Elstow Stock James, St. Paul's square Valentine Janus, Gwyn st Whildinan James, Pilcroft st Wright Joseph, Wells st TALLOW^ CHANDLERS. Arptlioipe James, Highst Bradley John, St. Marv st Clark & Sons, High st' Green & Son, High st TAVERNS «c PUBLIC HOUSES. Auchor, James Baker, Great Barford Anchor, William Lyon, Fenlake Angel, John Smith, Cauldwell st Barleymow, Thos. Waldock, St Loyes st Bear, George Uay, Hish st Bedford Arms. Ann Woods, Oakley Bell, Gec.rse Francis, Harpur st Bell, Benjamin Preston, Cotton »nd Bull, George Smith, Silvir st II iJetifovti^Dirc. BEDFORD, &c. ^lat£V's5 TAVERNS, 6cc,— Continued. Chequers. Jolin Carver. M'l-ollon Chequers. Walter Periiyal .Shelley, High st Cheriy Tree, Thus. Partriike.CauUlwell si Coacli& Horses.Jolin B.->rrat!,St I'aul'ssq Cople Dog, Uilliaiu Undt;in, Cople Cioss Keys, Richari Stennett, High st Crown, 'I'hoinas Allen, Uroniliain Crow n, Sarah Truman, Cople five Bells, Hob. ri Smith, Cople flower Pot, \\ illiam Uichaids, OITa st George & Dragon, Joseph Jiidee, iMill st Half .Moon. Job Litchfieid, Kempstoii Hop Pole, Edward Foster, Cauldwell st Horse & (iroonijRsau Jackson, (^laphani Horse & Jucliey, John Cottani,St. John st King's Arms.Thos. Truenian.Cardington Kinjj's Arms, .Ann Venall, St. .Mary st [st Leu of Mutton, S.iinl.Middleton, Si.Jolin Nas's Head, Susannah Virkers, Welis st N'ew Inn. Robert Iviug, Tavistock si Odd Fellows Arms, J;inies Baker, Will ft Old George, Robert Briilcut, Georijc yard Polhill's .\iius. Geiirue Dobings, Renhold Quart Pot, Thomas Robinson, Kempston Railway Swan, Thos. Jessop, London rd Red l.ion, Isaac Keecli, 'Slevington Red Lion, Samuel Paybody, St. Loves st Red Lion, Henry Tuci.cr, lillslow Robin Hood, Charles Gaseley, High si Rose, Charles Lenno.x Claike, High si Saracen's Head, Benjn.SavaL'e, St. Join st Saracen's Head, Jas. Moss, Si. Paul's sq Ship, John Torr, SI. Cuthlx-rt st Shoulder of Mutton, Sarah Malker,\Vell3t Sow & Pigs. Joseph Ford, St. John it Star, William Wells, Harpur st Swan. John Bazley, Clapliam Swan, Anthony Chibnall, Kempston Swan, John Cox, Elslow Swan, William Joice, (ioldington Three Tuns, W illiam Wells, Uldderiham White Hart, Martha Allen Great Barf.)rd White Hmse, Jnhti W ildnian, Harpur st William IV. Samml Ma\uard, Kenipslon Windmill, William Lawrence, St. Mary st Wiestlers, Saml. Britton, St. Cutliberl st Retailers of Beer. Barker Sarah, Newnbdm st Barrett Ebenezer. Kempston Baleman John, St. John st Bennett Williim, Pilcroft street West Bennett James, Golilingtlliill st ^eKUs John. Pilcroft st N.rlli Thomas. Hmpur st Pool-- John, Slevington Read John, (ireyfiiaie' walk Reynolds .-'amuel, Guldinptoii Roberts James, Cnstle lane Salisbury John, Clapham Siwell Anne, Cauldwell st Keamaik William, Hiith st Smith Fr.inc'S. Cauldwell st Stock James, Silvrr »t Stralton .luhn Kiiirell, St. Loyes at Taylor John, Clapham Taylor Fredi rick, harpur «t Taylor 111. imsK, WelUst Tult Pamoel, W.llsst Webster John, Cnion st Wildniun Edward. Newnham st Willinotl U illiam. Poller st Wootton William, Casllc lane 12 TEA DEALERS. Anthony .lacol>, Hii;h st Bithiuy Chill li.'.-', Higli st TIIVIBER MERCHANTS. Sec under the head Coal Merchants. TOY DEALERS. Clare .lolm, Hiyli ^t Claik 'I'liiiinas, Si. Loyes st Clifton Tlioinas Higli st HaiiifS William, St. Mary st Smith .Mai y, Silver .'■t TURNERS. Head Charles \ Joseph, M'l'lls .=.t VETERINARY SURGEONS. Uilll'.^ Cliaiif.s, Tavi.itock st ITiL-kwoocl Groigi', Adelaide sqiiaie U(ioci-()ii '1 liiinias Will. Aiiijithill .st WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS. 15iill John, Hind st Clare & Son, High st Eiuicli .Iaiiie~, OH'a st French Brooks, Silver >t HaiiH s William, St. Maiy i-t Huher Conrad (clock uiakt rj,0(fa st Levy Lcv\is, Olla f-t ' 1 .Miller J oseiili, Hi-h st Oshoiii Oei'ige, Haipnr st | Pemhroke James, Haiijur st Yaidley Janii s, Offa st AVHEEL WRIGHTS. Bazley John, Conduit .st Boiiney .losepli, Kemp-^-ton Brimiei Joseph, Caiilington Dines Thoiias, Ca'diiit;toii (iiddinns John, I'otier st .^lannillK lienjamin. Kempston I iMaynard .lohn, St. Petei's green Starmore Genrge, Pilcioft st West WHITESMITHS AND BELL- HANGERS, Bentley William Henry, Cauldwell st Frazer Josepl', Silu r st Guest John, Conduit st Howard Joliii & Son, Hiuli st Kilpin William Wells, High st Lilky James, Silver st Morton 'Ihom^s, Hiiili st Williams William, High st WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Boxall William, St. IVIary st Browne .loseph, Hiiih st Clifion Anne (Briiisir, Hi;;h st Costick ik liaster, Harpur st Gneii & Son ('IJritish), High st HiKLiins Charles, High st .Na?li George Peregrine & Son. St. Maty stieet Rawlins luiward & Henry (ami di-tillcis), High st Miscellaneous. UarkiT John, sitvants register oftice, Pil- croft street West [John st Bellamy Ann, servants register oHice, St. Bentley Williaiii Henry, manufacturer and patentee of the Garden Irrigator, to Her Majesty, Culdwell st Browne Joseph, cleik to commissioners of land and assessed ta^es, St. I'aul'ssq Callin William, palish clei k, A lopthill st Clarkson John, inspector of com returns, H cllinglon street [st Coorohs N\ illiam, luad constable. Silver Crau ley V\ m. \\hip in:>nufaetuier,nigh >t Culiriss 1 hutiias mineral water nianu. faclnrer, High street Francis William, parish clerk, St. Peter st Grey William, lihtarian and keeper of the public rooms, Hatparsl Gorsl .Inlin, machinisi, Cuiidoit st Haines William, parish clerk. .Si. Mary st H.'ines William, musical instiument ma- ker, Si Mary street Hiild Tlioma-, mipervisor of rc'venue, Wellington stiert | square I llughan Jaines,travellingdrapcr:.\delaide Inwood William, cork cutter. Wells st Lilley Joseph, fishmonger. High st Lovelidge Teomas, paiish cleik. Wells st Mantiin .John, parish clerk, Newnham st Merrywuather John, glover, St. John st Peacock Thomas, ginger beer maker, Greyfriars walk Rayroen' William Drake, bailiff to county court, St. Peter's cieen Robinson Thomas, travelling tea dealer, Wellington street Ross William, confectioners' mould, &c. maker, Silver street Rudge Bradford, anist, OITa st [walk Safwell Ephraim. parish clerk, Greyfriars' .Shrimpton Johti, rag merchant, W ells st Staple Ion Mary, fruiterer, Harpur st Ward 'I'hnmas, poulterer, Offa st Wells Thomas, rod grower, Fenlake PLACES OF WORSHIP^ AND THEIR MIMSThUS. CIJi;RCIIES01-TIlli ESTABLISHMENT All Sai NTs, Kempston — Kcv.John[lam* Rev. John illoii Williams, rirar. Haint Cuthbkkt's, Bedlord- Gaskin, M. *. rtetor. Saint Johns, Bedford- Rct. Henry Pearse, rettir. Saint RIary'S, Bedford — Rev. Charles Breieton, F. s. A., M. R. G. s.,c«ruldini;ton — Rev. Wil- liam Monkhouse, M. a. tiear. Saint JNIakt's, Cardington — Rev. IMau- lice Fanell, vicar Saint Maiiy's, Oakley— Rev, Jamr» Joseph Goodal|,ricnr. Saint M AUY'i,Slevinglon— Rev.William Henry Bund, vicur. Saint Maky's, Wootton— Rev. John Jeiikin. M. A. vicar. Saint Paul's, Bedford — Rev. James Doni'e, B D. vicnr. Saint Pktkr's, Bedford — Rev.Gustavus Andrew ISurnaby, rector. Trinity Cuuhch, Bedlord- Rev. Henry Worlhin{;ton, rector DISSENTING CHAPELS. Baptist, Mill st-Rev, Hui;h Killen. Baptist. Castle la- Rev. Wm.Tlio.nber. liAl'TiST, .Stevincton— Rev John ILii(;b. Inukpendent (Bunyan Chapel), Rev. John Jnlies. Inukpknuknt (Howard Chapel). Rev. V\ illiam Alliot, [Frost. iNnr-PENuENT, (Cotton end— Rev. Joha Weslkyan Metiiouist, Harpur st, and Cardinglon. Pm.MiTivE Methodist, Hassett street and t lakley. MoKAViANS, St. Peter's green— Uer. Johii Eii»;land. BEDFORD GENERAZ. INFIR- MARY, AMriiiii.i. sinKET. President — William Hy. Whiibiead, Ks»j. Chuy,lnin—\Uy. I'dwuid Swann, M.A. f/ii/s/iiad- Paris Thomas Dick, M. I). SiirfiKins — Messrs.Jn.H arris &lsaacHurst C/eife—JHr. Samuel Win". LUNATIC ASYLUMS. Bedkjkij Lunatic Asylam, Amp- thill load. Siiperintenilen ( — .lolm Harris. Clerk — S.iinuel WinR. .S7f»r(7)(/\Viniani Piiher. Mid:cal 0///V(; — lienjamin Matthews. Private Asvlu.m (Springfield House),. Kenipslon, ;i)«;iM(/o/, Mr. John Hariis BEDFORDSHIRE ARCH.ff:0- LOGICAL SOCIETY, Casile lane. 7'nus^irfr— Thomas It.unaid, F.sc). iiecre/oriis— Rev. Clia". Biereloii; Sam). Wing, Fiq. and Mr. liradlurd Rudge. BEDFORDSHIRE AGHICULTU- HAL SOCIETY, S.MNT CllllHEUI STREET. rremdent— Fsancis Pym, Fsq. Sccrclaitj — Alexander .siKinaan. iBiiutoii). BEDFORD, &c. 3il^£tlfoiiJ0i)irf. POOR tAW^ UNION. Workhouse, Kimboltoti road. GoveriKj)- Thomas Mai tin. Hla(7-on--MnTy iMaitin. .Vioi/eoH— \yilliani IJailey. ('hap!ain—Rev. Jiiliii Gaskin, M. A. Clt rk to the Board iij Giiaidiajis — Samuel VViiif;. R< lining Officers— JdiVncs Hulston and Evan Jones. REGISTBAKS. OF BIRTHS, DEATHS & MARRIAGES. Siiperinlnident Ri rjislrar—Samai\ Wing, I'otitr street REGISTRARS OF DIRTHS & DEATHS. For Beilford and Cardington—'l'homas H. Barker, I'riory terrace „ Bedford and KempsUm— Henry Pul- ley, St. p. ail's square „ Barford— John Barcoot, Gt. Barford „ flisf/ey -Joseph Gregory, Riseley „ Sharn'bronk John Williamson, Sharnbrook ,, 7'].'rt'ft/— Nathaniel Godfrey, Tiirvey „ Harrold — Will am SV'ootton, Hiurold REGISTRARS OF MARRIAGES. William Whit^.Sl. Mary street, Bedford Nathaniel Godfry, Turvey Thomas Newlins;, Roxton [ford Lewis Levy (for Jews onlj), OlTa st. Bed. COUNTY COURT, HELD MONTHLY IN THE SHIRE HALL Judge — John Collier, Esq. District C/f;'/v— Samuel A. Gissing i?rti/7Jf— William Drake Rayment county gaol, Saint Loves Street. Governnr — James Bantield Chaplain — Rev. George Maclear iS(()(/eo;i— Isaac Hurst MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC BUILD- INGS, OFFICES, &c. Bedford Ciiauities, Haipur street — Thomas Barnard, Esq. iieasurei- ; Wil- I'ain Jones,t/o-fc BuorouD JIiiciiANics' and Bedford- shire PuiLDiNG Society" Harpur Rooms— Mr. W. \V. Kilpin, president; Mr James Shepherd, iiiatwger Bedford Town and Cgunty' Library, Harpur st— Rev. E. R. Williamson, and Mr. Bradford Riidge, stoefaries; Wil- liam Grey , tihrarian Castle Roo.ms, Castle lane— Thomas Hodson, keeper Corn Exchange, Market hill — Sharman and Turiiley, secretaries Gas Works, Gteyfiiars' walk — Henry Smith, manager Inland Revknue Office, at the Red Lion Inn. Thomas Hidd, supervisor Literary & Scientific Institution, Wells street — John Richard Bull, and James Catlitl'e, secictaries Public Baths, High street — William Cnttriss, proprietor Registry Office (for Wills, &c.) Wells st — Bailey & Leech, reijistrars Shire Hall, St. Paul's sqnaie— Theed William IVarse, lun-n clerk ^nd derk lu the county magistrates ; Joseph Brown, clerk to the commissioners of land and assessed taxes Stamp Office, High street — Jas Wyatt, distribute) CO/^-CHES, From the iiwan /n/i. To HUNTINGDON, the limes, every afternoon (Sunday excepted), at two To SAINS NEOTS and SOUTH ILE, the I'imes, every evening (Sunday ex- cepted), at half-past live OMrJIKUSES. ToBlGGLES\VADE,from theSwandailv To HARROLD,lrom the Chequers, dailv To Kl.MBOLTON, from tlie Red Lion, daily (Thmsday excepted) To POTTON, from the Swan Inn, daily To SHARNBROOK, from the Chequers, dailv To SHEFFORD, from the Fountain, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday To SAINT NEOTS, Irom the Red Lion, and Cheqners. daily CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. Oil the BEDFORD and bletchlev BRANCH (if tlie London and Noith- Westein HaiKv;iy. George Rich, station master ,- Chaplin & Home, agents for gnods depa- tmcnt ; Richard Greening, superintendent Omnibuses from tlie George, and the Swan Inns, to the Station, iiwait the arrival and attend the dejiarture of the several trains CARRIERS. The following Curriers go vn Saturday, when the day is not named. To A.MPTHILL, William Field, from the Old George, daily, and William Walker, from the .Saracens' Head, Wednesday and Saturday ToBARFORO, Thomas Kippist, from the Red Lion, Mcmday and Saturdny To BIGGLESWAiJE,AnnSpenfer,fi6m the Coach and Horses, Wed. & Sat. To BLETSOE, Daniel Payne, from the Red Lion, Wednesday and Saturday, and James Brown, from the Chequers, Saturday ToBLUNHAM, Samuel Mardling. from the Coach and H.^rses, '.lOiiday Wed- nesday and Saturday To BOLNHUR.Sr. William Sabey, from the Old George, end John Swales, from the Chequers To CAMBRIDGE, Susan Wood, from the Red Lion, Friday To (;aRLTON, John Franklin. from the Coach and Horses, Monday, Thursday and Saturday, and William Johnson, from the Bear, Tliursday and Saturday To COLMWORTH, William Stewart, from the Old George To CHAW LEY (North), John Vanx, from the Hop Pole To DEAN (Upper), Jeremiah Poole, from the Old Geo' ge To FELMERSHAM. \Mlliam Paine, from the Saracen's Head To GAMLINGAY, Mary Arnold, from the Kir.g's Arms, Friday To HARGUAVE, Jeremiah Poole, from the Old George To HARROLD, Thomas Parsons, from the Old George ToHOUiiHTON CONCiUEST,Thoinas Clark, from the Sow and Pigs, and John Qjimhy. from the Leg of .Mutton To HOUGHTON REGIS, Thomas Randall, from the Chequers To KNOTIING, Samuel I'oole, from the Old George To LIDLINGTON, Joseph Gnny, from the Cherry Tree, Monday and Saturday To I.UTON, John Inskip, irom the Half Moon, Monday and Friday, and Samuel T."iylor, from the I'ountain, Monday ami Thursday [Hup Pole To MARSTON, John Harris, from the To MELCH BOURN, Jeremiah Poole, from the Old George To MILTON, Thotii.is Allen, from the Bear, Wednes'lav and .Saturday To NEWPORT " PAGNALL, George Smith, Irom the Bear To NORTHAMPTON, James Jeffries, from the Red Lion, Wednesday & Sat. To PERrENHALl,,Tnomas .Maile.from the Rose To POTTON, Jacob Allen, from the King'.-. Arms, Wednesday & Saturday To RISLEY, John Wise, from the Old George, Wednesday and Saturday, and James Millard, (rom the Red Lion, and William Wadsworth, from the Old Georje, Saturday To SAINT NEOTS, Chaplin & Home, from the Raihvay Station, Monday, Wednesday and Fiiday, and Susan U'oods, from the Red Lion, Fiiday To SHARNBROOK. Elizabeth Whittal, from Ihe Old George, Wed. & Saturday To SILSOE. John Whittamore, from the Saracen's Head To STAGSDEN, George Wallinger.from the Bell To STAUGHTON, William Alderman, from the Red Lion, and Isaac Sanders, from the Bear To STE VI N GTON,Thomns Keech,from the Old George To SWINESHEAD, George Barnes. from the Old George [the Bell To i HURLEIGH, William Hollv, from To TURVEY, Thomas Bailey, tVom the Rose, and Gillaway H.irley, from the Red Lion, Wednesday and Saturday To WELLINGBOROUGH, Harvey Thompson, from the Bell To WELLINGTON, Thomas Pessell, from the Cheqners, Monday & Saturdy To WOOTTON, Elizabeth Vincent, from the Bell [Olrl George To YELDEN, Jeremiah Poole, from the CONVEYANCE BY WATER. ToBIGGLESWADK. HUN'I'INGDON, SAINT JVES, SAINT NEOTS, and \^ ISBEACH, boats weekly, from Bed- ford bridsre. BIGGLESWADE AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. loiGGLESWADE is a paii.sh in the Iiiindied of its nanie — the iiiHtUt't town is 45 miles n N.w. from Lmi- don, 20 s.w. friiiii Cambridge, and 11 s.e fioni Hedfoid ; situated upon the river Ivel, which \\as made naviaahie fioiii the t iwii to its junction witii the Ouse in 1758, and up tlie .stieam to Shefford in 1823. The Gieai Nun hern railway iiichides IBiggleswade in its riiute, and liere it is iiiiended to errcct a first class station for tiie line. The town is surrounded by garden grounds the produce of which forms a profitaldc branch of trade will) the lame provincial towns around, and extends even to the nietrnpolis. In ai.cient records this pl.ice is called ' the Boioiisth and Foicign of ' Dykleswade,' m Bicheti'siradp ; but the derivation of its name is hi^t in obscuiity. The site of the Iloniaii station, Chester- Held, and tiiat of the city of Suleiui, spolieii of by I'tolemy and Camden, are contiguous to tlie town; Roman coins, urns, &c. are frequently dug or ploughed up ; and 'barrows' or /«««e iixire modern may be said to owe their present appearance chiedy to the calamity of a fire, in 1785, which destroyed one hundred ;uid twenty-five dwellings, and the only meet- ing house then in Bigghswade — il.at of the Baptists, who, however, in th;' same year erected ano'heredifice. Connected with the town is a well constructed building in London road, for the several paiishes forming the Biggleswade Union. A chatter for a market, also de- fining the municipal government ol the town, was 13 a^ttufoilr^fjire. BIGGLESWADE, &c. ^latci'jj conferred by Edward III ; another was obtained from Charles II, under w'lich certain tolls are payable. Bingleswade is a bailiwick and nominally Koverned by a bail'ff. who is appointed at the Cdurt let-t of Peier Audley Lovcll, Esq. the lord of the manor. The county The parish chnrch of Saint Andrew, erected ahont the year 12;^0, was oiiginally colleciate: it is a piebendary, and still enjoys its own peculiar ecclesias- tical jiiri.xdiciioii : the Chancellor ot Lincoln has the p.itidnage of the benefice, and the Rev-Jos. Douton, m.a. assizes have occasionally been held here ; and likewise j Is the present incumhcnt. There are two places of the petty sessions f»ir the hundreds of Biggleswade, I worship for Baptists and one for VVesleyan Methodists; Clifton and Wixaiiitrie ; and the town is included in the 36ihcircuitof to wns under t he County Cou it Act, passed in 1846 for the recovery of debts to any amount not ex- ceeding £20— this curt sits monthly in the town hall. The corn and malt trade is extensive here, and the barley niaiket was formerly considered one of the best and mo^t abundantly supplied in England ; hut since schools npon the British and National plans, and a free school, moderately endowed by Edward Peake, Esq. in 1555, whose bounty has since been augmented by a descendant of the celebrated Sir John Cotton. A me- chanics' institutehas lately been successtuilycstablished, with classes for mutual improvenieiit — and lectures are deliveied occasionally before the members at stated the practice of selling grain by sample, instead of by i iutcrvals in the town-liall. 'i'lie market, held on VVed- pitc't, has hecome s.> universal, the benefits arisitig to j nesday, is wt-ll supplied with grain and othrr necessary the town have been materially diminished. The only commodities; also straw plat, for which latter article manufactures by which the less opulent classes are there is another market on Saturday, attended almost employed are those of lace and stiaw plat, but neither exclusively by females. Fairs February 14th, Saturday are so esteirsive as formerly. The land in the im- in Easter week, Whit-Monday, and Noven)bfr 8th (the mediate vicinity of the town is flat, but exceedingly | latter [xipularly denominated 'wet-shod fair'); they fertilt-; and on one side the sameness is broken by the are all for cattle of every discriptiun. The parish of Sandy and VVurden hills, perennially overed with fine Biggleswade, with the dependent hamlets of Holme firs and evergrt^ens, which, as viewed from the town, ami Stratfon, contained, by the returns for 1831, have a pleasing effect. ' 3,226 inhabitants, and in 1841, 3,807. POST OFFICE, Mai ket place, William Wright, Po5^ .Ua^^w.— Letters from London, BrRMiNGHAM, ^Ianchester, Liverpool, and all parts of the North of England, likewise tiom Ireland and Scotland, arrive every inoriii'ig at half-past three, and are despatched at ten at night. Letters from Bedford, &c. arrive every morning at half-past seven, and are despatched at eight. Letters from the counties of Cambridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, &c. arrive ckcry morning at eight, and are despatched at six in the evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Balfour Rt V. Alfred, Girtford iSamett Charles, Esq. Siratton Park Brooks Mr. Dmiei, Market place Brown .Mr. John, Laniiford Burton .Mr. William, NorthiH Busby the Misses, Sliottmeid st Douton Rf V. Joseph, m.a. Vicarage, Shortmead siieet Foster lilxth, E-q. Beaumont's clo.st- FosterJohn .\athl. Esq. St. Andrew's Fowler Mr. Charles Bailey, Church Farm, Langfoid [Housi Caplner Mr. William, Shoitmead Gudgin Mr. .loseph, Laneford Hervey Edmund, E^q. Caldicot Hervcry John, E-q. Ickwillbury Hervt-y Mrs.Susanh. Ickwell riouse Hogg F'cdeiick, E-q. Girtford H'ltfge Wm. Esq. Shoitmead st [st HughesRev.Fitdk.Geo.M.A.Stiatton Inskip Geoige,Esq. Tpper Caldicot Kent Rev. Samuel, Langford st Larkin Mr. William, Shortmead st Lindseli Robr. E-q. Fail field House Moirell Rev. Cornelius, Hhinham Mountain Re>. Henry B. d.d. Blun- hani Uectory " [Warden Ongley the Right Honble. Lord, Old Paulett .Miss Elizabeth, Caldicot Paviie Sir Charles, Bart. BIniiham House [Cottage P.dhill Mrs. Fanny M. Blunham ilace John, Es(|. Road Farm Race Mrs. Martha, Stratton .st Shovelton Rev.Wricht.Chapcl Field Ta-ldy Rev. Jolin, Northill 'I'hornton John, Esq. Mnggerhanger Usiier Mr. Jos(|)li, Blunham Western James, Esi]. High st [st Wilson Rev John Wesley, Shortmead ACADEMIES * SCHOOLS. Baiher Williain F'almer (boarding), Shoitmead -trect British School, Shortmead st — Maiy Stanhr. rough, mistress British School, Market place- John Siie;|, iiiasti r [st Conquest J cilm (boardg.) Shortmead Crouch & Roharts (ladies' hoanl- ing), Stration st [master Free School, Sun st — Wm.Ca-ter, 14 Infants' School, Market place — Ann Holmes, mistress National School, Langford lane — Charles Bureh, master; Char- lotte Tustiii, mistress ATTORNEYS. Argles Edward, Stiatton st Chapman Wm. Thomas, Stratton st Hawkins John Guriiey, Stratton st Smith & AigUs, Stratton street, and at Potton AUCTIONEERS. Conder Sanmel, Market place Holmes Joseph, Stratton st BAKERS. Bennett & Tw^lvetrees, Stratton st Blind John, Langford st Brown William, Diintin Click Thomas, Stratton st Dalion Thoma^, Shoitmead st Docwra Montfort, Shortmead st Lee Simeon, Dunton Maiden Jcdin, Shortmead »t Millard John, Stiatton st PhippsJohn, Langford Powers John (& inealman), Girtford Powers John, Blunham Spencer Ann, Chapel place Turner John, Stiatton st West John, Shortmead st BANKERS. Wells, Hogpe & Lindseil, Hieh st— (draw on Barnetts', Hoares' & Co. Lomlon) Savings' Bank, Town ball — George Newbery, actuary BASKET & SIEVE MAKERS. Cooi)er (ieorge, Market plnce Farmer John, Langtord st BOOKSELLERS Bt STATIONERS (Vardiier Elias (& printer), High st SpongThomas Willsdon(& library), High street Twelvcirees VVilli;>in (printer and stationer), Shortmeaci st BOOT at SHOE MAKERS. Allen William, Shortmeid st Barber James, Langford st Chew Ebenezer, Market place Cooper Geo. Henry, .Shortmead »t Ualton Thomas, Shortmead st Dew Thomas, Shortmead st Farringtnn Georte (and currier), Shoitmead street Hide John, Sun street Moseley Robert, Shoitmead st Moseley Tnomas, Shortmead st Munsey John, Sun place Rhoades John, Shortmead st Sale Francis, Strattnn st Street George, Langford Swinscoe Henry, Langford st Vickers Ebenezer, Stratton st BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. .Morton & M'Miiiiiies (and beil- haiigeis), Marketplace Poweis Thomas, High st White Isaac, Shortmead st BREIVERS. Di'cwra Montfurd (and cooper^, .'^llOltmead street Wells, Hotge & Lindseli, High st BRICK MAKERS. Foster John & Son, Biggleswade HoggFredk.(& liineburner)Girtford BRICKLAYERS, SI.ATERS * PLASTERERS. Benson Samuel, Shortmead st Ellson John, Blunham Farmer Jnhn, Market place [st Francis William, Chapel place Wells Anne (& turner), Shortmead j Norman John, Stratton st BLACK dc %VHITESMITHS Bairett Thomas, .Shortmead st Besden Thomas, Siratton st Br'iwn .lolin, Duntoii Bryant Samuel, Langford Laikins (JeiTge, Crown lane Morton & .M'.Nlmnies (and lock- smiihs). Market place Taylor Fiederic k, Market place Walker Mary, Shortmead st BUTCHERS. Barton Joseph, Langford Berry Samuel, Langhud st Bm ion William, Shortmead st Crouch Joseph, Stiatton st HarnsJohn, Giitford Kimpton Henry, Sun place Millaid James, Girtford Poiuteii .Mfied, Shortmead st Uobarts Walter, Stratton st I^irectoip. BIGGLESWADE, &c. 3^tbfotti05ire. Sale Charles, Shoitineacl st Squires Henry, Langfurd st Sutton VVilliain, Shortmead st CABINET MAKERS. Conder Samuel, Market st Mead Simeon, Shortmead st Roberts Jos. Latiglon, Shnrtmead st CHINA, GLASS, Ace. DEALERS. Coiider Samuel, Market place Powers Thomas, High st CLOTHES DEALERS. Davison Robert Nicholls, High st Fone John, Shoitmtad st Robinson Benjamin, Stratton st CORN AND SEED DEALERS. DillanioreHy.(&C()al),U|)pfrCaldicot Docwra Monifort, Sliortmead st Ekins William, High .-t Haynes Mary, Lancford st Hensh iw Thonias, Market place Pope Wiirwm, Sliortmead st CORN MILLERS. Marriott Thomas, Holme Alillft Norman Maik, Blunham PhippsJohn. Langford Powers Edmund, TowK Mills and at Stanford DRUGGISTS, AND OIL AND COLOURMEN. Barl;er & Ni-wberv, Hi:;h st Marsh William, H'itiii st Spoi'g Thomas VVidsdon, High st FIRE, «tc. OFFICE AGENTS. Alfkeu (life), Edmund Stanton, Stratum st [>t Anchor, Joseph Holmes, Stration County (fire) and PRoyiDENT(life) Elias Garflner, Hisjh st [st Eagi.r (life;, Jas. Newl>ery,Stratt(m English and Scottish (fife), Edward Argles, Stratton st [st Etonian (life l.Kdw.Argles, Stratton Farmers', Wm.Sand "n. High st Globe, Cornelius Kemp. Noitlnll National Reversionary Invest- ment, William Thomas Chapman, Stratton street [Hiiili .«t Norwich Union, GeorneNewbeiy, Ph(enix iiiith) , Maiki't [jlaci- Kiili'v Jolin, lligli st [nicail st Pf|)|)L'r GvKVgi'Cik }i;iiiismiih),Slu)rt- WHEELWRIGHTS. C'turse (u'oruc. Ickvxeil Coinse Hi'iirv, Sim st I'liipp^ Kiibrit, Slioi imoad st .Smith iMlwaid, l-anuford Wilson William, LaiiglonI st Miscellaneous Arrolil l"):iTiFi-icF:,High st— El ias Gardiner, siihdistiibiitnr Taylor Samuel & J:imes, dealers in poin- ter and setter do;;*. Market place Town Hall, Market place — Edwin Ulunden, keeper POOR LAW UNION. WoRKtiousi:, Ldiuliiii rnad. Govrrtirir — I hoinas llirt Mtitroit — Sarah Uirt Cleik to the BuardoJ G«n»rfia))s— Edward Armies .Vi(jr;e(i7i — Charles Palmer Stevens Chaii/ain — itev. Edward Lindsell /leliev.vi/ O/ficers — Eraiik Snitch, and Robert Baiker REGISTRARS, OF BIKIIlS UE.ATIIS & .MAR Rl. AGES. Superintendent Rerjistrar— Ellwand A rules Siratt'in street [.Soiilhlll litffhtrar for the Dist'ict— Frank Snitch, Ri';,'Stn,r'u/llirl/is and Deaths for Pot- tun Di^tiiit — Huhen Uaikc-r, Heeston COACHES & ORINIBUSES. To LONDON, (iillierrsrunih, from the Crown, every Moiidav.Wednesd.iy and Fridav. goes tlironiih Hitchin To BEI)F(JI{I), an Ommljns, from the While Su an, d lilv (.Sund.iy excepted ) To I'()rrON,..n 0;«)ii/(i(s,rroni tlieWhite .Swan, iltiilv (Sunday excepted) To SIIEFFORIJ, Gilbert's cnach, from the Crown, every Monday, Wednesday and Fridav CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. The iieaiest Stntiun at present is at BFnroRi), on a hiaiirh of the London AND Noarii Wkstkiin Link, U miles w. Irorn Ui'.'<;leswade There is an Omnibus to Bedford daily, as above s.aled. CARRIERS. To I.ON DON, Samuel Marsoni, from the Crown, Tuesday and Friday, & Thomas .*aiiiuel, fri-m ids house, Hii;li street, Monday. Wednesday and Friday. To BEDFORD, Anne Spencer, from the Coach and florses, Wednesday & Sat. To CAM BRIDGE, John Arnold.'from the Catherine Wheel, Monday & Thursday ToHircllIN,'Ihonias Samuel, from his lioiise, H it'll sf, Monday, Wednesday & Friday, and Anne Spencer, from the C'larh and Horses, Tuesday To POI'lON, John Arnold, from the Catherine Wheel, Monday & Thuisday To SALNT NKOI S, Anne Spencer,(iom Ihe Coach and Horses, Thursday To ?H E Fi'ORD. GeoTRe Kempsoii, from the Catherine Wheel, Wednesday DUNSTABLE, WITH THE VILLAGE OF HOUGH TOX-REGIS AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. ILDuN.STABLE i.s a imrisli in tlie liiinthed ot'.Mans- liL'id— the luaikct inwii is '.'.i niili s n. \\. hy n. IVoiii Ldiiiloii, 20 s. from Beilfiird, :iii(l8 K.s.i;. frHiu'Leigliti.!! Biizzaid— tl'C last naiiicd a station im the Lutid -ii and N()ith-V\'e.vtrn! Railway, to v^ Mcli line and station tin le is a bfancli from thi.s town. Duiislable is seated near file eniiancf of ihe Cliiltern lulls, (,ii the trieat tlio- ii'iiuhfare to tlic iiiitl) mid noi tii-western counties, fn ni whiih advantageous |iositioii it deiiv. d, previous to the (i|iening of the f;ieat laihvay line, before men lated ; it> gnvernmeni is nfiw vested in a hiRl) constable. Tlie ()iieen is lady of the manor, and the Duke of lied- foid iinliis courts leet as her lessee. Dtinsiable i.s a |)ollinu station a; tlie electioii of county members ; and it is included in the Luton circuit of towns under the new act (passed Auynsi, 184fi), for the recovery of debts to any aniount not e.Nceeilinir £20. The straw plat andbonnrt inaiinfac tuie foiin.s tlie cbiet trade of the to>.\n, and in tiiis business a {(leat numhei' of females are employi (I ; whiting is also manufactuiediii conside- tioned. a l.iiue sbriieof piospeiity. 'I'lie loun is of nieat ! lable qnantities, and Here iue some m iliin^s, anil corn antiipiity, and was of iinpoitance in tlie flays of the Romans. Heniy I built a royal inansion in it- viciniiy. culled KiuK^biirv, the site of which is now occuj/ied h\ a f^ood nic.d(in house; btii the ulory of Diinstab!e was it.s once celebrati (1 |)iiiiry — of which nothins leniains mills. At lottcrnlioe, two inile-s di-tant, is a valuable «t''ne quariy, fiom tiie produce of which Dunstable piiory and chuicb were built. The 'Ousel,' a larae pond of s|)riiig water, is .sintnlai ly sjirciul upon the veiy summit of the downs, tlutc miles di.staiit ; it is but the pai t occupie i as the p;iii-li cbuicli, '1 bis piiory j about ihirti- feet in dhi meter, and is ne>er dry, even in was the scene of the ini(|i:iti)us proceedings against Queen Kathciine, and wlicie lier sentence of i:i.oice- inent from Henry \lll wm.s pionounced. Dunstable lias been ill lesidence oi", and place vi>iti d by si ver;il of our moil uclis. In 121.") Eing John lay at this place on liis journey towards the north : Heiir\ HI ficfiueiitly \isiieil the piiory ; and in tie year 1247 that sovereign, whilst sojourning here with liis qui en, prince- Edwanl and the plinces^ Margnret, was presenled wiih a gilt cup, ami the prince and prince.-.s with a gold bui kle each. In 1290 the coip.se of Queen Eleanor v\as de- jiosiied one night at the piiory; a piDjier spot was selected br ihe erection of a cio-s, which was Mib^c- (piently huilt, and remained standirg until \('A.'>, when it was ts have two c the most |)archini; .seasons. I'he Grand Junction canal, w^hicli |)isses about live miles hence, might be icndereci beneficial to the touii. at no meat expense, by a cut from it to tiie foot ol the dnwns, tw-o miles off. Dun- stable still maintains its cbaracti-r witli the epicure for its larks, and multitudes of these deligbiful warblers are yearly sacrificed to paiiijier his iinpit\iiig ap|Ktite; the lb licate morsel ImIi liciously cooked at the principal inns: Hiii'jley, in liis ' .Animal ISiogiaphy,' says thai as niHiiy as 4,00() dozess cif lai ks ha> e been caught, in the couniiy around Dunstable, betv^een the lucjiiths of Seiitemher and February. The palish church of Saint Peter is in the Nr.rmaii style— the ancient priory, id' wbicii it is a portion, Ihni. g been erected about seven liunclied years ago : tiie livim; is a rectory, in tlie gift of the Crown; the Rev. Frcili rick Hose i^ the present incumbent. Edwaid IJiiir, Esc]. of ibis town, po-sessis a ver\ beHUtiful and lurch, well WDrtliin-peciion. the Wesleyan Me- aiilii|uary and \iitiio>o. The vcneiable chuicb, and ' tliodi^ts one. There are several ahn^liouses for the aged its many line iiioniimeiits, form peculiar ohji els of poiir, lie-ides an i stahlishinent called 'the Maiden attraction ; and the vesiigi s of Roman remains around Ladies' House,' Imilt and endoweil in 174'.'> for rcspec- aie niiinerous and well defined. The ruins of ihe an- table females in reduced ciicumstaiices, pursuant to tlie cient ca^ile, fos.se and citadel of Totternboe, within will ive prosp. et with a good tenenKiit; none, iiowi ver, aie c ligihle for from ilie dowiis(embraciiig the railroad), togeiher wiih admission bin such as pos^e-s £10. per annuni. A fiee th extraoriliuiry e.scavations at Challi-hill, present lea- school was e:e. ti (I here in 171.'), called ' Ashton, Carl tuies of no ordinary interest. Dun«tablc at one peiiod ! and Aynscoinl)e'.s Free .School. The market is held on returned two members to parliament, and was ii.coipo- 1 W'ediiesd iv,andtliefaiison.\sli-\Vediiesdav,May 22nc;, i^irfctoi|)« DUNSTABIiE, &c. lactrfoibssjire. August J2ili, and November 12th, for horses, cattle, I All Sahits' contains an ancient and handsome monu* ssheep, &c. Tlie pari-h of Dunstrible contained 1831, 2.117 iniiahitanls, and in 1841, 2,582— in 1850 a local authority gave to th^" pari>h a population of 3, .'500. Houghton-Kegis is a parish in the .same hundred as Dunstable— the villae;e bein^ situated about one mile and a half north from that town. Two springs, tributary nient, witha hi^hly^ decorated arch, beneath which is the figure of a man in armour: the living is a vicarage, in the patronage of the Duke of Bedford; the Rev. William Wilson is the present incumbent. The Baptists and the Wesleyan Methodists have a chapel each, and there is a free-school for twenty boys. Population of to the Uuse, rise in this parish. The parish church of the parish, in 1831, 1,424 ; in 1841, 1,661. POST OFFICE, High street, Dunstable, Joseph Squire, Post Master. —Letters from London and all parts arrive every morning at a quarter before si.x, and are despatched at twenty-five minutes past eight la the evening. GENTRY AND eLERGV. Brandreth Humphrey, Esq., Hough- ton House Brown Mrs. Mary, the Cottage Burr Edward, Esq., High st Carpenter Rev, Willinm, Back st Cooper Rev. Peter, Hiehst Fosst-y Mr. George, High st Gould Kev. Daniel, West st Gutteridge Mr. Joseph, High st Gutteridge Mr. .Matthew, West st Hose Rev. Frederick , We-t st Howes Mr. Ricliard, Church st Jarvis Mr. John, High st Lance Rev. John, Houghton-Regis Monier Lewis, Esq., Munells House Osborn Mr. George, High st Pearse Mr. John (steward of the Manor Rnyal), West st Queenborouyh Mrs. Ann, High st WhyleyRev.GregoryEd W.Eaton Bray Wilson Kev. Wm., Hougliton-Regis ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. AsHTON. Cai^l and Aynscombe's Freb School, High »t — John Corfieid, master Bailey Anna(b()arditig& day), High st British School, Westst— William Hopcrafr, master; Amelia Woot- ton, mistress Free School, Houghton-Regis — Richard Cumberland, master Hopcraft Willirtm (boarding & day), High st National School, Church st Charles Deiby>hire, master Sharman Maiy & Susan (boarding and day), High st ATTORNEYS. Cartwrighi JamesNathHniel(& com- missioner for taking acknowledge- ments of married women),High st Pearse & Benniiig, Westst AUCTIONEERS. Brett Samuel, High st MellorJohn(& land agent),Church st BAKERS. Freeman Joseph, Houghton-Regis Hallif.tx Thomas, West st Inwards Joseph, Houghton-Regis Inwiirds William, High st Udell ChHiles, Union st Oliver Janie>< Wiliuck, Church st Partridge Willi;im, High st Rodwell William, High st Sharman James, Church st Thorn Edmund, Houghton-Regis Turney William, Highst Walton Richard, High st Young John, Church st YoungDanl.(&confectioner},Highst BANKERS. London and County Joint Stock Banking Company (open on Wed- nesdays), High st— (draw on the head otflce Loudon), — William Bit'?, manager Bassett Grant & Co. (open on Wed- nesdays), High street— (draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co., London.) fiLACKSIVIlTMS>. Mimey William, High st Nicholls George, High st Squires Thomas, Hougliton-Regis Tomkins Ricliard, Houghton- Regis Twigg John, Highst BOOKSELLERS Se STATIONRS. Dangei field Ricluird James (and printer, mUsjic seller and news- agent). High st Donne Edward Bowen (and tea dealer). High st Tibbett James(& toy dealer), Highst BOOT AND SHOE MAKEHS. Brooks Fiancis, Union st Daniel Thomas, Higli st Davis Frederick, High st Derbyshire George, Church st Emerson James, VVest st Fieeman Henry, Church st Grave John, High st Hrillifax Joseph, High st Hiags James, West st Mayjes Benjamin, West st Mead Henry, Hiah st Munday Jane, High st Newman George, Church st Osborn Daniel, High st Smith William, Honghton-Regis Tompkins William, Houghton -Regis BRAZIERS AcCOPPERSIVIlTHS, Limbrey Henry, West st Rush William, Church st BUTCHERS. Abd Wiilinm, Houghton-Regis Arnold John, High st Crawley Jesse, High st Ci awley Joseph, Houghton-Regis Driiby Jo>eph, VVest st Gostelow William Cooke, High st Mayles Joseph, Clmrcli st Oliver James, High st Parrott Hemy, Hiyh st Scott David, High st Scott Joseph, Hii;h st Sibthorp Eli, High st Smith John, Houghton-Regis Spring Ebenezer, High st Turney John, HonghtonReeis CABINET IVIAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Clieshire Thomas, LUiiou st Darley Jolm, High st CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Chambers Wm. & John (druggists)^ High st Clark Thomas Gilham, Higii st Fan Charles, West st COALMRCHANTS &DEALERS. Hollier Edward, Dunstable Station LawfordEdw&Co.DunstableStatioii xMaddocks William, High st Stephenson& Co., Dunstable Station — John Beaby, agent vVhite James, Dunstable Station CORN DEALERS. Bloys Benjamin, Hiiili st Fieeman Joseph, Houghton -Regis Inwards Joseph, Houghton-Regis Rodwell William, High st Young '1 homus, Houghton road PIRE, Ar. OPPICE AGENTS. Atlas, William, Robinsim, Highst CotjNTY (fire), Si Provident (life), Gutteridge & Son, High st General, Richard James Danger- field, High st Metropolitan CoONTiEs.William A. Southan, High st [High st NorwichUnion, Thomas G. Clark, Phcenix, Pearse & Benning.West.st Property Protection, Pearse & Beimii'g; West st [High st Royal Exchange. John Lockhart, Star, Charles Lockhart, High st Westminster (life), Jos.Flemons, High street PURNItURE: BROKERS' Brett Samuel, High st Lightfoot Isaac, We»t st Limbrey Thomas, West st GROCERS AND PROVISION DEALERS. [See itko Shopkeepers, 4'c.) Burt Daniel, Houghion-Regls Chambers William & John (& tal- low chandlers). High st Gravestick Edvvd. French, Highst Hard wick Thomas, Highst Mayles Joseph, Church st Pigott William, High st Robinson John, High st Robinson William, High st Young John, Higli st HATTER. Burges Samuel, High st HORSE, &c. OWNERS, FOR hire. Higgs William, High st HillJohn, West st Mead Jonathan, Church st Scott David, High st 'iquires Joseph, High st Vickers John, Church st INNS. (See also Taverns (^ Public Houses.) Red Lion, Wm. .Marshall, High st Saracen's Head,JohnPratley,High st Siig^r Loaf, John Johnson, High st White Swan, Wm Gilbert, High st IRONMONGERS. Chambers William & John, Highst l.add William, Highst Limbrey Henry, West st JOINERS it CARPENTERS. liowden & Cheshire (and builders) | High st Clieshire Thomas, tTnion st Clieshire William, West st Darley John, High st Duncan Daniel, Houghton-Regis French Edward, Houghton-Regis Liahtfoot Isa^iC, West st White George, High st LINEN &e., DRAPERS. Beale Edward James, High st Flemons Joseph, High st Lockhai t Christopher, High st Osborn Joseph, High st MALTSTERS. Gutteridi;e Richard, West st 0.-bi)rn Joseph, Hinh st Sworder Thomas, High st 17 i3ftifortr0^ire. DUNSTABLE, &e. ^later^jJ MILLERS—CORN, Freeman Joseph, Hougliton- Regis Voung Tliomas, HDus;litoii-Regis rd MILLINERS& DRESS MAKERS Anderson Mary, High st Bogggi^ Ann, West st Carter Ann (& slay maker), Higli st Darvin Maitha, Church st Foster Mary Aim, Houghton road Hawley Charlotte & Anne, High »t Inwards Elizabeth, High st Lockhart Sarah, West st Southam Sarah, High st Stehbing Lucv, Houghton road Wetherill Sophia, High st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND PAPER HANOERS. Driffield William, Hiah st Giddines Frederick, Church st Nicholls William, West st Spufford Richard, West 9t V'ickers Henry, Chnrch st PRINTERS— LETTER-PRESS. Daneerfield Richard Jaiues, Highst Stimson John (& biuderj.Church la SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Castance Jaoies, Hiyh st Fox George, Highst Fox William, West st SHOPKEEPERS &DEALERS IN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. An>ell 8an)uel, HouKhton-Regis Bent Daniel, Honghton-Regis Billington Henjamin, Union st Billington Joseph, Houghton-Regis Brown Ksther, High st Daniel Tiioinas, High st Emerson James, West st Foster Samuel, Houghton-Regis Hallifax Thomas, California terrace Inwards Ann, Bidwell Johnson George, Houghton road Keys Rebecca, Houghton-Regis Pearson William, High st Potter William, Houghton road Sharmaii Ellen, Church st Sharraan John, High si Tearle David, Honghton-Regis Tubbs Hannah, West st STRAW BLEACHERS' Osborne Eliza, High st Talbot George, High st STRAW BONNET MANUFTRS. Barhain Jabez, High st Bass James, High st Bennett Benjamin, Highst Black well James William, High st Blackwcll Richard, Highst Budd Elizabeth, High st CoUingH Thomas Giorge, High st Coopers John & James & George, High street KUic.it William, High st Forfar & MilliKan, High st Gregory Cnbiit & Co. High street, & Aldermanbuiy, London— I WWhwn Willis, agent) Hawley Charlotte & Ann, High st Henley William, West st Henton Henry, Hieh st Jackson John, Houghton lond Munt & Brown, the Priory, High st, (and 10, Wood street, Londm— Samael CoUis, agent) Osborne Eliza, High st Rogers Jo^iah Thomas, High st Waterfield Sophia, High st SURGEONS. Farr & Son, High st Farr Joseph, High st Lawrie William Forbes, High st TAILORS AND DRAPERS. Burges Samuel, High st Cooke William, High st Groom William, Houghton-Regis Nicholls Thomas, Union st Sanders George, High st Sandeis, John, West st Sharman Charles, West st SmithGeorgeWm., Houghton-Regis Smith Thomas, Union st Stevenson Samuel, High st White William, Union st TAVERNS 6t PUBLIC HOUSES. Anchor, William Arnold, High st Black Horse, John Dawson, Well st Crow, Francis Ratt, High st Kwe & Larab, William Botteritl, Weft st Five Bells, Fras. Foster, HouKhton-Regis Green IMan, Davi'l Fames, Chalk hills Half Moon. Charles Horn. Market-st road Horae'sHead.Geo Wilson. Hough tonRegis King's Arms, [Nlardling Howes, Hij^h st King's Arms, Ruhert Richardson, Ilough- ton-Regis Magpie, Samuel Brett, High st Nag's Head, James Oliver, High at Railway Hotel, Richd.Swilt,Houghfon rd Rose & Crown, Samuel Coper, High st Shoulderof Mutton, Ann Bolterill.High st Swau-with-two-iNecks,AnnHigi{s, Highst White Hart, Elizabeth M;tddocks, High st Yorkshire Grey, Fredk. Higgs, Church st TEA DEALERS Ac DRAPERS- TRAVELLING. Carrnthers Georuc, High st Hastie William, Union st Hill John, West st Holmes John, Church st Jardine William, Church st WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Bowles John, High st Colliiigs Thomas George, High st KJmick Joseph, Hiahst WHEELWRIGHTS. Barnard George, Houghton-Regis Creake William, Market-st road Foster Edmund, Houghton road Inwards Jaine.^, High si Marshall William, Cliutch st Toffield Joseph, Houghton-Regis WHITING MANUFACTURERS. Fames John, Houiiliton-llegis Gai ner John, Houghton-Regis Robins George, Houghton-Regis White Henry, High st WINDSOR CHAIR MAKERS. Branham Thomas, Houghton-Rcgis Bnrr Richard, Houghion-Regis Miscellaneous. Bass James, veterinary surgeon. High st Bateman James, gardener. West st Blackabee John, hair dresser Ashton st Bok'gis Thomas, basket maker. West st Bowles John, gas fitter and bell hanger Hi eh street ' Cheshire Thomas, block maker, UniMi st Cumberland Richard, surveyor, Hongh- ton-Regis [st Derbyshire George, parish clerk, Church Flowers Joseph, bricklayer, Hi^h st Gas Works, Dunstable— Samuel Bur- gess, sfcretarv [High s< Hallitax Joseph, currier & leather cmter, Hanchard Charles, clothesdealer. Back st Higgs William, bricklayer, High st Inland Revende OFFtCB,at the Red Lion Inn [High st Johnson John, wine and spirit merchant, Keene Mary, dealer in Birmingham goods, Hii;h street Mead Jonathan, fishmonger. Church st Percival William, hair dresser. West st Purton John, rooper, West st Southam Wm. Alfred, accountant. High st Spaflord William, gardener, Bidwell Stamp Office, High st— John Robinson, svb-distributer Sworder Thomas, brewer. High st 'i'EMFF.R.vNCE Hall, West st— Wiliiam Inwards, keeper {kee-per Town HALr,, High st— Henry Parcott, VickersJno.glass & chinadealer,Church st REGISTRARS, OF BIRTHS, DEATHS & MARRIAGES. Stiperintenderit Registrar — Thomas E. Austin, Luton Registrar of Births and Deaths— George Derbyshire, Church st Reyislrar of Marriages — William A. Southern, High st CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON THE LONDON &NORTH-WESTERN LINE, By means of a Branch to the LeigbtoD Station, 8 miles distant— C^larles Kiif station master An Omtiibus to the Station from the Red Lion Inn, awaits the arrival and attends the departure of the several trains OMNIBUS. To LUTON, an Omtiibus, frora the Rti Lion Inn, twice a day CARRIERS. To LONDON, James lillis, from thr Nag's Head, every Monday, Thursday, and Friday ; William Minanls.from his house, West street, every Monday and TliursmMm.)« at cght. and are despatched at five in tlie afternoon. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND 1 Darlow William. OdcU ' CLERGY. Green VVilliam, Tunty Airev Rev. William. Kev.oe Payl'"ilv Richard, Sharnbrook A S.OM Crewe. E^q. Odell Payne Rob.-, t, Sha. nbrook •" ' Rootham Joseph, ^lelden Alston Rev. Vere, Odell Beauford Henry Wm. Esq. Bletsoe Booth PhiUp, Ksq. Manor Housej Milton Earnest Bre\it Rev. Daniel, Odell Castle Cecil Rev. Richard, Tnrvey Crofts Rev. D.o irl, Sh- Iton Dav Rrv. John T'milinson. Bletsoe EU'man Rev. John H.Carlton Gambler Frederick, Esq. the Toft, Sliarnbrook Garde Rtv. Richard, Harrold Gate Rev. Thnnias, Korge Bull, Harrold Povvtral Rev. Beaty C.,MiU<'nEarnst Rogers .Miss Elizabeth, Harrold Bussell Rev. William B.,Turvfy St. John Right Hon. Lord, Melch- bourn Pai k fVilla St. Qniutin Thomas, Eso. Harrold Thornton Rev. George, Sharnbrook \ViHiams Rev. Thomas.Sharnbrook Wooiron Mrs. Ann, Harmld Young Rev. John Henry, Turvey Young Rev. Richard, Risley SCH001.S. Anstis John, SliHrnbronk HarroluSciiool— Richard Fitige- rald, ma-teri Eliza Beattie.mislii Infants' School, Tuivey— Gliar- lotle .Mack, mistress National School, Turvey— Henry Ellis, master National School, Sharnbrook — John Doughty, master; Mary Doughtv, niisircss BAKERS. Bfttel William, Turvey Brown Georkie, Turvey Chambeis Ja».f& meal man) Carlton Ci'leniao John, Huuold Cook Williain, .Milton Earnest EyeU Thomas, CarUon Fairey Tlnimas, Hairold Hurley (iillaway, Tuney Knight William, Cat Iton Parns Jos. pli, Tur\ey TulHy John, Harr
DEALERS. Bithrey William, Turvey Paine George, Turvey Parker Joseph, Chellington Vincent Samuel, Turvey LINEN DRAPERS. Fairey Elizabeth & Mary, Harrold Langley George, Risley Neale ftlaria, Harrold Paine Geoige, Turvey [brook Tassell & Si>n (and hatters'), Sham- Vincent Samuel, Turvey Ward Caiheriiie, Sharnbrook MALTSTERS. Allen George, Harrold Fairey Thomas & William, Harrold Gibbins William, Milton Earnest MILLERS. Ball James, Miiton Earnest Biggs Jesse, Harrold Gell Thomas & Richaid,Sharnbrook Hipwill Daniel, Bletsoe Measures Caleb. Tilbrook Poole William Benjamin, Harrold MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. Robinson Eii?abeth, Harrold I Waul Catherine, Sliariibrook PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS, fountain Sanun 1, Sharnbi-ook l..ove Frederick, Keysoe Pinkerd William, Turvey Rootliam William, Harj-old Warren John, Ri-ley SADDLERS. Fountain Samuel, Sharnhrook Harri> John, Hanold Pressland James, Turvey SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERS IN GROCERIES «( SUNDRIES. Bayes Daniel, Carlton Coleman John. Hanold EUins Daniel, Sharnbrook Favel Thomas, Tilbrook Grill don Fiances, Sharnbrook HarU'V Gillawav, Turvey Hine Frances, Odi 11 Hipwell William, Pavenham Hornall Samuel, Harrold Howe Charles, Turkey Langley GeoiKC, Risley Love Joseph, RisU-y .MayleTiioinas, Perienhall Neale Maiia, Harrold Payne Maiy, Sharnbrook Pearson John, Turvey Rate Edward, Hanold Hfrectorg, HARROLD, &c. i^ttifotirgtiu^ Russell John, ftJilton Earnest Smiili Tlinnias, Shainbiook Stock John, Carlton Swannell George, Harrold Tassell George, Odell Thew Job, Harrold Tysoe Levi.Turvey West James, Tilbi ook Whitney Saniuel, Keysoe Wilson John, Tilbrook STONE MASONS. Scrivenor George, Siiarnbrook Scriveiior Joseph, Sharnbrook SURGEONS. Godfrey Nathaniel, Turvey Gregory Joseph, Risley Willianison John, Siiarnbrook Wootlou William, Harrold TAILORS. Curtis Jaines, Risley Goodman William, Siiarnbrook Harpur J^bez, Turvey Hat pur Reuben, Carlton .lohiison Henry, Pertenhall Mayle Heniy, Pertenhall Mole William, Souldiop Smith William, Harrold Tassell & Soti, Sharnbrook TAVERNS ec PUBLIC HOUSES. An^et, Thomas Eyels, Carltou Bell. Samuels Ekins, Odell Bool, Allan Smart, Risley Bull, George Sharp, Harrold Butchers' Arms, \A m. Stevens, Harrold Chequers, John Barnett, Keysoe Chequers, Mary Finch, Turvey Cock, Richard Ashp'.le, Pavenham five Bells, Joseph Peasnall, Risley fox, John Smith, Carlton George, Thomas Fairey, Harrold George, Thomas Harrison, Pavenham Lord Sainl John's Arms, John Tibhs, Melchbourn Mad Dog, Thomas Wells, Odell Ij^y Old King's Arms, Sanil.Skevington, Tur- Queen's Head, Sush Brown, Mi llonEarnst Red Lion, John U'arren, Risley Royal Oak, Thomas George, Risley Royal Oak, Joseph Hilton, Chellington Sow and Pigs, James Thompson, Harrold Swan, Charles Agutters, Milton Earnest Swan, James Hedatt, Pavanham Swan, William Poole, Shanibrook Swan-with-Two-Necks, George Stone- banks, Shambrook Three Fishes, James Chater, Turvey Wheatsheaf, Manning Green, Harrold White Horse, William Claridge. Keysoe White Horse, Hannah Ekins, Risley White Horse, Thomas Faveld, Tilbrook WHEELWRIGHTS. Dunton William, Risley Grant William, Risley Makeham George, Milton Earnest Partridge Elizabeth (Executors of), Siiarnbrook Pearson William, Turvey Robinson Charles, Hariuld Miscellaneous. Allen George, basket maker, Harrold Baxter William , mat maker, Tilbrook Close George Cole,inland revenue officer, Harrold Coleman Charles, beer retailer, Odell Favell Thomas, beer retailer, Tilbrook FitzgeraH Richard, parish clerk, Harrold Gostick Thomas, coope-r, Carltou Green Thomas, hair dresser, Harrold Haines Richard, parish clerk, Bletsoe Hield Thomas, revenue officer, Harrold Inland Revenue Ofpick, at the Wheat Sheaf Inn, Thomas Hield, supervisor Mayle Thomas, beer retailer, Pertenhall Noble John, brazier and tinman, Harrold Parson Samuel, fellmonger, Harrold Peck William, watch maker, Sharnbrook Sanders Hugh, charcoal burner, Harrold Smith Thomas, beer retailer, Sharnbrooli Stevens William, glover and breeches maker, Harrold Stnnebanks George, builder, Sharnbrook Whitney George, hairdresser, Sharnbrook Wykes Wm. glass & china dlr.Sharnbrook PLACES OP WORSHIP, AND THEIR MINISTERS. CHURCHES OF THE ESTABLISHMENT All Saints', Harrold Rev. Richard Garde, i;icur [Russell, rector All Saints', Purvey — Rev. William B. All Saints', Odell— Rev. Daniel Brent, rector [Newby, curnJe All Saints', Tilbrook Rev. Alfred All Saints', Souldrop Rev. John Webster Hawksley, rector [^cicar AllSaints', Risley— Rev. llicbd. Young, Saint Mary's, Keysoe— Rev. \^illi3ra Airey,D(car [Hawkesley, vicar Saint Mary's, Melchbourn— Rev. I. W. Saint Mary's, Felmersham— Rev. John Palmer, vicar [linscn Day, rector Saint Mary's, Bletsoe— Rev.John Tom- Saint Mary's, Carlton — Rev. John H. Ellman, mcior [Thornion, cicar Saint Peter's, Sharnbrook — Rev. Geo. Saint Pkter's and Saint Paul's, Per- tenhall— Rev. William iMudge, rector DISSENTING CHAPELS. Baptists, at Carlton; Keysoe, and Sharnbrook Independents, at Harrold, and Turvey Wesleyan Methodists, at TuiTey and Risley Moravians, Pertenhall REGISTRARS, OF BIRTHS, DEATHS & MARRIAGES. Superintendent Registrar- Samuel W'ing, Potter St, Bedford [Turvey Registrar of M arTiages—'Sa\h]. Godfrey, registrars of births and deaths. For Risley District — Jos. Gregory, Risley „ Sharnbro'ik Distrii t~-^ohB^VU\^am- son, Sharnbrook [Turvey „ Turvey District— ya{han\. Godfrey, „ Harrold District— ^yi\\iam Woot- ton, Harrold RAILW^AY. Harrold is distant ten miles from the Wellingborough Station, on the North- ampton and Peterborough line, and nine miles from the Bedford and Bletcli- ley Station, on the London and North- western Railway. An Omnibus, from the George Inn, Har- rold, to (he Bedford Station, daily; through Sharnbrook and Bletsoe. CARRIERS. To BEDFORD, Charles Ibbs.from Blet- soe, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and Thomas Parsons, from the George Inn, Harrold, Saturday. To TURVEY, Thomas Bailey, from the Wheutsheaf, and Gillaway Harley, from the Georfje inu, Harrold, Wed- nesday and Saturday. LEIGHTON WITH THE VILLAGES OF LINSL.^DE, X^EIGHTON BUZZ.-XRD, anciently wnttei) Lelg/iton ; Beuti desert, is a parish, in the hundred of Manshead and deanery of Dunstable — the market town, respectable and thriving, is 41 inilfSN. w. from London, 20 s. s. w. from Bedford, 17 s. e from Buckingham, IOn.e. from Aylesliuiy, and 33 e. n. e. from Oxford; .situated on the river Oui-el, on the borilers of Buckinghamshire, on the London and North-Western Railway, for which line Leighton is a first-class station. Some writers accord to this place a dei;ree of conseqnence in remote ages — they assert it to be the Lygean burgh of the Saxou chronicle, which Cuthwulph took from the liritons in 571 ; indeed it still possesses a relic of con- sideiable antiquity, in the form of a Gothic cross of stone, beautiful even in decay ; it stands in tlie open area of the Market place, and is supposed to hai e with- stood theoper.itioiis of time, climate and civil turmoil for more than five hundred years — but by whom, or on what ticcasion it was erected, even tiadition does not attempt to reveal : its form is pentagonal, in height thirty-eight feet; the upper story is divided into five niches, each containing a statue; the first is in an episcopal habit; thes econd represents the Virgin and Jesus; the third appears to be des'gned for St. John the t-vangi'list.the others are too mutilated to he defined. Lord Leigh i* lord of the manor ; courts leet and baron are held twice annually. Leighion is a polling statiim at the election of county members, and it is included in the thiity-si.\th circuit of County Court towns, under the act passed 1846, for the recovery of debt.s to any amount, not exceeding £20. — the coui t sits monthly in the room of the Free school, Church square, Leighton BUZZARD, HOCKLIFFE AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. Buzzard enjoys a considerable trade in corn, timber, seed, iron, &c. : there are also some very extensive maltings, with other establislini en ts in the lime and brick trade; and the making of straw plat and laoe furnishes employment to many females. By its proximity, the Grand Junction Canal affords means of conveyance to all parts; and the railway before mentioned supplit-s an additional convenience of transit — and of consequence has materially conduced to the prospeiiiy and increase of the town. The parish church of All Saints, is a haud.some cru- ciform structure, principally in the early style of Eng- lish aichitecture; it consists of a nave, chancel, two side aisles, two transepts and vestry, with a plain massive tower rising from the iiitei section, containing a ring of hells, and is sui mounted by a much admired octagonal stone spire, one hundred and ninety-three feet in height : the living is in the presentation of the Prtbcndaiy of Leighton Buzzard, in Lincoln cathedral. The Society of Friends (a numerous and respectable class in this place) have a meeting house ; the Baptists two chapels and the Wesleyan Methodists one, Matthew Wilkes, in 1630, founded almshouses for eiyht indigent women, and the Honble. Mrs. Leigh, in 1790, endowed a free school here. A spacious and convenient workhouse, capable of accommodating three hundred recipients, has been erected here for the poor of this Union. The market, which is held on Tuesdav, is well attended, and abundantly supplied with cattle, corn, lace, straw plat, &c. Fails, February 5th, the second Tuesday in April, Whit-Tuesday, July 26th, October 24th, and the first Tuesdav after the 10th of 21 ^tniOtH^tiVt. LEIGHTON BUZZARD, &c. ^latcr'jf December. The parish of Leighton Buzzard compre- hends the chapeliies of Bili.ington, Eggington. Heath-and-Reach, and Standridge, which, wifli the lownsliip of Leieliton Buzzard, contained, by thf returns rendered in 1831, 5,149 inhabitants, and in 1841, 5,5;i2 ; of which last number 3,965 were returned for the township. LiNSLADE is a pari.sh, coutiguous to that of Leighton structure, erected in 1849: the liring is a perpetual curacy, in the gilt of tht- Crown. The Baptists have a neat place of worship, and there is an excellent national schciol — both lately erected. The grant of a fiir and market, to be held here — the former at Lady-day, the latter on Thursd.ny, was made to VViUiam de Beaucliamp, ill 1251, but they have both for ages ceased to be ubsirved. The population of the parish, in 1841, was Buzzard, but in tlie liundred of Cottesloe, county of 88:?, but it has since gieatly increased. Bucks. In the thirteenth century this place obtained some note horn being the resort of pilgrims to a lioly well here, and proce.ssions were often formed to visit it, until iu 1299, they were prohibited by the then Bishop of Lincoln, as furnishing the means of profit and extravaganie to the vicar. The village has latterly much increased in population, size and consequence from its proximity lo the treat railway line, and warehouses have been eretted for the deposit of goods, HocKLiFFE is a parish in the same linndred as Leighton — the village, a small rural one, is 3 miles E. s.B. from that lown, and 4 n. vv. from Dunstable; situated at the junction of the Northampton road with that of the London and Birmingham, and to be noticed mtrely as a posting village. Tlie church, dedicated to Saint Nicholas, is in the gothic style; the living is a rectory, united to the vicarage of Chalgrave. There are chapels for Independents and VVesleyan Methodists. &c. The parish church of Saint Barnabas is a handsome I Population, in 1841, 420. POST OFFICE, High street, Leighton Buzzard, William Doggetr, Post Master. — Letters from London and various places East, South and West arrive every morning at six and twelve at noon, and are des|iutclu'd at a quaiter liefore eleven in the forenoon and nine at night. Letters from Bedford, Birmingham, ISIanchester, Liverpool and all partsof the North of England, also from Scotland and Ireland arrive at twelve at night and twelve at noon, and are despatched at a quarter before eleven in the forenoon and night at nine. GENTRY AND CLERGY. odell Elizabeth, High st Adey Kev. Eihvaid, Leek st j Qdell Gregory Flem-ms, High st Ashfield Miss Ehza Maria, Leek st Wright John A. (boarding & day), Chelsea ATTORNEYS. Ashfield,W()odmati& Allen, High st Kipling John Philip, Church square Willis Frederick, Church square Bassett Mr. Francis, Hi?h st Bassett Mr. John Dolliin, High st Bryan Robert, Esq., Grove House, Heath and Reach Carter Rev. Charles, Jeffs lane Cumberh'ge Rtv. John, m. a., Eg- ginton House Doegeit Thomas, Esq., High st Edwin Mr. Thomas, Jeffs lane Flanders Rev. William, North st Gilpin Colonel Richard, the Grange, Hockliffe Grant Mrs. Anna, Church square Hanmer Col. Henry, Stock Grove Lovett Miss Elizh, Liscombe House Mauley Mr. William, North st Morrice Rev. Andrew D., Heath House, Heath and Reach AUCTIONEERS 6c APPRAISERS See under Land Surveyors. BAKERS. Bransen James, North st Fletcher Ezra, Standridge Jones Robert, North st Maltby Richard, Back lane Marshall John, Market place Odell Thomas, Leek st Parsons William, Canal st Piocter Jolin, High st ,^ , , „ . , ^. , ,. , I Richardson Georce, Linslade Orlebar Rev. John Ch^.les, Heath Roberts David, H^ockliffe and Reach ,, ^ I Shepherd William, High st NewmanRev.JohnStubbs,Hockliffe |Souiham William, Ewginton Ouvry Rev. Peter Thomas, Linslade TompkinsWilliam, Heath anc Pcttit Mr. Charles, High st -- - ■ Paine Rev. William, Jeffs lane Price Mrs. Sophia, High st Proctor Mr. Joseph, l^'ek st Proctor Mr. Richard, Leek st Rolfe Mrs. Elizabeth, High st Sleigh Rev. James, Hockliffe Stevenson Rev. Joseph, Vicarage Stone William, Esq., Hiuh st Theobald Mr. Samuel, Chelsea Wevill Rev. John, Jeffs lane Whishaw Rev. Alex^nd' r, Linslade Willis Rev. Joseph, Hockliffe Willis the Miss-es — , High st WilsonRev.Johii,ClaremontCotlage Wishaw Mrs. — , High st ACADEMIESAND SCHOOLS. Not otherwise iliscribed ;ire Day .Schools. British School, America — Thos. Bradbury, master Free School, Church square William Thomas Woodly, master Infant.s' School, Back lane Fanny Pearce, mistress Johnson i.,ouisa (boarding & day), Oak Cottiige, Chelsea Marshall Sarah, .Market place NATiosALSrHOOL.Heath and Reach — StephcnStanbridge, master National School, Hockliffe Willi.im Browne, master; Ann .Mill ward, misire.'*s National School, Chelsea— Isaac Patkei, maitcr; Caroline Parker, mistress 22 d Reach Furiiey James, Hockliffe Walker Richard, Hidi st Waters Thomas, Jeffs lane Woodman William, Linslade BANKERS. Bassett,Grant& Co., Highst — (draw (onBarclay,Bevan & Co, London) London & County Joint Stock Banking Company, High st (draw on head office, London) — Mr. WhithreadTomson, manager Savings' Bank, High st — Thomas Stratford, actuary BASKET AND SIEVE MAKERS. Brown Thomas, Jeffs lane Kent Thomas, Market place BLACKSMITHS. Bird John. Hockliffe Brown George, Leek st Cooper George, Leek st Cooi)er Sarah, Leek st Foster John, Linslade Grace George, Linslade Timms I);uiiel, Back lane BOOKSELLERS dcSTATIONERS Flint Frank (& printer), High st Partridge Jesse, Leek st Young James (& printer), High st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Chubb John, .Maikct place Devereil Job, Linslade Grace VVilliam, Jeffs lane Harris F^lizabcth & Son, Market pi Horn Henry, North et Makepeace George, North st Middleton Samuel, North st Morgan John, Back lane Morgan Joseph, North st Owen Thomas, Linslade Potts Edmund, North st Read John, Leek st Sanders James, Jeffs lane Tingey John, Hockliffe Woodstock William, North st Wright William, Jeffs lane BRAZIERS 6t TINMEN. Cavit Ebenezer, Higli st Keys Thomas, Leek st Sharp Joseph, Canal st Wyton William, Market place BRICKLAYERS. Elliott James, Woburn road Mead William, Linslade Saunders Jas. (& builder), North st BUTCHERS. Belgrove Robert, Heath and Heach Claiidge William, Noith st Garside John, Jeffs lane Hopkins James, High st Hopkins James, North st Hopkins Joseph, Canal st Hopkins Samuel & Son, North st Inwards Charles, Hockliffe Read Frederick, Hockliffe Reeves Edward, Hitjii st Roberts Joseph, North st Ru-ssell William, Linslade Turnham Joseph, North st Williamson Charles Adams, Highst Yerrall William, Hockliffe road Young Geoi (le, Leek st CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Agutter William, North st Aveline George Gamaliel, Hieh 8t Hannell Thos. (& builder), High st Merry Robert, High st CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. Headman William (and soda water maker). High st [Hik'h st Richmond Rbt.(&soda water mkr.) Theobald Peter Bassett, Leek st COACH BUILDERS. Deacon Thomas, Linslade King John. North st Sellick Antony, Leek st CONFECTIONERS. Bransen James, North st Parsons Debor.ih, Market place Parsons William, Canal st Partridne Michael, High st Shei)herd William, High st Siiuiuonds Alice, Higli st Wixutox^. LEIGHTON BUZZARD, Ac. i^ctrfortrsfttre* CORN ec FLOUR DEALERS. Clarke Merry, Ncirth st Hide John, Jeffs lane Hide William, Jeffs lane Jones Robert, North st Marshall John, Market place Middleton Saml. (factor). North st Procter John, High st lloberts David, Horkliffe Simmons William Richard, Leek st Taverner Sarah, Linslade Turney Jnmes, Hockliffe Waters Tht)nias, Jeffs lane CORN MILLERS. Hide William, Jeffs lane Flenions Elizabeth, North st CURRIERS. Harris Richard, North st Harris Walter, Market place Smith Joel(& leather cutter) High st FARMERS. Adams John, Egginton Adams Aiiller, Hockliffe Adams John VVarnei, Hockliffe Busliell John, High st Claiidge Sarah, Egs^inton Claridge William, Leek st Hart Tliomas, Ascott Heckfiird John, HockUffe Inwards John, Hockliffe Loke William, North st Sanders James, Jeffs lane S wineshead Thomas, Heath&Reach Woodman John, Linslade FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. British Empire, William R. Sim- mons, Leek st [ridge, Leek st Church of England, Jesse Part- Clerical and Medical (life), Thomas Stratford, Linslade County (fire) and PROviDENT(life) John T. Bassett, High st Farmers' AND Hail-storm, Frank Flint, High st [st General, Charles B. Sell, Leek Kent Mutual (fire), James Young, Hiah street Liverpool and London, Richard Daggett, Leek st [High st Norwich Union, Arthur Ashtield, Phcenix (fire), William Maniey, Market place [Church sq Royal Exchange, Fredk. Willis, Sun, John Procter, High st United Kingdom Temperance (life), Wm. Syminiiton, Leek st Western (life), Jas.Youug, Highst GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. Handscomb George, Hockliffe road Marriott Thomas, Leek st Woods Richard, Woburn road GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. (See also Shopkeepers, 8fc.) Bird Henry, HockUffe Emery William, North st Green William (& tallow chandler), Market place Hawkins George,High st Mauley William (& hop merchant), Market place Poulter & Son, North st Price John, High st Ridgwav William, High st Roberts' William, Hockliffe Sell Charles B., Leek st Taverner Samuel, Linslade Turner Alfred, Leek st HAIR DRESSERS. Dicks F'lederick, Canal st Partridge Jesse, Leek st Warner Thomits, Market place HATTERS. Baker William, High st Deverell John, High st Deverell Ann, Market place Ellis John, High st Ridgway Charles, Leek st Sharman John, High st INNS — commercial, &c. {See also Taverns Sf Public Houses.) Elephant & Castle (and posting), Henry Richardson, Linslade [st Swan(& posting),JohnBushell,High Unicorn, Charles Claridge, Leek st WhiteHor-seJno.Heckford.Hockliffe IRONMONGERS. Bird Henry, Hockliffe Cavit Ebenezei', High st Kent Thomas, Market place Ladd Wm, Charity wharf & Chelsea Page Charles, High st JOINERS Se CARPENTERS. Abbott George, North st Agutter William, North st Arnold 'i'homas. Heath and Reach Aveline George Gamaliel, High st Bowler Josepli, Leek st Dawson William & Edward, Nortli st Hack James, Hockliffe Horwood Austin, Linslade Mead William, Linslade Mead William, North st Merry Robert (& builder). High st Miles Richard, Heath and Reach Scott Newlatid, Heath and Reach Stephens William, Heath and Reach LAND SURVEYORS, AGENTS AND AUCTIONEERS. Flint & Son, High st Hart Thomas, Ascott LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS Baker William, Hieh st Ellis John, High st MitchellThomas, Hockliffe Ridgway Chailes, Leek st Sharman John, High st MALTSTERS. Clarke Jeremy, North st Franklin Henry, Leek st Loke Charles, North st Reeve Cliarles, High st Sell & Claridae, Leek st Warner John, Canal st MERCHANTS-GENERAL. LawfordEdward, & Co, Canal wharf Osboiti & Son, Canal wharf MILLINERS 6c DRESS MAKERS Abbott Elizabeth, North st Brown Jane, Jf ffs lune Dumpletoii Saiah, Market place Garside Elixabcth, Jeffs lane Knight Marioti, High st Odell Mary Anne, High st Poole Mary, North st Potts Hannah, North st Price Marian, Jeffs lane Trovell Elizabeth, High st Turnham Ann, Linslade Webster Sai'ah, North st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Purser Ann, High st Purser Jabez, Leek st WatkinsJoim [&. plasterer). Canal st SADDLERS & COLLAR MAKRS. Bales James, Leek st Bishop Sarah, Leek st Chase Joseph, Hockliffe Clare Thos. (& rope maker), Leek st SHOPKEEPERS& DEALERS IN GROCERIES ec SUNDRIES. Ash pool David, Noith st Ayre John, Hockliffe Blundell Joseph, Linslade Cook David, Back lane Deeley James, North st Gill man Michael, HockUfle Hart Rebecca, North st Inns John, Jeffs lane Inns Sarah, Egginton Parsons James, North st Pebody Joseph, Linslade Pratt Edvva'd, Back lane Reeve George, Back lane Richardson Geotge, Linslade Smith William, North st Stevens Daniel, Egginton Taverner Sarah, Linslade Turney Edward, Canal st Tutt Thomas, Leek st STONE & MARBLE MASONS. Mabbutt Thomas, Linslade Purser Jaber, Leek st STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Abbott Elizabeth, Oorth st Carpenter Elizabeth, Woburn road Knight Marion, High st Mearl Ann Sarah, Nortli st Robinson John, Heath and Reach Trovell Elizabeth, High st Turney Martha, High st Webb Ann, Cliurch square STRAW PLAT DEALERS. Cruse Benjamin, Heath and Reacli Roberts W'illiam, Hockliffe Taverner Samuel, Linslade SURGEONS. Bodger VVilliam James, Leek st Lawfoi d Edward, Leek st OUey Edgar, North st Wagstaff Phillip Winter, Canal st Bowler Richard, Hocklffe Claridge George, Leek st Doggett William (& draper), Highst Dumpltton William, Maiket place Fames William, North st Ellis John, High st Johnson William, Jeffs lane Mitchell Thomas, Hockliffe Sharman John, Hinh st Smith John, Linslade Webb James, Church squai'e Webb James (& draper], North st TAVERNS 6c PUBLIC HOUSES. Bedford Aims.Thns. Gurney,Canal wharf Bell, 'I'lioinas Ginger, IMaiket place Bell, Cliarles Inwards, Hoiklifle [st Bill & VVoolpack, 'llios. Tompkins, Leek Black Horse, Sarah Birdsey, IVorlh st Black Lion, Tliomas Kin?, High st Boot, Charlotte Gandy,Maiket pi [slade Buckingham Arms, Austin Horwood, Lin- Bull, John Deverell, Hijjh st Bull, John Inwards, Hockliffe [st Coach & Horses, Thomas ('arsons, Leek Cross Keys, Richard Samuel, Market pi Curritrs' Arms, Ann Alarlton, Market pi Duke's Head, William Tompkins, Heath and Reach [Canal st Ewe Lamb & Shepherd, William Loke, Falcon. George Kin?, Leek st Five Balls, Joseph Fames, Stamlridge Fleur-de-Lis, Richd. Tompkins, Hockliffe George & Dragon, Henryl'ranklin, Leek st Golden Bell, Ann Cotching, Church sq Greyhound, Thomas Barker, North st Hoise Shoes, Wm. Lancaster, Kgeinton Kind's Aims, Win. Inw.irds, Hockliffe King's Arras, lid. Irving Buyers, North st Nag's Head, James .Snoxell, Leek st Peacock, Thomas Gilbert, Leek st Peacock, Jos. Powill. Heath and Ileach 23 a^cDfoiiJi^ftilf. LEIGHTON BUZZARD, &c. 5^latcr'j5 TAVERNSj Sic.—CoHtinued. rioiijth, William I'anllins. Esginton I'himc of Pothers, Geo Younit, I.e«k 8t Kailwav lni>. SVi!liam Eliborii, Linslad« Kavfi-.Elizibetli Diokins. Hifih st Kfd I ion, Kobt.Bflsrovf.Hrath & Reach RfJ Lion, Joseph Si-ott, Srandridge Koelmck. John Garsidi-, Jeffs lane R.iyal Oak. James Payne, Back lane S^araoen's Head, Charles Loke, Hii;h st Shoulder ol"Mnllon,J:is.Tiirney, Canal st Slat, Thoraas Hickson, tiealh and Reach Son, John Yoiin?, Leek st S«an, Edward Secret, Clielsea Whealsheal", Thomas S.inders, North st While Hart, John *;re.-n, Hockliire White Swan, lUchard Woods, Hockliffe Retailers of Beer. Barker « illiara, Hockliire mad blinker Joel, Hocklitfe Cook David, Back lane Fall Thomas, Chelsea Faulkner William, Linilade liiichman Joseph, Linslade Holt Benjamin, Slaudridi;e Honour William, North st Hopkins Joseph, Back lane Mend Willia'it, linslade Milles John, Linslade Norman Joseph, Hockliffe road Reeve Ihonias, Heath and Reach Samuel I iiumas, North st Smith William, North st W^ATCH 6t CLOCK MAKERS. Diaije .'ohii (i^ guiiMiiiili),Maikct[)l Jiiliiisou Willi. nil, Hii^list .Mattlunvs Alfitvl, Hi«li st MatthewsJoliiUA tov dealer), Higli st Pai:e Cliarl. s, H'mh'st Spliaiii ci Fla?, Canal st WHAKFINGERS, LIME BUR- NERS & BRICK MAKERS. Lawfciid E'lwaril & Co. Canal vvliarf C)-horii & Son, Canal vvliail Prior Cliailes (biick maker,! Hock-' litre loail WHEELWRIGHTS. Gee Edward, Leek st LnoU James, Can.il st Mead Tho:iias. Letk .^t Rol)eit> Georue, HocUliflTe Stairs Jul. II, Ninth st WOOLSTAPLERS. Warren U'ihiani, Linslade Wliiclietlo Stephen Henry, Linslade Miscellaneous. Birdsey lohn, china & class deair Jeffs la Birdsey Charles & rhomas,callle dealers. .North »l [Hack lane Bishop & Reynolds, tobacco-pipe makers, Dawson Edw. rurniture broker. North st Di-age John, parish clerk. Market place Diimpletoti V\ in. pawnbroker, Maiketpl Forth Fhomas, timber merchant, Jeffs la G.\s WoHkS, Leek st— William Wellor, mamiijer Gilbert 1 honias, niillwriitht. Leek st Ini.*nu RkVknik Dpkick, at the Swan Inn, \\'llliam Callaman, s«;>fMisor Labram Ezra, travellinif tea dh". Hockliffe LiTEiiAitY Institute, Church square- Rev. Joseph Stevenson, srcretary N'orman Robt. cooper. Jells lane [st Phillips Wm. inland revenue ollicer,Caual Poole Fhomas, glover, North st Reeve Charles, brewer, Hliih St ST.tsir Office, High si-Frank Flint, suhdiiliihiiter [Linslade Stephenson Robt. & Co. coal nierchnnts, SyminRtou William, travelling draperaud tea dealer. Leek st Taltam Thomas, stay maker, Chelsea Tb.mpkrancb H.\ll, Leek street— Jesse Partriilge, keepir [st Wai;staffThoi. veterinary surgeon, Loek White Fhos. & Co. wine merchts. North st PLACES OF WORSHIP^ AND inElll MINISTF.llS. Ai.i.-Saints- Cni'RCH, Leij;litoii Buz- zard—Rev. Joseph Stevenson, vicar Saint Nicholas' Cue rch, Hockliffe— R -v. John S. Newman, rector Saint Barnabas' Church, Linslade — Rev. Peter T. Onvry. perpetual curate ErisroPAi. Chapkl, Heath and Reach — Rev. Jno.C. Orlebar, /)e;-/)(7iia/ curate Baptist Chapei., Hockliffe road— Rev. William Paine, minister Baptist Chapkl, Leek st — Rev.Edwaid Adey, nniristtr ^various Baptist Chapkl, Lin.slade ministers Friends' IMketing Holsf, North st Lnrkpendent Chapel, Hockliffe Rev. James Sleigh Wesletan .Mktiiodist Chapki.s, Jeffs lane; Hockliffe, and Heath and Reach POOR LAW ONION. WoRKHOusL, Leightuii lituzaid. Governor — Jolin Ponlton /t/o/;-o;i— iMarllia Poultou Stiigeon — John Holt Cha'plain — Kev. John Hart Clerk to the Hoard of Guardians Joseph Woodman Relieving Officer — Wm. Henry Meacher REGISTRARS, OF BIRTHS, IIKATHS & MARRIAGES. Superintendent Keyislrnr— Jos. Wood luon HKUISIRARS of HIHTIIS AND DFATMS. For Lewht'tnPistrict (and of marriaces) — " Richard Oatjitett fWiolli „ Eddltsboro' District Rev. Edward „ lrini. MONTlll.Y IN THI-; IllEE- SCIIOOL, CIlllRCIl SH)11ARE. JiirfjK— John W. WiiiK Escj. Assistant (VtiA— John I'hilip Kipling CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY^ ON THE LONDO.N AM) NORTH- WESTERN LINE. Station half a mile from the centre of Leigliton Buzzard. Robert Miller, .v((i/i.)(i master. An Omnibus, from the Swan Inn, awaits the arrival, and attends the departure of the sever.il trains. CARRIERS. ToL<»Nni)N, William Claridije, from thel.'iiicorn, & Henrv Pursell, from tlio White Hart, Hnckliife, every Tuesday and Friday— and John Inns, i'rora Jeff* lane, eveiy Tuesday To LONDON, BIRMINGHAM, MAN- CHESTER, LIVERPOOL and all of the North of England, by Rait' rrati, daily To AYLESBURY, Joseph .Morgan, from the Roebuck, 'Fuesdav. To OL'NSrABI.E, George Cooke, iiom the White Hart, Hockliffe, Monday and Friday, and i'imothy Deacon, from the Roi buck, I'nes Thurs. and Sat. ToORFAF BUICKHILL, John Frank. lin,froni the Greyhound, 'Fnesd'iy. lo LIDHNGION, John Gurry, from the Greyhound, Tuesday. To Ll'TON, George Cooke, from the White Hart, Hockliffe, Monday artd Friday, and Timothy Deacon, from the Roebuck, 'Fuesday, Thursday and Sat. To NORTHAMPION, George Cooke, from the While Hart, Hockliffe, Tubs- dav and Saturday. To VVINSLOW, John Walker, from tlio Swan, Tuesday. CONVEYANCE BY WATER. To and from LONDON, BlitMING- H A.M, M A N CH EST ER, A;c. Iltjlioats, on the Grand Junction Canal, pas» Law ford and Co.'s, and Osborne's wharfs, daily. i LUTON, WITH THE VILL.-\GE OF CaDDINGTON AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. ^(JTON, a fliinrisliiiiR and respi ctable m:iiket town, i there are several maltings and eorii mills. The grow- giviug name lo the pHri>h in which it lies, in the hun- iiig prosppiitv of tiie town may I'e atteMcd, not only (Ired of Elitt, is ;51 miles n. w. by N. from London, 20 by the lapid increase in the iiiimher of houses, hut by r.. by .s. from liedford, 10 n. from St. Albans (Herts), I the taste displayed in the election of new and the and 5 E. I>v 3. from Dunstable — the last iiaimd a sia- [ alteiaiion of the old buildings. The streets are g;is- tifiti on a biaiich c'lnimunicating witli the London and I lighted, and an appearance of respectability and Noitli-Ue>tern Kailway, at Leighton. Thi- town is i general impioreinent are manifest. The town halt seated near to the small river Lea, from which cii- ciiiu>tuiice it i> said to have been formei ly called Lea- totcii ; others however, contend that it derives its name, ' Luton,' from Lowloirn, deduced from the low position of the place, ii I'eing surionnded I'y gentle eir.ineiices. liaron Fulk de lirent built a castle here, in the early p-irt of the thiiteeiith century; and John Lord Wenlock, in the reign of Henry V'l, ertcted a erected in 1818, in George-stuei, is a handsome antl commodious building, comprising convenient apait- nients for the use of the county courts, and savings' liank, with looms for public lectiiies, conceits, &c. — the entile forming a valuable iinprovement to the town. A nu'chaiiics' institute ha-* also been formed, and is well attended; and a reading and news looin, also a scientific institution are suppoiied by respectable epiilcliral clrapel on the north side of the church, and iiiemheis. The \\orliliou.se of the Luton Union, is a had commenced building a noble mansion at Snin- ijieiies (the portico of which is still stniidinuj, on the opposite hill to Luton Hoo Park, but the battle ot Tewke.Hhuiy, in whic h he fell, prevented its comple- tion. The manufacture of straw plat, may be consi- dered llie staple of the place, and this branch is carried on by sever.il houses, on a very extensive scale : that of VValler ha-* stood conspicuous in the trade for many yeari*. K.xclusive of the plat branch, the business here is mostly of a ret til and general character; and 24 convenient building situated near the gis work<, on the Dunstable road: iheboaid of guardians sit here every Friday. Luton is governed by a high-constahle, appointed at the quarter sc-sious; petty scsions fur the division are held here; a County Court, forlhe reco- very of debts to anv amount not exceeding £20., sits riiontlily at the to\Mi hall ; and lyUton is a polling station at tlie election of membcis to repre-ent the county at large. John .Shaw Leiuh, Es(|. is lord of the manor, and also lord paiamuunt of the hundred of FiitC, JBircctorp. LUTON, &c. BeUforligj&tre. The |);iiisli clinrcli of Saint Mary is a venerable struc- ture, partly in tiie (!< cnrHtefi Norman and partly in the lati-r Englisli style : an enihattleil tower, constrncred of flint aii'l otlii r ^tolle.s, in cheqner vvoi k, rises from the xvestcrn end ; at the corners are hexniimilar turrets, and the arch of the west door is handsomely orna- mented witli monldiiiKS : the principal objeci of curio- sity in the interior, is the stone font ciy Itnptklerinm, liexaKonal in foim, inclosed in a lofty frame of gothic arches, terminated by an elegant talxrnacle. The living of I.nton is a lay rectory and vicaiage, in the patnniage of Jolui ShawLeiuh, Ksq.; tlie Kev. William M'Doiiail, M. A. is the present incnmhcnt. The Ita()- tists have two cha[)els for their worship, and the Independetits, the Society of Fiiends, and VVesleyan and Primitive Methodists have one each. In the national and liriiish schools seveial hundred children are insfnuted, mainly by the contributions of tha benevfdent ; and twelve neiit cotta^^es, with ample ' Capability Brown,' stands the mansion of Jfdin Shaw (>ei|!;li, Ksr thereabouts. inundation, occasioned by a continued and iincom- ' Cadoington is a parish partly in the hundred of monly heavy fall of rain, which laid many houses Flitt, county of Bedford, atid iiaitly in the hundred of nnder water, and destroyed a considerable amoutit of Dacorum, county of Heits, — the village beiiic situated properly. ()n the 1st November, 17.')'), the water of l about 2 miles s, w. from Luton. Markgate Cell, more a pond, in an elevated part of the town, was so paiticiilaily noticed in Market Street, is in this parish, violently agititcd. that it several times oveiflovved on , I'he chnrcli of C^ddinnton, dedicated to All Saints, is one side, and ebbed .*ix feet on the oilier; the day | sitirtted in the Bedfordshire part of the parish : the WHS unusudl!y calm : the great earthqu ike at Lisbon i ruins? is a vicarage, in the presentation of th'; Dean happ'-ncd 2!nh of September, in the same year. About • and Chapter of St. Paul's, London ; the Rev. William two miles east from the town, upon an eminence in iMellaid, a.m. is theiiicumbent. The parish contained, Luton Hoo I'ark, which was laid outby the celebrated I in IS.'il, Ij.'ifi.l inhabitants, and in 1841, 1,747. POST OFFICE, Park square, Luton, Gre.shani Puddephatt, Post jl/ari.'^r.— Letters from London, also all p.irtsoftlie Nouth of Kngland, and from Scotland and Ireland arrive every morning at six, and are despitched at ten minutes past seven in the evening. Letters from places in the Kasteiin Counties arrive, from Hitciiin, every evening at half-past six, and are despatched thereto at half-past seven in the morning. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Ames Lionel, K-(i.tlie Hxde bilker Rev. Thomas, m.a. Kast Hyde Bland Rev. Miles, d d. Lilley Hiett the Misses M. & M. Church st Blown Daniel, Esq. Park st Brown Henry, Fsq. Siuaitst Burr Charles, Fsq. Park st Burr Mrs. Flizabeth, Park st Cookson Mrs. Ann, Piirk st Hubbard Joseph, Wellington st Huiihis Abiahain, Chapel si Infants' School, Langley street — Jane Douglas, mistress Lewis Ann Kmma, Wellington st National School, Church st — . . ., , „..., -.. David Stncker, master; Martha i Tonialin Francis, Park st Donningion, mistress | Tomalin John, Bedford road Newlaiid Robert Henry (boarding [ Tomalin Thomas, Wellington st and day). Church st i Wakes John, Park st How Richard, Park st How Thomas, Park st Poulton fieorge. High town Steggall John, Chajjel st Thorogood George, London road I'lplady William, .New town Parsons Fdward (boarding). Bed- Waters John, Castle st ford Villas Richardson Anne, Stuart st Wayne Mary, Church st ATTORNEYS. Austin Chas. Addini^ton, George st KiickwoodKdwinLathHin.theBiache Chase F'lederick, London road Hunt William, Stuart st Peaise tk Bi iinin«. Market place Sworder Thomas, the Buiv Waiing Richard, Park st VVe-t Williainson Kdw.Chilwell, George st AUCTIONEERS &APPKAISRS. CrawIeySaml. Ksq. Stock wood Paik Danes Mis. Susannah, High st Daniel Miss Matia, Wellineton st DaviesRev.Jno.Jordan,Dunstablerd Gilbert Mrs. Sarah, Lunuley st Hirons Rev. John, WellinKton st Irons William, Ksq. George st John Rev. Benjamin, Chapel st Jones J(din, Ivsq. Dunstable road Leigh John Shaw, Esq. Luton Hoo Park Little Rev. John, Sandon M'Douall Rev. Win. M.A.Copt Hall Macnaniara Arthur, Esq. Cadding- toii bill [Vicarage Mellard Rev. Wm. m.a. Caddinntou : Bigg John, Park st Oaklev Richard, Esq. Lawience end : Cumberland John, London road Pope Rev. John, Wellington st | Holyoake Henry, S:u,.it st Riciiard-on Mr. Joseph, Woodside | BAKERS. Robinson Rev. Robt. Wellington st i Adams William, Park st Sibley Mr. Henry, Wellington st | Allingham Franci", Church st Sikes Rev. Thomas, .m. a. Vicarage - Bates George, Langley st Sowei by Lieutenant-Col. Thomas, Bund Noah, Hiuh town Putteridgebury . Cbaniberlain Genrge, New st Stephenson Re/. John, Chapel st I Cooke Joseph, Newtown st Vyse Ric'iiard, Esq. Holly Lodge ! Cooper Tin. mas, George st VValler Mr. John, jnn. Wellington st ; Cotchin William, jun. Park st West Waller James, Em). (ieoige st j Ciistance Charles, High town Waller Mrs. Jane, Geoige st | Drewett William, Park st ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS. Ellerd Anne, Chnich st Not otherwise describeil are Day Schools. Flower Joseph, Wellington St Beeby Mary and Lncv (t>oarding), Glenister Amos, Newtown st Clijpel st [Laihbury, master; Han well Chailes, Elizabeth st British School, Langley st — Edw. , Hawkes Anjos, London road Haydon S. & J. (ladies' boarding & ; Hill William, Wellington st day), Wellington st I Hoaie Charle.s, Chapel st Waters Sarah, George st Wright Thomas, Wellington st BANKERS. London & County Joint-Stock Banking Company, Marketplace — (draw on the Head Office, Lon- don) — William Bigg, manager Sha'ples, Exton & Lucas, High st— (draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co. London") Savings' Bank, Town hall, Georee st — Thos. Erskine Austin, actuary BASKET MAKERS. Farmer i homas, .Market place Farmer William, Chapel st Foster Thomas, George st BLACKSMITHS. Brown John, Park st Cain William, Chapel st Gambv William, New Mill end H.ddstaff Joseph, Stopsby Puddephatt Jihn, Maiket place Shepbeid Henry, Old Bedford road Squires John, Reedman's lane Swain Stephen, Stuart st Swain William, Dunstable place Swaine John, Caddington BLOCK AND MILL MAKERS. Biig John, Park st EwiuKton .Matthew, Park st Peaise Jobn, Wellinuton st BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND PHlNTERS, Hill William, George st Wiseman John, George st 25 l^ttJfoiKisiftut. LUTON, &c. ^lmcr'0 BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. | Adams Willhim, IJeilkud road | Almond James, Bedford road 1 Bates Thomas. Higli town ■ Davis Fnderick, High St Gardner Ilobcri, Castle st | Gren villa Frcdfiick, Chapel st Hart Ge(7rge, Park sqnarc i Hauar George, Dumfries st Hollands Henry, Georice st Lock John, London road Norris Simeon, Newtown st ' Parsons James. High st Robinson John George, Church st St abrook Hill, George st Sell Isaac, \V«HingtiMi st i Thorp Israel, Newtown st ] Underwood William, Chapel st i While Henrv, London road ( Woodman Thomas, Park st West BRAZIERS AND TIN-PLATE WORKERS. Barrett William, High st Brown iv Green(and coppersmiths), George street Keeling John, Park st West Keeling Joseph, Park st Poulter & Lowin, London road BREW^ERS. Bnrr Frederick, Paik st Sworder Uobt it, Bedfoid road BRICK & TILE MAKERS AND LIME BURNERS. Beeby John (limeburner),High twn Giay John, IJedtord road Giegory Georne, Dunstable road Sniitl) Robert, George st Williams John & Sons, George st BRICKLAYERS, SLATERS 6t PLASTERERS. Barratt Thomas, Park st. West Burge James, Market hill Gray John, Bedford road BUILDERS. See Joiners, Builders, S(c. COAL BUTCHERS. Allingham Joseph, High town Axton Jidm, Park st Baldrav George, Dnnifiies st [st Cole Chas. f & dealer in game), Park Conisbee Willian), High town Crawley Elizabeth, George st Dai'cer Ji.seph, Park st Davis Thomas, Maiket place I-'ield George, Ciiuicii st Griffith Griinth (poik). Park st Lucas Joepli. High town Mowbray William, London road Oliver William, Higii town P.me Simpson, New town Pigott Francis, Market place Reeve Robert, George st Sparey Thomas, New Town Squire Charles, Park st West CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. Gardner Jost ph, Clniich st Harris George, U'elliiigton st Jordan John (& soda water maker), George st Phillips William, Market place Wootton Peter, George st CHINA GLASS, «cc. DEALERS. Axton John, Piirk Kt Jones Joseph, VVellinglon st CLOTHES DEALERS. Allen Josefili, GC'iigc st Bariiet I»aac, Chapel st EHiniHii 'I'honias, Park st Robinson Fr.mk, Bedford road Strange George, Wellington st COACH BUILDERS. Chambers George, Cattle st ftLiyes William, Stuart st 26 MERCHANTS AND DEALERS. Beeby John (& salt), Castle st Deacon Timothy, Stuart st CONFECTIONERS. Cawdell James, George st Flower Joseph, Wellington st Stratton Thomas, George st Wakes John, Park, st Waters Sarah, George st COOPEES. Foster Thomas, George st King John. Bedford road Win^rave Thomas, High st CORN MERCHAnTS,DEALERS AND MEALMEN. Adams William, Park st Brown Henry Coles, Park square Brown Ricbaid Marks, Park Mill Cook James, Market place Cotchin William, jnn. Park st West Drewett William, Park st How 'Ihoinas, Park st Seabrook Hill, George st Sell Edward, Church st Titylor Edward, Castle st Tomaliii John, Bedfoid road [Tomson Henry, Bute st 1 Williams John & Sons, George st CORN MILLERS. Bond Joseph, Biscott Mill Brown Richard Marks, Park Mills 1 Dalton William, Hyde Mill [road ' Freeman Daniel, Noi tli Mill, Bedford Gutteridge Daniel, VVhite Mill Jones John, New Mill end CURRIERS AND LEATHER CUTTERS. Davis Frederick, High st Robinson John George, Church st ENGRAVERS. Coales John Charles, High st Todd Robert (& printer), Barber's la FARMERS. Brown Henry. Georae st Claike John, Park st Clarke William, Park st Crawley ICTuabeth, George st Metropolitan Counties (build- iim), George Harris, Wei ington st Minerva (life), CInvles lienning. Market pi [Brown. Park sq National Providemt, Henry C. Norwich Union, Frederick Chase, London road [Castle st Phcenix (fire), Pearraan & Son, Property Protection, Pearse & Beniiing, Market place RovAL ExcHANGE,Giesham Pudde- phatt. Park sq ■ [George st ScoTfisH Union,. Stormer & Sou, Star, Frederick Da>is, High st Sun, Robert Marsh, Hifjh st [id Union, John Cumberland, London FISHMONGERS AND FRUITERERS. Denmer Philip, Wellingtou st Pilgrim Samuel, George st Stratton Thomas, George st FURNITURE BROKERS. Doniiiiigton William, Pai k st Smith Robert, George st Wingiave Thomas, High st GROCERS, AND TEA AND PROVISION DEALERS. {See also Shopkeepers^ &c.) Ainsworth Elizabeth, Park st Bell Ann, Market place Chapman Charles, High st Clarke Charles, Park st Cook Francis, Park square Darley James, Welliniiton st Davis Francis, George st Gardner Joseph, Church st Inwards John, Wellington st Jennings & Gates, George st Mead Joseph, Park st Pledge William Thompson, George Poulton John Davis, Chapel st Pryor Frederick, George st Strange Alfred, Park st Waters Johii, Cnstle st HAIR DRESSERS. Cawdell James, George st De Fiaine William Thoma«, High St Scrivener John, Bedford road Tomliiison Thoma^, Geoige st [st Deacon Timothy, Stuait st Gazeley Samuel & Wm.Caddington \v"ebdaie John, Wellington st Gillhani William, Georee st Gregory George, Dunstable road Grujon Smnuel, North hill liliiiSjl;! Neii'JrS^^" ''''' •'-■''«■• «-— ^^--^^ ^* Meacher Edward, New Mill end Parkins Henry, Dane st Peacock John, Harpenden road Pigoit Francis, Market place Pigott Thomas, Stop>lev Plummcr William, High town Qneenboiougli Daniel, Sio])sley Samiiis Fldwaid, Caddington Stokes Richard, Limbeiry Taylor James, Welliiigion st Webdale John, Ne« town FIRE, «te. OFFICE AGENTS. Australasian (lile),Abrm. Hnghes Chapel st [Stuart st Clerical (rfe),Ths. Er^kin An.stin, County (fire) & Provident (life), Charles Harrison, Park st County (hail-storm), Alfred Good, Maiket place; and John Cumber- land, London road FniKNDs' Provident (life), Heniv C.des Brown, Park sq [We^t General, Riclnl. Wareing, Park st Indisi'uiable (life), George Harris, Welliiigion street Law (fire), I'^i Legal (life), Edwin Latham Biirkwood, the Braclie Medical Invalid (life), John G. Ap|)leton, Stuait st HATTERS. Beale Edward Jame>, George st Hai lison Charles, Park st- Oliver Samuel, Park st INNS. (See also Taverns ii( Public Houses.) Bell (commercial), Peter Wilson, George street Geoige (ciles John, Church st Gardner George, Park st Heel John, Park st Hutit Thomas, Park st We.st Moody William, Geoige st Moody William, Stuart st Robinson Frank, Bedford road Roe George, Dumfries st Stornier & Son, George st Strange George, Wellington st Underwood John, George st TALLOW^ CHANDLERS. Inwards John, Wellington st Jennings & Gates, George st TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Balloon, Henry Buckle, Dunstable road Barleymow, William Clark, Cliurch st Black Bull, Samuel Carter, Park st Black Swan, Thos. Tomlinson, George st Bricklayer's Arras, Thos. Peck, High town Bricklayer'sAims,Rd. Wilson, Caddingtou Bute Arms, Herbert Harrison, Peel st Chequers Edward Bradbury, Caddington Chequers, George Odell, Park st Cock, William Clark, Park st Compasses, Wm.Thorogood, Chapel st Cross Keys, James Hawkes, George st Crown, James Burge, Market place Crown & Anchor, Jos. Everett, Bedford rd DukeofWellington,Jas.Harris,Bedfordrd Duke of York, Thomas Lee, High town Fox, John Ireland, Dunstable road Greyhound, George Martin, Park st West Harrow, Daniel Goodwin, Woodside Horse & Jockey, Ann Burdick, Bedford rd King's Arms, Frederick Eyles, Market pi Leather Bottle, James Broach, East hyde Masons' Arms, \Vm.Puddephatt,Chapel st Old English Gentleman, Thomas Law- rence, High town Rabbit, Mary Lawrence, Bedford Old rd Richard IH, Edward Yates, London rd Robin Hood, George Bowers, New town Rock of Gibraltar, John Peacack, Har- penden road Royal Oak, David Lowe, Leagrave Royal Oak, Edward Parratt, Stopsley Shoulder of Mutton, John Puddephatt, Market place Sportsman, William Young, Stopsley Sugar Loaf, Thomas Stokes, Leagrave Sun, Daniel Armour, High town Swan, John Dunham, New Mill end Talbot, John Pates, Castle st [Marsh Three-Horse-Shoes, Geo. Read Leagrave Three Jolly Butchers, William Conisbee, Hif:h town fble road Two Brewers, Wliliam Sargood, Dunsla- Vine, Sophia EUard, London road Wairon & Horses, Thos. Cox, High town Wellington Arms,Jas.Taylor,Welllngto «t Wheatsheaf, Mary Dimmick, Church st Wheel Plough, Thomas Brown, Park st Wheel Plough, Richard How, Park st W heel wrigls'Arms,Wm. Hawkes, North st White Hart, Richard Stokes, Market pi Windsor Castle, Thos. Finch, Windsor st Betailers of Beer. Barnett George, Park street West Billimore William, Chapel st Brown John, Park st Cain Thomas, Hattingsst Deacon Timothy, Stuart st Deeley John, London road Ellington Gabriel, Dunstable road Foster Joseph, Park st Ga/eley William, Caddington Gibbins John, Caddington Haydon Samuel, Langley st Hine William, Hastings st 27 JJfdfoilrgfiire. LUTON, &c. ^latcv^g Retailers of Beer— Cotitinued. Hide John, Hi?li town Howe 'I'hom.is, Woodside Lnngridee Robert. Smart st I.arkins William, Hish town ftledcraft Hrnry M il.son, Windsor si OliTer William, Hii;ti town Smith John, Chapel st Squires Abraham. New town Swain Stephen, ^unstable place Swain Rictianl, Dnmfrics st 'I'omulin John, Bedford road Warner Ann, Church st Wilson Joseph, Hastings st M'ilscher Thomas, New town Yarrow William. Klizabelli st Yates Thomas, High town Younj; Edward, Stopsley TEA DEALERS — TRAVELLING. Bell UolnMt, WfUinyiou st Black Joliii, Park st [West Niclml John (and diaper), Park st Savill Jostpli, .Stuaii st VETERINARY SURGEONS. Fiilk'r WillLiiii, .^larket place Suriiio 1 Hi'iiry James, Park st •WATCH at CLOCK MAKERS. Coales Juliii Charles (and jeweller} HiRh stieet Gillhaii) Willhm, fleorge st Mantua Peter. Market place Oclee John, Hiuli st Babaii William, Clia|)el st WHEELWRIGHTS. Brown & Uiazier, iiedford road Crawley George, Stopsley Dawes Joseph, Stopsley Deeley Joliii, London road Hawkes William, North st Lane Samuel, Park st ^WHITESMITHS AND BELL- HANGERS. Brown & Green, George st Moody George, Chapelst [We-t Swain Kdwd. (& gunsmith), Park st Miscellaneous. .4ikenhead James, inland revenue officer, Wellinston street Brewer George, slay maker and dealer in Uerlin wool, Wellington st Brown Henry, limber nieichant and saw mills, George street F.\les John, parish clerk. Church st f ciron James, linen manufacturer, New. tuwu street Gas NN ouks, Dunstable road — William Phillips, stcrtlanj [st Good Alfred, accountant, &c. Wellinclon Uazeljj'ove Thomas \\ illiam, stone ma- son, New street iNi.AN u Kkvkndk OFFlCE,at the George Inn — John \\ hitl'ord, supervisor I.ITEHARV & SCIKNTIFIC I.VSTITI'TION, held in the Town liall — Henry Tomson, stcretanj Mf.chanics' IxsTiTiTE, lield in the Town ImII — John Wiseman, sicretaiy Pcarman & Sou,wine & spirit merchants, Castle street PoLicK .Station, Dunstable lane — Wil- liam Baildon, stiperhitfiidetil Sliriinpton J no. bottlemerchant, Bedford rd Stamp Office, Market place— William Phillips, sub-distribulei- Taylor Thomas, pari^h clerk, Caddington Town Hall, (ieorge street — Charles A. Anstin, secretary Waller John, woolstapler. Castle st WebdaleJno.hardwareinan, Wellington st REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS, DEATHS & MARRIAGES. Superintendent Regisirar — Thomas E. Austin, Stuart st Reyistrar of Marriages— Henry Coles Brown, J tin.. Park square Registrar of Births and Deaths- William Mead, Market st COUNTY COURT, HELD IN THE TOWN HALL MONTHLY, Judge — John Koe, F.-q. C/f)fc— Edward C. Williamson POOR LAW UNION. Workhouse — Dtin.stahle. road. .Master— John Giirduer .Urt^ro?!— Elizabeth Gardner rA(i/i/ain— Kev. John Little Surgeon — Patrick Benson Cleik to the Hoard of Guardians — Thofc Erskine Anstin Rcliering Olficer — Joseph Anslce COACZZES. To LONDON, the Yietorta and the Favouiite. from the George, and tlie Albert from the Bell, daily and the Wonder, from the Red Liim, every Monday, Wednesday and I'ridny To AMPIHILL, the Wonder, from the Red Lion, every Tuesday, 'I'hnrsday and Saturday To DUNSTABLE,anOmiii6Ms,fromtbe George, twice a day CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. The nearest Station is on the Dunstablb and Lf.ighton Branch oI the London and Nonh-VVeslern Line, 5 miles dis- tant—Charles Kilner. Station Master An Omnibus, from the George Inn to the Station, twice a day CARRIERS. To LONDON, William Clark, from the Click, and Samuel Haydon, from bis bouse, Langley bI, daily, and Timothy Deacon, from his house, Stuart street, diiily (.Salurdavs excepled) To BEni'ORD.'Thomaslnskip, from the Red lion. Monday and Friday To DUNSTABLE, John Beeby, from his oflice, London road,daily,and Timothy Deacon, from his house, Stuart street, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday To HITCHIN, Hill Seahrook, Irom bis house, George st, Tuesday and Friday ToI.EIGHTON BUZZARD, Timothy Deacon, from his house, Stuait street, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday To NORTHAMPTON .ind WOBURN, Georae Cook, from the Bell, Tuesday To SILSOE, Thomas Inskip, from the Red Liou, Monday and Friday m. MARKET-STREE'r AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. ARUET-S TRKKT is a rhapeliy, comprised within the parishes of Caddingfon, Klamstead and Studham — partly in the hundred of Dacorum, county of Herts, Dut eiiiefiy in the hundreds of Klitt and Maiishead, county of Bedford ; 29 miles n. w. hy n. from London, 3i s. w. hy s. from Luton and 8 n.' from St. Albans The name is said to he a corruption of il/r/r/^-vrt/e or Mark-gate street, derived from Merit or li'lark, a bounds, y, and i/ute, a eate; for, liere it is believed was a Kate on the IFatlintr-strect of the HomHti.s. Previous to the opening of the great line of r.iilway, in llie neighbourhood, ihe town derived some advantage from its thorouiilifare .situation, on the road between London and Birmingham, which the tiafic on the rail has now ;dl but e.'itinguished. The manufacture of .straw plat, and of that anicle into hats and bonnets, may now be reckoned as the prevailing branches of industry, fur- nishing many females here with emplovmenl. The place bas nothing to boast of itself; but the vicinity is very respectable, and enlivened by f'Mtile scenery and tasteful re>idences — Beerhwood Pai k, two miles hence, and iMaikyate Cell, near to the town, are the most conspicuous: the latter was formerly an extensive establishment for nuns of the Benedietiiie order, under the Abbey of Saint Albans, founded about 1 145 ; it was rebuilt a (ew years since, and is now occunitd as a lamily mansion. The chapel of Saint John, at Markyate Cell, is a plain building, erected hy John Coppen, Esq. in 17;54 : the livingisa |ierpitual ciuacy, in tlie presen- taiion of Daniel Goodson Adey, Esq.; the Rev. Daniel Adey is the present minister. Tlie 15ni Tlmiiias, Main st Gdodyear Joliri, IMaiii st Thorn William, Main st CARPENTERS & JOINERS. bingliain (ieinge, Beecliwoud lane Halfhead William, iMninst Lightfoot Samuel, Main st Lightfciot VVilliani, Keniswortli Mailes VVilliain, Main sC Perkins William, Main st CORN DEALERS. Goolwin .loliii, Maui st Shfineld Ilol)eit, Main st FARMERS. Clarke Tliotiias, Cheveralls lane Clarke TlHimas, Lnndon road Georae William, R linbovv Hall GuiteridgfMatthewjDunvtable road Rowley Albert, Clieverall> laue FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. CLERrcAL(life),J()linStainer,iMain st Phoenix (file), John Stainer,Main st United Kingdo:.i Temperance, (life), John Sear, Main st GROCERS & DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Jiirdsey Sarah, Main st DellDaiiiel (iSi china dealer), Main st Emerson Francis, Main st Goodwin John, Main st Goodvear Benjamin, Clieveralls lane Hall Thomas, Proiidence place LaiigridgeTiios. (&chemist), Main st Perton Daniel, INIain st Shcmeld Robert, Main st Stratford William, Main st Ward William, Main st INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Five Horseshoes, William Mailes, Main st Green Man, Edwd. Custance.Main st Old Pack horse, Thomas Smith, Roebeach Plough, John King, Roebeach RedLion, ThomaslJlacUaley.lMain st Sebright's Arms, Jarvis Yelland, Main st Sun, SaiHiicl Lightfoof, Main st Swan Inn (commercial), Thomas Church, Main st LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS liiill Kliira, Main st Goodyear Frederick Wm., Main st MILLINERS^ DRESS MAKERS G 00(1 win Elizabeth, Pepperstock road Newman Elizabeth, Main st Webb Elizabeth, Main st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Hawes James, Main st Taylor William, Main st SADDLERS. Chase Hannah, Chevei alls lane Ciistaiice Edrt'ard, Main st Edmonils William, Main st STRAW BONNET OTANUFTRS. Allen Reuben, Main st Dell Daniel, Main st Goodyear Beu-jamiu, Cheverallslane Goodyear Thoma-^, Main st Meed William, Main st Potton Henry, Main st Stratford William, Main st Taylor Edward, Main st STRAW PLAT DEALERS AND BLEACHERS. Day Joseph, Ctiapel lane Smith John, Cheveralls lane Taylor James, JNlain st SURGEONS. M'Mauus Roger, Main st Stevens Richard, Main st Swayne Herbert William, Main st TAILORS. Bedford Richard, Main st Bunker Thomas, Main st [road Poulton Richard {& hatter), Loudon Sandars James, Main st Miscellaneous Allen Thomas, beer retailer. Main 5t Blackiibey Tlioinaa, liair drcser. Main st Bliiicow Julin, pari»li clerk, Main st liriden 'I'hnmas, dealer in ISriliili wines, ^ Main street [place Cartwr ight Ber.jamin,sa\vypr, Providence Klkerton Cliarli-s, glover, Main st EUinRham William, beer lelaller. Main st (ieorge U in. iron founder, llainbow ball Ouodyear Cornelius, gardener, Main st (J oodj ear Zechariah, horse dealer, Mainst Meed William, refjislrar of births and deaths, Main streeet Noreutt Tlioinas, bookseller, cntler and snb-di«tributer of stamps. Main st r-erkins William, cabinet maker. Main st PUer Thomas, beer retailer, Albion place Ilowed ^licliael, steward to Sir Thomas Sebright, Hart., Cheveralls lane Rnsh William, tinman & brazier. Main st Smith William, beer retailer, Roebeach Spary Uriah, wheelwright , Main st Stainer John, auctioner. Main st Stringer Jas., whitesmilh, Caddington rd TvU-r 'I'bomas, beer retailer. Main st Whilelock John, travelling tea dealer. Main street [Main st Witliington Wlliam, veterinary snigeon, Walker John, wheelwright. Main st CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. The nearest Statio7i is 4 miles distant, on theDuNSTAl!I.E& LElOHTO.vBliANtH, of the London and iNoi th-Westt rn line —Charles Kilnor, Station Master cahiiix:rs. To LONDON, James Ellis, from the Sebright Arms. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday; Geo. Messener, from his house, Main st, Tuesday and Thursday, and Henry Pursell, from the Sebright Anns, Tuesday and Friday To DUNSTABLE, James Ellis, from the Seabrighl Arms, Wednesday. Thursday and Saturday, and Henry Pursell \\'ednesday and Saturday To TODDINGTON, James Ellis, from tha Sehrigh t A rms, Wednesday, Thurs- day and Saturday ToWOBUllN, Henry Pursell, from the Sebright Arms, Wednsday & Saturday POTTON, WITH THE VILLAGES OF SUTTON, COCKA\NE-HATLEY, EVERTON, SANDY, EYWORTH AND ™,^ NEIGHBOURHOODS. Ja OTTON is a parish in the hundred of Bifi;gleswade — the maiket town, small and neat, is 49 miles N.by w. fiom London, 12 e. from Bedford and 4 N. n.e. from Biggleswade; situated on the m^iin road to Wisbeach, beneath gentle eminences, and watered by a small rivulet : it consists of a good market place, with a number of tolerably sp.icioiis streets blanching from it. 'I'he pleasantness of the vicinage is enhanced by a great number of handsome residences, occupied by opulent individuals, who contribute largely to the tradpis' pros- perity. A great portion of the town was destroyed b\ file in 178;5 ; since when it has materially improved in appearance, and its modern buildings have assumed a neat and legular character. The i)arisl) church of Saitit Mary, and a chapel each for Baptists, Independetits and Wesleyan Methodists, arc the places of worship. The living of Potton is a viCHiane, in the gift of the Crown. There are two public schools — one conducted upon the National plan, the other supported by bequests of Dame Constance Butgoyne, Alexatider Atkinson and John Carrier. In 1781 Mr. Maiinington, an attorney, died near Potton, ased 110, he was several years under sheriff for ihe cuuntv; and on November 20, 1787, Mrs. Susannah Greenfield died, aged 105 — for forty years her food wa^ vegetable, and her di ink wine and vvater. The market, held on Saturday, was formerly a very large one, iitul although somewhat declined is still a good one foi barley, and tolerably well supplied with different de- scriptions of grain ; much straw plat is also exhibited Fairs, the third Tuesday in January (old style) foi horses ; the last Tuesday in April, first Tuesday in July, and October 29th, for cattle in general, pedlery, &c. Potton parish contained, in 1831, 1,768 inhabiiants, and in 1811, 1,781. The village of Sutton, one mile south of Potton, is the seat of the knightly family of Burgoyiic, its present owner being Sir John Burgoyne, Bart. The park is highly picturesque, well stndiled with trees, and the walks are delightful. Tradition says the estate canie to this ancient family by grant from John of Gaunt,;duke of Lancaster, and conveyed to thcui by the following lines : ' I, John of Gaunt, Do give and do grant. To I'homas Burgoyne And the heirs of his line, The manor of Sutton, Wrestlingworth and Potton, To have and to hold, until the world's rotten.' The roads both to Potton and Biggleswade aie excel- lent. The church is dedicated lo All Saints : the living is a rectory, in the presentation of tlie President and Fellows ofSt. John's College, Oxfoid. The population o( Sutton and the following parishes, is stated after the notice of Eywortli. Cockayne-Hatley village is about two miles east from Polton, situated on the borders of CambiidKeshire, tnd chiefly to be noticed for its very beaniiful little church— the interior of which has been fitted up and embellished with consummate taste by the Hon. and Rev. Henry Cockayne Cust (brother of Elul Brownlow), the rector, as weli as owner of the village. 'I"he pulpit is elabora'ely cai\ed, and the furniture, which is of rich purple velvet, formed part of the costly materials used at the funeral of GcorKC III ; the font is also of great elegance, and the cloth of the communion tiihleis mag- nificently embioidei cd : the painted windows, the oaken screens and the stalls, with other suitable decorations, impart to this incomparable country church the simili- tude to a cathedral in miniature. Everton villaue is two miles n. w. from Potton, situated close to the borders of the conn ties of Cambridge and Huntingdon— the parish chuich of Saint Mary, standing in the latter county : the living is a vicarage, in the pationagc of the Master and Fellows of Clare Hall, Cambridge. The Rev. John Bcnidge, well known 89 J^etiforlrjsfjbivf. POTTON, &c. Slafer'g as the author of 'The Christian World Unmasked,' was vicar of tliis benefice for many years. There is a scliool, condncted upon tlie national plan, in which about sixty children recei>e instruction. Contie;um Fotton. The church of All Saints contains several monuments, some of which are ancient and interesting: the living is a vicarage, in the gift of the noble family of Yai borough. Population, ^■c.—M\ these parishes are m the hundredof Biggleswade— tiieir population, respectively, in 1841, was, Sutton, 41;); Cockayne-Hatley, 99 ; Everton, 233; Sandy, 1,094; Eywouth, 128. surierior to any otiier produced in this kingdom ; both POST OFFICE Oastler street, Potton, David Complon, Post 71/rM/fr.— Letters from London and all paitTarrire (rnnn Biggleswade) every morning at nine, and are despatclied thereto at eight in the evening. POST orriGE Sandy, Baron Bunting, Post Master.— Letters from London all all parts anive (from Saint Nkots) everfinorning at eight, and are despatched thereto at six in the evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. AUington Rev Julm, (>ittle Barford Asteli Col. William, Kverton House liasedcn Flev. Fredeiick, Oastler st Jiidwell Rev. Woodward, Vicarage Blvth Rev. Charles, Sutton Buck worth Lady Mary Payne, Sandy House [Royston st Chapman Wni. Eso. Brook House, Cook Rev. Hairy, Sandy Cust the Honhle. & Rev. Henry, Cockayne Hat ley Edwards' iM IS. Eruabetli, Market sq Horner Rev. Joseph, m.a. Everton Housden Mr. William, King st Lloyd John Cressy, Esq., Oa-tler st Pvii) Francis, Esq. the Hasells, Sandy Tite Rev. William, Oastler st Twiss Rev. William Christopher, Wrestlingworth Youd Miss Mary, Moon corner ACADEIVTIES «c SCHOOLS. Claydon John (boarding and day). Market square [master Free School, Sun st — Geo Sieers, Free School, Sandy Mary A. Oeakin, mistress Free School, Sutton Edward Carter, master; Julia Hefford, mistress [Sandy Gregory Robeit (boarding and dayj. National School, King st — Eliza- beth Masterson, mistress National School, Everton Judith i>aw-on, mistress ATTORNEY. Smith William (and commissioner for taking acknowledgments of married women), King st BAKERS. Edwards Charles, Market square Kitchen George, King st Paine John, Oastler st Porter George, Sandy BLACKSMITHS. Disher Charles, Sutton Dixie Samuel, Sandy Ihbett James, ICverton Seamer David, Brook end BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. Tcbbutt David, Market square Topliani Jas. f& iiiinter), Market sq BOOT Ac SHOE MAKERS. Dalton Tiiofiias Sandy ICniery William, Market square Forscutt William, Sun st Franklin James, Oastler st Moseley Isaac, Sandy Tyler David, Oastler st T>ler George, Market square Tyler William, Oa-itler st Wjnn John, Sandy BREWERS. Bingham Thomas, King st Rose William, Bull st Strickland Thomas (& hop dealer), Market square BUTCHERS. Brown Thomas, Sandy Davison Joseph, Sandy 30 Edwards Joseph, Bull st Keeling John, Market square Paine Abel, Sun st Parrott William, Market square CABINET MAKERS. Felts James Gilbert, Sun st Franklin & Son, Market square COOPERS. Bingham Thomas, King st Richardson Richard, Sun &l Rose William, Bull st CORN DEALERS & MEALMEN. Biundham John, Market s(|uare Masteis Win. & Jesse, Market sq Pope Charles, Sandy Mills Smith Lucy, Potton Mill DRUGGISTS. Bond Charles, Market square Burnham George Wm, Market sq FARMERS. Arnsby John, Everton Bennett James, Oastler st Christmas Thomas, Sandy Edwards Christopher, Everton Kdwaids John, Rlarket square NailorCrowden, Warren Farm Pfters William, xMarket square Pope Charles, Sandy Mills Sertieant John James, Stratford Skilliteer William, Sandy Strickland Thomas, Market square Sutton William, Hamlet end Tyler John, Market square FELLMONGERS. Russell Jacob, Blackbird &t Youd Waikin George, Moon corner FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. County (hail-storm), Jas. Roberts, Sun street Property Protection, William Smiih, King street Sun, William Smith, King st GARDENERS gc SEEDSMEN. Ball Edward, Sandy Barker John, Sandy Barker Samuel, Sandy Daniel Robert, Sandy Daniel Samuel, Stratford Daniel William, Stratford Jeeves Henry, Sandy Jeeves William, Sandy Jeeves 'I'homas, S;indy Nelson Thomas Stratford Peters William, Maiket square Skilli'eer William, Sandy GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Brown Elizabeth, Blackbiid st BondCharles(and tallow chandler). Market scpiarc Bunfinn Baron, Sandy Cook Samuel, Oasilcr st Disher Charles, Sutton Dodinan Jnhn, Bull st Felts William, Sun st Gilbeit William, Everton Judd Jas. (& china dealer),Markctsq Kemp William, Sandy Richard.son Joseph, King st Sarjeant John, Sandy HAIR DRESSERS. Rawlins Edward, Sandy Sear Henry, Market square Tebbutt David, Market square INNS. (See also Taverns S( Public Houses.) Rose & Crown (commercial & pos- ting), Henry I'owell, Market sqnre Swan (commercial), John Tyler, Maiket square IRONMONGER. Cooper Thomas Jurratt (and while- smith, bell-hanger, zinc & iron- plate worker, and agent for Rau- some's patent ploughs), Market square JOINERS 6e CARPENTERS. Bane Samuel, Sandy GiavestocU James, Brook st Seamer Da»id, Brook end Seamer James, Blackbird st Usher Henry (& builder), Sandy LINEN &WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Bunting Bmon, Sandy Goodgames & Shrosbery (& hatters), Maiket square [Market square Johnson John Butler (and hatter), Judd James, Market square Kemp William, Sandy Sarjeant John, Sandy MILLINERS& DRESS MAKERS Amery Anne, Sun st Goodman Maria (& straw bonnet maker). Sun st Rowell Mary, Bull st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Fisher James, King st Lee William, Bull st Miller John, Sun st Partridge James, King .st SURGEONS. Rayncs Henry, King .'^t Sandell Henry William, King st TAILORS. Amery WiUiam, Sun st Brasher James, Sandy Brown David, King st Franklin James, Oastler st (iiles John, Market square Giles Joseph, Bull st Revnidd> Joseph, Sun st TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. lllar^k Horse, James Brewer, Everton Hull, William Wyman, Bnll st Chequers, .lohn. Miles, Urook end (ieoiRr, William Wyles, Kine st Green Slaii, George Munns, Bull st Greyhound, Joseph Sutton, Sandy Jolin o' Gauni, John Henson, Sutlon KiuR's Head, William Rose, Bull st Ciueen's Head, Jane Randall, Sandy Kfd Lion, James Sutton, Sandy RisinR Sun, Joseph Keeling, Sun st Three Hori-eshoes, Geo. Jams, Market aqr. Retailers of seer, Clark jDhez, Sutton Harlow (ieorge, Kingst Dear Mary, Blackhiid st Dixie .Samuel, Sandy Gilbert Jane, f)stler st (I'ravestock James, Brook end Haynes Geoige, Sandy .Madden George, Brook end iiirectoi'})* POTTON, &c. 3$£t(forlJs!j^ire. Norman George, King st Norman Tliomas, King st Parkin John, King st Parkin W illiam, Oaaller st PeacDck Charles, Oastler st Seamer David, lirook end Seamer James, Blaokbird st Sharp William, Oasiler st Townsend Samuel, Oastler st WagstafT German, Blackbird st W^ATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Balfe Tliomas, ftlarket, square Pepper Charles, Maiket square WHEELWRIGHTS, Bane Saauiel, Sandy Gravestock James, Brook end Judd Charles, Sandy Seamer David, Brook end Wliyman VVilliani, Bull st Miscellaneous. Brown James, bricklayer, Oasller st Cannington Jas. auclioneer, &c. Kingst Compton Boston, pari-h clei Ij, Oastler st, Compton Oavii), steward to W. H. Whit- bread, Esq., Oastler st Deeble Samuel John, brazier and tinman, Oasller st [Market sq Edwards John, saddler & basket maker, For.scutt William, djer. Sun st Franklin & Son,\vine & spirit merdiants Market square Inland Revenue Office, at the Swan Inn — John Williams, supervisor Plowman WilIIani,dealerin British wines, Oastler street [ket square Powell Henry, veterinary surgeon, IVlar- Robarts James, coal denier, Sun st Smilh George, maltster. Home lane Tear William, bricklayer. Blackbird st PLACES OF WORSHIP, AND THEIR MINISTERS. All Saints' Chubcii, Eyworth — Rev. William Christopher Twiss — vicar All Saints' Church, Sutton— Rev. Charles BIyth. rector Saint John'sChuuch, Cockayne, Hat- ley--Hon. & Rev. Henry C. Casi, i-ector. Saint Mahy's Chukch, Potton -Rev. Woodward Bidwell, r-icac Saint Mary's Church, Everton — Rev. Joseph Horner, Cifai- Saint Swithin's Church, Sandy— Rev Henry Cook, rector Baptlst Chapel, Oastler street— Re William Tile Inuepkndrnt Chapel; Sun st— Rev. f rtderick Baseden iNUEpENDEfiT CuAPEL, SandyrrrRev. Alfred Balfour WeSLEVAN MBTHOUISTCHAPEL,PottOn RAILW^AY. The nearest Slatum is Bedford, on a Branch of the London ami Norlh-Wes- tern Line, 12 miles w. from Potto.n. There is an Omnibus from the Rose and Crown, Potion, to the Station daily. CARRIERS. To LONDON, William Peters, from his house, Market square, Thursday To BEDFORD, William Peters, from his house. Market square, Tuesday and Friday, & John Arnold, from the ihree Horseshoes, l-'riday To BIGGLESWADE, John Arnold, from the Three Horseshoes, Mon. & I'hurs. To CAMBRIDGE, JohnArnold, from the Three Horseshoes, Tuesday & Friday SHEFFORU AND CAMPION, WITH THE VILLAGES OF CLIFTON, HENLOW, SOUTHILL, WARDEN AND NEIGHBOURHOODS^ ^HEFFORD is a small market town and cliapelry, i immediate vicinity of Shefford have been discovered ill the parish of Canipton and hundred of Clifton, iiunieious Roman relics, many of whinli, to the aiiti- 41 miles n.n.w. fiom London, 9? s.e. by s. from Bed- I quary, are highly interestina;— including various urns, ford, and 7 n. by w. from Hitchin (Hert.'*); situated i a quantity of Samian ware, some biautiful glass ves- on the road between the two last named towns, and j sels, two musical instruments, a eold fihulBe, lamps, &c. about three miles to the East of the Great North of. together with a number of coins, both bronze and England Railway. Shefford is a clean litile place, its j silver; the whole are in the collection of the Fiizwil- streets wide and well paved, and its neneral aspect j liain museum, at Cambrirlge. 'I'he market, held on Fii- indicative of comfort. The tliree principal streets are j day, is principally for agricnlinrai produce and straw entered by two bridges that cross separate brandies ot j plat. Fairs, January 23rd, old Lady-day, May 19tli and the Ivel ; these bianches form a junction at i he eastern | October 11th, all for rattle The parish of Camptoii end of tlie town, from whence the ii>er is navigable to ; contained, in 1831, 1213 inhabitants, and in 1841, Biggleswade, and thence {after falling into the Ouse j 1,390; of which last number about 900 belonged to at Tempiford) to Lynn. The trade is chiefly in corn, j the town of Shefford. timber, coal and iron, tiansmitted by nnans of the j Clifton, one mile and a half east from Sheffoid, navigation to and from Lynn ; straw plat, also, in the gives name to tiie hundred: the river Ivel runs making of vvliich many women and children are em- 1 through the parish. The church of All Saints, con- ployed, is brougiit in large quantities to the mat liet. , tains some ancient monnmiiital brasses, and a beantiul The manorial rights aie vested in the Crown, and a altar-tomh to the memory of Sir Michael Fisher, once court Itet is he'd once in two years The places of worship are Saint Michael's chapel of ease, and a chapel each for Baptists, JNIethodi-sts and Roman Catliolics. The parish church is at Campton, about two miles hence: in the churchyard lie interred the remains of Robert Bloomlield, author of 'The Farmer's Boy,' and many trther beautiful poems, cele- brated for their pathos and siin()licity ; the poet resided many years at Shefford, whei e lie died in August, 1823 lord of the manor: the liring is a lectory, in the eift of the Rev. G. J. Olivier. Population of the paiisti, 865. Henlow is a parish and village, in the same him- dred as Clifton, one mile soutli-east therefrom, and about 4 s. by w. from Miagh swade. The church is dedicated to Saint Mary: .. ■ livint; is a vicarage, in the gift of the Crown. Population of tlie parish, 770. SouTfiii.L, two miles north of Shefford, contains Southill Park, the beautiful seat of the Whitbrea I fa- The livine of Campton is a rectory, in the gilt of S^ir, mily. The church, whicli is dedicated to All Saints, George O. borne, Bart. The vicinage of Shefford is contains several monuments lo the family of Uyng, studded with numerous seats of the noble and the among which is one to the admiial of tliat name, who opulent: the most conspicuous are, Cliiik-^and Priory, j was executed for an alleged iirofessional crime: the the .seat of Sir Georf;e Osborne, Bart.; Southill Park, | living is a discharged vicarage, with tliat of Old War- W. H. Whitbread, Esq.; Wrest Park, I he noble fiinily j den annexed, in the patronage of W. H. Whithread, of De Grey ; Heiilow Grange, Thomas A. Raynsford, ! Esq. Southill parish, including tlie hamlets of Brooai Esq.; Hawnes Park, Lord Jolin Thynne, &c. In the ' and Stanford, contained, in 1841, 1,379 inhahitauts. POST OFFICE, Bridge street North, Shefford, Francis Lewington, Pos( Muiter.—Lcncvs tioin •A\ parts arrive (from Biggleswade) every morning at half-past seven, and are despatched thereto at eight in the evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Austin Mr. (Jeoige (attorney), Bridge street North Baker Rev. John Gerrard, Warden Baldock Rev, Charles, Stanfordbury Byiig Rev. John, Hcnlow DeGrey Right Hon. Earl, WnstPark Edwards Samuel Bedford, Esq. Aileseybury Green Mrs. Sarah, Clifton Cottage Gulliver Miss — , Broom Hall Rev. Benjamin Bridge st North Lind.sell Rev. Edwd. M.A.BroomHall Olivier Rev. D.J. Clifton Rectory Ongley Hun.Geoige,MouutPleasnt, Warden [Prioiy OsborneSirGeorge.Bart. Chicksand Osborne Dowager Lady, Campton Palmer Heury, E.sq. Clifton Ludge Ranyatd Robert, Esq. Clifton Raynsford Thomas Alexander, Esq. Heiiiow Grange Smart Miss — , Henlow Taylor Rev. John, Higti st Warhurton Rev. John, Southill Whitbread William Henry Esq. Southill Park Williamson Rev. Edmoiid Rilaud, Canipton Rectory [Vicarage Yates Rev. Hugh Seymour, Henlow ACADEMIES AND SCHOOL. Freeman James (boarding), High st Infants' School, High st — Jane Pessell, mistress National School, Henlow — Riclid Desforges, master; AnnSainpsou, mistress BAKERS. Bacon George, High st Duntoii Thomas, High st Ell William, Henlow HareTliomas, Henlow Mastiu William (and mealman), Bridge sticet Soutli Squire Jnlm. High st Stevens William, His;li st BLACKSMITHS. Hart John, Warden Turner Geort'C, Henlow Whitbread John, Bridge st North Whitbread Stephen, High st BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND BINDERS. Lewington Francis, liridgest North LiiiCord James, Bridge street Norili BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Foulbigi; Simon, Henlow Hare John, Henlow Lovell John, High st Wilson John, Campton 31 2^£tlfoia0j)trf. SHErFORD, &c. Slater'0 BREWERS. Browning William, Soutinll ]bbs Jolm, Hii-'li >t Millard >]an>ell, Hii;li st Whittakt-r Jclin Hcni y, Hcnlow Wilson Sainiui, Clifnui BRICKLAYERS. BywaUr Joseph, Henlow Dicl;iiis Thomas. Bro'uii Jolinsnn Jam.s Lacv, Hitchin road Smith VVilliain. Iliiih'w BUTCHERS. Cooper John, Heulow Koaipston GeorHe, Hitciiin road Farroit James, Bridge street South Tineey Jolin, Henlow Tmiriv William. Hitli st Wcbh'Tlu.nias StanlDrd Wilson Samuel, Clifton CARPENTERS. Bowcn John, liridire street North Ditkins 'lliomas, Bronni Issue Benjamin, Sduthill Johnson .lames Lacy, llitchin road King John, Campton Kiiip Jonali, Sonthill Kirkby Joseph, Henlow Wallt-r James, IJiidije street North Waller William, Hipli st CONFECTIONERS. Smith TlK.mas. Hridj-'e bt North Tlioiiuis John, W'lih st CORN MERCHANTS & DEALRS liodntr Kichard, Suf.ffokd Mill )5rowniiis; U'illium, Sonthill Tarplev Thomas, Bridge st South CORN MILLERS. Bodger Kidiaid (& ci.ru and flnur dealer), Shf.ffokd Mill Gurney John, Hiiih.w Power* i:dmund, Stanfoud Mill and Diggleswd'te Squire Ami. Cnmptiui FARMERS. Bodger Henrv, Sonthill Boduer Richard, Siii- fiord Mill Davies Thomas, Heidow Kurkhy John, I'nllhanger Knrlvbv Samuel, Campton I.indsdl Frederick, King's Mill Neal (lec.rge, C'lilti n Peacock Jnhii, Staidord Bury Sheplierd J (dm, Stanford Bury 'I'avlor Samuel, Bmom TiTigey Charles, Biidge st North Tingey (;eorge, Henlow VVtst KdwMril, Bloomfields House, Biidge st North FIRE, &r. OFFICE AGENTS. Atlas, (ieo. Austin, Bridnes' South CoMMFiiciAi., VVm. Caton, High st Lf.gai., William Caton, Hi-list Noituicii I'sioN, (uorge Austin, Bridgf st South FURNITURE BROKERS. Oelee Alfred, Bridge st South Itoeers Geome, Hii;h st Tai pli y Thoiuas. Bridge st Sou'li GARDENERS. Ashhy William, Hitciiin road Dilley Si'.niuel, rnonm I.ntdicv J4'>4itv(rA'— Geo.Webstcr.agent MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. Cain Ann, High st Chiik Marv, Bridge st i'arrott Ann, Bridge street North Roberts Elizi (and straw bonnet maker), High street PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, &c. Belts James l,oiii:. High st Jnhiis(Mi Robert, High st PROFESSORS & TEACHERS. BrownJoliiM'piMiio A: oigHn),High st Freeman James(!angnages), Higli st .lolinson Mary Ann (ori'an). High st Linford Charlotte (piano), Bridge siieet North RAKE All SCYTHE HANDLE MAKERS. Bland Charle.s, Campton Childs George (& turner\ Henlow SADDLERS. Barber William, High st Stanton Widiam, Bridge st North Wand John, Henlow SHEEP, CATTLE, &c. DEALRS. I5iyant James, S:giiisJolin, cooper. Bridge st Nortli I.\L.*NU ItEVKNUE Office,. it the Wliite Hart Inn — John Uowns, supervisor LeveltJolin, inland revenue otlicei-,Hichst Linford James, chemist and drugi;ibt, Biidge street North LiTEIIAUY INSTITUTK, High tt— Robeit Johnson, sectelary I,ovell .lolin, rsrrier. High st I'ouell Joseph 'Ihos. veterinary snrgeon, High sireet [Warden Reynolds Matt, steward to Lord Ongley, Snitch i'rnnk, registrar ot births, deaths, and marriages, Sonlhill Stamt Office, B i.lge street >'orth— Kdward \\ est, su!j-dtsl>ilinler PLACES OF WORSHIP, AND TIIEIU MINISTEUS. Am. Saints Cucrcii, Clilton— Rev. Banitl Olivier, rector Ai.L Saint's Chuhch, Sonthill— Rev. John G. Baker, licni- Saint Mat-y's, fnur.cu Henlow— Rev. Hnuli S. Yates, ticuc Saint Michael's Church, ShefTord, & Saint Mativ's Chubch. Campton— Rev. Kdriniiid R. Williamson, rcr/or Baptist Cuaim: i.. Bridge street North- Rev. Benjamin Hall Baptist Chapel, Southill-Rev. John Warbnrt'ii H'EsLnVAN METiionisiCiiArEL, Highst Roman Catholic CnAPEi., Highst— Kev. Jolin Taylor, jirifsl COACHES. To LONDON, Gilherrs coaih from llie W liite Hart, every Monday, Wednesday and I'] iday, goes tlirongh Hitchin To liLDI'oUD.the 7i»ifs,from the Wliite Horse, Sonthill, daily lo BIGGLCSWAUK, Gilbert's coach. from the While Hart, Tuesday, Tluirs. day and Saturday JBirectnrp, SHEFFORD, &c. liJclJfoibsittte. RAILWAY. I CARRIERS. The nearest 5/ng of the la.st centuiy, in this palish, but, proving not snfliciently productive, the working of it was soon ab.mdoned. The church is dedicated to Saini James; the living i< a vicaiaiie, in the presentation of the Duke of Bedford ; the present iiKumb' i)t is the Rtv. Edward Lane Sayer. Bakton is a village in the p nish of Barton-in-the- Clay, in tlie same hundred as tl)e parishes above noticed, somewhat above three miles south from Silsoe ; agreeahly situated on the road fiom that village to Luton, six miles north from the latter town. The paiisb church of Saint Nicholas has recently been rt-no^ated and improved, at the exiK-nse of the Rev. Dr. Bowers, the pre>ent incumbent. The living of Barton is a rectory, in the giftof the Crown. Popula- of the parish, in 1841, 855. VVestoning, or Jfeston-Ing, is o parish in the hun- Heniy, fatlurof the Eail; and .'ome oiheis to the drcd of iManshead — the village is situated 4 miles s.w. memory of different noble families ; also a bi ass fiaure | from Silsoe, on the road to Dunstable. The adjunct of Thomas Hill, who died in 1601 at tlie gieat aue of I ' Ing ' was obtnined from a family of that name, who one hundred and tweiiiy-eiebt years. The living of|fnim('rly were owners of the manor. Tiie piiulepe Flitton is a vicarage, in the patix)nage of the Dean and j of holding a market and fair was granted to this place Canons of Christ Church, Oxfoid ; tbepiesent incum-|by Kdv\ard I; both, however, have for niaiiy years bent is tlie Rev. Allied Browne. The population of^cea ed to be observed. The church is dedicated to Flitton parish, exclusive of Silsoe chapeliy, in 1841, Saint IVJary Magdalene: the living is a Wcarage, of was 575. which the Ri v. Thomas Peirse is the iiresent incuin- PuLLOXHiLL is a patish in llie same iiundred asibeut. Population of the parish, in 1841, 7J2. POST OFFICE, Silsoe, Benjamin Caiter, Post il/ai/er.— Letters from all parts arrive at eight in file inorniiiL', mid -ire despatched at six in the evening. MOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Baldwin Mrs. .lane, Silsne Boweis Rev. Tmioihy, Barton Browne Rev. Alfi ed, Flitton Campion Rev Jolin VVm. Westoniiig Cole Mis. Mary Elizabeth, Flition De Grey the Hight Hon.Elail, Wrest Park, Silsoe Eve Richard, Esq. Silsoe [Silsoe Fi-rgusini Rev. Thotnis Patterson, Hamilton Rev. Alfred, Silsoe Lord John, Esq. SiNoe Pearsc Rev. Thomas, VVestoning Pearst Geo. E-q. Harlingioii House Piatt Mrs. Kaiiiiy. Sil>oe Sayer Rev. Edward Lane, Pnlloxhill Trethewy Mr. Henry (land agent tu Eail De Gri-y), Silsoe SCHOOLS. Free School, Silsoe — Franci* Walker, master; Anne Walker, mistress Infants' School, Silsoe — William Ross, master National School, Westiming — WiJliatn Hopkins, master; Rlaiy Hopkins, mistress National School, Pulloxhill — Autie Chapman, mistress INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES- Blacl< Bull,Tlu)s. Etlwards, Barton Chequers. MatyCoiach& Horses, VVm. Chandler, Bat til Cross Keys, William Day, Pullo.'jhill Ge^riielnii Jcommerciai & posting', Benjamin Curter, Silsoe Nngs' Head, John Hiodes.Westoning Rose & Crown, Reb-cca Goodman, ; Hyde Hy. tailor & draper, Pulloxhill Baiton [Silsoe i Mackaness Jos. painter, &c. Barton Star and Garter, Mary Havhead, j Mann VVm. dr-iper & grocer, Silsoe While Horse, Joseph Abbis, Flition , Mason John, farm bailiff to Earl De FARMERS. Aldridge William, VVesioniug BrightiHoie Charles, Silsoe Burbidge Thomas, Barton Carter lienjamin, Silsoe Church William, Pulloxhill Giddings Chailes, Sil-oe H.irris Samuel, Banon Lee John, Barton Smith William, Wistontng Squire William, Silsoe SHOPKEERS AND TRADERS Allen Anne, shopl-eeiier. Barton .Allen John, carpenter, Baiton Aiclier William, painter. Barton Grey, Silsoe I Mead John, cooper, Bariou Morris Jno.wheelwiight, VVestoning Muliins J()hn,carpeiiteraiid grocer, I Bai ton I Neal Joseph, carpenter, Pulloxhill j Palmer Stephen, gardener, F.iitoii ; Rich James, parish clerk, Silsoe i Roberts Danl. beer rrtailer. Barton j Sharp Abel, sliopkeeper, Barton 1 Simpson Richard, gardener, Silsoe \ SpringSatnl. sln'plieeper, Westoiiing I SjiringSai all, dress makr.Wesloning ' Spiiiig William, lailor, Westoniiig Tiiiinis James, beer retailer, Baiton \rnokl Jas. heer retailer, Pulloxhill Tummins Jos. beer retniler, Flitton BeechenorRobt. blacksmith, Baitou UnderwoodJno.booimakr,Piilloxhil Blott VVilliani, draper and grocer, ! Warren Geoige, boot maker, Barion Barton I Willsoii Luke, beer retailer, Banou Bone Charlotte, baker, Silsoe | Wright Chas. cm n dealer, Barton Brightinan Charles, butcher, Silsoe ' Cain John, blacksmith. Pulloxhill | COACHES. Chandlerlhos.taiior Shatter, Barton : To LONDON, the Wonder (from Ampt- ChapmanJno. hootinaker,Pulloxhill ^ill), calls at th_e George lnn,^Sil»oe Chase Charles, beer retailer, Baiton Childs Barnett, butcher, VVesoning Chippertield Cliarl s, draper and grocer, Pulloxhill [soe C'lolieVVm. tailor & shopkeeper, Sli- Fiiiit James, grocer & dr.iper, Silsoe Gee John, hoot maker, Baitnn Girldings Chas. wheelwright, Silsoe GiidgenRichd.beerretailer,Pnlloxbll Hallswnrth CIihs. baker, Pulloxhill Hillyard .My shopkeeper, Westoniiig HopkinsHanh.shopkeeprVVestoniiig every Monday, Wednesday & Friday ; goes through Luton. To AMPTHILL, the Wonderiirora Lon- don), calls at the Gtoige Inn, Silsoe, every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. RAILW^AY. The nearest Station is seven mile» from Silsoe, on the Beuford and Bletchlkt Bra.nch of the North; Western Line. CARRIER. To BEDFORD and LUTON, Thomas Inskip, from Ihe George, Monday and Friday. TOUDIiNGTOiN lis a parish in the hundred of Manshead— the market town, a veiy inconsiderable one, is 38 miles N.w. hy n. from London, 5 from Wobum and Dunstable, and 4 from the station of the Dunstable branch, on the London and Norlh-Western Railway. The town is seated on an eminence, and openly built ; its bouses are irregularly disposed, and of ancient appearance. The straw plat manufacture forms the employment of a 93 i^Moxti^f)ixt» TODDINGTON. ^(at£i'ja; fieat portion of the inhabitants, and is an article of iiiipoitaiice in the markt-t here. The parish church of Saint George is commodious and venerable; its exte- rior abooiids with those wliimsicalities of ancient sculptors, groicsque figures of nionsirousandim:iginary animals ; the interior incloses some very ancient mon- uments, on one of which is an epitaph on Lady Maria Wenrworih, vvlio died in 1632; the following lines from it exhibit a specimenof the extravagance of the poetical conceits of that age : — ' Her soul grew so fast wilMn, )t broke thp outward shell of sin. And so was hatched a cherubim.' The living of Toddington is a rectory. Tlie Baptists and the WesleyHii Methodists have each a iilace of worsh phere. A hospital was foundtd in this town, in 1443, bv Sir Jii)iii Brouuhton, fur three poor men and a chaplain; and there are besides three alms- houses for icn poor widows. Oh Cinger Mount, in this neiehbouihooodjare the remainsuf ibe old manor honse of Tinldingiot). 'llie mai ket is held on S.tur- day; and the faiis Ai>ril 25tli, the first Monday In June,Scpteniber4th, Nweinber2i)dand December 6th, for cattle and Fedlery. The parisli contained, in 183^1, l,y26 inhabitants, and in 1841, 2,225. POST OFFICE, William Horley, Post i»/n*/e/.— Letters from IjONDon and all parts arrive (from Dunstablk) every morning at nine, and are despatched thereto at five in the afiernoon. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Atkins Kicha il, Ksq., Toddington Cooper Uev. James, Lindsey, Tod- dington Cooper William, Esq., Pitrk House Cooper William Dodge, Es'i, Tod- dington House Hicks Mrs. Mai ia, Toddington Wood Wer. Wiliam, Toddington PROFESSIONAI. PERSONS. Hicks Robfrt, .suigeon Horley William, .•schoolmaster Hogg Henry Lee, surgeon FIRE, &e. OFFICE AGENTS. Argus (life), Thomas ilaiter Ge.nebal (fire es the library, bicak- nient and handsome structure, while its ivy-cloihed ' fast and Dnke's rooms ; the east, the vestil)ule,seivants' wallspie.sentaveneiabie appearance: the tower, wliich I olfices, &c. ; the north includes the Qneen's, Prince formerly 5to(>d detached from the main building, is now united to it, ami the Duke of Bedford has snrmonnied it with a l)>-autiful spiie, and furnished the altar with a fMhert's rooms, and various other chambers. The gallery exhibits a large nnd most interesting collection r)f portraits, whilst numerous oiher valuable paintings fine p inting of the nativity : the livin.' is a |)ei|)efual j are dispersed in other rooms. In the sculpture tallery curacv, the Duke being patron and impropriator. The ii the l)eautiful anticpie vase brought to this countiv by church coi'.tiins a curious monument to the .Stanton | Lord Cawdrly under Francis Duke of Bedford; the addi- VA Mivtctot^, WOBURN, &c. BeUfoitJiSfitic. tional buildings were designed and execnted liy Mr. i discontinued. The parish church of Saint Botolph Holland. The park is ab ut twelve miles in circum- ■ C(.ntains sevt-ral monuments of antiquitv and interest' ference, surrounded by a wall ; it comprises a pleasing the living is a rectory, in the gift of the' Duke of Bed- variety of hill and dale, and is enriched with peculiarly ford. Tlie parish contains l,l;^9 iiihaliitaiits. fine woods of m;ijesiic oaics. Winding through the i Husborn-Lrawley, an adjoining parish to Aspley- woods, the visiter arrives at 'the Duicliess' Shrub- Guise, contains avillage about twoand a halt miles n.e. bery,' beautifully laid out in the modern ta-te ; leaving from W.iburn. The church of Saint Mary Magdalene which, and riding over the hill, which commands an occupies an elevated site, and has a lofty tower. A enchanliHg and comprehensive prospect, he comes to handsome canopied monument, with t)ie figures of an the evermeen plantation, of abnut two hundred acres— armed knight and his jadv, is in ihe church: the living a charming ride on a fine dry soil, through avenues of is a discharged vicarage, iii the presenia'ion o( the Duke all varieties of evergr< ens, of luxuriant growth, so that of liedford. Population of the p uisli (,'>ti. Milton-Brvant i- a small village, ahout two miles S.E. from VVohurn, situated a little to the north o( the road to London. The church is dedicated to Saiut Peter : the living is a rectory, in the gift of the Crown. Population, 382. RiDGMONT village and parish i.s in the hundred of Redbomestnke — thevillagelieingaboMt three miles n.k. from VVoburn. In old records it is written Rugemont~ i.e. the 'Red Hill,' apphcable to its situation and the colour of the soil. The church of All Saints has, within these few years, received adilition of sittings, at the expense of the society for building and enlarging churches and chapels : the living is a discharged vicar- age, united with Segenhoe. 'I'here is a place of wor- •I'he the equestrian is sheltered, in the depth of winter, by a Continuous canopy of veidiire. Queen Klizaheth made a Joui ney to this seat in 1572 ; :ind when Charles I visited VVobuin in 16J.T, he reposed attlie Abbey. 'I'he puhlic day for viewing the Abbey is Friday, from eleven till four, between Lady-day and Michaelmas, and from eleven till three between Michaelmas and Lady-day. The market day at Uot'urn is Frid.iy. Fairs, January 1st, March 23rd, July I3th and September 25th. The parish of Wohurn contained, in 1831, 1,827 inhabitants, and in 1841, 1,914. AsPLEY-GuisE is a parish, in the same bundled as VVoburn— the village is pbasaiitly situated two miles noith of that town. Anselm de Guise, in 1267, obtained _^_, - -„ .-._ .^ a charter for a market to be held hereon Friday, and a [ship here for Baptists and a National 'school fair at the tide of St. Botolph— both of which have been I parish contained, in 1841, 964 inhabitants. POST OFFICE, Bedford Street, VVoburn, John Charles Peeline, Post Master.— LHier^hom Lon- don, and various places South, also from Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, and the North of England, and from Scotland and Ireland, arrive every morning at six, and afternoon at two, and are despatched at a quarter before tin in the moiniiig, and eight in the evening. Letters from Bedford, Ampthill, Huntingdon, Saint Neots, &c., arrive every morning at eight, and are despatched at six in the morning. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. i Andrews Rev. James, Leiah'on st Ash well Edward, Esq.. Evershnlr Bedford His Grace the Duke of, Woburn .Ahhey [mont BentinckRev.George William, Ridg- Bird Mrs. Mary Ann, Aspley Guise Bond Rev. Edward, Fligh st Brooks I'.ev. Joseph, Ridgmont Bncl.le Henry, Esq., DrakeloeLodge Castledeii Mr. Geoi-ge, Geoige st Cautley Mrs. Ociavia, Geoige st Davy Mr. George, Georsje st Deiii.-on William Henry, Esq., Fen- ton House, Woburn lane Erskine Rev. Henry Macdouald, Bedlord st Gardner Mrs. Mary, MaiUet place Godwin Rev. Thomas, Leighton st Hedges Rev. Charles, Aspley Guise Howe William Fitzwilliam, Esq., Aspley Guise [Bryant Iiiglls Miss Mary Louis i, Milton Inglis Sir Robert Harry, Bart, m.p., Milton House, Mibon Biyant Keer William Francis, Esq., Asplev Cottage [Bryant Mansfield Rev. William, Milton Matthew Rev. Henry, Eversliolt Moore Rpv. JnhnVaux.AspleyGuise Orlebar Roht. E-ci.Hu^lioniCrawley Pain Rev. Richard, A.spley Guise Palmer Mr. John, Hushoiu (Crawley Porter Miss Jhuc, Georae st Robinson John, E^q. .Asp!ey Guise Hussell Lord Charles, George st Skinner .Mr.s. Elizabeth, Bedford st Smart Willi mi Lyn, Esq., Lyndon House, Eversholt [House SmithColonelChas. Heivey, .Aspley Smith Rev. Buteler Cheinocke, Aspley Guise Stannard Mr. John, Froxficld TankersleyMis Elizabeth, Eversholt Welflale Miss Susannah, George st White Mr. John, Husborn Crawley Wifrei!Mr.BeniaininB.,Aspl' y Guise Wilfen Mrs. Alary, Aspley Guise ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. British School, LeiKhton street — Charles Millard, ma.ster British School, Bedford street — Mary Anne Smith, mistress British School, Aspley Guise- John Wood, master Daniel Juliet (boarding), Leighton si Free School, Milton Bryant— Merlin Best, master; Susannah Pi ice, mistress Henrie Edward (boaiding), Leigh- ton strt et Infants' School, Bedford street— Martlia Stevens, mistress Infants' School, Woburn Sands — Klizabeth Sharp, mistress National School, Aspley Guise — Henry Bitkerstatfe,iiiasier; Mary Ann Bickerstaffe, mistress National School, Ridgmont— fJeorge Siinson, master Palmer Anne (boirding), George st AGENTS, &c. TO HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF BEDFORD. BakerGeorgeWilliams{farm bailifTj, Park farm Bennett Thomas (lnnd). Park farm Forbe> James (gardener), Froxfield HnckerCharles (huilding),Park tarm Paifieeman Jidin (house steward), Woburn Abbey [larm j StephensRichar(l( wood agent), Park ! AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT; MAKERS. Hensmaii William & Son (and.'en- ! gineers&ironfounders) Bedford st j ATTORNEYS. I Day Charle-, Rii iiard, Hii;h st . ! Green John (coroner), George st 1 AUCTIONEERS. , Devey Charles Thomas, High st Whitlock Frederick, Bedford st BAKERS. m&i Beard John, Bedford st I Berwick James, Husborn Crawley BLACKSMITHS. Biid John. Leighton st Kills William, Aspley Guise Haynes Ann, Bedfoid st Alaidlin Fainell, Hnshoi n Ciawley Mavett Joseph, Ridamont Nottingham William, Chapel st Read Edward, Aspley Guise BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. Clai ke George Bowdlcr (& printt r». Park st Ciofts William, High st Dodd & Peeling (and publishers, printers & binder-), Bedfr.rd ,st Harland William, Marketplace BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Francis William, Kidgnioiit Heighii;gt()ii Thomas, High st Jackson Frederick, Asjiley Guise Lewis Jes>.e, Bedford st Mallery Thomas, Rid^'mont Robert's William, High st Rush Josepli, Geoiae st [Gui.se VVoodin Richard Waterman, Aspley BREWERS. Bennett John, Asphy Gui'-e Fowler Jame«, Leiahton st BUTCHERS. Brown Geoige, Bedfoiil st Doughty Thomas. Aspley Guise FdmuiidsGcoi tie Thomas, Chapel bt Kent .lohii, Riilgriioiit N' gus George, Husborn Crnwley Randall Williain, Hushorn Crawley Steeis John, Bedford st CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Devey Cb.irles Tbom;is, High .st Robertson John, Leinluon st Vates Joseph, Brdlord st CARPENTERS 6t JOINERS. Bunker Thomas, High st Handscombe William Aspley Guise Claike Tlios. Jas., Husborn Crawley Jackson Fieilerick, Aspley Gui-e Gosling Thomas, Ridgmont Hall Geoige, Market piace LillevRohertJames (& confectioner), Bedford st Roebuck .lames. Back lane Smith Kitty, Aspley Guise BERLIN WOOL REPOSITORIES Britiain Maria, Bedford st Pearson Jt CiarUe David, Park st Hoblis .Alii-.ih nil. VV.ibiini Sands COAL MERCHANTS. Attwodd Will, tk C"<>., Wobiii 11 Sands Clarke & -Son, Wobiiiii Sands Gieeii Tlios. & J(iliii,\V'(iburii Sand!' Stratlold Uoben Collftt, Leigbtonsi and Wobiirn Station CORN DEALERS. Evans Julin, Bedford .^t Rogers Geoine, Maikt t place FARMERS. Atterbiiiy Heiuy Thomas, Speed- well tarm Beniifit Samuel, BickiTiiig's pirk Croncl)Al)ibiii.\VinK,Ki(lgiiioiii paik Eiumeitoii Echvaul, Wnbiini Sands Cia>coyne Gemge, Bircbmore Gnodnian John, liver>llujt Liiinell Thomas, (iranjie larm Peters William, Hiivborn Crawley Plait Ambrose, Bickerings park TiiriK y Kitty, l-lusboni Draivley Readman Heiiiy, Leiebtmi road J Readiiiuii John, Ridginuiit FIRE, &C. OFFICE AGENTS. CtEKiCALii iMkdlock (lifej,Thos. Hiigliingtoii, Hi:;h st County (tire) & Provident (life), Do.id & Perling, Bedfoid st CiinUN (lite), V\ 111. Crofts, Hiiibst Etonian (life), Josiali Clark, Bid- ford st [Crawiey Farmehs,' William C"le, Hiisbnni I IMPERIAL, Charles Thomas Devev, Higii st Law, Jofin Gieen, George st Metropolitan Counties (life), John Pearson, Georce st Sun, John Green, (ieoigest; and David Clarke, Park st GROCERS Ac TEA DEALERS. (Sfe also Shopkeepers, ifc.) Claik JosihIi, B dtord st Clarke Divid, Park st Down Henry, Market place [st Freeman \Vm. Kdwd. itigers, High Hiighinytiin Thoni is (and liop mtr- chant & tallow cliindler) , High st Marshall .lolm, As|)ley (jiiise Trtiiiey .All xdr. Pagi-, A>p.ey Guise INNS — commercial. (^ee aho Taverns Hf Public Houses.) Bcdfirl Arms [&. posting), George Attvvood, (jeorue st Magpie. John Hill, Bedford st Wheatsheaf, Geo. Kouers, .Market pi LINEN 6t WOOLLEN DRAPERS Best Bartholomew, Hi^h st F John, inland reveniieolIicer,itnsbotn Clay Mary, wax Hower maker, Husborn Crawley [Guise F.mersiin Thomas, rope maker, Aspley I'^van.slly Inir dresser ..V toy dealer,Paik st Handsellnlbe\^■In. gardener, Asidey Guise llerbei tJas. lace niunufacfier, As;)leyGuiso I.Ni.A.NU RiovKNUB OifFiCK.at the Bed. lord Arms — John Hield«,siiy>ri visor Nei;ii9 George, gra/.ier, Husboin Crawley Pearson John, hair dresser, George »t I'oi.icK ^TATlo^J, LeiKhton st— William K. Young, supiiiiitoitlent Pursell Henry, lishmonger, Bedford st ■SAV|^os' Bank, Town hall— Tliomas Siratton, ailiiari/ Sniiih Peter, cooler, Bedford st Stamp Offick, Hirriitliiul curate Saint Butolph's Cm eucii, AspleyGuise — Rev. John V. Moore, reilor Saint Mary Macualen's Church, Husborn Ciawley— Rev. James Smith tic'ir Saint PKTnn'.s Church, Milton Bryant — RfV. Willi.im Mauslield, rcttor Ail Saints' Churcu, Ridgmont — Rev. Genrije W. Bentinek, riiar Baptist Chai'ki., Leiijditon 8lreet--ReT. 1 hnnias Goodv\ in Bapiist CiiAPbL, Ridgmont Ro». Joseph Brooks Inukpkndknt Ciiafei,, Cbapel street — Rev. James Andrews Wtsi.EYAN Methoulst Chapel*, Chapel street and Ridgmont POOR LAW UNION. WoRKHousK — Chapel street. master — Joseph Smith Cooke MalriiH — \i\n Cooke Sclioolmistriss — Sar^h Punchard C/ir

onth and .-ontb-west by Bci ksbiie, and on the southeast by Middlesex. Its length, from north to south, is about forty-rtve miles, and its greatest breadth, crossiuK a .-iip of Herifordshire (which in- tersects it on the e;ist) to the extreme of its western side, nearly twenty-three; its circunifererce is one hundred and thirty-eight miles, containing seven hundred and thirty-eight square miles, or 472,320 statute acres. In size, Bu'eiiingham^hire r-^nl^s as the ihirty-tbird Emjlish county, and the thiriy-foiirtb in populition. Name and early history.— The present appellation uf the countv was given to it by the Saxons, and is supposed to be derived from the beech trees which then grew so plentifully in these pai'ts, and were called Bucctim ; 01 ficiin the abundance of deer that were found iu the woods, with which this county was covred, Buc. iti the Saxim language, signifying a buck or hart. This part of Biitain, together wi'h'tlie adjoining counties of Bedford and Heitfoid, befoie the invtsion (tf Caesar, was inhabited by the Ctittieuchliinll, who were, in the Jipininn of Camden, the aticieiit C'/w/e,- and there are some remains of the name in Cashio hundred, and Cashiobury, adjoining Watford, iti Hertfordshire. By the successes of Aulns Plaiitlus, this coutity wa.s reduced under tile dominion ot Claudius ('aesar, and then loiined patt of BrUannia Prima; and w.is after- wards inciiiiled in the piovince oi Flavin C(BSnriensis. The Riimaii station ]\Jagiovintum is pretty well ascer- tained to have been within the limi'sof this county, near Fenny Stratford ; its site is called ^uld Kields, where numerous coins atid fnutidaiions of buildings ha>e often been discovered. Several Roman ioids pass tlnougli the county — namely, the Ikening-street, along the notthern verge of thecbiltern hills ; the L'lwer Aiknellway runs parallel viith it ; the Portwajjy in the vicinities of Stotie and Hartvvell, and faint traces of other toads in different distiicts. Oti the complete establishmetit of tlie Saxon Heptaichv the county became i>art of the powerful Mercian kitigdftm. On the consolidaiioi), under Canute, of the Datiish power iti England, it was jiicluded it) the Dane-lege, or Danish jurisdiction. During the war between John and the barons, Hatislape Ca-tle, at Castlethorpe, was fortified by its owner, William Mauduit, against the king, but was taken and deimdi.shed by Folk de Brent in 1216. Befoie the period of the Reformation, Buckinnhamshire cotitained twenty-one religions hnnses, iticlttding four Alien priories, one Pieceptory of the Knighis Hospitalleis, and a College of liotihommes at Ashbridge, being the otily house of that order iti Fnalaiid, except one in Wiltshire. There were besides ten Imspitals — iiicludiii'4 that at Newport Pagnell, re-founded by Queen Anne, and the Royal College of Eton founded by Henry. Ar the commencement of hostilities bei«een Charles antl the Par- liament, this was one (if the first counties whose inbahitants associa'ed on the side of the latter. In June, 161J, a skirmish which took place in Chalgr.ive Fi'ld, in this shire, is rendered mournfully memorable for the hiss sustained by the |)ailiamentaiians in the death of tlie patriot Hampden, who there received a wound which proved fatal six davs after. Newport Pagnell, in the same year, was gaiiiso'.ied by tlie king's troops; am) Hiali Wycombe was the scene of a conflict between the opposed forces, in which Prince Rupert was par- tially successful. In 1644 the kini;, for some time, made Buckingham bis bead quarters. In 1646, Borstall House, the only remaining loyal ganison in the county, was surrendered to the foices of the Patlianient. Surface, soil, proouce, climate, &c. — The face of the county is exceedingly \ar ed . the southern parts are occupied by the Chiltern hills and their appendages, and are chiefly composed of chalk, intermixed with flint; liut have been rendered productive by the gieat attention given to the cultivntion and improvement of the land. The prolific vale of Ayleshury spreads through the middle of the county, fui nishing lich pasturage to vast numbers oi cattle, and supporting a contitiuitv of dairy and graring f.iinis. The mote northern parts are diver-itied with gentle saiul-hiUs, inttispersed with pasturage and meadow land, and a small propoitioM of arable. The cotmtty to the north of the Chilterns abounds with pleasing scenery, diversified with hill and dale, piolific corn-fielils, meadows, and woodlands. Between Marlovv and Henley the scenery is rendered still more charming by tlie broad and pellucid current of the Thames, and the picturesque boldness of its banks. Among tlu' seats of the landed proprietors, those most distinguished are. Stow, the magnificent resilience of the Duke of Huckingbam ; Wycomtie Aiibey, the seat of Lord Carinaton ; and Aslibridge, that isioii of the comity produces large qiianiities of fine beech ; iieu ly a sixth part of the land, on both sides of the road between Oxford and thelbanies, is sup- posed to he coveied with that species of wood. The inin'-ial productions are of sraicely aiiv importance: near Newport is a bed of marble, at Olmy, fieestoiie; at Wavindon, ari|fuilers' eaitli pits ; at Brill, ocliie for painting is olitai tied, and unilier is found in" tiie iioriherti part of the county. The climate has been pionoiinced to b-eas favmiralde to health and loi gevity as that of any other county in the kingdom ; the air, on the Chiltern hills, theexpeiieiiee of iigts has proved to he lemarkably salubiious, and even in the vales it is nuuh less fre- quented by endeinical disorders than the low tiounds of the majority of other distiicts. Manufactures and 'Frade. — The chief niaiiufactnies of this (ounty are tiiose of thread lace, paper and ..straw plat : the first-nientiotied alTotding employment to a great number of females of the humbler class ; many very young children, also, are ficcnpied in this Inanch — they make llie cilgintrs and narrower descrip- tions of lace; and there are thidughout the county schools wlerein the pillow hobhin is kept in activity, to the (Xclusioii of the needle. This lirancb, liowever, has been seveiely depressed by the manufactuies of Nottingham. The straw plat tiade, of which Luton and Dunstable (Bediordshiie.) are the principal seat', extends for some distance into this county. Exclusive of its manufactures, the trade of Buckingbam-hire is of a general and auriciiltuial natute, having a moderate traffic in vaiious kinds of iraiii, malt, timber, &c. The Grand Junction canal is of considerable importance to its business — communicating as it does wiili the meiiopolis, and, by its cuts, with the piiiicipal towns in this atid the adjacent counties; while the rail affords additional and more speedy means of transit for persons, produce and meicinndise. Rivers canals and railways. — The prir cipal rivers from which this county derives advantage are, the THAMES, the ousE, the coLNE, the ouzel and the thame. The first-mentioned forms part of the boundary that divides Buckinghamshire from Berkshire during a course of about thirty miles, and is nawyable the whole of that distance : it first touches the county about a mile north of Henley Bridge, and thence, passing Med- iHenham and other towns, leaves Bucks a short distance above Staines. The nawgation of this river is of paramount consequence to the county, as aflfordiiig a direct communication with the metiopolis. The Ouse enters the western >ide of the shire, and, passing Water Stratford, flowsin a deuous course to Buckingham; thence winding to lluj north, pursues its way to Stony Stratford, Newpoit Pagnell and Oliiey, and kaves the 1 I }5ucfe^. ?latfr'!8 coiintv near Br^vfieW. The Coliie forms part of the eastern bound^iyof this shire, separating it froin IMid- dleses iiinl f.ills iiiu> the Thames hetwe. n AnkerwvVe and Siaines. The Oiizel uses on tlie ea-tern coii(ine.'» of thecootyiv at tlie fi)otof the Chilt.rn hills ; at Linlaiie, near Leiyhton Wiuzuid, it enters liiiekinghaiiishire, aii.l pa-MW 'F.iinv Siratlord, joins the Oiise ;.t Newpoi t Pamiell. The Thnme originates in the junction of tMo small >tieani-.' near UuarrciKlon. a few miles lr«in Aylesbury: at the town of Ilianie it heemnes the fcouiularv between the counties of O.itoril and HucKiiighan), the hitter of which it entirely quits beyond the Tillage oi Ickfoid. There are nt> inineial ■f-\n'n\i(> oiany note in IJuckinKhainshne. The only canal is the Grand Junc-iiiin, hefoie-ineiitioned, v\hich enters the eoiinty near Wonhertnii, and, after passing several of the piincipal towns, le»»cs it neur the village of Maisworth : thrre are iManches from the main line, coin- niunicatinc with the towns of Avk-sburv, IJutkinghain, VVeiidover, &c. The Giand Jniution caiial al>o ron- ■ect> the Coventry canal, at Biaunstoii.'witli the Thiinits navrgation. Railways.— The Lomlon anc/ North- Westtrn llaiUay'eutt-rs this county a short di.^tance to the west of Ivinghoe; runs to witliin two miles of Wing, ^nd los thiiu I hat «Jislaiicc (loiu Leighton HiizzanI (BedN.) ; it pa-s.s between the towns of Bletchley and Kenny Stiatlord, close to the former, and ali-nUa mile to tlie west of the laUer ; it then runs to about two mdes to the li^bt (or south-east) of Stony Stiatftud on to Wolverton, and leaves the county about four miles from that station. There is a hnnich from BJetihley to liedfoid; and the Gieat V/estern ll^ilway crosses the suutit liuib of th<- c.iunty. [rj^sing the villanesof Langley, Sough and Kton — the lasi named a priiicijial station. KcfLESiASTiCAL aii'l cjviL DivisJON.-*, and REPR ESENTATiON. — Bijckiiiglianishire i> wiihin ihe dioct s.'* ef Liueobi and pi-o\iiice of Canterbury ; and is inthided in the Oxford Circuit of the Judges. For civil pur- Bises it is dividid into eiubt hundreds, nanudy, A>lu-ii(!le.sbuiy, lieaconsfield, Buckingliam, and Newpoit Pagnell. The gentlemen at |)reseut silting aie Caled&u George l>upre, Esq.; the Honourable C. Compton Cavendi>h ; and I5eiij;*.inin U'Israeli, K>i\. PopuLATio-s, etc. — Bv the returns rendered to (ioverntnent at tlie cet>sus of 1841, Ruckingham.sbire con- tained 76,482 males, and 79,501 teinab-s — total, irK),y83; exhibiting an increase over the retmns of 18;il. of *,454 inlialiitants. The annual value of Henl Property, in this eoutttv, as assessed to the Pooi Rates, in ISlh, amounted to £')4;i,4;>2, and in 1841, to £674;.yM. -o Distance Table of To^wns in Buckinghamshire.. The Atterisks {') nltuchfd lu Hit :jnmeii/ a Town dennte the number oj Rtjirestnlalives it Telmns to Patliummti tht ttuUf letters s'lij-nijy the Market Days. The iianK's of the towns are on the toj) and side, and the s(}uare where both nseet gives the distance-. From London .•\mersham, lit 26 l.-).34 1127 9iy,21 II 22 8.HfiI.5 Ayfesbiiry** Il") Beacon ^fiteld | 5 HncUiimliani** .... '^S2 Cheshani '•'> Fenny Stratford ..130 Iviniihoe 114 Marlow** \\'. Newport Pagnell .. 128 2.3 3.3 14|2,^ ■ 3t).38 1!tl30 8 1-J2(ijl3 l!).37j 82-1 .')13 22 9 1029; 7 23 17 6,34 9 Aylesbury, s 38 20Beaconsfield, w 2% 17 35|Bucki!ighan), m. and s f)7 13 8!31|Chcshani, w. r»;rfj 28 OIney .33 Prince'> Kisborough 1 1 Stony Stratford 31 Wendover ilO Winslow 125 Wycombe, High**. . | 7 Fenny Stratford 44 12|Ivini;hoe, s .3,'i .33j21 :\Iiirlow, 5 31 7|l.T 36;Newport Pagnell, s 51 12,20 41! 5()lnev,M 5f; 23 24 13,23 28 711437 fi 11 191 8 Wi2r2(i 12;l4 29 Ifi 19 27 151 5 29 34 Prince's UistioroHgli, th. .. '.M 25 Stony Stratford,/ 51 4 241 Wenitover, m 35 17 10 l.MVVinslow, (h 48 8 32|n|23 I Wycombe,/.. 29 A: ANIERSHAM, WITH THF CHAPELKY OF COLESHILL AND NKIGHBOURHOODS. llev. John Diake, is tbe iiu uinbeni, and bis present curate tbe llev. Charles Smitli. The Baptists, a most respectable body here, lia>e two chapels, res[>( ciively callcij the Mrst iX'itomitiation and tlie Second benonii- iiation ; and the Sixiety of Friends and Wesleysiis Methoclists have a pliceof worship eacii. Tbe town has the advantiiKC of a fiee giainmar school, fonndej hy Or. Rohei t Chaloner, in 1()21 janothci for teaching Aiiriiigaii'l aiithinttic, founded in 1728 by Williaiu l-ord NcwImvimi ; a school condn^-tefl upon the British plan, and one for iMl.mts'. 'Ihcre are almshouses f..r ix poor \Tidows, fotjiided hy Sir Wiiliaui Drake — wh ^MFCRSHAM (foini?rly written ^^'wo«*.«^aff/) i- a pari.sh in tbe hundred of liurnliain — the mai ket towir, a remarkably mat one, is 26 miles, \t.n.\v. from Lon- don, 32 s E.' from Buckiirgham, a':d 8 s. by \v. from BcrkhaiiipsteJid (Herts), a st itimi t'lwn on the Lon- don and North U'csiern Railway. The sitnation ol Amersbam is peculiarly agreeable, bfiiie wated in a let tilt- v.de, neai tlieiiMi iSlishoinne, between wood- cls'l eminences : it coiivists of one long and spacinus well-|iavrd street, inteisrcted near tin' centie by a Sin tiler one. Aniershain ftr^t sent meml>ers to pariia ment in the \v\^\\ of Kdward I; an iirtcrruptioii t the exeicisf «^' tliii in-ivilen"- rjccurn'd from the 2nd of also eiected the town-hill. Edmund Waller, celebra- Kd.vard II until the 21st i.fJamcs I ; ^iiu-e that jieiiod 1 ted as a poet, wlix) fur yr.irs resided at C»i.f.shili., in it c 'iiiiiined to be repiesentrd until the Reloi in Bill, j this |rarisb, sat in two pailiamiMit, in the reign Of" ifefirive -. 19tli. ,at n««tness : the living font of the best m the coiintv) The parish contained, in 1831, 2,81(j inhabitants^ au«l in 1841, 3,()45. iSirectorg* AMERSHAM, &c. MntH* POST OFFICE, High-streef, Amershari, John Bett>wortli, Post Master.— Lt^Utrs from Londom and all parts of the South and East arrive every nioiniiig at a quarter before f5ix, and evtning at ten minutes before st-ven, and are despatched at eight in the mnmitii;, and evening Ht iialt-past seven. Letters from the Western and Northern Countes, m.d., Churcli end Salter Rev. William Augustus, Church st Saunders Mrs. Lovey, High st Slater Mr. William, Hi?h st Smith Rev. Charles, High st Stalker Rev. Matthew, High st Statham Mr. Cliarles, High st Waller Mrs. Elizabeth, High st ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. BkitishSchool, High st— Stephen Sledman, master; Jane Green- field" iiiistre>s €o.xEliza(boar(ling and day) High st Free School (girls'), High st — Mary Ann Jarvis, mistress Free School (boys'), Mai ket hall. Highest — William John Stocker, master Grammar School, High st — Rev. Samuel Newman, master Infants' School (Riimney's)High st — Kliza Haynes, mistress West Ebenezer (boarding and day), High st ATTORNEYS. Charsley Frederick & Edward, Hieh st Daniels Thomas, High st BAKERS. Butcher Cliarles, Union st George Henry, Coleshill Grove Edmiiad, Highst Janis William, High st Statham Elizabetli, Hieh st Statham John, Union st Statham Jo>epli, High st BLACKSIVIITHS. Ayres James, Common Beeson Joseph (aud veterinary sur- geon). High st Grinisdnle John, Common How Elizabeth, High st Pat;e James, Coleshill Slade Charles, Coleshill Thompsiin Elizabeth, High st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Arnett Thomas, Union st Boddy Henry, Higli st Dorrell .lan)es, High st Dover Henry, Bury end Eyres William Wells, High st Fundell John, Hiich st Funded Williau), High st George Chnrles, Coleshill George VViUiam, Coleshill Grace Thomas, Common Grove Edmund, jun,, High st Hardin? William. High st Hollis Sarah (dealer), High st Keen Willian), Union st Morten Thomas, High st Plester John, Union st Salter James, High st Sears James, Coleshili BRICK AND TILE MAKERIC Andrew Jolia, Common Carter William, Penn st, Penn Kirhy Joseph, Fros; hall Peaice Thomas, Brickhill farm BREWERS AND SMALTSTERS. Morten Thomas, Londun road Welter William, Clinrch st BUTCHERS. Adams Catherine, Higlist Field Daniel, High st ^^lles Elixabeih, High st Rogers John, High st Spratley John, High st CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Baldwin Charles (cabinetmaker). Bury end Cox John. High st Hatch Joseph, High st Jordan Richard, High st Peaice Reuhen, London road Stops Henry (and furniture broker) High st CHAIR MAKERS. Avis Nathaniel, London road Baldwiii James, Highst Bniton James, Mop end Climpson William, Union st Cox George, Penn st, Penn Curtis John, Bury end Eden Edward, Potter's yard Field Daniel, His^h s> Gould Grorge, Bury end Palmer George, Winch more hall Phillips Willi;ira, High st Tnovey Sampson, Cole^^hill Wellerline John, London road CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS Broadwater William l^and book- seller and printer). High st Morten Thomas Kotior, High st CORN DEALERS. Aries Edward, High st Brient Mary, High st Butcher Cliarles, Union st Clinipson William, Union st Morten Thomas, London road Putman Tlntmas, London road EARTHENWARE MANUFAC- TURERS — BROWN. Carter William, Penn st, Penn Pratlev Emanuel, Winchmore hill Slade Sarah, Coleshill FIRE, etc., OFFICE AGENTS. ET0NiAN(life(, Frederick & Edward Charsley, High st General, Richard May Morten, Union st [High st Lmperial. Thomas Honor IMorten, Norwich Union, Hariy Scott, High st Phcenix, Frederick and Edward Charsley, High st Royal Farmers', William Broad- water, High st Sun, Thomas Tavlor, Union st FISHMONGERS AND FRUITEREERS. Andrew William. Highst Ayres George, High st Wingfield Thomas, Union st GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS fSes also Shopkeepers, 6;c.) Birch John, High st Field Daniel, High st Jarvis Williau), High st Potter & Clatke (and tallow chand- lers). High st Putman Heiiry, Higli st Rogers Martha (and c(ioper)High st Scott Hariy (and tallow chandler), Highst HAIR DRESSERS. Eyres William Wells, High st Redrup Henry, Union st inns- commercial and POSTING. (See also Taver/isfy Public Houses.) Crown, Thonms Bown (and inland revenueolf.ee). High st Griffin, Ann Jones, High st IRONMONGERS. Climpson William, High st Rogers Frances, High si LINEN &WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Child Charlotte. High st Morten Richard May, Union st MILLERS. Gregory Williaui, Upper Mill Impey John, London road Rayment Thomas, Lower Mill MILLINERS &DRESS MAKERS Broadhy Charlotte, Union st Coleman Mary, Hiahst Jordan Elizahelh, High st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, €tc Dolling Joseph, High st Harley Mary & Son, High st POULTERERS. Halt Joseph, Bury end Hill Josiah, Union st SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Reynolds John, High st Wilson John (and rope and twine manufacturer), High st SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERS Ilf GROCERIES Sc SUNDRIES. Bettswoith John Rohinson, High st Chapman Harriet, Union st Crockett Sarah, High st Eggleton David, Common George William, Highst Grace Hannah, London road Ivory Daniel, Coleshill Phillips Thomas, Union st Potter Ann, Unioti st Rackley James, High st Shiphenlly David, Coleshill Thomp-ion Elizabeth, High st STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Aldridge Sarah, Union st How Jane, High st Shrimpton Fanny, High at Warner Louisa, Highst SURGEONS. Brickwell Beujamin, High st Brickwell Thomas. Highst Gray Thomas Nathaniel, Highst 'I'alleni Edward, High st TAILORS. Andrew Charles, High st Axten Eleanor (and draper), High st Dolling James, Bury end Elbouru Henry (and draper), Highst VVoodbridge Thomas, Union st 'Untki* AMERSHAM, &c. ^lata'jBl TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES.] Blact Hiirse, Ji'seph Huinam, Common ChrqiifM. Thoinas Pnlriain, London road f lf.,r-H<--l.i». Thiimas Murkley, Colrsliill Harr k H.>U"H». G-'orer Prie»i, Union 81 Hllor M Si, Jaro-»Tii>!o ,1'enn »t. Penn K ng-' Arms, \» illiam Briry, HikIi >t Old (Jri'tin, Willc.-im Joiner. Mop end Qii*.-n'5 Hrail. John Kinjr, WiMen lane Red Lion, Sophia Smilh.C'oIfsliill Rote i. Crow n. Jo&rpli Lines, London rd Saracen's Head, 1 hus U illiaius,Ciiiun »t Swan, Alice U'V, High »t White Lion. S.iniuel Wilson, Common Retailers of Beer- Bitsnn Tliom:i». Common Black»al. William, \> inchniore liill Cox George, P,-nn st, Peon Grern John Bury end Ivory Daniel, Cole^hill Keen Joseidi, Larkin'i green Mead John. L'nion st 01ne> William, Common Palmer Ciriirpe, Winchmore hill Pratley Kmsnuel, Winclmiore hill Rogers droline, Winchmore hill Bailer Frederick, Coinmoo Smilli Job, Common Sprjil.x John, Hicli st Tai'piiu .limes. Common WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Klh'iiiiii Heiuv (and gnu maker), Hiuli-t Sims Ilicliard, Hi.i;h st WHEELWRIGHTS. Liiining .AiitluiTiy, Hiyll st Line James, Higii st Liue William, High st ! Rnger.s Thomas, Cole.shill Tapping Jiiliii, Commou Miscellaneous Cain Charles, brewer. High st CorlesCharles.steward to Thomas Drake, Ivsij. High st Grant Thomas, dyer. Rury en 1 Keen C liarlfs. brickla>er, L'nion st Kt-eii Friderick, toy dealer. High st Keen J no. basket & mat maker, Bury end Putnam Hinry, glover. High st Sa vises' B.\XK, High strret (open every Saturday —Charles Siuiham, manager Stratloid «c Son, auctioneers. High st Toins John, brazier and tinman, High st Toovey Henry, furniture broker. High st Wilson Jolin,'liigh constable. High st POOR LAW UNION. Workhouse, Union-street. Goprrnor— John Sandars. Matron — Mary Ann Sanders. ScAoo/mns/er— Jno.Robinson Betlcs worth .9fAoo/inis/rfs?— Ann Doclirey. Surgeon — Edward Talent. I Chaplain— Rev. Samuel Newman. Cleik to the Board of Guardians— Ml. I Frrdeiick Charsley. ! Relieuiip O/^cers— Willinm Brooks, for I No. 1 District; residence. Union st ; I WilliamCloughtrey, for No. 2 District; residence, Chesbain. REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS, DEATHS «£ MAHRIAGES, Stipirintendent Registrar— Mr. Frederick Ch.rsley, Highst Rinistrar nf /l/arno.i7e.?— Messrs. James ()oriill. an'l George Washington Mot. ris. High st Rriiistiarof liirlhs and Deaths— R'xcM. Sims, H\%\\ st OMNIBUSES. All Sviulnijs excejted. To LONDON, the Timts (Irom Wendo- ver). calls at the Ciown Jnn, morning at eight. To WATFORD STATION, an Onmibut (from Wendover), rails at the King's Arin>i. morning lit eifjht. To WENDOVER, the 7imfs(fiom Lon- don), calls at the Ciown )nn, evening, at ten minutes before seven; an Omnr- fcus (from VVdiford), calls at the King's Arms, evening, at half- past seven. CARRIERS. To LONDON. James Kackley and Sarah Crockett, Monday and Thiirsday, and John Franklin, on Wediiesdav. To AYLESBURY, Jnsiah Hill', from his house. L'nion si, Wednesday and Sat. To BERKHA^ISTFAD, Joseph Halt, from bis house, Burv end, on Wed. To BICESTER, John Frmklin.frora the King's Arm'-, Friday. To Itl'KMANSVVORTH and HAR- Rf» W,.losiahHiil,from h's house,Thar8 To WINDSOR, Joseph Halt, from his house, Bury end, Monday and Thurs. To WYCOMBE. William Cheese, from the King's .Arms, Wednesday & Sat. AYLESBURY, WITH THE VILLAGE OF WHITCHURCH AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. Aylesbury is a tuarket and liiiiidred town, ami ] natiiie. Arlfsbury is .sumeMliat noted for its breed oi pirliameiit.iiy b..iom;li,.-)8 mill. s N. w. fmin Loiidiin and 1 ducks, of which crent iiuii)l)eis an- sent to London, 22 f.. bv N. from Oxfoid; situated near tbecentie of J and where they command hish prices. A horticnliu- Buckiiii;'iam«hire, on a gentle emhienre, in the licli ral ^ociety an'l a mtchanics' instiinteare wrlj .sustained and extrusive ti act dt-nominatcd 'the Vale of Ayl.'>- | here ; and three newspaoeis, published in the town. bury,' and is the terminus of a bniirli of railway con. ected with the Londim and Noi th-Westein line. Thi'* jilacf was (iiigi ally an iiDpiMtant lirili.sh strong- liol't, and niaintaiiu-d its inde|)endence from the lime; of the di-pi'lurc (if the Romans, I ill the year 571, when it w.is reduced by the West S,i.\nns. J3y the Norman Con'iui'i'or it was made a .^^^nor Royal, nnd ])ai celled out under a tenure that now appears singular, namelv, that til'- tenants should ' find litter or straw for the king's be''cliambi'r thrre times a vear, if he c.ime that ■wrtv so iifteii, Mild provile him \\\i[\ three eek in winter and Hirer qreen geese in summer.' Avieshuiy was made a cotp'rnte town by Queen Mary in looO, huttliecoi- por,iiied Angiist 184ti, for ih'- recovery nf debts tn any amount nut exct-ediiig £20— this court is held mont'dy. In l,n.">4 the burnt ssesnbtaincd the privilege" minor benefactions to the nei dy. The county aioiind of »' n'liiiK two members to pailimient, which right thev still enjoy ; ihe present represeiiia'ives are ihi- fli({ht Hon. (ieorj^e Lonl Nugent, and Quiiitrn Dick, Esq. Ayhsliury i< a pnllinR sia'iou at the election ol coiin'y menibeis. The county uanl and house ofcr- recti'in is a veiy liandsome huildiiiK standing on the Ltight'ii Buzzard mad: its arr lrii, New road inghani road Stone Mr. William, Cambridge st Stoue Mr. Wllliain, New road Harwood George, Whitchurch [ Hicks Joseph, Buckingham road ' Jarvis Thomas, Cambridge st Matthews William, Whitchurch Mitchell Robert, Kiiifsbury Palmer Rohert, Kingsbury Reeve Edward, Whitchurch Sparks Joseph, Cambridge st Walker Sally, Walton st Ward lUibertjTemide st Warner John, Cambridge st BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Sevmour Svlvaniis, Market square Sharp Cyrus, Walton st Ward Thomas, Market square BREWERS. Dell John, Konibnii st Judkins William, Cambridge st Parti idge William Wriuht, Kingsbury Terry Edward, Walton Woodman Robert; Green end ^ucli$. AYLESBURY, &c. ^lattr*^ BKICK MAKERS AND HME BURNERS. I D.iKlifielH UiclKiMl, Whitchurch mine J-h... H.»r-u>uk 1 I Drke Willi iiK M»-e'l & So". "UCk- inhiouroail; Kilns at //(/;7«r^//, Stuiie and Do'lilershalt Ile:i Joseph, Mai ket square Kisiier Kd^ard, Kiiinvhury I'ivher Fraiici', Kinij-biiry l"i»l,er William, Walton (uMinev IVichard, KinKslniry Ihaiviiiiin James Silver st Keincli Daniel, Whitcluirch L-cUe William, OxIonI mad Miicliell Till. mas H(ir\vood,Silver st N^uli John, Silver lane Smitii 1 hoinas, l$nckiiighain road Stevens D.ivid, Walton st Thorp Charles, Kinusbury Thorp Thomas, Kingsbury Turner Charles, Cambridge st Welch Frederick, Whitcluirch Wheeler John, Castle st Wlieeler John, Back st Wondhoiise Joseph, Cambridge st \Vrii;lit Wiirum, Walton st CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Berry T na-, Kin^'sblIly Gibbs Samuel, Maiket s(|narc Green William Henry, Walton st Jackson James, Ihickinpham road CARPENTERS. Maiked • lluis are also Builders. •BcccIk y Richard, Walton •Green Thomas, Kinasbury Green Williiin) & Son (and timber merchants), Walton st •Mavne Samuel, H^iiUvay st •W.i'd Jesse, Market square • Waid William, Hnckinahain road While Tbos. rand hnihler) ,Custle st CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Cheney H-lmes, Markt t sipinre Uichin's Howland, Kiiiu-bniy Pavne Frederick William, Kinf,'shury Stidman Riehaid, MMikct square CHINA, GLASS, &r. DEALERS. Clark J. lines. Temple st Duko William. Market square Piincrmihe William (eai then ware) , Cax'le st [ham road Jriiim Kdw.f& liardware),BuckiMg- \cineyTli'>n)a«, liack st COACH MAKERS. KiiiK (ieoiRe, New read Mcarl JipIiii, I5ni kinjihuni load COAL MERCHANTS. »a'l Fiai ris. Hallway ^t Clay Cr^ss Co^;l'A^v, New road wliaif— ThoniHs Fell, ai;cnt KukUi d John & Son, Walton st Fell ThoM.a., Castle M HfdIaiKl Ge.rKr, Walton Rt Ho«aid Joseph, W'al'on St Locke Jilin,l'.u(kinghani road Miiore* Jamrs, Silver »t Shaw Joseph (and Blatc), Walton st Smith Eliza, Walton st Wanl William, Buckiuiiham road Whitehouse Joseph, Walton st i Woutton Thomas, Walton st ] CONFECTIONERS- | Castle Wm. IJ unaid. Cambridge Si 1 Fancutt Joseph, Cambridge st Garner Joseph, Market square Garner Thomas, Walton st 1 Veary Elizabeih, Market st \ Vincent Jonathan, Walton j Wyatl Chailes, Silver st i COOPERS. Alderman John, Whitcluirch lieasley John Anthony, Whitchurch I HollDwav Georue, Wilton Jolly Joseph, New road Morgan James, Wal'on st FIRE, «tc. OFFICE AGENTS. Anchor, William Whiting Walker, Kiniisbiiry [Market square British KMriRE,ThomasMai shall, County, Gi-ace White, Market sq Eagle, Silvan us Seymour, Market square [square Economic, Robert Dell, Market Etonian and General, Richard Stednian, Market scjunre General, John Gunn, Market sq Globe, Henrv Hatten, New road London Union, Thomas Field, Market place [New mad Mentor (life), John Margesson, M inerva, HenryW^atson, Church st NoRWK H Union, Rowland Dickins, Kingsbury [Cburch st Ph(enix (tire). Rose & Pairoits, Railway Passengers' (life and accidents). Christopher William- son, Temple square [Walton Royal Exchange, James Cmuch, Star, William J udkins.Camhiidgest Sun, Gibbs «& Son, Boorbon st ViCTORiA(life)AlfrdSelf,Maiketsq GLOVERS. Hitchcock Roheit, Cambridge st Pearce John, Walton st GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. [See also ^Shopkeepers, Sfc.) Ames Henrv, Market square Collins Chailes, New road Elliott CalebWilliam, Market square Gunn John, Maiket square Hawkins Charles, Temple st Homeyer William, Walton Jarrott Edmund, Canibridue st KiiiKbam Joseph, Market square Peitit Joseph, Market squaie Simons lienjamin, WaltiUi st Stephens Jolui. Market square Thorp Rubert, Temi)le square Waite Thomas, Back st HAIR DRESSERS. He Fiairie Joseph, Cambridge st Dixon James, Canihridue st Muddiman Jose|.h. Market square Simons Joseph, Maiket st Walker WMliamWhitin^', Kingsbury Waid George, Market square Welch JosepliAnstin, Cambridge st INNS. (See also Taverns <^- Puljlir/Iousrs.J Crown, Henry James aiidCatheiine Margesson, Market square G.orge. Helen Bennett. Market sq White Halt, John Kersley Fowler, Market siiuare IRONMONGERS. I,INEN& WOOLLEN DRAPERS Moores John, jnii.. Market square Payne Philip, Maiket st Pollden Richard, Marl^et square Queich John, Kingsbury Reid David, Market square White Grace, Market square MALTSTERS. Dell Jnhn, Bouibon st Fariibrounb William, Castle st Mooies John, Silver st Page Thomas, Wiiichendon I Terry Edward, Walton j MARKET GARDENERS. De Fiainc Jane, Back st j De Fraine Mark, Bouihon st ' Stei)heiis Berry, Cambridge st I MILLERS. I Burford William, Whitcluirch Gadsden Jeffery, Aylesbuiy Mill ; Jeffrey Thomas, W^alton Mill Loosley Kichaid, Hartwell MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS Berry Mai yAnn& Hin iet,Kingtbury Brooks Hannah, Whitchurch Bush Ann, Silver st England Elizab th, Walton st Harrison Ann, Castle st 1 Hedges Sarah, Whitehall st 1 Hodgkins Mary Ann, Hale leys Impey Mary Ann, Kingsbury ! Medhurst Ann (& bahy linen ware- j house), New load I Read E>ilier, New road 1 Sale Ann. Buckingham road I Simons Maiy Ann, Railway st i Taylor Sarah. Cambridge st Turnham Elizabeth, Market square newspapers and their publishers. Bucks Advertiser & Aylesbury News (Saturday), Robeit Gibbs, Bduiboii st Bucks Chronicle and Bucks Gazette (Saturday), George De Fiaine, Silver st Bucks Herald and Windsor and Eton Journal (Saturday), Jas. Pickburn, Temple st NURSERY AND SEEDSMEN. Fereusoii D ivid, Buckingham road Fraser John Francis, Markt t square Weatherli y Charles, Market square Seymour Silvanns, Maiket square Smiih Thomas, Kingsbury Ward Thomas, Maiket square PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Bradford Joseph, New road Cooley Edward Elijih, Silver st Curiis Elizabeth. Kingsbury (Gibbons James, Bourbon st Goss Thomas, Kingsbury Hawkins William, U hitchnrch Hodi;l>ins Ni heiniah, Cambridge 8t Hodgkins William, Canibiidge fit Howes Thomas. Walton st J likes Thomas, Walton st [road May John Cnas. (sign), Buckingham Ward Thomas, Market squaie Woodman George, Caste st PRINTERS-LETTER-PRESS. De Kiaiiie Gemge, Silver st Gil'bs Robert, Bdurbon st Marshall James Henry, Temple 8t I'iekbuin James, Temple st SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Bradford Thomas, New road Kiiinings Jnhn, Whitcbnich MuKisson Georue, New road Smith Matthew, Kingsbury W^ootlon Lawrence, Market square Utrutovi). AYLESBURY, &c. SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERS IN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Barnes John, Market square Baiiiitt Sarah, Whitchmch Btickland Julm James, Ca«tle st CoUlnKs Thomas Geon;e,Kingsbury Copcutt Heniy, BacU st Elliott Caleb, Whiichurch Gates Josepli, epistle st Godfrey CatluMiiie, Silvei' st Giirney Hannah, Castle st Jarvis ThoniHS, Caniliridge st King Jesse, Gieen end Lampett William, KinL'sbnry Nortli Henry, C^nibiidge st Priest Donas, Wliitchiirch Reeve Kdward, Wiiitchurcli Rickard Philis, Whitchnrcli 'J'attam rhomas, W'hitLluirch Whiiley Tliomas, Green end STONE Be MARBLE MASONS. J-.aytJohn, Ikitannia st Thompson William, Kingsbury STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Fisher Selina, Kingshury Holland Eruaheth, Market square Cock, Josiah Wilson, Whitchurch Mnckg. Hitchcock Wm. stay maker, Cambridge st Cross Keys, Rd. Gooding, IMarket square | Jacobs Ellas, clothes cleaner Pastlp^f Crown and Thistle, George Cheshire Whitchurch Dark Lantern, George Palmer, Silver st Green ftlan, Robejt Dell, IMarket square Greyhound, Thomas Bowler, Silver st Harrow, Charles Orchard, Back st Horse & Jockey, William Stevens Paine, Buckingham road King's Head, Jesse Ward, Maiket square Nag's Head, John Jolly, Cambridge st New Inn, (\hrk Price, Walton Oxford Arms.HenryTurnham, Market sq Plough, John Anthony, Buckingham road Queen's Head.Joseph Higgins, Temple sq Railway Tavern.James Oliver,Railwaj st Red Cow, William Ci>x. Buckingham rd Red Lion, Jonathan I'.eckett, Kingsbury Rising Sun, George Wicks, Castle st Saracen's Head, William Locke Greenend Ship. William Landon, Walton st Star, Joseph Pollard, Lemon st Two Brewers, William Birch, Back st Unicorn, William Saunders, Walton White Horse. Jos. Edwards, Market sq White Horse,Rcibt Holloway.Whitclinrch White Lion, John Wheeler, Castle st Whit eS wan, GeorgeCheshire, Whitchurch Lazarn- Samuel, umbrellamkr.Templest Len)on Henry, supervisor, New road Lepper Henry ^ George Andrew, vete- rinary surgeons, V/alton st Levason George, demist, Bourbon st Longstatr John, fislimonf,'er. Market st JIaigessonEdward,tobacconisi,Marketsq Margesson John, accountant. New road Market Hall, Market square-James I ongue. keeper Mechanics' Imstitute, Temple st— Ko-^land Dickins, honorary secretary Nixon Rnhei(,ailk manufr. Oxford road Police Station-, Castle slreet-Jaraes tornohy, superintendent Poole William, hook agent. Church st Rose Joseph, stamp distributer for the county of Bucks, Church st SanfordWm. furniture brokr,rambrid''est Scott Robert, travelling teadealer,Nevvr(i SoriETY FOR Promoting Christian Knowledge, Temple st— James Pick- buru, depository Stamp Offick, Temrle street— James Henry Marshall, distributer Taylor Joseph, town crier, Cambridge st ValderJohujinland revenue officer, New rd U hite Swan, Kezia Markham,.'V^ alton st ^ Ward John, basket maker, Kingsbury Retailers of Beer Allen James, Oxford road Ballad Richard, Buckingham road Impey Maty Ann, Kinesbuiy Lines Susannah, 'IViitple st Markham Sarah(& dyer),Wallon st i BrV^'^en'shawJames Cambridge st Medliurst Ann, New road Carruthers Eleanor, Whitclmrch Stevens Ann, Walton st Chester Charles, Market square Tiirnham Elizabeth, Market square \ i;!^'"'' -l?,''"; Walton Warr Ann, Temple square I ^L^'p^ " '"i?"' Whitehall st ' 11^ De rrame George, Cambridge st SURGEONS. I Duncombe William, Castle st Ceeley Robert & James Henrv, (jougli Joseph. Cambridge st Market square ' ' Ingram John, Walton Haywatd Hetiry, Kin.sbu.y | ^^X^^^i^^^l^^ Owen Philip Albeit, New road J p.^.ter Joseph, Oxford road PickeSS Hctliy Beresford, Church st \ Quainlon John, Walton Ward Robert,(emperancehnteI,Teniple st Wells George, wharfinger, Walton st Whitelock George, coll'ee & eating-house, Kingsbury Williamson Christopher, attorney's clerk. Temple square [>t Woodman George, bird stutrer,Cambridge Spencer Charles, Whitchurch SURVEYOUS-LAND, &c. Bull Humphrey (& building), Aston Clinton [S|)ittle Mill Gadsden Jeffery (nnd luilding), Green William & William Henry (buildings). Temple st Tieary William, Walton Ward Robert (of taxes), Castle st Wing Abraham, Teir.ple square TAILORS. Baddock John, 'leuiple st Clark John, Walton Clewley Joseph, Kingsbury CoHitigs James, Cambridge st Collings Juhn, Whitchurch Collins William, New toad Con norMirhael(&draper) Maiket sq Evett William, Cattle st Gough William, Market square Hitchcock William, Bourbon st IVIead James, Maiket square Parsons John, Cambridge st Procter Joseph, Whiiehall st Turniiam Heiuv, Market square Webb John, Walton st Webb Jnhn, Raihvay st White William, Market square Wiggs Thomas, Cambridge st TAVERNS St PUBLIC HOUSES. Anchor, Richard Mitchell, Walton st Angel, Willi;im King, Kingsbury B.irleymow, William Wright Partridge, Whitehall st Bear, VVilliam England, Walton st Bell, Thomas Wootton, Market square Black Hor.se, Thomas Radwell. Castle st Black Sw;in.Tlios Jas. Hinds.Kingsbury Bricklayers' Arms, Willi iin Fisher, Walton Buckini;ham Arms, William Chilton, Buckingham road Bugle. Joseph Carter, Hart well Bull's Head, Thomas James Berry, Market square Chandos Arms, John Cole, New road Coach & Horaes,Rd.PIatpr,Market square Cock, Susannali Hill, Kingsbury Sayle Henry, Cambridge st Wheeler Henry, Green end WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS. Crouch William, Silver st Field Tliomas, Market square Lelimann Frederick, Market square Simpson James, Castle st Tooley George, Walton st WHEELWRIGHTS. King George, New toad King Jesse, Kingsbury Knigiit John, Bourbon st Parrott Joseph, Buckingham road W^HITESMITHS. Nash William, Back st Neale Robert, Silver st Newton George, O.sford st Walker Josepii, Temple st W^lNE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Dell Riibcir, Market square Gulliver Heury, Kingsbury Miscellaneous. Badrick John, farrier. Green end Beals J'lhn. fniilerer, Cambridge st Billiard Room, .Market square — Jesse Ward, proprietor BluntJas.sweetuieat maker,Cambridge st Brooks William, ginger beer manufac- turer, Cambridge st BncKiNGHAMSHiRE INFIRMARY, Buck- ingham load— Frederick Duke, house surgeon; Mary Smith, matron [bury Borch John Jeremiah, wood turner,Kings- ' Campbell H'-nry, fruiterer, Cambridge st Cheese William, rope maker, Walton Collins Charles, halter. Market st Copcutt las. medical galvanist,New road County H.'^ll, Market square— William Whitins; Walker, keeper Cross William, tea dealer. Market square Dickins Wra. tanner & ciiriier,'l'emple st Elmes Francis,hatter& clothier,Temple st Elmes John, clothes dealer. Temple st Fisher John Denton, reporter, Kingsbury Gas Works, Railway Station— R. H. Howard, manager Guruey John, grazier, Walton st HillJ no. horse breaker i^iclippei-jGreeu end I PLACES OF WORSHIP, AND their .ministers. Saint Mary's Church. Church yard— I Rev. John Radclyffe Pretyman, Vitar; Rev. William Burch Gale, curate. Trinity Church, Walton- Rev. Wm. Penefather, inciniibeitt. Baptist Chapel, Walton. Independent Chapel, New road — Rev. Jo.seph William Gales. Primitive Methodist Chapel, Rail- way street. [ford road. Wesleyan Methodist Chai'el, Ox- POOR LAW UNION. Workhouse, Leighton Buzzard rd. Governor- — Richard Roberts Hollyer. .Vo/)on— Hester Hollver. Schooliiiaster—HenTy Pigott. Schoolmistress — .Miss Hinton. Surffeorts--{fmioti<:.) Chaplain— Rev. William Pennefalher. Cltrk to the Board of Guardiani — Joseph Parrott. Rfliedng Officers— {Sirsi and second dis- trict.s). Humphrey Bull ; (third district), Thomas Horton : (fourth dislrict),Tho8, Hill Hewlett. REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS, DEATHS & MARRIAGES. Superintendent — Josepli Parrott. Church st Registrar for Aijlesbury Distiiet — Tl'-is. Fell, Castle st. " for AslonCtinton — Humphrey Bull, Aston Clinton. fQuainlou " for Warf/ipio7), Thomas Horton, " for f7ad(/«T)/iam,Thoa.Howleli, Haddenham. COUNTY COURT, Held in the County Hall monthly. Judge — John William Wing, Esq. C/e/Sr— Henry Watson, Esq. High Bni.'iff—.fnhnGiimu. Bailiff— John Reader. COUNTY ^GAOL AND HOUSE OF CORRECTION, LEIGHTON BUZZARD ROAU. Gorernor— Mr. James Sherrilf. Peputij Governor— Henry Sherriff. yliairon— Martha Bates. CAa;)'aJ«— Rev. George Appleby. 5Hj?eon— Henry Hayward. a^ucfeg;. AYLESBURY, &c. ^Iatei'j5 COACH. To THAME, tlie Wii/'i/ .1/"i', from the Crown, every arteruoon at five. CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, OS A BRAVCIl OF THE LONDON AND NOHTII-WCSTEKN LINE. Stition, RaiUvay street— Robert Rimell J [iiiij, station masttr. CARRIERS To LONDON', Christopher Rnker. from the BulIN H'ad.S iturdav, aiuUVilliam HoriDur, from the Roj? & Crown, Sun. To LONDON, and forwvrd to all parts of EnK'a'nl, William HeilKes. fioiii liis waiehouse, Cambridge si, by riii/,daily 'lo AMERSn AM. Jos-ph Halt, from the Bull's Head, and Jooi ill Hill, from the Cock, \^'eJnesilay and Saturday To ASTON-CLIN TON, John Brazier, from the An;r 1, Wednesday and Satur- day, and J.inies Axlell, from the Bull's Hrad, Sat'irday To BERKMAMPSTEAD.Cha'lesClark. from the Angd, Weilnesday and Sulur- dav, and John Cook, from the Crown, and William Dale, from the Bull's Head, We Inesday To BICESTER, John Warrington, from thf Two Br>-wfr«, Wednesday & Sat. To BUCKINGHAM, Thomas Woolton, from the Two Brewers, \\'ednesday and k Sa'urdav To CHEsHAM, Samuel Beam, from the Block Swan, Saturday To HADDENHAM, William Wilson, from the King's Mend. Siturday To LEIGHTON BUZZARD, William IMorKan, from his house. Tuesday, and John luce, from the Angel, Saturday To NASH, Mark Ridijway. from the BuckiMiihani Arms. Saturday To OVINGaud WIllTCH URCH,Joseph E*'ans, from the Red Lion, Wednesday and Saturday To OXFORD, BRILL and CUDDING- TON, Henry Mole, from the Burking. ham Arms, Wednesday and Saturday To PRINCES RISBOROUGH, James rosier, Irom the Bull's Head, Wednes- day and Saturday To THAME and OXFORD, William Webster, from the Harrow, Monday and Thursday To TRING. Richard Foster, from the Crown, Saturilay To WADDESDON, Martha Cripps,from the Buckingham Arms.nnd John Crook, from the Hart H"tel, WVdnesday and Salurdav, and Robert Griffin, from the Red Linn, Saturday To WinrcHURCH, James Rickard, from the Buckingham Arms, and Robt. Bull, from the Anqel, Wednesday and Saiurday, and Daniel Kinch, from the Crown, Saiurday ToWINSI.OW, John Walker, from the Black Swan, Wednesday and Saiurday *,* Besides the above, there are convey, ances for Go ids, to almost all the village* in tlie county, on the Market daya. CONVEYANCE BYW^ATER. To LONDON, William and John Lan- dun's Fly Boatsjrom Aylesbury wharf, Walton st, every Saturday BEACONSFIELD, WOOBURN and NEIGliOURHOODS. a^EACON'SFlKLD is a parish, in the hundred of | and Fellow* of Magdalene colUge, O.xfird; the pre- Bumhaiii — Mie t.'wn, whi li is cliar'eicd to hold a I sent incumbent is the Rev. .John Gould, In the market, is 2.'5 niilis N.w. from London, 6 s.E. fiom ,*.outh aisle is a plain nniral tablet to tlie tneniory of High Wyioiiibe and 8 N. from the SloiigS siaiioii, on the celebiated orator and .statesman, Kdmmid limke, the Gnat Western railway; pleasantly situated on a ' who died at his seat, GrcRoiies, in this parish, and was hill, and allowid to he one ot the iiio>t healthCul lo- j intened here. In the cliuichvard is a tahle nioiin- caliiies ill the kiiig''oiii. 'i'lie town is coo- posed of nient of white muhle, w th a pyramid, to the nienioiy four main streeis, which, coineiging to a centre, furm of Waller, the elegant poet — he was ham in this town, a convenient iii;irl;ei piice: the piineipal street, in ■ and died Octnber 21st, 1687. The niuket, entitleil wh'ch theie are many well built houses, is more than j to be held on Wednesday, is now unattended ; two half a mile in length, and extends along the road i fairs, however, are ^ti'l maintained, on the 13th of leading fioni London to O.'cfoiil. Ueacoiisfield was | February and Holy Tlmr-day I he parish contained, foiinerly of considerable iiiipurtance in ihe grain and | by the returns fuv 1841, 1,763 inhabitants, and by m-al trades, iind its market was the resoi tof nnmenais , those (or 1811, 1,732. opulent factors and dealers; hut the iieighbouiing I W'oobukn is a parish in the hundred of Desbo- lown> of Wycoinb-' and I'xhiidge have abstracted a' rough— the village is situated 3 niihs s.w. from Bea- gieat portion of its business, and invaded its pros- ' con^tield, in a narrow valley, thioiiKJi the centre of periiy vcyseiiously; its lace trade, too, which is the only j which meanders a liver, wiiose stream gives motion inanuf.ictiiie heie (with the e.xceiitioii of paper, made [ to several mills for making papei — ihe sianle m;iini- in the vicinage), lias latteiiy di dined ; the local trade, I facture of the jilace and neigliboui hood. The parish however, is well siistiined by the inhabitants, and the j church of Saint Paul is a large, ancient edifice, wiili a lespei table families of the luighboui hood. Constables ' liandsoiiie tower ; it contains several moniimentsof the and ()tli( r ofliceis are appointed at the court leei of the I Beitie and Wbaiton families, and a curious font of lord of ibe manor; and Beacoiisfield is a polling sta- | ant'que carved woik. There are places of win ship tion at the election ofnu-mbeis torcpiesent the county ' for Independents and Wesleyan Meihodists, A niaiket at larte. was granted to this town by Heiiiy VI , this has long The parish churcli of All Saints is an ancient liuild- been discontinued; but fairs are held May 4th and ing, and formerly belonged to the nionastei y at liui II- I Novemb-r 12th, for horses, i luvs and sheep, 'fhe ham ; it is br.ilt of stone a'ul flint, with a tower : the i population of the parish in 1831, was 1,927, and in living is a rectoiy, in the presentaiinii of the President' 1841, 1,830. POST OFFICE, High-street, nr.AroNSFiPXU, Ann Cox, Past iMisfre.i.i. — Letters from all parts arrive (from UiiAVTON) every mm ning at half-past six, and are despaiched thereto at seven in the evening, POST OFFICE, WooiiuRv, Klizalii'tb Hnglies, Post l\Jistress. — Letters from all part? arrive every II. (ii nitiL' at ( i.:lit. and aie d( spatclied at live in ihe afernoou. KOBILITY, GENTRY AND , CI,EKGY. Ashley Rev. F. B. W..>,hurn j JJirch Mr. Joii ithaii, Woobiirn i BoiMy Mrs F.li/..l),th, Highst | Callow Mis Kii/l>th.Wycoml)e Fnd |)u Pre lames. Ksc|. Wilton Park Gould Uev. J. dm, B.D. Ilect iry Millet Cecilia (boarding and day}, High St l?uss> II James C'ay). Wycombe end ViLLACK Sctiooi,, VVuohurn V. Fiancis, master; Millicent, Uriginshavv, mistress Wright Ann (day), Wycombe end ATTORNEYS, nil rch Cottage ^i i « i> / I i r . Grove Mr. Kdu.u-.d, lli.l, st i Cliar.sley f, Pario:: (and clerks to Hall .Mrs.Kei.ecca.Hall liarnCottage i ''"-' '"-'B'stiates], High st )lar-a it Kev. .lolm, Windsor &l llo-,iiis Mrs. Isiliella. Hiijli St Jarksoii .Miss M.ny, IFiLdi st Head Colonel — , Kiilsiiade i'.irk TlmniD-on .Mr. Wlliim, Hil-Ii st Tiinell Mr. Jos,|)li, Wyiombe Knd \()ul'loii Iti'v .Mm hill. 'A'} com he I'.iid ACADEtniES AND SCHOOLS. hall .Maiy Ann '(lay , Hitjiist BAKERS. Rarneft Ilicliard, W'ooburn green I'.oiilt.in Joel, Hiuh st linn.ks Thomas, Wvcombe end Harding William, Hinh st Howatd iliLJiard, Wooburn green Kidd George, Wiohinn gieeii {..awience (JeoiLC, High st Nash John, Woobiiiu green Joliiistom- (Charles (boaiding and I'leilway Stephen, Wycombe end day), Highst [end Turketine Wni. Edward, High st ' Williams Thomas, Wooburn Millet ^Monsr. (French), Wycombe ' Williamson Jauies, Wooburn i Williams James, Windsor st BLACKSIVIITHS. Lovett David(and farrier), Wycombe end .Meakes Joseph (and farrier), Woo- buin .Stevens Thomas (and edge tool maker), Wooburn green Tiipp William, Aylesbury st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Hates Tlimiias, High st Coleman William, Windsor st Dormer John, lli^h St Diilley William, Woohurii Hessey Heniy, Woobiiiu Lacey Jo-eph, Windsor st Hoi'crs Thoiiius, Wooburn green Tied way William, W\ combe end Weihered William, Wooburn BREWERS AND MALSTERS. ^ixtctox^* BEACONSFIELD, &c. Bucfesf. BRICKLAYERS. Chapman Obed, Windsor st Fox George, Mii;Ii st [Hieh sf Rauce Joseph (and brick maker), BUTCHERS. Blake Simeon James, Highst Blinko Henry, High st Butler VVilliam, Woohijin green Fryer James, High st Giegory George, Wycombe end Hare Richard, Wycombe end Lane Henry, Woohnrn green Lewen William, Aylesbury st Lipscomb William, Aylesbury st Williams John, Woobiirn green CARPENTERS & JOINERS. Marked tlius * are also Builders. Child William (and timber dealer), Wycombe end *Child William, jun. Aylesbury st Long Jumes, Wooburn Riddle James, Woohnrn •Spring John, Windsor st *Williams John, Wooburn green CHEIffllSTS & DRUGGISTS. Allnutt & Gale (and stationers), High st Williamson Ciiristopher, High st COAI. DEALERS. Grove Edmun &c. tor hire. Winder st [end Everett Thomas, auctioneer, Wycombe Everett William, brazier, High st Healey John, parish clerk, Wooburn Hirst Henry, watch and clock maker, Wycombe eud Howard James, chair maker, Wooburn Newland Chas, stamp distributer,HigIi st Rolfe John, surveyor and estate agent, Wattleton farm, Beaconsfield Savage William, millwright, Wooburn Slatter John, parish cletk, Wycombe end Smith John, registrar of births and deaths. High st Swallow John, potter, and brick and tile maker, Beaconsfield Waring Edward, cooper, Wycombe end Williamson Christopher, veterinary snr- geon. High st COACHES To LONDON, the Wycombe (from Wy. combe), calls at the White Hart, every morning (Sunday excepted)at half-past eight; the Prince of Wales (from Thame) every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon, at three; Hughes' CoacA(from Wycombe) every afternoon at four; and the Blenheim {trom Ox- ford) every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at half-pist twelve. To OXFORD, the Blenheim, every Tues- Thursday and Saturday, at half-past twelve, noon. To THAME, the Prince of Wales, from the White Hart, every Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday athalf-pasi twelve. To WYCOMBE, Hughes' CoacA, every afternoon at half-past one, and Hart's Coach, every evening at seven. RAILW^AY- The nearest Statio7i is at Slough, on the Great Western line,S miles distant. An Omnibus, to the Station, from the White Hart and the George, every day (Sunday excepted). CARRIERS To LONDON, — Pavne, from the White Hart, daily, — Hatton, Sun. Wed. & Friday; — Burnham and — Tranter, Tuesday and Friday ; — Tucker, from the George, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and Joseph Grove, from his his house, Monday and Thursday. To WINDSOR,— Hall, from the George, Thursday. To WOODSTOCK, — Ward, from the George, Tuesday and Friday. 2 9 iiuck^. Slate I 'jJ BUCKINGHAM, WITH THE VILLAGES OF MAinSMOUE ION, PADIiUKY, TINGEWICK, HILLERSDON, AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. iDfCKING H AM, is an anneiit bomui-li, Ixitli cor- 1 are two endowed sciiools — one founded by Edward VI jMiiate and pailianifutary, and the cuniity town in the for eight boys ; the other by Gabriel Newton, in 1760, hiiiidieil iif us name ;57iniles s.w. by \v. liotn London for twenty-five hoys. Other public school condncttd 21 N.N.E. fmni Oxford, 12 n.n.e. froin Bice.stei-,7 N.w. re-pectiv( ly upon the iVatioiial and Hiitish plans, Snn- lioin Winslow, the same distance E. Iiy s. from Hritck- day schools and almshouses c(ini|)ii>e tl)e othi r piin- iey 1 Northampton), and 10 s. w. from Woolverion — ci|)al chaiitieji. 'I'lie j,'reat object of intere.-t and the last-naineri a station on the London and North- attraction in tiiis n'iii'liboni hood is ' Stowe,' the Western lailwav ; and the town itself is a station on 1 princely residence, until lately, nf the Dnke of Buck- the Bucl-inuham-: ire line (opened in May 1850) which ' inghani. This ntible seat is situated ahoni two milts conimunicaies with the Oxford railway at Banlmry, I nnrtli-wcst of BuckingliaMi, and the walk from the and with tlie L'ln 'on and Nortli-'.Vestern, near Fennv ' town to the giaiid entrance into the park is very Siratlord. The town is situated in a valley, upon the beautiful. In this delit'htful sjxit every object that can hanks of the Onse, and by this river; which is crossed eontrilnite to pictnie>(|ue and hnely scenery is to be by three hridt:es) it is environed, except on the norti The hiiu-es aie chiefly of biick, and many are well built ; to n giilaiity or uniformity in its streets, how- ever, tlie place can lay but small claim, the dwellings beinf scatteied without order over a large extent of groni'd. The nianiifactuu's here at the present day, are but of little consequence. 'I'he inhabitants were found — wood and water, lawns, slopes and grottos, shrubs and flowers, temples, columns, and arches, are di^posed iluonghoiit by the hand of taste. Another favourite walk of ihe inhabitams is to the village of Maidsinoreton, the road to which is planted on either side with trees nieeiing at the top : indeed the walks and \icws geneially ari'Und Buckingham are of the once exten-ively employed in lace-tnaking, whidi lias most pleasing kind. The market days are Monday greatly declined, and is conrinuaUy receding in iiii ■ and Satuiday : the fiist is one cf the larg'st in the portaiice. There are several maltim;s in the town, kingdom for eahes ; the other for articles of general and two breweries, and the trade in corn and hops is cmisumiition, is but thinly atti uded. Fairs, January of some consideration. Tliere are seieral good inns ; 12th, and the last Monday in that month; March 7tli the 'White Hart', in Market square, has been long- the second Monday it: .Vpiil, May (iih, Thursday in frequented by the rommereial traveller, as well as for Wl.itsun-week, July 10th,Se|)temher 4th,Ociober 2nd, posting. Ed'wird III granted to the inhabitants a the Saturday next after Old Michaelmas, November charter of incorporation, which was confirmed by 8tb, and Decembei l.'^th ; all chieily for cattle, shet p, HeniyVllI, and sub-equently by Queen Mary. In &c. The parish and borough of Buckingham con- 18:'i5 the chatter was remodeled hy the Municipal Act, tained, by the returns for IS.il, .'5,610 inhabitants, and and the goverimient vested in a mayor, fouraldermen, ' by those for 18-11, 4,0.t4. and twelve councillors— ihe corporate body being ()„(> mile from Buckingham is the pretty village of styled'ihe.Mayor, Aldermen, and C-ounnllors .if the MAms.MonKTON (before-mentioned'), containing a Borouuh of Buckmgham. The district bench of ma- ; |,andsome churcli, dedicated to Saint Edmund, in whicli gislraies hnld petty sessions at the town hall fvery .„^. ,|,,^,^. (.icgant stone stalls.with rich soihic canopies altetnat'S.iturday; the norongh magistrates assemble ;,nd the poicli ;.nd belfry have groined roofs. The on business connected with the bonjuuh every alter- populati.m of the paiish in 1811 was, .''.70. Date 1 uesdav : aiK a Couniy Court is he d monlhlv, i ,. .. -1,1 1 ic <- u c n n- I .1 '. f iQir <• .!.„.,.,. ^f I i.f ,^ ^ ' About two miles and a half s. bv r. from l5U( king- uiKcr the act of 184(), for te recovery ot dents to any 1 ■ n -m •. . 1 ' .1 • i\ ^ , ' r-oo 11, f ,. ., I oil : „ \ bam is 'auuukv vil age, situated on the river Ouse, ainf)ant not excecdii g £20. i he tovMi hall is a neat ,• ^^ n i> 1 ■ 1 i- n .-i 1 .• .1 ; 1. i,.,ii,i;r,„ - .wi fi ^ i.„,-..,,.i, 1 and co>e to lie line of the Biickingl amsliire Uailwav, and convenii lit bin k hnildmg, hiid the borough giol .,,, . , , 1 - ■ r . 1 ■ t • . m .1 is a commodl.ms one-the latter erected hy LoidCoh- /.''.'' 'r""^''. '•''"'•^''.'■^ ! "''^;'M'," r""^ Mary : the ham in 1748, Who restored the assizes tothe town, '''^g is a vicarage, in theg.lt .,f the Crovvn A \\ es- but which have since been removed to Aj lesbur, . ThJ '^'y'"' ^'"'1'^' f'"' ^ 'f'^} • 1 q'm " '"•'»" ' '''" '''' borough h..s uninterrnptedly returne,! members to -'"'^ population of which m 1841 was, (,%. jrarliaii)' lit from the time of Henry VI 1 ; the present '\l">"' '■"-' S'^'ie distmre as Padhuiy from Rucking- representatives are the .Marquess of Chandos, and b^mi, tothe west of the latter, is ihe village of Tinge- C.donelJohn Hall. Buckingham is a polling station "icKE.tormei ly a market t'.wii, but retaiiiingnothing at the election of county members; and it confers the =i' ''"^' puseiit day to denote us early cononJolinClaike,Maid?moreton Kins Thoma-i Fleet, Castle st Mold Edward, Norlii end Mold Tlionias, Prebt nd end Side J-ames, Tlnccwick Tibbetts William, Well ^^t CHEMISTS 6l DRUGGISTS. Palmer Cb^tilej Felix, West st Siretl George, .Market sfpiare St;illworthy Wm. Biitilier market CHINA, GLASS, 6lc. DEALERS. HinKS Joseph, Castle st Hillier Joseph, Church st Salmon Wiiliani, West st CLOTHES DEALERS. Adcork .Mattiiias (and liattcr), Mar- ket square Allen Samuel .Maylc, Castle st Giles Robert, Church st COAL MERCHANTS. Macdonakl Willi im. New wliarf Miindy Alfred .Miller, Old wharf- Henry Thorpe, ngent COOPERS. Pratt Henry, Well st Town Thomas, Butchers' row CORN DEALERS. GouEh Williau), Bristle hill KirbvJohii, Castle mill Kirbv William, juu, (and cheese"), Market hill Meehan Thomas, Maiket l)ill CURRIERS AND LEATHER CUTTERS. Course William, Church St Walker William, School st FIRE, ace. OFFICE AGENTS. Alliance, Frederick Budd.Well st Asciioii (&. life), George Sirett, .Market square British EMriRR (and life), John Biss, North end [West st CnuiiCH OF EsGLANU.F. W. Baker, Clf.iiical, .Medical and General (life), Richanl Carter, Well st County ffire), & Provident (life), Richard Chandler, Market square Enoinkers' .Masonic and Uni- versal (life;,Hy. Holton,West st General, William Davis Harris, Market hill \\n\l Glome, Davis Porter King, Maikct KENTMuTUAL.WilliamStailwortliy, Butchi-r market [st Law, Fredeiick Wm. Baker, We.si PiifENix, Williiin Henry French, Market square [West st IloVAL ExciiANCR.U chard Havers, IJovAL Farmers' (hail-storm), Jas. Harrisi>n, jnn., Market square ScomsM K<.>iiiTABLE(life), Samuel Ma\o Frei rli, .Maiket st Star &; life;, Henry Holton, West st StJN,S.inil. Wm. Fundi, .Mnrketliill Union, John Bis« North end [st Victuallers', F.Wm. Baker, West GROCERS AND TEA AND HOP DEALERS, (Sre nl.w Hop Mcrrlnivlx : Shop- keepers, and also 'Ifu Dralcn.) n.irKe Francis, Murkct square Baxur David Felix, Castle st Bi-iiiMttChristoplier Dalton & Son, West st [wick Bnldi'T Kirli.ii.l r& diapei ),'liiige- Hawkins Samud (& bacui) factor) , Well street 12 Hillier Joseph, Church st Napier William, Well st Norris John, Bridge st Ridgeway Thomas, Castle st Smith Charlotte, .Market hill Trea.Uvell Mary & Saiah, Padbury Turner William, Market square • HABERDASHERS. Bamkin Wm. (&lu)-i'r,, Brulgest Owen Hannah, Churdi lull Upstone John, Noith end HAIR DRESSERS. Hands William, Bourtonhold Heaver Henry, Bourtonh

h & Son, Well st Ladd William (& draper). Well St Miles Benjamin, Prehend end RdbertsThoma.s, Well st Yonim (ieoige. Bristle lane TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. An-.I.W illiam Wrlls, Norlli end Itcll.l'imclliy l'.iiiili-i, liriilRc st Hlackl.iril, William Youni;, Padbury BuckinKliam Arms, William Hubbotks, Maidmuoreton Hircftoifi. BUCKINGHAM, &c. Bucfts* Bull, Harriet Kirk, Well st [row BiitcbersJ Arms, Georjje Nelson, Redlion Clnquers, John Cherry, Gawcott Cross Keys, Jane Sloan, Prebend end Crown, Thomas Holton, Gawcott Crown, William Madkins, Bristle hill Crown, Thomas Painter, Tingewick Dolphin, Joseph Wilson, Bourtonhold Fleece, Edward Moss, Butcher's row Fox & Hounds, Jonas Herring, North end Georjje, Joseph Orchard, Butcher market Grand Junction, John ISeal, North end Horse&G room, J ohnEllingham North end King's Arms, John Roberts, West st King's Head, John Warner, Cow fair Nelson, Geori;e Wilson, Bristle hill New Inn, Jane Fricker, London road New Inn, John Webb, Padbury Red Lion, Thomas Berry, Tingewick Red Lion, Henry Coates, Reillion row Cross John, firework maker. Bristle hill East Samuel, umbrella maker and glover North end Field John, dyer, Bourtonhold Gas Woeks, London road— Richard Car- ter, secretary, Well street Gile^ William, superintendent of poUce, and inspector ot weights and tneasnies, the Gaol [Well st Holland Jas. register olTice for servants, HumphreysHumphrey,tannr,Prebendend Inland Revkjoue Office, at the Swan and Casile — Thomas Pug!), supervisor King Davis Porter, treasurer & solicitor to the Buckingham Association for the protection of persons and property. Market hill [West st King Mary Ann, Berlin wool repositary, l\ladkinsWilliam,fishmonger,Bourionhold Masters Eliza, lodging-house, Well st Nelson Ambrose, piano-forte tuner and teacher, Castle mill Red Lion, Joseph Harding, Padbury Robin Hood, ElizabethQuainlon, Padbury Royal Engineer, John Ash, Gawcott road j Pugh Thomas, supervisor, West st Royal Oali, Jolin Shepphard, Market hill | Rowell James, organist, London road Royal Oak, Thomas Thame, Tingewick | Shouler John, bricklayer, Padbury Three Cup', Richard Kelsall, Bridge st Trooper, Thomas Holton, Noith end T«o Swans, Frederick Richardson, Bridge street Wbeatshear,Thos. Sbrnbb, Maidsmoreton White Hart, William Baker, Padbury While Hart,Thoraas Bradbury,Tingewick Woolpack, Thomas Thame, Well st Retailers of Beer Bnrnell George, Prebend end Butcher John, 'I'ingewick Cherry Thomas, Maidsmoreton Dewett William, Maidsmoreton Hedges Thomas, Castle mill Kirtland John. Padbury Lee Edmund, Tingewick Tnnks John, Prebend end TEA DEALERS. Arnabokli Ambrose, lionrtouhold Din\voocil<; \Vm.(travt'lliiig),\Vell st Elborouiili George (travelling^, Sclionl lane Owen Hannah, Chni-cli hill Viccars Richard, Fadbiiiy TOY DEALERS. French Mary, Bridge st Holton Henry, \Ve>t.st •WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS. Allaiisoii William, Sciiool lane Arnaboldi Ainhrose. Boiirtoniiold CettiJolin(&silvt-rsinith), Market sq Coles Ilicliard. North end Packer William, Tinsewick StaiitonW^ii.(& jeweller), Market .sq WHEELWRIGHTS. Coarey Simon (and pump maker), Cattle mill Cross Johii, Tiiigewicke Spicer James, temperance cotfee-honse. Prebend end Stamp Office, Market square — Bichard Chandler, distributer Swift Robert, nail maker. Prebend end Town Hall, Market square Wheeler Abraham, basket maker, Well st PLACES OF WORSHIP, AND THF,IB MINISTERS. Saint Peter's Chdrch, Chnrchyard — Rev. Thomas Silvester & Rev. George Cole, citrates. All Saints' Church, Hillesden — Rev. William Thomas Eyre. Saint Mart's Church, Padbury— Rev. William Thomas Eyre, vicar. Radclivb Church, Radclive — Rev. John Coker Saint Ed mund'sChurch Maidsmoreton — Re V. William A ndrewes,r*;c7or; Rev. E. Lewis D^yies, curate. Saint Mary's Church, Tingewick — Rev. George Vearne Reed, curnte. Baptist Chapel, Maidsmoreton road. Indepf.ndent Chapel, Well st. Prkmitive Methodist Chapel, Gaw- cott road. Weslkyan Methodist Chapel, Well street; Padbury, and Tingewick. POOR LAW UNION. WoRKHousEjStonej Stratford road. GoBcrnor — William White. /lia(ron— Sarah While. St/ioo/masieT-— Philip Toplin. Schoolmistress— hocy Ann Dockery. Siirr/evtis — Southara & Haslop. Chaplain — Rev. Daaiel Watkins. Clerk to the Board of Guardians — , _ j,_ Thomas Hearn. Ganthrloii William (and machiti'^jifie'ira"? 0^'ce's— Samuel & Richd.King maker), Well st Gray Richard, Padbury Hollom Uichard, Padbury MaiiilersTliomas, Loudon road Will;; William, Bristle mill Page Josc])h, Maidsmoreton WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. B;icun .lames, Maiket square blencowe Benjamin Robert, Mar- ket square Elkington & Hurafrev, West st Webb George, Market hill Miscellaneous. Achurch Robert, millwright. Cow fair Ayres Thomas, gardener. Church st Bamken William, tern perancecoflee-house and reading rooms. Bridge st Barracks. Stonr road -Captain Macna- niara and Adjutant Thomas Wells Bartlclt Frederick Fdward, woolstapler, Prebend end Bond Edward, veterinary SHrgeon,Wesl st Cox Henry, ftay maker, Prebend end REGISTRARS, OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Superintendent — Thomas Heaine,West st Registrars of Births and Dralks—Samne] King, West street, and Richard King, Tingewick. COUNTY COURT, HELD AT THE TOWN H ALL,IM0NTHLY Judge— John William Wing, Esq. Assistant Clerks — Hearn & Nelson. High Boi/yf— Frederick William Baker. Sai/ijf— W illiam Cross. COACH. To BLIS WORTH RAILWAY STA- T10N,the Rising Sun, from the Swan and Castle Inn, every morning (Sunday excepted), at half-past ten To OXFORD, the Rising Sun, from the above Inn, every afternoon (Sunday excepted), at four CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON THE BUCKINGHAMSHIRE LINK. Joseph Mayor, station master Omnibuses, from the principal Inns, to the Station, await the arrival, and attend the departure of the trains CARRIERS- To LON DON, by Railwag, daily To AYLESBCRY, Joseph Hedges, from Well street, by rail, daily, and Thomas Watton, from Piebend end, on Saturday To BAN BURY, Richard Lancaster, from Cow fair, and James Holland, from Well street, Mondayand Thursday, and — Jeflcoit, from the Horse and Groom, on I hur.-dav To BICESTER, Joseph Hedges, from Well st, three times a week, & I ho mas Giles, tiom Prebend end, Tuesday and Friday ToBLAKESLEY,EdwardTite& Jeremiah Pittani, from the Woolpack, Monday To BLOXHAM, William Gregory, fiom the Woolpack, Monday To BOUDICOTT, Matthew Wtighton, from the Woolpack, Monday To CHARDON, William Hemp, from the Dolphin, Wednesday and Saturday To CHARLTON, William Taylor, from the Woolpack, Monday, and Edward L'pstone, on Saturday ToCOBLINGTON, Christopher Biggs and Luke Howe, from the Woolpack, iMonday ToCROUGHTON, Richard Lancaster, from Cow f;iir, and James Holland,frora Well street, Monday & Thursday To CULWORTH, William Roberts and Wm. Hadland, from theWooIpack,Mon To DEDDINGTON, Juseph Hedges, from Well street, three days a week To GRAN DBOBOUGH, James Butcher, from the Woolpack, Monday To GREAT BOURTON, James Wim- bush, from the Woolpack, Monday To HETHE. James Bonner, from the Woolpack, Monday To HOOK NORTON, Robert Webb from the Woolpack, Monday To MARSH-GIBBON, Isaac Patker.from the Woolpack, Wednesday & Saturday, and Thomas Parker, on .Monday To NEWPORT PAGNELL, Richard Lancaster, from Cow fair, Tuesday and Friday ToNORTHAMPTON, Richard Lancas- ter, from Cow fair, daily To OVING, HenryParrolt, John Parrott, and John Clarke, from the Woolpack, Monday To OXFORD, Thomas Giles, from Pre- bend end, Tuesday and Friday To PADBURY^ George Yeulett, from the Three Cups, daily To STBEPLE-CLAYDON,Ezra Merry, from Market placp,Monday, Wednesday and Saturday ; George Line, from Mar- ket square, Wednesday and Saturday, and Robert Merry, from the Woolpack, Monday To STONY STRATFORD, Richard Lancaster, from Cow fair, Tuesday and Saturday ; John Baldwin, from the Junction, Saturday, and Jas. Holland, from Well street, occasionally To TRING, Joseph Hedges,by »ai/, daiiy ToTWYFORD. George Lamborn, from Rookery yard, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and Henry Clarke & William ilaynes, from the Woolpack, Monday and Saturday To WHITCHURCH, John Makepeace, from the Woolpack, Monday To WINSLOW, George Yeulett, from the Three Cups, daily, and Joseph Hedges, from Well street, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday To W(»LVERTON, Richard Lancaster, iiora Cow fair, Tuesday aud Friday 13 i^uckis. ^Iatn'0 BURNHAM AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. JIjURNH AM, fornierly a market town, givitip name ea^e at Bnveney. Tlie living of IJmiiham is a vicarage, to ilu' liiindred and parish in vviiicii it lirs, is 21 milts in the sift of tnxtees nomirjattd by the Provost and w. fioiu London, 5 s. from Beaconsfield, 4 s. w. from Feiloas of Kton College ; the Kev. Thomas Carter is Windsor, and about 2 E. from the Maidenhead strition, tlie incnmitent, and ilie Ilev. F. F. Fawkes, the present on the (Jrcrtt Western Railway. The village itself lias cnrate. Hnrnham is siurouiuled by numerous seats of no claim to particular notice, but the vifws and ^(■e- ojxilent individuals, and amongst tlie varying pros|)ects nery with which it is errviioried carrni't fail to anest is presented many elegant inansions ; ilie ruins of tiie atterrtion of the traveller. As a |)lace of trade too i liurnbam .Abhej' nnd ihe woods cilled the ' Hurnham it is inconsiderable, possessing rrothing of a business- j Beeches,' forming prominent ffaturcs iir the sterrery. like nature, beyorrd the common traflic of a couirtry , 'l"he market has long ctased to beattended, but an arr- village, if we may excepr two brass nni) iron foundries, irual fair is held on ihe 2nd of October 'I'he parish, and a manufactory for agricultural implements. | which comprises several dependent liaml<-ts, con- The places tor divine worship are the i)Hiish church i tained, by the returns reirdered in 1831, 1,930 inhabi- of Saint Pe;er-, an Inde|iendent cliapt 1, and achnpel of'tairts, and in 1841, 2,284. POST OFFICE, C'liarle.' Ashton, fo.s/ ilA/,s7er. — Letters from all parts arrive (fr-ora Maidenhead) every morning ;it eight, and are despatched thereto at six in the evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERaY. Aastin Mr. 'Ihorria-', BurnhMrn Curter Rev. Thoma«, \'icarage Edmunds Rev. James, Buiriliam Fawkes Kev. Fredk. F., Burnbam Greenville the Horrble. Ludy — , Dropmooie Hiiuse Howard Mr. Jnhn, Burnhaiu Mrtrsh rhe ^li8s^s — , Brittwcll PaikerRev. — , Huntercombe House Pccock John Esq., Lake eird Richardson Mis. — , Biirrih>ini Savory John E>^q., Burnbam Prio'y PROFESSIONAL PERSONS; ISCLUDrSG SCHOOLS. Barrett Jerome, surgeon Fraser Jane, schoolmistress Kemsheail Harriet, schoolmistress Roberts William, sur'geoii INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Crispin, Ann Brads Frve Bells, William Till rJeorge, George Stiatton Swan, James Ranee Retailers of Beer. Brow^Edmd.Wm. Clilverd William Coles William Hersev James Lett William Mead Isabella Oakes William Walker Joseph Wright Esther SHOPKEEPERS St TRADERS. Ashtorr Charles, tailor Austin James, nuisery & seedsman .Austin Sarah, shopkeeper Ball John, saddler [brass founder Baldwin Benjn. engineer-, & iron & Bannister William, saddler Bentrett William, l)aker & gi'ocer Brininshaw Wm. Davies, baker Brown Edmund Wm., brewer Butler- Richard, slio()keeper Cleare Richard, butcher Coles William, blacksn)ith Coidrey Johrr, blacksmith Cutler Benjamin, builder Cutler Clara, dress maker David Hesther, straw bonnet maker Dorrell Thomas, boot & shoe maker Giile Jacob, Tailor (Jreen Rhodis, shoe maker Gur'ney Joseph, ironmonger Hall John, butcher Hanis Wm. plumber and glazier Heath Edward, grocer Hewitt John, watch & clock maker Hillman John, miller, Hay mill Holman John, builder Lane Joshua, wlieelwright Long Geoi-ge, grocer Mackie Edward, Saddler Moreton Johrr, millwright, andiron and brass founder Mewsom James, plumber & painter Po'de (5eorge, tailor Pulbrook Wm. boot & shoe maker Rarrce James, coal dealer Ring T!ionia«, gardener Roberts Edward, grocer, draper, and agent to the Suir lire office Simmons Lewis, baker Strattori Lucy, biker Stratton Thomas, baker & gardener Tasker Edmurrd, grocer Tilbury John, shoe niaker Till William, boot and shoe maker Towley Josefih, marine sioi'e dealer Walker Joseph, hair dresser Webb James, builder WebbJno.shoe miker& shopkeeper Webster William, corn dealer and seedsman Wells Jose|)h, grocer Williamson Thomas, registrar of births arrd deaths Winch James, grocer WHiich James, shoe maker CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAAY, ON THE GREAT WESTERN LINE. Station, at Maidenhead, about two miles distant. VANS- To LONDON, William William's Vans from Ihe (Jeorge, every Tuesday and Friday forenoon. C/i CHESHAM AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. /HESHA.Misa parish in the hundred of Burnbam — the marki-i towrr is 28 miles N.w. by \\-. from Lon- don, and .5 s.s w. from B( rkiiampstead (Herts)— a station on the London and North-VVcstern Railway. The town is pleasantly sit\iated in a fei tile valley ; the rouutry in its vicinity is well woodt-d, and coittains many seats of the ucirlry, and han), Higli st Grillitis Heniy, Market square AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISRS. Fi'i-d Wilham & t Christmas Tlimnas, Weylands Cook Jolin, High st Cook Juiiii Liberty, Chuixh st Cox Elizabetii, Seat's yard Darvdl Wilham, Chuich >t Harding John, Blnchtr st Holloway James, Cljurch st Marshall James, Water side Ma^on William, Redlion st Payne Frederick, High st Prose Henry & I'homas, High st Slipper Joliii (Hour dealer), Higii st Ware William, High st BANKERS. Butclier & Son, High st, (draw on Drewett & Fowler, London) — Alpiieus Harris, resident manager BASKET MAKERS. Harding John, Amy lane Smith Richard, Higli st BLACKSKIITHS. Goodson James, Parsonage lane Humphrey John, High st Rlnustll Williim. Watir side Rogeis Mary, Redlion si Rogers Thomas, Germain st BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. Reading Gtorge Aicher (stationer), High street [st Sexton Edward (and printer). High BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Marked tlius * are also iNlauufacturers. *Adams Thomas, Bhuher st •Barnes Joseph, Church st •Birch Joseph, Redlion st BRUSH MAKERS. Nash Thomas, Blueher st Webt) Robert (and dealer in Shef- fitld goods), Highst BUTCHERS. Batclielor Jo-eph, High st Climpson Charlotte, Maiket square Goinm John, High st Gomm William, High st INIavo N( hemiah, Cliurch st Ohifield Robert, jun., Blueher st Payne Sarah, Church st Ro'wles Frederick, Maiket square Spratley William, High st Whitehart William, Church st Wrglit Jessy, Water side CARPENTERS, JOINERS AND BUILDERS. Batclielor Ttionias, Cliesham moor Bunker Jonathan, Church st Chilton Jolm, High st Darvell Richard, Church st Fassnidge Beniamin, Water lane Ford W illiam,"Bhicher st Gomm Thomas, High st How.ird Jolm, Germain st Webb Tliomas, Blueher st CHAIR MAKERS. Cox William, Water-side hamlet Darvell William, Water side Smith Daviil, Blueher st CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Allan George, Hijih st Heath Joseph, High st CONFECTIONERS. Bennett Henry, Church st DoswcU Henry, iNlarket square Rose Henry & Thomas, High st WRre William, High st COOPERS. Gomm Thomas, High st Rogers Joseph, Weylands CORN DEALERS. Bisliop George, High st Catling Tlioma-, Redlion st Clare William, Maiket place Flexman Joseph, Germain st outfield William, Redlion st FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. British Empire, Edward Sexton, High street Church of England, James Gomme, Townfield yard CouNTYffire)and Provident (life), Williani Andrews, Cliurch st County (hail-storm), William An- drews, Church st Norwich Union, William Ford, Blueher street Royal Exchange, John Dunker Francis, High st FURNITURE BROKERS. Caveiidi>li Henry, High st Darvell Richard, Chuich st Grover John, Church st Howard Alfred (and carver), Highst Howard John, Germain st PlatoJolin, High st GREENGROCERS AND FRUITERERS. Birch Eli, Blueher st Hewett John, Market square Lewis Gtorge James (and fish- monger). Church st Sills Elizabeth, High st [st Smith Jas.(& flshmonger), Germain GROCERS AMDTEA DEALERS. [See also Shopkeepers^ S^c.) Birch Daniel, High st Carter VVilliam, Market square Clare James, jun.. High st Godwin Me-hach, Mai ket .square Knox William Alexander, High st -Staple William, Biidge st Welih George, High st Wright James, Market square HAIR DRESSERS. Aris George, Maiket square Ainott George, Church st INNS — commercial and posting. Crown, William Clare,Maiket place George, Joseph Geary, High st IRONMONGERS. Reading George Arc lit r. High st Rose Henry & Tlioma--, High st LEATHER CUTTERS AND DEALERS. Adams James, Chuich st Plutn Philip (& cuirier). Market sq Webb George, High st LINEN ftWOOLLEN DRAPERS Appleford William, Blueher st Clare Daniel, Mai ket square King Henry. High st Knight Sarah, Highst Liberty Arthur, High st MALT SHOVEL MAKERS. See Wooden JFure ^lannfacturers. MILLERS. Ball Robert, Water .side Dodd John, Chenies Fox Chailotte, Water side Rose Henry & Tlioma-, Amy mill MILLINERS& DRESS MAKERS Brewer Amelia, Highst Collins Ann, High s't How Ann, Churth st [Highst Reading Elizabeth & Mary Ann, Richards Sarah, High st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Collier John, High st Neal William, Market square Potter Ralph, Gei mains Piotter William, Blueher st l^ncfis. CHESHAM. ^latev'js PAPER MANUFACTURERS. FlUott John, rhesl.am Uoi.s and lilackwell Hall mill PAWNBROKERS. Botcher. I -.■l'. Hit'hst Chilt.MI .l.-lii', Hid. St SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. \ld7.\ni Jnliu, Maiket square l.acev WiU'am, Hii^li >l Sa>\vell Jolin, Cliurtli st SAWYERS OF TIMBER. Mavo Tlionias, New loai! ^Vri^lltTlll)lna<;& iH)il(lei), W atf.r lANB Saw Mill SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERSUN GROCERIES a< SUNDRIES. .\,l,uiis Tlioinas, lUiiclicr st iu-ikli V Tlioiiias, Water side Uircli v'Villiam. Water side lUiiiker Jonathan, Church st Christii-as Thomas, Weylands Cook Jol II, Hit;li "t Darvtll Thomas, High st D.el.v'rh"inas, Hii;h st Heani Samuel, Germain st Heiheit lleiiheii, Hinh st Howard Mary, Amy luue Keen Jami-s, Hi^h st Oldfield Kol'eit, Uedlion st Page Edmund, IJInclier st P.iinii r William, Town fi'-ld Pe.irce Edwin, Churcli st Reynolds Susannah, Cluirch st Rose Itidiard, Water side Webh Tlionv.is, W'ater side WiiKlit G( oru.-, Weylands Yonnii Seabiook, Town Vnl^ STRAW AND TUSCAN PLAT DEALERS. Danell Widiam, jnii., [Tuscan, and faiuv clii|>), High st Nash Thomas, jiin., HirIi st Reading Ch u les, Chnrch st Reading Edward, Quaker lane Reading George, liridg^' st Re.idiiit; John, Bridge st STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Barnes lU-t-v, Chuich st Horwood Eiizaheth, London road Howard Selina, High st Hyait Chailottf, Clinrth st Petlitt Saiah, Market square Putnam Phoebe, Highst RcgersUelecc, Waterside Sedgwick Elizab.'tli, liluchcr st Sills Jane, Higli st Stratford Marv Ann, Church st Strallord Sarah, Redlioii st SURGEONS. Failhorn George, (ierniain st Hodesoii John Bolton. London road KiteleeTii"n)..s, High st SURVEYORS — LAND. Andrews William. Clnnch st Ford William ), Water side •Mayo Thomas (and hoops), New rd •MilVingion George, London road NashGeorge{fanCV ware). Water side Reed Geo. (chairturner), Water side Reynolds Nathaniel (and hoops), Water side [lion st Revnoliis Thomas (and hoops), Red- Smith Samuel (and bowl) Berk- hamstead road [Redlion st Stratford ICdmnnd (and hoops|, Stratford William (and hoops), Cluirch street [Waterside »Wel)b Benjamin (and hoops), Wehb Benjamin Trencher (stocli handle), "Town field Miscellaneous Bunker Joseph, agcnt.forWorsdeH'spills Germain st Catling Georire. poulterer. Church st CiiBSii.vM FniKN-BLY SoClKTV, Redliott st— William Ford,jun. secretary Cnughton Charles, parish clerk. High st Conghtiee William, relieving officer. Church st Ford William, jun. registrar of births and deaths. 7 Water side Gas Works, Waterside— William tord, jnn. secretary, 7 Water side Hepburn (ieorge, tanner. High st Hobley John, glover. Market square Humphreys Jolin, rag and boue dealer. Church st Hyatt Thomas, dealer in Birmingham and Sheflield goods. Church st Inland RictbnueOffice, Golden Ball, Church st Leaper George, toy dealer. Higli st Mechanics' Institute, Town Hall - Daniel Clare, secretary Police Station, Church street — Edwin Birch, head constable Sear William, cbina, glass, &c. dealer, Market square Shute Thomas Rock, silk throwster. Water side Stamp Ofi-ice. High street— Benjamin Fassnidge. sub-dislribuler White Joseph, blacking and ink manu- facturer, Church Et Wiugram Daniel, marine store dealer Water side COUNTY COURT. HKLU MUNriU.V, IN THE TOWN HALL Jndge-in\\n Herbert Koe, Esq. llUjh Bti Hi f/'—ttarry James Jenour. Clerk— Jui\u Dunkin Francis. liailiff—Edviin William Butts. COACH. To the WATToni) S rATlox, a Conch, from the (;eoige Inn, every morning (Suu- dav exceptiMl),;at eichl. CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. ON THE LONDON AND NORTH- WESTERN LINE. The nearest Stntions are at BehkHamp- sTEAi), .'i miles distant, and at Wat- ford, about lii miles. Thire is a Cimcli to Ibe Jlast named Sta- tion, daily. CARRIERS. To LONDON', Thonins Catling, from the Nag's Head, .Monday. Wednesday and Friday ; (ieorge Conghtree, from Chinch st, nnd Charles Sills, from the I'unch lioul, Monday and Thursday, and Joseph Climp.'.on, from Redlion st, Tuesday and Friday. To BERKH.\MPSTEAD,G«orge Hodg- kioson, from his house. Water side, , daily. 16 IBinttox^, 3$uck0. COLNBROOK, HORTON, LANGLEY, IVER, STOKE POGES AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. I^OLNBROOK is achapelry cbiefly in the punishes | Two miles north-west of Colnbrook is the village of Hitrtoii, Iver, ami L«iigley-Maisli, ia the hundn-d of Langlev, a parochial cliapelry, in the parish of of Stoke, coHiitv of Bucks, hikI exiendlns into theiLanglt-y Marish. The village contains bnt liitle in- pHiislp of SC'iiiwell, county of Middlesex — the village, ! iere>t!ng to the stranger ; but a degree of liveliness is formerly a imrket town, is 17 miles w. by s. from 1 imparted to it from its approximation to ilie Great London, 9 E. by s. from Maiilenhead, 6" s. from Ux- 1 Wesiern railway, which passes tlirongh the parish bri'lge, 5 e. from Windsor, and 3 s.E. fioin Slough — a' from t-ast to west. Population of the piirjsh, 1,844. IvER is a very respedahlf village, in the Imndred of Stoke, 21 miles N.of Colnbrook, and ntarly 3 s. by w. from Uxbridge; situated on the river Colne, and near to the Grand Junction canal. The scenery of the neirfhtiourliood is peculiarly pleasing; the entrance istence when the Danes ••u>^taintd a deft-at at Farnhani' from Uxiuidge, especially, cannot fail to attract par- It obtained a charter of incorporation in the year 1543, | ticular attention. The parish church of Saint Peter by the style of 'l?ailiff and Burgesses ;' and at the same j underwent a thorough restoration at a cost of £2,80© time receiied the gratit of a market to be held on ; and it is now handsome and comtnodious: the living Tuesday, and two fair- in the year; this fh.irter was is a perpetual curacy, of which the Rev. W. S. Ward reiieweil iti 1632 ; the market has been disconiinurd is the piesent incuinht-nt. A free school, founded up- station on tlie Great Western railway : situated at the extreme south-eastern boundary of Buckinghamshire, iiext Rliddlfsex, fi(mi which county it is separated by the Colne — from this stream it derives its name. This place is of considerable anti()nity, atid was in ex- some years, but Ihf fairs are still held, one on the 5th of A|)rii and the other on the 3rd of May, for cattle. The village consists piimipally of one long strt-et; the houses are, manv of them, v»'ell bnilt, and the general appearance of the place is neat and respec- table. Previ-ios to tlie o|)eningof the above-mentioned great line of railway, this place derived its ra.tin bu-iiies> from being a chiefthorouehfare betweeti the metropolis and a number of populous tovvtis in the west, and tlif consequent incessant passing of stratigers. Its trade is now only of that character belonging to other small inland towns, assisted by a highly respec- table and vveaMiy tieighbourhood. There is a neat chapel,de(licated to Saint Tliontas.utiderthe establish- ment, and places of worship for Independents atid Baptists. The population of the chapelry in 1841 was, 1,050. Rather more than one mile south of Colnbrook is the village of Horton. The parents of Milton resided here; and his mother, who died in 1637, is interiedjin the church ; the poet himself passed some of his early years at this place. The parish church of Saint Michael has a doorway enriched with Saxon mouldings; and the edificeis surrounded hy a Roman wall. Tiie Coln- brook cattle (air is held in this parish — the population of which iti 1841 was, 873. wards of a cetitnry ago, is now conducted upon the national plan. The market, gratited at an early peiiod has long ceased to be observed, but a small fair is lield on the lOih of July. The population ot the parish in 1841 was, 1,948. Stoke Poges is a parish in the hundred of Stoke — the village is 4 miles from Burnhani atid Windsor, and 5 s.E. frotn Colnbrook. In this village and its vicinity thei e are many liandsome mansions ; one in particular, the residence of the Honourable Henry Labiiuchier, is worthy of being visited. The mounds f>f the park are ornamented with busts and statues to the memory of those illustrious chaiacters who have distinguished themselves in the field, or by other su- perior attaintnents. The church, a very neat structure, siatids near the matision. The churchyard possesses cotisiderable interest,with the admirers of pure poetry, as, in it was interred the remains of the celebrated poet Gray; and here he laid the scene of his pathetic and justly admiied 'Elegy in a diuntry Chuiclnard.' The late John Penn, Esq. erected a chaste niotiuinent to the memory of the poet, on a piece of ground con- tiguous to the cemetery. The living of Stoke is a vicarage, in the presentation of Lord Francis Godol- phin Osborie, of Cambridgeshire. The parish num- bered in 1841, 1,528 inhahitams. POST OFFICEj Colnbrook, Elizabeth BA]\e\,Post Mistress.— Letters from all pans arrive(by foot post from Slough) every morning at a quarter before seven in summer, and ihalf-past seven iu winter, and are tlespatclied thereto at a quarter before seven in the evening. POST Iver, Beceiuing House dtlhom-As Fair's. — Letters ft om all parts arrive (from Uxbridge) every morning at half-past eight, and are .lespatched thereto at half-pa-t six in the evenini?. POST, Langlev, Receimitg House at Charles Raes'— Letters from all .'pans arrive (from Slough) every mornini; at seven, and are despatched theieto at seven in the evening. POST, Stoke Poges, /? Mr. James, Iver Dyson Mr. — , Stoke Pages Evans Rev. J. C, Sioke Pages Parr Mr. Edward, Iver Fiith Rev. Richard, Iver Goodman .Mr, Wiliiim, Iver Gore Rev. John, Stoke Paiies Hammond Charles, Esq .Langley Hervey Robert, Esq , Lanaley Park Hignett the Misses — , Langley Kempe Re\. — , Wexham Rectory Kempe Mrs. Mary, Iver Laboucheie the Right Hon. Henry, M.P., Stnke Paik Ladhrook Mr. William, Iver Lineley Rev. William, Colnbrook Ix)cker Mrs E., Iver Major Mr. Richaid. Langley [Park Montaaue Right Hon. Lady, Ditton Nash Mr. John, Langlev Nash Mrs. W., West nail Green Nash Rev. Zechariah, Langley Newton James, Esq., Iver Owen Miss — , Langlev P.tteison Gcotge.Esq., Poyle House Penn Gie> iiville Esq , Stoke Court Pigsjott Samuel, E^q., Horton Pullin Mr. Stephen, Horton Rayner Mr. John, Colnbrook Raytier Miss Martha, Colnbrook Richardson Mr. Charles, Colnbrook Rubens Fredeiick, Esq., Iver Robinson John, Esq., Hoiton Russell Mr. John, Langley [Farm Sefton the Hon. Lady Maria, Stoke Scott Mis.—, Langley [Paues Shaw Rev. John, Vicarage, Stoke Sheppard Mr. Henry, Horton Shoppee Mis.—, Stoke Pages Snook Mrs. S., Iver Stevens Mr. William, Horton Summers John, Esq. .Lantley Broom SwabeyiMoriis.Esq ,SouthamGreen, Lan^iley Thompson Mrs. Margaret, Iver Towers Christopher Esq., Hunts- moor Park, Iver Tupp George, Esq., Horton Tyrrell Edward, Esq., Horton Venables Charles John, Esq., Iver Lodge Vyse General Richard William Howaid, Stoke Pages Ward Mis. Sophia, Iver Ward Rev. Win. Sparrow, Iver Wheatley iMiss Rachael,StoktGreen Cottage White William, Esq., Ditton Wild Miss—, Colnbrook Willshire Major GeuL Sir Thomas, Richinus Lodge Withers Mrs. Mai^, Colnbrook Wood William, Esq., Iver 17 l$UCk!E(. COLNBROOK, &c. Slatei'jS ACADEMICS 8l SCHOOLS. Not otiieru ise licjcribcl are Day Schools. A»htoii Joliii. Coliibro'k British School. Colnbrook — Ehe nf/er Teiil master; Eliza Tt-uliin, iiiistrt'S'' Dulfy Robert, Colnhrook Finch 'I'lidina'i, Laiiuley Hoiderne^s Alexaiidtr Jones Aliraliam, Iver Newlind Tlioinas Iver PInniriiliie Joseph, Culnbrook Church School. Colnbrnok— Jas I ^,J^^^,, D.niel, Cohibrook [Pace B Shadrake,ina^ter;SarahCoinns,i s;„^y^,.b ^y,,, (.j„j builder). Stoke j uoi,l,.,ne>iS Ah XHude, (ol'iibr "•"r%c„no. ^s;''''F:rci:h^'''''r-y o^"-"""' ^""' •'""'^-^ piut'dg;- A^r. c::in\;:ook HL'RCH School, Ivei, ri.mci*! stoke Pa^es I tvan.Rev.J.C. (bMarding). Stoke! j^j.^^jj^j,.j,g^Pj.^j ,.— «„.«^x,o Pae<-9 fCmnk, nnsties- 1 , ,' , 1 I Infants' School. Un«ley. Sarah ! Chea-er John Coh.hrook Infants' School, Moke' Pages- ! ^'«''"''«'"7»> diaries, Langley Gould.. Mi-tre^s 1 '^;«^^'«^"^';.-.';!!"^^' ,<--'l"b'Ook Jonex Heiirv, Iver Skeltoii William, Ler National School. Iver, (hoys')— corn dealers. janie» HrvHii, master Hall John (and n)e.iltn:)n), Iver National and Infants' Schools,' Hohvell Ahiahani, Colnhrook iver— Cliai h'tie Biyaii and Anna Hunt Thoinas, Colnhrook Joiie«, ini^fre^'C'* i L;iwren(e James, Colnbrnok NATioNALScHOOL.Langley — Chris- Ughtfoot William Burion (and toplitr Speuce, master; Anu Pitt, maltster), Iver and Ceid John, Mi.ke Pages Cookham Richard, Poyle Farr Thomas, Iver Hid'lerm ss 'I'lionias, Colnhrook Hone Geoti'i", Iver Hoiilt'in Kdw.ird, Colnhrook Riiberts Helen, Coliibr Kli/Oiheth, Colnbiook Rycidft Charles, Colnbiook MILLINERS &DRESS MAKERS Bu( kner Hileii, Hortcni Carr Hannah, Colnhrook Harris EbzatietJi, Colnhrook MILLWRIGHTS. Duley Robert, Colnbiook Dub y William, Colnhrook PLUMBERS, GLAZIERS AND PAINTERS. Lee William, Iver Wesloii James, Colnbrnok Winter William, Coli brook PAPER MANUFACTURERS. Compere & Tipper, Hoiton .Mills Ibotson Richd. & Peicy, Poyle Mill, Colnbiook Lane John, Thorney Mill, Iver SADDLERS «c HARNESS MAKERS Collins Thoin.ts. Colnhrook ('ooper Thoma<, Colnhrook Hntson Giles B., her Shepherd Geori;e, Cidiibrook SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERS IN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Alluni Joseph, Langley •r ver Black B()y..lohnChe.iter Ci.lnhro'k ; An-lie w.s John, her Bull, Win. Dnnsdon, Iver [brook A- hlee William, Ivei Catherine Wheel, 'I'lios Hunt. Coin- j B ilev Kli/abetb, Colnhrook Che()uer.s, Wm. Bartlett. Colnbiook Ball Wil iam. Stoke .'^ges Chequers, Natha iel West, Iver Barmw Elizabeth, Colnbiook Cro>s, Waller Long, Colnhrook j Beitels William. LiHigley Crown, Henry Br'dges, Horton IBnmhyJolin Tho^^., Stoke Pages Crown, WiUi.iin Lee, Colnbiook i Finch .Mary. Langley Dog iS( Pot, Jiio. Bnmby StokeP.iges' Goddanl Sarah, Colnbrnok Five Bells, Thomas Eelcs, Horton 1 Grav Henry, Iver Georg-, Mary Davej', Iver Ho'derness James, Horton George, Rowland Davie>,Colnbiook Hood Thomas, Iver Georte, Wm. Spiiimnll, Lantley Humphries Edwaid, Stoke Pages Grien>Maii,Chas.Sumpster,C()lnbrk j Lang-tone Thomas, Ctdnhrook Harrovv, Tlioiiias Gou-h, Lani;ley Rae 'buries, Langley King'sAiin-, Robt.Dnley, (Colnhrook Montague Anns, William ALUs j Baib^r, Langley Broom i North Star, Thoiras Hare, Iver | North Star, Wm. Betiels, Langley j ()>irich, Benjn. Hopkins Colnbiook Ray Thomas, her Simpson Sarah, Iver I Williams John. Horton I Wyait William, Lanulcy SURGEONS. v..-.,.w.., ..y...... ... |. , v.. .,.....„„.. j ,\,)ai„s George, Colnhrook Plouiih, Ivlwd LdgM)n, StokePages j^i„y H„|,e,t,' ColMbr.iok Ploueb, John Jny-, Langley Punch Bowl, Lyilia Pedder, Poyle Red Lion, John E i>t, Colnhrook Red Lion. Jo^enhMattin^ly, Langley Red Lion, William Skelton, Iver Red Lion, William Williamson, Stoke Walker John B., her TAILORS. Dryden David, Colnhrook ICasi John, Colnhrook Hearne 'I'homas, Stoke Pages Rieeii [Pages 1 Lamer Geoige, her .Sefion Arms, Chnrles While, Stoke S. otton John, Stoke Pa| Star, Rohert Inns, Colnbiook Sp. ingall John, Iver Swan, Hichaid Ayling. Iver Snniigall .loseph, her Swan, Jaine.« Coleini;, Stoke Pages p* ''■'"« ^^'"'- (&''rHper).Co!nbrook White Hai t, Hy. George, Colnhrook l Tatnell Jonathan (and draper),Coln- hiook [brook 'ages Retailers of Beer. .\dey ICdninnd, C'olnhrook BaiU-y Elizabeth, Coliihroi/k Baker Jo-epli, Colnhrook Barber John, Iver Darling Richard, Colnbiook Lowe Fraiu is, Langley Passingliain William, Poyle Tatnell William (and draper). Coin- I WHEELWRIGHTS. Grace ,Ia'mberRiciid.&Son.watch&clock makers Larue William, dealer i'l marine stores Plumridie Joseph, parish clerk. Horton Pulliii Joseph Samuel, registrar of births and deaths. Iver Ribbons Mary, straw bonnet maker Ryder Elizabeth, basket maker Shoosmilh Stephen, revenue officer Tyler William, parish clerk, Stoke Po^es Westrup Edward & Frederick E., millers PLACES OF WTORSHIP, and thkir ministers. Saint Thomas' Kpiscopal Church, Colnbrouk— Rev. Willi. ini Briwn Saint ftlicHAEL's Church, Horton— Rev. William Bio« n. Saint Peter's Chdbch, Iver — Rev. Will in m S Ward. Saint Mary's Church, Langley— Rev. Zechariab Nash. Baptist Chapkl, Colnbrook Rev. William Lingley. Indeprnuknt Chapel, Poyle— Rev. L.Hall. CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON THE GREAT WESTERN LINE. The nearest Stalious are Slough and West Drayton, each about 3 miles fnira Colnbiook COACHES. To LONDON, the Henley C from Henley) passes through Colnbrook every fore- noon (Sunday excepted), at half-past eleven. To H EN LEY, the Henley (from London), passes through Colnbrook every after- noon (Sunday excepted) at five CARRIERS. To LONDON. William Williams, from Iver, Jonies Holilerness, from Horton, and — Morgan, '( uetday and Friday To BURN HAM. William Williams, from Iver, Thursday and .Saturday To COOKHaM, Thomas Ford, from the Cros", Tuesday and Saturday To MARLOW, George VVya't.frnm the White Halt, Tuesday and Saturday To UXRRIDGE, Dinah Chapman, from Iver, Thursday FENNY STRATFORD, with BLETCHLEY, AND THE VILLAGS OF GREAT AND LITTLE BRICKHILL AND BOW BRICKHILL. Fi ENNV STRATFtJRD is a ctiapelty, partly in tlie beiit-ficf nf Fenny Stratfoid is a perp^^tual curacy, at parish of B etch ley and panly in thnt of Simpson, in present enjoyeil liy the Rev. Joiin Steward. The tn-ir- the iiuiirlreil ol Newport ; 44 miles N w. fioni London, ket has for nianv years ceased to be held; hut there are 15 N. fio II Aylisbniy, 7 s E. from Stony Stiatford, fmr fairs, viz. April 19iti, Jnly 18th. Orf"her JOthnnd abnut ilie like distance .'■ize town in the reign of Elizaix th. The parish flourished. It is a [ilace of little trade ; the making cbutcb of Saint Marv is a small bniMitig: thelivingis of lace and stiaw plat employ some of ihe in(!u>tiiotis a perjieiual curacy, in the gift of the Archbishop of females, Imt no great qini.tity of either is jiroduced. Canterbuiy. The market has loiiii been di-continued, 'I'hechapel of Saint Mai tin was rebuilt hy sub-ciiption, but two fairs are still held— on the 12th of Mav and chiefly promoted by Br.iwne Willis, Esq., well known the 22nd of October, 'i'he paiish contained, in 1831, as an antiqnaiy, «ho lies interred within the rails of 514 inhahitants, and in 1841, 563. the communion tihle ; the first stone was laid on Neatly two miles noith from Little Brickhill, and Saint Ma tin's day, in the veai 1724. Mr. W'llis also and about the bke distance east fiom Fenny Stratford, repaired and ornamented the parish church of Bleich- is the pleasant village of Bow Krickhill. Tiie paiish ley, and addid pinnacles to the tower. Baptists and church of All Saints stands upon an eminence, fiom We^leyan Methodists have each a place of worship, whence is obtained a remarkably fine\iew ot the siir- bU'l there is a national school — the latter erected in rounding country : the living is a reci'MV in the giftof 1817, and snppoited by suhsctiptiotis. The bvintt of some piivate iudi'idnals. The IF'allin^-street of the Bletchley is a rectory, of which the Rev. Tnomas Romans passes through the parish. Population, in Delves Broughton is the present incumhent. The 18.31, 475, and in 1841, 566. POST OFFICE, Fenny Stratford, John Turner, Pos^ i)/t;i/e»-. — Letter from London and all parts of the South and East arrive every day at twelve noon, and night at eleven, and are de.-patched at two in the morning. Letters from Liverrool. Manchester, and the Northern Counties, likewise from Scotland and Ireland, anive everv morning at tour, and are despatched at ten in the morning, and night at half-past nine. GENTRY et CLERGY. Ager Joseph, Esq. (solicitor & coro- ner). Fenny Stiatford [Ion! Bartleit Rev. Benjamin, FennySirat- Bri»fovvMr.Edward,KentiyStratf.ird Brongiiton Rev. Thomas DeUes, Rectory, Bletchley Claike Mrs. Lwy, Fenny Stratford Cooke .Mr. Willi, im. Bow Brickhill DuncomhePhiiip,Esq.MauorHouse, Great Uriel; hill Fowles Rev. Henry, Great Brickhill Goodinati Mr.Wilii mi, Gt.Biickliill Hanmer Mr. David, Gnat Brickhill Hannier Miss Elizhth., Gt.Brickhili Hanmer Rev. Thomas W., Siinp>on JacU>-(iti Rev. Marsh Hll,Ho\vBiickliill Jones Rev. Edward, Little Brick Inll Lowndt s Ml. Heiiiy, Walton Hall LowndesMr. Riclid.Selhy.Bietcldev Lowndes Mr. Thomas, Walton Hail Lynn Rev. J. M., Little Brickhill Osborn Mr. Thomas, BowBrickhill Paine Rev. Richard. Apslev P.. liner Mr. John, Wa'er Eaton Steward Rev. John, FeiinyStratford Tomkins Mr. John, Litile Brickhill Warren Mr. Charles, Simpson W\nter Rev.AbrahainFarley, Fenny Stratford ACADEMIES te SCHOOLS. De Lazzeiy Matgaret, Bletchley Lake Hatiiiah, Fenny Stratford National School, Fenny Strat- foid — William Gatrdem, master; Ann Gauderii, mistress National Sihool, Great Btick- liill— Charles Gilby,master ; Mary Gilhy, misiiess National School, Little Brick- hill — John Hughes, master; — Hill, mistress Odell John, BowBrickhill Pickering William, Little Brickhill BAKERS. Biitten William, Bow Brickhill (loodman John, Fenny Stratford Gray William, Great Brickhill Kitchener George, Fenny Stratford Pakes John Irons, LittleBrickhill Peppiatt Luke, Great Brickhill Tnrney George, Little Biii khill Walker James, Fenny Stratford Walker Richaid, Fenny Stratford BLACKSMITHS Baskerfield Thoma.s, Bow Brickhill Bird Thomas, Little Brickhill Bryant John, Simpsoi; Gibbs James, Fenny Stratford GiHce Daniel, Bletchley Rogers James, FeiinyStratford Sear George, Fenny Stratford Smith Thomas, Great Biickhill BOOT 6e SHOE MAKERS. Auibiicge Thomas, Fenny Stratford Butcher John, Fenny Stiatford Chew Jesse, Great Brickhill 19 ^^m'kfi. FENNY STRATFORD, &c. ^Mtt*& BOOT, *e. MAKEKS-Continued. Chew John, Little Bri'khill Chew William, Gieai Brickhill Daniel William, Fenny Stratford Kemp Riibert, Siinp-o'n Harris Jol-n, Gieai Brickhill Hendley Wil iam, Bletchley King Jamei=, Penny Stratford Lnckwi'<'d'rhos.,B,ick Simpson lane O-born Wil iam, Kenny Stratford Sousfer Joseph, Bow Brickhill Tiilbot Richard, Fenny Strafford Peacli Charles, Fenny Stratford Tomkiii Kdward, Blefchhy Wagsiaff Rirhard, Fenny Stratford BRICKLAYERS. Gates Harlev, Fennv StraifoHl Minis John, Fennv Sir.itford Welsh Geo.&Rich(i.,FennyStratford BUTCHERS. Hazlewood Ricliard, Simpson Linnell John, Great Biickliill L'l' Thomas, Fenny Stratford Lucas Beiij .min. Fenny Stratford Pickering James, Fenny Stratford Warr Benjamin, Fenny Stratford Warr James, Fenny Stratford Willcox William, Fenny Stratford CARPENTERS. Gnrney James, Fennv Stratford Hall Joel, Bow Brickhill Sear Thomas, Bletrhley Tooth SHHiuel, Great Brickhill Tooth William, Water Kaion Warren Francis, Fenny Stratford COAL MERCHANTS. Clarke Gregory Odell (and corn^, Fenny Stratford HoUier Edward, Simpson lane COOPERS. Eaton John, Fenny Stratford Pitkin George, Fenny Stratford FIRE *c. OFFICE AGENTS. Atlas, J"hnTnrner,Fennv Stratford County (fire) & Provident (life,) Elizabeth Day, Fenny Stratford GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Baker Joseph, Great Biickhill Banbury Henrv Barhridge (&t.dlow cliatifller). Fenny Stratford Bodley John, Simpson Cherrv Sat ah, Great Brirkhill Conk 'Robert, Bnw Brickhill Crane Willam, Bletchley Day Elizabitji, Fenny Stiatford Gates Hailey, Fenny Stratford Haiith im John, Water Eaton Hart Sarah, VVater Eaton HitcheockThotnas, Water Eaton Hobbi Sarah, Great Bnckhill Jones Thoina", (ijeat Biickhill Lncas Wil. iam, Simpsoti Morrey Gi oi ge, HI- 1( llev Pakes Wiirum, Little Brickhill Parn' Joseph, Fei ny Stratford Sanders Chailofe, Great Brickhill Se.ir Jon iihan, Bli tchley Sousier Jonathan, How Brickhill Stevens Robert, SiinpM)n T.in«eT John, Bow Brickhill Tattoo James. Fennv Stratford Thorogood Sarnn I, (-"emiyStiatford 'I'urrier Alfred, Fennj- Stratford Wh'teliouse John, Wat i Erttv, Benjamin Stevens, Denbigh Hal N:iTiKation,,John Turner C»M Crown, .lohn Eili;e Old Swan, Tlionias Crane, Bletchley PlouRb, Richard Hazlewood. Simpson I'lonph, .lane Ivens, Water F.aton I'lough. William Yates, Bow Brickhill Red l.lon, .lobn Adams, CJreat Brickbill Red Lion, Thos. Lewis. I, iitle Brickhill Rose hnd Crow n, Robert Kemp Saracen's Head, llinry Bailey Shoulder of Muitun, Benjamin Barratt, Little Brickhill Shoulder of Mutton, John Lane.Bletchley Wheatsheaf.WUiianiGarrait. Bow Brickhill White Hart, John Morris. Bow Brickhill White Lioii.Jabez Johnson, Lit. lirickhill While Swat!, William King, Lit. BricLljill Retailers of Beer- Belts Charles, Bletchley Boilley Joseih, Simpson Faniliam John. Water Eaton Grace John, Bletchley Linnell John, Gieat Brickhill Lucas William, otrSimpson Rlafley John, Fenny Stratlbrd Stevens Robert, .Simpson Warren Francis, Fenny Stratford Whilehiiuse John, Water Ealon WHARFINGERS. Andrews Thomas Palmer, Fenny Siraiford Atiwiiorl & Co. off Simp<»on ClarkeGregoi) Odell, FemiyStratfrd WHEELWRIGHTS. Bird Jame'-, Fenny Stiatford Meager Thomas, Bletchley Poole WiUinm, Bow Brickhill Smith Fdward, Fennv Stratford Tompkins William, Great BrickhiH Wootton John, Bow Brickhill Miscellaneous' The names without address are in Fennt STRATFOItD. Chew Jesse, parish cleik. Great Brickbill Chew Thomas, registrar of births and deaths. Great Brickhill Edge John, fishmonger Loe James, hair dresser Perry John, parish clerk. Little Brickhill Rive't Joseph, stone cutter Sear James, parish clerk, Simpson Tatlam James hair dresser 'riiiiier.lohn, bookseller and stationer WagsiafT Richard, parish clerk Yates Thomas, palish clerk, Bow Brickbill Young Paul,v(atcb and clock cleaner PLACES OF W^ORSHIP, AND THEIR MINISTEIiS. Saint Martin's Church, Fenny Strat- ford — RfV. John Steward, incumbent. <' All Saints' Church. Bow Brickbill— Rev. Marshall Jackson, incumbent. Saint Mary's Church. Bletchley — Rev.Thos. l)elvesBroughton.in(um6en(. Saint Mary's Church, Great brickhill — Rev. Henry Fowles Saint Mary's Church, Little Brickhill — Rev. Edward Jones, iHcumte7ipeciable looking huildine: tlie li\ing is a vicarnee, in the presentation of the Dean and Chapter of Korhester ; the Kev. John Willis is the pre>eut incun)beiit. There isa chapel each for Bap- tists and Wesleyan Methodists. The parish, by the government returns, contained, in 1831, 1,477 inhabit tants, and in 1841, 1,545. Long Crendon paiishisin the hundred of Ashen- ive laanufrtcture of needles— the which was still more pn)>perous in time of war. Besiaes the needle branch, the making of lace employs some of the femnles here. The parish church ef Saint Mary is rather a spat iou>> structure, with a tower rising from the cenne : the livim: is a perpetual curacy, in the gift i^f the Duke cf Marl- burough. Popniation of the parish in IS^il, 1,382, and in 1841, 1,656. POST orriCE, Haddenham. Robert Bairett, Post Master. — Letters from London and all parts arrive (by foot post, from Aylesbury) every forenoon at eleven, and are despatched thereto, at tt\o in the afiernoon. POST OFFICE, Long Crendon, Charles Dudley, Post Master. — Letters from London and all parts arrive (by font p(i>t,Jroni Thame) every morning at half-past six, and are despdtciied thereto at half-past seven in the evening. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Allen Uev. George, Lonn Crendon Chetwode (jeorge, Esq. Chelton Chapman Mr>. Elizbth Haddenham Dndwell Mrs. Mary, Palace yard Grierson Mr. Hugh, Long Crendon Hayton Rev. Thonias, Long Crendon Lee Ml. Richard (surgeon), Hadden- ham and Thame Morecroft Mr. Thomas, Haddenham Read Mr. Wm. West, Haddenham Reynolds Mrs. Arabella, Notley Ab- bey, Long Crendon Sherwood Mr. — , Haddenham SpencerMrs.Mary,S mi thend Cottage Sjiriggs Rev. J., Haddenham Tyler Mr. John, Haddenham Tyler Rev. Peter, Hadrlenham Willis Rev. John, Haddenham Winter Mr. William. f^nng Crendon ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. British School, Haddenham — Giles Hester, n)aster Crook Elizabeth, Loiii; Crendon Crook Sarah, Li>nK Crendon Glai>on Wr.i. Henry, Haddenham Harman ihe .Misso, Haddenham Little Kez'a, Hadderdiam RoseJes-e, H^iddenham Whtatle> Henry, Long Crendon AUCTIONEERS. CiarkeJoiin(d: Mirveyoi )Haddenham Pratt James, .Man(;r fnni BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Hates John, Hadilenhaai Dodwell David, Long Crendon Dodwell James, Long Crenrlou Hopcroft James, Long Ciendon Huti Joseph, Lotig Crendon Ing John, Long Crendon Jarvi- Eli^abetii. Haddenham Oliver Johr., Haddenham Peaice George, Long Crendon R'Se Edward, Haddenham Wall Andrew, Lone C>endon BLACKSMITHS. Ci>zens Thomas, Crendon Kolieris Thnmas, Haddenham Timms \A'iHiam, Long Crendon Ward Thomas, Haddenham BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Belts William, Haddeidnm Biiscoe William, Long Crendon Bri-coe Wm. jun.. Long Crendon Bruce John, Loiii; Ciendon Cox Henry, Haddenham Garner Richaid, Long Crendon Hitchcock Josepli, Haddenham Plater Benjamin, Haddenham Randall Jolin, Lonu Crendon Taylor John, Haddenham Taylor Joseph, Long Ciendon Welford Richard, Haddenliam BRICKLAYERS. Bonner James, Lonu Crendon Chapman Jonathan, Haddenham Chapman Joseph, Haddenham Rose Jesse, Haddenham BUTCHERS. Elton Joseph, Long Crendon Ing Thomas, Haddenham Kimber Richard, Long Crendon Mrtikham Wiliiau), Long Ciendon Nash Willimn, Haddenham Rose William, Haddenham Wainwright George, Long Crendon CARPENTERS & JOINERS. Adants Eli, Long Crendon Hicks Edwin, Thame road Lovell James, Long Crendon Loveli Jiihn, jun.. Long Crendon Mole John, HaddcMham Rose Robert, Haddenham Slater WilliaTU, Haddenham Wilson Willian), Long Crendon CORN DEALERS. Clarke Edward, Haddenham Claike John, Haddenham Dodwell Da>id, Long Crendon Jervis Joseph, Haddenham [don Slirimpton John Kiiby, Long Cien- GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Betis Thomas, Haddenham Buckingham Richard (and drapei), Long Crendon Caudle Thomas, Long Crendon Dodwell Amos, Long Crendon Dndvvell Edwin, Long Crendon Dodwell Ji^hn, Long Crendon Dodwell .Andrew, Long Ctendon Dodwell Ezra, Long Crendnn Dudley John, Lotie Crendon Hanson William, Lone Crendon Hopcroft James, L^ng Crendon Ina Jiihn, Long Ciendon Pratt James, Haddenham Roberts 'I homas, Haddenham Si iter Henry, Haddenham Tack James, Haddenham Tiigg Joiin, Long Ciendon Wesion Purion & 'I'rayton (and diapers) , Haddenham INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Angel, Robert Clark, L">ngCreiidon Castle, Edwin Hicks, Tl.ame road Churclii 1 1 Anns, William Peers, Long Crendon Crown, Gabriel Allen, LongCrendon Cr«wn, Wil idin Hutt, Haddenliam Eiaht Bells, Geo, Ing,Loiig Ciendon EiahtUellsjThos. Read.Haddenham Green Dragon lnn,William Guruey, Haddenham Queen's Head,Jas.Taylr,r, Hadden- Star.Thomas Uiiscoe, Long Crendon White Hart, JohiiMole, Haddenham Retailers of Beer- Cannon Richard S , Long Crendon Dunkin James, Haddenham Hitchcock James, Haddenham Jackman Richard, l>ong Crendon Kimber Richard, Long Crendon Markham Matthew, LongCrendon Parkei John, Haddenham Piggott Rebel (a, Haddenham Plastow James, Haddenliam Rose Siisannal), Haar\>h in ihe hiiiidrfd of Cottosiot- and (leaiieiy of N'iini.-1-y— the market town, a ^niall one, is S.\ mile- N. «\ w. ( "in Lomloii, 21 s. i'.. from Bu-kiiikilirtm, 9 E. fiii'm .ANleshmy, 6 s. w. f'rnm Diiii- stabe He.if.rcl^hire), and .'ii N. f'om Tiing—tl.e last ,.. ,, . ■ ,, , nan.rd plac- a station ..t. a bianeh line ..f the L-ndon | ^eabkook and St Margaret, co'ita^mnK, cdlei id North- WfvteriiKai' way. It i.s situate d on the de- i tivelv, in 18.U, 1,W8 inliahnants, and in 1841, 1.843 ."-ome verv aiKient monnnients : the living i" a vicaia(?e, of wliuli'ihe Kev. WHIia.ii Hamilton is the present inciimheiii. The market i.s held on Satiirday, and the fairs May Cth, and ()itoi>er 17tli. The pansh of hiiighoe compii-es thf hamlets of Asiiton, Houton, and .''^T. .Margaret, cdiita'ninK, ddlec- ai hundred as ciivitv of a clialk hill. nea. to one <'f the ancient Roman UiNGisasmall village in the .sm.e ro.ds called the ' Iheuild tray,' and a shoit dist ince j Ivinghoe, alvnt 5 miles N. by w. from that town, and to ti.e' east or liiiht of the main line of lailwav b. fo.e ,3 s. w. from Lt-i^h'on Bnz/aid (lit-dfordshiie), .-miated meuti.piied The m nuilactiiie of straw pl.it constitutes I on the road tiom the latter town to Ayleslinry. The the chief occupation of the femalo in the town and chief, indeed, ih.- oidy ornam. iit of this vijlaue, is its i.eiKhionrhoo.l, and may bf said to be the principal ' hand-ome church of All haints: the living is a arti.lebiouL'ht to the market hfie. which is.. theiwi-e! vicarage. Ill the mft of Lord Oversione; the Kev, but in.iiff.ientiv attend-d. and pioliahlv would be; Peter Thomas Ou ley is the piesnii ncumheiit. disconiinued but for the staple manufacture before 'I'bere are alm.-houes founded bv the Dormer tamiiy, nitntioned '^'^'' ^'p'" P"""' families, with a small we kly aliowa"ce. 'Ihe palish church of Saint Mary is a handsome ■ The parish, which is extensive, contained in 1831, Gothic strm tore, v^iilia square low'er, and contains ' 1,152 inhabitant-, and in 1841, 1,274. POST OFFICEf Ivinghoe, Susannah Ciooi-po>t from Trisg) every morning at eight, and are despatched thereto at half-pi»t five iu the * POST, Wing, /J^cew'ng" //''"«'' at Richard Attwood's, the Cock Inn. — Letters fiom London and all pans arrive (by fot from Leighto.n Buzzard) every morning at seven, and an- despatched thereto at the same hour in ihe evening. . The names without address are in Ivinghoe. CappTlios.iioot & -hoe maker. Wing Moorc-Tho blacksmith, Pightleston ' ""'" lMoi)res\Vm.lilacksiiiitli(S(-ho|)kecpr VViHiam, registrar of d deaths, Wing [ton NOBILITY, GENTKY AND CLERGY. Cole- Kichanl, shopkeeper, Wii,g Alford Rt Hon Lor i.A-hridgeHouse C(dlver.)no.biitcher and shopkt-eper, iM-rrimei De Hoth-ihild, the baiou, m.p., Pightle-ton birth- Miii.inore _ Collytr William, dealer in stnw | Muiidavjas. straw dealei.Cheddlng Haniil'on Rv. Win. Ivinghoe | pi^t, and regisirar of birlhs and Nrvilic Jos.-hopkeeper, Fightleston Huahes Mr. I'raucis (>uigeon), deaths, ivinghoe I Parsons John, tailor Piiibtleston I Cook James, shopkeeper I Price Richard, tailor [ton Oiivry Rev. Pr-terThonns, Wing Cook John, warfini;er, Pightlcston | ReedThomas, blacl^sll.ith,Chedding- Tl•a^elS Joi n J. Esq., Wing [hoe Co.sten Levy, rarjienter I Roger- Joseph, beer retailer and Wans'atl .Mi.Aifil (snrgfoiil, Iving-. (^osieii Thomas, beer retailer and I l>ntcher, U ing Weighid Rev. .loiin, CheddiMgioii carpenter. Ivinghoi- A>ton I Ruff Wm. wliei Iwriglit, Piglitleston PUBLIC HOUSES. j Darv.ll John, butcher, Pifjhtle.ston I Ruffoot Wm. shopkeeper, Iviuglioe Aylesbary Arms, Jolin Williamson, DenchfieldGeo. carpenter & wheel- I A-ton [end Ched'iiiiKton | wr ght, Wing [Wing ' Rus.s.!lRoiert, beer retailer.Stanups Bell, 'I'homas Jt-His, Pightlfston Denchlield Geo. jun., carp, liter, ' SeabrookGeo beer iet]r,Ched 'it gtn Clie'meis,Tlc'S..Mooies,Pighileston Denchfield Levy, cai perter. Wing ~ " - . - Cocu, Ruhaid Attwood. Wing noUimoie George, shopkcper Kinu''s Head Inn'aiid inland revenue Drrnkwater William, baker. Wing oth e;, Uavid Xoni-, Jvingiioe Ko-ter John, blacksmith. Wing Old Qii.-cii'.sHead,GcoigeCha|)i ell, Gad den Wdliam, wh-rfinter Staiinps end (ireeii Thomas, wlieelwrigiit OldSwa, ,, Will.. Archer, Cheddmuton (jrcen Wdhaui. tailor, WiiiL- [end S'abiook Jabe/, baker [school Seers Ann, mistress of infaits' Si-eis J-'Seph, Inii kla\rr. Wing Short Chas shojjkcep- r and butcher Short Kdmd. c.'llai& harness njaker Short Iv'wd. shojikeeper & butcher Sitiith Thomas, briiklaycr Queen's He.Ki, Jno. U iii', plumber and gla/.ier Aii'irews William, -uivc>or and land H' leySarah,beer re'ailei A: sbo|ik|)r agent, Ivinghoe Helev Tliom is, huicher, VN'iiig Bait'-Wm siioc iiiaker& beer reiaih r Heley Wiiji.m, maltsier, Wing Beckett JimatliHii. -Impke per an I Htdey Willi iiii, plnmherand ulazier Bedii'idJ'S.bDotSc shoe inaktr. Wing Hollidav .lolin, biicklajer. Wing Be. -lc> Fi^iici-. miller and baker beer n-tailer. Wing Biifgs James, sliopkeipci, Wing B 11- John, hak.r. Wing Horn Kiands, straw plat dealer, Linyhoi- Aston Horn William, shopkeeper and butcher, Iviiii;hnc Aston Boiie-t Willi iin.b iker Cheddington | Hoi wood William, beer retailer lir.iiidon Tom, black-mith, Wing 1 [jaiiihcitGci'ige, -choolmaster.Wing Blown T.. f.ii riei , Wing _ lA'-ter James, hoot and shoe maker Brown William, chuir maker, Wiitg . Mcai herCharles, brewer & maltster Brovvnett John, boot and shoe Montague Richard, wheelwriglit, maker, Wing ; Cheddington 22 Tnrney Wni.sbopkeepci.Cheddtncton Walters R^biTt, shoiikeepei, VVing Whiphain Win. shopkeeper, Wing WindihillTlionras, baker and whetl- wnelit, Wing Voung John, tailor. Wing CONVEYANCE BY RAILW^AY, ON IllE LONDON AND NORTH WES- TERN LINE. The nearest Slalmns are at Chbding. STONE, two miles from Ivinghoe; Tri\g,3^ miti'S distant, and Leioh- lo.v Bezz^RD, 3 miles from VViag. CARRIERS. To LONDON. Simons & Darrill, from Ivinghop.Thnrsdiiy fStrmoij)* ^nthfi. h m MAIILOW, GREAT AND LITTLE, BISHAM (BeRKS), AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. REAT MARLOWis a parliamentary borough, a the late Thomas Weatliered, Esq.. for endowing a larliet town, and parish, in tiie first division of the curacv. A chupel for Indt-prndf nts, one for Weskyaa undre'l of D' shomuiih and deanery of \Vyronibt' ; 31 IVIetiio(!i«ts, and a hamlsonie iit w stone sirnctnie fur lile^ w. by N. fioni London, 25 s e. from Oxfird, 8 Roman (Catholics, are the other piaces of worship. N.E. fp'in Htnl( y-on-Th-imes, hikI 5 n. by w. from The charities consist of two free schoids, others npoii Maidenhead ;— the latter a station lown on the Great the national plan, almshouses, and pi'riodii-al gifts to Western Raiway. It is situated in a beautiful part of the poor, arising from donuions kfi by benevolent in- the county. cloap John (dav), We«t st [st Rolierts Edward Lawrence Esq., •>'-'■- •"•' • '• U'ooHey Lodge, Birks Rose Mr." Ralph, ISlarlow Mills NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Aldridge John, Ivq.. High st Arnott Rev. S. B., Couit Gardens Atkinson Wm. Jas. E-q , Chapel st Bogness Peter, Esq., Highfield Bussell Rev. O , Hii;h .st ClackCapt.Thos r.n., LittleMnrlow Clayton Sir William Robert Bart., Harlevford [Bmk Cocks Tiis. Sumnieis,Esq., Thames Collins Mr. Robr-rt, Causeway Coxwell Rev. Thos. Tiacey,High st Cuitis Mr. William, Ci.apel st East Si. East Geo. Clayton, Hall pi Farmer Mrs. Ann, H gh st Field Mrs. Satuh, High st [den Fit^roy the Rt. lion Lord, Hamile- Kleming Edmund, Esq , Cookhain Franklin Mr. .laui' s, Chapel st Hammond Robert, Esq., West st Harrod.Mr. — , Oxfnd road Herrich Mrs. Hy. Bromhy, Bisham Hiikman Mr. William, West st Higgiiison Alexander, Esq., Tob'us- end Cottage Hind Mrs.—, Mill end Leewaiiier Henry, Esq .Bisham Ludwiu Rev. John Mathias, St. Peter street Meadows Mr. John, Chanel st Mend\ Mr. Henry. West st Morii^in Mrs. Eliza, St. Peter st Murray Charles Scott Esq., Dane's field, Medmeshmn iParker Frei[}eji,ck,Esq., Beech Lodge Washbourii EliVth. Mary (day). West ATTORNEYS. ^., p. p „r ., ,j , Spicer Rlph, Oxford mad Simeon Edw.Lt BOOT et SHOE MAKERS. AUlntlH'' 'l'"">"i"'; '^^'fst '•' , , B.nvlts William, Comiui.n Slough Bmwii .lames Chnpel st Brortii WiHi.ini. Detii st Cam leii St adman. Hich st Dewey William Ciiip^'l st Giay I ho lias. UVst st i Gireii Junes, lii-ham Harili"K Benjamin. Chapel st Haulini; William, Hi«h st Hani- J"lin, Chapel st HoaivCharlrs. Gun Ime Smith Kiciiaiil, Westst i StromI Hriiiy, Common Slough 'fui-s .hfliev, \Ve>t st White L- vi,'West-'t BRAZIERS AND TI^fMEN. Baitiui .Mireil, We-t st ClarU Clnrlrs, Hieh st A'acl-aii James, High st Salmon Henry, Hi«h st BRE^VERS. Ghbons Richard, St. I'eter st W, theied Thomas & Sons, High st BRICK MAKERS AND LIME BORNEaS. Coihy Thomas \ Soti, High st HicUinanTliomas, West st BRICKLAYERS 6c BUILDERS. {6Vf also Joiners li," Carpenters.) Bond William, High st Coibv I'lnnnas & Son, High st Ma'id(icl,n Iloh.it 15 , Hiuli st Westbr.ok William, .Market place CABINET MAKERS. Mealiiiu William & S -n. High st Wyati WiMiam, S|)ittal st CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. Camion d.orcf, Hii^h st Foottet 11. lint, Hi.^li st CHILD-BED LINEN V/ARE- HOUSES. Hohhs Haiiift, High st T>ler Ann, Wt-st si AVaslil.oiiin An;., St. Peter st CHINA, GLASS, &e. DEALERS DuUes Thoiiiis Kdwaid, West st Smitii John, Hii;li st COAL MERCHANTS. Uiown J i.i.es. Chap. 1 st Ciesae 1 Geo.f.V tinihei ),Canseway Cr. swell William, Ma. low lields Gibbons Thomas, St. I'ecr »l Hi Uman Thomas, West st Rolls .lohii ft Thomas (and timber), M .rlow whaif Siimks Willi .m. Church passage Wig'.{mti)nWin ll.iht.A: I'l os.Uean st CONFECTIONERS. Brown William Henry, Higli 81 Mos> Lydia, High st FIRE, «tc. OFFICE AGENTS. CoLNTV, J.ishua & Thomas Boils, High suect Globp., Ualph Spicer, Oxford road Norwich, J(.hn .Morniin, High st PiidNix, William Crake. Chipel M 24 Royal Exch.-vnge, John Meadows, Chap' 1 street [st Star, Thomas Edward Dnkes.West FRUITERERS. Bowles James, Dean st Hickman Thomas. West st fric.- Charles Dean st FURNITURE BROKERS. Almond William. West st i Crake Kobiii, Chapel st Davis John, West st .Mealing William &. Son, High st Rolls Joshua & Thomas (and estate anents and auctioneers), High st Walker Thomas, Market plate GARDENERS 6c SEEDSMEN. Auuust Edward, Hisih st Blandv Wilham, Bi>ham L.ioseley Robert, Potlands I May Joseph, Pound I .ne I Piggoti Thomas, Madgehouse lane I GROCERS * TEA DEALESS* 1 {See also Shopkeepers.) Batemaii George (tea), West st Bro^^n Wiiliam H.niy, High st Butler Thomas, West st Clark Joshua, Hi«h .st \ Eagle Joseph, Spi'tal st Fnllicks Thomas Clark (and bacon factor], Hiiih st [West st Gibhons John (& tallow chandler), Kidd Georte, High si \ Lovegrove Georiie, High st j Lovegrove Joseph, Lane end i HAIR DRESSERS. , Pearce GeoriiC Smith, High st | Smith Robert, Spi'tal »t j INNS. \ [See also Taverns Sf Public Houses.) Co.npletc AiiKltr, Hezekiah Par- I slow, Thames .side Crown (f.imily & commercial hotel, I posting-house and inland revenue j office), Mar'.iet place [st Greyhound, George Abbott, Spittal IRONMONGERS. j Batting Alfred, West st i Salm.iii H.nry, High st I JOINERS & CABPENTERS. Beckeit James, CJiioiting place I Bond William (& build- r), High st : Crake Roliert, Chapel st Hayiies James, Causeway j Maddocks Roht.'iS; builder), High st LINEN &^VOOLLEN DRAPERS Heweti Edward, High st I King Samuel, West st .Mason William. Market place .Morgan J ol:n. High st Rolls Joshua & Thomas, High st Taylor Emanuel, High st MALTSTERS. Gibbons Rchaid, St. Peter St Wethered rhonias& Sons, High st MILLERS. Jacques William Marlow mills l.(n\e William, Medmeiil.am MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS Cook Mary Ann, Cannon's row Davis Caroline, Hiuh st Green Marv Ann, Chapel st Masi.n Jane, .Market place ().\lide Jane, West st Ward Mary Ann, Quoiting place Way Kitty! 11 gh st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Lovpgrove James I homas, West st Phillips J. ishiia, Little Marlow Sellman William, West st ! Wellicomhe John, Spitiai st PAPER MANUFACTURERS. Wee'lon Thomas & Sons, T.-mple Mills, Bisham [Mills Wright Willi im & Josepli, .Marlow ROPE MAKERS. Gibbons Ricliard, St. Peter st RollsJohii &Thos. Marlow wliarf SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. I Allum James, West st i Hackshaw John, VVest st Humphreys William. Snittal st SATIN STITCH WORKERS. Barton Charlotte, Thames bank T..ylor Emanu.l, High st Washburn Ann, St. Peter st SHOPKEEPERS&DEALER8 IN GROCERIES 6c SUNDRIES. Badger John, Bisham Bavin Sarah, Chapel st Croxou James, Dean st Evans Sophia, Dean st Hickman 'I'homas. West st I Hoare Charles, Spittal st , Humphr.ys Jeremiah, Dean st Hussey Henrv, Little .Marlow ' Lawrance Jame- , Little Marlow Maskell Aaron, O.xfoid terrace Mas.m Benjamin. Bisham OxIadeHi.iiard.St Peter st Sellman Wiiliain, West st Wellieome Thomas, Chapel st Wiggintoii Thomas, Spittal st Wiagintoi) William, Dean St Wood Henry, Bisham STRAW BONNET MAKERS, Hackshaw Haniet, High st Pusey Elizabeth, High st Pusey Elizabeth East, Chapel st SURGEONS. Colbonrne Roheit, High st Curtis Henrv Charles, West St Hickman William, West.st Tivvv Wiirmn, West st Wilkinson Sheldon, High st SURVEYORS. Bond William, Hit>b st .Maddocks Robert (county), High st ' TAILORS. I Allum James, High st I Allum William, Hiyb st I Claik Samuel, High st jGiay Beniainin Jo-cpli, High st 1 Hunt James Rog.rs.m, West st 'Jones D.vi.l, West.st iSmi'h William, Hiah st Stockbiidue Win., Common slimgh TAVERNS 6c PUBLIC HOUSES. BaiRe I'l.le, .loliii Brnwi.,Cliiirch passage Black I.ion.Geurne I'vli-r, Litlle Marlow Boat, Hpiuv Bi'nival, Mprtmenliam Bull, Davitj An.'rew.s, IJisliam Cheqiieis, DiivM Davis. High st Clavton Arms, J.isepli Tytcr.Ciuniline pi CoaihiiHorse!i,.)ol.n Stephenson West st Cross Keys, Henry Ihomas MeBke», Spittal st [h im Doiriin.l Hadcer.Janups Sawyer, Medmen- fiporije >'v{ l)rai<.in..lohn Holilis.Cansew.iy Hare&HouiKb.Martlia Hurtdle, Red pill Horns. G. nice Wyatt, Chapel st Jolly l\1 iltslers, William Brnwn, Dean %\ Old KiiiK's Head, Joshua Phillips, Little Marl.iw R.Mlhon, Thomas Bowen, West »t lioyal O.k, r:iUv.CoHin9.B..v.ngdon»»){rii Ship. Richard RecVrs, West si Swan. (Ji-orce Creswell. Causeway ThieeHorseShoes.JohnGieen.Burrouijli's grove [lane Three Horse Shoes, Charles Hoare,Grecn ThreeT.iiis, Levi Whit.', West st TwoBiPwers.IMizahelhHobhSjSt Peter st White Hart, Wm. Plumridge, Chapel it HBfrectoip. MARLOW, &c. iSutft?. Retailers of Beer- Beaver William, Cliapil st Beckett Henry, Qiioilins place Beckett Samuel, Uean st Boulter John, Oxioid road Carr George, Dean st Clark George, Dean st Cook Thomas, Bisham Cooper .lames, Spittal st Croxon William, Dean st Davis William, Bovingdon'a green Earis Joseph, Handy cross East Joseph, Dean st Green Richard, West st Haines Charles, Chapel st Harding William, Hii;h st Humphreys Jeremiah, Dean st Johnson George, West st Johnson James, Chapel st Miatt Joseph, Flackwell heath Oxiade Richard, St. Peter st Piggott Robert, West st Price William, Dean st Rocl,ell Rohert, Spittal st Smith Diana, Cliapel st Sparks William, Church passage Stephenson Alice, West st Stroud Henry, Common Slough Twilchen James, Little Marlow Ward Elizahelh, Quoitinc place Way Robert, Strong-beer acie White John, St. Peter st TURNERS it CHAIR MAKERS. Jai vis James, Lane end Pui^ey William, High st \VHARFINGERS. Cieswell Geo. & VVni. Tlinnies side Rolls John & Thus., Mailovv wharf Spaiks William, Cliuicli passage ^VHEELWRIGHTS. Bennett Saimiel, West st Cox G< 01 ge, Oxford road Gieen Joseph, Cliapel st Hester Kicliaid, Little Marlow WINE'«c SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Gihhinis John (spiiit), We>t s' UolU Jo.shua & Thomas, High st IVIiscellaneous Allum Francis, fishmonger, Spittal st Badger Henry, parish c'erk, Qimiling; pi Badger John, parish clerk, Bisham Birks Blake Richard,carverand gilder.Cbapel st Burnham Esther, Berlin wool repository, Westst [st Camden Steadman, clothes dealer. High Clifford Kdward,statuary&mason,High st Corby Henry, cooper. West .st Coster Jos. lock toll-keeper, Marlow mills Davies Henry, dealer in marine stoies, Dean st [manager Gas Works, Dean st— Henry Salmon, Harman Robert, corn dealer, Spittal st HiimphreysJereiiiiah,pipe maker, Dean st Keep Henry, hurdle maker. Dean st Meekes Jas. veterinary surgeon. High st News anu Billiard Rooms (Subscrip- tion), High st Painter George,relievingofficer,Chapel st Parslow Hezekiah, timber merchant, West st [West st Porter William, watch and clock maker. Rose Ralph, paper hanger, Little Marlow Salmon Henry, registrar of births and ^ deaths. High st Sellraan William, owner of horses and gigs for hire. West st Sharp John, shoe dealer. West st Stroud Thomas, dealer in marine stores, Common Slough Independent Chapel, West st— Rev. Thomas Styles. [tal st Wksleyan Methodist Chapel, Spit- RoMAN Catholic Church, Marlow — Rev. J. M. Ludwig, piitst. PLACES OP WORSHIP, AND THEIR MINISTERS. Saint Peter's Chorch, Marlow— Rev T.T. Coxwcll,cicar,- Rev. F. Bussell, curate Saint Joh.n's Church, Little Marlow— Rev. — Cattimow. All Saints' Church, Bisham— Rev. T. E. Powell. COACHES, OMNIBUSES, AND VANS- To HENLEY,— Farley's Fan, from the Greyhound and Three Tuns, every Tuesday &Thnrsday evening about five To MAIDENHEAD, the Wonder, from the Crown Hotel, every morning (Sun- day excepted), at a quarter past eight, and an Oimiibus from the Grej hound, every morning (Sunday excepted), at a quarter before seven, to meit the trains on the Great Western Railway To WINDSOR, an Omnibus, (rom the Greyhound, every morning (Sunday ex- cepted), at a quarter before seven, to meet the trains on the South Western Railwny To WYCOMBE, - Farley's Van, from the Greyhound and Three Tuns, every Tuesday i Friday forenoon about eleven CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON THE GREAT WESTERN LINE. S/a/ion, at Maidenhead, five milesfrom Great Marlow. There are daily conveyances by Coach and Omnibus to the Station as above giveu. CARRIERS. To LONDON, MAIDENHEAD. SALT HILL, SLOUGH & COLNBROOK, George Wyatt's Wojon, from the Horns, Monday and Friday, and Richaid Ro- binson, from the Greyhound. Monday and Thursday; also by Hail, on the Great Western line. NEWPORT PAGNELL, WITH THE VILLAGES OF LATHBIJRY, SHERRINGTON, GREAT LINFORD AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. MeWPORT PAGNELL is a market town, giving name to the huiiilred and deanery in which it i.s situa- ted; 51 miles N.w. t'ri'in London, on the road to North - aniptoti, from which it is distant fifteen miles, and four from the Wolverton station, on the London and North-Western Railway. 'I'he rivers Ouse and Lovett unite nt the town; the former is ciossed hy a good stone bridge-: the latter l»y one of iron. In a remote period this place vvas of feudal cons (juenee ; and the name ' Pagnell,' was derived from the Pagnels, beautiful epitaph on a Mr. Hamilton, penned by Covvptr. The living of Newport is a vicarage, in the gift of the Crown ; the present incumbent is the Rev. Geo. Morliy. The Independents Baptist-s and VVesleyan Methodists have a ehapel each, all neat erections. The charities comprise schools, upon the national and British plans; and several well-endowed almshouses for the aged and indigent of both se.xes. The appear- ance of the count ly around Newport is veiy pleasing ; the land is rich and well cultivated; the highways to whom the manor descended from William Fitz- approaching to the town are maintained in excellent Ansculf, who possessed it fiom the time ot the Norman ' condition, and few country towns derive more real suivey. In the gre.it (ivil war the town was lield by advantages from numerous wealthy residents in its the Pailiaiuent, and in 1645 Sir Samuel Lake, the | neighbourhood. The market days are Wednesday and supposed Hudibrasof Huiler, was the Kovernor. The Saturday ; and the fail s February 22iid, Match 21st, town is well liuilt, particularly the principal street; it | Apiil 22iid, June 22nd, August 29th, October 22nd| is gas-lighted, and the inhabitants are abundantly sup- ; and December 2;5id, all for cattle chiefly. The parish plied with water. The trade here in coal, grain, malt, contained, in 1831.3,385 inhabi tan t.s, and in 184I,3,5(j of the ciinrch living which is a th« will of SVr R.b^vt Pnteluudv «>ts.r.k>tetl ^.nrnipS J^ctontlR' church is dedicated to Saint Andrew. ' the deserving poor, cmis itute the chanties. I'opnla- An alm>^hou^e for six iudiiieiit widows and widowers, ' lion of the parish is Ibll, 4/4. tjOST office^ Hich-street, Newport Pagnell. Tbon>as Edward Staines, Post M/*/ct-,— Letters fioni London, &c., arrive nerv mornint; at twenty-five minutes before four, and afternoon at one, and are .ii-«natci)ed every mo'.nine: at a miarter past two and twenty minutes iwstiiiae. ,,.,., Letters from LivKRrooL, Manchester, and the North, also all places on the line o? railway, arrive (fiom the \VoLVERTON station) every niorniiig at twenty-five minutes before four, and afternoon at one, and are despatched at a quarter before ti n at iiinht. . . . , . i , j Letters from places in the county of Bedford arrive at nventy nunotes before twelve noon, and are des- oatched at ten 111 nutes past four in the morning. • ^ ■ j Letters fr...,i Olney, Sfte kringtoh, Kmberston, &c., ainve (by foot post) every morning at six, and are despa«died at half-past one in tiie afternoon NOBILITY, GENTRY, ANO CLERGY. Bakewell Rev. Thomass HiH, Great Liiifonl KectuiY Beaity Mi^s Charhittc, Bridge st BellUev. William, Brad well Vicarage Boswcll Aie.\r., Es().,Noitli Crawley Brooks Miss Eli/abcth. Siienington Ball Hev. Henry, LaihhuryVicarage Bull Kev. .lo-iah, I'ninn st Bull Kev. Thomas Palmer, Union st Burnett.Mr.Christopher,Sheriington Coleinati John, High st Chesfer Rev. Aiiihoiiy B., Chichely, CoJes Janies, Abbey end House Clodi" John, Em}., Linford [John st (Joocli the Misses Sarah &. Ann, St. Drake Rev. Walter, Moulsoe Duncan Geo., l':sq., BradwellHouse ATTORNEYS. Arrowsmith Junius, Higli st Bull Willhun Bateman, Union st Cooch George, St. John st Powell & Newman, High st AUCTIONEERS. Goodman .*amuel, 'J'iekfoid end Goodwin Joseph, Hiuh st Redden Joseph, the Green BAKERS 6t FIMUB. IXEALrERS. Brown Jane, Sherrington Froggart Rev.. — , Newport College Jones Rev. Edward, Milton Keynes Kilpiii Mi>s, Union st ftjry King Rev. Alex., Sherrintitoii Rec- Knapp A)attliew,Esq ,LittleLi«k)rd Lowndes Rev.Chas., Rectory.Nonh Crawley Luca- Frederick, Esq., High st Luca> (Jeoige, E>q., High 9t Millar Jam<;>, Esi) , High st Morlcy liev. George, St. John st M.irrel Mark, Esq.,Tickford Park Naiil , Esop, the- Gieeii Philliniore Rev. Gcoigi-, Wijlen Praed Mis.Sopbia,T) iiiighamHou.se Pra'.t Lient.-Colonel, Latkbury Ilogeis Mr. Samuel, Lathbury Stevens the Misses Catheiine&Leali Marsh end Swannetl Mrs., the Green 'Jalhot Rev. James H , Mewton IMussoniville Tarry Mr.Tiiouias, Lathbnrv Tdwnseiid Rev. Samuel, Chichely Tye Mrs. — , High st Umneythe.MissesSaiali&Caiheiiiie, Slieiiiiigtoii [■j^iiiford House 1' III watt H enrv And lews. Esq ,G:'eat Whiiwoith MV^., High st Witteii Miss l^li/abeth, Shenington ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS. Buiiisii S< inxji.Mr'iy.s^, ihe Green, Henry Ro^e British School (gi'ls), Union ."rt, Charlotte HeixierMin Biitton and Bum, High st BurnWiHiaiii.tircalLinlord [Green Infanis' School, Uni-in st, Sarah National School, Ikattie's lane, Joseph Gregen on WedBe.tdays and I Hill William, .Slierrington .Satunlavs [st I Hoggard James, the (irecn Smith Misses (boar(ring.Sirlay),High i Poynter 'I'homas, Tickford end Tepper George Henry, High st Read Tlionias, Marsh end AGENTS. I Flicliard.soii Uoheit, Bridge st (See also Fire i^r. OJI'icp .lemta ) j Roheris Jidiii, Tickfoid end Hives G.S. f to Alfred Millei.Muiidr, ! Uohiii.'?on James, Abhey ( nd wharfinirer;, Shipley \N half ' I Sanders Jesse, Siienington Wesley Thomas (to the London & |Slayter Georiic, Sherrington North- Western Railway Coni|)y,) Wadsworth Heiiiy, the Green High .street ' Webb WiUiaii, Hiih ,1 2G BRE^VERS. Coles James Price, 'J'ickford end Green Thos. Abbott & John Thos, the Green Rogers John, the Green BRICK MAKERS Ac I.IME BURNERS. Goodman Daniel, Brick kilns Green T. & P., Old Shipley v»harf 5Iuiidy Alfied Miller, the Greea Rose James, Abliey end Sheppard Ricliaid, .Marsh end Ward J(din, Tickford end BRICKLAYERS&PLASTERERe Gaskins William, Great Linford Gilder Mrchatl, the Green iVfills Isaac, Marsh end .Mills James, .Maisli end Revitt William, Great Linford Bose James, Abbey end Shickliaft George, the Green Shepherd Richard, 'I'ickJbul e»tS Walker John, North end BUTCHERS, Baker Thomus, Hit'h st Bniiiing John, High st Bunting William. High st Cap-j) Abraliam, Marsh end Castlefliiic Matthew, the Green- Checkley Georee, Tickford end Darhani George, St. John st Ehirham Tluimas, Tickfoid emf Hawley Thomas, Great Linford Jefferson William, Tickford end .Mills Abiaham, High st Mills George, High st Peaice Mary, Aiibey end Pettii Jidiii, the Green Pettit William, Bridge st Petts William, Silver s6 Tooth James, Abbey end CABINET MAKERS AND- UPHOLSTERERS. Bell George Allen. Highst Coates Tlioiiias, I'nioii st Hickson William Tieai, Highst West John (& furniture broker). Silver st CARPENTERS 6t JOINERS. Battel son Robeit, Pool's lane Bird James, Great Linford RamesSauiLA Broths, 'I'iekford eniS Loxley Ch;iiles, Abbey end Paine John, Tickford end Rose John, Slierriiiiiton Rose Mattlitw. Sherrington Side Thomas, Sheiriiigioii WaiT John, Union st Yates Thomas, St. John st I CHEMISTS «c DRUGGISTS. Cliaiitler William, Si. John st I Tayloi William [iisoda water manu- facturer), High st CHINA, GLASS, &c. DEALERS. ! Bone Joseph, High st I Heley George, Bridge st J Sharp Thomas, M;iish end iitrwtorjD. NEWPORT PAGNELL, &e. 33uc]^0. COAL MERCHANTS. See fFhar/ngers, 8fC. CONFECTIONERS. Groonihead Ann, Highst Coleman Jehii, Hi^h st Hayilar Richard, St. John st Smart Samuel, St. Joliii st COOPE»S. Battains Tliomas, Tickford end Cripps Geoige, Slieriiiigton Smiili Charles, Marsh end CORN DEALERS. Bull George, Tickford end Eve Charles, Mill end Coodman Daniel, LoikIgh road Hives G. S., the Green Jeffrrson Edward, Sherrington riRE &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Atlas, George Cooch, St. Joiiri st Church eFENGLAND,Josh. Redden, the Green CotiNTy (fire),& Provident ( life), Charles Redden, St. John st [st General. Wm.Bateinau Bull. Union Farmers' & Cgmmercjal, William Hipwell, High st RIedicax, Legal, and General Mutual (life), John Frederick Bailey, Bridge st Metropolitan Counties &Gene- RAL, John Odell, Church gates PHffiNix, Robt.Thos.French,HJgh st KoYAL Exchange, Robt. Collison, High st Sun, William Taylor, High st GARDENERS as SEEDSMEN. Ciurney Thomas, Marsh end Lander WiUiam, London road Leverett John, IVIarsh end INIansbridge Benjamin, Bridge st Meadows Frances, Abbey end Molt Richard, Abbey end [end Nicliolls Amelia (Anurseiy), Marsh Rattlidge Charlotte, London road flattlidge William, Great Liufoi'd Robinson John, High st Rogers William, the Green Thickpenny William, the Green GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. (^See also Shopkeepers, Sfc.) Davison Samuel, High st Fairey William, St. John st Leete Walter, High st Miller Edward, High st [street Phillips John (& stamp office). High •Tandy Richard, Sherrington HAIR DRESSERS. Coe William, St. John st Huntley Thomas, the Gre^n Paine George, Bridge st HATTERS. Bromwich Martin, High st Chapman Wiliiam, High st Dickinson Joim, St. John st Egan Daniel Joseph, St. John st Fitch Edward, Hiah st Had wen Robert, High st Harvey Tlioma^, High st Redden Chailes, High st HOP MERCHANTS. RuU Geoige, Tickford end Rogers John, tlie Green f HORSE 6c GIG OWNERS— FOR HIRE. Cooper WiUiam, High st Cross James, High st Hipwell Wm., Anchorlnii, Highst Jackman Emmans, Biidge st Salmons Joseph, Tickford end WesleyThomas, SwuiiHotel, Highst INNS. {Seeals0 Taverns Sf Public Heuset.) Anchor, William Hipwell, High st Swan (family, commercial, and posting), Thomas Weslty, Higli st IRONMONGERS; BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. French Robert Thomas, High st Odell John, Chui'ch gates Terrey William, jun.. Marsh end Wise Josepli Mason, Tickford end Z.AGE MANUFACTURERS. Ayes William, Tickford end Keep WiUiam, High st Marshall James, St. John st Tandy Ricliard, Sheri ington LEATHER CUTTERS AMD SELLERS. Bone Joseph, High st Frost Thomas, High st Lock wood Tlioraas, Marsh end LINEN&WOOLLEN DRAPERS. (See also iP'ooUai Drapers.) Bromwich Martin, High st Chapman William, High st Fairey William, St. John st Fitch' Edward, High st Hadwen Robert, High st Harvey Thomas, High st Neail Peter, High st Redden Charles, High st MALTSTERS, Boll George, Tickford eud Coles James Price, Tickford end Field Frederick J(»hn, Sherrington Green TIkis. Abbott &JohnTboma9, the Green Rogers John, the Green MATTING &BASKET MAKERS. Boyce Joseph, Slieri ington Byrne Beniard, Tickford end Chater Thomas, High st Tarry William, Sherrington Umney Richard, Sherrington Umuey Thomas, Sherrington MILLERS. Eve Charles, Mill end White Edward, Caldicotmill MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS Barratt Elizabeth, High st Berrill & Cooper, Bridge st Chapman Eliza, St. John st Dell Ann, Church lane Egan Sarah, St. John st Godfrey Mary, High st Samwell Jane, Tickford end PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, AND GLAZIERS. Broomhead George, Higli st Bunyan Manoah, Tickford end Mayne WiUiam, Marsh end WallisThoBia', High st White Richard, Marsh end Wilford Charles Josiah, the Green PAWNBROKERS. Dickinior John, St- Jolin st Joyce Edward, St. John st SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Frost Thomas, Highst Neail William, High st Smith Thomas, Highst West William, High st SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERS IN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Bell George Allen, H^giist Boswell Janus, the Green Broomhead George, High st iirown Jane, Sherrington Byrne Bernard, Tickford end Emerson David, Marsh end Groom Henry, Tkkford end Heley Charles, the Green Joyce James, Slrerrington Mansbridge Benjamin, Bridge st Mills Richard, Bridge st Moore Geoi-ge, Tickford end Plackett Richard, Marsh end Roberts John, Tickford end Robeits Margaretta, Marsh end Robinson James, London road Robinsoti James, Marsh end Smith James, Mill end Stanton William, Tickford end Tame John, Marsh end Taylor Benjamin, St. John st Ward John, Marsh end Umney Edwin, Sherrington STRAW^ BONNET MAKERS. Abbott Charlotte, St. John st Allbiight Emma, St. John si Bell Maiy, High st Roberts Maiy, Marsii end Rogers Brillaud, the Green Smith Maria, the Green SURGEONS. Collison Robert, High st Dan i ell Edward, High st Heygate William, High st Rogers Geoige Osborne, Silver st Rogers John, Highst SURVEYORS. Sheppard Richard (for the county, and architect), March t^id Smith John (land), the Green TAILORS. Marfced thus * are Woollen Drapers. (See also Woollen Drapers.) *Bailey John Frederick, Bridge st *Bromwich Martin, High st Burgess William, Tickford end Compton 'i'homas, the Green *Egan Daniel Joseph, St. John st Gamble Thomas, Tickford end Godfrey WiUiam, Tickford end Gregoiy William, Beattie's lane Harvey Thomas, High st Rose Abraham, Sherrington Sykes Isaac, Marsli end TAVERNS ee PUBLIC HOUSES. AdmiralHood.EmmansJackmanStJohn st Buil, George Ball, Tickford end Chequers, Thomas Litchfield, High st Coffee House, Joseph Goodwin, High st Crown and Castle, John Underwood, Sherrinston Dolphin, Elizabeth Millard, High st Foaming Tankard,\Vra. Rocers.the Green George, Thomas Durh.im, Tickford end Green Mao, William Clare, Marsh end King's Arms, Wm. Robinson, Tickford end Liuford Wharf, JohuWarren.GreatLinford March of Intellect, William Terrey, Marsh end fSt. John st Marquess of Chandos, Rebecca Bradley, Neptune, Emmans Jackman, Bridge st Old Bell, John James, Bradwell Plough, Samuel Goddard, High st Plough and Wheatsheaf, Job Bolton, Silver street Prince Albert, M.-irk Cross, St. John st Ram, William Cooper, High st Saracen's Head, VVilliam Davis, High st Swan, James Middlelon. Sherrington Three Cranes, Thomas Yates, St. John st White Hart, John Simcoe, Sherrinu'on Wrestlers, George Labrum, Tickford end Retailers of Beer Bacchus Sarah, Great LinforU Barker John, Marsh end Boswell James, the Green Brooks John, N-orth -end Bunyan Henry, the Green Hyfield Thomas, Brad«ell Cripps George, Sherrington Kemp I'homas, Great Linford Law Aaron, Marsh end Lockwood Tlioraas, Marsh end Meadows Frances, Abbey end Mills Isaac, Marsh ■end Rose Charles, Abbey end Ward John, Marsh end 27 ISUC{19« NEWPORT PAGNELL, &c. ^latei'0 WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS. Coatfs W. P.& D., High St Sole Thomas, Bridge s« WHARFINOERS AND COAL MERCHANTS. G leenTlios. Abbott (iJohiiTliomas, the Grefii Hives G. S., the Grten Mniidv Alfred Miller, the Green; Shiiiley ^Vharf, hikI Great Linford WHEELWRIGHTS. CrowleyVViii.(ley Thomas, Hii;h st WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Bailey John, lUidgest Egan Daniel Joseph, St. John st Miscellaneous- Abbev William, giinsmith and culler, High strert Albright Thomas, pi? dealer, St. John st Bolion Job, pig dealer, St. John «t Crisp William, town rrier, and baililF to the County court. High street Featlierstoneliaugh .loseph, rope& twine maker, IMarsh end Frost James, glover, Tickford end Gas Works, Marsh end— Richard Shep- pard, m.inaser ; John Bunting, ensrineer Jetfcrson Win. fellmonger, Tickford end Law Aaron, coal dealer. Marsh end Levitt Joseph, inlind revenue ofTicer, Silver street [John st Piiwell John, veterinary surgeon, St. Prison, the Green — James Henderson superintendent Rose Priscilla, toy, &c. dealer. High st Saint John's Hospital— Rev. George Morley, principal [end Salmons Joseph, roach maker, Tickford Sykes Thomas, clothes dealir. Silver st White Richard, registrar of births and deaths. Marsh end Wombwell William, artist. High st Woodley (Jeorge, lishmonger and game dealer, High street COUNTY COURT, HELD AT NEWPORT, MONTHLY. Jm/f/f— John Wing, Esq. Hiiih Brttd/?'— Joseph Goodwin. C/,")A. — William Bateman Bull. Bui^jf— \Mlliam Crisp. POOR LAW UNION. Workhouse, London road. Governor — William Hogg. Matron—Sarah M. Crealli. iVAoo/masJer— Richard Bodlcy. Sc/ioo/mis^ress— PaneElizabelhCrampton Surgeon — Hamet H alley. (yiaptain—Rev. George Morley. Clerk to the Board of Guardians— William Powell. Relieving O/Scer— William Hogg OMNIBUSES. ToWOLVERTON STATION, an Omni- bus (from Olney), calls at the Swan Hotel, every morning (Sunday excepted) at half-past seven, and other Omnibuses, from the same Inn to the Station, according to the arrival and departure of the trains To OI.NEY, an Omnibus (from the Wol- vertonStation), calls at the Swan Hotel, daily (Sunday excepted) CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY ON THE LONDON AND NORTH- WESTERN LINE. The nearest .S'fnd'oii is the Wolverton, about four miles from Newport — Tho». Wesley, agent; Alfred Blolt, station mauler; J. C. M'Connell,siiperiHs the meadows for at)ont a quarter of a mile, and crosses :i valley, which is frequently, after a few days' rain, filled with water, and assumes the appearance of a fine lake. This is the bridge or i iiibank. uient meniioned in Cowper's poem of * The Ta>k'— ' That, with its wearisome, but needful, length, Bestrides the wintry flood.' The town is neat, and con'>ists principally of otit street tolerably wide, and nearly a mile iti length. The n)auorof Oliuy belongs to the Earl of Dartmouth, ami iindi r him, or by his rrpresoniative, courts Icet and baron are held annually at tlie ' Bull Inn.' The making of lace has heen the staple of this town and n(ighbr)Hrhoi)d for more than two centuries; but the introduction rrf marhintry a|)plicable to this manufac- ture has lieen to Olney in this particular ruinou.s in the extreme. The palish church of Saint Peteris a .opaciouj Gothic structure, snppos d to hive been erected in the l.Uh or Hthcenimv; it has a tower and lofty spire one hundred and el^bty-five feet in htiuht; in the tower is a linif of bells, reuiaikable for their sweetness of tone. The churchyard is veiy neatly laid out, and i- worthy of aitentitm fiom the epitaph^ and scui|)tiire of the gravestones — being - lic schools upon the British and iiaiional plan, altio 28 for infants, and almshouses — the latter endowed by Misses Smith (two benevolent ladies of the society of fiiends) for twelve single women or widows. Olney is signalized as having had, for its vicars and curates, woithies of the higliest literary attainment*, the majority of whom have been authors of valuable pious works. Cowper the poet, too, inlialed tiie literary atmosphere of Olney, fiom whence he removed to Wcston-Underwood in 1786; and the house, with its garden in the rear, and his favourite seat, is still shewn to the inquiring and classic stranger. The maiket, formeily held on Monday, has been changed to Thursday, and is well attended as a coin niait. Fairs on Easter Monday, June 2yth, called 'cherry fair,' and October 13ib. The parish contained, in 1831, 2,344 inhabitants, and in 1841, 2,4.S7. About a mile and a half s.w. from Olney i.s the pretty little village of We.ston-Underwoou. 'I'his is the ancient scat of ihe Throckmortons (a Caiholic family): iheii descendant. Sir Rohcit (ieorge Throck- mmton (who is loid of the manor) lla^ fitted up a tteat Uoman Catholic chapel, and eiedet' a hand>^ome resi- lience fir the piitst; a good school ix alsn maintiined in ihe village, by ihe same bciievnlcnt family. Weston was the lesidence of the i)oet Cowper before men- tioned, for several years during the latter pait of his life, and the vicinity of the xillage is supposed to have furnished many of his beautiful dcscripiions ofruial scenery. Population of the parish, in 1841, 438. Emberton and Ci,iKTiiN-ierton Baxter Rev. Daniel, Laiiglev Brooks Mr. Joseph, Petso Manor Carey Jas. Ksq., VVestoiiUnderwood Carey Miss — , We.ston (Judeiwood Cole Miss Reh( cca, Emberton BRICKLAYERS&PLASTERERS Clifton Jacob, High st Creamer Charles, Dag lane Howe Charles, Folly houses Kemp John, Hieh st King Richard, Weston Underwood BUTCHERS, Collins Rev. Robert, Clifton Reynes „ .„ rp,^"^*^"??^' Denison Robert Eso.. Emberton I 5''''l''' Thomas High st Denison Robert Esq., Emberton EccltsKev.Seth, Weston Underwood Garrard Mrs. Ehn, High st GarrardMr. Jno. (attorney), High st Godfrey Rev. William, Ravenstone Hale Thomas Esq., Emberton HigginsMr.ThosWestonUnderwood Hulton Rev. Campbell G., Emberton Langley Rev. Dr. Daniel Baxter, Vicarage Lnngland, Mrs. Saiah, High st Palmer the Misses, High st Paier Miss Ann.WestoiiUnderwood Price Mr. Edwd,WestonUndervvood Simmons Rev. James, High st Smith Miss Elizabeth, Maiket plain Swannell Mr. vVilliam, Weston Undei wood Talboi Charles Esq., Olney Hvde White Miss Sarah, High st Whitworth Mr. James, Weston Williams Mrs. Sarah, Emberton ACADEMIES Se SCHOOLS. Baxter Rev. Daniel (boarding and day], Langley Berrill Rebecca & Emma (hoarding and day). Market place British School, Dag lane, Thos. Lovell, master Infants' School, Clifton Reynes, Caroline Goodman, mistress Infants' School, Emberton, Henry Hare, master; Elizabeth Hare, mistress National School, Bridge street, Jesse Castle, master; Harriet Riishniore, mistress Roman Catholic School, Weston Underwood, Isaac Seggins,masler Stablev Mary (boarding & dav). Market place AUCTIONEERS&APPRAISERS. Hipvvell William, Market place Revis & Rogers (and wine and spirit merchants). High street Sewtll Thomas, High st BAKERS. AsprayJohn, Marketplace Hipvvell Mary, Weston Underwood Hubbard Isaac, Hhh st Osborn John, High st Osborn 'I'hnmas, High st Putnam Ann, Market place Roberts John, Emberton Soul John, High st Soul John Jan., High .st Swain John, High .st Whitmce Elizabeth, Market place Whitmee Samuel, Bridge st BASKET MAKEES. Smith Ann, High ^t Smith John, Bridge st BLACKSMITHS. Covington George, High st Paggetr Jno.(&whitesmith),High st Paybody William, Dag lane Simcfie Henry, Emberton BOOT ec SHOE MAKERS. Barker Charles, High st Gawthorne Edward, Market place Gee Peter, High st Harris Thomas, Bridge st Limbiey John, High st Davison John, High st Hilyard Thos. We.ston Underwood Hoddle Isaac, Market place Page James, Emberton Page Hilliam, Market place Soul Thomas, High st Spencer William, Emberton Travil James, High st Underwood Daniel, High st Wells William, Market place CARPENTERS & JOINERS. Booth William, Emberton Clarke John, Weston Underwood Cohb Joseph, High st Cobb Thomas, Highst Freeman Thomas, High st Penny John, Bridge st Reynolds Thomas, Market place Richardson Reuben, Weston Under- wood Simcoe Ebenezer, Silver st Smith Eli (builder). Dag lane Timsoii Joseph, Cifton Reynes Timson Samuel, Clifton Reynes FIRE, «fc- OFFICE AGENTS. County (tire),& Providf.nt (life), Henry Bass, High st Farmers' & General, William Hipwell, Market plate t' " iVi ' r.'".'"' London, Daniel Clarahut, Maket pi X'^" Margaret, High s n.Hull,Highstr^''S''*^""'H'Shst IRONMONGERS, Cooper Thomas, High st Palmer Joseph, Market place LACE MANUFACTURERS. Gee Peter, High st Hill Bei.janiin, High st Markham Jolin, High st Marshall Sarah, High st Millwaid John, High tt .Morgan M , High st LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS Bass Henry, High st Claiabut Daniel, Market place Nichols Susannah, Highst Sevvell Thomas, High .st Whitlock James, High st MALTSTERS. Brookes Benjamin, High st Coles Benjamin, High st Higgius Thomas, Silver st Lord Gcoige, High st Lord Joseph, Dag lane MEALMEN. Field George, High .st Musket Thomas, Highst MILLERS. Perry James, Lavendon MHIs Sampson James W., OJney Mill MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS Colliiighndge iMaiy, Market place Davison Lea. High st Flood Mary, Market place Raven Sarah, Bridge st Revis Elizabeth, High st [place SleathSarah&Hurst Louisa, Market Spencer Matilda, Market place Norwich Union, Wm ,.--t,-- — Royal Exchange, Thomas Revis, High st Sun, Thomas Collingri(lee,High st, and Jos. Woodn.ffe, Maiket place GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Marked thus* arealso Tallow Cliandlers. •Cnle B.^njainin, High st *Davison Joel, High st Davison INJary, Clitton Reynes *Davison William, High st Field William VVheatley, High st Gayton Nathaniel, Emberton Hipwell Mary, Weston Underwood Ho'hbs Thomas, Clifton Reynes Kitchener Thomas, High st Liih field Martha, Higli st Lovell James, High st Lurk Joseph, High st Marshall Sarah, High st Marshall Thomas, Market place Penney John, Bridge st Pike Hepzibath, Emberton .Simroe Henry, Emberton *Soul Richard, Market place Spencer William, Emberton Thompson Joseph, High st •To(m John (& wool dealei ),High st West Peter, Dag lane WilmersAnn, Dag lane HAIR DRESSERS. Fields William Wheatley, High st Flood Henrv, Market place Kitchener Thomas, High st HONEY DEALERS. Aspyy J(ihn, High st Cobb Thomas, High st INNS. C'^er also Tavern 6^- Public Hoiisen.) Bull (and inland revenue odice), William Hipwell, Market place Swan, Richaid Tasker, High st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Hiude Michael. High st Hull William, High st Wright William, Highst SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Harris William, High .st Litchfield William, Higii st Robinson John, Market place STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Davison Dorcas, High st Davison Maria, High st Robinson Sarah, High st Underwood Susan, High st Watson Anna, Dag lane SURGEONS. I Aspray Charles, High st [Chalk Hamn)oiid, High st {Emerson Robt. Nel.-on, Bridge st Grindon Geo. Horatio, High st TAILORS. Clifton Isaac, High st Field John, High st Hutchiiigs John, High st Mayes John, Market place Nichols John, High .st fHigh st Nichols Susannah (and draper), Taylor Gravely, Embniou Whitlock Janies(& draper). High st TAVERNS St PUBLIC HOUSES, Bear, Jolin Farr, fmljerlon Bf II, John Riiban, Bridge st Boot, Cliurldtte Jones, Biidee st Cork,.lospph Hnggolt, Market place Cinvper's Oak, (Mary Cnnst.ible, Weston Ddlphin, Uilliani l.ilrhtield. High st Duke of York, .lol n Field, High.,« in.Wells,Market place >»aracfn'» Ht^il, Mm.Marriott, Market pi Sun, Joseph I-orrl, Dag lane T«o Brewers. Milliam Foskett, HiRh st TwoC'opirs, Charles Longlaml, High st Retailers of Beer. Har.'ine John Uavies, Market place Harris Thomas, Bridge st Jordan William, High st ^^iniro Henry, Emberton Torld John, near OIney WATCH et CLOCK MAKERS. Hollinijshcii'l James, Hiiili st Kiliiiigvvorili William, Higli st Liiubrey John, Hi«li st WHEEL\V RIGHTS. Bt-nill 'I'liomas, Hack lane Grigas SViiliain, Spout lane Miscellaneous- Anpray John, lope maker, Mnrket place Bo^es John. inland revenue offlccr.High st Chater Rirliard, leather cutler and clog maker, High st OLNEY, &c. (;obb Joseph, bellhanger, High st Collingridge Thomas, bookseller and printer. High st ["t Cooper Thomas, brazier and tinraan,Hlgh Curtis Benjamin, tea dealer. High st Davison John, cooper, High st Freeman Samuel, frnilerer. Bridge st Hubbard John, mailing maker. High st Hurst Henry, furniture dealer and police officer, Market place [Olney Jones William, patent brick tile maker, Litchfield Luke, eating-house, Market pi Mason Sarah, jeweller, Marl.et place Morris William, relieving ofiieer and re- gistrar of births and deaths. Bridge st <»sborn John, parish clerk, .Silver st Palmer Joseph, tanner. Bridge st Rabin William, police officer. High st W hillock James, timber dealer. Dag lane Woodrort'e Joseph, druggist, Market place Wright William, organist. High st OMNIBUS. To NEWPORT PAGNEM, and WOL- VERTON, an Omtiibiis from the Bull Inn, every morning (Sund.jy excepted), at seven Slater's; CONVEVANCE BY RAILWAY, ON THE LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN LINE. Station, at Wc LvtuTON, nine miles from Olney. An Omnibus to the station daily as aboye noticed. CARRIERS. To LONDON, and forward to various parts, Pickford & Co, from the Market place, by Rail, from Wolverton station, daily To BEAFORD, John West, from his house, DaK lane, Thursday ToNKWPORT PAGNELL, Pickford & Co. and Chaplin & Home, daily To NORTHAMPTON, John Field, from his house. High st, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday To WOBURN SANDS,CbapIin&Horne, daily PRINCE S AND MONK'S RISBOROUGH AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. l-^RINCKS RISBOROUGH isaparish ill the liun- 1 Edward Gray is tlic present incunibeut. There are dred 'if Aylesbury— the market town, a .small one, is I places of worship for Baptists and Wesleyan Metho- " " ■ dists, and schools conducted upon the British and national plans. The market, a tolerably good one for corn, is held on Thnrsday.and a fair on the 6th of May. The pat ish contained in 1831, 2,122 inhabitants, and in 1841,2,206. Monk's Hisbokough is a p;iri>h contiguous to that of Prince's Ilisborough, reniaikable for a peculiar feature in the landscape, considered a great curiosity to the stranger — this is a huge cross, cut out on the side of White Cliff Hill, believed to have been oiiginally formed to perpetuate the remembrance of a victory ohfained by the Christians over the Pagans. It is visible from Chijipiiig Norton, in Oxfordshire, a dis- tance of nearly forty miles. By an act passed in 1830, it is ordained that ' White Cliff Cross shall for ever re- main and be, from time to time, renewed and lepaired at the expense of the lord of the manor for the time heine. The church is dedicated to Saint Dnnsian : the living is a rectory, in the peculiar jurisdiction and patronage of the Archbishop of Canterbury. The parish contained in 1831,l,018,inhabitaiits, and in 1841, 1,083 37 miles w.N.w. from London, 26 s.s.E. from Buck iuuham, ami 8 s. from Aylesbury — the nearest railway station : situated beneath theChiltern hills, which are iiere of bold but pleasing aspect, and upon the high road from the metropolis to Oxfotd and Glouce.ster. The town, which was anciently spelled Risb^rg, ob- tained its adjunct 'Prince's' from its having been the residence of Edward the Black Prince, whose palace is said to liave stood in a field adjidning the chuicii- vard. The manufacture of lace and paper is carried on here to a limited extent, and the general trade of the jil ice is Imt inconsiderable. Acourtleetis iield annually, r>)Uk!h Norri-* .Mr». — , Prince's Risborough Partiidge Rev. Win. E., Horsenden Straitoii Mrs. F'raiices.Prince's Ris- 1)1 1 rough Stratton .Mr. James, Piiiice's Ris- i.oKHinh [Lodge Tarrant Mr. John Evani, .ANcot Turner Mr.GeoijfC, Prince's Ri^hro' Wan en .Mr. Thomas A. (siirgeoiii, Prince's Ri>l)i>ri>ni;ii ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Britimi School, Solomuii Lacey, m aster ; Mary SiUby, mistress Hester Ann (day) ' [tress IsFANTs'Sniooi.SKiali West, mi"- National School (boys'), Daniel Bennett Skey, master 3D National School (girls), Ellen Eorster, mistress Skey Elizah'jth (day) BAKERS. Blackwall Joiin, Long Wick Collins Stephen, Prince's Risbro' Daivill Richard, Piince's Risbro' Eegleton Joseph, Monk's Risbro' Kenipster John, Prince's Risbro' Pavne Edwin, Long Wick Ta'ppim,' John, Prince's Risbro' West James, Prince's Risborough Whitmell John, Askett BLACKSMITHS. Eldridge James, Askett Eldrid«e Richard, MiJiik's Risbro' H.irdiMi; Edmund, Long Wick Hook J imes, Louk Wick Jacob William, Prince's Risbro' Parslow Solomon, Prince's Ri>bro' We-t William, Prince's Risborough BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. nar\ill John | Senior Roliert Dar v.ll Joseph j g ^^^j j^„,^^ Notliiiuliam Jos. | ^ I'oitci James | Syred Thomas BRICKLAYERS. Bai naid Tlionias, Prince's Risbro' Baiting Jolin, Prince's Risborough liiggs William, Askett Charge William, Prince's Risbro' Eldiidee Joshua, Askett Syred Thomas, Piince's Risbro* BUTCHERS. Par.slow John, Prince's Risborough Russell George, Piince's Risbro' Straiton John, i'rince's Risborough Tapping John, Prince's Risborough Whitmell Jolm, Askett CARPENTERS & JOINERS. Callani Ivlwin, Prince's Risborougii (Joodcliild David, Long Wick Hopcioft William, Askett Stevens James, Pi ince's Risbro' CHAIR MAKERS. Crook Joseph, Princ 's Risborough Doiseit John, Prince's Risborough CORN DEALERS. Allen Charlotte, Prince's lUsbro' Darvill Josej)!!, Askeit Edmunds John, Long Wick Ives William, Monk's Risborougii Rou'cis Alcl, Piince's Risliorough Williams 'I'homas, Askett FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. BniTisH E.MPiHE, Samuel Adcock County, Charles Stratton litr^ctoig. RiSBOROUGH, &c. 2$Ucfe$. Norwich Union, Charles Parsons Royal Farmers', Thos.R. Parsons OHOCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Adcock Samuel, Prince's Risbro' Ayres Jolm, Prince's Risborough Baldwin Henry, Askett Benneli Sarabj Prince's Risborough Clifford Mary Ann, Prince's Risbro' Crook Josepli, Prince's llishorough Foster James, Prince's Risborough Heybourn Thomas, Bledlow Lacey Benjauiin, Prince's Risbro' Loosley Joseph, Prince's Uisbro' Loosley Richard (and ironmonger), Prince's Risboroimh Rogers Jane, Askett Tilbury John, Piince's Risborough White Mary, Prince's Risborough INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Bell, Daniel Sievens Black Prince, Benj;imin Simmons Cross Keys, VVilliHin Powell Crown, Thomas Syred George & Dragon, James Gomme (and inland revenue office) Ploneh, John Conquest, Monk's Ri>borough Red Lion, VVilliam Edmunds, Long Wick [White cliff Red Lion, Frederick Messenger, Seven Stars, Ann Roberts, Bledlow S()ortsman's Arms,Thomas Walker, Long Wick [Askett Three Crowns, Francis Bishop, Wheatshenf, John East Wliite Hart, John Batting 'tVhite Horse, John Bennion, Long Wick [Ri^bol•ough White Lion, Win. Stratton, Prince's Fetailers of Beer. Gilks Thomas, Askett Hillesden Tiiomas, Monk's Risbro' Rogers Abel, Prince's Risboi'ough Simmons William, Prince's Risbro' Sulston Tliomas, Prince's Risbro* Syred Edward, Long Wick West James, Prince's Risborongh Williams William, Askett LINENAcWOOLLEN DRAPERS Ayres John I Lacey Benjamin Clarke & Son | White Maiy MALTSTERS. Parsons Thos. Rogers (& brewer) Rogers Abel, Prince's Risboiougli MILLERS. Darvill John, Saunderton Butt Robert, Park Mill Payne John, Long Wick Rogers Joseph, iNlonk's Risborough Winslow Robert, Prince's Risbro' PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, &c. Bailey John, Prince's Risborougli Busby Richard, Prince's Risbro' PARCHMENT MAKERS. Bass William, Prince's Risborougli Little Thomas, Prince's Risborougli SADDLERS. Cock Thomas, Prince's Risborough East John, Prince's Risborough East Thomas, Monk's Risborough TAILORS. Bailey Reuben | HopcroftJohn HopcroftJob I Perriii John ^VHEELWTRIGHTS. Conquest John, Monk's Risbro' Hester Giles, Askett Nash Geoige, Prince's Risborough Walker William, Long Wick Miscellaneous- Anstin George, papei- maker, Saunderton and Bledlow Mills Ayres John, parish clerk, Prince's Risbro' Cook John Smith, florist, Lonsj Wick Uarvill Richard, relieving ollicer. Monk's Risborough [boroueli East Jesse, parish clerk. Monk's Ris- Flojd Joseph, nursery and seedsman Hughes Benjamin, fellniongiT Patsons Charles, tea dealer & stationer Simmons William, gardener & stedatnan West William, gardener and seedsman Woodbridge Abel, leather seller COACHES, From the Cross Keys. To LONDON, the Hero (from Oxfnrd), ■ every Monday, Wednesday and Friday forenoon, at a quarter before eleven , goes through Wycombe, Beaconsdcld and Uttoxeter. To OXFORD, the Hero (from London), every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day afternoon, at a quarter before three ; goes through Thame. SCONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. The neditest Station isat Aylesbdrt, on a branch communicating with the Lon- don and North-Western Link, 8 miles distant. CARRIERS. To LONDON, Stephen Langston, from his house, Askett, twice a week. To AYLESBURY, James Forster, Wed- nesday and Saturday. To THA.ME, James Forster, Tuesday. To U INDSOR, James Bass and Henry Benning, Wednesday. To WYCOMBE, James Forster, Mon- day and Friday. STONY-STRATFORD, WITH THE VILLAGES OF OLD STRATFORD, WOLVERTON, LOUGHTON AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. ^TONY-STRATFORD is a maiket town in the i per aniinra appropriated to apprenticing children, and united parishes of Saint Mary Magdalene and Saint several other benevolent gifts, from which the poor Giles, in the hundred of Newport ; 51 miles N.w. fiom London, 14 s. from Nnrthamptiin, and2from Wolver- ton station, on the line of the Ijondon and North- Western Itailwav. The town, which is one of con- sidi'rable antiquity, consists chiefly of a long street, which isgas-liglited, and aecitii] oinhe fFatling-street of the Romans, close to the Ouse, which river here forms the boundary of ihe counties of Buckingham and Northampton. The paiislies are in two manors : the west side being in that of Calverton, the property of the faniilv of Lowndes ; the east side in Wolver- toii manor, belonging to the trustees of the Ratcliffe charity. The government of the town is in the resident anil couniy magistrates, assisted by tliefiflirers ajipoin- ted at the nianuriHl couits. 'I'he Newport Pagnell circuit of County Court towns, includes Stony-Strat- ford in the court for the recoveiy of debts to any amount not exceeding £20, the court is held monthly at Newport. The manufacture of lace, before the intro- duction of machinery, was thestaplebete, and furnished numerous ituhistrious females with profitahle em- ployment ; this branch, however, lias all luit become exiinct : the t .Mr. Julm, Old Straiford Harrison Richiird, Ksi|., \Vol»erton Harwood Mr.William.Old Stratford Kipling Mrs. Caroline, High st Knighton Mr. Thos.Horsi fair green Lo\vnde'*MissLvdia,Cosgrove priory M'Connel J. C.,'Ks(i.New VVoheitou Mansell John Christopher, Esq., Cosgrove Mansdl .Mrs. — , Cosgrove Oliver .Mr. John, High st Perceval the Hon. & Rei.Chas.Geo. Calveiton lleitoiv :[Vicarag- Qiiartlev Ktv. Heniy, Walverton Ratdiffe .Mrs. Kli/abt-tli, Higli st Rock .Mrs., Calviiton Siott Mrs. Jane, High st Smith Rev. Loraine L. Passenham \Vi:ii:ht Uev. fJiorge, Wolverton ^Vil.ner .Mr. George, High >t Voihy .Mr>. .Marv .Ann, H'uti st ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Bell Rohcit (da\ i, .Maiket square British amj Koim-ign School, Hiuli st — KdwanI Hav, ina>ter BttlllSH AM) KoiiF.IGN SCHOOL, NL-\v\Volveiton--.\i( liihaldLaing, master; Rachael Stainlon, and Miss Piince, nii>trisses Gent .Mirv & Catherine (boarding), H..r-efi'ir green [-quaff Hamhlin Jose|ih (boaiding ,. Market H.is-tll Km ma (day), New Wolverton Infants' School, N'W VVolverton — .Amelia Piince. mistress MalpasHairieti'daOHor-efairgrteii National School, High st— John Claii'lU'e, master [Hinh st TiifTe Klizah.tli (day and b 'aiding), ATTORNEYS. Co'greve John Kieir (and cleik to I he inagistiat-s), Highst Pano't John f'lid cleik to tin (onn'vconit), lligli st W.rlc. & Kipling. High st AUCTIONEERS^ APPRAISERS Uniham Jo n (and sunexor and land .ig' ni ', Hidi st King Ki'liaid, lin.v si.Wolv.-i ton R(.l)hins Jidm, .Maik-t Mpiiie BAKERS * FLOUR DEALERS. BoMh.in Heniy, M.iket square Br.iv Jo.-iah, Hii;li »! Dickios(if" HI- <>''< *^"' tf'"'' Kiu'itle* Kdw.ndfaiid C'lifietioner), Riiiy st, .New Wolverton Kiniithv lle.ry. Chuich st Prui- .Martha, Higli st Repli, High st Wilford .Inhn Noitoii, Chuich st Willord Jcdiii Norton, OldStratford CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Aveline Fnderiek, High st liiwood .lolin, Hikili st West (ieorge. High st CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Arnold (ieoriie. High st Aveline Frederick, High st Bird Ridiaid, Lnuditoii Freeman Thoma-, High st Hailey Alfred, Church st Od( II III. belt, l^l.llk.■t scju ire West Geoige, High st CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Bent Thomas, Hiiili st Can u'heis James Artis, High st Cauintt .Mark, lligli st [ton | HariisJoHliiia,Bniy st,NewW(dver- Howe .loseph, Hii-'h st Poulier Sn-aiina, High st CHINA, GLASS, 6tc- DEALERS. I'aucntt Maik, Hiuli st Ha-sell FiaiKNs, High st N'lXiiii vViUlam, Hitili st ReviioUis James, Hij,li st COAL MERCHANTS. Atterbury'William, Old Straiford Baxter Wlliiam & Richard, Wolver- ton wharf Freeman Thomas, Old Stratford Johnson Philip, Old Stratford CURRIERS AND LEATHER SELLERS. Scaldwell Tlionias, High st Sharpe William, Church st FIRE, &C. OFFICE AGENTS, Argus (Hie), Jos. Howe, High st Clerical, Medical, &c. (life), Cattell Hudson, High st County (fire) & Provident (life), Willi. .m Roves. Market sfjuare General, John Inwood, High st Kent MuTUAL(fire)AlfredWalford, High st LArt (life), John Parrott, High st Liverpool and London, High st Metropolitan Counties (life, loan and annuity), Thos. Bent, Higli st Norwich Union, William Goldby, High st Phcenix (fire), Thomas Knighton, Horsefair grren [ket square RoYAi, KxcHANCE,Roberi Bell.Mar- SuN, Geoige West, High st GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Marked thus * are also TallowCliandlers (See also Tea Dealers.) Ashlon Sophia, High st *Baiter Richard. Hii;h st Renhow William, Loughton *Bent Thomas, Hiahst Bird James, Loughton Butcher Thomas, Higli sr Clarke Rosamond Joseph, High st Foulks Jose()li, High st [ion Harris Joshua, Bury st,NewWolver- Kiiihtlev Edwaid, Burv st Liddelle Jidiii, High st *Poulter Susannah, High st IteeveJuhn.Bui y st,NewWo'verton. Reeve John, High st [square *ScaldwellWm.(& seedsmaii)Market Shackil William, New WoReiton Slater Benjamin, Old Stratford Smith William, High st [ton Sti phenson Saml. Young st,Wolver- Sundi'iland William, ()ld Stiatford Timhs Maltha, Old Stiaifoni Turvtv William, High si West Richaid, Creed si, Wolverlot* Wist William, Hiuh n HAIR DRESSERS. Bonhaiii Tliouia^, Hiuh st Hick-oii Ge(Hue,Biirv st. Wolverton . Hickson William, H 'gli st Hollowav Thomas, Hikih st Which, llo Samuel, Bury st. New VVolvert(ni INNS-POSTING. (Si'e (iho'/'iirenis and Public Houses) Bull, Hdiiy Wilmin, High st Cock (and inland revenue ofTice), Mai\ Chapman, High st IRONMONGERS. Ilexill Kdwiii, Hiuli st Sayeis (i<-orge, M.iiket squaie LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS Attkiiis .lames, High st Boyes William & Fdwaid, Maiket square and New Wolverton Freshwater & Jennings, Hith st HarrisJoshu.Buryst.NewWidvertou King Ri( hd.,Burv st.NewWolverton Tlioine Geoige Kdi>aid, Highst BtVtCtOVQi STONY STRATFORD, &c. liJucitjJ. MALTSTERS dcCORN DEALRS. Goldby VVilli.ini, Hinli st Tompkins VVillia-u, Market square MILLERS. Barter Renjainiii, U e.lveitoii Mill Jiihnsoti Eiiwaid, Stra'lt/ii,NewlVolvertoii BuseleyAiiiijIiiirv st.NewVVolvertnn B(inhan) Mary. Hiaii st (^toii Burgess Sar t straw bonnet makers. Eail S.uah (-iravv niatin(acturer) I/e'lsam st. New VVolvertoii firitfin Leah, Calverton end Jobson Mary, Hiah st Nicols Hannah, High st Tlioin|)Son .lanet, Ledsani .-st Thompson Margaret, Creed st,New Wolverton Whiting lili/abeth, Higii st SURGEONS. Back GesTKc, High st Freeman Uoljert Marriott, High st Gent John Sleath, London road Lewis Ihomas Harris, Market square Nixon Daniel, Hi-'h st Rodgers William, New Wolverton TAILORS. Attkins Janii s, High st Axworthy William, High st Bate- J»ainnel, Lougliton Beeby Ahxander, High st Bowes will 'am K(l« an). Market place Brooks S imnel, Hor.-ef lir green Brown Wni.Bury st,NewWolveiton Burgess Thomas, Bury st, New VVoherton Pater John, Cliurch st Plowman William, Lougliton Ri'lilifoid diaries. Creed st, New Wulvert'in Sire't Charles & John, Church st Smith George, Highst WiUon George, High *t TAVERNS Bt PUBLIC HOUSES. An^el.Jolin Brown, Hi^rli st Bell, W illiaiH Gregorv. Loiii^hloa BlackHorse.Wm. Atterbury.Old.Stratford Co:ich anil Horses, William Hensworth { Frencli, Hittli street | Cross Keys, William I'rirl more, High st frown, Thomas Blabey, Market square I Crown, John (ireaoiy, Loughlon I Falcon, Elizabeth St"(& farrier), Calverton WATCH «c CLOCK MAKERS. Co-ter James. Hiiihst role Henry, High st WHEELWRIGHTS. Ganderion Thomas (and agiicultural michine maker), London road Kniglitley George, Highst Page William, Oid Stratford Miscellaneous- Abraham William, lace pattern maker, High street Aveline Ann, Berlin repository. High st Chibna'l Richard, relieving oRicer, Old Stratford Claridge John, surveyor. High st Cowley Amos, lace manufacturer. Old Stratford Ounl.l y Sarah, beer retailer, Calverton FrosI William, glove maker. High st Gas Works, High street — Richard Bar- ter, manager Henderson Wm. clothes dealer, High st Henson Thomas, basket maker, High st Hill John, nail maker, Old Stralfurd Hulton Thomas, furniture broker, Bury sireet, Wolverton Inwood Jiihn, hardwareman. High st . Jarvis John, mat maker, Horsefair green Johnson Philip, salt merchant, Old I Stralford [ford Kemp Joseph, toll collector, Slony Sirat- Millen James, inland levenue officer. Stony Siraif >rd [High st Nnriis John, slater and plasterer, Odell Robert, bricklayer and slater, Church s'reet Pangbor Rirhard. beer retailer, Longhton Plumb William, eating-house, Highst Poiter William Richard, tea dealer, Chapel st [(^hapel row Russell William Robert, beer retailer, Sheppard John, whitesmith and brass* fniiiider. Market place Smith Josiah Michael, wine and spirit merchant. High street Spinks George, beer retailer and eating. house keeper. Bury st, Wolverton Storton John Cooper, furniture broker. Church street Sunderland William, dyer, Old Stralford Vanghan Isaac Chas. fishmonger. High it Walklelt Eli/.abeth, teacher of music and French, Horsefair green Wells George, bird stuffer, High it POOR LAW^ UNION. Workhouse, Yardley. Master — William Francis Wbistcn. Mat'on—Mrs. Church. Schoolmaster — William Francis Whiston. ScAoo/jnis/iMS— M illicent Whiston. Clerk to the Board of Guardiant— Edward Swinden, High sireet Surgeon — Daniel Nixon, High st Relifving O^cer -Richard Cbildwa'.l,01d Stratford REGISTRARS. OF BIRTHS, DEATHS & MARRIAGBS. Suyerintendeut Registrar — John Frees Congreve, High sireet. /iegislrar of Marriaget Robert Bell Market square. Registrar of Births and Deaths—Rohett Chibnall, Old Stralford CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON THE LONDON AND NORTH- WESTERN LINE. Station, WoLVhRTON. two miles from Stony Slratlord— J. C. M-Connel.«uper- intendent of locomotives; Alfred Blolt, statio/i master. An Omnibus, from the Cock, Stony Strat. ford, to the Station, awaits the arrival^ and attends the departure of the train* CARRIERS. To LONDON,Thomas Goldby & Thoma» Richardson, (to the Wolverton Sta- tion, and thence by rail), from their respective offices, High sireet, Tuesday and Friday To BANBCRY & BRACKLEY, Thoroa* Goldby.fdaily ; Thos Richardson, Tues, and Friday, and Henry Jefcoat, oa Tuesday To BUCKINGHAM, Thomas Goldby, daily; Thomas Richardson, Tuesday and Friday; Henry Jefcoat, Thursday, and John lialdwin, on Sa'urday To LEIGHTON BUZZARD, John Baldwin, Tuesday To NEW PORT PA GN ELL, John Bald- win, Wednesday, and — Wilmslow, on Thursday To NORIHAMPTON, Henry Jefcoat, Wednesday To TOWCESTER, Thomas Goldby, daily; Thomas Richardson, Hfuesday and Friday, and Henry Jefcoat, oa Tuesday WENDOVER. ™. WITH THE VILLAGE OF GREAT M jAy ENDOVRR is a parish, in the hundred of Ajles- bury— the market town is 35 miles n. w, from Lomlon, 5 s.s E. Iiimi Aylesbury, ami 4 s. w. fiom Tring — the latter a siaiimi on a luancli line communicHiing with the London and North Western Railway. This place, whi( h possesses liut few well-built houses and is In- consideratil-- in point of trade, is seated at the foot of the Ciiilteni liills, near ti» the entrnnce of the Vale of Aylesbury. The manufacture of lace, wliich was f ir- merlv prosperous here, l>euefits now, comparatively, hut a few pi rsons. Ahel Smith, Esq. hanl;n. ; and tallied ill 18;31, 2,001 inhai'itant-, and in 1841, 1,877. ' Mi-snulcn Alibey, George (.aninuitnn, Km) Tlieplaces Great .Missendf.s i» a naiish, in the same hun- iof woishi|i in Gieat Mi-s.-mlen aie ilie pansii rhmcli dreil :is W.iid'v.i— (he villaat- i^ situated on the ri.a.l of Samt IVfer and Saini Pan), and a B -pti^t cli 'pei. between that town and Am^r^hani, ahi.ut five ni'les 1 The livini: of iMis^endtii is a di«chaited virarakte, fn.in eihernlacv. Tne inaleats of ihi- penny orna- paiish, whicli i» rntiier ex'ensiw, (•i.iit.iiuid, in 1831, nient the cuuniry round Wendover and Miv^enden : ' 1,827 inhabitants, and in 1841, 2,225. POST OFFICE; Wendover, John Senior, Post ^^llsler.—LnUvrs{tnm London and varjoiis parts arrive (iioni .AvLi.sBtKv) everv ntomins at aquait.T |i;«st live, and evening at twenty tnuiutes before sixj and ate desiiatilieil (hereto at twenty minutes before eij?iit in the inorniiig, and night at eight. POST orriCE, Great .Missenden, Jidm Willuier, Pav/ ;1/ff*/fr.— Letters frotn London and all pnrts arrive i veiv inorninK at live minutes betore seven, and are despatched at fen niinntis pi>t six in the evening. GENTRY AND CLERGY. A]\< n Mr*. Saiah, Gn at Mi-seiulen Calleoit .Miss Clarissa Dixon, Wen- dover Cameion Donald, Esq., Hampdon Hi)U-e [.Abbey C ininuton Georee, Esq. Mis^cndeii CaiterHeiiry,E-(i Haventieid Lodge Carsinden Hoare .Mr. Joseph,, Wendover Hoaie .Mrs. .Mary,Gie.>t Missenden Holmes Rev. Henry, Wendover HonnorMr.J.'seiihJGreatMisseiidin Honnor .Mr. Tlios.Great Missenden Hoinbuckle .Mr. El.zabtth F.. (Jie.it .Mi>>fnden [Abbey Horiisbv .Mis. — , Liitle Missenden Lock .Mr. Kobt. Frederick (attorney) . Baliincen Manning .Mr.John Le.ich Windovei M iisilen Rev. John Bu.\ton, Great Misvcndi n Mellow .Mi-s M:iry,LittleMi.sseiiden Miini;' r .Mrs. Klizahetb, Wendovtr Oiive John Cninley, Esq. Olives Phillip' .Mr. Zichariah, Wendover Rea'l .Mrs. Frances, GreatMissenden Smiih \\er — F.d- waid Cox, master Claike Jane, (Jreat Mi<.'«eiiden Couuhtrei- John, Great Missenden GregKridk. Wm. Little .Mi-seiidec Home Mary ft ICliid'th., Wendover Infants' School, Great Missenden — .Miss Spi nci-r, ini.-'trcss Infants' Schooi, Wendover — Maiti'a Le.iddeater, mistres.s Lyon .Mary & Fli/abeth, Great 'Ml.«>r-lldcil Na'tional School, Great Mi.s.'en- dcn — James Kicii, master; Sat ah Fr'er, ini'ttess National School, Wendovir — Willam Limeheer, master ; Lliza- lirih Liineliei r, mi-tress Poiilton John, V\ eiiilover BAKERS «( FLOUR DEALERS. hi>h<)n Amelia, Wmdon'i- Claik William .Maitin,(it..Mis«endeti Dohsoii Cli.iile.s. Guat Mis-enden Fantham (Jeoige, Weiulover Harding Wm.. GrC'ii -Missenden Hill James, Weiido^^er 34 Hoare v\'illiam. Great Missenden Holland \\'illiHin, Wtndover Jiison .-Mien, Wendover riioinp-on William, Wendover Tiibuiy Thomas, Great Missenden BLACKSMITTS. Bateman Joseph, Wendover Caiier Thomas, Wendover Kidiidge George, Wendover Dean Kvans Cliailes, (ireat Missenden Nash Thomas, Great Missenden Na-h Wdliam, Great Missenden Oliiir William, Little Missenden Waters John, Great Hampden BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Barton John, Great Missenden Braden James, Gieat iMi-senden Ciimpson Charles, Great Missenden Dell Thomas, Wendover Edwards James, Wendover Kedle Samuel, Great Missenden Kiaiitilin .lohn, Wendover Kianklin Joseph, Wendover Hawcs William, (ireat Missenden Heath (leo ge. Great Mis-enden Hunt William, Great Missenden Jei\is Jidiii, (lit at Mis-enden Jervis Wilbain, (Jreat .Mi-senden Olive Williiim, Gieat Mi»>endeii Ran all Jidin, Little Mis>endeii Sear Wdli-im, Great Mis-enden Smith William, Wendover StanfiTd James, W'endover ■Stevens Charles, Great Missenden Terrv (Jeorge, Wendover Wright Geome, Little Missenden BUTCHERS. Bovincdoii Edwd. Great Missenden Claik Isabella, Great Missenden Collins Kdwin, Wendover E-sex William, (Jivat Missenden Frost John, Giimi Missenden Hopciaft Richard, Wendover How Midiael, Wendover Ives Job. (ireat Missenden Nicluds James, Liitle Missenden Winchester James, Giei.t Missendt n CORN DEALERS. Andrews Thomas, Wendover mill ChallacombeNieholH-.GtMisseiiden Dancer Thomas, Wen lover Haiditig Heniy. Great Missendea Piickett William, Wendover Sykes Joseph, Wendover laylor John, Gieat Mis-endcn I FIRE, Sec. OFFICE AGENTS. CoiJNTY(liail->torm),John Hewlett, Wendover GENEKAL,Chailes Barton fand snb- distnbuter of stamps), Great Mis- sendeii Norwich Union, Jolni Edward Crockford, Wendover Ph(enix, Robert DoiigIa«, Great Missenden [Wendover Royal Exchange, William Floyd, Sun, Thomas Wag-taff. Wendover GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. [See also Shopkeepers, Sfc and alto Ten Dealers.) Barton Cliarles. Gnai Mis«enden Crockford John Edward, Wendover Donclas Robert Frederick, Great Mivsenden Floyd William, Wendover HAIR DRESSERS. Bandy George, Wendover Braden James, Great .Missenden Higuins William, Wendover Terry Geoige, Wendoier INNS. {See also Taverns ii( Public Homes.) Buckinvhain ^rms, James Grins- dell, Great Mis»enden Red Lion (and inland revenne of- fice), Richd. Crockford, Wendover IRONNONGERS. Floyd William, Wendover Na.-li Thomas, Gieat Missenden LINEN &WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Baiton Charles, Gieat IMisseiideii Dell Th'.ma>i, Weiidoier Woodruff lleniy, Gieai Missenden 1 1^'^"" ''''"!'">" f"'"' ''»'-'«^ mannfac- CARPENTERS. Renniiig Jo-eph, Wenthner Clarke I hoi. las. Great Missenden Cioxford U'iHiaiii Wendover Fassnidtie Ed>vard,(i!. Missenden Cayne Joseph, Great Missenden Re.idiiig GeorL'e, Wendover Senior John, Wendover Tilbury James, Great Missenden COAL DEALERS. Bowen Joseph, Wendover wharf Biacl>ley William, Cotton square Fantham (ieorije, Wendover Faniham Joseph, W-inlover wharf Fuller Charh'S 11., Wendover wharf Hivvlett John, W endover wharf Howes Henry, Wendover ."Ucad John, World's end Doiigla- Robert Frederick, Great Missenden [Mi«senden Josliii James, Wendover and Great MALTSTERS. CarringioiiGeoige, Great Missenden Cii'xford William, Wendover Franklin Maiy, Wendover MILLERS. Andrews Thomas. Werdnver mill Claike William. Deep mill HoaivMary& Ell/.hth., Wendover Sibley John, Litt'e Mi-sendeu 'la\loi James, Friili hill MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS Dixon Eli/ab(ih, Wendover Payne Eliza, Gnat Mis-endeii Stevens Sat ah. Great Missenden ©(rectors. WENDOVER, &c. 3l$UCltSf. PAINTERS, PLUIVIBEBS AND GLAZIERS. Dancer Robert, VVeiulover FrnnUliii .liiiiies, otf Mcbwell Hail- V Epiira'in, (trejit Misseiiden Tratt Georijf, Wendover ROPE & TWINE MAKERS. CorI% Hemy, VVetiddver Feuthei stonliaiigli Cli is., Wendover Fuiidell Cliarles, VVendover SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Cambrav .lame^, Grt-at Mi^sendeii Cock Henry. VVendtiver CocIj Willii'tm. fJieat Missrnden Fuiiflell Cliar'e<, U'enlover Lai:gsti>ii William, Great iMis'' H., Wendover Peihey John, (ireat Missenili n Savoiy Joseph Thomas. Wendover Snieatlinian Ge"., (Jreat Missend< ii Smeathnian Lovel, Great Missenden TAILORS. Cock Samuel, Great Mis«enden Cio»s FrMiri-, Great Mis>-eiiden Datirer Rhenbfii, Wendover KldridRc Joseph, Great Missenden Fianklin William, Wendover Hinioii Fdwaid, Wei.dover Pliiil)v James, Great Missenden Phlby John, Wendover Price Simon, Great Missenden TAVERNS Sc PUBLIC HOUSES. Crown, Ann liiis(i-r. Great Missenden Crown. Tsjiac I'llt, Little IMis«enden George, Henry Fanlham, Gt. Missenden GenrKe, Joseph WriKlit, Wendover H;iIt-\V'ay House, William Brackley, Cotton square [dover Kini; & Queen, James Floyd, Wen- King's Head. Thomas How, Wendover Marquess of Graril)y,Jn(Mead, World's end Nag's Hea'l..)as. Floyd. Little Hiissenden New Inn. Robert Senior, Wendover Old Birleymow, Epliraiin Parsons, Bar. ley Mow lane [Missenden Old Plouijli. Susannah Clinipson. Great Packhorse, George Fantham. Wendover l{ed Lion, William Floyd, Gt. Mis«enden Red Lion, Wni. Wtst, Little Missenden Shoulder of Mutton, John Franklin, Wen- dover [Hover Two Brewers, Richard Holland, Wen- White Lion, ThomasTilbury, Great Mis- eenden [end White Swan, Susannah Moores, World'3 White Swan, (Jeorge Robins, Wendover Retailers of Beer. Bovinjdon Edward, Great Missenden Clarke 'I'honias. Great Missenden Evans Thomas, Little Missenden Franklin James, otf Mobwell Franklin John, (ireat Missenden Franklin Mary, Wendover Hance Robert, Krilh hill Pearce Joseph, Hyde heath PheriflT Thomas, lle antitioify, and giv< n hy king Off.i to the Aiihey of St. Albaii-, soeaily a< 794, consist* of tiiiee priiicipHl streets, gas lighted by a joint >to(k (ompaiiy. The niannfacture of lace employs some few of the female iiiliat>iiaiits; and ihere is .-ome iiialtitig business done. The principal Inns are the ' Hell' and the 'Geoigc,' two viiy com- fort hie e>tal>!ishmeii's; at the letter is an excellent howling greeiu attended by a respectable body of sub- sciibers; ;it the former tiie inaeistiates assenible in petty sessions, every alternate Thursday ; and at the same inn, the lord' of the manoi, \Villii«m Selby Lowiids, Ksq. holds his court leet annually. The parish church is a spacious and jijuient struc- ture, in the later style of Knglisn aichitectuie, with a square embattled tower at its western end: the living is a vicaiage, in the gift of the Crowi. ; the Rev. W. W. M'Creight is the nrcsent incunit'cnt. There are places of worship for Baptists au'l liidepend" nis. and an eiidoweiveii,l)er 2fith, and December 9th, all for c.tttle ; there are, besides, three .vfatuie meetings for hiring servants, in the month of ()cti)bcr. Tiie parish contained, in 1831, 1,290 iiihal'itants, and in 1841, 1,434. POST OEEICE, Market square. Grant King, Post AJ alter. — Lettvis from all parts airive (from Leghton Buzzard), every morning at six, and are desiiatched thereto at seven in the evening. GENTRY 8e CLERGY. i Horne M IS. Hannah, High st Atteiiboiongh Kev.ThouirtS Beards- j Jones Mis. P'lizaheth, Gt. Horn st ley, Gt. Horn st | Kt rr Uev. Mark, Sheen st Bami>ridue .Mr. John, Gt. Horn st } Lovell Dr. Henrv. Witislow Hall Bavins Uev. Adam (magistrate), ] Lowndes Edward Selb>,Esq.,Buck- Adst^.ck [lo.dj iimhunroad [don Hall Willis Mr. David Thomas (attorney, and clerk to the niagisi rates), Gieat Horn street ACADEMIES «e SCHOOLS. Endowed School (National), Hiuh st — Wtii. Hoadley, master Bowen Mr. William, Buckinijiiain Lowndes William Selby,Esq.\Vhad- i GiaceJ.d.n(boiudiiig & day) Higlist r. William Walking- Infants' School. Chunhyard— Bowler Mrs. Ann, Gt. Horn stj Brill .Mrs Susannah, High st Brise Mrs. Ann, Sheep st [st M'C eight Rev. sliaw, Vicarane Staiiiford Mr. Richard, Hrglrst Clarke Mis.CaroiiiicReb -ecajSheeu Thomas Rev. James. Church lane Diincey Phiii|»,Ksq ,Liti!eHorwoiid West Mr John Robert, High st Freeinantle Sir Tho nas Francis, 1 West Miss Mary, Sheep st Bart., M.P., Swaubourne . ' Willis Miss Anna Maria,Gt.Horu st Marv Hollow, mist t ess LovcU Henry, d.C.l. (gents' prepa* rat-ry) Win-low h^ll Maydoii Mildred (dav), Highst Maviie Sarah (day). Market square Todd Eru.& Sar.Auii(Ddg).Sheep ft 35 Mntk$. WINSLOW. ;^Iatrr'jJ AGENTS. French Joshua Lewin (for Ran- soiiie. aii'l hop ami seed dealer), Gnat Horn >t Ncal Wiliaii ff'>r the Ruckiiitihain- »hiie lUihvHy Coiiipaiiy),fle///«/i, Market si|iiare AUCTIONECns AND LAND AGENTS. Dudley Saniuf I & Son, Gt. Horn st KiiigJauie>, Maiket square BAKERS. Baldwin Riclianl. Gnat Horn st Corbet' Unhiri, Giqiiare Witley Henry, .Market >qiiaie BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Abbott KdwMrd, Gri-at Horn >t Bonner Tlionra*, Grfat Horn st Bunce Maik, lU-ll alley Cooper John, Hiuii si Corkeit Jtdin, Hinh st Key-i Charle^, Shei p st Lomath Jihii, Hmh i-t Lomatli William H' nry, High st Rnads Emanuel, Hlyh st Scalrtvv.'ll Charles, Hij.'li st Stuart William, Great Horn st BREIVERS. Barton Alfud, .Ma>k ys Stacey Larkin Thomas, Market sqnare ftlorecraft Catherim-, High st Morecraft Thomas, Church lane CARPENTERS & JOINERS. Matthews Thoma*, High vt ^latthews William, Great Horn it Mayi'»* Geoiee. High st Mortimer Willi:im, High st CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Hawley Jas. fdrm-eist;, M rket sq. Twining David, Maiket sqii.ire Wigley Htnry, Murkei s(juare COAL DEALERS. Baldwin Rit KeiiniiicsSarnh, Great Hornst King Mary, Church lane Lamhiirn Johanna, Gnat Horn st Mayne & Harper. High st StevensMary&Sai ah, Market square PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Harrnp George, Market square Jennings Henrv, Maiket square Willis Thomas' High st SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Lee Joseph, >hee() st I.eeTI omas, Market squaie Ktnnings Geoige. Great Hornst STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Fry Catherine, Gt. Horn st Seiit"ii Louisa. Slieep st Walker Jane, High st SURGEONS. Cowley John & Son, Hanging style Wyiiter John St. Thomas, High st SURVEYORS. KingJohn Mamlj, High st M ai the A sTIioinas (huihling8),Buck- iiiL'hani road TAILORS AND DRAPERS Rathe John, Market squaie Cioss Geoige King Grant, Maiket squaie Mayne John, Maiket squme WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS Uarti'ii Allie'l. Market xpiare N' al Willi im, Mari>et square Twilling l)a-rk, Slierp it Allen Hicliaiil, bricklayer. Slircp »t Bimebam rainuel, beer retailer. Hieh vt tbirke Georse, tinman and brarier, Tinkci's end Cowliy Georgp, registrar of birthi and deaths, HnnL'ine style Cross (ieor^r, registrar office for servnnt* Market square froad Fox William, Iieer retailer, Duckingliam G^s Works. High st Gibbs Itirhard, b ickliiyer. High *t Grace Elizabeth, clo'lies denier, High st Grare .Insepli, blacksmith. Great Horn st Gray Edward, hlacksniilli, Great Horn »t Uinton M iry.eartbenware dealer. Hii;hit Inland UkVknue Office, IJell Ion, Market .sijuare K'ng Joseph, wheelwright, Hieh st Lomaili Tliomas, assessor of taxes, Mar* ki-t square [square Neal John Blake, hairdresser. Market Rivptt Thomas, watch and clock maker, Cliureli lane Scott John, corn ch.indirr, Hish st Sear Eitward. coach maker. High st Sharp Benjamin, tinman and brizier. Market sq^iare [squire Simons Thomas, hair dresser. Market Society for Priukitino Christiaw Knowlf.dgf, High slieet— Rev. S. T. Ad:im«, depositary SuBscRiPTiov Bowling Green, %t the Geoce Inn Subscription RE«niNG Room and Li em RY, Great Horn street — Jobantia Lamboiirn. librarian West fjeorge, tanner. Hiph st Veiilel George, beer retailer, Sheep st POOR LAW UNION. WoRKiiousn, linckinghaui road. Siirffenn — Mr. George Cowlry. Chnrliin—Hev. William Walkinshatr MCreieht. Chrk to the Bfinrd of Guatdinm ~ David Thomas W illis .VAoo/mi'i^rMs— Martha Ann Bromley. Relievniy O^cer— Robert Gurney. CONVEYANCE BY BAILV^AY, ONTHEDUCKINOHAMSMIHF. BKA\CH OF THE LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN LINE. Station, Buckingham road — William Hazelgmve. si atinn master ; William fie-^}, agent for parffl\. Bell Inn; Jos. Hedges, agent (f cullecloroj heavy goodi. OMNIBUS. To AYI.ESBIJHY. Cooper's Omnibui, every \Veilne»(lay an(^ Saturday To LEIGH I ON BUZZARD. Coopert Om>iil)US. every Inesday. and a Mail Cart, Irom theRose and Crown, every eveninn at balf-pust seven CARRIERS To LONDtJN and various places, by Hail, d lily To AYLESBURY, — Woollon. W'dnes- day and Saturday, and John Walker niid M irk RidBway, Saturday To BUCKINGHAM. GeorRe Yeulett, from his holl^e. daily, and — WoottOD, M'eilnejday and Saturday •,* Besides the above there aiernrnVrf, chiefly on the Market Days, to most of the surrounding villages 36 i^trertoi^. Biicltjef. WYCOMBE, HIGH and WEST, and NEIGHBOURHOODS. JiliinH WYCONMK, or Chipping Wycombk, is as western en'l one hmi'IreJ and eiglit feet in licighf, its aiicifiit JSaxun iiHuie impiie^, a niaiket town — it is a'lomed with rochc'Ol, be'e, was county. It consists of one loiiL' and spacious street, endowed by a Mr. Bowd' n, by l)e<]iiest, in 1790, who fi'in which several sina ler oins branch out. 'I'he al>o provided a wteUly allowance for eight poor wi- towii had. sitiiMtxl in the Market plrice, a good *nb- siantial strnctnre of biick, supp'-itrii on stone |)illars, biiilf in 1757 at tlie expense of John Eirl of Slielburn -. lu tills hall are held the sessions for tiie town, and otiiei jini) ic iiie>'iiig>; likewise the Countv Comt, nionihly, ninler the act pi>sct incornorat'd in 1461, but the mayor ai'd aldei nifii are nientiniicd in ■> re( ord of the reign of Kdward ill. The iMniiicinal Reform Act, pas>edin 1835, vested fhegovernin-nt of the tov\n in a mayor, four aldermen, and twelve couin illors, umler the style of ' tlie Mayor, Bailiffs a"d Burgesses of the Borough of Chipping VVyconibe, in the (Jountx of liu' kinghaui.' The pivsent and ex-mavor are ina- f;ist'afes. Hinh Wycombe has sent member* to par lament from the 28 h of Kdw-ird I ; those at preseni sittiiig for till- borcjut-h an- Sir Geo. Henry Dashwood. Bart, ami Maitin Tucker Smith, Es(|. — the m^yor i« the retnininif officer. The tiadeof the town compiise- the manufacture of chairs to a very great extent, and in ti'e vi( inity are several lame t'^iper milU. Tne valu- able Wycombe stream is available to the working nian> millf, iiot only for i's paper trade, but for grinding corti in l'iig>' qinntitics. The locd business of the place is generally goo'l, and it is a«si-ted in this pai li- cul.it by its S'tuiiti.in ofthoroughfare, being on theniiin road betHcen the nutropulis, Oxford and other laige and p"pulons towi s. Tlv iiati^h chmchof All Saints i* a handsome stone lows. There are schools coiidu' teil npon the British |)l^n, and for infants. 'I'he principal seat in this liri- nitv is Wycombe Abbey, the beautiful and |)i(tuirsque lonntry residence of Loitl Caringtnn, Tlie niaiket, which is a very consideralde one tor corn, isoii Kiiday. Kairs, tlif third Monday in Api il, for cattle ; the last Wednesday in .lune, for wool; iiie Monday nest be- Michaelma*-day (a statute fair lor hiring serviint*), and Octi-ber 28tli, forcaitle. The t>orougli and parish of High VVyconibe contained, in 1831, 6,2;'9 inhabi- tants, and in 1841, 6,480. Bather more tliHii two miles west by north from High Wycombe is the village and jiarish oi West Wvcombe, situated beneath a steep eminence partly coveied vuth wood, vx hence the maiisolenni and small towr-r of uh beautiful church seem to emeriie. The chur( h.wiiich i* dedicated to Saint Lawrence, contains some iiiie- lestiiig monuments, as doe- al-o the mausolr-uni; thoseparticnlarlycl liming no' ice in the last mentioiied structure are, an elegant maible altar tomb, nmltr a I'anopy supported by four stone pilhi's, eretted to ihe memory of Sarah Baiones* Le Desnenser, who died 19th Jannaiy, 1769 ; another, in beautiful maible, re- cords ihedeatliot the husband of the Baroness; and there ate others belonging to the membeis of the Dashwood f.niily. 'i'he livingisadischargrd vic.iarage, in the patronage I'f this family. Wi st Wycombe House, in this pari>h, is tiie s at of Sii Georae Henry Hashwood, Baronet, one of the menibers for High Wvcombe. Tie population of thepaiifth, in 1831, was building, erected in the year 1273, with a tower at its 1,901, and in 1841, 2,202 POST OFFICE, Kaston-stieet, High Wycombh, George Harman, Post 3faster.—Lettern from London and various pi ices beynd, and from the South, vVest,&c. arrive every iiiorniin; at luilf-pa«t four, and attei noon at half- past two; and are despatched at ten in the moining, and night at twenty-five minutes befoie nine. Letters fiouj various plaos North, West, &c. arrive (from Aylesbury) every night at twenty minutes after eiiji't, and are despitched thereto at t n minutes before live in the morning. POST, West Wycombe. Reci-ivhig Houxe mUanc Fryer's. — Letieis from all parts anive ffrom High Wycombk) every mornini! iit a quarter past seven, and are despatched thereto at six in ths evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY, AND CLEnGY. Allen Mr. Joseph. Bye Cottage Amohl Uev. Kdward, Loudivatcr Beaumont Mr*. Caroline, Frogaiore House Belli* Bev. Richard, Higli st Edmonds Mrs. Joan' a. Easton st E**ex Mr. Thomas, Crendon lane Kiuch Mr. Richard B., Oxiord road Kox Mr. Thomas, Crendon laue Foieman Miss Jinc, Hiyh st Fryer M's. Klizabeth, Oxford road Fu'rness Mr. Jas., Newland C'.ttage ; Pinter Mrs. Elijah, tli, Ti mjile cud Bridge^at'-r Mr.Janie-,Church lane ! Grove Captain Charles. High st | Ponlter Rev. John, Crendon lane Bio.ulheadRev.'t' ().,WestWycoiiihe , GutteridgeMr Kdninnd, Oxford road • Pii' e Mr. William, Bedford row Brown Mrs. Matilda, Woodbine I Ha>ergal Mr. William, Bedford row i Rock Mi-s Mary, Crendon hn.e Collage ] Havdeii Rev. John, Easton st | RolesMrs.i^oui-aWare, Bedfori) row Biy lilt Mrs. Sarah. Londwater i Hedg' s Mr*. Eli/th., Medley's folly Shackel Mr. Thomas, Marsh Farm Paddon Rev. Jidiii Henrv, Vcarace Pai 1 1 e .M r. W 1 II iam ,j 11 II , Bed fo I il row Paine Mr. \\ illiam. Brook Lodge Paiker Mr. William, High st Parsons Mrs. Easton st Pignt Bev. John, Hnghendon Caiinuton the llinht Honble. Lord Jtobeit, W\ combe Abbey Carier Mi.ss lAlaiy. Easton st Coltman Mr. vvil iain. High st Cn we the Honiile. Mrs. Harriet, LoaKe's House Crewe Randolph Henry, Esq., Loake's House Crofts Mrs. Sarah, Temple end Dashwood Sir George Heniy, Bart, M.P., VVe*t Wvcombe House Dean Mr*. Martha, Temple end D'lsraeli Beija-.iiin, Esi)., m.p., HuKliendon House Di»racli James, Esq., Biadenhani Edges Miss. Rye Cottage Edmonds Mrs-Giizzell, High st Helm Miss Sophia, Mon Plaiser Hobson Rev. Jesse, Priory Jaqiies Mr*. Ann, Enston .st Judsoii Rev.William, Ciendon lane I^ockev Mr. Oliver, Easion st [row M'Lerotli .Miss Jane, Crendon lane Matthews Miss Charlotte, Bedford Mead Mrs. Ellen, Temple end Me\nell Mr*. Ann, Rye terrnce Mill er Miss Emily, Easton st Moieton Mr. Henry, Oxford road Miisgiave Heniy Musgrave, Esq., Brook House Nash Miss Ann, Ea'ton st Neale John, Esq., Castle hill Newman John, Esq., Four ashes Newnian Miss Mary, Bedford row 'I'leacher .Mr. Thomas, Ea*toii st Ven^bles Mr. Ctnirie-,Plumniei hill White Mr. Joseph, Bedford mw Wilkinson Mrs. Elizabeth, Easffm st Williams Mr. Wm. Hy.,Chuich laue Wiight Mr. Henry, liedfoid row Younii Mr. John, White Hart st ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS. Not otherwise dt-scribed are Day Schools. Avres Jo-enh, Oxford st British School, Paul's row — Benjamin Diewett, niasier; Mary Greaves, mistress Buckiiikhaiii .lohn. West Wycombe ClarkeAiiiiA Eliznbeth, Church lune Clarke Jolin(boarding & day), Canal 37 I3ucf(0. WYCOMBE, &c. ^latcr'jEi ACADEMIES, 6ic.~Cotili'iued. Deanehv School, Kasion stiet-t — Kdiimnl Lncf, iii;i>ter Dr (ii;eAiiL'ii-ta"^(i|il)iii, Oxford loa'l Grammau School, Kasioii stivei — KiliiMiiiil Kox, liead master; U cli.iid Hi^liin', st-foiitl master Hani"" Kli/ali>tli, C'liiidon lane Hettli I^liittli. & Cainliiif, Kasioii .•a Eil»vanls, iiii>tit'SN Infants' School. Ldudwater — K'/ a Gaskiii. mistress Infants' School, T' id pie end — Alalia Meii^es, misMess Wiikins Faiiuy Ware, Frograoor Cuitaue ATTORNEYS. Blaii'U' Wiil'ari). Ciemlnn lane HHiinan ( liai'es, Ka-toii .-t Nash .loliii A S ■II, Hiuh st Nasi) Siiiiideis, Easioii st P.irkei Jiiliii, Kaston >t AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, AND ESTATE AGENTS. Siinmond- Heil)frt, High st VeriH'H Geiiige, M'rket place Wesificliljames, Paul's row BAKERS. Rlinko Motes, Ka'tmi st Collifi J.hM, iM.rsh Fry Cliaiies, {'aul's low Goo^'chil'l Uiliiaiii, VVestWycombe GriflRn Kobert, dual Haiiiian .loiiii. N't-wiand H.'I'bs Kli/ab> 111, Iv.sK.n st Hf'blis J.tiiifs, St. iMai.\'s ,st Hiiilsoii Hi'iiry, Ustoitl road Ives fieorae, Hi.fli st LmeGe 'rge, Oxf-rd st Laie Saimul, Paul's row Long Williaiti, Lower mar»li M.iy W'lliam Hei'ry, Ka-toii st Mead Wiliam, West Wycombe Mills J.iliii, Und-in-li.ind Page Gi orge, t).\ford road Qiiarternian James, Oxford road (Juaiteinmn Suali. White Hart st Kiiflety (iei'rge, Loiidwaier 'I'iibiny .lohn, Loinhvatcr While Henry, Qjeen'.s square Wiioster Cli.irle-, Canal BANKERS. Simons Jolin & Chailes (bianrh of Rrndinc), Maiket |ila hard, Oxford road H awes Joseph, Nruland Hill Thomas, St. Mary's st Hohbs James, St. Mai v*s st Howell John. White Hart st Lani'Stone VVilliani. Paul's row Packer J ^me>. Queen's square Kus-ell .lames, Lower niaish Smith Willi on, WestW>combe Standage William, Ciend-.n lane Thomas James, Lower maish VViihersWilli.irn, Queen's square BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Hulls Joseph, Paul's row Hulls Mar\,Coiii maiket Laidiam Joseph, Paul'.s row BREWERS AND MALTSTERS. Lucas Ricliard, Canal Wiieelei Ko'eit & Son, High st BRICKLAYERS&PLASTERERS Allen Willi im, St. Mirv's st [row Hmnhani William Fiedeiick.l'aul's Holland Charle^ William, Crown Ine Holland Samuel, Church lane Seles Thomas, Newlaiid Williams James, Canal BUTCHERS. Ball Samuel, Qui en's square Bartoii Klizahitli. Easton st Coles Bii'haid, Briddenhani Coopir Edwin, Oxfoid load Evans Charles, Lowei marsh Fleicher Alfred, Ea^ton st HaiUy Richard, Lower marsh Haiiey Rii hard, jun., li'mdwatcr Harman Jnhn. Newland Hill H. my. West Wycombe Huit'on James Wlie> lei, Paul's row Hninphrcy Wiiliam, White Hart st Jone» John, Newlan;* J'lu'.s William, Bodery's lane i.ip-coinb George, Osf'rd load Lijiscomh .loxiah, Paul's row MorecTrtft George Divid, Paul's row Tdbury Richard, Homer ereen Watson William, Newland Wright Iviwiii &Tiioin:(s, Easton st CHAIR MAKERS. Cat r Joseph, Nenland Claik Ch.irU's, Bo'ieiv's lane I oilin.s Jame^, Uov;nley (^'llins WiMaiii, Dowiiley Kales Rolieit, Nev\land Ford Henrv, «;anal (ileni'ti r Daniel, Temple end ll.iiiiiiiL' Joseph, West Wyr ombe Harilii g Williani, I'^a^fon st Hat lis riioiiiasiSi Son, West Wycombe J.itvis .laine» Lane end Jones .liihn, Fa^ton »t •Mead Richard .V Co. WestWvcombc Mealing 'I'lionia-, Lomlon road AN-llett John, Newland .Mullett 'Jhomas, Oxford road Savage William, Lane end SkiVJl Edwin, T. niple end St.dlwood Heniy, Newland .Stone James, Loiid"ii road Tilbury Fr.deiick, Downley Tilhuiv John, Newland 'I'leachei Francis .lames, Oxford rd Wiigington Samuel, St. Marv st Wooster James & Chailes. Canal CHEMISTS & DRUGQISTS< Butler & Co., Church -quaie Hall John D' an. Hi:;!) st Laii'diile ,loseph. Queen's square Tuck Biickmastcr Thomas, White Han .st CHINA, GLASS, &c. DEALERS. Dixey Chailes A White Hart st H"llov\eli Thomas, Queen's stiuaro .larTity William (and paper hanger) High bt CLOTHES DEALERS. CI irk John, High st Fishwick Wi liam (and umbrella maker). While Hanst Jack.soii Tiiomas, White Hartst .Martin Thomas, Canal COACH BUILDERS. Lovell Ch ole> Harman, High st Randall William, Easton st COAL DEALERS. Cliild William. Newland HnntfJeoige Ha'inan, Oxford road Paine Henry, White Hart st Timberlake Hemy, Newland Wedgington Samuel, St. Mary's st COOPERS. Beaslev NaMianiel Lucas, High st Jones Willi ini, Paul's mw CORN DEALERS. Fryer William, Bowdcii Mill Hodsoii Henry, Oxfoid road Mai shall .lo>eph. West Wycombe Mead 'fhoiiias, Wesi Wycombe Paine Henry, White Hart st Putn im James, Bull Line CURRIERS AND LEATHER CUTTERS. Bi)t< her Chailes, QueeiiVs square Butcher Thomas, Oxf'rJ road DRAPERS 6c TEA DEALERS— TRAVELLING. {See also Linen Draprrx.^ Affleck .'Xlex mdcr, Kasion st Affleck Willi on, Easton st Bennock .lohn, Easton st FromI William, H'gli st Little John, Canal FELLMONGERS. Evans Ge Packer, Eastuii st Grour.. .lohn Na-h. Hi.ih st GuAiiDiAN.Saumli rsNa-h. Ea-ton st iNliL.sTKiAL and (Jenf.RAL (life), Frederick Manniug, Oxford foad ©(rectory. WYCOMBE. 3Stir^!5. Medical Invalid »ud General (lite), TliDiiias B. Tuck, Wni e Han fit ; and William Blandy, Cieii'loii lane National Mercantile, James West tie d. Pi id's vo^v Norwich Union, George Vernoii, Ma-k**! jilace PH(ENIX, Georse Willis, Churdi siiniie; and Heibeit Siinmi'iid», Hiah St [Oxtoid rd Royal Exchange. Jane Wiight, Suffolk an I General Countv, Willi iin Stevens, I'liil's row Sun David Jeffrev«,Queeirs square TEMPERANCE{life),Jose|)liSteeveiis, Oxford r-ad FUR CUTTERS. Phillips Thomas N.n\liiid Steeveiis William, Paul's row FURNITURE BROKERS. Davis John, Paul'-' row Mitch-ll John, White Hart st Simni'inds Heihert, High st Ward Josepli, Queen's s(niare Waul Josiih, WliiteH.it st Watmore William, Wliite Hartst Westfield Jame-, Paul's row GARDENERS AND SEEDSMEN Alien VVilli-im, London ro^d A>litoM Charles land nurseryman). Market |da< e Lang^tmu' Tliomas, Paul's row GROCERS AND TEA AND PROVISION DEALERS. (See also Sliopkei^pers, ifc.) Collins Richar i, Quer-n's square Co«pe Edward, White Hart st Harmaii John, Niwl.ind HearnA Co. High st Heath Henry, P lUl's row Kid«ell Tlioma-, Market place Lacey James, Ea>toii >t M'.rtoiiG orge, Oxiord rop.d Steev-iis William, Piul's row Tiionipson Ueorgi', P.iul's row Willis Geoiae, Clnncli square Wright Jane, Oxford load HAIR DRESSERS. Cliuich (Jeorne, White Hiit st DaviN George Heiir», Newlaud Guyatt James, Oxford road Priest Thomas (and tobacconist), Paul's row RoseJoliu (and perfumer), High st INNS. (See also Taverns Hf Public Houses) Falcon, RuhardTaidin, Maiket pi Lion Hotel, Richaid We-tluook, High st [H^rtst White Halt, Ann Casbrook, Wliite IRONMONGERS. Grimsdell Wilham, P.iul's row Huiihi 8 John, Queen's square JOINERS AND BUILDERS. Bovvlei Joseph. Oxford road Crook Henry Ea^ton st Ciook M^ry, E.iston st Jones William, Paul's row Na>-h 'I'honiiis, Loudwater Pawley Francis, Paui's row Pierce Jos>'pi>, jun.. Canal Steers William, Canal Steers William, jun.. Canal Sfeevens Joseph, O.xford road Ward Joseph, Q'le'-ii suu^ire Ward Josiah, White Hart st LINEN & 'WOOLLEN DRAPERS (See also Drapers, l!^■c — Travelling) A*ery Christopher (and tea dealer), Oxford road Ball Seymour Pile, Paul's row Heart! & Co. (and dealers in lace) Hijjh sneet .Manning Frederick, Oxfoid road North Beiijamin, VVest Wjcombe Paiker Geortre Lloyd, High st Itedimitoii Wi liain(& pawnbroker), Queen's square .'Soiindy Eliza M uia, Paul's row VVetlierhed Edwin, Queen's square MILLERS AND MEALMEN- Davill .lohii & Son, Pan mill Edmonds James, Bowdcii mill Fryer Michael L^wis, Mill end Caviller Augu-tine, Loiidwater Lane Aln-d, jun.. Basset Bury and Millrnd Pearce J"b, Temple mill [green Qu ir'irmanJamfS&Tliomas, Marsh Kavvliiisdii John, Lord's mill Rose George, Ash mill Thnrlow James, jnn.. Bridge mill MILLINERS& DRESS MAKERS Aldridge Marv, St. Mary's st Bayne* Fannv P., E>iston st B'-iiy Catherine, Ea»loii st Coop- r E-tlier, Oxford road Fasinedge Sai-ih. Ea>ton st Griflin Mary Ann, Canal l>aiey Jane, Ea*ion st Pither Frances, White Hart st RiiiKsell Harriet, Oxford road Sautuh rs Sarah, Eastoii st Sianl< y Aim, Queen's square Tomlyn Jane, St. Maty's st Ward Mary. White H.ntst Whi(hillo Sarah, Oxfoid road PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. .Allen Rirhard, Crown lane (Collier Solomon, Oxfoid road Cooper Henry, E^st .11 st Edmonds James, Newland Lacfy Henrv, Oxford mad Tomlyn William, St. Mary's st PAPER MANUFACTURERS. Edmonds I'lionias, Rye mill Gaviller Audii'^tine, Loudv\ater Lane Alfred, Bowden mill Plaistowe Richard, Londwatcr Saunders Thomas Harrv, Beech mill Spic'-r James Freeman Gagf, Glorv Mill and Hedge Mill Wheeler Hemy, Wycombe Marsh Mill parchment makers. Evans (>e(Mge, Canal H'-ninglieii ICdmund, Canal Line Samuel, Boderys lane ROPE^ TWINE AND SACKING MANUFACTURER. Ytmng Gfoigf iNJealiiia, Easton si SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Co( k John, West Wy.ombe Gouge Gi orge, Paul's row Grittits John, Paul's row Mitchell John, White Hart st Woottfii Henry, Paul's row SHOPKEEPERS^ DEALERSIN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Ahram William, St. Mary's street Barton Ann, Marsh Barum Samuel, Marsh Bedford .Mary, Canal Grove Sarah. High st Harding Willi nn. Easton st Harris Thomas, VVest Wycombe Hodsihn Charles, West Wycombe HollandCharlesWilliam Crown lane Howland Fieilerick, Newlaiid Lepjiiiigion William, Loudwater Long Geoige, Loud water Mead Richard, West Wycombe Miller John Plank (and druggist), Lower mar>h .Mills John, Bird-in-hind Moiris James, Lowrr Marsh Uaffety Ginn;i-, L'Uidwatf r Spring Wil iaii, Paul's row V\'at-on William, Newland Wright ThoiiMs, Ea^ti n st STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Gilbi'it Margaivt, Oxford road Horn Hariiet. Evasion st Ives Rosttt 1, White Hart st Keens Susannah, dual Langsioiie EmuM, Paul's row Loni! Gfor^e (rrui-tered pillow lace b(Uineis), {.lOndwaier Mav Jane, Easton st Rf)->'e Marv, H'gli st Warrell Eliza, Paul's row Williams Ellen, Church square SURGEONS. HaydenVVilliam Henry. Easton st Holt Joseph R ise, M d. Si. Mary's »t Jackson William. Hiyli st Ko-e Willii.m. Hiuh st Turner John, High st SURVEYORS — LANDjftc. Husst y Thomas, Green firm Mead 'Thomas, We«t Wyiombe Itbinson Thoinas(ro id j, Dairy farm Spencer Williani, Cliui(?li lane TAILORS. Marked thus • are also Drapers. .■\lniond Daniel, VVest VVycombe *Ball Seymoiii Pile, Paul's row Eiidall Henry William, Crown lane Endall Richaid, Bull lane Lacey Tnomis, Easton st Luttman Giles, Queen's square O ikley Allied, White H.irt st •Packer Jame-, Ka»ton st Smith Joseph. St. .Mary's st Stevens Thomas, White Hartst Tucker Eflwnrd, Temidr end 'Turner Samuel, NevUnd V rleyJolin, Crown lane [row Varley John. jun.. (aiiddver),Piur3 U ingrove John, West Wycombe TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Anchor, Williiim Fenner, St. .Mary st Ansel. Joann I Cox. Haul's row Antelope, I hofiias Scoti,C urch square Bailevinow. Josepti Carr, Newland Bell.Georite Evans, Canal Hird.in-HanH, Wm. Iiriilin' Bird-in-Hand Black Boy, William Beir\, Piiil's row Black Boy, Stephen Taii'lin.W. Wycombe Biicklavers Arnis,Sanili Pawley.Downley Bull, John A^hald, Bull lane Catherine Wheel, Solomon Howland Newland Clieqners, Charles Rogers, Bas«ett Bury Clayton Arms, Daviil Bii.'«, Lane end Coach & Hor-es, Kichd. Higns, Easton st Compasses. William Cheese, Gaston St Cow \ Hare, John Jones, Easton st Cross Keys, Henry Jones. Hiahst Crown, Joseph Collins. Londw.,ter Ciown, H<-nry Hill. Crown lane Georije & Dmgon, Pamela Bowler, West Wycomb- Goat. William Bnmett, Easton st Greyhound, Thomas B lynes, Easton st Half Moon. Keziah Rus-ell, Oxiord road Haie & Hounds, 1 hos Edi;ecorabe,Cunal King of Prussia, James Thomas. Lower marsh fDownley l.e Despensers Arms, Jesse Brislow Lion-in tlie-Wood, Joseph Money, jun., Queeii'> sqnate New Inn, Richard Hailey. Londwaler Old Anj;el,'lh'JS, atc—Cimlinut'l. Spre^i'i t:.i'.'lr.G.-uri;f l.id^ley ^e^vland t:e Hi-». I.^me md Swan. William AMmll. I'.imIN row S*"n. Willi. m \\es<. Wrsl W>rumlie Tlirec Hiirs-slioes, Henry Castl''i Hnati eiirlon roid [hiKh si Tlirt-e Tuns, Nathaniel I.ncns Beaaley Whrals'icaf, Thomas Reevrs, High si While III I' kbinl. John Cole. Loudwaler Wlii'r Horse, 'Mios. Pepin. Bird-in-Hani' W'lii'e Horse J"S.V>-nabli-s.t'rendiin Ian. Woolpack. Thomas Diidiit-j, Oxford roai Retailers of Beer- Atkins F.dmn'id, Lon'lon road Biee' WiMinm, Bird. in-Hand Uuut Sarah. E islon ^t Brackley Jonathan, St. Mary st Chnrcli John. NrttlanJ Collier John. Marsh Collins William Downley Cooper William, Canal Eaiis Josrph Handy cross Ea'I Jam- 8, I.ond.m road Edmonds J.imes, Newland froit E.Ki in. Cnnd.m 1 me Harris Th..ma<. White Hart it Huwes Kdmnn.l. Umeend Hawes J .nies. OxIorrI road Hawps \Mlliam. tixford road Hawkin« Daniel, Oxford road He-«ey Freeman, l.cuidwaler Hod»don Charles, M eM Wycombe HoiiRhton fieorKe, St. Mary st J'.nes John. Newland Long William. Lower ronrsh Lunnon Joseph, l.oiidwuter Macdermot Jainej, St. Mary »t Mellell James. Newlai.d Nixon Samnel, Newland Oxiey Riihard, Lane end Phillips Tlioma-. NewUind Pym t).-\niel, Knave.^ beach fcoH William. Lower marsh llbnry J..hn,Newhind 'l"uc>i»r Edward, Teniple end Turner .Abrihani, L .w^r innrsh Weilriip William. Newland Winerove John. West Wycombe Wooster Charles, f anal TURNERS. Bnickley Joiiatli.iii, .M. .Mary's st Pic'iCi* J..>t'pii, jiiii. Canal Toiiil)!! Wiliiaiii. Sf. .Marv st WATCH et CLOCK MAKERS. Kfhr. iib.uliJoH'pli (clock), Kasiun :st Fiiutaiia Cliirlrs, Paul's low , Joi.nMiii Williatii, Coin iiiaiket | Straime Cliaik-, Hi^rli ."t | WHEELWRIGHTS. Ball Wilbaiii, HiKii st Hunt Heoiee Haniian, Canal | Laik n riioma.s, Lower .Maish i M'Tiis Janus-. We-t \V> combe N "i'li 'riioiiias, Li>u(U\ater Par.'loiv Wili'aiii, Lower uaish ' JJpeiiCfr Wiliiiiii, llii;li st T»iiikiii'< .laiiif-, D .wiilt-y WHITESMITHS et BELL- HANGEI^S. Giiui'"lcn W ■liani-', {'.iiil's row Shepard Jaiiit-* (and drawn iron- iiiouger»), Oxf.it! road Miscellaneoui- Ball Thomas. ronfectioner, Hi.;h st Brni'K'''"" William.slat.iary, Oxf.ird ro«d BryaMiE'lmiin'l,dealerin patent ucdicines, Bird.ia-Hand CRrrorlB.-nj imln.watch repairer Newland Child J seph. glover. While Hart St Coltman John Tobias, millwright, engi- neer and iron merchant, Hii;h st Cow ell Johi.,praclical brewer, Crendon la Un.lley James, saw mill, and umbrella slick maker. West Wycombe park G»s MOuKs, Newland— Jesse Anderson, manazer [We-t Wycombe Harris Edmnnd.lemperance coffee-hnuse, H.ihbs J me', ironfonnder. Lane end Howland S..loinon.loy dealer, I' inl's row Lsi.ANU Re vKNCK Office, at the Fa'con Inn, .Market place— James Deverenx snperTisor [White H.iri st Ire< Thomas, last, clog & patten maker, leflTreys David. hat manufactr Queen's sq tones Henry, fishmonger High i.t Lcadheller John, wine and spirit roer- cliaiit, Hith stieet LiTKRAKV In-iitutk, at the Savings' Bank— James Flexon, serreiary Loi K-UPS, under the Town Hall -George Davis, s'lperintendent Parslow William F.,fovk & rake maker, Bruddenham Pon'yfit loseph James. BTlin wool, and piano-f.irle warehonse. High street Srott Helen, slay maker, Oxf.ird road Sheriff Joseph, conlectioner, Hiah st Society for Pkdmotino Chbintian KNOWLKOOE-Depot, at James Ponly- flx's. High street Spencer Wm parish clerk, Chnrch lane Stamp Office. Church square— George Willis, sub-distributer Steers Alfred. artist. Canal Stevens 'Ih-s. fishmonger, White Hart s> Turner Abraham, stationer & rag dealer, Paul's row Valliss William, poulterer, Hieh st Varley John, eating-house keeper. Crown lane [row Youens Robert, eating-house keeper,Paul^ REGISTRARS, OF BIRTHS. UE:aIIIS a .MARRIAGE!. .Siipenn^e'irf'-'''— Charles H.irman. Rei/islrrir of /l/ariiafles— John Harmai). Hfijislrari'f Biilhi and Dtaths—HobeTt 'lurner. Deputy--HeDry Kingston. COUNTY COURT, HELD MONTHLY IN THE TOWN HALL. Juilrir— J uhu Herbert K'.e, Esq. Q.c. mery morning (Sunday excepted) Bt half-past eight, and afternoon at three ; goes through BeacousfieM aod Uxbiidge To LONDON. a Fan.fo' pas«eneers,&c. from ihe Swan, every Monday, Wednes- day and Friday afternoon at two To HENLEY, an Omiiiins, from He Fal- con Inn, every Tuesday and Friday at Ihiee o'clock; goesthionih Marlow To MAIDENHEAD STATION,aCoac*, from the Lion Hotel, every morning (Sunday excepted) at ten minutes be- fore eight T.. SLOUGH .STATION, nn Omnibus, from the Falcon Inn, every Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and Sat. morning at a quarter before eight, JC from the Three Tnns. every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at the same hour CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. The nearest Sintions are MaIDknrkaD, ten miles distant, and Si ouch, about thirteen miles, both on the GrraT Westehn Railwa v,and TliING.about fifteen, on the Lo.xDO.v and NoHTtf Wesi ern line. There are regular Conveyances 1o the Station, on the Gieat Western Line, a* given above. CARRIERS. To LONDON, John Paine, from — Dancer's yard, daily ; Jas. Abbott, from his house, Oxford road, and laniei Sunter, from the Hnlf Moon, Mondajr and Thursday; 8c Henry Hatton, from the Woolpack, Sunday, Wednesday aod Friday, To A.MERSHAM and CHESHAM.Wni. Chee.-.e, from his hiuise, Eation, having voted its plate to the service of Charles. Inl643 Cromwell obtained possession of Cambridge, and ill 1645 he secured tiie Isle of Ely. In August of the same year the kim; marclied towards Cambridge, but without attacking tiie town. After the seizure of the king, in 1647, by Colonel Joyce, he was conveyed to Childerley, about eight miles from Cambridge; and on the 7tb of June, in that year, Cromwell, accompanied by Fairfax, waited on the royal captive, when both disowned all participation in the seizuie of his person : two days afterwards the king was removed to Newmarket. Soil, suhface, produce and clim/vte. — The soil is diversified, consisting principally of a mixture of clay and sand, and of a strong black mould and giavel. The rich marshes in the vicinity fif VVisbeach exhibit a mixture of sand and clay, or silt— the fens, a strong black earth or moor, lying uiron gravel or turf moor, very favourable for tiie culture of oats and coleseed. In the uplands the soils vary, being composed of chalk, gravel loam and tender clay, and clay upon gravel. Notwithstanding the immense expense and labour which have been bestowed in draining the fens, there is still a large extent in a waste and unimproved condition. In this part the application of the land is various : where the soil is preserved from the floods, or only subject to occasional inundations, it has all the fertility of wa'er meadows — the crops of oats are particularly abundant, the produce frequently being from fifty to sixty bushels per acre. The northern part of the county, including the Isle of Ely, is mostly fen land, and quite level, intersected by numerous canals and ditches; this descrip- tion of land coinpris'es nearly half of the large agricultuial district called 'the Bedford level.' |The Great Level,' whicii includes a tiact of 400,000 acres, has been, from an early period, divided into three distiicis, viz. the North Levtl, the Middle Level and the South Level. The surface of the county exbitiits great vaiiety : the parts adjoiningtiiecounties of Suffolk, Essex and Hertford, have gently rising hills with downs and open corn-fields, and a coiisideiable portion of wood in the part contiguous to Suffolk ; but in other parts there is a greatscartity of limber. The south-western part of the county is the most agreeable, being raised in its surface and watered by the Cam : some very fine butter is made on the dairy farms in tliis distiict and the valley through whicli the Cam flows, whicli is in much demand in London, and there sold undi r the name of Caui- biidge butter.' The vicinity of Cottenham (a village near Cambridge) is famous for a peculiar kind of newr cheese, of a singularly delicious flavour; the superiority of this cheese is not ascribed to any particular mode in the management of tlie dairies, but solely to the nature of the herbage on the commons : in the parish of Cot- tenham, alone, it is said, nearly two thousand cows are kept. In this part of the county many calves are suckled for the London markets. In some of the parishes bordering on Essex saffron is cultivated. Hemp and flax are raised to a considerable extent in the parislies of Upwell, Welney, Outwell, Elm and VVisbeach, particuiailyin the two first; and the neighiiourbood of Ely is noted for producing garden vegetables of excellent quality, 'i'he south-eastern division, reaching from Gogmagog Hills to Newmarket, is bleak, heathy, and thinly inhabited — being connected wiih that vast tract of land which, extending southwards into Essex, and northward accross Suffolk into Norfolk, forms one of the largest plains in the kingdom. The southern portion of the county, consisting chiefly of elevated land, exhibits a remarkable contrast to the north division, and is productive of fine wheat, barley and oats: the heaths and commons that intersect this district furnisji sustenance to many thousand siieep; the number kept in the countv may be averaged at 160,000. There is some pleasing scenery about Linton, Hildersham and other villages iti the valley, through which the Granta runs, beiween Cambridge and Bartlow, which abounds with elm trees. The views from the higher part of the Earl of Hardwicke's park at Wimpole, are very fine. The climate of Cambiidgeshire is much more salu- brious than it was formerly. The air may now be said to be pure and healthy, excepting in the more northern parts, which are rendered damp by the excessive portion of fenny grounds: these tracts, however, having been extensively drained, the moistness and impurity of the air have been greatly diminished, and the climate lii'.ppily and materially impioved. Manufactures are scarcely known in this county, with the exception of a sort of white brick for cleaning iron, brass, &c,, and coarse pottery ware ; but the general trade of some of the towns is very consi- derable, and the commerce arising fiom agricultural produce of great importance. Wisbeach possesses a valuable trade in the export of corn, and of oil from the seed-mills, in its neighbourhood. Cambridge may be said to be snfticienily famous by its University to dispense with other distinctions. Newmarket, partly in this county and partly in that of Suffolk, is the most celebrated place in England, or even the world, for horse-races, for whicli its extensive and fijiely tuifeU heath is peculiaiiy adapted: Charles II built a seat here, for the sake 1 I <2!ramliri&g:estire. Slatei'0 of this diversion ; and tlie town still derives it-; sule conse(]iieMce and siippdrt from tlie attendance of nobility and gentry at the several race meetings, wliile the agriculturists on the borders of the two counties are greatly benetited hv the Tuely markets for Imise provender, lirewing and mailing are carried on exteiisiveh in severalof the towns— Cambridge piiitici pates laigrly in these braiici.'o ; imdlicie, also, is made the delicacy called hrawn, highly appreciated by the epicure, and for wi)ii h a reijulur demand exists, especially for consumption in London. AivEtts, CANALS and RAi L« A VS.— Tlic principal ijiveks of Cambridge are the Ou>e, the Cam or Graiita, the Ntiie, and the Old and New Bedford (ariitiL'ial) rivers. The Ouse enters the county between Feu Drayton and Eariih: thence it runs eastward through ihe lens; and afterwards, taloit, and flows into Norfolk. The Cam has three brandies, the thief of wliicli rises near Asluvell, in Hertfonlsliiie, and enters the county to the west of Guilden Morton ; thence flowing to the north-east, it receives several rivulets, and near (irantciiester has its current enlarged by the united waters of iis sister streams ; and lieiice, takhig a northerly course, the Cam glides through the walks of science, orna- iiientins the ground> of the principal colleu'esiit Cainhridne, and falls into the Ouse near Tbetford. The Nene is a boundary stream between Huntingdonshire and the Lie of Ely to Morelon's Leam, whence it proceeds to and minales with the Cioss Ke\s wash. The Nt w Bedford river is the principal navigation for barges passing fiom the upper to the lower parts of the Ouse. The Olil Bedford runs parallel with tlie last river; it has been but little navigated (excepting the lower paitof it, near Diovcr Sluice,) since tlie opening of the new rivers. The rivers abound «itb fish: the pike and eels are especially plentiful ; and smelts of a yood quality and in considerable inunheis are taken in the Bedford river. The canals are tiie Vermuyden's, which commences at Ramsay; a canal from Outwell to Wisbeacli; another from Peterboiough to Staiiground Sluice; and some siioit cuts from the Ouse toScdiam, Reach and Burwell. Railwavk. — 'J'he Cambriilgo Section of the Eastern Counties Railway enters this county a little to the north of Gieat Chesteiford (Essex), near Ickletoii Abbey, proceeding to Canibridse, E'y, March and Chatteris, and subse()Ufntly joins the East Amilian Railway. From Ely there are lines to .March, VVhittlisea and Peterborough; likewise to Saint Ives and Huntingdon. About three miles east of Saint Ives a branch communicates with Cambiidge; while from Great Che>terford (before mentioned) a line lakts the trnveller to Newm;irkct. Ecclesiastical and civil divisions, and rei'Resentation. — Cambridi;eshire is naturally divided into two paits by the river Ou-e— the most northerly being chitfly composed of the Isle of Ely, in which diocess (exct ptiiig fifteen paiislies in the eastern [lart, which are in the dioccss of Norwich, and Isleliam parish, in that of Koche-ter,) the county is comprehended. It is included in the Norfolk Ciicnit of the judges ; and for civil purposes is divided into seventeen hundreds, namely, Arrningford, Cliesterton, Chevely, C^hilfoid, Ely, Fiendish, Longstow, Northstow, Prtpworth, lladfield, Strtjiloe, Staine, Threplow, Wetberley, Whitilesfoid, Wisbeacli and Witchford : these contain one bundled and sixty-two jiarishes and five pans of paiislus, one city (Ely), one county and borough town (Cambridge), seven other market towns, and part of the market town of New- market. The whole shire it turns seven r« picsentatiyes to the imperial parliament — thus distributed, two each for the town of Cambiidge and its University, and three for the county at large: the L'entlemeii at present sitting for the county aie, the Hon. Eliot Thomas Yoikc, Richard Gie.ivcsTownley, i'^squire, and Loid GeorL'e J(din iM.inueis. Votes for ccjunty members are taken at Cambridge, Ely, Newmarket, Royston, Whittlesey and Wisoeac h. Population, &c. — By the returns made to Government at the census of 1841, Cambridgeshire contained 81,611 males, and 82,848 finales— total l(;4,4r)9; exhibiting an increase over the reiuins of 18 :l ot 20,.504 inhabit. lilts. 'I"be annual value of Real Property, in this county, as assessed _to the [Poor Rates, in 1815, aiuouuted to £(145,554, and in 1841 to £868,(i84. Distance Table of To^nrns in Cambridgeshire. The name;? of the towns are on the top and side, and the square where both meet gives the distance. From Londtn. Catnbridge, xo. and s 51 Chatleins 28 Chatteri«', s 71 Ely 1 16 12|Elv, th. (by way of Cambridge) 67 I/niton 1 1 1 ;« 2rLinton,*^// 48 March \^2\ 8 19 156 March./. 79 Newmarket ll.'i 25 l.'i 14 2()j Newmarket, tu. and s 59 Roy.stoii , . . Soham Thornev . . . Whittle's.a. Wisbeach . i;v:v2.so 15:^9 2( 19 18 6 19 25 8 40li8:v2 50 I■lU.^ ;«)|15 27 41 11 40 Royston, w .S8 i2iSoham 69 l4:59|Tliorriey, th 86 ;;9 ;?:ts, Indepcndints arrd We^hyaii Methodists. A treat building for a village lamentably 'n'nini;ib;e : —a ^;reat iiumbir of British school was opened in April, 1846, for the edu- persoiis ha I a^^emhled in a hai n to see ;i puppet show, catiorr of children of either sex. Population of the and during the (xhiiiiiion the building accidiiitally paii-h, iir 18;il, I,6(i8, and in 1841, 1,820. took fire. 'I'he rush lowaids the oidy passage of egress Sv\aifiiaim Pifiou, is a parish in the hundred of was consecjuently desperate ; mrfor tiinately the door Taine — the village is situated 2 miles s. by w. from opened inwaidly, and by the pressure fioni witliiii, Biiiwell, in an agricultural district, noted for the tliismtans of escape became impiMctirahle; at length the growth of red wheat. In this village are two churches door was demolished by the crowil that had assembled — rhe otre dedicated to Saint (Jyrie (or Saint Cyriac), outride, and the surviving persons were dragged and the other to St. iMaiy ; the latter has long lieeii in overibe dead or expiiiirg victims. Sevdity-seveii in- ruins : they are both in the same churchyanl. The dividuals perished by this appalling catastrophe: the livini; of the parish is a vicarage, in the alternate pa- bodies were all interred in one capacious grave on th'* tronage of the Bishop, and the Dean and Ciiapter of liirtctoip. BUR WELL, &c. €rami&rit(ges6frf* Ely ; the present incumbent is the Rev. Joseph Maddy. There is a charity school conducted upon the national pl;in. Population of the parish, in 1831, 1,102, and in 1841, 1,226". Ab(nit one mile from, and in the same hundred as the above village is Swaffham Bulbeck. Fioni the river Cam, which partly bounds the parish, there is a a branch Cilied Swaffham Lode, navigable to the vil- lage. The church is dedicated to Saint Mary : the living is a discharged vicaiage, in the patronage of the liishopof Ely; the Rev. Leonard Jenyns is the present incnmbent. A charity school was founded here in 1721, by Mrs. Frances Towers, and endowed with £50 per annum. The remains of a Benedictine nunnery are visible here. Population of the parish in 1831, 727, and in 1841, 806. POST, BuRWELL, Receiving House at Susannah Bayley's.— Letters arrive every morning at a quarter before nine, and are de-paiehed at six in the evening. POST, SwAEFHAM Prior, Receiving House, at Thomas Palmby's.— Letters arrive every morning a lialf-pnsi nine, and are despatched at half-past live in the evenine. POST, Swaffham Bulbeck, Receiving House at Joseph Hills. — Letters arrive every morning at ten, and are despatched at five in the afternoon. ^*^, All letters connected with the above places arrive from and are despatched through the Newmarket office. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Alix Mrs. Maria, Swaffham Prior Arber Mrs. Mary, Burwell [well Baines Rev. Joiui Johnstone, Bur- Cliamhers Samuel, Esq. Swaffham Bulbeck [Bulbeck Giblin Mrs. Mary Ann, Swaffham Jenyns Kev. Leonard, Vicarai;e, Swaffham Bulbeck Lucas Thomas, surgeon, Burwell Maddy Rev. Joseph, SwaffhamPrior Philps Rev. Abel Richard, Burwell Pratt Mr. William, Biirwell Preston Mr. VVm. Swaffham Prior Wilkinson Isaac Herbert, Esq. Swaff- ham Prior Wilson Mr. William, Burwell SCHOOLS. British School (bovs and girls), Burwell — Jane Poulton, mistress Feoffees' School (boys &giils), liurwell — Samuel Driver, niastei ; Elizaheth VVvatt, mistress National School (boys & girls), Swaffham Bulheek — Joseph Hill, master; Sarah Hill, mistress BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Bailey Matthew, Swaffham Bulbeck Powell Thomas, Burwell Webb George, Swaffham Prior BLACKSMITHS. Hills George, Burwell Horsley Robert, Burwell Iverson John, Burwell Stevens Sarah, Swaffham Bulbeck Waters Thomas, Svvaffham Prior BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Arber Benjamin, Burwell Barnes Francis, Burwell Barnes William, Saffron Prior Bowers Edward, Burwell Branwhite William, Burwell Crane John, Burwell Day John, Swaffham Prior Day Samuel, Swaffham Prior Downman Chas. Swaffham Bulbeck Hunt John, Burwell Mason Joseph, Burwell Miller John, Swaffham Bulbeck Pumfrey William, Swaffham Bulbeck BRICKLAYERS. Adams Philip, Saffnm Prior Gardiner Stephen, Burwell Hunt Thomas, Svviffham Bulbeck Watling John, Saffron Prior WatUngWilliam, Swaffham Bulbeck BUTCHERS. Bridaeman Joseph, Burwell Feaks Urban, Swaffham Prior Gunton John, Swaffham Prior JefferyCli.is.Reuben,SwaffhamPiior Peachey Robert, Buiwell CARPENTERS AND WHEEL- WRIGHTS. Bridgeman William, Buiwell Cook Sanderson, Saffron Prior Danby William, Burwell Davey Henry, Burwell Faircliff Edward, Burwell Martin Henrv, Burwell Palmby Eras. Dauby, Swrtffbam Prior Pottengell William, Burwell Stevens Henry, Swaffham Bulbeck Stevens Sarah, Swaffham Bulbeck Webb John, Swaffham Bulbeck C0AL1 & CORN MERCHANTS. Andrews Heniy, jun. Burwell Ball Edward, Burwell Ellis John (and timber), Swaffliam Bulbeck Giblin Charles & Henry (and tim- ber, wine, and spirit), Swaffham Bulbeck Harding William (coal), Burwell Hawkes Benjamin, Burwell COLLAR MAKERS. Arber Chailes, Burwell Green Ralph, Burwell Norman James, Burwell FIRE, etc. OFFICE AGENTS. Phcenix (fire), John Ellis, Swaff- ham Bulbeck Royal Farmers' and General Hail Storm, Joseph Le Pla, Burwell FARMERS. Ashman Benjn. Swaffham Bulbeck Ball Edward, Burwell Ball Richard, Burwell Ball Thomas Thwaites, Burwell Chambers Roheit, Swaffham Prior Cornell John, Swafl'ham Bulbeck Ellis John, Swaffham Bulbeck Ellis John, jun. Swaffham Prior Fyson Robert, Swaffham Prior Giblin Charles, Swaffham Bulbeck Hunt Thomas, Swaffham Bulbeck Johnson Henry, Burwell Johnson Robert, Burwell Kent John, Swaffham Prior Kent Joseph, Swaffham Prior Mason George, Burwell Mason Henry, Burwell Mason Joseph, Burwell Mason Thomas, Burwell Newman Charles, SwaffhamBulbeck Palmby Kras.Danhy.Swaffham Prior Smith John, Burwell Spalding Wm. Swaffham Bulbeck VVitt Samuel, Swaffham Prior GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Carter James, Swaffham Bulbeck Casburn Robert, Burwell Dawson William, Burwell Eastwell Mary, Burwell F^dmunds William, Burwell El.-dcn Jane, Burwell Feaks Hebecca, Swaffham Prior Green Henry, Burwell Guyver Joseph, Burwell HahcockTl)ouias,Swaffham Bulbeck Hiner Robert, Swaffham Bulbeck Iverson John, Burwell Le Pla Joseph (and brewer), Burwell Alauning Elizabeth, Burwell Parmenter Jeremiah, Swaffham Bulbeck Shaw Jonathan, Burwell Scott James, Burwell Spalding James, Swaffliam Bulbeck StonehridgeJohn, Swaffham Bulbeck Tebbii Aaron, Swaffham Prior Watling William. SwaffhamBulbeck Webb Sarah & Elizabeth, Burwell Webb Thomas, Saffron Prior INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Anchor, Henry Davy, Burwell Cock, Rebecca Feaks.Swaffham Pi ior Fo.x, William Datiby, Burwell * Horse and Groom, Henry Stevens, Swaffham Bulbeck [Prior Red Lion, Samuel Hart, Swaffham Rose, John Bridgeman, Burwell Rose and Crown, William Bayly, Swaffham Prior [Bulbeck Royal Oak, John Aves, Swaffham While Horse, Sarah Carter, Burwell White Lion, Edmuud Lucas, Swaff- ham Bulbeck Retailers of Beer Bridgeman Robert, Burwell Carter Oliver Francis, Burwell Casburn Henrietta, Burwell Clark Jonas, Swaffham Prior Dyson John, Buiwell Faircliff James, Burwell Green Henrv, Burwell Hunt Charles, Burwell Peachey Philip, Burwell LIME BURNERS. Adams Philip, Swaffham Prior Claik John, Burwell Eaton John, Buiwell Gardiner Stephen, Burwell Giblin Charles & Henry, Swaffham Bulbeck MALTSTERS. Ball Edward, (and brick maker) Burwell [Bulbeck Giblin Charles & Henry, Swaffham Hall John, Burwell MILLERS AND MEALMEN. Ball Thomas Thwaites, Burwell Carter Oliver Francis, Burwell Danby John, Burwell Foster John, Swaffham Bulbeck Li vermoreThos. Swaffham Bulbeck Stanton Elizabeth Miles, Swaffham Prior Wilson John, Swaffham Prior TAILORS. Barnes John, Burwell Barnes William, Svvaffham Prior Claik Jonas, Swaffham Prior Davey John, Burwell Hewish John, Svvaffham Bulbeck Higham James, Burwell Plaice Murrells, Burwell WHEELWRIGHTS. See Carpenters and IVheelwrights. ^amljrttf5C0!)(re« BURWELL, &c. Slattr'js Miscellaneous Aldous James, Teltrinary surgeon, Swaff- liam Prior [Sw.fTham E'rior Clark Eiiward, watch anJ clock maker, Ujnin Robert, plumber &sl*^''^''-R"''*'^l' Easlwrll Mary, dress maker, Burwell Eaton John, cooper, Biirwell [well Raze \Vm. inland rerenue officer, Biir- Ha','reeiiTh sTruitererSwofTiam Bulbeek Hill Joseph, ri-Ristrar of births A deaths, SwatlhaTi Uulbcck Hills Robert, glover, Biirwcll Hunt John, parish elerk, Burwell Mason James, gardener, Burwell Morley Henry, hair dresser, Burwell I'arr Samuel, gardener, Burwell Scarr Abraham, brazier, Burwell [beck \\'alling|\Vm. parish clerk, Swatniam Bul- CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON THE NF.W.VIARKET & CHFSTER- FORD BRANCH OF THE EASTERN COUNTIES RAILWAY. Station, four miles from Biirwell. CARRIERS. To LON DON, by the Eastern Coantie» Railwav, from Newmarket ToCAMBKIOGE, Edward Sonlh, from Burwell,*: Edward Fordham & Edward Feaks, from Swaffbam Bnlheck, Wed- nesday & Saturday, & John Chapman, from SwalTliani Prior (by Rnil,)^londay, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday To NEWMARKET, Edwaid South, frnra ll^irw ell, Tuesday CAMBRIDGE, INCLUDING BARNWELL, WITH THE VILLAGES OF CHESTERTON, TRUMPINGTON, GREAT AND LHTLE SHELFORD, AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. Iiostelsi reiiittined as late as tlie reign of Elizabeth, Theie are at present seventeen colleges, of wliich four are called hulls — but these, nnlike the halls at Oxford, differ front tlie colleges in name only. The number of niciubcrs of the University is 6,906, of whom 3,786 are members of the senate. Each college or hall is a body corporate, and bound by its own statutes ; but is likewise contioUed by ilie paratnownt law of the Uui- versitv, the executive branch of which is committed to the following ofBcers : — a Chancellor (His Rnyal Higli- ness Prince Albeit) ; a High Steward, who is allowed a deputy ; a Vice-Chancellor, who is tlie head of .*ome college or hall; two Prnctors, who mustbe mastcisof arts ; two Taxors, api)ointed to regulate the n)arkeis; two Moderatois, who superintend the exercises ; two Scrutators, to read the graces and take votes, &c. ; a Coaiiiiissary, niucli the same as a recorder is to a mayor or coi porate body ; a Public Oiator, the mouth (Ca.MRRIDGE, a University, a borough boihcorpo- rate and parliamentary, and a market town, forming a liundred of itself, having separate jurisdiction, in tlie deantry of its name — is 51 miles N. from London (54 by rail), 27 w. by s. from Bury Saint Edmunds, 29 E. hy N. from Bedford, 36 s.E. from Peterboroueh (45 by rail), "2 s.w. from Norwich (69 by rail), and 87 s.s.e, from Lincoln (105 by rail). It is situated in a ft imy agricultural district, on the Eastern Counties railway, for which line there is a station in the town. In his- tory it is called both Catnbridge and Grantbridge, and derives its name fiom the river Granta, or Cam, atid its bridge. Much difTerence of opinion has prevailed with respect to its antiquity: that it was an early British settlement is highly probable. Many are of opinion that it was an ancient Roman station, and this conjecture is strengtliened by the fact of various Ro- man coins, fraements of urns, and other relics, having been dug out of the ground at different times. Cam- 1 of the University ; the Caput, a body of six persons, bridge was burnt to ashes Ity the Danes in 871. and I yearly chostn, who determine what graces are proper again in 1010. Williatn the Conqueror, soon after his assumption of the crown, erected a strong and spacious castle here. Roger de ^lonttnorency, in the reign of Wdliam Rufus, pillaged and bur t the town, in revenge of an affront given him by that monarch. Henry I. incorporated the burgesses. In 1174 the town was almost wholly consumed by fire : Trinity church and several other chnrclies, together with most of the houses, having been reduced to ruins. King John en- larged ihe franchises of the town, which, in the latter part of his rtdgn, became the scene of warfare, the castle having been taken and the town destroyed in 1'J14, but the king's foices retook the castle in the fol- lowine year. In the reign of Richard II, theiowu'^uien to be brought before the senate; a Librarian, a Regis- trar), three Esquire Bedells, &c. : there are also Pro- fessors in the several faculties, as also of the learned languages and sciences. The beads of honses — as the masters of colleges are termed, possess great powers; but the general government of the University is en- trusted to the Senate, which is composed of all doctors of divinity, law and physic, aiid all masters of arts whose names are on the boards of any college, or who reside in the town : those bachelors in divinity who are members of this assembly derive the privilege from having previously been masters of arts. For certain purposes the Senate is divided into two house*, viz., the Regent or White Hood House, and the Non-Regent commit'ed threat oiitraKi s on the Univt-rsity, for which ! or Black Hood House. The place of assembly is the their franchises were .seized into the king's liands.anri j Senate House, a superb structine, built of Portland a poriioii of them granted to the University. In 1.588 j stone : the foundation was laid on June 22nd, 1722, the pailiament was holdeii at Barnwell Priory, in this and the edifice was comtdeted at the expense of the town. The plas;ue, and other epidemical di'-orders, formerly made friu'litful ravages in Cambridge, espe- ciillv in the v.-ars l.i4y, 1:589, 1485, 152'J, 15.50, 1610, 1025', U',2'J, 16;i0, 16;}7, \GCii) and 1666; at the present time, liowevt-r, few places excel ic in salnbiity. To enter iiiio mitiute descriptive details of the numerous University, aided by an extensive subsciiption : its ar- chitecture is of the Corinthian order, uniting chasie- ness with eleyance. Ti^e other buildiiiRs connected with the Univer^ity at large are — the Observatory, a fine edifice in a commanding --ituation, commenced in 1822, and furnished with a number of most valuable as- stiucMires formed for education and piety, in this an- I tronomical instiumeiits ; the Library, originally erected tient and venerable seat of learning, would far exceed the limits necessarily adopted for a work of this na- ture ; brief uiun be our account of them — referiing tb<>»c who may deiiiHiid more elaborate paiticulars to a perusal of the various Cambridge (Juides; atid for a ni'ire detai'ed ancount of the history of the University and town to 'The Annals of (Jambiidge,' by C. H. Cooper, Esq. ^tlie present town clerk), a work which has been bioucht down to 18.55, and will sboi tly be completed. ' The Cainhtidiie Uniiersity Calendar,' published annually, may also be leferred to, as con- tiiiiiiig valuable infoiinatiou relating to the studies of the I'niiersify. The nriijin of the University is, to a certain extent, enveloped in obscurity. It is generally staled to have been founded bv SigcbiTt, a king of the East Angles, jtboiit the \ ear 6.30 ; but tiiere is good icason foi be- lievin's"liat ii did not exist before tlie leiKU of Henry I. jj at fiist Consisted of balls or hostels for the students, j.j.iited of the townsmen. 'Ihe foundation of the first j,i, liege was in the reign of Edward I., but some of the in the rtign of Edward IV'., by Archbishop Rotherain, to which most imjiortant and extensive additions have receiitly been made; the Pitt Press, a stately and im- posing structure, built, from the designs at' Mr. Blore, at the expense of the Pitt Club in London, by whom it was prcsent-.-d to the University; the Kit/.william .Museum, erected from a fine design by the late George Hassevi, lvi|., in which are deposited the inestimable works of art bequeathed to the University by the late I-arl Fitzwilliam in 1816 ; and the AiiatomicalScliocds, a Imikliiig of uii|)retciiding exterior, but admirably adapted for the purpose to which it is appropiiated. In suliinitting an account of the several colleges, &c., we ai!ain repeat that conciseness ruust necessarily be attendant upon description : — Saint Peiek'.s College, or, as it is more com- monly called, Peter House, claims early attention from Its priority. It originally comprised two hostels, which were purchased by Hugh de Balsham, bishop of I'^ly, who, in 1281, obtained a charterof incorporation, .iiid endowed the college with lamls, and at his death JBixuiov^, CAMBRIDGE, &c. QtamblitiQtmi't, bequeathed 300 inaiUs for its further enlargement. Siucc the demise of the founder, the revenues of this college have been considerably augmented i)y numerous benefactions. In the list of benefactors is Lady Mary Ramsey, who is said to have offered a very large pro- perty, nearly equal to a new foundation, to this col- lege; but requiring, as an indispensable condition, the change of its name into Peter and Mar y^s, was thwarted in her intentions by the then master. Dr. Soame, who eaid, ' Peter has been too long a bachelor to think of a female comrade in his old age' — ' a dear bought jesi for so good a benefactress,' observes Fuller, who re- lates the story — ' for Lady Ramsey, disgusted at his refusal, turned the stream of lier benevolence into a different channel.' The present college consists of three courts ; the buildings are neat and commodious, but presetitfew architectural attractions. Clare Hall was founded in i;32(), by Dr. Ilichard Badevv, the then chancellor of the University: sixteen years after its erection it was consumed by fire, but, through tlie assistance of I^ady Elizabeth de Burgh, co-heiress of Gilbert Earl of Clare, it was rebuilt, and denominated Clare Hall: it is a very handsome structure, of Ketton stone, and comprises a court with two |)oriicos. In 1763 the chapel was rebuilt: it is a neat and elegant ediftce ; the hall, combination-room and library are spacious and handsome. Pembroke College, or Hall, was founded in 1343, by Mary Countess of Pem- broke : it is situated on the east side of Trumpington- street, and comprises two spacious courts of equal dimeiisiotjs. The chapel was consecrated in Septem- ber, 1665, and is from a design of Sir Christopher Wren. From the number of prelates who have been members of this foundation, it has acquired tlie name of'Collegium Episcopale;' and it is a singular circum- stance that three founders of colleges at Oxford were members of this society, viz., Archbishop Rotheram, founder of Lincoln collcae. Bishop Smyth, founder of Brazennose college, and Bishop Fox, founder of Cor- ])us Christ! college. Gonvillr and Caius College was founded by Edmund Gonville, rector of Terring- ton, in 1348, and augmented by John Cains, physician to Queen Mary ; and in consequence took its present name when incorporated in lo.57. The building is entered by three gates, impressive from their several inscriptions — to Virtue, Wisdom, Humility and Ho- nour. The chapel is handsome, and embellished with an altar-piece representing the Annunciation. TRrNrTY Hall was founded in 1351, by William Bateman, bishop of Norwich. 'I'his colleee is principally fur students in civil law. Corpus Christi College was founded in 1351, by two guilds (jf the town, under tiie protection of the Duke of Lancaster: it comprises a square court, on the sides of which are the master's lodge, and apartments for the fellows and students. In the library is the original manuscript of the ' thirty- nine articles ;' and here are deposited the itrvaluable nranuscripts collected by Archbishop Parker, whose mnniticerice to this coUeue, of which he was sometime master, well entitles him to the appellation of a second founder. Tliis college has been rebuilt; and, from the extent and magnificence of its buildings, ranks very high amongst the impiovemerils which have contri- buted so greatly to the splendour of the University. King's College, the most ntagnificent of the entire, is situated on the banks of the river, and consists of several large detached piles — and, as a whole, has a striking effect. The chapel is three hundred and sixteen feet lotrg by seventy-eight wide, divided by a curiously carved wooden screen; the altar is embellislied with a fine pairrt'.iigof the' Descent from the Cross,' supposed to be by Raphael : nothing, perhaps, can exceed the august arrd venerable appearartce of the chapel, with the lartse and beautifully painted windows, of which there are no les than twenty-five. This college was founded by Henry VI, and is intimately connected with Eton College, also founded by the same motrarch. Queen's College, founded in 1446, by Margaret of Anjnu, corrsort of Henry VI, is situated at the back of Catherine Hall : it is an ancient structure, supported by a fine brick gateway. It possesses a library of great value and general utility — Erasmus was some time a in a neat style, with a commodious hall, chapel, &c. Jesus' College was founded on tlie site of a Uenerlic- tine nunnery, at the east end of the town, which was demolished in conseqitetrce of the licentiousness of the truns: the pi-esent coUeae was endowed by John Al- cock, bishop of Ely, in the year 1496 ; the chapel (now in course of restoration), appears to have lieen the conventual church. This college is situated a little distance ft om the town, on the east ; the grand front looks towards the south, and the entrance is by a fine ancient gate. Amongst its eminent members it enu- merates Arciibishop Craumer, Strype the antiquary, Gilbert Wakefield, Dr-. Clarke the ci lebrated travellei", and the poet Coleridge. CiiRtsT's College was built on the site of an hostel, called God's House, wXuch had originally been settled near Clare Hall, arrd en- dowed by William Bingharrr, rector of Saint Joltn Zachary, Londorr, irr 1442 : it was removed here by Heitry VI, who augmented the endowment; hnt in 1505 it was entirely refounded, under its present appel- lation, by Margaret Countess of Richmond, rr.otherof Henry VII. It has a noble entrance and spaciou.s courts, with a handsome chapel. Milton wasasiudent of this college ; and in the fellows' garden is a mul- berry tree, still carefully preserved, said to have been planted by the illustrious poet. lit 1509 Saint John's College was founded by the execirturs of the bene- volent foundress of Christ's College, in pursuance of her will. It is richly endowed, and is second only to Trinity College, iit the extent of its buildings and the rrumber of its members : it consists of four- courts, one of which is a magnificent structure, erected about twenty years since, from designs of Rickmanaird Hut- chinson, and approached by a covered bridge over the Cam of sirrgular beauty. Magdalene College was founded in 1542, by Thomas Lord Andley, chancellor of Errgland. The library corrtains the curious collec- tion of Samuel Pepys, secretary of the admiralty, whose Diary is so well knowrr. Trinity College is by far the^largest in the LTniversity : the master's lodge cou- tains a suite of apartments where the monar'ch resides when a royal visit is paid to Cambridge. The great court has three noble tower gateways, and is of mag- nificent dimensions ; the hall and chapel are fiire struc- ttrres. In Neville's coirrl is the library, one of the finest edifices in the University, erected from the designs of Sir Christopher Wren, and containing a valuable and extensive collection of books, and Thor- waldsen's famous statue of Lord Byron. A third court is called the King's Court, in honour of Geor-ge IV, in whose r'eign it was erected from the designs oi William Wilkins, Es()., r, a. Amongst the countless number of eminent names connected with this college may be mentioned Bacon, Newton, Barrow, Coke, Spel- nran, Cowley, Dryden and Byion. 'J'iiis college was founded in the year 1546, by Henry VI II. Emanuel College was fourrded irr 1584, by Sir Walter Mildmay, chancelhir of the exchequer and privy councillor to Queen Elizabeth : it is a neat and elegiint structure, very pleasantly situated. Sidney Sussex College was founded in 1594, by Frances Sidney, Countess of Sussex : some years since it received a new front, and several other improvements have been made — Oliver Oomwell was a member of this college. Downing College was founded in pursuance of the will of Sir George Downing, Bart., dated in 1717. The validity of the will became the subject of legal enquiry, and, after protracted litiaation, the foundatiorr was finally approved by his majesty and the privy couircil, in Sep- tember, 1800. The ceremony of laying the first stcme took place on the 18th of May, 1807 ; and the college has been open for the reception of students during tire last thirty years. There are fourteen parishes in this town, and fifteen churches; but of these Gr-eat Saint Mary's, and the Holy Sepulchre alone present objects of sufficient importance for observation. Great Saint Mary's is situated in the middle of the town, and to this church the University res.irt on Sundays and holidays to hear sermons, but it is al>o free to the public: itcnnsists of a nave, chancel and side ia>les. This edifice was erected bv contribution, and its completion occupied nearly a member ofthiscollege. Catherine Hall was founded century ; it is surmounted by a handscime tower and in 1475, by Robert Woodlark, provost of Kirrg's Col- loftv pinnacles, 'i'he church of the Holy Sepulchre, or lege: it comprises three sides of a cjuadrangle, buiU I the'round church, is a venerable and singularly con- CamljiiUfgsDive. CAMBRIDGE, &c. ?later0 Ftrnctcd pile : it is after a model of the church of the Holy Seiiiilchre in Jerusalem, and is conjectured to iiavt- bi'tMi erected by the crusaders: it was restored in 1842-;?, at an expense o( about £3,000 ; several fine painted windows now light tbe interior. Two new churches (Christ church and Saint E'aul's) have rxently been budt by subscr'plion, in tiie pfipnloiis and exten- sive parish of Saint Andrew tbe Less; and the j)arishioner3 of Saint Andiew ilie Great have erected a new and spacious chuich, in lieu of an ancient and iriconiniodious >ti ucture. There are several places of worship for di-seiners, including Baptists, Itidcpen- deiiis, .Muthodi-ts, and the Society of Kriend^. Of the cliaiital>ie institutions in Cambridge, and tlu-re aie many, Addt-nbroolie's Hospital stands prc- cMjinent; it is a handsome editice, situated at the London entrance to the town: its founder John Ad- dfiibrooke (an eminent physician, who died upwards of a century iigo"", endowed it as an hospital for the indigent di*ased ; the original design, however, has bt't n changed, and it is now a general hospital: it is liberally supported by donations and annual suliscrip- lions — about seien hundred persons are annually ad- n)itted and relieved. Comfortable retreats for aped and iniligint inhaliitantsaic afforded in numerous well maintained almshouses, which reflect a lustre on the character of the many benevolent fonndi-rs and bene- factor-. The free grammar school, founded in 1615, by Stephen Perse, m.d., for one hundred boys of Cam- bridge, and the villages of Trumpington, Barnwell and Chesteiton, is another praiseworthy establishment, and has recently been reorganised mider the satiation of the court of chancery, There are several other charity schools in tbe town, and many respectable private educational estab ishmeiits for pupils of either sex. Near Corpus Cluisti college is the botanical gar- den, occu|)ying about four acres of urouiid: it contains a large greenhouse, furnished with a great variety of v.iluable exotics; and in the garden are specimens of almost eveiy plant, the whole an anged according to, the Linnasan system ; but it is about to be removed to I a more eliiiible and spacious site, contiguous to the i lyOndoM enu-ac.ce to the town. There is a p!iiioso|)hi- cal society in connexion witii the university, atid there ! are seveial hcjok societies. 'J'hree newspapers are i published weelily — tiieir titles, publishers, &c. may be seen in the directory. Concerts are occasionally given in the town-hall, and dramalic cxiiibitions are not unconniion. Camhi ill ge has in modern days become a considerable thorouglifare, particularly since the draining of tbe fens and the raising of excellent i oarts, towai ds "the east and iiorth-ea-tcoa-t.over places before deemed impassable, but beyond these im|)rovemei)ts, its importance of transit and ieawin, St. Ivi s, Huntinudon, Wi.sbeach, Peterborough, Stiujfurd, Leicester, Boston, Lincfdn and Hull. A laige portion of the business carried on here is im- nie liaicly or remotely connected with the (Jniversiiv; but hi ing the county town, and advantageously situated on the bead of the inland navigation from Lynn, it wcures an extensive trade in coal and corn ; and a large <|iiantity of butier, likewi-e, i> conveyed weekly from tiiis iH'iidibourhooil, tlie Isle of Ely and Norfolk, to liondiMi. where it :ill ol>iaiirs the name ot Cambridge buttei . I'""r the accommodation of the corn merchants attending the market here, a new and convcident corn exch iiige has been recently erected. The corporation of Canihridgc consists of a mayor, high steward, re- corder, ten aldermen, a town clerk, coroner, clerk of tbe peace, thiiiy Cimncillors, a treasurer, antl other ortleers ; the number of bur:;esses is about 2,r)00. The town is divided into five wards, each having six coun- cillor-, namely. East Barnwell, VVe-t Barnwell, M.ir- l:et, Trinity and St Andrew's. The borough returns two members to pai liamert, the light of eli'tiion being visied in about sixty freemen and aliout nineteen bun- dr-l len-p.und hon>hol(lers ; the mavor is icturning ofUcer; the present membtrs aie Uobert Alexaiidtr Sbafto Ad.iir, Esi)., 7 Audley-s(jnare, London, and the H'pn. William Frederick Campbell, Stratheden Huusc, G Knightsbridge, Middlesex. The limits of the parlia- mentary and municipiil borough are co extensive. The TJniversity retutns two representatives, elected by the senate; those at present sitting are the Hon. Charles Ewaii Law (recorder of London), Eaton place, London, and the Bight Hon. Henry Goulburn, Montague square, London, 'i'he assizes and quarter sessions for the touniy are held in the Shire house, a spacious and stately strnciuie, erected on thesiic of the castl-. The borough quarter sessions and the county coui t are held at the Guildhall — the latter under the new act for the n covery of debts to any amount not exceeding £50. 'I'here are also consistory courts atid visitations by the bishop and archdeacon of Ely ; and a court of pleas, with very extensive powers, is held before the recorder, or his deputy, every 'i'uesday. Cam bridge was constituted a separate [Jnion, under the Fo/•a^V//^— JoS' ph Power, M. A. (Clare) 1845 /?e'g-/i- 1815 1783. . Jacksonian Professor of Natural and Ex- 1343. . Pembroke Gilbeit Ainsley, d.d. master 1828 1348. . G0NVILLE& Caius. Benedict Chapman, D. D. mastir 1839 l.'^oO, .Trjnity Hall.. .. Rt.Hoii. Sir H. Jenner Fust, L.L.D. master 1843 1351.. Corpus Ciiristi . . Jolin Lamb, d.d 1822 1441.. King's Geo. Tliackeiav, d.d., F.L.S .' 1814 1446. .Queen's Joshua King, ll.d ., 1832 1475.. Catiieri.ne Hall. .Henry Philpott, d.d. master 1845 1496.. Jesus William Fiencli, d. d. master 1820 1505. . Christ's James Cat tmell, d. d. master 1849 1511.. Saint John's Ralph 'I'atham, d. d. muster 1839 1519.. Magdalene Hon, G, NevilleGren- ville. M.A. master.. 1813 1546. .Trinity Willi.imWhe well, d.d, master 1841 1584. , Emanuel G.Arcluhill, d.d. ?««.?//• 1836 1598.. Sidney Sussex .. Robt.Phelps.o D.mastr 1843 ISOO,. Downing T.Worsley,M.A. ;««,?/«• 1836 PROFESSORS, &c. Margaret Professor of Divinity — John 1502 1503, 1540. 1540 James Blunt, b d. (Saint John's) Lady Margaret Preacher— J .Hymevs,D o F. r. s. (Saint John's) 1841 Regius Professor of Divinity — Alfred Olli- vant, D.D. (Trinity) 1843 Regius Professor of Civil Law — H. J. S. Maine, ll.d. (Trinity) 1818 IbiQ,, Regius Professor of Physic — John Havi- laiid, M.D. (Sdint John's) 1817 , perimental Philosophy— )X. Willis, m.a., F.R.s. (Cains) 1837 \^%O..Dou-ning Professor of Law Andrew Amo-, M.A. (Trinity) 1849 \2i0\, . Downing Professor of Medicine — W. W. Fisht-r, M.D. (Downing) 1841 1803.. Christian Advocate Thomas Worjley, M A. (Downitii?) 1844 1808., .1/»;«ff/^>5^— W, H.Miller, M.A, (StJolin's) lti32 \9l^. . Hulsean Lecturer — W. Gilsoii Humphry, MA. (Trinity) 1818 1828.. Political Economy — George Pryme, M. a. (Trinity) 1828 UNIVERSITY OFFICERS. Esquire Bedells — H. Gunning, m.a,, Geoige Leaping- well, M.A., and W. Hopkins, m.a. Teacher of the Hebrew Language — H. H. Bernard. Teacher of the French Language—ti. F. Hohacq. Teacher of the German Language — J. Lichstenstein. Teat Iter of the Italian Language — Marqucs.sSpincto. Fencing Master — M, Angelo, School Keeper — Tliomas Johnson. Yeoman Bedell — John Crouch. Marshall — William Ellwood. Library Keeper — Jolin BowtelL [John Smith. Assistant Librarians— John Page, C. N. Wotton and Curator of the Botanic Garden— Awdiew Murrav. 1839 Curator of the Fitzwilliam Museum— W. R. Ridgvvay. Curator of the Mesman Museum— Juhw iMassey. Organist— John Pratt. Clerk — Heniy Smith. Appraiser — Elliot Smitii. University Printer— JohnVHWWwm Parker. Agents for the Sale of the University Bibles and Com- mon Prayers J. Deightoii,Canibiidge;and F. i!i J. Rivington, and J. W. Parker, London. dmtVtUcrcsfjtrc. CAIMBRIDGE, &c. ^latCl»!5 POST OFFICE, 44, SIDNEY STREET, CAMBRIDGE, J\Jr. JAMES H OF ELL TURXER, Post Master. Arrival of the Mails From London, Saffron Waldf.n and Bishops St(irtford {day mail), every aftfiiioon at two ; aiu] (the ni^/it mail) from London, Newmarket, liuRv Sr. liuMUNus, Saffron Waluen, Bishops Stoutford anil Harlow, rrery nijilit at a (|nartiT-past elevfii. From Kly, Brandon, Tiietford, Aftleborough, Wvmondham, Norwich, Yarmouth, Downham, LvNN, Lowestoft, March, Wisbeach, Hoibeach, Boston, Peterborough, Stamford, Spalding, Spilsbv, Alford, Louth, Hull, Huntingdon, Stilton, St. Ives and Chatteris, every luoruiiig at a ()U^irtc'r-pa>t ono. From UovsTON, Caxton, Arrington, Buntingford, Ware and Waltham Cross, every morning at lialf- past three. Despatch of the Mails To London, Saffron Walden, Bishops Stoktford, Newmarket, Bury St. Edmunds and Harlow, every moniing and night at twinty miiintes past ten. To Kly,'I5hanuon,'1'iietford, Attlf;borougii, Wymondham, Norwich, Yarmouth, Lowestoft, March, ^VisiiEAcii, HoLUEACii am) Boston, every afternoon at twenty minntes past one. .\ second (/e.\jjatc/i Un Ely, Brandon, 1 hetford, Attleborougii, Wymondham, Norwich, Yarmouth, Downham, Lynn, j'f.terborough, Stamford, Spalding, Spilsby, Alford, Louth, Hull, Hunting- don, Stilton, St. Ives and Chatteris, every night at twenty minutes past ten. To Rovston, Caxton, Arrington, Buntingford, Ware, Hoddesdon and Waltham Cross, every night at nveniy-tive iniiintes before tt-n. Saturday nigltls only. — To St. Neots, Bedford and Newport Pagnell at twenty minutes past ten. On Saturday nig/iti there is no Mail to London ; on Sunday no day Mails are despatclied, and there is only one delivery in the town, 77ie delivery of letteis commences at seven o'clock in the morning in summer, and half an hour later in the winter. POST, Chesterton, Receiving House M John Johnson's, UUor. — Lctteis"froin all parts arrive (from Camuridgk; every nKMiiing at half-past seven, and are despatched thereto at seven in the evening. POST, Great Shelford, Receiving House at William Chamber's.— Letters from all parts arrive (from Cambridge) every morning at eight, and are despatched thereto at live in the afternoon. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Aeland Mrs. Harriet Potter, Panton Col tag'-. New toivn [street Aijains Wi'liani, Ksn.lJ) Fitzwilliam Adcoek .Mr. James, 6 Union road. New town [College Aiiislie Uev. Gilheit, d.d. Pembroke Allen Mr. Chailes, 2;J Hill's road Apthorpe .Mi.>8 Trumii- ingt(m street Parker's piece B.ixeijdak' Lloyd Salisbury, Ksq., B.i\s Mis. Kimmcc", 57 Kegent st Beech .Mr.)olui Axley, Lit.Shelford Hell .Mr..liio.GilMni,llKinn)aiiuel ia lUiry Miss Man ha, (irea- Sh.lfoid 15 riy .Miss Rebecca, (inai Shelford Bishop .Mr. WiMiain, 51 Regent st Blunt Uev. John J.iines, 'I'rumping- toii roa'l [Regent st Bond Henry .loliii Hayle<, I'Nq., 4 IJ md Mrs. .Marilia, A 15enet |)'aee liowden Mr. Klli'*, 14 Parker's piece B.i(h'e. .Mrs. l-.AA Hill's road Bii'Coe Uev. .John Paul, Chesiciton Bi'ook-t .Mr-. I'^liz.iiietli, Chesterton Brown Charles Kdwaid, Hsq. (uia- gistrati-), (J Sidin V M Brown .Mr..Mo>e>,lI Parker's piece Biiliier Uev. George Burden.o Dovvn- iiii; place l'>u(kle Mr. Uoheit, II Hill's road B.dlen Mr. George, 10 Hill's road Binniss U.-v.Ja'iies Great Shelford liiiriicss Rev. WiliiaiM, Gi. Shelford liiirrows .Mrs. .!., Truinpington CaUer Mr. .lames, ;^8 New square C:irter Mrs. .MaMi.sli,'29 New square C iiinieil R.V.J.1S. D. d. Chi ist'ji Coil. Cawcutt the Misses, Ncwnhain Chambers Mr. Thos. 9 Hill's road Chapman Uev. Benedict, d.d. Gon- ville and Cains College Chapman Rev. John, ftlilton Clark Wni.Fsq. i\i D.Trumpingtonst Clark Rev. William, 2 Parker's piece Clark Mr. William, 28 Gloucester si Clay CapiaiiiWilliam, Regent terrace Clavdoii ChiilesjEsq. Poplar House, King sireet Cockle Mr. George, Parker's piece Cook>on Uev. Hy. Wilkinson, d.d. Saint Peter's House F^odtie Coomber Mrs. Rebecca, 14Hill's road Cooper Uev, John. Trinity College Corhin Mr. J(din, 41 Hill's road Corn well I\lr. Charles Brand, 12 Rhideiiund buildings Cotton [iady — , Madiiigley Park Coitipii Miss — , Manor House, Mad- iiigley [ingley Park Cotton Sir St. Vincent, Ikirt., Mad- Cramer Mrs. Mary, 42 New square Crisford Ucv.Alexi .2 1 Kitzwilliam st Crisp Mr. William, 25 llegent st Custance Mrs. — ,48 Truinpington s' Oavey Mr. William, 3 Hill's r-ad Dickerson Mrs. Marv,3 Uotol])h lane Dodd Uev. ICdward, Chesterton road DogKctt IMrs. Mary, Great Shelford Uu Chesne Mrs. Sarah Henrietia, Great Shelford l':dle.-.tone Mrs. Martha, IBenet place Kdmonds Uev. Thomas Claik, 1 Downing terrace KIborne Mi. Kdward Pickhaver, 1 [\mton pi, New town [town Klborne .Mrs.Sai ah, 1 Panton pi, New I'.iiiMin Mr. Uobert, 2Cauiden place U' gent street Kvans Mr. Samiii 1, 42 Hill's road Kawcett Mrs. Sarah, 7 Hill's load l-'iiicb Ml. Charles, .'52 Sidney st Fineh Mr. Fre.lk., N( wnham'Crofis Kmeh .Mrs.—, Little Shelford l-'isher .Mrs. Hllen, 14 Fitzwilliam st Ki-lierTlios.Hall,Ksq.28 Petty Cai\ Fitch Mrs. Theodore, 14 Sidney si' Foster Ehciiezer, Esq. Ansiey Hall Foster MichaeI.E.sq. Little Shelford Foster Richard, Esq. Brooklands Francis Mis. Ann, Little Siielford Francis Mrs.. Mary Elizabeth, Truinp- ington road [st Freeman Miss Catheiiiie,2,3 Regent French Rev.Wni D.D.Jesus' College Frost Uev. Percival,Trnmniiigtou st Fust the llijjht Hououraule Sir H. Jenner, ll.d. Tiinity Hall Garland Mr. Arthur, 47 Hill's road Gaskiii Re»'. Thos. 5 Scroope terrace Glover Col. — , Tiuuii)iimton road Goode Miss Susannah, 27 Regent st GoodwinUev. Harvey, Parker's |)iece Grenville the Hon. G. Neville, m,a. Magdalene College fington Grote Uev. John, Vicarage, Trump- Gunning Hy. Esq.l Emmanuel roud Guuniiig Henry Bertram, Esq (bar- rister), Little Shellord Haines Mrs. Uarhel, Mill road Hall Miss — ,:\ Panton pi, New town HallWiHiam,Esq.Waterl)eacb Lodge HamiltonMrsAnn.'5l.\ddenhrooke pi Hardinu iU'v.Dciisley, (irantchester Hardwicke the Uight Honourable the Earl of, Wimpole Harper Uev. Archdeacon Henry, 1 Parker's piece [gent st Harraden Mr. Uichd. Banks 18 l^f- H arris Mrs. Sophia Eliz. Newnhani Haslain .Mr.(5eo. 4 Uhadegund bldgs Hateli Miss Mary, 55 .St. Andrew st Havilaiid Jidui, m.d. 21 Truinping- ton sireec Hawthorn Uev. Robert, Stapleford Hayles Mrs. Jane, Parkei's piece H.ivlock Mr. Ridii. 7 .Annesley place Haywapl .Mrs. Eliza, 2 Benet place Headly Mrs. Frances, 58 Regent st Hcidly Mr. Robert, 27 New square Heailly Mr. William, Great Shelford Hebhlewhite Overton, E-q. Trnmp- ingt(jn [road Helm Mrs. Ann Klizabctb, 2 Hill's Heiniiigton Mrs. Elizabeth, Trunip- ingtoii road HigucU Mrs. Ann, 32 Jesu.s lane ©fnctorp. CAMBRIDGE, &c, ©amibit^gt^Dti^ Hiuil Uev. John, 22 Tiumpingfoii st Hopkins Miss Margaret, 7 PaiitiMi plac<^, New town [st Hopkins Wai. K>q. 15 Fitzwilliatn Hoskiii Rev. Peter Cliarks iM. 17 Kegeiit street Hyles Mrs. Jane, 12 P.iiker's piece Ind Mrs.—, 2:5 Hill's road Ingle Miss Susan, 64 Regent st John-on .Miss — ,6 Kliadegiind bldgs Johnson Mr. Isaac, Knimannel road Kerric-li l\^^v. iticliard Edward, 13 Freescliool lane [College King Jcsliua, Esq. i. l. d. Queen's Kirby Mrs. — , Merton placf Kiiithil y Mrs. KebeccH, .36 New sq Lamb Uev.Jolin,u.u. Corpus Clii isti Colkve [terrace Lambert .Mr.Saml.Beec!i,.3Downiiig Law James Kdrnnnd, Ksq. Manor House, Little Slielford Leapiiigwrll Geoige, E>q (barrister), 16 Fitzwilliani st Leaver Mr. Willian), Paiker's piece Leeds Mrs. Ann, 21 Hill's road Lilley Mr. Davi I, 35 Bridge >t Lilley Mr. Frederick, Grantcliester Livett Mr. George, 15 Regent st Maddison Rev. Geo. 13 Fitzwilliam st Maikliain Mr. Tlioinas,15 Regent st Maitin James, F.sq. Quy Martin John Letch, Fsq Croft Lodue MasoiiMr.Peter,M.A.I4Kree>< hool la Mason Mrs. Susan, lOAiinesley place Miller William Hollows, Esq. 7 Scroope tfirace [Regent st Mills Mrs. Elizbth. 5 Camden place, Moore Capt. Lorenzo, Gonville idace Mortlnck Thomas, E>q. Retiet st Naylor Thouias H>iik, E>iq. (bir- rister), 5 Brunswick wilk Newhy Mrs. — , 9 Downing terrace Newby Mrs. — , 67 Regent st Newell Mrs. — , 1 SiUer st Newsam Mr. Tlio<. Merton Cottage Oruinn Rev. Johti, 9 Fit/my st Orridae Mr.Roht. 3 Ktiunaiiuel road U.iboiii LokI Francis Godolphin, Goiimaeoi; Hi!ls Outiain Rev. Thomas Powy^. 2 Tiumpington st [road Owen Mrs. Maty Ann, 13 Hill's Patinan .Mr. Wni. 9 Annesley place Peaice Rt v. Geoi ge,4 Panton place. New town [College Peill Riv. Jolm Newton, Queen's Peuil>ertonClirlstoplier,Esq.'rruiiip- jngfon street Petnbirion Colonel Francis Charles James, 'I'rnmnitigton Perowne Rev. Thomas Tlionpison, 2;i Fitzwilliani st [Colleg; Phelps Rev. Robf. D.D.Sidney Sussex Philpott Rek'. Henry, n. d Saitit Catherine's Hall [Regent st Piper the Misses, 3 Canuleii place. Plowrii;lit .Mrs. Frances, 6 Silver st Potts Rnbert, Ei^q m. A. Tiinity Col- lege, and 65 R> gent st Prest Mrs. — , 6 S.roope ten ace Prior Mr. Joseph, Cliesterton Pollen Rev. Joseph, 4Scroope terrace Pun has Mis. Jane, Gouville place Quinlivan Rev. Thos. 3 Hill's road Pead Miss Jane, 59 Re'?ent st Redhead Mr. J oh:: Simpson, 2 Gn' inaiiuel road [Colleg; Ridout Rev. John Dowell, Christ's Rofcerts Rev.Horace,Gonville Cotga Uoff Rev. Hobeit, 56 Regent st Romilly Rev, Jos. 3 Scro'ipe terrace Rooke Mr-:. Marv, 41 New souare Rushbiool; Mrs.Ann.SKiim's p trade Salmon Geo.E-q.Tiumpingion toad Suv.ige Mrs. Ann, 28 New square Schnl, field Rev.Jas.PetersfitldCotge Scott Rev. Jolm, 31 Hill's road Seal leMrslsabella, /Maid's catisewj Shillito Rev. Richd. 5 Parker's piece Sliippey Mrs. Alice, 8 St. John st Silver Rev. SaniHel.ll Brunswick p! Simpson the Misses — , 30 Adden- brooke place Simpson Mr. Win. 8 Downing terrace Sk'iiner Rev. Geo. 4 Canden place, Regent st Skinnir Mrs. — , Parker's piece Smellev Rev.Edw Arthur,Che>tertn Smith Rev. Chas. St.Petei's College Smith Mr. Elliott, Parker's piece Smith Mr. John, Giafton House Smitli Rev. William, Dry Dreyton Sniytli Mrs. Sopliia, 6 Hill's rtle st Roberts j'ohn, 17 Willow walk Ihiiili ini James, Cbesierton .Seel>ins Patrick Beabs, 4 Parker at Snivtli W'm. v., IJrniiswick Honsi Sntion Mary (boardint'), 1 Rei^i'nt st 'Iburnti.n Lvdia Searle, 15 Hos;' Crescent ' fdavt, (it. Sbtlfonl 'I'nrner Mis. H.mnali ^bciarding & Tiirton Klizabetb & .Ann (boarding and davj , 8 Downing st AVallis .Marv Ann (bi>arding and day^, 4.T New scjnare [bill U'ats.m .Sofdiia, 11 St. Andrew's Wbillet Klizb., 12 St. Amirew's bill ACCOUNTANTS. Barron William, Chesterton rcK'.d Genu Kiiiff, 13 Willow wall; Knowles Samuel, 50 Kint; st IMacwatt Robert, 2 Trinity lane RowtonWni.'J Corn iiscbange court AGENTS. {See also Estate Agents, and also Fire, 6;c., Office y^geuts.) Bidwell Charles .Muriel (land), 71 Tium|)inutoii st Fitch Tiioaiasdiops), Mills Terrace Harvvood Rirl.ard (land & valuer), 2 Pembroke st S«ann William (to flie liia^tein Counties Rrihvay), ■") Hobson st Yorke Sam). & Ch.is. (for Kennett & Co's. i)arcel des|)atclij, 6 iJenet st AKCHITECTS. Smith John, 2(i Trinity st AValter Janus, 4 'rrumpiiigton st ARTISTS. Herrini; John Krederiik (animal painter), 2 Rololpb lane Robinson Widiaru Henry (portrait &. animal painter), 2 IJotolph lane ATTORNEY.S. Adcock Justinian, I'J Maiket st Adeiick Stephen, ;> .St. Maiy st A-hion William (iartit Tand clerk of thepeace). Mews, Sifliiey st Rarlow Frederick 'and clerk to the inairi-'lrates), 51 .St. Anrirew st li lys (ieorf,'e Henry, 17 Uullcn place, SiiiMwell [Irine Rdl John Gillam, 11 Emmanuel l'c'\ill Charles, .'jO d'reen st Hiowii Win. I'lllslord, (J Hobson st C'l'iper Charles Henry (and lown clei k ; , 2'J Jesiis lane Coiy Fre'lerick, 29 Green st Kaden J^hn, jim. find clerk to the Roro' mauistrates), 15 Sidney st Fetch Joseph l)>acoii, M Sidney ^t Fo-ter Khenezer & Kdiiiund, 17 (Jreen street Kr.iiicis Clement, 17 Hmmannel lane Garratt .losejili, ."12 .'st. Andiew st fjfitiilied Hi iiry, 7A Ti ninpiniiion st (iraiii I'ledriic k, 7 DnWitinK st Rutter Arthur, .52 Fitzroy st Rutier Robert, 10 Sidney st Rutter Thorn '.s, 21 Regent st Scialield William, 20 Market st Sismty J. din, 28 Castle st Smith John, 18 King st Smith William, 63 King st Smyth Sarah, 23 Bridge st Steam Joseph, 21 King st Stevenson John, 21 St. Andicw st Swan George, Newnham [well Thompson Will., 34 James st, Barn- Todd Smith, .32 Bridge st "I'vler English, 3 J St. Andrew st V'aughaii William, Pound bill Wallis George, 1 Castle st Ward James, Mill road W'at.soti John, 6 Castle st White Allen, Whittlesford While Geoige, 56 Cambridge place Wildersjiin James, 74 Castle st Wiidei spill Thomas, 9 Gieen st Willun .Sarah, A^ctoiia road WoodsSainuel,18Jiimesst,Bartuvell Wright Edward, Granichester BANKERS. Fisher Thomas & Sons, 28 Petty Cuiy (draw on Curries & Co., London.) Foster Ebenezer, & Charles Finch, & Geoige Ebenezer, Trinity st (draw on Pre.-cott, Grote & Co., London.) London & County Joint Stock Hanking Company Trnmpiniiinti street, (draw upon the bead ollice London) M r. Thomas Richard Walker, manager Mortlock John cN; Sous, Renet st, (draw on Suiith, Payiie,& Smiths', London Saviegs Rank, 62 Sidney st (open on Saturdays from 11 till 2j Charles Edward Brown, Esq., actuary BASKET MAKERS. Campion .lohn, 20 Sussex st Campion Will. am, 13 Magdalene st Freeman Henry, 5 Union st Graves \^"iliiaiii, 9 Butcher row BIRD STUFFERS. Baker J(diii (& general naturalist), 17 Trnmpingtoii st Lndmaii Williani, Newnham Saville James, 3 Downing st BLACKSMITHS. Bridsreniaii William, Nertmarketnl Briintmi John, 44 St. Andrew st Dmiels William Heniy, East road, Barnwell Dent Roiiert, 24 Bridge .st Ivlwaids 'i'liomas(& (hrrier),Kinggt F.lborn 'I'homas, l/ittlc Shellord Eaireliild l^dward, King's court rioiiient .Samuel, East id, Barnwell (iatewarri Wiilimi, Newnham Hieks Joseph, Norfolk st, Barnwell Langtoii Benjamin, 15 Downing st Lawn J(diii, I'^ast load, Bainwill Mallerson John, 22 Union road, New town Meeks VVilliam, Cliesterton .Muiicey David, Giaiiichesier Nichols John, Trumpiii;;ton Pont Thomas. 18 Northanipton st Ham M.itthew, Chesterton [well Thompson Josi ph, Aldiey st, Barn- Underwood Beiechiah, 15 Spar- row's lane Warteis .lames. Great Slielford Winter William, 36 Bridge st Wright Johu Land, Great Shelford Qtrcctova. CAMBRIDGE, &c. €raml)rttrgegf)ir£. BOAT BUILDERS. Cross John, Che^tertdii Lo:;an Saimiei, Tlionipson's lane Searle George & Son, Chestertou BOOKBINDBRS. [See also Bookbinders ^- Statwnera ) Armstrong & Grav, 12 Green st Barber Robert, St. Edward's passage BoutellJohn &So!is, 11 All Saints' pas>ase [cresrent Dodd Francis Edward, 20 Rose Elsburv John, KH SnS'^ex st HartJnscpli Ricli;ird,6 Sidney st Halt John, 3 Ptas hill Haycock Jol)n,St. Edward's passase Lawrence VVilliani Henry, St. Edward's passage [si Nichols William, 29 Corn Exciiauge Talbot Henrv, 19 Sussex st Whithker Tliomas, 63 Sidney st Wiseman Henry Richd., 9 Tiinity st BOOK SELLERS& STATIONERS .Markeil tliiis * are also Publishers. Allies Rlathew, 9 VVillow walk *Deii;i)"t(iii John, 12 Triuitv st Frank Charles (am! artists' colour- man), 46 Sidiiev st *Graiit William Peter, 8 Trinity st •Hall John, 51 Trnmpington itli William, Ncwiiiaikft load IVck Mary Ann & Sons, Pauton piaci', New tov\n Pi t'Mon Thomas, I'rioiv, Barnwell •Quinsee& AtiacU, 10 King st Uattie Janic, Hill's road U 'Wlini; Jolin, frnrnpiniitoi) Tompkins Jaincx, Kinmannel road Toinson Thomas, G'J Truiupiniiton st Wfhvtfi Ja-i.cSiSon, 14 Pt-mbiohest Whiiaker Kich .rr),12TcnnisCourt id BUTCHERS. Birker G. ori-f , Wliittlesford Jlartoii William {piirk),35CH8tle st Cai pt-nu-i Snsan, 7 Silver st ("arpen'er Wni. 2'J St. Andrew st Chidileiiton Geo. Kast id. Barnwell Col. ins John, 11 Anneslev place Urinu Oliver (pork), o5 Petty Ctiry Klhvood Tlioinas, .'i7 Market hill Kvaiis Joseph, 58 Castle st Kvans Zechariiili, 80 Castle st Feaks Kdwaid, 14 Pitty Cury Gee .lolin, Great Sheltoid Go'dlilfe George, 55 Sidney st Guodliffe John, h'.i KiiiR st Gtiiiton Jonithan, '^^ New square Hall Ji,hn (pork), 76' Ca-tle st Hall Samuel, 29 Masidtlene st Hashiplilizabetli, t Kcwinan Jatie, East road, Barnwell Nichols George (pork), 9 Sussex si llaper Rphraim, Chesterton Richardson (ieorge, 105 Fitzroy st Robinson V\'m. Waters, 1.5, Benetst Roysion llobeit fpoi k), 25 Bridge st Sherman Win. Princes st, New town Skinner William, 22 Coronation st. New lown Siiinson .Anthony, Histon road Svvaiin Robert, 44 Coronation st, Ni\v town [I'ark corner T.)..l)y B.-iijaniin Ma-on, MJ Hyde WiilersTliomas, Greai Shelloid Willimnti Charit s, 54 Bridge st Willimoti Chailes, 35 Maiketliill WilliiMoit Thomas, 42 Maiket hill \V I niri"hiis.( pork J, 6. Northampton SI CABINET MAKERS^ UPHOL- STERERS, at PAPER HANGRS. ,\ilain> John, 15 .Irsns lane Aiiseil William & Sons, 7G Trnmp- iin;toii slieet [lane BoninuThoma", fi Little St. Maij's Carter .lames, Ilol'soii st Cooke .losejih, fil King st Kdwaids I) ivid Hun yard, Fiiidge st (iilHiit;li:iiii William, While Bull vard. Bridge ^t Fliils Rnbcrt, 27 Bridge st Hiiisdii William. 12 Si.lniy ^i Kirk Kicharil, \'ictoria loail l.-L't;-- S,(mn<-1, 22 Bii-lg. si M iii-er John, 10 Cnicoi st .Metcalfe William, 74 Biidgcst P.ivnc Klliot, (J2 Bridi:e st Pe'^k Ki.bert & Wni. H St. Andrew st >initli Jdhn, .'Ci, Triini|iingtoii st Smith Joseph, 11 Je-lis line Svv.in John & S(m, 19 '^i !ney st Th'impsiiii Kdward, 1 .MaKdalene st Tolls Williau), lOPeasliill 12 Wilkin John, 71 King st Worseldine John, 14 Rose crescent Vorke Samuel &. Charles (and nn- deriakers, and pitentees of the 1 evolving easy chair), (i Btiict st CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Beaumont Pe'er, (iraiitchesler Bester Rolit. Beniiiick st. New town Bullock James, Black Moor yard, Bridge ^tittt Bullock James, Histon road Bunting John, 7i King st Chapn)an Jidm, Chesterioii Chapman Win. 11 Freeschool lane Clarke George, Koundry rd. Bridges! Clarke George, Chesteiton Dawes William, Trumpington DiiigTIios. Coronation st.Ni wtown Edwards David Bush, 46 King st Eve William, Hoi>s<>n st Fisher William, 27 Fitzroy st Freeman Fras. 7 Church st, Barnwell Gray Aithiir John,2'rennisCourtr(l Giay John, 2 Emmanuel lane Green Isaac, Chesterton (Jreen John, Chesieiion Hoppett Thoina-, 10 Silver st Jobson William, Gnat Shelt'ord Johnson Jolin, Pickeril Inn yard, Magdalene street Kidd John, King's court Kirby William, Chesterton Larkins John, Chesterton Lockwood John Williuin, 41 Corn E.xchange siieet Martin Richard, St. Mary's i)as3age .Moore John, Great Shellord Moule Joseph, 34 Gk en st Oafes Simon, 14 Butcher row Page William, Gold st, Barnwell Potter Joseph, 49 Resent st Qiiinsee & Attack, 10 King st Read Jonah, 3 Pound hill Reynolds Thomas, 121 Fitzroy st Rickard James, 32 St. Andiew st Robinson David, Great Shelford Seymour Matthew, Biidge st Sheldrick Richard, Whittlesford Tompkins James, Emmanuel road Waters John, Adam and Eve low, B ifuwell Whybio Edward, Little Shelford Wilson Wm. 9 James si, Barnwell WooUey George, Red Hait yard, Petty Cury CARVERS AND GILDERS. [See also Printsellers.) Denniniiton Wm. St. Mary's passage Hoppett Frederick (& picture frame manufacturer), 17 St. John st Johnson Thomas, 11 Recent st Loicti Da. id (aLMicultural, in wood and stone), 13 Regent st Mutton Henry, 4 All Saint>' passage Mutton William, 41 Tiinity st Oliver Jolm, 52 Coronation st, New- town Payne Klliot, 62 Bridge st Raitee Jaine.s, Hill's ro id [st Trounliton Joseph, (;2 Trumpington CHEESEMONGERS. Brin.ley& Bond, .« .Market hill Cio-bii- William, 'Mi King st Driver Susannah, 7 Sussex st Jt His Thomas, 47 Sidnev st Maishall Henry, 7 Peas liill Wari( II (Sl Nichols, 51 Briilgest CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Brewster Williain, 41 Sidney st Cox TlKJinas, .VJ 'I'riimiiiiigton st Deck Isai.ih. 9 King's (larade Foster James, 15 Sr. Andiew st Haidmau Isaac, 1 and 2 Sussex st Hobbs Wm. SetcbtieM, 4 1 Bridge Sf Lyon Heiirvi 22 Petty Cury Oiiidye Chaile.s, 18 Market hill Pain George Allison,5 Rose crescent Slieaid William, 30 Regent st Smith John, 17 Triniiy st Sipiires S.imuel, 5 Peas hill Siuitoii Joseph, 107 Fitzroy st Watson Henry, 4 Petty Cury CHINA, GLASS, &c. DEALERS. Alliston William, 21 Silver st Barrett & Son, 30 Market hill Doo James & George, 73 Bridge »t .Matthew & Gent, 25 Trinity st Pope George, Sun st, Barnwell Ituett .lames, East road, Barnwell Kowe Tnomas, 35 Sidnev st Shippey Wm. & Elias, 1&'3 Market st Sniiih William, 12 Silver st Will-on Robert, 11 Trinity st Wintcrion Wm. Chailes, Fiizroy st Wooilaid & Co. fiTiiniiy st CIGAR MERCHANTS. See Wine and Cigar Merchants. CLOTHIERS. Gimson Thomas (clothes' dealer), 37 Trumpington st Hodson Janie<, 65 Bridne st Johnson William, 51 Sidney st Smart Joel, 1 Petty Curv Taylor Watson, 11 .Market st W hi taker Thomas (clothes' cleaner), 63 Sidney st COACH BUILDERS. BartonTliomas, ."^OCorn Exchange st Hammond Janus, 28 Regent st Howes George & John, 9 Regent st Huiinybun Thon)as, 9 Sidney st Parker Frederick, 5 Regent st Parker William, 43 St. Andrew st Read Jidin, 5 Castle st Redden John, Eniinannel road Smyih Stephen, 35 St. Andrew st Wright Thomas 28 Hill's road COAL it CORN MERCHANTS. (.SVe also Coal Merchants if Dealer i, and also Corn Merchants.) Beales Patiick, Newnhain Bell Edward, 13 Peas hill Brown ^ Robinson, Newnliam Collin William, 54 & 97 Castle st Comings it Hazard, Mill lane Eaden John &Son, 33 BiMge st Fitch Richard, 57 Bridye st Foster Ebenezer & Son, Mill lane Glasscock John (& slate), 7 Kinij st Headly Richard, Great Shrlfuid Lawrence .loseph & Son, 28 Bridge st Sheppcard Thomas, 2 Magdalene st Sparrow Henry, Quayside Wallis Jam s, (Jeorgest, Barnwell Walts Jo.seph, 54 Regent st Wiles Ann, 44 Hill's road COAL MERCHANTS AND DEALERS. [See also the preceding list.) Cranwell Edw.ird, 7 Regent st Cumlell Willinni, t» George the Fourth st. New town (Josliavvk Richard, 38 Bridge st Kiikiip William, 11 King st Lusher William, Fair st .Moore Rachel, White Hart yard. King street [son st Swann William (and porter),. 5 Hob- Wilson George, 35 New square COFFEE ROOMS. Sue Eating /louses 8f Coffee Room*. i3(V(Cf0l'Ji)« CAMBRIDGE, &c. CamibiilrsejJSfre. CONFECTIONERS. {See also Confectioners Sf Fruiterers ) Hrooker Susan. 32 Regent st Cli;iii(Iler Chaile.s,66 Tniiupington st Fuiler Hfiiiy. 45 Sidney st Grant William Sliaw.22 Magdalene st Gray Williani, 2 liii'dge st Green Henry, 8 Kitig st Irigrey Ch res, y Hose crescent Lander John, 12 Park st Over Heniy, 3 Union st Kiciinionil John, 3 Petty Cury Scrafield Willian), 20 M irket st Tlinr.vfon William, lOfi Kingst Todd Smitii, 32 Bridge st Tvler Knulish, 34 St. Andiew st Wright William, 11 Benetst CONFECTIONERS AND FRUITERERS. [See also the preceding list, and also Fruiterers.) Becket Ann, 52 Tt nmpincton st Brookei Georte, 3 I'linity st Clements Thos. 9 All Saints' passage Dyball Daniel, 7 Bridge st Edwards Mary Ann, 19 rrinity st Fayne Aamn, 36 Markt t hill Fnller Joseph, 3 Regent st Headland Joseph, 64 Biidge st Nixon William (& foreign fruiterer), 26 Petty Cury Pettet William, 4 Sidney st AVeaver Isaac, 48 St. Andrew st Wiseman William, 10 Jesus lane COOPERS. Brown Otlio Dtisgate, Corn Ex- change street Brown William, 38 Jesns lane Graves William, 9 Butcher low Johnson David, 14 Downing st Johui-on John, 2 Wheeler st Potter John (and sieve and measure maker), 26 Trumpington st COPPER-PLATE PRINTERS. Metcalf & Palmer (& lithographers), 22 Green st [st Nichols William, 29 Corn Exchange Talbot Henry, 19 Sussex st CORN MERCHANTS. [See also CoulSf Corn Merchants) Archer Robert, Kitzwilliam st Beddall I'hilip, 30 Hill's road Bell EdwHi-.i, 13 Peas hill Hammond Wm, E^st id, BarnweU Nutter John, Smith's yird, IMada- lene stitet Stimson Joseph, 92 Fitzroy st Trigs William. Little Slielfor I Wells Jdhn, 20Ea.-t road, Barnw. 11 Wiles James, East road, Barnwell CURRIERS AND LEATHER CUTTERS. [See also Leather Sellers.) Balls Henry & Snns (and leather merchants), 70 Trumpington st Faiers John, 3 Brunswick walk Fox James, 2 James' terrace, New- market road Giblett Wm. & Jackson, .52 Bridge st Ingle John, 24 Market st Piigg Edward, 59 Biidge st CUTLERS-WORKING Everitt Robei t, Chiist lane Higgs Mary, 87 King st Peters Heniy (and truss maker), 14 St Mary st DENTISTS. Hagreen Jas. Tlios 1 St. Andrew st Jones J(din, 63Trunuiiugtou st L\on Hdiry, 22 Petty Cury DRESS MAKERS. Sie Milliners and Dress Makers. DRUGGISTS. See Chemists and Druggists, DYERS. Carter Joseph, 6 Emmanuel line Holmes Zachariah, 2 Burleigh st Hyder Sarah, 102 King>t Masteis Jolin & Co. 17 Su>sex st Masiersoii Elizabeth, 44 King st Pont Thomas Henry, 13 I'ettyCuiry EATING HOUSESANDCOFFEE ROOMS. Bailey Henry, 19 Bridge st Bilton Johni 23 Petty Cnirv Dyball William Thos. 22 Su'sat Shelford Lilley David, 35 Bridtie st Lilley Frederick, Grantchester Maris John, jun. TrumpiiiKton Maris Richard, Gieat Shelford Mails Richard Watson, Gt. Shelford Pitches George, Che.sterton Sparrow Robert, Chesteiton Sparrow Tabitha, Chesterton S|)enceJohn, Tiunipiniiton Poft Richard, Grange farm Toller John, rrumpinaton Wagstaff Henry, Chesterton Winters Samuel, Chestiiton Wrajjg William, Little Shelford Wright Richard, Great Shelford FELLMONGERS. Hall John, Chesterton Rowley Stephen, Magdalene st Thompson James, Chesteiton FIRE, etc. OFFICES & AGENTS. Alliance, Edward Cranwell, 7 Regent st Argus (life), James William Prior, 22 St. Andrew st Britannia (life), Joseph Deacon Fetch, 33 Sidney st British Empiric (mutual), Samuel & Charles yorke,6 Benet st Cattle Insurance, Henry Ranee, 51 St. Andrew st Clerical, Medical and General (life),Edmund Foster, 17 Green st Consolidated Investment (life), Henry Kent, 20 Market hill County (tire) and Provident (life), Charles Orri(k William, 17 Petty Cuiy Halls Joliii, 1 St. John st Muniiiiius Saimu'l, 28 King st I'lvoi- Jaims, 2" Peitv Cmy Stylrs Fmlerick,27 Niaikethill FLY, Qia, &r. OWNERS- TO ft HIKI'.. (Sec also Liverg Stahlf Keepers.) Aiclier Riili'.Tt, Fitzv\illiain st Clark .liihn, 15 Downing terrace Cox William, 18 i'linity st Ciirwen John, Old Uedliou yard. Bridge st Hagcis William, Li Pembroke st Hyile GfOree, 3 Short St Npnii Heiirv, Grt-eu st '^^■iit lu MiirVuii:'on, Ki Trinity st Kfddeii Ji'iin, Knnuannel rnad Heeler {{icliiird, 16 Kininantiel lane Stiihhinjs Thomas, fif] Sidmy st Wells Edmund, (J7 Uridine st FRUITERERS. {See also Confectioners i( Fruiterers.) iJartoii James (and seedsman), 14 Magdalene >t [sage Clements Thomas, 9 All Saints' pas- Cieek James, 2 Lhiion st Cris|) Geoige, 16 King's parade Dickerson Charlotte & Estiier, 29 Green si Drsl)i]ry Heniy, 7 Kmmannel lane Hankin Kdward Ives (British and foreign). 12 Benet st Johnson William, f) Tennis Court rd Liich(ieldIvl\vd.2AII Saints' passage Tliom|)>oii George, 62 St. Andrew st FURNITURE BROKERS. Arnold Sarah, 114 Fitzroy st Andley .Marv, \2h Sun st, Barnwell Ansiiii William, 105 Kingst liutlcr Kliza, 19 .Magdalene st Clarl; Joseph, Sun st, Bai nwell Dawson John, Sun ^t, Barnwell Mills John, Sun st, Barnwell Monli' Jose|)l), M Green st I'.iiker William Frederick, Sun st, Buiivvcll [Andrew st Peak {{ohert & William, 8 Saint Radford Harriet, 83 King st U .u'.-rs John, 3.5 Magdalene st Sadler Purcell, 5 James' terrace, Barnwell Smith John, 12 Peas liill .Sniith John, .35 Trnmpington st 'I'hotnpson Edward, 1 Magdalene st 'rijompson Henry (and mattrass maker), 53 Bridge st ThoDipson Henry, 84 Fitzroy st 'J'omkins Fr ncis. Corn Exchange st We^son John, Sun st, Barnwell Widdrr.s Thomas, 148 East road, Barnwell Wines J(din,95 Castle st GARDENERS. Marked thus •air Market Gardeners. {.SeealiO Seedsmen and Florists.) Bailey .Inlin, .Mill road *B,is Willi:im, Barton road Biiller Samuel, Newnliam Catlini; Edward, Sun st, Barnwell •Headland Jrceirh, Truriipiiigton Iliirei Siiinuel, Gi aiitche-ler •I'liruott Bol'ert, Barton road Pledger Joseph, Mill road KliMiies George, Mill road •Smith Wilham, New road Suvsum George, 43 BiidKc St GROCERS 6l TEA DEALERS. {See also Shopkeepers, t^v. and lilce- tcise Tea Dealers.) Allerton William, 21 Silver st .Anthonv Tliomas, 113 Fitzroy st Bak. r William, 89 Fit/roy st Barrow James, 3 Trutni)ingtoii st Ik-echens James, '57 Sidney st Bon I Thomas & Son, 37 Bridge st Biimley & Bond, .32 .Market hill Cory Mrgt & Son.til Trnmpington st Cii.s'p Joseph, 83 Fitxroy st Cni|)ley James, 23& 24 Magdalene st Doo James & Gcoiiie, 73 Bridge st Fowell Elizabeth, 45 Tinmpiirgton st Garner Jeremiah Bairks, 7 Petty Criiy Gladwvn Ebenezer, 98 Fitzroy st Hallack & Bond, 1 Butclicr row Jackson William, 49 King st Jav Edwai-d, 19 St. Andrew st Johnson Richard, 29 Market hill Marsh Edwaid Ephraim, 16 Rose Crescent Marthew& Gent, 25 Trinity st Milligan James, 11 Union road, New town .Noriiran Uolrert, 9,5 Castle st Hilisher iiichai d, '.\',\ Tiunrpington st Riiwe Thomas, 35 Sidney st Stbley John Arnold, 64 Bridge st SIrippeyWilliam & Flias,lMarket st Skiirirer William, ,30 St. Amir-ew st Smith AVilliam, 12 Siilncy st Southgate Thomas. 23 Ti ihity st TriompsonGenige, 62 St. Andiewst TofisThos, 42 Burleigh st, Barnwell Twiss J as. Petersi>n, 14 Market hill Warren& Baker, 4 Market hill Warren & Nichols (wholesale and retail), 51 Bridge st WarrenChas. Collin, 8 Magdalene st Watson Allen, 8 Peas hill Williiims Georse, 9PettyCmv Wilson Robt. 11 Trinity st [Ciiry W^)odlfy Thomas Stamford, ISPetty Woollard & Co. G Trinity st GUN AND PISTOL MAKERS. Gallyon Williams, 14 Green st Piper Charles, 7 Benet st HABERDASHERS. See Hosiers, Glovers, <^c. HAIR DRESSERS. (See also Per/umersSjI/air Dressers.) Ager Robert, ,38 Petty Cury Biygs Edward, 5 Sussex st Biggs William Harrison, 2 North- ampton st Branion [..ioirtl, 117 Fitzroy st Briggs Richard, 5 St. Andrew st Crowson William, 6 Short st Cursley .iolrrr, 86 Ca>tle st Delor .Ste|)lien (and wig makei'), 12 Sussex st Gurner James, 22 Market st Hart Dudley, 37 'Triirily st Irruram Janres, 17 Bridge st Pilson Charles, 44 Corn Exchange st Scarr Samuel, 54 Coioiraiion sti-eet. New town Sharman James, 28 Market hill Shai rrrair Samuel, 14 Bridge st Srniih Josejih Horatio, 27 Trump- ingtor) st Trrck William Holder', 24 Siver St Wilsorr Frederick, 26 Magdalene st HARDWAREMEN. I.ennard Jeierrriah, 4 Sussex st WiirteitonCliristopherjllOFitzroyst HATTERS. Marked thus* are ManufactmerB. Bays & Sorr, 11 King's parade ♦Constable J(diir& Sorr, 8 PettyCuiy F'ield George, 88 Fitzroy st Gage Edward, 11 Sussex st ♦Grain (ieorge, 1 Wheeler st Grundy Paul Edwaid, 29a Regent st Hodsdii .limies, 65 Bridge st Jones William, 10 Bridge st Kent Heirrv (and cap maker), 20 Maik.t hill Palmer John Stych, 2 Petty Cury •Windiidge John, 54 Sidney st HOP IWERCHANTS. Jay Edwd. (iS;seed),19St.Andrewst 'Twiss J as. Peterson, 14 Market hill Warren & Nichols, 51 Bridge st Wettenball Henry Jo^ejih St. An- drew's bill and Maid's causeway HORSE DEALERS. Haggis Tiros. Wellingt'oi, 14 Bridge St JenninL's Frederick, Chesterton Preston Jas. (cattle), Newmarket id HOSIERS, GLOVERS, AND HABERDASHERS, Buttress Riubeii, 15 St. John st Collings Mary Ann (and Berlin wool rei)ositoiy), 7 St. Mary st Gibson Sophia, ^7 Trnmpington st Gollaiid Thomas Clark, 38 Trinity st Lodge James, 19 Market liill Pashler Charles (:ind fancy reposi- tory), 2 Market bill Perry Jane. 20 King's parade Phillips Thomas (and Berlin wool repository). 4 Rlarket st Rowe Henry Francis, 27 Trinity st Rufbei ford Charles, 11 Bridire st Sniitli CIrappel Brand, 18 Market st \'awse'r Robert, 33 Pi ttv Cnry W^arw!ckerWii]iam,32&33Triuityst INNS AND HOTELS. (See also 7'averns &{■ Public Houses.) Bird Bolt, Hy.Davis,28St.Andiewst Blue Boar (commercial) ,Remn)irig- toir Pratt, 16 Trinity st Bull (family and posting), Henry Edlin, 64 Trumitington st Crown and Woolpack, James Flack, 5 Sidtrev st Eagle Hotel, Turner & Diver, 9 Benet strert Geoige, James Butcher, 12 Bridge st Hoop (com mrrcral,fanrily&po3tiiig), 'i'hnmas Donkin, 4 Bridge st King's Head,Cha--.Davi>^,52Sidney st Lion (family, commercial & posting), William Mitchell, 6 Pttty Cnry Railwiy Utfieslimeirt l\o(iiii<. Rail- way Station, near the Hill's road, — Joliir .Starkey, proprietor University Arms, Marianne Hewitt, Regent street Wrest'ers (&inlairtl revenue ollice), William Bullcrr, 19 PettyCuiy IRON FOUNDERS. Headly James & Kdward (and engi- neers). Mill road Hrirrell Swann, 15 Market hill Juler Johrr, '.\2 King st IRONMONGERS. Arrbnrn Henry, VV'hite Bull yard. Bridge street Bell Josepli (and agricultural imple- trn-nt maker), 48 l$ridge st Chri-tmas Thos. Saunders, 6 Peas hill Ccjocli John, 3 St. Andrew st llnrrdl Swantr, 15 Market bill Inule William, 27 Magdalene st J tiler John, 32 King st MacintosJi William, 23 Market st iSircftori)* CAMBRIDGE, &c. @am6rtl^ge5|)ir£» Scarborough & Hiotlititou, 6 Mar- ket hill Sl;allow & Coleman (and hon mer- chauts), 49 Sicliiey st Shippey George, 59 Siiliu-y st JEWELLERS. (See also Silcersmiths <.V Jewellers.) Cropley Saiah Kllen (working), 22 Sidney street [sf ToveyFiederick (working) .45BrIdge Wells Thomas, 7 Market st Wliitaker Thomas, (J.i Sidney st LAW STATIONERS. Allen Thomas, 7 Kitzwilliam st Jaiiie-i George Henry, 1 Orcliard st Maikliani Heniy, 7 New square LEATHER SELLERS. (See ulsoCitrriers SfLeutherCatters.] Barker Charles, 29 Sidney st Bright Josial), 51 Burleigh st, Barn- well [>t Giblctt William &J;ickson,52 Bridge Holt Henry, 64 Sidney st Rayment George, 35 King st LIME BURNERS. Ashy Charlts, 1 Trnmiiington st Howling John, Tnimpiiigton LINEN DRAPERS, SILK MERCERS, &c. Baker William, 31 Market hill Barrett John, 13 Market st Detinis John, 53 Sidi.'ey st Fgar Ji'hn, 31 Magdnlfne st Goodliffe William, 28§ Reaentst Haydeii Wm. & Stepheti, 17Si(inev st Hehhlewhite Fredei ick 5 Market hill Ladd t. New town Brown Letitia, 34 Market hill Brown Sarah, 25 Jesus lane Carter Mary Ann, 60 Sidney st Cidliiigs Eliza, 29 King st Cooper MarthaAnn,l 1 Rose crescent Cursley Elizabeth, 86 Castle st Duckings Sophia, 41 Green st Edwards Mary Ann, 34 Park st Fenton Eniiua, 99 King st Fynn Marv, 14 George the Fourth stieet, New town Gladwyn Jane, 27 Sidney st (iiain Sii-an, 14 St. Andrew st Gray & HodusoM, 1-1 Begem st Greenwood Maria, 91 Kingst Harris Hariiei,29 Bridge .st Holden Hannah, 23 Jesus lane Ind M)s. Anne. 16 Regent st .lones Eliz iheth, iiO Kim; st Kiiiijston Susan, Princes st,New twn Layton Hannah, Newnham Lofts Ann, Cliesiertnn Lntt Mary Elizabeth, 31 Regent st .Marshall Caroline &Emina,31 Union toad, New to«n [hill Meiice Elizabeth Dison, 23 Market Moss Maiia,15 Piincesst,Ntw town Phillips Lvdia, 50 Bridge st Pitchers Ann, St. Edward's passage Porcher Eliza, 7 Je-us lane Purchas Fi allies, 11 Silver st Siuiih IMargi. Russell si, Newtown Spiiici ley Marv, 13 New square ^teed Eaima, Qtieen st. New town Swan Frances, 3 King's |)arade Trhhit Einiua& Rebecca, 6 Short st Trundle Ann, 2 Market hill Trustium Ann. 10 St. Andrew st Watts Ann, 4 Hobxin st Wilson Mary Ann, 21 Pembroke st Wonfor Mary Ann, 13 St. Marv st Young & Ingle, 26 .Market hill ' MILLWRIGHTS. Constable Kibble, 15 Church street, Barnwell Rawlings Thomas (and engineer), 1^3 East load, Barnwell MUSIC AND MUSICAL IN- STRUMENT SELLERS. Barker William, 3 Beiiet st Eastes John, 65 Trunipington st iviiig Susiniia, 8 King's jiarade Simons Georue, 6 Regent st Sippel Kiedeiick, St. Mary's passage WoodTnomas, 16 Market st MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKERS. Dawson George (organ builder), 94 Castle st Last Bradbury, 111 Kingst [st Simons Geo. (piaiio-fone),6 Regent weavspapers. Cambridgf. Advertiser, Univer- sity Herald, Yarmouth Ad- vertiser, AND Eastern Coun- ties' Gazette (Wednesdav) — John Dickie,i)r<'i)rietr,21Sidney >.« CaiMBrilge Chronicle and Uni- versity Journal, Isle of Ely Herald, & Huntingdonshire Gazette (Saturday) — Charles Wharton Navlor, nuhllsher. 9 Market bill ' Cambridge Independent Press andHuntingdonshireGazette (Saturday) — Henry Smith, pub- lisher, 11 Market hill NURSERYMEN. See Seedsmen and Fhtisls. OIL AND COLOURMEN. Lilley William Eaden (& wholesale paper dealer), 12 Market st Moden Robert & Son, 12 St. Mary st Warren & Baker, 4 Market hill PAINTERS-HOUSE, SIGN, &c. Marlisd tlias * are also Giaziers. [See also Plumbers, Painters, S^-c.) *Beck iMaryAnn^Son,Panton place *CliapelThonias, BOTnimpinKtoii st ♦Coopi-g Edward, 12 Petty Cury *DeeWilliam Heiiiy,4 Rose descent *Dowe James, 32 'iYumiiington st *Ellis Roiieit, 43 Sidney st *Ellis William George, 5 St. Mary's passage *Felton Robert, 29 Bridee st Goode Carolina & Son, 72 Biidge st Gieef.Ann,4 King's parade Jones Henry, 8 Bridue st [way LeachBichcl.Hcniy,29Maid'scause- *iMoore Jo-eph, 33 New square *Purkis John, 19 Jauies terrace, Bai nwell *Pnrkis Thomas, 86 King st Reader Edward, Chesterton [id Redden John fhtialdrv), Emmanuel Waddelow Roht. Broadst. Barnwell *Wliii( head Edward, 9 Gorhic st ♦Whiti head John Paul, 12 Doric st •Whitehead Robeit, Spariow's lane and 18 Corn Exchange st PAWNBROKERS. Beales I'enianiin, 39 Biidge st Cole P.nb rt, 21 Bridae st Smith John, 12 Sun st, Barnwell PERFUMERS AND HAIR DRESSERS. Dimmock Jame>, 25 Sidney st Dimmock Ricliaid (and stationer), 18 King's parade [ciescent Donagan Alfred Frederick, 10 Rose KilN "William, 8 Pembroke st Moore John, 71 Bridge st Mutton George, 6 St. Jolinst Kichaidsoii Samuel &. Son, 55 Triimpiimton st Sadd Kobeit&Son, 7 King's parade Saunders Tlioina^, 10 Benet st PHYSICIANS. Bond Henry John Hales, 4 Regent st Havilam) John, 21 Tiumpingion st Thackeray Frederic, 49 St. Andrew st Webster John Heniy,2K'iig'.s jiarade PICTURE DEALERS. Morris Edw.ir 1,13 Downinu teriace U'hiiaker Thomas, 63 Sidney st PLUMBERS, PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. (See also Painters) Allen Charles, 4 George the Fourth street. New town Austin VVillium, 105 King st 15 cramliritJgesfjirc. CAMBRIDGE, &c. ^laterjs PLUMBERS, etc. -Continued. neck M.iivAiiiiA; Son, I'.tntoii i.lHce Hti.toii Ciii.lf', 14 Kitzroy St Chappi'li Thoiiiii.sSO Iruinpington si Davu- Piter. Mill roail D.iwsDii Win. (George st, Barnwell Dee William Henry, 4 Ko^e ciesceul D.iwe J tine<, '.il ti unipington st [ Klii« ll.iltert, 4;i Siilnev st Favell Ivhvaid, 2 St. Aiuiit w st Felton F,tlw;irii Tlioui.is. itS Kini; st Millrr James, 11 Si. Amhew st Mutton Jot ! •Taptieid SHnniel, Manor (Jottaue Wells lieniaiiiin, 31 New square ; Wonlor Win. Henry (classii s and inailiemaiio), 13 St. .Mary st •Wood The. mas, 1(1 Maikei st I RAO AND BONE DEALERS. Bell Joseph, Cn>tle row ; Bell Thomas, 9 Cambridge place Foo-eComfoit, 77 Kasi nl, Barnwell I JacUsou Ann. Honey hill Thompson James, Noitliampton st 1 Webh Bicliaul, Git Johnson .Mary Ann, 11 Regent st Phillips Thonias, 4 Mnrket st REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS, DF.ATHS & MARRIAGES. See under the head of Public Buildings, Hcc. PRINTERS — LETTER- PRESS. Uiikie John ( iiid publisher), 21 Sidney >ireet Forster'.Mrtiy, FaKon yird, Paty Cnry, and 14 Cliureh st Hall j'..hn, 51 Tronipington st Meicalfe &, Palnit-r, 22 (Jreen st Naylor Chailes Wharion [ami pub- lislier), y .Ma.k.i hill Paiker Jolm W., ;Piit-press)Trun)p- ingion sireet [ver st Purser Henry, B'ack L'on yaid, Sil- Sinitli Hinry (and publisher), 11 .Mirket hill Talbot Henry, li» Sussex st Wilson Samuel, 14 Biilge st PRINT-SELLERS. Dimnioek James, 25 Sidney st Frank C holes {and artists' colour - nutn), 4C Sidney st lloppeit Freileriik (and st.itioner), 17St. John .st Mutton Henry and ai lists' colour- man;, 4 .Ml Saint»' ptssaiie Mutton William, 4l Tniiily st Hoe Uol'tit, 14 Kiiie'« paiale Wils' n Samuel. 14 Bridge st PROFESSORS 6t TEACHERS. Maikud lliijs • are Ti nclii r» of .Music. •Barker William, 3 Benei -t BcrnardHeirinamiHi-drtigi' Hebrew teacher in the l'hi*ersity), 20 Fit/wil>iam >t [NeMMpiaie Brown Heinv J'diil (organist), 25 •Cliall ee Kliza (and dancing), 5 M.iid'.s cau-eway 'I'l'auiberliu Juliana Buckle (piano- (ortr), 45 lUuent stieet •F.a^te* .'oiin, f)5 Trmnpington st }lob,i<'i| Henr) Florentine (French), 48 Hill's road •I.Hige John C. 15 New square Licliteustein Izare (G' rmaii lan- guages), Cliesieilon road •.M u hill Tl omas, 24 New sqnare Pi|»T I'e'er Lsinaingi, 5 Benet st Pr It John (oigani^tto KiiiK'.s Col- l'g<';, 1 Belimint place ['(luare Iliib-..nJohnHeniy(on!.inisi),3.\'i w •Koothaiu Uduicl, 7 .Melbourne pi ROPE AND TWINE MAKERS. Bowd Uobeit, Sun si, Banuvell Ciall Will am ( Sidney st j Stevens Willi. tin, 1)5 Sidney st ' SEEDSMEN AND FLORISTS. I Marked llius ♦ are also Niirserjmen. i [See also Gardeners.) •Brewer Michael, Tiumpington rd Catling lidwaril, 4 St. Peter's st •Cununu William, .Madeley road Dixon Thomas, 35 Hiir> mad GfHves John, Bcntinik st ! •Green Henrv, New road [st H.adliiid Jo.seph (flMri.st„C4 Brid-e , •Siiiih- Caroline & Eliza, 41 Mar- ket hill I Turner WilliHUi, Richmond garden .•Widiiall & Dai is, 21 King'^ parade, ' and (iraiitcliesier ! SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERS IN ! GROCERIES at SUNDRIES, i ; Adson Kli/abetli, 41 St. Aialrew st ' ,\iiiiis Joiin, 24 Noithanip'on st j Bebte William, I'lumpinKt-n ! Benton .Alfied.Uu-sell st,New town I Binder .Maiv, Fitzrov st I Bliiikhorii (Jeorge, Great Shelford i Bh'oiulield Robert, 13 Jesus lane [ Briggs Willis, 3 Ca«tle row Bright Josepli, 17 .Maid's c.iu.seway Brown James, .Vevvinaiket road Brown William, Gi antrhester Brooks Bichard, 20 Coronation st, New tnwn Bunker William, Barton road Butler Jacob. !/uile Slielfurd Card r James, 1 .Slielh-y row Carter 'i'liomas, Histon road Ciiisoii Rose, 33 Reeent st Daniels A'illitm, 85 Fitzroy st D.iwson (leorge. Little Shelford Dean St-pi'eii, (ireat Shelford Dt-benham William, Barton road Driver Henry, 28 Coronation st, New town Ellis Thomas, Victoria road Feast Marv, Chesterton Fenii Klizabeth, 10 Shelley row Fenner Giorge, 9 Saxon st Fi«bir James, 34 Castle st Flack Edwin, 13 CambridKe place Garner John, 25 Sun st, Barnwell Gatliercole Samuel, Ciiesterloii Gawtrv Job, 24 Sussex st Goode.Maiv Louisa, .5() Casfle st Goodwin William, Newmarkit road Gray Charles, 55 Coronation st, Ne»" town Green Henry, 8 King st Green Joliii.'Chestei ton [well Groves Chas , 1 Claiendonst, Barn- Harris Sanmel, Hilton road Haivey John, Newiiham [hill j Havcck Elizabeth, 13 St. Andrew's [ Hinds Thomas, Barton ■ Johnson Thomas, Cheslerton ' Leier Jnse|)h, Melbourne place Maiflret Geo.Joseph,Newinarketrd Mason Augustus Fiedciick, 67 & I 68 Sidney >t ' Mathews James, Chesterton .Meed Wilham. East road, B.irnwell Melbourne William,! Thonipson's la iMooen Henrv, 72 East rd, Barnwell Modeii Robert, 75 East rd, Barnwell Moden Robert, Staffordshire pla< e, I Baiuwell [New town Mngiileton James, 10 Princes st, P.ite Gihbs 98 King st I Poole Charles, Chesterton Rav Jidin, Pound hill 1 Robinson Charles, 7 Castle st [Robinson Richard Syiums, Little ' Shelford [!»<'« Rob nil Mary Nichols, 2 BotolpU Rovston Robert, 25 Bridge st Se.lkius Robert, 50 Burleigh st. Barnwell [well Srawell Edwin, 18 East road, Barn- Seblev James, 6 Susm x st [well Smith David, Adain& Eve row,Barn- Smith John, 18 King st Smith John, 12 Sun >t, Barnwell St am Joseph, 21 K ng st Taylor Richard, 33 Coronation st, New town Thom|)son Ann, Northampton st Thompson William, 34 James st, Barnwell Tipladv John, 1 Gothic st Trayleii Christo|.her, 24 Hill's road Turner (!eorge, Great Shelford Wallis George, 1 Casilest [well Walton Robert, 80 East road, Barn- Warl loys Matthew, Castle st iWaid Jims, Adam & Eve row, Barnwell Ward J lines, Mill road Waid William, Sun st, Barnwell Whcaton William Joseph, 61 East j roa I, Barnwell ! Wilkin Si! ah, Victoria road j Voung .Mary Ann, 45 Park st SILVERSMITHS it JEWELLRS i .See iilso Ji'irellers.) I Peters James & Son, 8 St. Mary st I Reed Tlioinas (to ihe Queen and Prime Albert), 16 Market hill I Roe George HartweU, 7 .Market hill Sa'ld Roheit& Son (and oji-i-ians), ' 7 Kiiu's parade [Market hill Wilson Thomas, (& optician , 22 1 SLATERS AND PLASTERERS. (■'la-scock Thomas, 7 King st Jan old Charles, 47§ Regent st Royall John (plasteier), 42rramp- iiigton streoi) Susui, Clirist laiie Porcher Eliza, 7 Je^us lane [age Slater Harrier, 2 St. Edward's pass- , Taylor Sarah, 2 St. Peter's st T'nwin Susan, 10 Clement lane Wilson Susannah, 26 Masdalene st Woodard Ann, Mews, Sidney st Woodard Harriet, 41 Green st young & Ingle, 26 .Market hill SURC5EONS. AdaiES Dennis, HO Sidney st [way Bailey John L'ick, IS Maid's cause- Caiter James, 30 Petty Cury Deighion Jolm, 47 St. Andrew st Fawcett&Housh, 59 TrnintMiigton SI Fawcett Rowland Morri«,.\'ewnl}am Ficklin & lUiinp^ted, 5 Pet y Cuiy Gieen Thonia-, 22 Regent st Haniniond Josiah, 15 Market st Hoblyii Francis & Wm., 5 Benet st Humphry George Murray,56Trump- ineton street [Sidney st Hutchinson Beikley Wtstropp, 36 Johnson George, 23 St. Andrew st Knowles Edward, 12 Sidney st Lestourgeon Charles, 34 Sidney st Newby Charles, 55 Regent st Ram>ey Allen, Great Sh.lford Ransom Rubeit, 6 Jesus lane Southee Richard, Parsons Court, Wheeler stieet [inaton st Temple Alfred Robert, 53 Trunip- Thurnali Arthur Wellington, 3 Bridge street Wiulerborn Benjamin, 30 Regent st SURVEYORS. Barber Saaiucl, Kim st, Barnwell Edlin Jolin, 5 King's parade Hollings worth 'I'homas, 21 Union road. New town Preston Thomas, Priory, Barnwell Smith Elli.it & John, 26 Trinity st Smith William, 23 Mnid's causeway Swan Jolin & Son, 19 Sidney st Tal hot Robt.fof taxes), Parker's piece Walter James, 4 Trumpington st TAILORS. Marked Ihas * are also Robe makers. •Atkins William Cooper, 5 Bridge st •Aves ^Vm. Oiven, 3 St. Andrew st •Baiiibri'Jse Janie.*, 31 Trinity st *Harreil John, 14 >r. John st ' '^K ittell Edwar.l, 5 M.irket st *Beales Barnf-t, 37 Si-iney st Beal-.'s Benjrimii'.39 Bridsie st Bird Edw.^id, 10 Fitzwiliiam st *B Miing Robert. 19 Pembroke st Bonnt-tt Jolni, Market hill TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Ansel. Joseph .Adcuck, 17 Market st Anchor, \Mlliam Manffield, Qu.iy side Anchor, Ldward Newman, 13 Siirer st .Anclior, William Reynolds, Butter row, Market hill [Bam welt Bakeis' Arms, Charles Culluni, East road, Birlejmow, Robert Ro\ston,i6 Bridsie st Baron of Beef, Henrv Bailev, 19 Bridge st Bowteil Samuel, 16 Anneslev place' Beeliire. Henrv Ricliardsoni Honey hill lirowu Wiil.am 6: S lus 13 "King's i r!;!' w'lr'''" n^,u^'''\'' ^"'".'P'' '*°.' nrf-ar. Andrew s hill Barnwell [Barnwell : (linn John, 2 Downing st i Black Swan, James Lee, 10 Butcher row, I Gouldin.^Clias. 43 Coil") Exchange St Blaciimoor's Head, James Ingram, 17 Hinson Henrv, 16 St. Andrews! I n,'*^'"^ ll .,, o ,■ t u^,i ^.. I...,,,'.. i„..i „.,».;.. \ c- Bleedinx Hart, John Purkis. James st . Hori.on James (and OUttltter), 6d gleedinj Heari.Thos. S.iith. Chestertoo Blli.ge Stl\et Blue Ball. Wm. Lowton, Grantchester Hoider Samuel, 35 Thompson's lane Boar's Head, MarkButcher.SSMarket hill HiiMich John, 6 Tennis court road jBoot, Richard Lucas. 97 Kintr st Johnson Joiin, Chesterton Johnson Joiui, 2 St. John st Johnson William, 51 Sidney st Brickkiln, Thos VVillet, Chesterton road Bricklayers' Arms, Thomas Kooti, 33 St. Andrew st [Barnwell Britannia, Elizabeth .Machin, East road. passage Lambert Thomas, 34 King st *Lhw & Billington, 14 Trinity st Lodge James, 19 .Market hill Maris .Alling^on, Great Shelford .Milligan James (and diaper), 11 St. Mary st Morgan Sarah, 10 Sussex st .Mowian William, 87 Castle st Newbery John, 28 Jesus lane ♦Parfitt John, King's terrace •Peters Thomas, 4 St. Mary st ♦Radford John, 2 .Mill lane Keemish Edwd.Ai gent,7 Warwick st Bushel &'strike, Edward Guge. Sussex st 'Kempton JohuBlyth,.3.St. Edward's Butchers' Arms, Thomas Haulden, New- market rosd [row Castle, Nicholas Jemmerson. 5 Butcher Cas:le, Wm.Lamb \Vatkinson.24 Castle st Castle, Mary Page, 3j St. Andicw st Chip Axe. James Careless. Butter row Coach & Horses. John Bilton. Petty Cury Coach&Horses.Geo.Elliott,Trunipington Coach and Horses, Benjamin Lamtiert, I Nennliam I Cock, .Mary Bacon, 5 St. Andrew's hill j Cock, Thomas Bailev, Sun st, Barnwell I Cock, John Frisby, 19 Silver st [ford Compasses, John LandH'right.Great Shel- Cow & Calf, \lilliam Kirkup, 11 King st p , Crane, Robert Dyer, 2i .Market st T, ^ o c> ^^ r.^ ■ '= Cricketers. Um. M.ile. Melbourne place Ransom George & Son, 22 rrinity Crispin, Philip Arber, East road, Barnwell *Redfarn & Bailham, 1 Sidney st Crown, Mary Baxter. Itj Jesus lane ' Robinson Richard SymniS, Little Crown & Anchor, John Wesson, Sun st, Shelford I Barnwell [Trumpington st *Robin*on '^tpolipn '^O rjrppn «»■ Crown and Compasses, John Royall, 42 ll..t^llljon »tC|.lien, .iU Oreen st Oog &Duck, Joseph Pratt, 3 St. Marys .SawJge \\ 111. Brigg«, o St. John st passasje [New town Simpson & Basham, 31 Petty Cury Dolphin", Danie! Clark, 16 Coronation st, Smart Jfiel, 1 Petty (Jury " Druids, John Langton, Fitzroy st ♦Smith Foreman Biggs & Sou. 19 '^"''*^ "H Gloucester, John 'Shireman, King's pHiade „ P^°»Pf^« ^°«-- f"".«'^'' . ^ ^. c. -.1 TT ,, , r. I .11 Duke of Sussex, " illiam Bessingham, 2a Smith Henry Mason, 1 Peas hill Sussex street, Barnwell Spencer James Henry, 115 Pitzroyst Duke of Wellington, Thomas Badcock, •Spink Argeut Keemish, 24 Market Wellington row, Barnwell llill " j Earl of Durham, Catherine Huutlea, Spink Ro'oert, 41 Bridge St L ^')^'°"\v-fr^'^ « ->, v . ,/.,. , ' ,, ri.f' . ^ ^ Earl Grev, \\ illiam Mann, 31 King st •Stearn J ,mes, 41 Trumpington st E.C.R.Tav.m, Ann Fuller, GreatShelford •Stearn '1 hos., 5 All Saint's passage Elephant & Castle,Mary Brooks, Gold st, Steam Wiliiiim, Grantche>ter Barnwell *Stuart Wm. Clias., IPRose cre'cent Ei'.'in''*''"' George Traise, Hill's road Ta\ lor Wat ,)™'' *-ll'""'«' !^'"S, Fitzroy st jt-pi ,, ii-^-ii- n ^ ^ 1 1-ive Bells, Jas. i arrant, sun st, Bamwell ^rhurlhourn W lUiam, 8 Gieen st p^rt st. Georee,Saml. Moore.Jesus green Inmt Thomas, 21 Sussex st Fountain. Richd. Martin, 40 St. Andrew st L'liderwood Frederick, 4 St. Ed- fox and Hounds, Ann & John Seymour, waid's passage [John st. 18Jesuslane [Bridge st ... . - . >- _ _ . r , Arms, John Doughty, 70 p. King st , , ..^^ „^.. .^.„5,-". Robert Bedwell Mary s lane Goldsmith, Newmarket road Willis James, Great Shelford George -ind Dragon, Allington Maris ^Voodroffe William, Great Shelford Great Shelford [Barnwelt, Writtiit John Laugford, 35 Hyde ^f'';g%J^;;.Tl'<'mas Holder, EaM road, D.,,.!. „„,„„ . ■* Globe, William Britton.06 Bridge 8t .,r , ,i^r.y? „ ,0^ ,Globe, Thomas Evans. Paper Mills "Yorke Ullliam Li00th,3 Green st lGoldenCros5,JoshuaHawkins, Fitzroy st TALLOW CHANDLERS. ] Golden Eagle, William Cundell, 6 George Brimlev & Bond (& soap makers), the Fourth street. New town 3' Market hill Golden Rose, John King, Emmanuel road u„iT„' 1 ID J 1 n 1 1 i Grapes, Sarah & Robt. Ind, I Warwick st Hallack & Bond, 1 Butcher row Green Dragon. Wm. Essex, Chesterton Headley Peter John, 2 Hobsoii st " " waid s passage l John st. lojesus lane •Vintcr Charles & James, 11 St. F>■eemason^' Arms, Jol Williatns James William, Little St ig^^^.^'anTD'^'gin?^ Warren & Baker, 4 Market hili Green Lion, Brooks Wright, 5 Short st I Green Wan,Bliz»bethBland,TruDipiDgton 17 ©amfjctUsciefftire. CAMBRIDGE, &c. ^latci'jJ TAVERNS, acc^Conliiiued. CSreen Man, I'riali Coulson, Graiilchester Greyhound. Win. Mooie, Great Sheltord Hallmoon,TlnL'happell,80rrnmpini;ton st NaKmoon, John Walters, 1 Quay side Hare & Hounds, John Swrann, Sun st, B Harp, Thomas Drinir, 84 King »t fjarp, George Ellwood, WellinRton row, Barnwell [3i»r on road Hat and Feathers, William Bunker, Haunch of .Mutton, John Bowyer, Corn Exchange st [Eniiuanuel lane Hearts' Ease. James Fletcher, end of Hoops, John Hyde. Barton [.New sq Hopbind, George Fidd.inian, Fair street, Hope &Anchor,Sherritf Warreil.Fitzroy si Hop. pocket, Charles Hard, Eilen stiret, Barnwell (King si Horse & (iroom, David Bush Edwaids,4G House of ComiuoDS, James Newman, Hill's road [New town Jolly Brewer, Wm. Sherman, Princes st, King William IV, Robert Norlhiifld, Little Shelford [King si King's .\rms, Thos. Fletcher, I King's ct, Kind's Head, Daniel Pate, 6 WarwicU at King's Head,l.ucyPurclias,7MaKdalene si L«mb, Heniy Earner, 12 Butcher row Lit I le Rose.Chas. Moore, 40Tr urn ping ton si Locomotive, I'eler Davies, .Mill road Lord Nelson and True Blue, Jane Marsh, 2:} Sidney st [liridge st Marquess of Granby, Richard Jordan, 36 Merton.\rms,Jas.Stevens,Niirlhampton si Nag's Head, Jonah Read, 3 Pound hill New Black Bear.Jolin 'rrevis,4 Whcelersl New Inn, James Jiggins, Parki r's piece New Red Lion, Richard Goshawk, 3^ Bridge st [son's lane Nine Pins, Edward Kettridge, 3 Thomp- «l|d English Gentleman, Sophia Bush. Fitzroy st [Biidge si Old Red Lion, William Watts, 47 Osborn .\rms, Abraham Hi ime,Mill'8 road Paul Pry,Wm. Gaslor,r> F'ortugal place I'ickerel, Thos. FaVell,32 Magdalene st I'lke & Eel, Sarah Rogers, Chesterton Plough, (Jeorge Jennings, Mltle Shelford Portland Arms. William Potts, Cliesterlou Prince Albert. Win. Barton, 35 Castle st Prince A llMrrt, Matthew .Seymour.BridgesI I'rince ofWales.HenryOrpw oo.iHiston rd Prince R.-geut,Jos. Jen nings, Lit. Shelford Prince Regent, J"s. Scaplehrm, Regent st Q'leenAdelaide.Heni J Gee.Sl. Andrew's 111 Qiifen Victoria, W m. Smith, Chesterton Uueen's Arms, Francis Busby, St. An- drew street [road RaceHorse,Jererai;ihAppleby,Newmarket Railway King, James 'I'ofts, 34 H)de Park corner [terton Railway Tavern, John Middliton, Ches- Rail« ay Vue, Simeon Easy, Hill's road Ram, John 'Praise, Ram yard. Bridge st Red Bull, (Jeorge Franklin, Chesterton Red Bull, Thomas Htnnesy, 59 Sidnr-y si Red Cow, John Smith, 8 Botcher row Red Lion,M'«ria Allinglon Gieat Shelford Red l.ion, Isaac Elhvood,Tiumpinglon lied l.ion.Boberl Gaihercoal, East road, B. Red Lion, Richard Wri(jht,Grantchf ster Rohin Hood, George Uurl;age,JuD. Hob- sori'-( passag-; Roebuck. F'lancis .Mann, Chesterton Rose, Wni. Picss & Co. Rose crescent Rose & ( row n, Jos. Benton, (jraiilcbesler Rose & Crown, (ieorge Hall, llaym.iikel Ro8e& Crown,JohnPage,Snn »I, Barn well Rose & Crown, Susannah Plumb, Rus- sell St. New town Rosemary Branch, Frederick Godfrey Gray,30Hjde P.iik corner Rutland Arms, Elijah 'l'ra>)nham, 1 Uotolphlaue [terrace, Bainwell Sailors Reiurn,Chrisl mas Hue kler,9 J amcs Salmon, Henr\ Ciane, Fair st fehak«pere, George ilennesey, New. market road [Newm rkel road Sbakspere's Head, W'illinn Biown, Ship, George Dickinson, Mill lane Ship, James .Sieven.s, Qua) side Sidney Aim*, Alfred Uaiby, 'Mj Sussex st Sir J .hn Barleycorn, Eliza F'erguson, Burleigh street, Barnwell Sir Hubert Peel, James Gathercole, Ches- l.-rt"n [ Holison si Sir Robert Peel. James Wilson, 10 Six Belh.Tho-. Clabbon, Covent gardan Spoiled Cow, Joh-j Richardson, 41 Noi thamplon st (Terrace Hprfad Eagie, Aiiuc Clarke, 14 Downing J8 Stag's Head, George Wing, 31 Green st Star, James Marsters.'il Jesus lane Sun, William Low, Sun st, Bainwell Sun, Henry Mason Smith, I Peas hill Tailors' Arms, Frederick Newman, II Jesus lane Tally Ho.' James Marshall, Trumpington Thatched House, William Brooks, Al- bert si, Barnwell [.Andrew st Three Archers. fJeorge Thring, 50 .St. ThreeBlackblrds,HarryAIason,Ea8t roadB I'hree (,'rowiis, Henry Creek, ISSilver st Three Horseshoes, Alice Howard, Lillle Shelford [Newnham Three Jolly Millers, William Bennison, Three Merry Boys ( ). St. John si Three Swans, J as. Clark, 12 Magdalene st riiree Tuns, John Jennings, Clieslerlon Three Tuns, 'Thos. Shipp, 33 Market hill Three Tuns, Thos. Whyman, 77 Castle st T iger, Win. Ban holomew.Eastrd. Barn well Town Arms, Wm. Farren, Butcher row Union, Susan .Nunn, Quay side Nicloria. James Bullock, Histon road Wagon &H 01 ses,ThosE vans, W hi ttlesford Wag(in&Horses,HenryKing,East road, B Wagou & Horses,Ann Mottram, Hobson's passage [lane W iigon and Horses, Joseph Scarr,15 Mill Mhealsheaf, Henry Curtis, Chesterton \l healsheaf, Fredli. Hills, 61 St. Andrew st H healshe.-if, Rebecca Minler, 26 Silver st Whealsheaf, John >elby. Castle st While Bear, Charles Brande Bush, 2-5 Magdalene street [st While Bull, William Edmunds, 42 Biidge White Harl( ), 2-2 King st While Horse, John Carter, 96 Castle st White Hoise, ElizMl>elh Walker, 36 Coronation street. New town White Horse, I vet U ehb. Barton W bite Horse, Henry Wright, Chesterton White Swan, John Halt, 76 Castle si White Swan, Alice Looker, 36 Petty Cury William and Mary, Edward Stosker, .Maid's causeway [road William IV, George Lapper, Newmarket WreslJeis, Isaac Smith, ISewmarket road Vorkshiie (irey, Samuel Toulson, 62 Kin- st [way Zebr.i, Civarles Oliver, 31 l\^ajd'9 canse. Retailers of Beer Amery Thomas, 67 Fitzroy st Apelliorpe Janies, East roail, Barnwell Baker James. 17 Castle st Ballard William, 8 Shelley row Barnes George, 8 James st, Barnwell Barton James, 1 1 Magdalene st Beaumont Thomas, il3 and 94 King st Biggs John. 7 M heeler st llloomtield Robert, 13 Jesus lane Bond 'Thomas, Caslle st Brooks IClizabeth, St. Mary's passage Krown D.ivid, St. Mary's passage | Brown David, Chesterton i Blown John, Ram yard, Briilge st Bull Charl.s, 11 Clement place Burbush Mary, 58 Bridge st i Buike John, East road, Barnwell i '.'arioll John, 2 j Uussell st, New town Carter James, Hobson st Cuter James, I Shelley row Clark Charles, 18 Trumoinjjton st Clark John, Si. Andrew's lane f'ook Philip, 13 Annesley place ("ovill James, Victoria road Covin William, Great Shelford Coxall \\ illiain, Claiendon st Creamer Reuben, Newmarket road Curson Edward, 49 Gold »l Dennis J.inies, Stalfordshiie pi, Barnwell Dennis William, Sun st, Barnwell Di.biny William, 40 Market hill Doegetl Percy, 1 I Corn Exchange st Esjex Philip, Chesterton [well Everett Frederick. Wellington row, Barn- Everitt Robert, 71 Park st Farey John, Burleigh st, BarnwtU Tenner George, 9 Saxon st Freeman Charles. Victoria road Freeman Robert, 7 Carnbridge place Freeman 'Thos. St-ilTordshire pi, Barnwell FromanI Samuel. East load, B.irnwell Gales William, 68 Burleigh st, Barnwell Glover 'TIioiii.ts, 19 .Spairow's lane (iolobed Jacob, Chesterton fiowerj George, Mill road (iray Arthur John, 9 Tennis Court road Gray John Godfrey, Fitzroy st Gray Williutn, 1 1 Clement Uine Greenaway Thomas, 8 Parker st Hall Peter Peak, Histon road Hall William, 79 Caslle st Hammond Mark, Great Shelford Hard Ann, East road, Barnwell Harding William, Duxford Hicks Edward, Cutler's alley, St. Mary st Holder Edward, 43 King st Horn Sarah,? Prospect row, Barnwell Howard Benjamin, Dnxford Hurley Joseph, 43 Burleigh st, Barnwell Hyde Thomas, Chesteiton Jarvis George, Falcon yard. Petty Cury Keilh 'Thomas, Chesterlon Kirkup Robert, II Green st j» Lupson 'Thos. 26Coronatiomut, New town Lovell Thomas, Gravel pits, Barnwell Malin William, South st, Barnwell Marten Ann, Sun st, Barnwell Mason Wm.l George Fourth st,Newtowo Matthews Eliza, Chesterton I Matthews Joe J, 14 Gloucester st Meeks Robert, Chesterton I Moore Benjamin, Chesterton IMoore Joseph. 24 Maid's causeway j Mouel John, 17 Prospect row, Barnwell ' Mowlan William, 87 Caslle st i Newhery Arthur, City road, Barnwell j Newman James, Jesns terrace, Barnwsll I Nichols Joseph, 40Corn Exchange st Papworth William, New st, Barnwell Peck Thos. Slaflordshire place, Barnwell I Plumb Stephen, Chesterton Potter Thomas, 68 F'itiroy st Pratt James, 4 Quay side Preston James, Newmarket road Prime Hannah, 24 Trumpington st Prime Thomfis, ! Church st, Barnwell Purser Henry, Black Lion yard. Silver st Ready William, 9 Northampton st Richards Henry, 47 Russell st. New town Richar 'son Joseph (Mews), Sidney st Rickit John, 17 Gold st, Bainwell Riggs Esther, 8 Annes-ley place Royslon William, Little St. Mary's lane Saig.mt John, Chesterton Savage George, Newmarket road Sheldrick James, 104 Fitzroy st Smith William. 30 Market hill Soward James, East road, Barnwell Stinton Sophia, Castle st Slinton 'Thomas, Bentinck st. New town Sutton Rebecca. Mill road 'I'ate Robert, 9 Wheeler st Tavner Osborn, Histon mad Taylor Thomas, Newmarket road Thompson James, 92 Castle st Tiplady John, 1 Gothic st Topper Tliimias, 85 Cambridge place 'Towler William, Barton road Turner Samuel Nelson, tM Cambridge pl Wallis William, East road, Barnwell Walton Henry, New st, BarnweFl Warren Nathan (& hay dealer), Ponndhill Webb William, Newmarket road Wesson Thomas, 20 Repent st Wheaton Joseph, F^nsi road, Barnwell Williams Jas. Wm, Liltle St. Mary's Ian* Willson Edward Frederick, Victoria road Wiirseldine Richard Freeman, 74 King st Woodioffe W illiam. Great Shelford TEA DEALERS. Haiikiii Kdwanl lve.«, 12 Beiiet st Jone> Tlioma.*, SfJ Fitzioy st King Gfiirne, 8 iMaikt't st [st Peteis 'riioii)as,.'i Fotiiirlry yrl, Biidge WillK'H & Co., 2 Trinity st Wilson Josiph Fiosi, Ouxfoid TIMBER MERCHANTS. Bailey Tlioiiias, Sun st, BaiiiweH Biales I'atiicii, Newiili;im Bniwn dv: llobiiison, Newiiliain Collin William, 54 & 97 Castk- st Coniiiig.s & Hai'.aiil. Mill lane Fdjter Khtiiezt rai .Son, 1 Mill lane Joliiisot) Altied, .'iConi Exchaiiiie st Newman Sainuil, Kastrd, IJarnwill Watts Joseph, ,')4 Uetent st TOBACCO PIPE MAKERS. CU'iiver 'I'lio.s., George st, Bainwell Kiishaw Issae, i').') Ivast rd, Barnwell Lee Jo.sliiia, 11 .Sidney st TOBACCONISTS. Bacon William, & Benjamin & Jame.s, 17 Maiket hill Biiggs Chaik's, 32 Petty Cury Hirectori) C AM BRIDGE, &c. &Ambn^Qtmxt Briggs William, 55 Bridge st Feniier Francis Phillips, 5 Regent st Halls Robert, 34 Siiiiiey st Martin Janie<, 18 Sidney st Pleasance William, 12 Rose crescent TOY DEALERS AND FANCY REPOSITORIES. Sharmaii James, 28 Market liill Sheldon Geo., 4 St. Mary's passage TURNERS et CHAIR MAKERS. Haziewood Thomas, Sparrow's lane Johnson Alfred, 3 Corn Kxchaugest Moule James, 9 Hobson st Starling James, 96 Castle st VETERINARY SURGEONS Parkhouse Samuel (farrier), 1 Ten- nis Court load [well Saintey Thomas, 17 Churchst, Barn- Sparrow Stephen (& shoeing forge), 1 Downing place Wallis Page, 14 Bridge st Waters George & Son (& shoeing forge), 8 S(. Andrevr's hill VINEGAR MAKER& MUSTARD MANUFACTURER. Bird William Kidman, Magdalene st WATCH Ac CLOCK MAKERS. Cronch Benjamin, 3 St. John st Dumville John, fil Bridge st Harmsworih John, 37 Petty Cury Hitzman Joseph, 1 Rose crescent Lickert Henry, 8 James teirace, Barnwell Moody Mathew, 108 Fitzroy st Orpwood Richard, 9 St. Mary st Peters James & Son, 8 St. Mary st Reed Thomas (to the Queen and Prince Albert), 16 Market hill Roe George Hartwell, 7 Market hill Travil Thomas, 4 Peas hill Wells Thomas, 7 Market st [hill Wilson Thos.(& optician),22 Market Wratian Charles. 10 Regent st Wright William, 16 Sidney st Young 'vVilliain Henry, 1 Jesus lane W^HEELWRIGHTS. Carter William, Great Shelford Conder John, Shelley row Gateward William, Newnhain Godfrey Klizabeih, Little Shelford Hammond James, 28 Regent st Haslop Heniy, Trumpingion Morley Wm., Russi-11 st. New town Newman Chailes, 150 East road Pami)lin Thomas, Albion row Smith Heniy Herring, Magdalene st Smith Thomas, Chesterton Townsend David, Chesterton Wesson John, Sun st, Barnwell Wright Thomas, 28 Hill's road WHITESMITHS AND BELL' HANGERS. Bell Joseph, 48 Bridge st Bridgmaii William. Newmarket rd Brown William, 23 King st [st Haslop Thomas, Kam yard. Bridge Hurrell Swanii, 15 Market hill Impey Jos., Red Hart yd. Petty Cury Ingle William, 27 Maadalene st Langton Benjamin, 15 Downing st Lawrence William, 93 Fitzroy st Melven Robert, Laxton's passage, Castle street [Jesus lane Porcher Robert, 38 Bridge st, & 7 Scarborough & Brotherton, 6 Mar- ket hill Shallow & Coleman, 49 Sidney st Stcarn & Buck, Newmarket road Vail John&Wm., 1 St. Andrew's hill Watts Elijah, 39 Sidney st WoodGeorge, Falcon yd. Petty Cury WINE, SPIRIT, AND CIGAR MERCHANTS. Barker Field Dunn, 3 Market hill Bushy Francis, Corn Exchange st EadenHy.&Co.,12&13Maikethill FosterRichard & Son,Thompson's la Hopkins Francis, 68 Bridge st Ind Sarah & Robert, 1 Warwick st Lawrence Edward Rist, 18 Bridge st Lee John, 14 Benet st Miller Richard, 10 Market hill Nash Searle& Co., Christ's pieces Press William &Co. 6 Rot— Rev. Joseph PuUen, perpetual Saint Botolph's, Trumpington street— Rev. John Newton Peill, lector. Saint Clement's, Bridge st— Ministers at present various from recent resignation. Saint Edward's, St. Edward's passage— Rev. Harvey Good- win, perpetual curate. Saint Giles', Castle st— Rev. Edward Dodd, ptrpetual eurate Saint Mary's the Great, King's parade — Rev. William C»rus, perpetual curate. Saint Mart's the Less, Trumpington street— Rev. John George Hawes, pepetual curate. Saint Mart's, Great Selford — Incumbent not appointed. Saint Mart's and Saint Michabl's, Trumpington— Rev. John Grote, vicar Saint Michael's, Trinity street — Rev, James Scholefleld, perpetual curate. Saint Paul's, Mill's road— Rev. JohnScott, perpetual curate. Saint PETKB's,St. Peter st— RevEdwd. Dodd, perpetuvl curate 19 Crami^riir5£isi5ire. CAMBRIDGE, &c. Slater's; Public Buildings, Institutions, Offices, 8ic.-Co"'»"'fd- DISSENTING CHAPELS. Baptist, St. Andrew street— Rev. Robert Roff; Rer. Tboinas Clark Edmonds. BiPTlsT (Zion», East road— Rev. — Keen. Baptist (Eden). Fitv:roy strret — {ministers various.) Baptist, Chesterton — Rev. John Paul briscoe. Baptist. Great Shelford — Rev. William Symonds. Jndependent, Downing place— Kev. Geor^r Border Bobier. l.NDEPK.vDENT, Little Siieliord — Kev. James Bargess and Rev. William Burgess. Frik.nds' .Mketi.vg HoiiSB, Jesus lane. Pri.\iitivb Methodist, St. Peter street — Rev. J. Seager. Wkslbvax .Methodists', Hobson streetj Green street, and Fitzroy street — [ministers various.) THE UNIVERSITY. The Colleges, rsivERsiTY Officials, Profes- sorships, &c. — Seepage 7. ADDENBROOK'S HOSPITAI., TrUMPINGTON ST. President— The Right Honble. the Earl of Hardwicke. Treasurer — T homa« >lortlock, Esq. Consu/. Corn Exchangk, Downing street — John Smith, Sfe;)fj. Coroner's Oifice for the County, 14 Market street — George Joseph Twiss, Esq. coronei'. Coroner's Office for the Borough, Mill lane — David King, Esq. coroner. FiTZWILLIAM Museum, Trumpington street— William Key Ridgway, curator. Gas Company. River laie, Barnwell; Office, 40, Sidney st — William Robinson, secretary General Cemetery, Histon road — Joseph Deacon Fetch, secretary; .letfery Crick, keeper. Kknneit's Parcel Despatch Office, 6 Benet street- Samuel & Chailes Yiirke, rt(/f7i Benet street — Partrick Bates, distributer. Tennis Court, 3 'I'ennis Court road — Saml. Phillips, keeper. Tow. Hall, Market hill— Elizabeth Reeves, keeper. COACHES. To LONDON, the D^)Umce, from the Crown and Woolpark. every morning (Sunday excepted i, at ten To BURY, the Mariiuess Comwallisjrom the Crown anil V\ oolpack. every morn- ing (Sunday exc-pted) at a quarter be- fore nine, and the Protector, from the Lion, every forenoon at eleven To RDYSION, an Omnihus, from the Wre»ilers,every Monday,! hursdaj and Saturday afternoon at four To TnRAPSTONE,lhe (Ud Rising Sun, from the Hoop Hotel, every morning at a qnait-r past seven ; goe» through Fen Slanlon and Huntingdon 20 CONVEYANCES. I CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, I ON THE EASTERN COUNTIES LINE. , Station near the Hill's road, about a mile from the centre of Hie town — Robert Walt, superintendent of (he goods^ rie- I pnrtmrnl; 'I bos. Scott, superintemlent of the locomotive— both at the Rail- way .■'tation Goorfs' Branch OJice,3 St. Mary street- George Pity, cleric Coaches Sc Omnibuses from the Bull, Lion, Eagle and King's Head Inns, to the Station, await the arrival anil attend the departure of the several trains Shelford Sf«/ion,about halfa mile from the village of Great Shelford, and one mile from Liltle;Slielford — Henry Buck- Icy Sproul, superintendent CARRIERS. To LONDON, and forward to all parts of England and Scotland, the Eastern t-'oiinties Railway Coinpan\, from their (Station, near the Hill's road — Robert Vx-.iV, superintendent ; William Swann, tonn carrier and agent, .5 Hobson street —by road, Sargeant Willimott, from the Bell, Union sticct, Wednesday lircctors- CAMBRTDGE, &c. CTatttDiiftsejsfjire. ■- ,1 LONDON, & all parts of England, John Kennett & Co.'s Small Parcel Despatch, from iheir OHice,6 Benet st, daily — Samuel &Chas. Yorke, agents •I ABINGTON, William Unwin, from 'he Black Swan, Wednesday & Saturday ^tARRINGTON, Elizabeth Waller,frora ihe Bell, Tiie>dav,Thnrsdav & Saturday ', ■< BABRAHAM,' William Unwin, from Ihe Black Swan, \\ ednesday and Snt. ..BALDOCK,BARKWAY& BARLEY, Ginn, Warner &Co. from the Woolpack, Monday, Thursday and Saturday ' I BALSHAINI. William Adams, from the Black S\van,Monday,Wednesday & Sat ■ ■> BARRINGIO.N,— Ch:ipinan, from the Bell, Saturday >) BASSINGBOURN, Ginn, Warner & Co. from the Woolpack, l\Innday,Thurs- day and Saturday, and Stephen Green, from the Little Rose, Wednesday & Sat. i ) BEDFORD, Sarah Wood, (rom the Black Swan, Tuesday, Thursday and Satuiday; Richard Arnold, from Ihe King's Head, Wednesday A; Saturday, and — Hall, from the Cock, .Monday, Wednesday and Saturday ' J BIGGLESWADE, Richard Arnold, from 'he King's Head, Wed. and Sat. ','j BOTTISHAM, Smiuel Shipp, from the Bushel & Strike, every day (Thurs- day & Sunday excepted), and Edward Fordham. Wednesday and Saturday ■ o BOURN, — Dellar, from the Black Swan. Saturday .> BRADLEY, William Fitch, from the Cock, Saturday o BRINKLEY,James Marsh, from the Bushel and Strike, Saturday BUMPSTEAD, Robert Willis, from the Black Lion, Saturday o BURWELL, Edward South, from the New Black Bear, Wednesday and Sal. -0 BURY, Aueustus Durrant, from the Cock, Tuesday and Friday, and .lolin Smith,from the Castle, Wednesday & Sat • o CALDICOT, Aaron Badcock, from the Chip Axe, Saturday o CARLTON, William Fitch, from the Cock. Saturday ''o CAXTON, Robert Reuben Harvey, from the Three Crowns, Wed. & Sat. 'Co CHISSWELL, William Burrows, from the Bell, Friday To COMBERTON, Elizabeth Huckley, from the Black Lion, Monday, Wednes- day and Saturday, and James Parish, from Ihe Three Crowns, Saturday ."o COTTENHAM, Ann Howlett, from the Wrestlers, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, and Henry In^le, from the New Red Lion, Wednesd iv & Saturday ToCOVENEY,— Hazell.from theKins's Head. Sidney st, Wednesday and Sat To CROY'DON, James Lyou, from the Black Lion, Saturday To CURRINGTON,— Lowe, (rom the Three Tuns. Castle street. Saturday To DITTtJN. Benjamin Robinson, from the Woolpack, Mon. Thurs'ay & Sat. To DRY DRAYTON, Richard Constable, from the New Black Bear, Wednesday and Friday To DULLINGHAM, George Farrance, from the Bushel and Strike, Saturday To DUNSTABLE, Ginn, Warner &Co. from the Woolpack, Tuesday & Friday. To DUXFORD, David Spicer, from the Hall'moon. Monday, Wed. & Saturday, and John Twin, from the Crown and Compasses, Saturday To EARITH, William Reeves, from the New Black Bear, Saturday To EASTHATLEY, Jonathan Kimp. ton. from the Chip Axe, Saturday To ELSWORTH, Robert Wilderspin, from Ihe Lord Nelson &True Bine, Sat To ELY, William Hazell. from Ihe King's Head, Wednesday and Saturday To EVERSDEN,'r.oberl Ivelt, from the Black Lion, Silver street, Sat'irdav To FORDHAM, George Townsend,from the Lord Nelson & True Blue, Saturday To FOULMIRE, John Morley, from the Crown and Compasses, Saturday To FO XTO N, J oh n Pcarce, from the Lit- tle Rose, Saturday To FULBOURN,HenryHardwick.e,frora the Castle, and — Perrup, from the Lit- tle Rose, Wednesday and Saturday To G \MLINGAY, Richard Arnold, from the King's Head, Wednesday and Sat. To GODMANCHESTER, John North, from the Cock, Tiiesd;iy and Friday To GREAT and LITTLE EVERSDEN, Robei t Ivett, from the Black Swan. Sat. To GREAT & LITTLE GRANSDEN, Geo Flinders, from the Black Svran,Sat To GREAT WlLBRAHAM,John Foul- ter, from the Castle, Saturday To HADDENHAM, Thos. Savage, from the Lord Nelson and True Blue, and John Porter, from the Marquess of Granby, Saturday To HA RLTO N.Martha Day, from Henry Purser's, Black Lion yard, Saturday To HARSTON, Peter Chappell,from the Crown and Compasses, daily ToH ASLING FIELD, William Willimott. from the Bell, Monday, Thursday & Sat To H AUX'I'ON, — Pink, from the Little Rose, Wednesday and Saturday To HAVERHILL. Rayner Ewen, from the Wrestlers, Saturday To HILDERSHAM, — Swan, from the Haunch of Venison, & Clement Frost, from Ihe Cattle, Saturday To HINXTON, James Hunt, from the Lit'le Rose, Tuesday, Thursday & Sat. To HITCH iN, Ginn,Warner & Co. frwo the Woolpack, Tuesday and Friday To HORRINGSEA, — Turner, from the Bell and Crown, Saturday To HUNTIKGDON.John Curwain,frora the Bell and Crown, Tuesday and Sat. To ICKLETON, Benjamin Savill, from the Little Rose, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and Charles Main, Saturday To ISLEHAM, — Fletcher, from the Lord Nelson and True Blire, Saturday To KINGSTON, Richard Mills, from the Black Lion, Monday, Thursday & Sat. and David R'ch, from the Three Crowns, Saturday To LANDBEACH, — Cooper, from the While Hor-e. Saturday To LI^TON,Geol•gc- Hill, from tbeWool- pack, John Pluck, from Ihe Wrestlers, and William Cowling, from the Castle, Wednesday and Saturday To LITTLE DOWN HAM, Wm. Hazell, from the Kins's Head. Wed. and Sat. To LITTLE SHELFORD, Frederick Litchfield, from the Crown and Com- passes. Monday. Thursday & Saturday To LITTLE SWAFFHAM, Edward Feakes, from the Lord Nelson & True Blue, Wednesday and Saturday To LITTLE THURLOW, Wm. Fitch, from the Cock, Saturday To LITTLINGTON, — Christmas, from the Little Rose. Wednesday & Saturday To LONG STANTON, Thomas Few, from the Bell & Crown,Tuesday,Thurs- day and Saturday To LUTON,Ginn,Warner&Co.fromthe Woolpack, Tuesday and Friday To MARCH, William, Reeves, from the New Black Bear, Saturday To MELBOURNE, Montford Newell, ffom the Little Rose, Saturday To MILTON, William Hazell, from the King's Head, Wednesday and Saturday To NEWMARKET, George farrance. from the Bushel & Strike ; — Fletcher, from the Lord Nelson and True Blue; Thomas Smith, from the New Black Bear, and Joseph Osborne, from the Castle, .St. Andrew st, Monday & Friday To NEWTON, John Morley, from the Crown and Compasses, Saturday To OAKINGTON, Thomas Few. from the Bell & Crown, Tues. Thurs. & Sat. To ORWELL, Elizabeth Waller,from the Bell, Union st, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and Wm. Parcell,fi-om Henry Purser's, Black Lion yard, Saturday To OVER, — Shaw, from the Pickerel, Magdalene street, Saturday ToPAMPISFORD, Thos. Barton, from the Black Swan, Wednesday and Sat To POTTON, Richard Arnold, from the the King's Head, Wednesday atrd Sat. To (iUY, .lames Parker, from the Bushel and strike, Satuiday To RAMPION, — Howard, from the Three Tuns, Saturday To RAMSEY, William Reeves, from the New Black Bear, Saturday To REACH, Robert Wells, from Ihe Lord Nelson and True Blue, Saturday To REED, Williiira Hale, from iheHalf- moon. Saturday To ROYSTON, Ginn,Warner & Co. from lire Woolpack. Sidney st,Monday,Thurs- day and Saturday To SAINT IVES, William Gilbi-y. f,om the New Black Bear. Wednesdey and Saturday, and William Smith, Saturday ToSAINt NEOTS, Sarah Wood, frorn the Black Swan, and — Hall, from the Cock, St. Andrew's hill, Tuesday & Sa. To SAWSTON,— Scarr, from theHalfi moon,Trumpington street, Wednesday and Saturday, and Samuel fitch, from the Bell.S.iturday To SH ELFORU, John Covin, from Thos. Glover's, Sparrow's lane,Thursday and Saturday, and John Dean, from the Bell, Saturday ToSH KPKETH,Jaraes Miller & Stephen Hayes, from the Little Rose, Saturday ToSOHA.M, Robert Canham, from the Bell and Cmwn, Wednesday and Sat. ToSOMERSHAM, Wm. Reeves, from Ihe New Black Bear, Saturday ToSTAPLEFitRD, rbomas Dean, from the Crown & Compasses, Tues. & Sat To STETCH WORTH, Geo. Farrance, from the Bushel and Strike. Saturday To STRETH AM, William Hazell. from the King's Head, Wednesday and Sat To SUTTON, William Hazell, from the King's Head. Wednesday and Saturday To SWAFFHAM, John Chapman, from the Black Sw an, Wednesday and Sat., and Edward Fordham, from the Bushel and Strike. Saturday To TADLOW. — Morley, from the New Black Bear, Saturday [Cock, Sat. To THURLOW, William Fitch, from the To TOFT, Thomas Freestone, from the Three Crowns, Wednesday & Satrrrdar To TRIPLOW. William Wallis, from the Crown and Compasses. Satrrrday To TRUMPING ION, Mrs. Haslop.from the Crown aud Compasses, daily To WALDEN, William Brewer, from the Little Rose. Wednesday and Satrrrday To WATERBEACH, — Hazell.from the King's Head. Wednesday & .Saturday, and — Bradtield, from the Bell and Crown, Snturday ToVVESTON-COLVILLE,Wm.HayIock, from the Castle. .Satrrrday To W EST WRATTLlNG.Wra. Starling, from the New Black Bear, Wed. &Sat. To WHITTLESFORD, Stephen Lofts, from the Little Rose, Tuesilay, Thurs- day and S.itrrrday To W If KEN, Robert Canham, from the Lord Nelson and True Blue, Saturday To WILLBRAHAM, James Stubbings, from the Wrestlers, Petty Cury, Wed« nesday and Saturday To WILLINtiHAM.John Holmes, from the Lord Nelson and True Blue, Wed. nesday and Satuiday; Thomas Few, from the Bell and Crown, and Daniel Lucas, from the New Black Bear,Tueb. day and Saturday To WIMPOLE, Elizabeth Waller, from the Bell. Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. To WOOD DIITON, George Farrance, from t le Bushel and Strike, Saturday To WRESTLI.\GWORTH. Geo. Far- rance, from the Bushel & Strike, Satur- day, and — Morley, from the New Black Bear, Saturday CONVEYANCE BY 'WATER, To ELY and WISBEACH, William God- dard's Siiiliyig Boat, from the Quay side, every Wednesday morning 21 (ZTambrilrgegfttre. ^latet'js 1 CAXTON S a parish, in the liiindred of Longstow— the small iiiemorials of tlie departed, but none of peculiar interest wn, which ^t one time had h regular inarki't, is 49 to the casual visitor. The li\iii^' of Caxton is a dis- ...iles N.N.w. from London, 11 w. from Cambridge, 10 charged vicarage, in the gilt ot thf Dean and Canons s.s.E. from HuntinKt!oii,and 7 E. hys.froniSt. Neots; of Windsor ; tiie Rev. Arthur Tozer Russell is the situated on the great line of road between London and present incumbent. It has been stated that Cixton. York. It is one of the oldest posting towns in the county ; and, previous to the opening of railways, de- rived considerrtble prosperity from the iiassing through of travellers. The town is the centre of an extensive Union, under the New Poor Law, comprising twenty- six parishes, for the poor of whicli a .spacious work- house has been eiected. Magistrates meet here in petty ses.sion, at the Crown Inn, on the lirst Tuesday in every nionth. The parish church of ^^aint Andrew contains several who introduced the art of printing into England, was a native of this parish: his (»wn memoirs, however, confer upon the county of Kent the distinction as his place of birth and education. There is no regular niarkfi held here at the present time ; the neighbour- ing farmers, however, assemble every Tues'lay at the Ciown Inn, upon market business, which is chiefly for the sale of corn. A fair is held on the 6tli of ftlay, and another on the 12th October. Tbe population of the parish, in IS.'Jl, whs 417, and in 1841, 558. POST OFFICE, Satnuel Fordham, Post Master. — Letters from all parts arrive every morning at half- past three, and are despatched at ten at night. NOBILITY, GENTRV, AND CLERGY. Bacon Rev. Hugh Ford, Bourne Cheere Rev. Geo. Papwoith Fverard Cheere Wm. Esq. Papworth Everard De la Warr Right Hon. Earl, Bourne Newton Samuel, Esq. Cro.\ton Park Newton Satnuel, jun. Esq. Croxton Norris Rev. Fredk. LittieGrandsden Russell Rev. At thut Tozer, Caxton PROFESSIONAL PERSONS, INCLUDING SCHOOLS. Dumbleton Gemee, r.gistrar of biiths and deaths Fordbatn Elizabeth, school Morthick Henry, attorney Wright & Biooks, surgeons INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Bricklayers' Arms, Fred. Simpson Cross Keys, Ric)iard Looker Gior8;e Inn, William Kidninn Old Crown Inn, Benjamin Wilmer FARMERS. Bayncs John Cawcutt Thomas Evans Susantiali Kidmati James Kidman William Tate John Watson Jolm Wayman John Wedd Octavius Wedd William SHOPKEEPERS tt TRADERS. Brown William, shopkeeper and blacksmith Brown William, boot & shoe maker Buck David, boot and shoe maker Carter Joshua, carpenter Dumbleton George, tailor Foidham Samuel, chemist and druggist Harvey Robert Reuben, carrier HipwellJoshua, miller Lightfoot James, shopkeeper Noble Edward, shopkeeper Thorp John, tailor Walker Edward, tailor POOR LAW UNION. Workhouse, Caxton. iT7as/er— Henry Alger. A7VAY. The nearest 5t Fryer Thomas, Esq. (magistrate), Gardner John Dunn, Esq. Wenny end Gathercoie Rev. Michael Augustus, Vicarage Giay Mr. William, New road Giiffiiii Rev, William, New road Levvin the Mi>ses, Park st Lynn Rev. Jame«, Mill end Richardson Mr. John, Mill end Ruston Miss Margaret, Wenny end Rusion Richard. Esq. Wenny end Skeeis Henry, Esq. Mill end Smith Mis. JEleanor, Slade end Smith Mr. Joseph, Park st Vipan Mr. Robert, Mepal Warth Mr. Ht-nrv, High st Weidon Mr. John, Mill end ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Not otherwise described are Day Schools. Bass Frances, New road British School (boy.s). New road — James Hawley, master British School (giilsj. New road Elizabeth Blomfield, mistress Drake Maiy (boarding and day). Mille«d Lovell James, Mill end BOOKSELLER St STATIONER. Southwell Joseph (and printer), High street BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Abbott Josepli, Mill end Bellamy Tliomas, Hiiih st Camps Josf ph, Mai ket place Cockerton Joseph, Hive lane Cotton George, Slade end Gaye Richard, Hive lane Gunton Richard, Hive lane Moulion Richard, High.-t Murfitt John, Mill end Peyton West, Wenny end Reed George Bonfield, Paik st Sears Jojin, Paik st Skerls Jo.sepli, Slade lane Wlialey William, Slade end Wheeler Joseph, New road BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Brooks SewHrd, High st Langford Thomas, Hi^h st BREWERS. Fryer Daniel&Thos. Cross Keys lane Lindsell TlioniHS, High st Vipan Benjamin & Son, Mepal BRICK MAKERS AND LIME BURNERS. Curtis William, Mill end Fryer Thomas, Park st Lemon VVilliam, New road Wade Jeremi.ih, Mill end BRICKLAYRS «c PLASTERERS. Brown William, Wenny end Johnson James, New road Lemon William (and stone mason). New road [end Pacey William (and slater). Lane Wade Jeremiah, Mill end BUTCHERS. Lynn Emma & Maria, Mill lane Lyon Rev. James, Mill end , „ „ . . r. . Natio.nal School, Smart's lane— ' ^Upress Benjamin, Park st John Harrison, masters Emma ^"""" ^^'"'^'"- *'''*'^*^ '^"'' Skeeis, mistress i <-'la'k Henry (pork), Slade end Porriier Philip, New road i ^^^1' Henry, Marktt place Sjwrks Ruth& Maiy Ann (boarding! Harrison Benjamin, High st and driy), Wood st ATTORNEYS. Allpress & Lawrence (John Law- rence, cleik to tlie magistrates), High street Mark by Edward Gillam, Smart's lane Haywood Joseph, Wenny end Haywood Willirtm, Slade end Kniglitley William (pork). High st Mace Da\id, Slade end Norman James, Hithst Rowton Jonalliaii, Hive lane Skeeis Philip, Back lane AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS Talw John, Hiali .st AUam James Little, High st Tabor Samuel, Mill end CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Newton Robert, High st BAKERS 6t FLOUR DEALERS. Bays Henry, Slade lane Beehy John, Slade end Fowler Thomas, Hive end Jay Frederick, High st Rowley .Maiv Ann, Marketplace Rowley Sarah, Mill end Tillbrook 'I'liomas, Slnde end Vanderaa Mary, High st Walton William, Slade end Wright 1" rederick, yive end BANKERS. Gurncys', Birkbeck, & Perkovrrs' (Branch of Wi>heach), High st — (draw on Barclav, Bevan, <& Co. I>ondon) — John Ro'^s, agent BLACKSMITHS. Aiigood Johnson, Rayment's lane Angood Joseph, Park st Brand John, Hii^h st Drake 'i'liomas, Hive end Edwards Heniy, High st Jarman Mary, Mill end Moxon Richard, Slade end Rose John, Wenny end Turner Samuel, Rayment's lane Allani Jas. Little (furniture dealer), Higli street Bolton Samuel, Mill end Fea^t John, High st CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Bolton Samuel, .Mill end Carter John, New road Clarke John, Smait's lane Feast John, Hiuh st Porter Robert, Slade end Sumner William, Slade end Warwick John (and millwright), Slade end CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Gravston Freileiic Samuel, Highst Lamplugh Jonathan, Higli st Leigh Edward Leonard, High st Muniby George, High st Negus Thomas Neal, Park st CHINA AND GLASS DEALERS. Brooks Samuel, High st Lamb Robert, High st COAL MERCHANTS. Fiyer Daniel&Thos. Cross Keys lane ^indsell Thomas, High st CONFECTIONERS. Allani Joseph, High st Lavender Thomas, High st Rowley Mary Ann, Market place Sears John, PHrk st FARMERS. Angood William, Paik st Mays Jonathan, Slade end Brooks John, Hive end Brooks Richard, High st Brown Samuel, Someishani road Cawthorn John, Mill end Curtis William, Park st Ilett Edward, Mill end Lamb Robt. & Edward, Wenny end Lyon William, Park st Marchiint James, Hive end Marchant Peter, Hive lane Newton Robert, High st Nix Thomas, Somersham road Nix William, Somersham road Payne William, Slade end Pvke John, Ferry Richardson Fryer, Horseway Richardson Fryer, Wenny Richaidson Fiyer, jun. Wenny end Riciiaidson Joiin, jun. Mill end Richardson 'I'homas, High st Ross Joiin, High st Ruston Alfred, Wenny end Ruston Richard, jun. Wenny end Ruston Robert, New road Ruston Robert, jun. Newroad Ruston William, Mill end Sears John, Hive end Sears William, Hive end Seward William, Park st Shepptrsoii Joseph, Back lane Skeeis William, Fens Smith James, Hii;h st Smith John, Mill end Smith TliTiinas, Hive end Storks Joiin (and jobber), Mill end Throssell William, Wenny end Triplow John, Smart's lane 'I'liplow Thomas, Hive end Triplow William, Slaiuer{. *Hu-twait \\iili:tiii, U'eiiny end •Lamb Rntifft. Hiiili st Leitli Kdwaid Lt'oiiartl, High st Munibv Gcnrae, Hi^h st Nt'gii.s Thomas Neal, Park st •Ito-i.s iSc ("iHike 1 wholesale and re- tail, and tallow uliai.dlers},Hit;h st •Stuck Jaiiifs R< viiokLs, .Mill end •Tliirtle Saimiel, Sl.ide end HAIR DRESSERS. Chequer Cliailes, Smart's lane Kendrick 'I'linmas, Hitfh st L'daiiiiin William, Hiyhst Taylor Robert Loveday, P.irk st INNS AND HOTELS. {See also Taverns i,; Piihlic Houses.) Georse Hotel (family, coinineicial, and posting house, and excise ollice), Robert Newton, High st Horse & Gate, William Alatiliews, Higli street IRONMONGERS. Brooks Seward, Hi>;l) st Langford Thomas, HiL'h st MALTSTERS. Fryer Daniel &Thos.Cros.s Keyslaue Lindseirriionias, Hiuli st Vipau Benjamin & Son, Mepal MILLERS. Bavs Heniy, Slade end [end Freeman, Alarchant & Wartb, Will Laneman Peter, Rmnsfield Wriylit Francis, New road MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. Cra-hl v Jane, Hii^l) st Lavender Maix', Hii,'li st O>horii Jane, Highest PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, AND GLAZIERS. Allain James Little, lliitield ItowtoM U'iliiam, Hive end Se irs Josiph, Weiuiv end WaU.ticId Ann, Slade end Wright Fiedeiick, Hiieend STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Jiellamy Sarah, HiL'h sf ICveriit'Hli.alieth, Sla.de end Osborii Jane, H'gh st Riiston Saiab, Weimy end Smith Mary Ann, Slade end SURGEONS. Aiclier John, Mill end Deane James, New road Saunders Ebene-^er, Mill end Wright Jo>eph Hall, New road SURVEYORS-LAND. Lovell James, Hiudi st Paicher I'hilip, New road TAILORS. iMarki'd tliiis * are also Drapers. •Anderson John. Marketplace .Angood Josepli, Slade end Clark Georee, i\Hll end Kendrick Thoiniis, High st •Leiiton John Wennycnd Millard Thomas, Wenny end 'Oliver John, Market pi. & High st Payten John, Park st Sabertoii William, Hive end Skeels John William, Sn)art's lane Stratton Samuel, Wenny end Sumner John, High st *Tuck James, Hiuh st U hittlesea Robert, Hi ah st TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Black IJnll, Win. Cardpll, Smalt's lane Black Hoi-sp, Eihvard Hndson, Slade end Cock, Jame.s Cook, Mill end Cross Ke>s,Chas. Chapman, Market place Oown & Anclior,Mary Angood, Hive end Frn I'loiifrli. \Vm. Seabrook, Hive end Kin? William IV, Henry BilIetl,Hisli st Red Lion. Joseph Bedford. Mill end Rose & Crown, Thos. Andrews, Slade end .Ship, James Darlow, Slade end Spade & Beckft, Oavid Mace. Slade end Wheatslieaf, Anthony ■Miller, Wenny end White r^art, Thomas Ansiood, Mill end While Lion, Benjamin Harrison, High st Retailers of Beer Allam Josepli, High st Ashy .lames. Hive end C-eby John. Slade end Bird William, Slade end Bond Thomas, .Slade end Brand .lolin, Back lane Carpenter Thnmns, Slade end Chapman M irk. Hive end ( hapman Richard, New road Dishy Tobias, .Slade end Drake 'I'humas, Itack lane Edgley John, Mill end Gage Richard, Slade end How Isaac, New road Hudson William. Shde end Larte 'I'homa'^, Hive lane Mace David, Slade end Millard 'I homas, Henny end Milchell John, New road Mnnns Daniel, .Mill end Nichols Thomas. Hive lane Niinn Thomas, Slade end Raymond Richard, Hive end Seabrook William. Hive end Shilling lahvard.HiRli st Skeels Joseph, Slade end Skeels Philip. Back lane Smith PtreKiine, Slade end Sole 'I'hoiiias. Hive lane .Summers Thomas, Back lane Walton William. SI ide end W arwick John. Slade end We-t Thomas, Wenny end Wheeler Joseph, New" road Uoodwaril Hoheit, High st WTATCHAND CLOCK MAKERS. Smallhones John Thoma>, High st Smith Ttiomas, Park st WHEELWRIGHTS. Meeks Charter, Rayment's lane O.sborn William, Mill end Oslmrn William, jun. Smart's lane Tillhrook Ivlwaril, Slade end Turiitr William, Ruymeiit'> lane WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Fryer I) miel & Thomas (spirit), Cross Keys lane Lind>ell Thomas (spirit), High st Newton Robert, Hiub st v'ijj.in Reiijamin & Son, Mepal Miscellaneous Armitage John, nKricultural machine maker, l\larket place [st Baker Thomas, professor of music, High Bearcnck John, iron and brass founder, Park street [place Biidsall Fras. veterinary siirijeon, Market Chamberlain James, fellmonKer.Hive end Curry Wm. inspector of police, New road Gas VVokks, Slade end— John Smith, proprietor Grant Charles, cooper. High st Hall Thomas, music seller, High .«t Lvi.ANU REVHNUcOFKiCB.at the George Hotel, High street — Alexander James, ollicer James Alex,Tnder, revenue officer, Newrd James Thomas, accountant, Mill end Literary Institution, High street- George Mumhy, secretary Mould Mary, basket maker, Iliiih st Newitt James, chief constable, New road Newton Uobert, agent, and bookine office to Ihe Eastern Cooiilies' Railway, George Hotel, High st [lane Pack William, travelling tea dealer.rtack Sears Thos. corn and Hour de3ler,High st Stamp Offick, High street— Edward Leonard Leigh, distributer Tlirossell Win. land agent, Wenny end Wade Benjamin Blyth, architect and builder, Mill end CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON TDK F.ASTF.UN COUNTIKS' I.INF,. Slatinn, Hive end, about one mile from the centre of the town — Allied Mar- rage, station uuntfr . Rubeit Newton, agent and booking ojfite, at the George Hotel. Omnibuses at the station await the arrival and attend the departure of the several trains. CARRIERS. To LONDON, and forward to various parts, tlje Kastern C'oiiniies' Railway Company, fiom their station. Hive end, daily— Alfred Manage, station master To HUNTINGDON and RA.MSEY, Snelling Pepper, from the White Lion, I'riday To MARCH, Richd.Earl, from his house, Wenny end, Tuesday and Friday To SAINT IVES, Richard Fail, from Wenny end, Monday and Thursday, and Snelling Pepper, from the White Lion, Friday To WISBFACII, Richard Fail, from Uriinj end, Tuesday and FViday j| His city, the rapital of the isle of Fly, is situated about the centie of ihc cdiinty of Camlni'lue ; Ii7 iiiilc^ N. by y- from London, IfJ n. by i:. from Cambiidgc, and Li N. .N. w. from Newmarket. The X'eii. table (i.de derives its name from the va»t qiiaiititics of eels taken in the low fen lands jnevious to and in his time, when they were not iiiilaiiked or diaineM ; and other antho- ri'ies are eitherVilciit upon|the subject, or acquiesce in the oiiinion ..f this ancient wiiti-r. The city stands on the |}ank.sof the Uuse, upon an eiuhience, overlooking 24> ELY. on every side, an extensive ranee of country: if is clean but possesses little that can interest the stranger besides tts cathedral— which forms a noble and iiiominent object. Ti e town consists principallv of one long street, from whii h other smaller ones' brancli ; near the centie is a tolerably spacious market place, and ; omtmidious corn exchange— the latter erected in 1847. I he shire ball, or com t hou^e, is a convenient building, composed of a centre and two wings; the foiiner con- tains apaitinents for liolUing the couiLs, while the ^irectorg. ELY. CTambrtirge-sftir^ north vvinj< is appropriated to the |)urposes of aiiinfir- Euary and the south to a chapel ; a house of coriectici) is behind the couit hou>e, and tlie comnioii gaol is on one side of it. A very liandsouie building, has been erected, near the city, i«r the extensive Union formed iu the neighhonriiood under the New Poor Law. The district around Kiy is sirittly agricultural, and the manufactures of tlie city are neither various nor extensive : there are several flour and oil mills, some maltines and breweries, and a pottery. Gardening is be dedicated to the Undivided Trinity, which was ac- cordingly done; this charter ordained that the estahlish- nient should consist ofa dean,a prie-t,eiglit prebendaries and sundry other ministers. The present establishment comprises a bishop, eiaht canons, five minor canons, eight lay clerks and tlie like numberof choristers. The edifice, as it now stands, is a majestic and elegant pile, erected at different periods, and presenting a curious medley of the Saxon and Gothic-Norman styles: it is 535 feet long from east to west, and 190 from north to pursued generally and prosperously; several acres of j south ; its height is 112 feet, and that of the west tower land are appropriated to the growth of that delicate (the spire of whichjias been removed) 215 feet. The vegetable, asparaaus, much of which is despatched to architecture of the interior is chaste, yet highly orna- the Loudon market ; and by means of the river Onse a ' niented ; it contains two chapels, which suttered injury considerable trade is carried on in corn and coal, 'i'he j fiom the excesses committed by tlie soldiers of Crom- fen lands in the vicinity are preserved fioin inundation i well in the contest between Ciiaiies I and the Parlia- by artificial hanks constructed along the sides of the I ment. Several interesting monuments of bishops, and livers; tiiese lands, from ti)eir improved state of drainage, are much moie valuable now than they formerly w^eie: the steam engine has superseded the employment of wiiidmills in raising the waters from a tomb of one of the earls of Worcester, erected in the time of Richard HI, are worth notice. The Right Rev. Thomas Turton, d.d. is the present Blsiiop ; and the very Reverend George Peacock, d.d. (rector of VVent- tlie lands into the river. The principal inns are the j worth), is dean. Trinity ciiurch, formerly called Saint ♦ While Hait,' the ' Lamb,' and the ' Angel;' thev Mary's chapel, stands at the south side of the caihe- liave all an established reputation with commercial dral — indeed it has for many years been attached to, and gentlemen: the first-named has a good bowling-ureeii attached. Conrts of sessions are held regnlaily in the shire hall; courts leetand baron are held by the bishop for his manor, and by the dean and cliapter for the manor over which they have jnri^diction. The assizes tor the Isle of Ely, formerly held here and at Wisbeach alternately, have been discontinued, wnder ilie provi- sions ofa recent act of parli-iment: for that and many other purposes, the affairs of the Isle of Ely are merged in the geneial business of the county: but Ely is included in the thirty-second circuit of County Court towns, undertheact passedin 1846, for the recovery of debts to any amount, not exceeding £20. — the court sits monthly in the shire hall. A Mechanics' Institution was established in 1842, and a Museum connected with it, was opened in 1849 — il.hasaiso a well selected library, A churcli and nionnstery were est.iblished here by Eihelreda, a princess of Ea>t Analia, so early as the year 673; these edifices, and the ancient monastery of Soham (six miles distant), were reduced to ashes about two centuries after their foundation, and their religious inhabitants massacred, by the ruthless Danes. In 970 Efhelwald, bishop of Winchester, pnicliased the whole Isle and rebuilt the monastery; he placed some monks in it, and appointed an abbot over them: it subsequently passed through vnrious liands, beini.' altern itely demo- lished and rebuilt, untihthe ye. ir 1541, when Henry VIII granted a charter for converting it into a cathedral, to forms part of the latter structure: its interior has been mostsupeih; the roof is unsupported by pillars, and was at one time painted sky-blue, and studded with gilt stars, to represent the firmatnent. The other church — Saint Maiy's, stands a short distance from the cathe- dral; the livings of both are perpetual curacies, in the patronage of the Dean and Chapter. There ;ue places of worship for Bapti>ts, the Wesleyan and Primitive Methodists, and Lady Huntington's connexion. The charitable and educational institutions comprise a national school, and a well-conducted free school— the latter founded by a Mrs. Catherine Needhani, for thirty poor boys, who are clothed animally, and with each an appreniicesliip fee is given: there is also a free gram- mar school, founded by Henry VIII, for conferring on the sons of tradesmerr belonging to the city a classical education; a competent master is appointed by the Dean and Chapter of Ely ; the school is, however, but thinly attended. There are almshoH>es for poor widows; and a considerable income, arisirrg from estates de- vised by a Mr. Thoma* Parson, is annually distributed among the poor inhabitants of the city; there are also other minor charities. The tnarket is held on Thuis- day, for corn, cattle, 'seed and other commodities. Fairs, Holy Thursday and October 29th. Thecity,com- prising the two parishes of riinity and Saint Mary, Ely college, and Chettesham chapelry, contained by the official returns, made in 1831, 6,189 inhabitants, and in 1841, 6,825. POST OFFICE, MARKET PLACE, ELY, Mr. JOHN CLEMENTS, Post Master. Arrival of the Mails From London, Attleborough, Bishops Stortford, Boston, Brandon, Cambridge, Holeeach, Lvnn, March, Norwich, Saffron Walden, Thetford, Wisbeach, VV^ymondham, Yarmouth, and the South, West, and North of England, every night at half-past twelve and afternoon at half-past two. From Alford, Boston, Bury St. Edmunds, Downham, Harlow, Holbeach, Hull, Louth, March, Newmarket, Peterborough, Spalding, Spilsby and Wisbeach, every night at half-past twelve. Despatch of the Mails To London, Bishops Stortford, Cambridgr, and South, West, and North of England, every 'nrorning at nine and night at five minutes before ten. To Attleborough, Boston, Brandon, Lynn. March, Norwich, Thetford, Wisbeach, Wymondham and Yarmouth, every afternoon ht oire and five minutes before ten at night. To Alford, Bury St. Edmunds, Downham, Harlow, Holbeach, Hull, Louth, Newmarket, Saffrop* Walden and Spilsbv, every night at five minutes before ten. — To Bedford, St. Neots and Newport Pagnall, at five minutes before terr at night on Satiirdai/s only. Messengers, with bags for Downham^ Isle, Littleport, Sutton, Mepal, Haddenham and Stretham, every morning at seven. The Box closes half an hour before the de^i)atch of the Mails, but letters are received until five minutes before upon an extra stanrp being attached to each. Dean Mrs. Hannah, High st Durham Mrs. — , St. Mary st Fardell Rev. Henry, m.a. College French Rev. William, d d. College Gillett Rev. Edward, m.a. High st Griffith Rev. John, m.a. College Hall Rev. George, St. Mary st Hardiinan Mi'. Thomas, Hiijh st Harlock Mr, John, St. Mary st NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Ashley Rev. John, m.a. College Bull Miss Mary, Hinh st Button Mrs. Sarah, Gaol st Clay Rev. William Keating, College Crapley Miss Kezia, Downham lane Crown Rev. William, Victoria st Crudgington James, Esq. Babylon 4 Harwood the Misses Mary & Ann» Hill Hou.se [lege Henderson Kev.Jas.Henry,M.A.Col- Legge .Mrs. Julia, Gaol st Maddy Rev. William, d.d. College Mill Rev. Wm. Hodge, d.d. College Millers Rev. George, College Morris Mr.Cbarles Sumpter,High st Muriel Mis. Elizabeth, Alarket place 25 (i:ambiitig;c£f)uc. ELY. Plater**? GENTRY, Hc—Conttnutd. I BASKET MAKERS. Mariel Mi^s Mary. .M< >t Riiiiirr Mi'i. I'lio.'b*', I, villi road Hjyiifr Mr. William, St. .Mhf)- st Sriw»u Kcr. William, M.A. College Siiiiih Ki-v.>ioloiiioii M.A. St .Mary 81 .•»l'jtWt-Hi"v.KilwB.i\v\ri,M a. College ^fxrke Krv.Joliii Hiiiiy, MA. (chan- cellor of \.\\' , Col rge SjMioiier .Mr. Thouia*, (iaol »t Si{uil>b« KrT. KichArd, Chapel ft Strtciis (icortre, K^q. .^Ja^ket place Tildeu .Mr* .Marv, >t. .Maiy st Tarion tiie Hufht Her. Thoiiias, o.D. (Hi«hop(.f Klv\tl.e I'alace Wiil.» .Mi«. Su«.'iiiii.ili, St. .Maiy st ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Not olhr(r dr»ciit>nl arr Uj)' .SckooU- Hritjs .Marv .\iiii. Si. Maiy st Cuxtoii Cliariev, Gaol st Cl.tsU>n .Ma'ia, .M «i ket place Eu'drii .^l1r»•, IJio.id st Gbammau Si iiool, College — Rev. Jhiiics Henry Heinlt tmid, head luaxier; John .Nl'Lochlin, second master Leggc Plishe & Maria (boarding anil ilay), St .Mary st Matthew* Mary, Gaiil >t National School (boys'), Gallery, College — (inaslir racani) Natiusal SciiooL(girls'j,Gaolst — Susan I'aie, ini-trcs Nr.r.i)iiAM> Cii A KIT V School, Hack hill — Joseph I'ouiitiiev, niaiiter Ruklibruok .M.irv Ann, Gaol si Sauiidcis Ann boarding], Fore hill Srott Jane, Koie hill [\\\\\ Tiigg Whi. (bo.inliiii,' and day), tore ATTORNEYS. Aichcr Thomas & Goodwin, Mar- ket place Claxicn Je»sc. Rroad st Dnich Luke & Son, St. Mary st Kv.ad <.\ Coop! r William, Foic hill C'io«t John, High st Haylock 'llioma*, St. MaiY st HilU Kill*, hack hill Krniptiiii John, Fnie liilj Kriiiptoii 'I'll! uias, St. Mary »t liickivood Joliii, itn-iid st Kiniioa lliuiiia*, (i.tol »( • ANKERS. Foster Ebenrier & Ci atlrs Findi & Grfirgc Kbriiner, Highlit idraw on Prr»cott, (irole& Co. |<«ind<'i), — I)a»id Fortiii(!tfin, inimavcr HaMr)t' & Hoil^oiit.', High sinel ((Ir4<« oiiHMiikryii'AiCo.Londoiii — MiChAS.Suinpier Morri*, manager Monlock John tt Son*, High mri-ci (dr4w uii Smith. I'a\nr ft Smiths', Loudon — J no l)i-<-rl'lf ilgei.ninvi Ka«i«i(.«' ItASK, Minster place open eiriT Tlior»day from 11 to 1 ) — Tbuoixi Addiioii Hili«, acttiory 26 Cuitriss James, Fore hill Hudson Charles, Broad st King John (and farrier), St.Mary st Lnddingtoii Fdward (and fariier), St. .Mary st Steadman James, Waterside Wilkinson William and agiicultura! iinplcmeiit iiiakr,,Uownliam road Wilisoii TlioiiKis. Waterside BOAT AND BAROE OWNERS. Kates (ictobed, \'ictciria st HavNks Hichard & Sons, Waterside Stiiuson Hobeit, Waterside BOAT BUILDERS. .Ashberiy NS'illiam, ll.ib)loii I'arson jaiiie<>, liab\ ion BOOKBINDERS. Creak William Boyce, Gaol st Hills Tho.'. Addison, Minster place BOOKSELLERS^ STATIONERS AND PRINTERS. Bradfu'kl Ann, Fore iiill Clemenis Joliii(siali()iK'r& printer) Marketplace [Gaol st Creak Wiu.lioycefand news aneiit), Hills Thomas .Addison (and music seller), Minster place BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. .Ajipkyard 'I'lionias, Broad ht Bailey James, jnii. tJaol st 13enton James, St»Maiy st Harrison James, High st Hawkins J"hii Simpson, Mill road Haylo'-k Roheri, Market place Home Robert, .Maiket place King Kdwaid, Fore hill Knowles W illiani, B'oad st Legge Chri>ti'plier, Foie hill Legge Williani, .Minster place Palmer Willi un, W.ttersKle Topping James, St. Mary st Walsham VVilliam, (i.ioi st Waihen Willi.im, I^IarUet pluce V\'atts Charles Jain z, Newiihaui Wilton Edward, Hiuli st BREWERS. Hall Georye & Jolm, Quay side Marlock William, Qnay side Letge Thomas, Gaol ^t Scoit .Matthew, .Mail;et place BRICK MAKERS. Cros«ley Janie", Dnwnhain lane Hall (ieoriie \ John, Quay side l.awieiire Henry, Braham H.dl Ua\ner Willi. iin Ik Henry, St.Mary st .Sparrow Matthew, l^ynn road BRICKLAYRSdc PLASTERERS. .\'kin Hobei t, 1,\ till road Cooper Henry .plasterer), Niw Barns roid | Bro.td si Kusden James & Son (and slaters), I.Hyion Aaron, New town Neaihercoat Jaiiu"<,Cainliridgc road I'oiter Williani, Wist end Read John, Downlinm road Warwick Win. (slater), Waterjlde BUTCHERS. Chambers Josr|(h, Wat' i"ide t uttriss William, Fore hill Cuitti.ss William, Broad st V.:\\v% James, Market place fJildiiiKson Thomas, B .ck hill (iraiu'ei John fpoik), Hiiili st Knape William, l.ynii load 1,1'iiier Thomas, Fore hill l/ong (ieorge. Broad st .Myityii Surah, St. .Mary it Shearman Thomas, St. Mary st Spring Sainiul, Newnhain Stokes John, High st Worster Riclmrd, Fore hill CABINET MAKERS. Giscinl Wiiluiiu, Hii;li st Freeman Riihaul, Maiket place Kempioii Williani, New Bains road Peters Thomas, Gaol st CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Barnard William, St. Maiy st BiuL'eni 111 Jonathan, Lynn road Chambers J.inies St. Mary st Cran« ell John, Back hill Dill James, Ansdale Few William, Broad st Freeman Richard, Marketplace Gotobed John, Waterside Household Willi mi, Waterside Ivpge Henry, Fore hill .Miller diaries, Ansd ile CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Catlint; & Pate (and oil and coloui- inen) High st Ciiguv Louis David, High st Lincolne Napier, High st Stiiiton Samuel, Fore hill CHINA/ GLASS/ &c./ DEALERS. Bartle Fsther, ftlarket place Crabl) Williani, Gaol st Fortiiigton l)a»id, Hiiih st God'lard William, Broad st Knight Richard, Lynn road Lee Mary, Waterside COAL & CORN MERCHANTS. Bacoi! John (coil), Back hill Cross John & Francis (and timber), Quay side Hall George & John, Quay side Harhick William, Quay side [side Hawks Riclid. & Sons (coal), Water- Hyylock 'I'homas, St. Mary st Lawrence Henry, Braham hall .Mair R'lbert Henry (& Hour seed, linseed, cake, & manuie), Broad st CONFECTIONERS. Cross John, Hi;;h st Kemptoii John, l'\);e hill Kempton Thomas, St. Mary st .Skinner & Beaniiss, Fore hill Woodcock Susannal), High st COOPERS. Pi igg Thomas, Foiehill Sayer Joseph, Lynn road CURRIERS AND LEATHER CUTTERS. Bailey James (leather seller), Gaol st Bidewell Ann, Bray's lane Bl ikemaii Thomas, Fore hill CUTLERS AND GUNSMITHS. Baxter Jidiii, High st Robinson John, Fore hill EATING HOUSES St COFFEE ROOMS. BeniiettMichael .Marshall,.Markct pi Hardiman Levi, Bridge road Osborne Roheit, Fore hill Lisier Ruth, Fore hill Slicrrin George, Bridge road FARMERS. Ball Henry, St. iMary st Beec.oft U' illiani. St. Mary st Careless (ieorge Win.. St. Mary st Carman Hobeit, Maiket place Cliecsewiight James, Gaol st (,'ook (ieoiKe, Dnwnham fisle) Cranwell William, Back hill (;i()pley George, St. Mary st Cro|ile'v James, Downham lane F.vans James, West end (iildingson Tliomits, Back hill Hailock John, liioad st IBdettoti)* ELY. Qt^tnhntic^t^f^iu. Harlock Williatii, Fore hill Havlock VVilliaiii, Chapel si Havlock William, jiin. Downham rd Hills Edward, West end Hills Robert, Cambridge road Lawrence Heniy, Downham lane Lawrence Henry, jiiii. Braham hall Luddington Edward, St. Mary st Martin Huntington, Downham(l>le) Martin William, Downham (Isle) Wayle John (and, cattle dealer), Nevvnham IMoseley Charles, New Barns road Pyke VVaynnn, St. Mary st Rayner Henry, St. Mary st Rayner William, 8t. Mary st Simpson William, Downham (Isle) Stubbins Thomas, West end Swift Jonathan, VVoodhouse fire, &c., office agents. Clerical Medical andGeneral (life), David Kortington, Hiah st Eagle (life), John Dawson Ewer, Fore hill Farmers and Graziers' (cattle), Charles Sumpter I\l orris, High st Globe, Wm. Marshall, Fore hill Norwich General (hailstone), John Hills, Minerva place Norwich Union, JoIjii Hills, Minster place [Fore hill Phoenix (fire), John Dawsdu Ewer, Royal Exchange, Charles Muriel Bidweli. St. Mary st Royal Farmers' and General (& hailstorm), JohnCrosSjWattrside Suffolk and General County, Richard Freeman, Market place Sun, George Legge, High st Star (life), Jas. Harrison, Hi^hst Western (life), Richard Freeman, Market place [High st Yorkshire, Chas. Sumpter Morris, FURNITURE DEALERS. Davey John, High st Freeman Richard, Market place Gisoard William, High st Peckett Elizabeth, Downham road GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. Cooper Chailes, Silver st Cornwell John, Fore hill Coriiwell Luke, Broad st ConiWfll i>nke, jun. Broad st Cranwell William, Back hill Cropley Francis, VVaterside Debron Robert (and florist and nurseryinau). West end Gamble William, Gaol st [road Insram Benjn. (fruit merchant), Lynn Kemptoii George, Bray's lane Lopson John, Bull lane Onion James, Gaol st Owers Jonas, High st Pashler Thomas, Vineyard Tall Ezekiel, Silver st Woolnough George, St, Mary st GROCERS 6e TEA DEALERS. {See also Shopkeepers, and also Tea Dealers.) Broderick Frederick, Fore hill Cross John, High st Cugny Ivouis Daviil, High st Dalzel Samuel, Fore hill Dawson John, Fore hill [High st Garratt John (and tallow chandler), Muuson Thomas, St. Mary st Reynolds George, St. Mary st Rushbrook Wm. Chailes, Broad st HAIR DRESSERS. Aungier Hir.im Michael, Fore hill Barratt Chas. (& glover), St. Marvst Barton James, High st [Brdad st Knowles William (&clothes' dealer), Muuson William, Broad st Toombs John (& portrait painter). Broad street Toom'is Mary, Marketplace Toombs Richard, Broad st West George, Back hill INNS AND HOTELS. (See also Taverns &c Public Houses.) .\iigel Commercial Inn and Hotel (and livery stables), John Reeve, near the Railway station Bell, Caroline Walker, High st Lamb commercial Inn and Hotel, Hugh Boughen, High st White Hart commercial Inn and Hotel (& posting house, & Inland Revenue office), Matthew Scott, Market place, (three doors from the Post Office.) IRONMONGERS, BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Benstead Greeorv, High st Decaile John, Fore hill Levet Charles, Minster place Robinson Jotuii Fore hill Wilkinson William (and iron mer- chant), Downham road LIME BURNERS. Hall George & John, Quay side Harlock Willianij Quay side LINEN AcW^OOLLEN DRAPERS, HABERDASHERS, &e. Bodger John. High .-t Butcher & Bard (and wool mer- chants), High st Dalzell Samuel, Fore hill Ellis William, High st Dawson John, Fore hill Flanders Smith, High st Pledger Arthur(& oiitfitter),Fore hill MALTSTERS. Cross John & Francis, Quay side Hall George & John, Waterside Harlock William, Quayside Legge Thomas, Gaol st MILLERS. Cross John & Francis, Quay side Cross John, VVaterside Haylock Thomas (steam),St,Mary &t Metcalfe Walter, Chiefs lane Rickwood Henry, Broad st Simson Thomas, Gaol st Watson Porter, Brickwillow MILLINERS AcDRESSMAKRS. Bailey Mary Anu, Gaol st Blakenian Mary, Fore hill Edwards Sarah, High st [st Foitington Maria Antoinette, High Jarman Elizabeth & Emma, Down- ham road Phillips Elizabeli), High st Woolnough Sarah, St. Mary st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Day Greenhill Thomas, Fore hill Gotobed John, Fore hill Jeffersou William Bathe. St.Maryst Pashler William, Higli st Spenceley Robert, Market place Woodroffe Edward, Fore hill ROPE AND TWINE MAKERS. Jarman John, Newnham st Murray Mary Ann, Broad st SADDLERS Crawley Chailes, High st Giles Francis, Newnham Saunders William, St. Mary st SHOPKEEPERSficDEALERS IN GROCERIES it SUNDRIES. Allen William, Broad st Bailey James, Gaol st Blinch James, Broad st Cooper Charles, Silver st Crofts Elizabeth, Broad st Cuttriss Henry & Alice, Newnham Eusden James, Broad st Harrison Gregory, Broad st Hills El, is. Back hill Lister Ruth, Fore hill Macrow James, Lynn road Moll Susan, Broad st Parson John, Brond st Rae Alexander (tea dealer), Broad st Roberts Thomas, Cambridge road Royston & Willinwham, Silver st Smith VVillinm, Broad st Sparrow William, Broad st Tointon William, St. Mary st Ward James, Fore hill Watts Chailes Jabez, Newnham STONE & MARBLE MASONS. Fuller John, Gaol st Pearson Joseph Bews, Broad st STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Cooper Mary Anu, High st Earl Alice, Lynn road SURGEONS. Cole George, St. Mary st Muriel John & Son, High st [''iH Pearson Hy. Hume (physician) , Fore Stevens & Beecroft, Minster place SURVEYORS. Bidweli Chiis. Muriel, St. Mary &t Careless George William, St.Mary st TAILORS. Austin Henry, Hii^h st Bartingale Tlioinns, Broad st Branson James, Broad st Broderick Wm.{& draper), Fore hill Broderick William, jun. (& draper). Market place Brown William Murfitt, Gaol st Cliambeis John, St. Mary st Chambers William, Silver st Cooper William, Hii^h st Ellis John, Silveit st Ellis Thomas, St. Mary st Fold Levi, Broad st Kempton William, Gaol st Macrow William, High st Rushbrook Charles, St. Mary st Sherrin George, Bridae road Wathen William, Market place Woodroffe William, Fore hill TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Anchor, John Gotobed, Waterside Black Bull, John Fenn, Waterside Black Swan, John Cranwell, Back hill Chequers. John Finch, Chequers lane Club, William Roan, Market place fst Coach & Horses, Philip Rickwood, Broad Coopers' Arms, Francis Copley, Waterside Crown, Thomas Ularsh, Bridge road Crown & Anchor, John E'lis, St. Mary st Cutter, James Dill, Ansdale Dolphin, William Laws, Market place George & Dragon, .loseph Saver, Lynn rd Hiphflyer, Daniel Cuttriss, Newnham Jolly Water man, RichdLupson, Waterside King's Arms, Edward Luddington, St Mary street Maid's Head, Robert Wade, Fore hil[ Peacock, George Ellis, St. Mary st Queen's Head, Edward Few, Waterside Rose & Crown, James Cuttriss, Fore hill Royal Oak, Martha Rust, Back hill Ship, James Gritfin, Ship lane Three Blackbirds, William Cuttriss, Broad street [side Three Crowns, Thomas Willson, Water- Wheatsheaf.E I izabi'lh Hardy, Down ham rd White Lion, Elizabeth.Gritfin, St. Mary st Woolpack, Thomas Hawkins, Goal st Retailers of Beer. Atkin Robert. Lynn road Barnard Thomas. Silver st Benton Henry, Back hill Cooper James, Ansdale Day Greenhill Thomas, Fore hill Dexter Michael, Silver st Finch George, Lynn road Goodby James, Broad st 27 (Tamijrtatjc^jbivt. ELY. ^latcr'g Retailers of Beer-Con«m«ed. Hall John, Lvnn road Hardiman l.evi. Bridge toad Hudson John. Broad st Kempton William, New BarnsroQd Lay ton Aaron, Newtown hengf Thomas. Gaol st Low Thomas, West end Nicholas John, Silver st Osborne Robert, fore hill Roberts Thomas, Cambridi;e road Rnshbrook Joseph, St. Mary st Sanderson George, Lynn road Seymour John, Bridge road Smith William. St. Mary st Spring Samuel, Newnham Warner William, Broad st TEA DEALERS. Green William, Vic■t(H)a^t Pate John, Dowihley, M.A. (vicsr of I'evershara, Cambridge- shire); Rev. William French, D.D. (mas- ter of Jesus College, Cambridge); Rev. John Maddv, D u. (rector of Soinerlon, Bury St. Edmunds); Rev. John Henry Sparke, m.a. ichaiicellor of Ely, and rector of Giinlhorpe, Norfolk); Rev. William Selwyn, M.». (vicar of Mel- bourne, Cambridgeshire); Rev. Edward Bowyer Sparke (viear of Feltwell, St. Nicholas, Norfolk and rector of I.itfle- port, Isle of Ely) ; and Rev. William Hodge .Aim, D I). iRegius Professor of Hebrew.totheUniversity of Cambridge). Minor Canons-Rev. John Griflith, M A. (curate of Stuntney, near Ely); Rev. George Millers, m.a. (registrar to the dean and chapter) ; Rev. Wni. Fieating Clav, B.D. (librarian); Rev. Solomon Smith, M.B. (perpetual curate of St. Mary's, Ely); and the Rev. James Henry Henderson, M.A. (precentor to thccathe- dral, and head master of the grammar school). Saint Mary's Church— Rev. Solomon Smith, incumbent. Trinity Church— Rev. Wra. Keating Clay, incuHiioity Rev. Edward Gil- lett, curate. Baptist Chapel, Chequers lane— No regular minister. Wesi.etan Methodist Chape I,, Chapel streit -No icgulai minister. Primitive Methodist Chapei., Vic- toria st— Rev. \\m. Crown, minisfer. Countess of Huntingdon's Chapel. Chapel sl—Rev.Richd.Squibbs,mi)iis///i)i ; John Muriel, si/rr/eo);. Gas VN'uuks, Back hill— John Bacon, proprietor. Inland Revfncr f): fice, at the While Hart Hotel — DaTid,Vnderbou,sii;>cm4or COACHES. To MH.DENHALL, a Coach, from the White Hart Hotel, every Thuisday afternoon at fuur. To NEWMARKET, an Omnibus, Uom the White Hart Hotel, every afternoon at half-past one, calling at the Station in time for the two o'clock train. CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON TIIK EASTERN COUNTIES LINE. Station, about half a mile from the centre of the city — JohnMurname.iu;>e;j»i/endt Omnibuses from the White Horse, Lamb and Bell Hotels, to the Station, await the arrival and attend the departure of the trains. CARRIERS. To CAMBRIDHE, William HazelI,from the While Hart, Wednesday and Sat. To CHATTER/S, John Hodson, from the White Hart, Thursday To COVENEV, Joseph Allison, from the Peacock, 'I'hursday ToOOWNHAM, William Covell, from the Wool pack, and Joseph Green, from the Lamb Tap, d.tily To EAIUTH, — Reeves, from the Club, Thursday To HADOENHAM and STRETHAMt John Bales, from his house, Chapel st» every morning; John Porter, from the Lamb Tap, Thursday, and WilHam Cat- man, from the Railway Station, Tues- day and Friday ToHILGAY, — Barratt, from the Dol- phin, Monday and Thursday To MTTLEPORT,William Washington, from the Bell, and Thos. Walton, Irom his house, Littleport road, daily To MEPALand MANEA,Wm. Ingram from the Peacock, Thursday To MILDENHALL, George Coe, from the Club, 'I'hursday To NEW.MARKI:T and SAINT IVES, Frederick Jacobs, from his house, New Barns road, Monday and Tuesd.iy To yo HAM, Edward Clement's Tan.frora till- Railway Station, daily, and Sarah and Robert Staples, from the White Hart, Monday and Thursday To SOU rilEUV, William Rogers, from the White Hart, Ihursdav To STRETHAM,— Coalman, from the Jolly Waterman, Thursday To SUTTON, William Bradley, from his hnuse, Foie hill, daily; Frederick Jacobs, from his house. New Barns road, Wednesday, I'riday and Saturday, and — Oliver.lrom the White Hart, and — Nunn, from the King's Arms,Thursday To W ELN EV, — Cleaverand — Jackson, from the Club. Thursday To WILBUIirON, John Bates, from his house. Chapel street, daily ToWIICHF(>RI),WENTVVORTHand WI I CHAM, William Bradley, (rem his house. Fore hill, daily CONVEYANCE BY WATER. PACKET BOATS. To CAMBRIDGE, William Goddard, from the Quay side, every Tuesday miming, and to WISBEACH, every Thursday morning H^uectoi'i), CamfirtUgeslbHe* LINTON, WITH THE VILLAGES OF WHITTLESFORD, DUXFORD AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. JL4INTON is a small market town, in the hundred of Chillbrd, 48 miles from London, 14 s. by w. from Newmarket, 11 s.e. from Cambridije, 6 N. from Saffron Walden, and 4 from Honrne Bridge — a station on tiie Newmarket brancli of the Eastern Connties railway; situated on the principal road from Cambridge to Col- chester. At tliis place were formerly two priories ; the one under tlie abbey of Saint J acutas del 11 snlaBret ague, the possession of wiiich, en the dissolution of certain alien priories, became vested in tlie Master and Fellows of Pembroke college, Cambridije; the other was a ])riory of Crutciied friais, situattd at Barhani : the hall, chapel and cloisters of the convent are still re- maining, and form part of the mansion called Baiham Hall. Linton is conjeciured to have been a Roman Station, from the circumstance of divers coins of that people having been dug up in its grounds. The town itself possesses but few attractions; but the country around is pleasant, and interspersed with several gen- teel residences. The currying of leather and malting, form the priuci|)al branches of trade here. Close to the town are beautiful and extensive nursery grounds, and fruit and flower gardens, occupyinn about nine acres. A court lect is held annually by the lord of the manor. The parish church of Saint Mary, is a very beautif^ul structure, with a lofty embattled tower, containing a ring of sweet-toned bells. In the south aisle is i liandsome marble monument, erected by Peter Stand ley, Esq. in memory of Elizabeth, his sister and bene- factress : it represents Hope, supported by her anchor, looking upwards; on one side is a fine medallion of Mr. Standley: tiiere are several other monuments of some local "interest. The living of Linton is a dis- charged vicarage, in the diocess of Ely; tlie Master and Fellows of Pembroke hall, Cambriilge,are the patrons; the present vicar is the Rev. William Brett. A place of worship fur Imlependents, and two public schools conducted respectively upon the national ai\d British plans, are in the town. Tlie market, which was granted in 1245 to William de Lay, is held on Thursday. FairS July31stand Holy Thursday. The town and paiishcon- tained,^in 1831, 1,678 inhabitants, and in 1841, 1,838. WiiiTTLESFORD IS a parish, giving name to the hun- dred in which it lies — the village is about 6 miles w. by N. from Linton, and one n)iie from the line of the Eastern Counties railway. A manufactory for agricul- tural implements, and corn and oil mills are in the |)arish, but the f.irnring inteiest preponderates. The church of Saint Barnabas (or as some say Saint Mary) is very ancient : the liiing is a discharged vieaiage, in the liift of the Master and Fellows of Jesus cidlege, Cambridge; the Rev. P. C. M. Hoskin, is the present incumbent. An endowed school for boys and girls is in the parish. A market and fair were formerly held here, but they have long since ceased to be observed. Popu- lation of the parish in 1841, 579. DuxFORD, is an extensive parish, in the hundred of Whitilesford — the village, which is situated about 2 miles from the Whittlesford station, on the line of the Eastern Counties railway, possesses little to distinguisn it from other rural and agricultural villages. In the way of trade, however, we maj except a considerable brewery, and as an object of curiosity, a very old inn — the Red Lion; this was formeily a priory, but by whom founded does not appear. The rafters are fancifully caived, as is an old oak table of great weight. A barn now occupies the site of the chapel belonKing to the priory. Duxford is comprised in the two p irishes of Saint John and Saint Peter, but the boundaries of each are not defined. The living of Saint John's is a discharged vicaraue, in the gift of the Master and Fellows of Clare Hall, Cambridge ; that of Saint Peter's is a lectory, in the patronage of the Masterand Fellows of Corpus Christi college, Canibiidae: tlie churches exhibit nothing worthy of observation beyond their antiquity. There is a public school conducted upon the national plan. The population of the parish in 1841, was 763. POST OFFICE, Linton, Susannah Adcock, Post Blistress. — Letters from London and various places South and West ariive (from Saffron Walden) every evening at half-past seven, and from Cambridge and the North, &c. at seven in the morning, and are despatched to all parts at half-past seven in the evening. POST, Whittlesford. — Receiving House At Ste\)]\en Loft's. — Letters from all parts arrive (by foot post from Cambridge) every morning at ten, and are despatched thereto at half-past three in the afternoon. POST, DvxFORD.—Ileceii'ing Bouse at Thomas Willis's. — Letters from all parts ai rive (fromCAM bridge, by font post) every mornina; at half-past ten, and are despatched thereto at three in the afternoon. GENTRY AND CLERGY Bastnn Stanlake, Esq. Horseheaih Battyll Mr. John, Linton Blaekburn Rev. Jonathan, Duxford Brett Rev. William, Linton Brightwell Mrs. iNIary Ann, Linton Bullen Rev. — Baitlow Carr Rev. John, Duxford Chapman Rev. Benedict, Balsham Collin Jos.Thos., attorney, Linton Cotton INI IS. — Bartlow Deane Mrs. — Babraham Dorrineton Rev. John, Linton Fisher Rev. Edmund, Linton Goodwin Rev. (ieorge, Hildersham Hails Mrs. Martha, Linton Hall Rev. George James, Linton Hardy Mr. John, Linton Haycock James, Esq. Balsham HoUick Miss Ann Blunkett, Whit- tlesford Hoskin Rev. P. C. M., Whittlesford Markby Hev. Wm. Henry, Dusfnrd Maithick Thomas, Esq. Abington INloreland Rev. Jolin, Duxford Nichols Mr. Georae, Linton Rayment James, Elsq. Hildersham Reeve Mis. Caiheiine, Linton Reeve Mrs. Elizabeth, Linton Robinson Mrs. Maria, Duxford Smoothy Mrs. Mary, Linton ThuruHl'l Henry John, Esq. Whit- tlesford Thurnall the Misses IMaria,&Emma, & Frances, Duxford Thurnall Thos., Esq. Whittlesford Townley Rev. Charles, Abington Turner iMrs. Mary. Linton Watson Rev. — West Wratton Warson Sir Charles, West Wratton ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. British School, Linton Jane Jaiiney, mistress [Duxford Burgess Ann (boarding and day), Charity School, Whittlesford — William Tamworih, master; Ann Overhill, niisrress Dorrington John, jun. m.a. f.l.s. (collegiate & classical gentlemen's boaiding.) National School, Linton — Frede- rick .Mutimer, master; Martha Muiimer, mistress National School, Duxford Jonn Hephir, master; Mary Ann Littlecliild, mistress BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Hill Samuel, Linton Livermoie John, Duxford Scrivener Henry Sidney, Linton Talbot S:imuel, Linton Twinn Henry, Duxford Webb Henry, Duxford Wright Edward, Linton Woollard James, Linton BLACKSMITHS. Goodwin Thomas, Liuton Jeffrey John, Linton Ni'ivlen William, Linton Scott Clement, Duxford Wehh John, Linton BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Graimer Rich ml, Linton Haiding ThoniHs, Duxfoid Jackson James, Whittleslord Marsli James, Linton Pyne Jane, Duxford Runham Maik, Whittlesford Siggs John, Linton Wakeling U'illiam, Liuton Willett William, Linton BREWER. Thurnall Chailes (and corn and oil niills,& matin re merchant),Duxfurd BKICKLAYEKS. Austin William, Whittlesford Ellis Robert, Duxford Glasscock Benjamin, Linton Kiilmati James, Linton Morley Chailes, Linton Morley Edward, Linton Morley Rohen, Linton BUTCHERS. Casbolt Robert, jun. Linton Drury John, Duxford Pammenter James, Linton Pilgrim Thomas, Whittlesford Smoothy Joseph, Linton 29 ©amibviKcrf^fti^' CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. SiTK.'aiu Joseph (and bookseller, stationer, anJ emigration agent), Liuton FARMERS. Adcocl; Robert, Lin ion Arnold .lohn, Whittlesfnrd Barker Gck John, Duxford Westiop Richard, Duxford Wriuht Robert, Linion FIRE, Bcc., OFFICE AGENTS. County (fire, and I'KoviDENTlite), 'Ihomas Havton Chappel, Linton Norwich Union ffire and life), William Biiins, Linion fton PiicENix, William Richardson, Liii- RoYAi. Fahmeus' (fire, life and hail-torm), Jos. Sergeant, Linion GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Cooper John, Duxford Hammond Rob rt, Linton Miinsfield Maltha, Linton Pamment Henry, Linton SaKsars Ann, Linton [ton .Smoothy Charles (& draper), Lin- Stallibrass Susannah (and diapei), Liuton Tyler James (..nd draper), Linton T'nwin Joseph, Linton VviUoii Robert, Duxfoid INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Be:l, Ldward Pilgrim, Linton Crown, John Pluck, Linton Green Hill, James Giitiin, Linton King's Head, Charles Arnold, Whit- tlesford LINTON, &c. ^latet'g Mabbutt Alesandr Mubbnit .Samuel I'lior Henry Webb John Wrbb Richard Whiirin Alfred King's Head, VVm.Challi.s, Duxfoid Plough, Robert Sheinian, Duxford Red Lion (conitnercial), Henry Taylor, Linton Red Lion, Sarah Holiday, Duxfoid Three Horse Shoes, Henry Twinn, Duxford White Hart, Edward Moiley, Linton White Swan (coniniercialj .Charles Nelson Baiton, Linton Retailers of Beer. Casbolt Robert l)aj George Ellis Robt. Duxford Gardiner William Hill George Lind^ell Thomas JOINERS AND BUILDERS. liiags Win. (& surveyor), Linton Coleman George, Duxford Day Daniel, Linton Day John, Linton Whilliii William, Linton Willis Thomas, Duxfoid MALTSTERS, Adcock Robeit, Linton Oslar John, Duxfoid Prior Henry, Linton Westiop Richard, Duxford MILLERS-CORN. Reeve & Tafts, Linton Reeve John, Hildersham Mill Ttiui nail Cliai le.s (and oil and bone) , Whittlesford, and corn miller at Duxfoid PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, Sir. Chappell Thomas Hayton, Linton Livermore Richaid, Duxfoid STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Briggs Ann, Linton Burling Rebecca, Linton [ton Gla>scock Elizabeth(& miliiner),Liu- Stones Phcebe, Linton SURGEONS. Holme Samuel, Linton Howard Francis Charles, Linton Patterson John, Duxford TAILORS. Bradford Thomas, Duxfoid Hancock John, Whittlesford Hodson James, Linton Kemp Joliii, Linton Notl George, Linton Wright Richard (& hatter), Linton WHEEL^VRIGHTS. Hagger Noah, Linton Hymns William, Linton Litilechild William, Duxford Ttl' scellaneous The names nitnout address are in LiNTON. Adcock Susannah, dress maker Big2;s James, cooper Bribes & Nichols, curriers Bull Edward Amos, hair dresser Chapman John, tinman Chappell Thomas Hayton, registrar of births and deaths Cornell Daniel, tishmonger Fordham James, whiting maker Gimson William, nurseryman GlasscockJameSjtown crier & parish clerk Grayslon James, cooper Hammond Robert, basket rcaker Hardy Samuel, inland revenue officer Howard Mary Ann, glnver Jackson Jon.ih, superintendent of rail- way station, Wbittleslord I.agden William, hair dresser Maris John, collar maker Patterson .lohn, registrar of births and deaths, Duxford Richardson William, superintendent re- gistrar for the Linton Union Samm Edward, farrier Simkin Roger, linman Townsend John, rope and twine maker Willis Thomas, parisli cleik. Duxford Wright Ftobcrt, whiting maker Wright Robert Dennis, coal merchant POOR LAW UNION. Workhouse, Linton. Goivr/ior— Ebenezer Hollick. /l/a/)on — Elizabeth Hollick. Srlwoimaslt) — John Kerr, Schuolmistress — Ann Barnard. Chaplain — Rev. Joseph Singleton. Clerk to the Hoard of Guardians— William Richardson. Relitvini) Offiar — Richard Hodson. RAILW^AY, The nearest Station from Linton i» Bourne Bridgk, on a branch of the Eastern Cou.ntibs link, four mile* distant; a S/a/ion, also, is about one mile from WniTTLESFOUD village. — Nkwmarkkt, six miles distant, isalso a S(a/ioji on the same line; and there are Conveyances to the latter by Van and ira(/o7i,lhrie times a week CARRIERS. To LONDON, William Chalk, from bis house, Linton, Eriday To CAMBRIDGE, John Pluck, from the Crown, and William Cowling & George Hill, from their houses, Linton, Wed- nesday and Saturday, To CLARE & HAVERSHILL, William Chalk, Wednesday, ToSAFFRON WALDEN and the RAIL. WAY STAIION, William Chalk, Monday, Wednesday and Friday LITTLEPORT. 1 traffic on the Ouse river, and the making of bricks. The places of worship are the parish church of Saint George, a line old stinctuie with a tower, and chapels for Bap- tists, and for Methodists, both Piimitiveaiid Wesleyan. The living of Littlepoit is a vicarage, in the gift of the IJishop; the Rev. Kdwaid Bowyei Sparke, is i he incum- bent, and his curate is the Rev .'Andrew Gatenby. The parish contained in 1831, 2,644 inhabitants, and ia 1841, 3,365. POST OFFICE, Crown-street, Robert Cheeseright, Post Master. — Letters from all parts arrive (by foot posi ftoui Ki.v; every morning at nine, and are despatched thereto at six in the evening Is a parish, in the hundred and Isle of Ely— the vil- lage, a convi, Crown st Coward John, Lynn road Jiirectoip. LITTLEPORT. ®amijitt)igeg;ftire» Gates John, Gtauhy st ' Taylor Gillett, Victoria st VVitfen John, Viciorii st BUTCHERS. Goddard John, Crown st Hornigold James, Granby st Jones Edward, Hitches st Jones Josepii, Granby st Washington George, Granby st CARPENTERS. Dialie Wilhaiu (and brick maker), Victoria st James John, High st Shingles Wiiliani (and furniture dealer), Victi.iia st Suiith John (and builder and brick maker), Victoria st FARMERS. Brown Joiin, Chnrclihithe Brown Kobtrt, Mildenhall road Cave Thomas Chas. Wellington st Clark William, High st Crabb Thomas Ten-mile bank Cutlack John, Crovvn st Eail James, Buichei's hill Flanders Henry, Mildenhall road Flandeis Shrewsbury, CrolthiU Flanders Tlionias, Victoria st Flaniiers William, Lynn load Gillett John, Wellington st Gillett Thomas, Crown st GilKtt William, Victoria st Gotobed Tliomas, High st Johnson Gothard, Plantation Farm Jones Henry, Apeshall Little Henry, Welney Little John, Vicioria st Little Joseph, Plantation House Little William, Welney Long Joseph, Burnt-fen bank Luddington Henry, Crown st Luddington James, Church st Luddington William, Church st Martin Henry, Crown st Martin Henry, jun. Crovvn st Martin John, Crown st Munsey Ellis, Mildeniiall road Peacock John, Willow Faiin Peacock John, jun. Mildenhall ro id Peacock Robei t, down st Peacock William, Lynn road Savage John, Black Horse drove Shrewsbury William, Globe st Simson James, jun. Cliurclihithe Thompson Sarnh, Nlildeiihall road FIRE, etc. OFFICE AGENTS. Bkitish Empire Mutual, George Cheeseright, Crown st STAR.Morley Cheeseright,Grai)bysi GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Marked Itius * are also Drapers. *Appleby Samuel & Son, Crown st *Cliecseright Matthew, Crown st •Cl)ee.- tul. Sir Henry Peyton, jiart. is h)rplied ; under a deciee of chancery, obtain- ed in 1713) in the f-Uowini; manner: £20. a yetrtoa schoolmaster, for the instrnciion of twenty children of March ; the like sum annually for appienticfship fees; £5. a year to decayed housekeepers ; and the residue in the purchase of lieitfeis, on Easiei- Monday, for poor liouscUeepers. There are also sume unendowed alms- houses for the parochial poor. The markrt is liehl on Friday; and fairs on the fiist Monday before Whit- Sundav and the thin! Tuesday in Octolicr. Population of ihechapeby in 1831, 5,117, and in 1S41, 5,70(i. DouuiNGTON parish, rouiprises,as before stated, the cbapelrv and m oket town of Maich, the cha|)eliy()f Beiiwick, the hamlet ot Wimblinijton, and the village of DoddirKton — the latter situated on the main road here, upwards of a ceituryago, by Lionel Walden, a native of the [larish, but it isonly of late years that the fund has been made available. The parish contained, in 18.51, ly^'n inhabitants; in 1841, 8,G-18, of which last number about 1,000 helon'.;fd to the village. A sliort distance from Doddington, on the road to Match, and contiguous to the line of tl)e Eastern Counties railway, is the hamlet of VV'imbi.ington. A Mr. Thomas Eaton, in 1711, directed a school to be founded here, and bestowed lands of considerable value for that puipo^e — but, owing to vexatious and prolonged litigation in dianceiy, the intention of the henev(dent donoj- was (or a long time defeated; but the school is now in operation, and conducted usefully unon the national plan. The hamlet numbers about 1,100 iidiabitants. POST OFFICE, High-street, MAitni, William Fawsit Tyler, Poxt Mnater. — f>etters from London and all paiis of the i\(jktii and South of Englam> anive every nioining at two, and alternoon at ]ralf-|)ast three, an ! a:e dispatched every imrnim; at twenty minutes before nine, and night at eleven. Letiers (rom Chatteris, Saint Ivf.s, Huntingdon, and Cambridge arrive (by mail cait) every iiioin- iitg at four, and aie despatched every night at twenty minutes past eight. Letters from Wiseeacii arrive every morning at eight, and night at twenty minutes past, and are despat- clied at four in the morning and a quaiter before thiee in the afteiiioon. POST, DoDDiNGTON, Receio'inq //w/.«e at William Eudall's (caipentei), — Letters frem all parts arrive from Chatteris (by mail cart) eveiy morning at a quaiter before four, and are despatched thereto at half- ])ast eight at night. ATTORNEYS. i Norman John, Wimblinglon liarley, Wise&Davybarn, Whittle end Oliver Garner (farrier & castrater) , GENTRY AND CLERGV. Auker Mr. William, Whittle end Aveling .Mrs. Mai y. Well end Barl y .Mr. Edmund, High st H.ivin Mr. Frmcis, Wimliliiigton IJell.imv Mr. Gorge Wm., Wdl end Booth .Mr. Wm. Vawser, Well end Cole Mr. Thomas, Bridge st Edwards Mr. John, Wi^beacll road Fornian Rev. Edward, Burrow moor drove Golden Mr. Thomas, High st Gray Mrs. Ann, Bridge .st Gray Mis Kebecea, High st Hanson Uev. Charles Waddiiigton, Doddiiigt.iii [way j Britchford Mary, High st Howonh !lev. Wi;liam, High cause- j Catteau Michael, Weil end Hutchinson Mr. Wm., Wislieach rd I Curtis Jer Michael, Church end VVadlow John, High st Waison Samuel, High st Wright William, Doddington CARPENTERS ANI> JOINERS. Beeioii James, Market place Christmas John, Whitelion lane Eudall William, Doddington Graves Thomas, High st Havlnck Charles, Wisbearh road Hutchinson Leonard, Wimblington Huicbiiison Thomas James, Wis- beacii road Fngamills Saul, Wisbeach road Marshall John, Well end Redhead Baizley, Wimblington Ruff Daniel, Bridge st [High st Scargell William (& cabinet maker), Searle John, Bridee st Smith Matthew, Well end YorkeJohn, Doddington CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Copeland Joseph, High st Dawbarn Robert & Co., Biidge st CHINA, GLASS, &c., DEALERS Hutchin.-on Sarah, High st Simmons Charles, High >t COACH BUILDERS. fiiiling William, Elm road Ritchie James, Bridae st COAL MERCHANTS. Smith John (and timber] , Acre Tibhett Thomas (tnd corn, oil cake, and seed), Whittle end CONFECTIONERS. H^ll Leonard, Hitih st Russell Harriet, High st Winterton Sarah, High st CONTRACTORS. Evans William, Whittle end Hutchinson 'I'honias James, Wis- beach road CORN MERCHANTS. Filzjohn Robert, High st Smith John, Acre Tihbett Thomas (and oil cake and seed). Whittle end FARMERS. Addison Christopher, Wimblington Aveliiig Thomas, High st Baiker James. Church end Blench J'din, Doddington Burton Edmund, Doddington Cockett Thomas, Market place Elliott Thomas, Well end Fitzjohn John, Elm road Gascoyne Jonathan, Doddington Goodman Nathaniel, Whitelion lane Goodman William, Whittle end Grant Thomas, Diiddington Grant Thomas, Wimblington Grounds 'I'hoinas, Market place Ingle Edward, Doddington Johti^on Henry, Elm road Johnson Robert, Creek Jones Johu, Wimblington Lamb Frederick, Chuich end Lamb George, High st Laxon Matthew, Well end Laxon Matthew, jun. Well end Laxon William, Well end Mitchell Jo&enh, Wimblington OdamJolin, Knight's end Oijden Henry, Church end Pope John, Church end Po|>e John Matthews, High st Redhead William, Wimblington Richards Henry. Doddington Richards John Bull, Wimblington Richards Thomas, Wimblington Searl William, Wimblington Sears Richard, Higli st Sheppcison William, Wimhlitigton Sherhod Edward, Whittle end Smith William, Well end Vawser 'I'homas, Church end Watson Thomas, Wisbeach road Wilson Edward, Doddington Wilson Thomas, Doddington FIREj Sec, OFFICE AGENTS. Alliance, Hy. Legge, Whittle end General, S muel Reedzler, High st Law (fire and life), John Harry Jonathan Woodward, High st Mentor (life), John Smith, Acre Norwich Union, William Pratt, Bridge street [foot Ph(enix (fire), Charles Baies,Biidge Royal Exchange, WilliamVawser Booth, Well end Royal Farmers', Henry Williams Teesdale, Hign street Standard (life), James Daniel Ward, Market place Suffolk and General Country Am ic ABLE (fire) , Job nSmith, Acre Sun, Thomas Fitzmarsh Elliott, High street GLOVERS. Cunninglon JohnThomas, Biidge st Graves Robert, High st Rhodes Samuel, High st Wilton Thomas, Winh st GROCERS ec TEA DEALERS. Marked thus * are also Drapers. {See also Shopkeepers, SfC.) •Beeiizler Joseph, High st Copeland Joseph, High st *Curtis John, Doddington *Dawbarii Robert & Co. (and hatters and salt importers, and sack mer- chants), Bridge st ♦Foster & Aldied, High st *Hustwait John, Doddington •Watkinson Edwd. (draper), High st ♦Waikinsou Thomas, Wimblington HAIR DRESSERS. Cunnington John Thomas,Bridgest Graves Robert, High st Rliodes Samuel, High st Wilton Thomas, High st INNS— COMMERCIAL. {See also Taverns Sf Public Houses.) Griffin (and inland revenue office), Ambrose Grounds, High st White HartjJohu Walters,Bridgest IRONMONGERS, BRAZIERS, AND TINMEN. Bates Charles, Bridge foot Beedzler Samuel (and leather cut- ter), High st LIME BURNERS. Searle John, Bridge st Tibbett Th.imas, Whittle end MILLERS. Adams John, High st Billet John, Sumps Blades Abraham, Whitelion lane Judd William, Doddington Russell Daniel, Wimbleion Smith John (steam mills). Acre Southwell Mattliew, Wi.-beachioad Thorburn Thomas, Doddington MILLINERS 6c DRESS MAKRS. Childs & Gascoyne f& Berlin wool repository). Whittle end Cole Rebecca, High st Mully Sarah, Elm road Ouden Mary, High st White Lucy, Market place Wilkersoii Maria, High st Wilson Mary & Sarah, High st MILLWRIGHTS. Ruff Daniel, Bridge st Smith Matthew, Well end PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, AND GLAZIERS. Graver Robert, jun. Whittle end Gray Ovven, High st Hurry Joiii), Doddington Smith William, Higli st Woodstock James, Bridge st ROPE AND TWINE MAKERS. Cockett Thomas, Market place Mulley Samuel, High st SADDLERS. Amos Joel, High st Amos Lewis, Biidge st Band James, High st Coy Merchant, High st Ekins William. Doddington Mawby Johu Dennis, Doddington SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERS IN GROCERIES et SUNDRIES. Ball James, Whittle end Burrows John, Hiah st Elain Edward, Wisbeach road Freear Thomas, High st Goodson Alice, Whittle end Goodson Thomas, High st Hartley Mary, High st Hutchinson Sarah, High st Marshall John, Well end May David Coward, Church end Partridge Ann, High st Roberts James, Wisbeach road Roberts Thomas, High st Robinson Sarah, Elm road Ilunacus William, Well end Russell Thom;ts, Wimblington Simmons Charles, High st Slack Catherine, High st Stafford William, Doddington Thompson John, High st Williamson Andrew, High st STONE MASONS. Hutchinson Thomas James, Wis- beach road Searle Johu, Bridge .st Trueinan John, Maiket place STRAW^ BONNET MAKERS. Facer Susan, Whittle end Giddiugs Elizabeth, Elm road Southwell Keziab, High st 33 CamDi'tKgcislbire^ MARCH, &c. ^latci'jj SURGEONS. CaUerHenrv, Hit;h st CiillfdRe John, Hieli st O'Connor Thomas, Bridge foot Wrav William. High 8t Wright Henry, High st SURVEYORS. Chnnibcrlain Win. [land), Hieli st Klllott Thomas (r.. ad), Well end Ground-* Henrv (land), Whittle end Massey Eredtriek (land), Mill yaid TAILORS. Marked thus • arc also Draper*. Abbott Thomi-s, High st Abbott Thomas, juii. Whittle end Amos John, Briilte st BnrrowsJaraes, Wisbeach road •Burrow.s Loader, High st Burrows Robert, Highst Canham Jaiiu-s, vvhitelioii lane Freear Thomas, High st Hardv John, Hinh >t Kiiiir 'William, High »t Knowles Richard, Well end Pauley Joseph, Doddingtou Robinson Stephen, High st Scars Thomas, Doddington •.Stnith John, Hiijh >t Wehb James, Doddineton Williamson Andrew, Hieh st •Yariow John Bennett, High st Yarrow William, Bridge st TAVERNS at PUBLIC HOUSES. Acre Inn,Kol)ert Glasscock. Acre Aiictior, William Fields Well enJ Anchor, Thomas Selchell, Wimblington Bell, l.\dia Carter, Wiml)lini;ton Black Swan, Thos. Koberts, Wliiltle end Boot & Shoe, Matthew Bond, Whittle end Bushel, William Best, Sumps •Carpenters' Arras, Daniel Peck, S>jmps Chequers, William Khinies, Bridge st Cock, Rebecca Ber.kerton, High st Crown, John lloe. Well end George, Thomas Gee, High st George, Henry I'arker, l>oddington Green Man, ThomasCheslerman, High st Plough, Tombliri Sansum, Sumps Red Hart, Ann Rhodes, High st Red I.ion, Henry Custance, High st Seven Stars, Benjn. Kirkby, Church end Shoulder of Mutton, Ti os.Wilsou.High st Three Fishes. Ksther Snelline.Whiltleend Three Tuns, Thomas Pope, Doddington "Wheel, Wi'liam Clemenls. Bridge st White Horse. Wm. Johnson, Whittle end While Lion, Thomas Christmas, High st Retailers of Beer. Birley Joliii. Elm ro.id Barlow William, Whittle end Beo'iett Thomas, Highst Blades Abraham, Whitelion lane Brown William, Doddington Burton Thomas, Winbi-ach road Christmas John, Whitelion lane i)obson Abraham, High st Elderkin James, Whittle end • iarner Henry. I'oldington Gay (Jroige, Sumps Gee Henry, F^lm road Goodman William, Well end Hartley David, Well end Hill Susan, High st Jone« James, High st Kimiiton William, Doddinston Mirriott John, Wisbeach road Miller Thomas, Doddington Nightingale John, Doddington Ogdeu Ambrose, Church end Oliver William, Wisbeach road Phillips Charles, High st Preston John. Elm road Read Robert, Well end Redding George. Doddington Redhead Baizley, Wimblinglon Redhead Thomas, Wimblington Rhimes WiUiam, Wisbeach road Riseley Samuel, Doddington Saunders Jonathan, High st Silk H illiam. Whittle end Stinipson Francis. High st Whisler William, Whittle end Whittlesey Robert, Market place Wright William, Doddington VVright William, High st Youles John, High st VETERINARY SURGEONS Dobson John, High st Fuller Finnan, High st Hutchinson William, Church end WATCH «c CLOCK MAKERS. Heitzman Matthew, High st Smith William, High st WHEELWRIGHTS. Broadway James, Wisbeach road Christinas John, Whitelion lane Girlitig William, Elm road Giommett ."Robert, Doddington Hutchinson Leonard, Wimblington ingamills Saul, Wisbeach road Oliver William, Wisbeach road Redhead Baizley, Wimblington Ritchie Jan)es, Bridge si Searle Robert, Kim road Simmons John, Sumps Squire William, Highst Walker Ge(prge, Oiuich end WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Miller Edward, High st Teesdal',' Henry Williams, High st Miscellaneous . Beehy Tliomafs, clothier. High st Chamberlain Wm. parish clerk. High st Chenery & li;imy,ironfoundrs,Wishe.ach rd Downing Wm. tobacco-pipe ranker, Highst Gas Works, Hish st— John Smith, secty. Glasscock Richard, whitesmith and brass founder, Acre Human Jonah, civil engineer. High st Johnson Francis Burdett, brazier and tinman, High st [Highst Jones James, gardener and seedsman, Lambert Ann, fishmonger, Bridge foot Lavender John, clothes dealer. Market pi Mechanics' Institution, Bridge- st — Charles Biomley B.ites. secretary Murfet Robert, boat builder, Whittle end Neal Thomas, currier and leather seller, High street Pratt William, one of the coi oners for the Isle of Ely, and receiver of the £au Brink drain:ige tax. Bridge st Scargell 'I'lios. tallow chandler. High st Shaw William, inland revenue ofiicer, Wisbeach road Slack Peter, gunsmith. High st Smith John, high baililf (or the Caunty Court, High street Sprouljiihii Smith, superintendent to the Eastern Counties Station, Elm road Stamp Oi'Pict:. Market place— James Daniel Ward, distributer Tale Johu.fellmongrr, Whittle end 'I'owler Wm. brazier & tinman, Well end ! Wright William, cooper, High tt PLACES OP WTORSHIP, AND THEIR MINISTERS. Saint Wrndreda's CncRCH, March- Rev. Algernon Peyton, rector; Rer, William Howarth, curate. Saint Mary's Church, Doddington - Rev. Algernon Peyton, rector; Rev. Charles Waddington Hanson, ci/ra/e. BAPTIST C'HAPEt, High street— Joba Jones, minister. Calvinist Chapel, High street— iVo repular minister. Calvinist Chapel, Burrowmoor dror* — Edward Korman, nitiiisfer. (Ministers va?Hous.) Friends' Meetino Hodse, High st. Independbnt Chapel, Elm road. PuiMiTivE Methodist CHAPEi,,High it \\eslkyan Methodist CnAP«LS,HiKh street; Doddington, & at Wimblingtoa. POOR LAW^ UNION. Workhouse, Unddington. Governor— Isaac Kirkby. ^/«/ron — Mary Kirkby. Schoolmaster — Henry Masters. Sihoiilmistress— Lucy Hutchinson. Clerk to the Board of Giiay-dians — Thomas Tusting. Relieving Officer — Joseph Geo. Hurdmao. COUNTY COURT. Held monthly in the Guildhall. Judge— J aines Dick Barnaby, Esq. r/e;fc — Frederick James Wise. High Bailiff-Jolm Smith. REGISTRARS, OF BIRTHS, DEATHS 9c MARRIAGES. Thomas Tusting.superintendent registrar for the Union, Nene quay. Joseph Copeland. registrar of births and deaths for the March distHct, High sf Joseph George Hurdraan, registrar of births and deaths for the Doddington Union, Doddington. CONVEYANCE BY RAIL'WAY, ON THE EASTERN COUNTIES LINE. Statinns.F,\m road, one mile from March, and near Wimblington village, two miles from March — John Smith Sproul tnperintetident at the March slatiou ; Thomas Lawrance, superintendent of the Wimblington station. Coaches or Omniljiises, from the Griffin Hotel to the stations, await the arrival and attend the departure of the trains. CARRIERS. To LONDON, and various parti of England, the Eastern Counties Rail- way Company, from their station, Elm road, daily To CHATTERIS and SAINT IVES, I l( ichard Earl, Ironi the George, Tuesday I and Saturdav 1 To I'ETEU BOROUGH and COATES, I Charlotte Meadows, from the Red Lion, I Friday I To WHITTLESEY, John Roberts, from the White Hart, & Charlotte Meadows, : from the Red Lion, Friday :To wisbeach, Richard Earl, from the 1 George, Tuesday and Friday. & William Oipson, from his house, Tuesday & Sat. CONVEYANCE BY WATER. I ToCAMURIDGE,ELY & WISBEACH, I liiiats from the Quay, according as I freight offers. N NEWMARKET AND NEIGIIBOUIIIIOOD. _ ^F.WMAIlKKTi":* jileasant wtll-huilt maiket town, coTnpiisinn the palish of .Sni lit .Mary, in the huiidred of l.rickford, county of .Suffolk, and tlic pirisli ()f All Saint', hundred of Chfveley, county of Catnhridge; .ig miles s.N.E. from London, 'l.'iR. by N. from Cambridge, niid the like distance s K. Iiom Kly ; siinated i.iithe Newinaiket and Chcsterford brancli of the Kastetn Counties railway: the station of the company here is MpHciou.s, convenient and handsome. In former times this town was depeiidcut upon KxniiiK, once a 34 place of importance — having a royal residence and an established market; the latter advantage, tiadition as- ."erts, was removi-d from Kxning, in 1227, in rouse- f|netice of the prevalence t Feist KbfiieztT, High st Hull Fleetwood, Hish st Stamford Simeon, High st BAKEBS 6c FLOUR DEALERS. Allen Robert, Mill hill Alien William, High st Andrews John, Paradise row Aiidrew> Thos.& John, Market place Claris Joseph, Newtowa Claxton Aletliea, Higlist Crosier J'iseph, Hiuh st Daffen William, Newtown Pond Henry, Mill hill Stephenson Charles, Higii st BANKERS. Eaion, Hammond & Co. High st, (draw on Cocks, Biddulph & Co. London) Foster Ebenezer, Charles Finch & George Ebenezer, High st, (draw on Pie-cott, Grote & Co. London) Savings' Bank, Kingston House — Richard liayley, actuary BASKET MAKERS. Cole Roliert, Market place Cole Williau), Maiket lane Jarvis Robert, Market lane BLACKSMITHS. Barrow William & Richard, Highst Ktrry Geoige, High st King Luke. Market place Newman Thoma», Newtown Stevens Henry Rowe, Kingston pi BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND PRINTERS. Rogers & Clark (and stamp distri- buters). High st Simpson Alien (and circulating li- brary), High st SOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Craske Edward, Albion st Harris ."^amuel, Kingston place Howlett Samuel, Mill hill Pettit Thomas, WelliiiKton st Piig? Thomas, Albert st Purkis James, Sun st Rayner Roheit, Maiket place Bumble Saml. (dfaler),Marketlane BREWERS. Moody T»rell, High st Phillips Chillies, Wellington st BRICKLAYERS. Bowlle Williani, Higli st Clark John, Hillhouse Coe David, Hi«li st Kitchen William, Market lane BUTCHERS. Bocock David, Market place CuHiiiKton Tlioinas, IVlarket lane Gent Samuel, WVHint'ton st Goodcliild Williani, High st Holmes John, Murkfi placi- Retd Thomas, Maiktt place Wiseman Norman, Market place CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Chapman Cliarles Ikll, Hiyh st Hull Fleetwood, Hiitli ^t Ne*niaii William, Hinh st CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Fro^t Charles, Mill hill Ru»e John, Kingston place Westley Samiiil, Biidiie st CHEMISTS AND DRuaOIBTS. DuniiiiiL; Tliomas (and oil and co- lourman), Hi^h st Rogers Sarah, High st SO COACH BUILDERS. Hnnnybun Thomas, High st Newman Thomas, Black Bear lane COAL it CORN MERCHANTS. Bryant William & Soii<, Hiuh st SlierwinThos. (corn), Wellington st CONFECTIONERS. Coe David. High st Deri>ley .Arabella, High st Porter William, ^laiket pl^e Coopers. Franks Alfred, Shasbag Jarvis Robert, Market lane FARMERS. Bryant William & Soii^, High st Phillips Charles, Wellington st Ratliff William, Highst Sabin Thomas, Hiuh .--t FIREj Sic. OFFICE AGENTS. Alfred, Isaacson, Gillson & But- ton, High st Atlas, Solomon Payne, Hif;h st Church of Fngland, Geoige Col- well Oke, High st Clehical, Medical and General (life), John Francis Clark, F'air- stead House [Hi^h st Coi;NTY(hail>torm),Roeers&Clark, EguiTY AND Law (life), Charles Phillips, Alb oil st General and Hailstorm, William Newman, High st IiMPERi'VL, Ebenezer Feist, High st Liverpool, Allen Simpson, High st Norwich Un ion, William New man, and George Campion Postaiis, High street [st PH(ENIx (lire), Rogers & Clark, High Royal Farmers' (fire, life & hail- storm), Charles Bell Chapman, High street Suffolk (fire), Richard Bayley, Kingston House GROCERS et TEA DEALERS. {See also Shopkeepers, ^v.) Bocock Robert, Wellington st Hilton .Marv, Mil! hill Hurley William, High st Porter Eleanor, High st Posians George Campion, High st Webster & Bayley, High st HAIR DRESSERS. Moody Thomas, Maiket place Stebbing Charles, High st Symonds Thomas, Alarket place inns and hotels— coivimercial, &c. {See also Taverns i^ I'ublic Houses ) Bull, Thomas Smith, High st Gieyhoiind, William Jarvis, Highst Rutland Arms (& family & posting), Thomas Sabin, High st Stai, John Siull, High st White Hart (and posiing), Cliarles Bottom, Hi^h st IRONMONGERS & BRAZIERS. Adlard Charles, Wellington st Bohy Kobert(&white.Miiiih),High st Brown & Cobley, Market place LINEN DRAPERS. Andrews Henry, Hifih st Parker (ieor^e Hem y. Market place Pa-k Thomas, Hit'li st Pratt James, High st MALTSTERS. Bryant William ft Sons, High st Moody Tm-cII, HiKh st Phillips Charles, Wellington st Piper Stephen, Newtown MILLINERS Bt DRESS MAKR9. Deresley Arabella, High st Jennings Susan, High st Sadler Charlotte, Highst Wiles Ellen, High st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Clark Thomas, Hiah st Kent Samuel, High st Payne Solomon, High st Peck Geoige Frederick, Highst SADDLERS. Boyce Charles, High st Holland Horatio, High st Pettit Si Argent, Maiket place SHOPKEEPERS &DEALERS Iff GROCERIES 6t SUNDRIES. Ariiell Willi^nl, Newtown Barnard Sojihia, Exning road Bayley John, Newtown Blewitt John, Alhert st Biowning .lohn, Mill hill Chaiuiian Elizalieth, Market lane Gentle Win. (tea denier), Newtown Mendham Thomas, Mill hiil Porter Williani, Market place Sherwiii Thomas, High st STONE ee MARBLE MASONS. Arher Philip, High st Parkinson Robert, High st STRAW^ BONNET MAKERS. Balls Elizabeth, Albert st Jennioes Susan, High st Pui kis Lucy, Black Bear lane Smart Lucy, Maiket place Utton Susan, Albion st SURGEONS. Fairclnth Richard, High st Fy-on Robert, High st Page Frederick, High st Feck F'floyd iMentoi, High st TAILORS. Avis William, Market place Bradfer James, Market place Clark Mrs. Martin (& hal)erdasher). High street Folkes Joseph, Albion st Hassell Joseph, High st Leach Richard, M'ellington st Le Pla Samuel, Maiket lane Swann Robert, Mill hill Taylor Henry, Market place Wicks James, High st TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Ulack Bear, Samuel James, HiRh st Black Hiiise, \Villi:ini Barrel!, High >t Crown, Frederick Linrh Bloss, High at Dolpliin, James Tomlin, Mai ket lane Five Bells, Robl. IMoody Ha.ssnlI,Mill hill Golden Lion, Ualpli Westley, High st Grosvenor Arms, William Foreman,Gr«l' venor place Half IMonn, Frances Day, High st Horse & Groom, George Flatman, Highst Horse Shoe, Benj. Chas.l'laiiner.AIhertst I. ami), Stephen Sutton, Market lane Marquess of Granby, Leonard l{use,New. town [Exning road Queen Victoria, James Francis Ueeka, llailway Tavern, John Lovirk, Newtown .Sir John Barleycorn, John Hills,Albion &t Sun, Thomas Bateman, Sun st Three Ttins, James Clark, Market plaen Two Ohl Brewers, Oliver Hilcbrn, AI- bion street Wagon & Hurses, John Martin, High st Wellington, Robert Jacob, Wellington st W'healsheaf. Samuel Pearson, Regent at Whi'e I. ion, Philip Arber, High si W.jolpack, Robert Parkinson.Muiket lane TRAINERS OF RACE HORSES ArnistioiiK John, High st Arniill William, Albert st BeresfordWm.Kobson, Sandpit lane Bloss Fiedeiick Cavendish, Albert si Boyce Henry, Shagbag IBdtctovg, NEWMARKET. ©amliriircressiit. Boyce Richard Dixon, jun. Albert st Butler William, Bury road Cliit'iiey Samuel, ShaRbH)? Coopei Wiliiatii, Peel's place Day Samuel, Terrace Edwaids William, Bridge st French Josepii, Alhert st H.irlock William, S;indpit laue Marson Chailes, Terrace Martin Ciiarles, Terrace Perreii John, Aibtrtst Pettit Robert, Mill bill Price Peter, Phantom Cottage Robinson J no. near the Cattle markt Rogers Josiph, Hit^hst Smith William, Shagbag Stephenson Robert, High st Steplienson Robert, jun. High st VETERINARY SURGEONS. Barrow William & Richard, Highst Kerry George, High st Stevens Heniy Ro\ve,Kingston place \7ATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Harris William, Higli st Hull Robert (anandoned. The parish church of S.iint Peter and Saint I'aul, is a small structure, the living is a vicarage, itr the presen- tation of theDearr and Chapter of Westminster. There is a place of worship foi' Independents, and a school conducted U|)on the British plan. A s.nall pleasure fair or feast is held here in July. The paiish (iircluding Kneesworth hamlet), contained in 1831, 1,446 inha- bitants, and in 1841, 1,774. POST OFFICE, Rlelbourn-street, Royston, Thomas Daintry, Post Master. — Letters from Londom and Tarioui places arrive every morning at two, and are despatched at half- past eleven at night — Letters from Cambridge and the North, &c. at rive every night at a quarter past ekven, and are despatched at two in the morning. POST OFFICE, Melbourn, John Ebenezer Miller, Post Master.— Letters from all pans arrive every doming at eight, and are despatched at seven in the evening. POST OFFICE, Bassingbourne, Samuel Hopkins, Post Alaster.—Letters from all parts arrive every morning at half-past eight, and are despatched at a quarter before seven in the evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND , BRITISH ScHOOL, Market hill— CLERGY. I John Baker, master Barrett Rev. Wm. Garland, High st British School, Bassingbourne— Beldam Charles, Esq. Melbourn st Beldam Edward, Esq. Kneesworth st Beldam Valentine, Esq. Knees- worth street Chapman Rev. William Herbert, Bassingbourne [bourne Chear Mrs. and the Mioses, Bassing- Clinton Lady Louisa, Cockenhatch John Hopkins, master; Mary Trigg, mistress British and Foreign School, Melbourn — John Cayzer, master; Charlotte Louisa Furner, misti ess Clisby Sophia & Ellen (boarding & day), Kneesworth st Ellis Lydia, Melbourn [dock st Drummond Honourable Charles, Hunt Sarah (boarding & day), Bal Newsell's Park Infants' School, Fish hili— Am Faircloth Joseph, Melbourn Floofl Rev. James, ISIelbourn Fordliain John, Escj. Baldock st Fordliam John George, Esq. (ma- gistrate), Priory [hourn Fordham John Henry, Esq. Mel Forsaitli Rev. Kobt.l>kins, London rd Harsant Rev. John, Bassingbourne Hitch John Wortham Arnott, Esq. Melbourn Lee Rev. Dr. Barley Mickh'y Thomas, Esq. Melbourn st Mortlock John, Esq. Melbourn Nash WnrHollickjEsq. Melbourrf st Nash the .Misses, Back .st Nunn Mrs. Isabella, Kneesworth st Pennington .Mrs.Elizbl) Melbourn st Selwyn Rev. William, Mellioiirn Thurnall .Mr. Henry, Melhoutn st TitchmarshJolin,E>'q. Kneesworth st Wedd .Mrn. Maiy, Back st Whiting Rev. Jami-^, London road Wortham Biscoe, Esq. Kneesworth House [st Wortham Mr.s. E;iizabeth, Melbourn Wortham Hale, Esq. I>oiidon road Woithain Mrs. Thomas, l>ondon rd Wright Rl'v. Andrew Curr, Melbourn ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Not otherwise dencrilitd are Day Schouls. Ashley Anne (boarding and day), Melbourn [.Mt Ibourn st Ashton Peter (boarding and day), Baker Catherine, High st 38 Ann Andrews, mistress National School, Fish hill — John Green, master; Keturah Green, niistiess ATTORNEYS. Beldam Edvvard, High st Hitch John Wortham Arnott, Mel- bourn Nash & Thurnall, Higli st Wortham Hale (and clerk to the magistrates), High st BAKERS. Beale John, Fish hill Beale John, jun. Highst Beale William, Market hill Bloit John, Bassingbourne Clark William, High st Lee Caleb, Ba>-singbourne Lilly William, Back st Stoekbridge Thomas, Melbourn Sutton Thomas, Bassingbourne BANKERS. Fordham Joiin George & Sons, High •viieet (draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co. London) BASKET MAKERS. Alton John, Melhourn st Bullard Charles, Higji st Good John, High st Lucas & Son, Hi«h st BLACKSMITHS. Bateson John, Market hill Day Joseph, Melbourn Ellis Samuel, Melbourn Gouldthc rp John, Melbourn Kefl^ord James, Bassingbourne Kefford William, Bassingbourne Peters John, Bassingbourne Wallis Jabez, Kneesworth st Watson Charles, Pond st BOOKSELLERS dc STATIONRS. P'lood James, Melbourn Pickering Tliomas, John st Warren Sarah & John, High st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Adams John, Melbourn Cainpkin Stephen, Melbourn Camps John, Melbourn Camps William, Market hill Dellar William, Melbourn Groom Li vi. Market hill Hayles William, Melbourn Kempton Stephen, Melbourn Negus John, Alelbourn Norman Joseph, Melbourn Procter Sarah, High st Pryor Thomas, High st Shepherd Char les & Thomas, High st Shepherd William, High st Tyler John, Bassingbourne Trigg John, Bassingbourne Wedd James, Bassingbourne BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Baker Mary, High st Baker Robert, High st Hunt George, Melbourn BRICKLAYERS & BUILDERS. {See also Carpenters and Joiners.) French William, Alelbourn Ginison Luke, Baldock st Jacklin James, Back st Thuiley Richard, High st Watson William, Market hill Whitehead Thomas (and stone ma- son). Pond street Wilson James, Kneesworth st BUTCHERS. Allwood William VVclsh, High St Barker William, Melbourn ii(ltCtOVJ). ROYSTON, &c. CTam^rilrseisfiite. Btauniont Stimuel, Fish hill Emery Bills, Melltonrii French Chmles, Melbourn Inskip Geoigi', 15assinnbi>uriie Marriott Jas. Dixoii, Kiieesworth st Sell William, Market hill Thorpe Thomas, George lane Whitechurch Sargciint, High st CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Abbott William & Son, High st Andrews Charles, High j-t Stredder Edward, Melbourn st CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. BenthamChristophr.Bassiniibourne Fitgis William, Bassingbourne Pryor James, ftlelbourn Sfockbndge Thomas, Melbourn Turton Robert, Back st Walters William, Bassingbourne Wilkinson William, Bassingbourne CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Matthews James & Son, High st Miller John Ebenezer, Melbuurn Wright James, Melbourn CHINA, GLASS, &c. DEALERS. Matthews James & Son, High st Sanders John, High st COOPERS. Chappie John, Melbourn Good John, High st Gosling John, Hiuh st Hagger James Marten, Market hill Lucas & Son, High st Thompson John, Melbourn CORN AND SEED DEALERS. Biott Samuel, Bassingbourne Fordham John George & Frederick Na!>h, High st Maling Thomas Symms, Melbourn st Smith George (seed), Market hill Titchmarsh John, jun. (seed) Knees- worth street FARMERS. Baker John, iMelbonrn Baker Roliert, Meltxiurn Baker Wilbam, Melboum Beldam Charles, Melbourn st Belsom Tliomas Mowyer, Melbourn Blott Samuel, Bissingbourne BiiUeii James, Melbourn Calver William Crowle, Melbourn Campkin Joseph, Melliouiii Chear Samuel, B.issingbourne Dean Robert, Melbourn Dickason Joseph, Melbourn Flition Daniel, B;issingbourne French William, Mtlbourn Halts Clarke, Bassingboiirne Holmes Nathaniel, Melbourn Jarman James, Melbuurn Lilley James, Bassingbourne Luke Abrah im, Kneesworth bt Negus Stephen, Melbourn Fhlliips John, Baldock st Phillips Joseph, Kneesworth st Scruby Joseph, Melbourn Sell Siniton Leete, Bassingbourne Smith Edwaid, Melbourn Stamfiiigbouiiie TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Aiicel, Williarii Weston, High st Beh & Anclior, Win Evans, Market hill Black Horse, Charles Watson, Pond st Black SvFan, James Oliver, Market bill Boar's Head, Win. Watson, Market bill Bull, Mary l.uck, Hi?h st Bull, Tempest Si-ll, B;issingbot;rne CatberineWheel,Win. Ginn, Melbourn st Chequers, Rirbard Thurley, High st Coach and Horses, William Shepherd Kneesworth st [Melbouro Coach and Horse.«, Josepli Simmons, Crown, William Greenlaw Gordon and Maria Johnson, Cross Crown and Dolphin, William Warner, Kneeswortii stieet Dolphin. Amey Hawes, Melbourn F.ilcon, Thomas Daintiy, Melbuurn st Fox and Duck, lienjn. Ginn, Market bill Green Man, George & Margaret Smith, Market hill Grilfin, Joseph Barker, Fish hill Hoops, Stephen Gceen, Bassingbourne floops, Tliomas Townsend, High st Hoops, Peter Wedd, Melbourn Jolly BiitcbPis, Wm. Beale. Market hill Plough, Sarah Uilson, Market hill Red l.ion, William Dearmaii, Melbonrn Red Lion, Thomas Jacobs, Maiket bill 39 €^aml)rtb5£Sf)ire. ROYSTON, &c. Slater*^ TAVERNS, ace — Continued. Red Lion. Sarah Walker. Bassingbourne Rose. EliZLibcth Gjib.iy. Melbourn Star, .Miry Jaiman, Melhouin Sun, William Norman, High st Three Horseshoes. M'm.Taylor.London rd White Bear, Geo. Howard, Kneesworlh st While Hait.Samurl Heaiiniont, Fish hill WhiteHorse.JamesStaniford, Mrlbouru st While Lien, John Gosline, Hi^li st Windmill, James Coote, Pond st Retailers of Beer. Chappie John. Melbnnrn Coe James, Balilock st Coile James, Melboiirn Delhir William, .Melbourn Uockerny William, Ua$$ingbonrne Dunham Abraham, Bassingbouine Kveisdoii Surah, Baldock Hood James, Warren Hnwes William, Bassintibourne Miller James. Melbonrn st Newell Monifonl, Melbourn JSewland Robert, Bark st Pearman Hemy, Bassingbourne Pryor Joseph. .Melbourn Thompson George. Hi>;h st Wedd William, Melbourn Wilson Maria, Bassingbourne Worboys Alfred, B.ick st VETERINARY SURGEONS. Rulf U'iiliari), IJarkway load Sci uhy Thomas, Bark .st %VATCHAND CLOCK MAKERS. Aii(lit-«.s William, Gudfiev's terracf Huckma^ter William, Higli st Cornell Chm-les, Hii;ii st WHEELWRIGHTS. Cane Th(iiiia<, Market hill Dunham .Abialiain, Ba.s.>ii)gbourne Fy.son .)ohn, Bas»int!l)()uriie Pearman Henry, lia^siiigbourne Riliinas I-aac, I'cuid st tianders John, High st Stockbri'lpe J.ist-iili. Melbourn Widd William, Milboiiin WINE AND SPIRIT DEALERS. lilott Samuel, IJassinubourue Fhilii|» John (spirit), Baldock st Smith Geoige, .Mai kit hill Miscellaneous' Alton John, pawnbroker. Melbourn st Brown Richard, glover. High st butler Henry, woolsiapli-r, ivielbnnrn st Chamberlain John, earlier, Melbourn Church Stephen Danby, music seller, Highst [Baldock «t Cocket & Nash, auclioneers & surveyor", Coote James, rag. bone,&c. dealer, Pondst Cornell Charles, gas fitter. High st Flilton Jas. general dealer, Kneeswortb st Gas Works, Kneesworlh street— John Smith, superintendent Howard George, machinist, Kneeswortb st Lucas & Son, wire weavers. High st, and rick cloth manuf.icturers. Pond st Matthews Jas. slamp distributer. High st Mallhews James, tax collector. High st Nash Win. Thomas, architect, Baldock. st Norman John, toy dealer. High at Phillips John, brewer, Baldock st Ranson James, oil cake and bone mill, Klelbourn Rawlings James, millwright, Melbourn Sell TemiK^sl. farrier, Bassingbourne I'ilrhmaish John, coal merchant, Knees- worlh st [worth st Titchmarsli Thomas, merchant, Knees- I'riidgell David, rope maker. Back st I'rwin Jacob, engineer, Baldock st Wall Ann, straw bonnet mkr. Market hill Warren Sarah & John, printers. High st U ilson Sarah, rag, hone, &c. dir. Fish hill PLACES OP WORSHIP, a.nutheik mi.msters. Saint John the Baptist Chukch, Royston— Rev. Jas. \\ biting, iiuumbtnt. Saint Thomas a Becket's Church, Melbourn— Rev. Wm.Selwyn,iHVAY. The nearest S/a(ion isaiWH ittlesfoud, lOiniles from Royston, on the Eastern Counties line CARRIERS. To LONDON, John Barnes' and Jamei Dockeray's Wagons, Friday To BALDOCICand HITCHIN, Ginn, \\ arner & Co.'s Vans, from the Cathe- rine Wheel, Tuesday and Friday To BASSINGBOURNE, John Barnes' and James D. ckeiays' H'ajoiis, Friday To CAMBRIDGE. Ginn, Warner & Co.'s Vans, from the Catherine Wheel, Mon- day, Thnrsday and Satiiiday. S SOIIAM, FOllDHAM and NEJGHBOURHOODS. OHAM is a pari-h in the bnndred df Staploe — the | the monks; nor did the dosolaters stop here — about small town, which until wiihin th"se few years upheld 1 the .same period they buinedand deiholisi.ed thecliurch a market, i> C!* miles n.n.i;. from L'lndon, 19 n.e. I elected by Luttiimeii, a Saxon nobleman : a few fiag- from Cand)ri(I(,'e, 8 N.N.w from Newmarket, and nearly ' nieiits of this oece-famed t difice aie still to he seen. 6 s.s E. froin Ely— the last-named plai e heini,' the The present church of Saint Andrew is a venerable nearest railway >iatiou. 'I"lie town, which is situated I cruciform struciurc, with aM|uare embattled tower at about four iiiiles from the .Miffolk i)ni(ler, on the hanks the western end, conlaining a tine peal of ten hells: of the Cam, po-se.'e, Jiowever, haiebi-eii suicessfiilly drained and brought jiiio ciiliivatioii, sotliat the air, which previously was c-oiisidered injurious to health, is now [lerfectly'salii- biiou-. Gardeiiiim is earned on to a great e.vteiit, the liiid ill tiiis parish being now as ricli as any in the k iigdom ; fiuit and vegt-iables are sent fioin hence to l.oiiiloii aud v.iiious other places, in great (|uantities; Baptists, Independents, Wesleyan and Primitive Methodists aud Unitatiaus, have eacli a chapel ; and there are some ancienth-fouiHtcd alinshonses and an ■iidowed free school. 'I'he luaiket which was held on Thursilay has ctased to he obseived, hut a fair is still m^iintiined for cattle on the 9ch of May; and a plea- sure fair or feast, which continues duiiiigtiic week, commences < n tlie Mniiday ne.\t before the nativity of tlitie an- aNo numerous dairies, an^l thechee.se made ; Saint .lolin the linpiist. The pojinlation ol thepaii.sli, in this district is ii< h and similar to the famed Stilton, in 18;U, was :j,(i()7, and in 1841, 4,091. The government of the town is vested diiefiy in the magistrates for the division, assisted by a jjolice force rMablished lieie in 1817, and in the f'dlowiiig y. ar gas w-isiiitiodiiced for lighting the town. Soham is i'ni liided in a circuit of towns under the act passeil iii 184G, foi the recovery of debts to any amount not exceeding £20: the court sits monthly in the town hall, lately erected by suh^cripiion FoRDHAM, is a parisli and village in the same hun- dred as, and about ,i miles s.E. froni Sobani ; situated ill an exceedingly fertile pan of the country, embel- lished witii welUnltivated garden grounds, which |>ro- duce ahundaiice of almost every kind of vegetable. 'i'he places of worshi|i are the parish church of Saint .Mary, and a chapel each for Independents aud Wes- leyan Methodists. The living of Sohain is a discharged III the .sixth century S-iint Felix, the first bishop of vieaiage in the patronage of the Master and Fellows of Ea>t Aiiglia, fuiinded a monastery here ; two hundred Je^us Collejje, Cambridge. 'Die paiisli contalued in years afur the Danes laid it in ruin.s and nias.«'acred I 1831, 1,325 inhabitants, and in 1841, 1,416, 40 JBittctotv* SOHAM, &c. gTaml&rtlrgeg^tre: FOST OFFICE, High-street, Soham, Thomas Moiley, Post Master.— Letters from all parts arrive (from MiLDENHALLby mail can) every morning at half-past seven, and are despatched thereto at half-past «ix 111 the evening. — ,*« M^net/ Orders are granted and paid at this office. POST OFFICE, FoRDHAM, Tliomas Seaber, Pos^il/a^^er.-Letters from all paits arrire (from Milden- HALL hy mail cait) every morning at seven, and arc despatched thereto at seven in the evening. GENTRY AND CLERGT. Bowles Mis. (yhariotte, Fordham Clack Rev. William, West hall st Cooper Rev. James, Clay st [Hall Cotton Alexander, Esq. Landwade Dix Mrs. Mary Hyde, Fordliam FysonRobt Oiilamoie,Esq. Fordham Gardner William Dunn, Esq. Foid- ham Alibey Hatch Mr. John, High st [st Haiighton Rev. Geo. Dunbar, Pratt Hovell Mrs. Rebecca, High st Isaacson Mrs. Jane, Fordham [pi £iaytoii VVm.Esq.(migistrate),Sohani Mann Mr. James, Pratt st Mann Air. John, Broobdam lane Merest James Drage, Esq. (magis- trate), the Moat Newsam Rev. James, Churchgatest Robins Mrs. — Isleham Roper Mrs. Esther, Foidbam [st Slack Mrs. Margaretta,Churchgate TaskerRev. Henry, Vicarage TebbitMr. Robert, High st WhitingMr. John, Brook st [st Whiting Misses Mary& Ann, Brook Wilkin Miss Elizabeth, High st Wilson Rev. Benjamin, Fordham ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Not ftllierwise desciibedare Day Schools BRitiSH School, Fordham — Mary Emma Heath, mistress Ellis William Charles (boarding and day), Fordham Gardiner Maiy& Louisa, Fordham Garner Hester, Piatt st |st Gunton David (boarding&day], Pratt Hindman Harriet (boarding & day), Pi ait street Johnson George, High st Johnson Lury, Hiah st National ScHooL(hoys), West hall st — Robert Silvt r, master National School (liirls), Hiah st — Jemima Levis Walker, mistress Wilkin Elizabeth & Sarah (bonrdiug and day). Fountain st ATTORNEYS. Bye William, Hall st Hustvvick Thomas (and assistant clerk to the County Court, clerk & secretary to the Gas Company, and Soham Building Company), S.ind street [maiket Isaacson Gillson & Button, New- Slack Fysou William, Pratt st Wilkin Thomas, Fountain lane AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER. Mainiiiice Charles, Churchgate st BAKERS et FLOUR DEALERS. Cross John (& confeetionerijHiiih st Heauren Elizdbeth (& confectioner), High street Heagren William, Churchgate st Pettit Henry, Fordham Petiit John, Churchgate st Turner George, Fordham BANKERS. Harvey's & Hudsons' (Branch of Norwich), Market place — (open on IMonday and Friday — draw on Hankeys '& Co., London) — Chas. Sumpter Morris, manager BLACKSMITHS. Brown Charles, Fordliam Firman John, Fountain lane Gilson William, Hall st Holmes Joseph, High st 6 Horsley Charlotte, Hall st Muniis Edw.^rd, Hall st Palmer Thomas, Brookdain lane Poulter John, Fordham RabyJohn, Hallst Rumbelow Eleanor, Fordham BOOKSELLER ec STATIONER. Playtord William (and bookbinder, news agent, circulating library, & dealer in pa'ent medicines, and perfumeiy), His;li st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS, Barrett Jostph, Churchgate st Bone William, Maiket place Brown John, Fordham Clements William, Pratt st Cray William, Sand st Kden William, Sand st Finch Joseph, Clay st Fovargue Creasey, Churchgate st Gibson George, Churchgate st GilbertJames, Fordham Gillson William. Paddock st Horsli y James, Hall st Horsley Joseph, Churchgate st Houghton William, High st Kidd John, Hall st R'idwell Thomas, Fordham Speakman Joniiihan, Fordham [st Turner Wm.(& leather cutter), High Wing George, Fordham BREWERS. Mainpiice Charles, Churchgate st Staples Edwaid, Paddock st BRICK MAKERS. Horsley Robert, Quay fen common Owers John & Frederick, High st BRICKLAYERS. Allen William, Clay st Barnes Francis, Clay st Mann John, Fordham Wing Charles, Fordham BUTCHERS. Brown Josepli, Fordham Collin Charles, Foidham Collin William, High st Reed Thomas, Fordliam Staples John, Fnuntainlane Sieadman Thomas, Hall st Wiseman William, Churchgate st CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Andrews Fuller, Pratt st Covell John, Fordham Hicks George, Hall st Levet Josiah, Clay st Martin Charles, Fordham Owers John & Frederick, High st Tebbit Robert, High st CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Dennes Martin, Hiuh st King William, High st COAL MERCHANTS. Andrews F'uller. Pratt st King Waller Mills, Waterside Rotiins Ge-irge Fletcher, L^leham Smith Philip, Fordham Wiseman Thomas, Churchgate st COOPERS. Clark Daniel, ? arket place Crick James, High st CORN «c SUED MERCHANTS, Bland John, Fordham Clements John, Quay-fen common Click Charles, High st Crick James, jun. High st Davey Samuel, Hall st King Waller Mills, Waters! Je Maiden William, Hallst Porter George, Market place Robins George Fletclier, Isleham Smith Philip, Fordham Wiseman Thomas, Churchgate st CURRIERS AND LEATHER CUTTERS. Kidd John, Hall st [& Brook st Whiting Thos. Brown, West Hail St. FARMERS. Bland Elizabeth, Fordham Bland John, Fordham Bland William Hills, Fordham Boyce John, Fordham Burgess John, Fen Clark Jonas, Hall st Clements John, Quay-fen commoa Collin John, Fen Colling Thomas, Fen Coote Eyre, Fordiiara Crisp William, Fen Davey Samuel, Hall st Dennis Benjamin, Foidham Dennis George, Fordham Fyson John, Snailwell Fyson Richard, Fordham Gittus James, Snailwell Hopkins John, Fen Horsley Robert, Quay-fen common Hovell John Rayner, High st Jugg William, Hallst Jugc William Yarrow, Mere Farm Lugsdin John, Meltham Farm Lugsdin Ludds William, Lark hall Maiden George, Hall st Maiden Henry, Hall st Maiden Robert, Hall st Martin Julius Caesar, Hallst Martin William, Quay-fen commoa Minet John, Fordham Palmer Francis, Quay-fen commoa Peachey William, Hall .st Pechey Isaac, Fountain Ia«>e Peacock Thomas, Fordham Peek Thomas, Higlist Pettit William, Hall st Reeve William, Quay-fen commoa Seaber Mrs. — Fordham Seaber Robert Fyson, Fordham Slack William, Cross green Smith John, Quay-fen common Sprine Charles, Church yard Staples Edward, Hallst Staples Elizabeth, Brook st Staples EllisHor.^ley, Hall st Staples Luke, Sand st Staples William, Brook st Warren Robins, Hall st White Warren, Hall st FIRE, &c., OFFICE AGENTS. Church OF England, George Col- well Oke, Piati st [st Crown (life), James Butcher, High General (hailstorm), ThomasPeek, Chuicheate st Globe, Thomas Hustwick, Sand st Medical Invalid & GENERAL(life), William Kine, Hish st National Mercantile, Martin Dennes, High st [Churchgate st Norwich Union, Thomas Peek, Royal Exchange, William Piay- ford, Hiijh st Royal Farmers' (fire, life,& hail- stormj, William King, High st Suffolk AMiCABLE(fire),& Hert- ford (hail-storm), Charles Main- price, Churchgate st 41 crf*inbril»ge5|)iie. SOHAINI, &c. ^latn*0 GARDENERS. Allen GeorKc, Foiiiliam Bland William Hills (and nursery and so'dsman), Fordhaiu Delnh Joliii, Clay st Klsdeii Coi'Der, Clinrclisaie st Fordhani Thomas, Moat alley Minjav Thomas, Kordham Peachey Saiah, Hall st Hankin William, High st Seahtr John. Pratt st Sliiu John, Fordham Silver Rohert, Clay st Townseiid Gtoige, Fordham West John, Sandst GROCERS 6t TEA DEALERS. (Sfe also Shopkeepers, \r.) Marked thus* are also Drapers. •Bland Joseph Main price, Furdshaui •Bobhy William, Hiuh st •Biitelier James (wholesale & retail drapei, silk mercer, & hatter, & aeeiit for sacks & wagon tilts to Francis & Georije Butcher, of Hol- ton. near .Ailsworth), High st •FysonJohii, Isleham •Goodrich William, Kordham •Seaher Thomas, Hiiih street, and Fordhani Tinkler John, Marketplace Warren Uichard, High st HAIR DRESSERS. Eden Edward, Fordhani Elsden James, Market place Kidd George, Pratt st King John, Wallis liill Rankin William, High st INNS. {See uho Taverns ii; Public Houses.) Chequers, William Neale, Fordhani Crown (commeiciai and inland revenue oftice), George Sure, Market place Wliife Hart fcnmmercial), JoliU Mainpiite, Cliurcligate st IRONMONGERS AND TIN- PLATE WORKERS Levet Elijah(& biass & ironfounder, whit'smith, and bell-hanger, and agricultural implement dealer), Ciiurelicate st Owers John & Frederick, High st LINEN DRAPERS. See under the head Grocers, Sfc. MILLERS AND MEALMEN. Bullman Wm , ICasf fen cton Robt M., Esq. French drove Marriott Mr. Samuel, 'J^horney fen Morris Bryan William, Esq. Thorney Watson Mr. Frederick, Thorney Wat-oii Mr. Samuel, Thorney Whitting William, Esq. Thorney Wing Tycho, Esq. (magistrate), Thorney PROFESSIONAL PERSONS, INCLUDING SCHOOLS. Berry Elizhth Maria, schoolmistress Clapham John, surgeon, and regis- trar of births and deaths Dawes Albert, organist & professor of music Johnson Mary Ann, schoolmistress Palmer William, academy Woollard George, schoolmaster INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Blue Bt-11, Sophia Scoiney, French drove Chequers, John Garton Duke's Heiid (comniercialinn), Jno Laxton Globe Inn. William Dodman Rose & Crown, Matthew Simpson FARMERS. Balderson Thomas, Thorney fen Baley Richard, Thorney fen Barrait George, Thorney fen Buck John, Thorney Crane Edward, Thorney fen Crane Wright Edward, Thorney fen Elstoue William, Thorney fen Foreman Stephen, Thorney fen Fullaid Thomas, Thorney Gee Thomas, Thorney dyke Gibbons George, Thorney fen Goddard Mary, Thorney causeway Hemnant John, Thorney Henson John, Thorney causeway Hurry John, Thoiney Little George Patil, Sincle sole Maxwell John, Thorney fen Maxwell John, jun. Thoiney fen Parnell Thomas, Thorney causeway Perkins William, Single sole Provost Samup], Thorney fen Provost William, Thorney fen Provost Wright, Tliorney feu Sisson Moses, Bukehorn Turnell Ann, Thorney fen VVallis Edward, Thorney causeway Watson Cha'les Frederick, Thorney Wieginton Miller, Thorney causewy SHOPKEEPERS «c TRADERS. Alcock George, wheelwright Anderson John, saddler Barnes Henry, shoemaker Barrow John, carpenter&ironmongr Bellamy Samuel, builder Biadshaw William, land surveyor Browu John, butcher Brown William, shopkeerer Buck John, agent to the Norwich Union Assurance Office Buckworth Rowland, butcher Cave Wni, carpenter & shopkeeper Charity John, tailor and draper Charity Stinison, tailor [maker bonnet Crane John, miller and baker Dawson Richard, grocer & draper Dodman Robert, chemist & druggist Dodman Wm, auctioneer&appiaiser Dudgeon Sally, painter & glazier Frier John, Blacksmith Fullard William, b^ker & miller Hair Sarah, shopkeeper Hardy John, bricklayer Morris Catherine, straw Peach Robert, butcher Pickering John, tailor Popple Abraham, cooper Popple JanifS, shoemaker Popple Sarah, straw bonnet maker Scandliiig Francis, carpenter Scotney Robert, grocer & draper Sharman Eliza, brewer Simms John, shoemaker Sontham Edward, spirit mercliant Souiham Mary, grocer and draper Stubbs Robert, hair dresser Thompson Thomas, bricklayer Watson Charles Frederick, maltster Whittam Robert, wheelwright Wilson Thomas, tailor Wilson WiUiam & Francis,boot and shoe maker Yorke Samuel, blacksmith RAILVTAY. The nearest Stations are at PetHR- BOROUGH and Whittlesey, as be- fore stated The only Conveyance is by Carriers to Petebbohough, as given below CARRIERS. To PETERBOROUGH, William Smales, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and Joseph Maize, Tuesday and Saturday 43 cramt)rtlrci:c0f)ire. 5blater*0 UPWELL AND OUTWELL. IJPWELL is a parish, partly in the hundred of Wis- bcach in this county, and partly in that of Clackclose, Norfolk— the village, large and populons is situated between 6 and 7 miles s.E. fremi Wisbeach, and on boih sides of the river Nene. Demesday-book in- forms us, that it belonged, with Outwell, to the abln-y of Ramsey, and was at ihat period a place of some noie. With respect to general trade, it has no claim to im- portance ; agriculture, and tlie attention to garden ground being the prevailine, if not tlie only occupation, of the inhabitants ; and the produce of the land, which is of great fertility, is forwarded to various places by the navigable Nene, and bv the railway from Wisbeach and March. The church is dedicated to Saint Peter ; the living is a rectorv, of which the Uev. William GaleTownley. is the present incumbent. The popu- lation of Upwell parish (including Welney chapehy), in 1831, was 4,156, and in 1841, 4,891 Adjoining to Upwell is the parish of Outwell, situated similarly to the former— the Nene jwssing through it, and heing p-artly in CatMbridgeshire and partly' in the connty of Norfolk. From being seated on a river it was in past ages called ff^tflla ; and in some old records it is mentioned as ' the town of tVeUe.' Near (he church once stoml a hermitage, dedicated to Saint Christoplier; its site rs still pointed out, but no remains of it are now perceptible. Agriculture is the unvaried pursuit of the inhabitants— as to general business, it is on an equality with Upwell. The vil- lage, which is long -aw\ stiaegling, contains a neat church, dedicated to Saint Clement, and a schotd sup- ported by subscriptions. The living of Otitwell is a r.'Ctory, in the patronage of the Bishop of Ely ; the Uev. George Nicholas Dealtry is the present incumbent. The entire parish contained in 1831, 986 inhabitants, and in 1841, 1,252. WlSBE POST, Receivins House at Charles Chapman's, grower, Upwell.— Letters from all parts arrive (froro BEACH, by foot post) every morning at ten, and are despatched thereto at four in the afternoon. POST, Rerririug House at Williain Cousins's, Outwell.— Letters from all parts atrive (from Wjsbeach by foot post) every morning at half-past nine, and are despatched thereto at half-past four in the afternoon. GENTRY AND CLERGY, Beart Mr. Morlcy, Outwell Bird Mr. Tonilinson, Upwell Burt John GurneyKt- liy.M.D.Upwell Dealtiy Rev. George Nicholas, Rectory, Outwell [well Huddle.st'in Rev. George Janies.Up- Porter Mr. James, Upwell Townley Re\. William Gale, magis- trate, Beaupree Hall Tuck Mr. Williitm, Outwell Weate Mr. Krancis, Outwell Wills Rfv. Kdinund, Upwell ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. British School, Outwell— Wm. Boyden, master ; Sarah Boyden, mistress Charity School (Rev. Wm. Gali- Townley's), Outwell— Tho.s.Pope, master; Susannah Pope, mistress Hartley Robtrt, Outwell Hodsoii Charlotte, Ouiwell National School, Outwell — John Russtl, master; Elizabeth Russel, mistress ATTORNEYS. Allard Williiin Ludlam (and agent to the solicitors' and general life ofRce), Upwell Palmer Hansiip, Upwell BAKERS AND FOUR DEALERS. Chapm^in Tbonia-, Outwell Goddard Sn)ith (and confectioner), Outwell Ma> hew Thomas, Upwell Oliver William Seavers, Upwell Rowley Henry. Outwell BLACKSMITHS. Andrew-* Robert (oiirn J(din, Upwell *Osboin Klijah, Upwell Uopir John, Upwell Rowley Heniv, Outwell •Sliearinaii VVilliam, Outwell 'I ni tier Ann, Upwell *Wliitaker Henry, Outwell •Wilson Benjamin, Upwell *Yallup Hannah, Outwell HAIR DRESSERS. Fenn Eriward William, Upwell Tyers George, Upwell iitttctoi|). UPWELL, &c. G^amf»iilrge!5]bivc, INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Blrtck Bull, John Og.ien, UpwHl HlatkHoise, Jacob iMaikley.Upwell Bridge, jHnies Gill. Outwell Chequers, Joseph Cavvthorn.Upwell Crown, Edward Oakes, Outwell Dukes Head, Jolm Baker, Upweli Five Belis,ThoinasHawkins, Upweli Horse&Grooin, Wm.Cragg, Upweli Marquess of Granby, Daniel Lock, Upweli [well Old Duke's Head, James Ryan, Up- Plough, VVilliam Sharmaii, Outwell Queen's Head, Francis Smith, Upweli Red Hart, William Ogden, Upweli RedlJoiiV^altntineAtchesiMiOutwell Ri>se& Crown, Geo.Chai Hon, Upu ell Shi{), Robert Bennett, Upweli feu Swan, Joseph Booth, Outwell ThreeHorse^Slioes, William Bensley, Upweli fen White Halt, John Godard, Upweli White Lion, Benjii. Notson, Upweli Retailers of Beer Adkiiis Robert, Outwell Baxter Samuel, Outwell Bellamy Henry, Upweli Corntll Hem y, Upweli Green Henry, U()well Inglett William, Upweli Jackson Edwnrd, Outwell Lawson John, Outwell Newman Robert, Upweli Quince Thomas, Upweli Shepbar*! William, Outwell Truman William, Outwell LINEN DRAPERS. (See Grocers, ^r.) MILLERS. Blofield Thomas, Upweli Bonfi. Id Peter, Outwell Claik James, Upweli Richards Williain, Upweli Scott Gabiiel, Middleton Mill Southwell John, Upweli Thompson William, Upweli PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, AND GLAZIERS. Godilard Jnhn, Upweli Overland William, Upweli STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Cliapman Elizabeth, Outwell Hutchinson Elizabeth, Upweli SURGEONS. Coombe Robert Gorton, Upweli Tubbs William John, Upweli SURVEYORS. Harris Henry, Upweli Mar.'hall Joseph (highways), Upweli Seayers Joseph, Upweli TAILORS. Carter John, Outwell Fenti Edward William, Upweli Marckley Thomas, Upweli Ransom John, Upweli Shephard William, Outwell Wiles Day, U|>weli TIMBER &DEALMERCHANTS. Chapman Charles, Upwel! Melhourn John(and coal, corn, and tile), Upweli WATCH St CLOCK MAKERS. Foster William, Upweli Hunt James, Upweli WHEELAVRIGHTS. Brown William, Upweli [well CheneryEdwd(niachine maker), Up- Goddard Frederick, Outwell Goodman Heniy, Upweli Overland Charles, Upweli Redhead John, Upweli Rubb Samuel, Outwell Tomblcsoii William, Upweli Trower William, Outwell Miscellaneous Adams Joseph, cattle dralei, Upweli Bell Samuel, basket maker, Upweli BoweislVIar\,milliner& dress rnlir. Upweli Cousins William, parish clerk, Outwell Hartley Robert, registrar of births and deaths, Outwell Hodson Thomas, auctioneer, Upweli Pleasant Henry, cooper, Upweli Rawlings Joseph, temperance coffee house, Outwell [Upweli Robb John, rope and twine maker. Sandal Mary, stay maker, Upweli Swann George, farrier, Upweli Towler Tlios. brazier & tinman, Upweli Towson William , fishmonger, Outwell Wakefield Robert, fellmonger, Upweli AVauby Hugh, land & estal*^ agent, Upweli Wiles Thomas, cnllectorof Queen's taxes, and agent to the Phoenix lire & Pelican life ollices, Upweli RAILW^AY. The nearest Stations are at WiSBEACH and March, about seven miles distant There are no regular Conveyances to the Stations, except by the Carriers to WiSBEACH CARRIERS* To DOWNHAM MARKET* JohnM'iles, from his liouse, Monday To WISBEACH, 1 homas Whitehead Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Satur day; Joseph Cawthorn & John Wileg, Tuesday, Thuisday & Saturday ; James Knowles and — Clever, Tuesday and Saturday; and William Jackson, on Sat. ; all Irom their respective houses WHITTLESEY, WITH THE VILLAGES OF EaSTREA, COATES AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. Wf HITTLESEY or Whittlesea, is an anient mar- ket town, comprised in the united parishes of Saint Andrew and Saint Mary, in the hundred of North Witchford ; 78 miles N. by w. fiom London, 30 n. by w. froiri Catnluidije, and 6§ e. from Peterborough (Northamptonshire); situated on the Eastern Countie- railway, for which line the compativ have a statitm here. /^JtoiVisthename gi^eu toitin Domesday-book, butits derivation has not been satisfact its church : Saint Mary's is a very liatidsome structure, but most particularly admired for its Iciftyand beautiful square tower,which is surmounted by ataperiiig spire of the finest symmetry, highly orna- mented. Saint Andiew'.^ is al»o a neat building, niid is likewise ornamented with a verv fine square tower and ttiriets. The pationage of Saint Mary's living is in the lord of the manor, and the Crown has the gift of Saint Andrew's. There are places of worship for Baptists, Independents, Calvinists and Wesleyan Me- thodists. There are two endowed schools : one founded in 1735, by a Mr. Adam Kelfull, now conducted on the national plan ; the other, founded in 1815, by John Sudbury, Esq. A library and news-room has been for a considerable time established, and is well sup- ported by subscribers; and the Whittlesey Institution, founded in 1847, is also prospeiou'*. Contiguous to this parish, but in the county of Huntingdon, was Whittlesey Mere, or, as it was sometimes termed, the White Sea — a fine expanse of water, aboundiiig with fish; but this is now being drained off, and will speedily disappear. The market, held on Friday, was for several years unattended ; but it has been revived, and the contiguity of the railway has imparted an im- petus toits business. An annual fair is held on the 13th June, for horses. The two pari.shes contained, con- jointly, in 1831, 6,019 inhabitants, and in 1841, 6,874. Eastrea, is a small villaee and railway station, about one mile E. from Whittbsey, The ra«7 has been the means of biingini* the place into notice— but indepen- dent of this, it is merely a rural hamlet, the inhabi- tants of which aie all in agticultural employment: their number is about 300. CoATi;s, is a villaue, about 2§ miles e. by N. from Whittlesey, and about a mile fiom Estrea. A neat district church was erected herein 1840, and dedicated to the Holy Trinity: it was endowed by the munifi- cence of Mr. Childers, before mentioned. The popu- lation of the village is about 600. POST OFFICE^IMarket place, Whittlesey, Peregrine Rands, Post Master.— Lettevs from all parts arrive (from Peterborough, hy mail cat t1 every morning at seven, and are despatched thereto at half-pHSI six in the evening. Bridges William, Esq. Low Cross Burgess Rev. George, Ijondon st Burnham John, Esq. Matket place Childers John Walbanke, Esq. Lon- don street Cook Mrs. Mary, Little London st GENTRY AND CLERGV. Bedford Kev. Thomas, Coates Bowker Thomas, E>q. (magistrate), Manor House Boyce Mr. John, London «tj Biadley Mr. John, Coates Croft Mr. John Southwell, Little London street [way Dodnian Mr. William, High cause- English Mis. Peggy, High causeway P'awn Mr. Edward, Broad st Fawn Mrs. Eliza, High causeway 45 C]:aml)rii)f55t)lVC. WHITTLESEY, &c. rlater'0 GENTRY, Sic.—Conlinucd. Franks Rev. Jniiies Clarke, Little Loi)rff>n street Gore Mr.''. Eli^ahetll, Broar] st Griiund .Mr. William, Delph st Halford Mr. Cliark-s, Church st H ilfonl Mrs. — , Delph st H.tyiics Hfiirv, Kscj. Gnive House Heinin;iiit .Mrs. .Mice, .Min^liouse st Ht'inmaut .Mrs. Elizatith. Low Cross Hilton Miss Maria, Old Whittlesey Howard .Mr. Henry, liroidst Johuso'i Mi>-s Alice, Gracious st Jones .Mrs. Alice, London st Lee Mr. Thos. Peterboro'-town end Little Mrs. Eliz^hetli, Broad st Loonies Mis. Ann, Broid ^t Loonies the Misses Johannah & Klizabeth, Market place Moore .Mrs. Jane, hy lane Morris Mr«. — , Lnndon .st Parker Mr. Williaiii, Hii;li causeway Peed Mr^. Eleanor, Hiijli causeway Reynolds Rev. E'Iniund, Market pi Searle Mrs. London st Setchtield Mr. \Vm. Whitniore st Smith Captiiiti Charles, London st Sudderick Mr. Andrew, Scahlgatest Wadilelow Mr. John, Market place Weston Mr. William, Church st Whyle Mr. James, Little London st Wrai^lit Miss .Susaiinah, Gracious st Young Mr. Richard, .Mitishouse st ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. >'ot otiierwise described are Day Schools. Bellars Mary Ann &. Eliza (board- ing), ScahlRate st Dial Mary, Gracious st Lee Thomas, Wliitmore st National School (boys), Inham's end — Jolin Blown, master NATiONALSciiooLjPeierhoro'Town end — Helen Wood, mistress Searle Mary (preparatory), Peter- boro' Town end Sudbury's Charity School, Cliurch st — Will. Ground, master Youles Thomas, Market place ATTORNEYS. lieUars Henry John, Almshouse st lirnughton Jiphn, Park lune Peed A: Smith, Hiyh causeway Sniitli Simon, Delph st Winders John Waiiii, Firoad st AUCTIONEERS ^APPRAISERS Gregory Stephen, Hiuh causeway Gronn'l Robert, Church st Riissel Jahez (^nd land and estate auent), Windinill st BAKERS 6t FLOUR DEALERS. Aveliiie John, Bro;id st Bacon J(din, Deiph Blunt John, Coatci Boyce I'liomas, Coates Bradford Hosea, Almshouse st BiiUen William, Inliain's end Bundy Henry, Lfnidon .«t Deavin George, Bioud st Gibl's Thomas, Hit;li causeway H irdy .lame-, Inliam''< »-nil Hardy Win. Hiulson.Old Whittlesey Ingle John, Wliiimoie st Lamb George, Delph st Payne Jacob, Brigiiate Scai Ic Thomas, Little l,ondon st 'I inner William, Garcinus st Whyle J-imes, jiin. Wliitmore st Wliyle Thomas, Cliurch st Wilson John, Whitmore st BANKERS. Gurney's, Bnkhick & Peckovers', (Braiiclij, Little l.,omlon st, (draw on Barclay, Bevaii & Co. I^oudon) — James Ainger, agent 46 National Provincial Bank of England (Branch), Almshouse st (draw on the London Joint Stock Bank) — Ricliaid Young, manager BASKET MAKERS. Bulanioie Robert, Broad st Dtiinis Robert, Old Whittlesey Dixie William, Delpii st BLACKSMITHS. Binuham Uobirt. Maiket place Campion Maiy, Windmill st Fawn Thomas', Coates Goude Robert, Syer's lane .Mote Thomas, Bullaid's-town end Rhinies Adam, Church st Rhimcs John, Coates [way Rudd Thomas & Son, High cause- Setcbfield John, Coates Setchtield William, Wliitmore st Speedily Matthew, North hiink Thory John (and farrier), High causeway Woodwaid John, Inham's end BOOKSELLERS & PRINTERS. Crofts Mrs. T. J. Wliitmore st Green Joseph, Almshouse st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Ashley David, Whitmore st Avcline James (and leather cutter), Little London st Aveling VVilliam, Church st Beehy William, Broad st Boon WiiUiam, Gracious st Boyce John, Barr's lane Brown John, Alm.'^house st Bucknell James, Whitmore st Bullamore William, Delph st Croft John, London st [end Duddington Joseph, Bullard'.s-town Fovargue Daniel, Whitniore st Gill Anthony, Coates Gill VVilliam, Coates Hawkins William, Horsegate Howitt Thomas, London st Lindsey Thomas, High causeway Meggltt William, London st Pearson Thomas, Coates Plowiight Thomas, Coates [end Procter Richard, Peterboro'-town Smith William, Inham's end Speechly John, Cliuich st Todd James, Syci's lane Todd William, Old Whittlesey Toild William, jnn. Church st Weston John, Barr'.s lane Whitehead John, Little London st Wilkinson W^illiam, High c.iuseway Wood Hetity (dealer). Broad st BRAZIERS AND TIN-PLATE ^VORKERS. Green Thomas, Whitmoic st Hohbs George, Old Whittlesey Pridmore Tlios. Barrett, Giacious st Smitli GeorKC, High cau.seway BRICK MAKERS AND LIME BURNERS. Asliling John, Delph Barton John, Delph Bennett Henry & Son, Falcon street and Rock Coiiaae Ground David, Delpli [end Robinson Fredi rick Easom.Inham'.s Setchfield Jas. Peterboro'-town end Stalk-brass John, Delph BRICKLAYRS 4c PLASTERERS. Ashley David, Whitmore st Burgess Thos. Peferlioro'-towii end Deavin George Samuel, Windmill st Drcwery Robert, Cliiircli st Iresdii Edward, London st Powley Samuel, Old Whittlesey Sharnian William, Church st BUILDERS. Bennett Henry & Sou (and con- tractors), Falcon street and Rock Cottage Deavin George Samnel, Windmill st Mills Matthew & Son, Whitmore st BUTCHERS. Asliley VVilliam, Almshouse st Bellamy John, Gracious st Benstead Giegory, Delph Beiiidge Stanford, Wool pack lane Berridge William, Cliurch si Blunt Benjimin, Delph Falkner John, Peterbmo'-town end Fawn William, Coates Fit/john James, Whitmore st Gregory Stephen, High causeway (iriggs Stephen, Gracious st Hall John. Coates Harrison Thomas, Stonebridge Hill Peter, t) Id Wbiitle.sey Howe Robert, Inham's end Lindsey John, Coat( s Neale William, Whitmore st Peach John. Stonebridge Whittome Thomas, Market place CABINET MAKERS. Cousins Robert, High causeway Hanson Edward, Bioad st Hollis Robert, Old Whittlesey Smith Jonathan, High causeway CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Andrews William, Little London st Cox James, Church st EUwooii Uaniel, Windmill st Fitzjolin I'dward, Church sr Holmes Henry, Stonaldfield Howitt Charles, Cliurch st Le Tall Benjamin, Coate.s Mills Matthew & Son, Whitmore st Redhead John, Coates Vine John, Briegate CHINA^ GLASS, &n. DEALERS. Atkinson William, High causeway Hemmant Robert, Old Wliittlesey Marriott Jidin, Gracious st .Mills John, Almshouse st Pickrell William, Church st COAL DEALERS. Boon William, juti. Delph Goodwill William, Inham's end Ground David, Delph Harris Mary, Delph Hemmant VVilliam, Delph st Jarvis Robert, Church st Jinks Robert, Delph Stallebrass John, Delpli CONFECTIONERS. Gibhs Mary, Wliitmore st Gibbs Thomas, High causeway .Martin Henrv, Old Whittlesey Stallebrass Tliomas, .Almshouse st COOPERS. King Joseph, Old VV liitilesey King Joseph I )elalioy, Old Whittlesey Southwell William, Old Whittlesey DRUGGISTS. Abbott Charles, Almshouse st Buirus Robert Wm. High causeway Cole John, Broad -t Cory Robert Bonell, Almshouse st FARMERS. Ashlinc Jeremiah, Claygate A-hling VVilliam, Low cross Atkinson HeniyClipson, Gracious st Barrett James, Eastrea Baxter Thomas, North brink Blunt James, Coates Blunt James, London st Blunt John, Coates Blunt John, Inham's end Blunt William, Eastrea Blunt William, High causeway Wittctox'Si, WHITTLESEY, &c. ©amfjiit^gegijire. Boyce Charles, VVhitmore st Boyce Jiiiues, Eastifa Boyce Jcthii, Eldtriiell Burdock Tliomas, North bank BuriihamHv.Laxioii, High causeway Buniliain John, VVhitiHore st Drake William, AIn)shouse st English Davd. Underwood's grounds Ground IJenjaraiii, Chnrch st Gronnd Daiiifl, Almshouse st Ground John, Glassnioor Ground VViiliani, Gracious st Halford James, Coates Heniraant VViJiiain, Delph st Hughes John. Eastrea Hughes Thomas, Coates Hunt Natiian, Coates Johnson Tlioma'-, High causeway Kisby VV'illiHm, Coates Little Harry, Kldernell Little John, Eldernell Livett Zacliarias, Horsegate Loomes Edward, Whitniore st Read James, Church st Read Jiinies, jun. Old Whittlesey Read Wiliiam, Church st Ruff Mary, Horsegate Searle Isaac, Claygate Shepperson John, Glassmoor Sheiipt-rNOii Lewis, Glassmoor Smith Henry, Willow Hall Smith Richard, Delph st Thornhill Cleasby, Northey Waddelove Joseph, Whitmore st Warwick George, Coates Watson Thomas, Eastrea FIRE &c., OFFICE AGENTS. ClERICAL.MeDICAL AND GENERAL, John Peed, High causeway CouNTv (hail storm), Jabez Uussel, Windmill street Globe, Charles Bennett, Falcon st, and Rock Cottage Guardian (fire&lit'e),Jdhez Russel, Windmill stnet [place Imperial, Joseph Bishop, Market Medical Invalid and General (life), John I'eed, High cau-eway PncENix (rtre), James Aiiiger, Little LondiMi street Royal Exchange, William Setch- rield, VVhitmore street Royal Farmers' (fire, life and hail storm), John Baker, Park lane Sun, John Peed, Hijjh causeway FRUITERERS. Gibbs Marv, Whitniore st Hookhani Fiaiuis, High causeway Mariln Henry, Old Whittlesey Perkins James, Church st GARDENERS. Rowland Williini, Falcon st Uowland William, jun. Broad st Coiby James, Ciiurch st GLOVERS. Graves !'>dwanl. Almshouse st Graves Edward, Brorid st Poole William, Market place GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. (See also Shopkeepers, <^c.) Bishop Joseph, Market place Browne Thomas, Higli causeway Fit/john Thomas, Church st Lawson Joiin, Delph f^etis Robiii, Almshouse st Melton Robert, Broad st Mills John, Almshouse st Nicholls Thomas Fryer, Church st Whyle Thomas, jun. London st Wood Heiny. Broad st HAIR DRESSERS. Brakes John, Delpli Graven Edward, Almshouse st Keecli John, Almshouse st Knight George, Market place Poole William, Market place Waid Joseph, Market pi ice Waterfield William Caleb,Church st INNS. — COMMERCIAL. [See also Taverns li( Public Houses.) Falcon, Henry Ward, London st Queen's Head,Tliomas Diake,Ahi's- house street IRONMONGERS. Bishop Joseph, Market place Green Thomas, Whitniore st Pridmore Thos. Barrett, Gracious st LINEN dc^VOOLLEN DRAPERS Browne Thomas, High causeway Fiizjohn Thomas, Church st Holloway John, Almshouse st Lawson .lohn, Delph Nassau John, Little London st Nicholls Thomas Fryer, Church st Speedily Thos. KelfuU, VVhitmore st VVhyle Thomas, jun. London st MILLERS. Blunt John, Coates Blunt William, High causeway Bundv Henry, London st [end Ehlerkin Thomas, Peterboro'-town EUwood Susan, \Vindmill st Ingle John, VVhitmore st Whyle Thomas, Church st raiLLINERS&DRESS MAKERS Barkvvay & Turner, Wliitmore st Cooper Ann, Almshouse st Griggs Ann, High causeway Hobbs Mary, Old Whittlesey Male Ann, Church st Searle Rose, Church st Toon Elizabeth & .Mary, Broad st MILLWRIGHTS. Bennett Henry & Son, Falcon stieet, and Rock Cottage Griffin Wm. & John, OldWhittlesey PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Boyce Samuel, High causeway Clark John, Little London st Dearlove Richard. Church st Hardley George, Hiah causeway Hart John, Whitniore st Hemniaiit Robert, Old Whittlesey Setchfield Daniel, Whitmore st ROPE MAKERS. Beaton Mary, Little London st Berry Samuel. Higli causeway Fevre John & Thos. Old Whittlesey SADDLERS. Amos William, Coates Beaton Mary, l.ittle London st Berry Samuel, High cansewav Fevre John & Thos. Old Whittlesey SHOPKEEPERS &DEALERS IN GROCERIES 6l SUNDRIES. Aiuleison James, Delph Arnold Ann, Windmill st Brown Mary, Delph Biiiidy Henry, London st [st BunhainiMaiilila{teadeaIr'), Church Duddirmion Joseph, Inham's end Elderkin James, Eastrea [end Elderkin Thomas, Peterboro'-town Fawn William, Cones Fletcher George, Coates Giaves Edward, Broad st Gronnd Jtdm, Inham's end Hall John, Coates Hallifas James, Inham's end Hani-oii Thomas, Stonebiidge Henson Henry, Delph Howitt Thomas, Lo'idon st Ingle John, Whitmore st King Henry, Gracious st Peach John, Stonebridge Pel kins James, Church st Plowriuht Ann, Coates Redhead John, Coates Rediii J as. Watson, High causeway SpeechlyJohn (lea dealer). Wool- pack lane Sudderick Leonard, Eastrea Todd Robeit, Claycate Turner William, Gracious st Underwood Edward, Gracious st Vine John, Brigga'e Walpole Eliza, Bullard's-town end Walpole Keziali,Peterboro'-twn end Williamson Allen, London st STONE MASONS. Ashley David, Whiimore st Burgess Thos. Peterboro'-town end STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Berry Alice, Biiggate Blades Elizabeth, Church st Hurry f^lizalieth, Whitmore st Male Ann, Church st Perry Betsy (and Berlin wool repo- sitory), Hi^h causeway Storey Elizi (and Berlin wool repo- sitory), Market place SURGEONS. Bonltbee Charles, Broad st Crisp Roseri Heiley, Church st Headley Peter, High causeway Stedman John, Almshouse st SURVEYORS. Asliby George, Peteiboro'-town end Benson Wiiliiiiii, Coates Burdock Thomas, North bank Fitzjolin Edv^al(l, Church st Ground Robert, Church st Ground William, Delph Peed Henry, Gracious st llus.sel Jabez (and land and estate agent), Windmill st Smeatoii John, Delph st TAILORS. Allured William, High causeway Atkinson William, High causeway Blades Robert Scott, Church st i?odger Henry, Coates Bodger John, Whitmore st Deal love Thomas, Church st Drage James, Peterboro'-town end Laxtoii Chrisiopher, Windmill st Marriott Jaim s. Old Whittlesey Marriott John, Gracious st Norris James, Maiket place R.indall Robert, Church st Todd John, Old Whittlesey Winteiton George, Gracious st Winterioii Thoma'^, High causeway Wright Charles, Wliitmore st TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Angel, Francis Kaven, Markit place Bhck Biill.'l'homas Holmes, Almshouse st Boat, Kichard Rowell, Brigiiate Bottle & Glass, Benjamin Blunt, Coates Carpenters' Arms, Joliii Liiulsey, Coates Dog&IJoiiblet,John Burdock, North hrink Geoige& Star,.loliii U hyle. Market place Hare & Hounds, Kobert Pearson, Delph Kind's Head, Wm. Lamb, Gracious st Nag's Head, Wm. Porter, High causeway Nag's Head, Joseph Stallebrass, Eastrea New Crown, Wm. l!rn\vn,Hig-h causeway Old Crown, Frederick Samuel Mills, Gracious street Paekhorse (and inland revenue oiTice), Sarah Burdock, \\ hitmore st Plonnh, John Waite, Peterboro'-town end Railway Inn, Maria Hillyard Tanslty, Inliaui's end RedLion. Matiliew Speedily, .Stonebridjie Rose & Crown. Kobert Ground,Cbiiich st Three Fishes, .lames Burdock, Oelph Wheatsheaf, Joseph Lovell, Bullard's- town end White Lion, Robert VVard. Briggate White Swan, James Hill, North brink Windmill, James Blunt, Eastrea Windmill, Thomas Cave, Windmill st 47 eam!ivitrgej5!)(ie* WHITTLESEY, &c. ^later'jJ Fetailers of Beer. Atkinson William, London si Brllamv Henrv. Pack Uiie Belsliaw Jolin, London st Binshara Mary. Market place Boyce 'riioiiias, Coales EdgItT Thomas, Inliam's end Fea^t Benjamin, Old Wliiltlesey fisher William, Coates Le Tall Benjamin, Coates Manning Mary, Inliam's enl Poole William, M-ivkel place Powley Samuel. Old W liilllcsey Read George. Wliituiore si Robinson Frederick Easom, ScaldRate «t Taylor William, I'elerboro'-lown end Truman George, Inliam's end •WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Hurry Jeieini.ili land eiigravci), Hii
  • -s Jose|)h, Kastrea Tartleliii Thonia-, Coates Todd Williau), Church st Watson John (and macliine maker), Whitniore street WINE St SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Ainger James, Little London st liovce Ch;irles, U'hitmore street and High causeway Spendlove Jolin (and porter, cider, and ale), Whituiore ^t Miscellaneous Abbolt Charles, Teterinary surgeon, Alms- house street Allt John, bardwareman. Church st Daker Jolin,rei{istrarof binbsaiid deaths, Park lane Baker John, jun. organist and stamp dis- tiihiiter. Church str'-cl Clark William, bo-ie grinder, Delph Fisher Albert, inland revenue officer. Church street Gas Works, Delph — John Baker, jun- agent and secretary [more st Gibbs Maria, perfumer & stationer, Wbit- llinde William, fishmonger and dealer in game. Almshouse st fcauseway Hurry Jeremiah, grave.stone cutter. High Inland Revenue Office, at the Puck Horse- Alhi-rt Fisher, officer Lowtlier William, furniture broker. Little London street [Scaldgale Moysps John, clerk to St. Mary'sChurch, Calmer John, horse dealer. Low cross Pepperday W illiam, turniture broker and wiiiiesmilb. High causeway Pickrell William, assistant overseer, town bailiff and tax colleclor. Church st R<»ad James, boat builder, the Bower Reading Rooms and Whittlesf.v Book. Societt, Market place— ("has. Boyce, secretary; Tlis.Youles, librarian Roberts Charles, poulterer, Church st Setehfipld James, brewer, I'eterboro'- town end Smith Jane, dyer. High causeway Speedily John, clerk to Saint Andrew's Church, Woolpack lane Stamp Officf., Church street — John Baker.Jun. distributer Town Hall, Almshouse st Whittlesey Institution. Little Lon- don st — Thomas Searle, librarian Whyle Thomas, maltster, Church st PLACES OF WORSHIP, AND THEIH MINISTERS. Saint Andrfw's Church, Church st — Rev. Elraund Reynolds, t'lVar. Saint Mary's Church, LondoYi st— Rev. Simeon Lloyd Pope, uicar; Rev. James CliirliC Franks, (Hrufe. Holt Trinity Church, Coates — Rer. Thomas Bedford, perpelual curate. Baptist Chapel, Windmill street— Rev- Thomas Lee, minister. Calvinist Chapel, Gracious st— Rev. William Holland, minister. Independent Chapel, Broad street— Rev.Henry Howard, minister. Wesleyan MethodistCh a pels, Wool- pack lane; Eastrea, and Coatea^ [ministers various.) POOR LAW UNION. Workhouse, Broad street. lUdsJrr— W illian- Laneford. />/a/r«?i— Jane Langford. Cterk to the Board of Guardians and su- perintendent reyistrar-Johu Peed. CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON TIIE EASTEUN counties LINE. Station — lnham's end — Samuel Watts, slatiojt master. An Omnibus, from the Falcon, to the sta- tion, awaits the arrival and attends the departure of the several trains. CARRIERS. To MARCH, Charles Roberts, from his house, Friday To PETERBOROUGH, Thomas Haw- ley, from the George & Star, daily, and Charles Roberts, from his house, Friday To RAMSEY, Henry Lant, from the Ful- con, daily; Charles Roberts, from his house, Wednesday, and Samuel Foun- tain, from the George and Star, Friday CONVEYANCE BY^VATER To and from PETERBOROUGH and WISBEACH, Mary Harris' Fly Boats pass the Dog and Doublet once or twice a week, and other boats with corn, at freights offer. WISBEACH, AND THE VILLAGES OF ELM AND LKVERINGTON, WITH EMNETH AND WALSOKEN {Norfolk.) Wi ISBEACH, or Wisbf.cii, is a laige and rcspec- able ruHi ket-town and sta-porl, in the hundied of it^ name. Isle of ICly — DO miles N. froiii London (93 l>y mil, throuj^h Ely; and 9yj thiotigh Huntiimdoii ;) 4.'{ N. from Canibiidiie (42^ bv railj ; .31 n.n.w. fioii! Ely (27J Ity rr»Y;; ••ituated at the noithftii exfrctnity of till- county, on both sides of the Nene, which i> crossed dya liandNome stone bridge, and on the line of the Ki-t Atit;lian lailway. As to the deiivation of itsname, the opinions of etymologists aie at vaiiaiice. If is said to have bei-ii anciently called Ouze-bearh — bcioi; the Iu-hcIi, oiuiitfall, of the litfi- Oiise; but the late .Mr. Willi, im Watsnn, author of a Jiisioiy of the town, airiiiiis that its Saxoii name was Vixvhcc, and th-it in Domesday-book it is writ'eii ll'isebece ; he likewise states, that at the foundation of tlie'riinii\ Ciiiild, in l/.'V.i, tlie name is s\)r]t //'i/sfiec/i, and it is so impressed on the coipoiate seal. — Its appillaiion, a- now generally received, is Wisbeacm. Theoiiuin of the town, and its local trans;iciions prior to the Cmiquest, are iiearh lost in obscurity ; but some time previous to tli.it cient, hiid in the early paitofthe fame ceniniy, it is said to liavr lieeii uivcii to the con- vent of Ely, by Oswy and Leoflede, the paients of AUvyn (afierwaids bishop if LImliain}, upon his bcini,' admitti'd into the (onvent. The Coinjueior, in till- la^t year of his reign, erected a castle here, to keep tlie refractory barons in submissioti, and to check the lavages of the outlaws, who made fr((juent incuisions from the neighlioutini; mor;'S>es into the tiidiiid iiarts of the county ;— this fort less, with the t;itatei p:iit of ihe town, \va« destroyed by an inuiidaiioii of the sea ill I2.3fj. Ill the reign of Eliz.ibeth, the c.istle, which had pie>i(ju«ly bi en reconstructed, wa.s coiiveited into a place of si'cuiity for the cotitineinent of state pris- 48 oners ; and, during the protectorate of Cromwell, it H-as purchaseil liy bis secretary 'l"liurlow : the re- mains of this edifice have giaduaily disappeared in ilie imjiioveiuents of the town. Uichaid I, in 1190, granted the itihabitants an e.\'empiion fioiii toll in all fails and markets throughout the kingdom — whicli grant, with oiher piivileges, was confirmed by King John, who, ill 1216, visited Wisbeach, and took np Ins residence in the castle; and on his deptituie, in attempting to cross the VVash at an im])roper time ■iU(\ without competent guides, lost all his carriages, treasure and regalia, by a sudden irruption of the sea. The author above referred to says — ' Wisbeacb is a town whicli, thfiugh not aide to boast of tnineral pro- ductions, inagnificent remains of aiiticiuity or works of mod rn at t, may yet justly lay claim to many chari- table foundati'ins, of e.\tensive and permanent utility — to liixtiiiant pastures and lich corn-fields, spread- ing around in all directions — and to a jioit, yearly iinpr'niiig in activity and importance." As respects its present commercial impoitance, and the appear- ance of the town, Wi>heHcli has for many years been an improving jilace — indeed it may be considered tjie most flourishing trading town in the Isle of Ely. The iiih .bitaiiis, duly appreciating the advantagt sofan excellent navigation, are eiiieiiirising, and carry on an extensive trade in coal, com, timber, wool, &c., with London and othei plates : the aggregate tonnage of the port in 1849 was 140,120. The town is not conspicuous in niatiufactures : it contains somehrewe- lies of magnituile, and large mailings; and whiting is madeiii consideiable quantities. Besides thesediffer- ent articles of comiiierce, another branch of imiiort- ance arises froni the gardens, many of which are of great extent, and all extremely fertile — their produce IBirectoip* WrSBEACH, &c. Cam^iitrgesjbim ftjrnishinji: vegetables of the finest description, fruit, &c., 10 tiie neighbouring and distant markets. In 1794 a canal was constructed, rxtendiiig from the river at VVisbeaih to the Old Nene at Outwtll, and thence to the Ouse at Salter's Lode sluice — thus effecting a communication with Norfolk, Suffolk, and the other eastern counties. The uuvigation of ihe Nene has been materially improved by a straight cut from Pett-rboroueh, by which vessels of one hundred tons bni-den can with facility approach thequay, which is most conveniently and fommodiou>ly consirucied; while the rail has opened up additional and more rapid nieaii«of transHiiitiiig port njereliHndise and the produce of the district to the metropolis and diffeient places, by the various connected lines. Wisbiach hns l»een a curporate town ever since the reign of Edward VI. Tiie 'Trinity Guild' possesses estates for pious and charitable purposes: in the i-eign of Henry VIH it shared the general fate of ecclesias- tical foundations, but was again restored by an act passed by Edward VI, and renewed in Jan. 1610-11 at a consiiierabie expense; they were then constituted a body corporate, by the style of ' ihe Buruesses of the town of Wisbfach.* The Municipal Act passed in 1835 ve-ted the government of the town in a mayor, six aldermen Hnd eighteen councillors, and styled the corporate body * the Burgesses of the Borough of Wisbeach ;' the same act divided the town into two waids, and conferred upon it a commission of the peace. A general assize of oyer and terminer, and a court of pleas for the trial of civil actions to any amount, used to be held at Wisbeach, alternately with Ely; but, upon the passing of the act abolishing the secular jurisdiction of the Bishop of Ely, all aggra- vated ca^es of felony, arising within the Isle of Ely, are tried before the judges of assize at Cambridge. The quarter sessions of the peace aie held at Wis- beach and Ely alternately; and tlie town is included in the thirty-second circuit of County Court towns, under Ihe act (passed in 1846,) for the recovery of tiebts to any amount not exceeding £20. The bo- rough police com t is held over the police station, and here the magistrates sit eveiy day. The lord bishop of Ijly is lord of the franchise and of the manor. The town is the ciiitre of the Wisbeach Union under the new Poor Law ; and there has been erected a spa- cious and handsome building, on the Lynn road, for the purposes of the act. Tlie new gaol situated in New Wisbeach, is a commodious and substantial building, on the plan of the model prison at Pentoii- ville. Among the other public buildings and institu- tions, are the exchange-hall and council-chamber (originally the corn-exchange) ; a literary institution and museum; public haths and reading-rooms; the theatre ami assemliiy-roonis ; the custom-house, &c. A newspa()er, published here monthly, is conducted with considerable talent, atid enjoys a respectable circulatiiin through the surrounding district. W'isbeHth compiises the parishes of Saint Mary and Saint Peter: the church of ihe former stands about two miles noilh-west of the town; that of Saint Peter is a spacious handsome fabric, tliou;;h of a rather singular construction, being furnished with two naves and two aisles — the naves are lofty, atid separated from each other by a row of light slender pillars with pointtd arches; the tower, a tine one of «tone, highly ornamented — is almost separated from living is a vicarage, with that of Saint Mary's an- nexed, in the patronage of the Bishop of Ely. The chapel of ease, in the Old Market, is a modern erec- tion of white brick, octagonal in form : it is endowed with a lanced estate, for the benefit of the incumbent, of the value of £200 per annum, by the private muni- ficence of Dr. Jobson, a late vicar, 'i here are places of worship for various religious denominations; of which a list is appended, with their ministers. The public charities of this town are of importance, espe- cially those for the education of youth: amongst these the grammar school ranks first in antiquity, having been founded in the twelfth century. This establishment, which is under the patronage and superintendence of the coipoiation, lias the appoint- ment of two scholarships at Magdalene college Cam- bridge ; a classical education is afforded to all boys of the tow n ; the Bisliop of Ely is visiter : — Dr. Herring, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury, received his educational tiiis school; and Clarkson, the philan- thropic advocate for the abolition of slavery was born here, his father being the then master of the school. An endowed school for girls, a national school for hoys, and an excellent British school are well sup- ported and attended. Seveial charitable societies, wll-endowed almshouses, and charities of a minor, exteent, contribute to the assistance of the indigent The market days are Thursday and Saturday; the former for fat stock, the latter tor the usual articles of consumption— both abundantly supplied. Fairs, the Wednesday next before Whitsunday and July 25th for horses, and on the 1st, 2iid and 12th August for cattle and sheep. In 1831 the paiish of Saint Peter contained 7,253 inhabitants, and that of Saint Mary 1,524; in 1841 their respective populations were 8,530 and 1,931, total 10,461 ; in 1850 the estimated number was about 12,500. Elm parish is in the hundred of Wisbeach — the village, a pretty and rural one, is 2 miles s. s. e. from that town, on the border of Norfolk. The parish Church of All Saints is a neat edifice ; the living is a vicarage in the gift of the Bishop of Ely. Population in 1841,1,742. Leverington village is in the same hundred a3,. and 2 miles N. w. from Wisbeach : it contains a very handsome church with an equally beautiful spire, ex- cepting which the village has no claim to particular notice : the living is a rectory, in the patronage of the Bishop of Ely. The parish (including thechapeliy of Parson Drove) contained in 1841, 1,954 inhabitants. Emneth is a village and parish in the hundred of Freebridge-Marsh-land, in the county of Norfolk, 2^ miles e. s. e. from VVisbeach. The church, a small edifice is dedicated to Saint Edmund : the living is a perpetual curacy, annexed to Elm. Population in 1841,1,065. Walsoken is a paiish and village in thesame county and hundred as Emneth, contiguous to the town of Wisbeach. The gardens in this parish are many, ex- tensive and productive, and the pleasant walks in and around the village form the favourite Sunday prome- nade of the inhabitants of Wisbeach. The church of All Saints is a handsome structure, with a lofty spire, and forms a prominent and plea>ing object in the distant view : the living is a rectory, in the presenta- tion of the AUington family. Population of the parish the church, which gives it a curious appearance : the i n 1841, 2, .'563 POST OFFICE, Cornhill, Wisbeach, John Goward, Post Muster.— Letters from London, Cam- bridge, Ely, HuNTivGDON, Saint Ives, Chatteris, March, Attleborough, Brandon, Thetford, Wymondham, Norwich, Yarmouth, Lynn, Stamford, Peterborough, Spalding, Boston, Spilsby, Alford, Louth and Hull, arrive every morning at half-past five; and .?econ^i mat/ from London, Cam- bridge, Ely, Huntingdon, Saint Ives, Chatteris, March, &c. at a quarter before four m the afternoon ; and are despatched every morning at seven, and at night at the same hour. Letteis from Holbeach, &c. arrive every evening at half-past .six, and are despatched at ten minutes before four in tbe afternoon, POST, Elm, Receiving House at Thomas Francis's.— Letters from all parts arrive (by foot-post from Wis- beach) every morning at eight, and are despatched thereto at five in the afternoon. POST, Emneth, Receiving House at Stephen Hunsley's.— Letters from all parts arrive (by foot-post from Wisbeach), every morning at half-past eight, and are despatched thereto at half-past four in the afternoon, 7 49 CamOiitigcjBfjirc. WISBEACH, &c. ^latei'^ OENTRT AWD CLERGY. Ahboit Mrs. Mdiy Ann. Cif-^cent An Ire w Mr. John, VValsoki-n BrfXtirr .Mr«. .Maiy .Aiui, North brink Btll.lut .MrsCatliVn.Gt.Cljurchlane Bfll.ini> .NJr. John, Lynn load Bailley .Mr>. Ktanre«. Kly plnce BuiiD Rev. John, .Mur.ihlanil road Bycroft .Mr. Kichard, Walsokeii Cdiliphn)nas llev.Dcmctrius P.,l'[)- per Hill 8t CaUT .Mr*. Miiry, North brink ChiMiberlin Mr. Win. North ttrracc Cle .Mfs.M.iriha .M^IW, South hi ink Coir .Mr.x Krhi-ciH, Khn load Cole .Mr. 'I'hoiiiaH, South larn .Mr. I honiao, Lower Hill l)..b^^ .Nil!.. — , .Marshhind toad D'Msun .Mr. John, York row Knpland Mr*. .Mary, Cre-icnt K'jtlaiid Wui.Emi m.d. .North brink Kardi II lU'v.Hry, Vicariiei-.Wisbfach Kaii-sfti Mr. 'I"h(>tiia«, (iaol l.inc Fra-'er .Mr«. Hannah, Kly place KiU'her .Ml. ■rhoina.", Kiiiiifth IJinlli'-toi.e y\r. John, Union placi* fiu'tdaril Mrs. Frances North hiink (jodfrry Mrs. — , WaNoki-ii [brink (ioodiiian .Mrs. 'I'lieodocia, South (Jrouii'ls .Mrs. Siisannah, Cn.sceiit Hall .Ml. ThomH>, Cliiinh st Hamerioii Mi.i. Haiinati, Crcsrent Harri-on .Mr. Janus, Ajiion place HiikMin .Mr. John, Kim road Hiii^'ins .Mrs. .\nn, Ncne paraf'e HoliiH's Kcv.Tlionias I'att. sun, South biii.k Holmes Mr. Uilliani, North brink Huton lUv. Kdward, Walsoki ii Isley .Mr. U'ijii.iiii. Church leriare Jackson llev. Fiedk. l*ar.son's grove Jrtckoii Kcv. Henry, Ufctory, Li ver- ii'Kton ' [South brink Jackson Hnpli,KM|fcli-ik of peace), Jaiksoii Hev.Jeienih. V'ic^ia;;e,liliii Johnson .^Ji^.s — . Lower Hill st Johnson ihe .Ml>.ses — ,LeV( riiigton Johnson .M I. s. Caroline. South hriiik John-t es, V(| .Nonl, |„i„k HrckoviT WiUiaru, Km|. North brink rik.- .Mr James (,'aiev, Cieceiit Pope Mr. John, I'hnr'th leriate jlrad .Mr. John, Wa .<.okeii [mad Uynol.lM.n .Mr. Koheit, .M.,r>r,land H 1(h) .Mr. John, L\nn roa 1 j>^.uuv\,\.r^,rmtiUu, Southwell Mrs. — , North brink Stijiiger Mrs. Mnry, Kly place Stanton .Mrs. Sarah, Leveriiigton Stevens William, Esq. (magistrate), Old market Sutterby Mis* Esther, Lower Hill st Swaine .Mrs. Sophia Ann, Crescent Tuylor .Mrs. IJai bara. Old market I'avlor .Mr. John, North terrace Taylor .Mr. Josepli, OM luarkei Thompsi'ii Uev. George Harrison Wartoii, Upper Hill st Trevor .Mr. John, Walsokeii I'sill .Mis. Helen, Hridge st W'ainman .Mrs. .Ann, North brink Wall Mr. Hardy, iMaikei st W:ii(l Henry William, Esq. (mayor), Noith blink Ward Kiibeit, Esq. Noith teriaoe Wanlale .Mr. George, S.'Uth biiiik Weatherlu'ahall, Market pi British School (boys'), NewWi>- beach — Edwd. Neighbour, master British School (girls'), Cresctm passage — Frances Hill, mistress Bull John, WisbeachSt. Maiy Dow Emma Jane (bdgcS; day),Elvpl Dun Agnis .Si Helen, Upper Hil'l st Dun GeorteMehille Wilson (board- ing and day), Upper Hill st Frf.k School, Elm— William Hill, master Friend Mary Ann, Upper Hill st Fyscli Miss—, iMaishland load Grammar School, Upper Hill st— Uev. Geoige Harii>on Wanoii Thompson, head mast.r; Chris- tian Hail, second master Holmes Hev. William (hoarding), Noitii blink Infants' School, Great CliUKh lane— Harriet Uuscall, mistress Levekington Chakity School, Leieringtoii— JacobLeiiair.masti Lewis .Sarah, Great Chnich lane Moon Rev. Michael Alfrid, North .street, Walsoken National School (boy.s'), Churdi tell ace — George Oliver, master National School (girla'j. Lower Hill SI — Susan Marian Johnson, mistress Pi ttet Harriet Agnes, South blink llaiihhy .Maiy Sarah 6i lkt>y Ann, Maiketst [tlay),N,,itlist Rohinxjo Ann(ladies' bdaiding and Smith \< a i boarding j.nd dayj.Elm Spenee Elizabeth iV Fanny ('ladies' boaidiiig and dayj, Ca>tle Lodge Stanton William llediii, Wibbe„ch St. Mary Stavel.y Eastland (boarding & day), Maish'and road and lluby st West Jane & Harriet (boarding and day). Elm road Wo<)dii>fle Hannah Maria (board- ing and dav), Ely place WoottonMaiy, WaNoken AGENTS. Marked ihn, • ,...• Co.nmis.ion A(teiit». Ilouttell Thomas Henry (custom house agent and ship and insu- rance broker, and consnl f,.i ."s^eib II I Nene <|iiay Buckley JohnStoueham(to Lloyda') Nene parade •Hiscox J.din, Nene parade •Howell John, Bridge st •Sloate William, Old market Squier William (general), Little Church st •Wilkinson John, South brink AORICUI'l'UKAL IMPLEMENT MAKERS. See Machine i\Jakers. ARCHITECTS tt SURVEYORS. Adams William, South brink Freeman Richard, Lower Hill st ATTORNEYS. Bays William Pike (conveyancer). Upper Hillst Fia>er James Edward, Croceiit Gay William, Crescent Jaekson & Collins, South brink Jackson Edward & Francis, Lower Hill street Jackson Hugh, South brink King Koheii, Noith st .Metcalfe Charles, jun. Bridge .st Ward 'I'bomas Robin.son, North st Watson 'I'hoinas Steed. Cie.s':ent AUCTIONEERS tl APPRAISRS. Cave George, Noith st Cross John & Si n (^ land Restate agent-). North brink Cuiiniiigton & Bouitell, Corpora- tion wharf 1 Hillst Halfoid John(& accountant^, Upper Harrison Matthew, High st Walsham Hugh, Noith brink BAKERS 6c FLOUR DEALERS. Andeison John, North brink .Ashworth Thomas, Nene quay Bays John Thoma.s, North st Heagle William, Little Church .st Blackburn Hemy, Old inaiket Boydeii Christ(j|,her, George st Bree John, Noifolkst, east Biev\inJohii(flour), Norfolk st.East Brouu Matthew, Aihertsl Biitteis John, Norfolk st,Ea.st Chapman Thomas, Marshland road Clark Thomas, Noifolk st. East Dent William, Noith st Edes Joseph, Great South st [st Faiicloth Thomas Giay, Lit. South Fl. teller John, Elm Fonh William, Emii.fh Goorl\er Ann. Maishl.nd rnarj Haidmeat Charles, Lvnii ivad Hunter John, Piospect low Lawrence Th.nnas, Maiket st .Matthews Thomas Anthony, Great South st Offley Harriet, Canal side Poolev 'Jhoiiia<, Piospect low Ilaithby Thomas, New paiade Richardson John, Alt'enoii i st Seaton Joscidi, Gieat South st See Joseph, MarWiland road Southwell Alfred, Union st Springfield John. Alhion place Squire Richard Edward, Highst Syine R.diert, Ruby st Teed 'I'hoinas. Canal st VValker William, Great South st WebsterJ iioWt lls.Leveringtoii bank West William, Silver st Wilkili.son John, Elm BANKERS. Guinevs', Biikbetk, & Peckovers", Nonh blink, (draw on Barclay, Bevaii, & Co., I.,ondoii.) National Provincial Bank of England, Cornhill, (draw on Spooiier, At'wodd's, & Co., Lon- don) — Fiobeit Johnston, manager Mitttox^* WISBEACH, &c. Ci:amtinl»gf!55ire. Savings' Bank, Bridge st,fopen on Fiiflay evenings, from 7 to 8, and Saturday^ from 12 to 1 noon) — Jo;hland mad Johns(m Eleazer, Bridge st Leach Jolin, High st Rutter Thos. George, Lower Hill st Walker Richard, Bridge st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Andrews Thomas, Union st Bcrtles James, Church ten ace Blazeby John, Norfolk st East Booth James, Emneth Bradley Mrs. Elizabeth, Church st Bruce John, Elm road Busseit John, Elm road Crertk James, Church terrace Cuteman John, Chap( 1 st Davis Henry. Norfolk st West Feitwell William, Market place Friend Jonathan, Russtli st Frushey ilober;, Elm Goodso'n John, Church terrace Gorbutt Thomas. Little Church lane Gromitt John, Noifolk st East Hall John, North brink Haslain Thomas, Great South st Haslam William, Great South tt Hill James, Market st Howard John, North brink Jacob Samuel, Old market Lee Henry Charles, Old market Lightfoot John, Walsoken Lincoln William, Norfork st East Lock Arthur, High nt Long William, Elm Lovell Charles, Hiyh st .Marreit Simon, Albion place Mitchell William, Mar.-hland road Moore Joseph, Market place Nott James, Norfnlk st West Plant Edward, Blackfriars rond Pope Riibeit, Great Church lane Randell Bloom (and blacking), Mar- ket place Seaioii John, Little Church st Silhuin Robert. Market place Smith Henry, Gaol lane Smithee John, Emneth Smithee Robert, Emneth Smithee VVilliati), Eninelli Taylor John, Old market Teed Thomas, Lower Hill st Teed Willimn, Nene parade Thompson Isaiah, Marshland road Toomhs Richard, Wisbeach,St.Mary Wade Gioige, High st Wakefield John, Gaol lane Weston Jolm, Wisbeach, St. Mary Wing James, High st BRAZIERS AND TIN-PLATE WORKERS. Cottam George, Market place Gamble Alfred, Little South st Healy Arthur, High st James George, Ship lane [East Keighley William James, Norfolk st, MeriinK George, Market place Osborn Christopher, Wheat Sheaf opening BREWERS. Bishop Joseph, South brink Boucher Charles & Son, Lynn road Brewin John, Norfolk si, East Clare John & William, Gt. South st Gapp John, Leveiington road King Charles, Nene quay Mills George William, Lower Hill st Morling George, Market place Peatlini! Thoma*., Old market Pliiliips & Tibhits, Norih brink Ratcliffe. Reid, & Ratcliffe, Little Church street Ward Henry William, Oil Mill lane Whitley James, Barton lane BRICK MAKERS. See Lime Burners, Sfc, Clarke William, Trafalgar row Clifton Robt (pork), Norfolk st West Culy Ann, Market place Curtis James, Little Church st Day Ann, Walsoken Desborough William, North terrace EiigHsh William, MHishland road Kaircloth Harriet, Blackfriars road Fardell Frederick, Norfolk st West Hardmeat Joseph. Mai ket place Harrison George, High st Harrison John, Coinhill Lawrence William, Marketplace Lenton John, Marshland road Macniell James, Norfolk st Ea-t Pai ker Sarah (pork) , Norfolk st East Place Daver, Albion place Plater William, Norfolk st East Powell Robert, Walsoken Rutherford Edward, Little South st Salter John Nixon Nene parade Siott John, Great South st Self Robert, Bridge st Shepherd James, High st Snarey George, Old market Spriggins William Stephens.Marsh- land road [st Steley Matthew (pork),GieatSouth Steverson Francis, Obi sluice Stimson John, May fair Stimson William, Great South st Tawn Benjamin, Wisbeach,St. Mary Taylor Frederick, Little Church st Tegerdine William (pork), Albertst Thompson Samuel, May fair Walkeiley Fredk., Norfitlk st East Waliis Edward, VValsoken Warden Alexander, Norfolk st,East Watson John, Wisbeach, St. Mary CABINET MAKERS, UPHOL- STERERS at PAPER HANGERS Barnes William, Great South st Bray Fiederick, Marketplace Bray Heniy, Canal side Clarke Mercy, Mai ket place Flint George, North st Harrison Matthew, Hii^h st CARPENTERS. See Joiners and Carpenters. BRICKLAYRS & PLASTERERS. Andrews Jeremiah Holmes, Lynnrd Britton George, Leverington Fiiend Frederick, North brink Lancaster Peel Wriaht. Elm Le Tall Heniy, Lynn road Roope Lucy, Lynsi road Smith Job, Albert st [ington rd Swansborough John Swaine,Lever- BUILDERS. (See also Joiners and Carpenters.) Andrews Jeremiah Holmes, Lynu rd Le Tall Henry, Lynn road Roope Lucy, Lynn road [terrace Swansborough John Swain, North BUTCHERS. Baker Daniel, Norfolk st East Baker Thoma-', Church terrace Beckett James, Elm Brown Richard, Leverington road Burnham George, North brink Carbutt Robert, Union st Clarke George, Norfolk st East CARVERS AND GILDERS. Denton Octavius John, Old market Piatt Thomas, Market place CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Brirley Johnson Gray, Old market Baxter William, Cornhill Hollingworth George (and oil and colonrman). Market place Macdonald John Thomas, Norfolk st Ea>'t [street MallettJohn (and apothecary;, High Neale John, Church terrace Oldham William Thomas, Market pi Robins Sharman, Norfolk st, East Smith William, High st CHINA AND GLASS DEALERS. Collins John, High st Daw.son Adam, Market place Waller James, High st CLOTHES DEALERS. Bellars Benjamin, Little South st Cheney & Rowsell, Old market Cheney William Sanderson & Son^ Market place Fields James, North terrace Foster Melson, Cornhill Garratt JamesWhithy, Norfolk stE. Norman & Wake, Norfolk st East Penning John, Market place Teed William, Norfolk st East Vipau Joseph, Little Church st 51 Camliritrgos t)i re. WISBEACH, &c. ^latn'js COAX. MERCHANTS St DEALRS Allen Jmies Jeremiah, Elui road £uiman John (and ship chandler], Alhioti place England George, Elm road Hickson liarnab;»s, Nene quay Howell Ji'hii, Bridge st Lawson Jolin, Bridge st Loose Isau", Little South 9t Offley Harriet, Canal side Bussell Philip, Elm road Senility John, ALhv fair Tawn Renjaniin.Wisbeach, St. Mary Teed Alice, Nene (|uay f sill James & Harley Matthew, Nene quay [street M'ard(5eorge.Anini.a>, Enineth ScratieldWilliam, Friday briitge.Elm Sharpe Charles (and nurseryman), Wisbtach and Leverington Sprages John, Great South st Spraggs William, Mirshland road Thirkell Nathan, Old market Ward Jaine;>, Crab marsh Ward Naih.miel, Nene paiade Woodcock William (and nursery- man), Elm road GLOVERS. Stanroyd James, Hieh st Winkley John, North brhik GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS. (See also Shopkeepers, Sfc.) Aukland Francis, Marketplace Ayres James, Old market Bellars Benjamin, Little South st Bland Charles, Mai ket place Chettle William, Albiiui place Dowson & Co. Market place Dawbaru & Sons (and wholesale, and coffee roasters, drysalters and iniporteis of salt). Market place Dawbarn Richard, Market place Foster Nelson, Cnriihill [race | Hardy George Edward, Church ter- Harinan Saiah (tea dealer), High st Louth Joseph (wholesale and retail and coffee roaster), Market place Medvvorth Henry, High st Osborn Matthew Hodson, Nor- folk st East Redin Mary, Old market Usill James & Harley Matthew, Lower Hill st Wherry Robert, Market place HAIR DRESSERS. Brewin George, Union st (JheneyJohn Sanderson, Gt.South st Foster William, High st GrayGolder, Altiion place Hooton Daniel, Not folk st East Lane John lidinutid,iMarket place E. Lee Richard, Briiige st LeeRicliard, Nene (piay Munton John, Marslibind road Regester Edward, Little Churcli st Rogers William, Old market Sharp Thomas, High st Stewart Aithiir John, North terrace Underwood John Elden, Little Church street Winkley John, North brink HARDWAREMEN Sc HABER- DASHERS. Bell William, Noifolk st East Hives John, Market place Woodcock Leonard, Norfolk st East HATTERS. CSee also Tailors.) Clarke Robert, Market place Dawb.un & Sons, Market place Deakii) Thomas, Bii'lge st Penning John, Maiket place INNS AND HOTELS. Rose and Ci own (f.nnily hotel, com- mercial inn, posting house and inland revenue office), Ann God- dard, High stand Market place Vine, James Whitlt y, Old market White Hart, RdAtlams, North brink Wliiie Lion (family and rommeicial hotel), JosepliBishop, South brink IRON FOUNDERS. CooGeorge.BRlTANNIAlRONWORKS Leverington load Cox Jonathan Bush, Bedford st Swansborough Jno.Swaine,Mayfair IRONMONGERS. Cottam George, Market place Ford Frederick, Cornhill Healey Arthur, High st Morling George, Market place JOINERS 6c CARPENTERS. {See also Builders. J Batterham John, North biink Batterhatn Robt-rt West,Churchterr Claike John, Albert st Cook Thomas, Walsoken Cooke John, Lower Hill st Crowe Willi:Hni, Emuetli Foster Robert, Great Church st Gamble Thomas, Chapel st Harper Lawrence, Emneth Loose Matthtrw, Church terrace Nayltr William Wing, Bedford st Parlett William, North brink Pooley Henry Whitby, Canal side Pooley Hrnry, jun. Ruby st Quincey William, Elm Scillebank Thomas (and contractor) , May fair Syddel Snasdell, Kim Tomson Lewis, Ciiurch terrace Wellingham John, Gaol lane LIME BURNERS AND BRICK MAKERS. Andrews Jei'emiah Holmes, Lynn rd LtTall Henry (lime burner), Lynn rd Ollard Henry, Walsoken Roope Lucy, Lynn road Swansborough JolinSwaiue, North terrace Toinson Lewis, Church terrace LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS CSee also Tailors.) Aukland Francis, Maiket place Ayres James, Old market Bellars Benjamin, Little South st Cooper William, Bridge st Dawbarn & Sons (and wholesale, and manufacturers of Hall's Wis- beach cntton). Market place, and at Rochdale and Bradford Durrant & Cawdell, North brink Foster Nelson, Cornhill Gibbs Henry i haberdasher and lace- man). Union st Grounds Edward, Market place Harman Sarah, Higii st [E. Osborn MatthewHodson, Norfolk st Stevens William & Son, Y'ork row Waddingion Thonia!>, High st Wherry Robert, Market place LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS. Amis Samuel, Great Cdurch lane Anthony Thomas, Beast market Christopher Isaac, Caitle market Mills George William, Lymi road MACHINE MAKERS — AGRICULTUKAL. Buttervvorth William & Matthew, Lynn road Cave George & Thomas, North st Coo Geome, Leverington load Heaky Arthur, Hiyli st MALTSTERS. Phillips & 'I ii>bits. North brink Rntcliffe, Reid, &. Ratcliffe, Little Church street Ward Henry William, OilMill lane MERCHANTS — VARIOUS. (See also Seed Merchants, Jf^ine,tfc,, Merchants, Wool Merchants, i^c.) Andrews Jeremiah Holmes (bone) Lynn road Dawbarn & Sons (salt, sack, wool and seed), (Market place Exley William, Old market Morton Henry, Old market Usill James & Harley Mafthevr (salt& provision). Lower Hill st Ward Henry William (wool), Oil Mill lane MILLERS. Bays John Thomas, North st Berry Thomas, Lynn road Boucher Charles & Son, Lynn road Brewin John, Norfolk st. East Cross Samuel Massey, Horle Shoe Steam AliLLS, and Souih brink Forth William, jun., Emneth (Jiddens William, Walsoken Goodwin John, Leverington Gray Robeit, Elm Neale William, Emneth road Palmer Jas. Brecknock, Norih brink Ratcliffe, Reid, & Ratcliffe, Little Chutch st Richardson John, Algenoria st Sargison John Win., Leverington td Tunnel William, Tahymoss drove Webster John Wells', Leverington road, and Leverington Wilkinson John, Elm MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS. Adams Ann, & Alice, &. Mary, Union place Alltn Marv Ann, Norfolk st West Anderson Elizabeth, Market place Aspiiiall Mary, Gaol lane Bellamy Ann Mary, Marshland road Brig«s Maiia, .Market place Brown Maiy Ann, Marshland road Clarke Eliza, Market place Everett Jane, South brink Flint Mary, Norfolk st East Hawkins Eliza & Mary Ann, Ely pi HopkinsRebecca,GreatChurch lane Kennewcll Eiizabt ih. High st Lilley Mary, Leverington road Mc. Neill Elizabeth, Cornhill Morris Harriet, Old market [West Nicholson Charlotte, Norfolk st Patman & Walker, Lower Hill st Pentiiey Mary Ann, North brink Soulden Mai'y Ann, Great South st Thirkel Mary Ann, South brink Veall Elizabeth, Church st Williamson Sarah, Elm MILLWRIGHTS. Amos John, Noitli blink Cox Jona'han Bnsh, Bedford st Saigison Robert, Chapel st Syddell Snasdel, Elm NEWSPAPER. Wisbeach Advertiser and LocAt Chronicle (first Friday, month- ly), Union st — John Gardiner, Proprietor and Pu^)ii^her. PAINTERS, P{.UMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Batferbee William, Market place Bellamy Georee, George st Beivei stone William, Cburch terrace Burgess John, North st Cuniiinaton Tlioma-, Albion place Dickeison Robert, Walsoken Dunkley William, Great South st Gamble Walter, Great South st Gatliffe William, School lane Goocli Wm. Catling, Norfolk st East Jennings George, jun. North st Mills Robert, Lynn road 53 C^ Tam^viO gegjijre. PAINTERS, eti— Continued. Moor Williaiu, Caii.il side Ru>t William Martin, Neiie quay Watson Harriet, N.-rfulk st East Watson William, Nene jiarade Whalten Jos. Win., Church terrace Wiles William, Upper Hill st Young Thoma-s William, Kast st PATTEN ee CLOa MAKERS. IKoi- Charles, Union st "Waller James High st PAWNBROKERS. FuUher John. Church terrace Loose Matthew, Church terrace PHYSICIANS. England William, North brink WJiilstd John, North hriiik PRINTERS--LETTER-PRESS. Gardiner John, Uni.Mi si Goddard Samuel, High st Jolmson Eleazcr, Bridge st Leach John, Hich st Butter Thus. Gtor^e, Lower Hillst Walker Rithard, Bridge st BOPE AND TWINE MAKERS. Hill Ri>htrt, Lvnn road Wans Robert, Great Church lane Wright Samuel & Sons, Lwr.Hill st SACK DEALERS. Dawbaui&Sons (nieichants), Rlai-- ktt place Exley Willitm, Old inaiket Lawson John, Bridce st Watts Uobeit(inaiinfaciurer) .Great Church street SADDLERS. Davis William, Bridge st Goode Thomas Cornliill Jlenett Jacob, Lynn road TuniiT Samuel, Hii^li st Wri^lit Robert, High st SAIL AND TARPAULINO MANUFACTURERS. Crocker Thomas Nene parade Watts Robert, Old Climch lane SEED MERCHANTS&DEALRS Daw barn & Sons, Market place Law>on John, Bridge st [st Ward George Augustn.s&Son, North Ward Henry William, Old Milllane Whiiwell John, South biiuk WISBEACH, &.C. ^latei^jj; SHIP BUILDERS. See Boat Builders. SHIP OWNERS. Bagnall John, Nene parade Baxter William, CoriihiU Bouch Uotieit, Nene parade BucklevJno.Si"neham,Neiicparade Collins'John, Higii st Cooper Luke, Nene parade Copeinin Jolin, Noith end Cou>ens Thomas Bagley,Lynn road Dawiiarn & Sons. Market place Gill William, Nene parade Halev George, Nene pas.sage Hickson Thomas, Nene parade Horstield Maik, N.ne parade Howell John, Bride st Lowe William, Nene iiaradc [pi Patlrii k Thomas Matiliews, Maiket Pinder Noah, Nene pur-ide Bawling John. Nene parade Shepherd Benjamin, Nene parade .Shepi erd William. Levenngton rd Stevens "A'illiam, Old maiket Tate William, North lerrace Turner Michael, K^st field [Hillst llMllJam«-s& Hiirlt-y Matthew, Lwr. Wadingham George, Kist field Ward Koheit, Noith teriace Watts Robert, Nene paiadc 54 SHOPKEEPERS ADEALERSIN GROCERIES 6t SUNDRIES. Allcoik James, Nortli terrace Allen James Jeremiah, Elm road Amos John, North brink Anderson John, North brink .Armitage Joiin, Goal lane Baxter William, Nene parade BeaKle Hmiy, Lynn road Belts James, Wi>beach, St. Mary Bovden Chri>topher, George st Bii'ttdo Benjamin, Levenngton Caibutt James, Leveringion Coiston Sarah, Elm Croshy Rob.rt, Maishland loaJ Cuitriss Mary, May fair Flanders John, May fair Klanders Stephen, INlay fair Forth William, Emneth Friend Frederick, North brink Gamhle Walter, Great South st Ge« Thomas, Great South >t (Jilson Edward, Norfolk st East Good William, Nene parade Giinsteed Geo'ge, Mar^hland road Hall Curtis, Market place Hardmeat Charles, Lynn road Hayes J«>hn. Bedford sr Hutson William, Loverington Lancaster Peel Wright, Elm Lanuman Rebecca, Canal side Lightfoot John, Walsoken Mawer William, Great South st Mitciilev Susan, Canal st Morris David, Norfolk st East Munton John, Marshland ro.id Newby Saiah, Great South st Offliy Harriet, Canal side Parlitt William, Nene quay Peck James, Norfolk st East Powell Roliert, WaUoken Prudence Robert, Friday bridge, Elm Richardson John, Algenoria st Robinson Georue, Leicrington road Ro\den Jolm, Norfolk st East Scrunshaw Susannah, Leveringion Staton Josei)h, Great South st Siggee James, Marshland road Snnrey Ann, North terrace Spraggs Robert, Albert st Spra«gs William, Marshland road Stoving Jolm, Goal l.me Syddell Snasdel, Elm Sytne Robeit, Rubv st Ta-.vn Benjamin, Wisheach,St.Mary Taylor Michael, Norfolk ot East Waller Hannah, May fair Watson James Coo per, North terrace Whiiiaker Heniy, Emneth Yorke Charlotte, Little Church st SILVERSMITHS 6c JEWELLRS Brigs's Luke, Maiket place Ema.uel Emanuel (dealer in plate and tobacco), Upper Hill st Fulchcr John, Church terrace Heald Alfred, High st .[st Manteganie Antonio & Paul, High Pattrick Tbos. Matthews, Market pi Smith Theophilns High st SPIRIT MERCHANTS. {See also Ifinc ..V SiArit Merchanlt.) Bland CharU s. Market pi ice Boucher Chirles & Son, Lynn road GanpJohn, Leveriimton road Phillips & Tibirit>, North brink Ward GeorL-e Augustus & Son, 1 North .street STAY MAKERS. Annan Sarah, Ely jilice Fi>lier Alice, Little Church St \\)\ Susan, Trafalgar row Yorke Elizabeth, Hoglurd's lane Yorke Hairiet, Upper Hill st STONE et MARBLE MASONS. Andrews Jeremh Holmes, Lynn rd Le Tall Henry, Lynn road [terrace Swansborougli John Swaiiie, North STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Allen Mary Ann, Noi folk st West Bellamy Rebecca, Marshland road Biiggs Maria, Market place Clarke Eliza, Market place Davis Mary Ann, Norfolk st West Friend Eliza, North hi ink Gale Mary Ann (and dealer, and hi Berlin wool), High st Giimsteed Eliza, Marshland load Hawkins Eliza & Mary Ann, Ely pi Lillev Maiy, Le»eringion road Newby Elizabeth, Little Church st Shacklock Adelaide, Canal st Smith Maria, May fair Soulden Sarah, Great South st Springfield Elizabeth, York row Thirkel Mary Ann, South biink Williamson Sarah, Blacklriars road SURGEONS. Burmnn Smith, North brink Fawseit Frederick, Great South st Hides Henry, Noith st [row Lilley John & Son, High st, &York Mason John Minnitt (and boue »et- ter), Elm road Ollaid William, Bridge st Stear & Jeffreys', Old market Wales & Wallace, Mai ket place SURVEYORS. Desboron.;li James, Barton lane Russell John, Liitle South st Utiing Frederick .lames (and civil engineer), Lower Hill st Ward Geotge Augustus (of taxes), North street TAILORS. Marked thus "are also Drapers. Ashton Charles, Elm road •Banlium James, Union st Bas^ingham Benjamin. Canal side •Bella:s Benjamin, Norfolk st We.st Brarkenbury John, Little South st Bneze Henry, Market place •Cheney & Rowsell, Old market •Cheney William Sanderson & Son, Market place Claik William, Old market •Clarke Robert, Market plare •Elvidge John Edis, Hit-h st Fields James, Noith terrace •Foster Nelson, Cornliill Colliding John, Elm road Hall William Berridge, Noi th brink •Hayles& Regester, Church terrace Helling Riehaid, Lynn road •Lawrence Edward, Market place Le Pla James. Great South st •Norman & Wak--, Noi folk .st East •Nurse Charles SMinuel(and hatter), Norfolk st East Nurse Josiah, I'pper Hill st I'ilch Heniy, Upper Hillst I'latt Uriah. North terrace Reed John, North terrace lleuester Thomas, Liitle Church st ^kinner Joseph, Riihy place S nith ThoniriS, Chun h terrace Taylor Michat-I, Norfolk st East Triplovv John, Great South st I'yars John(& hatter) ,LowerHilll »t Vipan Joseph, Little Church st •Wilson Richard, South brink Yorke William, Upper Hill st TALLOW CHANDLERS. Dawharn Richard, Market place Dowson & Co., Market place Sii!g. e James, Marshland road Usill James, & Harley Matthew, Lower Hill st iiircctorB. WISBEACH, &c. ®am!inKgc»j[)fre> TAVERNS 6t PUBLIC HOUSES. Admiral NeUon,Geo. Jennings, North st Albion, John Shaw, Nene parade Anchor, George Fenwick, Piene quay Angel, John Mawles, Great Church lane Anyel. Robert Strutt, Elm Bell, Martha Cook, Walsoken Bell, William Hides, Elm Biid-in-Hand,Thos. Bulman. North brink Black Rear, Robert Baxter, WaUoken Black Hart, Henry Coulson, South brink Blacksmith's Arms, Thos. Mole, Emneth Uuwiins Green, \VrightButrher,Lynn road Bridge Inn, Geo. Barnes, Marshland road Bushel, John Ferrington, Nene quay Cross Keys, 'I'hos.l'eatlin^, Cattle market Crown, Thomas Tchbit, Little South st Wukt's Head, Amelia Clarke, Cliurch terr Elephant and Castle, John Coulman, Old market Engineer, John Coulson, Gaol lane Falcon, John Chamberlain, Lit. Church s< Ferry House, Harriet Brookshaw, Great South street [brink Ferry House, John Lincold, South Five Bells, Thos.Tansley, Norfolk stEast Flower Pot, George Brewin, South end George, George Smith, Market plare Globe, Robert Banning, Market place Goat, John Gctfrey, Leverington Golilen Lion, \Vm. Fowler, Market place GrfCn Dragon, George James IVIarshall, Nene quay Griffin, Abel Kirby, Market place Hare ft Hounds, Jos. Lawton.North brink HorseshoeHole, John Annis, Leverington King's Head, Wm. Sloaie, Old market Lamb, Samnel Rarasdale, Norfolk si East Marshland Ion, John Burgess, Marsh- land road [Lynn road Marshland Tavern, Georpe Wm. Mills Mason's A rms,GerlrudeClarkeN or th brink Mermaid, Thomas Whjie, Market place Nene Inn, William Sharp, Nene parade New Bell, Robert Mills, Nene quay New Inn, Mary Hooton, Union st Old Bell, George Brnnl,Nene quay Queen's Head. Mary Hopkins, Emneth Red Lion, William Parlett, North brink Rising Sun, John Bnrton, Leverington Robin Hood, George Cole Thurston, Market place fmon road Royal Standard, Wm.Cultine,New Corn- Rutland Arms, Wm. Tihenham.Lynn road Ship Oetiunne, George Cave. North st Shi pRomney, Samuel A rcher.Market place Spre^id Eigie, John Howell, Bridge st Swan, George William Burton. North st Swan, John Sharman, Leverington Unicorn, John Nobbs, Norfoll; st East W heatsheaf, Wm.Belverstone,Church terr Wheel, John Watson, Wi^beach St. Mary White Swan, John Hammond, Emneth Retailers of Beer- Anthony John, Market st Armitage John, Gaol lane Barker Thomas. Emneth Barker William, Leverington Barley Edvvard, Lynn road Baxter William, Lynn road Bendall Elizabeth, Little South st Betts James, Wisbeach St. Mary Belts Jolir',-Gaol lane Boltomley George, Leverington road Boulton Henry, North terrace Brooksbank Edward, Bedford st Brown M..tthew, Albert st Brown William, Leverinuton Burton George, North brink Burton James, Leverington Butters John, Leverington Chapman Thomas, Mareliiand road Clin Geoige. Leverington road Crolts R.ibert, Elm Day Ann, Walsoken Edis Henry. South brink Edisferth William f^pence. North brink Ely Eiizal>elh, Nene parade Goodman Robert, KIra Goodyer Ann, Maisliland road Gray Goulder, May fair Grinsleed Georce, Marshland road Hale Charles, Canal side Hotson Jonatiian, Emneth Hut^on William. Leverington Lenton Robert, May fair Lentun Sarah, Marshland road Leverin John, Kast st Mackgee Richard, Canal st Mears John, Canal st Meers Gtorge Daniel, Great .Sout Hialy Arthur , High st Hooton William, Market place WINE«C SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Bishop Joseph, Souili biink Blan'l Charles, .Market place Goddnrd Ann, High st Leach Matthew, North brink Mills George William, Nene quay Peailing Thomas, Old market Raicliffe, Reid, & Ratcliffe, Little Church st WOOL MERCHANTS. Da«barii & Sous, Maiket place Ward Geo. Augustus & Son, Nort list Ward Henry William, Oil Mill lane Miscellaneous- Adams William, town chambprIain,Sontli blink [Church lano Amis Samuel, veterinary surgeon. Great Beaney Thos. I.ith render. Cattle market Boggers William, sugar boiler. Lilt la Church st [Bedford »t Brownlow Samuel, potato merchant. Bull John, parish clerk, Wisbeach St. Mai y Butcher Abraham, relieving officei. Marshland road [Leverington Caiter Frederick, peppermint distiller, Corporation Wh.abf, Nene quay— Thomas Henry Bouttell, wharfinger Davis George Dawson, organist to the Chapel of Ease, Leverington mad Dolby George, thaicher, Leverington Dun Barclay Fife, inland revenue officer, Norfolk street West Etherington Wm. poulterer, Leverington Friend John, high bailifl to tlie County Court, Old market Hootton Wm. dealer in game,Market placft Hunter James, portrait painter. North st Jones George, orKanist to Ihe Parisli Church. Upper Hill st [South st Linier John, conch builder, Gieat Plater Wm. tripe dresser, Norfolk st East Reynolds John, horse dealer, North brink Rust William I'aylor, superintendent of police. Bridge st [Canal side Shacklock George, relieving officer. Sharp Wm. potato merchant, Nene paiada Short Joseph, ciiiiosity dealr.Norfolk st E. Squier William, high constable for the hundred. Little Chuich lane Stagg Anthony, boot-tree and last ranker Norfolk street East Todd John, town crier. School lane Watford William, harbour master, Lever- ington road [brink Wilson Thomas, parish clerk, SoutU PUBIilC BUILDINGS, OFFICES, &C. PLACES OF WORSHIP, AND THEIll MINISTERS. CHURCHES OF THE ESTABLISHMENT. Saint PF.rF.R's, Church terrace— Rev. Heniy Fardell, ficor; Rev. Robert Jar- rold King, curate. A LI. Saints', Elm— Rev. Jermh. Jackson. Saint Eumu.xd's. Emnelh— Rev. Jere.i miali Jackson, vtcnr. Saint Maby's, Wisbeach St. Mary Rev. Henry Fardell, vicar,- Rev. John Day, cxirate. Saint Leonard's, Leverini^ton— Rev. Henry James Sparke, r,ctor; Rev. Henry Jackson, lurute. All Saints', Walsoken — Rev. John Bluck,n c/u)-; Rev.Edwd.Hulton,cti)o/e Cbapkl of E*se, Old market Rev' Thos.PattisonHolmes,;,er;)e/ufl/ruia the Stations, await the arrival and altend the departure of the several trains CARKIERS. To BOSTON, Gvimsteed's Mail Sociable, from the Kind's Head (for passengers and goods), every afternoon (Sunday exceplerl), at half-past three. To CHAITERIS, Richard Earl, froir. the Spread Eagle, Wedne.iday and Sat To DOWNHAM, John Wiles, from the George, Monday To ELY, Clever, from the Globe, and Wm. Jaek!ion,from the New lnn,Thuts. ToGElJiNEY IllLL, — Simpsom, from the Griflin, Tuesday, Thursday and S.-iturday; William Clark, tVom the George. Monday, Wedne>day and Saturdav, — Cooper, froir. the Hare and Hounds, Wednesday & Saturday; and — Random, from the .\ew Inu, Sal. , To HOLBEACH, — Black, from th I Hare and Houiids,Wednesday & Satur* day, and — Ransom, from the New I Inn, Saturday : To LONG SUTTON, John Bostock.from I the Golden Lion, daily (Tuesday and I Sunday excepted), and Greensteed's AJail Sociable, daily I To LYN.V, Henry Hudson, from hit I house. Market place, Mon. & Thursday jTo MARCH,— Gibson, from the Globe, I Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday I To NORDELPH, — VVhybrow,fromth« I Wheatsheaf, Tuesday and Thursday To PARSON DROVE, John Scott, from the Rubin Hood, Saturday To PETERBOROUGH, — Baker, from bis house, Easifield, Tuesday & Friday To SAINT I'.OMUNDS.John Scott, from the Rubin Hood, Saturday To SAINT IVES, Richard Earl, from th« Spread Eagle, Wednesday and Saturdy To SPALDING. John Bostock.from the Golden Lion, Tuesday To THORN EY, — Baker, from his housei Eastfield, Tuesday and Friday roUPWELL,OUrWELL& WELNEY. Joseph Cawthorn, from ihe Ship Rom. ney, and John \\ iles, from Ihe George, Tuesday, Thursday fi Saturday; Thos. Whitehead, from the Alermaid, Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday ; Tho». Knowles,from ihe Wheatsheaf, and — Clever, from the Globe, Tuesday and Saturday; and Willi.'^m Jacksou, from the New Inn, Saturday CONVEYANCE BY -WATEK. To ELY, a Packet, from Ihe Blackfriari bridge, generally on Saturday To HULL, the Foragei Steam Packet, from the Sluice, NenequajjCvery Tues- day, according to Ihe lide To PETERBOROUGH. Mary Harris' Fly Boats, from Ihe King's Head, Old market, every Thursday and Sunday To SUNDERLAN Dand NEWCA.STLE- UPON-IYNE the William U Robert, every allerna'e Wednesday To WHITTLESEY, Mnry Harris' F/j/ Boats, from the King's Head, every Thursday and Sunday 56 HUNTINGBOI^SHIRE. ii HIS is an itilaiid county, iMunded on the north hy the counties of Northampton and Canihiidge, on the fast l>y Csmbi iilfjt ^iiire, on tlie south and south-vve.-t hy Bedfordshire, and on the vvCNt bv the latter shire and !il-o hy that of Mortlianipton. The limits of tiiis cotiniy are chiefly artificial — the river Nene, on the North- amptonshire border, with the King.s-delf, the Old West water and the Ouse river on the Canibridneshire side, being the principal exceptions. In its general form it is an irregular square; an elong-ited portion on the south intersecting the counties of Cambridge and IJedford, and a prominent apex cutting into Northampton- shire on tiie north-west. 'I'he county extends from north to south about thirty niiks, and from east to west twenty-three; its ciicumference is about one imndred, and its area comprises 372 square miles, or 238,080 statute acres. Hoth in size and population it ranks as the thirty-eightli English county. Name and karly history. — This county takes its name from Huntingdon, its principal town, which is derived from tiie Saxon word Hiinteduiisclre, signifying ' Hunter's Down-shire' — tiiis distiict being at that time well adapted for the sport of hunting, as it was almost one continued forest. L'nder the Biiions it composed a p.irt of the extensive territory of tlie Icenii, and in the Roman division of the kingdom was included in the distiict named Flamu Ceesarleims. The Icenii are represented by Tacitus as a brave nation; but they were subdued by the llomms in the reign of Claudius, and obliged to submit to the harsh terms dictated by their conquerors. The death of Piasutagus, their king, and the impolitic provisions of his will, by which he appointed the Emperor Nero his heir (ihinking thereby to secure his kingdom from luin), furnished the Uomaiis with a pretext for coercive measures; and, wiih tlie most insulting rapacity, ihe native chiefs were deprived of tiieir estates. The whole kingdom of the Icenii was pillaged by the centurions, and the house of Prasutagus hy tlieir slaves, as if it had been taken in war; bis widow, i he noble lloadicea, was ignominiously scouiged, and her daui'hters wtre violated by the Roman soldiers. The nation, justly inflamed to Vf ngeauce by sucli atiocities, flew to artns, and upwards of eighty thousand of the Romans were cut off by tlie inti epidity of Boadicea ; success, however, did not long gild the arms of ihe Britons, for in a sanguinary contest the Romans obtained a complete victory over them, and the Icenii were unknown after this time as a sc|)arate nmion. Accorduig to 'I'acitus, Queen Boadicca put an end to her life by poison. The principal Roman stations in the county were Duroliponte and DurobrivcB, the siit-s of which are respectively at God- nianchester or Huntingdon, and Dornford Ferry, in the parish of Chesterton. Three ancientroads iiitersected the county, namely, the British Krmin-stieet, which entered from Bedford-hire and passed through to North- amptonshire; and the Roman Erinin-street, and the Fia Devand, ftoin Cainbridgesliire, went also through Northamptonshire. The celebrated Cars-dyke, supposed to have originated with the Romans, enters the county at Earith iiiid falls into Whittlesea-dyke. At Ramsey, on the edge of the fens, was formerly a very rich abbey — built, like tint of Crowland, in the midst of a bog ; the situation of tiiese and various other religious houses (as those of Ely and Tliorney) was probably chosen as well with a view to security, from the difliculty of afiproach, as to the plenty of tijh and water-fowl iidubiting tliese retreats. Kimboiton castle was the place wheie Katlierine, the divorced wife of Henry VIH, ended her days in peaceful retiiement. Hinchinbrook Hfnise, near Huntingdon, was anciently the seat of the Cromwell family, and sulisequently that of the Montagues, Earls of Sandwich, and Viscount Hinchinbrook. But few military events are connected with the county in the later peiiods of history. In August, 1C45, during the civil war, Huntingdon was plundered by the king's troops — the monarch cominanding in person. The county was again the theiitre of hostilities in IWS, when the Earl of Holland, the Duke of Buckini;ham, and otlnrs in the roj'al cause, appeared in arms liere with a view to the relief of Colchester: on this occasion the Earl of Holland, accompanied by about a hundred horse, fled to St. Neots, in ihis county, where, being beset by some of the parliamentary troops, lig surrendered himself without any aitempt at re.sistence; and the Duke of Buckingham escaped by forcing hig way through the enemy. At the present day the principal towns of the county are seated on the Ouse; o^ these, Huntingdon is the capital. Soil, surface and climate, produce and manufactures. — The soil of this county is fertile and varied. The east and south-east pails are of a shallow staple upon limestone rock, with a small intermixture of cold woodland clayey soil. The other parts of tiie county, however, are made up of a strong red loam, and of a cold woodland clay: the red land is a rich sandy loam, intermixed with keal — ironstone is also found amongst it ; tiiis soil is esteemed most fertile. The under stratum of the whole county, at diflerent depths, is a very sticmg blue clay. From the varieties of soil here mentioned, and part of tin- county beint; enclosed and part open fields, different modes of cidlure are necess.trily adopted. The north-east part is composed of fens, joining tiiose of Ely : the fens consist of about forty-four thousand acres, and perha|)s ten thousand acres may be considered productive, and the lands bordering on themaflbid luxuriant grazing. The mode of management of the fen lands has been much improved of late years, and the ten men are considered the mostexpertof any in the kingdijm at plougiiing. The borders of the Ouse, along the south-east quarter, consist of fertile and be.nitiful meadows — amongst these, Portsholme Mead, near Huntingdon, is particularly celebrated; the middle and western jiarts are fruitful in corn, and sprinkled with woods; but, in a general view, the country may be said to he bare of timber. The climate is rcgaided as healthy — making allowance for the space occupied by the fens, and for those parts of the county that are but scantily supplied v\ ith pure waters from spriutiS or rivirs ; the u|)land parts of the county are consit, and covers an aica of several miles txtent; it aiiiiiits of aureeable snilini;, and afTord* excellent fishing, and in the summtr sea>on is much frequiiiied hy parties of pleasure. Of late years nn)?! of the meres have hecn drained off and the beds of them applied to tillage. There is a minernl spring at Somersham, l>utit is not resorted to in tlwfse days— wiiatever might have been its repnte in former times. RAILWAYS. — The Saint Ives and Huntingdon railway connects these towns with Cambridge : and the CJreat Northern railway passes throuuh the centrt^ of the conniy, from .-outh to north, intlndina in its route S^int Neots and Huntiimdon — from the lattei town a line is l)eing laid which will fall into the Northamptou and Peteiborough railway, between Higham Ferrets and Tlira|»tone. KccLEsiAsTicAL and civil divisions, and rei-rksentation. — Huntingdonshire is in the province of Canterbury and diocessof Lincoln; is included in the Norlolk Circuit of the judges, and divided into the four hundreds of Hursting>tone, Leiijhtonstone.Noi man Cios>> ami 'I'oseland — containing ninety-nine paiishesand si.\- pal ts of paiishes, one conniy town and borough {Huntitigd. A peculiarity ill the civil yovernmeiu of Huntingdonshire is, that it is includeil under the same shrievalty with Cambridge- shire, the sheriff being chosen in rotation— one year from the county of Cambriilge, another year from the Isle of Ely, and the third >ear from this county. The wlnde county returns four members to pailiament, viz. two for Huntingdon and two for the county at large— the iJefurm Mill cau-ing no alteiation in it^ ivpresentative 8y>tem. Cnunty members arc returned at Huniingdon; the only otii' r polling staiimi is Stilton. Thegenile- nien at present sitline for the county are, Edwanl Feilowes, of Ramsey Abhey, iu this county. Esquire, and George Thdrnwell, of Dcddirigtoii, Saint Neots, Esquire. Population, &c. — Uy the returns rendered to (Jovernment at the census of 1841, Huntingdonshire con- tained '2'J, 072 males, and 29,477 feiiiale>< — total 58, 549 : exhibiting an inert ase over the reiui ns o( 18.31 of 5,400 inhabitants. The annual value ol Ren| Prnpeity, in this county, as assessed to the Poor Uates, in 1815, amounted to £320,188, and in 1841 to £317,718. Distance Tabic of Towns in the County of Huntingdon. The names of the towns are on the top and side, and the square where both meet gives the distance. from London. Huntingdon,* 59 12 Kimbolton, /. 6:i 12 21 llamsev, w 68 614! 9 St. Ives, m 59 Kimbolton.. Ilamsey .. , . St. Ives .. .. St. Neots . . Siimersham Warboys. . .. Yaxley .. .. 9 8,19 10 22 9 819l 4 14 2312 i4|St. Neots, t/i .S6 5 18 Sonier>ham,/. 64 6 171 4lWaihoys 69 20J22 211 16 1 Yaxley 73 HUNTINGDON and GODMANCHESTER, WITH THE VILLAGES OF iJRA.Mi'TON, HAUTFOHD AND NEIGHBOUllHOOD.S. [JNTLNGDO.V, the capital of the county of its i sessions of the peace quarterly; and a court for the H nime, is a boiougli hoth corporate mid parliamentary, i lecoveiy of debts to an unlimited amount, is entitled ImiiiK sejiarate juri«diciion, locally in tin- hundred of to be liolden once in three wetk» — hut this latter is Hursiiim>tone— 59 miles N. fiom London (77 by raiU, 1 rcndert d inoperative or unnecessary by ihe sitting of 40 E.N.E. from Nortliajiipton, 18 s. hy e. from Peier- , the new county court, held monthly, under ihe act borough, and 16 N.w. frion Cambiidge ; situated ut ihe ; passed August, 1846, for the recovery of debts to any terminus of the Eiisi Angb.'n branch of the Eastern ' amount not exceeding £20. The town hall is a com- Counties railway, on tiie northern hank ot the Ou^e. > modious and Imndsome buiMing, crtcted in 1745 ; it It consists of one main or principal street, extending, in stands on one side of a sjiacions square, and contains in a noith-west direction, from the riverside to nearly the usual court*, over which is a suite of a^sembly- the distance of a mile, with several smaller ones rooms. A new |)ri>on lias been ere( ted on the wes- hranchim; off at right angles. 'J'lie houses, for the tern side of the great north road, with convenient most part, are will hnilt, and manv nre handsome; wards for the chissifiiation of prisoners. A literary tiie streets are well (laved and gas-liiihtcd, and the in- ^ and scientific institution wasestalilished In re in 1841 — habitants are |denteou>ly supplied A'ith water. Cowper, the huildimr, situated in the Hiiihstrect, is noble and the elegant and pious poei, who resided in this place spacious, and one of the gieafest modern improxe- two ye»rs, in wr.ting of it, says, ' Huntingdon is one nient'* to the town : It comprises a we'l-st lected li- of the neatest lowns in Ennland. The country is fine brary, museum and h cture rooms, with evety conve- for several miles about it ; and the roads, which are nienci; for public meetings, cimcei is, &c. The inlia- all turnpike, and strike out four or live different wa)s, bitants fiist sent members to (larliameiit in the reign are peif^i'ctly good all the year roiiii'l.' This is not a of I-^dwaid I ; and the lleform IJiil inrludid Godman- nianufacturing town, nor does it possess any protiii- Chester wii bin the piiliameniary horonyh : thcpresent iient trade; but beini; a pi incipal liiorouKhfare to ihe rcpresent.itivcsaie Colonel .lonathan Peel, Park-place, north, it tormerlv had a tood road business, which fhde P.irk, London; and Thomas Maring. E<(|uiie, has much declined since the formation of the railway. Cliai les-street, Mc keley-sqiiare, I^ondon. The m;iyor The London and York, or Great Northern line, how- is the returning otFu'cr. Huntingdon confers the title ever, now in pr(»Kress, will form a direct communica- of earl upon the distinguished family of Havvdoii tion helween tin- town and all the importaiii placesin the north of England, and it is exjiectcd that con-i- derahle benefit will accme to tlie neiglihoui hood on its completion. Tlie inliahiiants are supplied with coal, woo'l, &c. hy barges, and (tther small craft, fiom Lynn Regis, and return laden with corn and other produce of the adjacent feitile di-trict. Prewous to the operation of ihe Municipal Act, pasteil in 1835, the town was eowined under the pro- visions of a charter granted hy Charles 1. Tlie body Corporate, under the new bill, consists of a innyfjr, four aldermen and twelve conncilhtrs, with the usual assistant officers, under the title of ' the Mayor, Alder- Hastinuf III former times Huntingdon enjoyed ecclesiastical imiio.tance of much greater extent than now belongs to it : it had fifteen paiish chuiches — in Leland'stime four on'y were leinainiiiL', and of these two were de- stroyed diiiinK the (larhamentary war. The borough, at the present time, comprises the parishes of All Saints, Saint Meiiedict, Saint J(din the Baptist, and Saint .Maiy. The churches now standing are those of Saint Mary and .Ml Saints. The former, which is the corpoiation church, appears, from the dales over the north do(Mway, to have been rebuilt during the reign ofjamesl: it consists of a nave, chancel and ai.sles, men and Burgesses of the Boiough of Huntingdon.' i with a handsome embattled tower at the west end. The county assizes are held twice annually ; general j having strong buttresses, with ornanuntal niches at iB(vKtovj). HUNTINGDON, &c. jguntatstrcm^Dii^ the atijiles : the area is well pewed, and across llie west end is a large gallery, containing a good organ. This church has, within these few years, been repaired and beautified: the living is a rectory, united to that of Saint Henedict, in the patronage of the Crown. All Saints' church stands on the north side of the market-place; its architecture and ornaments are in the style tliat prevailed in the time of Heniy VII : it is an embattled structure, consistinguf a nave, chancel and ai>h's, with a small pinnacled lower at the north- west angle. Tlie church was repewed and embel- lished, and the vestry enlarged, in 1837: the living is a rectory, united with that of Saint John the Baptist, in the gift of the Crown. There are likewise places of worship foi Baptists, Independents, Wesleyan iMetlio- dists, and the Society of Fiien.is. A small and iiand- some chapel, called Christ Church, stands on tlie site of tlie thfaire : it was erected in 1846, at the sole ex- pense of Lady Olivia S])arrow. The interior is fitted lip with great neatness, having gMlleries, ci>miniiiiion table, &c. It was orii;inally intended to becontiected with tlic Estahlished Church, hut was mver conse- crated, and it is now open to all deu()minations, with- out respect to creed. 'I'he public educational establisli- nients comprise a free granitnar school, founded in tlie leigii of Henry II, by David, Earl of Huntingdon, for the sons of all natives of the town — it has two exhibitions ; a free school, called Walden's charity, (or the Green Coat school,) founded in 1736, for thirty boys and twelve giils who are clothed and educated ; and National, British and Infants' schools. The free grammar school has acquired some celebiity from its having bren the seminary in whicli Oliver Cromwell, who was boin in this town, received his education. There are several charities by which the poor are benefitted, induding bequests by benevolent indivi- duals, almshouses and apprenticeship funds. Tlie mar- ket is held on Saturday, and the fairs on the Tuesday before Easter, the second Tuesday in May, the Satur- day before iMichaelmas-day, and the third Saturday iu November. The borough of Huntingdon contained, in 1831, 3 267 inhabitants, and according to the census of 1841, 3,507. GoDMANCHESTER is an ancient corporate borough and parish, in the hundred of Toseland, situated on the southern bank of the Ouse, which is ciossed by a bridge and short causeway, forming a communication with Huntingdon, to which town it may be considered a suburb, and, as before stated, is included in that parliaaieutaiy borough. This place was formerly the POST OFFICE, HIGH STREET, HUNTINGDON. Mr. JOHN HATFIELD, Post Master. ARRIVAI. OF THB MAILS. From London and the North, every morning at half-past one, and afternoon at three. From Cambridge, Peterborough and Bury St. Edmunds, at ten minutes before eleven at night. From Bedford, at ten at night; and from Wisbeach, at twelve at night. DESPATCH OF THE MAILS. To London, at ten at night. To Cambridge, Peterborough and Bury St. Edmunds, at five minutes before eleven at night. To Bedford, at two in the mornint:; and to Wisbeach. at a quarter past twelve at night. POST OFFICE. GoDMANCHESTER, Auu Allen, Pvst Mistress. — Letters from all parts are received and despatched through the Huntingdon Post Office. NOBILITY, GENTRY, AND Gilbert Mrs. Sarah, St. Mary's st residence of numbers of yeomen and farmers, who are stated to have been possessed of extraordinary teams of horses ; they were wont to receive the sove- reigns who visited this district with a display of their agricultuial implements— exhibiting to James 1, when he at one time passed through it, no less than nine score of ploughs, adorned with trappings, &c.: in this respect, however, a great alteration has taken place. Godmanchester was inc"r|)i)rated in 160.5, and its government vested in two baiiiffs and twelve assis- tants, with a recorder, &c. The Municipal Act recog- nises it as a borough, and adds four aldermen to the corporate body, which it styles ' liie Bailiffs, Assis- tants and Commonalty of the Borough of Godman- chester.' A couit of pleas, for the recovery of debts under forty shillings, was formerly held every three weeks , but this is rendered nugatory by the operation of the new County Couit, held monthly, (distinct from that at Huntingdon,) for adjudicating claims not ex- ceeding £20. The parish church of Saint Mary is a commodious light edifice, comprising a nave, chancel and aisles, with an embattled lower, surmounted by a suire, at the western end : the living is a vicarage, in the patronage of the Dean and Chapter of Weatminster. There are places of worship for Independents and Baptists; a free school, founded iu the reign of Elizabeth, and a school of iudustiy. A fair, chiefly for horses, is held on Tuesday and Wednesday in Easter Week. The parish contained, iu 1831, 2,146 inhabitants, and in 1841, 2,152. Brampton is a parish, in the hundred of Leighton- stone — the village, scattered over a considerable ex- tent of ground, is about two miles w. from Hunting- don. The parish church of Saint Mary is deserving notice for its beautiful south porch, decorated with elegant tracery : the benefice is a discharged vicarage, ill the presentation of the Prehendaiy of Brampton in Lincoln cathedral. Ttie parish contained, in 1831, 1,064 inhabitants — being precisely the same number as was returned at the census ten years previously, and, in 1841, 1164. Rather more than one mile E. by N. from Hunting- don, and in the same hundred as that town, is the neat little \illage of Hartford, containing a very pretty cliurch, the architecture of which is an admixture of the Norman and Saxon styles ; it is dedicated to All Saints, and the living is a discharged vicaraee, in ihe patronage of the Crown. In 1831 the population of the parish was 452, but in 1841 only 380. CLERGY Achurch Mr. J(din, Brampton Alexander Mrs. Mary, Brampton Andrews Mrs. Jane, Brampton Bates Samuel, Esq. Godmanchester Baylilfe Miss Ann, Godmanchester Beart Robert, E-^q. Go(lmanche>ter Blunson Miss Elizb. St. Andrew's pi Bourdilloii Rev. Francis, High st Brown Rev. Wm., Godmanchester Burch Rev. George, High st [hill Cooch Samuel Edwd. Esq. Market Danns John, Esq. High st Dent Mr. William, Brampton Dobson Mrs. Elizabeth, High st Duherley Captain, Gains hall Fell Rev. John, High st [ter Fenner Miss Harriet, Godmanches- Foreman William, Esq. The walk Freshfield Mr. Jas. Godmanchester Golborne James, Esq. Market liill Goode Edwd. Mason, Esq. Grove|pl Gray Rev. Charit s, Godmanchester Green Captain Smithson Wuteiland, Princess street Hawoitli Rev. Richard, Market hill Herbert Dennis, Esq. High st Hicks Mrs. Mary, Godmanchester Hodg'onCapt.Fredk Godmanchester Hopkins Rev. Daniel John, Hartford Housden VVilliam, Esq. The walk Lee Rev. Bartlemy, Highst Lindsay Mrs. Margaret, Farm hall Lowry Rev. James, St. Andrew's pi Mackee Rev. Thomas James, Vic- arage, Brampton Mann Miss Mary, St.Andrew's place Margetts Mrs, Elizabeth, High st Margetts Rev. Henry, High st Margetts Mrs. Mary, North end Margetts Mr. William, The walk Martin Edwd. Esq. Godmanchester Maule Rev. Henry Augustus, God- manchester [manchester Maule William Henry, Esq. God- May Chailes, Esq. North end Millard Rev. Charles James, God« manchester Motion James, Esq. High st Newton Rev. John, High st Parker Richard John, Esq. God- manchester Phillpot Richard, Esq. High st Phillpot Miss Sarah, High st Pocock Mrs. Mary, Highst [Ripton Rooper John Bonnell, Esq. Abbotts Rooper Rev. Wm. Abbotts Riptoa Rust George, Esq. Cromwell House Rust James, Esq. Alconbury House Sandwich the Right Honourable the Earl of, Hinchinbrook House ^miintfloxmixt. HUNTINGDON, &c. ^!atet'0 GENTRY, ecc.—Cnutintieil. Scott Iter. Francis BHgsi", God- nianchi'Ster [ton Park Sp arrow Lady (Jlivia.lJainard lira lup Steel Mrs. Ann, George laiit! Stroniiuard Mrs. Godmanchester Sweeting Lieutf:iantGcoige,Higl)st Sweeting IJev. Henry, IJai tford Sweeting Mrs. .luiia, High .st Thorley Miss Ann, Godinaiicliester Tillard Phillips, Esq. G( 1(1 iiiancliester Veasey Cliarle.", jiin., K'iii Higii st Veasey Charles, Esq. High st Veasey David, Escj. High st Veasey Miss Alary, Hiijh st Ward Richard, Esq. Grove House, Haittord "Westwood Rev. Jolm, l{ram|)ton AVhitwell Jidit), Es(|. High st Woods .Mrs. Eli/.ahelh, Brenton Cottage, Brampton [ter Wriglit Rev. William, Godmanches- ACADEiaiES AND SCHOOLS. ^ot otherwise (lcscrll)eii are Day ."'cliools. Brewster .las. (hoarding,) Brampton British .'school, Germain si — Elizabetli Upchurrh, mistress British Scmooi., High st — Maria Bnck, mistress Bryant iMnnia, Ann, and Eliza, (hoarding). North End County Schoid, North End— William Sinison, master [chester (Jiistance Daniel .lohn, Godman- Fox Anne, (day & boarding), Gtd- manchester Fox Charlotte, (boarding). High st Free Grammar Scmooi., High st — Rev. Joint Kell, master Fref. Gramimar .School, God- manrhi'ster--Riclid Gail lit, master Free School, (boys and girls), Brampion — Robt. Gamble, riia>tcr Green Coat School, High st Charles .lolin Driiiy, master: Kachfiel Dnst, mistress [st Honey Robt. (hoaiding& day). High Infants' Scliofd, Huntingdon— Laura Louisa BuUen, mistress Infants' School, Godmanchester — Emma To liday, mistress National School, Huntingdon — Cliariottc Hoskiiis, mistress Negiis Jidiii, (M)dinaiicliester Bam.sev Sarah, Godmanchester Bandall Henry, High st [High st llandHll Sarah, (hoHrding & day). School or Indcstrv, Godman- chester — .Maty Bates, mistress Smiths Eli/.abcfh & Emma, (ladies' boarding), the Walk ATTORNEYS. Fowler Willi nn, I'l iiici's st Himnybnn .Alaniii, St. John st JMamctis Charles, (& notary public), MarK. t Hill JVlaiile Gi orL'c Frcffcrick, Highst ]Vlellor William Joms, Hit;li st Wright William Rose, Hii.'li st AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS Fox & S(.n.(^ e^tatr ;it,'ciit>i,High M Haicbard Thomas, Godmanchester i\laddison John, High st BAKERS dc FLOUR DEALERS. AriM.M Wi liani, U\u\> ^t Baiigey Jnlni, Noith Knd Burin idge 'I'honnis, .Market hill Claridge Mary. Hi'_'li si [tei Clark (;hai hs Jo^i;di, Godmanches- Cole Willi.im.High >t Coop< I TiHimns, Hiuh st Crawley l'",(lwai(l, (ioiliiianchcster Dallon Samuel, Hii;h st Fairy Henry, Godmancheittr Fuller Edward, His-h st HigL;iii9 John, Godmanchester Kisby Frederick, Gudmancliestcr Parkins William, God m-iii chester Reeve James, Godmaiicliester Robinson John, Piiiices st Sale John Henry, Hiyh st Sirangward Riir)ert, Brampton Wilson Elizabeth, Brampton BANKERS. London and County Joint Stock Banking Company, Market hill — (draw on the head office Lon- don) — James Golhorne, manager Rust 6i Veasey, Market bill — (draw on Masteriuaii, Peters, & Co., London Savings Bank, High st — (open on Fridays and Saturdays, from 10 till 6) — Thomas Lo\ell, actuary BASKET MAKERS. Bullard Chailes, North end .S lint Charles, (iodmaiichester Titman James, Cowpers place BZ.ACKSIVIITHS. CSce also IF kites iniths.) Biffgs Josepii, Brami)ton Brighly 'I'liomas, Godmanchester Brigstock George, Godmanchester Cattell Wallis, Princes st Gnmley William, lirampton Hudson Jolm, Germain st James John, Godmanchester F^axtou Robert, Royal Oik lane BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND PRINTERS. Edis Robert, (& circulating library, and newsagent), Highst Hatfield James, High st Wood Andrew Page, High st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Abbott Josef)li, Highst Abbott Joseph, Brampion Allen Anne, Godmanchester Allen William, Biamptou Barnes John, High st Barnes Robert, High st Bennington John, Germain .st Bcresford Samuel, High st Bestcr Thomas, Godmanchester Bettle John, High st Butler Le\>is, Biampton Ry water Owen, Noith end Cave William, Godnuinchcsfer Cox 'riujinas, Royal Oak lane Kay John, High .st Saint John, (Jodmaiuhestcr Smith Hdiry, High st V'inter Robt'rt, St. Mary's st Wimpress John, High st Woods Joseph, High st BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Cater Robert Weils, High st Fletcher William, Godmanchesfer Harratt William, Mai ket hill Morton James, High st BREWERS. (jarka William, Godmanchester Herb' rt Dennis, High st BRICK MAKERS. Rates ^L Heart, (and tile), God- iminchesttr Harratt^ IMand, St. Andrew's place riiesl.ind hiaiik, (ioilmanchesti r DRICKLAVEKS AND PLAS- TERERERS. .Mien John, BiMUipton Brown Riidiaid, North end Dawes Hcniy, \\\\l}\ st HaiiaitiSi Bland, St. Andrew's place Mann ,lson Thomas, High st Wiiislade Heiiiy, Biamplon Wiiheis George, tliuli st Woodfoid Robert, Princes st CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. A]l«op William, Princes st Cawlcy William Bale, High st Garner Ricliird, Hii,'h st Maddison Charles, Hi^-h St Maddison John, Highst Lease Tluunas, Germain st CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ConiK II Daniel, .St. John's Inne Harrati&Bland, St. Andrew's place, and Godmanchester Hooper Emanuel, Godmanchester Jarvis Thomas, Godmanchestrr Maile Charles, Three Tu'is lane Richardson Edmund, Three Tuns la Robinson Richard, St. ftlary's st Thackery Joseph, (iodmanclicster Thackery Matthew, Godmanchester \V^lnu'rsley Rohcit. Brampton Wright John, Godmanchester CHEESE MANUFACTURERS. Hubhaid Mary, Godmanchester Markham William, Bridge place Thackery Joseph, Godmanchester CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS- Beiithain Isa-ic, High st Biyant William, High st Ekins William, Market hill IjCwis George (and dentist) Hiuh st Provost John Piillen, High st and Godmanchester CHINA, GLASS, &c, DEALERS. Heathci ate James, Brampton Jacob James, ^Market hill l/eacli Thomas, High st Mills Thomas, High st CIVIL ENGINEERS. Ballard Stepbeii (and agent to ftlr. Bias^ey, i ailway contracior) St. Andrew's place Higii.botham 'I'homas, High st COACH BUILDERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Armstiong I'laiicis, George lane ■Stiiuigwaid John, St. Andrew's pi COAL MERCHANTS. .\shl(Hi Arthur, Hii;h st Cooch .Samiud l^dward, Market hill Elgood Thomas, CJooke's lane H:inger Thomas, Godmanchester .lames &• Stoke-, Branifiton Mills .Maikbam Cornelius Aubury, God- manchester [st Veasey Charles, inn. and Co. High Wady George, High st CONFECTIONERS. (aislance Chat Ics, High st Dickinson Jane, Noi tlieiid Woods Rebecca, High st IBkertotg* HUNTINGDON, &c. Jl^unttngirongfXre COOPERS. Kady Francis, Hii,'li st Maile Thomas, Goilinanchi'Ster Saril Joseph, Iloyal OaU lane CORN MERCHANTS. Allen William, High M Eli^ood Thomas, (.'ooke's lane Hovvson James and Son (and seed) H igh St Veas^y Charles, jun. & Co. High st FARMERS. Bates and Heart, (Jodmancliester Brigs>s Willi im, Godmaiichesier Butt John, Haitfoid Cart'^iight John, Hit;Ii st Clark Chas. Josiah, Godniancliester Dexter Richard, Godniaiithistfr Fox William, Godnumche>ter Gadsby William, Godniancliester Gale William, H.irtfoid Hill Hooper Eniatiucl, Godmaiiclie^ter James and SioUes, Bramjiton Mills Jenkins John, Hifli st Kisty Oiiiali, (Jodmanchester Kisiy John, Dihdin's Farm Knighton Isaac, Hartford Knighton Is lae, Godmaiuhesler Maile Sarah, Godniancliester Matsou Ricliaid, Godmanchester Middleton Ann, Biampton OrbL'll John, Hartford Thackrey Ilichard, Godniancliester Turner Janus, liraniptim Veasey James, Godniancliester Wady George, Hiuh st Winslade Henry, Brampton FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Alliance, Robert Edis, High st Atlas, Thomas Lonell, Hisih st British Empirf,, Daniel John Gustancc, (Todnianchester County (hail storm) James Gol- borne, Market Hill County (fire) Andrew Page Wood High st ; and Thomas Hatchard, Godinanduster General, Henry Randall, High st General (hail storm), Thomas Fox, High st LAW,\ViUi:im Jones Mellor.Hieh st London, John Bale Cawley, High st; and William Cawley, High st Minerva (life), James Golborne, Market hill North of England, William Wright, High stieet Norwich Union^ George Morris Fox, High st PELiCAN,Clias.Margetls,Market hill Phcenix (fiie),Ri( lid. Wise, High st PROviDENT(life),'riininasHrttchard, Godniancliester; and Andrew Page Wood, H:gh st Royal Exchange, William Fore- man, the Walk [hill Star, William Whitney, Maiket Suffolk (lire), William Whitney, Market hill Sun, James Balfonr, Princes st GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. Allett Henry, Godmanchester East Jesse, Godmaneiic ter Franks John, the Common Newbury William, Brampton Slight Thomas, Godinai. Chester Wood Snsaii(Huntingdon nurseries) Germain st GLOVERS. Chamberlain Thoma-, Brampton Crawley Sarah, Hitih st GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. {Sec also S/iop/teepers, <.Vc.) Ashton Arthur, Hiuli st Blanchard Ann, Godmanchester Dear James, High st Hanger Thomas, Godmaticliester Hicks Adam, High st Hiidsoti John, Gi.dmanche^ter Leach Thomas, High st Mai kliani Cornelius Anbury, God- manchester Miller John, High st Ridgley Thomas, Market hill Smith Abraham, High st HAIR DRESSERS. Corston Joseph, Princes st Crofts Thomas, Godmanchester Hayes WiHiain, High st Jacob James, Market hill Key Samuel, High st Kirby Robert, Godmanchester Mailt; William, (jodmanchester Smallbones William, High st HATTERS. Atkin John, High st Whitney William, Market hill INNS- COMMERCIAL AND POSTING. (See also Tavcrnn &( Public Houses Crown, John Whiting, High st Fountain, John Cartwiight, Market hill George, John Jenkins, High st IRON FOUNDERS. Bayliss & Glover, Godmanchester Foundiy Morton James (and manufacturer of railroad wheels, &c.) Hun- tingdon Foundry, Saint John's lane IRONMONGERS. Cavvle/ John Bale, High st HarratI William, Market hill Morton James (and cutler, &c. and wholesale dealer in oils and co- lours), High st LINEN & W^OOLLEN DRAPERS Blanchard Ann, Godmanchester Bryant Charles, High st Carter Richaid, Hiuii st Cooke Robert (and carpet ware- house) Maiket hill Shaiman & Bird, Godmanchester Shannan Edward, High st MALTSTERS, Bates Samuel, Godmanchester Garka William, Godmanchester Herbert Dennis, High st Jenkins John, Brampton Orbell Jolin, Hartford Veasey Chailes, jun. & Co. High st MILLERS. Bates Samuel, Godmanchester Garka William, Godmanchester Higgins John, Godniancliester James & Stokes, Brampton mills MILLINERS ee DRESS MAKRS Brigstock & North, Godmanchester Curwain Jane, Ge:)rge lane Gifford Sarah, High st Maile Sarah, Geimaiu st Rickett Sophia, North end Tullorh and Dobson, High St Wilson Ellen, Bridge place MUSIC TEACHERS. Andrews Joseph (piano-forfe), High st [Walk Last Fredeiick (and organist), the PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, AND GLAZIERS. Allen David, Germain st Allen David, jun. George lane Colter William, High st Negus, Joseph, (Jodmanchester Saunders William, Brampton Scotiiey Joseph, Three Tuns lane Storey David, North end Todd Lucy, Cowper's place Waller William (herald and orna- mental). High st SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Bniitinc! Thomas, High .st Chnicli Henry, Godmanchester Goggs Richard, High st Green Joseph, Brampton Jacob Jonathan, High st SHOPKEEPERS &DEALERSIN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Andrews James, Godmanchester Beiesford Henry. St. ;\ndrew's place Bester James, Godmanchester Bird John, Braiiiiiton Booth Thom IS, Brampton Brickwood William, North end Brighty William, Godmniicluster Collins Elizabeth, Godmanchester Dighton William, (iodmanchester Drage Richard, Godmanchesier East Thomas, Godmanchester Ellington Henrv, Brampton Garrett Elizabe'th, North end Laundy Thomas Luff, Brampton Laxton James, Hish st Maugham Mary, North end Negus Charles, (Jodmanchester Onyet William, Hartford RowledgeElii'abeth, Godmanchester Searle Robert, Hartft.rd Seward 'riiomas, Godmanchester Seward William, Godmanchester Talbot William, High st Wilson Elizal etii, Brampton Woodford Charles, Germain st Wright Thomas, Biampton SILVERSMITHS & JEWELLRS Berry Dennis, High st Guarnerio Peter, Higii st STONE 6t MARBLE MASONS. Carnwell Robert, Godmanchester Dawes Henry, High st Harratt & Bland, St. Andrew's place Northern Frederick, Godmanchester STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Brigstock & North, Godmanchester Croot Hannah, Brampton Larke Jane and Eliza, High st Maile .Sarah, Germain st Wilson Ellen, Bridge place WilsonMnrthaEmily,(}odmanchcstr SURGEONS. Foster Michael, High st Sharp John Taylor, Godmanchester Ward & Isaacs(m, Market hill Woods Chas. John, Godmanchester TAILORS. Atkin John, High st Baker J.^seph, Godmanchester Bnllen Jolin, Godmanchester Barker William Old Crown yard Britten James, Three Tuns lane Bryant Charles, High st Cooke Robert, Market hill Cooper John (and clothier), High st Elwood John, High st Garka (JJeoige, Godmanchester Gill John, Germain st Hardvviek John, High st Herbert James, Godmanchester Hopkins & Son, High st Hopkins Kdmnnd, Godmanchester Hnghes Samuel, Biampton Lucas James, Br impion .Maile William, Godmanchester Newell John Dickenson, High st Phillips William, Godmanchest-jr Sisman Henry, Highst ^ unttn5»on6f)ilt. HUNTINGDON, &c. ^Iatti'0 TAILORS- Continued. Tlioilay William, Godmaiichester Wdodwaid Thomas, High st Woolstone James, I'riiices st Woolstnne William, Brampton TALLOW CHANDLERS. HndMin John, Ciodmaiichester Miller John, Hieh st TANNERS. Mailc John (Acnrrier^, George l-ine Markhain Cornerms Aiibuiy, God- niancliester Martin Downcs, Godmaiicliester TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Ansel, Tliomas Dixon, Hriimpton Barleyiiiow , William Pindard, Haitford Bell, Ann Cooch, Brampton [i-heslrr Black Bull, Emanuel Hooper, Godman- BulUGporge Purser, Brampton Cross Keys, JelTery Sinilli, High st Polphiri, Thomas Webb, High st [st Duke o(Ciimberland,Wra.Cou'man, High Falcon, William Osborn, Market hill Golden Lion, Sarah Scate, Germain st Horseshoe, Henry Pixon, Brampton Horseshoe, John Fisher, Giidmanchester Huntingdon Arms, .Sarah Smith, Hij;h st Queen's ne:id..Iolin Chatlerton, High st Queen's Hpad,J oh n Saints, (lodnianchester Red Lion, Samuel Fisher, Godnianchester Rose & Crown. Robert Fudey, Aorthend Royal 0;ik, 'I'hos. Jarvis, Godmanchester Royal (»ak, Henry Marin, High st [hill Ship & Chequers Jolin Hampson, Maiket Spread Ea^K-, John Purser. High st Sun, Benjamin Strangard, High st Three Tuns Joseph Clarke, High st AVaterloo House, Wm. Favell, High st M'hite Hall. Joseph Ahbolt, Brampton White Hart,. lames Bates, Godmanchester AVhite Hart, James Smith, High st While Horse. Richard Brown, Northend White Lion, Jter ThonK Joiiii, iS'iinh end WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS. Kiirley John, High st Gatward -Suniiel, Hisli .st f Jiiariierio I'eter, Hiuh st Peacock John, Hi^h st WHEELWRIGHTS. James William, Godmanchester Murphy Frederick, Godmanchester Perriii Ale.\'aiider, Brampton Stiang\vaidJohn,St.Atidrew's place Tebbtitt Thomas, St. Andrew's place W^INE Sc SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Cooch Samuel Edwanl, .Market liill Herbert Dennis (spirit), High st Vea.sey Charles, jun. & Co High st Miscellaneous BakerJos parish clerk, Godmanchester Balfour James, house agent. Princes st Campbell Joseph, fishmonger, High st Duggan John, billiard rooms, Germain st Flanders William, dyer. High st Franks John, beehive maker, the Common Gustance Daniel John, house agent, &c. Godmanchester Hatchard Thomas, sub-distributer of stamps, Godmanchester [chester Herring Thomas, furniture broker, God- Housden Ann. poulterer, High st Howson Jas. & Son, woolstaplers, Highst LangstonThof. parish clerk, Brampton Lovell Thomas, surveyor. High st Maddison Chas. carver & gilder. High st Mark ham A ubury, fruiterer, God mancbestr Meynell William John, inland revenue officer, Northend [High st Newell Jolin Dickenson, parish clerk. Peacock John, brass founder, High st Pine John, file maker, Godmanchester Smith Elizabeth Jane, slay maker, Ger- main st [Oak lane IJpchurch John, parish clerk. Royal Ward John, rope & twine maker,Nortiiend PLACES OF WORSHIP, AND THEIU MINISTERS. All Saints' Church, Huntingdon — Rev. Richard Haworth, rector Saint Mary's Church, Huntingdon — Rev. Francis Bourdillon, vicar. Sai.nt Mary's Church, Godmanchester — Rev. Charles Grav, vicar. Saint Mary's Church, Brnmpton — Rev. Thomas James Mackee, vicar. All Sai.nts' Church, Hartford — Rev. Daniel John Hopkins. Baptist Chapel, Godmanchester- Rev. William Brown. Friends' Meeting House, High st, Huntingdon. (vacant.) I.NDE PEN UK NT Chap EL, Godmanchester, Indkpknuent Chapel, Heriford {ministers vnrinvs.) Union Chapel (Independents and Bap- tists), Godmanchester & Huntingdon — Rev. James Henry Millard, Wksleyan Chapel, Huntingdon (initiisters r«n'o»s. ) CiimsTCHURCH Chapel, Huntingdon — Rev. John Westwood. POOR LAW UNION. Workhouse, Northend. .I7ns(('r— Patrick Trench. .1/((^v,H— Mary Trench. Si Ifiulmistress — Matilda Fromont. cUiiplnin — Rev. Richard Haworth. .Snriiron — Michael Foster. Clerk to the'Iioard of Guardians— WilUatc .(ones Mellor. lirlicving Ojlicers — Richard Bond, Ram- sey; Edwil.Goodwick, (iodmnuchester. REGISTRARS, OF niKTUS, DKATIIS & M ARHI AGES. Suprrintendeiil Registrar — William Jones Mellor, High street UEGISTRARS OF BIRTHS & DEATHS. Richard Bond, Ramsey ; Edward Good- rick, Godmanchester; and Henry Ran- dall [reijislrur uf marriages), High SL County Gaol, Stukeley f road ■ George Smith, governor; Rev, Henry Aufjustus Maule, chaplain. County Hall, Godmanchester. County Infirmary and Dispensary, the Walk — Martha Cant, matr.m; Rev. John Fell, choptam. Gas Works, Port Holme side— George Morris Fox, secrelarg. Inland Revenue Office, at the George Inn- John \ anns^, svpervisnr, Liti-uary & Scientific I.iistiTution, Hi^jh st — Geo. MorrisF'ox, secretary. Police .Station, High street — Joseph Yates, superintendent. Registry Office for the Arch- deaconry op Huntingdon, Market hill — Charles Margetts, re^is/iar. Stamp (Jfeke, ISIarket hill — Samuel Edward Cooch, distnbuter. Town Hall, Market hill-John Maile, keeper. COACHES, Fruiii the George Inn. To BEDFORD, the Iwtes, every after- noon (Suriday excepted), at three To CAMBRIDGE, the Old Rising Sun, every afl;ernoon (Sun. excepted), Kimboltoii Castle — the seat of the Duke of Manchester; the mansion is au ancient an'l beautiful stone building, sitnnted in an exiensi«e park. This castle was the jointure, and l>ecame the retire- ment of Uueen Katberine, after her divorce from the sensual and inconstant Henry VIIL : it was here she died, on thefitb of January, 153(), and was interred iu Peterboiougb cathedral. In this paiish are the re- jiiaiiis of Stoncly piioiy, a convent of canons of the order of '>t. Auijustine, dedicated to the Blessed Vir- gin, by VVilliain de IMandevillc, Karl of Essex, about the beginning of tbe twelfth century. The inhabitants are chiefly employed in agriculture; some of the females are occupied in lace making, and there i«? ^ little malting business. Kiinholton confers the infe- rior title of Baron on the Unke of Manchester; this nobleman is lord of the manor, and his representative holds a court leet and baton, at which a constable is appointed. The fiist Earl of Manchester was a native of this place, and a parliatneiitary geneial in ilie civil war. The parisli chuidi of Saint Andrew is a ])andsonie building, with a lofty spire: the livinu is a vicarage, in the arcbdeaconry of Huntingdon, in the presentat'i. n of the nobleman before mentioned ; the lev. Tlionias Ainsworth. is the piesent incumbent. The Moravian.s and Wesleyan Methodists have each a chapel, and the Baptist and Independents' worship in one building,', called the Union Chapt-l. Tbe fite giatnmar school heie was endowed in the reign of Edward VI. : lately has been connected with it an Agriculmrai College of great utility, and being conducted with great ability by the present superintendent and masters, has becon)e one of the tuost tlonrisliing establishments of the kiu'l in the county. The market is held (m Kiiday, and tha fairs on tbe Fridays in Easter and VVhitsun -weeks, the first Friday after Micliaelmas-dav, and Dtceinbcr 11th. The parish of Kimbolton, contained in 1831, 1.584 iidiabitants, and in 1841, I,(i34. POST OFFICE, High-street, George Craddock, Post blaster. — Letters from London and all paita arrive every morning at half-past six, and are despatcl.ed at half-past seven in the evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY, AND CLERGY. Ainsworth Rev. Thomas, Vicarage, Ci.urcb yard Arnold Mr. John, West end Beedham Mr. John, (attorney), Lotidon road Bloodworth Mr. Charles, Front st Cant Mis. Mary, Front st Day Thomas, Est]. Wornditch House Edgar Rev. Samut'I, Stonelev Laitig Professor Frederick, High st Latig Rev. James, Back st Mancliestcr, His Grace the Duke of, Kimbolton Cattle Marson Rev. Charles, Back st Peck Mrs. Mary, West end Quick Mis. Mary, Front st Smith Mrs. Sarah, Thiapstone road Thorntr'n Rev. John, School House, Chuicb end [ley Cottage Welstead Mrs. AmeliaSophia, Stone- I Welstead Benjamin, Esq. High st WeNteadMarrion,Esq.Stoneley Hall i Wilson Mr. Joseph, Stonehy academies and schools. Agricultuisal College & Gram- iviAR SctiooL, Cliurch yaid — Rev. JohiiTliornton, head master; Professor Frederick Laing, &Mr. John Dixon, assistant masters Duke of Manchester's School, Church end — Benjamin Clark, n)aster Infants' School, Cliuich end — Emily Mameits, mistress North Einnia, Smneley BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Cook Henry, Stoneley Flanders Thomas, Back st Flandeis Thomas, jun. Front st Measures Isaac, (and conftciioiier), Front street BASKET MAKERS. Hiiich Thomas, Thrapstone road Richardson Leonard, Knck st BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND PRINTERS. Brewster Wm. (stationer). Back st Craddock George, {ik. sub.distribu- ter of stamps), Front st GudgeonGeorgeBurnham,(statiouer) Church lane Hall Charles, Front st Ibbb Charles, Froutit BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Allison George, Tlirapstone road D)son J(d)n, Back st Frver John, Back st Wilson Geoige, 'I'hrapstone road BRAZIERS AND TINMEN, etc.. Mee Samuel, 'I'hrapstone road Noble Samuel, .Market place BREWERS. Hatfield William, Front st Henderson William, Front st BUTCHERS. Beesley Charles, Bark st Bull Benjamin, IJack st .Millard William, Front s.t Scruby Joseph, Lc/ndon road CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Colls John, Siomley Puiteiill Thomas, London road Wright John, Front st CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Goo'llitfe John, Little S'aughion Gndgeoii George Bnrnham, (and china & glass dealer , Church lane COOPERS. Hasten William, High st Hatfield William, Front st Turner John, Church yard FARMERS. Blott Thomas, Little Staugiiton Britten E'lwaid, Back st Brown Robeit, Market place Browning William, LitileSiaughton Day Tlioinas, Wornditch Hall John Bonlton, Wornditch Hensman William, Front st Hind Thomas, High st Hovrell William, Little Staughton Luccock Samuel, Sioneley Moore Sami'el, Little Staughton Parish William. Little Staughton Peck J (din. Old roail Smith John, Little Staughton Welstead Benjamin, Stoneley FIRE &c., OFFICE AGENTS. County, (fire), William Annals, Little Stauuhton [Front st Farmers', Charles Bloodworth, I Provident, (life), WiUiani. Annals, Little Staughton I Si;n, John Coiitin, London road GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Raines Joseph, Front st Brewster William, Back st Carter Henry, Back st (Jiddiiigs Aiin, Front st Goodlitfe John. Litile Staughton Pier-on Thomas Underwood, (tea dealer), Market place Smith (ieorge, Stonehy Wilson George, Tlirapstone road INNS. — COMMERCIAL. (See also Taverns (^ Public Houses.) Georue & Dragon, William Henry Ibbs, High st [place White Li(Mi, Robert Brown, Market LAND AGENT & SURVEYOR. Bloodworth Thomas, Front st LINEN, &c., DRAPERS. Baines Joseph, Front st Carter Heniy, Back st Co|)land Alexander, Bark st Pierson Thomas Underwood, Mar- ket place Walker Jabez, Bat k st MALTSTERS. Hensman William, Front st ibbs William Heniy, Front st MILLINRES &DKESS MAKRS. AUi.soM Mary, Days yard [rd Brayhrook Elizabeth, Thrapstone Millanl Mary Ann. High st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, &c. vVaiishrough William John, Thiap- stone ro.id Wimperis John, Front st SADDLERS. Dav Joseph, Little Staughton Day William, Ft out st STRAWr BONNET MAKERS. Wilson Marv, Fiont st Wright Sarah, Market place SURGEONS. Fernie Andrew, Front st Fernie Peter, Back st Hemming Joseph Hughes, Front st Sprague Charles, Thrapstone road TAILORS. Craddock William, Stoneley Favell & Hotson, Front st L-'e William Elijah, Church yard ?f^untinsl«onsDiic KIM BOLTON. ^laui'g^ TAI LORS-f 'on/i/iueJ. Perkins William, Baci; st Salmon William, I5;ick st Walkor Alu-l, l?a( k >-t WiUcii) John, Fioiii st W'iNoii S,imni-l,(iS: brefclies maker), 'riiiaii^toiie roar] TAVEKNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Crown, Uoliert Jiis;i;;in, Front st ReJ Lion, Saml.HnwIett, Little Staughton Saddle. Thomas Sharp, l-'ront st Sun, William Niinish, Hish st While H.irt, William Siuitll, Liltle fSt'iunhlon Retailers of Beer Brookes Jolin, Slone!i-v Bull Klizaheth.Back st Coslin Mary, IJnck st Day James, Little StiUghton llotson Stephen. Front St Ihbs diaries, Hii;h st James Thomas, IVewtown Peacock Lucy, Little Staiiijhton West Edward, l,i>ndon road VVrJKht Jolin, I'loiit st \VATCH MAKERS. Clare Josi'|)li,(>V ;;iin >niitl]), Front st I'eacock William, Fioiit st Miscellaneous Annals William, reijistrar of liirth?,dcatlis and marriafU's, Li'.lle Siaiifjhton lierdhani Joliii, attorney, Loniloii road Braybrook Henry, blacksmith, Uiijli st Brewster William. Iinir dresser, Backst Britten Edward, tanner, Bai-k st Craddock Gcoige, halter. Front st Dickins Chas. veterinary surgeon, Back st Do<{gett John, inland revenue ollicer, B.ick street Ellis William, bricklayer. Back st Fairy Thomas, ironmonger. Front st Hall Charles, h.iir dresser, Front st Hazleby !{obt.wheelwiighf,Thrapstone r<1 Horsford Charles, bricklaver. West ejid Ihbs Lewis Jas. aiictioneer.Thrapstone rd Ibhs W illiam, parish clerk, Back st Inland Ricvenuf. Oi'fick, at the White Lion Inn -John 'I'ncker. supervisor Parish James, ijardener, lallle Stau'^hton I'ierson Thomas Umlerwood, high con- stable for the hundred. Market place Uuick John, grazier Higlist Smith 'I'homas, corn dealer. Market place TuckerJohn,snpervisorol inland revenue, Kimbolton [Thrapstone road fl'ilson Job, Ejlover and breeches maker, Wright John, cabinet maker. F'rout st OMNIBUSES. To BEDFORD, Charles Ibhs, from his hon.si',nigh St. every Monday ,Tnesday, U'ednesdav. Thursday and Saturdny To HUNTINODON, Geori;c Craddock, from his house, Hicb st, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and Charles Ibhs, from his house, Hish st, Saturday. To ST. NEOIS, Charles Ibbs, from his house, Hiijh street, every Thursday To THRAI'SrONE, GeorRe Craddock, from his house, High street, every Tuesday and Friday RAILWAY. The nearest .S7(/(io»v are at Bkufohd Blktchlky and Tiikapstonk, each about twelve miles from Kimbolton There are regular Conveyances to the Bedford and 'I'hrapstoue stations as above given CARRIERS. To BEDFORD, Charles Ibhs, Monday, Tue-idav. Wednesday, Thursday & Sat. To HUNTINGDON, George Craddock, Monday. Wednesday and Friday, and Charles Ibbs, Saturday To sr. NEOTS, Chas. Ibbs, Thursday To IIIRAI'STONE, George Craddock, Tuesday and Friday K.' RAMSEY, WITH THE VILLAGES OF BURY AND WAIIBOYS AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. •\.MSEV, one of the most extensive pcirislies iiilof tlie fen land is r('claimal)le, and, wlien prepared the coiintv, is in the hiitidridof Hiustingstone — tiie for tiie seed, generally yields large crops of wlieat market town is (;8 miles n. by w. from London, 15 s. and oat>. The high grounds are all appropriated to K. from I'eteiliorough, 12 N. from Huntingdon, 9 ! gra/itii;, N. liy w. from St. Ives, and tiie same distance s. from , The parish church of the Blessed Virgin (or as Whittlesey (Camluidgr) — the three last nameil placi'S | somy authorities say, Saint Thomas ;\ Becket), is i)eitig railway stations in connexion with the ICastein partly Norman and partly in tiie early style of Englisli Comities line. The lown is situated at the foot of a architecture : ilie living is a |)erpetual curacy in tlie liill, on the holder of the fens; and for sevt ral ceiitii- gift of the loril of the 'iiaiior. There are places of wor- lies it was widely fame I for iis alibiy, wliich obtained ship for liaptists, Unitarians and Wesleyan Methodists, the appellation of ' Ramvey t'ue llicli' on arcotint of Thecliaritiescompris.' two public schools, several sets its extraordiii.iry wealth and exten>ive pf)ssessions : it of almshouses, and a fund for apprenticing poor chil- was coiiseciated in 'J'Ji, and dissolved in 1540. The i dreii, besides pirochial gifts to the poor. The market abbot of this great estallisliment wa< iiiitied, ranked is held on Wednesday, and a fair for cattle, earthen- with the nobility, and sat in the liouse of lords as ' ware, toys, &c. on the 22d of July. The population of liaron of lirou^^liton : he possessed, besides, ' many i the parish in 1831, was .''jOOb". and in 1841, ;5,6"80. oilier and gieat privileges,' conferred by cliaiters from I About one mile south fr(|ue appear- I'pwood,and Great Raveley, and part of thepirishes | aiice when viewed fiom Ramsey. The hunk or caiise- t [st llaveii-croft (Jeorge [& wine). High .Southain Jidin, Grc.it White STONE MASONS. Batemai! I-aac, jnn. (ireat White Deacon .lolin, Warboys W^rd Thomas, Gie.it Wliite STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Armitage Elizabeth, Rury Bedford Susanna, High st Palmer Mary, Higii st Sweaiy Elizabeth, Great White SURGEONS. Bates Charles Pope, High st Campion Joliii, Warboys Frew Wiliiam, Hijh st Ridlington Hicks, Gieat White SURVEYORS. Sec Land ^gruts (i)ul Surveyors. TAILORS. Abbott Elizabeth, High st Ahbott (ieorge, (Jreat White Alibiitt Henrv, Great While Abbott John," High st Curtis John Henry, Warboys Ciistancc James, Warbovs Eldred Abraham (& batter),High st Klmer John, Warboys (iiuner John, Great White Mitcbill James Gr.at While Pope James, Warboys Ringiose Geort;e, New Town RiiiL'io^e Richard, Great White Ringrose Thomas, Great White Storey James, Bury TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Anchor, Joseph Tliompson, Hitfli st Angel, William Papworth, High »t Boat, William Bel'amy, Great While Cock, Lewis How, Warlioys (iioige, Thomas (Jrange, Warboys Jolly Sailor, Win. Behagi;, Great White Pelican, Sarah Rogers, Waihoys Rose and Crown, Mary Cattling, High st Three Horseshoes, Geo. Ross,Little While While Hart, Isaac How, Warboys White Horse, William Potton, High st Fetailers of Beer Alprey Agnes, Warboys Ashley Benjamin, W.irboys liarretl Isaac, Great White Clark Middleton, Warboys Clarke William, Warboys Collitt .lobn, Great While Cordeil Francis, Bury Fletrher James, Waihoys Fre.'-lier Henry, Hiuh st Green Thomas, High st Ililsoii William, (ireat White Hodson Thomas. Warboys Howes Robert, Warboys Hull John, Lillle While Hull William, Warboys Moore William, Little While Moulds John, Warboys Newlon Thomas Rose, High st Papworth Stephen, Great While Robinson Charles. Great White Rose Miiry Ann, Great VA'liite W ood mil I'll lima s, Bury WoDllty Hilliani, Great While VETERINARY SURGEONS. JMiUerCliailes, (ireat White Alaiiii George, Waiboys Tliorey iMauiiew, Wmboys WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Uenidge Robert, High st Smith Joliii, High st Ve.-sev Chailes, High st WrHEELWRIGHTS. Rateman John, Great White Ciistance Tliom is Warboys Diing Oliver, Waiboys HodsMii William, Wa'rlioys Johnson John, Higii st King Thomas, Warboys Straiigward David, High st Miscellaneous Raker William, coach maker. High st Billing Warren, cooper. High si Blind Richard, registrar of births and deaths, (ireat White Bradley Maria, printer. High st Campion John, registrar of births anJ deaths, W arboys Collf tt Jolin.reed merchant. Credit Wliite (iroomes Mary, fancy repository, High st Inland Rkvemje Office, at the George Inn — John Young, supervisor Jakes Thomas, rope maker, Warboys Jones William Meller, superintendent reiiistrar. High street Literary In-stitution', Great Whiter Rev. Matthew Henry Crofts, secretary Mutton Wm. parish clerk, (Jnat White Newton Loui-a, stay maker. High st Palmer Stephen, millwright, Newlown Scott Robert, spring maker, High st Vessey Charles, bird preserver. High st Vessey Joseph, brazier & tinman, High st Vickers George, inland revenue oIKcer, High street PLACES OF WORSHIP, AND THEIR MINISTERS. CnrrRCH of the Blessed ViRoitr, Ramsey— Rev. Charles Hippnff Bing- ham, inrifmienf. The Church of the Holy Cross, Bury— Rev. Andrew Payne, incumbent. Saint Mary Macuai.ene's Church, Warboys — Rev. VA'm. Finch, incumbent. Baptist Chapel, Great White— Kev. Matthew Henry Crofts, minister. Baptist Chapel, Wui boys— Rev. David Irish, minister. Unitarian Chapel, High street. Weslevan Methodist Chapels, High street; Warboys, and Newtown. Puimn ivE Methodist Chapel. RAIIj\VAY. The nearest .5(ii /i"«s are at Saint Ives and Whittlesft, on ihe Eastern Counties LiNE,y miles from Ramsey. AnO/n»n7/j/sto tlieWiu rTLESEY Station, from John Loenck's, High street, -every morning at nine. CARRIERS. To CHATTI;RIS. Snelling Pepper, fiom his house, (jreat White, Friday To HUNTINGDON, Thomas Blount, from the Crown; Samuel Fountain, from hii. house, Little White ; Thomas Goodburn, from his house, F'orty-foot bridge, Monday, and Smiling Pepper, friini his house. Great \\bite; and to SAINT IVF,S, the same Carriers uii S;iHirday. To WHirTI.F.SF.Y, John I.ant, from bis hou-e, H igh street, daily, and Sanil. Founlaiii, iVom Litlle White, Friday ST. IVES, Wiril TllK VILLAGi:S OF (3Vr,R, F!<:N-STAN|-()N, Hi:.\llNGF()RD-.\BB()TS, HKiMINGFORD (iREY, HOUGHTON, WIT TON AND NKIGHBOIHUIOOD.S. or. I\'i",.S is a parish in the hundred of Hursting- |)ersereiatue. The tnwn is seated on tiie north bank of the river Oiise, which is eiossed by a gnod stone uiiilge ; the ajipioaih to the liridge from the l/ondcm mail leceived great impioviim nt in 1822, by the con- stiiution of a causeway supported upon aiclics, and leaching a coiisideiable distance ; by this means a free or. IVivS is a parish in the hundred of Hursting- ^tune — the market town is .'I'J miles n. by w. from l.iiiidoii (71 by rait), 12 n. w. liom Cambridge, and (i i;. Inmi Huntingdon ;Mtiiated on the Eastern Coumies ruiluuv, at ihejiiiiftiiiii of the Ka>-t Anglian line. Tin- tiiwii w.is by the Saxons c.illed S/t'/ic, and in Doinesday- book it is mentioned by that name ; tlicie is a manoi ill the jiarish to wiiich thii designation is still apiilied. It appi ars that it obtained tlie name of .St. Ives from Ji-o, a Persian archbishop of peculiar .'saiictiiy, who is sai(l to have travelled tliiou«h Kiiglatid, about the year CMK lueaching the gospel witli c.\tiaoidiiiaiy zeal and 10 )assage is afforded at pei iodswluiit he liver overflows — an occurrence not unlre(|uent. The streets are well paved, and gas-lighted from worlis erected in 18."i8; and the inhabitants aie ainidy sujiplied with water. It is intended to erect a statue of the Protector Crom- well— baiut Ives being liis place of residence at the IBirectoip. ST. IVES. ?guntut5lrDit0]^tre Tlie market, a comniencemeiitof his public and eventful life; and his I tastefully arranged, with lodye &c. sign^iture may still b- seen upon the church books here. | vei y large one for corn and caitl'e. Is held on Monday" The 'New Instiintion,' a buiMini> lately erected by , and the fairs on Wbit-Monday for horses and cattle' public subscriptions, is for literary and scientific pur- | and IMichaelnias-day for hoises, cheese, &c. The poses, besides being adapted for public meetings, i population of the parish, in 1831, was 3,314 and in lectures, concert*, &c. The town comprises two 1811, 3,514. ' manors— that of Slepe ht'fore mentioned, and the manor of liuritellars: for these a court baron and a customary court are held, twice annually, under the Dul;e of Manchester. The inagistiates for the division assemble every Monday, and a county court under the new act is held monihly for the rccoi'ery of debts to any amount not e.Kceeding £50. Saint Ives is the centre of an ex- OvERis apaiishin the hundred of Papworth, county ofCiinbridge— thevill,ige,acoiisideial)leone,issituated about 4 miles e by s. from Saint Ives, Huntingflon, neai to the boundary of the two counties, and the river Onse. 'i'he pari-h is stiictly an a';riculiural one, and the inhabitants of the village are in occupations con- nected with that interest. The places of worship are tensive union under the new poor law, for the purposes the parish church of Saint Mary, a handsome buildini' nf»«7i,;^i. M,t>i»;B-.. >i,„„.i.r,inp iiia,i«nr.P.;.iu,. cin,-.f;.in aiul cliapcls for iiajitists and Methodists. The living of Ov(r is a vicaraae in the gift of the JNl asters and Fellows of Clare Hall, Camhridye. The parish con- tained, by the returns for 1831, 989 inhabitants and in 1841, l,liy. Rather more than 2 miles s. from Saint Ives is the village of Ken-Stanton, situated on the main road leading from Saint Ives to Cambridge; the parish is intersected by the river Oase. About the like distance west from Saint Ives is Hemingford Abdots; a sbort distance to the east of the latter place is Hemingford- Grey; about a mile to the north-west is Houghton; and adjoinins to Houghton is VVitton. 'J'hese are all inconMderable villages and parishes, destitute of com- mercial importance; ihey are in the same hundred as Saint Ives, and have each their pari li church. Their populfitioii respectively by the returns for 1841, was as follows:— Fen-Stanton, 1,032; Hemingford-Ab- BoTS, 564; Hemingford-Grey, 910; Houghton 422, and WfTTON, 257. ' of which there is a poor-house, iti an agret able situation, within about two hundred yards off the Cambridge and VVi^beach road. No paiticular branch arrow John, Fen-Stanton Witherow Charles, Fen-Stanton Yorke Daniel, Over BANKERS. Foster Ebenezer, & Charles Finch, & George Ebenezer, (Brancli of Cambridge Bank), Bridge st . (draw on Prescott, Grote & Co., Londonl—Thomas Uiph, manager London & County Joint Stock Banking Co.mpany, Bullock Market— (draw on the head office London) Augustus Fabian, manager Rust &. Veasey, Sheep Market (draw on Masterman, Peters, & Co., London) Savings' Bank, Bullock Market (open on Monday's)— John Blis- ard Goggs, actuary BASKET MAKERS. Ballard Jas.(& sieve). Sheep Alarket Brown George Hall, Bridge st II ^xxntin^hon^hivt* ST. IVES. ^latcr'15 BLACKSMITHS. Byson Joseph, Fen-Stantou Chapman John, Back st Diing Edward, Back st Fowier James, Fen-Slanton Gardner Tliomas, Houghton Hilton John, Over Jeffs James, Cromwell place Papvvortli Prior, Fen-Stauton Standon Francis, Hemingford Abbots Taylor William, Back st BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND PRINTERS. Chapman Maria, Crown st Gardner Susan, Crown si Skeles Geoige, Sheep Market BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Austin James, Sheep Market Bakei Joim, Bullock Market Carter Thomas, Fen-Stanfou Fovanjue John. Bullock Market Ford Edward, Houghton Haines VVni. Heiiiingford-Abbots Hall William, Fen-Stanton Hart Tliomas, Hemingford-Abbots Rolls John, Fen-Stanton ToUady Joseph, Bridge st Tollady William, Merrylaiid Whell.tms William, Crown st BREWERS. CooteJohn, Fen-Stanton Coote William Eaden, Waterside Earl Thomas, Unicorn yard Hopkins John Arthur, Crown st Lindsell Thonias, Cambridge road Osborne Martini Allpress, Bullock Market BRICK MAKERS. Pyett John, Wisbeach road Maile William, Waits Thorpe Samuel, Needingworth BRICKLAYERS AND PLAS- TERERS. Beldom John, Fen-Stanton Harrison John, Feu-Stanton JVlason John, Sheep Market Shafe James, Hemingford-Abbots Witherow James, Fen-Stanton BUTCHERS. Marked thus • are Pork Butchers. •Aldous George, Fen-Stanion Allpress Holiert, Fen-Stautou Burgess VVilliam, Bridge st Campion Mary, Merrylnnd Crane IVilliam, Houghton Edwards Jolin, Ciown st Ekins William, Waits •Hewson William, Merryland [pi •Hewsoii William, jun., Cromwell Hill Joseph, Hcmiiigford Grey Holland Thomas, Meeting lane Kington 'I'homas, Biidge st Moreton Elizabeth, Houghton Nortrnp David, Waterside •Offley John, liuUock Market Peach John, Houghton Presl.ind John, Heaiingford Grey •Havcioft Mary, Mcrrvlmci Reynolds Uohe'rt, Bullock ^Market Robinson George, liridge st Rooke Thomas, Nrt'dingwoitli •Sliai |) Joseph, Hnuyhton WMldack Frederick, Mitep Market •Wehb George, Waterside •Wooldridte Thomas, Bridie st CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Cope Henry, Crown st Gr)odyer William, Back st Kiddle Edwiird, Bridge st Mc.Kcnzic Edward, V'ine yaid Peace William, Cromwell place Skeeles "George, Crown st J2 CARPENTERS, JOINERS, AND BUILDERS. Bunting George, Fen-Stanton Finding Joseph, Cromwell place GiddinsJohn, Heuiiugfoid Grey Giddius 'I'hos., Hemingford-Abbots Giddiiis William, Heniingford Grey Goodyer William, Back st Hariison Sparrow, Fen-Stanton Maile William, Back st Meadows James, Sheep IMarket Shelford Wm., Hemingford-Abbots Skeeles George, Crown st Smallhones Williau), Merryland Smith James, Fen-Stanton Stafford & Noble, Back st Sutton John, MerrylanU CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Goggs John Blisard, Bullock Market Muir David, Bridge st Nix & Wasdale, Bullock Market Prior Thomas, Bridge st Stocker Thomas (and soda water manufacturer). Bridge st Taylor John Usher Market liill CHINA, GLASS, &c., DEALERS. Savage Anne, Sheep Market Ulph John Birt, Crown st COACH MAKERS. Archdeacon 'I'homas, West end Woods William, Hemingford Grey COAL DEALERS. Bloom William, Biidgtfoot Breese Thomas, Water lane Cooch Thomas, Waterside Field James, Wati rside Lindsell Thomas, Cambridge road Ulph Samuel Dore, Back st CONFECTIONERS. Burges John, Back st Chaplin Hepzibah, Crown st Constable Susanna, Bnllock Market COOPERS. Askew Reid, Over Harrison Fletcher, Sheep Market Newmati Thomas, Sheep Market CORN DEALERS. Cooch Thomas (&seed). Waterside Gifford William, Bridge st Lindsell Thomas, Cambridge road (latcliife Samuel, Crown yard Ulph Samuel Don:, Back st CURRIERS. Gihlett Willi.tm, Waterside Hopkins John Arthur, Ciown st VVarner John, Sheep Market DYERS. Lance Richard, Sheep Market Stratton Joseph, Waterside FARMERS. Allpress George, Fen-Stanton Beecher James, Hemingford Abbots Brown Potio, Houghton Butcher Stephen, Houghton Coote John, Fen-Stantou DainireeJlobtrt, Hemingford Abbots Fordham Tiioma-, Fen-Stanton Fuller Robert, Heiningfoid-Ahbols Giddins Henry, Hemingford-Abbots (jiffoid Joseph, Over (iifford Thoui.is, Over (iiceii Chailes, Ciown st GunuelWiHianiIleniini;foi, Houghton Norman Jonathaii, Hemiugfoid- Abbots Orage Thomas, Fen-Stauton Prior James, Over Silks Robert, Over Tavlor Williani, Back st Wasdiile Matthew, Wood Hurst Williams Edward, Over FARRIERS. Fowler James, Feu-Stanton Hilton John, Over Taylor William, Back st FIRE, Stc, OFFICE AGENTS. Alfred (life), James Osborne Beck, Bridge st [Market Atlas, Allpress&Lawrence,Bullock BttiTisH Empire, Cornelius Robin- son, Crown st CtTY OF London (iife),JohuUsber Taylor, Market hill County (hail storm), and Mutual, (life), Augustus Fabian, Bullock Market [Crown st County (fire), John Birt Ulph, General fhail storm), Ulph and Paul, Bridge st Grfsham [declined life'l, Augnstus Faluau, Bulloik Market Law (fire), Frederick WiUiam 'I'horp, Sheep Market London Assurance Corporation (fire), Augustus Fabian, Bullock iMarket [Bullock Market Mutual (life), Augustus Fabian, Norwich Union, (fire & life), Ulpli & Paul, Bridge st Pelican (life),Fredk.Parry,Bullock Market [Market Pii»EMX (fire),Fredk.Parry,Bullock Property PROTECTioN,JolmUsher Taj lor. Market hill PROTESTANTDlSSENTERS,CorneliuS Corthorn, Sheep Market Provident (life), Jolin Birt Ulph, Crown street fst Rock (life), Thomas Ulph, Bri(fge Royal Insurance, John Watts, Back stret t [st Suffolk (fire), John Frank, Crown GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. Bays William, Merryland Begbie Thomas, Bullock Market Clarke Thomas, Hemingford Grey Everitt James, Back st Piiigoti James, Crown st Pntterill I'hilip, Back st Stevens Jacob, Sheep Market GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS. (See fil.so Shopkeepers, 8(c.) Bush Thomas, Sheep Market Cattell James Wallis, Over Diiinville Heiiiy Perry, Bridge st Hardy James, Fen-Stantou Johnson John, Maikei hill Nix & Wasdale (and tallow chan- dlers), Bullock Marktt Sargaiii 'Thomas, Bullock Market S.tvage Aiiiie, Sheej) Market Stevens Jacol), Bullock Maiket Stocker Thomas, Bridge si White Robert, Bridge st Whiiwell Joseph, Needingworth HAIR DRESSERS. Butler William, Biidge st Claike George, Meir\land Maithews 'Thomas, Crown st Mutton Frederick (and perfumer). Crown street Seward William, Market hill HATTERS. Atlwood Roger, Sheep Market Clavtoii Henry, Biirige ^i Heiier Robert, Bullock Market Toller VViiliam, Bridge st Bivntov^* ST. IVES, &c. JgunttnglKottiSfiivt. Upshcr Joseph, & Tlionms Faux, Shfep Market Wrtts..ii Hayloc-k, Bridge St VVillsoii VVilU.im, Crown st INNS- COMMERCIAL & POSTING. (See also Taverns Sf Public Houses.) Geoige.RobertSiieatli, Fen- Stanton Golileu Lion, Jolin Clarke, Sheep Market [Market Unicorn, Francis Earl, Bullock IRONMONGERS. RRAZIERS.fic TIN-PLATE WORKERS. Ulpli & Paul (and dealers in bar iron), Bridue st Tllph John Birt, Crown st Waldock & Son (& ironfonnders), Briilge street LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS AND MERCERS. Cattell James Wallis, Over Clayton Henry, Bridge >t Hatdy Janus, Feti-Sfanton Hobinson &Corthorn, Sheep Market Toller William, Bridije street Upsher Joseph & Thomas Faux, Sheep Market Whitwell Joseph, Needingvvorth VVillson William, Crown st MALTSTERS. Coote John, Fen-Stanton Codte Thomas, VVisbeach road Coote VVm. ICaden, Bullock Market Earl Thomas, Unicorn ynid Lambert Joseph, Fen-Stan;on Osborne, Martin & Allpress, Bul- lock Market Tiiorpe William, NeedinE;vvorth Wasdale, Gifford & Knight, Hem- ingford Giey MERCHANTS. Conte Thomas & William Eadcn, Bullock Market Lindseil Thoinns, Cambridge road Ulph Samuel Dure, Back st MILLERS. Ashton Aipress, Bridge st Brown Potto, Hongliton Mills Clark George, Bullock Market Hanly Rubert, Fen-Stanton Harris I'homas, Meeiing lane Lambert Cornelius, Fen-Stanton Seekings Samuel, Waits Wasdale, Gilford & Knight, Heni- ingford Grey Watts Joseph, Hetningford Grey MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS Caiinam Rebtcca Knight, Back st Cox Ann, Ktidge st Cox Mary, Houghton Eden Mary, Back st [Market Green Elizabeth Osborne, Sheep Hines Fanny, Mcrryland Hodson Harriet, Fen-Stanton Johnstone Ann Eliza, MarUethill Payne Mary Ann, Crown st South & Jackson, Crown yard Toller Mary, Bridge st MILLWRIGHTS, Clarke John & George, Houghton Laiigran James, Hemingford Giey PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Peek VVilliam Osborne, Bridge st Salmon Richaid, Back st Sliarpe Jamc s. Crown yard Siorey James Back st SADDLERS AND HARNESS Tur A V V^ R S Gifford Wiliiiim, Bridge st Goggs Richard, Crown st Harvey Arcliib.dd, Bridge st Marsh Henry, Fen-Stanton Marsh John, Sheep Market SHOPKEEPERS & DEALRS IN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Aldous George, Fen-Stanton Blench Philip, Fen-Stanton Carter Thomas, Fen-Stanton Chambers Charles, Needingworth Clark George, Hougliton Dring Oliver, Clinrch end Elwiu Sarah, Waterside Haradine Snsun, Fen-Stanton Hives Richard, Merryland HoHidge John, Green st Itigle Horatio, Hemingford Grey Ingle John, Houghton Ingle William, Over King Elizabeth, Heminaford-Abbots Kitchen Joseph, Hemingford Grey Noble Robert, Sheep Market Payne Mary Ann, Crown st Pignott John, Back st Piggdtt William, Neerlingworth Prin Henry, Needingwortii Rider Jtdin, Green st Rolls Samuel, Fen-Stanton Tall VVilliam, Back st Whaley VVilliam, Waits Wright Isaac, Over SILVERSMTHS& JEWELLERS. Dumvile James, Bridge st [st Gnanerio Angelo (wholesale), Back Hurdy Samuel, Crown st SPIRIT MERCHANTS. [See also irine S( SfArit Merchants.) Lindseil 'J'horaas, Cambridge road C>sboriie Martin & Allpress, Bul- lock Market STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Chambers Eliza, Meeting lane C<)X Ann, Bridge st Cox Mary, Hougliton Eden Elizabeth, Back f^t Hives F"anny, Menyland Hods'in Harriet, Fen-Stanti n Johnstone Ann Eliza, Market hill Toller Mary, Bridge st SURGEONS. Cooper Oliver St. John, Back st Fosbroke VVm. Michael, Bridge st Girlling George Lansdall (and registrar of births & deaths), Bul- lock iVlarket Leigh John, Waterside TAILORS. Attwood Roger, Sheep Market Baker Alfred, Crown st Breeson IVlatthew William, Back st Frank John, Crown st Giddins Geo., Hemingford-Abbots Green John, Sheep Market Heffer Robert, Bullock Market Newman John, Hemingford Grey Robinson Cornelius, Crown st Smith Reuben James, Crown walk Stevens Clias.(& clothier), Bridge st Watson Haylock, Bridge st TAVERNS et PUBLIC HOUSES. Admiral Vernon, Charles Robinson, 0,Ter Carpenter!.' Arms, Matthew Walson, Hemingford Ahbols Chequers, Papworth Prior, Fen Stanton Cock, Thomas Jacob, Hemingford Grey Cow & Hare,.las. Loomes, Bulloik markt Cross Keys, \Vm. awes William, Hemingford Grey Day Josepli, Over Everett William, Bridge st Fearley \\ illiam, Over Finding Thomas, Merryland Foidh;im John, Hemingford Grey Gaunt James, Sheep market Glitherow Thomas, Waterside Grey Simuel, Green st Hopkins Thomas, Over How Henry. Wateiside Long Wi'son, Meeting lane Natt John, Hemingford Abbots Newman Thomas, Sheep market Nortrup David, Walerside Offley John, Bullock market Packer Thomas, Cambridge st Phillips John, Back st Presland John. Hemingford Grey Radford Danii I, Hemingford Abbots Reynolds Robert, Bridge st Robinson Stephen, Fon Staulon Sanders William, Hemingford Abbots Speiidlove James, Fen Slanton Slocker Robert, Bullock market Storey James, Back st Webb George, Waterside Winter Daniel. Waits Young Mary, Waterside VETERINARY SURGEONS. Garner Brand, Vine yard Green Anihony, Cromwell place Hill John, Back st WATCH 6c CLOCK MAKERS. Clarke Charle.s, Bullock Maiket Dumvile James, Bridge st Hardy Sanmel, Crown st WHEELWRIGHTS. Clack James, I'lg lane Hepher Robert, Ntedingworth Hitch VVaitlian, Fen-Stanton Ho|)kins Thomas, Over [hots Shelford William, Hemincford-.Ab- VVooils William, Hemingford Grey WINE& SPIRIT MERCHANTS. ( See also Spirit DJerc/ianis.) Green Ciiailes, Crown st Mann William, Bridge st IVIiscellaneous Allen George, architect and surveyor, Bullock market Arnsby Ekin, enpraver, Back st Barney William, waterman. Fen Stenton Cannon Charles Christopher.slone mason, Cromwell place Cemktbuy, Back road— John L'.sher Taylor, secretary [Wa'erside Chapman James & Richd. boat builders, Chever Josepli, tobacco-pipe maker, Cambridge road 13 J8uttt(tt5l(on!eift!re« ST, IVES, &c. ^latn'^ Miscellaneous— C<"i'in?'erf. Coocli Atiii, f incy repnsilory, B idge st Culpin Charles, implement maker. Crom- well place [Sheep market Docwra Henry, fishmonger & poulterer, Gas Wokks, Cambridge road -Benjamin Lister L\oii, secretary Goldiii;; Henry, tinner, SUeep market Hopkins John Arthur, jun. ginger beer maker, Sheep market Inland KtvKNUE Office, at the Union Inn— John Young, supervisor Lyon Benjamin Li^ter, fcllmonger, Bul- lock market New Institution, Crown yard — Noble llobinson, secretary Parry Frederick, siiperinteudent regis- trar. Bollock nurket Police Station. Sheep market — Charles Woolten, superintendent Robb Samuel, rope maker, Back st Stamp Oppitk. Bridge street— William Slann, sob-distributer Stevens Charles, parish clerk, Bridge st PLACES OF WORSHIP, AND rilElK MlXIsrEUS. CIIUUCHES OFTllKESTABLfSIIMENr A I.I. SaInt.s', S.iiiit Ives— Rev. Yate Fosbrooke, vicar. Saint PKTER"s,Fen Stanton— R.ev.Tho3. Board illon, Vuar. Saint Maruaket's, Hemingford Abbots Kev. F.dward Selwyn, iTcMr. Saint James' Hemingford Grey— Rev. Edward Barnes, r!(ra/e. Saint .Maky's, Houghton— Rev. Edward Aiisley Peck, rector. Saint Maky's, Over Rev. Charles Warren, vuar. DISSENTING CHAPELS. Baptist, Meeting lane and Over. Baptist, Fen Stanton -Rev. John Tuck. U\PTIST, Rack st — Rev. Augustus Smith. Baptist, Fen Slanioii— Rev. Jos. Barker. FiiiKNDs' Meeting House, Water lane. Independent — Rev. Isaiah Knowles Holland. Unmon Chapel (BaplisI & Independent), Heniiiigford Grey — Imiiiistets caj'ious.) L'nion CiiAPELfBaptisl & Irideiiemlent), Houghton — Uev. James Harcourt. VVesleyan Metuouist, Waits; Over, and Waterside— (ini/iisVers vurioKs) Primitive .Metiioulst. POOR LAW UNION, Workhouse, Cambridge road. .l/as ht-en Jati ly renovated and le- pcwed at a considerable expense, iscnibellished with some ancient scre;tliaigt d vicarigc, in the gift of the Crown. There are places of wor-hip for IJaptists, Indepeii- denis, and Wesleyan .Methodists, and a free school — the latter fotindcti hy Lottus Hatley, in \7'M'), and the eiidowmeiii augmented by Alderman Newton, and other belli factois: hy means of this charity, thirty- five pooi I'oys are clothed and educated; The market, held on 'i'hiirsday, is a coiisi(lcrh chnri h of Saint Mary was erected in the reign of James I : the W^htg is a lectoiy, in the patronage of tlie family of P.tliner. Population of the p.iiisb.iti IS.U, i).")7 ; in 1841, I,00;5. About a mile or rather more from Saint Neots, in the hundred of IJaifoid and county of Bedford, is the ^T. NEOTS is a parish, in the hundred of Toze- i land— the ma'. kit town is .56 miles n.n.w. from Lon- don, I) s. fiotn Huntingdon, 18 w. from Cambridge,! and 12 miles N.w. from the Bedford stition on tlie IMetchley branch of the London and North Westein Railway. The town is situated ou the east bank of the ^ ()u»e, ill a level part of the country, with hat little ' xaiiation of sceneiy. The name of the place is de- ] lived fr<'in' St. Neot,' a christian mis.sionai y.in honour of whom a monastery was here founded, which after- wards v\as endowed by Earl Lcofric and made subor- dinate to Elv, i>ut was subsequently lendtred inde- p ndeiit aod existed till ilie time of Henry VI H, when it shared the fate of other religious estatilisliments. Aft.r the death of Chailes I., the E irl of Holland niiistei'ed afotee liere in favour of the royal cause ; but, being defeated in a battle byCrom well's soldiers in 1()48, and after\va;(ls taken prisoner, wiihont resistance, at St. Ives, he suffered on the scalTold. The town con- sists of thiee piincipal stieets, anil an exiensive mar- ket pi ee ; the hi'.;h roads from Biggleswade lo Hun- lingilon, and to Ciinhridge, |)assing ilnough the main thoroiiglifiies. The greater part of the town being only a few feet above the ordinal y level of the river, inntidations were formei ly consequent upon sudden thaws, or very heavy rains, to such an extent, as to render a nav gallon of the siretts not merely juac- licable but necessaiy ; but great iinproveinents having been effected, in the consti uttion of the bridges, lo giiher with drains, tliis evil is, in a great ineaMire, reimdied. '1 le' only iiianufactuie here, except that of malt, is paper, for which lain r there is an extensive mill upon the river, with Foiirdrinier's patent ma- chines for making that aiticle. The river Ouse is nivigalde from the jiort of Lynn to this place, ami thence lo Bedford ; and a trade of some coiisei|iience is carried on upon it, in coin, wine, coal, iron, timber, groceries, &c., fir tlie consunii>tioii of the town and 14 iitrectorp. ST, NEOTS. SHitttincrlrottsjOire. village and jiaiish of Eaton Socon, situated on the western b ink of the river Uiise, on the main road from London totlienoith ; and before the opening of railways, was a place of great thorougbfaie, and flou- rishing. There was formerly a castle belonging to the Beanchamps, and a priory founded by one of that family; of the latter, the only portion remaining is the refectory, nnw converted into stables. Tlie church is dedicated" to Saint Mary : the living is a discharued vicarage, in liie patronage of John Hill Day, Ksq. The parish (includingWvBOSTON) contained, in 18;U, 2,490 inhabitants, and in 1841, 2,600. 'I'his is a place of considerable antiquity, and at one period of some consequence, Tiiere are fragments of a monastic building, and an epi^copal palace — the latter a venerable structure, formerly the residence of the bishops of Lincoln, to one of whom, the abbot of Kly, in tlie reign of Henry L granted tlie manor of Buckden. The church of Saint Mary (which contains the remains of some of the bislmps), is a neat edifice, with a tower, surmounted by a light and elegant spire. The living is a discliaiged vicarage, in the gift of The See of i/nicoln. Theie is a place of worship for VV'es- leyan Methodists, and a charity school — the latter Buckden is a village and parish, in llie same hun- founded and endowed by Dr. Greenlate, bishop of dred as S.iint Neots, situated about midway between Lincoln, in 1778. Population of the parish, in 1831, that town and Huntingdon, on the great north road. I 1,095, and in 1841,1,209. POST OFFICE, South-street, Saint Neots, John Barker, Post Master. — Letters from London and the South, &c., arrive every morning at half-past three, and afternoon at four, and aie despatched at eigiit in the morning, and nine at night. Letters from Huntin-gdon, Cambridge, and all parts of the North, arrive every morning at half-past three, and are despatched at nine at night. POST OFFICE, Buckden, Thomas Darlow, Post Master. — Letters from all parts arrive every morning at two, and are despatched at a quarter befoie ten at night. National School, Buckden — Ma- ria Cope, mistress National School, Eaton Socon — Gabriel Scott, master; Mary Emery, mistress Oliver Anne (boarding). New lane Topham Thomas Slater (boarding and day), Eatonford house ATTORNEYS. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Beauford Henry Walton, Esq. Cam- bridge road Duberley Miss Sarah, Buckden Fawcett Rev. Stephen Glass (Vica- rage), Eaton Socon Fowler ftliss Anne, Huntingdon st Grey Rev. Hugh W. Bushniead Priory [street __ __ _ Green Rev. John (Vicarage) Church I ^ George Church s7 Green Capt. John George, Buckden ^^^ William, Church st Halliley 1 he Misses, Kyuesbury ' -- ■ - Haikness Miss Ann, E\uesbuiy Humbley Capt. William, Waterloo Cottage, Evnesbuiy Lewis Riv.Wm Ueulien, Eynesbury IJnton Mrs. Sarah, Cambridge st Linton Col. John, Stii tloe Limon Rev. Heniy, DiddinKton Livett John, Esq. Baton Socon Medl nd Mrs. Mary, New lane Medlock John, Esq. i'^ynesbuTy Murrell Rev. George, New lane Musgrave Mis« Mary, High st Palmer Rev- William, Eynesbury P.puercorn Mr. George Alexaiider, j '^';;;^"'^'',7;;,_"j^i:;;.',.;Ypj'3^g" Church st U^" , Harris George, Eaton Socon Reynolds Capt. Richard, Little Pax Wilkinson Ociavius Robert, Cam- bridge st AUCTIONEERS. Abbott William, Evnesbuiy Joyce Medbury, Higli st Maddison Faucis, Church st Medland William, Market place BAKERS. Abialiams Joseph, Huntingdon st Adams Tlinmas, Burkden liarringer Joseph, Church st Darlow Thomas, Buckden Farrington John, Buckden Rowley George, Esq. Priory Hill Sewall Mr. Charles, Buekden S'debottom Rev. Henry, Vicarage, Buckden Smith Mr. John, Eynesbury Stanley Rev. John, Southoe Sievens Mis Mary, Priory Thornvvell tjcorge, Esq. m.p. Did- dington Tnfncll Rev. Charles, Evnesbuiy Weldon Mr. John, Buckden Wiles Mr. William, Eynesbury Wriglit Mrs. Elizabeth, J^ew lane ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Beaumont Fras.(boaiding),Buckden BritishSchool, High st — William Stuck ey, master Charity School, Buckden — Hy. James, master Elliott John Henry (boarding), Eaton Socon Free School, Eynesbury — Anne Clarke, mistress Free School, High st — Thomas Abron. master Infants' School, Buckden — Lydia Bailey, mistress Infants' School, Eynesbury — Eliza Lewin, mistress Infants' School, Huntingdon st — Maria Monk, mistress National School, Huntingdon st —Anna Maria Harding, mistress HewittThonias, Katon Socon Hill Joseph Sanders, High st Marshall Joseph, Rlarket place MehewJosepI), Eynesbuiy Moss Jercmia'i, Russell st Pnge Joseph. Eynesbury Plum John, High st Rosamond Willi im, Eaton Socon Rutter John, Hunti'gdon st Shepherd Mary, South st Thurston Henry, Eynesbury BANKERS. London AND County Joint Stock Banking Company. Market place — (draws on the head office, Lon- don)— Isaac Marsh, aeent Rust and Veasey (Branch), Mar- ket place— (draws on Masterman Peters & Co. London) — Emery & Son, agents Sayings' Bank, Market place — Frederick Emery, agent BASKET MAKERS. Carthev Charles, Huntingdon st Kimni Thomas, Kynesbury Richardson William, Eatonford BLACKSMITHS. Beard John, Eaton Socon Bingham Matthew (& whitesniilli), Windmill row Bradsbaw Mark, Eaton Socon Dixie Mary Goreham, South st Di.\ie Samuel, Eynesbury Flavvn William, Eaton Socon Goss William, Russell st Howard William, Eaton Socon Lewis Thomas (ami farrier) ,High st Milner John, Buckden Peach George, Cambridge st Taylor Win. (and farrier) Enesbury Ta\lor Samuel, Buckden BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. Emery & Son (and stamj) distribu- ters). Market place Toinsou David Richard (& piintei), Market place Topham James (& printer). High st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Ashton William, Buckden Bull James, Higii st Cooper James, High st Cox Joseph, Huntingdon st Jeaves John, Russell st Johnson John, Eatonford King Frederick, ("amluidge st Kinu William, Market place Munsey Chailes, New lane Robinson Joseph, P^aton Soioii Sibley Charles, Huniingdonst Slade William, High st Staines Abraham, Eynesbury Stouuhton Samuel, Eynesbuiy Usher George, Buckden Warien George, Eynesbury Wiles William, Hhb st Wimpress Richard, Buckden BREAVERS. Bowyer Thomas, Eaton Socon Chapman Thomas, High st Day & Son, Priory Hill Joseph Sanders, High st Maiden Ebenezrr, Eaton Socon Paine & Sou, Mai ket place Piatt William, Eyne.sbury Waller Henry, Buckden Wiles Stephen, Market place BRICK MAKERS. Hobson & Son, Enton Socon Paine & Son, Market place BRICKLAYRS & PLASTERERS. Rurford &Son, Hunlinudon st Chapman Thomas, Cambridge st Clarke Stephen, Euiesbury Clarke William, Buckden Rich Robeit, Brookside BUILDERS. fSee also under the head Carpeii' ters, &C.J Burford & Son, Huntingdon st Kdy Thomas, High st Edy, Son &. Case, High st 15 j^MintingtJuiuftire^ ST. NEOTS. ^later*!5 BOTCHERS. Bank>r..or«;tH.-lH-rt, Htiiitingdoii St Barnes Sainiifl, Higli >t Bartltft VVil.i.mi, KiooKMiIe Battlett Genttff, Huiitini;ilon st HriKlituiaii l^ailc. Kati.ii St>coii Biu>»ii James, Markft place tkitis ■.Villiain, Katoii Soion Kldtiton John Lant, Biickdeii EvaiisJohii, Kyiu>liury Georijf Jo n, HIkIi si Cum John, Katon Sdo.n HaJl Francis Katou Sncoii Lura> Marv, Huiitii>Kilo(i st Ni.iiiiaii William, Kviiesbury Oliver Jo-f|ili Niwman, Hiuh st CABINET MAKERS. Duiiklcy John, Markci place E<1v I liomax, Hii;h >t Fiaiil>liii A !>on, Market place Oliver Jo«<|ili, Hiifli st CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. M»rLcd thus* arc also lluililers. [Sfe also linilders.) •Banks Thcmias. Cambridge st Bail»er John, Katonford Charles Clark, Eyneshury •Ciiariton Saiuuel, Wiiuluiill row Chessum Wui. James, Windmill rw •Kdv, Son & Case, Hich st Emeiy William, Kynesbury Farrai Thi.ma*, Eton Socoii Green John, Eynesbury Jacks.'ii Thomas, Brookside •Jubb Jolin, Eaton Socon Molri^Jost ph, Riickden Noil John, Elton Soion CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. M(,le Wi liam. Market phiCf Sli.irpe \\ illi.iinCrittlififld, High St Sprigi? SainutI, Maiket place CONFECTIONERS. Plum John, Hitih st M.ir-hall Joseph, Market place Shepherd Mary, South st COOPERS. Bingliam Jolin, Windmill row Newman Thome*, Hi^ll st Wain\vrit;ht Thomas, Market place CORN, COAL AND TIMBER MERCHANTS. Atkin!«in Wni.A; Kiederick, Kighst \y.u S. Son, I'riory Eltjood Tliomas, Market place Hill Joseph SanderK, High st Paini- & Son, Market iilace Squires (Jeorge, Urookside Tophaui Josi ph, Eaion Soron Wile* Stephen, Murket place FARMERS. Brown John, (iiec-n end Cope Henry, Buckilen Cornish George, Colmworlli Davi Son, I'liory Fauikni r Benjamin, Buckden Hail John, Ealonford Hob>on & Son, Eaion Socon H'lland John, HunlinKc.'on Ht Horrell John, W\bos Jord4n William, ni^h »t J<.icc Jho«nin I><-nt>>u William, Ablnil'ley i>i«l.v John. Colmwoith Park Kdxard, Eyneiibnry PrmiUy AugU'tlne, Buckdeu Sabr John, Bliinhani Sf^olrrn (koihc, Biooktide Strinjter Jaini-^, ( olnworlb TlioioioD Michael, Marketplace 10 Tophara John, Eaton Socon Topham Joseph, Daloe Waller Henry, Buckden Ward John, Colinworth White GeorEe, Temp-ford Wildman Peter, Wyboston Wilkinson James, Koxtoii Wilson Christopher, Dulne WiUon John, Wvboston Witnev John, Bohihuist Woodliam Charles, Ahbotsley Wormsley -Mark, Boluhurst FIRE, &<•. OFFICE AGENTS. Ai.i.iA>CE. Octavius Bobert Wilkin- soi:, Cambridge st [st Atlas, Francis Maddison, Church Hkitish Empire, John Barker, Sootli st [Market pi Clerical (life), Frederick Emery, CouNTV (fire),VVilliamlslip, Mar- ket place County (hail storm), Isaac Marsh, Marketplace General' (hail storm), Thosmas (Jeard, Market place Globe, John Savill, Market place Guardian, Emery & Son, Market st Imperial, Paine & Son, Market pi LiEE Association of Scotland, Charles Fairey, Market place Norwich Union, Thomas Geaid, Market place Provident (life), William Islip, Market place [Church st Royal Exchange, William Day. Star (life), James Cooper, High st Sun (fire), William Medland, Mar- ket place [Maiket place West of England, William Mole, GARDENERS * SEEDSMEN. Cook John, Buckden CuthbertRnbert, High st Franklin John, Huntingdon at Franklin Thomas, Eaton Socon Freeman John, Eynesbury OKOCERS AND TEA DEALERS. {See also Shopkeepers, 8(C.) Atkinson Charles, Eynesbury Ikiiley Adam, High st Medells Samuel, High st Butler Thomas. High st Carpenter William, High st Ciawley James, Market place Oalcell John, High st Darlow Thomas, Buckden Ekins George, Buckden Kmery John, Eaton Socon Flawii .'\nn, Eaton Socon l.angley John Grace, buckden Newman Samuel, Market place Stead John & .Mary, Maiket place INNS- COMMERCIAL AND POSTING. (See also Tarcrns&( Public Houses.) Bear, Henry Walker, Maiket place Cross Kevs, Michael Thornton, Market jilacc [den George, George Cartwripht, Buck- White Horse, Jane Taylor, Eaton Socon IRONMONGERS. Cariin«t(in Jcdin and brazier, &C.), Mai ket place Claxton John. Hiuh st Oudley Thomas, Market place LINEN &WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Cook Martha, Hii:li st F.kin* (Jeorye, Buckden Emery John, Eaton Socon Fairey Charles (and halter). Mar- ket place Flavvn Auu, Eaton Socon Geard Thos. (and halter), Market p| Goodgames & Shrosbery, Market p^ I>lip William, Market place Laimley John Grace, Buckden Stead John & Mary, Market place MALTSTERS. Bowyer Thomas, Buckden liovvyer Thomas, Eaton Socon Chnpman Thomas, High st Day & Son, Prioiy Hobsoii & Son, Eaton Socon Maiden Ebenezer, Eaton Socon Paine & Son, Market place Wiles Stephen, Maiket place MILLERS. Barton Richard, Buckden Hobson & Son, Eaton Socon Ingle John, Little Paxtoii Sprigg Samuel (and seedsman). Market place Squires George, Brookside Tiustrum James, Great Paxton MILLINERS&DRESSMAKRES. Brown Sarah, High st Edy Mary, High st Flawn Sophia, Eaton Socon Hart Janet, Eaton Socou Johnson Caroline, High st Ladds Frances, Market place Linford Susan, High st Newman Jane, Marketplace Paxton Lucv, Terrace Slade Martha & Sarah, Market pi Wai ner Elizabeth, Eynesbury Willmoii Ann, Huntingdon st Wood Anne, Eynesbury PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Baxter William, Buckden Brown James, Eatoi; Socon Ebbutt George, High st Emery Thomas, High st Hill Napthali, High st Lee William, Marketplace Mackaness Edward, Maiket place Rudwell John, Eynesbury Simpson George, New lane PERFUMERS AND HAIR DRESSERS. Barilelt Edward, High st Elger John, High st Mees Samuel, High st Sly Samuel, South st Wright Charles, Market place ROPE AND T'WINE MAKERS. Gray Charles, Hiati st , Snowden John, Windmill row SADDLERS AND COLLAR MAKERS. Cook Thomas, High st Mehew Charles, Buckden Ward George, Market place SHOPKEEPERS &DEALERSIN GROCERIES Be SUNDRIES. Hranson Thomas, Huntingdon st Brown Mary, Brookside Brownhill John, Eynesbury Cutliheit Robert, Cambridge St Day Samuel, Cambridge st Gilbert Samuel, Cambridge st Gieen Sarah, P^ynesbury Hall John, Huntingdon st l^arper Mary, Buckilen Hibhtrt John, Eatonfoid Howard Ann. Eaton Socon Kii'u George, Brookside l,:ttle George, Russell st Little Robert, Eaton Socon Mehew Stephen, Eynesbury Miiita Robert, Eaton Socon Needham Mary, Eynesbury NichoUs Stephen, Eynesbury ©frectorj?. ST. NEOTS. J^wtttinglrottgfttrr. Robiii.snii Jnliii, H(iiiiiiii>!.ell St Sladf iM rtlia& SaiHti, Market pi Tassel Siiimel, Canilnidgi- .-t SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Atkiii>nn \\'in.(i Fitdtiick, High st Day on Francis, Chnich st Peppercorn VVilllain, Eaton Socon TAILORS. Boutall James. High st Bi'ongliton John, E.neshniy Cook William, Eaton Socon Ciaxvley Thomas. High st Ekins li oiiia* H 'rue-. EHtonSocon Flack William, Buckden Gtegson Tlios.fand hatter), High st h'aidiiig Hi nry. Bnckdeii Lini ii William, Hitih st Norris Wiilinni(& h .tier), High st Park'iis James, Biookside SavillJoliii (and liaiier), Market st Seer Janie^, Hig > st Silby .SamntI, Cambridge St Sla e Geoiye, High st Smith Job, High st Stotun VVilJiani, Eyneshiiry Stoton WiHiani, Huiningipable Ou«e, whieh liver a market, is 64 miles N. from London [77hy rail), IOe. forms ihe honiulary of the parish, for tiie distance of N. E. fmm HiiMtingilon, and5 n. n. e. from Saint Ives; about three niile>. ' Tl e Dean and I h .ptcr of Ely are situ tted mi ihe line of the Eastern Countits railway, in po.'>se>siiMi of a manor liere, for wliicl> th> y hold in a very agreeable and fertile part of the county, well courts occasionally. The parish clmn h of Saint Mary, wa'ered, and aliuundini; with springs of rerna!kable strnnds midway between this vill-i^e and the hamlet of purity, some of wliich are said to possess medicina pronerties. It was formeilv called Summersinn, and derived that name (accordion to Mr. Kaux) from a niithbouiing hill — the summer camp of the Koman^. The foot causeways and the stone bridae, at the ex- tremity of the vilUge, are constantly kept in ex, which has br en ri paired ai'd b aiitified by smie gt ntlemen of the 'fancy,' is much vi-ited by suaimers cominu into tlie county: it hears the following siiifinlai insciiption— " Here lies tlie ruiiqiieior conquered, — Viiliant as ever Englan'l bred. Whom neither art, nor steel, nor strength Could e'er subdue, till death at lentth Tinew liirn on Ids back ; and here be lies, In hopes here.ilter to arise." There are places of worOiip for Baptists, theSoci' ty of Friends and Methodists. The poor are benefited by -ewrd benefaction^ periodically di»tiil>iiied : and ihe instruction of the humbler cla-s of i hildren is piovided for in two oi three imhlic scho(ds within tlie paiish. Hairs, chiefly for cattle and hor^e*, are held at tariih, in the months of May, July and August. The parish of Blunti^ham witli Faiit ' contained in IS^Jl, 1,381 inhabitants, and in 1841, 1,457. POST O ICE, SoMERSHAM, Diiiali Cox, Post Mistresn. — Lefers from London and all part* arrive (from Saint Ives',, every morninit at half-pa>te'ght, and aie despatched at lialf-past five in the evening,. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Bailies Rev. Edward, Blimtishrtin Clirksoii Rev. Thomas, Somersham Lavender Mrs. Anne, Somersham Leiuh Thomas, Esq. Earith IMaltmaii Miss Ann, K^rith Ollivant Rev. Alfred, d. D , Rectory, Somersham Orbell Mrs. Elizabeth, Somersham Orriss Rev. William, Somersham Roy-ton Mrs Lu^y, Somer^liam Simmons .\!i-s Mary, Bliiiitisham Simmons Rev. John, Colne Tehbuit Mrs. Matthew, Blunti-ham Vi|)an Walter, Esq. Hermitage House, Earith Williamson Mr. Samuel, Somersham Wilson Mr. John Oakes,Somersh nu ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. BHmsii School, Binnti-ham Marv Willis, mistress British School, Eaiiih — George Peksh r, iiMsti r Free School, Bluuiisham — Henry linker, master Infants' School, Earith — Mary Kitchen, mist'e-s National School, Somersham — Will am John Flack, master; Chailotte Flack, misiress Pocock Ann (boarding and day), Somersham Wilson Hnniet ^day), Somersham BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. lieniiett Newinan, Someisham Felce William, Somersham Freeman S->iniiel, Someisham Goode Benjamin, Earith Goode Ua>iil, Bliinti>hain Gfiss .loi'n, .Somersham Hatfii Id John, Soiner-ham Humiihiey Wi liam, Eaiith Key Henry, Eauth Lee Jidiii, IJIiintisham BLACKSMITHS. Butt her James, Hluntisharu I>enton John, Soiueishaia 18 FitchJoseph (& farrier), Somersham Lambert .'olin, Eariii Poitington William, Enith Seijeaiit Joseph, Somersham VVeston James, Eaiith BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. BelMgue Daniel, Earith Behaeue William, Somersham Bignall John, liUmti.^htm Gianuer James, Earith John-on Henry, BInntisham Lovell Skinner, Blnnti^hani Murphey Frederick, Somersham Robinson Ephiaim, Blumisliam Saint Samuel, Somersham Tall William. BInntisham BRICKLAYERS & PLASTRERS. It'hott James, Someisham WhittlesCH Joseph, Somersham Whitllesea Robeit, BInniisham BUTCHERS. Blacklev John, Buitisham Blake Benjamin Ljnes, Somersham Dirln Charles, Someisl'am Easton James. Someisham Easfon Saiah (p'lk), Somersham Etty Robert, Eaiith Feaiev Robeit. Eaiith Green .lame*, I'idley Humphreys John, Earith Papwoith U illiam, Somersham Royston Willi, im, .Somer-ham Wheaton Danii 1, Eariih Whcaion Roheri, BInntisham COAL MERCHANTS. Jackson ,loiii), Eaiith [Earith Jewson John Wilson (and timber), Knights 'i'hos jiin. [k corn), Earith FARMERS. Bailey Geoijie, Sonieisliam I Bailow Rolieit, Somersham 1 Brown .lolin, Eaiith I BiovMi John Aaron, Earith I Brown Rich. lid, ICaiith I Brown .Snmuel, HoUwood I Cousins James, Bluntisham Daintry Robert, Fenfon Darby Wil i^m Somersham Ekms Walter, Pidley Ekins W'alier, St. Ive* road Ekh s Walter, juii. Woodhurst F' arey Steidien, BInntisham Godfiev Mary, Blniiti ham Li eds Thomas, Somei sham Ma'-on Ibbott, Somer-ham Mo-eley Robi rt, Somersliam Moseley Thomas, Someisham Nix Matthew, Wisluaeh road Nx Thomas, Holywood Parsons Tobias, Somersham Potts Carter, Somersham P>eit Lot, Pidley Tebliutt Charles, Bluntisham Vile John, Pidley Warner Charles, Somersham Wheatson Kobeit, l''nnti.si am FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. British flniPiRE, James Wiles, Son ershani RovAL Exchange, William Pettit Wilson, Somersliam GROCERS, DRAPERS, AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Bluff Mai V. Somei'-ham Christmas Robeit. Bluntisham Fail Thomas, Earith Flavel James, Earith Govs John, Someisham Holmes TliMin 'S, Eaiith Ihhoti William, Somershani Kinij Joseph, Earith Masse y Jidin, Sonnrsliam Pedley Bailow, Soiuersham Swannell Peter Ha't, Earith Tehliu't Will am, Blunti-lMiu Wiles James, ,Soinersham Wilson William Pettit, Somersham Woo'linff Thoma~, Somersliam INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. A;liani Wliiie Swan, Jdhn Wehb, Bluuti- Retailers of Beer- Aspinall Wiiiiain, Soint-rsliam Bedford Ji.hii, Eaiitli Butcher iMary, Blnnti-hani Cannon John, iiiuntisham Etty Bob rt, Earith Kinkier Janie-, Somtrsham Hoiditch John, So>ii> r>ham Kimnson VViilintn, Somersiiam Ol'irteld John, SomcrsliHm Poitington VVilliani, Earith Russed SaniMcl, Earith Skerles Wiliiam, Somershani Sp lags Th.Mna", Somcrsham Tayli.i- Willimn, Earith Viies John, Sonieishani Whe.ilon Jolin, Soinersham Woods Kichaid, Sonieishrtni JOINERS AND CARPENTERS. lb ott FiaiK is ^and catdnet maker), Sonit-rshain Kint; Josepli, Earith Ri< hards John, Blnniisham Warn)>ley Joseph, Eariih Watson bai'iel, Soin- isliam LAND SURVEYORS. Brigns Joseph, Somershaui Jackson Jo>eph, Eariih Muiphev Ku'deiick Somtrsham Womersley John, Earith IVIILLERS. Gnode David, Bluntisham Hatfield Jolm, Somersham Ibbott William, Somershani MILLINERS AND DRESS MAKERS. Bull Elizabeth. Somersham S. rjiant Mnry Anne, Somersham Spriggs Mary, Somershani PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, AND GLAZIERS. Ellwood William, Somersham Giound Thomas, Somersham RUSH DEALERS. Gnnlon Jani' s, Somer-hani Marriugton Bobrit, Somersham SADDLERS. Charter Rich id, Somersham Maisli Jiilin. Soniersiirtm STRA^V BONNET MAKERS. Pigoit iMaitha, Som-rsliam Squires Sarah, Bluntisham SURGEONS. Brickwell Henry, Somt-rsham Edmonds Chas. Joseph, Bluntisham TAILORS. Ridwt 11 Samuel, Karith Blake Jnmes, Earitli Briag* Jo^rph, Somersham Mai tin John, Somershani Meidows Wni.Loveday. Bluntisham Mitchell Henry, Sotnei^ham Pigott l-oien/o, Somersham Robinson Nathaniel, Eaiith AVHEELWRIGHTS. Collingwciod John, Eaiith Smith John, Somei'sham Wheatley John, Blnniisham Miscellaneous- Bares Charles, chemist and stationer, Sornfrsliatu brown John, brewer and maititer, Earith Ha rison Mitchell, basket maker. Earith Holmes Tlinmas, confectioner. Earith Killinsworth John, boatwright, Earith Leake J no.velerinarysuryeoii, Somersham Marshall William, registrar of bnlhs and deaths, BluKti:N THE EASTERN C(JUNTIES LINE. Station contiguous to Somersh:im— John Edward tiev/ii:a.n, station master CARRIERS. To SAINT IVES. Thomas Woodrufl, trom the Rose and Crown, Monday, Wednesday and Friday; and Sarah EaiOM,from the George, Monday To WARBOYS, John Webb, from the Railway Station, Monday, Wednesday and Fiiday CONVEYANCE BY WATER. To WISBEACH. LYNN, HUNTJNG-^ DON and BEDFORD, Fly Boats Irom Earith, weekly Y. YAXLEY AND STILTON. AXLEY is a parish, in the hundred of Norman , tKmage of the Crown : 'the Rev. Charles Lee is the Cros.s — till- village, foimerlya niarkft tfiwii, is "3 miles i present inrnmbtnt. The Unitaiians and Wesleyan N. by \v. from London, 14 n. by w. from Hnntingdon, ; Methodists liave each a i>lace of woiship, and there 12 N.w. from R-rtinsev, and 4 s. from the Peti rboioni;h is a free school endowed by Jane Proby, in 1712. A sta ion on the London and North Western laiUvny, at fnir is hi-M on Holy Thrir-day, for cattle. The popu- its junction with the East .•\iiiilian and Git-at Northern Iriticm of the parish in 1831, was 1,140, and in 1841, lines. The village, which i^ large and irreuularlv built, 1,211. exhibits nothing ih servine of particular notice but its j Stilton parish is in the same hnndrcd as Yaxley — chuich and Whittlesny Mere — the latter situated a the village being situated about 3 miles s.s.w. from short disiaiK e to the east, is one of the most extensive that village on the Huntingdon road, and on the Ro- sheets of water in the kingdom; it covers a surface nian Ermin-street. 'rhoogh now of but roinpaiative six miles in length and three in breadth, and alionnds insigniticance, it was formerly a maiket town, and well with fish. The neighbom lio^d produi'es asieat qiiaii- frequented. Stilton gives name to the famous cheese tity of >edges and reeds, in the prep.iration of which so called, of which considerable quantties are sold nianv persons find etnplo\ment. I here, although it is made in the neiiihbourhood of The (hutch, dedicated to Saint Peter, standing on an Melton Mowlnviy. Leicestershire. The- plact-s of wor- ele a'ion, at the western extremity of the town, is a ship are the parish church of Samt Mary, and a Wes- hanrtsonie bnildini;, piincipilly in the later style of leyan chapel. The livint: of Stilton is a rectory, in the Knulish aichitectnie, with a tower surmounted by an gift of the Bishop of Liiuoln ; the Rev. James Sber- eleaant spire, ciockettfd and supported bv flviiig but- latd is the present n ctor. The parish contained iu tresses: the livinu is a dischaiged vicarane, in the pa- 1831, 793 inhabitants, nnd in 1841, 817. POST OFFICE, Stilton, Charles Stokes, Po^t il/OT^f-r.— Letters from London and all parts arrive every momina at f mr, aad are despatched at five minutes past nine at night. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Chapptll Rev John, Yrixley Franey John, Ks<|. Nfirman Cross Freeman Rev.Henrv, Norman Cro«s Heathcote John, E^q. Connington Castle K lly Major VVtn., Normau Cottage Lee Rev. Charles, Yaxley Newton Mis. Mary, Yaxley Shoiraid Rev. Samuel, Stilton Smith William, E^q. Stilton Wells Win. Esq. Holme VVood House Worthingiou Mr. William, Stilton ACi) DEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Barker H, Yaxley Loweth Robert, Y'Xley Mankell Charles, Yaxley Setchell Thomas, Yaxley Tesloff John, S'iltoti Waite Thomas, Y^sley Wilson Matthew, Stilton Wood Henry, Stilton BLACKSMITHS. Glithro \\ iiliam, Yaxley Goude William, Yaxley Hen-rm 'I'honias & Charles (and whitesmiih), Yaxley Pashley John, Siilion Tarry Joseph, Stilton Tayliir William. Holme Wajd John, Stilton 19 ^later'^ YAXLEY, &c» IBtrcrlorp, BOOT AND SHOB MAKERS Bates William. Yaxley Bee-on .ImIiii, Stil>..n B.U Ti'oiiias, Yaxley Bell Willi. m. Yaxley Cliamb-'s 'I'lioinas, Stilton Linton fieo'gc, Noriuaii Cross ISIaiiii Junes, Yaxl'^y Neail Richard, Siiiton Neai Jatob, St'ltitn Staneer .loliii, Yaxley Storey Joseph, Yasley BUTCHERS. Blacknnn Unsh, V -xley BUi lunan John. Vaxley Grei;rge. Holme Stoke^ Johii, Sti'kes" hiidae Wliiteheaii Robert. Holme Wood Charle«, Stilion Woriirmuion James. Stilton FIRE, etc. OFFICE AGENTS. Crown (life), Chas. Stokes, Stilton RoYAt KxcHANGE, Fiedeiick Bee- ton Dran'-, S ilion United Kingdom (life), Charles Stokes, Stilton GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Rl.ckwell Rohert, Yaxley B ackwell Wiluam, Yaxley Bond John, Y.ixley Cook Stmuel, Yaxley Debro) Jacob. Yaxley Diage John, Siiltou Fletcher Ann. Stilion Hewardine Anne. Stilton Loweth Robert, Yaxhy .\l\ott John. Yaxlev Pen'nt-y W'Uiam, Stilton Setchell 'I'liomas, Y ^xley Thomas Sainml Chtrle.-i, Yaxley Walpole Maiy, Sii'ton Wil-on .\laria, Stilton INNS 6t PUBLIC HOUSES. AiiL'el (.(lid posting itouse), John Ward, Stii'Oii Bell. Tiiotnas Mariiott, Yaxley liell, Wiliiain Gieaoiv, Stilton Ciiiqufis, Joseph Stevens, Y.ixley Crown and Woidpack, 'i'lioinas Jenkins, Coniiiniit'Mi lane GemL'e, Giorue Raunion, Yaxley Georg's Charles Woo.l. Siil'on New Inn, Jas.Heniy, Norman Cross Uecrniiing Seijeant', Geoige Rovvell, Yaxlev Talbot, Elizabeth Habert, Stilton Thi e. Horse Shots, William Gliihro, Yaxley Whittlesca Yacht, Jno.Coles. Holme William IV, Thomas Cox. Y'axley Retailers of Beer. Blackmail Robert, Yaxley Bond John, Yaxhy C'.arham John, Yaxley Lilley Da»id, YaxI'y Robinson John, Stilton Ronin«f>ii Samn'd. Stilton San'lly Samnel, Yaxley Tariy Joseph. Stiltcm JOINERS. Green Geo.iand milivviight),Yaxley Green Heiirv. Yaxlev Richardson & Scm, Yaxley LINEN et VirOOLLEN DRAPERS Fleti her Charle-, Stilton G( mi 'I'iinothv, Stiton I MALTSTERS. Haheit Kiizab th. Stilton Waite 'I'lioinas, Yaxley MILLERS. Loweth Robert, Yaxley Waiie Thomas, Yaxhy PAINTERS 6i GLAZIERS. Smith K'lward, Stilton Wise John, Yasky SADDLERS. S»rifk«on Roiiot, Y.ixley Strickson Wil iam. Stilton SURGEONS. Gactes William. Yaxley 01 ver Heniy, Stilton Wright Thomas Gregory, Stilton TAILORS. Allen John, Stilton Glithio Francis, Y'axley Kiiby Jame-, Yaxley iloie^ Ivl^ard, Stilton Rowell li.iijamin, Yaxley M scellaneous Bnrker Heniy, dnigsist, Slilton Broad Mary & Susannah, dress maker*, Slilton ["Siilloii Chambers Marv, slravir bonnet maker, Colfs John, reed mercliant, Yaxley Crewe Kdaard. cooper, Sliltim [Stilion nra?e John, re^islrai- of births & death*. Fair Joseph, cooper, Yaxlev Henson William, whitesmith, Stilton Hewardine George, wateli maker, Stilton Lenlon George, wlieelwrishi, Milton iMarkley Kichard. t.rickla>er. Slilton Marliii Isanc. hair dresser, Siilion Mitchell Heniy, bricklayer, Stilion Quiiicey Christmas, gardener. Yaxley Richard.son & Son, wheelwrights, Vaxley Risl John.traidener, Y.ixley Stanger Charbale. dress maker. Yaxley Stori-y Eliz. straw botinet mauer, Y'axley Waite Themes, brewer, Yaxley Whittaker George, glover, Stilion RAILV^TAY. The nearest Slalion to Yaxley is the Prterbdrodgh, on llie London AND North Wi-stkrn line, 4 miles k. — This Station communicates wi h the EastAni;lian& thelirealNMrlhern linen. ThenextSttiionsareat WhiTTLESfT, ten miles ert Hiipack & « illiam Valentine, t'limi the Bell.& tlie Geome, and Edward Yeoman, frona the Bell,ali on Saturday -OM- 30 NORFOLK Jl S a maritime county, compriMiigone of the finest and most important districts in this island : it is terminated on the north and north-east by the German Ocean ; itn tin- south, and for a short distaiKe on the south-east, hy the ouiity of Suffolk ; on the west by the Lincolnshire Wa>h(s, and by pnrt of Lincolnshiie and Cam- b'riilgf shire. It is almost entirely insulated by tlie >ea and by thf rivers, which latter foiin its internal boun- dary. Its tigure is very compact, presenting an almost unbroken convexity to the ocean, and a curve somewhat indenteil to the land— thus nearly forming an oval, of which -the diameier from north to south is forty-five miles, and that fmm f-ast to west abcnit seventy; its circumference is about one hundred and seventy miles, enclosing an area of 2,024 square miles, or 1,295,360 statute acres. In size it ranks as the fourth Knglish county, atid in population as the tenth. Name and early history. — This county derives its name from the Saxons, it forming the northern district of East Anglia, arrd having the Saxon compound North fok, signifying the ' northern people,' or the 'nortiiern folk.' In the time of the Romans it formed a part of that v^arlil;e king<1om of the anci<-nt Britons, the Cenomannii, a triiie of the Icennii. Tne Romans found in the aboriginal inhabitants of this cminty a race of heroes who spumed the idea of captivity, and who, with the illustrious queen Boadicea at their luad, de- feated their proud and cruel oppressors, and maile a horrible carnaue among their troops ; the unfortunate se- quel, with the subjugation of Die ill-fated Bi items, and the abandonn)ent by them of their ancient province to their conquerors, are too well known to require if petition. The geographical position of Norfolk, with re- ference to Denmaik, la d its co.ist open to the liaibaious incursions of the Danes; and Sweyn, King of Den- mark, availed himself of this facility to at'etme the tieacherous massacre of his peoiile tiy Kthelied H ; he landed on the coast, and, marching his troops into the interior, burnt the cities of Norwich and Thi tford. In the reign of William Rnfus, Roger Bigod, Earl of Noifolk, taking j)art with Robert, DnUe ot Normandy, against William, Norfolk sustained great devastation in the conflicts tliat ensued. In the reign of Richard II, durii gthe lehellion headed by Jack Straw and Wat Tyler, the standaids of these leaders were joined bv nu- merous of the lower oiders in this county, and Norwich was invested by the insurgents; but they dis|)ersed upon the capture and condemtiation of their leader. When Lambeit Sminell, counterfeited the person of Edward Plantagem t, and as siuh was crowned in Dublin, Henry VII. went in person ihrouiih the counties of Suffolk and Norfolk, and kept his Chiistiuas at Norwich. In the reign of Edwod \'l, at the era of the Re- forniacioo, a ilauiieiousatid alarming insurrection broke out in Norfolk, conducted hy Ket, a tanner, of Nor- wich; the pretext for this lebellion was the dissolution of the monasteries and the alienation of the church lands. Ket acted as supreme administrator of affairs, and, being seated under a stately oak in the vicinity of Norwich (since desianated ' the Oak of Refoi mation'), he issued his decrees with all the authoi iiy u( a sove- nign dictator ; John Dudley . Earl of Warwick, afterwaids Dnke of Noithumberland, soon, however, marched against the insurgents, and easily dispersed them — Robert Ket was hung in chains, on the walls of Norwich castle. At the commencement of the ci-ii war Norfolk took an active part against tholes, ami at no period of the struggle did the royal forces obtain mnch advantage in the county ; Lynn, it is true, was at first taken possession of by the king's adherents, but it was quickly besiiged and taken by the Kail of Manchester's troops. Si;rface an I soil, climate and produce — The face of the county of Norfolk «aries less than in most tracts of equal extent in the kingdom : not a single hill of mure than moderate height is to be seen, but its surface, is in many parts, broken into gentle undulations, the hills and valleys being diversified by wowd.s, copnicts, hedge-rows and plantations. In some paits the hedge-rows abound with trees, which at a distance have the appearance of extensive woods ; but in others, the great expanse of heaihand bare unenclosed land, has a dreary aspect, especially on the sonih-westein side of the county. The soil of the county is known to have a grciter variety in it than is found in any other in England, and may be separated into five sorts or qiialiiies. The dsinct round Norwich consists of a sandy loam, and also of stiff wet land, composed of a mixture of sand and liay ; and to the west and nonh-west of the city a light sandy ground prevails. Marsh land may be considered a lifth district by iiS'lf, consisting of ooze, formed by d. po-itions from the sea. There arelartie tracts of swampy uround in the vicinity of Lodham, frequently innndatsd by land-floods, and produ- cing little else than ^edgeami n eds. Several lif the wetern hund'eds, from Tin tford northwards, are open and bare, consisting of extensive heaths, having a light sandy or gravelly soil. In the south-westernmost part of the county is an extensive tract of level land, forming part of the gr. at fenny district, which also includes large piotions of the coun'ies of Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Norihampton and Lincoln. The district called Marshlan', is one of the richest in the kingdom ; it extends also into Lincolnshire, and forms an im- mense sali-marsli. The climate of the county, allowing for its cimtiguity to the ocean, and its particular exposure to north and north-east winds, is moie healthful, serene and mild, than might be expected. The inhabitants nea' the coast are sometimes afflicted with ague: with the exception of this disease, which is not so prevalent in the interior of the county, tin air of Noifolk is highly salubi ions and plea.sant. Although by nature sterile, superior cultiv ation has rendered Noi folk one of the most productive counties in the kingdom. Its agricultural produce comprises iill sorts of grain in abundance, and na'ural grasses; peas, beans, vetches, cole-.seed, clovers and other artificial grasses ; buriiet, cock-foot, chiccory, cabbages, mangel-wurzel, lucerne, carrots and potaioes— it isoniy of late years that the latter valuable root has been adopted as a field- course. Among irrtgiilar crops maybe included mustaid; saffron, likewise, is grown in many parts; flax is cultivated about Downham, and lump near Old Bnckenham. By the patriotic exertions and laudable ex- ample of the late Earl of Leicister, every modern improvement in'agriculmre is fairly and e.Npeiimentally laid open to the whole countv. 'Ihe fenny distiicts supply great quantities of butier, which is commonly sent to London, under the nrnie of Tambiirlge' butter. The arable lands form about two-thirds of the entire ^•ountv. Kiom the prevailing system being arable, the grass lands, perhaps, have been too generally neghcten, though some have been greatly improved bv the practice of marling, and by nnder draining. The quantity of npland. meadow;and pasture, has heen estimated at about 127,000 acres; and that of the marsh lands at some- what above 6;i,000. The manuures emiiloyed are various; a great proportion of manure and river pro- duction. At Wallington, is a lemaikable bed of oyster-shel's, extending for ten miles in the sea mud, from which the (arm'ers in the neit-hhom hooil obtain a great quantity for their lands. The '■beep are a hardy, active and rather small breed, much valued for their mutton; and innumerable Scotch and other beasts are fattened for the metropolitan and home markets. A peculiar custom exists in Norfolk, respecting the grazing of sheep on commonable lands— which i.s, that the lord (as he is called) of every township oiders how many and what sort of sheep the people shall have, wheie the walks shall be fixed, both in summer aii(l_ winter, on what spots they shall be fohled, and how they shall be driven from place to place. One of the richest tracts of grazing land' in the county, is the maishv district, lying to the south of Lynn. Of the cattle, the native cow, is of small size ; those fed for the market are chiefly brought from Scotland. The horses,^ native or cross, are a hardy nnd active race, well adapted for the purposes of husbandry and the road. Turkies are reared here to a larger size than in any other o-uirty in England, and form an article of considerable profit to the smaller farme'-s ; they are much esteemed in London, and bring very high prices, particularly about the festive season of Christmas, at which period immense numbers are forwarded to the capital. Rabbits are 1 1 >3orfolfe. ^latci'g extreraeiy numerous on the sandy heaths; and game of all kinds abounds throughout the county, especially pheasants, which are i)red and preserved to sucli an extent as to prove a fjreiitaiinoyanfe to the Cirniei-. There is not a coiiiiiy in England so distijigui>hed for the industry of its inhabitants, nor is there one superior for the beauty and neatness of the farms. The Norfolk farmer exliibit>, tioth in himself wnd his farm, cha- racteristic traits of excellence; industrious, economical, yet hosintahle; habitually neat in his per>()n;and presenting in his f-irm everything that c.iu evince the uiosi sedulous attention, ami cnniprehen-ive judgment, with respect to its agricultural condition. A celebrattd topngiiipher, in euiogi-iiig Norfolk, justly says, — • Whether we survey this county with respect to its climate, its population, its tiade and commerce, the iha- racter of its inhiibitants, the diversified beauties of prospect which embellish it, or especially with res|)ect to the improved state of agriculture, it may, with proprieiy, b ■ denominated the c:lory of England. The MANUFACTURES of tliis couiity, although of a most important and extensive character , are never- thele>s confined to a small space — Norwich may be considered the iiucleus of th*- prosperous trade aris ng from the lahonrs of the loom. The fabrics chiefly consist of bonibasins, camlet^, ciapes, poidins, and other articles made from wool, mohair and silk. Many diversities of shawls are likewise mainifactured here, also damasks, cotton and woollen goods to a small extent, and a variety of f.incy articles; the weaving of broad silks has been intiodiiced by some spirited mainifactures ; and it is anticipati'd th.it this liraiich must ultimarcly succeed to H considerahle extent in this part, from the facility cxi-tini; in mnchinerv, and the number of expert arti->ans. The manufacture of hombisin and crape, has, of late years, been seiiously aflfeitxi by the intro- duction of oilier articles as sub>titut(S; and, the leal ' Nop wich shawl,' at one time so mucli in deniand, has given place, in a great measuie, to othei designs and differently constructed fabrics. An article, called para- matta, since its lecent iiiiroduciion, Mas experienced a veiy brisk demand. Vannontli enjoys considerable consequence, in the double capacity of a port and fisliing-lown ; from its heiiiiii; fishery, esperially, and the peculiar and unrivalled mode of curing th.it fish, it has Ions; enjoyed great i)rosperity and fame. The mackerel fishery is likewise of great im|)ortanee, and tire ports of Norfolk, participate generally, in the Greenland fishery. Other towns have their several advaiit,i)jes, hut no particular' branch of mnnnfacture is prominently exhibited, or can be particularized. The trade usually found in provincial towns fiourisli in this county — maltings, breweries, tanneries, rope-walks, &c. may be recognised as furnishing employment for ca|)ital and subsistence to the industrious worktnan.. Rivers and mineral springs, canals and railways. — The priircipal rivers, which hare their source in this county, and others that pass through it, are the Greater Ouse, the 1>esser Ouse, the Nen, the Waveney, tlie Wensum, the Vare, the Uure and the Nar. The Great Ouse rises in Huntingdonshire, and after parsing Huritiirgdon, Saint Ives and Ely, enters this county on the south-west, and, runirint: north-east, falls info iheGeiinan Ocean below Lymr Regis. Tiie Little Ouse ri^cs aboutthe middle of the SnfTolU border, and, separntirra the two counties as it flows north-west, becomes navigable from Thetford, and empties it«elf into the Great Ouse not far from Downham. The Nen, rising in Northamiitonshire, passes the towirs of Nortliampion, Thrapstone, Oundle, Peterborough and VVisbeach, atrd foiins the western boutidaiy of this county; and, after commuiricating by several channels with the Ouse, falls into the sea at the Lintolnshire VVashes. The Waveney has its source separated from that of the l^ittle Ouse by a carrseway only, Hud, running north-east, forms the remainder of the Suffolk boundary — beiirg iraviuable from liuntjay to its junc- tion with the Yare, a little above Yarmouth, where it falls irrto the Nirrth sea. Trie Yaiejises near Sliipdh.an, in the centre of the county; and being joined by theTase on the south, and the Wensum on tlie south-ca-t of Norwich, flows on to Yarmouth, near which it receives the streams of the Wavenev, Burt and Thyme. The Bure, joined by the Thyrne and other sniHller streams from tire north-east, meets the V'are to the north- west of Yarmouth ; it is navigable to Aylsham. The Wensum has its source at VVestlludham, in this county ; it errvrions the city of Norwich, and falls into the Yai'e. The Nar rises at Niteham ; it i* navinable as far as Narborough, and f.dls into the Greater Ouse. The smaller streams, flowing through an almost level country, are slow in their course, and frequently diffuse themselves over tbe lower tracts in theii' progress, fonnint; shallow lakes, here called 'broads,' which are pleirtifully stored with fish and vvater-fowl ; on some ofrhem are decoys for- wild ducks. There are but few mineral waters in this comity, and none that ai e celebrated for resort: Thetford, at one time, enjoyed repute from its spa, and a punip-room and public baths vvere erected by a gentkni in of the town ; but little encouragement, however, wa^ given to lire establishment, and the buildiuK was finally closed. — Canals : 'I'he inland navigation of this county is njion a small scale, and the construction of railways presents an obstacle to its ever- becomini! of much greater extent. A cannl ruirs from Wisbeach, in Cambridgeshire, to Outwcll Creek and Saltcrs Lwad, in Norfidk, its exteirt beini; about six miles. Irr 179'). an act of parliament was obtained fer cutting a navigable canal from the Eaw Bank to Lynn Regis, and irr 180."), another act was passed for amendirrn the former one. — Railways: The Norfidk Railway enters the ronntv about teir miles north-ea^t of Ely, and proceeds by Attlehoroiigh aird Wymondham to Nor- wich and Yarmouth: from Wymoirdham there is a Branch to East Dereham, which will be continued to Fakenham, Walsiiruham and Wells. Tlie East Anglian Railway enters frmir Caiirhiidgeshire, and uoes to Downham Maiketarrd Lynn Re^is, with an extension to Swiffham and Ivast Dcieliaiii. From Burn ton sta- tion on the Do«rrliam section of the Ea laid to Wisheach, which will coiiununicate with the Great Noitheni line. 'I'iie Ijiswicb, Bury arrd Norwich Railway (or the Eastern Uirioir) enters this county at Diss, and terminates at. Non\ici), Ecclesiastical and civil divisions, and representation. — Christianify was introduced into this part of East Anglia at a very early perioil : Felix was constituted bishop, and fixed his residence at Dunwich, in Suffolk; ihedioce.ss wes afterwardsdivided into two district-^, Durrwich, and Noi Or IClniham, in Nmfolk; the episcopal see was sirhsequently traii'-lated from Elinham to Thetford, arrd from tlnnce to Norwich, where it now remains. The first bishop of Norwich was Heibert Lu/i^na, who dieil in 1119; the present bishop is a haron of the realm, and sits in the house of jieeis— aho a titular abb it of Saint Bennett's, in Holme, the only abbot now in Err^larrd. Norfolk is in the prmince of Canterbury and diocess of Norwich, and givisnairre to a Circuit of the judges, 'i'he marine governmentof the county is vested in a naval ofTreer of high jurisdiction, who is styled ' Vice-Admiral of Norfolk.' Tlie county is divided into thirty-thice hundreds, namely — Blotield, Rrpini;liam(Nortli&South) Onilt-Cross Mitfonl, Brotlrercross, ICym-srord, Iluppini;, .Shropliana, Clackclosp, I'legi; (East and West), Henstead. Smitlidon, Claveriiig, Fortlioe, Ilolt, 'rdverliam, D'.'pwade, Freebridge, (rjvnn & Marshland,) Ilnmlilpyard, Tiiiidtfad, Diss. 'ireeiilii)e{ North & South), Laiinditcli, Wjlsliam, ICatiham, Grimiliue, Loddon, Wayland. These contain seven hundred and twenty-nine parishes and five parts of pari.'^hes, one city and county town (Norwich), and twenty other market towns. The whole couiiiy returns twelve memhers to parliament, namely — ft)ur for the county at large, two for the city of Norwich, and two each for the boroughs of Lynn Regis, Thetford and Yarmoutli. Previous to the passing of the Reform Bill, Castle Rising returned two mem- bers, but by its provi.'^ions was disfranchised; U\o additional county meniheis however, being conferied : the total number of I eprcsentatives continue the sanre. Tlie Boutrdary Act divides the county into two parts, respectively named tli« ' Eastern Division' and the ' Western Division ;' the return of members for the foi iner 2 UBirector^, Korfolfe. h made from Norwk h, and for the latter from Swaffhain. The eastern division polls also at Yarmouth, Reephara North Walsham and Long Stratton ; and the western also at Downham, Fakeiiham, Lynn Regis, Thetford and East Dereham. The gecitlenieii, at present sitting for the Eastern Di»isi(.n aie, Edmund VVodeliouse Esq and Henry Ne^us Burroughs, Esq.; for the Western, William Bagge, Esq. and the Hon. Edward Keppel' Coke. Norfiilk confers the dignity of Duke upon the ancient, nohle and long-distintjuished fan.ilvof Howaid Population, &c.— By tlie returns rendered to government in 1841, Norfolk contained 199,101 males, and 213..'Sfi3 females; total, 412,664; exhibiting an increase over the returns of 1831, of 22,610 ii.hdbitattt".— The aiinnal value of Real Property, in this county, as assessed to the Poor Rales, in 1815, amounted to £1 540 952 and iu 1841, to £1,893,824. » . . Distance Table of Towns in Norfolk. The Asterisks {*) attached to the name of a Tonn denote the number of Representatives it returns to Parliament; the ttalt tetters siytiify the Market Days. The names of the towns are on the top and side, and the square where both meet gives the distance. From London, Attlehorogh, th 93 Aylsham.. .. Bnrnham Market.. Cley Cromer Diss Downham East Dereham Fakenham Hingham Holt Lynn Regis** North Walsham Norwich** Swatfhain Thettoid** Walsinghain Watton Wells ■Wymondham Yarmouth ** A vlsham, tu 119 ~ Burnham Rlarket 121 16 28 48 33 22 10 30 17 21 31 12 36 30'24 4042 20| 8 2633 22 6 2034 3458 Cley 123 12 Cromer 130 50 451 Diss,/. 92 43 48 42 Downham, s '. 86 22 28 26 East Dereham,/. loi 22 40.34 46 j 20 27 104040 46 4211 1036i;)4 22 22 42 36 22 14 .50 18 24 2045 35 33 20 20 21. 50 .36 50 18|33 30 36 65 Fauenham, th 108 Hingham, ^M 98 H ol t, # 119 Lynn Regis, tu. andfri 99 North Walsham, th 123 Norwich, w. and s \by Thetford) 108 281Swafn)am, * 96 29I 18|Thetfurd, s 78 WHlsiiigham 113 30 Watton, w 91 28 21 211 9 3226 1)122 18|51 5.35 31 12 50144 Wells. . [by Swaffham) .. . . 118 36|WTmondham, 10 100 55132 I Yarmouth, to. &^ s. .. 124 A'l ATTLEBOROUGH. WITH THE PARISHES AND VILLAGES OF BESTHORPE, GREAT AND LITTLE ELLINGHAM THE ROCKLANDS, AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. ' natiouHl school room. The market is held on Thurs- day ; and the fairs, on the Thursday after Holy Thurs- day and August 15th, for cattle, toys, &c. 'ihe parish contiined, by the returns made iu 1831, 1,939 inhabi- tants, and in 1841, 1,959. Brsthorpe parish, is in the same hundred asAttle- boiougli — the village which is situated rather more than a mile E. by s. from that town, contains little of anything worthy of notice. The church of All Saints is an unpretending structure : the living is a discharged vica'age in the patronage of the Earl of Winterton. Population of the pHrisli, in 1841, 536. Great Ellingham parish and village is in the same hundreil as. and about 2| miles w. by n. from, Attle- bnrotiRh. The parish church of Snint James is a low building, constructed of flint and square stones, in the chequered style : the living is a discharged vicarage in the gift of the present incumbent, the Rev. Samuel Colby. Population of the pniish, in 1841, 8.39. Little Ellingham, about a mile and a half from Great Ellingham, though but an inconsiderable country village was, as it is recorded, at tlie time of the Con- quest, a town three miles in length : its churcli of Saint Peter is very ancient; the living is united to that (if the other Ellingham. The population of the parish is under 300. The Rocklands comprise the three parishes of All S lints, Saint Andrew, and Saint Peter, all in the hundred of Shrnpham ; extending from about 3J to 45 miles, west from Attleburgh. The village lona and irregular, is chiefly in All Saints' parish, where also is situated the Union poor-house, a commodious build- ing. All Saints ant. Saint Peter's churches only re- main — that of Saint Andrew having only a poition of its tower standing. The livings of the three are dis- charged rectories — Saint .Andrew's being uniied to All Saints' parish : the R* v. Henry Bird is natron and incumbent of the benefices. Population of Rockland, All Saints' parish, 352; Saint Andrew, 154; Saint lTTLEBOROUGH. popularly called Attleburgh, is a parish in the hundred of Shropham — the niaikei town, small and ancient, is 93 miles n.e. bvN.from London, and 14 s.w. from Norwich ; situated on the road between the last named city and Thetford, and on the line of the Norfolk Railway, for whii h there is a handsome station contiguous to thetown, and a newly- buiit ciimmndious inn. The name is derived fiom Athel'mg >>Y Atlingea. Saxon prince, by whom it is said to have been oiiaiiiHlly founded; and from burg or castle, by which it was furmerly defended frotu the attacks of the Danes: and it was formeily not only a city, but the metropolis of the county; although but little now remains by whicli its extent or importanec, at that time, ran be judged of. In its days of grandeur it was the seat of tiie Moriimer family; and in the reign of Hemy IV. the executors of Sir Kobcrt Mort- imer, knight, according to his will, built a chanfiy or collen'', appiopriaied to the Exaltaiion of the Cross, and assigned the same h)r a master and four secular priests. The church, vvhich is dedicated to Saint Maiy, IS in tlie collegiate style, with a square tower at the in- tersection of the transepts : parts of this edifice have been long destroyed ; the remains exhibit a nave with its ai~les, a nonh and south trasisept, and a handsouie porch on the north side. In this church are interred many persons of (li>tiiiciiou, htlonging to the Mort- imer and RatdiflTefaniilie!!. The living is a rectory, in the presentation of Sir Edwaid B. Smyth, the present lord of tliH manor. The other places of worsliip are for Baptists, the Society of Friends, and Methodists. This is a town of but little trade : its ii. habitants ate chiefly employed in agriculmie, and enjoying some advantages from the market nnd fairs, as well as from the passage of travellers between the capital of th<- county and some of the larte towns inSuffolk. Attle- borough is included in thethiity-third circuit of County Court towns, ur.der the act passed in 1846, for the recovery of debts to any amount not exceeding £20 : the court is held monthly, on Wednesdays, in the 'Peter, 392. 3 Koifolfe, ATTLEBOROUGH, &c. ^latfr'jJ POST OFFICE* ATTLEBOROUGH, George Parsons, Post Master. — Letters from London mid various parts arrive every morning at two and afternoon at four, and are despatched at half-past eigiit in tlie oioru- mg, an I niirht at ten. Letters from NoKWicH, &c., ariivee^ery nioinina; at two, and evening at half-past eiglit, and are des- patched at half-past tlire.- in the aft> rnoon, and night iit ten. Letters from Hingham and Uunwell ;irrive e>eiy evming at half-past seven, and from Buckenham and EccLES at hdlf-past tinht, and aie despatched ai hilf-pist six in the evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Aldis Mrs. Eiizaheth, Aftleborongh Barrett Rev. Jonathan T. d.d. Par- sonage, Attlehorongh Beever Sir Thomas liranthwaU, Bart. Hargham Hall Biid Re».Henry,lli)ckland.Ail Saints BmwM Mrs. Maiy, Rockland St. Pr ter's Carter .Mrs. MarvAnn. Attlehorongh Cockfll Arthnr, K-q Frimiose Hall Cockell.MrsCii.irlitite,.Attlebi)ioiigh Cockei- Mrs. Saralt, Atilehnrniitih Colby Rev. Samne!, LitileEllint-ham Dowell Rev. Kdward ^V, Htsthorpe Fiiifh Rev. Heniy, Shropliam K'na Mr. Stephen, Attleborongli Lane .Mrs. Marv, Attlel>orbert, Rockland St. Peters ()ifllinghain FARMERS. Allison Miles, Liitle Kllingham Alph Fra'icis, Besthorpe B irker Thomas, Bestliot pe Barnard Benjiiiiin, Ellinnhani Hall liiirnarit James, (ireat Ellingham B-iritard John, Gieat Eilinuhani Burnett Benjamin, Rockland Bowles Williain a Son, Llitle El- lingham Bi others John. Great Ellingham Clark James, Besthorpe Cocking Daniel W. Little Ellingham (Oilman Henry, Great EHingham Colman James, Great EHingham CohnanBob' If, Rockland All Saints Covvles Robeit, Besthoipe Cowles William, Atih borough Davey Jr)hii, Great Kllingham Gieen John, Attleboiough Green Mary Ann, Attli borough Le Giicejereniiah, Great Ellingham l..e Giice Roiien, Gieai Ellingliatn Limmer Jane, Besthoipe Mann Joseph. Rockland Mann Marv, Gr-ai Eliineham Mai ner John, Attlehorongh ^iyhill John. .Attiebomngh Page Burrell. Be-tliorpe Palmer William, Besthorpe Riveit Jonathan, Great Ellingham Rose Sarah, Besthorpe Salter George W. OM Bmkenham Itngay 'Ibonias, L ttle EHiiigham Warren J'hn, Besthorpe Wa'ien Samnel, Great Ellingham Winks Jac'b, Be-thorpe Wiitht Phi Ills, Great Ellingham Wr'ght Sarah, Besiboipe FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. County (fire), Samuel Doughty, Attlehorough Crown (life), George James Pot- ter, Aiileboiouiih Hail-storm, Christopher Spanton, Altlehorougb Norwich Kqlitable (life), C. Soantoii, .Attlehorough Norwich Union, C. Sjianton and Jane Francis, AtileborouKh Palladium (life), Frederick F. F'raitcklin, Attleboiough PiifENix (fiie), F. F. PVancklin, Attlehoroiuh [A'tleborough Provident (life), Samuel Doughty, GROCERS, DRAPERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Barnanl Lydia, Great Ellingham Byles Jolm, Attlehf)rough (^offay Richard, Attleboiough Hannant Chailes Heniy, Great El- lingham (.litileproud William, Attlebf)rough MaitnFairman, Rockland .All Saints IMu-kett James, Attleborongli Nurse Richard, Rockland St. Peters Parktr Ri tiecca &. Bullcn Ann, Great Ellingham Pilsrim Robert, Attlehorough Rose James, Atfteborouuli Ryder James, Gieat EUinnham Wade John, Great Eliineham Warren Samuel, Besthorpe Wan en William, Besthorpe Wells Samuel, Attlehorough Wilenier Richard, Great Ellingham INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Angellnn.SHiah Loritk, Attleboro' Bear, Robert Ehbage, Attleborongli Chequers. Robcit licbhell. Gnat Ellingham [Attlehorough ("ock and Coach, Samuel Peck, ("ompa-se«, John Cooke, Besthorpe Crow n, MilesAllisoii, Little Ellinghm Crown, Robi B irnard, Gt.Elliiigham Crown Iun(coramcrcial),Maiy Ann Green, Attleborough iSirertorp. ATTLEBOROUGH, &c. Korfolfe. Gritfiii, Mary Scwell, Attleborougli New Inn (coinmeicial and posting) Uii VH>Mr, Station road White Halt, Fainiiaii Mann, Rock- land Ail Sainis [bornngh Wliitt Horse, William Revell, Attle- Retailers of Beer Rarlicr Saiali, Attleborongh Bartium Jolm, Great Elliugliam " Cooi\ John, Aitlt'borough Crow Sophia, Attleborougli Doubleilay James, Bisthnrpe Foiilslnni James, Attleborongh Foulsliani Jolin, Kllinghain road Muskett Elizaheili, Atileborough Palmer David, Be-ilinrpe Wilkins Robei t.Rodilnnd St.Peters LAND AGENTS& SURVEYORS Eatiiii Jnliii (and niictioneer and valuer), Attleborough Salter Geoi>>e VV., Attleborough Salter Thomas, Atth bon>u«h Salter Thomas Fisher,Atilebur(iugli MILLERS. Colman Timoth), Rockland St. Peters [Saints Daiithorn William, Rockland All Fii Idins; Jeieniiah, Great Ellingham Flowerday Jipshua, Attleborough Lovett Roiicrt, Re«thorpe Sayer J-.hn, AttieboronKh Sayer William, Rockland St.Peters NILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS Aiideisnu Sarah, AttlebiMouiih Chaplin Kr^nci-, Great EHinghara Parson- Elizi, Attleborough Warren Julia (and stay), Attleboro' Wehster Elizabeth, Atilebomugh PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. Brothers Charles, Attl^ borough Hasehvood Roliert, Atilehorough SADDLERS. Defew George, Atileborough IMiles William, Attleborough STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Castletiin Cli^trlotie, Gt. Ellingliam King Harriet, Attleborough Leeder Frances, Gieat Ellingham Matthews Mary, Great Kllingliam Wright John, Attleborough SURGEONS. Houchen'l'honiHs W. Attleborough Potter Gc'irge James, Attleborough Wiles Charles B. Attleborough SURVEYORS. See Land Agents and Surveyors. TAILORS. Alien Robert, Rockland St. Peters Barker George, Attleborough Barnard William C. Attleborough Bateman William, Attleborough Brait Samuel, Rockland St. Peters Fox Kdmuud, Great Ellingham Fox Henry, Great EUineham Fro.st James, Rockland St. Peters Nicholls John, At leborugh Ponder Thomas, Atilebor.iugh Simonds John, Roc kland St. Peters Steele William, Rocklmd St. Peters Warby James, Attleborough Wilenier Richard, Great Ellingham VETERIMARY SURGEONS. Leeder John, Great Eilinehain Leeder William, jun. Gt. Ellingham Wilson Da\id, Attleborough WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Dawes William, Attleborough Warren John. Attleborough WHEELWRIGHTS. Bowden Willi in, Atilenorough Brooks William, Great ElliiiKliam Bri>vvuStephe'i,Buckland St. Peters Chaplin William. Gieat Ellingham Diake Charles, Attleborough Miscellaneous- Bartram Robert, cattle dealer, Rockland All Saints Brolhrrs Gi'orge, lliatcher, Attleborough CowlesWilliain, collector of property tax, Attleborougli Crook Charles, carrier, Attleborough Dennis Benjamin, parish clerk, Gre;it Ell-ngliam Fox Edward, greengrocer, Attleborough Gayt'ord William, post-Iioise proprietor, Attleborough [Attleborough (loldspink Chas.horse and gig proprietor. Good will Jas.stat ion master. Attleborough Howlelt George, tinman and brazier. Attleborough [Attleboroiigh Hurriiig Wni. cooper and basket maker, Johnson Robert, turner and umbrella maker, Attleborough Kim; Stephen, blarlisniith & earthenware dealer, Atilehorough Lusher John, Ihatcher, Attleborough Mann Thomas, carrier, Attleborough Miisikeli James, news agent.AUleborough Parsons George, letter-press printer, At- tleborough [rough Robinson Charles, brick maker, Attlebo- Sbickle John, inspector of weights, Attle- borough Twidney Robert, carrier,Great Ellingham UpstonWni. furniture brokr, Attleborough Webster Jas hairdresser, Attleboroush Wright John, coal dealer, Attleborough PLACES OP W^ORSHIP, ANDTHEIK MINISTERS. All Saints Church, Rockland — Rev. Henry hwi, curate. .Saint jAMES'CHURrH,Gt. Ellingham— Rev. Samuel Colby, rec-/c— Alexander Edgell, Gray's Inn, London. r"«^horough. District CZe; A:— Christopher Spaulon,At- Sai/i/f— Stephen King, Attleborough. COACHES, Sec. To DISS, an Omnibus, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, through Buck- en ham To NORWICH, a Coach, from Joshua Flowerdajs, every Saturday nioinine at eight * To WATTON, John Canha.r's Coachet, from the Station, every Thursday and Saturday CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON THE NORFOLK LINE. Station contiguous to the town— James Woo'lwin, station master. Canham'-i Coaches (from Watton) meet the trains every Thursday & Saturday. CARRIERS, FROM ATTLEBOROUGH. To BUCKENHAM, Thomas Mann, from his house, Friday To BURY SAINT EDMUNDS and Thetford. William Clarke, from the Crown Inn, Wednesday and Saturday To HARGHAM and GREAT ELLING. HAM, Thoni.Ts Mann, Wednesday To HARLESTON, Robert H^irdingham, from the Station, Monday, Wednesday and Friday To NORWICH. Chas. Crook &Thomas Mann, Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day, and William Clarke, from the Crown, Tuesday and Thursday To WATTON, John Canhara fappointed agent to the Railway Company) his Vans to and Ironi Watton, daily FROM GREAT ELLINGHAM. To NORWICH, Robert Twidney, Tues- day and Saturday, and the Norfolk Railway Company's Van, twice a week AYLSHAM, CAWSTON AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. ^YLSHAM is a paiish in south Erpini-'bam hundred — the market town, neat and small, is 119 miles n.e. by N. from London, and 12 n.n.w. from Norwich {the nearest lailway .station); sitna'ed in a fine part of the rounty, on a ijentle eminence who.se base i> watc ed by the liure: this river is navigable to Yarmouth for craft of tnnrteen tons buideii ; upon its .stream are several corn-mills. This was formeily one of the prin- cipal niaiinfactuiing towll^ in the county, ami was ct'lebiated for it^ linen, cnllefl ' Aylsham web:' upon the decay of this branch the inanufactine of wooUms and stockings was introduced, which flourished until machinery caused it to decline; a few looms only being employed now for the Noiwich houses. 'J'he princi- pal trade at iiresent is in corn and timber. The parish of Aylsham extends over three manors, viz. Aylsham on the part of Lancaster, of whicli the Dowager Lady -Snffield is the owner; Aylsi am Wood manor, pos- sessed by Robert Copeman, Ksq ; and Ayl>liain vicar- age, of vvhirh the vicar of Aylsham, for tin- time being, is the lord : the whole was originally held under the (Intrhy of (jancaster. it hiving been gi anted hy Kdward III to John of Gaunt, Duke ot L'Micaster. Courts are held occasionally for bn>ines> connected with the several manors, and a Ctiuniy Court monthly, for the recovery of debts to any amount not exceeding £20; Korfolit. AYLSHAM, &c. ^lattc^g AvMiam bfing included in tlie circuit of towns under about ilie year 162S by Sir Jobii HobHrt : in tbe origina* tli'e act franieaid, Queen Anne l}nle\n was b' rn, and of guardians f'>r the Aylsham Uiii place has a chai ter to hold a weekly market ; but j)iosnect<'f great diversity. There are seveial handsome the inhai>itants do not avail themselves of such pnvdege seats in the vicmiiv of the town ; the principal one is otherwise than to preset ve the right, which is effected ' Blickling Hall.' the seat of Lidy Snffield, about a by holding one annually on the la^t Wednesday in mile and a half distant, in the midst of one of the April. Fair'^, February 1st for cattle, and th'j last most extetisive and heantifnl parks in the county: the Wednesifav in August for shi ep. The population ol' mansion is an ancient building of brick, re-erected tlie parish in 1831, was 1,110, and 1841, 1,103. POST OFFICE, Hnneate Street, Aylsham, Mary Nobhs, Post Mistress. — Letters from all parts (except Cromer), arrive (from Norwich}, every morning at half-past seven, atid are despatched theretu at twenty minutes befoie six in the evening. Letters from Cromer ariive every afternoon at half-past five,' and are despatched thereto at eight in the morning. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Allen Rev. Stephen, Erpingham Browne Ml-s Martha, Cromer road Buller Rev. J^mes, Norwicii road Bu'ler Mrs. Mary Ann, Woodhine Cottaae Bui werUev. Augustine, E.L.Cawston Cable Mr. James, Caw^ion Canfor Mr. Ellis. Kedlion st Chester, the Honhle Mrs , Paradise Clark Mr. .laiiKS, Kedlion ^t Colebv Mrs. Martha, VVhitehart st Cook Mr. Thomas, Bushy place Cook Mr. William, Pinfold st CuMance Bev. John, Blicklinu Elven Mrs. Sarah, Whitebait st Fish Bev. Georce, Erningham Glister Mr. Tlioma-, Pound lane Gotier-on Mrs.i'enelope,Church ter Guiiton Mr. George, Whitebait st Heath K' V. Charles, Hanworth Holiey Mrs. Ann, Muket place HoUey James Hunt.Esq. Buri',hhall Hollev Mrs — , ('limcli terrace ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. ^ CuUey John, Cawsfon road Ashley Elizabeth. Market jilace Eldtii Thomas, Market place Burke & Dobson (ladies' boarding) Fimiage John, M nket plice Blickliim mad i Miller Thonta-, Chun h hill DiocKSAN ScJiooL, Hungate si — ^ Ostk'k Kih it, Whiiehait st William Poiilton, ma-ter | Rust Wil iam, llidlion st NATioNALScHooL.Schoolhouselane Sfa ling William, Bedlioii st James Brvan, master; Charlotte Thirtle Robert, Kedlion st M. Brvan, mistress; Maria Dod- Witgett William, Cawston man, mistress of iiifaiit^' school ] Williams Brittingham, Cawston Robinson Jane, Commercial road 1 Wilson John, Hungate st Wright William (boarding & day), ' Woods James, Cawston 1 BRICKLAYERS. Hoistead John, Hungnte st March Henry, Commercial j"oad Commercial road Yallop Robert, Cawston ATTORNEYS. Copeman Thomas, Blickling road Parmeter Roheri VVm.Ciomer road Repton Si Scott, .Maiket place BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Austin Watts, Cawston Butler Luke (and confectioner), Sands John, Huiig«test Redlionsiieet [place CABINET makers. Clover.lolin(Acoi)fecfioner)Market Burrell Geoiue Elden, Market place L-i.u.. U7:ii:„.., /i I, I. Ill I...1... 1.1.. /-■ _ I BUTCHERS. Austin Matthi w, Cawston Bond John, Cawston Chapman John, Kedlion st Hovvlett HiiIh'ii, Kedlion st .Sands J^mes, Kedlion st Ebbs William, Chunh hill Luhbi'nU .\J I s.l-:iizlh,Chu:cb terrace Hill Samuel K., Cawston road Orfnd, the KiL'ht Hiniourable the Earl of, Woltertoii Hail Parker Mrs. Lncv, Cawston road Porrett Mr. Thomas, Cromer road Pottle K( V.John, Burgh Raikhani Mrs Martha, Cromer rd Robins Mr. William, Maiket place Seaman Miss Sophia, Chinch hill Sexton -Mrs. Mary Ann, Hiingatest Sliaw .Miss Jane, Schoolhouse luie Shaw, the Misses Baibara & Sarah, INIaiket place Slioit Miss Sarah. Cluiich liill Spencer Kev. Chailes, Ca".stou Sufbeld.ihe Dowager Lady Caroline, B ickling H.ill Taflinm Mr. Richard , Redlion st TaUor Miss Lvdia, Pinfidd st Upton Kev. J. hn. Commercial road Wa ler .Mr. John Clear, Commercial ro d Walpole Miss Emi'y, Whiiebart st WarnesMr. John, Bi>lwick Hall White Mrs. — , Blickling road Wicks Mrs. Sn^aii. Milliiite Wooilh'iuse .Mrs Em nia, Blickling rd Yates Rev. Edmund T.,tlie Vicarage (> Liixeii Kichaid (and confectioner), Kedlion stieet Neal Deniii-, Whiiebart st Pye Samuel, Cawston Kobins Mary, CaHstoii Rnsseil John, Cawston Sexton Joseph, Hiini^ate st BANKERS. Copeman George & Thomas Bank st (draw upon Hankeys', & Co., London) — Jame^Hai rod, manager Savings' Bank, Bank street (open every Mon !ay from 12 till 1) — James Hai rod, actuary BASKET MAKERS. Starling William. Keiilion st Wat-on James, Millgate BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND PRINTERS. Clement- Chas vston Warren Thomas, iMillgate Whiley George, Millgate HAIR DRESSERS AND PERFUMERS. Dale Robert, Marketplace Smitlisoii Ze|)haniah, Market place INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Anchor, James Fitr, MHluate Bell, Robins Uix, Cawston Black Boys' Inn (commercial and postint;). Market place Bull, Williaiu Pnrday, Redlion st Cross Keys, Lncy Ulph, Redlion st Dog Inn (commertial and posting), Dog corner Kins'- Head, William Ellis.Cawston New Inn, Dick Keek, Redlion st |{at Catchers, IjCO Lewis, Cawston Red Lion (commercial], John Cliap- nian. Redlion st Star, Georne Clarke, Redlion si Unicorn, Wm. Pnnciier,H ungate st White Horse, Roht.Boiilter,Cawstoii Wood Row, Isaac Easton, Cawston Retailers of Beer. Butt George, Cawsion st Freeman John, Millgate Howe- John, Cawston Jarvis Robert, Whitehart st Moy John Caw- ton road Nidiolls John, Millgate Pilgrim Ezra, Hnngntest Poll Henry, Whitehart st Slipper Geoige, Cawston Wilson John, Hungatest IRONMONGERS. Freeman & Ansten, Market place Skidmore Arthur Wellington, Mar- ket place MALTSTERS. Parmefer Srimuel, Millgate Pilgrim Ezra (and brewer), Hun- gred street MILLERS. Davison James, Caw-ton road Parnieter Samnel, Millgate Pve Samuel, Cawston Soame George, Cawston road MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS D'Ayion Harriet, Hungate st Doughty Ann, Market place Klden Ellen, Mark- 1 place Gowinn Saiah, Market place Hatcher Jane, Redlion st Stearman Ann, Commercial road NiclioUs Elizabeth, Caw-ton MILLWRIGHTS Ac MACHINE MAKERS. Craft Henry, Cawston road WinteH)iiin James, Cawston road PLUMBERS, PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. Davy Elijah, Blickling road Elvin Robert, W'liitehart st Pert David & William, Millgate Pert Leonard, Redlion st Pratt Robert, Redlion st Wright David, Cawsion SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Frankland Jame-, ReiUi"n st Hounstield Edward, Bmgli road Laxen Henry, Market place Lemon Benjamin, Redlion st SMITHS. Burton John, Church hill Butler William, Cawston road Mears Stephen, Cawston Ottwav Thoina-, Cawsion Pike Robert, Reillion st Tatham George, Ciomer road STONE AND MARBLE MASONS Allen Henry p.. Whitehart st Fieeman John, Millgate STRATV BONNET MAKERS. Bowers Miitilda, Clinrch hill Burton Sarah, Whitehart st Butler Elizaheth. Reiilion st Ma-singham Mariha, Cavvstoii Miller Sarah, Church hill SURGEONS. Mann J. T., Hnnyate si Morrill John, Cawston Morton Richard Kay, Matket place Smith Frederick, Maiket place TAILORS. Marked tliiis * are also Drapcrg. *Breese James, Redlion st Bnrrell VVillinm, Maiket place C^ff Robert, Cawston Dewing Thnmas, Cawston Fl ;xman John, Marketplace *Haddon Ja-. (& glover), Redlion st OIley Thomas, Cawston St'aiman Frederick, Hungate st j •Sutton John, Redlion st *Tuddenham James, Cawston I *Ulph John, Redlion st I TIN-PLATE WORKERS. j Platten Edward Suffolk, Church hill ! Smith John, Stoneham's passage WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Connold Thomas, Mai ket place Fitt John, Rtdlioii st Russell Jidin, Caw-ton Silance George, Whitehart st Wade Charles Rice, Marketplace W HEELW^RIGHTS. Bowers Robert, Cromer st Pidudfoot John, Hungate st Spark William, Cawsion Ulph John H., Whitehart st Miscellaneous Bpckliam Benjn. n^t makf-r, Hungate sf Biiirell Geo. lilden, auctioneer, Maiket pi Case .lames Lee, accounlont, Millgate Clements Charles, sub-distributer of st iraps. Market place Dewing William, pump maker, Cawston Edwards John, china, glass, &r. dialer, Redlion street [liirace Howes Roberi,veterinary snif;eon,Cluircli Jones Edward, superintendent of police, Hlickling road LiTEHiRY SociETT, Marlift place- George Copeman, honorary secretary Milehain William, artist, Cmmercial rd Parker Tliomas. cooper, \Vhiiehart st Purilv James, fishmonger, Reillinn st Roe Frederic, clerk to the maaisiraled & to the deputy lieutenancy, Blickling ril Smith Thomas, horse and cattle dealer Hungate st , Stamp Office, Maiket place— Charles Clement?, suh-di>tiihuter REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS, DEATHS & MARRIAGES. Snper'intendtnt Registrar — William Hill. Registrars of Ilirlhs and DcaWis— Alex- ander Sands aud John Wright. COUNTY COURT, Held monihi.y at the Dog Inn. I Judge— Thomns Jacob Birch, E^q. Hiah fi-Ji/'/f- Arthur John Landon. ! Bailiff— AUeu I'ye. j C7e/fc— Alexander Edgell. [place I Assistant C/eWis- Uepton & Scott.Maiket COACHES, &C. ToCROMFR. the Star (from Norwich), calls at Block Boys' Inn.pvery morning, and the Oifon, at a quarter before seven in the evening To NORWICH, the Oce^.n (from Ciomer), calls at the Black Boys' Inn, every morning at nine, and Ihe Sinr, every Saturday alternoon at lialf-past two. The /'»ie7ids/(ip((rom Holt ) calls at the Dog Inn every morning at nine, and the Prince »/ Wales, from the Black Boys', every Saiurday morning at the same hour To HOLT, the Friendship{(TomTtle, supposed to have been buili bv Sir Waher Knyvett in the 14th ceiituiy. A high bailiff is chosen annually at the • I'ortinan' court; cciirts b.iron and leet are held by tiie lord of the inanor,tiie llev. J. F. Francklin.aiid tlir t.iwn is included in the AttUborouuh circuit.under ihe act pas>ed in 184(i, for the recoveiy of debts to any amount not t xceecMng £20. The pari--h ciiurcli of Saint Martin, was founded in tlie fifteenth cemury by a celebrated priest, naimd its appellation: the living is a perpetual curacy, in th^ patronage of the parishioners; the Rev. Thomas W. Thnmp-on is the pieseiit incunitient. There is a place of worship for Metiiodivts; and the cbaiities comprise a tree school for a limited numhirof hoys, and an ;ilinshouse for fouragtd per>ons. The weekly market, enntled to be held on Sat'irday, has fallen into di>use, and only now observed annually on the last Saturday In .May — it is a large one for general articles of con- sum|ition and wear : there is also a fair held on the 22nd of November. The population of the piiish, in 1831, was 795, and in 1841, 716. Old Ruckenham is a parish and village in the in the .same hundred as, and about two mik-s from New Buckenbam. The village, which is stra.;gliag, but picturesque, and encircles a piece of common land of about twenty acres, exhihits nothing worthy of notice but its neat church : the living is a peipetual curacy, in the paironaae of the parishiorers ; the Rev. Thomas P. .Slipp is the present incumbent. Contiguous to the cliurch gates stands the national school, a(om- niodious brick Imildiiig. Population of the parish in 18;}1, 1,201 ; in 1841, 1,253. Thoma- de iJokenhun, troni whom the town obtained POST OFFICE, New BucKENtiAM, Heniy Ely, Post Master.— LHters from all parts arrive (from ATTLEBOROtGiij, eVfry morning at half-past eight, and are despatched thereto at six in the evening. POST OFFICE, Old Buckeniiam, George Ho\t, Post jl/ffs^cr.— Letters from all paits arrive (from Attleboroi gh), every tiioining at half-past seven, and aredesp^tctied thereto at seven in the evening Thompson Levi, Old Buckenham Turner James, Ntw Buckenham Turner Oshorne, Old Ruckeniiani GENTRY AND CLEBGY Clowes Mr. lidward Morris (attor- ney and registiar of bi-tlis and deaths!, New Bnckfiiliam Fulcher Rev. Thos.Old Buckenham Howard .Mr. Horace (surgeoii)New Butktiiiiam Howse Mis. Mary.New Buckenham Mitcliell Rev. Benjamin, New Buck- enham [lii*ni Mouiah- r .Mrs. Sarah Old Bucken- Slapp Rev. Thomas Payton, Old Buckmlrin ^,.,. .^„^, „v,... Thompson Rev. Thomas VV.,N(W witling James, New Buckenham Buckeiih-im ['nn' BRICKLAYERS. Gat'e Thomas, Old Buckenham Smith WilliaMi, New Buckenbam Stebbings Tbouias,New Buckenham BUTCHERS. Bails John, Old Bui kenhatn Gayiner John, New Buckenham Hu'iibaid Robert. Old Buckenham LaiK aster John, Old Buckenham Lawrence John, New Buckmiiam Tun er .Mr. Henry, New Bucken- ACADEIVIIES AND SCHOOLS. Infants' School, New iiuckenham — K'iz'brth Davy, mi-tress Infants' School, Old Buckenham — Louisa Carcase, mistress Mays Mary (boarding & day), New Buckenham Lanrastt-r Susan, Old Buckenham National School, Oid Bm ki nliam — Wni. Adaiiison, nia-ter; Miry Ann .Ad iinson, mi-tress T\rrell William, Nt-w Hiickenham AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, AND ESTATE AGENTS. Sait'-r George W., Old liiickeiih.ni and Attleborough Tovvnshend John, New Buckenham BAKERS. Knights William, New Biicketihatn Long D.vid, Old Biickeiiham Poller Amos, Old Biiiki nham Woodio'v Henry, New Buckenham BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Bii'i':eiv riemy, .Ni w Biickenhani Donnett (ieorge, Old Iiuckenham Holden William, New Biickenhaiii Fisher William, Old Buckei.ham Forster William, Old Biickenhaui Houibii) Kdwaul, Old Bnckenham Lini! Geoige, Old Buckenham Long Daniel, Old Bncl-cnham Loveday Foulger, Old Buckenbam Mordey John, (JId Hiickenham Parsons W iHi.iin, New iiuckenham Smith John, Old Buckenham Starke William, Old Buckenham CARPENTERS. Ahlis Fr.itiiis. New liii< kenham Aldis Jami s. New Iiuckenham Clia])maii William, New Buckenham Gaue Thoma-, Old Buckenhain Not ton John, Old liiKkenham Potter Amos, Old Buckenham Turner Hammond & Joseph, New Buckenham INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Geoige, Hy. Brett, New Buckenham King's Head, Henry Ely, New Buck- enham [Buikenham White Horse, Elwin Stehbmg.s.New White Horse, George Hoil, Old Buckenham Retailers of Beer Dailies John, Old Buckeniiam Hoiichin Kihvard, Old Bui keiihani Knights WilliHUi, New Buckeniiam Rose Saiali, New Buckenham IRONMONGERS. Andrews Thomas & Son, New Buckenham Wallis John, New Buckenhain MILLERS. Phillips Abahain, Old Iiuckenham' ,. , ™^r^*",,f: „ , , Phi lips Jac b, oid Iiuckenham Bmlinghatn John, Ol 1 Buckenha ' P.ilmer r lancis, New Buckenhan COOPERS 6t BASKET MAKERS. lirown R ■hert New lim kenhani Daiy D.miel, Nivv Iiuckenham FARMERS. lieals Jo-epli, Ol I Iiuckenham liird Richaid, Oil Buekenham lila( kburii John, Old Iiuckenham lilooiiirirld Mat), Old iiuckenham lioad .Maria, New liiickenliam iiurliiuliam Chas., Old Iiuckenham Coliiia i Williim, Old Buekenham Drake Thomas I'., Old Buckenham fiall John, New Biiekenliaiii liali .l.hn, juti.. New liuckenh mi Hewitt R'heit, New Bin kenhani Hunt William, New liiicki nhaiii Palmer Ellis, ()1,| |J,i, kei.ham Pa merJa-.& Wm. Old iiuckenham S,i|ter (Jc or:ie W., (& auctioneer). Old liuckenhiiii Trickson Philip, Old liuckenliam FIRE &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Royal Failmeus', Fdwd. N.C owes New liiickenh.im [Iiuckenham SiAK (life,, John Townshend, New GROCERS, DRAPERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. liivaiit Riclitid, New linckenham Julieii Ezekiel, New Buekenham Palmer Jas.iSi V\ m.OM Iiuckenham PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Hai vey Thomas Brown, New Ruck- eiih.im Haylitt Jolin. Old Bm kenliani Stebbings Tlios., Ne v Buckenham SADDLERS. Austin James, N' w Buckenham Townsliend 'i'lio-.,New Buckenham SMITHS. Chapman Thomas, Old liiickeiiliaiu Kyhird Willi. m. Old Buekenham Loveday John (& mihwiiglitj, Old Buekenham i'uet Fdward, Old Iiuckenham Smith Robert (coach), Od Iiucken- ham [Buckenham Wallis John (& gunsmith). New TAILORS. Davy Thomas, New Iiuckenham (iaymei William, New liuckenliam Leader D.ivid, Old liuckenliam [yighton .lames, New Bnckenham Lightoii William. New Buckenham Potter .Amos, Old Iiuckenham W^ATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Andrew rhos.& Son, New Buckenhni Holl George, Old Buckeniiam ^ivutoxQ* BUCKENHAM. Koifolfe, WHEELWRIGHTS. Kyb'id William [&. gig inakei), Old Buckenliain [liiickeiihani Siuitli Rol>t. (& coad) builder), Old Miscellaneous Biidrtery Lydi.T, dollies dealer, New Buckenham Hewitt James, carrier. New Buckenham Johnson Samiirl, carrier.New Buckenham Peck Riclid. horse dealer.Uld Buckenham Pelley \\ illiam, veteriuary surgeon, Old Buckenham Kayson William F. stone ninson. New Buckenh m Sparrow David, earlier, Old Buckenham Town>liend John.currier.NewBuckenhm Turner Ed Hard, die in is t,New Buckenham Wilson Daniel, hair dresser and glover, New Buckenham POOR LAW^ UNION. GUILTCROSS. Workhouse, Kenmnghall lane. G'lverniir — Thomas Uockham. tJutron — Martha Rockham. Sclwolniaster — James Turner. Schootmistress — Maria Ann Rotheram. Clerk to (he Board of Guardians — Daniel H. Calver, Kenninghall. Chaplain — Rev. Richard Liibbiick. Surgeon — Peter Dent, Kenninghall. Relieving Officer— Gtorge Kent. CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON THE E.4STERN UNION LINE. There is aUo a Station at Attlebo- ROUGH on the Easter.n Codnties Railway, .5 miles w.N w. from New Buckenham. An Omnibus from Old Buckenham to At- lleboioiigh tliree times a week. OMNIBUSES' To ATTLE BO ROUGH an Omnibus, from theWhite Horse. Old Buckenham, every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday To DISS, an Omnibus, (roin the above Inn, every Monday, Wednesday&Friday CARRIERS. To DISS, James Hewitt, from New Buckenham, Thursday To HOPTON, James Fisl;, from New Buckenham, Tuesday and Friday To NORWICH, John Bowen, from New Buckenham, Tuesday and Friday, Jas. Fisk, Monday and Thursday, & Samuel Johnson,Saturday,and David Sparrow, from the White Horsc,01d Buckenham, on the last named dav BURNHAM MARKET and other BURNHAMS, WITH NORTH AND SOUTH CREAKE AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. JOURNHAM MARKET (or Burnham-Westgatk) istiie piiiicipal of si.Xdtlier Bm iil)ams,di.siinctparisiie> and small villages adjoitiing to each otiier, all in the hundred uf Broihercross. The fir^t-iiaiued village i> 121 miles N n.e. from London 36 N.w. from Nor- with, lU N N.w. from KaUenham (the nearest railway station), and >otne\vliat above 2 niile.s from the sea; situated im tlie .Niiial! liier Burn (tVciin which it is said 10 deiive its uanie). The place enjov.sa tradeineorn, has two iron foundries, and a manufactmy for agricul- tural iaipleinents ; but the weaving of heui[)eii clotii, at one tune of consequence, is no lunger pursued. Tht- government of the Burnhams is delegated toconstat)le>, elected at the several couitsluld under the lords of different manois. 'i'he seven parishes have their seve- ral te>pective churches; but none of these are w-orthy of descriptiie nmice except that of Burnhani Market: this isdeilicated to Saint Mary, and is a neat stiucmre of stone and tiint, witii an embattled tower; and in the chancel aie some interesting mounments : the liv- ing is a lectury, in the patronaye uf the Master and Fellows fif Cains t'ollene, Cambridge. The Indepen- dents, Wesley.iii and Primi'ive Methodists, have each a chapel in tne parish ; and tlieie are alms-houses for the aged poor. Burnham Thorpe, a mile distant. claims mention as being the birth-place of the naval hero. Nelson, and the church of Saint Peter, contain^ several marble tablets to ihe niemnry of the Nelson family. The neighbomlioodaiound here is considered as beautiful as any in Noifolk — the land exceedingly fertile, and ii. a superior state of agriculture. Many liatidsome lesidences of opulent families einbellish the rlistiict, the grounds id which are laid out with tha' taste and agricultural skill so eminen ly characteristic of the Norfolk estates. Two aimual fairs are held i» Burnhani Market, for toys and sundries — one on Tues" day ill Easter week, the other on the 1st and 2n(l of August. The parish contained, in 1841, 1,126 in- habitants. The following comprise the other Burnhams, with the disiance or each fiom the principal parish of Burn- ham Market; and its papulation at the hist census, viz.— Burnham Deepdale i^ two miles and a half n. \v., wiih a population of 109 inhabitants; Burn- ham Norton, one mile, population 166 ; Burniian Sutton and Burnham Ulph, adjoining Burnhani Market, population 35.5 ; Burnham Thorpe, about a mile e. by s , populatiniiSye ; and Burnham Overy — the last named is a small sea-port, two miles mirth of Burnham Market, communicHting with the sea by an arm or creek about a mile and a half in length. Its trade is in coin and coal, and a portion of the inliabi- tants derive their subsistence from oyster-dredging ; population 613. North and South Creake are two villages and pirishes in the same bundled as the Burnhan).s; situa- ted from two til four miles from Burnham Market. The villages are straggling, and the houses coniposiug them have no pretensions i o elegance ; nor is there any- thing of consequence belonging to the parishes but their agricultural prosperity. The places of worship are a church each at North and South Creake, both dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and a Baptist chapel at South Creake. The living ot North Creake is a rectory, in the presentation of the bishop Norwich ; that of South Creake i>^ a vicarage, in the gift of the liev. Henry Goggs. The iiopulation of North and Soutli Creake re^pe'tively, in 1841, was 648 and 940. POST OEEICE, Burnham Market, Robert Sparks, Post dlasier.— Letters from all parts arrive (from Lynn) every luorning at ten ; and are despatched theieto at half-past three in the alteinoon. POST OFFICE, North Creake, William Reeve, Pos( Masier.— Letters from all parts arrive (from Fakenham) every mojningat ten ; and are despatched thereto at a quarter past three in the afieruooii. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY, Bates Rev. William, Burnham Maiket [Creake Beals IMr. John Edward, South Belding Mr. George, South Cieake Bingliam Captain Henry Hope, r.n. Burnham Overy Staith Blat kett Rev. Charles R., Burnham Market • [Deepdale Blyth Rev. Edward G., Burnham hlyih Henry E. Esq. Burnhani Market Boulton Lady — , Buriihim Market Calvei iMr. Henry, BuriiliHinTliorpe Calver Mr. John, Burnham Thoi pe Cooper Rev. Augustus, Burnham Thorpe Dewing Mr. William, North Creake DoggetiMr. Robeit, BurnhamOveiy Everard Rev. Daniel, Burn haniTln.rpe Everilt Mr. Isaac, South Creake Everitt Mr. James, North Creake 2 I Goggs Rev. Henry, South Creake Goweii Mr. John, Burnhain Sutton .Hamond Mr. William, Burnham Maiket [Maiket Harris Rev. Thomas, Burnhain Holswoith Mr. John, Burnham Keppel the Honble. & Rev. Thomas Robert, North Creake Mack Mr. Thomas T. Burnhani Thoi pe Mack Mr-Williani, Burr.baniNorton Mann Mr. Jatnes, South Creake Maitin Sir Roger, Bnrnh.imMarket Meek Rev. — , Burnham Overy Staith Overman Mr..lohn,BurnhamSntton Oierinan tljeMisses,BurnhamMrkt Overman Mr. Robert, Burnham Market Pairitt Mr. William, Burnham Market Pearson the Mis.ses — , Buinham Sutton Pyne Rev. Augusta.'., Burnhain Market Rix Miss — , Burnhain Market Rodwell Mr. Lionel, North Cieake Savory Mr. Edmund, Burnham iMarket SawseyMr.JosepI), BurnhamThorpe Seppings Mr. Johnson, South Creake • [I'horpe Stirling Mr. Thomas, Burnham Summers Rev. James, SouthCreake Summers Rev. Jolin, South Cieake TrtVlor Mr. Henry, BuinliamNorioii ThoraiisonMr. Rcjbei t, South Creake Tuhbs Mr. John, Burnham Overy Staitji [Deepdale Walmsley Rev. John, Burnham Waters Mr. George, BurnhamOveiy Waters Mr. John, Buinham Overy Wiseman Mr. Geoige, Burnhain Overy Wright Mr. Robert, North Creake Wright Mr. William, North Creake 1> Koifolft* BURNHAM MARKET, &c. ^lat£V'0 ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Not otherwise ilfscribeJ are Day Schools Atkins John, Hninham Market Barnes Roleit (hoarding antl day), Bunihiiu AJarket Charity ScnooL,Burnliam Thorpe —Thomas \V. Norman, master ; Sarah Nornian, mistress Charity School, Sontli Creake — Kohart Siniins, master; Jane Siiiinis, mistress Coker Christopher, North Creake Ediiunulson Susan, Bunsluui) Not ton Howard Mary, North Creake Huijhes Sar.ih (hoarding and day), Bnrnham Market Infants' ScHooL,Huriiliain Maiket — M.irtiia Biid, mistress National School, Bnrnham Deepdalf Klizabcth Dennis, niisirfss National School, Burnliam Sut- ton — John Hayliow, master National ScikSol, North Creake — James Katisoii,tnaster ; Frances M. Kanson, mistress Siiackcloih Elizabeth, South Creake ATTORNEYS, Blyth Anthony, Buinham Miiiktt Nurse James, liurnhaiu Market BAKERS. Marked tlms * are ulso Confectionrrs. *Bowden Martin, Bin nhani Market Brett John F. Nortli Creake Buck John, Burnham Tlsorjje Buck Siisaii, liurnliatn Market Clarkeilol>eri,BurnhamOveryStaith Cutlihert Cliarlf-s, Norih Cnake Kvetts Kohert, Biirnhim Maiket *G^, South Creake BRASS et IRON FOUNDERS. Creak & Colby [and agricultural implement maniiiacturers, anil wine, spii it, ale porter merchants) Burnham Rlarket Saiiity John, Burnham Sutton BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Cable William, Burnham Market Hendry John (and toy dealer), Burnham Market Sainty John (and copper-plate worker), Burnham Sntion BRICK MAKERS. Cook Robin, Burnliam Deepdale Mack William, i5uruhani Norton Pegg Samuel, Peterstone BRICKLAYERS& PLASTERERS Allen Heniy, Burnliam Maiket Barnes William, Burnham Maiket Beieik-y Robert, Burnham Market Beverley William, Buriibam Market Boor WiUiaMi (and seedsman), Buruliain Market Holmes Joliii (and lime burner). South Cieake Hoo^er John, Burnham Thorpe Overton Richard, Norili Creake Plaice William, Burnham Market Tuck John, Burnham Thorpe Tuck John, North Cieake BUTCHERS. Belding David, Burnham Maiket Cuthbert Charles, North Creake Ellis John, Burnham Sutton Gosliawk John, North Creake Ham 111 on (iThomas, Bur II ham Market Plane Dawson, South Creake Riehardson James, Burnhaui Overy Staith Sayer Robert, South Creake Sherman William, Burnham Market Ward William, Burnham Sutton CABINET MAKERS AND FURNITURE BROKERS. Dew Ceorue, Burnham Maiket Nornian 'I'liomas, Buriihaui Market Roy iHc Sons, Burnliam Market W illiamson Kobert, Burn ham M ai ket CARPEI'JTERS ANDl JOINERS. Clixton John, Buriihaiu Overy Dew (Jeorge, Bnrnham Market EllisI';dmund,BuiiilniiiOieryStaith Goiidmaii Jame^, South Cieake Roy & Sons, Bnrnham M.irket SancMiaiy James, Biirnhiiu Market Siiooiiei Kdwaid, South Creake Siibbett John, North Creake WarnhamT ho mas, Burnham Mack el WilliamsoiiR' 1)01 t,Biii nliam Mai ket CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Mayuaid Robert, Buinhiim Maik< t Spei icer William I l,Biirii ham Mar ket COACH AND GIG OW^NERS — FOR HIRE. Claxton John, Buinhani Market Spicer Robert, Burnham Maiket COAL MERCHANTS. Dewiiii! Richard iali, Burnham Ovety Plattfu Robert, Burnham Market Tweedy William, BurnhamMarket Walker Thomas, South Creake WATCH MAKERS. Juler Miles, Burnham Market Woodrow Robert, BurnhamMarket WHEELW^RIGHTS. Bambridge George (and macliine nial;er), Nortli Creake Elliott Edward, North Creake Garner John, Biirnliam Thorpe Goodman James, Biunham Market Goodman Mark, South Creake Loose William, Burnham Norton Sands William, North Creake Miscellaneous- AMerton Robert, inland revenue of5cer> Burham OveryStailh Beevor Benjamin, stone mason, Burnbam Market [Market Booer Willam, ninseryman, Burnbam Carmen John, nurseryman, Burnham Sutton [Dvery Case Henry, cattle dealer, Burnbam Dennis Valentine A., registrar of births and deaths, Burnham Market Hasjon Hannah, straw bonnet maker, Burnham Market HarpleyGeoige,cattledealer,NorthCreake Matsell Mary, china, &c. dealer, Burn- bam Market [Thorpe Norman Thomas W., engraver, Burnham Oakes Francis, superintendent registrar, Burnham Market Plaice \Vm. stone mason,Burnham Market Pnoley John, glover, Burnham Market Roy William, china & toy dealer, Burn- ham Market [Creake Smalls William.jun. basket maker,North VVaddingham John, basket maker. North Creake [Burnham Market Williamson William, organ builder, WtiRht William, veterinary surgeon, Burnham Overy PLACES OF AVORSHIP, AND THEIR MINISTERS. Saint Albert's Chlrch, Burnham Ulph and Sutton —Rev. Thomas Harris, minister. Saint Clement's Church, Burnhara Overy — Rev. — Meek, minister. Saint MAriOARET's Church, Burnham Norton— Rev. John Walmsley, »HiH!s/tr, Saint Mauv's Chuech, Burrrhara Mar- ket—Rev. William Bates, rtciur ,- Rev. Augustus Pyne, curate. Saint Mary's Church, Burnbam Deep- ^ dale— Rev. Kdward G. Blytb, jvcfor. Saint Peter's Church, Burnham Thorpe — Rev. Darriel Everard, rector i Rev. Augrrstus Cooper, turw^c. Virgin Mary's Church, .North Creake —the Honble. and Rev.'l homas Robert Keppe], incumbent. Virgin Mar v's Chcrch, South Creake — Rev. Henry Gog^s, incumlient. Baptist Chapel, South Creake— Rev. James Summers. lNDEPENDENTCHAPEL,BurnbamMarket —Rev. Charles R. Blac.kett. Primitive Methodist Cuapels, Burn- bam Market arrd North Creake- W ESLEY A nMethodist Chap ELS, Burn- bam Sutton and North Crenke. COACHES, &C- ToFAKENHAM, the Albert, from the Hosle Arms, cvfry Thursday afternoon at one, and oa .Saturdays, at a quarter before eight in the morning To I.YNN,an Omnibus, from the Hoste Ai'ms, PveryTu»sday, at half-past eight CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. The nearest Statio7i is Fakenham, a branch from the East Anglian Rail- way, 10 miles s.s. E.fiom Burnham Market. There is a Coacft twice a week to Faken- ham, as above stated. CARRIERS. To LVXN, — Howard, from Burnham Market, and — Sempher, from Burn- ham Sutton, on Monday and Thursday To NORWICH,- Bowden, from Burn- ham Market, Monday and Thursday, and — Ultber, on Tuesday Ci CLEY AND BLAKENEY. /LEY is a parish, in the hundred of Holt — the vil- lage, which is entitled to hold a market, is 123 miles N.N.E. from London, 25 N N.w. from Norwich, and four N.N.w. fiom Holt; situated upon the nortliern coast of the county ; and is a place of little consequence ill mercantile affairs, save what is derived from tlie importation of coal and exportation of harley andmalt: it is also frequented, in the summer i-eason, by many persons for the purpose of bathing ; and a large quantity of fine tish is caught off the coas-t by the itihabitaiits. The lailway, for which an act has been obtained, from Fakenham to Wells, will if completed, branch off from the latter town coastwise to Cley. The parish church of Saint John is a spacious struc- ture, in the early style of English architecture: the living is a lectory, in the patronage of the lord of the manor ; the Rev. Charles Codd, is the present incum- bent. There is a place of worsliipfor VVesleyan Metho- dists. The market, entitled to be holden on Friday, has become of little or no importance, and ihe fair for liorses, oir the last Friday in July, is but thinly attended. Population in 1831, 827, and in 1841, one more. Blakeney is a small sea-port town and parish in the .same hundred as, and about a mile or somewhat more, from Cley ; consisting principally of one long street, commencing on an elevation, and decending towards I he harbour — which is a veiy excellent one, opening to the North Sea, and well situated as a refuge for vessels. The staple articles of commerce aregrain of various kinds, oil-cake, coal, timber and wool: with these branches but few of the inhabitants are con- nected, the majority being sailors and fislrermen. The harbour was much improved under an act obtained in 1817, and vessels of considerable bui den can now come up to the quay. By an act passed in the reign of Anne, the fishermen are compelled to bring to this port for sale all fish caueht within twenty miles of this part of the coast, which act has not been repealed. 'I'he pari.sh church of Saint Nicholas, Is a spacious edifice of stone and flint, and comprises a nave, two aisles, and a chancel, all built of stone : the chancel roof is curiously wrought with freestone; from the north-east corner of the chancel rises a lofty stone turret. The church, standing on an elevated site, and its steeple higher than those in the adjoining parishes, renders it one of the best land-marks for seamen on the northern coast: it is here that flags are hoisted in answer to vessels in distress : this mark is seen at sea from the Dudgeon, or floating- lights, a distance of twenty-one miles. The living of Blakeney is a rectory, in the patronage of Lord Caltliorpe, the lord of the manor: this nobleman, in 1824, founded a free school here, which is conducted upon the national plan. The Rev. Joseph Cotterill is the present incumbent of Blakeney, and his curate the Hev. J. Watts Barker. There are places of worship for Methodists, both Wes- leyan and Primitive. A market was aranted to the inhabitants by Henry 111, but it has long ceased to be observed. The population of the parish, in 1831, was 929, and in 1841, 1,021. POST OFFICE, Cley, Joseph C. Klsy, Post Master. — Letter.s from all parts arrive (from Thet- FORD) eveiy mirniiirg at nine, and are despatched thereto at five minutes before four in the afternoon. POST OFFICE, Blakeney, Ann Wells, Post Mistress. — Letters from all parts arrive (from Thetford) every morning at half-past eight, and are despatched tliereto at twenty minutes before four in the afternoon. Cotterill Rev. Joseph, Blakeney Hudson Rev. Anthony Thomas,Wi- DingleMrs. Catherine, Cley vertou Farthing Mr. John, Cley Fi.sher Miss Judith, Cley GENTRY AND CLERGY. Bacon Mrs. Mwry, Cley Barker Rev. J. Watts, Wiverton Buck Mrs.Fanny.Cley [geon),CIey Cooke Mr. Corbett Johnson (sur- Lennox Mrs. — , Blakeney Purdy William, Esq, Salthouse II XorfolR- CLEY, &c. ^latei*0 ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Charity School, Blakeuey — Wni. Bcai t, master Ellis Erlniunrl, Cley Infants' School, Blakeney Hannah Bean, nii, Ciey Rlackeieil James, Cley Rlatsell Edward, Cley Mayes Ricliard, Blakeney Mountain William, Blakeney Sadler William, Cley BRICKLAYERS. Stirgess Edward, Cley Stirgess John (and huilder), Cley BUTCHERS. Copeman John, Cley Howard John, Blakeney Newell Tlminas, Cley and Blakeney .Shaw John, Cley CABINET MAKERS. Dew Thomas, Cley Waller John, Cley CARPENTERS. Allcock Giorae, Blakeney Brett John, Clev Bntters John, Blakeney CliristniMs Josiph, Cley Howes Richard (and boat builder), Blakeney Newland William, Blakeney COAL MERCHANTS. Gibbs William, City Waller John, Cley DRUGGISTS. Barnes Stephen, Blnkeney Jameson William, Blakeney GROCERS, DRAPERS, AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Bullock Richard, Blakencv Craske William Ireland, Cley Doyle Elizabeth, Blakrney Do>le Thonias, Cley Ladell Heniy (ieoiije, Blakeney Leatherdale Williant, Blakeney Muskett Josh. {& eartin nvvare),CIey Newton Daniel, Blakeney Porter Robert, Blakeney Rush Eliziibetb, Cley Temple Robert, Blakeney Tyrell & Gibbs, Blakeney INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Caltliorpe Arms, Richard S.mds, Blakenev [t^ley Kishmongers' Arms, William Gibbs, George & Dragon, John Wailer,Cley Kind's Arms, John Eastei-, Blakeney Kind's Head, Wm. Barnard, Cley Ship, Bennington Fitt, Blakeney Swallows, Elizabeth Gogle, Cley White Horse, Ann Storey, Blakeney MALTSTERS. Breretnn Robert John, & Randle, Blakeney Lee Hannah, Cley Temple William &. Charles, Cley MERCHANTS. Brereton Robert John, & Randle, Blakeney Lee Hannah, Cley [Clev PowellWilliani Edwardfand miller). Starling .liilin - a rectoiy, in the patronage of the Piovost and Fellows of King's Col- lege, Cambridk.'e;the Rev. Joseiih Thackary is theitie- seiit incumbent. A fair for pedlery, &c. is held on POST orPICE, Coi-TisHALL, Ann Eiancis, Norwich) every morning at eight, and aie despatcht Whit-Monday. The parish contained, in 1831, 868 inhabitants, i.nd in 1841, 8'J7. Great Hautboys is a parish adjoinina: to that of Ccdtisliall — the vilhice bring about a mile therefrom, and that of LrrTi.E HautbiYS maily two They have each their pari-h < hnrcb — that of Great Hautboys is dedicated to Saint Theobald ; that of Little Hautboys to .Saint Mary : they exhibit nothitig meriting parti- cular notice: the livings are both discliaiged rec- j torics, of which the Rev. Jix Blake is tin- incuiiibent. Populatinti of Gnat Hautboys parish 162, and Little ' Hautboys with Lam.mas, 299. Post Mistress — Letters from all parts ariive (from d thereto at twenty minutes past four in the afternoon. The names without address are in Coltishall. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Blake Rev. Jix, H.iutboys Dawson Kcv. Jab /., Cdti-baU Decle Rev. Hicks, Coltishall Evans Mr. Robert T. (surgeon), Coltishall Fenneil Captain Edwaid, Coltishall Kemp Rob-rt P., Esq. Coltishall St. John Captain James, Cet of chimes. T. Skelton, pietlaiireat is a rectory. The parish church of Saint Remigius — a small ancient building, is one mile and a lialf from Diss. TliejOy/j«^a;io«of this and the following parishes is stated after the notice of Stuston. 'I'helveton, populrtily called Thelton is a small parish — the centre of which is about two miles e.n.e. from Diss: it is the property of Thomas Havers, Esq. Thelton Hall. The parish church of Saint Andrew has lately been renovated and beautified : the living is a rectory, in the gift of the Crown. Shelfh ANGER, 311 inconsiderable village, is two and a half miles n. from Diss. The Duke of Norfolk is lord of the manor and jiatron of the church living — which is a rectory : the church is dedicated to All Saints. The Bajjtists have a place of worship in the parish. ScoLE, or OsMONDiSTON (the first its moie popular name), is a pleasant village about 3 mile.i e.s.e. from Diss ; situated on the confines of Norfolk and Suffolk, at the junction of the roads leading from Ipswich to Norwich, and from Dis to Bungay and Yarmouth. Thus located, it is a place of great thoroughf;ire, and, before the opening of the Eastern Union Railway, which passes by Dis«, wasof much greater itnportance to King Heniy VIII, was the rector about l.'jOO ; he was | and more thrivingin this particular. Itstill supports two remarktble for his satire, which was especially em ployed in lashing the vices of the clergy ; and Ids wit was exercised severely upon the Dominican friars. Richard Nix, Bishop of Norwich, citid him to appear to answer a charge of keeping a concubine, which being proved, he was suspended. He was subsequently persecuted by Cardinal Wolsey, and forced to take sanctuary in an abbey, where he died June 21st, in the year 1529. Erasmui styled this divine ' the light and ornament of English scholars.' The living of Diss is DOW private property, enjoyed by the Rev. William fvlanning. There are places of worship for Baptists, Independents, Unitarians, the Society of Friends, and Wesleyan and Primitive .Meiliodists. The first-named di-nomination aie numerous and highly respectable in this town. The principal charities are some alms- houses, a school of industrv ; one upon the national plan, and a provident society for the relief of indus- trious labourers. A philoso|)liical and nieth;inical in- stitute was established some years since, and con- nected with it are a museum and library. There is a book club which has existed for nearly a century. The good public establishments — namely, the ' Scole Inn ' and the ' Greyhound ' — the former well-known to all travellers, througli the C(mnties hefore named and the more northern on"s, is a large brick building, erected in the seventeenth century, by a merchant of London. SirlCdward Kerristm, liat.oiiet, is lord of the nmnor and |)atron of the church living — which is a rectory; the church, dedicated to Saint Andrew, has recently lieen thoroughly repaired. A fair fcr horses, toys and pedlary, is held in the village on Tuesday in Easter week. i3uRSTON is a small village, 3 miles n. n.e. from Diss, situated on the line of the Eastern Union Rail- way, for which this j)lace is a station. The parish church of Saint Mary is a small structure, witli wooden bellfry: the living is a rectory in the gift of the Crown. SiiiMi'i.iNO is a parish, inconsiderable both iti extent and jiopulation, lying between, and adjoining to, those of Burstonand Dicklcburgh 3J miles n.e. fi'oin Diss. The palish church, dedicated to Saint Georte, was erected early in the tliirteenth centuiy — but the steeple, probably at even an earlier period. A repre- countty for five miles lound Diss, is one level plain ; scntation of Saint George and the Dragon, and the the soil on the north side is very heavy, on ilie south it is light and mixed, but the whole beinn well cultivated | ai ni« of the Shimplings', are carved on the front of it. The living is a discharged rectory, in the gift (or was ii in the hiulust degree fruitful. The market is held l.iiely) of the family of Harrison. on Friday; and the fairs on the first Friday in July, Dk kleduikwi is rather a considerable village, 5 for lamb.i and other stock ; tlie third Friday in Sep- j miles N, E. from Diss, bituatcd on the road leading to 14 WivHtoxQ. DISS, &c. 5ick Jeburgli Garraid Robeit, Coel; st Houchen Georj^e, Scole road Hiiijuins Robert, Paltrave Mills Edaard, Dicklibiirgli Morley .loliii, Slielfans^er Pretty' WiirKuii, Scole Siannard .lolin Tlieltoii Welliaiii Flenry, .Mmnit st BRU SHI MAKERS. Akliicli Robei t, jriii., St.NiclK)las st liioad (leoige Wni., St. Nicliol.is si BUILDERS & ARCHITECTS. )"ai iiiw 'I liiiMias, Cock st Sriiitli Robeit, Uickleiiiiigli BUTCHERS. Aldiidue Genig.', Cock st linker (iioige, Clinicli st Hooiy .laiii's, CiDwn st l*rowiiiim Eilwaiil, Scole Rrowiiin^ HeiMV. Palgiare hrowriiiif^ Mar'y, Crown st Caiiiiiii!: (it urge. Palgrave Cba-eChailes, Market place Cri^pSinion (nork), Cock st Ford Jonas, Dicklcluiigh Cailanil .loini, 1) cklebiirgh fioorsoii .Ic.tin, P.ilgiai'c Plnminer Eilinrind, Mere st Uoliiiisoii .lame-. Saint Nicii.ilas st Tyrrell (ieorue, Market place CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Markliani Wm. Ilemy,. Market place Battel Wi liarrr, Morinl st I lai rrson Henry, Mere st Harrison \\ illiain. Crown st Parker John, Crown st CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. AiigoM Henry, .Moin.t st ArrL'oM Samilei, Morint st Arkins (ieonie & Son, Cbapel .st Aikiri- Zei baiiali, 'i'lielton P.riir.niri); .Inlrn, ClrriicU st ( liaplrir IC'lwaid, Slielfanger ChlrSainiiel, Mr-re st DayN (iroige, Scole I'ai row Tlioniax, (,'ock st Ford Tlioinas, P.djiave Fu'ci.er Ilemy, Stnston Hammond Edward, SIrimpling Hauiiiiond John, Shellanger Saunders William, Dickleburgli 'I'hiiiiow Henrv, I'algrave Vy>e James. Biirston CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Cnpi^s Francis, Mere st Eldriilge .las. Upton, Marketplace Mu-kett Cbarles, Saint Nrcbolas st '^rane James, Dickleburgli l)ve Jolin, Dickleluituir Eriwards Benjamin, Sliiinplin^ Cooper- Charles, Hevwood hall Cooper Cbarles, Dicklehnigli Cutting Jcdiri, Hfywood Dix Francis, Dnkielnirgh Dixon Jrdin, Rur^ton Dixon Zechariali, iiiirstnn Edwards James, Dii klebnrgh E'lwards William, DiLklebuigh Elliott William, Roydon Elliott William Waller, Thelton Ellis Chillies, Slielfariger CHINA, GLASS & EARTHEN- ENWARE DEALERS. Alger William. Market hill Cory Johrr Serrdall, Maiket place Scrivener Jrdiii, Scole CLOG 6t PATTEN MAKERS. Alilnch Robeit, jriii., St. Nicholas st | Ellis Ricl);ui), Sin l("aiii^nir Georaeiv Charlts, Scole roail Quadling Benj.imin, jriri., Merest Thurlow J, lines, Palgrave E lis William, Scole road i'-l>ie John, Sheltanger load Elsie Jorrathari, Waicot gitcii Elsie Philii', h'eyiAood Ealing John, Burston Fill! ham James. Scole toad Fisher Joseph, Di>s Ford George, Sldnrpling Foulger Isa^c, Walcoi yreeri Foulger Robert, Shiiiiprnin Garland Robert, Scrdt; road Garrard John, Palgi-ave Gibson (?ornelius, iiurston Greeir John, Brrrston Harhoiird WrUiaiii, Heywood CONFECTIONERS. Barrett I'hilip (& llniterer),^Iere st I j^arper-'j'olriirsii'i'stor. n''ir''n;M '•'""" !.t ''"'['''^''J' ^^*^' ^ "' '; Harrison William, Waicot gree» Han George, Shelfanger Hart Nathairiel, Paliiiave Hearrie Edward, DicklelMirgh Poll Wil.iam, Mere st Sciivener John, Stole COOPERS, Berretf Benjarniii, Merest Biirch Tbonia^, Moriiit st Crisp \\''illiam, DicUlebrirgh (Jroshy Tlioirias, .Shelfanger Harvey Martin, Church st CORN MERCHANTS. Baker Gi-orge Clarke, Church st Heariie John, U'alcoit green Hill George, Scole Howe Maitin, Pakrave Hov>leit Henry. DicklelmrLdi Hubbard Thorria<, Di( klebnrgU Johnson Cbarles, Dickleburglv Kerridye John, Shini[)ling Beriett Willianr (& flour), Mere sf I '"^"'Sbts John, Dicklehrirgli Burton Jarires W., Scole lOad I '^"''gbts Simon, Dickleburgh Chaplvn William ;& flour), Market! '-"'''" Widow, Dickleburgh place, and Scole load | Leathers Richard, Scole ro-ul Cook Jami s, Scide '-•■'<«' William, Binston Cuthbert Heirry (& seed), Mde st ! '^'^'-'''''^'«' J^*""'*' DicklebuiKli Smith Wm. (&seed), Dicklehureh i ''^S"'' e William, Dickleburgh Smirb Wil iam, jun. (and seed), l-im-s John, Scole Dickbburtih CURRIERS AND LEATHER SELLERS. Baldwin Joliii, Church st Leech John, Maiket hill DYERS. Ilodd William, Mai kit hill Holmes John, Mere st FARMERS. Amies Lilystone, Sliellariger Anne> John, Roydon BartiMin Cliarle-, Burston Barlia'ii .lames, Diclilelnn eh Baitram Samuel, Dicklebuigli Bell .lames, Brirstorr Bowerr Wilby, Scole Brortii (ieorge, Dicklebrrrgh Briiwniirg Joliri, Pali;rave ("adge I liornas, Birr«torr hall Calver Mrr bael, Thelti.rr (Jarter .^ainriel, Burston ('ason John, Roydon Catcliriide Diniel, .Shiriiprmg c;ha|dvn Kdinrrrid, I'alu'aNe Clarkt'.lolm, Uicul.biiigh Cobb (ieorge, Roydon (Jnck .lobn, 'riitdion (Joe Charle>, Heyunod Coe Chaib s, jiiii.. Hrywood Couke Arthur', Shiinpling fjirres Soloirron, Scole road Liiccock James, Tliellon Luccoi k .lames, Waicot i;reen Macro Abr.iham, DickleburgU Macro Robert, Sludfanner Maitin Heriiy, Hi ywood iMartirr Robeit, Hevwood Mines Dorothy, Scole Mrde Robert. Scole Mini ell .larrus, Palgrave Miirtoi) Saniiiel, Scole Musk Plrili|), S uston Newdiid; Wriiiam, Heywood P.ickai'i Heriiy, Rovdori Paue William, Sb.lfans.'er Palmer (ieorge. Dirklebuigh Petiit Cliaih s, Frenze Pike Henry, Paliiiave Plirrnmer .ioim. Mount st Pretiy Wiirum, Palgra\e Rayner John, Stiision Ravner W'dow, Dickleburgh Head J. dm, Dickl. burgh Rix VNilliam, Palirrave' Sarrnders .larrres, Dickleburgh Scales Rid)eit, Brnstori Seam in William, Diikleburgh Sheldrake Jami s, Dicklebuigh Smith Ivlniund, Heyv\ood Smith (ieorge, Scole Smith Widow, Waicot uieeri Siniili William, Dickleburgh Jiirtctoiji). StollL'iy Cliton Vyse Chailes, DicUlelmrgh VyseGe'iise, Dicklehnrgli Watson Robert, liiirston Wavers ('liarle*, Stustoii Wells Fredei'ick, Heywood Wells Henry, Theltoii Wells Thomas, Shimpling Williams Soutliby, W.ilcot preen Woodrow — , Walcot green I FIREj &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Atlas, J.ilin Calver Brook, Park- ■lionsf. Mere st Indisputable (life), Cleer Sewell Alger. Rloiiut si National PROviDENT(life), Henry Cnpiss, Merest [Mount st Norwich Union, Henry Henfield, RovAL Farmers & General (fire, life and hail-storm), Thomas Cotman, Cherrv-tree lane Sun. Mary Ann Musi>ravc, Mount st Western (life), Blofield JohnRix, Market hill GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. Harkway .lames, Scole road Cornell William, Ch:ipel st Goldsmitli Mark, Scole road Gooderham Edward, Cock st GLOVERS AND BREECHES KIAKERS. Fish J;inies. Dickleburgh Nice Hannah, St. Nicholas st GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Aldrich Robert i^& cheese factor), Saint Nicholas st Annes James, Shelfanger Bardhani Robert, Common Bond Geoige, Palgrave Booty Sarah, Burston Browning Samuel, Market place, and Burst on Buckle John, Roydon BiimsteHd Geortie, Palgrave Burrows Bridget & Gibson (and hosiers). Mere st Chaplyn William, Scole road Chelvers Isaac, Tlielton Cobb Stimpson, Shelfanger CorvJolin Srndall, Marketplace Cracknell John Smith, Market hill Dai^in George, Cock st Edwards James, Dickleburgh Elliott William, Roydon Eslins John, Sauit Nicholiis st Harris Henry, Bnr.ston Livock Jolin, Dickleburgh Knights Saiali, .Shelfanger Read John, Stint Nicholas st Row Jonathan, Dickleburgh Tricker Frederick, Scole White Thomas, Scole HAIR DRESSERS. Burrows Thomas, Mai Uet pl^ce Rainbiid Samuel Kobeit, C.own st Whitehead Robert. Mere st INNS. (See also Tavevtisi^ Public Houses.) Crown, Jolin i..aiie. Crown st Greyhound, WiUinin Rogers, Scole King's Head, Charles Butcher, Market place [Mount st Saracen's Head, Francis Kdward, Scole Inn, James Roddwell, Scole IRON FOUNDERS. Swontnian William, Mount st Whaite John, Market place IRONMONGERS. Aldrich John, Saint Nichlas st Lines John ,(& plough maker), St. Nicholas st DISS, &c. Koifolfe, LINEN 6t WOOLLEN DRAPERS Bobby Henry, Market bill Bobbv Jas. Horaiio, St. NicholriS st Bulwer William, Market place Cracknell John Smith, Market hill Debenham Edvvanl, Crown st Edwards James, Dickleburgh Livock John, Dickleburgh Robinson John Thos., Market place MALTSTERS. [See also Brewers and J\Ial(s(ers.) Baker Geotge Clarke, Church st Caplyn William, Scole road Howe Martin, Palgiave Mill s Stephen, Cock green Pike Henry, Palgrave MILLERS. Barber Samuel, Scole Blanchflower Wm„ShaIfanger road Chaplyn William, Scole road Cooper — , Burston Cornell Samuel, Cherry-tree lane pjllis Siimpson, Heywood Jay Sarat), Stole road Jerrett William, Winfarthen Pike Henry, Palgrave Rush Thomas Mortimer, Common Smiih William, jun., Dickleburgh Steam Mill Thrower Nonh, Dickleburgh Thurlow Samuel, Palgrave MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS Alger Charlotte, Church st Bulvver Marv. Market place Elsey Jane, Mount st Legood Elizabeth, Market hill Murton Jemima, Mount st Pegg Mary Ann, Crown st Turner Lydia, Alount st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Aldrich John, Saint Nicholas st Cobb Aiidre^v, Chnpel st Coe John & Jarvis, Mere st Crisp William, Dickleburgh Farrow John, Sco e Payne John, Scole road PORTER MERCHANTS. Barrett Thomas & Son, Mere st Cutlibeit Heniy (agent for Barclay & Co., and Ind Cooper & Co.), Mere street PRINTERS— LETTER- PRESS. Abbott Robert Maine, Mere st Cnpiss Francis, Mere st SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Austin Edward, Mere st Buiiyan John Wm., St. Nirholas st Cossey Christopher, Dicklt-buigh Walne Belinda, Saint Nicholas st STONE MASONS. Alger Charles, Church st Farrow Thomas, Cock st Smith Robeit, Dickleburgh STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Knowles Mnry Ann, Crown st Rampling Fliza, Common Towell Elizabeth, Mount st Youels Hairiet, Mount st SURGEONS. Bull Charles, Mount st Einyot 'I'homas Edward, Crown st Harrison Philip, St. Nicholas st Mines William, St. Nicliolas st Rose Frederick, Robert, Mere st Smith F-dvvard, Mount st Ward Henry, Crown st SURVEYORS. Alger Cleer Sewell(iand), Mount st Elliott & Sons (bind), Tbelion Farrow Thomas (building), Cock st Smith Robert(building), Dickleburgh TAILORS. Market thus * are also Drapers. Andrews Willimi, Ciown st *Bobbv Henry, Maiket hill Bond Georue, Saint Nicludas st Bryant Daniel, Mere st Diivey William, Cock st *Doggett Thomas, Dickleburgh Diane Henry, Dickleburgh *Eglinton Solomon (& hatter), St. Nicholas st *Eglinion William, Mere .st Everett Fisher, Shelfanger Ful( her Chai les, Stuston Goidd Steiihm, Pakrave Haiiue William, Crown st King Benjamin, Dickleburgh Parker Henry, Shelfanger *Read George, Scole Smith Edward, Mount st TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Bfll, .lohn Brown, Market p/ace Clieqiiers, John Ward, Cock st Cliirry Tree, Geo. Wriglit, Cherry-tree la Cock,.lonalhan Payne, Cock st Cross Keys, Solomon Jessup, Shelfanger Crown, George Carey, Bnrsion Crown, Jane Gillman, Dickleburgh Crown, Samuel Root, Shelfanger Dolphin, Nathaniel Garrett, Church st fiieyhonnd,John Chapman, St. Nicholas st HalflMoon.Chas Browning, St. Nicholas st King's Head, J ohnChapman, Dickleburgh King's Head. William Kerry, Scole Railway Tavern, John Payne, Scole road Rampant Horse. J ohnFurdham, Hey wood Red Lion. James Brook s, Palgrave Ship, Philip Goold, Mere st Star, Edward Allen. Market place Sun. Mary Rayner, Mere st Swan, John Curson, Palgrave Two Brewers, John Shaw, St. Nicholas st M hite Hart, George Annis, Roydon While Harl, J^mes Chapman, Scole road While Horse, Wm. Barrett, Dickleburgh White Horse, Samuel Stower, Market pi White Swan, Richard Strang, Sluston Retailers of Beer^ Claik John, Oicklebnrgh Easto Richard, Common Ellis James, Crown st Froud David, Cock green Hunt Levi, Scole Levi Samuel, Walcnt green Mills Henry, Dickleburgh Moore Maiy, Heywood Payne John, Scole road TIMBER MERCHANTS. Farrow Joseph, Cock st, and at Bungay Mason George & Charles, Scole road VETERINARY SURGEONS. Brownina Charles, St. Nicholas st Cnpiss Francis [& propiietor of the (onstitution horse balls), Mere st Last William, Burston Rod well Robert, Scole Slack James, Chapel st WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS Dove John ("and umbrella maker.)* Crown st Garland Thomas, Dickleburgh Marsh Arthur Fredk. (& jeweller). Market hill Taylor Dennis, Mere st Wbitrod Benj^rtnin (and jeweller). Saint Nicholas st WHEELWRIGHTS. Bass William & Henry, Scole Bi uce James, Stuston Burgess James, Dickleburgh Clielver Fenn, Shelfanger Harvey Robert, Dicklehurglj Kerry Jonathan, iMount st Nicholson Small, Chapel st Scrivener Wibiam, Scole Vyse Jame.s, Burston 17 Korfolfe. DISS, &c. Iblater's WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Cutliheit Ht'iirv, Mere st Farrow Clitiiles, Cock st Taylor & Dyson, Crown st Miscellaneous AssEMBLT KooM, at llie King's Head Inn, Market place Biriell Benjamin, basket maker. Mere st Cobb Samuel, tny dealer, I\li.re st Cooke James, linen and sack manufac- turer, Saint Nicliolas st Cotman Thomas, corn inspector, and registrar of births, deaths & marriages. Cherry-tree lane Crisp William, pump maker and well sinker, Dicklebnrgh [liursh Edwards \Vm.,relii-ving officer, Uickle- Everritt Robert, iiiillwriglit, Scole road Gas Wouks, Chapel st— Richard Slack, proprietor Hauue Sarah, stay maker, Crown st Hubbard Samuel, eating house, Crown st I.NLAXii Rrvenue Office. at theKing's Head Inn, Market j.lace Leech Tliomas, hosier, Market hill Alallott John, gunsmith, Mere st JIarjoram Henry, whitesmith, Crown st Meadows Rnbt., turner in wood,Crown st Kicholson Terah, parish clerk, Chapel st Parr Robei t, sexton. Chapel st Subscription Library and Book Society, Mere street — Mrs. Marsh, librarian Wiltinsj Charles, tea dealer, Church st Tigby J(i.->epli, fishmonger. Chapel st Tovell W illiani, fishmonger, Chapel st PLACES OF WORSHIP, ■ ANU THtIK MlNISTl KS. CHURCHES (II THE ESTABl-lSIl.MENT Saint iMauv's, Marketplace, Diss — Rev. William Manning, i-ectur ; Rev. Charles Ward, curnte Saint Mary's, Bursfon— Rev. Temple Frere, rei7or; Rev. James f. Reeve, fi(r«/e All Saints', Dickltburgh — Rev. George Stevenson, rtctor Saint Peter's, I'algrave (Suffolk) — Rev Charles Martin, jfc/or Saint RKMiGiu5',Roydon— Rev.TempIe Frere, net or Saint Andrew's, Scole— Rev. William Holmes, M a., mlor All Saints', Shelfanger — Rev. Thomas B. Morris, rector Saint George's, Shimpling All Saints', Stuston (Suffolk)— Rev Walter Chenery, rector Saint ANDREw's,Thelvelon— Rev.Wm. Holmes, rec/or; Rev. Richard C.Maule curate DISSENTING CHAPELS. Baptists', Cheiry-lree lane— Rev. Jona- than Preston Lewis, mhiitter Baptists', Shelfanger —Rev. Thomas Winter, minister Friends' Mi'.eting House, Church st Indkpendents', Mere st— Rev. Joseph Field, inijiis/er Wesleyan Methodists, Merest, and Dicklebmgh Primitive Methodists, Mount st Unitarians', Parkfields - Rev.Frederick Macdonald, minister CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON THE EASTERN UNIO.N LINE. S/a(i')n, Scole road— James 'late Dent, statioi muster All Omnibus from the King's Head Inn to the Station, awaits the arrival and attends the departure ol the trains COACHES, From the KiniftHead Inn. To BECCLF.S & BLNGAY, the Day Couch, every afternoon (Sun. eKcepted) To YARMOUTH, the Dart, every after- noon (Sunday excepted), at one goes through Scole, Harleston, Bungay, and Beccles CARRIERS- To LONDON, IPSWICH, &c., by the Eastern Union Railway To BOTESDALE, John Cook, from the Railway Station, every Tuesday To BUNGAY, BECCLES, AND YAR. MOUTH, Ephraim Jordan, from the King's Head, daily To NEW BUCKINGHAM, William Hewitt, from the Bell, every Thursday To Nf)RWICn, John Brown, from the Bell, and Daniel White, Irom Dickle- burgb, every Tuesday and Friday, also by the Eastern Union Railway B. DOCKING, SEDGEFORD, HEACHAM, RFNGSTEAD, SXKTTISH.AM, HUNSTANTON AND NEIGHROURHOODS. 'OCKING i.'J a parish in the hundred of Smithdon — the vilhim', a coiisiderahle one, is 17 miles n.n.e. from King's Lynn, 11 n.w. from Kakeuhaiii, and 6 s w. fioni Biiinhain Markit. At one time it was calleil />/•// Docking from the great scarcity of water that pre vailed here; this iiieotivenience seems to have been in some measure leiiK'died hy a charitable lady, named Henley, who about eighty ycaisago caused a u ell to be sunk seventy-four yards deep, which she gave to tlie parishioners. A large workhouse under the poor- law union was erected here in I8;{6, ai cost of £!),000, including the necesssary fittings and furnituie; it will accommodate upwards of five hundred recii)ients. The tnagi-tiates fnr the diiisinn meet here in petty Bession on the last Monday monthly. The places of worsliij) ar<' the paii^li (hnrch of Saitit Alarv, and chapels for Primitive Methudists. The living of l3oik- iiig is a vicaiaiie and lectnraixe; the former in tliegift of the dioce.-an IVishop, the rectoiai;e is the nropeity of the Ui'V. Humphrey John Hare. The parish con- tained, ill 1841, 1507 inhabitants. Sedgeiokd is a straggling villaae situated between Docking and Heachan), .'{^ miles w. from the former place. The pari-h church of Saiiit Mary is ancient, ivith a tower, mund at its base, and octagonal above: the li>iiig is a vicarage in the iiatroiiage of the 1). an and Chapter of Norwich. The \VesIeyan Melhorlists have ;i |)l,ice (if \vr]rsbi|) here, and tlieie is a national school. The populalton of Sedgefotd and the fdlowing jjarishes, is gifeu after the notice of Hunstanton. Heacham is a charming and respectable village, about 4 miles w. from Docking, and one fiom the shore of the riennan oreaii. Thr piincinal tiade of the )il ice is inc'ial, and vessels discharge their cargoes on the bcacli, the harbour being much out of repair. The ))'aces of wor.-hi|) are the parish chuicli ipf Saint Mary, and chapels for Independents and Methodists. The living of Heacham is a discb irg' d vicarage, in the patronage of the Rev. Siiickland Chailes N. U(dre. IliNOsTEAD CiiiEAT ami LriTE, ate two parishes ad- N.w. from Docking, 3 N. by K. from Heiiflnni, and 2 s. by w. from Hnn.^tai:tou. Each parish had formerly its church, namely. Saint Peter's and Saint .Andiew's, hut when the livings were consolidated 1771, .Saint Peter's was pulled down. The benefice is a rectoiy. Snettisham viijaye, lorniirly a market town (at that time called Snethtrm), is situated (> miles w. by s. fiom Dociiiiig, and about 2| s. from Heacham. It i.s a cheerful, pleasant little place, and its church of Saint Mary is a |)icfutesque object in the sceneiy around the village. There ate places (d" worship for Wesleyan and 'Primitive Methodists. The living of Siiettisham is a perpetual curacy, in the presentation of H. L. S. Le Strange, Ksq. Petty sessions are held heieon the second Monday monthly. Hiitistanton is a pleasant village and lea-bathing place, ()§ miles n.w. fiotii Docking, neatly 3 n. from Heacham, and 10 w. fiom Burnham iMaiket, cliarmingly seated on the coast, having a firm sandy t'cach, and an expansive view of the Geiiinm ocean, while inland the scenery is lemaikably beautiful. Thus are presented no mean temptations as a place of stitnmer resort, hut its accommodations for visitors are limited, especial'y from the paucity of lodging houses; tin le is however a good inn, and Heiiiy Le Strange, ICs(|. (the lord of the nianor) has lately eiected an I otel for visitors, dining the bathing sensoii. The liglithouse here, t rected in 1847, by the Trinity House, 1 iscs foi ty-nine feet to tlie focus ui the light, and from the elevation of the clifTon whicli it stands, itsbiight red light is ca^t across tin- broad Wash, and to a gieat distance at sea. The parish church of Saint Maty, is a laree tegular structure, with a substantial tower ri«ingfioiii ihewest < nd of iheai^le : the living is adi.s- chaiged vicaiage in the pationage of the Bishopof i<;iy. The inhabitants of the foregoing pal■i^hes, which are all in the hundred of Smithdon, are for the most pal t in agiicultnial employment — tlieir number, ac- cording to the r(!iui n-- for 1841, was as follows. Dock- ing, l.'J57; Sepgeiohd, Wil) ; Heacham, 811 ; Uing- joining each other, the village of Uingsiead is h miles ' sticau, .')26 ; Snettishaim, 1,151 ; Hunstanton, 527. POST OFFICE* Docking, Jane Maria Thompson, Post 3/istn'i.i. — Letters from all parts arrive (from Koi;f;tiAMj eu ly morning at eight, and ate despatcln d thereto at a (piaiter before five in the evening. POST OFFICE, He.'cham, Catherine Yaxley, f'o.sl D/ifi/rrsa. — Letters from all parts arrive (from Lynn) every morning at eight, and are despatched thereto at five in the evi'iiing. POST OFFICE, UiNGSiEAL), Hobi rt Hefting, J'vst AJii.iicr. — I.,etters fiom all paits arrive (from Snkt- tisham( every morning at ten, and are despatched tlierelo at three in the afternoon. 18 IHli'cctoiy. DOCKING, &c. Kotfolft. POST OFFICE, Snettisham, William lianey, /'o*M/flf.??(?r.— Letters from all parts arrive (from Lynn) every niorniiip; at half-past seven, and are dfspatched tliereto at half-past five in the evening. POST OFFICE, Hunstanton, Miles Hainerion, Post Master.— Lctt^ra from all parts arrive (from Lynn) every morning at eight, aud are despatched thereto at ten minutes before five in the evening. GENTRV AND CLERGY. Bacon Rev. Robert, Fring Bellamy Rev. Edwd.Ingoldisthorpe Bi^^hop Mr. Lyas, Snettisham Brett Mrs. — , Dersiiigham Brett Mr. Edward (attorney), Der- siiigham Burgis Mr, Richard, Docking Campbell Captain William, Snet- tisham Hall Carter Mr. John Thos. Hunstanton Carter Mrs. Mary Ann, Heacham Coe Mr. Christopiier, Sedgeford Coldliam Rev, John, Snettisham Coltliorpe John, Esq. Stanhoe Cowpertlie Hon. Charles Spencer, Sandringham Cowell Miss — , Docking Davy Miss Emily, Heacham Lodge Davy Capt. John Ingoldisthorpe Davy .Miss Lucy, Snettisham Lodge Dodman Mr. Martin, Hunstanton Estcourt Rev. — , Sedgefoid Everard Mnjor, Heacham Fearnon Rev. Charles, Hunstanton Fitzroy Kev. Frederick, Ringbtead Frost Nlrs. Hannah, Docking Gilbert Rev. Clements, Snettisham Hiire Frederick, Esq. Stanhoe Hare Rev. Humphrey J no. Docking Hepworth Rev. Abraham, Ingol- disthorpe Hoste Mrs. — , Berwick Hall Hunn Mrs. Mary Ann, Hunstanton Johnson Mr. Thomas, Hunstanton Kitton Mrs. Mary, Heacham Kitton Mr. Thomas, Ringstead Lane Mrs. Dorothfa, Heacham Lloyd the Misses, Heacham Leach Rev. William, Dersingham Le'Strange Henry Le'Strange Style- man, Esq., Hunstanton Lock Mrs. — , Fiitig Long Mr. Edward, Stanhoe Massingham Mrs. Susaiih. Heacham Rl,\' Mr. Henry, Heacham Rix Mr. John, Serlgefoid RolfeChas.F. A. Esq. Sedgeford Hall Rolfe Rev. Strickland, Charles N,, Heacham Hall Rowland George, Esq., Heacham Shar|)e Mr. Samuel, Docking Silcock Mrs. — , Heacham Smith I\lr. George, Hunstanton Spencer Mr. William, Heacham Spentnn Mr. John, Hunstanton Sudbury Mr. William, Ringstead Ward Kev. Philip, Bircham Wells Mrs. Elizabeth, Sedgeford Wharton Mr. Tliomas, Ringstead Winkworth Rev. John, Heacham Wright Mr. Josepji, Staniioe ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Not ollierwise described are Day Schools Bennett WiHi^m, Dorking Charity ScHOOL.Hunstanton, Jos. Scott, master; Harriet Scott, mistress Cooper Mary, Docking Fiary Sarah, Heacham Free School, Snettisham, James Danghty, master Mugridge & Marshall (boarding), Ringstead National School, Docking, Tbos. Johnson, master National School, Heacham, Jas. Foulsham, master, Elizbth. Foul- sham, mistress National School, Sedgeford, Jas. Wellings, master National School, Ringstead, William Holmes, master; Mary Scott, mistress National School, Snettisham, Samnel Wliitty, master Neve Mary Ann, Docking Sainty Hannah (boarding), Snet- tisham Silcock Bessie, Heacham Wilkinson Mark, Hunstanton AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISRS. Beck John, Snettisliam Bond William, Heacham BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Bennett William, Docking Bunting William, Docking Burdgess James, Hunstanton Catton John, Sedgeford Frost Thomas, Snettisham Hudson James, Sedgeford Leggett Paul, Sedgeford Neale Robert, Docking Russell John, Heacham Savory Sarah, Snettisham Savory Thomas, Snettisham Wagg James, Heacham Wagg James, Snettisham Wagg William, Docking WinloveJohn, Snettisham BLACKSMITHS. Bennett Rose, Docking Callaby Ezekiel, Hunstanton Chapman William, Ringstead Cook Geoige, Ducking Cook William, Docking Crisp Edwaid, Docking Frost John, Dersingham Gathercole James, Hunstanton Gatheirole James, Ringstead Granger Robert, Heacham Hall Elijah, Ringstead Jennings Samuel, Sedgeford Kendall James, Sedgeford Lee Absalom, Snettisham Minns William (& machine maker), Heacham Smith Thomas, Snettisliam BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Anderson Robert, Docking Aylyard Zechariah, Snettisham Belson William, Snettisham Callaby William, Ringstead Coe John, Snettisham Cook William, Hunstanton Cooper William, SedRcford Daw William, Ringstead Gerrard William, Heacham Goodwin John, Docking Grimes William, Docking Heath Robert. Snettisham Hook Robert, Heacham .Mitchell Edwaid, Snettisham Parsons William, Hunstanton Parsons William, Snettisham Rix Benjamin, Sedgeford Skerry John, Sedgeford Skerry Thomas, Heacham Smith William, Docking Turner Matthew, Sedgeford VViseman William, Heacham Woods Josiah, Hunstanton Yaxley Samuel, Heacham BREWERS. Crisp William, Sedgeford Goodman Robert, Ringstead Kemp William, Docking Slegg Ann, Docking BRICKLAYERS. Bond William, Heacham Bowman Rayner, Snettisham Curtis Robert, Docking Jarvis James, Snettisham Miller William, Hunstanton Mott George, Hunstanton Nurse Robert, Heacham Oughton John, Sedgt ford Priest William, Docking Steele John, Heacham BUTCHERS. Burgis Robert, Docking Crisp Tliomas, Sedgeford Daws Daniel, Snt ttisham Huggins George, Sedgeford Lake William, Heacham Lewis William, Heacham & Ingol- disthorpe Mitchley William, Htinstanton Robinson William, Heacham Willoughby Francis, Hniistanton Willouglihy Francis, Ringstead CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Bly Francis, Heacham Bunn Frederick, Ringstead Daws Samuel, Snettisham Goodwin William, Docking Goodwin William, jun. Docking Holmes Thomas, Ringstead Lack James, Docking Laverineton John, Heacham Legeett William, Docking Mitchell John, Docking Rumbold Claxton, Ringtead Semmence James, Ringstead Turner Charles', Snettisham Wilson George, Sedgeford Woods William, Docking COAL MERCHANTS. Burgess James, Hunstanton Desborougb John, Snettisham Harrison John, Hunstanton Judge Moses, Snettisham Lord Thomas, Heacham Minns VVilliam, Heacham Raythorne Edmund, Heacham Raythoine James, Heacham Turner Joseph, Snettisham Wags. James, Heacham Wilson John, Heacham DRUGGISTS. Flockton Rowland, Snettisham Going Joseph, Sneitisham Hamerton Miles, Hunstanton Spencer William H. Docking GROCERS, DRAPERS, AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Adams Edward, Docking Bennett Geoige, Docking Bullen William, Snettisham Burcham William, Docking Callaby George, Hunstanton Callaby William, Ringstead Crisp Thomas, Sedgeford Curson Robert, Snettisham Gathercole James, Ringstead Lambert John. Snettisham Massinuham William, Heacham Rowe Charles, Heacham Russell John, Heacham Silcock John, Heacham Smith Henry, Ringstead Sturley Dicks, Docking Sturley Thomas, Docking Turner Sarah, Sedeeford Turringtoii John, Dersingham Wales Charles. Hunstanton INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Bell, William Pitts, Docking Buck, James Kendall, Sedgeford Cock, Thomas Wells, Dersingham Compasses, Wm. Clark, Ringstead 19 Noifollt. DOCKING, &c. 5latcr'0 INNS, etc.— Continued. Compasses, Jo^ Turner, Siiettisham Dun Cow, Joliii Wattis, Dei- sin!! linni Hare, Ann Sle^ir, Docking King U'il)aiu,SteplK'U Crisp, Sedue- ford [j„g King William, John Lake, Dock- Le Strange Arms, Jolm Hairison, Huiistaiitiin Plough, William Mitchell, Docking Ro-e {ii Ciown, William Moulain, Sneitisham Victoria, Hmry Pratt, Snettisham Wheaisheaf, Catheiine Vaxley, Headiain MILLERS. Biirgis Richard, Docking Cliapnian Mary, Snettishain Goodman Robert, Ringstead Norgate William, Riugstead and Heachiini VVaag James, Heachani AViigi; \\ illiani, Ouclving PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. BIy George, Heatliam Denny Tiininas, Snetiisham Jolin-on Charles. Docking Johnson James, Docking Margetts Stefitu II. Docking Wagg John, Dockiiii? SADDLERS. Baney William, Snettisham Johnson Jcsiiua, Docking SURGEONS. Davis Thomas, Snenisham Flockton Itnwianil, Snettisliain Perry George, Docking ShauJ Robert, Docking TAILORS. Bulkn William, Snetiisham Hugh Henry, Heacham Humphiey William, Docking Riches Fiulev, Docking Sntlierland Elijah, Docking Thon)psou James, Docking Thompson J'lhn, Docking Thompsiin John, Ring.stead Turner James, Heacham Turner Roheit, Sneitisham Wales Charles, Hniisianton j VETERINARY SURGEONS. Moore Edinunil, Heacham Pooley Samuel, Heacham Smith Thomas, Snettisham WATCH MAKERS. Ma'sitigham William, Heacham Phillipo James & Son. Docking West George Vaxlev, Docking WHEELWRIGHTS. Chapman William, Ringstead Clark Thomas, Docking Klegg John, Dersinnliani Grauirer Rohort. Heacham \'i nceiitTliomas [&. machine maker) , Sedtret'ord Wakefield James, Snettisham Wright William, Sedgeford Miscellaneous- Hilling John, horse liieaker, Docking Biiii John, sarilpiier, Dockiiij; Burcliam John Geerge, custom's officer, Heacham Dearn.s Edward, tinman, nocking Payers Thomas, cooper, Ingolilislhorpe Freeman Joshua, iiialtstci, Oersinghum 'Jreen Charles, .superintendent of Ihe pre- ventive force, Hunstanton Harmer John, stone mason, Snettisham Lighthouse, Hunstan'on— Samuel l.ee Howard and \Vm. Hammond, keepers Parsons Chas. furni'iire hrokr.Snettisliam Renant James, hair dresser, Heacham Renant James, iarrier, Dockiiig Richardson Clement,tinman. Heacham Sniithbone William, tlover, Sneitisham Taylor Thomas, basket and sieve maker Sedgeford Thompson VVilliam.hair dresser, Docking Woodcock James, basket maker,Uockiug PLACES OF W^ORSHIP, AND THEIR MINISTERS. The CHURcn of the Virgin, Hun- stanton— Rev. William Chas. Pearson, incumbent. Saint Andrew's Church, Ringstead — Rev. Frederick Filzroy, incumbent. Saint Mark's Church, Docking— Rev. Humphrey John Hare, rector. Saint Marv's Church, Snettisham — Rev. John Coldham, incumbent. Saint Mar y'sChukch. Heacham— Rev. Strickland C.N.Rolfe,iica;- ; Rev. John Wiiikworth, curate. Saint Mari's Church, Sedgeford — Rev. — Estcourt, vicar. lNr>EPENUENTCHAPEL,Heacham— Ref Richard Jordan, minister. Wkslkyan Methodist Chapels, Docking ; Heacham; Ringstead, and Snetii ham. PiiiMirivK IMETHonisi Chapels, Docking, and Snetiisham. POOR LAW UNION. Workhouse, Docking. liitvernor — John Wilson. /1/rt(ra;( — IMary Wilson. Scltoolmaster^io\in Crittenden. Surgeon — George Perry. Chnplgin — Hev. W. Guscott. Clerk to the Board of Guardians— James Nurse. Helievin'i Officers— Willi.im Groom, Ring- stead, & JohnB.Copeinan,Norlh Creake REGISTRARS. OF niRTHS, DEATHS & MARRIAGES. Sujierintendetit Reyistrar — FrancisOakes, Burnham Market. REGISI RAR.S OF BIRTHS & DEATHS. A. V. Dennis, Burnham IMarket. Thomas Davies, Snettisham. John J. Lovick, Great Bircham. COACHES, &C. To LYNN, a Coml, (fmm Thoinham eveiy Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday moriiins about ha!!- past nine; and the .^lail Carl ((torn Tho.nliam), every evening at five. ToTHORNHAM. a Coac/i (from Lynn), every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evening at six ; and tJie iVnil Cart (from Lynn), every morning at eight CARRIERS ToBRANCASTER, — Fiddiman, from Docking, on Saturday To B U R N H A .M .M A R K ET, — Howard, from Docking, Tuesday and Friday To LYN N, — HiKh.fiom Heacham,dailyj — Wales, from Hunstantir), and — .fiid.ae. from Sncltisham,Tne.(.^si,,n for the division weekly; the lord of there is neat station licre ; und on tlie ileclivity of an ! the manor hoMs a court haroii four tunes in the year; eminence to the east of the Ouse — over which river i ami Dowiiham is included in the tliiity-.second ciicuik and the nciKhboutine country, is a fine nninterrnpted of Cmiiiiv Cmiit towns, under the act jiasscd in 1846 view. The town takes its name fiom it>< site — a /inm for the rccoveiy of (ielits to aiiv amount not exceeding or ' dwelhiiH,' on a i/u/i, 'down' or hill;' ami Spil- .£20.: the conit, the jiiiisdiction of which extends man says the 'market here was of such anii<|nity that over twenty-seven paiishes, is held monthly, at the he finds itconfiiiued bv Edward ilie Contesviu-.' Tiie Crown Inn. Downliam is al-o a iiollinj; station at the ])i inci[)al manor, with the hundred of ClMckclo>e, was election of miinhers to ie()icscnt west Noifolk in >;iveii by Kint< Ed^ar to Rainsiy abbey; and it a|)[)eats Parliament ; and it is liv ceiiire of a lUiioii ot thirty- that Kinu .lohn, in his (!th year, nianied or tonfiiined fmr |iari.>-hes, under the new jioor law : the woik- a fir here to the abbot; and the pi ivileuc of hav inga house, ;i commodious and haiulsome sti ucture, wrtli gallows for haniiini; inalcfadois was allowed him in two o( t.ij,'onal towers, stands a short distance off the the time of King Heiiiy III. Since the disMilntion, Denv(rioail. tliis manor lias passed thioin;li scvcimI hinds to the family of H.iic — Sir Thomas Hare, Bait, of Stowcot- tHKc, being the pie-ent lord. Near the wnodeii biidge I'lie parish church of Saint Edmnnil is an ancient edifice, built of c^r or rag stone, si nccoeil. It com- piises a nave, noith and south ai>les, and a chim el; whicli crosses the liver heie, the butter mai kef, once at the western end rises a square lower, embaitled,anrl «) Celebrated, used to he held. VViihiiiihe last com|iata- surmounted liy .i spire. The interior of the ri'of is of lively fev/ years, the town has been inucli improved oak, and the veneered wood-work of the gallery is nuicli — l!ic priiicijial stirets are well paved, and pas has admired. The living of Downham is a rectory, w itbiu liUely bcL'ii introduced for lighting them. Mcs.srs. ihc dioces.sof Noi wich. There are places of woi ship 20 UBirectoifi* DOWNHAM MARKET, &c. Norfolk, for Bapti^ts, Independents, the society of Friends, and Wesleyan and Primitive Methodists. Tlie principal charity is a schnol, founded in 1808 by the late iMr. Clarke, for sixty-five boys. 'J'lie inarkfi, held on Saturday, is cliieiHy for com. Frtirs, March 3rd, May 8th, and November LStli ; and a statute for liiiing ser- vants on the hist Satmriay in Septetnber. Dovvnlinni parish contained in 1831, 2,198 inhabitants, and in 1841, 2,953, on the Lynn road, and extending down to the river. Sir Thomas Hare, Bart, is lord ot the niatior, and patronot the chuich living. The church, whicli is dedicated to the Holy Trinity, lias jujt uiidf rgone a coniplftf repair. FoRDHAM is a small \illngf, three miles s. from Dovvniiain. Kdward Roger Pratt, Ksq. is lord of the manor, and patron of the church living— wliicli is a curacy, atitiexcd to that of VVlm^ot^haul. 'i'he parish Denver is a neat little village, about one in-le south church of Saint Maiy is a Miiall buihiintr. front Dowiiham.on the road to Ely. The parish church of Saint Maiy is built of rough stone, with a square embattled tower : the living is a rectory, in medieties, viz. Saint Peter's Easthall, and Saint AJichael'.s West- hall, in the gift of Edward Roaer Pratt, Esq , who is lord of the manor, and of the adjoining oneofRysion HiLGAY villaue is four milts s. by e. from Downham Hud about two from the Oozi- Biidge station, on the East Anglian Railway. The VVissey here is < ro>sed (comin« from Downham), by an iron bridge; the river is naviuahle for lighters, and coal is biouKht in them from Lynn to the quay, here, at which they dis- the church of Saint Michael stands on tlie edgf of the | cliarae their cargoes, and le-load with corn, &c. At park. The population of Denver and the following ! the foot of the bridge is an excellent inn, the 'Pratt parishes, is given aftei the notice of HiLGAY. | Arms. Tlie parish church of All Saints' is a stone WiMBOTSHAVi is a very inconsiderable village, about I edifice embattled, with a square tower: the living is 1§ miles N. by e. from Downham, situated on the road j a lectory, in the patronage of the Rev. William J. Par- fo Lynn: it'is solely inhabited by fanners, and i ker. The church is appioached through a fine avenue labourei s, employed by them, wiih their families, and ; of trees, whicli in summer furnishes a cooland refresh- contains no object deserving notice but its parish I ing shade. church — an ancient building, dedicated to Saint Marv: Theabove-described parishes are strictly agricultural: tlie living is a perpetual curacy, in the gift of Sir | they are all in the hundred of Clackciose, and the Thomas Hare, Bart. ' j number of inhabitants in eacli was, in 1841, as follows Stow-Bardoli'H, with Stowbridge, form a long I — Denver, 910; Wi.mbotsham, .582; Stow-Bar- irregular village.abont 2§ miles N.N.E. fioiu Downham, ' dolph, 1,076; Fordham, 219; Hilgay, 1,515 POST orriCE' High Street, Downham, Edwaid Hutson, Post Master. — Letters from London and various |)iaccs arrive eveiy morning and atternoon at a o,iuirter ()ast three, , and are despatched at lialf-past eight in the morning, and nine at iiiglit. Letters from Stow-Bardolph, Denver, Hilgay, Southeray, and Watlington, arrive at half-pas* six in the evening, and from Fincham and Letche at seven ; and are despatched at seven in the morning. POSTOFFiCEj Stow-Bardolph, Thomas Gore, Post Master, ^tnwWid'it'. — Letters from all parts anive (from Downham), every morning at half-past eight, and are despatched thereto at half-past five in the evening. POST OFFICE, Hilgay, Elizabeth Monntser, Post Mistress.— Leners from all parts aniveffiom Down- ham), every inoiuing at half-past eight, audare despatched tliereto at half-past five in the evening. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Allen Rev. William Massey, Wim- botshani Andrews Mr. Richard, High st Bagge William, E«q. m. p. Stradsett Hall Baker Rev. William, Union terrace | Nototherwise described are Day Schools. Boutell Rev. Charles, RectoryHouse j chambeilain Elizabeth, Stow bridge Smith Rev. Samuel C, Denver Sna^dill Miss Sarah, Wimbotsham TiottMrs. Ann, Union terrace Wilson Captain Joseph Frazer, Union tfrrace ACADEMTES AND SCHOOLS. Boyce Mr. John, Denver Browne Rev. Arthur, Marhani Brown Mr. Joseph. Lynn mad Chapman Mr. Williajn, Bridge st Couicher Mrs. Sa^ah, Lynn road Davis Jane, Lynn load Edwards Harriet, Bridge road Goode Else, Hiltjay Jolinson Edward, Lynn road Lemon Sophia, Biidae st Cieam Rev. Clenient.RecioryHouse National School. Hilgav.William Creasy .Mrs. Rebecca, High st i F.Kirhy, master; MaryAnnKirbv, 1 Newton Joseph, Parsonage lane Crockford Mis. Hannah, Bridge id | ni'stiess ' BLACKSMITHS. Da-hwood Rev. George H., Stow- n^tionalSchool, Ten-mile hank, j Ambrose Thomas, Hilgay Bardolph | Hilgay, BeniamiiiChalliss.master; j Ambrose VVillJHin, Denver Dixon J. hii, Esq. Lyr.n road I Elizabeth Challis, mi.stress ] Bell Thomas, Stow Baidolph Doyle Mis. Jilizabeth, Ciimples ' " " ' Whltten Mary Ann, Hilgay Wright James, Bridue st BANKERS. Gurney.s' «& Co. (Bank of Lynn), High st (draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co., London), Thomas Wright, ageni Savings' BANK,Danver road (open from 10 till 1)— Edwaid Charles Johnson, actuary BASKET MAKERS. Burman William, Biid^e st Daynes Wright, Bridge st Gooden Cinistoplur, High st ham Hall [linn Dupre Rev. .Michael Thomas, Ware- Dynes Mrs. Harriet, Lynn road Filby Mrs. Maitha, Lynn road Flanagan ^ir.Tilnothy, WinihotNhanj Fryer John, Esq. Ciow Hall HaieSirThomasjBart. Stow Cottage Harrison Miss Ann, Wimbotsham Hooton Mr. James, Lynn road Horsley Mr. Maithew^ Bridge st Howmati Rev. Edward Jolni, Bex- well \'icaiaee Johnson Rev. Kothwell Underwood Moore John, Hilgay Lacy .Mrs. Harriet Lviin road Naylor iMr. J^hn, Hilgay Pa«e Miss Mary, Wimbotsham Park' sWilliamJose|ih,Hilga\ Recti y PrattEd ward Hoger,Esq.R\ Sinn Hall Redhead Mr. Thomas, Lynn road Reed Mrs. Maiy, Ryston End Rofe Mrs. Eliza, Wimbotsham Ito^e Mr. Medwell, Biidge st Say Rev. Henry, Hiuh st Smith Rev. George, Bridge road National 'school, Union terrace, I Boddy William, Stow bridge Heiiiy .Mayhew, master; Eliza- lietli Mayhew, mistress R(se Hannah, Biidge st Saiictnaiy Elizabeth, Hilgay Scoti Thomas, Hilgay ATTORNEYS, Bell Frederick Browne, Ryston End Hett Edwar^i, Bridge st Reed Thonias L.oicelot, Hisjh st Townley William, Biidge si BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Barton Henry, Bridge road Brookes William, Marketplace Claik Kdward, Bridge st Clark John, Bridge st Hobsoti George, Hilgay Moore Joseph, Denver road North Sarah, Lynn road Poll James, Hilgay R-eve Thomas Stow bridge RrCson Joseph, Denver road Rose George, High st Snelling 'I'liomas, Lynn road Towlcr Robert, Wimbotsham Dent Henry, Bridge road Harding James, Stow bridge Harpley John, Slow bridge Painell William, Lynn road Rose Medwell, Bridge road Sheru'Onfl Robeit, Wimbotshatn Smiih Win, Ten-mile bank, Hilgay Tr.tter Samuel, Bridge st Vince Elizabeth & John, Den\er rd Vine Robert, Hilgay BOOKSELLERS &STATIONERS Brett Jolin(& printer), .Makei place Cole John 1^. (& binder & printer), High st Hiitson Edward, High st [st Lenioi)Harriet(& news agent}, High TlioroguodRobt.(& printer), Hiyh st BOOT &c. MAKERS. Allcock John, Denver Anrirews Jcdiii (and leather cutter} Market place Applegate W illiam. Bridge st Baker William, Bridge st Brighton William, Bridge st Noifolfe. DOWNHAM MARKET, &c. ^latei'sf BOOT, etc. MAKERS— Coniiniisd. Coi- William. Hiali >t Eilwards James, W'imbotsliain Fox Gfoige, Stow bridge Gore Frederick, Stow bridge Gore William, Wimbntsham Hills Robert, Wimbotsham Kenney Thomas, Lynn road Loose Robert, Lynn road Neal Kdward, Lviin road Sewell William (dealer). High st BRAZIERS 6c TINMEN. Barbel George, Bi ide;e st Newell Pearson, High st BREWERS. Massey Alfred, Bridne st Ward George Augustus, jnn. & Co., Do\v.N[iAM Steam Mills BRICK MAKERS. Bennett William, Bridge road Juler Maria, Bridae road [road Rawiiiigs Samuel [& potter), Bridge BRICKLAYERS. AUflat Goodwin, Stow-lJardolph Bennett William, I5ridge road Dearsley .lames, Hilgi-y Harper William, Lynn road Juler Henry, Lynn road OUerton U'illian), Hileey Stevens Frances, Bexwell road BUTCHERS. Bunkall Joseph, Denver road Bunkill Kean, Marketplace Bunkall William, jun., High st Chaltoii James, \Vimbot>,ham Coe James, Bridge st Engledow John, Hilgey Gamble Robert, Brirtae st Haylett Robert, Bridge st Hopkiu'i Francis, Denver Plummer Alfred, Hilgey Porter Robert, Bridge st Scott William, Bridge st Smart William (pork), Bridge st CABINET MAKERS. Ca«ebow William, High st [High st Giscard Wm. (i."v: fmniture broker), Howes Samuel, Bridge st Langman John, High st Pliiwriglit Frederick W., Biidge st CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Bal;er Patrick, High st Brett John f& oil and colourman). Market place CHINA, GLASS, &r. DEALERS. Scamel George, Market place Sna-^dell Joel, High st \Vii;nall Rachael, Bridge st AVilkin Ann, High st COAL DEALERS. Cook GeoiKe, Bridge road Jolmson William, Bridge road Lee Thomas, Stow bridge Snelling Joseph, Bridye road Snel ini; William, Bridge road Ward Geoige Augustus, jun. & Co., DowNiiAM Stkam Mills Wcnn Mary, Bridge mad Weill! Thi>n)as, Bridge road CONFECTIONERS. Brookes William, Market place Moore Joseph, Denver road Nortli Sarah, Lynn road Poll Cliarles, Market place Wright James, Biidge st CORN 6e SEED MERCHANTS. Merriiigt(-n Charles, Bridge st Miimford (ieorge, Bridi;e st Ward Georee Augustus, jun., & Co. (and seed crushers), Downiiam Steam Mills 22 FARMERS. Belts James, Denver road Belts William, Stow-Bardolph Boyce Heniy, Hilgey Brown James, Stow-Bardolph Biowu Thomas, Denver Carter William, Stow-Bardolph DixoiiJohn, Lvnii road [ham Klmer James (&iiin keei)er),F()rd- Filby Robert Childs, Wimhotsham Gascoigne John, Denver Sluice Gleaves John, Denver Sluice Goulder William, Wimbot.sham Hopkiii Abraham, Denver Sluice Hopkin Richard, Fordliam Hutson John, Stow biidge Keiulle Charles, Fordhain Martin William, Fordham Norman Richard, Denver road Palmer William C, Denver Reeson Benjamin, Lynn road Roper ISlary, Fordham Wood George, Denver fire &«. office agents. Architects', Kncineeus', and Builders', William Lawrie,Bex- well road City of London (life), Benjamin Parrott, Bridge st County (fire), and Provident (life), William Bartram, High st Crown (life), Henry Oakcs,High st English Widows (life), John Langman, High st [High st Guardian (fire), William Oakes, NATIONALMERCANTILE,John Brett, Market place [High st Norwich EQUiTABLE,Rd. Andrews, Norwich UNioN.WilliamCasehow, and '["hfimas Wright, High st RovAL ExcHANGE,CI)as.Mumford, Bridge st Royal Farmers', Thos. Lancelot Reed, High st Sun, Samuel Trotter, Bridge st Western ( I ife) , J as.G iscard , H igh st GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. {See also Tea Dealers.) Baker John, Hilgay Bartram William, High st Bniwii .lolin, Bridge st BusI) George, Wimbotsham Clialton, George Wimbotsham Clark Filward, Bridge st Cork Klizabeth, Lynn road Goodrick Edmund A., Bridge road Har])li'y John, Slow bridge Howlelt John, Stow bridge Jiihnson William, Bridge road King Reuben, Hilgay Lock Charles, Hilgay Merringtoii Charles, Bridge st Monk Geoige, Denver Moiintser Flizabelh, Hilgay Oakes William, High st Pike John, Wimbotsham Reeve Thomas, Stowbiidgc Scarnell George, Market place Scott James, Bridge si Smith Samuel, Lynn road Snasdell Joel, High st Terringtnn William, Lynn road Weston Haniet, Bridge road Wignall Raehael, Bridge st Wright James, Bridge st HAIR DRESSERS. Crisp William, Hii;li st Mills John (cV glover), Bridge St Willimolt John, Market place INNS. Castle, Tliomas Harris. High (>t Crown, Sarah Powell, Bridge st Pratt Arms Inn, James Elmer, Foidham Swan, George Weston, High st IRONMONGERS. Trotter Samuel, Bridge st [st TrueFrederick(&ironfouiider),High Wallis James (& gas titter and bell- hanger), Bexwell mad JOINERS AND BUILDERS. Bane John, Denver road Bennett Thomas, Lynn road Cater Henry, Parsonage lane Flatinaii .lohn, Britke st [road Goose William Pymer, jun., Denver Harpley Ann, Back lane Hai pley (>"eon;e, Bridge road Harpley William, F'ar>onaee lane Howleti Robert, Stow bridge Whittume John, Hilgey LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS Baker John, Hilt;ev Bartram Williain, High st Clialton George, Wimbotsham Lock Charles^ Hilgey Monk George, Denver Mountser Flizabeth, Hilgey Sewell William, High st Sna-dell Joel, High st [st Tibbett Susannah (baby linen), High Vince William, High st Watts RebeccH, Denver road Wright Geoige, High st MALTSTERS. Massey Aided, Bridge st Mumford Ctorge, Bridge st Wood Thomas, Biidge road MILLERS. Andrews James, Parsonage Mill Harrod .lohn, Lynn road Hobson Geoige, Hilgey Porter John, Denver Reeson Joseph, Bexwell road Reeve Thomas, Stow biidge Ward Geoige Augustus, jun., & Co. (and seed ciusheis), Downiiam Steam Mills Wbitton John, Hilgey MILLINERS &DRESS MAKERS Beaven Ebzabeth, Biidge st [load Beeston Elizabeth & Kniina, Denver Blades Catharine, Bridge road Fuller Mary Atlienon, Bridge st Holland Mary Ann, High st Parrott William, Bridge st Raby Harriet, Bridge roarl Tibbett Susannah, High st Weston pyllen & Rebeeea,Lyiin road Wright George, High st MILLWRIGHTS &AGRICULTU- RAL MACHINE MAKERS. Bane .hdin, Denver road Goward & Fiancis (and improved thr:isl)inn machines), Lynn road True Frederick, Hiuh st Whiitiime Janus, Biidge road Whiltome John, Hilgey MUSTARD MANUFACTURERS. VN'ard Geoige Augustus, jnn., & Co. (and seed crushers), Downiiam Steam iMills nursery and seedsmen. Balding .Mary, Bridge road HaiiiMm Joseph, Lviin road Stehbing & Brown, (;aslle lane PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, AND GLAZIERS. Beets James Strattiin, Ryston end lioiitliby William, Bridge st Girdlestone Thomas D. Biidge road Mallttt Waller, .Market iilace Sayle William, Hilgey Spencer Mary Ann, Bridge st iSirectori). DOWNHAM JNIARKET, &c. Norfolfe* PRINTERS — LETTER-PRESS. See under the head Booksellers. SADDLERS& PATTEN MAKRS. Cook Thiiiiirts, Hilgey Glasscock George, High st Glasscock Henry, Bridge road Stegt;ks William, Hridge st STONE & MARBLE MASONS. Lawrie William (and architectural sculptor, niid agent for iMinton's encauvtic tiles for churches and entrance halls), Bexwell road SURGEONS. Hunter Chrisiopijer Thomas A., F.R.C., and F R M.c s., High st Patterson James, Bridge st Steindale Staiidley, Hdijey Wales Thomas G. (& registrar and surgeon to the uiiiou), High st STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Beeston Sarah, Denver road Calver Sarali, Hii
  • if the old cathedral: it has four i ii„use of industry erected lieie in 1776. The workhouse thapels, two on the imrth and two on the south, and j of the Llnion, under the new poor law, is situated in a remarkablv swcet-toneil organ ; this -ine instrument i this parish. The population of the paiish, in 1831, is noticed t>y Dr. Buiney, in his histoiy of music, as | was 924 ; in 1841, 9o7. a great cuiiosii\ ; it was built liy Schmidt in Ib'tifi and enlarged in 182". In the noitli tiansuptisa tnonument of white maibie, liy Fla.xinan, to the memory ut' the elegant ainl pious poet, William Cowper, who died and Wits interred lieie in 1800. There are two tablet^, also, to themetnoiy of Mrs. Uiiwiii atnl Mis^Peiowne, whom the poet teiined his ' best and dearest frends;' some beautiful lities on these affection ite memorials are from the peti of Hayl 'v. The living of Dereham is divided into a sinecure rectoiyand a vicarage, in the gift of the Ciown. There are pla( es of worship for ba|itists, Jndepiiidents and vV'esleyan and Piimi- tive Metiiorlists ; and sclioo s for children of either sex, conducted upon the tiaional plan. The tnai ket, held on Friday, lias lately attained great iinpoitance, aiu" SwANTON, or SwANTON MoRLEY, IS a parish and village — the l.itter neat four miles n.e. from Kast Derc- hatn, ill the same hundred. The paiish chuich of Ail Stints, a hatrlsome struiture, stands on an eminence ill the centre of the village: the living is a ri ctory, with that of V\'iirihiiig annexed, in the incumbency of the Rev. Henry Tiacey. Population of the parish, 779, SntFDHAM,is a parish in thes;ime bundled as Deie- ham — the village, a pretty ruial one, is situated 5 miles s. from that town, on the road to Watton. The paiisl) ciiuicli of All Saints is a neat building, with an embattlid tower, sm mounted by a haiulsome turret : the living is a rectory, in the gift of the Rev. Benja- min Barker. A fair for cattle and sheep is hehl on the is numerouslv attended by the"opnle.,t farmers and ! 29tli of .lune. In 1831, the populath.n of the parish dealers i.i the countrv around : v, ,-y considerable husi- i «'^' ^'^^^' ^"'' '" l^''^' ^'^^'^■ iiessistransaded in corn and cattle, and this market! Klmham, or North Llmham, is a village and pari>h is esieeined as one of the best in the county for pigs. I m the bundled of Launditeli, .5 miles n. frou) Dere- Fairs, the Thursday next i efoie Old Midsummer-dav, | I'^m- The parish church of Saint Mary, has a tower and the Thuisdav hi fore the 9th h, nearly 4 miles N. by w. , Po|uilation ot the parish m 1831, 1,153 ; m 1841, 1,219. POST OFFICE, Chuich-street, East Dereham, Sarah Bone, Post 3/islress.— Lt'tteis fiotn all part.s arrive (fioin Theteord) every morning at six, and are despatched thereto at ten minutes before seven in the evening. POST, Klmham, William Diggens, Poit Master. — Letters from all parts ariive {iro\a Thetford) at seven in the morning, and art despatched thereto at six in the evening. POST, SutPDtiA.M, Sarah .Mendham, Post Mistress. — F^etteis from all parts arrive (from Thetford) at half-ptst live in the mornint;, and are desjiatihed thereto at a quarter before eight in tiie eveng. NOBILITY, GENTRY, AND CLERGY. Amleison C iptain, Variow Hall Anderson Kev. Tbos. u. a. South grn Andrews Mr. Thomas, Mill hill Aufrai Mr. Noriis, the D ile Bailey Rev. .lohn, .Siiipdiiain Barker Rev. Beniamiii, Sl;i|)dliam Barnwell Rev. (liark-s.-Mileham Hall Bennett Mr.Chas.H. Slnixlham read Branfoid Mr. Benjamin, Swantor Morley Brooke Alr.s. Hannah, Quel)ec st Blown .Mr. Cf>lville, Mai ket place Bullock' the Misses, Shipdiiam Claike Sir Chatles .Mansfitid, Dun- liatn Lodge Claike .Mr. James, Shipdhatn Colli-ou Rev. Henry, Biliiey Coliison John, Ksq. Bilney Hall Cool: Mr. Isaac, W hinburi;li Cooper Mrs. Han let. Church st Coojier Rev. — , Shipdli on road Curtis Rev. John, a. it. .Marker place Day Rev. John, North TiildeidMin DeGiube .Mi-. Maiy, Church st Dingle Mr. George Paitison, Nor- wich road Dunn Mrs. Susannah Theatre «t Dunaiit William, Ksq. G^rgate Hall Kniiis .Mis. Ann, Norwich toad Fislier .Mcuiey, ivsq. KImbam Kit/roy Cap'.Hiigg, Scrmie Hall Kitzf'iy Lieut. Col. Sennowe {..odae Freeman Mr. Wm.Syvunton .Morley 24 Gilbert Mrs. Elizabeth, High st Giilini; Barry, Esq. Stanton Heath Houae Girling Rev. William, Seaming Gonch .Mrs. — , Market place Go'iiig Mr. Cimrles, Shipdhnm Giigson Rev. William, \Vhinburgh Giounds Mr. William, Hoe Hal P.iddon Rev. Thomas, MattishjiU P.tyne Mr. George H. Shipdhani Peck Mr. Fuller, Shipdham Pillans Mrs. Maigaret, High st liaven Mr. .lames. Church st Read ISlr. Robeit, Ya.xhain Reynolds Ik' V. Charles, Gt.FiansIiani Richaids Mrs. — , Chinch st Gurdcui Brampton T.Ks(].Sbi[)(llian) i Rump Mr. Tims. .Swanton Morley Guidiui Re>. Philip, Cranworth Sadd Rev. Wilhain, Klmhaiii Harvey .Mr. Stephen. DleCottate ! Sailer .Mr. William I'. Whinhurgh Harvev Mr.Thoinas, Shipdhatn road | Smith .Mr. John, Church yard Hart Mr. Georue, High Heyho Mr. Giigson, ^'axlnm hill Rev. Denni-, fiiesseiiball Hill John David Hav, Esti. Gressen- hall Hall Hooper Rev. Jas. Clifrord.Theatrcst Humphreys .Mr. Edw.trd, Shipdiiam Johnson Sirs. Ann, High st Johnson Rev. John B. Welborne .lohnsim Rev. Wm.Ctioiiei ,Vaxliam Kipple Fredeiiek, 1'.m|. LexhainHall Knaichbull Rev. Hv. IvIwd.Elmham Loni! Mr Divid, Dillington Long Mr. William, ^'(Mv^icll road .Mick .Mr. Thomas. S'.yanton Moiley .Mann .Mr. .lohn, Vaxham .M>s. VVm. Mattishall Wolla^ton Rev. Charles Hyde, m.a. Vicarage WoUastoii Rev. William Charles, M A. Mnoruaie House Wright the Mi.sses — , Tiiealre st ACADEMIES AND SCHOOIiS. Not otliprwise described are OayScliools. Aldis Will, (hoarding), Norwich rd Anderson Einilv, Swaiiton Morley Baibi-r Harriet, Swantou Rlorley B ttoniley Henry, Hall lane British School, Swan lane — Wm. Pratt, master ; Sarah Ann Meats, mistress Hastoe Mary Ann, High st Fox Judith (hoarding and day). Church street Free School, Siiipdham — Thomas Bloom, master Golding Klizabeth, Swaiiton Morley Infants' School, Swan lane- Emma Tnnikins, mistiess Kirhelis Eliviab.th, Sarah & Isabella (ladies), Norwich road Large Mary, Swanton Morley Lee Krancis(& surveyor), Shipdham Mcndham Sarah, Shipdham National School, Theatre st — Ed- vvaid Greenwood, master: Mary Grei-nwood, misiress; Catherine Wrlls.tnistrss of the Inf mtSchool NATtoNAL School, Elmham — Rd. Rogers, master; Sophia Rogeis, mistress National School, Gressenliall — Roliert Aytoii, master; Caioliiie Aytoii, mistiess Peachnu ni Mary, Swanton Morley Pe' Is Harriet, Qiielvc st Thompson Rev. Joseph (boarding), Church road ATTORNEYS. Brook James Bird, Theatre st Carthen (leorye Alfred, Qnt^bec st Cooper & Sons, Market place Drake William & Son, Qiubtc st Girling J. B. & N. Market place Meniiham W. L. Market place Rackhani William B. Market place AUCTIONEERS. Greenacie James, Norwich road Hamsdale Robert, Quebec st Ward Daniel, Quebec st BAKERS 6c FLOUR DEALERS. Arms John, Raster row Bamhri'ige Jo-e|ih, Market place Baiiynrd Matthew, High st Barker Jha\vk Henry, Elmham Grint .Alfied, Shiiidham Hammond James, Cliurch st Rix Mary, Quebec st Smith Mary, Shipdham road Sussons Kdninnd, Shipdham Thiimpsnn William, Norwich road Tuck Thomas, Elmham Wilson Tiiomas, Hull laiie Willimont Klrby John, Theatre st 4 BANKERS. East OF England Bank (Branch) Market plaee(draw on the London and Wistmiiister Bank) — John Donaldson, agent Gnrneys' & Birubeck, Market place (draw on Baiclay, Bevan, & C<>,, Loudon) — Fredk. NeLson Cooptr, agent BASKET MAKERS. Sweet John, Quebec st 'i'uiiyate '^aiah, Market place Webb John, flniham BLACKSMITHS. Barnes Barnabas, Shiiidham Birnes Thomas, Gressenhall Brown John, Siiipdham BruiHon John, Swanton Morley Cohling Henrv, Baxter row Coleman George, Church st Crown Mai tin, Gressenhall Dack Charles, Shipdham road Dunn Jiilin, Hall lane Fox Thomas, Swanton Morley Gill Thomas, Shijidham Hudson Jodii, Queiiec st Hudson William, Vaxham Hudson u i||i;ini, jnn. Yaxham -Meacher David, Siiiiidham Monument John, Elmh im Rayiier John. Baxter row Kiist John, Maiket place ''kinpiT Charles, Shipdham VVard James, Elmham Wells Wni.& Hayes, Norwich road BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND PRINTERS, Barker Peti-r, Market place I'.oyce William, Mai ket nlace Wigg Henry Carter, High st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Bagee Hugh, Shiiidham Bales John, Siiipdham Barker CInrles, Church st Barker William, 'I'heatre st Bai ton L' wis, Quebec st BaieleyJohn, Yaxham Baxter Heniy, Baxter row Benchley Georte, Elmham Brett John, Shipdham Buileigh Francis, Church st Burleigh William, Quebec st CHiihani John, Swanton Morley Can William, Quebec st Clark VViUiani, Shipdham Dunn George, Hith st Ea^ioe John, Baxter row Feltham vvilliam V. High st Glrlii'g George, iNlai ket place Golding James, Gressenhall Holman Charles, Shipdham Holinait R"bert, Vaxham Kelvtr Willianj Elmham Lemon James, Gressenhall Meakin William. Giesst-nliall Pack Natha>>iel, Norwieh road Rix ('hailes, Tlieatiest Rumble Thi^mas, jun. Shipdham Speakinan Tho lias, Hiuh st Toiiilin Benjamin, Elmham Twei dy Geoiue, Elmham Watling George. Shijidliam Wenhani John, Church st BRAZIERS AND TIN-PLATE WORKERS. Brook Robert, Baxter row Can- John, High st ENy George, Norwich road Elsy William. Church .st Gidney Jeiemiah Wm. Marketplace Smith Susan, High st YuU Peter, Elmham BREWERS AND MALTSTERS* Bidwell Samuel S. South gieea Cooper William, Highst Maris James, Quebec st Parke Thomas, Norwich road Sparks Sulion, Elinhani Webster Wm. (maltster) Mattishall Wigg Wright, South green BRICK AND TILE MAKERS. Butcher John, Siiipdham Heyho Giigson, Yaxham Kittringham William, Siunton heath iMeachen Edwaid, Swan lane Spaine Th 'iicas, Scarning Webster Wilham, Matti-hall BRICKLAYERS & BUILDERS. {See also Carpenters and Builders.) Blackburti William (and town crier and bailiff). Back lane Butcher John, Shipdham Curson John. Shipdham Cusliing Francis, Elmham Frost Samuel, Gressenhall Goss John, Siiipdham Lanier Samuel. Theatre st Neale James, Elmham Newman John, Shipdham Parker John (and dealer in building & diaining materials) Norwich rd Parker Thomas, Chuich st Perkins James, Norwich road Spiiiiuall Charles, Swanton Morley Taylor Thomas Pull, High st Upton William, Elmham BUTCHERS. Bagge Thomas, shipdham Bayfield Haniet, Norwich road Cooper Charles, High st Frost Geortre, High st Howlett William, Baxter rov» Large Benj.( pork), Swanton Morley Laws George, Norwich ro^d Mays George. Swanton Morley Neill Israel, Church st Nicholson George, Elmham Nicholson Thomas, High st Tuck George, Shipdham CABINET MAKERS. Rivctt William. Shipdham Selfe Thomas, High st Tomlin.soii James. High st Turner .lonathan, Norwich road Turner William, High st Webb George, High st CARPENTERS 6t BUILDERS. Cushing Francis, Elmham Curbing John, Shipdham Kastoe William, Norwich road Harman Charles. Gressenhall Hanold George, Swanton Morley Hubbard William, Hitihst Isbel Francis, Yaxham Isbel John, Yaxham Meaciien Wriah', Yaxham Monument William, Highst Munford& Son, Theatre st Peebles Willi HHi Skipp, High st Bawling Ishniael, Shipdham road Rivett William, Shipdham Sussons Edward, Elmham Va-sar 'I'homas, Shipdham Wilson William, Chuich st CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Abram Joseph. Market place Crofts Benjamin, IMurket place CHINA & GLASS DEALERS. Coahdl VVm. Alexander, JMaiket pi Martin Ann, Hiah st Sandall Jonathan, Baxter row Tuniiey George, Market place S!5 Xoifollt. EAST DEREHAM, &c. ^lat£i*0 COACH MAKEHS. Eastoe Wiin.u.i, Norwicl. roaa EUiM& Soii.N.'i^Mcli load COAL, CORN AND COKB MEBCHANTS. CSee also Corn Chandlers.) Dereham Coal Companv (coal), DcrflMiii— Jl•l^;nlMll^\llllamGld- iiev, r.ianauiiii: paiintT Mai rioit J. & K. Ka-t.\ngliaii stuioii Merry & Everitt, Eastern Counties siatioi. [s.ation Raiiis.lale R.ibeit^Eastcrii C'.untie^ Warren Sainml Townscud, Eastern CmintifS station CONFECTIONERS. Barratt F-fdorick, Norwich rosd Diugins William, Hlinhain Ho.M.arl J.,nc Anil, Maiket place Huniplmes Jnliu, Hieli st Huuti-r IU)l>erf, Sliipdham Rix Emilv, High st Rust Eli^l'cth, .Market place COOPERS. Cook Jerenii.h, Klinhaiu Grren Siipliia, Hi4li st Hallni.ii (u-or(?e, Gresoenhall Stacev William, Slnprtt^ani Tnc Genriie, Swaiium .Mi>rlcy CORN CHANDLERS. [See also Coal a," Corn Merchants) Francis John (and sack manufac- turer), Ciiurch st Maidwell Thomas, Shipdhaiu CURRIERS AND LEATHER CUTTERS. Hammond .lauics, Norwich road Read liuirows, Norwich ro;id Ramsdale Thomas & Son, Quebicst FIRE, flic., OFFICE AOENTS. Geskral (h.iil--iornii, .Icrfiuiaii William (iidi.c*, Maiket place London Corikkation, John Do- naMsliipdliani Huskall Goddard, Siiipilliam Dark Paul. Norwii h load Davis Philii), EimlMin Kraiici.H Jolm, Cniiicii st Lacey Joliii, Hiiih st Littiepioinl Sar.ili, Shipdham Meaclun Tiniotny, Mii(i'Hiam Pa«>- Tlnjinai (tml tallow chandler), Maiket placi" PalniiT John, Swiin!on .Motley Pratt Jon-iihan, KHiihani Kichci UoI.ert, Mi^h ft S,tndii v\ iliiam, Elinliain Sharinan Juints, .Swanton .Morley 'I'te lii njamiii, (iresnenhall Wrbner Hv. & Philip. Maiket place Winkfield George Httirv,Sliipaliam 2(i GUNSMITHS. Bell Robert Thomas, Redlion hill Goshawk John, Ba.xter row HAIR DRESSERS. Bailey Edwanl, Market place Bird Michael i&. tlover), Shipdham BUvIe Mary (& toy dealer), Hi«hsf Miles Thos. (& glover), Norwich id INNS. (See also Taverns Sf Public Houses.) Duk. 's Hta'l, Jas. Maris, Qnebecst Eigle, Wm. Sizeland, Market place George & Dragon, William Cuttinu, Maiket place [kei jtlace King's Arms, Dorcas Howard, Mar- KiiiK's Head, Thamas Parke, Nor- wicli road Lord Nel.son, John Wells, Hieh st IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. Gidiiev Jeremiah William (&whiie- smith and wire-fence manufac- turer), Market place Gill J. & J. Theatre st Hanibling Thomas & Robert (and whitesmith), Norwich road IRONMONGERS. Balls & Son !& hardware dealers). Hall lane Elsv W'illiam, Church st Gidiiey Jeieiiiiah William (furnish- ing and general). Market place Smith Susan, Hith et LINEN fli WOOLLEN DRAPERS (See also Grocers t^c.J Studd Georiic, .Market place Wright C. &T. High st MILLERS. Davnes Kranci-, Swanton Morley Hennent Koliert, Gressinliall Hov\leit Robert Currie, .Mill lane Littleprond James, Shipilhain .Norton Roliert. Klmhain Smith .Mary, Shipdham load Spriiigall Aidis, Yaxham Stammers Robert, Gressenhall Stiiiiger William. Shipdham Tilney Reuben, Yaxham Wilden John, Norwich load Woods John, Shipdham MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS BalN Alice, Uuehec st Cooper Mary, Baxter row .Nuihall Elizabeth, High st Riches Hantiali. High st SciagKS Ann, Maiket place Stokcley Sonhia, Swan lane Tuiigate Eluabeih & Sarah Ann, Maiket place Tiollop Siis, 111, Norwich road Willliy l-;iizalietli. Elmhain NURSERY AND SEEDSMEN. Bae & Tivloi, Qiiehc.st Edwards \ S(•|•al.'^;s, M.iiket place (Jreeii C'liarles, Ship tliain HiJi Willi.ini, ShipJham lA'gorid William, .Shi|)iiham .May.s William, Chuirli .^t Taylor .lolni, Saaii lane SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKEHS. Abel (ieorge, Shipdham Allen George, Shipdb.iin Bell Philip, Elmhani Girlini; John, Market place Johnson Francis, Maiket place Nicliolson (Joddard, High st Skippi-r Heniv, Shipdham Wells John, Elmham SHOPKEEPERS fliDEALERS IN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Baxter Hemy, Baxter row Bell Ann, Chuich st Brian William, Elmham Burton Renhall Harwoi'd Samuel, Shipdham Lock St> phen, Shipdham Mayes Robert, Ba.tfer row Riveit Jesse, Chnich st Ship Charles, Theatre st Stagg Philip, Shipdham Siissons Edward, Elmham Ti ugli Richard, Yaxham Tuck James, Shipdham Tuck Robert, Shipdhaiu STONE MASONS. Newell Wiiliaiii, Noiwich road Oakley Fiancis, Baxter row STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Cox Fanny, Shipdham ENy Martha, Norwii h road Goshawk Mary, Elmham Grant Hannah', High .st (luntnn Sarah. Shipdham Sandall Ann, Baxter row Skerritt Ann, High st Skinner Sarah. Shipdham White (jOiiisa, Norwich road Williams Maiy, Quebec st SURGEONS. Clouting John R. Shipdham Emerson William, Shipdham Hastings Horace C. Market place Parkerson Biiriell, Market place Ransom Peter P. Elmham Vincent James. High st SURVEYORS. Bagge Hugh (parish), Stepdham Catton Henry (land and building), Norwicli road Cocker Fuller (building}, Shipdham • TAILORS. Marked thus * are also Draperi. Balls James, Quebec st •Bates Robert it Saiimel, Markt t pi •Chaplini; J(dni, Elmham •Cooper John, Elmham Decks Geoige, High st •Klmer John, Elmham •James Waller, Maiket pi ce Kerason John, Giessinhali •Lacey Jfilin, Hiah st Meiidliam T'hoiiias, Shipdham •Milk Ma'thew. Market place Pilch Wiljiaiii, High st Sayei William, Shitidham Skeiritt James, Hith st •Trollop Jame>, Norwich road •Varden William. Market place WatSMii .lames, Shipdham •Willby Samiii 1, Elmham •Williams Richard, Quebec st •Wli^ht C. &T. High st TAVERNS flt PUBLIC HOUSES. A'lgcl, llpnjamin [,emoii,.S\vant<)n Morley Ulack Hull, I'imothy (iiliion, High st Bush, 'I hoinas Bush, Yaxli.Tni Ctirqiieri, John Trinmer. Hall lane ('he(|uer9, KobertTye, Gressenhn;l Cherry (ironnd, George 'lye, Swanton M orlry Cherry Tree, Frederic Cooper, Tlieatte it Cock, James Legfjett, Norwich roau mivtttot^. EAST DEREHAM, &c. Koifollt, Cricket Players.Sarali Mulley,Stiiphham Cross Keys, Anthony Bailing, Shipdhani Crown, William dipland, Sliipdiiara Dial, John Maigoram, Swanion Morley Fleece, Robert Barnes, Norwich road George & Dragon, Edw. Nt Hislop Jnines, Market place Hoy Eilwaid, ElmliHm Wenliain Da>id, Mai ket place Wenbain Edward, Shipdham WTHEELWRIGHTS. Amis Georae, Theatre st Clarke Daiid, Shipdham Clarke Robert, Gressenhall Cox Joseph, Shipdham Do'iman John, Gressenhall EdgleyJainfS, Shipilham Monument John, Elmliaiii Uttiiig Thomas, Elmliam Wells William & Hayes, Norwich rd WINE 6t SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Bidwell Samuel S. (spirit), South green Francis John, Church st Reeve John, Market place Miscellaneous . Abbott John, superintendent of police, Baxter row [road Allen Henry, horse breaker, Shipdham Assembly Rooms, Market place— Chas. Howard, keeper Cordy Christopher, cattle dealer, Ship- dham road [road Elsden Benjamin, rope maker, Norwich Gas Works, Mill lane— Thos. Andrews, manager Inland Revenue Office, Market pi — Henry H. Warn, supervisor [lane MargettsMary Ann, clothes dealer, Holl Martin John, teacher of mnsic.Norwich rd Mendham Thomas, parish clerk, collector of taxes, Shipdham Peck Harriet, ready-made linen ware- house, Quebec st Pbilo George, palish clerk. assistant over- seer and tax collector. Church st Reeve John, wool and seed merchant. Market place Scholes Jacob, hatter, Market place Scraggs Robert B.clerk to the magistrates, Qiiebee st Stamp Office, Market place — Peter Barker, distributer Theatre, Norwich road Trollop John B. glover. Hall lane Vardon Thomas, poulterer, Shipdham Wallrr Henry May, commission agent. Theatre st Wells Elijah, dyer, Baxter row PLACES OF WORSHIP, AND THEIR MINISTERS. Saint Nichulas'Church, Church st — Kev. William Wollaston, m.a. rector. Rev Ch;irles HydeWollaston, m.a. vicar All Saints' Church, Shipdham — Rev. Benjamin Barker, ?ef foUowinn days — the Sei.temlier fair has been lately estai'lished. The parish church fell to decay mai.y years ago, an^t has n^■ver b^-en restored. The population of the parish in 1841, wa- 447. ScuLTHORPE is a parish in tlie same lumdred as Fakenhain — the villa-jf is situated 2 miles n.w. from that town. The paiisli cliurch of All Saints', was POST orriCE, Market place, Fakknuam, Mariin Bambridge, Post Muster. — Letters from London' Norwich, Lynn, Swakeiasi, Brandon, &c., arrive eveiy morning at half-past six, and are despatched at a quarter past si.\ in the evening. Letters finrr VVells, Walsingham, &c., arrive every evening at a quarter past sii, and are de.s4)atched at a quarter past si.x in the morning. BLACKSMITHS. Adrock Andrew, Norwich st Bushell Charles, M.uliet place Kastwick William, Col kirk Garrooa John & Charles, VVells road Horslcy Mary, Ok st Huugins Charles, Heinpton Langlt-y Benjamin, Wells road Martetts .lane, Oakst Riveit WiiJiain (and hell hanger), Market place Seppings Thomas, Bridge st Warters John, Holt road BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND PRINTERS. Miller Thomas John, Maiket place Steward^on Gcorye Nathaniel (and bookbind.r, news agent, an<) cir- Seppings Edmund, Norwich st culating librai yl. Market place NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Cafes Mrs. Kiizibeih, 'I'lin st Cole Mrs. Eli/abeih, Maiket place Cook .Miss Eliza, Oak st D-iniant Mr. Guybon, Oak st Goocli Rev. Sin)on I'.., Swan st Heiiland ArthtirA.,Et Jones Sir Willoughby, Bart., Scul- tliorpe Leege Rev. William, Heath House jVlarshain Rev Edward, Sculthorpe Potter Mrs. Catherine, Market pi Seppings Mr. E'lmund, Norwich »t Stokes Ijient. Shovel, R.N. Oak st T^iiham Kev. Thomas, Colkirk Wriiiht Mrs. Lucy, Tun st ACADEIVIIES AND SCHOOLS. ISoiothei wi-e desci ilied are Day Scliools. British Scho"L, Norwich st Davy James, Oak st Legge Rev. William (gents board- ing}. Heath House Mile- Harriet, Oak st National School, Wells road James Baiisnn, master; Martha Hill, mistress Wall Ann (hoanlini;), Norwich st ATTORNEYS. Campbell Kobert, Hi^hfield Cates R'lbeit, Tiiii st Green Henry, Bridite st Ki nt & U'at«oii, Market idace Overton J. dm. Wells road AUCTIONEER Ac APPRAISER. All-ell Kobeit, Noiwich st BAKERS ec FLOUR DEALERS. Baker Willi mi, Xoraicli st Brett John, Holt road Ri ett .Saiiiiiel E., Swan st Dunham Uavid, O.ik st Gant Richard, Hayes lane Laveriiigtun James, Hempton Riimbli- .lohii, Hempton Turrell Thomas Bridge St BANKERS. East of England Bank ( Branch), Maiket place, (draw on the Lon- don and Wesimiiister Bank) Charles ^helrlng, ma :,aL;er Gunievs', BuUbeck, & Co., ALnrket place, (' buried in the clinrcli of the Carme- litis, Fleet-'-treet, Lomloii. The liviim of Scuithorpe is a rectory, in the gift (d Sir Willonnhbv .loiies, B iit. A chapel for Methodist-, and a national sciiool are in the palish — the population of wliich in 1841, was 591. CoLKERK. is a parish in the hundred of I,aunditch — the vill'ige, a small inral one, is situated alHiut 2^ miles s. from P'akenham, on risin? ground. The parish ( Imicli of the Viruiii Alary exhibits nothini; reniaik- ahle : thelivinu is a dischaiged rectoiy in the patronage of Lord 'I'ownsbend. The population of the parish, hy the returns tor 1841, was 462. CHEIWISTS AND DRUGGISTS* Bailey Iviinmid Johnson, Biiduei-t Notcutt William Lowndes (and dealer in British wines). Market place Seaile Geori/c G., Market place CHINA, GLASS, &c. DEALERS. Bambiidgr Mariin, Marketplace Sniitli '1 hoinas, Bridge st COACH MAKERS tt WHEEZ>- WRIGHTS. Cook Francis. Oik st Margetts Jane, Oak st Soiithirate William, Oak st Waiters John, Htdt load CONFECTIONERS. Burrell John, Norwicl) st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Abram James, Colkiik ChaimiHii Jeremiah, Colkirk Clarke John, Oak st Coker WilliHin, Ihidge st Cox Robert, Noiwich st Dunham William, Oidi st Gate> George, Hempton Gates George, jiin. Hempton Habberon Saml. (dealer), Mai ketpl Home Enoch (Warehouse) Bridge st Howard Phillip, Wells road Harper Heniy, Colkiik Bichardson llichanl, Noiwich st IViclies Robert, .Market place Skipton Tliomas, Oak st South Thomas, Oak st Utiing Samuel, jiin. AhTrlet pla'C BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. dishing .lohn, Norwich st Oakfoid Jidm, H.dt road BRICKLAYERS. Beverlev Rchanl, Oak st Emerson Robeit, Quaker lane Laugh y Vincent, Oak st Savage James, Oak st BUtCHERS. Barrett William, Oak st Loads {''dnuiiid, Heinpion Rudlaiid Alice, Maiket place Sityer Chaimiaii, Norwich st ''ayer Eli/ab'th, Bridge >t 'I'liorpe William, Suan st Tuck Uobeit, Oak st Tye John, Noi Avich st CABINET 6t CHAIR MAKERS. Ansell Bobeit (and nplndsterer and paper h oiger), Norwich st Lei (li r Btsoiin d. Market jilace Soanie Henry, Bridge st Wiuter George, Winter's yard COOPERS. Flowers Rouse, Norwich st Loads Edmund, Hempton FIRE, «cc., OFFICE AGENTS. Argus (life), Charles Sheriine, Maiket place Architects', Builders' and General, Martin Bainbridge, Market piace Clerical, Medical, &c. (life), Charles Slierriiig, Market place Equitable RoiuVt C^tes, Tun st Farmers' and Graziers', William 'i'litbili. Oak st Guardian, Wilhain Tufhill, Oak st Norwich Union, l<(d)eit Ansill, Noiwich st, and James Hunt, Bii.lge st [BridKC st HovAL Exchange, Heiiiy Green, Sun, Jcdin Wiiiiht, Bridge st GROCERS AND DRAPERS. [See also Shopkeepers, S\c.] Bennett ("hailes, Tun st Davey Samuel, (iak st Howoith Edward, Market place Lynn Roliert. Hempton fpl Miiler I lif)s. John (i?rocer). Market PoiteiMichard (Jooclwyii, Norwich st HAIR DRESSERS. Bailey .lohn, Noiwich st Burrell Daniel, Market place Biiireli Getnge, Ihidte st Drewell Robert, Biidge st INNS. (S!ep also Tareriis l^ Public Houses.) Crown, James Slough ton, Mai ketpl I Bed Lion, Roger Harrison, Mai ket pi IRONMONGERS. Hurrell Danirl, Market place Bushell Cliailes, Market place UBirmorg* FAKENHAM, &c. Koifolfe. JOINERS AND BUILDERS. FdX CljHiles (ji liner), Market |)lace Kind all J<)>liiia,'riin >t Reailvviii Joseiili, Qiuiker lane Tni-iier Jdlin. kaiii])Hni Hoisest Waters William, 0,.k st I.INEN& WOOLLEN DRAPERS. {See a ho Gt'ocers, i(c.) Cooper Si Wat 'I, Market place CuniDiings Charles (wooUeu), Nor- wiil) St Gogg> Naihaniel, Oak st Havvt-s J' hii, Market place Newby William, Murki-t place Scoil Kicliard, Norwii-d >t MACHINE MAKERS- AGRICULTURAL. Fuller Tlionia^, Hiiiipion Garrood John & Chailts (^and iroii- fuuiiders). Wells lo.td MALTSTERS. Fyson Jo-^eph, IJriilge st Sherriughaiii ^•\ ilhain. Market place MILLERS. Brett .lohn. Holt mad Eagle Thomas, Scnltliorpe Fyson Jos' ph, Bridae si fiiiggs Tli'mias. Heinpton Mill Swinier VVilliain, Scultli(ir|)e Smith William, Hempton MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS Cla.k & Bmrell. Oak st Saver Rebecca & S., Market place Wilson Siiah, White Horse st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Boulter Robert, Maiket |)lace Carter UiHiaiii, Oak st Goggs Arthur, Norwich st Joiinsi'ii Hiiiry, Oiik st PROFESSORS & TEACHERS. Pieston Tliomas (iiuisic), Whi'e Hoise st [-t SttiiiiDetz Andrew (langu;ige«),Oik Wright Jonns (music), Weils road SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Bnsbell Samuel, Oak st, Clipiieitou Hubert, Market place Hal)bei ton Sainnel, Mniket place Syder Geoite, Wells re|)h. Qu .ker lane TAILORS. Marked thus * are also Drapers. Blomfield John, Bridge st *Clarke James & Son, O^k st *Ciiii)mings Charles (and hatter), N' rwich st *Diiiery John, Market place Flega Tliomas, H;iyes lane •Foisiei John, 'I'nii si Kiary Michael, Oak st ♦(^Hrdiier Da»id, Market place Howard Hemy, Colkiik Woodcock George, White Horse st TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Bell, Hoberl Mann, Hemoton Bell, Klizabeth Horsley, Norwicii st Btewei's Arms, William Seppiiigs, Quakers' lane I^uck, Robert Brundell, Hempton Bull. Roiiert Gouison, Bridae st Crown, VVilliam Rutland, Colkirk Kinu's Head, John Lane, Hempton Lnrd NeLson, Wm.Giick, Hayes la Rampant Horse, Samutl Strutt, Rampant Horse st Royal Oik, Henry Digeins, Oak st Siar, Robert Binelt, Oak st VETERINARY SURGEONS. Baldwin George, Norwich st Baldwin Ge(nge, jiin. Hayes lane W^ATCH & CLOCK MAKERS. Barton James, Tun st (olleti Jona-, Market p'ace Davy John M., Market place Dawson William, Bridue st W^HEELWRIGHTS. {See also Coach Makers.) Garroiidi,lolin& Charles, W el Ls road WINE & SPIRIT MEHCHANTS. Shell inehani William, Marketplace Silleit Robert (and ale and porter), Market place W^OOL MERCHANTS. Sherringham William, Market place Sillett Robert (and seed, iiiali, and liops), Maiki t place lY^iscellaneoits Allen Henry, hrick maker. Bridge st Bailey .loljn, fislimonser, Holt road B.Tmbriilse Martin, coal, salt, &e. dealer. Market place Bart George, horse dealer, Colkirk Brereton John, brewer, Hall Slaith Burrell Mary, Berlin wool dealr. Bridge st Cailer James, skin dealer, Hayes lane Ciisp VVilliam, agent to John Brereton, Hall Staith Cnllen James, hawker. Holt road Davy JoshnaM. toy ileair, Ac. .Market place Fidgett John, curi iei , Oak st Flowers Rohert, beer r«lailer, Norwich st Gas Works, Hempton road — Robert Friesi, manager Heirint; James, gardener. Hayes lane Horsley Richard, registrar i.f births nnd death-s Heiimton [ton Horsley Richard, rrlieving-oflicer.Hemp- Hor«ley Roberi, gunsmiih. Qnaki r lane Ki-ndall Joshua, beer retailer,Qu;iker lano Leeder Besomed, furniture broker. Mar- *"■« I'li'ce [Well's road Overton John, superintendent registrar, I'awley Rc.bert, beer vet.iiler. Holt road Platlin Howar ', demist. Swan st ReadwinJosepb.brick maker,Quaker Ianucces^fully revived, and the place exhibits now the character of a rural agricultural village. The paiish church of the EIGHBOUKHOOD. Holy Innocents is an ancient and noble structure, with a tower 90 feet high, orniniented v\ith pinnacles, and the church contains some cuiions monnnients — one especially, to Sir Thomas Hunt, who is repiesentcd in armour, with the figures of his three vnve- kneeling, is deseriinsi; notic'-. The liung of Foiilshatn i-^ a rectory, in the patronaiie of thi- taiiiily of Astley ; the incum- bent is the Rev. Heniy Wills A-tley. Tlieie i-; a place of worship for Maptists. A fair is held on the first Tuesday in May for cattle, &c. The tropulation ofthe parisli,'bv the returns rendered in 1831, was 952, and ill 1841, 1,048. 29 Xorfolfe. FOULSHAM. Slater'0 POST OFFICE, Frnii Knights, Ptu^ Master. — Letteis from all parts ariive from Thetford), every morning at nine, aiioare despatclird thereto at half-past three, iti the afternoon. GENTRV AND CLERGY. Astley Kev. Henry Mills Le.ds the Mi-ses Mary & Elizabeth Tonipsoii Mrs. Klizahetli FBOFESSIONAL PERSONS. Deiuh Kobtit, attorney Girling Christ();)her W. surgeon QuarlfS William, attorney Saund' rs James, surgeon SaiM.ders Jinies, jnn. attorney INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Bull, George Neale King's Alius, Isnac Jacob Ship, Tliomas Farrow SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. Austin Hobi rt, butcher Austin Watts, butcher Bartlett Henry N.grocer and draper Caddi-on Chailoite, shopkeeper Clarke Roliert, carpenter Clithero Jieiijaniin, beer retailer Cocks Daniel, hair dresser Eglingtoii Barney, bier retailer Kinins Robert, veteiinarv surgeon Gant Robert, basket maker Gil ham William, baker Graver Luke, biker Knights Kenn, glover [maker Leaini>iiCharles,s;iddler and harness Lean)on Kdinnud, imnuionger Li ainon Richard, baker Long Robert, shopkeeper Mace Charles, grocer and draper OliHiHU) James, boot and shoe mkr Powell Jnhn, tailor and draper Pratt Richaid, gi ocer and draper Rush Robert, heer retailer [mkr Russell Edward, watch and clock Saunders James, miller Sawyer 'Ihouias, wheelwright Sawyer Thoma^, blacksmith Smith William, grocer and draper Spragg Thomas, bout and shoe mkr Towler George, wheelwright Towler John, boot and shoe maker Tuddeiiham John, tailor 'ruiiierJaiiies(jage, giocer and drpr W^ade Matihew, ironmonger WestColman, cabinetmaker RAILWAY, The nearest Station is Fakenram, on a branch of llie East Anglian lin«, about 10 miles N.w. from Foulsham CARRIER. To NORWICH, — Barber.froB the Bull' Tuesday and Friday HARLESTON, with REDDENHALL & NEIGHBOURHOODS* Jril ARLESTON i* a respectable market town in thf paii>li of Reddeuhall, and hundred of Earshain— 190 miles N E, fiout L«ind.>n, 20s. from Norwich, 7 s.s w. from liuugav,10 E.by N.fn.m l)iss,and30N.E. from Bury St. Edmunds— situated on theiiigh load from thelattei town to Yarmouth, and Hbout a mile fiom the river Waveney. It was anciently called Herles, with a ri>Iily orna- mented and much admired steeple, containing a peal of almost matchless bells. In the church are deposited tlie remains of the celebrated families ot Wogan and Keilidge.to whose memory several superb monuments grace tlie interior; there are also, on staiind gl^ss. is giis-lis;bted, and remarkable for its cleanly aspect, well executed coaisof arms of the Wogaiis and Gawdys. consisiv principally of two sireet", running parallel^.to | The livinn of Reddenhall is a rectory, in the paironage eachothei, I he scenery, a"* viewed fmm several situ- ] of the Duke of Nnrtidk ; the venerable Archdeacon atioiis in the parish, is highly piituresque; ami the Armerod is the present rector. The places of worship lainl, which is a mi.xture of arable and pasture, is i in Harleston are a chapel of ease, and others for Inde- exee'edinglv produciive. The trade of the place is | petideiitsand Wesleyan Methodists. A naiional school. chiefly of a'aeneral and retail character, depending for support iin the resident populatiun, together with the attenilanie of fartners and others at the market. The Duke of Norfolk is Inrdof the matu)r, ami holds courts occa-ionally ; and Harleston i.s included in the thirty- fouith circuit of towns utider the County Court act passed in 1846, for the recovery of d. bts not exceeding jE20— the (ourt is held here monthly at the Swan Inn. POST OPFICEj Harleston, John Caley, Poit Master. — Letters from London and the North ar- rive every morning at six, and are despatched at seven in the evening. Letters from Bungay, &c. arrive every evening at twenty-five minutes past seven; and are despatched at six in the morning. supiiorteil by voluntary cont, ibutions, is the principal charity. The market is heh! on Wednesday, and the f-iirs on theSth and 6th of July, for hiring harve«t-mi n, the sale of horses, &c., and on the 9th and 10th Sep- tember, princiiJally for sheep. The parish of Redden- hall and Harleston town, contained, in 1831, 1,784 in- habitants, and in 1841, 1,662. Tht names without address are in Harleston. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Aldoii> Mr. W Uiam P. Haile^ton Atheridgf Captain Thomas, r.n. Bishop Miss Ann, Haileston Bond Barnabas E-(). Alhuruh Bouverie Rev. William A., Denton Churchill Mis. A., Haileston Cotton Mrs. — , Wavbread Cotton Miss — , Harleston Croskill Miss Deborah, Harleston Davis Kev. — , Denton [ton Donnerslon Rev. William O.Hailes- Eihridge Cliarles, Esn. Starston p'onltfMi- Mrs. — , Hal lesion Fox Mrs. Elizabeth, Harleston Gidney Mrs. .Mary, Redd- nhall Green Miss Mary'Eli/.a, Harleston H-ibbertoii Mrs. Sarah, Harleston Hart .Mr. Robert, Harleston Heymaii Miss Mary, Harleston Hill .Mrs Harriet, Woitwell Holmes Mrs. — , Gawdy Hall Hopper Rev. — , Starston HuilMiii .Mr. Henry Lombard, Hiileston Hunt, r Mrs. Clementina, Harleston Hunter Mr. T. VV. Harleston Laidler Rev. Stephen, Harleston Leatherdale Mrs. — , Harleston 30 Leavy Mis-. — , Harleston Leigh Rev. VVilliam, Pulbain Norman William Mr., Mendbam White House [Uediienhall Ormerod the VenerahleArchdeacon Paiker Mr. John, Harleston Prat Mr. Robert, Harleston Priest Miss Saiali, Harleston Priest Mrs. — , Haileston Rant Geoige, Esq., Mendbam Sanby Rev. Geoige, Denton Sewell Mrs. Ann Shiptoii Mr James, Harleston Simonds Mis'^ Mary Ann, Haileston Smitli Mrs. Susannah. Harleston Smiih Thomas, Es(|., Rushall TaNlor Loonib, Esq., Starston Turner Mis. — , Mendham Uniphelhy Chailes, Emj., Denton Whitiar .Mrs. lUI)ees Maria, Harleston Woods Mr'*. — .Haileston ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Beaidswell Ann [lni^tless British School — Maria Watson, Doitds Joseph [Parker, mistress National School — Mary Ann Uohiiison William (boarding and day), Reddeuhall ATTORNEYS. Carthew& Fox [magistrate* Haraid William (and clerk to the Jetfs John BAKERS 6c FLOUR DEALERS. Gobeit Jonathan Lillistone William Smith Henry Wilson Christopher Wil-on John Wilson William BANKERS. East of England Bank (Branch) Harleston — (diaw on the Loudon and Westminster Bank) — Robert Napier, manager Gurmys", Turner & Brightwen — (SainlEdmundft Asststant C/erfe- William Leedes Fox Harleston. Bailiff— 1\i<>ia&% Adams, Harleston COACHES To BECCLES, ihe WeUington (from Burston), rails at the Swan, every alter- noon at hall.past iwo; and \he Dau Cuavh (from Diss), calls at the Magpie every atlernoon at half-past four; both gothroughBungay— SeeaLsoYAKMoUTH To BL'NGAY-See Coaches to BficcLEg and Yar.\ioi;th To BURSTON STATION, the Wellivn. ton (from Beccles), calls at ihe Swan every afternoon at three To BURY SAINT ED.\IUNDS,hy Coach to the DitsandBurstonSlaliGns,thenee by Railnay To DISS, the Day Coach (from Beccleg) calls at Ihe Magpie, every morning at ten; and the D.,rt (from Yarmo.Tth) calls at theSwan,everyTuesday.Tbiir!'- day and Saturday afternoon at three ' To YARMOUTH, the Darl (f,o,n Diss) cills at Ihe Swan, erery Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday afternoon at half- past two ; goes through Bungay.Uecc'es and Haddiscoe CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, The nearest Stations are at Diss and Burston, on the Eastern Union LINE, the f(.rraer 9 and the latter 7i miles from Harleston There are Coaches to the Slations, a» above noticed CARRIEKS- To BUNGAY. BECCLES and YAR- MOUTH, Ephraim Jordan, Joseph Barkway and Robert Prime, from the Magpie, daily T"° L>1SS. Ephraim Jordan, from the Magpie, daily ^°,»^^'^' '^''^^"'■d Catchpole. from the Magpie, daily To NORWICH, William Meen, from the Swan, Friday To STRADBROOK, WOODBRIDGE and IPSWICH, William Meen, fj-oju the Swan, Saturday 3\ Norfolfe. ^latei'ie; HAFILING, EAST and WEST, WITH THE PARISHES AND VILLAGES OF QUIDDEN'HAM, ECCLES, KENNINGHALL, GAKIJOLDISHAM, BANHAM, AND NEIGHIiOURHOODS. ilijA'^T HARLING or Market Marling, i- a i)Hii>li ill tlie liiiii'lifd "if Giiiltcrd-s — tlii' iii.iiket town, a small lint', is 90 nrilcs N. E. by N. ti'ini LuikIdm, 22 s. w. from Noivvicii. and iJ N. E. fuim 'llict- ford ; situated aliont a mile and a liait from the line ol the Eastern Counties Railway, on the banks of a stream tiibuiaiy to the VVaveip y. This place, wa^ ai one tiinr, noted for the inatiufattnre of yam and iiiien chith; but, at tlie present day, except 'a considerab e iron foundry, the iiiteitst of the inliabitants is con- fim d to auriculture, and the produce of the land, which ill this hjcality, is of gieat feitility. Connected with the foumiry befoie-nieiitione:', is a iiianiifactor\ for agricultural nnplements, and the propi i< toiy Mr. Lovedav, has obtained great repute throughout the county, for his iiii|)rove.l poriahle tiirasliing inacb'ues. A court of p> tty sesMons is held by the niasiistiates uhidi is a rectory. The chuicli, dedicated to Saint M.oy, is a small neat huildinp, with a round tower. Kccles Hull, the scat of Sir .Limes Flower, Hart., in tlii> (urisb, is an aocieni ni.insion. Kenmnghall, foiinerly called K'ins;'s Hall, and once a iiiaiket ttands is within the circuit of the Atileburgh County Court,* in an open and h-altld'ul locality, about a mile and a nnder the act passed in 184(j, for the recoveiy of i half south of the town : it is a commodious hiriUliiig, debts not exceediirg £'0 i affording acconiniodation to the poor- of tweiuv-ivvo The pHiish church d. dicated to S.lnt Peter and i I'f '^''P'*. "'^•- ^^'j't^^l' t''^ '"'"'n •'f^'".'!^^ The places Saint Paul, is a hanrisome building, with a square em- ' f ^^o' ^>"P «.',<^. "'^ pa. isli chu, cli of Samt Mary {a battled trrwer, s.rrmounted by a spire. The interiorof ; handsr.me buildrn«), and liapts.s and Metl.odist.s clia- the cliurch i.s ornaiii.n.ed with a ridilv .-arved screen, I P.^''^- ^ In- living of Kcnninghall is a vicarage, m the and the chancel winlows with ancient st.ined glass ;' f" ''f ^'^ Bi-hopof Ely. 1 he market eniitled to he there i> hkt-wi.e a beauiif.rl altar tomb, with recum- : "'l-J J'" M">"iav,has not been nitended for M)meyears, bent tiKure^ in mnble, of Sir Robert Harling and lady : the Tning is a rectorv, in the gift of .Mrs. Wil- kinson. There are places of worship for the Society of Friend-, ami Wesleyair and Primitive Methodists. The market. piihci[ially for corn, is held on Tuesday. Fairs, .Mav 4ih and October 24th for cattle, and the first Triesdiy afrertire 12tlr Seirtemher, for sheep; the latter is a large one. The parish, contaired in 1831, 1,031 inhabitant-, and in 1841, l,Hi2. VVe.st Haki.ivg village, aMiiallone, is about 2 miles vv.N vv. from East H.>rliri'.'. The parish church of All Saints, is eh niningly situated, in an extensive and finelv-wooded p^ik, wiihin a short distance of Har- J'nif HhII, the seat of Lord Calhorne, who is patron of hut there are cattle fairs July 18th and September 30tli. Gakboldisham village, is 4 miles s. from East Har- lirig, situated near lo the lioider of ilie coinrty next that of sulfoik. It presents noihing mcritine special notice but its church — which is in leed an imposing str irctiire, with a fine sniiare tower, the top orna- mented with ancient cartings in stone. The interior, which is well kept, contains some handsome monu- meiris of the Moiitgomerr<- and Scott families : the living is a rectory, and the ciiurcl) is dedicated to Saint Jolin the Baptist. Ban HAM, is a pretty villHge, .5 miles e. by N. from Ea-t llarlinc, and 2 n fronr Kennirrghall, situated be- tween the latter village and New lUu kenh un. Tlie , ,. . ,■ , . , -ri ; ,• , cliuich, which stands on one siile of ihe sriiiMieformed the church li.irrg, which is a i;e< toiy. The population ^ j,,^ ^ju j^ anpn.ached by an avenue .'f lofty trees, of W est H.rhng, and rhat of the following parishes. ^;„, j^ ^, ^„^ structure, with a -quare tower, surinouu- isgrverr alr.r the notice ot Banham. | t^j ^^ ^ j^..,,;..,, ,,,i,,^ '|-„^ altar-piece, which is of QuiDOF.NHAM, is a Small pictuie-que village, 2 miles | onk, beautifully carved, formerly beloirged to the ca- E from East Marling. The se.t of the Earl of Albe- I thidial at Brisfd, and was pl,'>ced irr the chuich bv maile, Qiiiddenham Hall, is in this pari-h, an 1 a stiort I the Hev. .lohn Suitees, the lues.nt incumbent : the di-tan.e from it, stands the parish church— the la 'er ci„i,ch is dedicated to the Virciii Mnry, and the living entered by a lofiy porch of Noruiarr style: the inter ior, | j^ ;, r.ctory. in the :;ift of theCrowrr. wh'cli is ne-it and well kept, con'ains a liandsonre nionuiir( ni to a darmlrter of the Eai I before-mentioned : the living is a di-chaiged rectory, in the presentation of the same nolileiinn. EcCLES, is a very inconsiderable villigc, 2§ miles N.E. froirr Ivist Harlini;. Sir Thonras Becor, Bait., Population, &(c. — The foregoing are all aericnltural pi^rishe^: witli the exce|)tion of Eccle-', which isinStirop- haiii hundred, tirey are in the hundred of Guiltcross : and their population, n spectivelv, in 1841, wa» as fol- lows — East Marling, l,lfi2; U'ist Mariing, 117 ; QuiDi)ENHAM.8.S;l' CCLES. ]24; Kf.nmnguall, 1,389; is lord of the manor and patron of the church Tuiiig, i Garboldisiiam, 777 ; Bamia:m, l,l(i.'). POST OFFICE* East HARniSG, David Kerrison, Post blaster.— Lettevs from Lonhon and aU parts arrive ((roii I'liKPFORr)) every morning at aalf-pasl four, aad are despatched thereto at twenty minutes past seven i'l the evening. POST OFFICE, Ken.ninghai.l, Mark IMordev, Post Master. — Letters from all parts arrive (fron; East HARLisiGj ever V rrroi iiinjj at eight, and are despateberi theii-to at half-pnst five in the r.fternoorr. POST OFFICE, (iAiiBOLDisiiAM, W'ilia.ii Elliott, Post .l/rM/er. — Letters from all parts arrive (from East Rimilivgi every tnorningat nine, and are des latched rheicto at five iir the cvenini;. POST OFFICE, Bamiam, Robert Tuivev, Post Master. — Letters from all parts arrive (from Attlebo- ROiJCiii] every morning, it eight, and are de-|)atched thereto at five in the evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY, AND CLERGY. Albemailethe Richt Hoir.theEarlof Quirlderrharii Hall Atniore .Mr. Uu hard, East Harliirg liarrow Rev. .lohn. !.,opliairi Boyce Mr. R'chard, Gaibo disham Brf)wn .Mr. John, (Jarboldishaiii Carter Rol'eit, Esq. Banham Coihorne the Right Hon. Lord, ^ West MarlirrK Mall Cooke Mr-i. .Ann, Kenninuhall Coulson Mr. John, Quiddenhani 32 Dine Mr. Charles, CJaibddi-ham | Hubbard .Mrs. Rlrudya, East Hailing Dailiy Rev. \Vm , iM.A.,Ri'ldlcworth Kenpel the Hon. & Kc. Edwaid S., Oeransev Rev. (Jeoriie, lia'diani E-linu .Mrs. I'',:i/.ibeih [iahham Everett .M i- .lohn. East Hnling E irett .Mrs Sar:th, Ea«i H iilini; FitzroytheHon.Mi 111 v,(>arlioldsham Flower Sir Jami s, Bart. Eccles Hall Fhrwer Laily, I-'ccle- Mall H"liiie< .Mrs. Miiiy, Bmliam Horn .Mr. Uilliam, E ist Harliirg Qiiiilderrham Rertory Luhluick Rev. Richard, Eccles Moiitgomeiie Rev. Gion;e Stephen .M., Garboldisham Rectory Moiiigomerie Thomas Molineux, Esq., (JarbrrMisham Hall Miiskeit Charles, E.sr)., Ferslield Hall Palmer Mr. Georce, East Hailing Home .Mrs. Ebzabeil), Kemiiiii;liall ' Proctor Rev. Richard, Keniiiiithall Howard Rer. Hensy, Kenninghall ' Reeve .Mrs. Ann, Kenninghall HBumoi^. HARLING, &c. Kurfolfe- Hidlfv Rev. Cliarles John, m.a., VVt'St Harliiic Rictoiy Sawyer Mr. Hriny, Knst Haiiing SpaiKjvv Mrs. Saiali, EastHailinp Suittes I^ev. Johii,BaMli;im Rectory Thori liill 'lliiiiiias, E (j., VVid'tles- worth Hall [Harling WellMigham Mrs. Susannah, East WilUiii.>on Rev. Tliomas liostuii, M.A., Ea>t HarlhiR WomHckMis.Kthrica.East Marling ACAOEMZES AND SCHOOLS. Elhs Ellen, (boarding), Kcnnhighall Fkee School, lianhHni, Thomas ftln.\ey, master; Matiid.i Alaxey, mi^tiess FREEScHOOL,Garbaldiston — Sarah Doe, mistress FREEScHooL.Kenninghall — Robert Haiv.-y, master Free School, Quiddenhaui— Har- riet Simmer, niistiess Kemp Eliza, EmsC Harling Kendall Maria (and boarding), Kenninghail Parochial School, East Harline — William Jacob, master ; Mary Rtist, mistress Pilgrim Charlotte (boarding & day), Banhatn Fiince Mary (& boarding), Banhani AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MAKERS. Lovedav Jiihii(anil in u founder and nianiifai turer of the improved portaitle thrashing ujacliines), Works, East Harling Martin Kobert, Ki iininghall MurtinJohii, fianhain ATTORNEYS. Calver Daniel Henry, Kenninghall Calver James Ch^iles, Keiiiiiughail BAKERS. Burrett Kli/abfth, Banhani Fiiulshaiii Fieflerick, East Harling Haysted Jolm, Kenningliall Jacliron R(.beit, Kennini'liall Root Ann, Baiihain Smith John, Ea-t Harling Walker Inigu, Garboldisham BANK. Harvpys' & Hiulsons' (branch) East Hariinsi — (draw on Hankcys' & Co., London) — Jolin Everett, jun. agent BLACKSMITHS. Barker 'lli'inas, Keuniniihall Chapman Geortie, Banhatn Collins James, Kenniiighall Gilbt-rt George (and millwright), Banhani Hnireli John, Banhani Jolly Bei'j iinin, Garboldisliam Loveday Jolin (& machine maker). East Harling •Martin Robeit, Kenningliall Pcake Geor^e&Simon.East Harling Wade John, KenninghrtH BOOKSELLERS& STATIONERS Gallant James, East Harling Mordey Mark (and postmaster), Kenninhiluill BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Adams William, East Harling Bainett Chaiiesi East Harling Bird William, Gaiboldisham Bradlev John, Banhani Cleats Charles D , East Harliug Davey Robert, Banhani Home John (and leather seller), Kenniiighall Humphreys Fiancis, Bauham James James, East Harling Paul William, East Harling Pull Robert, Ea^t Harling Sannders Samnel, East Hailing Smith Thomas, Ketininiihall Taylor George, Ginholdisbam Weston William, Banhmn BRICK MAKERS. Clarke Kobt rt. East Hailing Gilbert George, Banhani Hunt John & Jonathan, Banham BRICKLAYERS. Kerrisoti David, East Harling Keiiisi.n J^mts, East Harling Liinmer John, BHnhrtiu Mallett Robeit, Keiminghall Smith George, Ea»t Hailing Smith William, East Hailing Tajlor Jt^hii, Banham BUTCHERS. Edwards Eliza, Garboldisham Hewitt James, Banham Hoggins William, Kenninghall Ok^y William, East Hailing VVoodcock Geoige, East Harling CARPENTERS 6t BUILDERS. Marked thus • are also Cabinet Makers. Avis Josf-ph, Kenningliall Baihy Charles, Kentiinghall •Bailey William, East Hailing Brooks Jamrs, (Jarboldishain Doe William, Garboldi>ham *Haib"nr Robert, East Harling Hnniphiey Williini, Banham Hunt Jnhii & Jonnthan, Banham Jessop M'illiam (and surveyor), Banham I Lutkin Heniy, Banhani *Saytr George, Kenningliall Taylor Henry, Banham CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Painter William, East Harling Turner Edward, East Harling Turner Josepii G., Kenninghall COOPERS ac BASKET MAKERS. Boyyen Gt^or«e (basket maker), Ketiniiigha 1 Davy John, Kenningliall Daynes Rohiri. Kenniiighall Daviies ThoniHs, East Harling Kerridge Nathan (basket maker). West Hailing [■Kenninehall Ribbons William (basket maker), CORN, COAL AND SEED MERCHANTS. Bryant Richard, Kenningliall Elliott William, E< des Keirison Charles, East Hailing Long Zedekiah (and maltster), Kenningliall [hall Newson Charles (dealer), Kenning- Newsiin William (dealer), Banham West Robert (and lime burner), East Harling FARMERS. Bale William, East Harling Burrows Barnabas, Eccles Challes Joseph, East Harling Cook Robert, East Hailing Cook Thomas, Gaibnldishaiii Cracknell William, Kenningliall Davey Thomas, Garboldisham Davey Thomas, jun., Garboldisham Godfrey 'i'homa-*. East Harling Gun Robeit, Ea>«t Harling Hewitt Tlioma-s Banham Jolly George, Banham Kerrison Charles, East Hailing Kerrison George, Bast Harling Lemon Dennis, East Harling Limmer Edward. Eccles Morlfy John, East Harling Murrell George, Banham Newson George, Banliatu Page Thomas, Banham Pyiner Thomas, West Harling Read Frederic k, Kenninghall Rinccr Jolm, We.'-t Hailing \Vells Maiy. Baiham West Ro>ert, East Hailing Westgate Edward, Banham Willingham John, Eicles FIRE, «rc. OFFICE AGENTS. Norwich Union, Jonathan Hut- chinson, East Harling ; and Jiiiuet C. Calver, Kei.ninghall GLOVERS. Banham Jonathan, Kenninghall Ciillum Robeit, East Harling GROCERS AND DEALERS ZM SUNDRIES. Baldrey Elizab. th, Garboldisham Bauham Cnbitt S., Kenninghall Chincry Robert, Garboldisham Coe Rob'-it, Kenningliall Cracknell William, East Hailing Drake EliEaheih, East Haili.ng Elliott Will, Giiholdisham [ham Esling William (executors of), Ban- Everett John, jnn. (and tallow chandler), East Hailing Gallant James (and stationer), East Hailing Home Susan, Kenninghall Kemn Robeit, Banham Le Grice Samui 1, Banham Lock .Sarah, Banham Pigg Albert, Kenniniiliall Norton William (tea dealer), Eait Hailing Rivett Elizabeth, Kenninghall Robinson Geo. & John, Kenninghall Saunders James, Gaiboldisham Youells William, East Harling INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Bull, George Solly, Ea*t Harling Crown, J a niesCol lings, Kenninghall Crown, William Gaymer, Baiil.ara Fo.x. Sarah Stede, Garboldisham George, John Boweii, Ketininiihall Marlborough Arins,RugerSturgeon, Garboldisham Nag's Head Inn (commercial, and licensed to h t horses and gigs), Edward Wright, East Harling Queen's Head, William Trudgill, East Harling Railway Inn, William Elliott, Eccles Red Lion, GeorgeAldersoii, Banham Red Lion, Henry Worman, Kcn- niiiKhall ?wan Inn (and posting house, in- land revenue offire, and petty ses- sions court), George David Bailey, Ea.st Hailing [ham Swan, Jatms Whitton, Garholiiis- Whitehart.lsaarMiller, East Harling White Horse Inn (commercial), Thomas Bailey, Kenninghall Retailers of Beer. Barrett Joseph, East Harling Davy William, Banham Jackson Robert, Kenninghall Kemp Stephen, Banham Kerrison Elizabeth, East Harling Mallett Filbert, Ktnninghall Smith Charles, East Harling Smith Robert, East Harling Whewell William, Hast Harling IRONMONGERS. Ackland Robert, Kenninghall Jolly John, Garbohiisliam Pigg Albert, Kenninghall Whitrod John, Ea»t Harling 33 Korfolfe. HARLING, &c. ^latei'0 MILLERS. Armes Isaac, Banhaiu Crook l{obeii, Keimingliall Jary Thomas, East Harlinc; Lawrence William, East Harliiig Loii? Zeflekiali, Keniiin(;l)HU Wells William, Keniiinghall Woinack Michael, Keiiiiinghall Womack William, Keniiini>li»ll MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS Bariihatn P>li/abcth, Kcnnin,t;hall Harvey Julia (and straw bonnet), Kenniiighall Newell Rebecca & Ann (and straw bonnet 1, East Hailing Pilgrim Violttte, Keiininghall PAINTERS at GLAZIERS- Alleu Amos, Ka>'t HarliiiK Boyre Fredeiick, Garbiddisliam Ciacknell William, tianhiim Forster .Inhn, Keiininghall Watson William, East Harling SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Lin^tead George, Kennineliall Linsteail Henry, Garboldisham Miller John, East Harling Sujith Thomas, East Harling SURGEONS. Dent Peter, Kenningliall Postle Tulver, East Harling TAILORS. Bales Joliti, Banham Harnurd Thomas, Hanbam Buxton James, Kenninehall Coe Robert, Kenningball Cracknell William, East Harling Esliiic Wm. (execntorsof), Banham Lant Robert, Kenniiighall Lusher Henry, East Harlintr MinnettChailes, Eost Harling Turner Joseph, Banham TURNERS IN TVOOD. Clarke Samuel, Kenninuhall Haiboiir Robert, East Harling WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Bent John, Garboldisham Carver George, East Harling Whitrod John, East Harling WHEELWRIGHTS. Cawthorne John, Garboldisham Edwards Saunirl, Gaiboldishani Garrett Benjamin, Kenninuhall Le-Grys Thoinas, East Harling LovedayJohn {Sl machine maker), East Hai ling Martin Robert, Keiiningliall Napthen Robert, Kenninghall Page Thomas, liiinham Spurling William, Banham Miscellaneous- Brewster Wm. gun maker, Eost Harling Biirlon QeorKe,station master, F.rclrs road Caiidwell Elizth. maltster, Garboldisham Clarke James, snwyrr, Kennineliall Everelt John, jun., china, &c. dealer, East Harling' FUher Samuel, postman, Ea't Hnrlinj; Hammond Robert, tliatclier, I'.asI Harling Harrold Philip, ihatclier.EasI Harlin); Inland Rf.vKNUg Office, at the Swan Inn — Charles Quintin, supervisor Jolly Klias, cattle dealer, Banham Kent Gforgp, registrar of births & deaths, Kenninghall Nnnn Richard, anctioneer, Kenninghall Rowe Robcrt,stalion master, Harling road RiishHenry,veterinary !>urgeon,E. Harling Smith Charles, hair dresser. East Harling Whewell William, china, Sic. dealer, East Hurling [East Harling Youels Benjamin, travelling tea dealer SiiNT Peter's, Riddlesworth— Rer. William Darby, r«c^jr. Virgin Wary, Banham — Rer. John Siirlees, rece(it curate. The free giMnimar school here was founded by William Pailctt,iii 1727, aniinate(l about .1 miles n.n.e. from from Norwich and Wattnn, and Attleboiougli and East Hit.gham, near the line of the Norfcdk lUilway. The Dtnham — this •.ouire of profit, however, has been di- i chinch is dedicated to .Saint George: the livitie i.s a mini-bed h\the opening of railways throueh thecounty. ' rectory, in the present.vion of the MaMcr and Fellows The parish cltnrch of Saint Andrew, is a very fine ; of Chile Hall, Camhridge. Population of the parish strULlure, with alirg.- and lofty lower; it was erected I n 1841, fi02. POST OFFICE* HiNGHAM,Saiah Ann Large, Post M.?//-cm.— Letters from all parts arrive (from Attle- BORour;H) every morning at eight, and are despatched therelo at six in the evening. OENTRY AND CLERGY. CadywuM Mi. Thomas, Hardingham Colehy Rev. .Samuel, Eliingh;ini Dunn Rev. James, Hingham Darhy Rev. Martin B , Hingham Edwards .Mr>^. — , Hardingham Fislicr Mrs. Eli/ahi th, Hinghani Gilman Edward Case, Esq., Hing- ham Gilman Mrs. Fanny, Hingham Gilman Lieut. -Ccdoiul I'hiiip Case, Hingham Hardy the Mioses -, Hingham Hurnard William, Esq., Hingham Matthews Rev. tiiihard, Hinghaui Moseley Rev. Henry, Hingham l'rie>i Miss — , Hingham Weylind John, Esq., Woodri.siiig Wodchousi' theHonble.MissSophia, Hinghain Wodehouse the Honble. and Rev. William, Hingham Woiscoit — Esq., Hingham iiirectciip. H INGHAM, &c. Koifolfe. AcadbmieS and schools. Ewan Ttiomas, Hiitghani Free Grammar School — Rev. Robert II. Slifiper, master Free Schohl — John Woodrow, iiiasier ; Sophia Woodrow, nistrs Independent School — AiinMaria Pollard, mistress National School — Juhn Hub- baid, master Newson Mary (boarding and day) PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. Alexander Daniel, attorney, and agent to the Atlis Fire Office Cooper Mattiiew, surgeon Gilman Samuel H. attormy Girling J. B. attorney Monement Edward, surgeon Press Edward, attorney Tallent John Thomas, sureeon INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Angel, Ricliard Precious Cock, John Grlciis Dog, Robert Money Ringers, James Talbot Unicorn, William Rivett White Hart Inn, Elizabeth Coe SHOPKEEPERS Of TRADERS. Adcock Sarah, milliner Baxti r Philip, gardener Bedford Mary, milliner [maker Bedford William, watch ana clock Bilham Mark, bricklayer Bowles William, corn and coal merchant Brown Jolin, beer retailer Cahle Charles, brazier Cannell Ahrahani, beer retailer and veterinary surgeon Caslon William, glover Caston W<>d.-h(>use, tailor Chamberlin Charles, grocer and drpr Clarke Appalona, baker Clai ke Thomas, corn miller,Morley Clemence James, confectioner Coles John, butcher CurtisWiUiam,boot and shoe maker Drewall William, painter and plumber Dutchess John, gardener Elmer Robert, gardener Elsy George, draper, stationer and ironmonger Elsy Jolin, carpenter Elsy William, bricklayer Emmersoii William, ironmonger Fellowes Robeit, grocer and draper Feltham Daniel, hlarksmitli Feltham Philip,painter and plumber Feltham Robert, saddler Fisher William, bakerand miller Gapp Charles, blacksmith Gaze Thomas, corn merchant Gi icks John, stonemason Griston James, tailor Gustdt) John, carpenter Harvey Mary, grocer Harwood George H. blacksmith and wheelwright Hastings Thomas, beer retailer Hindes Roliert, veterinary surgeon Houchan Edmund, butcher Howaid & Turner, wine, spirit and poiter merchants Huhbard John, whcelwricht Hubbard Margaret, milliner King Philip, boot and shoe maker Lane Andrew, miller Lane Franklin, tailor Langford Samuel C. demist Langion Charles, inland revenue officer [and drapers Lartje Sarah Ann & Eliza, grocers Lilley Richard, baker Lucas Samuel James, grocer, tea dealer, draper, tobacconisi, and corn,flour,seed and coal merchant Milk George, grocer and draper Moffatt Thomas, painter and plumber Money Robert, shoe maker Newson Benjamin, butcher New.von Mary Ann, brewer, and wine and spirit merchant Nicholson John, butcher Pearce Charles, blackssmith Pitts George, bakerand miller Pitts Phineasjhatter, tailor and drpr Precious Susan, siiaw bonnet makr Riddiesworth Francis, grocer and draper, and saddler Rose Thomas, boot and shoe maker Rudderham James, hoot, &c. maker Senience Francis, tailor Skipper John, carpenter Thurston Jeremrih, cooper Thurston Thomas, carpenter Thurston Thomas, iroimionger and brazier Thurston William, confectioner Tingay & Robinson, millers, and corn and seed merchants, Har- dingham Vince James, grocer and draper Vince John, painter and plumber Vince John, clock and watch maker WakefordEd ward, grocer and draper Waller George, tailor Waller William, grocer, draper and tailor Wyatt David, tailor COACHES. To NORWICH, a Coach (from Walton), calls at the White Hart Inn, every Wed- nesday and Saturday morning at nine To WATTON a Coach (from Norwich), calls at the White Hart Inn, every Wed- nesday and Saturday erening at seven CARRIERS- To NORWICH, — Layatt, on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, and — Adcock, — Payne, and — Harvey, on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. To WATTON,— Payne, and — Harvey, on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday HOLT, WITH THE VILLAGES OF LETHERINGSETT, HUNWORTH, BRISTON AND NEIGHBOURHOODS* JH( lOLT is a parish, giving name to a hundied — the market town is 119 miles n.n.e. from London, 21 N.'N.w. from Norwich, and 12 n.e. from Faken- ham — the last named the nearest railway station ; plea- santly situated about four miles from the sea, on rising ground, surrounded by a fertile district, justly styled the ' Garden of Norfolk.' Holt is a place of consider- able antiquity, and is conjeetured to have heen a sta- tion or encampment of the Romans : this opinion being strengthened from the circumstance of aquern, or hand corn mill, having been ploughed up some few years since, from an eminence, called ' Cromwell's hill,' a short distance hence. The town is ii regularly built ; the streets pas-lighted, contain several excel- lent houses, and some of the shops are handsome and well furnished. The paiish comprises four manors, viz. HoltiManor, Holt Market, Holt Hales, and Holt Pereers ; the lords of which aie Hudson Gurney and Richard Hanbury Gurney, Esqrs. Alice Pereers, the celebrated mistress of Edward HI, was the family to which the latter manor belonged ; the Greshams afterwards possessed it, and in the manor house. Sir Thomas, and his brother Sir Richard (who were lord mayors of London), were born. Sir Thomas conver- ted it into a school-house, endowing it with this manor, for the education of fifty boy-, to be chosen from the town and neighbourhood, leaving the patronage and government of it to the Fishtnongers' Company of London : a scholarship in Sidney College, Cam bridge, l»elongs to this school, and a fellowship there to the same company: ovei tlie principal door of the building are the arms of the Fishmongers' Company, and those of the Greshatn family. A court leet is held annually on Saint Thomas' day, at which ccustables, pindart, and some other parochial officers, are appointed; and Holt is included in the thirty -third circuit of County Court towns, under the act passed in 1846, for the recovery of debts to any amount not exceeding £20. : this court is held monthly, in the Shire- hall. The places of worship are the parish church of Saint Andrew,and chapels for Baptists,iheSociety of Friends and Wesleyan Methodists. The living of Holt is a rectory, in the presentation of the Master and Fel- lows of Saint John's college, Cambridge. A free- grammar school and one conducted upon the national plan, are the public educationul establishments. The market, chiefly for corn, is held on Friday. Fairs, April 25th and November 28th. The parish of Holt, contained, in 1831,1,622 inhabitants, and in 1841, 1,604. Rather more than a mile from Holt, in the same hundred, is the village of Letheringsett, situated on theGlaven, the stream of which turns a corn mill; and there is a brewery on its brinks. The church is dedicated to Saint Andrew : the living is a rectory, in the gift of the Rev. Charles Codd. The population of the parish is under 300. HuNWORTH, is a small parish and village, in the same hundred as, and about 24 miles s.s.w. rrom Holt. The parish church of Saint Aildrew (or as some autho- rities state. Saint Lawrence), is a small building: the living is a discharged rectory, united to that of Stody, hi the patronage of Lord Suffield. Popuiaiionin 1841,234. Briston, is a parish in the same hundred as Holt — the village being situated 4 miles s. from that town. There is no husiness connected with the parish, but what may be traced to agiicultural operations. The parish church of All Saints is a small structure: the living is a discharged vicarage. Population in 1841, 963. 35 Ko^folfe. HOLT, &c. ^latet'0 POST OFFICE, High-street, Thetford) every morniiiu at eight, OENTRV AND CLERGY. Be«t Alr«. H lytieid Hall Blade Mr. Jeieini.ih, High si Boldiiig Will. Juhiisoii Jemiis, Wa- boriie Boyd AlexanderEsq.theLoHge,Holt9 Boyd Thonias Esq. Heath House Buddeii Rev. John M. Withers st CaiT Miss Charlotte, Chiircli st Clieatle Mr^. Martha, Cliapel st Codd Rev. Cliarhs, Letheringsett Dasliwood Rev. Autustus, Thoruage Davy .Mi^s Strah, Chiiidi st EatK)ui' Rev. Jujin G iy, Kelling Girliim Mrs. Mary, the Grove Greshain Mr. Jm William, Maikt t plain Lake John, Norwich road \ Fjpwis Cliiirlcs, Heiiinsted road Siiiton Catheiine, Marketplace Turner George, High street Weeks Georee, Hiali street Williams William, Hii;li st BREECHES MAKERS AND GLOVERS. Bloomfield William, Biiston Clarke James, Market place Norton Eliza, Fish hill BREWERS. Han'y, William Haidy Cozens,Leth- erinn'Ctl HeywoodThos.f& mabstcr). Bull si Norton Thos. (and inalt-ter). Holt Rndd William, Hanworth WitiiersJolinShi'well (and maltster), Hi nipsted road BRICKLAYRS & PLASTERERS* liaiiibridye Gabriel, Briston Bambrii 1 street Woodcock John Giesliain, Briston HATTERS. Clare Wi'liam, Withers street Nurse William, High stieet INNS ee PUBLIC HOUSES. .Angel, John Hopkins, Bull st Blue Bell, Jno. W. Iton, Huuworth Bull, Williiini Wnrd, Bull st Clieqiiers, Geoiue Court, Bii«lnn Dolphin, John Risbroiigh, Fish hill Fea'heis Inn (commeicial & p. st- ing), Wiliam Parke, Maiket place Half.Mo<>n.Richd.(Loc;ksiiiiti', Biiston Hor-eShoes,Hy.VVillmeisiui,Bri»ton King's Hiad, Sainl. White. Lethi-r- illL'sett Kim;'^Hl ad, Sarah Johnson, High st NewInisFranci- Sharpin, Mai ker pi Queen Adelaide, Prisca LaC) Norton, Withers st [road White Lihn, surveyor of iDJand re- venue. Church street Clark John, Innd agent. High st [place Clarke Charles. I aiiie!<,hair<1resser.Markel Covell Joseph, superintendent rrijistrar Criiwe James china and glass dealer, Shirehall plain CnrsonUoliert.fnrnitnre broker,\Vithers st Earl Jeremiah, gardener, Workhouse lane H OLT, &c. Gas WoRKS.HoIt— John Randall, proprtr Hawkes Joseph Drakes, land surveyor, Shirehall plain [hall plain Heriid Henry, rope and net maker, Shire- Lake William, gardener. High st Leech Benjamin, curlier, Hiuh st ^ icholls James, hair dresser. Withers st Preston William, professor ol music. Fish hill Randall John, gnnsmith. Withers st Searles James, stone mason. Church st Stamp Office, John and Chailes Bake, sub-distrihiiters Vince William Mills, coach builder. Withers street Ward William, millwright. Bull st WattsWm.relievin;; olBcer.Fairstead road Withers Frederick, general agent, Bull st Woods Edmund, veterinary surgn. Briston PLACES OF 'WORSHIP, AND THEIR MINISTERS. All Saints' Chuuch, Briston — Rev. James Bird, incumdent. Saint Andrew's Chdrch, Holt— Rev. Humphrey Jackson, incumbent; Rev. Thomas R Eaton, curate. Baptist Chapel, Cliapel street— minii- ters various. Norfolfe. Wesletan Methodist Cbapel Withers street and Chapel street — Ro John M. Budden, minister. COUNTY COURT. HELD IN THE SHIRE HALL MONTHLV Jurfpe— Thomas Jacob Birch, Esq. Hiyh Baihff—^r\\nlr John Landon. <7.rfc-Alrxander Fdgrll. Assi.h givine name lo a hundred— organ, one of a very fine tone, was presented to the the mat ket town, small and pi. asant, is 111 inilesN.E. cluiich hy Mr. Thomas Reynolds, ^cho<.lmasteI•, iu fioiii London, 10 s.E fiom Norwich, and 15 s.w. from 1821. The living of Loddon is a vicarage, in the Yariiionth; situated on the declixityand summit of an patronage of the Bi^iop of Ely; the Kev. John Smith eminence, vva-hed liy an incon-iderahle stream which ! is the piesent incumhent. The We-leyan and Primi- niingles its wateis with the Yare, at Yanlley Cro-s; ' tive Methodist> have places of worship, and there is a and on the load from Norwich to Beccles. The niagis ttates met t in pi tiy session at the Sw^n Inn, <«n tlie first and third Wednesdays in every month. This is rota place of ex'ensife tiade — i here are some malting- and two or three flf)ur mills, hui the prevailing occu- pation oftheinhahitantsofthe pati'h is agriculture. The palish (hnich of the Holy Trinity, is a laree and hitidsoine stone structure, yunnonnted hy a well- pi oponioned tower : in tlic chancel is a marble altar tomb of the Hi hart family, one of whom founded tin cliurcli in liie reign of Henry VII., there are likevMse some other nn'iiunieiiis deserving inspection. The nution il scliool snppoited hy suhscription. In tiie ■ own is a private lunatic asylum. The market, prin- cipally for corn, is held on Tuesday; and fairs, for «tock, on Easter Monday and the first Monday after Ni'v. mher 22nl. Population of the parish in 1831, 1,17.1, and in 1841, 1,197. C.IEDGRAVE is a small parish and villaee in Loddon liiindied, about a mile to thn north of that tnwn. The parish chiwxh dedica'ed to All Siiints, h^s a fine Nor- man doorway : the living is a discharged rectory, in • he pntiotiaKe of the family of Proctor. Population Oj the paii-h, in 1841, 348. POST OFFICE, Fram is Alexander, Post 3/'/s/^r.— Letters from all parts arrive from Norwich every mornina at half-past nine, and are despatched thereto at ten minutes past l our in the afteinoon, *«• The ntimes loithiiut address are in Loduon. GENTBY AND CLERGY. B^con Sir Edmd. B;irt, Ravelingham Beam hamp Hev. Wihiam, Loddon Branch Mr. Daniel, Loddon Cadne, Mr. Christopher, Loddon Campbell Mr. Robeif, Loddon Cole Mrs. Ann, Loddon Farron Jonathan Esq. Mnndham Freeston Mr. John, Loddon Gilbert Mr. Edward, Loddon Gilbert Rev. John, Clieder ive Hob-on ilfv. Will'am.Sizeland Holmes Rev. Thomas, LayUtn Hudson .Mr. Richaid, Loddon Jolly Rev. Hunton, I3roome Jolly Mr. William, Loddon Lamb Mr-. Maitha. L'ddon Palmer Mrs. — . Loddon Parki rson Mr. C iter, Loddon Pelhani Hon. A Rev. Berahapton Ut'ingMrs Sarah, Lndilon Smith Rev. John, Ltxldon Smith Mr. Tlioma>, l/iddon Snence Mis. Sophia, Loddon Vinci III Ml. Jame.s, Loiidon Wall Rev. James, Norton Wisken Rev. John. Loildon Wo<.d Mrs. Eliza, Loddon ACADEMICS 6t SCHOOLS. Halt David, Loddon Jolly Maria, Loddon Mitcalf John, Loddon National School, — Frances Pear- son, mistress PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. Adams .losi pi>, R. clerk to commis- sioners «if taxes Copeman James, attorney, Loddon Jilly William, surgeon, Loddon Pedgrifi R-bt, smueon & proprietor of Lunatic A.sylum, Loddon RodwcU George, ^Ulgeon, Loddon BANKERS. Harveys'&Hudsoiis' (bianch), Lod- don — (raw on HaiiKeys' & Co. London) — Fias. Alex n')er,.Agent FIRE &C. OFFICE AGENTS. Norwich Equitable,- Jno.Baley, Loddon [aiid<-r, Loddon Norwich Union,— Francis Aiex- INNS et PUBLIC HOUSES. Angel. Edward M'lldleton laulifl 'wer, John Napp Crown, Chailes Fairhead Fox and Houinis, Henrv Blister Garden House, Jam- s Preston (iro'c Hiiiry Til>''eshain Jolly Faiiner-, Richaid Bright King's Head, Jotm Coiistahle Swan & PostingHouse. Gilbert Hunt White HorscjJ no. Watson, Chedgrve SHOPKEEPERS 6t TRADERS. Alrxaiiiler Kraiuis, giocer a diaper Algate Saml. boot and shoe maker Allcock Robt. boot and shi>e maker Hakir William, biker Baker William, hoot & shoe maker Baki r William, grocerand draper Baldwin Wm. cooper, Chedgiave Bickham Robert, bricklaxer Bellard John, boot and shoe maker liiaddock ThouiHS, cooper Branch Kli2aheth,stiaw bonnet mkr Hranch Roiiert, bricklayer Biiiigloe Robt. painter & plumber Burton William, miller Cable Benjamin, hair diesser ChapmanJ no. miller & corn chandler Chuicli John, vvheelwiiglii CI irke Job, boot and shoe maker Clarke Samu IJohn, tailor Clevi land .'\lfrid,vcteiiiarv. surgeon Crake John, watch and clock maker Ci ipps Johnson, chemist & stationer Cullum Emma, milliner and straw bonnet maker Culliiin Samuel, tailor Ciimby Charl s, blacksmith (,'nmiiy VV illi nil, blacksmith Curtis' Richaril, siddler Davy George, tuicklayer Deans Isaac, wheelwright 37 Xorfolft. LODDON, &c. 5latei'0 SflOPftEEP£RS, ate — Continued. t'aiihertd Charles, butcher Fairliead Jai. boot and shoe maker Fisher Robert, blacksmith. Hales Forder Robert, palmer and plumber Fryer Caroline, lioot and shoe *h«»p Ge)iop's Lynn, from haiing belonged to the bishop of Norwich ; but being alienated to the crown in ibe 29th of Henry VIM. thf name was changed to that which it now bears. Lynn is a very ancient town, and isrecoided to have been a place of considerable commerce as eaily as the Norman Conquest. The town i^ upwards of a mile in length and half a mile in breadth, and is tii- teisccted by four rivulets, termed 'fleets,' over wiiich are many bridges. There are three principal streets that take nearly a parallel direction, from which smaller ones diverge; they are well paved, and gas- lighted ; and the inhabitants are plenteously supplied with excellent water, brouuht from Grimstone, a dis- tance of about seven miles, and coiiVe\ed into an aqueduct belonging 10 ihc corporation. Exclusive of those for the purpose of religion, the following aie the principal public buildings. The guildhaM is a fine old ^truclure, erected about the thne of Elizabeth, it coni|ui>^es a hall of justice and various ofTrces for the transaction of public business, together with elegant assembly and card reoiiis. The West Norfolk and Lynn hospital, a new and elegant building, was erected in 183."), at a cost of upwards of £2,5U0. 'Jhe theatre is hand«ome, and its internal ilecoiations ap- propriate. A subsciiption library was established in 1797 ; it contains about seven thousand volumes, amongst wliich aie many valuable and rare works of genius : there is also a mechanics' news-room and library, and other news-rooms. A corwersuzione has been estaldished here for a number of years ; there are several classes in coniieciion with it, the principal of ■which ate for chenii>tiy, mathematics, law, and general discussion. A iiewspaiier is published in Lynn weekly; it is a journal conducted with consideiablc talent, and enjoys a good circulation. The first royal ciiarter extant is that of the 14th of John ; this, however, from its tenor, ap|)ears to be a rniifiitnation and extension of former privileges. The town has always been distinguished for loyalty to the sovereign, and has been rewarded by nut fewer than 38 nineteen royal charters, which confer very coi»- siderable rights and powers j amongst these the most iniportiint is that of liolding quarterly sessions of the peace, with anihnd ciicuit of County Court towns, under the act passed in 1846, for the recovery of debts to any amount not exceeding £20. Lynn Iws returned two members to parliament from a veiy early peiiod; the present representatives are Viscount Lord Jocelyn and the Hononiable Kdward Henry Stanley. The town is a polling station at the election of members to repre- sent We^t Norfolk ; and it is the centre of an LTnion under the new poor-law ; the workhouse, formeily a church, dedicated to Saint .lames, is situated within the borough. The trade of the port is very consider- able; about one hundred and seventy sail of vessel belong to Lynn, and mucii business is also done in foieign bottoms, chiefly Dutch and French. Till re- cently very few harbours in the kingdom possessed a better corn and coal trade coastwise, Lynn havini; are extensive command of inland navigation. Its foreign coiiinierce is principally with Norway and the Baltic ports, and its transactions with Portugal in the wine tiadeare of some impoiiance: the commercial pros- perity of the port has experienced, however of late yi ars, considerable depression. There are several places of worship 0iider the estah- lishment, as well as for vatious religions denomtiia- lioiis — tlieir iianies, situations, and ofliciating ministers are given in a list at a subsequent pane. The church of All Saints is an ancient cruciloitn structure, prior to the dissolution attached to the monastery of VVhite Friars ; the living is a vicarage, in the patronage . -Z^^!: *^'»''*« '« a pansh in the hundred of Free- nired for its fine oak roof, and riisiingui>htd . '"'°Se— "le vHUge, now but an inconsidentble one, )st spacious one-aisle church in the kingdom, '^''^ formerly a market town, and previous to the ist and Independent Chapels are handsome "l'<^'"=»";'" o^. "'f^ itetorm Bill was a parliamentary and spacious—tlii'y w< re eiected at a cost o( about £3,000 e.ich. The charitable foundations and in- stitutions are numerous. The free grammar sdiool was founded in the leign of Henry VII.; it is under the patronage of thecoi poiation, and has scholarships to vaiious colleges. Eugene Aram was uslrer at this school wlien he was apprehended, in 1759, on a charge of murder, coiiimiited fourteen years previously, and of wliiih he was found guilty and executed. Tiie charity schools are of various descriptions, parochial, lational and othei w ise. There are almshouses in m hich nearly fifty pour persons are maintained, and many cliarirahle bequests alleviate the indigence of others. There are several remnants of architf-cturnl auii- ■quities, the most conspicuous of which iue ' the Chapel of Our Lady on the Mount,' a most unique spt-c'imen ; and the Grey Friais* steeple; the latter piesents an borough: it is 4 miles n. from Lynn, and was for- merly a sea-port inferior only to that town and Yarmouth. It now attracts atteniion chietly on account of its castle, the lemains ot which are very extensive; the keep is nearly entire, ajid the whole forms a most imposing relic of feudal grandeur. Itwasin this castle that Isabella, the wife of Edward II. was confined hy her son, after her separation from her paramour, Mortimer. The parish church of Saint Lawrence is an ancifjii building, aud a fine specimen of the Nor- niHii style of architecture, with a square tower rising from tlie centre. The entrance is enriched with mould- ings, and the font is higiily ornamented. The living is a rectory, in the ptesentHtion of the Honble. Mrs. Mary Howdrd. An endowed school, and a hospital for twelve aged women, are the iirincipal cliailties. The populatioi' af the parish, in 1831, and liAswise iu 1841, was 358, excellent landin^rk for shi|)piiig coming to the poit. POST OFFICE^ 42 New Conduit-street, Lynn, Mr. Robinson Cm so. Post Master. Arrival of the Mails- — From London, the Nokth of England, and Scotland and Ireland, eveiy iBoining at a qunrter before five, and aftetiioon at four. From Bliknham Market, Thornham, DocKJNf;, Heacham, &c. every evewing at seven. Despatches. — To London, the North of England, also to Scotland aud Ireland emry morning at a quarter jjast eight, and evening at a quarter before eit;l)t. To BuRNHAM Market, Thornham, Docking, Heacham, &c. at six in the nmrning. 'i'lie-Sw Closes at eight a.m., for the morning mail, and half-jiast six p.m. for the evening mail. There are two deliveries &dUy , \\z. at half-past seven in tie tnoriiing. and half-past four in tbe afternoon. MOBILITY, GENTRY AMD CLERGY. Alexander Mr. Joseph, London road Allen Mrs, — , St. Anne's place Allen Mrs. Elizabeth, Loudon road Allen Mis« Mary, 5 Gnaiinock plate Allen Rev. VVilliam, St. Germans AUJs Uev, John, 86 Norfolk st AylmerMis, Maiy Ann, 14 Buck- ingham terrace Bigie Richard, .Esq., Tuesday Mar- ket place and Gaywood Hail Cozens .Mr. William, IlSt. James st Cramptoii Mr. Einerv, West Lynn Creal; M rs. Miriam, 7 London road Creak Mr. VVilliam, Valingei''s road Crisp Miss Jane Palnier,38 Friars st Cruso Mrs. Ann, London road Cumm'tig Kev. Jas., Nuiih Runctou Curie Mr. Jacob, E^st Winch Curie Mr. Richard, East Winch Currie Rev. Ciiar.es, Tilney Cuiti.sCapt riioniHS.R.N. London rd Dawson Mr. John, Gaywood road Bagott Kev. Chas.Wm.Casile Rising Dewing Kichard, Esq., A^liwicken Baldwin Mrs. Ann, Paradise giove j Dusgate Mrs. .Mary, Gaywood road Barnes Kev. Geoixe, Grinistcme 1 Dye Mr. Robeit, East Winch Beck Mr. John R., Castle Rising I Edw.irds MissCallierine, London rd BeglevMi. Wiii.b.a., 12 London road Eller Rev. George, West Winch Bell the iMisses — , North Ruiictou 1 EKden.Mrs.MaiiellH,10St. James st Beloe Rev. Uoheit, Fiiar st | Everard Edward, Esq. Middleton Billiiig Mr. Chas.,2Guaiinock place Everaid R«v.Edwaid B., Stuiilioe Billim; Mr.Gtorge,! Guannock place j Everard Jas. EJsden.Esq., Congham Blrtke Mr. George, Refley spring | Kwel iMrs. Mary, 19 Valingeis road Blencowe the Misses ftlaignret, ! Fish Mrs. Sarah, London road EUeB& ■Henrietta, Nelson st 1 Folkes Mrs. Martin B., Congham Blencowe Mr. Waltir, Nelson st | Lodge [Hall BoweiiRe*-.Jerenri?ih,B.A. Wert Rev. — , Gavton Clowes Mr. Fiancis, London ro. id CoeMrs.,\lai-y ftlaiia, 8 All Saints st Coldham Mr. James, Anmer Cole Mr. Robert, Middlestou Cooper Mrs. Sarah, the Chase Coulton iMrs.Prisciila,Railway road Cowper the Honorahl-, Charles Spencer, Saiidringhum Hall Giscard Mr. Joiin, 12 London roxd Goode.Mrs Susannah, 10 St.James st Gostlirig Mrs.Mary,8 Blackfriars rd Hankinson liev. Robt. Edwards, St. A.nne st Hankinson Rev. Robert Walpole, St. Andrews Hardy Mrs. Sarah, S.'i All Siiints st Hinds(»iiMts.My..,38Ne.wChecker st Hogge Mrs. — ,' Tuesday Market pi Hogge George, Esq., Hiliny Lodge Holditch Mrs.ELixa,8 St.Nicliolasst Houghton Rev.Wm. South Woottou Howard the Honorable Mrs. Mary, Castle Rising [ten ace Howlett Rev. William, (iiiannock Hnlton Frank, Esq., North Runctoji H niton Rev. Thomas, m.a., Gay- wood Rectory JacksonMrs.Elizabeth,Loiidou road Jacksfin Mrs Maiv,32\'alingers road K' ed Mr. James, 8 London road KiiigiVlis. Ann, London road Knight Mr. Frederick, Castle Rising Lack f.Iis. Sarah. London road Lantaft ilie Misses Mary & Sophia, 45 Norfolk street Larkin Mrs. Mary, Gaywood Lawrence Mrs. — :, Gaywood road Leeper Rev. WHIiain, 32 Broad st Linay Mrs. Mary, .38To%\er st Lowden Mrs. Eiizbth.,RailAvay road Lnnii Rev. .Ajidrew, BricU Gardens .Mann Mrs. Mary, 7 All Saints st Maisliall Mrs-. Jemima, 35 Soutik Everard street [road Masters Mrs. Elizabeth, GaywooU Mawbo Mr. Edwaid, Mintlyn Miller Mrs. Mary, London road Mngiidge Mr. Thomas, Btoaflst Mnnford Kev. James, East VV;nch Nurse Mr. Thomas. Gaywood Oiinan Mrs. Elzth., New Conduit st Gurney Dai;iel, Esq..Vorth Runctou I Oxley Mrs. Elizabeth, King st Hales Rev. Bobeit, Hiliingtou H.iiniltou Rev. Robert, St. Attne st Hankinson Rev, Edward F, E., Nor- folk street Page Mrs. Charlotte, 11 Valingersrd; Pattridge Mrs. Sarah. King st Paul Mrs. Sarah, 31 Broad st Pindar Rev. Edwaid, Rovdou 30 Korfolfe, LYNN REGIS, &c. ^laui'jj ORNTRY, etc.— Continued. Plaiteii John, Esq., J. P., South Evrrurd s'leit Plrtyl .Miss Maiy, 10 Viilingers road Pliaiaiice Mr>. Helen, Buiad st PloMTiKlit Mr. Geoige, 22 Norfolk st Pniig Ml. TiioiiiiK. North Woottdii Punlv .Mrs. Elizabeth, Gayivoorl roa9 SHrah,"2 LittlePoitst Rii'hardsoii .Mrs.Sarali,l^ondon road Riiiby Uev.Ge«>rge,North Ever.ird >t Roy«ioii .Mr. Win., Ni'rtli Wootton Ryley Mi»s Elizalietli, Chapel st Sadletoii Mr. John P., London road Self the MisM'S — , London road Shepherd .Mr.Johi)6(iuan nock place Sherwood Mrs.Eli/hth Gaywood rd Shii>p .Mrs. Mnaaret. London mad Sht|»p Mr*. Susan, 29 St James st Smith Mrs. Ann, Ail Saints st South well. Mr-.Caihrn., London road Spuigin Mrs. Jane, London road Stanton .Mr. John Lane, 10 S .uth Everard sirert [ham terrace Siig.irs Mrs. Elijaheth, 12 Hiicking- Swatin in Major Willi mi. King st THyl.>r.Mr. William, Ea-t Winch Tiiidall Mrs. P.itience, London road UpW'O I Kev. Tlios. T., Teirius^ton Vincent Mr. Joseph, West Lynn Waidiile Miss Ann, Gaywood road Waidale Lieutenant Benjamin D., Bnckin^ha.ii terrace [terrace Watson the .Mi*>es — ,2Hucklngliam Watts Mrs. Martha, 21 New Con- duit street [duit st Welch Uev. William, New Coii- Wftiierlirad Mrs.Mary,Loiidon road •Laird Elizabeth Ann, Friar st Lantnfr ^\A]y, Hroad st Murlin Elizabeth, London road National ScH00L,Gay wood — Bar- ham l>ay, mistress National School (St. John'>), Norfolk st — Bctijn Brriy, master ; Ann Heiishv, inistiess NationalScmool (St. Margaret's), Tower tit Id James Humphiies, nia.'«ter; Elizabeth Ives, mistress National School, Souih Lynn — James Humphries, jiin., master; Charlotte Tlif)mpson, mistress *Newliam Esther & Susan, 12 Southgate str-et [>.t Th.oh.iid Kobnt B., 15 Coronation *i'hompson Martha Saiah, Stone- gate street •Walker Dennis, North Everaid st Waieliam &. Aldridge, Tower st *VVehbci ~, Coronation square Weslryan School, Tower street — Thomas Swerrey, n>a-ter •Whall & Johnson, 8 Tower st •Wright James Cubitt.London road AGENTS. Marked thus * are Commission. (See also Fire, Sec. Office ./Agents, and also Laud Agents.) Burnett William Pickering (ship), 5 Binrkfi iars ro ^d Cook Hi-niy (sream packet and Lon- don Traders), Common Staith Garland VVilliam (Mgeiit& suivcyor to Ll'iyds*. and registrar uf ship- ping), Kinii Staith square •Garland William & Son, King Stai'l) square Hillyard John, 10 St. James st WhittiiiBiiam .Mr. William Griggs, 18 Valinters road [road Hul'ton & Self" (Jlass),30"st"." Jatiie.s st Wigner Rev. John Thomas London .Keiw'le John (ship), 38 Queen st Wood thrVery Rev Dean,Middletim King Geo.(.sl,i,.),3 Mill Fleet terrace Uiande^. Rev. ^Vilhani, Giimstone ; King Horatio (dass^ 22 King st Wiightt..pi.Geo.,R.N.,Londoti road «Uaiidulpli I'eter, I'urfleet place llichard-on Frederic A. (wholesale agent fur Casseli's coffee), Bax- ter's bridge Rowney Tlioinas (ship), 3 College lane [road Seals James (general), 1.5 London •Towell James (siiip), 35 Queen st Tuhhs llohert (corii),NewChecker st •Watts Win, 'I'uesday Market place Wriglit Mi^s Jane, London road Wythe 'I'liomas, Esq., Middieton ACADEMICS AND SCHOOLS. Marked thus* are Bourdinij and D:iy. •Arnold H ■nnah, Ne'son st •Beloe William. New Conduit st UniTisH Schools, Hlackfiiars rd — William Par.son^, master; Mary Ann Claik, mistress Bunnett Hannah (on the Glasgow system), 22 Coronation square Carvrr Josiah, Tower st Caiver Ruth& Sarah,13Valiiigci'srd •Cawihorn (ieorge, London road Collins Si-lina, Gaywood road Cooper Maigiiret,30 NewChecker st •Cozeins Sii-Hii & Ehza, London rd Daiider-'on Kezia, St. James' road Endowed ^ciiooL,Castle Rising — Ro eit Greene, master; Greene, mistress ARTISTS. Ladbrooke Henry, London road Rudland Thomas, 25 Coiouation sq ATTORNEYS. Marked llius * are .tIso Notaries. Aldhain & Son, Norfolk st Aiciier Thoinrs (Joodwyn, Queen st Bn-athwaite Uichard '1\, Ferry lane Kezia | Chadwick JidinNurse,7 St. James st Conltoii John James, Austin st Endowed school. North Woot- 1 Goodwin, Partridge, Williams and ton — \nn DavifS, mistress I Edwards, Chapel st Ga'Iand Caiht-rine, 7 All Saints st ' J^irvis & Son, 'I'uesday Market place Gilhi-rt Bt-becca, Blackfriars road Jaivis James, Loudon road •Grammar >chool, St. James st— Bev. J(din Biansbv, m.a., mnster •Hillyaid Maria, 11 St. Nicholas st !nfant>' School, Ca-^tle Rising — Sarah Nii holN, mistress Infants' School, Gaywood— Rose Cooper, mistress Infants' School, St. Annest — Hairiet West, mistress Infants' School, (St. Mar^aret'^) Broad SI — PaiienceBiinton.mistrss Jeffery John Ewing (and clerk to the Borough Magistiate*, and to Cocnniissioners of Property and Income Tax for Lynn Itorough, Ac. J, Baker lane •Oshorne John, Ferry lane Piichtr Roheit, 2 King st Piatten Geoige, (j5 High st Platten John (coiuejaiici ), South Everard street [Nicholas si Sjiuigeon Chailes Whaley, St. Infants' School, Norfolk street — Swatman Edward Lane (ami town Elizabeth Grigg, mistress clerk), St. James st [James st Laiid Elizabetli, High st I Wilson Philip (and coroner), 26 St. 40 A UCTIONCERS * APPRAISRS Browne Daniel, 137 Norfdk st Cruso Bohinson,42 New Conduit st Curie Jidin, Miiidleton Daws Bell, 10 lower st Hillyard John, St. J,,nies st Tiibhs John, 16 New Cliecker st Watts Win,3'i'ue»(iay Market place BAKERS Ac FLOUR DEALERS. Arnold Samuel, 128 Norlolk st Alto Thomiis, 80 iV 81 Norfolk st Beeson Ricli^rd, Chajiel st Bennington Wibiam, West Lynn Beverley Joseph, 21 Kiim si Biiton John, 1 Loinlmi road Bootman Ciiarles, North Everaid it Booty; Robert. Friats >t Bradtield Robert, 25 Si. James st Brooks Bob ri, Hillington row Bi union Hannah. 49 Norfolk st Bullen John, West Lynn Co.\ John, Baker lane Ditruiiis Samuel, 20 Chapel st Duiicm Ale.\(ir., Sou'h Clough lane Duncan Alexander, Blackfriars road Duimer Henrv, 15 All Saints st Ess William, 92 Hiuh st Faux HobiMt, 37 Fiiars st Fayers Robert, 17 Church st Flood Henrv, 2 Nelson st Freeman William, Windsor place Fio.st Robeit, Gaywood Gam John D., Jew's Inne Harrison John Hemy. Bioadst Hcddgite William, VVindsor place Jackson Georue, 15 St. James st Johnson I-aac, 38 High st Johnson Thomas, 41 Hiu'h st Johnson William, 120 Norfolk st Kemp Samuel Holland, 24 Bridge st Laird Benjamin, 29 Pui fleet st Laird Kichard, Qneen st Largen William, Gnannock field Leai UK 11th Jidin, 24 Coiouation sq. Lincoln William, 12 Piiifleetst Lowe Charles, Guaniiock place Lowe John, South st Lowe Nathan, 2 Norfolk st Mason George, Wi st L\nii Mes Joseidi, Windsor pl^-ce P.tcher William, 10 Biackfiiars road Register William, 75 Norfrdk st Roman Henry, Sedgeford lane Sac kamoie James, 133 Noi folk St Sands John, 9 London roid Softley Niclndas, 7 Broad st Whiteman Robert, VHliimer'sroad Willis Rrdiert, 112 High st Willis Willi.rm (bread and biscuit). Pilot street Wortley David, Wood st BANKERS. East of England (Branch), Tues- day, Market place (draw on the London and Westminster Bank) — William Red Wilson. manager filverards' & Co., Kiim st (draw on Barnetts', Hoares' & Co., London Gurneys' &Co., King's Siaith square (draw on Barclay, Bevau & Co., Loudon) g^irccttiig. LYNN REGIS, &c. Korfolfe. JarvH Lewis Weston & Lewis Whincop, 'rues:lay Market pluce (draw oil Prescoit, GiDte & Co., Li.mloii) Savings' Bank, 118 High street (opt'ii on Mondays) — Jas. Burch, actuary BASKET IVIAKERS. Bosfock VVjiliam, 96 High st, aud 24 Tuesday Market place Goodeiis Jolui, 2 Ct)H|)el ^t Reed John, 116 Norlolk st ReedThomas C.,47Si)iith Everard st BLACKSMITHS. AicKinan & Alen/ies, Kin^st Cl.rk William, St Niciiolas st rge, 35 Norfolk st Fail cloth John, 20 Southgate .st Gaihergood George, Chapel st Glint Thomas, 19 St. James st Hammond Philip, 112 Norfolk st Harper James C. 21 Church st 6 Baker Rohert Southgate (and agri- culturalmaihine maktr) 7 Blac-k- friar's road CioweDaniel(hra«s),Gaywood road Scott Samuel, Ciooked lane Willett Charles (and steam engine nuuiiifactnrer), 23 to 26 High st BRAZIERS AND TIN-PLATE V/ORKERS. Arch John, 109 High st Dewson Henry Joiin, Puifleet st Fenn William, Sedjiefoid lane Hardy Silas, 1 Noifolk st Lowes John, 33 St. James st Pl'iwiight George, 18 High st Willett, Charles, 23 to 26 High street BRE\VERS. Bagge William & Thomas, King st Blomtield Alfred, South Wootton Fagleton Jcjlin, Broad st P'veiard Edward & Sons, Baker lane Eyre Elijah, Uridte st Hogge & Seppings, Setch fquay Jetfery William W. & Co., Puifleet Laws George & Co., 8 Hi;;!) st Sturley Henry Thomas, Norfolk Breweiy, Clinrch lane BREWERS—RETAIL. Cadmaii William, London road Diggons William, Austin st Hanwell Henry, North st Irwin John, Norfolk st Joplin Baniiell, Hillington row Munro Daniel, Southgate st Mnssett John, Sedgeford lane Pijie Philip, South st BRICK AND TILE MAKERS. Bunton John, Castle ri-ing Johnson William, St, Anne's fort Hartlepool Coal, Coke and Firii Brick Company, Out Southgates — Thomas Watson, manager King William, Little Port st Rtdiii William (& building surveyor) Broad street BRICKLAYERS* PLASTERERS (See also Plasterers J Adcock George, l$iackfiiar's road Broadway James, 10 Albert st Collinson Wells, Toweis st Hall John (and builder), 4 South Eveiard st Hall Robert, Sonih st Johnson William (and builder), St. Anne's fort King William, Little Port st iVIoit Robert (and huilder and dealer in chimney pots, diain pipes and tire bricks), Railway road Rudd John, Railway road Southwell ,John, Austin st Walker Edward, St. James st Watts John, Windsor place BROKERS-SHIP. Cruso Rohinson (share). New Con- duit st r^quare Garland William & Son, King Staith Ramhiiph Peter, Queen st Towell James, 35 Queen st BRUSH MAKERS. Bircli & Son (and warehousemen), 61 Highst; manufactory. Black- friar's road Fysh Samuel & Sons, Chapel street, opposite Austin street Measham Henry, Baxter's plain BUILDERS. See under the head Builders. BUTCHERS. •Askew Elizabeth, Noitli st Ayer Franci-, New Conduit st Baxter John, 122 High st Beckinton Benjamin, London road Bennett Henry, Little Port st Bettabee Matthew. Church st IJiooks Tliomas, 29 Norfolk st Brooks William, 53 Norfolk st Burton Robert, 5 Cliapel st Clark Jarmin, Purfleet st riaike Catharine, 98 High st ClarkeJoseph(p(irk),22Southgatest Coe Robert, 3 Valiiigt rs road CoHisoi)Thonip'()M,Sih. Lynn plain Crisp Robeit, Queen st Ellis Thomas, West Lynn Fox Harper, Windsor place Freeman Roheit, Norfolk st Giles Richaid, Tower st Haines James, 7 New Conduit st Hall John, 23 Coronation square Haiiby Edward, 12 Bridge st Hildon Willian7, Wind-or place HilJ Robert, 15 Norfolk st Inkson William, 43 High st Ives Robert, Tower st Leek Rohert, Chapel st Leverett George, 72 Norfolk st Lift Maria (pork), 96 Norfolk st Lift William (poik^, Purfleet st Martin William, 8 Boat st Massiiigliam Elrlward, 37 Cliapel st Massiimham James, 32 Tower st MedcalfJohn, Kingst Musk John, 31 Norfolk st Musk S.irab, London road Ovei land William, 24 All Saints .St Phenix George C, Pilot st Pickrell Edward, 26 Hndge st Porter Robert (wholesale^ 7 King street, and Doiruham Market Powell Robert, 60 Norfolk st 41 KoxMk. LYNN REGIS, &c. ^latcr'iB BUTCHERS— C.nf inu^d. Ransom Aml>ro;iin Roman Her.rv, 114 High st Self Philip, Chapel st Stacev Thomas, Pilot st [st •Tnitt Matthew Manin, 63 Norfolk White Elizabeth (upholsieress), Purfleet st Youngs John (and chair maker and paper hanger), 23 Chapel st CARVERS AND GILDERS. Fox Jeremiah (cabinet carver), New Conduit st Patterson Thomas (cabinet carver), 29 South Evi-rard st Richardson William, Chapel st Rudd William, High st, corner of Tuesd-ty Market CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Atmore George, 59 Hiu'li st Baves William John, 55 High st Bii'ige Joseph, 12 Noifolk st BishopGeorge,21Tut-sdrty Market pi Burgess Genree, G St. James' st Colejian Abraham (and dentist), lOfi Norfolk st Langford Lionel, King st Langfoid William, 1 Church lai:e I^nnford William Henry.St.James st Langford William, jun. 5 Norfolk st Parlett William, 123, High st Richirdson Frederic A. Baxter's bridge Rowi.ev Thomas R. lOSNorfolk st TuckJoiin, 22 Church st Wells Henry, 39 High st Wigg Jolin,3 Saturday Market place Wigg Willidin C. 17 High st CHINA, GLASS, &r.jDEALERS Jolinsoii Willi mi, 90 Noifolk st Plowiight James 14 Hiulist Scott Edward, 423 Norfolk st Twige William (earthenware), Miller's entiy Tuck John, 7 Kegenf st Walker James, 3.5 Kingst CLOTHES DEALERS. Jack James, \:'> New Conduit st Mayers John, 50 Norfolk st Meillock Henry, Chapel st Quinccy James C, 46 Hieh st Rudd William, New Conduit st 42 Rutter Daniel, 43 Norfolk st Sadler Robert, 1 Valinger's road Self Philip, 109 Norfolk st Summers Ann, 114 Norfolk st COACH MAKERS. Bath Maria, liroiid st Bridges Stephen, 14 Little Port st Cross William (gig), Little Port st KHis Beiijainin, liroad st Maltby Hubert, Norfolk st StHKg Thomas, Broad st Watts Henry, 76 Norfolk st COAL DEALERS. Benefer Charles, North st Brown Henry, South Clough lane Cobb Richard, Goat yard Codling John, Union place Cunningham William, Norfolk st Curson Alexander, London road Kngland Charles, New Checker st Green William, 39 King st Harrison Willian), Broad st Jary Jacob, Ferry lane Kemp Samuel H. 24 Bridge st Kirby Abel, 3 New Conduit st Loose Robert, Chapel st Marwick Thomas, Priory lane Movse Samuel, South Ciongh lane Porter John, 69 Norfolk st Riches William, Wind>or place Stevens Samuel, Noith st Stev»'ard Edward, Rroad st j Stoakley John, Soutligate Wright Samuel, 8 New Condnit st COAL MERCHANTS. (See also the preceding list.) Bagge William & Thomas, King st Bowker A. & J. Satnrday Market place Bridges Edward, 6 London road Burkitt Williaiu, Queen st Carter Thomas Augustjjs, King st Cartwrieht Reulien, West Lynn Clifton William & Son, Queen st Colston Daniel Edward (and lime). Tower st Cook Robert, Tuesday Market place Crooke George, West Lynn E^erardEdward & Sons, IJakerlane Eyre & Chester, Bridge st FisonJames& Sons, Nelson st Garland John, 2 Cluiich st Gregory J. & J. Marine paiade GuytonJanies&Soii,St. Margaret's In Hautlepool Coal, (Joke and Fire Brick Company, Out South- gates — Thomas Walson, manager Hastings (leoige, 21 Nelson st HoEge William, King st Holmes Thomas, King st Huhon Si Self, 30 St. James st JrtTerv & Co. KiiiK st Marriott Jolni & Rnbeit, Queen st ().\ley & Moyse, Kingst [(Jates Reyn'alds Francis Kirhy, Out Souih Seals James(& flour), 15 London rd Sliipi) William, All Saints st Smith & Co. Queen st Wales Joseph, 5 Stonegate st Wright James, Sedi^eford lane CONFECTIONERS. Barnard Joseph (wholejale and retail), 67 High st Barnes Robert, Haxtei'< pl/iin Brnnion Hannah, 49 Noifolk st Daniels Rebecca, St. James st Dye .Mary, 31 Chapel st Ess William, 92 High st Freeman William, Windsor |)lace Hastings Samuel, 100 Hi-h st Herring John Jonathan, 2 Saturday Market place Johnson Isaac, 38 High st Johnson William, 120 Norfolk st Lowe Nathan, 38 High st Mitchell Thomas, 18 Tower st Nichols Francis R. 22 High st Parlett William, 123 High st Reiiister WiUiam, Norfolk st WartliWiUiam,22Tiiesday Market pi Willis Robert, ll-.> Highst CONSULS— VICE. Denmark, Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands, Peter Ran- dolph, Purfleet place Prussia and Hanover, Williain Garland, King Staiih s([uare CONTRACTORS- fOR PUBLIC WORKS. Bennett Charles, 7 London road Simpson William S. King st COOPERS. Chamberlin Edward. St. James st Coatts TI)omas(& broker)Londoji rd Gicen William, Kin« st Gieeves William, South Clongh Ine Hayes Jonathan & Sons, 121 Nor- folk st Hill VVilliam, South Lynn Phiin Reed John, 116 Norfolk st Richardson Thomas, 24 King st CORK CUTTERS. Marked thus • are Cork Merchants also. Bro'ks Robert, Austin st *Ellis VVilliam (late Mugridge), Broad st •Monement & Son (importers), Norfolk st CORN CHANDLERS 6i FLOUR DEALERS. {See also Corn Merchants.) Andrews John, Ne'son st Bowles James, 127 Norfolk st Bunton William, Maiket lane Bnrrell William, 46 'I'ower st Brown William B., Purfleet st [st Canham •Jhos.S.,16 & 164, Norfolk Freiinan William, Tower st Jacob James, Windsor place Loose Robert, Chapel st Norman David, Broad st Preston Mary, London road [st Sherwwiod Robert (fa(tor),52 Norfolk Stoakley Jolin, Soutligate CORN MERCHANTS. (See also the preceding List.) Bowktr A. & J. Saturday, Market pi. ice Buikitt William, Queen st Caiter Thrmias Augustus, King st Cartwriglit Reuben, West Ljnn Clifton William & Son (and cake). Queen st Ci note George, West Lynn Dawher Matthew, St. Margaret's pi Everard Joseph, 18 Nelson st Evre & Chester, Bridge st Fison James, & Sons, Nelson st Gregoiy J. & J. Marine Parade Guytcm James & Son, St. Margarefi lane Hastings George, Nelson st Jefferv & Co. King st Krndl'e John, 38 Queen .st Marriott John & Rohert, Queen st iMarriottT. B. Bauer lane .Maisters John, Boal st Moyse Walter.fseed), 7 King .'•t Shepherd Thomas (and seed), 142 Norfolk st [agent Smith & Co. Queen St., John Hoyle Towell James, 35 Queen st Wales Joseph, 5 Slonrgate st CURRIEBS AND LEATHER SELLERS. Allen lilizabeih, 9 Norfolk st BurrcU George H. 21 High st IBircctotg. LYNN REGIS, &c. Kotfollt* Hall Williatn (leatlier seller), Jew's lane [Little Port st Saunilers Jno. Gower (and tanner), Web4er Luke, 107 Higli st VVhiteman Samuel (leather seller), 21 Norfolk st CUTLERS-- WORKING. Dorraan John, Purfleet st OffiM-d Joiin, Baxter^ plnin Wood Jrtuies, II Tower SI DYERS AND SCOURERS. Bird Jdlui, North Clough lane Hicks Elizabeth, 45§ High st Jackson John, 5 St. Janifs' st Smith Jeremiah, 32 St. James' st ENGINEERS— CIVIL. {See also Surveyors.) Burcham Chailes, Loudon road Durrant Edwin, Purfleet quay Hardine William D. 36 Queen st Hews William, Buckingham terrace Utting Jame?, Blaeklriars road Valentine John S. (to ihe Railway Company), Terrace walk ENGRAVERS. Eldridge George, 45§ Hill st Orviss Robt. Waterson, (and den- tist) , Norfolk st Taylor William, St James st FANCY REPOSITORIES. Bowler & Reynoldson, 23 St. James st [Marketplace Loose Rosetta(and Berlin), Tuesday Russell Mary, 148 Norfolk st Spencer Henry, High st FELLMONGERS. Gunton James, Highgate Saunders Jno. G. Lynn & Gay wood FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. ATLAS,Jame8Wright,Sedgeford lane British Empire, John Wigg, 3 Saturday Market place City of London (lifej, Thomas F. Cadman, 11 St. James st Clerical and Medical (life), Jno. Wiiigate Aikin, 73 High st Crown (life), James Burlingham, 14 Norfolk st [High st Eagle (life), Thos. S. Share, 106 Freemasiins' (life,] William S. Plo\\ right, 88 Hitfh st General, Wm. CWiyg, 17 High st General (hail storm), Robinson Cruso, 42 New Conduit st Gresham (life), Juo. Thorlcy, 6 High st Kent Mutual, (fre), Robert S. Tilsiin, London road [James si LAw(fire),Jno.NurseChadwick,7St. Law (life), Jarvis & Sou, Tuesday Market place London Union, Robinson Cruso, 42 New Conduit si Lynn Mutual (luaiitime), Wm. Armei, St. Nicholas st [terrace Mutual, James Wade, Guatinock New Equitable (life), John J. Coultfin, Austin st Norwich Equitable, John J. Coulton, Austin st Norwich Unmn, Jarvis & Son, Tuesday Maiket place; and Ro- bert Pitcher, King st. [High st Phcenix (fire), Thos. S.Share, 106 Royal Exchange, John 0.*iborne Smetham, Ferry lane Royal FaiMERs' (and General), John Tubhs, 16 New Checker st Scotish Equitable (life), John Nurse Chadwick, 7 St. James st Star, Edward Longbottom, 58 High st Suffolk (fire and hailstorm), John Wingate Aikin, 73 High st Sun, RobertMelsoii, Kiiig st Universal (life), Robert Nelson, King st [High st Yorkshire, R. B. Household, 84 FISHMONGERS. Canham Thomas S. 16 & 16§ Nor- folk st Cawthorne Robert, 16 Church st Cooper Richard E. 24 Norfolk st Devonshire Daniel (and fish curer, and dealer in game). High st Frost William, 29 Chapel st Gallant Susannah, 105^ Norfolk st Glason Samuel, 15 High st Ranim William, 34 Tower st Sempher Jciseph A. High st Sparks William, Church st VViiliamsoti Jos. (and game dealer^, St. Nicholas st Woods William (and fish curer), Norfolk st FRUITERERS. (See also Gardeners and Seedsmen) . Aver Robert, 12 Church st Barnes Robert, Baxter's plain Bos lock Elizabeth, 96 High st Bouch Agrippa, 24 Tower st Brighton Matia, 119 High st Carr John, Queen st Curtis John, Jew's lane Daniels Rebecca, St. James st Haines Thomas, Jew's lane Herring John Jonathan, 2 Saturday Market place Hobart Ann, North Clough lane Howlett Stephen, Norfolk st Howlett William, 132 Norfolk st I^owe Jane, Church st Milson Charles, 134 Norfolk st Mord Robert, 13 Tower st Paiiton Surah, Jew's lane [st Paiferm.ntJuoHoUiday.lOONorfolk Powley Thomas, All Saints st Seapey William, Guannock terrace Smith Henry, 64 Norfolk st Starling Eze'kiel, Norfolk st Stoakley John, Soutligate Titmarsh John, North st FURNITURE BROKERS. Daws Bell, 10 Tower st Dew Charles 117 Norfolk st Holmes Ann, Baxter's plain Parfermeiit, John Hollidav, 100 Norfolk st Pickerill Robt. W. 22 St James st Sayer John, 20 Tower st Self Philip, 109 Norfcdk st Taylor Joseph, 105 Norfolk st Watson Benjamin (and general broker, and cut glass, looking glass & Biimingham warehouse), 105 HiKh st GARDENERS &c SEEDSMEN. Adams Charles, 126 Norfolk st Bartlett Henry, Pilot st [wood Elmer Robert (late Woods), Gay- Freestone Robert, Chase Garden Kulshaw James, South Wootton Hambiing Jeremiah, Brick Fields Harbour Robert, 7 High st Kirbv Elizabeth, North Wooiton Milson Charles, 134 Norfolk st Pike John, West Lynn Pike William, West Lynn Pike William, junr., West Lynn Rolin William, Albert st Southwell VVilliam, Gaywood Tavlor John, Purfleet st Waller William, Tower st Williams Hy. 29 South Clough laue Woods William, Gaywood GLOVER et BREECHES MAKR' Mills Henry, 41 High st GROCERS 6l TEA DEALERS. [See also Shojikeepers. and also Tea Dealers, 8(C.) Andrews Georu-e, 94 High st Andrews Joseph, 87 High st Armstrong James, London road Brtnfcs Thomas & Co. 50 High St Barnard Joseph, G7 High st Beverley Joseph, 21 Kiiiu st Blott J.'hn, 103 & 4 High st Bowler Fr, 143 Norfolk st Plowriiiht Henry Bradficld, 8 Nor- folk street Stanton John Neale, 131 Norfolk st Willett Cliarles (wholesale & retail), 23 to 26 High st JOINERS. Marked thus * are also Builders. *Adams Tiu)mas, 77 Norfolk st *AgKar William, 5 Raihv;iy road Baiubridgeftlatthw.SouthEvtrardst Barnaby Jotin Mason, Birdcage row ♦iirowii William, Bri'lge st •Candler William, 28 St. James' st ♦Cliurcliinan John, St. Aniie'.> fort Colmaii Edmund, 9 St. James' st Cross Thomas, Pilot st •Crowe Danirl, Gavwood road Fox MattI.ew, St. Nicholas st Iveson William, 21 Southgaiest Jack>ou John, '\ustin st •J'.hnson William, 90 Norfolk sc Killctt Isaac, Ciiapel st Laird John, 6 Union st Alitchley Williau., SStonegate st *Moit Koliert, Railway road •NfWham William (and architect), 12 Soiithgate st •Ockley JoliD, Blackfriars road Parferment Ji)hn Holliday, 100 Nctrfolk street •Peniiiiig'oii B. C. (and sliip joiner and undcrtakei), 2') l^ondon road *Purdy James, Railway road •Purdy 'i'JKunas, 26 Albert st Robertson .l^hn, .Mbirt st •llolin William, Bioad st Sims John, Pilot st •Smith Thomas, Castle rising Sneiling I liomas, I I'ni'in st •Stiiiipson John, King st •Stony 'i'homas, Valingers road ^Va^g .lames, Noifolk st VVagK William, Southclough lane •Wantoid Robert, 2 Valingers road •Whitby Thomas, High st 44 Linav & Cooper (wholesale & retail), 120 High st [place Linay Samuel, 6 Saturday Market Mav John, Jews lane Rowney Thomas (wholesale and retail), 3 Collei:e laae MAST AND BLOCK MAKERS. Nurse William, White Friars PaikerSaiah (hlork), 3 College lane Stafford Robert, Boal st MERCHANTS. (See also Merchants under their respective heads.) Bagge William & Thomas King st Bonner William, 6 Briilge st Bowker A.& J. .Saturday Market pi Buikitt ^Villiam, Queen st Carter Thomas Auunsiiis, King st Clifton William & Son. Queen 8t Cook Robert, Tuesday Marketplace Dawber Matthew, St. Margaret's pi Kngiish. Oxiey & Co., Kiirs st Ever aid Edw ud & Sons, Baker lane GrieiK' J osiali (ship owirer), Nelson st Hogge William, Kiim st Hnltorr & Si-lf, .'^0 St. James' st J. tffry & Co., King st Marriott John & Robert, Queen st Marriott T. B., Baker lane Monement & Son, 79 Norfolk st Moysr Walter, Kini? st LAND AGENTS. Cruso Robinson (ai^ estate), 42 New Coirdtiit street Durrant Edwiir, Pin fleet quay Harding Williani D., 36 Qnecn st Tubhs John, 16 New Checker st LATH RENDERS. Diake William (& dealer in Roman cetnent, hair, tiiebiick, chimney pots, bricklayers' tools, and lath nails). Tower lane Everard Edward & Sons, Baker lane Pindar Edwaid, South Lynn libraries & news rooms. Saint Nicholas' Jhapel \a- BRARV, Chapel vestry — Rev. Wil- liam Leeper, librarian Subscription Libi{ary, Library couit. High st — Rev. John Brans- by, libi-arian ; Joint Skippon, sub- librarian Subscription Np.ws Room, Ferry line — VVilliam Btown, secivtaiy SuBCRiPTioN News Rooai, Tues- day Maiket place— F. K. Rey- nalds, president LINEN& WOOLLEN DRAPERS. .Armstrong James. London road Baker Josiah, 70 Hiirh st Baker William, 62 High st Coker John, 66 High st Housrhold R. B. (and mercer and iSliipp VViHiairr, 1 All Saitrts st funeral furnisher, feather purifier I Wales Joseph, 5 Stonegate st by steam, and bed and mattress millers. manufacinrer), 84 High st Atmore Robert, (iaywood Hunt Samuel L., 38 High st ' Kerkham Jo'-epb, 82 High st Lairgtoii & Co., 91 Norlolk st Match Thomas, 36 and 37 High st Pond Henry, 76 and 77 High st Potter Joseph C. 91 High st Pridgeou Samuel, 108 High st ■ Glaziers. PHYSICIANS. Ingle Thomas, 59 High st • Tweedale John, Baxter's plain Whiiing J(din, Paiadise shiubbery Willis Thomas Chapel st PILOTS- OFFICE, ST. anne's fort. Headsman — John Cliadd. Hitchcock Jatnes Jackson Richard Jones William Jopiin Thomas Melton Robtrt Neach Edward Ollitt John Kavner John G. Setchell James Sliaftoe Thomas rea>el Siniuel Tbew Henry Thon)pS'inRichd. Thompson Thos. Walker Thomas Wright Samuel Amies John Barile Charles Bayes John Bennett Thomas Bouch Samuel Brooke Jokn Bui ton George Chase William Cook James Coston John Cross William Fisher Thomas Fysh Robert Greenacre Saml. Hai le John Hart Peter Hewitt William PLASTERERS. CSee also Bricklnyers &( Plasterers.) Connolly James, Austin st [place Facliney William, Tuesday Market Ocklt-y Simon, Blackfriars road Riches Richard, BlacktVirtis road PORTER AND ALE DEALERS. Biowne Daniel, N(nlolk st Roberts Josiah, 102 Norfolk st Rose John, 2 Tuesday Market pi Trundle John, 12 St. James .st SAIL MAKERS. Gardiner Walter, St. Nicholas st Garland John, 2 Clinrch st Johnson Tlioinas, Boal st Linay & Coopei, 120 Higlist LinaySamuel, Sittuniay Market pi Marsters&.Xiines.TuesdaviMaiket pi Randulph Peter, Puiiieet'place SHIP BUILDER. Shipp William (and .ship owner), All Saints st SHIP CHANDLERS. Elli.son George (and ship owner, &c.), 1 Nelson street Garland John, 2 Church st Linay & Cooper (and oil and colour merchants), 120 High st Linay Saml., 6 Saturday Market pi Randulph Peter, Pni fleet place Rowuey Tlu>mas, 3 College lane SHIP OWNERS Ellison George, 1 Nelson st Seals Samuel, 15 London road Shipp William (and builder), All Saints stieet SHOPKEEPERS& DEALERS IN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Aldreil James, South st Ashley Hannah, Nelson st ,, „ ,. ,o M /> A :. .. Alto Thomas, 80 & 81 Norfolk st Cruso Robinson, 42 New Conduit st garker John, Chapel st Eldrea Murrey. 56 High st [place Benneit Ann, Chapel st Green Edmund, Tuesday Market Laws George & Co., 8 High st Podmoie William, Nelson st Sturley Henry Thoma*, Church lane PRINTERS—LETTER-PRESS. See Booksellers, SfC. PROFESSORS & TEACHERS. Marked llius * are teachers of Music. (See also Artists.) ♦Bray John, 21 High st Burnett William Pickering (mathe- niHtics and navigation), 5 Black- fiiar's road Burton Thomas (mathematics), 23 South Kveiard st *Codinson Thomas, 22 Valingers rd Lailhrooke Henry (drawing), Lon- don road (See also Painters, Piumbers, 6^c.; | #Parl.tt Edward, 38 NewConduit st Flanders William, Wind.sor place ♦Hodgkinson John, 27 Kiiigst *Kiiig Horatio (decorative painter and gilder), 22 King st *Parlett Edward, New Conduit *Raven & Chadwick, 48 High st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. (See also the preceding list.) Butcher Henry Martin, II Regent st Eveiitt Jidin, 3 Hiah st Girdlestone Jolin, Sedgeford lane GosKar Thomas, 83 High st Hall Richard, 4 Valingers road Hart Robert S.,94 Norfolk st Lea( h Robert H 17 Tower st Lock Benjamin, 125 Norfolk st Loose Francis, 3 Railway road Manton Jonathan, lUackfriars road Meul Thomas, Bioad st Paiik Isaac. 51 Niu-folk st Plo«ri)ilit Charles, Maker lane Watering James, London road PAAVN BROKERS. Says John, 26 New Conduit st Taylor Thomas, 38 Tower st Thomas Mary, Union lane Reddie Josiah Ferdinand Bucking ham terrace [square *Rndland Ann, 25 Coronation *WallackHeniy,10Buckinghain terr REGISTER OFFICES FOR SERVANTS. CawstonSarah,Lib'ar\Couit,Highst Bullen Mary Ann, 2 .Austin st Peace Alice, 21 Tower st Pickerill Robert W. 22 St. James st ROPE MAKERS. Buck Mary, Windsor place Cockerill Charles, 6 Friar st Linay & Cooper, 120 High st [pi Marsters & Amies, Tuesday Market SACK MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS. Linay & Cooper (wholesale dealers in sacks), 120 High -t Mai stei s& Arm es,Tuesday Market pi SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Beets Sht idon, 2 Railway road Bushcll William Dunham, 138 Norfolk »t Downing James, 10 Chapel st Roberts John, Gaywood road Benstead Shadiich, Hiuhgate Bird John, 68 Norfolk .st Biid John, Higbgate Bootman Charles, North Eveiard st Bowler Mary, 14 Friars st Brooks Sarah, 10 Guannock tenace Cook Mariha, 2 Reecnt st Cooper J(d)n, All S.iints st Coote James, 3 Sontii Lynn plain Diifficld Benjamin, 38 All Saints st Everett Robert, 4 Souihgate st Ewer Dawson, Castle Ri-iug Fayers Elizabeth, 15 Noith st Flandi rs Joseph, Chapel st Flegg Thomas, St dgtford lane Frost Robert, Gaywood Gaidiner William, 65 Norfolk st Gittens Jolin, 27 Coronation square Greeves William, South Clough lane Hopkins William Thomas, Bridge .^t Howes William, North st Ives William, 36 To«er st Jex Hi iiry, Sedgeford lane Lack Noah, West Lynn Lawsoii Frances, West Lynn Lcarinouth William, 7 liridgest Melton Ann, Norih st Ollett Miry, North st Parlttt John, Chapel st Pile Maruaret, New Checker st Potter Joseph, Purfleet st Reed Thos. C, 47 South Everard st Ringwood Robt.,12 SoiithEveiaidst Rolfe JS.iyer, Jew's lane Blue Lion, John Portei, 69 Norfolk st Hoar's Head, Cbarles Scarf. 26 High st BowlingGreen,Riibt.Gorc,NewCliecker st Bricklayers' Arms, William Dobson, S'edgeford lane Brush Makers' Arms, John Aldridge, Giianncick terrace [st Brush Makers' Arms, J.imes Frost , Austin Bull, Robert Munson, High st Bushel, Jiimes Jackson, King st Cambiidge,(jeoBamhridge,Raihvay pasge Canteen, John Medlock, Jew's lane Carpen'ers' Arms, George Col>er, 10 Lon- don road [Norfolk st Carpenters' Arms, Thomas Rayner. 44 Castle, Thomas Hodgson, St. James' end Cattle Market Tavern, Charles Uocking, Broad street Chequers, Thomas Seapey, Southgate st Chrrry 'I'ree, William Pike, West Lynn Clough Fleet Tavern, John Green, St. James' ruud Coach and Horses, John James Wise- man, Saturday Marketplace Cock, William Uunger, (lay wood Coopers' Arms,VVilliam \Vardle,Saturday Market place Cow, Robert Webb, St. James' place Crown, Christoplier Cox, Boal si Crown, William Yonng, Southgate Crown and Mitre, William f. Carpenter, Ferry lane [Lynn plain Cross 'A'ajs, Robert Warner South l)o{j, Robert Fayers, 26 Norfolk st Oog & Duck, Thomas Cross, Pilot st Dolphin, Morris Gee, Friars st Duke of Wellington, John Andrews, Nelson street Duke William, Henry Read, 85 Norfolk st Eagle. Thomas Smith, 111 Norfolk st E.ol Grey, John May, Jew's lane Ferry Boat, James Bobbitt, West Lynn Ferry Boat, Andrew Y. Richardson, Ferry Boat lane [Pilot st Fisherman's Arms, William Felgate, Fleece, Jonathan Gagen, Paradise road Fleece, James Tann, West Lynn Folke's Arms, Thos. Black, Little Port st Foul Anchor, Thomas Hill, Boal *\ Fox & Hounds, Edward Reed, Chapel st Fox & Hounds, Mary Lord, Norfolk st Freebridge, William Mann, West Lynn George and Dragon, William filancb- tlower, 16 High street Goat, Eoliert Howes. Friars st Golden Lion, ?ami)el Cousins, Purfleetst Green Dragon, Jemima Clarke, 14,5 Nor- folk st [Bridge st Greenland Fishery, Robert Morris, Gun, Willis Wells, Baxter's plain Hob-in-the-Well, James I'egg, Little Port street [Lynn Hope and Anchor, John Pike, West Horse & (jroom, Aaron 'I'uck, Chapel st Hulk, l!i belt Cotton, Bridge st Jolly Waterman, James H. Forster, ]1. Stonegate street [Conduit st King George, Thomas Main, New King William, Francis Turner,l*nrflect st King's Arms.John .Smith, New Conduit st Lady of the Lake, Jas. Pishorn, Bridge st Lamb, Thomas Hammond, King st Lattice, Charles Keeper, Chapel st Lincoln Tavern, Richard Hall, Mill Fleet terrace [place Live and Let Live, John Watts, Windsor Lord Nelson, William Dipgons, Austin st Maid's Head, John Enefer, Tuesday Mar. ket place [parade Mariners' Arms, Roliert Cozens, Marine Mermaid, Robert Pcarce, Tower st Mermaid, George Pearson, Nelson st Mitre. Jeremiah Ballinlcn, Queen st New Inn, Edward Smith, South Wootlon New Railway Tavern, John Bond, Ont South gates Norfolk Arms, Henry Hanwell, North at Ostrich, John Irwin, Norfolk st Pilo tHoy, Sarah Barrett, Pilot st Pilot's Tavern, Wm. Ford, St. Annes' Fort Plasterers' Arms, Richard Riches, Black- friars road Plough, William Bronkbanh, Kingst Plumbers' Arms, Thomas Leach, Broad st Prince of Wales, Chas. Pishorn, Purfleet »t Prince of Wales, Thomas Young, Out South gates [friars road Princess Royal, John Skipper, Black- Queen Caroline,Chii«. Cne, Guannockterr Queen Victoria, James Ryan, Tower >t Queen's Arms,Wni. Wilkin, London load Queen's Head, Susan Bennell, 4o High st RailwayTavern, Robert Wales, I-iBridge st RecruitingSerjeant. Sarah Bennell, Satur- day Market place Red Cow Inn (and gang proprietor), Simon Godfrey, Church street Red Lion, Robert Shafto, Purfleet st Red RoviT, Martha Disigius, Jew's lanp Red Rover, John Hall, 23 Coronation sq Richard Third, John Stiinpson,97 High st Rising Sun.FrancisWebster, Stonegate st Robin Hood, Edward Burton, Union st Rose, Philip Pipe, South st Rose and 'Thistle, Charles Osborn.South Clough lane Royal Oak, John Owen. King st Sailor's Arms, Harvin Hodgson, Qneen 8t Scotch Grey, John Legi;etl, Friars st Shakspeare, William Bartram, Kingst Ship, F'>lwaid Knape, Gaywood Ship, William aayer. Bridge st ' Ship, David Wortlcy, 13 Queen st Wivtttox^. LYNN REGIS, &c. Korfolfe. Shoulder of Mutton, William Hammond, Chapel St [terrace Spread Eagle, John Gooding, Guannock Spread Eagle, Win. Smith, Gaywood road Star, Henry Wanty, Norfolk st Sun, Rice Reynolds, Norfolk st Swan, Edward Englednn, Gaywood Swan, Thomas Feltwell, Norfolk st Three Crowns, Charles Lake, Queen st ThreeHorseahoes, Frederick Hall, Jew's la Three Pigeons, Charlolte Peacock, St. James street Three Trins, Richard Garman, Church st Town Arms, John Howlett, 1 Queen st Tub, Thomas Hook, St. Nicholas st Two Breivers, Henry Twaites, Purtieet st Unicorn, William Wilton, Tower st Valiant Sailor, George Wells, Nelson st Victory John Dun thorne,TuesdayM a rkt pi Whitby, Henry Horneygold, Kingst AVhite Hart, Henry Wells, Saturday Market place Whi(eHorse,ThomasU ood ward Gay wood White Swan, Rose Dyson, West Lynn Whitesmiths' Arms, Susannah Neve, Pilot street Windsor, Charles Wright. Kejipel st Wisbeach Telegraph, Edward Ward, Chapel st [kef place Woolpack, Robert Adams, Tuesday Mar- Wrestlers, William Gardner, Queen st Yorkshire Tavern, John Aldridge, 18 Queen street Retailers of Beer. Alderton Robert, Out South gates Barlle fienjamiii, Pilot st Bartle \\ illiam, 43 New Conduit st Beats Robert, Windsor place Bo'tomley William, West Lynn Brighton Mary, Jew's lane Brown Ann, High^ate Chamberlain James. 104 Norfolk st Coleman Sarah. Gaywood road Colman William, Pilot st Eblis William, North M'ootton Eldred Murray, 56 High st Greenaway Robert, 36 Friars st Gudgeon John. Boal st Harrison John Henry, John st Holching William, Gavwood road Howletl'William, 132 Norfolk st Jackson Edward, Gaywood load IVlidilleton Robert, North end Miller James, Bridiie st Milson Charles, 134 Norfolk st Michols Robert, Gaywood Ollett Mary, North st Pilch William, Bridge st Pitt Benjamin, Tower st Ravenshaw Harriet, 56 Norfolk st Short Thomas, Gaywood Sims John, Pilot st Stapleton James, South Wootlon Walker William. North end Wardale John, Union place White William, Sedgeford lane TEA DEALERS Bl DRAPERS— TliAVELLlNG. Aird Alexander, North Eveiaid st Armstrong James, London road Armstrong Maitlnv. NevvChccker .st Campbfll Andrew, 9 St. James' rd Cooper William, Regent st Fisher James, Norfolk st Mc. Chine Jamis, 10 Union st Mc.Corty Samuel, New Cliecker st Mitchell James (diaper) St. James' rd Rae George & Alexander, 3 Guan- nock place Walker John, St. John st TIMBER mERCHANTS. Cartwiiglit Reuhen, West Lynn Cook Robc-rt, Tuesday Marketplace English OxKy & Co. King st Everard Edward & Sons,13aker lane Gisciird Uriah I mahogany merchant) 74 High street HoKt;e VVilliam, King st Hnlton & Self, 30 St. James st Marsters John, the Boal TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS- Eldred INlurrey (tobacconist), 56 High street Pindar & Clark (and siuiff), Saint Anne street TOBACCO PIPE MAKERS. , Bargley John, Stdgeford laife Edmunds Francis,NortliClough lane Flanders Joseph, Chapel st Hitchcock John, Kinn st Joplin Thomas, 7 Norfolk st TOY DEALERS. Hastings Samuel, 100 High st Johnson Isaac, 38 High st Lowes John, 33 St. Jatnes st Plowright Snnnel, 119 Norfolk st Warth William, 22TuesdayMarket pi TURNERS IN WTOOD. Digeons William, Broad st Hardy William, Chajiel st Mitton William, Norfolk st VETERINARY SURGEONS. Freeman William W. Tower st Whitwell Richard, Broad st WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS. AndrewsWm.Theodoric,44Towerst Burlingham Daniel C, 4 Tiiestiay Rlarliet place Greene Rnbert, Castle rising Hastings Robert, 146 Norfolk st Herrmann Sebastian, 7 Norfolk st Hettich Clement, 37 Norfolk .st Hnnter F'rederick, 103 High st Jones Hart, 10 High st King John, 9 High st Latten Robert James, Blackfriars' rd Pridgeon William Read, Saturday Market place Piing Thomas, 54 High st Sheldiick John, 12 Providence row Turner John, 3 St. James st Waldfogel & Siedle, 18 Norfolk st Woods James C, 93 High st WHARFINGERS. Cook Henry Houghtim, Common Staith [square Garland William;& Son, King Staith WHEELWRIGHTS. Crowe Daniel. Gaywood road Guy Thomas, St. Nicholas st Reynold-- Wni., Gnannock terrace Silence Nicholas, Gaywood road W^HITESMITHS. Aickman & Menzies, King street Andrews Thomas, Albert st Dawes Philip, Priory lane Dines Heiiiy, Regent st f.iace Hudson Edward, 25 Guannock tei- Neve Susannah, Pilot st Potter Joseph, Purfleet bridge True Rdbtrt, St. James st Wilhnt Charles, 23 to 26 High st W^INE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. [See also Spirit Blerchants and also ll'ine ISlerchunts.) Browne Daniel, 137 Norfolk st Burlingham James, 14 Norfolk st Everard Edward &Sons, Bakerlane Fisher James, 140 Norfolk st Green John, Tuesday iMaiket place Jackson .lohn, 11 Norfolk st Jefferv & Co., King st Laws Gtorge & Co., 8 High st WINE MERCHANTS. {See also the preceding list.) Bullock Brame, 110 High st Clifton William & Son, Queen st ManningEd ward Bos wort lijTuesday Market place Oxley & Moyse, King st WOOL MERCHANTS. Jeffery & Co., Kingst Moyse Walter, 7 King street IVtiscellaneous. Barker William, maker of lireworks, 3 All Saiirts st [London road Barratt William, chatT and hay dealer, Bunnell William collector of rates, 11 Saturday Market [foil; st Collinson Jacob, dealer in game, 98 Nor- Cozens George, temperance hotel, Black- Iriars road [lane Eggett Frances,upholstiess,SoiitlrCl()r]gli Eldridge George, engraver, 45J High st ExIey.Tliomas, excavators' tools maker. West Lynn Goskar Thomas, clerk of the cattle mar. Uet, 26 Valenger's road Green Edmund, ale and porter merchant, Tuesday Market place Harrison John, cattle salesman, Norfolk st Johnson Thos. news agent, 'J.'i Norfolk st Jordan Richard, town missionary, 29 New Checker str [don road King Thomas, harbour master, 17 Lon. Lincoln I'hos. hardwareman, Norfidk st Marsters John, hone merchant, the Boal Martin & Harrison, cattle salesmen, Gaywood and Lynn Munn Richard & Co., paper makers, Wisbeach road I'latten William, cleik, Baxter's plain Plowright Henry,chemical manure agent, 4 London road Sheves John, hasket maker, 35 Norfolk st Tovey William, working jeweller, Bur- lingham's court Wibberley William John, engineer and machinist. Union lane Youngs Thomas, chimney sweeper, 23 Chapel street PUBLIC BUILDINGS OFFICES esc. PLACES OF WORSHIP, AND THEIIS MINISTERS. CHURCHES OF THE ESTABLISHMENT ALL Saints', South Lynn— Rev. Robert Beloe. Saint Faith's, Gaywood — Rev. Thomas Hulton, M.A., rector. Saint John THE Evangelist's, Black- friars road — Rev. E.F. Ld wards Han- kinson, incumbent. Saint Lawrk.vce's, Castle Rising — Rev. Charles W. Bagott, rector; Rey. Edward Pinifar, cHja/e. Saint Margaret's, >aturday Market place— Rev. Robert Hankinsnn, ma.. rector; Rev. William Leeper, Rev.Wm. F.Welch,and Rev. Henry Brown,ci/r(ifes. Saint Nicholas' Chapel of Ease Si. Anues street — (the same ministers as Saint Margaret'.s.) Saint Peter's, West Lynn — Rev. Jere- miah Bowen, b.a , incumbent. DISSENTING CHAPELS. Baptist, Blackfriars road— Rev. John T. Wigner, minister. Independent, New Conduit street — Rev. Robert Hamilton, ininisier. Friends' Meeting House, New Con- duit street. Unitarian, Norfolk street— Rev.Andrew Lunn, minister. Wesleyan Methodist, Tower street— Primitive Methodist, London road. Wesle VAN Assoc lATio.v.NorlhCloiigh la Roman Catholic, North Everuid st — Rev. George Righy, priest. CUSTOM HOUSE, rUliFLEET QUAY. CoZ/fc/or— Mr. John Moody. Cvinptroller and Landuuj Surveyor — Mr-. Geort:e Arnold. Chief Clerk to the Collector and Ware- houseman — William Kendler. Second C/er/c— Fr-ancis John Swatman. Tide Surveijor — Robert Jacksim. Landimj Searchers and Coast Waiters — Thoriias W. Hnnter, Philip Broadfoot and Robert Jackson. INLAND REVENUE OFFICE, BKOAD STREET. CoZ/fc/or— William Gariard. .Supervisor George George. Collectors' Clerk— John Dawson. 47 Xorfolfe. LYNN REGIS, &c. ^latct'sJ WEST NORFOLK AND LVNN HOSPITAL, LONDON ROAD. Phnsician — John Wliittiiie- SuKjeoiis—Gforsi- Sayle & Clias. Cotton. House Siinieoiiix- Src>ftary—Chas.Feiia.by fijation—Doioliiy Judson. POOR LAW UNION. T'NioN Workhouse, St. James'. fj.jicnjor— Tliurlow Nelson. Jl^rtf'on— Charlotte Bl ck Sihoolmasler — Robert Lawson. .VWi.io/iiitsdess Haiinali Car<-y. derk to the Boird of Guardians — •Idlin .lames Coulton. Chaplnin — Rev. William Howlett. .Sii ryfoHs— Charles Coiton, Henry Smythe aiui William E. Hnnler. Relieviiiy 0/^ars— William Tilney and Huratio Nelson. REGISTRARS^ OF BIRTHS, DEATHS & MARRIAGES. Supfrintendent liipiitrar— John James (oultiMi — Oilice, Austin street. Reyiilrar for the North District- George Buinhriilae, Norfolk st. " Middle District— John Chad- wick, 10 Norfolk street. " South District— Thomas Allen, Valennei's road. " For Marriages— John Impin Martin, Norlblk street. " Far the FreebriilgeLynnVinon — John G, Etches, Gay w ood road. COUNTY COURT, HELD MONTHLY IN THE GUILDHALL. J«'/nf— Jolin Dick Birnnhv. Esq. // p/i bull ff-ThomsLS V.Wright, Hich St. « 7^,-;c — I'h il i p W ilson— Office.St J ames' st Jiaii iff— James Dewson. A1.B10S Hall, Broad street Bai.i.ast Office, Queen st--Jeremiali Unlleiiten, fca//as( mister Bible Depository, .^o High st— \Vm. John Hives, depusitoiy Christian' Knowledge Society's Dkp.iT, d7 St. Jitmes street Co*L and Corn M eters Officr, (iueen street— J'lhn Robinson, Aead master Eau Brink Cut Office, the Boal— Henry Sceats, to//ec(o;' G4S UoiiKs, Out Southgafes — Sampson Almond, manar/er Haliso Toll Officb, the Boal — Thos. Hill,c'.//ei(oi- J.YNN .SEI.F-SlPrORTING I.\STITDTION (lor the Sick and Hurt), Baxter's plain J"hn Siii\ih,bonkkerper M »bki-:t H ALL, Tuesday Market place IMo'iBi.\c Dues Ofkici:, King street — Edw.ird Self, fo;/fc/o)- Museum, Union street— William Taylor, honorary secretary Police Office, Queen street — John Wood, superintendent Stamp Office, Baker lane — William 'I'ajlor, distributer Tax Office (Income, Property and Assessed), Terrace walk — William C. M'Kenna, survtynr Tempeiiancb Hall, Blackfriars road Town Gaol, Saturday Market place John Ballerbee, 3<)iicinoc Tr^ct Dei'ositoiiy, ItKi High street- Thomas S. Share, depositary Water Works, Kettle mills— Joseph Woottou, manager COACHES, &C. ToBURNHAM MARKET,an Omnibus, from the (ilobe Hotel, every Tuesday afternoon at four, and the AJail Cart, everv morning at six To SPALDING, the Union, from the Globe Hotel, every morning ^Sunday excepted), at nine To THORNHAM, the Endeavour, from the Globe Hotel, every Monday, Tues- day. Thursday find Saturday afiernoon at four; goes through Castle Rising Snettisliam and Hunlslanton CONVEYANCE BY RAILW^AY, ON THE EAST ANGLIAN LINE. Station, Blackfriars road — Mr T. P. Bond, secretary; Mr. Wenlworth (lay, poorfs' manager j Richard CoUer, s(afio)i c/erfc CARRIERS. To ANMER, — Shred, from the Star, Tuesday and Saturday To BAR f ON, — Morley.from theBushel, Tuesday To BIRCH AM,- O^wick.from the Bird- in-Hand, & — Durtield, from the Rum- mer, Tue.>>day and Saturday To BOSTON, Gibbon.s.fiom theMaid's Head, Tuesday and Friday, through Su'ton and HMheach To BRANCASTKR, — Bowler, from the Star, and -- Fiddiman, from the Black Hor*e, Tuesday and Friday, through Doekins; To BURN HAM MARKET,— Sampher' from the Mud's Head, and — Howard' Irom the Vidorv, Tuesday and Friday To BURY ST. EDMUNDS, — Steward' from the Rummer, Tuesday and Friday> through 'f'hetlbrd To CASTLE ACRE, by the Norwich carriers To CASTI.E RISING, by the Bran- caster earners To CROMER. — Mason, from thePlack Horse, Tuesrlay and Saturday ; through Fakenham and Holt To DERIiHAM.liy the Nor wicncarriers To DERSINGHAM, — Davis, from tb« Bushel, Tuesday and Saturday To DOWNHAM. — Wriuht, from the Bushel. Tuesday,Thursday & Saturday To ELM HAM, — Tumbling, Irom the Sla-. Tuesday ToFAKENHAM.bythe Cromer carriers ToFINCHA.M,— Southgate. from the Bushel, & — Barker, from the Plough, Tuesday and Saturday To FLirCHA.M. — Linfnrd, from the Royal Oak, Tuesday and .'Saturday To GRIMSIONE, - Casbian, from the Green Dragon, Tuesday. Thursday and S.iturdav, and — Sliiukfield, from the Bird-in-Hand, Thursday & Saturday ToHAUPLEY, — Oye, from the Wrest- lers' Arms, Tuesday and Saturday To HEACHAM,— High, from the Green I Dragon, daily, through Snetiisham I ToHILGAY,— 'Slingsby,from the Rummer I To Hf)LT. by the Cro.mer carriers I To HUNSTANTON, — Wales, from the I Plough, Tuesday and Friday I To MARHAM,— Jackson, from the Bird- I in-Hauil, Saluiday To MASSiNGHAM, — Bone, from the Plough, & — Muer, from tne Wrestlers Inn, Tuesday and Saturday I ToNARBOllOUOH, — Pool'ey, from the , Coach & Horses, 'I'uesday & Saturday To NORTH WOLD, — Crisp, from the Bushel. Saturday To NORWICH, - Belts. from the Black Horse, and — Bondy, from the Maid's Head, Tuesday and Friday; —Twit, from the Plough, Friday, and — Stringer, on Saturday To RUDHAM, — Basham, from the Maid's Head, and — Glaswell,from the Star, Tnesday and Saturday To SNETIISHAM,— Judge, from the Bull, Tuesilay, I hursday «c Saturday To SPALiHNG, — Winkley, fiom the Black Horse, Tuesday and Friday To S rOKE. — Salmon, from the Star, Tnesdav. Thursday & Saturday To SWAFFHAM,— Coe.from the Star. Tuesday, Thursday and S iturday To TERRINGTON,. — Failesfrom the Plough, Tuesday and .Saturday To THETFORD. by the Bury Saint EuMU \ DS carriers To THORN'HAM,- Herring, from the Black Horse, and — Spendlove, from the .Sun, Wednesday and Saturday To WELLS, — Cock, Irom the Green Dragon, and — Rhodes, from the Maill's Head, Tuesday Si Saturday To WISBEACH, — Hudson, from the INIaid's He-ad, Tuesday and Friday CONVEYANCE BVWATER. ToHULL, the io'v/ iV./soH ■^:ean fac' el, fiom Coiun.on Saitli, evi'iy Frida\ — Henry H. CojI;, Tuesday Mark«;t place, agent NORTH ^\ WITH THE VILLAGE OF WOHSTl IXoRTH WALSH.AM is a paiisli in ilii- liundrcd o{ 1 TMiiMi'ad — the mailu't town, inconsi'.leiable in size, liiit aiicii'iitand resiaciahle; is 12.iiiiile> N E. liyN.fioni J.ondi.ii, and 14 N. from N^iwii li (thf laticrtlic iicaie.st I jalway st.ition; ; situated oil the hinh road between j Nniv\i'c!i and the noi tin in cuast of llie coiiiiiy. The town is clean, but inegulaily budr; and (•oi)sist> ofi • ■ne le.idin^ street and .-eveial smaller ones diverging ; fioin it, nio-t of which are well paved and gas-li.iihted. The maikei cross, erected in the reign of Edward 111. 1 was injun d by the gie.it fiie, which nea.ily 'hstroyed tiie lo\vii, ill KiOO ; it was siihse(]ueiitly repaired, and is rtii attractive object. This neighbimiliood is the re- ! Hi leiice (if many genteel families, and is embellished t with >oiiie hand.some seats. In the vicinity of the town the conriiry is flat; but fmllier eastward,: tdwards ihe coast, it is inoie vaiii' is well known as a comfortable commercial house, as well as an efficient posting establislnm nt. The North WaMiani and Uilliam canal passes a short distance north-east of the town, and is a continuation of ihe Bine, which is navigable t" Varmonth ; an extensive gianaiy and coal wharf lia\(' been erected at the basin, at Ainingham, by Lord .Suflicld. Tliis nobleman hnlds a court baron annually, as does the irish(.p of Norwich; the magisir.ites asseinldc In re weekly in i)eity se-sion, tipon business connected wiih the hunditd; and Wal- sham is included in the thiitv-thiid circuit of County Cmirt towns, iiudcr the act passed in 1846, for tlie recoieiy of dehts to any amount not exceed- ine £20. The town is a polling station at the election of membeis to represent Ea^t Noifnll;. The parish cliincli nf Saint Mary is spacious, Imt possesst 8 iiotbiiig to attract attention, except a fine monument, in the chancel, to .Sir William Paston, Knt. : the living is a vicarage, of which, by virtue of his aUbacy, the liishoj) of Norwich is p.itron. Inde- [lendents,' We^leyan and Primitive .Methodists, and t!ie Society of Eriends, have their n sped ive places of woiship. The principal charitable institution is a IBirectori). NORTH WALSHAJVl, &c. Korfolfe. free grammar school, endowed by Sir Willain Paston, | some celebrity as the place where tlie tvvisied varn abi.veiiieiiiioiied, m 16f.0, forfoity boys from ci-rtHin ' called fFarstfi/t wns first Tnanti(actiire.l—tlie name of bundreds of the county; it is an ably conducted tlie place bavins been anci.utly spelled the «amf wav establishment: tiie late Admiml L-nd Nelson reeeived as that maieri;.!. iManuliictures h.te long been un- Jiis ediKHtinn at tins school. A library, lift by the . known here, and ih.re is no e.stablisliment of any Rev. —Heniey, f.ir tiie use of professional gentlemtn consequeice in business, unless a good inn may be of the town and neighbonihood, is noder tliecaie of considered an exception. A manorial court is held the governors and p.iaster of the sdioo!. A Sunday i annually, at which coir-tabjes and other officers are school, conducted upon the iiatiwnal plan, is siip- appoiiiie<). The paiish church of Saint Mary is a ported by subscriptions, and there is another school : spacious and truly handsome structure, with a lofiv upon tlie Briii-h plan. The luaikct is held on j square tower ciowi.ed with pinnacles • \iie chancel is 'I'huisd.iy; a fair for cattle and p-dlery on the day adorned with richly carv.d screen work, and th" lout before Hoiy-Thui-sday, and statutes for hiiineservanis is highly orn;tmented : the living is a di'scliareed vica- twice a year. The parish contained, in 1831, 2,615 i;.ge. in the presentation of the Dean and Clianter of inhabitants, and in 1841, 2,6'55. I Norwich. 'I'here is a place of worship for Baptists - VVoBSTEAD is a parish in the same hundred as Wal- j an-l tiie r hariiies consist of a .-school for poor cliildren' shtni— the villuge is somewhat above 2 miles s. by e. supported by subs( ripiion, and alm^iioiises for six in- fi-om that town, pleasantly seateh11 Mrs. — , Kiee School toad Petre Captain JohnBerney,Swafield PetieJack, F.iq., Westwick Hou^e Pitcher Mr. John, Kiee School road Uandell Mr. John, Free School road Robin>onSir Heniy, Kiiapton Kous ihe Honiije. William Rufus, Woi stead House [st Shepherd Martin Jaii'es,Esq. Market Simpson Mrs. Hairiet, Angel st Spunleiis Rev. William Tylney, the Oaks [Diiham Tavlor Shepherd Thomas, Esq., Vincent Mr. George, Happishurgh Hall [road Waller Miss Mary Ann.FieeS( hool Wilkiiisonllev.WilliamF. Theatre st Wilier Mis. Elizabeth, Ttieatre st ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS. British School, Free School road — George Matthews, master: Mary Ann Julen, misiress Cross Sophia (boarding aud day), Grove cottage ATTORNEYS. Maker Robert S.. Market place Cojehy Charle.s, King's Arms st Millard Philip (and clerk to the magistrates), Marshwate Sadler Samuel, Maiket place Seeiv Benjamin Culiitt, Beech grove Wilkinson George (and assistant clerk to the County Courtj, Lower st AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISRS. Deyns John Fuller, the Terrace Pope William, Maiket place BAKERS fit FLOOR DEALERS. Cooper Robert, Worstead Dvbal! Robert, Marketplace Newton Samuel, Market st Pratt William, Market place Smith John, Market place White Timotiiy, 'I'heaire st BANKERS. East of England Bank (Branch) ilieTeiracei — (draw on the Lon- don and Westminster Bank), — Richard Barker, agent GuRNEVs' & BiRKBECK (Biaiicli), -Masket place— (draw on Baicl.iy andCo. London) — Robert Barker, agent Loads John, Theatre st M ai tin Joiiii, Climcbiiale st Mower William, Back st Mower William, inn. Maiket place 0>tler Robert, Worstead Saunders Charles, Maiket place Sewi 11 Samuel, jun. Theatre st Swann Jedediah, Worstead Walpole Richaid, Hall lane Wilier George, Market place BRAZIERS AND TINMEN.! Cuhitt George, Maiket st Randell James, Market place Trivelt Edward, J\Lirket st BREWERS. Bransbv Kirby, Butchery Colk William, North st' Pilgrim Cornish, Theatre st BRICKLAYERS. Bailey William, Chmcii plain Cooper William, Worstead Dohb> James, Swafield road Dobbs William, CliurchL-ate st Walts William, Worstead Wilson Heiiiy. Hall lane Wilson William, Hail lane BUTCHERS. Amies William (piirk),C}iurch plain Lacon Sir Edmund Knowles, Bart. Bi^i't^y Edward. Butchery and Co. (Branch), Market place Burton John, Mai ket place (draw on Glvn.H.illifax and Co. Cross George, Market place London), — William Colk, agent Savings" Bank, .Maiket place(opeii every Monday from 12 till 1), — William Colk, actuary BLACKSMITHS. Davidson John, Maiil'sHead yard_ EastiV Geoige, Theatre st Everson Thomas, North st Garner Geoige (and farrier), Swa- liild road Neave Jeiemiah, Worstead Free Grammar School, Maiket j Rickardson Richard, Hall lane place — Rev. Thomas Dry, jjead i Ship]eyWilliam(aii(l farrier)Newrd master ; Rev. Edward Cridge, second master National School, 'J'heatre st — Charles Felt ham, master; Maria Feltham, mistress National School, Worstead Jo.seph Cosby, master Simnsou Sarah (boardingand day), Angel st [Worstead Smiih .Misses (boarding and day), Webster Joseph (boardingand day) Ciiuichgdtest BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND PRINTERS. Mower John Thomas, IMarket place Pluinby Jidin, Market place BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. .■^bbs James, Market place Bailey Edward, butcher Biilliinore Mary (dealer), butcher Douglity William, Hall lane Fox William, Hall lane Green Isaac, Lower st King Samuel, Maiket place Cross John, Worstead Douglity James, Maiket st CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Lacey Richard C. Bank st Mace Joseph, Market place Tooke Thomas, Church plain CARPfcNTERS AND JOINERS. Coopei' William, Worstead Hewitt William, Lower st Howlett Robert, Free Sciiool road Mace John, North st Rump Robert, Wor-tead Watts James, Lower st CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. BIytli Samuel Harvey. Marketplace Crook Wiiliam Gnstaviis (& vender of patent medicines) Mai ket place Fi'ipinow Charles, Worstead S.idler Richai d, INLrrket place CHINA, GLASS, &c., DEALERS Birt Martha Isabella, Marketplace Johnson William, Butchery Tinner George, Theatre st 49 Xoifolfe. NORTH WALSH AM, &c. ^latei'jS COAL MERCHANTS. Sadler Chiistoplier, Woistead Tack Jf)sei)li, Worstcad Valf John, Ni'^v loul Williiu'itt lliibeit.t luiichgite st CONFECTIONERS. Smitli John, Maikt-t pl.ice White Kdwaid, Market place Williaiusuii Jolii), juii. Market st COOPERS. Dye Robert, Thtatie st Ei'iclaiid Stephen, King's Arras st Willian)Son Jiihii, Market st CORN AND FLOUR DEALERS. EnKlaml John, Chiirchgate ( Thorn IS, itecves lane CURRIERS AND LEATHER CUTTERS. Huuiphrev John. Cliiuc'i p'ain Lane Groom 'and taunt-r) Market pi I'ank Williatr., Marketplace Sewell Samuel, Lower st FARIWERS. Carman John, W'oisttid Colk Rot.ert, Worste.iham ALirfeiv Richard, Worst ad Na4i \Villiam, Worstead Neivton William, Angel st Riches John, >pa I'oinm'iu Storey John, Happisbnrgh Waterson H-'nry, AvMnni road Woitley John, Lingate FIRE, «ic , OFFICE AGENTS. Atlas, Lhzhtli. Woodrow, Church- gate ^t Ci.F.iiicAL, Medical, &c. [life), William Cnlk, North st Farmers' and General (and hail- storm), Drake Sewell, .^Lirket pi Farmers' iind Wraziers' (cattle), Drake Sewell, Market place Oeveual (hail-storm), Roht-rt S. Haker, Ma'ket plai;e Norwich Kouitarle, George Cuhitt, M ukit st Norwich Union, Geo. \\"ilkii)soii, Lower St.. and Robert Raker, Market place PiitEMX ftiie) an I Pelican (life), Philip Mi'lard, Mai>-h-.>t.- Star, U chard S.irlles \laii;ef place SuFIoi.K, Samuel Sailler, .Mnrket pi FURNITURE BROKERS. Lac'v Uich.ud C. Uanl; ,-t Mace Joseph, Market place Tooke Thomas, C'lmch plain Wilier William, Cliurcngate .st GLOVERS AND BREECHES MAKERS. Pal rick Jame-, Noi th st S'cwaid R iheit, Maik. t p] (ce GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. (See also Shop'.rPiirrs, mid also Tea f)eali'is.) Cubiti Cliarle-, Market place Dnrieii George, Market place Hnmphr. y John, Market plain Jackson .lohn, North st Mar'iii .lolin, ('hiircliL'ate st Martin Robert, Market place Sewell Drake 'and tallow chandler), Market pi ice Sewell Samuel, Lower st Sha'ders Jacob, Worstead Smith George, Market place Woodrow Klizabelh, Ciiuicligate it 50 GUN MAKERS. Buck James, Market place [st Mi'rterWm.(\ whitesmith), Theatre HAIR DRESSERS AND PERFUMERS. Pigg William, Chuichgate st Riches Jchn, Marketplace Spiiiks Jolii), lii)t(dii ry HATTTER. PopeWiHiam,( London Hat Ware- house), .Market place HORSES, GIGS, Ac- owners OF, FOR HIRE. Arthur >latibew. Market place Harris Benjamin North st Kemp Joseph, Maiket place Lyall George, Antingham road Pilgrim Cornish, Theatre st INNS. King's Arras (commercial aiH post- ing), Matthew Arthur, Market pi New Inn (commercial and posiiiig), John Row'and, Woistead IRONMONGERS AND IRON MERCHANTS. Ciihitt Georae (nnd iron, and brass foiinder,implemi lit manufacturer, and one-iiotse cart maker}. Mar- ket st Raiidell James, Market place Trivett Kdward (ami stove grate manufacturer). Market st LINEN AND WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Chamberlain J no. & Son, Market pi Cuhitt Chatles, Markft place Dehenue Kleanor, (Jluncheatc st Doiuhty Ciiarlo'te&Lucy.IVrirket st .Ludison John, Kiim's .Arms st .lohtK-on Will, fi J no. Market place Slialders Jacob, Worstead Smith George, Marketplace Wright John, .Market place MACHINE MAKERS. Cuhitt George (agiicnltiiial iniple- inents), Market street Dyhall Willi iin, Norwich road Kasey George, 'I'bcatie st MALTSTERS. Colk William, North st Pilgrim Cornish, Theatre st I MILLERS. Rarton William, Racton Wood Mill Kwin.; Tlioma<, Norwich road Gnits Jamev, Ddhun \ Ladell Henrv. Staithe Mill, Dilbam Partiidge William, Walsham Mills Sadler Cbiistophei, Worstead Tills Thomas, Keeve's lane WelN Wm. Hariison, Dilbam Mills j Woidlsey Renin Po-tle, S.vntield id V''Oiii(.'man I^aac, Field Mill Voungman 'riiomas. Honing MILLINERS& DRESS MAKERS I Claik Maria, Rntcbery Cl.oke Hannaln'^i .Mary, Market pi Debeiine ICIeaiifir, ('hiirrhgite st (Jariod (Charlotte, iiuttlieiy Green .lesse. Market st Humpltrey Lfiuisa, (Church plain Pope Jane, Maikei |)l^ce Watts Mary .Ann, ihe TeirTce WoolNey Hninali & Postle (and stiaw boimei), Maiket place PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Fail James, .Angel st HallTho.i.as, .Market pi ice Milehim Iticliai'l, King's Arm.s st I Roofe Kobert, Theatre st Scott William Y. Tireatie st Shiiiley Kdwaid, Worstead fSADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. riippertoM William, Maiket st Dei'ham Jame<, Worstead siimp-'on Jo-eph, liank st Wood James, Market place SEED MERCHANT. C(dk William (ami hop). North st SHOPKEEPERSficDEALERS IN GROCERIES, 6t SUNDRIES. Bailey Samuel, Sv\a(ield road Cooper William, Woistead Tinker Ann, Worstead Topps Sophia, Market place SPIRIT AND PORTER MER- CHANTS. Arthur Matthew, .Market place Ranotte Reiijii. (&wine),Bull cornr Colk William, North st Rowland ,Iobn, Worstead STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Clumherl lin tk Son, Maiket pl.ice Hewitt Klizabelh, Lower st Osborn Clara. Theatre st Richardson ^Laiy Ann, Market pi Smith Deborah, Maiket place SURGEONS. Coleby .'ohn, .Aiitingham road Hewitt William, Angel st Meade Kdward, Market place Preiiti e John, Noith st TAILORS AND WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Barnes EdwHid K. M irket place Mullimnre William, Market place Cliamherlain,.lohii &. Son, .Market pi D\e James, Market st Hewiit John, Swatield mad Johnson Wm. & J no. Market place lioads Williim, Chiirchgate st Oshoiii Win fi Jiio. >!aiket plain Siorev .lojin Henry, .Market place Swan William, Woisteail Trollop Gcoige, .NLirket st TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Angel, Geo. Tbos. Pkiuiby, Ar.gel st Rear Inn, Win. Voiiaid, Market st Rl ick Swan, Christmas Margaret Reii-lev, Market place Rue Bell, Kilward Storey, Blue Bell common [st Ruck Inn, Cook Wilier, Cliiircbgate Cock, Riiijamin Hatris, Norili st Cro«s K> ys. Jojin Lindo, I\Lu ket pi Dog Inn, William DeiKoii, Clinrch- gate st Feather*, GeorgeBuigess, Market st Happishu'gh Hill Inn, Francis i.ie I Neve, Happisbiirgh [»tead ■ King's li' ad, John Sammop, Wor- ! l>on| Nelson, Robert Hunbard, '\ Lower >t Maiils' Head, Jiio.Wat*on. Market st Win elwiiL'lits' .Arms,PorteiDenni.s, I White Horse common White Hor>e, Ivlwd. Sandcll.Wbite j Hose common ! White Lion, Jos,li. Kemp, M.irket pi I WliiteSwaii,\V'iii S iiil,Cliunhgatest TEA DEALERS. Didieniie I'-leaooi , Chnichgaie st ! Gii-eii Jevse, Maiket st Warner TliomaN Butchery i WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. i.lnler (ieorge, Maiket jiace ! Ki'iiip Richard, Cbnicbtrate st Pilch Robeit, ALirkct jilace Wiight Robert, Lo>ter .st WHEELWRIGHTS. Kascv (ieoiL-e, 'I Inatie st, Rump Ridiert, Wor-iead Wenii iiichaid, Woistead Wilier Cook, Cbiirchgrtte st Wilier William, Chutchgite st I^tmtoi^. NORTH WALSHAM, &c. Miscellaneous- Branaby Kirby, beer retailer. Bulchery Bin ton Thos.cattle dealer. Free-school rd Coe Robert, greengrocer, Market st Deyns Jnhn. conveyancer, the 'I'errace Dyhall William, millwright, Norwich rd Gas Works, Lower slreet— Mark Fox, manager Gray laaat-. stone mason, Free-school road Grimshaw John, cutler. Hall lane Hale Charles. be'-r retailer,Kini;'.sArmM st Hunt Jeremiah, beer retailer, Norwiclird Lyall George-, horse dealer.AntinKham rd ' Mower John Thomas, teacher of music. Marketplace Pilgrim Ann, beer retailer, Chnrchgate st ^aunders Thomas, whitesmith. Hall lane Scott George. greengrocer. Market st Stamp Opficr, Market place— William Colk, sub-distribuler Topps Sophia, hosier. Market plac» PLACES OP WORSHIP, AND THRIB MINISTERS. SA.INT Mary's Church. NorlhWalsham — Rev. William F. Wilkinson, vicar; Rev Thomas Dry, curate. Kotfolft* Saint M.«ry's Chdrch, Wotstead— ReT. George King, incumbent. Baptist Chaps l, Horstead. In nEPENDENT Chapel, Theatre street- Rev. James Brown. Friends' Meeting House, Swaeeldrd. Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Chnrchgate street. [lane. Pbimitive Methodist Chapkl, Hall COUNTY COURT, Helb at the Bear Inn monthly. ^urfpe— Thomas Jacob Birch, Esq. Assislr.nt Cltrk—Geoige Wilkinson. Bailiff— J ataes Dye. COACH To NORWICH, the Htm, from the King's Arm8,every morning at eight VANS- To NORWICH, Thomas Bradfifld, from his house. Lower st, daily; William Scott, Monday, Wednesday and Satur- day, and a Van, from the New Inn, Worstead, Wednesday and Saturday RAILWAY. The nearest illation is at Norwich, U miles to the south There is a Coach to Norwich, daily, at eight in the luorniug as above stated— also Vans. CARRIERS. To AYLSHAM, - Purdy. from the Cock Inn, North st, Tuesday To BACTON, William Lacey, from bii house. Lower st, daily. To LESSINGHAM, Benjamin Payne, from the Black Swau, Tuesday and Saturday To MCNDSLEY, William Pratt, from the Cock Inn, daily To NORWICH, - Cannon, from the Cross Keys, daily ToSOUTHREPPS, - Witwood, from the Lord Nelson, daily IN NORWICH, WITH THE VILLAGES OF TROWSE NEWTON, THORPE AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. ,1, ?'^!^i^'^-'^ V^^'^' ''"; '^^^'^'•'^ ^^ Norfolk, and of, for the vear succecdine that of his nnvoraltv irnrfp.- ea.,.„„ ,,i.i,i„„ „f ,1,0 CO,,,,,,, abL, <»e,„y mile, „U1 seU»«i,'' '.iS' ^ ? ''S^^^^ Se re JdeTu in oftaitni.g the act, lo< that puipo.se. The entrance sion of the peace. The assizes for the city are held bffore the judges on the Norfolk Circtiit. uiider sepa- to the port comtneiices at Lowestoft (Suffolk), a dis- tance (by rail) of 22i miles. Tlie city, is 113§ miles N.E. by N. from London, by way of Ipswirh, and 126 rate commissions fiom those for the county. The guildhall court or court of record for the trial of are by r«*/. 1 he Sa.xons, probably, fitst applied the lar to that of the superior coS of LtVVetZ term from which the present name of tlie city is de- s:er. The County fcourt, un ler helatf act h S Tiv.d-Aorth TVic signifying a 'No. them station,' monthly in the guildhaH an is fot the rec^^^ castle or town. Irs ongm, with respect to its fir.st debts to any amount no exceeding £ T e ecHp foundation ,s uncertajn. but conjectured to have j siastical government of the ci^isun^der the Tord been abont the year 57o, in the reign of Uff., a king Bishop of Norwich, who old his co. sistorial com? ^nH .^f ' ■V-gl'-^S J'y vvhom it was strongly fortified in .he chapel of Saint Ala y the Lessrvvithit the ca and made a place of defence with a royal castle. It ' thedral church. The military governneu is leetfal^" was subsequently impioved by Alfred the Great, but i by the rieutenant of he couturof Nm^^^^^ entire y destroyed by Sweyn, the Dane, in 1004, and ^ceives his appoii tmentfrZtL Crown '^ rebuilt by his son Canute, about 1010. The castle is first. PvPrnl^H .i,- „i"L. „ i. "li ''*:^.'^''-. ^'l^ 9^K rebuilt by his son Canute, about 1010. The castle is situated on the summit of an immense artificial mount or hill, the formation of which tradition ascribes to the first or aborisinal inhabitants of this island— and possibly. It may have been one of those • high places * on which, not only the people of Palestine, but the Greeks and others, worshipped their deities. At the Conquest, the castle was besieged and taken by William, who aave it, and the earldom of the citv, to Ralph de Guader. Richard I, in 1189, created Roger, sou of Hugh Bigod, Earl of Norfolk, who increased the strength of the fortifications —that was considered impregnable. Prior to the year 1135, it was made a place of confinement for stHte prisoners and, in 1339 Edward HI, gr^nted it to the sheriff of Norfolk, for a public Kaol. Many improvements have been effecled, both on the castle and the hill; and the summit of the latter has become a favourite promenade, which, from its position and central situation, commands a good view of the city and neighbourhood. Norwich was formerly enclosed with walls, wliich had twelve gates and foi ty towers ; some remain.s of the walls and towers are still visible. The city, previous to 1835, was governed by a mayor, twtnty-three aldermen, two sheriffs, and sixty com- nioii conncilmen, who had a recorder, steward, town clerk, chambfihdn, sword bearer, serj;eants at mace marshalmen, &c. The style of the corporate body' under the Municipal Keform Act, is ' the mayor, citi- zens, aldermen and commonalty of the city of Nor- wich :' there are sixteen aldermen, and forty-eight councillors, with a sheriff, and the usual assistant officers: the mayor (who is chosen from among the aldeimen) is a magistrate by virtue of his offia, and e. . . rr-- - "... I,,,, v>iu>Tii. iiie CUV first exercised the elective franchi.ve in the 23rd of Edward I, since which time it has uninterruptedly re- turned two members to paihament ; the sheriff is the returning officer : the present representatives are the Marquess of Douro, eldest son of the Duke of Wel- lington, and Samuel Morton Peto, Esq. At Norwich the return is made of members to represent the eas- tern division of the county. The manufactures of this city consist principally of bombasins, crapes, camlets, paramattas, poplins, and some other articles made from wo;sted, mohair and silk; many shawls, also damasks, cotton and woollen goods, and a variety of fancy articles ; and there are yarn and power-loom factoiies. There are several ngiicultnial implement manufactories, extensive iron foundries, bteweries and snuff-mills, vinegar manu- factories on a large scale, and corn-mills of treat mag- nitude and power. The manufacture of shoes is a branch of considerable consequence here. The river Wensum runs thiough the city from east (o wtst. after which It joins the Tese and Yare, and is navigable to Yarmouth, for steam packets and wherrie.-*. In the system of railways, Norwich is extensively interested —the Eastern Union line, in its junction with the Eastern Counties, opens a direct comniuniiation, by Ipswich and Cidchester, with the metropolis; while another line attains the same point, by Ely, Cambridge &c. ; the Norfolk line joins the East Anglian, with a branch to Fakenham, and other lines proceed lo Yar- mouth and Lowestoft. The railway station is most conveniently situated in the high part of the city, and within five minutes walk of the ca.stle, corn and'pro- Tision markets, as well as all the princijjal hotels. 51 Notfolfe. NORWICH, ike. plater's? Tlie public buildings of this city ate mimeions, ami inost ot them veryancient — tlieniipeniiiietillyconspicu- ons is ti'C castle beture noticed. The shiic ball, erec- ted in 1822, i* situated in the inner vallum of the ca^lle, on the nmth-east side, and is a handsome edifice of brick, cased with cement; the county sessions were held in it, for the tirst lime, in October, 1823. Saint Andrew's hall was formerly a cliurcl), l>eloni;ina; to a iiiona>tery of IMack Fiiars'; at the dissolution it wiis given to the Maynraud citizens, 'for a hall to repair nnto as a common assembly.' In the centre of the east etid of the tiave is a liandistoric;il paintings of acUimw- leilged mrrit, and portiiit- of in-uiy gentleman who have filled the different civic orftcis. At the we.st end is placed a bi-auiifnl orcan, tised at tlie musical fVsti- ▼als lield in this Indl trieriDially. .An admiralde pictuie of Admiral Lord Nel-on, by Sir William Beecln y, presented to the corporjition in 180-4, graces the east end. This hd! is an ornament lo Norwich, and forms otie of thf leading attiaciions of the city. 'I'l>e t'uild- hall, a capacious buildine of black fi>nt, stands in the JMark> t-pl,ice; it fomierly wa.s the cotninon gaol of thi- city, but for many yetrs the court of assize and citv quart'T sessions nave been field in it; the elections of tlie mayor, aldcmieti atid coinmoti coiincillins, and of repre-entaiivfsin pHiiiatntiit also take pl-ne here. The council-cliainber. in Ibis edifice, particiTlarly claims tlie notice of the lover of anci' ntart: itcontains m;iny fine and curious poi traits of eminent men, and wnrthit-s of Norwich ; the room is commodious ntid elet;antlv fitted- np, and at the east end is a beautiful window of stiined g'a^s. This chamber is thi- depository of the swotd of Don Xavier Francisco Winthusen, tlie SpaIli^l) ad- miral— pi evented by Lord Nel-on, accompanirri by a letter in his own hand-wiiting; fxiSh ate enclosed in a well-exeniied nmial naval trophy, in honour of the Hero of the Nile. The new city eanl (commenced in 1824, and finished in 1827 j, is situated outside the walls, near Saint Giles' gat.s, and is most admirably coustractcd and well rcKulated ; tlie front deiaiion is massy, and assimilates with the purpose for which it is intended ; the erection cost ^30,000. The corn- exchange, which orn itnenls a new street leading from the Market-phice, was ojiencd on the 8th November, 1828: it is of noble dimensions, ninety-six feet in length by eighty-five in width, and twenty-seven feet in height; and the interior forms one of the largest aparttneuts in the kiniidom. In Broad-street, Saint Andrew's, is the museum, a neat and spacious new building, erect'd on a piece of ground purchased from the Duke of Norfolk, and stored witii an immense number of subjects of natural history, minernls and works of art from all parts of the world: the school of desiiiii is in the s^mt- street. The public subserip- tiou librnry, erected on the site of the old gaol, at the nortli end of the Market-place, is an eleuant strnctuie, furnished wiih nearly twenty thf)u«and volumes, to- gHther with a valu;ible collchiion of rare books, the property of thecornoiation. Near Chaprlfield are the assembly rooms, planned and executed about liie year 1754, occupving part of the site of the ancient college of the chaptd in the fields : the theatre is in the same street. In the [larish of Saint Andrew is an old build- ing (formeily used as a prison, Ixit since conveited into an exten-ive t(d>;\cco and snuff manufactory), that attracts much notice, from the singular construc- tion of its north wall, which is faceit with flints, so admiraldy squared and scientifically adjusted, as scan ely to admit the ediie of a knife between the joints. The peoples' college has recently been founded by the mu- nificent libHrality of Kdward Lombe, Ksq., for the pur- pose of L'ivinginstriK tion, &c. by classe.'*, lectures de- bates, a libraiy, reading-room, &c: the fees are low, and, in the words of tlie admirable prospectus, «a Jiigher department of prof^cs-ional in-tniction awaits the institution if the valuable I fe of its fonndir he spared and the students avail themselves of the ad- vantages now placed at their disposd.' 'J'lier.- are other institutions of a literary, scientific and pliijoso- phical cbaracier; the most prominent of these is the Norfolk and Norwich literary institution, formed in 1822 : and there are several others whose objects are d2 equally liberal and laudable. The agricultural sociefT held its eleventh county meeting liere, in .Inlv, I84;>, when immense quantities of farming sto(k and imple- ments connected with hu.sbandiy, were exhil)ited and tested, and various prizes awarded. Three newsptpers are issiud fiom tlie pi ess of Noiwich, weekly — their titles, proprietors, <^c. iue stated nnder their proper head : tliey ate all edited with con^idcra!>le talent, atid enjoy a well merited circnlation, throughout Nor- folk and the neighbouring counties. 'I'he intrndticiion of Christianity into this island occurred at a very early period, and tlierc is tvidence that the Iccnii, the ancient iidiabitan's of East Anglia, were converted dmins! the third century. The cathe- dral was founded by Herbiitde Lozigna, in 10!)6, and is one of the finest remains of Nomian anhitcctnre in Great liritain. It i> four ImiMlnd feet long from tbetntrance at the west door to the east end; tbeie are fMiir painted windows at the east end of the choir — one repiesentini; our Saviour's tiansfiauiation, and tht otheis tlie apostles, evangelists and prophets ; the mcmnments, both ancient and modem, are nnmerons. The towersiirings from the cemre of the chur(h, and is I rowned on the top w itli a hattlement and foui- small spites, in the middle of which rises the heainitul corn- manding sjiire ; the entire height from the gi (Hind is three bundled and six feet: in the tower are five musical bells. 'I'he cloisters form a square of one hundred and seventy-four feet within the walls. The chancel formerly w.is aurroimded by chapels, sever-tl of which are still standing. 8aiiit Peter's ;!\Iancrott) is the most capacious and handsome paii-b church in the city: it is huilt of freestone— tin- materia! used in the erection of inaily all ilie oilier churches is flint, ft has an elegant abar, adorned with an excellent painting of the angel de- livering Saint Peter out of prison ; and alove this is a heautifnl window of s'ained glass : the tower is large, and contains twelve mu-ical beds. Tin re ate upwards of forty other churches, none of which require particular notice; also places of wor-hip for neariy every religious denomination, including Unitarians, the Society of Friends, Roman Catholics and Jews ; many of these merit descriptive notice greater in extent than can be devoted to them in this work. The charities of Norwich are numerous; under the head of ' Public Ihiildings, Institutions, &:c.,' wid be found a list of then), and the valuable educational establishments, for the gtatuitous instruction of children, ate given in their proper department of t.he dii ectorv. Tliere are societies likewise, for promoting Christian knowl< dge, and auxi- liary bible and rliurch missionary associations; several fiiendly societies, and another for the rebef of dis- tie-sed tiavellers, and the detection of vaBiants. The management of the pooriii the city of Norwich is vested in the couit of guaidians, by virtue of a local act, and confided to persons chosen on Easter- iMomlay, by the different parishes. Norwich lias been the birth-place of some eminent characteis— Matthev\' Parker, second proiestant Arcli- bishop of Canterhury, was born in Saint Stephen's parish, in this city, August fitli. 1,')04, and intetred at Lambeth palace, in bis own private chapel, in the 72nd year of his age; Sir 'J'homas IJiowne, an eminent lihysieian and antiquary, antion- of the ' Ueligio .Medici' and other curious works, died in Norwich, and was buried in Saint Peter's ^.Maticroft) cliiirch; the Rev. VVi'liam IJeloe, b.d. r u.t*., author of ' Anecdotes of Liteiature,* and other valuable volumes, was bom beie in 17.")8. 'l"he counfiy around Norwich is very fertile, and the views are hithly pleading, particularly across the river towards Thorpe ; the surf.ice is gene- rally flit, and the land extensively devoted to agricuU ture, notwiihstandinn the gravelly quality of the soil, which industry and skill have, however, effectually ameliorated. In the vicinity there are a iiumhcr of tasteful private residences, and several t legant streets. The markets are held on Wednesday and Saturday — the latter is the principal. Fairs, on the 'I'hutsday before Easier-.Monday, Monday and Tuesday in Laster week, Monday and Tuesday in VVhitsnn week; and Tombl and fair, for horses and catrje, the day hefnrc {Jood-Fiitlav. The jiopnlation (d the city of Norwich, \ in 18;51, was f)l,110 ; in 1841, that of the city and county of the city of Noiwich, vvas 6"2,344 ; but, iucludiugtUff iifrcctor^. NORWICH, &c. Norfolk. suburbs, tlie pnpulation of Norwicli may be reckoned at about 75,000, and in 1850,to peibaps 8,i,C00 or nmre. Trowse, is a paiisb in tlie huudred of Henstead — tbe hamlet of Newton, or as it is called Trowse New- Thorpe is a charming village, in the parish of riiorpe S;iint Andrew— the latter p;trtly within the rity of Norwich, but chiefly in tbe hundred of Blo- field, about 2 miles east from Norwich ; situated on ton ;to di-tiuguisli it fioni numerous ether Newtons), the line of railway running from the ciiyto Yarmouth, is situated about a uiile, or rather more, south-east and on the banks of the river Yare. This pleasant from Noiwicli. It is a genteel little place, Hud the villaije, which possesses many attractions, is the holi- neighhourhood around it is embellished with many j day resort of the inhahifants of Norwich. It al>o is tasteful villas. The river Yare, which passes clo>-e to the licad quarters of tbe Norwich yacht club, and, the villaije, has been deepened and made navigable upon the river here, many rowing and sailing mntches forbaiges; it drives a very extensive corn-mill. The are contested. A short distance from tlie village stands parish church of Saint Andrew is a neat building : the the county lunatic asylum. The parish church of ii>ing is a vicarage, in the patronage of the Dean and Saint Andrew, is an ancient structure, witli a tower: Chapter of Norwich. The population of the parish, in | the livmgis a rectory. The parish contained in 1841, 1841, was 562. 1 2,197 inhabitants. POST OFFICE, POST OFFICE STREET, NORWICH, Itfr. SAMUEL BASE, Post Master. Arrival of the Mails. From London, Bury Satnt Edmunds, Manchester, Liverpool, Hull, Yarmouth, &c. every morning ata quarter before tbrei', and evening at 20 minutes before five ; and from Yarmouth (second mall), at six. From Ipswich (liy imil cart), every morning at half-past six, and from Cromer, Loddon, North Walsham and Reepham (by mail cart}, every evening at seven. Despatch of the Mails. To London, Bury Saint Edmunds, Manchester, Liverpool, Hull, Yarmouth, &c. every morning at twenty minutes past seven, and night at ten ; and to Yarmouth, Aprevious mail at ten minutes before seven in the morning. To Cromer, Loddon, North Walsham, and Reepham (by mail cart), every morning at ten minutes before seven and to Ipswich, (by mail cait), every evening at seven. POST OFFICE, Thorpe, William Plough, Post Master.— Letter'i from all parts arrive (from Nor- wich) every morning at a quarter-past seven, and are despatched at half-past five in the evening. -K" 53 AN ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE NAMES Of ALL PERSONS APPEARING UNDER THE TRADES' HEADS IN THE DIRECTORY OF NORWICH AND ITS VICINAGE. The Names of the NOBILITY, GENTRY and CLERGY immediately follow this List, forming a separate one in alphabetical order. The PUBLIC BUILDINGS, Sfc. will he found arranged at the end of the Trades' Lists. AARON Maurice &SamoeI,pawnbrokers 3 St. Stephen 5t Abbiit U'illiam, beer retailer, Oak st Abel Dan iel.Kiocr. & teadelr.Potlergate st Abel Daniel, caliinet maker and uphol- sterer, Jail hill [cross Abel Frederick, brush maker, 23 Charing Abel John, livery stables. Chapel field Able Geo. cabinet nikr. & upholsti , Ber st Abrahams Samuel & Uenjarain, watch makers. Back of St. Peters. [road Adams & Jolly, coach bldrs.St. Stephen's Adams Frances & Sisters, iiiilliners, 5 Bank street Adams Jamt-s, stone and marble mason, Julian place, Chapellield road Adams Mary Ann, milliner. Oak st Adani^on Kobert. currier. Shoulder of Mutton yard, St. Stephen's AlJen James (Royal Oak ravern),Chapel st, Crook's place. [st Alden Jame!<. last and boot tree makr. Ber Alden Martha, tin-plate worker, St. Stephen's plain Alden William, schoolmaster. Princes si Aldholl^e Hannah, furniture broker, St. AuRUstinest [opening. Aldis Elizabeth, school. St. Paul's New Aldis James, bricklayer, 10 Princes st Aldous John F., carpenter, Surrey road Aldous John T.. baker. Grove plnce Ardrich John, shopkeeper, West Potler- gaie street [st Aldridge John, shopkeeper, Trafalfjai Alexaniier Bobert, beer relailr.Colegale st Algar Robert, baker, 9 Princes st Alison Sophia, cutler, Marktt place Allen & Banks, tailors, 20 & 21 London st Allen Bryant, d\er, Schciles ereen Allen Daniel, blacksmith, Lobster yard, Pottergate street Allen George, hosier, Brigg st [st Allen Henry, corn chandler, Majdaleii Allen John, butcher, Toinbland [dictsi Allen Joln.griicer and tea dealr.St. Beiie- AHen John, stonemason, St. Stephen st Allen John, turner, Tombland chnrchyd Allen Marian, shoe warehouse,UpSt. Giles Allen Martin, clothes salesman, St.John's Madder, Maiket alley Allen Rare, carpenter, Magdalen st AlUn William, beer retailer, Sprowston Allen William, bair dresser, Magdalen st Allen William, stonemason, Malthouse la Aii.iANce FiKE AND I. iPB Assurance J^Ofcices, 14 Genllennens' walk. Bank plain — Ht-nry Brown, and Roger Ker- rlson, agents Amies John, carpenter, Lakenham road Amos William ( Iwo Quarts Tavern), Pottergate st Amuss Thomas, coal dealer. Barrack st Amy Thomas, cooper. Magdalen st Amy William (Wine Coopers' Arms), St Augustine st Anderson Clement (White Hart ) Ber st Anderson John, shopkeeper, Duke it Anderson Robert, shopkeeper, Union pi An'irrson I'lioinas Uailuwell, sail maker King street Anderson William, baker, Sprowston Andrews & Freni h, lallow cbandleri, and soap nuinnfactnrers. Fishcate -t Aiid'evvs (ieoreeFrederick, bankers' clerk 2 Town close Andiews Mary, blacksmith, Sprowston Andrew* Thomas, grocer and tea dealer, St. Faith's lane [gate st Andrews William, livery »tables,Westle- o4 Angell Mary, currier and leather seller, | Golden Ball st [lane Anni'on James, beer retailer, Tinkler's Aniiison John, beer retailer. Barrack st Annison Maty, school. King st Annison Robert, ihopkeeper,UnioB place Anthony Lydia & Keziah, schoolmis- tresses, Coslany st Anthony William, wine and spirit mer- chant. 12 Upper market Archer Jesse, butcher, Tooley st Archer Rebecca.shopkeepr. Rosemary lane Archer Saml.currier, St. .Stephen's plain Archer Sarah, 8choolmistress,St.Georges, Middle st Argus Life Office, 6 St. Giles st — William Spelman & Son<, agents Amies Elizabeth, milliner, 9 Bank st Armes Stephen, shopkeeper. Tinkler'.' la Amies Wm marine store delr. Heiuham st Armstrong Heniy, linen draper, dialing cross [Colegate st Armstrong William, travelling draper, Arnold Ed.chemist & druggist, Or ford hill Arnold Maria & Son, brewers, and wine and spirit merchants, Lowr.Westwick st Arnold Mary (William IV. Tavern), St. George's, Middle st Arlis Francis, baker, Castle meadow Assembly Roo.Ms, Theatre st [st AshenRobt. tin-plate workr.52St Stephen .Ashen Robeit, wheelwright. Elephant and Castle yard. Lower King st A sker Elizabeth (White Swan Inn), Back of St. Peter's [Peter's Asker George, hair dresser. Back of St. Askfr George, glover,20Gentleinen's walk Asker Samuel Hurry .attorney, and agent for the Law Fire, and thu London AND PltOVINCIAL LaW LiPB ASSU- RANCE Officks, SlGilesst Athow Edward Jolin,wine and spirit iner. chant, Castle st Athow John, stone mason. Castle st Atkins Matthew, baker, St. Benedict st Aikins Ricburd, carpenter, Bethel st Atkins Thomas, beer retailer,Heigham st Atkinson James Goldsmith, Manchester and Scotch warehouseman, Briggs st Atkinson John Goldsmith, attoiney. Post Onice Street Atlas Assurance Offices, Rackham & Turner, Lower clo?e, and Henry BldiAell,ll Exchange st, agents Atterton Williain,chair maker,Co!'lany si August John & Son, builders, Julian pla Austin Charles (Queen Caroline), Oak st Austin William, boot maker. Oak st Austins Owen, coal dealer. Oak st Austins Temperance,railliner,St. George's Middle street Aiistrin Ann. haberdasher, Orford hill Aylmer Jobo(Ulack Horse Tav)Tombland BACK & Co., family grocers, tea dealers. and foreign wine and spirit merchants, 3 Haymarket Bacon & Kinnebrook,printers,bookseller« binders, and stationers, 12 London st Bacon I>avid(llorse and Groom)Castle st Bacon Edmund & Son, rope makers, 3 Uavey place [Olhcesi Bacon Henrietta, schoolmistress. Post Bacon Joshua, shopk'-eper, Fishgatest Bac John David, carpenter.Cow hill Baker & Hornor, ironmongers, 10 Post OlFice street Baker Ann, butcher, St. Martins Baker James(Bess of Bedlam Tay)Oak st Baker Lucy, servants' register office, Princes street Baker William, picture dealer. Bridewell alley, St. Andrews [hen's road Baldrey William, livery 8table>, St Step- Baldr] Elizabeth, prolesior of dancing, Red Lion street Baldwin Anthony ^=amuel, builder, Upper Surrey si, All Saint's green Baldwin Henry, baker. Oak st Baldwin Joi n, lishmongrr, Upper market Baldwin William(Di3tillery Tavern), Dis- tilleryst Bale Georce, butcher, St. Benedict st Bales VVm(Gardener8'Arms)rimberhill»t Baley Thomas, tea dealer, Lakenham Hall road Ball Alexander. beer retailer,Upr King'st Ball Williain(Vaiixhall Gardens Tavern), Julian place [green Ballard Edmnnd,pawnbroker,'All 'saint'* Balls Robert, tailor, Coslany st [»t Balls SamuelfCtirrier's Arm'sjSO St. Gilei Bame John Edward (Greyhound Tavern), Ber street [Ber st Bame John Ed ward, painter and plumber Bancalaii Dominic, shopkeeper. Ber st Bangy William, baker, Trowse Newton Banham George, cooper, Little King st Bank of England (Branch), Queen st Banks Thomas, grocer, tea dealer, and oil and Italian warehouse, and dealer in British wines. Jail hill [King st Bai ber John (Three Tuns Tavern) Lower Barber John Lee & Co., cotton winders, St. .Martin's lane Barber .Samuel, dyer, 9 Timberhill st Barber, Sons & Thompson, corn and coal merchants, Haymarket [plaiii Barber Wm. brickl,iyr,St Martio's.Palace Barber William, beer retailer, Oak st Bardwell Everett, attorney. Lower close BardwellEvereltjun.altorney,Lowerclos« Bardwell George, 8iirveyor,Chapellield id Bardwell William, baker, 'Trafalg-ar st Bardwell William, grocer. Charing cross Bjrkaway F'rancis, beer retailer, Peatield Barker. Barnes & Nowne. boot makers, York Tavern passage, Oxford hill Barker Benjamin, Manciiester & Scotch warehouse, York Tavern passage, Orford hill Barker George, smith, Graham's court. Upper market [Dereham road Barker James, stocking maoufucturrr. Barker James, tailor, Muspole st Baiker James (King's Arms), Lakenham Hall rond [lane Barker John, beer retailer. Lower Goat Barker John, twine agent, Chapellield Barker John G.bout & shoe maker,8 White Lionst Baiker Robert, painter and plumber, S O I ford street Barker Samuel, baker, St. Mary's plain Barker ISarauel (Brazen |Door Tavern), Lame Dog lane [IjDe Barker Thomas, hot presser, Rogemar* >]^oifolfe. NORWICH, &e. ^lattr»jj Barley Christopliei(FleeceTavern).5Bride- well alley, St. Andrews Barlow I.etitia. haberdaslier.Timlirrliill st Barlow Bicli.ud Jeremiah, tax colleclor, St. Maignret st Barnard & Bishop,fiirnishinR and general iroiitnoiigers, and iiiannfactnrers of hurdles :ind sirained wire feiicin.', and manufactureis and patentees ol Bar- nard & Joy's, patent se (-rolling mnngie Upper walk. Marketplace [r^ad Barnard Cluis(Champion 'I'avjChapelfield Barnard John (White Hart Inn), Back of Saint Pet' rs fW'ensuni st Barnard John, fislimnnger, rag, &c. delr Barnard John, boot mkr. St. Angustinest Barnard Rebecca, baberdasher, Lower King^tIeel fdon st Barnards & Bonlton, ironmongers, Lon- Barne James, brnit maker. St. James sf Barnes MaryiWnolpack Tav)8t. Genrge's plain [cross Barnes Richard, boot maker, 2 Charing Barnsdale William Bennett, toy dealer, St. Stephen .«I Bari!.*cks, Barrack road Barren George, shopkeeper. Grove place Barrett Julin(CrossKeysTav)Magdalen st Barthrop Mary Ann(01dTheatie Tavern) Bethel st Barwell John, wine and spirit merchant, St. Stephen st Base William, boot maker, Coslany st Basey James, carver & gilder, Botolph st Basey Hubert, hoot maker, Mandalen st Bassett Willi.tm, beer retailn, Quay st Bassinglliwailh Edward (King's Arms Tavernl, Belhel st [st BatcheMor Stephen, boot maker, Calvert Baleman James George J., shawl manu laclnrer. St. George's, Middle st Batem.m John & Sun, commission agents St. George's. Middle st Bateman John, chemist and diugi;ist, Wensum street Bateman John, surgeon, Wenstim st Bates Cliarle^ A.(l.ord John Russell Tav) Dereham load Bates 'l'honias(Cow Tavern)Co\v hill Batley William, cabinet maker and np- bolsterrr. Lower Westwir.k st [st Batley William, jun. chair makr.Mnspole Batlerbee James, clothes salesman, St. Beneilict st Batson Edward, miller, Aylsham road Batson Jesse, corn chandl^^, Maedalenst Batson John, shopkeeper, Barrack st I Uallram Wtn (Cick TavjOld l.akenbam Baxter Benjamin, dyer. Si. Paul st Baxter Elizabeth, b-yker. Brazen Door rd Baxter James, chemist and druggist. St. Hencdictst [Sprowslnti rd Baxter John (Prince of IJenmark Tav). Baxter Win. coal merchant, Lowei King st Bayes Elizabeth 8i Sons, clothes sales- man, Orford hill Bajes l.oiiisa. milliner. Oak st Bayes \\ illiam, hair dresser. Oak st Bav field Ann, baker. Ber st Bayfield Ann, ironmonger, Magdalen st B.iyfield Henty, baker, Colegate st Bavfield John Freeman, arcmintant, Upr, King.^t fSt. Benedict Bayfield Mary ,straw bonnet makr Barn rd Bayfie'd '1 homas (Royal Standard Tav) U; ion place [st- Bayliss Andrew, shopkeeper, Trafalgar Beane .lames, watchmaker. Lady's lane BeansJasJPriuceof Wales)St. Benedict st Beany Chasgardener & seedsman, King si Beare John, boot maker, Calvert st Beare Samuel Shalders, currier, Bridge st, St. George's Beasy John, boot maker, Drayton Beatley George, hatter, London st Heatley Sarah & Elizabeth, eating-house St. Benedict street Beaton John, blacksmith, Lower Kin? st Beaty Henry, ornamental painter, Little London stieet Beanmont Henry, carpenter Bramerton Berham John, baker, Cougate st Beck John, coal dealer. Tinkler's lane Beckham Benjn (Angel Tav) New Catton Beckham Mary Ann,milliner,Magdalen st Beckham Robt. John, glover, Magdalen st JJeckwith, Dye & Kition, attorneys, Palace st Bedford Philip, brazier, Pottergate st Bedingfield John, servants' register cilice Green lane BeddingSeld John, traveller. All Saint's gieen [Westlegate st Beddini-'field Nelson, livery stables. Beeston George, shopkeeper, Fisbgate st Beeton John (Wild Man Tavern), St. Andrew's hill [plain Bella Lorenz, watch maker.St. Steplien's Belding William, grocer, Magdalen st Bell Ann,fruiter. Red Lion st,St Stephens Bell George, shopkeeper, Fishu-ate st Beli, lNN(eommercial family & posting) — Samuel Legeatt. Orford hill Bell James W., «atch maker. Chapel st Crook place [Water lane Bell Jane, mistress of Brereton's school, Bell John (Cat & fiddle Tav). Hotolpli si Bell John, nurseryman, liExchangest Bell John Crawl. ud, surgeon, Princes st Bell John K., clerk, railway parcl oRice, Royal Hotel vard. Market place Bell Matthew, shopkeeper, Ber st Bell l{obert,walch maker, 11 Davey place Bell Thirza Harriet, mistress of Brere- ton's school. Water lane Bell William, watch maker. Bridge st, St. Andrews [Andrew st Bellars Hy. John, curator,Museum st Si. Bel.son Robt.painler & pliiniber,Pump »t Benley Andrew, bankers' clerk, Heigham coltage Ben net tAustins,beer retailer, Whitetriav st Bennett & Bream, grocers, II Upr.Market Bennett Henry, school, St. George's. Middle st [New Cailoii Bennett James, eardener and seedsman, Bennelt Maiia, baker, Wellington st Bennett Robert, baker, West Pottergate st Bennett Samuel, baker. Pump st Bennett Thomas, cabinet maker, uphol- sterer, and paper hanger. Jail hill [st Bennett W'ni . clothes salesman. Wensum Bensly Charles, coal merchant, 6lj St. Stephen st [Stephen si Bensly William Brazill, baker, St. Bejry James, bellman, Horn's lane.Berst Berry — , professor of F'rench language, Surrey ^treet Berry Other Windsor, cashier. Bank of England, 2 Windsor place, Lakenbam Berry William Mills, brieklajer and plasterer. Peacock st Be^sey James H., coal merchant, I'otter- gate street [st Bethel Lunatic Hospital, Bethel BettJohn Ste^^art, Carpenter. Peacock SI Bells Charles, haberdasher, Julian place Betts James, wheelwright, J ulian place Bells .lohn, b.iker, Coslany st Bells J(din, bricklayer, West Pottergate st BetIS John, linen draper, 2J Exchange st Betts Joseph, beer retailer, Botolph st Betts Thos.hair dres>r. Tl.itile London st Bevnn Rcbert, china dealer, Magdalen st Bexfi-ld Jarai 5, shopkeeper, Scoles green Bianclii Giovanni, modeller, Bridges! St. George's [phen "t Bidewell Fredericli,tobacconist,23 Sl.Ste- Bidewell George(Swan 'l'av)Magd ilen st Bidwell Henry, agent. 1 1 Exrhaiige st Bidwell John, rope maker, Calven st llidwell Jos, en;;ravr & printr Bethel st Bignold Samuel, secretary to the Nor- wich Union Fiub and Lifr Lnsc- HANCK SociETV, Surrey st Bilby James, schoolmaster, St. Benedict st Bilhy Maria, milliner. Duke st Bilby Mary .Ann, butcher. Sprowston Bilhy Mil liam, hair dresser, Pilt st Bilb 'm John, turner, St. Stephen st Bilharu John, superintendent of Norwich Lunatic Asylirin Catton, Back lane Billen Henry (Masonic Tavern), Elm hill Billiard Rooms, Old Post olhce Court Brrclr Bfiijamiir, cabinet maker, Staraiid Crown I ourl, I imberbill llirrh Isaac, school, Thorpe Bird John, miller, Ma;dalen st Bird Michael, wheelwright, Kirby Bird Lucy, library, 2 Wesigate st Bird Michael (Carrow Gardens Tavern), Carrow Bird William (Qoildhall Tavern), Jail hill Bishop Eliza, school mistress, .St. Au- gustine's gate Bishop Ceo., linen draper, 2 Haymarket Black & Raynes, wholesale confeciioners, I Haymarket Blackburn Edward.boot maker,Barrack st Blackie & Son, booksellers, Upper St. I Giles street [Middles! iBIake & Everett, hot pressers, St. Georges Blake Benjamin, butcher, Sproweston Blake Edward & Robert W , and yarn manufacturers, and mohair spinners, Lakenliam Mill [st Blake Francis John, altorney, Upr. King Blake Geo. , hr ick maker. Brazen Doors rd Blake. Keith & Blake, attorneys, the Chantry Blake James (Pheasant Tavern), St. ("atherine's plain Blake. lohn, secretary to the Norfolk and Norwich Magdalen Asylum, Lifes' green Blake Jonathan, surgeon, Mounfpleasant Blakely Kdw, linen draper, lo London st Blanch John(Steam PacketTav.),Finket st Blanchflov^er Williaiu (Cock Tavern), Upper .St. Giles' st Blandon William George, grocer, Ber st Blazeby James t\, Yarmouth Arms), Pud- ding lane Blazeby James, jun., artist. Bethel st Blazeby John, turner. Globe lane Blazeby Thos. (Vine rav.),Sl. Benedict Bt Blazebv Walter, beer retarler, Fisbgate st Bleakley Elijah, surgeon, St. Andiews st Bleakley Robert & Page, wool sl.-vplers, Si. Mary's alley [Magdalen st Blino Hospital and School. Upper Blogg William, academy. Upper King st Bloointield John (Wheat Slieal). Belhel st lilylh Isaac, coal dealer, Coslamy st BIyl.n John, bt-er retailer, William st Bhth lohn, shopkeeper. Oak st Hlyth Mati. ii Robt.. carpenters, Drayton BIylh Robert, boot maker, St. Faith's BIylli Robert John, iron forinileis, Ber st Blyth Thos. collector, Fakerrham Hall rd BIyth William, timber meicbant, St. Stephens st Blylh William B., hoot maker, Belhel st Blytlie Caleb (Ailiclioke Tavern), Mag- dalen st Blythe John, coal dealer, Ber st [rack st BIythe Jonah Norraaii, beer retaihr, Bar- Blythe Josiah, baker, Carrow road BU lire Matthew, paper rnanulaclurer. St. Martin's Palace plain [linest Blythe Thomas, wheelwright, St. Augus- Boast Robert, shopkeeper, Plumstead Bolderson William, smith, '/ horpe road Bolingbrnke Charles & Freilerick, bom. basin and siiawl manufrs., Colegate st Boiingbroke Horatio, life office agent, Colegate st (place Bomfield Miles, miller. Chapel st. Brook Bond Edgar, altorney. Rampant Horse St Bund Harriet, milliner, Mai:ilalen st B^nd Henry, miller, Sprow ston Bond John, hi icklayer, Sioke Holy cross Bond Joseph Daines, tailor and draper, 4 Davey place Bone Francis, baker, St. Benedict st Bone Nicholas, toy dealer," Timberhill st Booty Edward.boot maker, Fisher's lane Borking Thomas, tailor. Willow lane Borreit Wm., confcctioner,Lr.Westwick st Boswell Daniel, turner, .Magdalen st Bosvvell John, smith and bell lianger,St. Andrew's hill Boswell John, smith. Bishopgate st Boswell Thomas, shuttle makei',St. John's, .Madder market [market Boswell Thomas, toy dealer, 9 Madder Boswell William, carver and gilder, Mag- dalene st [Andrew »t Botwright John W., collectors clerk, St. Bougham Jan"", school. All Saints' green Bnughlon Samuel, hair dresser, Red Lion st, St. Stephens Boulger Joseph, dentist, Willow lane Boult (jenrge, tanner. Lower Heigham st Bonlton Frs.. baker, St. Catherine's terrace Bowes William, clothes salesman, St. Benedict st Bowgen John Hart (ThreeTurksTavern), andccal merchant, I, wr Wesiwick st Bow hill Henry, boot maker. St. An drew st BowlesA nil Elizb.,ladies' school, Thorpe rd Bowles John Sharpe, city missionary, Thorpe road [Davey place Bowtell Thomas, boot maker. 20 and 21 Boyce James Slanfiuld, painter and plum- ber, Duke st [Benedict st Boyd Sarah, matron of Eye Ir.lirmary, St. Bovdeii Eliza & Charlotte, milliners, F'otieri..atest Bovs Ho.ME, St. Andrew's hill Bracey Francis, butcher, Thorpe Bracey F'rederick, hoot maker.Thtrpe Bracev Robert, baker. Thorpe t5 ©trcctovjp. NORWICH, &c. ^latcr'jEf Btacey Robert, liaker. World's end lane Bracey Robert, lime bnrntr,'l'liorpe Bradbury John (Lord Howe Tavern), St- Benedict St Lwell st Brady !Mary, painter and plumber. Red- Branford IJenjn.mallster, StainpOlfice yil Bray Charl's (While Lion), While I. ion si Biay Richard, tailor and draper, 83 St. Giles St ■ Bray Robert, beer retailer, Bei- st Bray William, linen draper. Bridge st,St. Andrews fl^liJ''!'^ *t Bieame Hinry, shopkeeper, St. Georije.^', Breeze Chrislmas, dyer, Biidge st, St. Georces Breeze Robert, saddler, Mairdalen st Brennan Andrew, dentist, Princes st Brett Isaac, boot maker, I'pper King st Brewster Lelitia, servants' rej;ister office, Betl.rl st Brewslcr Lydia, beer retailer, Tooley st BtMger .lohn. boot maker, St. Failh's Briiiges William, clothes' salesman, Lwr. Weslwick st TGiles st Bridgman William Kencely, dentist, 69St Bris? Mary, ladies' school, Potter^ate st Briegs \^'ilso^, cork cutter, St. Haul's openin? [WestwicU st Bright & Neale, coal merchants. Lower Brii-ht John, beer retailer, Thorpe Be iglitea Sarali Ann, straw bonnet maker. Bethel st [lane Brighton Robert, gun maker, Lwr. Goal Biighiwell Thomas & Son, attorneys, Surrey st Brinded Robert, bricklayer, Th"rpe Brindle> Charles, gas litter, Fishjiale st Brinklev James, beer retailer, Lakenham II .11 road Britcher Charles, bricklayer, Pilt st [st Britcher John & Son. boat builders, King Bl'ilcher Thonias,bricklayer, PoltergilesI British Com KERci* lLifeAssu RANCH Office, 14 London st— Pegg & Green- wood, agents British EMrinE Insurance Oftick, 14 Castle meadow — Benjamin Thomas Sharpe, agent British Mutlul (life and subscription loan),Ollice, Post Olliee st— George C. Burrows, aL'cnt Brittain Eliziibeth( Wliite Horse), Hay hill Britlain Harriet, baker, Coboiirg st Brittain William (Saracens Head), West Poltergate st [Palace place Brittle John, heer re'ailer, St. Martins', liroa I John, boot maker, Callon Broailhurst U illiam, leiter press printer, Srt. Bt-ne'lict st [dictsi Broa.Uiurst William, academy, St. liene- Uroadhuisi Wm slationer.St. Benedicts! Brock Emily, milliner. Oak st Brock Samuil, baker, Calvert st Brock William, baker. Oak st fgnte st Broodbank licnjamin, boot makei, Fish- Brook V\ illiam. carpenter, Tabej nacle st Brooke William, academy, Kirgst Brookes John, blacksmith, Golden B ill st Brooks Abigail, schoolmistress, Julian's alley Brooks Cooper, currier, Pnttcrsgate st Brooks Hy., hrirklayer, I.akoiihamllall rd Brooks .lohn, hlacksniilli. All Saints st Brooks John, brazier, Ber st [Andrew's 15rooks Thomas, builder, Bridge st, St Brooks Thomas (Ilalkham Arms), Castle ditches [i-oad Browis Robcrt,beer retailer, Biazenduors Brown A gga», carpenter, Theatre st Brown& Bailey, builders, West Puttcrgate Brown Bnjo., dyer, Robson's yd. Oak s' Brown Charles, botcher,57 St.Stephensst Broil n Chrspr., Iieer retailer. Heigham si Blown Fiederick, corn and coil mer- chant, Kiiigst [London st Bruwn George, bcrlin wool warehouse, Urown Henry, baker, Miispolest Brown Hy.,g'ocer, 14 Gentlemen's walk B'own J. baker. While Lion st [wick st Blown James Eaton, baker.Lower \\ est. Brown James Hopewell, wine and spiiil merchant. Si. Andrew^' hill Blown John, carman, Ber st Brown John, architect and 3iirveyor,BanK of Fnglaiid court Brown John, potato and fruit salesman, CosUiiy st Brown John, baker, Cowgate st Itrow n John, blacksmith. Barrack st Brown John, shopkeeper. New Cation T Brown John Thomas, land agent, Pilt st 56 Brown Joseph, tobacco pipe maker, St. Stephens st [Georges' Brown Maria, haberdasher, Bridge st. St. HrowniNlentor (Royal OalO,St,Augostiii st Brown Robert, guano merchant, and bone crusher, St. Benedici st Brown Robeit, beer retailer, Cowgate st Brown Sarah, milliner. Cowgate st Brown Thoi.ias,(Bulls Head Tav.). Ber st Blown William, berlin wool warehouse, 18 Davey place Brown William. hardwareman.Coslany st Brown Wm., sho|ikeeper,Lr.Westwick st Brown William, tobacco pipe maker, St. Benedict st Brown Zechariah, bookseller, Ber st Browne & Barker, hatlers and hosiers, 10 Londou st [meadow Browne & Edwards, milliners, 22 Caslle Brow iieBarnahas,baker.LakenliamHall rd Browne Edmund ( Ten Bells Tavern), St. Benedici st Browne Eliza, milliner. Starling place Browne Francis, tailor. Palace si Browne Hall, grocer, Ber st [row rd Browne John (Clarence Harbour), Car- Browne John, carpenter, Carrow road Browne John & Sons, iron nierchanls, 4 Upper mari.et Browne Iticliard, builder. Bethel st Browne .Samuel, grocer, Palace st Browne .Sarah , dyer, 1 ombland Browne W. J. Ulton, barrister. Upper Surrey st [Andrew si Biowne William, lithographic printer, St. Bruir Peter, Esq. engineer and general manager of the Eastern Union railway, St. Slejihens' road Bniff Robert, beer retailer. Charing cross Briuidell \- Bean, china, glass, and earth- enware warehouse, Upper walk, Mar- ket place Brundell Charles, chief clerk of the Nor- wich Union Life Office, Surrey si, and Crisenl, New Bridge st Brundell Elizabeth, dress maker. Gun la lininiug John, cabinet maker. Grouts' thoroughfare, Timberhill s( Bryan Joshua, berlin wool warehouse, 8 Hay market Bryant Sainnel, beer retailer. Thorn lane Bubhings IJobert, millwright and en- gineer, 'I'hornc [of the Inns Buck Charles Harrison, boot raaker.Back Bucli Peter, iicadeiny. Chapel st [close BnckZechariah, professor of inusic,Upper Uuckenham Joha Chailes, watch maker, Toiiibland Bugden Thomas, grocer, Muspole st Bu'.'g Moses, dyer, Butolph st Bull Geriigc. pill box maker. Silver st Bull Isaac, boot maker, 8 Castle st Bui ard Joshua, gardener and seedsman, Silvi-r road [Chapellield Bollard Richard (Bowling Green Inn), Billiard Richard, brewer, Bridge st, St. Lawiencc Bulla' d Richard, nmltster, Pig lane Bollard Robert, shopkeeper, SI. Faiths Billiard Siiinncl, fruiterer, St. Steilicns st Bollard 'I'homiis, shopkeeper, Tiouse newton [(ioat lane Billiard William, flour chandler. Lower Bi.lirr Robert, fruiterer. Swan lane, St. Andrew's [B-r si BiiUer Robert, gardener and seedsman, Biilley William, slwpkeeper, Thorpe Biillimore Ann, straw bonnet maker, Union place Bullimore John, blacksmitli, Thornlane Bullock Esther, gardener, City road Biillitude James, shopkeeper, Cherry st Bunded John, coal dealer, Thorpe Bonn George, conlVctioiier, Westl'gatest Bonn John. jun. architect and surveyor, 2i) Chipellield road liiinii Thomas, grocer, SI. Benedict st Bunting James, shopkeeper, Coslany st Bunting John, painter and plumber. Up- per market Bunting Richard, ficnch polisher, St. Margarel'.< Church alley Bunling, Son 'V Durrani, soap manufac- turers, and tallow chandlers, St.Mii.f.s Soap Works, Coslany st Bunting Thomas, shopkeeper. Bull close Biirrham Samuel, corn agent, Coslany st Biirchany & Pyle, cum chandlers. Wen- sum .st Burdett Jonathan, brewer, Dereham road Uuileigli Klizubelh, milliner, Uotolpb st I Burnell Lois, schoolmistress. King st Burraae Alfred, baker, Coslany st Burrage & Jeffries, clot lies salesmen and hatters, 2 D.ivey place [st Burrage Edward, baker. West, Pottergale Barrage Edwin, baker. Elm hill Burrage John Charles, acaderuv, Great Oxford st Burrage Joseph James, academy. Luck- ett's court, St. Andrew st [»t Burrage Robt.shnpkeeper,WestPottergate Burrell James, tripe dresser. Thorn l.me Buriell Thomas Alfred, cabinet maker upholsterer, paper hanger, and dealer in pnper hangings, Mau'dalen st Biirridge Sarah, schoolmistress. Upper Surrey st Burroughs Thomas, butcher. Butchery Burrows Anthony, shnpkeeper,St.l'aul st Burrows Bernard, surgeon's assistant. All .Saint's green [Olliee st Bnr'ows George C, general agent, Post Burrows John, baker. Sprowston Burrows Mary, beer retailer, Colegate st Burrows Peter (Norwich and Norfolk Arms), .Sprowston st [Weswick st Burrows Robert, clothes salesman. Lower Buriows Thomas.beer letailerSprowstoii Burton Samuel Crichmer, attorney, C7 St. Giles st Burton Thomas, shopkeeper, Thorpe Bush Francis, dyer, I'linces st [Andiews Bush George, bookbinder. Bridge st, St. Bush Henry, butcher. Bridge st Bush Henry, shopkeeper, St. Benedici st Bush James, beer retailer. Upper King st Bushel William, butcher. Chapel st Bussey John, gardener and seedsman Silver road [Middle st, Biissy Benjamin, shopkeeper.St. George's, Huston Thomas, gardener and seedsmen, Pockthorpe Butcher Charles, beer retailer, Pitt st Bntch-r Robert, grocer, 1 (iiieeii st Butcher Robert, grocer, B ick of St. Peter's Bii teller William,auctioneer and surveyor, Theatre st [st ButcherW illiam, jun. aiictioneer,Theatie Butler Elizabeth, milliner, Elm hill Bnttifant Uavid, hair dresser. Golden Ballst rBicklana Buttif.int John, shopkeeper, St. Paul's, Biitlilar.t John Slohvorthy, millwright, Lower King st Buttifant Josinh, grocer, Ber st Bnttifant William, baker, Cowgate st Buttle Henry (Bed Lion Tav.), Drayton Buttle Henry (Ship Tav ) King st. gates Bve Robert (Bricklayers' Arms), Lower Westwick st Bygrave Robert, beer retailer. Quay st CABLE William, boot maker, Ber st Ciiley Nalbanirl Heniy, halrerdasher, 17 Gentlemens' walk [Middle st Ca'low Hannah((ioldcn Can), Si. George's Cal low Win. J ulien,brazier,G olden Ball st CallhorpeChrislopher, jun. grease manu- f iclurcr and oil refiner. Castle meadow Caltliorpe Jnhn. cooper, 31, London st CaltonJi'hn Discnn (George & Dragon), Upper Haymarki t Calver John, saddler, All Saint's green Calver Robert, sa« mills, Sprowston Calver Thos., hoot maker, 10 Up. Market Calvert John, boot maker. Church St. St. Simon's [hill Cam pbel I Joseph, travelling lea dpalpr,Cow Campling Abraham & Co. Berlin wool warehouse, 35 London st Campling George, china &c. dealer, Magdalen st [Middle st Campling Hy. house agent, St. George's, CamplingJacob.hcer relailer.Magdalen st Campling James, iron and brass founder, Bntf-coat lane Foundry [lane Campling Robert, mayor's ofllcer. Rose Campling Rube it, haberdasher, I Saint Andrew's st Campling William, grocer. Barrack «t Caiiiplin;,' William, painter and plumber, Coslany st Candler J no., stationer,RampantHorse8t Candler John, painter and plumber. Peacock st [tergate st Canham S mil., turner,Webslei's yd.Pof- Canham William, boot maker, Lower Westwick st Cann John, beer retailer. New Cafton Cann Walling, saw mills, Philadelphia Cannell George Simon, boot raaker,Berit iSiiectorii. NORWICH. &c. Koifolfe. Cannell Henry Blorofield, banker's clerk. 11 New Market road Cannell Isaac, sadiiler, Coshiny st CannellJumes, K'ocer, St. Bfiieinr.t st Cannell Julin, blicksmitii, Draylon Cannell John, saddler. Ber st Cannell John, shopkeeper. Union place Cann«ll I'eter, miller, IVIouseliold Cannell Robert, baker, King st Canwrll Isaac, beer retailer, Coslanyst Capon Jaiiie«, miller. New Cation Capram Lewis, toy dealer. White Lion st Caprani Lewis, hardwareinan, White Lion st [st CardranCharles.coacli builder, Magdalene Carman Samuel, black.-mith, St. Faiths Caro Rev. Simon, professor of languages' Wesllfgate st Carpenter Robert, cooper, Oak st Carr Charles, basket maki'r. Elm hill Caiter John, boot niaki-r. Fishgale st Carter J iiUn, dyer, All Saints st Carter Mary Ann. milliner. All Saints st Cathercole Mary Ann, professor of music, Uuke st fst Cartvvright & Davis, dentist,? PostOflice Cartwrigbt Henry, gun maker, Rampant Horse st Carver Eliza, milliner, Wensiiin st Carver James, shopkeeper, (jrove place CarverRuth.ladies' schooi.Wt. Potter sate CarverWilliam.boot makeri& Wateiriiaii Tavern), Lower Westwick st Cary Joseph H., hammer maker. Saint Catherine's plain [ColcRate st Case Philip, ginger beer &c. maker. Case Philip, chemist and druggist, Bridge st, St. Geoigr's Cassey Rcibeit, beer retailer, Oak st Castle William, hair dresser. Hay hill Castleton William, tailor, 1-5 Bank st Casti>n Joseph (Victoria Tavern), Saint Stephen's road [St. Benedicts Caston Thomas, watchmaker. Barn road, Catchpole John, beer retailer. Lower Westwick st [Briiige road Catermole David (Coach & Horses) Found ry Cattermoul Everett & Son, builders, Tooleyst [hill Catteinioul William, dyer, St. Andrew's Cawdron Jonathan, millwright & engi- neer, Duke st Chalk Eleanor, ladies' school. Cow hill Chalker .Alfred, bt-er retailer, St. Miles, Church st Challis John, boot maker, 43 London st Ck\.mber or COMMEKCE, Post Office st Chaniberlin & Warner, grocers. Post Office st Chamberlin Henry, Sons & Co., linen drapers. Market place Chamberlin James, inspector of weights and measures, St. Andrew st Chambers Susannah, milliner. Rose lane Chandler Elizabeth, upholslcress, St. Stephen's road Chandler Wm., ironmonger,St,StepIien st Chapman Abel, butcher, St. Martin's Palace plain [close Chapman &c Hansell, attorneys. Upper Chapman Charles, carver and gilder, St. Andrew's hill Chapman Charles, carver & gilder, King st. Crook's place Chapman James Denny, linen draper, 2 Genllcmens' walk [Tinkler's lane Chapman Philip, gardener & seedsman. Chapman Sanil., butcher, UpperSt.Uiles' Chapman William, baker, Wensum st Chapman William, tailor, St.Benedict st Cbarlwood Arlhur,bookbinder & printer, Oxford hill [place Charlwood Arthur, eating house. Market Chase Charles, grocer.Rampant Horse si CherryTlns.,boot maker,l5razenDoors rd Cheslow William, tailor. Little Orford st Cheitlebiirgh Henry, baker. Rampant Horse st [King st Chettlebur,;h Robert, saddler. Upper Child Stephen, blacksmilh,Cli.ipeltield rd Chittnck Timothy, surveyor. Grove plaee Christie Thomas, pawnbroker, Colegate st Christie Thomas & John,coal merchants, King st Church Charles, bill postcr,Fisher'slane Church op England Assur4nce Office, Post Oftice st CiTVANU COUNTr NEWS RooMs, Old Post Ortice court — John Goldsmith Atkinlon, agent Cirv Gaof,, St. Giles' gale Clabburn & Sparks, wine and spirit mer- chants, Magdalen st Clabburn Thomas, Son & Plummer, sliawl manulacturers, Pitt st Clapham Jnhn, chair maker, Ber st Clare Caroline, inilliner, Co« i>ate st Clare Chas. & Son, millers, Bexley Mill C larence J osh, lessee of lheatre,Tlieatre st Clark John, gardener and seedsman, St. Faith's lane Clark Joseph, academy, Colegate st Clark Robert, smith. Fishgate st Clark Robert A. professor of writing and music, Pottergate st [Benedict st Clark Robert & Son, watchmakers, St. Clark Royal, coal dealer, William st Clark Thomas, auctioneer and surveyor, Peaiield Clarke Charles, brewer, Coslany st Clarke Elizabeth,milliner,St. Faith's lane Clarke Frederick Edward, piano forte tuner. Princes st Clarke George, boot maker, Calvert st Clarke George, horse hair manufacturer. Lower King st Clarke Isaac, butcher,Wellington terrace Clarke Isaac, butcher, St. Augustine st Clarke James, tailor. Tabernacle st ClarkeJno.congreve match raaker.KIng st Clarke John, bombasin manufacturer, Calvert st [st ClarkeJohn,bootmaker,St.MiIes',Church Clarke John, gardener and seedsman, fleigham Causeway [st Clarke John.shavil manufaettirer,Calvert Clarke Jonathan, boot maker.Plumstead Clarke Maria, straw bonnet maker, St. Gregory's Church alley Clarke Royal, shopkeeper, William st Clarke Samnel, butcher. Upper market Clarke Sarah, tpilliner. Upper Surrey st Clarke Thomas Welliam, cabinet maker, 10 Dover st [st Clarke William, shopkeeper, St. James Claxton Johnson, clothes salesman. Or. fold hill [place Claxtnn Robt. clothes salesman, 9 Dnvey Claxton William, bakei', Tinkler'.s lane Clement William (Coachmaker'a Arms) Bethel st [st Clements Mary Ann, milliner, Botolph Clements William, carpenter. Bethel st Clelhero James, sbopkeeper,StSt.ephen's Back street Clifford Ann, ladies school, St. Giles road Clifford Joseph, last and boot tree maker, Scoles green [road Climpson Edward, tailor,Lakenham Hall Climpson Elizabeth, straw bonnet makr. Lakenham Hall road Clowes Francis, auctioneer,St. Andrew's Hall plain [Fishgate st Coaks Richard, coal & timber merchant Coaks Richard, brick dealer, Fishs;ate st Coalman George Risine, brick maker and coal merchant. Castle meadow Cobb John, furniture broker, Ber st Cobb Leg-gett, butcher(and Rose Tavern) St. Augustine st Cobb Leggett, jun. hutcher,Magda!en .st Cock Wm.. blacksmith, St. Catherine's ter Cockaday Isaac, coach lace manufacturer St. Andrew's hill [st Cocks Oennis{ Woodman Tavern), Catton Cocks Dennis, tailor, Coslany st Cocks Thomas, clothes salesman, Lower Westwick st fst Codling Arthur John, academy, Magdalen Coe Mark, bricklayer. Castle meadow Coe Mary, ladies' school. Chapel st CoHin Robert, beer retailer, Pal.ice st Cognian Emma, milliner. Princes st Cogman Frederic, tailor, draper and habit maker. Princes st Cogman Robert, carpenter, Union place Cohen Philip, fruiterer, Swan lane, St. Andrews [lane Coke John, gardener and seedsman, Mill Colby John, hair dresser. Hay hill Colby Samuel (Bear and Staff Tavern), Fisher lane Colby William,beer retailer, St. Giles bill Colby William, butcher. St. Benedict st Coldham William (Pope's Head Tavern) Upper market Cold well Harriet & Amelia, ladies' scbool St. Clement's churchyard Cole John Beck, tailor and draper, 3 Box Office st [Chapeltield Cole Sarah, ladies' school, 11 Crescent, Coleman & Son, lineiulraper, fLondonst Coleman Benjamin, beer retailer. Ram- pant Horse st [Jail hill Coleman George Lovick, linen draper, Coleman Samuel (Albert Tavern), Ber st Coleman Saml. attorney, St Lawrence la Coleman Thomas, tailor and draper, 12 Exchange street Coleman Thos, brewer. Chapel st [st Coleman Timothy.beer rctailcr,Trafalgar Colkett Henry John, tea dealer. Back of the Inns rgt Collett Robert, beer retailer, Whitefriars Collier Thos., confectioner, Timberhill st Collins James.boi't maker, 4 Davey place Collins James, tailor. City toad Collins William, beer retailer. Queen st Crook's place Colman & Glendenning,iron, oil & colour merchants. Rampant Horse st Colman Henry, grocer, 1 Exchange st Colntan Jeiemiah it Son, millers. Stoke Holy cross Colman Thomas, musical instrument repairer, Tombland churchyard [st Colman Wm. beer retailer, St. Margai'et Colsey Charles, stay maker, Orford liill ColseyJohn, stay maker, St, Andrew's Hall plain [st Coman Thomas John, grocer.St.Benedict Comer Ann,clothes dealer.St. Benedict st Conyers Mark, south-wester maker. St. Giles terrace Cook David, boot maker, Bishopgate st Cook Ed. coal & corn merchant,Tooley st Cook John, beer retailer, Ber st Cook Thomas A., smith Ber st Cook T^homas Edward, boot maker,Wbite Lion st [Newton Cook Wm. painter & plumber. Trowse Cook William, boot maker, 14Starling pi Cooke Ann, dyer, St Geome's, Middle st Cooke Charlotte,milliner,Castle meadow Couke Edwd. leather culter,Maddermrkt Cooke Elizabeth, mistress of infant's school, Colegaie st Cooke John, smith, Dial yard, Coslany it Cooke Samuel, brush maker, C Davey pi Cooke Thomas Paul, dyer, Coslany st Cooke Timothy,wheelwrigbt,lHaedalen st Cooke William, chemist and druggist, 27 St. Giles street CooKB.'s Hospital, Rose lane Cooper Cailos, barrister, Orford hill Cooper Emanuel, surgeon, Tombland Cooper J acob,beer retailer. All .Saint's grn Cooper James, fruiterer, Princes st Cooper John, shopkeeper, Union place Cooper John & Sons, silversmiths, 20 London st [Chapeifield Cooper Jno.Norlon V. altoriiey,aCrescent Cooper Jonathan Whitley, attorney, and commissioner for taking affidavits, St. Marj'.- alley Cooper Sarah, lodging house,Lower close Conper Thoinas(Corn Exchanfe Tavei n) Little London st [Benedict st Cooper William, painter and plumber, St. Cooper William, surgeon, Duke st Coote George Mark,bookbinder,stalioner, machine ruler.and account honk manu- facturer,and engraver, lithographic and copper-plate printer. Old Hay hill Coole Maria Wake, ham & bacon dealer, Oldbay hill [man's walk Copeman & Sons, grocers, 12 Gentle- Coperaan Edwin, physician,Post Office st Co|ieman William, lire office agent, 12 Gentleman's walk f!oppin Edward, ironmonger, Orford bill Cordian William, butcher. Magdalen st Cordran Wm. cabinet rokr,lChapeltield_rd Corey Christmas, tailor. Cross lane Cork John, gardener & seedsman. Mill la Corn Exchange, Ex<;hange st Cornish John, beer retailer, Magdalen st Coronkr'sOffice (City), 4 PustOffice st — William Wilde, coi oner Coroner's (deputy) Office (county). Jay's court, Briggs st [road Corps James, organ builder, ChapelUeld Cossey John, house agent, Botolph st Cotman John Joseph, artist, Thorpe Cottam Thomas, butcher. Butchery Cottermole Robert (Three Tuns Tavern), Thorpe [place Cottom & Brewster, butchers. Market Coiilson Richard, master of British scbool Peafield CouxTY Court and' Guildhall Of- FicK, Redwell st County Gaol, The Castle 57 Kotfolfe^ NORWICH, &c. ^Iatei'0 County Surveyors Office, Bank of England court [lane Cousens Eliz.ibeth. milliner, Rising Sun Cousens John, boot maker, RisingSiin la Cousins James, fruiterer, Benedict st Cousins Thomas, currier, 3 l'|ipr. mnrket Covell John, soda water maker. Elm hill CovvanCharlotle(Tun»l'av)AllSaiut'sg7n Cox Francis, fishmonger, Uridge st Cox John, boot n)aker, Magdalen st Cox JosephC. resident sur^'eon,Heigham Lunatic Asylum, Untbank's row Cox Thoniiis, rope maker, linBT Coat lane Cox \Villiam(Duke of York),Putlergate st Cox William Henry & Ellen, professors of ransic Cliapelfield road Coxford John, shopkepr. St. Augnstin si Cozens James & Son, corn and coal merchants, St. Benedict st Crake Robert, miller, Surlingham Crapani Lewis, fancy repository. White l.ion st [Gnat lane Craske & Warner, cabinet maker»,Lower Craske Henrv, hair dresser.St. Stephen st Crawshaw Ri'cliard, brewer,St. Slephen'st Creake James, fancy reposi'ory. Si. Andrew's hill [st Cremer Robert B., apothecary, St. Andrew Crickmay Edward, surueon, Magdalen st Criukmer John, travelling tea dealer, 1 Town close [Castle nieadnws Crisp John Wiseman, tailor and draper. Crisp Thomas Dawson, traveller Bank st Critchfield Samuel, culler. Royal Hotel st Crilchtield Samuel, professor of music. Princes st [s< Crocks Thomas, tailor. Lower Westwick Crook John, surgeon, Cliapelfiold House Cross John.eorn merchant,Dnke's palace Crossdale William, fruiterer, \Oal; st Crosse John Green, surgeon, Orford hill Cro5se J. (Macartney.attorney, Orlord bill Crosskill Robert, cork culter.St. George's Middle st [George's Crosskill Robert, fruiterer. Bridge st St. Crotch.\l!itthew,hair dresser, Magdalen st CrolchVVilliam, liecr retailer, Fishirate st Crnwe Charles, eating-house, Elrn hill Crowe Edward (Balloon Tavern) Lower Westwick st [plain Crowe Elizth, ladies' school, St. George's Crowe John, cabinet maker-, i Surrey st Crowe Spicer, painter and plumber, St. Benedict st [wickst Crowe William, coal dealer, Lottr,SVest- Crowfoot George, baker Si. Benedict st Crowfoot R.ibert, baker, Pottergate st Crowfoot William, cabinet maker, Ber st Croxford Henry, agent for Talljs & Co., M igdalen ktreet Cruso Lydia, milliner, 6 Briggs st Cubitt (ieo. chemist & druggist, Up mrkt Cubitt Geo Robert, surgeon, Upr. King si Cubitt John, beer retailer-, Julian st Cubitt Samuel Durrant, wholeaale and retail iionmonger, and oil and colour raercliant. St. Andrew's hill [st Cubilt Thomas, glove & brace maker,0,ik Culiitt William . I., corn and seed mer- chant, .Magdalen ^t Cudbard John Sc Charles, argricultural implement makers, Theatre st Ciidblrd Luc). milliner. Pottergate st Ciidden Ann (Vctory Tavern), Rampnnt Hoisest [31 Cuddon J aines&Son,conveyaucers, Bethel Culley Jane, shopkeeper, Cowgalc st Crilley John, wine and spirit men liant, Si. Andrew's hill [palace Culley Samuel, general merrbanl,l)uke'8 CuUinglnn John, butcher, Union \\ace Cullington John, butcher, Cowtate st CtilinginnMary .Ann, boot inker. Queen st Cullyer C. & J., smith-s and bcllhangers, Cow line [lane Cullyer Frederick, glass stainer. Wtllow Ciilyer Charles, cooper.Rampaninorse si Culyer 1 homas, beer tetailer. Colegate st Culjer Thos. carver & gilder.Potlergatest Cumberland David, surveyor of taxe«,8 St. ."Stephen's square Cundall Son & Co., linen diapers. 19 Gentlemen's walk [lull Cunningliain John tailor. 5 St. Andrew's Cunningham Thoinag (Eight Ringers Tavern). Cuslany at [Mary's plain Cunningham William, shopkeeper, St. Cupper Jas.booksellrr,Ramranl Horse st Curl Jamrs, bricklayer. Union place Currey William, calrinet maker, St. Ste- phen's Back si t8 Cnrson Mai-y Ann, matron of Norfolk & Norwich Magdalen Asylum, Life's em Cnrlis & Balls^ builders, coal merchants, and lime burners. West Pottergate st Curtis John, blacksmith. Lame Dog road Cushing Charles, carver and gilder, St. Ln-wrence lane [RO'i st Cushing Rosamond, ladies' school. Para- Cusbiiig Wm. (Albion Tar.) Market place Cushion William, timber merchant, Cha- pfc>field road [M Ciis'anceJonathan.shopkeeper.Magdalen Cnthbert Edw.boot maker, St. Martin's la Cuthbert Wm. saw mills, Pliiladelphia Cutler Francis, grocer, St. Margaret st D.\BSON John, painter and plumber, Magdalen st [st Dabson Robert, shuttle maker, Magdalen Dai-k Jonathan, beer retailer, Heighamst Dack Noah(DukeofYoik\Lr.Wesiwickst Dade Cbarloite, baker, U pper St. Giles Dady Daniel, furrier, St. Stephen st Dailies Robert (Coatb& Horses). Bethel st Dale Robert, timber merchant, Thorpe Dallinger Joseph, engraver, eopper-plate, lithographic & letter-press printer and stationer, 12 Davey place Dalrymple Jv Crosse, proprietors of ihe Heighain I'rivate Lunatic Asylum, Dnihank's road [green Dalrymple Archibald, surgeon, -All Saints' Dalrymple Artbnr,atlorney,ori St. Giles st Dalrymple Don iM, surgeon, Surrey st Dalton Samuel, attorney, .St.Giles'tenace D mc.er William, keeper of St. Andrews' ball. Hall plain [wirk st Dane Clemenl, boot maker, Low>rWest- Daniell Sarah, ladies' school, Calvert st Daniels Benjn. butcher, St. Augustine st Daniels Robt.blacksinith,Tiowse Newton Daniels Thos (Albert Tavern), Devest Dann James, boot maker, Magdalen st Dann MaryAnn,beer retailer,Pottergatest Dann S. stay maker, Grout's thorough- fare, Timberhill st Dap' in Maik, wheel wright.Derehamioad Daplyn Mary, baker, St. .Augustine st Darken James, bonksellcr and printer, Little London st [load Darkins Canu.il, bricklayer, St. Stephen's Dashwond La'jncelot, surgeon, St. An- drew st [st Daveney Charles Burton, attorney. Bethel Davey j'hos.&Son, silk merchants, Pitt st Davis Mark.lravellirigjewellei-.Rigliy's ct Davison James, coal merchant, Fishguie st D ivison Matthew, baker. New road Davy John, letterpress printer, St. Cle- ment's ( hurch yard Dawbarn J:imes, woollen draper and hatter, 15 Excli;ins;e st Dawes Lawrence, caiverand gilder, St. Faith's lane [road Da wsonGeorse,brickm!iker, Brazen Door Dawson Geo s' opkeepi-r. Rosen ary lane Dawson James, heer retailer,Thorp ■ road Dawson John, clothrs salesman, lier st Dawson John, coal dealer,!, r.Westwii-kst Dawson John, grocer, Golden Ball st Dawson Jonathan, butcher, Magdalen st Dawson Samuel, shopkeeper, Oak st D.iy Fredk. shopkeeper. Trow se Millgate Day James, boot inaker,.St. Lawrence steps l)ay Pttrr & Son, attorneys, Upr.Snrreyst D.iy Starling, cashier to tlie guardians. New Cation [st Day Thos. .Stoiling, corn ir\spector, Pitt Day William, clerk to the magistrates, I'olice office, fiiiildhall Day William H. snmeon, UpperSurrey st Dajnes Jeremiah, baker, Fishjiate st Daynes John, news agenl,back of the [nns Daynes John (Plough Ta»ern), Castle hill Oaynes Samuel, printer, and secretary to Ihe Norwich district of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, cornerof Golden Ball st. Castle bill Dean & Co. bookbinders and printers, St. Stephen st Dean James, hoot maker, City road Dearing Willinn, beer retailer. New road Death John, cooper, Uishopeate st Dehage Jas. | ['oniilaiu T^iv.jSi.Beredirt si Dehney R. cuiiiei, lik It am pant Hoisest De Carle Jas. Lw in, grocer. Charing cross De Car'e Mnry, ittonemason, Duke's pa- lace, St. Andiew st De Carle .Mary, matron of Blind Hospital. Upper Magdalen st De Caux Mary Arn, miller, Thorpe road De Caux Shakespeare, boot maker, St. Augustine st [st De Caux Wm. (TrumpetTav.),St. Stephen Decks John (George IV. Tavern), Ber st Dreks John, watchmaker, Her st Delf Win.&Co linen drapers, Wensnm st Delph Thos. (Flower-in-Hand), Tooley st Dclpb William, painter and plumber, 8t. Augustine st Denmark Wm. beer retailer. Barrack st Dennington Mary Ann, ladies' school. Willow lane [ton Dent Mary, schoolmistress, TrowseNew- De Vear& Phillips, Manchester ^Scotch warehousemen, l>avey place Devereux Edmund, painter and plumber, SI. George's Middle st Dew Edinond B. hairdresser. King st Dewing Robert, clothes salesman, Rose- mary lane Dickinson John, shopkeeper, Sprowstoti Dickinson Richard, saddler. Castle hill Dick insonSarahClarke,milliner, Surrey st Digby John, lime burner, Thorpe Digby Lydia, milliner, St. Benedict st Digby Peler, beer retailer, St. Augustine st Digby Robert (Anchor Tav.), Uracondale District Visiti.vg Society's Office, Pottergate st Diver Jabez,sliopkeeper, St. Paul's plain Diver Owen Albert, grocer, Upper walk .Market place » Dix Hannah Charlotte, l,idies' school. Tuck's court. St. Giles st Dix Mary, lodging house, Colegate st Dixon Frederick, surgeon. 22 St. Giles xt Dixon Fuller, coach builder, LittleOrforil street. King st [st Dixon John, painter & pluml)ei,22 Bethel Dixon William, hairdresser. Castle hill Dixon Wm. hair dresser. Holkham lane Dobson .lane, schoolmislresn, Thorpe Dobson Richard, slraw bonnet maker, St. Benedict st Dodd Ed ward James, flour dealer &water tax collector. Lower Westwick st Dodds James, shopkeeper. Po'tcrgale st Dodman Robert Thompson, slay m;iker, Cowgate st [lion st Dodson Wm. Robeit, silversmith. 41 Lon- Dongvvorth Ann, sbopkeepir, Botolph st Douce Joseph, acailen.y, Pottergate st Doughty Rd. (King's Head), 10 Davey pi DoucnTY's Hospital, Calvert street, St. George's [.Silver roail Douglass John, gardener and seedsman, Douglass Robert & Co. I oinbasiii inanu- faclnrers. Cnwuate st Dove Harry, surgeon, Tombland Downing Joseph, china, &c. dealer, 24 Geiillemen's walk Downing William, carpenter, Bethel it Dow nsMaria,sl raw bonnet maker,Dukest Dowson B. U. & .Sons, corn and coal mer- chants. King st and Duke's palace Dowson Edw. pninler&plnirber, Diike st Dowson John Withers, attorney. Castle meadow [lane Dra'.;e tt'illiam, beer reiailer.Worlil's end Drake Charles, surgeon. All Saints' green Drake .lohn, tailor and draper. St. Giles st Drane Elizabeth (Lion & Castle Tavern), Timberhill st Drane J..mes, corn and co:il mercliont, S'amp-officc yard. Si. Andrew st Drane William, auctioneer and surveyor, Bethel sireet Diew John, s'eel yard maker. Ber st I )re we Wm. I urn ir'.S I. Mary's Church alley Drewell Henry R. chemist and druggist, St. Catherine's plain [thank's pi Drewery Edw L-ardener Sc seedsman, Un- Uriver Isaac (Old Goat Tav.), Up. Goatl.^ Driver Wm banker's clerk, 7 Victo:iast Drurnmoiid Margaret, ladies' school, Up- per King st Dutlield Edward, boot maker, Sn«sex st Duirield (Jiorge, boot maker. Cation Dullicld George, grocer. Coslany st Dnllield .lames, beer retailer. Coslany st Dnflield John, boot maker. Timber hill Dunch Dcnuiark,beer retailer St. James st Dunham Elizabeth, milliner, Belhel st Dunham Harman fOld Music House), King st [King st DiinliainHarman,jun.(Cinderf>vensTav.), Dunham John, shopkeeper. Pealield Dunn Ann, beer retailer. Silver st Duim George, hair dresser, Tiafalgar st Dunn James, beer retniler. Quay st Punn Jaf. boot maker, Si. (ieorge's plain IQfrcftorfi. NORWICH, &c. Kotfollt. Dnnn James, coal merchant. Quay side Dunn Joliii, baker, West Pottergate gt Dunn ,)olin, cooper, Ber st Donn Samuel, hair dresser, Pilt st Dunn William, congreve match maker. Silver road Dnnning Thomas S. carver and gildef Oereliani road Duuthorn John, beer retailer, Co\ve;ate st Durrani George, attorney, Surrey st Diirrant Robert, shopkeeper. St. Miles, Church st [rines' plain Durrant Thomas, shopkeeper, St. Cathe- Durrant William (Norfolk Hotel), com- mercial family and posling, St. Giles st Dyball Roberi, baker, Rosemary lane Dyball Robert Htnley, linen draper, Brigiis st [place Dye Charles (Old Dove Tavern), Market Dye Harriet, ladies' school, 'I'heatre st Dye William, fellmonger. Oak st Dye William, tailor, Colegate st Dyer Jepheniah John, cane worker,Ber st EADE Thomas, tailnr,WeslPotterga»est Eagle Life Assurance Okkick, Prin- ces st — William Millard & Son, agents F.arl James William, surgeon, Surrey st JEarl John, beer ri-tiiler, Magd ilen st East of E.\GLANDBANK,Up.Haymarket Eastern U.mon Railway Station, St. Stephens' road Ensto John, grocer and cheese factor, C'l and 6.5 St. Stephen st EastoeEdmund, wheelwright, Sprowston Eastoe Georf^e (Church Stile Tavern),Up- per market [diet st Eastough Henry, shopkeeper, St. Bene- Eastough Mary (York Tav.), Orford hill Eaton Jane, milliner, Pottergate st Eaton Wra. (ElephaiitTav,), Magdalen st Economic Lifr A.ssurance OtFiCE, Coleg.itest — Horr.tioBolingbroke,a»ent Edgar Robert, surgeon, St. Giles terrace, Bethel st Edgar Thomas, brush maker. Chapel st Edinburgh Life AssuiiAjrCE Office, St. Giles st— John O. Taylor, agent Edwards Edward Manning, hair dresser 40 London st ' Ed%vards John,surveyor, StokeHoly cross Edwards Maria, shopkeeper, St. Martin's, Palace plain [Dog road Edwards Robert (Lame Dog Tav.), Lame Edwards Robert, carpenter, Oak st EdwardsThomas, limeburiier,Sprowston Edwards Thos., tailor & draper, Orford st Edwarils William Pye, linen draper, St. Stephen st Ellington Ann, mi'liner, Calvert st Ellington Richard, baker and miller, St. Faith's Eldon Edward, baker. Oak st Elliot George, grocer, Berst Elliot Robert, currier, St. Benedict st Elliott Charles, tailor, Ber st Elliott Hannah, milliner, Magdalene st Ellis Benjamin, beer retailer, Coslany st Ellis John, carpenter, Oak st Ellis Mary, shopkeeper, Coslany st Eilis Samuel, baker. Little London st Ellis Saml, baker. St. George's, Middle st Ellis Samuel, fruiterer, Oak st Ellison Thomas, turner, Dove st Ellwood Henry, butcher, Timber Hill st Elmer Elinor, school mistress, Oak st. St. Martin's ' [Close Elmer .John, gardener and seedsman. Lr. Elvis William (Post Office Tavern), Post OfTice st [road ElwesJonathan, bootraaker,St Stephens' Ely Robert, furniture broker, Pilt st Emmett James, agent to Pickford & Co. 47 Upper St. Giles st Emms Charles (Wine Coopers' Arms), West Potlercate st Emons William (Star and Crown Tav.), Timber Hill st Empson Ezia, baker, St. Augustin st Empson Saml. furniture broker,Catvert st Empson Saml., shopkeeper, Magdalen si Engall Joseph, fruiterer, St. Augustin st Engall Thos. Barnabas (CullTav.) Ber st England Mark, beer retailer.St. Pan I'splain English John, linen draper, 17 London st English Joseph, tailor, 4 London st English Richard (Greyhound Tavern), Rampant Horse st English Wm., cabinet maker, Tombland Etheridge George & William E,, silver- smiths, 10 Gentlemen's walk European Life Assurance Office, Tombland — Geo.Elwaid Simp!ion,asent Evans Charles, barrister, Upper King st Evans George, skopkeeper. Barrack si Evans Lewis, physician, Upper Surrey st Evans Robert, shopkeeper. Oak st Eveiett Robert, Esq, Calvert st Ewing John William, nurseryman, 9 Ex- change st Ewing Stephen, miller, St. Failh'B Eye Infirmary, St. Benedicts FAIRHRAD Louisa, milliner, Fisher's la F'airman Robert, carpenter, Tliorpe Fairman William, shopkeeper. Barrack st Fairweather Lydia, haberdasher, 4 Lon- don st Fake John, pump maker, Cowgale st Farmer Benjamin, master of Balder- stone's school, Colegate st Farjiers', and General Assurance Office, Middle st, St. George's— John Batemaii & Son, agents Farmers' Graziers and Cattle In- st;RANcE Office, Theatre st— Wm. Butcher, agent [tre st Farnell William Keeling, academy, Thea- Farrer William, straw bonnet maker, Magdalen st Farrow George, beer retailer, Ber st Farrow Thomas, boot maker, Union plane Fauike Robert Cooper, bootmaker,Slock- ings court, St. Slephei.s st Faux Robert, beer retailer, St. Augustin st Fayerman & Crane, academy, Julian's pi Fearnsides Bnjn., shopkeeper, Palace st Feek Fredk., livery stables, St. Giles road Peek William, livery stables, St. Giles st Feldheim Samuel, travelling jeweller. Elm hill [12 White Lion st Fclstead Elizabeth, stiaw bonnet maker, Felstead Emanuel, hatter, 19 Davey place Felstead James, shopkeeper, Cliapel st. Crooks' place fhara Feltham JonathanSiMark, millers, Laken. Fenn Robert, grocer. Magdalen st ^'enn Robert, boot maker, Drayton Fenn Thomas, boot maker, Bridge st Fenn Thomas (Hen and Chickens), St. Mary's plain [Andrew st Fenton Susannah, school mistress, St. Fickling Robert, attorney. Princes st Fiddleman Roberi (Old Lobster Tavern), Pottergate st Fidiman Mai y, coal dealer. King st [st Fidler Elizabeth, ladies'school, Pottergate Field & Bignold, attorneys, Rampant Horse st [place Field Robert, carpenter. Chapel st.Croiks Field William, chair maker. Queen st. Crook's place Field William, fishmonger, Magdalen st Filby William(Duke's Palace lnn),Duke's palace Finch ,lohn, wheelwright, TrowseNewton Finch Walter, smith, Elm hill Finch Wm., smith. Wagon and Horses la Finegan Thomas William, professor of French language. Cow hill Firth Ellen, ladies'school, Bethel st Firlh George Warren Watson, surgeon, Palace plain, St Martin's Fish Matthew, dyer. Lower Westwick st Fish Thomas, currier. Golden Ball st Fish Wm., music seller, ITBridewell alley Fisher Joshua, painter ind plumber,Para- eon street Fisher Mary, milliner, Ten Bell lane Fisher Robert, carpenter. Museum court, St. Andrews st I'isher Robert, shopkeeper. Oak st Fisher Thomas, builder, St. Andrew st Fisher Thos. professor of mu'iic.Princes st Fitch & Chambers, chemists and drug- gists, Maiket place [Barrack st Fitch Hannah (Horse Barracks Tavern), Fitt George (Builders Arms),Potteigatest Fitt James, butcher, Ber st Fitt Robert, tobacco pipe maker, Ber st Fitt Thomas William, saddler, Ber st Flatt John, ironmonger, Magdalen st Flatt Samuel, baker, Ber st Fletcher Ann, dyer. Quay st Fletcher,Jarrold & Co., publishers of the Norfolk News, .5 Exchange st Fletcher Jos., (Unicorn Tav.), Coslany st Fletcher Josiah, bookseller, stationer and printer, and agent to the National Mer- cantile Fire and Life Office, Upper Haymaikel Florence William, shopkeeper, Kirby Flower Francii, lodging house, 72 St. Giles street FlowerJonathan,haberdasher,Wensum st Floweidale James (Cat and Fiddle Tav. ern), Magdalen st Folk Charles, baker, King st Folkard William, blacksmith, Surlinghain Ford Wm., wholesale stationer, Davey pi Ford William, boot maker, 13 Davey pi Forder Joseph, shopkeeper, Bramerton Forsler John, straw bonnet maker, 28 London st Forster Samuel, shopkeeper, St. James st Forster Samuel, shopkeeper. Barrack st Forster Thomas, grocer. Paragon st Forster William, attorney, Orford hill Foster, Unthank & Co., attorneys. Upper King st Foulger Edward, coach maker, Ber st Foulsham Ann, milliner, 23 Bethel st Foiilsham James, stocking manufacturer, Thorpe road Foulsham Thomas, china, &c., dealer' Bridge st. St. Georges Foulsham William, hairdresser, Bridge si, St. Georges [st Fountain Eli zabelh,shopkeeper,Heigham Fountain Henry, painter and plumber, 4 Bank st Fox Ann Elizabeth, milliner, Heigham Fox Denny, academy, 1 Douro terrace Fox Elizabeth, baker. Lower close Fox Frederick, attorney, Surrey st Fox Isaac (Queen's Head),Up. St. Giles «t Fox J oel, furrier, 1 1 Gen'lemen's walk Fox John, carpenter, Heigham causeway Fox John, carpenter. Sprowsiou Fox Matthew (Dog Tavern), Horsford Fox Thomas Colman, attorney's clerk, Surrev st Fox William, baker, Cowgate st Fovson Roberi B. (Steam Packet Tav.) Upper King st Francis Bransby, surgeon, Colegate st Francis Geo., beer retailer.Castle ditches Francis George (Maid's Head Inn), Wen- sum street [rey st Francis Henry, attorney and notary,Sur. Francis Juliana, lodging houre. Upper King st [diet st Francis Thomas, house agent. St. Bene- Francis Thomas, shopkeeper, Cowgale st Francis Thomas (Church and State Tav- ern), St. Benedicts! [st Franklin Charles, boot maker, 11 London Franklin Chas., wheelwright, Dereham rd FraryRichd., stay maker, St. Andrew's hill Frary Richard, piece broker. Swan lane, St. Andrews Free Grammak School, Upper close Freeman Brothers, carvers, gilders, cabi- net makers and upholsterers, picture dealers, printsellers,and artists' eolour- men, 2 London st Freeman Charles, Roberi & Henry, corn and cheese factors, Upper market Freeman James, boat builder, St. Ann's Staith lane Freeman James, baker, 15 St. Giles st Freeman Jeremiah, blacksmith, St. Bene. diet lane Freeman John, bricklayer, St. Giles road Freeman Richard, boot maker, St. Bene- dict street FreemanWiiliam, baker. Union place Freeman William, mahogany merchant London st Freestone Anthony, shopkeeper, Peafield Freestone Edwd, attorney, LittleOrlord st Freeth Henreich Theodore, hairdresser, 3 Gentlemen's walk Friar John, boot maker, Thorpe Friends' Provident Assurance Office, 11 Exchange street— Henry Bidwell, agent FrornowSleph.. cattle salesman, Sussex st Fromow John, clothes dIr.Lr Westwick st Frost Chs.carpenter,St. Stephen'sBack st FrostJames, shopkeeper, Magdalen st Frost Robert, hosier, lo.j Davey place Frost Thos., tallow chandler, Fishgate st Frost William, eating house. Bridewell Alley, St. Andrew's Frowmow VVilliain,chemist and druggist, St. Augustine st [»t Fulcher Susannah, milliner. Upper King Fulcher William, millwriEht, Mousehold Fullarton Archibald & Co., publishers, Castle Meadow, and at Edinburgh — Robert Price, agent fuller Elizabeth, milliner, Pottergate st 59 Korfom, NORWICH, &c. ^latcr'0 Pnller Henry, rag &c. dealer, Kin^ st fuller James, saddler, 23 H^yinarket Fuller .lemimaW. ladies' school, Willow la fuller John, tailor and draper, Red Lion St. St. Stephen's [st fuller Rohert (Union Tav.). •*"• Stephen Fuller William, shopkeeper, Trafalgar st fuller William, tobacconist,Red l.ion st, St. Stephen's [Kingst furliy Charlotte, straw bonnet maker.Lr. furze Mary, dyer, St. Oeorge's,Middle st GAGE Lydia, lodging house. Queen st Galey John, shopkeeper, Barrack st GaleyThomas.shopkeeper.St. Benedict st Gardener Ellen, milliner, Cross lane Gardiner James, fruiterer, Benedict st Gardiner \Vm„ beer retailer,l'JLon(lon rd Gardner Oeo., wool agent. Golden Dog la GardnerThompson, boot maker.l5L'pper St. Giles st [Hall road Garnham \Vm., shopkeeper, Lakenhaiii Garlhon James Lapp, surgeon. Bethel st Garwood James, schoolmaster, Oak st, St. Martin's [bridge Gas Works, St. Leonard'shill, Bisliop':> Gaul John, shuttle maker, (Magdalen st Gay Elizabeth, basket maker, Tombland Gay Mary, basket maker. Upper market Gaze Geo , timber merchant,! Dereham rd Gaze Mat' hew, carpenter. Lower Kingst GazeSamucl.hair dresser.LrWestwick st Gaze William, millwright, Pitt st Geary William, hosiery manufaclurer,St. Augustine st [road Gedge Edward Peter, dyer, BrazenDoors Gedge George, dyer, Coslany st [st Gedge William, hair dresser, St Benedict Gedney Frederic)., master of hospital school, Fi-'hgate st Gedney Rachael, misliess of Iio.«pital school, Fisligate st [tine st Gedney Saml. (Prince of Wale»),St.Augus- Genfral Hail-stoum Insurance SociETy (head office), Fisher's lane, St. Giles st — Chas. Suckling (iilman, secy. General InsurancI' Offices. Saint Andrews st— Jacob Henry Tilletf, and Samuel Henry Asker. St Giles', agents Gent George, fishmonger, Coslany st Gent Thomas W.(.St. Catherine I'avern), Brazen Doors road [Pottergate st George Elizablh. & En)ily,ladies' school, GeorgeRichard, fishmonger. St Benedict st George R cliard,coal merchant, Quay side George Robert, carpenter, Muspole st George William, carpenter, Plumstead Gerard William, hairdresser, Botolphst Gib"onChatle« Mends, surgeon. Bethel st Gibson Henry,boot niaker.LrVVestwick st Gibson William, baker,< ily road Giddens John, library, St. Stephen st GidneyBenj a mi n,umbrel la manufacturer. Red Lion St. St. .Stephen's [hill Gidney Caroline! Cattle MarketTav)Castle Gidney Robert VVilliam,fancy repository, 71 St. Stephen st [st Gifford Samuel, china dealer, St.Benedict Gilbert George, coach smith. Star and Crown court, Timberhill st Gilbert James, letter-pres.i printer,Oak st Gilbert J -, painter and plumber, Saini Martin's-at-Oak Gilbert William, carpenter, Pitt st Gildard Joseph & Son, wine and spirit merchants, Wensum st Gill Eliaabelh,conleetioner,St.Stephenst Gill Jas., grocer & baker, Lr.Westwick st Gill John, china &c. dealer, St. Giles st Cilman Charles Suckling, attorney, St. Giles st Gilman John.picture dealer,Market place Gilman Samuel Le Neve, attorney and stamp distributer, St. Andrew st Girdlestone James (Plough Tavern), St. Benedict st GirdlestoneJohn,i>hopkeeper,Julian place Girdleston Reuben, hair dresser, Upper St. Giles st [st Girdleston Robert, hairdresser, Lr. King Girling William (Golden Hall Tavern), Castle hill Globe IssruANCE Ofpicr, St. Andrews st, Wace — Lnckeit Mendham, agent Goat Ch,Trles(Halfmo()n Tar ). Market pi Goddard Robl., schoolmaster.Uerehara rd Goddard Thomas (Black Prince Tavern), Bu'chery GofTin Fds\ard, saddler. Palace st Goggs Ma' tha.ijrocer.lt V. pper St,Glles »t Goldham John, beer retailer, Thorpe road 60 Goldsmith James, grocer, St. Stephen st Goldsmith Jas. beer retailer,St. Stephen st Gooch Elizabeth, shopkeeper, NewCatton Goocb George Carver,painter & plumber, Castle meadow Gooch James, tailor, Post Office court Gooch Noah, brewer (& Hop Pole 'I'av.), Charing cross Gooch Roberl,bookseller,9 White Lion st Gooch Samuel, leather seller, 2 White Lion st [st Gooch Thoraas(Fortune of \^'ar), Calvert Gooch Thomas, brush maker, Grant's thoroughfare. Timber Hill st Gooch Thomas, carpenter, Plumstead Rood Thomas, last maker, Fishgate st Goodchild James, master of union work- house, St. Faith's [line's gate GooderhamSaml. , schoolmaster, St. A ngus- Gooderson & Moll, linen drapers, Jail hill Goodson George, butcher. Butchery [ft GoodsonW ill iam,buteher. West Pol tergate (joodwinJas. & John,atlorneys, Willow la Goose Emma, milliner, l.j Briggs st Goose George, tailor, Potterg.ite st GooseJoseph.limeburner.TrowseNewton Goose Robert(Carpenters' Arms),Trowse Newton Goose Rohert, bricklayer, Julian st Goose William Henry, artist, ii Briggs st Goreham Henry, beer retailer, Saint Swithin's alley Goreham Henry, assistant bailiff County Court, St. Swithin's alley [si Gorell Rohert Atkinson,yarn agent.Buke Gorham Joseph, gardener and sef dsman, Bishopgate st [ham st GoringElizabeth & Honor, bakers, Heig- Gosling Jonas, agricultural iuiplement maker, Ber st [Surlingham Gosling Richard (Coldham Bar Tavern), Goss William Connon (Anchor Tavern), Rising Sun lane Gotts John, shopkeeper, Coslany st Gouch Joshua, coach lace manufacturer, 3 Dove st [Bracondale GouldJohn.sub-agent to Bank of England, Goulden Harriet, milliner, Magdalen st Gowen Jeremiah, haberdasher,C(i5lany st Gowen Thomas Love, haberdasher, St. Mary's alley Gower Thomas, lemonade maker, Gun st Graham Nathaniel, baker. Union place Grand Eliza, shopkeeper, Julian st Grand George, tailor, 112 Pottergate st Grand .lohn, corn chandler,GoldenHall st Grand Richard, tishmongei, Up. Msirket Grant Thos., chemist and diuggist,Ber st Grave Richard, boot maker, Ber st Graver Abraham, cooper, Ber st Graver Thomas, baker, St. Paul's plain Graves Henry, butcher. Butchery Gray George, hair dresser. Bethel st Gray James, hair dresser. Union place GrayMaryAnn, ladies'. school, Pottergate st Gray Mary Ann, butcher, .St. Benedict st Gray Richard, tailor, Paragon st Gray Rohert, grocer, Ber ,st [Helen's Great or Old Man's Hospital, St. Greaves Marian, milliner, Pottergate st Greaves Thomas, tobacco pipe maker, Magdalen st Green Ann, milliner, 2 Post f>rRce st (ireen Elizabeth, ladies school, Bololph st Green John, painter and plumber, Pot- tergate st Green John, shopkeeper, St. James st Green Mary Ann, milliner, IMaedalen st Green Bobt.,b.nskci maker,.St Benedict st Green Robt .timber merchant. New road Greenacre William, beer retailer, Ber st Greenfield Mark, beer retailer. King st gales [gates Greenfield Samuel, coal merchant. King st Greens Jonathan (Barley "Mow), Hay hill Greenwood Paul.clothes salesman, Lower Wesiwick st [st Greenwood William, saddler. Si .Stephen GreiflTenberg Joseph, travellingjeneller, Cnbourg st Griffin Joseph, boot maker, St. Faith's Grittin Wm. carver and gilder. Cow hill Griffiths Hannah, plane maker, Lower (Joat lane Griffiths John, plane maker, Pottergate st (iriggs Wm.firroffice agent, St.Benedict st Grimes John, hardwareman, 12 London st Grimes Thomas baker. Bololph st Grimmer Samuel, chemist and druggist. White Lion st Grimmer Thomas, carpenter, Cation Grint Mary Ann, ladies'8cbool,St.Augus tine st Groom Geo. boot maker, 63 St Stephen st Groom George, dyer, Braxen Doors road Groom Susannah, shopkeeper, Uelhel st Grout & Co. silk and bombasiu manufac- turers. Lower Wettwick st GUARA.NTEE SOCIETY'S OFFICE, Tom- bland— George Elward Simpson, agent Gl^ARDIAN ASSURA.VCE OFFICE, Saint Stephen st — Jirhn Harwell, agent Guen John, beer retailer. Red Lion st, St. Stephens Guildhall, Marketplace Gunter Charles Edward, bookbinder, St. Georfie's Middle st Gunton Henry, watch maker, Brigg st Gunton Thomas, jun. horse hair manu- facturer. Oak st Gunton William, shopkeeper. Kingst Gurney Robert (Three jolly farmers). Charing cross [plain Gurnets' & Birkbeck. bankers. Bank Guyton Hubert (Bakers' Arms), Lower Westwick st HADDON John, collector at weighing machine. Castle hill Haddon Richd. Curson. baker. Rose lane Hagon & Mayes, milliners, \V'estIegale st Hagon George, shopkeeper, Lakenhani Hall road Hagon William, rag, &c. dealer. Oak st Hague I\Iaria, milliner, Lwr. Westwick st Hail-storm Insura.vck Office, f^rinces st — Wm. Millard & Son, agents Haldinstien Philip, clolhes salesman, 4 Bridewell alley, St. Andrews Hale Robert Douglas, surgeon, 63 St. Giles street [market Hales James, cabinet maker. Madder Hall Benjamin, tailor, Magdalen st Hall Charles, butcher, Upper King st Hall George, carpenter, Trowse Newton Hall Geo. (Whit-; Hor3e),Trowse Newton Hall James, house agent, Cowgate st Hall James, painter and plumber .Mag- dalen st [bei hill st Hall James, painter and plumber, Tim- Hall John, academy. Distillery st Hall Jonathan, shopkeeper. Union placo Hall Lucy, milliner. Ten Bell lane Hall Robert, coal merchant. Quay side Hall Robert, master of Catholic school. Ten Bell lane [Church alley Hall Samuel, furniture broker,St.Georffe's Hall Samnel,garden»"r& seedsman. Peafield Hall William, engraver and printer, 30 Back of the Inns Hallows Geo.saddler,2 Rampant Horse st Hallows Jos. hair dresser, Royal Hotel st Halls James, shopkeeper Regent street. Crook's place [Lower close Hamlin John, inland revenue officer. Hammond John (Buff Coat Tavern), Buff Coat lane Hammond Jonathan.boot maker.Bridge st Hankes William, jun. corn and coal mer- chant, St. Mile's Churih st Hannant Richard, grocer. Lower Kingst Hannent Rohert, gardener and seedsman, St. Augustine st [close Hansell Henry, attorney & notary. Upper Hansrll Mary, straw bonnet maker, Ri". ing Sun lane [wick st ILinsome .Sarah, milliner. Lower West- Hanson Chas, boot maker,St. Mary's plain Harbrough Henry Briggs, coal dealer. Lower King st [King st Harcourt Ann, s!rawhonnet maker, Lwr. Harcourt Anthony, coach builder and he- raldry painter, Chapellield road Harcourt .lames, professor of musir, Col.gate st Harden Charles, shn)pkeeper, Heigham st Harden Levi (CrocodileTav.j.Hcigham st Hardesty John, grocer, Colegale st Hardimeiu Jabez, china dealer, Saint Augustine st Hardiinent William, blacksmith. Cation Harding John, wheelwright. Vlaterside Hardy Chas. w hip maker, Timbirhill st HardyDaniel, lodging house,3 Yorkplace, Chapel field road Hardy James, grocer. Rampant Horse st Hardy .lames, plasterer Bethel st Hardy .lames, tallow chandler, .St. Ste- l)heii's corner Hardy John, boot maker, St. Benedict st Hardy John, bricklayer, Thorpe Hnrdy John,painterand pltimbcr,Dovest iSirectoii)* NORWICH, &c. Norfolk. Hardy Michael, baker, Finket st Hanly Thomas (Red I^ion Tavern), Red Lion st, St. Stephen's Hardy William, s.iw mills, St. Georee's Middle st [wick st Hare Eliza, ladies' scliool, Lower VVesl- Hare John, clothes salesmao,Lower\Vest- wick street Hare William, tishmnn^er, Butchery Harley John Pay ne,biitclier,St. Benedict st Harman Adam, beer retailer. Trafalgar st Harmer Daniel, merchant and shipping agent, Duke's palace Harmer .lames (Rose Tav.),St.Stephenst Harper Elizabeth, shopkeeper, St.Faith'a Harper George, chemist and druggist, and agent to the Reliance Life OlBce, Bank plain Harper George, dyer, Calvert st Harper James (Cherry Tree Tavern), La. kenham Hall road [did st Harper James K. brush maker, St. Bene- Harper Jemima, st:iy maker,l3 London st Harper William Richard, academy, 10 Potteriiale st Harpley Charles, shopkeeper, Catton Harpley Thomas, hair dresser, Cowgate st Harris Hannah, ladies' school, St. Au- gustine st Harris John, dyer. Oak st Harris Susanna, mistress of Catholic school, St. John's Madder market alley Harris Wm. (Angel Tav.),Trowsemillgale HarrisWilliam, master of Catholic school, St. John's Madder market alley Harrison Francis, baker. Elm hill Harrison Mary, yest dealer, St. George's Mi.ldlest [Elm hill Hariison Robert, grocer and boot maker, Harrison Samuel, professor of music, Princes st [St. Giles Harrison Thoer,Coslaney st HastingsJoh,puinpmaker,Cat ton Back la Hatcarton Joseph, confectioner. Swan lane, St. Andrews Hatch Christopher, tea dealer, Grout's thoronghfare, Timberhill st Hatcher Susanna, linen draper. Bridge st, St. Andrews Havers Amelia, milliner, Sussex st Havers Charles, builder, Chapellield road Havers Mary Ann (Beehive 'i'avern), St. Stephen's st Havers William Henry, grocer, New Opening, St. Paul's [road Haversnn James, timber merchant, New Hawkes Robert William, woolslapler, Castle meadow Hawkes William, cashier. Lower elose Hayden Thomas B. (Recruiting Sergeant), Southgale st Haystead Andrew (Swan Tavern), Swan lane, St. Andrews Hayward Carj, brazier, Ber st [st Haj ward John, watch raaker,-2Lit London Haywood William Thomas, ginger beer, &c. maker, Oak st Hazeal James, shopkeeper, Scholes green Heap William, china dealer,Ch3ring cross Heasell Elizabelh,ladies'.«chnol, Surrey rd Heigham Richard, brewer, Magdalen st Hendy Sarah, milliner, 2 Exchange st Heney Mary Ann, milliner, Ber st HensuU Milliam, tobacco-pipe maker, St. James's road Herring Robert, gardener and seedsman, Magdalen st HewetlGeorgeColbey,boot maker.G olden Dog lane Hewing Joseph, beer retailer. Princes si HewisonJosh., boot maker, Tiniherhill st Hewitt George, beer retailer, Fishgate st Hewitt George, beer retailer. Ber st Hewitt Jas, brer retailer, St. Mary's Alley Hewitt Thomas, baker, Rising Sun lane Hewiit Thomas, brickmaker, Lakenham Hall road Hicks Leonard, butcher, Butchery High Baiuff's OFFicE(Cnunty Court), 4 Post Office st — William Wilde, jun., high bailiU High (ieorge, shopkeeper, Waterloo Hill Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Ber st Hill Emanuel, carver & gilder,Up.Markct Hill Henry, ironmonger. West Pottergate HillHezekiah,shnpkeeper,St.Augustine st Hill James, furniture broker, Lower Westwick st [st Hill James F. music profesjor,Pottcrgate Hill John, grocer, St. Augustine st Hill Reuben, baker. Lower King st Hill Robert, hair dresser. Red Lion st, St. Stephen's Hill William, grocer. King st Hilling Mary, beer retailer. King st Hills & Underwood, vinegar makers and reciifiers, St. Faith's lane Hinchley Samuel (Black Horse Tavern), St.^Giles' road Hinde Ephraim & Francis.bombasin and shawl manufacturers, Botolph st Hindes Henry, rope maker, Red Lion st, St. Stephen's Hindle William, butcher, I'urap st Hinds .Mark, hair dresser, St. Benedict st Hinds Robert, hair dresser, Heigham st Hinds Williain.rope maker, St. Benedict st Hinsbey William, architect & surveyor, Princes st Hipper Robert, beer retailer, Catton Hipper Thomas, butcher, Drayton Hipper William, boot maker, Bridge st Hitchcock James, shopkeeper, J ulian st Hodds Richard, grocer, Ber st [st Ho'lgesRlchnrd,tailor,St George's, Middle Hodgson David, artist, Tombland st Hogg Henry, beer retailer, Pitt st [place Hogg Jaii.,beer retailer,Chapel5t,Crook'» Hoidren William, wheelwright. King st HoU Alfred, commission agent. Saint Benedict st [st Holl AlfredSamuel,appraiser,St. Benedict HoU Georee, boot niuker,AllSaint's green Holl Geo. Norlon,bnot maker,lDCastle st Holl Robert Durant,boot maker,.Jail hill Holl Saml.furnitu re broker,St. Benedicts! Holland Catherine, shopkeeper, Lower Goat lane [place Holland Thomas (Grove Tavern), Grove Holland William (Thorn Tavern), Ber st Hollis Robert (Shakespere) Theatre st Holman Josiali, blacksmith, Hellcsdon Holmes Edward, beer retailer, Lower Westwick st [Church alley Holmes George, auctioneer, St. Gregory's Holmes Henry .tobacconist, 10 Bridewell alley, St. Andrew's Holmes James, rag &c. dealer. Quay st Holmes John &'Sous, iron and brass fonnders, and agricultural machine and plough manutacturcrs, Prospect place. Globe lane and ("astle hill Homes John, boot maker, Surrey st HoMoeor.tTHic Dispensary, Bethel st Hood John (Ulobe 'I'avern), Union place Hood Robert, carpenter, Sussex st [st Hook Rebecca{Plun)ber's Arms),Cowgate Hook Samuel B. tailor. Cross lane Hook William, shopkeeper, Magdalen st Hooper Robert, cabinet maker, Chapel st Hope Jas, cattle dealer.St.Katherine terr Home John, estate agent. Castle meadow Home Robert, boot maker, Little London Home Win., boot maker,StokeHoly cross Horner Jarad, lodging house, Vooley »t Horstead Horace, boot maker, Surrey st Hotblack John, jnn. wholesale boot and shoe manufacturer, Orford hill [lane Hotson Wales Chrislhr.,barrister,Cook's Houghton David, dyer. Upper st, Giles' st Houghton Edward, ironmonger, 37 Pot- leigate st Honghton Henry, letter-press printer. All Saint's green [Barrack st Houghton James (Marquis of Grnnhy), Houghton John, dyer. Ten Bell lane Honghton Robert, boat builder. Lower Kinfj St Houghton Robert, carpenter, Ber st Houghton Robert, grocer, lier st Hovell I'ersis, milliner. Lady's lane Hovell Wm. basket maker. Charing cross Hovey Mary Ann, schoolmistress, Dere- ham road Howard .& Gaze, millwrights and engi- neers. Si. Paul's Back st [Rose lane Howard & Stone.Venetian blind makers, Howard Ann, milliner, 16 Bethel st Howard Ann, ladies' scliool,.St. George's, RHddle st ■ |gt Howard Charles, bricklayer, Bishopgate Howard Daniel, shopkeeper, Barrack st Howard George, blacksmith. Back Rani- pfini Horse st [st Howard James, shopkeeper, Bishopgate Howard James (While Horse), Lastly dilchis [place Ho ward John &Thomas,bntchrrs, Market Howard Mary Ann, milliner. Rose lane Howard Thomas, beer retailer. Bishop. gate st [st Howard William, beer retailer, Fishgate Howell Edward (Wagon and Horses), Tombland [gates Howell James, builder, St. Augustine's Howell James, currier. Castle ditches Howell James, carpenter, Pottergate st Howell John, bootmaker, Catton Howell William, leather seller. Lower Goat lane [Horse st Howes Abraham, boot maker. Rampant Howes .\nn, grocer, Wellington st Howes Henry, beer retailer. King st Huwes James,bricklayer, Magdalen st Howes James,lctter-press printer.Potter- gate st [Co>lany st Howes Jeremiah, hot pressor, Dital yard, Howes John, grocer, Pottergate sf Howes Joseph & James, coach builders, Red Lion st [Benedict st Howes Robert (Queen of Hungary), St. Howes Robert Hand, coal dealer.] aber- nacle st [King st Howes Thomas Sell, furniture bioker» Howes William, grocer, St. Benedict st Howett Samuel (Royal Hotel), commer- cial, family and posting, and mourning Coach proprietor. Market place Hewlett Baldwin, brewer. Kin;; st Howlctt George, smith and bellhangrr, Pottergate st Howlett Mary, beer retailer, Coslany st Howlett Peter, horse hair manufacturer, Botolph st [George's Howlett Richard, tailor. Bridge st. Saint Howlett Robert &. Co. bar and pig iron merchants, furnishing and wholesale ironmongers, oil and colonrmen, and stove grate, and palisading and iron fencing man u fact urers,601d Hay market Howlett Thomas, shopkeeper & sheritf's oflicer. Lower Westwick st [et Howlett William, music seller, .3 London Ho-,vinan William, shopkeeper. Oak st Hownian Richard, black-smith, Ber st Hownen Samuel, eating house, Potler- gate st [st Howse James, cooper. Lower Westwick Hubbard Agatha,stay maker,Westlegafe st Hubbard James, brewer.Golden Dog lane Hubbard James (Golden Dog Tavern), Magdalen st [Surrey st Hubbard MaryAnn,professor of diawing, Hubbard Thomas & Co. dyers, Peacock st Hnhy Richard, furniture broker. Lower Westwick st [st Hudbud Stephen. auctioneer, St.Benedict Hudson Chailes, beer let.iiler.Cowgate st Hudson George, pump maker. Saint Catherine's plain [Hall road HugginsCharles,wheelwrighl,Lakenhall, Huggins John, woiking cutler. Rising, Sun lane [Doors lane HugginsJohn, working cuttler. Brazen Hoggins John, smith. Chapel Field road Hoggins John (Rummer Inn), Stoke Holy cross [st Huggius Maria,upholsteress,St. Andrews Hughes William, library, St. Andrews st Hugman John (Three Maltsters), Uingst 61 Korfolfe. NORWICH, &c. ^latei^!? Hull Georce, physician, 60 St. Giles »t Hull Kobert. pliysician, Redwell st Hunt Charlolte, ladies' school. Saint Catherine's leriace [Bethel st Hunt James, travelling tea dealer, 51 Hunt Jas., finger beer &c. niaker,Go!deB Ballbt I Market place HuntJas & Son, tea dealers, Hunt's court Hut John, confectioner, St. Benedict st Hunt Samuel (Two >2cktd Swans), St Stephen st Hiirm Philip, shopkeeper, Ber st Hurn Elizabeih, milliner. Bank st HurnElizabetli & Son,rope makers,Dove St. and Castle liil! Hum Jolin. butcher, Bramerton Hurrv Thomas, smith and bellhanger. Bethel st [gate st Huson Edward Richard, brazier, I'otler- Hu-on INIary, silk mercer, 1-i London st Huson William, boot maker, Trowse Newton [plain Hussev \Vm., nurseryman.St. Catheiine's Hulchi" Jolin,'rush "maker, Timberhill st Hutchinson Jotn, St. Augustine st Hutchinson Charles, phy-ician, Surrey st Hutson George (Norfolk Railway House), Foundry road Hyslop Ann, shopkeeper. Thorn lane INLAND Revenue Office, Saint Andiew'shill Isaac Edmund, bal.er, Upper Regent st Isbell Maria, straw bonnet maker. Saint Paul's Back lane Isley Wm.ciimmisaion agent,Chapd look lungius I. bookbinder and printer, Lower (joat lane Ives Ann Snrah.ladies' school,12Crescent Chapelfield Tves George, auctioneer. Upper King st Iveson Edwaid, baker. Union place Ivory \\ illiam, grocer, Tonibland JACKSON John, shirt and stay maker. All Saint's ^rei-n and Lynn —Joseph Jackson, manager Jackson John, Venetian blind maker. Castle meadow [Catton Jackson Mary.raistres'' of infants' school, Jackson S;imuel, tailor, C^itton Jackson William, grocer, Oal> st Jackson William, shopkeeper. Starling pi Jackson William, shopkeeper.Cowgate>l James Benjamin, jeweller. St. Andrews st James Henry. chemist & druggist, O.ik st JamesWilliam,rag &c. dealer, Magdalen st James W'm. (Grilfin Tav.),Uppet King st Jarrelt Cliarles, baker, Ber st Jarrett Thomas, dyer, Magdalen st Jariiild John & Sons, booksellers and printers, 3 London st Jarvis Francis, smith, Lockett's court Jarvis Margaret J., schoolmistress, La- kenham hall [Millgate Jarvis Richard(Pine Apple Tav.) 'I'rowse Jarvis Kicliard 1 horn as, schoolmaster, Lakenhani hall Jarvis Vitellius, baker, Trafalgar st [st Jay & Pilgrim, atrorneys,Jay's crt. Briggs Jay Benjamin, floiisi, Sussex st Jay Charles & George, Bslimongers, Upr. market [King st Jay George, mohair spinners, AlbionMills Jay Jiihii, painter and plumber, Si. Andrew's hill [st J.iy Jonathan, hoot maker,WestPotlergate .lay Joshua, dyer. Bethel st Jeary Kolierl.hookseller, 4Bride\vell alley Jecks William & Charles, limber mer- chants, St. George's plain Jefleries Francis, chemist and druggist, Lakenham Hall road [st Jeffries George, gun maker. Golden Ball Jennings (ieorge, brewer, St. Henedict st Jennings Thos. hat manufr.'l Haymaikel Jermy Geo.boot maker, LakenhamHall rd Jetmy Jeremiah, boot makr. Pottetgate st .!essup Benjn. attorney, St. Michael's pi J (ihnson Ambrose, chemist and druggist. Lower Westwick st [mlll;;iile Johnson Oaniel, timber merchant,TroWbe Johnson James, physician, Tlieatre st Johnson John Goodwin, aur^eon. Hi SI. Giles st [Princes st Johnson John William (Stag's Head), Johnson Rolieit, baker, Carrow bill Johnson William & John, boot makers. Market place [ChapiKield road Johnstone Jos & John, travelling drapers. Jolly Heary (lloyal f)ak Tavern), Cation Jones James, butcher, Grove place 62 Jones James, optician, Wcnsum st Jones Peter, painter and plumber, St. Margaret's Church alley Jordan Robert, master of Bnptist school. Tinkler's lane [Tinkler's lane Jordan Sarah, mistress of Baptist school, JulerMary,chemisl &druggst.SlJau)es st KEIGHLEY Elizabeth, beer retailer, St Giles' st [change st Kemp George P., hairdresser, 17 Ex- Kemp Henry, proprietor of city & county news-rooms. Old Post OlVice st KeinpJiiivie-, beer retailer. Oak st [gate Kemp William (Tuns Tavern), St. Giles' Kemp William &. Son,leathcr merchants, Pitt st Kerapster John Joseph James, academy, Tabernacle st Kent Alfred.vag, &c. dealer,Market place Kent Charles, basket maker, St. Paul st Kent Henry, hosier, 15 London st [st Kent J no, boot maker,St.George's,!\liddle Kent Robt biot maker, 22 White Lion st Kerr John, painter and plumber. Lower Goat lane KerridgeJohn, haberdasher, .30 Surrey st Kerrison &Preslon,attorneys,Bank plain KerrisonKoger,fireo(lice agent, Rank pine Kerrison Simon, grocer, Magdalen st Kerry Elizth, ladies' school, Southgate st KettGeorge, butcher, Ber st Kett Henry, cement and coal merchant, Lower King st [st Kelt Henry, coach builder, 73 St. Giles' Kelt James, butcher. Princes st Kelt Phoebe, beer retailer, King st Kett William, linen draper, 2 London rt Kettle James, basket maker, S.Ann's la Kew Charles & Flora, hair dressers, 19 White Lion st [gate st Key Joseph, smith and bellhangei-. Cole. Key Samuel, shopkeeper, Heigham Keyzor Michael & Abraham, practical spectacle manufacturers, and inventors of the new patent spectacles for near and distant sight, St. Giles st Kidd John Richard, dyer, Coslany st Kiddle Wmbeer retailer, Madder market Kilburn William, clothes salesman. Si. Stephen si | road King Andrew, butcher, Lakenham Hall King Cbaiies, perfumer, Distillery st Kiutt David, painter and plumber. Wagon and Horse lane King Edward, shopkeeper, Calvert st King Kniily,stiiy maker, Surrey grove King George (While Lion), Princes st King Hei.ry(St. Giles' Tavern), Chapel- field road [Princes st King James & Sons,painlers & plumbers King Joseph, bookseller, Back of the Inns King Philip (Lime Kiln Tavern) Trowse Newton King Samuel, master ol Belliel Lunatic Hospital. Bethel st [Saviour'sla King Tyrrell, un.brella man>ifacturer,St. Kmg Walter, painter and plumber, Trowse Newton KinkleyJ., engraver & printer. Back of the Inns [lane Kinnear Hannah.shopkeeper, St. Faith's Kirhy John, eating-house, Pump st Kish Moss, boot maker, Lower King st Kitton George, grocer, tea dealer, tallow chandler, and cheese, bulier, and bacon factor, and dealer in British wines, Haymarket corner Kitton John, merchant, Sf. Faith's lane Kitton Robert, architect and surveyor. Tuck's court, St. tiiles' st Knevett Harriet, niilliner,St. Benedict st Knevett Jonathan, smith, St. Benedict si Knihb William, baker. King st Knight George, cutler, Dove st Knight George, hardwareman. Dove st Knight J aine.i, paw nhroker,St. Benedict si Kiiitiht Samuel,brush maker, Si. George's Middles! [Kings! Knight Thomas, bird, &r. preserver, Upr. Knight Tho». (urrier, 3t> Castle meadow Knights Jonathan, beer retailer. Si. Mar- tin's lane [ditches Knights Wm tailor,B lardedHouse.Castlc Kiiighis William, wine and spirit mer- chant. Lower Goat lane LACCOHEE Ann (Whitefriars Tavern) Wliitelriais si i Lacey George P., builder, Surrey prove Laccy Jas. Wilkins, bricklayer, Surrey si Lacey John, bricklayer. Princes st Lacey John G. hrick!ayer,Sl Slejihen's rd Lacey Robert, tea dealer, Thorpe Lacey William, bricklayer, St. Gregory's Church alley [wellst Lack Ainger(Cahinet Makers' Arms)Red- Ladhrnoke Edmund, carver and gilder, 10 While Lion st Ladbrooke John, professor of drawing. Bridge st St. Andrews [st Ladbrooke John Berney, artist. Bridge Ladell Wrn carver& gilder, Lwr.Kingst Ladley Maria, milliner, St. Augustine st Lain Edward, bookseller. Elm hill Lake James, boot maker, Ked Lion st Lake John (New Mills Tavern), Lower Westw ick s'.reet Lake John H., smith, Upper Goat lane Lake Joseph, iron and biass founder. Lower Westw ick st [st Lake Samuel, bricklayer, St. Augustiii Lake Samuel, confectioner, Colegate st Lamb Benjamin, coal dealer. Middle st, .St. Gvorge's Lamb Charles, butcher. Upper market Lamb Chas. Henry, grocer. 63 St. Giles st Lainb David Thomas, millwright and engineer, wire worker, and agricultural implement maker, 5 Golden Ball st Lamb James, butcher. Market place Lambert Francis, lea dealer, Lwr.Goat la Lambert James, shopkeeper, City road Lambert Mary, ladies' school. Queen st Lammas Brothers & Co., lea dealers, 1 Gentlemen's walk, M.irket place Lancaster John, tailor, Kingst [plain Land Charles, milliner, St. Andrew'.--Hall Land Henry, baker. Rising Sun lane Land John, rajj, &c. dealer.St. Giles' hill Land John, baker. Back of St. Peter's Land William, gas apparatus, beer and fire engine, water closet and lamp manufacturer, plumber, and general and church hell hanger, brass founder and finisher. Hay hill [st Lane Israel, cheese factor, St Andrew Lane Joseph, hosier. All Saints' green Lane William, carpenter, Ber st Langton Edward, librarian to the public library, Jail hill Lanham James (Ship Tavern), King st Lanhnm James Thompson, confectioner, 7 St. Giles' st [gatest Lanham Robert(Yarn Factory Tav)Cow- Lanhani Taylor{CellarHouseTav)King8t Lansdowne Mary, ladies' school, Surrey st Lan'enant Camille, professor of French language. Princes st [st Lantenanl Marie, ladies' school. Princes Large John, grocer, Julian st & W'hitc- fiiars bridge [Cow bill Larke Hannah Susannali, ladies' school, Larke James Benstead, linen draper, St. Andrew's Hall ])lain [Fishgate si, Larkman Robt. ginger beer,&c. maker Larkraan William, baker, King si Larwood Jeremiah(King's Head Tavern) S!. Failh's [Caslle ditches Larwood Samuel (W'illiam Tell Tavern) Law FireInsuhanck Office, St. Giles' st— Samuel Hurry Asker, agent Law Life Assurance Office, Upper King st— Fosler.Unthank & Co. agents Lawn Lnhback (White Lion Tavern),S(. Benedict st [Barrack st Lawrence Henry.giuger beer, &c. maker Lawrence W illiain, upholsterer & p.nper hanger. Ten Bell lane Laws James (Vaiilis), Upper Si. Giles' Laws John, beer retailer,St. Paul's plain Laws Robert, blacksmith, Dereham road Laws Robert C, seed dealer, Julian st Laws Susan, straw bonnet maker, Tim- berhill st [st Lawse Gilbert (Prince of W'alen), Pnmp Lawlcr Elizabeth, ladies' school. Ram- pant Horse st [London st Lay \\ rn. Robert, chemist & druggist, 72 Le.ilh 'Ihoinas, lionse and estate agent. City road Lee William, boot maker. All Saint's st Leech Cl>as, carpenter, Lakenliam Hall road [gon «t Leech George, smith & bellhanger, Para- Leech James, baker, John Bull st Leech Wm. caipenter, St. Martin's lane Leeds Chas w hipmaker.AIISaint's green Leeds Win. brush maker, 17 London st Leeson Richard Croft, cabinet maker and upholsterer, and general (urnisbinj; warehouse, 31 St. Giles' st ©irectoin. NORWICH, &c. Koifulfe. LtresI Harriet, furrier, St. Giles' hill Legal and Co.mmekcial Insuhance Offices, 67 St. tiiles' st — Samuel Criciimer Burton, and William Cope- man, agents. 12 Gentlemen's walk Leggatt Jolin, blacksmiih, Sclioles f:reen Legjatt Samuel (Bell Inn, commercial and (Uniilj),Orfnrd bill I.eggatt Vm. (Elm Tavern), Princes st I/egaett Daniel, baker. Silver road Lesgeit Sarah, straw bonnet maker, Chaneltield road CtGrys \\m. & Co., carpenters, Trowse Newton Leist .Inmes, plane maker, Wensum st Leman Robert, manager of the tire de- partiiiciii of the Noi wichUnion Office, Newmarket rd [Gentlemen's walk Lemmon James, book-eller and printer, Le Neve Charles, baker, Fisligate st Levine & Falcke, pawnbrokers, 72 St. Stepbeu st [drew's hill Lidd lelowRiiberl( London TavernJSl. A n- LitTord Thomas, shopkeeper, King st Lincoln Eliza & Matilda, ladies' school, Si)rrey street Lincoln James, baker. King st [ket Lincoln James, fishmonger, L'pper mar- Lincoln John, congfeve match maker, Pump street Lincoln Thomas, shopkeeper, Thorpe Lindsay Sarah, upholsterer. Elm hill Lines^Iary Ann,beer retailer,L\vr.Goatla Linfoid Itobert (Grapes Tavern), Oove st Linford Robert,watchtnakr. 14l.ondon st Li ii;; A brm( Shire HallTav) Castle meadow Ling & Sons, brush manulaclurers, 2 Princes st Ling George.bricklayer, All Saint's green Ling.Mariet.Elizlh.ladies'brhool,Bethel st Ling Henry, academy. St. George's plain Ling Heniy, attorney, 24 St. Giles' st Ling Nicholas, painter, Magdalen st Ling William, bricklayer. iSethel st Ling William Samuel, tailor, 2 Upper King st [plain Linstead Robeit, shopkeeper.St. George's Lister Son& Co., cullers, lOJHayir.arket Lillell CharloUe Ctirsbie, ladies' school. Castle liill lane l.ittell Maltha, ladies' school. Market Little Charles, boot maker. Market place Lillle Henry, confectioner,3 Dove st Littlepiond Horace (White Rose Tavern) Back of the Inns Littlewood Ephraim (Barge Tav)King st Livnck Sami, bricklayer, BiazenDour rd Livock William Thomas, tailor and draper, Redwell st Loadrs & Freeman, surveyors and land agents, o-j Pottergate st Loads Henry, shopkeeper. King st Lock Chas confeciioner, 7 Exchsrge st Locli Henry, civil engineer, Foundry Bridge road Lock Heniy, boot maker. St. Stephen st Lockwood Win., cabinet miker. Oak st Lofly James, hairdresser, Colegate st tofty Win. (Yarmouth Biidge Tavern), Red I. ion st St. Stephen's Lomas William,saw and plane maker, St. Benedict street Lond Thomas (Hare Tavern), Plumslead LO.NDON AST) PkOVINCIAL LaW LlFE AsscRANCE Office, ^t. Giles' st— Samuel H. A>ker, agent LONDONFlItE ASSUKAXCEOFFICE.Tom- bland- George Elward Simpson, agent London John, lislimonner. Magda'en st London Union (.Mutual Benelil) Assc- rante Offices — Arthur Dalrymple, 06 St. Giles' St., and V\i||iain Griggs, St. Benedict st., agents, T.oneiganFiancis.beerretailer.St James st I Long Alfred, inland revenii» oliicer, Calvert st [I'Magdalen st Long Edniond S iingsby Dniry, attorney, Long Henry, b George, plasterer, St. Bene, ict st ■Mills James (Tuns Tavern), Coslany st Mills John, beer retailer, Lwr. Goat lane iMills Simon, beer retailer, St. Gcor-'e's Middle st ° ' Mills William, glover, Golden Ball st .M lines C hailes, stone mason, .St.Geoi<»es' Middle st '' ' M ines Benjamin, house and estate agent St, Switlien's alley ' .■Mingiy & Son.boot makers.'Haymarket .Minns Edwud, coal dealer. Water lane Minns Edward, builder, Trafalgar st Minns George, builder and contractor Castle meadow [place Minns Isa^c, sliopfceeper,King st,Crook's Minns John (Queen's Arm»),.'\laodalen st Minns Robeit, master of Uoiighty's hos- pital, Calvert st, St.Georgi-'s .Minns Robert, beei retailer, Cowgate st rtliims Samuel William, tailor, Saint Michael's.at-Plea Minns \ViliiamJaines,painter,Coslany st Mitchell Catharine & Sisters, milliners 2 Bank place ' .Mitchell Frederick, baker, Palace st Mitchell John, travelling draper, Saint I^wrence lane Mnll Abraham, bricklayer, Thorpe .MullRiclianl.chair niaker,^! adder maiket Moll Robert (Black Horse Tavern) 10 St. Giles' st ' MoUelt Uizen.coal merchant, Magdalen st ()3 JCoifolfe, NORWICH, &c. ^latet'5 Money Jane, shopkeeper, Bethel st Monteiih George Jobell, cleik, Ciiapel- fieUl road [«< Moon John Edward, shopkeeper, Quay Moore Geo. timber mere .aiit,Surrey roaiJ Moore J. G. & Co., hab«rdasliers, 12 Castle st Moore JaMies, cork cutter, Bridge st, St. Genrj;e's Moore James, lioir dresser, Berst Moore James, tailor, Bcr st [st IMoore John (Crooked (hllet), Heicham Moore John (Fair Kloia Tavern), Losver Mestwick st Moore John, watch maker, Coslany st Moore John, l)eer retailer. Globe lane IMoore Joseph, bntoher, Mau'd ilen st Moore .Martha, niilliner,l5 St.Slephen si M.iore N orris, beer retailer, King's st, Crook's place Moore Robert, beer retailer. Wensnra st Moore Susannah,clotlies salesman, Lower Wcswick st [lane, ?t. Hennett's Moore Tb(>ma»,last maker, ThreeKings' Moore William, blacksiniih, Magdalen st Morgan Kdward & Co. slock and share brok'-rs. Jay's court, Brijrgs st [lane Morjfan John, pawnbroker, St. Saviour's Morgan John Brandon & Henry, brewers and wine merchants, Lower King st Morj;an Richard, actuary at the Norwich Union Life Ollice, Chapeltield srove Mor^jan William Robert, pawnbroker,St. Pauls st Mormment Jane, haberdasher, Ber st Morris Adelaide, milliner. Ten Bell lane Morris (ieorge, beer letailer, Magdalen st .Morris John, slale merchant, Kingst Moiris Mary Ann, servants' register office, Ten "Bell line [J.iil hill Moriison & Co. wine & spirit merchants, Morse Joshna, beer retailer, Coslauy st Mortimer John Tliurshy, grocer, King st Moseley John, watch and clock maker, engineer, originator and general me- chanic, 6 White Lion st Moughlon James, coal dealer, St. Ann's, Sta:tli lane Moiinseer Robert, upholsterer. Princes st M'jUnsey James, cooper, Thorne lane Mountain Kli2abetli(New Goat Tavern), Upper Goat line Motis James, carpenter, Stepping lane MotlsWilliam, clothes salesm:in, Bridge st Moy George, fislimonger, St. Margaret Church alley Moy John, shopkeeper, Julian .st MuilerAsher,tobacconist,B!ick of the Inns Monday John, aitorney, AllSaiuts' green Munson John, boot maker. Oak st Murray .James, tailor. Globe lane Murrcll ICIiza, miilmer, St. Augustine st MurrellWilliam.beer retailer,'rrafalgar st Murrell William, be<-r retailer, Oak st Murrell William & Owen, iron founders, Westlegate st Murshcad Robert, haberdasher, Oak st .Morton Robert, brazier Ike. Coshim st Mu-kett Charles, bookseller and printer, C> liaym.irkrt Muski-tt Charles, tobacconist. 3 Castle st Muskelt George, tea dealer. Distillery st Myhill Augustus, carpenter, Sussex st .Myhill Benjamin, baker, St. Martin's Palace plain N ALDER Charles, tailor, St. F.iiih's Nash Spooner, rag &c. dealer, Lower \\'e.»tw ick st ISatkinai, Mkhcantilh Firp.and Lipk OfUCE, Upper liaymarket — Josiah Fb tcher, ajent NaTIO.SAL PnOVIDKNT AsSURANCK Oi'FICK, 11 Exchange street— Henry liidwell, agent Neale William, bnilder, St. Gilew' hill Ne.ilhercuat Edward, tailor, 18 Castle Ditches [Oliirest Neep Wm. Edward l.ihn, denli.tt, 6 Post Nelson Thomas (Dial Tav.), B irrack st Nelson 'llion)as,shuttle niaker.Barrack st Newby John.tailor and draper,Bank plain Newhouse Elizabeth, beer retailer, SL Stephen's Back st Newman & Co. tea dealers, "Davcy place Newman FrederickGeorge,ragi8cc. dealer. King st Newman Henry, shopkeeper. Barrack st Newman Jemima, baker, Ber st Newman Sarah, beer retailer, Fishgate si Newson Mary, grocer, i»agdalen st Newson Samuel, baker, Trowse millgate Newstead William, linen draper. Saint Benedict st [>t Newton James, flshmnnger, (Magdalen Newlon James, fisbuionger,UpperMarket Newton Robert, boot maker, St. Faith's Newton, Son & Woodrow, surveyors, 'I'onibland [Andrew's Newton W illiain, fruiterer. Swan lane,.St. Newtou William (Crown Tav.),Sl Faith's I NIcholls Elizabeth, rag &c. dealer,Upper Goat lane Nichols &Walson, proprietors of Heigham Hall lunatic as) lum, Heigham Nichols Edmund, confectioner, King st Norwich Equitable Fiub Assurancb Opficb. B.ink st— JobnSkipper,regi3- trar and secretary Norwich Firk Offices— Steward & Fisher. Upper Kin^ s'.., and John O. 'I'aylor, St. Giles st.. agents Norwich Infirmary, Cattun Back lane Norwich Lo.vatic Asylum, Caiton Back lane NoiiwicH Mari.nb I.vsurancr Asso- ciATio.v, Fisher's lane, St. Giles' st — Charles ?uckliug Gilman, secretary Norwich .Mercury Newspaper (Sat- urday), London si— Bacon 8c Kinne- biook, proprietors Norwich Union Fire lN-st;RANCB Society, Surrey st— Saninel Bignol-J, secretary ; Harveys' & Hudson^', trea- surers; Robert Leman, manager .Norwich Union Lifk Insura.sck Society, Surrey st — Samuel BiKnold, secretary; Richard Moigan, actuary; Harveys' & Hudsons'. and ihe East of Engind Bank, treasurers; Chas.Brun- dell, chief ileik [Andrew's Nichols John, bird &c. preserver, Ber st I Noitwicii Workhouse, Bridge st, St Nichols Richard, shopkeeper, St. Callie rine's plain Nichols William, baker. City road |[st Nichol.: William, beer retailer. Pottergate Nichols William, teadealer, St..Stephen's plain ' [st Nichols William Peter, surgeon, Surrey Norwich Yar.n Company, yarn manu- facturers, Fibbgale st — Joseph Green- hongh, manager Notley William, carpenter, Julian place Noverre Frank, professor of dancing. Theatre squaie Nnnn .Simon, beer retailer, St. Faith's Nicholson Catherine Ann, ladies' si;hool, j Nurse Robert, carver and gilder,Caslle st the Chautry [Georje's ; Nicholson Ebon, butcher, Bridge st. St. ' OAKES Henry (Bull Tav) Magdalen st Nickalls John, cabinet maker. Saint j Oakley Robert, blacksmiih, Palace st Augustine st I Odd Fellows Office (Manchester Ninham Elizabeth, painter. Princes st I Unity), Golden Bill st, Castle hill — Ninliam Henry, artist, Chapellield | S.imuel Oaynes, secretary Ni;;htiiigale Robert Wilson, grocer, Saint Olhy William, gun tiint maker. Thorpe Stephe.-'s st, and 4 Lower Goal lane | Oliver John, sadiller. Castle hill Nobbs Edward, coach plater, Redlion st, Si. Stephen's [Stephen's N'ockall David, grocer, Redlion st, St. Nockall Emma, milliner, Duke st Nockall Josef h, carpenter, Duke st Nockolds George, hat manufacturer and hosier, 2 Briggs st Nockolds Henry, {jrocer, Ber st Nokes Edward, coin chandler. Saint Benedict st Oliver Mark, bookbinder, St. Andrew st Ollett William, builder, &c, Lowerclose OIley Beujn. brazier, &c.,St. Benedict st Olyoit Thomas (Blue Boar) Sprowston Oiiley Daniel, cl.iiia and glass dealer, Brazen Doors road Orsborii Mark, bricklayer, Catton Or.sborn Robert, coal dealer. Lower Westwick st [lane Osborn Emily, milliner, St. Saviour's Nokes Francis, merchant, St. Andrews st Osborn Richard, blacksmith, Kiiby Norfolk and Norwich Horticui.tl'- j Osborne Cbas.JAnchor Tav) Jen Bell la ral Society, St. Giles' st i Ostler Chas. eating-house. Pudding lane Norfolk and Norwich Literary I ObtlerLeonard,hardwareman,LwrGoat la Institution, Si. Andrews st Norfolk and Norwich Magdalen AsYLC.M, Life's green Norfolk and Norwich Museum, St. Aiidrewsst [Stephen's rd Norfolk and Norwich Hospital.SI Oughton Uobt.commisn. agent, Chapel st Outlaw Hannah, lodging bouse, (i Baukst Owen Ebenezer, master of Ihe County Lunaiic Asylum. Thorpe [bill Owen Fredk. working jeweller, Orford Oweu Frederick, pawnbroker, Cow g-ite st Norfolk Chronicle Newspaper ' Owen Thomas, pawnbroker. King st (Saturday), Market place— Stephenson j Oxiey Richard, hosier and shirt maker, & Matrhett. publishers Norfolk Coal Company, coal mer- chants. St. Faith's lane— Harrod £c Co. managers N OR Fo LK Fa rmers'Cattle Insurance 7 London street PADGETT Elizth, railliner,Magdalcn3t Padgett John, livery stables, Ram])ant Horse st [Heigham SociETY.FisIier's lane— Charles Suck- I Page Alfrel (West End Retreat Tavern), ling Gilman, secretary Page Be Woodrow, curriers and leather Norfolk HoTFL (coinmerrial, family, sellers, IVlagdaleu st and i)0>tin'j),W Ml. Durrani, St. Giles' st i I'age James, confectioner, Wensura st Norfolk News (Saturday), Fletcher, I I'age John (Rose Tavern), Palace st Jarrold & Sous, publishers, 3 Exc 1 I'age Jos, tailor, St. Andrew's Hall plain change street Norgate & Co., grocers and tea dealers, St. Stephen st [st Norgate Benjamin Henry, surgeon. Bank Norman Benjamin, letter-press printer, Bi'llii 1 st Norman Charles, blacksmith. King st Norman Juliii, bricklayer, .St. Miles' Church st [Church st Norman John (Grape.* Tavern), .St. Miles' Norris James, cabinet maker and uphol- sterer, 30 Charing cross Norris James, cabinet maker. Elm hill North S.iiniiel, schoolmaster. Palace st Noilh William, master uf British school, .Sherborne place Neve John, furniture broker, F'ishgale st | .Norton Frances, milliner, 3 London st New Mill Company, millers, Lowe Westwick st — John Sayer, manager Newall V\ illiam, manager of the Norwich Station of the Norfolk Railway,Tliorpc Hamlet Newbegin James & Son, tobacco, cigars and snulf manufacturers. Bridewell alley, and foreign cigardepot, 14 Bride- well alley, and Market place 64 .Norton Francis Jaincs, tailor and draper, iO While Lion st Norton Henry, beer retailer, Fishgate st Norton Robert, travelling draper. Lower King st Norton Itob.-rt, grocer, Magdalen st Norwich Crown Bank. (Harveys' & Hudsons',) Upper King st Norwich DKPosrrBiNKjUppcr.Market 'age LouisaFrnnces, milliner. Bethel st Page IVlaiy, baker, M.adder market Pape Samuel carpenter. West Potter- gate st [OldMaymarket PageSaml. Deynes &Son, biush makers, Painter Win (Nelson Tav). 1 imberbill si Palladium Life Office, Orford liill — Taj lor iV Sous, asenls Palmer Isaac .S. gardener and seedsman, City road [st Palmer John, shopkeeper, .St. Augustine Palmer Jonathan, beer retailer. Oak st Palmer Lucy, milliner, 6 London st Palmer Nathaniel, barrister, Redwell st PalimrThoraas Hilchen, attorney, and clerk of Ihe county court, Redwell st Palmer William, carver and gilder, St. Lawrence lane [ Briggs st Palmer William, last maker, Corner of PaliiierWui&John,smilh'4,Sl..Augnstine st Paiik Abiaham. gas fitter and smith, Swan lane, St. Andrew's Pank Edwd. beer retailer, St. Martin's la I'ank James, smith. Lower King 't Paraman Christiana & Rosa, millinera, (.0 St. Giles' st ©iitctoijD. NORWICH, &c. Koifulfe. Parish Fi'aiicis, painter, Solioles srreen Park A nil, school 111 istrt-ss.'rrowseNeW ton Parker Benjamin, dver, Ucr st Parker Clare, bricklayer, Oak st Parker J nsliiia, tislimoM};pr, Uin'. market Parker Samuel (Ferry Hocibe Tavern) Sr.rliriglie.ni Pai ker Thomas, Bstimoii(rer,St. Stephen's Parker Timothy, beer retailer, Kingst, Crook's place Parker VVini^nn.grncpr, St. Atisiisline gt Parker \\ illiam, pill liox maker, I'ltl »l ParkersiiiiTlios(Elepliant&Ca5tle)Kint;sl ParkaJosepli, mohair .ipiniier,Cov\'gate st Parlour Joliii & Henry & Horatio, iron mongers. 15 London st Parr Carolitie, millim r, ller »t Parr John, baker, CliapeKielJ road Parsley Mary, milliner, Uellitl st Parsley Siml. tailor & draper. Bethel st Parson ^Ihonias, palliler.Uisiiig Sim lutle Pastoii Chas, protestor of tuuslc, Bel" st Paston Isaac, coal dealer, Kiiigst Pasion William (Paul Pry 'I'avPrn), St. Gilt!!' hill Patick Charles, shopkeeper, CoWRate st Patterson Jas.bont maker, Si. Benedict si Patleson Sle\valil(Adara & Eve Tuv) St. t5enedict st Paul Edward, fruiterer, Cliapellield road Paul tUchard, eating-house, 2 |Urtde\veIl alley, .St. Andrews' f meadow Paul Robert (Dukes Head TaV), Castle i Paul William, boot maker, SliroWston Paul William, boot maker, Calton ! Pan! Wni. Francis, academy, Bracondale i Payne .lohn, b?er ret .Ir All Saints' Ri'een ' Payne Martlia, milliner, Slailin.? place Payne Simon (Hee Hive TavjCoWirate st Pearce John, blacksmith, St. Faith's i Pearce Philip, whiting manu.'^aclurer, Cliapelfield r.ind Pearce William, beer retailer, Sprowston Penrse Frederick, giocer, Coslany st Pearse Marv,l(idKlng-house,Potter[;;ite st Pearson Ed. plasterer & luodelli-r.Bttnk st | Peaison James, Cutler, St Andrews' hill ! Peai-t VMlliam, tailor, Sprowston Pease Edward, corn chandler, Coslany st Peffff Genri(e(Ncil-wlcb ArmM, Ger st Pegsr I'linnms, baker, New Calton fst PeRgWm Baron. Cirpeiiter.Hotii's la, tier Pklican t.it't: Ori-icE, Upper King si — Steward & Kinjj, ageni.5 Peniiice David, surgeon, Thorpe [st Pentln James.fnrnitnre liroker,1Ma!;dalen Pentin Jnn.tumitr. brnkr. Chapellleld rd Pn:opi.ii's College, Cole?ate st [st Perfect John, chair maker, Wesllegate Perowne John & Co. liat manufacturers, 2 Exchtuif;e st Pefowne Ifev. Jolin.acadewy, Shrubbery St. Stephen's road [race Perowne Robt. tailor, St. Calherims tei'- Perry Paul, turner, Si. Gregory's Church alley [ Ifeiiedict st Petchell William (Crown Tavern), St Phillip Samuel & Michael, wa'ch m:iker, Chapellleld row [Cliapellleld rd Phillips Flizbth & Sophia, ladies' school. Phillips Francis, Bchnolmiistei, Hay hill Phillips ,(oliii,tailor & dinpr. Orfori] hill Phlllipj Thomas, boot maker, Ber st Phillips V\'illi:im (Grappa 'I'avern), Red l.lon si, St. Stephen's Phillips Uilliani, curricf and leatiier sel:er. All Saints' st, bottom of Ber st Philo Joseph, saddler. 4 t l.otidim road Phcksix Fihe Offici-, 14 London st— Pigg & Greenwood, agents Pickford & Co, carriers per railway. Post Offices! [Loudon st Pigg & Giienwnod. Cabinet makers, 14 PigK JamesfCellar House Tavjliarrack st I'ing .losepli *£ Son, timber merchants, liridse 51, St. George's [mmket I'igt; Satiil,gener,il wareliouseman, Huy- PiL'giu John, jeweller and ttaicli maker, Post Odice st [Georgr-'s Pigot John, h.iherdaslier, Bridge st St. I'ike James, boot maker, Poltergate st Pilgrim John, deputy conuier lor the coutitv, .lav's court, Drlg^a st Pinching William, baker,'l!ethel st I'inching William, baker, Alhermarle 6t Plntoii Maiy, batlis. Bank pic.ln Piper & Pigg, ironmongers, .5 London st Piper Wm. linen draper, White Lion st Pitch William, boat builder. Barrack st Pi'cher Henry, puwiibrokr. Potiergalest Pitcher Thomas, haker, Magdalen st Pill John BulIutd,suieecn,'St Stephetist 9 Pitts Robert Christopher, chemist and druggist. 8 St, Giles' st Plane Richard (Punch 8c Chop House), iMarket place - [st Plalford William, beer fplailer, Heigliam Plalten .lames, beer retailer, CobouiK s* Platten Peter, llvcry Btaldes, Cp.Snrny st Playlord Ariuingcr, beer retailer, Bridge st, St. George's Playlord Sarah, milliner, Fisher's lane Pleasant .lames, baker, Magd.il; u st PleasantThomas Houghton, baker,Low('r King st Pleasants Thortius, boot maker, St Faith's Plow Rolieri, bout maker, Surlinghum Plowman Robert, sadler, Calton I'lUmer Neville, turner, Lwr,V\'estwlck st PluiiimerEd«ard,tallor&draper,BrldgeBt Plummer Hannah, ladles' school, Oak st Pluiiimer Pleasance & Kliaabeth, pro- fessors of innsic, I'oltergale st , Plutnnier S.imliel, ncadetny, Oak st Plum.slend Robt, hair dreBser,WenBum st PInmstcad Samuel Jas.coiipei', Coslany st P!iinketlJno.lieerretttiler,Si.AnRu-tine bI Pointer Edmund (Crown Tnv), St. Faith's Pointer Thomas, shopkeeper. Cowgate Bt I Pooley Riclid. stonemason,) Charing cross j Pooley RIchd.jun. baker, aChariDg cross , Pooley Samuel, Cabinet maker, Madder j market [cross j Pooley William, Cabinet maker,3 Charing j Pope Robert, coal mercbaut, Lower Uesiwick st ! Pope Robert Worler, Bhipplng ngent, . Lower Westwick st j Popjny Joseph, beer retailer, Wensiim st I Porter Charlotte, ladies' school, Mag-- dalen street [si j Porter James (Boar's Mend Tav.),Surrey Porter Robert, coal meit;hnnt, Redwellst Porter I'homas, beer retailer, Oak st Potman Helen, ladies' school, Thorpe Potman John Joseph, artist, Thorpe Potter Ambrose, butcher. Catton Potter James, gardener. Rose lane Pottei Robert, buicher, King st Potter Thomas, furrier and hatter, 6 Gen- tlemen'3 walk [tine st Poulter William, confectioner, St.Augus- Powell Edward (Bricklayers' Arms), Union place [Union place Powell Edward (Duke of Wellington). f'oW'ell .lames, gardener. Union place PoWell John, hiilr dresser, St Benedicts! Powell Robert, linen diaper.ao London st Powell William, Veterinary surgeon. Si. Giles' hill [Castle hill Powley Bnhert (Jolly Farmer.^' I avr rn', Powlcy V\'illiam, livery stables, Golden Ball street Pratt John, boot maker. Coslany st Pratt !\l«rin, mllliirer, Union place Pratt Robert & ."^ons, laud agenla and surveyors, Bank of England place, Queen street [Gnat lane Pratt Siiah, straw bonnet maker,'J Lower Pratt VMlllam, cheese factor, Wensum st Pratt William, tistimonger, Upper market Pr.itl William & Sons, grocers and tea dealers, Wensum st Prentice Samuel, sadler, MaL'daleii st Press Edwaril, lime burner, Thoriie road Press .lohn (City of Norwich Tavern), Westlegalest Press William (Green Drdjjon Tavern), Littb- Ijondon st Press William, shopkeeper, Potlergale st Preston Arlhnr.fi re office Rgiiit, Bank plain Price Roberi, agent to Fullaiton & Co., publiirhers, 1.4 Castle meadoW Price Sophia, milliner, Pottergate st Priest & Green, booksellers anil printers, St. Stephen st Priest George, builder,.'^! Stephen's road Priest George, carpenter. St, Niephen st Priest George, watch maker, 'i Brigg st Priest Maria, ladies' school, Pottergate st Priest, Pilgrim k Co. wine and spirit merchants, I SI. Giles' st Priest Richard, coacli lace manufacturer, 70 St. Giles' 9t Priest Robert Raveu, chemist and drug* gist, 1 .St^ Giles' st Prie-tley William S. surgeon, ft. Falth'B I'llrniose Mary, baker, St, Anmntlne st Provart Wm. (King's Heail 'I'av), Thorpe PttBLto LiBHAtiY (Subscription), Jail hill-' Edward Langton, librarian Pulhatn VVIIIIam, grocer. Oak st Pull EliKbth,Mary,shopker per, Brill close Pulley Henry, atlorney, Surrey st Puidy Louisa, milliner, l.wr. Westwick s* Purdy Richard IL, painler, Lakenlmtii Hall road [Hull K I PiirllttAuu, gardener i^ seed dealer. John Puxley Jnnies (Marquess of Granby), Ttt« beiiiacle street Puxley IV'urlha, milliner, 2(5 Bethel st Pustey William, painler, lU Orford hill Pye Esau, beer ret ilhr, Bull clone Pyp Sanuul, tobacco. pipe maker, All Saints' green plac« Pye VMlliam(l'wo. necked Swan),Market Pye Wm,Marllu. grocer, Bt.Angnsliue st Pyecroft Nathaniel, botcher, Magrlal.n st Pyecroft Thomas, btrtcher, St. Stephen B» Pymar J(d)n, wnolslapler aiid yarn ujjent, Castle meadow atJADLlNO Henry, painter. Lr.Klng st Quantrill James, fruiterer, Albcniatle st, Crook's place Quantrlll Robert, baker. Oak st CJuigley Susannah, mllliuur, Wagon and Horises lane ftuintoii Joho,bookReller,30 Pottergate st Qulnton John, librarian of the Medical Library. Si. Andrew st Qointon John, secretary and librarian of the Literary Institution. Victoria road Quinlon Maria, milliner, Benedict st Uuintfrlls Sarah, shopkeeper,UniDu place Quintrllls James, Bhopkefeptr,AlbermarlB st, Crook's place RACkHAM & Tomer, attorneys, Lower close Rackham, Cooke & ftackham, at!orney», St. dies' st [nedict st Raekhaln John (Beehive Tavern) St. Be- Rackham Muithew, proctor, Lower close RackhaniTllus. relieving ofilcCr.PeaCock st Raftkbnni Wm. attorney, i(i Castle miadow Rttdlord U llliam.beer relailer,Cnvvgale st Rainhird Samuel, carpenter. Church si, St. Simon's Ralph Sarah, butcher, St. Augustine st RAfttPANt HottsE tloi-bt (commercial, family and posting), Raiiipaiit Horsrs si^-CliHileB I'wiss, proprietor Rand William Fell, surgeon, Totnhland Randell William. Ilshmonger, Ber st Ranking Harkland, physician, Upper SI, Giles street Ran.some Harriet, Berllti wool wareliouie, 18 Getitlcmeh'i walk Ransonie Hehry, watch maker, Bridewell alley, St. Andrew 'J Ram Jonatharr, beer retailer, Quay st Raven Edward, beer rtlaller. Oak st Rawern Robert, beer retailer, Barrack st Ray John, iron merchant, Lvvr.Gnat lane Ray Jirhn Anlliony,halr dresser, Bridgest Raynei John, gaidener. Thorpe Read Charles, bookblntltr, St. Benedict st Read Charle.s, bricklayer, John Bull st Read Charles, Jtin. bricklayer, Union pi Read ChaileB jCuiriers' Arms), John Bull st, Crook's place Read Ell!>.a, ladles' school, 2(5St.Glles' at Read Robert, corii and Coftl merchtitil, lilshopgate st [Quay side Read Samuel Gurney, eoal merchant, Read ThomasVN'm.com k coal mei'chanti King st and I'lowse millgate Read Wm. James, Ciiul merchunt, Rnclic'g court. Church st St. Simon's I Redgemeiit KIrby. butcher. Union place Redgrave Fllen & Mary Ann, Indies' srlioid, Grejlilars' lane I Redgrave Jo8eph,corn and seed murtliatit, King st and Upper close Redgrave Willllam II., chemlslund drug. gist, Weusntn st Reeston .lohn, commiBsion agent, Upper St. Gllefl ' [Giles Reeston Rosamotid, milliner, Upper Nt. Reeve Elijia, ladhs' solionl,Chapellleld rd ReeVe George, painter, Cti'ss si Reeve James, tailor, Calveit st iteeve Rieharil,wliarlln = M',Duke'8pulhoa Ifpeve William, bnket, Bull close Reeve William Henry, linen dra|iet, 38 London 8t [lenst Reeves William (Duncan Anns), Miinda. Reld Samuel, travelling draper, 3 Doliro terrace Rklumck Lii'K Oppick, Bank pialn= George Harper, agent RestleaiiX Joseph, registrar of lliftrtlttg^f, Ladys' lane Reynolds Edward, miller, Ma^r'alen at ReyiioUln Edward, bieW«r,Cluipe, ei. 1(1 65 t&^orColfe. NORWICH, &c. ^latci'js Rejnolds Harriet, milliner, Redlion st, St. Stephens' [Faith's Reynol'lg .lames, corn and coal dealer.St. Reynolds .losiah miller, New C'alton Reynolds William, nursery and seedman, Lakenham hall road Reynolds H'illiam, saddler, St.Benedict st Reynoldson Letilia (Eastern Union Tav- ern j, St. Stephen's road [St.Faitli's Rice James (Blaclc Swan), and butcher, Richardson Christiana,ladies' scliool,Star and Crown court [Crown court Richardson James, whechvright,Slarand Richardson John, academy, Trafalgar st Richardson Peter,bper retailcr.Cowpatest Riches F.d«ard, hair dresser.Poller^ale st Riches Elizh., shopkeeper, Dereham road I Riches Geo. (WheatSlieaf),Castle meadow I Riches Hannah, straw bonnet maker, 29 | London st fCionk's place I Riches Henry, hair dresser. Chapel st, | Riches James, baker, Heigliam st [id i ■ Riches Ri>bt.,beer relailer.Lakenham hall i Riches Robert, liair dresser, Elm hill Riches Robert Smith, maltster. King st Riches Thomas, tailor, St. Giles' hill Riches William, smith, Dereham road Riches WiMiam Smith (Foundry Bridge Tavern), Rose lane Ringer Martin, hairdresser. Market pi Ringer William, Berlin wool warehonse, 7 Gentlemen's walk Rivett & Harmer, general warehouse- men. Old Post Office court [Oak st Rix & Button, congreve match makers, Rix Geoigp, eating-house, Gol 'en Bull st Rix Harriet- straw bonnet maker, 23 Charing^ cross [King .^t Rix William iCompnsses Taverni, Upper Rix William (While HorseJ, Bridge st Jloach Ed ward, school master,U p.Su rrey st Roach John, house agent, Fisher's lane Roach Mary Ann, schooiraistress, Upper Surrey st [Held road Robberds & Money, millers, 6 Chapel- Roberts James, surveyor. Bank of Eng- land court, Queen st Roberts Robert, beer retailer, Muspnle st Roberts Susannah, milliner. Up. King si Roberts Wm., boot maker, 6Timberhillst Robertson Henry, cabinet maker. Nelson terrace [lane Robi u son Amelia, 5chootmi3lress,Ten Bel I Robinson John, cork cutter, Bridge st, St. George's [lane Robinson Margaret Pastle, milliner, Lady Robinson Sarah .4nn, niilirr, Sprow-ton Rock Lifk Office, Bank st— Henry Harrod. agent [Pottergate st Roe Charlotte (Queen Victoria I'avern), Roe James, butcher, Ber st Roe John, cabinetmaker, Orford hill Roe Matild.i. schoolniislress,St.James'rd Roe Richard, tailor, St. Martin's lane Roe Sarah Ann ( Walnnt Tree Shades), Gentlemen's walk Roe William, schoolmaster, St. James' rd Rogers Charles, tailor, Bethel st Rogers Elizabeth, tailor, Orford hill Roijers ll^nry, brush maker, Wensum st Rollins Wm., carpenter.All Sainis' green Roope & Sun, chemists and druggists. Redlion st Rope Charles, smith, Surrey st Rosary Clmetery, Thorpe Rose & Bailey, bakers, Thorpe Hose it Harnian, wir^e and spirit mer- . chants, St. Andrew's hill [st | Rose George, cork cutter, 68 St. Stephens Rose James, beer retailer. King st | Rose John, >bnpl;(eper. St. Augustin it Rose Philip, baker. Oak st Rose Robert, hair dresser, Castle st Rose Sarah, bookseller. Castle st Rose William, brazier, &c.. St. George's Middle st 'I Rosse William, gardener. Rising Sunlane Ro5si George, optician. Market place | Rossi John, picture dealer, Market place j House 'I'hoinas, grocer, St. .Stephens »t Rowland Danl. (Raven Tav ),Lr.Kingst | KOYAL EXCHANGI-: FiRK OFFICES, Bank plain — Arthur Preston, and Tonibland — .Newton, Son & Woodrow, agents i ■•-^ RoiAi. FiitK AM) I, iFE Offick, Castle Meadow — John Thomas Slevens,agent Royal Hotkl, commercial, family and posting, Samuel Hon ett. Market place Boyall Daniel, tailor, Upper King st Rudd & Paston, curriers niid leather sellers, St. Gilpb' hill Hudd Elizabeth, chemiat and druggist,' Co'-lany street i m Rudd Mary Ann, milliner, St. Gregory's Church alley Rudd Noah, bulchrr, Pottergate st Rudd Robert, tailor, Surrey st Rudd Robert, grocer. Coslauy st Rndd Thomas.furnitnre broker, I?er st Rudd Thomas (Buck Tavern), Oak st Rndling Robert, butcher. King st Ftudling William, butcher, Ber st Rudling William, carpenter, Ber st Rudrinn Spencer, general agent, Duke's palace Rump James, builder, Colegate st [st Rump James Smith, lanner.Lr. Heigham Rump I'homas, shopkeeper, GoldenBall st Rushbrook Robert, baker, Thorpe road Rnshmer .Sarah.niilliner, St. Mary's place Rnsseil Henry, watch maker.Magdalen st Rnsse'l Henry & Son , pianoforte makers, Thorpe Russell James B., grocer, Palace st [st Russell John, furniture broker, St. Pauls Russell William, miller, Heigham Mill Ftust Hannah, haberdasher, IMu-pole st Rust James B., tailor. Lady's lane Rust Thomas, water bailitf, Calvert st SABBERTON Thomas, coal merchant Thorpe Sacref "Thomas, boot maker, Magdalen st Sadd D vd.Hhopkeeper,St.Catlierine's plain Saddler Thomas Wm , baker.Up.St.Giles' S. idler James, shopkeeper. Oak st [st Sadler John (Roebuck Tav.), Trafalgar Sadler Thomas William, giocer. Upper St. Giles's! Sai.nt AtHDiiB'W's Hai.l, Hall plain St. Quintin Edward H Miry, n.N., secre- tary to ihe museum, St. Andrews st St. Quintin John, painter. Up. nvirket .Saint Samuel, professor of mathematics, Thorpe road .Salkind Simon, furniture broker.Tooley st Salmon Christopher John, tailor, West Pottergate st Sailer William, shopkeeper. Union place Sampson Charles, shopkeeper, Ber »t .SamuelsRichd..paunbioker.TiinberhiII st .Samuels Sam!., boot maker,St.Sfenhensst Sands & Joy, woollen drapers. 69 Lon- don st [Church lane Sapay John, boot maker. Si. Stephen's Sapey Thomas (London Colfee House). Rampant Horse st Saul John, shopkeeper, William st [st Saul John, trunk maker. West I'oltergate Saul Thomas (Griipes Inn), Upper Si. Giles' st Saul Thomas, shopkeeper, Julian st Saul William, builder, Pi.ttergate st Saul William, timber merchant, Bethel st Saunders & Large, tallow chandlers, Whitefriars Savings' Bank, Haymarket [st Savory Coalsey, confectioner, 34 London Savory Matthew, fruiterer, Timberhill si Sawyer John (Sl)oulder of Mutton), St. Stephens st Say Sarah, painter. 14 St. Giles' st ' .Sayer Daniel, veterinary surgeon. Potter- gate st [Giles' st Sayer John, bird, &c.,preservcr,UpperSt Sayer John, manager to the New Mill Co Lower VA'estwick st [field road Scales Samuel, limber merchant, Chapel Scarles Francis, linen draper, 18 White Lionst Scarnett John, carpenter, St. Faiths' .School of Dksion, St. Andrews st Schofield Sosan, milliner. Up. St. Giles's! Scott Anna Maria, shopkeeper, Julian pi Scott Benjamin. cooper, Chapi-Kield road Scott Isaac, blacksmith, Repent st Scott Matthew, shopkeeper. Ber st .Scott Pi ter Thomas, brush maker, 17 White Lion st Scott Robert Bagge, cabinet maker and upholsterer, paper hanging and carpet w.irehouse, looking glass manufacturer, and maliogany merchant, 18 Charing cross and St. John's Madder market Scolt Saml., ironmonger, 20Charing cross Scott Sarah, loliacconist, (3 Bridewell alley, St. Andrew's Scoll Thomas, bai.er, John Pull st [cross .•^cott Thos., cabinet maker, 21 Cliaiing ScoitWm.furnitme hroker.l) Timber hill st Scott William, slio))keeper, Magdalen st Scottish WiDows'Fu.ND LifbOf-fice, Upper close — Henry Hansel), agent Scollow Mary, cimfcctioner, Redlion st, St. Stephen's [tin st Scrntton Henry, beer retailer. St. Augns- Seach Eliza, straw bonnet maker, AJI Saints' green Seager Thomas, blacksmith, Snrlingham Seago Elizabeth, glover, Mildle maiket Seaman Henry, bjker,Peatield Seaman Joseph, beer retailer, St.Jamesst Seaman Nathaniel (Black Swan), Upper markel [I S'. Andrew's hill Seaman Rnbert.wineand spirit merchant, Searls Rob.-rt, schoolinasier, Dereham rd Seed Henry, wool, hop, and tea mer- chant, Musp-de st .Seelry Job, confectioner, dining rooms, and temperance hotel, I and 2 Upper walk, Market place Seeley Wm., pork biticher, Pottergate st Self 1 homas. baker, St. Benedict st Self 'I'homas, smith and bell hanger. Pot- tergate st [Pottergate st Self Thomas, jun., gas-fitter and smith. Self Thos., beer retailer, Casile meadow SeltThos., cabinet maker.St. Mark's plain Self Virtue, mifliner, St. Benedict st Selth Jidin W. (White Horse Tavern), Chapel SI, Crook's place Senior Richard, boot maker, Coslany st SeppingsWIlliain, boot maker,Colef[ate9t Severn Elizabeth & Hannah, milliners, Cowgale st [gate st Severn Samuel (St. Paul's Tavern). Co w- Sewell Mark, shopkeeper, Magdalen st Sexton Benjn,, sboiikeeper, 'Irafalgar st Sexton Horace Walling, bricklajer, Lr, Westwick st [plain Sexton John. liaberdasher.St.fatherine's Sexton Joseph, .shopkeeper. King st Sexton Richard (Spread Eagle Tavern), Hax market [vert st Sexton Robert Watling, bricklayer, Cal- I Sexton Simon, coal mei chant. Bridge st, St. George's Shalders Charlotte, milliner. Bethel st Shalders Edwd,. grocer, St. lienedict st Siialders John, books>-ller. Bethel st Shalders Noah, clothes' salesman. West- legate st Shalders Thomas.hlacksmith.Oldhay hili Sh-^lders Win., jun. currier. Bank plain Sliardetow Benjamin, painter, Thorpe Sharing John, boot maker, St. John's, (Madder Market alley Sharman Jamea.wheehi iight,SurIingham Sharp Daniel, attorney, 24Castle meadow Sharpe Beniamin Thomas, altormy. 14 ( aslle meadnw [Colegaie st Sharpe John Judd, letter-press printer, Shaw Charles Barnabas, cheese factor. Post Oflice st [gale »t Shaw liichird.'hanl raanufacturer,Co!e- Shildrick WiUIam (Coachmakers' Aims). St. Stephen's road [Giles' st Sht-ntield .lihn, chair maker. Upper St. Shepherd Matilda Elizabeth, milliner, Botolph si [Upper market Sheppard Robert, wholesale stationer, Shiward Wm., pawnbroker Up St Giles' Shields Daniel.hoop niakf r.GoldenBall st Sbildrake William, jeweller and wattb maker, 34 London road .SIiimmonElizabeth,'shopkeepor. Bethel st Sbipiiian James, beer ret-iiler. Oak st Shire Hall, Castle meadow Short Henry, wine cooper, St. Georges', Middle st Shreeve John, blacksmith, Catton Sidney & Ladyman,1e» dealers and colfee roaster-, ti Market place, and 8 Lud- gite hill, London Sidney John, carpenter, Sprnwst'in [la Silcock Charlotte, smith, .Si. Saviour's Silcock.tanies, schoolmasler.Bishopgate st Silvey Letilia Crab, confectioner, Ber st Simmons Elizabeth, milliner,Si. George's, Middle st Simpson George, governor of the Greati or Old Men's Hospital. St. Helens Simpson George Elw aril, solicitoi, master extraordinary in cliancery,comiiiissioner for taking acknowledgments under the act for fines and recoveries, &c , clerk to the Henstead Union, and lo Iha justices of the hnndiedsof Henstead and Humbleyard, and agent for the Guarantee Society, & the ICuropeanLife and London FiieAssurance Companies, Tombland Simpson Henrietta (George and Dragon), Catton Simpson John, whip maker, Ber st Siiiklar John, builder, Magdalen st [st Sissen Wm.. circul.iting library, Benedict Sizeland Adam, professor of dancing, )i) Bethel »t iStrectoii). NORWICH, &c. Norfolfe. Sked^e Eliza, milliner, Paraxon st Skelion Joliti Smith, tailor and draper, Pottcrsate st Skiinjison James, cutler, Orford hill Skipper John, registrar and secretary to the Nomich Equitable Fiie Assurance Society, B.ink st Skipper John & Son, solicitors, proctors and notaiies, and commissioners for taking affulavits in all the Courts of Wesiininsier, Baik st Sparke & Co. iron and brass founders and agricultural implement manufac- turers, Thorn-uke FopNDRY, King street ; Warehouse and ShowRooms, Castle hill [green Sparke James Bird, attorney, Scholes Spark.s Francis William, wine and spirit merchant, 5 St. Giles st Spatchett James, chemist and druggist, Madder m.irket Speedy Rachel, beer retailer, Thorpe road Skiplon William, beer retailer, Catton Spelnvin William & Sons, auctioneers B. hite Lion st Snelling Ann, milliner, 30 London st Snelling John (Duke of Wellington), Pottergate st [st Snelling Sarah, ladies' school, 30 London SnellingThos. last maker, Royal Hotel st SnellingThoMias, shopkeeper,Magdalen st Snow Ann (Waterloo Tav.), Upper walk Snowdon John & Son, linen drapers, Bridn« SI, St. George's Soman Lippy, bootmaker, Magdalen st Scons John, gardener and seedsman. St. Augustine st [Palace plain Southern Samuel, surgeon's assistant, Soutligale Elizabeth, lodging-house. Up- per King st Soutligate Henry(Griftin Tavern),Thorpe Southgale William, haker. Barrack st Spalding James, shopkeeper, Cowgate st Spall William, wheelwright, Fishgate st Spanton Francis (King's Arms), Ber st Spark John, house surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, St. Stephen's rd Sparkall Alexander, tea dealer, Market pi Margaret st Spooner Mary, milliner. St. Margaret st Spratt John (Crown and Angel Tavern), St. Stephen st Spratt Sarah, ladies' school, Bethel st Spratt Stephen, beer retailer, Quay st Spratt William, coach biiilder,Chapeltield Spratt VMlliam, corn chandler. Gun lane Springall Benjamin, miller. New Catton .Springall Isaac, watchmalier,Wensuni st Springall James, grocer, Ber st Springall Robi-rt. timbrel la manufacturer, St. Stephen's plain Springfield, Son & Nephew, silk mer- chants, St. Martin's lane Slacey Amy, ladies' school, Thorpe road Stacey Edward, house agent, Orford hill Stacey Mary Ann, milliner, Orford hill Stacey William, carpenter, Kirby Staff John,Congreve match maker,Oak st Staff John Rising, attorney and town clerk, St. Andrew st Stafford Ann Maria, ladies' school, St. George's Middle st [Andrew's hill Stafford Francis ('Town House Tav.), St. Staflord Thomas, shopkeeper, Chapel st, Crook's place Stafford William, baker, Julian place Stamford John (Dolphin Tav.), Heigham Stammers Robert, smith. Castle ditches Stamp Office, St Andrew st Stangroom John (Duke of Sussex), Saint Augustine st [road Stanhaw George, conch builder. St. Giles' Sianlt-yGeo millwrigh &eugineer,Elm hll Stanley Joseph, shopkeeper, Lwr.King st Stanley Jos. stone mason, Chapelfield rd Stannard Alfred, artist, Upper King st StannartlCu bit t, bom basin manufr. Pit tst Stannard Emily, flower painter,Roselane Stannard Juseph, architect and surveyor, St. Georee's plain [plain Stannard Richard, builder. St. George's StapletonRobt.boot maker, Madder markt St.\r Fire and Life, Office, l4Castle meadow — Thomas Sharpe. agent Stark William & Co. dyers, dressers, and manufacturing cheinists, Duke st Starkey Mary Ann, schoolmistress. Saint Benedict st Slailand John, painter, Surrey st Starling Everelda, schoolmistress, Saint Augustine tt [vert st Stalling Mary Ann, schoolmistress, Cal. Starling Sarah, ladies' school,St.George's plain [place Statford Sarah Ann.schoolmistress.Union Stehbings Henry, livery-stables, Upper St. Giles' st [st Steel & Rix, cutlers & toy dealers,Queen Steel Henry & Co., wholesale grocers. Bank plain [Goat lane Steele James Smith, watchmaker, Lower Stepliens Adeline, schoolmistress, Ten Bell lane Stephenson & Matchett, booksellers, printers, stationers, and bookbinders, and dealers in patent medicines, Mar- ket place Stevens Charles Frederick, brazier, &c., Magdalen st [Orford hill Stevens Gardiner & Wm., ironmongers, Stevens Horace William, bookbinder and printer. Pottergate st Stevens John Thomas, law stationer.and agent to the Royal Insurance Company, Castle meadow Stevens Thos.. tailor, 23 Castle meadow Stevins Edward (King's Head Tavern), St. George's Middle st [st Steward & Fislier. attorneys, Upper King Steward Edward, proctor and notary, Upper King st Steward Henry, baker, Bull close Steward James, clothes salesman.Tomb- land [land Steward James, tailor & draper, Tomb- Steward Jo?..dyer.Bridge st.St. George's Steward Patteson Finch & Co., brewers and wine merchants, Anchor Brewery, Barrack street Steward Robert & Co.. timlier merchants. King stgates,& South Town, Fa jmoujfc Steward Samuel, bookbinder, Elm hill Steward Saml. W. P.,brickmaker,C;aton Steward Slephen(Redlion Tavern), Mag- dalen street Steward Timothy, treasurer to the board of guardians. Bridge st,8t. Andrew's Stewart & .Miller, travelling tea dealer, St. Lawrence lane [Stephen's Stewart Emily, milliner, Redlion st, St. Stewart George, master of the School of Design, St. Andrew st Stock Thomas, beer retailer, Peafleld Stocking Mark, butcher, St. Stephen st Stockings Jonatban(Eagle Tavemj.New- market road [Briggs st Stocks Allred Joseph, linen draper, Stone Elizbth.,lodging-house,Upr.Kirgst Stone Henry, blacksmiih. Lower King st Stone James, attorney. Castle st Storey Jas.,beer retailer, St. Augustine st Storey John, shopkeeper. St. Augustine st Storey Wm. (Brewers' Arms), Bull close Stout Simon, carpenter.Poltergate st Stretford William(Tliree Kings Tavern), St. Benedict st [Middle st .String, r Robert, baker. Saint George's Stubbs Edward (Golden Lion Tavern), Madder market [st Stubbs George (White Hart", St. Andrew Stubbs James, shopkeeper, Fishei's lano Suckling George, cabinet maker. Saint Paul's New opening S'jffolk Edmund, coal dealer, King Et, Crook's place Suffolk Fire Ofpioe, Princess st — William Millard & Son, agents Suffolk Georte, boot maker,John Bull st Sultzer John & Co , manufacturers of fancy goods, St. Augustine st Summer Krancis, boot maker, Plumstead Surflin William iBank Tavern). Bank it Sursham John & Co., corn and coal mer- chants, Uensum st [st Sussams William, shopkeeper, Heighani Sution Daniel Marrison, tailor & draper, St. Andrew st Sutton Fiancis,jun., smith, Plumstead ! Sutton Henry,haberdasher,StAugustine3t Sutton John, butcher, King st Sutton Rohert,rag,&c. dealer, Magdalen st Sutton Samuel, working cutler, 21 Gen- tlemen's walk Swan S.irah, milliner, London road Swann James, boot makej, Magdalen st Swash Barnaby, hairdresser, St. James st Swash James,upholsterer, Brown's court, St. Stephen street Swash Robert (Turkey Cock Taveru), Church st, St. Simon's Sweatman Henry (Red Rose Tavern), Back of the Inns Sjder Elizabeth, boot makers, Briggs it TADMAN William, manager of Gas Works,SlLeonard's hill, Bishop's brdgo Talbot George, tailor and draper. Bridge st, St. Andrew's [Stephen st Talbot Robert (George 'Tavern), Saint Tanev William, coach lace manufacturer, Timbeihill st [Market Taney William & Co., fishmongers Upper Tann Charlotte, straw bonnet maker, Pottergate street Tann John, baker. Charing cross Tann Samuel, upholsterer, Pottergate st Tann Wm.W., bricklayer. Pottergate st Tarron Maria, milliner. King st TarteWm.carver& g'lder.St. Augustine st Tattam Elizabeth & Ann, milliners, Pot- tergate street [gate st Tattam .Michael, beer retailer, Potter- ■Tawke Arthur, physician. Upper Kingst TaylorAdamiSc Sons,altorneys,Oiford hill Taylor Chas.lPeacock ), St Stephen plaia Taylor Elizabeth C. (Goldbeaters' Arms) I Bethel street [Giles' st 1 Taylor Elizabeth, stay maker, Upper St. 67 Noifollt. NORWICH, &c. Viatel's Tav\or Geofge, truss maker, St, Giles' st Tij'vlQr Jamea \V,,huiaer, Magdalen st Taylor John, haltev. Old Post.ofl)oe yard Taylor J ermli-%^laoKsni'.tl\,Sl, Stephen's sq Taylor ,lQhii, p^inttr, Palace st Taviar John.statiQn masifr,Thorpe stfttn TictnianRoliarl,b(cr re tailer.Thorpe road Tillelt, Ciilraaii & Mendham, attorneys. jSt, Aidiewsst [Uemt-n's w.ilU Tiliett Ueniy (H;aberdasber,M.'8!dalen8t Tavlor William, tailor. Princes st j TiHyard Robert Thotiias & Co., boot Taylor William lirown, lohaccunist, tea makers, t'pper Ootit lane dealer. Railway cigar and tohacfi F.m, j T'Iston Tli'mias {Greyhound Tavern), porinm, iiextdoorto the Trumpet Jnn, j Potier^ate si Si, Stephen street Tinker Horace, hoot maker, I horpe Teasal John, carpenter, Cowgate st I Tinker William, boot maker. Princes st TeasalOshoin Unsiall, builder and saw i Tinkley Esther, boot maker, Rampant railU, Fishergate st Horse st Terr-ev Sarab, beer retailer, St, PanJ's st Tinkley Mary, milHner, 8 BinK st Terrington William (Railway Tavern), ] Tipple John, hoot maker, Elm hill Upper King st [sate at : Tipple John, tailorand draper, London st Thajne Edward, basket maker. Potter, i Todd D:>vy, blacksmith, Branie?ton Theatre, Theatre st— Joseph Clarence, ! Todd John, tailor and draper, Queen st lessee Ldon st \ Tolladay Joseph, mattress maker, Lower Theobald Thomas & Son, sJovers, Lon- 1 W'stwick st [Castle st j Thirkettle & Scott, cabinet makers,Ber st ' TomUnson Robt. Stewart, plover Shatter. I WAHE Frances, woolI«)n draper, I* Thirkeltle Harriet,furrier, St, Benedict st ■ TomlinsonWm.lo 'ging house.Biink plain Eomlon st Thirketlle My.Ann,m.illiner.Sl. Gile-s' bill Tompsoii Willi m, currier, Oove tt | Wade John, cabinet maker, Bank et Tliirkettle Tbo«, (Aiilre T^v), Brii;gs st , Took Michael, shopkeeper, Bcr st Wade Robert, hair dresser, RedweH st Thirlietllo William, smith & hellhrnger, : Tooke Sarah Roberts, boot and shoe W'aite William ^ 8on, braaiers, &c.,3a Barker's conrl,Timher)ull [st ' maker. Rampant Hor.se st [Market pi | London street ^^ [st Thirile James, boot maker, 50 Pottergaie Tnrris & Son, l)omhasin manulacturers, ThirlleTbos.,livery--stahles,GoldenBalt at Tovells George, cement dealer. King st ThirlleThQmas,hnotand shoe maker, & Towell Thomas, beer retailer.NewCatton ' ... "poy^teii \Vjl|iara, seedsman, UpperKiiig f.t Towler Campin & Co., bombasin manu^ factureis. Elm bill [st Towler Hannah, haberdasher, Magdalen Town Ci-eisk's Office, .St, Andrew's st — John Rising .Staff, town clerk fi.a.vc, ,^,.,...-, ,.,-.. , n TownleyJ(inatban,atlorney, Brazen doois hurdles, and agents for Miltter'» patent 'Jown»end Geur.ge(Crownlav.),Elm hill lire resisting safes and boxes, and Townsbead Sarah, miHine-r, Ba'olph st Macintosh's India rubber wa5hers,&c, ' Townshend Eligabeth, milliner.Bethel &t ! Wall Harriet, ladies' school, Dereham Gentlemen's walk. Market place; I Townshend Samuel, caiver and gilder, | Water John Camble, eotion winder. Castle st, & Bridge st, St. George's | Bethel st [Pottergate st Toolev st [St. Benedict'i Thompson CUarles,5choolota5ter,.lutian's Townshend William (Boy & Cup Tav.), i Waller Robert, wheelwrisbt. Barn road, alley [pint Horse st ' Townshend Zechariali,ho"t nikr.Peafield I Xt'alls Snsaniwh, millintr. Bridge st, Thompson Christopher,brazier,&c., Rani' 'Trevor Henry, cabinet maker, 5 and G j St. Giles' [Poiteriatesi 'ThompsonGabrjel, beer retailer),Mill lane Post Office st [Barrack st Walmsley George W., carpenter. West Underwood Henry, modeller and cement merchant, So.^olioim Works, Saint Margaret st Underwood John, builder, Lower Kinf» ."^t Union Firb <-)ffioe, !> St, Giles' st— James ^\ inter, agent Uperoft .lames, beer retailer, Magdalen st Upcofi William,boQkhinder and printer, Tisligate St Utting John, bnot and shoe maKei", Saint George's, Middle st VARI'EY John, cabinet maker.Surrey st Vasr^ar James, baker. Paragon st Vassar John. be«r retailer, Ber st Venables & Plowman, linen drapers, ii< (ientlemen's walk Vincent & Burrell, architectural carvers^ joiners and builders. All Saints' green, and Horn's lane. King .^t Vincent Eliaa, milliner, 9 St. Giles' hill Vincent Henry, hragier &o. Benedict st Vincent .( imes,linen draper,Rschangc st Vlieland .lerome, professor of languages. Upper King .st '[st Vyall Daniel, roal merchant, St. Andrews Vyall George, painter, Hole-in-the-Wall lane, Pottergate st a^ent for Hawkins' rotary heels, Bridewell alley, St, Andrew's Thomas Robert (Cock 'Tavern), Prayton Thompson St Son, furnishing and general ironmongers, oil and oolourmen, iron merchants and manuf icturers of stove grates, fenders, iron palisading and Wales William, bnilder. St, Stephen Walker James, butcher, Coslany st Walker Lewis, hoot and shoe maker. Chape! st [St. George'i Walker Rirhard, shopkeeper, Bridge st. Walker Robert, letter.press printer, St, Mile's, Chu'ch si \\ alker Thomas, baker. Cation [st Ualker Thomas, builder, St Benedict Walker lhos.& Co. yarn agents,Calvert st W all Ellen, mistress of British school, Peaiield [roaa Thomp; 'Thompson (Jeorge (Canleen), Barrack st Thompson Henry, chemist and druggist, ?a St. Siejihen st [st Thomp.son James, bricklayer, Fishgate Thom psonJohn( Anchor Tav.),Silver toad Thompaau Joseph, baker, Mousehold Thompson J OS., grocer, -.^a White Lion st 'I hoHip8onMariin,beer retailer,liarrack st Thompson Philip, shopkeeper. Cherry st Thompson Robert, surgeon. Theatre st T "" '"-"•- -^ Trevv Archibald Chaile.s, beer retailer, Tripp John, smith and bellhangev. All Saints' green Trohy John, professor of music. Elm hill TroQiow John, clothes salesman. Lower Westwick st [Back lane True Elizbth,straw boi:nelrar.ker, Catton Truman William, boot and shoemaker, St, Giles' hill [st Tuck Charles Edward, a{torney,St.Gile!. Walters Sarah, ladjes' sebeoj. Rampant Horse st [AndrevPs' hill Ward Cecilia, straw bonnet maker, St. Ward George, baker, I Little Orlbrd st Ward Geoige, Isaker, Redlion st Ward .las- oaipeoter, St. Andrews' Hill Ward Robert, cattle dealer,St. Catherine's terrace [Benedict nt Ward 'Thomas, boot and shoe maker, St. Ward William (Wounded Hart Tavern J, bonrpson Thomas (Redlion Tavern), ! Tuck James Stanuard, tailor and draper, " Upper market Bridge st, St, Andrew's [st • Lower Goat lane [line st ] Ward Wiliiam, baker, St. Andrew's hill Thompson William, beer retailer. King ' Tuddeman Ewd., beer retailer, Si. Angus, j Warmon Benjamin(CarUinal'5 Cap Tav), Thorndick Henry, Ictter^press {winter, Tuesdon ,lo.hn & Joseph, waolesale rag | St, Benedict st Princes street 1 dealers, Coalany st 'Thorn'ess James, shopkeep'-r. Pump st j Tulis William, beer retailer, Botolph st Thoins Ruhcrt.iranmonger,HExohange st ; TungateWilluim,clothes salesman, Lower Thorold John s^meaton, millwright and | Weslwick st (st engineer. Foundry Bridge road j Turner & f iske, linen drapers. London 'Thoridd William, civil engineer, Fouu- ; Turner Edmund, Erocer,10 \\hileLion st dry Bridge roaU I Turner O-orge, academy, Pottergate st Thorpe Alfred, boot maker. King st gates ; 'I'nroer James IVl.,iron f.iunder,NuR\viCB Tiorpe EUaa, milliner, Botolph st i Eoonury, St. Andrew.^ st Thorpe Sarah, lai'ies' school, St. Giles st i Turner Joseph(Anchnr Tavern), Surrey jl Thorpe Thomas, hair diesse-r, Coslany st Turner Samuel (Woadsead Ferry lav). Thorpe V\ m. hairdresser, St. Stephen st ' Brametlon 'Thurpe W illiam(\Voalpackers» Tavern), j Turner Samuel, painter, Bramertoii Botolph st [road j Turner Thomas, hoot and shoe maker. Thereby Roberl,shopkeeper,Sl. Stephen's 1 Catton Back lane 'Thrower Noah (Woolpaek Tavern), Gol, '■ Turner William, boot and shoe maker, I WariieU Cb irles, bricklayer. King st den Ball st [Doors load! St. Benedict st [ Palace st | W.irren (ieorgo, sniveyor, New Cation Thurgar Walter C. snrgeon, Bra*en | Turnc-r William, boot and shoe maker, W'atering .lames, boot and shoe maker, Thurlow David, bout raa'ur, Surrey mews j Tiirrell James, shopkerper, Ber st John Bull st [.Stephen st 'i'liurlow 'Thomas (Jubilee Inn), Ber st ; 'Turtle Francis Gilling, silk anJ yarn Watering John, linen draper, ()9 St. "Thurston Carnaby, baker, Catton Back j throwskter, Botolph si Waters Emma, loflging-lmuse, 7 Bank &t l.,i,g [Stephen st I 'Tuitell John VV..&hopkeep(fr, Peatielil | Waters Frederick William, miller and Warne George, boot and shoe maier, St. Failb'siane VA arne George (Cellar House Tavern), Bridge st. St. George's Warnei Edward (Letters Tavern), St, Saviour's lane [Giles st Warner Wm. iic Co., brass founders, SI. Warnes Charles, schoolmaster. Union pi VVarnes Eliaahcih, music seller, lii P&'.lereate st [veit st Warnes .lohn William, paper hanger,CaU Warnes Rebecca, school mi.strpss. Union place [Bridge road Warnes Robert (Royal Tavern) Foundry Warnes Wm. tishnaonger. Upper market Thurston Hanicl (Bull Tavern), Saint j 'Tuitell William, b-iker, Traf.ilgar st Thurston James, linen draper,.'»Uavcy p! ! 'Tnxlord Ann, trunk maker, <"aslle.st Thtaston Richard Henry, oonfeotiooer, | Twis8ChristapUer(Uann)anlHoiselJoli'l). 5st. Stephens st Th'ii'aites John, beer retailer. King st Tbwaites John (King's Head Tavern )^Si, Stephens, st [lane Tibb John (Rifleman Tavern), Cmss 'Tirtd Kobert, shopkeeper, St, George's, Middle st [ Timberhill st Tidman Hannah.aervants' ligister ollice, Tidman James, cooper. Oak st Tidmau Uohett, jroQcr, Ucr nt Rampant Horse st [Benediclst Two^uiid William, boot and shoe maker. coal dealer, l.ovri'T Weslwick st Waterton E'lward, tailor. Silver road Watson i*< B irnham,allorneys,S"rrey, st W.atson Ann. stonemason. Castle meadow Uatson Edward, coal merchant. King st I'ysiack VV iiliaiu Valentine, hair dresser, i Watson Edward, halter, 11 Briggs st JJTLondonst I Watson Edward 0„ carpenter, Chapel I st. Crook's place ULPH James (New Brewery Tavern), Watson GiJbeit Pickering, chemist and Barrack st druggist. Lower King st Ulph William, dyer. Lower Westwick st Watson James, carpenter. New Catton Un'lciwood & Gaae, lime burners, I Watson Jas. Crane, carpenter. King st 'Fherpe road 1 Wateon John tStarlnn^,;* Havmatk.e{ G8 IB i recto I p. NORWICH, &c. Xoifolfe. Watsou Joseph, beer retailer, Cowgatesl \VattsJa!'.ilonfonn(li-.& engineer,|{08e la Watts Jolin, beer retailer, iMoiischold Watts Jolin Winter (Exmouth Tavern), Si. Sleplieii St Waits Jahn W (Vmilts),. Julian place Watts Samu*-!, shopkeeper, Poltergate st Walls Thomas, surveyor, Pitt st Wa\te Mary, mistress of Balderstmie's school. Coli'gate st [market Weavt rWilliaro & Son, fishmongers, Upr Weavers Robert, ginger beer, &c. maker, Heieham st VTohb Henjiimin, shopkeeper, St. Faith's Webb Mary Ann, milliner, Calvert st Webb 'Ihornas, saddler. Castle st Webb William, rope and twine nia,ker, Maadalen s( [market Web.sdnle John ([.Bmb Tavern), Hay.- Websdale Wm, npliolslerer, Sarrey st Webster Benjamin, tea dealer. Ri>\al Hotel st [Ball'st Webster Eliznbelh, shopkeeper. Golden Webster John, hair dresser, 'I'imberhill st Wehsier John, glover, Tiniberhill st W'ehster Matl.beer retailer,St,James row Webster Kohert, clothea salesman, St. L iwrenec steps Webster Thomas.agenf, Pottergate st Webster Thomas, letter-press printer, PotlergBte st [st Webster William, livery stahles,Wen3um Weeds Sarah, baker, Thori e [st Weeks William, painter, St. Augustine Weights and Measures Office, St, Andrew st Well William, butcher, Coslany st Wells Peler Minhael, tailor, Mandall's Court, Princes Wigger John H. A., dealer in pictures and objects of vertu, Belliel st Wiggett Joseph, turner, Calvert-st Wiggins John (SaraoensHeadJ.St.Giles'st WlKham Robert, tobacco roanufacturer, lOHayrnarket [Stephens st Wigmer Elizabeth (Wheat Sheaf), St. Wiloli James, baker. King st Wilcli John, baker. King st Wild Francis, ace onntaul. Upper King si Wild Stephen, governor of city goal, St. Giles' gati'S [road Wilde Frederick, painter, St. Stephen'- WildeJohn, collector. Inland Revenue tifRce, St. Andrews st Wilde Matthew (Trowel and Hammer), St, Stephens st Wilde William, auctioneer .•and appraiser, coroner fur the city, and clerk to the magistrates lor licensing and billeting, 4 Post Olflre st Wilde William, jiin., auctioneer, 4 Post ()(Bce street Wilkin Josiah, tailor, Chapelfleld road Wilkins Robt.prolessorof musin, Bethel st WilkinsonHenry, saddler, 80 St, Giles' st Ulllcy .Samuel, shopkeeper. Cow gate st Willett Eagle, wine and spirit merchant, i St. Stephens road Willett Edward, & Nephew & Co,, bom- birin manufacturers, Pottergate st Williams John (Eagle Tavern), West Pottergate st Williams John.confcc ionpr,Pottergate st Williams JohnHen'y,shopkeeper,Duke st Williams Josiah, grocer. Swan lane Wi'liams Mary, ladies' school. West Pottergate st [st Williams Lewis (Moon and Stars), Duke Wells Stephen Edward, auctlnneer and , WiUiment George, bricklayer, St. Angus- surveyor, Post Office st I line street WcllsThos.vet.surgeon, Castle meadow i Willinieut James, shopkeeper, St, Au- Wclls William, butcher, Sprowston | gustine street Welton John, pork biiteher, St, Stephen's ^ Willlment Richard, silk and crape manu- Back street 1 facturer, Calvert street Welton William, baker, St. Benedict st '. W illins Williani,atiorney, St. Andrew's, West Edmund, shopkeeper, New Cation j Hall plain West Geo'ge.file cutter.Barge yd King st Willis Maria, milliner. Tinkler's la [ham West John, beer retailer. King st [ Wills .Anthony F. (Gibraltar Arms). Heig. West John , beer retailer. Drayton I WillsRebeoca, milliner, Heighamcausway Weslfield John, Venetian blind maker. Wills W illiam, tanner and felliuonger. Holland court, Ber st { Upper Heigham West op £,\r.LANU Firb and Life Wilsea Isaac, beer retailer. Bridge street, Office, l.itile tJrford st— Edward ' St. George's Freestone, agent ! Wilsea John, beer retailer, Coslany st Westminstfr Life Officbs, Upper : Wilsh John, shopkeeper. King st King st, Foster, Unthank & Co.; Upper Wilson George, shopkeeper, St. Cathe. Surrey st, Peter Day; and Magdalen st, ' rine's plain Edmund Slingsby Drury Long, agents | Wilson George, wholesale and retail con- Weston Charles, brewer. Bridge st, ' lectioiiei' and Iruit merchant, 6, 7 and St. George's [st 8 Queen st Weston James, watch maker, We«Hegate Wilson George, shopkeeper. Barrack st Weston John gardener and seedsman, St ( Wilson George, shopkeeper. Peacock st Stephen's Back st Weyer Thomas, hairdresser, Coslany st Whaites Charles, attorney, TomblandJ M'hall Jolin, beer retailei, Cowgate st Whall Robert, shopkeeper, King street. Crook's place [dalen st Wharmstall Chailes, shopkeeper, iMag- Wharton George, physician. Upper close Whiffin James & Co. bu'cher.s Duke st Whitaker John, brickmaker, Thorpe White Andrew, shopkeeper. Oak st While Jeremiah, carpenter and builder. Thorn lane, Ber si White Peter, ironmonger. Bank plain White Pliillis, milliner. Upper Goat lane Whi'e Richard, dentist. Tuck's court, St. Giles' st White W illiam, turniture broker. Saint Gregory's Church alley [Thorpe M'hite William, gardener and seedsman. Whitehead George, stonemason, Ber st Whitehead Philip, baker. Upper Market Whitehonse John, ironmonger, Saint Benedict st Whiting Wm, schoolmaster, St, Paul si Whitlam Thos, cutler. West Pottergate st Whitrick James, shopkeeper, West Pot. tergate st [cross Whiitai;er John, lime burner. Stoke Holy Whittriok Hani, coal dealer, Julian place WhitworihThomas.boot and shoe maker, Botolph st [Packet yd, King st Wickhani William, coal dealer. Steam Wickin Mary, tailor and shopkeeper, Lakenhain Hall road M'icks Robert, shopkeeper, Ber st Wicks William,aoademy,Duke'sPalaee st Widdows Francis, haberdasher, Magda- len street [Upper St, Giles' Wigg Edward (King's Head Tavern), Wigg Thomas Carter, hop and tea mer. chant, Calvert st Wilson James. supervi>or, Victoria st Wilson Mary, ladies' school, 13 Crescent, Chapeifield Wilson Thomas, copper-plate printer. Chapel st. Crook's place [Dog rd Wilson William, furniture broker, Laine Wilson Wm. jun.,aiiQrney, LanieDogrd Wilson William Stilt, mauager to the East of England Bank, Up.Haymarket Winter Charles, boot and shot manufac- turer. Upper inarliet [bi-rliiU st Winter George, grocr and baker. Tim- Winter James, attorney, 9 St. Giles' st Winter John, baker. St. Margaret st Winter Robert, baker, Cobourg st Winter Samuel, baker, Magdalen st Winter Thomas (New Inn), Green hills Winter Wm., brnsU maker, ftiagdalen st Winter William, china and glass dealer, Timberhill st Wiuier William, painter, Timberhill Wiseman Isaac,wine and spirit merchant, Post Office st Wirenian Robert, bricklayer, Muspolest Wiihers iViurtlia, milliner. Union place U ittrick & Sons, coal merchants. Green Wail yard. King st VVolton John Hyem, grocer, 47Londonrd Womack Geurge, cabinet maker, IG Char- ing cross [Lion st Woniacli George, clothes' salesman, While Mood Elizabelh, schoolmistress, Nor- wich \vorkhouse,Bridgest, St Andrew's Wood Esther, schooloMstress, St. P.iulst Woodcock Henry, dentist, 711 St. Giles's! Woodcock Samuel, botcher. Palace st Woodcock Sarah, mil lint r,St. A ugiistinest Woodgate Philip.general waraliousemaB, Castle st [Cation Woodhouse John, schoolmasler. New Woodhouse Margaret, schoolmistress. New Cat ton Woodrow Thomas, pawnbroker and car- ver and gilder, Coslany st Woodrow Thoinos John, clerk in stamp office, St. Andrew st Woods Charles, working jeweller, Wheat Sheaf court, St. Stephen st Woods Georse John, currier, St.Greu'ory 'a Church alley [place Woods Jas. shopkeeper. Queen sl,Crook'3 Woods James, beer retailer. Oak st Woods John, tailor, Paragon st Woods Peter, beer retailer, Berst Woods Robert John (Coach and Horses), Redlion st. Si. Stephen's Woods William, fruiterer. Union place Woodward George, baker, Julian st W ood ward Rebecca, millinr,St.Benedictst Woolbrigbt Hilllam Henry, .attorney, Upper King st Wooliner Clement Amos, boot and shoe maker, Bridge st, St. George's [st Woolnough Martha, corn chandlr.LrKing Woolntr John, chemist and druggist, St. Andrew's Hall plain Woolsey S.tmnel (Bull Tavern), Upper walk. Market place Woolstone Samuel, baker, Cherry st Woolstone Samuel, chair maker, Laken, ham Hall road [Doors road Wordingham William, bnildei. Brazen Wortuan James, builder, Castle meadows Wortley Martha, milliner,.5 Briggs st Wortley Robert, attorney, Toinbland Wright ^ Cattermoul, builders, Ber st Wright Benjamin (Ribs of Beef Tavern). Wensura st Wriglit Cook, shipping agent. King st Wright Daniel, brazier &c. Pitt st Wright George, whiting niauulacturer, Wellington st W right Hanii.h, milliner, .St, James st U right Jacob, iron lunnder, Muapole st Wright Jas , tailor and shopkeeper, Ber st Wright James, surveyor, Magdalen st j Wright John & Son, land agents. Lower I clo.se [Elm hill Wright John & Son, cape manufacturers, Wrii:ht Joseph, painter. Kins; st Wright Maiy, slraw bonnet maker, Muspolest [Thorpe Wright Robert, boot and shoe maker, Wright Robert, boot and shoe maker, 30 London st Wright Robert John, surveyor, Thorpe Wright Sarah, milliner. Bet st Wriglit Thomas, beer retailer, Waterloo W riglit Walter, painter, Surrey road Wurr Elizabelh. milliner, Ber st W urr Thomas, bricklayer, Ber st WyeHenry,boot and shoe maker,EIm hill YALLOP Henry (Red House Tavern) Timberhill st Yallop Sir J. H, & Bolingbroke & Co., 47 Upper St. Giles' Yaringlon Edward William, master of blind asylum. Upper Magdalen st Yarington William, dyer, Wensnni st Yarringlou Peter ;M., superintendent of police. Police Office, Guildhall Yarrington William, superintendent of watch. Police Office, (Juildhall Yates William, china and glass dealer, 2 Davey place Yaxley Henry (King's Arms), Botolph st Y<-anies Samuel (Black Horsr-i, and coal dealer. King st [Andrews st Yellop Rubert (GolJm Can Tavern), St, Yorkshire Fire and Life OfficeJ Surrey si — Watson & Bamhani. agent.'* Yonel|l Joseph, lailor. St. Stephen's road Youel) 1 horoas, bricklayer, Cherry st Vouell. Wm,. glover, St, Catherine's plaia Youn^' Charles, working jeweller, Castle n eadovv Young John, baker, 24 St. Stephen st Young Peter, pump maker, Ber st. gates Young William, shopkeeper, John Bull St.. Crook's place Younghusband John, gardener, Thorpe Younghusband IVIary, niilliner,8 Davey p| Youngs John & Co., brewers and wine merchants. Lower King st Youngs Peter, saddler, St. Faith's Youngs William F„baker,Tro«3eNewton ZABEL James George, glass staioer Lsdy lane |-,j Ziplel Charles, watch maker. Magdalen Zipfel John, watch maker, Magdalen st Zipfel Jo.seph, watch n.akcr, Ber st Zipfel Matthew (Rose 'Tavgin) and watch maker, Oak stj 60 DIRECTORY of NORWICH, &c. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Abbott Mr*. Clementina, 5 Saint Stephen's squaie Abbot Rev. John, St. John's Mad- der market [Back st Abhoit flev. Robeit, St. Stcphen'.s Adams iMr. William Biyes, King .st Addison iMr.Th"nias, Fnnngroad Biownti- Id Mrs. Ann, Magdiltn st Browntield Mr.Johii,i^ewn)arke! rd Brownson the Misses Ann &Sarah- ihe Chantry [field Bull Miss Ann, 18 Crescent, Chapt 1 Bunn Mr. William, Lakenham place Biirroughes Henry Negus, Esq.,M.l'. Biirlingham [ham Burroiighes Rev. Jeremiah, Burling- Bush.Mr Henry, 6 Dereham id terr. Butcher Mi.Jeremiah,! 1 Town close Caldwell Mr. Thomas, St. Giles' hill Calvert Rev. 'I'homa'*, Carrow hill CampbellAlexander,Ks(].,Plumste.id Candler.Miss Elizabeih, I'liorpe road Canham Mr. Rotieit, Adelaide build- ings, Dereham road Cannell Mrs Aim, 24 Victoria st Caimell Mr Henry, 11 Newmarket road [ket road Caniifll Mr. Nunn, 10 Newmar- Caio Rev, Simon, Westlegate st Car|)enter Mr.Geo. 9 Heighamterr. (Jarsey Mrs. Eliza, Grove placii Ca'^ter Rev. Geo., m.a.. Lower close Carter Mrs. Hannah, St. Helen's sq CarterMiss.M at y Ann, Nelson terrace Case Mrs. Ann, 30 Victoria st Cavendish Mr.'l'hos, Newmarket rd Chambers Mrs. Mary, Theatre st Chapman Mrs. Jane, Pottergate st Chit'ney Mrs. Ann, 37 Victoria st Chitiv Mrs. M. A., Catton Cl.irk'eMr. Ricliard, 7 Chapel field Clavton Miss Margaret Elizabeth, Tiioipe Clay Ion Kev. William Ray,B.A.,Upper St. Giles st Coain an Mrs.Satab Ann, Thorpe rd Cohbllev.Jiio.Wm .M.A.jCdli gate si Cockburn Capt. James, Biacondale Cocksedne Mrs. M otha, Ber st Cole Mis. Ann, Thorpe road Cole Rev Edward, Plumstead Otllyer .Mrs. Catherine, Upr.Kingst Collyer Colmiel William, Toinbland Colman Mr. Thninas.IjameDoi; road (Jook Rev. Bell, Douro terrace Co(d< Mrs. Eli/aheth, Foundry rond Coole Mr. Frederick, 12 V^ictoria st Cooper Miss Louisa, Tliurpe road Cooper Mrs. Mary, Cioss st Corbonld Mrs. Kiizabih,Cha|iel field t^orhy Mr. VVilliam, Biacondale Cutteiill Rev. (Jcorue, ICarlhain Cozens Mrs. .Mary Ann, Pitt st Crane Captain Pointer, 7 Dereham roatl ten ace [roid Ciisp .Mr. James, n. n., Thorpe Crom|)ton Rev. Joseph, Bank jilain Cross Mr. James, '.Vl Victoria st Cullen Mr. Thos., West Pottergite si (;iilley .Mis. Hannah, Lower close Davey Miss Elizabeth, Magdalen st Davey the Misses Rachael, iSIar- uaret & Lydia, 'Phorpe Davev Mrs. Sarah, Calvert st Davey Mr. William, Masidalenst Davey Mr. William P., Dei chain road Davis Mr. James, ('alveit st Dawson Mr. George, St. Gile.s'hill D.iy the Missfs — , Potteigalest Day Rev. Charles, i\i.a., Piit st Day Rev. Edward, Knby Day Miss ETuabi ih, Lower close Day Rev. George, M.A., Ber st Deacon Rev. Jas.,M.A., Pottergate .st DeCan.xM'S.Prsch, St Migustine st De Caiix Mr. WiHiim, Thorpe Decks Mis. Christiana, St. Georee's Middle st [Catton Dennes Mr. William Martin, New Diamond Mr. William, Mount I'leasant lane Dix Mr. Francis, 8 York place, Chapelfield road Douiihty Mrs. Batliia, .•^Welling- ton terrace [.Middle st Drake Mrs. Charlotte, St. (Jeoige's Dring Miss Ann, 26 St. Giles' st Diummoml Rev. Thos. ,Upr. King st Duckett Mr. James, 6 St Giles' hill Duge Mr. John, St. (iiles' road DuiinettMr.Thos ,5 Wellington terr. Eaton Mr. 'I'homas, Clianelfield El'bs .Mr. Zachariah, 8 William st Ellir)t Mr. John, 2 Crescent, Chapel field [die st Ellis Mrs. Mary, Sf. George's Mid- Elmer Mrs. anil. Bank st Elwiii Mi>s Pliillippa Elizabeth, Upper King street Etiiciidge Mr. Philip, Carrow road El bridge Rev. James, Willow lane Ethiidge Mr. Robert, 7 Victoiia st I'^veiett Robert, Esq. Calvert st Everett Mr. Isaac, Pottergate st Everiit the Misses , Mount Pleasant lane EwiimMr. VVilliam C.,Po-tOffice st Fair Mrs. Susannah, 7 York place, Cliapelfielil road Fairer Mr. John, Calvert st Faiilke Mr. J.imes, 23 Victoria st Fitkling Mr. Thos., St. Stephens st Finchlev Mrs. Betsey, 2 Dereham road terrace Fisher Mrs. Julia, Bethel .st Fisher .Mrs. Mary, St. F.iith's lane Fift Miss .Mary Ann, Covvgate st Ford Rev. Charles, Postwiik Forster Mr. Robeit W. Bethel st Forster Mr. William, 11 NeNon st Fonlger Rev. Wm., Upiier King st FoulkesRev. — ,Sf.M at tin-at -Palace Fountain Mrs. Elizabeth, Toe road Gladstone Rev. John E., Lakenham terrace Slatet'js NORWICH. &c. iitrcctorg. Goocli Mrs. Mary/ Newmarket road Goodwill Rev.VVilliain, m.a., Chapel field [^tl■cet Goose Mis. Anna Marin, 40 Victoria Gosling; Mis. Ami, Po-twick Gmild llfv. Gt'()ra;e, Sontlit!ate st Go\\ias( Ht'V. George, New Cattoii Go^iiiR Mr. Stephen, 12 Newmar- ket terrace Grand John, Esq., 74 St. Giles* st Gray Mrs. Ann.St.Panl's BhcU hine Gray Rev. Joseph, Potterirate st Gray Mr- Joseidi, Hris^liain grove Gieaves Miss Judith, Lowt-r clo^e Gri-eue Miss Dorotliy, Tliorpe inad Giininur Mrs. Martha, Newmar- ket mad Grout Geon-e, Esq. Magdalen st Gnnton Mr Thomas, Pitt st Habhertoii Mr. William, Newmar- ket road Hales Mr.s. Barbara, Upper Saint Giles' st Hall Mr. James, Ber st Hall Mr. Robert Durant, Mount Pleasant lane [hall ro;id Hall Mrs. Temperance, Lakenhani Hancock Miss Hannah Sarah, Bra- condale Hamlley Mr. C'lnieiins, Braconda'e Hansell Mrs. Maiy, Lowei' close Hardy Mis. Siisai.nah, 4 Crescent, Cli ipt'l field [race Ilarmer Mr. William, 4 London tfr- Harper Mrs. Mary Ann, 24 Distil- lery strei t [square Hairison Mrs. Ft ances,7Sr. Stephen's Hart Rev. Richar', Cafton Har» ey M r. James, 9 Victoria st Havtiiigs Mrs. Susan, St. Giles' I'oad Hawkins Mrs. .Martha, Cole^ate st Hawiayiie Rear Admir.tl Charles J. S., CrlttOII Hea^ell.Mis. Mary, Chapel look Heath Mr. Charles, Cation He(le;rniaii M rs. Susan, Cook's lane Henley .Mr. VVillian., 12 Tiiwii close Herrinii; Rev. Aimine. Thuiiie Herring Mr. Jnhn, Parajjon st Herrina Mr Williim.St.FHitii's lane Herring William, Esq., St. Gile^' load Hihgune Major E.T , Chapelfield ul Hihganie iii'v.Edwd.,M..4.Upr. close Hickman Mrs. Esther, 4 Heiyliani terrace [Pitt st Hill Rev. George Frederick, b.a-. Hill Mrs. M.try, 4 Foundry terrace Hill Mr. Samne-I, St. Augustine st Hill Mr. William, Thoi pr r-.ad Hinshy Mrs. Susan, 2 Heig'iaiu terr. Hitchen Mis. Miner- a, Magdalen st Hobari Mrs. Mary, Catton ' llodueMrs. Susannah CarrowAbbey Hodg>on Rev. Fiancis S., Grammar school. Upper close Hoiigart Mrs. Sii«an, Castle meadow Holmes Mr. Benjamin, New Catton Holmes Mrs. Mary. Hotnlph st Hooper Mr. .IidiiKLakenbam liallrd Hore Rev. W S., St. Giles' gates Home Mr. Robert, Distillery st H.itblack Mr. John, 28 Victoria st Howard .Mi. John, St. Saviour's lane Howes Mis. Sarah, Upper clo-ie Howse Ml. .l(diii,Lwr. Westwick st Hull Rev. Wm.,MoiintPleasant bine Hnmfrcy Blake, \'.f(\ , Upper close Ives Capt. Ferdinand, Surrey road Jnckson Mrs. Chailt., Lame Dog la. jHcksoM Mr. Isaac, Trowse l^ndge Jnckson Mr. VVm., Golden Dog lane Jay Mr. Thoina<, Doiiro terrace JearyMrs. Eli/;aheth, Pump st Jeary William, K-q., Bnrlinnham Jeffeiies .Mr. Sanil., Brazen Doors rd Jeffery Mrs. Honor, Palace st Jennings the Misses Kate, Sarah & Mary, Cross st [Horse st Johnson Mr. Goddaid, Rampant Ji'bnson .Mrs. Susan. 19 Victoria st Johnston Mr.Saml, St. Stephen's rd Jov Mr. Mnithew, Willow lane Juby .Mrs. Mary, .33 Victoiia st Kempster Rev. John Joseph James, Tabernacle st [ket road King Mr. Hammond, 8 Newniar- Kins: Mr. Roberj, Thorpe Kitimer Mrs. Mary, Queen st Kitton Mrs. Anne Maria, Castle Meadow [road Ladell Mr. William, New Market Landy Miss Charlotte, 6 Crescent Chapel field [race Lake Mr. John, fi Wellington ter- Last Mr. Henry, Tinklers lane Laton Charles 'H.Ksq..Dravton [st Law Mrs. Eliza, St. Geoige'sMiddle Laws Mr. William, St. Stephen's rd Leatlies Heniy, E.sq., Thorpe Leist Mrs. Le'titia, New Cafton [.lOmas Rev. Walter, Willow lane Longe Edmund T., lisq., Catton Longe Mr. Mary, 1 Cre.scent place, Cbaptlfieb) road Lubbock ttie Misses Maria &|Sophia, Mount pleasant Lynn Mr. Georue D., Bracondale Mainwaring Mrs. Bridget, 53 Pot- leraate street Mandel Mr. Thomas, St. Faith's Martin Mrs. — , Thorpe road Martinean Mis. Ann, Bracondale Mason Miss Sophia, 3 London terr. Massey Mr, Tliomas, Tliorpe road .Master Lieutenant Colonel — , St. Stephen's street Mastt-r Mrs. — , Catton M atchett Rev.Jonaihan Chase, m.a., I.,ower close Matthews Lieutenant Robert, r n., Bracondale Matthias Rev. Octavius, St. Faith's .Mayes Miss Ann, 'J St. Benedict st Meadows Mrs. Jemima, O.ik st .Meeii Mr. James, 2 Loinlon terrace Miller Mrs. Jane, Grove place .Mills Mrs. Ann, 7 William si Mills Mr. Ehenezer,Up|)er Surrey st Mollett .Mr. Rt-gan, Cowuate st Money General Arrhihabi, Crown point [therine's terrace Money Mrs. Charlotte Ann, St. Ca- Monev Captain Philip J , Trowse Miligate Moore the Misses Martha & ALary Ann, 5 Crescent place, Cliajiel- ficld road Morris Mr. liobert, Thorpe road Morse Rev. Charles, Thorpe V^illa Morse Geoige, Esq., Catton Morse l!ie Misses, Lower close Moss Mis. Elizabeth, 3 Dereham road terrace Mott Mrs. Sophia — , 'I'ombland Mudd .MissAnn Susannah, Crescent, ('ha|)el field Murray Rev. James, York place, Clupelfield road .Mtirrav Miss Margaret, 2 Adelaide bnildiiius. Dereliam ro d Mnrrill Gibbs Mr., Snrlingham Mnskett Mr. Robert, Dereham road MnskettMrs. Mary, New Catton Nash Mrs. Ann, 2 St. Stephen's sq. Neltlefon Ah s. Ann, New Market rd Neve Mrs. Martha, 2 Chapelfield rd Nrwton Mrs. Sar.di, Muspole st Nicliols Miss Hannah, 3 Cliapi-l- field road Noriis Mr.s. Sarah, Elm liill Norton Mr. John Culley, 6 New- market terrace Nmse Rev. Perry, Bnrlingham O'Brian — , Es(|., Catton [dow Opie Mrs. Amelia, 13 Ca.stle mea- Orinsby Rev. William Aithiir, m.a., Palace plain [toria street Osborne Rev. John Franci.s 23 Vic- Oxley the Aiisses Margaret & Eliza- beth, Heigham grove [l^ne Owen llev. John, .Mount Pleasant Page Mrs. Fiances,NewniarketroHd Page Mr. Joseph, Newmarket road Palmer Mrs Sarah, Thome Parr Mr. William B., Unper St Giles street ' Parsons Mr. Jas, Eton load [terr. Paisons Mrs. Martha, Lakenham' Parti idge Miss Kate, Lower close Patrick Mrs. Susannah, lOTown close P.itteson Rev. Wni. Frederick, b.a., St. Helen's .square [close Pearse Rt-v. Gtoriie, m.a.. Lower Peck Mr. Williain, Magdalen st Pelk-w tlie Honhle ami V^ery Rev, George, d.d, Lower close Pen rice .Mrs. — , Wition Peiowne Rev. John, Siirubberv, St. Stephen's load PrroNvne Mrs. Mai v, Cahert st Pbillippo Mr. Math'as, 8 Town close Pliilpotts Rev. Hy, D.D. , Lower close Pig^ins Mr. John, Caheit st Pitman Miss Mary,13 Chapelfield rd PluinptrepMr. Robeit, Lower close Poole Mr. Thomas, 5 Crescent, Chapel Field Postle Mrs. Sarah, Tliorpe Postle Mr. William, Chapel field Potter the Misses — , Foundry Bridge road Potter Mrs. Ann, Newmarket road Powell Mrs. Hannah, Theatre st Powell Mr. John, New Catton Press Mrs. Elizabeth, Theatie st Price the Misses Sarah & Susan, LIpper .Snrrev st Piiostlv I\lis..Marv Ann, Lowerc'ose Primrose .Mis. Ann, 15 Victoria st Qiievillart iMrs. Mary Elizabeth, St. Catherine's terrace Rackbain Rtv. John, Castle meadow Ransome Mrs. Dorothy, St. Ste- phen's road Ray Miss Caroline, 20 Victe Scott MissJaueMaria, Cattle nieadw Scott Mrs. Page, Carrow Hoiisi' Sciitt Kiv. Tliomas, Thorpe road Stdg\vickHev.Adaiii,iM.A.,Liivvr. else Sepjiiiigs .Mr-i. Adiic, Castle meadow Sewell Air. TlnMiias, Wen.'^uin ^t Slialders JMr. Wliliam, Bank plain Sliuw Mr. Chaile.s, Cooks laiie .*-lierii .Mr. Samuel, Di-stillery .St Sliickel iMis.AiHi, Uppei- Kine st Shickel Mis. Sarah, 15 Crescent, ShortinKS Mrs. Mary, Cliapei field Smith ;Mr. Baker, St. Siephen's road Smith .Mrs. Catherine, Calvert st Sinith.Mrs.Eli/ahetli,Uppr.Siiri-ey st Siniili Mr-. Fraiiecs, Braeondale Smith .Mr. Jonathan, St. Giles st Smith Mrs Mary, 28 St. Giles i,t Siiiitli Mrs. Saraii, I'otheigate st Smiili Mr. Thos, Kim hill [race Snell Mr. Georee, 5 Heigham ter- Spailirig Rev. Wiliiatn Sidney, m.a., St. George Miildle .st [sq Spratt Mrs. Enmia, 11 St. Siephen's Stacey .Mr. George, Brazen Duors rd Stacey Mr-'. Susan, 'I'hentre st Staimard Mr. Jos. St. George's plain Staikey Mr. Uichiird, Braeondale Stai ling.M I H. M ary Ann.Suri ey grove Stehliinifs Mi .Robert, Newmarket rd Steel .Miss Ann, Braeondale Stevenson Rev. Seih William, jiin., Siiriey street Steward .Mrs. Kliz^ibeth, Braeondale Steward Mr. Isaac, Sprowstoii Sieward .Mrs. Su^aiiiiHh, Thorpe Sione .Mrs Agatha Elizabth, Castle st Stone Mr.s. Ann Frances, 1 Chapel- field toad Stothers, Mr John M., Lakenliam pi Stiacey iU'v. George, Thnipe road Stracey John, tv'.q.,Sprowston [id Siitkliiig Ml. Maurice Nelson, 'i'horpe SiitField Mrs. SarahThoipe load Syinonds Mrs. Ann, .N'ewCaiton Talhot Mr«. Ann, I^iower close Taitain Mr. Charles, Di>tilieiy st Tavlor Mr. Edward, Tlioipe load Taylor Mis. l-^llen. Lower close 'IVivlor Mrs. .Marv Ann, Surrev st Taylor Mr. Walt-V, St. Steidien's rd Teiible Mr. Thomas, Lakeiiham Hall road [gate st Temple Mrs. Clirl-tinna A., Potter- Tlieo!>ald .Mis. Klizahetli,Colei;atest 'I'l.eobald .Miss Sarah, Magdalen st 'riiinell .Mr.s.Kleanor,Cliapel field rd Thiriji' .Mrs. Edzaheth, 11 Heigham terrace [Kaith's lane 'l'ii"inpso:i Ciptaiii Jeiemiah, St. 'I'liompson Mis. Jane, Ber st Tliiii I'lW Mrs.Siisaiinah, Lower close ■|"hiir-ton Mis. I'^t her, Duke's pal ice Thnrile .Mr. Tliomas, Lakenham Hall loa'l 'I'dlett Mr. Jacob, Qiiayst TiilnW Rev. Samuel, Ifi Cresrent, Chapel field [race 'roKon Mrs. Martha, 5 London er- 'Idiidinson .Mrs — , Cattoii Tiimnier Rev. Kirhy, n.A., BUhop- L'ate street Troy Mr. William, Eton road Tiin'grtte iMr. VVilliam, Giouts tho- roughfare, 'limber Hill st Turner Rev. Charlc.? A M., \7 Cres- cent, Chapel field Tinner Mrs. Siiali, K'xna ^t Turner Mr. William, 29 Vict lia »t 72 lUting Mr. Robert, .Mat;dalen st Varlo Mi^s Charlotte, Toniidand Vasser, .Mrs. Mary .Ann, St. Giles rd Venning John, E^i]., Surrey st Vince Mr. Jacob, 3 Victoria st Wall Miss — , Lakeidiani terrace Waller Miss AJary, Upper Surrey st Warner llev. .Andrew S., ivi.A., Coleaate slieet Warren Mr.Stephen, St. Stephen's sq Warren Mr. William, Braeondale Watson Ml'-. Ann, Foundry road Watts .Mr. Jaine.s, Chapelfield road Welch Rev. »A'illiam, Lakenham pi Wells Miss Mary, 6 Vict^iia st Wells the Mis.ses Maty & Harriet, Queen street Wells Mr. Robert, Thoi pe Wells Mrs. Ruth, Castle meadow W bait Mr. Henry Tuthill, 12 St.Giles hill Whaites Charles Esq , Wiitnn Wheeler Mr. Thoma^, Sc. George'.- Middle street Wheeler Rev. 'I'bomas A.,Calveitst While Mrs. Elizibeth, St. Giles load Whitinif .Mrs, ElizHbeih Lawrence. Grouts thorom;lifaie,TimberH ill st WiggM IS. Frances, lOSt. Stephen's sq Willliy MissSarah Aiin,Fouiidiy terr Willins Mrs. Eli/.a, 3G ViA'toria" st Wilson Rev. Edward, Braeondale Wilson Mrs. Philippo, 10 Victoria si ^ViNiin Mr. Thomas, Sussex st Wodehouse Miss Apiielony E. Tombland WodehmiseRev.Cainphell, Thorpe rd Wfiilehoiise Uev. Chailes Noiiise, Upper close [Tiiorpe Wodehouse Edmund, Esq., M.P., Wood Mr. John, Fisheislane V\'oodiowMrs.Faiiiiy.M.,BraconiIuie Wonlley Rev. — , Grammar .Scluxd, Upper close [road Wright .Mrs. Elizabeth, Newmarket W light Mrs, Harriet, Upiier close Wright INlr. Jeremiah, Lakenham pi Vaiiin; iMrs. Mary, St. Faith's lane ACASEMtES AND PtTBLtC SCHOOLS. Maikeil tliiis * ui'e [io.Trdlnj atiil Day. Not otliprwl-e described are Day Sthuols. Aldis Elizabeth , St. Paul's New opening Aniiison Marv, King st Aicher Sarah',St.George's Mi'idle st BAI.DKttSTONES ScilOOL, CoIcgalC street — Benjamittl''armer, muster; Marv Wayie, mi^tiess Baptist Sciioul, Tinklei's lane — Robert Jotdan, master; Sarali J(M(laii, mi-triss Bennett Henry, St. George's Mid- dle street Birch Lsatic. 'I'horpe *Blogg William, Uiiper Kingst Bouuhcn Jane, All Siint's gieeii !iowle> Ann Elizaheth, Thorpe rd Bhkrkton's School, Water Inns — 'I'biiza, Harriet and Jane Bell, mistresses Brifg Marv, Poitergate st Bkitisii Sniooi., Maiiner lane — Wi!liam North, master British St HOOL.I'eatield— Richard Coulson, uiasier; I'yllen Wall, mistress Bhiti.sii Sniooi., ('aUeit street— Maiy Ann Siaiiing, misttess Bro.nlhur-t William, Sr. Benedictst Brooke William, Kinx st Buck Peter, Chapel st [-t Burrage John Ctiaile>,Cieat O.sfoid *Hurrage .iM.Kcph Jaims, Ltickett's ccurt, St. Andrew st Carver Ruth, West Pottergate st J \ Catholic School, Ten Bell lane —Robert Hall, mastei ; Sarali Smith, mistress Catholic School, St. John's Mad- der Mai ket allev — VVilliam Har- ris, master ; Susannah Harris, mistress Chalk Eh aiior. Cow hill Clark Joseph, Cideuate st Clifford Ann, St (iiles road *Codliiig Arthur John, M/igdnlen st Coi' Mary, Chapel st Coldwell Harriet & Amelia, Saint Clement's Chnrchuii d *Cole Sarah, llCresceiit,Chntie!field Crowe Elizabeth, St. Geoi j^e's plain Cushiiig Ro^amolld, i'tiragon st *l)miiell Sarah Calveit at *Dennington, Mary .A nil. Willow lane *Dix Hannah Clurlutte, Tiuk',1 court, St. Giles st Douce Joseph, Pottergate st Diummoiid Maigaiet.LTppei Kingst *Dye Hariiet, 'I'heatie st *Faiiiell Win. Keeling, Theatre st Kayerman & Crane, Julian|)lace Fidiei lilzh. (boar/ling), Pottfci gate 8t *Firth Ellen, Bethel .st Fox Denny, 1 Douro tenace Frf.e Ghammar School, Upper close— Rev. — Woolley, L. L. D,, head muster; Francis S. Hodg- son, B.A , second master *Fullei'.lemima W., Willow lane GeorgeElizth.&Emily,Potiergate !5t Gray iMaiy Ann, Pottergate st Green Elizabeth, Botolph st Glint Mary Ann, St. Augu.stine st Hall John, Distilhry st Haie I'jii/a, Lower VVestwick st *Harp. r William Richard, 10 Pot- ti rpate street Harns Hatinah, St. Aui;nstine st *Heasell Eliz.ibeth, Surrey road H osiMTAL School, Fi.-bgaie street— FreileiicU Gedney, master ; Ri>- ehael Gedney, mistie-s •HowardAnn.St Gtoige's Middle st Hunt Charlotte, St. Catherine's leri" Infants' Schools!— Catton— Marv J.icksoti, misticR^ Cidegatest— Eli zhtb.l'ooke, mistress Coslanv street (St. .Miles') — Lydia and Keziiih .Anthony, mistresses King street (Miss DeaCon'.^J — Loi Burtiell, mistress New Catton — John Woodhouse.s master ; Margaiet Woodbouse mistress Post Odice street (Model)— lien- liett I B icon, mistress St. .A ugnsti lie stieet—Everclda Stal- ling, ini-fress St. James' lond — Win. Roe, mas- ter; Cath. Maiilda Roe, mistress Ten Bell hine (St. Swiibin's, Ca- tholic)— Amelia Bobitison and Adeline Steidiens, mistre-sts Pi owso- New ton— .Mary Dent, mlstl'S Union id.ice — ^harle«\Varhe8,ni;is- ler; llehecca Waines, mi.stiess •hes Ann Sarah, 12 Crescent, (Jhape! field *Keiii|)ster John Joseph James, Ta- heriiJK le street Keiiy Eliz-abeth, Soutligate st *Lamheit Mary, Queen st Lancastkhian School, Palace st —Samuel North, master [i-n-downe Mary, Surrey st *Lantenant Maria, Princes tices of (he hundreds of Henstead& Humble yard), Tomb- land 73 Koifolfe. NORWICH, &c. ^Iattr'5 ATTORNEYS— Conrinufd. fSkipper John & Son {& Conimis- sioneis for taking affidavits in the Courts ehold Thurston Carnabv, Cation Back lane Tiittell VVilliani, 'Traf.ilgar st Vassar James, Paragon si Walker 'I'homas, Catfon Waul Georne, 1 Little Orford st Waid George, Redlion st Ward William, St. Andrew's hill Weeds Sarah, Thoi pe Welton William, St. Benedict st Whitehead Philip, Upper market Wilch James, King St Wilch John, Kim; st Winter George, Timber hill st Winter John, St. Margarets st Winter Robert, Cobouigst Winter Samuel, Alagdalen st Woodward George, Julian st Woolstone Samuel, Cheriy st Young John. 24 St. Stephens st Youngs William F., TrowseNewton BANKERS. Bank of England (BranclO.Queea st — Edward Smyth, agent ; John Gould, sub-agent ; George Stur- ley, and Otho Windsor Berry, cashiers East of England Bank, L^pper Haymarket, (draws on the Lon- don and Westminster Bank) William Stilt Wilson, manager Gurneys' & Birkbeck, Bank plain, (draw on Barclay, Bevau & Co., London) Harveys' & Hudsons' (Norwich Cromn Bank), Upper Kina st, (draw on Hankeys'&Co., London) Norwich Deposit Bank, Upper market, (draws on Mastermau, Peters & Co., London) — Robert Balls, manaatr Savings' Bank, Haymarket (open on Monday, Wednesday, and Sat- urday, from 12 till 2) John Hartt, actuary BARRISTERS. Browne W. J. Utton, Up. Suircy st Cooper Carlos, Oiford hill Evans Charles, Upper King st Holson Wales Ciiristopher.Cooks la Palmer Natiianiel, Redwell st BASKET MAKERS. Carr Charles, Elm hill Gay Elizabeth, Tombland Gay Mary, Upper m.irket Green Robert, St. Benedict st Hovell Wm.(&sieve), Charing cross Kent Charles, St. P.iuls st Kettle James, St. Ann's lane Loveday Isnac, Fishgate st Mason Samuel, Ber st Thayne Edward, Pottergate st BELL HANaERS. See tinder the head Smi(/is, BERLIN W^OOL WAREHOUSES Brown George, Loudou st Brown William, 18 Davey pl^ce Bryan Joslma, Haymarket [don st Campling Abraham & Co., 35 Lon- Ransonie Harriet, 18 Gentlemen's walk Ringer William, 7 Genlletntn's walk BIRD& ANIMAL PRESERVERS Knight Thomas, Upper Kingst Nichols John, Ber M Sayer John, Uppei St. Giles' st ©i recto rg. NORWICH, &c. Koifolfe. BLACKSiniTHS. (See also Smiths) Allen Daniel, Lobster yard, Potter- gate St Andrews Mary, Sprowston Ballimoie John, Thorn lane Beaton John, Lower King st Brooks John, All Sainrs st Brooks John, Gulden Ball st Brown John, Barrack st Cannell John, Drayton CHrman :Sainnel, St. Faith's Child Stephen, Chapelfield road Cock Wni., St. Catherine's Terrace Curtis Jolin, Lame Dog road Daniels Robert, Trowse Newton Folkard William, Surlingham Freeman Jeremiah, St. Benedicts la Hardinient Williim. Cation Holman Josiah, Hellesdon Howard George (coachsmith),Back Rampant Horse st Howman Riihaid, Ber st Laws Robert, Dt-rehani road Leggatt John, Scoles green Martin William, Thorpe Moore William, Maedalen st Norman Charles, King st Oaklev Robert, Palace st Osborn Richard, Kirby Pearce John, St. Faith's Scott Isaac, Regent st Seager Thomas, Surlingliam Shalders Thomas, Oldhay hill Sh reeve John, Cat ton Stone Henry, Lower King st Taylor Jeremiah. St. Stephen's sq Todd Davy, Bramcrton BOAT BUILDERS. Britcher John & Son, King st. gates Freeman James, St. Anns, Stailhla Hongliton Robert, Lower King st Pitch William, Barrack st BOniBASIN, CRAPE, «e PARA- MATTA MANUFACTURERS. Bolingbroke Charles & Frederick, Colegate st Clarke John, Calvert st Dowa;lass Robert & Co.,Cowgatest Grout & Co., Lower Westwick st Hinde Ephraini& Fiancis,Botolphst Middleton George, Calvert st Staninard Cubitt, Pitt st Torris & Son, Marketplace Towler, Cam pin & Co., Elm hill Willett Edward, & Nephew & Co., Pottergaie st Willi ment Richard, Calvert st Wright John & Son, Elm hill BONE CRUSHER. Brown Robert (and guano mer- chant), St. Benedict st BOOKBINDERS. (See also Booksellers 4- Stationers.) Bush George, Bridge street, Saint Andrew's Charlwood Arthnr, Orford hill Coote George Mark, Old Hay hill Dean & Co., St. Stephens st 1 GnnterCharles Ed ward,Si. George's, Middle st luneins J., Lower Goat lane Oliver Mark, St. Andrew st : Priest & Green, St. Stephen st Redd Charles, St. Benedict st Smith William, Post Office court Stevens Horace Win., Pottergnte st Steward Samuel (and machine ruler), Elm hill Upcroft William, Fishgate st BOOKSELLERSAc STATIONERS Marked tlius » are also Binders. {See also the preceding List, and also Stationers.) ♦Bacon & Kinnebrook,12 London «t Blnckie & Son (publishers). Upper St. Giles' st — James Rlacgregor, agent Brown Zechariah, Ber st *Cnpper James, Rampant Horse st Dallinger Josepli A. (and importer of foreign books, music, periodi- cals, music &c., and agent for foreign journals), 12 Davey place Darken James, Little London st Fletcher Josiah, Upper Havn)arket Fullarton A. & Co. (publishers), 15 Castle Meadow, and Edinburgh — Robert Price, agent Good) Robert, 9 Wliite Lion st Jarrold John & Sons, 3 London st Jeary Robert, 4 Bridewell alley, St. Andrews King Joseph (old). Back of the Inns *Lain Edward, Elm hill *Lemmon James, Gentlemen's walk Miller George Robt.(&print seller), St. Andrew's hill •Muskett Chas. (& map publisher), 5 Haymarket Priest & Green, St. Stephen st Quinton John, 36 Pottergate st Rose Sarnh, Castle st Shalders John, Bethel st •Stephenson & Matchett (& dealers ill patent medicines). Market pi BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Marked thus * are Manufacturers. Allen Marian (warehouse), Upper St. Giles' Austin VVilliam, Oak st ♦Barker, Barnes & Nowne, York Tavern passage, O.xford hill Barker John G. 8 White Lion st Barnard John, St. Augustine st Barne James, St. James st Barnes Richard, 2 Charing cross Base William, Coslany st Basey Robert, Magdalen st Batcheldor Stephen, Calvert st Beare John, Calveit st BeaseyJohn, Drayton Blackburn Edward, Barrack st BIythe Robert, St. Faith's BIythe William Bates, Bethel st Booty Edward, Fisher's lane Bowhill Henry, St. Andrews st Bowtell Thos., 20 & 21 Davey place Biacy Frederick, Thorpe Broad John, Catton Broadbank Benjamin, Fishgate st Brett Isaac, Upper King st Bridger John, St. Faith's [Inns Buck Charles Harrison, Back of the Bull Isaac, 8 Castle st Cable William, Ber st Calver J'homas, 10 Upper market Calvert John, Chuich .st.St.Sinion's Cauliam William, Lower Westwick st Cannell George Simon, Ber st Carter John, Fishgate st Carver William, LowerWestwick st Challis John, 43 London st Cherry Thomas, Brazen Doors road Clarke George, Calvert st Clarke John, St. Miles', Church st Clarke Jonathan, Plumstead Collins James, 4 Davey place Cook David, Bishopeate st Cook ThomasEdward.WhiteLion st Cook William, 14 Starling place Cousens John, Rising Sun lane Cox John, Magdalen st ' CuUingtoii Mai y Ann, Queen st Cuthbert Edward, St, Miirtin's lane Dane Clement, Lower Westwick s Dann James, Magdalen st DawbarnJames( wholesale), 14, 15, 16, Exchange st Day James, St. Lawrence steps Dean James, City road De Caux Shakespear,St.Augustin st Duffield Edward, Sussex st Duffield Georee, Catton Duffield John, Timber hill Dunn James, St. George's plain Elvves Jonathan, St. Stephens road Farrow Thomas, Union place Fauike Robert Cooper, Stocking's court, St. Stephen's Fenn Robert, Drayton Fenn Thomas, Bridge st *Ford William, 13 Davey place Franklin Charles, 11 London st Friar John, Thorpe Freeman Richard, St. Benedict st Gardner Thompson, 15 Up.St.Giles' Gibson Henry, Lower Westwick st Grave Richard, Ber st Griffin Joseph, St. Faith's *Grooin Gorge, 53 St. Stephen st Hammond Jonathan, Bridge st Hanson Charles, St. Marv's plain Hardy John, St. Benedict st Hariison Robert, Elm hill Harrison William, Bridewell alley, St. .Andrew's Harweds Samuel, Coslany st Hewett Geo.Colbey, Golden Dog la Hewison Joseph (dealer). Timber Hill st Hipper Wm., Bridge st, St. George's Holl George, All Saint's green Holl Georee Norton, 15 Castle st Holl Robert Durant, Jail hill Horne Robert, Little London Home William, Stoke Holy cross Homes John, Surrey st Horstead Horace, Surrey st *Hotblack John, jun. Orford hill Howell John, Catton Howes Abraham, RampantHorse st Huson William, Trowse Newton Jay Jonathan, West Pottergate st Jermy George, Lakenham Hall road Jermy Jeremiah, Pottergate st *Johns hoe and boot heel), 2 Bride well alley, St. Andrew's Thorpe Alfred, King-st gates Thiirlow David, Suirey mews TiUyard Abraham, Magdalen st Tillvard & Sm, Elm hill *Tiilyard Robert Thomas & Co., Upper Goat lane Tilney Robert, Kirby Tinker Horace, Thorpe Tinker William, Piiucesst Tinkley Esther, Rampant Horse st *Tii>ple John, Elm hill Tooke Sarah Robtrts, 3 Rampant Horse ^t Townshend Ztchariah, Peafield Trumsin William, St. Giles' hill Turner 'I'hoinas, Cation Ba(k lane Turner William, St. Benedict st Turiiei William, Palace st Twogood William, Benedict st Utting John, St.George's,Middlest Walker Lewis, Chapel st Ward Thomas, St. Benedict st Warne Georue, Si. Faith's lane Watering Jamt-s, John Bull st Wliitworib Thomas, Botolph st ♦Winter Charles, Upper Market Wodlmer Clement Amos, Bridge st Wiight Robert, SOLondon st Wright Robert, Thorpe Wye Henry, Elm hill BRASS FOUNDERS. {See also under the head Iron Founders.) Land William (& lamp manufactu- rer), Hav hill Warner William & Co., St. Giles' st BRAZIERS, TIN-PLATE WORKERS dc COPPEUSMITHS. Alden Martha (and rairiaue lamp maker), St. Stephen's pliin Ashen Robert, 52 St. Stephen st Bedford Phihp, Fottergate st Bror-ks Jolin, Berst [Ball st Callow William Julien, 1 Golden Hayward Caiy. Ber st HusonEdwardRichard,Pottergate st Murton Rohert, Coslany st Oliey Benjamin, St. Benedict st Rose VVm., St. George's, Middle St Scoit Smnuel, 20 Charing (.ross Smith William, St. Giles' hill Stevens Chas. Fredk., Magdalen st Thompson Cliristopher, Rampant Horse st Vincent Henry, Bi nedict st Waite William & Son, ;^2London st Warner William & Co. St. Giles' st Wriclit Daniel, Pitt st BREWERS AND IVIA1.TSTER8. (See also Maltsters.) Arnold Maria & Son (by patent ma- chinery). Lower Westwick st Buliard Richard, Bridge street, Si. Lawrence 76 Burdett Jonathan, Dereham road Clarke Charles, Coslany st Coleman Tl>oaias,Chapel st, Crooks place Cravvshay Richard, St. Stephens .st Gooch Noah, Charing cross Heigham Richard, Magdalen st Howleit lialdwin King st Hubbard James, Golden Dog lane Jennings George, St. Benedict st .Maltman James, St. Benedict st Morgan John Braiidran & Henry, Lower King st Reynolds Edward, Chapelfield road Steward, Patteson, Finch & Co., Anchor Brewery, Barrack st Storey William, Bull close Weston Charles, Bridge street, St. George's Youngs John & Co., Lower King st BRICK MAKERS. Blake George, Brazen Doors road Hewitt Thomas, Lakenham Hall rd Coaks Richard (dealer), Fishgate st Coalman George, Ca.stle meadow Dawson George, Brazen Doors road King Ausiin, Sprowston Steward Samuel W. P., Catton Underwood & Gaze(and chalk mer- chants), Thorpe road Whitaker John, Thorpe BRICKLAYERS. (See also Plasterers.) Aldis James, 10 Piiiices st Barber Wm.,St.Martiii'sPHlace plain Berry Wm. Mills, Peacock st Belts John, West Pottergate st Bond John, Stoke Holy cross Brinded Robert, Thorpe Briicher Charles, Pitt st Britcher Thomas, Pottereate st Brooks Henry, Lakeiiham Hall road CoalmanGeo.Rl.sing Castle meadow Coe Mark, Castle meadow Curl James, L'nion place Darkins Canual, St. Stephen's road FteeniHn John, St. Giles' road Goose Robert, Julian st Hardy John, Thorpe Howard Charles, Bishopgate'st Howes James, Magdalen st Lacey James Wilkins, Surrey st Lacey John, Princes st Lacey John G., St. Stephen's roail LaceyWm,StGiegory'sChurch alley [>ake Samuel, St. Augusiin st Ling George, All Saints' green Ling William, Bethel st l/ivock Samuel, Br:«zen Doors road Moll Abraham, Thorpe Norman John, St. Mile's Church St Orsl)orn Mark, Catton Parker Clare, Oak st Pevg George, Ber st [place Read Chas., John Bull st, Crook's Read Charles, jun.. Union place Sexton Horace Watling, Lower Westvvick st Se.xton Robert Watling, Calvert st Smuh Robert, St. Stephen's road Tann William W., Pottergate .st rhnn)i)son James, Fi.shg-ite st Willnnent George, St. .\ugnstin st Wiseman Robri, Miispole st Warneit Chailes, King st Warr Thomas, Berst Youell Thomas, Cherry st BRUSH MAKERS. Marked thus * are also I'atti-n Makers. Abel Frederick, 2,i Charing cross Cook Samuel, fi Davey place Edgar Thomas, Ch.i|)el sr,Crook'spl Gooch Thos., Grant's thoroughfare, Timber Hill st Harper James K. St. Benedicts! •Hutchin John, Timber Hill st *Kiiiulii Saini.,St.George'sMiddles» *Leeds William, 17 London st Ling & Sons, 2 Piinces st *Page Samuel Deyns & Son, Old Haymaiket •Rogers Henry, Wensnin st ♦Scott Peter Thos., 1" Whitelion st Winter William, Magdalen st BUILDERS & CARPENTERS. [See also Carpenters.) Ausust John &Son, Juliin place Baldwin Anthony Samuel, Upper Surrev st. All Saint's ureen Brooks Thos, Bridge st, St. .'Andrew's Browne & Bailey, West Pottergate Browne Richard, Bethel st Cattermoul Eveietl & Son,Tooley st CoalmanGeo.Rising,Ca>'tle meadow Curtis & Balls, West Pottergate st Fisher Thoma.s, St. Andrew st Havers Chailes, Chapelfield road Howell James, St. Augustiu's gates Lacey George P., Suiiey Grove Mandall Robert, Piinces .^t Meachin Stephen H., William st Minns Edward, Trafalgar st Minns George William (and con- tractor). Castle meadow Neale Wilham, St. Giles' hill Ollett William, Lower close Priest George, St. Stephen's road Rump James, Colegate st Sanl William, Pottergate st Sinklar John, Magdalen st Stannard Richard, St. George's plain Taylor James W., Magdalen st Teasel Osix)rn Engall, Fishergate st Underwood John, Lower King st Vincent & Burrell. All Saint's green and Horn's lane. King street Wales William, St. Stephen's st Walker Thomas, St. Benedict st W^iite Jereiniih, Thorne lane,Ber st Wordingham Wm, Brazen Doors rd Worman James, Castle meadow Wright &. Cattermoul, Ber st BUTCHERS. Marked thus • are Pork Bntchers. Allen John, Tonihland Archer Jesse, Tooley st Baker Ann, St. Maiiin's-al-Palace Bale George, St. Benedict st Bilby Mary Ann, Sprowston Bltke Benjamin, Sprowston Bracey Francis, Thorpe *Brown Charles, 57 St. Stephen's st Burroughs Thomas, Butchery *BushHeiiry, Bridge st.St. Andrew's Bushel Wm., Chapel st. Crook's pi Chapman Abel, St. Martin's Palace plain Chapman Samuel, Up|)er St. Giles Clarke I^aac, St. Augustine st Clarke l>aac, Wellington terrace. Union place Clarke Samuel, Upper Market Cobb Leggett, St. Augustine st Cobh Leguett, jiiii., Magdalen st Colby William, St. Benedict st Coidran William, Magdalen st Coitani Thomas, Bntcheiy Cottfim & Brewster, Market place Cullington John, Cowgate st Cullington John, Union place Daniels Benjamin, St. Auuustine st Dawson Jonathan, Magdalen st EllMood Henry, Timbeihill st Kilt James, Ber st Goodsoii George, Butchery Goodson Win., West Pottergate St Graves Henry, Butchery "Gray Mary Ann, St. Benedictst iiirenoi|). NORWICH, &c. Korfolfe, BUTCHERS— Co7i, 21 Charing cross Self Thomas, St. Mary's plain Smith Bt-njaniiu, Palace st Tiiirkettie & Scott, Ber st CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. (See also the Preceding List, and also Upholsterers.) Abel Daniel, Jail hill Able George, Ber st Batley William, Lower Westwick st Bennett Thomas (& paper hanger), Jail hill Burrell Thomas Alfred, Magdalen st Clarke Joh.i Welhani, 10 Doie st Craske & Warner, Lower Goat lane Crowe John, 2 Surrey st Crowfoot William. Ber st English William, Tombland Freeman Brothers, 2 London st Hales James, Madder market Hooper Robert, Chapel look Leeson Richaid Croit (and general furnishing warehouse), 31 Saint Giles' stieet Lord Aaron, Madder market Norris James, 30 Charing cross Pigg & Greenwood, 14 London st Pooley William, 2 Charing cross Robertson Henry, Nelson terrace Scott Robert Baage (& general fur- nisliiiig,paptr-haiiging ana carpet warehouse, and looking-glass manufacturer), 18 Charing cross, and St. John's Madder market st Suckling Geo,St.PaursNew opening Trevor Henry, 5 & 6 Post-office st Vai ley John, Surrey st Wade John, Bank st Womack George 16 Charing cross CAMLET MANUFACTURERS. See Bumhasin, Paramatta and Crape Mannfarlnrers. CARPENTERS & JOINERS. {See aho Builders J Aldous John F., Suirey st Allen Race, Magdalen st AmiesJohn, Laktnliam road Atkins Richard, Betliel st Bailey Isaac, Pottergate st Bailey John David, C'ow hill Beaumont Henry, Bramerton Belt John Stewart, Peacock st Blythe Matthew & Robert, Drayton Brook William, Tabernacle st Brown Aggas, Theatre st Browne John, Carr^w road Clements William, Bethel road Cogman Robert, Lhiion place Downing William, Bethel st Kasioe Edmuiiil, Sprowstou Edwards Robert, Oak st Ellis John, Oak st Fairmau Robei t, Thorpe Field Robert, Chapel Crook's place Fisher Robert, Aluseuni court, St. Andrew street Fox John, Heigham causeway Fox John, Sprowston Frost Charles, St. Stephen's Back st Fuller Robert, St. Stephen st Gaze Matthew, Lower Kingst Geo'ge Robert, Muspole st Geoige William, Plunistead Gilbert William, Pitt st Gooch Thomas, Plumstead Giiose Robert, Trowse Newton Grimmer Thomas, Catton Hall George, Trowse Newton Hood Robert, Sussex st Houghton Robert, Ber st Howell James, Pottergate st Lane William, Ber st Leech Charles, Lakeiiham hall road Leech William, St. Martin's lane LeGrysWm. & Co., Trowse Newton Matthews James, Magdalen st Moore Jas., St. George's Middle st Motts James, Stepping lnne Myhill Augustus, Sussex st Nockall Joseph, Duke st Notley William, Julian place Page Samuel, West Pottergate st Pegg William Bacon, Horns lane Priest George, St. Stephen st Raiubird Samuel, Church street, St. Simon's Rollins William, All Saints' green Rudliug William, Ber st Scarnett John, St. Faiih's Sidney Jtdin, Sprowston Stacey William, Kiiby Stout Simon, Pottergate st Taylor John & James, St. Martin's plain and Magdalen road Teasal John, CowL'ate st Vincent & Hut rell (and architectural joiners), All Saints' green and Thorn's lane, Kingst Walker Thomas, St.^Hencdict st WalmsleyGeo. W.,West Pottergate Ward James, St. Andrew's hill Watson Edward C, Chapel .street Watson James, New Catton Watson James Ciane, King st White Jeremiah, Thorn lane Ber st CARVERS dc GILDERS. Basev Jann-s, Boiolph st Boswell William, Mr^gdalenst Chapman Charle.s, St. Andrew's hill Chapman Charles, King street, Crook's place Calyer Thomas, Pottergate st Cushing Charles, St. Lawrence lane Dawes Lawrance, St. Faith's lane Dunning Thomas S , Dereham road Freeman Br()tliers(& print sellers 8e artists' colourmen), 2 London st Griffin William, Cowhill Hill Emanuel, Upper market LadbrookeEdii)un(l,10WhiteLion st Lad-ll Williau), Lower King st Miller Geo. Robt., St. Andrew's hill Nurse Robett, Castle st [close Ollett Wm. (architectural). Lower Pnlnier William, St. Lawrence lane Pigg & Greenwood, 14 Loudon st Raiubird Samuel, Church st. Saint Simon's Tarte William, St. Augustine st Townshend Samuel, Bethel st Vincent & Burrell (& architectural caivers), All Saints' green and Horn's lane. King st Woodrow Thomas, Coslany st CEMENT DEALERS. Col man & Glendenning, Rampant Horse street Kett Henry, Lower King st Torells George, King st Underwood Henry, St. Margaret st CHAIR MAKERS. {See also Cabinet Makers.) Atlerton William, Coslany st Batley William, Lower Westwick st Batley William, jun., Muspole st Clapham John, Ber st Currey Wm., St. Stephen's Back st Field Wm., Queen st.,Ciook's place Hooper Robert, Chapel look Moll Richard, ftladder market Perfect John, Westlegate st Sheutield John, Upper St. Giles' st WoolstoneSaml., Lakenham hall rd CHEESE FACTORS. Easio John, 64 & 65 St. Stephen st P'reem^n Charles, Robert & Henry, Upper market Kitton George (& butter & bacon), Haymarket corner Lane Israel, St. Andrew st Pratt William, VVensum st Sliaw Chas. Barnabas, Post-office st CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Arnold Edwand, Orfotd hill Batemau John, Wensum st Baxter James, St. Benedict st Case Philip, Bridge st, St. George '.<> Cooke William, 27 St. Giles' st Cubiit George, L'pper market Drewell Hy. R., St.Catherine's plain Fitch & Chambers, Market place Frovvraow William, St. Augustine st Grant Tlioiuiis, Ber st Grimmer Samuel, White Lion st Harper George, Bank plain Hart Walter, King st James Henry, Oak st JefferiesFiaucis,Lakeiihani hall road J o h nson A III brose,Lwr. Westwick st Juler Mary, St James st Lay William Robert, 72 London st Miies Charles, St. Stephen st Pi ttsRobertChristopher,8St.Giies' st 77 Korfolfe. NORWICH, &c. Mattx*^ CHEMISTS^ acr — Continued Priest Robtrt Raven, St. Giles' st H.'dgiave V^'m. Itiiiit, VV^eiisum 8t Roope &Son, Redlion st Rudd Elizabeth, Ca>lauy st Smith & Son", 4 Exchange street and Magdalen st [plain Smith 'Villiam Lyall, St. Stephen's Spatchett James, Madder market Tli'-nipson Henry, 78 St. Stephen st Watson Gilbert Pickering, Lower King street [plain Wooluer John, St. Andrews liall CHEMISTS -MANUFACTURING Stark William & Co., Duke st CHINAj GLASS, &c. DEALERS. Bevan Robert, Mai;dalen st Brunilell & Bean, Upper walk, iMaiket place Camplin« George, Magdalen st Downing Jr)^.,22 Gentlemen's walk Fou Ml iniThs, Bridge st,St. George's Gifford Samuel, St. Benedict 81 GillJolm, St. Giles' st Hardiinent Jabez, St Augasiine st Heip William, Chnring cross Liivick & Co., St. Andrew's st Meadows Geortre, Botolph st Onley Daniel, Biazen Doors road Smith Wm , Bk. Rafnpant Horse st Smith William ( glass), Westlegate st Winter William, Timber hill st Yates William, 2 Davey place CLOTHES SALESMEN. {See also Tailors.) Allen Martin, St. John's Madder market alley I Batterbee James, St. Benedict st I Bnyes Elizabeth & Sons, Orford hill Bennett William, Weitsum st Bowes Willirtm, St. Benedict st Bowles Sarah, St. Benedict st Bridges Win., Lower Westwick st Burrage& Jeffries, 2 Davey place Burrows Robt., Lower Westwick st Claxton Johnson, Orford hill Claxton Robt-rt. 9 Davey place Cocks Tl)omas,Lower Westwick st Corner Ann, St. Benedict st Daw>on John, Ber st Dewing Robert, Rosemary lane Fromow John, Lower Westwick St Greenwood Paul, Lwr.VVestwick st Haldinsiien Philin, 4 Bridewell alley, St. Aniirew's Hare Jolin, Lower Wentwick st Kilburu William, St. Stephen st LakeJami s, Redlion st, St.Stephen's Moore Siisnnh., Lower Westwick st Motts Wiliiani, Bridge st Shalders Noah, Westlegate st Steward James, Toml)land Smith James, Magdalen st 'I'uiiKate Wm., Lower Westwick st Webster Robert, St. Lawrence steps Woinack George, While Lion st COACH «c GIG BUILDERS. Adams & Jolly, St. Stephen's road Cardran Charles, Magdalen st Dixon Fuller, Little Orford street and KiiiK street Fouluer Edward, Ber st Harc'iurt Anthony, Chapelfield road Hart Philip Woodrow, RcHion st., St. Stephen's, & Chapelfield road Howes Joseph & James, Redlion st K.tt Henry, 7 A St. (iiles' st Meadiiw.s Jonathan, Bridge st, St. Andrew's fStipbeii's Nobh^Edward(plater),Rt'dlioii st,Sl. Spratt William, Chapel field Stanhaw George, St. Giles's road 78 COACH tt LIVERY LACE AND FRINGE MANUFACTURERS. Cockaday Isaac, St. Andrew's hill Gooch Joshua, 'A Dovest Prie.st Richard, 79 St. Giles' st [st Taney Win. (coach lace), Timber hill COAL DEALERS. [See also Coal 3Jerc/ia/its.) Arnnp Thomas, Barrack st Austins Owens, Oak st Beck John, Tinkler's lane Bennett Maria, Wellington st BIyth Isaac, Coslany st BIytlie John, Ber st Bunded J fihn, Thorpe Clarke Roval, William st Ciowe William, Lower Westwick st Dawson John, Lower Westwick st Fidyman Mary, King st [st Habrougli Henry, Briga'slane, King Howes Robert Hand, Tabernacle st Knights Jonathan, St. Martin's lane Lovick Henry, Colegate st Minns Edward, Water lane Moughton Jas.,St. Anne's Staitli la. Osborn llobert. Lower Wetswick st PaNton Isaac, King st Smith Charles, City road Suffolk Edmund, King st, Crook's pi Waters Frederick William, Lower Westwick street Whittrick Daniel, Julian place Wickhani William, Steam packet yd. King street Yeames Samuel, King st COAL MERCHANTS. {See also (he preceding list, and also Corn and Coal Merchants.) Baxter William, Lower King st Bensley Chailes, fifi St. Stephen st ' Bessey James H., Pottergate st Bright & Neale. Lower VVestwick st BowiieiiJohiiHartjLwr. Westwick st Christie Thomas & John, King st Coaks Richard, Fishgate st Coalman Geo. Kisiiig,Ca>tle meadow Culley Samuel, Duke's palace Curtis & Balls, VVest Pottergate st Davison James, Fi.>hgatest Dunn James, Quay side George Bichard, Quay ^ide Greenfield Samuel, King st. gates Hall Robert, Quay side Kett Heiiiy, Lower King st Lamb Benjamin, Middle street, St. Georce's MoUett Rizen, Magdalen st Norfolk Coal Company, Sniiit K.iith's lane Harrod & Co., managers Pope Robert, Lower Westwick st Porter Robert, Redwell st Read Samuel Gurney, Quay side Read William James, Roache's court, Chinch st, St. Simon's Sahberion Thomas, Thorpe Sexton Simon, Bridge si, St. George's Vyall Daniel, St. Andrew st Watson Eilward, King st Wittiick & Sons, Green Man yard, King street CONFECTIONERS. Black & Rayues (and wholesBle), 1 HayniHiket [st Borrett William, Lower Westwick Bunn George, Westlet-ate st [st Chettlehurgh, Henry, Ram pi lit Horse Collier Thomas, Timber hillst Dade Chailotte, Upper St. Giles' Gill Elizabeth, St. Stephen st Haddon Richard Curson, Rose lane Harrison Win., St. Andrew's hill Hatcarton Joseph, Swan lane, St. Andrew's Hunt James, Golden Ball st Hunt John, St. Benedict st Lake Sunuel, Colegate st [st Lanham JamesTompsou,7 St.Giles' Little Henry, 3 Dove st L'.'ck Charles, 7 Exchange st Lowne John, Lower Goat lane Marston Richd,13 Gentlemen.s' walk Nichols Edmond, King st Page James, Wensiim st Poulter William, Si. Augustine st Savory Coalsey, 34 London st Seeley Job, 1 and 2 Upper walk, mai ket place [Stephen's Scottow Mary, Redlion St., Saint Silvey Letitia Crab, Berst Thurston Richd. Hy., St.Stephenst Williams John, Pottergate st Wilson George (wholesale & retail, and fruit merchant), 6, 7 and 8 Queen street CONGREVE MATCH MAKERS. Clarke John, King st Dunn William, Silver road Lincoln John, Pump st Rix & Button, Oak st Staff John, Oak st COOPERS. Amy Thomas, Magdalen st Amy William, St. Augustine st Banhani George, Little King st Calthorpe John, 31 London st Carpenter Robert, Oak st Culyer Charles, Ranip-tnt Horse St Death .lohii, Bishopgate st Dunn John, Berst Graver Abraham, Ber st Howse James, Lower Westwick st Merry John (wine), Pottergate st Mounsev James, I'horii lane Plunistead Samuel James,Coslany st Scott Benjamin, Chapelfield road Shields Daniel, hoop maker, Gdden Ball st [.Middle st Short Henry (wine), St. George's, Stacey Aiithony, Thorpe road TavlorJohn & James (and manu- facturers of shovels and measures), St. Martin's Palace Plain, and Magdalen road Tidman James, Oak st CORK CUTTERS. Briggs Wilson, St. Pauls' opening Cp'Sskill Robert, St. George's, Mid- dle street Moore Jas., Bridge st, St. George's Robinson John, Bridge st, St. George's Rose George, 68 St. Stephens st CORN «E COAL MERCHANTS. (See Coal Merchants, is;r., and also Corn Chandlers, &cc.) Barber, Sons & Thompson, Hay- market Brown Frederick, Lower King st BuUard Richard (and oil cake), Bridge st, St. Lawrence Cook Edwaid, Tooley st [st Cozens James & Son, St. Benedict Cross John (corn). Dukes' palace Cubitt William Jary (corn and .seed), Magd lien st [Dukes' palace Dowson B. U. & Sons, King .st, and Diane James, Stamp Office yard, St. Andrews st HaiikesWm.jun.,St.Miles,Ci)urchst Hariner Daniel, Dukes palace Mealing & Mills. King st Merry & Everett, Railway station Miles George, Bishopgate st Read Robert, Bishopgate st Read Thomas William, King st, and Trowse milUate H^trcctorg. NORWICH, &c. Koifolfe. Redgrave Joseph, (and seed), Upper close Reynolds James (dealer), St. Faith's Sursham Jolm & Co., Wensuni st CORN CHANDLERS St FLOUR DEALERS. CSee also the preceding List.) Allen Henry, Magdalen st Batson Jesse, Magdalen st Bullard William (flour), Lwr.Goat la Burcham & P)le, VVinsum st Freeman Charles, Robert & Henry, Upper niaiket Grand John, Golden Ball st Nokes Edward, St. Benedict st Pease E'lvvaid, Coslany st Spiatt William (horse corn), Gun la VVoolunugh Martha, Lower Kiiigst COTTON \VINDERS. Baibei J no. Lee&Co.,St.Martin's la Sultzer John & Co., St. Auaustiii st Waller John Camble, Tooley st DRESS MAKERS See Milliuers and Dress Makers. CRAPE MANUFACTURERS. See Bombaiin Sic, Manufacturers. CURRIERS AND LEATHER SELLERS. Adarason Robert, Shoulder of Mut- ton ynrd, St. Stephen's Angell Mary, Golden Ball st Archer Samuel, St. Stejilien's plain Beare Samuel Shalders, Bridge st, St. George's Brooks Coitper, Pottergate st Cooke Ed ward (leather cutter), Mad- der mat ket Consiiis Thomas, 3 Upper market Debney K., Back Rampant Horse st Duffield John (leather seller). Tim- ber hill Elliot Robert, St. Benedict st Faulke Robert Cooptr, Stocking's court, St. Stephens st Fish Thomas, Golden Ball st [st Goiich Samuel (seller) ,2VVhite Liou Howell James, Castle ditches Howell William (leather seller), Lower Goat lune [st Kemp V\'illiam & Son (cutters), Pitt Marston Alfied, Great Orfovd st Page& Wnodrow, Magdalen st PiiiDips William, All Saints st, bottom of Ber st Rudd & Pnston, St. Giles' hill Shalders William, jun., Bmk plf-.in 'I'illyard St Howlett, Pottergate st Tompson William, Dove st Winter Charles, Upper market st Woods George John, St. Gregory's, Church alley CUTLERS. Alison Sophia, Market place Critchtield Samuel, Royal Hotel st Hugsins Jolin (working). Brazen Doors road [Sun lane Huggins John (working). Rising Knigiit^ George, Dove st Lister, Son & Co., lOJ Haymarket Pearson Jame«, vSt. Andrew's hill Steel & Rix, Queen st [hill Stimp^on Jas.,(vvorking),Orfiird i)ill Sutton Samuel (working), 21 Geiitle- Ujen's walk TaylorGeoriie (truss),. St. Giles' st Whitlam Thomas, West Pottergate st DENTISTS. Bonlger Josepli, Willow lane Breniian Andrew, Piinces st Bridgman William Keenely, 69 St. Giles' st Cartwright & Davis, 7 Post Office st Neep William Edward John, 5 Post Office .^t [Giles' st White Ricliard, Tucks' court, St. Woodcock Henry, 70 St. Giles' st DYERS. Allen Bryant, Scholes ereen Barber Sanuiel, 9 Timber hill st Baxter Benjamin, St. Pauls' st Beeze Christmas, Bridge st, St. George's [st Brown Benjami n, Robson'syard,Oak Browne Sarah, Tom bland Bugg Moses, Botolph st Bush Francis, Princes st Carter John, All Saints st Cattermoule Wm., St. Andrew's hill Collier Thomas, Timber hill si Cooke Ann, St. George'.s, Middle st Cooke Thomas Paul, Coslany st Fish Matthew, Lower We-twickst Fletcher Anti, Quay st Furije Mary, St. George's, Middle st Gedge Edwd. Peter, BrazenDoorsrd Gedge Georue, Coslany st Groom George, Brazen Doors road Harper George, Calvert st Harris J(din, ()ak st Houghton David, Upper St. Giles' st Houghton John, Ten Bell lane Hubbard Thomas & Co., Peacock st Jarrett I'liomas, Magdalen st Jay Josl'.UH, Bethel st Kidd John Richard, Coslany st Parker Benjamin, Ber st [Duke st Stark Williaui&Co. (and dressers), StewardJosh. , Bridge st,St. George's ; Alliance, Henry Brown, 14 Gen- FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES- HEAD OFFICES. fSee also Fire &cc. Office Agents.) General Hail-storm Insurance SociETV.Fishei's lane, St. Giles' st Charles Suckling Gilman, secret aiy Norfolk Farmers' Cattle In- surance Society, Fisher's lane, St. Giles' st— Ciiarles Suckling, Gilman, secretary Norwich EquitableKire Assur- ance Society, Bank st — John Skipper, registrar and secretary Norwich Marine Insurance As- sociation, Fisher'.- lane.St.Giles' st Charles Suckling Gilman, solicitor Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, Surrey st, and 6 Cres- cent, New Bridge st, London — Samuel Bignold secretary ; Robt. Leman, manager Norwich Union Life Insurance Society, Surieyst, and 6 Cres- cent, New Bridge st, London — SamuelBignold, secretary ; Uichd. Morgan, actual y; Charles Brun- dell, chief clerk FIREj &c. OFFICE AGENTS. {See also the preceding list.) Ulph William, Lower Westwick st Yariugton William, Wensuin st EATING-HOUSE KEEPERS. Beatley Sarah & Elizabeth, St Benedict st Brown Charles, St. Stephen st Cliaiiwood Arthur, Market i)lace tlemen's walk and Roger Kerri- son. Bank plain Akous (life), William Spelman & Sons, 6 St Giles st Atlas, Rackham & Turner, Lower close; and Henry Bidwell, 11 Ex- change st Crow Charles, Elm hill [Andrew's ; BRiTiSHCoMMERCiAL.Pigg&Green- Frost William, Bridewell alley, St. Hownen Samuel, Pottergate st Kirby John, Pump st Ostler Charles, Pudding lane Paul Richard, 2 Bridewell alley, St. Andrew's wood, 14 London st British Empire, Benjamin Thos. Sharpe, 14 Castle meadow British Mutual (lifeand subscrip- tion loan), George C. Burrows, Post Office st Rix Geoiiic (coffee), Golden Ball st ; Church of England, John Gold Seeley Job, 1 and 2 Upper walk. Market place ENGINEERS. SeelronFounders, H^ ulsoMillwrights. ENGRAVERS AND COPPER- PLATE PRINTERS, Bidwell Josepli, Bethel st Coote George Mark (and lithogra- phic printer), Oldhay hill Dallinger Joseph A. (and lithogra- phic printer), 12 Davev place Hall William, .30 Back of' the Inns Kinkley J., Back of the Inns Marrison Robert, Great Orford st Niiiham Henry, ('hapelfield Wilson Thomas (and cnpper-plate pi inter), Chapel st. Crooks place FANCY REPOSITORIES. Brown George, London st Bryan Joshua, 8 Haymarket Bush George, Bridge st,St. Andrew's Ciapam Lewis, White Lion st Creake James. St. Andrew's hill Gidney Robt.Wm.,71 St. Stephens st Lovett Henry, St. Stephens st Smith William, 11 Lower Goat lane Steel & Rix, Queen st FELLMONGERS. Dye William, Oak .st [sf Harvey Charlotte, Lower Westwick Harvey William, LowerWestwick st Harvey William, Oak st Wills William, Upper Heighani smith Atkinson, Post Olflce st Eagle (life), William Millaid & Son, Princes st Economic (lile), Horatio Boling- broke, Colegate st Edinburgh (life), John O.Taylor, St. Giles st European (life), George Elward Simpson, Tombland Farmers' & General, Jolin Bate- man&Son, Middle st, St. George'.s Farmers', Graziers' & Cattle, William Bntclier, Theatre st Friends' Provident, Henry Bid- well, 11 Exchange st General. Jacob Henry Tillett, St. Andrew's st ; and Samuel Henry Asker, St. Giles st Globe, Wace Lockett Mendham, St. Andiews st Guarantee Society, George El- ward Simpson, Tombland [st GuARDiAN,John Barwell.SiSteplien HAiL-STORM,WiHiamMillard& Son, Princes st Law (life). Foster, Unthank & Co. LTpper King st Law (fire), Samuel Hurry Asker, St, Giles st Legal and Commercial, Samuel Crickmer Burton, 67 St. Giles st ; and William Copeman, 12 Gentle- men's walk ' London (tire),GeorgeElwardSimp- ^on, Tombland Kovfolft. NORWICH, &c. ^later'0 FIRE, &c. OTTICES—Conli7iufd. London & Provincial Law (life;, Saniui-1 H. AsUer, St. Giles si London Lnion, Ariliur Dalrjmple, 66 Si. Giles St Mutual Benefit, William Griggs, St. lieuedict st National Mercantile, Josiali FletcJit-r, U[)i)er Haymarket National Provident, Heuiy Bid- vveli, 11 Excliaiige .st Norwich (fire). Steward & Fisher, Upper King st; and Jolm O. Taylor, St. Giles >t Palladium (lifej, Taylor & Sons, (Jrfoidhill Pelican (life), Steward & Fisher, U|)|)er King st Pn(ENix, PiEg 8c Greenwood, 14 London st [IJaiik plain Reliance (life), George Hariier, Rock (life;, Henry Hariod, J5ankst RovAL.JohnThoinasStevens.Ca^tle meadow Royal Exchange, Arthur Preston, Bank plain ; and Newton, Son & Woodrow, Tninbland Scottish Widows' Fund (life), Heiiiy Hansen, Upper close Star, Benjamin Thomas Sliarpe, 14 Castle meadow Suffolk ffiie), William Millard & Son, Princes st Union, James Winter, 9 St. Giles st West of Kngland, Edward Free- stone, Little Oiford st Westminster (life), Foster, Un- ihank&Co. Upper King st; Peter Day, Upper Surrey st, and Erl- mii'nd Slill);^by Drury Long, Mag- dalen street Yorkshire, Watson & Barnhani, Surrey st FISHMONGERS, Marked tlius * art also Dealers in Game. •Baiisliaw Geoige, Coslany st •Baxshaw Jost ph, St Stephen st •Baldwin John, Upper market •Barnard John, VVensum st Cox Francis, Bridge st Fit Id William, Maadalen st G'lit Geor);e, Coslany st Georiie Uichard, St. Benedict st Grand Richard, Upper market Hare William, Butchery Jay Chailes & Ge'irpe, Up. market Lincoln James, Upper Market l>ondon John , Magdalen st MoyGeo. St.Margarei'sChurch alley Newton James, Magdalen st Newton James, Upper market Parker Jnshua, Upper market •Parker Thomas, St. Stephen .st "Pratt William, Upper market Randell William, Ber st •Smith Thomas, Upper market 'I'any William & Co. Upper market Warnes William, Upper market •Weaver Wm. & Son, Uppr. market FRUITERERS. Bell Ann, Redrnm st, St. Stephens Bullaid Samuel, St. Stephen st Bullerrioht,Swan lane, St.Amlrcw's CohenPhilip.Swan lane, St. Andrews Coopei James, Princess st Cousins James. Benedict st Crossd^le William, Oak st CrosskillKoht.Biidgest.StAndrew's Ellis Samuel, Oak st Enirall Joseph, St. Auenstine st Gardiner James, Benedict st Gariliner Thompson, Up. St.Giles st Hunt James, Golden iiall st Newton Wm. Swan la, St. Andrew's Paul Edward, Chapelfield road 80 Quantrill James, Albermarle street, Crook's place Savoiy .Maithew, Timhcrhill st Tavlor Joseph, !St. Stephen st Wil-on George, 6, 7 and 8 Q'jeen st WoopIs WiiTMui, Union pi ice FURNITURE BROKERS. .Ahle Ge(jr!re, lier st Aldhouse Hannah, St. Augnstine st Baker William, Bridewell alley, St. Andrew's Bu'ld Thomas, Ber st Cobb John, Ber st Crowfoot William, Bei st Ely Robert, Pittst Empson Samuel, Calvert st Hall Saml.St.Gregory's church alley Hill James, Lower Westwick st Holl Samuel, St. Benedict st Holmes James, Quay st Howes Thomas Self', King st Hnliy Richaid, Lower Westwick st Hndbud Ste|)hen, ^t. Benedict st Kint;Jo-eph, Back of the Inns Meal Frederick, Palace st Neve John, Fishergate st Pentin Jame-, Maudalen st Pentin John, Chanelfield road Pigg & (ireenwood, 14 London st ' Rii'-sell John, St. Paul st Salkind Simon, Tooley >t i Scott William, 9 Timberhill st Snt'on Robert, Magdalen st Vincent Henry, Benedict st WhiteWm.StGreKory'schurch alley Wilson William, Latue Dog road FURRIERS. Blakely Edward, lo London st Browne«cEdward-,22 Ca.stle meadw Dady Daniel, St. Stephen st Fox Joel, 11 Gentlemen's walk Knight Thomas, 20 Castle meadow I>eest Harriet, St. Giles' hill Potter Thomas, 5 Gentlemen's walk. Market place Thirkcttle Harriet, St. Benedict st GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. (.SV^ «/.vo Nuraerijmen.j Beaiiey Charles, King st Bennett James, New Catton liullatd Joshua, Silver road Bullard Samuel, St. Stephen st Bnller Robert, Ber .st Bullock F.sther, City road Bnv^ev John, Silver road Bustfiii Thomas, Pockthorpe Chapman Philip, Tinkler's lane Clark John, St. Faith's lane Clarke J(din, Heigham causeway Coke John, .Mill lane Cork John, Mill lane Douglass John, Sdver road Diewery Edward, Unthauk's road Elmer Jotin, I>owcr close Gorham Joseph, Bishopgale st Hall Samuel, Peafield Hantient Robert, St. Aneustine st Herring Roliert, .Magdalen st ManniiigRoiiert,Lak(nham hall lane Palmer Isaac S. City road Potter James, Ro.se lane Powell James, I'nion place Purfitt Ann, John Ball st,Crook's pi R-iyner John, Thorpe RosseWm.f gat dener), Rising Sun la Soons John, St. Augustine st Towell William (.seedsman), Upper King street Weston Jolin, St. Stephen's Back st White William, Thorpe Youngman John, Thorpe OAS FITTERS. Brindlev Charles, Fisligate st Land William (and beer, fiie-cngine I and lamp manutacturer),Hay hill Self Thomas, Pottergate st Self Thoma*, jun. Pottergate st Pank Abhm.Swan lane, St. Andrew's GINGER BEERj LEMONADE St SODA WATER MANUFCTRS. Case Pnihp, Colegate st Covell .loliii (soda-water). Elm hill Gov^erTlum^as'lenlona'leJ,Gunlane Haywood William Thomas, Oak st Hunt James, Gi>lden Ball st Laikman Robert, Fisligate st Lawrence Henry, Barrack st Weavers Robert, Heiiiham st GLASS STAINERS. Cullyer Frederick, Wihow lane King James & Sons, Princes st Malbon Benjamin [cuttei& polishei King street Zohel .James George, Lady's lane GLOVERS AND BREECHES MAKERS. Allen George 'glover), Briggs st Asker George (glover;, 20 Gentle- men's walk, Bethel st Beckham RobertJohn, Magdalen st Ciibitt Thomas (and brace). Oak .st Mills William, GoMen Ball st Se*ago Elizabeth f glover and gaiter maker) , Madder mat ket .Smith Sarah, Aiagdalen st Theobald Thomas & Son (glovers), London st [Castle St Tomlinson Robert Stewart (glover), Webster John, Timberhill st Youels Wm. St. Catherine's plain GREASE MANUFACTURER Oe OIL REFINER. Calthorpe Chtistopher, jun, Castle meadow GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS. .Marked thu.s* are dealers in Br ili.sli Wines. {See aho Shopkeepers, and also Tea Dealers.) Abel Daniel, Pottergate st Allen John, St. Benedict st Andiews Thomas St. Faith's lane Back & Co. 'family grocers and tea dealers), S Hay mar ket *Banks Thoniasfand oil and Italian waiehousej. Jail hill [market Baiiier, Sons & Thompson, Hay- liaidwell William, Charing cross B Idiiig William, Magdalen st lientii tt & Bream, 11 I'pper market Blandon William George, Ber st Brown Hy. 14 fientlemen's walk Browne Hall, Ber st Browne Samuel, Palace st Bugden 'I'homas, Muspolest Bunn Tlionias, St. Benedict st Butcher Robert, Back of St. Petci's Butcher Robert, 1 Queen st Buttifant Josiah, Ber st Campling George, Magdalen st Campling William, Barrack st Cannell James, St. Benedict st Chainberlin& Warner,PostOffice st Cha.se Charles, Rampant Horse at Colman Henry, 1 Exchange St Coman Thos. J no. St. Benedict st •Copemaii & Sous, 12 Gentlemen's walk Cutler Francis, St. .Margarets st Dawson John, Golden Ball st •De Carle Jas. Irwin, CharingCross »Diver Owen Albert, Upper walk, .Market place Dnffield George, Coslany st Easto John, 64 & <)5St. Slejihens st Elliot (Jeorge, Ber st Fenn Robert, Magdalen st Forster Thomas, Paragon .i.& Co. 35 Lf)ndon st CampliiigRoht.l & 2 St.AiKlrews st Creak James, St. Andrew's hill Dawbain James, 14, 15 & Ifi Ex- change st Fairweaiher Lydia, 4 London st Flower J(mathan, Wensum »t Gowen Jeremiah, Coslany st Gowcn Thos. Love, St. Mary's alley Keriidge John, 30 Surrey st Marshall Mary Ann, Palace st Mornement Jane, Ber st 11 Kemp George P.(aiid patent peruke maker), 17 P^xchange st [st Kew Charles & Flora, 19 Whitelion King Richard (perfumer), Dis- tilieiy st Lofty James, Colegate st Lovett Francis, Magdalen st Lovett William, Golden Ball st Manns John, St. Augustine st Middleton Edward, 4 St. Giles st Moore James, Ber st Moore William, Berst Plumstead Robert, Wensnn st Powell John, St. Benedict st Ray John Anthony, Bridge st Riches Edward (and tishing tackle) Pottergatest [place Riches Heniy, Chapel st. Crook's Riches Robert, Elm hi!! Ringer IMai tin. Market place Rose Robert, CJuay st RoseSiirah. Castle st Swash Barnaby, St. James st Thorpe Thomas, Coslany st Thorpe William, St. Stephens st TyzHck Williaiu Valentine, 27 Lon- don street Wade Robert, Redwell st Webster John, Timber Hill st WeyerTliomas, Coslany st HARDWAREMEN. Brown William, Coslany st Caprani Lewis, Wltitelion st Creake James, St. Andrew's hill Grimes John, 12 London st Knights George, Dove st Ostler Leonard, Lower Goat Inne HATTERS. Marked thus * are Manufacturert. Beatly George, London st Browne & Barker, 10 London st Burraue & Jeffrie*, 9 Davey place Claxton Johnson, Orford hill Claxton Robert, 9 Davey place Dawharn James, 14, 15 and 16, Exchange st Felstead Emmiuel, 19 Davey pi •Jennings Thomas, 4 Haymarket •Metcalfe Joseph, Elm hill •Noikolds George (and hosier), 2 Briggsst [st •Perowne John & Co- 2 Exchange P(»tterThomas,5Gentleiiien' s walk, Market place [st •Tomlinsoii Robert Stewart, Castle Watson Edward, 11 Bricgs st HORSE HAIR MANUFACTRS. Clarke George Henry (& crinoline) [..ower King st [O^k st Gunton Thomas, jun. (& crinoline) Howlett Peter, Botolph st Tolladay Joseph (mattress), Lower Westwick st HOSIERS. (See also Hatters.) Allen George, Biiggsit Browne & Barker, 10 London st Bryan Joshua, 8 Haymarket Fairweather Lydia, 4 London st Frost Robert, 15J Davey place Kent Henry, 3 London st Lane Joseph, All Saint's green Moore J. G. & Co. 12 Castle st Oxley Richard (and shirt maker), 7 London st HOT PRESSERS. Barker Thomas, Rosemary lane Blake & Everett, St. George's, Middle st flany st Howes Jeremiah, Dial yard, Cos- lany st Metcalf Francis, Colegate st HOUSE AGENTS. Campling Henry, St. George's, Middle st Cossey John, Botolph st Francis Thomas, St. Benedict st Hall James, Cowgate st Leaih Thomas (and estate). City id Mines Benjamin (and estate), St. Swithin's alley Roach John, Fisher's lane Stacey Edward, Orford hill White William, St. Gregory's, Church alley INNS AND HOTELS. Marked thus * are Posting. {See also Taverns Sf Public Nouses.) •Bell (commercial and family), Samuel Leggatt, Orford hill Bowling Green, Richard Bullard, Chapeltield Castle, Mary Taylor,CastleMeado\v Duke's Palace Inn, William Filby, Duke's Palace Grapes, Thomas Saul, Upper St. Giles st [sum st Maid'.-. Head, Robeit Francis, Wen- •Norfolk Hotel (commercial and family), William Durrant, St. Giles st •Rampant Horse Hotel (commercial and family), Christopher Twiss, Rampant Horse st •Royal Hotel (commercial and family) SamuelHoweit,Maiket pi Star, John Watson, 9 Haymarket White Hart, John Barnard, back of St. Peter's [St. Peter's WhiteSwan.Elizabeth Asker.back of 81 Noifollt. NORWICH, &c. plater's IRON FOUNDRS, ENGINEERS AND MILLWRIGHTS. Marked tbus * are also Brass Founders. {See also Brass Founders.) Blyth Robert Jolin, Ber st •Campling James, Buff Coal lane Foundry •Holmes John & Sons, Prospect place, Globe lane, and Castle hill •Lnke Josei)h, Lower VVest«ick st Murrell William &. Owen, VVestle- gate St •Sn)itlidale Thoiua«, St. Ann's Foundry, St. Ann's Staith l^ne •Sparke & Co., Thorn-lane Foundry, King st and Castle hill •Turner James Mangles, Norwich Foundry, St. Andrews st •Watts James (and engineer}, Ro.«e lane •Wright Jiicob, Muspolest IRON MERCHANTS. BrowneJ(>hn& Sons, Upper Market Colnian -Sc Gleudenuing, Rampant Horse st Howleit Robert & Co. (bar and pig) 6 Old Haymarket Hay John, Lowrr Goat lane Thompson & Son, Gentlemen's walk, .Market place; Castle st, and Bridije st, St. George's IRONMONGERS. Marked thus • are also Oil & Colourmen. Baker & Hornor (wholesale), 10 Post-office st •Barnaid & Bishop (and hurdle ami palisading niannfacturers). Upper walk. Market ylace Barnard & Boulton, London st Bayfield Ann, Magdalen st •Browne John & Sons, 4 Upper Market Chandler VVilliam, St. Stephen st •Colman & Glendinning, Rampant Hor.se st •Coppin Edward, Orford hill •Cubitt Satnuel Durrani (wholesale and retail), St. Audi evv's hill Flatt John, Mngdalen st Hart James, liotnlpii st •Hill Henry, West Pottcrgate st Houglit'in Edward, 37 Poticrgatest •Howlett Robert & Co. (f'umisirnu and wholoale ironmongers, and stove grate, palisaoiiig, and iron fencing nianu facta re rs), 6 Old Haymarket [15 London st Parlour John & Httiry & Horatio, Piper & Pigg, >'' Loiidiin st ScottSamuel,20Chariiig cross [hill Stevens Gardener & William, Orfoid •Thompson Ik Sun (furnishing and wholesale, and stove grate.fender, iron palisavell alley, St. Ai'.drevv's Bird Lucy, 2 Westlegate st Cupper James, Rampant Horse st Giddens John, St. Stephen st Hughes William, St. Andrew st Lain Edward, Elm hill Medical Library, St. Andrew st — John Quinton, librarian Public Library (subscription). Jail hill — Edw. Langton,lilirarian Sissen William, Benedict st LIME BURNERS. Bracey Robert, Thorpe CoalmanGeo.Rising,Castle meadow Curtis & Balls, West Pottergatest Oigby John, Thorpe Edwards Thomas, Sprowston Freeman John, St. Gile>' road Goose Josepli,Trowsc Newtun Pi ess Edward, Thorpe road Underwood & Gaze, Thorpe road Wiiittaker John, Sioke Holy cross LINEN &WOOLLEN DRAPERS (See also Haberdashers, and also Hosiers.) Armstrong Henrv, Charing cross Belts John, Exchange st Bishop George, 2 Haymarket IJIakely Edward, 15 London st Bray William, Bridge st, St. A !idrew'.i Cliamberlin Henry, Sons 4 Co., Market place [men's walk Chapman James Denny, 2 Gentle- Coleman George Lnviik, Jail hill Coleman & Son, 8 London st Copelaiid Bell, (j Exchange st Cundall, Son & Co , 19 Gentlemen's walk Dawbarn James, Exchange st Delf William Si Co., Wensum st Dyball Robeit Henles Briggs st Kdwards WillianiPye, St. Stephen st English John, 17 Lonilon st Goodcrson & Moll, Jail hill Hatcher Susanna, Bridge st, Saint Andrew's [st H uson Mary (silk mercer) ,12London Kett William. 2 Londectii>e heads.) Haimer Daniel, Diike'.s [dace Hart Charles, Duke's palace Brown Robert (guano), St. Bene- dict's lane Culley Samuel (and oil cake), Duke's palace Kittoii Joiiu (and seed & crusher), St. Faith's lane Nokfs Francis, St. Andrew st Read Thomas Wm.,Trowse,Millgafe Redgrave Joseph, UpF)er close Seed Henry (hop & tea),Mu'i;ili, New Catton Robberds &Money, 6 Chapelfield rd Robinson Sarah & Son, Sprowston Russell William, Heigham mill Smith Wni. Lakcnham Hall road Springall Benjamin, New Catton Waters Frederick VV., LowerWest- wick street nilLLINERSdeDRESS MAKERS Adams Frances & Sisters, 5 Baukst Adams Mary Ann, Oak st Amies Elizabeth, 9 Bank st Au-tins Temperance, St. George's Middle st Barlow Letitia, Timberhill st Bayes Louisa, Oak st Beckham Mary Ann, Magdalen st Bilby Maria, Duke st Bond Harriet, Magdalen st [st Boyden El iza& Charlotte. Pottergate Brock Emily, Oak st Brown Mciiia,Bridgest,St.Ceorge st Brown Sarah, Cowgnte st Browne& Edward>,22Castlemeadow Browne Eli^a, Starlme place Brundfll Elizabeth (dress maker), Gun lane Burleigh Elizabeth, Botolph st Butler Elizabeth, Elm hill Caitt-r Mary Ann, All Saint's st Carver Eliza, Wensum st Chambers Susan, Rose lane Clare Caroline, Cowgatest Clarke Elizabeth, St. Faith's lane Clarke Sarah, Upper Surrey st Clements Mary Ann, Botolph st Cognian Emma, Princes st Cook Charlotte, Castle meadow Cousens Elizabeth, Rising Sun lane Cruso Lydia, 6 Briggs st Cudbird Lucy, Pottergate st Dickinson Sarah Clarke, Surrey st Digby Lydia, St. Benedict st Dunham Elizabeth, Bethel st Eaton Jane, Pottergate st Eglinton Ann, Calveit st Elliott Hannah, Magdalen st Fairhead Looisn, Fisher's lane Fairweather Lydia, 4 London st Fi-hi-r Mary, Ten Bell lane Foulsham Ann, 23 Bethel st Fox Ann Elizabeth, Heigham Fulcher Susanna, Upper King st Fuller Elizabeth, Pottergate st Gardener Ellen, Cross lane Goose Emma, 15 Briggs st Goulden Harriet, Magdalen st Greave.< Marian, Pottr-rgate st Green Ann, 2 Post-office st Green Mwry Ann, Magdalen st Hagon & Mnyes, Westlegate st Hague Maria, Lower Westwick st Hall Lucy, Ten Bell lane HaisonieSarahjLower Westwickst Havers Amelia, Sussex st Heney Sarali, Exchange st Henev Mary Ann, Ber st Hovell Persis, Lady's lane Howard Ann, 16 Bethel st Howard Mary Ann, Rose lane Hurn Elizabeth, Bank st Huson Maiy,12 London st Knevett Harriet, St. Benedict «t Ladley Maria, St. Augustine st Land Charles, St.Andiew Hall plain Lown James, St. Gregory's Church alley Mallows Lavinia, Willow lane Miles Elizabeth, Magdalen st Miles Mdry, Starling place Mitchell Catherine & Sisters, 2 Bdwk plain Moore Martha, 15 St. Stephen st Morris Adelaide, Ten Bell lane Murrell Eliza, St. Augustine st Nockali Emma, Duke st Norton Frances, 3 London st Osborn Emilv, St. Saviour's lane Padgett Elizabeth, Magdalen st Page Louisa Frances. Bethel st Palmer Lucy, 6 London st Paranian Christiana & Rosa, 6P St. Giles st Parr Caroline, Ber st Parsley Mary, Bethel st Payne Martha, Starling place Playford Sarah, Fisher's lane Pratt Maria, Uninn place Price Sophia, Potteigatest Purdy Louisn, Lower VVe>twick st Puxley Martha, 26 Bethel st Quigley Susmnah, Waggon and Horses lane Quinton Maria, Benedict st Reeston Rosamond. Upper St. Giles Reynolds Hariiet, Redlion st, St. Stephen's Roberts Susanna, Upper King st Robinson Margt. Postle, Lady's lane Rudd Mary Ann, Saint Gregory's Chnrch alley Rushmer Sarah, St. Mary's plain Scofield Susan, Upper St. Giles st Self Virtue, St. Benedict st Severn Elizabeth&Sarah,Cowgate st Shalders Charlotte, Bethel st Sheplierd MarthaElizbtb.iJotolphst Simmons Elizabeth, St. George's Middle street Skedge Eliza, Paragon st Smith Susannah & Hannah, 17 St. Giles street Snelling Ann, .30 London st Spooner Mary, St. Margaret st Stacey Mary Ann, Orford hill Stewart E , Redlion st, St. Stephen's Swan Sarah, London st Tarrn Maria, King st [st Tattam Elizabeth & Ann, Pottergate Thirkettle Mary Ann, St. Giles hill Thorpe Eliza, Botolph «* Tinkley Mary, 8 Bank st Townshead Sarah, Botolph st Townshend Elizabeth, Bethel st Vincent Eliza, 9, St. Giles st Walls Susannah, Biidge street, St. George's street Webb ^Iary Ann, Calvert st Wliite Phillis, Upper Goat lane Wills Maria, Tinkler's lane Wills Rebecca, Heigham causeway Withers Martha, Union place Woodai d Rebecca, St. Benedict st Woodcock Sarah, St. Augustine st Wortley Maitha, 5 Briggs st Wright Hannai), St. James st Wright Sarah, Ber st Wurr Elizabeth, Ber st Vounghosbaud Mary, 8 Davey place MILLWRIGHTS &ENGINEERB {See also Iron Founders and also Agricultural Implement Makers.) Bubbings Robert, Thorpe Buttifant John Siolworthy, Lower King street Cawdron Jonathan, Duke st Cubhard John & Charles,Theatrest Fulcher William, Mouseliold Gaze William, Pittst Gosling Jonas, Ber st Howard & Gaze, St. Paul's back st LambDavidThoinas,5Gublislier.'S NouwicH Mercury, 2 London st (Saturday), Bacon & Kinnebrook, proprietors, NURSERYMEN, SEEDSMEN AND FLORISTS. [See also Gardeners and Seedsmen.} Bell John, 3 Exchange st Ewing John William, 9 Exchange st Hussey William, St. Catheiines pin Jay Benjamin (florist), Sussex st Mackie Artbur.lO & 11 Exchange st Reynolds Wm. Lakenham hall road OATMEAL GRINDERS. Allen Henry. Magdalen st Clabburn & Sparks, Magdalen st OPTICIANS. Jones James, Wensum st Keyzor Michael & Abraham (prac- tical spectacle manufacturers, aud inventors of the uew patent spec- tacles for near and distant sight), St. Giles' street Rossi George, Market place PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Bailey John (painter), St. Mar- garet's church alley Baino John Edward, Ber st Barker Robert, 2 Oi ford hiU Beaty Henry (ornamental painter), Little London st Belson Robert, Pump st Boyce James Stanfield, Duke st Bradi Mary, Redwell st 83 Korfollt. NORWICH, &c. Plater's; PAINTERS, ttc.—Conlinutd. Bunting John, Upper market Campling William, Co.slany st Candler John, Peacock st Cook William, Trowse Newton Coopf-r William, St. Benedict st Crowe Spicer, St. Benedict st Dabson John, Magdalen st Deli)h William, St. Augustine st Deverenx Edmund, St. George's, Miildle street Dixon John, 22 Bethel st D.iwsen Edward, Duke st Fisher Joshua, Paragon st Fountain Henry, 4 Bank st Gilbert J., St. Martin's-at-Oak Gooch Geo. Carver, CastJe meadow Green John, Pottereate st Hall James, Magdalen st Hall James, Tiinberhill st Harcourt Anthony( herald painter), Chapeilield road Hardy John, Dove st Jay John, St. Andrew's hill [alley Jones Peter, St. Margaret's church Kerr John, Lower Goat lane King David, VVaaon & Horse lane King James & Sons, Princes st King Walter, Trowse Newton Land VVilliam(plumber,& gas appa- ratus, beer, fire engine, and lamp manufacturer) , Hay hill Ling Nicholas, Mag'ialcn st Mason John, Magdalen st Widilleton John, St. Stephen st Minns William James. Coslany st Ninham Elizabeth, Princes st Ninham Henry (herald), Chapelfield Parish Francis, Scholes green Parion Tliomas, Rising Sun lane Purdy Richard H.Lakenham hallrd Puxley William, 12 Orford hill Quadling Henry, Lower King st Reeve Gforge, Cro^^s st St. Quintin John, Upper market Say Sarah, 14 St. Giles' st Shardelow Benjamin, Thorpe Stariand John, Surrey st •TavlorJohn, Palace st Taylor William, New Catton Turner Samuel, Bramerton Viall George,Hole-in-the-Wall Ine, Potteriiatt* st Weeks William, St. Augustine st Wilde Frederick, St. Stephen's road Winter William, Timber hill Wrigl.t Joseph, King st Wright Walter, Surrey road PERFUMERS. Sue Hair Dressers Sf Perfumers. PHYSICIANS. Copemau Edwin, Post-office st Evans Lewis, Upper Suriey st Hull Geo:ge, 65 St Giles' st Hull Robeit, Redweli st Hutchinson Charle-, Surrey st Johnson James, Theatre st Ranking Harkland, Upr. St.Giies' st Tawke Arthur, Upper King st Wharton George, Upper close PICTURE DEALERS. Baker William, Bridewell alley, St. Andrew's Freeman Brothers, London st Gilman John, Market place Rossi John, Market place Wigger John H. A. (and in objects oivertu), Bethel street PIX.L BOX MAKERS. Bull George, Silver st Parker William, Pin st PLANE MAKERS. Griffiths Hannah, Lowi r Goat lane Griffiths John, Pottergate st Leist James, Wensnm st Louias \Vm. (& saw), St. Benedict st PLASTERERS. {See also Brkhhnjers.') Aldis James, 10 Princes st Berry William Mills, Peacock st Hardy James, Bethel st Lacey James Wilkins, Surrey st Lacey John, Princes st Lacey John G-, St. Stephen's road Lacey William, St. Gregory's church alley Lord James, Heigham st Mills George, St. Benedict st Pearson Edward (and modeller). Bank street [West wick st Sexton Horace Watling. Lower Sexton Robert VVatling, Carvert st UMderwoodHenrv,St. Margaret st Wiseman Robert, Muspnle st PAPER MAKERS & DEALERS. See under the head Stationers. '~VA.VLKWltLTTli. MANUFAC- TURERS. See Bombasin, Crape, Sf Paramatta Manufacturers. PATTEN MAKERS. See under the head Brush Makers. PAWNBROKERS. Aaron Maurice & Samuel, 3 St. Steiihen st Ballard Edmund, All Saints' green Brundell Charles, Pottergate street Chri' tie Thomas, Colegate »t Kiiieht James, St. Benedict st Levine & Falcke, 72 St. Stephen st Morgan John, St. Saviour lane Morgan Wm. Robert, St. Paul's st Owen Frrderick. Cowgate st Oweti Thomas, King st Pitcher Heniy, Pottergate st Samuels Michael, Timb»-rhill st Shalders Noah, Wtstlegate st Sheward William, LTpper St. Giles Woodrow Thomas, Coslanv st 84 PORTER DEALERS. See Ale and Porter Dealers. PRINTERS— ' LETTER-PRESS. Bacon -S: Kinnebrook, 12 London st Broadhurst William, St. Benedict st Charlwood Arthur, Orford hill Cooie George Mark (&liihogra|)hic), Old Hay hill Dallinger Joseph (lithographic prin- ter and stationer), 12 Davey place Darken James, Little London st Davy John.St.Clemeni's Church yd Davnes Samuel, Plough lun corner, Golden Ball st Dean & Co., St. Stephen st Fletcher Josiah, Upper Haymaiket Gilbert James, Oak st Houghton Henrv, All Saints green Howes James, Pottergate st lungius J., Lower Goat lane Jarrold John & Sons, .3 London st liemmon Jamrs, Gentlemen's walk Muskett Charles, 5 H;i\market Noroian Benjamin, Bethel st Priest &i Green, St. Stephen st Sharpe John Jiidd, Colegate st Stephenson & IVlatchett, Market pi StevensHorace William, Pottergatest TliorndicU Henry, Princes st Upcroft William, Fi^hgaie ,st Walker Rnbeit, St. Miles Church st Webster Thomas, Potlergaie st PRINTERS — LITHOGRAPHIC. Browne William, St. Andrew st Coote George Mark, Old Hay hill Dallinger Joseph, 12 Davey place PROCTORS. Marked thos • are also Notaries, •Francis Henry, Surrey st *Hansell Henry, Upper close Rackham Matthew, Lower close •Skipper John & Son, Bank st *Siewrtid Edward, Upper King st PROFESSORS AND TEACHERS Marked thus « are IMiisic Teachers. •BaldryElizahh.(dancing),Redlion st Berry — (French), Surrey st •Buck Zechariah, Upper close Caro Rev. Simon (Hebrew and German languages), Westleeate st •Catlnrcole ^lary Ann, Duke st Clark Robt A. (writing). Pottergate st •Cox W'illiam Henry & Ellen, Cha- pel field road •Critchfield Samuel, Princes st Fineg.n Thomas William (French), Cow hill [Andrew's •Fish William, Bridewell alley, St. •Fisher Thomas, Princes st •Harconrt James, Coligate st *Harris(mSaml.(&tunist), Princes st •Hill James F., Pottergate st Hodg-^on Da\i(i(painiinE),Tombland Hubhard Mary Ann (drawing), Surrey si [st, St Andrew's Ladhrooke John (drawing), Bridge LantenaiitCamille(French)Prinres st Noveri e Frank (dancing) ,TI)eatre sq •Paston Char Its, Ber st •Plummer Pleasauce & Elizabeth, Pottergate st [road Saint San:uel(mathematics),Thoip» SizelandAdam (dancing), 19Bethel st •Troby John, Elm hill Vlieland Jerome (of languages), Upper King st •Wilkins Robert, Bethel st PUMP MAKERS AND WELL SINKERS. Hastings Job, Catton Back lane Hudson George, St Catheriire's plain Fake John, Cowgate st Shalders VViirram,jun. (patent foun- tain). Bank plam Youngs Peter, Ber street gates REGISTER OFFICES FOR SERVANTS. Baker l..ucy. Princes st Bedingfield John, Gun laue Belts John, 24 Castle meadow Brewster Letitia, Bethel st Morris Mary Ann, Ten Bell lane Tidman Hannah, Timber Hill st REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS, DEATHS & M ARRIAGF.S. See under Public Buildings. ROPE, TWINE AND SACKING MAKERS. Baron Edmund & Sotr, 3 Davey pi Bidwell John, Calvert st Cox Thomas. Buff Coat lane HindesHy.,Redlionst, St. Stephen's Hinds William, St. Benedict st Hiiin Elizabeth & Son, Dove st, Castle hill Webb William, Magdalen st SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. [See also H'hip Makert.) Breeze Robeit, Mandalen st Calver Jolin, All Saints' green Carinell Isa;ic, Coslany st Cannell John, Ber st Chettleburgh Robert, Upper Kings! Dickinson Richard, Castle hill Fiit Thomas William, Ber st Fuller Jaoies, 23 Hayuiarket iiirfctov^. NORWICH, &c. Koifolfe. Goflin Edward, Palace st Greenwood VVilliam, St. Stephen st Hallows Reorge,2 UampantHorse st Haui.son Thomas Tliurlow, Upper St. GiU'S Oliver John, Castle hill Philo Joseph, 44 London st Plowman Robert, Catton Prentice Samuel, Magdalen st Reynolds VVilliam, St. Benedict st Webb Thomas, Castle st Wilkinson Henry (saddlers' iron- monger), 85 St. Giles si Youngs Peter, St. Faith's SAW MILLS. Calver Rohert, Spiowstoii Cann Watling, Philailelpliia Cuthbert William, Philadelphia Hardy Wni., St. Gioree's Middle st Smith VVilliam, Philadelphia Teasel 0>borii E., Fishgate st SHAWL MANUFACTURERS, AND OF FANCY GOODS. {See also Bombasin, Sfc.Manufctrs.) Baiernaii JamesGeo. J.,St.George's Middle st [Colejiaiest Bolingbruke Ciiarles & Frederick, Clabbui n Thomas, Son & Plummer, Clarke John, Calvert st [Pitt street Geary VVm. (ho.-iery),St.Augustine st HiiideEphraim&Francis, Botoiph st Rliddletoii George, Calvert st Shaw Richard, Colegate st [street Sulizer John & Co., St. Augustine Tovvler, Camiiin & Co., Elm hill Willett, Nephew & Co.,PottergHte st SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERS IN GROCERIES 6c SUNDRIES. Aldrieh John, West Pottergatest Aldridge John, Trafriigar st Anderson John, Dnke st Anderson Robert, Union place Anderson VVillian), Sprowsion Annison Robert, Union place Art her Rebecca, Rosemary lane Armes Stephen, Tinkler's lane Bacon Joshua, Fishgate st Bancalari Dominic, Ber st B^iriett Geoige, Grove place Batson John, Barrack st Bayfield Henry, Colegate st Bayliss Andrew, Trafalgar st Bceston John, Fishaate st Bell George, Fishgate st Bell Matthew, Ber st Bexfield James, Scoles green Blyth John, Oak st Boast Robrrt, Plumslcad [street BreaiDe Hem v, St. George's Middle Brock William, Oak st Brown Jiihn, NewCalton Brown VVilliam, LowerVVestwickst BuHard Robert, St. Faith's BuUard Thomas, Trowse Newton Bulley William, Thorpe Bultiiude James, Cherry st Bunting James, Coslany st Bunting Thomas, Bull close BurrHge Robirt, West Potiergate St Bui rows Anthony, St. Pauls st Burrows John, Sprowston Burton Thomas, Thorpe Bush Henry, St. Benedict st Bussy Benj., St. George's Middle st Buttifant John, St. Paul's, Back lane Calver John, AH Saints' green Ca!inell John, Union place Carman SHmutl J. S., irt. Faith's Carver James, Grove place Clarke Royal, VVilliam st Clarke William, St, Janes st Claxton William, Tinkler's lane Clethero James, St.StephensBack st Cooper John, Union place Coxford John, St, Augustine st Culley Jane, Cowgate st Cunningham VVilliam,St.Maiy plain Cnstance Jonathan, Magilalen st Dawsori George, Ri)semary lane Dawson Samuel, Oak st Dav Frederick, Trow.se Millgate Dickenson Jolin, Sprowston Diver Jabez, St. Paul's plain Dodds James, Potterijatc st Dong worth Ann, Botoiph st Dunham John, Peafield Durrant Rohert, St. Miles, Churcli st Durrant Thomas, St. Catheiine's pi Eastough H en ry,St. benedict st [plain Edwards Maria, 8t. Martin's palace Ellis Mary, Coslany st Emp>on Samuel, Magdalen st Evan George, Barrack st Evans Robert, O^k st Fairman William, Barrack st Fearnsides Benjamin, Palace st Felstead James, Chapel st.Brook's pi Fisher Robert, Oak st Florence Willirtin, Kirby Forder Joseph, Br.imerton Forster Samuel, St. James st Forster Samuel, Barrack st Fountain Elizabeth, Heigham st Francis Thomas, Cowgate st Freestone Anthony, Peafield Frost James, Magdalen st Fuller William, Trafalgar st Galey John, Barrick st Galey Thomas, Si. Benedict st GarnhHmWilliam,Lakenbain hallrd GedgeKd ward Peter,Brazen Doors rd Girdiestone John, Ju ian place Gooch Elizabeth, New Cattou Gotts John, Coslany st Grand P^liza, Julian st Green John, St. James' palace Grimes Tlumias, Botoiph st Groom Susaniial), Bethel st Gunton VVilliam, King st Hagon George, Lakenhara hall road Hall Jonathan, Union place Halls Jhs., Regent st, Crook's place Harden Charles, Heigham st Harper Elizabeth, St. Faith's Harpley Charles, Cattou Harvey Samuel, Fi-hi^ate st Hazeal James, Scholes green High George, Waterloo Hill Elizabeih, Ber st Hill Hezekiali, St. Augustine st Hitchcock James, Julijtn st Holland Catherine, Lower Goat lane Hook William, Magdalen st Howard Daniel, Barrack st Howard James, Bishopgate st HowlettThomaSjLovverWestwick St Howman William, Oak st Hurm Philip, Ber st Hutchinson John, St, Augustine st H\slop Anil; Thorn lane Jackson VVilliam, Cowgate st Jackson William, Starling place Johnson Robert, Carrow hill K' y Samuel, Heigham King Edward, Calvert st Kinnear Hannah, St. Faith's lane Knibb William, KiiiK st Lambert James, City road Liffbrd Thomas, King st Lincoln Thomas, Ihorpe Linstead Robeit, St. George's plain Livork Samuel, Brnzen Doors road Loads Henry, Kingst Long Robert, New Catton Lovick Mary, Ber st Lovitt Samuel, St, Faith's Lowne Jan)es, Cowgate st Mack James, King st, Crook's place Mack Thomas, Barrack st Maltster William, Heigham st iMarsh John, Drayton Massingham Leak, Magdalen st Mayes Elizabeth, Alms lane Mayes John, Bridge st, St,George's Mayhew Judith, Finket st Meadows Jonathan, Coslany st Meek William, Tinkler's lane Middleditcli Rohert, 8 William st Middleton William, WorldEndlane MillerGeorgeftl.,StCatheriiie's plain Minns Isaac, Kingst, Crook's place Money Jane, Bethel st Moon John Edward, Quay st Moy John, Julian st Newman Henry, Barrack st NewsoiiFredei i( kR()i)t.,NewCattoti NicholsHichard,St.Catheriue's plain Palmer John, St. Augustine st Patrick Charles, Cowgate st PleasHiits Thomas, St. Faiih's Pointer Thomas, Cowgate st Press VVilliam, Pottergafe st Pull Elizabeih Mary, Bull close Qnaiitrells Sarah, Union place Qiiantrill James, Albemarle st. Riches Elizabeih, Deiehan) road Rose & Bailey, Thorpe Rose John, St. Augustine st Rump Thomas, Golden Ball st Sadd David, St. Catheiine's plain Sadler James, Oak st Salter William, Union place Saujpson Charles, Ber st ShuI John, William st Saiil Thomas, Julian st Scott Anna Maria, Julian place Scott Matthew, Ber st Scott William, Magdalen st Severn Samuel, Cowgate st SewcU Mark, Magdalen st Sexton Benjamin, Trafalgar st Sexton Joseph, King st SbawCharlesBaniahas, Post-office st Shields Daniel, Golden Ball st Shimmrm Elizabeth, Bethel st Sidney John, Spiowstou Skoyles Benjamin, BIshopsgatest Skoyies Samuel, Barrack st Smith David, Magdalen st Smith Henry, King Bt,Crook's place Snelling Thomas, Magdalen »t Sp:^lding James, Cowgate st Spence Geo,, Bridgest, St.George's Spinks James, Cowgate st [place Spinks Thomas, Queen st. Crook's StaffordThos, Chapel st,Crook'splace Stanley Joseph, Lower King st Storey John, St, Augustine st Stubbs James, Fisher's lane Sussams William, Heigham st Taylor VVillian), New Catton Thonip»on James, Fishgate st Thompson Jo>epli, IMoiisehold Thompson Philip, Cherry st Tliornless James, Pump st rhorsbv Rohert, St. Stephen's road Tidd Rohei t, St. George's iMiddle st Tillett Mary Ann, Oav. st Tills Benjamin, Magdalen st Took Michael, Ber st Turrell James, Berst Tiittell John W., Peafield Wal UerRichd., Bridge st,St.George's Walker Thomas, Catton Watson James, New Catton Wans Samuel, Pottergate st Wehb Benjamin, St. Faith's Webster Elizabeth, Golden Ball st We ds Sarah, ihorpe road We>t Edmund. New Catton Whall Robert,Kingst, Crook's place Whamstaft Charles, Magdalen st White Andrew, Oak st 85 Kovfolfe. NORWICH, &c. Slatcr'jJ SHOPKEEPERS, ttc— Continued. WliUrick James, UVst PotterRate st Wickiii Mary, Lakenham Hall road WilksRobeit, Ber st Willey Samuel, Cuwgate st Wil iams John Henry, Duke st Williiueiit James, Si. Augustiue st \V\Uu John, King st Wilson George, St.Catherine's plain Wilson George, Barrack st Wil>oii George, Peacock st [place Woods Jauies, Queen st, Crook's Wright James, Ber.-t [place Young \ViUiani,JiihiiBull st, Crook's SHUTTLE MAKERS. Boswell 'riiomas, StJohii'sMadder market Dobson Robert, Magdalen st G.iul John, Magdalen st Nelson Thomas, BarraL-k st SILK MANUFACTURERS. fSee also BonibaxinMannfacturers.) Grout & Co., Silk Mills, Lower West wick st SultzerJohn &Co.,St. Augustine st Williment Richard, Ciilvert st SILK MERCHANTS. (See also l\lerchants. ) Bafeman John & Sou, Middle st, St. George's Davey Thomas & Son, Pitt st Grout & Co., Lower Westwick st S|)riiigfield, Sou & Nephew, Saint Martiti's lane SILK THROWSTERS. See Throwsters. SILVERSMITHS &JEWELLRS. {See also Jewellers— fforking, and uko fFatch Makers.) Cooper John & Sons, 20 London St DodsonWiHiauiRobert,4l London st Etheridge George & William E., lOGentlenien'.s walk Hant William George, London st May William, Rampant Horse »l Rogsi Georae, Market place SLAY MAKERS. DodmanRobtThompson,Cowgate st Hart Robert, Magdalen st SMITHS. Marked thus • are also Bell-hangers. {See also Biick^miths.) Barker George, Graham's court, Upper market BoldeLson William, Thorpe road •Boswell John, Si. Andrew's hill Boswell John, IVi^hopgate st Clark Robert, FishBate st Cook Thomas A., Ber st Cooke John, Dial vurd, Coslany st CullyerC. & J. Cow hill Fii'Ch Walter, Elm hill [lanc- •Finch William, Wagon and Horses Fislier Robert, Oak st [Ber st Foulyer Edward, Mason's court, Gilbeit George (coach). Star and Crown court, Timberhill .st •Howlett George, Potteigate st Huggins John, Chanelfield road Hurry Thomas, Bethel st Jarvis Francis, Lockeit's court •Key Joseph, Colegate st Kiievett Jonathan, St. Benedict st Lake John H.. Upper Goat lane Lake Jovepli, Lower Westwick st Land William (and cliurch and general hell-hanger), Hay hill Leech GeoiKC, Paiagon st [st PalinerVVilliam&Jolin,St. Augustine •Pank Abtahani, Swan lane» Saint Aii'Irew'.s Pank James, Lower King st Riches William, Dereham road Rope Charles, Surrey »t 86 Sabberton Thomas, Thorpe •Self Thomas, Pottergate st Silcock Charlotte, St.Saviour's lane Smith & Whitehead, Oak st Smith Rolieit. Fishgate st Stammers Robert, Ca-tle ditches Sutton Francis, jun. Plumstcad Ihirkettle William, Barker's court, Timberhill •Tripp John. All Saint's green SOAP MANUFACTURERS. Andrews & French, Fishgate st Bunting, Son & Durrant, Saint Miles' Soap Works, Coslany st STATIONERS. (See also Booksellers tmas, Cross lane Crisp John Wiseman (and clerical robe maker) Castle meadow Crocks Thomas, LowerWestwick st Cunningham John, St.Audrew's hill Day James, St. Lawrence steps *Drak€ John, St. Giles st Dye William, Colegate st Kade Thomas, West Pottereate st •Edwards Thomas, Orford hill Ellioit Chailes, Ber st English Joseph, 45 London st [hill KrarvRichd. (stay rr.akerJSi Andrew's •FuJlerJohri,Redlionst,St.Stephen's Gooch James, Post-office com t Goose George, Potteigate st Grand George, 32 Pottergate st Gray Ricliard, Paragon st Greenwood Paul, LowerWestwick st Hall Benjmiii, Mai^dalen st [sireet Hodge-> Richard, Si. George'sMiddle Hook Samuel B., Cross lane HowlettRichard, Bridge st.StGeorge Jackson Samuel, Catton Lanca^ier John, Kini; st ['Street Lark man VVilliam,StGeorge'sMiddle Ling William Samuel {and robe) 2 Upper Kinu st •LivockWillianiThomas, Redwell st Loni! Robert Samuel Walter, Mag- dalen st [street Mackley John Edward, SWestlegate Mackley ^^'iliiani, hack of St Peter's Mallett Francis & Co., 2 Londim si Marshall Joseph. 19 Si. Giles st Marsh ill Peter, Ber st [yard MarsioiiWashingtoii,Oid Post-1. ffice Meeiis William, New road [iilea MinnsSaml. William, St. Michael's at Moore James, Ber st Murray .lames, Globe lane Nalder Charles, St. Faith's Ne.ithercoatEdwd.,18 Castle ditches *Ne«byJohii, Bank plain ♦Norton FiaucisJames,20 White Lion street Page Joseph, St..Andiew's hall plain Parslev Samuel, Bethel st Peart William, Sprowston PerowneRobt, St. Catherine's terrace •Phillips John, Orfi.rd hill Plummer Edward, Bridge st Reeve James, Calvert st Riches Thomas, St Giles* hill Roe Richard, St. Martins lane Rogers Charles, Bethel st Rogers Elizabeth, Orford hill Royall Daniel, Upper King st Rudd Robert, Sunev st Ruvt James B., Lady's lane Salmon Chii-topher John, West Potiergate .street ♦Skelton John Smith, Pottergate st Slater Joseph, Tombland •Smiih John, Great Orford st Stevens Thomas, 23 Castle meadow •Steward James, Tombland [sireet •Sutton Daniel Marrison,St.Andrews •Talbot Geo., Bridge st.St.Andrew's Taylor William, Princes st •Tipple John, 26 London st [street •T'ldd John(and mbemakei) Queen •TnckerJas.Stannard.LowcrGoat In Waterton Edward, Silver r(]ad Wells Peter Michael, Maudell'sct., Princes st Wicks Robert, Ber st Wilkit. Josiah, Chaiiel field road •Woinack George, White Lion st Woofts John, Paragon st Wright James, Ber st Youles Joteph, St. Stephen's rocd TALLOW CHANDLERS. (See also Soup AJakers.J Andrews & Fn nch, Fiihgate st Browne H.dl, Ber st Bunting, Son, &Durrant,ST.MiLF,s' Works, Coslany st EastoJohn, 64 &. 65St.Stephen st Freeman Charles, Robert & Henry, Ut)per market Frost Thomas Fishgate st Hardy James, St. Siephen's corner Howes Ann, Welliniiton st HowesJohn, Potiergate st Howes William, St. Benedict st Kiiton George, Haymarket corner Pe.trse Frederick, Coslany st Pratt William, Wensum st Pnlhani William, Oak st Saunders & Large, Whitefriars TANNERS. Boult George, Lower Heighain st Rump Jas. Smith, LoweiHei-jham st Wills William, Upper Heigham TAVERNS 6e PUBLIC HOUSES. Adam and Eve, Steward Patteson, Saint Benedict st Albert, Samnel Coleman, Ber st Albert, Thomas Oaniels, Dove st Albion, VV illiam Ciisliin^, Market place Anchor, Robert Di^bv, Bracondale Anclior,Wm.CannonGnss,RisingSunlane Anchor, Charles Osborne, Ten Bell lane Anchor, John Thompson. Silver road Aiichr, Joseph Turner, Snrrey st Angel, Benjamin Beckham. New Catton Aneel, William Harris. Trmvse millgate Artichoke, Cabel Blythe, Magdalen st Bakers' Arms, Hubert Guyton, Lower Westwick st Bakers' Arms, Thomas Lovetf, Ber st Ballonn, Edwd. (^rowe, l.wr.H'estwick st Bank, V\ illiam Siirflin, Bank st Barge, Ephruim Litllewood, Kin? st BHTleymow, Jonathan Green, Hay hill Bear and Staff, Samuel Colby, Fisher's la Beehive, Mary Ann Havers,St. Stephen st Bt-eliive, Siraon Payne. Cawgate st Beehive, John Rack ham, St. Benedict st Bess of Bedlam, James Baker, Oak st Black Horse, John Aylnier, Tombland Black Horse, Saml.Hinchlev, St.Giles'rd Black Horse, Robert iMoll. 10 St Giles' st lilack Horse, Samuel Yeames, King st Black Prince, TliomasGoddard, Butchery Black Swan, James Rice, St. Faiih's Black Swan.Nallml. Seaman, Upr.market Blue Boar, Thom.is Olyotr, Sprowston Boarded House, Uiiliam Knights, Castle ditches Boar's Head. James Porter. Surrey st Boy & Cup, V>'m. Townsend, Pottergate st Brazendoor Tavern, Samuel Barker, Lame Dog road Brewers' Arms, Wm. Storey, Bull close Bricklayers' Arms, Bye Robert, Lower Westwick st Pplace Briclilayers' Arms, Edward Powell, I'nion Buck, Thomas Rudd, Oak st Buck, Joseph Smith, Thorpe Buff Coat, John Hair.mond,Bufl Coat lane Buildrrs' Arms, George Fitt. Pottergate st Bull, Thomas Barnabas Engall, Ber «t Bull, Henry Oakes, Magdi,len st Bnll, Daniel 'l"h')rsloii, SI. Stephen st Bull, Samuel Woolsey, Upper Walk Market place ' Bull's Head, Thomas Brown, Ber at Cabinet Makers' Arms, Ainger Lack. Redwell st Canteen, George Thompson, Barrack st Cardinal's Cap, Benjamin Warnion, St. Benedict st [Newton Carpenters' Arms, Ri.bert Goose, Trowse Carrow Gardens, Michael Bird, Carrow Cat and Fiddle, John Bell, Bololph st Cat&Fiddlc.Jas. Flowerdale.Magdalf n st Cattle Market, Caroline Uidney.Castlehill Cellar House, James Pigg, Barrack st Cellar House, Taylor Lanham, King st Cellar House, George Uame, Bridge st, St. George's [road' Champion, Charles Barnard, Chapelfield Cherry Tree, James Harper, Lakenham Hall road [nedict st Church and Stale, Tlios. Francis, St. Be- Chnrch Stile, George Eastoe.Upr. ma ket Cinder Ovens, Harman Dunham, jnn Kingst |-si City of Norwich, John Press, Westlegate Clarence Harbour, J oh nBrowne.Carrowrd Coach and Horses, David Catetmjie, Foundry Bridge road [jj Coach and Hi-rses. Robert Daines. Bethel Coach & Horses, Edwd Smith, Union pi Coach and Horses. Robert John Woods, Redlion si, St. Stephen's Coachmakers' Arms, William Clements, Betliel st [Siephen'sroad Coachmakers' Arms. Wm. Sheldrick, St. Cock William Baltram, Old Ltikeiiham Cock, William Blanchflower, Upper St. Giles' street Cock, John Miller, Upper King st Cock, Robert Thomas, Drayton Coldham Hall Tavern, Richard Gosling, Surlineham Corkcutlers'Arms, John Robinson, Bridge street, St. George's [don st Corn Exchange, Thos. Cooper, LittleLon- Cow, William Armes, Heigham st Cow, Thomas Bates, Cow bill Croc'idile, Levi Harden, Heigham at Crooked Billet, Jolin Moore, Heigliam st Cross Keys,John Barrett, Magdal-n st Cross K'ys, Thomas Snelling, St. Faith's Crown, Isaac Hart,fi7 St. Stephen st Crown, Jeremiah Middleton, Bridge st .Si. Georje's Crown, William Newton, S(. Faiih's Crown, William Pelchell, St. Benedict st Crown, Edmund Pointer, St. Faith's Crown, George Tocvnsend, Elm hill Crown& Angel, John Spratt. St. Stephen st Curriers' Anns, Saml.Balls,,SO St Giles' st Curriers' Arms. Charlts Read, John Bull street, Crook'- place Dial Tavern, Thomas Nelson, Barr.ick st Distillery, Wm. Baldwin, Distillery st Dog, Matthew Fo.x, Horsford Dolphin, John Stamford, Heigham Duke of Sussex, John Stangroom. Saint Augustine st [Union place Duke ot" VVellington, Edward Powell, Duke of Wellington, John Snelling, Pot- tergate street Duke of York. William Cox, Pnltergate st Duke of York, Noah Dack, Lower West- wick street Duke's Head, Rnberl Paul,Castle meadow- Duncan's Arms,« in Reeves, Magdalen st Dyers' Arms, William Crowe, Lower Westwick st Eagle, James Lord, Heigham st Eagle, Jonathan .Stockings. Newmnitet rd Eagle, Jolin Williams, West Pottergate st Eastern Union, Leiitia Reynoldson, St. Stephen's road [lany st Eight Ringers, Thomas Cunningliam,Cos. Elephant, W illiam Easton, .Vlagrlalen st Klephani and Castle, Thomas Parkerson, King sireet Elm, Willi.im Leggatt, Princes st Exmoulh Tavein, John Winter Watts St. Stephen st / jj Fair Flora, John Moore, Lower Westwick Ferry House, .Mary Ann iMann, King st Ferry House. Samuel Parker, Surlingham Fleece, Christopher Barley, 5 Bridewell alley, St Andrew's Fleece, Henrv .Mann, Tombland 87 Norfollt. NORWICH, &c. f^later'jJ TAVERNS, 8tc.—<-'ontinued. \ Flower-in-Hand, Tlios. Delph.Tonley >t Fortune of VVur. riio«. Goorh, CaWert st Foundry Bridt;e, William Siuith Riches, Rose lane Fountain, James Debnge, St. Benedict st Gardeners' Arms, William Bales, Tini- berliill st [ler's lane Gardeners' Arms. Philip Chapman, 'link- GeoiKc. Robert Talbut, St. Stephen st George and Dragon, John Dixon Callon, Upper llaymaiket [Cation George and Uragnn, Henrietta Simpson, Ge' rge IV. John Deeks, Ber st Gibraltar Anns, Ant honyF.W ill?, Heigham Globe, John Hood, Union place Golden Hall, William Girling, Castle hill Goldbeaters' Arms, Elizabeth Taylor, Bethel st [Middle st Golden Cun, Hannah Callow, St. George's Golden Can, Robert Yel!op,Sl. Andrew st (iolden Cross, James Maton.Charing cross Golden Dog,JamesHiibbard, Magdalen st Golden I.ion, Edward Slubbs, Madder market Goose and Gridiron, Henry Maidment, Back Rampant Horsn st Grapes, George Biirrett, (Jrore place Grapes. Robert I.inford, Dove st Grapes.John Norman, .St.Miles Church st Grapes. William Phillips, Red Lion st, St. Stephen's Green Dfagon, Wm. Press, I.ill. London st Grejbound. John Edward Bame, Ber st Grey hound, Rd. English, Ram pan tHorsest Greyhound, Thomas 'I'ilston,Pottergate st Griffin, William James, Upper King st Giiflin, Henry Southgate, Thorpe Grove, Thomas Holland, Grove place Guildhall, William Bird, Jail hill Half Moon, Wm.Tillett.Gentlemen's walk Half Moon, Charles Goal, Market place llare, Thomas Loud, Plumslead Hen and Chickens, Thomas Fenn, St. Mary's plain [ditches Holkham Arms, Thomas Brooks, ( astle Hop Pole, Lawrence Dawes.Sl. Faith's la florsc and (iroom, David Bucon, Castle st Horse Barracks, HannahFiich, Barrack st Jolly Farmers. Roiiert Pnwiey, Castle Hill Jubilee Inn, Thomas Thurlow, Ber st King's Anns, James Barker, Lakenham Hall road [Bethel st Kind's Arms, Edward Bassingthwaile, K'lig's Arms. Francis Spanton. Ber st King's Arms, Henry Yaxley, Bololph at King's Head, Robert Basey, Magdalen st King's Head,Rd. Doughty, 10 Davey place King's Head, Jeih. Laraood, St. Faith's King's Head, William Provart, Thorpe King's R'ad, Edward Stevins,St.George'8 Middle st [st Kinu'a Head, John Thwaites, St.Stephen King'sHead,EdwiirdWigg,Up.St.Giles'st Lainh, Jolin \\ ehsilale, Havmarket l.arne Dog. Robl. Edwards, LameDog road Letters, Edw. Warner, St. Saviour's lane Letters, U'illiam vVordingham, Brazen Doors road [Newton Limekiln Tavern, Philip King, I rowse LioniiCnstle. Elizbh.Drane.Tiiiiberhill st Londin C ifTee House, Thomas Sapey, Rampant Horse st [drew's hill Loiidi.n Tavern, Rubt. Liddlelow, St.An- l.ord Howe, JolinKradbury, St. Benedict st Lord Nelson, Christopher J. Salmon, West Polterg lie st [ham road Lord John Rnssell.Charles A.Bates,Uere- Mappie, Robert Plowman, Callon Malt & Hop, Noiih Gooch, Chaiiiigcros3 Marquess of Graiiby, James Houghton, Barrack st [bernaclest Marqness of Granby, James Puxley, I'a- Masonic, Henry Billen. Elm hill Milre, Thomas Thirketlle, Briggs »t Moon & Stars, Lewii> Williams, Duke st Nelson, William Painter, Timberhill st New Brewery, James Ulph, Biiriack st New Goal, Elizabeth Mountain, Upper Goat lane New Inn, Thomas Winter, Green hills New Mills, John Lake, Lwr.Weslwick st Norfolk Railway House, George Hutson, Foundry road Norwich and Norfolk Arms, Peter Bur- rows, Sprowston Norwich Anns, George Pegg, Ber st Old Dove, Charles Dye, Market place Old (Joat, Isa:ir Driver, Upper Goat lane Old Lobster,Rhl.Flddlemftn,Pottergale st Old MileCro99,JoMab Holman,IIrlleBdon Old Music House, Hairoan Dunham, King st [»' Old Theatre, Mary Ann Barthrop, Bethel Paul Pry, William Paston. St. Giles' hill Peacock, Clias.Taylor, St.Stephen's plain Pheasint, Jas. Blake, St.Catherine's plain Pigeon, William Heap, Charing cross Pine Apple. Rd. Jarvis, Trowse millgale Plough, John Daynes, Castle hill [st Plough, James Girdlestone, St. Benedict Plumbers' Arms, Rebecca Hook, Cow- gate street [market Pope's Head, William Coldham, Upper Post Office, Wm. Elvish. Post-oflice st Prince of nenmark,JohnBaxter,Sprowstn Prince of Wales, James Beans, Saint Benedict st [gustiue si Prince of Wales, Samuel Gedney, St.Au- Piince of Wale.*, Gilbert Law se, Pump st Punch and Chop House, Richard Plane, Market place Queen's Arms, John Minni, Magdalen st Queen Caroline, Charles Austin, Oak st Queen of Hungary, Robert Howse, St. Benedict st [gale st Queen Victoria, Charlotte Roe, Potter- Queen's Head, Isaac Fox. Up. St. Giles' st Railway, VV'ni. Terrington, UpperKingst Raven, Daniel Rowland. Lower Kingst Recruiting Serjeant, Thomas B. Hayden, Southgate st Red House, Henry Y'allop, Timberhill st Redlion, Henry Buttle, Drayton Redlion, Thomas Hardy, Redlion st, St. Stephen's Redlion, Stephen Steward, Magdalen st Redlion, Thomas Thompson, Bridge st, St. Andrew's [Inns Red Rose, Henry Sweatman, Back of the Ribs of Beef, Benjn. Wright, Wensum st RiHeman, John Tibb, Cross lane Rising Sun, John Abel, Chapelfield road Roebuck, John Sadler. Trafalgar st Rose, Leggett Cobb, St Augustine at Rose, James Harmer, St. Stephen st Rose, John Page, Palace st Rose, Matthew Zipfel. Oak st Rnyal, Robert Warnes, Foundry Bridge road [place Royal Oak, Jas. Alden, Chapel sl,Crook's RoyalOak, Mentor Brown, St. Augustine st Royal (Jak. Henrv Jolly, Cation Royal Standard, Thos. Bayfield, Union pi Rummer ir.n, John Huggins, Stoke Holy cross St. Catherine's Tavern, Thos. W.Gent, Brazen Doors road St. Giles. Henry King, Chapelfield road St. Paul's Tav Samuel Severn,Cowgate st Saracen's Head, William Briltain, West Potteigale st [st Saracen's Head, John Wiggins, St. Giles' Shakspere, Robert Hollis, Theatre st Shakspere, Wm. Seppings, Colegate st Ship, Henry Buttle, Kingsl gates Ship, James Lanham, King st Shire Hall, Abraham Lint;, Castle meadow Shoulder of Mutton, James Mann, Saint Andrew's Mill [Stephen »t Shoulder of Mutton, John S.iwyer, Saint Spread Eagle, RiclianlSexlon, Hay market Stag, George Mills. St. Benedict st Slag's Head, JohnWm.Jolinson, Princes si Star & Crown, Wm. Emms. Timberhill st Steam Packet, John Blanch, Finkel st Steam PacKet, Robert B. Foyson, L'pper King street Surrey. James Smith. Surrey road Swan, (Jeorge liiilwell, Magdalen st Swan, Andrew Haystead, Swan lane, St. Andri w's 'fen Hells, Edmund Browne.St. Benedict si The Compasses, Wm.Rix, Upper King st Thorn Tavern, Williatu Holland, lier st Three Jolly Farmers, Robert Gniuey. Charing cross (diet st Three Kingt, William Stretloid,St.U.^np- Three Maltsters. John Ilugman, King si Three 'Tuns. John Barber. Lower King st Three 'Tuns, Robert Cotlerrnole, Thorpe 'Three Turks, John H. Bowgen, Lower Westwick st Ti^er, James .May, Fishgale ^t 'Town House, Francis Slallord, St. An- drew's hill Trowel & Hammer, Matthew Wilde, St. .Stephen st Trumpet, W m. De C^aux, St. Stephen »t i'nns, Charlotte Cowan, All Saints' green Tuns, James Mills, Coslany i>t Tuns, William Kemp, St. Giles' gate Turkey Cock, Robert Swash, Church st, St. Simon's Two Quarts, William Amos. Poltergnte st Two-necked Swan, Samuel J. Hunt, St. Stephen st [place Two-necked Swan, William Pye, Market Unicorn, Joseph Fletclier, Cosl.my st Union, Robert Fuller, St. Stephen st Vaults, James Laws, Upper St. Giles Vaults, John W. Watts, Julim place VauxhallGardens.Wm Balls, Julian placo Victoria, Joseph C.islor, St. Ste|)heii'8 rd Victory, Ann Cndden, Rampant Horse St Vine, 'Thomas Blazeby, St, Benedict st Vinyard, Clabburn&Sparks.. Magdalen st Wagon & Horses, Edw.Howell,Tombland Walnut 'Tree Shades, Sarah Ann Roe, Gentlemen's walk Waterloo, Ann Snow, Upper walk Wnlerman, Wiii.Carver,Lwr.WrsUvick st Waterman, Abraham Mason, King st Waterman's Arms, James Moughton, St. Ann's lane [st Wellington,George Harvey, 7 White Lion West end Retreat, Alfred Page, Heigham Wheatsheaf, John Itloomfirld, Bethel st Wheatsheaf. Geo. Riches, Castle meadow Wheatsheaf, Elizbh.Wynier.St.Stephcn st While Hart, ClemenI Ar.derson, Ber st White Hart, George Stubbs,St Andrew st While Horse, Elizbih. Brittain, Hay hill White Horse, Geo. Hall, 'Tiowse Newton White Horse, Jas. Howard, Castle ditches While Horse, Wm. Mason, Magdalen st White Horse, William Rix. Bridge st White Horse, John W. Sclth, Chape? st. Crook's place White Lion, William Barber, St. Martin's Palace plain I't White Lion, Charles Bray, White Lion White Lion, James Howes. Magdalen st White Lion, George King, Princes st White Lion,LubbockLawn, St. Benedict st White Rose, Horace Littleproud, Back of the Inns Whilefri.irs, Ann Laccohee,Whilefriars st Wild Man, John Beeton, St. Andrew's hill William IV. Mary Arnold, St. George's Middle st William IV G«orge Matthew, Mouiehold William Tell, Samuel Larwood, Casllo ditches [Augustine st Wine Cooper's Arms, William Amy, St. Wine Cooper's Arms, Charles Emms, West Poltergiitest Woodman. Dennis Cocks, Catton Woolpack. Mary Barnes, St.George's plain Woolpack, Noah Thrower,(Jolden Ball st Woolpackers, Wm. Thorpe, Botnlph st Woodsend Ferry, Saml.Turner,Biamerlon Wounded Hart, Wm.Ward,Uppermarket Yarmntith Aims, James T. Blaseby, Pud- ding lane Yarmouth Bridge, William Lofty, Red- lion st, St. Stephens Yarn Factory, Robt. Lanham, Cowgate st York, Mary Eastaugh, Orford hill Retailers of Beer* Abbot William, Oak st Adcock Thomas, King St Aggnss Noah, King st Alexander Robert, Colegate st Allen William, Sprowston Annison James, Tinkler's lane A unison John, Barrack st Atkins 'Thomas, Heigham st Ball Alexander, Upper King st Barber William, Oak st Barkaway Francis, Peafield Barker John, Lower Goat lane Bassett William. Quay st Bell Mallhew, Kerst Bennett Aostin% Whitefriar st Hetls Josepl., B tolph st Blayey Waller, Fishgale st Bl!,lh John, William st Hlvlhe John, Berst Blythe Jonah Norman, Barrack st Bray Robert, Ber st Brewster Lydia, 'Tooley st Bright John, 'Thorpe Brinkley James, Lakenham Hall road Brittle John, St. Martin's Palace phiia Browis Robert, Brazen Doors road Brown Christopher, Heigham tt Brown Robert, Cowgate st Bruir Robert, Charing cross Bryant Samuel, 'Thorn lane Bunn George, Weatlegate st Burrows Mary, Colegate ■! 88 Bixuiovj), NORWICH, &c. Koifolfe. Burrows Thomas Y. Spiowstoii Hush James, Upper King st Butcher (Miarles. Pitt st Bygrave Roherl, Quay st Cumplini? Jacoh, Magdalen st Cann John, New Cation Cannell Isaac, C'oshinyst Cassey Kolieit, Oak st Calchpole Johri, Lower Westwich st Chalker Allred, St. Miles' Church st Coe Mark, Castle hill Coffin Hubert, Palace st Colhy William, Si. Giles' hill Coleman Benjamin, llanipant Horse st Coleman Timothy, Trafalgar st Cillett Kiihert, \\'hitefriars st Collins William, Queen st. Crook's place Colman William, St. Margaret st Cook John, Ber st Cooper Jaool), All Saints' green Cornish John, Mairilalen st Crotch. William, lishgatest Ciibitt John, Julian st Cnlyer Thomas, C'niegite st Dack Jonaihan, Heigham st ^ Danii Maiy Ann, Fottergate st Dawson James, Thorpe road Dawson George, Rosemary lane Hearing William, New road Denmark William, Barrack st Digby Peter, St. Augu.''tine st Dra^e \\ illiam, World's-end lane DnlReld James, Coslany st Dunn Ann, l^ilver st Dunn James, Quay st Dunning Thomas S. Dereham road Dunthnin .lolin, Cowgale st Durish Denmaik, St. James st Dye William, Oak st Earl John, Magdalen st lidvvards Rotiert, Oak st F.llis Benjamin, Coslany st I'.ngland Mark, St. Paul's plain Fake John, Cowgate st F;urow George, Ber st Faux Robert, St. Augustine st Florence William, Kirby Francis Georije, Castle ditches Gardiner William, 19 London st GuMham John, Thorpe road Goldsworth James, St. Stephen st Goreham Henry, St. Swithiu's alley Graver Ahiaham, Ber st Green John. Keillion st, St. Stephen's fireenacre William, i!er st Greenfield Mark, King st gates Hardy William. St Geoige's Middle st Harman Ad.im, Trafalgar st Haywood William 'I'homas, Oak st Hewing Jiiseph, Piinces st Hewit! George, Berst Hewitt George, Kishgale st Hewitt James, St. Mary's alley Hilling Mary. King st Hipper Robert, Catton Hogg James, Chapel st, Crook's place HoL'g Henry, Pilt st Holmes Edmund, Lower Westwickst How.ard Thomas, Bisbopgate st Howard William. Fisbgate st Howes Henry, King si Howes Robert Hand, Tabernacle st Howlett Baldwin, King st Ho*Iett Mary, Coslany st Hudson Charles, Cowgate st Hyslop Ann, Thorn lane Keighley Elizabeth, St. Giles' st Kemp .lames. Oak st Kett Pliocbe, Kingst Kidiih^ William, Madder market Knigli's Jonathan, Si. Martin's laue Lanc;ister John, Kinf; st Land John, St. Giles' hill Laws John, St. Paul's plain LilTbrd Thomas, Kine st Lines Marv Aui,. Lower Goat lane l.onergan Francis, St. James st Long I!obert,New Catton Looe William. Cowgate st Mann Alfred, Barrack st Mann George, Ber st Mann John Matthew, St. Paul's Back la Mann Matthew, St.Mattin's Palace plain Markley Richard. Barrack st Mason John Leeds, Orfoid hill Ma) hew John. Little Orford st Mavhew Judiih, Finketst Middleditch lioherl, William st Middleton William, Woild's-cnd lane Mills .leremiah, Coslany ^t .Mills John, Lower Goat lan« \2 Mills Simon, St. George's Middle st Minns Robert, Cowgate at Moore John, Globe lane Moore Norris, Kinc st. Crook's pUce Moore Robert, Wensnm st Morris (ieorge, Magdalen st Morse Joshua, Coslany st Mortimer John Thnrsby, King st Mnrrell William, Oak st .Murrell William, Trafalgar st [st Newhouso Elizabeth, St. Stephen's Back Newman Sarah. F'isbgale st Nichols John, Ber st Nichols William, Pottergate st Norton Henry. Fisbcate st Nunn Simon,' St. Faith's f)nley Daniel, Brazen Doors road Palmer Jonathan, Oak s' Pank Edwaril, St. Martin's lane Parker limothy, Kingst, Crook's place Payne John, All Saints' green Pearce William, Sprowston Pease Edward, Coslany st Pegg'f'linnias, New (Nation Platlord William, Heigham st Platten J.nmes, Cohourg st Playfbrd Arminger, Bridge sf,St.George's Plunkelt John, St. Augustine st Popjoy .loscpb, Wensum st Porter Thonins, Oak st Pye Esau, Bull close Radford William, (^wgate st liant Jnnntban, Quav st Raven Edward, St, Miles' Cburcli st Rawern Robert, Barrack st Richardson Peter, Cowgate st Riches Jlobert, Lakenliam Hall road R Castle st ♦Newbegin James & Son, (and cigar, antl foreign cigardepfti), 14 Bridewell alb y and Market place Scott S.irali, 6 Briilewell alley, St, Andrew's Smith Jno. & Saml. 7 Gentlemen's walk, Market place Taylor Winiani Bn>wn, Ram.way Ck;au and ToisAcco Kmpokiuim, iie.st d.i.jr to the Tiutnpet Inn, St. .Stephen street WalkerRiihd.,Bri(lge st ,St.G< orfce's Webster Benjamin. Rnval Hotel st •Wighani Robert, 10 Hayinarket 89 Xorfolfe. NORWICH, &c. ^latft'jsf TOBACCO-PIPE MAKERS. BroMU J.i-f|)h, St. Stephens st Brown Willi.iiii, St. Ik-nedict .st Fitt Rc.bi rf, Ber btiei t Grt avf s Thiiuias, .Maijdalen st HeiisiiU Willi 1111. St. James' low Liiicln John, Pump stieit ^Jetralf John, Di.l yard, Coslaiiy st Pye Samuel, .Ml Sauit's Green TOY DEALERS. {See also Fancy Repositories.) Bariisdale William Bennell, St. Stephens street Bone .Nicliohs, rTimherhill .oiidon st SpriiiL-all Uobeit, St. Stephen's plain UPHOLSTERERS AND PAPER HANGERS. (See also Cahinet .Makers and f'plwlslerers.] Ciiaiidlcr Kllzaheili (upholsterer), St. Stephen's road Huifgins .^Jalia, 10 St. Andrew's st Lawienec Wiliiim,T's Beaiie James, Lady's lane Beha Lorenzo, St, Stefihen's plain Bell James VV.,Cliapil st, Crook's pi *Bell Robert, 11 Davey plate Bell VVil'ian),Bi idlest, St. Andrew's Buckeiibam JohiiChailes,Toinbland CiistonThos.,Barii rd., St. Benedict's Clark Robert & Son, St. Benedict st Cooper John & Son.s, 20 London st Deeksjohn, Ber st [st Dodson William Robert. 41 London *EtheridgeGeorge& William E. Gen- tlemen's walk Gnntoii Hcnrv, Biiegst *Hartt William George, London st *Hayward John (and fishing tackle), 2 Litile London .st Linford Robert, 14 l.,ondon st May William, Rampant Horse st Moore John, Coslany st Moseley John (& general mechanic and originator), (i Whitelion st Phillip Saml. .Mirhael,Chapelfield rd •I'isiuin John, Post Office ."t Priest George, 2 Briggv st Ran.some Henry, Biidewell alley, St. Andrew's Russell Benjamin, Magdalen st *Shii(liake William. .34 London st •Spriiigall Kaac, Weiisum si Stiele James Smith, [jowei Goal lane Weston James, Westlegatest Zi|if'i« Hawke.s Robert Wm. Castle meadow I>ord John, Fishnate st [m.adovv Pyinar John (& yarn agent), Cattle Seed Heiny, .Mu-p- le st Sheppard Robert, Upi er market YARN MANUFACTURERS. Blake Fdward & Robert W. (and spinners), St. Clements NoKwicii Yarn Comfanv, Fish- gate st — Joseph Greenhougli, manager ©ivtcfoip. NORWICH, &c. Koifolfe. Public Buildings^ Institutions, OfELces^ Scc. PLACES or WORSHIP, AND THEIR MINISTERS. CHURCH KS OF THE ESTABLISHMENT. The C»theural, tlie Right Rev. Samuel Hinds, d.d. bishop; the Honble. aiid Very Rev. George Pellew, u.u. dean; tlie Venerable John B. Collyer, archdeacon; Zechaiiali Bulk, i)rgani:.t. All S.iiMs', All Saints' green — Rev. \V. S. Hore, curate. Saint A.nbreWs, Broad st— Rev. James Brown B.u.reclor; Rev. I'honias Calvert, curete. Saint Anduews, Thorpe — Rev. Arruine Herring, b. a. perpetual curate Saint Andrew's, Trtfuse Newton — Rev. George Carter, m.a. incumbent. [curate. Saint Augustine's, St. Augustine st— Rev. John Rackham. Saint Bartuolomew, lleigliam— Rev.VViilian)Robbins,M.A, incumbent. [incumbent- Sai\t Benedict, St. Benedict st— Rev. William Good win. m.a. Saint Clement's, Colgate slreet— Rev. William S. Sparling. Ti.\. curete. [reclur. Saint Edmund's, Fishsrate st— Rev. Charles David Brereton. Saint Etheldred, King street — Rev. James Deacon, m.a, perpetual curate. [curate. Saint Georce's, Tombland— Rev. Kirby Trimmer, b.a. Saint Georgk's, Colfjale street — Rev. Edward Hibgatne,M.A. incumbent; Rev. Campbt-ll Wodelrouse, fHraR\M(H INFIRMARY, Catton Hack lane. Master— John Bilham. £YE INFIRMARY, St Benedicts. Medical Officer— l^eviia. Evans, m.d. Surjcons— Benjamin Noigaie and George W. VV. Fiitb. Honuiary Srcretnrij—John Goodwin. A/n/ioii-Sarali Boyd. LYING-] N-CHARITY AND INFIRMARY, Ten BelUane. Physician — Lewis Evan.s, m.d. Ciinsulting Surgeon — tCdward Copeman. SH7(/en» Accoiicheris — W iWidiu Daliymple and Alfred Masters. JVcasurcrs— Gnrneys & Co.,l)ankeis. Honnrnry Secretary— Mrs. Evans. yWa/ron— Mary Ann Morris. HOMCEOPATHIC DISPENSARY, Bethel street. Medical OJicer — Robert D. Hale. GUARDIANS OF THE POOR, St. Andrew street. .4;)o(Afca7T/— Robert R. Cramer, St. Andrew street. REGISTRARS, OF BIRTHS, DEATHS AND MARRIAGES. Superiyitendcnt-Fntncis J. Blake, Upper King street. Regislrars of Marriages — John O.Taylor, St.Giles street, and Joseph Resticaux, Lady's lane. REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS. For Conisford i>is-ter's, Wed-' nesday & Saturday, nlso by ftai/, daily lo SWANTON ABBOTT, John Hunt, from the Cross Keys, Magdalen si, Sal. ToTHETFORD, William Clarke, from the Star, Hayniarkel. Tuesday*: Friday To THORN HAM, - Coulston, from the White Harl, St. Pctei's, Tuesday; through Fakenham 93 Koifolfe* NORWICH, &c. ^latn*0 CARRIERS^ 6cc — Continued. ToTITTLESHALL, — Tliwaite, from the OW Lobster, Wednesday To Tt Dereham, and 7 s.w. from Ayljham— siinated on an elevation, tlie lower part of which is watered by the Eyn brooU. Tue town is neatly built, and cleati ; and in the iM^rket-place are several good house.s, which ate fronted by a row of everiji-eens, which give to ihem a i)lcatatioii at tlie election of members to represent East Norfolk. Uecpliam was once remafkable for having three chiMclies erected in the .«aine churchyard, viz. one eacli belonging t'> the parishes of Reephani, Whitwell and Hackford; the two former afe still standing, and pre>eiii a singular appearance, being juined togeiher — but Hackford church was long since destroyed hy fire. The present chuich is dedicated to tlie Virgin Mary : the living is a di'charged rectoiy, united witli Kerdis- ton, in the |)a:ronage and incumbency of the Rev. Frederick Kield. In the chancel of this ehiucli, under a muial nionument, lies the tigure of a kniyht templar, of the Kerdi ton family, in aimotir. Theie' are plrtCirS of wurship for ijaptists and VVe>levan Methodists, and a national school. Sir John de Vanx's lordsiiip of Hackford extended into this town ; and he obiained, in tlie fifth year of Edward 1. a charier for a weekly maiket to be holden on Saturday, and a fair on the eve, day and motiow after the feast of Saint Peter atid Saint Paul ; but, owing to the Saturday market hawng suffered by Its propinquity to Norwich, a corn market is now hi Id on VVedne^dav. The population of Keep- ham parish, in 18:U, was 452, and in 1841, 489. POST OFFICE, Amelia Sands, Post Mistress. — I^etters from all parts arrive (by mail cart from NoR- avich) every morning at a quarter before nine, and are despatched thereto at twenty-five minutes before five in the evening. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Biiiiev rhoinas French, Esq,, Mor- ton Hall Collier Rev. John [Hall Custance Thomas, Esq., Weston Davy Miss Maria Field Rev. Frederick Frankland Mr. James Holley Rev. Edward HowardRev. William, Witchiughani JodrellSir Richard, Sail House Linken Mr. John Thompson Charles Kett, Esq., Witi iiinaham Hall PROFESSIONAL PERSONS, INCLUDING SCHOOLS. Buck James, schoolmaster Casaiit Walter, suiKeon Cooper Horace Orlando (boarding and day sclio' 1) Peiry Charles Henry, surgeon Ponlter ('atharine, schoolmistress INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Black l/i'in, George Graver Cock, IVilliam Snringall Earner's Anns, Thomas Grand Georue & Draiion, Diiinis Hurrell Gieyhciund, Tb'itnas Travis King's Arms, William Leeds, jun. Loid Nrtsoii, Chailes Harvey Sun, William I^eedi SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. Aldeii J'rnniaii, beer retailer Ban ett Robert, miller Bii chain Thomas, tailor and draper Birchams' & Parmeier, brewers, maltsters and spirit merchants Bishop Henry, plumber, glazier and painter BrettM ark, brewer and beer retailer Brigus James, cabinet maker Burton John, b ^ot and shoe maker Burton Joseph Watts, butcher Bun onThomas, butcher [lectioner Davidson .lumes, baker and con Douuhty William, plu.nber, glazier and painter Drake John, boot and shoe maker Kelingtoi) Emerson, tailor EllisJames, saddler and harness mkr Fiaiikland Uohert, iionmonger GeorL'e Mary, ironmonger Gladden Uoiert P., beer letailer (irand Thomas, blacksmith Haidiiigh am John, grocer anddr|)r Halt Tliomas Ground, grocer&drpr Harvey Charles, bl.icksmith Haw(S James, tailor Hill Charles, tailor and draper Hipi>erWilliam,bootand shoe maker and diaper Hipper Martha M.. milliuer and dress maker Howard George, carpenter Huhl)ard^J()hii, veterinary surgeon H nil ell John, boot and shoe maker Huiiell Thomas, urocer and iira|.er Amiss Richard, grocer and diaper . Isaacks Nathaniel, urocerand dipr and tailor Jewell James, veterinary surgeon Austin Watts, butcher [maker , Keller Robert, giocer, drap'-r iiiid P.al Iwin Nathaniel, boot and shoe! iiotunonger [stationer Baldwin Til. nil is, tea dealer I Lacey John, chemist & druggist is. Barker Robert, grocer and draper Leamon Rnhett, tanner Barrett Martin, blacksmith 1 Leeds Stepiien.tanner Leeds William, jun. wine and spirit merchant Mason Edmund, cooper Neale Jidin, cattle dealer Pitcher.sTliomas, boot and shoe mkr PriiirHeniy, saddler and harness mkr Riches Wijliain, grucer and draper Kudd William, hair dresser St. John GetU'ae, grncer, draper, fallow chandler, and agent to the Norwich Lhiion Insuiaiice Corny. Scurll Brettiiighani, baker Scurll Thoma^, baker Seeker John, basket and sieve mkr Sewell \V illiain, carpenter S()rini;all Tlnimas, bricklayer Springall Tliomas, bricklayer Staples Thomas, chemist & druggist Timbers Jeremiah, taihir and tea dlr Tiiddenhain Richard, cooper Wade Charles, watch and clock maker Waid & Howard, millii:ers and dress makers VVhur Thomas, tea dealer Wilson John, boot and siioe maker Wiioliner .lames Shreeve, watch and clock maker [iminier U'l ight David, plumber, ulazier, and Yaxley James, hlacksmith Vounge Robert, giocer and draper CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, The nearest Stnlinn is at East Dere- HAM, on the East Anglian line, ten miles distant CARRIERS In NORWICH, a Pvst CaW, from the Kiun's Arms, daily, and Wm. i.eeds, from the Sun, and Mark Biett, from his owu Uause, Wednesday & Saturday 94 iI3irectocB» Norfolk. STOKE FERRY, WITH THE PARISHES AND VILLAGES OF WEREHAM, BOUGHTGN, WRETTON, WEST DEREHAM. OXliOROUGH, NORTHWOLD, FINCHAM, SHOUlDHAM, MARHAM AND NEIGHBOURHOODS, rOKE FERRY is h niai kit town, 88 miles n.n.e. ( Northwold villaKc, isMtherniorc than 4 miles s.e. from London, 38 w. by sfioin Norwich, 14 s.s.e. from Ljnn. and 10 n.n.w. from liiandoii (^SnllolU); .'>itiiaie(l on tlu' north bank of the liver Stoke, and 7 miles from tlie Downham Market station on lln- East Anglian Railway. The malting business is caniedon exti n- sively in thisn 'iahbomlioorl — at Whitiitjgion, Messrs. Wliithrtad and Co., thegreat brewers of London, have very large kilns, and cisterns cMpable of steeping seventeen hunlied bushels ot bailey at one time. In tlie same locality, has lately been elected, by Mr. Riid, a poweiful and handsome steam flour mill, with ma by s. trom Stoke Keiry ; situated on the road to Bran- don (Suffolk), and the river Wi.ssey or Stoke, runs through the parish. The paiish cIhutIi of Sa^nt An- drew wiis erected in the rt-ign of Edward IV— it is ratherau imposing stiuctuie, witli a fine quadranguliir tower, constructed of flint, embattl.d and ciowned with richly carved |)innHcles : the living is a rectory, in the paironage of the Bishop of Ely. There is a national schiiol iti ilie paiish. FiNCHAM is aviilage, formerly couipiised in tlie two parishes of Saint Martin and Saint ftlicliael, 5 mili'S chiiicry of a very superior riesciiption. Lime of a i k.n.e. from Downham Mnrket, situated on the road to capital quality, is obt^int'd in the vicinity of the town, jSwaflham, from which it is nine miles distant. The and is applied to agiicultural purposes. The land I places of worship are the parish cluiich of Saint Mar- around heie is remarkably fertile, and iu a fine state i tin, and a Wesleyan chapel. The living of Kiiichain of cultivation. j is a discharged vicarage, in the patronairt- of the frown The parish church of All Saints has lately under- ' and a private family, alter natelv. A fair, for horses gone complete restoration and repair, and is now a and toys, is held on the 3r(i ofMaich; aud there is a neat li: tie building: the living is a curacy in the gift show ot horses in August. of the Crow-n. J. B. S. Bradtield, Esq. is lord of the Shouldham, is 6§ miles n.e. from Downham Mar- manor: his father, the late James Bra-'field, Esq. ket. A Gilbi-niue priory was foundedhere in the time founded a school here for twenty-five poor children of ol Richaid I. by Jefl^rey K. B. Piers, Earl of Essex, this parish and tli;it of Wietton. In the 32nd year of the revenues of which, at the dissolution, were coii- Heniy III, tlie piior of Shouldham abbey obtained a siderable. There wire formerly two churches here — grant for holding a fairand marketin this town, which rtll Saints and Saint Margaret's : the latter, after the grant was suhset|uently confirmed by Henry VI: it dissolution, was suffered to fail to decay: the living suffered from disuse for a long period, but within these few years has been revived, and now enjoys (pro- portionate to its size and population), an exctllent corn market on Friday. A fair is held on the 6tli of December, for cattle. TUe population of Stoke Ferry parish, and thatofthe following ones, is given after the notice of Marham. Wereham village is about 2 miles N.w. from Stoke Feiry, situated on the road to Lynn. A Benedictine priory was founded here in the reign of Jidin, by the Earl of Clare, and was given iu 1321, to the al'beyof West Dereham. The i)Hri>h cliuich is dedicated to Saint Margaret: the living is a perpetual curacy, with that of Wietton annexed. There is a public school in the p irish, conducted upon the national plan. Wretton, is situated about a mile west from Stoke Ferry: it contains the |)aiish church of All Saints, and a Primitive Methodist chapel. The living of Wietton is annexed to that Wereham. BouGHTON, is a \er\' inconsiderable parish and village — the latter about a mile and a iialf noith from Stoke Ferry, contaitiing; a church dedicated to All Saints: the living is a dischaigcd rectory, in the gift of the family of Hunt. West Dereha.m, is a village, somewhat mote than 3 miles w. by n. ft cm Stoke Fen v, lyingon the road to Downham Market. An abbey for premonst i atensian canons was founded here, in Ik iiour of the Vifiiin. in 1188, bv Hubert, Dean of York, afterwards Archbishoj) of Canterbury ; at the dissolut on its revenues were found to be very considerable. Interesting remains of thi< once stately structure are still to be seen — pai- t'cuiarly the gate-house, a lofty quadrangularembattled pile, with towers at tlie aimles. The parish church of Saint Andrew is an ancient buildint;, with atowerat its western end: the liviira is a peipetual curacy. ot All Saints is a perpetual curacy, in t e patronage of Sir Thomas Hare, Bart. There is a |)lace of wor- ship for Wesleyan Methodists, and a free school. Marham is aviilage, 3j miles e. by n. from Should- ham, and 7i w. by n. from S waff ham ; situated on the roal to the latter town. 'I'he Countess of Arundel!, iu the middle of the thirteenth centuiy, foiiinied a Cistercian nunnery here, of which there are no re- mains. 'Ihe church is dedicated to the H(jly Trinity : the living is a discharued vicarage, in the gift of the Mastei audFellows of Saint. lohn's College, Cambridge. OxBOROUGH village, is 3 miles e.n.e. from Sioke Feriy, situated on the road to Swalfham. This vil- lage IS well deserving notice from its church — whiih is a spacious structure of flint and stone, with a s()uare tower embattled and surinoiinted by a lofty spiie. The east window contains ricblv stained glass, delin^ating t portion of our Savioor's history, 6iC.; and the roof of the church is of oak, curiously cuved. A chantry, ti the South aisle, is p.irtlv enclosed hy a stone set eeu 'of Giecian architectuie. The church is dedicated to S lint John the Evangelist; the living is a discharged rectory, with the vicarage of Foulden annexed, in the patron ige of the Master and Fellows of (iotivillc and Cains College, Cambridge. Edvvaid I. granted a mar- ket, several fiiis, and various other privileges, to the manor of Oxborough, lotiu since fallen into disuse. The mansion house, which is said tcrieseini'le Queen's C(dlege, Cambiidge, is a line specimen of the style of architecture that prevailel in the time of Edward IV. Populdti III lice. — The following are in the hundred ofClaclvclose — their population, in 1841, was, Stokk Ferry, (163; Wereham, 625 ; Bought on, 209; Wret- ton, 651 ; West Dekeham, 544; Shouldham, 6S3; Marham, 817. Northwold, in Giimshaw hundred, contains 1,140 inhabitants ; Kincham, in Cbaiitnn hundred, 807; Oxborough, iiiGi cenlioe hundied, 316. POST OFFICS^ Stoke Ferrv, Sarah Cawlhovhe, Post 3Jistress. — Letters from all parts ai rive (by mail gig from Brandon) every morning at seven, and are despatehed thereto every evening at half-past six. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Allen Mrs. Fanny, Shouldham Hall Barsham Mr. John, Fincliam Barton Mr. William, Stoke Ferry Bea'es Mr. Fianci-^, Northwold Bednafield Sir Henrv P., Bart. Oxburgh Hall BWthRev.Wiiliain, Fincliam Rectory Bradfield James Br adfield Saunders Esq., S'oke Ferry [toiy Browne Rev. Arthur, Marhamllec- Carter Miss Amelia, Northwold Curry IMiss Mary, Stoke Ferry Drosier Rev. Charles, Bouahton Diiplay Miss Hannah, Stoke Ferry Dupre Rev. MichaelThos.Weic-ham Norman Rev.Clias ManneisRichdrd, Northwold Royle Rev. .tames, Wereham Royle Rev. Patrick, Wereham Dyssen Captain Charles, Northwold i Saunders Mr>i. Sarah, Stoke Ferry Eyre Rev.Vincent.Cran wicliRectory j Sewell Mr. Philip, Wereham Gascoigne Rev. John, Oxburth Hastii!i!s Mr. William, Stoke Ferry Lucas Rev. Ricliatd, Oxi)urgh 2'Giil Rev. George Henry, Stoke Ferry Mason Mr. Henry Bence,Wereiiam Spencer Rev. Houghton, Wereiiam SpryRevAr tliurBrowiie.Shouldhain Steiliiie Rev. Charles, Methwold Villebois Henry,Esq.Mar ham House Winfield Mr. Henry, Stoke Feriy Wiseman Rev. Samuel,Stoke Ferry 95 Xoifolk. STOKE FERRY, &.c rlatci'0 ACADEMIES AND SCHOOtS. UarhainJaims, Noithwuld Co.isiiisJolii), ShouUlliam Free Scho.il, Slioaldliam— Mana Ma«oii. mistros GoodiMin .Ma.v, buicliam HillJohii liirJi, boarding and day), Sioke Kerry I.angtoii Charles, Wenliaiii Lo. K Klua, Wereham Nath'Nal School, Fiiuliaiii— J'lS llicli.ir(ls,inatir; KmmaUicliard: iiii'tress National School, NoitlnvoUl— 'n,uma% SiieUiiig, master; Eiiztli. Siielliiip, mistr»ss National School, Wcreliaoi — Klizabeth Hudson, mistrtss National School, West Uereliam Anil Cliiwner, ini«trf>3 UicliardsonSaial.. St-ke Kerry Wiseman Ellen Sarah & A iin.bioke Ferry ATTORNEYS. Ma-i.n Heiiiv b.ister Branwliitc, UVieham ' [StoUe Keiry Mickletield Anthony Hoirex K"ger U'alpole Jona-, Northwold BAKERS. Hiicknian Jt Dereham | Uohcits U.,heri. Wt-reliain { Vine- Amos, Wfieham Wiii;lit William, Wer.hain BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS, liillham Ivlw.iid, Kim ham lliiti Heniv, Fiiitliam Umuess K..'iiit, Noithwrdd Cal.nin John. Northwdd ( ..ate lurn. r llowlinL-.. Stoke 1-eny jlmmer-ou Will am, Fimham Kend ck Jolin, Kineham llaiv. V (Jroriie, Fii'Cham HiibiMrl William. Siok.- Ferrv N I ton llob' It \Ve>' Dereham N.ir-e James, Stoke Ferry I'l- l-alll^'e'^■nlll.>lloulhoiiit Dereham Harii^oii John, Slionlitham Thorpe Hipkins William, Fiiicbam I Kemp rhoiiia-<, Kiiuham King Th.. mas, Sioke Feiry 1 Lemon Charles, Sh.'uUlhain I Loc-k Jame>, West Dereham Loiiir Jolin, Fiiicliam Makcmade Frederiek, Maiham Maves John, Stoke Ferry I Nash Thomas. Wereham lohlttt .Maiv. VVest Drt. ham I I'arkcr Wiliuim, Kincliam ' l>ig..tt Richard, Stoke Kerry 1 I'ooley Thomas, Ncithwold I'ress'lvlward, We^t Dereham Rav.ii Thomas N., Kinchain Roper Fmma, West D. lebani Rop< r John, West Dciehaiii \ Ropi'r Robert, Boiighton ' Sharp Siisaiiiiah, and George and Chailes, St "ke Kerry Siewaid DnM(aii,S'iadseit Stev\Mid Kdward, Boiifihfon Steward Simeon, St kc Kerry Stei\ar(l William, Boiit;btoii Stibboiis William, We>t Dereham Tariihull William, We>t Dereham Thomp-"" Richard, Marhani Thou old Daniel, West Dereham Towers Thomas, Win^^all Kami 1 ownlev Henry, Wrettou Wiueail-* Kdwaid, iM nbam UinearK Robeii, Marhani Winearls Rol.eit, jiiii. Marhaiii FinE, &r OFFICE AGENTS. N'onwnH I'mon, Anthoiiv .'Moiit'X Roner Miiklefnld, Stoke Keny INokwich Union ami (ir.sKKAL 1 H*iL-SToiiM,H<'nr\ Baxter Bian- white Ma^oii, Werebam GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Marked tliu>* * aie also drapirs. Andrews ^hll•y Ann, Northwold *A\ liner Geo. Fincham & Wereham Barnhani George, ^;orthwold iiennett Henry & Geo. Whittington Blake Saiab, We>t Dereham Clarke .Matthew, Northwold Denny James, Northwold •Kayci> Thomas, Slionldhum GrilVui John C uiey, Nortlnvold Hopkins Tliomas, Noithwold *HiKlson Wil.i.im, Stoke Kerry *Laiul Robert, Stoke Kerry Morlev Jame-, Wbiitiiigton ; Nott Luke, Shouldliam *l'aii-h J.iii e-, Marham P,A\ell John, Stoke Kerry Ru-sell 'I'iionias, West Dereham ISly Samuel, Stoke Kerry SpinksJohn, We-i Dereham •Tingev James, Wereham INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Bell, R.'Ipb Heath, Maibam Bell James IVukard, Whittington Bell'Tho^. Rortei , We.st Derebani Bell,' Saninel Smith, Bongbton Bell, William Wilson, Stoke K-riy Bull, William Brown, Stoke ten y Bnll, Chailes Hoisley. Northvv.dd Checjuers, Leonard Brooks, West Dereham Clie(iuers,John Easter, Sbou-lham Cock, Will. (Jatbercole, Metliwold Crown, John Klood, Kineham Crown, William .Mills, W eieham Crown, Geo. Tbompsoii, Northwold Crown. Wm. Tinitall, Sioke i-erry Dog & Dnek, David Kilev, Marham DukeN Head,RowrnigTurneri:oate, i Sioke Fen y ^„ [Thorpe Fall Gate.Saniuel Dane.Shonldham I Fall Gate Saii.n. 1 "r'oiid, Slradsett 1 King's Arms, Eleanor Fke,Shonl.l- I bam „ , r^''''y I King's Arms, Henry Roberts, Sioke Nag' .-Head, Edwaid, S|.ink>, V\ ere- ■ h"" o , «,^"'^' RampantHmse,JnoGateley,Sh()uld- Red Lion, Cvril King, Wieiton Swan, John i'>. nueit, .Meiliw.dd Swan, William Flood, Kmcliam Thiee Horseshoe.s, Jabez Coxell, Sbonldbam [bam Thorpe Two Brewos, Joseiih Flatt Snould- Retailers of Beer Bywatei Tliom.is, Fincbam I Kretweil T'l (iiiias, We-t Dereham Matthews Josenli, Kiiiebaiu I Nnnii James. Stoke Ferry Rands John, iMarhain Smitb'^ate Thomas, Finchani Watson John, Siiouldham Thorpe LINEN DRAPERS. See under the head Grocers, , Wereham ^VHEELXV RIGHTS. Baxter James, Shouldhaiu Thorpe Carson Samnel, West Dereham Embliiig John (and timber dealer and su)ith), Fincliam Feudick Robert, Nortliw(dd Hubbard William, Fincbam Panim William, Shouldham Piatt Joseph, Slioiddham Thorpe Played ThoiiKis, West Uereliaii) Steels Varrod, Marhani Williams Henry (and coach maker) Stoke Ferry Klssceilaneous- Bullivanf John, auctioneer, Mctlnvold Farruan James, liair dresser, Fincliam Ciilli James, coojicr. Stoke Ferry Fison Cornell, agent to U'liitbread & Co., maltsters, Whiltingtoii Fryer James, machinist, \Vereh;iin Gote Jcilin, leather cutter, Stoke Ferry Hoiicliin John, conveyancer, Wereham HnJson John, confectioner, Wereham Podmore Win. malting agent, Whitliugton Piatt Henry, watch maker, Stoke Ferry Reeson Roliert, tea dealer, Shoulilliam Springtielil William Spatrow,liiae bnrner and builder. Stoke Ferry Turner Philip, basket maker, Northwold Watson George, hair dresser, Sluke Ferry PLACES OF WORSHIPj AND THEIR HilMSTERS. Al.i. Saints' Church. StokeFerry— Rev. George Jlenry M'Gill, ,'nc«m6f)i<. All Saints' CHDKCH.Shouldham — Rev. Artluir Browne Spiy, incumbent. Am, Saints' CHuncH, Houghton— Rev Charles Drosier, incumbent. noi.vTuiNiTY CHUiccil,Marliam — Rev. Arliuir Browne, vicar. Saint ANURhW's Cnuncn, Northwold— Rev. Charles Manners Norinnn, rector. Saint Andrew's Cnciicu, West Oere- liam — Rev. Edward 'John Bowman, rector ; Rev. Clias. Wm. Sidney, ctirntr. SaintJoiinthkEvanqilist'sChukch, Oxl)oroiigli— Rev.Richd. Lucas, rr, tor. Saint Margaret's Church, Woreham Rev. James Royle, incumbent; Rev. Patrick Rojle, curate. Saint MAieiiN's Chuuch, Fincliam-- Rev William Blylh, iwlor. Saint iMar v's Chuuch, Wrctton— Rev. Juines Royle, incumbnit. Wksleyan Methodist Chai-els, at. Sloke Ferry; Fincliam; Wereham, and Shouldham. Hon Primitive .^Iethodist CHAPELs.Wiel- CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON THE EAST ANGLIAN LINE. The nearest Slalion is at Down ham Market, seven miles from Sloke Ferry The only Convey.mce is by Benjamin Salmon's Van to the Station, three times a week. CARRIERS- To BRANDON, W. S. Foster, from the King's Arms, Monday & Tliursday. To BURY SAINT EDMUNDS, \Y. S. Foster, from the Kin'gs Arm, ftlondav and Tliursday To DOWNH.AM IMARKKT, Benjamin Salmon, from ihc King's Arms,Monday, Wednesday and Friday. To LYNN, Stephen Steward, from the King's Aims, Mnnday and Thursday ; Benjamin Salmon, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and W. S. Foster, Wed- nesday and Saturday. ToTHETFORD.Slephcn Stpward,fiom the King's Arms, Tuesday & Tliuisday To WATTON. Joseph Payne, from this Clown, on Monday SWAFFHAJM WITH THE VH.LAGES OF SPORLE, CASTLE-ACRE, NEWTON AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. ^^ t^WAFFHAM is a parish, in .South Greenhoe liun- < Norfolk ; and it is incli^ded in the tbiny-fecoiiil circuit (Ircd — the market tovMi is 1)6" miles n.n.e from fyin- (if towns under the County Couit Act, parsed in 184fi- dou, 28 w. by N fidin Noiwicb, and the same di>tlern [ inagnificent and venerable pile. It wa< commenced Counties lines. Its locality is healthful and pleastmt about the end of the reii^ii of Edward IV. but not — its site that of a gravelly soil, and a fine o|)en conn try spreads around. Tiie air is remai kably dry and elastic, strongly recommended by medical men, and this place has bi-en by some styled ' the Moiintpelier of luiglanil.' On the noith-vvest side of the town is a spacious heath, some thousand acres in extent, and famous for hor.se-racing and coursing matches, and is geneially esteemed, by gentlemen of the turf, equal it not siiiierior (ait. r Newmaiket) toaiiyrice ground in England. The streets of the town ate spacious, gas- lighted, and the houses ate generally well built, the use ofUint prevailing in their constrtictioii. The inar- Uet cross, which was erected by the Earl of Orfoid in i78,'5, has a light and elegant appearance : it consist^ of a round dome, covered with lead, supported by eight pillais, surmounted by a figine of Ceres, the entire enclosed with iron railings. An ;i>scmbly-ioom was erected in 1817, on the west side of the iVjarket- liill, in which assemblies are held during the winter months : and a respectable book club, and reading room are well supported by suhscribeis. 'i'heie are no manufactures heionging to the town: malting and The trade in corn is of some consideiation, atid iheie are several flotir mills, one of which is woiked by steam power. General sessions are held here rjuar- terly by adjournment from Norwich ; the county magis- trates assemble in jietty sessions every alternate Satur- day ; and manoiial courts leet and baton are held annually, in April or ftlay. Swaffhain is a pidling iinislicd till tiiat of Henry VII. or, accordiu-; to Biiitoii and Gough, it was built in the year 1474. Like cathe- drals, it is cruciform, iiiul consists of a nave and north and south aisles. It has a square embattled tower, surmotinted by a h;indsome spire, wdiirh, fidin its eleva- tion, is easily seen for many miles lonnd : ii. the tower are eight miisiciil bells. The roof of the church is of oak, luatly carvtd, and supiiorted by ainfcls with ex- panded wings. Throughout the building arenuinemus moiiuinenis, gravestones and insciiptions woithy the ni.tice of the curious. The north ai^le is said to have been built by John Chapman, a tr:idcsman of the town, and who was churchwaiden in 14(J2: according to the custom of those days of expressine names by rebusses (whiih custom decended to us Irom the Greeks and Ronlan^), his name, as ii benefactor to the church, was exhibited in diffeient parts of the building, by a tiguri; witli a pack on his back— thus repicsenting a peuhn- or cJidprnaii; some of tbese figuics are >till to be seen. The Tuing of Swaffham is a vicaiape with the rectory of Thrix.son annexed, in the patronage of the Bishop of Norwich. There are idaces of worship for Baptists and Weslevati Methodists; the chapel ot the former is a neat edilice, and the congrcgalion most respect.ible. There are some public school-s they are respectlAcly conducted upon the national and Biiti.-Ii plans, for infants, and a giammar sclmol ; Ihc latter founded bv the late Nicholas Hammond, Esq., for tlie education 'of twenty bovs. The market granted by station at tl-e e'iectioti of ineinbeis to icjiieseiit west 1 King Johu, is Jicld on Saturday, and celebrated for its 13 i^7 Korfolfe. SWAFFHAM, &c. ^Iat£i'j5 hutter. Fairs, May 12tli, July 21st. and November 3rd. The paiisliof Swaffiiam coiit.iined, in 1831, 3,28a ii.- habitants, and in 1841,3,358. , , . c, «• Spohle is a parish in the same hundred as SwafT- ham— tiie village is 2^ miles n.e. hyE. from that town ; situated on the road to East Dereham, and the hne of tli3 Ea>t Anyliaii ilailway. A priory of black monks, subject to to I hi- Abbey of Sanmen in Anjou, was founded here in ilie reign of Henry 11., and was granted by Henry VI., lownnls the endowmentof Eton cnlleyf. The parish church of Saint INlaiy is an ancinit and somewhat spacious building of flint, with a western tower, embattled. In the chancel are many old grave- stones, fr.mi which their brasses liave been stiipped, and on the north side is a small chapel s.p uated from aisle bv screen-work. 'I'he living of Sporle is a vic- araee in the gift of the Provost and K'Uows of Eton CoUege. The population of the parish, in 1831, was 746; in 1841, 773. . a er CASTLE-AcKEis a parish in the hundred ofl-ree- bridge Lynn— tlie village, populous and rather exten- sive is 4 miles N. from Swaffliam ; pleasantly situated on a rising ground, at the foot of which runs the iiver Nar, formerly navigiible to within two miles of this place Imt now only from Narborough to Lynn. In this villa^'e arc the ruins of a priory ol Cluniac monks, founded by William De Warren : the west front is by far the mo>t consiiicuous, interesting, and picturesque part ; it is a very noble Norman figide — and, thiiUL;h not entire, there i.s enough to convey an idea ot what it was wiien perfect; there are many other parts of the huildina, though much dilapiaied, still .standing, and bv their extent a tolei ably just tonceptiou may he formed of the wealth and magnificence of their former possesiirs : the structure was coinnT-nced about the vear 1078, and dissolved in l!i53. A little towards the ea.>t of the priorv, on a rising ground, stood the castle, the seat of the Eails of Warren. The pan>li churcii of Saint Jame-s is a large regular building, with a nave, north and south aisles, and chancel; at the west and is a lofty square tower, with five bells: the livinjj is in the gift of the Earl of Leicester; the R-v. John Hague Hlooni, b.a., i.s the present vicar— this gentle- man has published a faithful and interesting history of the parish of Castle Acre. Fairs, for toys and pedU'ry, are held on Saint James day and Aui>ust .5th. 'l"he parish contained, in 1831, 1,.333, inhabiiaiits, and in 1841, 1,495. Newton by Castle Acre is a small parish, lung about 4 miles N. by E. from Swaffliam. The church is an ancient huilding with a low s(|uare toiler ; ii is dedi- cated to All Saints', and the livinu is a discharged vic- arage in the gift of the liisliop of Ely. TI.e popalaiiun of the parish does not exceed one liundred. Ueil UY n UJinm i-'i- ......v.... 'J . POST OFFICE, iMarket-sfreet.SwAFFHAM, William Parson, Post J\Jaster.— Letup from London, Lynn, Yarmouth and the North arrive (by mail cait from Brandon) every morning at four, and are des- natched thereto at twenty minutes past eight in the evening. j i .i i Letttrs from LiTctiAM and neighbourhood arrive (by foot post) every evening at seven, and are despatched ''^ "^ post'offIce'^'Castle Acre, John Harvey, Post Master.-U-ttevH from all parts arrive (from Swaff- HAMreverv evening at a quarter before eight, and are despatched theieto at a quaiter before six in the evening GENTRY AND CLERGY Abbott Stephen, Esq., Castle-Acre Balders Mi-s Susannah, Market pi Bloom Rev. JohnHague,B. a. Castle- Acre Bone Mr. Barnard, Lynn st Buck worth TheophilusRusselljEsq. Clev Hall Clarke Mrs. Sirah, Lynn st Olaxtou Mr. John, London st Cooper Mrs. Matilda, Market ])lace Dalton Rev. Win. b.a. Castle-Acre st Delf Mr. Samuel, BricUle House Diiinis Rev. William Benjamin, London st [Villa Dowell -Mrs. Charlotte Theresa, the Ougmore J(din, E.sq , London st Oakes Liiut. Colonel Richard M., Dunham Lodae Palmer Mr. Charles, Coral House Palmer Mr. Waiter, Sonth-Acre Pearson William, Esq , Sporle Peck Mr. James, Ash close Philo Mrs. Alice, Liuii'on st Sand Mr. Wi liam, Lynn st Savage M'S. M., London st Say Rev. Heiirv, Noiwicli road Sherringham Mr. Etlw., We-t-Acre Sewell & House (& clerks to the magistrates), Mangate st Taylor Biooke (:ind clgrk to the County court), Chuicb yard AUCTIONEERS &APPRAISERS Clark Joseph, Maikei place Kiddle Giorge, Castle-Acre st Trundle James, M.irket place BAKERS Ac FLOUR DEALERS. iiayfield George, London st liittoii Williaii), Castle-Acre Stratton Miss Elizabeth, London st i |^,.owii Charles, London st Strctton Mr. Jcdin, London st Trundle Mrs.Mariha,Casile-Acrest Ward .Mr. John, Castle-Acre Wells Mrs. Susan, London st Williams Mr. James, Castle Acre st Dn.r,noreRev.Henry'BeachemWells Yarrington Mrs. & Miss Market pi Durchmau Mr.Durranf, Dereham rd Yonge the Misses, the Villa Evans Rev. J. P., Mangate st EverardRcv. Salisbury, M AVicarage Falkner Capt.Josepb, WhiteHart la Farrar Mr. William, Market place Farrer Edmund, Esq , Spoi le Foiby Mrs. Raven, Castle Acie Fortin Mr. William, Ca-tle-Acre st Fountain Rev. John, im.a., Soutli- Acie Gage Rev. George, Market pl^ce Hamond Antbony,Esq.,HighHouse, West- Acre Hamond Miss Sarah, Norwich road Hanbury Rev. George, M. A., Castle- Acre st Harvey Mrs. Mary, Cnstle-Acre Hudson John, Eoii Ri V.John L., m.a., Bench cottage Jones Rev. Tiioma?, b.a , Sporle Kirball Mrs.Caroline, Market place K=rble Mrs. Martha, Market place Main Mr. John, London st [yaid academies and schools. British and Foreign School, London st— Mary Ewin/,mistress Co wlesReuhen Frederick, London st Free Grammar SciioiiL, Camping giound — Henry Manning, niastei Infants' School, Churchyard — Susan Barrett, mistress Nati on ALScHooi.,Camping ground — William Well-, niasier ; Susan Wells, mistris* National School, Castle-.Acre — Thomas Bradfuld, master; Susan Bradlield, misties.s [Alangate -t Page Mary Ann (hoardiun «i day). Smith Elizabeth, Market place Smith Genrgiana, London st Stutterd Rev. Jabez, Castle-Acre AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MAKERS. Ehin Benjamin, (lastle-.Acre Jackson & Cornish, London ft Plowriglit Henry, Marki t jilace ATTORNEYS I\larcon.MissHariieiLouisa,Church( ^la^ron Ccn. jlemnald, t hurcbyard Mai tin Mrs. Harriet, Lynn st Matthews Mr. Thom^is, Newton Mayhew Mrs. Mary, Castle-Acre Montague Rev. George, London st Morse Mr. James, Market place Nelson Rev. John, b.a. Lt. Dunliam 98 Pillans U illiani P.iit (and perpt'tual commissioner for taking ulbdavits of married women, and clerk to the magistrates of the Wayland hundred, and steward of the manor ofSwaffnamJ Market jilace Burton William, Castte-.-Xcre Clements Thomas, Market place Hart Joseph, Castle-Acre st Hendry Corne!ius, Castle-Acie Hewitt Charles, Lynn st Hook John, Castle-.Acre st Howard Henry Philip, Lynn st Olford Richard, Casle-Acre Ponder Nathaniel, Lmiii st Rau'u Henry, Castle-Actc Roper Richard, Casth-Acie Smith (leoige J., f^ondoii st Smith Riibert, Market place Specie N'lali, Ash close. Ta\lor Robert, Castle-Acre Walden Peter, Shambles White Tiiomas, Marki t place Voui g Henry, Castle-Acre BANKERS. East of England Joint Stock BanivING Company, Swaffliam, (draw on London and Wesimin- ster Bank)— Henry Framliugham D iv, manauer Gurii'eys' (i Co. (bianch). Market |)lace (draw ini Barclay & Co., London), — Robeit S. Ripper manager Savings' Bank, Market place (open every Saturday), William Wells, secretary BLACKSMITHS 6c FARRIERS, Carman Nathaniel, Lynn st (;hilds Christopher, London st Clarke Benjamin, Meyhoe's yard Cook John, Lynn st Galloway Johii, Castle-Acre IBfrcctorn^ SWAFFHAM, &c. Korfolfe. Josh Isaac, Margate st Miller William, Sporie Osboru Samuel, Sporie Payue George, Spmle Rayner Thomas Castle-Acre st BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, BINDERS AND PRINTERS. Floyil Jane & Harriet, Castle-Acre Gowing John Sewell (and music and musical instrument seller, news agent, Svvaffham book club and public reading rooms), Market pi Philo John (and news agent and registry office for servants), Mar- ket place BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Bird Thomas, Lvnn st Clark William, Church alley Cory SandcU, London st Couzeus U'lHiam & James, Spoile Ellis Noiton, London st Ellis S imuel. Market place Goate John, Castle-Acre Goodrick George, London st Hipper William, Market place Home Enoch, London st Howard Thomas, Castle-Arre Marsh Edward, Market place Fetch Pooley, London st Pliilby John, Camping land Philo James, Churchyard Philo James, London st Porter James, London st Ruild William, London st Utting John, Market place Wiskherd Henry, Castle-Acre Wiskherd John, Casilc-Acre BREWERS. Howarth William, Market place Morse Arthur, White Hart lane BRICKLAYERS. Barker Willis, Lynn st Hayhoe John (and stone mason), Lynn st Hayhoe John James (and slater and stonemason), London st [Acre High James (& lime burner), Castle- Sadler William, London st Wiskherd VVilliam, Castle-Acre BUTCHERS. Bayfeild Benjamin, London st Gosling John, Castle-Acre Hall Saul, Castle-Acre st Nelson William, Nortli pool Randall Thomas, Market place ScaseJohn, Lynn st Smith Richard, Market place Vout Elizabeth, Ash close Wales John, (;astle-Acre Winkfield George, Castle-Acre CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Harper Henry, London st Kiddle George, Castle-Acre st Overtoil Richard, Mangate st CHEMISTS AMD DRUGGISTS. Finch Jacob & Henry (& agents for Lawe's patent manure), Market pi Rust James, Market place COACH & GIG MAKERS. Elven Jatnes & Son (and herald painters). White Hait lane Jackson & Cornish, London st COAL MERCHANTS. Grant William, Market place Jeffery Cbailes& Co., London st SpaiTOW William, Lynn st CONFECTIONERS . Maunton Walter, Market place Smith Robert, Market place White Thomas, Maiket place CORN MERCHANTS. AlpheJatnes(& seed), Castle-Acre St Dewing Augustus, Castle-Acre st Grant VVilliam, Maiket place Jeffery Charles & Co. (and seed), London st COOPERS «c BASKET MAKERS Brown William Castle, London st Cann Robeit, Castle-Acre Codling Wilham, Castle-Acre Gooden James (basket), Lynn st Green Robert (basket), London st CURRIERS AND LEATHER CUTTERS. Greeves Thomas, London st Tooley James, Castle-Acre st CUTLERS. Ellis Thomas, Castle-Acre st Johnson John, Mangate st FIRE, &c., OFFICE AGENTS. Alliance, Hobt.Skipper.MHrket pi Atlas, W. P. Pillans, Market place Clerical and Medical, William Howarth, Market place Etonian & General, John Sewell Gowiiig, Market place Farmers' (cattle), Joseph Clark, Market place [Market pi GENERAL(bailstorin),RobtSkipper, Hail-storm, J. & H. Y. Finch, Market place Norwich Equitable, William Howarth. Market place Norwich Union, Robert Skipper, Maiket place, and Robert Sewell, Maneate st [Market pi Royal Exchange, William Lack, Suffolk Amicable, John Philo, Market place Sun, Brooke Taylor, Market place GARDENERS. Hewitt Charles, London st Johnson WilTum, Castle-Acre st Keinble Jidin, Norwich road Vince Allen, London st Vince John, London st GROCERS AND DRAPERS. (See also Shopkeepers, 8fc.J Baker Edward (& dealer in British wines). Market place Betts George, Market place Comer Isaac, jun. Castle-Acre Harvey John, Castle- Acre Lindsey Thomas, Market place Maddison George, Castle-Acre st Moore Henry, iMaiket phce Sword William, Mangate st GUN MAKERS AND WHITE- SMITHS. Elvin Benjamin, Castle-Acre Parson William, Market place Sutton Abigail, Market place HABERDASHERS &c. Da\idson Hannah, London st Ingram Esther, Castle- Acre st Pope Williiim (& shoe warehouse), Mai ket place Rivett Charles, London st INNS—COMMERCIAL. fSee also Taverns «S)' PuhlicHnuses.) Crown (and posting) William Page, Market st [gate st George (posting), Wm. B()yce,Man- White Hart, Robt.Nokes, London st IRONMONGERS. Martin David William, Market place Plowriglit Henry (and founder), Maiket place JOINERS AND BUILDERS. Comer Isaac, Casile-Acre Cooper Charles, White Hart lane Gainsbury Daniel, Castle-Acre st Goggs Matbias, Ash close Kier Skipper Robert, sub-distributer of stamp Market place Stamp Grri!!-, Market place— Robert Skipper, Mib-di^tributer SwAFPHAni I' rnr.iANPNT Library, Mar. ket plaic- Hi'juit Skipper, treasurer j W. C. SouiliMell, secretary PLACES OF WORSHIP, and tiiejr .ministkus. Saint Pkter's & St. Paul's Church, SwafTham— Rev.SalisburjETerard,M.A vicar ; Rev. .lohn PeterEvansB. A. curate Saint Mary's Church, Sporle— Rev. Thom;is Jones, b a. vicar. Saint Jamks' Church, Castlc-Acre— Rev. John Hague Bloom, b.a. vicar. All Saints' Chciich, Newton— Rev. Jiihn Hague Bloom, B.h. incumbent Baptist Chai'els, Lynn street and Cas- tle. Acre Wkslf.yan RIkthodist Chapels, Lon- don street, and Castle-Acre PRiMiTivii Methodists CHAPELSjLynn street, and Castle-Acre POOR LAW UNION. WoRKMousr, Ijondon road. Gnvernor — Ruebeii Harwood. /)7o(ro»i — Mary Harwood. Schnolmastcr — Thomas Floyd. Schoolinistress— Ann Winter. S urn con — Georgv Whitby, Castle-.Acre st, Clerk to the Board of Guardians — Robert Sewell. Relieviny O/JVcers— William Packer and Peter Puttack. REGISTRARS, OF lilRTtlS, DEATHS & MARRIAGES. Supenntendent Begistrar—llohexX Sewell, Alangate street. Registrars nfUiilhsi^ Deaths — WmVacker, London road; Georgo U hithy, Castle- Acre street, and .lames Pliilo (and ot marriages), Chnrchyard. COUNTY COURT, HELD MONTHLY IN THE SHIRE HALL Judije — John Dick Burnaby, Esq. Clerk — Brook Tnjlor. High liailiJf—Jamts Valentine Wright. CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON THE EAST ANGLIAN LINE. Station, Castle-Acre road — James Jarvis, station master CARRIER. To LYNN, Robert Coe, from his house, Lynn street, Tuesday, Thursday antl S.ilurday THETFORD, WIIH THE VILLAGE OF CROXTON AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. J. HETFORD is a market town, and borongh both i the Heptarchy. At one jieriod the place nnnibired corporate and parliaiiK'ntary, poss(ssiiiiti!l called the ' King's house.' In 184i), the Norfidk and .SiifTolk Archrcological Socieiies, held a meeting here, to inspect these lelics, when some interesiing the counties of Norfolk and SiilTulk, and is navigable to i inins known ■.{■^ .Saint iMary's Piiory were cleared of Lynn ; it abounds with pike, eels, {kc. and is crossed | their lulihisli, and the flooring and fonnriation of this by a liaudsome iron bridge, erocted in 1S2!). 'I'he j once noble pile, was fiumd to he in a traceable con- town fortnerly occupied the Siididk side of the river, | iliiion, and nearly peifect. At the same time, many of wliicb part at present ha.s but few houses; on the I the surrounding gentry, w!io felt an interest in this Norfidk side are five principal streets, in which are j woi k sent in what coins and relics they had collected, many well-lmilt houses, also a town hall, lio; oiigli I and a lecture was given by one of the sircit ty. The gaol, &c. Few towns in England have higher claims j nnmerons ruiii.s and relics of monastic grandeur spread to aiiticpiiiy than Thetford : it was in tiie possession ofi over this neighbourhood, together witli tlie castle hill, the Roniaiis till the year 4,')."), and in the lime of the | and the formidable outworks, enib inkmenl.s and Saxons was the metropolis of the eaitern portion of: ditches surrounding, said to have been thrown up 100 Urcftoi|), THETFORD, &c. Koifolfe. against the town by the Danes, fuiiii^;!! subjects re- plete witli interest to tlie antiquary. Tlie principal niaiuifetli ; lier ciiarter continued in force until the |)ai-sing of the new iMiiiiicipal Act in 1S,'^5, which vested ihc govern- ment in a uiayoi-, four aldtruieii and twelve councillors, _ -.1 _ ^ 1 . 1 .i.„ 1 .,..:....,<. .HC. ill Theifiird comprises the pmishes of Saint Pcrer, land inoi-lu-.s contained, in 1831,3,462 inhaliitant". Saint Cnthbert, and Saint iMavy ihe Less, the benefices and in 1841, 3,934. of all which aie in the patronage of the Duke of Nor- j Croxton is a parish in the hundred of Grimshoe— folk. Saint Petei's, commonly designated ' the blacU ; the vill .t'e, a small one, is 2 miles N. from Thetford. church,' fioiu its being built of flint, is tie principal, j The church is dedicated to All Saints : the living is a anil consists of a chancel (in which is a beau'iful win- i discharged vicarage, in the gift of the Muster and Fel- dow of stained gl ^ss), a naie and two aisles with a ' lows of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge ; tiie itev. tower: the liviiig is a rectory, in the incumbency of ■ Heniy S. M. Hubeit is the present incumbent. Popu- tbe Uev. Tlioinas Sworde, who is also cuiate of Saint I lation of the parish in 1841, 330. POST OFFICE, Mai ket place, TuETroRD, Jacob Howard, Poit iMasler.— LHteis from London' and various plices South and West, &c. arrive every nioining at a quarter past one, and afternoon at half- jiast three, and are despatched at nine in the morning, and night at a quarter past eleven, Letteisfrom Norwich, Yarmouth, &c. arrive eiery morning at nine, and night at eleven, and are despatclied at a quarter past one in the morning and half-|>asf. three in the afteriujon. Letters from Kast Dereham, East Harling, &c. arrive every evening at half-past eight, and are desp.itched at three in the morning. NOBILITY, GENTRY, AND CLERGY. Abbott Mrs. Sarah, Wicthain Bating the Rt.Honbl. Francis, m.p., lUickiushani House [dalene st Baiker Miss Elizabeth, Little Mag- Best Mr. H(nry, Back si BidwellThomas,Esq.PaddocUHouse Birch Rev. Frederick Lane, Wret- ham Kectorv D'am torest Birch Cieorge Wyrh'y, Esq., Wret- Birrh ThoinasJacob,Esq.(recorder), Wretliam Hall Birch Wyrlev, Esq., Wretham Hall Hubert Rev. Henry Samuel Mas- giave, Cid.\ton Vicarage Hustler Rev. Jas. Devereux, Euston Isaacson Rev. James,Flden Uect.ory Kemp Mrs. Susan, Bury load IMann Mrs. Mary, St. Mary's Mar'ham MssSophia V., New place Neale Mi. Thomas, London road Netbold Rev. Thomas, King st Nrvvton Wil iam, Esq , Elden Hall Norman Mrs. Srh.Ltl. Magdalene st Oldnian Mrs. Elizabeth, Painter st PalnierMrs.Marv Ann, London road Palmer i^lrs. Sarah, White Hart st Brett Mrs.Elizbth.,Ltl.Magdalene st Paln>erMrs.Susnli.,Lit.Mag.lalrne st Brldgeu.an Edward, tsq., Coney W2Ston „ , ,, Buxton Ladv Elizabeth, Shadweil Buxton Sir Robert, Shadweil Park Catton Mr.WiUiam, GuildliaU st Chambers Mrs. Ann, Magdalene st Cole Mr. John, Kavmond st ColUtt lU'v. William, Bury road Davev William, Enj., Bury lane Euston Lord Heniy, m.p., Luston House Faux Mrs. Ann, Bury road Faux Mrs. Susan, Well st Fitzroy Rev. Augustus, Rectory, Fakcnhain Flock .Mr. N.ithan, Magdalene st Gilford Mrs. Sarali, Bury road Gill Mrs. Elizabetli, Manor House, Uavmondst [Euston Grafton his Grace the Duke oi, Green Mr. George, King st Hancock Mrs. Mary, White Hart st Panter Rev. Frederick, Rushford Lodge [Hockhain Hall Paitiidge Henry Samuel, Esq., Pavne Mr. Jidin, Paper Mill road Pollard Mrs. Httty, London road Pollard Mr. Jiditi, LtL.Magdalene st Porter Mr. Robert, St. Mary's Powlett the Honhle. Lord William, Downhawi Hall Pugh Hev. Theopbilus, Bury road Rushbiook Mr. William, Bury road Sherringbioii Mrs. Joanna, Little ftlagdalene st [ham Spurgin Rev. James, Rectory, Rock- Steggii'l Mrs. Ann, King st Sutton Rev. Chailes, Toffs Hall SuttonSirRichd, Bart.jLynt'ord Hall Svviutun Capt. William, E.i c, Little Magdalene street Sworde Rev. Thomas, White Hart st ■iheodorick Mrs. Alice, Little Mag- dalene street 'I'liomasUev. Henty, b.a., Bridge *' Thorn hill Thomas, Esq., Riddle- worth Hall Tomlin Robert S., Esq., Snare hill, Nurforii ; Wesfgate Hox^e, Peter- borough; Royal terrace London, and Danecouit, Tlianet Vantier IMrs. SusauuH, King's House Willis Mr.Thos., Little Magdalene st Wiight John, Esq., Kilvcrstone Young Andiew, Esq., Kingst ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. British School, Old Meeting lane Aaron Duffy, master Buck Mary (& boarding), Back st Cheneiy Edward, King st Cr. ss Mary, Guild ball st Free Grammar School, Lomhin mad— Chas. W. Hardy, m. A., head master; John Gates, second mstr Free School, Croxton — Margaret Carter, mistress Gates John:& boarding), London rd Infants' School, Croxton — Fanny Syer, misiiess Infants' School, Earles lane- Emma Carr, niistiiss Jackson Hannah(iiifant), Water lane National School, Croxton road — John Jenny Cobb, master; Mary Sabine, mistress WebsterFrances,Ltiile Magdalene st ATTORNEYS. Claike William (and cleik to the magistrates), London road Clarke Wm. & Son, London road 101 Norfolfe. THETFORD, &c. ^Iatcv*i5 ATTORNEYS — Con I Hill Marv, Guildliallst Cronshey James(and guano dealer), ] j,,j^j. j^,-,„_ ,5,^^^ ^j Bridge street | Kingdon Georye, Old Market st Mye Charles, King st p.,y„g j^,],,, (gjocer), Bury road CHINA, GLASS & EARTHEN- ' pjigijm Robert (diaper). King St BRICKLAYERS. t I Bojce William. Old Market st | Huggins Robert, Painter st Norman William, Back st Palmer James, Bury road Palmer John, Great Magdalene st BRUSH MAKERS. Harvey William, Guildhall st Page Isaiah, Great .Magdalene st BUILDERS. (See also Joiners 8f Bu'Mers.) Boyce William, Old Market st Thompson Geo.,Litlle Magdalene st Tyrrell George, White Hart st BUTCHERS. Boyce Rhoda (poik), Well st Fuller George, Market place Levitt George, Bury load Webb Richard (poik),Wtiite Hart st Wright Richard, White Hart st Wright William, White Hart st CABINET MAKERS. Atkins William, Guildhall st Battel Jolin(& turn.r), Guildhalls! Buckle Henry, White Harl st 0;dman John, King st Smith Thomas, Earles lane CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. BRAZIERS. See Ironmongers &{■ Braziers. BREWERS. Bidwell Leonard Shelford, Old Market st [Brewery Branford John William, AUnoii Tyrrell John Walter, Gnat Mag- dalene st [s Wilkes William Watts, Raymond WARE DEALERS. 1 Catton Mary & Ann, Kingst Reynolds John & Robt., Earles lane CLOG & PATTEN MAKERS. Harvey William, Guildhall st Page Isaiah, Great Magdalene st COACH 6t GIG MAKERS. Huggins George, Bury road Palmer Alfred, J^ondon road CONFECTIONERS. Bond Mary Ann, Market place Craske Robert, Great Magdalene st Oldman Sieplien, King st Pratt Sarah, Bridge st Stringer John, Magdalene st Tyler Mary, White Hart st COOPERS. Clarke James, White Hart st Hawksley William, Guildhall st Thompson Geo., Little Magdalene st CORN & COAL MERCHANTS. Bidwell Leonard Slielford,Old Mar- ket street Braiiford John W., Gaol lane Clarke William, King st Fison James & Son, Bridge st GillJohnWithers,ThetfordCorii Mill CURRIERS AND LEATHER SELLERS. Frost Edward (and tanner and fell- monger), Chape! st & White Hartst Howard Jacob, Market place FARMERS. Abbott Edward, Thorpe hall Allison Philip, Water lane Bartlet Henry Albert, Cannon's farm Cook Charles, Rusliford Featherstoiie Thomas, Abbey farm Gayfoid Heni'-, Cro.\ton Gayford Henry C, Croxton Gayford .lohn, CrittIeMaedalene st Tyler Charles D.. Market place Tyrrell George, White Hart st JBiicftoij). THETFORD, &e. Noifulfe. MACHINE MAKERS. See Iron and Biass Founders, ^-c. MALTSTERS. lVidwc']lSlielloid C'aikf, Old iMar- ket street Braiifoid Joliii William, G.iol laiic Ciaike WiUiaii!. Kina st Fisoii James & Son, Biidee st TynellHeiiiy Rol>erts,VVIiiteHait st Wicks William Watts, U.iymoiid st MILLERS. Bilhani James, Croxion road Gill.liKi.Witiitrs.TlietfordConi mills Green Henry, Noivvicli road Oidinan Stepiien, Muudfoid road Ovingtou Heury, Stonebridge, Wntliam Parry Harvey, London road MILLINERS& DRESS MAKERS Brock JNlary & Ann, Ivtrles lane Garner S.irali, Little Magdalene st HawksCaroline,Litt'e Magdalene st HenleyElizbtli., Little Magdalene st Jentier Elizabeth, Bridi^e st Newall Ellen, Rack st Nunu Sophia, Mandah ne st Parlett Sarah Ann, Guildhall st Fetch Clara, Bury road Starne Emma, Guiklhall st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. BoyreThomas, Little Magdalene st Browne Peter, White Hartst Cooper John (painfer), Earles lane Flt-ining William, Kini^ ^t Pietty Jolin, Gnildliall st PAPER MANUFACTURERS. ISluim Richard & Co., Tuetford Paper Mills, and at Li/nii ROPE MAKERS. Nolile William, Great Magdalene si Tunnty John, Bridge st SADDLERS. Abel Samuel, White Hartst Bainaid John, Magdalene st 'i'uniiey John, Bridge st SHOPKEEPERS &DEALERS IN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Abbott Mary.Stonehridge.Wiethain Basham Mary, Guildhall st Booth Richard, B ckst [lenest Burgess Elizabeili, Little iM^gda- Guiistone David, Bmy load STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Gainer Ann, While Hart st Hawks Caniiine, Little Magdalene st Thrower Liicv, IMagdalt ne st Tyler Harriet, White Hartst SURGEONS. Bailey Henry, W.. JMarket place Best Henry W., King st TAILORS. Mnrkeil thus * are also Drapers. Baker Noah, Bury mad Canipkin Josiab.Liitle Magdidenest Canhani Robert, White Hart st Carney William, King st •Christoplur Wi liain. King st *Esling Htnry, Guildhall .■^t Farrow Benjamin, Earlts lane *Hayvvard John, Paper Mill road Jackson Evan, Biiiy road ♦Matthews William, Bridge st •Meadows Josiali, King st Riches Richard, Little Magdalene st Smith Willium, Guildhall st Towell George, Little Magdalene st TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES Anchor, William Johnson, London road Aneel, William Gunstone, Market place Bell, George Lambert, Croxton Hell Tap, William Smiih, King st Black Horse, John W. Tyrrell, Magdalenst Chequers, Henry Cracknell, King st Dog and Partridge Hubert Cbilveig, Stone bridge [Guildhall st Dog and Partridge, Robert Spendlove, Dolphin, William Boyce, Old Market st Fleece, John Golding, Whitp Harl st Green Dragon, Wm. Bnllen, Maikel place Horseshoe, Jolin Palmer, Painter st King's Arms, William Hunt. King st King's Head, James Main, While Hart st Railway Tavern, George Chapman, Station road Red Lion, Charles D Tyler, Market place Rose & Crown, James Poolev, Back st 8pieadEagle,riios.Pentney,dldMarket st Star, William Smiih,Bury road Trowel & Hammer, J ohnC'arier,Bury road While Horse, Daniel Davy, Raymond st Retailers of Beer. Basham George, Earle's lane Benton John, Back st Booth Richard, .Station road Burgess Elizabeth, Little Magdalene st Cary John, St. Mary's row Hoviaid (Charles, Magdalene st Hurrell Charles, Station road Moore Henry, Station load Musk Thomas, Little Magdalene st Petch James, Little Magdalene st Rudland Thomas, White Hart st Spalding John. Paper Mill road West Elizabeth. Croxton Wiiig Isaac, Back st TIMBER MERCHANTS. Brown & C«lby, Biidge st HoUingsworth Richard (& carrier), Magdalene street [st I'bompson George, Little .Magdalene Tyrrell Gtorge, While Hartst VETERINARY SURGEONS Howard Joseph, King st Parry Thomas, Bury ro id Simpson John, Little Magilalene ft WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS AND SILVERSMITHS. Ecltliam Mary, Earles lane Harris Henry (& jeweller), Kingst Spendlove John Sim|)Son, Bridge st WHEELWRIGHTS. Brock Henry, Earles huie Edward.s Jerinh,LittleM igdalene st Huggin George, Buiy road King Thomas, Back st Taylor WJlliam, Cro.xton Thompson Geo., Little Maedalene st 'i'oweil Jo'^eph [&. machine maker), Back street WINE ec SPIRIT MERCHANTS Bidwell Leonard Slielford, Old Mar- ket sti ect Hranford John William, Gaol lane Gill JohiiWithers,Thcti"o:dCorn mill Neoliaid John, London road Wickes William Watts, Raymond st WOOL MERCHANTS. Clarke William, King st Fison James & Son, Bridge st Frost Edwaid, Chapel st Miscellaneous- Bond William, gun maker. Market place Borough Gaol, Old .Market si— Jolir ClenienlTyler,governor&chietconstble Clarke Robert Eagle, coroner and town clerk, London road Clarke William, superintendent registrar London road ' ' Clarke Wm. carrier, Little Magdalene st Cobb John Jerniy. surveyor, VMiite Hart st Cook John, dyer, Little Magdalene st CoHNTY Court, Market place— Francis King Eagle, Esq., judge; William Clarke, clerk Craske Edmund, pipe maker.Raymond st Crousbey James, artificial manure dealer Bridge st r^^ Ellis Gporge,nshmonger,LillleMagdalrno lison James & Son, bone manure dealers "'■''^'^'^*' [KingsV Fleming William, travelling tea dealer Gas Works, Buryroad—Jo»eph Howes' manager r^J Gill William, fishmonger. Old Mai ket Godfrey George & Isabella, boat builders Water lane Gooch William, cart owner, Back st Guildhall, Market place— Uobt. Eagle Claike, town clerk Hnrton William,prolessor of music White ^Hii'tst [Bury road Howes Joseph, manager of gas works, Inland Revenuk Office, at the Bell' Inn— Charles St Quintin, supervisor Langham Edward, gardener, Back si Reynolds John &; fiobeil, bird & animal preservers, Earle's lane Reynolds William, inland revenue olTicer Magdalene street ' SL Quintin Charles, supervisor,Bury rnad Sharp William, stone mason, GuildliaW .vt Smith Denny, registrar of births & deaths St. Magilalene street ' Sparrow Thomas, nurseryman, Bury road Stokes Joseph, cork cutter,Guildliall si Thrower James, hay dealer, Magdalene st Fjler John Clement, chief constable Old Mai ket .t [White Hartst Tyrrell Henry Roberts, brick maker, Whistler William, game dealer. King st Wilson Philip N,, toy dealer, Gieat Magdalene street POOR LAW^ UNION, Workhouse, Bury road. Govrriior — John Lucas. /17a.dav To NORWICH, by the Wni/Hv,!/, daily, anb William Clarke, trom his house] Little Maglalene street, Monday and Thursday 103 Xoifolfe. ^lat£i"0 THOHMIA.M AND URANCASTEa. since Thenari^li. uhich cxtemls to the sea sli.iie, I drcd (iiiait. rs of biilcy vvcekly. 1 lit- » ilhu-e, as wdl iicloiit^ naitly t.. VVillbim Hokul-, Ivmi- of l.vini. At las tliat of Tliomhaiii, ciijoy^ a tolnablc tia-le in corn llie held of a small cicek. wliicl) is iiavii;alilc t.) the and coal, luit the iniijoriiy of the inhalMtants of uoth seafor'liuiii ciait i.< a siaitli or wharf, with \valcll()ll^(■s, | pjri^ lies are engaged in asiiienltiral jnii suits, mid the anYves'-ei's hence' a!-eeiiipl'>yflionse for fonr poor ]> iiishioners, and also a free church of All "-^aints. is a spai'ioiis, ancient; structure, school hir the education i<{ th" poor childicn hclnng- with a tower- the Hvini; is a discharged vicarage, | ini? to Mrancaster, 'I'hornhaiii.Titclr.vt ij ai(ll5urnhaiii wi'h that of Ho'nie annexed, in the patronage of the | Derpdale, both touiided by R'd)ert Smith, in the year lii^hoii of Norwich. Tke llev. Nicholas J. Raven, is I InM. The parish church of S .int Miiiy has a squ ire the nrUeiit vicar The U'esleyttn and Primitive Me- embatlled toner, eontainini,^ fonr bells: in 183;'. the thodists ha>e each a place of wo' ship iii the palish— j chnich was repaired and new pewed, and it is mnv which contained in 1841, '!)0 inhabituits a neat edilice : the livins: is a n ctniy, in the patrnn- hRANrASTEK village, in the same luiiidied as Thorn- | age of tlie Duke of IJeanfoit ; the Rev. Otho .Sadler is hiin is •; miles e. therefrom ; situated near the bav of ^ the present rector. 'IMie i'rimitive Metiiodists have a it's name, and on a creek of tlie German ocean. Thejiilace of worship. The population of the iiarish h\ site of tl'e Roman station lirannudunum was at this 1 1811 was 91.3. POST OFFICE, TiioRNiiAM, William Edwards, Post j1/(/i?«-.— Letters from all parts arrive (from LvNNj e\eiy inoitiint; at nine, and are dispatched thereto at half-past four in the afternoon. POST OFFICE, Rranca.ster, Geoigc Btnnell, Post l\l(iiter.— \je\te\% from all parts arrive (from Lvsn; every miirniMy at nine, and are despatched thereto at four in the afternoon. GENTRY AND CLERGY. IJoltoii Lieut. Augasins r.n., ISran- rasier BidWii Mr. William, Biancastt r Riownin^ Rev. Frederic Titchwell Dodinan Mr. John, Thoniham linage Mrs. — , Thornhaiii Hoeue William Ksq., Thornham Mingay Mr. V\^iHiaiii, 'I'lMiriihani Neisuii .Mr. Mattliew, Holme Ra»en R"V. Nicho'asJ no 'riinrnham Ree.e .lo^cph N. Ksq., Biancasier Rod well Mrs. — , Biancaster Staith sti eet Sa'ller Rev.Otlm, Braucaster Sharpe Mr. .lanns, Biancaster Tallin Rev. Thomas K. Holme W'lb'ter rienjaiiiin. Royal Hotel st Beniiell George, boot, &c. maker, Br,Mita-ter Bocki-.g Thomas, Brancaster Brooks klizaheth, baker, Thornham Bioiiks R'jhcrt, miller, Thornhaai v.iiiii Lee. glover, Ttiornhaai PointerFraiicis.beer retailer,Tliorn ham Powell Charles, sinitli, Brancaster Reliant Saml. blacksiiiith,Thoi nham Reliant Thonias, grocer and draper, 'I'horiiliani L'lane Jo'i.n, miller & baker, Tiioiti Crosby John, inland revenue officer, Thornham Davis George, iiu'cher, Brancaster Diwsjohn S. grocer and drajier, BrancaMer Dodmau Martin, corn &. coal mer- chant &miltstcr, Brancaster stailh Woodrow.Miss.MaryAnii.Thornham i Eagle Thos. tinman, Thoi nham SCHOOLS. I I'.d wards Win. sin 'einaker,Thoriihani I I r»EF. School, Nnise Davis, nia-ter Mai^cer M ny, Brancaster staitli Taylor Gcoi lie, Tliornham Thoinpson H.innah, I'n ancastfr INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Bakers' Arms, William Marjiley, Brancaster Cb. i;ner. William .Mien, I liornhatn Bunting Francis, butchir.Tlioriihani | Renaiit Thomas, tailor, Tbornliam Cotton Thos. plumber, Brancaster i Rimiwood , Mai gant, straw liontnt Crane Edward, cai'im-t maker, i maker, Brancaster Staitli Tiiouiham [ham j ShiUinn Hoiatio, hlacksmiih. Bran- caste i Steed Wiirrim & John, hrickhiyers, Thoinham Taylor James, baker, Thornham T(blile .lolin, biicklavcr, Brancaster Staith Thompson & Danghter.s, milliners, Tliornham To-M'shend Robert bricklayer, Tli'irnliam '.ennett Cliaih s, Brancaster staith i Edwards William junr., plumber, Tuck Marx, shopkeeper & druggist, 'lowler Cliailotte, Branciister ! Tnorilnm j Brancaster Staith Biaiicastei, John \ Fiddimaii John, butcher, Bradraster i IVurd Jane, diaiier, Tlinrnh mi 'Yaxley Edwd. blacksmithjThoinhm Flet-'g Fredk. saddler, Tliornham Gill John, car()enter, Brancaster Gosbau k. I as.shopkeeper, Brancaster Harpley William, baker, Biancister Harrison John, blacksmith, Bran- casti r Staith Helsdon Win. butcher, Thornham llolme* Frances, cooper,Tlioriih.iiu Jollv Sailor, Jolui Wi-tler, Bian-: Hooks Robt.cabiiiei maker. Thorn. carter staith I 'li'"' [''•"" Kin"'s Head, Clia': Ru-t, Thornham Howard Jas. wheelwright, Thorn- Life Boat, Richard High,Bratica-ter Huudi Jiio inilljr\l) aver,Braiicaster Rid Cow Robeit ' Towii-hend, James Willi un, grocir and d:aper, Thornham [ea.ster I Thoniham [ham Shii) Thomas F. Chaiiman. Bran- Jan is Geo. boot, &c. iiiaUer, 1 horn- ThieV Horse Shoes, John Temple, ' Jickling VVilliam, co.il meichaiit, rpjtj.li^yi.il [staith j Biancaster Staith [caster Vipt.irv lames Wittier. Branca'-teri Large Jas. boot, «&c. maker. Bran W W SHOPKEEPERS & iTRADERS. Alien James, baker, liraiicasler Allen James, boot, & .shoe maker, Brancaster RAII.V/AY. Theneaicst Station is at I.YNV, on the E*ST Anai.i VN i.i.m:, alout -0 niile.ss. fioni Tliornliam. There is aCoach tlirce d lyi a week tu Iho Station, as above nuticeil COACHES. To LYMN, llie Endiavmtr (from Thorn. liuni), every Tuesilay,Thuisday & Satur- day inoiniia;, between seven an.i tight CARRIERS- To nURMlAM r.IAtlKliT,a/i;ai7 Cart, from Tliornham, every morniiigatnine To LYNN, a Mail Cart, every morning at liiilf-past foiirj — Spen.ilove and — Herring, from TlKirnliam, Tiies-ay and Friday; — IJowler, Monday & Thurs- day; and — I'iddiinaii, Irom Brancaster on Monday and Friday I'itcher Win.'shopkeepcr,Iirancaster j To NORU ICH,— Carston, from Thorn- I I'la'teii Henry, saddler, Tlioniliaiii 1 ham, on Monday ,'liitc Hi rsf, Jrdm Britton, Holme Large Jiio.booi,&c.maker,Brancastr hite Horse, John Telible, Bran- ' Manser Phoebe, stiaw liat maker, LuMerst.itii 1 Thoriihani Mease William, tailor, Thornham Oak Thomas, hi icklayer, Br.mca-ter 104 Mixtttot^, Xotfolfe* JLi WALSINGHAM, great and little, WIGHTON, WARHAM AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. lITTLE WALSINGHAM is a parish, in the hun- dred of North Grefiihoe — the villHge, once a market town, is 113 tnilfs N. N. e. from Loiiflon, 28 N.vv. from Norwich, and 5 n. from Kaketihan) — the last named a railway statimi on a branch line connected with the Kast Anglian Railway. Tiiis, place, sometimes cHlird New Walsinghani, is the principal of tlietwo Walsing- hams, and was of great celehrity for many centuries as the site of the shrine of the Virgin, or our Lady of Walsingham, founded in 1061 by the widow of Ricoldi Farerches. whose son added a monasterv for August ine Canons, with a conventual church. This institution became itninen«ely ricli, and at the dissolution its revenue was valued at nearly £500 — a large sum In those days. The vetierabie remains, of this once noble and extensive pile, are situated in i be pleasui e ground* ofD. H. Lee Warner, Esq.: there are also many other interesting reniaii.s in the neighbouibood. Wal.sing- hain confers thetitleof bamn on the family of De Grey. Quai ter sessions ate held beie, by adjournment from Norwich ; petty sessions at the Black Lion Inn, otice a month ; and a court under the County Court act, foi the lecovery of debts to any amount not exceeding £20 — this court, which includes eiglity of the snr- joundina parishes, is held tuonthly, in the sliire-hall, as are likewise the sessimi courts. The parish cliurch of Saint Mary 1;^ a handsome and spacioU' structure; it contain- same interestitig monu- ments, an ancient and beautiful font ; and the church is embelished by some beautiful architectural orna- ments. There aie places of worship for Independents atid Wesleyan and Pnmitiie Methodi-ts. Tne living of Walsiiieham is an advowson donative, in the gift cf the loid of the mnnor, the Rev. Daniel Henry Lee Warner. Tiie free graminar school here was founded by Rii Itard Bond, who end^iwed it with an estate in Great Snoring, but is rendered ineffective by the inju- djcions diiections of the founder, and tlie pertinacity of the feoffees in abiding by tliem ; these directions are —to teach Greek and Lw/fM to thirty children of />nor inhabitants of Little Walsingham ; no rliild has been sent to this school for upwards h of Little for New) Walsingham contained in 1831, 1,004 itihabitants, and in 1841, 1,155. The villaee of Great Walsingham is one mile noith from Little Walsingham.- it was formerly called Old Walsingham, and at one time was of considerable impoitance. having contained three chut ches: oidy one reinaitis — that of Saint Peter, an ancient edifice, in the Entlisli style of arcliitecture with a tower: the living is nnited to Little Walsingham, and is in the same pattonge. '1 he population of the parish does not exceed 500. WiGHTON it a parish, in the same hundred as the Walsinghanis — the village being situated about 2 miles N. by E. from New WHl>ini!ham, on the road to Wells. There are the remains of a Danish encampment near the village ; atid many ancient coins have been dug up, at various times, in the neit!librmrlio;ham Smith William, Little Walsingiiam MILLERS. Dewing Elizabeth (and corn dealer) Little Walsingham Gamble John, Little Walsingham Thurtill Waller, Wighton MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS Clarke Mary Ann, Lit. Wal?ingliam Sexton Harriet, Little VValsic.gham Todd Ann, Little Walsingham PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. Claxton James, Little Walsineham Codmaii William, Lit. WaLsinghnni SADDLERS & HARNESS MKRS Bannall Itayner, Little Walsingham Forster William, LittleWalsingham SURGEONS. Adfock Jol)ii, Little Walsingham Hudson Feter, Little Walsingham TAILORS. Back Henry, Little VValsingham Buddie Thomas, Little Walsinuham Robinson Thomas, Little Walsing- ham [Walsingham Stanford John (and draper). Little VETERINARY SURGEONS. Andeison Edward, Lit. Walsingham I Scott Thomas, Great Walsingham Miscellaneous The names without wtilress are in Little Walsingham. Anderson John, chemist and druggist Bidwell Henry, farmer Brett Henry, tea dealer Cornish Henry, machine maker aod iron- (ounder. Great Walsingham Curson Thomas, lieer retailer Dann Robert, toy dealer Evitts Jemima, confectioner Harrison Isaqc, hair dresser Minns Georj,e,wheelwright & lime burner Parker Robert John, watch maker Priest \\m. bricklayer.Greal Walsingham Rawston William, bricklayer Sands Robert, cooper Scott John, beer retailer Seaman William, confectioner Shire Hall — William Johnson, keeper Whisson Richard,coach maker,Warhain Woodcock John, maltster Woodcock Robert, basket maker Woodcock Sarah, atraw bonnet maker PLACES OF WORSHIP, AND THEIR MINISTERS. Saint Mart's Church, Little Walsing- ham — Rev. Jas.Lee Warner, incumbent, Saint Peter's CuuRcu.Great Walsing. ham — Rev. J oh 11 heeV/a.rnfi.incztmbent. All Saints' Church, Wighton— Rev John W. IVlethold,inct(ni6eni(. All Saints' ScSaintMary'sChurches, Warham-Rev. Robt. CoIlier,jncwm6e/it. Independent Chapel. Little Walsing- singham— Rev. James Summers. Weslevan Methodist Chapel, Little Walsingham. Primitive Methodist Chapel, Little Walsingham. house of correction, Little Walsingham. Gowrnor— Money Curtis. matron — Margaret Curtis. Chaplain— Rev. Robert It. Croft. Surgeon — H\is.h Rump. Schoolmaster— Thomiis Johnson. Tasfcnias/er— John Horsford. COACH. ToFAKKNHAM, a Coach, from Well*, calls at the Black Lion, every morning (Sunday excepted), at half past nine To WELl.S, a Coach (from Fakenham), callF at the above Inn, at half-past six in the evening CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. The nearest Station is at Fakenham five miles s, from Little VValsingham There is a Coach to the Statio.n daily, as above-mentioned. CARRIERS. To FA KEN HAM, William Raven, Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday To NORWICH, Joseph Coe, Monday and Thursday; James Stcarmin, Tuesday, and Richard Belsham, Thursday To WELLS, William Raven, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and James Stearman and Richard Belsham, on Thursday WATTON, WITH THE PARISHES AND VILLAGES OF SAHAM-TONEY, OVINGTGN, GRISTON, MERTON, CARBROOKE, CASTON, THOMPSON, CRESSINGHAM (Great and Little), AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. w. A'lTONis a parisli in the hundred of Waylaml — theniaiket town, a small one and well-built, is 91 milis N N.E from London, 21 w. hy s. from Noiwich, 12 N. from 'I'hetford, and 10 s. fioin East Dereham — the two last-named places are railway stations re- spectively on the Eastern Counties and the East Auylian line*. The town, wiiich is situated in an open part of the cuintry, is one of some considerable thoronglifaie, and hitore the opening of railway lines after Senteinber the 4th — these two latter fairs are chiefly for far aiing stock. The parish contained, in 18;n, 1,027 inhabitants, and in 1841, 1,188. Saham-Tonev is an irrcKular but remarkably pleasant village, nearly 1 J miles n.w. from A'atton; situated on the road to Swaflfliam, in the midst of chaiming scenery, interspeised with hill and da'e, woods and plantations. The parish chuirh of Saint George is a building of flint faced willi stone, with a wai« of more imp(Mtaiice in this re-pect, and the in- ; well-pioportioned to\ver,containinp a clock and bell habitants derived, and still derives advantage from the interior has been rennvated and tlioioughly re- ned the ible nients are equally conducive to the comfort of (nn)ilies ' alterat'ons has been defrayed by the munificence of and coiumercial gentltmen — they are also posiiim- j the i)resent rector, the Rev. William Parker — who is houses. The town sustaiiud great damage in 1()73, ^ al-o patron of the living. from an extensive fire, that destroyed property to a very I lUt^ population of S diam-Toney and the fallowing large amount. Wayland Wood, near the town, which j pari-hes, are given aficr the notice of Cressingiiam habitants derived, and siui derives advantage ironi me interior nai oeen rennvaien ann iiioiougniy i thi^ (ircunistance. There are three principal Inns, the paired, the ceiling renewed, and a beautiful stain ♦ Bull,' the ' Crown,' and the ' George ; these arc glass window inserted in the chancel representing i excellent e>tablishments, and their internal arrange- }' Last Supper.* The entire expense of these valual gives name to the hundred, is the i)lace where the sheriffs' court was anciently held; and is supposed to be the scene of the tragical tale, or legend of the •Babes in the Wood.' The parish church of Saint Maty is a small struc- ture, said to have been (figinally built in the leign of Henry I.; the tower, which contains three large liells, is of a singular construction, being circular :it the bottom, but octangular above: the living is a vicarage. There is an excellent national school liere. The mar- ket, a good one for corn, is lield on Wednesday. The ancient fairs are held July 10th, Ortober Uth, and November 8th ; se more recently established areonand the first Wednesday in July, and the first Wednesday lOG The small village rgeWm.,Ovington Jeckell Rev. Peter, Watton Lake Mrs. Machin, Saham Land Mr. Edwd, Caston [Griston Land the Misses Sarah & Priscilla, Lemann Rev. Fis. Gregory, Merton Lincoln Miss .Mary, Watton Lusher Mr. Robert, Walton Mann Mrs. Charlotte, Watton MorrellMis-s Ann, Watton Palmer Richard, Esq., Caston Parker Rev. William, Saham Rectory Partridge Rev. Walter John, Caston Payne Mrs. Elizabt-th, Saham [ham Philpot Rev.Benjamin, Gt.Cressiug- Russell Mrs. Martha, Watton Scott Thos. Edward, Esq. Carbrooke Simons Rev. Edward, Ovington Smith Mr. William, Gt.Cressingham Spring-Rice the Hon.&Rev. Aubrey, Watton Stebbing Mr. Richard, Watton Stevens Mr. Robert, sen., Watton Thorpe Rev.Wm.Smythe,Thompson Walsingham the Honble. & Rev. Thomas, Lord, Merton Hall Warroan Mr. William, Gristou Warner Rev. Simeon Burney, Little Cressingham Wells Rev. William, Carbrooke Younge Mr. Philip, Watton ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Not otherwise described are day only. Blade Maria Ann (ladies' boarding and day) Willow House, Watton Hipkin Elizabeth, Carbiooke Free School, Saham, JohnMarsh, master Free School, Little Cressingham* Priscilla M.Meyrick, mistress Free School, Great Cressingham, David Eastick, master; Susan Eastick, mistress ; Ellen Haslem, mistress of Infants' School National School, Carbrooke, Hannah Banham, mistress National School, Caston, Mary Ann Coe, mistress NationalSchool, Watton, John Groome,masterj HannahGroome, mistress NichoUs Sarah, Caston ShortWm. (boarding & day) Watton Stacey Emma, Saham Targett Elizabeth, Watton I Thompson Elizabeth, Ovington Wright Sarah (boarding and day) Watton AGENTS. {See also Fire, Sfc, Office Agents) Allen William(to the EasternCoun- ties Railway) Watton Canhani Jno.(totheEasternCounues and Norfolk Railways, & Watton Conveyance Company) Bull Inn, Watton ATTORNEYS. Grigson Edward Robert, Watton Massey William, Watton LeGriceJohn, Caston Platford Catherine, Watton Reynolds John, Great Cressingham Wright Robert, Watton Wyer Edward, Caston BANKERS. Harveys'& Hudsons' (Branch) Wat ton — draw on Hankeys' & Co., London, BenjaminChaston, agent, BLACKSMITHS. Cook Ellen, Caston Jacobs George (general smith), Crown Inn, Watton Jacobs Thomas, Watton Mack William, Great Cressingham Poppy Jeremiah, Thompson Rodwell Robert, Saham Smith James, Griston BOOT 6e SHOE MAKERS. Adcock Robert, Saham BoramJohn, Watton Brett John, Caston Brown James, Griston Coker James, Walton Ellett James, Saham Gouch Edward, Caston Green John, Caston Lusher Thomas, GreatCressingham Marsh James, Watton Sayer Edwaid, Carbrooke Stackwood V\ illiam, Carbrooke Twaits Barnabas, Watton Younge James, Saham Younge Robert, Watton BREWERS. Canham John, Bull Inn, Watton Price Robert, Watton [Brewery Stevens Robt., (&maltster), Watton BRICKLAYERS. Aldis Ephraim, Watton Davey William, Caston Hastings John, Watton Hastings Thomas, Watton Newson .Matthew, Carbrooke Wright William, Caston BUTCHERS. Barnard Bogue, Great Cres8ini;hain Barnard Robert, Watton Bullen Robert, Carbrooke Hunter Geoge, Griston Larey Rebecca, Walton Mallows James, Watton Minns Jeremiah, Carbrooke Parker Joseph, Watton Price George, Watton 107 Xorfolfe. WATTON, &c. ^latci'jBP CARPENTERS. Leverage John. Little Cressinghara Rice SHtiuifl, VVatton Taylor Henry, Cason Thimbletlioriie llobcrt, Carbrooke Thomson Joiin, Watton CHARCOAL BURNERS, Claxtiin Charles, Witton Claxton George, Carbiooke CORN DEALERS. James William, Castoii Targett Henry, Watton FARDIERS. Aipe Edmund, Carbrooke AIpe Hammond, Tliumpson Andrews Janit-s Batterham William, Thompson Beets James, Watoii Bilham Harriet, War ton BrasiiettThciinas, Saliam Bras-nett Mary, Gristou Brett John, Little Cressingham Cadily Thomas, Carbrooke Chapman James, Carbrooke Chapman Richard, Gt. Cressingham Clarke Charles, Tnoinpson Clarke Edward, S^ham Clarke William Robert, Carbrooke Cook Isaac, Merton Davey Thomas, Carbrooke Davey William, Casion Deuney Geoige, Otiogton Farrow U illiam & Edmund, Saham Filbv John, Casinn Fiance Edv^ard, Thompson Gaskin George, Thomiison Gri in III erKie(Ierick,nt. Cressingham Hardy Brighten, Little Cre-sinj^ham Howling William, LittleCressingham Hunter John, Ovington J^mei William, Caston Kiddle Samuel, Thompson Kiildle William, .Sahaui Land Roh-rt, Caston Lee Joseph, Carbrooke Leggate John, Carpenter [son Leggatt-Robt., (&carpeiiter)Thomp- Mace John, Saham Mace Thoinis, Carbrooke Waidwell Eiobeit, Ovington Warsh John, Threxton Matthews Joseph, Saham Ma'thews Thomas, jun., Thompson Matthews Tliomas, INlcrton Murrell Mark, Carbrooke Riishbiooke Georue, Carbrooke Siliiion Richard, Watton Saver Benjamin, Carbrooke Sewell George, Saham Smith James, Caston Smitli Robert, Caston Starko Ezekiel, Carbrooke Stebbiiigs Hi'tiiy, Carbrooke Steel John, Caibiooke Taylor Robfrt, Ovington Thor>ton Joremiah, Ovington TinKev John, (and merchant), Carbrf)oke Turner Ellis, Caston W ce John, Carbrooke Wace Richard, Watton Warrt'ii John, Carbrooke Wilby l«aac. Canton Wing Jt-remiab, Thompson Wiiiti'i Jolin, Cailirooke Woid Henry, (& steward), Merton FIRE &c_ OFFICE AGENTS Atlas, William Masse/, Watton Norwich Union, William Masscy, Watton; & R<)bt.Wri;;ht, Watton ScFioLK, William Short, VVatton Western ( Life), J ohnSeriTll Cow- ing, Wattoa 108 GARDENERS. Archer James, Watton Harper Samuel, Watton Rump William, VVatton Smith Thomas, Wattou GROCERS ec DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Marked tlius * are also Drapers. •Alexander Elizabeth, Watton *Anias Charles (and batter), Watton •Bilham James, Caston [ham Chapman Uoht. ( tlour) ,Gt.Cressing- •Clarke Robeit, Carbrooke French John, .Saham •George & Kiddle, Watton Hunt William, Saham Leggate Martha 'I'ay lor, Thompson Ijinroln John, Thompson Nelthorpe James, Gt. Cressingham OsbornJolin, Griston Payne George, Saham Pitts James, Caston Powlev Clement, Gt. Cressingham •Rook William, Watton Sniton Richard, Gt. Cressingham Warnes Reuben, Watton •Watson John, Watton INNS- COMMERCIAL AND POSTING. Bull (and railway and conveyance parcel office), John Canhau;, Watton Crown (and inland revenue office), Gt-orgeJacobs,(and horse dealer] , Watton George (and family hotel and corn exchange), Stephen Emerson, (and liearse and funeral carriage pro- pi ietor), Market place, VVattou LEATHER CUTTERS. Georgf George, Wattoa Read Burrows, Watton LINEN DRAPERS. See under the head Grocers, Sfc. MACHINE MAKERS^ AGRICULTURAL. Crook Christopher, Thompson Crook Christopher, jun.,Tliompson Hunter Jonathan, Carbrooke MILLERS. Andrew James, Ovington Barker Robt-rt, Caston Brisiow John, Saham Knights Henry, Carbrooke Knights Jonathan, Carbrooke Land Benjamin, Little Cressingham Lincoln Thomas, 'I'hompsou Rose Williaiu, Ovington MILLINERS &DRESS MAKERS Amas Mary Ann, Watton Nicholls Susannah, Caston Turner Ke/ia, VVatton PAINTERS et GLAZIERS. Drake Tlmmas, Watton Hendry < Cornelius, Watton Hendry Thomas, VVattou Hewitt John, Caston Siggins Henry, VVatton SADDLERS. Bowles Barnard, Walton Cornwall Robert. VVatton Fox William, VVatton STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Heiidiy Harriet, VVatton Minns Mary, Walton Minns Mary Ann, Carbiyoke SURGEONS. French Henry, VVatton Hargreaves George, Watton < , UargreaveA JoiiB, VVatton TAILORS. .Araas Charles, Watton Biowu James, Vi'atton Cortis Robert, Great Cressingham Drake Isaac, Caston Hulmes Henry, Carbrooke James W iihain, VVatton Jenuey William, jun.. Caston Minns Thomas. Carbrooke Scott Machin, Watton 8tandleyJames(and draper), Watton Pack Henry, Saham Watson John, VVatton TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Bell, Robert Powley, Saliam Cheque] 5, (tobert IJiilIen, Saham Chequers, Michael Gaskin, Thompson Cocii, William, Berry, Ovington Crown, Georee Claxton. Caibiooko Crown, JefTery Warren, OvinETton Dolphin, VVilliam Mace, Saham Duke's lleap, Genrge Bailey. Caston Flower Pot, Daniel Waters, Watton Fox, Mary Ann,Bartleet,Gt. Cressingham Green Man, Williaiu Tolnian, Watton King's Arms, Frederick Cooper, Watton Lion, Charles Slebbincs, Caston Itobiii Hood.Wm. Mack, Gt. Cressingham Wagon and Horses, Briscall Mannings, Griston [singham Windmill, Matthew Brunton, Great Cres- Retailers of Beer. Baldwin Thomas, Saham Cook William, Little Cressingham GaihergoodJames (and timber mercbanl), Watton Price Robert, Watton Rfeve Barnabas, Watton Tennani 'I'homas, Saham Watson William, Caibrooke VETERINARY SURGEONS. Smith Thomas, Watton Worm James, Watton WATCH 6t CLOCK MAKERS. Adcock Samuel, Watton WenbamGeorge (& jeweller &book- seller), Watton WHEELWRIGHTS & SMITHS. Banhani (Jeo. (&gig maker), Ca-ton Brunion Matiliew, Gt.Cressingliana Cattoii George, Caibrooke Ciiapman Benjamin. Gii^ton Hipkins 'I'liomas, Carbrooke Jenness Thomas, Saham Mace VVilliam, Saham Nelthorpe James, Gt. Cressingham Sturgeon William, VVatton Tliomp-^oii John, VVaUon Tolman James, Little Cressingham V^ince Philip, Ca-ton W^INEAc SPIRIT MERCHANTS Caiiliam John, Dull Inn, VVattou Hastings John Edward, Watton Stevens Robt. Ed wd. (spirit) VVatton Miscellaneous- Baley Robert, auctioneer, Watton Buxton Henry, brazier & tinman, Watton Cluislon Alfred, stamp distribuier, Watton Ciiuston Daniel, registrar of births and deaths, mid relieviiis officer, Caston Everett Thomas, steward, Saham Fox Edmd. George, letter carrier, Watton George George, leather cutler &stalioner, Walton Gowing John Sewell, bookseller, printer and lil'rary, Watton Hardy Brighton, brick maker, Saham Harvey James, carter. Saham Inland Revenue Office, at tbeCrowD Inn, Watton Payne Joseph, carrier, Watton Seeker Samnel, basket maker, Watton Stacey Zecliariah, cooper, Saham Si AMP Ofj'ice, Watlon— Alfred Ch«»- lon, distributer Thniling John, horse breaker, Watlon Tingey John, mercliant Carbrooke Watson Burton, hair dresser and turner, Watton JB(«ctoi|). WATTON, &c. Korfolfe; PLACES OP WORSHIP, AND THEIU MINISTERS. Holt Cross Church, Castoa— Rev. Walter John Parti idee, rector Saint AndrkWs Church, Little Cres- sixgham — ReT-SimeonBarney Warner, rector. Saint George's CHDRCH,Sal)am— Rev. William Parker, rector; Hoiible.& Rev. Aubrey Spring Rice, cnr ale. Saint John's Church, Oviiieton— Rev. Edward Simons, rector; Rev. George William Hillyar, curate. Saint Ma h tin's Church. Thompson — Rev. Willi;im Smytlie Thorpe, rector. Saint Mary's Church, Watlon— Rev. Peter Jeckrll, rei tor. Saint Michael's Church, Great Cres- sin^liam — Rev. Benjamin Philpot,rtWor. Saint Peter's Church, Merton— Rev. Francis Giegory Lemann, rec/or. Saint Peter's & St. Paul's Church Grestou — Re v. William Hepworih,t)icar Independent Chapels, Walton & Car- broolie— Rev. Alfred Gritlin. Wesleyan Methodist Chapels-, Wat. ton; Sahain-Toney; Caslon, and Carbrooke. [-(on Pbimitivk Methodist Chapel, Wat- COACHES- To ATTLEBOROUGH RAILWAY STATlON.JohnCanhum'sConcA.from the Bull Inn, every Thursday and Sat, To NORWlCH,aCoacA,from the George Inn, every Saturday CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. The nearest Stations are at Attle- BOBOUiiH.onilie Norfolk Railway, ten miles s.K. distant. East Dereham, on the East Anglian, about thesame distance N.; Swaffham, on the same line, 9 miles N.w., and Thetford, on the Eastern Counties line, 12 miles a. There is a Coach from the Bull Inn, to Altleborough, twice a week as above stated, & Fans from the same Inn, daily CARRIERS- To ATTLEBOROUGH, John Canlmm', Fans, from tlie Bui! Inn, daily To BRANDON, William Allen, from Watton, daily To NORWICH, John Canham's Fonis from the Bull Inn, to Attleborough, and thence by RiiUnay, daily, and Jame» Harvey, (rom Watton,Monday &Thur>, To SHIPDHAM, William Allen, from his Officf, Watton, Monday, Wednes- day and Friday To STOKE FERRY, Joseph Payne, on Monday To SWAFFHAM. Joseph Payne, from Watton, Monday and Thursday WELLS, WITH THE VILLAGE OF HOLKHAM AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. If 11 ELLS is a paiisli and sea-port town in tlie )iun- some structure nf flint, with a lofty embattled tnwer : dre<1 of North Gieeiilioe, 118 miles n.n.e. from Loii- the liviui? is a rectory in tlie Rift of the Rev. Rubert don, 32 N.w. by n. from Norwicli, and 10 s. from John Hopper; the Rev. Valeniine Hill is the prest-nt Fakuiham — the last named is at present the nearest incumbent. There are places of worship for Indepen- railway station, but an ac. of parliament was obtained dents, the Society of Fiiends, and VVesieyan and in 184.5, for continuing the line to Wells. The town Primitive Methodists. A .'chool here, for children of is situned on a creek of the German Ocean, and con- eitlier stK, and for infants' is entirely suppnrttd by the sists pi incipally of two stt eets Uadiuu to the quay, and - Karl nf Leicester. A fair is iield on Shrove Tuesday but some smaller ones; lately they have been paitially for the purposes of trade, or ndvantrige to the iiihabi- liglited with gas. and some of them macadamized, i tatits, it is of but little consideration. The parish con- The harbour has been much injured by the accumula- j tained, in 1831. 3,624 inhabitants, and in 1841, 3,504. tion of sand, and its shifting rendered it somewhat Holkham is a parish in the .same liundred as Wells difficult of access; and when a north or nortli-east I — the village a pleasant one, is situated on the coast wind blows violently the safety of vessels at its mouth | about 2 miles w. of Wells. It was fornnrly a sea- is greatly endangered. Within the last few yeais, ' port of some eminence, and in the reign of Edward however, the harbour commissioners have effected II. furnislied conjointly with Burnham Deepdale, considerable improvetnents, and a new stone quay has I one vessel to assist in transpoi ting troops from Ireland been erected two hundred and tiiirty yards in length, | to Scotland. 'J'he church dedicated to S^int Withi- and a new voaA opened communicating will) it. The j burge, is situated on elevHted land, to the north of trade of the port is of .some importance in the expor- the town, and its tower, which is massive, quadrang- tation of grain and malt, and importation of coal, tiles niar and embattled, .-eives as a land mark : the Eat 1 of and deals : many of the inhabitants are empl(»yed in j Leicester is patron of the livine ; the Rev. Al xander the fishery, and tlie ovsters taken from the beds here j Napier is the present incumbent. There are several are of an excellent quality. The parish of Wells com- jalm.shou.ses, schools, and other charities, by which prises four manors, three of which behmg to the Earl i the poor of the parish are benefitted, supported by the of Leicester, the other to Sir Robert John Harvey, | niunicence of the nobleman befoie mentioned — his Bait., as lessee of the Bisliop of Norv\ich. The [ princely seat, Holkham Hall is here: in the parka stevvaid of the Earl holds courts leet and baron an- monument has been erected bv subscription in honour nually, and the magistrates of the hundred assemble of the late (and first) Earl of Leicester, one hnudred hei e in petty session once a fortnight. and forty feet in height. The population of the parish The parish chuicli of Saint Nicholas is rather a hand- in 1831, was 7.92, and in 1841, 731. POST OFFICE, High-street, Wells, John Southgate, Poit Master.— LeUeis from London, Nor- wich and Yarmouth, also from Lynn-Regis and the North, &c., arrive every morning at half-past eight, and are de> patched at five in the afternoon. Letters ariive from, and are despatched to Holkham daily; and from Warham, Stiffkey and Binham, every afternoon at a quaiter before four, and are despatched at nine in the morning. NOBILITY, GENTRY, AND CLERGY. Burley Mrs. Hannah, Butlands Carver Jonathan Rev. Butlands Cassidy Mrs. Mary, Staith st Fryer Alt. John \i.. Mill Une [ner Harman Mr. William, 'I'inkers cor- Herrinu Rev. Henry, Butlands Houghton A.'rs. Ann, Church st Leeiler Mr. Robeit, Fieeman st Leicester the Right Honbie. Earl of, Holkham Hall Martin Rev. Sieplien, Butlands Moore Mrs. Jemima, West end Napier Rev. Alexander, Holkham Race Mrs. Hairiet, Butlands Rayner Mis. Julia, Mill lane Reed James T., Esq., Marsh House Rump Miss Elizabetli, Standard road Rump Mr. Robert. Butlands Shaw Mrs, Mary, High st Simpson Mrs. Mary Ann, High st iSouthnate Mrs. Hannah, High st I Spooner Mrs. Martha, Butlands Walker Mrs. Elizaheth, Git be yard Wriahl Mrs. Charles T . High st ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Alcock Phoebe, Standard yard Earl of Leicester's School, New road — William Gamble, mas- ter; iMary Ann Gamble, mistress; Maria Gamble, mistress of In- fants' School Free School, Hoik ham— Jonathan Buck, master ; Elizabeth Buck, mistiess [mers hill Garwood Rose, (boarding), Plum- Hook Seppings, Staith st Infants' ScHOOL,Holkham — Sarah Crossley, mistress Judd Harriet, Tinker's corner Munson Elizabeih, Newgate lane Oliver Sampson, Standard yard Silvers Tolver, High st AGENTS. {See also Fire, i^-c. Office Agents) Baker William (to the Earl of Lei- cester), Holkham Houghton Edward (land), High st Parker Robinson (to Lloyds'), Quay Race William (to the Trinity House), Butlands [Quay Sandling Thomas D. (ale & porter). Tin Key George (to Eyre & Che.sier), Quay [maltsters), Qoav Wells Robert (to R. & R. Bieretou, ATTORNEYS. Garwood Thomas, Butlands Loynes RobeitT., Butlands BAKERS «c FLOUR DEALERS. Baker Robert, High st Bambiidge James, High st Bouch William, Freeman 8t Brown George, High st Emerson Russell, Holkham 109 Kotfolfe- WELLS, &c. MaUt^» BAKERS/ &c. — Continued. Hill Robert, Staith st Land Robert, Staith st Mani) Francis, East end RIatsell Tliomas, Staith st IVIiller William Henry, Freeman St News'in InUuc, Quay NiflmlN Benjamin, Standard road Nichols Geoige, Higli st Skeit James, Chutcli st Waliier Thomas, Freeman st BASKET MAKERS. Caufor Robert, High st Small VVilliani, Freeman st BLACKSMITHS. Cadamy Henry, Church st Farrow James, Church st Garratt William, Newgate lane Kaiidall William, Burnt st Smiili I^aac, East end M'hisson William, Mill lane Woods Joiin, Glebe yard BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND PRINTERS. Fryer Thomas & Henry, Staith st Howard Thomas, Builinds Neville Henry, High st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Anderson Josiah, Staith st Bullock Benjamin, East end Caselton Joseph, Staith st Elliott Edward F., High st Gregory George, High st Lake Henry, Freeman st Leggett Thomas, Siaith st Matthews William, Quay Medwell William, Freeman st Powditch Samuel. Staith st Smith Thomas, Quay Tinker Robert, High st Warner William, GKbe yard BRICKLAYERS&PLASTERERS Hagon George, Holkham Holmes James, Tinker's corner Flatten Tliomas, Lugger yard BUTCHERS. Hamond William L., Newgate lane Howard John, Quay Jarrett Samuel, Staith st Leeder itoberi B., Quay Metcalf Rol-eit, top of High st Ramm James. High st Richardson Willian), Freeman st Spiiiks William, Builands Tenn James, Freeman st Virtigans Jacob, Kreeman st CABINETI& CHAIR MAKERS. Belts George & Benjamin, Butlands Boucli William, Freeiwan st Leeder Thomas, Quay l.,eslie John, Church st Plowman George, High st CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Leslie John, Church st Shenstone James, Staith .st Taylor William, Freeman st CHINA, GLASS, Ser. DEALERS. Biinn Thomas, Fieiman st Ward Robert, Stai'h st COAL MERCHANTS. {See also Corn and Coal Mcrcfuints.) Cook William, Quay Cut son Joliii, Quay Gabs Joshua, Quay Leeder Robert, Quay Lord Richard, Quay Parker Rf)iiinson, Quay Sandling 'I'honias, Quay Smith John, Quay Southgate Francis, Quay Temple Maria (dealer), Glebe yard 110 CONFECTIONERS. Dixon John, Staith st HoUiday Francis, High st Matsell Thomas, Staith st COOPERS. Massingham John, Staith st Walker William, Glebe yard Whitaker Robert, High st CORN & COAL MERCHANTS. {See also Coal Merchants.) Breret.n R. & R. Quay Chapman Jatiies, Quay Crofts Henry, Quay Eyre & Chester, Quay Haycock Joseph, Quay FIRE, etc. OFFICE AGENTS. Crown (life),JamesYoung,Burnt st General, Thomas & Henry Fryei, Staith st General (hail-storm), Francis Loose, Butlands Guardian, Robert Ward, Staith st MerchantSeamens'Fund, Joshua Gales, secretaiy. Quay Norwich Union, Henry Neville, High street Phoenix (fire) , and Pelican (life) , Fraiicis Loose, Butlands Sun, William B. Tyzack, High st GROCERS AND DRAPERS. (See also Shopkeepers.) Coker William, Quay Elgar William (& tallow chandler), Staith street [Staith st Fryer Thomas & Henry (grocers), GalesJoshua(&ship chandler) ,Quay Massey William, Church st Ringer WiMiam Smith (grocer and tallow chandler). Freeman st Tyrell & Gibbs, High st GUNSMITHS. Hall Robert, High st Orford George, Staith st HAIR DRESSERS. Howard Albert, Quay Lynn William, Staith st Tyzack James, Quay Tyzack James (to Her Majesty and Prince Albert), High st Walker William, Freeman st INNS. [See also Taverns &^ Public Houses.) Crown, Samuel Ellis, Butlands Holkham New Inn, Joseph Bonlter, Holkham [road Railway Hotel, John Smith, New Victoria, Maria Lack, Holkham IRONMONGERS. Bouch William, Freeman st Mann Richard, & Co, Higli st Tyzack James, High st JOINERS AND BUILDERS. Hin.son Horatio, Burnt st l.,eeder Thos.(& brick maker), Quay Sparks Peter, Church st MACHINE MAKERS- AGRICULTURAL. Brett Robt. f&millwright), Butlands Woods John (and ironfoundcr). Glebe yard MALTSTERS. Brcretoii R. & R. Quay Cha|)inan James, Quay Eyre & Chester, Quay Rust Martha, Quay MILLERS. Brown William, East Mill Emerson Rus.-ell, ftFill lane West George Gallow road MILLINERS et DRESSMAKERS Howard Hannah, Butlands Loose Mary, Butlands [High St Savage Frances (& straw bonnet), PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Loose Joliii, Holkham Plattin Robert, High st Plowman George G. High st ROPE fie TWINE MAKERS. Baker Wm. & John, Butlands P'ia.xman Thomas, Wai ham road Outlaw Charles, Warham road Storey Joshua, Plummer's hill Tiiurgar William, Church st SADDLERS, Bell Benjamin, Staith st Evans George, Staith st SHIP fie BOAT BUILDERS. Soutlmate Joseph S. East End Tyrrel! Henry Thomas, East End SHOPKEEPERSficDEALERS IN GROCERIES fie SUNDRIES. Andei son Josiah, Staith .st Chadd Robert, Freeman st Harman Sarah Ann, Freeman st Johnson Joshua, Kreeman st Metcalf Robert, East End Palmer Mar_\, East End Ramm James, High st Readcock Ann, High st Sowter Rebecca, Kreeman st Speeks James, Quay [ger laire Twoo Pleasei:ce Beddingfield, Dug- Yonng William, Holkham SURGEONS. Rump Hugh, Standard road Young James, Burnt st TAILORS. Coker William (& draper). Quay Groom Robert, High st Hamaway John, Staith st Leggett Newton (and draper), Quay Leggett William, Butlauds Skeet Robert, High st TAVERNS fie PUBLIC HOUSES, Bowling Green, James Newson, Church st Crown and Anchor, George Rix, Siaith st Dogger Tavern, .John Rix, Freeman st Fleece, Thomas Hayhow, Quay Globe, Thomas Priest, Rutlands Green Drat'on, Henry Fox, High st Holkham Arms, William Ford, West end Jolly Sailor, Jonathan Shreeve, East eniJ King's Arms,Wm. Richardson, Freeman it Lord Nelson, Robert Matthews, Quay New Inn, Thomas Hayhow, .Staith st Oslrirh, John Porter, Burnt st Queen's Head, John Lake, East end Red Lion, Ann Powditch, Redlionyard Royal Exchange, Wm. Ellis, Freeman st Royal Standard, Henry Crawford, Quay Sailors' H orae, Ed w.Wickham, Freeman »t i^liip, John Curaon, Quay Sun, Robert Leeder. jnn Quay Three Tuns, Richard Carraway, Quay Wheatslicaf, Benjnrain Brown, Freeman si William IV., William S. Bone, High it Retailers of Beer Bricheno Henry, Tinker's corner Fox Henry. East end Frost I honias, Church st Garratt Sarah, Freeman st (ialh Thomas, High st Loose Francis, F'reeman st Readcock Ann, High st .Spooner Joseph, Freeman st WATCH fie CLOCK MAKERS, Curson Mathew, Staith st Russell William, High st WTHITESMITHS. Ransome William, Dogcer lane Whisson William, Mill lane Woods John, Glebe yard ©ircctoifi. WELLS, &c. Koifolfe VriNE «c SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Neville Henry, High st Rust Martha (and brewer), Quay Soutligate Francis, Uutlauds Miscellaneous Baker Joseph, glover, High st Belts Martha, straw bonnet mkr. Staith si Bunn Thomas, timber dealer, Freeman at Cadamy Henry, lime burner, Wareham rd Cawston Thos.tin-plate worker, Glebe yd Custom hoose Office, the Quay Charles VV. Claxton, principal officer; John Brown, tide waiter ; John Parker, harbour master Gas Works, Mill lar»e— James Howard, superintendent Houghton Edward, auctioneer and land surveyor, High street Inland Revenue Office, Butlands — John Summer, officer Leech Renjamin, currier, Staith st Mitchell Koberl, cutler, Church st Parker John, harbour master. Quay Plo-wman Thomas, furniture broker and seive maker, Hieh street [tributer STAMP Of*1€F — Robert Ward, sub-dis- Tyzack Charles, patten and clog maker. High st [Highst Tyzack James, jeweller and toy dealer, Wemms Matthew, tobacco-pipe inaker Church street , Whnrf Martha, furrier and batter, High st Williamson Honor,clothesdealr,Mill lane Young James, registrar of births and deaths, Burnt street COACH- To FAKENHAM, a Coach, from the Crown, every morning (Sun. excepted), at nine RAIL-WAY. The nearest Station is at FAKENBaM, 10 miles s. from Wells There is a Coach to Fakenham, daily, as above stated CARRIERS To BARNEY, William Riches, from the Royal Standaid, Wednesday To BINHAM, John Bullen.frora the Fleece, Monday, Wednesday & Saturday To BRANCASTER, Thoma« Rix, from the Three Tuns, Saturday To BURNHAM,John Howard, fiom the Sun, Saturday To FAKF.NHAW, William Raven.Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday To HOLT,Janii'S Karara, from theThrce Tuns, Weilnesiiay To LYNN, Thomas Rhodes, from the Royal .standard, and I'eter Cock, Mon- day and Thursday To NORWICH, Joseph Coe, from the Jolly Sailor, Monday and Thursday, James Slearman, from Freeman street, Tuesday; William Riches, from the Royal Standard, Wednesday, & Richard Belsham, Thuisday CONVEYANCE BYWATER. To LONDON, two regular Traders, monthly— Thomas Powditcli & Jame» Chapman, arjents To HCLL, Vessels twice a month— Thos. D. Sandling, agent To NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE, NORTH and SOU'IH SHIELDS, SUNDERLAND & HARTLEPOOL, a Vessfl at irregular periods w. WYMONDHAM and NEIGHBOURHOOD, YMONDHAM is a parisli, in the Imndred of Forelioe — tire inaiket town is 100 miles n.e. byN. fiotii London, 12 s.s.e. from East Dereham, 2G s. s. E. from Kakenham, 20 n.e. from Thetford, and y w.s.w. from Norwi<.li; situated on the liigh road between the two last named towns, on the Norfolk line of railway, and the Eas't Dereham and Fakenham branch joins the main line at tiiis town, li is provincially pronounced Windiiam, and is said to derive its name from the by James B. Rush, when Mr. Jermy, recorder of Nor- wich, aiKJ his son, were shot dead by Rush, and Mrs, J ermy and ElizaChestney, her maid (who acted with great intrepidity) were fearfully wounded. The lives of Mrs. Jerruy and Eliza Chestney were for aconsider.iblc time in imminent danger, but they both finally recovered, and the latter is now residing in this town cairying on the business of a milliner and dress maker. Rusli, after a trial of six days, duiing wliich he conducted his Saxon words ITin Munde Ham, signifying a pleasant own defence, was convicted, and he was txetuttd at village seated on a mount, or elevated site. In the year 1615 a dreadful fire (said to have been caused by incendiaries), destroyed three hundred houses; atidin 1631 it was visited by the pligue, which carried off a great number of the inhabitants. The corn and malt trade is of some consequence liere ; tliere is a very considerable brewery belonging to Messrs. Caiin and Clarke, and several flour mills are within the vicinity of the town. The Rev. Henry Charles Hobart is lord of tiie nianors ofGresliaugli and Croir.wells.and Indds a court annually, when constable* are appointed; the County Court under the late acts is held monthly, for Norwich on the 21sr. of April. The parish clinrch, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, conslitut'cd a part of the Benedictine priory ; it con- sists of a nave with aisles, a large lower attlie western end, and another springing from the interseciion of the nave with the transepts. It contains a large font, richly ornamented, and elevated by steps, and a fine toned organ — the latter presented to the parishioners in 1793, by Mrs. Ann Farmer, cost £800: the living is a vicarage, in the gift of the Bishop of Ely; the Rev. Tlieyer Townsend Smith, is the present incumbent. Thereaieplaces of worship for Baptists, Indci)eii(lents, the recovery of debts to any amoutit not exceeding the Society of P'riends, and Wesleyan Methodists. The £20 ; and the magistraics sit here on the third Tues- charities are a free grammar school, foniukd by Queen day in every month. The two Kelts, who disturbed this couniy in the reign of Edward VI, were natives of Wymondhani ; they were accustomed to a<^semble their foHowers under an oak standing in the vicinity of the town. After their defeat by the Earl of Warwick, the elder wa« hanged in chnins on the castle of Norwicii, and the younger upon the steeple of the cliuich here. Elizabeth in 1.559, and two public schools supported by subscription. 'I'he market, a laige one for rorTi,i« held on Wednesday. Fairs, February 14th, May 17tl), and September 17th, for lean stock, horses and pt d- lery. The parish of Wymondham is comprised in the divisions of Downhatn, Market Street, Sutton, Town Green and WattUfield; which coUei ti>ely ccnitained. A short distance from the town is Stanfield hall, the by the returns rendered in 1831, 5,485 inhabitanl.s, :ind scene of adreadful murder, perpetrated 28th Nov. 1848, by those in 1841, 5,170. POST OFFICE, Market place, Marianne Francis, Post 71/m^wm.— Letters from London andall parts, (exeept Norwich and Yarmouth), arrive every morning at lialf-past two, and afternoon at half-past four; and are tlespatched at five minutes past eiiiht in tiie morning, and half-past ten at night. Letters from Norwich and Yarmouth, arrive every morning at eight and half-past ten at night; and are despatched with tlie before-mentioned bags. The bospi)i)le William {& e>taie agent andv-iluer), Market place Siandley John, Bridewell st BAKERS. Marked thus • nre also Confectioners. •Buttolph WiUiun G. Town green Catiermole William, Town green Harvey Robert Damgate si Harvey William, Market place Long Rrl Scnimcnce, MaiUet pi Dor & Uiick, Mary Frost, Market st Dove. John Burcham,Town pretn i Duke'3 Head, Win. Grnnness, Damgate st iitreaorj). WYMONDHAM. Kotfolfe. fcatlieis Inn.Sarah Hiibbard,Town green George and Dragon, William Blackburn, Market place Green Dragon, Claudell Clarke,Cliurch st Queen's Arms, Wm. Prime, Mailiet place Queen's Head.Wm. Able, Bridewell st Rose&. Crown,HoratioNelson,Damgate st Sun, William Smith, Danifjate st While Swan, William Ciosl>y, Vicar st Woolpack, Robert Hubbard, Fairlandst Retailers of Beer- Adams Samuel, Town green Brewster Sarali, Damgate st Canu Samuel, Town green High William, Vicar st Hubb.ird John, Damgate st Rose Robert, Town green Syder George, Damgate st TOBACCONISTS. Garrod Josepli, Damgate st Skipper James, Market st W^ATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS Francis William, Market place Perfitt Ephrnim Josepli, Market st RudliiiK William, Market st WHEELWRIGHTS. Canii Samuel, Town green Hubbard John, Damgaie st Keriip William, Bridewell st Saunders William, Fairland st Standley Janv s. Bridewell st Standlev William, Bridewell st Tipple George, Church st WINE Be SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Cann & Claike, Market place Miscellaneous- Betis Thos. Norwich carrier, Damgate «t Bryant Marllia Mary, matron of the Bridewell, Bridewell street Coleman William, travelling tea dealer, Town green County Court Office, Vicar street- Mitchell & Clarke, assistant clerks Oavey William, horse dealer, I'airiand st Dawdry Clias. furniture dealer. Church st Foster Robert, parish clerk. Church st Fulchcr John, brazier and gunsmith, Fairland st [proprietor Gas Works, Station road — John Cann, Granness Wm. well sinker, Damgate st House of CORnccxioN (for females), Bridewell st— Martha Mary Bryant, matron, Rev. David Jones, chaplain,- Robert James Tunaley, surgeon Hubbard Thomas, veterinary surgeon, Fairland st [Fairland st Jeckell Thomas, architect and surveyor, Jermyn Daniel, schoolmaster, Fairland st Kerry John, relieving officer. Fairland st Mason Rachel, toy dealer. Market st Mays Thomas, veterinary surgeon. Town green Oldlield Robert, thatcher, Bick lane Reynolds Noah, ironmonger. Back lane Seeker lillcn, basket maker, Bridewell st Seeker Robert, basket maker, Market place SemrnpnceRi)bert,woort turner, Market pi Smith Page,furniture broker. Town preen Taylor William, inspector of weights, Market place TickliugRobt.omnibus owner,Damgat*s» Tunalt-y Kobert.t egistrar of births, deatlio, &c. Miirkrl place Welch William, gardener. Market st White Jesse, accountant. Bridewell st COACH AND OMNIBUS. To NORWICH, Fl.iwerdav'a Cv'icJi, and Tickling's Omnibus, every Saturday morning CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY On the Norti.oi.K link, and branch of the East Dereham and Faki-nuam. Station, about a quarter of a mile from the towu CARRIERS. To ATTLEBOROUOH, Charles Crook and Thomas Mann, from theWhite Hart Wednesday and Saturday, also by the Thetpord carrier To GREAT ELLINGHAM, Robert Twidney, Wednesday and Saturday To NORWICH, — Crook &Thos. Mann, Tuesday, Thursday & Salurduy; Thos. Betts, Monday, Wednesday i: Saturday; William Claike, Tuesday & Thursday; Roberr Twidney, Tuesday & Saturday, and William Bannock, Wednesday and Saturday To THF.TFORD and BURY SAINT EDMUNDS, William Clarke,fr(.m lire White Hart, Wednesday & Saturday To WATTON, Joseph Payne, from the White Hart, Saturday YARMOUTH, WITH THE VILLAGES OF CAISTOR, GORLESTON, SOUTH TOWN AND NEIGHBOURHOODS- Yj ARMOUTH, or Great Yarmouth, is an im- portant sea-port a market town, and a berough both corporate and parliainentHry, liaving separate ju- risdiction, locally ill the di>i.sioii of F^ast Flegg; 124 miles N.E. from London (I33§ by rail, through Col- chester and Ipswich, and 146 through Ely), 18 e. by s. from Norwich (20 by fail), 54 n.n.e. trom Ipswich (65§ by Norwich and rail), and 59 n.e. from Bury Saint Edmunds; situated at the eastern extremity of the coutity, on the east bank, and near the mouth of the Yare, from which the town takes its natne. The rivers Yare, and VVavi-ney and Bute, fall into the Breydon, a large pit ce of water, to the west of the town, and the mingled streams thence proceed to the sea, under the name of the Yare. This river, wiiich is a boundaiy stieam to the coutities of Norfolk and SufTolk, is navigable to Norwich, the Waveney to Bungay, and the Bute to Aylsham. A handsome sns- pensioti bridge was thrown across the Bure, in 1827, con.structed by the late Thomas Coiy, Esq., from wliich a new turnpike load was laid, reducing the dis- tance between Yarmouth and Norwich four miles. A portion of this bridge fell in on the 2nd of May, 1845, at a time when it was ciowded with persons to wit- ness some aquatic exJiibition, attd three hundred men women and cliildrcu were precipitated into the waters below — of these siventy-nine were drowned. After this fearful accident a temporary wooden bridge was built, and this was renlaced towards the end of the year 1849, by one of it on. Another bridge of the same matetial crosses the river about one hutidred yards lower down, and connects tlie railway with the quays, affording every faciliiy for conveying goods to and from the shipping, the trucks, beiitg by tliis nteans, taken alongside the vessels, and their caiKoes distribu- ted to ail parts of the interior by the Norfolk and other connecting lines of railway. 'I'he town, which occupies an area of upwards of one hundred and thirty acres, extends along the river fioni north to south, for more than a mile, and is nea-ly half a mile in breadth, On the east, north and south, it was formerly encompassed by a wall, 2,240 ! yaids in length, liaving sixteen towers and ten gates ; ; some of the former remaiti, but little altered from their original appearance; and considerable portions of the walls are still standing. Some old houses ex- hibit good specimens of the decorative carving preva- i lent in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, especially the J5 'Star Hotel,' formerly the pro|)erty of the Bradshaw family, atid the house of Charles J. Palmer, Esq., once the residence of the granddaughter of Oliver Cromwell — both on the quay. The western part of the town is bounded by the Yare, which separates it from South Town, ami is crossed by a temporary draw-bridge, which is about to give place to a veiy handsome one of iron, designed by Rlr. Walker. The piincipal streets pass iti the direction of tiorth and south, with the exception of Regent-street, before the erection of which, in 1810, there were no cross streets for carria- grs, others than Fuller's-lane, at the itoi th, and Friar's- lane, at the south end of the town. There are upwards of one hundred and fifty lanes or alleys, here, called ' rows,' which cross the streets at right atigles, and are no otherwise designated than by uumbei s attached to them. The ntarket-place is extensive, having a well-paved area of about three acres ; and on the west side of it is a range of handsome, well furnished shops. The air of this locality is pure and bracing: either heath is well ad ipied for sea-bathing, for which pur- pose Yarmouth is much frequetited. The hotels and inns are well adapted to various grades of visiters, as are the numerous lodgitrg-houses — while the libraries and reading-nroms are well furnished with the neces- sary liteiature, and are cheerfully and pleasantly situa- ted. The public library, on the Quav, contains several thousand volumes; and Slomau's library atid reading- rooms, in King-street, is an establishment in great repute: there is also a commercial club-huuse on the Quay. Yarmouth is advantageously situated for commerce, particularly that connected with the north. Its princi- pal foreign' connection is with the Baltic and the Aiedi- terranean, and its trade in coal, corn and other mer- chandise coastwise, is very extensive; it also possesses a fai-ility of communication with the interior by means of the navigable rivers Yare, Bure, Waveney and Wen- sum, and the railways before mentioned. The haven and pier commissioners are conservators of the rivers to Norwich, Bungay, Beccles and Aylsham. 'I'de number of registered vessels belonging to the port is about five hundred and fifty, exclusive of fishing smacks and other small craft, of which there are about two hundred. The crews rank among the most expert seamen on the British coasts. Ship building is carried on to a great extent, andtheaitificersin the yards Jiave Uuijj been esteemed as eminently skilful. There are 113 Noifollt. YARMOUTH, &c. ^latn'js several private bonding warehouses, and one on the Sontli (it-nes bflougiiig to tlie custom-house. On the North denes are large silk-mills: several maltings are in the town, and many flour-mills in its immediate vicinity. The trade for which Yarmouth has been so lonu noted is its extensive fisheries, which are a con- tinual souice of wealth and enipioyuurit to its inh;>- hitHMls. The mackerel fishery commences early in May, and terminates in the second week in July ; that for lierrines begins aliout Michaelmas, and finislie< at the close of November: duiing tbecimiinuaiice of the latter more than sixteen hundred fishermen are en- gaged, and from six to seven hundred men and women employed in the curing houses, exclusive of many others in making nets, baskets, rope and twine, and coopering. The quay, at which the >hipping load and unload, is considered the loni;est and finest in England, being, in the widest part, about one hundred yards in breadth, and containing in its centre a delightful pro- menade, planted with a double row of trees, and pro- tected from the eastern blast by a handsome row ot well-built houses — presenting, on the whole, a scene of commercial animation and ornamental beauty, that cannot be excelled. The town hall stands abi'Ut the centre of the Quay, and has a well proportioned por- tico, supported by pillars of the Tuscan order ; spacious elegant ball-rooms txtend along the entire fjont, and over tiie chimney-piece is a full-length portrait of George II. The north front contains a police-office, where the mayor and magistrates sit daily. The cus- tom house, is a large building, on the South Quay; but a short di'^tance from it is the town-house, where the port dues are collected : behuid the latter is the public library, containing about four thousand volumes. The theatre, erected in 1778, is attended by the Nor- wich company, and is open during part of the summer months. The bath-honse, situateti on the beach, was built in 1759, and in 1788, a large, plea-am public room was added, where balls aie orcasionally held: hot and cold sea-water, and other baths, are here kept in con- stant readiness. A jetty, twenty-four feet wide, and projecting five hundred and tvvi nty feet into the sea, on piles ol wood, forms a favourite promenade. To tlie south of thejetly a paved walk, in front of a ranse of buildings, principally hotels and lodeing houses, leads to the Victoria Esplanade, which was formed in 1841, by a company ot gentlemen desirous of promo- ting the prospeiity of the town, by the erection of a cla'!S of houses fit for the reception of families of rank. A range of houses, called Biaudon Terrace, fronting the south, and another low, named Kimber- ley Terrace, fronting the last, command magnificent views of the German Ocean, which is here constantly animated by ve.-sels passing close iu-shore. At the south extremity of the esplanade is the Victoria Hotel, also erected by the company, and fitted up in a very snperlor manner. During the summer months a band- plays on this walk, which is then much frequented. Beyond the e>|)lanade is Telegraph House, for some, time the residence of the late Earl of Abergavenny, now the residenc<' and property of Lady King. Still further to the south, is the royal militaiy lunatic asy- lum, beyond whichisthe .South Oenesand race-course, extendingto "he haven's month. Theraces, established iu 1810, are held annually in August, and the course is now an excellent one. To the noi th of the jetty i liere are hotels and lodging-houses extending to a terrace lately formed, called Britannia Terrace, which commands expansive and delightful sea views. Near the centre of the South Denes is a majestic naval pillar, erected in 1817. to the memory of Lord Nelson ; its altitude, from the smface of the gioutid, is one hundred and forty feet, the diameter of the column or shaft is twelve feet six inches, the pedestal twenty-three feet square and twenty-seven feet high. Amongst the peculiari- ties of Yarmontli is the gener.il use ot a low narrow cart, well adapted to the confined narrow lanes or rows through which it has to pass; it is drawn by a single hoise, and chiefly employed in conveying goods to and fiom the shipping: in no other place in England aie these siiiKulaily constructed carriages to be seen. Prior to the reign of John, Yarmouth vvas governed by a Provost appionted by the Crown ; that monarch granted to the inhabitants a charter ; hut the one by which the town was eoverned imnicdietcly previous to 114 the passing of the Municipal Act was conferred by Queen Anne. Lhider the new enactment the corpora" tion consists of a mayor, twelve aldermen and thirty" six councillors, with a recorder and the usual assistant officers, under the style of ' the Mayor, Aldermen* Burgesses and Commonalty of the Hotough of Great Yarmouih, in tiie county of Norfolk ;' the .'•ame act divided the borough into six wards, and piovided for it a separate commission of the peace. The horongh formerly enjoyed mote privileges than any other in the kingdom. It had a separate admiralty jurisdiction, and the power of life and death, in all criminal cases. It hassiill a court of recoid, called the botough court, for the tiial of all causes, to any amount; but the business of this court has greatly diminished since the operation of the County Court Act, passed in 1846, for adjudicating debts and claims to any amount not exceeding £20. The usual borough courts aie lield, and sessions, quarterly. The town-council appoint the coroner, and thecf)Hnty magistrates bavf no juris- diction within the borough. The inhabitants are ex- empt from serving on any jury out of the town, and the ship-owners from paying harbour dues at Dover, Rye, Ramsgate, Scarborough, and other ports along the coast. Yarmouth has sent representativts to par- liament from the 28:h of Edward I ; the mayor is the returning officer: the present sitting memheis are Charles Edmund Rumble, Esq. and Joseph Sandars, Evq. Yarmouth confers the title of f^arl upon the Marquess of Hei tford. 'I'he parish church of Saint N'cholas, was fountled in the early part of the twelfth century by Herbert de Losiiiga, bishof) of Norwich; it is a stately crucifoini structure, presenting many interesting peculiarities» and is one of the largest parish churches in the king- dom. Upwards of £5,000 has been recently raised by subscription, and expended in the restoration of this I noble edifice, which now affords sittings for three ' Ihonsand persons. The present spire, whicli has super- ' seded the ancient one, is one hundred and sixty eight I feet in lieitht; the organ is one of the finest and most I powerful in the kingdom : the TMiiig is a perpetual j curacy, in the presentation of the Dean and Chapter of I Norwich. Saint Genrue's chapel of ea-e, erected in 1714, is an edifice of brick and stone, surmounted by an octagonal turret and dome: the living was in the palroiKige of the coiporation, of whom it has been j purchased by the present incumbent. Saint Peter's church is a structure of white brick and stone, elected 'in 1833, at a cost of £12,000. piincipally defrayed by I the church commissioneis: the Dean and Clhipter of 1 Norwich are the patrons. There are places of worship [ for iJaptists, Independents, Wesleyan and Primitive Methodists, LTnitaiians, the Society of Friends, and Roman Catholics— the last-named have recently erected on the Regent-road, a very handsome chntch and prie.'t's house, of squaied flint with stone dressings in the perpendicular style. There are several valuable chari- ties belonging to Yarmouth, including almshouses* periodical gifts, &c. A hospital for the sick vva.s built in 1842, and is snppoited by subscriptions and donations. An endowed school (formerly Saint Mary's hospital) is vested in the charity trustees. Theieare several public schools, upon the iJtitish, national and congregational plans, also one of imlusiry, and others for infants. A new workhouse, for reci|)ients under the Poor Law I'nion has been erected near the north entrance of the town: the corn exchange is on the Quay. The markets are held on Wednes- day and Saturday. l'"airs, on the Fiiday and Satur- day in Faster week, and Shrove Monday and Tuesday. Bv the returns for 18.'51, the borom;h and parish con- tained 21,115 inhal.itaiits, and in 1841, 24,08fi. Caistor Saint Edmunds, is a parish in the same hundred as Yainionth — the village of Caistor, plea- sant but irregular ly built, is about '.i miles n. from that town. Formerly it was a town of good dimensions and some consequence, and had two churches — one dedicated to Saint Edmund, the other to the Holy Trinity; some ruins, which now are all that remain of the latter, form a picturesque ol)jJrth quay Dye iMrs. Matilda, 9 Crown place Gibbs Mr. Henry Harris, Back road Gilham Mrs. Mary, South Town Glasspoole Mrs. — , Ormeshy St. Michael's [terrace Gleiiham Mrs. Elizabeth, Nelson Good Mr. John, King st Goodwin Mr. John, Prospect place Goss Rev. William, 85 row, King st Gourlay Mas. Sarah, Regent road Green Mr.James, South Town Guild Mrs. Sarah, King st [place Guthrie Mrs. Margaret, 3 Crown Hamtnon Mr. Richard, North end Hammond Mr. Richard, North quay Hankes Mr. William, South quay Harmer the Mis.ses Jane & .Maria, Camperdown terrace Harbord Mr. vvilliam. South Town Hardly Mrs. Elizabeth, St. Peter's rd Harley Mr. George, Gorleston Hawkins Lieut. George J., Bracey's ropewalk J road Hewitt Mr. Daniel, South Market Hills Rev. George, Vicarage Holliday Rlr. Richard, Duncan place Hotson'Mrs. Sarah, South Town Hume Jos.Esq.,M.p.,Biamley House Hunt Miss IMaitha, Nelson terrace Hurst Rev. San)nel, South Town Jay Mrs. Mary, Regent st Jenner Lieut. George, South Town J ex Mr. James, St. Peter's toad Dvson Mr. Joseph, St. Nicholas' rd Jones Mrs. Sarah, Sonth Market rd Ellis Captain Frederick Adam, r.n., Kendall Mrs. Maria, 10 Crown place South Town Keyiner Miss Ann, South Town Emiss Mr. Edward, East st, Kingst Killett Miss Mary, St. Peter's road Everitt George, Esq., Caistor Castle King Mrs. Mary, White Horse place Fairman Capt. — ,R.N;St. Nicholas rd Lacon Sir Edmund Henry Knowles, Farrow Mrs. Catherine, Queen's place. East hill [Ea.st hill Farrow Rev. Samuel, Queen's place, Firides Mr. Joseph, Church square Field Mrs. Mary, 4 Crown pi Fill Mr. Jo«eph, Regent road Fish .Mr. John, Regent road Fish Mr. Simon, Sonth Town [rd Fisher Mrs. Elizabeth, St. Georges' Forster Mrs. Ann, Gaol st FosierRev.Richard,ivi.A.,ScratbyHall Foy Mr.James, Retent road Francis Mr. Geoige, North end f ransham Mrs. Elizabeth, North end Freie Rev. Edward B., King st Fuller Mrs. Ann, South Town Gaidiner Mr. William, '^outh Town Garnham John, Esq., South Town Gedney Mrs.Susannah, South Town Hoptnn Hall, Suffolk F^acon Lady Eliza. Ormesby Hall Lacon John Mortlock, Esq., Quay Lamb Mrs. Mary, South Town Larke Capt. William, r.n.. King st Lawes Capt. John Porter, Regent rd Layton Mrs. Mary Anna, North end Leeds Mrs. Mary, Norili end Leicester Rev. James A., Regent rd Leinmon Mr. John, South Town Ling Mr. William, Gorleston Loddy Mr. George, South Town Long Lieut. James, r.n., Gorleston Lonsdale Mrs. Elizabeth, Regent st Lonsdale Miss Susan, North quay Lopez Rev. Don Claudio.Ri gent terr Lucas Rev. Charles, Filby House Manby Capt. George William, r.n.. South Town 115 Norfolfe. YARMOUTH, &c. ^latec'sf GENTRY, etc.— Continued, Mann Mr. John, South '1 own Marjoram Mr. Tliom^s, l.S Crown pi Marsh Mrs. Ann, Sonih quay Marstou Mr. George, Nortli end Martin Mr. Hezekiah, South Town Martin Mr. James, Soutli Town May Mrs. Mary, South Town Metfin Rev. John, Market road Miller Mr. James, 108 Row,Soiith qv Miller Mr. Sieplien, Gorlestou Minn Mr. John, St. Peter's road Morse Mrs. Elizabeth, North end Moss Mrs.Klizahetb, Great Ormesby Mortim Rev. Jnhn, Caistor Nauuton Mr. George, South Town Neave Mr. William, North end Nesbitt Mrs. Maria, North Quay Ne>len Mrs. Harriet, Reaent road Nevill Henry K. Hegent road Nuthall Mrs. Mary, Somerset place O'Reilly .Mr. James, Claremont terr Oxley Mr. John Prescot, Cauiper- ilown teriace Page Mrs. Anna Maria, South Town Page Mr. Thomas, South Town Pagett Mr. SamI, St. Georges's terr Palmer Mrs. Eleanor, South Town Palmer Mr. William D., Camper- down terrace Parke Mr. George, South Town Parker Lady Isabella, South quay Payne Mr. Thomas, King st [quay Pearson Capt. Charles, r.n., South Pells Mrs. Margaret. Gorleston Penrice Mrs. Ann, King st Penrice Mr. John, Ely place Pettingell Miss Ann, South Town Piegin Mr. Robert, Noith end Piggott Mr. Jacob, South Town Pike Rev. Joseph. Gorleston Plummer Jolin, 56 Bank row Preston Mr. -lacob, South Town Priest Mrs. Lduisa, Regent st Pulleii Philip, Esq., St. Geroge's rd Purdy Mr. William C, Gaol st Ray Mr. Walter, St. George's terr RedgiaveMrs. Susan, Buckingham pi Rising M r. George, South Town Rivett Mr. James, South Town Roberts Captain Lazarus, r.n.. Regent road Robert.sM rs. Susannah, SonthTown Rnhs-rts Mrs. Maigaret, Royal place Roberts Mr. William, South Town RusSfU Rev. James, South quay Sacret Mr. Thomas, South Town Salt Rev. Francis, South Town Salter Mrs. Sarah. North Market rd Saunders Mr. William, North end Scott Mr. Thomas Charles, King st Sherrington Mrs. Ann, South quay Simon Rev. Jo-^cpli, King st Sin)pson Mrs. Mary, Church square Simpson Mr. William Jasper, Market row (race Skinner Mr. James, St. James' ter- Skinner Mr. Thomas St. George's rd Sloraan William Waters Mr., Scra'by Smith Mrs. Ann. King .st Smith Mrs. Elizabeth, Gorleston Smith .Mr. James, Apollo place Smith Mr. William, Queen st Smith Mr. William, Gorleston Squire Kev. Henry, South end Squire Mr William, Regent terrace Stanford Mrs. .Sarah, South Town Steele Lieut. Edward, Regent road Steiry Mr. Nathaniel, Goileston Steward Mrs. Elizabeth, North quay Steward RevGeoigeWil I iarii, Caislor Steward Mr. Ricliard, Sotuh Town Steward Mrs. .Susannah, Howard st Stewart Mrs. Ann, South quay 116 Stone IMrs. Maria, Queen's place, East hill [terrace Storey Mr. William, Campcrdown Stringer Mr. Thomas, Reuent road Sutton Mis. Elizabeth, 8 Seymour pi Tani) Mr. James, Norfolk terrace Tapp Mrs. Ellen, Monument road Tear Mrs. Marv, Nortli quay Teasdell .Mrs. Sarah, Ganl st Thomas Mr. Charles J., King st Thompson Mr.Samuel,StGeorge'srd Ihrouer Mr. Aaron, Souiii Town I'hiirtell Mr. William. South quay Towns Mr. Samuel, Regent road Travis Captain Sir Eaton, Kut.,R.N., South quay Tunbridge Air. Thomas, Gorleston Tumor Mr. Charles, South Town Up.iohn Rev. Francis, Vicarage, Gorleston Vardon Mr. John, Regent road Vaux Rev. Bovvyer, Regent rnad Wakeley Mrs. Ann, St. Peter's rd Walpole Mr. Jonas, Clarence place Walpole Mr. William, South Town Ward Mr. Mathew, South Town WarrenMr.Thomas.SoutliMarketrd Warren Mr. James, Rath hill Waters Rev. Mark, South Town Watson Mr. William, South Town Wtarn Miss Arabella, South Town Weeds Miss Elizabeth, North end Wheeler Mrs. Mary, South Town Wlieeler Mr. Thomas, Gorleston White Henry, Esq., King st WhittletonMr. Thomas, North end Wicks Mrs. Mary, King st WiggMrs, Maria, King st [terr ^Vithers Mrs. Miliceiit, Claremont Woodward Mr. Samuel, Clarence pi Woor Mr. Thomas, King st Worship .Mr. Franri^, Rtor Ellis William, George st •Fulcher Susannah, King st Garson Harriet 6i Mary, George st Glasscock Harriet, King st Greevcs Sarah, George st Hannaut John, Atkins walk, North entrance Haws Marearet, Regent st Haywaid Ann, Theatre st Holland Jaine.i, Gaol st Hospital School, Market place- John W. Hewke, nraster ; Char- lotte Coffin, misticss Infants' School, Caistor — Eliza*- belli Edmonds, mistress Infants' School, King st — Sarah Cole, mistress Infants' School, St. Nicholas', 4.5 Row, George st — Susannah Parr, mistress Infants' School, St. Petei's, Back road — Elizabeth Brinday, mistress Jackson Joseph, King st [rd Jarmeiiy iNlary Ann, South Market Moore William, White Horse plaiu National ScHooL,Caistor — James Read, master; Charlotte BIytb, mistress National School, Gorleston — — Thomas Biich, master; Eliza Underwood, mistress Osbori) Sarah, 40 Row Palmer John, North Market road Parkinson Camerona, Norfolk terr •Plummer Golding, King st Ragged School, North end^— (masters various) Redgrave Helen, Buckineham place Robertson & Cooper (ladies), Aps- ley terrace School of Industry, King st— — Sarah Brecknell, mistress •Silvers Ann, Chapel Paved row *Shakel John, Howard st Slomaii Isabella, Theatre plain Sloman Sophia, St. Peter's road Steriy Betsy (ladies') Gaol st Swann Matthew H., Howard st Thomas Mary, Church square Tydeman Lucy (ladies'. Queen st *Wall Maria i ladies), Gorleston Walpole Chariot te(la'lies)Georfje Jt Wat.son James, 18 Row, George st Westgaie Mary Ann, 84 Row, George st *Woollsey Sarah, North quay Yallop George S., Gorleston Yarmouth Proprietary Gram- mar School — Rev. William C. Davie,hea(l master ;GeorgeBaker, second master ACCOUNTANTS. Davey Joseph, Regent st Ernes Richard H. (and law stationer) Kiiigst Pizey Robert,4 Albert place, King st agents- general COMMERCIAL, &C. General Agents when not otherwise described. [See also Fire, &rc. Office Agents and other Agents under their respective heads.) Bird William, Quay, South Town Blake Gaiscm (comuiisson), Quay, South Town Bunn Tiiomas (commission). Quay, South town Butcher James (to Huthwaite and Co.) Charlotte st Butcher Matthew & Sons (and ship and general commission), St. Peicr'> road Clarke Justinian B. (and to Daniel Harmer), South quay Cobb Simon & Soir (for Macinto.sh and Co.) Charlotte st Cosierton George B., 76 Row South quay iiirfctorg* YARMOUTH, &c. Koifolfe. Crowe Vrederick (news and school, and to tlie Norwich and East of England Building Society), How- ard street Davie William (Trinity), South st Fill Samuel John, South quay Heriot Robert M., (commission), 100 Row, South quay HvltonJolin (to William H. Bessey), North quHV [l»wu Laws Chailes W., Quay, South Laws James E. 108 Row, Sih. quay Norman John & Son (for Chalder's patent pump), Theatre plain Orfeur John (commission). Quay, South Town Palmer James Hurry & Co. (and to Samuel Culley, limber merchant) Retjent st Palmer John, Quay Parmt-nter William (to John Kit- ton), Queen st Preston Isaac & Son (foreign), Quav, South Town Read Thomas W. & Co. (commis- sion). South Town fQuay Rice Samuel (commission)57 Row, Seaman Robert (to Trueman, Hanburv and Co.) Quay Shelley John & Co. (to Lloyds'), South Quay Short Thomas L., King st Steward Arthur (to Steward, Pat- tesori, Linch and Co.) North quay Teasdel Henry (commission), Quay South Town [Town Walling Robert S., Quay, South Woods & Sloman (for Meallds & Paliner(& receiver of A'dmiralty Dioits), Regent st *Sayers Christopher, Queen st Slieirington Samuel B., Regent road «Tolver & Preston, Quay Waters James D., Priory plain Woods Alexander, King st Worship William, Regent st AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISRS. Church John, North End Cole George, Charlotte st Crowe Frederick, Howard st Hickling Robert, Kingst Pettingill Walter D. Regent St Pratt James, Howard st Rogers John R. Theatre plain Spelman William & Sons, Town Hall square [King st Woods & Sloman (and valueis). BAKERS- LOAF AND SHIP BISCUIT. Ames Mary Ann, George st Ames Roiiert, George st Archer Thomas St. Peter's road Arthertou Charles, Gorleston Biles Robert Green, Victoria place Bales William, Market place Banham Robert, Gorleston Barber George, Duncan place Barrtll R-beri, Fuller's bill Beecroft Peter, Cbarlotle st Bishop John, Garden lane Blagg Edward, George St Boulter Henry, North End Chapman William, Gaol st Cbasteney Everson, Queen's place, East hill Chasteiiey J.E., 5 Row, North quay (Jraske John H. George st Duffield John C, South quay Eagleton John, Kulkr's hill Eastick Elijah, York road Emms Jas. Kingst. & St. Peter's id Emms James R., Gorleston Farman Samuel, North quay Foreman George, Noitli quay Foreman Thomas, King st Fransham Jobn, North End Fuller Thomas, Gaol st Garwood William, 60 Row Gilham Jonathan, North market rd Gooda Charles, King st Gowan James, Nelson place Hawkins Jobn, 18 Row, George st Hewitt Stephen, North End Houchen George, Howard st Howard John, Charlotte st Howard Samuel, South market rd Howlett George, 34 Row, George st Jay Francis, King st Jay James B., Gaol st Jav John Mason, South st Johnson William, Maiket road Juiier Matliew, George st Kemp William, 12.t Row, King st Kent William, Ymk road King Alfiid, South Town Larke William, 30 Row, George st LaytonHezeki;ih, Bridge rd.SouthT. Layton Robert Veale, Howard 8t Leeder Arcb, Market place Matthews Benjamin, Gaol st Matthews Jasper, Goileston Mobbs Samuel, Market road Morse Elizabeth, North End Naunton Libbis, Gaol st Naunton William B. Market row Page Joseph, 45 Row, George st Punchen Charles, South End Pye Richard, St. Peter's road Reynolds George, Gooleslon Rivett John R. King st Rivitt Richard, King st I Runacre James, Gaol st Sayer Henry, Rainbow corner Sayer Thom.is B. Gaol st Scott James, Town Hall square Sharman John C. King st Smith Thomas, Howard st Whitaker John, Gaol st White Henry, South st Woodrow Edmund, King st Woolston Benjamin, Gaol st BANKERS. East OF England Bank (Branch), Regent st — (draws on the London and Westminster Bank)— Geoige William Holmes, agent Gurnevs', Turner & Brightwen, Quay— (d:aw on Barclay, Bevan & Co. London) Lacon Sir Edmund Knowles, Bart. Lacons', Youell & Co. Quay— (draw on Glyn, Hallifax & Co. London) National Provincial Bank of England (Branch), South Quay (draws on the London Joint Stock Bank) — Robert Stewart, manager Savings' Bank, Howard st— (open on VVednesdavs from 11 to Ij — I Robert D. Barber, actuary 1 BASKET MAKERS. Farman Joseph, Soutli Town Felstead John, George st Green Robert, 112 Row, South quay Haines William C, Quay Lamb James, Market row Miller Robert, St. Nicholas' road Newman David, South st Page WiUiam, South quay Peck David, Gaol st Rivett Henry, 40 Row, Charlotte st Rivett Philip, North quay Shuckford Beiij. & Son, Market pi BLACKSMITHS. (Seealso fFhite &r General Smiths.) Atkins William, North quay Busaey William, Goileston Chane John W. Back of Fish markt Dale Willim, 48 Row, George st Durraiit Henrv, Cai>tor Fukher WiUiam, Fullers hill Gibbs John, VVhiie Horse plain Gooda Ths.Win. Bridge rd.SouthT. Humphrey Joseph, Caistor Lovick Thomas, St. Nicholas' road Manning William, Si. Nicholas' rd Read Samuel, Gorleston Skoyles John, Gorleston Smith Samuel, Back road 117 Norfolfe* YARMOUTH, &c. Slate r'0 BLOCK^ MAST, AND PUMP MAKERS. AWred, Mnil& C<>., North quay Ellett James North qtiny Knowle.s James, North quay PalsTHve Hemy, South quay V^eale Robert, South qu.iy Wooden Francis, Snufh quay BOAT BUILDERS. (See iilso Ship Builders.) Beechiiig James, Si'Utli end Burwoiid Henry, South Town Frosdick Thomas, North quay Hastings Ht-nry, South quay HHStings Joseph, South end Houuhton Alfrrd, North quay Hounhtoii William, Nonh quay Jermyn & Mack. South Town Newsnm John, Goileston Parker Robert, Noith quay Pigg Priscilla, South Town Smallpnge William, South Town BOOKBINDERS. {See also Booksellers, S^-r.) Alexander William, King street Denew James M., 72 R"W, Quay Diboll Joseph William, Howard st Gytod William H., Howard street Purdy Henry Joseph, Gaol st BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. (See also Stationers.) Alesai;der William (and newsaeent and reading rooms), King street Barber Chailes, Quay Duucau Alrxaiider, Alarket row Foreman JoImi, Theatre plain Gilham James, Howard st Gooch, Burrett & Son, Market pi Keevil George, King st Sloman Charles (and news agent anH private subscription reading rooms), King street Wriglit William, King st BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Ames Thomas, Broad row Baldwin Chailes, White Horse plain Balls William, North (juay Bartram John, St. Peter's road Beckett George Wm., Townhall sq Bee James, Gaol st Bee Robert, Market place Benstead John, South Town Hilton Jotiii, Charlotte st Blyth John T., Market place Blvth William John, George st Block John, 33 Row, George st Broom Chai les J , 17Row,George st Brown Henjamii BlackSwaii row 51 Bulley Joseph, 12'J Row, South qy Bunn James, Broad row But er Robert, South market road Cobb Mary & Son, George st Crane Clement, (iaol st Croswt 11 James, 39 Row, George st Oawsoii William, Charlotte st Day George, North mat ket road Uuffell Robert, Georye st Duniiell John, Gaol st Duirell Samuel, Goileston Kdmunds Isaac Caister Emms David, 109 Row, King st Krrineton Wm.,St I'uter's Paved rw Feltham Geoige, Market place Fisher listher ^d-aler). Church sn Fisk George, Gorleston Fletcher Robert, King st Fountain William. 7h Row, Gaol st Freiii h William, Geoige st Froniow Thomas, Gaol st Gipliiigs John, Kim; st Goodrick Geoige Thos., Mai ket pi Greenacre Uenjamin, Caisior Hall Wdham, 140 Row, King st Hannaiit Wm.L., 18 Row,George8t 118 Healev Jaraes, Gaolst High William, Gaol st Hunt George, South Town Kemp William, Market row Keriison Jacob, Nortli market road Lane Benjamin, St. Nicholas' road Langley Samuel, Gorleston Larke Kdgar N.,Chailotte st Lockhart, Adam, King st Man in Samuel, Gaol st Miller William, South quay Newiirk VVilliam, South Town Nobbs Edward, 85 Row, King st Nolloth William. Gaol st Panks Henry, Theatres! Patter sou James, Charlotte st Pile Charles, South quay Pye Martin, Card st Rainer Francis. King st Remlance William, South st Rir>e plain CURRIERS AND LEATHER j SELLERS. {See also Glovers S{ Leather Sellers.) Blyth Henry, Market place I Cobb Mary & Son, Georae st j CobbSimon & Son (and merchants, and grindery warehouse), Char- lotte street I Doughty Charles, WhiteHorse plain GodfreySaml.OldPostOffice row, 63 j Nash David, Broad row Na.'t [row Yallop Georee S. 63 Old Post Office YaNley Charles, Market road Ya.xley John, Market road Yaxley Robert, North market road FTSHING TACKLE MAKERS. Barnes Charles, George st Gould George. South quay Page Philip William, Howard st FISHMONGERS. Ames Samuel, Fish market Beales Mary Ann, Fish inaiket Holme William, Fish mat ket King Robert, Fish market LocUett William, South Town Miller Isaac, Fish maiket Millicaii John, Fish maiket Neale Stephen, Maiket row Runiiitf Elizabeth, Fi>h market Runnilf John, Fish market Smith William, Fish market Yaxley Mary, Fish market FRUITERERS. [See atiu Greengrocers.) Bales James, Market place Byfoid Georu'C, Charlotte st Ciilian David S., Market tow Monlecii «i Mayers, Maik.t row Tricker Elizabeth, St. Peter's road FURNITURE BROKERS. Bezance John, Charloite st Clarke Richard, Charlotte st Cox Emma, Charlotte st Durrant Eduard, Charlotte st Forden Robert, 20 Row, Charlotte st Fordeii Thijina<, Charlotte st Howlett John, Gaol st Laycock Isaac, George st .Mallett Wiliiam, Charlotte st Newark Jidin, Charlotte st Turner Joseph E., Charlotte st FURRIERS. Jones Hannah, 132 Row,SouthQuay Livingston William, King st GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. Ashley James, Noith end Blagg George, North end Bruunint! John, North end Bunkell James, North end Bush Edwaid, North end C(dlins Edward, North end Dye Robert, Gorlestou Hammond Heniy, North end Hay John. North end Goose Robert, North end Ives John, Gorle.ston Margetson Henry, St. Market road Meves Wilhain, Gorleston Nic'holls William, Atkin's walk, North entrance Youell & Co. (and nurserymen and florists to Her Majesty), Nursery, North entrance ; warehouse,Mai- ket place GINGER BEER&SODA "WATER MANUFACTURERS. Barcham William, 61 Row, Quay ButrherJas.(&cordials), Charlotte .st Ives Samuel. Howard st Moore Elizabeth, Row 63J, King st Powlev John, North quay Rogers John R., Theatre plain IGLOVERS & LEATHER SELLERS. Blyth Heiiiy, Markei place Farrow William, Caister^ Townshend John, Fuller's hill Wright Richard, Church square GREENGROCERS. {See also Fruiterers. ) Bains Franci*;, Gaol st Balls Thomas, Gaol st Balls William, Charlotte st Beckett George, (iaol st Bowles William, Gaol st Chapman John, back of Fish market Duffield W illiam. North quay Geriod Edward, George st High William, Gaol st Lamb Charles, St. George's road Mayers John, Gaee/jers, S{c., and also Tea Dealers.) Allcock Henry C, Market row Bales James, Marketplace Barrel! Robert, Fuller's hill Blagg Thoinas H., Market row Browne Samuel Y., King st Bumpstead George, MarUet place Bumpstead Hobert, Gaol st Bnstoii John T., jun.. North end Chapman William, Howard st Clowes John, Quay Emms James, St. Peter's road Fenn John, Market place Freeman Charles, ChaHotte st Fulcher Elizabeth, Maiket place (iood John, King st Greeves John, Gorleston Ciunn Henry, Market row Gunn Robert, White Horse plain Hardesty William, Gaol st Hairison William, Gaol st iiircctorp. YARMOUTH, &c. KToifolft. Laws VViHiaii), Gf-orgest Lessey Samuel, King st Loiiiiiore Juhii, Broad row Lucia William, Kingst Maistoii Charles, Kingst Rlaystoii Frederick, Market place Niiiton Alfred C, [Market place Orfoid William, Brond row Owls Georgf, 26 Row, Charlotte st Page .lames, drlesion Page William, South quay P'lls J. .1,11, Gorlestou Plensaiits William , South e Win.,Ciiiistophtr, Howards Paue Philip William, Howard st Pratt Alfred, Goal lane Quinton John, Fuller's hill Sco'ter George C, St. Peter's road Smiih Jrinie^, George st Taylor Henrv, King st HATTERS. Bacon Robert Si Co., Howard st Cocks John, Kins st Crowe William, Gorleston Greevs John, Gorleston Lawn James, Broad row Moore & NutliHll, Market place RackliHin SHinnel, Market row Robertson Jame^W., Chinch square Stalling Alfred & John, Market row Steward Christopher, Charlotte st Walsh John, King st INNS. (See also Taverns 8c Public Houses.) Aneel, Jf>hn Brown, Market place Bath House Hotel (and boarding house), Samuel W. Bly, opposite the Jetty Bear, Robert Puncher, South town Ciown&Anchor.Ma'tha Reeve, Quay Duke's Heail, Sti phen Kemp, Quay King's Head,.ludith Wigg.Maiket p'l Norfolk Hotel (family, boarding &l>ostiiig-liou5e;,ChariesButcher, Nonh beach Royal Hotel, South Denes 16* Star, Mary Pestell, Quay Victoria Hotel (family, boarding and posting-house), John Price, South Denes IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. Doughty & Dye, 63 Row, King st Moore Samuel V.(and engineer and boiler maker). South end Piller & Andrews, 127 Row, Kingst Rogers James, North quay IRONMONGERS. Bradnack I-aac H. Church square Breeze Robert, Market place Clowes George W. Howard st Cri>p Samuel B. George st Gray Thomas Edward, King st Nutman John, Fuller's hill Pleasants William, South quay Stagg John, Broad row Weavers John, Gorle.ston YoutU John F. Bioad row LIBRARIES-CIRCULATING. fSee also /leading Rooms, Sfc.) Alexander William, Kingst Bales James, Maiket place Gooch Baireti & Son, iMarket place Simpson Amv, North quay Slonian Chailes, King st Thompson Mary, G. oige st Wright William, Kitm st Yarmouth Public LiBRARy,South quay — G. W. Holmes, treasurer ; Jolin Smith, secty. and libiarian LINEN Si ^VOOLLEN DRAPERS SILK MERCERS ANDHABERDASHERS. Marked thus • are Travelline Drapers. •Ainstock John, St. Nicholas' terrace Baker Robert, Maiket place Blake John, Mark* t place Bieese Chailes & Henry, Market pi Burton William A. King st •Chalmers & Smith, 63 Row, Maiket place Clinpiiian James G. King st •Crawford Ken« dy, Johnson's row •Dawson Francis, Apollo place Dei'dy Fredeiii k. King st Ecclestone Richard, Bioad row Fowler Daniel Read, Market place Fyson William, Mai ket place & row GeoiKe Thomas, King st Gooda Matthew, Market row Greeves John, Gorleston Hunter Henry, Fullei's hill Johnson William & Sons, Market row and Charlotte st •Johnston Samuel, Theatre plain Livingston William, King st Miller & Hunt, Maiket place Page James, Gorleston Parker Samuel, Market place Palmer Garwood B. & Nathaniel B. Maiket place Rackham John, White Horse plain ftobinsoii William D., Broad row Savers & Doman, .Market row •s, North Market toad Etluridee John, St. Peter's road Farrow Sophia, King st Folder Martha, St. Pet ei's terrace Freeman Mary, South Market road Frost 'I'homas, Brandon terrace Gaze Benjamin. 6 Crown pace Gaze Hannah, Proiidence place Gaze .Mary, St. Peter's road Giles Joseph, St. Peter's road Goose Elizabeth, Trafalgar road Greenacre Thomas, Victoiia place Giiinson Mary Ann, St. Peter's rd Hales Lydia, St. Peter's terrace Hall Marv, Buckingham (ilace Hall'tt Mary Ann, ^6 Row, Kingst Hardingham Thomas, St Peter's rd Harris Mary Ann, Piovidence place Harrison Wiiliani, St. George's road Hawkins Anna. Somerset place Hawkins Elizabeth. Nelson terrace Holmes Elizabeth, 8 Cmwi) place Horn Robert, Devonshire ()lace Hiiby Elizabeth, Monument road Hurst Thomas, Buckin^iham place Jary Mary, Camperdown terrace Jason James, St. Peter's road Jay Charlotte, South st Jeremy Estiier, Bath p'are Johnson Eiizaheth, Every terrace Jones Sarah, Claremoni terrace Jubey Mary, Blake's buildings Keny Mary Ann, Bath place ' Larke Mary, Trafalgar road 121 Korfolfe. YARMOUTH, &c. MeiUt*fi LODGING-HOUSES— Continufd. Lrtiter Jolin F. North Market road List K.rizabt-th, R"yal road Loa's Sarah & Balls Ann, Bath hill terrace Maiden Su'annah, Devonshire place Marshall .lane, Proviltnre place Marstoii Harriet. Apsley terrace Ma-on Sarah, Viitnria roaf! Musterton Henry B. Trafalgar road Mohb Thomas Roval place Money Muria, St. George's road Morley ^^ary, Devonshire place Morris Mary, Wilshere place Moss William, Trafiilear road Monntjov William, Henent road Nash Marv Ann, Devon-hire place Na«h Matilda. Duncan place Newson Elizabeth, Alfred t.rrace Newson Maiy Ann, Trafakar road Nichols Hannah, 50 Uow, Kine; st Notris Jane. Y'ork ti-rrace Noughton Ht-nry, Seymour place Olh-y William, Seymour place OrfuVr Lor^tiiie, South -t Palmer M^ry Ann, Duncan place Paiiks Henry, Bath place P.irke Deborah, Regent road Paul William, Campeidown terrace Pennell Sarah, Duncan place Peter.son Mary Ann, King st Pickurd Henry, Trafalgar road Pickers Ainv, Kxnionth place Plyih Maria', St. Prtei's road Porter William. 7 Crown place Quintiu Maiv Ann, Tiaf^lgar road Rainer WiUiam, St. George's road Read Jane, Monument road Ri-in« Charlotte. King st Roberts Ann, Ely pl'Ce Boherts Mary, St. Peter's road Bunniff John, Biih place Bushniei William, Devonshire place Sayer George, Market road Seamen Maria, St. Peter's road Sexton Marv, Alfred terrace Shields Samuel. Litchfield place Smith Jane, St. George's road Smith Lucy, Victoria Cottage Smith Mary, St. Peter's road Smith M-iry Ann, St. George's road Soanes John, Ely place. East hill Stevens James, Ely place, East hill Stort John, Kent place T'gg Hebf era. Market road Taylor .Martha, Royal place Taylor Sarah. 4 Alfred t. rrace Theobald Benjamin,2 Alfred terrace Thomp-oti Lf onard, South Mai ket nl ThoinpsonWilliain, Monument road Thorniliik Rachael. Gaol st Tiilow Patience, St. Pt-ter's road Turreil Samuel, St. Peter's road Walker Elizabeth, Bath place Wall Charles, Blake's building.s "Wilkins James, St. George'.^ road Wolverdon Maiy, King .st Woo'lhoiise Jatnes, Theatre plain Woods John, Bath place Wright Charlotte, Wdsherc place Wright Joseph, Queen's pl.Kasthill Wright Robeit, 3 Wil>heie place MALTSTERS. Barclay Arthur Kelt, 112 Row, S"Uth »|uay fSonth Town Brown Charles (for Baiclay & Co.), Chipnertitld Chas. L., North quay Combe Harvey, b6 Row Crisp John jun.. North quay Dowsnii Benjamin (for Combe, De- lafield & Co.), Qnay Dowsoii B. U. & Sons,Bridge road. South Town Dow>dn SeptitnusfforRichard Mar- tineau), Sooth Town 122 Ferrier Richard & Son, Gaol st LacotiSirKdmund& Soiis,Chnrch sq Martineau Richard, South Tuwn Niniitimsale Samuel (for Lacon & Co.), North quay Read Thomas William, North quay Tomlinson Joseph, Howaid st Watlinu Roliert S., S.'Uih Town MARINE STORE DEALERS. Alexander & Gollin, Fuller's hill AllenJohn &Co., l04Row,South qy Ames Abraham, St. Nicholas road Archer Clement, North qu^y Bradi'eer Samuel, 100 Kow, South qy Budd Wm, 136 How, South quay Burton & Flowerdew, South Town Crane Phoebe, Fuller's hill Ciillinglord Samuel, South quay Dve James, George st Garrod Da>id, Ciiarlotte st Harbord Griffin, 36 Row, G'orge st Harboid Win., i^^orth Market ro.d Hairison John, 1.36 Row, South quay Houston WiUiam, Goileston Mallett Samuel, Gaol st Read Irevitt, North quay Weaver John, Goileston Welch Alfred, Howa>d st MERCHANTS. [See also Corn Merchants, Timber merchants, IFine Merchants, SfC, under their respective heads.) Barber Robert, York road Bessev William Henrv, North quay Blake Gaisoti, Quay, Si»uth Town Bracey John, St. Peter's road Butcher Matthew & Sons, Saint Peter's road Clarke Thomas, South end Dow>on Benjamin, Qu«y Foreman Thomas, Regent 8t Jay Benjamin, Qnay [road Leitis Thomas & Son, St. George's Orfeur John, Quay, South Town Palmer George Dauby, 138 Row, South quay Palmer John, Quay Palmer U illiam Hurry & Co., 104 Row, South qnay Scales William, St. George's road Shelley John & Co., (Russian), South qnay VVatliii«RobrrtS.,Quay,SouthTown West&Richmond(coal),SouthTown MILLERS. Bartram John Parker, South Mill, Victoria road [Town Branford & Palmer,Quay side.South Cole Anthony, Caistor Cooper Thomas, South Town Foreman William, stGe-'ige's road Green James cSi Robert, Gorleston Hammond William, Gorleston Parker John, North mill Reynolds Edward, S'-uth Town Skinner Win. B., New Tower Mill Shp|)er John, East hill pl^ce Stannard Richd., Back id.& Cai.stor Tooley Robert, St. Nicholas' road Wai-iis William, Caistor Waters Roberi, South Town Wilson Henry, South Town Wincott Jdhn.Cai'tor MILLINERSfic DRESSMAKERS Allcock Eleanor Sarah, 36 Row, George street Allcock Sarah. Market row Anstock Ann, St. Nicholas' terrace Bennett Jane A., Chapel paved lovv Butler MaiyAnii.SouthMaiket road Caiter Ann, South st Cook Rachael, King st Corbyn Eliza, Union place Corbvn Mary Abu, lioward st Ding Elizabeth, Market place Everett Elizabeth, Nnrili end Field Mnry, 14 R vv, Georte st Fisk Charlotte, 22 Uow,Charlotte st Flagg Hannah, Market place Foi email Elizabeth, Bioad row Glanfield D"roihv,St George's road GravesSarah K.,22 ll..w,(;harlotte 8t Harrison EUbtli ,33 Row, George st H-istings Su>aiinah Broail row Hill & Green, Market place , Hull Marv, North Maiket road I Huiiii MaryAnn,.54 Row,Howardst JohtisonTheresa, 36 Row, George 8l Keevil Susan, Howaid st Laike Rebecca, 30 Row, George st Lincoln Sarah, Bioad row Lucia Kliza & Saiah, Regent st Margef son AnnaM aria, Sth. Mat ketst Newark Mary, 40 Row, Charlotte »t Prait Elizabeth. North quay Rausome Caroline, Howaid st Read MaryAuti,22 Row, Charlottes! Rolls Maiy Ann, Victoria road Roper H.iriiet, Market row Scott Jane, 118 Row, South quay Simpson Mary Ann, Broad row Smith Charlotte, Kiiigst Wehb Mary, Market place WhiteMaryAnn & Elhn.Church sq. Woods Elizabeth, North entrance Woiilsey ftlary. King .st MUSIC et MUSICAL INSTRU- MENT SELLERS. Sharp George, Market row Street Samuel (and organ builder), St. Peter's road NURSERY & SEEDSMEN. See Gardeners and Seedsmen. OPTICIANS. Fisher Thornton & Co., South quay Solomons Abraham, King st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Arhnn James, Kinii st Barrow Henrv, George st Bureess Benjamin, North entrance Burton Charles, Gaol st Cooper Clarke, Gcrge st Doughlv Thomas, Gaol st Goffin John & Son, King st GoffinJolm, jun., South Town and Gorleston Hatch William, Howard st Howes William & Son, Gorleston HuntChailes, Howard st Norman John & Son,Tiie3tre plain Piatt George, 48 Row, Geoige st Plummei Joseph, Gaol st Sandnll John N., North quay Summer George, Townhall square Sumner William, Back road Teasdel Samuel, South Town Thompson Maigaret, Gaol st ruck & Fish, Fuller's hill Woodhonse Charles Jatnes.Queen 9| Woodhon>e James, Theatre plain WooUeiton Charles. South quay PAWNBROKERS. Gooch David, Gaol st Howleit Ann, Howard st Mouse Berchani P., George st Mouse Surah, George st Plavford Hannah. Charlotte 8t PlayfordMary Ann, King st PEBFUIWERS. See under the hend Hair Dressers,, PHYSICIANS. Arnott Charles Dnvid, Gorleston Borrett James, King st Dunn John, King »l iiircctors* YARMOUTH, &c. Norfolft. Impey Alfred Johnes, KiiiR st j Smyth TlioniHM Spencer, Regent st Von s William, St. George's tenace PORTER MERCHANTS. Allen Jolii), South Town Br"\viieChas.,Qiiayside,SoiitliTowii Burroughs VViliiarii N. [VVliitehead & Co.), Market pl^ce Butcher Jatnes (Huthwaite & Co.), Charlotte .strtet Diver William. King st Dowsoii Benjamin, Quay Kemp Stenhen, Quay Seaman Robert (Trueman, Han- bury & Co.), Quay Watliiig Roht. Sliingles.SouthTown PRINTERS— LETTER-PRESS. Marked thus * aie also Copper-plate Printers. Alexander William, King st Barber Charles Quay Denew James M., 72 Row, Quay Freeman William (& copper-plate and litliogrripher), Market place Gooch Burrett, Market place Gyton William H., Howard st Pnrdy Henry Joseph, Gaol st Slouian Charles, King st PROFESSORS & TEACHERS. Marked thus are Teachers of Music. Colkt'it Samuel D. (drawing), Cliurch square *Co'grovr Henry, King ft *Dykes Thomas, 32 Row •Haws Kli/abeth, Keuent st Meall Sophie (Frencli), Kings* •Nolloth William V.,Gaol st Noverre Frank(dancina),Theatre5t •Parker Deborah, Regent road Smitli Henry H. (music), King st •Warne Gemge, Theatre plain Winter Cornelius J. W. (poi trait & miniature painter). Resent st READING ROOMS AND LIBRARIES. (See also Libraries — Circulating) Alex^n(ler William, King st Private Subscription, Charles Sloman, King st Public Library, South quay — Mr. G. W. Holmes, treasurer ; John Smith, secretary and librarian ROPE MAKERS. Marked thus * are also Twine Spinners ( See a Iso Twin e Spi u ners. ) Berber Robert, York road •Bra'.ry John, St. Peter's road •Everett John, Kine st •Green William, 90 Row, Gaol st •Ingram William, North end Jack man Jamet, North quay •Jenkinson William, York road •Leitis Th'is.& Soii.St.George's rd •Neeve Joseph, Nortli end Powell Benjamin ('lealer). King st •Rackham John, King st •WellsThoinas, North entrance *Whittleton Geo.. North entrance SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Allcock William. Charlotte st Benzor Martin, Ch-irlotte st Spendlove John, Caistor Stove William Isaac, Market street, and Gorleston SAIL MAKERS. Barber Alfred, G lol row BradbeerSanil. 100 Row South quay Bndd VVu)., 1.'56 Hf)w, South auav ', Cliamt)ers Geo. 112 Row,Sonth quay Fulcher& Dyson, 108 Row, South qv Grive Geo. VV ,92, Row, South quay Home William Iv.. South end Ingram Charles, North quay LottJohnHenry,132Row,Sonihquay Pike Robert, Quav, South Town Swanbrow John, 124 Row, South qy SALT MERCHANTS. Claike Thomas, Souili end Culley Samuel, Regent st — James H. Palmer & Co.. aeents Lettis Tho^.&Son,St.George's road Palmer Jolin. Quay Palmer William Hurry & Co., South Town SHIP AND INSURANCE BROKERS. Blake Garson, Quay, South Town Butcher Matthew & Sons, Saint Peter's road Bunn Thomas, Sonth Town CostenouGeo. B..76 Row.South qy HerioiRobt M.,100Row,South qu^y Laws Jas. E., 108 Row, South quay PalmerJamesHurry& Co.,Reiei t, York road Barber Thomas. South town Baikei Jolin, South quay Bessey William H., North quay Betts John, Quay Bricey John, St. Peter's road Biig^s William, South quay Burroughs William, Marketplace Butcher Matthew & Sons, Saint Peter's road Chamber^Geo ,112Row,SouthTown Clarke John, Quay Crickmay Ttioniiis, Regent st Feek Jnhn, South town Fellows Henry, South town Fenn John, Market place Foreman Thonias, Regent st Foreman William. SouihTown Guntnn Samuel, King st Jay Benjaniin. Quay .lay Geiirge, Regent st Jay Henry, King st LettisThos & Son, St. George's road Martin Hezekiah, South town Orfuer Thonias, Back road Palmer George Dauby, 138 Row, South quay Palmer John. Quay Pttlmer William Hurry & Co., 104 Row, South quay [Town Preston Isaac & Son, Quay, South Pnnchard Isaac, King st Rirhniond Edmund, South Town Scales William, St. George's road Scott James, King st Shelly John & Co. South quay Stenford William, South Town Steward Arthur, North quay SymondsJohn, Kingst Teasdei Henry, Quay, South Town Teasdell Janien, Quay Ward Georee G., South town Waters Rchert, South st WatrmgRoheitS.,Qua\, South Town West & Richmond, South Town Wright Charles B., South quay SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERS IN GROCERIES at SUNDRIES. Aldrich Elijah, Gorlt>tou Amies Mhiv Ann, George st Amo^i William, Gorleston Appleton U iiliani. Gaol .st Artis Edmund, Howard st Baldwin Ann, Charlotte st Baldwin William D. Somei set place Balls Benjainiu, George st Balls William, Charlotte st BammontRohert, Market road, and Charlotte st Rarnby Mary Ann, Norlh quay Barnes Charles. George st Batmw Ann, Chailotte st liell George, George st Blake Eli/aheih, George st BIyth John, Cai>tor Bowles Susannah, St. Peter's road Biett John, Fuller's hill Brewer Elizabeth, 87 Row, Kinjj st Brown Francis, St. Petei's road Hurling William, St. Peter's road Bui rage Marina, Gorleston Burwaid John, Gaol st Bush Edward, Charlotte st Butler Sarah, Goileston Ch^se Benjamin King st Chase John, Gaul st [hill Chasteney Eveisoti,Qiieen's pi. East Chauntler Frederick, South Town Claxon James, George st Collins Ann, Gaol st Cox Maiy, Enst hill Crahtree Edward, North quay Crane I.sab^ll^ N., Charlotte st Crane Jfdin, Gaol st Crane Thomas, Gorleston Cray Rirhaid, George st Crow George, South st Davey Isaac, Ca'stor Durraiit Harriet, Gorleston Durrant Jeremiah, St. Peter's road Dye Charles, North end Eacher George, Gaol st Eagleton John, Fuller's hill Emms James, King st Farman C^arlotie, North Quay Farman Harriet. .S^utliTown Fish Elizabeth, Gorleston Frausham John, North end Frencli William, George st [road Frosdick Chii.stmasW., Si h. Market Gilliam Jonathan, North Market rd (iodbold Joseph, South town Godtrev Sarah, South st Hill James B. North Market road Hammond Nathaniel, Gorleston Houchen Charles, 3 Row, North entrance Johnson Eleanor, South town Johnson .lohii, 99 Row, King st .lolmson Richard, George st Kent VVilliam, St. George's road Ketf William, George st Kirk Thoma.«, Noitli Quay Laws Noah, Georgt'St Lumber Charles, George st Mnjorani Dmiel, Howard st Mann William, George st Miller Caroline, Victoiia I'oad Mills VVilliam, Gr^rleston Nevill Fuller Woodiow, Gaol st Nnrtnn Robert, George st Nuimnn William, Gaol st Outlaw James, Victoiia road Page William, George st Palmer William, South st 123 Norfolfe. YARMOUTH, &c. ^lattr'0 SHOPKEEPERS, 6ic. — Continued, Pam her CImi le-, South quay Pirowiie Hanitt,, Goile-tnu Pitcher William, Heoigest Plane ThoniaN. St. I'eier's road Pye Martin, Ganl st Raniiey Williini, Gaol ^t Read Ann, Giol st Rrad Treviti. Ninth quay R.ihiua Jas, 3 Row, North entrance Ruuacre James, Ganl st Scoitou Saiah, Fuller's hill Seely Ji mittia. Gork'stou Shaul Sarah, Goil'Stoii Shepher'l .loim, Norili quay Simpson Elijabeth, Ginlestou Skoiles John. Gorlestou Smiiji Maiy, The Coufje Siiiith Thomas, Howard st Smith William, Gaol .st Starliiig Jonathan, Howard st Stevenson Saninei, Gorleston Suiiinan John, Fuller's hill Walker Maiy Ann, Gaol st Warner George, Gorlestou WarnerSn-an nail, .Si. Nicholas' road Wats.in George , Fuiler'» hill Whi.'kin George, Gorh Stoii Wiseman Sarah, Snuth st Wiight William, Cliarh)tte st Yexley Francis, South end SILVERSMITHS 6c JEWELLRS Ayrrs Tnomas, jun. CI. trend- pl.ice Aldred Samuel & Son, George .st Ayt- rs Tiioinas, Clarence place Dunant Ge(M ee. Market row Hunt Henr\, liniad low [row Lainh !'lios(vvoikim;)Chapel Paved Last William Robirf, King st Mhsou Wm. (woiking). East hill Solomons Abiaham, King st White Antliony, Mroa-I row SLATE MEBCHANTS. DawberWilliamd; Sou (and sinters, and iiiamit'acturers of slate slabs, cisieius, 6ic), Quay, South Town Km)vvles James, Noitli quay Piggins George, Noitli quay SOAP MANUFACTURERS. May, M.Mcdte <-V Co. (and refiners ot oils), North Quay STATIONERS. (See alsn Booksellers.) Gvton Willi tm H., Howard st Paul Thomas, Gaol st Pnrdy Hriiry Jo^-ph, Gaol st Welcii Allreil, Howard st STAV MAKERS. Branch Eli/abeih, Howard st Fair Ann, Gemt'e st Howard Anna, Chapel Paved road Ji.hnsnn lieisy, Church square STONE AND MARBT E MASONS Huige-s Thomas, North quay Larke & Hanrrim, Noith ()U ly Liddimore S unnel North end Spilling James. Smitli 'i'own STRAW BONNET MAKERS. B.nd Va'entiiie, .')4 Row Cain Elizab- th, (ieorge st Corhui Mary Ann, Howard st Dini! Eli/aheth, .Market place Edwar'ls William, Gaol st Hill & Green, Maiki-t place Kee il Sii-aii, Howard »t Lummi" Eliz^hetti, Queen st Mitchell Elixaheih, 55 Row, Quay Payii'- Maiia, Fuller's hill Po'|ii)y Sar;di Ehzabtth, Gaol st Rop r Harriet, Market inw Sivanston Samuel, Gnol st Townsliend Eiizib. th. Fuller's hill Waters Mary Ann, South st 124 SURQEONS. Aldred Charles C. Maiket place Aldred Sitnuel W., Market place Bavly Joseph, King st Bellin Benjamin, South Quay Burgess W'illiani (districtj Regent st Costiiton Chailes, Quay [lace Dashwoiid Chailes, St.George's ter- Diinmiick Genrae, King st Larter John, Gaol st Palmer Freileiick G. Marketplace Palmer Frederick N., Regent st Pritchard John, King st Risinas 'ihomas S., South Town Ro»e Geoige J., King st Smith & Vores, Tlit-atre st Smith John Capel, King st Strowger Samuel B., King st Worship Harry, Market place SURVEYORS. See Architects and Surveyors. TAILORS. Marked thus * are also Drapers. *Baker John, Howaid st Barbtr James, St. Nicholas' road •Barber Samuel, King st ♦Barber Wiliam, Quay Bishop Benjamin, 11 Crown place [Block Jfdin, Gaol st Blyth Timothv, Caiiter •Brand Robert M , Broad row •Brand William, Broad row Bri*itow Will am, Goilesion Brock John, South Market road Buck Jame", Gorleston •Burge-s'l'homas, South Paved row Burkett John, 32 Row, Charlotte st (.'liancellor H< my. Monument toad Child William. Queen st Cocks .lohn. King st ^ Corbyn Hartwi II, Chapel Paved row Corp Charles, 3 Row, North quay Culham James, Souih st Edwaids Thomas H., George st Everitt Willi, ini. White House plain French James, Victoria road Gihbs Roheit, Giorge st Gilham .lames, Howard st l-aacs Philip, George st •Jay Edward B., Market row ! Jeckett Giorge, North quay ! Joyce Robert, South st Lirk Robert, St. Peter's road and ! Gaol street •Lhwu James, Broad row Lincoln Henry, North quay i LoVfWell Thomas, (^aistor ! •Lumniis Samuel, Queen .st Mack William, Howard st •.Mingay Jonathan, North quay ;*Moore"(i Nutball, Marketplace •Niave James N., North end I Newby Fiancis, Exinouth place j Newman (ieniah. Gaol st •Nolleth John, Howard st j OUey Henry & Son, Market row Page William Philip, Howard st Pe-ik Samuel, Smith Paved row Portwood William. South Market rd Pratt Leonard, Gaol st •Uackham Samuel, Market row Rainer George, \'i(toria place •RohertsorrJ inies W,Churih square Self Jauies, 112 Row, South quay Slireeve Henry S., King st •Smith VVilliam, Bro.id row •Steward Christopher, Howard st Stewart Charles, ,')4 row I Til e Richard. St. Ni nionds, George at yariiionth Arms, Mary Lacey, Town Hall .'■quare Retailers off Beer. Baker James. George st Bush Edward, Charlotte st Chapmnn Thomas, Gaol st Duckett William, jiin. Charlotte st Freeman John, Gaol st Horth Thomas, South st Howes Benjamin, West Bermondsey pi Hunt Charles, Howard st Johnson George, South Market joad Lowne Joseph, Gorleston Mayston Robert, George at Miles Richard, George st Nixon Elizabeth, iG Row, Chailolte st Outlaw James, Victoria road Plummer Henry, George st Roof John, Corleslon \^ arne« Jonathan, St. Nicholas' road Wells Thomas, Charlotte st Wright Edmund, Queen's place TEA AND COFFEE DEALERS. [See also Grocers and Tea Dealers) Everett John & Co., Genrge st Glasscock, Kickvveed, King st Gooch David, Gaol st [Town HaiinaliAlfxaniler(tiavclling),Soutli Jephsoii Cliarlcs, Geoige .vt Johnson Elizabttii, Eveiy terrace Little David (tiaveilcj), Marliet pi TIIVIBER MERCHANTS. Coaks Richard, Soiiili town Cia-ke Saimiel, North end CuUey Samuel (yard), South Denes — James Hurry Palmer & Co., agents. Regent .st Fellows, Barth & Palmer, Quay, South Tov\n Nuthall Philip, North end [Town Preston Isaac & Sot), Quay, South Shepherd Martin (dealer), Norih (jy Steward Robert (and importer ot foreign deals), South Town and King-street gates, Norwich Tennaut Robert (dealer), North quay TOBACCO-PIPE MAKERS. PageTh.inias, 46 Row, George st Taylor James, Bmad row TOBACCONISTS. Bales Jaine.s. iMarket plnce BIyth Robei t ./oliii. Broad row Cliapman William, Howard .st Cohen David L., Mai ket row IMordecai & Mayers, Maiket row Reeves William, Quay Springall Hobeit, Brnad row TOY DEALERS. Andrews Susannah, Kingst Bland Arthui, Snutn Paved row Gmirlay Daviil A., Maiket row Mordecai & Mayers, Mariet row Seaman Kraiices & Martha, King st Sloinan Charles, St. George's road Souttid William, Matket row TURNERS. Pdttman Chnrles, North quay Townshend Robert (and shuttle maker), the Conge Woodrow William, 77, Row quay TWINE SPINNERS. [See also Rope HJakers.) Blowers Wiiliam, North qtiay Edmonds John, South town I'Hy John, South end Fiancis George, Noith entrance Giles George, .Mark^ t gate Johnson William, Noith entrance Keeler James, South st Teasdell Rubert, South st Woiidhouse Robert, South st VETERINARY SURGEONS. Harvey Geoige, South Ti.wn Smith William, Market place & Quay ■WATCH 6t CLOCK MAKERS. Ahlred Samuel H. &. Son, Geoige st .Arthliold Heiiiy, Gorleston fid Avers Thos, Clarence place, Regent AveisTh^mHs, juii., Clarence place. Regent road [mw BecUtti Robert, St. Peter's Paved CiittonWilliam, 108 Kow,South quay Davy Elijah, Noith end ' , 17 Davy Robert, Charlotte st Dm rant George, Maiket row Hunt Henry, Bi'oad row Jaiobs Edmund, Norih end Last William Robert, King st Last William Robert, juii. King st Munf'ord Edwaid, Market place Simpson William, Bioad row Solomons Abiah.im, Kingst Syinonds Benjamin (clock). Gaol St Woolston VVilliani, ILnvard St WHEELWRIGHTS. Clifton Hez kiad, North end Dale William, 48 Row, George it Drake James, U u\t lion road Duriant Henry, Cai.stor Gooda Wiiliaiu, Simth.Town Lingard Charle-, Goileston Martin Geoige, Theatre plane Skciyles John, Goili ston West John, .Market gates WHITE & GENERAL SMITHS. CSee also liluchsmii/is) Atkins Williaiip, Noiih quay lirooks Jidm, 143 Row, South quay Bnllen William, 24 Wuw Cubitt Robeit, 90 Row, Gaol st Flaxman Robeit, Norih quay Harbord Griffin, fieorge st Harvey Rubeit, 118 Row, South quay LovickTbos.(&coach)Si.NirliolaN'rd Minister&Harvey,136 Row, South qy Moore John(:hiii5tnias,72Row,Quay Moore Samuel V., .'^outh end Newaik William, Bioad row Newman Charle.s, Norih end [end Newman Samuel, 20 Row, Charlotte Nutmaii Samuel, Fullers hill Plane John, Soiitli quay Piiidy James, Fullers hill Sinitli Samuel, Bad; road Veaie Henry, 123 How, South quay \VINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Bamhy U'il|iainH.&Soii Chnrloitest Knrroiiglis VAiliiam N. Market place Diver W'lliiaiii H., Kng -t Ferrier Richard & Smi, Gaol st Goo'iwin Rkhard, Giiol st Lubbock Charles, Church square LacimSir E(linniidAS(!ns,Church sq iMainpiice John, North end Marsh & Rarnts, King st [town Morse & Wood-., Bridge road, South Pratt Jame'*, Howard st Steward, Patteson, Finch & Co., Noith end Tomlinson Josepti, Howard st Williams & Christmas, King st IVIiiicellaneous Allen William, poulterer. Broad row Angel, William Sawyer, South quay Bowles Bainard, bathing machine keeper, Monuement road Annison James, gravel and marl dealer. North quay [Charlotte st Barcham Thomas, trunk maker, 20 Row, Boulter Thos. clerk of the market, Ely pi Clajton John, paper hanger. King st Combes Marinas, ham smoker. Gaol st Cooke John, clerk of the market. Mar- ket place Crowe f rederick.share broker,Hovvard st Curtis John S. last and hoot tree maker, o9 Row, Quay Frost Edw.cngineer,128 Row, South quay Grant & Co. silk manufacturers. North Denes Hening Charles C. bacon curer. King st Hilcham Thos. tow n niissioiaiy, Norih end .lolitison Jiihii, bellman, ;i8 Row, George st Keahle Henry, window-blind maker, Howard st [Pftei'ii road Kenney Emily, merino boa maker. Saint Ling James, relieving ollicer, (iorleston Mallelt Benjamin, sawyer, North quay Miller James, bell man. Chapel pa veil row Mitchell Michael & Son, oil cloth & lile buoy manufacture! s, .0.5 Row, Quay 125 4at£i:*0 YARMOUTH, &c. Binttoxp* Miscellaneous-Continuerf. Morley Maiv, servants' resistrv oRine. Reg'-nt St ■ Howard »l IMuiseVVm. Clrislophcr.animal preset ver, Palmer Hernv. toAii cierk, Kepent st rainier Jani'-'s Hiiriy, stamp distributer, Regent St „ . Sh-rring'on .1 'ines (executors of), iron meicliaiits, Gaol st Sims Wiiliam.rate col lector.St Peter's rd Stolwonlij Robert, milKvriglit, North entrance [hall square Sumner George, paper hinsier, I own. Tennant R ibeit, sawyer. North quay TurnerMary. umbrella niaker,Market row AVatson Geurge, dealer in game, Fuller's hill rqi'->y M'atson John, timber measurer, Mortli BOROUGH GAOL AND HOUSiE OF CORRECTION, GAOL ST. Gnvtrimr — William Shnckl'ord. /(/a OF THE ESTAHLISIIMENT Snisr N iL II. )LAS% Church square— Rev. (ieotue Hills, imumbttit; Rev. Henry R. Nevill, vi.rale Saint Gkohuk's, King st— Rev. Mark Wateis. iiHUiiibeiit. Saint I'ktkk's, IJack road-Rev.Bowyer Vaux. inciimbmt. Saint iMAity's.Soulh town— Kev. Francis SaU,!-H«m6eH^ Saint An' dhi: Ws, Gorleston Kev. Fiauci- U|ij'ihn, vi.k. incumbent ; Rev. Sailer, ci^rale. Saint KdmunuS, Cais'or- Rev.George V\'iUiam Sie a A. incumbent. M All INK lis' t'H\Pi-L. South end. DISSENTING rilAPEl.S. Gf-NEUU. Birns'T, 85 Row, King st— I'i'ev. Willaui Gos^i. Particui.ak Baptist, 1.5 Row, George stiPct — R, V. Henry I5eils. iNDKPESDENT.GaoUt — RevJas Rus'iell. lNUi'HFXDENT.i;orlesloii-Rev..los P ke. UNtT^RHN,Gaol st-Rev.Hen'-y Squire. \VeslisV*n Methidist, Theatre plain iin'l (iorlesliin. PiiiMiTiVK i\U.TH(inisT, Priory plain. >"h W CilNNKXlUN IMkvhiiDist, Kiugst. Lady Huntingdon's, Fisli iiiurkct— Rev. J 1 M'tiiu. Roman Catholic (Sain' Mary's)— Rev. DuuClaiiilio I. ope/., ;.ri'S<. Jew'.s SyNAGOGUi:,42 Row, George St. POOR LAW UNION. Workhouse, Nutli Denes. G..fe the Roatd of Guardians— .lobn Lom.is Ciilau.le. C/i"))/"i"- Rev (iei. me Mills. V„,L„,,v— Win. liuii;essA.lnseplinoyley. 'ifedenuy 0//,c, r.-Thomas 'J i,o. uton, William Sims and Henry 1 icRara. CUSTOM HOUSE, SOUTH QUAY. Co//ecfor— Frederick Cassell, Esq. CoMii)^o//er— I homas Avery, Esq. C(f(fcv-Joli" '^1- B. XagiT, Peter Geortre Coble, Charles Lacoii, and Robert Kiiglish Carter. Lnnding Siircej/or-Thomas D.Adams. Landing Walters— W'Mtm Auiklaud, Henjaniin Cost' rion, .ind James Cobb, Title .N»n;e(/o/s— Brit;litoii Silvers and Robert N1 Giadgtield. Coast Waiter at Lowestoft -liercu\es Yaxley. Insprctiiig Communiler of the Coast Guaid — Captain Francis N. Ellis. REGISTRARS, OF BmTHS, DEATHS A IMAIIRIAGES >iup,riiUendciit fiepis/'ar-Cliarles Uell- Kir.g stri et. Iic(ii-.tri,r Jiir the ^ollhern Di.titct- H.ury V\ iMsbip. Market i.lace Itegslrar for the S.nillurn Dislrtct- J„s^-|ih liaylev. Kiui; sueet. Jiv.iislrarM G'.'/es<,„-Charlcs Uavul Ainotl, M.U. Golle^ton. COUNTY COURT, HELD MONTHLY— OKlTCE.Uem'Ilt SI j„^,,P_'|homas.lac..b Birch. I'.sq. Hi,ih ««'/'#— Benjamin Laverock Love iown II. .11. fVf,fc_Kdiiinnd Reeve l»almer,Regent st, Boi/,^— Ihos. Uoultou,3Ely pi, Uenes. MILITARY LUNATIC ASYLUM, SOUTH DENES. Principal Medical O/ft'tei — Robert Sel- larv, M D. /)ssis/a«/— James Robinson, M.D. Kieper—.Uthn Graham. A'»?-se-Mary Boullon. CAo;)/ai;i— Rev. William C. Davie. MUCELLANEOUSrUBLIC BUILDINGS, OFEICES, &l". Bath & Family Lodging Housr, near the .letty — Snimel W. BIy, imiprietur Co.M.Mi.RciAi. Ci,un House, Unay Corn E.xch angk. Quay Gas Light & Cokk Company— OfTicp, 'I'owiiHall square ; works, Sonlh Denes — F.dw.ird F. Cliuich. secredirij Haven & Pier IJi'TIKs Oificb, Sonlh quay— G'Orge Coslerton, cnVcctor ; Captain .foliii Bet's, /larfcoi/r natter Hospital and Oispsnsaiiy— .lames W. Crow, liouse mrgiun; Edward Sleele, honorary secret iry Hospital fou DicAYPn Fishkrmf.n, Church square— William VVorship,c/e/fc to the tru tees Inland Kevenuf Office, Town Hall squ ire— .lames Henry H alUs/ipe/li'sor Masonic Hall, [()« Row, S .mb quay M El FARM liFFlCE,(iiiay— Thus.Thoinp- sou, officer ; Police Office, Town Hall— Benjamin i L. Love, sH/)prin(enrffn/ j Police Office, (Jurleston George ^ Coleman, if ';7enJi' ' Port Dues Office, South quay— J. T. ^HIIer,l o//ec(or RoYAi. Arsenal, South Town— Robert ]i.VKn\\.sluiekeeper \ Stamp Oi-fice, Ket-ent street— Jaraes - I lurry I'almer, disfiibuter j •JuBscnipiTON Bii.i.iARi) Rooms—, Charles S o>> man. King strict Town Hall— Henry Palm-r.<.mwi c/e, A; | Heiiiy 1 ooley, sfji/p«ii'-('(-'n"ce ; COACHES & OMNIBUSES.] To Bi:CCLFS and BL'NGAY, a Coach, \ Ir.nn Ihe lluk.'s llea.l. everv Monday, j Wednesday ami Saturday atternoou at fniir, and the Durt, Horn il'e Norlolk 1 Hotel, every 'l"uesday, Thursday and ! S.,turday foreno m at eleven ] To DISS, the Dart, from the Norfolk Hotel, every Tuesday, Thursday and Satuiday lorenoon at eleven To HARLESTON, by the Diss Coaches I To LOnnON. an Omnih'is, from Ihe Duki'.s Head, every Miuiday, Wednes- day and S.ilurday To LOWKS IMFI", an Omnibw:, and a Vim, Iroin the 15u,k, dady To SIALHAM, an Onnihns from the White Horse, every Wednesday & Sat. CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON THE NORFOLK LINE. Station, near the North quay, about five minutes walk from the iMaiUet plane - Alfred C itterell,.s(n/i'?' master ; George Vaugban, inspicloi o/ goud^' deputtment CARRIERS. To ACLE,.). Betis.fiom Ihe G-orge and Dragim We.tnesilay and Sa'urilay To BACTON, Joseph Saunders, from E "St & We t Flegg house, on Saturday To BECCLES. George runeli, from the Black S«aii, Wednesday & Satniday To CA I FIELD, James Coleman, from the King's Aims. Satuiday To CROMER, Williaiu Foiilger,from Ihe K rg'sHead.aud J iines Wiseman, from the Feathers, S ilnrdav To EAS I' liUS I ON.Wni. Brown, from the King's Arms, Saiuid.iy To ILM.ESUORIH, J. >ewson,from the Black Swan, Tuesday & Saturday To HALVEIiGA I E, Isaac Shorten, from Ihe Saia. en's Head. Saturday To HAPPI''^l!UUGH,Ei!waid Pre«t,from Ihe ( oach & Horses. Saturiiay To HU'KI.I^G, — Mver. and —Turner, (nan the Hallmo.in. Wednesday & Sat. To LODDI'N.I lines Fairland, fioni llie Duke's Head. Wednesday & Sati:rday To LOW ES 1 OFF, Mary Balls, Ironi the Dnke'.- H.ad, daily To l.CDHAM. John Hall, from the Jolty Fanners. & ^^^r> Pigg, fiom the Kind's H.ad. S.ilnidav To MAR I HAM, .lolin Gedge, from Ihe Wagon N Hoises Wedn. sday and Sat. To NORTH *\ ALSHA.M, Jose, h Snun- deis, Ito.n the East and West Flei;g hnnse.S .tuiday To PALI. INii. Samuel Festell, from the Jol'y [•armers. S.ituiday ToSOMKRlON, Tl as HaLs. from the East and West Flegg house, and — Nathan Plain, liom the George and Dra.j'.n, Satimlav To SOU 111 W OLD, .1. Ne" son, from the Black S«an. VVednesilay & Sau rday To tJI'lON. J. B.its, f.o.M Ihe George & Drag.>n. WdnesHnv aun Satuiduy To WJNTERI'ON, William Flaxman, from the H. rse & Gro.mi, and Robert Brown, from ihe East and V\ est Flegg house. Weilnesdav and Salurdav T" WOODBltlDGK, Jehn Newson.frora the Black Swan, Tuesday & Saturday CONVEYANCE BY WATER. STEAiM PACKETS. To LONDON, ilie G.neral Steam Navi- gation Comp-'n\'s Ves els.the Riimova an.l LailoJ L verp-ol, fr..in Yaimoolh bri'lge, every Weiluesday & Saturday— James CHieriy, agint To HULL and (iOOLE.lhe Void B.ic. cliviih, eveiyTue-day aite.no..n ; Jovti- nian B. Clai ke. n an inland county, bounded on tlie north and north-west, hy Warwickshire, on the north and north- east (ly Northanint'Mi.liiie, on the <;i>*t by IJuclt by Gloncistersbire On the noitb-ea-t, the liver Cliarwell separates liie county from that of Northampton, and the i«is is its I'ouu'lary to Uerksiiireon the jonth. This county is of a very iritgular fitjure : near to Oxford it is not more than seven inih-s across; yet in the inoie northern part, at no treat distHiice fiom tiiat city, its diiinie er is thiity-eiglit miles: proceeding northward, it iissuinrs the r. semblance of a cone, and terminates at what is desigtiated the 'Three-Shire Stone,* in a complete point or apex. Its more elongated pirt is comprised in the space above Oxford, on the north-west, to Caversham, on ilie south — the whole of vvhicli portion is inserted l>etweeti the comities of Bucks and Uerks. Its greatest length is fbrty-eiglit nriles, amj its circuinfeieiice about one hundred and thiity — containiriK seven hunrlred and fifty-six square miles, or 483,840 btalute acres. Both in size and population, Oxfoidsliiie ranks as the thirty-first Eugli'h county. Namr and EARLY HISTORY — This countv receives its name from the city of Oxford, generally suppose! to JMve been deriveil from the Saxon word O.ven/urn, a 'ford or pas^^ane for oxen' over tlie river liere; some writer-, however, Hdvance the conjecture that tlie oriainal name of the city was Ousp/ord,;\ ' fud oier tlie Oiise." Oxfordshire was aircienily itilral)ited by the Dobunii; but on the coniiice >\)\ti.[ Brittaiiia Prima. A Roman military way leads into this county, polntiiri( towards (Ijch.stei ; and the present tillaseof Dorcliester stands on liie site of the stitiim Duro' cornov'mm. The Iknield-slreet crosseil the southern part of the county from north-east to south-west. Of the vicinal ways, the ^keman-streft was the principal; it entered from Buckinghamsliire, at Atnbrosden, and procieded through Blenheim Park into tjloucestersliire. At the period of the general dissr)liititMi, the nuini'er of leligious douses in the county, exclusive of tire crlleses at Oxfoul, was about frrty, includmi; hos- pifaN, &c. The piiticiiral relic erf inona^iic buil(lir>gs is Saint Krideswide abbey church, now the cithedial of Osfirrd. Amongst the parocliial churches are >ome inteiestitig specimens of Saxon or enrly Nrrrinnn, and many firre exaninles of Knglish architecture. During the Heptarchy thisdistrict bebmired to .Mercia, and juffer. d Kieitly from the Danes ; the most ineinorable battles recorrled in the amraU of this county are thrrse that were foiiLht hitwten tluit pi'opleatid the English, in 914, at Hr)riknortnn (or Hoastnrr ton), in which the latter were totnlly defeateil — and Iretvveen the Yorkis's and Lancastri.ins,in 14f)9, at Oaneshury, near Banbury, when the former, Under the Earl of Pembroke, wt re comitletely routed by Sir .lohn Conyers, and the Earl was made pii»oner. One of the earliest transactioirs coiniected with the ureat CivilWar occurrelat Clialgroye Field, iti this county, wlien that celt brated patiiot, John Hampden, on the l.itb of August, 1642. appeared la arnr» to tnfoice the inditia ordirrance, and wirose firm resistance to the arbitrary mea-uresof the court was the (rrincipai cnuse of the war: and it was on the same sprrt, on the morning of the I8th of Jurre, 1(!43, thut, at the head of a btrdy of parliamentarians, he attacked Prince Rupert, wlien the former were repulsed, and the illusti ions Hampden was inortally wounded. Charles e>tablir-iied his court atOxfoid for neatly the einire dnratioti of the ci»il strife, whence the city became, as it were, a kind of centre of xarlous militrry exploits that occur red in this and the surronndiirg counties. Oti the 26th of Anril, Woodstock manor- Inm-e. after a riaornns defence, surrtndererl to the |)arliamentirian forces; and the next day the king left Oxford to surrender hiin-eif to the Scotrish army hesiegirrg Newark. On the 24ih June, Oxford, which had held out against Kairfax (or several weeks, suiierrdeied at the king's command. At the time of the rebelliju iu 1715, several partisans of the Stuail family were seized at Oxf.rd. Soil, surface, and CLiMATE.-^Tlie soil of Oxfordshire may be considered, for the most part, extremel/ fertile, yii hiing ahun"ant crops of corn and grain : it is naturally (Iry, and entirely exempt from fens, bogs and staunairt warer<. The imrtlr corner is ch-efly stroirg deep land, purtly arable and partly pasture ; the south- west contains the forest of Whichwood, a gri at part of which is vvoodland. About Oxford ihe soil is various —some parts erf it heing Imht and sandy, and others deep and rich ; on the brnks of the Thames it is chiefljr in pasture. In the extensive bed of gravel oti which O.sford stands, and which forms one of the geolonical features of Errglainl, are found many extiairrdinaiy fossils, peat-eaiiir, occasionally, is met with : quarriesof freeMime are numerous; limestone is plentiful; and slate, fit for nrofing common buildings, i> obtaitied in seveial part-. At Nh. to^er, an ochre is f.urrd of a tnost excellent quality. The general aspect of the county niny I'econ-idered as very pleasing. There are not atiy hrsh hill- excent the Cbiltern lanire; the rest are only gtnile eminences, which teiid to rliversify the landscape without obsiructini; tillage. Oxfoidshire may be reckoned a w. ll-wrroded county, exceptmuin the northernmost part ; there is, however, but comparitively little oak, ami coppices are not numerous; but there are extensive artifici.il plantation*, ornamental to many localiries. In number, ta-te atid magtrificience, the public and private bnildimts of Oxfoid-hire, may be said to ri>al airy other countv in England, Middlesex alone excei>ted. Blenheim, the princely seat of the Duke of Marlborousih, i- well known for its sup« ib mansion and deliahtful grounds. There are many otb( r resl-lences of the nobiliiy and gentry, of areat beauty and grandeur, both of exierior appearanceand interior dr coration : amO"g the i)iinci|ral are Ditch ley park, the seat of Viscoutit Dillon ; Nunel atn Courtney, the Earl of Har- conrt; Wroxtoti Priorv. the Earl of Guildford, &c. The climate of this county is considered as healthful as that of anv other iir'Ensland, ami the qnicU and limpid streims render the air dear and wholesome. It is crrlder upon And irearthe Cbiltern hills than in other parts, but not so severe as to effect health; there is al-OKreaier hunridity at the southern extremity of the county ; and the fiosts are perceived to take effect sooner in this part, and continue lonuer. Produce and manufactures.— The svstem of agriculture is in general good; th tt of N"tf"lk is well under>iiK)d and is in pie^aletrt paciice. On the pr.iss f.rrms much chee-eis made, of a cood quality, though chieflv of the thin knrd cal'ed 'toastina' cheese. The cows are principally of the old Gloucester kind, and the South Down slnep, lia»e be^un to exclude the iong-wooHed breerl ; many boars are fed for the purposeof makiirii brawn arrd sausages, which fmin a consideiahle article of trade at Oxford an-l otln r par:si-f the county. Much butter is sent to the Lonilon dealers, particularly from the vicinity of Bicester; and around Thame, many cahes are fatterreii for the same ma ket. The hiie tiinr Cl^iyiion, ;iiul falls into the Tlianies or l<\» a liMle bflow Oxford. Tiie Eveiiloilelias its somcf ii> llie iioitSi-ea^t (lart of WoiCL'stcrsi.ire, eniers OxfnrtMiire mar the 'Sliire>' St'Uie,' and is lost in il)e Tbame- about four iniles below Oxford. The Win(lrii»h orininan!* iu the Cotswold HnU-, in Gh)iiCf>ier^liire; entt-is Oxfordshire near L5iirfiiril, and, pa-sing Witney, falls into the Thariie.s live ii>ile.s west of Oxford. Tlie Tliaine rises tienr Tiiog, in the ronniy of Heitfi^d, and, cro^sinff BiKkiii,i;h;'.insbire, tiiurlies the hnrdeis of Oxfttrdsliire atTlianie. Tliere are nunieioiis s»)all sireani«:, ail of wliifh tall into the rivers bffore-nientioned. Tiie Mt'.DiciNAL springs are nun. emiis, thi n!., with Biiiniiighan, IVlanchentii, Liitrpool, and the Wediieslmry <%jUieries: ti)i3 canal commences .it Loiii^fird, in the noi tlurn exiremity of Wai wicUshiie, and passes, near Woiidstock, on to ilie ciiy of Oxfurl, where it cominnniiates witli the Tliames navigation, ami, coriseqiiemly, wiih the nieiropolis. RAlI.wA^ s. — The deat Westi in P.ail\viiy touches the southern limhof this coiimy, aiid run:^ parallel will) the Thames (ro'ii ti)e palish of Wiiitcliiireh to that of StoUe — a distance of ahoin five mi es : from ilie Didcote staiion on ihis line, tin re is a Biaiicli to Oxford, passing by Ahiiiger of ieemher» remains the same. The gei^tlenieii at ineseiit sitting for ihe county are Lord Norreys ; George Granville Vernon Haicouri, Esquire, and Jos.-pli Warner Henley, Esquire. Thereiurn of members to represent the shire at large, is made fioiu Oxford; and the other polling places, beside that ciiy, are Deddington, Witiiey, and Ni'tthbed. Population, &c. — Bv the returns made to Government at the census of 1811, Oxfordshire contained 80, 43f) males, and 81,207 fein lies— total 161,043: exhihiiing an increase over the returns of 18.31, of 9,917 jnhahiiants. The hi iiual value of III ai Proiierty. in this county, as assessed to the Poor Rates, iu 1815, amounted to £713,147, and in 1841, to £695,752. Distance Table of To^i^ns in Oxfordshire. Tlie Asterisks {*) attached lo the name of a Town den ole tite number of Ifepreseniativts it returns to Parliament; the italic letters signify the Market Days. The names of the towns are on tlie top and side, and the sijuaie where both meet cives the distance. from London. Bampton 71 ,.., •28|IJaid)nry, //*. Banbury* Bicester Burford Chipping Norton Deddington Henley Oxford***' Thame Watlington Witney Woodstock* . . . . 5 7|24' 1(1 13 23' 6 36 46 13 22 26 28 27 37 621 13 16 Bicester, f 55 rford * 72 Chi()ping Norton, w 74 1 Deddington, .1 63 11 40jHenley, th 35 1 8 16 23|Oxford, w. ttnds 54 U 25 16 12i'rhKme, tn 44 32 31 10il8i SiWatlington, s 45 16 17 33 11 24 2:.|Witnev, //; 65 1 1 10 30! 8 20 22 8 : Woodstock, tu 62 23 Bu In 11 10 20 31 3b 12 IS- 15 31 22 31 17 / 11 14 BAiMPTON AND NEIGHBOUllHOOD. JOAMPTON fformerly called Bumpton-in-lhe-Bush) is a small mai ket tnwn in the parish id' Banmton-with- AVeald, and hnndied of Bampton; 71 miles w.s.w. from Loiidi.n, 13 w. by s from Oxford, and i) N. from F of about £40 yearlv value. The only cniin.-iiiea in this neighoourhnod are the lemains of eu old ra-tle, Imilt by AMuer de N'alenee in 1321 ; and a liousp at Oul Sliifford (a hamlet to Bamntoii), wherein, it is -aid, Alfred the Great held his tir>t parliament. Phiili|)-i the author id' the ' S|/lendi d Shillins!,' was horn in this parish, 1676. Fairs, March 26ili, and Augu-t26tli, and following day— ihe last a hn ire one for liorses. The |)ari«b contained, in 1831, 2,514 iu- hahitants, and in 1841, 2,734. POST OFFICE, George Frederick Hollovvay, Past Master. — Letti rs from London" and all parts anive : fi om WiTSf.v) every morning at twenty minutes before eight, and arc despatched thereto at a quarter past eight in the evening. Jackson Rev. .U)lm, A«ton House Jackson Miss Mary, \'a'etta Lodge Penson Rev. .Iidin, Brize Noiton Pen-on Be". Jidiii Pavitt, Clanli-ld Southhv Mrs Kl/'l)th.Maiv,l5am|)ton Waili'. William, E-q...Sli'fr,„, I [^^Wv Whiiaker Krederick, Esq. (magi- strate), Bampton Wright Mr. John, Curbidge GENTRY 6c CLERGY. Adams Ke<-.l).icres,B.imi>tnVicarHge Bidilnlpii Rev.JidinKrancis, Pjamptn BracNiaw Mr. Eilv\ard.Lew Bnlleii Mr. Boberi, Bampton Cowley Capt. William Kearse, n.N., Hampton [Lew Denton Thomas, Esq. (magistrate}, Giles Uev.JohnAlU'n,D.D.,liamptou ACADElVriES & SCHOOtS. Hieehey John(iioard.), Mnnorh"nse Free Gijaimimar Sciiooi.,Bev.Johu Francis Bi(Mn!(di, master Leforestier'l'homa'(hnardinp') National .School, .Samuel Harris, master; Maiy Rnbms, mistress Steed Eli/aheth (hoarding) Traflford & Chovvnelboaiding& dajf) i3(rectori)e BAMPTON. ©xfoiirj^Due. PtRE, &c., OFFICE AGENTS. City kv London (life), Cliarles William Hollowjty ' Farmkrs' and Hail-Sturm, Chas. VVilliuM Fiainptoii Globe Gedip'- FrederirUHollowav National AJekcantile, Juhii Miiiclien Bateman Sun (fire and life), James Rose PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. Leak Benjamiii, surgeon Ruse & Bnl'en, atioineys Rose Janie<,clfi k to the jiiat-'istrates and to the Bamptoii Association Whitaker Kdwaid Fredeiiik, snr- geon, & le^istrtr of hirtlis& de-iths INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Bellliin(coniaieicirtl),HeuryWhite- hom Carpenters' Arms, Limbrougli Sill- m in, Bi ize Norton Cheqmrs, John Pi at', Brize Norton Fish. Jose()h Frniii Fleur-de-Lis, lALiry Teall George & Dra'jon, Thomas Hauling Horseshoe, Jame" Lai kins Mason>' Ai'nis, Willium Stone New Inn, Lncv Hignins Swan, Jolia Williams Talbot Inn (coinmeicid & postine, and reienne office), llobt. Dennis SHOPKEEPERS 6c TRADERS. Andrews John, butcher Angell Jolin, relieving officer Bakei- Charles, maltsierand farmer Bartlf It F-lizabeth, meal dialer Bas'oii John, hrer ntailtr Bateman John, iiiaU«ter Batenmi Jolui Minchi-n, linen and woollen draper [iroiiniont;er Batfinin Thom is Hicks, giocer and BenliehJ Henry, boot & shoe maker Brad-haw Janies, poulterer, Aston Brooks Alfred, liair dresser and shopkeeper Mntl r Jam.s, boot and shoemaker Carter George, sijopkeeper Clack Janies, b.ikir and shopkeeper Care Jfdin, baker & shoi)kpr.,Lew Clnke Alary, shopkeeper Cliffon & Oakey, linen drapers and milliners Cook James, boot maker, Aston Cook l.ydia, shopkeeper Cork Henry, c.binet maker & joiner Cripp< John, baker [chandler Dntion Willi ini, grocer and talluw Eduiiiton John, baker h-lilridge Tlioiiias, miller and baker Evans S.imiiel, glover Fords John, beer retailer Forrest John, tailor [&tea dealer Frampton Cliarles William,cliemisi Giles Haniet, straw bonnet maker Han is George, basket maker HollidayEruhth, straw bonnet makr Holloway & Sons, bookseller-, sta- tioners and printers [of stamps Holloway Geo. Fredetk., distributer Joi)e< Moses, carpenter J oiieNWm.Hniit,bnildei& carpenter .loyner Georue, baker King Geo.,painter,iiliii)iber(S: glazier KiiightClias.,^addler& harness mkr Lewis George, hoot and shoe maker Long Ricbaid, blacksmith & wheel- wriglit, A'-ton Fjoni! Zecliariah, parish clerk, Aston Lord Charles James, baker aad stone inasnii May Baihara, bla-ksniith Monk John, baki r & beer retailer Oakey Ilohert, masim and plasterer Parkins James, blacksmith Pettyfer J<)h.>tone inason& plasterer Petty ferUichd. stone ma^oii& plastrer Platter Robert, carpenter and joiner Platter Thos.,rarpent»'r & parish elk Robins Lei-i & Soii,t,.ilors& drapers Rohiiis Nathan, tailor Sellard Cha''.,vvaich & clock maker Smith Win. Angell, grocer & draper S))nirett Thomas, coal dealer and beerretaler Stephens Ki i-deriik, grocer & draner Stephens Thos , glass & chiiiii dealer Stevens Riclid.,pai liter, plmnber,&c. Stone Wm. , stone inason& pl.tsterer 'Paylor Henry, htitcher 'realljohn, boot and shoemaker Townseiid Ridiard, bntdier ^\'alsli Edward, corn dealer Ward Janies, maltster Wemiian Thomas, baker Will.insJohii,saddler& harness mkr Wiikins John, tinman and brazier Williams Charles, cooper Williams Charles, jiiii., cooper Willi ims Willi ini. bntchtr Young George, sliopkeiper CONVEYANCE BY RAILWTAY. I'he nearest Stiilioii at prrs.ntto Bamp- tnn is ilie Fakingdon Road, on tli» Great Westkr.n I.ixi; fourteen miles to llie sonlli; but the Oxford ANt) Cukltenham Railway, w lien com- pleted, will pass near Witney, about six miles to tlie noilli. CARRIERS- To LONDON. BRIsroL, BATH. OLOUCES ri.R, and all parts of thfi West ok England, Thomas Bliss* Waijons to F:irinsdon Road Staiioni llienci' bv If ail tbree lime-^ a week. To BLRFORD and FARINtiUON, William Smith Styles, fiora the Bell, Tuesilav. To OXFORD, Hannah Oipwood, from her ho'ise, and JohnSheplierd.from the I3ell. WVdnesd.ry and Saturday. To \\ri'NEY, Hannah Orpwood, from her linuse. and John Shepherd, from the Bell, Tlinrsday. BANBURY, WITH THE VILLAGES OF ADDERBURY, BLOXHAM, WROXTON AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. lOANBURY is a respectable innrket town, and a boiouyh both corporate and parliamentary, bavim; sepaiate juri-diction, locally in the parish and lnm dred of its name ; /.t miles N.w. from London 28 s. froii, Coventry, the same distance s.w. from Nortlianip- ton, 17 w. by N. frosn Buckiiieham.and 9 w. hy N.fiom Brackley; situated close to the verf^e ot the coun'y abutting upon Nortliamiitonshire, on the banks of the Oxford canal and the liver Charvvell— the latter lisina a lew miles from the town. It is a place of consider- able thoroughfare, the streets being disposed on the roads which leul lo Warwick, Southam, Daventry, Brackley, Oxford and Cliipiiina Ont'ar. Witli Coventry and O.sfonl a commnnicition is effected by means of the canal befoie-mentiom'd ; and the imjiorts and exports of the town, consisting of various commodities are faciliiated by this navigation ; but ihe railways now in progre-s, and iieaily completed, will inclinJe Ban- bury in tlieir roii'e, and furnish additional and more sper'dy means for the ti ansmi-ision of nieiThandi^e — (iiese lines the ' Bnikinghamshiie,' and the 'O.'cford and RiiL'hy,' will open up a communication with the metropolis, as well as all parts of the iinrib and west of Eniiland. Kaiihury has loni; been no'ed for its plu>h and giith-web maimfactnrcs, — and (though, perhaps, a production of inferior importance),it is no h ss famous for its rakes, wiiich latter are sent to the nietiopolis -in lirce quantities. as well as to other parts of England. ■Two iron foundries are in opeiation here, and fur- nish employiient to many industrious hands — atone of the cstiblishmeiits, the IMiannia Works, agricul- tural implementsaremannfictiired of ureat excellence. Camden notices this town as reputed for cheese aiidaie, and there are at this day several good brewe- ries: ihe hop and seed bu«iness exists hereto some considerable extent, as does that of malting ; and tliere W« several corn milis on the rircr. Tiie town received consideralde improvements under an act, passed in the reign of George IV, for pavine, lighting and cleansing it. The bnildinKs erected since ihe period referred to have been many and liandsome, and the roads are kept in excellent repair — indeed Banbury may be pronounced one of the cleanest and best regulated towns ill the county. The inhabitants received a charter of incorporation from Mary, which was enlarged by George I, and superseded bv the Mu- nicipal Refurm Act passed in ISao, which vested the aovernment in a mayor, four aldermen and twelve councillor.s, witli ihe usual assistant officers, including a recorder, who mesides as judge in a court, held weekly, wherein debts can be sued for to any amount under iE40. ; and sessions of tl>e peace are lield four times a year. The business of the deht conit,bowever, is no'v very limited, Banbury lieing include'l in the thirty-sevenih ciicnit of towns under ihe County Court Act, passed in 184(), for adjudicating claims to any amount not exceeding £l6. The elective franchise was granted to the burgesses in the reign of Mary, since which time the horouch has uninterruptedly returned one member: the mayor is the returning officer; and the gentleman at present sitting is Henry William Tancied, E".cvcral ivble mansions and buys. Thi' parish (which coaipii^es tht ti>an>liip of elegant siats; those nieiitiiisj pa-lit iilar notice arr | West ADDf.HBiutv, the cbrtpeirie- of liAHPORD J^T. Wp'Xton Abhi-y, the resilience of Cidonel Nnrtli, and John and lii dicott, and the hamlet of Milton) Wykhaiu Park, thf seat of Jidin Wi bb, K>q. The c<>niained,in 18:51, 2,47;i,iiiiiabitants,HMi). in 1841,2 525. market, a considerable on--, is held on the Thmsday : i Nearly 4 miles s.s.w. from Hanbnry, in the hundred the fairs, which arc numerous, are ht-ld on the first of its ea:>ie, is the |);irisli(>f Bl xliam : in the vihaiie TlMirsday after Twelfth-rlay, the third Thnrsday^ i" isthe part.-h church of Saii tMaiy aiida Baptistchapel : January, Minh and Apiil; Holy Thursday, and the the living of liloxhani is a di-chari;td >i(araBe, in the third Thursdays in Jnncand Jnly^ for cattleand woi 1 ; proeniation of thePiovi.standFt Hows of Kton collige. the third Tlmr-days in August and Septeml>er, the The paiivli, with the chauelry of Mf.lcombe. con- Thursd.fv next after 01>l IMichaelmas-day (for cheest and liiriiig servants) ; the third Thursday in November and the «econd Tlmrshiy before L'hrist?uas-day. The borou!(h and parisli fif Banhurv contained, (including Neithrop ham let) 5.906 inhabitatits; and in 1841.6.753. East .■\DDERBi;RY,an aericuliural parish in the hun- dred of Bloxham, is about. 3 miles s. by e. fmm Bauhuiy on the road to Deddington. The parish clmrcli of Saint .Mary i-i spacious, and contains some interesting specimens of ancient sculpture: the living is a vicar- age, in the presentation «t the Warden and Kellows of New college, Oxford. In the parish are placis of tained, by the Government returns in 18J1, 1,573 iu- liahitants, and, in 1841, 1,54;>. Wkoxton is a pui-h in the hutidred of Bloxhara— ' the village, a small one, is3milesN \v from Binhury: it is deserving notice as rnntainint! an ancient aht'ey, founded iu the reiyn of Henry III. now tjie re>idence as before-mentioned, of Colonel North. The places of worship are the paiivji rliurch of All Saints, nud chanels for MeiliodiNts and Independents. 'I'ne liviuj; of Wroxton is a virarnge. in the patronage of the Baioness North. The population of the parish in 1841 was, 819. POST OFFICE, Hiuh street, Banbury, William Brain, Post H/axfer. Arrival of the Mails. — From London, Woodstock, CHiPr-iNc-NoRTON, Bristol, Oxford, andall pirts of the West of England and South ^\'ales e^eiy morning at six, ami afternoon at half-past three- From Birmingham, Manchester, Liverrool, andall parts of the North of England, also Scotland and Ireland, e^ery morning at seven. Despatches — To London, Woodstock, CHiprivc-NoRTON, Bristol, Oxford, and all parts of tlie West OF England, and South Wales, every morning at twenty minutes before eight, and evening at a quaiter before seven. To Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, andall parts of the North of England, also Scotland atid Ireland, every afteriioon at half-pa>t five. Country Posts fron) South Newington, Sherrington, Sieford, Middleton, Clavdon. Avon, Dassett &c , anive e»ery afternoon at half-paM four, juidare despatched at a (piaiter pa^t ciaht in the morning. NOBII.ITyj GENTRY AND CLERGY. Aplin Mr. Benjimin, Bndicott Ball Mr. .loseph. Crouch at Ball Mr. Vincent, Oxford terrace Billard llev. .lohii, Ciopiedy Barbtr John, E^q., Aildrrhury Bee>!ey Mis. Jane. Bloxhaui Bell Kev. George, Bloxhaiu Bigiiell Mrs. Susannah, Crouch st BIencoweJol)nJackson,EsqMarston St- Lawrence Bligh Rfv. John, Wroxton Biayne Mr. Henry, Horse fair Bra»ne Mr. Ribert, Hor^efair Brickwell Charles, Esq.,Overihorpe l.ud,'e [st Brickwell Mr. John CharIes,Bridge Bristow Mrs.—, Bodicott Brown M'S. — , Overthorpe Burgess Rev. Kiancis, Westbar st Cadnury Mr. James, Calthorpe teir Caitwright Robert A. Est)., Aynho Cartwright Rev. Stephen R.j.'Xvn ho Chambeilin Williuin H. Esq., Adderbiiry Chapman Mi.ss — , Brouahton Harington Rev. Duke Henry, South Newington Harrison Rev. Michael, Wroxton Haiii^oii Rev. William,Warmitigt"n Harris Mr. Robert, Ciltlioip terrace Hiiicm Rev. A. L) South Bar st Hitchcock Mr. John, Horley HiichcocU William Henry, Esq., Boditott Hfdii'way Miss — , Bloxbam Holloway Mrs. Ann, Horse fair Hughes Bev. J(d]ti, Prospect row James Captain J(d)n, South Bar st Lewis Bev. John, West Bar st Lloyd Rev. William, Dravton Lodge Kev. David, South Bar st Loiedav John, E->q., William scote Lovell Mi's Ann. Hit'h st Marldock Rev. P. B. Bloxham M-il.-bury Mr. Josepli, Bloxham Milward Miss Jane,NeithiopHonse Milward Jolin, Esq. St. JohnS road M Hilton Mr. John, We-t Barst Na«ehy Mr. Thomas, South Bar st Nelson Rev. G. Mawson, Bodicott Grange Noel Rev. Augustus, Adderbury Cobb Edward, Esq. ,CalthortieHouse North Lieutenant-Colonel John, Cobh Timothy Rhodes, Esq., Horse fair Colingthe Misses — , Neithrop Cother Mr. John, Bloxham Cowi)er the Mis^e", Waidington Crickett Rev. Jaine>^, A'Idtrbury Davis Mrs. Eli/.abelh, Hiuh st Davis Mr. Heiirv, Bloxham Divis Mrs. J., Bloxham Deer Mr. John, Bodicott Deer Mr. Webb, Bodicott D'Oyley Christopher, E^q , Bodicott ] Sandersmi Mrs Forbes Rev. Charles, m.a Crouch st '■ Saunders Riv. G Wrox'on Abbey [Abbey North the Baroness, Wroxton Niinnirk Rtv. David, Bloxham Padhury Mr. John, South Bar st Page Mr. James, BU)xliani PaMie llev. Edwird, Swab liffe Pe.irse Rev. William, Hanviell Piper Kev. Heniv H. Oxford road '{iishton Rtv. J.'R., Hook Norton Sauiuelsoa Bernhard, Esq., Oxford terrace Horse fair ge, Bloxham Gdi-dner Ml. Benjamin, Westbar st j Sav & Sele the Kighi Hon. and Rev Gardner Mr. Jolin, Wroxton Lord, Brounhton Castle Giheti Jonathan, E^q., Horse fair Shirley Miss — , Highsl Gilleti.ldSt-phAshby, Esq. Westbar st Spiiriett Samuel, Esq. Horse fair Golby Miss Ann, Hiuh st Stahy Mr. Thomas, South Bar st Guest Mrs. — , Bodicott Steven" Rev. John, Neithrop Gunn Miss — , Neithrop i Stutferd Mr. Jaht^, West Bar Rt H^iand Mis. — , St. John's place 'Tanhy Rev. William, South Bar 8t Tawmy Archer, E-q., Wroxton 'J'aylor Mr. Charles, Oxford terrace Tims Thomas, Esq. Bridge .'t Tuffn. 11 Kev. Fiederirk. High st Walford .Mrs. — , Sontli Bar st Warner William Mead, Esq., Ade- laide Hon-e [Giove Warriner Rev. George, Bloxham Waniner Mrs. — , Bloxham Grove Welb John. Esq., Wyklmm Park White Mr. Thomas, Bloxham WhittonMrs.Eliz'beth.St J(diirster Willes WiHiani. Es()., A>hop Hou«e Wilstm Mrs. Elizabeth, South BiU' st Wilson Mr. John, Addeib'irv Wilson Mr. Rol eit. Add rbiiry Wil-oii Kev. William, Vicarage WyaitKevCliailesFianei^.Bidiighton Wyait the Misses — , South B .r st ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Not otlier« ise described are Day ScliouU. British School. Crouch si — Fianci* William Wilson, master; Edith Read, mi>tre-s Cooke Jolin 'Ihonias (boarding), Oxfoid terrace [Croiicli st Eason Mrs. & Miss — , (boarding), Endowed Fuke School, Adder- biirv — Alfred Waring, master Hill Samuel (boaiding and day), Hoise fair [Horse lair Hill Sai-HJi (boarding and day). Infants' School, Church p is^age — Frances Ann Joiinsoii, mistre^'S National and Blue Coat School, North Bar >t— Churles Loader, in >stei ; Amelia Mu>^eti, mi-tress National School, .'\dde.bury — Maiiida Waiinc, mistress National School, Wroxton (ii o (je Gojdhy, master; Su-annah Gfddby, mistri ss PaulEniilv, South Bar st Piatt Eliza, Hoise fair Riiltoii the Misses—, (boarding and and diyj. High st [Bloxham 'I'remthicK Hannah (boarding). Watts Elizabeth, Horse fair WiNon Rosa {l>oardiiig), Adderborf Mxtttoxj^, AOBICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURERS. Barf. Id Joiiii (agent (or Kuisoine's |)l<>iigli>), .Maikft plice Gardiit'i- Janus & lieiij iiiiiii (and iron rnficliaiiisi, hiyli >t Samnel.soii Ber iiliard (a^d engineer) BKlTANNIAlll.'NKoHNUKY.Fislj >t ATTORNEYS. Aplin Bf'iij iriilii VViMam, Hiah st Firming William VVaitrs, High st Fran. i. inn Kran< i^ Neitlnnp Hiint& Kurtescue, Hii-ii st HuntJi(hn(town clt'ik and coroner) High >t Looker Jojiii B. Hnrse fair M"ore & Judge, High st Munion John (and tlcrk to flit- romniis-ioiiers . f faxt^s), Higli .-t Munion, Diaper & Muiiton.Higlj ^t Ro.ls\ P.iin. Bridge st RnlU Richard Heniy Bridge st AUCTION EERS& APPRAISERS Daiii.y & Cal. ss, Highst Hall .tames. High st ajallam Charles Uichaid, Bridge st BACON DEALERS. Biisby Henry, Butrher row Lay William, C'hnrch lane "i hom|)son James, Parsons st BAKERS. Marked thus * are al>o Wealmen Agle^ William, Bloxham Bf-ale Jane, South Bar st Belts Wil.iam, High st BIncowe William, Bridge st *Bolton William. Bridge st Claiid;'c Daniel. Parsons st Dale John, A'tdeihnry •Dawe> Tlioma«'. Calthorpe lane Fit et Thomas, North Bar st •Ghge Wil iam. Broad >t Greeti Mary, Ma>ket place HiiU John, Clinrch lane Hartley iVilliam, Bridge st •Hawtin Frederick, Bridge st Hemminus Arthnr, Bridge st Hohley George, Water l.ne Hoiley William, Bloxham Lanii' Mary(!fe Anne, Parsons st Mackliii Geome, Castle st M-isciird Mary, North Bar >t •Mohlev Geoigc, Adderl)nry Riley Thumas, Bri Ige st Saii>hnry J mies, South Bar st Sansbiiiy Th imas, South Bar st Smart Uichir-i, Ma'ket place Smiiji John, Bodiclt Turner John, Cherwell st Varney Hicharri, Neirhiop Wa ford John, Cotistitufion row Walker William, North Bar st •Wallin Tliom s. Market place Weaver M ry, Neithrop Wise William, Parsons st BANKERS. Cobb Timothy Khodes & Edward, High si — (draw on Jones, Lloyd and Co.. London) Gillett. Tawiu-y & Co., Cornliill— (draw on Giyn, Hallifax and Co., London) London & County Joint Stock Bank, Paison st (draws on the head office, London) — William Caless, manager Savings' Bavk, Parsons st— (open on Thursdays from 12 till 2j — William Rusher, actuary BASKET AND SIEVE MAKERS Biiley rii(Miia<, High st Bonser Thomas, Alaikei place Cat ter William, High st Hutchings Chaile-s Bridge st Hutthings William, Noith Bar st BANBURY, &c. BLACKSMITHS. Brooks Kdvvaid, Budicott Carpenter SamiK-l. Calthorpe lane Ches'ei Philin, North Bar st Humphries Richard, Wioxton l.awrinpencer J.din, Niilliiop Vehb Hi'iiry, South Bar st Wehh J.din, Castlest ^Vheeler .lame-, Broad st BOOKBINDERS. Goflfrev Francis, Caitn.irpe lane Golsby WilliHtn, North Bar st BOOKSELLERS; STATIONERS AND Pl«INTERS. (Sre (ilso Stutiotiprs ) Cheney Esther (and bookbinder), Highst Potts William (atid prnpriftorofthe Banburv Guardian), Par-onsst Rusher John Uolhy (and snbscrip- tioti library), Market place Stone Henry (and lihrary and news room). Hinh st Walfoid Geoig,^, Hi-h st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Anihivtle Richard, Clnrwell st Ashby Thomas, North Newinglon Baxter Roheit, Parsons st lit own James, Bloxham Cave John, Bioad st Cave Thomas. Parsons st Craddock Georce, Parsons st Deakiii John, Hii;li st Dickins&Co , Hiuh st l)iX"n Daniel, Bntcher row Dixon riiomas. Church lane Earl Edward, Market place and Hiuit st Edwards James, Calthorpe lane KKlnnt(m George, North Barst Kletcher Geome South Barst Flint James, .Adderhury Fox Thomas, Paisons st Krench John, Wioxion Gasroyne Isaac, Bloxham G bbs John, Church hue Hancock William, Kish st Han is Robert, Chmch lane Herbeit Georue, Hiah st Inns John, Adderbnry Kiiiestotie John, Cherwell st Rallton K'lward, Hiyh st Salmnii James, Neithrop Shaddock Frederick, Parsons st Turner James, Briilge >t Tii»ia'n Tliotnas. Addeibory Walford .lohii, Neithrop Wat-on James, Broad st VVat-oti James, High st Watson (Jeorge, North Bar st Watson & Di ill nh rate, Parsons st Whe. ler Richard, BInxham Williams John, Victmia terrace BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. [See also Ironmongers.) Caporn William, High st fplace Edmunds Richard & Henry, Markel Evans William, Market place Krench John, Fish st Gardner .lames & Benjamin, High st Hairis William, Cherwell st J-irvis Joseph, P.nrsons st .\lascord .losejih, Highst Stutterd Jabez & Son, Parsons st BREAVERS. Baker Edward, Neithrop Harman John Nixon & Co., North Bar st Hayward Charles, High st Hoprraft Alfred, Fish st Hunt Thomas, Bridge st 'I'ustain Thomas, Addeihnry Wyatt riiomas llemy, Brnlgc st BRICK MAKERS. Raireft Wiilini, N wiami road Cl.oidge Richaid. IUoxl)am road Danhy James, .Midillei.m mad Davis Richard, Calthorpe hme Kulini-ton .Samuel, South Barst Garrett Thomi-. N. iihrop Hoblc) Thomas, Warwiik road BRICKLAYERS. (See al'o Flusterprs and Slaters.) Davi- Riehar.i, Calth, Parson st Walton Moni..gne, Ci eiwell st WilKs James, Addeibnrv Williams Williriin. Person st CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Bourne James, Church lane Doils Aichibald, Hith ft Goodmav William, Calthorpe lane Gruhb Charles. Bridne st Hall James. Highst Hollowav Edward, Calthorpe lane Reeves VVilliam, North Barst Stnnley Richard, Parson st Walford William, Hor>e fair CARPENTERS & JOINERS. Adcock .lohn. Fish st Bannard IVu-haid, Adderburv Barrett William, Bloxham Bloxley Samuel, Cherwell st Bonner John, Bodicott ('arnenfer Nathani' 1, North Bar jt Clari'lueUuhardiA builder/.High st Coy John, VVroxton Dai is Ri(diard (and builder), Cal- Ihorpe lane [Ki«li st Gaidner Daniel (imd pump maker), Barrett Thomas. High st Gariett Thos. {,% bnildei ), Neithrop Glanville William (niid builder), Calih'irpe lane Griffin Kdward, Broad st Harris William, North Newington Hartley George, South Newington Hartrup Samuel, Back lane ©.tfoitrsDtrc. BANBURY, &c. ^latct'jEf CARPENTERS, 6ec.— Continued. Heih It Jo III, Pm)-|) ct row Hiililey WiUiain. Neitliroi) Howai'l Join, Ciililiorpe lane Kiiiiheilev Kranris (and nmfliine nvikrT) '. Nmtli Har st [Har st NiiitoM .lam s ^ind hioker), North Smith Jami's. S nuh ({,tr st Spicer J'lliii. Bloxham TiMU.ile (ifoi.ce, North Bar st Weaver Sarah, Ni'ithrop Wilkms William (and builder), North U ir street Woodtichl William, Neithrop CHAIR MAKERS. Cro«by Thomas, lirulte st Fox Charles, Paisoii's Mealowlane 0\ley William, Clierweilst Oxlry William, Pluigh »aid Tboinps-n William (and turner), Chinch lane CHEmiSTS 6c DRUGGISTS. Ausiin Janus liiittli(maimfactiiriiig chemist and wln^lcsale and soda- watei luaniif.ictnrer). Parson st Ball fJeori:e Vinceii?, Parson st Beesley K'izahfth, Comliill Beesley 'lliomas. High st E'lioti'licnjamin, Aiideihniy Gardner Roht-rt (and proprietor of the Oxfordshire sance), High st Gib'is :& Grimhlcy, Hiuh st Haidvvirk I'hilip. Market place Otier William, Bloxham CHINA, GLASS, &c. DEALERS Boiisir Thomas, .Market |)lace C.irter U iiliani, Hiuh st Jones Williiim, Market (dace PiigeWillinm, High st CLOTHES DEALERS. Baker Wilhan., Par>..ii st Crickett(5eoig;i- B., Cornhill F^lkiier David, Hiuh st Grinibly CliHiles, I'arson st Siiakespf-are llichard. Church lane COACH MAKERS. CoK'Ciave T'lios., JSoiith Ncwington Hoadley & Walker, NoitiiBarst Woo ivvard Jami-s, South Bar st Wyait William, Brido;e st COAL DEALERS. Mnrked tliiis « are also Corn Dealeri. •Alli!;ood James, Market |)lace •Caless William. HiyJi st Cave Ciiailes, Biid^'e st D'lby Henry Adams. Bridge st •Edmunds Uiiharil & H & Anne, I'arson st Robbins Janie>, Parson st COOPERS. BaileyThi.s.i&seive maker), Hieh st Klsden Charles (& luiiier), Fisli st Fairfax John, Calihorpe lane 6 Pre-eoM Alfred, N.ithrop Taj lor Cliarlr.s High st CORK CUTTERS. Glaze William, Broad st Golby Joseph, Butcher row Southard Charles, Parson st Sutton Daniel, Ha-e fair CURRIERS AND LEATHER CUTTERS. Bearsiev Frederick, Church lane FInyd William, North Barst Raiiton Kdward, Hiyhst Whittem, Cooler & Co., High st, & at Covnitry — Win, Brain,agent CUTLERS— WORKING. Grant Tliomas, Par.*on st 'I'homas Geoiae, Church lane Thomas John (;ind patten and clog maker), Parson st DYERS. Cornack John (&glazer), Bodicott Moiliy Ann, Bronghton Pearse James, Broad st Tliorne Rii hard A Son, Neithrop EATING-HOUSE KEEPERS. Giimner Kdwaid, Market place Herbert William, Fish st Thorpe Kdward, Person st Toidey John, Bridge st FELLMONGERS. Gibson John, Neithrop Gieatoiex Chri>toiiher,North Barst Holmis William, Back lane FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. BiKMiNGHAM (fire), James Cad- hiirv, Paison st Clekical AND Medical (life), Ben- jamin Willi, im Aplin, High st CdUNTV (tire) & Provident (life), Joseph Jarviss, P.u.-on st EcoNOMic(life),Hunt & Fortescue, High st Farmers', Moore & Judge, and Danbv & Caless, High st General. William Payne, High st Globe, Tluimas Pain, Bridge st Guardian, Richard Edmunds.Mar- ket place Hail-storm, John G. Rusher, Mar- ket pi ice. and Danl!y& Co.High st Law (fiie),Huiit& Fortescue, High at Legal, VVm.Faiibrotlier,Market pi London Assurance, Hunt & Co,, Higli street Medical and Legal (fire). Robert (i^nlner, Hiuh st [Parson st Minerva (life), Svlvester Caines, MiTREdil'e), Wm. Barrett, Cornhill National Mercantile (fire), Dan Stutterd, High st National Provident (life), James Cadiuiiy, P.irson st NoTwicii L'nion (fire), John G- Rusher, iMai ket place PiKEMX (tire) and Pelican (life), .lolin iMiuiton, hiuh st Royal ExcHAKGE.Richaid Hayne.s, Hoiselnir Scottish KouiTAnLE (life), James (iii'iihley, Hiuh st Solicitors', Richaid H. Rolls, Bridge st [ing, Hith st Standard (life), William W. Hem- SuN, John Pain, North I5ar st FISHMONGERS «c DEALERS IN GAME. GibbsJohn (& poiilierer), Horsefair Gibhs Rnhert, North Bar st Owens George, Broad st 'l"lionias John, Parson st Turner Thoiwas, Parson st FRUITERERS. Beale Jeremiah, North Bar st Buswell limma, Newiand Hale Mar> , Cliiireh lane Peiry Thoma^, High st Robbins James, Paison st GARDENERS «c SEEDSMEN, Aiiiiitt William, Neithrop Batchelor .lames, N' ithmp Blackwell Willi. mi, Neithrop ButU r Ja-.(iV friii'erei) West Bar st Krench William, C isile gardens (iregory William, Neoluop Newton James, Neiihrop Newton W. & R., Neithrop Perry Thomas. His;h st Tyriell Geoj-ge, Bodicott GIRTH WEB, &c. MANUFAC- TURERS. Cobb,Timo(liy Rhodes & Co. Wharf GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. Marked thus » are also TallowCliindleri [See also Shopkeepers, i(c.) Alexander William, .Adderliury Bnker Georue, Markit place 'Bennett Kpward, Cornhill ClaiidgeHei)ry(teadealer),Marketpl *Coleman William White (whole- sale), P.irson st Cross ,li reiniah. Parson st Elliott Benjamin, Adderbury Eiidall Spencer, High st Glaze Samuel (and tohacco-pipe maker), Noilh Bnr st Green Lydiii & Co.. Market place Giinihly James, High st Hariisoii George, Maiket place *Kirby Amos, Hiijh st MalsbnrT JoH'pb. Par-onst Otier Williim, Bloxham ♦Scrivener Thomas, Coi iihill Sloan William, North Bar st Sti phen-on Tlmmas, Bridge St Ste>ens Bohr rt, High st Walshaw John, Parson st GUN MAKERS. Holland John, High st Welch Jabez Hloxliam, Butcherrow HATTERS. Baker William, Parson st Baiker ■S; Hoi wood. High st Blew Widiam, N'otli Barst Criekttt Ge-rue B., Cornhill Dickason ^viiijam, High st Falktiei David, High st Fishi r .Ma'tha (and smock-frock m;innfiietui{'r"r. iMai-kct place GofTe Richaid, Hiuh st Graves Joseph, Parson st Grinihlv Charles, Parson st Hart Jolin & Co., .Maiket place Owen William, Paison st Philpots & Loxl. V, High st Poller Robert, Hi'u'h st Walts 'riiomH--, High st HOP MERCHANTS. (See also Scad cV Hop Merchants.) Bennett F.dward, Cornhill Claridge John, Cornhill C()lein;ui Willinm Uhite, Parson »t Ga/ey Ji'hn, Hiuh st Grant Thomas, Parson st _>^ Gulliver llemy. Parson st Hunt John, Paison st Kiiliv Amos. High st O^boin Joseph, Horsefair HOSIERS 6t HABERDASHERS CI like Call b.Maikei idace Ciickett (i. B., Ci rniiill H-irlock John, Paisnn st i'eebles Robert Wheeler, Maiket pi Whitehoni & Co., Parson st Jiirectoii?. BANBURY, &c. #xfoitlj5[)irf. INNS--C0.MMFJ1CIAL. (See also Taverns He PublicHniises.) Buck & 13.11, George Asttll, Par- sou stiert [.-.on St Flyiiiif Horse, Cliailes PMge, Pai- Iled Linn (anil po-ting), Fowler & Son, High strei t Wliiie Hoi se (coiiimeicial and port- ing), Cliarli-> Hayw.iid, Higii st While Lion (and postini;), John Diiiikvvater, High stiei t IRON FOUNDERS. Lampiti Chinle- (^hkI t ngineer and hrass founder}, Vulcan Foundiy, Neitlnop SaniUi'lM)n Reinhard (and engineer and iigric'uitnml iinideincnt inanu- fattnrer, and nil and culonr nier- cli-.mt), IJuiTANNiA Iron Foun- DRV, Fi^li street IROxVrviONGERS. {See also tirazh'rs and Tinmen ) Allen & Slatter, Parsmi st Allgimd Jiunes, Maiket p'ace Bartbid Jidm, Alaiket plact- Ediniiiid-i llichd.& Henrv, . Market p' Evans VVilliani, M irket jjlace Gardner Jann-s & Benjiniin (and lion nierciitntsand niannfactnrers of agricultural inipleuieuts), High >tieet Grant Thomas, Parson st Mrtsciird Jiiseph, Hiuh st R'lwell Maiy, iMaiUet place Stutteid & Son ('nd in miifactMrers of |)itcni iiiaiigles; , Parson st JEWELLERY— DEALERS IN. Barton Jolin. P.irsun st Kalibrrgo.lohii, ftlarki-t place Pas;e Jolm, High st Piiyiie Willi^ini, High st Strange & Son (and silversmiths), Market pla>e [stieet TaMu-r William (& hardware), High Walfi.rd John GeorL-e, High st LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS Alexander William, Adlerhiiry Baiker& Heiwood, High st Cowper Henry, iMarki t phire Cricketi G.-or^e B. Cornhill Frtirbi other & Tanner, Marketplace Graves Joseiih, Parson st Griinhly Charles, P.irsonst Harlock John, Paisoii st Kiiby Robert, Hiuh st Peebles linht. Whet-ler, Maiket pi. Pliil()ots,Sc Liixlev, High »t Potter R'.h.rr, High st Prescott Sl liloxliaiii, Market place Sedgley Tinmthy, High st Stianue U'llliam, Higli st Stutteid E. I), (whidesale woollen and IMaiiciiester warehousej, High street MALTSTERS. Allgood Jhiiu's, iMarKet plane B^rreit Wiliiain. Newland road Cheiry John, lUoxliam Gardner Jolm, Bndicutt GrrtVfs Rlizal)etii, W'roxton Griscold Uichard, Constitution row Haiman John Nixon & Co., North Bar stiet't Hunt Tlionpis, Rodicott Hunt rii'ina-'. Bridge st Needle Riciianl, RIoxham Sellers John, North Nevvinuton Wf.rd Heniv, Baiiliniy wharf WyattThon'i .s Henry, Bridge st MEALMEN. Bn«-by John. Aiidcii.nry Carpenter Samuel, High st Elfred Thomas, Bloxhain Hnmpliries Samuel (& corn dealer). High st ■" Mackiinsj George, Castle st >ievensoii Wil.iain, Blnxhatn Wheeler John, North Bar st MILLERS. Austin John, Bndiciitt Bidtun Uilliam, Bridge st, South liradNJiiw Phillip, Wykham Mill C(di s Ann, Bionghloii [Mill Fiild ilobirt ■& Benjamin, Grinisbury Gardner .lames, A'.dii buiy Gardner John, Budicott .Mill H.idlainl John, Ciopedy Mill Staley John & Co., Banbury Mill MILLINERS AND DRESS AND STRAW BONNET MAKERS. A-kiw Eli/aheih, South Bar st Biewerton Eli/jibeth, High st Butler Eli/aheih, Noith Bar st Cheney Manha, South Bar st CornacU Hannah, South Bar .st Dean Sarah, S.iuth Bar st Durran Ann & Eliza, Bridge st KmlallSaiHli Elizabeth. High st Haibett Elizabt-th, Hor-e fair Hardim.in Sarnli Ann, Monument st Hopkin, H-innah, Noitli Bar st Jakenian Catherine, West Bar st Kennedy Sarah, Paisonsst Kiinberley & Chester, High st [lane Li thiTbarrow Saiah Ann, Church Lninhaid Sarah, Church st Paine Susinnah. Bloxham Poitinger Mary Ann, Church lane Scoles Eli/abeth. Bridg ■ st Shepber(IEhzth,&Hannah,Neithiop Sirange Maiy. Market pi ice Taj lor Lucy, Ninth Bar st Thomas Mary Ann, P.irsons st Walkf r Anne. Neithrop Whitetfrn & Co.. Parson st MILLWRIGHTS AND MACHINISTS. Latnpitt Chailes, Neithmp Riley John (atid bia^s founder and agiicultuial itnpleinent n.anufac- turer), Neithrop PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Booth John, Bodicoit Briekvvell Ge(nge, Bith cottages Bromley Clement, North Bar st Chun-y J(din (sign), Castle st Col tain George, High st Elsworth '•\ illiam. High st Enoch John, Biidge st Fi>her rimmas. High st Hall Reuben, Bloxhatn Harris John, Butcher row HMthaniay Tboma*, Market place Hoblt-y William, Nonh Bar st Kingeibe Thomas, Parson st iMiin-field Joseph, South Bar st Seaile Janus (coach). Smith Bar st Shaipe Janes, Caithorpe lane White William. Bloxham PAPER HANGERS. Cottani Gi-nige, Hiuli st Golshy Williatn, North Bar st PERFUMERS AND HAIR DRESSEltS. Fowler Chailes, Bridge st Hone 'I'homas, Caithorpe lane Meadows Gemge, High st Pace .lolin. High st Page Richard, High st PearsiMi Georgr, Paison st Rainbow Jonas, Bridae st T^jlor Edward, Bhixhani Willetts Thomas Sharjje, High st PIANO-FORTES-DEALERS IN. Biain Wiilinu), Hiuh st Wells Thomas, Pai>on st PLASTERERS 6t SLATERS. Butler Willi.m, W< st >t Gill.tt R'chard.Chirwell st Holilfv Samu. 1, Water l.oe HohleyWiiliam & Francis, Neithrop Hopkins Chai les, Neithrop .■^1.1111 ini,' John, J oxhain Priest Josejih, Bloxhain Warmiin;t(jn Biehanl, West Bar St REGISTER OFFICE FOB SERVANTS. Crad(loekG>ori:e. I'aisoii st .ludge Ennna. North B.ir st Taylor Liu y, Nonh Mar st ROPE MAKERS. Jellyman William, HI xhain .Scatiehrick John, Biidge st WallE.& T., Neithrop SADDLEnS AND HARNESS MAKBKS. Dumhleton 'llmnia-. North Bar S» .Meriy Matthew, High st Uailton Elizabeth, Hmh >t Savage Henry, Addeiinuy Spieer Thomas. Adderbnry I'iiylor 'I'hnmas, Maket pL'ce Walker William, Bloxh .ui Walker 6i Son. Nonh Bar-t SEED AND HOP MEHCHANTS. C^eeatsu Ilvp Merihinits.J Allgood .lames, Market place [pi liail'ordjiiii. (& linsi eii cake),Market Kdinuii(l> Richd.& Hy. Marketplace E-aiis Williini, iMai'ket place Gardnei James & Beiijaini[i,High st .Mascord Jo-ejdi, Hitli st P-me Chailes, P irson st Howell Maiy, Market place Stutteid cV Son (.iiid oil and coloor mereliants), Par-oii st WalshrtwJohn, Parson st SHAG AND PLUSH MANU- FACTURERS, &c. BnUgheii Uiolheis, Noitlj Bar st, and 9 Alilerinanbiiiy, Lonion Lees Robert & Co., High st, and 37 King st, Cheap>ide, London SHOPKEEPERS& DEALERS IN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Asli. w William, Calthoipe lane Atkins S.inniel, .Mill lane lial-er llobeit, Ntiihrop Blaxley Samuel, Cherwell st Bonhani Thomas, Neithrop Bushy Edwa'd, North Newingtou Biisby Heiiiy, Butcher row Bu>\vell Emma, Bioud st Caipentt r Samuel, Cdtliorpe lane Coles Benjaiiiin. Aiideibuiy Dale Thomas. Neithio|) Ivlenhorough Thoma>, Adderbury Elfrt d TbiMiias, liloxliam Enoch John, Bridge ^t Fairfax John, Caithorpe lane Kail fax Thomas, Monunient st Fletcher .Mary, South Bar st Flint Willi iiu, Bloxham Flowers John, Biidge st Fieiich Wiliiain, Bloxhain Gaidner William, Ad-lnhury Garrett William, Horse fair Gazev George, Neithrij) Gibliard John, Mi'ldleton road Goodiiii'ii Thom IS, Wp xton Goodway i\illiiin. Calthoipe laiie Goodwin .Aniii', Bodicott Grimes Daniel, Neitlnop Hi hblewhite Thomas, Bloxham Holiowiy John, Clurv>ell si Hunt Saiali Mary, IJIoxliani .lack-on Gi orye, Cheiweli st Lime Thomas, Ca'thoipe lane Mason Kruabeth, South Bar st .Mills John, Wroxtou ^xfoi1)ii5t)iu. BANBURY, &c. ^latci'd SHOPKEEPERS-Con(mi(f(i. Peiiiii VViiliiiin, xiiith Ni'vviiig'oii Raiidle William, Bioxliaiii Robiii-oii John, Bliixliaiii Saii-biiry James. Sinuli Bar st Saiishmy llioiiii^. South Bar st Steveii>"'i U'illMtn, Bhixhaiu Timing Joliii, Bluxliaiii Tredvvell 'I'lmin i^, lUnxham Turner James, B iilije st Wilfiiid John, Consiitiition row U'atkins Tlioinas Bridge st Weav. r Sntah, Neitiiion Wlie. 1. 1 Thniuas Newlaiid \Vhi;<' Ciniies, Neitlin'|) Wilkins Mary, Caltimrpe lane SPIRIT MERCHANTS. (See also IFiiie i^- Spirit Merchants.) Ba^elt-y John, Al irket plaie Claridjie Joliii, Coridiill [Bar sf Harman J no. Nixon & Co., Nonh Hayw.ird Chiile;*, High ^t U>binii Joseph, Hcir^e fair Wyatt Thoiiias Henry, Bridge st STATIONERS. (See also Booksellers &. Stationers.) Brooke •Tiio-.^lV pi intti), Church la Payne VVilliam, High st STONE 6t MARBLE MASONS. Atkins vViliiaiij, Bluxhaui Ciike'reiid George, Bridge street, Bloxhaiii Hartall Aaron, Bloxliam Al .iKler B.>l)eit, Biidgest Nelson John, Cherwtll st VVarr Thomas, Bloxiiiini SURGEONS. Cheterman Shrrman, Soutli Bar st Coleurave Jolin, Bl xhani Douglas U'iilliani Thorna.s, Cornhill Gilibs & firiiiitiiey, hi.-h st Griffin John, Add' ibiiry Hyde Wiliam, Bloxhani Morris & Kye, Horse fair Mniris Edward, Hi^li st Wilson Jo'm, Adilerhury Wise.loliii, North B.ir st Wise Sianton, m.d., Bridge st SURVEYORS-LAND, ««p. Davis, Saiiiw!eis & Hicks, High st H iwkirnTliotnas, Piir-ons st Sutton David, Church lane TAILORS. Maiked thus • ;iif ;il9o Drajieri. Abraham Jimes, Chnicii lane •Andcrs'^n James, Ptisons st •Bailey Bichaid, Market place •Haker VVilliam, P-irs^ns st •Bi-t-re Georte, Parsons st Bii-by Williini, Caltlioi|)e lane Dicka-on Wilii;ini, High st Eaglestone William. Bridge st End. ill jHrnc*, Cinrch laiie Falkner Daviil, High st Franklin Williani. Neithrop •Golf.' Kiihrtrd, Hiah st Hriwkins Bichard, Adilerbnry •H.i\ne» & Son, Hor«e fair •Hyde .lohn, Market place Potter Uichard, B ick lane Potter 'I homa^, Bleiihiim place Pottinger ("liarl.s, Chuich lane Sliak^-peare Richaid, Church lane Shepherd (liileon, Neiihrop •*^picer Thomas, Bluxhani Tarvt r Thonins, Moilicott Taylor Eilwaid, Bloxiiani TAVERNS at PUBLIC HOUSES Atigel, Willam Brmi<-ti, iMiirket place Bi-;ir, John Hizt-ley, .M;irkel place br.-wers' Arms, I lios. Fieri, North Bar st Butchers' Anns, ICdw.SSph-rs.llutcliPr row CuthrrineWheel, Kicburd Cleaver, Briilee street Soiiili [bury Coach & Hortes, Tbomas Doraat, Adder- 8 Cock, Dnvid Wliratify, Cornhill Crown, Kdvvaril Baker, Neiilirop Crown. Joseph Cooper, Hi idije st Dii« and Gun, Thomas Blackford, North Bar street [ham Eleph inland '"aslle, James Harris. Blox- Fleiir-de-l.i<..\leJiander Sp"Oiier,Bioad si Fox, Jona" Rainl)Ow, .Market phiee Georje & Oratfon, U'in. Gazey.Hnr.'^e fair Hawk & PartriHire. .luhiit'onp^r. Bloxhani Hare & Hounds, Wm. Claike. Par.«on st Hor§e and Groom, John Austin, Bndicott Horse and Jockey, Benjamin Hands, West bink J"iner»' Arms, John Randle. Bloxham Kiiii-'s Head, j.'hn Hunt, Parson st Leather Uotlle, \Villi:ini S.ntt. Bridge st Old Georee, Georee Taylor, Bridge st Plousih, William Edeiiho'ongh, Bodicotl Ploiifjh, Jiilin Herring.', Cornhill Pole Axe, Wm Senior, South Newingtori Queen's Head, W illiam (ieorf;P, Briiluest Red Lion, William Benneit, Bloxham Ked Lion, Thomas Townsend,Adderbiiry lteindeer,Henry&\lariaHerhert,Parsonst Rising: Sun, John Hobley, Neiihrop Roebuck. Wilkins Knihh, Wroxton Ship, Mary Hitchcox, HiRh st Stag's Head, Edward Bayiis, Norlh Newington Star, George Thomas, High st Sun, Thomas Manler, Broad st Swan, Eliza Randle. South Bar st Talbot, William lieesley. High st Three Jolly Weaveis, Charles Wood- ward, South Bar st [Bar St Three Pigeons, William Walker, Noith Twisselson Arms, S^usauuah Bajlis. Brouehton [place Unicorn, I'homas H.ilhaway, Ularket Vine, John Claridge, Cnrnhill Wagon & Hor.'!es,!hos Cave. Butcher row Weavers' Arn)s,Wni.Stevens,South Bar st Wlieatsheaf, John H earn, Fish st Wheatsheaf, Henry Stilgo, Adderhnry White Hart, Edward Jakenian, Bridge st While Hiirse, William Goodman, Wroxton While Lion. William Taylor. Bl'ixham Windmill, Edward Curtis, North Bar st Wolf. John Lidilington, Adderhury Wykham Arms, George Freeman, South Newingion Retailers of Beer. Adcock.lohn, Fish st Butler Williani, Caltliorpe lane Caless John, North Newiiigton Carpenter Thomas, Cdlhorpe lane Dale Thomas, Neiihrop Davis Phoebe, Bodicott Dew George, Crouch st Edenboiongh Ihom is, Adderbnry Edwards William, iVliddleten road Elsden Charles, Fi.^h »t Flint VVilliam, Adderbury (Jreen .iolin. Bridge si Hambridge JaiUfS. Neiihrop Hiiclimaii John, Bluxhani H.ihley (Jeorge, Neiihrop Hobley Samuel, Neithrop Mitihews Jo-eph. Clierwell st Murrey F.dmnnd, Bloxham road Morrey William, Chinch line .Mu>cult William Wai wick road Pargelcr John, Midilleion road i{:tiiibow Jonas. Bridge st Riley Thomas. Bridge st Rohhins Daniel, Norlh Ijar st Sabin James, Broad st Salter William, Cherwell st Sutton Daniel, Hor^e fair I'errell John, Bodicolt Tuslain Thomas. Adderbury Walton Montague, Clierwell st Warmington Richard. West Bar st Watts VVilliam. Mill l.me Weaver Sarah, Neithrop Well Joseph, Cheruell st While Chailes, Oxford road While William, Norlh Bar 3t Wilkins San. uel, Cilthorpe l«no TEA DEALERS — TKAVEl.LING. Banner Will, (diaiier), Crouch st Killiii John, Caithi>i|ie lane M'D.iiigall Biih.iid, Noiih Bar st Philli|)s .Michael, .Monument st Simpson Boberi (& draper), Mouu- meiit street TIMBER MERCHANTS. Dal by Henry Adams (and slate). Bridge st (Jarland Cha". {&. slatr^. Bridge st Pain Georg-, Noith Bar st TOY DEALERS. Butler Thomas (& lag fiicrchant), Buicher row Jones VVilliam, Market place P.iije John (and hard\vareman)i High street [High st Saul William (and bardvvaiemaiO, Willetts Thomas Sharpe, High st AVATCH et CLOCK MAKERS. Carpenter William (and ihiashiiig iiiHchiiie maker), Biid^;e >t Diirian James Hipkms. High st Kalabergo.lobn, iMarket place .Mcicliant Thomas, Back lane Osborn Tlioina>', Bloxham Payne Wm.(& sil>er-uiith), Highst Strange & Son (and haniwarimen). Market place Walfoid Jnhii George (and silver- s.aiith), High st [»oii st Wells Thomas {& bellhauger), Par- Williams William, Adderbury WHEELWRIGHTS. .Adcock John, Fish st Coy John, Wroxton Coy Thomas, Hri ige st Flint William, Adderburv Haiiis William, North Newingtr.n Harthy George, South Newiugtou Kimberley Fr.mci.s, North Bar st Smith Samne!, Broad st Weaver Edward, Neithrop WHITESMITHS. Carpenter William, Calilmrpe lane Chester Philip. Nnith Bar st Osborn 'Villiam, S.'Uth Bar st Webb Hcniy, South Bar st WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. {See also Spirit Me>cliauts.) Bazeley John, Market place Cianidge J'din, Cornrill Coleman Willi, m While (British and agent tor GuiniieSs's stout). Parson vireet Fowler & Sim, Highst Ga/ey John, High st GuHi>er Henry, Parson st Hayward Ci arles. High street Htarii John, Fish st Hunt .I'din, F'arsnn st Hunt Thomas, Bridge st Page Cliailes, Parson st W^OOLSTAPLERS. Gibson William. Neiihrop Hadlaiid Wm. & .lolm, Howe fair .Mor-e Joseph, Neith'op Smal. bones Gemge, Neithrop IVIiscellancous- Aldridge John, pump mnker. Broad st Baker Elizabeth, glover, Fish st Barnes LMran, |.arish clerk, Bhixham Barrett VVi'liam, Hgent lo the Property Protection Society, C"rnhill Beere Geoige, parish clerk. Parson st Bonner .lolm, pjiiish cleik, Bodicott Brooks Rnliei I Heygnte.dentis'.Parjon it Cleaver.lohn.iimhrella niaker.CherH ell st Cockerell Robert, blacking maker, North Bar street f Cox Charles, organ builder and piano> ; forte tuner, i'onth Bar si " Oohlhy George, parish clerk, Wroxton '' Gould David. car»er, gilder and print- ■ seller. High st Hawkins Richard, parish cleik, Adderbury • Page l(irharH,liigh constible forUloxhuia hunilred, Norlh Newington Perry Thomas, nurseryman and fruiterer. High st and Oxford road Powell William, ilairyiiian. Bridge »t 1 Roberls Benjamin, b >at builder. Back b 3 Robinson John, trunk maker, Fi«b it ; liters. Sunt M ikt's Chciich, Uunbury— Rev. William Wilion, ijcor. B41NT M»iiVs CiicBCH, Adderbury— Rev. Cliarirs Ailcotk, vicar. 8* I ST M A ny 's Ch H CH, Uluxliam— Rev. lieorge Bfll, vicar. Alu Saints' CuuHCU, Wrosham -Rev. MIciiai-l Hariisuii, ciirufe Bapiist Chapkl, Bridge street South (vacaiii). Baptist Chapkl, South Bar st— Rev. David LiiilKe. Baptist Chapel, Blosham— Rev.David Niinnick. Friends' Meeting House, Horse Tair. INDbpg^OB^T Ch.ipel, Cliurcb lane — Rev. .iulin Lewis. iNUKPKNDhXT Chapei., Adderbufy— K»-v. Jamrs Crickeit. Unjtakmn' C'hapbl, Horse fair— Rev. Hc-iir) H. I'ipt-r. RoM«N Cathulic Churih, South Bar st'ret — Rev. William 'I'undy. piifsf. WkSLEYAN MtTHODlST Chapkls — Cliurch pissate; Adderbury; Blox- hani,and Wruxton. POOR LAW UNION. WoRKHOUSK, Ndtlirop, Goorriior — rUumas Vearey. Matron — Miiry Vrari-y. Sdioolmaslfr—W'tiViMn Smith. Schnulmistrest—Mary Timms. Sur^eiin — Thomas Gibhs. Chaplain — iivv. Charles Forbes, m.a. Clerii to Ike Hoard of Guardians— Wlllium W. Heciiin?. Rrlieviiiy Officers — William Galsworthy, John Uouner, Edward Cbarlloo. REOISTRARS, OP BIRTHS, DEATHS Hi MARRIAGES. Suptriiittndcnt—WWWdim W. Heminij. Rrgistrar nj Marriuyts — Jonn George VVaif rd. RtgUliarnf Births, Deuthsand Marriiges Jut tht Societi/ !>/ Frieu'ls—ieih. Cross REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS & DEATHS. For B'inbury District ~\\m. Galsworth. *• Snaldijf nis:r.ct-Edy.\ar>\ Charlton. ** Bluxhain UiSlr.ct — John Bnnner. " CropTtdy Disiiiit — 'I'bumas Pearce. COUNTY COURT. Office. Himi ^t^tet. yudi/e — Fred. IVotter Dinnd'ile, Esq.LL.D. High Bni/i/f- William Hutihings. l-Vejfc-Jiihn Fortpsciie. Bai/i^— William Gardner. BtN-BURY AND NeITHEOP CloTHINO S<)ciETV-H.R B.ayne.Esq trtasurr. Banbuky Association foix Pkosei curiNO Ffions, White Horse— Mr. Charlfs Haywuid, tnasurtr; Rlessri.. Hunt & Fortfsciie.jfi rfrar/fs. BoKouGH Gaol. High St— Mr. William Walker, 5?otifrnor,- Mrs. Mary Walker matron. Charitable Society— Mr. Rd, GofTe. trtasurrr; Mr. John G, Walfo>d, sec. CONSEKVATITE ASSOCIATION- Mr.Jollll Barford, secretary. Gas Works, Bridge st -William Quor. lei ni-iiiiH, secretar;/. Inland Revenue Office, at Ihe Buck and Bfll — James Fnegard, supervisor. Mkchanics' Institutk, Church passage — Henry Stone, serrrtary. NeiTHRop Association fob Prose- cuting Felons, held at the Flying Horse — ( harles Paue, (reasurer. Police STATioN.Chiirch lane — William Thompson, siiperiutrndent. Reform Association- Francis Fran- cillon, stcrttaiy. SociKTY for Promoting Christian Knowlkdor. M .rket place— John G. Riislifr, depositary. Society for Propagating the Gos- pel in FORUGN Parts, Market place — Kev. Cliail>'s B.iiter, sfoefaii/. Stamp Office. Market place— John G. Rusher, distributer. Visiting Charitable Society— John G. Rusher, triasurer. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC OFFICES. INSTITUTION.S, &C. AOKICCLTl'KAI. ASSOCIAIION, held ai th» Bed Lion — Ciil. North, president; Mr. William Riither, treasurer i Mr. Benjamin W. A(»liii.src;ffar(/. Auxiliary Bible Society — Messrs Cobh & Co. Ireaiurers; M'. John G Rusher and Mr. I'liomas Hunt, stcrr- taries t Mr. James CudbiiTy, depositary. COACHES. From the Red and While Lion Hotels. To LONDON, the Rny„l Mail, lo the WoLVEF.iON Station, thence by rail; Ihe Regulator -.inA the Rival, from the White Lion, to the Oxford i'tation ; and Xhe Sdvtreign and the Union, tothe Aylesbury Statio.n, all daily To LEAMINGTON and WARWICK, the Rrni'lfilnt, from the White Lion, Hai'y .Su' day excepted) To LEICt.sTtlR. Ihe ft ulior, fiom the Wi.ite Lion, daiU (Sniiuay ex ) To OXFORU. the Renulator. from the White Lion, and the Rival and the So- vereign, from the White Horse and White Lion, daily (Sunday excepted) CARRIERS. To LONDON, B'RMINGHAM, MAN- CHESTER. LIVERPOOL, and all parts of Ihe Norih & Wesi of England, Picklord & Co. from their offices, Hiph street, by road and rail ; and Thomas Golby, from his office. Bridge st, daily, and John Richardson, from Bridse st. Monday, Wednesd.iy, Thursday and Saturday To ABINGDON, John Middlelon, from the Plough, Thnrsday To BARTON. Willi im Hadland, from the FMng Hor-e, Thnrsday To BICES I KR. Willinm Edmunds, f om the White H irt, Monday & Timrsday. and John Middleton, from the Plough. Friday To BIRMINGHAM, William Askew, from Golby's office. Bridge st. Monday. Tuesday. Thnrsday and Friday r.. BLAKESLEY. J..hn B|i>s. from the Old Genigp. and Williani Jones, from the I'hlbo', Thursday To BRACKI.EV, John Vickeis. from Ihe Old George, daily, and U'isilom & Hunt, from t' e Catherine U heel, Mon- day, Thursday and Satnrday To BRAILES, Bealley Burrows, from tha Unicorn, William Godson. from the O'd George, and John Warmiiiglon. from the White Hart, Monday and 'i'hursday lo BCCKINGHAM, George Holland, from Ihe Cork, and Richard Lanca>ter, from thr W indmill. Monday and 'I huri- day.and John Vickeis. from Ihe Old George, \\ edne>du\ and Satnrday lo CHF.LTENHAM. John Baker, trom the Burk :,nd Bell. Thursday To CHII'PING-NOH roN, Williaia Hadland. Iruni the Flying Hor-e, and John Middlelon, from ihe Plough, Wednesday; Thomas Haynes, from tb» Qiuei.'a Head, Monday, 'Tue-day, Thnrsday and Saturday, and John Mace, from the Fox, Monday, Thursday and Satnrday To < ROPREDY.George Smith, fromth* Flying Horse. Thursday To OEDDINGTON, William Gibbard, from the Burk and Bell, and Joseph Hemiiiings. from the Qu-'en's Head, Monday and 'Ihnrsd ly, -. nd Richard French, from the Buck and Bell, Mon> day. Thnrsdny and Saturday To KIN ETON, tieorge Capp, from tb» Windmill. Thursday To LEAMINGTON and WARWICK, William Askew, from the Wagon and Horses, and Samuel Beesley. trom Ihe Catherine U heel. Monday & ThiirndaT To NORTHAMPTON. William Harris, from the (Jiieen's Head. Thursday; John Jones, from the 1 alhot. Saturday, and Wisdom & Hunt, from the Catbe» rine Wliei I, Tuesday To NEWPORr-PAM)ON, BIRMINGHAM. LI- VERPOOL. .MANCHESTER, and all parts of ilie North of E.ngland. and ti BRISTOL, GLOCCESIER, OX- FORD, and all parts of the West of England, Crowley, Hicklin & Co.'» and Shipton & Co.'s Boats, daily. Oi BKNSINGTON, 'R Benson, is a p;tn.sli \iartlv in the luindicd of Do Chester, liutcliiefly in that of E«eline — tiie village is between 11 am) 12 miles s.f.. fr.iiii 0.\f">i'l, the same distance not th wtst fimn Henley, and 4J niilis V. by E. fn'in the VV.illingford roal station on the Great Western Railway ; situated closf to t'e eastern bank nf the Thames, a little below th"- junction of that river with tlie l»is, and contigu'ius lo tiie birdfis of Beikshire. Cntil the ■•peningof the enat line of lail- -Wav, before mentioiifd, this vi. Inge derived advantage au(] some deifrec of iinporiMiice from being seated mi the great road between London and Oxford, and the inns and inhabitants piospend by the passage of nutneioiis tnivtllets. 'I'iie chii f Cinistqnciiee of the place I iiw consists in its beine iiultuh'd within the parliameiitaiy boiotieh of U'allineford (Herks.) The paiisli cliiiich of Saint Helen, is a neat bui'd- itig; \\\f living i« a prrpetiiHl niraiy in the patronage of the Dean and Canons of Cluit Chiinh, Oxford. A hospital hiie, railed ' Gml's House,' Ha» fniinded liy WiiliHiii de la Pole, the niastersliiii of which lielong* to the regius piofessorof divinity mi Oxford UirMersity, The parish contained, in 1831, ],2(i6iuhabitauls, aud in 1841, 1,2M. 9 #xforDl5t)ir«* BENSINGTON, ^latev'is POST* Rpceiri/ig Houxe at William liaitlittloiU' w CMcdey's, shoe maker. — Letters from ail parls mriivC from Wallingki'KD) >tatioii > verv morniiie, (lining the summer moiillis, at lialf-past seven, and in winter at eiglit, aiul are lU N|>atcl)ed tlnretuat seven at niMlit. OCNTRY Ac CLERGY. Allnatt Mr. vvilliam, Bi-ii>ifiKton Coirellis Nicliulas, li-q.,IVn9ington H"ar Mr. Janie-, lien-iiigton Ne*vioii Mr. Robert, IJensington PRoressioNAi. persons, INCLUDING SCHOOLS. Corcellis Heiiiy, atiortiiy Evre Uc'-rge, attorney Green Henry Sylve^te^, boarding and (lay ncIiohI Jlonk Mary Kliza, school mistress N<*i'perE'lwaid, master of Nuiional Sthoid INNSOcPUBLIC HOUSES. Cattle Tap, Jame« Aikins [Costar Ciown Inn (conimeicial), Uicliard Ho'se Slio s, James Uox Sui), — Krevvin Swan, .lames Hnglie«, Crowmarsh White H.rt, Ann Ciook SHOPKEEPERS 6t TRADERS. Argyle Cliailes,basket maker,Crow- mai>h Bailey Albert, cuacli maker Bailey Jolm, grocer Beiterion William, bl^cksmttll Uiid Josepli, black.'^mith i Palmer Jame*, boot & shoe maker, llrooKer .loliii, lniot& shoen)aker Littlewmili [letailt-r Bio((ker William, l)nt(lier I Peaire lU(lid.,.Oioe maker and hect Brown IVu ll(I..^Jarks,lniJler, Preston | Powell Gc orue, farmer Ci'>Minar>li i llickson .loliu. l^eei- retailer BurgisJaiiies,giocer,tal!o\v chandler , Sannder-; Clia les, carpenter and soapboiler [dv mabster Sawyer Tlmmas, grocer Burgis J-ime>, jiin., corn mercbani _ Slirnbb ICdward, farmer Biiigis John, dealer in British wines and cigiis Cherrill Tlmmas, mill> r Cole.sTiiomas, linen iliaper Cook Jobn, beer retailer Cosiai Harry, wheel wnght CowperHen: v.inland revenue officer Krampton Ji'lin, tanner fioodey Klizabetb, dies* maker Gooiley William Bariliolomew, boot and shoe maker Green Edmund, Imker Hazeli John, farmer Hodt;kjiis Ann, liorse dialer Huifgins William, black-tnilh Hntcliiiigs J(dui Gibbs and Thomas and Williun, farmers KeeneKdward, tailor & hair cutter Leich.los. painiei,p!uniliei&Klazier Newill Hicbard, beer retailer Sbrniiii Waller, firmer Smith John, blacK'^initb Tunb Joseph, coal merrliant and maltster, Pre-t'oi Cmwinarsb Wa rner William, saddler, I. ittlewoith VVestin.las.,carpeiit' r&t>eer letailer Whichello Kal(»li, butcher und beer retailer Which llo Richard, butcher Wooilbiiilge William, b-aker CONVETANCB BY RAILWAY, ON THE GREAT WESTERN LINE. S(ation, Wa i.li.ngkuud Uoad, iiboul 4j miles s. by w. Iioiii Beiisington. CABRIERS- To LONDf)^. Henry Palmer, ThnrsiJay. To AUINCiDON.J..IiniJonil Aicher.froni Ills douse, IVIondav: tii H KNI-BY, on Thursday, and to UXIOHU, on Wed- nesday and Saturday. BICESTER, _^ WITH THE PARISH OE LAUNTON AND NEIGHBOURHOOD, Jtif ICESTER is a parish in the bundn d of Plougliley , place lias long been noted for it-; malt liquor, and the —the market town is 55 miles N.w. from London, 12^ iiilial)itants derive considerable benefit from its luar- N. E. by N. from 0.\f">r(l, and 10 s. from Biackley kets and fairs. (Nortban)i)ton>biie) ; situated on the 1 ne of the 'I'be parish churih of Saint Eadburg, which stands Buc kin«b inish re railway, which ((onniunicaies with ' at Market-end, was rebuilt in 1420, on ibe site of a the Sondon and Nonh-W'esfern, and tbeO.xtbid Jn tion line-. Tne name ' Bicester' Is said to be derived from the Saxon Buranceuster and Bernaceasler, both iuiplying 'abntitied place.' Aniiipiarians agree that Bice>ier either occupies the siie ot a Komaii station, or that a fortification belonging to that nation was estalilislied contii;nous to the town : this ofi'nion i- streiigtliened by the di.scoveiy, at different peiiod-, in the town and its \icinitv, of nnnieions Roman coins and other lelics; an aitificial cntnuid on the we^t side of the town, called Castle Hill, "as the site of the for rmer .-.iructure : it is a spacons and ban Isome edi- fice, wi'b a lofty tower, containing a peal of sweet- toned brlls. 'I"he interior of tlie cliureb is ornaineuted with some amiiiue sciiljituieN. and iln re are several interesiing monuments: some few yiars sirne it re- ceived e.Mensive repairs: the liwin; i- a vicarage, in t'e gift v. .lohn William VVait>, m.a. The Indepenilentsand Wesleyan Metliodists have each a plice of worship; and ilieie are four nubiic .schools, one of which is parth sunpirted ly pr'>|)rrty funded by tress «n- castle. A prioiy fiMcanons of ihe Benedictine I .Mr. Walker, for in-tnnting and tlutliiii'.; thirty boys; order, the remains of which are still to be seen, was foiiiided here in 1182, and dedicated to Saint Eadburu. The town c-n-isis cidefiy of tw > long and. irregular streets, called Sheep-street and Market end ; and the palish i^ divided into two townshipsor manors, namely, Kimr's-end and Market-end. Courts are heldaninnliy for the le.-pectiie in mors; pi-tty sessions on the second and last Fridav monthly, and a court under the County Court Act, fm- the recoveiy of debis to any amount not e.\ceeding £20 — the Uit'er is held inontMy at the BJack Boy Inn. Bii ester is surrounded by a fiat country, of rich aralde and pasture land ; tlie-air is ex- ceedingly salubrious, and the water pure. No maini- fictiire of any imponance is rarried on lide m-w ; the females id the jioorer i las* are |)iiiKi|ially employed in makiie pillow lai e, and the men In hiisliandry. The the oibers are conducted resuecively upon the British, n dioiial, and diocesan plans. For the purpo>e of the Bicester L'nion, which coiii|)iise8 tbirty-eiijht parishes and liamlets, a handsome and commodious poor-house has been eiected, ahout half a niilefiom tlie town. The market, well attended, is held on Friday. Fail?, the fir-t Fiidayin June, and Aimiist fitli ; ihere are -dso three statute fairs, two in October, and one iu l)i cember. The parish uil(iinif of unpii tending appeaiance : tbelivinu is a rectory, in the pieseiuatioii of the Bi-hop of London. Popu.atioii of the parish iu 1841, 619. POST ornCE* Market-end, John Walford, Post Master. — Letters from London, Oxford, Ban- BURV, Reading, and Abingdon, arrive every moining at half-past seven, and evening at si.\ ; and are despatcned at eiuht in the evening. ' Letters from Birmingham, Manchester. Liverpool, and all parts of the North anti West of England, arrive ev^iy iiKMiiini; at a ipiuter past >eveu, and aie despatched at six iu the evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY, AND CLERGY. AMiM Rev. Tnoinas, I^aunton Asiiby John, K-(j. Lau ton Cole Wil iaiii, E q. Market end Dsltoii Rev. John, London road Dasbwood Sir (Jeorge, Baronet, Kiribingt'ii Pa^k Drake Thomas T. Esq. Rucknell Drydeii Rev. G. L. Ambrosden Feigu-on Rev. William, Bethel Cottage, Sheep it 10 HariisonJn.S,ater,Esf|.Sbelswell pk Hariison Lady Louisa, Shelswell Park [ro.d Howleff Mrs. Elizabeth, London Hyde D'Arcy, Es(|. Fritwt II J( rsev the Riiilit Hon. the Earl of Midill. tmi Park [House Jones Tlioinas, Esq. Weindi bury .Marsham Dr. Robt.Bullock,Cavers- field House Mar-ham Lady Carmichael Anstru* tbcr, Caverslield House Marsbam Rev. Charles, Kitig's end • Masteis Rev. William, Biicknell .\lai thews Rev. Andrew Hughes, ' Weston-on-the-Gi cell Paikir Mr. James, Market end Pevton Henry, Esij., Middlefoii Stoin-y [House Peyton Sir Henry, Baronet. Swift's Pretyinan Re>-. Ilichard, Middletou Price Mrs. Hint's end -<'; Rimnrtell Rev. Henry D. Fringford ^tyle Capt.Wo], K.N. Kiug'seudUse. MivntoxQ BICESTKR, &c. Tiii'b .Mr. Htiiiv, Market end Watf.s llev. Joliti William, m.a. Vicarage W()f)tt>n Mr. Richard, Laniifon ACAOKMIES AND SCHOOLS. Blue Coat -School, .Market end — 'riimnas VVil.son, iiia-tcr Britisfj Sciioi.l, Lauiiton— Ann R i lift, mistress Diocesan School. London road — Tiiiiui "s I'aiiiti'r, niasier Eastoii Elizabftli (hoarding and day). Ma' ke' efid ElsKiiie .loliii (da\), London road Fos-er Klizal»«ili (boarding \ day), Market end [Slieei) «i Maley Marv (Imardiiig and day) National School '«iils). Market end— Kli/a Sparsiiatt, mistress ATTORNEYS. Foster WiiliHiM, Loii'loii road Kiiby Georee, Sheen !»t Mills K>atici> Bin ton. Sheep st Moore Georgf, Slieei* st O.Miioiid George, Shei-i) st Turner VVi iiaui Cull'ii (and clerk to the niati.strates), London road BAKERS. Bennt-tt William, Slieep st Bowerinan GorRi-. Market end Bradhniy Wiljiiim. Sieep st Hadlaiid Riehapil, Market end Howrs Isiac, Mark' I end Jones WiiJiaMi, .•slieeo st Morris Georae, .Market end Morris William, Siiecp st P^tes Jos. ph. .Market end Sirctt Chailes, Shei-p »t Voting John, Laiintoii BANKERS. Tiibb Henry M. & (Jeorgc, Market end— (draw on iMastcrinan,Peteis & Co. London) Savings' IUnk, !i 'iidon road (open on Fridays), Thomas Painter, maiiatrer BASKET MAKERS. Goode Tluinias, Mar ket end Waid John. Mark t end BLACKSMITHS. Bfrry Km ouies King'.s end Hrritase Thomas, London road Sir"tt WiJIiaTii, Mai ket end Smith Marv, Laiinton Tovvnseiid Thomas, King's end Wilkuis Til ■nia<. Sheep st BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND PRINTERS. H''wi'tt George (and news agent). Market end [eml Smitli James (and hinder). Market BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. East .Abrahim, Mirkrt end Etferton James, .^larkl'te^d Greenwooil James, Market end Harris William, Sheip st Plant Jam-s, Mark- 1 end Tav I" 'r.)oiiathan(dealer), Market end 'l'homasRebicca(dealei),.Maikel enl Tompk'iis John, .Mitikei end VVhi'e Fanriv (dealer), Suci-p st William' Ge 'rue, Ctiaptl st BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Wakfln (ieoige, Sli^ ep st Williams Ann. ^l^rket end BUTCHERS. Bnnliam Tliomns, Sh^ e|) st Bnckneil Williatn, Sheip st Colegro\-eSaraii. Sheep st Foster George. ^Lll k' t end Jickson Claries, Siiet-p st Miller Ivdwin, Market end RfyiioMs John, Markft end Scott John. Market ind Spencer William, New Buildings CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Uaker Thomas, Sheep si How. rnian Thomas, Kind's end Kterun John, Kina's end Kgertoo Tlioina-, Market end Panott Edward, LmntoQ Rfiiii Sainnel, King'- end Uohinson George, Sh' ep st Walters Tiiomas, M.irket end CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Itaiesjnhnf&iea dealer) .Ma' krt en. I Horner Kdward, Market end Sandilaiid Hoheit liuigess (and tea dealer), M.irketend Sireit GeoiKe, Sheep st CHINA, GLASS Stc. DEALERS, Lainh. lames, Mai ket end Stock Simon, M 'rketend CONFECTIONERS. Rowerman (ieoige, iMnikei end Chainhiriainc Mary, Slieep st ! Hazell William, Sh. ep st Sireit Cliarles, Sht ep st i COOPERS. I Caneli John, Mark, t end Hazell William, Sheej) st CORN DEALERS. Jones Williain, Sheep st ■Moriis Georne, .Market end Shirley Chailes, Market end CURRIERS. Heritage Henry (and leather cutler). Market end _ [ro-id Siratii)nGeo.Hohf.(&tanner)London CUTLERS-WORKING. Carthevv William, Market end Jackson Tliomas, Market end FIRE, 6cr. OFFICE AGENTS. .Atlas, George Km bv Sheep st County 'fire) Provident (life), James Sniiih, Matkei end CRo\VN(life), Ivlrtanl HugliThorpe, London road [end Farmeks*, G General (I Han is, Market end Legal and Commercial (life), Jonas Paxtiin, Sheep st ©ifor&jsfitre. LINEN OcWOOLLE.N DRAPERS lia.ker\ C.i. Market end Georiie .lolin. Market end Gil. bs John, Market end Hitchinan U'lliiam, Sheep st T.iylor Jonatii in, Mark, t end MALTbTEnS. Phillins John, M.oket end . Phillips William, Sheep st '* ShiilinKford. Phillins & Co.Sheep It Tnbb George, Market end iVehh Kduin. Lannton MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS Kistoii.- S.rah, Lon On ui.td Hamilton .Sar.ih, Kinu's end Hariis.in Maiy Ann. .Sheep st Scrivener Arthur, Marhetend Sirett Fanny, Market end Waite Mary (and stay maker). Chapel st Walter Sarah, Sheep st White Fanny, Sheep st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AHO GLAZIERS. Litteii Janus, .Mai ket end W-iklioGeoige, Sheep st Wakeiin William. Market end Williams Ann, Maikct end PERFUMERS AND HAIR DRESSEflS. Hone Geoige (and toy dealer), Rlarketen.l [ket end HowseJohii (and toy dealer), Mar- Wadden Saninel, Sheep st PLASTERERS. Bowerman John, Slieep. st Grimsley Thomas, Market end G inisl. y Willi im, Sheep st Thomas William, Sheep st Ward William. King'» end Welsh Jann s, Shee]) st SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. ^orge Harris, Mirk.! ;IV'"^\,4; Tompkins, Market end l.ail-storm), Geoige ^^'''"^ I boma.s, Maikeiend - ^' ^ SHOPKEEPERS^ DEALERS tit GROCERIES 6e SUNDRIES. Baker Tlionias, She. p >t London Union (fiie and life), i^'*^'''^ •'"'•'l'''l. ^''*^''," ^' _, Geo.ue Hewitt. Market end i l^"^^'';".'"" ''^''/.^' .^'i*'.''"^) ^^^ ORWicH Union (fire an J. & W. Palmer, Sheep st Norwich Union ffire and life), J^'*''"^'' ;",?.'"'• '^'^; ''''* ^'"^ I a. w P..i„.«.- si.o^., ... Carter Wilham, Lannton Phcenix (fire) and Pelican (life), ; J^;*.V'^^u;"!r"'' 'i^""'"", Hannah Neale, Market end Uifton William, Sheep .st Pkofertv Protection, William Cnlleii Turner, Lonilon road Sun, John Ueiriman, Sheep st GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. Gi'ble .lames. Sheep st Harris John, Sheej) st Hariison Miiv Ann, Sheep st Hoiwo"d William, Sheep st Hunt George, Loieloii load Lines Manha, London road GROCERS 6c TEA DEALERS. (Setf also Sh'ipkeeppvs, 6,'c.J B.the John (and tallow chaii Her), gc.ivener Arthnr. Market end ^^^'-''■'"a r i»ii '.^'^''r''** Sirett Fanny, Market end Cohniiin Ann(and tallow chandk-r) .Maik.t end C'des Eli/abeth, Laiin'on Harper Fdvvard, Market end Heritage Charles, .Market end Hudson William, Sheep st Kiiby Williain Join, Sheep st Layt.tii George, .Sheep st MMiidayJohn Grockwell Pickin John, Market end Pritcheit I'hoinas, Sheep .st Steedeii .lames. New Huildingfs Thoin Eli/aheiji, Sin ep st Williams Geoige, King's end STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Kinch William, Phillips Ihoina^, Market end Tebbv Geoige, Slnep st Tiib'> George, Market end Wills .lohn. Market end INNS— COMMERCIAL. CSee alsoTaverni and Public Houses) Crown, Henry King, Sheep >t Kinn's Arms (and posting), Joseph Shepherd, Market e.id IRONMONGERS Canin7zi Cliarle-, Market end Palmer John & William (and seeds- meQ), Slieep st Tihhetis Sarah, Market end Wakeiin Maiy, Mai ket end SURGEONS. Davis & Tlnnpe, London road Dawson Tlioma«, Mai ket end Woodward & Son, M irket end SURVEYORS. Atkins Jainesfoftaxe^),. Market end Jeniiin);.sTlios',hnil(liiies).Maiketend Paxlon Jonas (land), Slieep .st TAILORS. Baker Saml.(& draper), .Market end Clark Thomas, Chapi 1 st Graiithaiu Richard, Sheep st II a^xtoxHstixt. BICESTER, &c. rlatei'0 TAILORS - Cu»Jiu<'d. Grefiiwiii'd James, Market end H..lli^ William, .Markfteii'l Noxi'ii U'm.'& hatti'i), Market end OiMy James, Slierp st Price Matthi w, M.iiket end Stev'-ns (ifiirge & U'iliiani.SIieep st TAVERNS at PUBLIC HOUSES. Aneel. (ieonie Koliinsdii, tSlierp st Bfir, Tliomrts Holt, Sheep gt Bell. William Gessey. Slieep at Black Boy. Ji)hn Rryiinlds. Market end Bull, EHwar.l ParrotI, Lauiit 'ii ems'" Keys, Henry Frowrt, Market end Dog, I'hoj. l-'agles liiirnham. Market end fox, Joseph Bu8«ell, King's end Georee, James AU-n, Marliel end Kind's Head, Martha Line, London road Naa's Head.Tlios. Heritage, London road Plough, Sarah Harper, Sheep st Red Li'in. Jahn Capell, iMarktt end Ro, King'« end Whale Wiiiiani & Jatin s, Slieep .st ■WINE St SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Finc'i Willi •III (si)iiit), .Mark>t end Hit> hman & Hnin|)lii-ies (and hop lueidiaiits). Sheep st SUilliiii!fi>i(l,Piiillip- & Co. Sheep st Tubb George, Market eml Miscellaneous . Barrett Robert Maynard, rope and twine maker. Sheep st Curler William, beer retailer, Latinton Castle RicUnrd, gunsmith and bellhanger, Market end Cas'le William, beer retailer, Lannton Clements EiUvnrd, fishmoncer.King'tend Coppock J.ihn, brick m«k' r. Market end Daw-ii.n Job, beer r>-tailer, She-p st Kriendly iNsriuTiON, Market end — Ge.pige Hewitt, manager [st Grantham Jeremiah, pawnbroker, Sheep Hirris W illiam, dyer. Sheep st | Hogg Thomas, superintendent of pol'ce. Sheep street [ Market end Howse Jotin, register olTice for servants, Jones John, miller. New l)uildings Ka-ns Samuel, beer retailer, Lannton Lay ton tienrte, cabinet maker and paper hanger. Market end fdon road Liildington Hiihard, timber dealer, Lon- Painter John & Georte, & Richard, fcll- iiiiingers. Market end [Market end I Pallett James, trnnk and pitten maker, Panton Jonas, auctioneer. Sheep st I'rati rhoinas, poulterer and ti.-liinonger, King's end [toiinders, Sheep st i Roberts George & John, iron and bras.s Shepherd Joseph, veterinary surgeon, Sheep st [Sheepst Shiliingford, Phillips & Co., brewers^, Smith John, pariah clerk. New buildings Smith J. hn, beer retailer, Lannton SoriKTT FOH PhOMOTING CUUtSTIAN Know LEDGE, depot at at R.Thomas'. Market end [Sheepst Sparshatt Frederic!), hat manul.iciuier, Turnei William Cullen, hon. sec. to the Art Union, London road Watford John, news agent, Market end POOR LAW UNION. Workhouse, Bucktiell road. Goi'frnor — Joseph Henley Mansell. iUatrnn—Sa.rah Man^ell. Schoohnaster — William Rose. Schoulmistreis— Rosa Dnrrell. Surgeon — Umry Woodward. Chapluiii — Rev. William Rawlins. Clerk to the Bonid of Guardians — — Fiedeiick Henrv Lindsey. Rtlievivg OjHcers Joseph Reynolds, James Collingridge. REOISTRAnS, OF BIRTHS, DRA1HS& MARRIAGES. Superititftirievt Rfyhtrar — Jonas PaXton. Rfrii\t'arnf Marii ,get— .f;\uifs Stiiilh. Re'nislraraf Hiilhs mid Deaths (for Bice». ier Oi'trirlJ, Jos'-ph Reyno d» ,- ('or Kirtibigtun Distrifl),.i:\». CollingriJije. COUNTY COURT, HbLD MOXTItl.VATTHF. U LACK Bo yIiTH. Judge — Jolin William Wing, F.sq. H'g'li B(ii/i/r— Frederick William Biker. C/erl- — William Cnllen Turner. /Jai/i/f— Thomas Clark. COACHES/ From Ihe Kiiig''s Arms. To the BLISWORIH STATION, • Ci'ti'h every mornina at ball. past nine. To B U ( ' K I NG H A M , a Coach every raoro* ing at half.past n ne. To OXFORD, a Coach every evening at half-past six. CARRIERS. To LONDON. Joseph Hediret. frora .*>lieep street, Wednesday and Saturday) Simeon Franklin, Irom his lion«e. Sheep street, Tu^'sday ; and Charlet I litTo-d. from ibe Bell. Friday To AYl.E"itnafril of O.xfurd : the Uev. .Li'ins Gerald Joyce, b.a.. \* the on aiicntleaNCent nearthf VViiidrn-h,ni)Oii wliicli tik-er piesent incntnhent Thtie aic pliice^ <>f xvoishpfor aresoinecorn mil s, ai.ilone f .r niakini: paper. The |{aptists. the S 'cietv of Kriemlti, nnil \Ve>leyaii Methn- town cotitnins inany ){ood hou.ses, of which ihe most dists. 'Fhe charities cotnpiise ;i fife crimmar school, respectal'le are bttilt of -t' tie; and the inliahiiant.saie f •ntnled and «ii(lovvt Simon WiMlotn ; well stipijlied with wat< r. Henry II coiif rreii a an alinhonse f: of the towii>>men of Oxfttrd ; and benovoleiit emlowments. Hace> are held occasiimally although the town has lust iiMst of tlietn, it still tin the iiei>;hbonrin); down.s. linrford aives the iti- pnsse.-ses a biidy corporate, which consists of an ahh-r. f.'ridr title nf Ku'l to the DnUe . John man, a steward, two bailiffs and twelve burgesses. The Wilinot, the celebrated Karl o( Rocliesftr. loceived ttiwn is vvitliiii ihe jniiMrn tion of the connty inagis- the lU'linietits of his education in the graiiimars. hool tratts, who sii h< re in P' tty sessim for the division; here; and Leiifhil, the zealous and talented speaker a com t leet and court haron Hre also held annually. of the lonu paiTtaiDent, re>iil'(Iin the town. The The paiisli clitirch of S lint John the Baptist, is a , market, a luge one (or coin, is held on S ttiinliiy. rap.irlons and ele:;ant edifice, in the Norman, and later ' Fairs the last .Saturday in April, July ."itb, Septetni>er Eniilislist^les ofaichiteciure, with atovversiirtnotiiited 21-t, and the first Satttr(Ia\ in OecenibcT, for cattle, bv a fill'' spire; the west entrance is fortnet! of abeaii. slieep, c''eese, hors- s, &c. The parish of Bit'foid con- tiful Norman arch, and the south tiorch, which is in the taitied, in 18:{1, 1,8()6 inhabitants, and, in 1811, 1,8'>2. POST OFFICE, High-street, Benjamin George 01i«ei Matthews, Awf ;l/f/*/fr.— Lettets (rom LoN- noN BiHviiNCtiAM. Manchester, and LiVEnpooL, all jiarts of the North, hkewise fiom Ireland and Scotland, arrive every morning at ten minutes |)ast eight, and ate despatched at ten initiutes past six in the ereaing Letters frotn London [second mail), Oxford, and U'itney, arrive every evening at twenty minute* before six, a d are despatched at f»-ii initintes past nine in the inorning. Letters from .Stow ami Mureton, Ac. airive eveiy morning at twenty minutes before ten, and are des- patched at twenty tnintiie* behne seven in the i venint;. MOBIlilTY, GENTRY, AND CLBKOY. An«ell Mr. William, High st Baden Mr. R.ibeit, High st Bo'le lle>. Jatnes Krnesi, Westwell Clare Miss VAua, Witney st Dynevor the Hon. Lurd,'Barringtoti 18 Faulkner Mr. Christopher Allan, liu'y Barns nondenoiinh Riv. Dr., Bronchfon Greeiiaway CliatUs, Ksq., Bariing- ton grove (grove Hcivey William, Ksq., Broadwell Hodgcsllev. Richard.Ljt. Barriugtou .loyce Uev.Jame.sGrrald, b A.High.«il Lewis lliv. Thoiii is, Tayntou Lotf II. V. — , lAMfifId Phillimore It' v. Hobii C"iiit Sylvcst.-r Mrs. Ann, FiiMnnnk Talinam- Rf>. M j-.r, Pitield T"(l(l Ki-v.lvl\vanl .laiue-.Wiiiflriish Tuckvvell Mr. Hiitniilney Signet Wailer .Mr. VViUjani, Pr'ioty lane ACADEmiES AND SCHOOLS. Fheb Gkammak School, Chiucli lane— VVjlli.im Voung, ina-ter National Scho-l (b.iv>), High si — Heii'v .lames, master ; K"!"), Clinrcli lane,H.irriitKa»t inistiess Preator Kel>t(ca ^boarding & day), Higli .«>treet Titroiiil) Ann (day), High st Ui'Wiri Sai-ah Keeve(bo.trding&day), Sheep street ATTORNEYS. Mann riu>m is. Sheep ^t Pike James Scaileti, Sheep st BAKERS. Bayliss RiciianI, Knibiook Col K Jos. ph, Hiiih st Davis VViIliam Henry, High «t Eeles Ji»iah, HIhIi >t Joyner Jame', VVitney st Shepperd Genrge, Hiuh .-t Sliepperd William, Hit-h st Tiiikwell Joseph, Witney st Wiekins Josfph, \V't< ey .st Wtiodiuan John, Witney st BANKERS. County of Gloucester Bank, Sheep street— (iiraw on Robaris, Curii- & Co., London)— William Ward, ag' nt Savings' Hank, Sheep st— William Ward, acmary BASKET MAKERS. Baxter Jiiiiii, Hnjh st Baylis^ Eli/aiutii, Sheep st BLACKSMITHS. Hall Letitii). Hiyh st Hemmiiiif Willia-i", High st Howse William, Hiali st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Al'eii Janifs (waiei'ou^e), High st Ansell Edvv;i|(|, Hiuh -t Bayiis< William, Kidbiook Cook Tho.ii s. Hiuh st Cripps Will am. I'nibiook H-t'iis Kdvviti, H yh st Palmer Thomas, Hitfli st S'-merjilt- John, High st Siratfoid .lohn, Hifh st WieKins James, VVitney st Wiggins Richard. Hiuh st BREW^ER.?. Grimes Jdlm, High st Totkweli H'imphiev, Sheep st BUTCHERS. Akennan William. Hiuh st Masfin Wiliiun. Hii;h st Tni kwell Joseph, Witney st Wigwins Samuel, Hiuh st Woodman Jnlm, Witney st CABINET MAKERS. Cox William, Hiuh si Hnitliv .losiph. Sheep st Holl.nvell John. High st CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Cox '.Villiiiin (and hnihl, i),High st D'S«et Tiiomas, Witnev st Giee.i l-aac (wine wright), High st Gieen Williani, H\v\\ st Hollowfll ,lolin. High st Jones Charles, Knihrook Jones George, Higli st Strafford Nathaniel, High st Wickins James, Witnev st C^xfoxmjirt. CHINA AND GLASS DEALERS Newman Joseph, Hii.h st Siaiiait Jaint-s, High st COOPCBS. Francis John. L;i« rente lane Griffith Jellies, High st COKN DEALERS. Collis Joseph. High -t ImpeyThomas,iMili|i()use,Wifneyst FIRE, 6ec. OFFICE AGENTS. RiRMiNGHAM (fife), John Holhu well, Hitrh st CouNTvffire) .and Provident (life), Jam s Wickin^, vvjtnev st Kquitv and I-ah (iife),J,',ines Scar- let' Pi ice. Sheep st Farmers' AND General, Benjamin G. (). iMaitheiNs. High si General (hail-stoim), Kdmnnd Waller, High st [Hiuh s» lND>sPUTABLE(life).John Holinwril, Fno-Nix (tire., Wiliiaiu Ward, Sh' en street National Mercantile (life), 'I hnmii- Sharpi-, High st Norwich Union, Edmund Walter, High street GLOVERS ec GAITER MAKERS J. . . Pnviing aoioinon, viiniiey Witfgiiis William, High »t GROCERS &TEA DEALERS. (Sre also S/iup/tecpers, Sfc.J Allen Jaine-, Hiuh st R"wl Thomas, High st Fanlkiier Dnvid, Hieh st Himh dge Georue, High st James Henry, Hiuh -t [H'gh st Matthews Benjamin George Olivet, S)lv. ster John, near the bridge! Fiilbrnok Tugwnod James (tea dealer) , High st Wall James (teadealei), Hiah st INNS. {See also Taverns ^- Pub'k Houses ) Bird-in-Hand, Alary Humphriss, Cheltenham mad [riad Ri..l's Nest, William Rea, Upper Bnll, Jabez Apnl. tree. Hiuh st PERFUMERS AND HAIR DRESSERS. Banhii.y Jo..atiiaii (and land sur- »eyor) Hiuh st Hioikiii.s& Son, High st HariiM.n J .nics, H gh st SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Barrett Thoii, a- .sha.p, Hiuh St l-'Hllow |>„„1, Hi,,, J ' "'«" " Wheeler V\ill am, Hiuh st SHOPKEEPERS &DEALER8IW GROCERIES achUNDRIBS Bayii. Ruhaid, F„|| ,k '* Davis Wi-liam Meniy, high st KeleN Josiah, High st Elhrojolin, Hiuhst Fi-her John, High st Giison Thoina-, Sheep s» Hall Gt'org.-, Witi-ev st Hartlev, John Hiyh st Iv. ns Dinah, Hiuh st Niiiiney John, Hiuh Flizabiih, Witney st Ta\l< r Mary, High st Tugvvood Jame>, High st ^ SURGEONS. Clieath Thomas aii'i lecisfrar of births Hiid deaths). High st Coi.ke William Roh. it. Church Jani» Pytt Robert Henrv, Witney st TAILORS. Banbury John, Chnich lane Deene John, Hii.h st Foie^t R chaid, Hiuh st Higgins Thuma*. Witney st Jennings Ge-rge, Hiuh st Kinu'.s Anns. John Ri."haid>,Hieh st •'*'""'"?*' <^e'ige, Hiuh st fsj LamI) & Flag, William Getheu. i?.'.''"'"' .'''''"""*• (""f^ ''rai»''-\ High Sti-ep street iifcomh Geoigc Hen>y, Hiuhst Red Lion, .lohn r?rii>ioQ U;..l. .,» TAVT:nNG m, orTnT m •._. Red Lion, John Grime."!, Hiuh st IRONMONGERS. Holland Henry, Hiirh st Richards John (& tinman'). High st LINEN DRAPERS. Fnst"r Hairit t. High st Hamlvdue Gtorue, High st Ivfits Dinah, High st [High st Tannei 'rhoina»Kdward(& woollen), Wall James, High st Westro^pe William Gregory, High st MALTSTERS. Bavliss VVilliam. Fiilhrnok Bowl John, WitiK y st Ttickwell Huni|»liiey, Sheep st MILLERS. Collis Joseph, Hiuh st Impe\ Tlioma<,Miil house, Witney st Leech William, Widfoidinill MILLINERS &DRESS MAKERS Jame>i Mary Ann, High st Mayo L"ni.sa, Hiuh st PiMtl.y Klizaheih, VVitney st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Hall Thomas Hiuh st Hemming VVilliHiri. High st Matthews Joseidi, High st Smith John, High st TAVERNS Ac PUBLIC HOUSES Bell, WilliMui Niinn.v, High st Coi.ch & Morses Richard BhM«. ITp^S nolpluM. Richard Bi>iiss. Fiillbioi.k Eialii Bells, .lolin B.inhiirv, ninol, ian. Fleece. « i li.Tm Smith Siiles Slipup gj nreyhonn.l. Richard .Ma\n;ird. Sheep gt Mason •A'ins.Kmioiiie|.<*perink,'.\itnev.» , MerinaiH,.lMhn Taylor. Hit-I, st ^ .\ew Inn. Thomas Sniiih. Hiuh st Old Beiir. Georue Jones, Hiuh 6t Ploiijh. Ma-y Roii.se, Hiuh st Rose & Crown, Chrirle« Real, High »t Roy.il Oik, William Hawkes, Wimev »t Swan, .lohn \V\aU. Hicli st Three Piuenos. Peter Shnrpe. High st Wheiitslieaf, ,Tnsp|.h Wickios. Hiuhst While Hart, Henrv Holland, V\'itnpv «t White Hor.e, William Green, High it WATCH MAKERS. Grifinn R^charl. High.st Hill is John, Higli «t Mayo Henry, Higii st Waller Edmniid, High st Miscellaneous Ansell Fd«ard, ciinier and lenther coN ter, Hiah st llanbiiry J-hn, parish clerk, Church Ian* B al ^^ illiam. dyer. Witney st Bowl .lohn. horse dealer. Wiirey st Ho«ITIlom s. clothes dealer Hiuh st Borchope William, hook seller, .s ationer. pnn'er and stamp disti ibnter. High st Cullins James, paptr manufctr. Widford Jd OxfovlrsfDtre. BURFORD. ^latti'jj lYIiscellaneous-<-'on<'"««-oree Disiby. sunervisur Loferidge .Ir.jin, timiian. Fulhmok Matiliews Ueiijaniin Gtorge Olivet, bi'^h const ibic. Hiili si M itmews 'rhi)". beer retailer, Wilney rd O Keilley Tbom:is, cbeinist and druKgist, Hicti st Prall'-y Georse, wheelwriebt, Whitney st Clir'hards John, coul, elate and timber dealer. High st Roaers 'rhoraas, heer retailer, Fnlhrook Hose Stephen, machine m .ker. Fnllbrook Shei.lieril Gt-oiiie, ci)n eciiont- r, Hifjh st Smith Benjamin, tobacco-pipe maker, Witney road Smith Jaine-s, halter, College Slreat Thamas,auctioneer & bouse agent. Sheep 8t Taylor Julin, tinman, Hieh »t Titi-onil) Henry, smith and spring mnVer. High st [street Tilcoinb John, jnn eneraver. High Tu2«om1 James.'inibiella maker, High st Wall James, rope maker, High st COACHES. All Sunrlaiis rrrepted. ToLOM>ON»nd OXFOROfby rail). (he Royal Moil ami Rivul Couch, if ova the Hn.l-in.Hand, d^ilv. To CHELTENHAM, the Ricfl/.from the BIril. in-Hand, flailv. To STOW and IMOKETON, the /?«yi/ Mails Irom ilie Uiid-in-Hand, every exeningat half-past six. RAILVSTAY. The nearest Station at present is the Farringdon Station on the Great Western line, 17 miles fiom Bnrf.rd, but the Cheltenham and t»xford Hail- way now constructing, will passlbi'ougb or near the town. CARRIERS. To LONDON BAIII. BRISTOL GLOUCESIEU CMELTENHAM, HAMCION, FARINGDON, to ihe Faiingdoii-roail Station (thence hy jfli/iiTlionias Rliss's wagon, from tho Birne, Wednesd.iy and Saturday, and W illiam Smith :Stiles, from the Kleece, Tliursilav. CHARLBUIIY, WITH THE P.ARISHES OF SPELSBURY AND CHURCH ENSTONE; THE HAMLET OF NEAT ENSrONE AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. /HARLRURY is a pRiisli partly in tli'- Iiiinlied cf | ciml au'l Kellowsof Btazenno'spcolleeeatetlie vi.niter'. liaiibtiry and p.titly ill tliat of CliadliiiRioii — the town, | No inHiket is ii'nv iicM, bit' the fulinvvitij^ faiis are vvliicli tonnerly li' M a niaiket, gone to di-cay, is ceii- tticilly situated betweeii Binfurd, Ciiipning Noriim, Woodstock and Witinv. about Siveti miles fioiii eithei Cf town, 69 N w. fioin London, and about 14 N.w. from O.'if 'id — tilt' last named at in-i'sent the nearest railway st'itioii ; but the O.sfoid. Worcester, &c. line. ii>>w in prosjii s«, will pass iie.ii to the town. Upon the liver E^eul'de which runs throngli the parish are some floti' mi Is. A' onetinii' the making of locks emplnyed still atteiidf) — Jantiary I'l, tht- seiimd Kiidayiii Lent, tin- second FridrtV after I2th of May, ami October lOtli : besides ihes", a pleasu e fairislnld fortwodavs, xener.illy about the mid>{ .Ml Saint-, vvherein ate in- parish is vested m only in the inanistra'es, and officers tern d ihereinainsof the witty but liciiitnnis Rochester, appoi'itc'! Iiy till- miiioiial iord< (Lord Chtirchill and and tlMse of the Lichfield f.iinily: the living is a Loid Dillon), wlio hold their icsptctive courts an- I vicarajje. in the preseotanoii of the !)■ an and iJanons nnaliy, on Easter Mondiy. | ofChiistchmch, Oxford. The population of the ptrish. The pi ices of woisiiii) are the pari-ih chu-ch of Saint ; in 1841, wa* .^97. M.iiy, i.nd c .apels fa* ihe Society of Frifud.s and j Cuurch-Enstone is a parish in the liundred of Wi-.sleyan iMetlu'dists. The living'of Chailbiiry is a ' Chadliiigtiii. nearly four nii'is north from Ch Mlbury. vicara.e, with th- cnracv of Shoithninpt'in unnc.Ned, Tin- parish chinch is dedicntetl to Sunt Kenelni: the in the gift of the Pe-identand Fillowsof Saint Jidin's 1 ving is a vicarad'-, in t e gift of Lord Viscount 1- Col'fCe, O.'clord. The fVt-e graumiir sciio.ij ju-re was Ion. The parish, (incliid'iig the hainltt of Neat founded and enlowi d by Mis. Ann Wrtlker; the Piin- EnsTo\e) contained, in 1841, 1,121 inliabitatits. POST OFFICE, CnARLBURY, Sainb Wallden, Pos/ Mh(re.is.—LelU\s front London all part.* airivg every luoming atii^ht, and afieinoon at half-past four, and are de-patched at a quatter past eleven in th « foreiiottii, and half pi.>-t sevm in the eveninu'. POST OFFICE, Neat Enstone, William Kibble, Post Master.— Letters^ from London and all parts arr've every in'onina and afternoon at half-past thtce, and are despatched at half-past twelve noon, and h dl-pa-t nini- a' iiiuht. ^ •»* Thenamfs u-)lliotit adflress are in Ciiari.burv. MOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Albriabt Mr. N cliolas Charlbuiy Alb.iuht .Mr. Wliiam, Charlhury Carey Re>. Charle-;, Spelshnry Chniclnll Lord Fianci--, Cornbiiry H'M.se [Dean House Evans riionias Biown (ma "isiratei, Jordrin Ri v. .l-hn.Chii'ch Enstone O ikley Rei. Thos .CImicli En -tone Peel Will'am. E^i).. liioadsionc hill Pitkeiinnl.eon ii(l,E-q.(niagi-tiaie). Wilc..tH Hou-'e Pol lard .Mr. William, Charlbnry Sannder-. Mr. S-oiinel, Chailbtiry Silver U.v.Dr., VicitaucChHrlbury Tayloi Mr. Hi' bard, jnn., Chailbury 'III rnhill ■'"lu>nias,Es(i.,\Vood he\> WhiiMiy li iij. J-din, Es(|., Lee plaie PROFESSIONAL PERSONS, INCLUDING SCHOOLS. Baskett Elizibeth, bo .rdinij. school Olitf'rd Jisse, tnaiiter of British School 14 Cotterell Thomas Regiiiall, sutL'e"ii GMinm Eli/., ini-tii ss of National Sch.pol [School, Church En-toii' Kib le VVilliiin, m-istemf National Palmer .Maria, Pripa'a'ory School Rawlitison Abruin Lindon, attorne* R'lwley Henry, master of Free Grammar ."»chool Wells .lames, v achcr of music FIRE &c. OFFICE AGENTS. County ((iif). &1'hovident llife). It cha.d Favl-r Hail STouM.'RnbertWtn. Sbeppard ScoTTi-H Union. Heniy Mowley INNS 6t PUBLIC HOUSES. Bfll, .lames U'licclei , NeatI'",n*tone Beil, llohe.t William Sliei'|>et(l Boll. Abel Harris fEustone Ciowti, Willi itn Lan«;hatn, CliuiTh HatiMW, Edwd (5i itfin.NeiiiEnstoiif Lichfield Anns Inn (porting), Edwaid Cat tell. Neat Enstone Rose & Clown inu (couitueicial, Robot Edwards Ui'Val Oak, .loseph Sheldon ^waii, Ji'seidi Ktii'.ht,Nenf Kn«tone Taliuit, .lo'ii .lo'ly, Neat Enstone White Hart, William Hay SHOPKEEPERS «c TRADERS. A''k lis .(ohn, shopkeeper, Cliuich Enstone [tiocer .Mbiiiiht.lohn Marshal, draper and Aldieil Hi-iiry, diajier & tea dcdcr .Aldridu'c Charles, pluniber&glazier. Neat Enstone f\lli n WniS , rlraper. failor&gri.rer Austin Thomas, shopkeeper, Neat Kiist(ute Ba-keu H' n"y, pa'iifcr, &c. B iskett Wi liain, grocer ft draper B .tighan Daniel, v\liei Iwrtyht, Neat Knstiine [wheelwright Bangiian Henry, ironinonuer and Bciiiield .lohii, painter A u'azier Benn' ti K>lw.,tador,Chuich Enstone Bi iinett,l"hn,drapei & shopkeeper, Neat En>^toiie Bi»6cll Chat les, fehopkcepsr iBitectorp. CHARLBURY, &c. ©xfDiUi5t)(rc» Brooks Tliomas, miller Clii^ny Tiriiiiia-', surveyor of roads Cl.iiidgr Kicliaril, miller, Clevcit-y Clary Job. ta'lor Claydiin Kdwaid. bla(Uliiipkee|)i,NeatKnstoiie Comptiin Jaiiiiv, cariiei.ter CM\v[ier John, supervisor of inland revenue [Knstone Dowd-wel I ls;iar,saddler,&<. Church Draper William, heer letailcr Edeiis Thomas baker Eland Tlnini:i>:, leer retailer Fairbri'tln r John, watcli maker Grace Sarah, shopkeeper Gi euory John, balii r & stonemason, Cliuu'li EriNtone Grimineri Thoriia"', butcher Guttiiilge William, miller, Lidstone Hall Wiliiaui. baker Harris Maiy, ~)iopUeeper Harii.'on John, hiiircutter Harxvoofl Jones, stout iiia-on Hawtin Thomas, carpenter, Church Kn^ione Mutt James, parish clerk Jeffrey John, taihir. Neat Enstnne Jeffries Wm., s .(Idler. Neat Knsti.ne Kencli IScn, paiutrr and k1 'zier' Keiich Edward, land measurer. Church Enstone Kerbty Thnnia-, shopkeeper Kevey William, boot & shoe maker Kihhie Ann, beer retailer I Knihb John, l>i»..i & sh.ie maker Knibh-Hy., saddler & harness maker Lay Williau). sl.iter \ plasterer Le^tiT Siistnnah, miller, Radford Mains George, cooper \laithew< 'riios„boot &shoe maker Padbury Fdwanl, tailor Paine Jon.itliiin, miller. Fowler uiill Painter Richanl, carpenter Pai rott J(din. boot & shoe maker Parrott Richd., boot & shoemaker Poliaid James, kioi er Prichett S'lniuel Si Co., glove manu- facturers, e'ocers & driipeis Sessions & Son, brew er.sA mall iters Sess'ons Uobt., draper, mocer, and sub-distributer of stamps Sharniaii William, tinman Tayhn- Richaid, bi er letail -r 'ririiniins Joseph, >hoe maker, Neat Enstone Walden Sarah, straw bonnet m^ker WesKMi Georu'--, tinman Si bni/ier Wheeler William, st .neuia- maker Wynne Jaiues, liooi & shoe maker RAILTVAY. The nfarest Stntinji (at present). Ii at OxFOKD. U miles s.K. from Charllniry There me Carritri to Oxtind, twice a week, but no ollirr reKuUr Coiive)anc<> CARRIERS. To BANBUIiY, J.n.atlian S..rrell, from his liuiise, IMuiul.iy and 'I'liiiisilay To OXFOUO. William Ba^kell & Jona- than Sorrt-ll, fioiii their houses, Wed- day and Saturday To WITNEY. Jonathan Sorrcll, Tuesday and Tliutsdaj CHIPPfNG NORTON, € WITH THE HAMLETOFOVERNORTON.THE PARISH OFHOOK-NORTON&NEIGHBOURHOODS. "^ ne«s of the town ; here also is lield the county court, mom Illy. The pirishchnrcli of Saint Mary idic'ion. locally in the hundred of Chadlington — llie iii>irk. ttown, is 74 miles n w. by w. from London, ami 18 N w. from Oxfotd ; situated on the biow of an eniii ence, between tlu'e and four miles from the verne of the ci>untiesof Glouiesier and vVarwick, and between six and seven inilei north of tin- line of the Worcester and Wolvirhamnton Railway now being laid diwn. This isaiegulir well built little place, principally compiised in one long and tolerably hand- some stieet. Its name is del iveil fiom the Saxon Word Ceapatun Ceplng, signifying 'apl.ceof market.' or asje of the D. an and Chapter of Gliucesier Cathedi-al ; •cheapening,' ami Norton, iuiplyim,' the 'North the present incumhent is the Rev. R..hey K.diidKe. Town;' ft om which It appe ifs to have been a place ol '"' -■ . . • ^ .. .■ some conseipitnce In the time of the Saxons. Its tratle, at the present tlay, is iiiereL that of other in- land towns Miiioiindtd by an amiciiltural district — ii we niav expect ihe con.sidcr.ible mannfactory of Mr. Bliss tor hori»e cloth, ker>ey, eia.«tic tweed, press bag ging, &c. Chiiipini! Norton sent membeis to parba mem in the iei){nsof Edwaid land III, hut it doe.- not appear to have enjoyed that prixiles/e at anysuhse- quent peiiod. The govt inment of the toWM is rei>ula- ted by the ptovision> of ilie Mnnicip.l Keforiii Act ol 183.T •,. the corpi'raie body consi>ts of a mayor, f<.ui aldermen and twel\ecouncill'ir>, with the usual assist ant otiicv rs ; the town couiu'il are lords (d'the manor, ami hold touits accordingly; ami the corporation hrtve p.iwer by their charter, planted hyJame.sI, to fiold a < ourt of requests fhtd, or at least not exeicised ; and the new County Court Art for the recovery of debts to atiy amount not exceeding £20, has rendered appli- cation to tho ancient court uni)eces>aiy. In 1842, a handsome and convenient town hall was erected ; ii afforiN aecominodatioii ftjr the meetlnu of magi>trates, for occa>ioiial public as-emhlies, and the general l)u>i- There are places ot worship for Uaptisis. the Soci- ty of Kriends. Wesleyan Methodists, and Roman Catimlics. The free uraminar school here is an :tn< lent esidhli>h'- ment — it was rtfounded bv Hdwaid VI. National and infants' schools, and some almslKui^es, aie the other i-haiities. 'ihe maiketis held on Wednesday; ami the f.iirs on the last Wednesday in eveiy monin for cattle hikI horse*, and a sta' ntr met tiiiu at M ichaelmas. The paii-h of ChippiiiK Noiton (includinti the hainiet of Over-Norton), contained, in 1831, 2, G37 inhabit- ants, ai d in 1841.3,031. HooK-NoRTON is a paiis'>,in the same liiiiidred as Chipping Norton— the village a consideialiie one, is 5 miles N. (rom that town ; situated neai to the edge of the county abutting upon U'at wickshiie. The parish chuicii of Saini Peter, is a sp.cions building, wiih a finely proportioned tower : the Ininu 1% a per- petual curacy, in the gift of the Bisln.p of Oxfotd. The IJiptists. Society of Friend.', and Wesleyan .Metho- dists have each a place of worship. A pruate lunatic ■sylnni has been for someu-ars established in this »ill;ige, with considerable credit to itscondin tins. The parish of Hook-Noitoii (ineludinL' the ttiwH-hip of SounioRPRi cuntained,in 1831, 1,500 inhabitant-, itnd in 1841, l,52.i. POST OFEICEi Hinh-stieet, CHIPPING NORTON, James Prest'dge, Post blaster. — Letters frnni Lon- don and various places jorive every nKMiiing at four, and afternoon at a quaiter beloie four, and are des- patched at five minutes bef le nine in ihe evening. ij Letieis from Bjrmingha.m and all parts of the North and West of England arrive every moining at I half-past nine, and ate desp ached at twenty-five minutes bet. re four in tlie afternoon. 1 MOBILITY, GENTRY, AND ! CLERGY. iBarter Rev. CliHrles. Saisden iBenieullev. Wilbam.M a.. High si JVnc-h John, E-q. Pudillicott Hou-e Blakeman Uev. Jobn.Hook-Nortoi Bliss Rev. Thoiii s, m a., Chuichst BiO'.ksUev. J. H..R..llMglit Cooke Uev. Samuel, New st Davi< Samuel E«q , Swerfrd Park Da\ykiiis Col. Henry, Over-Norton Kldiidjie Rev. Hobey, Church st Evans Browne Thomas, Esq. (ma- gistrate). Dean Hou-e H -it I is Rev Thomas, Swerford Heffernian Rev. Patrick, Hevthrnp Hi rhert Miss Catherine, Hith st HuckvaleMr. William Ovei-N' rtoii IinhoHSir Charles, Knight, Dails- ford House Jones John Henry Whitmore, Esq. (magi.-tiate), Ciastleton House Dupre Rev. William', Hook-Norton LeighHou.H, W.Addksthiop House Tilslcy Mr. Heuiy, UockhilJ LanK>toiie James Houghton, Esq. W p., Sarsden Htnise LocKvvood Rev. .1. W., Kinghatn Matiliews Mr. Thomas, Hij,'h st .Mitdiell Rev. John, R. cUiill Morley Rev. Jaiiie-, New st Peninston the Mis>es — , Cornwell Riade Sir John Chciudos, Hart., Shipion (Norton Rushton Rev. John Ftichnrd.HouU- Samuel Rev. Joh ■, H.iythifip 15 (Bxtox^^tii't' CHIPPING NORTON, &c. J^lattr'jJ ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS. Blakfi'-u Souliia (b.iariliiig),Hook Ni'itoti BHiriMi «JcnonL. H. .ok -Norton— Riiili Blacks t-il, iiiistifss British School, New street— llicliard Hnideisoii, ma-tt-r Grammar School, lliuich st— R.ilint Hittlfy, iinster Hi-llovvay Klean.T & Saiah (board- Vti aiiddiv), Hijjii >t National School, Cliurch st— )lo'.)Mi Galpin, master; Sarah Fiani'W, iiiotifss National ScHooL.Honk-Norton- Anne \V.ilt"ii, nii-tre-s Potteis the .Mi«-es — (ladies' boaid- iiiv;), lliickiill Siuitli Stei)h-ii (boarding). West st TeiinaniFiedijik.(.lay),HookNorton ATTORNEYS. Anlin \Ve>tonM&t..vvii ciei k),\Vest st Ra\vlint AUCTIONEERS. Do'ld EdwaiM Sunnier (and pawn- biokei). v\ est st Lyneetc Cother, Kingliain BAKERS. Dnnford WilliaM., Peinbrol;e st Ed^ar Wiliiun, West st Hall Riiiaid, Hook-Norton Hall Thomas, llook-Nonon Hartley Hiihani, Middle low Haiwond TlioiDas, Ovci-Nuttou Hailiavv.y Joim, We-t st Hitynes Charles, Hook-Noiton MaMin Dan'el, ()i ton Phillips Hi. hard. New st Timm-.Gi o (\ c.'iilectioner),Higli st VVbiifield Philip, H^ok-Norton BANKERS. STOURBRIDGK & KiDDERMIN'TER Banking Compaw (liraiic h) — (dra^von Sinitn, Pa,'iie& Smith's, London) — 'rhoina-UullSjiuanager, Chippiiiii Norton BASKET MAKERS. Tiaffoid H. nrv, Pembroke st Watts Will am, Mindlt- row BLACKSIVIITHS. Banghan Will am, ()»er Norton Cox'Johti, Hoiik-N^rton Dr.ip. r (teor«e, LoAermw Dring Natham.l {& tarrier),VVest st Fi.-I>l Wm. (& wliitr), Pemtiioke st Franklin Solomon, Hook-Noiton Smith Jo-epii, Dver Norton Tappin John, Ho..k-Norton BOOKSELLERS Ac STATIONRS. Liddia'ilJohn, f^igll ^t [st Smilli Geo. iMaid>y(& printer), High Stanbri'iise Catherine (and suh-dis- tnbriter of stainp-i), Aliihlle row BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. liirrt-tt Wilii.im, Hook -Norton Gre. nwood Hv.iwliolesaleJ.New st Kiitl.ind.tame>,VVi>i st Lnik-tt William. Mddic row Pairre George, iMiddle row Scarhrook Williani. New st Teall John, We^t >t Tirrson Michael, Town's eirl Town-^end Ror.. r-, Midill- row Williams Uichaid, West st VVi'lianisSiiiiii' 1, New st Williams Tiiomas, Ci niUrokesi BREWERS. Hitchinan Willi .m siiul;in & Co (and inalt-ier-), UOROUQH HrewerY, West »t 16 BUTCHERS. Byron Wil iam, .Middle row H .ndsTnoniMs, High -t Hitchinan Thoma-i, Hook-Norton Jerrning.s Kdwanl, West st varuett- Rieiiai(l(poik), Lower row Phillips Thomas. West st Porter Charles, Lower row Wells Kdward, Hook -Norton Wells Francis, High st ^\ ilks John, Hook-Norton Wilks William, Loivei row CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Hitclimai- John, West >t [st H'dgkinsriiiioihy(<& builder), High Qa.itermaine James, Lower row CARPENTERS & JOINERS. Banghan Daniel. Over Norton Doe John, H"ok-I\oi ton j Geaiiiii! \Viilidm, Hiuhst Hall William, Hook-Norton H^ntin J.dia, Hook-Noiton Kench Thoma-, Hook N(nton KciK h WlliHm, Hook-Norton Liickelt Daniel, Hook-Norton Snlter Kdwai'l, Hook-Noiton Wrtlfoid David, HiMrk-Norton Young Cliarh s. West -t CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Gilkes Su«arina, Hook-Norton Harris (ii ori-e, High -t M ilin> Joseph Fiedeiick (Medical Hall), Hrgh >t Stephaii Jolin Henrv, H'gli st CHINA, GLASS, &c. DEALERS. Hood Kdward, Hith st Main- Khyaheth Louisa, West st Robinsun Williiitn, Hook-Norton COACH BUILDERS. Beediey Johrr, We-t st Page John, Rockhill COOPERS. Katon John, Midiile low Luck' tt John, Hook-Norton Matthews Robert, Midd e row CURRIERS AND LEATHER SELLEKS. Gardner 'riiomas, New st Hayne> Stt phen, H gh st FIRE, tic. OFFICE AGENTS. BntMiNGHAM(firi ), I imotliy Hodj;- kiiis, High SI Clekical & Medical (lift), Weston Apiirr, West srreet County (tire;, & PKoviDENT(life), George M. Sm th, High st Family Kndowment (lile), Thos. Ho K, H Kb >t [si Faumeks', 'i'llsli y & Wilkins.hith Genehal, Waiinington & Co., Hook Norton [High st General (h dlsiorni), Ja-. Fr>her, Globk, John Li'Uliard, High st Norwich U.mon, James F'iaher, High street Scottish Association (life), Tirnothv HoWgi-iiis, High st Sun. AbramL.Uawlrnson.Ciinrcli st GARDENERS 6t SEEDSMEN. Lncki It Jaine«, New st Mrtigeits Riehard, Lower row GLOVERS. Belcher Henry, High st lloweir Henjamiir, Hinlr st Bowen .lohir, Over-Ntirton GROCERS St TEA DEALERS. {Sfe nl.io S/iop/ti'fi/jers.) Lnvclanil Jacob, Hiuh st •Mattliews (ieorne. High ^t Peitipher Thomas, West st Ptrmphiey Edwiir, Honk-Norton Wanningtou & Lempricre, Hook- Norton HORSE-CLOTH AND WEB MANUFACTURER. Bliss William (and i.ers.ys, tweeds, and pi ess baLgirru), Newst inns- commercial ani) posting. (See also Tavermif Public Houses,) Crown & Cn>hion,VVilhain Bishop, High s're' t Fox, Joseph Porter, Higli st White Hart Henry (lardner.High St IRONMONGERS. Gulliver Tnos. (& tinman), High st Hrirrt Tinnns, High St PhippsTlxx. (& tinman), High lit LAND AGENTS. Lyne&Cothers (and auctioneers), Kinglraiii fst Smith Stephen (& surveyor), West LINEN DRAPERS. Holliniiton John, Hook-Norton Parsons Itoli- rt, Hiah st KolN& Kimber, Hiudist Warinington & Leinpeiiere,Hook« Norton MILLERS. Claiidsre B nj .min, Prio-y Mill Hartley E iw;irt • iolTe Charlote, Hook Norton • Hitchinan Rachael, West st Kirrlaitil Sa ah, West st Lusty Eliza, Niw st Parsons Maty, Hmh st [roir Wilks TempeVance & Ann, Lower PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Allcock John, West st Kloxhain Thomas, Hook*Norton Fisiier .lani' s Hitih st M dills GeorBf, West >t .Matiiiews .lohn. High st PERFUMERS AND HAIB DR£».SERS. Banlett George, Midille row Hood Edward, High st Phil)ps Thomas, Hook-Norton SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Gardner Thomas, New st Knibhs .Ann, Miildle r-ov Sturdi ThorniS, Hook-NortOQ SHOPKEEPERSdc DEALERSIN GROCERIES «c SUNDRIES. Boh en John, C)ver-Norl()Q Bull Thomas, LoW' r row Castl- Samuel, New st Coleman Henry, Pembrnke st Dodd Kdwanl .Sumner, \V(stst End ill Mary, Lower row G-ffe Charlotte, HooU-NortOD H.irwooil John, Pembroke si Hopkins Sarah, High M Hovaid Joim. Lower row .lee Thomas Ni w >t Maci' .lohn, West st M ce ThoiuHS, New st N erance& Anne, LuWtrr STONE MASONP. Haynes Stephen, Hook-Noiton iron John, Hook-Nortou Mittitoi'^, CHIPPING NORTON, &c. mioinmxt. Meades Richd. & Henry, Charcli f,t Powell Joliii, Swerfoid PowellJohn, jui)., Swerford STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Boweii Elizabeth, Hiah st Biiswell Martha. AUddle row- Mason Anne, High st Pickerini; Marv, High st Slaier Eliza, New st SURQEONS. FarwellJohn, High st Holmes Cliitrles, HikIi 5t Hopwond Thomas Medical Hall, Hit;!) street Mallam Uichard, Hook- Norton TAILORS. Marked # are ahso Drapers. •Belcher Heniy, Hii;h st Bowles William, Middle row HoUington Joseph, Hook-Nortnn *Keck Edward Harradine, High st Lardner John, West st •Parsons Robert, Hi^h st •Rolls & Kimber, High st •VVarmington & Lempiiere, Hook Norton White William, Orcr Norton TAVERNS ec PUBLIC HOUSES. Bell, John Padbury, WrsI st Bell, James Robinson. Hook-Norton Blue Anchor, Riclianl Palmer, High st Blue Boar, Joseph Malins, Pembroke st Blue Lion, Richard Kearsey, Ne^A st Boroiigli Arms, Charles Davies, High st Chapel HoHse, James Smith, Oxfoid roan Chequers, Thomas Phipps, Middle row Geori;e, Richard Phillips, New st H'irae & Groom ,J"hii Keitle*,Middlero\v Horse & Gconm, Geo.Payne,Ovei-Norton Kinn's Arms, ls:iac Sliavler, West st King's Head, William Mason, New st Masons' Arms, John Uaylis, Swerford Old Wagon and Horses, Peter Summer- ton, Roi-khill Parrot, Caroline Lnckett, Middle row Red Lion, Thomas Hands, High st Hed Linn, Charles Wyton, Hook-Norton Royal Oak, John Symonds, Pembroke »t Ship, Tbamas Holtham, Lower row S\in, David Messeneer, Hook-Norton Three Tuns, James Q'lv, Pembroke st Unicorn, Ralph Kllis, Ri.Uright Unicorn, John Hood, High st Retailers of Beer Bond Thomas, UVst st Hathaway John, West st Jee Thomas, New st Lucketi Jinies, New st While William, Hook-Norton WATCH 8e CLOCK MAKERS. Baker James, New-t Paine Johrr, Hook Ni)rrnn Siinms SimueldS jewellei), Highst WHEELWRIGHTS. Bauahaii Danit I, Over-Norton Beechi'v John, West st EndallRicliaid, Rockhill Keuch Thomas, Hook-Norton Kench William, Hook Norton Page John, Rockhill Salter William, Honk-Norton W^INE, SPIRIT AND HOP MERCHANTS. Hitchmati William Simkin & Co., West street Kingdon John Henry, Middle row IVIiscellaneaus. BickerstafT John, corn and wool dealer. New street Bissell James, haberdasher. New st Budge John, inland revenue ollicer, Pembroke street Cnstle Thomas, poulterer, Honk-Norton Eggleston Ann, confectioner, High st Gas Works, Oottin's lane— Hilchman and Co.. managers Harwood John, furniture broker & trunk maker, Pembroke street HieattJohn, plasterer and slater, Pem- broke st [High st Hopkins Samh, servants* register oliice, Inland Revenue: Of pic R,at the Crown Inn — John Cowper, supervisor James Robert, veterinary 9urgpon,Wesfst Keck Thomas, rope, sack it. twine maker. High st [High st LiddiardCharlotte.toy & Berlin repository Malins John, parish clerk. Church »t Phillips Jolin,fellmi>uger, Di&lon's lane Pliipps Thos. parish clerk, Hook-Nonon Police Station, Town Hall— Charles Yate?, superintendent Robin.son Thomas, dealer in Biriningbam goods, Penibrdke street Sellers Enos, tea dealer, Pembroke st Smiih Stephen, land surveyor. West st Town Hai.l, High street— William Bowler, keeper PLACES OF WORSHIP, AND THKIR MINISTBRS. Saint Mart's Church, Chipping-Nor- ton— Rev. Robev Eldridge, eicar. Saint Peter's Church, Hook-Norton — Rev. John R. Rushton, cHra Rev. James Brogden. The Independents and Wesleyan town, small and ancient, i.s 6.3 miles s.w. from London, 1 methodi'ts have each a chapel for their worship. A 16 N. from O.Kford. and 24 miles from the Aynlio public school, condncted npon the national plan, for station, on the IJnckinghamsnire hranch of the Oxford ] children of either !es tor eitht aged Junction, and the Great Western railway lines; plea- men and women are the chiirities. Within the ciicult santly sitnated npon an acclivity, near the river Cher- of a few miles are some eleeant seat.s^of the gentry — ""••■V ^ ■■ ■ "I"'" "•■ "^■-*"' ""J > ■""■ '"^ ■ ~■■^- well and the Oxford canal ; upon the hanks of tiie latter there is a good wharf. The iiihabit>t 10th, the Saturday inxt aft r the 11th oC commodious and haiKlsome edifice, with a substantial October, and November 22iid, for cattle of all kinds embattled tower, containing a peal of bells : the liviiie The parish of Deddingion (which includes the town- is a discharged vicarage, in the gift of ihe Dean and I ships of Clifton and Hempton) contained, m 1831, Canons of Witidsor;the present incumbent is the. 2,078 inhabitants, and in 1S41, 2,025, 3 J7 (Bxfoihfitiyi* DEDDINGTON. ^latci'0 POST OFFICE, John Calcutt, Poj/J)/as/«-.— Letters from London Hud various places beyond, also from the West and South, arnve(froaj Woodstock) every morniugat five, and are despatched ihereio at a quarter pnst eitlit iii the evening. Letters from places North, &c. fanive ftoin Banbury) every evening at a quarter past eight, and are despatclied tiiereto at five in the morning. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Bennett Elias, hakei Boulton Matthew P. W. Esq., Great " Tew Parlv [Park Bowles ColonelClnrles,North.\ston Cartwriijlit Rev. S. R., Ayiilio Cartwright Sir Thomas, Avnho Park Churc'iill John, E^q. (coionei) Cluirchill Mr. Henry, DeildiiiBton Faulkner Mr. Cha-les, Dcddinf^ton Hall Rev. Henry W., Dcddingion Parker Rev. Ohed, Deddingtoii Reddall Rev. Kdward, A>nho Kisley Rev. William Cotton, Ded- dington [dineton AA'ilson Rev. Francis Garrett, Ded- Wilson Rev. William, OverWootton House PROFESSIONAL PERSONS, INCLUDING SCHOOLS. Clarke James, luiister of National School Field Samuel, attorney Hiichcock & Kincli, attorneys Lamb .lohn Francis, attorney Petty Frances, mistress of National School Smith Wiriiam, schoolmaster Turner Thonia* William, surgeon FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Cattle Insur4nce, John Scrag^js Church of England, JohnSamuel Hin.n Cot;sTV (fire") and PaoviDENTdife) Margetts and Son Globe (fire and lite), Samuel Field Law (fire), Samuel Field Phcenix (fire), Thomas (Jalcutt Property Protection, 'Ihoma^ Calcntt [Kinch Solicitors' (life), Hitchcock and INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Ciown & Three Tuns, John Poulton King's Arms (commercial), Edward Hatton Plough, 'I'liomas Mattliews Red Lion, John Rose Three Horse Shoes, John Whetton Uniiorn (commercial), Wm.Sturch SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. Arlidg.- Harriet, milliner Baker John, slater and plasterer Bear^ley VVilli.iin, hoot maker Mullis Kdw.saddlerand rope maker Payne Ridiard, hairdresser [nikr Petty Frances, milliner and dre.ss Petty George Eustace, brewer, malt< sier and china dealer Petty Thomas, grocer and druggist Pullin John, tailor fgiocer Rnbinson John, draper, hatter and Rose John, builder and ironmonger SammauA. & H. diapers and tailors ScioggsJohn, auctioneer and inait.^tr Smith James Henry, chemist and druggist Smith Mary .Ann, straw Jiat maker Spiers William, pari>-h clerk Strong Eli/aheth, straw hat maker Sturcli William, rnalfsier WellsHenry, butcher & shopkeeper West & Dean, grocers and spirit merchants Wlietton John, shopkeeper Williams Richard, cooper \ViUiains William, cooper Willifer William, butclier Wilsdon John, currier, and boot and shoe maker Wookrove John, rake, hurdle and ploui^li maker Woolgrove Joseph, baker Bennett Richnrd, baker Ruber John, blacksmith Bii>byThi)ma>i,caipenterand wheel- wiii^lit [wheelwright Busby William, carpenter and Bygrave Joseph, boot and slioe mkr BygraveWilliam.piinterand glazier Calcntt John, leather seller Calcuit Thomas, bookseller, sta- tioner and printer Chatei George, baker Chater William, baker Churchill Cbailes, shopkeeper Churcliill Henry, carpenter Clrirke Sarali. milliner [revenue Cooper John, snpervi.sor of inland Dawes William, tailor Diaii Henry, butcher East Robert, draper East William, tailor Franklin Robert, builder Fiench John, butcher French Tliomas, tailor French William, mealman (jardner Richard, china dealer Gibbard William, farmer Gibbs Jane, servants' register office Gibbs Jose))b, watch maker [mkr Heiitage Richard, patten and dog Hiron John Samuel, bookseller, stationer and printer Hobley Henry, painter and glazier Hopcraft James, brick maker and stone mason [stone mason Hopcraft .l(jh:i, brick maker and Hopcraft Richard, bricklayer Hopcraft William, ironmoneer and To LOXDOV and OXFORD, the ffiio/ SlOtie mason [maker j (from Banbury) cr»llsattlie Kinfr'sArms, Knibbs William, saddler and harness i every morning, and the RrgulaU.r calls Lambert John.boot and shoe maker ! t^' 'I't V.^;?,T,\ 'V ","""';"" ,, I „...;. lq,„p, hntrhrr ^° BANBURY, ihe Regulator (Uoxa Ox- L,cv%is james, nutcn< l ^^,,3, ^.^n^ ^, ,1,^ unico,.„^ every morn- MalhnsKlizabeih, milliner inland the ffiia/ calls ot the King's Mallins John, boot and shoe maker I Arm», every afternoon Mallins Robeit, boot and shoe mkr ! CARRIERS- iMargetts&Son, grocers, and dealers' To BANBUKY, WiiHam Gibbard, irom in iiritish wines i the Unicom, Joseph Hemniings, from Ma-on Benjamin, blacksmith and' his house. Monday and Thursday, and spring maker ' Richard French, Monday, Thursday Mason Joseph & Samud & Co., j ToOXFORd! William Edmund-, from patent axle tree manufacturers | the Unicorn, Wednesday .and Saturday Merry Matthew, baker and to WOODSTOCK, on Tuesday CONVEYANCE BY KAIfWAY The nearest Station at present is Ox- ford, sixteen miles south; but llio Buckinghamshire branch line, neatly completed, will pass about 2^ miles from Deddington, at Aynho, where a staiion will be established. COACHES. Be DOUCHES I Ea AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. ORCHESTER is a parish, giving name to a hun- I and an abbey of Augustine canon«. The present and died — the village formerly a market town, and one of only cburcli, anciently the cathedral, and attaclxd to great antiquity, is .')0 miles N.w.fn.m London, between the'ahhey, is dedicated to Sa^nt Peter and Saint Paul : 8 and 9 s s.e from Oxford, and about 4 miles from the it is a large, venerable, and veiy curious structure, with line of the Great VVestern Railway ; situated on the a low tower at the we^t end, a remarkable Norman banks of the Thiine, which river, near its confluence doorway, some stalls with rich canopi.'s, and remains •with the I sis, i>: crossed by a handsome stone bridije. of fine stained glass in the windows. Among the Dordiester is supposed to have originally been a British monuments are some of very remote date; and the town, and afterwards a station of the Romans, c tiled | font, which is of leai), is a curious rdic. 'Jhe living Durocoinovium or Diirorhia ; and Roman coins and of Dorchester is a perpetual curacy, in the giftofcer- medals have fiequeiitiy been discovered in and ahout the place. Subsequent Iv Dorchester became a bishopric, fouiided by Cynoglis, King ofWessex ; and Birinus,an Italian |)iiest, was its first ordained bishop. Soon afiei the Norman Conquest the bishopiic was removed to Lincidii, from which time the town rapidly declined in itnpoi tame. In its days of ecclesiastical prosperity there were, besides the cathetlral, three other churches. tain trustees. A portion of the conventual buildings is still standing in the churchyard, and is used as the grammar school, whicli was founded in IGfjfi, for the education of six boys. The trade of the place is quite unimportant; mannfactures iheie ate none, and the market has for a long periorl bei n lost. A f.iir is held on Easter Tuesday. The population of ibepaiish (in- cluding the hamlet of Burcott) in 1841, wa.s 1,078. POST OFFICE, Stephen Savory Simpson, Poxt Muster. — Letters from all parts arrive (from Wal- i-EStEwoKDby f«ot-pust) every morning at half-past eight, and are despatched thereto at a quarter before six in the evening. Davey John, Esq., Dorchester Haniiam Henry, Esq., Burcott Hyde Mrs.—, Dorchester ' Latham Joseph Cliristopher, Esq., Dorchester GENTRY AND CLERGY. Adams Mrs. Martha, Dorchesier Cberrill James, Esq., Dorchester Cripps John, Esq., Burcott Davey George, Esq., Dorchester 18 [>atham Miss Catherine, Dorchiestfr Newsham Rev. Robert, Dorchester Saunders Mrs. — , Overy Sewell Mr. Henry, Dorchester JBtrcctoi)). DORCHESTER, &c. i&xtoiH&f)iXt, PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. INCLUDING SCHOOLS. Allchin Jane, scluKilmistrJss Byass William Clutton, surgeon Davis George, master of Grammar School and agent to tlie Union * Assurance Company [School "•Davis Sarah, mistress of National INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Castle, Jiiseph Lowe Crown, Tho(n;is Whichelo Fleur-(le-Lis, 'I'honias Syers George, James Cobb Plough, John Burridge SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. B mister George, butclur BeasK y Geo. beer retailer, Bnrcott Bunting Fiaiicis, shopkeeper Cadell William, beer retailer Cherrill George, miller and farmer Cobb Thomas, blacksmith Cobb William, bricklnyer Coleing George, grocer and baker Coles Thomas, linm draper Cook William, farmer Cox Wm., corn dealer and maltster Devve James, fdrmer, Burrott Durbidi^e James, beer retailer Goodey William, butcher Ha\vesTliomas,boot and shoe maker Hedaes Ilicliard, beer letailer Higgins Charles, b.iker [smith Ho\v>e Jatiies, shopkeeper & black- JenimettWilliam, gioccr& druggist Jordan William, wheelwright Lewis Wiliiani, shopkeeiier Robins Wm. hoot and shoe maker Saltmarsh Charles, shopkeeper Shrimpton George, tailor & draper Slirubb James, miller and farmer Taylor Thomas, grocer and bakCr Wallis Joseph, corn dealer Walter Joseph, cooper Wliiciu'lo Ann, (Ires> maker Whichelo 'I'lionip.s, wheelwiight Wilkins Thomas, iihimber& glazier CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON TIIK GREAT VVESTRRN LINE. Slnlion, Abingdon RoAD.bi-twren three ami four milis from Dorchester. CARRIERS- To ABINGDON, David Mori;(in, from his house, and Jonathan Brown, froni the Crown, Monday and Thnrsday, and lo WALLINCFORD. on Friday. HENLBY-UP()N-THA1\IES, WITH THE VILLAGES OK REMENHAM, NETTLEBED AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. ITlENLEY-upoN-THA.MES, is a market town, a borough corporate, and parish, having separate jnris- diction, locally in the hundred of Binfield; 35 miles w. fronr London, 23 s.E. from O.xford, 16 w. by n. from Wind-or, 9 w. from Maidenhead, 8 n.n.e. from Reading. 7 s.s.w. from Marlovv, and 5 from theTwv- ford station, on the Great Western Railway. This, one of the neatest and cleanest towns in the county, is pleasantly situated on the high road from London to O.xford and Cheltenham, on a eentle ascent, rising from the western bank of the Thames, which heie forms I he boundary of tiie comities of O.xfonJ and Berks. A iiobie stone bridge, of five arches, eretices of the peace. Quarter sessions of the n.w. bv v. from Henley on the main road to Oxford, peace are regularly held here; and Henley is included in This village is a polling station at the election of a circuit of towns under the «;ounty Court Act, passeq., New st Hall Captain James, Wargiave Hall Thomas, Esq , HarpsfleiiCourt Hazell Uev. James, Nettlebed Hind Miss Ann, Ewden Hodges John, Esq., Hurley Hussey Mrs.— , Wargrave Jackson Mr. George, Greenland Jackson Mr. Hmry, Bell st Judsoii Mr. Charles, High .st Kiiisey Rev. Wm. M.,Gray'sRectory Knolleys Colonel, Blount's Court Lamb Mr. William, Northfield end Lane Charles, Esq., Badneuioor Langlev the Misses Mary Ann & Harriet, Northfield end LawrenceMr. Joseph, Reading road Leighton R>v. Francis Knyvett, Hai p«den Rectory Lench Mr. Samuel, New st Long Mis. Mary Ann, Bell st Lyndhurst the Right Hon, Lord, Turville Park West Hon. Frederick, CulhamCourt West Lieut. Colonel Northfield end White Mrs. Mariii, Bell st IVil-on Josepli Heniy, Esq. Gilletts ACADEMIBS AND SCHOOLS. Not otherwise Hescribe(\ are Day Schools. British School (hoys and tirls), Gray's lane— Elisha Work man, master; Mary Workmau,inistress Crew Maria, Hart st Huinian Hannah Dudley (ladies' boarding mid day), Nettlebed Hurmaii llobt. (gents' boarding and day), Netilebid Infants' School, Gravel hill- Sarah Allen, mistress Infants' School, Trinity Clinrch, Gray's hill— Charlotte Doyley, mistress Jay Louisa, Hart st Lower Grammar School, Hartst — Jas. Frederick Heariie, waster Mel'ard Davii), Nettlebed Millwaid Henry, New st Mummery Mriiy Ann, Bell st National School, Gravel hill- Henry Ryder, master; Priscilla Hail, mistress Parochial School (girl-'), Nettle- bed — Ann Bag^woith, mistress RovAL Grammar Sch ol, Norih- field end— Rev. Charles Heniy G'ldby, heail master; Charles Elsee, mathematical master ,, , . , J c. r. 1 ' Soth-mi Ellen, Bell ft Markay Alexander, Esq ,Remenham i Woolhouse John, Nettlebed Naitland Ehenezer fuller, Esq.,] .^.^^dm^vo Park place «•""•'» Bell st IVIaiilar.d John F. Esq., Wargrave jyJaijoribankvEdwrl. Esq.,Fawley Ct Mickla'iiHenry, E^q., Paradise lane Micklani Nathaniel, Esq., Rose Hill cottage Montague Hon. Spencer, Wargrave bLACKSiaiTHS. Coles Chailes (and farrier) Fox '1 hoiuas, Nettlebed Mellett Thomas i& f iriier). Hart st Mellctt Thomas, Northfield end Sinimoiis George, Duke st BOOKSELLERS 6t STATIONRS. Hickman & Kincb (and printers- Charles Kind), stamp distiibuter)* Market place BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Appleby Thomas, Nettlebed Beiieridne John Goddard, Nettlebed Burgess Richard, Dnke st Ch nients Thonias, West hill Fisher .loseph, Gray's hill Gooilall Edwin. Nettlebed Gurinell .lob, New st Hudson John, Duke st Leaver William, Hart st Lovettnive Will-am, Bell st Mniu'tone William. Dnkest OwenTlioniiis, Northfield end Pearman WiHiain, Market place Pratt Charles, Bell .st Priitt WiUiHin, Gravel hill Stoker Joseph, Bel) t)t BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Average Charles, Nettlebed Pescud John, Bell st Tagg Frederick, Bell st Wells Thomas Duke st BREWERS. Biakspear William Heniy (ale and porter). New st Byles and Son (East India pale ale 1 and porter). Friday street ATTORNEYS. AUnntt Zecharial), Bell st . ,. ..,.,,. , .. „ ,, Cooper Samuel & John (Samuel 1 Cobb William (retail) , Beil st C<.op.'r, town clerk, under sheriff |Co.k Richard (ivtul). Hart st and clerk to the magistrates}, brick makers & potters West hill Mercer Nicholas, New st ftlurray Charles S. E-q.,'Danesfield Na-h James, High st JMurravMrs.Scott.HainhledeiiHouse ' auctioneers St APPRAISRS. Champion James & Sou (and estate agents 1, Nettlebed [st HiwesThos. (& estate aeent). New Owthwaite Robert, Maiket place bakers. AUnatt Charles, N. ttlebed Norton Charles, Esq., Fair inilf Ovey the Misses — , Northfield end Owen Rev. Briscoe, Remenham Rectorv Parker Mr. Thonias, Hart st Partridge Mr. Joseph, New st Peechell Rev. Horace, Bix Rectory [ Archer iri'chardV.haries Bell st Penninaton Chas. Esq., Badgemoor Bizzell Mary, Gray's lane Cottage [Shiplake House Briaiit Thomas, Hart st Phillomere Dr. Jos. L. l. d., d. c. l., ' Burgess Joseph, Hart st Pinckney Rev. William Philip. Par- ! Castle John, Gray's lane sonag-,Gray > Hill [JoyceGiove ! chamherlain Ediiiund, Duke st PIpon Thomas Ommaney, Esq., p„|i,.,. xhomas. Bell st Plumbe Mrs. Hannah, Bell st | Q■^^^^^ Hcnrv, Nettlebed Plumbe Mr. Jno. Simmons Duke st Holford Sarah, Hifjh st Povah Mr. John, Northfield end Poynder Mr. Charles Bell st Priti George, Esq., Phylis Court Rawnsley Rev. Drummond, Ship- lake Vicarage Read Mr. William, Northfield end Rhodes John Wm. Esq. Henerton House Ridley Rev. Heniy William, Hamb- leden Rectory Rowland Rev, James, Duke st Ryder the Hon. Mrs.—, Hambleden Cottage Sarney Edwd. Esq., Soundess Farm Saunders Robert, Esq., Remenham Lodge Scobell Mrs. Ell.n. Dnke st Slater Mrs. Eli?abi tli, B.-11 st Smith Mrs.—, New st Sparks Mrs. Mary, Bell st Stapleton the Misses—, Grav'sCourt Taylor Mr. Richard, Duke st Taylor Mr. Richard, Northfield end Vigors Mr. Henry, Wilminster Park 20 Knight John, Bell st Neville Benjamin. Market place Newton Alexander, Hart st Osborne Henry, Dnke st Sanders William, Hait st Saywell Thomas, Northfield end Swallow John Thomas, West hill Wetherhell Dvaid, Bell st bankers. SinimondsJohn &, Charles & Co., (Branch of Readiii)!), Market place ; (draw on Willinms, Deacon & Co., London), open in Henlfy, on Thursdays only — Charles Kinch, agent, on the re- maining days Savings' Bank, Bell st., open on Tuesday evening, from 6 till 8 — Mr. Hugh Baiford, secretary; Mr. John Page, actuary basket makers. Sec Coopers S( liaskcl Makers. Hoblis Thomas (and horse dealer), N. ttlebed Thomp-on William (& lime burner, nnd steam, corn, atid biush saw mills), Nettlebed BRICKLAYERSOcPLASTERERS Butler Richard. Nettlebed Godwin John, Nettlebed .^argeant Heniy, Bell st Strange Willam Copeland, Haitst BUTCHERS. Binficld Thomas Cobh, Market place Blackull Richard, West hill Casey John, Hart st Freeman Thomas, Nettlebed Horsley William (pork). High st Leaver Stephen, Hartst Lcwington John, Dnke st Newbery Georce. Bell st Rogers James, Nettlebed Sandy Frederick Kobei t, Bell st Sharp Joseph, (pork and bacon cnrer). Bell st Sharp Joseph, jun , Northfield end cabinet makers and upholsterers. Owthwaiie Robert, Maiket place SaiidyChHrles(&house agent), Bell st CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Carter John, Bell st (New st (Jodfrey HenryVVilliain, & Leonard, Hiiguies Joseph, DuUe st Owthwaite Bodert, Market place Phillips Stephen, Nettlebed Pliillips Tinioihy, Nettl. bed Westbiook Samuel, Kemeiiliani CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Allday James, Bell st Champion William Samucl((iBriil8h wine mannfielmcr), Nettlebed Hickman & Kiuch, Market place iiivcctorp. CHINAj GLASS, &c. DEALERS. Cooper Mary, Hii;h st Hyatt Mary (and stationer, Berlin repository and s James, West hill GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. (See also Shopkefpers, Hfc.) Burgis Daniel (and British wine manufacturer), Market place HENLEY^&c. CarterThomas (& tallow cbandlei) Bell st [hed Champion William Samuel, Netlle- Cripps Samuel, Hart st CrouihThus. Hickman, Market place Giles Henry, Nettlebid Hope'J'iioiiias, Hartst Long Caroii (and fancy repoMtory), Bell st [Bell st Paulin Geortie (& fancy repository), Thackara James, Dnke st ROPE AND SACKING MAKERS Norris Fr.incis, Gray's hiiie Potter Richard, Market place SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKEKS. Betteridge Adam, Nettlebed j Powell William, Hart st Wood bridge Mark, Duke st ' Woodbridge Thomas, Friday st 1 SEEDSMEN. Reekes Henry William, Bellst Swallow John 'I'lxMnas, West hill SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERS IN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Allnatt Charles, Nettlebed Appleby Thomas, Nettlebed Ashby John, Gra\'slane Betteridge John Goddard,N'etllcbed Chamberlain Edmund, Duke st.and Gsivelhiil Chappie Harriet, Nettlebed Chase Behecea, West hill Fuller Thomas, Northfield end Giles Thomas, Fiiday st Hemming Sarah, Northfield end Horsley William, Hiah st Neville William, Tliiimes' side Newbery George, B< U st Say well Thomas. Northfield end Sh-tip Joseph, Northfield end St(dhn Wheeler, Dukest Three Tuns, CharlesLovell, Market place Two Brewers, Ann Quiiiey, Remenham Union, Frederick Leaver, Hart st Wheatshcaf, Matthew Ball, Duke st White Hart. Henry Giles, Nettlebed White Horse anj Slar, John Drewett, Northfield end Retailers of Beer. Adams Ann, Duke st BMckall Edward, HiRh st Blackall Kirhard, West hill Butler Edmund, Gray') lane 21 #xforb0i^ire. Retailers of neev-Continued. Ca»ev Jolin.Hart >t Chase Rebecca, \\ est hill 1 1. menu Thomas, West liill Cobb William. Bell st fox Richard, Hart st Dobson James, New st Oiinii Geoige, Nnrlhfleld end Gi>s CliarlVs. Friday st finmm John, Norlhtield end Goodall l.avancy, Nettlebed Grubh James, West hill Hemming Sarah, Nortlifield end Hilchcock John, Northficld end House Henry, New st Lambourn Henry, Gray's hill IMalpass Mary, Hart st Norris Frincis, Gray's lane Phebey Charles, Friday st Phillips William, Nettlebed Prior Dorothy , Dnke st Richards Abraham, Gray's lane Riggs Thomas Beckett, Bell st Saunders Solomon, Nettli-bey Spralley Mary, Northfield end Strange William, New town Thomson Gi'orge, Market place Tranter Thomas, New town Usher Thomas, Gravel bill While William, Hart st Wilder James, Friday st Wilder William, Gray's lane TIMBER MERCHANTS AND DEALERS. Phillips Stephen, Nettlebed Scott Richard (atid building mate- iial>), Be'il st Webh llobeit & Son, Thames side Wherler James, Tliaiiies side Willis Ralpli, Nettlebed VETERINARY SURGEONS. Bowiinii Thomas, Bell st Wellett Thomas, Hart st WATCH 6c CLOCK MAKERS. Coster Chailcj, Hart st Dance Joseph, Hell st Grayson William (and church and turret clock), IJellst Hewer Thomas, Bell st Palmer Charles Rand, Bell st WHARFINGERS. Webb Robert & Son, Thames side Wheeler James, Thames side WHEELWRIGHTS. Gardner Elias, Nettlebed Harris Mary Aiiti, Norlhtield end Phillips Stephen, Nettlebed Wcstbroi.k Samoel, Rcmenhaiu Willis Kalph, Netilebed WINE at SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Hickman (S:Kiiich(s|)iritj ,Maikel pi lie Alfred, Market jilace Towsey Chailcs Augustus (and ale and porter), Bell si Miscellaneous- Arnndel John, nmbiella maker,New town Carter John, house a?ent, Ball st Coates Robert, relieving officer and regis- trar of births and deaths. Market place Collins George, inland revenue otliccr Bellst HENLEY, &c. Cook Maria, marine store dealer, High st i Dixon Robert, coach proprietor. Hart st Gas Works, Gray's lane — Edward Johnson, secretary Harding John, parish clerk, Gray's hill Hart Thomas, gun maker. Marketplace Hickman Wm, barge masler.Thames side Hiissey Richard, glover, Bell st Inland Revenue OFPicE.at the Cathe- rine wheel— Edward Waldron White- he«d, supervisor JefTeris Mary, tanner, Friday st Johnson Edw, boat builder, Thames side Lane Ricbard.chair maker. Northlield end Leaver Frederick, furniture bmker, Hartst [dayst Leaver Henry ,patten and clog maker,Fri- Leaver William, parish clerk. Hart st Rlaisluill Thomas,palten and clog maker, Bellst [New st Mercer N"icholas,superintendcnt registrar Moss John, machine maker and mill- wright, Northlield end News Room, Thames side — Charles Kinch, and Frederick Tagg, secretaries Palmer George, inland revenue officer. New st Phillips Timothy, parish clerk, Nettlebed Potijoy Jemima, stationer. Bell «t Russen Henry, dyer, Hart st [end Shaw Mary Ann, stone mason, Northfield Shelton George, silk throwster, New st Society fob Promoting Christian Knowledge, Bell st— George Paulin, depositor Stamp Office, Market place— Charles Kinch, distributer Streater Henry William, landscape pain- ter, Bel st [keeper Town Hall, Market place— Wm.Tanner Wallace' James, inland revenue ofiicer, Albion place Whitehead Edward Waldron, supervisor ol inland revenue, Albion place ^latn'jEf COUNTY COURT, HELD MONTHLY AT THE TOWN HAtt — OFFICE, High St Judge- John Billingsley Parry, Esq. Clerk — James Nash Bai/i/f— William Hanslow PLACES OF AVORSHIP, AND THEIR MINISTERS. Saint Mary's Church, Henley — Rev. James King, reclor ; Rev. Francis Jenks Burlton, Ri-v. John Backliam, and the Rev.Wm. Clias. Dudley.cinafM Saint Bartholo.mew's Church, Net- tlebed— Rev. James Hazel, incumbent Saint Nicholas', Reinenham — Uev. Brisco Owen, incumbent Trinity Church, Gray's bill— Rev. Wm. Philip {^incVne-^ . perpetual curate BaPtistChapel, Nettlebed [end Friends' Meeting House, Northfield Independent Chapel, Duke st— Rev. James Rowland [bed WESLEyANMETHODISTCHAPBI,,Nettle- POOR ^L\^f/ UNION. Workhouse, West hill. G.iDcrHoi— Samuel Mortlock /l7a/ron— Ann Mortlock .SVAoo/inos/f/-- Joseph Roby Wood Sclio'jlmislress -Susajinali Durableton .S'i;?-9f«M— James Henry Brooks Chaplain— Hew. William Charles Dudley Cleik tu the Board of Guardians— Nicho- las Mercer Rrlieviny Officers —Rohext Coates, /or Henleii; George Dixon, _/or Sniticnmbe; Jiibn Baddeley, for Caversham ; Thos. Nightingnle,l(ir iheWullinglnit districts COACHES. To LONDON, Dixon's Cuach from the Bell Tap, calling at the Red Liou,eTery morning at nine To MARLOW & HIGH WYCOMBE, a Coach from the White Hart, every Tuesday and Friday morning at nine To READING, a Coaih from nhe White Hart,everyMonday,Wedne8day,Thurs. day and Saturday niorning at nine ; and Edis Ely's Van for passenjiers and goods from the ThreeTnns, every alter, noon (Sunday excepted) at four ToTWYFORD, the Tram Coach from the Bell Tap, calling at the Red Lion, every morning at eight and quarter before one noon CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON THE GREAT WESTERN LINE. Station, at TwYFORD, five miles from Henley There are regular conveyances to the station as above noticed CARRIERS. To LONDON, William Ward, from the White Hart.and (ieorge Thomson,from his house,every Monday and Thursday, and Henry Palmer, on Thursday To ABINGDON, Thomas Cooke, from his house, West hill, every Monday To BENSINGTON, John Bond Archer, from the Bull, Thursday, and H„nry P.ilmer, Saturday To HIGH WYCOMBE, James Farley, from the Packhorse, Tuesday & Friday To OXFORD, John Bond Archer, from the Bull, and Joseph Bond, from thB Bear, every Thursday To READING and TWYFORD. James Wicks, from the Bear, daily (Thursday and Sunday excepted), and James Farley, (roni the Packhorse, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday To WALLINGFORD, James Gibbons I from the Bull, Monday and Thursday, and John Higgins, fiom the Bear,Tues- I day and Thursday I To WATLINGTON, John Bracey, from I the Bull, 'I'bursday i To WARGRAVE, — Franklin, from the i the Broad Gates, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I CONVEYANCE BY ^VATBR. To LONDON. BATH, BRISTOL, j READING, MARLOW, SccfroinRobf. 1 Webb Ik Son's and James Wheeler's 1 wliarf, once a fortnight; and Heid & ' Cox (from Reading), pass Henley, I delivering; and loading at the Thames ' side, almost daily OXFORD, WITH THE VIM..\GE.S OF HEADING PON, II'FLEY, AND NEIGHBOUHHOODS. Oxford.— This heaiitiful city, the Sec ()f a l>islio|>, possessing Sfpaiate iurisdiution, is locally in the hun- dred of Wooitoii ; ,=)4 miles n. N. w. from London [Chi bv railj, delii.'litfiilly situated on a Keiitle eminence, ri'sing from ainiil>t verd.mt iiieidows The Tliames, rouniliiiK ilu- >\vtli;ini hills, which form the iim ihei ii extremity of licik^^hire, lloww in a southei ly diieclioi illustrious Kinf? .Alfred was born at Wantage, and tra- dition tn^kes him to have resided here with his three sons, and lo havf founded three schools for i)liiloso|ihy, Riainmar and divinity : it is, however, .oiipposed to have tven a seminal y of leiirninn even piior to the time of Alfred, altliouuli his exertions renovated its institu- tions, and augmented itscon^etiuence ; and it certainly 1 _ . r .1.. . .. . t .. VI : ..:.^.. A» a > "If"^ *- -1 "" 7 . - towai.ls O-ifrud ; the Cheiwell,HowinKfnnu tin- north, | was a place of .study at the Norman iiivasioii At a and pav'.ini; henenth the i;ioves of Magdalen Coll.g,', rrn.ote oeiiod it was a city, well l.-itihed with walls, at the eastern en'ran<-e to Oxford, enters ihe I'liames | and defeiukd hy a strong castle; the latter, cr rather a nuarier of a mile l^elow the city, the local n.ime of | its toaer, now tortus a part ot the county gaol. Ine the Thames i, the Isis, which Ins sometimes 1, d to the i boundary of New College, on tiie north and east, is ,.„ „ !...:„.. .1... iU^'ri..j..,n.j :>iui till- Isis aic formed hv the citv walls, which, with sever.tl bastion', ernmeoiis conclusion that iheThaines and the Isis are two livers; they are, however, identical. The history of this justlv famed University is involved in niuch oh- scuritv— an iucoiitei>tiblc|iroof of itsgteai antiquity. The 22 formed by the city walls, which, with .sever.tl bastion', may there be seen in a t^ood stale of preservation. It is renowned as a seat of royalty and of erudiiion, ^a"? ; of our monarcbs having for a time resided here, and iSUettoij). OXFORD, &c. ©jcfoili^fiirc. suinmonert hither their parliaments. On the western side of tiie town, there were a few years since, some remains of a palace erected by Henry I. ; in this paiice was burn iVuhard, Nuriiamed ' Coeur de Lion.' Tlie western extremity of a new street called lieaniont- sti'eet, after tiie palnce, now stands upon its site. Iiicloding its suburbs, Oxford is more tiian a mile in length fiom east to west, and as much in breadth from north to south. Tiie principal streets from, intersect- ing each other at liijht angles, are remaikably gratid, being adoined by the fronts of many eieaant colleges and handsome house-i ; and are clean, well paved, and brilliantly lielited with gns. An air of mona-tic opu- lence pervades the whole city, and the geneial effect is considerably heightene'l by the spacious and beauti- ful appioach over its fine bridge. The Hiuii-stieet is one of thenio^t nohle streets in Europe, presenting, in pleasing succession, from its great length and easy cur- vature, many of the stately and veneiable public "edifi- ces for wliicli Oxford is so peculiarly distinguished. To give a lengthened description of the various churches, colleges, halls aad other public public build- ings which, in every quaitei of tliis interesting city, attract the admiration of the stranger, would not ac- cord with tiie plan of this work ; we can only notice those that particularly claim distinctii>n. University College is situated on the south side of the High-street ; it is supposed to have been foun- ded by Alfred theGieat, in 872 — thonnh some author- ities a-cribe its foundation to William of Durham, wiio died in 1249 : its magnificent front extends full two hundred and fif;y feet; the hall and chapel form the south part of tiie building, which comprises two courts, and contains someexcellentspecimens of sculp- ture and paintine; among the former, an elegant mo nuinentto Sir VV. Jones, the eminent oriental scholar, and a medallion of Alfred. Baliol College was founded about 1263 bv Sir John lialiol, father to the King of Scotland of that name ; it consi>ts of one spa- cious court, to which several new and elegant erectinus have been attached : in the libiary of this college area few raie and curious manuscripts. Two particular facts give a special interest to this college. VVycliffe, appropri- ately called 'the .Morning Starof the Reformation,' was, for some time, its master, and there is a very characte- ristic portrait of him in the hall of the college : and immediately in front of Baliol the fires were kindled, by which the martyrs were consumed, in the reign ot Queen Mary. Merton College, situated on the south Bide <)f the city, in St. John-street, is formed of three quadrani^les. The chapel is considered one of the finest in the utiiversiiy; its windows are of fine stained glass, and its handsome tower is embattled and pinnacled. This college was founded by Walter de hierlon, l3ishop of Rochester, about the year 1274. Antliony Wood, tiie autiquaiyand historian, of Oxford, is buried in the chapel of this college, where are al>o nionumeuts to liodley and Saville. Exeter College, founded in 1314 hy Walter Stapledon, Lord Treasurer of England and Bishop of Exeter, stands in theTurl, and consists of a spacious and handsome quadrangle, the gateway leading to whicli is surmounted by a tower. Oriel College was founded in 1326, hy license of Edward If. to his almoner, Adam de Brone: the buildings consist of a capacious quad- rangle ; and a neat libiary having been added to two lateial ranges f)f buildings on the north side, com- pletes a second quadrangle, in which was formerly the garden. The entrance to tiie principal quadrangle from the street is through a tower gateway. Quee.n's College, situated opposite to Llniversity College, is an elegant and wiagnificeut structure, occupying a space of three hundred feet iu length, and two hundied and twenty in breadth; and compiises two handsome courts, divided by the iiall and chapel. This college was originally founded in 1340, by Robert Egglesfield, confessor to Queen Phillippa, in honour of whom the founder adopted its name. New College, situated on the north-east side of the last mentioned, was founded in 1,379 (or 1386) by William of Wykeham, a native of Hampshire; the interior of tiie chapel is much admired for its lieauty. The garden has an ad- ditional interest from the fine remains of the city walls, whidi form its boundary. The Wykeham motto, in gold Utters over the garden gate, arrests attention, — 'Manners makyeih the m^n.' Lincoln College» con.sisting of two quadrangles,stand> betwixt AllSaints* church and Exeter college; h was founded in 1427 bv Richard Fleming (a native of Yorkshire), Bi>hop of Lincoln, from which See it takes its name. It was this bishop who caused the remains of J(din VVydiflfe to be disinterred, and cast into the brook near the pltce of his burial. Jnhn Weslev was some time Fellow of this college. All Souls' Collegk, situ- ated in tlie Hith-street, a little to the we-t of Queen's Col'ege, was founded by Henry Chichele, a native of Northamptonshire, and an Arclihishop of Canterbury, in the year 1437; an excellent library of books and manuscripts belougs to this establishment, and the chapel is an interesting edifice. Contrary to the ex- press intentions of the founder, this college has come to lie an aca'lemical institution, and its members rarely reside in Oxford. Magdalene College is situated at the east entrance of ihe town, and is the first object that attracts attention when entering from tiie Londou side; it was f,mnded by William of VVaynfleet, Bishop of Winchester, in 1456. The eleaance of the chapel, with its beautiful stained glass windows, is geiiernlly extolled. Among tlie members of this collcKe have been tliree men of great eminence, but of widely different characteristics — Wolsey, Hampileii and Ad- dison. Brazennose College forms the west side of the Raddifle-squaie, and comprises two neat ci urts, founded in 1509, by Richard Smith, Bishop of Lincoln, and Sir Richard Sutton, of Prestbuiy, in Cheshire. It is said to derive its name from the circumstance of an iron ring, fixed in a nose of brass, being knocker to a gate of one of the original halls. Corpus Christi Col- lege is composed ot one handsome quadrangle, to which are attached some elegant modern erections ; it is situated at the back gate of Christ church, and was founded in 1516, by Richard Fox, Bishop of Exeter, Bath, Wells, Dui ham, andVVincliester,anri lord privy seal during the reigns of Henry VI!. and VIII. In the ciiapel is a very fine altar-piece of the ' Adoration,' by Rubens. Christ Church College consists offour laige squares: the cathedral is a venerable pile of architecture ; the tower, above the western or urand entrance, contains the bell called 'Great Tom,' the weieht of which is seventeen thousand five hundred pounds. This college was originally founded by tlie celebrated Caidinal Wolsey, in 1525. Trinity Col- lege, originally founded and endowed by Edward HI.; St. John's College, founded by Sii Thomas White; JesusCollege, founded by Queen Elizabeth; Wadham, by Nicholas Wadliam ; Pembroke, by Thomas Tesdale; and Worcester, by Sir Thomas Cookes — are all noble structures: the dates of thdr foundation ajipear in the appended list. Besides these college*, there are five halls, iiamelv, Saint Alban's, Saint Edmund's, Saint Mary's, New lim, and Magda- lene — each of wiiicli have similar privileges, ancl are go\erned by the same rules. A new and elegant struc- ture, called the Taylor Buildings and Randolph Gallery, has recently been erected, with a front towards Beau- mont-street, and a fine eastern elevation towards the beautiful suburb of Saint Giles. It is a whole made up of three harmonious parts, in the Italian or Pala- dial style, ; it is the product of the architectural skill of Mr. Cockerill, and one of the most stiikiiig orna- ments of Oxford. The object of Sir R.Taylor, tlie foun- der, was to promote the study of modern languanes in Oxford, and should the nobility, or any of the separate colleges, afford encouiagement to this course of study, theiiisiituiion will |)rove of great value. The Randolph Gallery contains the wliole of the medals of the late Sir J. Chantrey, which were presented lo (he Univer- sity bv his widow. Oxfrd was erected into a See by Henry VIII. who appointed the conventual chapel of the abbey of Saint Frideswide the cathedral church : it is a capaciims cruciform structure, in the Norman or early English style of architecture, with a central tower, surmounted by a spire. The exterior is conci aled by t he college build- ings, with which it is surrounded. The interior con- tains many interesting, beantiful and sitigular speci- mens of sculpture and aichitecture ; together with numerous ancient and cuiious monuments, shrines, canopied stalls, and chapels. Many of the windows were demolished during the civil war; iu those that 23 (©xfor»j2;lbt«. OXFORD, &c. plater's were spared tliere are some devices in stained glass— the east window, particularly, lias a fine representation of tlie ' Nativity.' There are no fewer than fourteen cliurches ; of these tiie nio«t deservirii; notice are Saint Mary's, Ail Snints', Saint Peter's and Saint Martin's. The north end ot the first-named has heen lately taken down, for the piirfiose of constructing an aisle, to be called the 'Martyrs' Ai>lc;' and at the extremity of the churchyai d, towards Saint Jtdin's college, has been erected a memorial to commemorate the suffeiinns of Craunier, Iliilley and Latimer, in 1555 and 1556: the style of the mounment i> that of the decorated gothic, and is a reproduction of the beautiful and highly deco- rated ciossesof the best period ofiiothic archiiectuie. In richlv decorated and canoi)ied niches are s'atnes of the ni iitvrs, by Wcekes. Tiie firj-t stone was laid on the 19th of .May, 1841. Saint iMary's is designated th'' University ehuich, from heinu the temple of worship for the vice-chancellor, the heads of the Univ<•^^ity, and the students. The church of Saint Martin is called the City church, and is thatin which the mayor and corpoiation attend. The benefices of tlie churclies are mostly vicarages and curacies, and the colleges are impropriate rectories. The Baptists, Indepenf books end manu- scripts, chit fly relating to natural history and medicine. The Bodleian Library, also, is a spacious and lofiy quadrant'iilar buildini;, erected principally at the ex- pense of Sir Thomas Bodley, wlio likewise bequeathed to it a large C'dlection of hooks, &c. ; this library is said to contain more bonks than any other in Europe, that of the \'atican excepted. 'I he schools of divinity, juiisprudence, medicine, ninsic, and other arts oc- cupy the gionnd floor, or subst'ucture of the Bodleian Library. But the professional or university system hating been superscth-d by the collegiate system, these •schools' hate fallen into disuse. The Sheldoniau Theatri' is opnosite to the Divinity School ; it is ador- ned with Coiinthi^in pillars, surmounted by grotesque heads: iu it are telelira'ed the public arts, an annual commenioriition of In nefactors, and an occasional ceifuiony for conferring honoiary degrees, with s(m)e other solemnities. The Ashmolcan Museum, founded by Elias Ashmole, Windsor herald in the leign of Charles II, stands wistof tlie iheatre: it contains a vast nnmherof books and rare curiosities, both natural and aitificial; of these not the least [precious is an ornament bearing an insciipiion stating iti quaint Saxon that the great king Alfred had it made. The old Clarendon iiiin'ing office, a massive structure, by Vanburgh, neai ly a join.s the theatre, whence for many years issued the Oxfoid Belles, and classical works. it is one hundreil and fifteen feet in length, consisting of two stories: it was erected in 1741, by the profits of liord Clatendoii's 'Histoiy of the Kebi llion ' — hence ii took its name; it is now used partly as a getdogical museum, and for committee rooms. The erection of the new (jniversity piinting office was be- gun in 1826, niid business was commenced iuitas early as the antiiinn of following year; it is an ebf;ant building, of the Corinthian order: on the giound floor is the [iress room (the largest in the kingdom), two liundred feet long and twenty-eight wide; above this extensive room aie two stories, divided into apart- ment? for compositors, drying and gatliering rooms, Ac. In the front and the sontii wing liihles and com- mon player books only ar<' printed; the north wing is appropriated to tlu? piinting of classical and other learned works : it is situated in the north-westeru I ^uburb of Oxfoid. The town hall, wiiere the city! 24 sessions are held, is in Saint Aldate's ; it is a commodi- ous stone erection, completed iu 1752, chiefly at the expense of Thomas Rowney, Esq , formerly one of the meinbeis for the city : public as>emblies, n'nd concerts are occasionally held in it. The county or shire-hall, is situated ai the western part of the city, adjoining the castle gaol, where the assizes and county sessions nre held : ihis is a very elegant striictuie, completed in 1840. The gaol, or city bridewell, is a large sub- stantial building of much older date. The RadcliflTe Infirmary, at the northern, or Woodstock entrance to Oxford, is an elegant edifice and well arranged estab- lishment, well supported by subscription. The Astro- nomical Observatory stands to the north of the in- firmary : it is copied from the aiuieiit temple of the eight winds at Athens. There are vai ious free schools, almshouses, and a house of industry. A commodious and airy lunatic asylum was a few years since erected by subscription, bitweeu the celebrated walk called Headingion Hill and the Cowley road. The style and title of the corporation is 'Mayor, Sheriff, and Conitnonaliy of the City of Oxford, in the County of Oxford :' as a municipaliiy, it ranks next to the city of London. The mayor, for the time being, officiates in the buttery, at the coronation of the nionaichs of England, and has a superb gilt cup or bowl and cover for his fee. Tlie corporate body (as regulated by the Municipal Reform Act, passed ia 1835), consists of a mayor, ten aldermen and thirty Councillors, with a recorder and the cus'omarv assist- ant officers: the new act divided the city into five wards, and provided for it a commission of the peace, nnder which regular courts are held. The University is governed by a chancellor (who is always a peer of the lealm), chosen by the students in convocation, and continues iu his office for life: a vice-chancellor (who is always in orders, the principal or warden of some college) appointed by the chancellor ;tnd approved by the university ; and two proctors, who are masters of arts, and are chosen annually in rotation, out of the several colleges or halls. Sessions are held quarterly, before the mayor, recorder and magi-tiates, at which tliey have nnlimited power to try every description of indictable ofTence; there also is a court, termed the mayor and bailitTs' court, held once a week, and another, called the mayor's court, every Friday — the latter possesses very extensive privileges. There is, likewise, a vice-chancellor's court, for pleas of debt, to any amount; and Oxford is included in the thirty-eighth circuit of towns under the County Court Act, passed in 1816, for the recovery of debts to any amount not exceeding £20. 'I'lie city has regularly sent two members to parliiiment from the reign of Edward 1 ; the light of eh ction is defined by the Re- form Bill; the mayor is the reiurning officer : the pre- sent lepiesentatives are James Hanghton Langston, Esq. and William I'iige Wood, Esq. The university received the elective franchise by charter of James I, since which time it lias uniiiteriu|)ttf the family of Whorwood. Population of the parish in 1841, 1,668. Ifley parish is in the same hundred as HendinBtoii —the village is nearly 2 miles s.e. by s. from Oxford; situated between the stream of the Isis and the road to Dorchester. The parish clinrch of Saint Mary is prin- cipally of Norman architecture, having a low square tower between the nave and the chancel, with a liand- some south porch and a finely-eniiiellished door-way on the west: the living is a vicarage, in the presenta- tion of the Archdeacon of OxAnd. There are a few charities belonging to the parish, by means of which some puor children are educated and others appren- ticed. Population of the pari.^h in 1841, 958. POST OFFICE, SAINT ALDATE'S STREET, OXFORD, Mr. JOSEPH JV^RNE, Post Master. Letters from London with bags from Abingdon, Reading, Maidenhead, Windsor, Swindon, Bath, Bristol and other parts of ihe West of England and Gloucestershire, at twentv-thiee minutes past twelve, morning; and ?i second London mail, with bags from Hounslow, Slough, Maidenhead and Read- ing, at len minutes before one, noon; and are despatched at half-past twelve, night; and twenty minutes past ten in the morning. Letters fiom Gloucester,, Cheltenham, Swindon, Bath and Bristol {night mait), every morning at ten minutes before one, and from the same places and others in the West of England [day mail), at ten minutes before four in the morning; and are despatched at twenty minutes past ten in the morning, and night at nine Letters from all parts of the North of England, also from Ireland and Scotlagd, every morning at half-past nine; and from Worcester and the neighbouring and intermediate places at halt-past two in the afternoon ; and are despatched at half-past four in the afternoon. Letters from Banbuky, Bicester, Woodstock, &c. (by mail cart) at twenty-five minulfes past ten at night, and ten minutes before twelve; and are despatched every morning at one and five. %• Letters can be posted after the box closes until five minutes before the despatch of the mails upon affixing an additional stamp to each. POST, HKADiSGTOti, Receiving House at James Waring's, schoolmaster. — Letters from all parts arrive (from Oxford, by foot post), every morning at half-past seven, and are despatched thereto at half-pait six I) the evening. ___^_______ THE UNIVERSITY. Chancellor — His Grace, Arthur, Duke of Wellington, k.g. D.c.L. [(Master of University). yice-Chancellor—RGv. Fredk. Chas. Plumptree, d.d. Proctors — Rev. George Mar.-hall, m.a. (student and censor of Christ Church), and Rev. William George Henderson, m.a. (Magdalen College). High Steward— T\ie Right Honourable William, Earl of Dev(ii>, D.c.L. Deputy High Steward — The Honourable John Chet- wynd T-ifbot, m.a (Christ Church). Representatives in Parliament— WiWi&m Page Wood, Esq., 12 Great George ^t, Westminster, and James Haughton Lnngston, Esq. of s^rsden House, Oxon UNIVERSITY OFFICERS. Curators of the Theatre — Benjamin Parsons Symons, D D. Warden of Wadham, and Philip Wynter, d.d. (President of Sa'nt John's). Keeper of the Bodleian Library — Bulkeley Bandinel, D.D., New College, and 31 Beaumont st. Under-Librarians—kev. Alfred Hackman, m.a. (chap- lain and piecentor of Christ's Church), and Henry Octavius C<'x, M.A. ( Worcfster College). Keeper of the Archives and Registrar — Philip Bliss, D.c.L. — office, Clarendon, Broad st. Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum — Philip Bury Dun- can, M.A. (New Collt-ge). Keeper of the Radcli^e Library — John Kidd, dm. (Christ Church). [*ory). Observer — Manuel John Johnson (Ratcliffe Observa- Assessor— iohw Roht. Kenvon. d.c.l.(AI1 Soul'sColl). Public Orfl/or— RichnrdMitchell, B.i>.(Magd.ilenHHll). University Cown^^/— Richard Bethell, Q.c. m.a. Wad- ham College). [judge, M.A. Proctors in the University Court — Lawrence Eboral, Solicitor— Q-AkvY Morrell, Esq. 1 St. Giles st. Esquire Bedels — Henry Forster, ma. (of Divinity) — ueoige Valentine Cox, m a. (of Medicine and Arts) %' —William VVaters Harrison, b. a. (Brazennose Col- - ' lege) (of Law). Yeomen Bedels — Henry Smith Harper [of Medicine &c Arts), 58 Hieh st— John Pillinger [of Divinity), 2 Park st— James Philip Shepperd (ofLaw),66 High st Organist — Stephen Elney, dm.; BailiJ' — WiW'Mm Perkins; Clerk of Ihe Schools — William Sims; F'er- ger — Moses Holiday; Divinity Clerk — John Pater; Marshall — Tiiomas B. Brown (Saint Giles' road). 1827 1819 1842 1831 1843 HEADS OF COLLEGES. FOUNDED. COLLEGES. HEADS. ELECTED- 1437. .All Souls' Rev. Lewis Sneyd, m.a. warden 1263. . Baliol Richard Jenkyns, d. d. master 1509.. Brazennose.... Richd. Hnrington, d.d. principal 1524. . ChristChurch . .Thomas Gaisford, d. d. the Very Rev. Dean. . 1516.. CorpusChristi. .James Norris, d.d. president 1316. .Exeter Jos.L scombeRichards, d.d. rector 183S 1571..JESOS' Heniy Foulkes, d.d. principal. 1838 1427. . Lincoln J no Radlord, d.d. rec/or 1834 1456, . Magdalene Martin Joseph Routh, D.D. president 1791 1272 Merton Robert B. Marsham, D.c.L. warden 1826 1379. . New College. . . David Williams, d.c.l. warden 1840 1337. . Oriel Edward Hawkins, d.d. provost 1826 1620. . Pembroke Francis Jeune, d.c.l. master 1844 1340. . Queens' John Fox, d. d. provost 1827 1557.. Saint John's.. .. Philip VVynter, d.d. president 1828 1554.. Trinity Jas.Ingiam,D D.;?>v«Vn/ 1824 1219. . University Fredk. Charles Plump- tre. D.D. master 1836 1611. . Wadham Benjamin Parsons Sy- mons, D.D. warden. . 1831 1714. . Worcester Richaid L. Cotiou,D.D. provost 1839 S5 ^xfortrgtiie. OXFORD, &e. 5!atei'0 HALLS. lVlAGDALENE...Ino. D.Mai bi ide, D.c.L. /wwc/yOa/ 1813 New Inn Hemy \Velle>k'y, d.d 1847 Saint Alban. . Edward Cardwell, d.o. principal 1831 SAiNTED.MLiND..Wiii.Tliomps()ii, D.D. principal. . 1843 Saint Marv.. . Philip Bliss, v.c.i.. principal 1848 PROFESSORSHIPS. I With the names and addirss of the I'mlessors, or theColl»'Ke to which the lalter bclone. | yinatomy, ^Uhichiun Professor of. Lees Lecturer in, and Prceleclor, o/— Jolin Kidd, m.a. C!iii-t Chiircli. ^nglo-Sason, Professor o/— John Kail, m.a. Oriel. ^■Irabic. Lord Almoner's Reader in — Jidiii David Mac- j biide, D.c.L. pnrici[)nlofMae;da!tMK' H.ill. | j^slronnmy, Satrilii/n Profeifsor of— \\ dWum Ki^hbiirn j Dan kin. New College lane. | Botany, Regius and Sherardian Professor o/— diaries I Giles Biidle Dmbeney, m.u. High st. I Cliymtslry, A tdriclnan Professor o/"— Charles Giles j Bridle bifubeney, si.D. High st. " 1 Clinical Professorship [Earl of Litchfield's) — James Adey Ogle, m.d. i rinity College. Dii'inity, Margaret Professor o/'— Godfrey Faussett, D.D. canon of Christ Church. " Divinity, Regius Professor of— W'WYvAm Jacobson, D.D. canon of Christ Church. Geology, Reader in — William Buckland, d d., f.r.s. Christ Clinrch. [f.r.s. Oriel Geometry, Sari/iun Professor q/— Baden Powell, m.a. Greek, Regius Professor of— Thomas Gaislord, D.D. the V'eiy lltv. the Dean of Christ Churcli. Hebrew, Regius Professor of-EAvi. Bouveiie Pustv, D.D. canon of Christ Church. History (Ancient) Camden Professor o/— EdnarJ Cardwell, B.D. principal of Saint Alban's', Hall. History (Modern) S( Modern Languages, Regius PiO' fessor o/"— Henry Halford Vaiighan, ma. Oriel. Laudian Professorship — Stephen Ileay, b.d., Saint Alban's Hall. Law [Civil) Regius Professor of — Joseph Philliniore, d cl- Christ Clinrch. Lau! (Common) finerian Professor o/"— John Robert Keiiyon, d.c.l. All Snui's. [Hall Logic, Reader in — llichard Michell, b.d. Mai;dak'»K! Medicine ( Practice of) A Idrichian Profesi>orof—i.\m&i Adey OkIc, m.d. Trinity College. Medicine Regius Professor of — John Kidd, D. M. Chri.st Chnich. [Church Mineralogy Reader in — William Buckland. D.D.Christ Music Professor of—S'iv Henry Rowley Bishop, b.m. New College. Pastoral Theology — Rev, Charles Atniore Ogilvie, D D. Christ Church. Philosophy { E.rperimehta/J Readers in — Robt. Walker, M.A. Wadhani Cnliege. Philosophy [Moral) Doctor IVhite's Professorship of — John Matthia Wil.son, m.a. Corpus Chiisti College. Philosophy [Natural] Professor of— Geo. Leigh Cooke, B.D. late Fellow of Corpus Chi isti. [College Poetry, Professor of — Jas. G.irbutt, M a. Braxennose Political Economy, Drnmmond's Professor i|. y Heaumont st Belts .Mr. — . 13 Si. Giles' st ! Bliss .M 1 .Philip, D.C.L.38 St.Giles' st i Bourne .Mrs. Mary, St. Michael's j Hou^e, Corn .Maiket st \ Bowell Mrs. Elizabeth, 10 Broad st , BiiuMiaw Thos. Jos.,Ks().86Hii;h si ; liiazier.Mr. James, l.i Pembioke st | Brazier .Mrs. Martha. 25 Hidywell st ^ Brooks .Mrs.Harriet,l(J Be.iuinnnt st 1 Brown Mrs. Eilcii, 1 Park place | Brown Mrs. .Maria, 31) .St. (iiles' st Biyaii Rev. Edwaid, 18 Mertou it | BuckleMis.— , Iffley Bull Mrs. .Maiy, New Inn Hall st | Bushy Mr. 'riiomas, 54 St. (illes's st Canuron Rev. George 'riioinas, 35 Penihroke street j Can- Mrs. Elizabeth, 27 High st., | St. Clement's [well s, Chapman Miss Saiah Ann, 27 Holy- ( ha>-e Capt. VViiliam,31 Si. Giles' 'st Chaiindy Mr. John, 2 Paradi-e sq. Clinch Mr. James, 8 Paik place Cooke Miss Giace & Susan, 1 New College lane [House, Iffley Cooper Rev. Edwaid Philip, Alanoi Oirnish Rev. Henry Hubert, 11 St. Giles' street Cox .Mr. George Valentine, m.a., Cowley House, St, Clement's 2t> Co.x Mr. William, 4 North parade Cox Rev. VVilliam Hayward, 15 Beaumont street Coxe Rev. Henry Octaiius, 14 Beaumont street Cni'iining Capt. — , Beaumont st Daman Rev. Churles, 8(5 High st Dore Mr. Edmund, 55 High street, St. C lenieni's Daiiheny Charles Giles Bridle, M.D., Bdtan'c wardens, High st Davenport the Misses — , Heading- ton hill Dayman Mrs.Flavia R. North parade D()l;e William, Em]., (j Noitli parade Dry Mrs. — , Merton st Dry Miss Elizabeth, 47 Hiyh st l)ryMiss'l'einperance,13Pembroke.?t Dry Mr. William, 24 Beaumont st Durell Daviil, Esq., New Inn Hallst Earn^havv Rev. Joseph, New Inn Hall street [well st Elvey Mr. Stephen, d.m., 2y Holy- Embliiig Mr. Jaines,St John's leir. Enswoith.Mr.Thoina«,185l. Giles' id Evetis Mrs. — , Iflley I'iiich Mr. Richard, Headington FistierMis. — , Hidvweli st Fletclier.Mr. Griffin, iO Walton place Floyd Mr. Wiiliaiii, Iffley Forster Mrs. Elizabeth, 23 Broad st Forster Rev. Thos., St. John's terr, Foucart Mrs. Mary, 61 St. Giles st Gardener Mr. John, 5 Long Wall st Giles Ricliard, m.d.. Lower Cowley House, St. Clement's Golding Mrs. Sarah, 40 Pemhroke st Golightly Rev. Georiie.fi Holywell st Good the Mis«es Cornelia, Maria & Elizabeth. 2 Park place [st GoodenoiigliMiss Julia, 34 St. Giles' Goring Henry, Esq. 25 Holywell st (iraiit Mr. Heiirv, 19 Pembroke st Grayson Mrs.Cihrne, 35 St. Giles' st Green Miss — , Holywell st Greene Miss Lydia, 3G Higij st Greenhill William Alexander, m.d., yi High street Gregory — , Esq., Cutslow House Giesswell Rev. Richard, 21 Beau- mont House Grimbley Mr.Owen, Summer town Glitch the Mis.ses — ,8 Long Wall st Hacker .Mrs. Mary Ann, Marsiiall, Rectory House, Iftlev Haddon Sirs. .Mary, 7 North parade Hales Rev.Richard Cox,l St. Giles' Villas [High st Harrington Rev. Richard, D.D., .30 Hazel Mrs. Marv, 5 Norih parade Hickman the Misses Elizabeth & Martha, 6 Beaumont st Hill Rev. John, G5 Highst Holand Mis. Marv, New Inn Hall st Holliday Mrs. Elizabeth, Victoria ct Ho()ewell Rev. Win. New IiiiiHall st Horsman Miss — , Oriel st Huckvale Mr. Win. 2 North parade Hudson Mrs. Catheiine Julia, 16 Long Wall st [well st Hughes Mrs. Lucy Maria, .33 Holy- Hughes Mrs. Martha, Worcester st Hussey Miss — , Iffley Hussey Rev Robt., 25 Beaumont .st Johnson Manuel John, Esq, Rai- cliffeOh-ervatory Johnson Mr. J. sepli.lS St.Giles' st J iidge Rev.LawrenceEboral,8 North p.irade Kiiapp Mr- Tyrrill, Headington hill Kidd John, l">q.M.D.,37 St.Gsles' st Latimer Mr. Digby, Htadington Latimer iMr Sturman, Headinuion Law Mrs. Grace Cthrn 3 Park place Lee Mrs. — , 3 St.Giles' st Lloyd Mrs. — ,53 Broad st Lumley Mrs. Elizabeth Louisa, 33 St. G'les' road Maitlaiid Charles, Esq. 57 High st Mann Miss Maiy Ann, Iffley Marshall Rev. Edward, 34 Beau- mont st [st Michell Rev. Richard, 38 St. Giles' Millard Rev. Ja^. Elwin, 58 High st .Morrell Baker, Esq., 1 St. Giles' st Morrell Fredk., Esq. 15 St Giles' st .Morrell James, Esq. Headington hill Moriell James, jun. Esq. Ki.sh row Muiicester Mr. William Warter, 2y Beaumont st Nealc Rev. Frederick, Iffley Ogilvie Rev. Charles Atmore, D.D., C6 St. Giles' st [Giles' st Ogle James Adey, Esq. m.d. 63 St. ^irectori). OXFORD, &c. ^xf0itrj5(6(re. Pniiie Mrs. Joseph, St. John's road Palmer Wm , Ks(]., 20 St. Giles' st Parker Joseph, K^q., 21 St. Giles' st Parsons John, Kscj., 93 High st Parsons Jdlui, Esq., Iffley Pater Mr. John (Divinity Clerk to the Untvei-sity), 55 Broad st Pearce Mrs. iMaiy Ant), 12 Beau- mont street Penson Mrs. — , 61 Hiphst Phiniptree lU'v. Frederick Charles, n.D., UniversitvCoUei^e [High st Prichard Mrs. Hannah Maria, 34 Priiig Rev. Joseph Cliarles,14 Lon- don place. Si. Clement's Prior Mr. John, 28 Holywell st Radcliffe Mrs. — , 48 St. John .st Radcliffe Rev. John, 96 Holywell st Rawlins Mrs. Ann, 36 Beaumont st Rawliiison Rev. GeorKe,9Merti)n st Reay Rev. Steplien, 46 St. Giles' st Sadler Charles James, Esq. (mayor) 26 Broad st [Commercial load Sadler the Misses Mary & Ann, Scott Mrs. Jane, 1 High street, St. Clement's Slatter Mr.s. — , Rose hill, Iffley Smallbone Mrs. Eliz,ibeth, 22 Saint Giles' street [st Sueyd Rev. Lewis, d.d., 32 High Speaknian Miss — , 16 St. Gilts' st Stevens Mrs.—, 19 Holywell st Stevens Mrs. Ann, 42, St. Giles' st Strong Capt. Henry. 16 High st 'I'almage Mrs. — , I'ffley Tawney Charles, Esq. Headington Thomas Rev. Vanjih;m, 60 High st ThompsonRev.Wm. D D., Queen's la Thorp John, Esq. 51 St. John st Thorp Rev. John, Summer Town Thorp William, Esq. 10 Holywell st Tiddeman Rev. Richard PhilipGolds- worthy, 27 Beaumont st Turner Miss Mary, 38 St. Giles' st Undershail John,' Esq., Iffley Venables Geo.,Esq.,23 Beaumont st Vernon George, Escj., Newnham Courtnev Walker Mr. Thomas, 14 Merton st Ward IMr. Henry, 13 Beaumont st Wellesley Rev. Henry, d.d., New inn Hall st West Rev. Joseph, 17 St. John st WeylandMiijor — ,Woodeaton House White Mrs. Ann, 31 Holywell st Whoi wood Rev.Thomas Henry,D.D. 64 High street Wiiberfoice the Right Rev. Samuel, Lord Bishop of O.xford, Chan- cellor of the Order ofihe Garter and Lord Almoner to the Queen, Cudd^sdon Palace, ne&vlFheatley Williams Rev. David, d.c.l.. New College lane [54 Broad st Wingfield Mrs. Hannah, Kettel Hall, Wintle Frederick Thomas, m.d., Headington hill Wood Mr. Henry, St. Ebbe st Wootion Mrs. — , Iffley Wornell Mr.George,3 North parade Wyatt Mrs. Ann, 11 St. John st AO.IDEailES AND PaSLIG SCHOOLS Marked thus * nre Boarding and Day Schools. Not otherwise described are Day Schools. •Andiews Fiances Maria, 28 New [iinHillst [st •Andrews John, 29 New Inn Hall Badcock William, St. Giles' road Bampton MarvA)in,6 NewCollegela Baptists' (girls' day school), Peii- son'sgardtiis — Elizabeth Hewlett, mistress [Iffley Barileifc Mis.MaryAnne (boarding), Bradley SHmnel, 4 Park place Bennett Mary Ann, Jew's mount Blue Coat Charity School — Church st—Philip.Margetts,master Blue Gown School, Beef lane — — Stone, mistress Charjty School (boys'), Heading- ton — James Waring, master Charity School (girls), Iffley — Mary Waite, mistress City Free School, Town Hall yaid-^Henry Smith, master Collingwood Fanny (boarding), Summer Town Cook Caroline, Beef lane Coombe's Charity School, St. Thomas st— Jwines Maltby, master •Clapper Josiuh, 47 St. John st Diocesan School, Cowley — John M. Bentutt, master Douch Fanny (gents' preparatory), 26 St. John st — Prudence Edge.*, mistress [John st Farbrother John (boarding), St. Gardner Martha, Redlion square HanwellMary(boardn«),Htadington Howe & Beaufoy (ladies' boarding), 60 St. Giles st Infants' School, Headington — Ann Jacob, mistress James Sarah, Observatory st King Alfred (hoarding &day), 26 Holywell street Leonard Benjamin (boarding), Iffley Luck Ruth (boarding & day), 15 Walton place [place Matthews Elizabeth, 31 Walton Nixon's School, Town Hall yard — Henry Smith, master [Friar st Nutt Josiah (boarding & day), Orlehar Arthur Bedford (boarding and day), 3 Holywell st PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS. Holywell (and lNFANTs'),Holy- well st — Martha Gray, mistre.ss Magdalene School, Gloucester greeiir— Charles Brothers, mas- ter; Mary Penn, mistress St. Aldates' (boys' and girls') School Yard st, Aldates— Wil- liam Green, master; Catherine Green, mistress St. Clement's (boys' & girls'), High st — George Haigh, master; Maty Fell, mistress St. Ebbes' (boys'), Fiiarst — Wil- liam Vanliagen, master St. Ebbes' (gills'), Blackfriars road — Mary Ann Janes, mistress St. Giles', Park place— William Woodward, master; Sarah Woodward, mistress St. Peter le Bailly, New road — CharlesGassey, master; Caro- line CastK', mistress St. Peter's-in-the-East, Rose lane — James Jenkins, master; HarrietJenkins, mistress; Mary Holland, mistress of Infant's School *Ray William, Iffley Sandell Joseph, 4 Brewer st Sandells Isabella (boarding & day), St. Giles road Slatter Rev. John fboarding), Iffley Toms Sarah (boarding), Cowley Tyrrell George, 9 Ship st University Grey Coat School, Clarendon st — James Price, master Wesleyan School (boys), Bui. wark alley— John Walker Six- smith, master I ACCOUNTANTS. Bartlett Edward, 12 Holywell st Betteiis John George (and law sta-» lioner), 5 Grove st [Walton pi Brooks John (& sheriff's officer), 5 Harper John, 35 Holywell st Hawkins Thoiiia^^, 2 St. John st Hobbs William Riiliard(& secretary to the Royal Oxfordshire Horti- cultural Society), 23 St, Giles' st Holloway Charles, Paradise square Luff Thoma-s, New Inn Hall st Smith Timothy, 2 8t.(;iles' st Woodford William, 121,i Highst ARCHITECTS & SURVEYORS. {See also Land Agents, If c, and also Surveyors.) Bruton Edward George, 28 St. John street [lane Cranston James, 2 New College Plowman & Luck, 12 Merton st UndervvoodHyJones,I8Beaumontst ARTISTS. [Sfiealsd Professors and Teachers.) Bracher Edward ( photographic por- tiait), 26 High st Richardson Joseph Vickers (land- scape (lainter), 20 Magdalen st Taylor Thomas, jun., (land.scape), 119 High street Turner William, 16 St. John st ATTORNEYS. Marked thus * aie Commissioners for takine; acknowledgmeuts of Deeds by Married Women, BeiiwellThos.2 High st,St.Clement's Brnnner William (and coroner), 20 Pembroke street [Newrd *Da»enpoitJohn Marriott (& notary), Dayman Golden (Walsh & Dayman, county iieasurer), 9 St. Giles st Druce George Frederick, 6 St, Aldate street ♦Dudley John Crews, 7 Broad st ♦Hester & Hazell, Town Hall, Si. Aldate i^aw Charles James, 45 St. Giles st •Looker John fund county clerk), 20 Queen street [st *Mallam Thomas & Chailes, STurl •Matthews John, 12 High st Morrell Baker, 4 St. Giles's st Morrell, Baker & Son, 4 St. Giks st Rackstrow (ieorge. 68 St. Giles st Robinson William What ton. New rd "Taunton John, Hogarth's passige, St. Aldate st. Taylor & Hnrtord, New Inn Hall st Tlinmp^on Fiederick Bolton, 13 St. John st [[broke st Wagner Thomas Jepson, 26 Peni- Walsh & Dayman (and clerks to the county magistrates), 9 St. Giles' st Walsh John & Henry, New Inn, Hall street Ward Thomas, 24 Broad st AUCTIONEERS AAPPRAISRS. Cook & Carl Wright, 80 Higii st Fisher John & William, 59 Corn Market st and Littlegate Green CharlesAlexander,144 High st King Frederick, 7 St. Aldate st Laycock Thomas, 129 High st Mallam Thomas & Son, 126 High st Messenger Charles, Summer Town Pavne William, jun.. 121^ High st Pike Robert, 2 St. Aldate st Richards Charles, 104 High st BAKERS. {See also Confectioners and also Shopkeepers, ^-c.) Arnatt Edward, 6 Market st .^yers Charles, St. Thomas st Banting John, 25 St. Aldate st 27 ^xforlrs!f)iie. OXFORD, &c. ^latci*^ BAKERS— Confinutd. Barnes '1 homas. New st Boffin Jaines.l Queen st Broadwater Jane, Litilepate st Bniadwaier Willirtiu John, 66 Holywell st Buckle Ri( hard, St. Thomas st Burrows James,43 New Inn, Hall st Butcher William, St. Aldatf st Cat'i William, Summer lown Chapman John (and bacon curer), 4.i High st, St. Cl»-ment's Collins William, 7 Magdalen st Corliut Christopher, St Thomas st Costar I>aac, Summer Town Ditke>oii John, St. Thomas st Elliott John, George st Mrws Grobe James, New Inn Hall st Giubb Isaac, 22 Queen st and 45 High st. Si. Clement's, and 32 St. Giles st Hale Joseph, Jeiicho Harper Charles, 18 King at Harpei James, Union st Hemmiiigs Henry, Friar st Higgs Thomas, Wellington st Horn Cathnrine, 15 Corn Market st Hosier William, Georae st Hunt George, Ulackfriai's road Hum George, New road Hunt Henry, Church st Hunt Jnhn. Botley Jeffcoat Charles, Headlngton Johnson Charles. Friar st Keeley John, 40 Qneen st King Joseph George, 13 High st, St. Clement's Lane Richiird, New st Lockey Edward, 6 Magdalen st Ldosley William, New st Medcraf James, 49 St. Aldate st Moody Edwin Francis, Headington Morgan David, Friar's entry Nevell William, 3 George st Parker George, London place, St. Clement's PikeJohn.Cowleyroad.St.Clenient's Pumfrey Kobcrt, New road Roberts Edward, 38 Holywell st Rowles John, Jericlio Scarsbrook George 28 Pembroke st Sheldon John, 39 Pembroke st Spring Samuel, 6 Casile st States Thomas (fancy bread and biscuit^ 40 St. Ebbes st Vaughan Richard, Gloucester green Watkins Henrv, 17 St. Aldate st White John, I'ffley BANKERS. London and Cocnty Joint Stock Banking Company, 16Highst — (draw on the HeadOffice, London) — Captain Henrv Stroug,nianager Morrell James & Ftobert, 134 High st — (draw on Jones, Lloyd and Co. Lomlon) Robinson, Paisons & Thomson (Old Bank), 92 Hinh st— (diaw on Coutt^, and Co London) UnderhillWilliamWootton & John, 3 St. Aldate st — (diaw on Mas- terman, Peters' and Co. London) Savings' Hank, 4 St. Aldate si — (open on Monday and Saturday from 12 till 2)— William Htniy Butler, actuary BASKET AND SIEVE MAKERS Coombs John, New Inn Hall at Nunney Thomas, 13 Market st BATHS. See under Public Buildings. 28 BILLIARD ROOMS. See under Public Buildings. BIRMINGHAM 6t SHEFFIELD 'WAREHOUSES. Davis Abraliam, 54 Hiuli st Friedlaender — , 47 High st, St. Clement's Hairis William, Paradise st Owen William, Jericho Solomon Lewis 25 Queen st Zachirias Abraham, 10 St. Aldate st and 2 Corn Market ^t BLACKSMITHS. Marked thus • are also Farriers. [See also fyhitesmiths.) •Butler Thomas, Crown yard. Corn Maiket st Callis John Joseph. Brewer st Chaoman Charles, Botley [st •Clavdon William, Little Clarendon Draper David, Cowley road, St. Clement's •Gardner James, George lane •Gardner James, Headington Gecifge Michael, George st, St. Clement's Howse Riihard Prince, Headington Medcalf John, Headington •Moigan Thomas. Speedwell st •Rogers Amelia, 10 St. Ebbes st Saunders Thomas, Worcester place BOAT BUILDERS. Carter, Sh( riatt& Hall.FoUy bridge King Isaac, 1 Isis st and Folly bridge Ward William & Co. (barge) Jericho BOOKBINDERS. [See also Booksellers.) Bellamy Maria, 43 High st Bennett Charles, 3 St. Ebbes st Curti* David, 34 Pembroke st and 106 j High st Grainue William, Friar's entry Hartley Robert, St. Giles' road Hayes William, 5 Oriel st Kile Frederick, London place, St. Clement's Maltby & Bloxam, St. Helen's pas- sage. New Collegf lane Mansell William, 106^ High .st Omash Richard, Summer Town Salter William Ham. 130 High st Sanders James, 10 Blue Boar lane Shrimptou .l"hn, 22 Ship st Slirimpton Thomas, 14 St.Aldate st Tra^h F'lederick (account book) 3| Queen st BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. Marked Ihns • are also Piiblishera, •Abrams Jdseph, 37 Hiuh st Aldan Henry, 5 Queen st Bellamy Maria, 43 High st Blackwell Benjamin, 46 High st, St. Clement's Boddington Thomas, 6 Oriel st Carde John Baptist, 6 High st, St. Clement's Dewe Ji.hn, lOShipst [Aldate st Gill Maiianne (periodical), 59 St. j Goodden Charles (periodical), 33 ' Speedwell st Gnham William, 41 High st Haines John, 12'1'uil st Harris Thomas, 16 Broad st Holder Henry, 20 St. Aldate st Ladd Heniy, 10 Hith st Layrock 'Ihomas, 129 Hiiihst Lenthall John. 10 Oriel Rt Macpherson Francis, 94 High st •I'arkerJohn Henry. 28 Bioad si Plowman Joseph (and news agtrnt) 1 St. Aldate st Richaids Charles, 104 Hiifh st Slirimpton Thomas,14 St. Aldate st •Slatter Henry, 2 and 3 Hiah st Spiers Edwin '1 hooias, 96 High st Tavlor Henry, 2 Pembroke st Taylor Thomas, 119 Higlist Thornton Joseph (second-hand), 51 High st Vincent Joseph, 20 High st •Wheeler James Luff, 106 High st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Acott George, 25j St. Aldate st Adams Saiah, 22 St. Aldate st Allen John, Church st Baycock John, 8 Pembroke st Bennett Thoma-, 26 Walton place Bessant Frederick, 105 High st Boddington Robert, 37 Castle st Boffin Thomas, 49 Castle st Campion Cain, New Inn Hall st Castle Jonathan, London place, St. Clement's Cooper John, Headington Cooper William, St. Ebbes st Cox Frederick (ladies' slioe).4New College lane [St. Aldate st CiozierMatihewHenry (warehouse) Davenport 'I'homas, 5 St. Aldate st Derrick Thomas, George st Duke RiclMrd, 7 Castle st Dumbleton William, SummerTown Dunsby Robert, II Cambridge st Elliott Edwin, 35 Corn Market st Giles John, 43 Castle st Gillman Richard, 70 Holywell st Gould Charles (warehouse), 24 High SI. St. Clement's Grant William, Little Clarendon st Hainge John, SummerTown Hamilton John, Walton terrace Harris John, Friar's entry Hairis Thomas, 76 Hinh st Harris Thomas, Headington Hartwriglit William, 36 High st,St. Clement's Harvnd ag(ni for Haw- kins' London improved bi>()t and shoe heel), 10 Broad st, opposite Baliol Colleue Woodward Samuel, New Inn Hallst Woodward Thomas, Church st BRAW^N AND SAUSAGE MAKERS. Davis Samuel, Otiservatory st Henimiiig>Joseph,4 Corn Market st Knibbs James, 3 Pembroke st Lucas John, 111 High st Slatier Joanna (>ausae;e) 1 Grove st Woodford CliarltS, Church st BRAZIERS AND TIN-PLATE WrORKERS. Berry Francis, 53 St. Giles st Brooks William, 19 Queen st Floyd Henry, 108 High st [ents Geoige Thos. 33 Hi«h st, St. Clem- Gill & Ward, 5 High st Harris Henry, Walton place Pack wood George, 32 Castle st BREECHES MAKERS AND GLOVERS. Quarferman Ahel, 30 Broad st Quarternian William, St. Aldate st BREWERS. Archer J no. (retail ), 58 St. Aldate st Bruton George, 42 Castle st EvansJoel,Cowleyroad,St.Clement's HaII,Tavvney&Co., Swan Brewery St. Thomas street Miller Wm. Church st, & New road Morrell James, St. Thomas st Wootten llichaid (the Executors of;, Cher well st, St. Clement's BRICK MAKERS AND QUARRY OWNERS. Coppock John, Headington Quarry Hedges John, Headington Qtiarry BRICKLAYRS «c PLASTERERS. Marked thus * are Plasterers only. Biggs Samuel, New st •Bucket! William, Ulackfriars' road •Collier James, 23 St. Ebbe st Guise William, Blackfriars road •Hanks Ann, Waltott place •Heritage Satnuel, North parade Noon Thomas, Park place [well st •Nunney George, Bath place, Holy- Nutiney William, 5 St. Ebbe st Rolph Joseph, J eric ho BUILDERS. Barrett J nnathan.LittleClarendon st Barrett Thomas, Observatoi y st Carter John, 5 New College lane Castle Robert & Son, Cowley load, St. Clement's Fisher John * William, 59 Corn Market street and Littlegate Gardiner James, 8 George st Hope Joseph, 36 Holywell st Hudson & Matthew, 16 LonuWall st Johnson Janies, Worcester place Jones Thomas, (ieorge st KnowlesThos. &Son,79 Holywell si Long James, Friai's whiirf Ludlow Stephen, 46 St. Aldate st Plowman & Luck, Merton st RedJiead Richard, 33 Broad tt Rooke Charles, SummerTown [st Symm Joshua Robiusoti,34St. Giles Wintei borneThos.St. John's terrace Wyatt Margaret, 74 St. Giles' st BUTCHERS. Adams John Abraham (pork), Com- mercial road Alden Thomas, Grand Pont Atidrew William Henry, Claren- doti buildings Radcock Thomas, .30 Speedwell st Baker Joseph, Water lane Hirt Thomas (poik), Jericho Bolton Frederick William, 23 High street, St. Clement's Bryan John, Walton place Collins Edward, 54 St. Aldate st Cowley Ja>. (poik), St. Thomas st Eaton Charles, Jericho Faulkner John,, 35 St. Aldate st Haiper James, Union st Holliday Williant, SummerTown Hooper Henry (pork), Adelaide st Herbert John, 6 Albert st Hughes Jesse, High st,St.Clemeiit'g Lewin VVIlliam, 8 St. Ebbe st Mansfield Thomas, Church st Mat)sfield Thomas, Wrtlton place Marsh Esther, 42 George st Mobley George, Observatory st Mobley William, 2 Friar st Rose John (pork), St. Thomas st Siinms Robert, St. Thomas st Sollovvay Daniel, Church st Sclloway Wm. Daniel, Clarendon st Stevens John & George, 19 and 69 Holywell street Tustin Sainh Colcutt, 1 St. Giles st Walkett Thomas, Claremlon place Watkitis Charles, St. Aldate st Wiblin Charles, 15 High st, Sf. Clemetit's [Clement's Wilkins Charles, 69 High st, St. Wilkins William, Headineton Woodford Charles, Church st CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. (See also Upholsterers.) Atkins Benjamin, 2 L' enlrv HiggiiisRdvvd.Matthew.St.John'srd Higiiins John, George st HiiL'gins Benjamin, Observatory st Johnson lames, Worcester st [ent's L w'isOwen, Cherwell st, St.Clem- Maish Thomas, Canal wharf Moore Thomas, Bl.ickfriars road Pharoah John, Canal wharf Qniterman Henry, 33 St.AMate st Hound Jos., 3§Qni-en st&Canalwhrf Round Williani& Henry, Canal wharf Siinmonds Ann. 31 Pembroke st Simm'ins John, jun., Wellinijton st Smith Ambrose, 7 Walton place and Canal wharf Steanc Samuel Kdward, New mad Sutton Samuel, 45 ConiMarketst W.iite John, Canal wiiarf [road Ward William & Co.(&, slate), New Weaving John, New road CONFECTIONERS. Alisop Kli/.ai>cth, 52 St. /Mdate st Biggerstatf Thomas, 3 St. Ahlate ct Boffin jMiiies, 1 Queen st Brown William, 97 Hitth st Bntler Silas, 39 Corn Market si Caiter John, o New CoUeue lane Castell Richard, 7 St. Giles st Couling Robert, 27 Corn Market st Ciipps Mary, 18 Broad st Drewitt Robert. 72 St. Giles st Gadney Harriett, 3 Ilidcliffe square Hiiiton William, 15 Oriel st Horn Catherine, 142 Hiyh st and 15 Corn Mark- 1 st Hosier William, George st James Robert. 74 Hitjli st Johnson Lharli-s, 23 St. Aldate st Kim; VA'im, 1 Pembroke st King Joseph George, 13 High st, St. Clement's Kirbv Ann. 3 Paik st Sc irsbrook Georue. 28 Pembroke st Shields Thomas, 49 High st .Spritig Samuel, ('> Castle st States Thomas, 43 St. Ebbe st 30 Stevens William, 30 CornMarket st Wood John William, NewInuHall st COOPERS. CarterThos.,44Highst,St.Clement's Husres George, Friars entry TaylerTom, 334 Pembrol;e st Tayler Frances. 19 St. Aldate st CORK COTTERS. Crozicr Maria, 34 Queen st Lee Elizabeth, 14 Queen st CORN & SEED MERCHANTS AND DEALERS. Ashley Thomas, Higli Uridge st Crabb Samuel, St. John's road Drewett John, St. Thomas st (irubb Isaac, 32 St. Giles st Loi key Kdward, 6 Magdalen st Marsh Tbomas, Canal wharf Nevell William, George st Steane Samuel Edward, New road Ward William & Co., New road Watkins Charles. St. Ah'ate st Weaving John, New road CORN DEALERS 6t MEALMEN Burrows James, 42 New Inn Hall st Grubb Isaac,22Queen st&45Higli st, St. Clement's [Clement's King Joseph George., 13High st, St. CURRIERS AND LEATHER CUTTERS. Coleman & Tagg, 4 ftlagdalen st Darlington Thomas, Friars entry Flovd John Bailey, 14 Magdalen .st Quelch Stephen & Son (and leather sellers), 9 St. Ebbe street and Speedwell street Wright Edward John, 16 Queen st CUTLERS— ■WORKING. Bayne Maiy Ann, 99 High st Brookes James, Paradise st Chadwell Charles Bayne, 15 Grove st Robinson John, 46 Corn Market st DAIRYMEN. Brooks Moses, 47 Holywell st Castle Benjamin, St. Aldute st Gray Job, 29 St. Aldate st Harper Sophia, Union st Howse William, Jericho DENTISTS. Bevers Edmund, 46 Bioad st Spencer Norman, 63 High st DYERS. Bennett George, Ghmcester green Bough John,4§High st, St. Clements De Bank Thoinas, 44 Pembroke st Hicks Edward, 77 High st Howrigan Pierce, Church st Jones Fredeiiek, 16 Market st Luff Thomas, New Inn Hall st Medcraft Richaid.Summer Town EATING-HOUSE KEEPERS. Fanlkiif r James JosiabCiempeiaiice hotel), St. Al'laie st Hemmings Joseph,4 ConiMarketst Lambert John (coffee and leading rooms), 1 Blue Boar lane Pollard .lames, 29 Queen st EMBROIDERERS. Rose Elizabeth (anil fancy & Berlin wool reposiiory),29 Com Mrktst Wells Edwaidfand IUmHm and fancy repository), 141 Hiuh st ENGRAVKS & COPPER-PLATE PRINTERS. Clrmcnts John, 44 Hiu'li st Gray Edwin, Clarendon st Hands Henry, 18 Hiuh st Heavi>idi' JmIiii Smith feiigravcr on wood), 125 Hii;h st Mathiws .Michael Ancclo Alfred (and stationer), 15 ^li^gdalell st Mathews William, 14 Grove st Trash Frederick, 3i Queen st ESTATE AGENTS. See Land and Estate Agents. FIRE, &C OFFICE AGENTS. Accidental Death (insuiance), DaltonParr Mallam, St Aldate st Alliance, John Crews Dudley, 7 Broad street Anchor, William Baxter, St. Al- date st ; ami Henry Quarterman, 33 St. Aldate st [st ARGUs(life)Tlinmas WHrd,24Broad Atlas, John Bradstced, 16 High st Birmingham (Iire),VVilliam Cooke 80 High st British Empire, Robert Hills, 25 Walton place Church of ENGLAND,John Haines 12 Turl st Clerical, Medical and General (life), John Freeman Wood, 34 Broad st County (fire) and PROviDENT(life) John Coleman, 4 Maiidalen st Crown (life), Michael Underhill & Sons, 7 High st Economic, John Marshall Fiske, 23 Corn Maiketst [Market st General, James Steane, 34 Corn Globe, John Fisher, 59 Corn Mar- ket sr, and Littlegate Guardian, F^dwin Butler, 1 St. Aldate street - Imperial (tire), Frederick Varuey, 14 St. John st Industrial General (life and de- posit), William Richard Hobbs, 23 St. Giles st Law (fire).Thoma-j & Charles Mal- lam, 3 Turl st; and Frederick Moirell,4 St. Giles st Legal and Commercial, Shilling- ford, Phillips & Blake, 41 and 42 Corn Market st Liverpool and London, Robert Pike, 2 St. Aldate st London Indisputable, Henry Hands, 19 Hitih st Merchant andTradesmens' Mu- tual (life), William Biddle, 45 St. Aldate street Mitre (life), John Taunton, Ho- garth's passage, St. Aldate st National Friendly Society, George Hodges, 13 Queen st National Provident ilife) James Luff Wheeler, 106 High st Norwich Union, George Gny, 51§ Corn Market st Palladiu-ni (lile)Joseph Plowman, 1 St. Aldeaie st Pelican (life),Thomas and Charles Mallam, 3 Tnrl st PiiojNix (file), Michael Underbill & Son, 7 Higlist; and Hester Sheard, 21 High st Railway Passengers'Assurance, Jo«eph Plowman, 1 St. Aldate st RovAL Exchange, Henry Jacob, 36 Pembroke sr RovAL Farmers' (fire, life, and hailstorm), Joseph Giilett, 54 Corn Market street ScoTrisH Amicable (life), Robert Wicks, New road Scottish Provident (life) Charles James Shaw, 45 St. Giles st Scottish Union, George Wvatt, 71 St. Giles st Solicitors' and General, George Frtdiiiek Diure, 6 St. Aldate st Star, Adin Williams, 1.36 High st Sun, Robert, Haines, 92 H»gh st Union, John Thomas Dobney, 14 Walton place IBinctorp. OXFORD, &c. ^.tfoitr^ftire* United Kingdom (life), Thomas Hawidns. 2 St. Joliii st West of England, George Rack- sirovv, 68 St. Giles >t Yorkshire, Frederick Telfer, 11 Corn Maiket st FISHMONGSRS&DEALERS'IN GAME. Benan Tiiomas, 43 St. Ebbe st Carter Jobii, 130 Hiali st [«' Gi-eatbatch'riioinas,60 Corn Market Hadley Jeremiah, 30§ Corn JMrkt st Merry John, 44 CaMlest Plowman Wni., 48 Corn Market >t Tester Samuel, 27 High st FRUITERERS. Bevan Thomas, 43 St. Ebbe st Huahes Samuel, 20 High st, St. Clements Pettvfer Enoch, 73 St. Giles st Smith George, St. Aldate st Stevens Wiiiiam,30 Corn Market st Wharton Robt-rt (foieign fruit and Italian warehouse )26CornMarktst Wheeler Willian., SMaiket st FURNITURE BROKERS. Bridgewaiei- WiHiain,33St. Giles si Bull Joiin,8 Qneen st Bunker Gra e (and chnir maker to the trade) 9 High st, St. Clements Faulkner Fiederick, 1 George st Freeman Joseph, 39 Queen st Green John, St. Aldate st Hitchcock Thns. High .stSi. Clements KingHenrv, 33 St. Ebbe st Liddell Robr. 22 High st,St.Clements Mallain Dalion Parr, St. Aldate st Parker Joseph, 27 St. Aldate st Parker Jose|)h, Friar's t-iitry Tubb Geo, 67 High st, St. Clements GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. Marked thus * are also Nurserymen. Castle Jas (& florist)SummerTown •Chaundv Richard, 10 Queen st *Day William, 22 Broad st, and Virtf)na gardens Dunbar George, Ob«er»atory st Hewlett Thomas, St. Giles' road Kirkpatrick Alexander, Koselane Looker Thomas (& florist), Jericho Trindt-r Job, Jeiicho Turnbull Richard, 18 Market st GROCEBSAND TEADEALERS. {See also Shopkeepers, i(c., and also Tallow Chandlers.) Birt John, New road [road Booth Alfred Scrivener, St. Giles' Bridges George, 56 St. Giles st Cooper Francis Thomas, 46 High st Cro.-s Richard 22 Corn Market st Doriiior Heniy, 30 Queen st Dormor James, 69 High st Grimbly & Hughes (and cliee.se- mongers and provision dealers,and British wine makers), 56 Corn ^latket street [Giles st Grubb Thomas (tea dealer) 32 St. Havles John Wilson, 38 Queen st Higgonson William, Clarendon pla Hounsluw J )hu & Sou, 67 and 68 High street Hughes James, 11 Magdalen st Kett Edward, Clarendon place Laker Charles, 55 High st Miles Peter & Co., Grafton House, St. Aldate st [Giles st Pettyfer Enoch (tea dealer), 73 St. Pumfrey Robert, New road Richardson Richard, 18 High st Rockall* Jones (and Italian ware- house) 32 Broad .-t Sheard Hester, 21 Hieh st Tnbl) 'I'hos. Wm. 37 Corn Market st Undeihill Charles, 11 Beaumont at Underbill Michael &Son, 7 High st City, and 16 and 17 High st, St. Clements Walker Abnham, 39 Holywell st Warburton Geo. Henry, 72 High st Wailand Henry, St. Giles' road Way Wm 110 High st & St.Aldate st Willsher Joseph, 13 Magdalen st GUN AND PISTOL MAKERS. Beckliuson Frederick,6 St. Aldate st Brown Richard, 68§ High st Pether William, St. AMatest Venables John, 21 St. Aldate st HABERDASHERS & HOSIERS. Marked thus • are also Shirt Makers. Castle Nathaniel (and glovtr), 13 High street Diing John, 1 Beaumont st Fiske Jonathan & Son,23 Corn Mar- ket street ♦Hodges George, 13 Queen st Horn John, .30 St. Aldate st Oxford Clothing Establish- ment, 2 and 3 Queen st ♦Randall Thomas, 22 High st Ringrose William, 24 St. Aldate st Roi^e Elizabeth, 29 Corn Market st Sparrow James, 25 Co'n Market st *Standen Katharine Sinnau, 28 High street Thorp John Charles & Co. (and glovers), 20 High street and 44 Broad .street Williams Adin, 136 High st HATTERS. ♦Roebuck, RicliaidGurden, 8 Com Market street •Star, Samuel Young Griffith, 51 Coin Market street Three Cups, George Bruton, 44 Queen street Three GoHt.% Thomas Bishop, 32 Corn Market street Wheatsheaf & Anclior, Benjamin Hayward, 15 St. Aldate st IRON et BRASS FOUNDERS. Grafton Charles, Eagle Foundry, 2 Broad st, and Jericho Lee James (fi engineer, & agricul- tural implement, and machine maker), Speedwell street Taylor William & John (and bell- founders), Bliickfriars road IRONMONGERS. Marked thus * are also Braziers. {See also IFhUesmiths.) ♦Brooks William, 19 Queen st ♦Browning Jonathan Samuel (and manufacturer), 57 Corn Market st Carr Henry, Walton place ♦Eagleston Hannah, 8 High st, St. Clement's [lOBHit-hst ♦Floyd Henry (& manufacturer), ♦Gil & Waid, 5 High .st Morris James, New road ♦Stevens Da\id, Grove st Wyatt George, 71 St. Giles' st i LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS I AND SURVEYORS. [See also Surveyors — Land.) Bathe Avice, 43 Hiah street, St ! Allen John, 8 Beaumont st Clement's [St. Clement's j BadcocU lienjainin, 27 Broad st Biggs William John. 10 High st, Hewett Geoige, 108 High st St. King Frederick, 7 St. Aldate st Neighbour John, Headington Pike Robert (and valuer), 2 Aldate street LAST, BOOT-TREE, AND PAT- TEN MAKERS. Harris Thomas, 55 St. Ebbe st Price Julia, 14High st, St. Clement's Smith John, 28 Queen st LIBRARIES-CIRCULATING Harris Thomas, 16 Uroad st Holder Henry, 20 St. Aldaie st Plowman Joseph, 1 St. Aldate st Spiers Edwin Tiioma*, 96 High st LINEN DRAPERS, SILK MERCERS, &c. [See also IVoollvn Drapers.) Castle William, 143 High st Chilton & Beaumont, 9 High st Elliston & Caveli, 12 Magdalen st Evans Samuel Lavingdon & Co., 12 High stieet Hanley Daniel, 10 Castle st Howland Harraan John, C4 Corn Market street North & Phillips, 1 M^'gdalen st Sweetman Nicholas, 28 Corn Mar- ket street Tarry Ebenezer Joseph, 56 High st Thorp & Hillier, 20 High st, and 44 Bioad street Wiseman William, 1 High st LITHOGRAPHERS. Plowman Joseph, 1 St. Ablate st Tra-h Frederick, 3i Queen st LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS. William Die keson, 1 1 Turl st i Beeslev Ricliard, 1 Bear st ♦Golden Cross, William Holland, 5 Clark John, 30 St. Aldate st Corn Market stieet Davis Charles, 14 Holywell st ♦King's Arms, Frederick Stone, Davis Francis, 1 Blue Boar lane Park st and Holywell st Figg William, 9 St. Aldate st Lamb & Flag, William Bayzand, Manning VVilliam.21Corn Market st St. Giles' st [8 I'url st May John, 14 Long Wall st Maiden Head, Francis Greenwood, | Payne William, New Inn Hall st ♦Mitre, Arthur Venables,17 High st Perrin Thomas, Brewer st 31 Castle Nathaniel, 13 High st Fiske Jonathan & Son, 23 Corn Maiket street Hodges George, 13 Queen st Hookham & Minty, 3 Corn Mar- ket street Horn John, 30 St. Aldate st Hyde Thomas & Co. (wholesale), 31 and 32 Queen st Martin Thomas Weston, 9 Broad st Oxford Clothing Establish- ment (wholesale), 2 & 3 Queen street Pair John, 20 Stup st Parsons & Fo>ter,123 & 124 High st Randall Thomas, 22 High st Ringrose William, 24 St. Aldate st Scoti Pl.oebe (and furrier), 12 Corn Market street [street Standen Katharine Sirman, 28 High Thorp John Ch^irles & Co., 20 High street, and 44 Broad st Williams Adin, 136 High st HOP MERCHANTS. Pike James (and dealers in patent malt), Worcester st Smith rtmhiose, 7 Walton place HORSE DEALERS. Wheeler Edward, Brewer st Wheeler William, 3 Market st INNS AND HOTELS. Marked thus * are Posting Houses. [See also Taverns Sc Public Houses.) ♦Angel, Samuel Young Griffith, 84 High .street Di(k>on's Coffee House, John d^ifoitiisfiivc. OXFORD, &c. ^latei'5 LIVERY STABLES— Co;i/in«ed. Secklmn Williaiii, 19 Magdalen st Symonds Charles, ;^0 Holywell st Syinuiuls Geoige, 7 St. John st Tolli't Josepii, 3 Alfred st, High st Wheeler William, New Itiii Hall st MALTSTERS. GoundreyElizabetli, 10 Market st HhU, Tawnev & Co,, St. Thomas st Miller Win, Church st,& New road Morrell James, St. Thomas st Smith Ambrose, Walton i)lace Ward William & Co., New road Wickens James, 63 Corn Market st Wooiten Richard (the Executors ot), Headinglon MERCHANTS. Steane, Davis & Steane (and mus- tard and chicory manufacturers), New road MILLERS. BrockleJS John, Castle Mills Hunt John, Butley Mills Sheldon Jonathan Osney Mills Sttane Joseph, Steam Mills MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS Allsop Caroline, 42 Holvwell st Bacon H.-len, 17 Lone; Wall .st Baldwid Elizabeth, Clarendon st Ball Catherine. St. John's road Barnes Ann, 35 Queen st Blo.xham MarySc Frances & Emma, 7 St. AlJate st Booth Elleu & Ann, 122 Hi^h st Bravier Eli/bh.High st.St.Clenient's Bunting M^iV, 7(i Holywell st Campion Ann, New Inn Hall st Coker Ann, 63 Holywt-ll st i Collcu'tAnn,-26High st,St.Clenient'S Cross &Thoma.s,Little Clarendon st i Davis Eliza, Gloucester green I Ddvi.s Frances, ObservHt'iry st i Deacon Sarih, Observatory st Dring Elizabeth, 1 Beaumont st I Gibbs Elizabrtli. Little Clarendon st Harris Ann, 55 St. Ebbest , H'cks Mary Ann, George st , Hopkins Maria, (Jeoree st 1 Kempson Mary, Friar's entry j Kench Caroline, 67 St. Giles' st I Knight Elizabeth, 21 Quten st Lidilell Hann^l), 22 Friar st Lord Eliza, 17 Market st 1 Loveijrove .Maiy Ann, St.John's road | Moore Elizabeth, St. Giles' mad i Mornaii Hannnh, (iloncester green Morion Harriet, 30 St. Giles' st ' New Martha, Friar's <'niry Newaik Ann, 30 Broad st Park.-r Mar»;aiei, 43 Holywell st Pitt\fer Maria, Church st Quelch Maigaret, Worcester place Reed Loui-a, 142 High st Searle Belinda, 2 Beaumont st Slaiter Mary Ann, Jericho Sparrow Mary Ann, 25 Corn Mar- ket street Stanton Sarah, 67 Holywell st Steel Eliz -beth, 2 Castle st Swadling Mary Aun, Cowley place, St. Clement's Thomas Susan, New Inn Hall st Vrnables Ann, 21 St. Aldate st Watson Susannah Sarah, 51 Saint .-Mdate street MUSIC AND MUSICAL IN- STRUMENT SELLERS. Alden Hcnrv, 4 Queen st Barratt Marianni-. 11 St. Aldate st Frost Edward, 78 Higlist Hus^ell James, 125 High street, and 5 Turl street 32 NEWSPAPERS, AND THEIR PUBLISHERS. Oxford Chronicle (Saturday), Cooke & Westbiook, 127 High st Jacksons' Oxford Journal (Saturday), Henry Hall, Esq, pro- piietor— Jonathan & Jonathan William Lowndes, publishers, 65 Corn IMarket street Oxford University and County Herald (Saturday), Joseph Vin- cent, yo High st PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. Ball Iloheit, St.John's road Bliss James, 49 Broad st Bradfield John, 50 Broad st Giaham Roht. Fredk., Worcester pi. Hill Sarah, 35 High st Hitciicock John, Observatory st Hitchings Edward Nathan, 13 Broad street LukerWm. Lewis, 21 Holywell st Martin George, 1 Friar st Nutt Charles, 52 St. Ebbe st Taylor John, Paradise square Thicke George Saufoid, 4 High st, St. Clement's Tyror Thomas Richard, Friar st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Beesley & Carter, 15 Long Wall st Bliss James, 49 Broad st Bliss William & James, Alfred st ! Bloxham ArthurJas..7 St. Aldate st Cannon Richaid, 28 High st.. Saint i Clement's [C-lement's Carter John, Caroline St., Saint Dudley George Dinnis, 43 Broad si I Goddard Edward. Clarendon place I Hayties Edward. 18 St. Aldate st Ht-dges David, Paradise square Hickman Lury, 85 High st Hill Sarah, 35 High st Hill William, 23 Pembroke .st Hitchings Edward Nathan, 13 Broad street Kencli Ben, 67 St. Giles' st Knovvles Frederick, 60 St. John st Mathews William, 3§ Queen st Peel Robt., 35 High st,St.Clement's Roberts Joseph, 3§ Queen .st Thomas Robert, 52 Holywell st Thompson William, 59 High st Tibbeits James, New road Wheeler Edmund, 16 Queen st PAPER HANGERS. Atkins John Hem v, 4 Castle st Fletcher Robert, 83 High st Gouling John, Friar's entry I James John (and uudertak er), 31J Broad stieet Payne William, jun. (and under- taker), 121iHi«hst Rowell Georae Augustu.s, Alfied st Thompson William, 59 High st Wicks Koheit, New road PAPER MANUFACTURER. Towie John (and millboard), HiNK- SEV and Weir Mills PERFUMERS AND HAIR DItESSERS. Marked thus • are also Stationers. Besth Thomas (hair dresser), 41 St. Ebbe street [Queen st Best William (hair dresser), 24 Blaerove Friderick(hairdressei ),18 Corn Market st [George st Blafiiove Frederick (hair dresser), Blake John (hair dresser). George st •Biidges Charles Smith, 29 Hieh st Buntini; Henry WiHiam(hair dresser). New road Chauiidy Amelia, 138 High st Col well Elizabeth, 32 High street, I St. Clement's Court William, Speedwell st •Hedges Jmucs William Hedges, 2 Turl street •Hewitt John, 45 High st Higt;ins John, 39 St. Ebbe st Hitchcock John, 33J Queen st Horn Sarah, 7 St. Aldate st Howse James, 5 Market si Irwin Fredk., 31§ Corn Market st Kent Edwin Philip, 33 Pembroke st •London William, 2 Market st Mayell Thomas, 43 Castle st Parker Joseph, 27 St. Ablate st ReynolilsHenry,51i Corn Market st •Rose Frederic, 7 Corn Market st •Shepperd Wm.Cha«.,45Holvwell st Smith Richard, 30 St. Aldate st •Spiers & Son (& importers, nianu< facturers and fancy dealers;, 102 & 103 High st [Clement's Taplin William, 11 High street, St. Weston William, 17 Bioad st Wilson William (hair dresser), Walton place PHYSICIANS. Acland Hy. Wentw(iith,40 Broad st Giles Richd. Lower Cowley House, St. Clement's GreenhillWm.Alexander,91 Higli st Jackson Robert, 32 Holvwell st Kidd John, m.d., 37 St.'Giles st Ogle James Adey, m.d., St. Giles st POULTERERS. Furley John, 8 Hiah st Richards Robert, Summer Town PRINTERS— LETTER-PRESS. Alden Henry, 5 Queen st Baxter William, St. Aldate st Cooke & Westbrook, 127 High st Hall Henry, 100 Holywell st Hall Thomas, New road Ham Joseph, 14 St. Aldate st Holder Henry, 20 St. Aldate st Hurcomb Philip, Friar's wharf Morris Edward Webster, 13§ High street, St. Clement's Shrimpton Ingram, Crown yard. Corn Market st [ket st SunuMsford Henry, 62 Corn Mar- TiashFredeiick(and machine ruler), 35 Queen stieet University Press, Walton place — Thos.Coinbe,Uni''ersity printer Vincent Joseph, 90 High st PRINT-SELLERS & CARVERS, AND GILDERS. Davis Eliza, 6Tuilst Margeits& Eyles (and ecclesiastical decorators)', 96^ High st PettyGeorge,3 H igh st, St. Clement's Pound John, 1 Bear st Ryman James (and publisher), 24 aii'l 25 High street Shrimpton John, 20 Broad st Thomp.son William, 59 Hii;h st Walter VVilliam Hill, 82 High st WooUofe Joseph, 8 Merton st VVvatt Jas. & Son (and publisher), 115 High street PROFESSORS at TEACHERS. Marked thus • are Professors of Music. {See also the University Professors.) •Adams (ieorge Andrew, 12 Ship st •Adams William, 17 Pembroke st •BamptonMary .Ann (and dancing), 16 New College lane •Barratt Marianne, 11 St. Aldate st BertiainRobt.(German), 1 Queen st Cardi John Baptist (French and Itali.in), 6 High st, St. Clement's •Corf Charles (organist to Christ Church), 4 .Merton st [s' De Brion Hy (French),4rSt. Aldate •ElveyStephen, u.m., 29Holywell st iiirectora* OXFORD, &c. iBxfottt»i)itt, ♦Frost Edward, 78 High st •Harper CeciliaJane (and dancing), 58 Corn Market street •Keinagle Alexander Robert (and orgaiii-t), 21 Holywell st Riihardsoii Joseph Vickers (draw- , ing), 20 Magdalen st •Sharp Benjamin, 30 St. Jolin st •Tyrrell George (and orguuist), 9 Ship street REGISTER OFFICES FOR SERVANTS. Chaundy Amelia, 138 High st Hf.lder Henry, 20 St. Aldate st Ruse Elizabeth, 29 Cum Market st Shrimptou Georgr, 12 Market st Wells Edward, 141 Highst HOPE AND TWINE MAKERS. Day John, 1 1 Market st Wall George, Summer Town SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Blackwell William, 122 High st Brooks James, Fish row Collier Thomas, New road Dancer Riclid.High st, St.Clenient's Denver William, 2 Corn Market st East Sarah, 15 Broad st Jones Dn!.3lHigh st, St.Clenient's Laiigford VVilliam, George st Marshall Robert, 19 Market st Oborue Tli<>nias, New Inn Hall st Roberts John, George st Slack VVilliam, 2 Magdalen st SmartThos., Hii,'h st, St. Clement's Venables Arthur. 8 St. Aldate st Wade John, Victr)ria court SHOPKEEPERS &DEALERSIN GROCERIES Sc SUNDRIES. .AbelRichard, Hiuh st, St.Clenient's Ames James, 3 Friar's wharf Archer William, St. John's road Ayres Charles, St. Thunias st Baker James, Clarendon st Balding Charles, Ulackfriar's road Barnes Thomas, New st Baieman William, Jericho Bo^oni William, Hiuh Bridge st Boucher Loveden, 10 Penson's gdus Brooks George, Commercial road Brooks Robert, Cowley road, St. Clement's Brown Gt'orge, 19 Corn Market &t Buckle Richard, St. Thomas st Carr Henry, Walton place Castle Jonathan, London place, St. Clement's Coaies Jolia, 4" Castle st Cooke David, Summer Town Corbut Christopher, St. Thomas st Couling Robert, 27 Corn .Market st Covington Edward, High st, St. Clement's Davis Mary Ann, 61 St. Aldate st Dfbron James, 63 High st, St. Clement's Dickeson Adam, St. Thomas st Duinhleton William, Summer Town Fairbairn Ri hecca, .3 Broad st FanlkiitT James Josiah, St. Aldate st Faulknt r Marv Ann, 27 Castle .st Gitiin* John, Speedwell st Godfrey Wm. Bath .st, St. Clement's Godtiey William, Headington GoMing 'I'homas, Jeiicho Griffin Mary, 26 St. Aldate st Griiriths John, Observatory st Hainge James, Summer Town iHale Jose()h, .lericho Hall Martha, Observatory st Hamilton Charles, London place, St. Clement's Harper Edward, Summer Town Halt Charles, Friar st Hastings John, 3 Castle st Haynes James, St. Thomas st Hine Henrv, 11 Blackfriar's road Houghton Matthew, 51 and 52 High st, St. Clement's [Aldate st Houn>low William & Son, 32 St. Howard Mary, Headington How.se Richard Prince, Headington Hughes Samuel, 20 High st, St. Clement's Hunt George, Blackfriar's road Hunt Henry, Church st Jacob Nathan, Litle Clarendon st Jeffcoat Charles, Headinaton Jessop Susan, St. Thomas st Johnson Thomas, Blackfriar's road Johnson William. Clarendon st Jones Richard, Blackfiiar's road Jones Richard, 29 Walton place Keck VVilliam, St. Aldate st [st KempsonJohn Thomas, 51 St. Ebbe Kerry Heniy, Paradise square King William, Botley [st LeacbGeorge Charles, 24 Pembroke Lewin William, 8 St. Ebbe st Loosley William, New st Lord George, Com tuercial road Luckett Thomas, St. Thomas st Marygoid Richard May, Jericho Medciaf James, 49 St. Aldate st Medcraf Richard, Summer Town Mercer Michael, 2 B ackfiiar's road Mobley John, 50 St. Ebbe st Moody Edwin Francis, Headington Morris Mary, 52 St. Giles' st Neill-; George, St. Thomas st Page Amelia, St. John's road Palmer Jame.s, 22 Commercial rd Peel Robert, Wellington st STATIONERS- WHOLESALE. Emberlin William, St. Aldate st Sumeisford Hny. 62 Corn Maiketst and Observatory st STAY MAKERS. Cockbill Janf, Bridkte st Cooper Jonathan, Victoria court Holt Frances. 30 Broad st Jackson Benjamin, 12 High st, St. Clement's Lobb Charles, 49 Broad st Lord Eliza, 17 Market st STONE AND MARBLE MASONS Adams Ann, 6 Bear st CastleRobert & Son (and statuaries) Cowley road, St.Clenient's Earl John, New st Gardiner James, George st GibbsJohn (and statuary). Little Clarendon st [quarry Goodgame & Coopock, Headington Hope Joseph, 36 Holywell st Hudson & Mattliew,16 LfmgWallst KnowlesThos.& Son, 79 Holywell st Rnlph Joseph, Jericho Snow Thomas, Headington quarry Wyatt Margaret, 74 St. Giles' st STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Allsop Caioline. 42 Holwell st fiaker Ke>iah, Wellington st Baldwin Mary, Claiendon st Barnes Ann, 35 Queen st Bates Mary (and plat dealer), 49 High st, St. Clement's Cross ^Thomas, Little Clarendon st Eagleston Hannah, 7 High st, St. Clement's East Ann, High st, St. Clement's PlumridgeWilliam (and temperance I Finch Sarah, Clarendon st coffee-house;, 30 Pembroke st ' Green Maiy Maria, 19 St. Aldate at Pratley William, 24 Holywell st PiiceJulia,14High st, St. Clement's Reeves Elizabrtli, 11 Albert st ReevesJohn,5High st, St.Clenient's Rouse Samuel, Church st SauudersJamesWilliam, St.Ebbes st Sciivens John, George st Slatter Mary, 76 Holywell st Smith Hannah, Walton terrace Smith Thomas, Jericho Stone Caroline, 42 Broad st Strange William, Fiiarst Tayler George, Fi iar st TaylorVVm.68 High st,St. Clement's Taylor William, Penson's gardens Tnrhitt Jas. 21 High st,St.Clement's Wakefield Ann, St. Ebbe st WalkerJohn.Geoi ge st,St.Clements Walker Thomas, 2 Gas st Wail George, Summer Town Walter Martha, Little Claringtonst Walton John, Gloucester gieeu Waterfield Thomas, George st Waikins Henry, 17 St. Aldate st Weaver Robert, Church st West Joseph, 8 Bear st West Saraii, Headington Westbrook Joseph, Observatory st Wheeler Charles, St. Ebbe st WoodRichd.29Highst,St.Cleuient's Young Joseidi, Friar st SILVERSMITHS & JEWELLRS {See also fFatc/t and Clock Makers.) Carter Heiny, 25 St. Aldate st Oavies Abiahaiii,54 High St Davy Chailes, 55 Corn Market st Fiske Jonathan & Son, 23 Corn Market st Hands Henr>, 19 High st Hickman Elizabeth, 31 High st Hobdell Emily, 128 High st Reeves Eliza Ann, 81 High st Roberts Thomas, 100 High st Sowter John, 38 High st iVells James, 10 Corn Market st Haigh Mary, Geoige st Hifks Mary Ann, 7 George st [ent'a HodgkinsEliza, 37 High st, St.Clem- Ho|ikins Maria, George st Johnson Catherine, 63 St. Aldate st Lovegrove Maiy Ann, St. John's id l>ord Thomas, 17 Market st New Martha, Friar's entry Oveneil Elizabeth, 10 St. Aldate st Pacey Martha, 26 Speedwell st Rogers Somerset, 22 Pemhroke st Tanner Elizth. Bath st,St.Clenient'9 WiuneyMariha,Batlist,St.Clement'9 SURGEONS. Allen Thomas, 4 Broad st Churchill Samuel, 30 CornMarket st Cleoburey William, 22 St. John st CoaiThos.Tennant.New Inn Hall st Freeborn John William Sims & Son, 38 and 39 Broad street Godfrey John, 37 Beaumont st Hansard Richard James.ll Broad st Hester James Tory, 17 St. Aldate st Hitchings George. St. Aldate st Hitchings Geo. Chas. Hy.,8 Oriel st Hus.sey Edward Law, 2 St. Aldate st Leapingwell William, 5 St. John st Martin John, 5 Oriel st Paul Andrew, 7 Grove st Rusher VVilliam, 48 High st Stone & Owen, 58 Corn Market st Symonds Frederick, 32 Beaumont st Tverman Thomas, 5 High st VVooil John Freeman, 34 Broad st Wyatt George Robert, 11 Queen st SURVEYORS-LAND, dec. [See also Architects if Surveyors.) Allen John, 3 Beaumont st Bruton Edward Geo., 28 St. Joiin st Fisher J no. &Wm.,59Corn Market st Hewett George, 103 High st Hoggar Robert Syer (and civil en- gineer). Town Hall yard Redhead Richard, 33 Broad st Tliomp'on Heniy, 41 i Queen st i^xtottittive* OXFORD, &c. ^latn'0 TAILORS AND DRAPERS. Marked thus* are also Robe Makers. Adams Chailes, 2 St. Kbbe st •Allen Walter, 14 Oriel .st •Bennett John, 15 St. Aldate St •Bliss John, 2 Bear st Bridgewater Williani (and piece biuker). 32 Pembroke st •Bristow Richd.West, 5 St.AIdate .st Brooks Jas. Kdward.Sumnu'iTown Biownlow \\'illiam, 17 Hulyweil st Biiichell William. Geoige st Burrows Wm. Edivd.SSt. Aldate st •Castell Jas. & Son, 29 St. John st Castle Jaine.5, 8 King >t Clare Jabez, Headinjjtoii queny Cl.irke James, Paradise square Cooke riiomaSjllj Grove st [merit's GovingtouEdward,IIigli st, St. Cle- Davenport James, 9 I'nrl st Douch WjlliamMattliew,51Castle st •Embliiig James, 23 Higli st •Knibling John, 14 Hiuli st •Evans Samuel, 113 Hii;l» st Evans William, Little Gate st •Feldon Cl)aile.s,34 High st •Fiske Jonathan 6s. Sou, 23 Corn Maiket .>treet Foster Chailes, 2 Alfred sf, Highst Griffin Barnaid, Beaumoni'sbuildgs Hall Sophia, 55j Hit,'li st HawksJonathari.40Ne\v Inn H-ill st Hf wer Ric-hd. (iO St. Aldate st [st •Hoc kham & iMintv, 3Corn Market •Hodgkins William', 9 Oiiel st Holt James, fi Pemliroke st Hughes James, Iledlion S(|naie Hunt Charle-, Headington Hunt John, St. Aldate st •Hyde Thomas & Co. (;ind whole- .saie \vo(jlleii drapers and Man- che'>ter warehousemen), 31 and 32 Queen street •Joy 'I homas & Alfred, 4 Park st Len'ihallJohn, 10 Oreil st Liddell James, 4 Bine Boar lane •Lockwood Henry. .M Broad st •MirtinTljomas Weston, 9Broad st Maxey William, 46 St. Ehbe st Merritt Joseph, 2,3 Holywell st Morley Bichard, Clarenlon st Nicholls Uichard, George st •Oxford Clothing Establish- ment, 2 and 3 Queen street Parr J..I111, 20 Ship st •Parsons & Foster (and ouiiitter), 123 and 1;24 High'strect Pharo Robert, Summer Town Pigott Win. Fr.dk. Summer Town Pouting Geo. Bath st.St. Clement's Preston Uidiaid, Gloucester gieeii •Price James, 12 Broad st Price Brnjamin, Gloucester green ♦Pri<»r Joseph, (j Corn Market st Ricketts George, 224 Broad st •Itobinson Chailes VVyiidlum, i)8 High vtreei •.Setrl Henry, 2 Bcanmont st Shepperd Heniy,df) High strtet, St. CU'iiieiifs Sherratt William, St. Aldate st •Slatter & Co , l()7Hi^'h st Smith Charles, 10 Pemhioke st S mi th J no. &\\' III., Beaumont's bidgs StandeiiKaiheriiieSii iiian,28Highst •Stuart Heiiiy, llfi High >t Sutton Ed wd. the Plain,St.Ch'iiient's Taylor Charles, Fri.ir's Wharf 'I'avlor Unbelt, Little Gale st Taylfir William, 12 Friars st Tvrrell Samuel, 8 Ship st Wiilk.r William, 6 Queen st •Wallinsiton Wi liam, II Broad st Watts Matthew Hy. Summer Town Wharehaai William, Paradi>e square Whitlnck Jno. William,2 Thauiei st •Williauis Adiii, UG Hiy.h st 34 TALLOW CHANDLERS AND MELTERS. GrimMy & Hughes, 56 Corn Mar- ket street Higgonson William, Clarendon pi Tubb Thos.Wm., 37 CoriiMarket st Underbill Charles, 11 Beaumont st Underbill Michael & Sou,/ Hiali st TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. .IbinRdon Arms, Eiliiiund Robinson, 7 Market st [Aldate st Abingden House, Richard Carter, 37 St. Anclior, Thos.Morley.aS-^ CornMarketst Ancbor, Mayy Anne OiTuvood, New road Ancient Briton, William Huckelt, Black- friars road [George st Ancient Ornid, OorRe Sliclding, 15 Balloon, Kmma Rawbone, 23 Queen s-t Bear, .lames Dolley, A)fied st Bell, James Prior, 18 Corn Market st Bell and Crown, Joseph Alexander, 1? Mai;dalen st Bird in-Iland, IMary West, 4 Bear st Black Boy, Ann Powell, Hendington Black Drummer, Edward Mahby, Saint Ebbe st [St. Clement's Black Horse, Thomas Coppock, High &t, Black Lion, ( harlrs Maltby, (iiote st Black Swan, Edward Newman, George st Blue Pig, William Gurden, Rcdiioiisq Boar's Head, John Jeffcoat, Queen's lane Boat House, Mary Sherratt. Grand Pont Britannia, Amelia Carrulhers, Cluircb st Britannia, Richard l.iiidars, Headington Bull, Samuel Biggs, New &t Cape of Good Hope, Thomas Rawbone, Cowley road, St. Cleinenfs Carpenters' Arms, Thomas Sr»itli, Botley Chequers, William Bossom, St,Thomasst Chequers, George Stroud, I3IJ High st Cily .\rms, John Smith 1 Radclitfe square Clarendon Arms, Win. Cowling,Waltoii pi Coach and Horses, James Creed, -l-J Holy. well »t [Ki"S st Coach and Hearses. BJarlha Dutliam, 23 Coach find Horses, Rebecca Guise, 33 Quten st Coach and Horses, William Hunt, fi4 Hich St. .St. Clement's [st Coach and Horses, Jane Teall, 49.} High Coach and Horses, Hicliard Whileloot, 3a St. Giles' road Cross Keys, Samuel Handy, .36 Queen st Crown, William Pc ter Walker Hebborn, 58 J Corn Market st Crown and Thistle, Elizabeth Gcrundrey, 10 Market st [Broad st Dog and Partridge, Richard Cozens, 35 Dolphin and Anchor, Thomas Dolley, St. Aldate strei t Eittht Bells, Charles Williams, Chnrch st Flying Horse, Matibias Po'pple,73 Hi-hst Fox, John Jells, 137 High st Friar, Elizabeth Stanton, New st George, Joseph Green, Botley George& Dragon, Thos.Clialk,2 Merton st (ieorge & Dracon, John Goode,G' orge st Globe, liobert t^larke, 7 Queen st (•rapes. James Hambidge, 4 (ieorge st Gree n D raL'on,John A ndiews.HSt. Aldate st Greyhound, John Callis, Worce.ster st Hallmoon. John Pirn, 19 High st, Saint Clement's Hind's Head.Chas.Fanlkner, 26 Queen st HollNbusli,Christphr. I.,ipscoml>e,^e^v rd Hop Pole, George Martin, 1 Friar »t Hope and Anchor, Caroline Boswdl, 2 Geoige st [broke st Home and Chair, George Pliipps,2y Pem- Horseand Groom, .lobeph Heinmings, 36 St. Ebbe st Horse and Jockey, Itobert Fowler, 90 Holywell st [(jilesroad Horse and Jockfy, Richard Rioliings, St. Jericho, Joseph Higgini. .lericho Jolly Farmers, James Maltby, Paradise st Jolly Farmers, Edwiud Sutlon, I Corn Market st [st Jolly I'oslboys, John Gallaway, 140 High King's Arms,Cha3.Bee»ley,Summer'rown King's He«d, Thomas Ford. 43 Queen st King's Head, Jame.s King. 17 Holywell st Kin," of Prussia, William l.ndlow, lllley l.auibaiid Flag, John Smjlli,.St. Thomas st I.e.len Porch Hall, John Claik, U Pem- broke sir.ut Light Horsuman, James Dee, 52 High st oittle Cross, William IMatfhew«, 9 Coin Market st [Aldate st Lord Nelson, Elizabeth Searv, 22 Saint Marquess of (Jranby.FrederickLipscomb, 3(5 Corn Market at Nag's Head, Elizblh.ThorBton, 17 King »t Nag's Head, John Kedm.m, Fish row, fJavigation End, DaTid Hickman,New rj New Jnn, James Eden, 12 aiid 13 S iin< Ablate ft [Town Norreys ArHis,Thomas Andre ws,Siiramer North Star, John White. 2 Broad st Old Swan and Castle, Thomas Ashley, 49 Castle st [Grand Pont Old White House, George Hambidge, Packet, James Fc*it, Geotge st Paviers'Arras, William Marsh, 12CastIest Pheasant, Matthew Neave. St. Giles' st Plasteiers' Arms, Ann Petty, London pKiCR, St. Cleiiienrs Plough, John Pickett, 38 Corn Market st Plough, William Wale, 23 St Aldate st Plough and Anchor, John FarUroa3 Wright, l27^Highst White Hart, John Tew, Headington White Hirt and Grf yhound, V\ illiam Manning, 21 Corn Market st White Horse, James King. 52 Broad st V, bite Swan, William Timms, Paradise st Windmi>l, Henry Hutt, 24 St. Giles' st WindsorCasJle,AiinWakelin,StThomas«l Woodstock Arms,Gej.Pair,3 Magdalen »t Retailers of Beer Alder James, St. Aldate st Ash George, (rlnucester green A.slilcy Joseph, London pi. St. Cliement'* Ashley Sophia, Bridge st Bates William, 49 High st. St. Clement's. B-anchamp John, High Bridge st Beesley Adam, Headington Belcher William, Clarendon st Best Thomas, 41 St. Ebbe st Billing Henry, St. 'I'liomas st Blay George, St. Thomas st Box Edward, Thames st Brice John, Little Clarendon st Brocklesby Francis. 59 Holywell st Brooks Elizabeth. Blackfriars road Hrown Thoma*, High Bridge st BrutiiU George, 42 Castle st Clarke Bariholomew. Clarendon place Clarke Joseph, Paradise st Coppock George. Headington quarry Cox James, St 'Thomas »t Dell Thomas, St. John's road Denyer William. 57 Holywell st Dickeson John, St. Thomas st Dickinson Elizab'th, Blackfriars roaJ Dollon George, Speedw ell st Dreweit William. Penson's gardens Dyer Maria. Blackfriars road Earl John, New st Evans Joel, Cow ley road, St. Clement's Flory James, Summer Town Gardner James, Park place (iardner John, Jericho Gibbons William, St. 'Thomas st IPinctorfi. Gilder Thomas Hannaford,7l Holywell st Oilcs Richard, North parade Godfrey Edward, Albert st Goodgame Charlotte, HeailinKton quarry Coodrr.an Frederick, Hinh st,St.Cleinents Green John, 19 St. Aldate st Griramett Reorge, George st Guise \\ illiam, Blackfriars read Garden Alfred, Headington ■HadleyJohn, Friar's entry Hainge James. SnmtBer Town Hall Rlizalieth. Observatory st Ball Marlhii, Observatory st Harper William, 50 St, Aldalest Hawes Richard, Iftiey Hedges Mary, Caroline st, St. Clement's Hemmings .Insepli, 4 Corn Market st Hitchcock John, Observatory st Holt Henry, 45 Castle st flounslow Charles, Clarendon buildings Hounslow James, St. Thomas st Howse William, Little Clarendon st Johuson Gabriel, Georgest, St. Clemenl'i Johnson Richard, George st Kempster William, New road Kerward Thomas, Si. Giles' st Ketbro John, Wellinstnn st Layland Joseph, High Bridge st Leaver James, 36 St. Aldate st Long Thomas, Jericho Luke John Cox, George st Markham Thomas, Clarendon st .Vatgetts Frederick, Little Clarendon st Marygo'.d Richard May, Jericho Mealings Thomas, Paradise st Palmer James, 22 Commercial road Pelhers John, Iffiey Piercy William, St. Thomas st Piercy William, S-jmmer Town Pollard James, 29 Queen st Powell Georgf, Summer Town Richardson Andrew Hude, New street, St. Clement's Richardson Richard, 18 High st Rose Thomas, 23 Castle st Sayer Jane, Jericho Silman Joseph. Summer Town Smith George, Wellington st Smith Heniy,68 Hoi) well st Sparrow Harriet, Summer Town Standley Henry, Jericho Stanley Henry, Headington hill Stow Joseph, New st Talbot Richard, High st, St. Clement's Tame William, 56 High st, St. Clement's Thomas James, St. Thomas st Taylor Eliraheth, Beaumont building* Vainey Catherine, Summer Town Walker Thomas. 2 Gas st Wallis Robert, Speedwell st Walton John, Gloucester green Ward Benjamin, Blackfriars road Ward Daniel. Grand Pont Way Charles, Summer Town Weslbrook Joseph, Observatory st Whellon George. Friar's entry Wiblin Charles, 15 High st, St. Clement's TEA DEALERS & DRAPERS— TRAVELLING. Brings Adam (tea), Loudon place, Se. Clement's Hicks William, St. Aldate st Jardine William, 12 U'altun place M'Guffie James, Paradise st MilltT David (and iiattei), Georgest Wilson James, 21 Walton place TIMBER MERCHANTS AND DEALERS Alder James, St. Aldate st Barrett 'I'homas, Observatory st Bunker Ezra, New road [torv st Davis Williani (& slate), Observa- Fisher John & William, 59 Corn Market st and Littlegate st Mallam James Richard, Grand pont Qiiarterman Henry, 33 St. Aldate st TOBACCO PIPE MAKER. Huggins Benjamin, Observatory st TOBACCONISTS. Bryant Jolin, 7 Oriel st Castle Charles, 40 High st Castle Jaini s 44 Corn Market st Cliauudy Richard, 17 CoriiMarket st Gilbert Henry, 19 Ship st Levi Israel Morris, St. Giles st j tory, Com Market st I OXFORD, &c. Lopez Melclior (and importer of cigars), 117 High st, and 3 Barge yard, Bucklersbury, London Mnrsh James, 21 Shipst Miller John, 24 St. Aldate st Snlonion Lewis, 25 Queen .st Wells Jame.s, 10 Corn Market st Wells William & Charles (cigar merchants), 13&14CornMarkttst ^jtfoilTiSftire. TOY DEALERS. Adams William Peter (and news agent), 6 High st Green James, 37 Queen st Huckwell Robert, 18 St. Aldate si Rose Frederick {& fancy repository Corn Maiket st TRUNK& UMBRELLA MAKRS. [See also Umbrella Makers.) Roswell Fiaivcis^OCorn Market st Hicks John, George st {Castle st Withers William (tninkand bo.s), 8 TURNERS. Bailey Robert, Victoria court Bailey William, 5 Blackfriars road Bunker Ezra, New road Bunker Grace (and bucket and chair maker to the trade), 9 High st, St. Clements Higginson William, Geoi^ge st •Mathews VVilliam, 3^ Queen st UMBRELLA MAKERS. Hitchcock George, 40 High st, St. Clements Kent Edwin Philip, 33 Pembroke st Williams Thomas, George st UPHOLSTERERS. {See also Cabinet Makers and Upfiolsterers.) Faulkner Chailes, 1 St. Ebbes st Fletcher Robert, 83 High st Hnare Jolui Lester, 27 Pembroke st Payne VVillidin, jun. (& undertaker). 121^ High st Tomkins Thomas, 9 Magdalen st VETERINARY SURGEONS. Hall Richard, Magdalen st .JHtnes Henry, 4 Queen st Wadlow Charles, Littlegate st WATCH 6t CLOCK MAKERS. Clements John, 44 High st Davy Charles, 55 Corn Market st Fiske Jonathan & Son, 23 Corn ftlarket street Hands Henry, 19 High st Hickman Elizabeth, 31 High st Hobdell Emily, 128 High st Hunt James, New road Lawson Charles, Gloucester green Levi Israel Morris, 67 St. Giles st Milne Robert, 95 Hieh st Palmer John, 49 St. Ebbes st Pearson Hawtin, 50 High st Rowell Richard House, 36 Broad st Sly Robert, New Inn Hall st Sowter John, 38 High st StiMtton George John, 27 Walton pi Taylor William &John (church and turret clock), Blackfriars road Wangler Luke, St. Akiate st Wells William & Charles (& curio- sity dealers), 13 Corn Market st, West Thomas, High st, St. Clements Zacharias Abraham (and jeweller), 2 Corn Market st WHARFINGERS. Mallam James Richard, Grand Pont wharf Turpin James (and barge owner), Thames wharf WHEEL AND HAND CHAIR OWNERS. Brewer John, 1 King st Clarke George, 5 Bear st | Marsh John, Treadwell court,Cor?i Maiket street Richards Isaac, 22^ High st Wheeler Jame.s, St. Giles' road WHEELWRIGHTS. Alien William. New Inn Hall st Godfrey William, Headinctnn Hart Frederick, Speedwell st Higgins Charles, New road Irons John (and carpenter), Sum- mer Town Johns clin'ch. a St. Aldaie st Grafton Ch-irles, ironfounder, Broad st Green Richard, clerk to Saint Martin's ehnrch, 4 St. John »t Green Thomas, clerk to Saint Mary the Virgin's church. Swan court, Hieh st Green Thomas, clerk to Saint Paul's church, Clarendon place Grimsley Thomas, scniptor,10StGiles' st Goidoiti Vincent, modi-ller, 75 Hi^h st Huehes Joseph, clf-rt to St. .Mary Mag- dalen church, Friar's entry Horcnmb Philip, collector of poor rates, Friar's wharf lanes Jamei, wire worker, 42 Qneen st Jacob Henry.clerk to the magistrates and board of guardians, 36 Pembroke st James William, lozenge manufacturer, 47 Castle st Kemp Francis, snperriaor of inland rere- nue, 2-5 St. John st Kirtland William.sub-curator of Ashmo- lean museum. 10 St John st Lee Edwin William, secretary to the canal compari». New road [st Ludlow Jetbro, tripe dresser. 4-5 StEbbes .Mc.l.aren Arciiibold, fencing master, 3 Alfred st. High st .Maltby James, clerk to Saint Thomas' church. St Thomas st Miller John, inspector of university police, 24 St. Aldaie st Oakley Wm. clerk to ffBey church, Ifflley OsmanJohn, bird and animal preserver, 21 St Aldaie St Pe.irson John, clerk to St. Peter's church in the East, Dec's passage. High st Pbipps William, clerk to Saint John's church. King st Pickett John, dealer in second hand vehi- cles, 38 Corn Market st Pike James, window-glass and lead mer- chant, Worcester st Pilrh & Martin, cricket bat mikers, St. Aldate st [st Ri'lley Christopher, glover, 12 Holywell Rouse Robert William, organ builder Summer tower Simmi William, clerk to the Voiversity schools. Alfred st Slalter James Williaoi, reliering oflSeer to the Oxford union, Penson's garden* Slalter JohD,clerk to Botjwell cbnrcb, 65 Holywell st Sly Catherine, furrier, New Inn Hall it Smith Geo. mail contractor, StAldate st Sutton William, clerk to Saint Clement's church, George yard, High it Thompson Joseph, earthenware manu- faetnrer and dealer, New road Tyrell James, clerk to Saint Michaelt church, George st Vines Elizabeih, bon-bon and liqneor depot and fencing rooms, 112 High tt Waildell Christopher, coach proprietor. Grand Pont House Wardle Wm chair maker. Summer Town Williams Thomas, organist to St. Mary Magdalen, ?t. Jobn'.« roa'l Wood Thomas, agent to Piekfnrd & Co., Queen st Woodward Samuel, clerk to Saint Peter Le-Bailey's church. New Inn Hill st Wright Edward John, tanner,StEbbe» »l Public BnildingSj Institutions^ Offices^ &,c. PLACES OF V^ORSHIP' AND THEIR MINISTERS. CHURCHES OF THE ESTABLISH.MEST. Chbist Chcrch Cathedral : Lord liishop—Xhe Hnnble. and Right ReT. Samuel WUber- force, Cuddesdon Palace. Dean— the Very Rev. Thomas Gaisford,D.D. Su6-/?eon— Rev. Frederick Barnes, D.D. Canons — the Revds. Edward Bouverie Posey, D-D^ Richard William Jelf. D.D , John Bull, D.D., Godfrey Faossett, d.d., Venerable Archdeacon Clerk, b.d., Wm. Jacobson, M.*., and Churles Asbmore Ogilvie, D.p. Orpfjiiif— Charles William Corf. All Saints' Chcrch -Rev. Frederick .Metcalf, cAop/ain. Saist Aldate's, St. Aldate street — Rev. Havilland De Saus- marez, rector. Saist A.VDREW'?, Headington— Rev. Joseph Charles Pring, ricar, 14 Landon place, St. Clement's. HoitTrinmtv, Blackfriars road— Rev,JosephWest4n<™mient OLYWELL Chlbch, Holywell lane— Rev. Constantine E. Prichard. perpetual curatf. Sai.vt Ebbl's, St Ebbe st — Rev. Geo.Thos. Cameron, curate 8a I NT C LE M E N T's.St.Clemeut's— Rev.ConstantineE.Prichard, curate. Baliol College. Saint Giles', St. Giles' st— Rev. Charles Rew, rirar. Saint John's, Merton street — the Chaplains of Merlon College Jor the time being. Saint M »rti.n's. Queen st — Rev. Wm. Hayward Cox, rector. Saint Mart Magdale.ne's, St. .Mary Magdalene— Rev. Jacob Ley, ricar. Saint Marv the Viugin's, High street— Rev. Charles Page Eden, cirar. [/ajn Saint Mich a el's. Com market st — Rev.Fredk. .Metcalfe,cAap- Saint Pail's District, Jericho — Rev. Alfred Hackman, perpettinl curate. Saint Petfr Le-Bailet Chcrch, Queen street — Rev. Charles Cos Hales, vicar. Saint Peter's-in-tue-East, Queen's lane— Rev. Edmund Hobhouse, vicar. SAmrTHoMAS'.St. Thomas st — Rev.Thos. Chamberlain,furate ScMMER Tows Chcrch, Summer Town— Rev. John San- iom, perpetual curate. DISSENTING CHAPELS. Baptist, New road — Rev. Edward Bryan. Baptist, Commercial road— Rev. Willonghby Willey. Ikdefbndext, George st — Rev. John Tyndale, Plantation row InDEPENDENT. Summer Town. Wesletan .Methodist's, New Inn, Hall street; Caroline st, St. Clement's, and at KTley—iminitterM various.) Roman Catholic, High street St Clement's— Ber. Hetry Brigham, pri«(. JBWt'STHAeoouE, Paradise square. POOR LAW UNION. Go itr nor — John Thomas Smith. iUotron— Elizabeth Esther Smi:b. Clerk to the Board nj Guardians — Henry Dowland Hotkini. Schoolmistress — Ann Roberts. Sitrge'in — William Rusher. Chaplain — Rev. Joseph Charles Pring. Relienng Oncers— Thomas Hewlett {for tbe Headington (*•!- trict), .Marston ; Williain Painter ffor tbe Wheatley diitrictj, Wbeatley. HOUSE OF INDUSTRY, WALTON S PLACE. .Master — Charles .Adams. Matron — Ann Tamon. Schoolmaster— Gfoige Watts. Schoolmistress — Elizabeth Tubb. Surgeon — George Robert Wyatt. Chaplain — Rev. Richard Tiddiman. Clerk — Henrv Jacob. Relieving Officer— J^ma William Slatter. REGISTRARS, OF BIRTHS, DEATHS AND .MARRIAGES. Superintendent Registrar — John Thos. Dobney, 14 Walton'i p] Deputy Superintendrnt — George Ca^tell, 29 St John st ReoHtrars of Marriages — Henry Hatch, 132 High street, and William Blackwell, 122 Hish street Registrar of Births and Deaths Jor Oxfnrd ZHstricf— Richard Green, 4 St. John street. Registrar for Saint Clement's District — B.\nhziA. W'ood, 29 High street, St. Clement's. COUNTY COURT. HELD MONTHLY, IN THE COUNTY HALL — OffICK, 7 Broad street. Judge — John Billingsley Parry, F.iq.. Q.c. C/erfc— Johd Crews Dudlev. 7 Broad street High Bai/i/f— William Biddle. PRISONS. CocNTY Gaol, Oxford Castle — Captiin Thomas Lowton Robins, ooremor i Rev. Augustus Browne, cAop/ain ; John Freeman Wood, surgeon. ClTif Gaol, Gloucester green — George Bossom, governor. RADCLIFFE INFIRMARY, WOODSTOCK ROAD. House Surgeon— iohn Briscoe. Secretary — Samnel Trash. Matron — Rose Clanibutt. WARNEFORD LUNATIC ASYLUM, HEADINGTON HILL. Physician and Resident Governor — Frederick Tboma* Wiotie. Visiting Surgeon — William Cleobrey. Matron — Jane Wintle. BILLIARD ROOMS. Stephen Bloxhaud, 7 St. Aldate st; Thomas Betteris, 45 Broad street; Richard Rockall, 7 New College lane; Edward Bet- teris, 3 Bear street; Joseph Bickerton,2 RadcliGTe sqnare. 36 .MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC BUILDINGS, OFFICES. &e. Abchitectcral Society, 34 Holywell street Ashmolran .Mcsecm, broad street— Philip B. Dancan, curatcrr ; William Kirtland, sub-curator. Baths (warm and cold;. James Russell, 12 Oriel street; and Andrew Hude Richardson. Bath street, St Clement'.". Botanic Gardeix and Library, High s'reet— Charles Gilea Bridle Danl)eny, MD., professor of botany, if c. ; Wm. Hart Baxter, head gardener. City Debatino Society, at the ThreeCupsHotel,Queen»t — Wm. Brunner, Eiq., president ,- Mr. Geo. Bruton, treasurer. City Pi-blic Lei-tcres and Farmer's Clcb, 1 St Aldati street- -Joseph Plowman, secrrtary. lilrcctoii)« OXFORD, &c. ©xform^fiirc. Public Buildings, Officea, Institutions, Stc— Continued. CiTT Reading Room.I Si.AIdate st— Jos.Plowman,pronrifrieropnp^oi-. Town Hall, St. Aldate sireet— Thomas Lucas, keeper. University Press, Walton place— Thomas Combe, Uni- versity printer. COACHES & OMNIBUSES. None run on Sunday but the Mails. To LOiN DON, the Prince of Wales, goes through Wickham and Uxbridge, from the Three Cups, Queen st, and Mitre, High St, morning at half.past ten To ABINGDON, the Queen Omnibus, from the White Hart, Corn Market st, day at twelve noon and evening at seven To BANBL'RY, the Regulator Coach, from the Three Cups and Mitre, morn- ing at eight through Woodstock; the Rival, afternoon at three, and the Sove- reign, at half-past six in tlie evening To BICESTER, BUCKINGHAM and the BLISWORTH STATION, Omni- buses, from the Mitre, High st, moioing at a quarter past seven To BIRMINGHAM, the Oxonian, from the Mitre, forenoon at ten minutes past eleven, through Shipston and Stratford ToCHELTENHA.\I,the Rit)a/, from the Three Cups, afternoon at three o'clock, through Witney, Burford, and North Leach To CHIPPING-NORTON, the Royal Mail, from the Mitre, afternoon at a quarter before one, and the Blenheim, night at eight To LEAMINGTON and WARWICK, the Regulator, {torn theThree Cups and Mitre, morning at eight To STOW and MORETON-IN-THE- MARSH, the Royal Mail, from the Three Cups, afternoon at three To WITNEY, the Royal Mail, from the Three Cups, afternoon at three,througb Burford To WORCESTER,the Royal Mail. (rom the .Mitre, afternoon at a quarter before one; goes through Woodstock, More- ton, Evesham and Persbore CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. ON THE OXFORD BRANCH OF THE GRKAT WESTERN RAILWAY; THE BUCKINGHAMSHIRE RAILWAY, AND THE OXFORD JUNCTION RAILWAY. Station, Abingdon road, nearly one mile from the centre of the city— James Kelly, superintendent. CoacAfS and Omnibuses from the Angel; Golden Crois; King's ArmsjMitie; Boebock ; Star; Three Cups; Three Goats; Wheatsheaf and Anchor, and Lamb and Flag, to the station, await the arrival, and attend the departure of the several trains. CONVEYANCES. CARRIERS BY RAIL. To LONDON and all parts of the King- dom, the Railway Company, from their station Abingdon road — Christopher Waddell, agent *♦* Goods are also delivered in Oxford from, and taken to the station daily, by — Shrubbs, from the New Inn, St. Al- date's, James Steanc, Corn Market st, and Pickford & Co. 4 Queen st, daily. BY ROAD. ToLON DON, John Payne, from the Ship Inn, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday To ABINGDON, James Preslon, from the Three Goals, Saturday, and Richd. Whiting, from his bouse, St. Aldate st, daily To AYLESBURY, Henry Govin, from the Star and Garter, and William Web- ster, from the Bell, Weduesdny and Friday To BAMPTON, John Shepherd, from the Star and Garter, Wednesday and Saturday ; James Hastings, from the Bell, Friday, and Hannah Orpwood, from the Sherborne Arms, Saturday To BANBURY, Charles East, from the Star and Garter. William Edmonds, from the White Hart, Charles Needle, from the Three Goats, and Edward So- merton, from the same Inn, Thursday; and James Hayward, from the Ship, Saturday ToBENSlNGTON, John Bond Archer, from the Ship, Saturday To BICESTER, James Goble, from the Star and Garter, William Edmonds, from the White Hart, and 1 homai Matthews, from the Crown, Wednesday and Saturday To BLETCHINGTON, Thomas Cripps, from the Plough, Saturdav To BRACKLEY, James Wisdom, from the Maniuess of (jranby. Saturday To BRILL, Henry Govier, from the Star and Garter, Wednesday and Saturday To BUCKlNGHAM,Thomas Giles, from the Star and Garter, Wednesday and Saturday, and Edward Radbone, from the Balloon, Saturday To BURFORD, John Fisher, from the Three (ioats, Wednesday and Saturday, and John Payne, from the Ship, Thurs- day and Saturday To CHARLBURY,WilIiam Basket,f rom the Crown, and Jonathan Sorrell, from the Star and Garter, Wednesday and Saturday To CHINNOR, James White, from the Star and Garter, Saturday To CHIPPING-NORTON, Henry Ma- son, from the S'ar and Garter,Satorday To DEDDINGTON, John Payne, from the Ship, Tuesday and Saturday; Chas. Needle, from the Three Goats, Thurs- day, and Thomas Nutt, from the same Inn, Saturday To DORCHESTER, John Bond Archer, from the Ship, Wednesday & Saturday To ENSHAM, Daniel Day, from the Cross Keys, and William Knolding, from the Anchor, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday To ENSTONE, Charles Collins, from tlw Ship, Saturday To FARINGDttN, Henry Bradfield,from the Plough, Wednesday and Saturday; Henry Smith, from the Star and Gaiter, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday ,and George Mansfield, from the Lamb and Flag, Saturday To HENLEY, Joseph Bond, from lh« Star and Garter,Wednesday&Saturday To HOOK-NORTON, Edwd.Somerton, from the Three Goats, Saturday To KIDLINGTON, William Bricknell, from tie Three Goats, Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Friday and Saturday To LOW ER HAYFORD,Jas, Hayward, from the Ship, Saturday To NORTHA.MPTON, TOWCESTER, &c. Edmund Giles, from the Star and Garter, and James Wisdom, from the Marquess of Granby, Saturday To READING, Joseph Bond, from the Star and Garter,Wedne3ilay& Saturday, and James Preslon, from the 'i'bree Goats, Saturday To STAN LAKE, John Widdows, from the Anchor, Wednesday and Saturday To STANTON. HARCOURT. John Potter, from the Anchor, Wednesday and Saturday To STKVENTON, John Holloway.from the New Inn, Wednesdayand Saturday To THAME, William Webster, from the Bell, Wednesday and Saturday, and James White, from the Star and Garter, John Howlty, from the Crown, and Edward Radbone, from the Balloon, Saturday To WALLING FORD, James Preston, from the Bell, Monday, 'Ihursday and Saturday To WANTAGE, Samuel Simj, from the Crown, Wednesday and Saturday To WOODSTOt;K. Edmund Somerson, from the 1 hree Goats, Wednesday and Saturday To WITNEY, James Hastings, from the Bell, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday; Johii Fisher, fiom the ThreeCocks, Wednesday and Saturday, and William Leake, from the Crown, Thursday To WYCOMBE, James White, from the Star and Garter, Saturday CONVEYANCE BY WATER. To BIRMINGHAM, BANBURY, and intermediate places, Boats, from the Canal Wharf, New road, twice a week. 37 ^xfoil»!B!f)irc. ^latet'jJ THAME, WITH THE VILLAGES OF TETSWORTH AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. TLHAME is a parish ill ihe hundred of its name— the , it was only upon the death of the lafe incutDbent, market town, a small one, is 44 mili-s N.w. by w. from who was the schoolmaster, and occupied the school- London, 12 E. from Oxford, and 9 s.w. from Aylcs- , premises (but not ;is a school), that the establishment liurv (Burks)— fioin whicli last-named town proceeds j was re-opened in 1842, and bids fair, under the super- a branch line to the London and North-Western rail- 1 intendcnce of the present able master. Dr. Fooks, to wav. The town is cheerfully sealed on the banks of attain that celebrity it formerly enjoyed. There are the river from which it takes its name, and immediately upon the bonier of the county next Buckinghatnshire. It appears tliat this place was of some conseiiut-ncf dminn the iiicursion> of the Dam s, as they erected a foitifiiation here, which was afterwards surrendered to the aims of Edward the Elder. In the reign of Henry HI, the great road leading to Aylesbury was brought ttirongh the town- a circumsiance which tended considerably, at that period, to increase its tradf and >ince the rrpustrnction of the railroad above-men- tioned some trifling additumal advantage has accrued ; but the main business of the i)lace is confined to sup- plying general necessaries to the inhabitants, who are also benefitted to some extent by its weekly niarkeis and well attended fairs. Thame is included in the thirty-eighth circuit of towns under the County Court Act, passed in 1846, for the recovery of debts to any amount not exceeding £20. The parish churi h of Saint Mary is a large and hand- some cruciform structure, in the early English style of architecture, with an embatiled tower rising from the intersection, and supported on four massive pillars: the liiing is a discharged vicarage, which is at present eijoyed by the Hev. James Pros>er. In the chancel of the chuich is a tomb of white marble, with an efligy to the memory of Lord Williams, who bequeathed estates for the foundation of a fieegiammar scIhjoI, erected by his executors in 1569, for the instruction of tweiitv-fi»e boys : for many years, however, the foun- der's benevolent intentions were not carried out; and places of worship for Baptists, Independents and Wes- leyaii Methodists. There are National and Baptist schools, almshouses for five poor men and one woman, an apprenticeship fund, and some benefactions to the poor in clothing, bread, &c. The mutual improvement society recently estalilished, consists of about one hun- dred members, who have a well selected library of five hundred volumes. The society hold meetings for I he delivery of lectures, discussion', &c. The land around here is very fertile and well cultivated, and some pleasing scenery presents itself, especially that obtained fiom a gentle eminence near the town, which commands a fine view of the Chiltern hills. The mar- ket, which is held on Tuesday, is well sup|)lied with cori!, cattle and poultry. Faiis, Tuesday in Easter- week, the Tuesday beforeWhit-Sunday, the first Tues- day in July, and October 11th for fat cattle. The parish contained in 1831, 2,885 inhabitants, and in 1841, 3,060. Tetsworth is a parish, in the same hundred as Thame — the village is 4 miles s. by w. from that town; situated on the gi eat road from London to Oxford, Cheltenham, &c. : it consequently occupies a position of some consequence, and, before the opening of rail- ways, derived no inconsiderable advantage as a thoroughfare village. The places of worship are the palish church of Saint Giles (a small building), and a chapel for Independents. The livinii of Tetswonh is a curacy, enjoyed at present by the Rev. John Peers. Population of the parish about 600. POST OFFICE^ Thame, Frances Wallis Parsons, Post Mistress. — Letters from London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and all parts of the North of England, likewise from Ikeland and Scotland, arrive every morning at five and evening at half-past sis, and are despatched at a quarter before nine in the morning and nine in the evening. Letters from Woodstock, Oxford, &c. arrive every morning at five, and are despatched at nine at night; and from Avlesbury, &c. at half-past five in the eveniiin, and are despatched at a quarter before nine, morng. POST OFFICE, Tetsworth, William Lindars, Post Master. — Letters from London and various parts arrive every morniiii; at three, and are desp itched at ten minuter past ten at night; and from Thame, &c. at twenty minutes past ten in the morning, aud are despatched at half-past four in the afternoon. NOBILITY, GENTRY, AND CLERGY. Bartholomew Rev. James, Thame Cox Miss .Mary, Thame Cozens Thomas, Esq. Lashlake Ebiickllev. John, a.m., Thame Eeles .Mr. John, Thame Eeles Mrs. Judiih, Tnanie Fooks Rev. 'iliomas Broadley,D.c.L. Harding Mr .William, Thame Hedges Mrs. — , Thame Lee Mrs. Elizalieth, Thame Peers Rev. John, IVtsworih ProsserRev.James,Vicai age, Thame Stanley Mr. William, Tetsworth Stone John, Esq. Prebendal House Stone Mrs. —, Thame Toovey William, Esq. Thame 'i'urner Mrs. Elizabt th, Thame Wen man the Baroness — , Thame Paik Winslow Rol)erf, Esq. Thame Wvk.ham Philip Herbeit, Esq., '( magistrate), Tythi op House Young Rev. James, 'I'etsworih ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Endowed (iiiAM.MAit School — Rev. I hos.B. Fooks.D.c.L. master Fooks Rev.Thomas Bioadley.D.c.L. (boarding), Tiiame HiwleyJohn Hugh (boarding and day), Piit St end School lNrANTs'ScHooi.,Thame — Caroline Eden, mistress National School, Thame — Tlios. Bonner, master; Jemima Pearce, mistress 38 National School, Tetsworth — Abiel Whichello, master; Mary Dear, mistress [Thame Nichols Mary (boarding and day). Royal British ScH00LS,Thaine — James .Marsh, master; Sarah limdley, mistress ToddSophia(boarding & day),Thanie ATTORNEYS. Hollaway Richard, Thame Hollier John, Than e AUCTIONEERS Ac APPRAISRS. Howlaiid Robert (and land agent), Lashlake [Inn, Thame Smith & Son, at the Spread Eagle BAKERS. Dunkin David, Thame Hewland Thomas, Thame Howes Thomas, Thame Mead Geoige, Thame Peaice Henry, 'I bame Prickett Henry, Thame Richardson James (and confec- tioner), Thame Shrimptou ThomH", Tetsworth .Spiers Joseph, Thame .Stone Edward, Thame Whitmill Job, Tliainc BANKERS. Aylesbury Old Bank, Thame— (Branch) — (draw on Praed & Co. London) — Thomas Stone, agent London and County Bank — (draw on the head office, London — (open T'ucsday's)— Alfred Self, manager Savings' Bank, Thame— (open on Tuesdays) — \ViHiain Scadding, actuary BLACKSMITHS, Clavton Thomas, Thame Davis Edward, Thame Howse Thomas, Thame Messer Joseph, Thame BOOKSELLERS 6l STATIONRS. Bradford Henry (& printcr),Thame Rohson Elizaheth Ann (and tea dealer), Thame Scadding William, Tiiame BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Betts John, Tetsworth Beits William Thame Brickwell William, Thame Cooper Emanuel, Thame Cope Philip, Thame Crook John, Tetsworth Davis Daniel, Thame Griffin John, Tetsworth Lester Thomas, Moiton Neweit Robert, Thame Pearce Allied (dealei ), Thame Wood Thomas, Thame BRICK MAKERS. Holland Giles, Thame Stone Isaac, Thame BRICKLAYERS & PLASTRERS. Battin Robert, Thame Howland William, Thame Munday John, Tetsworth Parslow James, Tetsworth ©irectorp. BUTCHERS. Castle Thomas, Tliaine Cooper Kitoi), Tliame Phillips Faancis, Thame Phillips Francis & Joseph, Tiiame RichmoiKl Henry, Thame Wainvvrlght George, Tliame CABINET MAKERS. Miller & Son(& furniture brokers), Tliame Stone Arthur, Thame Stone Rohert, Thame CARPENTERS gt BUILDERS. Bowler Micliard, Thame Bowler Samuel, Thame Holland Giles Thame Potter John, 'I'hame Stone Arthur, Thame Stone Isaac, Thame CHEMISTS AND DRUaGISTS. Simmons William (and oil and colourmaii), Thame Thorp William, Thame CHINA, GLASSj&c. DEALERS. Saunders Richard Wells, Thame Turner William, Thame COAL DEALERS. Eele Thomas, Tliame Wixon Robert, ihanie COOPERS. Hall Henry, TlMine Staples Stephen & Abel (& timber dealers), Thame CORN DEALERS. Black well Mary, Thame Castle Williiim Movry, Thame Shrimpton James (and hop mer- chant), Tetsworth Shrimpton Job, Thame FIRE, ace. OFFICE AGENTS. Atlas, Geo Shrimpton, Tetswoith BiiiTisn Empire, John Walker, Thame Church of FZngland, Francis W. Saunders, Thame COUNTV (fire) & l'ROVIDENT(life), Thomas H. Seymour, Thame Farmers' (fire & life), Stephen J. Johnson, Thnnie Oeneral, Willi-im Johnson.Thame Norwich Union (fire and lit'e^, William Scadding, Thame Property Protection, Richard Hollovvny, Thame Royal Exchange, Henry Brad- ford, Thame Sun, Hobert Howland, Lashlake GARDENERS 6e SEEDSMEN. Clisby John, 'I'hame Matthews John, Thame iVlears Henry, Thame Mears James, Thame Walker John (& floiist), Thame GROCERS 6e TEA DEALERS. Marked Ihus * are Tallow Chandlers. {See also Shopkeepers, ^r.) •Seymour Thomas Hearne (& spirit merchant), Thame Shrimpton George, Tetswortli Stevens James Sheen, Thame •Stone George, Thame SutUni Thomas Seagrave (& spirit met chant;, Thame Walker Stephen, Thame Weston P. & D., Thame GUNSMITHS. Horton John, Thrime Tomlinson Job, Thiime HAIR DRESSERS. Burnett Edward, Thame Simons John, Thame Toms Richard, Tetswoith JPHAME, &c. INNS- COMMERCIAL AND POSTING. See also Taverns 8f Public Houses.) Spread Eagle.Geo. Siminons,Thame Swan, George Phillips, Thame Swan, Wm. Lindars.Tetswoith IRONMONGERS Ac BRAZIERS. Fielding Geoige, Thame Horton William, Thame MesserThomas (and oil and colour- man), Thame Pouting Daniel (and oil and colour merchant, agriiultuial implement maker, and agent for Ransome's and May's and Howard & Sons' ploughs), Thame LINEN DRAPERS, HABER- DASHERS & HOSIERS. Abbott William, Thame Bradshaw Edward,Thame Hunt George, Tbanie Stone & Diplock, Thame Walker Susannah, Telsworth Weston P. & D., Thame MALTSTERS. Field Samuel, Thame Parsons & 'I'ingle (and hop mer- chants), Thame Shrimpton James, Tetswortli Shrimpton Job, Thame MILLERS. Foster Gubriel, 'I'hame Slirimphjii Job, 'Thame MILLINERS (ScDRESS MAKERS Huit Mary, Thame Phillips Sophia, Thame Ray Harriet & Dicima, Thame Saunders Mary, Tliame Taplin William, 'I'hame PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, &C. Barton Richard, Thame Cistle Nathaniel, 'I'hame LaceySamuel, Tliame SADDLERS AMD HARNESS MAKERS. Jarvls David, Thame Saunders Franci^ Woolhouse.Thame Saunders Richard Wells, Thame SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERS IN GROCERIES 6c SUNDRIES. Aston Sarah, Thame Berry Kdward, Tetswoith Biistow 'Thomas, Thame I Clisi'V Francis, 'Thame Fenner Georee, 'Thame ' Holland Giles, Thame Hntt Levi, Thame Jarvis Alfred, Thame , Pearce Mary, 'Thame ' Phillips Jamts, Thame 1 Prickett Henry, Thame j Seymour Daniel, Thnnie I Wheeler William, 'Thame ! Wixon Robert, Tlinme i STRAW BONNET MAKERS. | Pearce Mary Ann, Thame j Pearce Rebecca. 'Thame Ray Harriet & Decima, Thame Saunders Mary, 'Tliame Turner William, 'Thame Wheeler Ellen, 'Thame SURGEONS. Lee Ricliard, 'Thame Lupton Henry, 'Thame Reynolds Henry Wells, 'Thame Wakeman George, 'Thame TAILORS. Bird Edward, Thame Clarke Harry, Thame Dodwell 'Thomas, Thame Ellis William, Tetswortli Flight EdwHrd, 'Thame Pearce Alfred, Thame Pearce Joseph, Thame Seymour John, 'Thame Seymour Joseph, 'Thame TAVERNS te PUBLIC HOUSES. Abingdon Arms, .lacol) Watson, Tliame Anchor, John Webster, Thame liell, Thomas Lester-, Morton Birdcage, John Horton, Thame Black Horse, James Barion, Thame Blue Man, John Meud, Thame Bull, William Webster, Thame Crown, Charlotte Nult, Telsworth Fighlinir Clicks, Wm. Hewlett, Thame Horse Shoes, Joseph Newitt, Thame KniR's Arms, IMarthaHolliday,Tet3Worlh >ag's Head, Robert B.ttin, Thame One Bell, Thomas Sheldon, Thame Red Cow, Thomas Pearce, Thame Red Lion, John Cjriflin,'retsworlh Royal Oak, George Colinz, Tetswortli Boyal Oak, William Edden, Morton Saracen 's Head, Francis Seymour.Thame Seven Stars. Henry Pearce, Thame Six Bells, William Clisby, Thame White Horse, William Latham & Abel Hill, Thame Retailers of Beer Bonner Thomas, Thame Bonney Charles, Thame 1 Bowler Richard, Thame Bnrriard Thoma«, I'hame Dunkin Uavid, Thame F,chools in the iieiehboinhood. Watlington Prtik, the «eat of T. S. Carter, Esq., Shirbnrn Castle, that of the Earl of Macclesfield; and Svviiicombe House, the Rev. C. K. Keene, are beautiful residences ill the neiglibourhood. The small market, held ou Saturday, is chiefly for corn. Two fairs (or more cor- rectly, statutes — heint? principally meetines for liirinc; servants by the neighbouring farmer^) are held ou the Saturday before and the Saturday after Old Rlichael- inas-day. The parish contained, in 1831, 1,833 in- habitants, and in 1841, 1,8.55. EuELME is a parish, giving name lo a hundred — the village is about 3^ miles s. w. from Watlington ; situ- ated on the road to Wallingford — from which it is about 4^ miles distant. This jilace, commonly called Newehne, is of considerable antiquity, and was tor- nierly of some consideration. In 14.37 William de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, erected a mansion, a neat hos- pital, and a church — in the latter, which is dedicated to Saint Maiy, Ids lady was buried, beneath a beautiful tomb, enriched with numerous alabaster figures of angels : the living is a rectory, annexed to the Regius professor of Divinity at OxforcL Tiie hospital, called God's House, which still exists, was for two priests and thirteen poor n)en — the patronaije is in tiie .same as that of the chut ch living. Tlie parish contained, in in 1841, 663 inhabitants. ATLIXGTON is a parish in the hundred nf Pir- ton — the mat liet town, a small one, is 45 miles w.N.w. from London, 18 s. e. from Oxford, and 8 N. E. from Wallingford (IJerk'-) — a station town near the lineof the (jreat Western railway. The ancient British mode of constructing theirdwellings, with tcattUng, or wicker- wot k, is deemed to he the oiigiii of the name of this town: if tilts l)e tlie true etymology, its existence mu-t he of high antiquity. It had anciently a castle, of which th-jie are now no vestiges. The town situ- ated at tlie base of the Cliiltern hills, is iriegulaily built ; it is not animuted by factories (if we exeept a rather considerable trade in shoe making, la'ely sprung np), liut derives its principal sup|)ort from agiicultuie. Two corn mills ate propelled by a stream that issues from the adjacent hills. 'I'he manor is held by the Earl of .Macclesfield and E. H. Hulton, Esq. : the loids, alteriiat' ly, hold courts leet twice iu the year, and the ina:istraies for the division sit iu petty session liere once a fnrtiii^hr. The places of worship are the neat little parish claiicli of Saint Mary (or as some assert SainlLeonard) and chapels (or Independents and IMetho'lists : the living of VVatlim;ton is a vicarage, of wliich ihe Rev. William Laiigloid is the present incumbent. The free gi aiiimar sr liotd bete was originally founded by Thos. de Stoiiot, in 1644, and foiinerly was one ofthe best POST OFFICE^ Coaching-street, Rose Pearce, Post Mistress. — Letters from London and all parts at rive (from Tetsworth) every morning at eight, and ate despatched thereto at a quarter past six, evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Brown .Itdin, Em].. Kingstone Carter Thomas Sheen, Esq., Wat- liegton Park Co'iptr Mr. Alfied, Pyrton Cozens Mrs. Coiichitsg st Dnrell Rev. Thotnas V., Pyrton Fane John, Esq., Worm-ley Fane J'diii,jttii.,l'.sq.,Sli(ibuiii lodge Fiatiklin John, E-(|., I'^welme Haincrsley Htigli, Esq., Haseley Jacob-oil ' Rev. William, u.i)., Eweline Rectoty [combe House Kciiie Rev.Clias.EdiiiUiid R., Swin- Knbv Rev. C L., St(dn John, Gatwell BUTCHERS. 41) BANK. Berks Union Bankinc Company (hiaiichof Wallengfoid — ojien on Saturdays onlvj. Market place, I Allen Thomas, Hiyh st (diaw ou the Loi don and We.st- [ Hine John, Couching st niinsier Bank)— Alexander Gait, j Lovelock George, Shiiburn st manager | Smith Henry, Market place liicctorji). WATLINGTON, &c. ^jtfoii)5j[)irc» CARPENTERS & JOINERS. Elliott James, Hiiighain lano Green John (and huilder), High st Raynioiul EilwH'tl, Goraell Stone Francis, Sliiiburii st CHINA & GLASS DEALERS. Betteiidgr llachel, Cou(.liing St Gteeu John, Hisli st COOPERS. Hall Jeremiah, IJrook st Ryder William, High st CORN DEALERS. Barnes J oscpl), Hv^h st Joiner Jonatiian, Hiyii st FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. CoLiNTvCtire),and PROViDZNT(life), William Barues, High st Farmers', Joseph Moores,Cnxl)am Norwich Union (fire), Joseph BiHC' V, iMarliet place Property Protection, John Henrv Cookf, Shirhiini street Star, Willi im G. Spver, MarUetpl Sun, Georsje Clift iMarU-t place; and Williun G. Spytr, Ewelme GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. Bine John, Couching >t Simmons William, Brook st Verley Thomas, lOv.'elnie GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS. [See also Sfwpkeeperif Sfc) RarnesWni.( tea denier.) Com hi Dgst Hope Joiiii (li drut'gisi), EvVLliiie Spyer William Godfrey (& druggist), ftlarUet phice Tillyer llobei t, Market place INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Barleyiuii\v,Job 'romliiison,Hi«h st Black Lion, WiUiainAustin, Brook st Crown, Jolin Lewis H^yne,llii,'li st Fox and Honnds (cominerciHl), Frederick Lovelock, Shirbuinst Grevhonnd JiiHiitlin.Ji'inler.High st Greylioniid, Thos. Garlick, ['Jwelme Hilt' Moon, John Trinder, CnstiHin f-iart- ami Hninds (commejcial), iMaraaiet Walker, Markit place Nels'ii, Joseph Gai{Iner,Bri!ilitwell Red LioiijIlichardMattliews.Coiuh- iiis st Red Li.-.n, Willi an Ualpli, Britwell Thne Crown, U'm. Steptoe, High st White Halt, Eiizabeili Applehy, Siiirburn ft Ketailers of Beer. Butcher James, Pyrtoii Carter Tlioiiias. Coiicliing st • Crook Mary, Cusham Crook Thomas. Sliiihurn st Glanville (ieorge, Ewelme Gieeii I'rancis, Uritwell load Prince William, BritWL-U Ring Thomas, Hii;h at Rose Ann, Ho^ lane Loveday Charles, Coucliing st Vernon John, Gorwell H'beeler Henry, Church lane Youens Richard, High st IRONMONGERS. Exton Ann, Couching st Green John, High st James William, Couching st LINEN & V/OOLLEN DRAPERS Bi-Hcey Joseph, Market place and High st Clift Georu'e, Market place Hill Solomon, Highst MILLERS. Barnes John, W.itliniiton Mill Greenwood Thonia^jjishop, Ewelme Wiggins William, High st MILLINERS, DRESS & STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Blight (Charlotte, Coucliing st Cliarlton Colville, Clmnh lane Rack straw Sn>an, Sjiirhurn st Raymond Martha, Gorwell Stone Elizabeth, Shii Imrn st PAINTERS, GLAZIERS &c. Naish Janif-s, Crouching st Shatter 'I'Iioiiihs, Hifh >t Whtrlcr William, High st SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERS IN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Baitwell William, Market place Bptteridsje llachael. Couching st Carev John, Cnxhiim Charlton C(dville, Church lane Clayton Thonia<, Brook st Green John, Hi'^h sr, and Ewelme Hathaway James, Eiielme Tallent James, Brook st SURGEONS. Bairatt Henry, Couching st Dixon Henry, JShiibiirn st Stone Jo'iii, Couching st TAILORS AND DRAPERS. Clift George, Market pi, ice Haviie John Lewis, Hinh st Hill Solomon, Hi«li >t WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Cannon Willinni, Conthing st James William, Conchingst 'I'omlinson Jroduciiig excellent a!(.s. Queen Anne iticorpor-ited llie blanket weavers, nnder tlie stvle of ' the Masters, A-sistants, Wardens ITNEY is a parisli in the hundred of Bampton — the market town (j.t miles w.n.w. from Londnn and 11 w. fioni Oxford ; situated on the river Windrnsh, which is cro^.-ed by a siih^tintial stone bridge of three arches, erected in 1822. Oxford is at present the nearest the nearest railway town, but the line fr that city to Clielteiiham will, when opened, pass and Coniiiionality of the Blanket weavers of U'itney.' ihroimh or comig is to Witney. This was a con- A hand.>ome blanket hall was erected in 1811 ; hut the siderahle place before the Conquest; afier whiih the charter and its provisions being imromp itib^e with number of its inhabitants incna^ed S" rapidly, that it the welfare of the trade at the nVesent d ly, tliey may received summonses to send inembeis lo parliament : now he considered merely asa dead letier. Thev\ater in the reign of Eduanl I], which it continued to do ; of the river Windrush is said to possess a peculiar till the 3;ird of Ed^vard III, and no longer. The town j nitrous quality, well adapted for the purpose of scour- is neat, well built, and clean in appeuiance, consist- 1 im; the blankets. Tiie town is governed by two ing principally if two streets, disposed on the side of j liailifTs, assisted by constables, tything-nn n and other the road from Burfoid to Oxford. The populariiy ofi inferior otRcers, elected bv the juiy of the court leet the VVitiiey blanket tenders it needless to publish that j fur the liorons^h, held annually at Micliaelmas. 'I'lie this cnmforcihle iiriicle is the staple of the town. Duke of .Marlbnrough is lord of the manor of Witney, Formerly this inannfacture was siibdividtd amongst i as lessee niiiler the Bi-Miop of Winch"S'er: a court Jeet nnnierotis small masiers — but ii is now chiefly in the | for the manor (wliich is co-e.steuMve with the borougji hands of a few spirited capitalists, and uives employ- | and prirish) is held twice a year; and Witney is iii- meiit lo tnoie than two thousand hands — the annual eluded in the thirty-eighth circuit of towns under consumption of wool being upwards of si.x tiiousati. I the County Court Act, for the recovery of debts to packs. Theie is also a manufacture of feltings, used i any amoutit not exceeding £20. () 4f (J^xfoiUiSDirt* WITNEY, &c. laur'0 The parish cliuich of Saint Mary is a sparions and elegant crucit'oi 111 fiiilii-e, with aontral tower, sur- niouiited by a loftv ami ricliiy oruameiited s|iire : witliii) tlie clituch are a miniber of very ancient tmnhs in the iraiistpts es|)eciaHv, and in tiie clian( el (tlie windows of wliiili are einbellislied with^ elegant tra- cery,) is a jiiscina ot l)eautiiu\ desii^ii. The livinfj i.s a rectory, in tlie patronage of tlie bisliopof VVinclie>;t( r; the Ui'V. Cliarles Jerrani is the present incumbent. The other places of worship are 'I'linitv church, (a chapel of ease to Saint Maiv) erected on Wood Green, in 184'.); and chapel- for Independent^ and Methoili.-t-. The free g aiiunar school was founded in KifiH, hy Henry \1< 1st of Di'cemhrr. The parish ofWitmv (inciiiding the hamlets of CuAWi.EY, CuRBitiOGE, and Haii.ev, con- tained, in 18.'J1, a,:iAC) inhabitaiits, and in 1841,5,707. I'nsham is a parish in the Iminlied of Wodttmi — the village, laige and pojiulous, is (i miles w. by n. from Oxibid, and about .5 e. from Witney ; ^ituated on the main load between the two towns, and mar to ihe wesierii bank of the Isis, over which liver is a good stone bridge. Formerly it was a Saxon frontier and loyal town, then called Eqoncsham, of which the pre- si nt name is obviously an ahhreviation. At osie period it was faint d for its alibey.tlie revenues of which must have hern of great aniout, as at the dis-olution they were valued at no less than £441 : of the edifice, wiiich is recorded to have hten iiiat;ninceiit, there are few if any vestige^. Fii^ham Hall, the fine seat of the I'^arl of M.icclesfield, is in this vicinity. The church of Saint Leonard, a handsome structure, and a liuptist chapel, are the places of worship. The living is adi.s- rhaigetl vicarage. An endowed school, oiiginally om..vj... ..^ ..v.^. .- -J ~, founded in 1700, is for the instruction of a limited in Kastcr week, the Thursday next after the Dth of number of hoys. Population of the paiish, in 1831, Julv, August 21th, September 14th, the Thursday ll, 858 ; in 1841, 1,893. POST OFFICE; High-street, Witney, Josej)!! Masters, Post DIaster. — Letter.s from London, Bib- MiSGiiAM Manchesii;r, LIVERPOOL, the NoKTH OF ENGLAND, llkewi-e fioni Ireland and Scotland, arrive evi'v morning at ten minutes past six, and aftenioou at half-past four, and are despatched at !ialf-past nine at niglit. Letters from Cheltenham, Bristol, and the West oe England, arrive every morning at haU'-paa nine, aif I are despatched at five in the alternoon. Letters from Harford, Stow, Moreton, &c. arrive at eleven in the forenoon, and are despatched at half-pa-t fo«' in the afiernoon. POST OFFICE, Ensiiam, Anil Ftister, Post iMhtress.—Leiterfi from all parts airive (from Oxford) everv niDrning at h ilf past fi^e, and are despatched theieto at a quarter past ten at night. L'lne CharU", Newland Moiley llichaK.', Corn st BLANKET MANUFACTURERS. Collier Horatio, Corn st Early Edward latid wagon tilt, and mop yarn). West end Early, Henrv&Co. (and tirth wcbh). Blanket hall [.New Mills Eaily .lohn & Co., Newland and Early Ri( hard. West etui Early Kichiiil, jun. (and mop yam, tiliini; and saddlery waiehouse), Wood green NOBILITY, GEI^JTRY AND CLERGY. Baylis Mrs. .\nn, Com st Biicknell Ilcv. William, Eiisham Bush .Mrs. — , Higli st [green Clinch .Ml. John Williims, Church Dowty Rev. John, High st Dnttoii Mr. John, Cuihridge Duttoii Mr. Willi-im, Church green Farley Rev. 'I'liomas, Oucklington Gillet'tMis. — , Chutch i;reen Grigory Rev. Hcnrv, Church green Hunt R.v. R:iv Richard, Corn st Jinam Rev. Charles, Recunyllouse Jena II Rev. Samuel, Church en en Lamb William Ellis, Esq , Hailey Macchsfirld the Rt.Hon.the Earl of, En-h;nn Hall Matth^■w.^ Rev. Henry, En.shatn Rolfe Rev. tieorge C, Hiiley Smith .Mr. Richard, Wood green Smith Mrs.—, High si Snow Ml. WiUiani, Church green Striikland Walter, Esq. (magistrate), Cokethorpe House Tozer Rev. Roh.rt, High st Walker Mrs. Marv, Wood green Webb Mrs. Selina, Newland House, Kiisliam fst We-tellJanies, Esq. (coroner), High W.stlake Rev. Chas., .Mount lli,n>,c ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS. Bei cliey Mary (hoaiding), Eiishani JiLUE Coat >ciiooi., W^od gieen — Geoiuc 111 y. Ill, master Bryan Eli/.abeth, Wood gietn Collier Elizabeth [boarding aiid day), High st Endowed School, Enshain — John Ham, niHstcr Free (Jkam-mar School, Church gieen— Rev. Hy. Gregory, master Heel Richard Tiioiiias (boarding), Higbst Lawiciue Mary Am e, High st National School, Bridge street— John Woodcock, master ; Maitlia Badcock, mistress National School, Ensham — John Ham, master ; AniiJames, mistress Plummer I'-mma (day), EnslMin Wigiiins Joseph (day), Newland 42 ATTORNEYS. Hunt Fraticis, High st Leake (jhailes. Church green Leake James, Church gieen Lee & \it'e:>, Maiket place Westell J.iines & Frederick, High St AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISRS. Long James, Bridge st U'ilUinson William, High st BAKERS. .'\ndrcws Tlnniia^, High st Brown James, Wood lireen Calcutt Henry. Newland Chailwond Wihiiin, Western! Constable William, Eiishatn George John, Corn st Hankiiis William, We.st end Harris John, Hiuh st Harris Joseph, Wi st end Harwood John, ICiishain .Hedges John, Ensham •lohnson .lohn, Newhind .lidinson 'I'homas, Hailev Kent John Caswell, Hiah st Liine Edward, Marktt place Lii(Ne\ Fannelo, Corn st Lyford William (and confectioner), .Marlci t pliice P.iinter Edward, Corn st Pu/ey Richard (and confectioner). Bridge .st Swinghurn Richaid, Market place Taylor Richard, l'"nshain Toner Richard, ImisIkuh BANKERS. Clinih J(din U'iHiams& Co., RLir- ki t place (draw on Masiermaii, I'eti rs, Si Co., London) [..ONDON and County JointStock Bank, Miirket place, (draw on the head olTice, London) — Henry Strong, manager BOOKSELLERS& STATIONERS Bnmfoid Esau (stationer). High st Lawrence Is;iac Newton (and de- po^itaryot theChristi 111 Knowledge Society). High .st Shayler James (and printer and jeweller), Market iilace BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Ashfield William, ^'arket place Bennett William. High st Blake William. Eiisliam BurUinghani Ricliard, En>hani CoUins'Williiuii, High st Collins William Slatter (and leather seller). Market place Co'iper Isaac, Higli st Flexney 'I'lioma^;, ('orn st (Jatdner Thomas, Wot end Haines Robert, Com st Hai lis Thomas, West end Harwood John, Com st Harwood WiHiani, Newland Judd Wilhaiii, Com st Rowies George, Newland Sawyer Williim, Ensham Tayl.ir R(d>ert, High st Wiiitlock Thomas, Ensham BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Clarke Thonns, High st BASKET ei SIEVE MAKERS. l'"ox Tlioiiias, BiiilL'c >t I'ish Chaile-, Mioket |)lace BLACKSMITHS. Birdseye Joseph, Bridge st Burden George, Ensham Burden James liaiii Hasiincs M.itilicw, EiLvhani L Tlionias Market place Biim|)ii* .loliii, Corn st C'antfli Cimle-, Knsliam Ci.niell John, Knsii.iiu Claiksoii KiMiicis, (_ oni st Haiper Willi uti, KiiNliam HiulsDii .loliii, Maiki'i place Hiiilsiii) .lii-^epli, Coin st Siiurtt-r William, West end TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Atieel, Jami'S Smilli, IMaikel place KpII. .lames Silnian, Corn st Black's Hrad.Thos. Uickensale.Bridge st Britannia, Wni. Faiclieii. Bari>ard gale Biill,Ji)hn I'liipp'. Market place Carpeiiter>'Arms,\VatkinCast|e,Newland CoHCh and Horses, Henry Woodinglon Corn stseet Cro-8 Keys, John Sieptoe. Market place Elm Tree, Mark Kiiiglit, West end George and Ura^on, William Horley, Market place Grillin, Tlmmas .Stone, Newland Herd of S«iiie, William Lord, Cnrbridge Hollyl.nsli, James Car er. Corn «t JoUv Tncker.|loseph Gardner, West end Kinj o( PrnssiB, Wni. Davis, West end Kin-j's Head, John SiTnmonds, High .^t Lamb & Fla:;, Samuel Humphries. Hailey ftlaltsterand Shovel, Richard Bncking ham. Ensham [kel pi ,ce MarlhiirouKh Arms, Mary Gillelt, Mar- Marlborongh's Head, Williim Bond, Church gieen Old Red I, ion, Charles Ronse, Ensham Plongh. Thorn s Nevil. Hieh st Red Lion. Hariict Spittle. Ci'rn st Roval Oak, J,.mes Ball, High st Slrirkiand Anns, Robert Hamlett, Diickineton Swan, John Shepherd, Ensh.nm Talbot, Philip Scholey, Ensham Three Horseshoes, John Andrews.Corn st Tliree I'ijeon-i, Ann Garilrirr,Woiid green Wagon & Horse-^.Thos. Pumphrey.Corn st ■White Hart, William Davis, Ensham netailers of Beer Bridges Hich.ird, Ensham Brooks Ricl arl. Corn st Buckingham Chailes, Ensham Caniell Charles. Ensham Claridge Elizabeth, Hailey Cordswfll James, Corn st Cox John, Ensbam Cox William, West end Dailey !M my. Corn st Fanion Henry, West end Either Hoberr. Corn st Ford Riiherl, Ensham Haines Job, H..iley Harwood John, Ensham Jackson Joseph. West end 1-egg James. High st Redgate Richard, Corn st Swaillini I liomas, Ensham Williams Jidin, Bridge st TIMBER IWERCHANTS. Lntiij; .lames, Bi i(ii;e st Wilkinson William, Hieh .st WATCH'& CLOCK MAKERS. Anthiif Jolin Dee, ICn-li.im li.irioii Koberi, Kiisluiin Haiiis.laiees, iNlHiket place Raiid..ll Heiirv Peaice (and eii- • Riaver), Coi ii st Wiil'er Ivlmniul faiul sihersmith and tngiaver^, .Maiket place WHEELWRIGHTS. Green Hi il'crt, Dnckliiigton May Cliailes, Diicklinutdn WOOLSTAPLERS. Clincli .lames, iMarkct pi .ce Siilmoi) Hernv, Bri'lge st Sliillingford William, Ensham Miscellaneous- Beale David, parchment manufacturer. Bridge street Belcher Wi.liain, toy dealer. High st Rushnell George, brick maker. Ensbam C"llier Micliael,conlectinner. High st Day Joseph, nurseryman, Ensham Day William, bark dealer, Ensham FreiichThonias,parish clerk.Chnrch green Gas Works, back of High st— Francis Hunt, clerk Green Will am, parish clerk, Ensham Harris D iiiiel, siockine mannfctr.High st Hudson Eslher, slay maker. [Market place In LAND Revknub OKPici-.at iheSt lule Hall H"tel— George Digby, supervisor ' Kent John Caswell, dealer in musical instruments, Hiijh street M.islers .loseph,acc"initant. High st Stamp Officg, Hifh street — Isaac Law- re ce, S'lb-dist i! u tr Smith Hannah, baiierilasber. Bridge st Smith .lames, stone mason. Market place Sylvester 'I'bpnias, fellmnnuer. High st 'J'owN Hall. Market place— Benjamin H. Lowell, keeper \Miitlonk Thoma--, hi,i;h constable, Church creen Winlield Charles, cattle dealer, High st COUNTY COURT, IltLD AIONTULY, AT TIIF, STAPLE tIALL INN. Jiiilge—Johr. Billirg:sley Parry, Esq. C/er'fc-James Westell. Hiqh B ?/ijf-William Biddle. Bji/i^- Thomas Whitlock. COACHES. To EONOON and OXFORD, Ihe Rot/al njii'il. and the liirul Couch, from the Staple Hall Inn.daiy (Snnday excepted) ToCHELTENHA;\l,theR!Ln/, from the Crown, and Staple Hall Inns, daily (Sunday excepted) To Slow, the Roval HIail. from tbc Crown, and Staple Hall Inns, daily (Sunday excepted) POOR LA\V UNION. WoRKHOusi'., iiurfoi-d royj Go Ldnor — Benjamin Ward_ l/o(n veial Knglisli moiiaichs : Hinry I took great ddiclit in the palace lieic, and in lU.') en- closed the park with a loftv stonewall; and Henry II resided in this palace in'llC3, when llice, Prince of Wale.', came to tender liis homage: hnt what ren- /li-redthis place most famous wa.'i a lahyi in ill, said to 44 have been "planti d by Henry, called ' Rosamond's bower,' witlra Iniiise in it, ti'i secrete liis beautiful mistress, Hosamond C'lilford, from Kleanor, his queen : there ate no traces left, however, of Ihe palace or the bower. Woodstock to this day, is a place of considerable interest and cniio^ityin .several points of view, hnt more p;u ticiilarlv as having contiguous to it HLF,NiiF.iM,;hesnpeibseatof iheDnkeofMarlhorou^h. To Kive a 11)1 Hgie description of this proud monnment of liritish valour and Marlborough's ability would be 'lerogatory, and our space is not ample enough for an adequate one : sullice if, then, that is worthy of the yiciory it commemorates, and ofthcnation that caused its election. As if Blenheim weie not sufficient to perpetuate the high interest that surrounds * Wood ©ll£CtOl.I). WOODSTOCK. stock,' the magic pen of Sir Walter Scott has, in his delightful novel of that n.iine, carried hnck the iniagi niition 10 thotie early scenes and days when kings and knights and la^lies revelled in its ho'wers, and chivHlric pomp vva^ encouraged and niiheld hy some of the mo^ t anaust and gallant chai alters of" English historv. Woodstock was (ir>t inioi porated hy Hmry VI, whose charter was confirmed and enlargt-d hv succeeding nionarchs— the last of whom, Charles II," granted that under which the corixMMtion mjw govern. This hody coirsists of a mayor, fouraldirmen^ a high steward, a recorder, two chamberlains, seventeen common conn- cilmen and a town clerk : the corporation are lords of the minor, and hr)ld acourtleet annually, and Wood- stock is included in tlie thirty-eighth circuit of town- under the County Court Act, "for Hie recovt-ry of debts to anv ainoant not exceeding £20— this court is held monthly, in the tow^n hall. The hurg. sses have been entitled to send members to pailiament from a xerj eaily pt-riorl, and from thel.-iihof Elizabeth down to the pa-^siiii-ot the Reform Hill they returned two, but the niw charter reduced the number to one : the pivsent representative is the Alaiqnes- of Hluidford. Woolstock comers the inferior title of V^iscount on the Duke of P.ntland. The principal, indeed the onh nianufaiture now e.Nisting i> th .t of ylovt-s, and evt-n Ihisha^ s-.dlv fallen off from its former pro-pcritv. Ai tides ofcntanri polished steel at one time conferred no little celebrity upon the place. For some speci- POST OFFICE. William Howells, Pust Master ^xfoia^[)tic mens of the Woodstock steel, the prices obtained at one tone, .will convey an idea of the labour and skill bestowed: a chain . weighing only two onnce.<, wis sold in France for £170 -teihnc; ; a box, in which the treedoin ot the borounh was pre-enled to Lord Clief- fn,";i'''''n","''%^^V"';f ' =''"'*■'"■ ■' Kaiterstar, made toi the Duke of iMHilborongh, fiftv guineas were p;ii(l. Ihis branch gradually declined, and is „ow extinct \\oodstock, thoui,'h for all civil purposes a pnnsh IS only a chapelry to the rectorv of Hladon. 1 he chapel ot Saint Mary, is a neat edifice, most of it lebuilt in 1/85, when a towei w^s eiected : the livinii 1^ m the presentation of the Dnl;e of iMarlhoiouuJi Ihfie are places of worship for ii;iptists and Wesleyani Alethodisis. The free grammar scho(d, founded and endowed in 1585 liy Richiird Cornwall, a native of the town, has lately been revived n|ion liberal principles. Another schocd, founded by Sir Robei t Corks,in wliich si.xteen boys and giils are cducaitd and clo'ibed an apprenticeship fund ; a range of ;dmslou-es,« reefed and endowed in 1/9:5 by Can/line Duchess of Alarl- boroimli, for si.^c poor widows; and some niiisor benefactions to the poor, compiisc the ( hariiies. The market is held on Tuesday ; and tlie fairs, on the first Tuesday in Februaiy,the first Tut-sday in April.Tuesday in Whitsnn-week.and thr fiist Tuesdays in the months of Auuu-t, Ociobcr, November -aid December. The borough and paii-h contained in 1831,1,380 inhabitants and in 1841, 1,412. Letters from London, Oxford, and the South „,.,.,,,„,... . » ,..v,. .-, , uji, irjuotc;. — ijciitris iroiii UONUON, UXFORD, ailfl the South ten at^i^ht'."""""^'"' ''''''' ''^"' afternoon at a quarter past two, and are \iespatched ata qtiarter S Fvrh^Nn''li?p.v! l^'^'^^^.'^TER. Birmingham, Manchestrr, Liverpool, and all parts of the North of at fhe sa.ne In^t-. " ""'^ '"'' ^^'^^^^^^^ ^''ive every afternoon at half-past one. and are disjlt"hed at ha'r,;::t ,'";: 1!: ^0,0',.;?,^^""""™"' '"'■' """'^ '"''' "^'^^ ^' ^ '^-"^'•'^''- P^^^ "'"^' ^-^ ^'-^ despatched NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Barnett Joseph, Ivq.Glympton Park Beckley IMis — , VVoo(i>tock Belleimer iMrs. — , Woodstock Brown Miss Sophia, Woodstock Brown-Hev..Ino,Jf fferev,I\;idliiigton Bulford Mr. William, Hcndlt-y Caiter Air. William, Wooi;sto'ck Cross iMi^sMarv Ann, Woodsock Coidwell Rev. VSiUiam, Woodstock Dashwood Sir George, Bart. Kirt- lingion Park Evctis William, Esq.Tackley Park Freer Rev. John, Wood.-tock Guilleuiard Rev. Janus, Kinlingtoii Lee Rev. VVm. Black-tone, Wooton Marjietts Mr. William, Woodstock RJarlhorough his Grace the Duke of, Blenheim Park Nucella Rev. Thoma«, Glynipton Phillips Mr. William, Woodstock Prior Mr. Joseph, Woodstock RicHrdo Mortimer, Esq. Kidilinaton House [W'oo'tstfick St. John Rev. George William, Turner Miss Charlotte, Wood-tock Turner Miss Fannv, Woodstock Turner William, E-q. Shipton Valentia Viscount, IJlechington Park West Rev. Wa-h bourne, Coombe ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Bayley & Cooper (ladies' boarding) Hope House Free Grammar School — Rev Rev. Arthur Tidinan, master Infants' School— Louisa Bloor, mistress Piitchett Patience (day) ATTORNEYS. Harrison John Venfield Hollovvay Benjamin (and clerk to the niagistiates) Knapp Richard North Henry (and town clerk) BAKERS. Bndd William Harris Anthony Smith James (and inealman) Whale Thomas BANKERS. Gilleit & Tawney (Bianch of Ban- bury)— (draw on Glyn, Hallifax &Co. London) — Morris & Wing, managers Savings' Bank (open on Mondays) George Pain, acuiary BLACKSMITHS. Beckley Thomas Brof)ks Charles Morley Phillippa Shayler Jose|ih (and white) BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. Eccles William (and printer, and sub-distributer of stamjjs) Miles Thomas BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Beckley Richard Hollow av Philip Lay William Merrick Thomas Newport William [cutter Watson Stephen Hanks (and leather Wilsdon Benjamin BUTCHERS. Barrett Richard J Prior Charles (& Mori is Thomas T poulterer! Pratt Robeit j Watson Thomas CARPENTERS. Castle George Ward Joseph White Jo>eph, Old Woodstock CORN DEALERS. Bellenser Adam (corn factor^ Bndd William Prior Francis CURRIERS. Kirby Matthew Gustavus Raggett Eli (and leather cutter) FIRE &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Atlas, John Park( r County (fiie)AND PRoviDENT(Iife) Edward Pie^cott Crown (life), Be.Jamin Holloway Law (fire), Benjamin Holloway Legal AND Commercial, .tohn , '"fleers [Kuapp Legal AND General rli(e)Richard Norwich Union, John Veutield Hail ison Phcenix Fire, John Tavlor Royal Exchange, William Eccles GLOVE MANUFACTURERS. Cross Ann Emily Glover Thomas Godden Josiali Godden Sampson, Old Woodstock Green S;imiiel Green William, Old Woodstock Meears J-rnies Money Eli/abeth Money -Richard Rvman William Thompson George GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Beckley Richard, Woo -stock Cbarlwood Martha, Old Woodstock Green Wiiiiam, Old Wood>tock Gumni Edward, Old VVoodstuck Harris Anthony Woodstock Heynes William, Wo')dstock Hunt James, Woodstock Long Richaid, Thrupp Meears John, Wood.-tock Miles Thomas, Woolstock Morris Wni. (and tallow chandler)' Ryman William, Woodstock Siiin;an Martha, Woodstock Whitlock Sarah, Old Wood.vtock INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Adam & Eve, James Thornton Bear Inn (and commercial and Dott- ing), John Gillam P Biid-in-H;ind, Tliomas Fairfax Blandford Arms, J no, Wm. Garret 45 ^latcr'js WOODSTOCK. i3iuctorg. INNS, etc. — Continued. Boat, Ricdaid Lone, Thiupp Crown, Tli'-m iS Bangliam Hor^e et Gmoiii, Kiciimd Morris Jollv Ka'rneis, John Prior Kind's Arms (.commercial), Phillip SlatitT Kiiij^'s HtMfl, G' orgc Ming New Angel, Henry Htviies Old Angel, Ji.iiu Nevii Ro>e & Criivvn, Clias. Buckingham, t OiH Wootl-tocU j Rmal ()ak,'riiiim.is Failev Till eeH III seShoe-.Wm Hnit.Tlirnpp Wheat Sheaf, John Le\iiis, O.'d Woodstock White Halt, doliii Moberly While Lion, Janvs Failey Woodstock A nii.s,Ja^Herbeit!\lorris Fetailers of Beer. Charlewood Mai tha,01d\Voodstock Haniiis James Horn .\|.>>es Hunt JanifS M.irg- tts John, Old Woodstock Taylor Tlioiii is IRONMONGERS. Dean John (and iron founder) LegsiattU iHi.iin(& broker & tinman) Miles Thomas LINEN DRAPERS. Banbury C ihiiel Geori;e Howles'Williani [and woollen) Allies 'I'honuis Presrott Kdvvaid SluifFitv Geiuge (and silk mercer) MILLINERS AND DRESS AND STRAWBONNET MAKERS. C'lX Ueb. C(a Hayne- Sn^nn Morris Kiizabeth WoodvvardJaiie(-tiavv bonnet makr) PAINTERS 6c GLAZIERS. Farley Thomas Godilaid Henry (and plumber) IVlonis Willi. nil (and plumber) SADDLERS. Hannis Cliai les Knilih^c John (and collar maker) Scarshiook John Scarsbiook William STRAW BONNET MAKERS. SeeHJilli/iersSf Straw BonnetMakers. SURGEONS. Coles Geotge Hawkins John Palmer Henry Thomas Titley TAILORS. Banbury G^b^iel George Cox Siephen (and draper) Pentycross Thomas Pnrnell Janie< Wil^den iJenjamin MisceUaneous Beckley Jsmrx, horse doctor Bpiinetl EiUvnnl. parish cletk Ctioper Wiiiiani. lirreclit-a maker [Gay Drt- vv & Sqnhe, paper makers, Hampton Eihiilce (icorge, linnian r.ldri(Ii;e Miiry. habeidasher Fardon John, walch and clock maker Farrell 5i Johnson, china & glass dealers G.irratt John Williim, cooper (ioddard Henry, Sfedsman Godfrey John, cooper Green Samuel, Berlin repository Grirtin Henr», tishrnoneer & tiipe dresser Grimniell Richard, basket maker, Old M'ooJ>t"ck Harris William Henry, agent to the Duke of IMarlhoronf;h Inland Rrvenuk OFMCF.at the King's Arms Inn — Wm C'owper, supervisor Jakeman Kiclid. miller, Old VVoodatock Lay James, trunk maker Lurman Mariha, confectioner Marijelts John, Iravellini draper, &c. Newra.in Henry, umbrella maker Newman John, linen weaver Parker John, cabinet maker Payne Sarah, hrick m.iker & stone mason Raine Richard, surveyor and land agent Slatter I'hilip. plasiererand slater Smith Amhro^e, maltster Sontliam Thomas, audioneer Stewart Edward, coal dealer Taplin Charles, hair dres^er Taylor .lohn, chemist and druggist Ward Hannah , confectioner Whicliello Samuel, perfnraer&toy dealer White Joseph, travelling draper, &c Wilkes Charles Richard, coacli builder, Old Woodstock POOR LAW UNION. WoRKHcusE, Hensingtou. Gnvervo) — Thomas Powell /»7a/roH— Charloite Powell SfAoo/Hms/er— William Gorden Castell .^'choolniislress — Einnia Hudson .Sioyeon— George Coles Chaplain-- Rev. Arthur Tidman CInk to the Board of Guardians — Benjn. Holloway Relievinti Officers — George Foster and John irons REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS, DEATHS & MARRIAGES. Stiperinttndent Registrar Benjamin Holloway Refiislrar of Births and DfalhsforWood- stock /Msttict—Gfoigf Foster For Deddington District— iuhn Churchill COUNTY COURT, HELD MONTHLY AT THE TOWN HAL'L Judge — John Billingsley Parry, Esq. Higli i?aiVi;^~William Biddle Clerk — Benjamin Holloway Bai/(^— Sanders Bennet COACHES. To LOVDON & OXFORD, the Rntjal Mnil, the liletiheim, and the Ornman, from the Bear, and the Rfgiilalor, Votn the Adam and Eve, daily (Sunday excepted) To RANBURY. the Regulator, from the Adam and Eve.daily (.Sunday excepted) To BIRMIXGHAM, the Oxonion, from the Bear, daily (Sunday excepted) To CHIPPING-NOR lON.the B/».«Aem from the Bear, daily (Sunday excepted) To WORCESTER, the Roiial Mailftom the Bear, daily (Sunday excepted) CONVEYANCE BY RAILW^AY. The nearest S.alion is Oxkoed, Smiles distant There are Coaches daily to Oxford, as aboTe stated CARRIERS To LONDON, John Ward's n'agont, from John Hunt's house, Tuesday and Saturday To CHIPPING-NORTON, John INIace, fr'im the Adam and Eve, Saturday, and Charles Buckinnliam, from the Rose and Crown, Wednesday To OXFORD. Thomas Hanwell, from his house daily ; ('harles Buckingham, from the Rose and Crown, Monday and Saturday ; Thomas Beckley, from Ibe Jolly Farmers, Wednesday and Satur- day, and .lohn Mace, from the Adam anil Eve, Friday To WHITNEY, Thomas Beckley, from the Jolly Farmers', Thursday. 46 SUFFOLK Jl S a maritime county, bounded on the north by Norfolk, from which it is separated by the Little Ouse and the Waveney livcrs; on the soutir by Essex — the river St»ur forming the division ; on the east l>v the Gerniaa Ocerin, and on tlie we>t by Cambridgeshire. Its figure is an irregular oblouR, measuring from AMborougb, on the east, to Newmarl^et, on tlie tiorders of Canibriilgeshire, on the west, about forty-xeven miles, and from north to south abnut twenty-seven: its circu infer en ce has been esiiraated at one hundred and forty-four miles ; and its area to com|)relieiid one thousand five hundred and fifteen square miles, or 969,600 statute acres. lo size it ranks as the twelfth English county, and in population as the eighteenth. Name and eahlv history. — In the time of the Romans the inhabitants of this part of the country were called the Iceni or Cenomatini, dt-scended from the Cenomanni of Gaul. Under the Roman dominion it was included in tlie province of Flavia CcBsariensis. Within tlie limits of the county there were three or four Uoman stations— namely, .^f/.,^rtj«m, at Stratford, on the borders of Kssex ; Cambretonium, atBretienham; 6'anrt/ionMW, at Burgh Ca'€tvveen the kingdoms of Mercia and East Anglia. Under the Saxons it formed a part of the kingdom of East Anglia, and was designated Suffolk from Sud-folk — literally * southern folk' or ' people.* 'i'he whole of this and some of the adjacent counties experienced little respite from foreign and domestic depredators till some time after the death of Edward the Confessor: this county, in particular, suffered much fiom Sweyne, King of Denmark, who >pared neither churches nor towns, unless redeemed by the people with large sums of money; though, to compensate in some measure for this cruelty, Canute, his son and successor, shewed it particular kindness. When VVilliain the Conqueror was settled on the throne of the kingdom, he divided the manors of Suffolk among his officers. Some of the towns of this county are of great antiquity, and the renrains of its once massy castles possess high interest with the aniiquaiy. But y Saint Edmunds is supiiosed to ha*e been the Pllla Faustinii, or ' the seat of F"austinius ;' by the Saxons it was called Beoderk Ifeord, or 'the Court of lieoilericns:' this town is famous for itsahbey, which, when in its splendour, is said to have exceeded all othec establishments of the kind in England, Glastonbury excepted. Ipswich (or, as it is written in Domesday-book, Gyppeswiz), was originally fortified, and enclosed by a ram- part and ditch, which was broken down by the Danes when they pillaged the town in the years 991 and 1,000. Duhwich, now an inconsideiable village, was once a most important Roman station : in 630 it was an episco- pal see ; and it is recoided by tradition that atone time it hdAjifty-two churches and monasteries— M of which, but one, have beeti swallowed up by the sea! During the intestine broils between King Stephen and the barons, Buneay castle, erected by the Higods, Earls of Norfolk, was so strongly fortified by Hugh Bigod ("a turbulent u' blenian) against his sovereien, as to be tendered almost impregnable. In the reign of Richard 11, when Wat Tyler lebelled, many of the men of Suffolk joined the Norfolk insurgents, in their foimidable revolt, which was at length suppressed by the exertions of Spenser, the warlike Bishop of Norwich. In 1665 the memorable engagement between the English atid Dutch fleets, in which the latter was defeated, occurred off Lowestoft; and in 1667 the Dutch landed three thousatid men under Felixtow cliff, but were put to fliaht, after an ineffictual attempt upon an ailjacent fort. Soutbwold bay was the scene of an obstinate conflict between the united fleets of Knuland atid France, on the one side, and the Dutch fleet on the other; the French soon left the English to bear the brunt of the action, which tertninaled without any decided advantage being olitained by either the English or Dutch. Suffolk was one'of the eastern counties that were associated in tlie cause of the Parliament against Charles 1, and placed under the command of the Earl of Rlancliester: there were a few influential gentlemen of the county who endeavoured to raise a force to secure it for the king, butvvere surprised and reduced to obedience by Cromwell. The number of religions houses of all denominations was filty-nine, including four Alien priories. Some of the most lemarkahle churches are those of Aldeiton, Ashtield and Bariiham, all in ruins; of Bercles, reinaikable for its nohle steeple; Blythlioiongh ; Saint Mary, and Saint James, at Bury; Buxlow, in ruins; Creeling; All Saints, and Cotton ; also Dnnvvich, Flixton, Fordley and Haslewood, all in ruins: there are two or three at Ipswich of great anti- quity ; and Lavenham church is remarkable for its beauty. Several others, interesting to the antiquary, of which only the ruins lemaiii, are pointed out to the tourist, in different localities. Soil, Surface and Climate. — There is in this county a very creat variety of soil; the whole, however, may be com enieiitly divided into four sorts — clay, sand, loam and fen. The first description of soil compre- hends the whole midland part of the county, through nearly its entire extent from east to west, and forms about two-thirds of the land : the district over which this soil prevails is called ' High Suffolk.' The next sort of soil consists chiefly of sand, and lies in opposite sides of tlie county — some in the maritime part; much of this district is highly cultivated, and is one of the most profrtable; "the rest of the sand district lies on the western side of the county, and compiises nearly the wh(de of t he uorth-westeru angle ; it contains a few spots of such rich sand-lands as are found on the coast, but abounds with vvairens and poor sheep-walks: towards the borders of Norfolk it is very light and blowinu. The third district, that of loam, forms but a small portion of the county, and is not so clearly discriminated as the others : it is composed of a vein of friable, putrid, vegetable mould, of extraordinary fertility. The fen division is merely the noith-wcst corner: its surface, to some depth, is common peat-bog, and in different places is under water, though much expi'nse has been incurred for drainini;. — The surface of Suffolk does not exhiliit any remarkable featuies. Fifty years ago the amount of waste lands was nearly one hundred thousand acres — the greatest extent spreadlne over nearly all the country, from Newmarket to the confines of Noifd to it, theliemp de- stroying every other plant : tlie fabrics wrought In this county from its own hemp have tjieat merit. 'I'lie grasj lauds are not remarkable for excellence or extent, and the dairy farms are nut so numerous as miglit be ex- pectt d in so fertile a district : still large quantities of butter are made for the London inurl;et, and lai ge tracts of grass l.ind are mown for the supply of the towns with hay. The crops, commntily cultivated, are wluat, barley, oats, beans, peas, and almost all kinds of vi getables, also hemp and hops. The culture of carrots, in the sand districts, is a veiy ancient practice, and potatoes are giown in eveiy part of the county, The Suffolk cows, although not large, yield a considerable quantity of milk, but which is not remarliable for lichness. The number of sheep kept is very great, and the breed of horses is very celebiated. Theie are many rabbit wairens in the western district, and poultry is exceedingly plentiful — especially tuikies, for which this county may be said to al^lo^t rival Norfolk. — The manufactures of Suffolk are not extensive or vaiious — liuht stuff.% buntings, ciapesaiid yarns, being the principal under this liead, with hempen cloth for home cunsumpiion; the combing and spinning of woersto pailiament, viz. two for the for the boroughs of Aldborough, Buiy Saint Edmunds, Dunwich, Eye, Ipswich, Orford and Sudbury, and two for the county at lari;e. The new charter disfranchised Aldborough, Dunwich [and Oiford ; while Sudhury was disfranchised, upon petition in 1841: it restricted Eye to the return of one member but bestowed two additional ones upon the county — so that the number of representatives is reduced from sixteen to nine. Thecountv is divided into two electoral paits, called tlie ' Eastern Division,' and the 'Wes- tern divi-ion'; the return of members to represent the former is made from Ijiswich, and for tlie western, from Bury Saint Edmund- : the eastern divi-ion polls also at Beccles. Frrtmliii«ham, Halesworth, Needham, Saxmundham, and Wondbridge; a:id the western at Botesdale, Hadleigli, Lavenham, Mildenhall and VVick- Jiam Brook. The members now sitting for the eastern divi-ion are Lord Rendlesham, and Edward Sherlock Gooch, E-q.; tho-e for the we-teni are, Heniy Sjtencer VVaddington, Esq.,and Captain Philip Burnett. Suffolk gives the title of Earl to the family of Howard. Population, &c. — By the ntunis rend> red eovernment at the census of 1811, Suffolk 'contained 1.54,095 males, and lb'0,978 females; toial, MbfiJ.i, exhibiting an inciease over the returns of 1831, of 18,769 in- habitants. The annual value of Real Property, in this county, as assessed to the poor rates in 1815, amounted to £1,127,404; and in 1841, to £1,297,956. i^iifrtorg* ^uffolfe. Distance Table of Towns in Suffolk. The Asterisks {*) attached lo the name 0/ a Town denote the number of Representatives it returns to Parliament i the Italie letters siyni/y the Market Days. The uanies of the towns are on the top and side, and tlie square where both meet gives the distance. From London. Aldborough, w. ands 94 Beccles Bildeston Botesdale Brandon Bungay Bury St. Edmunds** Clare .'.... Dehenham Eye* Frainliiighaui Hadleigh Halesworth Haveriiill Ipswich** . . ., .. Lavenham Lowestoft Rleodlesham Mildcnhall Naylaud Needhain Market .. Orford Sa.xuiundhaai Southwold Stowmarlvet Sudbury Woodhridge Beccles, /. 108 Bildeston 63 lintesdale. th 88 37 9 24 32 16 30!33 3l|28 46l33 9jl4 12 29 I9I28 Brandon, th 80 Bungay, th 108 Bury St. Edmunds, w. ands 72 18 Clare, m 56 2y!Debenham,/. 3-4 i 7 Eye, ^f/. 35' 8 14 20 19 27 .i()20 19 7!37 40 28113 20 24 26 36 33 6' 7 2213.5 31 I(ii2(i35 2112 16 44119 2.5 44'12 20 52 Sin 27 20:1012 102732 3413 21 Franilinghani, s.. 'SlHadlfigli, m. 13 43 18 30 :',0 9 10 54 13il8 4132 33 8 1510 14 29 730 2146 Haleswoith, tu 56j Haverhill, « 3l'34|I|)s\vicii, tu. and s. 43|l7| 161 Lavenham, tti 63 18 7215 .59 Lowestoft, tc 1 14 83 90 87 64 100 39 69 20 33 15 5022;^ 46 22:16 28 29| 9 21 52,19 11512! 10 60.36 .30 26 4714 2441 20 38 22 61 12 60 12 44 36 34 35 24 48 13 13 46 7 65 25 37 M endlcsham 81 30 .M ildenhall,/. 72 26 4JNayland 57 8 29 18 NeedhHm Market, to 71 24 55 36 25'Orford 88 1848 372110 32 57 .50 34 24 7 26 22i 3:30 24 27 915 40 18:46 2411612 Sa.xmundham, th 89 Sonthwold, th 105 Stowniarket, th. . . 75 19ISudbury, ?/< 55 20I29 I Woodb. w. . 77 ALDBOROUGH, A PARISH in the hundred of Ploiuesgate, contains [and near the quay is the cnsfom-honse, a convenient the niarkei-towu and small sea-port of its name, ! building. Charles I granted the inhabitants a charter, (fre>iuently written Alderurgh,) 94 miles N. e. fiom ; which vested the government in two bailiffs and ten London, 24 n.e. from Ipswich, and 5 N. from Orford ; ; capital and twenty- four infeiior burgesses. Thebdiliflfs situated on the shore fif the German Ocean, in the ' are justices of the peace, and hold a session Hunually Tallfy of Slaughden, having the river Aide on the west, | in September. Elizabeth conferred upon the borough and south-west. The town, at one time, consisted of the right of returning two meii'bers to parliament. three streets, but the encroachments of the sea have reduced them to two — these are of considerable length, and coiitrtin some well-built modern iiouses. Ald- wliicli privilege it was deprived of by the Reform Bill. The parish church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul stands on the summit of a hill; it is an ancient struc- borouth is reckoned by physicians one of the most ture of flint and free-stone, with a square embattled healthful places along the coast, being tienefited by cool- tower surmounted by a turret, affording a conspicuous ing Hud refeshing breezes fiom the sea. Oflnte years landmark for mariners. The living is a vicaraee, in it has been the lesort of many genteel families in the the gilt of Vernon VVentworth, Esq.; the present summer, for the purpose nf sea-bathing, for which the incumbent is the Rev. Henry Dowler. The Baptists shore is admirably adnpted by its evenness and gentle liave a place of worship ; and there is a public school declivity, foi' the bathing-machines. For the recrea- j su[)pr:rted by subscriptions, and conducted upon the tion of vi>iters theie are libraries, a neat theatre and ' national plan. A neat market-place was formed, a few biliiard-rooms, and assemblies are held occasionally at 1 jears since, in the centre of the town : tiie market one of the principal inns. The trade of the port con- neld on Wednesday, had fallen into disuse, but it has sists in its fisheries; the curing of lierrings and j been revived, and another is also now held on Satur- sprats for the home and Dutch markets; in expni ting day. Fairs, March 1st and ftlaySrd. The borough corn and wool, and imponing coal. The harbour — and parish contained in 1831, 1,341 inhabitants, and safe and commodious, is protected by a battery; in 1841, 1,557. POST OFFICE. Robert Lee, Post Master. — Letters from all parts arrive (by mail cart from Saxmund- ham) every morning at seven, and are despatclied thereto at a quarter-past seven in the evening. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Adair Sir Robert Shafto Bagnall Mrs. — , Blackheath Bedenfield John James, Esq. North Lodge Bunniss Mr. Edward James Mrs. Caroline Kendall P< ter, Esq. Muller Lieutenant Henry, r.n. Osborn Lieutenant John, r.n. PROFESSIONAL PERSONS, INCLUDING SCHOOLS. Alldridge John, master of Free School Bell Frederick, surgeon Buck Joseph, boarding and day academy Garrett Newsnn, agent to Lloyds' and the Admiralty Gorham Richard, surgeon Taylor William, day school INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Cross, George Thnrrell Cross Keys, Elizaheih Catraore Cross Kevs, Jane Winslow King's Head, Mary Riches Mill (& posting house), John Kemp New Inn, Frederick Geater Ship, John Lockwood Tnree Mariners, Ann Easter White Hart, Mary Thurrell White Lion, Frances Nunn (com- mercial, boarding&posting house) SHOPKEEPERS 8c TRADERS. Alderton Henry, fish curer and rope maker Beart John, grocer and draper Bicker .lolni, fruifererand poulterer Block Robert, cabinet maker Bull James, butcher Calver Henry, painter, plumber and glazier [maker CaWer John, wheelwright & coach Chapman William, tailor Chatten James, beer retailer CheneryJohn, builder Coe Edward, fish curer CoUis James, boot and shoe maker Culyer George, watch & clock maker Downing William, butcher Felgate Henry, blacksmith Garrard William, maltster Garrett Newson, corn and coal mer- chant, maltster and lime burner Haken Joseph, tailor Hindes William, tailor Hunt Wm. & Edward, ship builders Keisey Robert, painter, plumber and glazier [maker Knevett Abraham, boot and shoe Lee Robei t, beer retailer Lincoln Benjamin Corbould, watch and clock maker Marjoram John, saddler and harness maker SufTolfe. ALDBOROUGH. SHOPKEEPERS, etc.— Continued. Jloore William, clieniisf, diugKist, patent medicine vender, and agent to the Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Company Neeve James, haker & coiifectioner Osborne James, coin, coal, and timber merchant, lime burner, and porter agent Parritt Thomas, grocerjand draper Podd William, white and blacksniiih Ralph Robert, coal and corn dealer Rende William, butcher Redgrave William, tailor and draper Hoberts Richaid, boot & shoe maker Ruilland ifarah, druggist S.iltoii Horatio, boot & shoe maker Sawyer Mary, grocer and draper Self Mai y, frnitertr Scotchnier Tiinmas, hair dresser Simpson Henrv, tailor Smith James, pork butcher Smith Willirtra, jeweller, lapidary, and bath proprietor Smyih Jas. builder & cabinet maker Sn;i're Robert, baker l^laui'^ Sparrow Mary, milliner & dress mkr Todd James, baker and auctioneer Turner Robert, fancy repository Winter Clias. boot and shoe maker Woods William, millt-r and baker Wright John C. grocer and draper CARRIERS, &C. To HALESVVORTH ami NORWICH, — Sawyer, from the Lion, Thursday To IPSWICH, an Omnibus, ewry Mon. day, Wednesday and Friday morning To SAXM UN DH A M, a Pott Cart, from the (Mill Inn, daily BECCLES, WITH THE VILLAGE OF GILLINGHAM AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. excelli lit family and rommerciiil house, as well as a good posting establislimeMt. Haces are held annually — the course, which is on the common, is said not to be sui passed by any in the kintjdom. The piiri.sh ciiuich of Saint Michael, is a fine old Gothic structure, with a noble tower, containing an excellent peal of ten bells; its being detached from lOECCLES is a parish in the hundred of Wangford —the luarket-towu, a borough corporate, is 108 miles N.N.E. from London, 40 n.n.e. from Ipswich, 18 s E. from Norwich, 14 s. by w. froui YarnidUth, 10 w. s. w. from Lowestoft, and nearly 7 s. from the Haddiscoo station, on the Lowestoft branch of the Norwich and Yarmouth railway. The town is chat m- ingly situ^tted on the Waveiiey (navigable to Yar- ] the church presents a singular appearance: the mouth), an\ Francis Rei'. Robeit J., Hungatest (iardeii John, Esq. Redisham Hall Garnham Mr. Johu, Hunaate st Gi'iit Mr. Klcbard, Goosegreen lane Gibson Mrs. Mary, Hunwatest Gooch Mr. James, Newmarket place GordonCapt.John, Newmarket place Hainby Mrs. Ann, Ballygate st Haiiner Mrs. Eli/.bth. Blyburgate st Harvey Mr. Henry, Hungatest Hickiuau Uev. Chas. Blyburgate st Howinan Miss Dorothea Louisa, Northgate street Kent Mrs. Susan, Ballygate st Kerrich John, Esq. Gildcstone Hall KerridgeMr. Daniel, Bungay road Last Mr. Samuel, Hunuate st Laws Mrs. Hannah, Northgate st LeiUJin Rev. George, Hramiitnii Lt iiiiey Miss Susan, Sheepgate st Lewis Uev. John, Gillinghani Lillistone MissEli/bli. Newmarket |il Manntll.Mrs.Cordelia,(;oosegieenla M s, master Infants' School, Smallgate st— Rachael Drewell, mistress King Benjamin, Newgate st National School, Newgate st— Williaiu Wiseman, master; Eliza- beth Diewell, niistre>s Royal British School, Perry's lane — George Tliiower, master; Mary Ann Criskmay, mistress Sayer Mary Ann (boarding andday), Newmarket place Shaw Mary, Blyhurgate st Winn Jemima, Saltgatest ATTORNEYS. Bohnn & Ri.x (and banking agents), Ballygate st Clarke Robert Welham, Newgate st Fiske Franris & Fiske, Hallygate st Sharpeii.s' & Swatman, Blyburgaiest Webster John Crisp, Old Market pi AUCTIONEERS& APPRAISERS Fenii George, Gooi-eareen lane Oswald Ro()ert, Northgate st BAKERS 6c FLOUR DEALERS. ftlarked thus* are also Coiilectioners. Aldred James (and muffin maker), Northgate st ♦Bird J(jlin, Biillygate st Copem.in James, Blyhurgate st *Ecclestone Hariiet, Sheepuate st Fairvveatlier John, Blyhurgate st Kni-hts George, Northgate st *Mayhew iMary Ann, Smallgate st *Money James, Sheepgaie st Rich Jeremiah, Blyhurgate st *Smitli James, Northgate st *Siireeve Fianris, Salti^ate st *Thrower Benjamin, Newmarket pi BANKERS. Gurneys' Turner & Biightwen (Branch), Ballyeaie st (draw on Barclay, hevan & Co. London) Bohun & Rix, agents Lacons' Youell & Co. (Branch), Sheepgaie st (draw on Glyn, Hal- lifax & Co. London) — John May- hew, agent BASKET MAKERS. Crane Thomas, Blyhurgate st Hobson William, Northgate st Long Charles, Northgate st BLACKSMITH S. AlecockWm. (general), Smallgate St Burwood Richard, Northgate 5t Cutting Denny, Old Market Holland Anthony, Blyhurgate st I'leasants Geo.(geiieral), Hungate st Tripp John, Giilingham BOAT BUILDERS. Jones John, Northgate st Wriuht William, Northgate st BOOKSELLERS &STATIONERS Arnold VVilliam, Smallgate st Cattermole Harriet & Samuel (and liinders), Newmaiket place Gaze Kdward (and binder and news agent), Sheepgate st [place Griiiiwade William, Newmarket L'lyns Rebecca, Newmarket place BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Barber Benjamin, lilybuigate st Barkway Charles, Newmtir kct place Benns Phihp Coleman, Smallgate st Brown Tlxmias, Blyhurgate st Crowe Matthew, Newmarket place Dennant Charles, Northgate st Dennant Jeremiah, Salignte st Kdwards George, Sheepgate st Ellis James, Smallgate st Keltham George, Newmarket place Ooffiii George, Paddingmoie st Gooderh^m John, Nurthgate st Hayward John, Smallgnte st Wayward Vice, Northgate st Holland William, Giilingham Jenny Philip, Ballygate st Mills Robeit, Northgate st Mobbs James, Giilingham Piatt George, Perry's lane Simpson John, Saltgate st Spence Geoige, Ravensmeer Spratt Rnhert, Ingate st Suggate Charles, Newmarket place Suttun Martin, Ing.ite st Weltoii John, Northgate st Woods William, Newmarket place Woolner George, Northgate st WyattThon)as, Newgate st BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Beales James, Newg^ite st Johnson Jonathiin, Blyhurgate Kent John & Son, Sheejjgate si; Taylor George, Newmai ket place BREWERS. Adams Thomas, Newgate st Dowsoii Henry Gibson, Geldesfone Farr Thomas & Son, Blyhurgate st Helleri Robert, Newgate st Lenny William, Northgate st Tacon Wm. Heniy, Blvburgate st Thornton Richard, Northgate st BRICK AND TILE MAKERS. Aldoiis William (and potter),Goo5e- green lane Fenn George, Ingate st Haward Samuel, Bridge st BRICKLAYERS. Barnes James, Smallgate st Goldsmith lienjamin, Blyhurgate st King VVilliam, Northgate st Lockwood William, Blyhurgate st Pedgrift John, Perry's lane Sagoe John, jun. Newgate st BUTCHERS. Adams William, Smallgate st Alger George, Smallgate st Copeman Hannal), Blyhurgate st Copeman Rohert, Bljhurgitest Crickmore Jas.(pork),Bi>burgatest Holmes Thomas, Bridge st Jordan Henry (pork), Northgate st .lordan Robert, Newmarket plate Keahle Charles, Newmarket place l^ay John, Noithgate st .Nicker John, Old Market Nobba Samuel, Newmarket place CABINET MAKERS. Aldous John, Newmarket place Arnold William, Smallgate st Claike Stephen, Smallgate st Hayward Ri.hard, Newmaiket place Syder George (and upholsterer), Newmarket place Woolnoiigh George (and uphhol- sierer), Newmarket place CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Boast George, Smallgate st Goffin John, Puddingmore st Musk Francis, Giilingham Norman John, Hungaie st Pells Nathaniel (builder). Pudding- more street Prime John, Hungate lane Stratford John, Perry's lane WoodidflTe Thomas. Northgate st Woolnough John, Newgate »t CATTLE & STOCK DEALERS. Atkins(,n William M. Ravensmeer Beckett William, Giilinghaiu Walpole James, Bar.-ham CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Balls Charles H, Northgate st Corbyii Joseph B. Newmarket place Steel Samuel, Newmarket place Taylor Robert, Old Market place CHINA, GLASS, &c. DEALERS. (See also Earthenware Dealers.) Chenery Joseph, Hungate st Kiddes Fanny, Newmarket place Hunt Ann, Newmarket place COACH MAKERS. Gilbert Henry, Hungatest Palmer John, Smallgate st Sawyer Kiehard (gig and light cart), Giilingham COAL MERCHANTS. {See aluo Corn &f Coal Merchants.) Buck Edward (and hone and wool), Northgate st Darby Samuel, Bridge wharf Hockin AVilliam, Corporation wharf Pells Nathaniel, Puddingmore st Thornton Richard, Northgate st Ward Samuel, Puddingmore st COOPERS. Collins Barnabas, Newmarket place Havward Rohert, Bridge street and Smallgate st Roberts James, Sheepgate st Winsdale John, Northgate st CORN & COAL MERCHANTS. (See also Coal R J er chants.) Boydeii James (and seed). North- gate street ' [gate st Butcher Robert (and salt), North- Clarke A. Newmarket place CiispJohn (corn), Smallgate st Crisp John, jun. Bridge wharf Dowson Edward, Puddingmore st and Gildestone [wharf Leavold William Henry,Corporatioii Lenny VVilliam, Northgate st CORN CHANDLERS. (See also the preceding List.) Atmeare Samuel, Saltgate st Devereux Joseph, Old Mai ket Green James, Newmarket place Martin Robert, Ingate st Money James, Sheepgate st Saver Thomas. Bridge st Toll Geoige Heniy, Bridge st VVinter Jolin, Northgate st CURRIERS AND LEATHER CUTTERS. Garrod John Blackmur, Smallgate St Spratt Robert, Ingate st ^uffolfe. BECCLES, &c. ^later'je; DYERS. Howes George, Smdllgate st Jl^ishall James, Noiiligate st EARTHENWARE DEALERS. {See also Glass and China Dealers.) BiuiuiinB Charlotte, BIybuigatest Garrt-tt Robert, Huiigaie Holland Elizabeth, Blybnrgate st Powley Kobert, Slieepgate st FARMERS. Baiiham Jolin, GiHiti|ihain Hecket William, Gillmaham llexfield Heinainiii, Gillingbam Brniidell Beiijainiii, (iillingham Diaper Gemge, Barsham Fenii Gt orge, (ioo!>egreeii lane Gower Jame>, Barsham Hall Maplestoiie Charles, Giliingham JMatthews Smnnel, Baisham IMeeii VVilliain, Bar^ham Naniitoii William, Barsham Newman Robert (Executors of), Iiieate P'arm Nixon Chailes, Winston Hall Farm Pagf John, Barsham [ham riayConl John, Hall Farm, Gilling- ]l(>biiisou Fredfrirk, Barsham Saunders John, Rose Hall Farm Walpole James, Barsham FELLMONGERS. Buck Edwaid, Noithgate st Garro'l John King (and tanner), Norihgate street FIRE, tec. OFFICE AGENTS. Atlas, Unbert Henry Fraacis, Bal- hyate street CocNTV, Jiihn Bobbctt Brooks, Noithgate street Freemasons' (life), H.&S. Catter- nioie, Newm uket place General, Samuel Wilton Rix, Ballygate st Hail-storm and Cattle, Edward Buck, Norfligate st Law (life), Sliarpiiis & Swatinan, Blybiirgatest ^Ianchester, Wm. W. Garnham, Blyliiirgate St Metropolitan (life), H. W. R. Davey, Old Market Norwich Equitable, Henry J. Kenisdii, Nt-wm;irUei Norwich Union, Abiahain Clarke, Smallgate st ; and John Mayhew, Shet pgate st Phcenix (fire), John C. Webster, Old Alaiket pi ice Royal, John. MgerLove.Newmarket place; and Edward Buck, North- gate street RovAL Exchange, William Griin- wade, Nevvinaiket place Scottish (life), Henry James Ker- rison. New Market Suffolk Amicahle, Charles Bob- bett, BlyburKate st Sun, Robert VV. Clarke, Newgate st Westminster (life), Joseph B. Corbyn, Newmaiket place Yorkshire, John Crickmay, Small- gate street FRUITERERS, Burstall Robert A. Newmaiket place Copeiii'in John, Blyburgale si Giaut Saiah, Neivuate st Shieeve Kiancis;fiireigii),Saltgatest 'J'it.sliall Dibi-rson, SmallKate st Thrower Benjamin (foreign), New- market place FURNITURE BROKERS. Hayward Rich. Newmarket pi Martinson Lucy, Newmarket place MaUiew John & Son, Sheepgate st Stacey & Scott, Nevvmarket place MACHINE MAKERS AND MILLWRIGHTS. Ayers Robert, Blybuigate st Harper William, Sheepgate st Martin Robert (and French burr millstone maker, I innate st MALTSTERS. Butcher lUtbert, Northuate st Crisp John, Smaligate st Crisp Jiijin, jnn Bridre wharf Diiwson Henry G. Northgalest Tlioriiton Richard, Northgatt st and Geldcstone MILLERS. Bullock George, Hungate st Eastaugh James D. Ingate Mill Hanimund James, Wlieaiacre Leavold William Henry, Ingate Tower Mill Sbedlow John, Dam Mill Walker David, Hungate st MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. Barber Mary Ann & Matilda, Sheep- gate street Bezant Hannah, Hunuate st Garnham & Holmes, BIyburgate st Long Elizalietli, Noithgate st Maninson Lucy, Nevvmarket place Nicker Mary, Saltgate st Oakes Eliz^betli, Sheepgate st Sayer Heplizibali, Newmarket place Tooley Dorothy, Hungate st MILLSTONE MAKER. Martin Robert (French burr) In- g.ite stieet NURSERYMEN 6t SEEDSMEN. Copeman Charles. Smallgate si Gill William, Smallgate st Laws Thomas (and florist) , Sheep- gate street; Nursery, Shiubiaud Cottage Mobbs Aaron, Hungate st Rand John, Northgate st Winter John, Noithgate st PLUMBERS, PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. Evetett Edward, Sheepgate st Sayer William, Ballytate st Swan Lionel, Newmarket place Thompson John, Smallgate st PRINTERS— LETTER-PRESS. Cattermole Harriet & Samuel,New- market place Jarman Robert Barnett, Ballyeate st Lo>ns Rebecca, Newmarket place PUMP MAKERS AND WELL SliVKERS. Edwaids Noah. Smallgate st Youell George, Smallgate st SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Allcock John, New Market place Boon Alfred, Giliingliaiu Frankland William, Blybnrgate st Giiasoii George, Sheepgate st SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERS IN GROCERIES 6t SUNDRIES. Alger George. Smallgate st Asten Elizabeth, Bl\biirgate st Barber Martha, GilliiiKhain Boon Edward, Ballygate st Bmnniiig Charlotte, lilyburgate st (Constance Joseph, GiUiughain Cii^tance Maiy, Smallgate st Delf William, Ing;ite st Gooch Jemima, Barsham tioodeiliam John, Northgate st Hunt Ann, Nt w Market place Hunt Francis, i^uddingmore St Leavold Robert, Inaate st Money James, Sheepgate st Reynolds John, Old market Sayer Thomas, Bridge st Smith Shepherd, Ohl market Wanl William, Smallgate st Winter John, Northgate st SILVERSMTHS & JEWELLERS Durrani Richard, New Market place Giimwade VVilliam, New Market pi Houghton James, OM market Loyns Rebecca, New Market place STONE & MARBLE MASONS. Haward Samuel (stone merchant), Bridge street [st I Whitehead John Fryer, Northgate iSircctorfi. BECCLES, &c. ^uffolfe^ STRAW fiONNET MAKERS. Edwards Eliza, Sheep«ate st Edwards Harriet, Newgate st HolUnd Hantiali, BlybnrKale st Hcioke Mary & Eli/b., Sinallgate st Jarmaii Mary, Balls gate st Walkei Herodias, Saitijate st SURGEONS. Crowfoot WiliiMiii, m.d. Saltgate st Crowfoot William E.,NewM;irket pi Davey HenryWm. Rohert, Market pi Peskett George.'M.D.NewMarkttpl SURVEYORS AND AGENTS. Crickmav John, Smallgate st LoveJidin Alger, New Market pi Read Henry, Sinallgate st WoodrolTe Thomas, Norihgate st TAILORS. Marked ill lis * are also Drapers. Buck Uobtrt, Smallg^te st Biiiler John, Bridge st Clai ke James, Inaate st Dawes James, Gillingliam •Ganiham & Holmes, Hlvburgatest *HoMroii VViilinm, New Market pi Leavold Robert. Ingate st Mills Frederick, Blybiirgate st *Mitcht-ll Ann, Hiiiigate st •Miilieft James, Ballygate st Parker Fraiici<, Blyburgute st Piper Isnae, Sheepaate st Piper Isnac, jiii). Sheepijate st Piper James (& hattei),Shiepi;atest •Scott Hem y James, New Market pi Spratt William, Ing^ie st Stacey & Scott, New Market place Ward William, New Market place, and Smaligate st TAVERNS Be PUBLIC HOUSES Angel, Joseph Norinnii, Ballygale st Bear ami Brlls. John Lay, Old market Black Boy, William Read , Blybtirg.ite st Chequers, George Yoiiell.Smallqate st Cross Keys, Jas. Catchpool, Hungate st Crown, Frances Mills, Blyburgale st Dol phin,Cliailes Bark way.New Market pi Duke of Marllioiough, John Palmer, Ballygate street Falcon, Edwin Ounton, New Market pi Fleece, Denny Wade, Blvburi;a(e st George & Dragon,John Prime Hungatest Hermitagi', Samuel D;irby, Bridge st Horse & Groom, Henry King, Hunsiate st Red Linn, Samuel Barkway, Blyburgale st Ship, Thomas Balls, Bridge wharf White Horse, Geo. Walne, New Market pi While Swan, John Press, New Market pi White Swan, Alfred Boon, Gillingham Retailers of Beer- Aldous Robert, Goose Green lane Kails Thomas, Fenn lane Barker Charles, Ingate st Barkway Edward, Puddingmore it Barwood John, Ingate st Candler Samuel, Barsham Flegg Thomas, Bridge st Garrod John, U orthsiate st Hatcher John, Raven's meer Hellen Robert, Newgate st Hunt John, Ingate st Laws James, Raven's meer Page William, Northgale st Peck Samuel, Smallgaie st Piper Isaac, Northgats st Roberts Robert, London road Smith Eddy, Newgate st W'ard Benjamin, Salt^ale st Walers William, Norihgate »t Wigg George, Fenn lane TIMBER MERCHANTS. Farrow Joseph, Puddingmore st — Nathaniel Pells, agent Hochkin William, Corporation whart TOBACCO-PIPE MAKERS. Copeman John, Perry's lane Knights Uiliiau), Blyburgale st Woollier Charles, Ntwgate st j UMBRELLA MAKERS. Ayers Ed waid, Blyburgale St j Hellen Robert, Newgaie st I VETERINARY SURGEONS. Cleveland James, Blyburgate st Hindes E,Blyburgate street— • Rev. Hugh Owen. Cemetery (Independenls),Hungate st — Rev. John Flower. Corn Market— John Reynolds, inspfcfr Gas Company's Office, Old market — William Henry Chambers, ai/enf Inland Rkvenue Office, Suiallgatest — Edward Parr,Northcate sXySupervisor Police Station, Sinallgate st— Charlea Cone, superintendent. PnoPERTY and Income Tax Opficb, New Market— John Algrr I. ore, clerk. Pdbhc and CnuucH Library, Small- gate st -William Edward Crowfoot, Esq lecrc/ari/; JohnCrickm«y,/i'jrariaT» Stamp Office, Smaligate »t— Abraham Clarke, dislrihuter. Town Hall, Market place- Edward C Sbarpin, tonn clerk. HOUSE OF CORRECTION, NEWGATE STREET. Goi-emor— George Drewell. CAa/)/ain— John Robert Francis. .S'l/ryd.n — William E Crowfoot. Schoolmaster— S3.mue\ Drewell. DISPENSAKY, HUNGATE ST. President- -.lohn Day, Esq. Secretary — Mr. John Crickmay. Physicians — Messrs. William Crowfoot and Henrv William Robert Dsvey. Surgeon — William E. Crowfoot. Matron— M&ry Maplestone. COACHES Sa OMNIBUSES, To BUNGAY, Jordan^ Coach (from Yarmoutt), calls at the Angel, every Monday, Wednesday & Saturday, and a Coach, from the King's Head, daily. ToDlSSRAlLWAYSTATION.a CoacA, from the King's Head, daily. TotheHADDISCOE STATION, Omni. buses, from the King's Head and White Hor.se, twice a day To NORWICH, the>i/of,from the King's Head, and John Ellioti's Om7(i6HS,froin Hungate street, every Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday To YARMOUTH, Jordan's Coach (from Yarmouth), calls at the Angel, Monday, Wednesday and Satuiday CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY- From the Hadducne Staiion, on the Lowestoft biancli of the Norwich and Yarmouth Railway, 7 miles n. from Beocles — James lienn, cleik; Bonking Office, at the While Horse, New iMarket Omnibuses from the King's Head & Whita Horse, twice a day, await the arrival and attend the departure of the differ- ent trains CARRIERS. To LONDON, Joseph Batley&Co. from j the White Swan, Tuesday, Thursday i and Saturday To BUNGAY, James Laws, from the White Horse, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday To HALESWORTH, Joseph Bailey and Co. from the While .Swan, Tuesday, Thuisday and Saturday, & Peter Took, from the While Horse, Monday, Wed- ' nesday and Saturday I To IPSWICH.. I. Bailey & Co. from (bo White Swnn, Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. I To LODDON, John Elliott, from Hun- gate street, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and .Saturday To LOWESTOFT, William Bird, from the Falcon, VV eilnesd.iy and Saturday To NORWICH, John Elliott, from Hun. gate street. Monday, Wedne.'iday, Friday and Saturday, and John Fuller, from the Angel, Friday ToSAXMUNDHAM, Joseph Batleyand Co. from the While Swan, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturd.-v To WTCKHAM-MARKET, J. Bailey &. Co. from the White Swan, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday To WCtODBRIDGI, J. Bailey ScCo.from theWhiteSuan. Tuesday,. Thur».&Sat. To WRENTH AM , John Fuller, from the Aneel. Fridny To YARMOUTH, George Turrell.from Northgite st, Wednesday and Saturday To YOXFORO, J. Batley & Co. from the While Swan, Tuesday, Wed. and Sat. CONVEYANCE BY AVATER. ToLON DON, the London Shipping Com- pany's Vessels, from the Corporatioa wharf, every Wednesday — Wm. Henry Cleavold, agent To LOWESTOFT and YARMOUTH, Samuel Darbeys' Wherries, from the Bridee wharf To NEWCASTLE, Samuel Darby, from Bridge street To i>ORWICH,Sameul Darby's H'Aeriie Suffolk. ^Iat£i*j3f BILDESTON, HITCHAM and NEIGHBOURHOODS. JolLDESTON, by some improperly spelled and pro- viiifially proiiouncfd. Bihon, is a parish in thehuufired of Co.sl'ord — the villHge is 53 miles n. e. by N. fiom London, 11 w. N. vv. from Ipswich, 5 west froiu Lavenliam, and the same distance N. n. w. truni HaW- leigli — the last named, a station on a brancli from the Eastern Union laihvay. Bildeston was once noted for its nianufactuie of bhie clotl) and Idankets, but these brandies are no longer known here. There is a little malting business, but the iniiabitaiits ciiiifly depend on Hgricultnral occupations. Thepaiish rhuicii of St. iMary, a h;u)dsoii)e bnilding, stands on an elevation on the west side of the village -. the living isarecioiy, in the patronage and piestnt incumbency of the Rev. Josepli Gedge. The baptists liave a place of worship liere. There was formerly a chapel dedicated to St. Leonard, in which was a chan- try called 'Erdington's,' where, long after the Refor- niation, divine service u-^ed to he performed, on account of the distance of the church fiotii the town. Formerly a market was held on \V( dtiesday, which has cea-ed to be oliserved, but two fairs are still attended, viz. on Ash-Widnesdav atid Ascetision-day. The parish con- tained, in 1831,' 836 inhahitatits, and in 1841, 857. HiTCHA.M is a parisli, in the same hutidred as liild>?s- toii — the village, being »itu:tted nearly 2 miles n. N. w. fioin that towti, on the road to Stowmarket. 'I'he chmch is dedicated to All Saints: the liunt; is a rectory, in the pationage of tht» Crown. Population of the parish, in 1841, 1,065. POST OFFICE, Bildeston, Sarah Coletnan, Post Ms/rcM.— Letters from all parts ariive every morn- ing at half-past eiuht, and are despatched at half-past seven in the evening. *»* The names without address are in Bildeston. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Austin Sir Heniy, Chelswdrth Edge Rev. William, Nedgiiig Gedge Rev. Joseph, Bildeston Haines Captain Ueiiy, Bildeston Heiisliiw Kev. J. S. ll.d. Hitcham professional persons, incll'ding schools. CottinKham Mary Ann, mistress of the National schocd Crowes Robert, surgeon Hob.irt Henry, schoolmaster Prior Thomas schoolmaster FIRE, etc. OFFICE AGENTS. Norwich Equitable (fire'/ .William Squirrell Suffolk (fire), William Bicker INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Bull Inn (and iidand revenue office) Sarah Colemati Crown, John Edwards King's Head, Amy Murton White Horsi', John Green, Hitcham SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. Bicker Wiili.iiii, grocer and draper Bull Ricliaid, hoot and shoe maker Carter James, beer retailer Cheiit'iy Jolin, maltster Cheiiery John, maltster and miller Cleghorn Ralph Willoughby, bter retailer Cleghoin Thomas, rurrier Clover I^aac, miller Nedging Coaies Edward, wlieelwiight Enimeisoii Henry, maltster Kairovv Jonathan, baker Finner jMines, druggist and veteri- nary surgeon Gil)b^ Joseph, grocer and draper Hearn Robeit, saddler Hill Robeit, boot and shoe maker Johnson William, carpenter and cabinet maker K(fitle James Alfred, plumber and glazier Moss .lolin, plumber and glazier Nunti Thomas butcher 0>hoin Jas. grocer, diaper & tailor Peacock William, hair dresser Plaint John, carpenter Scaife Robert, boot & shoe maker Squirrell William, wine and spirit merchant Stow George, blacksmith Studd George, cooper Syer Burnstead, butcher Syiett Joim, cooper and turner Trickt-r Leonard, saddler I'ydcman Jas. watch & clock maker Ward Isaac, boot and shoe maker Waid John, baker Waid Thomas, beer retailer Webb John, carrier White William, butcher Woolard John, blacksmith Wright Rlioda, baker RAILWAY. The nparest Sttition is at HadleioH, on llie Hadleigli branch, of the EaSTbrh Union line, five miles from Bildeston CARRIERS To IPSWlCH.John\Vehb,and— Cuth. bert, twice a week BOTESDALE, ^, REDGRAVE and RICKINGHALL. JIjSo TESDALR isa vilki'-'e and chapi'Iry in the paii^h i About 2 miles N. by E. from Botesdale, is the village of Redgrave, 88 miles n.e. by n. fiom London, 2C of Redgkave, pleasantly situated near the sontces of >.N.w. from Ipswich, 27 s.s.w. from Noiwidi, 16 the livers Waveney and Little Oiise. It contiins the N.E. fiom lUiry Saint Edmunds, 6 s. by w. fioin ; jiaiisii church of Saint Botolph — deserving the notice Diss, and 4 w. from Mellis station on the Eastern of tlie stranger, as containing some monunitnis which. Union lailway. Tliis place, at one lime a market- for beauty of marble and sculpture, are scarcely ex- town, was formerly called JSoluIphsdale, from Saint ceed d by any in the kingdom : the prindpal aie (me liothulpli's chapel, and the dale in which it is situated, to the mi tiiory of Sir Fiancis Bacon and Ann his wife Tiie chapf 1 was for many years disused, liut aftei wards substantially lepaiied and fitted up for divine service, and is now the oidy place of worship here under tln' cstahlisliment, the mother church being at Redgrave. The Bapti-ts and Wesleyan Methodi-ts have (a< h a chapel here; and there is a free-matnniar scluxd, fotinilcd by Sir Nicholas Hacon (father of the Chan- cellor), about the yeai 1756; the Uowagcr Lady Suf- field has the appointment ol the niHstir. There arc no manuf.ictiires or particular trade here, amiculiure being almost scd^iy the support of the iidiabitants. Hotesdale isa polling-station at the election of inemhers for West Suffolk. 'l"he mat ket has now (alien into dis- use ; but a fair on Holy Thursday, and astiltitefor hiring auricMiltural servants, on the Thnrsday before the 11th of October, are maintained. The pari^h con- tiiined, by the returns lendered in 1831, 655 inhabitants, and in 1841, 633. — daie 1616; and arother to that exctllent judge Sir John Holt — date, 1709. The living is a lectory, in the gift of George St. Vincent Wilson, Esq., who is also lord of the manor ; the present rector is the Rev. 'i'iioinas D. H. Wilson. The Wesleyan Methodists have a small chapel in the village; and there is a na- tional schtxil, established in 18l5. Caidinal Widsey, the disgracsd favourite of Heniy VIII, was sometime a rector of this living. Redgrave paiisii (independent of liof(sdali') coiitained, by the pailiamentary census for 1831, 712 inhabitants, and and bv thai for 1841, 719. RiCKiNGHALL, Inferior and Superior, are two parishes contguotrs to Botesdale. They have each their paiish church, both of which are dedicated to .Saint Mary, and are alike discharged rectories. Infe- rior Ricl;inghall contained in 1841, 432 inhabitants; and the Superior parish, 768. POST OFFICE, Botesdale, Benjamin Taylor, Post Jilaster. — Letters from all parts arrive every morning at seven, and arc despatched at a qiiaitcr biforc seven in the evening. 8 ©ircctoii). BOrESDALE, &c. Suffolk. GENTRY AND CLBROY. Aiiiys Ml-;. — Hii kiiighall Amys the Misses — Uickinghall Bcny Mrs. Fiances. Botesriale Blake Eilward P., Esq. Rf-derave Coiilclier Kev. George, Ri( kiiighall Uaivsdii Sainl.'raylni-,Es().B(>tesdale Finch Miss Mary, Rickingliall Fisher Mr. .Idhn, Redgrave Flowenlevv Mrs. Ann, Bot'-sdale Gross Air. Wouliiuugh (attorney), Boie.'-dale Gwvnne Rev. Ridiard, Rickingliall Haddock Rrv. Joseph, Botesdale Haddnck Rev. William, Rickingliall Superior Hepworih Rev. William, Botesdale Mills Mrs. Martha, Bofesdale Norton Mr. Thomas, Rickinuhall Forier Mr-. Sarah. Rickinehall Reeve Mr. Saml HarrlyW. Redgrave Smith Mr. Barnard, B(»tesdale Smith Mrs. Mary, Rickinehall Steugless Mr. Jonathan, Rickiughall Tri.kettRev. Edward, Rickinghall Walker Miss Sophia, Botesdale Wilson Rev.Tlinmas, d.h. Redgrave Youngaian Mr. William, Botesdale ACADEMIBS AND SCHOOLS. Free Grammar School, Botesdale — Rrv. William Hepwonh,mastei' Haddock Rev. Joseph (boardiug and dav), BotesdiJe National School, Redgrav-e Kobi. Howaid, master; Priscilla Howard, mistress Tricker Elizahtih, Botesdale Whitehead Emily, Botesdale BAKERS. Donsliton Verdun, Botesdale Goddard Harriet, Botesdale Oives Joseph, Reikrave Savage John, Ri( kinehall Spalding John, Botesdale BANKERS. Haireys' & Hudsons', Botesdale, (draw on Bai iietts',Hoares',&Co., Loudon) — Benjn. Taylor, agent BLACKSMITHS. Daniels, — Redgrave Hayv^ood William, Botesdale Ones Wvhriivv, Redgrave Patrick Thomas, RiekluKhall Waiien David, Rickingliall BOOKSELLERS& STATIONERS Larier Alfred (&toydealer),Bcitesdale 'I'aylor Benjamin (and stamp dis- trihufer), Boiesdale BOOT AND SHOE IVIAKERS. Baldry William, Botesdale Bennett Genrge, Botesdale Denny Caudie, Kickinaliall Denny Candle Cooke, Rickinghall Fordham John, Redgrave Grew J(jhn, Rifkiniihall King Joseph, Rickingliall Pembertoi) William, Redajiave Scoggins Chafl'S, Ri( kiiighall Thoiii|)son Cliarle-, Redgrave BRICKLAYERS. Baker John, Redgrave Corlibh Richard, Botesdale BUTCHERS. King James, Rickinghall Vyse Edward, Redgiave Wiseman Susan, Rickinghall CABINET IVIAKERS. Blower Jonaihan, Rickingliall ClarkeThomas Matthew, Rickinghall Fulclier William, Redgiave CARPENTERS. Clarke Retihen, Botesdale Claike VVilliam, Redgiave Day Richard, Botesdale Huiifiians vvijliain, Rickinghall Pearce Joliiii Re'igrave Rediiall Henry, Rickinghall CORN MERCHANTS. Rohinsi.n S.inuul, ilotesdale Robinson VVilliam, Botesdale CURRIERS AND LEATHER SELLERS. Boreham George, Rckiiighall Whitehead Reuhi n, Botesdale FARMERS. Ad;ims Thonpis, Redgrave Aves Jacob, Rickinghall Blomrield John, Botesdale Botwright George, Rickinghall Burrows Thomas Cooke, Rickinghall Button Thomas, Redgrave Chaplyn Jonas, Rickinghall Cooke George, Rickingliall Darnell Samuel, Redgrave Debenhain — Redgrave Dowiiim; Thomas, Redgrave Diake Ephr.iim, New xsaters Gates Robert, Redgrave Goldsmith George, Rickinghall Gooderham Willi im, Rickinghall Martin Nathan, Riikinghall Newstead John, Rickinghall Nunii Samuel, Rickingjiall ()-borne Butcher, Redgrave Pottei George, Rickingliall Simonds Genrge, Rickinghall Simonds John, Botesdale Whitton Sarah, Redgrave FIRE, &c. OFFICES 6e AGENTS. Farmers' & General, Woolnough Gross, Botesdale General (hail storm), Benjamin Taylor, Botesdale [Botesdale Norwich Union, Benjamin 'I'aylor, Phceni.x (fiie), Richard Collins, Bote-dale Suffolk Amicable (fire), William Street, Rickinghall [Botesilale Times (life), Woolnough Gross, GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Marked thus * are also Drapers. *Colliiis Richard, Botesdale Cracknell William, Redgrave *Debenham Mary, Rickinghall *Howhtt William. Redgiave Patiick Thomas, Rickinghall Peaice Alfred, Redgrave Spear William, Rickinghall *Street Williim, Rickinghall •Turner Philip (and earthenware dealer), Botesdale INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Bell Inn, Angustus&BeiindaPhillips, Rickinghall Chen yl"ree,Jno.Bui chain, Botesdale Cock, VVilliam Southgate, Botesdale Cross Keys, Wm Hubbard, Redgiave (hown Inn, William Robeit Cooke, Botesdale [Redgrave Fox & Hounds, Bnjii. Hemmings, Garden House, Thomas Chapman, Rickinghall [dale Greyhound, Stephen Pillett, Botes- Queen's Head, George Chapman, Botesdale fhall WhiteHorse,HeniyRednalLRicking- MALTSTERS. Robinson Samuel, Botesdale Robinson William, Botesdale MILLERS. Bullock Edward, Kedgiave Cutchey Henry, Rickinghall Peveiett Geoige, Redgrave Robinson Samuel, Bi'te-dale Robinson VVilliam, Botesdale Street William, Rickinuhull Younginan Benjamin, Botesdale PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Daines John, RickingliHll HuntGillford, Botesdale Walker Stephen, Redgrave SADDLERS. Clayton Edwaid, Botesdale Chaplyn Herod, Redgrave Scarfe George, Botesdale SURGEONS. Harris Robert Horner (registrar of births and deaths"), Botesdale Vincent Samuel Baker, Rickinghall TAILORS. Boston John, Rickinghall [hall Boston Robert (& diapei ) , Ricking- Ciacknell William, Redgrave Pretty John, Boiesdale Saddiiigtoii Jose|)li, Rickinghall Walker James, RickiLghall VETERINARY SURGEONS. Greengrass William, Rickinghall Rush Robeit Brown, Redgrave WHEELWRIGHTS. Blowers Wiliiam, Botesdale Bullock H' iiry, Rickinghall Cullingford Joseph, Rickinghall Daniels — Redgrate Miscellaneous- Bishop Wiiiittiii, ironmonger and brazier Botesdale Burrows Arthur, hair dresser, Botesdale Candler John, cooper, Rickingliall Collins '^amucl, watch and clock maker, Botesdale [Botesdale Cooke William Robert, auctioneer, Harris Robt.chemist & tea dealr.Botesdalo Hart Joseph, organ builder, Redgrave Lait John, clothes dealer, Rickinghall Mornement Edward, spii it and coin mer. chant, Reilgrave Orves Elizabftb.beer retailer, Redgrave Pettit Robert, basket mater, Rickinghall Poller Georte, brick maker, Rickinehall Saddingion .Jos. beer retailer, Rickingball Street William, brewer, Rickinghall Tillett Stephen, fishmonger, Botesdale Vine Henry, slone mason, Boiesdale While Charles, relieving oliicer, Ricking. hall [dalo Whitehead Reuben, beer retailer. Botes- RAILAVAY. The nearest Station is at Mellis, onihe Eastern Union line, J miles from Botesdale. There is also a Station at Fin.vingham, on the same line, about C miles distant CARRIERS To BURY SAINT EDMUNDS, Jame« Nunn. Wednesday and Saturday, and John Cook, on Wednesday; go Ibrougli Stanton and Isworlh To HISS. John Cook,TiiesdaT To flNNINGHAM STATION, on the the Eastern Union Railway, Johu Cook, daily 9 Suffolfe. ^later'js BOXFORD AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. JoOXFORD isapaiMi, partly iu tlie hiindied of i very geiieinl notice, from tlie richiiej-s of the carving B.iberKh, and extending into ti'iat of Cosford — the ] that ornaineiits it. The living is a rectory, iu ihe village, populous and ^e^pectable, is s-ituated in a j pre^cnta'ion of ihe Lord Cliancelinr ; the Hon. and highly cultivated and fruitful valley, hetween two brooks (which uniie a liitle below i'), and midway bttween Sudbury and Hidleigii, about 6 miles fiom either town, and 16 from Ipswicii. A considerable malting trade is carried on here, and there are severa Rev. Philip Augustus Pbipps i.- the present incumbent. 'i"he Independents have also a place of worship heie; and there is a free giammar school. Two milts hence is PoLSTEAD, the scene of ihe Hed Uai n tragedy, where was murdered Maiia Martin, and for whicli corn mills; but the inhabitants, taken generally, are , VVilliam Corder was executed in 1828. Fairs at Box- emidoyed in labours connected with agriculture. ford are held on Easter Monday and December 21st. Tlie palish chuicli of Saint .Mary, is a spacious The parish contained in 1831, 1,088 inhabitants, and building, with a spire steeple ; and the porch atiratts in 1841, 1,121. POST OFFICE, Robert Francis Swan, Post Master. — Letters from all parts arrive every morning at seven, and are despatched at a quai tei-past six in the evening. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Colson J. — Esq. .^ssJMgton H;dl Dtwson Chas. Ksq.KdwardsionHall Fearon Re wDanl. A ssington Vicarage Green Htv. William, jun., IJoxford Gurdon Barrett, Esq. .Assingtnn Halifax Rev. John, Kdwardston Hallward Miss Mary Ann, Assington Cottage rviilden Hallward Rev. Nathaniel VVilliam, Hart the Misses — Boxford Hickman Rev. F^dward B , Boxford Fliipps the Hon. & Rev. Philip Au- gu^tus, Boxford Rectoiy Roberts Rev. — Ed wardston Rectory Salter Miss Sarah, Boxford Shepherd Mrs. — Ed wardston Hall Studd Rev. Henry, Groton Tyrrell Charles, Esq. Polstead Hall Watkins Mr. John, Boxford Wynne Miss M^ry Ann, Boxford PROFESSIONAL PERSONS, INCLUDING SCHOOLS. Green Rev. Wiliiam, master of the Grammar School Gurdon (irate, surgeon Mann Johti, surgeon Lston Smith John, schoolmaster, Edward- INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Chequers, John Cook Fleece, John Peggs [Groton Fox & Hounds, Samuel Stevens, Swan, James Boddwell Whitf Halt, John Move SHOPKEEPERS &'tKADERS. Ardley James, tailor Ardley John, millwright Coates James, butcher | Ray Walter, superintendent of police Colbnrne Charles, moccr and diaper , Shai man Sarah, straw bonnet maker Cook Arthur, wheelwright, Groton Shearman John, baker Cook John, blacksmith [maker Smith Geoige, maltster Cooper Mary, saddler and liaiiiess i Smith William, miller Everard Joshua, grocer and draper \ Sovvman Jtdm, grocer and draper Farrow William, shoe maker 1 Sowmaii Thomas, miller Gardener William, tanner, currier, I Stead Joshua, plumber, painter, &c and tflne maker Gladwfll Elizabeth, dress maker Gladwell Henry, tailor Gladwell Robert, cooper Godden Charles, butcher Gosline Edith, miller Giist Thomas, grocer Hart William, maltster, Edwardston Hearn James, bricklayer Hearn John, blacksmith Herbert John, butcher Hitchcock Simeon, maltster Holder VVillian), biicklayer Joslyn James, blacksmitii Kemble Chark", builder [painter Sterry Robert, bricklayer St vens John, beer retailer [green Stow Joseph, maltster, Wicker st Stribling Chailes, tailor Stribling George, tinman and brazier Swan Francis, wheelwright, Groton Swan Robert Francis, agent for the Yorkshire Assurance Company, and Christian Knowledge society Tiffen Benjamin, maltster Titfen'l'hoinas, miller Tonipking William, tailor 'IVicker Jatnes, saddler W'atren John, beer retailer Waters Ephraim, tailor [maker Kiddell Shiloh William, plumber and Watson John, carpenter and brick Kingsbury Frederick, builder and brick maker Kingsbury Robert Bloss, brickhyer KingsburyWiUiam,builder and biick maker Lambert Samuel, baker, grocer, and maltster Liiiigley Brook M., biick maker Marsh .los., baker and basket inakcr Marsh Philip, glover [chant Moye John, liieweraiid spirit mer- Mussett Jos., maltster, Edwardston Newman Tlioinas, miller Newman Wm., maltster, Edwardston Ol'ev Maty, dress maker Ayres GeorRe Niitton, faniers Balaam William, carpenter ,,.^ , Boutell Uoberi, carpenter and baker Pat ker Will iaiir, tisiimoiiger Bull William, shoe maker I Peijys John, malt>ter Cartress Noiley Mary (boarding and day). Market place 3AKERS. Block William, Market place Evered William, High st Eyre Emma (and miller), Mundford Hubbard Isaac, Loudon load Hubbard Leonard, London road Palmer William, High st Ward Maty, High st Webber Benjamin, Market place BANKERS. Harveys'& Hudsons'( Branch), High st, (draw on Hankeys', & Co., London.)— Richard E.Sayer,agent Palmer Mark, London road Parker James. Ickborough BOOKSELLERSdc STATIONERS Ciaik John (and stamp distributer), High street [st Kemp Charles (and newsagenf),High BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Algar Stephen (and currier). High st Clark Joseph, London road Farrow Charles, London road Newby Thomas, London road Palmer John, IVIuinlford Pratt George, l^ondou road Rought William, Bury road Sutton Henry, Mundford BRICKLAYERS. Sh:upe\V'iHiam(& slater). Market pi Snare Thomas (and stone mason), London road BUTCHERS. Cooke Thomas W., High st Willett Robeit, London road Wing John, High st CABINET MAKERS. Garner James, Hinh st [road Thointick Charles Kyte, Thetford CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Bretnall George, Loudon road Green James, London road Household Benjamin, London road CONVEYANCER. Smythe Edward James (and master extra in Chancery, and steward of several manors in Norfolk and Suffolk), High st COOPERS 6t BASKET MAKERS. Daynes John, High st [st Dayues William (and turner), High FARMERS. Balding Edward, Church end Edwartl Rohert, Downham Elmer William, Town st FicklinJohn, London road Newdick Charles, (;ranwich Newdick Thomas, May day Farm Parroti Thomas, Santon Downham RoUason James, Ickborough Rollason John, Ickborough Solby Joseph, Mundford Wright John, London road FIRE, Occ. OFFICE AGENTS. British Empire, Frederick Thomp- son, High st Clerical, Medical, & General (life), Edward James Smythe, High street Hail Storm, John Clark, High st Norwich Equitable (fire),Edward James Smythe, High st Norwich Union. William Grifiin, Mundford Star (life), John Clark, High st Suffolk (fire), John Clark, High st Yorkshire, John Clark, High st FURRIERS. Claxton George & William, Bury|rd Dickerson John, Buiy road [rd GROCERS, DRAPERS, AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Allen William, Thetford road Bavin John^and silk mercer, hosier, glover, and oil cloth, and carpet warehouse). High st Chapman Jonathan Waspe, W^h st Cock John (and druggist, and hard- wareman). High st Griffin William, Mundford Jacobs Isaac, Town st Moore Frances, Mundford Utiing Charles, London road GUN-FLINT MAKERS. Jacobs Jephtha, London road [rd Peveiett William & Co., Thetford Snare James, Thetford road Snare John, Thetford road HAIR DRESSERS. Frewer George, Thetford road Kemp Charles, High st Risbrook Charles, High st INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Bell, Henry Moore, High st Bottle, Sarah Quibelt, Cranwich Chequers Inn, John Hunt, High st Crown, Julia Wood, Brandon Crown, Frank Gostrick, Mundford Five Bells, Wm. Sharpe, Market pi George Commercial Inn, William Buckenham, High st [ford King's Head, Daniel Death, Mund« Railway Tavern, Charles B. Hatch, Station road Ram, Henry Plumb, High st White Hart Inn, George Bucken- ham, High st [Town st White Horse, Thomas Newdick, White Lion, Chas. Loyd,Thetford rd Retailers of Beer. Fendick Robert, Thetford road Groom Robert, Thetford road Howe James, High st Hyam Cornelius, Marketplace Mulley Robert, Maiket place Tabiaham Robert, Thetford road Tilney Harvey, London road Walker Benjamin, Thetford road LINEN DRAPERS. See under the Head Grocers, l(C. MALTSTERS. Bidwell Shelford Clarke, High Sf, and Thetford Drane James (and brewer, and spirit dealer). High st Fison Carnell, High st MERCHANTS. Drane James, High st Green Robert, High st Pep worth William, High st MILLINERS AcDRESS MAKEKB Alger Elizabeth, London road Moitlock Martha, High st Olhy Mary, London road Risbrook Ann, High si PLUMBERS, PAINTERS, ftc* Harvey Frederick, Mundford Rought Frances (and skinner), Bury \ Osborne Robert D., Higfe 8t 11 Suffolk. BRANDON, &c. ^latcr'is POULTERERS, AND DEALERS IN GAME. Garner Geotyiaiia Ann, High st Gariu-r Tyirt-ll, L^ad place Jloiley Henry, High ^t SADDLERS. Armstrong Edwinl, Higli si Diggon Ann, Hinli >t Upton William, .Mundford TAILORS. Ashman George, Hiuli st Chandler Rohert, High st Mortl.ick WilliaiTi, High st Towell Sainutl, Hiuh M WHEELWRIGHTS. Houchiii lldliert, Mundtind Piuinb Kdward, Mnndford Talhot Kdward, Bury road West George, London road WHITING MAKERS. Dickson Watson, Tliri (bid road Porter John, 1 hetlord road Tfbraliam Robert, Theiford road Walker lieiijaniin, Thetfoid load Miscellaneous- Ashman Geor^;^, currier. Tin tford road Chapman Henry, veterinary surgeon, Mnndford [ro;id Everard Sarah Ann, stay maker, London Floyd Paul.inlaml revenue olIicer.Bnry rd Hammond Henry, nursery and seedsman, IMnndford [Hiijh st Harvey Elizabeth, straw bonnet maker, Holmes Thomas Fit! I, gardener, Hiijli st Hunt .Ins. post horse proprietor, High st Jewell Maria, lodging-hou-e, Hith st Kenyon Thomas Cookson, attorney, Nonhcote Lodge Morrell John, waterman. High st Rue John C. superintendent of naviga- tion. High street Russell William, watch maker, High st SleH" VVilliiMi, land surveyor. High st Thompson Frederick, chemist & druggist, High stnel Thompson Robert, suigeon. High st Towell Emily, Berlin repository, High st Vail Joseph, flour dealer, London road Ward George, boat builder, High st Webb Thomas, tea dealer, London toad Willett Alice, china ik glass dealer.High sf Wno I Gei'ige, timber merchant, 'I'uwn st Wortley Newton, station clerk, Brandon CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON TIIU BKANDON AND NORWICH SECTION OF THE EASTERN COUN- TIES LINE. S(a^iori,contiguousfo Brandon — Newton Wortlev, station c/etk CARRIERS. To BURY SAINT EDMUNDS. George AshmHn, from his house,Tlietfr)rd road, Wednesday and Saturday, and William iMalt, on Saiurday To N E W ,M A RK E I\ the Mail Cart, from the B'''l, every night ToSTOKE FERRY, the -Wffi/ rar(,frnm the Bell, every night, & William Allen, from the White Hart, daily To WATTON, William Allen, from the Wliite Hart, daily BUNGAY, WITH THK VILLAGES OK DITCHINGHAM, EARSHAM AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. JoilNGAY is a market town, comprised in tlie pa- rishes of Saint Marv and the HolyTrinitv, in the hun- dred of Waiigford; 108 miles n.e. by n. from London, 40 N.E. by N. from Ipswich, 20 s.w. from Yarmontli, 14 s.s.e. from Norwich, and 17 n.e. from Diss — the last named a station on tiie Eastern Union railway. Tlie town, Winch is pleasantly situated on the river Wavtiiey (navigable thus tar for barges, &c.), was de- gtroved by fire in 1(J88, wlien the loss was computed at jE.SO.OOO ; after this period it was neatly lebuilt. The principal .stiet-ts, uhith aie bioad, well paved, and gas-lighted, branch out from the markei ])lace towards the gieat roads leading to Norwich, Yainiouili, Huiy, Ipswich, Beccles, and Lowestoft ; and each of these being terminated by a handsome edifice, produces, at first sight, a very favomable im|)ression. The Tiuatre has lately been converted into a handsome Corn E.xcliange — a great convenience to the coin dealfrs attending the market. Upon the Wavenev, ■which tiearly surrounds the town, a considerable trade exists in corn, malt, flour, coal, lime, &c. Among the other prominent trades are an extensive letter-press piinting establi-hment atid stereotype foundry, a pajjci mill, atidasilk crape manufactoiy — the latter at Ditch- ingham. In ancient times the river Wavetiey was a much hroader stream than it is at present, and liunga. was then called Le-/ion-Eye, or the ' Good Island,' being nearlv surrounded by water — as it still is on three sides. It was granted, with numerous other matiors, by Williatn the Coii(|ueror, to Roiitr Higod, who wa- afterwards created Earl of Norfolk : he is supposed lo have built Bungay Castlf, which, from its comniandint: situation, on a bold eminence oveihioking theiivei Waveney, and the great strength of its fortifications, was boasted of by Hugh, the next Earl, as being im- pregnable; but iti 1140 it was srormed and taken h) King Stephen, though the refraciory Earl had said — '• Were I in my Castle of Bungay, Upon the waierof Waveney, I would ne care lor the King of Cockney " The form of the castle appears to have been octangular ■• the ruins of two round portal towers, and portions ol the west and south west angles are still standing, as also are three sides of the great towi-r or ki cp, the walls of which are fiom sen n to ten teet thick, and from fifteen to seventeen feet high. Within ilie walls aie gardens belonging to the King's Head Inn, anri pirt of these walls h ive been cotiverted into a tenacc from whence there is a fine and commanding piosixci of the town and fenile country sunoundii g it : this is a spot much lesorted to by the inhabitants of 15uiga\ :n the summer time. Jietweeii the two chuiclies ap- pear the ruins of a Benedictine nunnery, fontuled by lloger de Glanvile, and the Countess Gundreda, bis lady, in 1160, to the honour of God, the lilessed Virgin Mary, and the Holy Cross. His giacf the Duke of N( itolk is lord of the manor; and the municipal officers of the town are those anpninted at his coiiif leet atid baioii, held annually. The county maui>tratt>s sit in petty sessions here every Thursday ; and Rungay is included in the Reccles circuit of County Court towns for the recoveiy of debts to any amount not ex- ceeding £20. 'I'lie places of worship are, the two churches of the parishes already named, and cliapels for Ind'-pendents, Wesleyan Methodists, and Human Catholics. Saint Mary's Church is a very hand-ome structure, atid, with its fine tower, is a great ornament lo the town. It is ( onstructed of flitit and freestone, and was chiefly i e- tuiilt after the fire of 1688, by wbich it was reduced to ruins, some of which stdl remain at the east end of the present building. The church of the Holy Trinitv is a small aticient edifice, with a round tower, embattled, and bearing severnl shields with the aitns of Thomasde Brotherton, Eai 1 of Not folk, and the Montacute, Bigod, BeHncham|), and other families. The living is an uii- propiiated vicaiage, leased by the Bishop of Ely to the Rev. Thomas Collyer, the present incutnhent. The charities comprise a free grammar school ; ptiblic schools, conducted upon the British and National platis, and foi infants ; a dispensary, and some almsbonses. There are a great number of heauiiful seats, within a few miles of Bungay, placed in deligbthd situations. The market place is ornameined by a hntier cross, imilt in 1690, and covered with a leaded dome, sur- mounted by a fine figure of Justice. The maiket is h'-ld on Thursday; a considerable cattle fair on the lull of Mav, and a statute meeting on the 2.ith of Sep- teinher. By the retuins for 18;U the paiisli of the Holy Triuiiy contained l.(>(i'6 iidiahitanis, and that of Saint Maiv 2,071 ; in 1841 they contained respectively 1,861 and 2,248 Sepaiated fiom Bungay by tlie Waveney is the vil- lage and parish of Ditciiingiiam, in the huudied of Loddon and county of Norfolk, containing a paiish c lurcli, dedieatitl lo Saint Mary, a silk mill as before stati'd, and a population of 1,124 inhabitants. Kathi r more than half a mile from Butigay, in the hundred of its name and county id Norfolk, is the villige and parish of Earsham. The neat chmch of All Saints contains some handsome mural (ahlets of the Windliam family, a font cuiioiisly carved, and tlie windows are enriched with some beautiful stained glass. Population of the paiish 7^J1. POST OFFICE^ i'^aishain street, Matthias Ahel, Po.i/ Master. — Letters from all parts arrive every morning at ten mnmtes before seven, and are despatched in the evening at half-past six. Post Office Orders are granted and paid from nine in the morning till five in the evening. 12 Utitctoiy. BUNGAY, &c. ^Uffolfe. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Adair Sir Robert Shafto, BHrt.Flix- tou Hall L^t AlcUr Uev. Edward Thomas, Trinity All-op Mrs. Mary Ann, Eiirsliani st Aiigei .Mrs. Harriet, Kaish.tiii st Barkvvav Rev. Frederick, Earsiiam st Barlee Mrs. — Beccles road Barnes Mrs. Lucy, Eaisham st Bediiiufieid John, Esq. (magistrate), Diich iigliam Beiice Rev. C. 1$., St. Cross Beniers tlie Hon. and Rev. Lord, Kirby Hall Bewicke Miss Jane, Trinity st Burisall Mrs. Liicv, Grove road Cautley Rev. William G., E^rsham Cliaiiibcrs Mr. Davnl, Lwr. Oll-iiid st Chambers Rev. J. P., Hedeiiiiam Cobb Kev. Rohert.Tlivvaite Collyer Rev. Thos., Upper Olland st Criikmore Mrs. Arabella, Ollands Ciiddon Mr. James, 'Iriiiity st DairmgCapt.John,R.N EarshamHall DalliiigSii VVin.liart.Earsh iin Lodge Denny Mrs. Ellen, Prospect place Dowsoii Rlrs. Elizb , Ditchingliani Drane Mis. Sarah, 'I'rinity st Dreyer Mrs. Eliza, Tiiiiity st Dyhall Mr. William, Market place Ebbage Mr. Robert, Rose Cottage Farmer Mis. Sarah, Broome Forster Mrs. Clara Susatiiiali.Ditch- inaliani [South Elmhrim Holiiie-Rev.Adolplius.^t.Mamarei's HuUoL) Rev. Henry, St. John's JoUey Rev. Huntoii, Broome Kerredge JMrs. Kerenhappach, Trinity st King Mr. John, Upper Ollaud .st Mann Mrs. Aim, Tiiiiity si Mann .Major Joliii, Trinity st Jlaruet-ouMr". Sophia, Ditchingham IMiiins .Mr. John, Ollands Morrell Mrs. — Broad st Piikard Rev. John, Woodton Plowman Mrs. Mary, Bridge st Plowman Mrs. Sophia, Raisham st Pratt .Mrs. Ann, Upper Ollaiid st Pratt Mr. Henry, Upper Olland st Prentice Mrs. — Bioad st Redarave Mr. Simuel, Hull lane Reyiidlds Mrs. Louisa, Lower Ol- laud st Richies Mr. John, Earsham st Rolling Rev. Thos. Ucpei Olland st Roberts Mr. Geoigp, Aim-house st Roaersnn Mr>. Elizabeth, Trinity st Safford Rev. Jas.,NottinebamCasile Sanby Rev. George, Denton Sanby Rev. George, jnn. Flixton Sciitt Julin B., Esq. Earsham st Scott the Misses — Common road Scudaniore Rev. William E., Ditch- ingliani Smitli Mrs. Ann, Earsham st Smith Mr. James, Earsliaiii st Smith l{ev. John, Broome place ' Spall Mr. Edward, Grove mad Umplielby Chaile-, Esq. Denton Uttina Mr. Tlioniiis, Ditdiingham Waddiniiton Rev. Joseph, L^pper Olland .st Walesby Mrs. Lydia, Printing Office lane Walker Mr. Pearce, Flixton road Web.'i John Raplael.Ksq. Grove road West Ml. William, Plough st Young Mrs. Elizabetli, Prospect pi ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Not otherwise de«cribfrt are Day Schools. Abel Matthias, Broad st Barker Margaret & Mary (boarding and day), Broome British School, Plough st — Win. Eyeritt, master; Susannah Smith, mistress Catclipole Elizabeth, Broad st Free Grammar School, Eat sham st — Rev. Fiedk. Barkway, ma-ter Infants' School, Common road — Sarah Marsden, mistrrss Jones Charles Paul (boat ding and day), Bridge st National >chool, Common road — John Fraihers, master ; Louisa Cock, mist less [Earsham st Owles Harriet (boarding and day), Keeve Charlotte, Broad st Wooliioiigh Mary (boarding and day), L^ppei Olland st AGENTS. {See also Fire, Sfc, Office Agents.) Abel Matthias (estate and general), Earsham st Ashley John Samuel & Richard D'Urban'for the Chii-tian Know- ledge Socitty), IJpper Olland st Baker George (house and estate). Trinity st [st Ebbage Francis (estate), Earsliani Mami Richard & William (for Bar- clay's porter, and Lacan's ale), Wainfoid Mills [st Smitli Samuel (house), Lwr. Olland Spall Henry (general commission), Nei* roati [ham Stanford William (cattle), Ditcning- ATTORNEYS. Bellman Hemy, Broad st Drake Charles. Tiinity st KI>vv()od Azariab, Earsliam st Gwyn William Hina io. Broad st H.irtcup William, Broad st Sniiili Samuel, Broad st AUCTI ONE ERS& APPRAISERS Bake.' George, Tiinity st Ebbage Frs. (appraiser), Earsham st Spall Henry, New road BAKERS. A'ger VVilliam, Bioad st Bid well Mark, Lower Olland st Clarke John, Bridye st Cork William, Ear-liam st Dinper f'raiicis, Bridge st Ecclestiine Robert, LTpper Olland st Fisk George, Eaisham Fryer Jonathan, Market place Mayhew Jeremiah, Earsham st Saver Manning, Upper Olland st BANKERS. East of England Bank (Branch), Broad st, (draw on the London and Westminster Bank) — J^amuel Smitli, agent Gurneys', Turner & Brightwen, Broad st (diawon Barclay, Bevan, & Co., London), VVilliam Hart- cup, agent Harvey-'& i'iul.son's, Market place, (draw on Han keys', & Co., Lon- don) — Graystone Bucke Baker, agent Savings' Bank, Mai ket place, (open on the first and third 'I'htiisday ill each month) — GraystoneBucke Baker, actuary BASKET MAKERS. Glover Charles, Bridge st Turner William, Upper Olland st Waller Sarah, Printing Office lane BLACKSMITHS. Archer Peter. Upper Olland st Crook .Aiiunstus, Brideest Gardiner .Simeon, Bridge st Jay George, Bioad st Leggett Robert, Eaishain Smith William, Ditchineham Watson John, Upper Olland st BOOKSELLERSdc STATIONERS Ashby John .Samuel & Richard D'L'rbaii, Upper Olland st Morris Josepli Money, Broad st Reeve Jesse (stationer). Market pi Williams Mary Elizabeth (and mu-ic seller, and fancy i epositoiy),i\lar- ket place BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Baiiliam Boliert, Earsham st Beare Robert, U|i|ier O land st Beare William, Uppir Olland st Cattermole Josepli, Uppei Olland st Catteimole William, Broad st Chaston Eveiitt, Earsham st Chaston Robert, Earsham st Cliittleborongli & Son, Earsham st Claxton Robert, Bridge st Codling William, Lower Olland st Cornaby Matilitw, Biidue st Cro-s VVilliam, Edisham st Gil)h.s John, LJpper Olland st Martin Georee, iMarket place Reeve John R., Biidge st Scarlett Samuel, Bridge st Tilinam Samuel, Ditthingham Tillt-y Charles, Bridge st Woor James, Upper Olland st BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Booty William, Lower Olland st Hudson James Elliott L., Upper Olland st Norraau John, Market place BRETVERS. Hogg William, Eirsliam Wright Robert, Grove road BRICKLAYERS. Adams John, Broome Belts Robert Coat^s, Hay market Bull Isaac & Sons (and plasterers). Printing Office lane Eldeii James, Broome [hill Gaffar Thomas & William, Castle Halswnrth Robert, Earsham Nuun Robert, Plough st BUTCHERS. Aldons Richard, Upper Olland st Beddenfield John (pork), Lower Ollanil st Calver William, Upper Olland st Chase Robert, Biidge st Giiiiiig John VVilliam, Earsham st Hunting Sarah, Upjier Olland st Ree\e William (porU), Earsh im st Smith Ann (pork). Lower Olland st CABINET MAKERS AND UP- HOLSTERERS. .Mayhew Edv\ai(i (and printers' joiner). Upper Olland st Rowe Robert, Ufiper Olland st Taylor Nathaniel, Earsham st Waller John, Eaisham st CARPENTERS Ac BUILDERS. Botwrighf John, L^pper Olland st Dai by Robert, Pi intiiig Office lane Kbbage Francis, Ear.-bani st Foulger Josepli, Upper Olland st Morris Isaac, Ditchingliani Richnioiid James, Earsham Smith William, Printing Office lane Stockdale Joliii, Market plice CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Baytit'ld Arthur, Earsham st Cliiiicliyard William, Market place Owles James, Upper Olland st CHINA, GLASS, &c. DEALERS. Draper VVilliam, Ditchingham Gosling George, Biidiie st Knights Daniel, Ditchingham Stuiih Henry, Upper Olland st 13 ^uffolfe* BUNGAY, &c. MSLttl'^ CLOTHES DEALERS. Botwiig't TiKiiiirts, UppfiUllandst Claxtoii HolHTl, Bridne st Scarlett Sanitiel, Bri.lne st [st Suitoii John (Jroom, Upper Ollaad COACH MAKERS. Dutt Williain, Ditcliiiighaiii Spall William, Grove road COAL DEALERS. Bridiie Eilward, Broome Burroiighes Jolin, Kaisham Butcher K'lvvar(i,Staitli Godt'iey William, Eai>liani Kuiuliis Thomas, Providence place Lodge Siiinuel, liridye st Lodye Samuel, juii. Upper Olland st Uttmg Geornf, Grove road CONFECTIONERS. Alcxaiidir William, Bridge st Cock William, Earshani st Ecciestoiie Hubert, Upper Olland st Rlavlit-w Jeremiah, Earsliaiii st Say'er Manning, l^ppir Olland st COOPERS. Foreman Robert, Ditchingham Godfrey George, Ear-liaiu H udiiig Simeon, Bridge st Hinsby William, Lower Olland ^t CORN AND FLOUR DEALERS. Bruce Ihomas, Bridge st Butcher Edward, Staith Clarke .Lremiali, Earsham St Cock William, Broad st Cuddon Wilham, Ditchingham Gosling George, Bridge st Mann Bichd.&. Wm.Wainford Mills Pulfoid George, Earsham Saver Mannine, Upper Olland st Smith Samuel, Earsham st Smith Thomas, Bridge st Smith 'I'homas, Marker place Stockdalc North(fl.iur),Up.011and st CURRIERS AND LEATHER CUTTERS. Cross William, Earsham st Parker Samuel, Upper Olland st 'Jibnam Samuel (leather cutter), Ditchingham DYERS. Dann William, Ditchingham Kerridge William, Ditchingham FARMERS. Aldborougli Heniy, Earsham Bowler Benjamin, Denton Buck Jereiiiiah, Ditchingham Burgess John, Ear>harii Carver William, Earsham Clutton George, Earsham Crow Henry, Earsham Diake Frederick, Earsham Drake Kiveis, Park Farm, Earsham Draper P'rancis, Ditchingham Ebbage Robert, Hill Farm, Earsham Howard Charles, Earsham Jaideii John, Earsham Laikman William, Tindall Hall Legood Robert, Earsham LoMii James, Broome Mead John, Broome Miller John, Bionnie Minns John, Ditdiingham Moore Jaim-s, Broome Parrincton Thomas, Earsliam Rackham John, Earsham Smitd Robert, Ivy Cnttage,Earsham Stanford William, Ditchingham Wooltoion William, Denton Wright Jiiliii, Earsham FIRE, ate, OFFICE AGENTS. Aguicultuiust (cattle), Augustus Croiik, Bridte st ExPF.uiENCK (life), John S. Ashby, Upper Olland st 14 MILLERS. Manning Archer, UpperOliand st ^'^'■'•"^y /?,'»r ^''^f,'\^'''Z\ =»nrt Globe, Henry Bellman, Broa.i st Bur sail Robert « ove oad and Life Association of Scotland, I *^'1.'"^,\^'" ^'"1,^^%".^'^'* ^l'"^' Henry Spall, New road Copp.n liomas, Earsham National Lo^N Fund (life), Mat- 1 ^^<;•'ey Joseph, Grove road thias Abel, Earsham st Pulford George, Earsha i Royal Farmers' and General,] ^et place Arthur Bayfield, Earsham st t MILLINERS &DRESS MAKERS Suffolk (fire), Samuel Smith, I Atmare Susannah, Upper Olland st Broad .strtet I Baker Mary Ann, Lower Olland st Sun, Georue Baker, Trinity st | Bardwell iMartlia, Tiinity st West OF England, Charles Drake, 1 Caitcrmole Susannah & Hannah, Trinity street FISHMONGERS. Ling Isaac, Lowei Olland st liead James, Broad st Tilleti Benjamin. Broad st Tillett William, F^arshamst FURNITURE BROKERS. Day Geoi ge, Lower Olliind st Kuights Daniel, Ditchingham GLOVERS. Lusher Randel, Upi»er Olland st Maslerson James, Lower Olland st GROCERS Bt TEA DEALERS. (Seealsn Shopkeepers, S(c.) Fisher Samuel & Son, Market place Haward Edwin, Earsham st Owles Thomas (and tallow chan- dler). Trinity st Bridge street Clarke Louisa, Earsham st Clarke Sarah Ann, Earsham st Claxton Elixabetl), UpperOliand st Cock Ellen, Earsham st Cunningham Mary, Earsham st Harding Marv Ann, Bridge st Hill Sarah, Upper Olland st Minns Sophia Ann, Earsham st Phillips Eliza. Broad st Reeve Ann, Broad st Spooner Emma, Upper Olland st Sutton Lucy, Upper Olland st Taylor Susannah, Lower Olland st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, AND GLAZIERS. Barcham Edward, Lower Olland st Browti William, Bridge st Cattermole Richard, Bridge st Penrce Charles & George, Market pi Cornaby John, Ditchinghain PhillipsWilliaml^oni;, Market place HAIR DRESSERS. Atty John W., Lower Olland st Colby Georee (and dealer in fishing tackle}. Upper OlUnil st Ife Chailes, Bridge st Ravtn Elijah, Upper Olland st Reeve Jesse, Market place Taylor John, Earsham st HATTERS. Clarke Jeremirih, Earsham st Lnsiier Randel, Upper Olland st Sutton John Groom, UpperOliand st INNS. — commercial & POSTING. {Seetilso Taverns S,- Public Houses.) Fleece Inn, James Martin, Upper Olland st [place King's Head,CharlesCasson, Market Three Tuns, Jas. Garwood, Market pi IRON Ac BRASS FOUNDERS, AND agricultural IMPLEMENT MAKERS. Cameron Daniel, Earsham st Richmond William, Bridge st IRONMONGERS. Balls John, UpperOliand st Hudson James Elliot L., Upper Olland st Richmond William, Bridge st LINEN ec ^VOOLEN DRAPERS AND HABERDASHERS. Fisher Samuel cV Son, Marketplace Grigg & Dybeli, Market place Minns Charles, Eai sham st Nickless Frederick, UpperOliand st Thirl le John B., Up|)er Olland st Woods William, Market place MALTSTERS. Aldis Charles, Brootne [Staiih Butcher Edward fand lime burner), Cnddon William, Ditchingham Mann Richard & William, Wain- ford Mills Farmaii Eli/abet h, Broad st Holley William, Printing Office lane Pearson Robert, 01 lands Redgrave Samuel, Earsham st Spooner John, Upper Olland st PRINTERS- -LETTER-PRESS. Ashby John Samuel & Richaid D' Urban, Upper Olland st Childs John & Son (and stereotype founder.s), Printing Office lane Morris Joseph Money, Broad st SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Archer John, llpper Olland st Branford James, Broad st Cattermole Alfred, Upper Olland st Walesby Edmund, Earsham st SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERS IN GROCERIES 6c SUNDRIES. Abel Mareaiet, Maiket place Banham Roheit, Brootne Banham William, Providence place Batiell Samuel (and seedsman), Lower Olland street Borrett William, Bridge st Buxton James, Broad st Cane Abel, Bridge si Cock Geoige, Lower Olland st Cock Gilbert, Earsham st Codling Jiditi, Almshouse st Farrants Sarah, Broad st Fisk George, Earsham st Godf ley George, Eat sham Gosling Geoige, Bridge st (lowing Elizabeth, Upper OUaud 8t Holley Sarah, Bull lane Hunt Jonathan, Broome Knights Daniel, Ditchingham Moore Robert, Upper Olland st Niiiliam James. Ditchingham Smith Henry, Upper OUniid st Smith Mary Ann, Upper Olland st Smith Thomas, Diichingham Tiliey Elizabeth, Bridge st Weavers Joiiii, Upper OUaud st iBinetovp. BUNGAY, &c. Suffolk. STAY MAKERS. Poll Ann, Lower OUand st Poll Louisa, Plougli st Taylor Su.oannali, Lower Olland st STRA^V BONNET MAKERS. CatterinoleSusan& Hannah Bridge st Clarke Louisa, Ear.sliain st Minns Sophia Ann, f^aisham st More Louisa, Upper Olland stj Prime Harriet, liridge st Spooner Kmma, Upper Olland st SURGEONS. Currie John, Trinity st Fisher Nathaniel Briggs, Upper Olland street Gariieys Charles, Trinity st Webb Thomas Ernest, Broad st SURVEYORS. Baker George (land). Trinity st Ebbage Francis (building, and for town), Earshani street TAILORS. Marked tlius * are also Drapers. Adkin Frederick, Earshani st August Isaac, Upper Olland st King William, Ear.sham Knights Maltliew, Broad st *Le;;g SumuelRoberts, Market place Lusher Randel, Upper Olland st Martin Uoben, Earsham st Mastersoii James, Lower Olland st Mayhew Amos, Bull lane Parker Ann, Plough st *Sard John, Bridge st *Sniith James, LTpper Olland si Smith William, Lower Olland st Spilling Peier, Earsham st *Suttoi)JohnGroom,Upper011and st Warner John. Hayniaiket Weeding iMaria, Printing Office lane Woolnough John, Upper Olland st TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Angel, Benjatuin Martin, Lower Olland st Artichoke, William Crawford. Broome Bell, George, Butcher, Market place British Oak. Henry Spall, New road Butchers' Arms, Mm. George. Bull lane Chequers, Charles Battelle, Bridge st Cherry Tree, Daniel Spink, Common road Crown, William Beecroft, Market place DukeofYork.SusanHopkinsDitchingliam Duke's Head, John Buiroughes, Earsham Falcon, Absolom Harris. Ditchingham Green Dragon, Robert Airey, Bridge st Horse & Groom, Isaac Sadd, Broad st Jolly Biitchers,RiclidTibbenham, Hay mrkt King's Arms, David Roe. Bridge st Plough, Henry Codling, Plough st Prince ot Wales, William Driver, Upper Olland street Queen's Head, Robert Chase, Trinity st Red Lion,Edw;ird Betts, Upper Olland st Rose&Crown.GeoBaldry.UpperOMand st Ship, Robert Wood row , Lower Olland st TwoBrewi rsJohiiJeriny.Printing-ollice la VVatchhouse, John Elliss, Beccles road While Horte, \Mlliam Chalker, Staith White Lion, Stephen Wright, Earsham st White Sivan,,iohuSlockdaie, Market place Retailers of Beer- Brighton George, Beccles road Bruce Thomas, Bridge st Godfrey William, Earsham Hogg Elizabeth, Earsham st Moore Thomas, Upper Olland st Spink Nelson, Earsham TEA DEALERS— TRAVELLING Botwriglii Gt-orge, Lower Olland st Cane Abel, Bridge st Minns Charles, Earsham st TIMBER MERCHANTS. Cuddon William, Upper Olland st Farrow J ostph (and slate & stone), Lower Ollatid sti eet TOY DEALERS. Cattermole Richard (dttiinallware), Bridge street Colby George, LTpper Olland st Keev'e Jesse, Market place TURNERS IN WOOD. Brighton Elijah, Lower Olland st Cuddon John, Lower Olland st Dawdry Thomas, Back lane VETERINARY SURGEONS. Archer Manning, Upper Olland st Crabbe William (J. Trinity st Crook Augustus, Bridge st W^ATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS AND JEWELLERS. Bullock Ilobt.Henry,Upper011and st Carley Richard (and pawnbroker), Bridge street Cheiiery Fiedet ick, Upper Olland st Gardiner Henrv, Bridge st Mills Edward, Bridge st Poll Phillips, Lower Olland st WHARFINGERS. Butcher Edward (and lime burner), Bungay staitli [ford Mills Mann Richaid & William, Wain- ^VHEELWRIGHTS. Borrett William, Bridge st Goodwin John, Earsham Goodwin Samuel, Ditchingham Haward William, New road King Michael, Ditchinghaiu Sutton William, Broome W^HITESMITHS AND BELL- HANGERS. Balls John (and gas-fitter), Upper Oilaiid street Booty William, Lower Olland st Cameron Daniel, Eaishain st Richmond William, Bridge st Miscellaneous- Adkins William, gun maker, Earsham st Archer Peter, horse dealer, Upper Olland st Brown John, organist, imd teacher of music, Lo.wer Olland street Burgess Charles, paper maker, Staith Butcher Robert, relievingofTicer,New road CoiiN KXCH4NGE, Broad st Dispensary, Broad st Driver William, wool, hide & bark dealer Upper Olland street Earl Richard, sheriffs oflicer, Earsham st Edwards William Camden, historical engraver. Grove roan Gas Works, Castle hill— William Henry, Chambers, manager [Ditchingham Grout & Co. silk ciape manufacturers, Harvey Charles, millwright, New road Laike William, wine & spirit merchant. Broad street Marsden Thomas, bookbinder. Mill lane MnllingerWilliam, letter carrier, Broad st Nursev .lames, stone and inatble mason. Upper Olland street Palmer David, well sinker and pump maker, Upper Olland street Police Station. Castle hill — William Neagle, superintendent Reading News' Rooms (Private Sub- scvipiion), Earsham street Sewell Blooinfield, registrar ol births and death';. Ollands Smith Thomas, library, Bridge st Spall Henry, coUectorol taxes. New road Stamp Office, Market place — Samuel Fisher, sub-distributer Ward Benjamin, rope n-iaker,Ditchingham Watts William, fruiterer, Market place Winter .lohn, animal painter and glass stainer, Earsham street PLACES or WORSHIPj and thi'ir ministers. Trinity Church, Trinity street— Rev. Thomas Collyer, vicar. Saint Mary's Chcrch, Upper Olland street— Rev. Edward Thomas Alder, perpetual curate. All .Saints' Church, Earsham — Rev. William G. Cutley, inctinilient. Saint Mary's Church, Ditchingham- Rev. William E. Scudamore, iMdonAfH<- Ln DKPivNDENT ChaPEL, Upper Oljund st — Rev. Joseph \\ addington. Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Tnnilv street Roman (AriioLic Chapel, IJpperOlland street— Rev. Thomas Ro'ling, ;)»■((-«<. COACHES, OiaNIBUSES, &C. All Siiiiflaii excepted. To LONDON, by Coar/i, to Ipswich and Diss Stations, thence by Raihiatj To liECCLES, thei>aj/CoacA(from Diss), every evening at a quirtcr past five, calls at the King's Head— 5ee also Cf.ocUes to Yarmouth To BURY SAlMEDMUNDS,byCoac/i to Diss Station, thence by liaitnay To DISS, the Dmj Coach \itom Beccles), calls at the King's Head, every morning at half-past nine, & the Dart (frcm Yar- mouth), calls at the Fleece every after- noon at two; bolh go through Harles- ton and Scole, to meet the trains to and from London, Ipswich, Bury, &c. To IPSWICH, the Union (from Norwich), calls at the Fleece, every forenoon at a quarter past eleven, and the lidipsr calls at the King's Head, every Monday, Wednesday & Saturday evening at six ; bolh go through Halpsworth, Yoxford, Saxmundham and Woodbiidge To NORWICH, an Omnibus, fmm the Fleece, every morning at nine; the Uniott (from Ipswich), calls at the same Inn, every evening at five ; and the Eclipse (from Ipswich), calls at the King's Head, every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday morning at nine, calling at Thorpe Station, with passengers for Railniiy To SCOLE, a Mail Car, from the Fleece, every evening at half, past six To THORPE STATION, by the Nor- wich Coaches [Coaches To WOODBRIDGE, bv the Ipswich To YARMOUTH, the Defiance, liom the King's Head, every Monday, Wednesday & Saturday morning at half-past seven, and the Dart (from Diss), calls at the Fleece, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon at three; both go through Beccles and Haddiscoe CONVEYANCE BY RAILW^AY. The nearest •S' To IPSWICH, Robert Hogg, from the Fleece, Monday and Fridtiy morning, and Joseph Batlley, from the Queen's Head, Monday, Wednesdsy & Friday ; both go through Haleswortli, Yoxford, Saxmundham and Woodbridge , for- warding goods by Railniiyio LoNDO.v, and all pails of the South To NORWICH, Robert Hogg, from the Fleece, every morning; James Sayer, from the Fleece, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon, and Win. Meen, from the Queen's Head, Tr.es. & Friday To STRADBKOOK, William Meen, from the Queen's Head, Wednesday & Satur- day ; goes through Harlestou To YAli MOUTH,' Ephraim Jordan, from his house, Broad street, daily ; goes through Beccles and Hardiicoe CONVEYANCE BY WATER ■ To YARMOUTH, Whernes, horn Bun- gay Staith, and Winford Mills, daily 15 Suffolk. ^latei'd BURY SAINT EDMUNDS AND NEIGFIBOURHOOD. IBlJRY SAINT EDMUNDS is a market town and bDioiigh, bo'li coi poiatc and parliamentary (cnnipiised hi the paiisiifS of Saiiu James and Saint Alary) having Ssepara'e jurisdiction — locally in the liundred of Tliiu- goe; 72 miles N.K. by N. from London (94 j by rail] ; 26 N.w. from Ipswicn (2()J by rait); 14 e. from New- market; ?7 E. by N. fritin Camliridge; and 42 s.s.w. from Norwich (4.'^ by ruUj: situated on the Hury l)r.incli of tilt- Eastern Union U dhvay, and on a gentle eminence on the western bink of the river Larke (or liourne), in the centre of an open ai.d riilily cultivated distiict, aboundini! with interesting scenery. 'Die stiects aie spacious and clean, the bouses for the mo^t part uni- form and handsomely built, and there are many ele- gant and well-furni»lied shop>; the town is lighted with gas, and ihe inhabitants aie plenteoiisly sn|)piied with water. The origin of Bury has formed v\b,it may be termed ihe ' dehateable ur 'und' of antiquaries : by some it is held to be the f^illa Faustini, or the seat of Faustinins joihersadoiit the Saxon designation, Beoderk lf'eui(I—t\w villa of lieodericus, his cnui or farm ; liie latter ai)peais to be the more natural derivation — this place having been the seat or residtnce of Beoderic, who was propiietor of the land wheie the abbey and town were subsequently elected. In .succeeding years it received the name ui Burgh, signi- fyiiiK 'a strong hold or town,' which in time was modu- lated to Bury ; lieoderic heqiieaibed it to Saint Ed- mund, the king and iiiaityr, and thus it gra lually ac- quired its present uppellatioii. That Bury wa< a U'>inan station of some constquenre, has been concedeil by almost every histoiian; and in the spring of 178,5, the fact was placeil beyontt doubt, by'the iliscovery, wlieie the botanic garden (formerly the garden of theabhey) is H'lW lai'l out, of some ancient siulptiii es, which proved to l)e repi e-entntions of ilomaii divinities. Of the magnificent abbey all that now remains is the western gute, which fmined the grand entrance : this V' ner ih'e remnant, still in a state of ptesei vatioii, almost perfect, w,is built in the early p iit of the four- teenth Century. A tower that stands opposite to the west end of the alibey church, to which in former ages it served a'< an appi()|)riate poital, is considered one of the iiohle-t specimens of what is termed Saxon aichi- tectuie in the kingdom ; it is eighty feet in heiulit, of a quadrangular foi m, and reniarkalde for the grand .simplicity and ma"!sive solidity of its construction : this tower, lii'iugh thirty feet distant from the church of r»ainl James, serves as a steeple to that edifice. In its present state, the west end of the conventual church exhibits a very singular ajipearance : an octagonal tower is still standing, the lower part of which has 'iiecn c. livened into a stable; three arches, once the stately entrance-* to the aisles, have been filled up >vilh modern biickwork,and transformed into suitable iioitionsof neat dwelling- houses. The iniiis of Saint >avi()iii's bospital, tormeily ibe most celebrated esta- t'li>ihiiient of the kind in Bury, are near the Noiih- gite: this huildiiiK is alleueil to ha>e been the iilace (•elected for the murder of Hunijjhrey the Good, Duke of Gloucester, and for >oine time itegi-nt of Enuland, ill 1446. 'I'lieie are many other vestiges of aiicitiit stru( tuies, lo wiiich the antiquary will attach consider- able interest. I'be following are the principal public buildings, ex- clusive of those appropriati-d to divine wor>hip. The sliire-tiall is a modern eiecioii, comfirisini; two con- venieni courts for the trial ofciiil and criminal causes. The guild-hall is for the town court of sessions, and the transaction of the teneial business of the bnroutli. The concert-room is an elegant hnildinu; and there is a handsome corn-exchange. The finuity Kaol, elected in 180.3, at an expense of £.50, 000, is calculated to contain one hundred and forty prisoners, vvitli a sepa- rate bed for each : it stands on the London road, nearly a mile from the ci ntre of the town, and (nesents a haiidsnrne stnne front. The borough bridewell is si- tuated ill the Market-place— the ate of its erection is obvious from its cin ular windows. The tbeatie, a neat sirnciure, in the southern part of the town, was op'-iifd for dramatic performances in October, 1819, The St" " IG subicriptioii rooms were comiilttcd in 1804, in a superior style of eletancc, at an ex|)eiise of nearly £5,000: they occupy the south side of .Anuel-hill, and comprise hall, b;lliard, card, coffee, supper and reading rooms. TheSutfidk public library, kept in the Guild- tiall, bus about one hunilied subscribers, and contains many valuable books. The botanic garden, the en- tiaiice to which is under that maanificeni luin, Ihe Abbeygate, is an impoitant acqni.sitioii to this biancli of scientific study, as well as a most agrt cable and favoiiiite promenade. 'I"he general Suffolk hospital is a handsome structure, in an open and healthful situa- tion. Two Weekly newspapiTs are published in Bury — the • Bury and Norwich Post,' and the ' Bury and Suti'olk Herald.' The spinning ot yarn was formerly the principal means of employment for the indusiritjus class, and the balls in which the wool was deposited, are yet standing: no particular branch of manufacture is now cariied on. Tin- local and retail business of the place is in general flout ishiiiu ; being well sustained by a large and respectable population, and the uumerous wealthy tamilies in the immediate neighbourhood. The town is also on" ot considerable thoionghfare, and supports no fewer than seven principal inns. James I granted to the inhabitants a cliarterof in- corporation, which was extendeil by several succeeding tnonarchs. The coipoiate body under the Alunicipal Reform Act, consists of a mayor, six aldermen, and eighteen councillors, with the usual assistant officers — styled 'the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of Bury Saint Edmunds, in the County of .Suffolk :' the same act divided the borough into three wards, and provided for it a commission of the peace. Sessions for the boiougb, and also for the county, are held quarterly; assizes for the liberty and county twice a year, and a court leef annually under the lord of the manor. Bury is included in the thii ty-fcmrth circuit of County Court towns, under the acts passed in 1846, for the recovery of debts and damages to any amount not exceeding £20— this court is held monthly, in the shire hall. The borough lias uninieri iiptedly returned members to F.irliament from the 4th of James I; the pieseiit representatives are the Eat 1 Jermyn ami Sii Edward Herbert Bniibni y. The return of members to sit for West Suffolk is madefiom Bury. The places of worship aie the three churches, and chapels for Baptists, Independents, Unitarians, Wes- leyaii and Pi imitive Methodists, the Society of Friends and Koman Catholics — the chapel of the latter a nindern election. Saint Mary's chutcli is an elegant structure, divided into tliiee aisles by two rows of beautiful slender columns ; the roof particularly excites adniiraiion by its t isteful liiilitness. Saint James's is a fine specimen of the Gothic style — the west end is particularly handsome : the inteiior consists of side- aisles, a nave and a chancel, and a galleiy over the west entrance ; the window of ihe cliancel, formerly beloiigiin; Xo the abbey church, is of beautiful stained glass; and the organ is a sweet-toned and [lowerful instrument. Saint John's is a handsome modern brick edifice, with a fine pioportioned spire : the livinn of each palish is a donative, in the gilt of tliectuf December; the ()ctober tairis ihe primipal with every necessary. The advaniaijes aiisini; fioni a ; one, ami continues about three weeks. By the re- cattle market, purchased by the old corpoiation, and turns made to government in 1831, tiie population renewed by the new, have ntidrred tlii", as a market of the dorou^h and parishes was ll,4!i6, and by those town, superior to any in the eastern district, Noruicl) tor 1841, r2,5.'58, POST OFFICE^ Hatter-Street, Mr. Henry Nevvson, Post Master, Arrival of the Mails — From London and all purts of the South, the Midland and Northeiin CouNriF.s, al-o from Scotland, Ireland and Wales, every morning at ten minutes jjasi four, and ;)fternooM at four. From the Counties of Cambridge, Norfolk, Huntingdon and Lincoln, every morning at ten minutes past five. From Harlp.ston, Halsted, Dtss, Scole, Sudbury, Long Melford, Clare, the County of Essex* and the Ka>tern Division of the County of Suffolk, every morning at nine. Despatches —To London and all places beyond, thf Midland and Northern Counties, Scotland, Ikei.and and VVales, every morning at a qnaiter before ei^ht, and night at half-past nine. To the Counties of Cambridge, Norfolk, Huntingdon and Lincoln, eiery evening at seven, ^w\Asecond desijateh to the towns of Cambridge, Thetford, Norwich, Urandon,Wymondham, Attleborougii, Lynn and YARiMOUTH. at nine at night. To Harleston. Halsted, Diss, Scole, Sudbury, Long Melford, Clare, the County of Essex, and the Eastern Division of the County of Suffolk, erf-ry afternoon at four; and & second despalcli to Ipswich, Stowmarket, Colchester and Needham Market, at a quarterbefore eiglitin the luoriiiug. Money Orders are yranted and paid from nine in the luoiiiing until six in the evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY, AND CLERGY. Adams Mr. Samuel, (iS Guildhall st Affleck Sir Robt. Bart. Dalhain Hall Anderson Rev. Thoma-i, KelsjiHUi Andrews Mrs. Alice, 24 Well st Andiews Mr.John, Sou'hgaie gr( en Crannise Mrs. Elizabeth, 9(i Noitii- i King tlie Misses Sar;ih & Harriet' gate street | 22 Butter market Creed Misses Emily & Eliza, 23 j KitchenerMrs. Emma, 20 Crown st Guildhill sticet Crisp Mrs. Murv, Crown st Cullum Rev. Sir Thomas Gery, Bart. Hardwick House Airiistrong Mrs. Ann. 81 Whitingst i Daltou William, Esq. 109 Northgatest Bailey .Mr. James, 118 Northgate st Barnard Mi.^s Sarah, 73 U biting si Barnes Mis. Alice, 68 Northgate st Bennett Capi. Fiiilip,Kougliam Hall Bennett Philip, Esq. Rougham Old Hall [Hall Benyon de Beauvoir R Esq.Cuiford Bevan Ro'it.Ex]. Rougham Rookery Bidwell Mis. El'zbth.6 St.Mary's sq Blniie George, Kst] Chaiiel House Blake Sii H> nry, Bart. Barton Blake Rev. W. R. Great Barton Bodwell Rev. .losepli C. 23 Well st Horton Miss Mary Ann, fi Hatter st Bow right Mr. Joiin, Aneel Hill Bradlirook Mrs. Ann Smith, 15 Westyate road Biidgeman E. Esq. Weston Hall Bridges Misses C>'.therii!e& Plioetie, 18 Whiting street [Park Bri-io! the Alargucss of, Ickvvorth Brooke Arthur, Esq. Hoiiinser Brooks Miss Arabella, Westgate st I5rown Mrs. Marv, 67 Northgate st Bruiidlev Mr. .loTiii, 91 Nortll^atest Buck Robert, Eq. Newton Hall Buck Samuel, Esq. Hawstead Davers Rev. Roieit, Bradfield Dingle Mrs.Elizbtb. 12 Northgate st Donaldson Rev. John William, d.D. 13 Northgate st Donne Mr.Wm.Botioin, Westgate st Dui rant Mrs. Mary, 88 Nortiigate st Eagle l'"ras. King, Esq. 19^Vhitingst Edwaids Mr. John, 53 Kisbygate st Elviii Rev. Corll^lius, 3 Whiiingst Knott Rev. Hetuy, Churchgatest Laihbuiy Mrs. Mnry Ann,AngelJiill Leecli Miss Rachael, 23 Crown st Liddle Mr. Thomas, Mill lane Lock Mrs. Sarah, Field lane Lockwood Rev. Chailes Blomfield, 1 Low Baxter st Lowe Mrs. Elizabeth, 26 Ciown st Luinley Mrs. Eli/aiieth 9 Crown st M 'G regor A l r. J oh n, 39 Southgate st Main Mrs. Eli/.abeth, VVtH st Mallet .Mrs. Thomasin, 71 South- uatestieet [Risiiysiate st Mallows Mr. George William, 2 Eyre Rev.Charles JaiiusPhipps,M.A. Maimers Hon. Ijord John, Fornhaitt 3G (^rown st ^, • . ^ Eyres Colonel Geoige William, 114 'Northgate st Fennel! Mr. Samuel, 2 St. Marx's S(] Finch Mr. John, Southgate ureen Gallant Miss Mary, Westgate st Saint Genevieve Martin C. C. Esq. Liverniere Park Me!l' r Mr. John Dearson, 14 Gar- land street Mithell Mis. Elinor, Well st Middleditch Mis.Elizbh.24Crowngt Game Mrs. Saiali,iG Westgate roid I Miller Mr. James, 13 Crown st Gardtner Mrs. Hannah, 2 Church gate street Gaiiett Rev. Bernard, Westgate st Girling M i. Thoma.s, 25 Guildhall st GoofJciiild Mr-. Susan, 17 Hatter st G I oom M IS. Eli/'abei h,72Guildhallst Groom Miss .Mary, 86 Whiiing st Gudgeon Mis. Pent lope. Paradise jil Haggttt Mr. Henrv, St. .Mary's sq Hall Rev. Win. 2 Low Baxter st Biiilen Mivs Eli/.abeth, St Mary'ssq j Harris Miss Eiizalnth, Angel hill Bullock Miss Mary Julia, Loom's la Harrison Misses Haiiiet, Hannah, BiinbuivSir Edward Herbert, Bar ton Hall Button .Mr. James, Risbygate st Calveit .Mrs. Juliana, 9 Northgatest Caiss R. .M . Esq. Gr> at Welnetham Cartwiight Rev. John, m. a. Soutli- g >te green Cater Miss Ebzahetb, 27 Crown st Chilton Mr. Wm. John, 26 Well st Clark Vl rs.Elizab. th,112Noi thuate st Clarke Mrs.Eli/abeil),22 Guildhall st I H Clarke Mr. William Pleasants, 9 H Guildhall street Cobbing Miss Maiy, 89 Northgatest Cole Miss Susan, 14 Noithgate st Coilett Capt. Anthony. Aiigtl hill CoUett Rev. U illiam," Westgate road Cook Mr. Benjamin, Field lane Coolie iMissesMaiy Ann & Martha, 2 Honey hill Cooksley Rev. Thomas Murray, 4 VVestg.ite street Cooper Mrs. Susan, 43 College si 3 & Eliza, 4 St. Mary's square Harvey Mr. Edmund, Southgate grii Hat \ey Mr. Edmund, 3 St. Mary'ssq H;irvey Mi. James, 84 Southgate st Harvey Mr. Robcit, 24 Westgate st Hat\ey Mr. Robert, Westgate road Hasied Rev. Hem y, 107 Nortiigate st Hervey Rev. Lord Aitliiii, lekworth Hicknian Rev.Thos. 54 Westgate st Hill .Mr. Joliii, Churchgate s; gson .Mrs. Susannah, '29 Well st gRev. E., Foinhani St. Martin's Hogg Mrs. Sarah, Mill lane Houghton M rs. M:iiy,70 Guildhnll st Hubbard Captain William, r.n. 18 ■ Noithgate st Huhbaid Mrs. Ann, 15 Churchgate st ion .Mrs. Sarah, 56 Risbygate st Jack-oil Rev. George Henry, 7 Guildliall street Janninijs Mr. Robert, St. .Andrew st Jeffes Mr. Robert, II Whiting st Johnson Charles, Esq. Gailand st Miller Miss Lucv, 25 Crown st .Mooie Georue, Esq. Northgate st Mottiam M i.Charles,69Southgate st Munfoid Mrs. Mary, 3 Honey hill Muskett Mr.John, Church yard Newell Mr. John, 7 SouthgHte st Oakes Kev. Harvey Aston AdamsoD, m.a. Saint ftlary's square Oakes Henry JaiiKS, Esq. Nowtoa Oliver .Mrs. Betsy, f'nion terrace PdiiieMiss Hannali,113.\ortligatest Palfiev Mrs. Sophia, 1 .Meat market Parker .Mr. ( haiKs, 69 Risb\L'ate st Pate M rs. Eliza Lloyd, 8 Guildhall st Payne M r. John Haivey,22 Hatter st Pear-oii Mrs. Saiali, St. .Andrew st Pelleiv the Hon. and Rev. Edward, B.a. 74 Guildhall st Petre the Hon. Charles,Northgatest Plunipton Mr. John, 30 Well Kt Polev — . Esq.-Boxtead Hall Poole .Mrs. — , 5 Wliitingst Poitvvav Mr. Georye, Meat market Prike ftlrs. Christian, 41 Westgate st Quavie Thomas. Esq. Harton mere Rashdall Rev. Robert, 54 St. Jcdin st Roberts Mr. William, 83 Whitingst Robinson Mr. Thos. 17 Westgate st Rogers M rs. Ann Rose, 9 Whiting si Rushbrook. Major — ,RushbrookHaU Searlen James, Evq. Horringer Silverstoiie Mr. Jas. 17 Whitingst Simpson Miss .Mary .Ann, .Angel hill Smith Mrs. Frances Elizabeth, 7 St. Marv's square 17 Suffolfe. BURY SA!NT EDMUNDS. ^latei'sf GENTRY, Scc.—Conlinued. Smith Mrs. Hiainiili,23Soiitlig^itest Smitli Mr. Jolm, 5:5 Gniliiluill st Smith Mrs. Susan, 6 Spaihawk st South -Miss Mary, C>7 Guildliall st SiMrkeG-eunrv, Ksij. VVe-tgite .st Spink Mrs. Eli/.aheth. .Mill lane Steel Miss Kllzal'tli,lllN»rthgate.st Stfel .Mis> Kiixalieth, 14 Ilisbvgate st Steel Mrs. Kli/-abeil), 8 Nnrthgate st Steel Mr. ^ht Sutton Mrs. A nil. Mai ia.Uuiou terra- e Syiuoml.s iMi>s Ekanur, 12 Breiii- govelsticei [t.'a:e Thompson Rev. Henry TliosNortli- Tlioiiipson John, Esq. i.ooni's lane Tlinrlow the Uii^ht Honble. Lord, Ashfield H.ill Tilhv the Misses Matilda & Eliza, 2()'Northgate st Traice Mis.s Ann, Schonjhall ft Tvs 11 Mrs. Sarah. 23 Well st Wain Wright .Mr. Win 12 Ri.sbygate .st Walfoiil Mrs. Rehecca, Angel hill Wal.sliani Sir John, Honey hill AVard Ml S.Jane, 19 Westgate st Ward Mrs. Sophia, r>6 Westgate .'t Wastell Misses Isiibella & Frances, 103 Northgate >t Wayiiiaii Mis. Jane, Angel hill Wells Rev. Edward Cornish, West- gate stre t West Rev. Tlionias, 1 Whiting st Weston Miss Juliaiw. We>tgite8t Whatioii Mr. John, 17 Nortlmatest Wiiks Mrs. Sus.tmiah, 101 Risby- gate strei t Williams Mr.Wiiruim, Hospital road AVorlledgeJolin,h>q. 12 Meatuiarkt Wright .Miss Ann, I'ielil lane Young Mrs. Maria, 11 Rishygate st Young William, VJ Northgate st ACADEMIES AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Marked tlnis * are buardiriK: not other- wise ilescribeil are Day Schools Aldhitn Alfred, Colhge vt •Baker E izabeth. Angi 1 hill Barrows Eliza A Laura, 40 Crown st *Uurioughs Charles, 2 .Mustow st Chapman Ann, l.'i Ri^iiyuate st •Cook & Death, Angel hill •Cioiiiii Mary Aim, 31 Crown st •De Caile Jane & Emma, 7 Spar- liawk stieet •Dndd Ellen, 3 Chequers >quare J'EOFF.MEVT School, liiidewell lane — Will. Heiir\ Fuller, master Feoiiaient .'school, College st — Robert Cniske, inasier Free CiRAMMAr School, North- gate SI — Riv. John William Do- naldson, D.I), master Grange Raehael, 31 Guildhall st Houliler James, Skinner st Howe & Littleboy, 79 Wliiting .st iNFANTb' School, Sparhawk st — Lucretia Alhon, mistn ss Infants' .School (.Saint John's) Cl.'ureh row — MaryAnii Hawkins, niisfre^.s •Jay Maria Eli/a, Sonthgat" st •Liiidars Sojihia, Angel hill •Lockwiiod Rev. Charles Blomfield, 1 Low R ixtrn maiket Hinueil Charles, 1 Ricntgovel st Holmes Jos(ph Hanbv, 23 Hatter st Ion John Watiing, 2 ILitter st Jackson,SparkeA Holmes, 8 Hatierst Jay Saiiiiiel John, Angel hill Leech Chailes Denton !Si. Son, 23 Crown st Le (irice Henry, 21 Butter market Niinii Siniiev, 29 Crown st Salmeii William, 71 Guildliall st Wavmaii, Greene & Partridge, ('hiirch y ird Wing Frederick, 18 Hatter st Young Saml. David, If) LowB.ixlerst AUCTIONEERS &APPRAISERS Browiisinitb Jo-eph, (i Sparhawk st liiillen TlioiiiHS Geoige, 20 Butter market Fcntoh Reuben, 6 Meat market Hunter William, 24 Abbeygate st Nelson Henry, 2 HaUerst Norfolk Thoiiia-, 1 Cheiiuers square Payne Jaiius. 110 ,*^otitbgate st Ru'dlin John Tlios. 17 Bieiitgovel st BAKERS. Bacon Susan, Br. niyovel st Baker Hannah, 3 Whiting st Rateinan William, Cannon plice • Beimel Benjamin, Soiithgate st Brewster Robert, 40 VV'estgate road Ciiidler William, 108 Southgate st Crack John, 8 Ciowii st Crick Thomas, Anmd lane Death Daniel, Soutjuiate st Death Henry, 82 St. John st Gissiiig Stephen, Ancel liili Grange WiiUam, 31 Guiblhall st Head Charles, 4 Noithgate st Hempstcd James, Llnion terrace Jackson Geoige, Prospect pliice Limmer James, Field lane Limmer John Davy, 91 Risbygatc St Lock James, ckwood Heiiiy, Whiting st I^ockwool James, 21 Church walks Norman John, Eistgite st Pashler Georte, 26 liuildhall st Raiison John Abraham, 83 Norlh- gaie stieet Ro' insoii Samuel, Eastcate st Robinson William, 40 CoJcge st Stebbn'.! ,lohn, 6(i Northgote st Sturgeon James, 45 (iuildiiall st Suiikin Heiiiy, Ilaiiig.ite st TompsoM Edward, Angel laiie Walk' r John, (i Risby>raie st Wan en .Abraham, 14 Westgate road Wiitson William, Raing ate st Watson Wiiliaiii, 11 Schoolhall lane Wells Chnrles, Field lane Westrup Charlotte, Angel hill Wilson Samuel, Short Biackland Wiiikiip Mriria, 2 Brentgovel st Wright David, 37 St. Jolm st BANKERS. National Provincial Bank of England (Biancii), 9 Meat mar- ket, (diaw on the London and West minster Bank) — Geoige Port- way, manager Oakis, Hevan, Moore & ik'van, Butter market, (draw on Barclay, l^evaii A Cip. !j(.iidoii Worlled^e John, 11 Meat market, (draw on Barclay, Bevan & C)o. London) Savings' Bank, Crown st (open on V\ediiesdavs and Saturdays from 12 till I)— Reacii & Wiillams, secretaries BASKET MAKERS. Bradbrook James, 25 Rishygate st Bryant Henry, St. John st Hairald Susan, 78 Whiting st Major William, (i and 7 Traverse Noble Arthur, 132 Soutbuate st Nunn John, 151 Eastiiaie st BERLIN REPOSITORIES. RigKS Isibella, 24 Meat iiiaik.t Boiley Mary .Ann, 7 Crown st Craske Charlotte & So|)hia, .32 But- ter maiket [jowvie Haniiab, 39 Ablicygate st BLACKSMITHS & FARRIERS. Bariiaid Benjamin, St. Andrew st Bowie Henry, Norlliuate Diinneit Daniel, St. Andrew st Fletcher Robert, Anuel lane Moore Robert, Mustow st Simmonds Jonathan, St. Andrew St Smith Henry, 22 Westgate road Tweed William, (Church row Walton Charles, 14 High Haxter st Weltoii Clias.the Rut's, We-tgate rd Wheldon Mary, Soutlmate st BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND BINDERS. Markea tliiis * are also I'linters. (See also Printers.) Barton Frederick (liiuder only), 48 (3hurc gate st ♦Bircbiiiall Eilward, 32 Crown .st *Bii(k Charles, Angel hill •Cole Alfred, 25 Butter market Fuller William ffoi the Society for PromotingChrislian Knowledge), 4 Abbeygate st *JacKson & Frost, Chequers squaie 13 1 redo tj). BURY SAINT EDMUNDS. ^Uffolfe* Laiike^ter Fiederic (and library), 17 Ahbeygate st *Robiiisoti John (and library), 2 Com iiiirket [novel st Stnttet E(l.viinl(stationei),;J6Bivnt *Tlioinp>oii George,44 Ahbeygate st BOOT AND SKOB MAKERS. Baitnii Jiihii, 41 Cliiirc ht^ate st Barton KohiTt, l-'i Giiildh ill st Bird John, 49 Guildliall st Blnoiiitield Daniel, 157 Kastgate st Bradliiool; William, 47 Kishygate st Biittoii John, 89 St John st Blown Kreii U. lid wd.;^() Ahbeygate st Calfe William, Raingate st Clark P"" ran. is 120 Nnrthgafe st Clarke & Syrett, 4*^ Abbeygate st Claike William, 15 Corn market Cnbhell Roliei t, 25 Ri>-bygate st Cubbing James, 26 Abbeygate st Dallisou William, 11 Low Baxter st Dallisdii William, 15 Mustow st Frost Alfred, Traverse Goodwin James, Mnstow st Giaves James, 2.-5 Meat market Guriiey tiedeiick, 40 Gnildhall st Head Hem y Williiiin, 9 Abbeygate st Head Kichard, Haiterst Head Samuel, 2 Coileae st HoMgiiton Willi im, 15 Gutter market Hnnglitnn VVm. jnn. 55 Abbeygate st Humphrey VVm. Short Braikland Hurst William, 77 Kisbyuate st Irons Ciiarles, Westi;ate ro.td Loinax Charles, Angrl lane M.iyes Abraham, 92 St. John st Middleriircli Alfred, 6 Low Baxterst Perfect Kpton, 35 S-uthgate st Piigi? John, 38 (iuildhall st Quant Sar.ih & Siin,29Abbeygate st Heach Th'inias, Soutligate st Ringwood William, Soutligate st RistJohn, 2/i Mustow st Scott Steven, 47 Abbeyuate st Sneiliiig Robert, 28 Guildhall st Sievvar! Henry, 38 Chnrcligiite st Svretc Abraham, 1 Southgttest ToPady Dollar, 42 Abheyuate st Tunbi idue Willam, R .inflate st Weston George, 1 ChurcliKate st White William, Field lane Whiting Wiliiaui, 5 Schoolhall st Writiht J^iines, 15 Ri4)yi;ate st Writ^ht Wdiiam, Chnrch^iiite st Youiifjm lu John, 53 Westgate road BRAZIEHS AND TIN-PLATE WORKERS. Ashen Charles, Soutligate st Beard Charles, Corn urarket Boby Robt rt, 8 Meat market Braiibrnok Henry, Mill lane Cook John, 72 Gnildhall st Goldsmith David, 4 Corn market Hart Alfred, Piosp-ct mw Hodg'on Hy.Raynir,10 Meat market Lowes William, Spai hawk st Mnnro Alexander, 30 Mnstow st Tliompson Thomas, I'ield lane BREWERS. Braddock Henry, Soutligate Greene William, Wesigaie st Sutile Geoi>^e, 54 Guildhall st BRICK MAKERS. Baltley John, 30 Crown st Durrant Am^ustin, Newton road Reed Henry, North!YERS AND SCOURERS. Cobb Marv, 34 (.'lowii st Sexton William Wiitring,2Crown st EATING AND COFFEE HOUSES Flatman Robert, 18 Meat maiket Limmer Limiel, .'.9 Urcnigrovel st Vale Mary Ann, N(irtht;ate Ward Ann, 9fiSt.J(din st ENGINEER& BOILER MAKER Syrett William, til Whiting st ENGRAVERS AND COPPER- PLATE PRINTERS. Birrhinall Edwaid, o2 Crown st Sone John, 3:5 Guildhall st riRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Alliance (British and Foreign), Uiibtrt Bevaii, Butter market Architects', Engineers' and Builders', John Johnson, 8 Whiting .street, & Charles Dalton, 56 Alibeygate street Clerical, Medical and General (hfe), Thomas W. Cooper, 99 Risbvgaie stieet County (iiail-storm), Gedge and Raker, 2() Hatter sireet Crown ;lili', Joseph Moor, h2 Abbeygate street E.ssEX and Suffolk Equitable (fire), George John Oliver, 12 Ahbeygute street Hano-in-Hand (life), Frederick Lankester, 17 Abbevgate st Imperial (firel, Robert Rodwell, 6 Whiiiiiu sireet Indisputable (life), Edwin Gould, Butter market Liverpool and London, William Salmon, 77 Guildhall street Metropolitan (life), Win. Hunter, 24 Abbeygate street Norwich Eouitabi.e (fire), Wm. Saiim.n, 77 Guildhall stieet Norwich Union (fiie, life & bail- storm), Jidui Thompsdii, 14 Meat market Pelican (life), Thomas George Bnllen, 20 Butter maiket PiKENix (file), Thomas George BiilU-n, 20 Butter market Royal, Win. Ki'lliy, 62 Norttigatest Royal Exchange, John I'ortway, .■^1 Abbeygate street 20 Royal Naval, Military and East India (life), Edward Tompson, 33Cliurchgtte street Suffolk (Wt'stcrn division). Hat- ter st—Gedge& Baker, secretaries Sun (fire), Jackson and Frost, Chequers scpiarc FISHIWONGERS, POULTERERS Ac DEALERS IN GAME. Clarke John, .^4 Ablteyuate st Mountain Koi.ert, 60 Abbeygate st FRUITERERS. Ball John, 3 Abheyaate st Canev Richanl, U Corn market (ioiild Edwin, l.'> Abbeygate st .Mostraii .\laiy Aiii.,121 Northgate st Thompson Roheit, ;54 Abbeygate st FURNITURE BROKERS. Buglass James, 27 West gate road Bnllen Tlios. Ge.iri;e,20 Butler mkt Coiton Charles, .32 St. John s.t Cieamer J(din, 32 Northgate st t;rick Holiert, 133 Northgate st Doe John, Angel hill Fenton George, 6 Meat market Hackett John, 168 East gate st ScntchmerGeorue, 37 Risbynate st Walfnrd rhoiiias,22 Soutbgate st Walliker Geoix-e, Westeate road Whiiing Elizabeth, Angel hill GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. See Nurserymen, &cc. GLOVERS AND BREECHES MAKERS. Gallant Thomas, 10 Soutngate st Hariald Hannah. 3 Brentgovel st Peifixt Ept'ui, 35 Sou'.hgaie st RansoM John, Eastuate st | GROCERS ANDTEA DEALERS. (See also Shopkeepers, and also i Tea Dealers.) | Bedells Samuel (ami ale and porter] merchant), 6 Corn merchant Biewsier llobeit, 40 Westnate road Cane Benjamin, 62 Guildhall st Denovan John, f)7 Abbeygate st Freelove William, 12 Guildhall st Littell William (and Italian ware- house, & dealer in British wines), Angel bill [st Oliver George John, 12 Abbeyeate I'attle Geo. Fredk. 43 Church'.iate st i Pai tie Thomas, 23 Meat market Phillips Frederick, 3 Baiter st I'ym in Jonathan, .'il Guildhall st K"i(llev Thomas, 36 Abbeygate st | Kudli'n John Thos 17 Brentgovel st i Steel John, 1:5 Butter market I Watson Susan, 27 C huichsate st GUN MAKERS. Nxrfiilk 'I'homas, 8 Butter market Parker Benjamin, Chalk lane Young William, 17 -Meat market ] HABERDASHERS & HOSIERS, AND SIVIALLWARE DEALERS. Cra^ke Ciarlotte, :5:5 Butter market Downes John, 1 Butter market Hii,eThos.&Soii..^)lc'<,-.V2Abbeyi;atest E. ech 'ihoMias, 2:) Haticrst Newman William, 31 Butter market Smith Wm. Heniy.24 Butter market HAIR DRESSERS. Aleer (ieorge. ;'.8 Noitlmaie St Bavdl)lake Chaile>. Ea^ti.'ate st Ca'rier William, St. Jdhn st Clarke Allied (and perfumer), 33 Abhevgate stieet p'olkeid Samuel, Wesfgate st Nice George (and peifumer), 18 Ahbeygale street Sore John, :53Gnildliall.st [st Sore William Hiinier,24 Churchgate Soutbgate Wm. 5 Bridewell lane Spice George, 29 Guildhall st Wakefield Robert, 9 Stmtlmate st Winknp Tlnmias, 10 Corn market HARDWARE DEALERS. (See also Ironmoiigers.J Hinerho<.&Son,.=)litD2Ahbeygatest Leech Thoma^, 25 Hatter st HATTERS. Armstrong Eli/.ab. th, 24 Meat markt Chapman William and John, 18 Butter market Clark John, 3 down st Grice William, 20 Abbeyeate Jt Kidson Robert, 58 Abbeygate street Schides John, 6 Butter market Wallwortb Mo-es Walier(& manu- facturer), 53 Alibe\!iaie street HOP MERCHANTS. Beeton George, St. Mary square Cooper Isaac, St. John st Green Edward, Westgate st Lo( k William, 96 Ri>bygate st Wade Kobert (and malt), 17 Brent- govel street HORSE AND OIG OWNERS — FOR HIRE Barton Robert, 15 Guildhall st Brazier Sarali, 27 Northgate st Burrell Thomas, 6^ College St Gilson Thomas, Whiting st Larke Charles, Northgate st Lockwood Henry, Whiting st Meggs Thomas, Well st INNS. Angel and Family Hotel, John Bridgman, Angel hill Bell, William Wicks, Corn market Gritfin,Geo. Andrews. 10 Corn mkt 1 Halfmoon, Henry Gardener, 28 I Butler market [eaie st SixBellsSaiiiuel ClementsCbnrch- i Suffolk Hotel, Lucy Everard, Butter market [market Woolpack, Robert Mountain,2 Meat ! IRON FOUNDERS. : Cornish John lS^ Son, Westgate st i Pritty Thoma-, St. Andrew st IRONMONGERS AND OIL AND I COLOURMEN. Beard Charle*, 7 Corn maiket Boby Robert, 8 Meat maiket Cook John, 72';uildhall st Goldsmith David, 4 Corn market Hodgson Henry Hayner,10Meat mkt Pritty Thomas, Guildhall .st Svrett Roiiert, 61 Whitingst LIME BURNERS. Bnllen Thomas George, Mill lane Warren William, St. Andmv st LINEN DRAPERS AND SILH MERCERS. Batfley John James, 6-' (inildhall s Clayton F^dward Edmund, 12 But ter market Hanev Rout, 40 Abbeygate st Hilder Alfred, .35 Abheyi;ate st Hoy James, 38 Abbeygate st HutcliiiisoiiVViUiam,28 Abbeygate st Janiiiiigs William, 48 Abhevgate st Mminiain Henry, 23 Butter market Parker Benjamin Dowman, 5 But- ter maiket Plumpton William, Butter maiket PortwavGeorye,jiiii.59AhbeyKate st lliehard-on & Boiifellow, 27 But- ter maiket MACHINE MAKERS. [See also ^^griri/lliiral Implement Miihers.) Cornish & Son, W.-stt-ate st Rackham Henrv,38 St. John st .Syrett Robert, 61 Whiting st Syrett William (and engineer), 6 Whiting sireet iiil£CtOl|). BURY SAINT EDMUNDS. ^uffolfe» MALTSTERS. Beetoii Geoi i.'e(;iiui ho|) merchant), 10 St. Mary's sgiiiire BraildiicU Henrv, Soutlitiate st Claike Jolin, 74 Rislngate st Feiiton William, 70 Southgate st Greene tdward, VVestgite st Giiv John Heiirv, 14 Uis^bvRate st iVl'Ivcroih Hannah. 14 Guiklhall st Kidley Joiin, jun. Eastgate st Stevens John W. & George, 90 Risi)vgate street Sutile George, 54 Guiklhall st MILLERS. Cockerel! Wi 1 1 iain, Wcstgate road Cook John, 32 Soiiihgate st Limnier James, Field lane Plumb Jeremiah, Suuih Mill Wright David, St. John st MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS Abbott Jane, 26 C hnrcligate st Barton Martha, 48 Churclmate st Bethel Emma, 76 St. John st Byfoid Elizabeth, 11 Crown st Calff Eliza. 2 Sparhavvk st Childs Maiia, A College st Clarke Anna, 30 Wtsig.ite road ClaxoniMary.Anii &S()|)i.ia,VVestgate Cobb'iig Elizabeth, 57 (inildhall st CobbnUl Ueliecc 3 Guildhall st Codd Ellen, 11 Sparhawk st Coe Elizabeth. 22 Well st Coe Mary, 7 Wcstyate road Coe Sophia, 8 Low Basti r st Death Mary Ann, Angel bill Deveren.'s & Wouds. 7 RisbyKate st Ellis Cliarloite, 4 Guildhall H Goldiiig Krances, 49 Abbeyuate st Grares Mary Ann, 30 Abbeygate st Grt-en & Harrald, 31 Clinrchgate st Hand Charlotte, 45 Wesigaiest Harvey Sophia, Traverse Jacob Harriet, 20 Clinrchgate st Mountain Sarah, 23 Butter market Newland Mary Ann, 8 Spai hawk st Ni wman FrancesAnn.31 Butter mkt Pattle Al^rv Ann, 5 Abbeygate st I'eaice Sophia, 2 Guiklhall st Pearson Clarissa, 15 Norihgate st Phillips Ellen, 38 Abbeygate st Pryor Jane, 10 Butter market Sciioles Miiry Ann, 19 St. John st Smith Emma, 39 Crown st Spai ke Mary Ann, 8 Southgate st Steel Elizabeth, Westgaie road Stocking Frances, 59 Abbeygate st Visinan Kel)ecca,94 St. John st War'!SaiahCatlieiine,81Risbvgatest Wells Lucy, Angel hill MUSIC AND MUSICAL IN- STRUMENT SELLERS. Buck Charles, Angel hill Lankester Fredeiick [music), 17 Abbeigate stieet Last James (ami organ builder), 25 Abbi yaate sneet Reeve John, 61 Abbeygate st Stutter Edward (music), 36 Brent- govel street new^spapers. Bury and Nouwich Post & East Anglian (Weunesilayi, Hatter si — Jidmson Gedge, propi it-tor Bury and Suffolk Herald (Tues- day) — Geo.Thonipsni), pri'piietoi- ami printer, .Abbe\ga'e. street NURSERYMEN & FLORISTS. HopgooilJohiiFie(l(rick,Cottonlani Lord William, 83 Ni'rihi;ate st Pettt t Robert, C(Hton lane PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Buckle Elizabeth, 74 Whiting st Capping Robert, Union terrace Coe Frederick, 5 Guildhall st Cue WiUinm, 8 Low Baxter st Dakin William, .Angel bill Frfvver Wm & Son, 4 Meat market Goodwin George, 117 NcMibgite st Havlioe James, 13 Brentgovel st Kitsoii George, 18 Coin maiket Mead Samuel, Garland st Spanion William (and dealer in paper hanginiis), 41 Abbeyg.ite st Todd George, 87 St. John st Weston Tbos. Waitt r, 2 Butter mkt Whiiaker Thomas, CIiuk Imate st Wicks George, St. Andrew st PATTEN MAKERS. Norman Robert B. & Benjamin (& biu^h makers), 40Churehgate st Smith Wm. Htnry,24 Butter maiket PAWNBROKERS. Last Hannah, 24 Gnildball st Steel William, 30 Guildhall st \VestonUobertJohn,22 Meat market PHYSICIANS. Hake Tbos. Gordon, 73 Guildhall st Pr(ibait Francis George, Wesigate st PLASTERERS AND SLATERS. Burroughs John, St. Andrew st Earl S.imuel, 59 Guiklhall st Hitchings Johii, 5 Sparhawk st Kemp Nathan, Westgate ro.td PROFESSORS & TEACHERS. Marked tbus * are Teachers of Music. Anthony Beinard (languasjes), 16 Hatter st [Haiter st Anthony Frnest (languagfs), 16 Colbran't Auguste (languages), 16 College st ' [Angel hill •Hairington Philip (and dancing), *Nnnn Robert, Chuichyard *Nnnu William 92 N(nthgate st •Reeve John, Angel hill •Watson John, 3 Westgate st WrightTlis. (drawing 86 Norihgate st REGISTER OFFICES FOR SERVANTS. Norfolk Th^nins (esiablished in 1800), Chequers square Shave Luke, 26 Bnttei- market Smith Susan, 3 Butter market SADDLERS. Brown John, 16 .Abbevgate st Goodrich Thomas, 6 Abbeygate st Hale* John, Eastgate st Haslop Thomas, 12 Ci rn market Mann Joseph, 103 Risbygate st Miller William, Angel hill Partridge Richud, Southgate st Sbeppaid Edmorul, 13 Guildhall st Smith John, 24 Whiting st SADDLERS' IRONMONGERS. Elveii Cornelius tS; Son, 4 Whiting st Pechey Jabez, 19 Corn market SEED MERCHANTS. Cooper Isaac, St. John st Gr.iyson M ittb.e'.v (and sack manu- faVturei), 17 Corn market Nayler & Jennings (and sack manu- factureis). Meat market SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERS IN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Amies James, 41 Norihgate st Baldwiti James, Field lane Bird Ann, 114 Eastgate st Bird Thomas Jesse, 21 Southgate st Biewster John, 118 Southgate st BiidL'e Benjamin. Southgate st BiidgeTliomas, Cannon place Calte Samuel, jun. Raingate st Childs George, 63 Whit'ng st Day Robert, 3 Southgate st Elliss Joseph, Union terrace Gathetcoie John, Mill lane Holden John, Westgate road Jackson Willianj, Eastgate st Lockwood Henrv, Whit ng st Lockwood Thomas, 35 Northgaic Lucia Tbos. Franc is, 37 Guildhall st Murnll William, 56 Bridewell lane Orsben George, St. John st I'eu'lred Saiiiuel, Swan court Pinnoek Wllliarn, 62 Bridewell lane Uanson Maiy, 76 Whiting st Reach William Farquliarson, 15 Brt iitgovel street Robinson John, Prospect row TlieobakI Frederiek,25 Brei tgovelst Tonipson Georgi',|&2 Church walks Tiicker Ann, 37 Brentgovel st Tricker Mary, St. Andrew st Turner Maiy Ann, Field lune 'I'urner Rohert, 14 Eastgate st Wallis Benjamin, St. Jcdin st Warner James, Short Biackland Weaves Eduard, 48 Westnaie st Winn Susan, Eastgate st SILVERSMITHS & JEWELLRS [See also IFutch and Clock Makers.) Glew Ann, 43 Abbes gate st Pace John, 19 .Abhevgate st Thompson John, 14 Meat market Vale John, 14 Ahheygate st Visman John Bapti>i,94 St. John st SOAP MANUFACTURERS. Mann William & Son, Churchgate stieetand at Glemnford Ridl( y Geoige & Co. Low Baxter st STATUARIES & STONE AND MARBLE MASONS. Darkin John, 14 Westgate road DeCaile lienjauiin, 11 Schoolliall la Emerson James & Son, 22 Well st Reed Henry, Northgatest, Sieggles Susan, 16^ Whiting st Steggles William, 10 Whiiing st STAY MAKERS. Armstrong Marian, 21 Westgate road Bartield Eliztb. Ann, 41 Guildhall st BiL'gs Uabella, 24 Meat market Bvford Elizabeth, 11 Crown .st Cobbold Rebeeca, 3 Guildhall st EllisChiiilotte, 4 Guildhdlst Giinter Eliza, 1 Meat market Lusher Maiy Ann, 21 Westgate st Neale Elizabeth, 24 Hatter st Newdick Chailotte, 10 Guildhall st Nunn Emma, 40 Abbeygate st Plowman Sarali, 16 Bientgovel st Smith HarrietElizat>tuate road Walton -Mary Ann, 32 Guildhall st SURGEO^S. Coe Thomas, 69 Guildhall st Dalton Jnliu, 85 Whiting St Dalton Rowland, 88 Whiting ,st Heane William, 10 Norihgate st H ubbard Geo. & Son, 98 Risbygate «t Image Wni, Edmond, 1 Honey hill 21 SUffi'lfe* BURY SAINT EDMUNDS. ?lata'^ SURGEOV^S— Continued. Ki'niT .I..I111, ;i (iniliil)iill st Nfwhaiii S^iuuifl, 1 Miistow st Smith Cliarle-, 82 (".uiltltiall st Wing Heiiiy. i)'> (iiii"lliail st SURVEYORS — LAND. ClaikFian.i'rto>vn),(i6 Risbygate st Ciott J'lltii. 15> Hatter st Dmll. vWm.lbnilditieJSOntiildliallst Johnson John (and architect), 8 Whititiij street Newsi.u Heniv, 2 Halter st Payne James, 110 SontlnrMte st Sieggles\Vn,.(c(.unty), 10 Whiting st TAILORS. Markf-a thus * are also Diapers Ayliffe Ricliaid \VHde,4 Risbygate st AUitfeSidiU'V, Kastg.itest *iianyaidJas. Whittle, 12Guildliall st •Best Jdliii, 1") Hatter st •I'.etts Jnl.ii, 28 C'uiicligate st Hvford Giorae, 11 Crown st •Chapman William & John, 18 liuiier iiiarlut Chfk nccirue, 8(5 Si. John st •Clark Geo. & Win. 20 Corn market •Cl.rk J.hn, .HCroNxn st •Clarke James, lo Corn maiket ColciiesterCli.irles 48 Gnildhall ♦Graves Ro'nrt, M Ahheyuate st •Griee William, 20 .\hiieyaate st •Ki'lson Robert, 58 Abheygate st ♦Last Jolin, Soutbuate st I.ncliwood Havves 13 Hatter st Maditer James, 16 Hii;h Baxter St *.\laj -r Ht-nrv, 3 Traverse Middlediteii James, 19 Urentgovelst *.\loor'-Wm Paw-ev, 20 Hatter st •Norfollv James Peiumaui, 78 GuikihtU street *Prii;« H Samuel, 1 A^iieygate st W(]olley Michatl, 7 Low Baxter st TALLOW CHANDLERS. Mann William & Son, M) Cbiirch- paie stice', and at Gleimford Pvinan Jonathan, ."il Guiidball st Ridiey Geiiige & Co. Low Blwa d Cox. E .st^ate st RisiuR Sun, Samuel l.ockwood, y4 itisb\Eate st [Slioit Biacklana Saint Edmund's Head, Charles Downs, Saracen's Head, Richard Rolfe,00 Guild- hall st „ [John st Seven Stars, Richard William Palmer, St. Spread Lanlf.Jas. Newt-ll, I Wtslgale rd St«r, Benjamin Bull,Mustow st Swan, George Howe, H4 Nortligate st Sword-in-Hand, Simeon Cornish, Sonih- unte Hlr-et I "••oket Three Bulls, Robert Chapman, 21 Meat •|'hieeCro\vns.JohoBanh,ini,'>Southgalest Three Goals Heads, Joseph Raiisdale 14 tiuildiiall st [gatest Tin eeHorseshoes,GeorgeDowns,65Not til- Three Kings, Henr> Riidland,13 .Meat mkt Three Tons, John Chaltou, Crown st Two Brewers. James Wright, Weslgate st Tower and Railway Tavern, William Barnard ChurchL'ale street Fn corn. Rid. aid Bells, Eastgate st Wagon, Robert Reeve, 2 Risbygate st \\ bite Harl.Fptoi! Perlect.SS Southgate st White Horse, William Middleditcli, Butler market [st \\ bile Lion, John Rndland, 11 Br»ntgovel Retailers of Beer Avis Thomas, 55 Risbygate st Blake William, St. Amlrew st Bowers Charles. Field lane Clark William, Bridewell lane Clarke John. 71 Risbysate st Crane Francis, R.ingate st Deasley J(.bn, Whiting st Ouoley Sophia, Moslow st Fake John. Feild lane liarr.id Frederick, College st Ilayles William, Union terrace Hniiler William T. 63 Guihlball st Hynard Cha'les, Prospect place Jordan Simon, SI. Ji.bn st Kemp Charles, Garland st Leonard Barnaul. St. John st Mejgs Thomas. Well st Snt'le George. 51 Gnildhall st Sutlle John, Church row Vale Mary Ann, 31 Nortbgate Warner George, Bridewell lane Watlin Richard, 12 Southgate st Wilkinson Robert, Eastgate st TEA DEALERS. Marked thus • are 'I'lavelling. Banyard Jas.vVhittle, 12 Guildhall s; lierlielev James, 'Jil Northgate St *Clark Kdward Hovell (and cigars), 8 Risi'vgate street *Davey George, Schoolhall lane lvlgar'Jas.(c'v draper). ()8 Rish\gatest ♦Kdgar Rni t(&ilra(ier),3 Hosj/ital nl *Hariald Samuel (and drapei), 4 Hospital roail » Hetherinnton James, 20Rishygatest •Kinase James John (and draper), iMilllane fgatest *Rae John (and draper';, 20 Risby- Ward J(diii, 81 Ili-hygate st Voungmaii Geo. Jai oii,l(i Corn mkt TIMBEK MERCHANTS. De Carh; MMmnias (and sl.te), 1 Sparh-iwk stieet Mniiter William, 24 Ahbeygate st Lee James, 27 Risbygate st I'reiitiee (V Hewitt, Railway Station, and .it SloiniKirlo't Reed Heiiiv, Northg.ite st Ridley Willi. nil & Co. (and slate), fi'i Northgate street TOBACCONISTS. Hirst JoH'ph (inaiinfaciurer), (j5 Whiting street l/aiiih Samuel, 10 Ahbeygate st Norf.dk 'Ihoma-, 8 Butter market ()r-l>en Geni>,'e, Si. .lolm st Se.xt'm Uiiham Watlini;, 27 Abbey- \lA\v street and 2 Crnwn st S|)iee George, 29 (iiiildhall st Voungmaii Geo. Jacob, IG Corn iiikt TOY DEALERS. Clarke Alfred, 'M Ahhevgate st Downes John, 1 Butter market HunterWm.'r.(iiiakeri(i3GuiMhallst Jobnsiin Charles 11 Butter market Nice George, 18 Abheygate st TURNERS IN GENERAL. Bentlev Till. mas, 17 High Baxter st Glover' J ihn (and .screw cutter), 1 Loom'-> lane Hemp Robert Day, 84 S^ John St Pettit John, 44 Chiirdi.'ate st Walton William, ,S2 Guildhall st VETERINARY SURGEONS. Cottnii Richard, Musiovv st Duiinett Daniel, St. Andrew st Nunn John Vincent, 13 Ahbeygate St Tavlor Robert, 147 P^astgate st WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS. Ba.Kter riionias, 2.5 Bientgovel st Kenton Simeon, Tiav. rse Garrard Robr. (;reen,5.5 Guildhall St Guwer Alfieri, Westi;ate road Hart iMaitin, St. John st Last Wi.i.Bradbnrv.ll BiUtermarkt Last William Nel-oii, 15 Whiting st Pace John, 19 Ahbeygate st Bay William, 2 Brentgovel st Toll.idy Dollar, ?> Northgate st Vale John, 14 Ahbeygate st WHEELWRIGHTS. Clarke Robert, 32 R:sb\gaie st Kdwards John, Miin Water lane Ellis GeorL'e, 75 Southgate st Hat risnn Robert (and millwright), Westgate tmul Manning John Northgate st WHITESMITHS AND BELI/- HANGERS. Boley Robert, 8 Meat market Childs Jo'-e|)li.3 College st Crick Robert, 133 Southgate st Crowe James, Butter market Giild-mith David, 4 Corn maiket Syreit Bobert (and maiiut'acnirer of apparaiii- for beating with hot water), 61 Whitim; street TompsoM William, ISMustow st WINE et SPIRIT MEr.CHANTS. BeetoiiGenrge, 10 St. Mary's square Braddork Henrv, Sontheatest Clay & Son, 4:Uiu'ldhall st Coiiper Jonathan, 6 Northgate st Hunter John, 22 Ahbeygate st Lock wood J. W.&M. A. 54 Whiting st M'Leroih Hannah, fi4 Gui:dliall st Simp>on Willi. iin Kent & Son, 20 Meat maiket WOOLSTAPLERS. Evciard John Potter, 73 (tiiildhall st Head EiKvard (and fellmoiigcr), Southgate street Miscellaneous AdkinJidin.corn inspector,44 Guildhall 8t Baker & Son, letter-press printers, Hat- tPc st [Churchgate st Beldon Ji bn, bool-trec & Inst maker, 2t CawstonHeorge, lathe render.Eastgate st Clark ,lohn, s.'Xton, li Honey hill Clark Kicbird ,liibn, inspector of the countv constabulary, I3i) Southgate st Cocksedije John Frederick, wine & spirit vaults, ChiirchKale street Cook Junes, net maker, ".15 Northgate st Everard John Poller, oil cake merchant,? G.ildl.allsl [31 Well st (iuidd Idward.editoroflbennry Heinld, (ilew Aim. mubrellamkr. .13 Ahbeygate st (ireen Jobn,iiolary public. Church vard Head Henry William, bird and animal preserver, 9 Ahbeygate street Holland Joveph, brace and belt maker, St. John street ['""o Lee Cabel wood shovel maker, l-ield Lofts Isabella, upbolslres8,3 Risbygate st iNunu Emma, furrier, 40 Abbejgate st Urtrtori). BURY SAINT EDMUNDS. llffoKt. Parr David, rope & twine Mikr. Fieliilane Clopton's Hospital, Church yard— ParsonRicliaril,oarvi-r&gil(ler,AiiSfllane Sarali Huliljanl, housekefper ■ Charles Payne Saiiiiii-1. farmer, -17 Garland St j Smith anil H.iMyVVin" 'svrnfum- Reeve Sarali, baby. linen uaiehoiisp, 1 Edward Case, scircjai;/ "' ' Girildha I st [Hiuh Baxter st Coxcert Koom, Corn Market— William Reuell Saiiiriel, tolracco-pipe maker-, 12 Frewir, numiujer. Ridley Jolin.jun. iron merclit Easlgatest CoitN ExcHSNcri, Meat Market— John Slearne (li-oryf, sexton, 29 Churchgate st M[k\n,inspict(ir of n turns. Thompson Edward, le^istrar of births Cdroner's i >FFir:K, Churchyard— Harry and de.itlis, Clnircheale sin et | Waynian. coroner Gaol, Soulh^ale Patrick INlacintyre. M'ayling Gpcirge, dentist. Angel hill Williams \Vm. hoise breaker. Miistow st Winij Frederick, superintendent regis- trar, !8 Halter street PUBLIC BUILDINGS^ OFFICES, &C PLACES OF WORSHIP, AND THEIR MINISTERS. governor; Rev. Edward Cornish Wells ihuplnin ; Charles Smith, sun/ton. Gas WoiiKS, St. Andrew ^t-Frederick BiWiiws, tiiunac/er; John Greene, secli/. GuiLDlULl,. Guildhall street— James William Clark, fcecper. Hoiisi! OP CoRRKCTioN (for females), Soulhs.ite— Fanny James, mntron. Inland llEvexuii Offick, at the Bell Inn, Corn market John Tusiing, supervisor Saint Jamks'Churoh, Chequers sf^nare Mkchanics' Institute, Corn maikel— —the Honbie. & Rev. Edward Pellew, Henry Turner-, librarian BA, incumhent. Polick Station, Corn market John 'AlNT John's CnURCH.St. John street— Philip Browne, superintendent Rev. Robert Rushdall, m.a , incumbent. \ Railway Station, Northi;ate •■AINT Mahy's Church, Crown street— ^"""^ Hall, Churchyard John Rev. Charles .lames Phipps Eyie, m.a.. Cogens, kieper incumbent; l{ev. Thomas Murray | ^'''*^"' '^'•'■'"•E'l 13 'Gutter market— John Cook-lev, B. A., c»)-n(f. Sli-el, si(&-f/(s-/rJfcH^er ^APiisT Chapel, s^ Tow.v Clerks' Office, 8 Hatter street — Joseph Hanby Hoiines, c/e;fc Will Office, Church gate street— Philip James Case, registi-ar THINGOE UNION. 'oRKiiousE, VVt'sitsHte road. '.' (Upcrio)-— nenuis Helsdon. 'rU/ron — Sarah Helsd.m. ■ Aoo/m«s/er— Frederick Vince. /ioo/Hi!,i//-fss— Caroline Mowe. ; Itrk to the lioard of Guardians — James Sparke, 8 Hatter street. hrplain — Rev. Thomas Hickman, 34 West?;ite stieet -. (»-jreo?i— Thomas Coe, 69 Guildhall st .'ORKHOUSE, Colli'iie Street. 'nstei — Thomas Lcfjge. a^ron — Ann I.r8;i!e. Iioolmnsltr—Oaviii Barham. Iioolniistress — Ann Maria Brock. I inplaiti—Hev. Thomas Hickman. • irijeon — Samuel Newham. ilieving Officer Sf Perpetual Overseer — James Clarke, 43 College street. COUNTY COURT, S'ELD IN THE ShiRK HaLL MONTHLYj Office, 90 Whilini; street. -' j(fp(! — Francis King Eagle, Esq. i'trk — Thomas Collins. -igh Bailiff for the CoioifH— George Harry Blake. ''igh Bailijf for the Liberty of Bury — James Colibing. ; ai/;/fs— Frarcis Staff, Whiting street, and John Barton, Chnrclrgate sli-eet. •Assembly Rooms, Angel hill — John Mills, keeper. ^.jtanicGari) ENS, Angel hill — Nathaniel Sliirley Hudson, proprietor; Henry Turner, curator .'■aiDEWEi.L, Butter market— Benjamin Moody l.eech. proprietor. /?(JRy Public Library nnd Museum, Griildliall — James W. Clark, librarian. •' ATTLE Market, St. Andrew st «.LERic of the P-e^ce-s Office (for the County). 4 Hatter street— John Henry Borton, cleih. COACHES & OMNIBUSES. To CAMBRIDGE, the Defence, from the Bell and Suffolk Hotels, every fore, lioon at eleven, and afteruoou ata quar- ter before four, and the Protector, Iroiii I the Anael, every forenoon at eleven I To Mll.DENHALL. a Coach, from the j Angel Hotel, every Wednesdav &Satur- j day afternoon at liaif-past lour jTo .SUDBURY, l\\e Pavonle Omnibw, from the Angel, every utternoon at a quirter before four-. ToTHEIFtJRD, ! he Favorite Omnibus, from the Angel, every morning at half- past nine, .ind ai'ternnon at a quarter before Ion , and a.Coarh,Uom tlie Bell and Suffolk Hotels, every uiorning at a quarter past ten, and afternoon at a quarter before one, & a quarter past four CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, O.N TIJE BUKY BliANCfl OF THE EASTERN UNION LINE. Station, Northgate — J. F. Sauiiders,sw(-e- tary; J. F. Martin, superintendtut of traffic department ; P. Brnlf, engineer; JosC|)h Master, ,s(a<((in master OmnibusfS from the several Hotels, aw.iit the arrival and attend the departure of the tiains CARRIERS. Thefiillowitiy Carritrs start on Wednes- day, nbi-n Hie doy is not named. To A .M PTO.V, — Harvev.from the White Lion, Wedne-day and Saturday To BACKTON,-- Baker, from ihe Half. moon, anri — Catchpole, from the While Hor.se To BADWELL ASH, — Goodhall, from the HaIf(;ii)on, Wednesday & Saturday To BARROW, - Rosbrouk, from the King's Head To BILDESTONE, — Emmerson, from the Dog and Partridge To BOTESDALE, — Nur.n, from the Griftin, Wednesdav and Saturday, and — Cook, fioni the'BuH, Wednesday To BRANDON, — Ashman, f.om Ihe Three Kings, Wednesday & Saturday To BROCKLEY, — Barton, from the Sai-acen's Head. Wednesday and Sat To CHEDBURGH, — Kelde, fiom the Black Buy, Wednesday .^t Saturilay To CHKVELEY, - Webb, from the Three Kings To CLARE, — Elmer, from the Wool. pack, and —Golden, from the Castle To COCKFIELD, - Edhonse, from the Castle To COLCHESTER, a Mail Car, from the Dug and Partridge, every alterBoou at half-past foiir To COW I.INGE, — Bowers, from the Halfnionn To DRINKSTONE. - Ramshotlom, from the M:isons' Arms, Hed.& S.it. To GAZLEY, — Osborne, from theWool. pack, Monday and Wednesday ToGI.EMSFORD, - Beelon, from tho 1 liree Go.its To HARGREVE, - Petlit, from tho Waeoii, Wednesday and S ilurday To HARLING,— Bream's Vun, liom tha Wnol|ia(k, Wednisday and Saturday To HARTE8T, -Knup.fro,.. theCuck, and — Snazel, from the Woolpack, Wednesday ; nd Saturday To HAUGHLEN, — Farman, from the White Horse To HAVERHILL, - Ewin, from the Three Goats To HAWKEDON. - Taylor, from the Saracen'sHead, Wednesday & Saturday, and — Paviip, from the Black Boy Wed' To HEPWORTH, - Rales, tiom the Wacon [ilor.so To IX WORTH, —Wales, from theWhite To LANGHAM,Palnrer,fi-oin Ihe King's Arm-=. Wednesday and Saiurday To LAVENHAM, — Wood, from the Castle, "'ediiesday and Saturday To LAW SHALL, - Farrow, from the Djg and Partrit railway station : it is sitiiati'd un the Stilur, which liver separates this cnuniy from Essex on the .-oiitii ; and was foiiiurly a pluceof con- sidcrai'le note and extent, having a collegiate church, a iiioiia^iiiy of re^uhtr canons, and a stiosit; ca-lle. The laner binldiiii.', once so celebiated, stuod on the south side of the town, and, from the few leiiiainiiip vestif^es, does not aiipear to have been iiiterioi in gran- deur to any of the tVudal mansions in the kiimdom. A narrow paih, wiii'iiiig rimnd a hill, leads to this telii of ai.tiqiiity, which, \\hen suiiounded with V(rdnre, foiiiisa piciuies()iii- oljeci. Cl.ne is a place that can- not Imast buildings of aichitct tiiial nurit, or coiisr- ijuence derived fiom maiiufactuies ; there i" a little Iratiicon the Stoiir in com and co:d, and ^cveial mills are woi ked by its stream for giinding the fcnnier ar- ticle. Ill 1818 a handsome corn exchange was en cted lieie by .Mr. .lanes Feiiner. The municipal officers are two headhoroughs and two bailiff's (or tlie honour nf Claie} the foinierare appointed at the cnmts leet and baron of the lords of thf manor : a court is held here for tiie Dutchy of Lunaster, mid the maHistiatea meet in petty sessions for the division. The parish clnirch of Saint John, is an ancient and beamiful structure, with a square tower; and is at present the principal ornament of the town. Among othei' per- sons of note interred heie is Kdmund, son of Roger Mortimer, ICa'l ot iMaich, and next inir to the crown after Richard U. The living is a vicaragi , in the patron - age of the Crown ; the Rev. Georiie \\iuhiinan, d.d. is the piesi nt vicar. The Bapiists and Independents have a cliapel each. The charities comprise a free- >cho(d for ten buys, having a^mall endowment, under the wiil of William Cadge, who also Ixqiieathed a sum towards the maintenance of eight poor widows; Na- tional and Sunday .■schools; and several beqllt■.^ts for distrihiition amnugst the poor. The market is held on Monday ; and two fairs, tor toys, on Tuesday in Kaster week and the 2t)ih of Jnlv. The parish of Clare con- tained, in 1831, 1,619 inhabitants, and in 1841, 1,700. POST OFFICE, Georae Hanimond. Post Master. — Letters from all parts arrive every mot iiiug at eiiiht, and are despatched at half-past five in the esening. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Arinst.ad .Mr. .lohii Barron, Claie Barnes Rev. William. Clare Uricc John Kngi;les,p>sq. Siiain Hall KIwes Rev. FredeiicI;, Wixoe Elues .Mrs. — Stoke Ci'ttage Fisher Rev. Charles, Ovingtoii Garnhain Mr. Richard, Clare Gent G. W., Esq. Moyues Park Gritlin \hv. — Stoke Hanis llev. Samuel Link, Clare Hill Captain, K.N. Aslieii Hopkins Kev. Heiiiy, S'ambourne Jar.iine J. H., Es(|. 'Stoke Mathew .Miss — IVntf.w Hall Mathcw Mrs. — Pentlow H.ill Notiidge .Mrs. — Rose hill I'emberion Rev. Edward, Belchamp St. Pauls Peinbeiton Rev. Jeremiah, Clare Sevens — Esq. j.p. Poslingford Soiindy Mr. 'I'homas, Clare Sipiire Rev. Edward, Ashen Suitahv U'. v., I'oslingtoid Teirett .Mis. — Chilton Hall Territt .Mrs. Captain, Clare Walford Mr. Di.Non, Clare W i^h'man Rev. Geoige, D.D. Clare ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Bniwn Sarah (dav) Fuller Henry (boarding and day) \],ny,- Mrs.— (day) Naiional and Fkke School Juhii Cliallice.mas'er ; MissFiost, teacher of infints' [<'a\) Shaddock (ieoige W. (hoarding and ATTORNEYS. Sams William Henry Stevens Savell AUCTIONEERS & SURVEYORS Isaac-on & Tattersall I'eriy WiJliam BAKERS, Dyson Edwaid Flander^ Jnhn Lewis .Samuel Pearson (ieorge Sargeant John BANKERS. Oakcs, Bevaii, Moore, & Bevan (draw on Baiclay, Uevan, &. Co., 1..0ll(loil) BLACKSMITHS. Rowycr Henry I-^ilingham William 24 Jarvis John S|)arks Thiinias BOOKSELLERS &STATIONEKS Chalice John King William (and pi inter) BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Clow Josiah (and Lambeit James Lawton T'homas Steed .lohn Walliker John(& leather cutter) leather seller) Cutts Robert Deeks Chailes Gla^in Thomas BRICKLAYERS. Beaiham James ILjw Samuel Taylor Abraham Tavlor .lohn Webb William BUTCHERS. Ambrose Sarah Goodchild Thomas Jarvis 'i'liomas .Xewmaii ll'ibei t CABINET MAKERS. .Moitlnck Charles Sinoothy John CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Ambrose Jo-epli E\e Robert Martin Robert Perry William COOPERS. Atterton Charles Ivlgley Hi my Elgar James CORN DEALERS. Hammond (Jeoige Sargeant William DRUGGISTS. Andrews J (dm Belts (& stamp office) Fenner Jame.s(&veii linary surgeon) Scholefield Henry (& confectioner) FIRE, Sec. J OFFICE AGENTS. Equity Law (life)VVni. HeniySams Essex Economic, Williini ilowe Law ilirc;, William Henry Sams Noit\Mcii EguiTABLfc, Heiiiy Scholefield Noitwicii I'nion, JamesS. Ray RovAL ExciiANGK, John Isaacson Royal Fau.mkks', James Fentier Wk.stkrn, John Smoolhy GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. .Marked thus * are also Dr.nperB. Feniier James (and confectioner) *Gondy Samuel *Perry Benjamin Pearson & Edward *Ray James st miiners Tavhir Elizabeth Tricker Abraham INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Bear & Ciown, Sarali Biidgeiuan Bell, Micah Mellor Cock, Charles Attertoti Cricketers' Arms, Thomas Douse Half .Moon (commticial posting, and inlf.nd revenue office^ Chas. Maikham Swan, I^li/.abeth English WTiite Hart, Jrilm French IRONMONGERS & BRAZIERS. M 01 thick Richard [man Wade Thomas (and oil, and coloui- MALTSTERS AND MILLERS. Algate Alfred Gayfer Thomas Ray Charles M I LLINERSI&DRESS MAKERS (iolding Tobitha Holmes Siisiii I nee Sarah (and straw bonnet) Alston Hep/.iliah Atteiton Eli/.b. Deeks Eli/aheth Fenn Charlotte MILLWRIGHTS. Ager Ahner Ager .iolin PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, *e. Hailey 'i'homas Roliiiison Alexander Steed Wiiliaiii SADDLERS. llewsoi) Tlionias Smith Robert SURGEONS. Barnes John Martin George TAILORS. Alsti^n Ste|)hen (and hatter) Brown Henry French Thomas Ince William (and glover) Linton John WATCH MAKERS. Howe William Mortlock William Miscellaneous- Bradford Saniufl, truTclliiiR tea dealer Deeks George, wlieelwiixlit Tariow William, wheelwright Mintiov]$, CLARE. flammnnd George, basket maker Ince George, beer retailer Jarvis Su>an, beer retailer Pearson Richard, nurseryman Perry George, hairdresser Robinson Cornelius, currier Scarft William, coach maker Scwbitesraith Spurge Richard, hair dresser CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. The nearest Slation at present is at Sro- BURY, on a branch communicating with the Eastern Counties link, abaut 10 miles from Clare There is an Omnibus to Soubuhy, every moriiina (Sundays excepted) at half- past eight. ^ttffolfe* CARRIERS To LONDON, Thoma- Jarvis, TbursdaT To BURY SAINT KDMUNDS, Joha Golding & William Elmer, Wednesday and to COLCHESTER, on Friday To HAVERHILL, John Goldiug & W'm. Elmer, IMnndayand Thursday, and to SUDBURY, on Saturday DEBENHAM JIS a parish, in the hundred of Thredling— tlie mar- ket town, an inconsiderable one, is 83 miles n.e. by N. from London, 13 n. from Ipswich, 12 n.e. from Needhain I\larnet, and 10 e.n.e. from Stowmarket : the three last named places, ail railway stations on tiie Eastern Counties line. The tovvn, which is clean, and surrounded by an exceedingly picturesque countiy and land highly cultivated, is situated on a liill, which rises near the source of the Deben, who^e stream propels several flour milh. The roads leadine to De- benham have, of late years, received considerable im- provements; and the one through it, being the nearest from Norwich to Ipswich, is the cause of some traffic, but the chief support of the inhabitants is derived from agiicnltural occupations. The manor is divided property, in the possession of Lord Henniker, — Mills, Esq. and the corporation of Ipswich. The go- vernment of the town, is vested in a magistrate, as- sisted by three constables. The parish church of Saint Mary, is rather a hand- some building, spacious and well kept, and contains ?ome ancient niouutnents : the living i^ a vicarage, in the gift of Lord Henniker; the Rev. James Bedenfield is the present incumbent. The Independents have a place of worship, and there is a free school now con- ducted upon the National plan. The market is held on Kiiday; and the fairs June 24th, for toys, &c.. and August 8th for cattle, sheep and lambs. The popula- tion of the parish, by the returns rendered in 1831, was l,6'29,hndin 1841,1667. POST OFFICE, Francis Arnold, Post Master.— Letters from all parts arrive (from Stonha.m, by mail cart) every morning at half-past eight, and are despatched thereto at seven in the evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY, Bedenfield Rev. Janu-s, Debenham Dove Miss RJary, Debenham Dove .Mr. Samuel, Deben hnra Dove Miss Sarah, Debenham Freeman John, Esq. Bedingfield Freeman Miss Lydia, Debenham Gooding Mr. Harry, Debenham Norriss Mr. James, Debenham Palmer Mr. John, Debenham Peck Mrs. — Debenham [ham Powell Mr. Arthur, solicitor,Deben- Shorting Rev. Chas. StonhamAspell Simpson Rev. — Mickfield [ham Tollen)acheJohn,Esq.M.p.Helming- Wood Rev. Nicholas, Kenton ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. National School Eliza Field. mistress Pretty Miss (boarding and day) Ruddock Eli (day) BANKERS. Bacon &|Co. (draw on Glyn, Hal- lifax, & Co., London), VVilliam Jackson, agent Savings' Bank — William Jackson, actuary FIRE, &., OFFICE AGENTS. Norwich L'nion, John Wythe Suffolk (fire), VVilliam Jackson GROCERS, DRAPERS, AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Abbott Henry (and^eartheiiware) Abbott Jonathan (and furniture broker) Andrews Robert Beecroft Lionel (and stationer) Etciies James (and druggist) Jackson William Moyse Mark Smith Charles (and druggist) INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES- Angel, John Wythe, jun. Cherry Tree Inn, Edward Tydeman Eight Hells, Mary Cater King's Head, John Butcher MILLERS. Mortimer William P:ige Thomas Smith James PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. Guiin Feiin [a()piaise.i Wythe John (and auctioneer, and Wylhe John, jun, SADDLERS. Fulcher Charles Poole Robert SMITHS. Last Samuel Spall George Stopher Robert Thui kettle William SURGEONS. Lock Edwai (I Lock Edward, jun. Moore Lionel William TAILORS. Curtis Jeftery . Gooding Amos Curtis Robert I Harvey Samuel I Curtis William | Pyett William Miscellaneous- Abbott Joseph, veterinary surgeon Amass Ann, butcher Amass William, butcher Andrews Robert, beer retailer Arnold Francis, carrier Barritt William, gardener Bedwell Robert, hair dresser Beecroft William, l^ir dresser Canham George, ironmonger j Carter Thomas, glover Fairweather John, tinman and brazier Field Edward, baker Fisk William, cabinet maker f osdike Francis, carpenter Gooding Thomas, boot and «hoe maker Gooding William, bricklayer Jessop Devereux, beer retailer Jessop Frederick, corn chandler Last Samuel, cooper Last Samuel, pork butcher Last William, hoop and patten maker Owles Samuel, boot and shoe maker Percy John, watch and clock maker Pollard Samuel, carpenter Rigby Henry, earthenware dealer Smith Charles, wood turner Smith .lames, baker Smith John, glover Tl.urkettle Samuel, baker Wright William, beer retailer Wythe Daniel, beer retailer RAIL^VAY- TTie nearest Station is Stowmarket, oa the Eastern Counties link, 10 mile* S.S.w. from Debenham CARRIERS. ToFRAMLINGHAM, — Smit!i,Mond«T To IPSWICH,— Mark, John Kent, and — Rands, Tuesday, Thursday & Satur- day, and — Plant, Tueiday and Friday EYE, WITH THE PARISHES AND VILLAGES OF YAXLEY, MELLIS, HOXNE, OAKLEY, BROOME,AND NEIGHBOURHOODS, JlliYE is a market town, and borough both corporate , value was about eleven shillings each ; near them lay and parliamentary, in the hundred of Hartismeie, 90 a quantity of human bones. In July, 1818, a con>ider- miles N.E. by N. from London, 20 N. from Ipswich, 5 able nutnber of Roman urns were dug np, of different s.s.E. from Diss (Norfolk), anti 3| e. from Mellis — the j size, sliape and ornamental marks, all filled with cal- last named a station on the Eastern Union railway ; cined bones. Prior to the suppression of religious situated in a valley at the confluence of two clear rivu- ' houses some importance was attached to Eye : it had a lets, and surrounded by a fertile and pleasant country. Benedictine monastery, with large possessions, founded That tills was a station of the Romans is more than by Robert Mallet, a Norman baron, who also built the probable— for, in 1781, in digging up a field near this | castle : the monastic ruins are to be seen on the east place, some labourers discovered a leaden box, contain- side of the town, and the dilapidated walls of the castle i«g some hundreds of Roman coins and medals, all of stand near the east end of the church. Like most other the purest gold, chiefly of the emperors Houorius and j towns in a district entirely agricultural, this has few Arcadius, well executed and iu high preseivutioii ; their prelensions to luauufactaring celebrity; its business is 4 25 il>uffollt* EYE, &c. Sblaitt'ft of a retail domestic nature, and some of the humbler the stat of P. R. Welch, Esq., is a large and hai)d,«om® class of females exercise tlieir industry in lace making. I mansion ill thf Elizabethan style, surrounded by ex" Auricnltural implements and machines are manufac tured here to some extent — those made at the foundry of Mr. Gai rood are upon the most approved principles. The town hall is a spacious editice, in the centre of the towu ; the lower part has been fitted up as a corn tensive plantations and pleasure grounds. The parish clinrcli of Saint Mary is an ancient structure, with a remarkably fine porch and a rower: tiie li»ing is a vicnrage in the gift of Robert Knipe Cobhold, Esq. The population of Yaxli-y and the following parishes exchange. The inliabitHUts received a charter from i is given after the notice of Broome. King John, which was contii med by Queen Elizabeth, amlremained in force until superseded by the Munici- pal Reform Act of 1835 — uu'ler which the corporation con^ists of a mayor (or bailiif). four aldermen and twelve councillors, with the usual assistant urticers, •tyled 'the Bailiff, BuiResses, and CummonHlty of the Town and Buruli of Eye.' The county magistrates have concurrent jurisdiction within the borough, for which sessions are held. The corporation have power to hold a court of record for the recovery of debts of un- Abont a mile and a quarter west from Yaxley, and three from Eye, is the pleasant village of Mellis, the houses formi'ig which, partially surround a cheerful green or common, and over it runs the road to Botes- dale. The Eastern Union railway parses through the centre of the pari»l), on its route hom London to Nor- wich, and here is the station of the company for Eye. Mellis Hall, now a small farm-house at the west end of the green, is all that remains of the otice large mansion, Ponntney Hall, theancient seat of theClarkes'. limited amount, but no process has issued of late years; [The parish church of Saint Mary the Virein is a build ing of eaily date ; itt tower fell down in 1735, and was never restored : the living is a rectory, in the patron- age of the Crown. HoXNE village, pleasant and well bnilt, is 3J miles N.E. from Eye, 5 e.s.e. from Dis« (Norfolk), and 6 s. w. from Harleston ; situated near the confluence of the Dove and VVavctiey streams, and on a line of railway, now constructing, from the EasternUnion to Yarmouth, and now the provisions of the new County Conrt Act passed in 1846, have rendered the ancient court un- necessary : the new court is held monthly in the town- hall, and takes cognizance of debts and claims to any amount not exceeding A"20. The elective franchise was conferred in the thirteenth of Elizabeth, since when, until the pa'^sing of the Keforpi Bill, the borough re- turned two membcis ; but the new charter re.-tricted it to one: the presetit representative is Lieut. Gen. Sir through Bungay. Oakley Park, formerly called Hoxne Edward Kerrison, Bart, k.c.b., g.c.h., who is also lord Hall, has been chiefly rebuilt by Sir Edward Kerri>on. of the honor of Eye. The municipal borough com- the present proprietor. The mansion is elegant and prises only the pari*hofEye; but the pat liamentrtlf st Frank Mrs- Bacon, Oakley House Kreeman.Mrs.ChailotteMagdalenest Garrood Mrs. Racliael, Lowgate st Gooch Mis. Diana, Magdalene st Goocli Mr. Henry, Castle st Haveis Thomas, Esq. Theltou Hall Hayward Lionel, ICsti. Eye HennikerHon.Lord,ThoriihamPark Hodgson Rev. John, Hoxne Howes Ikv. Tlionia% Thorndon 26 Jones Miss Mary Erizb.,Lambseth st Kerrison Edward Claience, E.«q, Broome Hall Kerrison Lieut. Genrl. Sir Edward, Bart., K.C.B., G.C.H. and M.P.Oak- ley Park Knevett Rev. John, Syleham Lingwood Mr. Joseph, Broome Notley Rev. Charles, n.D. Church st Paterson Rev. George J. M., Broome Peck Mr. Samuel, l.,angton ^rceu Pretyinan Robert, Esq. Church st Reeve Miss Mary, Castle st Scott Mr. Nathaniel, Hoxne Sewell Rev. Henry, Yrixley Sherman George, Escj. Occold Sherman Mrs. — Church st Smithies Mr. Carlton, steward to Sir E. Kerriscm, Oak lawn Thrower Mrs. Hannah L., Church st Todd Mr. Robert, Rookery Cottage Todd Mrs. Sarah, Castle .st Wallis Mrs. — Prospect Coftige Weeding Mr. Kemhle, Lanibseth si' Welch Patrick Robert Esq. Yax- ley Hall [Redgrave Hall Wilson George St. Vincent, K»q. Wolton Mis. Elizabeth, Church st ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Free Grammar School, Church st — Rev. Chas. Notley, u.o. master Free School, Hoxne Herbert Ward, master ; Mary Aldous, artist Infants' School, Castle hill— — Batheba Amos, mistress National School, Broome • 'I'homas Gill, master ; Patience Gill, mistress National School, Castle liill- Kobert Gill, master; Sarah Ann Gill, mistress [Church at Notley Rev. Chailes.B.o. (boarding)) Pittick Harriet, Lowgate st Pittick John, Lowgate it 15 f recto ri) EYE, &c. 5tt£folife. AOADEMICS, etc.— Continued. Piitiy bli/abeth (boarding and day), Lambsetli st Soutliwell Elizabeth & Mary (board- ing and day}, Castle st Todd Jane, C-tstle st AaRICUI.TURAL MACHINE MAKERS. Ablett Charles, Yaxley Collins Henry, Cross st Garrood Williani (and iron aud brass founder), Lowgate st Mowle William, jiin. Yaxley ARTISTS PORTRAIT, &C., PAINTERS. Mendhmii Robert, Chnrcli st [jt Short William (& landscape), Chtrch ATTORNEYS. Chenery Edgar, Castle st Cream Charles, Lambsetli st French & LhwIoii, Casile st AUCTIONEERS. Moore John Lines, Hoxne Wells Henry, Church st BAKERS. Cooper James, Church st Gissiiig Anthony, Castle st Kaniphng Jrs>e, Cross st Smith Robeit, Broad st Smith Robert, Hoxne Thrower John, Hoxne BANKERS. Gurneys', Turner, & Brightweu (Branch), Castle st, (draw on Barclay, Be van, & Co., London j — Edgar Chenery, agent Oakcs, Finchani, Bevan, & Co. (Branch), Castle st, (draw on Barclay, Bevan, & Co., London) — Clia!>. Fisher Cost»-rton, cashier Savings' Bank and Government Annuity Society, Broad street, (open on Mondays from 11 till 12) — Henry Bi>hop, secretary BLACKSMITHS. Ablett Charles, Yei)h & Thomas, Church st Welton Edmund, Yaxley and Mellis Wright Stephen, Hoxne BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND PRINTERS. Bishop Robert, Broad st Nurse Richard, Broad st BOOT ARD SHOE MAKERS. Arbourn Robert, Lowgate st Bloomfield i'hom .s, Yaxley Bowers John, Mellis Butcher George, Broome Butcher William, H">xne Fearman John, Church st Gooding William (dealer), Broad st Hammond William, Mellis Herbert George, Castle st Hursain Edward, Lambseth st Jetferies Sheppard, Yaxley Larter Thomas, Mellis Oakes Abraham, Cross st Oakes William, Yaxley [Castle st Page Edward (and leather seller), Rayner George, Hoxne Roper Mary, Church st Kose David, Bai k lane WatlingJohn, Bioome BREWEHS. Cotton, French St (Jtton, Back lane Tacon Richard & Chas , Lambseth st BBAZIERS AND TIN-PLATE WORKERS. Barber William, Broad st Kennell William, Casrle st Marshall William, Broad st BRICK MAKERS. Boitman James, Hoxne & Broome Fisk Alfred, Syleham BRICKLAYERS. Kveritt William, Uakley Higgins James, Hoxne Lawrence Henry, Lowgate st Marriott Henry, Matidalene st Ruffles George, Yaxley Tye Mark, Back lane BUTCHERS. Brwwning Edward, Hoxne Chase Robert, Broad >t Je"«sup John (pork). Church st Self William, Magdalene st Sturgeon Samuel, Castle st CARPENTERS «c BUILDERS. Bark way James, Hoxne Barkway Stephen, Hoxne Day Daniel, Church st Day George, Oakley Gooderham John, Broome Hines James, Lowgate st Larter Thomas, Mellis .Mowle Jahez, Mellis Mowle William, Yaxley Penning Daniel, fiambsctli st Rampling Edward, Cross st Short George Groom, Church st Stannard Thomas, Castle st CHEMISTS AND ORUGQIST8. Barber Thomas, Lamb«ethst Bishop Robert, Broad st Nurse Richard, Broad st CHINA, GLASS, &c., DEALERS. Chuich John, Lambseth st Collins John, Cliniich st CONFECTIONERS. Gissing Anthony, Castle st Raiies William, Broad 5t Rush Sarah, Castle st Smith Robert, Broad st COOPERS. Dykes Robert, Church ^t Meadows Jabez, Mellis Sivcl George, Lambseth st CORN MERCHANT. Waterman John, Castle st FARMERS. Allen Robeit, Yaxley Bacon John, Mellis Bandall Georgr, Hoxne Bate Edward, Eye Bayles Thomas, Hoxne Beales Charles, Moor HhH Hlofield George K., Mellii Bolton William, Bye Browning Edward, Hoxne Burrows G'orge, H-ixne Calver William, Mellis Carry Lionel, Hoxue Case & Brock, Eye Clumbers Robert, Eye Chapman John, Mellis Cheaney Willinm, Yaxley Citenery Thomas, Mellis Clubbe George, Hoxne Colby Thomas, Hoxne Collins John, Mellis Cop|)in Zechariah, Mellis Cracknell George, Hoxne Cracknell Henry, Hoxne Cracknell Henry, Mellis Ciaske Edward, Eve Craske Walter, Priory farm Cunningham Robeit, Oakley Dade William, Mellis Orane Su^an, Yaxley Eaton William, Mellis Edwards 'Jhomas, Rook Hall Edwards William, Eye Fennell Heiiiy & Samuel, Hoxne Fulcher 'I'homas, Yaxley Freston Samuel, Kiln farm Garland Richard, Hoxne Gidney Benjamin, Broome Goodei ham James, Eve Gowan Samuel, Oakley Gowing Edward, Eye Gowing Ellis Symonds.CranleyHall Hall John, Hoxne Hammond John, Mellis Harper William. Hoxne Harper William, Eye Harris George, Cranley grem Hill William, Hoxne Hunt Joseph, Hoxne Hurse William, Hoxne Jeffries Henry, Yaxley Jermyn Benjamin, Mellig Jermyn Joseph, Mellis Johnson John, Eye Kirby John Cole, Eye Knott Ganett Taylor, Eye Paik Mallows William, Eye Marsh Edward, Broome Marshall Robert, Hoxne Morley David, Mellis Murtimei John, Hoxne Muiton Samuel, Yaxley Owles William, Hoxne 0«vles William, Oakley Paiie John, Broome Parke James, Eye Parke Mary, Broome Perry Joseph, Eye Read Harriet & iMatilda, Hoxne Riches William. Eye Rush Charles, Hoxne Rush Charles, Oakley Rush Robert, Hoxne Ru«h Robert, Oakley Rush William, Oakley Saunders Sainm-l, Oakley Seweil Ann, Eye Sheppard Catherine, Broome Spurdons William, Yaxley Taylor Robert, Hoxne Taylor Thomas, Broome Ti I lett Robert, Yaxley Todd Robert, Eye Todd Samuel, Oakley Wells Robert, Mellis Whitmore Mary, Mellis Wilson John, Hoxne FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. ALiiANCE(life),Hy. Bishop, Broad st Atlas, Charles Cream. Lmnbseth st City of London (life), Charles Cream, Lambseth st Clerical, Medical and General (life), Geo. W. Lawton, Castle st County (hail storm), Samuel Gis- sing, Broad st Globe, Thomas Ulton, & Edjjar Chenery, Castle st [Broad st Indisputable (life), Robert Bisliop, London, Thomas Cracknell, Hoxne Norwich EQUiTABLE(fire).Richaai Nurse, Broad st [Broad st Norwich Union, William Barber, Norwich Union (fire),Hy.Hi>hop, Broad st [Lawton, Castic»t Palladium (life), George Warnef Royal Exchange, Samuel Gissing, Broad st Royal Farmers' and General (and cattle), Charles F. Coster- ton, Castle st [ton. Castle st Suffolk Amicable, French&Law- United Kingdom (life), Samnel GiEHing, Broad tt 27 J^ltffolfe* EYE, &c. ^UttV» OINOER BEER AND SODA WATER MAKERS. Bird H.iiry, Ciiiiicl) st Nurse Riciianl, Broad st GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Bishop Henry, lirnatl st Boirftt John, Lowgate st Carttr Kdmuud, Hoxne Clark William, Oakley Collins John (and tallow chandler), Church st Coppin William, Mollis Cracknell Iliciiard & Thos., Hoxne Cross Charles, Laiiihseth st Dade Robert, .Masdalene st Dove James. Cliurcli st Moore David, Yiixley ;Mudd George, Clnirch si Ottowell Francis, Mellis Pashler Charles, Castle s» Prime Tlioiiias, Mellis Rockett Ch;ir!otte, Yaxley Sirutt Joseph, Church st Taylor John, Hoxne Watling John, IJionme Welton Ann, Yaxley INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Bull, James Rohinson, Lambsetli st Bull, William Palmer, Yaxley Cheriy Tree, Robert Lawrence, Broad st Crown, William M oss, Magdalene st Falcon, Samuel Bryant, Mellis Grapes, HLiiry Bird, Church st Grapes, John Pipe, Hoxne Green Man, Robert Cunningham, Oakley [enliaui,Castle st Horseshoes, Charles Ganard Buck- King's Arms, Hy. Cousins, Castle st King's Heail, Frs. Smith, Church st Queen's Head, John S. Gisaiug, Cro-s st Rf(\ Lion, Alfred Kent, Hoxne Red lAou, Henry Bryant, Chuich st Bed Lion, Robert Moyse, Yaxley Star, John Waterman, Castle st Swan, Elizabeth Curtis, Bioonie Swan, William Lake, Cross st Swan, Simeon Walker, Hoxne Victoria Arms, Hy. Scales, Cross st White Lion Inn (comuurcial and posting), Heury Charles Bowling, Broad street Retailers of Beer Frost Charles, Back lane Heihert Daniel, Church st Mnllenger Maiv, Yaxley OflTord Kduiund, Castle st Potter Henry, Hoxne Short Geori^e, Hoxne Stannard Thomas, Castle st Strutt Joseph, Church st IRONMONGERS. Barber William, Broad st Marshall William, iJioad st LINEN & V/OOLLEN DRAPERS Carter Ldmund, Hoxne Casson & Bicker, Broad st Clark William, Oaklev Cracknell Richard & Thos., Hoxne Cross Charles, Laiiib>.etli st Navler & Gissinif, Broad st Rockelt Charlotte, Ynxhy Taylor John, Hoxne Welton Ann, Yaxley MALTSTERS. Cotton, French, & Utton. Back la Short Geor«e Gronn), Church st Tacon Richd. & Ch ts., Lainbseth st MILLERS. Aldred lleiuy, Back lane Boking John, Hoxuc 28 Buttrum William, Hoxuc Drane Henry, Hoxne Gillings Mary, Kye Lines Jabez, Broome Lock Joseph, Yaxley Offord Kdmund, Castle st Sayer Edward, Mtllis MILLINERS&DUESS MAKERS Allinson Mary, Broad st Dav Eleiior, Church st Evans Harriet, Church st Penning Martha, Chuich st Welton Sus m, Cross st MUSIC TEACHERS. Jeffries Fanny {& dancing), Yaxley Pashley Charles, Broad st Whayman Owen (and dancing). Castle st PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. Farron John, Hoxne Neale James, Castle st [*t Pretty William (painter), Lambseth Sheppard Jesse, Church st Sturgeon Daniel, Castle st SADDLERS. Marsh John, Castle st Moore Robert, Hoxne [seth st Remington Richard Spencer, Lamb- So wter Jonathan, Hoxne Tricker William, Lnwgate st STRAWr BONNET MAKERS. Boriett Maty, Lowgate st (lollins Emily, Church st Marsh Sarah, Castle .st Rampling Hariiet, Castle 8t SURGEONS. Ashford Seaniati, Castle st liarker John, m.d. Broad st Miller Walter William, Rookery Cottage .Moore James, Magdalene st Payne John Page, Hoxne SURVEYORS-LANDj &c. Moore Joliti (road). Back lane Moore John, Hoxne VVells Hetiry, Church st TAILORS. Bimd Josepli, Church st Borrett John, Lowgate st Cracknell Henry, Church st Ciacktiell Richard & Thos., Hoxne Gissing George, CJasile st Herbett Charles, Church st Rampling Henry, Castle st Kead William (and draper), Broad st Stollery William, Hoxtie VETERINARY SURGEONS. Pi|)e John, Hoxne Whaymai> Isaac, Church st WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Baiber William, Broad st [st Batchelor Henry {l^ engraver), Castle Calver Susannah, Bioad st Skinner Mat k. Castle st WHEELAVRIGHTS. Algar Thomas, Mellis Chenery Robert, Broome Day Joseph, Back lane Edwaids James, Oakley Girling Daniel, Castle st Kent William, Hoxne Mnlletiger Mary, Yaxley WINE 6c SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Cotton, French, & tJtion, Bnck la Tacon Richard i\ Chas., Lambseth »t IMiscellaneous- Chiircli.lolinjurnitiire broknLambseth nt f'oRV FxciiANOi:, Town Hall, Bioud st Gooderliara l>aiiirl, hair dresser. IMa^rta- Irnr street f Broad 8t Gooding Witlinm, clotlies dealer & hatter, H.iyfield Henry William, inland revenue officer. Castle street Holmes .lohn, dyer, Back lane Inland Rkvenub Office, at the White Lion inn, Brond street London I'norEirrr PnoTFCTioN So- CIKTY, Clias. Cream, a(;en1,Larabseth st Mendliam Uobert,coach builder & Tarnish maker, I'luuch street Page Edward, leather seller, Castle st Pittick John, clerk lo the commissioner* of taxes, Lowgate street PoLiCK Station, Broad street — John Walline, inspector Prentice David, gunsmith, Cross st Raues William, basket maker. Broad it Robinson James, glover, Lambseth st SkiifTImm David, blacking and barnesi polish maker, Lambseth street Uttoif Thomas, land agent, Castle st Stamp Office, Broad street— Richard Nurse, sub-distributer Subscription Rkadino Room, Broad st — Henry Charles Rowling, proprietor Town Hall, Broad itreet PLACES OP WORSHIP, and their MINISTEFS. Saint Peter's & Saint Paul's Parisb Church, Eye — Rev. James Williain Campbell, rector. S.MNT Pk[-er's & St. Paul's CnuncB, Hoxne — Rev.John Hodgson, i/icumftfnf. Saint Mary's Chukch, Yaxley — ReT. Henry Sevvell, incumbent Saint IMarv's Church, Mellis — ReT. Henry Creed, i;ir»?n(o«— Emily Thornton, Siirr/ron — WalterMillar,Rookery Cottage. 7'rf«sujer— Thomas French, Castle st CIrrk tn the Board nf Guardians — Charles Fisher Coslerton, Castle at RelicciiHj O^Ver— Philip Hart, Broome. REGISTRARS, OF BIRTtlS, DEATHS & MAHHIAGES. Superintendent — Charles fisher Cosler- ton, (,'astle street. Rtf]istrar oj Marriages — George Mudd, Church street. Reqislrar of Births and Z>pa//is— Philip Hart, Broome. COUNTY COURT, HKtD MONTHLY IN THE ToWN HaLL. Judge — Francis King Eagle. E*q. C/er?f— Thos. Collins, Bury St. Edmund*. Assistant C/cjfc— Edgar Clienev, Castle st High //rti/#- George H. Blake, Buryj Snint Edmunds Bailiff— John Walling, Eye CONVEYANCE!5BY RAILWAY-! The nearest Slalion is at Mhli.is, on thd| Eastkrn Union line, 3| miles w,^ from Eye An Oimiibns from the White Lion Inn4 every forenoon (Sunday excepted), a| half-past eleven, and afternoon at ten minutes past four, to meet the traini CARRIERS- To HARLESTON, Edward CatrhpoIe» from his house. Cross street, Friday j goes through Hoxne To H'SWICH, Francis Smith, from hu house, Church st, Monday & Thursday To the MELLIS STATION, on the F.astern Union R;iilway, Edward Catch- polr, from his house, every morning (Sunday excepted), at eiglil, with good* and parcels To NORWICH, Francis Smiih.from bit house, Church street, Tuesday i Friday 3I5(vtctovg, ^uffolfe* Ff FRAMLINGHAM AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. RAMLINGHAM is a parisli, in North Lowea hundred — the market town, a small one, is 87 miles N,E. from London, 18 n.e. by n. from Ipswich, and 8 E. from Dcbenham ; pleasantly situated on an emi- nence, near the source of the river Ore. The town whicii conlaiiis several well-built houses, and some respectable shops and inns, is of great aniiiiuity — its uanie being composed of the Saxon wonis fremdling and ham, meaning the iiabitation of siiangers or foreigners. Its piiucipal ornaments are tl>e church and the ruins of its ancient cnstle — the latter situated ou a clay hill, on the north side of the town, iiaving ou the west side a mere, or marsh, formerly a lake. Of the outer wall, yet standing, it lias been justly re- marked, thatii still looks more like a castle than the ruins of one. It is supposed to have been erected by lledwald, the most powerful king of the Ea^t Angles; its form is rather an irregular curve, approaching to a circle. The walls are foity-four feet high and eight thick, flanked with thirteen square towers, fourteen feet higher than the ramparts; and these,, together with the battlements, remain in sufficient peifection to afford a tolerable idea of the whole. It was one of the seats of St. Rduiund, the king and martyr; and to this fortress lie fled, in the year 870, from the relent- less Danes; from whence, being hard pressed, and without hopes of succour, he endeavoured to escape, but was overtaken in Jiis flight, and put to death by these invaders. To this castle Queen Mary, of ruth- less nipnuiry, retired on the deatli of her brother, Edward VI. Framlingliam is a polling station at the election of members to represent Kast Suffolk ; and it is included in the thii ty-t'ourth circuit of County Couit towns, under the new act for adjudicating claims to any amount not exceeding £-0 — the court is held motithly. The parish church of Saint Michael is a stately and capacious structure, built entirely ot black flint, with a square tower, ninety ft et high, embattled and strengthened with buttresses, and contains aclock and musical chimes. The interior is kept in excellent condition, and there are many monuments, of great antiquity, in a fine state of preservation — some of these to the memory of the earls and dukes of Norfolk, and others of the nobility, are full of interest. The livint; is a rectory, in the gift of the Master and Fel- lows of Pembroke Hall, Cambiidge. Tlie Rev. George Attwood is the present incunibcMt. There are plates of vvorshi[) for Indepetidentsand Wesleyan Methodists, and a chapel of ease at. Saxtead, in this parish. Tlie charities consist of some almshouses founded by Sir Robert Hitcham, and others by Thomas i\lills, afiea school, fiiunried by the fiist- named gentleman, for forty poor children, and an appientice.shi[> fund, at- tached to the school, 'i'he market is held ou Saturday, in a spacious area. Fairs Whit- Monday atid October 10th. The pari'ih contained, in 1831,2,445 inhabitants, and in 1841, 2,523. POST OFFICE, Samuel Bloss, Post Master. — Letters from all parts arrive (from VVoodbhidge) every morning at seven, and are despatched thereto at half-past seven in the evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Alston Rev. Edward C.Kramlineham Attwood RfV. George, F"rainlinglian) Brereton Rev. Thos.J.Franilingham Clubbe Mrs. — , Earl Soham Cooper Mrs. — , Parham . ' Cup()pr Mr. William, Framlinghatn Edwards Mrs. Louisa, Framlingliam Good Mrs. Mary Ann, Framlingliam Goodwin Mr. Goodwin, Framlinghm Goodwin Mr. John, Framlingliam Gorton Mr. Robert, Baddingliam Groome Rev. J. N. Hindes, Monk Soham Henchtnaii Rev. — , Earl Sohnm Hotham the Honourable and Rev. J. Deniiingtnn Peirson John, Esq. Framlingliam Peirson the Misses iMary & Mar- ■ garet, Framlinghain Pickering — , Esq. Karl Soham Shouldham William, Esq, Cran»-ford Stanford Mrs. Matilda, Framlinghm Stanford Wiiigfield,Es(].Baddinghm Thompson M r. Henry, Framlingliam Turner Rev. George, Kettleburgh Welham ftlr. liobeit, Framlingliam Wire Miss Elizabeth, Framlingliam Woods Mrs. Mary, Framlingliam ACADEiaiES AND SCHOOLS. Boult Racbael (boarding and day) British School — Tho:-iias Sher- : man, master; Matilda Sherman, mistress Hill Wilham (boarding and day) National School — Samuel Lane, master ; Dinub Tucker, mistress ATTORNEYS. Clubbe Charles (»ind clerk to the magistrates) Edwards William BAKERS. Gravlin Thomas Leek Speiu^er (and confectioner) Widdleton Robert (and confectioner) Newson Charles BANKERS. Gurnejs' & Co. (draw upon Barclay, Bei"an & Co. IjOiidon) — Jonathan Hart & Co.' agents Harvcys' & Hudsoiis' (draw npon' Hankeys&Co. London)— Joseph B. Edwards, agent Savings' Bank— Jonathan Hart & Co. actual ies BOOKSELLERS & POINTERS. Freeninn William D. Green Richard BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Cone Charles Garlett John Cooper John Hammond James Field James Johnson Henry Freeman James Mayhew George Gardner Henry Scotchnier Wm. BREWERS. Brown William Lankester Edward BUTCHERS. Bilney Francis Bliss Robert Kerridge John Newson Samuel CABINET MAKERS. Butcher George Dale Samuel Leech William CARPENTERS. Dale Samuel Dallistone Daniel Waller Daniel, jun. COACH IVTAKERS. Briuhtwell Robert Wightman Samuel FIREj &c., OFFICE AGENTS. Crown (life), Manning Keer EssKX and Suffolk Equitable, William Edwards Farmers' and General (cattle), Manning Keer (and iiisi)ector) Globe (fire), Joseph B. Edwards Norwich Union, Richard Green Scottish (life), Joseph B. Edwards SuFFOLK(fire),Jonathan Hart &Co. Western (life), Henry Clutten GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Marked thus • arc also Drapers. Baxter Joseplj Capon Elizabeth Capon Jonathan Clutten Heniy (and druggist) Dallestone Daniel *Oariaid Hatsell •Hart Jonathan & Co. Kindred Frederick Manning Satah (and druggist) Middleton Josiah Newson Samuel »Nitkols William "Robinson William .Smith Samuel Wightman Jesse , INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES, Crown & .Anchor (commercial and posting), Samuel Bloss Crown Inn (and posting), William Collins Hare & Hounds, George Marjoram Queen's Head, Samuel Sheppard VVagon and Horses, Francis Bilney White Horse, James Brunning IRONMONGERS. Barker Joseph Barker Samuel Keer MALTSTERS. Brown William Clutten James(& corn & coal dealer) Edwards Geoige Lankester Edward MILLERS. Kindred John Woods Samuel PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Fi^k William Wooliiougli Constantine SADDLERS. Bloom field George Fisk Thomas SMITHS. Bridges Frucr Bridges Edward Heffer George (and farrier) Smith Joseph (and farrier) SURGEONS. Jeaffieson William Keer George Willson John 29 ^ufltolfe. FRAMLINGHAM. Slater'jJ TAILORS. F'arrow Joseph NewsiOB Stephen Rowland James Wightnian Wni, Allured GeoiKC Capon Jonntlian Clodd & Laincr, (and draiit'r>) Dorling Cliarles WATCH MAKERS. Barker Samut-l Keer Taylor Samuel WH BELWRIOHTS. HefFer George Legyatt John Moore John WINE dc SPIRIT MERCHAITTS. Keer Maiinuig (and porter) Lankester Edward (and porter) Miscellaneous Baldwin Thomas, auctioneir & appraiser Barker Elizibrtb. milliner & dre»8 maker Brown William, beer retailer Burrows William, wliitesmiih Cliitten Ceorge. stone mason Corn Kxchasgb, Crown Inn yard Francis Klijali. umbrella maker Fruer Samuel, architect Gibbons George, liair dresser Hall William, bricklayer Harding William, tinman Hearn William, gardener Inland Revenvb Office, Crown and Anchor Hotel Lay llicharri, bair dresser [maker Oxborrow Matilda, milliner and drew Read ("lizabeth, currier Read Thom«s. fishmonger Row John, gloTer Simons Henry, tinman fdistributer Stamh Office — Charles Edwards, tub- Waters Charles, cooper Wells Thomas, dyer WhalliiiK Charlotte, glorer Wright Samuel, piano-forte tuner REGISTRARS, OF BIRTHS, DEATHS 5t MARHIAGEi. Superintendent Registrat — Charles Read. Registrar of Marriages — Robert Welhsm. Regittrar of Births and Deatht — John Cottingham. COUNTY COURT, Hel» monthlt. Judge — Francis King Eagle, Esq, C/erfc—ThoM.as Collins. Assistant C/erfc— Charles Clubbe. Hiqh Bailiff-George Harry BIak». Boi/i^— Charles Gibbs. COACHBS. To IPSWICH, the Union (from Norwich) calls at the Crown and Anchor, erery afteiDoon (Sundays excepted) at a quarter pa«t two To NORWICH, the Union (from fps- wich) calls at the above Inn, every afternoon (Sundays excepted)ata quar- tar past two RAIL-WAY. The nearest Station at present is at Ipi« WICH, on the Kastbrn Union Rail' WAT. 18 miles distant. There is n Coach daily to th* station a* above noticed. CARRIERS. To IPSWICH, — Hart, — IMeen. and — Coates, from the Crown Inn, Mon- day and Friday, and — Hart, from the White Horse, Tuesday To NORWICH,— Meen and — Coates, from the Crown Inn, Tuesday and Saturday HAI3LEJGH AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. IIHIaDLEIGH is a parish, in the hundred of Cosford ihe market-town is 64 miles n. e. from London (69| by rail], and abont 9i w. by s. from Ipswich (12j by rail), and is siiuntert on a branch (7^ miles in length) which joins tlie Eastern Union railway at Bentley. Tiie town, which is st-ated in a valley, on the river lireton, was formerly a corporate one, governed by a mayor, aldrrmen and comnion council ; but a qu» fcarranto beiim bioiiRtitaKain>t tliem, they surrendererl iheir charier in the reigi> of James the 11, and it has never been restored. The county magistrates now possess the municipal jurisdiction, and hold petty SL'S'ions for business connected with the town and division: couits baron are held for the manor; and Hadleigh is included in the thii ty-fourtii circuit of towns under the C'-unty Court act, paased in 1846, foi ailjuduating claims an(l debts to any amount not ex- ceeding JE20; this court is held monthly. Hadleigh i.s a p'llng staiire»ent West Suffolk. The only branch now existing here under tlie head of manufacture!', is that of silk- throwing, by a firm wliich Iih.s been established for i>omp years. Malt is made here in large quantities, and there arc four flour mills doing a good business. The principal ornament of Hadleigh is its church of Saint Mary: it stands in the middle of the town, and is a handsome spacious structure, chiefly in the lateT style of English architecture, surmounted by a lofty spire. Dr. Wilkins, one of the late rectors, fumished a very fine altar-pitce ; and ihe edifice wa.s greatly improved by the Rev. Dr. Tanner, liis successor, riiis church is said to be thebinial-phate of Guthrum, a Danish rhieftdn, who, being defeated by King Alfreil, embraced Chiistianity. Dr. Rowland Taylor, ■A rector of the living, in the reign of the cruel bigot Mary, was bnrnt on tiie adjoinine common for his adherence to the doctrines of the Reformation. 'I'he living of Hadleigh is a rectory in the gift of the Archbi»hop of Canterbury ; the Rev. H. B. Knox is tiie present incumbent. There are places ot worship for Baptists, Independents, and Wesleyan and Primitive .Methodists. The charities comprise almshouses, founded by Dr. Pykenhain in 1497, for t»»eiity-four aged jiersons of both sexes; oiher.s, of ancient founda- tion, for » iulit poor inhabilants ; public schools con- ducted upon the British and National plans; and the produce of some bequests distributed among the poor. The market is held on Monday, and ihe fairs Monday in Whitsun-weck and llth Oct. Tlie parish contained, in 1831, 3,425 inhabitants, and in 1841, 3,679. POST OFFICE, High street, Sarah Ellisdon, Poxt Mistress. — Letters from London and all part^ irrive rv^ry morning at seven, and are despatched at half-past eight in the evening. Money Orders are eranted and paid between the hour.> of nine in the morning and .six in the evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Ansell Mr. John, Marketplace Axford Mr. Edward, Hiuh st Baker Mrs. Ann. High st Ha^erMrs Elizabrtli Haste, High st Bieton Mrs. Lucy, High st Biycr Mi>. Susannaii, Church yard Clark Rev. William, Benton st Cook Miss Hannah, Queen st Cook Rev. Jamis, Seiner Cooper Mrs. Sarali, Georee st Dawson Rev. George Augustus Ed- wardstowii Hall Drake Rev. Nathan, High st Diakf Mrs. Ursilla, Higli st Duiithoine Mr. Tlioma-, Queen st Fenii Mrs. — , Market place Ki^-ld Riv. Jamts Wiliam, Queen st Frost Mrs. Eli/abe'li, High st G"bbs Mr. Joseph, George st Gririiwuite Mrs. Elizabeth, Church st Groom Mis. Mary, Btnton st Hicks Mrs. .Sarali, Queen st Hughes Rev. Henry Hunter, Layh«m K«rsev Mr. Caleb, High »t 30 Ker«ey Mr. Robert, High st Keymer Miss Dinah, High st Knox Rev. Henry B Rectory Lloyd Rev. Charles Wm. Church st Lyon Rev. James, Benton st Newman Richard, Esq. Ker-ey Priory Pigot Rev. Hugh, Queen st Pritiy Mrs. Elizabeth, Hiuh st Itawlin Ml. Ashniore, Bridge st Ree«e Rev. Thomas, Reydon Rowley the DowagerLndy.Holbecks Sheldrake Mrs. Ann, Market place Spear Rev. James, Elmsct Striitt Miss Ann, llenton st Strutt Mr. Isaac, Toppesfield Hall .Struti Mrs. Maria, Queen st Strutt Mr. William, Benton-end Stiidd Rev. Henry, Gorton Parsonage Tomkin Rev. James Win. Benton st Wade Mrs. — , High st [Eleigh Wallace Rev. Aitlmr C.J. Monks Wishaw Mis. Eli/ahetii, High st ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. BhiTisH School, Duke st — James Ashdown, master; Mary Ash- down, luistreBS Golding Mary (boarding and day), High street Mndd Abraham (boarding & day), Benton street National School, Church yard — Henry Norford, master; Elizabeth Palmer, mistress Stow Mary (day). Queen st Tovell Edward Ribbans (boarding and day). High st| ATTORNEYS. Bunn Edward, High at Last Henry, Church st Newman Richard, High «t Robinson John Kiedk.HadleighHall Sealy John, Benton st AUCTIONEERS. Clayden Hfiiry(and valuer), High it Cork Charles, Benton st Robinson John Smith, High st BAKERS. Deeks James (and confectioner). Church st Duningham Joseph, George st 1 Fenu Josiali, Bridge st ^ixtctoi^* HADLEFGH. ^Uffolft. Gardiner Tillftf, Hinli st Green William, Benton st Pottitt .losiali. Angel .^t Spooner Willi im, George Taylor J-.lin, High st [High st Wells Godfrey (and confectioner), BANKERS. Alexanders* & Co. High st (draw on Barnetts', Hoares' & Co. London) Mills, Bawtree & Co. Church street (draw on Hankeys'&Co.London) BASKET RIAKERS. Branch Henry, Angel st VVoollard Robert, George st BLACKSMITHS. CooU Jtisiiua, Market place Cook Joshua & Thomas, High st Ouniiighain Joseph (and coadi, &c. spring maker 1, George st Gray George, Bridge st Lingley John, Benton st BOOKSELLERS^ STATIONERS AND PRINTERS. Hardacre Henry (and stamp office), Highst [Hinhst Piper John Di.xon (and library), BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Cook Thomas, High st Dt^ath Matthew, Church st Elliott John, George st Ellisdon Thomas Alfred, High st Hart Willirfm, High st Jones George, High st May Charles, High st M^y James, High st Pettitt Levi, Angel st Salmon Henrv, Ipswich road Smith John, Benton st Spooner Hicks, Angel st Spooner Jolin, High st Spooner John, jun. High st BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Clayden Henrv, High st Deeks William, Hi«h st Simpson Henry, High st Simpson Thomas, High st BREECHES MAKERS AND GLOVERS. Oxford Tli'inias, High St Prigg William, Angel st BRICK MAKERS. Clarke John, Hadleigh brick-kilns Story Henrv, High .-t Wilkinson Henry, High st BRICKLAYERS. Brook Robert, High st Cooke Heniy, Ipswich road Wilkinson Henry, High st BUTCHERS. Aggiss James (pork), Duke st Brown Thonirts, George st Cooper John (pork\ Angel st Day John, Besscls Jane Frost Heniy, George st Mott William, Bridge st Spraggons Walter, Benton st Waller Thomas, Highst Warren William (pr)rk), Angel st Welham Ran-on, High st CABINET MAKERS. Cartwriglit George, Angel st Clark Joseph, Benton st Lan)b Williiim Henry, Highst Lloyd Thomas, High st Reeve Henry, High st Reeve Rendall, High st CARPENTERS. Baiitock John, Benton st Clarke Wm.(and builder),George st Corder Robert (& builder). High st DriverTho».(& builder), Church yard Gray Edward, Calais st Parsons Clark (& builder), High st CHEMISTS AND DRUGQISTS. Story Henry, High st Wick James, High st CHINA, GLASS, &C. DEALERS. Allen John, Georitc tt Clayden Henry, High st Gardiner Tillett, High st Pritty Thomas, High st CLOTHES DEALERS. Boltrn James, Highst Cubitt Samuel, High st Garrod Thomas, High st COACH BUILDERS. Green Jacob, Hikh st Jolly Robert, High st COAL MERCHANTS Ac DEALRS. Chisnell Thomas, Railway station Dnnim/liHin Joseph, Geoige st Syer Abraham Henry, George st, aiid Railway station Whyaiark & Co. Railway station COOPERS. Faiers James Bransby, High st Faiers Robert, High st Warren James, Highst t:ORN DEALERS. Chisnell Thos. & Ephraim, George st Frost Henry, High st Syer Abr-tham Henry, George st CURRIERS AND LEATHER CUTTERS. Golding Heniy (& tanner), High st King George, Duke st Scrivener Charles, High st FARRIERS. Grimwade Johti, Hiuh st Long Robert, High st FIRE, etc. OFFICE AGENTS. Clerical, Medical and General (life), Wm. Grimwade, Chuich st County (fiie) & Phovjdent (\ife), Caleb Simpson, High st Etonian and General (life), Ri- chard Newman, High st London Corporation, I'hoiuas Pritty, High st National Mercantile, Henry CI yden, High st Norwich Union (fire), Henry Story, Hiah st Protestant Provident, John Cook, High st ROVAL KaKMERS'& GENERAL(fire), Williim Grimwade, Church st SuFFOLK.John Frederick Robinson, Hadltigh Had FURNITURE BROKERS. Allen John, George st Lloyd Thomas, High st Spooner Williiim, High st GROCERS, DRAPERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. fSee also Linen, Sfc. Drapers) Braham John, Highst Botten James, High st Cook John, High st Duningham Joseph, George st Fenn Josiah, Bridge st Gardiner Tilleit, High st Howchin William, High st Pettitt Levi, Angel st Spooner William, George St Staines Jolm, Benton st Stow William, Angel st Turner Sarah, Benton tt HAIR DRESSERS. Bare Beiij. (& toy dealer). High st Decks James, George st Ray John, Hit^h st [High st Verlander Samuel (and toy dealer), INNS— COMMERCIAL. {See also Taverns S( Public House$.) George Inn, Thos. Coleman, High st White Liuii, Joseph Stevens Highst IRONMONGERS. Clayden Henry (and oil andcolonr- nian, and agent for Ransome's agricultural imidements). High *l Deeks William, High st Simpson Henry, Hith st LINEN AND WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Braham John, High st Cook John, High st Garnham Georne Frederick, Highst Howaid Samuel, High st MALTSTERS. Chisnell Thomas, (Jeorge (t Cotder John, Angel st Fenn Cliarles, Bridge si Fenn Josiah, Bridge st Frost Shadrach, Angel st Giitnsey William, Anuel tt Gromn Henry, Benton st Ptttitt John, jiin. Angel st Rand Joseiih, Duke st Robinson John Smith, High «t Syer Abraham, Bridge st Viuce John, George st White Thomas Angel st Wilson 'I'homas, Angel st Wilson Thomas William, Church st MILLERS. Clover Henry, Tonpestield Mill Deeks Robert, Brid«e st Railiffe Josiah, Aldham Mill Syer Abraliam Henry, George st MILLINERS & DRESS MAKSa. Baker Elizabeth, High st Baiitock Mary Ann, Benton st Bateman Harriet, Angel st Garnham George Fredeiick.High st Goymonr Elinor, HiKh st Giinivvade Ann, An«t-1 nt Lock wood Harriet, Bridge st Parsons Mary, High st [place Terry Mary Ann & Emily, Market PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Church Thomas, High 8t Cri^p Charles, High st Gai diner Benjamin, High it Osborne Horace, High st Reeve & Hobbs, High st SADDLERS. Baylis Charles, Hish st Kei>ey Robert, High st \ Sexton Thomas, jnii. Church ide James, Bridge st Foreman John, Thoroughfare (Joddard Samuel, Biidge st Lincolne John, Market place Marshall John, Quay st GUN MAKERS. Cullingford William, Market place Thompson William, Bridge st HAIR DRESSERS. Alexander William, Chediston st Croft Geoive, Quay at Miller James, Chediston st Swan William, Thoroughfare HATTERS. Gooding William (& clothes dealer), Thoroughfare [rough fare London John F., (and hosier),Tho- INNS. [See also Taverns ij- Public Houses.) Angel (commercial), William Atmer, Thorouiihfare King's Arms (commercial), George G. Goldsmith, Thorouyhfaie Queen's Head (and posting house), I^aac Mills, Chediston Three Tuns (commercial & postiug), P'rancis Fisher, Market place IRONMONGERS. Buruess Nathaniel, Thoroughfare Easterson & Son (ironfounders and machine maker-). Thoroughfare Jermy John, Chediston st Vesey Thomas A., Bridge st MALTSTERS. Atmer William, Thoroughfare Bentsley Peter, Chediston st CrackmU Thomas, Market place George Thompson, Quay Riches Joseph A., Bungay road Stead Patrick, Quay st MILLERS. Bar'oer Jeremiah, Soap House Mills Skinner John, Mill hill MILLZNERSOcDRESS MAKERS Chapman Rosanna, Marketplace Mannall Elizaheth, Mil! hill lane Rack ham Mary Ann. Quay st Williams Mary, Pound st MUSIC TEACHERS. Barker James, Pound st Chilver William, Chediston st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Chappell William, Mill-hill lane Coilett William, riioronghfare Smith Georue, Thorouglifare Wright James, Pound st SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Bunyan William, Mill-hill lane Hopson William, Thoroughfare Musk Edward H., Bridge st Terry James, Thoroughfare SHOPKEEPERS dcDEALERSIIf GROCERIES 6c SUNDRIES. Coilett William, Thoroughfare Croft Daniel, Chediston st Farrington Robert, Thoroughfare Ford James, Pound st Haward Samuel, Bungay road Muttit William, Pound st Nicholson Roiiert. Chediston st Peachey Robert, Pound st Sones Fredrrick, Marketplace Taylor Henry, Bunaay road STONE «c MARBLE MASONS Balls Robert, Bungay road Branch Thomas, Quay st STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Chapman Ros^mna, Market place Mannall KTuabeth, Mill-hill laue Rackham Mary Ann. Quay st Wigg Coroline, Thoroughfare SURGEONS. Garrard & Beales, Bridge st Harvard Frederick, Quay st Pedgiift Augustus, Bridge st Rudland George Harrington, Tho- roughfare TAILORS. Marked thus * are also Oraperi. Blanden William. Chediston st Builer William, Thoroughfare •Coibyn J(din, Thoroughfare Fisher Edward, Pound st •Goblieit Henry G., Thoroughfare Howard Stephen, Chediston st •Jelfiey Chailes, Thoroughfare Marshall William, Quay st Miller James, Chediston st ♦Sutton Robert, Thoroughfare Wright John, Chediston st TAVERNS et PUBLIC HOUSES. Hawk, James Cooper, Bridge «t King's Head, Ann Water«, Quay »t Rose & Crown, Wm. Palmer.Chediston St Ship, George Simmonds, Bridge »t Sun, James Ford, Pound st Swan, Thomas Neeve, Pound st Wellington, John Newion, Chediston st Wherrv, William Watson, Quny M hile Hart, Jas. Bloomfield,Thoroughfar» White Lion, Robert Barber, Pound st Retailers of Beer. Kent Thomas, Qnay si Scarle Catherine, Quay st Seamens John, Bungay road Sell Samuel, Chediston st Woolnough William, Chediston it WATCH et CLOCK MAKERS. Chilver Samuel, Thoroughfare Dowsing William, Market place Riches Gabriel, Thoroughfare Wigg VVilliam, Thoroughfare Miscellaneous Barber Robert, corn chandler. Pound it Bilney Sarah, stay maker, 'Mill-hill lane Biiller James, pump maker. Pound »t Carnova Peter,jeweller, Thoroughfare Christie James, inland rerenue officer, Bungay road Collings Wm. wheelwright, Bungay road Crabtree John, clerk to the commissioner! of taxes. Thoroughfare Cross Frederick, clerk to the magistrates. Thoroughfare [Pound it Davy John, auctioneer and appraiser, Farrow Joseph, timber merchant, Quay Fisher Jnhn, gardener, Chedi.«lon *t Gas Works, Wissett road Godliold George, furniture broker. Thoroughfare [Thoroughfare Jeffrey Charles, furnilnre broker, Newson Richard.whilesmith.Chediston «t Stamp OPFicE.'I'horoughfare— ThonoM Tippell, sub-distiibuler Stringer Charles J., surreyor of taxei, Quay street T»ylorJoseph,tinman & brazier,Ponnd »t 83 ^uffcllt. POOR LAW UNION. Workhouse, lilMhhurgh. Ootjfmor— George FuddcII. Afotron— Louisa Funnel). SfAoo/masfrr— C'harlei Castell. 5<-AoWmii(rfjs-Bttsy Bater. finnjeon— Seaman Garrard. Cka plain—lit J. Thomas Harrison. CIrrk to the Boaitl of Guardiani— Daniel Forman. Kttircing OJicers— Anthony Fisher, Crat- field; Thomas Tuthill, Bl)thburgb! Charles White, Whenaslon. HALE SWORT H. COUNTY COURT, Held monthi.v. yi(rf(7e— Francis Kinc Eagle, Esq. I'/erk— Thomas Collins. A-.sistant CIrrk— [iobm B. Bass. High B-iitiff- GeorRe Harry Blake. Aiiittant Bailijf—John Seaman. COACHBS. To IPSWlCH.the (/moil (from Vorwir.h), efery day (Sunday excepted), at lialf- past twelve noon To NORWICH, the Union (from Ips- » iciij, every afternoon (Sun. excepted), ai half-past four; and ihe Eclipse, e\ery Monday, Wednesday & Saturday morn- ing at a quarter before eight ^!atet*js CARRIERS. To BECCLES, - Bailey, Tuesday and Thursday, and — Tooke, Wednesday and Salr.rday To BUNGAY,— Batley, Tues. &Thu«. To H A LDISTON, — Tooke, Thursday To IPSWICH,— Batley, Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday, and James Sawyer, Monday and Friday To LAXFIELD. - Lockfield, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday To NORWICH, James Sawyer.Tuesday, Weduesday and Friday To SOUTH WOLD, John Bedingfield, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday HAVERHILL lis a niaiket-town and parish — the latter chiefly , facture of the town, is weaving a coarse description ill the liuiidri-d of lVi>bri(lKe, Suffolk, and a sniall part ill the liuiidrcd of Hiiickford, Escx. being al«o situated closf to the bolder of CanibridReshire; 59 miles N.N.E. from London, and 34 n. from Ipswich. It was formcily a place of much greater conceuery is too little contrasted for the views to be considered striking, though partaking of all tlie beauties to be discovered in well-cultivated districts. There are several ta'iiefui residences in the neigh- bourhood of Haverhill, some of which are in delightful situations. The principal trade and inanu- of twilled cotton cloth, called drabbet, used princi- pally for wagoners' frocks ; there is also a silk nianu- fictory on a small scale. Sir Geoige H. W. Beau- mont, Bart., is lord of the manor, and holds courts leet and baron ; at one of the former, constables and other officers are appointed annuallv. I'lie present church, a large and ancient strnctnre, is dedicated to .Saint Mary : the liviite is a vicarage in the gift of the lord of the manor ; the present incum- bent is the Rev. Uobei t Roberts. There are places of worshit) for Baptists, Independents and the Society of Friends. A national sclioer Ri'v. Thomas, Gieat Wratting .Syer Rev. Wm. Henry, Keddington 'I'odd RadclifTeP., Esq. Stunner Walton Ellis A. S. Esq., J. p. Haver- hill [low Waynian Rev. William, Great Tliur- ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. I).iiiie« Mi^s (boarding and day) Dtarslt-y Walter (day) Mason Henry (day) National Jubilee School (girls) .Sarah Bridge, mistress ATTORNEYS. Jackson Henry Wyld Jardine John Hinry (and clerk to the magistrates) BAKERS. Bridge George | EveirettSliadracli Coriii-11 Charles | .Mi«on WiHi.im Crick Mary | Radford Juhu BANKERS. Uakes, Bcvan, Moort- & Bcvan(draw on Barclay, Bcvan & Co., I^oti- don) — Joseph Borehani, aeent SAVtsfis' Bank (open on Fiidiys from 12 till 2j — R. P. I'odd, sec BLACKSMITHS. Frost Johu Kiig Gef)ige Price John Spicer James Williams Richard BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Suckling Thomas Turner Jolin Turner Thomas Adams Tlioinas Alhon William Mams Henry Jiuckling John B4 CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Kiieliimj Charles Suckling Samuel CLOTHES DEALERS. Rasham John | Hawes George Callow Benjamin | Mison William DRABBET MANUFACTURERS. Gurieen Daniel & Son Nott Joseph Pearce Peter Woollard William FIRE, &c., OFFICE AGENTS. Ati.as, Samuel Bigmore Noiiwicii Union, .lohit Turner Suffolk, Charles Kitching Sun, William Henry Jackson GROCERS, DRAPERS, AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Basham John Bates & Unwin Dix Charles (and ironmonger) Gowers Thomas Pearce Peter Peck James & Son Wiseman William Christopher Woollard Thos (and corn chandler) HAIR DRESSERS. Basham Williani Hcckford John Kiddill Henry Fvlward INNS AND PUBLIC 'HOUSES. Bell (commeici^l), Klias Ellis Bull, Gc'iriie Hawcs (Jreyhoutid, .Martha .Scotclicr Queen's He.id, .lidm Price Ram, William Woollard Rose & Crown, Henry Mason Weaver's Arms, James Backler Retailers of Beer- Alhon William Backler John Biijiniire .Samuel Bush James Campion Elizabeth Crick John Faulkner Eben«zer Frost Elizaheth .Mason Thomas Mison John Scott Charles Turner Thomas MALTSTERS. Borcham Joseph (and brewer and S()irit merchant) Puikis John MILLERS. Brown James Ruffle Richard MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. Galiifant Hannah GihliiiR Georgiana Hinds Mary Killinghack Susan PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. Brown William Finch Elijah PRINTERS-LETTER-FRESS. Bigmore John Dearsley Walter (and bookseller) STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Bigmore Priscilla Blown Emma Ellis Mary Galiifant Mary Hawes Susannah Suckling Elizabeth SURGEONS. I'stfott Samuel S. Martin Henry Robinson Thomas TAILORS. Ayrcs John Ellis William Fairweather William P'airweather William, jun Lock George Smith Thomas Utrectori) HAVERHILL. ^uf^ollt* WATCH MAKERS. Carter William Wham George Miscellaneous- Arber John, briclilayer Sackler John, bricklayer Berry James, butcher Blandon Robert, butcher Brook Thomas, registrar of births, deatbi and marriages Byford Joseph, wheelwright Chater John & Son, nurserymen Crick Frederick, farrier and coll breaker Crick John, cooper Fairweather William, ironmonger Freestone Susanna, butcher Hag^ar Josiah, saddler Lee Joslina C, cooper Roberts Richard, silk mannficturer Sizer Jonathan, cabinet maker Stamp Office, Chas. Dix,sub-distributer Suckling James, rope and twine maker Webb John, wheelwright POOR LAW UNION. RISBRIUGE UNION. Workhouse, Haverliill. Governur — George Hann. War the manufactiirt of arti'iciai stone — an invention which is iiki ly to become of grrat consequence, and is now exteusively use I for (grindstones, arcliiiectural orna- nient», mouldings, cliimneyi)Jeces, floorings, staiuaiy, &c. The finer de.'cription of paper is alsn extensively made heie by a company, u>ing Kansouic's patent, sizing, parting and drying machines, and worked by powerful .■>team machinery. There are also seveial Dreweries in the town, two extensive sliip-buildmg yaids, with patent slips, an oilcake manufrictory, several ciirn mills ; and themaltint; business is, per- haps, of greater importance and extent here, than in any other town of its size in England. King John, in the first year of his reign, granted the ,.oriKiaMlchaiterr)fincorporation to lp«wich, hearing date May 25th, 1199; by it the burgesses were exempted from the payment of tolls and customs in the dif- ferent ports of the kingdimi— a piivilege enjoyed to this day, by such masters of vessels as are free of th^ borough; but as the immunity extended only to such taxes and customs as were then in force, it is now com- paratively valueless. Edward I, in the 13ih of his rei«n, seized the borough ; but afterwards, receiving «nme service from the ships furijished by the town, contirmed the charters of Kim; John and Henry III: these weie renewed by succeeding monarchs ; and Charles II, in consequence of some jealousies amijng the inhat'itants, granted tliem another charter, which remained in force, until the passing of the Municipal Reform Act, in 1835, which vested the governmentin a high steward (elected for life), a mayor, ten alder- men and thirty councillors, assisted by a recorder au'l the other usual oflit ers, under the style of ' the Bailiffs, Hurgesses and Commonalty of tlie Town or Borough of Ipswich:' the same act divided the town into five wards, and provided for it a special commis- sion of the peace; under the latter there were nine local justices, and the corporation have an efficient po- lice force. The county C'Urts, elected in 1836-7, are in frotit of the county gaol, in Saint Helen-street, and, being built of white brick, in the Tudor orGotliic style, with towers and emhattlements, form a lemaik- ahly attractive object amongst the buiblings of the town. 1 1, the ceniie is the main entrance to the piison, while the wings contain the criminal and the Nisi Pnus courts, in whidi are held the summer county assizes. The sessional tmsiness for the county is likewise trans;icted heie, in January, April, June and October; and the County Court is held monthly, under the act passed in 184G, for adjudicating claims and debts, to any amount not exceeding £20. Tlie borough first returned members lo parliament in the 23rd of Edward I, ami from that period it has uninterrnptedly exercised that privilege : the present representatives are, John Chevallier Cobbold, Esq, and Hugh Edward Adair, Esa. Tlie remrn of members, to represent East Suffolk, is made from this town. Ipspich comprises twelve parishes, and there are a» many churches, besides a chapel of ease; to some of them are attached interesting feaiures, architectural or sepnlchurai — but our space will not admii of a de- tailed notice of ther several attractions. They are re- spectively dedicated to Saint Clement, Siiint Helen, Saint Lawrence, Saint Vlaigaiet, Saint Mary-at-Elms, Saint.Mary-at-the-Key, Saint Maiy Stoke, Saint Mary- ai-the-Tower, Saint Matthew, Saint Niiiiolas, Saint Peter, Saint Stephen, and the Holy Tiinity — the lat- ter a chapel of ease to Saint Clements. There are also places of worship belonginn to various reliuious denominations, indudinjj; Baptists, Independents, UnitariaMS, Methodists, the Society of Friends, Ro- man Catholics !ind Jews — a list of these, with their ministers, will be seen in the directory, and of all other public edifices, institutions, eduC'itional estab- lishments, &c. In its charitable and scientific insti- tutions Ipswich cannot be excelled by any place of similar prosperity and population. The grammar school, a munificent toutidation, is mentioned so early as the 17ih yeai of Fdward IV. The grey-coat boys' and blue-coat girls' was estnldisbed in 1709, for edu- cating and appi enticing the pupil«. There are seveial other public schools, paiochial and otherwise, and one for qualifying girls to become useful servants. Tooley and Smart's foundations, as they are called, are for th^ support of persons maimed in the king's service or otlierwise. Christ's hospital is for the relief of aged individuals and children. There is an excel- lent charity for the relief of poor widows and orphans of clergymen of the established church ; with various other charities of minor importance, all tending to alleviate the sutferinus and diminish the wants of the indigent. A society for literary |)Ut poses was formed I by some gentlemen in 1818, ui>der the name of the * Philological Society.' Among the places of amuse- : nient may be mentioned a small theatie, erected in 1805 ; assembly rooms opened in 1820, and the i Ipswich museum in 1847 — the latter furnished wiih a ■ great variety of specimens in natural history, &c. with a library of valnalde woiks In 1824 a mechanics' institution was established, which is flourishing, and ' has a wood library and a museum : it occupies a large building in Tavern streit, containing a spacious lec- ■ ture room, leading room, committee and class roonus. Thiee newspapeis are pubished in Ipswich weekly — their titles, publishers, &c. are given in the Directory ; and there are several excellent libraries, suhsciiptioii as well as circulating. The markets are held onTues- : day and Saturday ; the first is for corn and cattle, in which very cousideratde business is transacted ; the latter for provisions of all kinds. Fairs May 4th, callel St. George's fair, for cattle and toys; August 22nd, forlimhs, and SepienibiT 25tb, for cheese and butter. The lamb fair is the largest of the kind in the kingdom; from 100,000 to 130,000 at e annually ex- I hibited in the field, and the fair is attended by all the great dealers in the surrounding counties. The popu- lation of the liorough and parishes, in 1831, wa I 20,454, and in 1841, 25,384. POST OFFICE, OLD BUTTER MARKET, Mr. WILLIAM STEFENSON FITCH. Post Master. Arrival of the IVIails From London, and all parts of the South and West, afternoon at a quarter past two, and night at Iwtlvft From BuHY St. Edmunds, all parts of the North, also Scotland and Ireland, every morning at Xtt minutes before len. From Norwich, Yarmouth, Diss, &c. every day at half-past twelve noon. 4 Despatch of the Mails 1 To London and all parts of the South and West every morning at one, and twenty minutes past ninf. To BuKY St. Edmund's and all patts of the North, also Scotland and Ireland,. every iifternoon at half- past one, mIso to the North and Scotland liy the London Mails. To Norwich, Yarmouth, Diss, ?t., Woodbridge road Bulling Miss — , Noiwich road Burcii Mrs. Mary, Norwich road Burrell Honble. Luidsey, Stoke park Burroughes Thomas D'Eye, Esq. London road Burrows Mr. Robert, Victoria st, London road Burton Mr. Robt., Woodbridge road Butcher Mr. Robt., Woodhridge id Cunipbell Frederick William, Esq. Berkfield lodge Can ham Mr. Thomas, Norwich rd Canington Mr. Maffen, Victoria st, London road Carter Mrs. Mary, St. Matthew's terrace Catt Mr. William, London road CaitMr. Samuel, Norwich road Chaplin Mr. John, Berner's st Chapman Mrs. Fanny, Norwich rd Chapman Mr. Samuel Belcher, Berner's street Cheiierv Mr. John, Wesfgate st ChfvallitT Mr. Richard Edncumbe, Church street [biidge road Chuichall Mi^s Hannah, Berner's st Eduar Rev. Milison G. Redhouse, Westerfield road Edwards Miss Caioline, Berner's st fc;iwes Mrs. Sarah, Norwich road Elwes Tliontas Harvey, Esq. Lower Brook st Ennis Miss Charlotte, Westgate st Ewing Rey. Wm., Woodhridae road Faieis Mr. William B., Berner's st Feiiwick Rev. John, m.a., Lower Brook st Fire Rev. Edwin, High st Hisk Mr. William, Cocks' lane Finch Mrs. Mxiy, Woodbiidge road Finch Mr. Samuel, Fore st, St. Clement's Fisiier Mrs. Eliza, Norwich road Fisk Mr. Chailes, Woodhridge road Fisk Miss Su-aii, St. George's st Fitih Mrs. EHzdheth, Queen st Fitch Mrs. Elizabeth, Brrner's st Fonneieau Rev. William Charles, Christ's ciiiirch Fosdike Miss Elizabeth, Silent st Freeman Mr. William, High st Frcwt r Mr. Isnac, Berner's at Frost Mr. Is^tac, High st Fuller Mr. Jidin, Church st Gay Rev. John, St Georges st Gave Rev. Chas. Hicks, Norwicli rd Giles Mrs. Sarah, Norwich road G(d(Kburv Mrs. Susannah, St George's street Gooch M r. James, Woodbridge road (Joodchild Mr. William, StHelen st Gonding Mrs. — , (>)ck>' lane Goose Mrs. Mary Ann, Queen st Govving Thos. Shave, Esq., Mount st Graves Mrs. Peagy. Noiwich road Hall.> Rev. Henry, London road Hainiltun Captain Robert C, Ber- ner's street Hamilton Mrs. — , Hill house Haibur Rev. Wm., Foundation st HarcourtMr. Fredik., Norwich rd Hatcher Mrs. Mary, Loudon rond Head Miss Caroline, Woodbridgrrd Hill Mrs. Ann, St. Georges st H'llman Mr. John, Berner's st Hockley Major Thomas Henry, St. Matthew street Holtiroipk Mr. — , Norwich road Holden Mrs. Rehecci, Highst Holiand Rev. Chas.,St.Stcphen's la Howard Mrs. Eliza, Tower tcrrnce Howard Mrs.Elzbih., Woodbridge rd Howes Mr3.Cliarlotte,Foundation st Hovvth Mrs. Eliza, Nortnsate st Hnninan Mr. Jordan, Benier'sst Hunt Mr. Edward, Benier'sst Hunt Mr. John, Norwich road Hunt Mr. Samuel, Wlierstead road Jackson Rev. Stephen, Hiilifax Jarman Mr. John Palmer, Mile end Johnson Mrs. Ann, Lwr. Brook st Jones Mrs. Harriet, St. Georges st Kali!«h Rev. Moses, Ropevvaik Kemble Mr. Hammond, Museum st KMinitigale Mr. Robt.,Lwi. Brook st Keriidae Mr. George, Noi\vi( h load Kersey Mr. Joshua, Berner's st King the Misses — Tuddenham rd King Rlrs. Mary, St. Mary's tower Ktnjrsbury Limt. '•Vm., Norwich rd Klotfer Mrs. Eltheii, Berner's st Lake Mrs. Mary Elizabeth, Soane st Lambert Mr. Alfred, Berner's st Last Mr. Joseph, Limdon road Lay Mr. Thomas, Woodbridge road Leach Mr. John, Norwich road Leath Mr. Thos. R., Woodbridge rd Ledger Rev. William, Loudon road Lee Rev. Richard, Woodhridge road Leeds Miss Frances Elizabeili, Ber- ner's street Leggitt Mr. — , Bernei's st Leverett Mr. Henry, St. Matthew st Leverett Mrs. Maiia A., Berner's st Levett Miss Lucy Elizbtb., Highst Lester Mrs. Mary Ann, Berner's st Lillistone William, E^q., Chauntry Littlewood Miss — , High st l.iord Rev. Isanc, Museum st Lunisden Rev. Henry Thomas, St. Peter's Vicarage Marfarlane Mrs. Mary Ann, Wood- bridge road [bridge road Marriott Mrs. Martha D., Wood- Marsh Mrs. Louisa, Mile end Martin the Misses Arabella, Mary, & Marii, Norwich road Mason Mr. Gecirge, Norwicli road Mason Rev. Thomas, Carr st Matthew Mrs. Hannah, Berner's st Maude Rev. Henry F., Chuich st Maude Mr. William, Woodbridge rd Mmw Mr. John, Woodbridge road Moiton Mr. James C , Berner's st Moyse Mr.>*. Saiah, St. G< oiges st Murray Rev. Georae, Berner's st Ne>es Mrs. Elizabeth, St.NichoJasst Nicolson Mrs. Eliza, Berner's st Nodin Mi>s Essex, 3 Prioiy place Norman Mrs. Sarah, Norwich road Notcutt Miss Elizabeth Abbot, Lower Brook st Notcutt Rev. William, Tacket st Orford Rev Jami s, St. Matthew st Orman Mrs. Emma, Silent st Paalar Rev Chares, Elm st Palmer Mrs. Elizbtb., Woodbridge rd Patterson Mrs. Lucy, Foundation st Pearce Mr. Jostph, Stoke st PepperMr. John, London road Perkins Mr. Jonathan, St. Helen st Peikins Mr Jonthn. , Woodbridge rd Periy Mr. Roi>eit, Reiner's »t Perrv .Miss Sophia, Berners st Pierce Mr. William. Berner's st Pipe Mr. William, Tavern st Pitcairn Miss Mary, Norwich road Pitcairn Mr. Wm., Woodbridge road Poock Rev. Thonia-', Fonnercau st Potter Mr, John, High st Porter Richard, Esq. Lwr. Brook st Powell Mrs. Ann, 5 Priory place Quilter Mr. John, Norwich road Ram J ames,Esq . ( barrister ), Silent st Ramsey Capt.Robt ,r.n., Berner's et Kay Mr. Sliepji^rd, St. Helen st Reeve Mrs. Eliza, St. Peter st Reeve .Mrs. Soiihia, Lower Brook st Revttt Mrs. Amelia, Reiner's st Rivers Mrs. Ann Maiia, Wood- bridge r. ad Rivers Mr. James, Woodbridge road Roridam Mrs. Mary, Tower st RontMis. Susanh. Page,Beriiei's st Sampson Mr. John, Noiwich load Sanderson Mrs. Ann, Beri.eisst Scarlett Mr. Robert, College st Scoit Mrs. Elizabeth, High .st Scott Major Thomas, Noiwich road Scott Mr. William, High st SeagroveMr. Geo., Woodbridge road Selby Miss Charlotte, Providence st Sheldrake Miss Ann, High st 37 ^uffolfe. GENTRY, et<:.— Continued. Sim|)-oa Mr. James, Currier's Arm^ lane Singleton Mr. Thomas, St. Helen st Skitter Mr. Kobert, Victoria street, Londdi) piad Smalley Mrs. Frances Jaue, St. Georges st Smart Mis-* Erama,\Voodbridge road Smart Mis.s M-iry, Church st Smith Mr. James, Berner's st Smyth Jii>eph, Esq., Stol^e Hall S()itrke Miss Hannah, Silent st Stebhing Miss Uachael S., Orwell pi Strahan Miss Ehbtl!..6 Priory place Taylor Miss Ann, St. Peter st Taylor Mr. Samul, Wondbri'lge rd Templeton Mi-. Edward, London nl Tirom^is Rev. Thomas Felix, Lon- don road [road Thurlow Miss Mary L., Norwich Thurnham Major Michael, West- gate street Tiduitn Mr. Tlioma«, Northgate fit TovellMis. Louisa H., Victoria st, London road TuiineyMis. Jane, Berner's st Tunncy Rev. Jolin Robert, Founda- tion st Turner Miss Elizhth., London road Tydfnian .Mrs. Emma, Silent st Unwin Mrs. .Ann, Lower Brook .st Venness Rev. HenrvThos., College st Waltonl Mr. De'sboroug, 2 St. Matihew ten ace Walker Step'ien, Esq., Falcon nt Ward .Miss El/.bth., St. Nicholas st Ward Mrs. Mary, WondhiidKe road Waters Mr. George, St. Georges st Webb Rev. James, Wher^tead road Webb Mr. William, Branif^rd road Weiin Mis. Louisa, Ijondon road Wi-st Mrs. Eleanor, New st Whitby Rev. John, Priais' road Williams Rev. (Jeorne, Berner's sf Williams Mr. John Hnv.,Londonrd Wist- Mrs. Mary Ann, High st Wond Miss Mary, Woodiiridge road Woodhousf Rev. Waller Webb, Woodbridge road [Brook st Woodward Miss Dorothy, Lower Wynne Mr. George, Berner's st Vouiit; Mrs. Elizaheth Susannah, Woodbridge road ACADEMIES AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Marked thus * are Ho.irdine ans [wich rd •Brocklebank Rev. William, Nor- Bnck John, Lower Brook st •Buck Mary, St. Helen st Rnrraire Mary, Silent st •Buxton Henry, Carr st •Cade Robert, Forest, St.Clcnients Ciiiiist's Hospital School, Wheistead road— Thomas Potter Howe, master •Codd Klizaheth,'^t.Marearet's plaiu CiMider Tiromas, St. Nicholas' st •Cutting Elizabeth, Norwich road •F"-ter !,.oui»a, Elm st (Jodhold Jolin, Princes st CiRAMMAR School, Foundation st —Rev. John Fenwick, master 38 IPSWICH. Groom Ann, 1 St. Matthews terr. Harris Agnes, Wolsey st Humphrey Elizabeth, Berners st Infants' School {Saint Helens and Saint Clements) New Vic- toria st— Mary Aun Southcoit, nii-tress Infants' School (Saint Marga- ret's) St. Margaret's green— Eliza Bailey, mi>tress •Kimmaue John, New Victoria st Kitton Mary, St. Matthew's st •Lancaster Jas, St. M-irgarei's plain LANCASTtRiAN SCHOOL, Founda- tion st — Harriet Bennett, misti ess Long Daniel, St. Helen st Norman Maria, Fore st, St.Clement Orris John, New st •Paiilar Rev. Charle.o, Elm St Posford Saiah, Woodbridge road •Powell Sarah Ann, St. Peter st Saint Helens and Saint Cle- ment's, New Victoiia st — Ennua Widgery, mistress Saint Margaret's Parochial School, St. Stephen's lane — Eli- zabeth Durrant, mistress ^latn'0 Fleury Christopher, Neal st Harvey Fredeiick,TowerClnirch yrd Phipson Richard Mackiewaine, Upper Brook st and 34 Moorgate street, London White Edward E., High st Woolnouyh Henry, Noithgatest ARriFICIAI. STONE MANU- FACTURERS—PATENT. Ransome & Parsons (patentees) Flint wharf ATTORNEYS. Baker Isaac Palmer, Lower Brook st Brame Benjamin, Lower Brook st Bonn Heniy, E'm st Bunn William, Westgate «t Cobbold & Yarington, Tower st Daniel Woodruffe, Elm .st Dunningh'ini John, Lower Brook st Ewington W'm., St. Margaret's gni Fuller Horatio, Woodbridge road Galsworthy Roberi, Carr st Grini>ev Thomas, St. Nicholas' st Guy Henry, King st Hunt William P., St. Matthew st Jackaman Simeon Batley, Silent st Saint Matthews' District j Josselyn & Westhorp, Tower st School, Church lane — John! Lawraiice Eleazar,Old Buttermarkt Evans master; Mary Louisal Lawrance Heniy Fonndatiou st Smith, mistress LongPet'rBartholomew,Museumst Saint Peter's School (boys), Notcutt Stephen Abbott (and town St. Peter st — Richard Thorpe, master Saint Peter's School (girls) Friars road — Helen VVoehrle, mistress •Shalders Charlotte, Elm st Slieldnike Catherine, Eriar st StedmanLncyAiin,Northsiate st [rd *Temi)any Philadelphia, Woodbridse Trinity Church School, Fore hamlet — Stephen Clark, master; Charlotte Stiickland, mistress •Watson Charles, Berners st Wesleyan School, Wycksbishop st — John Peachey, master; Sarah Peachey, nii>tress Wolsey Emma. Fore hamlet ACCOUNTANTS. Btay Jacob Peel, Westeate st Cole Arthur Thomas, Tacket st Ensor John Lot, Handford road AGENTS. (See also Fire. i(c. Office Agents ,- ■ Land Agents ; Porter Agents ; Shipping Agents, Hcc ) Aldrich Octavins (commission) St. Peter's wharf, Key st Cowell Samuel Harrison (tor Betts' brandy and Whitbread's porter). New Market lane Everett William (for the patent tile and Mosaic pavement company). Tavern st Guy Henry (for the Property Pro- tertion Society of London), King st Haggar Edwat'd & Son (for the Thames Plate Glass Co.), King st Hutchinson Wm. (house), Soane .st ansome & Parsons (commission), RKlinl whnrf Rix & Burton (brewery), Wcstgal est Townsend Charles T. (general, and agent for the Guarantee Society), Ciisti'm Housebuildings AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- MENT, &c. MANUFACTURERS. Hiitwood & Turner, Ccdiete st Rinsomes& May (and patentees), Orwell Works, Qu ly ARCHITECTS «t SURVEYORS. (See also Surviijors.) Backhouse lieiij , sen., Norwich rd I Barnes Frederick, Lower Brook st clerk and clerk of the peace) Westgate st Orford John, Falcon st Pownall Kdward, Edward st Prettyman Charle*^, Silent st Rodwell, Stewatd & Rodwell, Pro- vidence street Sparrowe John Eddowes (and coro- ner). Old Butter market AUCTIONEERS «c APPRAISRS. Berrvmun Thomas, Tacket st Brown Robert, St. Peter st Chuichman & Turner. Westgate st Colchester Benjamin, Providence st Garrod Robert, Old Butter market Haill James. Westgate st Randall William, Upper Orwell st Rix & Burton, Westeate st Ross Thomas Baldock (anil share hioker), St. Peter st [Brook st Waller We.strop William, Upper BAKERS Bt FLOUR DEALERS. Allcock Thomas, Key .st Allman Joseph, Com hill AUman Joseph, Upper Orwell st Attle H' nry. Rope walk Bailey VVilliam, St Matthew st Birch Robert, Lower Orwell st Blooiufield Jas., Fore st,St.Clementt Brown Chatlc"^, Dog's Head lane Calver Thomas, jun.. Bell lane Carter John, Wheistead road Cattcrmole William, Borough road Chandler Charles, VN'ondhridKC road Chaplin Thomas, Norwich road Chapman Charles, Lady lane Clarke James, Eagle st Closson Henry, Carr st CoiksRohen, St. Matihew st Collett Charles, St. Margaret's plain Elli^ton William, Mount st Feek John, Fiiars road Feek Joseph, Tavern st Fenton Abiaham, St. George's st Flory William, Fore st, St.ClementS Fnlcher John, (Jihson st Fulcher Robert, Fore hamlet Fnnnell James, Lower Orwell St Garnham William, Halifax Girling Robert, Pottery st Goreham Edward, New st Green Elijah, Duke st JBittttox^* IPSWCIH. ^tlffolfe. Gunn George, Naverre st Hamiuoiid Jolin, John »t Hancock John, St. Nicholas' st Hewitt Charles. St. Margaret's st Hovvgego J er., St. Margaret's plain Howell Alexander, VVoodbiidge rd Kent Su>an, Norwich load Kitten Harvey R., Norwich road Larst Henry, Westgnte st Lexton John, Clay lane Mann Louisa, Bell lane Mayhew James, Borough road Norman Henry, Handforth road Parker Jo^epli, St. Matthew st Potter John, St. Lawrence st Reeder Robert, Fore st.St.Clemeuts Rose George, Friars st Scarlett Charles, St. Helen st Shreeve Thos, Fore st, St. Clements Smyth George, St. Peter st Smyth Simon, Upper Orwell st Suell Daniel, Mount st Sntll Roiiert Baker, Curve st Stuitd Henry Rolve, Mount st Thompson Robert, Tavei n st Ward Jborn Sanil, Fore st St. Clement's Tooke John, St. Matthew st BERLIN REPOSITORIES. Browning Selini,01d Butter market Lee Sarah Ann, Queen st BIRD AND ANIMAL PRE- SERVERS. Bilson William, Museum st Gull James, St. Stephen's lane BLACKSMITHS. Avis Thomas, liagle st Barton Robert. Stoke st Betts Lot, Lady lane Bloomlield Nimrod.St. Margarets st Chaplin John, Church st Cot'per & Harvvood, Key st Cooper & Noble,St. Margaret's grn Dunnant John, Tower terrace Harwood James, Key st Hazelton Isaac, Tanner's lane Knights James, Key st Linillev John, Tanner's lane Smith Thomas, BlHck Hoitse lane Tydeman William, Bell lane Vince John, St. Margaret's plain Webb Samuel, Key st Wriglit David, Fore hamlet BOOKBINDERS. Brook .lames. Princes st Garwood Edward, Falcon st. Parker Joseph (and embosser), St. Stei>hen's lane BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. Marked thus « are also Printers. [See also Printers.) ♦Burton Joseph Mum ford (and publisher), Tavern st •Cowell Samuel Hanison (whole- sale and machine ruler, and account book maker). Old But- ter maiket •Deck Robert, Cornhill *Dorkin Anthony, Upper Brook st •Hunt EdvvHid & Sou (and pub- lishers). Tavern st Motley David (and fancy and fine art repository), Queen st Motley Mary Ann Jane, Old But- ter market Nunn James, Upper Orwell st Pannifer Nathaniel jun. Fore st St. Clement's [hill Pask Cbas. Alfred rtravelling)Corn- *Paw9ey Jane, Ola Butter market Read James, Cornhill *Sc"ggins John, Orwell place Scotfoid Wm (travelling) Ffiar'srd •Shalders James, We^tgate st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Ayland John, Victoria st Bacon John, Carr st Bailey William, Mount st Baker Joshua, Woodbridge road Beimitt William, Church st Bennett William, Tavern st Blake My. Ann, Fore st St.Clements Blashy William, ('rown lane [rd Blowers Robert, Victoria st London Brett John, Tavern st Brunimitt Benjn, St. Helen st [st Buckingham Jonthn.& Son, Tavern Carr James St. Lawrence st Chilman Robert, Tacket st Claike Henry (wholesale). Princes st Kiiigsi Clarke John, Fore st St.Clements Clarke Joseph. Berner'.s st Clarke Robert, Priory st Clarke William, Woodbridge road Cooper Robert, Woodbridne road Cresswell James, Queen st Ciisp Birtholomew, Foundry road Dallison Sarah (dealer) Norwich rd Dawson William, St. Matthew st Day Thomas, Norwich road Dennant David, Bramford road Dobson Daniel. Fore st St. Clements Drake James, St. Peter st Drake John, Silent st Ellis J hii. Foundry road Fletcher VVilliam, Foundry road Fox Philip, St. Stephen's lane Fox Salter. St. Nicholas' st FreeniHii William, Rope walk Fuller James, Mill st Fuller William, Bell lane Gan-ard William, Back hamlet Gosling Joseph, Woodbridge road Gooding Geo. Fore st St. Clements Grayston Daniel, Norwich road Green Thomas, Dog's Head lane Griss William, Mount st Hall William, College st Hamhliii Robert, St. Nicholas' st Harrison Henry E., Crown st Harrison Wm. P., Uppei Brook st Hillyard Chas. Fore st St. Clements Hitchcock Jos. Currier's Arms lane James Joseph, Church st Jameson Chailes Henry, Church lane, St. Matthew's Johnson & Cooke, Tacket st Johnson VVilliam, We.Nigate st Johnson Wm. Fore st St. Clements Lucock William, Arthur st Marshall Samuel, Lady lane Nixon James, St. Georxe st Osborn Henry, 'I'acket st Osborn Roger, Tavein st Parker James, Rope walk Payne Richard & Son, Church lane St. Matthew's Peck Rf.bert, Dnke st Podd Peicival, St. Stephen's lane Pollard Henry, Dog's Head lane Pollard Henry Spencer, Mount st Poole William, Frl ir st Price Frederick, Carr st Rayner John, Fore hamlet Rayner William, St. Ptter st Reeve Edward, Black Horse lane Richmond James, Upper Orwell st Robinson John. Albion st Sewell James, Fore stSt. Clements Sheldrake Johii, Carr st Sheldrake VVilliam Henry, Old But- ter market Sherman John, James st Ship James, Queen st Simpson James, St. Lawrence at Smeeton Thomas, Cornhill Smith Henry B,, Back hamlet Smith James, Princes st Smith Thotnas, Back hamlet Smith WiJliam, St. Margaret's grn Soi'thern Thomas, Mount st Sporle Geoige, Bell lane Sporle Joseph, Wherstead road Sporle William, Norwich road Sprole Hannah, Old Butter market Sprole Jabez, Ta>ern st Stannard Samuel, Lower Orwell st Stevens Robert, Carr st Stiange Thomas, Curve st TaylorThoma*, Curve st Todd Jame.s St. Matthew st Turner William, Stoke st Tye James, Virtoria st Walker Samuel, John st Ward Jonathan, Norwich road Wf lis Charles, Hahfaxst Whight Richard, St. Helen st Wiles Samuel, Duke st Wilson George, St.NichoIas' st Wilson George, St. George st Wilson John, Dial lane Wright Daniel H., Upr. Orwell it Wright Geoige, St. Helen st BREWERS. Blogg Ashton, Foundation Brewery Bowman Robert & Alfred, Falcon Brewery, Falcon st Chaplin Win. Jackson, Westgate st Cobbold John, Chff Brewery Pryke John, Viciori i st London rd Ridley George & Henry, Fore stSt. Clements Taylor William, Church st [grn Whimper Nathaniel, St. Margaret's BRICK MAKERS. Bennett John, Cbnrch «t Canham Noah Clarke, Back hamlet Fisk Francis (and tile). St. Helen st Garictt Garrett (welsh fiie-brlck merchant), St. Margaret's green Thoindike James (and tile). Stoke Turner William, Fore hamlet BRICKLAYER S&PLASTERERS Bennett John, Back st Canhain Simon, Back hamlet Catd Henry, St. Helen st Catiermole William, Cock's lane Coping John, St. .Margaret st 39 ^uffolfe. iPSwrcH. ^latn'5 BRICKLAYERS, Sec.— Continued. Cos«ey Kicliaid, Cliurcli lane St Matthews Ellis GeiMKe Eveleigli, Silent st Fi^-k Henry, Kop-- walk Godilard John, Wvkei-bishop st Gieen William Henrv, Beiiier st Giiniwade Cliailes, NVoodbiidire id , JJiiiritks Henry, Black H.Mse lane JeuKins Samuel, St. Pt-ier st Keyes Jeremiah, St. .Matthew st Morfey William, Norv\icl) road ^Illllfy George, St. Helen st Mundy Andn-w, St. Helen .st Pells John & Son, Borough road Smith George, St. Matthiw st BRUSH MAKERS. Bi.'thop Edward Willniott, Old Butter niai ket Biitlett Frederick, St, Matthew st Spinks Edward, St. NicliolaM* st BUILDERS 6e CARPENTERS. Bacon Sanuicl, Berner st Baldiston Samuel, Stnke st Beiinitt Jolin. jnn. Churcl) st Cornish Searles, London road Davy Henry, Cock'^ lane Day James, Northgate st Farinan Rohert, St. Helen st Firmer James, Woodbiidge road Gibiioiis Edward, Wolsev st Goldsmith Thoma<, St. Margaret st Green Thomas, Tower terrace Hearsuni John, Crown st Hopper Thomas, St. Peter st [si Levcrett Henry Fredk. St. Matthew Luff Henry, Clay lane Manclarke William, St. Margaret st ALisoi) Frederick, Lower Brook st Neep Win. \'ittoria st London rd Peitit Joseph A., Lower, (Jrwell st Ribbans Wm Parks, St Matthew st Simu^on Samuel, INluseuni st Smith Hy B.. Foie st Si. Clement^ Tink Wiiliain, Norwich road Whight John, St. Stephen's lane BUTCHERS. Marked thus • are Pork Butchers. Andrews Geo, Watts, Westnate st Andiews John, Old Butter market Biker Eliza, St. Peter st B.iker Henry, Fore st St. Clements Baker Richard, New Market st Biker Richard Wm. St. Margaret st Barnes Benjamin, Bell lane Barnes Benjamin, Carr st Baittii Joseph, Upper Brook st Beard Isaac, Norwich road Jieard Marv, Taiern st Beard Philip, St. Peter st Berry Ivlward, Carver st Bevan Charles, Silent st Beian Edward, Can- st Bevan James, Silent st Clarke Joseph, Mount st •Cook Geoige, St. Peter »t •C...\ John, St. Matihewst •Cox Samuel, Handfoid load •Cuitis .lohn. Mount st Curtis Wm. Thorouchfare, Cornhill D.ihiell Brett, Kin« st Farthing Georj^e, Rope walk Foreman .S.iiniiel, Fore hamlet Foremm Samuel, Mount st GladiiiK James, Forehanilet Go( her Thomas, Wcsi^ate st •Herhert SamI Forest St.Clements •Hicks Charles John st Mil ks Cliailes, Hope walk Holder David, New market Flol'ler V\ iliiau), Curriers' Arms la Howlanil Sarah Ann, Fore st St. Clements Jenniiigi Mark, Bell lane 40 Jones John C, St Matthew st King Martha, Queen st Kini! Stephen, Queen st King Stepiien, 'Packet st •Llo)d James. Fore hamlet King Stephen B.Forest St.Clements Loiking James, Wykesbishop st .Marstoii Maiy Ann, Victoria st Lon !on road Oi.sborn Alfred, New maiket Orvis Mary, St Marnaret's plain Piatt Geoige, New niaiket Prentice Israel, St. Matthew st ?■ entice Stephen, New market •Proi ter J;imes, Stoke st [{owell Mich lel. Church st Scott Fiances, New market •Scrivener Giegory Mount st Seager Joseph, Friar st •Stager Joseph, Fore hamlet *Se.iger Robeit, St. Peter st Seagiaie David, Tacket st Setterfield Elizaheth, Falcon st Setterfield John, Forest St.Clements Sharraan David, Mount st Smith Charles, New market Smith William, Upper Orwell st Sturgon Mary Ann, Victoria st Symonds Robert, Lower Orweil st Taylor Samuel, Key st Thurston Giorge, Halifax Upson Michael, New market kValler Jo.seph, St. Peter st Woliey Abihm. Fore st St.Clements Woodsrll Henry, HandfortI road CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Marked thus * are also Paper Hangers, iiiickingham Charles, St. Matthew st Ch i|)man Alexander, King st *Cidlins James, Westgate st Cross Alfred, Silent st *Deiiny Heniy, Norwich road Downing .lames. Queen st Fletcher John Fiancis. St. George st •Foieman Fredk. Upper Orwell st Oreeiileaf Wm. Foicst, St.Cleinent Jtffery Samuel, Friar st Lambeth Chailes, Tanner's lane Last Joshua, St. George st Leverett Henry, Black Horse lane Leverett James, Friar st Leveiett James, .Mount st Leverett William, St. Matthew st .Minks Williain, Eagle st .Mulley John, Upi>er Brook st .Newson Henry, St. Peter st Nevvson John, Church st Phillips John, St Peter st Riveis Benjiinin, Friar st SeaKiief Charles, Norwich road S< amaii D.ivid, Cock's lane Smith James, Friais' road Stannard William, Fiiar st Tliuiston Josei)h, Queen st Tuiuner Jas. Rohert. Orwell place Turner Thomrts(& chair), Pottery st Taylor Samuel, New Market Woolf Samuel, Upper Brook st CARPENTERS. (See also Builders and Carpenters.) Beaumont ('hailes, Chuichlaiie,St. Matthews Gil ling John, Friar's road Kimble John, Stoke st I'etiiti John, Joseph st Scrivener Wm. Woodliridge road Shrihbs Wm. New cut, Haudford rd Skiet Elmv, Beriiers st Spinks William, College st 'I'uiner .Samuel, Uppei Orwell st Ward James, Mount st Ward John, Woodbri Ige road Welham Edward, Crown $t QARVERS AND GILDERS. Jennings Thomas, Tacket st Read Adolphns, Silent .st Rinnham Henry (caiver in wood), Cair street Roe Owen, 2 Upper Brook st Whittle Wm. H. St. Matthew st CHEESE 6t BUTTER FACTORS. Abbott Samuel (and hop), Cornhill iManiiistre Hobt Forest, St.Clements May John, Common quay May William & Co. St.Peter's wharf Wietts J(dni, Key st CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Alilerson Geoige Fredk. VVesigatest Chapman Broilieis (and wholesale druggists), Cornhill Cole William, Friai's road Cornell Philip James, Tavern st Duningham 'I'homas, Wi stgate st Exre Alfred Benjamin, Tacket st Fitch William Stevenson, Old Butter market Goyder David John, Norwich road Harmer& Ransome (and wholesale druggists) ,Cai r st& St. Clement st Hay ward Edward, Upper Brook st Mai chant Charles Frederick, Old Butter maiket Ridley & Giiniwade (and wholesale druggists) , Sore st, St. Clements SilvesterVVm.Aithur,St.Nicholas' st Wiggin John (and dealer in British wines), St. Matthew st CHINA^ GLASS, &r. DEALERS. ( See also EarthenwareManufactrs.) Adderton Abraham,.'iUpi>erBrook st Bai iiard Asher, Westgate st Bowers Enoch, King st Everett VVilliam (& medical bottle). Tavern st Ritchie James, Old Butter market Suthers William, Old Butter market CLOTHES DEALERS. Ashford Alfred, Fore st, St.Clements Barnard Emanuel, Tacket st Basting James C. Upp r Orwell st Bugg Ann (old), St. Margaret st Burrows Robeit, jun. Silent st Cook Geoige, Dog's Head lane Fia.ser Roderick Donald, Elm .st Mason & Hodgson, Fore street, St. Clements Nunn Jidin, Wesigate st Pmnifer Natbl. Fore st.St.Clements Parker Sarah, 'I'acket st Richards John, St. Matthew st Ru.shbrook Wm. St. Stephen's lane SamuelSamnel, Fore st.St.Clements Stevens Jam' s, Market lane Whitle John, Elm st COACH BUILDERS. Alderton Johti, St. Nicholas' st Benneit Henry, Forest, St. Clements Catt VVilliam, St. Matthew st Gorehani Chiistmas.Woodhridgeid Hood Thomas. Friar's road Hunnibell Edward, Woodbridge rd Hunnibell Timothy, Fore hamlet Kent Ahraham, Cut liers' Arms lane .Mamiini! .'ohii. Tower terrace Ottywill Zechaiiali, Mount st Page John, Whersiead road Qiiadling Edwin, Anston st m Quadling Edwin P. & Co. (and rail- ■ wuy carriage manufacturers and \ contractors). Grey Friars' Works COACHSMITHS AND SPRING MAKERS Cooper & Noble (and hurdle) St. ftlargaret's green Hazelton Isaac, Tanner's lane Smith Tiiomas, Black Horse lane Mxtctotp. COALi raERCHANTS. Archer Itobert, T.ickt-t >t BfaiitKiM.t vVin.Kon st, St.Clements Bridiies & Co. Qiiav Byles Jfrniiiili & Co. Collfge st Christie Joiiii, Ki-y st Clark-James (ninler). Friar's roiid CobboM John, Koiest, St. Cleiiient> CowellA To. Fore st, St. Clements Cuckow James, CJtiay Garreit Gti reti.St.Margaiet's green Knights .iame« W. Quay Legteti Pliilip ('lealer) Friar's road Madden >"(( U'lgniii, Quay Polliid VVihiain. Foiindtiioii st Premice & Hewitt, Quay, and at StoWinarket Prentice Oliver, Quay PreniiceTI)0'iias&Co.\Vherr»Qiia\ Raiisome & Pardons, Flint wliaif Ridliy Henry & George, Fore st, St. CleiH' nts Senion Jame«, Hamlford road Ship Charles, Quay Staniineis Simuel (dealer), Dog's Head lane Waspe Jonathan, St. Peter's wharf CONFECTIONERS St PASTRY- COOKS. CIo.Hsnn Henry, Carr st Cocks Robeit, St. Matthew «t Eaton Charles, Cnriiers' Arms lane Peek J. se()tj, Tavern st Fuller VVilliatn, Tavern st Hill. cock John, St. Nicholas' st Larst Henry, Westgate st Movse Margoet, Tdcket st Pol ter John, St. Lawrence tt Pre ty Edward, King «t Sadler An)brose, Lower Orwell st Skoiililiiu Joseph, Tav. rn st Smyth George, St. Peter st Squires John, 'lacket st Thomiisiin Kobei t, Tavern st Wall Edwaid, Old Butter market Ward John Henry, Coinhili COOPERS. Alexander Henry, Sr. Helen st Barns Clark & Benjamin, St. Petei .st and Westgite st Fisk William, Bidton lane Frost James, Kev st Hayward John, Norwich road Howe William, Foundry road Mntt JoiiHthan, Kine st Paternoster Henrv, Lady lane Smith James, Fore Hamlet Waiuer William (marine), Fore st, St. Clements Whybrew William, Upjx'r Oiwellsi CORK CUTTERS. Chaplin Wiillam Jacksou & Co. Crown lane Peck Sheldjick, Dial lane CORN CHANDLERS. Andrews Charles, Austin st Aiidiews W'lu. Forest, St.CIements KaiHott JidiM, St. Matthew .st Bass I-aai, Fore st, St. Clements Benni t* Joiiii, Ke\ st C(»nk Harriet, Fore st, St.CIements Ensor John, King st Garnham Bobei t, Borongh road Gooch George, St. Stephen's lane Gooding Arthur, K> y st Griuiw.iod Joseph, St. Helen st Harris George, L^ipi-r Orwell st La>t Benjamin, Fcne Hamlet Liimner John, Upper Brook st Roper Saiah, St. Margaret st Sallows Robert, Cornhill Searle Robert S. Carr st Squirrell Wm. Obadiah, Silent st JStokes Susannah, St. Peter st IPSWICH, Sykes John, St. Marearet'.s green Tayhir Robert, St Matthew st WatSMii Ann, F. iind.ition st W. bh Rob rt. Fore vf, St. Clement^ Wolverion Robeit, St. iMiittliew st CORN MERCHANTS. Aldrich Octavius St. Peter's wharf \le.\aiid( rs' & Co. Key st Bridaes & Co. Quay Byles Jeremiah & Co. College st Christie John, Key st Cohbold Ji-hii, Fore st, St.CIements C w. II & Co Fore st. St. Clements Fi»on James, Steam Packet quay Hunt WriBht, St. Peter st Knights James W. Quay Paul Robert, Whetry quay PolUrd Uniliam, F-.nnt. Nicholas' st Kobinson Heniy.KonsrSt.Clements Smith William, St. Matthevv st DENTISTS. Haches Daniel, Northgate st Tracey John, Tack t st Suflfolft. DRESS MAKERS. See Milliners and Dress Makers. DYERS AND SCOURERS. Maxell William, Carr st Hayward Stephen, St. Nicholas' st Smith Charles, Priory st Spearman James, St Matthew st I'rtlb t John, down st EARTHENWARE MANUFAC- TURERS. Schnlen John William, New st Schulen \\m\ Ann, Rope w.ilk EATING-HOUSE KEEPERS. Chaplin Shadrack, Carr st Clarke J()S> pli, Mount st Han is Will am, L^pper Orwell st l^ratt Isaac, Carr st Rndlanil James, St. Steohen's lane Wilhams James, Que en st ENGRAVERS AND COPPER- PLATE PRINTERS. Dai:inger William Henrv, Tacket st Laiuk* Wray Palliser, Tower st FELLMONGERS. Alexander Edv\a>d & S-ii(aud wool merchants). Tanner".'! lane Coiley John, Friars bri'ige Oeiall James, Currier's Anns lane FILTER MANUFACTURERS- WATER, Ransome & Parsons (patent stone, Flint whaif FIRE tec, OFFICES «c AGENTS. Alliance Mutual (life), John Orford, Falcon st jeorge Architects' &CiviL Engineers'* Hichar-I RLPhipson, Up. Brook st. Argus (life). John Simuar, Lower Broik st r,,t Atlas. John Wiggin. St Matthews Britannia (lifei. Hy. Bunn, Elinst British CoMMRHciAL (life),VViUiain Yarini'Uin, rt BRnisii Empire, Uix & Burton, We>tKate st rici,,, st Church or England, Jas. Franks, City of London (lift), Woodruffe Daniel, i:im st Clericai.Medical, andGeneral (lite), Samuel B. Chapman, Ber- iiirs st, and Ebeuexer Goddard, Duke st Consolidated and Investment (lile), Wm. Hutchinson.Soane st Economic (life), Chaiies Silburn. Tavern st Essex Economic (fire), Ebeneier Go'ldard, Duke st Family Endowment (life), Tljos. Grimsey, St. Nicholas st Farmers and General, Ge S, Tovejl, Carr st FiNSBURY Mutual (life), Charles Fiedeiick Maithant, Old Butter niaiket Freemasons' and General, J. Farrar Ransuu, Back sirtet, St. Clements General, George Chri^topherson, Fore St. St Clements Great Britain (life), JohuPrentice, Old Butter market Hand in Hand, Henry Lawrance, Fouiida'ion st India and London (life). Joha Prentice, Old Butter niaiket Indisputable (life), Thomas Dnn- ningham, Wt .stgate st, and Alfred Piper, Old Buttei market Ipswich Mutual Maritime, A' freii Cohbold, secretnry .Tower st Legal anp Commercial, C. T. Townsend, Custom House build- ing", Quay Licensed Victuallers, Thomas Berr'inan, Taiket st Liverpool and London, John Glide, St. Maithews st London Corporation, Alfred Cob- bold, Tower st London, Edinburgh and Dublik, William P. Mills, Mu-^eum st Medical Invalid and General (life), VVe>tr..p William Wdler. Upi)er Bn ok st [Westgate st MuiiAL (life), Ja»nes ShalderS, National Mercantile (life),Har- mer & Ransome, Carr st National Provident (life), Robt. Miller, Old Butler market Norwich Uni<»n, George & Henry Ridlev, Fore st, St. Clements Pelican (life), Charles Pretymao, Silent st [st PH(ENix;fire). J^mes Hail', Westgate Rock (life), Siephen Abbott Not- cutt Westg te st Royal, Wi ham Crde, Friars' road Royal Fxchange, Jane Pawsejr, Old Butter market Standard (lif-), liaac P. Baker, Lower Br(>ok st Suffolk and General Country Amicable (fiie), Foun-lation «t —William Bullai, secretary, Bank buildings p^j Sun, Thomas Grimsey, St. Nicholas Western (life), James Collins, V\' estgate st YoRKSHiRB, Henry Guy, King st 41 Snffolfe. IPSWICH. ^laui'is FISHMONGERS. Bird William, Key st Cooper Eiiiina, Queen st Dani.ll J.i>epli, Wueeii at JSlaiiniiij; Kenjainiii, Coru hill fowtiseii'l Wil.iain, New market Turner Joseph, Keyst Vi'iyaid Cliaili>, ^it Mnitheivs st Wtiods Hubert, Upper Oi vvell Jl FRUITERERS AND GREEN GROCERS. Alvpy JoJin, Carr st Baiiyaid John, St. Stephen's lane B'a'b/ Uanies, St. Matthews st Burch Allen, Rope walk Carv«^ James, Ciown st Chaplin UichanI, St. Matthews st Crick Jiihn, Kina st Cristopherson Charles, Tacket st Day Mary, 13riil?e st Drake Johir, Sileiil st Drrver Levi. Stoke st Eaton Cliarlt*, Currier's Arms lane Fostick James, New Victoria si Gisliiighnin George, Fore st, St. Cifurent GisiinE;ham Joseph, Foundation st Gulley William, Pottery st Haiicfick Cliarles& Son, Carr st Holdt-n J'llin, Friar st Kt ely William F., Key st Poolf-y William, Uppt^r Orwell st Poolev William, Westaate st Roy VVilliam, Rope walk Spall Charles, Dial lane Squires John, Tacket st Stokes Susannah, St. Peter st Taylor Rohert, St. Matthews st Wild ThoniH-i (and florist),Tavern st Wood Tliomas, St. Peter st FURNITURE BROKERS. Barker John, Old Butter market Barker John, Old Butter market Bailing James Coatea, Upper Or- well st Brown Robert, St, Peter st Chapman Alexander, Kiirg st Fi«k VVilliam, Bo ton line [hill He wittWi Ilia m.Thorounhfare Corn- Goodwin Henry, St. Peter st Goodwin Williim, Sihnt st Mason & Hodgson, Fore st. St. Clem-nts Matt Tironiax, Upper Orwell st Ramhird ilob»it, Woodbrirlge road Randall Win Crore .^t, St. Clements R'le Joseph, (Tppcr Brook st Roe WilMam, Mai k't lane Spinks William, Collfpe st 'rnnmer Jatiii s Robert, Orwell place William^ Joseph, Market lane Woolf Samuel, Upper Brook st Wright Johti, Falcon sit FURRIERS. Bnrrage Mary, Silent st Crisp Chaik'H, F-ilcon st Pearce Joseph, Tacket st GAME DEALERS. Bales Georue William, Cornhill Daniell Jo-epli, Queen st Woorl 'I'homas, St. Peter st GARDENERS 6c SEEDSMEN. Allen JoM-i)!], Handfoid road Barker Thomas, HaiMlford road Jiarney Henry, Mount st Fartlieii William, Frier's road Scopes Will'am, St. Nicholas st GAS FITTERS, Avis Thomas, 2 St. Ni<-hola« st Batley Henry Barriii;, Westga'e St Cook William, Upper Brook st Steam Thomas Dallaston, St. Nicholas st Haggar Edward St Sou, King st GINGER BEER AND LEMON- ADE MANUFACTURERS. Gisluuham George, Fore st, St. Clements Haszell Joseph, Duke st [Clements Ridlfy & Griniwaile, Fore st, St. GLASS «t LEAD MERCHANTS, Hangar Edward & Son (and agents for the Thames Plate Glass Coin- puny,) King st GLOVERS. Carter Mary, St. Nicholas st Carter .Mary, Tavern st Dennineton Joseph, Bolton lane Grrodchild Amos, Sih-nt st O.xfrrrd John (and truss maker). Market lane Sawer Phillis, Bridge st GROCERS tt TEA DEALERS. Marked thus # are also Wholesale. [See also S/topkeepers, and also Tea Dealers.) Abbott Samuel, Cornhill Andrews John, Mount st Ashford Charles, Or^vell place Asliford Charles, Westgate st Baker Isaac, F'ore st, St. Clements Barker Clias., Fore st, St. Clements Bentley Mary Ann, Fore st, St. Clements Brook Edwin, King st Brook Isaac, Norwich road Burley David, St. Peter st ♦Burton Charles & Sons, Tavern st Cornier James, Old Butter market Flory Jose|)h, Queen st Garnliam James, St. Matthews st Golibold .lonathan, St. Matlhew.s st Goodwin Edgar, Upper Biookst Goodwin E'lward, St. Peter st Good win Edwd.Fore>t,St.Clements Goss Charles, St. Margaret's plain Harmer Robert, Westtiate st Hawaid Chailes, Westgate st Kimble Benjainin, St, Peter st *Linimer John, Upper Brook st Mannistre George, St, Matthews st Manriistre Robert, Fore st, St, Clements Mason Robert, Tacket st Miller Jonathan, Borough road Miller Robert, Oil Butler market Roner .lames. Key st SiUows Thiiza, Tacket st Saunders Jas, Fore st, St, Clements Setterfi'ld George, Queen st Spililirig Samuel, Westgate st Taylor Joseph, St. Manhews st Thrower Henry, St. Peter st Wainwright Samuel, Old Butter market Ward Robert, E tgle st Webb Robert, Fore st, St. Clements Wretts John, Key st GUN MAKERS. Bales George William (and archery warehouse), Cornhill Bird James, St. Nicholas ?t Robinsnn Hy., Fore st, St. Clements HABERDASHERS. (See a/so Linen Drapers, 6(c.) Conder James, Old Butier market Dickerson Tliomas, Upper Bi iiok st Gi'wer George (and sliirt niii Tavern st laker), HAIR DRESSERS. Marked tlrirs • are also IVrfiimert. Acgar Rolrert. St. Mittliews st Bird Edward, Briflge st •Cresswell Gror^e, Cornhill Dawson Joseph, King st Demutli Frederick, Bramford road Drane VVilliaiv, St. Margarets st . */?dwards Alfred, 1 Upper Brook st Eiiiflish Henry, Lower Orwell st *Fairs Samuel Howe, Tavern st Fro»t John, Fore Hamlet Ginti John, Friars st Gla'iing George, Mount st Glyde John, Eai;le st •Glvde John,St. Maithew st Has/ell Joseph, Duke st Hatelier Berrjimin, Mount st Keeble Charles, Lady lane •Mulley Charles Cooper, Tacket st •Piroley Robert, Cornhill Read Charles, Fore st, St. Cleinentt Roberts Charles, Tav. rn st '• Robertson 'I'homas, Tavt rn st Stammers John, St. Stephens lane •Staiinard .lohn, St, Nicholas' st Wade William, Fore st, St.ClementS Woolener John, St, Peter st HARDWAREMEN. Barnard A>her, Westg ite st Baxter William, Upper Orwell st Blacklin Thoriras, Upper Orwell st Laurhert John, St. Matthew st Levi Moses, St, Matthew st RandsEmanuel,Forest,St,Clements HATTERS Batley John Taykr, Old Butter market [Tavern st Brothers Gilbert (and manufacturer), Bu'cher John. Old Buiter market Girling Henry William, Dukest Grirnwade Richard (and hosier), Westga'est [st Havell William G. St. Margaret st Jenniirgs John, Tavern st Morton John (and manufacturer), St, Peier st [Clements Raphael Abraliam, Fore street, St. Sewell James, Northtate st Sineeton Thos, Old Butter market INK MAKERS. Archer Thomas, Tavern st Pawsey Jane. Old Butter market Weedina; Nathaniel Pagt, Wood- bi idee road INNS AND HOTELS. Coach and Horses (commercial, and boarding house), Westrop Wil- liam Waller, Upper Brook st Crown and Anclior, Thomas Har- ] riuii;ht Hariiet, Fore street, Sr. Clement's MILLWRIGHTS. Collins John, ^\'oodbridge road Hurwood & Turner, College st Ransomes & May, Orwell Works, Quay Wilkin WilliHiu P., St. Helen st MUSIC & MUSICAL INSTRU- MENT SELLERS. Ball Elizabeth & Son, Upr. Brook st Ball John, Upper Brook st Biaiiclii George Henry, Tavern st Foster Robert W., Tavern ft Hunifress George Lowry, St. Nieholas street Hunt Edward & Son, Tavern st Millies Benjamin Geoige(& maker), St. Matthew st [Queen st Motley E. C.(& artists' re|)ository), Pawsey Jane, Old Buiter market newspapers. Ipswich Express and Essex and Suffolk Mercury (Tuesday), Old Butter market — Stephen Piper, pui'lisher. Ipswich Journal (Saturday), Old Buiter niai ket--Stepheii Jackson, proprietor,Robinsou Taylor, pub- lisher Suffolk Chronicle (Saturday), Tavern st — John Kirn?, propiielor OPTICIANS. Bianchi Geor«e Hem y. Tavern si Jennings Thtmias, Tarket ."t PAINTERS et GLAZIERS* [See also Plumbers.) Church Edward, La iy lane Cuihbert John, Carr st Green John, Friirs road Patrick Orlando, St Nicholas st Scailett William, Dial lane PAPER HANGERS See under the head Cabinet Makerf. 48 Suffolk. paper makers bv patent machinery. Ipswich Paper Mill Company, Mr. J. F.tiiar Rall^Oll, iiianaKini; patfner PATTEN * CLOO MAKERS. Gnilii k Jame-' .Smith, Tavern 8t Hill Ariiolrl, Can- st; Rome Williani, Key >t PAWNBnOKERS. Burrows Kohen, Silent >t Chri-itie G'O., Fore st, St.Cl<-ment'8 Frasf r Hod' rick DoiiiiM, Elin 81 Mason Sc H()(lg>oii, Foie kt, St. Clenicnt'K PHYSICIANS. Baird Andrew, Norvvirli road Cla'ke \Villi^lIl, llenier >t Diirrant Clui'stfMihei-, Lwr. Brook st PIANO-PORTE TUNERS AND REPAIRERS. Berry Ti)oiiia:«, Norrticli road CUtkeTliomas, St. Helen st Gndball Jaine.", St Margaret it La'r>.' lane Rainplen Hitliard, Bramford road Re've U()bt.,CI)nicli »t, St. Clement's ■ Ribbans Kredeiick, St. Mautiew st Root William, Lower Brook st Sal monRiclid.,Victoria.>(t, London rd Scott & Srearn, Fore ^', St. Cleincni'.< [Nicholas st Steon I'homaf Dalla-ton, St. Wdtchrnan Wiliiam, Tower teriacc Woods J-iiiie', St. ,Mari;aret st 90RTER MERCHANTS AND AGENTS. Blogif A-ht'Mi, Orwell place Bii.sto Thomas & Son {agent to Iteil & ro.),Tackeft ClMi'lin Will., Jiiek-on. Westgate st Cobiiotd Jolin, Fore stiSt.Clenirnt's Cowell Samuel Harrison (at agent for Wbithiead's porter), New Matket lane Cuthb rt J. H., Qu^y Ea-Ic Charles, St. Matthew st Klory Gt-oive (& agent fur Barclay, Perkins & Co.'s stoui), Saint Peter street Furze Hmiv, Key st Garnham William (agent to Char- riuK'on. Htad& Co.), St. Mar- garet str> ct POST MASTERS, AND OWNEKS OK HORsES, QIGS, &C. FOR HIRE. Btdford Edwd. F. A: Co.,CrovTn •» Ciillum John, Lady laui 44 IPSWICH. Foulfier William, Grey Fiiar.s road Maxwell .lames. Upper Brook st Rouse .lames, St. Heh n »t Uoweil & B. dlord. C;irr st Scott Thomas, Blackhorse line Tiirner William, Blackhors'- lane Woihy Diviij, Komxlat'O" st PRINTERS — LETTER-PRESS. { See also under thehend Hooksellers.] Cowell Samuel Hanison (andAiia- siaiic primer), t)ld Butter maikef Pawn-y .lane (md coppt-r-plaie). Old Butter market Piper St' i>lieii, Old Butter murket U.iiiibird Koleit, Wooilbiidgr road PROFESSORS 6t TEACHERS. Marked llius • aif 'I'eachers ol Music Ball John (dancing) Upper Bronk st •Biamhi Gti.rge H.niy, Tavern st •Bianchi Maria & Amelia, Ta* em >t De St. Felix Fiederick (Fremli) .Museum .st [mad Dean Tlnnnas (drawing), Norwich •Foster Rt)l>ert Wiirnm, Tavirn st Franks James (navieafioin, F.lin st •Gidb.ill Wm, Si. Maigaret'sureen •Humt'res-GeO.Lowiy,>tNictiolas>i •Lcvett Elizai'eth, St. Matiliew it *L"yd Robeit, Victoiia st Monson E'Uvrtrd (wilting, & flagiie- rotype ai tis',& anastatic diaugli t-- Hiaii), Falcon si [st Norm '11 William (piano-fo'te), Silent RiKsell Fredk. (drasving),Bern?is st •Simpson Josiah, Bernrrs st Smart Joliii(drawing),Upr. Brook st Smith Edward ( drawing !,Berncisst •Walker Ellen, Berners st ROPE at TWINE MAKERS. Cook Samuel, Back st,St. Clemei ts Downing John, Friar xt [(Jleinents Rand.s Emanuel, Bell lane Rands Emanuel, jun., Fme st, St. SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Banyard Jolm, St. Stephen's lane Bennett Heiiiy.Fore st,St.ClemciUs Blasby Barne«, St. Matthew sr Dawson William, Woodbi iil^'e road Emiiii-ison Thomas, St. .Maithew st riamiltoii Andrrw, Wherstrad road Hewitt Jo.siah, College st Howes John, St. .Mattliew st King Hrtiiy (and dealer in gigs), Curriers' Arm- lane .May Willi-im, Silent st Noi brooU Jas., Fore st, St.Cl' ments Payne Willi-nn, Sr. Peter st 111 djc Whitmore, .Mount st II ill Isaac. St. Ma.garet's green H.ipsou & Waiglifs, R.ip,- walk Howell Williani, Rope walk Jackson Wihiam. John st Johnson Sarah, St. Helen st King Henry, New Victoria st IStvtrtdrp, iPSwrcH. 5u^olfe. Lust Henry, Fore hamlet Leggeit Pnilip, Kiiaisroad LlO'd FiMNce.", New St RlHikxvell riioiiiiis, St. Nicholas' st Mai nil Jo^lniii, U'hersttad ioe|)h, \Vyck-bi.slio() st Pmvlii.g l^cnj'iniiii. Borough p'ad Qiiinton John. I'otteiy st [uieiils Hands Nathaniel, Bark st, St. Cle- Rivers Sii>aniiah, Jnines st RMbiiison Beijaniin, Mount st Roc Mary, Dukr st Rome Rebeci a, Key st Ro."t. George's st Sage Ji'hn. Sioke st Self Joseph, Princes st Setttifi id Thoiiia.s, Friars road S'ngjt ton Gei'.,St Nlargniei's green Siniilet'Mi William, Uppei' Orwell st Sizer I'hi'injts, Handfoid road Smith Paul, R^'pe walk Smith SaiiiUfi, Pnnidciice place Stevens William, Bridge st Stiaiige Thonirts, Curve St Taylor Joseph, Alb'on st Tlion.psoM David, 18 Friar st Thill low J-inies, Fore hamlet Wadf Mary, Virtoiia st West Edv\a'd, Elm st Wtiitehead William, New st Woods James, Womibiidge road SILVERSMITHS & JEWELERS See ff-'atc/t Sc Cluck Makers, and also Jewellers — fForfiiug. SPIRIT DEALERS. See JFine and Spirit Merchanii. STAY MAKERS-I Clarke Mary & l.iicy, St. Nicholas' st Edwards Elizt Lyons Cari line, Northgate st Soyer Alfred, St. Matluw st Thomas William & Brothers (ma- il uiacturers', St. Sti'pheii's lane STONE A MARBLE IVIASONS. Backhoii>e Benjn. jiin. Norwich id Ft ewer James, Woodhridife road Ir land Uobcrt, Westgate st Swift Hiiani, St. Peter's wharf Tovfli Geor^f Singleton (and stone merchants}, Carr st, and Three Cranes wharf Wllh>'n)s James (and sculptor and modeller), Queen st STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Archer Jonaihan, Muunt st Bird Sarah Ann & .Maiy Aim, Upper Br.iok St Boston Ji'hn, Cnrr st Cha))lin Robeii, Up|)er Brook st Coiik Sarah Ann, Carr st Cooper Phoebe, Falcon st Cos^ey Mai» Ann, I hnrch lane Cri«p Charles, Cock's lane Heritage Thirza, Queen st Juby Elizabeth & Sophia,01d Butler market Keisey Sarah Ann, Black Horse lane Ling Martlia, Church lane Lott Elizabeth, Cornhill M'Phersou Emma, 9 Joiin st Pegg Mary Ann, Black Horse lane Rinue Caroline, Carrst Sarjeani Hannah, Black Horse lane Scjuiiieil Lydia, Silem st Thnnver Mary Ann, Si. Peter st Wright Harriet, F.ire si.St.Clenients SURGEONS. Adams Webster, Kojv st.St.CIements Anuier James H. St. Nicholas' st Hartlett Hcnrv, Lower Brook st Boll. II George, Carr st Clarke Edward, Berner st Drummoi.d Hy.Pilkiiitfton, Silent st Duiiingham 'l'iii.nia>^, Wesigate st Peaice Joseph, Tacket st Edward^ Geuige J. Northgate st Ellision William, St. Peter st Francis James, London road Hamilton William, Westgate st Haiiiniond Chas>. C. Lower Brook st yewitt Joseidi, We^tnate st J.-hn"!'!! Ficderii k William, Queen st Mills William P-.rtridge, Museum si Mnmlord William, 'l'..wer jilace Peacock Thnmas, Berner st Pitcher John, Fore st, St. Clements Ransmi John, Westgate st R'lyle Octaviaii, Church st Sai'npsiinGco.Givfn.St. Matthew st Shaw James, Wo. dhridge road Webster William Henry Bailey, Carr .vireet SURVEYORS. (See also Architects and Sitrveyors.J Adshead John (taxes), High st Groitn Samuel G. (building) Nor- wich lo.id Mi'tiS'ii Edward, Falcon st Phipson Richard Mac kiewaine, Up- pi-r Brook st, and 34 Moorgate st, London White Ed«ard E. High .st Woolnough Henry, Northgate st TAILORS. Marked thus « sireiiKo \V,,ollen Drapers. Austin Sflinnel, P dteiy st Baker Th.. mas, ifi Friar st *Bill.s Edward, Qut en st Bads 'I'h.imas, Ttn\er st •Bate Hi nry, Upper Brook st Belcher .loseph, Norwich road Bell Robert, Noiwich mad •Blowers Fr. derick.St. Margaret st Boireit James, Handford load Brakenbiidge Thomas, Carr st •Clarke Henry, Tacket st •Clarke UiJIiam, Upper Brook st Coibyii William & Son, Berner st •Crispin John, Silent ^t ♦Cuddoig William, Cornhill •Cu'idine William, jnn. King st •Ciiniioid George, OldBuiter market Deiiiiiiigton John, Foundry load Duirant Jona'han, Church st, St. Chincnts Edgley George, St. Peter st Eminersoii James, Mount st Fletcher Jii$e|)li, Cai r st Fuller Giorgi, Rone walk (Jairoil Willam, Htzroy st ♦Gill Edward H. Upper Brook st G'lsliiii! Edward, Chiircli lane G"wini; Richard, Victoria st •Grim wade Richartl, VVe>t«ate st Gnmwi'Oil William, Stoke st *Hagg William, Upper Biook st Howes Will. Fore st, St. Clements Keary Roheri, Priory si Keely .lames. Crown st •Lambert William, St. Lawrence st •Lawrence Hy. Fo e st,Si Clements •Lawrence Henry, Upiier Brook st Levett Joiin, Fore st, St. Clements LovewcU Heiiiy, Cair st Maddocks John, N'uwich road Manning Geortfe. Cardinal st Mower Kdwaid, Fiiirst •Nnnn John Burtess, Westgate it •Nunu William, Tavern st Pepper William, Friar's road •Read E'"«aril, Taiem st Robertson John, St. Stephen's lane •Rogeis John, U|i|ier Orwell st •Rush William, I'pper Brook -st 'In-hbiook Wm. St. Stephen's lane •Sheweli <& Smith, Taiern st Simpson Samuel, New cut, Hand- ford toad Smc. ton Thomas.Old Butter market •Smith John, Tavern st Smith Joseph, Fore st, St.ClemenH Soar William, Soane st •Titlow RoI.ert, St. Margaret st •Tuimier George, Tavern st Tnnnier Henry &. G. oige, Tacket st v\ elliam Ji.hn, Black Horse lane Welhaiii Jidin, King st Whistl. John, Elm st Wot t» Frederick, St. Nicholas st TALLOW CHANDLERS. Baker Isaac. For. st, Si. Cleinenti Clarke Joshua & Cornelius, Grey Friars i oad Goldsbiirv Georce, Tanner's lane Limmer John, Upper Brook st TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Admiral'i HeaH, Richard Ca»ion, iSt Margaret street Anchor, .lolin Claxt"ii. Duke «t Beehive, John Wade. Old Butter market Black Horse, Christopher Goss, Black Horse lane [Ha.iilet Blooniine Myrile, William Turner, Fore Bine Ciiit Boy. James Arti^, Silent »t Bi'ar's Head. Charles Barnes, Austin st Britannia. Frederick Claxton, Dock at Bidl & Dog, Jamei H. Gjtiod, fore at, St. Clement's Bull & Dor. James Harwood. Key it Bull's Head, Henry Hobert Unglisn, Fore SI, St Clement's [Brook st Cock & Pye, George May Tyrrell, Upper Corn Exchange, Charles Alfred Paik, Cornhill Cow and Gate. Samuel Webh, Key it Cow& Pail, George FnI.er, Rope walk Cro.'.s Keys. Wi.liam Sadler, Carr st Crown, Thos. Middleditch, St P^ter it Crown & Anchor, John Shiil»er,Flint whf Crown & Sceptre. Kobeit Mills, Key st Curriers' Arm£,\Villiam Holder, Curriert* .Arms lane Deliance, William M. Finch, Sioke st Dove,Ohadiah Luras, St. Helen st Duke of Kent, John Wh\ard. Upper Orwell st [bridge road Duke of York. Walter Dade, Wood- Eagle, Rohert Wnnds. Upper Oi ivell st Eastern Union Railway Inn, Amos Fisk, Stoke green [Mount at Elepliant and Castle, William Thiirlow, Falcon, Robert fk Alfred Bowman, Falcon at Fealller.«, William Ward, St. Metthew st Fleece, John Howell. Si Matllew st Fox, Henry Haken, Upper Brook st freemasons, Jolin Prjke, Victoria street, London road Friar's Head, George Farriti. Friar st Gardeners' A rm^.Saml.Wehb, Fore Hamlet Globe, George Hawke, St. (Jnorge at Green Man. James Friend, Key st Greyhound. Wm. Lanka»ter, St. George at (iriltin, David Sharman, Mount st Gnflin. John White, Halifax GiMi. Samuel Nollf-r, K'V st Halberd, Mar> Pilch. Ncirthg.ite st Hall Moon, Jidin Allen, Foundation st Halt Moon and Stars, John Baiiioft, St. Matthew street Hiippv Return, James Capon, Duke st Heart'uf Oak, Isabella Ashniead, Duke it Horse and Groom, James Smith. Wood- bridge road [Brook st Ipswich Arms, Philip Stephens, Lower Kin;;'s Arms, William Downing, Cornhill Leopard, Tliomas 'I'rew, Tower terrace Life Boat, William Butley. Halifax Lion, Noah Hambliir;, Bridg* it 45 ;&uffolfe. IPSWICH. ^latei'sf TAVERNS, eic.—Conti)iued. Lord Cliancellor, John Naunton, Gre\ Fiiirs' lOad f*'- Clement's Lord Nelson, Thomai Chisnall, Fore st. Marquess Cornwallis, Edward Uunnett, SI Margiral William, William Wo'ollaid, Hand- ford road [caret's plain Running Buck, William Jeiinings.St. Mar- Safe Harbour, liranwhite Tyrrell Strif- ling. Boroiieh road Salutation, John Baker How, Carr st Saracen's Head, William Russell, St. [Margaret's green Sea Horse, David Worhy, Foundation st Ship, John Stearn, Back Hamlet Shipwrichis' Arms, Samuel Death, Wherstead road Sorre'l Horse, Tampion Brownsmith, Fore street, St. Clement's Spread Eagle. Abraliani Wol5ey,Fore st, St. Clement's Steam Paeket, Henry W. Girling,Duke st Snn, James Gull, St. Stephen's lane Tankard, William Cooper, Tacket st Tlie Case is Altered, Benjamin Dynes, Woodbridge road [road Three Cnps, Charles Pelhim, Bramford Tower Brewery Inn, Robert Esling, 'I'ower terra'C Union Jack, Henry Jenkins, Quay Victoria. William Bacon, Berners it Vine, William Tajlor.Churcb »t W'aeon and Horses, George Butcher, Old Butter market [Hariilet Welcome Sailor, Mary Perryman, Fore Wellineton, Robert Naurrton, Carr st Wherry. William Seai;riet, Wherry quay White Elm, James I.eTett, Fore Hamlet White Hart, John Kent, St Lawrence st W hite .S«an. Thomas Dale. King st Woolpack, Henrj Lee, Bolton lane Retailers of Beer- Ansell Robert, Foundry road Baker William, Quay Balls Henry, Stoke st Barker Edmund, New Victoria st BHrnrn Charles, F«l. George tt F'orein in Samuel, F'ore Hamlet Fulclier .Jame^, Molsey st Fuller Frederick, Curb st Gardiner Charles B , Norwich lOftd Gardiner James, Curve st (jil'-on George, Curve st Glading James, Fore Hamlet Goddard John, Wycksbishop »t Goodswin John, Hope walk 46 Gray Mary Ann, St. Stephen st Hagger James, St. Peter's wharf Hall Thomas, Bramford road Hamblin John, Cliff Harvey William, .Mount st Jackson Charles Trirner, Friars' ro«d Johnson Francis. Key st Jnhnson Jesse, Vict'iria st l.ane William Thurston, James st Madding Henry, Key st Mills John, Lady lane Norbronk Sarah, Birrack yard Norris W illiam. Lower Or« ell st Olive John Thomas, Nrirwich road Palmer Peter, Fore Hamlet Parker John, St. Margaret st Parker Robert, New cut, Handford road Pigu Williim. Woodbridge road Quiller Philip, Currier's Arms lane Quinton John, Pottery st Ransdale Robert, Fore st, St. Clement'5 Head William, Handford road Rowell Michael, Church st, St. Clement's Rudland James, St. Stephen's lan« Saxe Philip, Cardinal st .Seagrief William, Jidin st Se ininian David, Cock's lane Senton James, Mount st Setterfield Thomas, Friars' rood Sidney .Major, Pottery st Smith Edward, Key st Smith William, Upper Orwell it Stearn Thomas. Barclay st Stevens James, Market lane Stripling Thomas, Bridges! Thompson David, 18 Friar st Trew John, Norwich road Trott Henrv Carter, Princes st Turner William, Black Horse 'an9 Tye James, Vic'oria st Utting George Robert, Falcon »l Welch George, Dukest Wilkinson Henry, Duke st Wiiher.sby William W., St. George »t W light Robert, Foundry road TEA AND COFFEE DEALERS' Bennett Tlimnis & Co. (and whole- sale), Taverii st C"oper Thomas, Wycksbishop st Cowell SHiiiuel Hariisoti, New- niaiket lane Kerr James, St. Maiy's tower Limnier Ann, Back st, St. Clements Silhuni Chailea (and Italian ware- house), Tavern st Thompson llobert, Tavern st Turner William, Lower Orwell st W.lis HiKRS & Co., Taverii st Woo'igate William, Handford road TIMBERAcSLATE MERCHANTS AND SAW MILLS. Brown Will. & Co., St Nicholas st M.-isoii Geoige, jiiii. Ciillege at Prentice & Hewitt, Qu.iy, and at Stoivmarket TIN-PLATE WORKERS AND BRAZIERS. Baxter Josepii, Kopcrtalk Burrow.s llobert. Queen st Cook S.iimiel, Wfsusate st Harvey Genrge, Lower Orwell st Meadi'Ws {'hrtiles, Tavern st Mendows William, Wherry quay I'a'tinan John, Dial Iniic Uidl-yJohn, Cornhill [market Siniileton Mary Ann, Old Butter Sinwleton William, (ippei Brook st Vesey William, St. Maigaiet st TOBACCO-PIPE MAKERS. I'-lli.s Henry Tanner's lane Woodwai d .1 no, Ciiri iers' Arms lane TOBACCONISTS. Ba'lcy Daiiiil, Koic .st, St.Clements Hird .los.|ih, .St. Peter .'*t Chnicipiuin William (.tnd manufac- tuieij, Hyde P.irk corner Claike John Si ptimus, \}. Brofik st Dotliie & Sonmiy (:ind uianiifac- turcr"), Orwdl place Giles Eert H., Norwich road Long John, Kinti st Shorten Charles T., Crown st Vincent Nathaniel, Handford road WATCH AND CLOCKIMAKEB3. Marked thus • are also Jewellers. Ashford \Vm, Fore st, St. Clements Buckingham Klizabeth, Forest, St. Clements •Burgess Charles Smith (and silver* siinth), Tavern street Burkle David & Co. (clock), Saint Peter street Cade Bob- It. Fore st, St. Clements Caiisd.ile Solomon, Upper Brook St •Cole Rithaid Sienton (and chrono- meter and silversmith), Cornhill FrancisRieharil,Fiire st.St. Clements Gwynn William, Norwich road *Read D.iniel (and silversmith), Westg -te st [st •Roheit.son Ebenczcr.Lower Brook * Roe Joseph, TacKet st *.Scliulen Charles, Tacket st •Sparks John Josiah, 'lavern st Storey George, St. Margaret st WHEELWRIGHTS. Diinneit Thomas, Uiiper Orwell st Plaiitcn William Lewis, Church st, St. Clements Riiliinson John, Foundry road ."^ingleioii (ieo, St Maigaret'.s green Sinnleton Williaii), Upper Orwell st WHITESMITHS AND BELL- HANGERS. Avis Thomas, St. Nicholas st Backhnuse Noaii, St. Matthew st Bitd Mary Ann, Northgate st Bmwii John, Tower ditches Gosling John, St. Nlciiolas st Meadows Charles, Tavern st Osliorn Riiheit (and iron brazier), Upper Orwell st Pattnian John, Dial lane Robinson ChaiUs, Kinif st I'eager John Henrv. Klin st rydeniaii William, Bell lane WHITING MAKERS. Fi.sk Henry, Ropewalk Turner Wm, St. Margaret's plain IBtvertDVg. WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Alcxanilei Edward & Sun, Tauiiei's lam*, and at Yoxfonl Blogg Ashtori, Oi well plnce Bowiiiaii Robert & Alfn d, Falcon si Brlsti) Thoriias, Tackt-t st Cliapliii William Jackson, West- gate street Cobhold John&Son, Lower Brook st Cowell Samuel Harrison (and "Oie ajc- nt f.-r Belts' brandy), New Market lane DowsukK William. Cornhill Bade Charles, St. Matthew st Flory George, St. Peter st Harper Geoige Ellis, Queen st Head Wdliain Beach, Cornhill and Westgate st Wanning John Spooner. (and hop), Cornhill Miller Robert, Old Bntter market Rabett Charles Edward, King st IPSW ICH. Ridley George & Henry, Fore st, St. Clemems Wiiiuiper Nathaniel (spirit),' St. Maigaret's gn-en WIRE WORKERS Hill Joseph, St. Matilit-w st Keebic Jeremiah (and machine maker), O'd Bntter market WOOLSTAPLERS AND W^OOI. MERCHANTS. Al xaiider Edwaid & Son, Tanner's lane, and at Yoxford Kison James, Steam Packet quay Knights James VV., Quay Miscellaneous- Baldick John, drill master, Chnrch lane, St. Matthew's [Brook st Bruff Pi-trr, ci»il engineer, Lower (Clayton Jamei. file cutter, Fore Hamlet Colchester & Co., soap boilers, Grey Friars' road [Orwell st Demiilli Frederick,blackingmakr. Upper ^uffolfe. Durrant & Hammond, umbrella makerf, Tayern it [Flint wharf Farrow Benjamin B.ililry, bone crusher. Garlic James Smith, dealer in gutla ptTcha. Tavern street Garrard \Vm. newspaper agent. Silent st Gower Arthur H., imdeifaker. Cliip.n st GrMrnAhiaham, limber tieiidt-r.Noi wich rd Jftfiies James, nuiseryni.n, London road KioK William, colh-ctor ol properly and income Inx, Lower Brook street Lott Caroline, silk stocking grafter, Church lane, St. Matthew's Mann Hannah, hut box maker, St. iMarRaret's green Pile Klizahrth, fiour dealer, St. Peter st Sawer Flizahelh, baby linen warehouse, Carr street To»ell (leorge, Roman cement & platter nianulaclnrer, Flint wharf Townsend C. T., vice-consul for Sweden and N 01 way, and bonded warehouse keeper. Custom House bnildiiign. Quay Webber, IJedRe & Co., sfed crusher* and merchants, Handford road Wright John, shot fouuder, Falcon (t Public Buildings^ Institutions, Offices^ &c. PItACES OF >VORSHIP/ AND THEIR MINISTERS. CHURCHKS OF THE ESTABLISHMENT. Saint Ci.kment's, Back street— Rev. Walter W. Woodhouse, rector; Rev. Henry A. Dixon, oura/e. S»iNT Helen's, St H-'len street— Rev. WalterW.Woodliouse. rfclnr; Rev. Richard Lee, curate. Saint La wkence's. Si. Lawrence itreet— Rev. John Cobbold Aldrich, perpetual curate. Saint MARGARkx's, St. Margaret's green— Rev. Georg* Murray, incumbent. Saint Mary-at-Elm, Elm street— Rer. William Aldrich, perpetual curate. Saint Maht-at-Kky, Keygt — Rev. Wm. Harbur, tncMmftenf. Saint Mary-atStokr, .Stoke— Rev. StephenCrofi.inri'mAent Saint Mart-at-the-Tower, Tower street — Rev. William Ledger, incumbent. Saint Matthew's. Mill lane— Rev. Chas. Hicks Gave, rrc/or. Saint Nicholas', Friars' rd — ReT..MilisoiiG.F.dKar,inc«m6rn<. Saint Pitbb's.Si. Peter st— Rev HenryThot.Ventiess.tjicionif, Sai.\t Stephen's, St. Stephen's lane— Rev. Charles Holland, incumbent. [incumbent. Trinitt, Fore street, St. Clement's— Rev. Henry F. Maude, DISSENTING CHAPELS. Baptist, Fonnereau street — Rev. Thomas Poock. Baptist, Wherslrad road — Rev. James Webb. Bapt 1ST, Si. Stephen's lane — Rev, Isaac Lord. Baptist, (ilnbe lane— Rev. John Gay. iNnF.PivDiNT, St. Nicholas street — Rev. John Wliitby. Independent, Tacket street— Rev. William Nofcutt. Unitarian, Fri.irstreet — Kev. Thomas Felix Thomas. West. RYAN Methodist, New Market lane. Wesletan Methodist, Wykes, Bishop street. Association Methodist. Friar street. Primitive Methodist, Rope walk. Friknds' Meetivo House, Colleije street. Roman Catholic, Woodbridee road. Jbw's Synagooub, Rope walk— Rev. Moses Kalish: CU8TOM HOUSEj QUAY. Collector — Mr. Frederick Freshfield. Comptroller—Mr. William Ticliner. Clerk of the Long Room — William E. Haill. Landing Waiter and Searcher— Richard Bruct. Tide Surveyor — William Hooper. DOCK OFFICE, CUSTOM HOUSE BUILDINGS, QUAY. Engineer — Georee Huruood. Collector and Accountant— OeoTge Hall Potter. C/e»fc— Peter Bartholomew Long. Barbour Mastei — Samuel Smith. Lock Master — James Barber. INLAND REVENUE OPPICB, CUSTOM HOUSE BUILDINGS, QUAY. CoJ/rc(or— Thoma* Pocock Orum. Sunervisor— John Morson. Collector's C/erk— Robert Kiddell Rouse. Reeeixnng Officer 0/ Taxes— Thomas P. Ornro.' REGISTRARS, OF BIRTHS, DEATHS AND MARRIAGES. Superintendent Registrar— Thomai.Gni\sey, St. Peter st. Registrar of /Itwringes— James Francis, London road. Registrar for Savit 'Marg^ireVt District— Wm&m Hutchinson, Soane sheet. Registrar for Saint Matlhew'$ District— Hemy Watson, Norwich rond. Registrar for Saint Ctemenfs District— George Harmer.New tb POOR LA^V UNION. Workhouse, Whersttad road. Governor and Schnolmasler — Robert B Clamp. Matron and Schoohnistress — Ann Clamp. Clerk to the Board of Guardians — Thos. Grinsey, St. Pet«r st. Surgeon — William Elliston. CAnp/flin— Rev. Charles P/iglar, Elm street. Relieving Officers— Robert Long, Mount street; Wm.Mannlng, Carr street; and Samuel R. Gooding, New street. EASTERN UNION RAILWAY company's OFFICES, LOWER BROOK iTRBET. Secretary — James F Saunders. Assistant Secretary — Edmund H. Ayres. Consulting Engineer — Joseph Locke. Resident Engineer — Peter Bruff. Managtr of Passenger Traffic — J. S. Martin. Manuger of Goods' Traffic -i. Dent. Supeiintendent of Locomotives— Rnherl Taylor. Station, Stoke— Henry Cole, s/a/ioji master. COUNTY COURT. HELD IN THE SHIRE HALL MONTHLY; OrFIC£ Sileilt »* Jurfpe— Francis King Ragle. Esq. Clerk Charles Pretyman, Silenl street. Hij^h Bailiff— Harry B'ake, Bury Bailiffs — George Robert Ulting and George Clarke. COUNTY OAOL, SAINT HELEN STREET. Oorernor— F.dward Amond Johnson. Matrf^n— Catherine Johnson. CA./pinm- Rev H-nryHalK Suz-jfton- Alexander Baitlett. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC BUILDINGS, OFFICES, «cc. AssKMBLY Rooms, Norihgate street. Baths, Key street- George Strait, propnV/or. BoRODGH Gaol, Rope walk — Heury Betls. governor. Cavalry Barracks— Capt Ene:is M Goldrich.fcnrracfc m/ij/er Clerk of the Pkace's Office, Weslgate street— Stephen Abbott Notcult, clerk. Corn Exchange, Cornhill— James Haill. r/erfc. Coroneh's OppicBffor the County), Old Butter market- John E. Sparrowe. coroner. CoRONRR's Office (for the Borough), Silent itreet— Simeon B. Jackaman, coroner. East SoFFOLK Hospital, Hospital street— George Hughes 'I'rouse, suiyenn and secretary; Mary Sheldrake, matron/ Rev Charles Paglar, chaplain Gas WoRRs.Duke st— Ebenezer Goddard.c/eiTfi'superinffnrfent Hall of Commerce, Custom Hous* buildingi— Charles T. Townsend, k»per. <47 Suffolfe* IPSWICH. Public Buildings, Inatitutions, Offices, Sec .— Continued. ^latci'js Hahbodr Mastbrs' Okficb. Flint quay— Samuel Sinitli, harbour mastrr; James Barber, Inck master. LirRR«Rr & «ici SNTiFi'- 1 ssriTU noM, Town hall building! — William Mi l», librarian. Lloyd's Ofpicr. Key street— William R. Mulley, survry^r. Lunatic AsVi.um (I'rivate). BelleTue— Jas. Shaw, propiittor. MecHANics IssilTUTloN, Tavern sireet— Robert Frankland, librarian; Henry l.awrerce. s«r»tley, from the While Swan. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; & — Coatea, from the Bull and Uog. and — Sawyer, from the Post Chaise, 'Tire-idav aiiJ Saiurday To H A RKSTEA D.— Alderton, fiom the WaKiin and Horses, Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday To HAVERHILL,- Bradenham, from the Mullieny Tree, Kiiday To HEMPSTEAD, — lireen, from the Cow & Gate. Monday. Thursday & Sat. To HOI. BROOK. Holden and Simrson, from the Ko«e, daily, and — Alderton. fronr the Wagon and Horses, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday To HOLLESLEY, — Field, from the Post Chaise, Saturday To HOXNE, — Armrod, from the Sea Horse. Monday and Wednesdiy To KICRSEY. — Pi per. from the Neptune, Tuesday and Saturday To KHt'l ON, - M right, and — Rattle, from 'he Sorrell Hor«e, Tuesday & Sit. To LAXFIELD, — Ballod, dom the Cow and (iate, W ediiesday arid Saturday To LETHERINGHAM,— Botlden.from Ihe Ip-wich Arms, Saturday ToMANNING TREE,— BrowD,from the Hose, 'Tuesdav and Friday To MOLSF()HD. — Matten, from the Blue Coat Boy. Satirrday To N ACTON. Chaplain, from the Gar- dener»' Arms, and — Wheailey, from the Ipsw iih Arms, Tuesday & Sjtuiday, anil — (;ook. Saturday To N A Y L A N D. - Parker.from the Wagou and Horses. Monday To NEW BUR NE,— Banyard, from the Ship, Tuesday and Saturday To NORWICH, — Sawyer, from the Post Chaise, and — Coates. from the Bull St Doe. Tuesday and S ilU'day To OAKLEY,- Youell. from the Wagon and Horses, Tuesday and Friday To ORFOKD, —Mann, from the Mul- berry Tree, and — Pead, from the Pott Chiise. Saturday To OTLEY, — Bennett.from the Ipswich Arms, daily ; — Lambert, from th« Saracen's Head, and — Pipe, from the Plouch, I'liesd.y and Saturday To RAMSEY,— Youell. from the Wagon and Horses. Tuesday and Friday To SAXMUNDHAM. — l.aystone and T & R. Ronse, from the Halherd.Toei- day, Thursday and Saturday; and — Sawyer, from the Post Chaise, and — Batley.from the White Swan, Tuesday an I Saiurday To SHOl LEY. — Corley.and — Jacka. maii.fiom Ihe Rose, Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday To SHOTTISHAM, — Kemp, from th« Mulberry Tree, Saiurday ToSILEHAM, — Cook, from the Co\r and Gate. Weilnesday To SOU TH WOLD, — BlnomReld, from the Bull and Dog, Tuesday & Saturday ToSTONEHAM, — Bridge^, fiom th» Wagon and Horses, and — Gi'bert.from the Rose, Tuesday. Thursday and Sat. To STOWMARICET, — Miller.frnmth* Queen's Head, Monday, and the Green Man. Monday. Wednesday. Friday and Saturday, and — Turner, from the White ?wan.Tue.sday, Thursday & SaL To STRADBROOK,— Cheldrick. from theGun. Tuesday and Saturday. and — Emery, fro« the Cow & (iaie, Friday To STRATFORD, — Peck, from iha Wafjon & Ho'ses, 'Tuesday & Friday To STU TTON.— Ankew.fiom iheWagon and Horses, Tuesd ly and Saiurday To SUDBURY,- Shp, from theWajoH and Horses. Tuesday and Friday To SWEFFI.ANU. — Snelling, from th» Mulberry Tree, Wednesday To SVVILLAND, — Oxhurgh, trom th» Saracei''s Head, Tuesday and Friday To TATTINGS TONE. — Smith, from the Rose. Tuesday and Saturday To THORN DON, — Peck, from the Sea Horse. Tuesday, Thursday & .Saturday To TKI.M LE\ , — Page, from the Wason and Horses, daily ToTUNSTI-.LL, — Sawyer, from th« Mulberry Tree, and — King, from th« Post Chaise. Saturday To WALTON, — Page.from the Wagon and Horses, — Churchman, from lh« Wellinsion. and — Fulcher, from tiM Sorrell Horse, daily, and — Scarr,froa the Sea Horse. Saturday To WENHAM. — .M..wtell, from tha While Swan. Tueslav.Thursday & Sat. To WICKHAM MARKET. -Mayhew, I from the I'ortohel'o. Tuesday and Sat. JToWlCKHAM-SKEITH.— Davey.and j — Rose, from the Sea Horse, Saturday ; Tn WITNI SHAM, — Sadler, from tlia I Sararen's Head, daily 1 To WITTON, — Chapman, from th« I Crown iind Anchor, daily To WOODBRIDGE,— Barber,fiom the j Post Chai.se, and — (Jr lys'on, fioni the Salutation, daily, and — Stani ard,rrom j the Mulberry Tree, Monday, Wednet* j day, Thursday and Saturdiy 1 To YOXFf >RD, — Sawyer, from the 1 Post Chaise, Tuesday and Saturday Mivtctox^. IPSWICH. Suffolk. CONVEYANCE BY WATER. 1 wliarf, twice a week— Benjamin Cor- 'I'o L( ) N UON, the Omn-ll SC>am Packet, | r\e\\,H hnrfinger from the Steam P.icket wharf, three I To LONDON, the United Shippiue Com. times a week, during -ummer— George nany's Vrssels, from Ihe Custi.ra House Oeakin?. agmt quay, twice a week — Robert Paul, To LONDON, the Suffolk anotiiii — tiie town small and uent, and formerly hiiviiit! a market, is 78 iniles n.e. hy n. from Loii'lO'i ; 9 w. s. w. from Botesdaie ; 10 s. s. e. fioni Tnetf.ird (Noifolli); and 7 ni'i-th-east from Bmy Saint Ed- niiinds— liie la-i named the mate.st railway station. It in a pl.ice ot lii tie trade or note and only remem- bered bv tlie aiiti()iiaiy, fpun iliere having l)eeii a re- ligioii> hou-e founded here in 1100, in a pleasant valley by tlie side of the small river Thet. The Norton family afterwards built a neat inans'on iip'^n the ^iie of the ancient priory, wlpch is now occutiied by Richard Norton ("artwright, E»q., the lord of the niaiiur, for which coitrts Icet and baioii are held ocia- •ionally ; and the iiianistrates sitiu petty sessions here «very i\|i.ndny. Tlie parish church of Saint Mai y is a small struc- ture witli a tower; seveial handsome monuments impart interest lo the inieii'ir of the chmch, which is neat nnd clean: ttie living is a perpetual curacy in the gift of the hud of 'he manor ; the pre-ent incumb nt IS tlie Rtv. Samuel Blacliiiall. The Baptists ami the Wesieyan Methodists have ench a plate of worshi() ; "ne tnile hence dwelt Anne Ravner, the dUtnicted Kirl of Ixv^orih Tiioriie— celebiaied in a po>-ni by Bloomfield, with all the pathos, and (lerhaps more naive int'-iest about it, than even chaiacttrizes Sterne's Maria. Tiie marktt of Jxworth is no*w se ircely observed, but an annual fair is hclH on the 1,3 h of iMay. Tli' number of inhabit nits in the parish in 1831, whs 1,061, ^nd in 1841, 1,064. Pakenham village i> about 2 miles s. from Ixworth. The parish church of Saint Marv is a neat builditig witii the tower rising from iis cenue : the living is a d scharned vicarage in the pr sentation of Losd Cal- tliorpe; ihe present incumbent is the Rev. Chas. Jones. Population of the paii-h in 1831, 979; in 1841, 1,102. Stanton is a village, C'luprised in the united pansht-s of All Saints and Saint J<*lin t'.e Baptist, 3 miles N.E. from Ixworth, in the same hundred as that town. There are still two chuix;hes, but for all erclc'^iasrnal and paiocMal purposes the benefices are united in one lectorv, having been con'olidatid since 1457, and is within the dinress of Norwich. A plea- sure fair is held here annually on the last davin May. Population of the joint parishes in 1831, 1,035 ; in and tiiere is a naii.mal scln.ol lately opened. About 1 1841, 1,029 POST OFFICE, Ixworth, Joseph Warren, Po.it liJaster.—Letters from all |»arts arrire every moru- Ing at half-past seven, and aie desp^tihed at >ix in the evening. POST OFFICE, Stanton. Samuel Cutting, Post Master.— Letters from all parts arrive erery moroinr at half-past nine. an. I are despatched at half-pasi thrie in the afternoon. CABINET MAKERS. Bailey William (>eonard, Ixworth Head Edwin, Ixworth CARPENTERS. Adams George, St inton Andiews Wm, '& builder), Stantou Buckley William, Stanton Coopei Edmund, Pak. nhaoi Elsden John, Pakenham Howes Jriines, Ixwortii Mel on Georae, Pakenliani Head John (and buiMer), Ixwortit COOPERS. Davnes Thos(A i.>a>ket mkr)Ixwonli •Meadows Janus, Ixwortfi EARTHENWARE MANU- FACTURERS. Watson Thomas & Adam, Wattis- tield, near Ixworth GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Marked thus* are also Drapers. Bt-nnett James, Pakenham Blomfield Mary Ann, Stautoa •Bohby John, Stanton •Bo'hwiiaht James, Ixworth •Howeo Joint, Stanton •Goldsmith Frances Mary, Ixworth Goodwin Thomas, Pakenham Kq. Ixworth MedcdfeTlie Miss.s — P.i kenham Philliiis Mr. Joseph, Stanton Qua>le Thomas, Esq. Pakfiiham Smitii Rev. Charles, Ixwoith Steadman Miss Francr>, Pakenh-uu Steadman Robeit, Esq. Pakenham Tavlor Mr. Daniel, Stanton ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Aithnr Henry (''axj, Stanton Charity School, Stanton— Mary Bradley, mistress Cooke Ann & Elizabeth (boardng & day), Ixworth [Ixworth Crahh Zachariali (boarding and dnyj Howes Selina (boarding and day), Stanton National School, Ixworth Francis Chundlei, master National School, Pak»nham — James Cox, master [Ixworth Smith Eliza''eth (b-iarding and day) Sturgeon Henry Baker(dayjStanton ATTORNEYS. Nunn Stnrley, Ixwoith Walpole William, Ixworth BAKERS. Baker Morri-, Siaiiton Berry Samuel, Stanton Cutting Samuel, Stanton Jarman John. Ixwoith Mothersole Simon, Pakenham Pitts John, Ixwortii Richer Mary Ann, Ixworth Turner Thomas, Ixworth BLACKSMITHS. Bailey John, Ixworth Calver Jamt>, Pakenham Candler Riciiard, Ixworth Carver Geor«e, Stanton Melton S'lphia, Pakenham Podd Samutl, Stanton Smith George, Ixworth BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Blizard William, S'atiton Foreman Steiihen, Ixworth Hairald Henry, Ixworth Haunton Thomas, Ixworth Hull Charles, Ixworth Johnsnii William, Stanton Lore William, Stanton Lucas U'lUiam St^inton Maiiiiina George, Stanton Peck Jamtis, Pakmham BRICKLAYERS. Fordham Fredfriek, Stanton Hiiwes Fieilerick, Ixworth Miilican Pettit, Stanton MiJlican William, Ixworth Sharpe F'r:tncis, Ixworth Sharpe Heniy, Ixwoith BUTCHERS. Bantock John, Ixworth Cullnm Samuel, Stanton Lushei Thoina>, Pakenham Potter Selh, Ixworth Woollard Joseph, Ixworth Youngman Benjamin, Stanton 49 ^uffolfe. IXWORTH, &c. ^later'js MILLINERS di DRESS MAKRS. Bailey Elizabeth, Ixwoith Pitt-i Hannah, Ix worth Rowley Sophia, Ixvvorth Rush b^Iizabeth, Ixworih Savage Eliza, Ixwoith Sutton Susan, Ixvvorth Wright Susan, Ixworth PLUMBERS, PAINTERS, AND GLAZIERS. Booty John, Ixworth Bovce William, Ixwnrth Roife Seth, Ixwnrth Wylde Walter, Stanton SADDLERS. Clarke Susan, Stanton Dring John, Ixworth STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Goldsmith Mary, Ixworth Goldsmith Susiin, Ixworth Steven Eliza, Stautoii SURGEONS. Cooper Henry Ralph, Ixworth Green William, Ixworth Kent Henry, Stanton TAILORS. Bailey John, Pakenhani Brook Benjamin, Ixworth Carter John. Stanton Crack nell Charle.s Ixworth Kinsey Henry Stanton Rush Henry, Ixworth TAVERNS tt PUBLIC HOUSES. Bell, James Bridges, Pakenhani Cock, Samuel Cullnm, Stanton George, John Brewincton, Stanton Greyhonnd. George Reeve, Ixworth Pickerel, John Nixon. Ixwortli Rose &Crown, Freilerick Melton, Stanton VVoolpack, Henry Clemence, Pakenham Petailers of Beer. Bantock Charles, Ixworth Berry Samuel, Stanton Millican William, Pakenbam Poild Samuel, Stanton Rowley John, Ixworth Sharpe Allred, Ixworth Sturgeon John, Stanton WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Branch Cliailes, Ixworth Warren Joseph, Ixworth WHEELWRIGHTS. Good Daniel, Stanton Good David, Stanton Howard John (& broker), Ixworth Lucas — , Pakeiiham Nitkison James, Stanton Rambert — , Pakenhaoi Miscellaneous. AT IXWORTH. Booty John, wine, spirit & corn merchtnt Brows William, hair dresser Clark James, registrar of births & deaths Harvey Charles, chemist and stationer Nixon John, inspector of weights and measures Smith James Edmund, inspector of polie* CONVEYANCE BY RAILW^AT. The nearest Station is at BuRT Saint Edmdxds, on the Eastkrn Ukion LIKE, 7 miles 8.S.W. from Ixworth CARRIERS. To BURY SAINT EDMUNDS, — David, from Stanton and Ixworth, Wednesday To TH El FORD, John Rowley, from Ixworth, Saturday, and to THURS- TON, Tuesday and Friday LAVENHAM 1 S a palish, in the liundred of Babergh — the town, | The principal, indeed, the only ornament of Laven- which atone time enjoyed a toltrrablyfiequented market, ham is, its church, of Saint Peter, justly accounted is 63 miles n.e. from London, between 16 and 17 w, one of the most beautiful fabrics of its kind in the by N. from Ipswich, 8 s. from Bury Saint Edmunds, county. The greater portion is of freestone, the re- 10 N.w. from Hadleigh, and 7 N. fiom Sudbury : the niaimler being of curious flint woik. The steeple, ad- last-named a station, on a branch line communi- mirable both for its strength and beauty, is one hun- cating witli the Eastern Counties railway. The town dred and forty feet high ; itcontkins six powerful bells, i« agreealily seated in a salubrious valley, nearly sur- much admired by the curious, particularly the tenor, rounded by hill>, except on the south, and on a branch vvhith, though it weighs liut 2J cwt , isin sound, equal of the river Britt, from whence the town has a gradual | to one of 40 cwt. The roof of the church is finely ascent. It consists of nine small divisions or streets, carved, and the windows embellished wiih beautiful the houses composing which are old and ill-buili ; but stained glass. The living is a rectory, iti the patronage the market-place is spacious, and has a stone cross in olthe Master and Fellows otCaiiisC<>llege,Cambiidge; its centrtv Lavenham was once famous for its manu- the present incumbent is the Rev. Richard Johnson, facture of bine cloth-^, and afterwards yarn from wool \ There are places of worship for Independents and was made here, also says and caliinancoes ; at present j Wesleyan Methodists ; a free grammar school, founded the only manufacture is that of worsted yarns, and in 1647, by Richard Peacock, Esq.; a National school, silk throwing. The town was formerly governed by j and almshouses, sustainrd by some old town lands, six capital burqesses, who were cho>en for life, assisted The mat ket, which is entitled to be holdeu on Tues- by inferior ofticeis ;but their tnunicipal power has long j day, has almost fallen into disuse: theie are, however, since ceased, and the local and county magistrates are - two annual fairs ; one for butter and cheese, which now the chief authorities. Lavenham is a polling 1 commences on the 10th of October, and lasts four days; station at the election of members to represent West i the other for horses, on Shrove Tuesday. The parish Suffolk. 'contained inl831,2,107inhabitants,and in 1841, 1,871. FOST OFFICE, Mary Ann East, Post Mistress. — Letters from all parts arrive every morning at eight, and are despatched at six in the evening. OBNTRY AND CLEROY. Banwiiitc Miss Jemima, Lavenham Boutell Mrs. Mary, Lavenham Harrison Rev. — , Thorpe Morix Johnson Rev. Richard, Parsonage Mattham .Mr. Wdiiam, Lavenham Meeking Mr. Samuel, Lavenham Minis Rev. John, Lavenham Mumford Mrs. Fiances, Lavenham Shelford Rev. W.H., Preston Rectory Snape Rtv. Riihard, Hient-Eleigh Stur)itaiit8 j but, the majority are occupied in agricultural pursuits. Sir Hyde Parker, Bart., of Melford Hall (a fine old seat in this parish), is lord of the manor, and holds a court baron annually ; and the magistrates assemble in petty sessions here once a fortnight. POST OFFICE, Catherine Catchpole, Post Mistress, ftt seven, and aie despatched at half-past six in the evening. LONG MELFORD The parish church of the Holy Trinity, stands upon an eminence, at the north end of the village: it beautiful specimen of the architecture of the fifteenth century, but the small square tower is of later date. In the chnrr h are several monuments to distinuuished individuals, who formerly resided here — oneof these, to Sir William Cordell, is an elegant piece of tomb statuary: he was the speaker of the House of Com- mons, in the reign of Mary, and a member of her privy council. He founded the liospiial here, and endowed it for the support of a warden, and twelve poor men and two woineii — old and decayed house- keepers. There is a place of worship for Independents, and two public schools — one of the latter endowed, the other conducted upon the National plan, and both for children of either sex. A consideraole cattle lair is hrld on Thursday in Whitsun-week. The parish contained, by the returns made in 1831, ^514 inhabi- tiiiits, and in 1841,2,597 Letters from all parts arrive every morning GENTRY AND CLERG7. Anderson Mrs Lydia, Long Melford Bence Lieut. Edward Starkey, Kent- well hall Brewster MissElzbth., Long Melford Burgess Rev. John, Long Melford Clarke Miss Mary Ann, Long Melford Creswell Mrs. Jane, Long Melford Drew Mrs. Judith, Long Melford Dunn Capt. James, Long Melford Faulkner Rev. Henrv B-, Long Melford Frewer Miss Mary, Long Melford Hayward Rev, Winston C, Long Melford Henwell Mrs. — , Long Melford Ostler Mr. Thomas, Lona Melford Parker Sir Hyde, Bart„Melford hall Preston Rev. Thos., Long Mellord Ranson Miss Martha, Long Melford Robertson Hev, Hanks, LongMelford Scott Mrs. — , Long Melford Turner Mrs. — , Long Melford Wellan Mrs.—, Hill house Westhorpe Mrs. — , LongMelford Westhoipe Rev. John, Long Melford Westrop Chas., Esq. Long Melford ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Bird Fanny (day) [day) Brooks Thomas O. J- (hoarding and INNS it PUBLIC HOUSES. Black Lion, William Ham Bull (commercial), Thos. Bishop Cock & Bell, Amos King George, William Medcalf Hare, Robert Harris Ram, Frederick Bullock Rose & Crown, James Albon Swan, Daniel Gooch White Hart, Joseph King SHOPKEEPERS «( TRADERS. Algor James, baker Allen John, butcher Allen William, butcher Ambrose Hiram, shoe maker Ambrose Thomas, beer retailer and shoemaker Ardley Thomas, miller, nialster, and corn merchant Ardley Thomas, jun., maltster ai»d corn merchant Atkins Joseph, glover Atkins Peter, gardener Baker Edward, miller Bear Charles, rope and net maker Bickmore Peier, grocer, draper, and dealer in china, glass, &c, Bige Joseph, culler Bixby Charlotte, beer retailer Bladen Robert, farrier and colt breaker Free School, George Green, ! Blundon Thomas, timber dealer master National School, George El- borough, master ; Sarah El- horough, mistress Reid Joseph (day) Robertson John Charles (boarding and day) PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. Almack Richard (attorney & clerk to the magistrates) Cream Robert (surgeon) Jonee Robert (surgeon) Blyth Mary, straw bonnet maker Bobv George, shopkeeper Bolingbroke Geo., corn chandler Boiingbroke John, paper maker Borley William, baker and con- fectioner Bulmer James, hair dresser Butcher Charles, shoe maker and leather cutter Butcher John, wheelwright Carr Benjamin, hair cloth manufac- turer— Henry Lengemen, agent Cater Arthur, wheelwright Cater George, tailor Chisnell John, hair dresser and umbrella maker Churchvard John, horse-hair seat- ing manufacturer Coates Geoige, plumber & glazier Codling Edward, blacksmith Constable Timothy, nurseryman Cooper Henry, plumber & glazier Cooper Thomas, tailor and beer retailer Corder Thomas, maltster Cowey William, tailor & draper Downs William, whitesmith Farrow William, wheelwright and shopkeeper Fenner James, shoe maker Fordham Charles, bricklayer Frewer Frances, milliner Gillman Robert, shoe maker Greaves Edmd., chemist &drDgg5*t Green Daniel, bricklayer Green George, registrar of births and deaths [facturer Groom William, hair clotn manu- Hardy Georee, shoe maker Howe Samuel, maltster Hume John, shopkeeper Hunt Samuel, grocer, draper, and fire office agent Jacob Garrard, watch maker Jarvis Robert, bricklayer Jolly William, tailor Jones Robert, surgeon Leeks John, carpenter Linglev Daniel, baker Long Charles, boot & shoe maker Lorking Thomas, bookseller and printer Lyng William, carpenter Mills William, carpenter Morley Ephraim, miller& maltster Neave Thomd^ saddler 51 5itffol&. LONG MELFORD. 5lat£i'j5 SHOPKEEPERS, Btc— Continued. Norman John, shopkieper O-Mer Aamn, blacksmith 0-tlrr HHiinatr, shopkrepcr 0>ti. r Thcinas, agent tor the Snf- f Ik fire office [mnker P.iyiie ^Viilmni, hair dreNser & shoe P'-rry Pe'er, shoe maker Pri-g Robert, cooper Richold Peter, coach maker Roper' U'llthtm, ^erKeallt of police RufFell Oeoric. miller Salter Hezekiah, rope & net maker Sezers Charles, butcher Sharniati James, baker Sheuard John, maltster Spice William, grocer & draper Spilli'gChHries, saddler St harness maker Stanton Harriet, shopkeeper Sti-ed Amos, i>lumber, &c. Steed John, shoe maker Steward Charles, shopkeeper and beer retailer •Stewart John, baker ''frihIinK Kdward. basket maker Tlieobaifl Clement, shopkeeper and bri( klayer Ward & Silver, iron founders and agricultural implement makers Warner Samuel, baker Wellum Jam>s, >lioi-niaker WelMui) Jjiine^, CHrpentcr Wood' Georne, -hopkeeper Woollard William C, road con- traiior Woriers Siimtiel, butcher Wiight James, tailor OMNIBUSES Calling at the Cock and Bell, daily. Sun- day excepted. To BURY SAINT EDftlUNDS, daily, at twelve noon To CLARE, at seven in the evenine To SUDBURY, at aqnarter past ninein the morning,, and a quarter before six in tbe evening RAILWAY. The nearest Statinv is at StdbttSt, 3 miles from Lon? Metrord.on n branch commiinicalinK with the Eastkrh COUNTIKS LINE There are Omnibuses daily, to Si;DBDnY, as stated above CARRIERS. To BURY SAINT KDMUNDS, — Elliott, from the Swan, M'ednesday and Saturday morning To SUDBURY, George Bobv, from bi» house, d ily, and -- Elliott, from tli« Swan, Wednesday and Saturday LOWESTOFT, WITH THE VILLAGES OF PAKEFIELD, KIRKLEY AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. JLoWESTOFTisa pari.sh, in the hundred of Loth- ingland, containing the market town and .st'a-port of its name, 114 miles n.e by n. from London (136 by raiV), 22* e.s.e. from Norvvich (by rail), 10 s. frotn Yatmoutk [18J hy rt///), and 45 n.k. l>y n. from Ips- wich. It i» the terminn< of a line from the Norwich end, antl a bttteiy near the Ne«s. The shore eradti* ally *le>-ceiil!i to the sea ; the wnter i< clear, and covers a fiitn pebbly bottom — circnmstanci-s that render h.ttbitie on tlii- pait of the coa^*! pcruliarivilelightlul. The air is de< i xcellent hotels, cai-not web fail of gi'ing satis- a clilf, commatidiiiK nn extensive prospect of the (ier- | fa^ tioti to the most fastidious. The racfs me held on nun Oieaii; and as beheld fioin the st-a, presents the the Downs, northward of the town, which f •tin an noblest and mo.st beautiftil appearance of atiy town excellent course: the cliffs, tisinu in a g< ntle acclivity. npon the coast. It i» ch'efly composed of an exten- sive arrancenient of house>. whose line of diieition is in-arlv north and south, and conseqtiently faces the ocean : the soil upon which it stands ii dry, and by ikiltul industry has been conversed into deiiK'itttii jtardens. The matine E-plan^de (for which the Messrs. Lucas and Soti, weretiie contractors), erected at the ■onih end of the town, cotitains many haiidsonie re- gidenres, ptincipally in the Italian style of architec- ture, and have l>ceii expressly built tor tiie acconimo- datittn of visiters, doting the sutiimer months. The royal hotel, situated at the north end of the esplan- ade, close to one of the piers, is an elegant luiMing, fitted upintDe most mo lent style, and contains read- ing hikI biliiaid looms, with hot and cold sea-water ba'lis, &c. The commerce of Lowestoft depends mainly upon the herrimr fishery ; and the quatitity of this fish cured here, foi hotne consnmption and exportat'on, is very great. The Lotidon fi-hmongero are said to prefer the Low stoft hertinss to tlio-e cured at Yarm"iiti', th'iutfh they are generallv retailed under the niitne of * Yarntonth herriiiRs.' Froitt the tnackerel fisiieiy, in which the Lowestoft boats participate, th-- principal ad'untage deiived is the employtiieni of the fisherinen onlil the hen iiiR season. The Norwich and Lowes- »invis a dischareed vicarage, iti the patroiiiKe of the Crowti. Sa'iit Pe- ter's, a cliHjiel of ea»e, is a handsotne buildimr of Gothic aichitectun.', erected partly liy strbscriptinns, aided by the commissioners tor btiildiiii! churches and chaoels : it has accommodHtii.ii for a congre- gitioti of twelve bundled There are pNces of wor- ship f>r Baptists, Independents nnri We8le»aii Me- thodists. Amongst the cliaritahle and educational in- stitntii'iisare t«o free schools, of ancient foiindatinns; otheis iipiin the Nitionnl plan, and for infants; alms- houses for ai;ed fishermen; adjspensaiy ; an infirmary, and sceral other rharitie-, hv which the iin-Tof the of the port, as it op. ns a direct water communieaiion i parish are assisted. '| lie tnai ket is held on W- dne.s- with the ciyot Norwirh, and the t wns of IJuniiay and Heu'les, to the sea, for vessels of inoderafe bur- den. The construction {)f a saf- and capaciotis asy- lain harbour, to which shipping in>iy reswrt durini;ad- veise wiinls and stress of «eatlier, itisti-ad (pf beitik! exposed, as formerly, to thedilficiil ies and dangeis of theopeii roadstead has lately been dccftnip'ishefl. 'ihe outer harbonr is formed hi two stone iiicis, an' 'encloses a space of about twenty aeres — this isconnetted with the inner one, tiy a loek fifty feet wide, aiid ctoss- d by a handsome swinv; bridu'e. F:oin the railway sta- tion here, tieie are branches to the quays, so that vesM'ls can loatiand iliscliaiee their cargoes with per- fect convenience. The harbour is defended i)y a fott, at the south end of the beach, another at the north 52 lav; and the fai-s, Mav I2ih, and ()< tolnr Kith. The parish nf Lowestoft, containeil in 1831, 4,238 inhabi- tants, and in 1841, 4.f)47. Ahiiut two miles south from Lowestoft, in the same hntidred as that town, are the fwn small fishing villa- ges and parishes of Pakekiixo and Kirkley, the latter not so ilistaiit as the former. AlthoiiKh men- ioned as a<'istinct paiish, Kirkley. is generally under- stood to be Under Pakefiehl, the livitig df wiiii-h is a lectorv, in the presentation if the E^arl of Gosfoid. Through the henevi.Ience of the It v. Francis Cun- ningham, children ot eiihi-r sex, and infants likewise, are instiiicted in their respective schools. The popu- lation of Pakcfield, and Kirkley parishes respectively* in 1841, was 495 and 433. IBirectorB. LOWESTOFT, &c. Stlffolfe. POST omCE, High-Street, Lowrstoft, Thomas Prau, Post AIi/ster.—Lettera from London, Ipswich, &c. ar-ivc every niorning at a quarier before sevm, and from Cambridge, Norwich, &c. at six jii thr evening, and nre despatched at twenty imnutes before >even in the oening. Leiter>! from Yarmouth, &c. arrive every evening at half-past six, and are despatched at a quarter before •en in the inorninK. gev POST OFFICE, Pakefield, Charles Curtis, Post Ma.ifer.— Letters from ail parts arrive (from Lowes- toft) every mummgat twenty minutes past nine, and aj^'e despatched theieto at hnU-past lour in the afternoon. GENTRY AND CLERGY Arnold Mrs. Sushi. nah. High st Atkinson iMis. Ann, High st Balls Ml. William, High st Barchain Mis. Mary, High st Barlow Rev. George, Soutli end Br.tine Mr Ruht-rt, Chapel road Biew>ier Mr. John, H>gh st BrO'vn Rev. William, Gile.-han Calow Mr. John, LoikIoii road Carver Mr. Jnuies, Manner's lane Clark Itev. John. m.a. Lonrion toad Cleveland Mr. James, Cliapel road Cleveland Mr. William, High st Coates Mrs. Ann. High st C"ok Mr. Wil iam, Taradise place Ciowe .Miss Kliza, London road Cunningliam Rev. Francis, High st Dovey Rev. John Kdivar. Eliza, B. II lane Fairett Mis. Phoebe, London mad Fowler Riv. Freiicrick, Gunton George Miss Ann, Higii st Goiicn Uev. 'fhomas, Benacre Gooch Sir Thomas, Benacre Hall Gnrnev Mrs. Catherine, High st HibhsHev. Richard, Hit;h st H cks Mis. M^iy, Mariner's lane Hoi'ges Mr. Hei ry. Chapel road Jerinyn Mrs. Sarah, Hiuh st [id Free School (Annott's), High »t — John Sallmon, master Free School (Wylde's), High st — Heniy Hill, master Garwoo'i Margaret & Jane (buard- ing), Hiili st Greaihead James Thomas, High st Hibbs Rev. Richd(l'oardin«)High st Hnhert & Smith (ladies' boarding), Hmli street Infants' School, Beach— Elizth. Giirney, uii-tress National School, Pakefield — — JaiiKs Arnold, master,; S.*iah Mulleiider, mistress Rogers Mary Ann, Old Market plain Rog is Walter, Old Market plain Salter L"uisa(ladies' bidng)High st Scaff Ann, High st Simpson Klizabeth, Bell lane Sparham Sii»annah, High st Woodgate Hev. Philip B., High st AGENTS. Browne Benjamin W. (estate), Mariner's lane Chandl. r riionias C. (to Richard Bnllard), Mariner's lane Dov\lin!! George (land agent and sur%eyor), High st Joachim Lieut. Richard, R.N. London Gowing Georte Scad & Son (to Jolinsi'ii Mr. Charles, Kiikley Leathe Rev. Frederick, Heningfleet Le^Kett Captain Thomas, Kirkley Lincoln Mr». Catheiine, High st Li've Rev. E. M., Sumerleyton Martin Mr. John, Hiuii st IMa.stertiin Mr-. Susannah, High st May Mrs. Phoebe, Mariner's lane Milhr Mi.ss Mary. High st Moore Rev, Henrv, High sf Neeve Mrs. Mary. Higli st Norris Uev. D. G., Kessingjand Parker Mr John, Hiuh »t Feto Samuel Mmtou, Esq. ivi. p. S.imerleytoii Hall Pratt Mr. William, London road Piestoii Mr. Thonns, Highst Piiestley Miss Elizabeth, High st Pnnrliard Mr James, Chnrrh road Randall Rev. John M , Hi«h st RawiiiiMiii Mr. William, Pakefield Reeve Mrs. [>anriiia Hiuh st Rendle Mr. William Bound, Highst Rump Rev. John, P.ikf field Sciiles Abraham, Esq. Pakefield Scarll Mr. ^Villiam, London road Seaman Mrs. Khzahith, High st Smith Lady P., Hi^h st Smith Mr. Jac.b, Pakefield Spaul Mrs Susan, Hiyh st Steward Charles, Esq. Blundeston Thirtle Mr. James, High st Thurlow Rev. Kdwird, Lound Titlow Mrs. R'l^e, London ro^d Ward Mr. Nathni. Duke's Head st Wayth Mr. Daniel, .Mariner's lane Weihorne Rev. William, Bell lane White the Mi-ses. Cnutrh load Woodgate Rev Philip B., Hii'h st Woods Mrs. .Mareaiet, Btll lane Youngnian Mr. William, Hiuhst ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS Not otherwi-edescribeil are Day Schools. Adams Mary Ann, Old Market plain Chapman Joseph, Hiish st Delf Sophia Ann, High st Llo>ds'), High st Johnson Robert (to the London trader*). Harbour Livock William (ale and porter). Duke's Head st [road Salter 'J'hoinas (custom), London AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEMT MANUFACTURERS. Catchpole Wni. (machine), Kirkley Skoyles & Co (and iion founders), Lowestoft Foundry attorneys. Norton & Reeve (and clerks to the magistrates). High st SeaKo Wm. Rix(and notary) High st AUCTIONEERS «c APPRAISRS. Kails Thomas, Hiah st Browne Benjamin, Mariner's lane Hawaid Samuel, Hii-h st BAKERS et FLOUR DEALERS. Marked thus * are also Confectionera. *Adams Geoige, High st *A Inm Elizabeth, Hith st iiennett William, High st Bennett William, Old Market plain C>>ok Rli/abeih Hiuh st Co^k Samuel, Hiuhst •Cook SaniUi-l L., High st •Cooper Lewis B., Mariner's lane *Kersey Aldis, Duke's Head st N veil Townsend, Bell lane Newsoii Susannah, Mariner's laue •Powell William, High st •Seaile Billiard, Higli st •Sntith .james. Bell lane Wicks Samuel, Mariner's lane BANKERS. Gurneys', Turn-r & Brinhtwen High st — (draw on Barclay & Co London; — John Chaston, agent Lacon Sir Edward Knowlcs, Bart. Lacou's, Y'luell & Co.. Hiijh st — (draw on Glynn, Hallifax & Co., London)— WmV. Barnard.agent National Provincial Hank of England (Biancli of) Hich st— • (draw on the Lomion Joint-Stock Bank) — Thomas Wood-, auent Savings' Bank, Town-hill— (open on We dne-days from 12 till 1)— Thomas B. Biid, actuary BASKET MAKERS. Major William, High st Shuckford Sarah, High st BLACKSMITHS. Aldis Robert, Bell l«ne Allen William, Pakefield Baines Benjamin (mid iron nier* chant), (lid Maiket plain Cannall James, Duke's Head st Cooper Jaine-, Bell lane Cox EdwHid, Mai iners' lane Dunant Joseph, Beach Hatding Jame.s, Duke's Head 8l Hirvev John, Chapel load Miller William, Chapel road Mills John, Oultou BOAT BUILDERS. Allerfon Thomas, Be^ch Siiarham Samuel, Beach BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND BINDERS. Abbott Samuel F., High st Cri-p Geoi«e S.. High st Crowe Ti onias. High fit Oliver William Henry, High ut BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Adams William, Hith st I Barratt John, While Horse st Biyth William John, Highst Burtess John, Hiah st Chiheis Alfred, Kirkley Colby Samuel, High st Cole Jo-eph, Gun lane Cord- Mary, High st Coi naby Thomas. While Horse 8t Downiny William, High st Edmonds John, Hixh st Fisk Jame-, Mariner's lane Fnlclier Aaron, Mariners' lane Garner James, Be^ch Houton Williani, Bell lane Jarman Jolin, Beadi Lini! Job Duke's Head st .Micklehuriih Edward, High st Micklebiiigh Jame.s, Kiikley MickieliiiiKh .lohn, Pakefield Pent, liny Philin, Higii st Porter Thomas, High st R iinpling Richard, White Horse it SHiinders Geori;h st Crukinav LincoUi, HikIi st Farniau James, Paketield [lane Fortiiiai> Jo-epli (nork). Mariners' Gamble Thomas, Hi^h st Martiu John. High st Rackhani William S., High st Smiili John (pork) Manners' lane CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Able John. High st Brew9t.r Robert, High st Neslen Samnel, Bell \M\e Porter Thomas, H igh st CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Bemmeni Jose-pti, Old Market plain Brewsier Kobert(& builder) Highst Brown Ki'bert C, London road Callow Jame'', Mariners' lane Cuniiingham Hett-r P., Mariners' la Heilen James, Kirkley Luras & Son (and contractors), Harbour Neslen Samuel, Bell lane CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Cunis Charles, Pakefield Edmonds Benjamin M., High St Farrett Wilham, High st Morris Robert, High st Snell Francis Joseph Hunt, High st CHINA, GLASS, 6tc., DEALERS. Brown Kohert C, London road Hill Judith B., Highst Smith John, Hiith st Sparhani William, Duke's Head st COACH BUILDER. Freeman Edward, daptl road COAL MERCHANTS. Johnson Robt (& timber), Harbour Seppings George, High st COOPERS. Barber John, Bcrfch Cupps Samuel, jun. Beach Foninaii Joseph, Mariners' lane Peek Wiliam, Factory st Stannard Elisha, Beach Tiipp Rolert, Beach CORN AND FLOUR DEALERS. Kii«thaugh Georue, Chapel st Rederave Robert, High st Smith George, Cha|)el st Smith Robert, High st Younginan Henry, Highst FIRE, &r , OFFICE AGENTS. Atlas. Thomas B. Bird, Factory st Clerical. Mkdicaland General (life), B.njamin W. Browne, Mariner's l^ne [Highst County (fire). William R. Barnard, Family KNDowMENT(life), Thomas Crowe, High st Guardian, John Chaston, High st Hail-Storm, Benjamin W.Browne, Mariner^' I me London. Samuel F. Abbott, High st Norwich Union, Wm. H. Seago, Hiuhst [.Mariners' lane Phoenix (fire), Bei jn. \V. Bn-wne, Pkovidf.nt (life), William R. Bar- nard. High st [st SuPFOLK (fire),Thos. Crowe, High Sun [tire], Edmund Noi ton.Hiyh st Wf.stern (life), Michael Colder, High st 54 FISH CURERS ON THE BEACH. Allerton Jo.seph & Thomas BallsWillia!n,jun Barber John Buigess William Butcher John Butcher Samuel Capps James Capps Robert Cnpps Samuel Gall John Cowing George Sead & Son HammersleyJos. Porter Thomas Roberts John Robert.sjohii.jun Saunders Richard Sharman Shad. Sterry James Srcrry James G. Sterry Jolin sterry Robert nimouthCharles & Son Woods Wm. J ones FISH SALESMEN. Baines Benjamin, Old Market plain Balls Thomas, High st Cowing George, jun. Highst GARDENERS St SEEDSMEN. Cliuich William, High st ( owles Benjamin. Chapel road Rnmsby R ibert. Bell lane GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS {See also Shopkeepers.) Abbott Samuel Fieeman, High st Browne Robert, High st Curtis Charles, Pakefield Curtis Jiimes, High st Devereux J(hn, High st Devei eux John, jun. High st Everett Edward & Co., High st Hill Judith B., Highst Smith John, High st Sparham vvilliam, Duke's Head st Tultle Henry, High st HAIR DRESSERS. Breeze Frederick, Duke's Head st Chambers Samuel, High st Fisher Edward, High st Harris Wilhain, Chapel road Salter Roger, High st INNS. (See also Taverns li( Public Houses J Crown, Job Copeman. High st Crown & Anchor, Thomas Balls, High st Queen's Head (and posting house), Morse & Woods, High fti Royal Hotel (family and posting), George William Howse, Marine Esplanade [load Suffolk Inn, Robert Clarke, London IRON FOUNDERS. See under the Head Agricultural Implement Makers. IRONMONGERS. Precious Robert, Hiiih st Thirtle James F., Hiiih st LINEN Ac%VOOLLEN DRAPERS. CliMston John, (Exicutors ot the late, and silk tnercersi, Highst Fuller .Mary Maria, Highst Hopson Henrv, Hi^h st Ling Robert &. Co., Hieh st Pratt & Thiirtle, High st Salter William, High st MARINE STORE DEALERS. Burton John, D"ve st Cnlley Cbailes, Beach Gaiwood Joseph, Beach Hubbard John, Back l.ine MERCHANTS. Easthaugh Joiiaihan !)., Harbour Johnson Roliert (geneirtl), Hartiour Seppings Georne, Highst MILLERS. Cleveland Charles, Kirkley Mill Dent Aaron, Oulion road Foreman Emanuel, Pakefield George Henry, Onlton Knigiits Jolin, Oulton Peek James, Kiikley MILLINERSAc DRESS MAKERS Fuller & Matthews, Hinh st Hall Sarah, London road Naylor Lucy, High st Nelson Ellen, Chapel rnad Stewart Susannah, Hiijh st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AMD GLAZIERS. Barrett Robert, High st Jolinson Samuel, High st Ling John Wiitson, Mariners' lane Rarkham George, Duke's Head st W hi neon George, Chapel road Winter Willian), Chapel st ROPE MAKERS AND TWINE SPINNERS. {See also Twine Spinners.) Blv Abel, Chapel toad Francis William, Beach Gall John, Beach Cowing G. S.& Son, High st SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Carr John, Bell lane Cri< kmer George, High St [st Smith Andiew F. (harness), High SAIL MAKERS. Braribeer Samuel & Son, Harbour Tilmouih Chas. & Son, Rents scoie SHIP CHANDLERS. Balls William, jun. Beach Bradbeer S;imnel & Son, Harbotrr Hudgell William, Beach SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERS IR GROCERIES «t SUNDRIES. Adams George, Beach Blaxill John, High st Broom Francis, Bell lane Bute her Samuel, London road Casleton John, Rlariners' lane Cowling Jolin, Factory st Hall John, Beach Mun()ay Heniy, Devest Neslen Robert, White Horse tt Pain Maria, High st Redgrifts Thomas, Pakefield Shacker Charles, Bell lane Smith Elizabi th. High st Smith John, Mariners* lane Ward Mark, Kirkley STONE MASONS. Allen George, London road Balls James, London road STRAW^ BONNET MAKERS. Fuller* Matthews, H'gh st Cowing Maiy Ann & Eliza, High st Naylor Lucy, High st Rogers Caroline A., Old Market pi SURGEONS. Brame Samuel Shaiman, High st Cleveland George, High st Jeffrey Edward, London road Pirntice John, High st [st Woithington WilTMin Collins, High TAILORS. Marked tlnis • are also Drapers. •Abbott Edmund. High st Biame Thomas, Higli st Cooper John, Compasses lane •Coibyn George, High st Day Edward, Kiikky Gardener Kranci.s, Mariners' Ian* •Colder Michael, High st Hogg Henry, High st Mitchells William, Bell lane Morter Thomas, High st ♦Punchard Charles, High st Sargent William, Kirkley ©Iiectorg* LOWESTOFT, &c. ^Uffollt* TALLOW CHANDLERS. Abbott Samuel Fiaiici>, Hiijhst Fowler William, Fartdry st TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Blue Anchor, William Smiili, High st Bowling Green. \Vm. Newson, Bell lane Fox & Hounds, \Vm. E. Godfrey, High st Globe, John Day, High st Herring Fiihery, Thomas Bennett,High st King's Head, ilobl.Holhrook.lVlxriDeis'la Maltsters, Samuel Marjarum, High st Mariners, Samuel Mallelt, Mariners' lane Mill, Zechariah Firman, Pakefield Norwich Arms, William Nohbs, High »t Ship, Edward Banham, High st Ship. John Bemment, Oulton Ship, Samuel Peek, Piiketield Ship & Railway, George Cox, High st Star, Susannah Balls, High st Three Herrings, Robert Utting, High st Retailers of Beer. Adams John, Pakef1>-ld Allerton Sanuel, Duke's Head st Aimes William, Beach Barber Samuel, Di>ve st Bishop John, Dukr's Head st Blasry James, Campasses lant Capps Elizabeth, Beach Church William, High st CiickelJohn, Devest Cooper John, Beach Cox Edward, Mariners' lane Day William, Beach Dowson Ham, Mariners' lane Farrer Matthew, London road Frost Thomas, Pakelield Garwood Robert, White Horse st Hellen James, Ki'kley King William. Beach Lincoln Amos, Pakefield Livuck William, Duke's Head st Major William, High st N'obbs James, Compasses lane Saunders James, Kirkley Saunders Richard, Beach Scarll John, Bell lane Sharman George, High st Squire Henry, Beach Tripp Charles, Factory st Welham William, High st TWINE SPINNERS. Cann Stt-pht-n, Beach Gardener James, Church road Hammersley Joseph, Bcacli Jackson Charles, Cliapel road Leggett James, Beach Robeits Joiin, Beach Saunders John, Beach Saunders Kicliard, Beach Steriy John, Clianel road W^ATCH & CLOCK MAKKRS. Crake t^daiutid. High st Dye John, High st Naylor Thomas, High st Sharman George, High st ^VHEELWRIGHTS. Case Robert D., Cliapel road Cox Edward, Mariners' liine Spiirgeoii Jncob, Chapel road WIME «c SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Balls Thoina", High .st Bullard Richard, Mariners' lane Morse & Woods, Bell lane and Yarmouth Miscellaneous Adams Caroline, landscape painter, Old Market plain Balls Thomas, furniture broker. High st Barnard William V. conveyancer, High st Bird Thos.B. collector of laxe8,Factory st Browne Benjamin W. bailiflf of County Court, Mariners' lane Buckle John G. livery-stable keeper, Mariners' lane I plain Biigg Daniel, wood turner. Old Market Capps William, hosier & glover. High st Colby Nathaniel, keeper of the lighthouse, High street Day John, fruiterer. High st Emmerson Robert, haberdasher and sta- tioner. High st [st Emms Joseph, hosierand toy dealer, High Harvey John, keeper of the lighthouse, High street Harvey Stephen Saunders, veterinary surgeon. Mariners' lane [Beach Hudgell William, mast and block maker, Loveday William, horse breaker. Bell lane Morter Edward, gunsmith & bell-hanger. Duke's Head st Newson Hobert, parish clerk. High st Richardson John R. shipbuilder,Harbour Roberts John, dealer in furnituie,High st Roberts John, pawnbroker. High st Smith Andrew F.. leather cutter. High st Snggate Alfred,prnfes9or of music, High st Tuneate Mary, eating-house. Bell lane Williams Thomas,inlaud revenue officer, Duke's Head st Wright William, dyer. Mariners' lane REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS & DEATHS. For I.nrvtstolt. Saml. S. Brame, High st. For Kessiiigland, Samuel Smith, Carlton Colville. For Gorlrston, Charles David Arnott,M.D Gorlestou. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, OFFICES &C. PLACES OF WORSHIP, AND THEIR MINISTERS. Saint Margaret's Chdrch — Rev- Francis Cunnincham, t;icar; Rev John M. Randall, c!e>enieenth century, an ancit-nt silver crown, weighing about sixty ounces, and supposed to belong to one of the Kings of the East Angles, was founti here. A fail- is held on the 2nd and 3rd of October, principallv for pleasure, pedlary, &c. The population of Mendlesham parish, by the returns rendered in 1831, was 1,233, and in 1841, 1,340. 55 jl^uffolfi* MENDLESHAM, &c. Slater'jj POST David F"X, Post Messenger, who taki s Irtters for all pans to Thwaite, every eveuiug at five and utimf^ai nine in tht nioruing. OENTRY AND CLERGY. | Biundisl) Robert,shoe maker, Mf-D- Cutlibert Mr. WilliHin. sutEeon, : ^ <"^''''a»> "^'f^^ , , ,, Me.Kllesi am [Mendiesha.ii , Brun.li>iiWilliaii),slioemaker,Men- Cuthbert .Mr. \Vm. jiin., surgeon, I _ ^'^''"•*™ »?'**' " Day Rev. Thomas Hmry, l.l.d., Vicarnne Moon- Rev, B"brrt, Wetlieringtiam Rounce Rev. Her>ry, Menus\Viliiaii),|)himber and painter Ari'ourn Charles, suddler, &c. Arhiiuiii Charli s, whceKviiglit Arnolil Benjamin, carpenter Ashford .AKnd, grour, diaper, and agent for the Essex a^d Suffolk Equitdhlf Iiisuiance Office Bannaiii VViirMin, shne nmker Battiry William, sliopket-per and beer rntHiltr. Mendieshaai green Bewley Edward, saadlrr, &c. Bloss JoshuH, maltster, Brockford Breu Uristo, baker Breit Martha, grocer and draper BnckiiiKhain Harriet, glover Bullock William. co>iper Bnrch John, hlacksnitli Biircli '.\ illiam, veit-rinary surgeon Childs Edward, carpenter and wheehvriglit [retailer Clark Alfred, shoemaker and beer Clark John, carpenter Clark Mary Ami, heer retailer Crowe Susannah, beer retailer Cuttinu Joseph, draper and tea dir Fi'Sti r John, miller Fiix Ann, blacksmith Fox Georj;<',sli(ie maker F'lX TiioniHS, slionkeeoer Gis>iiia Walter.plumher and painter Maxell Owen master of the Free School and agent for the Royal Exclianee InsuianceOtfice Hood William, black-mitii and whei Uvright, Bn ckfoid J^cob Edmund, ironnioiiger Jhc 'b John, sa Idler, &c. Brockford Kf rsey Robert, miller Ling John, miller L<>ckwiiod Wm. veterinary surgeon 0>bo!ii D< nnis, hair drt-sser Pt rcy Zeplianiah, watch and clock maker Pizzy Thomas, butcher Potter Ilobeit, tailor Qiiiiiioii jshmael, biack!>mith Reynolds Geoige. shoe maker Rod well John, bricklayer Ro.st' John, blacksmith Swan Allen, b., shopkeeper and gardener, Bmckford Turner Richard, carpenter aud joiner Tye John, cattle dealer Watchman William, vvbeelwright Wick« Robert, shoe maker Woods Tliomas P. bi ickldyer Wright William, milier RAILTVAY. The nearest S/aent incumbent is the for barges to Lynn, has coiisiiierably addcM to its trade Rt-v. Samuel Banks. There arr pUce^ of worship for and prosperity.and CI eated a tolerable bu'iness in giHin Bapti-^ts and Weslevan Methodists; a Nntional school ai d corti, for the supply of pi ices inland. The town supported by subscriptions; and an almshouse for four widows, founded in 1722, by ^irTlioma* Hanmer. The maikrt is held on Frid.iy, nn annual fair on tlie lllh of Ocioner, and a st itute for hiring servants in the beiinningof ihe same month. Tne parisb contained in 1831, o,267 inhabitants and in 1841 3,731. Aboutainiesoutli-east from .Mildenh«ll, in the same hnhiired, is the village and paiish of Barton Mills, coiiiaiiong a churrh, dedicated to St. Mary, and a Bapt St «hapel. Tbc Hung i- a rectorv, in the Rift of the Crown . the present incnmbent is the Rcv. Chailes consistsof several sin eiN, some of which form detached Eortion*, au'l ixteii'l towaids the fens in the cast. Sir letiry Eilv»ard Bnnhnry is 'ordof the manor, and hold> a court as occasion leiiuiies ; and Mililenhall is in- c udc'l in the ihirty-»ixtli cirniit of Coun'v Coun to« lis, under the n»-w act for thereco-ery of debts to any amount not exceeding £20. A high constah . is appoimed aimiiaDy ; hutihe town is within ihc juiis- diciioM of ihe county magistrates, wlo meet lieie for the despatch ol bu-iness. This place is a (lolliig station at the election of members to represent West Siiffoll.; and it is the centre of the Mildenhall Union of th rit en Chichesii r. The population of the palish, in 1831, Mas 591, and in 1841,640. POST OEFICE^ High Street, William Tuiand Pope, Pust ^Ufw/er,— Letters form all parts arrive every morning at half-past tinee, ainlare despatdud at nine in the evening. GENTRY AND CLERGY Andrews Mr. Joseph, Mildcnhall C'ttage ^ Archer Mrs. Sarah, Kiln st Banks Re». Samuel, Neatway BnckeAIrs Georgiana, Mai ket place Bunbury Charles James Fox, Esq. (m iwi»trat> ), Bridei\ell st Chichester Rev. Charles, Barton Mills Rectory Damant MiS. Elizabeth. Mill st Dennis Mr. Geoige, Holywell road Eaitle William, E-(|., Lakenheaih Gataker Georne, Esq. (magistrate), Biiie«ell -t Gibson R' v. James, Worling'on Go'i'iard Mr. James, Nonh terrace Godfrey Mrs. Rachel, Mill st Godfrey Rev. William, Kentiet Goo(h Mr. Geoige, North terrace Gwili Mis. Ciiailcs, Icklinghani 56 Gwilt Rev. Daniel, Ickiinghani (iwilt John, Esq. Icklinghani GrtiU Rohi'it, Esq., Icklingham Ha'es Ji.hii Turner, Esq., Hei- rinswell Honewvood Frederick Philip, Esq. ( tiiagistratr), Woriington Lilliiig>ioii Aifieil, E^(|,,Lhipenham M"i]ey Mrs. Sarah, Kiln st Mute Geoige, Esq., Hei ringswell Newton William, Esq., Klvi dou Ottey Rev. J. T., i»t< nam Packe James, E q.. Bridewell st Pdey Rev Geo. Barb. r,FrecKenham Richardson Rev — , Boton mills Sandeis Rev. William, Eiiswell Smyihies Rev. Henry R., Her- ringswell [Barton place Squire Captain William Thomas, Tiiaipe Rev. Augustus Chippeuham Tharpe John, Esq., Chippenham Tharpe Sidney, E.sq., Chippenham Waddington Henry Spencer, Esq., Cavenh till Waddinutoii Henry Spencer, Esq. jun. (mauiNtraie), Caveiihani Ward Mr. John, Bridewell st Webb Mis. Jane, Cock lane Young Mrs. Sophia, Mill st ACADEMIES 6t SCHOOLS. Bridgeman Sat ah (day), Co. k lane Bhiiish School, Bat ton Mills, Mi>.s Hickling, mistress Cov\ell Eliza (boarding and day) Bndeweh st ^ Kiniptou Richd. (boarding &day), North terrace National .School, Barton Mills, Wlidam Town^end, master National School, Churchyard, Miss Roper, mistress i9inctoi'i). MILDENHALL, &c. SufTolfe. ATTORNEYS. Isaacson, VVooti oil rt; Son« (& clerks to the inapistrafes), Mill -t Read James & James, High st BAKERS. Barntt Edward {&. confectioner), Market Jane [lli^h st Doughty John (& coiif. ctioner). Doughty William, Cock lane Pettit James, Maiktt place Pettit William, Bridewell st BANKERS. Oakes, Bevnii, Moore & Bevan (branch) — (draw on Baiclay, Bevan & Co. London) — Edmund Denton Isaacson, Mill st, audTlios. Chifuey, North lerrace, agents BASKET MAKEBS. Ashen Chailts, Mill st Fletcher WilTum, Mill st BLACKSMITHS. King Jani^-s, Martet lane Marter Charles, Kdn st Sparse Raciiael, liarton Mills Sparke Richaid, Bridewell st and Barton Mills Starling John, Cock lane Striiiliiig Nathaniel, Cock lane BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND PRINTERS. Marter Charles, jnn. Mill st Po|)e William Tur^ind, High st BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Abboit Jnnies. Marketplace Aliboti Jiinies, jun , Beckniw road Bud Cliailes, Biidewt-ll st Bretwell John, Bridewell st Cobb Edward, H(dvwfll road Cornell J'tin, Brid'-wfU st Davis Elizalieth, Mill st Doughty Henry, Mill st Folkes Robin', Bartnn Mills Fowlett William, Barton Mills Tuck '.'"honias, High st Watts Georiie. Bridewell st BRICKLAYERS & BUILDERS. Jollv Johnson, Baitun Mills Morlev Janie«, Ninth terrace Palmer Ciiailes Bridewell st Rntherfiiid Tlioma---, Eriswell Webb Ch;irles Ik Smiuel ^& brick makers & lime burners), Cock la BUTCHERS. Fowler Ro'crt, Maikit place Naylor James, liarton Mills Trundle \\'iUiain, High st Tyler Henn, Mill st Webb William, Mai ket lane Wiseman Cenige, Biidewell st CARPENTERS. Brooks Henry, Harton Mills Haylock David, North terrace MiMiie John (Si. cabinet maker), Market pl-ice Seeker Cliarle-, Barton Mills Smith Thomas, High st Williams Da\id, Briiewell st CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. Lucas ThoiiKi» Bnrtim, High st Smith Samuel Fu.ler, Hiyli st COAL MERCHANTS. Ellington Thomas, liarton Mills Foikes John, Barton Mills Fuller Philip, Ban on Mills Moore Richard, Kiln st Owers Samuel & Charles, Mill st COOPERS. Dye Nathaniel, Mai ket place Goodrich John, Mill st CORN MERCHANTS. Ellington Thomas (& seeds), Bar- ton Mills Foikes .lobn. Barton Mills Kulltr Philip, Barton Mills FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Norwich Union, Wooton Isaacson & Sons, Mill st [High st SuiFOLK (fire), James & Jas. Read, GROCERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. M.irked thus * aie also Diapers. Bangs F"uller, Barton Mills Bangs H irriit. Kiln st •Blaikwell William, Barton Mills *Biillinan William Ilemv, High .st Clarke Geo., Daniel, Barton Mills •Laige Francis, High st .Morli-y William, Bridt well st •Ridley Edward, High st Sptrke Riclard, Barton Mills *Wing William & John (& tallow chandlers). Mill st Wiseman George, Briifewell st HAIR DRESSERS. Blade Robrrt, Cock lane Docking Charles, Cock lane Graham Robert, Market place Hills J (dm, Cfick lane INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Bell Inn, Jas. Smith Gittus, High st Bull, William Bo^ty, IJarton Alills Crown, William Ruse, High st Dog & P.rrtiidge, Tliomas Beard, Bnrton Mills [Kiln st Maid's Heid, Clark Rampling, Ship, Roheit Krost, INFiU st Tigei's Head, Francis Hammond, High street While Han, Robert Gooch, High st Retailers of Beer. Coe Joseph, Cock lane Herbert George, Holywell road Morley Frederick, Bridewell st Motley James, liiidewell st Rose .lohn. Barton .Mills Windett Arthur, Bridewell st IRONMONGERS & BRAZIERS. Bates Abraham, High st Dei ham John, Mai ket place Dyson John, Marktt pliice MILLERS & MALTSTERS. Fuller Philip, Barton Mills Owers S.imuel & Charles, Mill st MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS. .Aslien Mary, Mill st Hills Eliza (& Berlin repository). Mill street PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. D.imant Maiy Ann, Mill st Hills Charles, Norih ttnace Rolfe Samuel, Millst Ungless Henry, Ciiuichyard S.'^DDLERS. .Meninetnn Richaid, Cork lane I'eacbev Richaid, Mai ket place Rolfe John, Millst STRA^V BONNET MAKERS. Fitch Elizahetli, Market place Smith Eliza & Hannah, Market pi SURGEONS. Aldrich Pellam, Millst Gedge Aithur Stedman, Bride- well street Han is Frederick, High st Rohinsim John Wadham, Kiln st Wilde George Reynolds, High st TAILORS. Briahtwelt John (& draper), Mar- ket |)lace Brown Charles (& draper), Mill st DouL'hty Robert, Mill ,t Field Loinas. Market place Howe Edward, Barton Mills Morley James, North terrace Motley u illiam. Market place Warner Willam, Chuicli lane Watts Geortje, Bridewell st Windett Henry, High st WATCH «c CLOCK MAKERS. Gatward Thomas, Bridewell st Porter Charles, Bridewell st WHEELWRIGHTS. Howe George, Barton Mills Kendell 'VJary, liarion Mills Stiibling Nathaniel, Cock lane Miscellaneous. Bland Georee, auctioneer, and wine and sjiirit merch.mt. Mill street Drake Edward, horse dealer.'Barton Mills Gas Works, Mill »t-William Seeker, proprietor • OiliusJames Smith, brew r, Hi?h st Norm^in James, p 'iilterer, Cock lane Petley John, veterinary surf;eon. Mill st Police Static. n, Bridewell st— Daniel Finchan:, superintendent Siribling Branwhite, gunsmith and eaa- filter, Cock lane Webb Henry, dyer. Church lane POOR LAW UNION. Workhouse, Cliuicbyard. Goferno/-— Thomas Cross. yl/a/jo)(— IMarv Cross. Ctrik to the Hoard of Guardians — Wo'ton Isaacson, Mill street Relieving Officer and Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages—TUos'. Edward Robinson, Barton Alills COUNTY COURT, Held in the Cocet House monthly. Judge — Francis King Eagle, Esq. Deputy Cle?ks—J»mes & James Read. Bailiffs — John Rolfe, jun. and Charles Docking. COACH. ToBtJRY SAINT EDM UNDS.a CoocA, from the White Hait Inn, every Wed- nesday & Saturday morning at nine CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. The nearest Station is Biia.xdon, on the Easter.n Counties li.ne, nine mile* distant There is a Van daily, to meet the trains every morning CARRIERS. To BURY SAINT IDML'NDS.WilJiam Powell, from .Market lane, James Mor- ley. Bridewell street, & George Coe, from Cock lane, Wednesday and Satur- day morning ^Uffolfe* ^latn'0 NAYLAND, STOKE, BURES and NEIGHBOURHOODS. i^AVLAN'D is a parish in the hundred of Babergh — a distance of twenty miles: the living is a vicarage, iti the sninll town, formerly possesinga market, is 57 miles >'.E. from London, 16 s.w. from Ipswich, and about 6 >'.N.w. from Ci)lchester(Essexj — a station on the Eas- tfrn Union l^aiiway; seated on the north bank of tlu' Stour, over which is alaige bridge of one arch, leading into Lssex. This town was (incefamonsin theclotliine line, and liad n)any wealthy resident mannfittureis ; but it has Ins. since lost that iraile, and is now und' the gift of Sir J. R. Rowley, Bart. ; tlie Rev. Charles M.Torlesse, m.a. is the present incumbent. On Leaven hcHth, near the site of an old burial mound, formerly used b\ the Society of Friend.'janeat ch.tpcl of ease was erected a few years ago for the accommodation of the western parts of the parish. A Roman Catholic chapel, and a National school are in the village, and another of the latter on Leaven heath. Sir Joshua R. Rowley, tinguished by any other — agriculture being the general Bart, (before named), of Tendiing Hall (a beautiful pursuit of the iidiabitants. One Abel, a cloth-worker, IS .«aid to have built the handsome porch of the church, in the wall ot which lie has a nionument— and to signify his name, as also to make up his coat of aims, the letter ' A' and the figure of a ' bell' are cast upon the monument. The church, whidi is dedicated to Saint James, stands in the middle of the town, and with its spire steeple is ihe principal ornament of it. Naylaud formerly a chapelry under Stoke-juxta-Nay- land, is now a distinct parish. The market has been long discontinued, hut there is still a fair on the first Wednesday after the 2nd of October. The parish con- tained in 1'831, 1,047 inhabitants, and in 1841, 1 114. Stoke-by-Nayland, is a pleasant village, 2 miles n.E. by N. from Naylaud, and 6 s.s.w. from Hadleigh. The church of Stoke, is a spacious structure, with a lofty tower, which may been seen as far off as Haivvich, seat, near Stoke), is lord of the manor, and liolds a court leet annually at Kaster. Population of Stoke parish, in 1831, 1,447, and in 1841, 1,362. BuRE.s is a village, situated on the borders of Suffolk and Essex, in the parish of Saint Mary, which is partly in Hinckford hundred, Essex ; about 4§ miles w. from Naylaud, near the banks of the navigable Stour, and on the Stour V^alley railway, which com- municates with the Eastern Couniies line at Cogge- shall. The making of malt, atone time, was carried on here extensively, and it is now the leading branch. The parish church of Saint Mary boasts high antiquity: the living is a vicarage, of which Osgood Hanbury, Esq. is patron, and the Rev. Arthur Hanbury the vicar. The Baptists have a small chapel lure. A fair is held on Holy Tiiursday. The parish of Saint Mary coii- tainedjin 1831, 1,559 inhabitants, and in 1841, 1,596. POST OFFICE, Nayland, William Littlebury, Po*/ i1/«j/er,— Letters fiom all parts ai rive every morning at twenty minutes before seven, and are des|)atched at seven in the evening. POST OFFICE, Stoke, Mary Boggis, Post liJistress.— Lctteis from all parts arrive every nioining at B quarter before se\en, and are despatched at seven in the evening. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Alston Mr. Sam I. (attorney), Nay land Anderson Rev. — , Bures Boggis Miss Betsy, Bures Biett Rev. John, Mount Bures Creak Mrs. Mary, Nayland Crisp Miss Susan, Nayland Currie Rev. Henry Thomas, Leaven heath, S'oke Forbes General — , Stoke Garied Mrs. — , Bures Haas Rev. Henry Jnsepb, Nayland Hanbury Rev. Arthur, Bures Kemp Mrs. — , Bmes Leving Mrs.. Mary Catherine, Stoke Mortimer iMrs. Martha, Nayland North Rev. Josepii, Stoke Parker Mr. Thomas, Nayland Rowley Admiral SirJoshua Uicketts, liart , Tendiing Hall Howlinsoii Rev. — , Bnres St. Mary Salninn Mrs. Sarah, Nayland Sinuott William, Em]., Nayland Stammers Mr. William, Nayland Stannaril, Mrs. — , Bures Torlesse Rev. Charles Martin, m.a.. Stoke Vicarage ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Glim wood Samuel (dayj, Bnres Groom the Misses (boarding and dav), Bures Hill Barbara (day), Nayland Hudson Mary Ann & Alalia (board- ing). Stoke Independent School, Nayland — Ellen Hyde, mi.^tress [Stoke ^lorfey William (boarding & day;, ^iudd Emma (hoarding and day), Nayland Nat ional School, Nayland— John Jones, master; Emily Jones, mi^tress [Mcrton, master National School, Stoke — Chas. National School, Bures — Wm. Howard, master; Miss Dausie, mistress National School, Leaven heath, Stoke — Jert miah Sparrow,master Smith Alexander (day), Naylaud Stow Mary (day), Naylaud 68 BAKERS. Barber William, Naylaud Cant Samuel, Bures Crooks John, Stoke Good Daniel, Bures Goody Robert, Bures Green Henry, Stoke Hughes John, Stoke Layzell John, Bures Roberts William, Nayland Mole Nathaniel, Bnres Snell William, Stoke BASKET MAKERS. F.iieis Hfiiiy, Nayland I'aisonson George, Bures BLACKSMITHS. Dansie William, Buies Death Isaac, Bnres Death James, Bures Death Samuel, Buies King James, Stoke Pittock William, Stoke Rouse Edivard.^Sioke Scott James, Nayland BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Borictt Henry, Nayland Biirch Chailts, Bures Burch George, Bures Cant John, Bures Chisnell Thomas, Stoke Garred James, Buies Goody George, Bure-s (ioody Robert, Bures Gordon Robert, Nayland Hills Thomas, Nayland Layzell Walter, Bures Littlebury William, Nayland Mole William, Bures Mortimer W illiani. Stoke I'ooley Henry, Stoke Thorpe Henry. Nayland BRICK MAKERS. Allen Robert A. Nayland Brown John William U., Bures Garred John, Buici BRICKLAYERS. Eagle Cliailes, Nayland Mussett William, Bures Pilgrim James, Bures BUTCHERS. Bacon James, Naylaud Barnard James (pork), Nayland Holton Edward, Nayland Josslyn John, Bures Miles William, Bures Stow Joshua, Stoke Stow William, Stoke Tracy John, Buies CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Blunden Thomas, Stidie Dupont Joseph, Bnres Hammond Samuel, Nayland Martin William, Stoke Mortimer Henry (iladvvell, Naylnnd Sargent Joseph, Nayland Scowen James, Bures Smith John, Nayland Sieed Thomas, Bures COAL MERCHANTS. Allen Robert Alfied (^. Elizabeth, Needhaui Sqiiiie Mis. Ricliael, Nei'dhaiu Steward Ilev. Francis, Bai king Ward Mrs. Adii, Ne-edhain Wilkiii.soii Mr. Biredon, Ni-edliam ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Brooke Mary (day) Diuigiiis Misses (hoarding and day) Fkee Grammar School — Rev. John C. Sainiiiiins, master Taylor Tlioiiias (day) BAKERS. Bowfll Rol>ert Colchester Elizibetli Lockvvood Luke Lucas Thonias BANKERS. Alexanders' & Co. (draw on Bar- nrtt.s', Heares' & Co. London) — Samuel Ale-Nander Maw, manager BLACKSailTHS. Brown Edward Claxsoi) Edward Tydeman Jonathan BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Baskett Robert Brooke Ri' hard Brooke Richard Cooper Fai thinii Moses Garrard Jeiemiali Giocim Robert Groom Robei t, jun. Liic^s Thomas Pane ,lohn Read Thomas Read William BRICKLAYERS. Aiiglish Samuel Scopes Etiward Sexton John BUTCHERS. Bennett Catlierine Kezia Brown Steplien Gilsoii Samuel Hay ward John Smith Ezekiel CARPENTERS ACBUILDERS. (iodfiey Henry (and cabinet maker) Reeve William &. Son CHINA AND EARTHENWARE DEALERS. Cooper Samnel Ta>h.r William Woodward John FIRE, etc-, OFFICE AGENTS. RovAL Exchange, Jonthn. Abbott Suffolk (fiie), SamU'-l Alex-indir Maw and Frederick Hay ward GROCERS, DRAPERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Baglfy James, Lambert Eleazer Elsden Edward Taylor William GarnhamStcphn. Webb Wilham Gairard &Prtddle Woodwaid John INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Bull, Robert Mudd Georae Inn, Joseph Pooley King's Head, Eru.betb Knight Queen's Head, Richard Sai;e Rampant Horse, John Mount Red Lion, William (odd, Barton Swan Inn, Samuel Hat-gar (and in- land revenue officer) Three Tun«, William Tydeman IRONMONGERS. Abbott & Wiigh', [&. glue makers) Southtiate William MILLERS &CORN MEUCHNTS Bixby Robert, Creeton Hayward Edmund Sheldrake vVilliam Soiitligate Abiaham & Son Stewaid George (and maltster) PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. Blomfield Thomas Cooper Samuel SADDLERS. Dearing Mary Dearing Thomas SURGEONS. Beck Henry Beck Thomas B, Bedim; tield James I'enniiuton James TAILORS. Klatt William Green John Lambeit Eleazer Mayhew Robert Studd John W^ATCH MAKERS. Beard Piiilip Davey John Miscellaneous Ahliolt .lohn, auctioneer Bnskett .lames, beer rt-tailer lllomtielci .lane, straw bonnet maker Cialion William, \vheel« right Dickerson Sopliia. confectioner Gas Works— Charles E(Iward»,manaReT Hapgar .loseph, rake and hurJle maker Lovely Sarah, stay maker Lovieiv Mary Ann, beer retailer Moore Kllza, milliner and dress maker Mount .liihn, mallster Mount William, wire worker Poi.U'P, Station — James Briggs, super- intendent Potter Thomas, basket maker Pretty Ann. nilliner and dress maker Quinton .lohn, chemist and bookseller Reeve Richard, beer retailer Knffell Francis, beer retailer Sheldrake John, millwright Simii30Ti Janie.s, cooper Sludd George, hair dresser Vincent Jonathan, veterinary snrgeon Ward Sophia, lime burner & brick maker Woollard William, whitesmith Young Daniel, gardener CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY- ON THE EASTERN UNION LINE. ■S/a/io7i,contii;uons lothe town — William Bird, station maater. CARRIER. TolP.S\VICH, William .Sai;e, daily; als9 by rail ORFORD II S a \)aiish in the hundred of Plomesiiate — the town, | and other officers. The mayor and two portmeu are a borough corporate, and foimerly holding a market , is ^justices of the peace, and are emptiweied to hold 88 milf.s N.E. byE.from Londoti,andl9E-by N. from Ip»- j ses.sions twice a year. The buraesses returned two widi; .situated at tiu- .south-eastern extremity of the ] representatives to Parliament from the time of Henry county, on the banksof the Ore, wlieie it flows into the VU until the Reform Bill passed, when the borough German Oce.in ; and from wlrch river iIk; n uue of the was disfranchised. Orford confers the title of Earl place is i-aid to be derived. At a former period, this upon the family of Walpide. place n)u.st have been of much greater extent and! Tie church, which is dedicated to St. BarthoIoiMew, cmisefiuence than it is now — for, itisstattd, by e^rly was, when entire, a spacious and im|)osing strijctuie historians, to have at one time contained twelve churclit-s: at this day its appearance i.s nothing more than that of a scattered fishini; village ; and the only objects attached to it, that can he likely to interot the stranger or tourist, are some pleasing maiine and land of great antiquity, with a squ.ne embatiled tower. The chancel, now in ruins, appearsto b;- more ancient than tie re.-t of the bnildiiig. 'l"he porch is curious and decorated with escu'cheons, and the window.s contain some beiiutiful traceiv. In the church is » views, and the impo.sing luins of its ancifiit caMle. font, of elaborate workmanship and gnat antiquity. Thi> fortress staiiils upon an eminence westward of 'Ihe columns, arclies, and general architecture, is in the the town, and the spot is .said to have been once the Norman style. The livim; is a perpiiual cuiary, with centreof the place : the ruins, as they now stand, form I the rectory of Sudbourn annexed, in the gift of the a Kood sea-mark for ships coming fnUn Hnll.nd. The I Ciown ; the Rev. John Maynard i^ the present incuin- decline of Orford i> ascribed lo the loss of its harbour I bent. There is a place of woisliij) eat h for Indepen- fromthf retiriigoftbesea.aiidariangeiou-i bar tlirown dents and Primitive Meihodists. At Sudbourn, to up at its mouth by the action of the waves. The in- the north of Orford, is Sudhourn H.ill, a seat of the habitants received a charter of incorporation pi ior to iMarrpies^ of Hertford's, snrnmnded by a tine park, the leiKti of Richard HI, and llieir privili-iies were I The mai ket is no hmger attended, but a fair for toys confirm. dbythat monarch and by Elizabeihand James, land pleasuie is hehl on the 24th of June. The paiish The corporate l'0(lyconsi>ts of a mayor, eiuhtporimcn, I containrd by the returns made in 1831, 1,362 inhabi- and twelve capital hul^esses, assisted by a recorder | nitas, and in 1841, 1,028. POST OFFICE, Mary Ann Latigmaid, Post Mistress. — Letters from all parts ariive (by mail cart from WicKiiAM -Market], every morning at twenty minutes befoie eight, and are despatched thereto at twenty niiimtcs before seven in the evening. 60 lidtctoi'g. ORFORD. ^Uffolft. NOBILtTYj GENTRY AND CLERGY. Hertford, tlie ino->t iiohle tlie Mar- qiussof. Sudliourn Hall Mayiiird Mrs. Ann, OrfonI Mayuard Rev. .)t)liii, Orfird Minuay Miss Mary, Oiford O'Grady Capt. VVilliain, Oiford WndeMrs. Elizah., Raydoii Cottage PROFESSIONAL PERSONS, INCLUDING SCHOOLS. Howard Hannah, .school mistress Randall Samuel, surgeon Sampson Denny, school master Spalding Benjamin, .school n)a.ster INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Crown & Castle (commercial), John Ma. nail Jolly Sailor, Benj miin Nickels Kina's Hend, George Ling White Halt, James Worn SHOPKEEPERS Se TRADERS Barher John, butcher Barliam Is.iac, boot and shoe maker Billint; llohert. saddler and boot and shoe uial;er Boriet Jo.li, beer retailer Biinkley WiMiani, Imtcher Burrows William, shopkeeper Burv\ood Kobert, boot cSi shoe maker Cockrell Natiianiei, butchir Dowsins Samuel, blacksmith Fairht-ad TIioums, painter & glazier Field VVilliam, miller, and corn and coal dealer Goodswin Daniel, tailor Hammond John, wheelwright Ma: kin Sariider A., grocer and draper, and coal dealer Martin Hubert, miller Peek William, boot and shoemaker Rope Brothers, spirit merchants and jjorter ayents Rope George, maltster, and coal and C'lrn merchant Rope Samuel, grociT and drajier, news agei.t, and agent to the Sutr.dk (ire nfflce Threaclnill J, din, baker Till Joseph, grucei and draper 'rnrner John, druggist and liair dresser Turner Kohert, tailor Wide Barnabis, lioot & shoe maker Wade Henry, carpenter CARRIERS. To SAXMUNDHAM. - Pped, from the Crown and Castle. Thursday To WOODBRIDGL,— .Mniin, from the Crown and Castle, Monday, Wednes- day and Saturday SAXJVIUNDHAM, WITH THE VILLAGESOF KELSALE, LEISTON AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. ^AXIMUNDHAM is a parish in the hundred of Plomesuate — the mat ket town, small and neat, is 89 miles N.E. from London. 21 N.E.by N.from Ipswich, and 7 N.vv. from Aldboroush ; seated in avalley, neaiarivulet that runs into the Aide. It consists chiefly of one street, running from north to south, the houses of which are, for the most part, modern erections — the town having been much improved throughout within the la>t fifty years, and nearly all the liabitiitions re- built or new fronted. Saxmundham is a polling station at the eledioii of members to represent East Suffolk. The town is not benefitei) by any manufacture, unless that of malt may be mentioned, several persons being engaged in that bianch. The parisli chuich of S.iint Julni, is a neat edifice, situated a little to the south of the town, in a rural spot, embosomed in trees. Some few years since, it underwent a thorough repair, when nearly two hun- dred new sitiiims were added, partly at the expense of the churcii commissioneis: the living is a dischaiged rectory, in the presentation of Willium Long, Esq., who is lord of the manor; the Rev. Laiincelot lirowne is the incumbent, and his present curate the Rev. Robert Mann. An endowment, by a rent charge, was made by William Corhold, for the instruction of a limited number of poor children of the parisii. The sun oiind- ing grounds, belonging to the manor hoase, are justly admired, and contribute highly to the beauty of the southern entrance to the town ; ilie not them approach is also very fine, and the paik, rivir and plant.itions present themselves to great advantage. The D'nrket, which was granted in the 4th of Kdwaid 11, is lieM on Thursday, and is a tolerable one for grain and cattle. Fairs, Tiiesday in Whitsun week, and the first Thurs- day in October. The pari-h contained, in 1831, 1,048 inhabitants, and in 1841, 1,097. About one mile north from Saxmundham, in the hundred of Hoxne, is the village and parish of Kelsale, strictly of an agricultural character. The chuich is deilicated to Saint Mary : the living is a rectory, con- solidated with Carlton, in the paiionage of the family of Bence. A free school, su|)poried by vaiious grants, is conducted upon the National (ilaii. Population of the patish in 1831. 1^103 ; in 1841, 1,156. Leiston parish is in the hundred of Blything— the village is situated about 4 miles e. from Saxmund- ham, and about two fiom the sea-shore. A consider- able iron foundry and manufactory of agiicultuial implements hHS been prosperously cat ried on here for several years, furnishing employment to many hands, and to the village an interest of which it would otherwise be destitute. The church is dedicated to Saint Margiiet; the living is a perpetual cutary in the presentation of the Haberdasher's Company, London. The parish, (inchiding Sizewell hamlet,) lontained, in 1831, 1,070 inhabitants, and in 1841,1,171 POST OFFICE, Saxmundham, James Smy, Post Ma.iter.— Letters from London and the North, &c., arrive eveiy morning at half-past three, and from London, [second mail) , ^t five in the evening, and arf despatclied to all parts at ten at night. POST OFFICE, Leiston, Joseph Gibbs, Post Master.— Letters from all parts artive from Saxmund- ham every morning at seven, and are despntehed thereto at a quarter before seven in the evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. Bagnold Mr^- — , Fri^^ton Baker Re. William, Friston BlathwayRev.Jolin Charles, Leiston Bloomfield Captain — , Glemham Magna Browne Rev. Launcelot, Kelsale Clouting Mr. Samuel, Kelsale Cobbold R. Knipe, Esq. Carlton Crewe Mrs. — , Saxmundham Flatt Mrs. Sarah, Saxtnumiham Freeman Mis. Maty, Saxmundhatn Fuller Edward, Esq. Cailton Gilison the Riuht Honble. Thomas Mil tier, m.p. Theberton Hardinge Rev. Henry, Theberton H(dland Rev. Edmund, Benhall Lodge Hunt Mrs. — , Saxmundham King Mr. James, Saxmundliam Long VVilliam, Esq. Srtxmundham Maun Rev. Robert, Saxmundham Mitford Rev. John, Benhall Money Rev. James Drummond, Sternfield Morgan Rev. Rowland, Rendham Moseley John. Fsq. Glemham House [Leiston ATTORNEYS. Cavell Alesatid' r, Saxmundliam Mayhew Thos. & Son, Saxmundham Southwell Henr\&James (andcleik to the magistrates), Saxmundham AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISRS. Rendlesham the Dowager Lady, ] Flick Samuel (and tanner), Sa.x- Waller Mrs. Martha, Saxm«ndham [ mundham WellsMrs.Hephzil)ah,Saxmundbatn j Stopher Richard, Saxmundliam ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Flick Misses (boarding and day), Saxmundham Free School, Saxmundham, — Kellv, master Free School, Kelsale, Henry Watling, master National School, KelsaIe,RachaeI Blacksull, mistiess BAKERS. Blake John iiiyton Thnilow John (and builder and stone mason), Saxmundham VVoods William, Saxmundham Wyatt Henry, Leiston CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Arnold John, Leiston Dunn George, SHXinnndham Pacltard Edward, Saxmundham COOPERS. Bedwell James, Kelsale Berrett Robert, Saxmundham Taylor Jonathan, Leiston FIRE, etc. OFFICE AGENTS. Atlas, Thomas Mayhew & Son, Saxinundham Legal and Commercial (fire), John C Crampin, Saxmundham Norwich EguiTABLE, Henry and James Southwell, Saxmundham Norwich Union, Jerome D. Bright & Co. Saxmundham Royal Farmers' and General, Edward Packer, Srtxmundlianj Suffolk (fire), Gundry Neave, Leiston st ; and William and Joiin Flatt, Saxmundham Western (life), John Charles Crampin, Saxmundham GUN MAKERS. Backhouse William, Saxmundhum Marjoram Richard, Saxmundham GROCERS AND DRAPERS. Crampin John Chas. Saxmundham Crane James, Leiston Easter Robert, Kelsale Flatt William & John, Saxmundham Geater Charles, Leiston Hdlden Charles, Leiston Johnson J(»seph, Leist(m Moore George, Saxmundham Neave Gundry, Leiston Smy James (draper), Saxmundham Studd Alfred, Kelsale Tongate John, Kelsale Woods Robert, Saxmundham HAIR DRESSERS. Aldons John, Leiston Reeve Henry F. Leiston Reeve William, Saxmundham Whiting William, Saxmundham INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Angel (and posting-house), James Woolnonth, Saxmundham Bell (commercial and posting), Henry Battley, Saxmundham Black Horse, George and Sleeves, Leiston [Saxmundham Coach and Horses, James Crane, Queen's Head, William Fenton, Saxinundham [Kelsale Six Bells, Benjamin Thompson, White Hart (commercial and post- ing), JohnLinroln, Saxmundham White Horse, Edward W. Gooch, Leiston IRONMONGERS. Garrard George, Saxmundham Garrett Richard & Son (wholesale) Leiston Wells William (and iron merchant, oil and colourman, brazier and whitesmith), Saxmundham Wyatt James, Leiston MILLERS. Crane James, Leiston Curtis William, Leiston Harvey William, Kelsale Skouldiiig Thomas, Kelsale Wells James (and corn dealer), Saxmundham niLLINERS&DRESS MAKERS Cooper Sarah, Saxmundham Rogers Mary Ann, Saxmundham Styles Elizabeth, Saxmundham Thurlow Emma, Leiston West Harriet, Kel'*ale PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, &C. Beard John, Saxmundham Fi-k William, Saxmundham Whaley Samuel, Saxmundham SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Beiistead Thomas, Kelsale Ulooinfield Henry, Saxinundham Woods John, Saxmundham SURGEONS. Freeman Henry, Saxmundham Ling John, Saxmundham TAILORS. Aldons John, Leiston Chisnall Thomas, Kelsale Cunnell John, Saxmundham Geater Charles, Leiston Hearn John, Kelsale Hilling John, Saxmundham Podd Jesse, Leiston Tongate John, Kelsale WATCH 6e CLOCK MAKERS^ Andrews Potter, Kelsale Garrod Edward, Saxmundham Woolterton Jerome Saxmundham WHEELWRIGHTS. Bedwell Richard, Kelsale Cutis William, Leiston Wyatt Henry, Leiston WINE, SPIRIT, ALE AND PORTER MERCHANTS. Foulsham John, Saxmunilham Waller Henry, Saxmundham Miscellaneous- The names nitkout address are in Saxmundham. Alexander Harriet, straw bonnet maker Baldry James, beer retailer, Leiston Brightly Celia, bookseller and stationer Cousins William, basket maker Crowe William, currier & leather cutter Dale John Henry, dyer Foulsbara John, brewer and malster French Charles, beer retailer Gas Works— Edward Packard, manager Mills Sheppeard, beer retailer Robinson Robert, coach builder Smith Jonathan, farrier Smy James, land surveyor Stamp Office— William & John Flatt» sub- distributers COACHES- None t)-arel on Sunday. To H ALES WORTH, the SAannon,eTen« ing at five To IPSWICH, the Retaliatory morning at seven; the .V/iannon,at half-past tenj and the Old Blue, at three in th« afternoon To Nf)RWICH,the Eclipse, morning at half-past six To YARMOUTH, the Old Biae, after- noou at Ihree' CARRIERS- To HALESWORTH, — Batley, Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, and — Sawyer, on'I'hursday To IPSWICH,— Batley, Monday, Wed- day and Saturday, and Robert Roui, Alonday, Wednesday and Friday To NORWICH. — Batley, Tuesday Thursday and Saturday SOUTHWOLD, DUNWICH, WANGFORD AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. V^OIJTHWOLD is a market town, sea-port, and horough corporate, having separate jurisdiction, locally in the hmidred of IJIything ; 10.") miles n.e. from Lon- don, ,36 N.N.E, from Ipswich, .U s.k. from Norwich, 2,3 s. from Yarmouth, 1.3 s. from Lowestoft, and 10 e. •fii.ni Halesworth— the two last named are the nearest railway towns. It is seated on an eminence that ovei- looiis the German Oct an, and nearly encomiiassed by the IJIyth river, over which a bridge leads into the town: although thus environed, and subject to the action of ihe tide, yet there are many fine springs, from which a large fleet may at any time be watered. The town obtained its name, probably, from the wood near it, as the appellation of Wood's-cnd Creek' 62 is still given to the western precincts. Formerly a few fishermen's huts only occupied the shore ; but in pro- portion as the prosperity of the inhabilanis increased good houses were erected, uinil it ultimately attained, a consequence equal to other places of more ancient significance upon the coa>t. From the eligibility of its situation, and the beach being admirable adapted to sea-bathing, Southwold has for a considerable time become ihe resmt of visiters for that purpose, in the usual season. It has a fine pinmenade, a ieadiiig-> room called the 'Casino,' an Hssembly room, and two principal inns — that of the Old Swan, in the Market- place, is a coinfortablehoarding and commercial housr. On a cliff called the ' Gun Hill' is a battery, mounting. IBdectorg. SOUTHWOLD, &c. ;^uffolft. six 18-ponnders; aiuJ niuler the cliff is a breakwater, extending iipward-s of three hundred yards into the sea. The public buildings, txclu!bing village. That it was a Unman station is evident from coins and other relics of that people found here, Rnd in (i.'iO it was an episcopal see. Sir Henry Spelnian in his account of Dunwicli, reports that it once contained fifty-two churches and monasteries: all tliese Iiave its connexion with the port of Yarmouth, of which it been engulplied, except one church, and that from its is a member. Several charters of incorporation have been granted to the inhabitants: that by Willi, im and Mary rem.iined in force until 1835, when the Munici- pal Reform Act vested the gnvernment in a mayor, four aldermen, and twelve councillors, under the style of 'the Bailiff's, Aldermen and Burgesses of the borough of Southwold'. Sessinns are held for the trial of felons and other offenders ; a court of record, for the n covery of debts to any amount, sits weekly ; and there is a ronrt of admiialty, at which the bailiffs preside. 'J'he operations of the new County Court, have, how- ever, in a great measure, rendered applications to the old record court unnecessary. The parish church of Saint Edmund is a very insecure and delapidnted state, must, it is feared, ul- timately share the fate of other buildings which the wateis have carried into their depths. Kdward I, in the 23rd year of his reign, created Dnnvvlch a pailia- nicntary borough— but it was disfianchised by the Reform Bill. It was established as a coi poiate boroUL'h by King John ; and is now governed by two bailiffs, two assistant justices, twelve capital buigesses and assistant officers. The corporation are empowered to hold courts of assize and session, ami a court of ad- miralty. The most anxious soliciiude was evinced by Colonel Barne, some few years since, to preserve from utter destruction what still remains of this fallen city; and the cliff has been crowned with flourishing elegant edifice, with a tower steeple one hundred feet j plantations by Mr. Robinson. For a more detailed in height, composed of freestone tastefully intermixed with flint of various colours. It was orisjinally a chapel of ease to Reydon, but in 1751 was made a distinct curacy, and endowed with Queen Anne's bounty; latterly it has become a vicarage, and the benefice is in the presentation of the Earl of Strad- broke ; the Rev. Henry Birch is the present vicar. There are places of worship for Baptists, Independents and Wesleyan Methodists, The market, held on account of this interesting locality, we refer the reader to 'Excursions in Suffolk,' — contenting ourselves with repeating, that of this once magnificent and wealthy ecclesiastical town, and prospi rous sea-port, all that remains is but an inconsiderable vil!;ige — the borough and oarish containing, by the returns for 1841 only two hunclred and thirty seven inhabitants. About 3§ miles N.w. from Southwold, in the same hundred, is Wangford parish and village — the latter Thursday, is abundantly supplied with all kinds of : situated'on the main road from Yarmouth am! Lowestoft provisions; and there is a fair held on Trinity-Mon- to Ipswich. The paiisb church is dedicated to Saint day and the day following, tor toys, pedlary, and plea- i Peter: tlie living is a perpetual curacy, in the pationatie sure. The parish contained in 1831, 1,875 inhabitants, i of the Eail of Stradbroke. Thi population of the [)aiish and in 1841, 2,186. I of Wanyford (inclu'ling that of the hamlet of Hen- Dun wicH, a sea-port and borough, and formerly a I nam), amounted in 1841, to 818. POST OFFICE Queen Street, Southwold, Emily Bye, Post Mistress.— LetU'is from all parts arrive (from Wangford), every morning at seven, and are despatched thereto at six in the evening. IfOBILITV, OENERY AND CLERGY Birch Rev. Heniy R., High st Chast'in Mrs. MarvAnn, High st Cottingham Mrs., East green Edgill Rev. — , Hoggis ball Ellis Lieut. Francis William, South green [cliff Ewing John Leman, Esq., Centre French Rev. Williim, Higlist Gayfer Mrs. Peegy, Hii;h st Gooch Rev. Richard, Frossington Goocli Sir Thomas, Benacre hall Hall Mr. John, High st Hopkins Rev. — , High st Knight, the Misses, Back st Lilliugstone Alfred, Esq. Gun hill Norman Mr. John, South green Norton Mrs. Mary, Southwold Realey Captain James, Queen st Robinson Mr. Francis, Dunwich Stradbroke the Kinht Honourable the Earl of Henham Syer Mr. Edward, High st Terry Mr. William, Wangford ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Bransby Henry K. (boarding), Mar- ket plnce Hudson Jane, High st National School, Wangford— William Wright, master Pleasants Ann, High st AGENTS. CSee also Fire, SfC. Office Agents.) Crisp Read (to Lloyds'),the Common Debney Robeit JcJlin &Son (house South i?reen Palmer Peter (house. East st ATTORNEYS. Gooding Jonathan (and magistrates' clerk). South green Wallace Thomas, Barnaby green BAKERS. BulesJohn (&confectioner)Queen st Chapman Charles, Back st Chapman Richard, South green Fuller Bobert, Waimford Lee James, Back st Lincoln William, Market place Sones John, Higii st Strange Samuel (and confectioner), I\larket place BANKERS. Harveys'& Hudsons', High st (draw on Hankeys' & Co., London) — Willirtin A. Thompson, ayent BASKET MAKERS. Money William, Church st Perfect Joseph, Queen st BLACKSMITHS. Andrews Sarah, Wangford Blowers Wm, Bartholomew green Downing William, High st BOOKSELLERS& STATIONERS Bye Emily, Queen st Jones Job, High st P.ige Ann, Eost st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Balls Samuel, East st Barber William, Wangford Betts John, Wangford Button Jonathan, High st Lincoln James, Queen st Naunton Georae, High st Nunn William, Back st Pretty James, HUh st Wells Francis, East st Welton Henry, Wangford BREWERS. Gayfer & Woodley (and agents for Reid & Co.'s London porter), East green BRICKLAYERS. Carter Robert, High st Palmer Peter, East st Sutton William, East lane BUTCHERS. Batram George (pork), High st Kverett Charles, High st Fryett John, Market place Haward Samuel R. Market place Oldring Lvdia, Market place Reeve Robert, Waniiford CABINET MAKERS. Andrews John, Hiali st Mayhew Krede:ick,East st Sawyer & Wiight, High st CARPENTERS 6c BUILDERS. Croft John, Wangford Fulclier Daniel, High st [st Palmer Peter (and appiaiser), Eust Sawyer John, East green COAL & CORN MERCHANTS. Crivp Reail, the Common Gayfer & VVoodley, East green I'ann Robert (dealei), Wangford COOPERS. Crisp Bela, Church st King John (and sail maker), Mar- ket place FIRE, &c., OFFICE AGENTS. Clkrical, Mf.dical and General (life), Wm. A.Thompson, Hiuh st Scottish (life), Jas. Maggs, High st Suffolk (fire), William Abbott, Market place GROCERS, DRAPERS, AND DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Abbott William, Market i)lace Chittleburgh Mary, Queen st Church Maro, Gieen lane 63 rUffolfe. SOUTH WOLD, &c. ^later'0 GROCERS, arc. — Continued. De'>ney Henry (diaper), Highst DeUiiey Uiibeit John (and library), Siui'l) gieeii Denny Kiedeiick, High st Dovvn'ini! Ann, Uai-k st Gri'eiiaid Mary, High st Jellicoe I'hoiiias H., Market place Moore Williaui, Market place Palmer Ebzabeih, Ha^t areeii Rea'l Kztkifl, Waiigford Smith R.ihert, Marker place Wales Cliarle.s Waimford Waytli Charlotte, Queen st INNS- COMMERCIAL &. POSTING. (See also Taverns 6{ Public Houses) Ciown. Giles Austin, High st Old Swan (and boarding house), Elizabeth Bokeniiani, Market pi MALTSTERS. Crisp Jnliii, Hack st Gavfer & VVooiMey (and hop mer- chants), E ist green Reeve Benjaii'.in, Wangford MILLERS. Crisp Read, the Common Gavfer Samuel, Walhf rswick TuVnei Ki.bert G., Wangford MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS Ciitten Marv, Ka>t st Pratt Maltha, High st Rogers Jane G., Qneeu st PLUMBERS, PAINTERS, &c. Bo\ce Janie-i, High st Heriine Jolm, Wangfud Tavlor George, Back >t ROPE AND TWINE MAKERS. Goodwin Jasper & Sons B irnaby creen Oldiiiig Henry, High st SADDLERS. Hacken Henry, Hiiih st Terry Jauies, Wanuford STRAW BONNET MAKERS. I'latt Martha, HiL'h st Rogers Jane, Queen st Smith Emma, Market place SURGEONS. Cotiinchain K'lwin, Wangfoid Rackhain Wilham A., Wangford Sutherland John, Hii;h st WilliamsJ as. (i.hyvician),South green TAILORS. Balls Thomas & Son, High st Botham Henry, Hinh st Haward Samuel, Wangford Hot-on William, Barnahy green Wwson Riehard (& draper). High st Rolfe John, Wangford TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. AiigrI, Claik K.-nnc'iy, Wangford Bear, James I'refty, Hii;h s) Fishing Bass, — Sewsoii, Blackshore King's HeaH.Wm.Gnldsmith, High st Lion, Allied George Ciidden, U'angford Lord Nelson, Thomas Penny. Kast st Pilot Boat, .lames SVoodard, East st lied Lion, Lydia Martin. South green Southw'oldArms.Charles Everell, High st Swan, William Newbury, Wangford Retailers of Beer- Chapman William, High st Crowford John, Green lane Gol Ismith Edward, Green lane Jillings.lames, High st IJoyd John, Chnrcll st Stiiiipson Samuel, Wangford WHEELWRIGHTS. i^axter Siepheii, Wangford Hobson Jonathan, Skdman'shill IVIiscellaneous- Allen Robert, stone mason, High st AnliyJo.%eph,clienii.%tA;(lrugt'isl,Queen st Cliild Edward, ironmonger, Mark.el place Custom Housb, South green— Benjamin Candler, collector; Thomas Uurrant, tide surveyor Drewell Robert, tobacconist, and animal painter. Queen st [Market place Field Michael, china and i;lass dealer. Gas Works, North green— Benjamin Palmer, manager Magoj James, auctioneer and appraiser Highst [Eastst Mayes George, watcli and cloek maker, Mayhew George, hair dresser. High st Parker John, inspector of police. Market place Priestridge Thomas, lapidary. High st Snell & Vicker»,timbermerchts. Wangford Stamp Office, High st— John Jeves, sub-distributer COACHES & OMNIBUSES. To IPSWICH, the OWfl/H<-'from Wang- ford), every alternoon(Sunday excepted) at one To N(JRW1CH, the Pilot, from the Crown Inn. every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday morning, during the summer months ToWANGKORO, Onniihiises. from the the Swan Inn'daily (during the summer month*) ai twelve noun, and f.mr, to meet the Otit Blue Cuadi, froia Ipswich, and YMrmonlh To YARMOUTH, tlie Old Blue (from Wangford), every afternoon (Sunday excepted) at five CARRIERS- All pass tln-ouijk Wangford. To HALESWORTH, Bedenfield Monday, Wednesday and Saturday ; Edward Goldsmith, Tuesday; and — Newson, Monday and Thursday To LOWESTOFT, Edmund Goldsmith, daily; — Bedenfield, Monday & Friday; and Wm. (inldsmith, Tuesday & Friday To SAXMUNDHAM, Edward Gold- smith, Fri.lav To YARMOUTH, — Newson, Monday and Friday STOWMAKKET and NEIGHBOURHOOD. ^TOWMARKET is a parish in the hundred of Stow, —the market town, flourishing and respectahle, is 75 miles N. E. fioin London (80 by railj, 3:5^ from Nor- wich, 14J E. s. E. from Bui y St. Ediiinnils, 12 N. N. w. from lp>\vich, and iii N. n.w. from Needham market ; siiuated o held aniin'allv under R. Man'iott, Ksi|. the lord of llie circuit of tl;e County Court towns, under the act passed in 1846, for the recovery of debts to any amount not exceeding £20 — this court is held nionthlvat the King's Head Inn. A new police station is ahout to be built in Tavern stieet, with a lai ge room oier it for the magisiiatts; and the county court will also sit here when the premises are comph-ted. 'J he parish church of Saint Peter and Saint Mary, is a spacious and handsome bnihiing, with a sqtiite t'wer, and slender spire of elegant and light anpear- ance, one hundred and twenty feet in height. In the church is a monutiient to Dr. Voung, once vicar of this place, and tutor lo Milti'D tlie poet. The contigtious parish of Stow-Upland (which has neither church nor chapel), is consolidated with .Stowm.irket : the living is a vicarage, in the gift of Miss Brvan ; the piesent vicar is the Rev. Arthur (>. 11. Hollingsw.M th. There are piaci s of worship tor Baptists, Independents, and Ciimitive Meth'xiists; National and Sunday sclmols; and several charitable institutions for the relief of the po. r. The piincipal s. at in tlie neighhourhood is Great Kinhorongh Hall,' the residence of Ca|)t. Robert Bns>ell — siatiding in one of tlie most dflightfnl situa- tions in the county, and stirionnded by a beautifully laid out park of U|iw.irds of two hundrtd acres. Tiie market, which is a large one for corn and cattle of all kinds, is held on Thursday. Fairs, JulvlOihfor toys, and .August r2th for lambs. The parish contained hy the remrns made in 1831, 2,672 jnhahitants, and in niauor ; and' thr town is included in the thirty-fourth 1841, 3,i."V). POST OFFICE, Ip^wic'i-stiect, Thomas nv^cVttt\\U)o\hv , Post Master. — Letters from London, Ips- wich, and all paits (d tlie South and Noktii, anive eveiy moining at a (juatter befoie nine, and evening at (seven; and arc despatched at three in the afteinoon and twenty minutes before eight in the evening. l.,eiteis from Bl'hy Saist Edmunds and the counties of Nokfolk, Cambridge, and Lincoln, arrive every afternoon at a quarter-past two, and are despatched at ten in tlie morning. Money Orders are granted and paid between the houi.s of nine in the morning nnil six in the evening. 64 Hirtctorfi. STOWMARKET. ^uffolfe. NOBILITY^ GENTRY AND CliERGY. Bridges Mr. GeitiL-e, Ihirv st Bns^'eil Cafit. Bobert, Gnat Fin- bormigh Hall Caniell Mi>i. Kiiseliia, l|)«\vich road Crawfiird Rev. \Vin.,Hauel)ley Park Daniel Rev. Richard, Combs Freeiiiaii Kiv. Kiedeiick VVilliain, Maiket pi, ice Grimsby Mi-s Marv, Ipswiih road Hrt't iMis. Susan, Chilt'iii place Holliiigsvvortl) Rev. Arthur George Harper, Vicirage, I[)swicli .st Hoiit Mr. Jaiiit s, Stuw-Uplaiid st Isaac Mr James, Violet hill Moreati Mr \Vi Ham, Chilton place Miilly Mrs. Catharine, Bnry st Peiininuton Mrs. Amy, Ipswich st Fiyke Rev. — , One liouse Purr Mrs. Ann, Biiry st Rohinsfin Rev. J. B , One house Rout Mrs. — , li>swich ri>:id Rust Mrs. Ann Sarah, Abbot's Hail Smtih Mr. William. Bury road Symoiids Mrs. — , Rtgeiii st Thornlev Rev. ,lobn. Burv st Webb Jos. Antrim, Esq. Ipswich ■'t Webb William, Ksq., Ips^vich mad ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS. Carr C arlotte (boaidina), ChiN ton house Ciiiier Sar-tb (day). Ipswich st DissENTERs'.ScnooL,Chilton place, Abraham Jackson, master Larkhain Loui>a (clay), Ipswich st National Scii' ol, Chuich yard, Charles Heach, master; Elizabeth Revett, niistr' ss Paul Sarah (day). Burv st Peck & Walters (ladles' boarding), Burv street [st Strat Elizabeth (hoarding), Ipswich Tydenian George (day), Stow- Ujiland street ATTORNEYS. Arclier Edivaid Peter (and super- intendent reiiistrir, and clerk ti> the Union, the County Court and the Stownnrket Na^igaiion Com- pany), Tavein street Gudgeon Jrimes, Bury st Marriott John, Ip-wich st Hausom John B^yly, Bury st AUCTIONEERS. Downing Heiiiy Shuckwortli, Ips- wich street Payne Jaints, Butter market BAKERS. Barnard lvl^^ar'l, Stow-Upland st Blomfield Thomas, Bury st Blouitield Tiiomas William, Ipswidi st and Bury st Fisk Geoiee, Burv st MavKew Marv. Combs Palmei William Bury st Puiley Thomas, Siow'-Uidand st Sieveison .lainis, Market jdacc Tricker John, Regent st Tricker Robe t, Ipswich st BANKERS. Oakes, Beviin & Co. .M iiktt pl>)ce — (draw on iiarclay, Bevati & Co. London) — John George Hait, agent BASKET MAKERS. Colliiis William, Tavern st Scogin Susan, Market place Rackliam George (and pi inter), Il)swich st Woolby 'I'liomas Bracket! (and pi inter and circulating library), Ipswich st BOOT 6c SHOE MAKERS. Atnbrose 'rhoinas, Ipswich st Chailes Richard, Marketplace Chittork Gi oige. Bury st Codd Willi im, Ipswich st Colsoii John, Bury st Colson Willi.ini, Stow-Upland St Day John, Church yard Diaper George, Bury st Gladwell Thomas, Stow-Upland st Ives Janifs, .Market |)lace 0;mes Samuel, Crow st Palmer Robert, Stow-Lipland st Rarte .lames. Bury st Reddish Edward, Market place Roper Beniamin, Bury st Riinerkles Robeit, Bury st Rushbrook Francis, Ipswich st BREWERS. Cobbold Joliii, Stijw-Uplaiid and Ipswich Stevens John Wells & George, Stow-Upland st BRICK AND TILE MAKERS. Fison Jaiin-s (and best malt-kiln tiles), Sudbuiy road BRICKLAYERS. Andrews Joseph. Tavern st Aicher James, Chilton place Webb Miiy Ann, Bury st BUILDERS. See Carpenters and Builders. BUTCHERS. Cutlibeit Tlioma^ Bury st Eley Jostpb (poik,', Ii)svvicli st Gilsou D.ivid, Ipswirh st (iil-on .lohii. Stow-Upland st HagnarJolin (poik), Ipswich st Hayward (ieorge, Buryst Miller William, Ipsaicb st Suttle William (pork), Ipswich st CABINET MAKERS. Bailey VVilbam, Bury st Betis Francis, Burv st Cc.le Thomas, ('hlder place Kine Wil iani, Ipswich st Latnbi'it George, Ip^\^;ch st Miles Thonia-^, Combs. CAKPENTERS & BUILDERS. .Abbott Joseph, Cinldi r plaie Andrews Joseph, Ta»ein st Hetts Francis, Bury st Blomfield & |)rnni«, Bury st Lambett George, Ipswich st Lya- William, Ijiswich road Rednall Fpliiaim, Ipswich st Sawyer Ruidall Bridgemaii, Chilton place CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Cutting James Bray, Ipswich st Rackliam George, Ipswi. list Sim|)son Thomn^, Bury st CHINAj GLASS &c. DEALERS. Paimenter Isaac, Butler maiket Rout Mary Ann, Market place Stetersoii James, Market place CLOTHES DEALERS. Chailes R'chard, Ma'k^t |)ldce Paxman J.mes", Ipwich -t Pooley William, Stow-Upland st Saxby A'fied, liutter market COAL MERCHANTS. Bridges Hansord J., Stow-Upland Byles Jt-remiali, Stow-U|»land st Cobbold Juhu, Stow-Upland and Ipswich Prentiieit Hewitt, Stow-Upland .st and Ipswich [Ipswich Prentice Thomas, Stow-Upland and CONFECTIONERS. Blomfield 'I'lioiiias \Vm, Ipswich st Fenton Eliza, Ipsaicli st Pooley 'i'homas, Stow-U()land st St< verson James, Market place Tricker Robert, Ipswich st COOPERS. Lockwood John, Ipswich st Tricker William, Buryst CORN MERCHANTS. Blomfield Thomas Willi.m, Bury street and Ipswich street Bridires Hansord J. (& hnseed and manure caki-s), Stow-Upland Byles Jeremiaii, Stow-Up and st Cobbold John, Stow-Upland and Ipswich Collen George, Ipswich st Fison James (& seed), Sudbury road Lockwood John, Ipswich st Prentice & Hewitt, Stow-Upland st and Ipswich Prentiie Thomas (& salt), Stow- Upland and Ipswich CURRIERS AND LEATHER CUTTERS. Drake Charles, Stow-Upland st Gariett Thomas, Bury st Stewart Hemy, Church yard DYERS. Barnard Hemy, Churchyard Francis William, Churchyard FIRE, AC. OFFICE AGENTS. Atlas, James B. Cutting, Ipswicli st County (fire), Richard Ke. n,Mir- ket place [Upland st General, John W.Stepliens, Stow- G t' A RDIAN,J no. Mumford, Ipswich st Imperial (fire), Daniel Greeu, Violet hil Norwich Equitable, John B. R.n-om, Bury st [.Market pi Norwich Union, Tims. Sheldiake, Provident (lite), Richaid Keen, Market place Reliance Mutual (life), Daniel Gieen. Violet hill Royal Far'mers' and General, Edward P. Archer. Tavern st Solicitors' and General (life), John B. Ransom, Bury st Suffolk (fire), the Executors of Thomas Goss, Market place Wesiern (life), George Rackliaiu, Ipsv\iih sheet FURNITURE BROKERS. Belts Francis, Bury st Cracknell & Tydeinaii, Ipswich st King William, I(>-wich st Pavne James, Butter market Pooley William, Stow-Upland st GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. [See also Shopkeepers, 4'c.) Fulcher Robeit Holey, Bury st Keen Richaid, Ma'ket place LankesierJosrp!) Antiiui,. Market pi Sheldiake & Boby, Ipswich st 65 Suffolk* STOWMARKET. ^latei'j* HAIR DRESSERS AND PERFUMERS. Downing J ami s. Market place Druce William H.. Bury st ParmeiJter Isaac, Butter market Studd WilliHiii, Bury st HOP MERCHANTS. Sheldrake, Mumfoiddi Co. Ipswich street INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES Barge, Joiin Bird, Stow- Upland tt Bell, Joseph Difie, Bury road Duke's Head, John Brett.Ipswich st Fox Inn (commercial and po-ting), John Lockwood, Ip-wii li >t Fox & Hounds, John Brownsmith, Bury stret-t [M.irkei place Grevhound, John Dixon Taylor, King's Arms, Charles Edmonds, Stiiw-l'pland Ki^l!'^ Head, Henry Shnkforth Downing, IpSivich st Magpie, Thomas Wells, Comb-! Pickerel, Win.Curner.Stow-Up'and Pot of Flowers, Ann llice,Hory st Puncli Bo« I.Sarah Meakei'S,Combs Queen's Head, Charles Willi mis, Buiy stieet [Stow-Upland Railway Tavern, Edmund Mullett, R||^e. Owen Whayman, Butter nikt White Han, Robert Smith. Crow st White Horse, William Last, Stow- Tpland !>t f Upland st White Lion, James Williams, Stow- Retailers of Beer- Ayliflfe Uiehaid, Molet hill Coisoii William, Stow-Uidand st Dav John, Cliurch yard Godbold James Earthy, Stow-Up- land street Godhold Jonathan, Bury st Mavliew Marv, Combs Smi'h Willi.im, Cat's lane I Trickrr William, Bury st i IRON & BRASS FOUNDERS. Brwley Mary (inacliinistj. Crow st I Woods James (& agricultural iin- [ plement maker). Bury st I IRON MERCHANTS. | Prentice & Hewitt, Slow-Upland street and Ipsirkh IRONMONGERS & BRAZIERS. | Easlea Dennis & Walter, Ipswich st Griisx Thomas (the Executors of). Market place Purr William Watts, Butter market Uu»t Isaac Arnold (and oil & color- man), Bury st Salmon Eilward, Tavern st LINEN AND ^VOOLLEN DRAPERS. {See also Ttitlors.) Keen Richard, Market place Lankester Jos. Antrim, Market pi Slieldrake & liohy, IpMvich st Whitmore William, Tavern st MALTSTERS. Biidgcs Hansord J. .'^tllW-Upland Cobbidd John, Stow-Ufiland Fison James, Sudbmy load King Benjii. & Co. Stow-Upland st King Benjamin Dsven, Tavern st I^ockwodd John, Ipswich street Pren'ice & Hewitt, Stow-U|)land street and at Jpswk/i PrenticeThonias& Co.Siow-Upland Stevensjnhn Wells li George, Stow- Upland street Webb Bayly, Combs MILLERS. nionifield Thomas, Bury st Blomlield Thomas William, Buryst Boulter William, Ford .Mill (i6 Brook William, One house Brooks William, Combs Cooper James, (Jombs Felgale Fuller, Stow-Upland Fison James, Sudbury road Jav Samuel, Badley Palmer Williatn, Biirv st Wicks Henry, Stow-U|dand MILLINERS& DRESS MAKERS Baker Martha, Stow-Upland st Boyle Mary, Bury st Dennis Hannah (& furriej;,Bnry st Diiper Elizaheihi Stow-Upland st Girdlestone Emma, Crow st Halls Maria, Ipswich st Hapson Lucy, Burv st Keen Elizabeth, Marketplace LaiHbert Harriet, Ipswich st Lee Ann, Buiy st Tilloit Marv, Ipswich st NURSERYMEN & SEEDSMEN. Barnaul Valentine, Bury road Barnes William, Dane Croft Nursery F^elgate John, Burv road PLUMBERS, PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. Baker Edward (painter), Stow- Upland street Colh n Georee, Ipswich st Pearson John, Ipswich st Rout Mary Ann, Market place Wilson George, Stow-LTpland st SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Bethell John Ward, Ipswich st Wright Samuel, T.i\ ern st SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERS IN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Andrews Heiny, Regent st Bird Simon, ('hilder (dace Blomfield Rebecca, Bury st Felgate I-aac, Bury st Garrard Edward, Ipswich st Leathers Jonathan, Slow- Upland st Race James, St(»v-Upland st Sawyer Randall Bridneman, Chil- ton place j Williams Robert, Stow-Upland st I STONE 6t MARBLE MASONS. Hop^on John, iiury st Simp-on Edward, Ipswich st ] STRAW BONNET MAKERS. 1 BlomlieM Hannah, Burv st j Fcnion Harriet, l|iswi(-li st 1 HalK M:.ria, Ipsuieh st Laiiibeit Harriet, lp«wicli st SURGEONS. Bree Charles Uoln'it, Back's lane Freeman Spencer, Market place Harling Barzilla Augustus, Stow- Upland street TAILORS. Marked thus * arc also Drnpera. Balls George, Stow-lTphmd st Bev\ley Hunter, Crow st Charles Richard, Maike place Creasy Joliii, [U ion st RafTe Heniy, T:ivern str Ilodwell I'-divard, Crow st *Rust Fredck. William, Ipswich st ♦Salmon Thoma-, Bury st Saxby Alfred, Butter market Thuilow (ieoigi-. Union st TiUelt Albeit, l|)swich st TALLOW CHANDLERS. Bond Roliert, Cat's lane Lankester Jos. Aiitiini, Market pi TANNERS. Webb Joseph .•\ntrim & Son (and fellmongers). Combs TIMBER AND SLATE MERCHANTS. King Benamin (and slate), Stow- Upland st Prentice & Hewitt (and steam saw mills), Stow-lTplandst& i/>j«?iVA TOY DEALERS. Bethell John Ward (and turnery), Ipswich st P.trmeiiter Isaac, Butter market Simpson Susan, Ipswich st WATCH 6t CLOCK MAKERS. Feltham William, Stow-Uiilaiirt st Kersey Thomas (and jeweller), Il)swiih stnet Scrivener William, Market place WHEELWRIGHTS. Gladwell Charles (& drill maker). Recent street Gretn J()se|)li, Combs Hart William, Stow-Upland Palmer George, Buiy st Taylor \\ illiam, Stow-Upland WHITESMITHS AND BELL- HANGERS. [See also Blaclasmiths.) Crackuell Samuel, liiiry st Mile< Edward Davie-, Ipswich roati Orams Thoma-, Ipswich st Purr William Watts, Butter markit Smyth Francis, Taveiii st W^INE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Diaper James, Stow-Upland st (>aiikestei J'S Antr im. Mai k( t place Sheliliake, Muinford^;Co. Ipswich st WOOL MERCHANTS. Fison James, Su ibmy road Webb Joseph Antrim & Combs' Tannery Miscellaneous' Ailams Nath n, cardener, Bury road Adams Uolii 1 1, pipe maker, Ipswich st Andre-^T.s Daniel, rope and twine maker, Bury street Aiensi.n Lonis, jeweller, Chi'ton place t'oUon Jolin, gun and pistul maker Ipswieli street Corn Exchange, Market place — Jobn B. Kansom, cleik Francis .lames, umbrella maker, Bury st Garralt 'I'homas, coach linildcr, Bury st (jAS Works, Stow-L'pland Gi-orue Sievens, manager [Voili t liill Gotls William, inland revenue ollicer, Ixr.AND RiiVKNBK 1 )i' riCE, 111 the King"* Head Inn, Ipsuicli street Killy Samuel, tislimons'-r. Bury st l.iu-as \Vm. fnliiniinger, ist(i\"--l'pland st M-l.aclilan John, Ininl snrveyor. Bury st .\lKCllANlcs'JNSTiTL-rios,lMarktt place — Charles Wade, manager OlFiinl James, culler. Ipswich st I'oi.K-K SrATiON,lps«icli street— Janie* Lark, inspector Quiiiton .lames, linman, Stow-Upland ll Uade William, Rlover, Back's lane Soiilli^ate William, tinir.aii, Btiiy st Stamp Hkfick, Ipswich st— Thomas B> Woolhy. snl)-dislribiiler Sntlle William, cloi; and patten maker, (.'linrchy-ird Taylor & Kednall, sack, tilt and greaie manulactiirers, Chilton place Tlinrston John, gardei^er. ?tow-Upland it Vinctnl James, halter, Ipswich st U'aikin Richard, inland revenue ofljcer, Resent st [market Wliii\man Owen, veterinary siirgn, Bnlter Willi'inis C'hailes, collector if property, income and assessed l;ixes, Bury »t Yonni;man Thomas, fruiterer and green grocer, Ipswich street Sod, COUNTY COURT. Held AT King's Head I.vn monthlT ./»(/jrf— Francis King Faple.Esq. C/cifc — Edward I'eter A icher. Tavern >t fi, Friday ToDEBENHAM & FRAMUNGHAM, Charles Smith, from the Barge,'I'uesday and Friday To EYE and SCOLE, David Bond, from the Queen's Head, Tuesday STRADBROOK. WITH THE VILLAGE OF HORHaM AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. ^TR.ADBROOK is a parish in Iheliiiiulied of Hoxne — tlie aiaiket town, a small one, is 96 miles n.e. (rom London, 9 n. from Fiamliiigham, between 6 ;ind 7 E. ffom Eye, 24 n. ffotii Ipswicii, 28 s. from Norwich, and 7 s. from Harle>ton ; situated witliin ahont fonr miles of tiie northfiii bolder of the county aiinttinn upon Suffolk. Theie are no mannfactuies belonging to the place, and the littlf tra'le it enjovs is entirely of a local nature. Petty ses.sions aie held here every alternate 'rue»^dfy; and it is a polling station at the election of meinbeis to represent East SuffolU. The pi ices of worship are the parish church of All Saints, and a liapti-t chapel : the living is a discharged vica'age, in the patronage of the Bishop of Ely; the present incunilient is the Rev. John Taylor Alien, m.a. The chaiities connected with this |)lace are the Ho.x'iie Union workhouse, and some funds of small amount by means of which a few children are educated and apprenticed. Robert Copley, the learned and pious Bishop of Lincoln, who died in 1253 was born here. He made himself so obnoxious by bis opposition to the ineasuies of Pope Innocent IV., tiiat bis Holiness endeavoured to get hishody exhumed, for the purpose of being burnt. Stradbrook confers the title of Earl upon the family of Rons. The market is held o;i Tues- day, and a fair on the third Monday in June, also a statute for hiring strvatits on the 2nd October. The population of the parish, in 18'M, was 1,527, and ia 1841, 1,637. HoHHAM is a parish in the same hundred as Strad- brook — the village, a small and ruial one, is 2 miles s.w. from that town, on the road to Eye, from v\hicl) it is lietween four and five miles distant. The places of worship are the paiish church of Saint Mary and a Baptist chapil. The living of Horliam is a lectory in the gift of the Rev William Ma7a/;-o)i — Mary I.. Wright. Rrliriiiifi Officer and Rrpistrar of Birlh* and i)ta(/is— Thomas Thurston. CARRIERS. To IPSWICH, William Meen, from hi» hiMise, Monday & Friday ; goes through Framlinghain and Woodbiidge To NORWICH, William Meen, from his house, Tuesday & Friday ; ^oes through Harleston and Bungay SUOBUllY, WITH THK VILLAGE OF B.ALLINGDON AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. Sudbury isa market ti'wn and corpoiate borough, | impiovemem r.f this navipation ; but since fbe opening having sepir.ite jurisdiction, locally in the hundred f)f| of the raiUvay bet'ore-mi-ntioneil, the traffic on the iiabeinh, 55 mile> n.e. by N.fiom Lond'Mi (58 bv rliop | room, behind an iron grating, is a huni'ii skull, sai of Canterhurv, had a noble palate heie, the gatewav of which is .'till standing; but mi the runainder of the site has been eieoted, ai a cost of about £14 000, an extensive woikhoiise — Sudbury being the centre of a Union under the New Poor Law comprising forty -tvio paii-bes. This was one of the places assigned for the residence of I be Flemings, wlnun Edward III. induced to settle in this country, to instruct the English in the varirjus liranches of the wo(dlen trade: this manufacime formed the staple for many years, and was sncceeded by tho'e of silk goods, says, crapes and buntiuiis, wliich liranches still continue to exist. The Stour is navigable hence to Manningtiee, ill Es^ex and large sums have been exp( tided in the to be that of Symon de Theobald, befoie mentionedi who was beheaded by the mob in the insunectioii under Wat Tyler. The fiee grammar school here wai founded in l-iai by William Wood, and endowed witl a farm in Essex : tiiere are but few pupils on the eS' tahlishtnent. National, Hiiti-h, and Chinch of Eng- land sdiools aie open for the education of childrefl of the humbler cla-s ; and there are some bequests b] whi(di th'- poor are benefited, in cloihuig, &c. Tin market is now held on Thursday ; and the f^^rs, Marcl 121 hand Jul) 10th. Thepopulatii'ii ofthe three pi lis he* together withihe hamlet of lUtLiNnDoN, (which wa included within the pailiameniarv borough), in 1831 was, 4,677, and in 1841, 5,085. POST OFFICE, Borehamgate-street, Thomas Goldsmith, Post Matter —lA-ueis from I.ONnoN and all parts NoKi II and S..f th, arrive every morning at six, and aie despatched at half-past seven in the evening. Letters fr' in Ci-AKE, Cavkndish, Long Meikird, Lavf.miam, and Cockheld, airive every evening at seven, and are despatched at hall-past six in the- morning. Mrmei/ Orders are paid and granted at this otticc between the hours of nine in the morning and five in the evening. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CLERGY. AlexanderC.l).,Esct.,liulmerAubries Andrews U< v. Hobeit, VValler- Belchani|) Andrews He». William, Rulmer .Armstrong .Mrs. — ,Curd- lane bad ham Hev. Charles, All Saints' Church yard 68 Badliam David, E-q , Bulnier i Elli^ton Miss Sarah, Ballingdon Baker VVilliain, Esq. Brundon Hall | Karrow Mrs. Elzabeth, Ballingdon B.iinardistoii Nathaniel Cliike Esq., Koster Hev. John, Koxeaith Uyes Lodg^ [chie st Fowke Mrs. — , Stour st Bates David Nic h'das, Esq., Sepul- i French Miss Hannali, Siptdchrest Constaiiie John, Esq., Worming- ! Frost M i . Josiah, Ballingdon fold Hall (iainsboioiK'h .MIns E., Sepulchre »t Daking Miss Sarah, Stour .st Garnham Mr. Joseph, Stour st Dupont Mr. Richard G., Wigan end ' (Jodfrey Miss Ann, North it IS I recto vp. SUDBURY, &c. ^Uffollt. Goldsmiih, the Misses Elizabeth ami Cliailotte, Srpuiclirt* st Goody Mr. John Crisp. Croft Green Mrs. JaiinHh, Kriars st Gtubb Mr. Jniiathaii, Mrlford road Herriiigliani Rev. Wilbam, Borley Hodyi' tlie Mi-ses — , North st Holmaii Mr. .lohn, Uaihiigion HolniHii the Mi<.^es, Mai liet hill Ho(i«oo(j Itev. .Jesse. Kallinadon Howf the Riiiiit Honouralile the Karl ot, Actoi) Hall Humphrey William Wood, Esq. (barri-'er), Sour st Hiirrell Mi-s Henrietta, Friars st Joiie-Mrs Susan iMhKlizatieth, Croft Jones .Mr. Tnonia». Wiaau end Jones Mrs. Saiah, Noitli st JonesWilliam Michael, Esq., Friars St Keeble Mr. Samnel, Friars st Kirbv Rev. — , '»\ aldiifitield Met-kin^ Mr. Henry, Chilton Hall Miirch Itev. Spencei, Bank buihlniits Meeking Mr. Thomas, Wood Hall 0th y Rev. — , Acton [Lodge Prirmenter Thomas, F-sq., {..aiiiarsh Feniherton Rev. Edward, Helchanip, Si. Paul's Perriiii! Rt-v. Peter, Great Cornord Raymond Rev. Oliver, Mid'ileton Havniond .Sunuel Midiank, Esq., Beichami) Hill [.Market hill Revell the Misses Mary & Sarah, R •eers Mr-:. .Sarah, Friars st Shelford Rev.W. H„ Preston Sidney Rtv. Edwin, Little Cornord Sinims Mrs. Marv, Stour st Smith Rev. E., N'-wton Spanow Mr. William, BalUngdon SpooiierMf WilliainjBorehanmate st Studd .Mr. Chailes, Ballingdoa Tliresher Mrs. Maiy, Fria'S st Tr)llei Rev. Frcdeiick, Ballingdon Tozer Miss Fra- ces, Stnur st Wallis Rev. William, Friars st Walli^ Rev. William, Leistoii Wilkinson Rev. Watts, Fi i.ir -st ACADEIVIIES AND SCHOOLS. IJadliamVV'Hiam(l)0 ir'liiia),Stiiur si British Schools, Mill lane — Thos. Sawytr, ma-^ier Brown Ann (boodine), Clinrch st ' Church of England School, Cliurcli st — Mary Robins,mistress Free Gra.mmar School — Rev. Simon R. MilH, nnster HindesEli/a(iM);tr ding ;, Sepulchre st Hodsoii William (ilav), North st Infants' School, Mill lane — Emily Bough, mistress Liliie Emilia (da»), Straw lane National School, North st — Wm. Hodson, master; Susan Giiiu, mistress Ray Mrs. — (boardine). North st R(j"gers Ellen (boarding), Boreliaiii- gale street Worts Matilda (day), Friars st ATTORNEYS, Andrews G' orge William, Friars st Dowman William (and chrk of the peace and coioner), Friais st DovMuan William, inn., Friaif st Goo'iayJohu Francis Sikes, Bore- h^nmaie st Ransom & Son, Fiiars st Stedmaii Edmund (clerk of the peace), Borelianit'a'e st Stedman Roln-rt, Friars st "WaUh Fiaii(i> Eldiidge, Stour st AUCTIONEERS& APPRAISERS Blunden & Ridfe, North st Joscelyne Samuel, Sepuichie st Squire Richard, Fiiars gt BAKERS. Marked thus* are iiLso Confeclipners. Bell Abraham, Ballingdon *Btrrv William, Friars st Clark Gtome, North st Clark Thomas, North st C'la'es Geoige, Cross st Dalies Samuel, Fiiars st, Higby William, Sclioid lane G.kkIv Hal lirt, Chuich st Goody Thomas North st •Hariinutoii John, Borehanignte .«t Ha-ell James Hazard, Baliingflun Jone> Samuel Alfred, Sepuichre st .Macio Daniel (and poulterei), Ac- ton (irteu Ma\seiit William, George st Kiiiu Ttiom IS, North st Rashbiook Robert, BiUingdon Rogers Stephen, Cmiss st Sadder Thomas, Mill lane Saddhr William, Fri.irs it Shreeve Noah, North st *Sillitoe Elizabeth, Fiiars st Turtiu Da> id, Chuirli st •Wells Eliza, Market hill BANKERS. Alexanders' & Co, Fiiars st — (draw oil Barntt's', Hoaie& Co., Lon- don) — William D. King & Jona- than Grul'b, agents Oakes, Bevaii, Moore & Bevan, Market hill — (draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co., Loiiiion) Savings' Bank. Friais st — (open Tuesdavv) — Henry Pratt, actuary BASKET MAKERS. Parsonsoii Chailes. Noth st Parsonson (ieorge, Ballingdon Parsonsoii .'i.nies, Wiyan end Parsonson Richard, Cornord end Parsonsoii Thomas, Friars st BLACKSMITHS. Bonney Edwairi, Gaol Jane Hale James, Ballingdoii Hawkins Jame», Ballimjdon Shelley James, Wignii end Shelley Robert, Burget's lane BOOKSELLERS& STATIONERS Marked thus * are also Prinleis. Berry James, North st •Chaplin Cliaile-, Bonhatngate st •FuhhHrG.o. WilliamsMaiket hill •Hill William, Ballingdon King Thomas Martin, North st |st Woolhv William (stationeri, Fiiars •Wright James, Market hill BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Burton Joseph William, Friais st Deeks Heiirv James, Sepulchre st Ely Thomas, Ballingdon Farnswoitli Jaim s, Giegoryst Faux Benjamin, Fnars st French James. Church w-dk Goldsmitji John, fMaiket hill Goody Cliarles, Norih st Goodv Thoma'i, No" th st Hart William, Ballingdon Heibeit William, North st King Charles, Cioss st Lewsey Thomas, Ballingdon Ma\s .lohn, Friars »t Parsonsoii James, Cross st Phillips Alice (dealer). North st Park iigioii James, North st Ready George (dealer). Market hill Sillitoe Jonathan. Acton green Striiit Willi.im, North st Ward Thomas Market hill Wilson John, Cio^s st BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Enison Edmund, Market hill Ixer Robert, Straw lane Purr John & James, Sepulchre st Raveiiell Wil iam, Cio-s st BRICK AND TILE MAKERS. AlUn Koberi A. (and .sla e mer- ciiant) , Bal;im;diMi grove G nil 'Ihomas, Boreliami.'ate st Goody ,l()hn Crisp, Gallows hill Hunt Ham. ah (and earthenware niaiiufacturcr), Cornord BRICKLAYERS & BUILDERS. 'iiiin Thiiii.a>, Borehamgate st Gieeii Edward, Friars st Green James Abishai, Sepulchre st Griiiiwood Geoige, Acton green Webb George, Ballinudon Webb Samuel, Cro*s st Wheeler Thomas, Wigan end BUTCHERS. Andrews William, Ballingdon BearGeoice, Market hill Brock William, North st Brown Saiiinel, North st Clarke James, Ballingdon Collis Josefili, Cioss st Collis Samutd, Cimicli st Collis Walter, Boieliamgate st Kio^t Jacob, Sepulchre st Herb, rt Golden (pmk). North st KiiiK>bury .loNcph. Church st Spuri;in Kobt it. Cross st Ward David, Noitli st CABINET MAKERS. Joscelyne Samuel, Sepulchre st Murrells Aiiihro>e, Friars st Mm rell< Thomas, Sepuhhre st I'eititt Wyatt John, Friais st Smith Altred, Fiiars st Sp'iiig Samuel, North st Spring John, Ballingdon CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Bonny & Elliston, Ciovs st Giiiii .lames, Bank buildings Jone.' Willimi, North .-t Mills Tlioma>, Borehaineate st Sillitoe James, Cross st CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Ely George, Fiiars st Harding Henry (and oil and coloui- man). Market hill Oxley John Raiisome (and plaster manufacturer). Market hill CHINA^ GLASS, &c. DEALERS. Ely William WaMeii, Market hill Hale Jane, Ballingdon Hills Beiijainin, Fiiar st Ling Anne, North st Ready George, Markt t hill CLOTHES DEALERS. Burrows Jan.es {&. hattei). North st Cook William, Norih st Haeg Ichabod & Co., Market hill King U illiain. Friars st Ready George, .Market hill ICOAL MERCHANTS. Allen Roht A. (aiidcokej, Balling- don grove Mason Joseph, Wharf Ray & nibble. Wharf Squire Richard, Wharf Tovell & Co., v\ harf COOPERS. Hitchcock (ieoriie, Sepulchre st Newton William, B llingdoH Rudd Edward, North st CORN MERCHANTS AND DEALERS. Allen Robert A., B illingdon grove Barker Joseph, Market hill Ba^s iSi Brown (and florists, seeds- men, and agents for Raiisouie's ngiicultural iniplenicuts), Mar- ket hill Hibble & Higgs, North tit 60 Suffolk. SUDBURY, &c. Maux'» CURHIERS AND LEATHER CUTTERS. Conk Win. (leither seller), North st Fox Tli'inn!*, BiiHiiigdon Linibert George, Nurili st FIRE, Sir. OFFICE AGENTS. Architects.* and Builders', Char'ei> Chaplin, Borelmngate st Atlas, Hansom & Son, Fnars st County (firej and Provident (life), John William Welham, Mark. thill [Kriarsst Etonian, George W. Andrews, Globe, .lamrs JohnHardinu, Mai- kt-t I. ill [Fiiars .st Law (fire), William Downian, jun., London Corporation, Job Gi over, Nonh .st [mill Hills, Friar.s.st National Kndowmf.nt, Benja- NoRwicH UNiON,SaniUflJoscelyii'*, Sepulchre st ; au'l Ge'ige Wil- liam Fiilcher. jiiii., Maiketliill Royal, Ri. hard Scjuire, F iars st Roval Exchange, Willidin Dow- imii. Fnars >t Roval Farmers' and General, Gtorge U'm. Fnlrher.M irkit hill Solicitors' and General (life), William Dowuian, jnn.. Friars st Suffolk (fiie;, Johii & William D. Kiiiw, Friars st Sun, .lanKs Brown. Croft Western (life), Samuel Joscelyue, Sepulcliri' st Widows' Fund (life), Wm. Lillie, Maikt't hrlj FISHMONGERS. Brnrk Wiiliani (and game dealer), Nonh stieet Rudd John, Fiiars st FRUITERERS AND GREEN- GROCERS. Barwifk Joseph. Noitiist Brock William, North st [chre st Hawkes Chas. {& gardener), Sepul- Heibert Willinm. Nonh st Luig .Mali'la. Fri.ns st Making Francis Herry, North st Oaklfv Ricliar'l, Sepniclirc st Rog'-rs Georue, North st Rudd Joliii, Fnars »t Wheeler Kdw^rd, Seimlclire .st FURNITURE BROKERS. Jones Artliiir, Cro.s^ st Pettitt Wyatt John, Friars st Rojjers James, North st Smith Allied, Fiiars st Spiiiig Samuel, North st Wheeler Joseph, Gregoty st GLOVERS & BREECHES MAKERS. Habbt'ftoii Thomas, North st Rice St.pheii, Baliingdou Siggeis John, Cliuich st GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS. (See also Shophee/jers, and also Tea Dealers.) Abrey Henry, Noitli st Cook William, North st Grover Job, Noith st L'ng Ann'-, North ^t SclilenLker John. Fiiars st Weliiam Joiiii William (and liop iiieichaiit). Market hill Wils.Mi George St. loner, .Markethill Wright Kdwaid, Market bill HAIR DRESSERS. Bulmer .lolni, N"Mth st Bi)liiier Will., Noith st [ket bill Ely \Vm.Wayleii(& toy dealer), Mar- Jeiikiiisoii Henry, Borebani«ate st Rice George Henry, Sepulchre st Rice Stephen, Baliingdou Seaerave Joseph (aud cork cutter). Church street [Market hill Simkiss William (and toy dealer), HARDWARE MEN. Simkin Sp^rkes (and haberdasher). North street [st Simkin William Samuel, Sepulchre I NNS. {See also Taverns t^- Public Houses.) George, Johnson William Double, Old .Market place Rose & Crown (commercial, family and postiig;, John Hausell, Market bill White Horse, Joliu Clark, North st IRON FOUNDERS. Bear William, Baliingdou Hawkins James(aud plough maker), Baliingdou IRONMONGERS. Beard Joseph, Friars st j Emson Edmund (and PRINTERS--LETTER-PRESS. See under the head Bun hs filers. SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Clarke Robert, Ballingdon King John, Baliiiigfion Ready Edward, North st West'iby John, Friars *f SHOPKEEPERS ficDEALERBIIT GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Adam* Waller, Bal iiigdon Albury George, Cross st Bacon James, Gregory st Berry Dannie, Cliuicb walk Ell wards Susan, Sepulchre st Ellistou Samuel, Plonth lane Goddard Elizabeth Ballingdon Green Daniel, Ballingdon Hale Jane. Ballinadon Hawkins James, Ballingdon j Herbert Samuel, North st agent for' Howell John, Wig in end Garrett's agricultural implements}! Pe'lev Rolieit, Cross st Mai ket hill [Friars st Tovc fl Robert (5rey, Ballingdon Wright William, Chmch st 70 Haicouit Henry (and giinsmitb). Purr John & James, Se[)ulchrest LIME BURNERS. Allen Roheit A., Balliimdon grove Giiin Thomas, Boreluiingate st LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS Boggi> Edmund, Noiih st Biidgniau Jotm, Market hill Bryant Rob> rt, Noith st Cook vvidi m. North st E'lwaid^ Richard, Markethill Huiifer Andrew, Market hill King VVilliam, Fii.iisst Really Georte, Market hill Sayle Jcdin, .Market hill Wilson George Skipper, Market hill MALTSTERS. Allen Robeit A. (&.liop merchant), Ballii.Kdoii grove Garrad Jojni, Stourst G;irrett Williaiu Henry, Back lane Hibble Thonia«, Priory walk MILLERS. Barker Joseph, Market hill Cloier John, Bulmer G^rreti William Henry, Borley King Tliomas, Ballingdon Lee Rfibert, Corimrd Maxui Josepii, Mill hill Wilson Chirle.s, North st Wood VViiii.im, liraiidon MtLLINERS& DRESS MAKERS Bernard & Firman, Scpnirhre st Blackmail Sarah, (iaol lane Col«on Beisy, Borelianigate st Daiisie Maria, Friais st Finnan .lane, Sth, Sepulchre st •R-adv George, Market hill Rice Stephen, F'riars st .Smith John, Sepulchre st Svrett John. Borelianigate st Todd Chailes, Balling'lou TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Anchor. William .Must, Friars st An-el, Georicft .Manby, Friars st Bear, 'I'liomas Mills. Borehameate st Black Boy, James Balls. Marktt hill Bull. .Stephen .Spurgin, Church it Casile, John Chare, .Stour st Christopher Tavern, George Gall Gro.«f, Sepulchre sire t (Jolden Lion. John Jones. North st Green Orajon, Thomas Uixey, North tt Hum, I homas Dent, Nnrth st Kind's Mead, James Marriott Partion, Ballingdon Rose, Charles Edey, Stour st i IBircctoii). SUDBURY, ike. ^Uffolfe. Royal Oak, Elizabeth Gooch, Boreliam- Ratf St [Acloii giet-n Wagon onil Horses, GeorRe Giiniwodd, White Hart, Win. CurtCL-n IliiHcll, Cross si White Horse, James C arke, Uallingdoii Retailers of Beer. Carter Joseph, Ballinglon lilliston S.imiiel, Plough lane Gooily Baker, North st Kini; Sarah, Balliinjdon PelWy Rohert. Cross st Piliiioe Thomas. Friars st Slnitt Geon;e, Wigan eml Whefler .losepli, Gii;;oiy st TEA DEALERS-TRAVELLINa CiMshie Eliene/ei', Crolt llae Wiliiain, S |inlolife st Raiiisty Joliii, Si-|)ulclire !>t TIMBER St SLATE MERCHTS. BiaiKi Jolin, Chuicli si [taie si Hartkius Cliailes & Co., Buiehain- VETERINARY SURGEONS. Brinvn & Shave, Cliiirdi >t Huttim Josiali. Si-piiltlue st WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Ambrose .laiiie.s Chiistophtr (and tiiriet cluck 111 iniilaitrei'),Noi th st Apiilf Josi ph (and jeweller and loukiiijj-^liiss dealer), UalliDgdun Dawson Kdwaid, Ballingdon Dawson George, North >t Hill Ueiijaniin (& jeweller), Friars st PaKe William (iid jeweller), Bore- liaini^ate street WHEELWRIGHTS. Pixey 'Hioinas, North st Farrow Henry P^tiker, Ballingdon WINE St SPIRIT MERCHANTS. A:)ams KlizaJane, Borehaiugaje st Brciwn James, Croft Hasell James, Stonr st Sikes John, Old .Market plaee WOOLLEN AND BUNTING MANUFACTURERS. Hibble Thomas, North st Janii-s John, Nonli st Foiidei Heniy, Curds lane Miscellaneous- Ambrose Wiiliim, traoher of music and mnslcal instrunieiil seller. North st Barley John, horse dealer, S:our st Barwick Joseph, bird and animal pre- server. North street [hill Bass & lirown, tallow chandlers, Market BoiioUGH Gaol, Gaol lane Peter Richards Cross, qovernor Corn Exchangi:, Market hill — George William Folcher, in^pec'or Crane Alexander.coach builder,Church »t Crissell George, clog and palten maker, Chnrcli st [Acton green Davis George, gardener and seedsman, Ellison Willjam,straw plat manulactnrer, Ballingdon Fox Thomas, brewer, Ballingdon Gas Works, Quay lane— James Wright, lessee [Friars st Gooch Oliver, whilesmith & bell-hanger, Grnnily Geo. supervisor of inland revenue. Sepulchre street Hart William Davis, dyer, Cross st Hartley Samuel, maiine store dealer, Sepulchre street Lo.NDON Property Protection So- eiETY{aeaiiist thelt)— JohnF.S.Gooday, agent. Boreham'jate street Manldon Ann, pawnbroker, Friats «t IMechanits' I.NSTiTin ion. Friars st — W. I). King, curator ; Thomas Sawyer, librarian Nicholls Peter, boat builder. Wharf Overfill Isaac, woolstapler & lellmoneer. Church st [Chnrcli st Pdrsonsou William, carver and gilder. Railway Station, Borehamgite st J'lhn Brill, station master Rolfe Jiihn, whiting maker. North st Sillttoe Thomas, b|. acher, Friars -t Spnrgin Siephen, dealer in Komau cement and plaster of Paris, Church st Stamp Ofkicf, Market hill — G. W.Ful- cher, suh-pislribuler Tourner Wrn. John, professor of French, Chinch street Town Hall, Market hill--George Hitch- cock, chief consiable Warner William, inspector of weights and measures. Friars street Wilkin^nn Sarah. eaiing-house. Friars st WoolbyRebecca,Berlin lepositry.FriarssI PLACES OF WORSHIP, AND THEIR MI.NISTEFS. AllSai.nts' CmiRcn, Church street— Kev. Charles B idham, liror. SaInt Greooky's Cui'RCH, Crnft — Rev. Watts Wilkinson.oj^/i in/jH^.K/vi/e. Saint Peter's Church. Mark-t hill- Rev. Watts Wilkijison,f;/?(Viorini7c«ra(e BAPnsT Ch APKL, t'hur'ch street-Rev. Sj)eiicer Mioch minisler. Independent Chapel, Friars street- Rev. \\ illiani Wallis. mhiister. Independent Chapel. School lane- Rev. Jesse Hopwood, minister. Friends' Meeting House, Friars st. POOR LAW^ UNION. \VoRKEiousE,l'ni(>n line. G'lveninr — VVilliam H.irvey. A/tt^io)i— Elizabeth Harvey. Schnotiiiaster— Henry Williams. Siirtfeon — Maurice Mason. Sepulchre >t. Chaplain— Rev. Freilk.ToUer.Ballingdon. CItrk to the Board of Ouardiatu — Edmund Slednian, Borehamgale st Relifvitijf Officer Robert iludland, School lane REGISTRARS, OF BIRTHS, DKATIIS & MAHRIAGES. Superiiittvtlnit Rftree Har^ant Mi. Tlioina«, Wickham Hay thr Right Hotihle. Lord John, Keiirth'sh.itii Pir-onage North Mis. — , Glemham Hall Porter llev. William, Marle>f()rdHall Piat' Hev. Jennyii, Camo^ey .Ash Rlcharils Caiuam — , Petti^tree Shei)l)er J>diii, boot and -hoe maker B-irnes Itobert, boot and shoe maker Bird John, brazier and tiu-plaic worker Brand William, grocer and draiiei- Catteriniill Jonathan, ilothes dealer Catteiniiill William, glover ChuichyardCh irles.arocer and drpr Churchyard James, (airier Dale Geoige, stone mason Diane Charles, l)oot and shoe maker Fi-li G'orge, wrocer and draj)er Florv Jonatlian, baker Fiilciier Roberi, bricklayer Garrod Frederick, t.iilor Garrod Frerlerick. jun. tailor Gil ling James, watch and clock mkr Giilmg William, grocer and diaper Gowing William, corn chandler HavvkeC^harlts, watch :ind clock mkr Heifer Wiiliiim, butcher HiU David, cabinet maker and paper hanger Hill Jes«e, wliitesmith Holder Joseph, sho|)keeper Hnwell William, blacksmith Hunt William & Charles, tailors and drapers Jordan Samuel, boot and shoe mkr Lay David, h lii- dresser Leek Isaac, tailor and draper Leek Stephen, basket sieves maker IjHggitt Samuel iS; .saac, blacksmiths Lewiii John, miller Licence Isaac, tiii iier in wood Lines Rnhert, b.iker [uiazier MotiimGefirge, painter, plum liei and Motum William F. druguist OxbiiiTow Ciiarlotte, die-s maker Oxborrow Kdwaid, wli'-elwright O.sboiruw \Vi Ham, coach and har- nes^ inalicr PitcherJohii, gun maker [maker Uackham J"liii,saddier and harness Rickhaiii William, builder Richardson Uobnt, saddler and harness maker [undertaker Ron>^e William, cabinet maker and RowJames,saddleraiid harness mkr Row Janp, straw bonnet maker Smiib Alfred, grocer and draper Smith Henry, fi-hmonner Smith Heiny, bnot and shoe maker Smith William, piumber, glazier, and painter T-iylor William, pork butcher Turner Wil'iam, biitdier Tyler .lohn, boot and shoe maker VVadeJoseph, baker and confectioner Wade WiirHin, .s]iopkeep« r and hkr WaikinsMarta,stiaw bonnet nnker Webber Samuel, bricklayer and plaNlerer [chandler Welion Cornelius, maltster and corn WhiteJames, watch and clock maker Whitmore John, miliwright, engi- neer and il onhmnder Wright Joliii, butcher Yates Thoma-jchemist and druggist POOR VAW UNION. WoRKHOLSF,, Wickham Market. Govcrtior — .lolrn Moore. Matrtin — Snsiin (Moore. Schi>olmnsler—l\a.x\y iVl'Laggan. .SVAoo/mis/rfss— Hannah Titsliall. t7«;/'ippeared. The governm- iit ail act has been obt li ed for a b'anch th-ieir(/ii. to Uif the tnwii, is cbielly ve-ieil in the iiarochial oliiceis W'oodlii i'lt!e. The town is siiuated on the direct road I anil re>ideiit magistrates — the latter asNenible in petty from L'indoii to Yii month, and on the north bank of I sessions In re every Weilnesdav ; and sessions fcjr the till- Deheii, which liver itisi liaiues itst If into the sea, I Muity of Saint Ethelieil and ceitain < ontigiimis hnii- abniit ten mile- helow, an i is n ivinable up to the town. , dieds, are In Id tpiai ti riy. WooilbiidLC i^ iiiclmied in A Wooden bridge, that formerly cm-sed a hollow way, j the thiity-tourth ciicuit o( County Court towns, under givi s name tn the pi icc ; and not far fiom this spnt ^ the act (or recnveiing dehi« lo aiiv amount not stind< a Imuse still desiunited ' Diy-hiilge'. The i cxceec.ing £20 ; and it is a polling sta'icm at the eh c- gitiiation id' Woodbridi;e is reiiKr kalde ("i its sa'iihi iiy ! tion of nn-nibers to i epreseiit Fast Suffolk. The sbire — in evirJeiice of which it may be iiieiiiinned, ihat I liall is a handsome biici; bu.l'iing; beneath it is held dmiiig the liite alarming prevalence ofcliohia in many places, not a single i as • occurred in this fnwii or its viciiiiige. The stnets are tint spacious, bm they are clean, we!] pav( d and sev> ered, and are (jiiickl) pin' the corti market: the bridewell now serves the pui- pose of a police station. The paii-li (Lurch of Saint Mary is a truly n d)Ie stinciuie, it was ciccitri, according t" leceivid opinion lic-d 1 y a 'light shower of lam, v\h 1st the appeHiance I in the reign of lulward HI, by .lohn l/ord Seagrave of th." Ii.oi-es indiiaies the enjoyment i f combo t and and his Countess — the tower and north portico in the re-pectability by the innabnants. Upon the rivtrs' bank- ai e convenient whaif> and (jiiays, and I'.n liament lu~ SHiietioned ihe poi t is one for hundiMi; liinl cr,v\ iiie, ' Ac. Till- tr.ide in cum, coal and gi in lal mcrchaiidi/e • is ciuisiderahle ; of the fnimer l.irae ()iiantilii- aiej exported lor the Londdn, Liverp ol, Newcistle an •itlnr uiai kets 72 eign ot Henry \'I ; the f.iimer, remai kably handsome. Is compo-ed of llint-wnik in heaiitifnl c inip,iriineni-; it is one liniidied ami eiiiht feet high, and pricepiible at sea at a great di-tance. The interior is spacious, and cm-ists of a nave, two aisles and a chancel; the liiing is a peipetual curacy, of which the Rev. 'I'hi' place was loiimily noted for 'hcj Thomas William Meller, is the present incuinbeut. miutiox^* WOODBRTDGE, &c. Sllffolfe. the other places of worship are S-tiiit John's church (or chapel), and "h^pels for ladepfmleiits. Baptists, the Sdciffy of Friends and Wisleyaii iMeiluxlists. Sfveral importHur charitable institutions are sustained 5n Wnodbriilge. Thi- fnearammar s< huol was founded in 1662; tt Dougbiy Frederick, Esq., Cumber- Gissing Mis. Chuiold & Co., Thorough- fare (draw upon Glyn, HallifaxA Co., London),— Gross &Tbomp- son, managers Butters & Smith, Thoioughfare Carr James, Church st Cutting James. Brook st Giles George, Thoiouglifare Gillingham WiMain, Sekford st Hunt James, Thoroughfare Larter Jonathan, Bredfield st Moss Frederick, Sekford st Nunn Jonathan, Sekford st Orsborn Jeremiah, Melton Stanton Robert, Church st Taylor Joseph, New st Webb James, Thoroughfare Webb James, jun.. Castle st Weltnn Nathaniel, New st Wright William, Church st Wright William, Sekford st BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Cage John, Bredfield st Culham William, Thoroughfare Neeve John, Thoroughfare Nunn James, New st BREWERS. Groom Roger, Thoroughfare Heard Thomas, Church st Lockwood William, jun., Castle st Sawver Edward, Melton 73 5uffoIfe. WOODBRIDGB, &c. ^latct'jgi BRICK AND TILEEMAKERS. Dorli'ig Gfdigf, .Milton roHtl Peake & D.-wliiig (& merchants) i Cumbeilaiul si BRICKLAYERS. Catchpoll Jotiu. Uivdtield st Ci'ok William, BiKini'swell Cuiliiigford Joseoh, New st Fisk John, Dry IJriilge Fo'dike John,Cnstlf st Sparkes Isu'ih)), Bredtield st BUILDERS. Andrews Jonatlian, St. John st Bilby & La^t, Melton Peake Tlmnia-', Cumberland »t Thompson Gt orte, TlKUOughfare BUTCHERS. Capon Fiaiici«, .Melton Cole J-ici>b, Chinch st Culhi*m John L., New st FartliiMg James, Thojonehfare Middleditch George, Market place Osborne .Aiiibiose, Market place Prinkley William, Church st Smith flohert. New >t Turner George, Tlioroughfare Turner John, Chuich -si CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. Fisher John, liieiltield st Fi>k Sanmel, Sa'ni Jolin st Goodwin William, Tnnroughfare Head Samuel, Newst Jeniiing- Jnhn, New st Milt-s Elizabeth M., Thnronghfare Scrutton John, Tlioroughfare CARPENTERS. Bilby Sc L^^f, Melton Debney John, Quay Flaxmaii William, Quay Frost John, Saint John st PcakeThomas, Cninberland st CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. Belts John, Thoruughfare Briiwn Henry, CImrch st Francis George, Mai ket place Gall Uenj.imin David, Th'Toiiehfare Hitchcock Ge.ist. Melton Broodbank William, Cnmbeilaud it Cook William, Thoiouyhfare (Jiiiney John, Cnmberldiid st Hefler J(diii, New st Kell Charles, Thoroughfare Malleti John, Sekford st Mallett William, Marketplace .Moore William C, Ni w st PORTER MERCHANTS. Edwaids Henry, 'ihoiouglifare Lockwood William, jnn., C-istle st ROPE AND TWINE MAKERS. Cork Henry,Chnrth st {iiles John, N>wst Rose Gnorije, Bredfield st SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Dnrrant Isaac, Tiioioughfare Kirhy Robert, Mai ket place I'ulham Ann, Melton Richaid.-on Robeit, New st Shipp Joseph, Saint John H 74 iSirectotj). WOODBRIDGE, &c. ^Uffollt. SHIP BUILDERS. Garrard William ( bi tat), Brook st Ta)lor Willi. iin, Qii^iy SHIP OWNERS. C hbold Ji.lin, Tlioronght'.ire Dowsiiig.laiiifS. Quay Edwanis Henry, Tiioroiichfare Edwards Heipy, jiiii. Ciiurcli st Halt D iiiiel, Quay line Mauby Gioipe E., Quay Roffers VViHi.iin, Quay Tills WiUiain, 'I'liPioii^lifare Troll Winiiiiii,Cu>tle >t SHOPKEEPERS &DEALERS IN GROCERIES St SUNDRIES. Aslifnrd G^ orge, .Melton Baritwrll lilines Cumberland st Easier l<;iac, Si kfor^i st Bee^ rott .Marv, Sekford st Biickeis M i gar. I, Castle st Darraiit VVil;iain, Cnmlierland st Eastue Abnihaiii, Cattle st Flaxinaii Willihin, rhomtigbfare Frost vViiliH'ii, Tlion'ngiilare Goldsmith Tlionia.s, 'riie.itie st Hamiiioiid .la'iits, Cbiirchst Hoiiiiiis Joseph, Ca-tle st Jeffi ie.« John, Castle st Keeble Ann, Castle st Laws Jiiines, New st Miiftaii Sarah, Tboroiigbfare Neale Hi. .ace, Tbcroiidifare Shoiildiiig William, Monlton Xniitb Kli/abeili, Stktbid st Threiidtill George, Sekt'oidst Tye William, Sekfoul st Woods Kolien, Bivdti.ld st Wyai Robert, Sekford st SILVERSMITHS & JE^VELLRS. Biiriows Charles, Cliur* h .st Stow Edward, Tlioionghfare STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Cullliigt'ord Anna, Cliunh st Dorliin; Hep/.ibaii, .Melroii road lVIo>s Rosamond, Sekfnid st PiteiMary Ann, Cliuuh st SURCSEONS. Arnislroiig .Samuel. .Melton Gissiiig John S., Mrtiket place Jones llichatd. Chinch st Marshall Cir.s. Geo , Thoroughfare Miiore N itluiniel. Church st Rjooic William H., Cumberland st SURVEYORS-LAND 6te. Lankester Jnhn R. (roadj, Cum- beiland st Moulion Bfiijainiii, Thoroughfare FaitissMU Williaiii (& arcliit(Ct), Castle st Peake Tlioma.s, Cumberland st TAILORS AND DRAPERS. Bodgener H'lirv, New st BoikI Samuel, Ciimbeiland st Boi'th George, Meltmi Brown James, Thoroughfare Chappell Wilbaiii, Church st Freeman Charles, Thorougbfaie Gall John, Castle st Lyons Rohert, Castle st Malle't Jonathan, Marketplace Powell Samuel, Thorounhf.ire Walter Geofge, Castle st Whisht, ck William, Thnroughf.-ire Wriglit Jeremiah, Church st TALLOW CHANDLERS. Gross James &. Co., Thoroughfare Stanford Henry. iMaiket place TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Anchor. William Ket-hle, Quay lane Angel. Saifuel Oxhnrgh, Theatie st Blue Bell, William Stannard, New st Boat, Grorge Bardwell, Quay , Cherry Tree, James Lucock, Cumber- land street [.Mrlion foa.h and Horses, Edward "Smith, C..ck and Pye, Saninel Pi.olev.New st Cross, H>-iiry Cork. Churcli st Hoise& (iiooni. Heniy Fisht-r, Mel'on HorsrJiiGioora Frans FtostCnnibeiland st Kinu's^rnis.JeremiahBall».Tlioioiigt)fare KiMi;'»H.-ad.A!ex,inderCranmirMaili.etpl Lion. Catherine fiross, I'lioronehl.ire Maunt-r.s' Arms, \Vm. Ple.iiarice, New st Queen's Head, .lames Cook. Si-kford st Ked Lion. R chard Qninton. Vl.'llon Royal Dak. John Ganihani. Thoroughfare .•ship, William Laurance, Quay Siin. Rou'er Gro(mi, Thoroiiilifare S»an, Willi.im Fisk. Market place Tankard. William Mailhews. Newst Wagon anil Horses, George Quadling, Bredlield sireet Wellinulon, Samuel Bond.Ciimhe'land st White Hoise, Wm. ScoMini;, Market pi Retailers of Beer Allen John, Theatie st Bricht" ell James, Brewery st Brook Richard. .Sekford st Chittlehurgh R.dierl, Church st Cole James, Cnniherland st Day William Henry. Sekford st Easloe Abraham, Castle st Furnish John. Bredlield road Osborne Ambiose, Maiket ptace Pleasance'J.-orKe. Market place Sawyer Christian, Ch ipel lane Sawyer Eilward. Melton Tye W ilhani. Seklord st Wood Timothy. Castle st Woods RoI.ert, Bredlield st TEA AND COFFEE DEALERS Keiiii .Mary A ^nmbeiland st Tliitalgill Georae Sekloid st WATCH ANDCLOCK MAKERS. (See also SilnenmUksy Sfc ) Ellis Benjamin, Thoronghfire Ki.sher John F.. Marketplace Garrod John K., Saint J«din st Hildvard John, Thoiouyhlare Naiinioii Georiie, (Jhapel laue Stjiiirreil Samuel, New st Slow Edward, Church st Tayioi John, New st W^HEEL WRIGHTS. Ca'ver Hieit, Tlieitre st Lesti r Isa^c, Melton WHITESMITHS AND BELL- HANGERS. Baxter William, lirook st B'lrrows John, Bndti.ld st Smyth HezeUiab, Sekford st Stanaiiouulit John, New st WINE 6t SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Brown Alirali.im & Son, Church st Edwatds Henry, seii.,Thoroughf.ire Gross James ,f.om Ihe Royal Oak, at a quarter past eight mornine, a quarter before twelve noon, and a quarter before four alternoon ; the Re- talial.r, Uom the Crown Hotel, morn- ing at half.past eight; the Shai.nm,, at a quarter before twelve noon ; and the Old Blue, at twenty mimrtes before four alternoon; and Ihe Union, from the Bull, at n qu.irtt-r belore four after- noon 'all Siinda\s excepted.) To NORWICH, the friion, fiom the Bull, alternoon at ore To SAXMUNOHAM, the Retaliotor. from the Crown, evening at half.past seven To YARMOUTH, the 0/rf B/t,e, from the Crown, every afternoon at one CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. The nearest Sintion is IpswicK, on the Eastern Union link, 8 miles s.w. from Woodbridge There are several Conveyances to Ipswich, daily, as staled in ihe prece* ding Coach list. CARRIERS. To ALDER'ION, — Scocgins.from Ihe Royal Ouk, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saliirdav To BAWI)SLKY, John Beefon, from Iho Lion, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday To BLACKSULL, — Cooper, from the KingN Arms, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 75 ^later'^ WOODBRIDGE, &c. 23iuctov|), CAnRlERS — Continued. ToBOYNTON,— Kiltie, frnm the Royal Oak, WrdiiesHay and Saturday To FELIX row. — Boon, from the While Horse. WVdnesday To FKAMLINGHAM and STRAD- BROOK, — Mem, fruin ilie Lion, four Hays a week ; and - Co:ites. from the K ng's Arms. Tiiesdav and Saturday To FRESSiNGFIFLD, — Hart, from the Ro>al O.ik. V\e Inesdav & Saturday To HAI.ESWOHl H.— Batl^y, from the Lion, Tuesday, Thursday & S ; and — Sawyer, from the Royal Oak. and Coates, from the Kioft's Arms, Tuesilav and Saliirdav To GRUNDISBURGH, — BEDEN- FIELI). from the Royal Oak, Wednes- day and Satiird:iy To HOLLESLEY, James Field fro-n the Lion, Monday, Wednesday & Saturday To IPSWICH, — Barber, from the Royal Oak, and — Stannard. from the Swan, and the Eastern Union Railway Com- pany's J'on*, from ihe Lion, daily, and i'homas Ronse, from the King'- Arms. Monday, Wednesday and Friday; — Coates, from Ihe same house. Monday and Friday; James Field, from ti.e Lion, and William IMann, fiom I lie I. ion. on Saturday; and John Beetun, from the same IioUnC, on Thursday To NORWICH & BUNGAY, — Coates from the King's Arms, 'I'uesday and Satniday To ORFORD, William Mann, from the I,i"ii, and — Pead, from the Royal Oak. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday To SAXMUNDHAM, Robert Rouse, from the Kinu's Arms, Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday To TRIM LEY & WALTON, — Wright' from ihe VVliile Horse, Wednesday To TUNSTALL, — Kemp, f,om the Royal Oak, Monday, Wednesday and Saluiday; — Sawyei, from the same house, Wednesday and Saturday, and — Kinc, from llie Lion, on Saturday To WICKHAM MARKET,— Mayhew, from the Lion, and — Taylor, from tb» Royal Oak.diily CONVEYANCE BY VTATEK. To LEEOS.W AKEFIKLD,GOOLE,&r. Vtssfis, fioni the Quay, two or three times a '.veek To NEWCASTLE. UPOX-TYNE.SUN- DERLANl), HARI'LEPOOLE, ^c. Vessels; from the Quay, about once a fortnight YOXFORD. lis a parish in tlie hundred of BIything — the village, a r> tnarkably plea-^antoiie, is 9.'5 miles N. E. from Lon- don. 4 iioith from S-ixinundhain, and ;i3 N. E. iVoiu Ipswi'h; -iiuat'doii tlie main i'>a(l trom the lattei tnwii to Yarmouth, in the midst of a beauiitnl and divine worship is the parish thurch of ''aiiit Peter* i neat unostentatinns building: the living isavicaiage, ill the presentation of the Kai 1 of itradbroke ; tlie Rev. Uoheri Finnan is the pieMiit iiicuiuhent. In the neighhonihood are ihe oehbraied ruins ot Sibton Ab- interestinn coiintiy, oriiaiiifnted by niaiy elegant hey, fmiiidi-d about the y> ar 1350; ami not fai distant mansions and tastefully iaid-oiit seats ot the gentry, are the extensile and picturesque remains of Leiston The village consists ot one street, containing several Abt>ey. lounded al'ont 1183. The pai i«h contained, l»y hi.nilsouie mo'lern houses ; and the entrance at either the i etui lis rendered in 1831, 1,149 iiihubitants, and end is equally prepossessing. The only edifice for by those in 1841, 1,251. POST OPFICEj Emma Bird, Post AJistres^. — Letters trom all puts arrive (from Saxmundham} eveiy morning at aqiiaiter helore seven, aid are de-patched thereto at half-past seven in the evening. NOBILITY, aENTRY, AND CLERGY. Badeley Rev. Sriiniiel, Yoxford Bailee Mrs. Lucy, Yoxford Rawiiby Mrs. Ju'ia, Yoxford Benre Oolonel Henry B.Thuning- ton Hall Blois Sir ChirlHs. Cockfield Hall Brooks — , Esq. Sibton Park Clayton Mr. Fiiston, Yoxford Firtnan Rev. Rnbeit, Yoxfoid Howlett Mr. Samuel, Yoxford Packard Rev. Daniel, Yoxfoid Smith Mr. John B , Yoxford .Spink Mrs. — , Sibton Abbey House Wallace Mrs. — , Yoxf-.rd Westhorpe Rev. Stirling, Sihton Wootton J. W. Esq. Ald.ingham PROFESSIONAL PERSONS, INCLUDING SCHOOLS. Hoghman Robei t, boarding academy Lanchestei Thomas W.. surgeon Kicknrds Thomas, master of par- ochial school Smith Ann & .lane, boardingschool Wase Jeremiah, surgeon FIRE, eic, OFFICE AGENTS. Chuhch of England, Robert F. Martin Crown (life), Emma Bird [Bird Norwich Equitable (fire), Emma INNS. Griffi II (commercial & posting house), Edward Freeman New lull, Hi my Dalliston 'riireeTuns (commercial and post ing house), Elizabeth Barnes SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. Scio?g .lames, he r retailer Balls Henry, black-'inith I Seaman Kirble, ale and porter mer- Barber Freeman, tailor chant Barker John, miller [maker Short Joseph, whitesmith Bnrrett John, be maker Symoiids Susannah, milliner and Whincop William, ironmonger, tin- man and biazirr Wright George, boot and shoemaker COACHES. All Sundays excepted. To HALESWORTH, the Shannon, at half-past live To IPSWICH, the Shannon, mornine at half-past nine, and the 0/(/£/ur, after- noon at half-pasl one To ^ORW ICH, the Eclipse. Monday and Wednesday morning at seven, and on Saturilay at six To YARMOUTH, the Old Blue, after- noon at quarter past three CARRIERS. To IPSWICH,— Sawyer, and — Batley Monday , Wednesday and Friday To NORWICH, — HoRir, Monday and Friday, and — Sawyer, Tuesday & Sat. To YARMOUTH,— Goldsmith, Friday I 76 BANKERS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. 1.— BANK OF ENGLAND, THREADNBEDLG-STREET. GOVERNORS AND DIRECTORS. Henry James Prescott, Esq. Governor. — Henry Thomas Hankey, Jun. Esq. Deputy Governor. Baring Thomas, Esq. Grenfcll Charles Pascoe, Esq. Masterman Thomas, Esq. Pelly Sir John Hmry, Bart. Berens Henty Hiilse, Esq. Hanson John Oliver, Esq. IVlatlieson Alexander, Esq. Smilh Thomas Charles, Esq. Blake Henry VVollaston,Esq. Heath John Benjamin, Esq Morris James, Esq. Thompson William, Esq. Campbell Aathtir Edward, Esq. Hubbard John Gillibrand, Esq. Neave Sheffield, Esq. Tooke I'homas, Esq. Cotton William, Esq. Lyall Gecirge, Jun. Esq. Ncrman George Warde, Esq. VVeguelin Thos. M attbiaif Esq. Dobree Bouamy,£sq. Malcolm son James, Esq. Palmer John Horsley, Esq. Wilson Fraucis,Esq. John Knight, Esq. Secretary. — Matthew Marshall, Esq. Chief Cashier William Smee,Esq. Chief Accountant. LONDON BANKERS. The numbers preceding the title or firm of the Bank, are those re/erred to in the list o^ Provincial Bankers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lOi 11 Hi 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 22§ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 44 BANK of Australasia, 8 Aiisiio friars Bank of British North America, 7 Saint Helen's place, City Barclay, Bevan & Co. 54 Lombard st Barnard, Dimsdale & Co. 50 Cornliill Banieit.s'. Hoare>' & Co. 62 Lombard street BigBerstaff William & Joiiii, 8 West Smilhfield B'l.'-atiquet, Anderson, Kraiiks& Co.73 Lombard st Bouverie, Norman & Murdoch, 11 Haymarket Biitish B mk, 16 Tokenhouse yard, City Biitish Colonial Bank and Loan Company, 50 Moorgtte st, Bank Brown, Janson & Co. 32 Abchnrch lane Bnlt James, Son & Co. 86 Cheat)si(le Call Sii W. P. hart. Marten & Co. 25 Old Bond st Child & Co. 1 Fleet street Cockburn & Co. 4 Whitehall, Westminster | Cocks, Biddulph & Co. 43 Charing cross i Colonial Bunk, 13 Bishopsnaie st within ' Commercial Bank of London, 6 Lothbury and 6 Henrietta stret-t, Covent garden Coutis & Co. 59 Strand Cunliffe Roi;er, 24 Bucklersbury Cunliffes', Brooks & Co. 24 Lombard st Curries' & Co. 29 Cornhill Davies Robert & Co. 187 Shoreditch Denison, Hey wood & Co. 4 Lombard st Dixons', Brooks & Dixon, 25 Chancery lane Drewett & Fowler, 4 Princes street. Bank Drunimoiids' & Co. 49 Cliaring cross Exchange Bank (Bauer & Co.), 113 Leadenhall st Fell ham & Co. 42 Lombard st Fuller*' & Co. 66 Mooruate st. Bank Glyn, Haliifax, Mills & Co. 67 Lombard st Goslings' & Sliarpe, 19 Fleet street Hanhurys', Taylor & Lloyd, 60 Lombard st Haukeys' & Co. 7 Fencburch st Herrie.<<, Farqiihar & Co. 16 St. James' street Hill & Sons, 17 West Smitbfield Hoare Charles, Sir Henry Merrik, Bart., Henry Charles, Peter Richard & Henry, 37 Fleet st Hopkinson & Co. 3 Reaent st Ionian Bank, 6 Great Winchester st [City Johnston Huah and John and Co. 15 Bush lane, Jones, Loyd & Co. 43 Lothbury London &CountyJoint Stock Banking Company, 21 Lombard si; Branch, 37 West Smithfitld ] 45 ] London & Dublin Bank, 46 Piccadilly 46 1 London & Westminster Bank; Head Office, LoXh' burv — Branches, St. James' square ; 213 High Hi'lborii; 3 Wellington street, Boroutih ; 87 Whitechapel Higli st, and 4 Stratfoid place 47 I London Joint Stock Bank, 5 Princes st, Bank; /Western Branch, 69 Pall Mall 48 j London Union Bunk — see the Union Bank of London, No. 73 [House st 49 ' Lubbock Sir J. W., Forster & Co, 11 Mansion 49§ Martin, Si(me & Martins', 68 Ltmibatd st 50 Masterman, Peters and Co. 35 Nicholas lane, Lombard street 51 National Bmk of Ireland, 13 Old Broad st 52 Natio;ial ProvincialBankof England,112Bishop8- gate within 52^ National Security Bank, 29 Gracechurch st 53 North- Western Bank of India, 19 King's Arun yard. City 53i Pocklin«ton & Lacv, 60 West Smithfield 54 Piaed, Fane, Praed Johnstone & Co. 189 Fleet st .55 Prescott, Groie& Co. 62 Threadneedle st 56 Price Sir Charles Rusge, Marryat, & Co. 3 King William street. City 57 Provincial Bank of Ireland, 42 Old Broad st. City 58 Pueet, Bainhridues' & Co. 12 St. Paul's Church yd 59 Hansom & Co. 1 Pall Mall East 60 Hobarts, Curtis & Co. 15 Lombard st [st 61 Koaers, OldingA Co. 29 Clement's lane, Lombard 62 Sapte, Banburv, Muspratt & Co. 77 Lombard st 63 Scott Sir Samuel, bart. & Co. 1 Cavendish square 64 Sniitli, Payne & Smiths', 1 Lombard st [tield 65 Smithfield Agency & Banking Co. 59 West Smith- 65i South Australian Banking Co. 54 Old Broad st 66 Spooner, Attwoods' & Co. 27 Gracechurch 8t 68 Sievenson, Salt & Sons, 20 Lombard st 69 Stone & Co.—see Martin, Stone & Martins' 70 St I ahan & Pauls' 217 Strand 704 •stride J. & W. S. 41 West Smithfield 71 ■|'i>dall Thomas George, 15 West Smithfield 72 Twining Richard, Gt-orge, John Aldred, Richard, jun., Samuel H. & William B., 215 Strand 72i (hiicn Bank of Australia, ;^8 Old Broad st 73 Union Bank of London. 2 Princes street. Bank, 12 Argyll place, ReKcnt st, and 4 Pall Mall East 76 Williams, Deacon & Co. 20 Birchin lane 77 Willis, Percival & Co. 76 Lombard st PROVINCIAL BANKERS. Explanation.— The numbers appentled to the title or fiiin of the following Banks have reference to the houses they draw upon in London: for Example-" Aberdeen Town and County Bank"— the number attached to this Bank is 41i upon referring to the corresponding number (41), in the preceding List of Loudon Bankers, it will be seen that the Bank draws upon Messrs. Jones Loyd & Co. 43 Lothbury. C3> When the lelter B occurs thus (B.), it signifies a Branch Bank. Finn, and ref. to London Bankirs. ..Noith of Scotland liankiiig Com- 4 paiiy (Blanch) ..Town and County Hank 41 . . Bank of .Scotland ( B.) 64 Aberdeen Conunercial Bank of Scotland 41 Aberdeen National Bank of Scotland (B.). . :?1 Toim Aberchiider Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Biiti>ii l>inen Company (B.)..-.<>4 Aberdeen Abenleen Banking Company 31 Aberdeen North of Scotland Banking Co. .. 4 Aberdeen City of Glasgow Bank (Branch). . 64 Aberfeldie Ceniral Bank of Scotland (B.) ..31 Abergavenny Baileys', Grairix & WillUams 60 Abergavenny .... Monmouth and Glamorganshire Banking Company Richard James, manager 47 Abergele North & South Wales Bank 46 Aberystwith Noitb & South Wales Bank 46 Aberystwith Natnl.Provincl.Bk.of England(B.) — Joseph Do\vnie,mauager33&46 Abingdon Heniy Kn^pp and Co 76 Abingdon County of Berks Union Bank (B.)l-8 Airdrie Bank ot Scotland (B.) 19 & 64 Airdrie National Bank of Scotland (B.)..3I Airdrie ...Western Bank of Scotland (B.)..41 Alcester Gloucestershire Banking Con)py. (B.) — Kdward Ovcrbury, mngr.76 Ale.xandria Clydesdale Banking Company (B.) (i Alford ...Titus Bourne 50 Alford Lincoln and Lindsay Bank 55 Alford(Aberdeen) North of Scotland BankingCo (B.) 4 Alfrcton Nottingham and Nottinghamshiie Banking Company (Branch) — James Carter, agent 46 Alloa Union Bank of Scotland (B.) ..41 Alloa Western Bank of Scotland (B.) ..41 Alloa Commercial Bank of Scotland(B.)41 Alnwick Northumberland&DurhamDistrict Bank — Edward Stamp, a=;enf. .31 Alnwick W. H. Lambton & Co. (Branch) — Mark Smith, agent 4 Alresford Bulpett, .Mulcock & Dunn 4 Alston Joseph Dickinson, jun 31 Alton Bulpett, Mulcock & Dunn 4 Alva Edinburgh and Glasgow Bank(B.)76 Aivih Western Bank of Scotland (B.)..73 Amlwch National Provincial Bank of Eng- land (BrancliJ— Samuel Great- head, agent 47 Ampthill Sl)ar|)les & Co. — May & Strange, agents 4 Andover Heath and Co 50 Annan British Linen Company (B.) .... 64 Annan Commercial Bank of Scotland . . 41 Annan Edinbuigh Ballymeiia Belfast Bankiii]^ Company (H )..21 . Noitliern BanliingConipy. (B.)...'<1 . Ulstei Banking Company (liianchjro . Provincial Bank of Ireland (B. )..()(; . Belfast Banking Company (B.)..24 .Ulster Banking Company (B.)..5r) . Provincial Bank of Ireland (B. . . (>('> .H. & K. J. Badcock ......59 National Bank oflrelandf Brand Ballytnena Ballymena.. . Baliymena.. . Ballynioney . Ballymoney . Ballysliaiinon Bampioa ... Banagher ... Banbndge UlsterBankin? Company Braiiclij.V^) Banbridge Provincial Bank of Ireland (B.)..6fi Banbury Gillett, Tawney & Co . ;{1 j^a"''"ry Timothy llhodes & Edvvaid CobMl Banbury London&CountyJcjint-StockBank — William Caless, manager 44 Banchory Aberdeen Bankini; Con)pany ;51 ni»"*^l»o>y Noitli of Scotland Banking Co.. 4 ^:*'"lo" Provincial Bank of Ireland (B.)..w; Banff Ccnnniercial Bank of Scot land ( B. ) 41 5*''"^ Aberdeen Banking Company (B.);51 IJ^nJ National Bank of Scotland (B.)..3I Banff North of ScotlandBankingCo. B ) 4 "'^"g'"- North and South Wales Bank. . 4« o«"!<«r Williams, Gianville& Co. (B.). (JO "ii'iRO'" NationlProvinclBkof Englnd(B.)47 Barnard Castle .. Darlington District Joint-Stock Banking Compy. (B.)— Thomas Ca'dvvell, niaiHger 4 Barnard Castle.. Jonathan Backhouse & Co.— Joshua Coke iMoiikhonse.niangr 4 Barnard Castle.. NutionalProvincl. Bank ofKiigland „ , (B )— Geoige Pippct, nianager4(; Barnsley Barnsiey Banking Co.— Samuel Linlev, manager 4 l>arnslcy VVakefidd& Barnsiey Union Bank — James FiucJd, manager 31 Barnstaple Drake, Cribble, Marshall & Co. . 5 Birnstaple Nationl Provincl BkofEiiglnd(B.)46' Barnstaple West of lingl m-l and South Wales District Bdnk (B.) 31 I^''''*'ad City of Glasgow Bank (Branch).. i;4 Barrhead Union Bank of Scotland 31 Baiton-an-riumberHull liaiikinu Company (Brauch) William Rodgeis, manager 4 Basingstoke .... Seymour, Lamb & Co 50 Bath TngwelljiMackenxie&Clutterbuck 5 »*»"» National Provncl Bank of England 47 Btith West of England & South Wales District Bank (B.) 31 BatI George Moger and Son 4 Batli Siuckeys' liaiiking Company 41 Bathgate Union Bank of Scotlatid (B.) 31 Bathgate National Bank of Scotland (B.)31 Battle Smith, Hilder atid Co 50 Bawtry Yorkshire Distiict Bank (B.J — William Cooper, manager ....76 Beaminster S. & W. E. Gtindi y 31 Beaminster H. R. & H. Willi.^ms 76 Beauley North ofScotlanaBankingCo.(B.) 4 Beccles Gurneys', Tinner & Brightwen — Boliun & Iltx, agents 4 Beccles Lacons, Youell & Co. (B.J John Mayhew, agent 31 Bedale Swaledale «& Wensieydalc Banking Companv — Wm. Burrill, agent 34 Bedford Trapp, Halfliead & Co 5 Bedford Thomas Barnard & Son 56 Beiih Commertial Bank of Scotland ( B.)41 Beith Western Bank of Scotland (B.)..41 Beith Union Bank of Scotland (B.) 41 Belfast Bank of Ireland (Branch) 1 Belfast Ulster Banking Co. (head office)55 Belfast Northern Banking Co. (head office) — the Directois, managers 31 & 3!) Belfast Belfast Banking Co. (head otfice) — the Directors, managers .. ..'24 Belfast Piovincial Bank of Ireland (B.)..66 Belper Derby & Derbyshire Banking Co. I ( B.) — Samuel Travis, manager . 76 Berwick Nortlmmbrrland & Durham Dis- trict .Sanking Compy.— William Hugh Logan, agent .31 i'icxxiieY Bower, Huttou, Hall & Button. . 22 Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham , Biriniiighain , Birmingham , Birminghaui , Birniinghatn Birmingham '""'"• . . . ^}""' '""'• »■<•/• to London Bankets. '^^'♦''-'•■''^y Hull Banking Company (B.)— ' Bichard Lowson, manager 4 1''^ t'''t'y Machel, Pease tk Liddell 31 "'^^^'^''fy Yorkshire District iiank (B.) — „ ,, Joseph Lambert, manager 76 |y«'<)'t'y Nichols, Baker ^ Crane fi '\'"^.'^''" Henty RL & (icorge Tubb .". .. .'sO ^.'"■''"•^ National Provincial Bnk ofEnglnd46 ^!''''f«''^ Harding, Bragington & Co. . .. 7(i ;I^g'"' Commercial Bank of Scotland iB.)4l Biggar. . . Western Bank of Scotland (B.). .41 Biggleswade .... Wells, Hogg & Lindsell ....... 6 Bilston Foster & Baldwin 6« Bilston(01dBank)William Jones & Son 66 !Jl",8'^y Yorkshire District Bnkng Co! y&l)l(i Birkenhead ....North and South Walts Baiik— ■ William Coulson, manager 46 . ..Bank of Eiigland(Branch)— Clias. Tindal, agent i . . . Altwoods', Spooner & Co . . ! 66 . .. Birmingham Banking Company- Win. Beaumont, manager 31 & 41 . ..National Provincial Bank ofEng- . land— Henry Kotton, manai!er46 . .. Birmingham and Midland Bank- Henry Edmunds, manager ....73 , ..Tovvn& District Bani^ingCompany — Bassett Smith, manager .... 4 . .. J. L. .Moilliet & Sons ..". 4y ..Taylors* & Lloyds' "33 Bishop Aucklaiid.Jouathan Backhouse & Co. (B )— 4 Bishop's Cistle. . North & South Walts Banking Co. as .c. .r ,^.t('^-)— Samuel Blight, Hianagr46 Bishop sStortfoidGibsons and Co. (B.) ..26 Bishop'sStortfordLondon and County Joint Stock Banking Company (B.) ... 44 Bishop'sStortfordSparro vv, Round & Co 4 Bishop'sWalthani William Gunner & Sons.. 4 Blackburn Cunliffes, Brooks & Co.— Frederic Kenderdine, manager 21 Manchesterand Liverpool District Banking Company (B.)— David Nicol, manager 64 Commercial Bank of Scotland (B.)41 Bank of Scotland (B.) 1.9 Bastard & Oak 31 National Piovincial Bank of Eng- land (Branch) 47 B' 'ndford Wilts& Dorset Banking Co. (B.)' 46 •^lytli Yorkshire District Bank ( Branch) —William Cooper, manager . . 76 l^oanii" Robins, Foster, Coode & Bolithos (East Cornwall Bank) 76 l^odmin Devon&CornwallBankingCo.(B.) 4 liolton Hardcastle, Cross and Co 41 Bolton Bank of Bolton— John Darby- shire, manager 4 Bonhill Commercial Bank of Scotland. . . ! 41 Boroughbridge.. York City & County Banking Co. — .Mark Mountain, agent 6 BorrowstnunnessClydesdale Banking Compaiiy(B.) 6 Boston Henry and Thomas (ice &. Co.. . 60' Boston Garfit, Claypons' & GarfiLs' 50 Boston Stamford, Spalding, and Boston Bank (B.)- A. Wilson, manager 4 Boston National ProvincI Bank ot England — Thos. Cunningham, manager..66 Botesdale Haiveys' & Hudsons'— Benjamin Taylor, agent 6 Bourne Stamford, SpaldinK& Boston Bank , (B.) — Hv. Torkington, manager 4 Bourne Peacock, Handlcv and Peacock.. 6 Boyle National Bank of Irclaml (niv.iii-h) 6 Brackley Bartlett, Panott h Linen Cimipa!iy ^li.).-..<>4 Brecon Wilkins and Co fi Biecon Broniage, Sue;id & Co 40 Brecon NatioiilProvinclBk o.' Kn!;liid(lJ.j(j() Brentwood VV. Frederick Lemon & Co 'M Bridgend NationlProvinclBkofEnglnd(B.)46 Bridgnorth Coopers' and Pnrton 7l> Bridunorth Pritciiards' & Boycott 6 Bridgwater .. ..Stuckeys' Banking Co 60 Bridgwater ., .. John & J. L. Sealy 76 Bridgwater .... West of England and South Wales District Bank (B.) 31 Bridlington .... York Union Banking Compy. (B.) — Rdbert Davison, agent 31 Bridlington .... Harding Smith, Kaber & Foster. . 49 Bridport K. R. & H. Williams 7<> Brigg Lincoln 8t Lindsey Banking Co. ."5 Brigg Smith, Ellison & Co (1 Brighton London and County Joint Stock Banking Company (B.) 44 Brighton Hall, West & Borrer 41 Bristol Bank of England (Branch) 1 Bristol National Pi ovinclBank ofEngland (Branch) 6 & 46 Bristol Miles, Harford, Battel shy, Bayly and Miles 6 Bristol Baillie, Ames, Baillie & Co. 55 & 64 Bristol West of England and South Wales District Bank 31 Bristol Stuckevs' Banking Company .... 60 Brixham Green & Viitery 33 Bromsgrove .... Rufford, Biges and Co 31 Bronisgrove .... Stourbridge and Kidderminster Bankinc Company 64 Bromyard NationalProvinclBank ofEngland (Branch — Jas. Eik!ey,m.inagei66 Broseley Priichards' & Boycott 6 Bruton Stuckeys' Bankina Company (B.l 60 Buikie NorthofScotlnn'lBankingCo.(B.) 4 Buckingham .... Bartlei t, Pai rott Hearn & Pan (itt.54 Buckingham .... London aird County Joini-Suxk Bank(B.)— Richd;Havers,niniir.44 Bungay Easi of England Bank (Bianch) — Samuel Smith, agent 46 Bangay Gumeys, Tuiner & Briehtwen — William Haitcup, agent 4 Bangay Harveys' & Hu<.)sons' — Graystone Bticke linker, agent. . 34 Burford County of Gloucester Bank — Wil- liam Ward, agent 60 Burnley Alcocks', Birkheck and C<) 5 Bnnifi-land National Bank of Scotland (B.)..31 Burslem Joseph & John & George Alcock,41 Bursleni Manchesterand Liverpool District Banking Company (Suh-B.) ..64 Burton-on-Trent Button, I'ltoxeier and Stafford- shire Banking Company 60 Bury ( Lancashre). Bu ry Ban king (;.) nip. iny — William ("ward, matiaaer 31 Bury( Lancash re). Miinchcsterai 1(1 Liverpool District BaiikingCoinpaiiy(B.)— Tlioinas Overn Weston, nuinaeer '64 BiirySt.Edmuds. O ii and County Joint Stock Banking("ompany(B.) 44 Chatteris Gurneys, Biikheck & Peckovers (Branch)— John Ross, agent .. 4 Cheadle .... .... Manchesterand LiverpoolDislrict Banking Company (Sub-B.) .,64 Chelmsford .... Sparrow. Simpson, Walford &Co. 4' Chelmsford ....London and County Joint Stock Banking Company (B.) 44 Cheltenham ....Cheltenham & Gloucester Bank.. 46 Cheltenham .. ..County of Gloucest' r Bank ....60 Clieltenham .... Glou BANKERS. Town. Firm, and ref. to London Bankers. Christchnrch Tice, Welch and Co 61 Christcliuich.. .. Wilts and Dorset Bankinc; Co. ..46' Cirencester .... Connty of Gloucester Hank .... 6 Cireiire.vter .... (iloncestershii e Bankin*; Co ."iO ClacUheaton Halif:fxCociim("icialBKnknKCo.(B.)7() Clare Oake><, Bfvaii, Moore & Bevaii. . 4 Clittieroe Alcock, Birkbecks' and Co 5 Clonakilty National Bank of Ireland (Branch) 6 Clones Northern Banking Co. (Brancli)39 Clonmel Bank of Ireland (Branch) — Thos. Roberts, assent 1 and 19 Clonmel Provincial Bank of Ireland (B.) — William Sibbald, manager .. ..66 Clonmel National Bank of Ireland (Branch) — James Gill, manager 6 Clonmel Tipperary Joint- Stock Bank — J as. Sadleir, managing director .... 31 Coalbrookdale . , .Shropshire Banking Conipanv. .. 33 Coatbridge We^tern Bank of Scotland (IJ.)..41 Cockermoutb ..Cumberland Union Bank (B.) — 4 Jonathan Cooper, agent 4 Cockermonth . . Carlisle City and Disti ict Banking Co. — Joseph Watson, manai;er31 Coggeshall Sparrow, Simpson, Walf(ird& Co. 4 Coggeshall L' & Co 5 Congleton Fowler, Gaunt & Co. (B.)— Fiiz- herbert Adams, manaaer 61 Conway North and South Wales Bank (B.)46 Cookstowa ....Belfast Banking Company (B.) — Samuel R. Magill, manager ..24 Cookstown .... Ulster Banking Compy. (Branch) — Robert Stark, manager . . . . 55 Cootehill Provincial Bank of Ireland (B.) — Walter Lucas, manager 66 Cootehill Ulster Banking Company (B.) — James Jamieson, manager .. ..55 Cork Bank of Ireland (Branch) — John Craig, agent 1 and 19 Cork Provincial Bank of Ireland (B.) — Richard Buist, manager 66 Cork National Bank of Ireland (Branch) — G. F. Hardy, manager 6 Coventry Union Banking Company — Hugh Gaskell, manager 31 Coventry Little and Wdodcock 64 Coventry Coventry & Warwickshire Bank- ing Co. — Thos. Lissiinan, mi)gr41 Cowhridge National ProvincI Bankof England46 Cowes National PiovinrialBk.o(England46 Cranbrook London&CountyJoini-Stock Bank 44 Crediton Devon & Cornwall Bankg Co. 4 & 33 Crewkerne Stuckeys' Banking Company 60 Crickhowell .... Wilkii .s & Co,(B. of BieconBank) — Geo. WoirallJones, matiager 6 CrieflF Commercial Bank of Scotland (B.)41 Crieff Perth BankingCcimpanv (B.)-- •• 4 Crieff Central Bank of Scotland (B.). . 31 Cromarty Commercial Bankof Scotlaud(B.)41 Cromarty Caledonian Banking Co. (B.).. .. 4 Crowlaud Stamford.Spalding & Boston Bank (B.) — Joseph Maifleet, manager 4 Croydon Union Bank (Sutherland & Co.) 73 Croydon London and County Joint Stock Banking Company (B.) 44 Croyland NationlProvinclBk of l£ngln«i(B.)47 Collen Aberdeen Banking Company (B.) 31 Cullompton .... Devon and Cornwall Banking Co. 4 Cumnock Ayrshire Banking Co. (B.) 76 Cumnock Bank of Scotland (B.) 19 Cupar Angus CommercialBank of Scotland (B.)41 Cupar Angus.. .. Perth Banking Company (B.) .. 4 Cupar Angus. . . . National Bank of Scotland 31 Cupar Fife British Linen Company (B.) . . . 61 Tonn. Firm, and ref. to London Bankers. Cupar Fife Commeicial Bank of Scotland ( B.)41 Cupar Fife Clydesdale Bauking Co. (B.) 6 Cupar Fife Wt stern Bank of Scotland 41 Dalkeith Commercial Bankof Scotland (B )41 Dalkeith National Bank of Scotland (H.)..3l Dalkeith Royal B.ink of Scotland (B.) 19 Drtlkeitl) lidiiilmighaii(lGlavi;ovv Bank (ti.) 76 Rally Western Bank of Scotland (B-)--41 Dairy Union Bank of Scotland 31 Darlington NationalProvincl BankofEtigland Tliomas M'Lachlan, manager. .46 Darlington Jonathan Backhouse and Co. 4 Darlington Joint-Stock Banking Company— Anthoiiv Dimsdale, manager.. 4 Dartford Hills, M'Rae & Co 18 Dai tmouih National PiovinrlBank of England (B.) — Robert Hariis, inanaL'er 47 Dartmouth Devon and Cornwall Banking Co. 4 Daventi) Nortbamptonsbire Union Bank Branch^ — Jos. Bamiister. mngr24 Davenlry Northampton Banking Co. (B.) — James Edward W^bb. manager 46 Deal NationlPiovinclBkofEnglnd(B.}.33 Denbigh North & S.mth VVales Bank (B.)46 Denbigh Nation! ProvincI Bk of Englnd(B.)47 Derby Crompion. Newton and Co 64 Derby Samuel Smith and Co 64 Derby William and Samuel Evans 41 Derby Derby & Derbyshire Banking Co. Malcolm Sinclair, manager., .,76 Derehatn (See Bunt Dereham.) Derry (See Londonderry.) Devizes Huches, Locke and Co 49 Devizes North Wilts Bankina Co. (B.) . . 26 Devizes Wilts & Dorset Banking Co 46 Devonpoit National Provincial Bnkof Eiiglnd47 Devonport Hodge and Norman 49 Devonport Devon&CornwallBankingCo.(B.) — P. C.Clark, manager 4 Dewsbury West Riding Lhiinn Banking Co. John Grabatn Berry, manager. . 50 Dewsbury Hudilersfield Banking Company — Joshua Walker, manager 64 Dingwall National Bankof Scotland (B.)..31 Dingwall Caledonian Banking Co. (B.) 4 Diss Oakes, Fincham, Bevan & Co. — David Newson, cashier 4 Diss Harvevs' and Hudsons' 6 Dobcross (See Saddleioorth.) Dolgelley Jones and Williams 31 Dolgelley National Provincial Bank of Eng- land (Branch) 47 Dolgelley Noith and South Wales Bank (B.)46 Dollar Edinburgh and Glasgow Bank(B.)76 Doncaster Leatham,Tewand C" 24 Doncaster Sir William Bryan Cooke and Co.l9 Doncaster Yorkshire District Banking Co. — William Cooper, manager ..,.76 Dorchester R. R. and H. Williams 76 Dorchester Eliot & Pearce 7Q Doichester Wilts & Dorset Banking Co. (B.) 46 Dorking Nash and Neale 5 Dorking London and County Joint Stock Banking Comjjany 44 Dornoch Caledonian Banking Co. (B.) .. 4 I Douglas (Isle IVIan)Heniy Holmes & Sons 50 Douglas (Isle Man)Isleo'f Man Commercial BankgCo.55 i Doune Union Bank of Scotland (B.) 41 1 Dover London and County Joint Stock Banking Company (B.) 44 Dover NationalProvinclBankof England46 I Dover Latliam and Co g Downham Gurneys & Co. (Bank of Lynn) — j Thomas Wright, agent 4 ! Downpafrick.. .. Northern Banking Co. (Braiich)31 Downpatrick Ulster Banking Company (B.)..55 , Downpatrick.... Provincial Bank of Ireland (B.)..66 Driffield Bovver, Hutton, Hall and Huttou j (East Riding Bank)— William ! Jarrat, asient 22 Driffield Harding, Smith, Faber & Forster — George Forge, aKcnt 49 Driffield Yorkshire Union Banking Co.(B.) — Richard 'I'aylor, agent 31 Drogheda Provincial Bank of helaad, ..... 66 BANKERS. Tiin'ti. Firm, and ref. In Londun Bankers. Dioglieda n.*nk of Ireliiiid (IJranch).. 1 and 1!) Diihliii iJaiik of In-laiid (lie;id office) 1& VJ Dublin James lienj. liall & Co , Henry stM Dublin Clias. David, Joliii Uoht.jun. \Vni. & Wni. I). La Tonciie/CastlestnS Diihlin Robert Gray & Co 46 Dublin Bovle, Low, Pini & Co 7('> Dublin Lori(loii& Dublin Hank ( head oll'u-e);i;5 Duliliii HibeiiiianJoiiit-StoekBankingCo. (i Dublin National liank of I rrland G Dublin I'rovineial Hank of Ireland fib' Dublin Koyal liaiik of Ireland 4(i Dublin Henry l>anauze SS Dudley Dudley & West Bronnvich Uank- Co.— Chas.Kdw.Molineaux,n)gr.76 Dudley Biiminahani Banking Conipauy — lliclianl Henry Smith, n)anaper.41 Dufftown North of Scot land Bank inizCo.(B.) 4 Dunibaiion Conwneieial Bank of Scotland (B.)41 Dunibaiion .... U'estein Bank of Sijotland (B.l. . 41 Dumfries 15ank of Scotland (B.) l,l!)&(i4 Dumfries Western B:uik of Scotland (B.)..41 Dumfries Commercial Bank ofScotland(B.)41 I^umfries British Linen Company ( B.). ... ()4 Duinlries Kdinburahand Glasgow Bank(B.)7(i Dumfries National Bank of Scotland (B.J..31 l)unbar British Linen Company (B.) .. .. C4 Dunbar Commercial Bank of Sc(Jtlaiid(B.)41 Dunblane Union Bank of Scotland (B.).. . .41 Dundalk Londonl&DublinBnak (Branch). . ;« Dundalk Bank of Ireland (Bianch) . . 1 & 19 Dundalk Provincial Bank of Iieland 66 Dundee Bank of Scotland ( B.) .... 19 and 64 Dundee Dumlee Bunking Company 59 Dundee British l^iiien Company (B.) 64 Dundee National Bank of Scolland (B.). . 31 Dumlee Eastern Bank of Scotland 4 Dundee WesternBank of Scotland {B.):^loiis'( Branch) — Charles Sumpter Morris, mngr.34 Ely Monlock John and Suns — John Deer Pledger, manager 64 Ennis Provincial Bank of Ireland (B.)..66 Ennis National Bank of Ireland (B.).. 6 Enniscorthy ....Provincial Bank of Ireland (B.)6() Euniscortliy .... National Baukof Ireland (B.).. 6 Enniskillen .. . Ulster Banking Company {Bianch55 Enniskillen ....Provincial Bank of Ireland (B.). . 66 Epsom Mangles Brothers 76 Evesham Heiefuidshiie Banking Co. (U.) — Thomas S.irjeant, manager ... 46 Evesham Gloucestershire Banking Co. (B.) — Alfred Hariland, manager .. ••76 Exeter National ProvincialBank otEiigland47 Exeter Rlilfoid, Snow & Co. (City BaiiK). . 60 Exeter Sandeis& Co. (Exeter Bank' 4 Exeter Devon & Cornwall Banking Co. 4 & 33 Exeter WestofEiiglan(i&S(mihWalesBaiiK31 Eye Gurneys', Turner & Bright wen (B.) — Edgar, Chenery, agent 4 Eye Oakes, Fincham, Bcvan&Co. (M.) — Chas.FisherCostertoii,casliier 4 Eyemouth .. ..CommercialBank of Scotland. ('Ii..)41 Fakenham ....East of England Bank (Brancli) — Charles Sherring. nianaiier. ... 46 Fakenham .. ..Gurneys', Birkbeck & Co. — Robert H. Hammond, manager 4 Falkineham. . .. Kewney & I'iing (B.) 4 Falkirk Commercial Bank of Scotlaiid(B.)41 Falkirk Bank of Scotland (B.) ....land 19 Falkirk National Bank of Scotland (B.)..3l Falkirk Clydesdale Banking Company (B.) 6 Falmouth Ricketis, Entlioven, Turner, Ala- son & James (Falmouth Bank).. 31 Falmouth Tweedy, Williams, Tweedy, Wil- liams & Co. (Cornish Bank) ..54 Fart ham Hampshire BankingCoinp3ny(B.)41 Faringdon Barnes and Medley 73 Faiingdon County of Gloucester Bank 6 Farnhain John and James Knight 49 Fuiersliam Hilton, Rigden & Co 55 Fermoy National I'l.aik of Ireland (B.).. 6 Feimoy Piovincial Baukof Ireland (B.)..C6 Fesriniog North & South Wales Bank (B.) 46 Ketteicairii .... North of Scotland Banking Co.. . 4 F.iihabirs Abet deenlBaiikinii Company (B.)31 Folkestone NationalProv)iicialBaiikofEimliid44 Fiirdiiigbridge .. Wiltsand Doiset Banking Co. (B.)46 Forfar Dundee Banking Companv (B.). . .t'J Foifar Commercial Baukof Scotland (I J.) 41 Foifar -. Western Bank of Scotland (B.)..41 l'"ories British Linen Comnaiiy (B.) . . . . 64 Forres National Bank of Scotland (B.)..31 Forres Caledonian Banking Compy. (B.) 4 Fuic WUliajii. , . , Briti.sU Linen Company (B.J ,, ,. 64 BANKERS. Town. Firm, and ref. to London Bankers. Fort VViHiam Nalional Bank of Scotland (B.)..31 Fiainlinghaia ..GuiMOys & Co. (IJ.)— Joi'atlian Hart & Co. agents 4 Ffascrliurj];li .... Alitrdt'iMi Banking Companv (B.) M Frasfiliingli Bank of Scotland (B.) .....' I'J Frasfrluiriili .... Noitl) of Sc()tlaiidBankiiigCo.(B.) 4 Fionie Stiickeys' I5aiiking Company .... CM Fidiiu- Wilts <& Dorset Banking Co. (B.) 4(i Gainsborough. ... Sniitl), KlIi.son & Co. Samuel Wilkinson, manager 6'4 Gainsborougli .. Lincoln and Lindsey Banking Co. George lVlearn<, manager ."jf) Galashiels National Bank of Scotland (B.)...Vl Galashiels City of Glasgow Bank (B ) (J4 Galasliiels Kdinbnigh and Glasgow Bank(B.)/',, . C Manchester & Liverpool District Vu^'^^-^-r ■ ':,:A Banking Co. (Brauch)— Samuel (Howa.d rown)^ Bolton Ton.lins, matiager .... 64 Gloucester Branch Bank of Kngland 1 Gloucester County of Gloucester Bank 60 Gloucester GioucestershireBankingCompany 41 Gk»uceste.r NationlProvinclBk of Englnd(B.)66 Gloncester Thomas Turner 22 Godalming Mellersh & Keen 41 Golspie Aberdeen Towti&CountyBnk(B )47 Golspie British Linen Company (B.)....64 Goole York Citv & County Bankitig Co. (B.) — Francis Li.-ter, agent .. 6 Gosport South Hants BatikiiigCompy. (B.)76 Grangemouth . . Commercial Bank ofScotland(B.)41 Grantham Hardy, Walkington and Haidy..41 Grantham Stamford, Spalding & Boston Bank (B.)— Benjn.CortOgdenmianager 4 Grantown National Bank of Scotland (B.}..31 Griintown ..Caledonian Banking Co. (B.). . .. 4 Gravesend London and County Joint Stock Banking Company (B.) 44 Gravesend Hills, M'Rae& Co.' 18 Great Grimsby .. Hull Banking Compatiy (B.) — Querton Veal, manager 4 Great Grimsby. . Smith, Ellison & Co.— William Wallis, agent 6"4 Greenock GreenockBank— A.Thom«on,mgr41 Greenock Union Bank of Scotland (Brancli) — Andrew Anderson, auetit 31 Greenock Royal Bank of Scotland (Branch) —Thomas Turner, agent 19 Town. linn, (Did ref. to London Hunkers. Greenock Clydesdale Bank (Branch)— Alexander Rddgfr, auint (i Greenock ..• Bank of Scotland (Branch) — Robert Baine, agent 1 and 64 Greenock Western Bank of Scotland(Brnch) — James Miller, agent 41 Greenwich London and County Joint Stock Banking Company (B.) 44 Guernsey Gn.rnscy Comnurcial Banking Conip my Guildford Wtn. llios. Jos. & Saml. Ha'yden.'JfJ Guildtoid Alangles Bi others JQ Guisborough National Piovincial Bank of Eng- land (B.) — Robert King, agent4r> Gntsborongh Darlinuton District Banking Co. (15.) — (i. T. Hntcliinson, aiient 4 Haddington Bank of Scotland (B.) ..iyand64 Haddington .... Briii,-ii Linen Company (B.) .. ..64 HadditiKton Wesiein Baidi of Scotland (B ) 41 Hadleigh Mills, Bawtree & Co 34 Hadleigh Alexanders & Co 6 Hailsham Molinenx, Whitlield & Co 76 Hailsiiatii Smith, Hildcr and Co 50 Hales worth Gnrneys & Co. (Branch)— Andw, Johnston, tnanager 4 Halesworth Hai ve>y' and H udsons'— Thomas W. Thompson , niaiiager 34 Halesworth East of England Bank i Branch) — William H. I'ngliss, manager. .46 Halifa.^ Halifax Joint Stock Banking Co. — John Caw, manager 41 Halifax Halifax Commercial Bank— Fre- derick Hardcastle, manager ..76 Halifa.\ Halifax&HudderslieldUnionBank — James Bovvm;in, man-iger ..31 Halstead Spariow, Walford & Co 4 Halstead London and County Joint-Stock Banking Company 44 Hamilton British Linen Company (B.)....64 Hamilton Western Bank of Scotland (B.)..4I Hamilton Commercial Bank of Scotland (ii.)41 Hanley ftlanchester & Liverpool District Batik (B.) — John StupHrt,tnngr.64 Harleston Gurneys', Turtier & Brightwen— William Hazard, agetit 4 Harleston East of England Bank (Branch) — Robert Napiei , manager .... 46 Harleston Haiveys' and H udsons' 34 Harling (East). . Harveys' and Hudsoiis' John Eveiett, inn., agetit 34 Harrogate Terty & H.irrisons' (Old Bank) .77 Hartlepool Newcastle, Shit Ids, & Snndetland Union Bank (Branch) — Thomas Rowell, matiager 6 Hartlepool Jonathan Backhouse and Co. — William John Vollum, manager 4 Hartlepool National Provincl. Bank of Englnd (B.) — Pat k. Anderson Dodds,n)gr46 Harwich Cox & Cobbold 76 Hastings Smith, Hilder and Co 50 Haveifordwest .. Joliti & William Walters 41 Haverfordwest . . Wilkitis & Co 76 Haverhill Oakes, Bevan, Moore & Be»an — Joseph Boreham, agent 4 Hawes Svvaledale& Wensleyiiale Banking Company (B.) — Oswald Rutli Whailey, agent 34 Hawick British Linen Company ( B.) . . . . (i4 Hawick Comniercial Bank of Scotlatid(B.)41 Hawkhurst Sniiili, Hilder and Co 50 Hay NationlPtovincl Bk of Englnd ( B.)66 Hay Hereloid-liire liaiiking Co. (B.)46 Helensburgh .... Western Bank of Scotland (B.). . 41 Helmsley YorkshireUnion Banking Co. (B.) — Robert Barker, aaent 31 Helston Vivian, Gr)lls, Kendall & Co... 25 Helston Helston Banking Company 7.1 HeraelHempslcadSmith & Whittingstall 22 Henley in Arden.Stourbridge&KidderMiinsterBank- ingCo. (B.) — Rd. Burmati, nigr.f)4 Henley-on-Thaines.Jolin & Charlis Simonds &. Co. (Branch of Reading) — open on Thursdays in Henley — Charles Kincb, agent on remaining dHys.76 BANKERS. Town. Firm, and re/, io London Bankers. Hereford Frederick Hoskyns, Mattliewsand Co. (City and County Bankj 49 Hereford H^nip, Morgan & Co. (Old Bank) 4 Hireford Heiffunlsliiif Banking Compy. — Joliii Krrr Hustiiifis, manager. . 46 Hereford Naiinnal Piovincial iinnk of Eng- land (Braiicli) — iMackay Jolin Scoby, manager 4G Hertford Saninel Adams & Co 50 Hertford London and County Joint Stock B inking Company (B.) 44 Hexhaui William H. Lambton nnd ('o. — James Donaldson Bell, agent.. 4 Hcxiiam Nordrnmbeiland Bank (Branch) — John fJibson, agent M Hexham Nmih of Enuland Bank 4() High Wycombe.. Kobrrt VVhei-ler & Sons (B.) 77 Highwortli Norih Wilts Bank (B.) 2(i Higliwonii Cduniy of Glouctsttr Bank .50 Hinckley Pires' Leicestershire Bank g.C«). — Jolin William Gilbert, manager .64 Hinckley licicestershire Banking Company 46 Hitchin Sharpies, Exton and Lutas 4 Holbeach Gurneys", Biikbeck & Pcckover — Alfred Mills, manager 4 Holsworthy .... Devon and Cornwall Banking Co. (B.) — Jidin Hiiigs, agent 4 Holsworthy NaiionlProvinclBk of Englnd( B.)46 Holt Gurneys & Co. — Joseph Muskett, agent 4 Holyhead Nonh&Sonth Wales Bank(B.)..46 Hol)head Natinnal Provincial Bank of England 46 Holywell North and South Wales Bank . . 46 Holywell NationlProvinclBkof Englnhire Distiict Bank — Edgar Wilkins English, manager .. ..76 Hungerford Williacn Tanner & Co 66 Huntingdon .... Rust &Veasey 50 Huntingdon ....London and County Joint- Stock Bankg.Co. — Jas. Golboriic, nigr.44 Huntljr Abcrdctn Town &CouMtyBnk (B.)47 Huntly North of ScotlandB.mkingCo.^B.) 4 Huntly Aberdeen Banking Company (B.)31 Hyde Manchrster & Liverpool District Batiking Company (Sub-B.) — Saml. Bolton Tom I ins, manager 64 Ilchester Stuckeys' Banking Company (B.)60 Ilfraconibe National Piovinciai Bank of Eng- land (B.) — W. B. Vye, manager 46 Ilminster Stuckev.s' liankinn Con)pany .. ..60 Inch North otScotlandBaiikinKCo.(B.) 4 Inverary Union Bank ot Scotland (B ) 41 Inverary.. National Bank of S(Otland (B.)'<1 Invergordon .... Commercial Bank of Scotland {B.J 41 Invergordon Nottbof ScotlandBankingCo.(B.) 4 Inverkeithing . . Eastern Bank of Scotland (B.).. 4 Tonin. Firm, and re/, to London Bankeri. Inverness Bank of Scotland (B.) 1 and 19 Inverness British Linen Company (B.) ....64 Inverness Commercial Bank of Scotland (B.)4l Invertjess National Bank of Scotland (B.).. 31 Inverness Caledonian BankingCompany.. .. 4 Inverness NorthofScotlandBankingCo.(B.) 4 Inveniry Aberdeen Town&CouniyBnk(B.)41 Inviruiy Aberdeen BankingCompany (B.)31 Inverury North of Scotland Ban kingCo.(B.) 4 I pswich Bacon, Cobbold & Co 31 I pswich Alexanders' & Co 6 Ipswich National Provincial Bank of Eng- land (B.) — Hy. Miller, uianagr.47 Ironbridge Shropshire Banking Company (B.) Henry C. T. Dickenson, managei 33 Irvine Britisii Linen Company (B ).. ..64 Irvine AyrshireBatiking Company (B.).. 76 Irvine Union Bank of Scotland (B.) ..31 Irvine Hunters & Co. (of Ayr) 35 Islay ., Nniional Bank of S(0tlantl (B.)..31 Jedburgh British Linen Conniany (B.) ....64 Jedburgh National Bank of Scotland (B.)..31 Jersey Janviin & Co. (Commercial) Jersey Mercantile Union Bank 31 Jersey Nicolle, de St. Croix, d'Auvergne and Co Jersey Elias Le Bas 49 Jersey British Exchange Bank 39 Jei sey Old Bank. Godfrey, Sons and Co Johnstone City of Glasgow Bank (Branch).. 64 Johnstone Union Bank of Scot land (Branch)31 Kanturk National Bank of Ireland (B.).. 6 Keighley Alcocks', Birkbeck & Co 5 Iveith AberdeenTown&CountvBnk(B.)41 Keith North of Scotland BankJhgCo.(B.) 4 Keith Aberdeen Banking Company (B.)3l Kells London & Dublin Bank (Bianchi33 Kelso liank of Scotland ( B.) . . . . 1 and 19 Kelso National Bank of Scotland (B.).. 31 Kelso Commercial Bank of Scotland (B.) 41 Kelso British Linen Company (B.) ....64 Kendal Wakefield, Crewdson, and Co. . . 50 Kendal JointStock Bank of Westmoreland — James Ty>on, manager 31 Kenilworth .... Leamington Priors and Warwick- shire Banking Company (B.) — Charles Bliss, matiager 76 Keswick Cun)berland Union Bank — James Atkinson, agent 4 Kettering John Cooper Gotrh & Sons 50 Ketteiing Yorke and Eland (Branch) — Wni. Hobin^on Smalley, manager . . 50 Kidderminster ..Stourbridge & KidderminsterBkg. Co. — Augustus Tilden, manager64 Kidderminster . . Farley, Turner & Jones 60 Kilkenny Bank of Ireland (Branch).. 1 and 19 Kilkenny National Bank of Ireland (B.). 6 Kilkenny Piovincial Bank of Ireland (B.). .66 Kilmarnock . . . . H untirs & Co. (of Ayr) .35 Kilmarnock .... Commercial Bank ofScotlandiB )41 Kilmarmick ....Ayrshire BankingCompany (li.)76 Kilmarnock Bank of Scotland (B.) 19 Kilmarnock .... Union Bank of Scotland (B,). .. .41 Kilrusli Provincial Bank of Ireland (B.),.61 Kilrnsh National Bank of Ireland (B.).. 6 Kilsyth Western Bank of Scotland (B.)..46 Kilwinning ....Commercial Bank ofScoiland(B.)41 Kincardine Commercial BankofScotlaiid(B.)4I Kincardine Union liank of Scotland (B.)....31 Kingsbridge .... Devon & Cornwall Banking Co.. . 4 Kingshridge ....JointStock Bank 73 Kingston Shrubsole, Lambert & Co 22 KiiiKton Davies, C rummer & Oliver 49 Kingussie British Linen Company (B.) ....64 Kinross British Lint-n Company (B). ... 64 Kinross Edinburgh and GlasgowBank(B.)76 Kinsale London and Dublin Bank 45 Kiikby Lonsdale.Lancasfer Banking Comdany (B.) — John Allen, aueni 4 Kirkby Moor.side.York Union Banking Company (Blanch)— GeorgeFrank, agent 31 Kiikby Thore ..John Crosby 50 Kirkcaldy Bank of Scotland (B.) 19 Kirkcaldy Commercial Bank of Scotland(B.)41 BANKERS. Town. Firm, and ref. to London Bankers. Kiikcalfly ...... National liaiik of Scotland (IJ.)-"'51 Kiikcakly Union lianlc of Scotland (li.)- • -.41 Kiikciulliiislit ..l$ank of Scotland (1$.) IDand (M Kiikcndbiittlit ..Western IJank of Scotland (li.) 11 Kirkiniillocli Western Hank of Scotland (li.) 11 Kirkwall Coniniercial Hank ofScotlan(Uii.)41 Kirkwall National IJank of Scotland (li.)- • ^^l Kirriemuir British Linen Company (li.). . . . (i 1 Knaresborongli . . Teriy and Harri.sons' 77 Knaresborough.. Knaresborough & Claro Banking Company — John Hall, manager (i Knigliton Davies.Crummer, Oil ver& Green 4*J Lampeter Jones, Evans and Co 41 Lanaik Commercial Bank ofScotland(li.)41 Lanark Western Bank of Scotland ;B.)..41 Lancaster Lancaster Banking Company — John Conlston, manager 4 Lane End Charles Harvey & Son 31 Lane End Manchester & Liverpool District Banking Company (S.) 64 Langholm British Linen Company (li.) ..,.()4 Langholm National Bank of Scotland (B.)..,S1 Langport Stuckeys' Banking (.'ompany .... (iO Largs Western Bank of Scotland.' 41 Largs City of Glasgow Bank (B.) (i4 Lame Belfast Banking Company (B.) — John Iledmond, manager 24 Lauder Bank of Scotland ( li.) 19 Launceston .... Ilobins, Foster & Co 7fi Launcestoii .... Devon and Cornwall Banking Co. 4 Launceston .... Gill and Rndle G Lawrencekirk... Aberdeen Town &CoiintyBnk(B.)47 Leamington Warwick and Leamington Bank- ing Co. — Hy. Snunuerfield, mgr.33 Leamington .... Leamington Priors and Warwick- shire Banking Company — Thos. Henry Thorne, manager 76 Ledbury National Provincial Bank of Eng- land ( li. ) —J as. Roberts, mangr.66 Ledbury Webb, Spencer & Co 15 Leeds Bank of England (B.) — Charles Edward MacCarthv, agent 1 Leeds Beckett & Co ." 31 Leeds William Williams Brown & Co. 11 Leeds Yorkshire District Banking Co. — James William Scott, manager 76 Leeds LeedsBankingCompany — Edward Greenland, manager 64 Leek Manchester & Liverpool District Banking Company ( B.) 64 Leicester Bank of England (Branch) — Thomas Clayton Turner, agent 1 Leicester Pares' Leicestershire Banking Co, — William Billson, manager ..64 Leicester Pagets & Kirby 31 Leicester Leicestershire Banking Company — George Webb, general mangr 46 Leicester NationlProvincialBank of Englnd (B.) — Nicholas Milne, manager 46 LeightonBuzzard Bassett, Grant and Co 4 LeightonBuzzard London and County Joint Stock Banking Co. (B.)— Whitbread Tomson, manager 44 Leith Bank of Scotland (B.) 19 Leitii British Linen Company ( B.) 64 Leith Commercial Bank of Scotland (8.)41 Leith National Bank of Scotland (B.)..31 Leith Roval Bank of Scotland (B.) .. ..19 Leith Edinburgh & Glasgow Bank (B.)76 Leominster ....Herefordshire Bankitig Conipy. — Francis Woodhouse, manager.. 46 Leominster .... National Provincial Bank of Eng- land — James Bedford, manager .47 Lerwick Union Bank of Scotland (B.) . . 41 Lerwick Sir William Forbes Ik Co 19 Letterkenny ....Belfast Banking Company (B.)..24 Leven Commercial Bankof Scotland(B.)4l Lewes Molineux, Whitfield, Dicker & Co. 76 Lewes London and County Joint Stock Banking Company 44 Leyburn Swaledale & Wensleydale Bank- ing Co. — John Grime, agent . . 34 Lichfield Palmer & Greene 64 Town. rirm, mid ref. to London Hankers. Lichfield National Provincial Bank of Eng- land (li.) — Wm. Grimes, mnagr.46 l^imciick , Bank of Ireland (liraiicli). . 1 andiy Limerick National iiank of Ireland (B.).. 6 Limerick Provincial Bunk of Ireland (li.)..66 Lincoln Smith, Elli.son & Co. James 1 nman, manager 64 Lincoln Lincoln .teisliire Banking Company — John Ivhvards, agent 46 Market Deeping. .Stamford, Spalding and Boston Banking Com|)any (Branch) — Harvey StajjletoM, agent 4 Market Drayton. .Manchester & !>i\erpool District Banking Company (Branch) — John Walker Moore, ageni 64 Market Harboro'. Leicestershire Banking Comjiany (B.) — Thomas Abbott, secretary4G Market Ra.scn .. Lincoln and !>indsey Banking Co. (B.)— William Raw.son, agent, . 5.5 Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester . Mani)ir)gtiee.. Manningtree. Tonn. Firm, and rej. to London Bankers. Market Rascn ...Smith, Ellison & Co. (Lincoln Bank) — John Slater, agent 64 Market Weighton Vork Ihiion Banking Co. (B.) ..31 Markinch Commercial Bank otScotland(B.)41 Marlborough.. .. William 'I'anner and Co 66 Marlborough Ward, Meriimaiis' and Hillier ..49 Marlhoroui:!). . .. Wilts & Dorset Banking Compy. 46 Marlborough.. .. North Wilts Banking Company. .26 Maryborough .. Bank of Ireland (Branch) 1 Maryport Cumberland Union BankingCom- pany (B.) — Wm. Ostlc, agent. . 4 Mauchline Commercial Bank of Scotland (B.)41 Maybole Ayrshire Banking Company (B.) 76 Maybole Hunters & Co. (of Ayr) 35 Maybole Union Bank of Scotland (B.)....31 Melksham North Wilts Banking Co 26 Melrose British Linen Company (B.) 64 Melrose Edinburgh & GlasgowBank(B.). . 73 Mellon Mowbray.Leicestershire lianking Compy. — 'Ihomas Hickson, agent 46 Melton Mowbray. Pares' Leicestersiiire iianking Co.64 Melton Mowbray. Stamford, Spaldini,'& Boston Bank — Benj. Coit Ugden, manager.. 4 Melton Mowbray. Pagets' and Kirby 31 Mere Wilts and Dorset Banking Compy .46 Merthyr Tydvil. . Wilkins and Co 6 Merthyr Tydvil. . West of England and South Wales District Banking ('ompany (B.)31 Mid Calder .... Edinburgh & Glasgow Bank(B.). . 73 Middlesborougli. .Jonathan Backhouse&Co. — Thos. R. Taylor, agent 4 Middleton National Banl^of Ireland (Branch) 6 iMiiLsotner-Noiton. . Stutkeys & Co 60 Mildenhail Oakes, Bevan, Moore & Bevan — Edmund Denton Isaacson and Thomas Chifnev, agents 4 Millport Western Bank of Scotland (B.)..41 Milton Valance and Son 66 Mitfhelstown .. National Bank of Ireland (Branch) 6 Moate National Bank of li-eland (B.) — 6 Moffat Union Bank of Scotland (B.). . . . 31 Moffat Western Bank of Scotland (B.)..41 Mold North and South Wales Bank (B.)46 Mold National Provincial Bank of Eng- land (Branch) ;747 Monaghan Belfast Banking Compy. (Branch)24 Monaghan Provincial Bank of Ireland (B.).. 66 Monaghan LUster Banking Company (B.)..55 Monmouth Bromage, Snead & Snead 46 Monmouth Monmouthshire and Glamorgan- shireBkg.Co. — Ths.Parry,mngr.47 Monmouth Baileys', Gratrix & Williams .... 50 Montrose British Linen Company (B.) ....64 Montrose National Bank of Scotland (B.)..31 ^Iontrose Eastern Bank of Scotland (B.) .. 4 Montrose Western Bank of Scotland (B.).. 41 Montrose Bank of Scotland (B.). . . . 19 and 64 MoretoninMarshStourbiidge and Kidderminster Banking Company 64 Morpeth Northiimbei latid and Durham District Banking Company (B.) — Stephen Wilkinson, agent ..31 Morpeth WJ. Lambton and Co. — James Railton, agent 4 Mountmellick .. Bank of Ireland (Branch). . 1 and 19 Muirkiik Ayrshire Banking Company (B.)76 .MuUingar London &. Dnlilin Bank (Bianch).3.'5 Musselburgh Commercial Bank of Scotland (B. 141 Musselburgh Western Bank ofScotland (B.)..'41 Naiin National Bank ofScotland (B.) 31 Nairn British Linen Company (B.) .... 64 Nairn Caledonian BankingConipany(B.) 4 Nantwich Manchester & Liverpool District Banking Company (B.) — John Pyton manager 64 Neath Glamorganshire Banking Compy. — John Rowland, manager. ... 41 Necdham Market Alexanders' & Co. — Samuel Alex* ander Maw, manager 6 Neilston Union Bank ofScotland (B.) 311 Nenagh National Bank of Ireland(Branch) 6 Nenagh Tipperary Joint-Stock Bank (B.)31 New Deer North of ScotlandBankiiigCo.(B.) 4 New Galloway.. Edinburgh & Glasgow Daiik--[B.)73 BANKERS. 'I'uivn. Firm, and ref. to London Hankers. Newftliliis Ayrshire liaiikiiie; Coiiinaiiy (B.) 7(i New Koss Bank of Ireland (Biaiicli) , 1 and 1!) New Ross National Bai)korireland(Brai)cli) ( Newark Godt'i ey & H iition 4 Newark Haiidley, Peacock & Co (J Newark NottiiiKham and NottiM!fhani.sl]ire Banking Company (Branch) — Joliii Bell, manager 46 Newburgh Commercial Bank ot'Scotlandf B.)41 Newbur'gh Central Bank ofScotland(B.). . .. .'^1 Neul)ury Bunny and Slocock (iO Newbury County of Berks Union Coiiipy. . 18 Ne\vca8tle-on-Tyiie.Bank oflinyld ( B.)--Jos.Grote,aHt ] Ni-wcastle-on-l'yne. William Henry Laml)ton and Co. 4 Newcastle-on-Tyiie. Newcastle Commercial Banking; Co. — I'eter David>on, manager 48 Newcastle-on-Tyne.NortlininlHiiand and Durham District Banking Company — .loiiat!ianKici]ardson,mngr4 & M Newcastle-un-Lynic'riiomas Kinnersley and Sons ..50 Newmarket .... luiton, Hammond iS,; Co 15 Newmarket K. & C. K. & G. K. Foster 55 Newnham Gloucestei shire Banking Co. (B.) 41 Newport (iMon.)- William Williams and .Sons 15 Newport (iMou.). Monmouthshire and Glamoigan- sliire Bankiirij Company — John Fraser, manager 47 Newport (Mon.).We.stof Kniilanu and South Wales District Biink — Edmund Elincs Bi ckiiigham, managi r 31 Newpnrt;l.of\Vf:lit)Hampsliire Blinking Companv . . 41 Newport(lofWglit)NationalFro\intlBank ofEnglaiuUG Newpoit (SalopJ .Shropshire Banking Company^ William Silvester, manager. ... ;-i3 Newport (Salop). National ProvincialBankotEimhid (Braiiih)— Alex. Fowler, mngr. 47 Newport Pai^nellBassett, Grant, Basseit & Co. (P..) 4 Newport Pagnell. London &CountyJoiiit. Stock Bank 44 Newry ^ Bank of htlaiid (BranciiJ.. 1 and VJ Newry Belfast Banking C(impany 24 Newry I'rovincial Bank of Ireland 66 Newtou-Ahbots.. Devon&CornwallBaiikingCo.(B.) 4 New ton -Abbots. .Walts, White way & KdsiMi 76 Newton Mearns. Ciiy of Glasgow Bank (B.) (14 Newton Stewart. Biitish Linen Company (B.) . . . . 6"4 Newton Stewart. Kdinbuigli & Glasgow Bank(B,). . 76 Newtown(N. Wats.) North and Sontli Wales Bank. . 4(; Newlown(N.VVals.)National Piovincial Bank of Ensland 46 Newtownards ..Belf.ist Banking Co. (Bianch). . 24 NewtownlitnavdyBelfast Banking Com|)aiiy (B.)..24 NewlownlimavdyNorthern Bankinu Co. (B.) .'il'& 39 North Berwick.. VVt stern Bank of Scotland (B.)..41 NoMh Shields .. Northumlicrland and Durham District Banking Company — llobtrt JNlilbuin, agi nt 4 North Walsham. . East of Encland Bunk (Branch) — Uichai d Barker, agent 46 North Walsham .Gurneys' and Birkbeck Robert Barker, agent 4 North Walsham .Sir Edward Knowles Lacon, Bart. Lacons, Youell & Co 31 Northallerton ..Jonaihan Backhouse & Co. — Jo- nathan Ferguson, agent 4 Northallerton ..Darlington District Joint Stock Bank (B.)— G. M. Bell,nianager 4 Northallerton .. Yorksliite Banking Company (B.) — Edwaid Hare, agent 76 Northampton .. NorthamptonshireBanking Co. — James Robert Spiller, manager .46 Northampton .. Northain[)tonshiie Union Bank — Thomas Frost, manager 24 Not thleach County of Gloucester Bunk 60 Northwich Thomas Fit th 41 Norwich Bank of England (Branch) Edward Smyth, agent 1 Norwich Gurneys' and Birkbeck 4 Norwich East of England Baidi — William Stitt Wilson, manager 46 Norwich Harveys' & Hudsons 34 Norwicli Robert Balls 50 Noltiugham .... Ichabod & Ichabod Charles Wright and Co GO Nottingham Hart, Fellows aud Co 33 Town. firm, and ref. to London Hankers. Nottingham Moore & Robinsons' — Notting- haiiishire Banking Company. . 31 Noitiiigiiani Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Banking Co. — Thomas Hollins Smith, manager 46 Nottingham .... Samuel Smitli and Co 64 Nuneaton Cj addocks' and Bull 62 Oakham Eaton, Cayley & Michell (Branch of Stanifoi d) 50 Oakham Stamh)rd, Spalding and Boston Jianking Comjiany (Branch) — Joseph Turner, agent 4 Oakiiampton.. .. NationalProvinclBankof Eni;land47 Oban National Bank of Scotland (B.). . 31 Oban City of Glasgow Bank (B.) 64 Odiham Cole, Seymour, Simmons & Co. . 50 Old Deer North ofScotland Banking Com- j)any ( Branch) 4 Old Meldruin ..North ofScotland Banking Coni- |)any (Branch) 4 Oldham INlanchesler & Liverpool District Banking Company (B.)— Heniy Tipping, manager 64 Oldham Saddleworth Banking Co. (B) — Thomas Mattinson, manager. .31 Oldham Oldhatn Banking Company — Ed- ward Biaiiiall, manager 46 Omagh Provincial Bank of Ireland (B.) — 'I'homas Mattinson, manager. .66 Omagh Mister Banking Company (B.) ...55 Oswcstiy Cro,\on, [>oiigtieville (."ii Co 50 Oswestiy North and Souili Wales Bank — Francis Roberts, manager 46 Otley Yorkshire District Bank (B.) — Cliristopher Jackson, agent. ... 7 Oundle Daniel Yoi ke & Co 76 Oundle Stamford, Spalding and Boston Banking Company (Branch) — Richard Todd, manager 4 Oxford James & Robert Morrell 41 O.xford Robinson, Parsons & Thomson. . ID O.'iloid London and County Joint-Stock Banking Co. — Captain Henry Strong, manager 41 Oxford Wm. Wootton & John Underhill.50 Paisley Bank of Scotland (Branch) — James Findlay, agent . . 1 and Paisley British Linen Company (Branch) — Arthur Welsh, manager 64 Paisley Clydesdale BankingCoinpany(B.) 6 Paisley Glasgow Union Banking Co. (B.) — John Scott, manager 31 Paisley Western Bank of Scotland (B.) — 'I'homas Risk, manager ,41 Parsonstown, , .. London & Dul)lin Bank (Branch)45 Parsonstowii.. .. Provincial Bank of Ireland (B.).. 66 Peebles British Linen Com|)any (B.) 64 Peebles City of Glasgow Bank (B.) 64 Pembiook Biddulph, Brothers & Co 15 Pennycuick Edinbuighand (ilasgowBank (B.)73 Penrith Cumberland Union Banking Co. (B.)— Chailes Lilt, agent 4 Penrith Whitehaven Joint Slock Co. (B.) — John Simpson, auent 60 Penzance Bolithos', Sons and Co. (Mouni's Bay Bank) 5!} i-enzance Batten,Carne&Co.(Pea/anceBankJ4y Perth I'eith Banking Company 4 Perth Bank ofScotland (B.) 19 Perth British I./inen Comiiany ( B.) .... 64 Perth Ccntial Bank ofScotland 31 Perth National Bank ofScotland (B.)..31 Perth Commercial Bank of Scotland (B.)41 Peterborough .. Daniel Yorke and Co 76 Peterborough ..Stamford, Spaldinu ami Boston Banking Company (Branch) — William Rovvell, manager 46 Peterborough .. National I'lovincial Bank of ICnu- land — Alexander Somineivail Thomson , manager 47 Peterhead Aberdeen Banking Conuiany (B.)31 Peterhead Commercial Bank of Scotland (B.)41 Petei heat! North ofScotland BankinuCo.iB.) 4 Peterhead Aberdeen Town & County BU.(Bj47 BANKERS. Tonn. Firni, and re/, to London Bankers. Pctersfield London and County Joint-Stock IJiiiikiug Company (15.) 47 Petworth London and County Joint-Stock Bankinii; Company 44 Pickering York Union Baiikini; Compy. (B.) —Jos. & Kdwd. Wiiulle, agents ."^l Pickering Bower, Hntton, Hall ;ind Huiion (Kast ilidiiit,' Bank, Brand)) — 'riionias Bird, agent 22 Pitloclirie Commercial Bank of Scotland (B.)41 Pitlochrie Central Bank of Scotland (B.)..31 Plvmouth Devon and Cornwall Banking Co. 4 Plymouth Branch Bank of England — Robert I\J orris, agent 1 Plymouth National Provincl Bankof Englnd47 Plymouth Harris, Madge & Co 49 Pocklington Voik Union Banking Co. (B.) — John Bnlmer, agent 31 Pollockshaws .. Western Bank of Scotand (B.) .,41 Pontefract Leatham, Tew and Co 24 Pontefract Yorkshire District Bank — Bichard Chambers, manager 76 Pontypool Monnuiutlisliiie and Glaniorean- sliire Banking Company (B.) — Stephen Vernon, manager 47 Poole Ledgard and Sons 61 Poole NatfonalProvinclBankof Englaud47 Port Glasgow .. Union Bank of Scotland (B.) ..31 Port Glasgow .. Koyal Bank of Scotland (B.) 19 Port Glasgow ..Clydesdale Banking Co. (B.) .... 6 Port Madoc .. . . NaiionalProvinclBank of Eni;kind47 Port Madoc North and South Wales Bank (B.) 46 Portadown Belfast Banking Company (B.). . 24 Portadown Ulster Banking Conii)anv (B.J..r).5 Portobello Western Bank of Scotland (B.)..41 Portree National Bank of Scotland (B.).. 31 Portree North of ScotlandBankingCo(B.) 4 Portsea South Hants Banking Company.. 76 Portsea Grants' and Gillman .31 Portsea NalionalProvinclBank of England 47 Portsmouth .... Bank of England (B.) — Henry J. Dorrien, agent 1 Portsmouth . . . . Gi ants' and Gillman ."^l Poitsmouth .. .. NationalProvinclBank of Eni!lan(l47 Portsoy Northof ScotlandBankingCo.(B.) 4 Poitsov Aberdeen Banking Company (B,J31 Potton'. Wells, Hogg & Linsdell (B.) .... 6 Presteign Parsons& Co. (Radnorshire Bank) 6 Preston La we, H udson and F^awe 41 Preston Lancaster Banking Company (B.) — J(jlin Fisher, manager f Preston (Old Bk.)Pedder, Fleetwood and Pedder . . 24 Preston Roskell, Arrowsmith and Co 41 Preston Preston Banking Compy. — Henry Graves, manager 73 Pwllheli North and South Wales Bank (B.)46 Pwllheli Naii(mlProvinclBkoflMiglnd(B.)47 Ramsey (Hints) Rust & Veasey (Bianch) 50 Uamsey (Hunts; National Provincial Bank of Eng- land — 'riiiinias Darlow, agent. .47 Ramsey (1. Man) Isle of Man Cnmniercial Banking Company (Branch) Joseph J\lawhy, n)an;;ger .')5 Ramsgatc Peter Bnigess and Son h Ranisgate National Provincial Bank of Eng- land (B.) .'..33 Rathkeale Nati'mal Bank of IrehndfBranch) 6 Keading Cmintv ol Berks Union Bank ..18 Reading lolin iS: Clia>^. H. Sinionds & Co. 76 Keading Stephen-, Blaiidy & Co 77 Reddilch Stourliridgc and Kidderminster Banking Company (Branch) — •Ifdiii Osliorn, agent 64 iledrulh Tweedy, WiirnMo-, Tweedy, Wil- liiims and Co .')4 Reigate Nash and Neale ;') Retturd Sir Win. B.Co>>ke, But., Veinon, Walker, Jackson .V Co 19 Retford Nottint'liam and Nuttinghain.-liire B'.nkg Co.— Hawks!. -y Hall, mgr.46 Retford Slnllicld Union B.inUing Cniiipy. (Branch) — ImUv. l"iit)i, managr .'').') Rlniiie Neriii of Scotland BankingCo.(B.)73 Town. firm, and ref. to London Hankers. Richmond (York)Gilbert Stapleton and Co 4 Richnion{|( York )S\valedale and VVensleydale Baiik- inj^ Coin|)any 34 Richmond (York) Yorkshire Di-trici Bank (B.) — William Hewiy, manager 76 Ringwood Ledgard and Sons 61 Ripon Knareshorough and Claro Bank- ing Co. (B.) — Jas.()stclifre,agnt 6 Ripon York Citv and Coiinly Banking Co. (B.)— Wm. Kendall, agent . 6 Ripon Terrys' and Harrisons' 77 Robertsbridge ..Smitli, Hilder & Co 50 Rochdale John and James Fenton 4 Rochdale Royds, Clement and Co 41 Rochdale Manchester & Liverpool Distiict Banking Company (B.) — David Coventry, manager 64 Rochester Days' & Nicholson 31 Rofhford James Giles 31 Romford London&CouniyJointStockBank 44 Ronisey William Footner and Son 49 Roinsey Hampshire Banking Cfnnpy. (B.) 41 Roscommon ....National Bank of Ireland (B ).. fi Roscrea National Bank of Ireland (B.).. 6 Roscrea Tipperai y Joint-Siock Bank (B.)31 Ross Morgan, Hoskins & Co 4 Ross Prichards' and AUaway 5 Ross James Wallace Richard Hall 76 Ross Bromage & Snead 46 Rotherham .... Sheffield and Rotherham Banking Co. — Edvv.Jno.Heseltine,inaiigr 4 Rotherham .... Shelfield Banking Company (B.) — Charles Story, agent 64 Rothesay W^estern Bank of Scotland (B.). . 41 Rothesay Clydesdale Banking Company(B.) 6 Rothesay Royal Bank of Scotland ( B.) 19 Royston John George Fordham & Sons . , 4 Rugby National Provincial Bank of Eng- land (B.) — Wm. Sale, manager 46 Rugby Ann Butlin and Sons 64 Rugeiey National Provincial Bank of Eng- land (B.)— T. S. Strawbiidge, manager 46 Ruthin North & South Wales Bank (B.).. 46 Ryde (l.of Wight) Hamjishire Banking Company(B.)41 Ryde( I. of Wight) Natii.nalProvinclBank of England 46 Rye Curteis, Ponifret and Co 77 Rye London&.CountvJoint-StockBank44 Saddleworlh .... Manchester & Liverpool District Bank (Branch)— Richard Oc- klesl'iaw, manager 64 Saddleworth ■) Saddlewor'h Banking Company — (Dobcross) J F. S. Buckley, manager 31 Saffron Walden. . Gibsons and Co 26 St. Andrews Edinburgh & Glasgow Bank (B.).. 76 St. Andrews Clyde.■^dale Banking Co. (B.) 6 St. Austel Coodc, Sons and Shilson 49 St. Austel Devon&CornwallBankingCo.(B.) 4 St. Austel Ilobins, Fosier and Co 76 St. Columh Ricketts, Enthovtn & Co 31 St. Helens Parr, Lyon and Greenall — Henry ■* Hardman, maunger 22 St. Ives(Cornw!l)Bolitho, Sons & Co 59 St. Ives (Hunts). Ebenezer and Charles Finch and George Ebenezer Fostcr(Branch of Cambridge Bank) — Tiioinas Ulph, manager 55 St. I»cs (Hunts.) Rust and Veasey 50 St. Ives (Hunts.) Londi)n&CountyJoint-StockBank ( B.) — Augustus Fabian, manaer.44 St. Ncots( Hunts) Rust & Veasey (Branch)— Fernery and Son, agents 50 I St. Neots (Hunts) London&CountyJoint-StockBank (Branch) — Isaac Marsh, agent. .44 I Salisbury Hetley, Fherett and Co 4 j Salisliiiry Wilts & Dorset Banking Co 46 Saltcoats Ayrshire Banking Cimipany (B.) 76 jSaiidwich London and Couniy Joint-Stock Banking Company (B.) 44 Sandwich Nation I ProvinclBk 'of Englnd(B.)46 SaiKinhar British Linen Company (B.) 64 Saxiuuiidham . .. Gurneys' and Co.— Samuel Flick, agent 4 BANKERS. Town. Firm, and ref. to London Bankers. Saxmundhani ..Haiveys' and Hudsons' — Joseph B. Edwards, iiiauaRer [Vm Scarborough .... Woodall, Hebden & Hanlcasile. . 24 Scarborough .... York City & County Banking Co. (B.) — Jolin Leckenby, aijent . . 6 Selby York City & County Banking Co. (B.)— Uohert ftloVrell, agent .. G Selby Yorksliire District Bank (Brancii) — Joseph Dobson, manager. ... 7(1 Selkirk British Linen Company (B.)....(i4 Settle Alcoc ks', Birkbecks' aiid Co 5 Settle Yorkshire District Bank (Branch) — John Gibbins, manager .... 76 Seven Oaks ....London and County Joint Stock Banking Company (B.) 44 Sheffield Sheffield and Hallam^hire Bank- ing Company — William Water- tall, manager 31 Sheffield Sheffield Banking Company — An- thony Pras. Hammond, manager 64 Sheffield Sheffield and Rot herham Banking Co— William Brown, inaner 4 & 46 Sheffield Union Banking Company — Edwd. Liddell, manager ,55 Shepton Mallet. . Stuckeys' Banking Company . . , . 60 Sherborne Wilts & Dorset Banking Co. (B.) 46 Sherborne National Provincial Bank ofEngld46 Shetland Shetland Banking Company .... 4 Shiffnall Shropshire Banking Company — William Allen, manager 33 Shipston-on-StourTiniothy Uhodes & Edward Cobb — Thomas Wells, agent 41 Shipston^n-StOurStourbridge and Kidderminster Banking Company (Branch) — Frederick Hancock, agent .... 64 Shrewsbury .... Rocke, Eytons', Campbell & Co. . 60 Shrewsbury Burton, Lloyd, Salt and How.. ..31 Shrewsbury .... National Provincial Bank of Eng- land — Robert Muir, manager. .47 Shrewsbury Beck, Downward, Scarth & Beck 50 Sidmouth Stuckey's Banking Company .... 60 Sittingbourne .. William Vallance and Sons ....66 Skibbereen Provincial Bank of Ireland (B.). . 66 Skibbereen National Bank of Ireland {B.j. . 6 Skipton Yorkshire District Bank (Branch) — William Gatenby, manager . . 76 Skipton Alcocks', Birkbecks' and Co. — John Robinson, manager .... 5 Sleaford Peacock, Handleys' & Peacock — John Warwick, manager 6 Sleaford Lincoln and Lindsey Banking Co. (B.) — Wm. Clayton, manager.. 55 Sligo Bank of Ireland ( Bi anch) . 1 and 19 Sligo Provincial Bank of Ireland (8.). . 66 Sodbnry National Provincial Bank of England 33 Soham Harveys' andHudsons' (Branch) — Chas. Sumpter Morris, agent 34 Somerton West of England & South Wales District Bank (B.) 31 Somerton Stuckey's Banking Company .... 60 South Molten .. National Provincl Bank of Englnd46 South Pethertou. Stuckeys' Banking Company.. .. 60 South Shields ..Northumberland and Durham District Banking Company (B.) — John Clay, agent 4 Southam Leamington Priors and Warwick- shire Banking Company (B.) — William Simpson, agent 76 Southam Warwick & Leamington Banking Co. (B.) — Francis Smith, agent 33 Southampton .. Hampshire Banking Company ..41 Southampton . . Maddison and Pearce 6 Southampton .. Atherley and Fall 4!) Southampton.. .. NalionalProvincIBank of Eng!and47 Southwell Wylde and Co 49 Southwold Harveys' and Hudsons'' — William A. Thom|)Son, agent 34 Spalding Garfit, Claypons' & Garfit — Moses Martell, aaent -.50 Spalding Stamford, Spalding and Boston Banking Company (Branch) — George Bugg, manager 4 Town. Firm, and ref. to London Huvker.i. Spalding National Provincial Bank of Eng- land Thomas Betham Scar- boroHgh, manager CS Spilsby Garfit, Claypons' & Gartit— Wm Willows, manager 50 Spilsby Liiirolii & Linds.y Banking Co. (Branch)— Eli Hall, manager— .55 Spilsby Stamford, Spalding and Boston Banking CoMi|)any Alexander \Vils()n, tnaiiagei- 4 Stafford Manchester and Liverpool District Banking Company (Branch) — Jonas Pilling, manaiier 64 Stafford Stevenson, Salts' and Webb 68 Staines Thomas Henry, Charles Frederick and Skidmore Ashby 7G Stalybpidge Manchester and Liverpool District Hanking Compny(B.)— Richard t)ck leshaw, manager 64 Stamford Stamford, Spalding and Boston Banking Company Orlando Edmonds, manager 4 Stamford Eaton, Cayley «!v: Co 50 Stamford Northatnp'ioiishire Banking Co. — Robert Sandall, manager 46 Stewarton Union Bank of Scotland (B.) 31 Stewarton Ayrshire Banking Company (B.) 76 Steyning Henty, Upptiton and Oliver (B.) 49 Stirling Bank of Scotland (B.) 19 Stirling Commercial Bank of Scotland (B.j31 Stirling Clydesdale Banking Con)pany(B.) 1 Stirling National Bank of Scotland (B.)..31 Stirling Union Bank of Scotland (B.) 36 Stirling Edinburgh & GlaseowBank(B.).. 76 Stockport Manchester & Liverpool District Banking Company (B.) — Wil- liam Rhind, manager 64 Stockport Bank of S'ockport 41 Stockton lonathan Backhouse and Co. (B. ) 4 Stockton Darlington District Joint Stock- Banking Company (B.) — Wm. Wilson Child, manager 4 Stockton. NalionalProvincialBankofEnglnd (B.) — William Skin tier, nianagr 46 Stoke-on-Trent. .William Moore (Branch) 31 Stokesley Darlington District BankingCoin- pany (Branch) — George Thos. Hutchinson, agent 4 Stokesley NationalProvincialBankofEnglnd (B.) — Richd.R. Burgess, managr 46 Stone William Moore 31 Stonehaven .... Aberdeen Tovvn&CountyBnk (B.)47 Stonehaven .... Bank of Scotland (B.)..' 19 Stonehaven North of Scotland Banking Co.. . 4 Stony Stratford.. Bartlett, Parrott, Heme & Parrott (Branch of Buckingham) Cattell Hudson, manager 54 Stony Stratford.. London and County Joint-Stock Banking Company 44 Stornaway National Bank of Scotland (B.)..3l Stourbridge .... Rulfords' and Wragge 31 Stourbridge Bate and Robins (Old Bank) .50 Stourbridge ....Stourbridge and Kidderminster Banking Coinpy. — John Amery, manager 64 Stow on the Wold Gloucestershire BankingC^o. (B.)50 Stowmarket , . . . Oakes, Bevan and Co. — John George Halt, agent 4 Strabane Belfast Banking Company (B.)..24 Sirabane Provincial Bank of Ireland (B.).66 Stranraer British Linen Company (B.)....64 Stranraer Union Bank of Scotland (M.) 31 Stranraer Edinburgh & Glasgow Bank (B.).. 73 Stratford on AvonStourbiidge and Kiddernrmstor Banking Company (Blanch) — Edmund Darby Ford, manager. 64 Stratford on Avon Warwick & lA-amiimton Banking Co. (B.) — John Hai(ly.inanager33 Strathaven Union Bank of Scotland (B.) ..31 Strathaven Bank of Scotland (li.) 19 and 64 Strichen North of Scotland BankinyCo.(B. ) 4 Slromness National Bank of Scotland (B.)..31 Stroud Gloucestershire Banking Co. (B.)41 Stioud County of Gloucester Bank (B) 41 BANKERS. Tontt. Firm, nnd re/, to London Bankers. Sturminsier N;i»inn^ll'rinjiiclliank of lin!,'laiid47 Sturminster U. H. & H. Williams 7(i Sudbury Oakcs, IJevaii, !Mi)ore & Hevan. . 4 Sudbury Alexaiidcis and Co. — William D. Kin,i,'& Jonailian Grubl), agents Sunderland W. J. Lanibt^m and Co— J. S. Ro- binson, airent 4 Sunderland .. .. NorthunibeiUnd & Durham Dis- trict Banhin^ Company — Hep- burn 'rimmpson, uianaL'er .... 4 Sunderland Joint Stfick Bank— Thos. Brown & Hill Parker, niaiiauincdirectors^il Swaffham Gurneys' & Co. (Branch)— Robert Ripp- r, agent 4 Swaffham Kast of Kngland Banking Compy. — Hy. FraniliiighainDay, inangr.4C Swanage R. R. & H. William^ 7G Swansea Bank of Kngland (lirancl.) 1 Swansea Glainoraaniliire Banking Co. (B.)4] Swindon Strange, Strange and Co ."^lO Swindon North Wilts Banking Company. . 2(j Swinrlon County of Gloucester Bank (B.)50 Tadcaster Vork Union Banking Coniiiy. (B.) — Daniel Cameron, ag( nt .. ..'A\ Tain BritiilW^inen Conii)any (B.) (!4 Titin Commercial Bankof Scotland (B.) 41 Tain Noitli of Scot land Ban kingCo.(B.) 4 Tallow National B;ink of Iieland (B.).. G Taniworth National Provincial Bank of Eng- land (Branch)— Jas.-M'Taiigart, manager 46 Tanderagee Belfast Bankinti Company (B.). . 24 Tarland Abeideen Banking Company (B.) ;51 Tarland Ninth of Scotland BankingCo (li.) 4 Taunton. Stnckeys' Banking Company . . . . 6'0 Taunton Henry '& Robert Badcock 5!) Taunion West of England and South Wales District Bank (B.) 31 Tavistock Gill and Rundle (i Tavistock Devoii&CornwallBankingCo.(B.) 4 Teii;nniouth Watts, Wbiteway & Mortimer ..76 Teignmouth National ProvinclBank ofEni;lan(l47 Tenbury Ludlow & Tenbury Bank — Henry Wbittall, manager 6' Tenterden Curieis, Crouglitoii and Co. (B.) 77 Tenterden London and County Joint-Stock Banking Con)pany 44 Tetbury County ofGloucestcr Banking Co.31 Tewkesbury Leclimere and Co GO Tewkesbury Gloucestershire Banking Co. (B.) 76 Tewkesbury .... Ciieltenham and Gloucestershire Banking Company 46 Thame London & Comity Bank — Alfred .Self, manager 44 Thame Ayle.sbury Old Bank Thomas Stone, agent 54 Thetfoid Bury&SulTolk Bank (Branch) — John Jnler, agent 4 Thetford Harveys' and Hnd.sons' (Branch) — Thomas Ricliaidson, agent... 'M Thirsk Jonathan Backhouse and Co. — William Starbnck, manager .. 4 Thirsk York Union Banking Co. (B.)— 76 William Hawkswell, manager. . 56 Thirsk Yorkshiie Banking Company (B.) — William Johnson, manager. . ;>[ Tiiomastown Tippeiary Joint-Stock Bank (B.) Thoinbury Rolph, Yates and Parslow M Thome Sir William Bryan Cooke & Co. (B.)— Joseph Ricliaidson, agent 19 Thome Yoikshire Banking Compy. (B.) — Josejih Fester, manager .... 76 Thornhill Union liauk ..f Scotland (B.). . ...U Thra|ist(ine .... \"orke and Klaiid ,')() Thrapstoiie .... Daniel Ycjrke &; Co 76 Thuries Tipperary Joint-Stock Bank (B.;;il Tliurles Naiional Bank of Ireland (B.).. 6 'I'liurso Commercial Bank ol Scot bind (B )41 Thurso (Caledonian Ban king Com paiiy( B.j.'il Tillicoultry Kdinbnru'h ^iGlisgow Bank (B.) 76 Tipperary 'I'ipperary Joint-Stock B^nk (B.).'')l 'I'ipperary National liankof Iiilaiid(Biancli) 6 Tiverton Dunsford and Barne 4'.) Tiverton National ProvinclBank of Englnd 46 Town. Finn, and ref. to Londim Bankers. Tobermory West'-rn iiank of Scotland (B.)41 Todmorden .... Manchester and Liverpool District Banking Company (B.) 64 Tollbridge Thomas Beeching and Soils 50 Tollbridge London and County Joint Stock Banking Company (B.) 44 Tollbridge Wells Thomas Beeching and Sons .... 50 Tollbridge Wells .Molineu-X, Whitlield & Co. (B.) 76 Tonbridge Wells London and County Joint Stock Banking Company (B.) 44 Torquay Vivian, Kitson and Co 5 Torrington Braginton, Harding fk C'o 76 Torrington Natioiiall'rovinclBank of Kiiglaiid 46 Totnes Devon &. Cornwall Banking Co — William Browne, miiiager. ... 4 Totnes Nationall'iovincialBankolKnglniMf) Towcester John and Samuel Percival (B.)..24 Tralee Bank of Ireland (Branch).. 1 and 11) Tralee I'rovincial Bank of Ireland (B.)..66 'I'ralee National Bank of Irt-lnnd (B.).. (i Tredegar Monmouthsliire and Glamoryan- sliire Banking Company (B.)..47 Tring Thomas Butcher and Sou 26 Troon Hunters & Co. (ot Ayr) .'Ha Troon Ayrshire Banking Ciiiniiany (B.) 76 Troon Union Bank of Scoilmd (ij.) .'il 'I'lowbiidge Wilts & Dorset Banking Company 46 Trowbridge .... North Wilts Banking Company . . 26 Truro Tweedy, Williams & Co '. . . 54 Truro Ricketis, Enlhoven tk Co. (Truro Bank) M Truro Willyams & Co. (Minei.^' Bank). 49 Tuam National Bank of Iieland (B.).. 6 Tiiilamoie Bank of Ireland (Branch). . 1 anil I!) Turriff'. Commercial Bank orScotland(B.)41 Turriff North of Scotland Banking Co. (Branch) 4 Turriff Aberdeen Banking Company (B.)3I Tuxford Nottingham and Nottingliainshire Banking Co. (Biancli) 46 Ulverstoiie Petty and Postlethwaite 50 Ulverstone Lancaster Banking Company (B.) — Satterthwaite & Ja(kso"n,agis 4 L'ppingham ....Stamford, Spalding and Boston Banking Company (Branch) — William Armstrong, mannger. . 4 Uppingham .... Eaton, Cayley and Miclull 50 Upton-on-Severn.Tewkesbury Old Bank — Gcoige Henry Piercy, managei' 60 Usk Rlonmoutlishire and Glamorgan- shire Banking Company (B.)..47 Uttoxeter Burton, Uilo.xeter and Ashbourn Banking Compy. — John Cooke, manager 60 Uxbridge Hull, Smith and Co 31 Ventnor National Provincial Bank 46 Wainfleet Stamford, Spalding and Boston Banking Company (B.) 4 Wakefield l^eatham, Tew and Co 24 Wakefield Wakefield & Barnsley Union Bank William Hay Dikes, manager.. 31 Wallingford Wells, Allnatt and Clarke 41 Wallingford ....Beik's Lhiion Banking Company.18 Walsall Birmingham Banking Company — Charles Smith Forster,manager34 Wantage Henry Knapp and Co 76 Wantage Barnes, iMedley and Co 73 Ware Samuel Adams and Co 50 Waie London and County Joint-Stock Banking Company 46 Warcham National Provincial Bank of Eng- land (Braneh) 47 Wareliam R. R. & H. Williams 76 Warminster .... John Bannister 49 Warminster .... Everett, Ravenhill and Co 4 Warminster Wills & Dorset Banking Co. (B.)46 Warrington Parr, Lyon &Gieenall 22 Waiiinglon .... Rlanchesterand Liverpool District Banking Company (B.) — James Clark Pfitison, manager 64 U'arwick Greenway and Greaves 31 Warwick Leamington Priors and Warwick- shire Banking Company (B.) — William Child, manager 7fi BANKERS. 7'oM'n. Firm, and re/, to London Ba7ikers. Warwick Warwick & Leamington Banking Co. — Ht-nry 8nnimerficld,niiigr.3.'? VVaterford Bank of Ireland ( Branch). . 1 and IK Wateiford National Bank of Ireland (B.).. (i Waterford Provincial Bank of Ireland (B.). . (,(i Watlington Berks Union Banking Co. (Branch of Wallingford)-^ — Alexander Gait, manager 46 Watton Hal veys' & Hudson.s' (Branch) — Benjamin Cliastou 34 Wedneshiiry Samuel Addison and Son 4!) Welchpool Beck, Downward, Scarth & Beck .50 Weichpool North & Soulh Wales Bank (B.)4(; Wellingborough.. Northamptonshire Union Bank (Brancli) — Wm.Rubbra,managr24 Wellinglwrougli.. Northamptonshire Banking Co. — Alficd Hollisj^er, manager ....4(5 WeHington(Salop)Shropshirc Banking Com i)any(B.) — Geo. Alexander Martin, mngr.li.'? Wellington (Soin)Stuckeys' Banking Company .... (iO Wellington (Som.) Fox Brothers 2(1 Wells Stuckcys' Banking Company . . . . tiO Wells West of England & South Wales District Banking Company .... 31 Wem National Provincial Bank of Eng- land (Blanch) John Daniel Lloyd, manager 47 Wenlock Coopers' and Purton 76 WesiBromwich.. Dudley & West Bromwich Bank- inu Compy. (Branch) — Charles Edward ^lolineu.K, manager ..76 Weston suprMareStuckevs' Banking Company .... 6 Wcstport Bank of Ireland (B.)-A. & G. Glendining, agents 1 and 10 Wcstport National Bank of Iieland (B.).. G Wetherby Knaresborough & ClaroBaiikg Co. 4 Wetherby Yorkshire District Bank — John Ridsdale, manager 76 Wexford Bank of Ireland (B.)— Richard Hore, agent 1 Wexford National i3ank of Ireland (B.) — William Henry Coppinger, manager 6 Wexford Provincial Bauk of Ireland (B.) — Samuel Johnson, manager .... 66 Weymouth Eliot & Pearce 76 Weymouth R. R. & H . Williams 76 Whitby Simpson, Chapman and Co 4 Whitby York City & County Bank (B.) — W. H. Cramp, manager 6 Whitchurcli(Salop)National Provincial Bank of Eng- land (B.)George Corser, mangr. Whitchurch(Salop)\Vhitchurch&EllesmereBankgCo.48 VVhiteburn City of Glasgow Bank (B.) 64 Whitehaven .... Joint-Stock Company— JolinWal- las, manager 60 Whitehaven Bank of Whitehaven— Stanley Dodgson, manager 56 Whithorn Edinburgh & GlasgowBank(B.). . 73 Whithorn National Bank of Scotland (B.) . 19 Whittlesey Gurneys', Birkbeck & Peckovers* (B.) James Ainger, agent 4 Whittle.sev National Provincial Bank of Eng- land (B.) 47 Wick Commercial Bank of Scotland (B. 141 VTick Aberdeen Town and County Bank (Branch) 47 Wicklow London & Dublin Bank (Branch) — Alex. Stewart, manager 33 Wigan Thomas Woodcock & Sons 4 Wigan Manchesterand Liverpool District Banking Co. (B.) — Lawrence Adamson, manager 64 Wigton Cumberland Union Bank (B.) — John Todd, agent 4 Wigton Carlisle and Cumberland Joint- Stock Banking Company — Samuel Rigg, agent 34 Wigton Bank of Whitehaven (B.)— Wm. Lazonby, agent 56 Wigtown British Linen Company (B.) .... 64 Wigtown Edinburgh &Glasgow Bank (B.).. 73 Wimborne National and Provincial Bank of England (B.) 47 Wimborne Wilts & Dorset Banking Compy. .46 Wimborne R, R. & H. Williams 76 Winchester Winchcister. Winchester Windsor Winslow. . .. Wirksworih Wisbeach ., Woodhridge Wood bridge Woodbridge ,,,. Town. I'irm,andref. to London Bankers. .Vincanton Stuckcys' Banking Company 60 „,....„ Wicliham,Mant, Bailey JkJesMtt 31 Bulpttt, .Mnlcock & Duuu 4 Deane, Littkhales & Dcanc . . . .'76 Neiile Rcid & Co 75 BucUiiighain Bank (Bianchj— — John King, manager Richard Arkwright * Co ".'.64 Gurneys', Biikheck & Peckovers' 4 Wisbeach National Provincial Bank of Eng- land (Branch)— Robt, Johnston, tiKinager gf, Wishaw British Linen Company (B.) 64 Witham Mills, Bawtree & Co. (B ) " M Witney John William Clinch & Co f.O Witney London and County Joint-Stock liankingCo.— Hy.Stroni;,mngr.44 Wivehscombe ..William Hancock lV Son.. 41 Wolverhampton.. William Fleeming Fryer.. .... ! . 66 Wolverhampton.. Holyoake, Goodricke & Hoiyoake31 Wolverhampton. .Wolverhampton and Staffordshire Banking Company Josiah Wiley, manager 7(J Wolveihampton. .Bilston District Banking Company — I'liomas Grillin, manager. ... 31 .Mexaiideis' & Co g National PiovinclBank of England Meadows & Brooke, nianagers.47 Bacon, Cobbold & Co.— Gross & Thoiijpson, manngers 31 Woodstock Gillett & Tavvney (B.)- Morris & Wing, managers 31 Woolwich London and County Joint Stock Banking Company (B.; 44 Wootton Bassett. Wilts & Doiset Banking Compy. 46 Wootton Bassett. North Wilts Banking Company. .26 Wootton-und-EdgeNational Provincial Bankof Eng- . lHnd(B.) .^.33 Worcester ratley. Lavender, Owen and Gutch (Worcester Bauk) 60 Worcester Berwick, Lechmere & Isaac (Old Bank) 60 Worcester NationalProvincial Bank of Eng- land — Henry Aldrick, jun. mgr.66 Worcester Worcester City & County Bank- ing Company ' 44 Woikington CuinherlandUnionBaiikingCo.dV.) — Charles Brown, manager.. .. 4 Worksop Sir W. B. Cooke, Bart., Veinon, Walker and Jackson- Thomas Webster, agent 19 Worksop Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Banking Company (Branch) — Robert Carr, agent 46 Worksop .... Yoi kshire Banking Companv. ...76 Wortliing Henty, Upperton tk Co. ...'. 49 Wrexham North and South VVales Bank .. 46 Wrexham National Provincial Bank of England (Branch) QQ Wycombe John & Charles Simonds (Branch of Reading— open on Friday) . . 76 Wycombe Robei t Wheeler & Son 77 Yarmouth Gurneys', Turner & Bi ightwen . . 4 Yarmouth Sir Edward Knowles La'con, Bart. Lacons, Youell & Co 31 Yarmouth East of England Bank (Branch) — George William Holmes, agent.46 Yarmouth NationalProvinelBank of England Robert Stewart, manager .... 47 Yeovil Edmund & John Batten 4 Yeovil Stuckey's Banking Company .... 60 Yeovil Wilts and Dorset Banking Com- pany (Branch) 46 York Swann, Clough, Swanns' and Clough 31 York City & County Banking Company — Robert Barnes, manager. ... 6 York ., Union Banking Company — Bar- tholomew Thomas Wilkinson, manager 31 York Yorkshire Banking Company — Matthew Murray, manager. ... 76 Youghal Bank of Ireland (Branch)— Thos. John, manager 1 andl Youghal Provincial Bank of Ireland (B.) — James Gray, manager CO JOHNSON, CABHELL & CO. CYCLOPS SHEFFIELD; UTo. 19, Oreat Oeor^e fitreet, urestminster. laiii AND No. 100, WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK, Respectfully solicit Manufacturers^ Merchants, and Con- sumers generally, to inspect the various operations at their Works as above, and the extensive Assortment of Patterns at their London and New York Houses. 1 ( 1 ) [9fi£ OT£B. JOHNSON, GAHHELL & CO. MANUFACTURERS & MERCHANTS, ElMF©mi'IiIB>^ ©If THE MOST CELEBRATED BRANDS OF rti^Ci*5^l AND OTHER FOREIGN IRONS,' PECl'LIARiy ADIPTED FROM THE PUIIIH OF THEIR ORE FOR U HICH ARE CARBONIZED, CONVERTED, MELTED AND REFINED AT THE CYCLOPS ^^ ^<^ ^ P <» ( 2) SAVILLE STREET VIEW OF CYCLOPS STEEL WORKS, SHEFFIELD. JOHNSON, GAnnELL & GO. Have availed themselves of every Improvement, and of all the Facilities of Railway Transit, enabling them, combined with their FORGES, TILTS & ROLLING MILLS, . TO PRODUCE THEIR RENOWNED AND UNIVERSALLY APPROVED Viz. Cemented Blister (J) and other Bar, Double Refined Cast Steel, Warranted Double Shear Steel, Improved Prepared Elastic Spring Steel, in Plane, Concave, Double Concave, and Patent Ribbed Plates or Bars, and EVERY OTHER DESCRIPTION OF STEEL. USED FOR MACHINERy,ENGINEERING,LOCOMOTIVE law. AND r<^ ( 3 ) [see over. OF CYCLOPS STEEL WORKS, SHEFFIELD. JOHNSON, GAMMELL & CO MANUFACTURERS OF For Ijocoiiiotive IBng^ines, Tenders, Railiray Carriag^es and H^ag^g^ons : viz. Bearings, Buffings, Spiral, Patent Boir* Klliptic, llisc, and every description of 8pring;^s in use. In this Department the Proprietors respectfully invite Consumers to visit their Works, and inspect the Machinery they have erected for producing exactness and uniformity. VICES, HAMMERS, SMITH'S RAILWAY COUPLING SCREWS, AND ALL USES IN STEEL AND IRON FOR ( 4) JOHNSON, CAMMELL 8c CO. MAMi[r:[rACJ^ioris]ii?i§ qw F I IiB ON SCIENTIFIC AND PECULIAR PRINCIPLES PRODUCING THEIR IMPROVED AND CELEBRATED QUALITY, ENGINEERING AND RAILWAY WORLD. THE NOW UNIVERSALLY ADOPTED CURVILINEAR TANGED FILES, Registered Wo. 665. ^©ILIi MASfWFA(S^IDimiiIEg ©IF ^11131 CONTINUOUS TOOTH CONCAVE AND CONVEX FILES; FOR WHICH The MEDAL of the Scottish Society of Arts and Manufactures was awarded, Registered No. J. C. & Co. beff to observe, that in the Hardening- and Tempering of FILES, they have adopted such decidedly superior principles as to retain and fix in the Steel tlie greatest possible amount of Carbon, ascertained by considerable research and numerous experiments ia Chemical Science, aided by those safe and invaluable guides, long practice and great experience. IN THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS OF THEIR VARIOUS MANUFACTrRES THS OTCIaOPS STEBIi VTORKS STAND UNRIVAZaI*BD. (5) NORWICH UNION SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1797. CAPITAL £550,000. PRINCIPAL OFFICES: SXTBRB'Sr STREET, NORWICH; LONDON- -6, Crescent, New Bridge street, Blackfriars ; DUBLIN 2, College-green ; I BIRMINGHAM -Bennett's HUl ; EDINBURGH • • • Prince's street ; i BRISTOL- Corn street,Exchange ; LIVERPOOL • • . -Exchange street ; i EXETER High street. DIRECTORS: President— ANTHONY HUDSON, Esq. Vice-President— GEORGE MORSE, Esq. TIMOTHY STEWARD, Esq. GEORGE DURRANT, Esq. R. J. H. HARVEY, Esq. Sir WILLIAM FOSTER, Bart. H. S. PATTESON, Esq. Major-Gen. Sir R. J. HARVEY, c, b. CHARLES EVANS, Esq., Chancellor of the Diocese of Norwich. EDWARD STEWARD, Esq. LEWIS EVANS, Esq., m.d. THOMAS BLAKISTON, Esq., r. n. Secretary— SAMUEL BIGNOLD, Esq., Surrey street, Norwich. Insurances are granted by this Society, at the same Rates as other OfBces, on Buildings, Goods, Merchandise and Effects ; Ships in Port, Harbour or Dock ; from Loss or Damage by Fire, in any part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. It is provided by the constitution of the Society, that the Insured shall he free from all responsibility ; and to guarantee the engagements of the Office, a Fund of iG550,000« has been subscribed by a numerous and opulent Proprie- tary. Returns of Profits are periodically made to parties insuring. This Institution ranks the First Provincial Office in tlie Kingdom^ and third in the general total insured. This position has been attained solely by its own merits, the business having steadily increased to the present amount; whilst that of its two seniors (having each the advantage of many years' priority of establishment) have been swelled to their present magnitude by ingrafting numerous smaller Offices (with considerable local interest attached) upon them. The henefls to he derived by the Public from Insurance against Loss hy Fire are so great and numerous^ when compared with its trifling cost, as to render it an imperative duty on every one to avail themselves of the protection afforded by this Institution, against the destructive ravages of Fire, which, in a few moments, may lay waste the fruits of a whole life of industry. ( 6 ) NORWICH UNION LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETT. INSTITUTED 1808, The Capital Invested exceeds £2,000,000. Sterling. PATRONS : His Grace the Duke of Cleveland, K.O. The Ri^ht Hon. the Earl »f Orford, The Right Hon. the Earl of Rosebert, K.T. The Right H«u. Lord Saltoun, Sic &c. TRUSTEES : The Right Hon. Lord Stafford. The Rev. Sir Henry Rivers, Bart. Sir Henry Jardine, K.R. Edmond Wodehouse, Esq., M.P. Edward W. Martin, Esq. The Rev. Arthur Cayley. Robert John Harvey Harvey, Elsq. W-. J. Utten Browne, Esq. John Skipper, Esq. Roger Kerrison, Esq. DIRECTORS: Major-Cen. Sir Rt. J. Harvey,C.B. President- Jons Wright, Esq. \ yif.e.Pre^idenU Lewis Evans, Esq., M. D. / '^*''^^'^^*"'^"'*' Timothy Steward, Esq, George Durrant, Esq. James Winter, Esq. ^tcrttarj) : I Sktuarg: Samuel Bignold, Esq. I Richard Morgan, Esq> CreagiirtviS : East of England Banking Company. Messrs. Harveys and Hudson. ^olict'tor^ : Messrs. Field and Bignold. fCutfitorjS : Mr. EA€iiJE Willett. Mr. Anthony Bailey. Mr. James R. Hardy. This Society has now been Established upwards of Forty Years, its governing principles beingthose of Mutual Assurance ; and it has paid to the representatives of Four Thousand deceased Members, upwards of ^3,000,000 sterling, in addition to which nearly One Million has been assigned by way of Bonuses. The Capital of this Society, for meeting existing engagements, exceeds Two Millions sterling, and is almost wholly invested on Real and Goveransent Securities. There is no Proprietary to divide with the Assured the Profits of the Institution, which are therefore periodically assigned in additions made to the sums assured on all Policies for the whole duration of Life, in proportion to the amount of Premium paid. From the 30th Jane, 1848, to the same date in 1849, 470 New Policies were taken out, being an increase of sixty-nine upon tiie year, a number strongly demonstrating the public confidence in this Society. Agents are established in all the principal towns in England, Scotland, and Ireland. IThe Jbllotving List of existing Policies exhibits the aggregate amount of Bonus assigned to each, including the Bonus declared at the General Meeting held the 29th of June, 1847. No. of Sum Bonus No. of Sum Bonus No. of Sum Bonus Policy. Assured attached. Policy. Assured. attached. Policy. Assured. attached. 73 aesoo 36205 6 4 421 ae600 ^£353 16 870 ^eioo ^58 18 5 92 500 392 6 4 526 600 391 6 1 935 100 57 12 4 147 100 55 8 8 598 100 54 3 7 1094 1000 597 17 4 170 1000 573 1 6 751 1000 593 17 7 1235 2000 1124 19 3 246 600 325 14 1 ! 864 499 290 8 U 1444 1000 685 15 7 (7) r^-^ W@ /0'>^')» -T^.^-;:^ ^^•'^M DURRANT'S NORFOLK HOTEL, NORWICH. FAHILT & COHMERCIAL HOTEL, AND GENERAL COACHING AND POSTING OMNIBUSES TO AND FROM EVERY TRAIN. POST HORSES, CHAISES AND FLYS Always ready at the Station. PRIVATE OMNIBUSES TO CONVEY FAMILIES TO CROMER, MUNDESLEY, &c ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. (8 ) GENERAL HAIL STORM INSURANCE SOCIETY. iwiiiB mmi wwiis i Ioim Head Office, Fisher's'I ane, St. Gi les% Norwich. The Right Hon. the EAIU. of LEICESTER, Loid Lieutenant of Norfolk. The Duke of Norfolk. The Karl of Albemarle. The Earlof Abekgavknny. S. BiGNOLD, Esq. John Wrjght, Ei«q. John Skipper, Esq. F. J. Blake, Esq. Bankers Secretary The Lord Stapi-ohd. Tlie Lord Bavnino. The EaildfOui-ORD. And many other Gentlemen of tlie highest stuuding. l3utctorsf. Roger Kekrjson, Esq. C. J. Palmer, Esq. John Cdllicy, Esq. Thomas Salter, Esq. The Lord Walsincuam. The Lord Coluounf.. James Nrave, Esq. John Cann, Esq. J. H. Barnard, Esq. John K. Gooch, Esq. Messrs. Gurnevs & Birkbeck. Charles Suckling Gilman, Eso. Profits divided every Five Years ^esrith the Insured. Bonus of 50 per Cent, in 18S0. {lumcdiate payment in case of Loss, a', the current Market Price of the week. The Rates of Insurance carefully calculated from the experience of many yeais, are fixed at Uie lowest possible amount, having due regard to the .safety of the Office, and the Security of the Insured, viz. Wheat, under Four quarters, per acre '6d. ; Four quarters and upwards 8d. Barley, under Five quarters, peracreSd, ; Five quarteisand upwards 8d. Oats, under Six quarters per acre, 6d. ; Six quarters and upwards 8d. Rye, Peas, and Beans, the same rates as Wheat. TARES, I CRNIPS, POTATOES, MANGEL, BEET, AND CLOVER FOR HAY, Is. PER ACRE. Carrots, 2s. 6d. per .Here. Seeds, by Special Agreement. fjilass in CiireenhouseS) &c. from 20s. per Cent. Agents will be appointed in those Towns in England wiiere none are already acting for the Society. SUBANCE SOCIETY Ouarantec Fund £50,000, in Shares of £10. each. JAMES NEAVE, Wyniondham, Chairman. STEPHEN GOOCH, Honingham, Deputy Chuirman. BARNABAS BOND, Albureh. JOHN CANN, Wymondham. JOHN COOK. Twaite. CHARLES ETHEREDGE, Starston. JOHN KERR GOOCH, luddenham. JOHN HOVVLE'lT. Bowthorpe. ANTHONY VV. IRELAND, Guestwick. Trustees.— SiK WILLIAM FOSTER, Bart. Bankers. — M essrs GIBBS H. MURRELL, Stirlingham. EDMUND OLDFIELD, Fouldeu. THOMAS SALTEK, Attleburgh. HENRY SMITH, Gunton, JOSEPH TAYLOR, Bvlaugh. JOHN UTTING, Stanninglial!. ROBERT WOODS, Thurgarton, J. H. GURNEY. Esq. SAMUEL BIGNOLD, Es^, GURNEYS & BIRKBECK. Secretary.— C S. GILMAN, Solicitor, Norwicli. The principal object of this Society is to insure the owners of Cattle against loss in case of death, whether resulting- from disease or accident, and not limiting: the loss to cases of pleuro- pneumonia alone. No Veterinary Inspection necessary previous to Insurance. Neat Stock (over 18 Months old). Insured against any Disease or Accident. For Twelve Months. Where the Cost price or value at the time of Insurance do not exceed £7. per head. One Shilling in the Pound. Exceeding £7- Nine-pence in the Pound, except Cows, Bulls, and Working Oxen (limited to ^'12. each), which will be charged One Shilling in the Pound. For £ight Months. Exceeding the value of £\2. per head. Seven-pence in the Pound. No Neat Stock insured under £5. value. Nor where under £12. for a less term than Twelve Months. In Case of IjOSS. The Society makes good to the Assured the full value at which the animal was Insured together with a bonus of 3620. per Cent, on the amount of Salvage, except in cases of pleuro-pneumonia, wlien a deduction of ^"10. per Cent, will be made from the amount payable to the Assured. All losses to be ascertained and settled as soon as possible. Any further information can be obtained at the Office of the Society, Fishers' Lane, St. Giles' Street, Norwich, where all applications for Agencies may be made, gnd Insurances effeem. 2e (9) THE ESTABLISHMENT OF JOHN CASSELL, Is the Largest in the Kingdom, and the demand created for his Coffee is wholly unparalleled^ TJiis has not arisen from liis professing to send out any new, peculiarly " prepared," or " patented " ai tide, but simply from his having placed within the reach of all Kamilies, Coffees of the world's finest growths, possessing riclmess, mellowness, and strength of flavour not to l)e surpassed, and at modtrate prices. It is anced position of the teeth of the Guard pushing aside the skill, while the Razor's edge removes the hearJ. PATENTEES3 No. 22, CHARING CROSS, LONDON- Manufacturers and Piop.ietors of the l>LANTAGENET STROP and the VETERINARY RAZOR, for Shaving Horses, and C. Stkwaut & Co.'s Razor Strop CREAM and RENOVATOR. Descriptive Particuiarii and Prices sent iiost free. Wholesale and Expoit Acents at SHEFFIELD, Me>;MS JOHN and WILLIAM RAGG, Nuisery-f.treet. The PLANT AGENET GUARD RAZOR may be obtained, Retail, of any Cutler, Ironmonger, Huir- dix'sser, or Bookseller. / ( 10) HOWETT'S ROYAI, HOTEL. NORWICH. COMMERCIAL & FAMILY HOTEL, AND GENERAL COACHING AND POSTING OMNIBUSES TO AND FROIYI EVERY TRAIN. POST horses; chaises and flys Always ready at the Station. HCARISS: A]V]> MOURM live CARRIAOEfit. PRIVATE OMNIBUSES TO CONVEY FAMILIES TO CROMER, MUNDESLEY^ &c. AND FOR PRIVATE FAMILIES ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. ROYAL HOTEL, LOWESTOFT. The Nobility, Gentry and Visiters to this delightful Watering Place, are lespectfully informed that the above Hotel is now open, and the arrangements in every department will be found to combine all the improvements of the first- rate London Houses. The noble Pier and Esplanade afford to Visiters a Promenade unequalled in extent and beauty on the Coast. HOT, COLD AMD SHOWER BATHS In the House, of SEA and FRESH WATER, at any Hour. BILLIARDS. Ziock-ap Coach Houses.— Carriages and Post Horses, GBORaB W. HCWSE, Proprietor. W . WISE (Prom HOBY'S,) 10, BROAD STREET, (Opposite Baliol College), Begs respectfully to inform the Members of the University, Inhabitants of OXFORD AND ITS VICINITY, that he has commenced business as above, and hopes by strict attention to merit a share of their Patronage and support. W. W. earnestly solicits the Patronage of Gentlemen who have had any difficulty in getting well-fitted, as the only effectual remedy (as well as preventative) for Corns, &c. is having the Boot the proper shape for the Foot. W. W. having had much Practical Experience both in Oxford and London (and making his own Lasts), is enabled to produce an Article combining Ease and Elegance. He also begs to submit the following LIST OF PRICES-FOR CASH. Warranted of First-rate Q^ualitij and JVorhmanship. £ n. d. Wellington Boots, Bordeaux Fronts. . 1 Frontinjir Do 18 Patent l>rcss Do 1 l.'i Top Do 2 Napoleon Boots 2 Leather Button Boots 18 Cloth Do. do 16 Oxonian Shoes 12 Sole Agent for Hawkins' London Improved Rotary Boot and Shoe Heel. ( la) COLES'S PATENT TRUSSES, Are universally admitted to be the most Effectual Instruments now in use for the Relief and Cure of HERNIA. The Pads resist the descent of the Hernia when stoopinjr or coufrhing-. The follow- ing Testimonials are selected from a list too numerous for insertion in a single advertisement. Dr. THORNTON, the eminent Botanist, to Willian. Coles. Sir,- After six months wearing a Truss of your conslrnction. I ara perfectly cured of tin in<;nnial hernia, which was in appearance the size of a watch, and which had existed (or six jiioriths. I am hai.py now to inlorm you that I have lelt od my truss a fortnight, and have not experienced any descent o! the hernia. I therefore most heartily wish you that success which jonr ingcnnity so amply deserves. 35, HowlanH-sTeet Fitzroy-square, June 22, 1830. Colon-! KRANCKLIN informs those who have ruptures, that he has been wearing trusses thirty years, and he never met with but one individual who was ma.-ifer of the comphiinl. He has likewise an elder brother, a colonel in the Honourable East India Company's service, who has worn a similar kind of truss for many years, who can say the same. Mr. Coles, of Charing Cross, is the individual alluded to. Blackheath,July IG, Isai. The Rev. Dr. UOWDESWELL informs Mr. Coles that, for many years before he called at liis establishment, at Charinjj Cross, he had worn trusses got up, as he supposed, hy the best London makers; but he considers it due to Mr. Coles lo acknowledge that his patent trusses, which he has also worn for many years, are as much euperior to those which he had formerley used, as words can possibly describe them. Dr. D., in authorizing Mr. Coles to give it publicity, feels assured that be his conferring a boon on Society. 48, Upper Grosvtuor-slreel, Grosvenor-square, May 15, 1848. . The British Museum, November 9, |S48. Sir,— Having suffered much from the use of imperfect trusses, I had recourse to your patent, two of which I wore sixteen years, which cured me completely; I have now the pleasure to say, that for the last two years I have not had a truss on my person. Yours, with gratitude, William Lkach. HENRY EARLE, Esq. Surgeon, FR.S., in his certificate on Coles's pstent Trus«, published to the world in 1821, said it was his firm conviction, Coles'n trusses would be found more etHcacious, than any at present employed. They make a more uniform impression on the rin.; than tlia Ball.and. Socket Pad (Salmon's) can e'lfecf. This appeared in Sir A. Cooper's Treatise on Hernia, in 1826-7. The varied positions of the body in stooping and coughing do not alter the position of the pads, nor displace them.— The late Thom *s Callaway, Esq. of Guy's Hospital, in his certificate on Cule^'s Truss. "They are the best Trusses Ihat have ever yet been got up.''— Charles Aston Key. Esq. of Guy's Hospital. Manufactured only by WILLIAM COLES, Truss Maker to the Forces, 3, Charing Cross, A L etter on the subject of Hernia is Twopence. COLES'S PATENT MEDICATED BANDS, For the Cure of Iiuinbago. Sciatica, Rheumatism, Cramp, &,o. To Mr. WILLIAM COLES. Muswell Hill and the Foundling, 1st. Aug. 1834. Sir,— It having been suggested to me while suffering under the most acute pain in my limbs from Rheumatism, that you liad discovered a remedy for that malady, I availed myself of it, and I have the happiness to assure you it has completely subdued the disease « hich had afflicted me for many years, notwithsfantling 1 had tried every means in my power to obtain relief, with a perseverance proportionate to my misery.— 1 am, sir, your grateful servant, Morris Lievesley. Joseph Clay, Esq., of Arden Mills, Denton, near Manchester, in a letter dated .luly 2, 1835, says:—'' I have received the Medicated Bands, the whole of which I have worn since IMay last, and I have the pleasure lo stati- that they have relieved my sullerings in my shoulders, wrists, knees, and hip I still feel weak in my ankles; but, on the whole I think, my per- severing with them, they will make me young again." Hatchett's Hotel, P ccadillv, and Cwmdu Crickhowel, South Wales, July 2nd, 18.36. Dr. ROBERT NETTLES CROKER, M. D., froui motives of gratitude lo Mr. Coles, for relief from severe pain, sends hira this paper. Early in this month, and as far back as the iOth of Slay, he had suffered extreme torture from a fall from his horse, Ihe muscular fibres of the caraco brachialis, and the deltoid muscles of the humerus were sadly strained, the weight of the horse and rider pointing to the top of the humerus. Mr. Robert Keate, his friend, attended — advised rest — to use a sling, and prescribed the constant application of leeches with evaporating lotions, and remaining in bed ; hut his habits and engage- ments entirely forbade the completion of the latter part of this prescription. Willi extreme, and almost intolerable torture, the complaint continued, he being but little affected by the leeches and local means employed. Dr. Croktr then applied Coles's Patent Rheumatic Band, in which, however, he had but little faith, especially as his pains had not their origin in cold or rheumatism. As the surface of the body became warm with exercise, the remission of pain became instantly manifest, and in 24 hours Dr. (.'ruker, had scarcely any pain, and m;ikes this singular avowal without attempting to explain the phenomenon, Iiow a local external application of a mineral in a state of powder, can act in alleviating deep-seated muscular pain: the fact is most anomalous, and demands the attention of all practitioners. The bands should be worn many days after the pain has ceased. Sir, 1 am injustice bound to state, that in consequence of a virulent attack of yellow fever, 1 returned from the VVe.it Indies with paralysis in my left hand, and a severe rheumatic affection in my rii;ht thigh. That by the use of the waters of Ibo Weisbadon I got rid of the paralysi* ; but Ihe acute pain in my limb still continuing, 1 applied and wore for a considerable time, with tlic most h;ippy result, your patent medicated band, which afforded me imiiediale relief. Boutngne, May 17, 18:57. I am, sir, your obliged servant, A. M. Maxwell, Lieut.-Col. 36tli Regt. Lieutenant-Colonel Stisted, of the 3rd Regiment of Light Dragoons, informs those wlio have rheumatism that he has worn Wra. Coles's patent medicated bands four months ; that they have relieved him from a state of .suffering scarcely to be described. The colonel to evince his gratitude to Mr. Coles, has authorized him to make use of his name in any way he thinks proper. 4, Craven -street. Strand, London, April 22, 1837. A Letter on Rheumatism, price 2d. at 3, dialing Cross, or 28, St. Peter's Square, HIt>^t•* NORTH. PREPARED AND SOLD BY HIGH STREET, BANBURY, SoldujMcialebr/B.ircla:/S^Sons,andSuttonSfCo. London.- and retail by dealers in Sauces t/uvushouttliekingifom. ( 13 ) LINSLADE ESTABLISHMENT FOE YOUNG GENTLEMEN, LEIGHTON BUZZARD, BEDFO RDSHIRE. Receives into his Establishment a limited number of Young Gentlemen, who are ficated witli liindness and liberrtlitv, while tiieir moral and intillectual improvement are objects of unremitting attention. The mode of Tuition is in acconlance with tlie most npproved s\ stem of Education, and calrul^ted to ensure that correct acquaintance with English Urammar, ftJatliematics and General Literature, so essentially needed by \outii destined for Commercial Pursuits. Tlie Pupils are freely supplied from an Extensive Library with Popular Works of a Religious and Scientific character, and the Principal devotes several Evenings of tiic Week, to Headings and Conversational Lectures on Geneial History, Geography, Chemistiy, Astronomy, Geology, Botany, and other branches of Philosophy, likelv to benefit them in after iif>'. The Domestic Comfort and Physical Health of the Scholars are promoted by mild discipline, and recreating exercise, whicii enables them to pursue their Studies with cheerful energy an'l willing minds. The School Room is commodious, well V^entilated in Summer, and comfoitalily Warmed in Winter, and the Pupils have ready access to the Large Garden coimected with the Dwellinu House. The Premises are pleasantly situated in the immediate vicinity of the Leiglitoii Buzzard Station, of the London and North-Westcrn Bailway, and within about an hour's ride of London, Northampton, Bedford, Aylesbury, Luton, Dunstable, and other important places. The locality of Linslade is very beautiful and salubrious, and the Pupils enjoy the privilege of daily rambles au)id wild and varied scenery rarely equalled in any part of the Country. It must tlicefore be obvious that the EsTAULisiiMKNT |)resents advantages worthy of the attention of Parents concerned for the health and happiness and the moral and mental welfaie of their Children. T mm,m w, . Under Ten Ve.rs of Age 20 Guineas. ^ ^ From Ten to Twelve 22 Guineas, j '^ Washing 8*. 6d. per Quarter. References.— Rev . S. Green, Jfulwortli ; Rev. John Adey, Horsley Down ; Bartholomew Harris, Esq., "66, Hatton Garden, London. — Rev J. Andrews, and Geo Gascoyne, Esq. IVoburn, Beds. — Rev. E. Adey, and Rev. M. IF. Flanders, Leighton Buzzard, Beds ; and to the numerous and highly respectable Families who have entrusted Mr. IF. with the care of their Sons. GOOD DRAINAGE ESSENTUL TO THE HEALTH OF TOWNS. BRICKLAYER AND BUILDER, RAILWAY ROAD, DEALER IN TILES, CHIMNEY POTS, DRAINING & WATER PIPES, Of Various Sizes for Sanitary Purposes. FIRE ClAT CHIMNET POTS, QUARRIES, BRICKS, WALL COPING, &c. ^atroni£i£"0 bp fHcmtcriS of tf)c ^^S^^i! ^^^^^^ ^fliiailturnl ^Oftfto of D. CLARKE'S WHEAT PROTECTOR Is unequalled by any other Preparation for the Prevention of SMUT IN WHKAT, and has not failed in a 8iiii;le instance, duiiiiE four seasons, as an effectual safeguard against the destructive attacks ot the SLUG, GKI li, and VVIKKWOIIM, at a cost of only Twopence per Acre. The Sale of no other similar Prep iration has increased in anything like i lie ratio of the sale of this within the last four years. It is Patronised by m^ny of the most eminent Practical Farmers in the Kingdom ; is 35 per Cent, cheaper than any other Vyiicat Dressing; will not decompose, but retain its properties for any number of years. Seed dressed with it may either be sowed diiectly.or, should the weather prove wet, it may remain for three weeks without sustaining any injury. I'UF.I'ARF.D ONLY BY D. CLARKE, CHEMIST, WOBURN, BEDFORDSHIRE, /// I'ackets, Ninepence each, contaiuinn sufficient to dress seven bushels of seed wheat. Wholesale Agents Messrs. YATLS A: liUK'ilvSS, 25, Kuuoe Kow, London, and Mr. K. U. PRIEST, NoKWicii, and may be obtained in every Market Town in the Kingdom. agents Al'I'OIN ted ON AFl'LICATION TO THE PROI'IUETOR. ( J4 ) f strange rs? arc jpnmit tcti to ©leto tfie ^fiolu ^oom^. OMP IRONIVIOMGERS, OIL AND COLOURMEN, AND 8, Gentleman'sWalk&Castle-st. NORWICH. STOVE GRATES, FENDERS AND FIRE IRONS, OVEN AND BOILER RANGES, Hot Hearths and Closets, and all kinds of Kitchen Utensils. SHOWER, WARM, VAPOUR & OTHER BATHS. CANDLE AND OTHER LAMPS. BLOCK TIN DISH COVERS, TEA URNS, AND TOILET SETS. THE BEST PAPIER MACIIE m OTHER JAPAIED WARES. Superior Sheffield Cutlery and ItrUauiiia Ifletal doods. ELEGTRd-FLATEO SPOONS, FORKS, A N D OTH ER PL ATED^OODS. iBaitttfacttitcrs of IRON BED$TEADS,HURDL ES,PA L[$ADING&GATES. Agents for Milner's Patent Fire Resisting Safes and Boxes, Vergette's Patent Water-proof Wagon and Cart Cloths, Macintosh's Patent Vulcanized India Rubber Washers, &.c. The Price marked on every Article in the Show Rooms with phiin Figures. LIMG & SON, Brash and Bass Broom No. 2, PRINCES STREET, TOMBLAND, NORWICH. N. B. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE \H ENQLANO FOR BRUSHES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. TERP/lS OF BUSINESS-READY MONEY. ( 15 ) f CABINET UPHOLSTERY, CARPET, PAPER HANGING, AND LOOKING GLASS ESTABLISHMENT, IS, Cliariiig^ Cross, and Hi, John's Maddcrniarkct-street, R . B. SCOTT invites Families furnishing to inspect his very extensive Stock, in every department, which for variety of Style, Soundness of Work, and quality of Materials, cannot be surpassed. ^ntroni^ctr bi) feii Mowal %}\^\)\\tii ^xiwtt Albert. DuKF.s of Norfolk, Ik'dtonl, Duvotisliiie, Maiicliester, and Sutherlaiid ; MARguESus ot Camden and Kxeter ; Kakls Ktzwiiliam, Talbot, Spencer, Sandwidi, Soniers, E>sex, Cowper, Clarendon, Gaiiisborongli, Chesttrfu'ld, l/isburn, l5rov\iilo\v, and licancliamp ; Viscount Campdeii : Lords Sondes, AUanley Braybrooke, and KI|)irnistoiie ; Bauonkts, -Sir J. Tyrrell, Sir \V. Gearv, Sir H. Hnnloke, SirG. Robinson, Sir \V. VVelley, Sir J. Neltliorpc, Sir K. I.acoii, Sir J. Palmer, Sir V. F. F. Uonuhey, Sir VV. Kemp, Sir E. IJacoii, Sir J. D. Legard, Sir \V. Hulford, Sir K. Vanvasoni-, Sir C. Morgan, and Sir VV. D. Broughton ; and all tbe eminent Agricuiturif*t.s in ilie Kingdom. DOWN'S FARMER'S FRIEND Is a certain reniedv for tlie S.MUT IN VVHEA P; also, a preventive to tbe lavages of tlie SLUG, GRUB, and UIKK-VVOKM. It will promote tiie Germination and Growtli of the Seed Wheat, and increase the produce of the Crop (pnte eijunl to a change of Seed, at only Fourpence per Acre. The Proprietor of tlie alioie article, can with the treatest confidence recommend it to the notice of Agri- cnlturists generally, be having .sold la-t season snlli. ient to pie()are seed tor upwards of a Quarter of a Million of Acies, and in not one .single instance has it been known to fail, if properly applied. If tlie FARMERS' FRIKND is used, theie i» no occasion lo Limi; oi Risinf. the Wheat ; and it is withnut exception the cheapest and easiest remedy yet produced. Six Bushels uf Wbe.it can be dresseer every other wheat dressing known ; tlie strongly repeated and llatieriiiK testimonials from nearly all the practical ^gricullumls of the day, besides rvferi-nce to Ten TiKAtsand Farmers who have iixi-d it, may he had of Agents wiio are ap|)ointed in every town llirougliuiit the enmities of Kiigland, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. PRICE Is. per p.icket, which is sulDcient for Six Bushels of Seed Wheat. Prepared Only by H. DOWN, Chemist, WOBURN, BEDS. ( IS) LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK. Established lOth March, 18 3 4. -Under the Act of Parliament 3 and 4 William IV, c. 98— And Registered under the Act 7 and 8 Victoria, c- 113. Bivtctov%* The Right Hon. THOS. FARNCOMB, Lord Mayor HENRY BOSANQUET, Esq. HENRY BUCKLE, Esq. FREDERICK BliRMESIER, Esq. JOHN GARRATT CA^fTLEY, Esq. TH O.MAS CHAPMAN, Esq, f. r. s. JA.^iES DENIS DE VITRE, Esq. JOSEPH ESDAILE, Esq, CHARLES GIBBES, Esq. WILLIA.M HAIGH, Esq. GEORGE HANSON, Esq. HENRY HARVEY, Esq., f. R. 8, DAVID SALOMONS, Esq. Acderman. JOHN STEWART, Esq. JOSHUA WALKER, Esq. JAMES WILLIAM GILBART, f. r. s. CITY OFFICE , . . . , Lotljbury \V. T. Henderson, Managei. WESTMINSTER BRANCH 1, St. James's-sqoaie Oliver Vile, Manager. BLOO.MSBURY BRANCH 214, High Holboin William Ewings, Manager. SOUTHWARK BRANCH 3, Wellingtou-stieet, Borough Edward Kingsford, Manager. EASTERN BRANCH 87, High-street, Whitechapel W. D. Asperne, Manager. ST. MARYLEBONE BRANCH 4, Stiatford-place, Oxford-street.... George M. Mitchell, Manager. The Capital of the Bank is £5,000,000. sterling, in 50.000 shares of £100. each. The sum of £20. has been paid on each share, so th.it the paid np Capital is £1,000,000. sieiling. This presents ihe most perfect security to the puhlic, aud gives the Bauk the most ample means fur affording to its customers every reaaunable accommodation. The Bank has above eleven hundred partners, whose names are registered at the Stamp Office, and are printed with the Annual Report of the Directors. The advantage obtained by a Joint Sttab ishnu-nt signs a Declaration of sfcrtcy as to the accounts of individuals. No Christmas boxes or other gratuities are allowed to be taken by the Officers of the Hank. Parties who are desirous of having Current Accounts, without being under the necessity of keeping a balance, are chaiged a small lommission, proportionate to the amount of their transactions. Thi> extends the advantage of a Banking Account to parties having moderate incomes, or who in the course of their business find ample employment for thtir cajiital. Sums from £10. to £1,000. aie received on Deposit, at a rate of interest to be fixed at the time, and they are re-p yable upon ilemand, without notice. For tlie.se sums, R. ct^ipts ate granted, called Dejiosit R. ceipts. By ah-wiiig interest for small sums, the benefit of the Deposit system, as practised in Scotland, is extended to all classes of the community. Soms of £1,000. and upwards, are al-o received on Deposit Receipts, upon such terms as may be agreed upon with i.gard to the late of interest, and the time of re-payment. Trustees and others who have money which they cannot immediately employ, mav thus obtain an interest for it, until an opportunity occuis for its perm-nent investment. Parties mav lodge' money upon an Interest Accn. SAMUEL GURNEY. Juiir., Esq. JAMES HELME, Esq. LOUIS LUCAS, Esq. THOMAS MASTERMAN, Esq. Auditors— ANDREW JOHNSTON, Esq ; JOS. MAYER MONTEFIORE, Esq.; GEO. PEABODY, Esq, The Board with a view of givinjr increased facilities to the Public in the transaction of Life Business, have directed the construction of various Tables, in addition to those tliey had previously in use. 1- IVou-Participating, on ReJuceti Ratt-s of Premimn. 2. Tables on Increasing and Decreasing Scales. •5- » subject to a Limited Number of Annual Payment?. 4. „ for Endowment Assurances. No Entrance Fees are charged. The Assured may proceed to any part of Europe without extra Premium. The Lives of Naval and Military Officers, not in actual service, are taken at the usual rates. A Commission to Solicitors and Ag-ents bring-ing- buisuess is paid. Detailed Prospectuses, witli Tables of Rates and full particulars, will, on application, be forwarded by post, or may be obtained at the Head Office, 1, Bartholomew Lane, London ; at the Office of the Company, 95, George Street, Edinburgh ; and at their various Agencies in England, Scotland and Ireland. *^* Loans on Deposits of unencumbered Policies of the Company are made, up to their value without legal expense to the Borrower. FIRE ASSURANCES are accepted a^ i/o/we at the usual rates. The Company pro- secute both Fire and Life Assurances Abroad on reasonable terms. A. MAMIIiTON, Secretary. JAMES ALEXANDER, Esq. GEORGE H. BARNETT, Esq .Sir R. CAMPBELL, Bart. Sir GEORGE CARROLL. BENJAMIN COHEN, Esq. Baron L. DE ROTHSCHILD, M.r. Sir A. N. DE ROTHSCHILD, Bait OSWALD SMITH, Esq. THOMAS CHARLES SMITH.Esq. MELVIL AVILSON, Esq. AGENTS. Bedford Mr. H. .1. Jones, ] High Wycombe Mr. B. J. Tuck, I Norwich Mr. H. Brown. Buckingham I' Budd, Esq. Huntingdon Mr. E. Edis, Oxford J. C. Dudley, Esq. Bury St. Edmunds..R. Bpvan, Esq. IrswicH 11 I). Alexan 38, Charing Cross, near the Admiralty, ESTABLISHED THIRTY YEARS. COPPER PAILS. Description. — J, the Pail or Receiver, with its earthern basin and air Trap, B, th« Cistern, C, the Lid of the Cistern by which it is filled. D, the handle of the Engine, which drawp the Mater out of the Cistern B, forcing- it through the washer E, into the Basin on the top of the Pail ; whi'h water, acting by its own weight on the trap, forces it open, carrying its contents into the Pail. NB. When the Pail requires emptying, it must be drawn out, and may then be removed without causing the least effluvia. Care to be taken in removing the Pail, to draw it clear away from the washer, and the same to push it weJlback when replaced; also not to overfill the Cistern. FOR FIXING. This is on the same principle as the Portable ones, but empties itself through a Pipe into any Drain or Cess-Pool. These can be fixed in a very short time, and cost about half the usual price of fixing Water Closets. Experumced fVorkmen sent to all parts tnfix these, at very moderate charges. CAUTION.— In consequence of unprincipled imitators having copied Wiss's various Patent Water Closets, and advertised them as new and improved, Kobekt Wiss, the actual Inventor, very respectfully ('autions the Public against the same, and begs to acquaint them, that during the last 30 years all the real Improvements have been effected by R. W. himsell. ( 20 ) ELEGANT TOILET REQUISITES, U^DS^R THE ESKPECIytl. PATROI¥A«E OP HER MA JE3TY 4^ 3© ^ '^^^ QUEEN, H. R. H. Prince Albert, >^^^^^)8^<^ ^^^ The Royal Family and Nobility ^C^^^^^ Several Sovereigns and Courts of Great Britain. 4&)^«^^^^^ of Europe. AM© y)Mjr^RiSA.LLX^^JP^RL^l^^„%M® ESTiEMg©. ROWiiANDS' MACASSAR Oil.. The unprecedented success ttning, iinpiovint: and btautifvine tlic Human Hair, is too well known a:;d appreciated to need cuniment. Price 3s 6d.— 7s.— Family Bottlea (equal to 4 Small) lOs. 6d., and Double that size, 21s. per Bottl". ROWIiANDS' HAIR WASH. A PrepRration from the Choicest Oriental Herbs, ot pecnjiarly mild and detersive prnpertieo. it pleadingly ami effectnailv clt-anses the Hair and Skin of the Head from Scurf and evtry species of iinpurlty, and impaits a delicate fragrance. It is particuiaily recommended 10 be used Hftt-r BAiiiiNG,as it will pnient the probahdity of catching cold in ihe head, and will render the Hair dry in a few minutes. Price 3a. 6di per Bottle. ROWIiANDS' KAIiYDOR. All Orientril Balsani>c Preparation, of unfailing efficacy in thorouyhlvpinifying the Skin /row /i// Pimples, Spots, Blotches, Redness, Freckles, Tan, and Discolorations; in producing a healthy freshness and /r««*/;flre//Ci? of Complexion; and a softness and delicacy of the Hands and Ar.ms. During the h^ai and dust of summer, or frost niid bieak winds of winter; and in cases of sunburn, stings of insects, chilblains, chapped shui, or incidental iiiHaniination, its virtues have hmg and extensively beenacknowledged. Price 4s. 6d. and 8s. 6d. per Bottle ROWLANDS' ODONTO, Or Pearl Dentifrice, A WHITE POWDER, compounded of ihe choicest and most recheichi- Ingredients, of the Oriental Herbal, of inestimable value in preserving and beautifying the '1'eeth, strengthening ihe GuMS, and in giving sweetness and perfmiie to the bieath. Price 2s. 9d. per Box- ROWIiANDS' AliSANA EXTRACT, For Relieving the Tooth-Ache, Gum-Boils, and Swelled Kace, aid whii h, by constantly using, prevents those maladies. In the anguivh of excruciating pain it affords instantaneous relief. Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. and lOs. 6d. per Bottle. iraPORTAMT 1IVFORI9IATIOW. UNPRINCIPLED SHOPKEEPERS, for the sake of gaining a little more profit, vend the most SPURIOUS COMPOUNDS, under the same nam<'.s; it is therefore highly necessary to see that the word " HO WIj%I¥D»S»" is on the Wrapper of each Article. SOLD BY THE PROPRIETOHS, A. Rowland & Sons, 20, Hatton Garden, London, And by Chemists and Perfumers. ~ CARSON'S ORIGINAL AKTI-CORROSION PAINT. Specially patronised by the British, French, Russian, and Sicillian Govemm'-nts, the Hon. East India Company the New River Comp my, the principal Dock Companies, and other Public Bodies. The Anti-Corrosian Paint has been used by the Hon. Board of Ordnance for upwards of half a century, who have proved it 10 pivvent rust or corrosion on Iron longer and betier than the very be>t VVhi'e Lead or any other desciiption of Paint; and in consequence of its poss- ssing this iiivalnahle quality, all the Iron Guns, and Gun Carriage", bitli for land and sea seivice, have been painted "ttli if for the aiiove peiiort. It will be found a very superior preset vative of Iron Steam Boats. Irmi Bridges, Piers, 01 any O'hei extensive Iron-H'urk, It has aiS'" been used in gre-it qnantiiit s I'y othrr public bodies, ;itid t-.y number* of genti men of the first distinc- tion, t.i pre>erve IFuoden Houses, Farm and other Out Buildings, Conservatories^ Park Paling, Gates, Iron Raiting, Iron Hurdles, Copper. Zinc. Lead, old Compo, &-c. Fronts md Tiles to represent Slating. This Piiiiit is rtdmiiiibly adapted for pieventing the dec.iy of old Sloneor Brick HJansiiJn^, Churc'ies, or other Public Edifices reqniiing an effectual defence aaHinst the t lenients. as it will Ix coiiie iiarder tlmi >tone in a few ni(mths alter it is laid on. It is pat licnl irly recommended to VVe«t Iiulia Proprietors, Emigrants, and others connected with the Colonies, who will find it to s'and all climates better than any otner Paint. The snpeiiority of the Anti-Coriosion to any other Paint, may be easily infened from the simple fict, that its use ha* been always most strtiiuou>ly opposed hy (Colour iMi-.ntjfdCturers, Painters, Oil and Colunnnen, and all others interested in tin' sale of ComuKm Paints. Nohleiir n and Landed Proprietors anxious to have their Out-Buildings. &r., properly preserved, will effect a very ronsideiahle .saving by desiring their Stewards to order the Anti-Corrosion Paint, as any labourer can lay it on, thereby avoiding the enormous charges generally made by Painters. The Anli-Corrosion is a Powder, and it will Keep ;tny lengtli ot time. Colours : Liulit Stone, Drab or Port- land do., Bath do , Yellow do.. Light and Dark Oak, Light Lead, Daik do., Ligl.t and Dark Chocolate, Dark Red, linglit d '., and Black, 34s. f»- cwt. ; hnisible Gieen, 50s. Di ep (ire. n, 60s., Blight do., 60s. f- civt., in easks of 28, 56, and 112 lbs. each. — Large tiniud Brushes, 3s. 6d ; >mail tinned do., 28. 6d. Sash Tools, Is 6d.eacli. Oil -f- gallon. The Original .A.nti-Corkosion Paint is only 10 be obtained of (Successor to thf InventorsJ No. 9, Great Winchester-st., Cld Broad-st., Royal Exchange, Ji <> M 1> 4^ HI , Who will show between FIVE and SIX HUNDRED most fi^attering Tkstimomals received from THE NOBILITV, GENTRY, AND ClERGV, WHO HAVE USED THE ANTI -COKROSION FOK MANY YEARS. No Agents.— All orders to be sent direct. ( 21 ) CHAPLIN AS AGENTS FOR THE LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN, IN CONNEXION WITH THK MIDLAND, YORK & NEWCASTLE, LANCASHIRE i YORKSfflRE. AND CALEDONIAN RAILWAY COMPANIES, RECEIVE AND FORWARD GOODS AND MERCHANDIZE ABKH *ABK!IGELE •ABKKDEEN ♦AMPTHlLIi ♦AYLESBURY BAKE WELL •BANGOR BKDALE -BEDKORD BEL PER •BERWICK •BICESTER •BIRKENHEAD BIRMINGHAM •BLACKBURN •BOLTON •BILSrON IJOURNE BARNSLEY BRADKORD BRIDGNORTH •BUCKINGHAM •BURNLEY •BURY •CARNARVON •CHESTER •CONWAY •CHESTERFIELD •CHORLEY •CLITHEROE COLNE CONGLETON COVENTRY •DARLINGTON DE ^SBURY DERBY DO NC ASTER DUDLEY DUMFRIES DUNDEE •DUNSTABLE ECCLESFECHAN i EDINBURGH •fazeley fleetwood •FLINT FOLKINGHAM ♦GLASGOW •GRANI'HAM HALIFAX •HIGHAM FERRERS HOLYHEAD ♦HOLYWELL HUDDERSFIELD •KETTERING TO AND FROM •LANCASTER LEEDS LEEK LEICESTER •LICHFIELD •LINCOLN LIVERPOOL •LUTON MACCLESFIELD MANCHESTER MANSFIELD MASBORO* ♦MELTON MOWBRAY •MOFFATT •MOLD ♦NEWARK-ON-TRENT NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE Ditto UNDER LYNE ♦NORTHALLERTON NORTHAMPTON NOTriNGHAM *OUNDLE ♦PAISLEY •PENRITH ♦PERTH ♦PETERBORO' •RHYL ROCHDALE •SCARBORO' STAFFORDSHIRE POT- TERIES ♦STALEY BRIDGE SHEFFIELD St. ASAPH SHREWSBURY ♦SKIPTON ^STAMFORD ♦STIRLING St. NEOIS St. HELENS ♦TAM WORTH ♦THIRSK ♦THRAPSTON •IRING WAKEFIELD ♦WARRINGTON ♦WELLINGBOROUGH WELLINGTON ♦WHITMORE *WILLENHALL •WINSLOW ♦WOBURN WOLVERHAMPTON WORCESTER WREXHAM ♦YORK KIDDERMINSTER ts in the North of SNaiiAND and SCOTLAND. And Most Par CHAPLIN and HORNE are Sole Agents for those places marked thus* GOODS m llEMi\lli\lSORECEIlDAilLY FORWARDED BV The Londo n &. South- Western, the London 8c Brighton, and the Dover and South-Eastern Railways, as AGENTS for those Companies. And on their own account by the Great Western and the Eastern Counties Railways. Tlic Fulilic desirous to entrust their favors to the care of CHAPLIN & HORNE, have only so to consign their Goods, or to apply at their several Country Offices, or at the Railway Stations in the ahove Towns, and tliey will receive every Information as to Rates, &c., &c. LONDON ESTABLISHMENTS. Swan-two-Necks, Gresham St. Spread Eagle, GracechurchSt. Spread Eagle, Regent Circus. Green Man &, Still, Oxford St. Cross Keys, Wood Street. George & Blue Boar, Holhom. Bolt-in-Tun, Fleet Street. Golden Cross, Charing Cross. AND HAMBRO' WHARF,THAMES STREET ( 22 ) i I NORTH OF ENGLAND " (IRE & LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OLD HAYMARKET; « 11, CHEAPSIDE; 28, EUSTACE STREET. Ctujjteos. TiiF. RIGHT HON. EARL FITZVVILLIAM. JOHN PARKER, Esq., M. ['. The right HON. LORD WHARNCLIFFE. I Sir H. G. WARD. -niE RIGHT HON. LORD IMILTON. CORDEN THOMPSON, Esq. H. B. PEGGE liURNELL, Esq., of Beauchief. I JOHN CAIIR, Esq. Mivtctovi. Chairman— W, J. BAGSHAWE, Esq., of The Oaks, Derbyshire. Deputy Chairman— JOHN CARR, Esq. JOSEPH WAKD, Esq. EDWARD VICKERS, Esq. CHARLES SHELDON, Esq. G.WILTON CHAMBERS, Esq. THOMAS VVHEATLEV, Esq. JOHN BROWN, Esq. LILLITJOHN ROBERTS, R.N. HENRY WILKINSON, Esq. GEORGE WALL, Esq. JOHN HALL, Esq. Secretary and Actuary— T. BELL, F. I. A. LONDON BRANCH. Physician— H. W. FULLER, iM.D., 25, Half moon-street, PiccadUly. Surveyor — J. YOUNG, Esq., 35, King-street, Cheapside. Solicitor— W. WILMER, F^sq., 4, Elm-cuurt, Temple. Bankers— Messrs. GLYN, HALLIFAX, MILLS & CO. Resident Secretary and Accountant — W. GOODCHAP, Esq. DUBLIN OFFICE. Physician— W. A. ELLIOTT, Esq., F.R. C.S.I, 1, Richmond-place, Momtjoif-square. Resident Secretary— C. F. GOODWIN, Esq. Policies may be effected with this Company at Rates of Premium for the younger ages lower than those of most other offices ; and by payment of a slightly increased rate, participation may be secured to the extent of Eighty per Cent. in the Company's Profits. One half only of the first five years Premiums may be paid on a whole Life Assurance, the other half remaining a debt on the Policy. The moderate Premiums of \s. 6d,. 2s. Pid. and As. 6d. are taken for Common Hazardous and Doubly Hazardous Risks. Warehouses and their Contents, and other Property of a special nature may be insured at a Premium commensurate with the Risk. Farming Stock insured (free of duty) under one sum, on one Farm at 3*. per Cent. The Directors are at all times desirous to give effect to a prompt and liberal adjustment of Claims for Loss. Forms of Proposal, and relative information, may be obtained on application at the Chief Offices, or at any of the Company's Agencies in the princioal I'owns of the Kingdom. Applications for yfgendes in Towns where none are appointed nmif he afft/nssrff to the ylctvnrti ( 23 ) f\ \ VINAIGRE DE BORDEAUX. W. & S. KENT & SONS INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR STOCK OF French Wine Vinegar, In Puncheons, llog^sheads and Tiergons, It is of finest quality, highest strength, well-matured, in colour and brilliancy resembling the wine from which it is made ; and for pickling and every domestic use preferable to all other. TERMS AND SAl>SPIiES ON APPLICATION. The Public may obtain it, at a Moderate Price, of Chemists, Grocers, and Wine Merchants throughout the Kingdom. SOVEREIGN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, 49, ST. JAMES STREET, LONDON. TRUSTEES: The Rieht Hon. the Earl Talbot. I B. Bond Cabbell, Esq. M.P. F R.8. F.S.A. Henry Puwnall, Esq. I Sir Claude Edward Scott, B,irt. DIRECTORS: Chairman- Lieut. Colonel Lord .ARTHUR lE.NNOX. Deputy-CbairiDan— T. C, GRANGER, Esq., M.P. John Aibburner, Esq. M.D. T. M Bat .rd, Esq. J. P. Batbiir~t, Esq. C. Fdfcbrotber, E>q Alderman Sir James CarB»ichae], Bai L John Gardiner. E«q. Cbarles Usborn, Esq. Assurances granted on the lives of persons in every station t>f life, and every part of the world, on pecnliiiriy favourahl.' tenn>. Policies is'Ufd to Sfcure an amount on attaining a certnin age, or a^ death, should it nccor pievion«ly. Persons proceeding beyond the limits of Europe may effect assurances on payment of moderate increased rates. Immediate annnities granted on liheral tcrin«, affordine great advantage to persons of limited income. Deterrcf! anniiitie> niiiy h- pnrci'asjed :*t rates whirh secure a n turn cf the whole or part of the preminms paid, in ca.-se the ag- at which tlie atinuity i.i to commence be not attained. Ai^o endowments on wi'lows and ( iiildten. ■ All the (oini>aii\'.s i ngagemen's arc unaianteed bv an ample subscribed and paid-np capital. Pio»|iertnses and the nei C'sary forms of proposal with every infoira^tion ni