h Division of Agricultural Sciences UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA This leaflet is designed to be used in conjunction with Manual 41, TURFGRASS PESTS, and to supply information concerning chemicals that can be recommended for use in controlling such pests. Because of frequent changes in regulations as well as new discoveries, information regarding chemicals often has an extremely short life. What can be recom- mended one day may be declared illegal next week, or a new and better chemical may be discovered the week after. As a result, this leaflet will be revised and reissued as often as necessary to keep it current. BEFORE APPLYING ANY CHEMICAL LISTED HERE, make sure you have the latest edition of this leaflet; check with your local University of California Farm Advisor office, or with Agricultural Publications University of California Berkeley, Calif. 94720 This edition is dated JANUARY 1971 CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL Experiment Station Extension Service How to use this leaflet The leaflet will be of little value without the com- panionpiece, Manual 41. Copies of the manual may be obtained from most Farm Advisor Offices or from Agricultural Publications. They sell for $2.00 a copy. The manual will help you to identify your pest, whether it be an insect, disease, weed, rodent, or whatever. In most cases the manual will also suggest cultural practices or other nonchemical means of avoiding or controlling the problem. However, if chemical control is still called for, this WEED CONTROL The following tables are for use with Manual 41, TURFGRASS PESTS. Here's how to use the two publications: 1. Identify the weed or weeds you want to control by using the color photos on pages 18 to 30 in the manual. 2. Consult the treatment calendar on pages 16 and HERB1C1DI NOTE: To reduce weeds before planting the turf, consult column 1 To control difficult weeds nonselectively, using spot treat 1 ments in established turf, consult column 2. i 2 BROADLEAF WEEDS Annual species: For preplant treatment For nonselective spot treatments Black medic, Medicago lupulina Methyl bromide, Calcium syanamid, Metham, Dazomet, Amitrolc, Cacodylic acid, Paraquat Dicamba Chickweed, Stellaria media Dicamba Clover, California bur, Medicago polymorpha var. vulgaris Dicamba MCPP Geranium, cut eaf Geranium disseclum 2,4-D amine [2] leaflet will list one or more materials that can be reeommended. In all cases: 1. Observe safety precautions. Turf can be re- placed; people can't. 2. Follow manufacturer's recommendations as to dosage. Applying more can be both dangerous and costly; applying less can result in poor control or no control at all. 3. Keep in mind that you, the applicator, are responsible for any damage done to neighboring turf or other plants from drift of your material. 17 of the manual to determine the best time of year for control measures. 3. Use the table below in this leaflet to determine the best chemical to apply. 4. Consult the table on page 8 for suggestions on how the chemical should be applied. 5. For information regarding measurements, see the section starting on page 4 of the manual. 6. IN ALL CASES, follow the safety suggestions in the first section of the manual. SELECTION GUIDE To control weeds selectively in the types of turf listed, consult columns 3 to 7. For specific application rates, timing, etc. consult the table starting on page 8 of this leaflet. 3 4 5 6 7 For selective treatment in Bentgrass Bermudagrass Bluegrass, Kentucky Fescue, fine-leaf Dichondra Dicamba j MCPP Dicamba Silvex MCPP Dicamba Silvex MCPP Dicamba Silvex MCPP Dicamba Dicamba Dicamba Dicamba Monuron Dicamba MCPP Dicamba MCPP Dicamba MCPP Silvex Dicamba MCPP Monuron 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine [3] 1 2 BROADLEAF WEEDS (continued) Annual species For preplant treatment For nonselective spot treatments Knotweed, prostrate, Polygonum aviculare Methyl bromide, Calcium cyanamid, Metham, Dazomet. Amitrole, Cacodylic acid, Paraquat Dicamba Lettuce, prickly, Lactuca scanola 2,4-D amine Mallow, little (cheeseweed) Malva parviflora 2,4-D ester Oxtongue, bristly, (biennial) Picris echioides " 2,4-D amine Pearlwort, birdseye, Sagina procumbens " MCPP Pigweed, redroot, Amaranthus retroflexus " 2,4-D amine Pimpernel, scarlet, Anagallis arvensis " 2,4-D amine Common Purslane, Portulaca oleracea " 2,4-D amine Soliva, Soliva sessilis " 2,4-D ester Speedwell, birdseye, Veronica persica " Spurge, spotted, Euphorbia maculata Silvex Perennial species: Bindweed, field, Convolvulus arvensis " Dicamba 2,4-D amine Catsear, spotted, Hypochoeris radicala " 2,4-D amine Chickweed, mouseear, Ceraslium vulgatum MCPP Clover, white, Trifolium repens MCPP Dichondra Dichondra repens " Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale " 2,4-D amine Dock, curly, Rumex crispus " Dicamba 2,4-D amine English daisy, Hellis perennis Dicamba Healall (sclfheal), Prunella vulgaris MCPP [4] For selective treatment Bentgrass Bermudagrass Bluegrass, Kentucky Fescue, fine-lea* Dichondra Dicamba MCPP 1 2,4-D amine Dicamba MCPP 2,4-D ester Bromoxynil Dicamba MCPP 2,4-D ester Bromoxynil Dicamba MCPP 2,4-D ester 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine MCPP 2,4 D amine MCPP 2,4-D ester MCPP 2,4-D ester MCPP 2,4-D ester 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine ■»■ Dicamba MCPP Dicamba MCPP Dicamba MCPP Dicamba MCPP 2,4-D amine Dicamba 2,4-D amine Dicamba 2,4-D amine Dicamba 2,4-D amine Dicamba 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine DCPA 2,4-D amine DCPA 2,4-D amine DCPA 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D ester 2,4-D ester 2,4-D ester Benefin Terbutol Benefin Terbutol 2,4-D acid Bromoxynil 2.4-D acid Silvex Bromoxynil 2,4-D acid Neburon Monuron 2,4-D amine Dicamba 2,4-D ester Dicamba 2,4-D ester Dicamba 2,4-D ester Dicamba 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine Dicamba MCPP Dicamba MCPP Dicamba MCPP Silvex Dicamba MCPP Dicamba MCPP Dicamba MCPP Dicamba MCPP Silvex Dicamba MCPP Monuron Neburon 2,4-D amine 2,4-D ester 2,4-D ester 2,4-D ester 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine Dicamba 2,4-D amine Dicamba 2,4-D amine Dicamba 2,4-D amine Dicamba 2,4-D amine Dicamba Dicamba + 2,4-D Dicamba Dicamba + 2,4-D Dicamba Dicamba + 2,4-D Dicamba Dicamba + 2,4-D MCPP Dicamba -4- 2,4-D amine MCPP Dicamba + 2,4-D ester MCPP Dicamba + 2,4-D ester MCPP Dicamba -f- 2,4-D ester [5] 1 2 BROADLEAF WEEDS (continued): Perennial species For preplant treatment For nonselective spot treatments Plantain, broadleaf, Plantago major Methyl bromide, Calcium cyan amid, Metham, Dazomet, Amitrole, Cacodylic acid Paraquat 2,4-D amine Plantain, buckhorn, Plantago lanceolata 2,4-D amine Sorrel. Red, Rumex acetosella Dicamba Woodsorrel, creeping, Oxalis corniculata " Silvex Yarrow, common, Achillea millefolium " 2,4-D ester NARROWLEAF WEEDS Annual species: Barnyardgrass, Echinochloa crusgalh Bluegrass, annual, Poa annua Crabgrass, large, Digitaria sanguinalis Crabgrass, smooth, Digitaria ischaemum Goosegrass, Eleusine indica " Dalapon Ryegrass, Italian, Lolium multiflorum NARROWLEAF WEEDS Perennial species: Bentgrass, Agrostis sp. Dalapon Dazomet Metham Methyl bromide TCA Dalapon Dazomet Metham TCA Bermudagra«s, Cynodon dadylon Methyl bromide Metham " Bluegrass, Kentucky, Poa pratensis Dalapon Dazomet Metham Methyl bromide Dallisgrass, Paspalum dilalatnm " Kikuyugrass, I'cnniscturn rlandcstinum Methyl bromide Metham Dalapon Dazomet Metham TCA 16] 3 4 5 6 7 For selective treatment Bentgrass Bermudagrass Bluegrass, Kentucky Fescue, fine-leaf Dichondra 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine 2,4-D amine Dicamba Dicamba Dicamba Dicamba Silvex Monuron Neburon 2,4-D amine 2,4-D ester 2,4-D ester 2,4-D ester Bensulide Bensulide DCPA Benefin Bensulide DCPA Benefin Bensulide DCPA Benefin Bensulide Diphen. Bensulide Bensulide Benefin Terbutol Bensulide Benefin Terbutol Bensulide Benefin Bensulide Diphen. Bensulide DSMA AMA Bensulide DCPA Terbutol Benefin DSMA AMA Bensulide DCPA Terbutol Benefin DSMA AMA Bensulide DCPA Benefin DSMA AMA Bensulide Diphenamid Monuron, Neburon DSMA AMA, Dalapon Bensulide DSMA AMA Bensulide DCPA Terbutol DSMA AMA Benefin Bensulide DCPA Terbutol DSMA AMA Benefin Bensulide DCPA DSMA AMA Benefin Bensulide Diphenamid DSMA AMA, Dalapon Bensulide Bensulide Bensulide Bensulide Bensulide Dalapon 2,4-D ester Silvex Dalapon Diphenamid Dalapon Dalapon Diphenamid DSMA MSMA DSMA MSMA DSMA MSMA DSMA MSMA DSMA Dalapon DSMA MSMA MSMA MSMA DSMA Dalapon [7] 1 2 NARROWLEAF WEEDS (continued): Perennial species: For preplant treatment For nonselective spot treatments Nutsedge, yellow, Cyperus esculentus Methyl bromide Tall fescue, Festuca arundinacea Dalapon Dazomet Metham TCA Dalapon Dazomet Metham TCA St. Augustinegrass, Stenotaphrum secundatum " German velvetgrass Holcus mollis Dalapon Dazomet Metham Methyl bromide Dalapon Dazomet Metham Methyl bromide HERBICIDE RATES, TIMING Name of chemical Trade name(s) Formulation (s) Use AMA Super Crab-E-Rad ® Methar ® Soluble liquid Selective, foliage-applied, translocated Amitrole Amitrol 90 ® Amizol ® Sol. Pow. Nonselective, foliage- applied, translocated Benefin Balan ® Gran, with fertilizers Selective, soil-applied, pr emergent Bensulide Betasan ® Presan ® Emul. liq., gran., with fertilizer Selective, soil-applied, pr emergent [8] For selective treatment Bentgrass Bermudagrass Bluegrass, Kentucky Fescue, fine-leaf Dichondra DSMA i MSMA DSMA MSMA DSMA MSMA DSMA MSMA DSMA 2.4-D amine 2,4-D ester MSMA 2,4-D ester MSMA 2,4-D ester MSMA DSMA MSMA DSMA MSMA AND OTHER DETAILS Rate Remarks 4-6 lbs. ai/A* Temperature and turf type determine degree of selectivity. Grass turf — low rate: If temperature is above 80° use 4 lb. ai/A if used on bentgrass or dichondra. High rate: G lb. ai/A used on mature crabgrass plants or on bluegrasses, zoysia, or bermudagrass. Note: Temporary discoloration may occur, especially on fescue, bentgrass, or dichondra turf. 5 lb. ai/A + 1 qt. surfactant/100 gals, water 2 oz. 90% formulation in 2 gals, water + 2 tsp. surfactant/1,000 sq. ft. Apply as a preplant for control of principally annual weeds. To avoid extended soil residue, apply only during spring and summer and keep soil moist. Do not plant within 4 Weeks. 3 lb. ai/A Crabgrass: Apply 2-3 weeks before initial crabgrass germi- nation (January for Los Angeles Basin, early to mid-February for Central Valley and Central Coasi, mid-February to 1st of March for northern California and Dorth coastal areas). Sprinkle irrigate after application to wash herbicide off leaves and into the soil. Annual bluegrass: Apply 2-3 weeks before initial annual bluegrass germination (August-September). Sprinkle irrigate after application to wash herbicide off leaves and onto the soil. Speedwell: Apply preemergence in January. Note: Do not apply to bentgrass greens. 15 lb. ai/A Crabgrass: Apply 2-3 weeks before initial crabgrass germi- nation (January for Los Angeles Basin and South Coast area, early to mid-February for Central Valley and Central Coast, mid-February to 1st of March for northern Caliofrnia and north coastal areas). Note: Crabgrass may germinate and become established in turf in late summer if lower rates are used. Good manage- ment practices and a tight turf will allow use of lower rates. 10 lb. ai/A in fall and 10 lb. ai/A in midwinter (Jan.-Feb.) Annual bluegrass: Apply in early fall before annual blue- grass germinates. Normally mid-August to mid-September. Note: Exclude children and pets during application and until treated area has been thoroughly sprinkler irrigated. [9] Name of chemical Trade name(s) Formulation (s) Use Bromoxynil Nu-Lawn ® Emul. Concentrate Selective, foliage-applied, contact Cacodylic acid Phytar 560 ® Kilz-All ® Sol. liq. sol. pow. Nonselective, foliage- applied, postemergent contact Calcium arsenate Tri-calcium arsenate ® Granular or wettable powder Selective, soil-applied, pre emergent Calcium cyana- mide Aero Cyanamid ® Gran. Nonselective, Soil-applied. Use Preplant CMA Calar ® Weedone Crabgrass Killer ® Sol. liq. or sol. pow- der Selective, foliage-applied, translocated Dalapon Dowpon ® Sol. powder Selective or nonselective, foliage-applied translocated Principally a grass herbicid Dazomet Mylone ® Wettable powder Nonselective, soil-applied, fumigant, preplant DCPA Dacthal ® Kem-Krab ® Wettable powder Granular, formulated with fertilizer Selective, soil-applied, pre emergent L 10 1 Rate Remarks 6 oz. ai/A 3.2 oz. of 8.4% formulation per 1,000 sq. ft. Apply on young grass turf after grass has emerged and when broadleaf weeds are in 3 to 4 leaf stage or on rosette plants before they exceed \ l A inches in diameter. Note: May have wide use on other broadleaf weeds. 1 ,6-8 lb. ai + 1 qt. surfactant/A Apply as a preplant for control of principally annual weeds. 11-1.5 lbs. /1 ,000 sq. ft. Annual bluegrass: Apply in early fall (mid-August to mid- September) before annual bluegrass germinates. May be used on bentgrass greens. Rate should be closely linked to phos- phorous level of soils. Lower rate should be used when phos- phorous is low. Sprinkle irrigate after application to wash the herbicide off of the leaves and onto the soil. Note: Injury may occur on most turf species. Hazardous material — should not be used where children or pets can come into contact with the material. 2,200 lbs. formulation /A 50 lb. formulation/1,000 sq. ft. Prepare soil in seedbed condition; apply one-half the rate and incorporate with tiller 2-3 inches deep. Apply remaining one-half on surface. Keep soil moist for 3 weeks. Wait 6 weeks if temperature is below 50° before seeding. Calcium cyanamide decomposes in moist soil to release nitrogen (21 per cent). 2.0-5.0 lbs. ai/A Temperature and turf type determine degree of selectivity. Grass turf— Low rate: Young crabgrass, for use on bent- grass, dichondra, or fine-leaved fescue turf, or when daily high temperature exceeds 85°. High rate: Mature crabgrass, for use on Kentucky bluegrass turf when temperature is 85° or less, and for bermudagrass turf. Note: Apply uniformly over area regardless of distribution of crabgrass. Hesitating over more weedy spots may cause excessive rate and injure or kill turf. Repeat on 5-7 day intervals for total of 2-3 treatments for crabgrass. May tem- porarily discolor turf. May injure St. Augustine and fescue and some bentgrass species. 5 lbs. formulation in 100 gals, water /A • (Selective use in established dichondra only) Apply uniformly over dichondra turf regardless of distri- bution of weedy grass clumps. Hesitating over more weedy spots may cause excessive rate and kill dichondra. Irrigate thoroughly 1-2 days before applying dalapon;wait 3-5 days following spraying for next irrigation. Some discoloration of dichondra may occur. 10 lbs. formulation + 1 qt. sur- factant/100 glas. water or 0.1 lb. formulation + 2 tsp. sur- factant/gal. water. For spot spraying. Nonselective in dichondra or grass turf. Apply as a nonselective spray to individual weedy grass clumps. Repeat when new growth appears. Apply no more spray than is required to just wet the foliage. 430 lbs. ai/A or 10 lbs. ai/1,000 sq. ft, Apply in water; mix into soil 6 inches deep with a power tiller. Seed in 2-3 weeks if temperature is over 60° and soil is moist but not wet. Wash into soil with sprinkler irrigation when spot treating. Effective principally on annual weeds. 15 lbs. ai/A Apply 2-3 weeks before initial crabgrass germination (Jan- uary for Los Angeles Basin and South Coast area, early to mid-February for Central Valley and central coast area; mid-February to 1st of March for northern California and north coast area). Note: Do not use on bentgrass or dichondra. Exclude children and pets during application and until treated area has been thoroughly sprinkler-irrigated. Young crabgrass plants may become established in turf in late summer if lower rates are used. [11] Name of chemical Trade name(s) Formulation (s) Use Dicamba Banvel ® Sol. liquid Selective, foliage-applied translocated Dicamba + 2,4-D Scott's Turfbuilder Plus 4 ® Weedone Super D ® Sol. liquid, granular formulated with fertilizer Selective, foliage-applied, translocated Diphenamid Dymid ® Enide ® Scott's Dichondra Fertilizer Plus 3 ® Wettable powder or granular formulated with fertilizer Selective, soil-applied, preemergent DSMA Clout ® Sodar ® Dimet ® Crab-E-Rad ® Ortho DSMA 100 ® Sol. liquid or sol. powder Selective, foliage-applied, translocated Mecoprop Mecopex ® Chipco Turf Herbi- cide MCPP ® Soluble liquid Selective, foliage-applied translocated Metham Vapam ® VPM® Soluble liquid Preplant or nonselective soil-applied fumigant. I 12 I Rate Remarks 4 lb./a + 1 qt. surfactant/100 jals. water Chickweeds, clovers, English daisy, prostrate knotweed. pearlwort, red sorrel, curly dock. Respray in 2-4 weeks where necessary. \i lb. ae + 1 qt. surfactant/100 ?als. water. or I tsp. -f- 2 tsp. surfactant/gal. For spot spraying (applies to 4 lb. ae/gal. formulations. Note: Do not exceed x /i lb. ae/A on bentgrass. Active through the soil, do not use where roots of ornamental plants may extend into treated area. Spray on calm days to avoid spray drift onto susceptible crops or ornamentals. Non- selective in dichondra. l 4 lb. ae Dicamba + 1 lb. ae >,4-D + 1 qt. surfactant in 100 jals. water /A For English daisy or other difficult-to-control broadleaf weeds where there is dandelion or plantain present. Note: Do not exceed l /i lb. ae/A of dicamba on bentgrass turf. Active through the soil; do not use where roots of ornamentals may extend into treated area. Spray on calm days to avoid spray drift onto susceptible crops or orna- mentals. Non-selective in dichondra. ?or dichondra turf only; effective preemergence and early postemergent mainly for grass control. i/A Annual bluegrass: Apply in early fall and spring. Crabgrass: January for Los Angeles Basin; February for Central Valley and Central Coast; March for northern Cali- fornia and north coast area. Bermudagrass: Apply to suppress growth, does not eradi- cate established plants. Note: Will seriously injure or kill turfgrasses. Exclude children and pets during application and until treated area has been thoroughly sprinkler irrigated. Effective in controlling crabgrass, dallisgrass, and nutsedge. Temperature, soil moisture, and urf type determine degree of turf-selectivity. Avoid spraying under hot, droughty conditions, ients and fine-leaved fescues are most sensitive, bermudagrass is most tolerant. Do not use on tt. Augustine turf. Apply uniformly in 175-200 gallons per acre. i lb. ai/A Use this lower rate on bentgrasses, fine-leaved fescues and dichondra turf. Sufficient rate for young crabgrass, and with repeat monthly sprays for established dallisgrass and nut- sedge. Use this lower rate if daily temperatures exceed 80° F. lb. ai/A This higher rate required for mature crabgrass, requires 2-3 resprays on 5-7 day interval. Satisfactory rate for use in bermudagrass, and if temperatures are 80° or less in Kentucky bluegrass as web. Will yellow zoysia turf. Repeat sprays will reduce kikuyugrass. .5 lb. ae/A + 1 qt. surfac. per 00 gals, spray ?or spot spraying: Use same oncentration per 100 gals. or 1-4 tsps. -f 2 tsps. surfact./gal. pater. Clover, prostrate knotweed, pearlwort. No ie: Spray on calm days to avoid spray drift onto sus- ceptible crops or ornamentals. Prostrate knotweed should be treated when young (2-4 inches in diameter). Non- selective in dichondra. (Rate for spot spraying — applies only to formulations containing 2 or V/i lbs. ae/gal.) *30 lbs. ai/A or lbs. ai/1,000 sq. ft. Apply in water on calm day; follow immediately with sprinkler irrigation to seal the soil surface, or preferably cover with vaporproof covering. Seed in 2 weeks on light sandy soils; in 3-4 weeks on heavier clay or muck (organic) soils. Extend waiting period if temperature is below 60°. Two applications usually required to eradicate bermudagrass or kikuyugrass. Rototilling prior ro treating will enhance control. [13] Name of chemical Trade name(s) Formulation (s) Use Methyl bromide Pressurized gas Nonselective, soil-applied, fumigant, preplant Monuron Cooke Oxalis Con- trol® Cha-Kem-Co. Oxalis-Kil ® Niagara Mon- uron 2 ® Wettable powder Selective, soil-applied, pre- or post-emergence MSMA Ansar 529 ® Ansar 170 ® Daconate ® Soluble liquid Selective, foliage-applied, translocated Neburon Scott's Bonus for Dichondra Granular Selective, soil-applied, pre- or post-emergence Paraquat Paraquat ® Water-soluble liquid or aerosol cans Nonselective, foliage-appliec contact Silvex Kuron ® Weedone 2,4,5TP ® Emulsifiable liquid Selective, foliage-applied. Terbutol Azak® Wettable powder, formulated w/ferti- lizers Selective, soil-applied, preemergent I 14 J Rate Remarks 30 lbs. /A or lbs. /1. 000 sq. ft. Note: EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. Should be han- dled by experienced applicator only. Vapor toxic when removing sealed cover. Exclude children, pets and the general public until cover has been removed and gas has dissipated. Inject under a vaporproof cover, sealed at the edges; remove cover in 24 hours. Will kill roots of trees and shrubs present in the fumigated soil. Double this application rate to kill bermudagrass, field bindweed, kikuyugrass, and nut- sedge. Control may be incomplete for hard-seeded species- mallow, clovers, medics, and pigweed. Soil should be friable. lb. ai/A For control of annual grasses, chickweed, creeping wood- sorrel. Apply in early spring or summer. Retreatments may be required. Do not apply more than twice in any 6-month period. Note: For dichondra turf only, margin of selectivity is narrow— apply uniformly. Sprinkler irrigate immediately following application to reduce chemical burn on dichondra. Will give temporary preemergence control of spotted spurge. -6 lbs. ai/A 1 Temperature and turf type determine degree of selectivity. Use lower rate for nutsedge control, on bentgrass, and on other turf types when daily temperature exceeds 85°. Apply at monthly intervals for control of dallisgrass and nutsedge. Note: Apply uniformly over area regardless of distribution of the weed. Hesitating with sprayer over more weedy spots may cause excessive rate and injure or kill the turf. Re- peated applications of high rates reduces kikuyugrass. Turf may be temporarily discolored. Injurious to St. Augustine grass, red fescue, dichondra or zoysia. -4 lbs. ai/A For control of annual grasses, chickweed, creeping wood- sorrel. Use low rate on light, porous soils; high rate on heavier soils. Apply in early spring or summer. Retreatments may be required. Note: For dichondra turf only. Sprinkler irrigate immedi- ately following application to reduce chemical burn on di- chondra. Preemergence, late winter application will give temporary control of spotted spurge. fi~l lb. ai + 1