R A T ' ATCHJNC The* International Uongress "cT~ I'noiisnem lias been quite an unusual success, has been well-attended by representative men from Europe and America, has received all honour in London, and has been, in the conference por- tion of its proceedings, characterised by much common sense. There was one unexpected result of a protest raised against the excessive use of extracts by some reviewers. We might have supposed that this would have been an opportunity eagerly seized upon to mitigate what is undoubtedly an evil. It is well known that many persons do not buy books because all the spicy portions have been to use Mr. Arthur Waugh's phrase " gutted " by the papers, which get attractive copy at a very easy rate. Mr. Waugh asked the Congress to do something towards amending the copyright law upon an admittedly difficult point, but the general body of publishers present seemed to be of opinion that the law is strong enough already, and that there is not after all much t<> complain about. A very funny story was told i by the chairman, Mr. John Murray. His Him published a book recommended by Mr.