^ LIBRARY ■•HO op UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIRT OK Received Accessions No.<^^^/-^^ Shelf No. •3s> Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from iVIiorosoft Corporation http;//www.archive.org/details/catalogueoflibraOOminnrich CATALOGUE OF THE L IB E A.R Y MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. I. A— L, *>• n9 'TOR i»r THR itjinvsKStTT; ST. PAUL, MINN.: The rioNEEE Press Company. 1888. 2- U^-^^^ PREFACE. The Minnesota Historical Society takes great pleasure in offering herewith, to its patrons and members, the first printed catalogue of its library, believing that it will fill a want that has long been felt by those desiring to consult our collections, and avail themselves of its literary treasures. And while the im- portance and value of such a desideratum has been seriously felt by us, as much as by anyone, for years, and notwithstanding we were making every effort to accomplish it, yet many obstacles tended to delay its completion until the pres- ent time, as will be gathered from the following statement: The Minnesota Historical Society was organized in November, 1849, under a charter granted by the territorial legislature, on Oct. 12, 1849. For several years the Society did not have much more than a nominal existence, having almost no library, a very meagre income, and no suitable apartments, but had issued several numbers of its collections. During the hard times (1857-'62), and the war period, it quite died out. In 1864 it was resuscitated, and com- menced a new career, since which time its work has gone steadily forward. Yet in 1867 it had only 1,155 bound volumes. Soon after, an enlarged annual appro- priation from the State enabled it to increase its library somewhat more rapidly, but it has only been quite recently that it has had sufl&cient means for its pur- poses, and has also labored under the disadvantage of unsuitable apartments. Moreover, it had but one working officer, nearly all of whose time was absorbed by other duties, leaving him no opportunity to construct the catalogue proper. For several years a ''slip catalogue" was made to answer; but in 1880, the library had increased so much, a ' ' card catalogue ' ' was deemed a necessity. Unfortunately, about this period (March 1, 1881), occurred the disastrous fire at the capitol, in which our rooms were located, which seriously injured our library, and left us in great confusion for over two years, during which time our library had only a place of storage, dark and unwholesome at that, and no ap- pliances for library work. It was not until 1883 that we had our bibliothecal treasures again securely housed and properly arranged in permanent and com.- modious apartments in the new capitol, and were in a position to resume our forward progress. We were very fortunate, at this juncture, in securing the services of Miss Mary B. Merriam, a professional cataloguer of the highest skill, who had done good work in Eastern libraries for a number of years. Miss M. came to St. Paul at our request, and for two years was steadily engaged in pre- paring our catalogue, completing it in the fall of 1885. At the time she ceased her labors, 32,195 "cards" were written and placed in the case of drawers used for that purpose. Her work was done with the highest skill, and the Society now found itself, for the first time, in possession of one of the best constructed and most thorough catalogues, fully equal to that of any library in the United States. It now contains 37,500 cards. 4 PREFACE. The ultimate printing of the catalogue had always been an inseparable part of our plan, and the accomplishment of that result was now actively pressed. At first, we were delayed by want of means. Then, the copying of the cards on sheets for the use of the printers consumed some time, as this required 2,500 closely written sheets of foolscap. And finally, the printing of such a large work was necessarily slow, and has consumed over a year. But we are at last able to ofier the work complete. ■ The system adopted for this catalogue is perhaps the simplest and easiest that can be devised, so as to be understood by the general reader who has not much bibliographical skill. Authors and subjects are both interspersed in regular alphabetical order. The author's titles are generally given in full under his own name, and the work is again catalogued, under the subject, somewhat con- densed, but with sufficient particulars to identify it; many, indeed, being thus catalogued several times, under as many heads. Thus any student may, with little trouble, find what work he desires, or see what the library contains, on any required subject. All the more important works in the library, especially works relating to American history, have been carefully "analyzed," thus bringing into use many valuable single papers and essays, which would not otherwise have been available for use. Some large and important sets of works were received quite recently, after the printing was in hand, and, rather than further delay the work, were deferred to be included in a supplement. These supplements will be printed from time to time, as the growth of the library renders necessary. Our library contains at present 14,421 bound volumes, and 13,593 pam- phlets, or 28,014 titles in all, every one of which is carefully and clearly cata- logued, and by means of the shelf number, any work, no matter how slight in itself, can be found by the Librarian at a moment's notice. It is a good work- ing library on all subjects relating to America. Some of its departments are quite complete. On Minnesota, it contains almost every known work, while its collection relating to the Northwest is also very full. On American history, biography, geography, statistics, etc. , it will be found very rich. On American politics and national questions, several thousand pamphlets, mostly bound, give the student a mine of material to explore. The revolutionary period has a large collection, as also our recent civil war. On American genealogy, one of our specialties, our collection ranks among the best in the country. We have also several hundred atlases and maps, many of them very rare. Another department that receives our special care is our collection of Minnesota news- papers, which now numbers 1,300 volumes, a priceless treasury of materials for the history of the State. The library is valued (if any value can be set on such a collection) at $50,000. This library is free to all (for reference, no books being loaned), and an ex- perienced librarian is constantly in attendance, to give aid to investigators, for no catalogue can be so complete that readers can dispense with the aid of an expert who can give them suggestions based on his own familiarity with the collection. We believe that there are few, if any, of the historical societies of this coun- try, that have, at our age, and embarrassed by so many obstacles as we have had to encounter, succeeded in fulfilling their objects as well as this one. But while we feel a just pride at the completeness of our library, and its value and usefulness, we are, at the same time, aware of its serious deficiencies. These PREFACE. 5 are, however, the results of its youth, and of our want of means, etc., and will be remedied as it grows older. One object of this catalogue, indeed, is to show what we lack, as well as what we have, so that our generous friends, who have always been so thoughtful of our wants, may aid us in filling the "gaps" indicated. This Society has published five volumes of collections, containing a great amount of material for the history of Minnesota and the Northwest. These volumes can be had either by purchase or exchange. A descriptive list of them will be sent to any one applying to the librarian. With such a good beginning as we have made, we are justified in hoping for a future of greater prosperity for this Society. Among other projects is a fire- proof library building, in which to store and properly arrange our literary treas- ures. We already have a piece of ground, eligibly situated, on which to build it, and anticipate that, at no very distant day, we may secure a fund ,to erect and furnish it. With this want filled, the Minnesota Historical Society will become one of the most useful and successful institutions of its kind in the Union, and one which our citizens should feel proud of, and give a generous support to. JOHN FLETCHER WILLIAMS, Librarian, AN APPEAL TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS. "^ The Minnesota Historical Society earnestly requests its friends and corres- pondents to secure and forward to it whatever they may have to donate, of a printed nature. We ask for Books and Pamphlets on American History, Biography and Genealogy, particularly those relating to the West; Works on our Indian Tribes, and American Archaeology and Ethnology; Statistical and Scientific Publications of States or Societies; Books or Pamphlets relating to the Great Eebellion; privately printed works; Newspapers; Maps and Charts; Engravings; Autographs; Coins; Antiquities; and Encyclopedias, Dictionaries and Bibliographical works of every kind. Entire sets of works are especially solicited, or collections of books on any subject, but single volumes, or pamph- lets even will be gratefully received. Especially do we desire EVEEYTHING EELATING TO OUK OWN STATE, VIZ.: 1. Travels and Explorations; City Directories; Copies of the earlier Laws and Journals of our Legislature; Ordinances of Cities; and, in short, every book, on any subject, printed in the State, or elsewhere, relating to it. 2. Pamphlets of all kinds; Catalogues of Minnesota Colleges and other Institutions of Learning; Annual Reports of Societies; Sermons and Addresses delivered in this State; Minutes of Church Conventions, Synods, or other Ecclesiastical Bodies of Minnesota; Political Ad- dresses; Railroad and Board of Trade Reports; and every other Pamph- let relating to this State. 3. Files of Minnesota Newspapers and Magazines, especially complete vol- umes of past years, or single numbers even. Publishers are earnestly requested to contribute their publications regularly, all of which will be carefully preserved and bound. 4. Materials for Minnesota History; Old Letters, Journals, and manuscript Narratives of the Pioneers of Minnesota; Newspaper Cuttings; Original Papers on the Early History and Settlement of the Territory; Adven- tures and Conflicts during the Indian War or the late Rebellion; Biographies of the Pioneers of every County, either living or deceased, together with their Portraits and Autographs; a sketch of the settle- ment of every town and village in the State, with names of the first settlers. We solicit articles on every subject connected with Minne- sota history. 5. Maps of Town Sites or Counties, of any date; Views and Engravings of buildings or historic places; Drawings or Photographs of Scenery; Paintings; Portraits, etc, connected with Minnesota history. 6. Curiosities of all kinds for our Museum; Coins; Medals; Paintings; Portraits; Engravings; Statues; War Relics; Autographs; Letters of distinguished persons, etc. 7. Facts illustrative of our Indian Tribes; their History, Characteristics, Religion, etc. ; Sketches of their prominent Chiefs, Orators and War- riors, together with contributions of Indian Weapons, Costumes, Or- naments, Curiosities and Implements. Also, Stone Axes, Spears, Arrow-Heads, Pottery, or other relics of the prehistoric races. In brief, everything that, by the most liberal construction, can illustrate the History of Minnesota or its people; its early settlement; its progress, or pres- ent condition, which will be of value or interest to succeding generations. All works presented to our Library will be acknowledged in our biennial reports, and will be carefully preserved for the use of the public of the State. Nearly every gentleman accumulates at his office or home, a great number of pamphlets. Do not sell them to the paper mill, but send them to J. F. Williams, Librarian. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. Peesident — GEN. H. H. SIBLEY. Vice Presidents — 1. HON. ALEX. RAMSEY. 2. CAPT. R. BLAKELEY. Seceetary and LiBEAEiAN — J. FLETCHER WILLIAMS. Teeasueee— HENRY P. UPHAM. MEMBERS OF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. EX-OFFICIO. His Excellency, A. R. McGill, Governor. Hon. A. E. Rice, Lieutenant Governor. Hon. Hans Mattson, Secretary of State. Hon. W. W. Braden, Auditor of State. Hon. F. Bobleter, Treasurer of State. Hon. M. E. Clapp, Attorney General. ELECTIVE. Hon. Sam'l E. Adams, Minneapolis. Hon. C. M. Loring, Minneapolis. Gen. J. H. Baker, Mankato. Hon. John D. Ludden, St. Paul. Hon. John M. Berry, Minneapolis. Hon. AVm. R. Marshall, St. Paul. Capt. Russell Blakeley, St. Paul. Charles E. Mayo, Esq., St. Paul. J. B. Chaney, Esq., St. Paul. Rev. E. D. Neill, St. Paul. W. P. Clough, Esq., St. Paul. Hon. Stanford Newel, St. Paul. Hon. Gordon E. Cole, Faribault. Hon. Alex. Ramsey, St. Paul. Hon E. F. Drake, St. Paul. Gen. John B. Sanborn, St. Paul. Hon. C. E. Flandrau, St. Paul. Gen. H. H. Sibley, St. PauL Col. Earle S. Goodrich, St. Paul. R. O. Sweeny, Esq., St. Paul. Geo. A. Hamilton, Esq., St. Paul. Henry P. Upham, Esq., St. Paul. James J. Hill, Esq., St. Paul. Hon. Milo White, Chatfield. Rt. Rev. John Ireland, D. D., St. Paul. J. Fletcher Williams, St. Paul. Gen. W. G. Le Due, Hastings. Hon. H. B. Wilson, Red Wing. Prof. N. H. Winchell, Minneapolis. ■UNIYSESITYi CATALOGUE, A. Abbadie, Jacques, (French Pro testanb Theologian.) Chemical Changes in the Eucharist. From the French, by John W. Hamersley. Lond. n. d. 4to. 56. 10 Abbot, Rev. Abiel. An Address, Delivered before the Essex Agricultural Society at its Agricultural Exhibition inDan- vers, Oct. 17, 1821. Andover, 1822. 8vo. 72. 10. 8 Letters Written in the Interior of Cuba, 1828. Boston, 1829. 8vo. 52. 3 Abbot, Rev. Abiel, and Ephraim. Genealogical Register of the Descendants of George Abbot, of Andover, Mass., etc. Boston, 1847. 12mo. 47. 1 Abbot, Edwin Hale. A Review of the Report upon the Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River. Pre- pared by Capt. A. A. Humphreys and Lieut. H. L. Ab- bot. (Reprinted from the ^. A. Review, April, 1862.) Boston, 1862. 8vo. 72. 13. 2 Abbot, Ephraim. Genealogical Register. See Abbot, Abiel. Abbot, Ezra. Statement respecting the new Catalogues of Har- vard College Library. (Harvard College Library. Re- port of the Overseers for 1864, p. 35.) No. 3 in Harv. Coll. Rep., Vol. 2. 9. 2 Abbot, Goriiam D. Mexico and the United States. N. Y., 1869. 8vo. 52. 4 Abbot, Henry L. Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River. 1861. See Humphreys, A. A. Physics, etc. 1876. 4to. 50. 3 Abbot, John Emery. See Channing, W. E. Discourse at the Ordination of J. E. Abbot. Works, 1855. 12mo. Vol. 3. 44.1 Sermon at the Ordination of J. E. Abbot, April 20, 1815. Salem, 1815. 8vo. (:N'o. 12, in Mass. Pamph. Vol.8.) 9.12 10 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Abbot Family. See Abbot, Abiel and Ephraim. Grenealog- ical Eegister, etc. 47. 1 Abbotsfobd and Newstead Abbey. See Irving, Washing- ton. London, 1835. 8vo. 74. 1 Abbott, Benjamin Vaughn. American Jurisprudence, 1776- 1876. (First Century of the Eepublic, 1876.) 8vo. 14. 10 Abbott, Charles C. Primitive Industry; Illustrations of the Handiwork in stone, bone and clay of the native races of the northern Atlantic seaboard of America. Salem. 1881. 8vo. 16. 4 Abbott, Henry Livermore. In Memoriam, H. L. A. (Writ- ten by a Brother Officer of the 20th MavSS. Vols.) Boston, 1864. 8vo. 43. 6. A Abbott, Jacob. The Duties of Parents in regard to the Schools where their Children are Instructed. A lecture delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at their Fifth Annual Meeting. Boston, 1834. 12mo. 56. 9. 6 Abbott, John S. C. The Future Triumphs of the Gospel. A sermon, etc. (See Smalley, Elam; The Worcester Pulpit, etc., pp. 369-383.) Boston, 1851. 12mo. 25. 1 History of Ohio, to 1875. Detroit, 1875. 8vo. 18. ' 1 History of the Civil War in America. ^. Y., 1864-66. 2 Vols. 29. 13 South and North; or. Impressions received during a Trip to Cuba and the South. N. Y., 1860. 12mo. 30.14. and CoNWELL, Eussell H. Lives of the Presidents of the United States, to 1882. Portland, Me., 1882. 8vo. 43. 11 Abbott, Lyman, Edito7\ Uncontradicted Testimony in the Beecher Case, Compiled from the Official Eecords. N. Y., 1876. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Aberd ARE, Lord. See Bruce, Henry Austin. Abernethy, John. Hunterian Oration, for 1819, before the Eoyal College of Surgeons in London. London, 1819. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 14.) 53. 5 Abert, Col. John James. Eeport of the Examination of New Mexico. 1846, n. t. p. 8vo. (U. S. Dept. of War.) 19. 14. 9 Abingdon, Earl of. See Bertie, Willoughby. Abingdon, Eng. Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon. Ed. by Joseph Stephenson. A. D. 675-1189. London, 1858. 8vo., 2 Vols. 40. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 11 Abington, Mass. See Hobart, Benjamin. History of Abing- ton, to 1865. Boston, 1866. 12mo. 8. 10 Abnaki, or Abnaqui. See Indians of America — Abnaki. Abolitionism. See Slavery. Abortion. See Storer, H. B. Criminal Abortion in America. Phila., 1860. 8vo. 51. 11. 12 Abott, Abott a. Assassination and Death of A. Lincoln. N. Y., 1865. 12mo. 43. 14. 1 About the War. Plain Words, by a Plain Man. Anon. Phila., 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 3 Absalom's Conspiracy, or The Tragedy of Treason. London, 1680. fo. pp. 2. (Harleian Miscellany, v. 8, pp. 478- 479.) 40. 3 Ab-sa-ra-ka, Home of the Crows. See Carrington, Mrs. M. J. Phila., 1868. Sm. 12mo. Illus. and 3 maps. 19. 2 Acadia. See Hannay, James. History of Acadia. 8vo. Lon- don, 1880. 17. 3 Smith, Charles C. JN'arrative and Critical History of Amer- ica, Vol. 4, p. 133. White, William. History of Belfast. Belfast, 1827. 12mo. 17. 3 ' AcADiE. Seven Years' Explorations in British America, (1841- 48.) Alexander, Sir J. E. London, 1849. 12mo., 2 Vols. Map and Plates. 20. 9 Account of the Beginning, Transactions and Discovery of. Pansford Rogers, who Seduced so many by Pretended A.p- paritions, in the County of Morris and and State of New Jersey, 1788. Printed for every Purchaser, 1792, n. p. Reprinted 1876. 16mo. 10. 8. 2 Of the European Settlements in America. See Burk, Ed- mond. 14. 2 Of the Late Revolutions in New England, by A. B. Pub- lished at Boston by Benjamin Harris, and sold at the London Coffee House there. 1689, pp. 13. (Prince Soc. Publ. Andros Tracts, v. 2, p. 189.) 9. 3 Of the Riot at the New York Astor Place Opera House, May 10, 1849 ; with the Quarrels of Forest and Macready. N. Y., 1849. 8vo. 10. 11. 3 Showing the Progress of Georgia, etc. See Marty n, Benja- min. 14. 12 Acoustics. See Henry, Joseph. Acoustics applied to Public Buildings. Smiths. Rep. 1856. 49. 3 12 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. AcRELius, Israel, Swedish Clergyman, (b. 1714, d. 1800.) History of New Sweden; or, Settlements on the Eiver Delaware. Trans, with notes, by William M. Eeynolds. Phila. 1874. 8vo. Portrait. (Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Vol. 2.) 11. 10 New Sweden; or, The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. (New York Hist Soc. Coll., 2d Ser., Vol. 1, p. 401.) 10. 4 AcRiDiD^. See Grasshopper. Across America and Asia. See Pumpelly, Eaphael. 5th Ed. N. Y., 1871. 8vo. Map and Illus. 40. 2 Acton, Mass. Shattuck, Lemuel. History of Concord, etc. Boston, 1835. 8vo. 8. 2 Acton Monument, Unveiling of the. See Litchfield, Minn. Actors. See Fleay, F. G. On the Actor Lists, 1578-1642. (EoyalHist. Soc. Trans., Vol. 9, pp. 44-81.) 35. 9 Adam, G. Mercer. The Canadian Northwest; its History and its Troubles, from the Early Days of the Fur Trade to the Era of the Eailway and the Settler, and the Narrative of three Insurrections. Toronto, 1885. 12mo. 20. 11 Adam, William. Slavery in India. Paper presented to the General Anti-Slavery Convention. London, 1840. 8vo., p. 12. 30. 6 Adams, Andrew N. History of the Town of Fair Haven, Ver- mont, 1782-1868. Fair Haven, 1780. 8vo. Map. 7. 2 Adams, Charles Francis. Address on the Life and Services of William H. Seward. Delivered before the Legislature of New York. Albany, April 18, 1873. N. Y. 1873. 8vo. 43. 7. S. 1 Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs, by a Whig of the Old School. Boston, 1835. 8vo. 33. 7. 1 Oration, in Fall Eiver, Mass., July 4, 1860. Fall Eiver, 1860. 8vo. 9. 2 The Progress of Liberty in a Hundred Years. Oration in Taunton, 4th July, 1876. Taunton, Mass. 1876. 8vo. p. 24. (No. 16 in Mass. Pamph. Vol. 3.) 9. 2 What INlakes Slavery a Question of National Concern ? Lec- ture at New York, Jan. 30, and at Syracuse, Feb. 1, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 30. 14. 2 Editor: Works of John Adams, with Life, etc. See Adams, John. 44. 3 Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. The Canal and Eailroad Enter- prise of Boston. (Memorial History of Boston. Vol. 4, p. 111.) 9. 14 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y. 13 Adams, Charles Francis, Jr.— (continued). The Double Anniversary: '76 and '63. 4th of July oration at Quincy, Mass., 1869. Boston, 1869. p. 22. (No. 12 in Mass. Pamp. Vol. 3.) 9. 2 Earliest Explorations and Settlement of Boston Harbor. Memorial History of Boston. Vol. 1. p. 63. 9. 14 Episode of Sir Christopher Gardiner. (Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceedings. Vol. 20, pp. 60-88). 9. 4 Erie Eailroad Eow, considered as an Episode in Court. Boston, 1868. 8vo. 10. 11. 3 Historical Address. Weymouth, Mass. Proceedings. July 4, 1874. 8vo. . 8. 10 Printing of Old Manuscripts. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceedings. Vol. 20, pp. 175-185. 9. 4 Editor: New English Canaan. See Morton, Thomas. 9. 3 Eailroad Legislation. From the American Law Eeview. Boston, 1868. 8vo. 72. 13. 4 Adams, Daniel. Geography. Boston, 1827. 12mo. Illus-" trated. 40. 1 Adams, Edwin G. An Historical Discourse, in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the formation of the First Con- gregational Church in Templeton, Mass. ; with an Appen- dix, etc. Boston, 1857. 8vo. ' 25. 8 Adams, Eliphalet. See Caulkins, F. M. Memoir of William Adams and Eliphalet Adams. Cambridge, 1849. 8vo. * 43. 6. A Adams, F. G. Education and Industry. A report on the course of education adapted to the wants of common schools; made to the Kansas State Grange, at Manhattan, Dec 13, 1876. Topeka, 1877. 8vo. 56. 9. 2 Phonetic Eepresentation of Indian Languages. Paper read before the Kansas Academy of Science, l!^ov. 7, 1879. IN^ewspaper cutting. 15. 11. 2 Primitive Northern Kansas. Address before the Marshall County Old Settlers' Pioneer Association, Sept. 11, 1880. ^N'ewspaper cutting. 19. 14. 2 Adams, George. Genealogy of the Adams Family of Kingston, Mass. Boston, 1861. 8vo. 47. 1 Maine Eegister, 1855. Portland, etc., 1855. sm. 8vo. 7. 8 Adams, Henry Brooks. Civil Service Eeform. Boston, 1869. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph. Vol. 12. No. 40.) 60. 2 14 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Adams, Herbert B. Maryland's Influence in Founding a Na- tional Commonwealth. History of the Accession of Pub- lic Lands by the Old Confederation. Paper read before the Maryland Historical Society, April 9, 1877. Balti- more, 1877. 8vo. (Maryland Hist. Society Fund Pub. No. 11.) 11. 1. 3 Adams, John, President. Works; with Life, Notes and Illus- trations, by C. F. Adams. Boston, 1850-56. 8vo. 10 vols. Portraits and plates. 44. 3 I. Life. ir. Diary; aatobi)graphy; debites ia Coatiaeitil Congcds^, 1775-76. pi. Autobiography, continued; dairy; essays; papers on the Revolution, IV. Pj,per3 on the Revolution, continued; works on Government; defense of the United States, Vol. 1, V. Defense, etc., Vo'. 2. VI. Defense, etc., Vol. 3; Discourses oi D.»vila; letters to S. Adams, R. Sherman and J. Taylor. VII-X. Public papers Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law. (Hollis, Thos. True Sentiments, etc.) 1768. 8vo. No. 1 in Vol. 1. Rev. Pamph. 14. 1 Note. — The authorship is attributed to John Adams by Sabiu and AUi. bone, q. v. Chamberlain, Mellen. John Adams: the Statesman of the American Revolution. (Address.) Boston, 1884. 8vo. 43. 6. A Gibbs, Geo.-, Ed. Memoirs of the Administrations of Wash- ington and Adams. N. Y. 8vo. 2 vols. 33. 13 and Sewall, Jonathan. Novanglus and Massachusettensis; or, political ^ssays, published in the years 17?4 and 1775, on the principal points of controversy between Great Britian and her colonies. To which are added, a number of letters, lately written by President Adams, to the Hon. William Tudor, etc. Boston, 1819. 8vo. 14. 14 See Pickering, Timothy. Review of the Correspondence be- tween John Adams and William Cunningham, 1803-1812. 2d edition. Salem, 1824. 8vo. 14. 13 See Webster, Daniel. Discourse on, Aug. 2, 1826. Boston 1826. 8vo. (No. 2 in Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5.) 53. 12 and Jefferson, Thomas. Eulogies pronounced in the several States in honor of Adams and Jefferson. Hartford, 1826. 8vo. 44. 3 Adams, John Quincy. Argument before the Supreme Court of the United States, in the case of the United States vs. Cinque and others, Africans, of the Amistad, 24th Feb. and 1st March, 1841. N. Y., 1841. 8vo. 30, 14. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 15 Adams, John Quincy — (continued). Eulogy on James Madison, at the request of the Common Council of Boston, Sept. 27, 1836. Boston, 1836. 8vo. 43. 10 See Lovejoy, Eev. E. P. Introduction to the memoir of. 46. 5 The Jubilee of the Constitution. Discourse at the request of the IS". Y. Hist. Society, etc., in l^ew York, 30th April, 1839. K. Y., 1839. 8vo. 14. 10 Oration before the Cincinnati Astronomical Society, on lay- ing the corner-stone of an astronomical observatory, 10th JSTov., 1843. Cincinnati, 1843. 8vo. 49. 8 Oration in Quincy, 4th July, 1831. Boston, 1881. 8vo., pp. 40. (No. 5 in Mass. Pamph. Vol. 3.) 9. 2 Oration on Lafayette. Washington, 1835. 8vo., pp. 94. 43. 13. L Speech on the Removal of the Public Deposites and its Rea- sons. No title page. 8vo. 33. 14. 1 Editor: The Duplicate Letters, the Fisheries, and the Mis- sissippi. Documents relating to the negotiations at Ghent. Washington, 1822. 8vo. 20. 13 See Adams, C. F. Memoir. N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc. Mem. Biog, 1880, etc. Vol. 1, pp. 102. 46. 13 See Everett, Edward. Eulogy on J. Q. Adams in Boston, April 15, 1848. Boston, 1848. 8vo., pp. 71. (Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1, No. 3.) 53. 12 Same. Another copy. 44. 3 See Lunt, W. P. Discourse in Quincy, Mass., March 11, 1848, at the Interment of John Quincy Adams. Boston, 1848. 8vo. 43. 6. A. Parker, Theodore. Discourse on his Death. Boston, March 5, 1848. Boston, 1848. 8vo., pp. Qi^. (No. 11 in Misc. Pamph., Vol. 4.) 53. 12 See Quincy, Josiah. Memoir of John Quincy Adams. Bos- ton, 1858. 8vo. 44. 3 XT. S. Congress. Addresses and Funeral Solemnities on the death of John Quincy Adams. Washington, 1848. 8vo. pp. 40. Port. (Bound with Everett^s Eulogy.) Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1, No. 4. 53. 12 Same. Addresses and Funeral Solemnities on his death. 2d edition. Washington, 1848. 8vo. 43. 6 A. 1^ MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Adams, John Quincy — (continued). See Walker, Timothy. Oration on J. Q. Adams in Cincin- nati, 22d March, 1848. Cincinnati. 8vo., pp. 21. (Bound with Everett's Eulogy.) 44. 3 and Condict, Lewis. Eeport of the Minority of the Commit- tee on Manufactures, submitted to the House of Eepresen- tatives of the United States, Feb. 28, 1833. 57. 2. 2 Adams, John Quincy (grandson of the preceding). Massachu- setts and South Carolina. Correspondence with Wade Hampton, and Speech at Columbia, S. C.,Oct. 12, 1868. 33. 7. 2 Adams, Josiah. Genealogy of the Descendants of Richard Haven, of Lynn, Mass. Boston, 1843. 8vo. 47. 3 Same. 2d edition, with additional pages. Boston, 1849. 8vo., pp. 50. (Bound with preceding.) Adams, Julius W. American Inter-oceanic Ship Canals. (Amer. Soc. Civil Engineers, IN'o. 14. Ramsey Pamph. Yol, 37, No. 7.) 60. 2 Adams, Nathaniel. Annals of Portsmouth, N. H. Comprising a period of 200 years from the first settlement of the town, with biographical sketches of a few of the most respected inhabitants. Portsmouth, 1825. 8vo. 7. 11 Adams, Rev. Nehemiah. Christ a Friend. Thirteen dis- courses. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 38. 1 Sable Cloud; Southern Tale. (Pro -slavery.) Boston, 1861. 12mo. 30. 5 Sermon at Boston, Oct. 31, 1852; after the interment of Daniel Webster. 2d edition. Boston, 1852. 8vo. No. 8 in Pamph. on Daniel Webster. 44. 5 South- Side View of Slavery; three months at the South in 1854. 2d edition. Boston, 1855. sm. 8vo. 30. 6 Adams, Samuel. See Goodell, A. C, Jr. Charges against Samuel Adams. (Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceedings, Yol. 20, pp. 213-226.) 9. 4 See Wells, W. Y. Life and Public Services of Samuel Adams. Boston, 1865. 8vo. 3 vols. Portraits. 44. 3 Adams, Samuel E. xlddress before the (Minnesota) State Grange, at the Agricultural College in Minneapolis, Dec. 18, 1883. No title page. 8vo. 72. 4. 2 Adams, Thomas A. Report of the committee appointed at a meeting of the resident population of New Orleans, 12th Dec, 1872, in regard to Federal interference in the affairs of Louisiana. New Orleans, 1873. 8vo. 15. 7. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 17 Adams, W. A. French Claims prior to 1800. Brief statement of their origin, and liability of the United States to in- demnify the claimants. ]N^o title page. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 35, Ko. 13.) 60. 2 Adams, W. E. Our American Cousins. Personal Impressions of the United States. London, 1883. 32. 12 Adams, William. Life and Services of John C. Brigham; a discourse, !N"ov. 9, 1862, by request of the Bible Society. K Y., 1863. 8vo. 43. 6 B. 2 Adams, William, Pres. Mec. Soc. of London. Subcutaneous Surgery. Toner Lecture, No. ^, delivered Sept. 13, 1876. Wash., 1877. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Yol. 15.) 49. 9 Adams, William. (English navigator. B. 1575.) Yoyage to Japan, 1598-1611. (Harris, John, Kavigantium, 1705. Fol. Yol. 1, pp. 52-55.) Y Adams, William. See Adams, Eliphalet. Adams Family. See Adams, George. Genealogy of the Adams Family of Kingston, Mass. ' 47. 1 Adams Nervine Asylum, Jamaica Plain, Mass. See Jamaica Plain. 8. 8. 5 Adair, James. History of the American Indians. London, 1875. 4to. Map. 15. 9 Adair, W. P. , Cherokee Chief. Memorial of Indian Delegates, petitioning for the forfeitures of land grants of the Indians claimed by railroad corporations. (To Congress.) Wash- ington, 1880. 8vo. 15. 11. 4 Addison County, Yermont. See Swift, Samuel. Account of Addison County. (Prefixed to his History of Middlebury, 1859. 8vo.) 7. 9 Additions to Common Sense. 1776. Bvo. See Bell, Eobert. 14. I Address of the People of Great Britain, etc. 1775. 8vo. See Dalrymple, Sir John. 14. 1 to the Parliament of Great Britain on the claims of authors to their own copyright. 3d edition, not published. By a member of the University of Cambridge. 1813. (Pamph- leteer Yol. 2.) 53. 5 to the People of Eugland on the Intended Eeformation of Parliament. Anon. London, 1783. 8vo., pp. (2) 29. (Eev. Pamph., Yol. 20, :So. 3.) 14. 1 18 MINNESOTA HISWBICAL SOCIETY. Address — (continued). to the People of the Netherlands, on the Situation of Hol- land. By a Dutchman. Translated from the Dutch. Anon. London, 1782. 8vo. (Eev. Pamph., Vol. 16, No. 6.) 14. 1 Addresses by John A. Andrew, Edward Everett, B. F. Thomas, and R. 0. Winthrop, at Boston, Aug. 27, 1862. Boston, 1862. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Address to the citizens of Boston on the subject of a Rural Cem- etery. Anon. Boston, 1850. 8vo. 8. 8. 9 Adirondack Mountains. See Colvin, Verplanck. Bear Hunt- ing in the Adirondacks. Albany, 1870. 8vo. 49. 5. 5 Colvin, Verplanck. Winter Fauna of Mt. Marcy. No title page. 8vo. 49. 5. 5 Life in the Adirondacks, including the Legend of Sabaal. By one of the Q. C. n. p. 1876. 8vo. 10. 14. 2 Adirondack Forests, The. See Harrison, J. B. The Prob- lem of the Great Waterways of New York. 49. 10. 1 Adirondack Wilderness, N. Y. See Colvin, Verplanck, Report on a Topographical Survey of the Adirondack Wilderness of New York, 1872. Albany, 1873. 8vo. Maps. • 10. 9 See Smith, H. P. Modern Babes in the Wood; or, Sum- merings in the Wilderness. Added, Guide to the Adiron- dacks, by E. R. Wallace. Hartford, 1872. 12mo. Illus. 10. 9 Administration of the Colonies, 1764. 8vo. See Pownall, Thomas. 14. 1 Admiralty and Maritime Jurisdiction. See Pratt, D. D. Ad- miralty and Maritime Jurisdiction. Speech, Senate, U. ^ S., Jan. 13, 1870. Washington, 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 39, No. 57.) 60. 2 Adolphus, John. History of England, from the Accession to to the Decease of George III., (1760-1820.) London, 1840 -1845. 8vo., 7 Vols. 35. 3 Adrain, Garnett B. , of New Jersey. Speech against the admis- sion of Kansas; delivered in the House of Representatives, March 20, 1858. No title page. 8vo. 19. 14. 6 Advent, Seventh-Day. See Seventh-Day Advent. Adventism. See DufQeld, Rev. J. T. Sermon before the Synod of New Jersey. 56. 5. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 19 Adventures of Oapt. Booneville. See Irving, Washington. London, 1837. Sm. 8vo., 3 Vols. 74. 1 Advertising. See I^ewspapers. 43. 5 Aerolite. See Irish, C. W. An Account of a Detonating . Meteor. 50. 1. 1 Africa, Central. See Stanley, H. M. Through the Dark Conti- nent, around the Great Lakes of Equatorial Africa, and down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic Ocean, (1874- 77.) K. Y., 1878. 8vo. 2 Vols. Portraits, views and maps. 40. 3^ The Congo and the Founding of its Free State. 2 Vols. London, 1885. 8vo. ' 40. a South. Orange Free State Commission. Sketch of the Orange Free State of South Africa. Bloemfontein, 1875. Phila., 1876. 8vo. 52. 10. 2 West. See Canot, Theodore. Capt. Canot; Twenty Years of an African Slaver. I^. Y. and London, 1854. 12mo. 30. 12 See Tracy, Joseph. Colonization and Missions. Historical Examination of the State of Society in Western Africa. 5th ed. Boston. 8vo. 52. 10. 2 U. S. Congress. House Report of the Naval Committee, August, 1850, in favor of a line of Mail Steamers to the Western Coast of Africa. Washington, 1850. 8vo. 30. 7. 9 African Repository, Feb., 1844; Sept., 1869; March, 1871. Wash., 1844-71. 8vo. 3 Nos. 30. 7. 10 African Slave Trade in Jamaica, and Comparative Treatment of Slaves. Read before the Maryland Historical Society. N. d. 8vo. 30. 7. 5 Slave Trade. Secret Purpose of the Insurgents to revive it. Judah P. Benjamin's Intercepted Instructions to L. Q. C. Lamar, (Southern Rebellion.) 30. 7. 6 Africans. See Easton, H. Treatise on the Intellectual Char- acter and Civil and Political Condition of the Colored People of the United States. Boston, 1837. 8vo. 30.14.5 See Lewis, J. W. Essay on the Character and Condition of the African Race. (Appen. to Lewis, J. W., Life, etc.) 1860. 16mo. 43. 8 See, also. Colonization, Freedmen, Jamaica, IN'egro, Slav- ery, Liberia, etc. 20 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Agassiz, Louis Jean Rudolph. Classification of Insects from Embryological Data. Plate. (Smiths. Contr., Yol. 2.) 49. 7 Icthy ©logical Fauna of the Pacific Slope of North America. No Imprint. 8vo., pp. 46. (Amer. Jour. Arts and Scien., 2d Ser., Vol. 19.) 49. 5. 5 Lake Superior, its Physical Character, Vegetation and Ani- mals. With Narrative of the Tour, by J. Elliot Cabot. Boston, 1850. 8vo. Plates. 19. 3 Lectures at Peekines. Tribune Popular Science, 1874. Sq. 8vo. 57. 3 Notice of a Collection of Fishes from the Tennessee River. New Haven, 1854. 8vo. 49. 5. 5. Primitive Diversity of Animals in Geological Times. No title page. 8vo. 51. 5. 1 Principles of Classification in the Animal Kingdom, etc. Charleston, S. C, 1850. 8vo. 51. 3. 1 Biographical Notice of, by Ernst Favre. (Smiths. Rept., 1878, pp. 236-261.) 49. 3 California Academy of Sciences. Proceedings of the Agas- siz Memorial Meeting, Dec. 22, 1873. San Francisco, 1874. 8vo. ■ 43. 6. A See Whittier, J. G. The Prayer of Agassiz — poem. Cam- bridge, 1874. 16mo. 43. 6. A AaNEW, Daniel. Our National Constitution; its Adaptation to a State of War and Insurrection. Philadelphia, 1863. 8vo., pp. 39. An Address at Harrisburg, Pa., March 18, 1863. 30. 4. 5 Same; 2d ed. 30. 4. 1 Spirit and Poetry of Law. Address at Mt. Union College, Ohio, Oct. 1, 1865. Phila., 1866. 8vo. (Ramsey pamph. Vol. 22, No. 8.) 60. 8 Agnew, J. L. See Lee, F. D., and Agnew, J. L. History of Savannah, Ga. 17. 9 Agricultural and Mechanical Exhibition of the Northwest. List of Premiums of the ; to be held Sept. 7-11, 1874, at Dubuque, Iowa. Dubuque, 1874. 72. 9. 5 Chemistry. See Johnson, S. W. Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry. (Smiths. Rept., 1859.) 49. 3 Colleges. Memorial to Congress of a Committee appointed by a Convention held in Washington City, Feb., 1872, praying for a grant of lands for the benefit of Agricultural Colleges. Wash., 1872. 8vo. « 72. 9. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LL Agricultural — (continued). Education. See Aiken, D. W. The Grange; its Origin, Progress and Educational Purposes. Wash., 1883. 8vo. 52. 2. 5 Agriculture. See American Agriculturist, Vol. 35, 1876. New York, 1876. 4to. 72. 4 See Andrew, John A. Address at Brattlebo rough Falls. 72. 4. 1 Andrews, C. C. Spring Wheat Culture in the Northwest. Area and Product of Cereals grown in 1879, as returned by the Census of 1880. Washington, 1883. 8vo. 72. 4. 1 Barral, A. J. L' Agriculture du nord de la France. Boutwell, Geo. S. Agricultural Education. 72. 4. 2 Address at Great Barrington. Elements of Agricultural Saccess. Brewer, W. H. Agricultural Progress in the U. S. 1776- 1876. (First Century of the Eepublic, 1876. 8vo.) 14. 10 Buchanan, Eobert. Treatise on Grape Culture. Cleveland, H. W. S. Need of Drainage. Contagious Diseases of Domesticated Animals. Investiga- tions by Department of Agriculture. Engravings and map. Washington, 1883. 8vo. 72. 9. 3 Dana, Samuel L. Manures. Davis, Hon. H. G. Brief History of Agriculture. Deane, Samuel. New England Farmer; or, Georgical Dic- tionary. Worcester, Mass., 1790. 8vo. 72. 4 Dexter, John H. The Horse. Dodge, J. E. Condition of Crops. Douglas, Stephen A. Address at N. Y. State Fair. Encouragement to the Sorghum and Beet Sugar Industry. A Eecord of Practical Experiments conducted under the direction of the Commissioner of Agriculture. Wash- ington, 1883. 8vo. 72. 4. 1 Farmers' Congress of the U. S. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Session, at St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 25th to 30th, 1886. Indianapolis, 1886. 8vo. 72. 4. 2 Fievet, Constant. Exploration Agricole de Masny. Fiske, Oliver. Address at Worcester Fair. Flint, Charles L. Culture of the Grasses. Pleuro Pneumonia. Greeley, Horace. Address at Indiana State Fair. 22 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Agriculture — (continued). General Index of the Agricultural Eeports of the Patent Office for 25 years, from 1837 to 1861, and of the Department of Agriculture for 15 years, from 1862 to 1876. Washing- ton, 1879. 8vo. 72. 11 Illustrated Annual Eegister of Rural Affairs and Culti- vator Almanac for the year 1855. Engr. Albany, 1855. 12mo. 72. 4^ 1 Knight, E. H. Agricultural Implements. Illus. (Paris Expos., 1878. Vol. 5.) 52. 13 Le Oonte, John L. Subduing Insects. Le Due, Wm. G. J^eeds of the Department of Agriculture. McMurtrie, Wm. Culture of Sumac in Sicily. Manitoba, Eeports of Department of Agriculture, Crop Bulletins, etc. 72. 2. 2 Massachusetts Agricultural Eepository and Journal, for 1816 and 1825. Boston. 8vo. 1816-25. 72. 3 Maury, M. F. Address at Memphis Fair. Minnesota Farmer and Gardener, 1860-61. 8mo. 72. 4 ]N"orton, J. P. Scientific Agriculture. IN^orthrop, Cyrus. Address on Agricultural Education. St. Paul, 1887. 8vo. 72. 4. 2 Paddock, A. S. What can be done by the General Govern- ment to Advance it % Pickering, Timothy. Discourse before Essex Agricultural Society. Planters' Guide for Cultivating and Curing Tobacco. Washington, 1876. 8vo. 72. 4. 1 Prairie Farmer Annual, and Agricultural and Horticul- tur;il Advertiser, No. 1. Chicago, 1868. 12mo. 72. 4. 1 Proceedings of the American Convention of Cattle Commis- sioners, held at Springfield, III., Dec. 1-3, 1868. Spring- field, 1869. 8vo. 72. 9. 4 Proceedings of the Inter-State Agricultural Convention, held at;Bpringfield, :srov. 30 to Dec. 2, 1880. Springfield, 1881. 8vo. ' 72. 9. 4 Proceedings of the National Agricultural Congress, held in Saint Louis, Mo., May 27-30, 1872. Indianapolis, 1872. 8vo. 72. 9. 4 Proceedings of the National Agricultural Congress, held at Washington, Feb. 15-17, 1872, Washington, 1872. .8vo. • 72. 9. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 23 Agriculture — (continued). . Eichardson, Clifford. Composition of American Wheat and Corn. Eiley, C. V. The Silk-worm. Eiddle, John A. Prof. Vi lie's ]N"ew System. Eussell, Geo. E. Address before Norfolk Agricultural So- ciety. Saunders, Wm. Tea Culture. Seventh I^ational Exhibition by the United States Agricul- tural Society, to be held in the City of Chicago, Sept. 12-17, 1859. Chicago, 1859. 72. 9. 4 Shearman, Joel S. Practical Suggestions. Shelton, E. M. Eeport of Professor of Agriculture, Kansas State Agricultural College. Manhattan. 8vo. 81. 8. 5 Sheep Husbandry in the United States; its Origin and Growth. Ex. Doc. No. 25, 45th Cong. 3d Sess. Engrav- ings. Washington, 1879. 8vo. 72. 4. 1 Statement showing the Condition and Prospects of the Cane Sugar Industry in the United States. Dept. of Agr., Spe- cial Eeport, Ko. 1. Washington, 1877. 8vo. 72. 4. 1 Swine. Diseases of. United States Census Eeports. Vasey, George. Grasses of the United States. Washburn, Emory. Address at Worcester Fair. Washington, George. Fac similes of letters to Sir John Sinclair, on Agriculture. Wash., 1844. Port. 43. 14 Webb, George. The Benefits of Drainage. Webster, Daniel. Agriculture of England. Address, 13th Jan., 1840. Works, 1851. 8vo. Vol. 1. 44. 5 Wilder, M. P. Importance, etc. , of Eural Pursuits. Woodman, J. J. Agricultural Products. Paris Exposi- tion, 1878. Vol. 5. See, also. Cattle, Cotton, Fertilizers, Horticulture, Mowers, Sheep, Tobacco, Vine, Wool, etc. See, also, names of Agricultural Societies, State Boards of Agriculture, etc. Aiken, Charles. See Eoyce, N. K. Address in Cincinnati, Nov. 15, 1884, at the unveiling of the Aiken memorial. Cincinnati, 1885. 8vo. 43. 6 A. Aiken, Charles A. Exercises at his inauguration as Presi- dent of Union College. See Union College. Schenectady, N. Y. 24 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Aiken, D. Wyatt. The Grange: its origin, progress, and edu- cational purposes. Washington, 1883. 8vo. (IT. S. De- partment of Agriculture. ) 52. 2. 5 Aiken, John. Labor and Wages, at Home and Abroad. Low- ell, 1849. 8vo. 57. 10. 3 AiKMAN, William. Our Country; strong in her isolation. Discourse in Newark, on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27, 1851. Newark, N. J., 1851. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 7, No. 14. ) 53. 12 AiNSWORTH, Egbert. Abridgement of Ainsworth's Dictionary, English and Latin. By Thomas Morell. 7th edition. London, 1806. 8vo. 83 Akerman, Eichard. State of the Iron Manufacture in Sweden, 1876. Stockholm, 1876. Map. 25. 6. 1 Alabama. Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 5. Au- burn, Ala., 1884 8vo. 15. 7. 4 Governor, 1871. Message of Eobert B. Lindsay, to the General Assembly, 1871. Montgomery, 1871. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamph., Vol. 10, No. 16.) 60. 1 General Assembly. Memorial to the President and Con- gress of the United States, 1872. No imprint. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 4.) 60. 1 State Geologist. Eeport on the geology of Alabama, by M. Twomey, 1858. Montgomery, 1858. 8vo. Map. 51. 5 Superintendent of Public Instruction. Eeport, 1869. Mont- gomery, 1869. 8vo. * 15. 7. 4 See Garrett, William. Eeminiscences of Public Men in Alabama for Thirty Years. Atlanta, 1872. 8vo. 45. 3 See Hodgson, Joseph. Alabama Manual and Statistical Eegister. Montgomery, 1869. 8vo. 15. 14 Tait, J. L. Iron and Coal Lands of Alabama. 1870. No imprint. 8vo. 51. 5. 1 Baldwin, Joseph G. The Flush Times in Alabama, etc. Brewer, W. Alabama; her history, resources, war record, and public men. Montgomery, 1870. 8vo. 15. 7 Historical Society. Transactions at the meeting in Tusca- loosa, July 9-10, 1855. Tuscaloosa, 1855. 8vo. 15. 7. 4 Meek, A. B. Eomantic Passages in Southwestern History. Meek, A. B. Claims and Characteristics of Alabama His- ' tory. Oration before the Society, at Tuscaloosa, July 9, 1855. (In his romantic passages, etc. 1857.) 15. 13 New York and Mobile, 1857. 8vo. 15. 13 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 25 Alabama — (Continued). Pickett, A. J. History of Alabama, to 1830. Charleston, 1851. Sq. 12mo. 2 Vols. 15. 7 See, also, under names of Counties, Towns, etc., in the State. University of. Historical Catalogue, 1821 to 1870. Tusca- loosa, 1870. 8vo. 15. 7. 4 Meek, A. B. The Southwest; Oration before the Erosophic Society, Dec. 7, 1889. (In his ''Romantic Passages, '^ etc.) 1857. 8vo. 15. L3 Alabama. Rebel Privateer. SeeLowrey, G. P. English Neu- trality. Is the Alabama a British Pirate? Philadelphia, 1863. 8vo. 30. 11. 3 Semmes, Raphael. Cruise of the Alabama and the Sumter. New York and London, 1864. 12mo. 29. 1 Claims. American commissioners and the statement of Sir Stafford Northcote at Exeter, in relation to the claims of the United States. Washington, 1872. 8vo., pp. 20. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 1, No. 7.) 60. 1 Claims. Award of the Geneva Tribunal for Settlement of the Alabama Claims. By a citizen. Englewood, N. J., 1873. 8vo. pp.8. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 32.) 60. 1 Bemis, George. Mr. Reverdy Johnson; the Alabama Nego- tiations and their just Repudiation by the Senate. N. Y., 1869. 8vo. 33. 12. 2 Butler, B. F. Right of America to present her Claims against Great Britain for Damages without Menace. Speech, May 21, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. 33. 12. 2 Calkins, H. C. Alabama Claims' Speech, House of Repre- sentatives, Jan. 28, 1871. No title page. 8vo. pp. 8. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 5.) 60. 8 Clingman, T. L. Alabama Claims. Synopsis. Jan. 18, 1876. Washington, 1876. 8vo. 33. 12. 2 Correspondence Relative to Alabama Claims, between the Secretary of State and agent of the Great Western Insur- ance Company, in regard to applying directly to England for indemnity. (1870.) No title page. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 10, No. 17.) 60. 1 Davis, J. C. B. Mr. Sumner, the Alabama Claims and Their Settlement. N. Y., 1878. 8vo. 33. 12. 2 Johnson, Reverdy. Letter to J. A. Peters on the Washing- ton Treaty, in relation to the claim of the United States for damages. Baltimore, 1872. 8vo. 33. 122. 4 26 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Alabama — (Continued) . Memorandum, showing the manner in which the ' 'Alabama Claims" have been treated. No title page. 8vo. pp. 29. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 13, :N'o. 17.) 60. 1 Parker, J. A. Alabama Claims. I^o title page. 8vo. pp. 4. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 33, No. 9.) 60. 2 Argument upon the Alabama Claims, addressed to the Commissioners. Washington. No title page. 8vo. 33. 12. 2 Potter, C. N. Distribution of the Alabama Claims Award. Washington, 1873. 8vo. pp.11. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 23, No. 36.) 60. 8 Short History of Long Negotiations. By an American. No title page. 8vo. 33. 12. 2 See, also, Geneva Award. Alaric I., King of the Goths. See Gibbon, Edward. His- tory of Alaric. (Decline and Fall, Vol. 5.) 40. 1 Alaska. Cruise of the Eevenue Steamer Corwin in Alaska and the Northwestern Arctic Ocean, in 1881. Ho. Ex. Doc, 47th Cong., 2d sess. Washington, 1883. 4to. 68. 13 Baird, S. F. Additions to the Bird-fauna of North America, made by the Eusso-American Telegraph Expedition. (Chic. Acad, of Sci., Vol. 1, pt. 2, pp. 311-325.) Bancroft, H. H. History of Alaska. (Vol. 28, History of the Pacific States.) 25. 5 Dall, W. H. Tribes of the Extreme Northwest, (Alaska and Adjacent Territory.; U. S. Geog. Survey, Eocky Mt. Eegion, Contributions, etc.. Vol. 1. 1877. 4to. Map and Illus. 50. 2 Dall, W. H., and Bannister, H. M. Birds of Alaska. (Chic. Acad, of Sci,, Trans. Vol. 1, pt. 2, pp. 267-311. Plates.) 18. 5 Elliott, H. W. Eeport on the Seal Islands of Alaska. Plates. (U. S. Census, 10th. Vol. 8, Spec. Eepts.) 50. 10 Eeport upon the Condition of Affairs in the Territory of Alaska, (1874.) Washington, 1875. 8vo. (U. S. Dept. of the Treasury.) 20. 13 Hallock, Charles. Our New Alaska, etc. N. Y., 1886. 8vo. ' 17. 2 Petroff, Ivan. Eeport on the Population, Industries and Eesources of Alaska. (1884.) Maps and plates. U. S. Census, 10th, Vol. 8, Spec. Eepts. 50. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 27 lSka — (Continued). Sumner, Charles. Speech on the Cession of Eussian America to the United States. Washington, 1867. 8vo. Map. 20. 13. Whymper, Frederick. Travel and Adventure in the Ter- ritory of Alaska, (1862-66.) London, 1868. 8vo. Illus. Map. 20. 13 U. S. Board of Indian Com. and Dept. of War. Eeports on the Bombardment of Wrangel, Alaska, 1870. Description of the Village. Wash., 1870. 8vo. Illus. 20.13.1 U. S. Dept. of the Interior. Letter from the Secretary, relative to the Survey of Lands in the Peninsula of Kenay, Alaska. 1868, n. t. p. 8vo. 20. 13. 1 U. S. Department of War. Letter relative to Alleged Suf- fering of United States Soldiers in Alaska, Jan. 25, 1868. n. t. p. 8vo. 20. 13. 1 U. S. President, 1868. Message, Transmitting Correspond- ence in relation to Russian America, n. t. p. 8vo. 20. 13. 1 Albany, N. Y. Bradford, A. W. Commemorative Address. Albany Academy, Semi-Centennial, 1863. 8vo. 10. 12 Clarke, R. W. Heroes of Albany during the War, 1861-65. Albany, 1866. 8vo. 44. 14 Early Records of the City and County of Albany, and Col- ony of Rensselaerswyck, 1656-1675. Trans, from the Original Dutch with Notes. By Jonathan Pearson. Al- bany, 1869. 8vo. 10. 10 Munsell, Joel. Annals of Albany. Albany, 1850-59. 10 Vols. Illus. maps and portrait. 10. 3 Collections of the History of Albany, 4 Vols. 10. 3 N. Y. State Legislature. Laws relating to the New Capitol at Albany, (1865-71.) Albany, 1871. Bvo. 10. 13. 4 Papers relating to Albany and Adjacent Places, 1664-1768. Map. (O'Callaghan's Doc. Hist, of N. Y., pp. 523-553.) 10. 14 Perry, Eli. Public Buildings at Albany, N. Y. Speech, n. t. p. 8vo., p. 4. (Ramsey pamph. Vol. 5, No. 20.) 60. 1 Townsend, Absolom, and Linn, J. B. Origin of Sunday Schools in Albany. Albany, 1856. 8vo. 10. 6. 12 Academy. Annual Register, 1877-78. No imprint. Sq. 16mo. 10. 6. 11 28 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Albany, N. Y. — (Continued). Celebration of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary, Al- bany, June 23, 1863. Albany, 1863. 8vo. 10. 12 Apprentices' Library. See South wick, Solomon. Address at the opening of the library, Jan. 1, 1821. Albany, 1821. 8vo., (Misc. pamph., Yol. 8, No. 4.) 53. 12 Board of Trade. Eeport of the Trade and Commerce of Albany, 1866. Albany, 1867. 8vo. 10. 6. 14 City Dispensary Association. Eeport, 1868. Albany, 1868. 8vo. 10. 12. 6 Dudley Observatory. The Dudley Observatory and the Scientific Council. Statement of the Trustees. Albany, 1858. 8vo. 10. 14. 1 Inauguration of the Dudley Observatory, at Albany, Aug. 28, 1856. Albany, 1856. 8vo. 10. 14. 1 Gould, B. A., Jr. Eeply to the Statements of the Trus- tees. Albany, 1859. 8vo. 10. 14. 1 Letter to the Majority of the Trustees. (Signed Ob- server.) No imprint. 8vo. 10. 14. 1 Speeches of John N. Wilder and Thomas W. Olcott, June, 1858, before the Trustees, with Eesolutions of the Board. Albany, 1858. 10. 14. 1 Yan Eensselaer, S., and others. Address to the Friends of the Dudley Observatory, on the Proceedings of the Trustees, July, 1858. Albany, 1858. 8vo. 10. 14. 1 Female Academy. Circular and Catalogue, 1874. Albany. 8vo. 10. 6. 1 Exercises of the Alumnae, 1874-75-77. Albany, 1874, etc. 8vo. 10. 6. 1. First Congregational Church. Articles of Faith, and Cov - enant. Albany, 1875. 8vo. 10. 14. 4 Smart, W. S. Last Sermon in the Old Brick Edifice, Feb. 9, 1868. Albany, 1868. 8vo. 10. 6. 11 Guardian Society and Home for the Friendless. Past and Present of the Society. Albany, 1873. 8vo. 10. 12. 6 Institute. Manual, 1870. Albany, 1870. 8vo. 10. 12. 15 Colvin, Yerplanck. Certain New Phenomenon in Chem- istry. Eead befof-e the Institute, Jan. 2, 1872. No imprint. 8vo. 51. 3. 2 Colvin, Yerplanck. Narrative of a Bear Hunt in the Adirondacks. Eead before the Institute Jan. 18, 1870. o imprint. 8vo. 49. 5. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 29 Albany, N. Y. — (Continued). Colvin, Yerplanck. Winter Fauna of Mount Marcy. Bead before the Institute Jan. 4, 1876. ISo title page. 8vo. 49. 5. 5 Hough, G. W. Remarks on the Galvanic Battery. Read before the Institute Nov., 1868. Albany, 1869. 8vo. 51. 3. 1 Hun, E. B. Trichina Spiralis. Paper read before the Institute Jan. 5, 1869. Albany, 1869. 8vo. 51. 11. 3 Lansing, J. V. Frogs and their Contribution to Science. Read before the Institute. Albany, 1869. 8vo. 49. 5. 5 Meads, Orlando. Annual Address, May 25, 1871. Al- bany, 1871. 8vo. 74. 7. 1 Mosher, J. S. Water and its Impurities. Paper read before the Institute March 20, 1866. Albany, 1867. 8vo. 51. 11. 1 Paterson, John. Supplement to the Calculus of Opera- tions. Read before the Institute ^oy, 3, 1874. I^o title page. 8vo. 51. 3. 1 Peck, C. H. Paper on Botany. Read before the Insti- tute Feb. 6, 1872. ^o imprint. 1872. 8vo. 49. 5. 5 Stevens, G. T. Life as a Physical Phenomenon. Read before the Institute May 5, 1869. Albany, 1869. 8vo. 51. 3. 1 Light on Relation to Disease. Address, Dec. 19, 1875. Albany, 1877. 8vo. 51. 11. 4 Winchell, Alex. Thoughts on Casualty. Paper read before the Institute, February 2, 1875. Albany, 1875. 8vo. 51. 3. 1 Law School. Circular and Catalogue. 1858, '67, '70, '71, '73, '75, '76, '78. Albany, 1859-78. 8vo. 10.6. 8. Historical Sketch. ^N^o title page. 8vo. 10. 6. 8. First Lutheran Church. Manual. Albany, 1871. 16mo. 56. 2 Medical College. Catalogue and Circular. 1864. Albany, 1864. 8vo. 51. 4. 2 Circular and Catalogue. 1869. Albany. 8vo. 10. 6. 8 Lansing, J. V. Therapeutical Skepticism. Address 1869. Albany, 1869. 8vo. 51. 11. 5 Methodist Sunday School Union. Reports, 1871-74. 8vo. 10. 14. 4 30 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Albany, N. Y. — (Continued). Pearl Street Baptist Church. See Bridgman, C. DeW. Dis- course, Aug. 28, 1870, on leaving their old house of wor- ship. Albany, 1870. 8vo. 10. 6. 11 Penitentiary. Reports, 1868, '70-73, '75-77. Albany, 1868-77. 8vo. 10. 13. 5 Report of the Roman Catholic Chaplain, 1875. Albany, 1875. 8vo. 10. 13. 5 St. Peters Church. Rectors of, etc. Plan of Albany in 1770. (O'Callaghan, E. B. Doc. Hist, of N. Y., Vol. 3.) 10. 14 Second Presbyterian Church. Sprague, W. B. Sermon, Jan. 4, 1846, containing Sketches of the Church during thirty years from their organization. Albany. 8vo. 10. 6. 11 Sermon, Aug. 27, 1854. Twenty-five Years from the Commencement of his Ministry. Albany, 1854. 8vo. 10. 6. 12 Discourse, Sept. 3, 1865, on the Fiftieth Anniversary. Albany, 1865. 8vo. 10. 6. 11 State Street Presbyterian Church. The Young People's Society of the Church, 1870-71. Albany, 1871. Sm. 8vo. 10. 6. 12 City Tract and Missionary Society. Report, 1869. Albany, 1870. 8vo. 10. 14. 4 Trinity Church. See Selkirk, Edward. Brief History of the Parish of the Trinity Church, 1829-70. Albany, 1870. 8vo. 10. 10 University of. Circular, Dec. 27, 1870. No title page. 8vo. 10. 6. 2 Historical Sketches of the Medical College, the Law School, and Dudley Observatory. Albany, 1867. 8vo. 51. 4. 2 Historical Sketches of the Medical College, the Law School, and the Dudley Observatory. Albany, 1868. 8vo. 10. 6. 8 Ruggles, S. B., and others. Speeches in behalf of the University of Albany, March, 1852. Albany, 1852. 8vo. 10. 6. 2 Water Commissioners. Report. Sept., 1850. Albany, 1850. 10. 13. 4 Young Ladies' Institute. See Sprague, W. B. Address, June 15, 1869. Albany, 1869. 8vo. 10. 6. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 31 Albany, :N". Y. — (Continued). Directory. Sampson, Davenport & Co. 1871. Albany, 1871. 53. 10. 4 Evening Journal Almanac. See Evening, etc. Zouave Cadets. Stray EecoUections of the Experience of the, in Camp Townsend, Cooperstown, N. Y., Aug. 5-9, 1873. By P. G. Albany, 1873. Sq 8vo. 29. 2 County, N. Y. See Pearson, Jonathan. Contributions for the Genealogies of the First Settlers, 1630-1800. Albany, 1872. Sm. 4to. 46. 12 Bible Society. Eeport, 1861, 64, 65, 69 ,71, 73, 76. Albany, 1861-76. 8vo. 10. 14. 3 Brown, S. D. The Bible, The Source of True Civiliza- tion. Sermon at the Anniversary of the Society, Feb. 24. 1864. Albany, 1864. 8vo. 10. 14. 3 See also Orange county, !N". Y. Albany, the U. S. Sloop of War. See Carroll, A. E. Loss of the Albany. (Inthe "Star of the West' 0,1857. 12mo. 33. 6 Alberger, Hon. F. A. Address to the TJ. S. Senate Committee on Cheap Transportation. Important facts on the sub- ject, n. p.; n. d. 72. 13. 6. Albro, John A. The Blessedness of Those who Die in the Lord. Sermon occasioned by the death of Washington Allston, in Cambridge, Mass., July 16, 1843. Boston 1843. 8vo. 43. 6. A. Commemoration of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of his Settlement as Pastor of the First Church, and Shepard Society, Cambridge, Mass. Camb. 1860. 8vo. pp. 76. (Mass. Pamph. Vol. 2, No. 3.) 9. 2 Alcohol. See Dodge, L. P. TJseand Abuse of Alcohol. Minn. Med. Society, Trans. 1878. 22. 11 Alcorn, James L. Mississippi River Levees. Speech, U. S. Senate, Jan. 2, 1873. n. t. p. 8vo. pp. 15. (Ramsey Pamph. Vol. 23, No. 32.) 60. 8 Alden, Ebenezer. Memorial of the Descendants of John Al- den. Randolph, Mass. 1867. 8vo. 47. 1 Family. See Alden, Ebenezer. Memorial of the Descendants of John Alden. Randolph, Mass., 1867. 8vo. 47. 1 Aldrich, Cyrus. Minority Report of the Select Committee on the Pacific Railroad, in Favor of Aid to the Northern Route. April 16, 1860. n. t. p. 8vo. p. 9 (U. S. Cong. House, 36th Cong.) Nor. Pac. R. R. Pamph. Vol. 1. 22. 4 32 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Aldrich, Cyrus — (Continued). Williams, J. F. Memoir of Cyrus Aldrich. (Minn. Hist. Coll. Vol. 3. pp. 213-221.) 22. 10 Aldrich, Geo. Walpole as it Was and as it Is. History from 1749 to 1879. Also a History of One Hundred and Fifty Families. Clare mont, 1880. 8vo. Portraits. 7. 10 ALDRioaE, Reginald. Ranch Notes in Kansas, Colorado, etc London, 1884. 12mo. 17. 9 Aleutian Islands. See Dall, W. H. Remains of Prehistoric Man from the Aleutian Islands. (Smiths. Contr. Vol. 22.) 49. 14 Alexander, E. P. Reply to Circular No. 19, of the Railroad Com- missioners of Alabama. Louisville, 1881. 12mo. 72. 6. 4 Alexander the Great. See Maiden, H. E. Alexander the Great, in Afghanistan. (Royal Hist. Soc Trans. Vol. 8. pp. 223-229.) 35. 9 Alexander, Sir James E. L'Acadie; or Seven Years' Ex- plorations in British America, 1841-48. London, 1849. 12mo. 2 Vols. 20. 9 Alexander, John Henry. Index to the Calendar of Mary- land State Papers. Baltimore, 1861. 8vo. 11. 1. 3 Pinkney, William. Memoir of J. H. Alexander. Bait. 1867. 8vo. 43. 6. A. Alexander, Stephen. Statement and Exposition of Certain Harmonies of the Solar System. Wash. 1875. 4to (Smiths. Contr. to Knowl. Vol. 21.) 49. 14 Alexander, T. T. The Battle of Waterloo, as Viewed from the Battlefield in 1877. St. Paul, 1886. 8vo. 52. 10. 6 Alexander, T. T. The Topic of the Times — Tariff Tinkering and Revenue Reform, n. t. p. [St. Paul]. 8vo. 57. 2. 5 Alexander, Walter S. Funeral Sermon on Daniel Hunt. See Hyde, H. F. ' 43. 13. H. 1 Sermon at the Funeral of Dea. Job Williams, Pomfret, Conn., March 8, 1863. Norwich, 1863. 8vo. 43. 7. W. 1 Alexander, William:, Earl of Sterling, Scottish Sec. of State, b. 1580, d. 1640. An Encouragement to Colonies. London 1624. Bost., 1873. 4to (Prince Soc. Pub.) 9. 3 Selections from His Correspondence, 1754-81. (New Jersey Hist. Soc. Proceed. Vol. 5, 8.) 10. 8 Alexander, William. (Maj. Gen. in the Am. Rev.) See Duer, W. A. Life of William Alexander; with Selections from His Correspondence. ]N". Y. Published for the N. J. Hist. Soc. 1847. 8vo.Port. (K. J. Hist. Soc Coll. Vol. 2.) IQ. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 33 Alexandria, Minn. Alexandria, the Heart of the Park Ee- gion. (Map with Letter Press and Cats.) n. d. 22. 15. 5 Alfettah of I^ishapoor. Persian writer. Husn oo Dil, or Beauty and Heart. Allegory. Persian and English. Trans, by William Price. London, 1828. 4to. V. Alfred, the Great. Asser or Assercius Menevensis. Anna- les rerum gestarnni Aelfredi Magni, A. D. 849-887. (Great Britain Public Record Office, Monumenta Hist. Brit. 1848. Fo. pp. 467-498.) V. Alfred, A :N"arrative, etc, 1789. 8vo. See Withers, Phillip. Alfric, Abp. of Canterbury, the grammarian, d. 1066. Canons and Epistles. (Gr. Brit. Public Eecord Office, Ancient Laws of England, 1840. fo.) Y. Treatise on Astronomy. (Cockayne, Oswald, Leechdoms, etc. Vol. 3.) 40. 4 Ai.GrM. See Harney, W. H. Marine Algae. (Smiths. Report, 1855. Syo. pp. 87- 130.) 49. 3 Nereis Boreali- Americana; Marine Algae of North America. Plates. (Smiths. Contrib. Vol. 3, 5, 10.) 49. 7 Wood, Horatio C Jr. Fresh Water Algae of North Amer- ca. (Smiths. Contr. Vol. 19,) 21 coPd plates. 49. 14 Algebra. See Davies, Charles. Elementary Algebra. N. Y. and Cinn. 1853. 12mo. 83 Alger, Rev. Wm. Rounseville. PublicMorals;|or The True Glory of a State. (Mass. Elect. Sermon. Jan. 1, 1862. Bos- ton, 1862. 8vo.) 56. 5. 6 Algic Researches. See Schoolcraft, H. R. N. Y. 1839. Sm. 12mo. 2 Vols. 15. 8 Algonquin. See Indians of America — Algonquin. Alhambra, the. See Irving, Washington. London, 1832. 2 Vols. 74. 1 Alison, Sir Archibald. History of Europe, from the Fall of Napoleon, in 3815, to the Accession of Louis Na- poleon in 1852. Edinb. and London, 1852-54. 8vo. 3 Vols. 40. 10 Allan, Col. John. Rev. Patriot. Military Operations in East- ern Maine and Nova Scotia during the Revolutionary War, Compiled from Letters and Journals of Col. John Allan. With Notes and Memoir of Col. Allan. Albany, 1867. 8vo. Map. 7. 8 Allan, William. Battlefields of Virginia. Chancellorsville. See Hotchkiss, Jedidiah. 30. 9 5 34 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Allan, William — (Continued). History of the Campaign of General T. J. (Stonewall) Jack- son in the Shenandoah Valley. jN"ov. 4, 1861 — June 17, 1862. Phil., 1880. 8vo. Maps. 30. 9 Alleghany Academy of Music. Catalogue of Students, 1869. Friendship, Alleghany Co., N. Y., 1869. 8vo. 10. 6 City, Pa. Thurston, G. H. Pittsburgh and Alleghany in the Centennial Year. Pittsburgh, 1876. Sq. 8vo. lUust. 11. 4 Pa. First Presbyterian Church. Swifb, E. E. Brief Biog- raphies of Euling Elders in the Church. Pittsburgh, 1880. 8vo. 43. 14. 7 Mountains. Lanman, Chas. Letters from the Alleghany Mountains, K. Y. 1869. Sm. 12mo. 74. 10 Eailroad and Coal Co. Second Eeport, Charter, By-laws, Certificates, etc. 8vo. Phila., 1855 72. 6. 1 Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, Pa. Inauguration of Wm. H. Hornblower to the Professorship of Sacred Rhe- toric, etc. First Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, Nov. 15, 1871. Pittsburgh, 1872. 8vo. 11. 6. 7 Alleghany Co., Md. See Scharf, J. Thomas. History of Western Maryland. 2 Vols. Phila., 1882. 8vo. 16. 9 Alleghany Co. I^. Y. History of Alleghany Co., N. Y., with Illustrations Descriptive of Scenery, etc. N. Y., 1879, pp. 40. 392, 85. 9 Allen, Asa W. Genealogy of the Allen and Witter Families. Salem, O. 1872. 16mo. 47. 1 Allen, B. R. Christian Consolation; Sermon on the death of Mrs. Henrietta Dana. Delivered in Marblehead, April 5, 1863. 8vo. pp. 41. 43. 6. D. Allen, Charles. Attorney General of Mass. Argument Against Further State Aid to the Boston, Hartford & Erie Railroad Co. (Before a committee of the legislature.) Boston. 1870, 8vo. 72. 14. 5 Report on the Stockbridge Indians, to the Legislature of Massachusetts. Boston. 1870, 8vo. 15. 11. 4 Allen, Charles. Two Hundred Tables of Elevation Above Tide-Level of the Railroad Stations, etc., in and Around Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, 1878. 8vo. map. (Pa. 2d Geol. Survey, Appen. N.) 11- 10 Allen, Rev. Ethan. Maryland Toleration; Sketches of the Early History of Maryland to 1850. Bait. 1855, 8vo. 11. 1. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 35 Allen, Frederick H. Commercial Aspect of the Hawaiian Reciprocity Treaty. Wash. 1883. 8vo. 33. 12. 3 Allen, George. Speech on Ministers Leaving a Moral King- dom to Bear Testimony against Sin; the Constitution a Shield for Slavery. Before the Convention of Ministers of Worcester County, Mass., 16th Jan., 1838. Boston. 8vo. 30. 14. 1 Sketch of. By F. P. Rice. Worcester Soc. of Antiq. Pro- ceedings, 1883. 9. 10. 2 Allen, Geo. W. Seymour, Horatio. His Past and Present Position. Ko title page. 8vo. pp.4. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 30, No. 13.) 60. 8 Allen, H. Monograph of the Bats of North America. Wash- ington, 1864. 8vo. pp. 85. Illustrated. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 7.) 49. 2 Allen, Ira. Natural and Political History of Vermont. 1798. (Vermont Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1., p. 319-499.) 7. 9 Remarks on the Proceedings of the State of New York against the Statelof Vermont. (Vermont Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1, pp. 109-144.) 7. 9 Allen, James. Considerations on the Present State of the In- tercourse between His Majesty's Sugar Colonies and the United States. At a meeting of the West India planters and merchants, London, May 14, 1784. No imprint. 8vo. pp. 54. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 12.) 14. 1 Allen, James. (Captain U. S. A.) Report of Expedition to the River Des Moines, Blue Earth, etc. 1844. No title page. 8vo. pp.18. (U. S. Dept. of War.) 19.14.5 Allen, Joel Asaph. Monograph of North American Rodentia. See Cones, Elliott, Monographs, etc. 1877. 4to. 50. 8 Bibliography of Cetacea and Sirenia.U. S. (Geol. Survey Bulletin, Vol. 6, No. 3.) 49. 5. 1 Allen, Jot^n K. (and Salter, Edwin). Genealogical Sketches of Roger Ailing, of New Haven, Conn., 1639; of Gilbert Allen, of Morristown, N. J., 1736; and Thomas Bancroft, of Dedham, Mass., 1640; and some of their descendants. Lansing, 1883. 8vo. 25. 7. 1 Allen, Jolly; Loyalist in the American Revolution. Account of His Sufferings and Losses. With preface and notes by Mrs. F. M. Stoddard. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Mass. Hist. Soc, February, 1878. Boston, 1883. 8vo. 44. 2 36 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Allen, Joseph. Genealogical Sketches of the Allen Family of Medfield. Boston, 1869. 47. 1 Half-Oentury Sermon. Discourse at the fiftieth anniversary of his settlement as pastor of the First Congregational Church in Northborough, Massachusetts. Cambridge, 1867. 8vo. 43. 6. A. The Worcester Association and its Antecedents; a History of Four Ministerial Associations: the Marlborough, the Wor- cester (old), the Lancaster, and the Worcester (new) Asso- ciations. With biographical notices of the members, etc. Boston, 1868. 12mo. 25. 2 Allen, Myron O. History of Wenham, Mass. 1639-1860. Boston, 1860. 12mo. 8. 3 Allen, Nathan. Health of Lowell. Paper read Nov. 13, 1884, before the Old Eesi dents' Historical Association. (See contributions of same. Vol. 3, p. 145.) 8. 2. 3 Allen, Orlando. Sketch of the Life and Character of. By W. C. Bryant. (Buffalo Historical Society Publications, Vol. 1.) 10. 5 Allen, Paul. History of the American Revolution. Balti- more, 1822. 8vo. 2 vols. 14. 9 Allen, Stephen M. Miles Standish, with Account of the Ex- ercises of the Consecration of the Monument Ground, Duxbury, Aug. 17, 1871. Boston, 1871. 8vo. 43. 7. S. 1 Standish Monument, Duxbury. Charter, Organization and Breaking Ground. Laying Corner-stone, Oct. 7, 1872. Boston, 1873. 8vo. 43. 7. S. 1 Allen, Thomas. A sermon preached before His Excellency, James Sullivan, Esq., Governor, etc. (Massachusetts Elec- tion Sermon, 1808.) Boston, 1808. 8vo. 56. 5. 3 Eecollections of the Stockbridge Indians. (See Berkshire, Canby, Mass., Jubilee., p. 197.) Albany, 1845. 8vo. Allen, Thomas (of Mo.). I^ational Politics. Address at St. Charles, Mo.. May 22, 1878. Ko title page. 8vo. 33. 7. 5 Progress of the Eepublic. Discourse at St. Louis, April 25, 1876. St. Louis, 1876. 8vo. 74. 7 U. S. Congress. Memorial Addresses. Washington, 1884. 8vo. 47. 7 Allen, Wilkes. The History of Chelmsford, Mass., from its origin in 1653, to the year 1820; together with a historical sketch of the church, and biographical notices of the first four pastors. To which is added a Memoir of the Paw- tuckett Tribe of Indians. Haverhill, 1820. 8vo. 25. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 37 Allen, William. American Biographical and Historical Dic- tionary. 2d ed. Boston, 1832. 8vo. 43. li Historical Discourse, in Dorchester, Mass., Jan. 2, 1848, on the Fortieth Anniversary of the Second Church. Boston, 1848. 8vo. pp. 30. (Miscellaneous Pamph., Yol. 18, ^o. 13.) 53. 6. A Poem, delivered at the Berkshire Jubilee, Au^. 22, 1844. (See Berkshire County, Mass., Jubilee, etc., pp. 67-87.) Albany, 1845. 8vo. 25. 1 A Sermon Preached before His Excellency, Caleb Strong, Esq., Governor, etc. (Massachusetts Election Sermon, 1813.) Boston, 1813. 8vo. 56. 5. 3 Allen, William. History of Industry, Maine. From the First Settlement in 1791 to 1868. 2d ed. Enlarged. 1869. Skowhegan, 1869. 8vo. 7. 8. 3 History of Norridgewock, Maine. Norridgewock, 1859. 1 2mo. Illustrated. 7. l Allen, William. Killing no Murder. See Titus, Col. Silas. Allen, William B. History of Kentucky; Gleanings, Eemin- iscences. Biographical Sketches, etc. 1771-1807. Louis- ville, 1872. 8vo. 18. 12 Allen, William P. Address before the Graduating Class of the Law Department of Hamilton College, July, 15, 1857. TJtica, 1857. 8vo. 10. 6. 4 Allen, William Francis, and others, editors. Slave Songs of the United States. ^. Y., 1867. 8vo. 30. 5 Allen, Zachariah. Defense of the Ehode Island System of Treatment of the Indians. Address before the Ehode Island Historical Society, A.pril 10, 1876. Providence, . 1876. 8vo. 8. 6 Memorial of Eoger Williams. Paper read before the Ehode Island Historical Society, May 18, 1860. JS'o title page. 16mo. 43. 7. W. 1 Native Indians of America. Address before the Ehode Island Hist. Soc, Dec. 4, 1879. (Ehode Island Hist. Soc. Proceedings, 1879. 8vo.) 8. 7. 7 See Perry, Amos. Memorial of Zachary Allen. 1795-1882. Cambridge, 1883. 8vo. Port. 43. 2 Allen Family. See Allen, A. W. Genealogy of the Allen and Witter Families. Salem, O., 1872. 16mo. Port. 47. 1 Allen, Joseph. Genealogical Sketches of the Allen Family of Medfield, Mass. Boston, 1869. 16mo. Port. 47. 1 38 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Allibone, Samuel Austin. Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors. Phila., 1863. 1871, imp. 8vo. 3 vols. Alling (or Allen) Family. See Allen, J. K., and Salter, Edwin. Genealogical Sketches of Eoger Ailing and Gil- bert Allen. 47. 1 Allison, William B. The Tariff. Speech, H. of R. March 24 and 25, 1870. Wash. 1870, 8vo. pp. 20. (Ramsey Pamph. Vol. 28, ^o. 46.) 60. 2 Allouez, Claude, le pere. Narrative of a voyage to the Illi- nois, 1676. (Shea, J. G., Mississppi Valley, hist. coll. of Louisiana. Vol. 4, pp. 67-77.) 20. 3 Margry, Pierre. Notice sur le pere Allouez. (Decouvertes, etc., 1876-83. 8vo. Vol 1, pp. 57-72.) 20. 11 Journal du voyage dans les pais des Outaouacs (Wisconsin.) In Le Mercier's Relation, 1667. (Relations des Jesuites. 1858. 8vo. Vol. 3.) 20. 3 Allston, Washington. See Albro, J. A. Sermon occasioned by his death in Cambridge, July 16, 1843. Boston, 1843. 8vo. 43. 6 A. Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. (National Port. Gallery. Vol.1.) 44. 6 Sumner, Charles. The Scholar, etc. 1846. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6, No. 7.) 53. 12 Allyn, Rev. John. A Sermon Preached in the Audience of . his Excellency, Caleb Strong, Esq., Governor, etc., (Mass. Elec. Sermon, 1805. Boston 1805.) 8vo. 56.5.3 Almanacs. Albany Evening Journal Almanac, 1859-62. Al- bany. 8vo. 53. 10. 4 American Almanac and Depository of Useful Knowledge. 1830-1861. Vols. 1-32. Boston and New York. 12mo. 33. 1 American Almanac and Treasury of Facts, etc. 1879-1886. N. Y. 12mo. 33. 8 American Baptist Year Book. 1872-1884. Philadelphia. 12vo. 38. 11 American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac for 1886, by Simon Newcomb. Washington, 1883. 8vo. 50. 1 The American Ladies' and Gentlemens' Pocket Almanac, etc., for 1801. American Tract Society. Family Christian Almanac. 1847, '50-'52, '58, '61, '63, '66, 'SQ. N. Y. 16mo. 51. 10. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 39 Almanacs — (Continued). Astronomical Diary, 1801, by H. S. Stafford. New Haven. 8vo. 53. 10. 2 British Almanac. 1828-1872. London. 12mo. 40 Vols. (Society for Diff. Useful Knowledge.) 35. 1 Centennial Almanac. Philadelphia. 4to, pp. 34. 52. 14. 7 Church Almanac. 1866, '67, '68, '69, '70, '71, '73, '74, '75, '77-' 80. N. Y. 53. 10. 9 Cincinnati Chronicle Almanac. 1871. Cincinnati. 12mo. 53. 10. 4 Comic Alminac. 1842. N. Y. 4to. Illustrated. 53. 10. 2 Comic Almanac, Turner's. 1845. N". Y. 8vo. 53. 10. 1 Congregational Almanac. 1846. Boston. 12mo. 53. 10. 7 Delano, Minn., Eagle Annual for 1886. Delano. 12mo. 53. 10. 4 Democrat's Almanac. 1841. Boston. 12mo. 53. 10. 2 Democratic Almanac. 1869. I:^. Y. 18mo. 53. 10. 2 Deatscher Kalender. 1869. Cincinnati. 8mo. 53. 10. 1 Dillon & Tuttle, Publishers Abridgment of the Nautical Al- manac. 1867. N. Y. 1866. 8vo. 53. 10. 1 Elgin Watch Company, Chicago, Almanac. 1876. Chicago. 8vo. 53. 10. 1 Farmers' and Mechanics' Almanac. 1873. Philadelphia. 4to. 53. 10. 1 Financial Reform Almanack for 1878, '80, '82, '84. London. 8vo. 52. 10. 3 Harvey, Arthur, and Lowe, John. Year-book and Alma- nac of Canada, 1870, '71, '79. Montreal. 8vo. 20. 9. 1 Homans, J. S., Jr. Merchant's and Banker's Almanac for 1869. N. Y., 1869. 33. 8 Hunt, J. W. Wisconsin Almanac. 1856. Milwaukee. 16mo. 19. 5. 6 Hutchin's Improved Family Almanac. 1859. By S. H. Wright, St. Paul, 8vo. 53. 10. 2 Illustrated Annual of Rural Affairs. 1855. 72. 4. 1 Independent Almanac. 1884. N. Y., 1883. 53. 10. 4 Keeler, O. F. Mississippi Almanac for 1866. Columbus, Miss., 1866. 16mo. 15. 7. 3 Living Church Annual. 1882. 53. 10. 10 Lyon County, Minn., News. 1882. 53. 11. 6 Massachusetts Register and U. S. Calendar. 1836-45. Bos- ton, 1836-45. 18mo. 3 Vols. 8. 10 40 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Almanacs — (Continued). Methodist Almanac. 1875. N. Y. 12mo. 53. 10. 7 Methodist Almanac, Southern. 1860. Nashville, Tenn., 1860. 12mo. 53. 10. 7 Methodist Year Book for 1886. N. Y., 1886. 12mo. 53. 10. 7 Metropolitan Catholic Almanac. 1844-45. Baltimore, 1843. 16mo. 53. 10. 7 Minneapolis Evening Journal, 1880-82. 53. 11. 4 Minneapolis Mirror Almanac, 1882. 53. 11. 4 Minnesota University for 1871-72. Minneapolis, 1870-72. 24. 2 ISTast, Thomas. Illustrated Almanac. 1872. N^. Y., 1871. 8vo. 53. 10. 1 National Almanac and Annual Eecord for 1863-64. Phila- delphia, etc., 1863-64. 8vo. 2 Vols 33. 8 The National Temperance Almanac. 1869-1885 (except 1882.) 2 Vols. bd. and 4 Pamphlets. N. Y., v. d. 16mo. 53. 11. 1 New York Almanac, 1870-72. N. Y., 1869-70. 8vo. 53. 10. 1 New York Herald Almanac, 1877. N. Y., 1877. 8vo. 53. 10. 1 N. Y. City. Washington Life Insurance Co. 1881. N. Y. 1880. 8vo. Illustrated. 53. 10. 1 N. Y. State Temperance Society. Temperance Almanac, 1836. Albany, 1835. 8vo. 53. 10. 2 Old Farmer's Almanac, 1848, '56, '74, '81. By E. B. Thomas. Boston, 1847-80. 12mo. 53. 10. 5 Old Franklin Almanac, 1869. Philadelphia, 1868. 8vo. 53. 10. 1 Oliver and Boyd, Publ. New Edinburgh Almanac and National Eepository for 1872. Edinburgh, 1871. 18mo, 35. 4 People's Almanac, 1841-42. Boston, 1840-41. Syo. 53. 10. 2 Philadelphia Public Ledger Almanac, 1874, '76, '77. Phil- ladelphia, 1873-76. 8vo. 53. 10. 4 Phrenological Almanac, Illust., 1858. By L. N. Fowler. N. Y., 1857. 8vo. 53. 10. 1 Prairie Farmer Annual for 1868. 72. 4. 1 Presbyterian Historical Almanac, 1890, '62, '64, '65. 56. 13 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 41 Almanacs — (Continued). Presbyterian Family Almanac, 1857. Philadelphia, 1856. 8vo. 53. 10. 7 Presbyterian Publishing Committee, Philadelphia. Ameri- can Presbyterian Almanac, 1855, '57, '60, '61. Philadel- phia, 1854-66. 12mo. 53. 10. 7 Protestant Episcopal Almanac, 1871, '74, '75, '79, '81, '82. 53. 10. 8 Eichardson, David. Almanac, 1861. Richmond, Ya., 1860. Sm. 8vo. 53. 10. 2 Eoxbury Almanac. By George Adams, 1847. Boston 1846. 8vo. 53. 10. 2 St. Paul Dispatch Almanac, 1879. 53. 11. 4. Spofford, A. E., editor. American Almanac and Treasury of Facts, 1879-86. N. Y. and Washington, 1879-86. 12mo. 8 vols. ' 33. 8 Stickney, IM. A. Almanacs and their Authors. (Essex In- stitute Coll. Yols. 8-14.) 8. 4 Strickland & Co., Publ. Almanac, 1868. Milwaukee, Wis., 1867. 8vo. 53. 10. 2 Superior, Wis., Times Annual for 1886. 53. 11 4. Thom, Alexander. Irish Almanac and Official Directory of Great Britain, 1872. Dublin, 1872. 8vo. 35. 2 Isaiah Thomas' Almanacks for 1799, 1800, 1801, 1803. Wor- chester, v. d. 12mo. 53. 10. 11 Tribune Almanac and Political Register, 1856-73. N. Y., 1856-73. 8vo. 2 Yols. 33. 8 Unitarian Association, American. Year book, 1868-69. Bos- ton 1867-68. 8vo. 53. 10. 7 University of Minnesota Almanac for 1872. Minneapolis, 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlet, Yol. 1, :N'o. 13.) 60. 1 Webster's Calendar, or Albany Almanac, 1867-77 (except '68, '74, '75.) 52. 10. 3. Whig Almanac and United States Eegister, 1854-55. IS". Y., 1844-55. 8vo. (Bound in 1 Yol.) 33. 8 Woman's Eights Almanac, for 1858. 57. 4. 1 World (X. Y.) Almanac, 1873-74. N. Y., 1872. 12mo. 53. 10. 4 Almanack for 1876, with a guide to the Bahamas. :N'assau, New Providence, 1876. 8vo. 52. 3. 1 A' Lord, G. Short Narrative and Military Experience. N. Y. n. p., n. d., 32mo. 30. 11. 4 6 42 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Alphabet. See Sawyer, W. C. Letters on Embarrassment to Literature. Wise. Acad, of Science, Transactions, Vol. 4, pp. 51-55. 19. 12 1 Wakefield, Gilbert. Origin of Alphabetical Character. (Manchester, Eng., Lit. and Philos. Soc. Vol. 2.) 35.8 Alps, The. See Cheever, Geo. B. W anderings of a Pilgrim, etc. 52. 3 Alsop, George. Character of the Province of Maryland. In four parts. Also a small Treatise on the Wild and Naked Indians (or Susquehanokes) of Maryland, with Historical Letters. IS'ew ed., with introduction and notes, by J. G. Shea. (1666.) K Y., 1869. 8vo. 11.1 Alsted, Johann Heinrich (German writer, 1588-1638.) Pan- acea Philosophica. Herborna !N'assoviorum, 1610. 8vo. 56. 2 Altitudes, Barometric. See Macomb, M. M. Tables of Barometric Altitudes. 50. 7 Alton, III. See Beecher, Edward. Narrations of Riots at Alton. Alton. 1838. 12mo. 18. 5. Alton, III. See Lincoln, W. S. Alton Trials: of W. S. Gil- man, and others, for riot, etc. 18. 15 Alvarez, Fernando, de Toledo, Capitan. Purem Indomitio. Poema, &c. Publicado bajo la direccion de Don Diego Barros Arana. Liepzig, 1862. 8vo. (Bibliotheca Ameri- cana, No. 1.) 32, II. (Narrates the Indian insurrection of 1598. in Chili.) Alyord, Gen. Benjamin. Remarks upon the Reorganization of the Army. Washington, 1876. 8vo, pp. 12. (U. S. Dept. of War.) 51. 9. 1 Statement in reply to inquiries relating to Staff Organiza- tion. (U. S. Cong., House Letters, etc. Ramsey Pamph- lets, Vol. 34, No. 6.) 60. 2 Tangencies of Circles and of Spheres. No imprint. 4to. 9 plates. (Smiths. Contrib. Vol. 8.) 49.7 Alvord, Clark. Past, Present and Future of Greenbacks, in- cluding the National Currency Law. (By a Republican Farmer.) Milwaukee, 1868. 8vo. 33. 7. 9. Alvord, J. W. Report on Schools for Freedmen, 1867-69. Washington 1867-69. 8vo. (U. S. Dept. of War, Bureau of Freedmens, etc.) 30. 7. 7. A.LV0RD Family. Burke and Alvord Memorial. See Burke Family. 47. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY: Alzog, Rev. John. Manual of Universal Church History. Trans, by Rev. F. J. Pabisch and Rev. Thos. S. Byrne. 3 Vols. (From the Catholic standpoint.) Cincinnati, 1874-8. 8vo. 42. 4 Amazon, The River. See Herndon, W. L., and Gibbon, Lard- ner. Explorations of the Valley of the Amazon (1850- 52.) Washington, 1853-54. 8vo. Part. 1-2. 52. 5. Warren, J. Esaias. Para. Scenes and Adventures on the Banks of the Amazon. N". Y., 1851, 12mo. 52. 5 Winsor, Justin. The Amazon and El Dorado. Valley of the. See Bulfinch, Thomas. Voyage of Madame G-odin down the Amazon. 20-6 Ambler, Richard C. Sketch of James Beebee. Read before the Fairfield County Historical Society, Sept. 8, 1882. Boston, 1884. 8vo. 43. 6. Ambrose, D. Leib. History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry. (Southern Rebellion.) Springfield, .'868. 12mo. 29. 11 Ambrose, Paul, pseud. Sae Kennedy, J. P. (Mr. Ambrose's Letters, etc.) America. For catalogues of books relating to America, see Catalogue^ sale. Account of two Maps of America, published respectively in 1850 and 1855. By Henry Phillips, Jr. Q^. J. Hist. Soc. proc. Vol. 6.) 10. 8. 1. See Anderson, A. C. ]N'otes on J^orthwestern America. 10. 10. 6 Anburey, Thomas. Travels through the Interior Parts of America, etc. 2 Vols. London, 1791 8vo. l6. 3 Anderson, A. C. -^otes on IN'orth western America. 19, 10. 6 Baldwin, J. D. Ancient America; Notes on American Archaeology. 15. 13 Bpnnycastle, R. H. Spanish America, etc. 52. 3 Burke, Edmund. Account of the European Settlements in America. 14:. 2 Charlevoix, P. F. X de. Fask's Chronologiques des Nouveau Monde, etc. Climate, the Effects Upon Europeans. See Thaler, N. S. Narrative and Crit. History of America. Vol. 4. p. 10. Disturnell, J. Influence of Climate in North and South America. 4^- 1^ Gaffard, Paul. Etude sur les Rapports de I'Amerique et de F Ancien Continent, etc. 16.12 44 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. America — (Continued). Gordon, James Bentley. Historical and Geographical Me- moir. 16. 14 Hellwald, Frederick von. The American Migration. 49. 3 Hazlitt, Wm. Editor, Tabor's History of the Colonization of America, 2 Vols. London, 1851. 12mo. 16. 2 Itinerant Observations in America, 1745. 15. 13 Leland, Charles G. Discovery of America by the Chinese Buddhist Priests in the Fifth Century. London, 1875. 12mo. 16. 15 Mcodemus, W. J. L. Ancient Civilization of America. 19. 12. 1 Ogilby, John. America, the Latest and Most Accurate Description of the New World. V. Plumier, Charles. Description des Plantes de I'Amer- ique. V. Eafn, C. C. Memoiresur le decouverte d I'Amerique. 40. 9 Eich, Obadiah. Catalogue of Books Eelating to Amer- ica. 74. 10 Eoorbach, O. A. Catalogue of American Publications, 1820-52. 74. 10 Sabin, Joseph. Dictionary of Books Eelating to Amer- ica. 74. 10 Sarmiento, D. F. Korth and South America; a Dis- course, etc. 8. 13 Scherer, J. B. Eecherches Historiques et Geog. sur le nouveau monde. 20. 8 ^Thomas, Isaiah. History of Printing in America, pre- vious to 1776. 9. 10 Thompson, G. A. Kew Theory of how America was Peopled. 49. 10 Yries, D. P. de. Voyages from Holland to America, 1632-1644. 20. 12 "Winterbotham, Wm. Historical, Geographical, etc.. View of America, 1799. 33. 5 Also Names of its Different States and Countries, Peru, TJ. S., etc. America, Antiquities. See Archaeological Institute of Amer- ica. 15. 11. 1 Bradford, A. W. American Antiquities. 15. 10 Gibbs, George. Instruction for Eesearch Eelative to the Ethnology, etc. 49. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 45 America, Antiquities — (Continued). Habel, S. Sculptures of Santa Lucia Cosumalwhuapa, Guatemalia. 49. 14 Jones, Geo. History of Ancient America Anterior to Co- lumbus. 15. 10 Lubbock, John. Korth American Archaeology. 49. 3 Nadaillac, Marquis de. Prehistoric America, etc. London, 1885. 8vo. 16. 4. IS'orth west Coast; Eesults of Eecent Ethnological Eesearches, etc. N. Y. n. d. fo. • 85. 8 Phillips, Henry. Supposed Euniclnscriptions at Yarmouth, N. S. 15.11.1 Priest, Josiah. American Antiquities and Discoveries in the West. 15. 10 Putnam, C. E. Vindication of the Authenticity of the El- ephant Pipes, etc. 15. 11. 1 Eau. Charles. Archaeological Collection in the National Museum. 49. 14 Palenque Tablet in the l^ational Museum. 49. 14 Wilson, Daniel. Prehistoric Man. 15. 10 See, also, Indians, Antiquities, Mounds, Northmen, etc. Archaeological Institute of; Bulletin Jan. 1883. Boston, 1883. 8vo. 15. 11. 1 Contents: 1. Report by A. F. Bandelier on Investigations in New Mexico, 1882. Notes of a Terra Cotta from Cyprus, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, N. Y., by T. W. Ludlow. Report, 1884, and Report of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1883-84-86. Cambridge, 1883-6. 8vo. America, Historical. See Frost, John. Pictorial History of America. 14. 6 Holmes, Abiel. American Annals. 1492-1806. 14. 10 Leland, C. G. Discovery of America, etc. 16. 15 Lossing, B. J. Our Country; a Household History, etc. 16. 7 Robertson, Wm. History of America, 1492-1652. 40. 14 Willson, Marcius. American History. 14. 13 See Winsor, Justin, l^aming of America. Critical and Bibliographical Notes on Yespucius, etc. (ITar. and Crit. Hist, of Amer. Vol. 11, p. 183.) 25. 9 46 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. America. Historical — (Continued). Winsor, Justin. Early Maps of Cartography of America, etc. (Nar. and Crit. Hist, of Amer. Vol. 11.) 25. 9 Winsor, Justin, Editor, and Others. ^N'arrative and Criti- cal History of America. 25. 9 America and the Americans. See Murat, N. A. 33. 10 Archaeological Institute of. See Arch., etc. 15. 11. 1 British. See British America. See ateo Canada; Anticosti, Ungava Bay, etc. Central. See Blair, F. P. Jr. Speech on the Acquisition of Central America, 1858. 33. 7. 1 Carroll, A. E. Central America. 33. 6 Davis, Asahel. Lecture on the Antiquities of, 1840. 14. 13. 1 Everett, Edward. Speech on the Central American Treaty, 1853. 33. 12. 3 Galindo, Don Juan. Euins of Copan, etc. 9. 10 Gallatin, Albert. IsTotes on the Semi-Civilized Nations of Mexico, Yucatan, etc. 15. 10 Holden, E. S. Studies in Central America Picture Writing. 50. 7 Miles, Nathaniel. Plan for the Construction of a Ship Canal. 60. 1 Morelet, Arthur. Travels in Central America, 186-? 52. 3 Eosny, Leon de. L'ecriturehieratique de FAmerique Cen- trale. Squier, E. G. Travels in Central America. 15. 14 Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in. 2 Vols. 1841. 52. 3 Sullivan, J. T. Historical and Technical Information Eelat- ing to the Problem of Inter oceanic Canal via the Isthmus. 49. 13 Isthmus of. See Pitman, R. B. Practicability of Join- ing the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by a Ship Canal, etc. 20. 5 See, also, Darien, Isthmus of; Guatemala; Kicarauguaj Yucatan; etc. See Hazlitt, Wm., Editor. Talvi's History of the Coloniza- tion of America. 2 Vols. London, 1851. 12mo. 16. 2 America, North. See Kidder, Frederic. Discovery of North America by John Cabot, 1497. 14. 13. 1 Shoeppf, J. D. Climate and Diseases of America. 51. 11. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 47 America, I^ortli. See Gordon, James Bentley. Historical and Geographical Memoir of the North American Con- tinent, etc., Dublin, 1820. 4to. 16. 14 Eobinson, Conway. Account of Discoveries and of Voy- ages along the Atlantic Coast, etc. Eicllmond, 1845. 8vo. 16. 13 Shaler, N. S. Physiography of North America. (Narra- tive and Grit. Hist, of Amer., Yol. IV. p. i.xxx.) 25. 9 Verazzano, Giovanni de. Voyage along the Coast of North America from South Carolina to New Foundland, 1524. 10. 4 The Naming of. See Winsor, Justin. (Nar. and Crit. Hist, of Amer., Vol. 2.) 25.9 See, also, British America, British Columbia, Canada, Mex- ico, U. S., and other divisions. Eussian. See Alaska. % Hale, E. E. Magellan's discovery. 25. 9 South. See Brackenridge, H. M. Voyage to South Amer- ica in the years 1817 and 1818. 2 Vols. Bait., 1819. 8vo. 42.10 Humboldt (F. H.) A. von. Travels to the Equinoctial Ee- gions, 1799-1804. 52. 5 Lettres Edifiantes, etc. 1780-83. 20. 8 Eojas. F. M., y. Exploracion Official, Comprendiendo Venezuela, Guayana inglesa, etc. 52. 5 Sullivan, Edward. Eambles and Scrambles in. 22. 1 ' Wilkes, Charles. U. S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-42. 49. 13 See, also, Amazon, Andes, Chili, Peru, etc. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. See White, D. A. Eulogy on John Pickering, president, delivered Oct. 28, 1846. 43. 9 Agriculturist. Vol. 35, 1876. New York, 4to. 72. 4 Almanac and Depository of Useful Knowledge, 1830-61. 12mo. 24 Vols. 33. 1 See Spofford, A. E., Editor., 1879-87, 33. 8 and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. Eeport,- 1853. 30. 78 American Foreign Bible Society Eeport, 1843. (Misc. Pamph. Vol. 13, No. 1.) 53. 6 Annals. See Holmes, Abiel. 2 Vols. 1808. 14. 10 Annual Eegister, 1825-33. 5 Vols. N. Y. 8vo. 63. 14 Of Public Events, 1831-32. Brattleboro, 1833. 8vo. 53.14 48 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American Antiquarian, The. Quarterly Journal Devoted to Early American History, Ethnology and Archaeology. 6 Vols. 8vo. Chicago, 1878-86. 25. 3 American Antiquarian Society. Account of the Society, in- corporated'Oct. 24, 1812. Boston, 1813. 8vo. 9. 3 Address to the Members of the Society; with the Laws and Regulations, and a List of Donations. Worcester, 1819. 8vo. 9. 3 By-Laws, Oct., 1831. ^o title page. 18mo. 9. 3 Catalogue of Books in the Library. Worcester, 1837. 8vo. 74. 13 Communication from the President (Isaiah Thomas) to the Members, Oct. 24, 1814. Worcester, 1814. 8vo. 9.3 Memorial of S. F. Haven, librarian. Worcester, 1882. # 8vo. 42. 13. 11. 2 Officers, 1812-1881; with Lists of Members, 1881. Wor- cester, 3881. 8vo. 9. 10. 1 Proceedings at a Special Meeting, Jan. 17, 1865, in Refer- ence to the Death of Edward Everett. Boston, 1865, 8vo. 43. 3 Proceedings, 1839, 43, 49-84. Cambridge, etc. 8vo. 8 Vols, bd. 9.3 Publications of the Society, Compiled by I^athaniel Paine. Worcester, 1883. 8vo. 9. 10. 1 Report at the Annual Meeting, Oct., 1821. n. t. p. 8vo. 9.3 Transactions and Collections. Worcester, 1820-74. 8vo. 6 Vols. Contents: (In part.) Atwater, Caleb; Antiq. in Ohio. V. 1. Davis, John, Memoir of. yol. 3. Galindo, Don Juan, Ruins of Copan in Central America. Vol. 2. Gallatin, Albert, Indian Tribes. V. 2. Gookin, Daniel. Christian Indians. V. 2. Hen- nepin, Louis, Discovery of the Mississippi. V. 1. Hull, John, Diaries. Vol. 3. Joselyn, John, New England's Varieties Dis- covered. V. 4. Lane, Sir Ralph, Life of. Massachusetts Records. V. 3. Original Documents, Illustrating the History of Virginia. V. 4. Thomas, Isaiah, History of Printing, etc. Vols. 5 and 6. Thomas, Isaiah, Memoir of. Vol. 2. Winthrop, T. L., Memoir of. V. 3. Voyage to Spitzbergen (1613). V. 4. Wingfield, E. M., Discourse of Virginia. V. 4. Jenks, Wm. Address to the Society, Oct. 23, 181 3. Bos- ton, 1813. 870. • 9. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 4& American Antiquarian Society— (Continued). Lapham, I. A. Antiquities of Wisconsin, as Surveyed on Behalf of the Society. 49. 7 Lincoln, Wm. Address before the Society, Oct. 23, 1835, on C. C. Baldwin. * 9. 3 Paine, Wm. Address to the Society, Oct. 23, 1815. 9. 3 Putnam, F. W. Account of Archaeological Excursions in Wisconsin and Ohio; read Oct. 22, 1883. 13. 11. 1 American Anti-Slavery Society. Anti-Slavery Tracts, ^o. . 1. The United States Constitution, a pro-slavery instru- ment, n. t. p. 12mo. p. 12. 30. 73 Same, No. 2. White Slavery in the United States, n. t. p. 12mo. 30. 73 Same, ^o. 3. Colonization. By O. B. Frothingham. n. t. p. 30. 73 Declaration of Sentiment, n. t. p. 8vo. 30 7. 5 Same, and Constitution. Phil., 1861. 12mo. 30. 7. 8 Platform. N. Y., 1860. 12mo. 30. 7. 8 Eeports, 1834, 186 L. K Y., 1834, etc. 8vo. 30. 7. 8 Tracts, New Series. No. 1. Child, Mrs. L. M.; Correspond- ence with Gov. Wise and Mrs. Mason. No. 4. New Eeign of Terror in the Slave States. 8. Phillips, Wen- dall ; Philosophy of the Abolition Movement. 10. Gar- rison, W. L.; Infidelity of Abolitionism. 13. Phillips, Wendall ; No Slave Hunting in the Old Bay State. 30. 14. 1 Higginson, T. W. The New Eevolution. Speech, May 12, 1857. 30. 14. 1 Parker, Theodore. Great Battle Between Slavery and Free- dom. 30.14.1 American AftcHiTECT and Building News. Vols. 1-18. 1876-86. Boston, 1876-86. 4to. 9 Vols. 51. 7 Archives: Ed. by M. St. Clair and Peter Force. 4th Series. 1774-76. Wash., 1837-46. fo. 6 Vols. 50.5 Same, 5th Series. 1776-83. Wash., 1848-52. fo. 3 Vols. 50.5 Art Union. Transactions, 1848-49. N. Y., 1848-49. 8vo. 2 Vols. 51.3.3 Association for the Advancement of Science. Constitution, List of Meetings, Officers, etc., for the 35th Meeting, Min- neapolis, 1883. Salem, 1883. 8vo. 57. 10. 1 •50 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American Association for Advancement of Science — (Cont'd). Memorial to Congress, Upon the Cultivation and Care of Forests. No imprint. (1874.) 4to. 49.10 Proceedings of Annual Meetings, 1848-86. 34 Vols. v. p. 1849-86. 8vo. ' 42.9 Report of the Committee on Weights and Measures, and Coinage. Detroit Meeting, 1875. Salem, Mass., 1875. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Association of Instructors of the Blind. Proceedings, 1871, 72, 74, 76, 78, 84. v. p. 187 J -78. 8vo. 57. 5. 5 American Authors. Homes of American Authors, Comprising Anecdotical, Personal and Descriptive Sketches by Vari- ous Writers. K Y., 1853. 8vo. 45.9 Bankers' Association. Eeport of the Executive Council for 1877. N. Y., 1877. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Proceedings of the Convention at Saratoga, Aug. 7-9, 1878. K Y., 1878. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Proceedings of the Convention at Saratoga, for 1879. 33. 7. 8 See Knox, John Jay. American Bank Statistics. Ad- dress at the Convention, 1881. 33. 7. 8 American Baptist Historical Society. See Bailey, Eev. Silas. Address before, 1857. 38. 12. 10 Twenty-third Anniversary, held in Philadelphia, May 29, 1876. Phila., 1876. 8vo. pp.15. 56.5.7 Baptist Home Mission Society. Eeports, 1827, 1862. X. Y., 1827, 1862. 8vo. 38. 12. 10, and 38. 5 Baptist Publication Society. Sixty-one Years. (A histor- ical sketch.)' ^o title page. Phila. [1858?] 8vo. pp. 20. 38. 12. 10 Baptist Year Book. 1872-83. 2 Vols. Phila., 1872-83. 12mo. 38. 11 Baptist Missionary Union. Eeport on the Proposed Amend- ment to the Constitution. Troy, 1848. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph. Vol. 17, No. 10.) 53. 6 Baptist Publication and Sunday- School Society. Eeport and Minutes of Meeting at Baltimore, 1841. Phila. 8vo. 53.6 Bastile. See Marshall, J. A. Phila., 1869. 8vo. 29. 10 American Bible Society. Address of the Managers to the Aux- iliaries, Members and Friends, in regard to a general sup- ply of the United States with the Sacred Scriptures, etc. K. Y., 1856. 8vo. 56. 11. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 51 American Bible Society — (Continued). Addresses at the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary and Jubilee Year of the American Bible Society. K Y., 1866. 8vo. 56. 11. 6 Annual Eeports, for the years 1827, '28, '49, '56, '61, '63, '66, '67, '77. K Y. v. d. 8vo. 56. 11. 6-7 Bible Society Guide, for the use of Auxiliaries and Branches of the American Bible Society. N. Y., 1853. 8vo. 56. 11. 6 Bible Society Manual; or Brief View of the History and Operations of the American Bible Society, and of the Bible Cause in General. K. Y., 1852. 8vo. 56. 11. 6 Brief Views of the Plans and Operations of the Ameri- can Bible Society. N. Y., 1849. 8vo. 56. 11. 6 Eesolutions of, and an Address to the Christian Public, on the subject of supplying the whole world with the Sacred Scriptures, within a definite period, etc. N. Y., 1833. 8vo. 56. 11. 6 Thirteenth Annual Meeting, July, 1829. No. 18, new series. Ko title page. 8vo. 56. 11. 6 Adams, William. Life of J. C. Brigham. Discourse, November 9, 1862, by request of the Society. 43. 6. B. 2 Ferris, Isaac. Jubilee Memorial. 56. 11. 6 See Spring, Gardiner. Dissertation on the Eule of Faith, in Cincinnati, at the meeting of the Society. (Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2, No. 19.) 53. 12 See, also, American and Foreign Bible Society. Board of Commissioners. See Ferris, Isaac. Thy Kingdom Come. A Discourse, etc. (Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4, No, 10.) 53. 12 Whipple, C. K. Eelation of the American Board to Slavery. 30. 14 Churches the Bulwarks of American Slavery. By an Amer- ican. Newburyport, 1842. 12mo. 30. 7. 3 Colonies. See Chalmers, George. Political Annals of the Present United Colonies, from Their Settlement to the Peace of 1763. 10. 4 Force, Peter. Tracts and Other Papers Eelating to the Settlement of the Colonies in North America. 4 Vols. 14. 12 Lawrence, Eugene. Colonial Progress. 14. 10 52 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American Colonies — (Continued). Oldmixon, John. British. Empire in America. 14. 9 Pennsylvania Archives. 2d Series. Vol. 3, pp. 565-622. Essay on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain, etc. 11. 13 Wynne, J. H. General History of the British Empire in America. 14. 12 See, also. Colonization. Colonization Society. Address of the Managers to the Peo- ple of the United States, June 19, 1832. Washington, 1832. 8vo. 30. 7. 10 Information About Going to Liberia. Washington, 1852. 8vo. 30. 7. 10 Memorial of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary, cele- brated in Washington, Jan. 15, 1867. Washington, 1867. 8vo. 30. 14 Contents: Minutes; Addresses of J. H. B. Latrobe, D. B. Warner, T. M. Clark; Historical Discourse, by Joseph Tracy; Documents Concerning Liberia. Eeports, 1831, '45-47, '49-61, '64, '65, '67, '72. Wash- ington. 8vo. 30. 7. 9 Eeport at a Meeting of the Friends of the Society in Worcester County, held in Worcester, Dec. 8, 1830. Worcester, 1831. 8vo. 30. 7. 10 Clark, T. M. Address. (Eeport, 1867.) Clay, Henry. Address before the Society, Jan. 21, 1851. Amer. Col. Eeport, 1851. 30. 7. 9 Everett, Edward. Address. Amer. Col. Soc. Eeport, 1853. 30. 7. 9 Humphrey, E. P. Color Question in the United States. Paper read before the Society, Jan. 10, 1877. 30. 7. 10 Jay, William. Inquiry into the Character and Ten- dency of the American Col. Soc, etc. 30. 13 Latrobe, J. H. B. Christian Civilization of Africa. Address, etc. 30. 7. 10 McGill, A. T. Patriotism, Philanthropy and Eeligion. An Address, etc. 30. 7. 10 Massachusetts Col. Soc, PM. The Amer. Col. Soc. and the Colony at Liberia, etc. 30. 7. 10 Orcutt, John. African Colonization. Address, etc. 30. 7. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 53 American — (Continued). Congregational Association, Boston, Mass. Dedication of the Congregational House, Feb. 12, 1873. 8. 3 Reports, 1864, *67-70, '71, '73, '76-78, '81-86. Boston. 8vo. 8. 5. 3 Union, New York. Manual for 1880. K Y., 1880. 8vo. 8. 5. 3 Destiny, (n. t. p.) 8vo, p. 44. (Ramsey Pamph. Vol.17. No. 20.) 60. 8 Economic Association. Constitution, By-Laws and Resolu- tions. N. Y., 1885. 16mo 57. 10 4 Bphemeris and Nautical Almanac, 1886. By Simon New- comb. Washington, 1883. 8vo. 50. 1 Ethnological Society. Transactions. Vol. 1. N. Y., 1845. 8vo. 15. 10 Forestry Congress. Proceedings, 1885-86, etc. Washing- ton, V. d. 8vo. 49. 10. 1 Free Trade League; Some Account of, and of its Purposes. N. Y., 1869. 16mo. 57. 2. 2 Western Campaignjof the Agents, n. t. p. Svo. (Ram- sey Pamph. Vol. 38, No. 28.) 60. 2 Geographical and Statistical Society Bulletin. Vol. 2. N. Y., 1857. 8vo. * 33. 5 See Carey, H. C. Resources of the Union. Lecture, Dec, 1865. 33. 7. 7 Daly, C. P. Address, Jan. 25, 1870. 74. 7. 1 Hewitt, A. S. Statistics and G-eography of the produc- tion of Iron. Paper read Feb. 21, 1886. 22. 10 Humboldt Commemoration. 43. 13., H. 2 Mowry, Sylvester. Geography and Resources of Ari- zona and Senora. Read Feb. 3, 1859. 19. 14. 10 Squier, E. G. :Geography and Archaeology of Peru. Read Feb., 1870. 60. 1 Stevens, I. I. Address on the Northwest, Dec. 2, 1858. 19. 10. 7 Stevens, Simon. New Route of Commerce, by the Isth- mus of Tehuantepec. Read Nov. 13, 1870. 52. 3. 1 Geographical Society. See Wheeler, G. M. Address on Western Exploration, Dec. 23, 1874. 19. 10. 6 Geographical Society. Bulletin, 1885. Nos. 4 and 5, 1886, Nos. 1 and 2, N. Y., 1885. 8vo. 16. 4. 2 54 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American — (Continued). Geologists' and Naturalists' Association of. Eeports, 1840- 42. Boston, 1843. 8vo. 49. 10 Historical Record, and Repertory of I^otes and Queries. Ed. by Benson J. Lossiug. 3 Vols. Phila., 1872-4. 4to. 53. 7 Historical Association. List of Members, 1885. Broadside. 14. 13. 1 Historical Society. See C.iss, Lewis; Discourse at Washing- ton before the, 1836. 14. 10. Woodbury, Levi. Historical Inquiries; Addre-ss before the, 1837. 44. 13 Home Missionary Society. Home Missions and Slavery. Articles Explaining and Defending the recent action of the Society. K Y., 1857. 12mo. 30. 7. 3 See Barnes, Albert. Home Missions. Sermon, May, 1849. 53. 12 Kirke, E. N. The Church Essential to the Republic. Sermon, May, 1848. 53. 12 Independence, etc., 1774. 8vo. See Cartwright, John. 14. 8 Indians. See Indians of America. Institute, l!^. Y. City. Catalogue, :N'. Y., 1852. 8vo. 74. 11 Reports, 1649-55. Albany. 8vo. 72. 8 The, and its Missions. N. Y.; 1871. 8vo., p. 8. (Ram- sey Pamphlets. Vol. 10, ^o. 15^.) 60. 1 Bigelow, E. B. Address upon the Wool Industry of the U. S., at the Exhibition in New York. Oct 5, 1869. Pamphlet No. 23 in 'industrial Protection.'' 57. 9 Calthrop, S. R. Lecture delivered on Physical Devel- opment. Norwich, Conn., Aug. 20, 1858. 51. 11. 4 Cushing, Caleb. Address before the Institute, Oct. 20, 1836. 74. 7. 1 Hayes, J. L. Solidarity of the Industries. Address, Oct. 13, 1870. 27. 9 McAlpine, W. J. Lecture on Foundations, Feb. 13, 1868. 51. 14. 1 Woodbury, Levi. Promotion of Agriculture, Manufac- tures and Commerce. Address, Oct. 11, 1842. 44. 13 Instructors of the Deaf and Dumb. Proceedings of the Convention, 1870-82. 8vo. 18. 6. 5 Iron and Steel Association. Report, 1872-77. Phila. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 16, No. 31.) 60. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 55 Amebican — (Continued). Journalist. Yol. 1. No. 1, 1883. St. Louis, 1883. 4to. 25. 6. 2 Magazine of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge. Vol. 1. Boston, 1839. 8vo. 53. 14 Medical Association. Memorial to Congress on the Culti- vation of the Cinchona Tree in the U. S. Phila., 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets. Vol. 9, No. 8.) 60. 1 Missionary Association. See Missions. Museum of Natural History, Central Park, N. Y. City. Bulletin. Yol. 1, No. 1-5. N. Y., 1881-6. 8vo. 10. 12. 5. Reports, 1870, '72, '74, '78, '85, 'm. N. Y., 8vo. 10. 12. 5 Museum; or Universal Magazine. 1792., pt. 1. Phila. 8vo. 39. 14 National Preacher. Vol. 21, No. 6. Sermons by Mark Hopkins, Humphrey P. Church, Albert Barnes, etc. no title page. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2, No. 9.) 53.12 Naturalist, The. Vols. 2, 3, 4. Salem, Mass., 1869-71. 8vo. 49. 10 Notes. See Dickens, Chas. London, 1842. 8vo. 2 Vols. • 33. 4 Party. See Lee, J. H. Origin and Progress of the Amer- ican Party, (''Know Nothings,") in Politics. 1855. 33. 6 Raymond, James. Political; or "Spirit of the De- mocracy in '56." 33. 13 Whitney, T. R. Defense of the American Policy, as Opposed to the Encroachments of Foreign Influence, 1856. 33. 6 Peace Society, Boston, puhl. Remedy for War, Arbitration as a Substitute for the Sword, etc. 30. 4. 2 People. See Gilman, Arthur. History of The, etc. Bos- ton, n. d. l2mo. 16. 12 Pharmaceutical Association. An Address to Druggists and Apothecaries, and their Clerks and Apprentices. Adopted at its meeting in Cincinnati, July, 1854. Phila., 1854. 8vo. 51. 4. 7 Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting. St. Louis, 1871. 51. 4, 7 General Index to Vols. 9-17, Proceedings, etc. 51. 4. 7 Philological Association. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Session, 1885. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo. 52. 1. 1 56 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American — (Continued). Philosophical Society. Proceedings at the Dinner Com- memorative of the Centennial Anniversary of the Incor- poration of the Society. Phila., March 15, 1880. ^N'o im- print. 8vo. 11. 10. 1 See Charming, W. E., Eemarks on National Literature. Oration by C. J. lugersoll reviewed, etc. 44. 1 Hartshorn, Henry. Memoir of G. B. Wood, read Oct. 11, 1880. Svo."^ 43. 7., W. 2 Phillips, Henry, Jr. Kotes upon the Codex Ramirez. Read Oct. 19, 1883. 15. 11. 1 Pioneer. Monthly Periodical, devoted to the objects of the Logan Historical Society. Vols. 1 and 2, 1843-44. 18. 9 Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, Ky. Reports, 1874, '76, '78. 8vo. 57. 5. 5 Protestant Association. Address of the Board of Managers, with the Constitution, etc. Philadelphia, 1843. 8vo. 56. 12. 8 Protestant Society. Third Annual Report, May 14, 1846. N. Y. 8vo. 56. 12. 2 Quarterly Review. See American Review of History and Politics. • 39. 12 Querist. 1774. 8vo. See Cooper, Myles. 14. 1 Reform Tract and Book Society. On Slavery. ^NTo title page. 12m o. 30. 7. 3 Review of History and Politics. Vols. 1, 2, 1811. Amer- ican Quarterly Review. Vol. 8, 1830. Philadelphia. 8vo. 39. 12 American Revolution. See Adams, John. Papers on the Revolution. 44. 3 And Sewall, Jonathan, Kovanglus, and Massachuset- tensisj or Political Essays, etc., 1774-75. 14. 14 Allan, John. Military Operations in Eastern Maine and Nova Scotia, etc. 7. 8 Allan, John. History of the American Revolution, 1822. 14. 9 Amory, T. C. Daniel Sullivan's Visits, 1781, to Gen. John Sullivan, in Philadelphia and Ohio. 43. 7 Anderson, Charles. Oration on the Real Nature and Value of the American Revolution, 1855. 74. 7. 4 Anderson, John. History of the War with America, etc. 1775-1783. 4 Vols. London, 1785. 8vo. 42. 6. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 57 American Eevolution — (Continued). Andre, Maj. John. The Cow Chace, (burlesque poem.) 14. 10. I Appeal to the Public on behalf of Cameria. 14. 10. 1 Arnold, Benedict. Proceedings of a General Court Martial, for the trial of Maj. Gen. Benedict Arnold, June 1, 1779. Repr. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. 16. 13 Balch, Thomas. Les Francais en Amerique, pendant la Guerre de la Independance, etc. Paris, 1872. 8vo. 16. 13 Baldwin Samuel. Events in Charleston, S. C, during the attack by the British. 10. 8. 2 Bancroft, Geo. Causes of the American Ee volution. History U.S. Vols. 4-6. History of the War. Vols. 7-10. 14. 5 Bartlett, W. H. History of the American Eevolution. 14. 7 Bell, C. H. The Privateer Gen. Sullivan. 46. 3 Bloodgood, S. D-e Witt. The Sexagenary, etc. 14. 9 Boston, Mass. Ee-dedication of the Old State House, 1882. 8. 2. 6 Boston, Mass. Old South Church. Cat. of Eevolutionary Eelics. 8. 2. 6 Botta, C. G. G. History of the War of Independence. 14. 8 Boucher, Jonathan. View of the Causes and Consequences of, etc. (1797.) 14. 2 Brown, H. A. Oration on the One Hundredth Anniver- sary of the Meeting of Congress in Carpenter's Hall, etc. 14. 10. 1 Burgoyne, Gen. John. State of the Expedition from Cana- da. 14. 2 Burgoyne, Gen. John. Essay on Modern Martyrs. 1780. 14. 1 Butterfield, C. W. Editor. Washington Irvine Corres- pondence. 14. 6 Campbell, Charles, Editor. Orderly Book of the American Army Near Williamsburg, Va. 14. 2 Campbell, W. W. Annals of Tryon Co.; or Border War- fare in ^. Y. 10. 10 The Direct Agency of the English Government in the Employment of Indians in the Eevolution. 10. 4 Candid and Impartial JSTarrative of the Transactions of the Fleet under Lord 'Howe, etc. 1779. (Eev. Pamph. Vol. 35. No. 5.) 14. 8 11. 10 9. 10 14. 14 14. 14 58 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American Eevolution — (Continued). Carrington, H. B. Battles of the, etc., Criticised. 14. 13. 1 Boston and New York, 1775 and 76. 14. 13. 1 Carroll, Charles. Journal During his Visit to Can. in 1776. 14. 2 Caruthers, E. W. Eevolutionary Incidents in the ''Old North State. " 15. 6 Catalogue of Revolutionary Relics Exhibited at Boston, 1875. 8. 2. 6 Centennial Celebration of the Battle of Rhode Island. 8. 13 Centennial Orations on the Opening Events of the Revolu- tion. Boston, 1875. 8. 3 Census of Pensioners Living in 1840. Wash., 1841. 4to. 50. 4 Clark, John Jr. Letters to Gen. Washington, 1777. Clinton, Sir Henry. Abstract of his Secret Journal. Narrative of his Campaign in 1781. Observation on Earl Cornwallis' Answer, 1783. Cornwallis, Charles, Earl. Answer to Sir Henry Clinton. 14. 14 Dawson, H. B. Assault on Stony Point by Wayne, 1779. 14. 3 Dayton, Gen. Elias. Papers. 10. 8 Dearborn, Henry. Journal in the Quebec Expedition, 177,5. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo. 14. 10. 1 De Peyster, J. W. Address Before N. B. Hist. Soc. 1883. 20. 9. 2 The Affair at King's Mountain. 14. 10. 1 The Battle of Oriskany. 14. 10. 1 The Bargoyne Campaign of 1777. 14. 10. 1 The Engagement at Freehold, N. J. 14. 10. 1 Detail and Conduct of the American War. London, 1780. 14. 1 A detail of some particular services performed in America during the years 1776, '78 and '79, giving a minute ac- count of many important attacks on towns and places, etc. (Anon.) N. Y., 1835. 12mo. 16. 11 Deux-ponts, Guillaume de. Count. My Campaigns in Amer- ica. 1780-81 14. 2 Diman, J. L. Capture of Gen. Prescott, 1776. 8. 13 Draper, L. C. King's Mountain audits Heroes. 14. 9 Farrier, G. H. Memorial of the Celebration of Paulus Hook. 10. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 59 American Revolution — (Continued) . Feltman, William. Journal, 1781-82. Including the March into Virginia, and the Siege of Yorktown. Philadelphia, 1853. 8vo. 16. 13 Field, T. W. The Battle of Long Island. 10. 11 Foote, H. W. King's Chapel and the Evacuation of Boston. 8. 2. 6 Franklin, Benjamin. Essays and Tracts Concerning the Revolution. 44. 2 Freneau, Philip. Poems, chiefly illustrative of the] War of Independence. 43. 8 Frothingham, Richard, Jr. The Alarm on the Night of April 18, 1775. 8. 2. 6 History of the Siege of Boston and of the Battle of Lex- ington. 14. 3 Gardiner, John. Oration, July 4, 1785, at Boston. 43. 9 Gibbes, R. W. Documentary History of the American Rev- olution. 15. 6 Gordon, William. History of the Independence of the U. S. 4 Vols. 14. 8 Greene, Geo. W. Historical View of the American Revo- lution. Boston, n. d. 16. 6 Hall, Hiland. Capture of Ticonderoga in 1775. 7. 9. 1 Hamersley, T. H. S. Troops Furnished by the Several States. 14. 7 Haven, C. C. Thirty Days in New Jersey 90 years ago. 10. 1 Henry, J. J. Arnold's Campaign against Quebec, 1775. 14. 2 Henshaw, Col. Wm. Orderly Book, 1775. 14. 2 Herbert, Charles. Prisoners of 1776; Their Sufferings, etc. 14, 2 Hibernia Furnace, Morris Co., K J., etc., in the Revolu- tionary War. 10. 8. 1. Hough, Franklin B., Editor. The Northern Invasion of October, 1780, etc. N. Y., 1866. 16. 13 Hunter, C. L. Sketches of Weston, North Carolina. 15. 6 Huntington, Gen. Jedediah. Letter, 1775-76. 9. 5 Johnston, H. P. The Yorktown Campaign, 1781. 14. 2 Jones, C. H. History of the Campaign for the Conquest of Canada, in 1776. 14. 2 Jones, J. S. Defense of the Revolutionary History of North Carolina, etc. 15. 6 60 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American Eevolution — (Continued). Jones, Thomas. History of New York during the Eevolu- tion ary War. 10. 4 Kidder, Frederic. History of the First New Hampshire Eegiment. 14. 3 Kimball, James. 100th Anniversary of the Destruction of the Tea, etc. 8. 2. 6 King, Charles. Battle of Monmouth Court House, 1778. 10. 8. 2 Lamb, E. Journal of Occurrences during the late War. (1783.) 14. 8 Laurens, Col. John. Army Correspondence, 1777-78. 14. 10 Lee, Charles. The Lee Papers. 10. 4 Lee, Henry. The Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas. 14. 2 Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department. 14. 9 Lossing, B. J. Pictorial Field Book of the Eevolution. 14. 3 1776, or The War for Independence. 14. 14 Lovell, A. A. Worcester, Mass., in the Eevolution. 8. 3 Lovell, Solomon. Original Journal. Penobscot Expedi- tion. 8. 12 Marshall, Christopher. Extracts from his Diary, 1774-81. 14. 2 McKendry, Wm. Journal of the Expedition of Gen. Sullivan in 1779. (Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc. 2d Ser., Vol. 2, p. 436.) Boston, 1886. 8vo. 9. 14 Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceedings. One Hundredth Anniversary, etc. 14. 2 Minutes of the Tea Meetings, 1773, in Boston. 9. 4 Moore, Frank. Diary of the American Eevolution. 14. 9 Songs and Ballads of the American Eevolution. 14. 9 Moore, Geo. H. The Treason of Charles Lee. 14. 2 Nelson, Thomas, Jr. Letters Eelating to the Siege of York- town, 1781. 25. 6. 2 New Jersey. Minutes of the Council of Safety, 1777-78. 10. 1 New York City During the American Eevolution. 14. 3 Niles, Hezekiah. Principles and Acts of the Eevolution. 14. 3 Norris, James. Journal of Sullivan's Expedition, 1779. 10. 5 Onderdonk, Henry, Jr. Documents and Letters Illustrating Eev. Incidents. 14. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 61 American Revolution — (Continued). Revolutionary Incidents of Suffolk and Kings counties, N. Y. N. Y. 1849. 12mo. ' 16. 14 Patton, J. H. Yorktown. Account of the Campaign of. New York, 1882. 8vo. 14. 10 Pennsylvania. Minutes of the Provincial Council, etc. 11. 2 Archives. 1766-88. 11. 9 Second Series, Vol. 3. 11. 3 Perkins, J. H. Border War of the Revolution. 44. 8 Pratt, G-. W. Account of the British Expedition Above the Highlands. 10. 11. 2 Price, Richard. Obs. on the Importance of the American Revolution. 14. 8 Ramsey, David. History of the American Revolution. 14. 9 Raynal, G. T. F., Pabbe. The Revolution in America. 14. 9 Rhoads, Thos. Y. The Battleaelds of the Revolution. 14. 14 Richmond, John W. Rhode Island Repudiation. 8. 6 Rider, Sidney S. Attempt to Raise a Regiment of Slaves in R. I. 8, 13 Robin, Abbe. Campagne de FArmee de M. Le Comte de Rochambeau. 33. 4 Ryerson, EgertOQ. Loyalists of America and their Times, 1620-1816. 14. 2 Schoolcraft, H. R. Sisga aad Defence of Fort Stanwix in 1776. 10. 4 Senter, Isaac. Journal of a Secret Expedition Against Quebec. ^ 11. 10 Shea, J. G. * French Fleet under De Grasse. 14. 12 Siege of Charleston by the British Fleet, 1780. 14. 2 Siege of Savannah, 1779. 14. 2 Two Cotemporary Journals. 14. 3 South Carolina. Journal of the Council of Safety. (So. Car. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2.) 15. 6 Soavenir of 1775, Battle of Lexington. 14. 10. 1 Stedman, C. History of the American War, 1794. 14. * 9 Stevens, J. A. Expedition of Lafayette Against Arnold. 11. 1. 3 Stiles, H. R. The British Prison Ships. 10. 10 Stone, E. M., Editor. Journal of Capt. Simon Thayer, during the Invasion of Canada, 1755. Providence, 1867. 8vo. 14. 14 62 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American Eevolution — (Continued). Stone, Wm. L., Editor. Journal of Oapt. Pausch, during Burgoyne's Campaign. Albany, 1886. 8vo. 16. 13 Campaign of Gen. Burgoyne, etc. 14. 9 . Stryker, W. S. Official Roster of the Officers and Men of ]sr. J. 10. 8 Tarleton, Gen. B. History of the Campaigns of 1780 and '81, in the Southern Provinces of Korth America. 14. 8 History of the Campaigns of 1780 and '81, in the South - ernProvincesof North America. Another edition. 14.3 Thornton, J. W. Palpit of the American Revolution. Bos- ton, 1860. 12mo. 14. 8 Tuttle, J. F. Popular Rights in K J. Previous to the Rev- olution. 10. 8. 2 Revolutionary Fathers of Morris County, K. J. 10. 8. 2 Upham, Wm. P., Editor. Letters written at the time of the Occupation of Boston, 1775-76. 8. 2. 6 Walker, Mrs. Events in Canada during the Invasion by the American Army, 1775. 7. 11. 1 War in America. From the British Annual Register, 1779. 14. 10. 1 Warren, Mrs. Mercy. History of the American Revolu- tion. 3 Vols. 1805. 14. 9 Washington, George. Correspondence and Papers Relating to the Revolution. 44. 4 Watson, H. C. Campfires of the Revolution. 14. 2 Wild, Ebenezer. Journal kept by him, on the Expedition of Gen. Arnold to Quebec, in 1775-6. (See Mass. Hist. Proc. Vol. 2. Ser. 2, p. 265.) Boston, 1^86, 8vo. 7. 14 Winsor, Justin. Editor. Memorial Hist, of Boston. Vol. 3. 9.14 Reader's Handbook of the American Revolution, 1781- 83. 14. 8 See ''Loyalists." Biography. See Adams, C. F. Life of John Adanis. 44. 3 Allen, Jolley. Loyalist. Account of his Sufferings and Losses. 44. 3 Amory, T. C. Gen. Sullivan not a Pensioner of Luzerne. 43. 7. S. 2 Military Services and Public Life of Maj. Gen. John Sul- livan. 44. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 63 American Eevolution— Biography — (Cbntinued). Anderson, E. L. Soldier and Pioneer. Sketch of E. C. Anderson. 43. g Arnold, Benedict. His Life, Patriotism and Treason. By- Isaac A. Arnold. 44. 1 Bancroft, Aaron. Life of Washington. London, 1808. 44.4 Barclay, Sidney, Editor. Personal Eecollections of the American Eevolution. 14. 2 Barton, Lieut. Wm. Journal kept during Gen. Sullivan's" Expedition, 1779. 10. 8. 2 Beardsley, E. E. Life and Times of William S. Johnson. 44.2 Blanchard, Claude. Journal of a Commissary of the French Army, 1780-83. " 14. 2 Buchanan, Eoberdeau.- Biog. of Gen. Daniel Eoberdeau. 47.12 Caldwell, George. Memoirs of ;N"athaniel Greene. Phila- delphia, 1819. 44. 9 Campfield, Jabez. Diary of Sullivan's Expedition, 1779. 10. 8. 1 Clark, Joseph. Diary of Joseph Clark, May, 1778 to I^ov. 5 1779. * 10. 8 Clyde, J. C. Eosbrugh, a Tale of the Eevolution. 44. 7 Cof&n, Charles. Lives of Gen. John Thomas, Col. Alex. Scammell and Gen. Dearborn. 44. 1 Cornwallis, Charles, Earl. Correspondence. 3 Yols. 43. 2 Curwen, Samuel. Journal and Letters of an American Eef- ugee in England, 1775-84. 44. 13 Cutter. William. Life of Israel Putnam. 44. 1 Davis, W. W. H. Sketch of John Lacy, General irl Eevo- lutionary War. 43. 9 Deane, Silas. Correspondence of Silas Deane, Delegate to Congress, 1774-76. 7. 6 De Peyster, J. W. Life and Misfortunes, and Military Ca- reer, of Sir John Johnson (loyalist). 46. 5 Philip Schuyler and the Burgoyne Campaign in the Summer of 1777. 43. 7. S. 2 Elking, Max von. Memoirs, etc., of Gen. (Baron) Eiedesel, during his residence in America, 1776-83. 43. 8 Elmer, Dr. Ebenezer. Journal, during Sullivan's Expedi- tion. 10. 8. 2 64 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American Eevolution— Biography — (Continued). Journal, during the Expedition to Canada in 1776. 10. 8. 2 Exertions of the O'Brien Family of Machias, Maine, in the Eevolutionary War. 7 . 1 Fanning, David (a Tory). Narrative of. Kepr. New York, 1865. 8vo. 16. 13 Fletcher, Ebenezer. Narrative of Captivity, 1777, by the British and Indians. 47. 9 Fox, Ebenezer. Adventures in the Eevolutionary War. 43.1 Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography. Vol. 1. 44. 2 French, Maj. Christopher. Journal of a British Captain, 1775. 7. 6 Frothingham, Eichard. Life and Times of Joseph Warren. 44. 9 Graham, James, Life of Gen. Daniel Morgan. 44. 1 Green, Ezra. Diary, as Surgeon, or Eanger, Under John Paul Jones, 1777-78. 43. 6. G. Greene, G. W. Life of Nathaniel Greene, Maj. Gen. 44. 9 Greenwood, I. J. Memoir of Gen. Horatio Gates. 46. 3 Hadden, J. C. Journal Kept in Canada and Upon Bur- goyne's Campaign in 1776-77. 14. 10 Hardenbergh, J. L. Journal, 1779, in Gen. Sullivan's Campaign Against the Western Indians. 10. 11. 2 Heath, Gen.^ William. Memoirs Containing Details of Events During the War. 44. 8 Horry, Gen. Peter, and Weems, M. L. Life of Gen. Fran- cis Marion. 44. 8 How, David. Diary in the American Ee volution. 14. 3 Hoy't, A. H. Sketch of Joshua Henshaw with Genealogy. A^. 3 Jones, C. C. Life and Services of Maj. Gen. Samuel Elbert, of Georgia. 43. 6. E. Judson, L. C. Stages and Heroes of the Eevolution. 25. 3 Kapp, Frederick. Life of Baron von Steuben, Maj. Gen. 43.9 Lafayette, Marquis de. Memoires, Correspondence et Manuscripts. 2 Vols. Burxelles, 1857. Leake, J. Q. Memoir of Gen. John Lamb. * 44. 9 Loring, J. S. Hundred Boston Orators. 43. 5 Lossing, B. L. Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. 43. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 65 Amekican Eeyolution — Biography — (Continued). Washington and the American Eepublic. 44. 4 Lynde, Benjamin. Diaries of B. Lynde and of B. Lynde, Jr. 44. 13 Marshall, John. Life of Washington. 44. 4 Morris, Mrs. Mary. Private Journal kept During the Eev- olutionary War. 47. 3 Parton, James, Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin. 44. 2 Patton, J. H. Yorktown Campaign. 14. 10 Potts, Dr. Jonathan. Biographical Sketch of, by E. D. :N'eill. 46. 3 Price, Ezekiel. Diary in Boston, 1778. 46. 3 Putnam, Israel. Memoirs of his Life and Adventures, etc. 44.1 Eeed, W. B. Life and Correspondence of Gen. Joseph Eeed. 44. 13 Eogers, William. Journal of a Chaplain in the Campaign of 1779. 8. 13 Sabine, Lorenzo. American Loyalists. 14. 2 St. Clair, Arthur. Life and Public Services of. Ed. by W.A.Smith. 44.13 Sampson, Deborah. Female Soldier in the Ee volution. 47.9 Sargent, Winthrop. Life and Career of Maj. John Andre. 43.9 Sherburne, Andrew. Memoirs of a Pensioner of the Navy of the Eevolution. • 44. 8 Sherburne, J. H. Life and Character of John Paul Jones. 44.9 Smith, W. H. Life of Gen. St. Clair. 44. 13 Sparks, Jared. Life and Treason of Benedict Arnold. 44. 1 Life of Washington. V. I. 44. 4 Stone, W. L. Life of Brant (Thayendanega), etc. 44. 11 Stewart, J. W. Life of Capt. Nathan Hale, the Martyr. 44.8 Thacher, James. Military Journal During the Eevolution, 1775-83. 43. 9 Tiffany, Osmond. Sketch of Gen. Otto Holland Williams. 43. 7. W. 1 Tilghman, Tench. Memoir of Lt. Col. Tench Tilghman. 44. 12 66 MINNESOTA HISTOBIOAL SOCIETY. American Revolution— Biography— (CoDtinued). See Todd, 0. B. Life and Letters of Joel Barlow. 25.3 Trumbull, John. Autobiography, Eeminiscences, and Letters. ' 44.13 Tudor, William. Life of James Otis. Events from 1760- 1775. 43. 10 Warren, Edward. Life of John Warren, Surgeon General in the Revolution. 44. 13 Watson, Elkanah. Men and Times of the Revolution. 43.1 Wells, W. Y. Life and Public Services of Samuel Adams. 3 Vols. 44. 3 Wheeler, J. H. Sketch of the Life of R. D. Spaight, of North Carolina. 44. 13 Wilkinson, Mrs. Eliza. Letters during the Possession of Charlestown by the British. 14. 2 Wilkinson, Gen. James. Memoirs of His Own Times. 3 Yols. 44. 11 Williams, Mrs. 0. R. Biography of Revolutionary Heroes. 43.2 Wirt William. Sketches of Patrick Henry. 44. 1 American Revolution, Controversy. Bell, Robert. Common Sense Additions to. 14. 1 Bertie, Willoughby, Earl of Abingdon. Thoughts on the Affairs of America. 14. 8 Burgoyne, Gen. John. Inquiry into and Remarks upon the Conduct of. 14. 1 Letter to His Constituents upon His Late Resignation. 14.1 Clinton, Sir Henry. ]^arrative Relative to His Conduct, etc. 14. 1 Conway, Gen. H. S. Speech in the House of Commons, May 5, 1780. 14. 1 Dallas, Robert, Jr. Considerations upon the American In- quiry. 14. 1 Day, Thomas. Reflections upon the Present State of Eng- land, etc. 14. 1 Examination into the Conduct of the Present Administra- tion, 1774-78. 14. 1 Examination of Joseph Galloway, before the House of Com- mons. 14. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 67 American Revolution — ( Continued) . Galloway, Joseph. Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies. 14. 1 Historical and Political Reflections on the Rise and Progress of the American Rebellion. 14. 1 Letters from Cicero to Cataline the 2d (C. J. Fox.) 14. 1 Letters to a l!^obleman on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. • 14. 1 Plain Truth, or, Letter to the Author of *' Dispassionate Thoughts." 14. 1 Great Britain, Parliament. House of Commons. Complete and Accurate Account of the Debate, July 9, 1782, on the Cause of Mr. Fox's Resignation, etc. London, 1782. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 16, No. 2.) 14. 1 Letter to the Rev. Richard Watson, his Position on the American Question. (Anon.) London, 1780. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 14, ^o. 2.) 14. 1 Maundit, Israel. Three Letters to Lord Viscount Howe, etc. (1780.) 14. 1 Paine, Thomas. Letter to Abbe Raynal. 14. 1 Letter to the Earl of Sherburne on his Speech, July 10, 1782. 14. 1 Robinson, Matthew. Peace the Best Policy. London, 1777. 14. 1 Tod, Thomas. Consolatory thoughts on American Indepen- dence, 1782. 14. 1 Two letters from Agricola to Sir William Howe, etc., 1779. 14. 1 American Revolution: Preceding Controversy. Adams, John, and Sewall, Jonathan. Political Essays. 14. 14 Appeal to the Justice and Interests of the People of Great Britain, in the Present Disputes with America. By an Old Member of Parliament. (Anon.) London, 1774. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol.' 26, :N^o. 2.) . 14. 8 America, Second Appeal to the Justice, etc. London, 1774. 8vo. 14. 8 Argument in Defence of the Exclusive Right of the Colonies to pay themselves. London, 1884. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 30, ^o. 2.) 14. 8 Baillie, James. Letter to Dr. Shebear, containing a Ref- utation of his Arguments, etc. London, 1775. 14. 8 68 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American Ee volution: Preceding Controversy— (Cont'd). Appendix, American Revolution. Observations on Taxa- tion; no Tyranny. London, 1775, 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 35, Ko. 2.) 14. 8 Bernard, Sir Francis. Select Letters on the Trade and Government of America, and the Principles of Law and Policy applied to the American Colonies. London, 1774. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 21, ]^o. 2.) 14. 1 Boston. Votes and Proceedings of the Inhabitants of Bos- ton, in Town Meeting Assembled. Published by order of the town, 1772. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 21, No. 2.) 14. 1 Cartwright, John. American Independence, the Interest and Glory of Great Britain. London, 1774. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 25, Ko. 4.) 14. 8 Case of Great Britain and America, Addressed to the King and both Houses of Parliament. London, 1769. Svo. 14. 1 Considerations on Behalf of the Colonists. In a Letter to a Noble Lord. (Signed F. A.) London, 1765. Svo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 19, No. 11.) 14. 1 Considerations on Certain Political Transactions of the Province of South Carolina. (Anon.) London, 1884. Svo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 21, No. 3. 14. 1 Considerations on the Dependencies of Great Britain, with Observations on a Pamphlet, entitled. The Present State of the Nation. London, 1769. Svo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 1, No. 3.) 14. 1 Dulany, Daniel. Considerations on the Propriety of Im- posing Taxes in the British Colonies. London, 1766. Svo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 19, No. 13.) 14. 1 Constitutional Right of the Legislature of Great Britain to Tax the British Colonies in America, Impartially Stated. (Anon.) London, 1768. Svo. (Rev. P^imph., Vol.5, No. 5.) 14. 1 Cooper, Myles. American Querist: Some Questions Pro- posed, relative to the Present Disputes between Great Britain and her Colonies. By a North American. Tenth ed. N. Y., 1874, Svo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 17, No. 3.) 14. 1 Friendly Address to all Reasonable Americans, on the Subject of our Political Confusions, etc. London, 1774. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 25, No. 3.) 14. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 69 American Revolution: Preceding Controversy— (Cont'd). What Think Ye of the Congress Now? etc., with a plan by Samuel Galloway, for a Proposed Union Between Great Britain and the Colonies. Added,, An Alarm to the Legislature of the Province of New York, by Thos. B. Chandler. London, 1775. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 17, No. 3.) 14. 1 Dalrymple, Sir John. Address of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America. London, 1775. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 2.) 14. 1 Rights of Great Britain, asserted against the Claims of America, etc. London, 1776. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 15, No. 2.) 14. 8 Rights of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of America, etc., with added, A Further Refutation of Dr. Price's State of the National Debt. London, 1776. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 2.) Dickinson, John. Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. London, 1768. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 1, No. 6.) 14. 1 Same. Phil. Imprint, Reprinted London, 1774. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 33, No. 2. Vol. 33, No. 2.) 14. 8 New Essay by the Pennsylvania Farmer on the Con- stitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America. Phila., 1774. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 14. No. S.) 14. 1 Draper, Sir William. Thoughts of a Traveler upon Our American Disputes. London, 1774. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 33, No. 3.) 14. 8 Examination of the Rights of the Colonies, upon Principles of Law. By a Gentleman at the Bar. (Anon.) London, 1766. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 19, No. 14.) 14. 1 Franklin, Benjamin. Examination of. Relation to the Re- peal of the Stamp Act, in 1769. n. t. p. 1767. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 1. No. 4.) 14. 1 Galloway, James. Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies, etc. N. Y., 1775. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 17, No. 8.) 14. 1 Galloway, Joseph. Cool Thoughts on the Consequences to Great Britain of American Independence. London, 1780. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol 2, No. 4.) 14. 1 70 ' MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American Revolution: Preceding Controversy — (Cont'd). Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Vincent H. E. , on His Con- duct in the American War. London, 1789. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 2, Ko. 3.) 14. 1 Great Britain. Parliament — House of Lords. Report of the Committees Appointed by the the House of Lords to In- quire into the Proceedings in the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, etc. London, 1774. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 28 No. 1.) 14. 8 Hawke, J. A Retrospect of the Boston Tea Party, etc. New York, 1834. 12mo. 16. 11 Hopkins, Stephen. Grievances of the American Colonies, Candidly Examined. London, 1766. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 19, No. 12.) 14. 1 Same. Rhode Island Colony Records, 1861. .8vo. Vol. 6. pp. 416-427. 8. 6 Hutchinson, Thomas and Oliver. Andrew. Letters, Printed at Boston, 1768, etc. London, 1774. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 35, No. 1.-) 14. 8 Interest of the Merchants and Manufacturers of Great Brit ain, in the present contest with the Colonies. (Anon.) London, 1774. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 14, No. 6.) 14. 1 Jefferson, Thomas. Summary View of the Rights of British America. Set forth in some Resolutions Intended for the People of Virginia, now in Convention. By a Native and Member of the House of Burgesses. London, 1774. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 14, No. 1.) 14. 1 Jenyns, Soame. Objections to the Taxation of Our Ameri- can Colonies by Great Britain, considered. London, 1765. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 19, No. 7.) 14. 1 Johnson, Samuel. Taxation, no Tyranny. Answer to the Resolutions and Address of the American Congress. Lon- don, 1775. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 33, No. 5.) Johnson, W. S. Letters from England to the Governors of Connecticut, 1766-70. (Mass. His. Soc. Coll. 5th Ser. V. 9, pp. 211-490.) 9. 5 Knox, William. Controversy between Great Britain and the Colonies, reviewed. London, 1769. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 30, No. 1.) 14. 8 Letter from a Virginian to the Members of the Congress, to be held at Philadelphia, Sept. 1, 1774. (Anon.) London, (reprint) 1774. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 14, No. 3.) 14. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 71 American Eevolution: Preceding Controversy — (Cont'd). Letter to a Member in Parliament on the Present Unhappy Dispute Between Great Britain and Her Colonies. (Anon.) London, 1774. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 14, :N"o. 4.) 14. 1 Letter to a Member of Parliament, wherein the power of the British Legislature and the Case of the Colonists, are Briefly and Impartially considered. London, 1765. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 5, No. 4.) 14. 1 Letter to the People of Great Britain, in answer to that pub- lished by the American Congress. (Anon.) London 1775. 8vo. (Rev. pamph. Vol. 17, No. 7.) 14. 1 Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord North. Added, a Petition to the King, in favor of the Colonies. (Anon.) London, (n. d. 1776?) 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 4, No. 3.) 14. 1 . Letters of Papinian, in which the Conduct, Present State and Prospects of the American Congress, are Examined. N. y., London Repr., 1789. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol 2, No. 1.) 14. 1 Lind, Jonathan. Answer to the Declaration of the Ameri- can Congress. 5th Ed. London, 1776. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 28, No. 4.) 14. 8 Livingstone, Phillip. The Other Side of the Question. Defense of the Liberties of North America, etc. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 17, No. 2.) 14. 1 Macauley, Catherine. Address to the People of England, Scotland and Ireland, on the Present Crisis of Affairs. London, 1775. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 25, No. 5.) 14. 8 Maseres, Francis. Considerations on the Expediency of Admitting Representatives from the American Colonies Into the British House of Commons. London, 1770. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 26, No. 6.) 14. 8 Mauduit, Israel. Some Thoughts on the Method of Improv- ing and Securing the Advantages which Accrue to Great Britian from the Northern Colonies. London, 1765. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol.19. No, 9.) 14. 1 Necessity for Repealing the American Stamp Act. Letter to a Member of the House of Commons. Anon. London, 1766. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 19, No. 15.) 44. 1 Observations on Acts of Parliament. Published by the Merchants of Boston. London, 1770. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 5, No. 3.) 14. 1 72 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American Revolution: Preceding Controversy — (Cont'd). Otis, James. Rights of the British Colonies, Asserted and. Proved. Boston; (London Repr.) N. d. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Yol. 19, ¥0. 15.) 14. 1 Rights of the British Colonies, Asserted and Proved, 3d Edition, Corrected. London, 1766. 14. 1 Paine, Thomas. Common Sense, Addressed to the Inhabi- tants of America. New ed. Added, an Appendix with the Address to the Quakers. Phila. (London Repr.) 1776. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 4, No. 7.) 14. 1 Plain State of the Argument Between Great Britain and her Colonies. London, 1775. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 6, No. 5.) 14. 1 Plain Trtuh. Remarks on a Pamphlet Entitled Common Sense, etc. Phila. (London Repr.) 1776. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 4, No. 8.) 14. 1 Plea of the Colonies, on the charges brought against them by Lord M d [Mansfield], and others, in a Letter to His Lordship. (Anon.) London, 1776. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph, Vol. 10, No. 1.) 14. 1 Pownall, Thomas. Administration of the Colonies. Lon- don, 1764. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 19, No. 4.) 14.1 Proposition for the Present Peace and Future Government of the British Colonies in North America. (Anon.) Lon- don, 1775. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 26, No. 7.) 14. 1 Prospect of the Consequences of the Present Conduct of Great Britain Towards America. (Anon.) London, 1776. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 10, No. 3.) 14. 1 Quincy, Josiah, Jr. Observations on the Act of Parlia- ment commonly called the Boston Port Bill. Boston, N. E. (London repr.) 1774. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 14, No. 2.) 14. 1 Reasons Why the British Colonies in America should not be Charged with Internal Taxes, by Authority of Par- liament, etc. New Haven, 1764, 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 19, No. 3.) 14. 1 Reflections, etc. (No title page.) 8vo. Imperfect. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 14, No. 4.) 53. 6 Regulations Lately Made Concerning the Colonies, and the Taxes Imposed Upon Them Considered. (Anon.) Lon- don, 1765. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 19, No. 10.) 14. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 73 American Revolution: Preceding Controa^ersy — (ContM). Remarks on the Xew Essay of the Pennsylvania Farmer. Ey the author of the Right of the British Legislature Vindicated. (Anon.) London, 1775. 8vo. P. (2) 62. (Rev. Pamph., Yol. 6, Xo. 1.) U. 1 Remarks on the Rescript of the Court of Madrid, and on the Manifesto of the Court of Versailles. Added, an Ap- pendix containing ^the Rescript, the Manifesto, and a Memorial of Dr. Franklin to the Court of Versailles^ London, 1779. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 27, :N'o. 2.) 14. 8 Renovation Without Violence Yet Possible. London, 1780. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 2, Ko. 5.) 14. 3 Reply of a Gentleman in a Select Society upon the Impor- tant Contest between Great Britain and America. Lon- don, 1775. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 26, No. 8.) 14. 8 Right of the British Legislature to Tax the American Colon- ies Vindicated. London, 1774. 8vo. (Rev. Pfep. Vol. 4, No. 1). 14. 1 Rights of the Colonies, and the Extent of the Legislative Authority of Great Britain, Briefly Stated and Considered. (Anon.) London, 1769. 8vo. (Rev. Pamp. Vol. 25, No. 6.) 14. 8 Robinson, Matthew. Considerations on the Measures Carry- ing on with Respect to the British Colonies in North America. 3d Edition. London, 1774. Svo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 29, No. 1.) 14. 8 Robinson, IMatthew. Farther Examination of our-Present American Measures. Bath, 1776. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 29, No. 2.) 14. 8 Roebuck, John. Inquiry Whether the Guilt of the Present Civil War in America Ought to be Imputed to Great Brit- ain or America. New Edition. London, 1776. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 10, No. 2.) 14. 1 Seabury, Samuel and Wilkins, Isaac. Congress Canvassed. London, 1775. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 17, No. 6.) 14. 1 Shebbeare, John. The Present Crisis, with Respect to America. London, 1775. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 33, No. L) 14. 8 Some Candid Suggestions Towards Accommodation of Dif- ferences with America. (Anon.) London, 1775. Svo. (Rev. Pamph. Vol. 26, No. 5.) 14. 8 10 74 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American Eevolution: Preceding Controversy — (Cont'd). Speech intended to have been delivered in the House of Commons, in support of the petition from the general con- gress at Philadelphia, etc. London, 1775. 8vo. (Eev. Pamph. Vol. 26, No. 4.) 14. 8 Strictures upon the Declaration of the Congress at Philadel- phia, in a letter to a noble lord. London, 1776. Svo. (Eev. Pamph. Vol 5, :N^o. 6.) 14. 1 Thoughts on the Origin and Nature of Government. Occa- sioned by the disputes between Great Britain and her American Colonies. (Anon.) Written in 1766. London, 1769. Svo, p. Q^. (Eev. Pamph. Vol. 5, No. 1.) 14. 1 Thoughts upon the Present Contest Between the Adminis- tration and the British Colonies in America. (Anon.) London, 1775. Svo. (Eev. Pamph. Vol. 25, No. 2.) 14. 8 The Trial of the British Soldiers of the 29th Foot, for the Murder of Crispus Attucks, Samuel Gray, Samuel Maver- ifk, James Caldwell and Patrick Carr, on March 5, 1770^ before the Hon. Benj. Lynde, et al. Boston, 1824. 12mo. 16. 13 True Contitutional Means for Putting an End to the Dis- putes Between Great Britain and the American Colonies. (Anon.) Loudon, 1769. Svo. (Eev. Pamph. Vol. 5, No. 6.) 14. 1 Tucker Josiah. Letter from a Merchant in London to his Nephew in North America Eelative to Affairs in the Col- onies. London, 1766. Svo. (Eev. Pamph. Vol. 4, No. 5.) 14. 1 View of the Schemes with respect to America, and their comparative merit in promoting the dignity and interest of Great Britain. (Anon.) London, 1776. Svo. (Eev. Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 6.) 14. 1 Wilkins, Isaac. View of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies, in a letter, etc. London, 1775. Svo. (Eev. Pamph., Vol. 17, No. 5.) 14. ) American Eevolution — Treaty of Peace. Authentic Cop- ies of the Provisional and Preliminary Articles of Peace signed between Great Britain, France, Spain and the United States. London, 1783. Svo. (Eev. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 4.) 14. 1 Chalmers, George. Opinions on Interesting Subjects arising from American Independence. London, 1784. 8vo. (Eev. Pamph., Vol. 12, No. 1.) 14. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 75 American Eevolution — Teeaty of Peace — (Continued). Considerations of the Attorney General's Proposition for a Bill for the Establishment of Peace with America. By an old member of j)arliament. Lon Ion, 1782. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 9. Xo. 5.) 14. 1 Definition Treaty of Peace between the United States and his Britanic Majesty, 1783, (facsimile.) Boston, 1883. 8vo. 11. 13. 1 Letter to the Earl of Shelburne on the Peace. (Anon. ) Signed '^Portius." London, 1783. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 7, Ko. 6.) 14. 1 Observations on the Fifth Article of the Treaty with Amer- ica, and the necessity of inquiry into the losses of the American Loyalists. Printed by order of their agants. (Anon.) London, 1783. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 1.) 14. 1 Observations on the Preliminary and Provisional Articles. London, 1783. 8vo,p.33. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 5.) Remarks upon the Report of a Peace. By the author of ''TheDefenseof the Earl of Shelburne." (Anon.) Lomlon, 1782. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 11, No. 2.) 14. 1 See also. Brandywine, BuQker Hill. Congress. Continental, Names of Generals, Loyalists, etc. American Slavery as it is.- Weld, T. D. N. Y. 1839. 8vo. 30. 12 Slavery as it is. Part II. Address by Samuel Eliot, at the Fifth Annual Meeting, etc. Boston, 1867. 8vo. 57. 10. 1 Social Science Association. Constitution, List of Members, Transactions, July, 1866. Boston, 1866. 8vo. 57. 10. 1 Proceedings of the Conference of Charities, 1877-79. Bos- ton. 8vo. 3 Vol. 57. 5. 2 State Papers. Washington, 1832-61. fo. 38 Vol. 50.6 Claims, 1 Vi»l. ; Commerce and Navisration, 2 Vols.; Finance, o Vol.; Foreign Relations, 6 Vols.; Indian Affairs, 2 Vol8. ; Military Affairs, 7 Vols.; Miscellaneous, 2 Vols.; Xaval Affairs, 4 Vol.; Post Office Dejurt- ment, 1 Vol. ; Public Lands, 8 Vols. Statesmen, Homes of American Statesmen, AYith Anecdo- tical. Personal and Descriptive Sketches, by Various Writers. X. Y. 1855. 8vo. 45. 9 Statistical Association. Collections, Vol. 1, pt. 1-3. 51. 2. 5. Constitution and By-Laws, Jan., 1881. Boston, 8vo. 5L 2. 5 76 3IINNES01A HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American Eevolution — Treaty of Peace — (Continued). JarvisS, Edward. Increase of Human Life. Eead before the Association. Boston, 1872. 8vo. 51. 2. 5 Sunday School Union. Eeport, J 835. Philadelphia. 8vo. 38. 12. 10 do for 1848. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 17, No. 9. 53. t> Thanksj^iving Dinner at St. James' Hall, London, Nov. 26, 1863. London, 1863. 8vo. 30. 6 Tract Societj^ Family Christian Almanac. 1847, 50-52, 58. 61, 63, 66. N. Y. n. d. 16vo. 53. 10. 6 New England Branch. Eeport, 1869. Boston, 1869. 8vo. 8. 2. 4 Boston. Its Position in Eegard to Slavery. Boston, 1859. 12mo. 30. 7. 1 Traveler. Cluny, Alex. London, 1769. 4to. 33. 4 Union Academy of Literature, Science and Art. Constitu- tion and By-Laws, 1869. Washington, 1869. 8vo. 11. 8. 4 See Draper, J. W. Address to the Academy, etc. Jan. 31, 1870. Washington, 1870. 8vo. 11. 8. 4 Paschal, G. W. Lecture March 7, 1875. Washington, 1870. ^Eamsey Pamph. Vol. 37, No. 11.) 60. 2 Year Book. See Camp. D. N. Editor. Americanims, Dictionary of, S^e Bartlett, J. E. 2d Edition. Boston, etc., 1859. 34. 14 Americans. Congreso Internacionale de Americanistas. See Madrid. 15. 11. 1 Ames, Adalbert, Governor of Mississippi. Extension of the Ku Klux Act. Speech in the U. S. Senate, May 20, 1872. No title page. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 5, No. l.)60. 1 Ku Klux Organization. Speech, U. S. Senate, March 21, 1871. No title page. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph. Vol. 32, No. 21.) 60. 8 Message to the Legislature of Mississippi, Session, 1875. Jackson, Miss., 1875. 8vo. 15. 7 3 Ames, Charles G. Stand by the President. Address Before the National Union Association of Cincinnati, March 6, 1863. Cincinnati, 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Ames, Fisher. Works. Prefixed, Notices of His Life and Character. Boston, 1809. 8vo. 43. 10 Ames, Michael E. Eeports. See Minnesota Territory, Supreme Court. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 77 Ames, Oakes. Defense in the House of Eepresentatives, Feb. 25, 1873. No title page. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 33, No. 23.) 60. 2 Memoir, With an Account of the Dedication of the Oakes Ames Memorial Hall, at North Easton, Mass., Nov 17, 1881. Cambridge, 1883. 13. 3 Amesbury, Mass. Sae MerrilU, Joseph. History of Amesbury. 9. 12 Amesbury. Mass. Byram, B. P. First Baptist Church. 25. 9 Amherst, (Mass.) College. Addresses at the Dedication of the New Cabinet and Observatory, June 18, 1848. By Wm. B. Calhoun and Others. Amherst, 1848. Svo. 9. 8. 8 Catalogue, 1829, 52-54, 56-58, 63-66, 69, 85. Amherst. 8vo. 9. 8. 8 Catalogus. 185 L, 54-57. Amhersti^e. 8yo. 9. 8. 8 See Hitchcock, Edward. The Highest Use of Learning. Address at His Inauguration as Pj'esident. 1845. 9. 2 Eeminiscences of Amherst College. 1863. 7. 14 Humx)hrey, Heman. Address, on Occasion of His Inaugu- ration as President, 1823. 9. 2 , Valedictory Address, on Leaving the Presidency, 1845. 9. 2 Opening of Walker Hall, Oct. 20, 1870. Address by W. A. Stearns, President. 9. 2 Shedd, W. G. T. True Nature of the Beautiful, etc. Dis- course before the Literary Societies of Amherst College, Aug. 13, 1851. 53. 12 Stearns, W. A. Discourses and Addresses at his Inaugura- tion as President, Nov. 22, 1855. 9. 2 Amherst, N. H. Historical Sketch of, by John Farmer. 7. 3 . Secomb, D. F. History of the Town of Amherst- • 7. 11 Amistad, Schooner. See Webster, Daniel, Eelations with Spain, etc. 44. 5 Ammidown, Holmes. Genealogical Memorial and Family Eecord of the Ammidown Family, and a Partial Eecord of some other Families, of Southbridge, Mass. n.t. p. 1877. 8vo. 47. 1 Sketch of, by Clark Jillson. Wore. Soc. of Ant., 1883. 9. 10. 2 Ammidown Family. See Ammidown, Holmes. Genealogical Memoranda of. 47. 1 78 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. AiVfONG THE Guerillas. See Gilmore, J. E. ^N". Y., 1866. 29. 1 IiKlians. See Boiler, H. A. Phlla., 1868. 1.5. 8 Pines. The South in Secession Time. See Gilmore, J. E. 30. 10 Sioux of Dakota. See Poole, D. 0. N. Y., 1881. 15. 8 Amoor Eiver, Asia. U. S. Dept. of State. Exploration of Amoor Eiver, 1858. 30. 2 Amory, Egbert. Exi^eriment upon the Physiological Action of Bromide of Potassium and Ammonia. Boston, 1869. 8vo. 51. 11. 3 And Webber, S. G. Physiological Study of Yeratrum Yiride, and Yeratria. Boston, 1869.' 12mo. 51. 11. 3 Amory, Thomas, C. Daniel Sullivan's Yisits, 1781, to Gen. John Sullivan, in Philadelphia. Cambridge, 1884. 8vo. 43. 7 Gen. Sullivan not a Pensioner of Luzerne (the French Min- ister.) Cambridge, 1875. 8vo. 43. 7., S. 2 Military Services and Public Life of Maj. Gen. John Sulli- van. Boston, 1868. 8vo. 44. 9 Amos, A. Eeports of Trials in the Courts of Canada, relative to the Destruction of the Earl of Selkirk's Settlements on the Eed Eiver, 1818. London, 1820. 8vo. 20. 11 Ampere, Andre Marie. Eulogy on, by Francois Arago. Smiths. Eeport, 1872, pp. 111-171. 49. 3 Amsterdam (N. Y.), Academy. Catalogue, 1877. 8vo. 10. 6. 2 Amusements. See Hone, Wm. IJveryday Book and Table Talk, etc. 74.5 Eoot, N. W. T. School Amusements; How to. Make School Interesting. 56. 1 Anagnos, M. Kindergarten and Primary School for the Blind. A Brief Account of its Foundation, its Yalue, its Present •Wants and Future Needs. Boston, 1886. 8vo. 25.. 1. 3 Kindergarten and Primary School for the Blind. A Brief Account of its Foundation, its Yalue, its Present Wants and Future Needs. A Second Appeal, etc. Boston, 1884. 8vo. pp. 46. 25. 1. 3 Analogy of Eeligion. See Butler, Joseph. N, Y., 1833. 12mo. o^. 10 Analysis of the Late Correspondence between our Adminis- tration and Great Britain and France. See Lowell. John. Boston, 1809. 8vo. 33. 7. 1 Anamosa, Iowa. See Booth, E. A namosa, Origin of its Name^ etc. 19. 13. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRA Anato:my. Mass. Gen. Court-House. Report 'a Cominittee on Legalizing the Study of Anatomy. Boston. 1831. 8vo. 51. 11. 2 Of Melancholy. Burton, Eobert. Xew Ed. Boston, 1859. 8vo. 3 Vols. 74. 2 Anbury, Thomas. Travels Through Anierica. 2 Vols. Lon- don, 1791. 8vo. 16. 13 Anchor, Pseud. See De Peyster, J. W. Ancient and Honorable Artillery Co. Boston. See Boston, Mass. Ancien^t Geography. See Geography, Ancient. History. See History, Ancient. Landmark, Vols. 23., 1852-54. Mt. Clemens, Mich. 52. 2 Order, United Workmen, Minn. Minutes of the Grand Lodge, held at St. Paul, 1878. 8vo. 22. 4. 5 Second Annual Session, Gr. Legion of Select Knights. Anderson, Alex. C. Notes on North\Yestern Americ i. Mon- trenl, 187G. 8vo. p. 22. 10. 10. 6 Anderson, Alex. D. The Mississippi and Tributaries, A Com- mercial and Statistical Review. 2 Maps. Wash. 1881. Svo. 72. 13. 2 Andersox, Charles. Funeral Oration on Henry Clay, in Cincinnati, Xov. 2, 1852. Cinn., 1852. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 2 Cause of the War; Who Brought it On, and For What Pur- pose. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. (Loyal Pub. Soc. Ko. 17.) 30. 4. 1 Latter to the Opera House Meeting, Cincinnati. X. Y., 1862. Svo. (Loyal Pub. Soc' :N'o. 21.) 30. 9 Oration on the American Revolution, Cincinnati, July 4, 1855. Cinn., 1855. 8vo. 74. 7. 4 Anderson, Chas. Frederick. Architect's Report and Plans for the Improvement of the Heating, Ventilation etc., of the Senate and House of Representatives, Washington, Dec. 2, 1864. Wash. 1864. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph. Vol. 19, Xo. 3.) • 60. 8 Report of Committee on Public Buildings on Memorial of C. F. Anderson, Mar. 29, 18G4. (Ramsey Pamph. Vol. 19, ^o. 4.) 60. 8 Anderson, David. Bp. of Rupert's Land. :N"otes of the. Flood at the Red River, 1852. London, n. d. 12mo. 20. 3 The :N'et in the Bay; Journal of a Visit to Moose and Albany. London, 1854. 8vo. 20. 4 80 MINNESOTA HISIORICAL SOCIETY. Anderson, E. L. Soldier and Pioneer. Biographical Sketch of Lt. Col. Eichard C. Anderson, of the Continental Army. K. Y., 1879, Sq. 16mo. 43. 8 Anderson, Ephraim F. Memorial Address at Antietam IS'a- tional Cemetery, May 30, 1870. Baltimore, n. d. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph.^, Vol. 36, Xo. 1.) 60. 2 Anderson, Hugh. True and Historical ^N^arrative, etc. See Tailfer, Patr. 14. 12 AndersOiS[, James. Constitutions of the Free Masons. (Edition of 1723.) Phila., 1854. 8vo. 52. 2. 1 Anderson, James. Interest of Great Britain, With Regard to her American Colonies, Considered. London, 1872. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 9, Xo. 7.) 14. 1 Anderson, John A. Sermon. Kansas Editors' and Publishers' Association, Annual, 1879. 19. 14. 2 Anderson, John J. Did the Louisiana Purchase Extend to the Paciiic Ocean? And Our Title to Oregon. X. Y., 1881. 8vo. a9. 10. 7 Manual of General History, (to 1870.) K Y., 1871. 12mo, 40. 1 School History of England. X..Y\, 1870. 12mo. 35. 9 Ed. Ancient History. See Bloss, C. A. 40. 1 Ed. Historical Reader; Selections from Standard Writers of History. IS". Y"., 1872. 40. 1 Anderson, Martin B. Legislation to Prevent the United States being made a Receptacle for Foreign Paupers. (A Paper read at the Conference of Chai*ities held at Saratoga, Sept. 1876.) n. t. p.-8vo. 57. 4. 5 Anderson, Osborne P. Narrative of Events at Harper's Ferry. Boston, 1861. 12mo. 30. 7. 3 Anderson, Rasmus B. America Not Discovered by Columbus. Discovery by the Norsemen. New ed. Chicago, , 1877. 12mo. 14. 10 Biographical Sketch of Lyman C. Draper. From the His- tory of Dane County, Wis. Cincinnati, 1881. 8vo. 43. 6. D. Norse Mythology, containing all the Myths of the Eddas, Systematized and Interpreted. 2 edit. Chicago, 1876. Svo. 40. 9 Trans. Viking Tales of the North. Sagas Translated from the Icelandic. Chicago and London, 1877. 8vo. 40. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 81 Andersox, Richard C. See Anderson, E. L. Biographical Sketch of, etc. AxDERSO.v, Rev. Rufus. The Theory of Missions to the Heathen. A Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Edward Webb, as a Missionary to the Heathen, Ware, Mass., Oct. 23, 1845. Bost. 12mo. 50. 14. 4 See Tliompson, A. C. Discourse, Commemorative of, etc. 43. (i. A. An'debson, Rev. Tho3. D. The Home and the Nation. (Mass. Elec. Sermon, Jan. 4, 1860.) Bost. 1860. 8vo. 56. 5. 6 Anderson, Wm. Genealogy and Surnames; With Some Her- aldic and Biographical Notices. Edinburgh, 1865. 8vo. 46. 2 Scottish JsTation, The. Biographical History of the People of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1864. 8vo. 3 Vols. 40.13 See Houston, Thomas. The Faithful Minister, etc. Dis- course on the Death of. 43. 6. A. Andersonville Prison. See Atwater, Dorence. List of the Union Soldiers buried at Andersonville. From the Offi- cial Record. :Nrew York, 1866. 4to. 30. 4. 9 • Blaine, J. G., and others; Jeff Davis; Amnesty. State- ment in Regard to the Suffering at Andersonville. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 11. 4 Goss, W. L. Soldier's Story of his. Captivity at Anderson- ville, Belle Isle etc. 30. 2 Kellogg, R. H. Life and Death in Rebel Prisons, etc. 30. 8 .iiist of Soldiers belonging to Pennsylvania Regiments, who Died at Andersonville, Ga., from Feb. 26, 1864, to March 24, 1865. Harrisburg, 1865. 4to. 30. 4. 9 Martyrs, who, for our Country, gave up their Lives in the Prison Pens of Andersonville, Ga. Wash., 1886. 8vo. (Roll of Honor, Vol. 1) 30. 3 Merrill, J. W. Records of the 24th Independent Battery, U. S. Light Artillery, U. S. V. 29. 12 Roach, A. C. The Prisoners of War, and how Treated. 30. 2 Spencer, Ambrose. K'arrative of Andersonville, from Evi- dence on the Trial of Wirz. 30. 1 See also TJ. S. History; War of the Rebellion, Prisons, etc. Andes, Mountains. See Ashe, E. D. :N^otes of a Journey across the Andes, in Peru. 20. 9. 7 Mac Rae, Archibald. Andes and the Pampas. 50. 11 82 3IINNES0rA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Andorra, (Republic between France and Spain.) SeeTuckeiv W. W. Valley of Andorra. 52. 12 Andover, Mass. See Bailey, S. L. Historical Sketches of An- dover, Mass. 8. 10- Memorial Hall. See Brooks, Phillips. Address at Dedica- tion. 9. 2 Phillips Academy. See Phillii^s Academy. Theological Seminary. Catalogue 1838, 55, 60, 68. An- dover. 8vo. 9. 8. a N^ecrology of, v. d. 1880-1. Prepared by Henry A. Ha- zen. 43. 14, 7 Triennial Catalogue. 1857-70. Andover, 1857-70. 8vo. 9. 8. a Woods, Leonard. History of the. 25. 2: ^orth. North Andover, Mass. Andre, Maj. John. The Cow Chace. (Burlesque Poem.) Be- print, Cinn., 1869. 8vo. 14. 10. 1 See Biddle, C. T. The Case of Maj. Andre. Review of Lord Mahon's Statement in his hist, of England. 11. J0» Sargent, Winthrop. Life and Career of Maj. Andre. Bos- ton, 1861. 8vo. 43. 9 Andrea, Bernardo. Historia regis Henri ci Septimi. (His- tory of King Henry YII.) Ed. by James Gairdner. Lon- don, 1858. • 40. i> Andreas, A. T. Atlas Map oi Vigo Co., Ind. Chicago, 1874. fo. pp. 110. 85. a Andreas, A. T. History of Chicago. 3 Vols. 4to. 1884-5. 19. r> Illustrated Historical Atlas of Iowa. Chicago, 1875. 4to. V. Illustrated Historical Atlas of Minnesota. Chicago, 1874. 4vo. V. History of Cook Co., 111., 1884. 17. 10 Andrew, J. O. See Hibbard, F. G. Speech of Bp. Hamline, on Trial of Bp. Andrew, of the M. E. Church, on charge of Slave Holding. (In his Memoir of Hemline.) Cinn., 1881. 12mo. 45. 3 Andrew, John Albion. Address at Boston, Aug. 27, 1862. 30. 4. 5- Address at Brattleborough, by Invitation of the Agricultur- al Society of Vermont, Sept. 7, 1866. Boston, 1866. 8vo. pp. 44. (Ramsey Pamph. Vol. 25, Xo. 19.) 60. 8- Address Before the N. E. Historic, Genealogical Society,. Jan. 2, 1867. Boston, 1867. 8vo. 8. 5. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 83- Andrew, John Albion — (Continued). Address to the Graduating Class of the Medical School at Cambridge, March 9, 1864. Boston, 1864. 8vo. 9. 2 Address to the Legislature, Jan. 1861, 64, 65. Addresses and Messages to the Legislature, 1861-66. 8vo. Boston.. 8. 1. 2 Message to the Legislature on the Death of A. Lincoln, n. t. p., 8vo. 43. 14. 1 Memoir of J. W. Brown. 1860. 16vo. 43. 8 Speeches in Hingham and Boston, In Eelation to John Brown, n. t. p., 8vo. 33. 7. 4 See Burnham, Samuel. Memoir of Gov. Andrew. 46. 3 Ceremonials at the Unveiling of the Statue of, at the State House, Boston, Feb. 14, 1871. Boston, 1871. 8vo. 43. 6. A. See Sargent, Horace B. Memorial Address on, 1875. 8. 9. 6- Whipple, E. P. Eulogy on J. A. Andrew. Boston, 1867. 43. 7. A. Andrews, Alfred. Genealogical History of Deacon Stephen Hart and His Descendants, 1632-1875. Hartford, Conn., 1875. 8vo. 47. 3 Genealogical History of John and Mary Andrews, who Set- tled in Farmington, Conn., 1640, embracing their De- scendants to 1872. Chicago, 1872. 8vo. 47. 1 Genealogy and Ecclesiastical History of Xew Britain, Conn. Chicago. 1867. 8vo. 7.. 5 Andrews, Christopher C. Condition and ?^eeds of Spring Wheat Culture in the Northwest. Washington, 1882. 8vo. 72.4.1 Digest of the Opinions of the Attorney General of the LTnited States. Washington, 1857. 60. 10 Early Steps in Reconstruction. Speeches in Texas and- Ar- kansas, 1863-5. n. t. p., 8vo. 33. 7. 5 Elements of Civilization. Discourse before the Mercantile Library Association of St. Paul, Jan. 3, 1860. St. Paul, 1860. 8vo. 74. 7. 2 Extracts from Letters and Articles against- "Know-noth- ingism." St. Paul, 1859. 8vo. 33. 7. 5 History of the Campaign of Mobile, jST. Y., 1867. 30. 9- Minnesota and Dacotah; Tour in 1856. Washington, 1857. 12mo. 22. 1 Practical Treatise on the Eevenue Laws of the United States. Boston, 1858. 8vo. 60. 10» 84 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Andrews, Geoege B. — (Continued). Reflections on the Operation of the Present System of Edu- cation. Boston, 1853. 8vo. 56. 9. 2 Eeport made to the Department of State, on the Condition of the Industrial Classes in Sweden and Xorway. Wash- ington, 1874. 8vo. 52. 10. 2 Eeport of the Minister Resident of the United States at Stockholm, on the Commerce of the United States with Sweden and Norway. London, 1877. 8vo. 57. 10. 3 Report on the Forests and Forest Culture of Sweden. Wash- ington, 1872. 8vo. (U. S. Depf of State.) 49. 10 J^eport on Pauperism and Poor Laws in Sweden and Nor- way. (Reprinted from "Foreign Relations of the L^. S.," 1776.) London, 1877. 8vo. 57. 5. 3 Report on the Revenue from Spirits in Norway. (Reprinted from the "Commercial Relations of the U. S.") London, 1877. 8vo. 37. 10. 2 Report on the Revenue from Spirits, and on the Civil Ser- vice in Sweden. (Reprinted from "Foreign Relations of the U. S.,'' 1876.) London, 1877. 8vo. 57. 4. 3 Suffrage the Armor of Liberty. Speech at St. Paul, Oct. 26, 1865. • 33. 7. 5 Sketch and Public Record of, n. t. p., 8vo. 43. 6. A. Andrews, E. Re-examination of the Localities of Human An- tiquities at Abbeville, Amiens and Villeneuve. (From the Amer. Jour. Science and Arts, Vol. 45.) 15. 11. 1 Andrews, Ethan Allen, and Stoddard, Samuel. Grammar of the Latin Language, for Schools. 65th ed. Boston, 1860. 12mo. 34. 8 Slavery and the Domestic Slave Trade in the U. S. Boston, 1856. 16mo. 30. 6 Andrews, E. B. Report Ohio Geological Survey, 1869-70. 51. 5 Andrews, E. W. Death of the Saint, etc. Discourse on the Death of Mrs. Margaret McCown, June 13, 1847. Troy, N. Y., 1847. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 12.) 53.12 Andrews, Lieut. Geo. (U.S.A.) Genealogy of the Andrews Family. (Reprinted from the N. E. Hist. Gen. Register.) Boston, 1886. 8vo. 25. 7. 1 Andrews, George B. Sermon on the Death of James Tall- madge, inFranklindale, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1853. Poughkeep- sie, 1853. 8vo. 43. 7. T. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 85 Andrews, Henry P. and Wiggins, P. P. Descendants of John Porter, of Windsor, Oonn. Saratoga Springs, X. Y. 1882. 8vo. • 47. 5 Andrews, Key. I. W. Bearing our own Burdens, the Dictate of Manliness, as well as Religion. Baccalaureate Discourse at Marietta College, June 23, 1870. n. p., n. d. 8vo. 56. 7. 1 Washington County, and tlfe Early Settlement of Ohio. Centennial Historical Address, Marietta, O., July 4, 1876. Cincinnati, 18V7. 8yo. - 18. 2 When was Ohio Admitted into the Union? n. t. p. 8vo. 18. 3. 1 Andrews, J. X. History of the Sabbath, and First Day of the Week. 2ded. Battle Creek, Mich., 1873. 8yo. 56. 10 Andrews, John. History of the War with America, France,. Spain and Holland, commencing in 1775 and ending in 1783. 4 Vols. London, 1785. 8vo. 42. 6 Letters to the Count of Welderen, on Affairs Between Great Britain and the United Provinces. London, 1781. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 3.) 14. 1 Andrews, John W. Oration before the Connecticut Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Yale College, Aug. 14, 1850. Xew Haven, 1850. 8vo. (Yale College Addresses, Xo. 8.^.) 7.13 Andrews, Rufus, Letter to Thurlow Weed. N. Y. 1864. 16mo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 4. No. 6.) 60. 8 Andrew^s Family. See Andrews, Alfred. Genealogical History of John and Mary Andrews, who settled in Farmington, Conn., 1640, embracing their descendants to 1872. 47. 1 Andrews, George, Genealogy of the Andrews Family. 25. 7. 1 Andros Sir Edmund. Answer of the Agent of Massachusetts to the Complaints of Sir Edmund Andros, 1688. (jMaine Hist. Coll. Vol. 5, pp. 389 399.) 7. 1 James IL, King of England. Commission to Sir Edmund Andros. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 4.) 14. 12 . Report of his Administration of New England. (Prince. Soc. publ. Andros Tracts, Vol. 3.) 9. 3 See Andros Tracts. Andros Tracts. Collec^tion of Pamphlets and Official Pa- pers issued during the period between the overthrow of the Andros Government and the establishment of the Sec- •86 3IINNES0TA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. oi]d Charter of Massachusetts. Eeprinted from the orig- inal editions and MSS. with Xotes and Memoir of Sir Ed- mund Andros, by W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1868-74. 3 Vols. 8vo. 9. 3 Contents: Abstract of Laws of New England, contrary to the Laws of England, 1689. Yol, 3. Account of the Late Revolution in New England, by A. B., Vol. 2. Andros, Sir Edmund, Report, Vol. 3. Appeal to the Men of New England, Vol. 3. Bulkley, Gershom. The People's Right to Election, Vol.2. Byfield, Nathaniel. Account of the late Revolu- tion in New England, 1689. Vol. 1. Considerations against the Charter of Mass. Bay, 1689. Vol. 3,» Dudley, Joseph. New England's Faction Discovered, 1690. Vol. 2. Further Queries. Vol. 1. Humble Address of the Publicans. Vol. 2. Mather, Cotton, extracts from his*"Par- entator." Vol. 3. Political Fables. Vol. 2. Mather, Increase, Ad- dress to the Inhabitants of Mass. Bay. Vol. 2. Brief Account Con- cerning Agents. Vol. 2. Narrative of the Miseries of New England. Vol. 2. New England Vindicated. Vol. 2. Reasons for the Confirmation of the Charters. Vol. 2. Account of Mather's Agency. Vol. 2. Narrative of the Proceedings of Sir E. Androsseand his complices; by several gen- tlemen. Vol. 1. Palmer, John, Impartial Account of New England. Vol.1. Present State of the New England Affairs. Vol. 2. Randolph, Edward, Biogr. Sketch, by himself. Vol, 3. Revolution, The, in New England Justified and the People Vindicated. Vol. 1. Short Discourse on Joining the Plantation Charters with those of New England. Vol. 2. Willard, Samuel, Brief Discourse concerning laying the hands on the Bible in Swearing, etc. Andross, Thomas. Discourse on the Death of Hon. Samuel Tobey, Taunton, 1824. Boston (repr. 1870.) 8vo. 43. 7. T. 1 Anecdotes. See Kirkland, Frazer. Pictorial Book of Anec- dotes and Incidents. 30. 10 Angelic Wisdom Concerning Divine Love and Wisdom, etc. See Swedenborg, Emanuel. 56. 6 Angell, Avery F. Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas Angell, who settled in Providence, 1636. Providence, 1872. 8vo. 47. 1 Angell, George T. Cattle Transportation in the U. S. Bos- ton, 1872. 4to. (Ramsey Pamph. Yol. 16, iS'o. 33.) 60. 1 Angell, James Burrill. Exercises at the Inauguration of. See Michigan, University of. 18. 4. 1 Angell, Joseph K. See Rider, S. S. Bibliographical Memoir of J. K. Angell, etc. 8. 7. 6 Angell Family. See Angell, A. F. Genealogy of the De- scendants of Thomas Angell, who settled in Providence, 1636. 47. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 87 Anglia Rediviva; no Defense of the Aristocratic Party, etc. (Anon.) London, 1782, (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 11, '^o. 4.) 14. 1 Anglo Saxon Chronicle, A. D. 55-1150. Great Britain, Public Record Office. (Moniimenta Historica Brit., 1848. Fol. Vol. 1, pp. 291.466. . Y. Anglo Saxon Chronicle, According to the Several Original Authorities. Ed. with a translation by Benjamin Thorpe. London, 1861, 8vo. 2 Vols. 40. 4 Anglo Saxon, Language. See Vernon, E. J., P^ditor. Guide to the Anglo-Saxon Tongue. Grammar, etc. 34. 8 Bosworth, T. Anglo Saxon and English Dictionary. 38. 3 Literature. See Saxon Literature. Anglo Saxons, The. . See Kemble, John C. The Saxons in England, etc. 2 Vols. London, 1876. 42. 12 Ereeman, E. A. History of the Xorman Conquest. 42. 13 Lappenberg, J. M. History of England Under the Anglo Saxon Kings. London, 1845. 35. 10 ^N^orth, Simeon. Anglo Saxon Literature. Oration, Utica, 1867. 7. 13 Turner, Sharon. History of the Anglo Saxons. 38. 2 Amiqw£V^, pseud. See Cldivk^ W. A. Animals. See Dodge, R. I. Buffalo, Elk, Deer, Antelope, etc. (In his Plains of the Great West.) 19. 3 Hay, R. R. Why are there no Upper Incisors in the Ru- dimantia? (Wis. Acad. Sci. Transac. Vol. 4, pp. 147- 150.) 19. 12. 1 Jewell, J. S. Mind in the Lower Animals. (Wise. Acad. Sci. Transac. Vol. 4, pp. 164-187.) Morton, S. G. Additional Observations on Hybridity in Animals. Reply to the Objections of John Bachmann. 51. 11. 4 Sheppard, William. Observations on the Menobranchus Lateralis. 20. 9. 7 See also. N^atural History. Vertebrates. Zoology. jN'ames of Animals, etc. Annales Monastici. Ed. by Henry Richards Luard. Vols. 2-5. London, 1865-9. 8vo. 4 Vols. 40. 5 Annals of Congress. Debates and Proceedings, 1789-1824. See United States Congress. 60. 4 Annals of Iowa. Jan. 1863. Oct. 1874. 12 Vols. 8vo. Iowa City. 19. 13. 1 88 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annals of iowa — (Continued). Historical Quarterly, Edited and Published by S. S.. Howe. 3 Vols. Iowa City, 1882-4. 8vo. 19. 13. 5^ Annals of KansIs. 1852-1874. See Wilder, D. W. Topeka, Kan., 1875. 8vo. 19. 7 Annals of the Army of the Cumberland. By an Officer. See Webster, B. F. 29. 2 Annals of the Faith. Periodical Collection of Letters From Roman Catholic Bishops and Missionaries Employed in the Old and IS'ew World. Continuation of ^^Lettres Edificates:' Vols. 3, 5, 8. Dublin, 1840-45. 8vo. 40. 2 Annals of the West. Perkins, J. H. Cinn., 1816. 8vo. pp. XX., 591. 18. 2 Ann AND ALE, l!iJ^. Y. St. Stephen's College. Catalogue, 1869, 70, 74, 76. Albany, 1869-76. 8vo. 10. 6. 2 Annapolis, Md. See Ridgely, David. Annals of Annapolis, Md., 1649-1812. 11. 1 Taylor, O. M. History of Annapolis, 1648-1872. 11. 1 Saint John's College, Triennial Catalogue, 1858-59, An- napolis, 1858. 11. 1. 2 Saint John's College. See Corson, Hiram. The University of the Future. Address Before the Alumni of Saint John's College, July 7, 1875, Annapolis, 1875. 8vo. 11. 1. 2 Anne Boleyn. See Henry VIII. Anne Hyde, Duchess of York. Reasons for Becoming a Roman Catholic. 40. 5 Annual. See Hall, James, Ed. Western Souvenir, 1829. Cinn., 1829. 18mo. 19. 1 Annual Wide Awake Gift; a Know-]^^^othing Token for 1855. N. Y., 1855. 12mo. 23. 6 Annual of Scientific Discovery. Ed. by D. A. Wells & Geo. Bliss. 1850, 53, 55, 56, 59, 61, 65. Boston. 8vo. 49. 1 Anoka Co. (Minn.) Agricultural Society. Premium List of An- nual Fair, 1879. Anoka, 1879. 8vo. " 22. 14. 1 Ansorge, George. The Teacher of Prussia, and the Teacher of America, n. t. p. 8vo. pp. 16. (From the Mass. Teacher.) m. 8. 1 Anstey, Henry, editor, Munimenta Academica, etc. See Ox- ford, Eng. University. 40. 6 Answer to Parts of a Work by Mathew Carey, entitled, ''The Oliver Branch." By a Federalist. [Anon,'] ^.Y., 1816. 12mo. 57. 3- CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 89 JA.NSWER TO THE DECLARATION of the American Congress. See Lind, Jonathan. London, 1776. (Rev, Pamph. Yol. 28, ^o. 4.) 14. 8 Antarctic Regions. See Wilkes, Charles, U.'S. Exi)l. Exped., 1838-42. Yol. 2. 49. 13 Anthoine, Xicolas. Historical Account of his Life and Trial, Burnt for Judaism at Geneva in 1632. (Harleian Misc. Yol. 4, pp. 168-176.) 40. 3 Anthon, Charles. Chronological Table. See Supplement to Lampriere's Classical Dictionary. 34.10 Anthon, Charles Edward. Narrative of the- Settlement of Geo. Christian Anthon in America. N. Y., 1872. 43. 6. A. Anthony, Henry B. Defense of Rhode Island. Speech in the Senate of the U. S., Feb. 1881. Washington, 1881. 8vo. 8. 7. 5 Rhode Island Statues in the Capitol. Remark in the Pres- entation of the Statues of Gen. Greene, and Roger Will- iams, to Congress. Washington, 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 31, No. 28.) 60. 8 Anthony, Susan B. Trial of, for Illegal Yoting. See Suf- frage, Woman. 57. 4. 1 Anthropology. Pri chard. James C. Researches into the Pliy- sical History of Mankind. 5 Yols. 15. 16. 14 See Darling, C. W. Anthropophagy. Utica, 1886. 15. 11. 1 8ee^\m, '^Ethnology," ^'Man, " etc. Anticipation of Marginal OS'otes, on the Declaration of Gov- ernment. Jan. 9, 1813, In the American Xational Intel- ligencer. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 1, p. 487.) 13. 5 Anticosti, Island of. See Roche, A. R. Resources and Capa- bilities of the Island of Anticosti. 1853. 20. 9. 3 A.NTIETAM, the, and Fredericksburg. See Palfrey, F. W., I^. Y., 1882. 30. 10 National Cemetery. History of the Cemetery, including a List of Loyal Soldiers buried therein; with Ceremonies at the Dedication of the Grounds, Sept. 17, 1867. Balti- more, 1869. 8vo. 30. 9 Proceedings of the Board of Trustees, for years 1867, 1871 and 1872. 60. 2 See Anderson, E. F.« Memorial Address at Antietam National Cemetery, May 30, 1870. 60. 2 Stake, Edward. Oration at the Decoration of the Graves in Antietam :N^ational Cemetery, May 30, 1872. 60. 2 12 90 3IINNES0TA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Antioch College. See Mayo, A. D. Scholar's Vocation, etc^ An Address, 1863. 74. 7. 2r Catalogues, 1869-70. Yellow Springs, O. 8vo. 18. 10. 7: Claims of Antioch College upon the Unitarian Denomina- tion. Boston, 1865. 8vo. 18. 10. 7 Antiquarian, The American. Quarterly Journal Devoted to American History, Ethnology and Archaeology, 1878-84.. 8vo. 60 in 3. 25. 3- Society, American. See American Antiquarian Society. Antiquities. American Antiquarian Society. Transactions and * Collections. Worcester, 1820-1874. 8vo. 60. 9. 10 See Andrews, E. Ee-examination of the Localities of Hu- man Antiquities at Abbeville, 'etc. 15. 11. 1 Asiatic Eesearches, 1798-99. 3 Vols. 40. 9- Butler, J. D. Copper Tools found in the State of Wiscon- sin. 19. 12. 1 Prehistoric Wisconsin. 19. 11 Castelli, AUessandro. Collection of Antiquities. 52. 13. 2. Catherwood, Frederick. Punico-Libyan Monument at Dugga, near Carthage, etc. 15. lO- Domenech, Emanuel. Ancient Euins, Mounds, etc. 19. 12 Fischer, Heinrich. Stone Implements of Asia. 9. 10. 1 Fosbrooke, T. D. Cyclopedia of Antiquities and Elements of Archaeology, etc. 34. 3- Hammer, Christian. Synopsis of his Museum of Art and Antiquity, Stockholm. 52. 14. 2 Harvard College, Peabody Museum. Eeports, 1868-86. 9. 10 Hodge, H. C. Prehistoric Euins of Arizona. 19. 2 Hoy, P. E. How did the Aborigines Fabricate Copper Instruments? 19. 32. 1 Landseer, John. Sabean researches, etc. 40. T Matile, G. S. American Ethnology, Paper on. 15. 11. 1 Nevin, J. W. Summary of Biblical Antiquities. 56. 11 New York City; Metropolitan Museum, Guide to the Ces- nola Collection. • 51. 3. 4 Nichols, T. Handy Book of the British Museum. 35. 2 Eau, Charles. Observations on the Cup-shaped and other Lapidarian Sculptures in the Old World. 50. 2 Eivero, M. E.,and Tschudi, J. J. von. Peruvian Antiquities. 40. S CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 91 Antiquities — (Continued). Smithsonian Eeport, 1861, p. 345. Lacustrine cities, etc. 49. 3 Turner, W. W. Himyaritic Inscriptions in Southern Arabia. 15. 10 Walpole, Eev. Eobert. Memoirs Eelating to Turkey, Greece, etc. 40. 7 See American Antiquarian Society. See Copenhagen Eoyal Society of Xorthern Antiquities. 40. 9^ See also America; Antiquities, Indians of America, Mounds and Mound Builders, etc. Antisell, T. Encyclopedia of the Useful Arts, ^N". Y., 1855. 12mo. 34. 8 Anti-Slayery Catechism. See Child, L. M. !N'ewburyi)ort, 1839. 12mo. 30. 7. 1 Anti-Slayery^ Examiner. Bible Against Slavery, etc. ^N". Y., 1838. 30. 7. 5 Thome, J. A., and Kimball, J. H. Emancipation in the West Indies. 30. 7. 5 Anti-Slayery Society. Constitution. Boston, 1838. 30. 7. 8 Tracts. See Amer. Anti- Slavery Society. Anti-Texass Legion. Protest of Some Free Men, States and Presses, against the Texass Eebellion. Albany, 1845. 30. 7. 2 Antrim, Joshua. History of Champaign and Logan Counties, O. Bellefontaine, O., 1872. 8yo. 18. 8 Antrim, 2^. H. See Cochrane, W. E. History of Antrim, K. H. 1744-1877. With a genealogical Eecord. Manchester, X. H., 1880. 8vo. ^ 7. 3 Apaches. See Indians of America. Apache. Apes, Wm. Indian Nullification. See Snelling, Wm. J. 8. 3 Apocalypse, Eeyealed. Swedenborg, Emanuel. K. Y., 1873. 2 Vols. 56. 6 Aphasia. See Wilbur, H. B. Aphasia. 8vo. 51. 11. 5 Apocryphal :n^ew Testament. Boston, 1821. 12mo. 56. 4 Apollonius, Ehodius. L' expedition des Argonauts, en la con- quete de la Toison d'or. Poeme, Traduit, p(5ur la pre- miere fois du Grec en Francois, par J. J. A. Caussin. Paris, 1795. 8vo. 40. 8 Apostles. See Taylor, J. Lives of the Apostles. (App. to his Life of Christ. 1818.) 43. 1 92 ^ dflNNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Appanoose County, Iowa. The History, of, containing a History of the County, its Cities, Towns, etc.. Biographical Di- rectory of Citizens, etc. Chicago, 1878., 8vo. 83. 8 Appeal From the New to the Old Whigs. See Adams, C. F. Boston, 1835. 8vo. 33. 7. 1 Appeal in behalf of the Greeks. (Anon.) London, 1824. Pamph- leteer, Yol. 23. 53. 12 To the American Congress. Bible Law of Marriage. 60. 2 On Behalf of the Sick. (Anon.) Phila., 1851. 8vo. Pp.48. 11. 7. 3 To the Justice and Interests of the People of Great Britain, in the Present Dispute with America. By an old member of Parliament. (Anon.) London,1774. 8v^o. (Eev..Pamph., Yol. 26, Xo. 2. 14. 8 Second Appeal, etc. By the author of the first. London, 1775. Pp. 90. (Eev. Pamph., Yol. 26, l^o. 3.) 14. 8 An, to the Men of Xew England, 1689. (Prince. Soc. Pub. Andros Tracts. Yol. 3, p. 189.) 9. 3 To the People of Massachusetts, on the Texas Question. (Anon.) Boston, 1843. 12mo. 33. 7. 1 To Protestant Dissenters of Great Britain. By a Prot. Dis- senter. Pamphleteer, Yol. 1. 33. 5 To the Public on Behalf of Cameria. (America.) A Young Lady who was nearly ruined by the barbarous treatment of her own mother. London, 1781. (Eeprint. Cin. O.) 1868. 8vo. 14. 10. 1 To the Public; Stating and Considering the Objections to the Quebec Bill. 2d ed. (Anon.) Loudon, 1774. 8vo. (Eev. Pamph., Yol. 36, ^o. 3.) 14. 8 Appleseed, Johnny. Mckname for Chapman, Jonathan, which see. Appleton, D. & Co. American Cyclopedia, N. Y., 1870. 8vo. With Annuals, 1861-1886. Dictionary of Machines and Engineering. ^ST. Y., 1852. 2 Yols. 8. 3 American Annual Encyclopedia. 1861-86. 34. 5 Appleton, .Eev, Jesse. A Sermon Preached in Boston, at the Annual Election, May, 25, 1814, before his Excellency Caleb Strong, Esq., Gov., etc. Boston, 1814. 8vo. 56. 5. 3 Appleton, ^N^athan. Introduction of the Power Loom and Origin of Lowell. Lowell, Mass, 1858. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Yol. 5, IsTo. 8.) ^ 9. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 93 Appletox, Kathan — (Continued). Eemarks on Currency and Banking. 2d ed. Boston, 1841. Svo. 33. 7. 6 Speech on the bill to Eeduce and Otherwise Alter the Du- ties on ImiDorts, delivered in the House of Eeps., Jan. 23, 1833, Washington, 1833. 8vo. 37. 2. 1 Sketch of. By J. H. Sheppard. 46. 3 The Star Spangled Banner, Address in aid of the Old South Meeting House, Boston, June 14, 1877. Boston, 1877. 16mo. 8. 9. 6 What is a Eeveuue Standard ? And a Eeview of. See Eob- ert J. Walker's Eeport on the Tariff. Boston, 1846. 8vo. 37. 2. 2 And Lowell, John A. Correspondence in relation to the Early History of Lowell. Boston, 1848. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Yol. 5. Xo. 6.) 9. 2 And Palfrey, J. O. Correspondence intended as a Supple- ment to Mr. Palfrey's Pamphlet on the Slave Power. Bos- ton, 1846. 8vo. 30. 7. 5 See Winthrop, E. C, Memoir. 4. 3. 6. A Appletox, Samuel. See Jewett, I. A. Memorial of Samuel Appleton, of Ipswich, Mass. Boston, .1850. 8vo. 47. 1 Memoir of. X. E. Hist. Gen. Soc. Memorial Biographies. 1880. 46. 13 Xotice of. X. E. Hist, and Gen. Eeg. Yol. 8. 46. 3 Appletois^, W3I. See Bobbins, Chandler. Memoir of. Boston, 1863. 8vo. 44. 9 See Sheppard, J. H. Memoirs, N. E. Hist. Gen. Eeg. Yol. 17. 46. 8 Appletox, Wm. S. Ancestry of Mary Oliver, who lived 1640- 98, wife of Samuel Appleton, of Ipswich. Cambridge, 1867. 8vo. 47. 11 Ancestry of Priscilla Baker, wife of Isaac Appleton, of Ips. wich, Mass. Cambridge, 1870. 4to. 47. 1 Memorials of the Cranes, of Chilton, with a Pedigree, etc. Cambridge, 1868. 4to. - 47. 8 Appleton, Wis. See Eeid, A. J. Eesources and Manufacturing Capacity, etc. Appleton, 1874. 8vo. 19. 5. 7 Apuleius, Platoxicus, Naturalist. Herbarium. (Cockayne, Oswald, Leechdoms, etc. Yol. 1.) 40. 4 Arabia. See Gibbon, Edward. Description and History of Arabia. 40. 1 94 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Arabic Language. :N'ewman, F. W., Dictionary of the Modern Arabic Language. London, 1871. 12mo. 42. 5 Palmer, E. H. The Arabic Manual and Grammar. London, 1885. 16mo. 42. 5 Arabs, The. See Jones, Sir Wm. Discourse on the Arabs. 40. 9 Arago, Francois. History of My Youth. Auto. Smiths. Eep. 1870. 49. 3 Aram, Eugene. Eemarkable Trial and Defense of, for the mur- der of Daniel Clark, Feb. 8, 1744-5. London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 23.) 53. 12 Arango, Napoleon. Cuban Eebellion. Address. Broadside. 52. 3. 1 Arc, Joan of. See Joan of Arc. ARCH.5i:oLOGicAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Bulletin of the School of Classical Studies at Athens. II. Memoir of Lewis H. Packard, etc. 15. 11. 1 Eeports of, 1879, '80, '84, '85. Cambridge, 1880-85. 15. 11. 1 Archeology. See Abbott, Charles C. Primitive Industry, etc. 16. 4 See American Antiquarian, The. 25. 3 Archaeological Journal. Published under the direction of the Central. Committee of the Eoyal Archaeological In- stitute of Great Britain and Ireland, etc. 42 Vols. Lon- don, 1842-85. 8vo. 32. 9 Baldwin, J. D. Ancient America. l!^otes on American Archaeology. N. Y., 1872. 12mo. 15. 2 Bovallius, Carl. Mcaraguan Antiquities. Stockholm, 1886. 4to. 85. 2 Bransford, J. F. Archaeological Eesearches in Nicaragua. Smiths. Contr. to Knowledge. Vol. 25. 47. 1 Conant, A. J. Footprints of Vanished Eaces in the Mis- sissippi Valley; Monuments and Eelics. 15. 3 Cope, E. D. Contents of a Bone Cavern in Island of An- guella, W. T. 49. 14 Harrison, C. E. Eeport of a Mound Exploration in Musca- tine County, Iowa. 19. 13 Haven, S. F. Archaeology of the U. S. Progress of, etc. 49. 7 Hilder, F. F. Archaeology of Illinois. 18. 7. 5 Holmes, W. H. Ancient Pottery of th^e Mississippi Valley. 19. 13 CATALOG Vi: OF THE LIBRARY. 95 Aech^eology — (Continued). Jewitt, Llewellyn. Grave Mounds and their Contents, etc. London, 1870. 12mo. 16. 4 King, Edward. Antiquities of Mexico, etc. 9 Vols. London, 1831. Fol. B. R. Lewis, Theo. H. Ancient Eock Inscriptions in Eastern Da- kota. 15. 11. 1 Effigy Mounds in Iowa. The Monumental Tortoise Mounds of Dee-coo-dah. Xadaillac, Marquis de. Prehistoric America. London, 1855. 16. 4 Mayer, Brantz. Observations on Mexican History and ' Archaeology. (Smiths. Contr. Knowl. Vol. 9.) Washing- ton, 1857. 4to. 49. 7 Montelius, Oscar. Remains from the Iron Age of Scandi- navia. 25. 6. 3 Morlot, A. Study of High Antiquity. Smiths. Rep. 1862. 49. a Morse, Edward, G, Ancient and Modern Methods of Arrow Release. Bulletin.. Essex Inst. Salem, 1886. 8vo. 15. 11. 1 Northwest Coast of America, Results of recent Ethno- logical Researches, etc. : From the Collections of the Royal Museum of Berlin. Xew York, n. d. fo. 85. 8 Phillips, Henry, Jr. Public Collection of American Arch- asology. 15. 11, 1 Putnam, Charles E. Elephant Pipes, and Inscribed Tab- lets, etc. Ran, Charles. Pre-Historic Fishing in Europe and North America. Of the Region West of the 100th Meridian. 50. 2 Reynolds, Sheldon. Local Shell Beds. (Proc. Wyoming Hist. Soc.) Rio, Antonio del. Ruins of an Ancient City. 16. 15 Rosny, Leon de. L'ecriture Hieratique de L'Amerique Centrale. Royal Hist, and Arch. Association of Ireland. sSouthall, J, C. Recent Origin of Man, as Illustrated by Geology, etc. 15. 3 Smithsonian Institution. Circular in Reference to American Archaeology. 49. 9 Symbols for Charts of Pre-Historic Archaeology. (Smiths. Rep. 1875.) 49. 3 96 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Aech^ology— (CoDtinued) Squier, E. G. The Serpent Symbol, and the Worship of the- Eeciprocal Principles of ]SJ"ature in America. !N'ew York, 1851. 8vo. 16. 4 Travels in Central America, etc. 2 Vols. ISq^ York, 1853. 8vo. 15. 14 Stevens, Edward T. Flint Chips; a Guide to Pre-Historic Archaeology, etc. London, 1870. 8vo. 16. 4 Whittlesey, Charles. Archaeological Frauds. 18. 3. 1 Wright, Harrison. Eeport to the Wyoming Hist, and Geo. Society, 1883. 11. 10. 1 Archdale, John. :N'ew Description of that-Fertile and Pleas- ant Province of Carolina. London, 1707. (Hist. Co!l. So. . Cat. Vol. 2, pp. 85-120.) 15. 13 Archibald, A. G. Speech in the House of Commons (Ottawa) during the Debate'on the Manitoba Bill, May 7, 1870. Ot- tawa, 1870. 8vo. * pp. 21. 20. 5. 2 Architecture. American Architect and Building News. V. 1-16. 1876-86. 4to. Boston, 1876-86. 51.7 See Bowen, J. H. Buildings, Building Material and Meth- ods of Building. 52. 6 Derby, N^. L. Eeport on Architecture, and the Materials of Construetion. 52. 6 Long, E. C. Ancient Architecture of America. Its Historic Value, etc. 10. 4. 1 McAlpine, W. J. Lecture on Foundations. 51. 14. 1 Mullett, A. B.fi Eeport of Supervising Architect, 1873. 49. 12 Palliser, George and Charles. American Cottage Homes. 50. 5 Eandall, G. P. Catalogue of Plans of Buildings. 51. 14. 1 Eoberts, Henry. The Dwellings of the Laboring Classes, their Arrangement and Construction, etc. London, 8vo. 1850. 51. la. Surrey Archol?eogical Society. Collections. Vols. 2, 4. 35. »^ See Terra Cotta Lumber. Ware, W. E. Outline of a Course of Architectural Instruc- tion. 51. 14. 1 Watson, William. Civil Engineering, Public Works, etc. 52. 6 Willcox, Wm. H. Hints to Those who Propose to Build. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 97 Aechitdctuee — (Continued). See also Cottages, Houses, Stone. See also Library Architecture, School Architecture, etc. Arctic Eegions. See Aikin, John. Art of Preserving Health in High ]?s^orthern Latitudes. 35. 8- Fisher, Alexander. Journal of a Voyage of Discovery to the Arctic Eegions, in the Ships Hecla and Griper, 1819- 20. 20. 13 Force, Peter. Supplement to Grinnell Land, 1853. 20. 14. 5 Franklin, Sir John. ^N'arrative of a Journey to the Polar Sea. 20. la Hall, C. F. Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition, 1864-69. 20. 14 Hayes, I. I. Physical Observations in the Arctic Seas. 69. 7 Hearne, Samuel. Journey from Hudson's Bay to the North- ern Ocean, 1769-72. 20. 14 Howgate, H. \Y. Congress and the Xorth Pole. 20. 14. 5 Polar Colonization. Memorial to Congress, etc. 20. 14. 5 Kane, E. K. Arctic Explorations; the Second Grinneil Ex- pedition, etc. 2 Vols. Philadelphia, 1857. 8vo. 17. 2 Kjellman, F. E. Svenska Polar Expedition, 1872. 20. 13 Koldewey, Capt. Karl. German Arctic Expedition of 1869-70. 20. 14 Kumlien, Ludwig. Constitutions to the Natural History of Arctic Eegions. 49. 9^ Parry, W. E. Second Voyage for the Discovery of a North- west Passage. 20. 14 Eoss, Sir John. Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a Northwest Passage, etc. 30. 12 Simpson, Thomas. Narrative of Discoveries on the North- w^est Coast of America. 20. 13 Tromholt, Sophus. Under the Eays of the Aurora Borealis. 38. 1 Tytler, P. F. Historical View of Discovery on the More Northern Coasts of America. 20. 9' Verne, Jules. The Fur Country; 70 Degrees North Lati- tude. 20. 11 Voyages to the North Seas, 1576-1600. (Harris, John, Navigantium.) V. Arentschild, Col. Instructions for Officers on Outpost and Patrol Duty. 33. 3. 6- 13 98 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Arey, Heney W. Girard College and its Founder. Phila- delphia. 1857. 12mo. 43. 1 Argall, Samuel. (Dep. Gov. of Ya. b. 1572. d. 1639.) Expe- dition to Acadia, and to Manhattan Ishland, 1613. (Xew York Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d let. Yol. 1, pp. 333-342.) 10. 4 Argonauts. See Apollonius Ehodius. L' expedition des Ar- gonauts, etc. .40. 8 Argument Against Exchanging Unparted Bullion, Etc. See Kelley, Eugene. 33. 7. 8 Argument in Defense of the Exclusive Eight of the Colonies to Tax Themselves. London, 1774. 8vo. (Eev. Pamph. Yol. 30, No. 5.) 34. 8 Argument on Military Obedience. By a Half-Pay Officer. London, 1820. 53. 5 Argument Showing that a Standing Army is Inconsistent WITH A Free Government. London, 1697. Eeprint, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 10.) 53. 5 Argyle, Marquis of. See Campbell, Archibald. Aristocracy. See Brougham, Henry, Lord. Aristocracy; Ar- istocratic Governments. 57. 3 Great Britain, Peerage, Gentry, etc. Arithmetic. See Daboll, ^N'athan. Schoolmaster's assistant. (1814?) 83 Davis, Charles. Arithmetic. Kew York, 1855. 16mo. 83 Heath, ^SToble. Treatise on Arithmethic. Philadelphia, 1856. 12mo. 83 Eay, Joseph. Arithmetic, Part 3. Cincinnati, 1849. 16mo 83. Arithmetick Made Easy. See Young Men's Companion, 1723. Arizona. Governor, 1877. Message of A. P. K. Safford, Jan. 1, 1877. Tucson, 1877. 8vo. 19. 14. 10 Legislature. Memorial and Affidavits Showing Outrages Perpetrated by the Apaches, 1869. San Francisco, 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Yol. 11, ^o. 15.) 60. 1 See Beale, E. F. Eeport of the Wagon Road from Fort De- fiance to Colorado Eiver, 1858-59. 19. 14. 3 Eeport on the Construction of a \Yagon Eoad From Fort Smith to the Colorado Eiver, 1858-59. 19. 14. 3 Dutton, C. E. Tertiary History of the Grand Canon Dis- trict, 1882. 50. 2 The Garden of America. The Salt Eiver Yalley, Mariposa Co., A. T. Chicago, n. d., 8vo. 19. 14. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 99 Aeizonia. — (Continued). Hodge, H. C. Arizona as It Is — the Coming Country. Xotes of Travel, 1874-76. 19. 2 Kautz, A. V. Answers to Inquiries on the Military Or- ganization of the Department of A^rizona. March, 1876. 19. 14. 10 Mo wry, Sylvester. Arizona and Sonora. The Silver Eegion of America. Xew York, 1864. 12mo. 17. 10 Geography and Eesources of Arizona, 1859. 19. 14. 10 Pumpelly, Eaphael. Across America, etc. Residence in Arizona, 1860. 40. 2 Wheeler, G. M. Preliminary Report on Exj)lorations, 1871. 50. 3 Arkansas. Commissioner of Immigration. ^N'atural Resources of Arkansas. By J. M. Lewis, Com. Little Rock, 1869. 8vo. 35. 14. 4 Governor, 1860. Messages of H. M. Rector, and Other Doc- uments. Little Rock, 1861. 8vo. 15. 14. 4 Militia Law of Arkansas. Little Rock, 1860. 15. 14. 4 Biennial Message of Powell Clayton to the General As- sembly, 1871. Little Rock, 1871. 8vo. pp. 43. (Ram- sey Pamph., Vol. 10, ^o. 15.) 60. 1 1877. Miller, W. R. Inaugural Address, Jan. 1877. 15. 14. 4 Supreme Court. Opinion iu the Case of Elisha Baxter vs. Joseph Brook. Xov. Term, 1874. Little Rock, 1875. 8vo. 15. 14. 4 See Brown, J. S. Representatives from Arkansas. Speech 60. 4 Legislative Directory. Little Rock, 1873. 16vo. 15. 14 ■See Rice, B. F. Opening Argument Before the Select Com- mittee on Arkansas Affairs. 15. 14. 4 Rice, M. .L. Concluding Argument Before the Select Com- mittee on Arkansas Affairs. 15. 14. 4 Rogers, A. A. C. President's Annual Message, Speech, H. of R. Jan. 7, 1871. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 32, Ko. 57.) 60. 8 XT. S. Hot Springs Commission. Report regarding the Hot Springs Reservation in the State of Arkansas, 1877-78. 15. 14. 4 Contested Election, 183. Boles, Thomas. Speech, H. of R., 1872. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 31, :Xo. 26.) 60. 8 100 BIINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Arkansas — (Continued). Contested, Election 1872. Hazelton, G. W. and Arthur W. E. Truth Vindicated — Justice Done. Eemarks on the Arkansas Contested Election. H. of E., Feb 9, 1872. (Eamsey pamph. Vol. 31, ISTo. 27.) 60. 8^ Descriptive. See Henry, J. P. Eesources of Arkansas. 3d Edition. Little Eock, 1873. 8vo. 15. 14. 4 Lewis, J. M. Natural Eesources of Arkansas, Little Eock, 1869. 8vo. « 15. 14. 4 Nuttall, Thomas. Travels into Arkansas Territory. 1819. With Observations on the Aborigines. 1821. 15. 14 Walker, David. i?^.ddress on the History and Eesources of Arkansas, at Centennial Grounds. Phil., 1876. 15. 14. 4 Arlington, Mass. Cutter, Benj. and Cutter, W. E. History of Arlington, Mass., formerly Menotomy, afterwards West Cambridge, 1635-1879. Boston, 1880. 12mo. 9. 13 Arlington, Va. i^atioual Cemetery. Memorial Services under Auspices of the Grand Army of the Eepublic, May 30, 1868. Washington, 1868. 8vo. 30. 4. 9 Armas y Cespedes, J. de. Position of the U. S. on the Cuban Question. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 4, 1^0. 20.) 60. 1 Armendaris, Pedro. See Watts, J. S. Armendaris' Grant, etc. n. d. 8vo. ' 19. 14. 9- Armenia. Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses. 1780-83. 12mo. Vol. 3. . 20. 8 Armenian Language. See Aucher, P. P. Armenian and Eng- lish Grammar. Venice, 1873. Milton, John. Paradise Lost, translated into Armenian, by Paschal Aucher. Venice, 1824. 8vo. 34. 10 Armitage, W. E. The German Sunday. (Wise. Acad. Sci. Transactions, 1870-72. pp. 62-71.) 19. 12. 1 Armor, William C. Lives of the Governors of Pennsylvania, with the Incidental History of the State, from 1609 to 1873. :N"orwich, Conn., 1874. 8vo. 45. 4 Arms and Ammunition. Beschke, William. Memorial to the Emperor of Eussia, Concerning Breech-loading Cannon, etc. Washington, 1855. 8vo. 51. 9. 1 Great Britain, Sec. of State for War. Eeport of the Ord- nance Select Committee on Systems of Eifling for Small Arms. Cambridge, Eng., 1863. 8vo. 51. 9. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 101 Arms and A^mmunition — (Continued). Mordecai, Alfred. Military Commission to Europe, 1855-56. Eeport. Washington, 1860. 4to. 51. 9 Eeports and Experiments with Eice's Trowel Bayonet, made by Officers of the Army. Springfield, 1874. .8vo. 51. 9. 1 Schoen, J. Brief Description of the Modern System of Small Arms in European Armies. (Appendix to Morde- cai's report.) 1860. 4to. 51. 9 U. S. Dept. of War. Trial of the ^^^ Model Gatling Gun by the Ordnance Board. 1876. 8vo. pp. 154-157. 51. 9. 1 See Military Art. Armstrong, A. X. Oregon. History and Description of the 'Territories of Washington and Oregon, 1856. Chicago, 1857. 16mo. 20. 6 Armstrong, Edward. Address, delivered at Chester, before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Xov. 8, 1851. In Celebration of the 169th Anniversary of the Landing of William Penn at that place. Phila., 1852. 8vo. 11. 10. 1 Armstrong, John. Notices of the War of 1812. :N'. Y., 1840. 18mo. 14. 4 Armstrong, Lebbeus. Signs of the Times. Lectures on the Origin and Tendency of Efforts for the Abolition of Capi- tal Punishment. X. Y., 1848. 12mo. 57. 3 Armstrong, M. K. History and Eesources of Dakota, Montana and Idaho. Yankton, 1866. 12mo. 19.14.5 Army (British). Sanitary Eeform of the British Army. Anon. London, 1859. 8vo. 51. 11. 1 Army of Georgia. See Army Eeunion. 1869. 8vo. 29. 5 Army of the Cumberland. Cist, X. M. Army of the Cum- berland. X. Y., 1882. Sm. 12mo. (Cami3aigns, etc., No. 7.) 30. 10 Garfield, J. A. Oration on Gen. G. H. Thomas, before the Society at Cleveland, Xov. 25, 1870. Cinn., 1871. 8vo. 43. 7. T. 1 Garfield Monument. Appeal for Subscriptions, n. t. p. 1882. 4to. 43. 6. G Grosvenor, C. H. Oration before the Society of the Army of the Cumberland, at Milwaukee, Sept. 29, 1882. Cinn., 1883. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Yan Home, T. B. History of the Army of the Cum- berland. Cincinnati, 1875. 8vo. 29. 2 102 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Army of the Cumberland — (Continued). Webster, B. F. Annals of the Army of the Cumber- land. Phila., 1863. 8vo. 29. 2" Eeport of Meeting, 1868-76, '79-83. Cinn., 1868-84. 8vo. 29. 5 Army of the Ohio. See Army Eeunion, 1869. 8vo. 29. 5 Army of the Potomac. See Coffin, C. C. Following the Flag.. Boston, 1865. 16mo. 29. 1 De Peyster, J. W. Anniversary Address before the Third Army Corps, 15th May, 1875, at ^qw York. N. Y., 1875. 25. 6. 2 Grand Hunt of the Army of the Potomac from Peters- burg to Appomattox Court House. (La Eoyale, 1872. ) 29. 2 Crotty, D. G. Four Years' Campaigning in the Army of the Potomac. Grand Eapids, Mich., 1874. 30. 9 Hill, A. F. Oar Boys. Personal Experience in the Army of the Potomac. Phila., 1864. 30. 8 Joinville, Le Prince de. Army of the Potomac; Its Organ- ization; Its Commander, etc. K. Y., 1862. 29. 2 Kirkley, J. W. Itinerary of the Army of the Potomac, and Co-operating Forces in the Gettysburg CamiDaign. 30. 4. 8 Peninsular Camj)aign. Virginia. See History of the Ee- bellion, Official Eeports. 25. 4 Eed-tape and Pigeon-hole Generals. 29. 1 Eeed, W. H. Hospital Life in the Army of the Potomac. Boston, 1866. 12mo. 30. 9 Stevens, G. T. Three Years in the Sixth Army Corps. Albany, 1866. 30. 9- Stewart, A. M. Camp, March, and Battlefield. Phila., 1865. 12mo. 29. 1 Swinton, William. Campaign of the Army of the Potomac. N. Y., 1866. 29. 9- U. S. Congress, 37th. Eeport on the Conduct of the War. Part 1. Wash., 1863. 29. 13 Eeport of the Committee on the Operations of the Armjr of the Potomac. Causes of Its Inaction, etc. :N'. Y., 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 8- Webb, A. S.. The Peninsula. McClellan's Campaign of 1861. N. Y., 1882. 16mo. 30. 10 See also McClellan, Gen. G. B. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 10^- Army of the Potomac — (Continued). Society of the. Eeport of the 7th Eeunion, 1877. K. Y., 1878. 8vo. 30. 11. 9. Army of the Tennessee. See Army Eeunion, 1869. 8vo. 29. 5 Society of the. lst-14th Eeport of Proceedings, 1866-81. 30. 11 Sanborn, John B. Oration before. Chicago, 1885. 30. 4. 5 Army Eegister, TJ. S. Hamersly, T. H. S. 3d edition. Wash- ington, D. C, 1881. 8vo. 14. 7 Army Eeunion. Eeports of the Meetings of the Societies of the Army of the Cumberland, the Ohio, and of Georgia. Chicago, 1869. 29. 5 Army. United States. See also U. S., Adjutant General and Dept. of War. Alvord, Gen. Benjamin. Eemarks upon the Eeorganization of the Army. Wash., 1876. 8vo. 51. 9. 1 Billings, J. C. Eeport on the Hygiene of the U. S. Army, etc. Wash., 1875. 50. 9' Coburn, John. Speech, on the Eeduction and Eeorganiza- tion of the Army. Wash., 1874. 8vo. 51. 9. 1 Cooke, Philip St. George. Scenes and Adventures in the Army. Phila., 1857. 12mo. 17. 10 Force, Peter. Eegister of the Army and Kavy of the United States, 1830. Washington. 1830. 12 vo. 33. 9 Gardner, C. K, Dictionary of all Officers in the Army of the United States, 1789-1853, etc. N. Y., 1853. 12mo. 33. 9 Hamersly, T. H. S. Complete Army Eegister for 100 years, 1779-1879. 3d Edit. Wash., 1881. 8vo. 14. 7 Ingalls, Eufus, and others. Appointment and Promotion of Commissioned Officers. N. t. p. 8vo. 51. 9. 1 Life in a Black Eegiment. Higginson, T. W. Boston, 1870. 8vo. 30. 8 On the Border, 30 Years of. Marcy, E. B. :^r. Y, 1866. 12mo. 19. 2 On the Pacific, 1858. Kip, Lawrence. :N'. Y., 1859. 12mo. 20. 6 McCall, George A. Letters from the Frontiers, etc. Phila., 1868. 8vo. 17. 11 104 IIINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Army, United States— (Continued). Medical and Surgical Museum. See U. S. Dept. of War. Surgeon General. Meteorological Eegister. See TJ. S. Dept. War. Surgeon General. 50. 1 Official Army Eegister. See U. S. War Dept. 33. 3. 1 Plea for the Medical Staff of the Army. 8vo. 51. 11. 2 Eegulations for the. 1861. K Y., 1861. 12mo. 51.9 Eevised Eegulations for the. 1861. Phila. 8vo. 51. 9 Eobinson, Fayette. Account of the Organization of the Army of the United States, etc. Phila, 1848. 8vo. 2 Vols. 33. 3 Smith, G. B. Official Army list of the Volunteers of the Western States, 1862. Chicago. 8vo. , 33. 3. 1 Instructions for Making Muster-rolls, Mustering into Ser- vice, etc. Wash., 1862. 8vo. 33. 3. 6 Instructions for Making Muster-rolls, Mustering into service, etc. Eevised Edition, 1863. Adjutant General. Eegulations for the Eecruiting Service. Wash., 1863. 8vo. 33. 3. 6 See also Military Art. U. S., Department of War. Armytage, Geo. J. Editor. The Visitation of County of Eut- land in the year 1618 - 19 ; taken by Wm. Camden, Clarencieux King of Arms, and other descents of families not in this Visitation. London, 1870. 8 yo. (Harleian Soc. Vol. 3.) 46. 14 Army Worm. See Walsh, B. D. Insects, etc. (111. Xat. Hist. Soc. Transactions, etc., 1861.) 8a^o. 18. 13. 6 Arnold, Arthur. Free Land. [Great Britain.] London, 1880. 8vo. 35. 2 Arnold, Benedict. Letters on his Expedition to Canada, 1775. (Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. I.) 7. 1 Account of Arnold's Expedition, by William Allen. (Same, pp. 449.) Arnold, Isaac ]^. Life of Arnold, his Patriotism and his Treason. Chicago, 1880. 8vo. 44. 1 De Lancey, Edwd. Floyd. Arnold's Treason, etc. (Jones, Thomas, History of I^ew York, 1879. 8vo. Vol. 1. Kote 85. pp. 730-748.) 10. 4 .Henry, J. J. Account of Arnold' s Campaign against Quebec. 1775. Albany, 1877. 14. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 105 Arnold, Benedict — (ContiDued). Proceedings of a General Court-Martial of the Line, held at Earitan, in the State of New Jersey, by Order of His Ex- cellency, George Washington, Esq., General and Com- mander in Chief, etc., for the trial of Maj. Gen. Benedict Arnold, June 1, 1779. (Phila. Print, 1780.) Repr. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. 16. 13 Senter, Isaac. Journal on a Secret Expedition Against Quebec, under command of Benedict Arnold, Sept. 1775. Phil. 1846. (Pa. Hist. Soc. Bull.) 8vo. 11. 10. 1 Sparks, Jared. Life and treason of Benedict Arnold. Bos- ton and London, 1835. 44. 1 Stone, E. M. Invasion of Canada, 1755, etc. 14. 14 Stevens, J. A. Expedition of Lafayette against Arnold. Baltimore, 1878. 8vo. 11. 1. 3 Wild, Ebenezer. Journal kept by, on the expedition of Gen. Arnold to Quebec, in 1775-76. (See Mass. Hist. Soc. proc. Series 2, Yol. 2, p. 265.) Boston 1886. 8vo. 9. 14 ArnoleI, Isaac X. Abraham Lincoln. Paper read before the Royal Hist. Soc, London, June 16, 1881. (Royal Hist. Soc. Trans., Vol. 10. pp. 312-343.) 35. 9 Chicago Historical Society. Memorial Addresses. Chicago, 1884. 8vo. 43. 6 James Fenimore Cooper, a tribute to, etc. (See Shaw, S. M. History of Cooperstown, I^. Y., 1886.) 10. 9 Life of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago, 1885. 8vo, p. 471. 46. 5 Lijfe of Benedict Arnold, his Patriotism and his Treason. Chicago, 1880. 8vo. 44. 1 Report on the Harbor Defenses on the Great Lakes and Rivers. Report No. 23, 37th Congress, 2d Session. Washington, 1862. 8vo. 72. 13. 6 William B. Ogden, and Early Days in Chicago. Paper read before the Chicago Historical Society, Dec. 20, 1881. Chi- cago, 1881. 8vo. 43. 13. O. Arnold, Mathew. See Forman, H. B. Essay. (Our Living Poets, 1871, 8vo.) 43. 12 Arnold, Richard D. Address before the Georgia Historical Society, July 24, 1871. (Georgia Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3, pp. 413-428.) 15. 13 14 106 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Arnold, Samuel Greene. Greene, Staples, Parsons. Ad- dress before the E. I. Hist. Soc, Jane 1, 1869. Provi- dence, 1869 8vo. 8. 13 History of the State of Ehode Island and Providence Plan- tations, 1636-1790. 2d edition. K Y., 1874. 8vo, 2 Vols. 8. 13 Oration. (Centennial Celebration of the Battle of Ehode Island. E. I. Hist, tracts. :N'o. 6.) 8. 13 Arnold, Samuel G. Providence, Past, ''Present and Future. An oration, delivered at Providence, E. I., July 4, 1876. (See Saunders, Frederick, ' ^ Our IS'ational Jubilee,'^ etc., p. 477.) K Y., 1877. 8vo. 16.12 The Spirit of Ehode Island History. Discourse, before the E. I. Historical Society, Jan. 17, 1853. Providence, 1853. ^vo. 8. 13 Arnold, Mrs. W. J. Poets and Poetry of Minnesota. Chicago, 1864. 12mo. 22. 8 Arrian, (eminent Greek historian.) La tactique, traduit du Grec. Guischard, K. G., Memories Militaires, 1758. 4to. 2 Vols. 40. 7 Arroyo de la Cuesta, Felipe. Grammar of the Mitsun Lan- guage. N. Y., 1861. 4to. (Shea's Litr. of Amer. Ling. 1^0. 4.) 15. 11. 6 Vocabulary, or Phrase Book of the Mitsun Language of Alta, California. :N'. Y., 1862. 4to. (Shea's Litr. of Amer. Ling. No. 8)^ 15. 11. 6 Arsenic. Evil Effects of Arsenic in Green Colors. (Mass. Board of Health, Eeport, 1872.) 8. 5 Art. American Art and Art Unions. Anon. (Signed E. C. W.) Cambridge, 1850. 12mo. 51. 3. 3 Ancient. See Knight, E. Payne. An Inquiry into theSym-" bolical Language of. Birney, William. Art Education. Washington City, 1878. 8vo. 51. 3. 3 Cincinnati. Sketch of the Woman's Art Museum Associ- ation of Cincinnati. 18. 19 Conant, S. S. Progress of the Fine Arts in the TJ. S., 1776- 1876. (First century of the Eepublic, 1876. 8vo.) 14. 10 Dean, Amos. European Art. (History of Civilization, Vol. 7.) 40. 10 Delaroche, Paul. Apotheosis of the Fine Arts. Descrip- tion and analysis of Paul Delaroche' s Hemicycle. Boston, 1861. 8vo. ■ 51. 3. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 107 Art — (Continued). Frankenstein, John. American Art. Satire. Cincinnati, 1864. 5. 3. 4 Gallaudet, E. M. Government Patronage of Art. Wash- ington, 1875. 8vo, pp. 15. (Vienna Exhibition, 1873, Vol. 2.) 52. 6 Haskins, E. W. Art and Artists. Buffalo, 1851. 8vo. 51. 3. 3 Holmes, W. H. Art in Shell of the Ancient Americans. (U. S.Bureau of Ethnology. 2d report, 1883. 8vo, pp. 185-305.) Huntington, Daniel. General View of the Fine Arts. 5th edition. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. ' 74. 2 Industrial Art in Schools. See Leland, C. G. 56. 9. 9 Kellogg, M. E. Fine Arts in the United States. Washing- ton, 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 36, No. 17.) 60. 2 La Farge, John, Essay upon Japanese Art. (Pumj)elly, Eaphael, Across America, etc. 1871. 8vo, pp. 195-202.) 40. 2 Leggett, J. T. Art Education in Michigan. Industrial Drawing. Boston, 1875. 8vo. 51. 3. 3 Leslie, Frank. Eeport on the Fine Arts. Wash., 1868. 8vo., pp. 43. (Paris Exp. 1867, Vol. 1.) 52. 6 Payne, Alford. Art as Education. (Wise. Acad. Sci. Trans. Vol. 4., pp. 31.43.) 19. 12. 1 Perkins, C. C. American Art Museum. Boston, 1870. 8vo 51. 3. 3 Philostratus, Flavins. See images ov Tableavx de Platte peintvre des devx. Paris, 1857. Fol. V. Palszky, F. A. Iconographic Eesearches on Human Eaces and their Art. (Nott, J. C. Indigenous Eaces, etc. 1857.) 8vo. 15. 10 Eipley, George, and Taylor, J. B. Cyclopedia of Literature and the Fine Arts. N. Y., 1857. 8vo. 34. 8 Story, W. W. Fine Arts. (Paris Expos. 1878. Vol. 2.) 52. 13 Stuart, J. E. The Harmonic Method in Greek Art. (Wise. Acad. Sci. Trans. Vol. 4, pp. 44-49.) 19. 12. 1 Weir, J. F. American Art, its Progress and Prospects. 8vo. pp. 815-829. 51. 3. 3 Winthrop, E. C. Address at Boston, in aid of the Fund for Ball's Statue of Washington. Boston, 1859. 8vo. 74. 7. 1 108 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Art — (Continued). Wiseman, Nicholas. Identification of the Artisan and Ar- tist. (Smiths. Eeport, 1871, pp. 301-332.) 49. 3 Same, edited by E. P. Peabody. Boston, 1860. 8vo. 51. 3. 4 See also Ceramics, Porcelain Sculpture, Wood Carving. L'Art de Voyage Utilement. Amsterdam, 1698. 12mo. 20. 1 Art Among the Indians. See Hoffman, W. J. Aboriginal Art. Art of Good Husbandry, or the Improvement of Time. Lon- don, 1675. 4to. (Harleian Misc. Vol. 8, pp. 65-65.) 40. a Artesian Wells. See Chamberlain, P. C. Artesian Wells in Wisconsin. 51. 13 Eequisite and Qualifying Conditions. Arthur, J. C. Contribution to the Flora of Iowa, No. 5. (Pro- ceedings Davenport Acad. Sci. Vol. 4, p. 27. June, 1882.) 8vo. 19. 13 Arthur, King of the Anglo-Saxons. See Malory, Sir Thomas. La Mort d' Arthur. History of the King Arthur and of the Knights of the Round Table. London, 1865-66. 8vo. 3 Vols. 43. 8 Arthur, Timothy Shay. History of New Jersey. See Car- penter, W. H. History of Ohio. See Carpenter, W. H. And Carpenter, Wm. Henry. History of Kentucky, to 1850. Phila., 1853. 18mo. 18. 14 Arthur, W. E. The American Age Contrasted. A Centen- nial Oration, delivered at Covington, Ky., July 4, 1876. (See Saunders, Fred. -'Our National Jubilee, etc,'^ p. 522.) N. Y., 1877, 8vo. 16. 12 Arthur, Wm. Etymological Dictionary of Family and Chris- tian Names. N. Y., 1860. 12mo. 46. & Articles of Agreement for Carrying on an Expedition by Hudson's Straits, for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage to the Western and Southern Ocean of America, 1745. London, 1745. 8vo. (No. 4 in Pamph. on Brit. Amer.) 20. 2 Artists. See Sillig, Julius. Dictionary of Artists of An- tiquity. Tnckerman, H. T. Book of the Artists. (American). 45. 5- CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 109 Artille'iy Company. Raikes, G. A. History of the Honor - ab!b Artillery Company. (England.) London, 1878-79. 8vo. 2 Vols. 40. 14 Arts, Useful. See An ti sell, T. Cyclopedia of the Useful Arts. N. Y. and Cin., 1855. 12mo. 34. 8 Barnard, F. A. P. Machinery and Processes of the Indus- trial Arts. Wash. 1869. 52. 6 Leslie, Frank. The Fine Arts Applied to the Useful Arts. Wash., 1868. 8vo. (Paris Expos. 1867, Vol. 1.) 52. 6 Repertory of Arts and Manufactures. Vols. 1-16. London, 1794-1802. 8vo. 16 Vols. 49. 8 Ure, Andrew. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. 3 Vols. 34. 9 AsBURY, Francis, Bishop. See Soule, Joshua. Sermon on the Death of Francis Asbury. N. Y., 1816. 12mo. 43. 6. A. Ascension Isle. Authentick Relation of the Hardships and Sufferings of a Dutch Sailor, put on shore on the unin- habited Island of Ascension, 1725. 8vo., (Harleian Misc. Vol. 11, pp. 197-208.) 40. 3 AscHAM, Roger. Process and Pleadings in the Court of Spain, upon the death of Roger Ascham. London, 1651. 4to. (Harleian Misc. Vol. 6, pp. 236-247.) 40. 3 Ash, John. New and Complete Dictionary of the English Language. London, 1775. 8Vo. 2 Vols. 34. 8 Ash, Thomas. Carolina; Description of the Present State of that Country. ByT. A., Gent., 1680-82. London, 1682. (Carroll, B. R. Hist. Coll. of S. C. 1836. 8vo. Vol. 2.) 15. 13 AsHBURNHAM, Earl OF. See Delisle, Leopold. Manuscripts of the Earl of Ashburnham. Observations on the Manu- scripts of the Libri Collection. Phila., 1884. 8vo. 74. 6. 1 Same. Report on. 1884. 74. 6. 1 Remarks of American Newspapers on. Wilkesbarre, 1884. 74. 6. 1 ASHBURNER, C. A. Report of the Aughwicke Valley and East Broadtop District. (Pa. 2d Geol. Survey, App. F.) n. 3 Report on the Wyoming Valley Carboniferous Limestone Beds. (Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc, Vol. 2, p. 254.) 11. 10. 1 110 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. AsHCROFT, John. Railway Directory, 1864, '65, '68, '70; XJ. S. and Canadas. K Y. v. d. 8vo. * 72. 13 Ashe, Thomas. Travels in America in 1806. Explorations of the Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio, and Mississippi. Lon- don, 1808. Sm. 8vo. 3 Vols. 33. 4 Ashland County, Ohio. See Knapp, H. S. History of Pio- neer and Modern Times in Ashland Co. Phila., 1863. 8vo. 18. 12 Ashley. James M. Speech on the Rebellion, Its Causes and Consequences, at Toledo, Nov. 26, 1861. N. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Amend the Constitution. Speech, Jan. 6, 1865, H. R. N. t. p. 8vo. pp. 8. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 29, No. 33.) 60. 8 * Impartial Suffrage, the Only Safe Basis of Reconstruction. Speech, H. of R., May 29, 1866. Wash., 1866. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 29, No. 39.) 60. 8 Speech, H. of R. , Jan. 6, 1865, on the Constitutional Amend- ment for the Abolition of Slavery. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 12, No. 50.) 60. 1 AsHMOLE, Eli AS. See Corner G. R. Elias Ashmole; his House and Lands at South Lambeth. (Surrey. Arch. Soc. Coll., Vol. 2. pp. 18-26.) 35. 9 AsHMUN, George. Speech, on the Mexican War, in the H. of R., Feb. 4, 1847. Wash., 1847. 8vo. 33. 7. 1 Speech Upon the Slavery Questions, in the U. S. House of Representatives, March 27, 1850. N. t. p. 8vo. 30. 14. 2 Ashtabula County, Ohio. See Williams, W. W. History, 1798-1878. Phila., 1878. 4to. V. Ashtabula, Ohio, Presbyterian Church. See McGiffert, J. N. History of the Church, Discourse, July 30, 1876. Ashta- bula, 1876. 8vo. Ashtabula Bridge Disaster. Ohio General Assembly. Re- port of the Joint Committee Concerning the Ashtabula Bridge Disaster. Columbus, 1877. 8vo. 18. 3. Asia. See Dean, Amos. Industry, Religion, Society, Govern- ment, etc., of Countries of Asia. (Hist, of Civilization. Vol. 1.) 40. 10 Asia Minor. See Walpole, Rev. Robert. Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey. 2d Edit. London, 1818. 4to. 40. 7 Travels, etc., being a continuation of memoirs, etc. Lon- don, 1820. 40. 7 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. Ill Asiatic Cholera. See Cholera, Asiatic. Asiatic Eeseaeches. Transactions of the Society Instituted in Bengal for Inquiring into the History and Antiqui- ties, the Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Asia. Cal- cutta, (London rept.) 1798-99. 8vo. 3 Vols. 40. 9 Contents: 1. Discourse by Sir Wm. Jones: Orthography of Asiatic Words; Astronomical Observations; Royal Grant Found at Monghir ; Inscription on a Pillar Near Buddal; Ruins at Mavalipursfm ; Friction in Mechanics; Interview With the Young Lama; Journey to Thibet; Gods of Greece, Italy and India; Cave Near Gaya; Inscription at Buddah Gaya; Sic'hs and their College; Vina, or Indian Lyre; Madhuca Tree; Mode of Dis- tilling; Moon's Parallaxes; Artificial Horizons; Intersection of Curves ; On Extracting the Oil of Roses; Gold in Sumatra; Literature of the Hindus; Royal Grant at Tana; City of Tagara; Vagracita, or Pangolin; Inscriptions on the Staff of Firuz Shah; Conversation With an Abys- sinian Concerning the Sources of the Nile; Indian Trial by Ordeal ; Second and Third Anniversary Discourse by Sir Wm. Jones; Meteorological Journal. 2. Discourses by Sir Wm. Jones: Descent of the Afghans from the Jews; Island of Hinzuan; Indian Grosbeak; Chronology of the Hindus, Cure of the Elephantiasis; Indian Game of Chess; Inscriptions From the Vind- hya Mts; Description of Asam; Mountaineers of Tripura; Book of Chin- ese Odes; Introduction of Arabic into Persian ; Astronomy of the Hindus; Indian Zodiac; Account of Nepal; Cure of Snake Bites; Roman Coins at Nelore; Indian Festivals and the Sphinx; Isle of Carnicobar; Medicinal Plants of India; Dissection of the Pangolin; Lac Insect; Inscription Near Islamabad; Spikenard of the Ancients; Meteorology; Cases in Deducing Longitude; Ancient Building in Hajipur; Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites; Hindu Binomial Theorem. 3. Discourses, 8th, 9th, by Sir Wm. Jones: Inhabitants of the Garrow Hills; Royal Grant of Land in Carnata; Musical Modes of the Hindus; Letter From Lieut. Browne; Battle of Panibut; Arithmetical Calcula- tions; Hindoo Rules of Arithmetic; Nicobar Islands and the Fruit of the Melloria; Mystical Poetry of the Persians and Hindus; Indian Cycle of Sixty Years; Method of Catching Wild Elephants; Plan of a Common- place Book; Lunar Year of the Hindus; Egypt and the Nile, from the Ancient Books of the Hindus; Map; Description of the Plant Bntea; Manufacture of Indigo, AsPER, Joel, F., of Mo. Duty on Wool, Coal, Salt, and Lum- ber. Speech, H. of E., Feb. 13, 1871. Wash., 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., vol. 32, No. 14.) 60. 8 Increase of Banking Currency. Speech in the U. S. House of Eeps., March 12, 1870. Washington, 1870. 8vo. (Eam- sey pamph., vol. 38, ISio. 66.) 60. 2 Eevenue Eeform. Speech, H. of E., Jan. 21, 1871. Wash- ington, 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., vol. 32, No. 64.) 60. 8 112 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. AsPER, Joel F. — (Continued). The Tariff. Speech, H. of R., March 28, 1870. N. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., vol. 38, ^o. 53.) 60. 2 Asphalt. See Beckwith, Arthur. Asphalt and Bitumen, in the Construction of Streets and Sidewalks in Paris. Washington, 1868. 8vo. (Paris Expos., 1867, Yol. 4.) 52. 6 Assassins, (The, Mohammedan Sect.) See Hammer, Joseph von. The Assassins. London, 1835. 12mo. 40. 8 Assemblyman, The. See Birkenhead, Sir John. AssEK, OR AssERiNO Menevensis, (Learned English Monk, d. Circa, 910,) A^nnales Eerum Gestarum. Aelfredi Magni, A. D. 849-887. (Gr. Brit. Public Eecord Office, Monu- mentaHist. Brit., 1848. Fol. Vol. 1, pp. 467-498.) AssEY, Charles. Trade to China, and the Indian Archipelago, Lon Ion, 1819. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 14.) 53. 5 Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition, 1858. See Hind, H. Y. Eeports, etc. London, 1860. 8vo. 20.12 Same, Travels, 1860. 8vo. 2 Vols. 20. 5 Association of American Geologists and Naturalists. See American Geologists, etc. Assonet, Mass. See Peirce, E. W. Its Original Owners and Early Settlers. 8. 9. 9 Assyria. See Gregory, John. Else and Fall of the Assyrian Monarchy. 34. 10 AsTOR, John Jacob. See Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. (Xat. Portrait Gallery, Vol. 1.) 44.6 Irving, Washington. Astoria. 74. 1 Life of. See McCabe, J. D. Great Fortunes, 1871. 8vo. 43. 12 Parton, James. Life of Astor. Appended, a copy of his last will. K. Y., 1865. 12mo. 43. 6. A. AsTOR Library, Xew York City. Act of Incorporation, and By-laws of the Trustees. (1849) N. Y., 1849. 8vo. 10. 12. Eeports of the Trustees, 1850-82, 84, 85, 86. Albany. 8vo. V. d. 10. 12 Astoria. See Franchere, Gabriel. Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America, 1811-14. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. 20.5 Enterprise Beyond the Eocky Mountains. Irving, W. London, 1836. 8vo. 3 Vols. 74. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 113 Astoria — (Continued). Lee, D., and Frost, J. H. Ten Years in Oregon, 1833-43. :sr. Y., 1844. 12mo. 20. 6 Papers Eelative to Astoria. (Appen. to Greenhow, Eobert. History of Oregon, pp. 439-444.) 20. 6 Eoss, Alexander. Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon or Columbia Eiver, 1810. London, 1840. 8vo. 20. 6 Astrology. See Melgar, J. M. Astrologie Americaine, etc. 14. 12 Phillips, Henry Jr. Medicine and Astrology. Phila., 1867. 11. 10. 1 Astronomical Diary^ or Almanac, 1801. By H. Stafford. New Haven, 1800. 53. 10. 2 Astronomy. See Abbe, Cleveland. Derpat and Poulkova. Observatory of. Smiths. Eeporf, 186Z., pp. 370-390. 49. 3 Adams, John Quincy. Oration before the Cincinnati As- tronomical Society, on the History of the Science of As- tronomy, ]^ov. 10, 1843. 49. 3 Alexander, Stephen. Lecture on the Vastness of the Vis- ible Creation. (Smiths. Eeport, 1857, pp. 169-178.) 49. 3 Statement and Exposition of Certain Harmonies of the Solar System. Washington, 1875. 4to. 49. 14 American Association for the Advancement of Science. Proceedings, etc. 49. 10 American Ephemeris and ]N"autical Almanac for 1886. By Simon Newcomb. "Washington, 1883. 50. 1 Astronomical Observations. Pacific E. E. Eeports, Vol. 2, 6, 7. 69. 7 Astronomy and Barometric Hypsometry. (U. S. Dept. of War. Geog. Surveys, west of the one hundredth meridian. •Vol. 1.) 50. 2 Brown, A. D., and Winterhalter A. G., Annular Eclipse of the Sun, March 15-16, 1885. Wash., 1885. 4to. 50. 1. 1 Chalmers, Thomas. Christian Eevelation, Viewed in Con- nection with Modern Astronomy. N. Y., n. d. 12mo. 49. 8 Davis, Samuel. Astronomical Computations of the Hindus. (Asiatic Eesearches. Vol. 2, pp. 225-287.) 40. 9 15 > 114 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Astronomy — (Continued. ) Indian Cycle of Sixty Years. (Asiatic Researches. Vol. 3, pp. 209-227 ) 40. » Everett, Edward. Uses of Astronomy. Oration, July 28, 1856. KY.,1856. 8vo. pp.41. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 7, :N'o. 20.) , 53. 12 Another Copy. 10. 14. 1 Ferguson, James. Astronomy Explained. 9th ed. London, 1794. 49. 1 Gaubil, Antoine, c pere. Histoire deF Astronomic Chinoise^ etc. Lettres edifiantes, etc. 1780-83. 12mo. Vol. 26. 20. 8 Gillis, J. M. Astronomical Expedition to the Southern . Hemisphere, 1849-52. See U. S. Dept. of Navy. 50. 1 Harkness, Wm. On the Flexure of Meridian Instru- ments. , * 50. 1. 1 Hind, J. E. Solar System, K. Y., 1852. 12mo. 49. 8 Hirsch, Ad. Rapport sur les corcours des Chronometers. Holden, E. S. Index Catalogue of Books and Memoirs Re- lating to IsTebulse and Clusters, etc. Washington, 1877. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll. Vol. 14.) 49. 2 Xewcomb, Simon. American Ephemeris and Nautical Al- manac. 188G-87. Washington, 8vo. 50. 3 Hugo, Leopold. Astronomic Geometrique. Paris, 1876. 8vo^ 51. 3. 1 Kane, E. K. Astronomical Observations in the Arctic Seas, 1853-55. (Smiths. Contrib. Vol. 12.) 49. 7 Newcomb, Simon. American Ephemeris. 1886-87. 50. 3 General Integrals of Planetary Motion. Pp. (8) 31. (Smiths. Contrib. Vol. 21.) 49. 14 Mchol, J. P. Views of Astronomy. Lectures. N. Y., 1848. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph. Vol. 17, No. 5.) 53. G Pg-yne, W. W. The Siderial Messenger. Serial.* North- field, Minn. 50. 10. 1 Pearse, T. D. Astronomical Observations in Fort William and between Madras and Calcutta. (Asiatic Researches, Vol. 1, pp. 57-121.) 40. 9 Proctor, R. A. Expanse of Heaven. N. Y., 1876. 12mo. 49. 8 Lectures on Astronomy. (Tribune Popular Science, 1874. 8vo.) 57. 3 Our Place Among Infinities. N. Y., 1876. 12mo. 49. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 115 Astronomy — (Continued.) Rochester, N. Y. History of the Warner Observatory. Rochester, 1887. 8vo. • 10. 11. 4 Runkle, John D. Asteroid Supplement, etc. (Smiths. Oon- trib. Knowl. Vol. 9.) Washington, 1857. 4to. 49. 7 New Table for Determining the Yalues of the Co- efficients in the Perturbative Function of Planetary Motion. (Smiths. Contrib. Knowl. Yol. 9.) Wash- ington, 1857. 4to. 46. 7 U. S. Department of the Navy. Naval Observatory. As- tronomical Observation, Aug. 13, 1836. By J. M. Gilliss. Washington, 1845-8. , 50. 7 U. S. Naval Observatory. Observations, 1868-1880. Wash- ington, 1870-83. Contents: 1&'68. Appendix 1. Catalogue of 1963 stars and 290 double stars from observation^ made at SdUt'ago, Chili, 1850-52. 1870, pp. 73. 1869. Appendix 2. Zones of stars observed with the mural circle, 1846-49. 1872. 1870. Appendix 1. Difference of longitude between Wa3hington and St. Louis. By William Harkness. 1872, pp. 39. Appendix 3. Right ascen- sion of the equatorial fundamental stars, etc. By Simon Newcomb. 1872, pp. 73. Appendix 4, Zones of stars observed with the meridian transit instrument, 1846-49. 1872. 1871. Appendix 1. Zones of stars observed with the meridian circle, 1847-49. 1873. Appendix 2. Results of observations with the transit instrument and mural circle, 1853-1860, inclusive. 1872. Appendix 3« Catalogue of stars observed, 1845-71. By M. Yarnall. 1873. 1872. Meteorological observation, 1874, pp. 64. Appendix 1. Tables of instrumental contents and corrections for the reduction of transit obser- vations. By J. R. Eastman. 1873, pp. 57. Appendix 2. Difference of longitude between Detroit and Carlin and Austin, Nevada. By J. R. Eastman. 1874. 1873. Appendix 1. Uranian and Neptunian systems, investigated with the 26-inch equatorial. By Simon Newcomb. 1875, pp. 74. 1874. Meteorological observations. 1875, pp. 67. Appendix 2. Differ- ence of longitude between Washington and Ogden, Utah. By J. R. Eastman. 1876. 1875. Meteorological observations during 1875. 1877, pp. 60 (3). Appen- dix 1. Difference of longitude between the U. S. Naval observatory and the Sayre observatory of Lehigh University. 1878, pp. 19. By J. R. Eastman. Appendix 2. Researches on the motion of the moon. By Simon Newcomb. Pt. 1, 1878. 1876. Appendix 2. Telescopic observations of the transit of Mercury. 1880. Appendix 3. Reports on the total solar eclipse of July 29, 1878, and Jan. 11, 1880. 1880. 116 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Astronomy — (Continued. ) 1877. Appendix 2. Multiple star Z, 748. By E. S. Holden. 1881, pp. 22. Appendmc 3. Value of the solar parallax from meridian observations of Mars at the opposition in 1877. By J. R. Eastman. 1881, pp. 43. 1878. Appendix 1. Monograph of the central parts of Orion. By E. S. Holden. 1882. 1879. Meteorological observations during the year 1879. 1883, pp. 17. Appendix 1. Parallax of a Lyrae and 61 Cygni. By Asaph Hall. 1882, pp. 64. Appendix 2. Determination of the semi-diameter of the moon, 1877-1879. By H. M. Paul. 1883. 1880. Appendix 1. Observations of the great comet of 1882. By W. C. Winlock. 1883. Walker, S. 0. Eesearches Eelative to the Planet Keptune, pp. 60. (Smiths. Contrib. Vol. 2) 49. 7 Wall, Martin. Use of Symbol Employed by Astronomers. (Manchester, Eng. Lit. and Philos. Soc. Memoirs. Vol. 1, pp, 243-260.) 35. 8 See also E^rth, Moon, Neptune, Orion, Planets, Solar Sys- tem, Sun, Uranus, Venus, Zodiac, etc. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Eailboad. Annual Reports for years 1880, '83, '84, '85. Boston, 1841-4. 8vo. 72. 7. 7 See Crawford, S. J. Argument of. Athanasius, Saint. Brief Notes on the Creed of Saint Atha- nasius. 4to. pp.8. (HarleianMisc, Vol. 12. pp. 130-139.) 40. 3 Athens, Topography of; Antiquities; Panoramic View. Illus. Walpole, Rev. Robert, Ed. Memoirs, etc. 1818. 4to. 40. 7 American School of Classical Studies. Report, 1883-84. American Archaeological Inst. Report, 1884. 15. 11. 1 Athens County, Ohio. Walker, C. M. History of Athens Co., O., and the First Settlement at Marietta, 1788. Cinn., 1869. 8vo. (Ohio Valley Historical Series, No. 2.) 18. 2 Pioneer Association. Memorial and History of the Western Library Association, of Ames Township, Athens Co., O. n. p. 1882. 8vo. 18. 3. 1. Atherton, Charles H. An Address Delivered before the New- Hampshire Historical Association, at their Anjiual Meet- ing, June 8, 1831. (N. H. Hist. Coll., Vol. 3.) Concord, 1832. 8vo. 7. 3 Memoir of Hon. Samuel Dana, of New Hampshire. (N. H. Hist. Coll., Vol. 3, p. 9.) Concord, 1832. 8vo. 7. 3 Memoir of Wyseman Ciagett. (N. H. Hist. Coll., Vol. 3, p. 24.) Concord, 1832. 8vo. 7. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 117 Atherton, William. Narrative of the Suffering and Defeat of the Northwestern Army, under Gen. Winchester; Mas- sacre of the Prisoners; 16 Months' Imprisonment of the Writer, and Others, with the Indians and British. Frank- fort, Ky., 1842. 16mo. 14. 9 Athol, Mass. See Clarke, Samuel F. A Centennial Discourse on the lOOtli Anniversary of the First Church. Boston, 1851. 8vo. 25. 9 Atkins, Gen. Smith D. Oration. (Army of the Cumberland, 15th Eeunion, etc. 1884. 8vo. pp. 89-llJ.) 29.5 Atkinson, C. F. Cotton Culture and the South. See Loring, F. W. 72. 9 Atkinson, Edward. Cheap Cotton by Free Labor. By a Cotton Manufacturer. 2d edition. Boston, 1861. 8vo. 30. 7. 6 Collection of Eevenue. Boston, 1867. 8vo. pp. 70. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 17, No. 25.) ' . 60. 8 Commercial Development of the XJ. S., 1776-1876. (First Century of the Republic. 1876. 8vo.) 14.10 Lecture on Cotton before the American Gegraphical and Statistical Society, Dec. 14, 1864. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 6, No. 15.) 60. 1 Memorandum in Regard to the Case Between the Govern- ment and the Union Pacific Railroad. Boston, Jan. 21, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 10, No. 20.) 60. 1 National Debt. Decrease of 802 Millions in Three Years. Speech at Worcester, Mass., Sept. 9, 1868. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 22, No. 19.) 60. 8 Revenue Reform. Essay. Boston, 1871. 8vo. pp. 31. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 26, No. 8.) 60. 8 Report on the Cotton Manufacture of 1862. Boston Board of Trade, n. t. p. 1863. 72. 9. 2 What is a Bank'? What Service Does a Bank Perform? Lec- ture Before the Finance Club of Harvard University, March, 1880. (New York Society for Political Education, 1880.) 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Atkinson, G. H. Northwest Coast, Including Oregon, Wash- ington, and Idaho. Series of Articles Upon the Nor. Pac. R. R. Portland, Or., 1878. 8vo. 19. 10. 6 Atkinson, Geo. W. History of Kanawha County, Virginia, From 1789 to 1876. Charleston, 1876. 8vo. 15. 5 118 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Atkinson, Gen. Henry. Eeportof Expedition up the Mis- souri, 1825, to Treat with the Indians. Wash., 1826. 8vo. (U. S. Dept. of War.) 19. 14. 8 Atkinson, Joseph. History of Newark, N. J., 1666-1878. Newark^ K J., 1878. 10.. 1 Atkinson, Robert J. Argument in the Case of Joseph Segar. No imprint. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph. Vol. 22, No. 40.) 60. 8 Atkinson, William. The Church. Explanation of the Mean- ing Contained in the Bible. London, 1854. 8vo. 2 Vols. 56. 4 Atlanta, Ga. International Cotton Exposition. Prospectus. Atlanta, 1881. 8vo. 15. 13. 1 Roy, T. B. General Hardee and the Military Operations Around Atlanta, 1865. (Southern Hist. Soc. Papers, Vol. 8. pp. 337-387.) 29. 2 Cox, Gen. J. D. New York, 1882. 12vo. (Campaigns of the Civil War.) 30. 10 Atlantic and Great Western Canal, Ga. Dubose, D. M., Speech, n. t. p. Svo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 23, No. 24.) 60. 8 Atlantic Cable. D'Aligny, H. F. Q. Outline of the History of the Atlantic Cables. Wash., 1868. 8vo. pp. 13. (Paris Expos., 1867, Vol 5.) 52. 6 Atlantic Mail Steamship Co. Dimock, A. W. Statement of Facts in Favor of the Application of the Company for In- creased Compensation. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 34, No. 2. 60. 2 Atlantic Monthly, Vols. 1-48. 1857-86. Boston, 1857-86. 8vo. 48 Vols. 39. 4 Atlantic Telegraph. See Gannett, E. S. The Atlantic Tele- graph. Boston, 1858. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 1.) 9. 2 Saint Paul, Minn., City Council. Grand Celebration in St. Paul, Sept. 1, 1858, Commemorative of the laying of the Atlantic Cable. St. Paul, 1858. Svo. 2% '5. 2 Atlantis. See Baldwin, J. D. Ancient American Civilization; the ''Atlantis'' Theory. (In his ''Ancient America'' p. 174.) 1872. 12mo. 15. 3 Bradford, A. W. Former Existence of Atlantis Considered. (In his Amer. Antiq., 1841. 8vo. pp. 216-225.) 15. 10 Donnelly, Ignatius. Atlantis; the Antediluvian World. New York, 1882. 12mo. 74. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY, 119 Atlantis — (Continued). Fletcher. E. T. The Lost Island of Atlantis. (Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Trans. New Ser. pt. 3, pp. 113-136.) 20. 9. 8 Gaffarel, Paul. L'Atlantide. Etude, etc. 1869. 8vo. 14. 12 Plato. Production del' extrait des Dialogues. Concernant Fisle Atlantide. See Scherer, J. B. Eecherches, etc. 1777. 8vo. pp. 283-301. 20. 8 Atlas. See Andreas, A. T. Illustrated Historical Atlas of Iowa. 1875. Chicago, 1875. 4to. V. Blanchard, Eufus. Historical Map of the United States. Y. Buchanan Co , Missouri. Illustrated Historical Atlas of 1877. St. Louis, 1877. 4to. 'Y. Burr, D. H. Atlas of the State of New York. N. Y., 1829. 4to. » Y. Cass Co., Illinois. Illustrated Atlas, 1874. St. Louis, 1874. 4to. Cassell Co., Illinois. Illustrated Historical Atlas of, 1876. 4to. St. Louis, 1876. - 4to. Y. Daviess Co., Ky. Illustrated Historical Atlas of, 1876. St. Louis, 1876. 4to. Y. Delisle, Guillaume arid Buache, Phillipe. Atlas, Univer- sale, Dresses sur les Observations de 1' Academic Eoyale des Sciences. Paris, 1757. 4to. Y. Gray, O. W. Atlas of the United States, with Maps of the World. Philadelphia, 1873. 4to. E. Do. Edition of 1886. Y. Greene Co., Missouri. Illustrated Historical Atlas of, 1876. Saint Louis, 1876. 4to. Y. Hartford City and County, Conn. Hartford, 1869. Fol. 85. 8 Historical Atlas of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, 1778. 4to. Y. Holt County, Missouri. Illustrated Historical Atlas of. 1877. • -Saint Louis, 1878. 4to. Y. Hopkins, G. M. Atlas of St. Paul and Eamsey County, Minn., 1886. Y. Illinois. Chicago, 1876. 4to. Y. Jackson County, Missouri. Illustrated Historical Atlas of. 1877. St. Louis, 1877. 4to. Y. Jasper County, Missouri. Illustrated Historical Atlas of, 1876. St. Louis, 1876^ 4to. Y. 120 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Atlas — (Continued). Jefferson County, Missouri. Illustrated Atlas of, 1876. St. Louis, 1876. 4to. V. Johnson, A. J. «& Co., publ. New Illustrated Family Atlas- of the World. :N'. Y., 1883. L. 4to. V. Johnston, A. S. Eoyal Atlas of Modern Geography. New ed. Edinb. and London, 1880. D. Labberton, Eobert H. Historical Atlas and General History. N. Y., 1886. 8vo. 32. la Lesquereux, Leo. Atlas to the Coal Flora of Pennsylvania, and of the Carboniferous Formation throughout the Uni- ted States. Harrisburg, 1879. 8vo. (Pa. 2d Geol. Survey. App. P.) 11. 10 Madison County, 111. Illustrated Cyclopedia and Atlas of^ 1873. St. Louis, 1873. 4to. Y. Mason County, 111. JUustrated Atlas of, 1874. St. Louis,. 1874. 4to. . Y. Menard County, 111. Illustrated Atlas of, 1874. St. Louis, 1874. 4to. Y. Mercer County, 111. Illustrated Atlas, 1875. St. Louis, 1875. 4to. Y. Minneapolis, Minn., 1885. 4to. Y. Mitchell, S. A. Modern Atlas of Forty-four Maps. Phila., 1871. 4to. * Y. Moll, Herman. Atlas Manual, or a new set of maps of all parts of the Earth. London, 1713. 8vo. 34. ^ Monroe County, 111. Illustrated Historical Atlas, 1875. St. Louis, 1875. 4to. Y. National Atlas, containing Maps of the United States and Dominion of Canada, with plans of cities, etc. Phila. ^ 1886. Fol. D. Ortelius, Ortel, or Oertel, Abraham. Theatrum orbis terra- rum. Title page missing. (1598 %) Fol. Y. Pike County, Mo. Illustrated Atlas of. St. Louis, 1875. 4to. Popple, Henry. Atlas of the British Empire in America. London, 1733. 4to. Y. Ramsey County, Minn., 1885. 4to. Y. Randolph County, 111. Illustrated Historical Atlas of. St. St. Louis, 1875. Y. Ruger, Edward. Campaign and Battle Maps. See Yan Home, T. B. Army of the Cumberland. 1875. 8vo. 29. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 121 Atlas — (Continued). 3aint Charles Co., Mo., Illustrated Atlas of. St. Louis, 1875. 4to. V. Saint Paul, Minn. 1885. 4to. V. Sangamon Co., 111., Illustrated Historical Atlas of. St. Louis, 1874. 4to. Y. Seney, John. Universal Geographer or Complete Atlas. London, 1725. Oblong fol. V. Vermillion Co., 111., Illustrated Historical Atlas of. St. Louis, 1875. 4to. V. AValker, F. A. Statistical Atlas of the United States, 1870. X. t. p. 1874. Y. Will Co., 111. Elgin, 1873. Folio. 85. 5 Wisconsin, Historical Atlas of, pub. by Snyder, Yan Yech- ten & Co., 1878. Y. See also Geography, MaiDS, etc. Atlee Family. See Barber, E. A. Genealogical Kecord of the Atlee Family. 47. 1 Atmosphere. See Schott, C. A. Tables: Distribution and Ya- riations of the Atmospheric Temperature in the United States. Washington, 1876. 4to. 49. 14 Atthill, William, Editor. Documents Eelating to the Foun- dation and Antiquities of the Collegiate Church of Mid- dleham, in the County of York, England, etc. London. Printed for the Camden Society, 1847. Sm. 4to. 35. 10 Attleboeough, Mass. See Daggett, John. Sketch of the His- tory of Attleborough, Mass. Dedham, 1834. 8vo. 25. 8 Atwater, Caleb. Writings. Columbus, O., 1833. 8vo. 15. 3 Antiquities in Ohio and Other Western States. (Amer. Antiq. Soc. Trans. Yol. 1.) 9. 10 Eemarks Made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien, thence to Washington City, in 1829. Columbus, O., 183 L 12mo. 33. 10 Atwater, Dorence. List of the Union Soldiers Buried at An- dersonville. From the official record. IJsT. Y., 1866. 4to. 30. 4. 9 Atwater, Edward E. Genealogical Register of Descendants, in the Male Line, of David Atwater, of ]S"ew Haven, Conn. IS'ew Haven, 1851. 8vo. 25. 7. 1 Atwater, Isaac. Decisions of the Supreme Court. (Atwater' s reports. Minnesota Collated Statutes. 18(>3. 8vo.) 24. 3 Reports. See Minn. Territory. Supreme Court. 24., 1 16 122 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Atwater Family. See Atwater, E. E. General Eegister of Descendants of David Atwater, of Xew Haven, Coni^ 25. 7. 1 Atwood, Charles E. Eeminiscences of Taunton, Mass., in ye Auld Lang Syne. Taunton, 1880. 12 mo. 25. 1 Atwood, David. Memorial Eecord of the Fathers of Wiscon- sin. See Tenney, H. A. 19. 4 Atwood Family. See Eanney, H. D .8th Family Ee-uniou of Eanney and Atwood Families. 47. 1 AuBEY, Francois Xayier. See Tasse, Joseph. Les Canadians de F ouest. F. X. Aubry. Montreal, 1871. 8vo. 43. 6. A. AucHER, P. Paschal, and Byron, Lord. Grammar, Armenian and English. Venice, 1873. 12mo. 38. 4 AucHER, Paschal, Trans. See Milton, John. Paradise Lost, translated into Armenian. Venice, 1824. 8vo. 34. 10 AuDONRiED, Capt. JOSEPH Crain. In Memoriam. See U. S. Military Order of tr.e Loyal Legion. 43. 6. A. Audrain County, Missouri. Histoiy of Audrain Co., Mo., including a History of its Townships, Towns and Villages, etc. St. Louis, 1884. 8vo. 83. 15 See Duyckinck, E. A. Biograph. Sketch. National Portrait Gallery. Vol. 2. 44. 6 Audubon, John James. See St. John, Mrs. Horace. Life and Adventures of Au'dubon. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. 45. 4 Auger, Edward. Voyage en Californie, 1852-53. Paris, 1854. 16mo. 19. 8 AuoHEY, Samuel. Xotes on the Nature of the Food of the Birds of Nebraska. N. t. p. 8vo. (U. S. Entomological Commission.) 19. 10. 5 Auglaize County, O. See Sutton, Eobert, pub., History of Auglaize Co., O., with the Indian History of Wapakoneta, etc. Wapakoneta, 1880. 12mo. 18. 8 Augusta, Me. See North, J. W. History of Augusta to 1870, with Notices of the Plymouth Company and Settlements on the Kennebec, etc. Augusta, 1870. 8vo. 7. 1 Augusta County, Va. See Peyton, J. L. History of Augusta Co., Va. Staunton, Va., 1882. 8vo. 15. 5 AuGUSTANA College and Theological Seminary, Eock Is- land, 111. Catalogues, 1876-84. Davenport^ Iowa. 8vo. 18. 13. 10 Student Katalog. 1871-76. Chicago. 8vo. 18. 13. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 123 Augustus, John. (Philanthropic Shoemaker in Boston." Ee- port of his Labors for Ten Years. (Autobiography.) Bos- ton, 1852. 8vo. 43. 6. A. Aunt Phillis's Cabin. See Eastman, Mrs. M. H. Philadel- phia, 1852. 12mo. 30. 13 AUEORA BoREALis See Donati, G. B. Phenomena of the Great Aurora, Feb. 4, 1872. (Smiths. Eeport, 1872, pp. 299- 309.) 49. 3 Force, Peter. Record of Auroral Phenomena Observed in the Higher Northern Latitudes. (Smiths. Contrib. Yol. 8.) 49: 7 Loomis, Elias. The Aurora Borealis, its Phenomena and Laws. (Smiths.^ Eeport, 1865, pp. 208-248.) 49. 3 Olmsted, Denison. Eecent Secular Period of the Aurora Borealis. Pp. 52. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol 8.) 49. 7 Survey, n. t. p. 8vo. Phila., 1877. 72. 6. 3 Austin, George Lowell. History of Massachusetts, 1620- 1875. Boston, 1876. 8vo. 9. 12 Austin, Horace. Gov. of Minn. Inaugural and Other Mes- sages to the Legislature. St. Paul. 8vo. v. d. 22. 3 Austin, John Osborne. The Geneologlcal Dictionary of Ehode Island, comprising three generations of settlers who came before 1690, etc. Aloany, 1887. 85. 3 The Personal Experience of Saving Grace, a Powerful Testimony to the Truth of Divine Eevelation ; a Sermon, etc. (See Smalley, Elam. ''The Worcester Pulpit." py. 147-172.) Bost., 1851. 12 mo. 25. 1 Austin, Eey. Samuel. The Incomparable Excellency of Ee- ligion, as the Life of Man. A Sermon, etc. (With a memoir of the author.) See Smalley, Elam. "The Worcester Pulpit," etc., pp. 98-145. Bost., 1851. 12 mo. 25. 1 Austin. Topolovampo Pacific Eailroad Eoute. Papers and Ee- ports of the Chief of Engineers, U. S. A., regarding the Survey. (With map.) 8vo. Wash., 1875. 72. 6. 3 Australia. See Dilke, C. W. Travels, 1866-7. (In his "Greater Britain," 1869.) 12mo. 35. 8 Harcus, Wm., ed. South Australia, its History, Eesources and Productions. London, 1876. 40. 3 . Howitt, Wm. Land, Labor and Gold. Two Years in Vic- toria, etc. Boston, 1855. 12mo. 2 Vols. 20. 7 Perkins, J. H. Glimpse of Australia, 1850. (Memoir, etc. 1851. 12mo. Vol. 2.) 44. 8 124 kiNNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Australia — (Continued). ' Wilkes, Charles. U. S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-42. Yol. 1. Phila., 1849. 8vo. 49. la See also, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, etc. Australian Mail Steamship Co. See Burnside, Gen. A. E. New Zealand and Australian Mail Steamship Co. Letter. Washington, 1873. No Imprint. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph. Yol. 13. No. 4.;^ 60. 1 Australian Mail Steamship Co. Memorial to Congress on. See San Francisco Chamb. of Commerce. 20. 14 3. - Commerce of the South Pacific. Statement of Facts, n. t. p. 8vo., p. 4. (Ramsey Pamph. Yol. 13. No. 5.) 60. 1 Austria, History. See Coxe, Wm. History of the House of Austria, etc. ' 42. 14 De Peyster, J. W. Torstensen Before Yienna. 43. 7. T. Authentic Coi^ies of the Provisional and Preliminary Articles- of Peace, signed between Great Britain, France, Spain and the United States. London, 1783. 8vo. (Eev. Pamph. ^ Yol. 7, No. 4.) 14. 1 Authors. See AUibone, S. A. Critical Dictionary of British and American Authors, Phila., 1863-71. 8vo. 3 Yols. 74. 14 Gushing, Wm. Initials and Pseudonyms. 74.13. Forman, H. B. Our Living Poets. An Essay in Criticism- London, 1871. 8vo. 43. 12 Poe, E. A. Eeviews and Criticisms. (Works, 1876. 8vo. Yol. 3.) 74. a Sketches of American Authors. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. 43. 14. 7 Tyler, M. C. History of American Literature. N. Y.,. 1879. 8vo. 2 Yols. 74. la See English Literature. Poets. Bibliography, etc. Ayeling, Thos. W. Memorials of the Clayton Family, of England. London, 1867. 8vo. 45. 8 Ayeril. See Pere, Jesuit. Travels in Divers Parts of Asia and Europe, 1685-86. (Harris, John, Navigantium, etc. Yol. 2. 1705, foL, pp. 255-246.) Y. Ayerill, J. O. Funeral Sermon on the Death of Garfield, Sept. 25, 1881. Eockaway, N. J. Presb. Ch. 43. 14. 4 Ayery, I. W. The History of the State of Georgia, from 1850 to 1881, with portraits of the Leading Public Men of this Era. N. Y., 1881. 8vo. 15. 13 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBR Avery Family. See Morgan, IN^, H. The Morgan and Avery Families. 47. 11 Award of the Geneva Tribunal. "By a Citizen," 1873. See Alabama Claims. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 32.) 60. 1 Ayer, Mass. Catalogue of the Ayer Public Library. Ayer, 1876. 8vo. 8. 12. 2 Supplement, 1833. 8. 12. 2 Annual Report of Receipts and Expenditures of the Town of Ayer, for year ending March, 1884. Ayer, 1884. 8vo. 9. 8.6 Report of Committee on Water Supply, for the Town of Ayer. n. p. (1880.) 8vo. 25. 1. 6 School Committee of. Annual Report, 1881-72. Ayer, 1872. 8vo. 9. 8. 6 Azores. Heriot, George. Description of the Azores. (Pre- fixed to his Travels Through the Canadas, 1807. 4to. 20. 3 .AzTALAN, Wis. See Butler, J. D. Aztalan, the Ancient City. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Collections. Vol. 9., pp. 99-105.) • 19. 11 Smith, W. R. Aztalan the Ancient City. (In his Doc. Hist, of Wise, 1854. 8vo. pp. 236-240.) 19. 11 Aztecs. See Bancroft, Hubert H. (Native Races of the Pacific Coast. Vols. 2,5. Aztec Calendar, Aztec Picture- Writing, etc.) 15. 2 King, Edward (Lord Kingsborough.) Antiquities of Mex- ico. B. R. B. Babcock, O. E. Brief Hints on Sowing Flower Seeds, etc. n. t. p. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 14, ^o. 14.) 60. 1 Babcock, Rufus, Editor. Forty Years of Pioneer Life. Me- moir of John Mason Peck. Phila. (Amer. Bapt. Publ. Soc, 1864.) 44. 8 Babington, Churchill, Editor. Polychronicon Ranulph Hig- den. See Higden, Ranulph. 40. 12 126 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Babson, John J. History of the Town of Gloucester, Cape Ann, Including Eockport, Mass. 9. 13 Notes and Additions to the History of Gloucester, Mass. Parti. Early Settlers. Gloucester, 1876. 8vo. 8.2.6- Babylon. See Layard, A. H. Discoveries Among the Euins of :N'inevah and Babylon, in 1848-49. New York, 1856. 12mo. 40. 2 Eennell, James. Site and Eemains of the Ancient City of Babylon. Map. (Geographical System of Herodotus, etc. 1800. 4to. pp. 335-388.) 40. 13 Bache, Alexander Dallas. Discussion of the Magnetic and Meteorological Observations Made at Girard College Ob- servatory, 1841-45. (Smiths. Contr., Vols. 11, 13, 14.) 49. 7 The Gulf Stream. Annual Address before the American Geographical and Statistical Society, Jan. 27, 1856. (Vol. 2, Bulletin, p. 94.) N. Y., 1857. 8vo. 33. 5 Lecture on Switzerland. (Smiths. Eept, 1870, pp. 117-140.) 49. 3 Gould, B. A. Memorial Address on, etc. Salem, 1868. 8vo. • 42. 6. B. 2 Observations at the Magnetic and Meteorological Observ- atory at Gir3;rd College. Philadelphia, 1840-45. Wash., 1847. 8vo. 3 Vols. 50. 7 Eeport in Eelation to Boston Harbor. See Boston, Mass.^ City Council, Communications, etc. 1862. 8. 3 Eeport on Education in Europe, to the Trustees of Girard College, 1836. Phila. 1839. 8vo. 56. 1 Eulogy on him, by Joseph Henry, (Smiths. Eept, 1870, pp. 91-116.) 49. 3 Bache, Franklin. Dispensatory of the U. S. See Wood, G. B'. 49. 5 Obituary Notice of Thomas T. Hewson, ^NTov. 6, 1849. Phila., 1850. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 2 Bache, Eichard. Notes on Colombia, Taken in the Years 1822-3. By an Officer of the United States Army. Phil- adelphia, 1827. 8vo. 40. 9 Bachelder, John B. Gettysburg. Description of the Paint- ing of the Eepulse of Longstreet's Assault, by James Wal- ker. N. Y., 1870. 8vo. 30. 4. 9* Backus, C. K. Contraction of the Currency. Chicago, 111., 1878. Svo. 33. 7. 6- CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 127 Backus, Charles. Discourse on Godly Fear. Jan. 31, 1802. Hist. Sermon. Hartford, 1802. 8vo. 7. 12. 5 Bachman, John. Eeply to. See Morton, S. G. Additional Observations, etc. 1850. 8 vo. 51. 11. 4 Bacox, Sir Francis, (Lord Verulam.) Cases of Treason. London, 1641. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 4. pp. 12-29.) 40. 3 Considerations touching a War with Spain. 1629. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 4., pp. 132-155.) 40. 3 ^ew Atlantis. (Appendix to More, Sir Thomas. Utopia, 1845.) 74. 3 Bacon, John. Illustrations Illustrated. Containing a Eeply to the Illustrations Annexed to Letters' of Friendship. Hart- ford, 1781. 8vo. 7. 12. 5 Introductory Address to the Medical Class of Harvard Un- iversity, Nov. 3, 1858.. Boston, 1858. 8vo. (Harv. Coll. Addresses, l^o. 10.) 9. 2 Bacon, Leonard. Christianity and Learning. Discourse in Troy, Oct. 26, 1847. New Haven., 1848. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 7.) 53. 12 Christianity in History. Discourse to the Alumni of Yale College, Aug. 16, 1848. New Haven, 1848. 8vo. 7. 13 Civil Government in the New Haven Colony. (New Haven Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1, pp. 11-27.) 7. 6 Discourse on the Death of William Henry Harrison. New Haven, 1841. 8vo, pp. 28. 43. 14. 6 Historical Discourse. (Tallmadge, Ohio, Proceedings on the 50th Anniversary, 1857. 8vo.) 18. 3. 1 Historical Discourse, Delivered at Norwich, June 23, 1859, before the General Assembly of Connecticut at the Cele- bration of its 150th Anniversary. (Contributions to Ecclesiastical History of Connecticut, p. 1-72.) New Haven, 1861. 8vo. 7. 14 Jugglers Detected. Discourse on Distorted Bible Views of Slavery, in New Haven, Dec. 30, 1860. New Haven, 1861. 8vo. 30. 14. 3 New Haven 100 years ago. An Oration Delivered at the Centennial Celebration, New Haven, Conn., July 4, 3876. (See Saunders, F. ''Our National Jubilee,'^ etc., p. 131.) New York, 1877. 8vo. 16.12 Bacon, Nathaniel. Beginning, Progress and Conclusion of Bacon's Eebellion in Virginia, 1675 and 1676. Washing- ton, 1835. 8vo. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 1.) 14. 12 128 MINNESOTA HISIORICAL SOCIETY. Bacon, Oliver N. A. History of Katick, Mass., from its First Settlement in 1651 to the Present Time, with ^N^otices of the First White Families, etc. Boston, 1856. 8vo. 25. 2 Bacon, Eogeh. Opus Tertium. Opus Minus. Compendium Philosophise. Edited by J. S. Brewer. London, 1859. 8vo. (Brit. Pub. Eec.) 40. 6 Bacon, Thomas S. Both Sides of the Controvery Between the Roman and Reformed Churches. New York, 1859. 12mo. 56. 4 Bacon, Theodore. Record of the Old Dominion. Reprinted from the ]N"ew Englander for July, 1876. Rochester, K. Y., 1878. 8vo. . 15. 12. 3 Bacon, Wm. J. The Continental Congress. Address, Dec. 31, 1880. (Oneida Hist. Soc. Trans.) 1881. 8vo. 10. 11. 2 Bacqueville de la Potherie. Historic de 1' Amerique Sep- tentrionale, 1534-1701. Par;s, 1722. 12mo. 4 Vols. Bound in one. 20. 1 Badeley, John. Authentic Narrative of the Extraordinary Cure Performed by Prince Alexandre Hohenlohe on Bar- bara O'Connor. 3d Edition. London, 1823. (Pamph- leteer, Vol. 22.) 53. 12 Badger, Geo. E., of N. C. Speech on the Ten Regiment Bill, delivered in the Senate of the U. S., Jan. 18, 1848. Wash- ington, 1848. 8vo. (Mexican War Pamphlets, No. 2.) 16. 10 Speech in the U. S. Senate, Feb. 16, 1854, on the Nebiaska question. 1854. 8vo. 30. 14. 2 Badger, Rev Milton. Personal Accountability. A sermon Preached to the First Church and Society in Madison, Conn. N. Y.. 1857. 8vo. 56. 7. 2 Bagg, M. M. Pioneers of Utica. Sketches of its Inhabitants and its Institutions, with Civil History. (1785-1825.) Utica, N. Y., 1877. 8vo. 10. 5 The Utica High School. (Oneida Hist. Soc. Trans. 1885-86, p. 87-100.) Utica, 1886. 8vo. 10. 11. 2 Bagger, Louis. Portland Stone. (Beton Agglomere.) Its Suitability for Headstones for our National Cemeteries. Wash., 1873. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 33, No. 3.) 60. 2 Bagnall, Rev. W. R. Memorial Sketch of Samuel Batchelder, of Cambridge, Mass. (See Contributions of the Old Resi- dents' Historical Association, Vol. 3, p. 187.) 8. 2. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 129 JBahama Islands. Almanac for 1876, with a Guide to the Ba- hamas. Kassau, Xew Providence, 1876. 8vo. 32. 3. 1 Official Letter from the Commissioners of Correspondence, to George Chalmers, Concerning the Abolition of Slavery in the West Indies. Nassau; (re-printed in London), 1823. 8vo. 30. 13 JBailey, a.. Compiler. Minnesota Eailroad and Eiver Guide for 1867-8. St. Paul, 1867. 8vo. 22. 12 Bailey, Alexander H. Beview of Gov. Seymour's Message. Speech in New York Senate, Jan. 29, 1863. Albany, 1863. 30. 4. 6 Bailey, Benj. H. Tribute to Alvan Lamson. Discourse, July 24, 1864, in Dedham. Boston, 1864. 8vo. 43. 13 Bailey, Rev. G. S. The Trials and Victories of Religious Lib- erty in America. A Centennial Memorial. Phila. n. d. 16mo. 56. 12. 2 :Bailey, Geo. W. Private Chapter of the War. 1861-5. St. Louis, 1880. 16mo. 29-12 Bailey, J. W. Microscopical Examination of Soundings of the Atlantic Coast. No imprint. 4to. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 7.) ♦49. 7 Microscopical Observations in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, p. 48. (Smiths. Inst., Vol. 2.) 49. 7 Notes on a New Species and Localities of Microscopical Or- ganisms. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 7, pp. 16.) 49. 7 Bailey, Rev. Jacob. See Bartlet, W. S. Frontier Missionary. Memoir of Bailey. N. Y., 1853. (Prot. Episc. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2. 56. 3- Bailey, John W. Knox College, 111. By Whom Founded and Endowed, etc. Chicago, 1860. 8vo. 18. 13. 5 Bailey, Nathan. Dictionarium Britannicum. Universal Ety- mological English Dictionary. The Mathematical part by G. Gordon; the Botanical by P. Miller. London, 1730. fol., not paged. 34. 10 Bailey, Sarah Loring. Historical Sketches of Andover, Mass. Boston, 1880. 8vo. 8. 10 Bailey, Rev. Silas. The American Baptist Preaching of the 17th and 18th Centuries. An Address delivered in Bos- ton before the American Baptist Historical Society, May 12, 1857. Phila., 1858. 8vo. 38. 12. 10 17 130 3IINNES0TA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bailey, Dr. Wm. H. Anniversary Address before the Med- ical Society of the State of Kew York, at its 75th Annual Meeting. Syracuse, 1881. 8vo. 51. 11. 6 Bailie, Huan. Appendix to a Letter to Dr. Shebbeare. Added, Observations on a Pamphlet, entitled Taxation no Ty- ranny. By a Doctor of Laws. London, 1775. 8vo. pp. (2) 80. (Revolutionary Pamphlets, Yol. 35, No. 3.) 14. 8 B AiLLiE, James. Letter to Dr . Shebbeare, containing a refutation of his arguments concerning the Boston and Quebec Acts of Parliament, and his aspersions upon the memory of King William, and the Protestant Dissenters. London,, 1775. 8vo. Imperfect. (Rev. Pamph. Yol. 35. No. 2.) 14. 8 Baillie-Grohman, Wm. A. Camps in the Rockies; being a narrative of Life on the Frontier, and Sport in the Rocky Mountains, with an account of the Cattle Ranches of the West. London, 1882. 12mo. ' 32.12 Baird, Henry Carey. Duty on Books. Argument on Behalf of the Book Trade Association of Philadelphia, before the Finance Committee of the Senate, May 23, 1872. Phila., 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 34, No. 3.) 60. 2 Protection of Home Labor and Home Productions, Neces- sary to the Prosperity of the American Farmers. Phila., 1860. 8vo. • 67.2.4 Rights of American Producers. Wrongs of British Free Trade Revenue Reform. Phila., 1872. 24mo. 57. 2. 8 Theory of Inflation. Phila., 1873. 8vo. 33. 7. 6 Baird, Henry S. Early History and Condition of Wisconsin, Address before the Hist. Soc, Jan. 30, 1856. (Wise. Hist. Soc. Collec. Yol. 2., pp. 72-97.) 19. 11 Memoir of. By E. H. Ellis. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Collec. Yol. 7., pp. 426-443.) 19. 11 Baird, Robert. See Sprague, W. B. Discourse Commemora- tive of Robert Baird, in New York, May 10, 1863. Al- bany, 1863. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Baird, Rey. Samuel. A History of the Early Policy of the Presbyterian Church, in the Training of her Ministry; and of the first years of the Board of Education. Phila., 1865. 8vo. 56. 11. 4 Baird, Spencer F. Catalogue of North American Birds in the Museumof the Smithsonian Institution. Wash., 1859. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll. Yol. 2.) 49. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 13 L Baird, Spencer F. — (Continued). And Girard, 0. Catalogue of North American Eeptiles in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Wash., 1853. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll. Vol. 2.) 49. 2 And others. General Eeport upon the Zoology of the Sev- eral Pacific Eailroad Eoutes. Part, 1-3. Wash., 1857-58. 4to. 3 Vols. (Pacific E. E.- Survey, Vols. 8, 9, 10.) 69. 7 Eeview of American Birds in the Museum of the Smith- sonian Institution. Part 1. Wash. 1864. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll. Vol. 12.) 49. 2 Baird, Thomas H. Memorial for the Enactment of Measures^ to Preserve the Union. H. of E. Feb. 7, 1863. Pittsburg,. 1864. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph. Vol. 19. Ko. 9.) 60. 8 Baird, Wm. Genealogical Collection Concerning the Sirname of Baird. London, 1870. Sq. 8vo. 46. 7 Baird Family. See Baird, Wm. Genealogical Collections, etc. Baker, Conrad. Address before the Indiana State University, June 30, 1868. Indianapolis, 1868. 8vo. 18. 11. 5 See Hughes, James. Baker-Cumback Correspondence- Speech, Jan. 15, 1869. Indianapolis, 1869. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamph., Vol. 22, Xo. 21.) . 60. 8 Baker, D. A. J. Early Schools of Minnesota, (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1, pp. 81-88.) 22. 10 Baker, D. W. C. Texas Scrapbook. History, Biography and Miscellany of Texas audits People. N. Y., etc., 1875. 8vo. 15. 14 Baker, Edward Dickinson. Speech in the Senate of the U. S., Jan. 2 and 3, I86I7 on the Secession Question, n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 5- Addresses on his Death, in Congress, Dec. 11, 1861. Wash., 1866. 8vo. 43. 9 Baker, James Heaton. Address at Laying the Corner Stone of Eamsey County Court House, Oct. 13, 1885. (News- paper cutting, mounted.) 22. 13. 3 Lake Superior, its History; Eomance of the Fur Trade; its Physical Features; Treaties; the Yoyageurs, etc. Annual Address Before the Minnesota Historical Society, Jan. 24, 1879. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 3, p. 333-355.) 22. 10- A Song of Friendship. An Elegy on the Death of Charles Scheffer. St, Paul, 1877. 8vo. 22. 8- 132 MINNESOTA HISWRICAL SOCIETY. Baker, James Heaton — (Continued). The Sources of the Mississippi; Their Discoverers, Eeal and Pretended. A report, read before Minnesota Historical Society, Feb. 9, 1887. (Minn. Hist. Coll., Yol. 6, part 1.) St. Paul, 1887. 8vo. 22. 9 Baker, J. L. Slavery. ^(Pro-slavery.) Phila., 18G0. 8vo. 30. 7. 5 Baker, James L. Exports and Imports, as Showing the Eela- tive Advancement of Every Nation in Wealth, Strength and Independence. (A series of articles contributed to the Boston Transcript.) Boston, 1858. 8vo. 57. 2. 2 Baker, William E^ S. Word to Speaker Blaine, n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 26, :N^o. 7.) 60. 8 Baker Silver Mining Company, Colorado. Eeports, &c. Phila., 1866. 16mo. 19. 14. 4 Bakerstown, Me. See Ladd, Wm. Annals of Bakerstown, Poland and Minot, Maine. Maine Hist. Coll., Vol. 2, pp. 111-130.) 7. 1 Baker University, Baldwin City, Kansas. Catalogue, 1865-66. Baldwin City, 1866. 8vo. 19. 14. 2 Balch, Thomas. Les Francais en Amerique, Pendant la Guerre de V Independance des Etats-unis, 1777-1783. Carte. Paris, 1872. n. s. 8vo. 16. 13 Balch Family. "Blue Print" C(3py of a MS. Pedigree of the Balch Family, 1886. 25. 7. 2 Baldwin, Abraham: C. The Dark Ways of God. Sermon preached Oct. 3, 1856, at the funeral of Samuel I^. Shep- ard, in Madison, Conn. K". Y., 1857. 8vo. 43. 7. S. 2 Baldwin, Byron A. Nathaniel Baldwin, and One Line of His Descendants. Boston, 1871. 8vo. 25. 7. 2 Baldwin, Charles Candee. Baldwin Genealogy, from 1500 to 1881. Cleveland, O., 1881. 8vo. 47.1 Candee Genealogy. ^NTotices of Allied Families, of AUyn, Catlin, Cooke, Mallery, Newell, Norton, Pynchon, and Wadsworth. Cleveland, O., 1882. 8vo. 47. 8 Early Maps of Ohio and the West, n. t. p. 8vo. (West. Eeserve Histor. Soc. Pub.) 18. 3. 1 Geographical History of Ohio. Address at Youngstown, Sept. 10, 1880. Cleveland, n. d. 8vo. (From the Mag. of Western Hist.) 18. 3. 2 Indian Migration in Ohio. Eead before the State Archaeo- logical Society of Ohio, Sept. 1878. (From the American Antiquarian, Apr. 1879. 8vo.) 15. 11. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 133 Baldwin, Charles Candee — (Continued). [N'otices of Historical and Pioneer Societies in Ohio. n. t. p, 8vo. (West. Eeserve Hist. Soc. Tr. No. 27.) 18. 3. 1 Relics of the Mound Builders, n. t. p. 8vo. (W. R. Hist. Soc. Tract, ^o. 23.) 18. 3. 1 \ Baldwin, C. C. (Libr. Amer. Ant. Soc. 1831-35.) See Lincoln^ Wm. Obituary Address on, before the Society, Oct. 23^ 1835. Worcester, 1835. 8vo. 9. 3 Baldwin, Daniel Pratt. Indiana, her Growth and Needs. Address at Franklin College, June 7, 1880. Logansport, Ind., 1880. 8vo. 74. 7 Baldwin, Elijah C. Branford Annals, a Paper read before the New Haven Colony Historical Society, Jan. 29, 1879. Collections, Vol. 3. 7. 6 Baldwin, Elmer. History of La Salle County, 111. Chicago, 1877. 8vo. 18. 12 Baldwin, John Denison, and Clift, Wm. Record of the De- scendants of Capt. George Denison, Stonington, Conn., and Account of other Denisons in America. Worcester, 1881. 8vo. 47. 2 Ancient America. Notes on American Archaeology. N. Y., 1872. 12mo. 15. a Sketch of. Worcester Society of Antiquity. Proceedings, 1883. 9. 10. 2 Baldwin, Joseph G. The Flush Times of Alabama and Mis- sissippi. A Series of Sketches. N. Y., J 853. 8vo. 15. 7 Baldwin, Roger S. Argument before the Supreme Court of the XJ. S., in the case of the U. S. vs. Cinque and others, Africans of the Amistad. N. Y., 1841. 8vo. 30. 7. G Speech in favor of the Admission of California into the Union, in connection with Mr. Bell's Compromise Resolu- tions. In the Senate of the TJ. S., March 27 and April 3, 1850. Wash., 1850. 8vo. 33. 7. 1 Baldwin, Simeon E. The Boundary Line Between Connecticut and New York, a Paper read before the New Haven Col- ony Historical Society, Feb. 10, 1879. (See Collections, Vol. 3, p. 271.) 7.6 Tha Ecclesiastical Constitution of Yale College. A paper read before the New Haven Colony Historical Society, April 25, 1881. (Collec. Vol. 3, p. 405.) 7. 6 134 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Baldwin. Simeon E. — (Continued). The New Haven Convention of 1778. Paper read before the New Haven Colony Historical Society, Jan. 29, 1877. (See Collections, Vol. 3, p. 33.) 7. 6 Baldwin, Theron. See Sturtevant, J. M. Sketch of Theron Baldwin. Boston, 1875. 8vo. ' 43. 6. B. 1 Baldwin, Thomas. A Sermon Delivered Before His Excel- lency, Caleb Strong, Esq., Governor, etc. (Mass. Election Sermon, 1802.) Boston, 1802. 8vo. 56. 5. 3 Baldwin, Wm. H. Traveling Salesmen; their Opportunities and their Dangers. An address delivered before the Boston Young Men's Christian Union, Nov. 22, 1874. Boston, n. d. 12mo. ' 57. 10. 4 Baldwin Family, See Baldwin, B. A. Nathaniel Baldwin and One Line of His Descendants. Bost., 1871. 8vo. 47. 14. 1 Baldwin, C. C. Baldwin Genealogy, from 1500 to 1881. Cleveland, 1881. 8vo. 47. 1 JBale, John, Bishop. Brefe Chronycle Concerning the Examin- ation and Death of the Blessed Martyr, Sir Johan Old- castle, the Lord Cobham. London, 1544. 8vo. ff. 7. (Harleian Misc.,, Vol. 1, pp. 246-286.) 40. 3 Brefe Comedy, or interlude of Johan Baptystes Preachynge in the Wyldernesse. Compyled Anno, 1538. 4to. pp. 18. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 1, pp. 202-216. 40. 3 "This rare comedy gives us a true idea of the English stage, at the times of the reformation." Yocaeyon of Johan Bale to the Bishoprick of Ossorie in Ireland. Persecucions in the Same, and Final Delyver- aunce. Rome, 1553. 12mo. 98 pp. in black letter. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 1, pp. 328-364.) 40. 3 Ball, Charles. Slavery in the United States. Life and Ad- ventures. N. Y., 1837. 12mo. 30. 13 Fifty Years in Chains. Life of an American Slave. In- dianapolis, n. d. 12mo. 30. 13 Ball, Capt. Koah. Account of the Golden Wedding at Town- send, Mass., Sept. 16, 1880, of Noah and Huldah (Tenney) Ball. n. t. p. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Ball, T. H. Lake County, Indiana, from 1834 to 1872. Chi- cago, 1873. • 18. 11 3all Family. The Maternal Ancestry and Nearest of Kin of Washington. A Monograph. Wash., 1885. 8vo. 25. 14. 8 CATALOGUE OF TBE LIBRARY. 135 Ball's Bluff, Battle of. U. S. Congress, 37th. Eeport on the Conduct of the War, part 2. Wash., 1863. 8vo. 29. 13 Ballads. See Moore, Frank. Songs and Ballads of the Amer- ican Bevolution. X. Y. and London, 1856. Sm. 12mo. 14. 9 Moore, Thomas. Works, 1826. 8vo. 71. 4 Ballance, C. History of Peoria, 111. Peoria, 1870. 16mo. 18. 12 Ballantyne, Robert M. Hudson's Bay; Every Day Life in the Wilds of ^orth America, During Six Years' Besidence in the Territories of the Hudson's Bay Company, 1841-47. Edinb. and Lond., 1848. Sm. 8vo. 20. 4 Balloon. See Arago, Francois. Aeronautic Voyages. (Smiths, report, 1863. pp. 331-351.) 49. 3 Ballot-box. The Palladium of Our Liberties, ^ew Orleans, July, 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 1 Ballou, Adin. Kon resistance in Relation to Human Govern- ments. Boston, 1839. 16mo. 30. 7. 3 Violations of the Federal Constitution, in the ''Irrepressible Conflict." Lecture, Milford, Mass., 1861. 8vo. 30. 7. 2 Ballou, W. D. Address. Wisconsin Edit'l Assoc. Proceed- ings, 1868. 18. 12. 3 Balme, Joshua R. American States, Churches, and Slavery. London, 1864. 16mo. 30. 1 Letters on the American Republic. (In favor of the Rebs.) London, 1863. 16mo. 30. 1 Same, enlarged edition. 1863. 30. 1 Synopsis of the American War. London, 1866. 16mo. 30. 1 The Demi -gods of Society; or, the Tide-Mark of Real Pro- gress. St. Paul, 1868. 12mo. 33. 7. 4 Baltimore, Lord. See Calvert, George. Baltimore, Maryland. Account of the Municipal Celebra- tion of the 150th Anniversary of the Settlement of Bal- timore, Oct. 11, 1880, with a Sketch of its History, and Summary of the Resources of the City. Ed. by Edwd. Spencer. Baltimore, 1881. 4to. (15 plates by Frank B. Mayer.) 11. 8 4th, 8th, 9th, 10th. 11th, 12th, 13th Annual reports of the Baltimore Association for the Improvement of the Con- dition of the Poor. Baltimore, 1853-62. 57. 5. 3 136 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Baltimore, Maryland — (Continued). Baltimore. Commissioners of Public Schools. Eeport, 1851.. 11. 1. 4 Eeport of the Committee Appointed to Visit the Public Schools of Philadelphia, New York, Brooklyn and Boston^ 1867. Bait., 1867. 8vo. 11. 1. 4 Public Schools. Eeport of the Commissioners, 1852, '55^ '57, '59, '60, '70. Baltimore. 8vo. 11. 8. 1 Maryland Historical Society. Proceedings at the Celebra- tion of the 150th Anniversary of the Settlement of Balti- more, Oct. 12, 1880. 8vo. 11. 1. 3 Maryland Legislature. Eeport of the Joint Committee upon the Eeports and Memorials of the Police Commissioners,^ and Mayor and Council of Baltimore, Aug. 5, 1861. Frederick, Md., 1861. 8vo. 11. 1. 2 Scharf, J. T. Chronicles of Baltimore. A Complete His- tory of "Baltimore Town" and Baltimore City, 1729-1874. Bait., 1874. 8vo. 11. 1 Stansbury, Elijah. Life and Times of an "Old Defender,'^ and ex-Mayor of Baltimore. Baltimore, 1874. 12mo. 43. 2 Tyson, M. E. Account of the Settlement of Ellicott's Mills. Bait., 1865. 8vo. (Md. Hist. Soc. Fund. Pub., No. 4.) 11. 1. 3 Board of Trade, report, 1864, 1880. Bait. 8vo. 11. 1. 1 Statistics of the Trade and Commerce of Baltimore, 1857. Bait., 1858. 8vo. 11. 1. 1 Childrens' Aid Society. Eeport, 1861. 8vo. IL 1. 2 College of Dental Surgery. Westcott, A. Introductory Lecture Before the Class of 1846-47. Bait., 1846. 8vo. 51. 4. 2 Corn and Flour Exchange. Eeport, 1873, '75, '76, '79, '80. 8vo. 11. 1. 1 Druid Hill Park. Inauguration Ceremonies, and Address of Thomas Swann, on the Opening of the Park, Oct. 19, 1860. Bait., 1860. 11. 1. 2 Green Mount Cemetery. Dedication of the Cemetery, July 13, 1839. • 11. 1. 2 House of Eefuge, for Juvenile Delinquents. Act of Incor- poration and By-laws. Baltimore, 1855. 8vo. 1. 1. 2 Eeports, House of Eefuge, for Juvenile Delinquents, 1852, '53, '56, '57. Bait., 1852-57. 8vo. 11. 1. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 137 Baltimore, Maryland — (Continued). Johns Hopkins University. See Johns Hopkins University. Mercantile Library Association. Eeport. Bait., 1874. 11. 1. 2 Peabody Institute. See Peabody Institute. Baltimore. Quarantine and Sanitary Convention. See IN'ational Quar- antine and Sanitary Convention. Young Men's Christian Association. Proceedings, Dec. 22, 1870. Baltimore, 1871. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 28, No. 14. 60. 8 .Garrett, J. W. Address, Jan. 30, 1883, Before the As- sociation, Baltimore, 1883. 8vo. 74. 7. 2 Sickels, T. E. Eeport upon a Supply of Water. Directory, 1877. Baltimore,, 1877. 8vo. 80 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Address and Report of a Select Committee. Also a Letter from the President, Recommending Measures for the Immediate Prosecution of the Road to the Ohio River. Bait. 1848. 8vo. 72. 7. 4 An Analysis of Their Reports Since 1848; Their ]\Iisrepre- sentations Sifted and Exposed, in a Series of Chapters, Under the Signature of " Viator." By a Virginian, n. p. 1854. 8vo. 72. 7. 4 Proceedings of Sundry Citizens of Baltimore, Convened for the Purpose of Devising the Most Efficient Means of Im- proving the Intercourse Between that City and the West- ern States. Baltimore, 1827. 8vo. 72. 7. 4 Report of the Engineers on the Reconnoisance and Surveys Made in 1827. Baltimore, 1828. 8vo. 72. 12 Report of the President and Directors, 1830, '31, '72. Bait., V. d. 8vo. 72. 12 Annual Reports of the President and Directors, 1840, *41, '44, '51 to '56, '69 to '73, '75, '78. Bait, 1840-78. 8vo. 7t. 7. 3 Garrett, John W. Address to the Board of Directors, etc. 72. 7. 4 Letter to thQ Comptroller of Maryland. 72. 7. 4 Remarks of, as President. 72. 7. 4 Hopkins, Johns. Report of Finance Committee. 72. 7. 4 Knight, J., and Latrobe, B. H. Report on Construction, etc. 72. 7. 4 138 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Baltimore and Ohio Eailroad — Continued). Long, S. H., and Mc:N^eill, W. G. Narrative of the Pro- ceedings of the Board of Engineers. Baltimore, 1830. 8vo. 2 Vols. 72. 12 McLane, Louis. Address of, etc. 72. 7. 4 Swann, Thomas. Address of, as President, etc. 72. 7. 4 Winans, Eoss. A Letter From, etc. 72. 7. 4 Baltimore and Susquehanna Eailroad Co. 8th, 17th, 18th, 23d, 25th, 26th and 27th Annual Eeports. Bait. 8vo. 1836-54. 72. 6. 2 Baltimore County, Md. See Yellott, Coleman. Address, Oct. 19, 1854, upon Laying the Corner Stone of tRe Couit House of Baltimore County, at Towsontown, 1854. 8vo. 11. 1. 5 Bancroft, Eev. Aaron. The Duties of Parents; a discourse delivered at Worcester, Aug. 10, 1823. Boston, 1824. 12mo. 56. 7. 1 Jesus Christ, the Minister of God, in the Salvation of Men : a sermon, delivered to the Second church in Worcester (1832?). See Smalley, Elam, ''The Worcester Pulpit," etc. pp. 251-262. Bost., 1851. 12mo. 25. 1 Lessons from Nature; a discourse, delivered to the Second church in Worcester, May 25, 1828, etc. See Smalley, Elam, "The Worcester Pulpit." pp. 263-273. Bost., 1851. 12mo. 25. 1 Memoir of. See Smalley, Elam, in the ''Worcester Pul- pit, pp. 232-249. Bost., 1851. 12mo. 25. 1 Life of George Washington. London, 1808. 8vo. 44. 4 Bancroft, George. History of the United States, 1492-1782. Various Edit. Bost., 1866-74. 8vo. 10 Vols. 14.5 Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. sketch. (Kat'l Portrait Gal- lery, Vol. 2.) 44. 6 Memorial Address on Abraham Lincoln, delivered before Congress, at Washington, Feb. 12, 1886. Wash., 1866. ^vo. 44. 12 Oration in New York, Apr. 25, 1865, at the funeral of Lin- coln, n. t. p. 12mo. Oration on George Washington, Feb. 22, 1862. Added, Washington's Farewell Address. (Pulpit and Eostrum.) April, 1862. 43. 14. 4 Quincy, Josiah. Memory of James Grahame, Vindicated from Charges Preferred against him by Mr. Bancroft, and the Conduct of Mr. Bancroft Exposed. Boston, 1846. 8vo. 43. 6. G. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 189 Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Description of his Private Library and Literarj^ Collections, together with Biography, and Account of his Historical Series. San Francisco, 1885. 8vo. 20. 14. 6 History of the Pacific States of America. 17 Vols. (Kot yet completed.) Central America, Vols. 1 and 2. Mex- ico; 5 Vols. Korth Mexican States, 1 Vol. California, 5 Vols. K. W. Coast, 2 Vols. Alaska, 1 Vol., etc. San Francisco. 8vo. 25. 5 Native Eaces of the Pacific States. IN^. Y., 1875. 8vo. 5 Vols. 15. 2 Bancroft Family. See Allen, J. K., and Salter, Edwin. Genealogical Sketch of Thomas Bmsroft, of Dddham, Mass., 1640. 25. 7. 1 Bane, Gen. M. M. Address. Army of the Tennessee. Eeport of Society of, 1877. 30. 11 Banfield, E. C. Latter to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Choctaw Claim, :N'ov. 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Ram- sey Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 12.) 60. 1 Bangor, Maine. Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of Bangor, Sept. 30, 1869. Bangor, 1870. 8vo. 16. 2 Bangs, Geo. S. A Letter to the Postmaster-General, Showing the Cost, Revenues, and Comparative Profit and Loss of Carrying the Different Classes of Mail Matter. Wash., 1875. 8vo. 57. 10. 1 BA.NGS Family. See Dudley, Dean. Genealogy of the Bangs Family. Bost., 1854. 25. 7. 2 Bank of California, Against the Sutro Tunnel. See Sutro, Adolph. 19. 10. 1 Bank of England. Reports from the Secret Committee of the House of Commons, on the Expediency of the Bank Re- suming Cash Payments, London, 18 L9. (Pamj)hleteer, Vol. 14, etc. London, 1819.) ' 53. 5 Representation, to May, 1819, by the Directors. London, 1819. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 14.) 53. 5 Bank of the U. S. See Webster, Daniel. Speech of the Veto of the Bank Bill, July 11, 1832. No imprint. 8vo. pp. 28. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 3, Ko. 27.) 53. 12 Speeches in Congress, 1815-34. (Works, 1851. 8vo. Vols. 3 and 4.) 44. 5 Bankers. See Pinkerton, Allan. Vaults and Burglars. 57. 10. 1 140 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Banking. See also Coinage, Currency, Finances, Money, Paper Money, U. S. Finances, etc. Bankruptcy. See Jenckes, T. A. Bankrupt Law. Speech, Wash., 1864. 8vo. pp. 16. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 69.) 60. 8 Bankruptcy Eeform. Letters to Sir Eobert Peel. Fane, C. London, 1838. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 15, No. 4.) 53. 6 Bankrupt Law, The, of the U. S. Passed Aug. 19, 1841, with a Commentary Containing full Explanation of the Law, and Ample Eeferences to English and American Authorities. By a member of the bar. Phila., 1841. 8vo. 57. 10. 3 Summary of the Proceedings of the Convention of the Mer- cantile Bodies of the United States, who Favor the Enact- ment of a Uniform and Equitable Bankrupt Law, at Washington, Jan. 19, 1881. N. Y., 1881. 8vo. 57. 10. 3 Supplementary Eeport of the Special Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, on the Subject of a National Bankrupt Law; Submitted to the Chamber, Dec. 2, 1880, etc., with a Draft of the Proposed Act, Prepared by the Hon. John Lowell, U. S. Circuit Judge, etc. New York, 1880. 8vo. 57. 10. 2 Banks, Sir Joseph. Some Eemarks on the Mildew of Wheat and the Choice of Seed Corn. Norwich, 1816. (Pamph- leteer, Vol. 8.) 53. 5 Banks, Gen. Nathaniel P. Address at New Orleans, 4th of July, 1865. (No title page.) 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 13.) 60. 1 Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch, in Nat. JPort. Gallery, Vol. 2. 44. 6 Address to the Legislature of Massachusetts, Jan. 7, 1859. Bost., 1859. 8vo. 8. 1. 2 Valedictory Address to the Legislature, Jan. 3, 1861. Bost., 1861. 8vo. 8. 1. 2 Banks, Sir Thomas Christopher. Baronia Anglica Concen- trata; Account of the Baronies in Fee; Showing Those Mentioned by Sir Wm. Dugdale, etc. Eipon and Lon- don, 1843-44. 4to. 2 Vols. 46. 14 Banks and Banking. American Bankers Association. Pro- ceedings of the Convention at Saratoga, Aug. 7-9, 1878. N. Y., 1878. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. " 141 Banks and Banking — (Continued). American Bankers Association. Proceedings of the Con- vention at Saratoga, Aug. %-S, 1879. iN". Y., 1879. 8vo. 83. 7. 8 American Bankers Association. Report of the Executive Committee for 1877. :Nr. Y., 1877. 33. 7. 8 Atkinson, Edward. What is a Bank*? What Service does a Bank Perform? Lecture, March, 1850. N. Y. Society for Political Education, 1880. Sq. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Bicknell, R. T. Counterfeit Detector. Vol. 8. No. 4. Phila., 1840. 8vo. Bound with Western Counterfeit De- tector Vol. 2. 72. 5 Circular in Regard to Interest on Deposits, Issued by Cul- ver. Penn & Co. ^q^ York. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. 57. 10. 2 Clark, Amos. Banking and Currency. Speech, Feb. 7, 1874. Washington, 1874. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Davis, R. M. Public and Private Credit and banking, and Their Abuses, ^^w Orleans, 1869. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Ooodman, Charles. Western Counterfeit Detector. Yols. land 2. Cinn., 1840-41. 8vo. 2 Yols. 72.5 Hooper, Samuel. Examination of the Theory and the Ef- fect of Laws Regulating the Amount of Specie in Banks. Boston, 1860. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Humphreys, W. H. Suggestions on the Subject of Bank Charters. Nashville. 1859. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Janney, J. J. History of Ohio State Bank. 18. 3. 3 Knox, J. J. Dry Bank Statistics. Address, Aug. 11, 1881. N. Y., 1881. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Lowell, J. A. Review of Samuel Hooper's Pamphlet on Specie Reserves. Boston, 1860. 8vo. 33. 14. 1 Merriam, C. L. Banking and Currency. Speech, March 27, 1874. Washington, 1874. 8vo. 3i3. 7. 8 Opinions of our National Banks, and the Practice of Selling U. S. Bond on Commission. Washington, 1868. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 17, No. 2.) 60. 8 Plan for Free Banking, 1869. No title page. 8vo. (Ram- sey Pamph., Yol. 7, No. 17.) 60. 1 Spaulding, E. G. Address at Philadelphia, May 30, 1876. (History of Banking in the U. S.) Phila., 1876. 8vo. 52. 14. 7 Whitney, D. R. , The Suffolk Bank, Boston. 8. 10 142 MINNESOTA HISTOEICAL SOCIETY. Banks and Banking — (Coiitiiuied). Williams, J. E. Eeport of the Committee of Bank Officers of the C\tj of :N'ew York, Oct., 1875, in Eelation to Bank Taxation. K Y., 1875. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Save The Savings Banks. Eemarks on Savings Banks, Na- tional Banks, and [N^ational Currency, at the American Bankers' Convention in Phila., Oct. 4, 1876. N. Y., 1876. 8vo. 33. 7. S Wolcott, Edward. National Bank Act, and Other Laws Eelating to National Banks. Washington, 1882. 8vo. 33. 6 B ANN AN, Benjamin. Our National Currency, how to Improve it, 1873. No title page. 8vo. p. 8. (Eamsey Pamph.^ Vol. 8, No. 17.) 60. 1 Banning, Henky B. Transfer of the Indian Bureau from the Interior to the War Department. Speech, in the House of Eepresentatives, Apr. 18, 1876. Washington, 1876. 8vo. 15. 11. 5 Bantam, Java. Short Account of the Seige of Bantam. Lon- don, 1683. Fol. pp. 2. (Harleian Misc. v. 9.) 40. 3 Banvard, Joseph. Plymouth and the Pilgrims; or. Incidents of Adventure in the History of the First Settlers. Bos- ton, 1853. 16mo. 7. 14 Baptism. See Bernard, David. Sermon on Ba-ptism, Before the First Baptist Church in Albany. Albany, 1843. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 13. No. 6.) 33. 6 Greene, J. Baker. On Certain Points of Analogy Between Jewish and Christain Baptism in the Apostolic Age. (Eoyal Historical Society, Trans., Vol. 10, pp. 248-266.) 35. 9 Hutchins, Stephen. Arguments of Campbellism in Favor of Baptism Being Necessarj^ to the Forgiveness of Sins;; Stated and Eefuted. Bennington, Vt., 1841. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 13.) 53. 6 Lemmon, Eichard. Faith and Baptism. 56. 5. I Baptist, Four Letters to a. By a Layman of Alabama, n. t. p. 12mo. 56. 5. 1 Baptist Association, Hudson Eiver. 35th Anniversary, in New York, June 18-20, 1850. N. Y., 1850. 8vo. 53. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y. 143 Baptist Church. See Eastwood. Marvin. Apostolic Plat- form; Vindication of the Baptist From the Charge of Close Communion. Sermon. Lansingburg, 1842. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 16.) 53. 6 Virginia Baptist Preacher. Vol. 1, Ko, 11, Vol. 2, No. 12, 1842-43. (Sermons.) n. t. p. 1842-43. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 17, No. 13-14. 53. 6 Williams, Wm. R. Causes of the Increase of the Churches. Discourse, n. t. p. 8vo. (Bound with Fletcher, J. Duties, etc.) Misc. Pamph., 13, No. 41. 53. 6 Baptist Publications and S. S. Society. See American Baptist, etc. Baptist, Free Will, Church. Dick, Robert. Close Com- munion the Offspring of Arrogance. TJtica, 1842. 8vo. pp. 24. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 8.) 53. 6 Baptists, The. See American Baptist House Mission Society, etc. American Baptist Year Book. 1872-83. Phila. 12mo. 33. 11 Baptist Home Missionsj^in North America, Including a full Report of 'the Proceedings and Addresses of the Jnbilee Meeting, etc. N. Y., 1883. 8vo. 56.13 McCoy, Isaac. History of Baptist Indian Missions. Wash- ington, 1840. 8vo. 15. 2 Miami, O., Association of Minutes of the Association, Sept. 11 and 12, 1846. Dayton, 1846. 8vo. 18. 10. 9 Missions. Baptist Home Missionary Society. See, Under Various States, for Minutes of Conventions and Associations. Free Will. See Stewart, I. D. History of the Free Will Baptists. Dover, N. H., 1862. 12mo. 56. 13 Women's Baptist Home Mission Society, etc. Baraga, Frederick. Dictionary of the Otchipwc Lan- guage, Explained in English. Montreal, 1878-80. 8vo. 2 Vols. Part 1, Otchipwe-English. Part 2, English- Otchipwe. (Prefaced by a grammar.) 15. 8 Baraze Cyprien, Le pere. Relation de la vie, et de la Mort, du Baraze, Foudateur de la Mission des Moxes dans le Perou. Lettres Edifiantes, etc. 1780-83. Vol. 8. 20. 8 Barbadoes. Report of a Committee of the Council on the Con- dition of Slaves. London, 1824. 8vo. 30. 13 Report of a Debate in Council on a Despatch from Lpjo Bathurst, Concerning the Government of Slaves. Barba- does, printed. Reprinted, London, 1823. 8vo. 30. J 3 144 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Barbaey States. Sumner. Charles. White Slavery in the Barbary States. Lecture. Boston, 1847. 8vo. 30. 14. 1 Baebe, Marbois. See Marbois. Francois de Barbe. Barber, Edwin A. Comparative Vocabulary of Utah Dialects. From the U. S. Geological Survey. Bulletin. Vol. 3, ^o. 3, pp. 533-545. 15. 11. 2 Genealogical Eecord of the Atlee Family. The Descendants of Judge Wm. Augustus Atlee, and Col. Samuel John Atlee, of Lancaster, Pa. Phila., 1884. 8vo. 47. 1 Barber, John Warner. Connecticut Historical Collections, Eelating to Every Town in Connecticut. New Haven, 1836. 7. 12 Historical Collection of the State of IS'ew York. N. Y., 1851. 8vo. and 12mo. 10. 5 Historical Collections, Eelating to Every Town in Massa- chusetts. Worcester, 1844. 8vo. 9. 12 History and Antiquities of IN^ew England, Xew York, and New Jersey. Worcester, 1841? 12mo. . 7. 14 And Howe, Henry. Historical Collections of New Jersey, 1609-1868. New Haven., 1868. 8vo. 10. 8 Barber, W. E. Plan by which Political Parties may Select Candidates. (Phila., Union League Essays, 1868. 8vo. 57. 3 Barbiere, Joe. Scraps from the Prison Table at Camp Chase and Johnson's Island. (Eebel.) Doylestown, Pa., 186>). 8vo. 30. 9 Barbour, Geo. M. Florida, for Tourists, Invalids, and Set- tlers. N. Y., 1883. 12mo. 15. 14 Barclay, Alex. Address to Philanthropists, etc. ; appended, Eemarks on Emigration to Jamaica, Addressed to the Colored Class of the United States. Montreal, 1844. 8vo. 30. 13 Barclay, James T. Proposed Improvement in our System of Coinage. Memorial to Congress, 1860. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Barclay, James W. Mormonism Exposed. The Other Side. From the ''Nineteenth Century." 1884. 8vo. 19. 10. 3 Barclay, Sidney, Ed. Personal Eecollections of the American Eevolution. A Private Journal. N. Y., 1859. Sq. 12mo. 14. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 145 Bard, Samuel. Letter to President Grant on the Political Sit- uation. Atlanta, Ga., 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 11, 1^0. 7.) 60. 1 Baeden, E. Catalogue of Trotting Stock. St. Paul, 1876. 16mo. 22. 14. 5 Bardsley, Charles W. Curiosities of Puritan Nomenclature. :N'ew York, 1880. 12mo. ' 46. 9 Our English Surnames; their Sources and Significations. London, 1873. 8vo. 46. 8 Barendz, Barentz, or Barentzen, Willem, (Dutch Navi- gator.) Voyages into the North Seas, 1594-97. (Harris, John, Navigantium, etc. 1705. Fol. Vol. 1, pp. 550- 564.) V. Baretti, Giuseppe. Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages. 8th Edit. Improved by Charles Thomson. London, 1831. 8vo. 2 Vols. 34. 2 Pocket Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. See Neumann and Baretti. 34. 1 Baring, Alexander. Speech in the House of Commons, May 15, 1823, on Slavery in the Colonies. Lond., 1823. 8vo. 30. 13 Barker, Edmund Henry. Claims of Sir Philip Francis to the Authorship of Junius Disproved. London, 1827. (Pamph leteer, Vol. 27.) 53. 12 Letter to T. S. Hughes, on his Address, etc. 2d edit, with Additions. 1822. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 21.) 53. 5 Barker, John. Address at the Genessee Wesleyan Seminary, July 4, 1837. Rochester, 1837. 8vo. 74. 7. 4 Barkhamstead, Conn. See Lee, Wm. Wallace. Barkham- stead and its Centennial. 1879. Meriden, 1881. 8vo. 7. 13 Barlow, Joel. Letters to the Citizens of the United States on the Policy of their Government Relative to Commercial Intercourse with England and France. Lond., 1800. 8vo. • 14. 10 See Duyckinck, E. A. Biograph. Sketch. Nat'l Portrait Gall., Vol. 1.) 44. 6 Todd, Charles Burr. Life and Letters of Joel Barlow. 25. 3 Barnard, Daniel D. Address at Rutger's College, July 18, 1837. Albany, 1837. 8vo. 74. 7. 1 19 1^^ JIIXNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Barnard, Daniel A. — (Ooiitinued). Man and tlie State, Social and Political. Address Before the Connecticut Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa, at Yale College, An<>-. 19, 1810. m^w Haven, 1846. 8vo. pp. 51. (No. (i in •• Tale College Addresses.'^ 7. 13 Barnard, Frederic Augustus Porter. Letter to the Pres- ident of the United States. By a Eefugee. Phila., 1863. ^vo. 30. 4. 3 The Exact Sciences in the U.S., 1776-1876. (''First Cen- tury of the Republic." 1876.) 14.10 Machinery and Processes of the Industrial Arts and Appar- atus of the Exact Sciences. Wash., 1869. 8vo. 52.6 Proceedings at his Inauguration as President, Oct. 3, 1864. (See Columbia College, X. Y.) 10. 6. 3 Barnard, Helen M. The Chorpenning Claim. No imprint. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 8, Ko. 5.) 60. 1 Barnard, Henry. Why I was Excommunicated from the First Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis, Minn. Min- neapolis, 1872. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Barnard, Job. Argument for Appellant in the Matter of the Survey of Wolf Lake and Lake George. See U. S. Dept. of Interior; Land Office. 18. 11. 3 Barnard, John G. The C. S. A., and the Battle of Bull Run. :N". Y. and Lond, 1862. 30. 3 Dangers and Defenses of Kew York City, 1863. 1\ . Y. State Legislature, Memorial, etc, 1863. 8vo. 10. 6. 10 Eulogy on Gen. Joseph G. Totten. Washington, 1867. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 24, Xo. 26.) 60. 1 Peninsular Campaign and its Antecendents, as Developed by the Report of Gen. McClellan, and Other Documents. ]^. Y., 1864. 8vo. 30. 9 Problems of Rotary Motion Presented by the Gyroscope^ the Precession of Equinoxes and the Pendulum. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 19.) 49. 14 Supplement, Internal Structure of the Earth as Affect- ing the Phenomena of Precession and Mutation. (Smith's Contrib., Vol. 23.) 49. 14 Report of the Anierican Scientific Commission on the Arti- ficial Water-ways in Europe, with Special Reference to the Tehuantepec, Railway and Ship Canal, Oct. 16, 1871. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 4, Ko. 25.) 60. 1 • CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. l^T Barnard, Bey. Thomas. A Discourse Delivered Before the- Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Mass., at the Semi-Aunual Meeting, June, 1794. Boston, 1794. 8vo. 56. 7. 5' A Sermon, Preached Before his Excellency, Francis Ber- nard, Esq., Governor and Commander in Chief, etc. (Mass. Elec. Sermon.) Boston, 1763. 8vo. o(S. 5. 2" Barneby, W. Henry. Life and Labor in the Far, Far West; Being Notes of a Tour in the Western States, British Co- lumbia, Manitoba, and the Northwest Territory. Lon- don, 1884. 8vo. 19. 9 Barnes, Albert. Casting Down of Thrones. Discourse on the Present State of Europe, in Philadelphia, May 14, 1848. Phila. and N. Y., 1848. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 17, No. 8.) 53. 6 ' Christianity, as Applied to the Mind of a Child in the Sun- day School. Annual Sermon in Behalf of the American Sunday School Union, delivered at Philadelphia, May 12, 1850. Phihi. n. d. 16mo. 56. 14. ^ Church and Slavery. Phila., 1857. 12mo. 30. 1 Conditions of Peace. Thanksgiving Discourse in the First Presb. Ch., Phila., Nov. 27, 1862. Phila., 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 7 Home Missions. Sermon for the American Home Mission- ary Society; Preached in New York and Philadelphia^ May, 1849. N. Y., 1849. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 17.) 53. 12 Inquiry into the Scriptural Views of Slavery. Phial., 1846. 12mo. 30. 1 Johnson, J. H. Sermon in Crawfordsville, Ind., Feb. 26, 1S71. On the Death of Albert Barney. Phila., 1874. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Letter to, on Slavery. See Ross, F. A. Position, etc. 1857. 12mo. 30. 7. 3 The Missionary Enterprise Dependant on the Eeligion of Principle for Success. A Sermon, etc. Bost., 1844. 8vo. 56. 14. 3 Oration on the Progress and Tendency of Science; Delivered Before the Connecticut Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa, at New Haven, Aug. 18, 1840. Phila., 1840. 8vo. (No. 2, in "Yale College Addresses.") 7. 13 Another Copy, do. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 2.) 53. 12 A Plea for Western Colleges. Phila., 1846. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 17, No. 2.) 53. 6 148 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Barnes, David M. Draft Eiots in I^ew York, July, 1863. The Metropolitan Police; their Eecord. K Y., 1863. 8vo. 30. 9 Barnes, Demas. National Finances, n. t. p. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamph., Vol. 21, l^o. 15.) 60. 8 Barnes, Isaac O. An Address, Delivered at Bedford, I^ew Hampshire, on the 100th Anniversary of the Incorpora- tion of the Town, May 19, 1850. Bost., 1850. 8vo. 7. 10 Barnes, Phineas. ^he Present Technical Condition of the Steel Industry of the United States. Wash., 1885. 8vo. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., ^o. 25.) 49. 11. 1 Barnes, S. W. Eemarks of, in the Senate of Wis., Feb. 19, 1857, on the Bill to Amend the Charter of the Watertown and Madison Eailroad, etc. Madison, 1857. 8vo. 72. 7. 6 Barnes, William. Eeview of the !N'ew York Insurance Ee- ports. Barnes, Edit. Xo title page. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 33, No. 2.) 60. 2. Barnes, William H. The 40th Congress, Historical and Bio- graphical. 2 Vols. N. Y., 1869. 45.7 Barnet, James, Ed. The Martyrs and Heroes of Illinois, in the Great Eebellion. Biographical Sketches. Chicago, 1866. 45. 5 Barneveld, John. See Motley, J. L. Life and Death of John of Barneveld. Lond., 1874. 42. 4 Barney, Joshua. Biographical Memoir, from Autobiographi- cal Notes and Journals. Edited by Mary Barney. Boston, 1832. 12mo. 43. 2 Barnstable County, Mass. See Dudley, Dean. Directory and History of Plymouth and Barnstable Counties. 1873-4. Boston, 1873. 8vo. 80 Freeman, Frederick. History of Cape Cod. Annals of the thirteen towns of Barnstable County. Boston, 1862- 69. 8vo. 2 Vols. 9. 12 Barnstead, N. H. See Jewett, J. P. History of Barnstead, N. H., 1727-1872. Lowell. Mass., 1872. 16mo. 7. 10 Barnum, Phineas T. Memoir. (Orcutt, Samuel. History of Bridgeport. Vol. 2, pp. 841.) New Haven, 1886. 8vo. 7. 14 Barnwell, E. Grant. Life of D. L. Moody and I. D. Sankey. Phila., 1875. 16mo. 43. 13. M. CA TALOG UE OF THE LIB RA R Y. 149 Barnwell, Egbert Gibbes. Sketch of the Life and Times of John De Witt, grand pensionary of Holland; added, his^ Treatise on Life Anniinities. i!^. Y., 1856. 18mo. 43.2 Barometer. See Gilbert, G. K. jS'ew Method of-Measnring Heights by means of the Barometer. (U. S. Geol. Survey, Eept. 1880-81.) 50. 3 Kader, 0. F. Leveling and Use of the Barometer. (Wise* Acad, of Sci. Trans. Vol. 3, pp. 68-76.) 19. 12. 1 Williamson, E. S. Use of the Barometer on Surveys and Reconnoissances. X. Y. and London,^ 1868. 4to. 50. 1 Baronetage, of Great Britain. See Great Britain. Peerage. Barral,A. J. L' Agriculture du [N^ord de la France. Tome Premier. La Ferme de Masny. Engravings. Paris, 1867. 8vo. 72. 4. 3 Barre, Mass. Memorial of the One-Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town. June 17, 1874, etc. Cambridge, 1875. 8vo. 8. 9 Barrett, J. O. History of Traverse County, Minn. Brown's. Valley and its Environs. Brown's Valley, Minn., 1881. 8vo. 22.12.4 Barrett, James. Memorial Address on Jacob Collamer. read before the Vermont Historical Society, Oct. 20, 1868. Eutland, 1868. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Barrett-Lennard C. E. Travels in British Columbia, with the Narrative of a Yacht Voyage to Van Couver's Island, 1859. London, 1862. 8vo. 20. 13 Barrington, Churchill, Ed. Eepressor of Over Much Blaming of the Clergy. See Pecock, Eeginald. 40. 4 Barrio, Gerardo. (Pres. of San Salvador.) Manifesto to his Fellow Citizens. :N'. Y., 1864. 8vo. 52. 3. 1 Barris, W. H. Description of Some New Blastoids from the Hamilton Group.) (Proceedings of Davenport Academy of :N^at. Sci. Vol. 4.) 19. 13 Description of Some new Crinoids From the Hamilton Grouj). (Proceedings Davenport Academy of Nat. Sci., Vol. 4.) Davenport, 1886. 8vo. . 19. 13 Barron, Judge Henry D., of Wis. Memoir of, by S. S Fifield. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 9, pp. 405-409.) 19. 11 Barron Family. See Wells, Albert, American Family An- tiquity. Vol. 1. N. Y., 1880. 4to. 85. 8 Barrow, Isaac. Treatise of the Pope's Supremacy. 1st Am. Ed. X. Y., 1834. 8vo. 56. 4 150 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Earroay, Washington. Speech on the Eefereiice of the Presi- dent's Annual Messa«ie; Delivered in theH. of E., on Jan. 24, 184S. (Mexican War Pamph., No. 3.) 16. 10 Barrows. Eev. S. J. The Genesis and Exodns of the First Church of Dorchester, Mass. Sermon, Preached on the 250tli Auniversary, Mar. 28, 1880. (See Dorchester Pro- ceedings, etc. pp. 18-42.) Bost., 1880. Svo. 25. 1 The Vine planted in the Wilderness. Sermon, Preached at the 250th Anniversary of the First Church in Dorchester, Mass., June 17, 1880, etc. (See Dorchester Proceedings, etc. pp. 85-127.) Bost., 1880. 8vo. 25.1* Barrows, Eey. W. The High School Policy of Massachusetts. New Haven, 1858. Svo. 56. 9. 5 A Story of Carlton College. Broadside, n. d. 22. 6. 6 Barrows, Wm. Oregon, the Struggle for Possession. 3d edit. Boston, 1885. 12mo. 19. 8 Barrus, Hiram. History of Goshen, Hampshire County, Mass., 1761-1881. With Family Sketches. Boston, 1881. 12mo. 9. 12 Barra% Girald. {Giraldus Camhrensis b. 1146; d. 1223.) Gi- raldi Cambrensis Oper. Edited by J. S. Brewer and James F. Dimock. London, 1861-68. Svo. 6 Vols. (Great Britain Public Eecord Office. Chronicles and Memorials, etc.) ■Contents: I. De rebus a re gestis, libri 111. lavectionum libellus; Sjmbolum Electorum. IT. Gemma Ecclesiastica. III. De Invectiouibus, lib. IV. De Menevensi Ecclesia DialOi^us. Vita St. David. (Not la this library.) V. ^^ opographia Hiberaica et Expuguatio Hibernica. Ed. by James F. Dimock. VI. Idnerariam Kambrise et Descriptio Kam- briae. 40. 11 Barry, Henry W. Amnesty. Impromptu Eemarks. H. of E., Dec. 22, 1870. n. t. p. Svo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 55.) 60. 8 Barry, J. J. The Life of Christopher Columbus, from authen- tic Spanish and Italian Documents. Compiled from the French, of Eoselly De Lorgues. Boston, 1869. Svo. 45. 4 Barry, John Stetson. Genealogical and Biographical Sketch of the Name and Family of Stetson. 1634-1S47. Bost., 12mo. 47. 6 Historical Sketch of Hanover, Mass., 1727-1852, with Fam- ily Genealogies. Boston, 1S53. Svo. 9. 13 JEistory of Massachusetts. 1. Colonial Period. 2. Provin- cial Period. 3 Vols. Svo. 1S55-57. 9.5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 151 Barry, T. A. and Patton, B. Men and Memories of San Fran- cisco, in the spring of '50. San. Fran., 1873. 12mo. 17. 8 Barry, Wm. History of Fraiiiingliain, Mass., from 1640 to the present time. Boston, 1847. 8vo. 9. 6 Memoir and Portrait. (See Allen, Joseph. The Worcester Association and its Antecedents. ) Boston, 1868. 12mo. 25. 2 The Eights and Duties of Neighboring Churches. Two Sermons preached to the First Parish in Framingham, Sunday, Feb. 11, 1844. Boston, 1844. 8vo. 56. 7. 2 Barstow, George. History of New Hampshire, 1614-1819. Boston and K Y. , 1853. 8vo. 7. 3 Barstow, Wm. a. Action, "Coles Bashford vs. Wm. A. Bars- tow." See Wisconsin Supreme Court. Trial, 1856. 8vo. i9. 10 (Gov. of Wisconsin.) Civil Life, Services and Character of, by E. M. Hunter. Sketch of his Military Services, by E. A. Calkins. (Wise. Hist. Soc. Coll. Yol. 6, pp. 93-122.) 19. 11 Bartholomew, Geo. W. Jr. Eecord of the Bartholomew Family, Historical, Genealogical and Biographical. Aus- tin, Tex., 1885. 8vo. 47. 8 Bartholomew Family. Genealogy of. See Bartholomew, G. W. 47. 8 IBartlet, Wm. S. Frontier Missionary ; Memorial of Jacob Bailey. N. Y., 1853. 8vo. (Prot. Epis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Yol. 2.) 56. 3 Bartlett, Benj. J. Catalogue of School House and Church Architecture. Chicago, 1875. 8vo. 51. 14. 1 Bartlett, Day. W. Life of Gen. Franklin Pierce. Auburn, etc. Sm. 12mo. 1852. 44. 1 Bartlett, J. M. On Propelling Yessels by Means of Windmill Sails. London, 1819. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 14.) 53. 5 Bartlett, John Russell. Bibliography of Rhode Island. Cat- alogue of Publications Relating to Rhode Island. Provi- dence, 1864. 8vo. 74. 10 Dictionary of Americanisms. Words and Phrases Peculiar to the United States. 2d Edit., enlarged. Bost. and Lon- don, 1859. 12mo. 38. 11 History of the Wanton Family of Newport, Rhode Island. Providence, 1878. Sq. 12mo. (R. I. Hist. Tracts., No. 3.) 8. 13 152 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Baktleet, John Eussell — (Continued). Gammell, Wm. Life and Services. Providence, 1886. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Editor. Letters of Roger Williams, 1632-1682. See Wil- liams, Roger. (Narragansett Club. Publ., Yol. 6.) 8. 13 Soldiers National Cemetery at Gettysburg, with Proceed- ings at its Consecration; at the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Monument ; and at its Dedication. Providence, 1874. 4to. 29. 14 Bartlett, Levi. Genealogical and Biographical Sketches of the Bartlett Family in England and America. Lawrence, 1876. 8vo. 47. 1 Bartlett, Samuel C. Discourse on the Life and Character of Lucius Duncan Olmstead, Delivered in Chicago, March 26, 1862. Chicago, 1862. 8vo. 43. 13. O Duties of Educated Men. Address before the Alumni As- sociation of Dartmouth College, July 20, 1864. Boston^ 1865. 8vo. " 74. 7. 2 Duty and Limitations of Civil Obedience. Discourse at Manchester, N. H., Nov. 24, 1853, on the Fugitive Slave Law. Manchester, N. H., 1853. 8vo. 30. 14. 3 Historical Sketch of the Hawaiian Mission, and the Mission to Micronesia and the Marquesas Islands. Boston, 1869. 8vo. 56. 14. 1 Bartlett, Washington Allen. See Carroll, A. E. An American Hero. Capt. Bartlett' s Vindication. (In "Star of the West," 1857. 12mo.) 33. 6 Bartlett, Wm. Francis. See Palfrey, F. Wo Memoir of W. F. Bartlett. Boston, 1878. 8vo. 43. 8 Bartlett, W. H. The History of the American Revolution. Being a Complete History of the Western World from the Earliest Period, etc. N. Y. n. d. 8vo. 14. 7 The Pilgrim Fathers. London, 1866. 8vo. 7. 7 And Woodwar 1, Bernard B. History of the United States. N. Y. n. d. 8vo. 3 Vols. 14. 7 Bartlett Family. See Bartlett, Levi. Genealogical and Bio- graphical Sketches of the Bartlett Family in England 9,nd America. Lawrence, 1876. 8vo. 47. 1 Bartley, T. W. Rights of Owners of Private Property Taken in War, to Compensation Without Regard to Political Status. Washington, 1873. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 33, :N"o. 39.) 60. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 153 Barto:^, Cyrus Augustus. The Image Passing Before us. Sermon After the Decease of Elizabeth Howard Bartol. Boston, 1883. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 1 The Travelers Report; or, Abroad and at Home. A Ser- mon Preached in the West Church, Boston, Nov. 19, 1854. Bost., 1854. 8vo. 56. 7 2 The Nation's Hour; Tribute to Maj. Sidney Willard, De- livered Dec. 2, 1861. Bost. 1862. 8vo. 43. 7. W. 2 Barton, Wm. Journal kept During Gen. Sullivan's Expedi- tion Against the Six Nations in 1779. (New Jersey His- torical Society. Proceedings, Yol. 2. pp. 22-42.) 10. 8. 2 See Williams, Mrs. C. R. Life. (Biog. of Revolutionary Heroes, 1839. 12mo.) 43. 3 Barton, William. Memoirs of David Rittenhouse. Phila., 1813. 8vo. 44. 9 Barton, Wm. S. A Genealogical Sketch of Dr. Artemas Bul- lard, of Sutton, and his Descendants. Worcester, 1878. 8vo. 25. 7. 2 Bartow, Evelyn. Bartow Genealogy. Containing the Descend- ants of Thomas Bartow. Baltimore. 1879. 8vo. 47. 1 Bartow Family. Bartow, Evelyn. Bartow Genealogy. 1879. 8vo. 47. 1 Bartram, John. Notice of William Darlington's Memorials of. (Dillingham, W. H. Tribute to Peter Collinson, 1852. 8vo.) 43. 6. C. 1 Barus, Carl, (and Stronhal, Vincent.) The Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Iron Carburets. Wash., 1885. 8vo. 49. 4 Bascom, John. Education and the State. Baccalaureate Ser- mon, University of Wisconsin, June 17, 1877. Madison, 1877. 8vo. 56. 9. 5 Bascom Family. See Harris, E. H. Genealogical Record of Thomas Bascom and his Descendants. Boston, 1870. 12mo. 47. 1 Bashford, Coles. Trial, ^^ Coles Bashford vs, ^Wm. A. Bars- tow." See Wisconsin Supreme Court. Trial, etc., 1856. 19. 10 Basking Ridge, N. J. See Rankin, J. C. Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge, N. J. Historical Discourse, Aug. 11, 1872. n. p., n. d. 8vo. 10. 2. 4 20 154 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bastian, H. Charlton. Evolution and the Origin of Life. London, 1874. 16mo. 15. 10 Bastiat, Frederick. Essays on Political Economy. 4th peo- ples edition. London, n. d. 16mo. 57. 9 Bat, the. See Allen, H. Monographs of the Bats of Korth •America. Wash., 1864. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll. Vol. 7.) 49. 2 Batchelder, George Alexander. Sketch of the History and Eesources of Dakota Territory. Yankton, 1870. 8vo. (Ram- sey Pamph., Vol. 10, ^o. 13.) 60. 1 Batchelder, H. M. Historical Sketch of Salem, 1626-1879. See Osgood, C. S. 9. 6 Batchelder, Samuel. See Bagnall, Rev. Wm. R. Memorial Sketch of Samuel Batchelder, of Cambridge, Mass. 8. 2.3 Batchelor, George. Unification of North America. N^. Y., 1867. 16mo. 33. 7. 2 Bateman, John. Aristocracy of England. List of owners of 3,000 acres, and upwards. London, 1876. 8vo. 35. 8 Great Land Owners of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1878. 8vo. 46. 8 Bateman, ;Newton. Circular of Supt. of Pub. Instruc, 111. Natural Sciences in the Public Schools, n. t. p. 8vo. 56. 9. 3 Bates, Mrs. D. B. Incidents on Land and Water; or Four Years on the Pacific Coast. Boston, 1858. 12mo. 20. 5 Bates, Geo. C. Jurisdiction of Probate Courts in the Territory of Utah. n. t. p. 8vo. 19. 10. 3 Bates, Gilbert H. Triumphal March from Yicksburg to Washington. Wash., 1868. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 30, No. 14.) 60. 8 Bates, H. W. Editor. See Koldeway, Karl. . German Arctic Expedition, etc. 1874. 8vo. 20. 14 Bates, Isaac C. Speech on the Indian Bill, House of Rep., May, 1830. n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 11 3 Bates, Elder Joseph. Early Life and Later Experience and Labors. Ed. by James White. Battle Creek, Mich., 1877. 16mo. 44. 8 Bates, Joshua. Anniversary Discourse, delivered at Dudley, Mass. , March 20, 1853, with Topographical and Historical Notices of the Town. Boston, 1853, 8vo. 25. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 155 Bates, Joshua. Boston Common Council. Memorial of Joshua Bates, from the City of Boston. Boston, 1865. 8vo. 44. 6 Tribute of Boston Merchants to the Memory of Joshua Bates, Oct., 1864. 8vo. 43. 2 Bates, Samuel A, Ed. Eecords of the Town of Braintree, 1640-1793. Eandolph, Mass., 1886. 8vo. pp. 9-40. 9. 6 Bates, Samuel P. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861- 65. Harrisburg, 18^9-71. 8vo. 29. 7 Lectures on Mental and Moral Culture. I^ew York, 1860. 12mo. %6. 1 Martial Deeds of Pennsylvania. (In the Eebellion.) Phila., 1876. 8vo. 29. 6 Bates, Wm. G. Historical Address. (Westfield Jubilee, 1870. ) 8vo. 9. 6 Bates, W. R. History, Commercial Advantages and Future Prospects of the Saginaws. East Saginaw, Mich., 1870. 8vo. 18. 4 Bates County, Missouri. The History of Cass and Bates County, Mo. Containing a History of these Counties, their Cities, Towns, etc. Biographical Sketches of their Citizens, etc. St. Joseph, 1883. 8vo. 83. 15 Bath, England. See Guidott, Thomas. Letter Concerning Some Observations Lately made at Bath. London, 1674. 4to. (HarleianMisc, Vol. 4, p. 125.) . 40. 3 Pearson, C. B. Ancient Church Warden Accounts of St. • MichsBl's Bath. (Royal Hist. Soc. Trans., Yol. 7, pp. 309-329.) 35. 9 Yenner, Thomas. The Baths of Bath. Compendious Treatise Concerning those Famous Waters. London, 1628. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 4, pp. 110-124.) 40. 3 Bath, Maine. See Lemont, L. P. 1,400 Historical Dates of the Town and City of Bath, Town of Georgetown, 1604- 1874. Bath, 1874. 8vo. 7. 8. 3 Sewall, Joseph. History of Bath, 1833. (Maine Hist. Soc. Coll., Yol. 2, pp. 189-228.) 7. 1 Bartlett, W. S. Contributors to the Hist, of Bath, Idem., Yol. 3, p. 271- 7. 1 Bateachia. See Zoology. 156 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Battle, J. H. History of Delaware County, Ohio. See Perrin, W. H. 38. 9 Battle of Lake Erie. See Bancroft, George. Oliver Hazard Perry, and the Battle of Lake Erie. (Cleveland City Council, Inauguration of the Perry Statue, 1861.) 8vo. 18. 8 Cooper, J. F. Battle of Lake Erie. Cooperstown, 1843. 12mo. 14. 10. 2 Parsons, Usher. Battle of Lake Erie. Providence, 1853. 8vo. 8. 13 Another Copy. Pro v., 1854. 8vo. 14. 10. 2 Battle of Monongahela, 1755. See Shea, J. G. Ed. Eelations Di verses, sur la Bataille du Malangueule. New York, 1860. 8vo. 20. 3 Battles. Centennial Celebration of the Battle of Ehode Island, in 1775. (E. L Hist. Tracts, IS'o. 6.) 8. 13 De Peyster, J. W. Battle of the Sound, or Baltic, Fought Nov. 9, 1658, Between the Hollanders and the Swedes. Poughkeepsie, 1858. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 19, No. 2.) 53. 6 Field, T. W. Battle of Long Island, With Authentic Docu- ments. 10. 11 Hakes, Harry. Wyoming. Synopsis of the Battle and Massacre. 11. 5. 6 Hamersly, T. H. S. Chronological Summary of Battles of the U. S., 1775-1865. 14. 7 See also the Names of Noted Battles, U. S. History. War of the Eebellion. Battles, etc. Battle Fields of the South, From Bull Eun to Fredek- iCKSBURa. By an English Combatant (in the Eebel Ar- my.) London, 1863.^ 8vo. 2 Yols. 30. 1 Baudens, (Jean Baptiste) Louis. Military and Camp Hospi- tal. Sanitary Arrangements of the French and other Armies in the Crimean War. , Tran. and Annotated by Franklin B. Hough. New York, 1862. 12mo. 30. 9 Baudry des Loziers, Louis Narcisse. Yoyage a la Louisi- ane, et sur le Continent de^l Amerique Septentrionale, 1794-98. Par. B . . D . . . Paris, 1802. 8vo. 20. 8 Bavaria. Chronological Catalogue of the Princes Electors Pala- tine of the Ehine, that have been of the House of Bavaria. 2d Edit. By W. H. London, 1631. 12mo. (Harleian Misc. Y. 4, pp. 155-167.) 40. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 157 Bawdwen, William, Trans. Dom Boc. Translation of the Eecord Called Domesday, so far as Eelates to the Counties of Middlesex, Hertford, Buckingham, Oxford, and Glou- cester. Doncaster, 1812. 4vo. 40. 14 Baxter, Elisha. Arkansas, Supreme Court. Opinion in the Case of Elisha Baxter vs. Joseph Brooks, Nov. Term, 1874. Little Eock, 1875. 8vo. 15. 14. 4 Baxter, Joseph. Journal of Several Visits to Indians on the Kennebec Eiver. Notes, by Elias Nason. Boston, 1867. 8vo. 15. 11. 5 Journal, While Missionary to the Indians, in Arrowsic Island, Me., 1717. 46. 3 Baverstock, James. Observations on the Brewery, and the Saccharine Quality of Malt, 1813. (Pamphleteer, Vol. -2, pp. 477-494.) * 53. 5 Bay, W. Y. N. Eeminiscences of Bench and Bar of Mis- souri. St. Louis, 1878. 8vo. 18. 7 Bayard, James A. Condition of the Country. Speech in the Senate of the United States, March 20-22, 1861. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 1 Bayard, John. (Eevolutionary Patriot.) Memorial of, by James Grant Wilson. (IS. J. Hist. Soc. Proc. Vol. 5, pp. 139-160.) 10. 8. 1 Bayard, Samuel. See Wilson, J. G. Bayard's Diary in Lon- don, 1785-86.) 10. 1 Bayard, Thomas F. Funding Bill. Senate, U. S., March, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph.,'Yol. 39, ^o. 80.) 60. 2 Ku Klux Organization. Speech, TJ. S. Senate, March 20, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 32, :N"o. 20.) 60. 8 Speech in the United States Senate, Feb. 15, 1870. Ee-con- struction in Mississippi, n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 7. 3 Speech in the U. S. Senate, Feb. 15, 1870, in favor of the Eepresentation of Mississippi in Congress, n. t. p. 8vo., (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 38, No. 59.) 60. 2 White and Black Children in Public Schools. Speech in the Senate of the U. S. May 4, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. 30. 14. 5 Bayfield, Wis. Early History of Bayfield, Lake Superior, n. t. p. 8vo. 19. 5. 6 158 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bayles, Eichakd M. Historical and Descriptive Sketches of Suffolk County, with Historical Outline of Long Island. Port Jefferson, L. I., 1874. 12mo. 10. 9 Baylies, Francis. Historical Memoir of the Colony of New Plymouth, 1608-1692. With Additions and Index by Samuel G. Drake. Boston, 1866. 8vo. 2 Vols. 9.12 Narrative of Gen. John E. WooFs Campaign in Mexico, 1846-48. Albany, 1851. 8vo. 14. 11. 1 Bayonet. Gomard, . Manuel of Bayonet Exercises. Trans. (from the French) by Geo. B. McClellan. Phila., 1862. 12mo. 51. 9 Patten, George. Infantry Tactics, Bayonet Drills, etc. N. Y., 1862. 16mo. 51. 9 Beach, W. W., Editor. Indian Miscellany. Fugitive Papers on the Indians. Albany, 1877. 8vo. 15. 9 Beacon Hill, Boston. Wheildon, W. W; Concord, 1877. 8vo. 8. 10 Beadle, J. H. Life in Utah; Mysteries and Crimes of Mor- monism. Authentic History of Polygamy and the Mor- mon Sect. Phila., 1870. 8vo. 19. 9 Beal, I^athan S. E. Diamond Leaves from the Lives of the Dimond Family. Macedon, K Y., 1872. 12mo. 45. 2 Beal Family. See Shurtleff, ^N". B. John Beal, of Hingham, and One Line of his Descendants, n. t. p. 8vo. 47. 14. 1 Beale, Edward F. Eeport of the Wagon Eoad from Fort De- fiance to Colorado Eiver, 1857. n. t. p. 8vo. 19. 14. 3 Eeport on the Construction of a Wagon Eoad from Fort Smith to the Colorado Eiver, 1858-59. n. t. p. 8vo. 19. 14. 3 See Heap, G. H. Central Eoute to the Pacific; Expedition of E. F. Beale and G. H. Heap, from Missouri to Califor- nia, in 1853. Philadelphia and London, 1854. 8vo. 19. 2 Beaman, Ezra. Sketch of. (Worcester Society of Antiq. Proceedings, 1881. pp. 126-144.) 9. 10. 2 Beamish, N. L. Discovery of America by the Northmen, in the Tenth Century. London, 1841. 8vo. 14. 10 Trans. Icelandic Sagas. (Voyages of the Northmen, 1877. 4to. Prince Society publ.) 9. 3 Bean, Ellis P. Memoir of, by himself, 1816. (Yoakum, H. K., History of Texas.) Vol. 2, p. 403. 8vo. 1856. 15.14 Bear, The. See Douglas, G. M. :N'atural History of the XJrsus Americanus, or American Black Bear. (Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Trans. Vol. 4, part 1, pp. 56-64.) 20. 9. 7 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 159 Bear Hunt in the Adirondacks. See Colvin, Verplanok. Albany, K Y., 1870. 8vo. 49. 5. 5 Beard, Henry. Letter on the Eight of Minnesota to Seventy- two Sections of Land for the State University. Washing- ton, 1865. 8vo. 22. 13. 7 The Union Pacific Eailroad and its Branches. Provision of Law in Kegard to their Operation. Prepared by the At- torney of the Eoad. n. p. 1874? 8vo. 72. 6. 5 And Elbert, Sam. H. Statement and Argument in Support of Senate Bill No. 638, in Eelation to Homestead Pre-emp- tion Claims. No imprint. Washington, 172. 8vo, pp. 13. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 16, No. 21.) 60. 1 Do, do. See Hauke, J. S. Protest, etc. (Vol. 16, No. 23, do.) 60. 1 Beardsley, Ambrose. History of Beardsley, Conn. See Or- cutt, Samuel. 7. 12 Beardsi^ey, E. Edwards. Life and Times of William Samuel Johnson. New York, 1876. 8vo. 44. 2 The Mohegan Land Controversy. Paper read before the New Haven Colony Historical Society, Feb. 25, 1878. (See Collections, Vol. 3, p. 205.) 7. 6 Beardsley, Levi Eeminiscences, 1785-1850. Early Settle- ment of Otsego County, N. Y. New York, 1852. 8vo. 10. 5 Beasley, Egbert E. Plan to Stop the Present, and Prevent Future, Wars. Eio Yista, Cal., 1864. 12mo. pp. 24. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Yol. 2, No. 24.) 60.. 1 Beatty, Charles. Journal of a Two Months^ Tour Among the Frontier Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, and Among the Indians. Edinburgh, 1798. 8vo. (Appended to Edward's Life of Brainerd.) 15. 10 Beatty, John. Citizen Soldier; Memoirs of a Yolunteer. Cinn. 1879. 12mo. 30. 10 Beatty Family. See Egle, Wm. H. Genealogical Eecord of the Beatty Family. " Harrisburgh, 1886. 8vo. 47. 1 Beaumont, J. T. Barber. Essay on Criminal Jurisprudence. London, 1821. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 18-19.) 53. 5 Essay on Provident or Parish Banks. London, 1816. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 7.) 53. 5 Letter to Lord Sidmouth, on Public House Licensing. Lon- don, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 9.) 53. 5 160 MINNESOTA EI8T0BICAL SOCIETY. Beaumokt, de Gustaye. Marie, ou Pesclavage aux Etats TJnis. Tableau de Moeurs Americaines, etc. 2 Vols. Paris, 1836. 8vo. 30. 14 Beaupre, C. F. Beautemps. See Beautemps-Beaupre. Beaulieu, Augustin. (French Navigator, b. 1589.) Voyage to the East Indies, 1619-1622. (Harris, John. Navigan- tium, etc. Vol. 1, 1705. Fol. pp. 228-255.) Y. Beautemps, Beaupee. Charles Francois. Memoir of, by Elie de Beaumont. (Smiths. Inst. Eeport, 1863, pp. 117-136.) 49. 3 Beauty. Shedd, W. G. T. True I^ature of the Beautiful and its Influence on Culture. Discourse. Northampton, 1851. 8yo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 7, IS'o. 5.) 53. 12 Bechee, Joan Joaquin. Magnalia Natural, or the Philoso- pher's Stone. London, 1680. 4to., p. 38. (Harleian Misc. Yol. 8, pp. 452-471.) 40. 3 Beck, Charles. On the Consolidation of the Worcester and Western Eailroads. n. p. (1864?) 8vo. 72. 14. 14 Beck, Hon. James B., of Ky. Case of Wm. McGarrahan. Speech, H. of E., Feb. 18, 1871. Wash., 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 32, ISio. 11.) 60. 8 Expenditure, Tariff, Bonds, etc. Speech. H. E. Jan. 22, 1870. n. t. p. 8yo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 38, ^o. 14.) 60. 2 ]N"egotiation of Loan. See Kerr, M. C. 60. 1 Postal Telegraph. Speech, H. of E. Jan. 27, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8yo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 31, No. 17.) 60. 8 Ee-construction of Mississippi. Speech in the H. ofE., March 24, 1869. Washington, 1869. 8vo. 15. 17. 3 Beck, Joseph M. (Judge Iowa Supr. Court.) Conflict of Ju- risdiction between State and Federal Courts. Opinion in Hollman, et al, ys. Fulton, on habeas corpus. Keokuk, Iowa, 1869. 12mo. 53. 11. 1 Becker, Geo. F. Constants of Nature. Part 4. Wash., 1880. 8yo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll. Yol. 27.) 49. 9 Emmons, S. F. (and Becker, .G. F.) Statistics and Technology of the Precious Metals. (U. S. Census, 1880. Pt. 13.) 50. 7 Education; Its Eelations to the State and to the IndiYiduaL (California, UniYcrsity of. Bulletin :N'o- 28.) 20. 7 Geology of the Comstock Lode and the Washoe District. Washington, 1882. 4to. 1 Yol. Text, 1 Yol. Atlas. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Monographs. Yol. 3.) 50. 2 CATALOGUE CF THE LIBRARY. 161 Becker, Geo. F. — (Continued). IS'otes on the Stratigraphy of California. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Bulletin ^o. 19.) Washington, 1885. Svo. 49. 4. 2 Becker, Geo. L. The Charleston Convention (1860.) State- ment of a portion of the Minnesota delegation to their constituents. Washington, May 7, 1860. 8vo. 22. 14. 6 Becket, Andreav. Public Prosperity; Plan for Employing Six Millions Sterling in Loans to Necessitous Persons. 2d edition. 1813. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 2, pp. 557-577.) 53. 5 Beckley, HosEA. History of Vermont, 1724-1846. Brattleboro, 1846. 8vo. 7. 9 Beckwith, Geo. C. Peace Manual. Boston, 1847. 57. 10 Bede, "The Venerable," (Anglo-Saxon historian, b. cir 672.) Anglo-Saxonis Chronicon, Historial Ecclesiasticae Gentis Anglorum, etc. (Great Britain Pub. Eecord Office. Monumenta Hist. Brit. 1848. Fol. Vol. 1, pp. 83-290.) V. Bedell, Et. Eev. Gregory Thurston. The Trusteeship of the Gospel; an Ordination Sermon Preached at Ports- month, O. June 6, 1869. Cinn., 1869. 8vo. 56. 7. 1 Bedford, W. K. Eyland. Blazon of Episcopacy. List of all the Archbishops and Bishops of England to the Present Time. London, 1858. 8vo. 46. 2 Bedford, Eng. See Hurst, George. The Corporation of Bed- ford. Historical Sketch. (Eoyal Hist. Soc, trans. Vol. 8, pp. 64-69) * 35. 9 Bedford, Mass. See Shattuck, Lemuel. History of Concord, etc. Boston, 1835. 8vo. 8. 2 See Stearns, J. F. Historical Discourse, 150th Anniversary, etc. Bost., 1879. 8vo. 25. 8 Bedford, IS^ew Hampshire, See Barnes, Isaac O. Historical Address. May 19, 1850. 7. 10 Bedle, Joseph D. Message of the Governor of New Jersey, 1877. Trenton, K J., 1877. 8vo. 10. 2. 1 Beebee, James. Sketch of, Boston, 1884. 8vo. 43. 6 ♦ Beecher, Catherine E. Letters to, in reply to an Essay on Slavery and Abolitionism. See Grimke, A. E. 30. 5 Beecher, Charles, Editor. Autobiography, Correspondence, etc., of Lyman Beecher, D. D. 2 Vols. London, 8vo. 1863. 45. 4 Beecher, Edward. Narrative of Eiots at Alton, 111., in Con- nection with the Death of Elijah P. Lovejoy. Alton, 1838. 12mo. 18. 5 See King, Eev. T. Starr. Eeview of his Work. 56. 12. 1 21 162 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Beecher, Henry Ward. Advance of a Century. An Oration Delivered at Peekskill, K. Y. July 4, 1876. (See Saund- ers, Frederick, ^'Our National Jubilee,'^ etc., p. 357.) K Y., 1886. 16. 12 American Cause in England. Address, on the American War, at Manchester, Eng., Oct. 9, 1863. N. Y., 1863. 30. 11. 3 Substance of Christianity. Sermon, Feb. 19, 1870. (From the ^^ Plymouth Pulpit,'' No. 22, Yol. 3.) N. Y., 1870. 8vo. 56. 7. 4 Yale Lectures on Preaching. N. Y., 1872. 16mo and 12mo. 56. 2 Woman's Influence in Politics. Address at the Cooper In- stitute, New York, Feb. 2, 1860. Boston, 1860. 8vo. 30. 14. 2 And Others. Universal Suffrage. Bost., 1865. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamph., Yol. 15. No. 43.) 60. 1 Abbott, Lyman, Ed. Uncontradicted Testimony in the Beecher Case, from Of&cial Eecords. N. Y., 1876. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Life of. See McCabe, J. D. Great Fortunes, etc. 1871. 43. 12 See Tilton, Theodore. Downfall of H. W. Beecher. Full Statement, etc. N. Y., 1874. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Beecher, Lyman, D. D. See Beecher, Charles, Ed. Autobi- ography, Correspondence, etc., of Lyman Beecher. 2 Vols. London, 1863. 8vo. 45. 4 Design, Eights and Duties of Local Churches. Sermon at the Installation of Elias Cornelius as Associate Pastor of the Tabernacle Church in Salem, July 21, 1819. An- dover, 1819. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Yol. 8, No. 11.) 9. 2 The Gospel According to Paul. A Sermon delivered Sept. 17, 1820, at the Installation of Eev. Bennett Tyler, D. D., as Pastor of the 2d Congr. Ch. in Portland, Me. « Boston, 1829. 8vo. 56. 7. 3 A Plea for the West. Cinn., 1835. 12mo. 19. 1 . The Eights of the Congregational Churches of Massachusetts. The Eesult of an Ecclesiastical Council, Convened at Gro- ton, Mass., July 17, 1826. Boston, 1827. 8vo. 56. 12. 3 Tuttle, J. F. The Late Lyman Beecher. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY. 165 r Beecher, Eey. Thos. K. A Lecture delivered at Elmira, IS"* Y., JaD. 9, 1870. (On the Protestant Episcopal Churcli.) n. t. p. 12mo. 56. 5. 1 Beeker, Bernard H. Disturbed Ireland; Letters Written During the Winters of 1880-81. London, 1881. 8vo. 35. 2 Beginning, Progress, and Conclusion of Bacon's Eebel- LiON in Virginia, 1675-1676. Wash., 1835. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 1.) 14. 12 Begg, Alexander. Creation of Manitoba. History of the Eed River Troubles (of 1869-70). Toronto, 1871. 16mo. 20. 4 '•Dot it Down." Story of Life in the Northwest. Toronto, 1871. 16mo. 20. 4 Behaim, (Behem, or Boehm.) Martin, b. 1436. See Morris, J. G. Martin Behaim, the German Astronomer and Cos- mographer of the Times of Columbus; Discourse before the Maryland Historical Society, Jan. 25, 1855. Bait., 1855. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 1 Belchertown, Mass. See Doolittle, Mark. Historical Sketch of the Congregational Church in Belchertown, Mass. Northhampton, Mass., 1852. 12mo. 8. 3^ Belcourt, George, Antoine. Department of Hudson's Bay.) (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1, pp. 207-244.) 22. 10 Belden, Geo. P. Belden, the White Chief; Twelve Years Among the Indians of the Plains. Ed. by James S. Brisbin, Cinn. and Chicago, 1875. 8vo. 15. 8 Belfast, Me. See White, Wm. History of Belfast, etc. Belfast, 1827. 12mo. 17. 3 Belfast, Me. See Williamson, Joseph. History of Belfast, Me., 1770 to 1875. Portland, Me., 1877. 8vo. 7. 8 Belfry of Bruges, etc. See Longfellow, H. W. (Poems, 1875. 18mo. Vol. 1.) 74. 2 Belgian Traveler. See Picture, etc. 1807. 8vo. 52. 12 Belgium. See Laveleye, Emile de. Land System of Belgium and Holland. (Probyn, J. W., Ed. Systems, 1876. 8vo. pp. 197-285.) 35. 2 Belknap, Jeremy. American Biography: or an Historical Ac- count of Those Persons who Have Been Distinguished in America, etc. 2 Vols. 46. 11 History of IsTew Hampshire, 1620-1789. From the Original Edition. Notes by John Farmer. Dover, 1831. 8vo. 7. 10 164 ^ MINNESOTA HISTOBIcIl SOCIETY. Belknap, Jeremy — (Continued.) See Memoir of Dr. Belknap. (Farmer, John, and Moore, J. B. Collection Eelating to New Hampshire. Vol. 1, p. 36.) 7. 3 Spalding, G. B. Dover Pulpit During the Eevolution- ary War. Discourse Commemoration of the Distinguished Service Eendered by Jeremy Belknap to the Cause of American Independence, July, 9. 1876. Dover, N. H., 1876. 8vo. 7. 11, 2 Belknap, W. W. Biographical Sketch of. See Iowa Hist. Eecord. Vol. 1, p. 97. 19. 13 TJ. S. Cong. Senate. Proceedings for the Trial of W. W. Belknap, on Articles of Impeachment, 1876. Washington, 1876. 8vo. 60. 10 Bell, Alex., Graham. Establishment for the Study of Yocal Physiology. Boston, 1872. 8vo. 51. 11. 3 Formation of a Deaf Variety of the Human Eace, (Kat. Acad. Soc. Vol. 2. Memoirs, 4vo., pp. 177-262.) 49. 6 Bell, Andrew. See Lancaster, Joseph. Vindication, etc. 1812. 8vo. 53. 6 Bell, Charles. Address Before the Kew Hampshire Histori- cal Society, May 22, 1873. (N. H. Hist. Soc. Proceedings, 1872-3.) 7. 11 Facts Eelating to the Early History of Chester, K. H., 1720- 1784. (N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 7, p. 341-413.) 7. 3 Discourse Before the New England Historic- Genealogical Society, March 18, 1871. Boston, 1871. 8vo. 8. 5. 4 Memoir of John Wheelwright. (Prefixed to Wheelwright, John, Writings, 1876. 4vo. Prince Soc. Publ.) 9. 3 Bell, Charles N. Our Northern Waters; Eeport Eegarding Hudson's Bay and Strait. Winnipeg, 1884. 8vo. 20. 5. 5 Some Historical Names and Places of the Canadian North- west. Winnipeg, 1855. 8vo. 20. 5. 2 Bell, Clark. China Mail Service. Brief and Argument for the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, Before the Judici- ary Committee of the Senate, Feb. 12, 1875. Washing- ton, 1875. 8vo. 57. 10. 1 Bell, George. See Currie, James. Memoir of Dr. Bell (Eng. Scientist). Manchester, Eng. Lit. and Philos. Soc. Mem- oirs. Vol. 2. . 35. 8 Bell, John. Importance and Economy of Sanitary Measures to Cities. New York, 1860. 8vo. (New York City Coun- cil, 1859. Doc. No. 20.) 49. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 165 Bell, Marcus, A. South Side View of " Cotton is King,'^ and the Philosophy of African Slavery. Atlanta, 1860. 8vo. 30. 4. 1 Bell, Currer, Fseud. See Bronte, Charlotte. Bell, Joshua, F. of Ky. Speech on the Bill to Increase the Pay of the Yolunteers, and to Grant Bounty Land in Cer- tain Cases. (Mexican War), Jan. 9, 1847. 8vo. 33. 7. 1 Bell, John, (of Tenn.) His Past History, Connected with the Public Service, n. t. p. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Bell, Eobert, Compiler. Additions to Common Sense. Phila- delphia, Printed. London, Reprinted, 1776. 8vo. (See Paine, Thos. Common Sense. Eev. Pamph. Vol. 15^ Xo. 5.) 14. 1 Bell, Robert. The Forests of Canada. (Re-printed From the Record of Science, Vol. H., No. 2, 1886.) Montreal, 1886. 8vo. 20. 9. 2 The ^'Medicine Man," or Indian and Eskimo Notions of Medicine. (Re-printed From the Canada Medical and Sur- gical Journal.) Montreal, 1886. 8vo. 15. 11. 1 The Mineral Resources of the Hudson's Bay Territories. (From Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 1886.) n. t. p. 8vo. 20. 5. 1 Report on exploration in 1865, Between James Bay and Lakes Superior and Huron. (Canada Geol. Surv. Report, 1875-76, pp. 294-342.) Montreal, 1877. 8vo. 51. 6 Bell, Samuel, D. (Chief Justice of N. H.) See Bell, C. H. Biographical Notice. (N. E. Hist. Gen. Register, Vol. 23, p. 249.) 46. a Bell, Wm. A. New Tracts in North America. A Journal of Travel and Adventures, etc. London, 1870. 8vo. 32. 11 Bellfontaine and Indiana Railroad. See Roberts, W» Milnor. Report of Chief Engineer. 72. 7. 5 Bellevue Hospital Medical College, N. Y. City. Circular and Catalogue, 1868, '69, '81. N. Y., 1868-81. 8vo. 51. 4. 2 Bello Hastingensi Carmen Auctore, W. (Gt. Brit. Public Record Ofi&ce. Monumenta Hist. Britan. 1848. Fol. Vol. 1, pp. 85b-872.) V. Bellomont, Earl of. See Coote, Richard. Bellows, Benjamin. See Bellows, H. W. Historical Sketch of Benjamin Bellows, and Address on the Consecration of his Monument, ^t Walpole, N. H., Oct. 11, 1854. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. 47., 1 166 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bellows, H. W. Appeal in Behalf of the Divinity School of Harvard University. Cambridge, 1879. 8vo. 9. 9. 1 Church and State in America. Discourse at Washington, at the Installation of Frederick Hinckley, Jan. 25, 1871, and at New York Jan. 29, 1871. Washington, 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 28, ^o. 8.) , 60. 8 National Instinct, our Guide Through the War. Address on the National Thanksgiving, Nov. 26, 1863. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 7 The Eeformed Church of Christendom, or the Duties of Liberal Christians to the National Faith at this Crisis of Opinions. A Sermon Preached in the All Soul's Church, New York, Jan. 8, 1865. Bost., 1865. 8vo. 56. 7. 5 Speech, as President of the XJ. S. Sanitary Commission, at Philadelphia, Feb. 24, 1863. Phila., 1863. 8vo. • 30. 11. 6 Unconditional Loyalty. (Sermon.) N. Y., 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 7 Belmont, Perry. Complimentary Dinner to, at Delmonico's, New York City, Dec. 30, 1882. N. Y., 1883. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 1 Beloit (Wis.) College. Address and Discourse at the Inaug- eration of Aaron L. Chapin, as President, July 24, 1850. Milwaukee, 1850. 8vo. ' 19. 5. 3 Address by Joseph Emerson, and Proceedings at the Tenth Anniversary of Beloit College, July 8, 1857. Beloit, 1857. 8vo. 18. 5. 3 Catalogues, 1851, ,52; '54, '58, '60-62, '64-68, '71, '73, '74, '76, '77. Beloit. 8vo. 19. 5. 3 Exercises at the Quarter- Centennial Anniversary, July 9, 1872. Beloit, 1872. 8vo. 19. 5. 3 Junior Exhibition, 1854-56. n. t. p. 8vo. 19. 5. 3 Order of Exercises at Commencement, 1851, '55, '56, '60, '62. Beloit. 8vo. ' 19. 5. 3 Eegulations. n. t. p. 8vo. 19. 5. 3 See Squier, Miles P. Province of the American Scholar. Inaugural Address, June 9, 1851. New York, 1851. 8vo. 74. 7. 2 Beltrami, Giacomo Constantino. Notizie e Lettere Pub- elicate per Cura del Municipio di Bergamo et Dedicate Alia Societa Storica di Minnesota* Bergamo, 1865. 8vo. • (Photograph of Beltrami.) 22. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 167 Hill, A. J. Constantine Beltrami. Biographical Sketch. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1867. pp. 13-20.) 22. 10 Pennesi, Guiseppe. Constantine Beltrami, Alia Eicerca Delle Sorgenti del Mississippi. Eoma, 1886. 8vo. 22. 13. 7 Eosa, Gabrile. Delia Vita e Degli Scritti di Beltrami. Ber- gamo, 1861. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 1 Pilgrimage in*Europe and America, (1821-23), Leading to the Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and Bloody Elvers; With a Description of the Whole Course of the* Former, and of the Ohio. London, 1828. 2 Vols. 8vo. 22. 2 Belyoik, a Pindaric ode Upon Belvoir Castle, the Seat of the Earls of Eutland, 1679. MS. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 8, pp. -49-290.) 40. 3 Beman, :N'athan S. S. Address in Troy, Feb. 23, 1824, on Washington's Birthday. Troy, 1824, 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 1, ^o. 12.) 53. 12 Antagonisms in the Moral and Political World. Discourse in Troy, Nov. 18, 1858. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 13.) 53. 12 Characteristics of the Age. Discourse in Troy, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1850. Troy, 1851. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 7, 12.) The Crisis and the Triumph; the Temperance Cause. Dis- course in Troy, July 26, 1846. Troy, 1846. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 3.) 53. 12 Discourse in Stephentown, Dec. 25, 1828, and in Troy, Jan. 11, 1829, before the Temperance Societies. Troy, 1829; 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 4.) 53. 12 Influence of Freedom on Popular and National Education. Lecture in Troy, Feb. 24, 1846. Troy, 1846. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 1, No. 10.) Intellectual Position of our Country; Lecture before the Young Men's Association in Troy, Dec. 10, 1839. Troy, 1839. 8Vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 11.) 53. 6 Our Civil War; Discourse, Nov. 27, 1862. Troy, 1863. 8vo; (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 16, No. 2.) 53. 6 Plea for the Swiss Mission in Canada. .Discourse in Troy, Oct. 15, 1843. 2d Edit. Troy, 1845. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph. Vol 2, No. 2.) 53. 12 Thanksgiving in Times of Civil War. Discourse, Nov. 28, 1861. Troy, 1861. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 16, No. 1.) 53.. 6 168 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bemis, Geo. American Neutrality. Bost., 1866. 8vo. (Ram- sey Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 4.) 60. 1 Hasty Recognition of Rebel Belligerency, and our Right to Complain of it. Bost., 1865. 8vo. 30.11.3 Mr. Reverdy Johnson: The Alabama Negotiations, and their Just Repudiation by the Senate of the TJ. S. N. Y., 1869. 8vo. • 33. 12. 2 Bemis, Horace. Remarks in Assembly (of N. Y.) Feb. 27^ 1863, on the Governor's Message, n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Bendetti, Giacomo. Stabat Mater and other Hymns. Trans, by J. D. Van Buren. Albany, 1872. 8vo. 74. 4 Benedict of Peterborough. Chronicle of the Reigns of Henry n and Richard I, A. D. 1169-1192. Edited from the Cotton MSS. by Wm. Stubbs. London, 1867. 8vo. 2 Yols. 40. 5 Benedict, C. C. Vermont at Gettysburg. Burlington, 1870. 8vo. 7. 9 Benedict, Erastus C. Address at the Free Academy of the City of New York, July 24, 1850. N. Y., 1850. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 15.) 53. 12 Constitutional Amendment, n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 24, No. 27.) 60. 8 Benedict, George Wyllys. New England Educational Insti- tutions in Relation to American Government. Discourse before the Societies of the University of Vermont, Aug. 6, 1844. Burlington, 1844. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 10.) 53. 12 Benedict, Hon. G. W. Speech on the Cass County Investiga- tion, in the Minn. Senate, 1875. Broadside. 22. 13. 2 Benedict, Henry Marvin. A Contribution to the Genealogy of the Stafford Family in America; Containing an Ac- count of Col. Joab Stafford and his Descendants in the Male Lines. Albany, 1870. 8vo. •• 25.14.5 Genealogy of the Benedicts in America. Albany, 1870. 8vo. 47. 1 Benedict, Rev. .Judson D. See Hall, Judge N. H. Opinion on Habeas Corpus in the Case of Benedict. Buffalo, 1862. 8vo. 53. 11. 1 Benedict, Col. Lewis. See Bridgman, C. D. W. Words at the Obsequies of Lewis Benedict. . Albany, 1866. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 169 Benedict, William A. (and Tracy, Hiram A.) History of Sutton, Mass., 1704-1876. Worcester, Mass., 1878. 9. 6 Benedict Family. See Benedict, H. M. Genealogy. Albany, 1878. 8vo. 47. 1 Benezet, Anthony. Caution to Great Britain and lier Colonies, Calamitous State of the Enslaved !N^egroes in the British Dominion. Philadelphia printed; London re-printed, 1784. 8vo. 30. 5 Extracts from his Writings on the African Slave Trade. (Views of Amer. Slavery, etc., 1858. 24mo. 30. 7. 2 Benfey, Theodore. Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London, 1866. 8vo. 34. 9 Benjamin, Judah P. Defense of the National Democracy Against the Attack of Judge Douglas. Washington, 1860. 8vo. 33. 7. 4 Ben.jamin, W. S. The Great Epidemic in New BerneJ N. C. and Vicinity, Sept. and Oct., 1864. New Berne, N. C, 1865. 12mo. 15. 6. 1 Benner, Frank. Ornithology of Minnesota. See Roberts, T. S. Bennett, David S. National Defence of the Lakes. Improve- ment of the Erie and Oswego Canals. Argument, H. of R. Feb. 16, 1869. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 38, No. 35.) 60. 2 Bennett, Henry Grey. Letter to the Common Council and Livery of London, on the Abuses in Newgate. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 11.) 53. 5 Bennett, J. C. Essay on the Manufacturing Interests of Cal- ifornia. See Morris, W. G. 20. 14. 3 Bennett, I. G. (and Haigh, Wm. M.) History of the 36th Regiment 111. Vols, during the Rebellion. Aurora, 111., 1876. 8vo. 29. 5 Bennett, James Gordon. Memoirs of James Gordon Bennett and his Times. By a Journalist. N. Y., 1855. 12mo. 43. 1 Life of. See McCabe, J. D. ''Great Fortunes," 1871. 8vo. 43. 12 Bennett, John C. History of the Saints; Expose of Joe. Smith and Mormonism. Bost., 1842. 12mo. 19. 9 Bennington, Vt. Celebration in 1778, of the Bennington Vic- tory of 1777. (Vermont Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1, pp. 251-270.) 7. 9 22 1'^^ MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bennington, Vt.— (Continued). Herbert, J. K. Oration at Bennington, on the 94th Com- memoration of the Battle of Bennington, Aug. 18, 1871. Bennington, 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol 3, No. 25.) 60. 1 Jennings, Isaac. Memorials of a Century, etc. Bost.,1869. 8vo. ■ 7.9 Benson, Lawrence S. The Truth of the Bible Upheld: or Truth vs. Science. ''My Visit to the Sun." London, 1864, 8vo. 56. 12. 2 Benson Family. See Garrison, W. P. Benson Family, of :N'ew port, R. I. With an appendix concerning the Benson families in America, of English descent. N. Y., privately printed, 1872. 8vo. 47. 1 Bent, Lieut. Silas, U. S. N. The Japanese Gulf Stream. Ad- dress before the American Geographical and Statistical Society, 1856. (Bulletin, Vol. 2, p. 203.) 33. 5 Bentham, Jekemy. Defense of Economy, against Geo. Rose. London, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 10.) 53. 5 Defense of Economy against tie late Mr. Burke, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 9.) 53. 5 Defense of Usury; showing the Impolicy of rtie Present Legal Restraints on the Terms of Pecuniary Bargains, etc.. N. Y., 1837. 8vo. 57. 10. 3 Indications Respecting Lord Eldou, includingHistory of the Pending Judges Salary-Raising Measure. London, 1825. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 26.) 53. 12 Leading Principles of a Constitutional Code for any State. London, 1823. (Pamphleteer. Vol. 22.) 53. 12 Observations • on Robert Peel's House of Commons Speech, March 21, 1825. London, 1825. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 25.) Whipple, John. Usury Laws. Answer to Jeremy Bent- ham's Defense of Usury. Boston, 1855. 12mo. 33. 7. 6 Bentley, Joseph. A Report on the State of Popular Educa- tion in Great Britain to the Lord President of the Council on Education. London, 1856., 12mo. 56. 8. 1 Bentley, Rev. Wm. A Sermon before the Governor, the Hon- orable Council, etc. Mass. Election Sermons, 1807. Bost., 1807. 8vo. 56. 5. 3 Benton, David R. Low Pressure Steam Warming and Ventilat- ing Apparatus. (No imprint.) 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 34, No. 26.) , 60. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY . 171 Benton, Everett C. History of Guildhall, Vt. 1764-1886. With Genealogical Eecords, etc.. Together with a Brief Sketch of Essex County, Yt. Waverly, Mass., 1886. 12mo. 7. 9 Benton, Jacob. Kecord of the Democratic Party. Speech, H. . of R., Feb. 19. 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 39, No. 62.) 60.2 Benton, Nathaniel S. History of Herkimer County, N. Y., including'the Upper Mohawk Yalley, 1722-1856. Albany, 1856. 8vo. 10. 5 Benton, Thomas Hart. Admission of California. Speech in the Senate of the U. S., April 8, 1850, on the Compromise Resolutions of Mr. Bell. No title page. 8vo. 33. 7. 1 Anti Compromise Speech, in the Senate of the U. S., June 10, 1850. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 1 California Claims; Speech delivered in the Senate of the U. S., April 11, 1818. Wash., 1848. 8vo. (Mexican War Pamph., No. 4.) 16. 10 Cass, Lewis. Speech in reply to Benton, April 2, 1846. n. t. p. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 3, No. 11.) 53. 12 Conkling, Edgar. Benton's Policy, etc. 1864. 8vo. (No. 15 in Nor. Pac. R. R. Yol. 1) 22. 4 Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. (National Portrait Giill. Yol. 2.) 44. 6 Historical and Legal Examination of the Decision of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott Case. N. Y., 1857, 8vo. 30. 5 Letter to, from G. W. Mannypenny, Com. of Indian Affairs. Wash. 1855. 8vo. 15. 11. 3 Nebraska and Kansas. Speech in the H. of R., April 25, 1854. n. t. p. 8vo. 19. 14. 6 Pacific Railroad. Speech, Jan. 16, 1855. (Appended to Dana, C. W. "The Great West.") 1858. 12mo., pp. 358-392. 19. 1 Thirty Years' Yiew; History of the American Government, 1820-1850. N. Y. and London, 1856. 8vo. 12. 13 Sketch of, by W. Y. N. Bay. (In his Reminiscences, etc.) 1878. 8vo., pp. 1-21. 18. 7 Sketch of, by L. M. Reavis (In his St. Louis, 1875. 8vo., pp. 385-392.) 18. 7 Benton County ,Ind. History of Warren, Benton, Jasper and Newton Counties, Ind. Chicago, 1883. 8vo. 83. 16 172 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Benton County, Iowa. History of Benton County, Iowa, etc. Chicago, 1878. 8vo. 19. 6 Benton County, Oregon. See Fagan, D. D. History of Benton County, Oregon. Portland, 1885. 4to. 17. 2 Benzole. See Sturton, S. Danger Arising from the Substitti- tion of Benzole for Turpentine, in Paint. (Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Trans. New Ser. Vol. 1, part 1, pp. 93-94.) 20. 9. 7 Beouchard, Edward D. Vindication of, from Charges of A. Salisbury^ in ^' Green County Pioneers." (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 7, pp. 289-296.) 19. 11 Bergamo, Italy. See Beltrami, Costantino. ]S^otizie e Lettere, etc. 22. 2 Berg, Joseph F. Answer to the lecture of John Hughes, on the Decline of Protestantism, lecture in Philadelphia, . Nov. 26, 1850. Phila., 1850. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 18, No. 12.) 53. 6 Bergen, Teunis G. Bergen Family, descendants of Hans Hansen Bergen, one of the early settlers of New York, with notes on other Long Island Families. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. 47. 1 Same, enlarged edition. Albany, N. Y., 1876. 8vo. 47. 1 Genealogy of the Leffert's Family, 1650-1878. Albany, 1878. 8vo. 47. 10 Genealogy of the Van Brunt Family. Albany, 1867. 8vo. 47. 7 Bergen Family. See Bergen, Tennis G. Bergen Family Gene- alogy. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. Do, 2d edition enlarged. 1876. 47. 1 Bergen, N. J. See Taylor, B. C. Annals of the Classis of Bergen, of the Dutch Eeformed Church, Including the Civil History of the Ancient Township of Bergen, in New Jersey. N. Y., Cop. 1857. 12mo. 10. 1 Bergenroth, G. a.. Editor. Calendar of Letters Eelating to Spain. See Gr. Britain, etc. 35. 13 Bering, John A. (and Montgomery, Thomas.) History of the 48th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 1861-66. Hillsboro, O., 1880. 18mo. 29. 5 Berkshire County, Mass. See Bryan, Clark W. The Book of Berkshire. Grt. Barrington, n. d. 12mo. 25. 8 The Berkshire Jubilee. Celebrated at Pittsfield, Mass., Aug. 22 and 23, 1844. Albany, 1845. 8vo. 25. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 173 Berkshire County, Mass. — (Continued). History of Berkshire Co., Mass., with Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men. 2 Vols. bd. in one. K. Y., 1885. 4to. 25. 2 Holland, J. G. History of Western Massachusetts. Spring- field, 1855. 12mo. 2 Vols. 8. 3 feERLiN. Miscellanea Berolinensia. Berolini, 1710. 4to. 83 Dorotheen Church. Funeral Services Commemoration of Abraham Lincoln, May 2, 1865. Xo imprint. 8vo. 43. 14. 1 Berlin, Wis. See Gillespy, J. C. Description of the City of Berlin. (In his Green Lake County, 1860. 8vo.) 19. 5. 8 Bermondsey, Abbey of. Annales Monasterii de Bermundeseia, 1042-1432. (Annales Monastici, 1865-69. 8vo. Vol. 3.) 40. 5 Bermuda Islands. Plaine Description of the Bermudas, now called Somme Islands. By W. C. London, 1613. 8vo. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 3.) 14. 12 Bernadotte, Jean Baptiste Jules. See Carl XIV. Berna- dotte. King of Sweden. Bernard, David. Sermon on Baptism, before the First Baptist Church in Albany, April, 1843. Albany, 1843. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 6.) 53. 6 Bernard, Sir Francis, Gov. of Mass. Select Letters on the Trade and Government of America, ] 763-8. Added, the Petition of the Assembly of Mass. Bay, against the Gov- ernor. London, 1774. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 21. Ko. 2.) 14. 1 Bernard, Jean Frederic. Recueil de Voiages au Nord, con- tenant Divers Memoires Tres Utiles au Commerce et a la ^NTavigation. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 5. Amsterdam, 1715-20. 12mo. 4 Vols. 20. 1 Contents: California. Delisle, G. Lettre Touchant la Calilbrnie, Vol. 3, pp. 268-277. Memoire Touchant la California, Vol. 3. Relation d'une de- scente des Espagnols dans la California, 1683. Vol. 3. Essai d'instruc- " tions pour Voyager Utilement. Vol. 1. Greenland: La Peyrere. Relation du Greenland. Vol. 1. Hennepin, Louis: Voyage en un Pays Plus Grand, etc. Vol. 4. Iceland: La Peyrere. Relation de 1' Islands. Vol. 1. Japan: Caron, Francois. Relation Concernant Japan. Memoirs pour V Establissement du Commerce au Japan. Vol. 3. DeLisle, G. Lettre sur la Question, si le Japan est une ile. Vol. 3. Jesso: Relation de la Decouverte de la Terre de Jesso, par le Vaisseau Castricom, 1643, Vol. 3. 174 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Louisiana: Tonti, Henri de. Relation de la Louisiana. Vol. 4. Relation de la Louisiana ecrite a une Dame, etc. Vol. 4. Mississipjn Eiver: DeLisle, G. Lettre sur 1' Embouchure de la Kiviere du Mississippi. Vol. 3. New Foundland: White, — . Relation de Terre-Neuve, 1700. Vol. 3. Spitzhergen: Martens, Frederick. Journal d'un Voyage au Spitzbergen et au Groenlandt, 1671. Vol. 2. Tartary: Martini, Martini, la Pere. Relation de la Tartaric Orientale. Vol. 3. Verbiest. Ferdinand, le Pere; Voyage de I'Empereur de la Chine dans la Tartare Orientale, 1682, 1683. Vol. 3. Virainie: Relation des Voyages de Gosnol, Prince et Gilbert a la Virginie, 1602 et 1603. Vol. 4. Wood, Capt. John: Journal, Allant a la Decouverte d'un Pas.sage i)0ur les Indies Orientales par le Nord-est, 1675. Vol. 2. Bernard, Sir Thomas. Account of a Supply of Fish, for the Manufacturing Poor, 1813. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 1, pp. 431-444.) 53. 5 Letter to Lord Camden, on the Bill for Eestraining the Trade and Fishery of the four provinces of ^ew England. Lon- don, 1775. 8vo. (Eevolutionary pamphlets, Yol. 17, No. 9.) 14. 1 Supply of Employment and Subsistence for the Laboring Classes. London, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 10.) 53. 5 Berrian, Pev. William. (Letter.) To the Commission of Bishops, on the Memorial of Dr. Muhlenbergh, etc., to the House of Bishops, at the Late General Convention. (For Private Distribution.) :N^ew York, 1854. 8vo. 56. 12. 3 Berry, Charles T. Historical Survey of the First Presbyterian Church, Caldwell, K J., Jan. 1, 1871. Newark, N. J., 1871. 8vo. 10. 2. 4 Berry, Jacques. See Le Bouvier, Jacques. Berry, J. Romeyn. Silence Amid Mystery. Sermon on the Death of Garfield, in Montclair, N. J. Sept. 25, 1881. n. p., n. d. 8vo. 43. 6. G. Berry, Nathaniel S. Message, as Governor of New Hamp- shire, June Session, 1861. Concord, 1861. 8vo. 7. 11 Bertie, Willoughby, Earl of Abingdon. Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke, on the Affairs of America, 4th. edit. Oxford, 1780. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., YoL 27, No. 1.) 14. 8 Same, 6th edit. Oxford, 1780. Yol. 15, No. 6. 14. 1 Beschke, Wm. Memorial Concerning Infringements on his Patent, in building Iron-clad Yessels and Iron Turrets, CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 175 Beschke, Wm. — (Continued ). Jan. 1865. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 17, Ko. 27.) 60. 8 Memorial to the Emperor of Eussia, concerning Breech- loading Guns. Wash., 1855. 8vo. 51. 9. 1 Bethel, Maine. Report of the Centennial Celebration at Bethel, Me. Aug. 26, 1874. Portland, 1874. 8vo. 16. 2 Bethlehem, Pa. See Reichel, W. C. Crown Inn, near Beth- lehem, Pa., 1745. n. p., 1872. 8vo. 11. 4 Bethune, Geo. W. Discourse. (Broadhead, Jacob. Funeral Services of, 1855. 8vo.) 43. 6. B 1 Claims of Our Country on its Literary Men. Oration before, the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard University, July 19, 1849. Cambridge, 1849. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 4.) 53. 12 Bethune Family. See Weisse, Mrs. J. A. History of the Bethune Family, :N'. Y., 1884. 8vo. 47. 8 Beton Agglomere. See Bagger, Louis. Portland Stone (Be- ton Agglomere.) Its Suitableness for Headstones for our National Cemeteries. Wash., 1873. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 33, No. 3.) 60. 2 Beton-Coignet, Artificial Stone. See Beckwith, L. F. Report on Beton- Coignet, its Fabrication and Uses. Wash., 1868. (Paris Expos., 1867. Vol.4.) 52.6 Betten, Frank H. First Annual Report, Kansas Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Topeka, 1886. 8vo. 81. 1 Beverly, Robert. Histoire de la Virginie. Contemmi: 1. L'Historie du Premier Establissement, etc. 2. Les Pro- ductions, etc. 3. La Religion, etc., des Indiens Naturels. 4. L'etat present du pais, etc. Par un auteu natif et habitant du pais. Trar duite deL' Anglais. Amsterdam, 1707. 16mo. 12. 11 15. 12 Beverly, Mass. New England Industrial School for Deaf Mutes. Annual Report, 1883. Beverly, 1883-85. 8vo. 25. 1. 3 School Committee, Report, 1860, '61, '65. Boston. 1861-5. 8vo. 9. 8. 7 See Stone, E. M. History of Beverly, 1630-1842. Boston, 1843. 12mo. 8. 10 First Parish. See Thayer, C. T. Address on the 200th An- niversary of its Formation, Oct. 2, 1867. Boston, 1868. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 1, Xo. 8.) 9. 2 176 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Beviee, E. S. History of the First and Second Missouri Con- federate Brigades, 1861-65. And from Wakarusa to Ap- pomattox, a Military Anagraph. St. Louis, 1879. 8vo. 29. 12 Bexley, Lord. See Vansittart, Mcholas. Beyond the Lines. Yankee Prisoner Loose in Dixie. See Geer, J. J. Philadelphia, 1863. 8vo. 30. 8 Beyond the Mississippi. See Eichardson, A. D. Hartford, 1867. 8vo. 19. 2 BiARD, Pierre, (and Masse, Edwmond). Eelation de la Kou- velle France. (Canada.) 1611. (Eelation des Jesuites, 1858. 8vo. Vol. 1.) 20. 3 BiBLiA Syriaca. Title page in Syriac. 4vo. 2 v. (bd. in 1.) 34. 9 Bible, English. Holy Bible. Philadelphia, 1791. 12mo. (1 V. bd. in2.) 56. 2 Dakota. The Holy Bible in the Language of the Dakotas. Trans, by T. S. Williamson and S. E. Eiggs. New York, 1880. 8vo. 15. 3 Dakota. See Huggins, B. W., and Williamson, N^. J. Da- kota Text-Book. (Yerse of Scripture for Each Day in the Year.) New York Amer. Tract. Soc. n. d. 32mo. 22. 1 Syriac. Biblia Syriaca. (Title page in Syriac.) 34. 9 Boutell, Charles. Bible Dictionary. London, 1871. 8vo. (Haydn Series.) 34. 9 Cruden, Alexander. New and Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, on the Basis of Cruden. Ed. by John Eadie. New York and Boston, 1850. 8vo. 34. 9 Eliot, S. A. Observations on the Bible, for Young Persons. Boston, 1842. 12mo. ' 56. 2 Hamilton, Eev. J. Its Literary Attractions. 56. 11. 6 Haweis, Thomas. Evangelical Expositor; Commentary on the Bible. London, 1821. fo. 2 v. bd. in 1. Y. Morris, William. Ancient Slavery Disapproved of God. Lecture. Philadelphia, 1862. 12mo. 30. 14. 2 Nevin, J. W. Summary of Biblical Antiquities. Phila. and N. Y., 1849. 12mo. 56. 11 Noble, F. A. Address before the Minn. State Bible Society, 1864. 56. 7. 3 Noble, Samuel. The Plenary Inspiration of the Scriptures Asserted, etc. London, 1865. 12mo. 38. 11 Perry, G. B. The Bible, the Young Man's Guide. Phila., 1844. 18mo. 56. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. J 77 Bible, English. — (Continued). Porter. Ebenezer. Biblical Reader; Extracts. Andover, 1834. 12nio. 56. 2 Smith, Goldwin. Does the Bible Sanction American Slav- ery! Cambridge, 1863. 8vo. 30. 7. 3 Smith, Wm. Dictionary of the Bible. 3 vol. London, 1863. 8vo. 32. 5 Thompson, J. P. Christianity and Emancipation. Teach- ings and Influence of the Bible Against Slavery. X. Y., 1863. 8vo. 30. 7. 4 Spring, Gardiner. Dissertation on the Rule of Faith. X. Y., 1844. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 2, :N"o. 19.) 53. 12 White, E. G. Spirit of Prophecy. (Scripture History.) Battle Creek, Mich., 1870-78. 3 Yol. 56. 10 Bible. (Old Testament.) Dakota. See Pond, S. W. Wowapi Inonpa. Second Dakota Reading Book, Consisting of Bi- ble Stories from the Old Testament. Bost., 1842. 18mo. 22. 1 Woonspe Itakihna. Precept upon Precept. Bible Stories, Trans, into the Dakota Language. By J. B. Renville. Ed. by S. R. Riggs. 22. 1 Greek. Yetus Testamentum,-ex Yersione Septuaginta In- terpretum. Juxta Exemplar Yaticanum, Ex. Editioue Holmesii et Lamberti bos. Glasgute, 1822. 12mo. 3 Yols. 56. 2 Hebrew. Biblia Hebraica, Recensita Yariisque Notis Illus- trata ab Everardo van der Hooght. Ed. Nova, Recognita et Emendata a Judah d'Allemand. Londini, 1846. 8vo. 34. 2 Biblia Hebraica. Secundum Ultimam Editionem. Jos. Athise, a Johanne Leusden denuo Recognitam, Recen- sita Yariisque, Notis Latinis Illustrata ab Everardo van der Hooght. Editio Prima Amer. Sine Punctis Masorethicis. Phila., 1814. 8vo. 2 Yols. 34. 2 Ojibwa. Old Testament Bible Stories. Story of Joseph, and Natural History. Bost., 1835. 12mo. 22. 1 Faber, G. L. Yiew of the Prophecies. Bost., 1809. 8vo. 56. 3 Mills, Abraham. The Ancient Hebrews. Kew York, 1856. 12mo. 56. 11 Dakota. (Genesis.) Book of Genesis, and a part of the Psalms, in the Dakota Language; Trans, by T. S. William- 23 178 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bible. — (Continued.) son, S. E. Eiggs, and Joseph Eenville. Oinn., C, 1842. 12mo. 22. 1 Extracts from Genesis and the Psalms; with the 3d Chapter of Proverbs, and the 3d Chapter of Daniel, in the Dakota Language. Trans, from the French, by Joseph Eenville. Prepared for the Press by Thos. S. Williamson. Cincin- nati, 1839. 16mo. 22, 1 Wicoicage Wowapi, etc. Books of Genesis and Proverbs in the Dakota Language, Trans, by Thos. S. Williamson. N. Y., 1865. -Svo. 22. 1 Pond, Gideon H., and Samuel W. History of Joseph, in the Language of tlie Dakota Indians. Trans, from Gene- sis. Cincinnati, 1839. 16mo. 22. 1 Genesis. See Edgar, C. H. The Curse of Canaan Eightly Interpreted, and Kindred Topics. Three Lectures, ^ew York, 1862. 8vo. 30. 14. 3 Genesis. Lacey, Henry. Principal Events in the Life of Moses. Philadelphia, 1817. 8vo. 43. 13. M. Joshua, Euth. (Dakota.) Books of Joshua, Judges & Euth, in the Dakota Language. Trans, by Thomas S. William- son. New York, 1875. 16mo. 22. 1 Psalms. Book of Psalms, in Eaised Letters for the Blind. New York, Amer. Bible Society. 1846. 4to. Y. Psalterium, Hebreum, Grecu, Arabicu, Chaldeu, Latinis, iter Pratoribus and Glossis. Colophon, 1516. Petrus Paulus Mediolanensis, Taurini degens. 4to. V. (Dakota.) Part of the Psalms in the Dakota Language. Trans, by Stephen ll. Eiggs and Joseph Eenville. 1842. 12mo. 22. 1 Bridges, Charles. Exposition of Psalm CXIX. 3d Amer. Ed. Philadelphia, 1846. 12mo, 56. 3 Watts, Isaac. Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Boston, 1823. 12mo. 56. 2 Proverbs. (Dakota.) Proverbs in the Dakota Language, trans, by T. S. Williamson. 22. 1 Thomas, Elisha S. The Vulgate, etc. Two Lectures. St. Paul, 1883. 8vo. 56. 12. 3 (Irish.) Proverbs of Solomon in Irish and English. Dublin, 1815. l2mo. (not paged.) 34. 1 Daniel. See Smith, Uriah. Thoughts on the Book of Daniel. Battle Creek, Mich., 188L 8vo. 56.10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 179 Bible, the New Testament. New Testament in the Dakota Language. Trans, by Stephen E. Eiggs. New York, 1865. 8vo. Extracts from Mathew, Luke and John, Acts, and First Epistle of John, in the Language of the Dacota Indians. Trans, from the French, by Joseph EenviJle. Prepared for the Press, by Thomas S. Williamson. Cincinnati, 1839. 16mo. 22. 1 (Greek.) Novum Testamentum. Juxta Exeniplar Joannis Millii Accuratissime Impressum. Editio Prima Ameri- cana. Wigorinse, Mass. Execudebat Isaias Thomas, Jr., 1800. 8vo. 56. 2 (Ojibwa.) New Testament Trans, into the Language of the Ojibwa Indians. New York, 1844. 12mo. 22. 1 Gallaudet, T. A. New Testament Stories in the Ojibwa Language. 1835. 12mo. 22. 1 Apochryphal New Testament. Boston, 1821. 12mo. 56. 4 Gospels. (Dakota.) History of our Lord, in the Words of Scripture. Trans, into the Delaware Indian Language. New York, 1821. 12mo. 15. 11. 2 Saint Mark. Gospel According to St. Mark, Eevised from the Ancient Greek MSS. Unknown to the Translators of the Authorized Version, by a Member of the University of Oxford. (John Ivatt Briscoe.) London, 1870. Sm. 4vo. 5b. 4 Saint Mark. (Dakota.) Gospel According to Mark, etc., in the Language of the Dakotas. Trans, from the French by Joseph Eenville. Prepared for the Press by Thomas Wil- liamson. Published for the American Board, etc. Cin- cinnati, 1839. Lg. 16mo. 22. 1 Saint Matthew. (Ojibwa.) Minuajimouin au St. Matthiu. Gospel According to Matthew, in the Ojibwa Language. Boston, 1839. 12mo. 22. 1 Saint Luke. (Ojibway.) Minuajimouin au St. Luke. Anis- hinabe Enuet Guezhianikunotabiung au S. Hale Gaie au George Cop way. (Gospel of St. Luke in Ojibway. Trans, by Sherman Hall and George Cop way.) Boston, 1837. 12vo. 22. 1 Saint John. (Ojibway). »Minuajimouin au St. John. Gos- pel of St. John in the Language of the Ojibwa Indians. Trans, by John and Peter Jones. Boston, 1838. 12vo. 22. 1 180 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bible, the New Testament. — (Continued). Eevelation. See Smith, Uriah. Thoughts on the Book of Eevelatlon. Battle Creek, Mich., 1881. Sm. 8vo. 56. 10 Bible Against Slavery. 4th ed. enlarged, l^ew York, 1838. 8vo. 30. 7. 5 Bible, the. An Historical Sketch of the English Translations of the Bible by a Member of the Mass. Bible Society, 1815. n. t. p. 8vo. 5(5. 11. 6 Bible in the Public Schools. Briefs for the Plaintiffs in Er- ror. Supreme Court of Ohio. Dec. term, 1870. The Board of Education of the City of Cincinnati, et al. Plffs. in Error, vs, John D. Miner et al, Defts. in Error. n. p., n. d. 8vo. 56. 11. 5 See Brakeman, Eev. IS. L. A Blow at the Public Schools. La Fayette, Ind. n. d. 56. 9. 3 Bushnell, Horace. Modifications Demanded by the Eoman Catholics in the Public Schools. Hartford, 1853. 8vo. 56. 12. 8 Cincinnati, Superior Court. Arguments. Opinions and Decisions of the Court. (1869-70.) Cin., 1870. 8vo. 57. 3 Hurlbut, E. P. A Secular View. Albany, 1870. 8vo. 57. 10. 1 Parker, Cortlandt. Fourth of July Oration. 1876. 16. 12 Parker, Cortlandt. Fourth of July Oration. 1876. 16. 12 Proceedings and Addresses at the Mass Meeting, Pike's Music Hall, Cincinnati, Sept. 28, 1869, with a sketch of the Anti-Bible Movement. Cinn., 1869. 8vo. 56.11.5 Eeese, D. M. Address, n. t. p. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 8.) 56. 11. 5 Eeligion in the Public Schools. Boston, 1870. 12mo. 57. 10. 1 Some of the Arguments that have been made in Favor of Abolishing Eeligious Instruction in the Public Schools. Cinn. 1870. 8vo. 56. 11. 5 Spear, S. T. Eeligion and the State; the Bible and the Public Schools. N. Y., 1876. Sm. 8vo. 57. 3 See Under "Education," the Common School Controversy. 56. 9. 3 Bible Societies. See Albany County; American; Fulton and Hamilton Counties; Oneida County, F. Y. Massachusetts; Scoharie County, etc. Biblical Eeader. See Porter, Ebenezer. Andover, 1834. 12mo. 56. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 181 BiBLiOGEAPHY. See Allen, J. A. Bibliography of Getacea and Sirenia. (U. S. Geol. Survey, Bulletin. Vol. 6, No. 3.) 19. 5. 1 Adams, J. F. A. Bibliography of Cremation. (Mass. Bd. of Health Eeport, 1875, p. 315.) 8. 5 Bartlett, J. R. Bibliography of Rhode Island. Provi- dence, 1864. 8vo. 74. 10 Binney, W. G. Bibliography of North American Conchol- ogy Previous to 1860. Pt. 1, 2. Wash., 1863-69. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 5-9.) 49. 2 Bossange, Gustave. Catalogue of Works published in France, 1870-71. Paris, 1872. 8vo. 74. 10 Brown, F. H. Indexes to Medical Literature. Boston, 1881. 16mo. 51. 11. 5 Boyd, Andrew, (and Hart, C. H.) Memorial Lincoln Bib- liography; works upon Abraham Lincoln. Albany, 1870. 8vo. 44. 12 Bridger, Charles. Index to Printed Pedigrees, contained in Local Histories, Heralds' Visitations, and in Genealog- ical Collections. London, 1867. 8vo. 46. 2 Bullen, George. Bibliography of Uncle Tom^s Cabin. (Pre- fixed to Stowe, H. B. "ilncle Tom's Cabin.") 1884. 12mo. 30. 6 Catalogue of Books, Pamphlets, and other Publications re- ferring to New Jersey during the Colonial Period. (Ap- pended to Stevens, Henry, Analytical Index, 1858. 8vo. New Jersey Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 5.) 10. 8 Catalogue of Official Reports of Geological Surveys of the U. S. and British Provinces. No imprint. 8vo. 74. 13. 1 Catalogue of the Private Library of Thomas Dowse, of Cambridge, Mass., presented to the Mass. Hist. Soc, July 30, 1856. Boston, 1870. 74. 13 Catalogue of Publications of Protestant Missionaries in China. Shanghai, 1876. 4to. 25. 6. 2 Cavendar, C. H. Catalogue of A^orks in Refutation of Methodism, 1729-1868. N. Y., 1868. 8vo. 74. 13. 3 Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Liste et Examen des Auteurs sur I'Amerique, etc. (Prefixed to his ^'Histoire de la Nouvelle France." 1744.) 4to. 20. 10 Same, translated by J. G. Shea. Vol. 1. 20. 10 182 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. • Bibliography. — (Continued ). Col burn, Jeremiah. Bibliography of the Local History of Massachusetts. N. E. Hist. Gen. Eegister. Vols. 21-25. 46. 3 Collier, J. P. Bibliographical, and Critical Account of the Barest Books in the English Language, X. Y., 1866. 8vo. 4 Vols. 74. 10 Coves, Elliott. Publications Eelating to I^orth American Ornithology, 1612-1873. (Appendix to his Birds of the Colorado Valley, 1878.) 8vo. 49. 11 Same, parts 2 and 3. Bulletin Geol. Survey, Vol. 5, No. 2-4. 49. 5. 1 Dufosse, E. Americana. Bulletin du Bouquiniste Amer- icana. 8vo. Durrie, D. S. Alphabetical Index to American Genealo- gies and Pedigrees. Albany, :N^. Y., 1878. 8vo. 46. 12 Field, T. W. Essay Towards an Indian Bibliography. Cat- alogue of Books relating to the Indians. ]N". Y., 1873. 8vo. 15. 2 Gill, Theodore (and Coves, Elliott.) Bibliography of Korth American Mammals. (App. to U. S. Geol. Survey. Vol. 2, pp. 951-1081.) 50. 8 Bibliography of the Fishes of the Pacific Coast, 1879. Guild, E. A. Librarian's Manual; Treatise on Biblio- graphy. N. Y., 1858. 4to. 74. 6 Harrisse, H. Notes Pour Servir a I'Histoire a la Bibliogra- phic et a la Cartographic de la Nouvelle France, 1645- 1700. Pari^, 1872. 8vo. 74. 8 Hart, C. H. List of Publications on the Death of Daniel Webster, n. t. p. 8vo. p. 4. 74. 13. 3 Hay den, Horace E. Bibliography of the Wyoming Valley, Pa. 11. 10. 1 Holden, E. S. Index Catalogue of Books relating to Nebula and Clusters, etc. Wash., 1877. 8vo. (Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 14.) 49. 2 Lowndes, W. T. Bibliographers' Manual of English Liter- ature. Containing Account of Books Eelating to Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1834. 8vo. 4 vols. 74. 8 List of Publications by Members of certain College Faculties and Learned Societies in the IT. S. 1867-72. Washington, 1873. 8vo. 56. 9. 7 Ludewig, H. E. Literature of American Aboriginal Lan- guages. London, 1858. 8vo. 74. 10 CATALOGUE CF THE LIBBAB Bibliography. — (Continued ). Mitchill, S. L. History of Botanical Writings of America. (K. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1814. pp. 149-215.) 10. 4 Morgan, H. J. Bibliotheca Canadensis; Manual of Canadian Literature. Ottawa, .1867. 8vo. 20. 2 Munsell, Joel. Catalogue of Books on Printing and the Kindred Arts. Albany, 1868. 8vo. 52. 14. 5 bourse, J. E. Principal English Arctic Publications be- tween the Years 1818 and 1860. (Prefixed to HalFs Sec- ond Arctic Expedition.) 1879. 4to. 20. 14 Nichols, J. G. Bibliography of British Genealogy and To- pography. (In his Topographer, etc. 1846-58. Yol. 1.) 8vo. 46. 2 O'Callaghan, E. B. Jesuit Relations of Discoveries, 1632- 3672. (K. Y. Hist. Soc. Proceedings, Kov. 1847. p. 140.) 10. 4. 1 Same. N. Y., 1847. 8vo. 14. 13. 1 Peale, A. C. Bibliography of Hot Springs and Geysers. (Twelfth Annual Report IT. S. Geol. Survey. Part II. p. 63.) 8vo. 49. 4. 1 Bibliography of Yellowstone K^ational Park. 8vo. 49. 4. 1 Poole, Wm. F. Index to Periodical Literature. 3d edition. Boston, 1882. 8vo. 74. 14 Poore, Ben Perley. Descriptive Catalogue of Government Publications. Wash., 1885. 4to. 60. 14 Reference Catalogue. English Current Literature. London, 1886. 76. 9 Rich, Obadiah. Bibliotheca America Nova. Catalogue of Books in Various Languages Relating to America, printed since 1700. London and New York, 1835-46. 8vo. 74. 10 Roorbach, O. A. Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of American Publications, from 1820 to 1852. N. Y., 1852. 8vo. 74. 10 Sabin, J, The American Bibliopolist. 9 vols. 1868-77. 8vo. N. Y. 74. 9 Bibliographical Description of Works of Hennepin and Herrara, Extracted from Dictionary of Books Relat- ing to America. N. Y., 1876. 8vo. 74. 13. 3 Dictionary of Books Relating to America. N. Y., 1868- 86. 16 vols. 8vo. 74. 9 184 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BiBLiooRAPH. — (Continued ). Shea, J. P. Bibliography of Hennepin. (Appended to Hennepin, Louis, Description, etc. 1880. 8vo.) 22. 1 Smithsonian Institution. Catalogue of Publications to 1882. Wash., 1882. 8vo. 3 parts. (Misc. Coll., Vol. 5. 14. 27) 49. 2 Check List of Publications, 1872-81. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Misc. Coll., Vol. 10. 27.) 49. 2 Thomas, Isaiah. Catalogue of American Publications, Pre- vious to 1776 (in his History of Printing, etc.) 1874. Vol. 2. p. 399. ' 9. 10 Thomson, Peter G. Bibliography of Ohio. Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets Relating to the History of the State. Cinn., 1880. 8vo. 18. 8 Trumbull J. H. Books an^ Tracts in the Indian Language, 1653-1721. (American Antiq. Soc. Proc, 1873. p. 45.) 9. 3 Watson, Sereno. Bibliographical Index to North American Botany. Part 1. Wash., 1878. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., vol. 15.) 49. 9 White, C. A. (and Nicholson, H. A.) Bibliography of N. A. Invertebrate Palaeontology. Wash., 1878. 8vo. (U. S. Geol. Survey, Misc. Publ. No. 10.) . 49. 5. 3 Same. Supplement. (Geol. Survey Bulletin, vol. 5, No. 1.) 49. 5. 1 Whitmore,* W. H. American Genealogist. Catalogue of Family Histories Issued in the United States. Albany, 1868. 8vo. 46. 12 Williams, J. Fletcher. Bibliography of Minnesota. (Minn. Hist. Coll., vol 3. p. 15. 8vo.) 22. 10 Willis, William. Bibliographical Essay on the Early Col- lections of Voyages to America. (New England Hist. Gen. Register, vol 15.) 46. 3 See also Catalogue, Library, Literature, etc. BiBLiOPOLiST, the American. See Sabin, J.- The American Bibliopolist. 9 vols. 74. 9 BiBLiOTHECA Fanatica. 1660. 4to. (Harleiau Misc. Vol. 7. pp. 141-144.) 40. 3 BIBLIOTHECA MiLiTUM; or. The Soldier's Public Library. London, 1659. 4to. (Harleiau Misc. Vol. 7, pp. 87-88.) 40. 3 BicKERSTETH, Henry, Lord Langdale. Speech on the Laws CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 185 BicKERSTETH. — (Continued ). Eespecting Wills, Feb. 23, 1837. London, 1837. 8vo. (Misc. Paniph., vol. 15, Ko. 5.) 53. 6 BiCKNELL, KOBERT T. Counterfeit Detector and Bank :N"ote List. Vol. 8, ^o. 4. PMla., 1840. 8vo. 72. 5 BiCKNELL, Thos. Williams. The Annual Address before the National Educational Association of the U. S., at Madi- son, July 18, 1884. Boston, 1884. 8vo. 56. 8. 4 A Memorial of a Respectable and Respected Family, and Especially of Joshua Bicknell, etc. Bost., 1880. 8vo. 47. 2 BicKNELL Family. See Bicknell, T. W. Family of Joshua Bicknell. 47. 2: The Bicknells and the Family Re-union, at Weymouth.^ Mass., Sept. 22, 1880. Bost., 1880. 8vo. 47. 1 BiDDEFOED, Maine. See Folsom, George. History of Saco and Biddeford, M. 7. 9' BiDDLE, Charles J. The Alliance with the Xegro. Speech in the House of Reps. N. Y., March 6, 1862. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 7. 6 BiDDLE, John. Discourse on the History, Resources and Future Prospects of Michigan. (Mich. Hist. Soc. Sketches, 1834. 12mo. pp. 149-175.) 18. 4 BiDWELL, Edwin M. Genealogy of the First Seven Generations of the Bidwell Family in America. Albany, 1884. 8vo. 47. 1 Bidwell Family. See Bidwell, E. M. Gen. of the Bidwell Family. 1884. 8vo. 47. 1 Biedma, Luis Hernandez de. Narrative of the Expedition of Hernando de Soto, Presented to the King of Spain, 1544. (Hist. Coll. of Louisiana, Vol. 2, pp. 95-109.) 20. 3 Bienville, Jean Baptiste Lemoyne de, (French Gov. of La.) Establissement de la Nouvelle Orleans; Gouvernement de Bienville. (Margry, Pierre, Decouvertes, etc., 1876-83. 8vo. Yol. 5, p. 587.) 20. 11 BiGBY, John S. Congressional Reconstruction. Speech, in the TJ. S. House of Representatives, Feb. 24, 1872. Wash- ington, 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 5, No. 29.) 60. 1 BiGELOW, Rev. Andrew. God's Charge Unto Israel. Mass. Election Sermon, Jan. 6, 1836. 8vo. 56. 5. 4 BiGELOW, Erastus B. Address Upon the Wool Industry of the U. S., at the Exhibition of the American Institute in 24 186 3nNNES0TA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BiGELOW, ErastusB.— (Coutinued). :N'ew York, Oct. 5, 1869. I^. Y. 8vo. (iS^o. 23 in Pamph. on Indust. Prot.) 57. 9 Tariff Question. Considered in Eegard to the Policy of England and to the Interests of the U. S. Bost., 1862. 4to. V. BiGELOw, Henry. See Young, E. J. Words Commemorative of Henry Bigelow. Bost, 1866. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 1 BiGELOW, Henry Jacob. Fragments of Medical Science and Art. Address before the Boylston Medical Society. Bost., 1846. 8vo. 51. 11. 5 Science and Success. Valedictory Address to the Medical Graduates of Harvard University, at Commencement, March 9, 1859. Bost., 1859. 8vo. (Harv. Coll. Addresses, No. 12.) 9. 2 Bigelow, Timothy. Address at the Fraternal Visits of the Crystal Fount Division, Jan. 15, Feb. 3 and 24, March 24, April 2, 1875. Bost., 1875. 8vo. 4 Pamph. (Xos. 20-23 in Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6.) 9. 2 Inaugural Address. Temperance Society, Jan. 8, 1875. Bost. 1875. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, IsTo. 19.) 9. 2 Bigelow, Wm. H. Sketch of. Worcester Soc. of Antiq. Pro- ceedings, 1882. 9. 10. 2 BiGLEY, Cantell A. (Can tell a big lie?) Aurofodina; or Ad- ventures in the Gold Eegion. l^ew York, 1849. 12mo. 19. 8 BiGLOW, William. History of Xatick, Mass., from the days of the Apostolic Elliott, to the Present Time. Bost., 1830. 8vo. 25. 8 BiGNON, Louis Pierre. Les Cabinets et les Peuples, 1815-22. Paris. Londres, 1823. (Pamphleteer, vol. 22.) 53. 12 Bigot, Jacques, le pere. (Jesuit Missionary in Canada.) Ee- lation de la Mission Abnaquise, 1702. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. (Jesuit Eelatious, ^o. 23.) 20. 3 Bill, Ledyard. Minnesota; its Character and Climate. X.Y., 1871. 12mo. 22. 8 BiLLERiCA, Eng. See Porter, E. G. The Mother-town of Bil- lerica, (Mass.,) in England, n. t. p. 8vo. 25. 1. 6 BiLLERiCA, Mass. See Farmer, John. Historical Memoir of Billerica, to 1816. Amherst, :N". H., 1816. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Hazen, H. A. History of Billerica, to 1880. Bost., 1883. 8vo. 8. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 187 Billings, E. Palaeozoic Fossils. Cauada Geol. Survey, 1863. 51. 6 Billings, John D. History of the lOth Mass. Battery of Light • Artillery in the War of the Eebellion, 1862-65. Bost., 1881. 8vo. 29. 10 Billings, John S. Eeport on the Hygiene of the U. S. Army. Wash., 1875. 4to. 50. 9 Report on the Mortality and Vital Statistics of the U. S., as Eeturned at the 10th Census, June 1, 1880. (Vol. 11, U. S. Census, 1880, part 1, p. 767.) 4to. 1885. 50. 10 Billon, Frederic L. Annals of Saint Louis, Mo: its Early Days under the French and Spanish Dominations. St. Louis, 1886. 4to. 17. 11 Bingham, Helen M. History of Green Co., Wis. Milwaukee, 1877. 12mo. 19. 14 Bingham, John A. Credit Mobilier. Speech, H. of R, Feb. 26, 1873. Washington, 1873. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph. Vol. 23, Ko. 6.) 60. 8 Enforcement of the Constitution and Laws of the United States. Speech. H. R., March 31, 18.71. Wash., 1871. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 44.) 60. 8 Let Justice be Done, etc., Restore the Mutilated Records. Speech, H. of R., Feb. 20, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 13^) 60. 8 Sj)eech on the Reconstruction of the Union. H. of R., Jan. 16, 1867. Wash., 1867. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph. Vol. 29. No. 55.) 60. 8 Judge Advocate. Trial of the Conspirators for the Assas- sination of President Lincoln. Argument in reply to the Counsel for the Defense, June 27 and 28, 1865, before the Military Commission, Washington. 1865. 8vo. 30. 9 Bingham, Hiram, Jr. Story of the Morning Star, the Child- ren's Missionary Vessel. Boston, 1866. 16mo. 56. 14. 4 Bingham, S. D. Manual for the Legislature of Michigan, 1871-72. Lansing, 1871. 16nio. 18. 4 BiNGHAMPTON, N. Y. See Wilkinson, J. B. Annals of Bing- hampton, 1800-1840. Binghampton, 1840. 16mo. 10. 9 Directory, 1869, 70. By Andrew Boyd. Albany, 1869. 8vo. 80 Binney, Charles J. F. Genealogy of the Binney Family, of the United States. Albany, 1886. 8vo. 47. 8 188 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL' SOCIETY. BiNNEY, Charles J. F. — (Continued). History and Genealogy of the Prentice or Prentiss Family, in New England, 1631-1852. Boston, 1852. 8vo. 47. 5 Second Edition, 1883. 8vo. 47. 5 BiNNEY, Horace. Inquiry into the Formation of Washington's Farewell Address. Philadelphia, 1859. 8vo. 44. 11 Letter to the Union League of Philadelphia, on the main- tenance of the Union, June 25, 1863. n. t. p. Philadel- phia, 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus, Under the Consti- tution. Philadelphia, 1862. 8vo. . 30. 4. 4 BiNNEY, "VV. G. Bibliography of North American Conchology Previous to 1860. Pt. 1, 2. Washington, 1863, 69. Svo. 2 Yols. (Smiths. Misc. Coll. Vols. 5, 9.) 49. 2 Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America. Pt. 1, 3. Washington, 1865-69. 8vo. 3 Vols. (Smiths. Misc. Coll. Vols. 7, 8.) 49. 2 BiNNEY Family. See Binney, C. J. F. Genealogy of the Binney Family. Albany, 1886. 8vo. 47. 8 Biographical Cyclopedia of Representative Men of Mary- land AND District of Colu:.ibia. Baltimore, 1879. 4to. 44. 14 Biographical Dictionary. (U. S.) Minnesota Volume. Chi- cago, 1879. 4to. 22. 6 Biographical Encyclopedia of Illinois, of the 19th Cen- tury. Philadelphia, 1875. 4to. 44. 14 Biographical Encyclopedia of Kentucky, of the 19th Century. Cincinnati, O., 1878. 4to. 44. 14 Biographical Encyclopedia of Ohio of the 19th Cen- tury. Cincinnati- and Philadelphia, 1876. 4to. 44. 14 Biography. Abbott, Henry Livermore. Anon. Boston, 1864. 8vo. 43. 6. A. Adams, John. Life of, by C. F. Adams. (Works, Vol. 1.) 44. 3 Adams, John Qnincy. Memoir, by Josiah Quincy. 1858. 44. 3 Adams, Samuel. Life of, by W. V. Wells. 3 Vols. 1865. 44. 3 Biography. Adams, Wm. and Eliphalet. Memoir, by F. M. Calkins, 1849. 43. 6 Alexander. John H. Memoir, by Wm. Pinkney, 1867. 43. 6. A. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 189 Biography — (Continued). Allen, Zachariah. Memorial by Amos Perry, 1883. 43.2 Ames, Fisher. Life and Character, 1809. 43. 6. A Ames, Cakes. Memoir. Cambridge, 1883. 43. 3 Anderson, Eichard C. Biog. Sketch, by E. L. Anderson, 1859. 43. 8 Andre, Maj. John. Life and Career, by Winthrop Sargent, 1861. 43. 9 Andrew, John A. Memorial Address, by A. B. Sargent, 1775. 8.9.6 Andrews, C. C. Biog. Sketch, 1874. . 43. 6. A Anthon, Geo. C. Narrative of his Settlement, etc., by C. E. Anthon, 1872. 43. 6. A Appleton, Nathan. Memoir, by E. C. Winthrop, 1861. 43. 6. A Appleton, Wm. Memoir, by Chandler Eobbins, 1863. 44. 9 Arago, Francois. Autobiography, 1870. 49. 3 Arnold, Benedict. Life and Treason. By Jared Sparks, 1835. 44. 1 Life, etc. By I. N. Arnold. 1880. 44. 1 Arthur, King. History of. 1865. 3 Vols. 43. 8 Ashbridge, Elizabeth. Auto. Phila., 1886. 16mo. 45. 1 Astor, John J. Life, by James Parton. N. Y., 1865. 34. 6. A Aubrey, Francis X. Par Joseph Tasse, 1871. 43. 6. A Audenreid, Joseph C. In Memorjam. n. d. 43. 6. A Audubon, J. J. See St. John, Mrs. H. Life and Adven- tures. KY., 1856. 12mo. 45.11 Augustus, John. Autobiography, 1852. 43. 6. A Bache, Alex. D. See Gould, B. A. ' 42. 6. B. 2 Bailey, Eev. Jacob. Memoir, by W. S. Barlett, 1853. 56.3 Baker, Gen. E. D. Addresses on his Death, 1861. 43. 9 Baldwin, Theron. Sketch of, by J. M. Sturtevant, 1875. 43. C. B. 1 Barlow, Joel. See Todd, C. B. Life. 25. 3 Barneveld, John. See Motley, J. L. Life of. London, 1874, 42.4 Barney, Joshua. Memoir of, by Mary Barney, 1832. 43. 2 190 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biography — (Continued). Barnum, P. T. See Orcutt, Samuel. Hist, of Bridgeport, Conn. Vol. 2, p. 841. 7. 14 Bartlett, John E. See Gammellj Wm. Life and Services. Providence, 1886. 8vo. 33. 6. B. 2 Bartlett, Wm. Francis. Memoir, by F. W. Palfrey, 1878. 33. 8 Barton, Joel. Life of, by 0. B. Todd, 1886. 25. 3 Barton, Gen. Wm. Life, by Mrs. C. E. Williams, 1839. 43. 2 Batchelder, Samuel. Memoir of, by Eev. W. E. Bagnall. 8. 2. 3 Bates, Elder Joseph. Life and Labors. Auto. 1877. 44.8 Bates, Joshua. Memorial of City of Boston, 1865. 44. 6 Tribute of Boston to, 1864. 43. 2 Bayard, Samuel. Diary in London, 1785-'6. 10. 1 Beaman, Ezra. See Lovell, A. A. Sketch of the Life of, etc. Dorchester, 1882. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Beebee, James. Sketch by E. C. Ambler. 1884. 43. 6 Beecher, Lyman. See Beecher, Charles. Auto., etc. 45. 4 By J, F. Tuttle. 1863. 43. 6. B. 2 Behaim, Martin. Sketch of, by J. G. Morris. 1855. 43. 6. B. 1 Beltrami, Giacomo Costantino. By Gabriele Eosa. 1861. 43. 6. B. 1 Bennett, James Gordon. 1855. 43. 1 ■ Birney, James G. By Wm. Birney. 1884. 43. 6. B. 2 . Black Hawk. Life of. 1856. 44.8 Life of J Dictated by himself. 1845. 43. 8 Blackshear, Gen. David. See Miller, S. F. Memoir of. 45.2 Blaine, J. G. Campaign Life of, by James King. 1884. 43. 6. B. 2 Blake, Samuel. Memoir, by W. B. Trask. 43. 6. B. 2 Blanchard, Eev. Amos. Sketch of, by Dr. D. ^N". Patterson. 8.2.3 Blennerhassett, Harman. See Safford, Wm. H. The Blen- nerhassett Papers, etc. 14. 14 Bordley, John Beale. Sketch, by E. B. Gibson. 1865. 47.8 Boone, Daniel. Memoir, by Timothy Flint. 1845. 43. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 191 Biography — (Continued). Both well, Earl of. See J. W. De Puyster. Yindlcation of. 1882. 46. 5 Bowditch, :N'atlianiel. Eulogy on, by D. A. White. 1838. 43. 6. B. 2 Bowles, Charles. Life, by J. W. Lewis. 1852. 43. 8 Bowles, Samuel. See Merriam, Geo. S. Life and Times. K Y., 1885. 45.3 Bradford, Wm. Life, by Cotton Mather. 43. 6. B. 1 Brant, Joseph. Life of, by W. L. Stone. 44. 11 Breck, J. Lloyd. Life, by Charles Breck. 1883. 43. 1 Breck, Samuel. Memoir, by J. F. Fisher. 1863. 43. 6. B. 1 Memoir, by J. E. Ingersoll. 1863. 43. 6. B. 1 Eecollections. Phila., 1877. 43. 1 Breese, Sidney. See Fuller, M. W. Biog. Memoir of. Chic, 1884. 17. 10 Brewster, Gov. Wm. Life, by Ashbel Steele. 1857. 43. 3 Briggs, Robert M. Addresses on, etc. 1869. 43. 6. B. 2 Brooks, John. Memoir, by Charles Brooks. 43. 6. B. 2 Bross, Col. John A. Memorial. 1865. 43. 2 Brown, Capt. John. Reminiscences of, by Geo. W. Brown. 43. 6. B. 2 Life of, etc. 43. 6. B. 2 Brown, Capt. Moses. Sketch of, by S. Swett. 1846. 43. 6. B. 1 Browne, John White. In Memoriam. 1860. 43. 8 Brownlow, W. G. Biography. 43. 6. B. 1 Brunson, Alfred. Autob. 1872. 2 Vols. 19. 4 Buchanan, James. Life of. 43. 6. B. 1 Buckingham, J. T. Personal Memoirs. 1852. 2 Vols. 43. J Burnet, Judge Jacob. Discourse on, by D. K. Este. 1853. 43. 6. B. 2 Burnett, Peter H. Recollections of. 1880. 43. 3 Burns, Robert. Memoir of, by Wm. Gunnyon. 74. 4 Burr, Aaron. Memoirs, by M. L. Davis. 1837. 44. 9 See Tuttle Genealogy, p. 386. 47. 13 Burritt, Elihu. Memorial of, by Charles Korthend. 187 9. 46.5 See Tuttle Genealogy, p. 124. 47 . 13 Butler, James, Duke of Ormond. History of, by Thos. Carte. 1726.' 2 Vols. 43.14 192 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biography — (Continued). Butler, W. O. Sketch of his Public Services. Phila., 1848. 8vo. ' 45. 8 1 Caesar, Julius. Histoire de, par Napoleon III. 1865. 46. 5 Cabot, John and Sebastian. By Charles Deane. 25. 9 Cabot, Sebastian. A Memoir. 45. 4 Calvert, George (Lord Baltimore). Life of, by J. P. Ken- nedy. 1845. 43.9 Paper on, by L. W. Wilhelm. 1884. 46. 5 Campbell, Lewis. Biographical Sketch, by W. H. Barnes. 43. 6. C. 1 Carausius, M. A. Y. History of, by J. W. De Puyster. 1858. 43.2 Carey, Henry C. Memoir, by Wm. Elder. 1880. 43. 6. C. 1 Casanova, Jacques. Autob. 8 Vols. 38. 1 Cass, Lewis. Life of. 1848. 43. 6. C. 1 Life of. Anon. Phila., 1848. 8vo. 45.8 Cedarholm, Adolph. Sketch of, by P. K. Eye. 1868. 43. 6. C. 1 Champlain, de, Samuel. Sketch of, by H. H. Hurlbut. 43. 6. C. 1 Account of, by E. F. Slafber. 25. 9 Channing, Wm. EUery. Memoirs. 3 Yols. 44. 1 Chapin, Mary Anderson. Tribute to. 1873. 43. 6. C. 1 Chaumonot, C, pere. Autob. 1638. 20. 3 Childs, Geo. W. Biog. Sketch. 1870. 43. 6. C. 1 Chittenden, Thomas. Memoir of. By Daniel Chipman. 1849. 44. 1 Choate, Eufus. Memoir, by S. G. Brown. 44. 9 Chute, James. . In Memoriam. 1874. 43. 6. C. 1 Clagett, Wyseman. See Atherton, C. H. Biog. of Clagett. 7.3 Clay, Henry. Biography. By Geo. D. Prentice. 1831. 44. 12 Life and Services of, by Epes Sargent. 1844. 43. 6. C. 2 Life of. By Daniel Mallory. 1844. 2 Yols. 44.12 Life of. By Calvin Colton. 1846. 2 Yols. 44.12 '' " '' 1864. 3 Yols. 44.5 Clayton, John M. Memoir. By J. P. Comegys. 1882. 46. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 193 Biography — (Continued). Cleaveland, Mrs. Susan H. Sermon on. By Calvin Clarke. 1843. 43. 6. C. 1 Clinton, De Witt. Life of. By W. W. Campbell. 1849. 44.6 Tribute to the Memory of. 1828. 43. 1 Cole, Thomas. Funeral Oration, by W. C. Bryant. 1848. 43. 6. C. 1 Coles, Edward. Sketch of. E. B. Washburn. 1882. 43.9 Collamer, Jacob. Addresses on his Death, 1865. 43. 9 Memorial Address on, by James Barrett. 53. 6. C. 1 Columbus, Christopher. See Barry, J. J. Life of. Bost., 1869. 8vo. 45. 4 History of, by Aaron Goodrich. 1874. 43. 10 Winsor, Justin. Columbus and his Discoveries. 25. 9 Congdon, Charles T. Eeminiscences of. (Auto.) 1880. 43. 1 Conyngham, John IS. See Stevens, Wm B. 1871. 43. 6. C. 2 . Cook, Daniel P. Memoir by Wm. Brown. 1857. 42. 6. C. 1 Cooper, James T. See Arnald, Isaac N. A Tribute to, etc. 10.9 Cooper, Peter. Life of, by J. C. Zachos. 1876. 43. 6. C. Coote, Eichard, Earl of Bellomont. Life of, by F. De Peyster 1879. 45. 3 Copland, Eev. Patrick. Memoir, by E. D. :Neill. 1871. 44.1 Cop way, George. Life of. (Auto.) 1847. 43. 2 Cornwallis, Charles, Earl. Correspondence. 1859. 3 Vols. 43.2 Cortes, Hernando. Life of, by Justin Winsor. 1885. 25. 9 Crawford, Thomas. His Career, etc., by Thomas Hicks. 1858. 43. 6. C. 1 Cresap, Capt. Michael. Biog. Sketch, by J. J. Jacob. 1866. 44. 7 Crockett, Col. David. Life of. Anon. 1834. 46. 5 Crockett, David. See Ellis, Edward S. Life of. Phila., n. d. 45. 3 Curwen, Samuel. Journal of. 1775. 44. 13 Cuthbert, St., of Lindisfarne. By A. C. Fryer. 1880. 43. 9 194 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biography — (Continued^. Dale, Samuel. See Claiborne, J. F. H. Life and Times. N. Y., 1860. 12mo. 45. 4 Dalton, Edward B. Memorial. 1872. 43. 9 Dana, Samuel. See Atherton, Ohas. H. Memoir. 7. 3 Davidson, Lucretia M. Biog. by C. M. Sedgwick. 1857. 74.4 Davidson, Margaret M. By Washington Irving. 1857. 74.4 Davis, Henry Winter. Oration on, by J. A. J. Creswell. 1866. 43. 2 Day, Mary L. Auto. n. d. 43. 8 Dean, Gardner. Auto. 47. 9 Deane, Rev. Samuel. See Willis, Wm. Journal and Memoir. 7. 9 Dearborn, Gen. Henry A. S. Address, by Geo. Putnam. 1851. 43. 6. D Decatur, Com. Stephen. Life of, by S. P. Waldo. 182L 44.1 De Peyster, Frederic. In Memoriam. 1882. 43. 6. D De Witt, John. Sketch of, by R. G. Barnwell. 1856. 43. 2 Dillon, J. B. See Coburn, John. 18. 11. 3 Dorr, Benj. Discourse on, by J. W. Wallace. 43. 6. D Douglas, Stephen A. Addresses on. Congress, 1861. 43. 9 Life of, by H. M. Flint;. 1865. 43. 8 Douglass, Rev. John Abbot. See Warren, Wm. Hist, of Waterford, Me. 7. 9 Dow, Lorenzo. Life of, by himself. 1856. 44. 9 Drake, Sir Francis. Life of, by E. E. Hale. 25. 9 Draper, Lyman C. Biog. Sketch of, by R. B. Anderson. 1881. 43. 6. D Durfee, Job. Discourse on, by R. G. Hazard. 1848. 43. 6. D Eaton, Cyrus. Sketch of, by J. L. Sibley. 46. 6. E Eaton, Gen. William. Life, from^his Correspondence, etc. 43.9 Eddy, Col. Jonathan. Memoir, by J. 'W. Porter. 1877. 47.9 Edison, Thomas A. Memoir, by F. J. Garbit, 1878. 46.3. E Edwards, Jonathan. Life and Character. Anon. London, 1735. 12mo. 45. 4 See Tuttle Genealogy, p. 374. 47. 13 Elbert, Samuel, Maj. Gen. See Jones, C. C. Life and Ser- vices of, etc. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo. 43. 6. E Eliot, John. The Apostle. See Caverly, R. B. Annals of the Boodeys. 47. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 195 BiOGEAPHY — (Continued). Sketch of his Life, by H. A. S. Dearborn. 1850. 43. 6. E Elliott, Charles Loring. Eeminiscences of, by T. B. Thorpe. 1868. 43. 6. E Elliott, Jesse D. Auto. 1844. 43. 9 Elliott, Stephen. Eulogy on, by Solomn Cohen. 1867. , 43. 6. E Elwes, John. Life, by Edward Tophani, 1790. 53. 12 Emerson, Geo. B. Memoir. See Waterston E. C. 25. 3 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Clarke, J. F. Memoir of. 9. 14 See Holmes, O. W. Memoir. London, 1885. 45. 9 Evans, John. Biog. Sketch of, by E. D. Neill. 1872. 43 6. E Evans, Oliver. Sketch of, by G. A. Latimer. 43. 6. E Everett, Edward. Address upon, by Eichard H. Dana, Jr. 1865. 43. 6. E Life of. Sermon, by Eufus Ellis. Boston, 1865. 43. 6. E Proceedings Amer. Ant. Soc. Jan. 17, 1865. 43. 3 Tribute to the Memory of, by the IS". E. Hist. Gen. Soc. 1865. 43. 3 Fanshaw, Lady Anne. Memoirs of. Auto. 1830. 43. 1 Farquharson, E. J. Biog. Sketch of, by W. D. Middleton. 19.13 Fessenden, William Pitt. Memoir of, by G. H. Preble. 1871. 43. 6. F Filley, William. Life of. 43. 3 Fillmore, Millard. Early History of. Auto. 10. 5 Filson, John. Account of his Life, by E. T. Durrett. 1884. 18. 14 Finley, J. B. Autobiography. 1854. • 44. 1 Firmin, Giles. Brief Memoir of, by J. W. Dean. 43. 6. F Fisher, Samuel S. In Memoriam. 1874. 43. 9 Fitch, John. Life of, by Thompson Westcott. 1857. 44. 7 Fletcher, Calvin. Memoir, by W. B. Trask. 1869. 43. 6. F Fox, Ebenezer. Adventures in the Eev. War. 43. 1 Fox, George. See Sewel, Wm. History of the Quakers. 56.11 Francis, John W. Eulogy on, by Valentine Mott. 43. 6. F Franklin, Benjamin. Auto, and Contin., by Jared Sparks. 44.2 Life and Times, by James Parton. 2 Vols. 44. 2 196 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biography — (Continued). Fuller, A. B. Life Sketch, by R. F. Fuller. 1864. 44. 8 Fuller, Margaret. See Howe, Julia Ward. Memoir, etc. 1883. 45. 9 Fulton, Robert. Life of, by C. D. Golden. 1817. 43. 9 Gasevoort, Peter. Sketch of. 1876. 43. 6. G ^ Garfield, James A. See Blaine, J. G. Memorial Address, etc. 44. 12 Bisbin, J. S. Life of Garfield. Gorbett, Sermon on the Assassination of, etc. n. p. 12mo. 1881. 43. 6. G Life and Public Gareer, by W. R. Balch. 43. a See also Sermons, Funeral. Garibaldi, Gen. Guiseppe. Life. Auto. 1859. 43. 10 Garneau, F. X. Un Gotemporian. Par W. R. GasgraiD. 1866. 43. 6. G Garrison, Wm. Lloyd. Life and Times, by Oliver Johnson. 1880. 43. 11 Gay, George Henry. Brief Memoir, by G. H. Gay. 43. 6. G Genin, Thomas H. Biog. Sketch. 43. 10 Gifford, Stephen I^ye. A Memorial of. etc. Boston, 1886. 25.3 Girard, Stephen, Biog. Sketch, by H. G. Arey. 1857. 43. 1 Goddard, D. A. Memoir, by G. G. Smith. 1882. 43. 6. G Gordon, James B. Memoir of, etc. Dublin, 1820. 16. 14 Gorgii, Arthur. Life and Acts in Hungary, 1852. 43. 1 Gough, John B. Autobiog. 1870. 45. 4 Grant, U. S. Two Commemoration Addresses, by Gharles Devens. 43. 6. G. 1 Memoir of, by J. G. Perry. 43. 6. G. 2 Thayer, W. M. From the Tan Yard to the White House. 45. 9 Tribute to, by the Trustees of the Peabody Ed. Fund. 43. 14. 9 Greble, J. T. Memoir, by B. J. Lossing. 1870. 44. 7 Greeley, Horace. Life of, by James Parton. 1855. 43. 9 Recollections of a Busy Life. Auto. 1869. 43. 9 Greene, Gen. Nathaniel. Life, by G. W. Greene. 3 Vols. 1867-'71. 44. 9 Memoirs of his Life, by Gharles Galdwell. 1819. 44. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y. IJ? Biography. — (Continued ). Grimes, James W. Life of, by Wm. Salter. 25. 3 Guest, William Henry. Memoir, by F. De Peyster. 43. 6. G. Gyles, Thomas, and his :N'eighbors, 1669-1689, by J. A. Vin- ton. 43. 6. G. Hale, Capt. Xathan. Life, by I. W. Stuart. 1856. 44. 8 Hall, Eobert. Brief Memoir, by Olintlius Gregory. 56. 10 Hallock, Eev. Jeremiah. Life, by Cyrus Yale. 1830. 44. 1 Hamilton, Alexander. Life and Times, by S. M. Smucker, 1857. 43. 9 Hamline, Leonidas L. See Hibbard, F. G. Life of. 1881. 45. 3 Hammond, Charles, Address on, by Wm. H. Smith. 43. 13. H. 2 Hancock, W. S. Life and Public Services, by F. H. Xorton. 43. 13. H. 2 Harris, Ira. Memorial. 43. 13. H, 1 Harrison, Wm. Henry. Historical ]N'arrative of, by Moses Dawson. 1824. 44. 6 Life of. Anon. 1840. 44.6 Haven, Nathaniel Appleton. Memoir, by Geo. Ticknor. 1827. 43. 3 Hawkins, Wm. See Hale, Edward Everett. (Nar. and Crit. Hist. Amer.) 25. 9 Hawley, Charles. In Memoriam. (Cayuga Co. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1887). Auburn, 1887. 8vo. 16. 14. 1 Healy, John P. Memoir, by Godfrey Morse. 43. 13. H. 1 Heath, Gen. William. Auto. . 44. 8 Heckewelder, John. Life of. By Edward Eondthaler. 1847. 44. 8 Henri III of Yalois. History of, by James Garden. 1783. 43. 3 Henry lY. Histoire du, etc. Par Hardouin de Perefixe. 1661. . 43. 2 Henry, Joseph. Washington, 1881. 49. 9 Henry, Patrick. Sketches of Life, etc., by \yilliam Wirt. 44. 1 Hepburn, James. A Vindication of, by J. W. DePeyster. 46. 5. Hewes, Geo. E. T. (Survivor of Boston Tea Party.) See Hawkes, J. A Eetrgspect, etc. New York, 1834. 12mo. 16. 11 1^ MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOU FAT. Biography. — (Continued ). Hindman, Wm. Memoir of, by S. A. Harrison. 43. 13. H. 1 Hitchcock, Edward. Autobiography. See his ^^Remin- iscences of Amherst College." [N'orthampton, 1863. 12mo. 7. 1 Hobart, Chauncey. Recollections of my Life. 46. 5 Holly, Myron. Biog. Sketch, by Elizur Wright. 43. 3 Holyoke, Edward A. Memoir, by A. L. Peirson. 1829. 43. 13. H. 1 Hopkins, Stephen. Sketch of, by W. E. Foster. 1881. 8. 13 Hopkinson, Francis. Biog. Sketch. 43. 13. H. 1 Hornblower, J. C. Address on, by R. S. Field. 43. 13. H. 1 Horner, Francis. Memoirs, etc. Leonard Horner. 1853. 43. 2 Hough, Dr. F. B. Memoir, etc. (iN'ewspaper Cuttings.) 43. 13. H. 2 Houston, Gen. Samuel. Life of. 44. 1 Howe, Samuel. Memoir, by Rufus Ellis. 1850. 43. 13. H. 2 Howland, John. Discourse of E. B. Hall. 1855. 43. 13. H. 1 Life and Recollections of, by E. M. Stone. 1857. 44. 1 Hubbard, Russell. Address on, by Elbridge Smith. 1857. 43. 13. H. 2 Hughes, John, Abb, Sketch of. 43. 13. H. 2 Hull, Gen. William. Life and Services of. Mrs. Maria Campbell. 44. 6 Humphreys, Gen. A. A. See De Peyster, J. W. Memoir. Lancaster, 1886. 8vo. 43, 13. H. Humphrey, James. Obituary Notices. 43. 10 Huntington, Asahel. Memorial Address, by O. P. Lord. 43. 13. H. 2 Huntington, Daniel. Autobiography of, etc. Cambridge, 1857. 8vo. 47. 3 Hutchins, Levi. Autobiography of. 43. 1 Ives, Moses B. Discourse on, by Francis Wayland. 43. 13. L Jackson. Andrew. Addresses on Presentation of a Sword to, etc. . 43. 1 Brief and Impartial History of, by W. J. Snelling. 1831, 44. 5 Life of, by J. H. Eaton. 1824. 44. 5 Life of, by James Parton. 1866. 3 Vols. 44. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. J 99 Biography. — (Continued ). Jarvis, Dr. Edward. Memorial of, by Eobt. W. Wood. 43. 13. J. Jefferson, Thomas. Life of, by George Tucker. 1837. 2 Vols. 44. 3 Life of, by James Parton, 1874. . 44. 10 Life of, by H. S. Eandall, 1858. 44. 10 Memoii* of, by himself, 1829. 44. 10 Jognes, Isaac. See Martin, Feli:s:. Life of. N. Y., 1885. 45. 3 Johnson, Andrew. Life and Times. Anon. 1866. 45. 3 Johnson, Sir John. Life and Misfortunes, by J. W. De Peyster, 1882. 46. 5 Johnson, Col. Eichard M. Autobiography, by Wm. Em- mons, 1833. 43. 9 Memoirs of, by Ashel Langworthy, 1833. 44. 5 Johnson, E. W. A Soldier's Eeminiscences, etc. Auto. Phila., 1886. 8vo. 45. 4 Johnson, Sir Wm. Life and Times, by W. L. Stone. 2 Vols. 44. 9 Johnson, Wm. S. Life and Times. 44. 2 Jones, Elder Abner. Memoir, by A. D. Jones, 1842. 48. 2 Jones, Alexander H. His Course Before the War, etc. Auto. 60. 1 Jones, Geo. Wallace. See Iowa Hist. Eec, Vol. 3, p. 433. 19. 13. 5 Jones, John Paul. Life and Character, by J. H. Sherburne. 44. 9 Judson, Adoniram. Memoir by Francis Wayland, 1853. 45. 4 Kalb, John, Baron de. Memoir, by J. S. Smith. 43. 6. D. Kane, Elisha Kent. Biography, by Wm. Elder. 43. 3 Honors to Dr. Kane. 43. 1 Memorial Proceedings, etc. Amer. Geol. and Stat. Soc. ^ 33. 5 Kearney, Gen. Philip. Personal and Military History, by J. W. De Peyster. 44. 6 Kendall, Amos. Autobiograi^hy. 43. 10 Kidder, Henry Purkitt. Memoir of. Boston, n. d. 43. 13. K. Kilpin, Samufel. Memoir, etc. 43. 1 200 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BioanAPHY. — (Continued ) . King, Wm. E. Obituary Addresses on. 43. 3 Kitching. Col. J. Howard. Memorial, by J. B. Kitching. 44. 8 Knox, Henry. Life, etc. By F. S. Drake. 44. 7 Knox, John. Gen. Memoirs of, by Charles Eogers. 46. 2 Kossuth, Louis. Life, with Public Speeches. 43. 13. K. Lacey, Gen. John. Sketch of, by W. W. H. Davis, 1868. 43. 9 Lafayette, Marquis de. Memoirs, 1825. 35. 4 Cloquet, Jules. Private Life. Sketch of the Life of. Anon. 1830. 43. 1 Lamb, Gen. John. Memoir, by I. Q. Leake, 1857. 44. 9 Lanier, J. F. D. Autobiography, 1877. 44. 6 Lapham, Increase A. Sketch of, by S. S. Sherman. 44. 7 Las Casas, Bartholomew. Sketch of, by Geo. E. Ellis. 25. 9 Law, George. Sketch of the Life of, 1855. 44. 8 Lawrence, Abbott. Memoir of, by A. H. Hill. 44. 13 Memoir, by W. H. Prescott, 1856. 44. 13 Lawrence, Amos. Diary and Correspondence, 1855. 43. 3 Discourse on, by Mark Hopkins. 43. 13. L Lee, Charles. Memoirs' of. Anon. 43. 3 Legare, Hugh S. Memoir of. 44. 13 Leila, Ada. The Jewish Convert, by O. W. T. Heighway. 44. 8 Lincoln, Abraham. Life of, by Isaac L. Arnold. 46. 5 Life of, by Frank Crosby. 44. 12 Life and Public Services, by H. J. Raymond. 44. 12 Life of (up to 1861), by "VY. H. Lamon. 44. 12 Linn, Lewis F. Life and Public Services, by E. A. Linn and N. Sargent. 43: 3 Livingston, Edward. Life of, by C. H. Hunt, 1848. 44. 6 Livingston, Wm. Memoir, by Theo. Sedgwick, 1833. 43. 2 Logan, Sir W. E. Canadian Geol. Rep. 1875-6. 51. 6 Lovejoy, Elijah P. See Tanner, Henry. The Martyrdom of Lovejoy. Chicago, 1881. 8vo. 45. 4 Memoir, by J. C. and Owen Lovejo:^^, 1838. 46. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 201 EioaRAPHY. — (Continued). Ludlow, Israel. Life of, by H. B. Teetor. 1885. 46. 5 Lynde, Benj. Diary of. 44. 13 Lyon, Gen. Nathaniel. Life of, by Ashbel Woodward, 1862. 44. 7 McHeniy, James. Sketch of, by F. J. Brown, 1877. 43. 13. M. McKenney, T. L. Memoirs, etc. 2 Vols. 43. 3 Mackenzie, Wm. L. Life and Times, by Charles Lindsey, 1862. 43. 2 McClellan, Gen. G. B. A Tribute to, by J. B. Nicholson, 1886. 43. 13 Madison, James. Eulogy on, by J. Q. Adams, 1836. 43. 10 Magellan (Magolhaens) Fernando, by E. E. Hale. 25. 9 Manierre, George. Biographical Memoir, by Thos. Hoyne. 1878. 44. 7 Mansfield, E. D. Personal Memoirs. Cincinnati, 1879. 45. 3 Mapes, Daniel P. Autobiography. Milwaukee, 1873. 17. 4 Marion, Gen. Francis. Life, by Peter Horry and M. L. Weems. 1831. 44. 8 Marmontel, J. F. Memoirs. Auto. 1807. 44. 7 Marshall, James W. See Parsons, Geo. F. Life of. Sacra- mento, 1870. 12mo. 45. 4 Miller, Rev. Wm. Life and Labors, by James White. 1875. 44. 8 Milnor, James. Memoir, by J. S. Stone. 1848. 43. 10 Moore, Nathan F. Discourse, by B. I. Haight. 1874. 43. 13. M. Morgan, Gen. Daniel. Life, by James Graham. 1859. 44. 1 Morris, Gouverneur. Life, by Jared Sparks. 1832. 44. 6 Morris, Thomas. See Morris, B. F. Life of. 1856. 45. 3 Morton, Oliver Perry. Life of. 1876. 43. 13. M. Life and Public Services, by C. M. Walker. 1878. 43. 1 Muhlenberg, Gen. Peter. Life, by H. A. Muhlenberg. 1849. 44. 7 Munsell, Joel. Biog. Sketch, by G. R. Howell. 1880. 43. 13. M. Napoleon I. Life of, by Wm. Hazlitt. 1852. 44. 8 Nevin, William. Memoir, 1845. 44.8. 26 202 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biography. —(Continued). Newhall, Capt. W. S. Memoirs. ' 1864. 44. 2 Ogden, Wm. B. Life. By Isaac :N'. Arnold. 43. 13 Oglethorpe, James. Biog. Memoirs. By T. M. Harris. 1841. 43. 2 Oliphant, John. Memoirs, etc. 1835. 43. 13. O Olney, Capt. Stephen. Biog. By Mrs. C. E. Williams. 1839. 43. 2 Ossoli, Mary Fuller. Memoirs. 1852. 44. 8 Otis, James. Life. By Wm. Tudor. 1823. 43. 10 Page, Rev. Bernard. Life. By Sheldon Reynolds. 11. 10. 1 Parker, Abel. See Moore, Jacob B. Memoir. 7. 8 Parsons, Theophilus. Memoir. By T. Parsons, Jr. 1859. 43. 1 Peabody, Francis. Memoir. By C. W. XJpham. 1868. 43. 13. P. 1 Peabody, Joseph. Memoir. 1845. 43. 13. P. 1 Pease, Calvin. In Memoriam. 1865. 43. 9 Peck, Rev. J. M. Life. By Rufus Babcock. 1864. 44. 8 Pierce, Benj. Memoir. By Rev. S. Rantoul. 1881. 43. 13. P. 1 Penn, Wm. Sketch of. Anon. 43. 1 Life of. By S. M. Janney. 1852. 44. 3 See Sewel, Wm. History of the Quakers. 1811. 56. 11 Pepperell, Sir Wm. Life of. By Usher Parsons. 1855. 43. 1 Perkins, Henry Coit. Sketch of. By J. S. Spalding. 1873. 43. 13. P. 1 Perkins, James Handasyd. Memoir. By W. H. Channing. 1851. 44. 8 Phillips, Samuel. Memoir. By J. L. Tavlor. 1856. 44. 13 Phillips, Wendell. Memorial of City of Boston. 1884. 25. 3 Pickering, John. Eulogy. By D. A. White. 1847. 43. 9 Pierce, Franklin. Life of. By D. W. Bartlett. 1852. 44. 1 Pizarro, Francisco. Account of. By C. R. Markham. 25. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY, 203 Biography. — (Continued). Poe, Edgar Allen. Memoir of. By J. H. Ingram. 1876. 74. 3 Porter, Com. David. Memoir of. By David D. Porter. 46. 5 Prentice, Geo. D. Memorial Address. By Henry Watterson. 1870. 43. 13. P. 1 Prentiss, S. S. See Prentiss, G. L. Memoir. 1881. 45. 3 Putnam, Gen Israel. Life of. By Wm. Cutter. 1847. 44. 1 Life of. Anon. 1839. 44. 1 Putnam, Rufus. Journal of, etc. See Dawes, E. C. 14. 10 Quincy, Josiah. Life of. By Edmund Quincy. 1867. 43. 3 Memoir. By James Walker. 1867. 43. 3 Quitman, Gen. J. A. Life of. By J. F. H. Claiborne. 1860. 2 vols. 44. 1 Raleigh, Sir Walter. Life of. By Edward Edwards. 1868. 43. 2 Life of. By Wm. W. Henry. 25. 9 '' '* I. K Tarbox. 25. 9 Randolph, John, of Roanoke. Life of. By H. A. Garland. 1856. 44. 9 Raymond, Henry J. Life of. By Augustus Maverick. 43. 1 Red Jacket. Life and Times. By W. L. Stone. 1866. 44. 7 Reed, Gen. Joseph. Life of. By W. B. Reed. 1847. 44. 13 Reeder, Andrew H. Biog. See Kansas Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 3. 19. 7 Reynolds, John H. Memorial. 1876. 43. 7. R. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Life of, etc. By Allan Cunningham. 1864. 43. 10 Riedesel, Gen. F. A. (Baron von). Memoirs, etc. By Max von Eelking. " 43. 3 Rittenhouse, David. Memoirs. By Wm. Barton. 1813. 44. 9 Bobbins, Thomas. See Tarbox, S. N., Editor, The Diary of Thomas Robbins, etc. Boston, 1886. 8vo. 7. 13 204 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biography. — (Continued). Eobinson, Rev. Wm. Memoir of. By Edward Robinson. 1859. ^ 46. 5 Rogers, Ammi. Memoirs. 1830. 44. 1 Rosbrugh, John. Life, etc. By J. C. Clyde. 1880. 44. 7 St. Clair, Gov. Arthur. Life of. By W. H. Smith. 1882. 44. 13 Salisbury, Stephen. See Washburn, J. D. 9. 4 Schlatter, Michael. Life, etc. Anon. 1857. 43. 8 Schoolcraft, H. R. Sketch of. By G. W. Sampson. 1864. 43. 7. S. 1 Scott, Sir Walter. Genealogical Memoirs of. 46. 2 Memoirs. By J. G. Lockhart. 1837. 2 vols. 43. 10 Scott, Gen. Winfield. Life. Anon. 43. 7. S. 1 Memoirs. Written by Himself. 1864. 2 vols. 43. 8 Sears, David. See Winthrop, R. C. 9. 14 Sewall, Jonathan. See Adams, John, in Novanglus and Massachusettensis, etc. 14. 14 Seward, Wm. H. Address on. By C. F. Adams. 1873. 43. 7. S. 1 Biog. Memoir. Works. Vol. 1. 44. 6 Seymour, Horatio. See Hartley, Isaac S. Memoir. 1886. 43. 7. S. Shannon, Wilson. Memoir of. Kansas Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 3 19. 7 Shaw, Wm. Smith. Memorials. By J. B. Felt. 1852. 44. 8 Sheffield, Joseph Earl. Discourse on. 1882. 43. 7. S. 1 Sherburne, Andrew. Memoirs. Auto. 1831. 44. 8 Sherman, John. Life, etc. By B. P. Poore. 1880. 43. 7. S. 1 Sherman, Gen. W. T. Memoirs. Auto. 1875. 29. 2 Sibley, John Langdon. See Peabody, Andrus P. Memoir of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc, 2d Series, Vol. 2. Boston, 1886. 8vo. 9. 14 Will of. 1886. 43. 7. 2. S. Silliman, Benj. Life of. By Geo. P. Fisher. 1866. 43. 10 Simpson, Thomas. Life, etc. By Alex. Simpson. 1845. 44. 5 Smith, Jeremiah. Life. By John H. Morrison. 1845. 43. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 205 Biography . — (Continued) . Smith, Eev. Thos. See Willis Wm. Journal and Memoir 7. 9 Smithson, James. His Bequest, etc. By W. J. Khees. 1880. 49. 9 Spaight, Eichard Dobbs. Sketch. By J. H. Wheeler. 1880. 44. 13 Sparks, Jared. Memoir. By Brantz Mayer. 1867. Spotswood, Alexander. Official Letters of. By E. A. Brock. 2 vols. 15. 5 Stansbury, Elijah. Life, etc. Auto. 1874. 43. 2 Steuben, Gen. F. W. (Baron v^on). Life. By Friedrich Kapp. 1859. 43. 9 Stobo, Maj. Eobert. Memoirs. Anon. 1854. 43. 1 Sturdevant, James M. Memorial. 1874. 43. 9 Sullivan, Gen. John. Life, etc. By T. C. Amory. 1868. 44. 9 Suwarrow, Gen. A. \. Biog. Sketch. By J. W. De Peyster. 1883. 43. 7 Swisshelm, Mrs. Jane. Auto. 1880. 43. 8 Tappan, Mrs. Sarah. Memoir of. 1834. 46. 5 Taylor, Gen. Z. See Fry, J. E., and Conrad, E. T. Life of. 1847. 45. 3 Life and Public Services of. 1846. 14. 11. 1 Life. By H. Montgomery. 1850. 44. 1 Tazewell, Littleton Walter. Life, etc. By H. B. Grigsby. 1860. " 44. 13 Thayer, [N^athaniel. Memoir. By G. E. Ellis. 1885. 46. 5 Thomas, Gen. Geo. H. Address on. By J. W. De Peyster. 1875. 43. 9 Memoirs of. By E. W. Johnson. 1881. 43. 9 Sketch of By J. W. DePuyster. n. d. 43. 9 Thoreau, H. D. Biog. Sketch of. Anon. 44. 7 See Page, H. A. Life, etc. 1878. 45. 9 Thoreau. See Sanborn, H. D. 45. 9 Thwing, Thomas. Memorial of. By E. P. Thwing. 43. 7. T. Tilghman, Tench. Memoir of. By Oswald Tilghman. 1376. 44. 12 Torstenson, Count Lennart. History of. By J. W. De Pey- ster. 1855. 43. 2 206 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biography. — (Continued). Trenck, Baron Frederick. Autobiography. London. 1788» 45. 8 Trumbull, John. Auto. 1841. 44. 13 Tyler John (President). Life of. 1843. 43. 2 Tyndale, Gen. Hector. Memoir of. 1882. 43. 1 Uncas (Indian Chief). Sketch of. By W. L. Stone. 1842. 43. 1 Yan Buren, Martin. Life of. By David Crockett. 1845. 43. 8 Life of. By W. M. Holland. 1835. 43. 3 Van Ingen, Rev. J. V. Memoir. Mostly autobiographic. 43. 1 Vecchi, Augusto. Studio di, etc. 1867. 43. 7. V. Vernon, Thomas. Diary (1776). 8. 7. 6 Verplanck, Gulian C. Life, etc. C. P. Daly. 1870. 43. 7. V. Vespucci, Amerigo. See Gay, Sidney H. 25. 9 Ward, Genevieve. Memoir. Anon. 1863. 43. 6. G. Ward, Samuel L. Discourse. By W. W. Halloway. 1869. 43. 7. W. 2 Warren, John. Life of. By Edward Warren. 1874. 44. 13 Warren, Gen. Joseph. Life of. By Richard Frothingham. 1865. 44. 9 Washington, Geo. Life of. By Aaron Bancroft. 1808. 44. 4 Recollections, etc. W. P. Custis. 1860. 44. 11 Hoit, T. W. The Model Man. An Oration, etc. St. Louis, 1866. 8vo. 43. 14. 4 Oration, etc. Washington Irving. 1855. 44. 11 And the Republic. By B. J. Lossing. 1870. 44. 4 Lossing, B. J. Mt. Vernon, etc. 32. 11 And the Republic. By John Marshall. 1833. 2 vols. 44. 4 See Pickell, John. A New Chapter, etc, 45. 7 Life of Washington. Jared Sparks. 1835. 44. 4 '' M. L. Weems. 1814. 44. 4 Wayne, Gen. Anthony. See De Peyster, J. W. Memoir of. Lancaster, 1886. 8vo. 43. 7. W. Watson, Elkanah. Men and Times, etc. 1856. 43. 1 Wayne, Anthony. Memoir of, by J. W. De Peyster. 43. 7. W. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 207 Biography.— (Continued). Webster, Daniel. Life of, by G. T. Curtis. 1870. 44. 5 Life and Public Career. Anon. 1852. 44. 5 Memoir of, by Edward Everett. 1851. 44. 5 Private Correspondence. 1875. 44. 5 Private Life. 1853. Lanman. 44. 5 Address on, by E. C. Winthrop. 1876. 43. 14. 5 Webster, Eichard. Memoir of, by C. Van Eensellaer. 1857. 56. 13 Wesley, John. Life of, by Eichard Watson. 1850. 43. 8 West, Mrs. John. Memoir of, by John West. 1866. 43. 1 Wetmore, Samuel Tribute to. 43. 14. 9 Wetzel, Lewis. See Meyers, E. V. C. Life of, etc. 45. 5 Whistler, Geo. W. See Vose, Geo. L. Life and Works. Boston, 1887. 8vo. 45. 4 White, D. A. Memoir of, by James Walker. 1863. 43. 7. W. 1 White, Hugh Lawson. Memoir, by Nancy W. Scott. 1856. 43. 2 White, James. Life Sketches. Auto. 1880. 44. 8 Whitefield, George. Memoirs, by John Gillies. 1838. 43. 10 Whitehead, Wm. A. Memorial of, by S. I. Prime. 10. 1 Wilkinson, Gen. James. Memoirs. Auto. 1816. 3 Vols. 44. 11 Williams, Eleazer. The lost Prince, by J. H. Hanson. 1854. 44. 1 Williams, Eoger. Life of, by Wm. Gammell. 1846. 44. 11 Williams, Samuel Wells. See Seward, Thos. W. Memoir, etc. Utica, 1886. 8vo. 10. 11. 12 Williams, Eev. William. Journal of, etc. 1828. 44. 8 Wilson, Alexander. Life of, by Wm. Jardine. 3 832. 51. 10 Winthrop, Gov. John. Life and Letters, by E. C. Win- throp, 1864. 44. 13 Wood, Geo. B. Memoir, by Henry Hartshorne. n. d. 43. 7. W. 2 Wood, W. B. Personal EecoUections. 1855. 43. 9 Wright, Harrison. See Kulp, Geo. B. Biographical Sketch'. (Wyoming Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. TIL) 11. 5. 9 Wright, John S. Address on, by A. W. Wright. 43. 7. W. 2 Wright, Silas. Life of, by J. S. Jenkins. 1847. - 44. 7 Yale, Elihu. Memoir of, by F. B. Dexter. 7. 6 Young, Jacob. Auto. 1858. 44. 7 208 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BiOGR APHY. — (Con binued). Zeisberger, David. Life of, by Edmund de Schweinit/. 1871. 43. 3 Zwingle, Ulric. . Life and Times, by J. J. Hottinger. 1856. 43. 1 See also American Ee volution; Genealogy; Indians, Tales of Captives; Sermons, Funeral; Slavery, Escaped Slaves; U. S. History, War of the Eebellion, etc. Biography, Collective. Allibone, S. A. Critical Diction- ary of British and American Authors. Philadelphia, 1863-71 8vo. 3 Vols. 74. 14 Blake, J. L. General Biographical Dictionary, 8th Edition. Boston, 1848. 8vo. 43. 5 Cassell's Biographical Dictionary, Containing Original Memoirs of the Most Eminent Men and Women of all Ages and Countries. London, n. d. 4to. 45. 7 Godwin, Parke. Cyclopedia of Universal Biography. New York and Cincinnati, 1856. 12mo. 43. 12 Hardie, James. New Universal Biographical Dictionary. New York, 1805. 8vo. 4 Vols. 43. 11 Hoefer, J. C. F. Ed. Nouvelle Biographic Generale; Publiee par Didot Freres. Paris, 1862-66. 8vo. 46 Vols. bd. in 23. 46. 4 Irving, Washington. Biographical Sketches. (With his ' 'Spanish Papers, ^^ 1886. 8vo, Vol. 2.) CJoNTENTS: James Lawrence; Lieut. Burrows; Com. Perry; David Porter; T. Campbell; Wash, Allston; Conversations With Talma; Margaret M. David- son. Martineau, Harriet. Biographical Sketches. New York, 1869. 12mo. 43. 1 Men of the Time. 11th Ed. London and New York, 1884. 8vo. 46. 11 Moody, C. C. P. Biog. Sketches of the Moody Family, 1633-1842 Boston, 1847. 18mo. 47. 11 Payne, J. B. Ud. Haydn's Universal Dictionary of Bio- graphy. London, 1870. 8vo. 43. 5 Phillipps, L. B. Great Index of Biographical Reference. 2d Edit. Philadelphia, 1881. 8vo. 43. 4 Rich, Elihu. Pictorial Cyclopedia of Biography. Amer. ed. Ed. byF. L. Hawks. New York, 1856. 8vo. 43. 5 Rose, H. J. New General Biographical Dictionary. Lon- don, 1848. 8vo. 12 Vols. 43. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 209 BiooRAPHY, Collective.— (Continued). Smith, William. Dictionary of Greek and Boman Bio- graphy and Mythology. London, 1850. 8vo. 32. 5 Talbott, E. H. and Hobart, H. E. Biographical Dictionary of Railway Officials of America. Chicago and Kew York, 1855. 8vo^ 46. 11 Thomas, J. Lippincott's Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology. Philadelphia, 1870-71. 8vo. 2 Vols. 43. 13 Waller, J. ¥.,Ed. Imperial Diet, of Universal Biography. Glasgow, etc. n. d. 8vo. 3 vols, bound in 5. 43. 5 BioctRAphy, Collective, American. Abbott, J. S. C, and Conwell, R. H. Lives of the Presidents of the United States (to 1882). 43. 11 Allen, William. American Biographical and Historical Dictionary, 2d edit. 43. 11 Andover. N^ecrology of Alumni; by A. S. Hazen, 1881. 43. 14. 7 Armor, W. C. Lives of Governors of Pennsylvania. 45.4 Barnes, W. H. History of the Fortieth Congress. 45. 7 Barnet, James. Martyrs and Heroes of Illinois. 45. 5 Belknaj), Jeremy. American Biography, 1794-98. 46. 11 Bishop, A. W. Loyalty on the Frontier. 30. 2 Bradford, Alden. Biographical notices of Distinguished men in New England. 43. 12 Brockett, L. P., and Vaughan, M. C. Woman's Work in the Civil War. 44. 7 Bungay, G. W. Crayon Sketches of Distinguisl.ed Amer- ican Statesmen. 43. 14. 7 Chapman, G. T. Sketches of the Alumni of Dartmouth College, 1771-1866. 43. 11 Coffin, Charles. Lives and Services of Maj. Gen. John Thomas, Co4. Thomas Knowlton, Col. Alex. Scammell, and Maj. Gen. Dearborn, of the Amer. Rev. 44. 1 Crosby, Nathan. Annual Obituary Notices of Eminent Persons who have died in the United States, 1857-58. 44.14 Cullom, G. W. Biographical Register of Officers and Grad- uates at West Point, 1802-1867. • 43. 11 Gushing, Thomas. Memorials of the Class of 1834, of Har- vard College. 8vo. 43. 11 Day, Thomas, and Murdock, James. Brief Memoirs of the Class of 1797, Yale College. 45. 1 210 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biography, Collective, American. — (Continued). Day, Thomas, and Murdock, James. Yale Class of 1797. 45. 1 Dexter, F. B. Biog. Sketches of Graduates of Yale Col- lege, 1701-1745. • 46. 11 Drake, F. S. Dictionary of American Biography. Bost., 1872. 8vo. 43. 12 Duyckinck, E. A. National Portrait Gallery. 2 vols. 44. 6 Ellett, Mrs. E. F. Pioneer Women of the West. 43. 12 The Queens of American Society. 45. 2 Farmer, John. Biographical Sketches of Dartmouth Grad- uates. (K. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3.) 7. S Forrest, Mary. Women of the South. K. Y., 1861. 8vo. 44. 7 Harvard College, Necrology of, 1869-72. 43. 11 Hinman, R. R. Catalogue of the first Settlers of the Colony of Conn. Higginson, T. W. Harvard Memorial Biographies. 43. 4 Homes of American Authors, 1853. 45. 9 Homes of American Statesmen, 1854. 45. 9 Hough, F. B. American Biographical Notes; notices of persons not included in Allen's or Drake's Dictionary. 43.5 Judd, Orange. Alumni Record of Wesleyan University^ Middleton, Conn. 43. 11 Judson, L. C. Sages and Heroes of the Revolution. 25. 3 Lanman, Charles. Biographic Annals of the Government of the U. S. During its First Century. 43. 5 Dictionary of Congress. 8vo. 44. 13 Lives of Missionaries, North America. 1. John Eliot. 2. Samuel Seabury. 3. Philander Chase. 4. C. J. Stew- art. 5. J. G. Mountain. Lond. n. fl. 16mo. 45. 1 Loring, J. S. Hundred Boston Orators, 1770-1852. 4th edit. • 43. 5 Lossing, Benson J. Eminent Americans. 44. 14 Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. 43. 5 McCabe, J. D. Great Fortunes and How they Were Made. Struggles and Triumphs of Self-made men. 43. 12 Contents: Stephen Girard; John Jacob Astor; Alex. T. Stewart; Amos Law- rence; A. V. Stout; Jonas Chickering; Nicholas Longworth; George Pea- CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 211 Biography, Collective, American. — /Joutinued). body; Cornelius Vanderbilt; Daniel Drew; J. B, Eads; Cyrus W. Field; Robert Fulton; Charles Goodyear; Eli Whitney; Chauncy Jerome; Elias Howe, Jr.; Richard M. Hoe; Samuel Colt; S. F. B. Morse; James Harper; James T. Fields; James G. Bennett; Robert Bonner; John Marshall; J. T. Brady; Benj. West; John Rogers; Hiram Powers; Emmanuel Leutze, Henry Ward Beecher; Peter Cartwright; H. W. Longfellow; Nathaniel Hawthorne; Edwin Booth; Joseph Jeiferson; Benj. Rush; Valentine Mott. McDonald, John. Biographical sketches of Nathaniel Mas - sie, Duncan McArthur, William Wells and Simon Kenton. Dayton, O., 1852. 8vo. 43. 12 Marshall, James H. The U. S. Manual of Biography and History. 16. 13 Moore, Frank. Women of the War. Hartford, Conn. 1866. 8vo. 44. 7 New England Historical and Genealogical Society. Memoirs of several deceased members. (Towne Fund Publication, No. 2.) Contents: Memoir of Wm. B. Towne; Wm. B, Fowle; Chandler E. Potter; Samuel D. Bell; Calvin Fletcher; Fiances M. Caulkins; Joseph B. Felt; Thomas Sherwin; David L. Swain; Lucius M. Saigeant, etc. New England Historic-Genealogical Society, Memorial Biographies, 1845-1880. 4 vols. Contents: Vol. I. W. D. Williamson; Benj. Shurtleff; Job Durfee; Luther W^ait; S. J. Carr; James Kent; Timothy Pitkin; Samuel Hubbard; J. Q. Adams; Merritt Caldwell; N. M. Davis; H. G. Otis; B. F. Thompson; L. E. Brewster; Theodore Lyman; Daniel Gilbert; Albert Gallatin; John Pierce; Theodore Cushing; S. T. Armstrong; Wm. Coggswell; Joseph Sewall, D. P. King; D. P. Parker; Wm Ely; W. P Greenwood; Wm. Savage; H. A. S. Dearborn; Lewis Bradford; Levi Woodbury; Wm. Ingalls; E. T. Andrews; J. P. Proctor; O. A. Taylor; Henry Clay; J. L. Kingsley; H. H. Fuller; J. Whitcomb; Daniel Webster; Daniel - Drake; Ralph Haskins; David Kenshaw; Amos Lawrence. Vol. 11. H. G. O. Colby; C. K. Williams; Daniel Greenleaf; R. G. Shaw; Samuel Appleton; Nahum Mitchell; J. B. Moore; Nathaniel Sawyer; J. C. Merrill; Mahlon Dickerson ; Simon Greenleaf; Charles Ewer; Josiah Adams; G. C. Shattuck; John Davis; Shubael Bartlett; Alfred Hawkins; J. A. Jones; L. M. Parker; Stephen Fales; Samuel Church; Wm. Plumer; Moses Plimpton; Caleb Butler; Frederic Hobbs; Artemas Simonds; W. T. Harris; John Howland; J. D. Farnsworth; P. F. Ewer; J. P. Davis; Thomas Day; F. T. Gray; Elisha Fuller; Nathaniel Goodwin; S. S. Wilde; S. W. Williams; Robert Adams; Abbott Lawrence; Wm. Cranch; Gorham Brooks; Mark Doolittle; C. W. Cady; David Hamblen; Nicholas Dean. Vol. III. Stephen Dodd; J. C. Warren; Andrew Randall; A. F. Warner; 212 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biography, Collective, American. — (Continued). Thomas Robbins; James Ward; vSamuel Hoar; Thomas 8. Peai>ion; H. E. Ludewig; Jonathan French; C. F. Adams; J. F. Schroeder; W. F. Stone; J. L. Blake; Caleb Bates; George Sparhawk; Freeman Hunt;.!. M. Peck; George Minot; Isaac Parker; .1. R. Tyson; Elam Smalley; p]leazer Wil- liams; Charles Mayo; Otis Wilbor; Lemuel Shattuck; W. H. Prescott; W. W. Mather; A. A. TlUinghast; John Richards; J. S. Henshaw; Henry Bond; F. W. Brinley; Ruftis Choate; P. K. Kilhoume; G. W. Bumap; Washington Irving; G. B. Perry; John Frost. Newson, T. M. Biographical sketches of Old Settlers of St. Paul, Minn. 22. 9 Barton, James, and others. Sketches of Men of Progress. 44. 2 Proctor, L. B. Bench and Bar of New York. 45. 4 Eogers, T. J. New American Biographical Dictionary. 43. 5 Eobertson, Ignatius L. Sketches of Public Characters, etc. 31. 2 Sabine, Lorenzo. American Loyalists. Bost., 1847. 12mo. 14. 2 Sibley, John L. Biographical sketches of Graduates of Harvard University. 3 vols. 46. 13 Sprague, W. B. Annals of the American Pulpit. 43. 12 Contents: 1, 2, Congregational. 3, 4 Presbyterian, 5. Episcopal. 6. Baptist. 7. Methodist. 8. Unitarian. 9. Lutheran, Keformed Dutch, Associate, Reformed Presbyterian, etc. Sparks, W. S. Biographical notices of Distinguished Americans. 25. 3 Tarbox, I. N. The Ministers of Old South Church, Boston. 8. 9. 6 Tasse, Joseph. Les Cauadiens del' Quest, 2d edit. 46. 8 Contents: 1. Charles de Langlade; J. B. Cadot; Charles Keaume; Jacques Porlier^ere; Solomon Juneau; Julien Dubuque; Antoine Leclerc; J. D. Baby; Joseph Rainville; Louis Provencal; J. B. Faribault; J. B. Lefevre; J. B. Perrault; J. M. DuCharme. 2. Vital Guerin; Joseph Eolette, fits; J. B. Mallet; .Pierre Menard; J. B. Beaubien; Noel Levassuer; Joseph Robideau; J. B. L. Roy; L. V. Baugy; Jacqu«6 Fournier; M. B. Menard; F. X. Aubrey; Antoine Le Roux; Prudent Baudry; Gabriel Franchere; P. C. Panibrun; Joseph La Rocque; Pierre Falcon; Louis Reil, pete; etc. Taylor, P., and Notman, W. Biographical sketches of British Americans. 3 vols. 1865. 25. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 213 Biography, Collective, American. — (Contiued). Tuckerman, H. T. Book of the Artists. 45. 3 Tyler, L. G. Letters and Times of the Tylers. 2 Vols. 46. 5 WilsoD, J, G., and Fiske, John. Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography. 45. 6 Woolen, W. W. Biographies of Indiana Men. 8vo. 18.11 Yale College, Xew Hav^en. Obituary Record, of Graduates Deceased, 1859-1870. Kew Haven. 43. 11 See also. Pilgrim Fathers. Biography Collective, British. Aveling, T. W. Memorials of the Clayton Family. 45. 8 Brougham, Henry. Statesmen in Time of George III. 45. 8 Burke, Bernard. Romance of the Aristocracy. 45. 10 Royal Descents. (Historical Memoirs.) 46. 7 Vicissitudes of Families. 45. 10 Burke, J. B. Family Romance of the Aristocracy. 45. 10 Romantic Records of the Aristocracy. 45. 10 Burke, John, and Sir J. Bernard. Royal Families of Eng- land, Scotland and Wales. 46. 7 Cunningham, G. G. Lives of Eminent and Illustrious Eng- lishmen, from Alfred the Great. Glasgow, 1836-38. 43. 4 D' Alton, John. Illustrations, Historical and Genealogical, of King James' Irish Army List, 1689. 2d edit. Enlarged. 46. 2 McMasters, Rev. S. Y. Biographical Index of all the per- sons in Hume's History of England. 46. 5 Koble, Mark. Memoirs of the Protectoral Jlouse of Crom- well. 43. 9 Stephen, Leslie. Dictionary of National Biography. 25. 13 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest, to 1744. 43. 8 Wiffin, J. H. Memoirs of the House of Russell. 43. 10 Biography, Collective. Alabama. See Garrett, Wm. Remin- iscences of Public Men. 45. 3 Canada, Morgan, H. J. Sketches of Celebrated Canadians, and persons connected with Canada. • 46. 11 Taylor, F. and Notman, W. Biog. of Brit. Americans. 25. 3 214 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BiOGKAPHy, Collective. — (Continued. ) Colorado. Sketches of Early Settlers and Prominent Men of Denver. (Vickers, W. B. Hist, of Denver. 1880. 4to.) 19. 10 Connecticut. Connecticut Medical Society. Med. Commu- nications, etc. 51. 4. 2 Medical History and Biography of New Haven. (N. H. Col. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2, pp. 239-388.) 7. 6 Hlinois. Barnet, James, editor. Martyrs and Heroes of HI. 45. 4 Biographical Encyclopedia of Illinois of the 19th Century. 44. 14 Linder, U. F. Early Bench and Bar of 111. 45. 3 Power, J. C. Early Settlers of Sangamon County, 111. 18. 12 Wilson, G. C Biog. Sketches of Illinois Officers engaged against the rebellion of 1861. 43. 1 Woodruff, G. H. Biog. Sketches, in his Hist, of Will Co., 111. 18. 12 Indians. See Drake, S. G. Biography and History of the Indians of North America. 3d edit. 15. 2 McKenney, T. L., and Hall, James. Indian Tribes, Biog. Sketches, and Anecdotes of Chiefe. Vols. 2-3. 15. 9 Same, folio edition. 1836-44. 8. 3 Thatcher, B. B. Indian Biography. 15. 18 Iowa. See Brown, Leonard. American Patriotism; Mem- moirs of Common Men in the Southern Eebelliou. 30. 2 Stuart, A. A. Iowa Colonels and Eegiments. 29. 3 Wilkie, F. B. Davenport, Iowa. Biographies of its Pro- minent Men. 19. 13 Journalists. Buckingham, J. T. Specimens of Newspaper Literature; with personal memoirs, etc. 43. 1 Kentucky. Biographical Encyclopedia of Kentucky, of the 19th Century. 44. 14 Maine. Allen, Frederic. Early Lawyers of Lincoln and Kennebec Counties, Me. (Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6, pp. 39-81.)* 7. 1 Memoirs of Distinguished Men of Maine. (Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 8, pp. 333-511.) 7. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 215 Biography, Collective. — (Continued). Maryland. Biographical Cyclopedia of Representative Men of Maryland, and District of Columbia. 44. 14 See Boyle, Esmeralda. Biographical Sketches of Dis- tinguished Marylanders. 43. 11 Massachusetts. Jameson, E. O. Prominent Persons in Medway. 46. 4 Moore, J. B. Lives of the Governors of New Plymouth and Mass. Bay,. 1620-92. 9. 12 Tarbox, I. K Ministers of Old South Church. 8.9.6 The Ministry of Taunton, Mass. 8. 3 Smalley, E. Worcester Pulpit. 43. 12 Washburn, Emory. Sketches of the Judicial History of Massachusetts. 9. 12 Michigan. Amer. Biog. Hist. Mich. Vol. 45. 7 See Johnson, Crisfield. History of Hillsdale Co. Mich., with biographical sketches of prominent men and pioneers. . 18. 4 Lanman, Charles. Red Book of Michigan. Biog. History of, pp. 413-504. 18. 4 Minnesota. See Arnold, Mrs. W. J. Poets and Poetry of Minnesota. 22. 8 Biog. Sketches of State Officers and Members of the Leg- islature, sessions of 1873, 1877, 1878, 1879. 8vo. 22. 9 and 43. 14 Kewson, T. M. Old Settlers of St. Paul. 22. 9 U. S. Biog. Dictionary and Portrait Gallery. Minnesota Vol. 22. 7 Missouri. Bay, W. Y. N. Bench and Bar of Missouri. 18. 7 Reavis, L. M. St. Louis. Biographical Edition. 18. 7 New England. See Elliot, John. Biographical Dictionary of the iirst settlers in New England. 43. 11 New Hampshire. See Clarke, J. B. pub. Successful New Hampshire Men. 43. 5 Farmer, John, and Moore, J. B. Collections Bio- graphical, relating principally to New Hampshire. 7. 3 Granite Monthly. N. H. Magazine. Vols. 1-5. 1877- 82. 7. 4 Waite, O. F. R. New Hampshire in the Rebellion, with biographical notices. ' 29. 6 216 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biography, Collective. — (Continued) • New Jersey. See Clarke, J. H. Medical Men of New Jer- sey, from 1666 to 1866. 10. 2. 4 Elmer, L. Q. C. Constitution, etc., of New Jersey, with biographical sketches of the governors from 1776 to 1845, etc. Newark, 1872. (N. J. Hist. Soc. Soc. Coll. Vol. 7.) 10. 8 New York. Bryan, Geo. J. Biographies (Buffalo Men.) 45. 2 Clark, E. W. Heroes of Albany During the War, 186! -65. Albany, 1866. 8vo. 44.14 Patten, J. A. Lives of the Clergy of New York and Brooklyn. 44. 14 Proctor, L. B. Bench and Bar of N. Y. 45. 4 Ohio. Biog. Encyclopedia of Ohio, of the 19th Century. 44. 14 Douglass, Ben. History of Wayne Co., O. Biog. Sketches. 18. 9 Ford, H. A., and Mrs. K. B. History of Hamilton Co., O., with biographical sketches, 1789-1880. Pennsylvania. See Armor, Wm. C. Lists of the Gover- nors. 45. 4 Bates, S. P. Martial Deeds of Pennsylvania. Bio- graphies of Pennsylvania Officers and Soldiers in the Rebellion. 29. 7 Biog. Diet, of, (19th Century). 45. 7 Harris, Alexander. Biographical History of Lancaster Co., 1872. 8vo. ' 43. 11 Kulp, Geo. B. Families of Wyoming Valley. 46.11 Mag. of History and Biography. Vols. 1-7. 1877-86. 11. 12 Price, Isaiah. History of the 97th Regiment, Pa. Vols. 1861-65, With Biographical Records of its Officers, etc. 29. 7 Simpson, Henry. Lives of Eminent Philadelphians. 8vo. 43. 12 Scotland. See Anderson, Wm. Scottish Nation; Biographi- cal History of the People of Scotland. 40. 13 Texas. See Baker, D. W. C. Biographies of Distinguished Texans. (In his ''Texas Scrap Book.^' pp. 251-301.) 15. 14 Texas. I^ynch, James D. Bench and Bar of Texas 17. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE I^BRARY. 215 Biography, Collective. — (Continued). Maryland. Biographical CycloiDedia of Eepresentative Men of Maryland, and District of Columbia. 44. 14 See Boyle, Esmeralda. Biographical Sketches pf Dis- tinguished Marylanders. 43. 11 Massachusetts. Jameson, E. O. Prominent Persons in Medway. 46. 4 Moore, J. B. Lives of the Governors of Kew Plymouth and Mass. Bay, 1620-92. 9. 12 Tarbox, I. N. Ministers of Old South Church. 8. 9. 6 The Ministry of Taunton, Mass. 8. 3 Smalley, E. Worcester Pulpit. 43. 12 Washburn, Emory. Sketches of the Judicial History of Massachusetts. 9. 12 Michigan. Amer. Biog. Hist. Mich. Vol. 45. 7 See Johnson, Crisfield. History of Hillsdale Co. Mich., with biographical sketches of prominent men and pioneers. 18. 4 Lanman, Charles. Red BoOk of Michigan. Biog. History of,^pp. 413-504. 18. 4 Minnesota. See Arnold, Mrs. W. J. Poets and Poetry of Minnesota. 22. 8 Biog. Sketches of State Officers and Members of the Leg- islature, sessions of 1873, 1877, 1878, 1879. 8vo. 22. 9 and 43. 14 :N^ewson, T. M. Old Settlers of St. Paul. 22. 9 U. S. Biog. Dictionary and Portrait Gallery. Minnesota Vol. 22. 7 Missouri. Bay, W. Y. I^. Bench and Bar of Missouri. 18. 7 Reavis, L. M. St. Louis. Biographical Edition. 18. 7 New England. See Elliot, John. Biographical Dictionary of the first settlers in New England. 43. 11 New Hampshire. See Clarke, J. B. pub. Successful New Hampshire Men. 43. 5 Farmer, John, and Moore, J. B. Collections Bio- graphical, relating principally to New Hampshire. 7. 3 Granite Monthly. N. H. Magazine. Vols. 1-5. 1877- 82. 7. 4 ^ Waite, O. F. E. New Hampshire in the Eebellion, with biographical notices. 29. 6 28 216 MINNESO'M HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BiOGEAPHY, Collective. — (Continued) New Jersey. See Clarke, J. H. Medical Men of New Jer- sey, from 1666 to 1866. 10. 2. 4 Elmer, L. Q. C. Constitution, etc., of New Jersey, with biographical sketches of the governors from 1776 to 1845, etc. Newark, 1872. (N. J. Hist. Soc. Soc. Coll. Vol. 7.) . 10. 8 New York. Bryan, Geo. J. Biographies (Buffalo Men.) 45. 2 Clark, E. W. Heroes of Albany During the War, 1861-65. Albany, 1866. 8vo. 44. 14 Patten, J. A. Lives of the Clergy of New* York and Brooklyn. 44. 14 Proctor, L. B. Bench and Bar of N. Y. 45. 4 Ohio. Biog. Encyclopedia of Ohio, of the 19th Century. 44. 14 Douglass, Ben. History of Wayne Co., O. Biog. Sketches. 18. 9 Ford, H. A., and Mrs. K. B. History of Hamilton Co., O., with biographical sketches, 1789-1880. 18. Goodman, A. T. Judges of the Supreme Court of Ohio, 1803-52. 18. 3. 1 Hill, N. W., Jr. Biographies and Histories of Pi- oneer Families. (Hist, of Licking, Co., O., 1881. 4to.) 18. 9 Hildreth, S. P. Biographical and Historical Mem- oirs of the Early Settlers of Ohio. 48. 11 Keys, James. Pioneers of Sciota Co. 18. 3. 5 McBride, James. Pioneer Biography. Early Settlers of Butler Co., O. 18. 2 Perrin, W. H., and Battle, J. H. Biographical Sketches." (Hist, of Delaware Co., O., 1880. 4to., pp. 613-855.) 18. 9 Walker, C. M. Hist, of Athens Co., O. Personal and Biographical Sketches of the Early Settlers, Pioneer Adventures, etc. 18. 2 Pennsylvania. See Armor, Wm. C. Lists of the Gover- nors. 45. 4 Bates, S. P. Martial Deeds of Pennsylvania. Bio- graphies of Pennsylvania Officers and Soldiers in the Eebellion. ''29. 7 Biog. Diet, of, ri9th Century). 45. 7 CATALOGUE CF THE LIBBABY. 217 BiOGRA PHY, Collective. — (Continued) . Harris, Alexander. Biographical History of Lancaster Co., 1872. 8vo. 43. 11 Kulp, Geo. B. Families of Wyoming Valley. 46.11 Mag. of History and Biography. Vols. 1-7. 1877-86. 11. 12 Price, Isaiah. History of the 97th Eegiment, Pa. Vols. 1861-65, With Biographical Eecords of its Officers, etc. *^9. 7 Simpson, Henry. Lives of Eminent Philadelphians. 8vo. 43. 12 Scotland. See Anderson, Wm. Scottish N'ation; Biographi- cal History of the People of Scotland. 40. 13 Texas. See Baker, D. W. C. Biographies of Distinguished Texans. (In his '^ Texas Scrap Book.'' pp. 251-301.) 15. 14 Texas. Lynch, James D. Bench and Bar of Texas 17. 4 Vermont. Hall, Hiland. Well's Biographies. 79 Virginia. Taylor, J. B. Lives of Va. Bapt. Ministers. 16. 6 Wisconsin. See Tenney, H. A., and Atwood_, David. Me- morial Eecord of the Fathers of Wisconsin. Sketches of Members of the Const. Conventions of 1846 and 1847. 8vo. 19. 4 Buck, J. S. Biographical Sketches. (In his Pioneer history of Milwaukee, 1876. 8vo.) 19. 11 Tuttle, C. E. Biog. Sketches of Prominent Men and Women of Wisconsin. (In his History of Wisconsin, 1875. 8vo.) 19. 11 Biog. Sketches of Prominent Men and Early Settlers of Dane Co., Wis. (History of Dane Co., 1880. 4to. 19. 12 Washington, D. C. Biographical Society. Proc. Vol. 1, 1880. 49. 9 Bird, C. Christian Charity. Sermon, in Appleby, Aug. 12, 1825. London, 1826. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 26.) 53. 12 Bird Family. Trask, W. B. Bird Family Genealogy. 47. 14 Birds. See Au|j:hey, Samuel. Nature of the Food of the Birds of\Nebraska. With Special Eeference to their locust-eat- ing habits, n. t. p. 8vo. (U. S. Eutom. Commission.) 19. 10. 5 Baird, S. F. Additions to the Bird-Fauna of [NTorth Ameri- ca, made by the Eusso- American Telegraph Expedition. (Chicago Acad, of Sciences. Trans. Vol. 1, pt. 2. pp. 311- 325.) 18. 218 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Birds. — (Continued). Catalogue of [N'orth American Birds in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. (Smiths. Misc. Coll. Vol. 1.) • 49. 2 And Others. Eeport. (Pacific Eailroad Survey. Vol. 9.) 60. 7 Eeview of American Birds in the Museum of the Smith- sonian Institution. Pt. 1. 49. 2 Brewer, T. M. Korth American Oology. (Smiths. Contrib. Vol. 11.) 49. 7 Cassin, J. Birds of Chili. Colored Plates. 50.1 Coues, Elliot. Birds in Dakota and Montana. 49. 5. 2 Birds of the Colorado Valley; Scientific and Popular in Formation, with Bibliographical Appendix. 49. 11 Birds of the Northwest; the Eegion Drained by the Missouri and its Tributaries. 49. 11 Dall, W. H. and Bannister, H. M. Birds of Alaska. 18. 5 Goss, N. S. Catalogue of the Birds of Kansas. To- peka, 1886. 19. 7 Hatch, P. L. Birds of Minnesota. (Minn. Hort. Soc. Proc. 1879.) 22. 14. 4 Kidder, J. H. Natural History of Kerauelep Island. Pt. 1. 49. 2 Kingsley, J. S. Natural History. Vol. 4. 51. 10 Lawrence, G. N. Birds of Southwestern Mexico. Collected by F. E. Sumichrast, for the U. S. National Museum. 49. 5. 3 Le Moine, J. M. On the Birds of Canada. 20. 9. 8 Marey, Phenomena of Flight in the Animal King- dom. 49. 3 Marsh, O. C. Birds with Teeth. (U. S. Geol. Surveys, 1881-82.) 8vo. 50. 3 Odontornithes ; Extinct Toothed Birds of North Ameri- ca. 50. 8 Nelson, E. W. Birds of Bering Sea and the Arctic Ocean. Ealph Wm. L, and Bagg, Egbert. Birds of Oneida Co., N. Y. 10. 11. 2 Eidgeway, Eobert. Ornithology. 50. 8 Eoberts, T. S., and Benner, Frank. Contributions to the Ornithology of Minnesota. 22. 10. 1 Smithsonian Institution. Instructions for Collecting Nests and Eggs. n. t. p. 49. 2 Stimpson, Wm. North American Birds in the Museum. 18. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE T. 219 BiEDS. — (Continued). x tl. S. Geographical Surveys "West of tlie lOOth Meridian. Ornithological Specimens. 1871-73. 49. 5. 3 U. S. Geol. Surveys. Bulletin. 49. 5. 2 Vol. 4, No. 1 and Vol. 5, No. 3. Birds of Texas. Eio Grande. G. B. Bennett. Vol. 4, No. 1. American Herodines (Herons, Storks, etc.) Robert Ridgway. Vol. 5, No. 1. Birds of Dakota. C. E. McChesney. Vol. 5, No. 3. Birds of Michigan, by INIorris Gibbs. Vol. 6, No. 1. Osteology of the Burrowing Owl, and; Homed Lark, by R. W. Schufeldt. Vol. 6, No. 2. Birds of Nevada, by W. J. Hoffman. Osteology of the Tetraonidae (Grouse, Partridge, etc.,) and the lanidae (Shrikes,) by R. W. Schufeldt. Wilson, Alex, and Bonaparte, C. J. American Ornithology. 3 vols. London, 1832. 8vo. 51. 10 See also Humming Birds, and other Birds; Texidermy, etc. Birds of Passage. (Poem.) By Longfellow, H. W. 74. 2 BiEKBECK, Morris. Letters from Illinois. 1817. Phil. 1818. I2mo. 18. 5 Notes on a Journey in America, from Virginia to Illinois. (1817.) 2d Edit. London, 1818. 8vo. 33. 4 Faux, W. Memorable Days in America, 1818-20. 33. 4 Fearon, H. B. Sketches of America. 33. 11 Flower, George. History of the Settlement in Edwards Co., 111., in 1817 and 1818. 18. 12 Birkenhead, Sir John. The Assemblyman. Written in the year 1647. London, 1662-3. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 6, pp. 57-64.) 40. 3 BiRNEY, Gen. D. B. Official Eeports of the Battle of Seven Pines, May 31, 1862. Phil. 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 8 BiRNEY, James G. American Churches the Bulwarks of Amer- ican Slavery. 3d Amer. Edit. Concord, IST. H., 1885. 16mo. 30. 7. 3 Sinfulness of slave-holding. Detroit, 1846. 8vo. 30. 13 Birney, William. Sketch of the Life of James G. Birney. 43. 6. B. 2 Birney, Gen. William. Art Education. Lecture, Feb. 6, 1878, before the Washington Art Club. Wash., 1876. 8vo. 51. 3. 3 Sketch of the Life of James G. Birney. ~ Chicago, 1884. 16mo. 43. 6. B. 2 3IINNES0TA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BiRNEY William, (Attorney of D. C.) The 3.65 Bonds. Are They Exempt from Taxation ? Opinion, n. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 7 BiSBEE, Eev. John H. A Sermon Delivered before his Excel- lency, Geo. N. Briggs, Governor, etc., Mass. Election Sermon, Jan. 6, 1847. 8vo. 56. 5. 5 BiSBEE, Eev. Herman. Natural Eeligion. A Sermon delivered at Pence Opera House, Minneapolis, March 27, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. 56. 7. 2 Natural and Supernatural; a Eeview of Eev. J. H. Tuttle's Position on Miracles; delivered at the A cademy of Music, Minneapolis, Feb. 4, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. 56. 7. 2 Bisbee Family. See Lapham, W. B. Descendants of Thomas Besbedge. 47. 1 Bishop, A. W. Loyalty on the Frontier; Sketches of Union Men of the Southwest; Incidents of the Eebellion on the Border. St. Louis, 1863. 12mo. 30. 2 Bishop, Harriet E. See McConkey, Mrs. H. E. B. Bishop, J. W. History of Fillmore Co., Minn. Chatfield, Minn., 1858. 22. 12. 5 Bishop, Levi. Teuchsa Grondie. A Legendary Poem. Al- bany, 1870. 8vo. 17. 12 Bishops. List of Bishops of the Church of England. (Debrett's Illustrated Peerage, etc.) 46. 1 See Bedford, W. K. E. Blazon of Episcopacy^. 46. 2 Bishop White Prayer Book Society. Annual Eeports, 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th to 11th, 13th to 15th, 17th to 29th, 1st and 31st. Phila., 1834-65. 8vo. 56. 14. 7 Bismarck, Otto Edw. Leopold, von. See Bott, Arthur. Prince Bismarck and his Policy. 43. 6. B. 1 Bism arck, D. T. Bismarck and Mandan Directory, 1884. St. Paul, 1884. 8vo. 19. 8 See Slaughter, Mrs. L. W. Advantages of Bismarck and Vicinity. 19. 14. 5 BissELL, A. H. Letter to the Postmaster General, on Classifica- tion of Mail Matter. 57. 10. 1 BissELL, Champion. Poem before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale College, July 24, 1861. Kew Haven, 1861. 8vo. (Ko. 13 in Yale College Addresses.) 7. 13 BissELL, G. W. Eeasons why the Detroit Eiver should not be Bridged. 1874. n. t. p. 18. 4. 3 Black Arts, in Medicine. See Jackson, J. D. Cinn., 1870. 8vo. 51. 11. 5 r\ *i -hTT CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 221 Black, Jeremiah S. See Douglas; S. A. Popular Sovereignty in the Territories. 33. 7. 4 Johnson, Eeverdy. Eemarks on Popular Sovereignty, as Denied by Attorney General Black. 33. 7. 4 Black, Samuel W., (Gov. of Neb.) Message, 1859. Omaha, 1859. 8vo. 19. 10. 5 Black Hawk or Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiai. Life of, dic- tated by himself. Boston, 1845. 18mo. 43. 8 See Biggs, Uriah. Sketches of the Sacs and F6xes. 19. 6 Great Indian Chief of the West. Life and Adventures of. Phila, 1856. 12mo. 44. 8 Negus, Charles. Early History of Iowa. 19. 6 Wilkie, F. B. Davenport, Past and Present. (Sketch of Black Hawk.) 19. 3 Wisconsin Historical Society. Vol. 5, pp. 293-305. Capture of Black Hawk, etc. 19. 11 Black Hawk County, Iowa. The History of Black Hawk Co., Iowa; Containing a History of the County, its Cities, Towns, etc., a Biographical Directory of its Citizens, etc. Chicago, 1878. 8vo. 83. 8 Black Hawk War. Black Hawk and the Black Hawk War. (Hist, of Benton Co., Iowa. 1878. 8vo, pp. 74 and 152.) 19. 7 Bracken, Charles and Parkison, Peter. Pekatonica Battle Controversy. 19. 11 Clark, Satterlee. Early Times at Fort Winnebago, and Black Hawk War Keminiscences. 19. 11 Clemens, Orion. City of Keokuk in 1856. Also, Sketch of Black Hawk War. 19. 13. 4 Duis, E. Historical Sketch of the Black Hawk War. 1831-32. 18. 5 Elliott, Isaac H. Eecord of the Services of Illinois Sol- diers, etc. 17. 10 Kingston, J. T. Early Western Days. 19. 11 Parkison, D. M. Pioneer Life in Wisconsin. Recollections of the Winnebago and Black Hawk Wars. 19. 11 Smith, W. R. Documentary History of Wisconsin. 19. 11 Strictures upon Gov. Thomas Ford's History of the Black. Hawk War, in his History of Illinois, by Peter Parkinson, Jr., etc. 19. 11 Strong, M. M. Indian Wars of Wisconsin. 19. 11 Wisconsin Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol 5, pp. 285-320. (Col. Dodge's Volunteers; Reminiscences of the War; Battle of Bad Axe, etc. Personal Narratives of Col. Joseph Dickson and W. Davidson.) 19. 11 222 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Black Hills, D. T. See Dodge, Eichard J. The Black Hills, etc. K Y., 1876. 12mo. 19. 8 Winchell, K. H. Geol gical report on the Black Hills of Dakota, 1874. 25. 6. 1 See also, Dakota. Black Eegiments. See Kider, S. S. Inquiry Concerning the Attempt to Eaise a Eegiment of Slaves, by Ehode Island, during the Eevolution. 8. 13 Blackman, feMiLY 0. History of Susquehanna Oo., Pa., in- cluding the Annals and Geography of each Township, etc. Phila., 1873. 8vo. 11. 4 Blacksheae, David. See Miller, S. F., Memoir, etc. 45. 2 Blackstone, Sir Wm. Commentaries on the Laws of England. Ed. by a member of the New York Bar. N. Y., 1853- 8vo. 2 Yols. 53. 4 Blackwood, Eev. Wm. An address delivered at the Annual meeting of the Missionary, Bibie, Tract and Education Society, of the Theological 'Seminary at Princeton, N. J., April 20, 1852, on Nature and Eevelation. Phila., 1852. 8vo. 56. 7. 4 Blackwood's Edinbuegh Magazine. Vols. 1-80. 1817-1856. Edinburgh. 8vo. 87. 8 Blain, William. J. Sermon at the Funeral of A. W. Hull, April 15, 1867. Albany, N. Y. 1867. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 1 Blaine, James Gillespie. Controversy between Speaker Blaine and General Butler, n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 32, No. 39). 60. 8 See King, James. Campaign Life of Blaine. 43. 6. B. 2 Memorial address on James A. Garfield, Feb. 27, 1882. 44. 12 Eeimbursement of Loyal States for Expenses Incurred in the War. Speech, H. E., March 21, 1866. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 29, No. 5). 60. 8 Sketch of. (In '^ Men of Progress." 1870. 8vo). 44.2 And Others. Jeff. Davis. Amnesty. Speech in the U. S. H. of E., Jan. 10, 1876. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 11. 4 Blair, Austin, (Gov of Mich.) Message. Lansing, 1861. 8vo. 18. 4. 4 See Seaman, E. E. Gov. Blair's Speech. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1866. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 22, No. 34). 60. 8 Blair, Francis P., Jr. Biog. sketch of. (Army of Tennessee Soc. of Eeport, 1875). 30. 11 Colonization and Commerce. Address before the Young Men's Mercantile Library Association of Cincinnati, Xov. 29, 1859. n. t. p. 8vo. ^ 30. 7. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y. 223 Blair Francis P., Jr.— (Continued). Radicalism, etc. Speech, before the Missouri Legislature, Jan. 4, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 24). 60. 1 Report of the Committee on Military Affairs, on the Ex- pediency of Constructing a Ship Canal between the waters of Lake Michigan and the Mississipj)i River. Report 37, 37th Cong., 2d Sess. Wash., 1872. 8vo. 72. 13. 6 Sketch of, by W. V. K. Bay. (In his Reminiscences, etc., 1878. 8vo. pp. 394-401). 18. 7 Sketch of, by L. TJ. Reavis. (In his Saint Louis, etc., 1875). 8vo. pp. 167-180. 18. 7 Speech, on the Acquisition of Central America; delivered in the U. S. House of Reps., Jan. 14, 1858. Wash., 1858. 8vo. 13. 7. 1 Blair, Hugh. Lectures on Rhetoric. 11th edit. London, 1809. 8vo. 3Yols. 74. 5 Blair, James G. Civil Rights are Legal Rights. Speech in the U. S. H. of R., March 16, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 5, No. 33). 60. 1 Polygamous Marriages in Utah. Speech, H. R., Feb. 17, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 38, No. 32). 60. 8 Blair, Montgomery. Comment on the Policy Inaugurated by the President, A. Lincoln, in a letter and two speeches. 30. 4. 1 Letter to Fitz John Porter, Jan. 26, 1874. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 11. 2 Speeches. 1. Monroe Doctrine. 2. Defense of the South. No imprint. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlet, Yol. 15, No. 47.) 60. 1 do. Reply of Joseph Holt to. Ramsey Pamphlet, Yol. 15, No. 48. 60. 1 Blake, Francis E. Incidents of the First and Second Settle- ments of Worcester. Worcester, 1884. 8vo. 25. 2. 1 Rutland and the Indian Troubles of 1723-30. Worcester, 1886. 8vo. 25. 2. 1 Some Worcester Matters, 1689-1743. Worcester, 1885. 8vo. 25. 2. 1 Blake, F. E. Report on the Management of Indians in British America (Canada) by the British Governent. Jan. 1870. No imprint. 8vo. 20. 5. 2 29 224 3IINNES0TA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Blake, James. Annals of the Town of Dorcliester, 1750. Bos- ton, 1846. l8mo. (Dorch. Antig. and Hist. Soc. Coll. Xo. 2.) 8. 3 Blake, James, Jb. Appendix to Memoirs of Capt. Eoger Clap, Containing a short account of the Author and his Family. Boston, 1807. 8vo. 25. 7. 3 Blake, John Laurie. General Biographical Dictionary. 8th Ed. Boston, 1848. 8vo. 43. 5 Blake, Jonathan. History of the Town of Warwick, Massa- chusetts to 1854, (Brought Down to the Present Time by Others.) Boston, 1873. 12mo. 8. 2 Blake, Mortimer. Taunton North Purchase; a Paper Bead Before the Old Colony Historical Society. April, 1855. Collec. No. 3. 8. 9. 9 A Centurial History of the Mendon Association of Congregational Ministers, with the Centennial Address, Delivery at Franklin, Mass., Nov. 19, 185 J, and Bio- graphical Sketches of the Members, etc. Boston, 1853. 12mo. • 8. 2 Blake, Samuel. Genealogical History of William Blake, of Dorchester, Mass., and his Descendants. Boston, 1857. 8vo. 47. 1 See Trask, W. B. Memoir of Samuel Blake. 43. 6. B. 2 Blake, Lieut. Thomas. Journal in the Revolutionary War. (See Kidder, Frederic. 1st N. H. Eegiment, 1868. 8vo. pp. 25-56.) 14. 3 Blake, W. O. History of Slavery and the Slave Trade. Col- umbus, O. 1857. 8vo. ' 30. 12 Blake, William J. History of Putnam County, N. Y., 1849. 12mo. 10. 9 Blake, W. P. (and Petit, Henry.) Reports on the Vienna Universal Exhibition, 1873. Philadelphia, 1873. 8vo. 52. 13. 1 Blake Family. See Blake, Samuel. Genealogical History of. Boston, 1857. 8vo. 47. 1 Blakeley, Capt. Eussell. Cheap Transportation. What should be done to Provide it? Necessity for the Improve- ment of the Mississippi River etc., a Report to the Saint Paul Chamber of Commerce, Dec. 29, 1873. St. Paul, 1873. 8vo. 72. 13. 5 Blanchard Rev. Amos. See Patterson, D. N. Sketch of the, Lifeoi*. 8. 2. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 225 Blanchard, Claude. (Commissary in the French Army, in the American Eevolution. ) Journal, 1780 17S3. Trans, by William Duane, and Ed. by Thomas Balch. Albany, 1876. 4to. 14. 12 Blaxchard, Jonathan. Discourse on "Public Men and Public Institutions of the Church." (See Gale, G. W. Brief History, etc. 1845.) 8vo. 18. 13. 5 Blanch AED, J. P. The Future Life; an Examination of its Con- ditions; from the ^ew Testament. Boston, 1858. 8vo. 56. 7. 2 Blanchaed, Eufus. Discovery and Conquests of the North- west, with the History of Chicago. Wheaton, 111., 1880. 8vo. 18. 12 Handbook of Minnesota, 1867. Chicago, 1867. 18mo. 22. 5. 7 Historical Map of the United States. Folded in a Case. Chi- cago, 1876. V. History of Du Page County, 111. Chicago, 1882. 4to. 83. 8 Else and Fall of Political Parties in the United States. Chi- cago, 1884. 18mo. 33. 6 Bland, T. Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America, Parti. 49. 2 Blane, Sir Gilbert. Inquiry into the Causes and Eemedies of the High Price of Provisions. 2d Edit. 1817. (Pamphle- teer, Yol.9.) 53. 5 Blanford, Henry de. Chronica et Annales. See Trokelowe, John de. 40. 12 Blaguiere, Edward. Greece and her Claims. London, 1826. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 26.) 53. 12 Eeport on the Present State of the Greek Confederation. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 22.) 53. 12 Blaydes, Frederic Augustus, Editor. The Visitations of Bedfordshire, A. D. 1566, 1582 and 1634, made by Wm. Harvey, Esq., Clarencieux King of Arms; Eobert Cook, Esq., Clarencieux King of Arms, and George Owen, Esq. York Hei-ald, etc. Together with Additional Pedigrees, etc. London, 1884. 8vo. (Harleian Soc, Vol. 19.) 25. 12 Bledsoe, Albert Taylor. Is Davis a Traitor ? Or, was Se- cession a Constitutional Eight, Previous to the War of 1861! Baltimore, 1866. 8vo. 30. 2 Essay on Liberty and Slavery. Phila., 1856. 8vo.« 30. 6 226 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Blendon Township, Ohio, Presbyterian Church. See Eobert- son, H. M., Presbyterian Church. Historical Discourse, July 26, 1876. Columbus, O., 1876. 8vo. 18. 10. 9 Blennerhassett, Herman. See Hildreth, S. P. Sketch. (''Early Settlers of Ohio." 1852. 8vo.) 43. 11 Safford, W. H. The Blennerhassett Papers, etc. 14. 14 Blind, the. See American Association of Instructors for the Blind. Proceedings, etc. 57. 5. 5 American Printing House for the Blind. Eeports, 1874, '76, '78. Frankfort and Louisville, Ky., 1875-78. 57. 5. 5 Anagenos, M. Appeal for Foundation and Endowment of a Kindergarten for Blind Children of Boston. 1884. Book of Psalms, in raised type for the blind. N. Y., Amer. Bible Soc, 1846. 4to. V. Bew, George. Observations on Blindness. (Manchester, Eng., Lit. and Phil. Soc. Memoirs, Vol. 1, pp. 159-184.) 35. 8 Danglison, Eobley. On the Blind, and Institutions for the Blind in Europe. Phila., 1854. 8vo. 11. 7. 6 See Education of the Blind. 56. 9.3 Kindergarten and Primary School for the Blind. An earnest appeal for its endowment and foundation. (With portrait of Fr. Froebel.) Bost,, 1883. 8vo. 56. 9. 5 Proceedings of the Public Meeting on Behalf of the Print- ing Fund for the Blind, held at Tremont Temple, on Fri- day, April 1, 1881. Boston, 1881. 8vo. 56. 9. 4 Willis, A. S. Education of the Blind. Speech, Jan. 17, 1879, on the bill making [an appropriation for the. American Printing House for the Blind. Washington, 1879, 12mo. 57. 5. 5 Massachusetts Asylum for the. See ''Perkins Institute,'^ etc. See also names of State and Private Institutions. Bliss, Alexander. Eeview of the Halifax Fishery Award. How it Strikes a Private Citizen. Wash., 1878. 8vo. 33. 12. 2 Bliss, George. An Address Delivered at the Opening of the Town Hall, in Springfield, Ma.^'ch 24, 1828, containing sketches of the early history of that town, and those in its vicinity; with an appendix. Springfield, 1828. 8vo. 8. 2. 6. B Jlistorical Memoir of the Western Eailroad. (Mass.) Springfield, 1863. 8vo. 72. 14. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 227 Bliss, John Homer. Genealogy of the Bliss Family in Amer- ica, 1550-1880. Bost., 1881. 8vo. (Includes Compilations of Judge O. B. Morris and Sylvester Smith. ) 47. 1 Bliss Family. See Bliss, J. H. Genealogy of the Bliss Fam- ily, etc. 47. 1 Block Island, Ehode Island. Hand-Book for Visitors. By "Ben. Mush." Norwich, Conn., 1877. 16mo. 8. 7. 7 Liver more, S. T. A History of Block Island, from its dis- covery in 1514, to the present time, 1876. Hartford, 1877. 12mo. 8. 14 Blodget, Lorin. Climatology of the United States, and of the Temperate Latitudes of the North American Continent, etc. Phila., 1857. 8vo. 51. 3 Commercial and Financial Strength of the United States, as shown in the Foreign Trade, etc. Phila., 1864. 8vo. 33. 7. 7 Industries of Philadelphia, as shown by the Manufacturing Census of 1870. 2d edit. Phila., 1877. 4to. 25. 6. 2 Practical Defects of Existing Forms of Political Action. (Phila. Union League, Essays, 1868. 8vo.) 57. 3 Blodgett, Foster. Brief of Facts, and the Law on Behalf of. n. t. p. 8vo. .(I^3;msey Pamj)h., Yol. 13, No. 23.) 60. 1 Protest against his claiming a seat in the U. S. Senate, Feb. 1871. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 11, No. 24.) 60. 1 Statement and Evidence, in reply to the charges of Joshua Hill, made in the U. S. Senate, April 10, 1871. Wash., 1871. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 17.) 60. 1 U. S. Congress, Senate. Brief of Protestants in the case of Blodgett, March 20, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 25.) 60. Blomfield, Charles James, Bp. Letter to Charles Butler, in Vindication of English Protestants. 3d edit.)London, 1825. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 25.) 53. 12 Blood, Henry Ames. History of Temple, N. H. Bost., 1860. 8vo. 7. 4 Bloodgood, S. De Witt. The Sexagenary, or^ Eeminiscences of the American Eevolution. Albany, 1866. 8vo. 14. 9 Blondel, Eobert. (b. 1390.) De reductione Normaunise, 1863. 8vo. (Narratives of the Expulsion, ct 3.) 40.6 228 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bloomer, Mrs. Amelia. Biog. Sketch of. (Annals of Iowa, July, 1874.) 19. 13. 1 Bloomer. D. C. l^otes on the Early History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa. (Annals of Iowa, Vols. 9-12.) 19. 6 Biog. Sketch of, by John H. Keatley. (Annals of Iowa, Jan. 1874.) 19.13. 1 Bloomfield, Conn. See Windsor, Conn. Bloomfield, O. See Eobertson, G. A. Sketch of Bloomfield. (Mahoning Valley Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1, pp. 258-267.) Bloomington, Minn. See Brewster, Wm. Sketch of the Town of Bloomington, Minn. St. Paul, 1857. 12mo, with map. 22. 12. 5 Bloore, Joshua. See Whitbeck, John. Sermon in Waterford, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1843, on the Death of Joshua Bloore. Lansingburgh, 1843. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 17, ^o, 2.) 53. 6 Bloss, C. a. Ancient History. Eevised by John J. Anderson, N. Y., 1878. 12mo. 40. 1 Blossom, Levi. Paper on the Indians of Wisconsin, 1870. 8vo. (See Lapham, I. A.) 19. 5. 6 Blount County, Alabama. See Powell, George. Description and History of Blount Co., Ala. (Alabama Hist. Soc. Trans. 1855.) 8vo. 15. 7. 4 Blue Color of the Sky. Influence of ; by Pleasanton, A. J. Phila., 1871. 8vo. 51. 3. 11 Blue Earth City, Minn. Description of. (Davy, P. B. Ex- pedition, etc., 1868.) 12mo. 19. 14. 8 Blue Earth County, Minn. See Willard, J. A. Blue Earth County; its Advantages to Settlers. Mankato, Minn., 1868. 8vo. 22. 12. 5 See Mankato, Minn. Blunt, Henry. Discourse on the Articles of the Church of England. Also Lectures on St. Peter, 1st Am. Edit. Phila., 1839. 12mo. 56. 3 Blyden, Edward F. Address. (Liberia College. Proceedings at the Inauguration, etc.) 30. 7. 10 BoARDMAN, Rev. Geo. K Female Education, the Importance of Public Institutions for the Education of Young Women. An address before the officers and students of Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, July 18, 1867. K". Y. , 1867. 8vo. 56. 9. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 229 BoAKDMAN, Henry A. The American Union; Discourse, Dec. 12, 1850. Phila., 1851. 8\^o. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 5, Xo. 6.) 53. 12 The Importance of Eeligion to the Legal Profession, with , some remarks on the Character of the late Charles Chaun- cey, Esq. A discourse delivered Sept. 30 and Oct. 14, 1849, in the Tenth Presbyterian Church, Phila. Phila., 1849. 8vo. 56. 7. 5 Sermon, on the Death of Wm. Henry Harrison, April, 1841, in Philadelphia. Phila., 1841. 12mo. 43. 14. 6 BOARDMAN, Eev. Samuel W. Biog. Sketch of Dea. Timothy Boardman. Albany, n. d. 8vo. 47. 8 Editor. Log Book of Timothy Boardman, kept on board the Privateer Oliver Cromwell, during a cruise from Xew London, Conn., to Charleston, S. C, and return, in 177S. Also a Biographical Sketch of the Author. Albany, 1885. 8vo. 46. 5 Boardman, Timothy. See Boardman, S. W., editor. Log Book, and Biog. Sketch of him; Genealogy of the Board- man Family, etc. 1885. 8vo. 4^. 5 Boardman Family. See Boardman, Eev. Sam'l W. Biog. Sketch of Dea. Timothy Boardman. 47. 1 BoBiN, Isaac. Letters of Isaac Bobin, Private Secretary of George Clarke, secretary of the Province of New York, 1718-1730. Albany, N. Y., 1872. 4to. 43. 2 BoDLEY, Sir Thomas. Life of, written by himself. Oxford, 1647. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 5, pp. 51-57.) BOECE (BoEis, OR Boyce) Hector. (B. 1465.) Buick of the Croniclis of Scotland; metrical version of the history of Hector Boece. By Wm. Stewart. (To 1436.) Ed. by Wm. B. Turnbull. London, 1858. 8vo. 3 Vols. 40. 11 BoETHius (Boece or Boeis) Hector. History. See Boece. BoGUE Family. See Booge Family. BoGrY, Lewis Y. Defense Before the Committee of Indian Affairs, of the House of Eepresentatives, Jan., 1867. n. t. p. 8vo. Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 24, IsTo. 33.) 60. 8 Transfer of the Indian Bureau. Speech in the Senate of the U. S., June 20, 1876. Wash., 1876. 12mo. 15. 11. 5 U. S. Congress. Memorial Addresses on L. V. Bogy. Jan. 16, 1878. Wash., 1878. 8vo. 44. 7 230 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bohemian Dictionary. Jonas, Charles. Dictionary of the Bohemian and English Languages. Racine, Wis., 1876. 16mo. 2 Vols. 34. 1 Bohemian Literature. See Hana, Wenceslaus, Ed. Poly- glotta Kralodvorskeho Rukopisco, etc. Prague, 1852. 12mo. (Bohemian Lyrics of about the 13th Century.) 34. 1 Boies, Henry L. History of De Kalb Co., 111. Chicago, 1868. 8vo. 83. 8 Boker, Geo. H. Sketch of (^^Men of Progress," 1870.) 8vo. 44. 2 BoKUM, Hermann. Tennessee Hand-Book and Immigrants' Guide. Phila., 1868. 12mo. 18. 14. 1 Wanderings Xorth and South. Phila., 1864. 8vo. (Ram- sey Pamph., Vol. 17, ^o. 5.) 60. 8 Testimony of a Refugee from East Tennessee. Phila., • 1863. 12mo. 30. 11. 4 Boles, Thomas. Arkansas Contested Election. Speech H. of R., Feb. 9, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 31, Ko. 26.) 60. 8 Bounty and Pensions. Speech H. of R., March 3, 1873. n. * t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph. j Vol. 23, Xo. 15.) 60. 8 BoLiNGBROKE, Henr^ St. John. See Leland, John. Reflec- tions on Bolingbroke's Letters on the Study and Use of History. (With his views of deistical writers, etc.) 1837. 8vo. 56. 4 BoLLER, Henry A. Among the Indians. Eight years in the Far West; 1858-66. Phila., 1868. 12mo. 15.8 Bolles, Albert S. Conflict Between Labor and Capital. Phila., 1876. 12mo. 57. 3 Bolles, Edwin C. Sermon Before the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1881. (Ancient and Hon. Art. Co. Record, 1881.) 8. 2. 6 Bolles, James A. Twenty-second Anniversary Sermon and Report of the Parish of the Advent, Boston, Mass., 1866. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 2, Ko. 4.) 9. 2 Bolles, John Augustus. Genealogy of the Bolles Family in America. Bost., 1865. 4to. 47. 1 Bolles, John R. Reply to Bishop Hopkins' View of Slavery, and a Review of the Times. Phila., 1865. 8vo. 30. 7. 6 Bolles Family. See Bolles, J. A. Genealogy of the Bolles Family in America. Bost., 1865. 4to. 47. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 231 BOLLING, Egbert. Memoirs of the Boiling Family. Trans, from the original French Manuscripts, by John Eobertson, Jr. Eichmond, Ya., 1868. 4to. 47. 1 BoLLiNG Family. See Boiling, Eobert. Memoirs of the Boiling Family. Eichmond, Ya., 1868. 4to. 47. 1 BoLLMAN, Lewis. Industrial CollegeJ^ Added, communication on plan of the college building, by Eichard Owen. No imprint. 8vo. 56. 9. 2 Bolton, Eobert, Jr. History of the County of Westchester, :N^. Y., 1683-1848. X. Y., 1848. 8vo. 2Yols. 10. 5 History of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the County of \Yestchester, from its foundation, A. D. 1693 to A. D, 1853. N. Y. 1855. 8vo. 16. 14 Bolton, Wm. Xarrative of the Last Cruise of the U. S. Steam Frigate Missouri; detail of the Conflagration. Phila., 1844. 8vo. 14. 13. 1 Bolton, Mass. Edes, Eichard S. Address on 138th Anniver- sary, 1877. 25. 8 BoLTWOOD, Lucius M. Genealogies of the Hadley Families, Early Settlers of Hadley, South Hadley, Amherst and Granby. Northampton, 1862. 8vo. 46. 12 History and Genealogy of the Family of Thomas Koble,. of Westfield, Mass., etc. Hartford, Conn.. 1878. 8vo. 47. 11 BoLZius, Eev. — . Yoyage to Georgia, 1733-'4. See Eeck, P. G. F., von. 14. 12 Bonaparte, Charles Lucten (and "VYilson, Alex.) American Ornithology, etc. 3 Yols. London, 1832. 8vo. 51. 10 Bonaparte, Kapoleon. See iN'apoleon I. Bond, Edward A. Editor. Chronica Monasteri de Melsa. See Burton, Thos. 40. 12 Bond, Henry. Genealogies of the ^Early Settlers of Watertown^ Mass., including \Yaltham and Weston; appended, the early history of the town. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 2 Yols. 46. 12 Bond, John \Yesley. Meteorology of Minn. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Annals, 1850-'51.) pp. 158-182; 1853. pp. 65-72. 22. 10 Minnesota and its Eesources (1853.) Appended, campfire sketches, or notes of a trip from St. Paul to Selkirk's. Settlement. (1851.) Chic, and Phila. 1853. 12mo. 22. 1 Same, 2d edition, 1856. 22. 8 30 232 3IINNES0TA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BoNELL, Geo. W. Topographical Description of Texas, to which is added an account of the Indian Tribes. Austin, 1840. 16mo. 17. 9 BONIN, A. VON. Fortifications of To-day. (Translations.) Wash., 1883. 4to. 51. 9. 1 Bonner, B. E. Addre^ss Before the I^ational Board of Trade, at Buffalo, Dec. 12, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 28, No. 21.) 60. 8 Bonner, Edmund. Bp. of London, b. 1490. Knell, Thomas. Epitaph upon the Life and Death of Dr. Bonner. Lon- don, 1 69. 12mo. (Harleian Misc. Vol. 1, pp. 387-39S.) 40. 3 Bonner, Robert. Life of. See McCabe, J. D. Great Fortunes, 1871. 8vo. 43. 12 Bonneville, Oapt. Adventures of. See Irving, Washington. London, 1837. 8vo. 3 Vols. 74. 1 Bonnycastle, Richard H. Spanish America; Descriptive, Historical and Geographical Account. London, 1818. 12mo. 2 Vols. 52. 3 BoNPLAUD, Aine. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent. See Humboldt, F. H. A. von. 52. 5 Bonstetten, Ch-Vkjtor, de. The Man of the North and the Man of the South, or the Influence of Climate. N. Y., 1864. 16mo. 16. 4 Bontecou Family. See Morris, John E. Descendants of Pierre Bontecou. 47. 8 BoNWiCK, James. The Mormons and the Silver Mines. Lou- don, 1872. 12mo. 17. 1 BooDEY Family. See Caverly, Robert D. Annals of the Boodeys in New England. 47. 8 BooaE, OR BoGUE Family. See Patterson, D. AY. Short Account of the Family of Booge. n. t. p. Newark Yalley, , 1872. 8vo. 74. 14. 1 Book of Common Prayer. Small and simple reasons delivered in a hollow tree in Waltham Forest, showing the causes wherefore they refuse the Book of Common Prayer. Printed Anno Millimo, Quillimo, Trillimo. 4to. (Harleian Misc. V. 4. pp. 177-183.) 40. 3 See Hinman, S. D. The Prayer Book translated into Dakota. 22. 1 See. Protestant Episcopcal Church. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 233 Book of St. Albans. Third part of the Boke of Saint Albans, printed from the original in 1486. (App. to Dallaway, James, Science of Heraldry^ 1793. 4to.) 46. 7 Book of the Court. See Thomas, W. J. 2d edit. London, 1844. 8vo. 46. 8 BooKE, Ye of Copperheads. Philadelphia, 1863. 12mo. 30. 4. 9 Book of Martyrs. See Fox, John. Philadelphia, 1843. 8vo. 43. 3 Boone, Daniel. See Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. (Natl. Portrait Gall. Vol. 1.) 44. 6. Flint, Timothy. Biographical Memoir of Dan'l Boone. Cincinnati, 1845. 18mo. 43. 8 McClung, John A. Sketches of Western Adventure, pp. 45-86. 18. 14 Boone, Eebecca. (Wife of Daniel.) See Ellett, Mrs. E. F. Life of Eebecca Boone. (In her "Pioneer Women," etc.) 1852. 12mo. 43. 12 Booth, Edwin. Life of. See McCabe, J. D. Great Fortunes, etc., 1871. 8vo. 43. 12 Booth, J. C. and Morfit, Campbell. Recent^Improvements in the Chemical Arts. Washington, 1852. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 2.) 49. 2 Booth,. EoBERT E. Nation's Crisis and the Christian's Duty. Sermon in the Mercer Street Presbyterian Church, Kew York, May 12, 1861. :N'ew York, 1861. 30. 4. 7 Booth, Walter S. Justice's Manual for the State of Minneso- ta. Complete Guide for Justices of the Peace and Con- stables. 4th edit. Eochester, Minn., 1875. 8vo. 22. 5. 1 Laws of Minnesota Eelating to Township Organization, Em- bracing all Laws Eelating to TownshiiDS and the Duties of Township Officers, since 1874. Eochester, 1874. 8vo. 22. 5. 1 Township Manual for the State of Minnesota. Comi^ete Guide for Township Officers. 3d ed. EochcvSter, 1876. 8vo. 22. 5. 1 Bond, Frank S. Letter of, as Vice President of the Texas & Pacific Eailway Co. ; to the Chairman of the U. S. Senate Committee on Eailroads, March 10, 1876. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1876. 72. 6. 3 Borcke, von, Heros. Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence. 2 Vols. Edinburgh, 1866. 8vo. 31. 4 234 MINNESOTA HISTOBICAL SOCIETY. BoKDLEY Family. See Gibson, Mrs. E. B. Biographical Sketches of the Bordleys of Maryland. Philadelphia, 1865. 12mo. ^ 47. 8. BoREMAN, Egbert. Triumph of Learning over Ignorance; and of Truth over Falsehood. Loudon, 1653. 4to. pp. 38. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 6, pp. 295-321.) 40. 3 BORTHWICK, J. D. Three Years in California. Edinburgh and London, 1857. 8vo. 19. 8 BoRTHWiCK, Peter. Discussion on Slavery. See Thompson, George. Lectures, etc, 1836. 12mo. 30. 13 BosoANA, Geronimo Chinigchinich. Historical Account of. the Indians at St. Juan Capistrano, Alta, Califoruia. New York, 1846. (Appended to Eobinson, A. "Life in Cal- fornia.") 20. 7 BoscAWEN, N. H, See Coffin, C. C. History of Boscawen and Webster. Concord, 1878. 8vo. 7. 4 Price, Ebenezer. Chronological Eegister of Boscawen. Concord, 1823. 8vo. 25. 9 Bosquet, Abraham. Treatise on Duelling. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 12.) 53. 5 BosSANGE, GuSTAV. Literary Annual. Catalogue of Works published in France. 1870, '71. Paris, 1872. 8vo. 74.10 Bossu, M. XouvEAU. Voyages aux Indes Occidentales. 1751- 1762. Paris, 1768. 12mo. 2 Vols. . 20. 1 Nouveaux Voyages Dans PAmerique Septentrional e. Collection de Lettres ecrites sur les lieux. 1770, '71 Nouv. ed. Amsterdam et Paris, 1778. 8vo. 20. 3 Boston, Mass. By-Laws and Town Orders of the Town of Bos- ton, 1785 and 1786. (Title page gone.) 8vo. 8. 15 Votes and Proceedings of the Inhabitants of Boston, in Town Meeting Assembled. Published by order of the town. 1772. Boston, printed. London, reprinted 1773. 8vo. (Eevolutionary Pamphlets, Vol. 21, Xo 1.) Social, Commercial, and Manufacturing Statistics of Boston, 1880. 8vo. 81 Assessors. List of Persons, etc.. Taxed on $10,000 and Up- wards, 1861/62. Bost., 1861, '62. 8vo. 2 Vols. S. S. S Board of Directors for Public Institutions. Eeport, 1868, '80, '82, '83, '85. Bost.,v.d. 8vo. (1885, bound.) 8.1.5 Board of Health. Acts Eelating to the Establishment of Quarantine of Massachusetts. Boston, 1881. 8vo. 51. 4. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 235 Boston, Mass.— (Continued). Annual Eeports, 1873, '74, '76, '79, '80, '81, '83, '84, '85. Bost., V. d. 8vo. 8. 5. 1 Eules for the Management of Infants and Children. Bost., 187(). 8vo. 8. 5. 1 Sanitary Condition of Boston (1875). Eeport of a Med- ical Commisson. By T. B. Curtis. Bost., 1875. 8vo. 8. 5. 1 City Hospital. Acts of the Legislature and Ordinances of the City Council Relating to the Hospital. Bost., 1864. 8vo. 8. 2. 2 Catalogue of the Hospital Library. Boston, 1873. 8vo. 74. 13. 1 Medical and Surgical Eeports. 1, 3. Bost., 1870-82. 8vo. 2 Vols. 51. 4 Eeports, 1873, '81, '82, '84. Bost., v. d. 8vo. 8. 8. 2 See Upham, J. B. Tabular History and Analysis of all the Cases of Typhoid and Typhus Fever at the Hos- pital, June, 1864-1869, Bost., 1870. 8yo. 51. 11. 3 City Physician. Communication on Asiatic Cholera (1866). Wm. Eead. Bost., 1866. 8vo. 51. 11. 3 Eeport of Wm Eead, 1867. Bost., 1867. 8vo. 8. 2. 9 City Eegistrar. Eeport of Births, Marriages and Deaths, for 1854, '62-'67, '68, '69, '72, '73. Bost., v. d. 8vo. 8. 8. 13 Cochituate Water Board. Annual Eeport, 1870, ' 74. Bost., 1870. 2 Vols. 8. 1. 3 Common Council. Address of Charles E. Pratt, President. Jan. 2, 1882. Bost., 1882. 8vo. 8. 9. 2 Bronze Group, Commemorating Emancipation. Gift to the City from Moses Kimball. Oration by F. O. Prince, Mayor, on Abraham Lincoln. Boston, 1879. 8vo. 43. 14. 1 Communications and Eeports in Eelation to Boston Harbor, by the U. S. Commissioners, Joseph H. Tot- ten, A.. D. Bache, C. H. Davis, 1859. Bost., 1862. 8vo. (8 pamphlets bound together. ) 8. 3 Digest of Statutes and Ordinances Eelating to the Pub- lic Health, 1873. Boston, 1873. 16mo. 8. 2. 9 Eulogy on John Albion Andrew, by Edwin P. Whipple, with Proceedings of the City Council. Boston, 1867. 8vo. 43. 6. A 236 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Boston, Mass. — (Continued). Fortieth Anniversary of the Election of Washington Parker Gregg, as Clerk of the Common Council, June 7, 1882. Bost., 1882. 8vo. 43. 6. G Hearings on the Petition of the Citizens' Gas Light Co. Nov. and Dec, 1874. Boston, 1874. 8vo. 8.83 Same. Proceedings on the Petition. Dec, 1874. 8vo. 8. 8. 3 Memoir of John Plumraer Healy, City Solicitor and Corporation Counsel. Prepared by. Godfrey Morse. Boston, 1882. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 1 Memorial of Anson Burlingame. Boston, 1870. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Memorial of James Abram Garfield. Memorial Ser- vices and Eulogy, by N. P. Banks. Boston, 1881. 8vo. 44. 12 Memorial of Joshua Bates. Boston, 1865. 8vo. 44. 6 Memorial Services in Honor of Garfield, Oct. 20, 1881. No imprint. 8vo. 43. 6. G. Memorial of Wendell Phillips. Printed by Order of the Common Council. Boston, 1884. 8vo. 25. 3 Municipal Register, 1860, '61, '69, '82, '83. Boston, v. d. 8vo. 8. 3 Report and Communications Relating to a Public Park for Boston, 1869. No imprint. 8vo. 8. 11 Report in Relation to the Public Garden, July, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8vo. 8. 1. 6 Report of Mrs. Harrison Gray Otis on Donations for Sol- diers, 1864. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 11. 6 Report of the Commissioners on Investigation of Water Supply, Feb. 15, 1883. 8. 1. 3 Report of the Joint Special Committee on Intramural Interments, Sept. 25, 1879. n. t. p. 8vo. 8. 12 Report of the Joint Special Committee on the Burial of Mass. Dead at Gettysburg; with a List of Soldiers Buried. Boston, 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 9 Report of the Joint Standing Committee on Water. On the Impurity of the Water Supply. 1881. Nov. 21. n. t. p. 8vo. 8. 1. 3 RepoKt on the Common, and Public Squares. 1863. No imprint. 8vo. 8. 1. 6 Report, 1845, on the Condition of Boston. Appended, the Census. By Lemuel Shattuck. Boston, 1846. 8vo. 8. 1 . 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 237 Boston, Mass. — (Continued). Report on the ^Nomenclature of Streets, Dec. 1879. n. t. p.' 8vo. 8. 1. 5 Report on the Petition in Regard to the City Records. 1875. ]S"o imprint. 8vo. 8. 1. 5 Report on the Sale of Bad Meat in Boston, 1871. No imprint. 8vo. 8. 2. 9 Rules and Regulations for Payment of State Aid, 1875. Boston, 1875. 8vo. 8. 1. 5 Statue of Josiah Quincy. Dedication Ceremonies. Oct. 11, 1879; with Preliminary Proceedings. Bos- ton, 1879. - "43. 7. Q Adams, J. Q. Eulogy on the Life and Character of James Madison, at the Request of the Common Coun- cil, Sept. 27, 1836. Boston, 1836. 8vo. 43. 10 Girls' High and Normal School, Collection of Casts. N. Y. Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. 1871. 16mo. 51. 3. 4 Mayor. See Seaver, Benj. Address on Retiring from the Mayoralty, 1853. 8vo. 8. 9. 2 Inaugural Address of Frederic W. Lincoln, Jr. Bos- ton, 1863. 8vo. 8. 9 Inaugural Address of Nathaniel B. Shurtleflf, Jan. 4, 1869. 8vo. «i 8. 9. 2 Same. 1870. 8. 11 , Same, of William Gaston, Jan. 2, 1871. 8vo. 8. 9. 2 Same, of Samuel C. Cobb. 1874. 8. 9 Same, of Henry L. Pierce, Jan. 7, 1878. 8vo. 8. 9. 2 Same, of Frederick O. Prince, Jan. 12, 1880. 8vo. 8. 9. 2 Same, of Samuel Abbott Green, Jan. 2, 1882. 8vo. 8. 9. 2 Quincy, Josiah. Address to the Board of Aldermen, Jan. 3, 1829, on Taking Final Leave of the Office of Mayor. Bbston, 1829. 8vo. 43. 3 Medical Commission, 1874. Report upon the Sanitary Qualities of the Sudbury, Mystic. Shawshine and Charles River Waters. Boston, 1874. 8vo. 8.2.9 Overseers of the Poor. Reports, 1878, "J9-'83, '84. Bos- ton. 8vo. V. d. 8. 1. 5 Park Department. Reports, 1874^ '76, '82. Boston, v. d. • 8. 1. 6 Police Department. Report of the Chief of Police, E. H. Savage, for 1874. Boston. 8vo. 8. 1. 5 238 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Boston, Mass.— (Continued). Probation Offices. Eeport of Probation Work in the Coun- ty of Suffolk, for 1881. 8vo.- *. 8. 8. 5 Public Library. Bulletins Xos. 2-13, 16-21, 24, 25-29, 46, 49-52, 54, 55, 58, 60, 61, 63-71, 72. 8vo. 74. 11. 3 By-Laws. 1881. 18mo. 74. 11. 3 Catalogue of Periodicals Currently Eeceived. Sept., 1870. 8vo. 74. 11. 3 Catalogue of the American Part of the Collection of Thomas Prince, Deposited in the Public Library. Boston, 1868. 8vo. 74. 13. 3 Same, With Memoir of Thomas Prince, by W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1868. 12mo. 74. 14 Index to the Catalogue of Books in the Bates Hall. Bos- ton, 1865. 8vo. 74. 14 Same, Supplement. 1866. 74. 14 Index to the Catalogue of the Library in the Lower Hall. Boston, 1859. 8vo. 74. 13. 3 Finding Lists for Alcoves in Lower Hall. v. d. 74. 13. 3 Class Lists for English Prose Fiction. Oct., 1869. 74. 13. 3 Eeportsof theHi'ustees, 1854-'58, '60-' 62, '64-'68, '81, '83- '84, '85, 'm. 8vo. 8. 4. 4 Eules and Eegulations. n. t. p." 8vo. 8. 4. 4 Brighton Branch. Dedication of the New Building, Oct. 29, 1874. Boston, 1876. 8vo. 8. 4. 4 Dorchester Branch. Dedication, Jan. 18, 1875. No im- print. 8vo. 8. 4. 4 East Boston Branch. See Greenough, W. W. Address at the Dedication of the Library, March 22, 1871. Boston, 1871. 8vo. 8. 4. 4 List of Books, Feb. 1871. No imprint. 8vo. 74. 11: 3 Jamaica Plain Branch. Dedicationrof the Library, Dec. 6, 1877. Boston, 1878. 8vo. 8. 4. 4 Eecord Commissioners. Eeports Containing Transcript of Old Eecords. 16 Vols. 8vo. 1880-86. 8. 5 School Committee. Discussion on a New Institution of Learning, Nov. 23, 1808. n. t. p. 8vo. 9. 9. 4 Manual of the Public Schools. 1879. 24mo. 9. 8. 1 Eeports of the Public Schools, 1846-'78, '81, '83, '84. (1849-'51, '61-'63, '71, '72, '76, Wanting.) Boston. 8vo. 9. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 239 Boston, Mass. — (Continued). Eules and Eegulations, 1844, '53, '77. Boston. 8vo. 9. 1. 2 See Wightman, J. M. Annals of the Boston Primary School Committee, from its establishment in 1818, to its Dissolution in 1855. Boston, 1860. 8vo. 9. 1 Superintendent of Health. Report, 1866, ^Q^, '72. Boston, 1867-'73. 8vo. 8. 5. 1 Superintendent of Schools Reports, 1851, '53, '74, '82, '83- '85. 8vo. 9. 1. 2 Water Commissioners' Report, 1845, '48. Boston. 8vo. Same. See Wilkins, John H. Review of the Report of Water Commissioners of 1845. Boston, 184(). 8vo. 8. 1. 3 Further remarks on supplying Boston with water. Bos- ton, 1845. 8vo. 8. 1. 3 Final report, 1850. n. t. p. 8vo. 8. 1. 3 Water Supply. See Butler, B. F., and Paine, H. W. Opinions on establishing a water board. July, 1874. n. t. p. 8vo. 8. 1. 3 Eddy, R. H. Report on the introduction of soft water. Boston, 1836. 8vo. 8. 1. 3 Mass. Gen. Court. Act for supplying the city of Bos- ton with pure water, n. t. p.- 8vo. 8. 1. 3 Brooks, Edward, and others. Address of the Fanueil Hall Committee on a supply of pure water. May 5, 1845. Boston, 8vo. 8. 1. 3 Shattuck, Lemuel. Letter to J. Preston, in relation to the introduction of water into Boston. Boston, 1845. 8vo. 8. 1. 3 See Boston; Cochituate Water Board; Common Council, Water Commissioners, etc. Boston, Historical. Convention at Fanueil Hall, Jan. 29, 1845. Proceedings on the Proposed Annexation of Texas. Bos- ton, 1845. 8vo. 33. 7. 1 See Drake, Sam. G. History and Antiquities of Boston, 1630-1770. Boston, 1856. 8vo. 9. 12 Fac similes of the Directories of 1789 and 1796, printed in the 10th Report of the Record Commissioners. Boston, 1886. 8vo, 8. 12 Foote, H. W. King's Chapel, and the Evacuation of Bos- ton. Discourse, March 12, 1876. Boston, 1876. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 31 240 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Boston, Historical — (Continued). Frothingham, Eichard. The Alarm on tbe Kight of April 18, 1775. :N"o title page. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 History of the Siege of Boston, 1851. 8vo. 14. 3 Green, Samuel A. Subscriptions on the Gates of Old Burial Grounds. (Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceedings, Yol. 20. pp. 209-213.) 9. 4 Kimball, James. One Hundredth , Anniversary of the Destruction of Tea in Boston Harbor. Ko imprint. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Lyman, Theodore (3d). Papers relating to the Garrison Mob in Boston, Oct. 21, 1835. Cambridge, 1870. 8vo. (2 copies.) 30. 7. 4 Martin, J. G. Twenty-one Yearsin the Boston Stock Market; or. Fluctuations Therein. 1835-1856. Boston, 1856. 8vo. 33. 14. 1 Massacre. See Kidder, Frederic. History of the Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770. 14. 3 Narrative of the same. Boston, 1770. 14. 3 Mass. Hist. Society. Proceedings, Dec. 16, 1873. The One Hundredth Anniversary of the Destruction of the Tea in Boston Harbor. Bost., 1874. 8vo. 14. 2 "Our First Men." Persons in Boston Worth One Hundred Thousand Dollars. Boston, 1846. 8vo. 43. 14. 7 Port Bill. See Quiney, Josiah, Jr. Observations on the Boston Port Bill. Boston, N. E., printed. Londoij, re- printed. 1774. 8vo. (Eevolutionary pamph. Yol. 14^ No. 2.) 14. 1 Quiney, Josiah. Address to the Citizens of Boston, 17th Sept., 1830. The Close of the Second Century from the Settlement of the City. Boston, 1830. 8vo. 43.3 History of the Boston Athenteum. Cambridge, 1851. 8vo. 9. 12 Municipal History of Boston, 1630-1830. Bost., 1852, 12mo. 9. 13 Ee-Dedication of the Old State House, July 11, 1882. Bost., 1882. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Slave Eiot and trial of Anthony Burns. Bost., 1854. 30. 7. 4 Snow, Caleb H. A History of Boston, etc. Boston, 1825. 8vo. 8. 12 Suffolk Co. Deeds. 8. 5 Sword and Pen. Paper, etc. Dec, 1881. 25. 6. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 241 Boston, Historical — (Continued). T.rial of the British Soldiers for the Murder of Crispus At- tucks, etc. March 5, 1770. Bost., 1824. 12mo. IG. 13 tJpham, W. P., Editor. Letters Written ^ the Time of the Occupation of Boston by the British. 1775-6. Salem, Mass., 1876. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Whitmore, W. H. The Old State House Defended, etc. 25. 2. 1 Winsor, Justin, ed. Memorial History of Boston, Including Suffolk Co. 1630-1880. Bost., 1880. 4 Vols. 1, Early and Colonial Periods; 2, Provincial Period; 3, 4, Eevolu- tionary Period. 4to. 9. 14 Winthrop, R. C, Jr. Early Portrait Painters in Boston. (Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc, Vol 20, pp. 113-121.) 9. 4 Boston, Institutions. Ancient and Honorable Artillery Co. Ceremony at the Sealing of the Century Box, Dec. 22, 1881. Boston, 1882. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Same. Eecord,1826,'32,^81,'83,'84. Boston, v.d. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 See Ellis, G. E. Discourse in Boston, before the Com- pany, June 1, 1846. Boston, 1846. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 18, :N^o. 9.) 53. 6 Raikes, G. A. History of the, etc. 8vo. 2 Vols. 40. 14 Sermons: 1826, by John Brazer; 1832, by James W. Thompson; 1881, by E. C. Bolles; 1883, by H. B. Car- penter; 1884, by A.N. Quint; 1886, Oliver A. Roberts- Woart, John. Discourse before the Company (1850). Boston. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 1, No. 5.) 53. 12 American Congregational Association. See American, etc. Appleton Street Chapel. Annual Report, 1884. Boston, J 884. 12mo. 25. 1. 4 Arlington Street Church. See Gannett, E. S. The Old and the Xew. Sermon in the Arlington Street Church, Jan. 2,1870. Boston, 1870. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 10.) 9. 2 Art Club. Illustrated Catalogue. 28th edition. Boston, 1883. 8vo. 25. 1. 4. Associated Charities. By-laws, 1882. n. t. p. 8vo. 8. 8. 5 Reports, 1881, '82, '83, '84, 'SQ. Boston, v. d. 8vo. 8. 8. 5 242 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Boston, Institutions— (Continued). Association for Destitute Eoman Catholic Children. Eeport, 1873, '81. Boston, v. d. 8yo. 8. 8. 5 Asylum and*Farni School for Indigent Boys, Thompson's Island. Annual Eeport, 1883. Boston, 1883. 8vo. 25. 1. 3 Athenaeum. Catalogue of Books Added to the Library since 1827. Boston, 1840. 8vo. 74. 13. 4 Catalogue of Pictures Lent to the Sanitary Fair, 1863. Boston, 1863. 8vo. 51. 3. 3 Catalogue of the Exhibition of Paintings and Statuary, 1859, '60, '63, '65. Boston, v. d. 8vo. 51. 3. 3 List of Books Added to the Library, 1862-'71. n. t. p. 8vo. . 74. 13. 4 See Quincy, Josiali. History of the Boston Athenaeum. Cambridge, 1851. 8vo. 9. 12 Baldwin Place for Little Wanderers. Annual Reports, 1880, '85. Boston, v. d. 25. 1. 3 Benevolent Fraternity of Churches. Report, 1882. Boston, 1882. 8vo. 8. 8. 4 Board of Commissioners for the Department of Parks. Re- ports 2d, 4th, 10th. Boston, 1876-^84. 8vo. 25. 1. 5 Notes on the Plan of Franklin Park, and Related Mat- ters. Boston, 1886. 8vo. 25. 1. 5 Board of Trade. Proceedings Relative to a Canal from the Lakes to the Mississippi, and from the Saint Lawrence to Lake Champlain, May 20, 1870. Boston, 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 36, ^o. 5.) 60. 2 Reports, 1856-'58, 1860-'64, '67, '70, '71, '74, '75, '80/ '8L Boston. V. d. 8vo. 8. 9 Report of the Committee on the Nor. Pac. R. R., Nov. 27, 1865. Boston, 1865. 8vo. (Nor. Pac. Pamph., Vol. 1, No. 17.) 22. 4 Report of the Delegates to the National Board of Trade, 1874. n. t. p. 8vo. p. 74. 8. 9. 7 Tribute of Boston Merchants to the Memory of Joshua Bates. Bost., 1864. 8vo. "^ 43. 2 Proceedings- of the Bostouian Society for 1883, '84, '85. Bost. V. d. 8vo. 8. 4. 6 Brattle St. Church, Lothrop, S. K. Memorial of the Church in Brattle Square. Discourse in the church on the last Sunday of its use, July 30, 1871. Bost., 1871. 8vo. 8. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 243 Boston, Institutions — (Continued). Bunker Hill. See "Bunker Hill Monument Association.'^ 14. 3 Carney Hospital. Annual report, 1883. Bost., 1884. 8vo. 25. 1. 3 Channing Home. Eeports, 1880-86. Bost. 16mo. 8. 8. 6 Charitable Irish Society. Constitution and by-laws. Bost., 1876. 12mo. ^ 83 Charles St. Baptist Church. See Sharp, Daniel. Hints on Modern Evangelism. Discourse, Oct. 9, 1842. Bost., 1843. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 15.) 53. 6 Chauncy Hall School. See "Chauncy Hall School." Children's Aid Society. Annual rep. 1886. 8. 8. 5 Children's Friend Society. Report, 1872, '83. Bost. 8vo. 8. 8. 4 Children's Hospital. Report, 1874, '80, ^82, '83. Bost. 8vo. 8. 8. 2 Children's Mission to the Children of the Destitute in the City of Boston. Reports, 1882, '84, '83, '85, '86. Bost. 12mo. ' 25. 1. 4 What it is, and what it does. Bost., 1884. 12mo. 25. 1.4 Christ Church. See Burroughs, Henry. Historical Account of Christ Church. Address on the 150th Anniversary, Dec. 29, 1873. Bost., 1874. 8vo. 8. 9. 3 Church of the Advent. See Bolles, J. A. 22d Anniversary Sermon and Report, 1866. Bost., 1886. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 4.) 9. 2 Church Home for Orphan and Destitute ^Children. "Re- ports, 1 875-' 83, '84. 25. 1. 3 Church of the Disciples. Reports, 1881. 16mo. 8. 8. 6 Commercial Exchange. Report, 1872. Boston, 1872. 8vo. 8. 9. 7 Common, The. The Public Rights in Boston Common. Re- port of a Committee of Citizens. Boston, 1877. 8vo. 25. 1. 5 Conference of Charities, etc. Proceedings at the Conference, July 25-30, 1881. 8vo. 8. 8. 5 Congregational Library Association. See Congregational, etc. Copp's Hill Burying Ground. See Bridgman, Thomas. Epi- taphs from Copp's Hill Burial Ground. Boston, 1851. 12mo. 46. 12 Whitmore, W. H. Graveyards of Boston. Copp's Hill Epitaphs. Albany, 1878. 8vo. 46. 12 244 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Boston, Institutions— ^-(Contiimed). Destitute Mothers, etc. Eeport of Aid Given to Destitute Mothers and Infants, n. t. p. 1877. 8vo. 8. 8. 6. B Directory. 1839, '41, '45-' 48, '57-' 58, '60-' 62, '64-' 68, '70, '72, '73, '78. 8vo. 80 Do, fac similes of 1789 and 1796. 8. 12 Dispensary. Eeport, 1880. 8vo. 8. 8. 5 Eeport, 1871, by S. A. Green. 8vo. 8. 5. 1 For Skin Diseases. Third Eeport. Boston, 1875. 8vo. 8. 8. 4. English High School. Semi-centennial Anniversary, May 2, 1871. Poem, by E. C. Waterston, and Oration, by J. Wiley Edmands. Boston, 1871. 8vo. 8. 9. 6 Female Anti-Slavery Society. Eeport, etc., 1835. 12mo. 31. 3 Female Asylum. See Huntington, F. D. Sermon on the Fiftieth Anniversary, Sept. 20, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8vo. 8. 2. 12 Eeminiscences of the same. (Printed, not published.) Boston, 1844. 12mo. 8. 11 Female Medical Education Society. Eeport, 1852. 8vo. 51. 4. 4 Fireman's Belief Fund. Eeport, 1881, '83, 'd>^. No imprint. 8vo. 8. S. 5 First Baptist Church. See Neale, E. H. Address on the 200th Anniversary, June 7, 1865. Boston, 1865. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 1, l^o. 6.) 9. 2 % Bi-Centenary Commemoration, Sunday, March 21, 1880, of the re-opening, after its doors had been "nailed up" by order of the Governor, etc., March 8, 1680. Historical Discourse by the Pastor, Cephas B. Crane, D. D., etc. Boston, 1880. 8. 2. 6 First Church. See Ellis, Eufus. The Gospel Committed to inspired Witnesses. Sermon at the dedication of the 5th House of Worship, Dec. 10, 1868. Also, Sermon, Dec. 13. Cambridge, 1869. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 2, ]S^o. 6.) 9. 2 Ellis, Eufus. Sermon in Chauiicy Street, May 10, 1868, previous to the removal. Boston, 1868. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 11.) 9. 2 Frothingham, N. L. Farewell Sermon to the First Church, March 10, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 12.) 9. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 245 Boston, Institutions — (Continued). Free Religious Association. Proceedings, May 26 and 27, 18)50. Boston, 1870. 8vo. 8. 2. 4 French Relief Fund. Report of Ex- Com. Boston, 1872. 8. 8. 5. B Gas Light Company. iN^otice to Gas Consumers, and Report of A. A. Hayes upon the Boston Gas. Boston, 1854. 8vo. 8. 8. 3 Report of Evidence before a Committee of the City Council upon the Subject of Gas. Boston, 1867. 8vo. 8. 8. 3 Trial, Gas Light Co. vs. Wm. Gault. Boston, 1848. 8vo. 8. 8. 3 General Theological Library. Reports 1-14. (1862, '76, "83, ^86.) Boston. 8vo. 8. 11 Harbor. Plans, etc., for imp.^oving. 1867. 8.1.5 Harrison Club. Constitution and By-Laws, with list of members. Boston, 1840. 8vo. 8. 1. 5 Hollis Street Church. See King, T. Starr. Words at Part- ing. Sermon, March 25, 1860. Boston, 1860. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 7, Xo. 6.) 9. 2 Home for Aged Colored Women. Report, 1877, 1884. Bos- ton. 12mo. 8. 8. 4 Home for Aged Men, Springfield St. Report, 1880, '85, ^86, '87. 8vo. . 8. 8. 4 Home for Aged Women, Revere St. Reports, 1880-'87. 8vo. 8. 8. I Horse Railroads. Remonstrance of the Metropolitan and Middlesex (Horse) Railroad Companies against the sever- al petitions, asking for the right to run over their railroad tracks, etc. Boston, 1864. 8vo. 72. 14 . 3 Report of the Street Railway Commissioners to the General Court. Jan., 1865. 8vo. 72. 14. 3 Hospital Newspaper Society. Annual Report, 1886. 8. 8. 5 House of the Good Samaritan. Report, 1879, '82-' 86. 8vo. 8. 8. 5 Howard Benevolent Society. Report, 1881, '83. 16mo. 8. 8. 6 Industrial Aid Society. Reports, 1857-'60, '79-'80, '82-'86. 8vo. 8. 8. 4 Kindergarten for Blind Children. See Anagnos, M. An Appeal, etc. 25. 1. 3 246 MISNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Boston, Institutions— (Continued). Latin School. Catalogue from 1635 to 1879. Specimen Sheets. Boston, 1878. 8vo. 9. 9. 5 Inauguration of the Memorial Statue, Dec. 2, 1870. Ko imprint. 8vo. 9. 9. 5 Library Society. Catalogue. Boston, 1844. 8vo. 74. 11 Supplement to same, 1849. !N^o imprint. 8vo. 74. 13. 1 Lunatic Hospital. Eeport, 1881, '83, '85. 8vo. 8. 8. 15 Eeport of a Committee on the Condition of the Hospi- tal, May 23, 1862. 8vo. S. S. 15 Lying in Hospital. Report, 1880, '81, '83, '85, '86. Boston, 16mo. 8. 8. 6 Marine Society. Constitution and By-Laws; Together with a Brief History, etc. Boston, 1878. 12mo. 25. 1. 4 Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. Prospectus and Course of Instruction, 1871-'72, and Annual Catalogues, 1874-'84. 8vo. 51. 4. 6 Act of Incorporation and By-Laws of same. 1876- '82. 8vo. 51. 4. 6 Proceedings at Annual Meeting, March 6. 1881. 8vo. 51. 4. 6 Proceedings of same. Containing the Report of the Com- mittee on the Law for the Sale of Spirituous Liquors, as Applied to Apothecaries, etc. 8vo. 1867. 51. 4. 6 See J. M. Manning. An Address before, etc. 1871. 8vo. 51. 4. 6 Mechanic Apprentices' Library. Catalogue, 1836, 1845. Boston. 12mo. 74. 13. 5 Mechanics' Institution. See Emerson, G. B. Address at the Opening of the Institution, Feb. 7, 1827. Boston, 1827. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 1.) 9. 2 Medical Association. Medical Police and Rules and Regu- lations of the Association (1852). Boston, 1852. 8vo. 51. 4. 1 Medical Library Association. Dedication of the new Build- ing and Hall, Dec. 3, 1878. Cambridge, 1881. 4to. 51. 4. 1 Seventh, 8th and 9th Reports of the Librarian. Report of Special Meeting, Nov. 25, 1884. n. p. j n. d. 8vo. 51. 11. 6 Mercantile Library Association. Report, 1851-'55, '67, '71. 8vo. 8. 5. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 247 Boston, Institutions — (CoDtinued). See Gary, T. G. Fine Arts, etc. Address before the Boston Mercantile Library Association, Xov. 13, 1844. Boston, 1845. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, jS'o. 6.)9. 2 Sumner, Gharles. White Slavery in the Barbary States. Lecture before the Association, Feb. 17, 1847. 8vo. 30. 14. 1 Waterston, E. G. Poem before the Association, Oct. 5, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, Xo. 4i.) 9. *2 Winthrop, E. G. Address on the 25th Anniversary, Oct. 15, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 4.) 9. 2 Algernon, Sidney. Lecture before the Association, Dec. 21, 1853. Boston, 1854. 8vo. 43. 7. S. 2 Morton Testimonial Gommittee. Historical Memoranda Ee- lative to the Discovery of Etherization, and to the Gon- nection with it -of W. T. G. Morton. Prepared by the committee. Bost., 1871. 8vo. 51. 4. 5 Mount Hope Gemetery. By-Laws, with List of Proprietors. Bost., 1874. 18mo. 8. 8. 9 Museum of Fine Arts. Act of incorj^oration, by-laws, etc. Bost., 1870. 8vo. 51. 3. 3 Gatalogue of Works of Art, 1876. Bost., 16mo. 51. 3. 3 Eeports, 1881-85. Bost. 8vo. 51. 3. 3 Same. Eeport of the School of Drawing and Painting, 1882. • 51. 3. 3 Music Hall. See Winthrop, E. G. Address at the Musical Festival at the Hall, May 21, 1857. Bost., 1857. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, Xo. 10.) 9. 2 Music School. Bost., 1871. 18mo. 9. 9. 6 National Quarantine and Sanitary Gonvention, June, 1860. Proceedings. Bost., 1860. 8vo. 51. 11 Needle Woman's Friend Society. Eeports, 1882-^85. Bost., 1882-'85. 8vo. 8. 8. 4. B N. E. Historic Genealogical Society. See N. E. Historic, Genealogical Society. News Boys' Eeading Eoom. Eeport, 1881. Boston, 1881. 16mo. 8. 8. 6 North Ghurch. See Parkman, Francis. Sermon, Jan, 28, 1849, on Eesigning his Chai-^e. Bost., 1849. 8vo.' (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 8.) 9. 2 32 2i8 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Boston, Institutions— (Continued). JSTorth-end Mission. Eeport, 1882. Bost., 1882. 8vo. 8. 8. 5. Numismatic Society. Constitution, By-laws, Charter, and List of Members of the Boston Numismatic Society. Bost., 1884. 8vo. 8. 2. 12 Old South Church. See Appleton, Nathan. The Star Spangled Banner. Address in aid of the fund for its pres- ^ ervation, June 14, 1877. 16mo. 8. 9. 6 Catalogue of the Loan Collection of Revolutionary Relics Exhibited at the Church, 1876. 7th ed. Boston, 1876. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Eliot, C. W. Speech for Aid in the Preservation of the Old South Meeting House. Boston, 1878. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Leaflets. 2d and 3d Series, 1 884-' 5. Boston, 1884-'5. 4th Series, Nos. 1-8, 1886. 12mo. 8. 2. 6. B Old South Prize Essays. 1. Southwick, H. L. Policy of the Early Colonists of Massachusetts Towards Quakers. 1885. 7. 7. 1 See Phillips, Wendell. Oration in Aid of, 1876. Boston, 1884. 8vo. 8. 9. 6 Same. Speech for Aid in the Preservation of the Old South Meeting House. Boston, 1878. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 25.) 9. 2 ^'Queries," a Collection of Charades, etc. Dec, 1877. 8. 2. 6 Reasons for the Appointment of a Committee to Investi- gate the Prudential Affairs of the Church. Added, Copies of Mrs. Morton's Deeds. No imprint. 1859. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Report of Loring Lothrop, Superintendent of the Cham- ber's Street Chapel. Boston, 1866. 12mo. 8. 2. 10 Tarbox, Increase N . The Ministers of the Old South Church. Boston, 1865. 8vo. 8. 9. 6 Peace Jubilee, 1869. Great Peace Festival and Pow-wow, to be held in Boston, June, 1869. (A Burlesque, by ^' Mose Skinner.") Boston, 1869. 16mo. 30. 4. 9 Port and Seaman's Aid Society. Reports, 1846, '48, '52, '63, '70. 8vo. 8. 2. 12 See Noyes, G. S. Sermon on the Death of Father Tay- lor. In the Bethel, April 10, 1871. Boston, 1871. 8vo. 43. 7. T. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 249 Boston, Institutions — (Continued). Provident Association. Directory, 1862, '68, '80. Boston. 8vo. 8. 2. 10 Eeports, 1854-'57, '^2, 'm, ^68, '79-'83, '85. Boston. 8vo. 8. 8. 4 Public Garden. See also under Boston, Common Council. Quarterly Charity Lecture. Eeport of a Committee of the Churches Associated in. Dec. 7, 1884. Boston, 1885. 8vo. 25. 1. 7 Eailroads. Eeport on the Practicability and Expediency of a Eailroad from Boston to the Hudson Eiver, and from Boston to Providence. Submitted to the General Court, Jan. 16, 1829. Bost., 1829. 8vo. 72. 14. 3 See Felt, C. W. Our Steam Eailroads and Suburban Travel. 8. 2. 6 Saint Botolph's Club. Constitution and By-Laws, with a List of the OfBcers and Members for 1880, '81, '82, 84, etc. Bost. 12mo. 25. 1. 2 Annual Eeports of Sec. and Treas., 1884. 25. 1. 2 Eeport of the Committee on the Xew Building, ap- pointed Dec. 27, 1884. 16mo. 25. 1. 2. Saint Luke's Home for Convalescents. Eeport 1878, '79. '81. Bost. 16mo. 8. 8. 6 School for the Ministry (Unitarian). Catalogue 1868. Ko imprint. 16mo. 8. 2. 10 School of Modern Languages. Catalogue, 1874-'5. Cam- bridge, 1874. 18mo. 9. 9. 6 Seaman's Friend Society. Eeport, 1§72. Boston, 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph.. Vol. 8, Xo. 30.) 60. 1 Same, for 1878. 8. 2. 10 Seaman's Aid Society. See Boston Port and Seaman's Aid Society. 8. 2. 12 Sea Shore Home. Eeports, 1880, '81. Bost. 12mo. 8. 8. 4 Second Church. See Bobbins, Chandler. Sermon at the Dedication, Kov. 4, 1874. Boston, 1875. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 2, ^o. 7.) 9. 2 Bobbins, Chandler. Sermon on the 25th Anniversary of his Ordination as Pastor, Dec. 5. 1858. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 2, :N^o. 9.) 9. 2 Social Science Association. See Walley, S. H. High Prices, their Causes and Eemedy. Address, April, 1867. Bost. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol 6, Xo. 15.) 9. 2 250 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Boston. Institutions — (Continued). Society for Medical Observation. Constitution and By- Laws. Bost., 1872. 8vo. 51. 4. 1 Society of Natural History. Proceedings. Vols. 6-9. 1856-'61. 8vo. 2 Vols. 8. 5 Proceedings at Annual Meeting, May 2, 1883. Boston, 1884. 8vo. 8. 46 Constitution and By-Laws, with List of Officers and Members. 12nio. 1883. 8. 4. 6 See Thompson, Zadock. I^atural Historj^ of Vermont. Address at Boston before the Society, June, 1850. Burlington, 1850. 8vo. 7. 9. 2 Soldiers' Memorial Society. See Soldiers' Memorial Soc. Suffolk National Bank. See Whitney, D. E. The Suffolk Bank. Cambridge, 1878. 8vo. 8. 10 Suffolk Street Chap/el. See Sargent, J. T. The Ministry at Suffolk Street Chapel. Boston, 1845. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Temporary Home for the Destitute. Report, 1868, '79, '81,- '86. 16mo. 8. 8. 6 Temporary Home for Working Women. Reports, 1879 '85. 8. 8. 6 Thirteenth Church. See Coolidge, J. I. T. Farewell Dis- course, July 4, 1858. Boston, 1858. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 7, Ko. 9.) 9. 2 Training School for Nurses. Annual Report, 1883. Boston, 1883. 12mo. 25. 1. 4 Tremont Street Medical School. Catalogue of past and present students. Boston, 1854. 8vo. 9. 9. 5 Union Club. Constitution, By-Laws and House Rules, Jan., 1871. Cambridge, 1871. 16uio. 8. JO University. President's Report, 1878-'79. Boston, 1880. ^^^- 9. 9. 5 Year Book. Edited by the University Council. Vols. 7, 9, 12. Boston. 8vo. 9, 9^ 5 Warren Street Chapel. Reports, 1881,' 82,' 84-'86 '87. Bos- ton. 16mo. 8 8 4 Washingtonian Home. Reports, 1869, '80, '83, ^85 ''s%. Boston. 8vo. ' 8 8 4 Women's Educational and Industrial Union. Annual Re port, 1882. 12mo. 25. 1 4 Young Men's Benevolent Society. Report 1868, '74 '79 '80 '82. 16mo. ' 3-3^^ CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 251 Boston, Institutions — (Continued). Young Men's Christian Association. Eeports, 1859, '60. 8vo. 56. 14. 16 See Winthrop, E. C. Address before, etc., 1859. 8yo. 56. 14. 6 Young Men's Christian Union. Eeports, 1879, '80, '81, '83, '85, '86. 16mo. 8. 8. 6 Eeport on the Country Week, 1880-'84. 16mo. 8. 8. 6 Peabody, A. P. Lessons for our Times from the Life of Washington. Address, Feb. 22, 1874. Bost., 1874, 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Yol6, Xo. 18.) 9.2 Washburn, Emory. Anniversary Address, 2^ov. 26, 1855. Boston. 8vo. 74. 7. 2 Whitcomb, W. F. Eeport on the Country Week. Bost., 1883. 12mo. 8. 8. 6 Boston, Fourth of July Orations. 1785. See Gardiner. John. 4to. 43. 9 1825. Sprague, Charles. 8vo. 9. 2 1826. Quincy, Josiah. 8vo. 9. 2 1833. Prescott, E. G. 8vo. 9. 2 1850. W^hipple, E. P. 8vo. 53. 12 1854. Stone, A. L. 8vo. 53. 12 1855. Miner, A. A. 8vo. 9. 2 1856. Parker, Griffin. 8vo. 9. 2 1859. Sumner, Geo. 8vo. 8. 9. 6 1863. Holmes, O. W. 8vo. 74. 7. 4 1865. Manning, J. M. 8vo. 9. 2 1868. Eliot, Samuel. 8vo. 9. 2 1870. Everett, William. 8vo. 9. 2 1871. Sargent, H. B. 8vo. 9. 2 1874. Frothingham, Eichard. 8vo. 9. 2 1881. Warren, G. W. 8vo. 8. 9. 6 1882. Long, J. D. 8vo. 8. 9. 6 1883. Carpenter, H. Bernard. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 1885. Gargan, Thos. J. 8vo. 8. 9. 6 1886. Williams, Geo. Fred. Oration. 8vo. 8. 9. 6 See Loring, J. S. Hundred Boston Orators, 1770-1852. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 43. 5 Address to the Citizens of Boston, on the Subject of a Eural Cemetery. Boston, 1850. 8vo. 8. 8. 9 Anagnos, M. Appeal for Foundation and Endowment of a Kindergarten for Blind Children, 1884. Boston. 8vo. 25. 1. 3 252 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Boston, Mass., Descriptive. See Curtis, T. B. Sanitary Con- dition of Boston. Boston, 1875. 8vo. 8. 5. 1 Drake, S. A. Old Landmarks and Historic Personages of Boston. Boston, 1876. 8vo. 8. 10 King, Moses. Handbook of Boston, 1886. 8. 11 Midgley, E. L. Sights in Boston and Suburbs, 1857. Boston. 12mo. ^- ^ Old Burying Grounds in Boston. 8. 2. 6 Wheildon. W. W. Sentry, or Beacon Hill; the Beacon and the Monument of 1635 and 1790. Concord, Mass., 1877. 8vo. 8. 10 Whitmore, W. H. The Old State House Defended. 25. 2. 1 Boston, Mass., Harbor. Address of A. H. Bullock, on Improv- ing the Flats in South Bay. Boston, 1868. 8vo. 8. 1. 2 Communications and Eeports in Eelation to. See Bos- ton, Mass., City Council. 8. 3 Plans and Suggestions for Improving. Boston, 1867. 8. 1. 5 Boston & Albany Eailroad Company. Annual Eeports of the Directors for Years 1869-'71, 1874-84. Springfield, 1869-'84. 8vo. 72. 14. 4 Hearings on the Petition of Wm. Aspinwall and others, for a Consolidation of the Boston & Albany and the Boston & Providence Eailroad Companies, before the Committee on Eailroads, March 3, 1880. Boston, 1880. 8vo- 72. 14. 4 Boston & Chicago Eailway Trust Co. A Bill to Incorpo- rate the. To be presented to the Massachusetts Legislature of 1875, by the State Transportation League. Boston, 1874. 8vo. 72. 14. 5 Boston & Lowell E. E. Eeports of the Directors for the Year 1852, '54, '67, '69, '78 and '85. Boston, v. d. 8vo. 72. 14. 1 See Lawrence, Myron. - Speech of. 72. 14. 1 Webster, Daniel. Argument of, etc. 72. 14. 1 Boston & Maine Eailroad. Annual Eeports for the Years 1857, '58, '60, '62, '65, '67, '69, '75, '76, '78, '85. Boston. V. d. 8vo. 72. 14. 2 Eemonstrance against the Petition of, for Leave to Ee-locate their Eoad, by Nathan W. Hazen. Boston, 1856. 8vo. 72. 14. 2 Eeport of the Investigating Committee to the Stockholders, Sept. 29, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 72. 14. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 253 Boston & Providence Eailroad Company. Annual Ee- ports, 1849, '57, '65, '69, 79, '80, '82, '83. Boston v. d. 8vo. 72. 14. 6 Hearings on the Petition of Wm. Aspinwall and Others, for the Consolidation of the Boston & Albany, and Boston & Providence Eailroad Co's. Before the Committee on Eailroads, March 3, 1880. Boston, 1880. 8vo. 72. 14. 4 Eeport of the Board of Directors to the Stockholders, Sub- mitting the Eeport of their Engineer; with Plans and Profiles, and Estimates of Cost. 2 Maps. Boston, 1832. 8vo. 72. 14. 6 Boston & Worcester Eailroad: 20th, 34th, 37th and 38th Annual Eeports. Boston, 1850-'67. 8vo. 72. 14. 5 Proceedings of the Stockholders at their Adjourned Meet- ing, Jan. 12, 1846, with the Communication of the Presi- dent of the Corporation, on the Subject of the Proposed Union with the Western Eailroad Corporation. Boston, 1846. 8vo. 72. 14. 5 See '^ Citizen." Address to the People ot Massachusetts. , 72. 14. 5 Washburn, Emory. Address on the Policy and Manage- ment of. 72. 14. 5 Boston, Hartford «& Erie Eailroad Co. Papers relating to the State Loan to the. Boston, 1868. Svo. 72. 14. 5 See Allen, Charles. Argument of, etc. 72. 14. 5» Brooks, J. W. Testimony of, etc. 72. 14. 5 Boston Massacre (1770). See Kidder, Frederic. History of the Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770. Albany, X. Y.,1870. 8vo. 14. 3 Narrative of the Massacre in Boston, 1770. Boston, 1770. Eeprinted in :N^ew York, 1849. 8vo. 14. 3 Boston Slave Eiot and Trial of Anthony Burns. Boston, 1854. 8vo. 30. 7. 4 Boston, East. See East Boston, Mass. Bostonian Society, Boston, Mass. Proceedings, Jan. 9, 1883. Boston, 1883. 8vo. pp. 27. 8. 4. 4 Sword and Pen. Daily paper published in aid of the Sol- diers' Bazaar, Dec. 1881. 10 numbers. 4to. Boston, 1881. 4to. 25. 6. 3 BosTWiCK, David. A Message to Ministers. The Character and Duty of a Christian Preacher. Preached at Phila., before Synod of Xew York, May 26, 1758. New York, n. d. 12mo. 56. 7. 6 254 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BoswoRTK, Eev. Joseph. A Compendious Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary. London, 1881, 8vo. 38. 3 Botany. See Arthur. J. C. Flora of Iowa. Dav. Acad. Scie., Vol. U. ^^- 1^ Botany of the Eegion of the U. S. West of the 100th Me- ridian. 5^- ^ Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Description Des Plantes Princi- pales de FAmerique Septentrionale, (appended to Vol. 2 of his :N"ouvelle France, 1744. 4to). 20. 10 Eggers, H. F. A, baron. Flora of St. Croix and the Virgin Islands. Wash. 1879. 8 vo. (Smith's Misc. Coll. Vol. 23.) 49. 9 Engelmann, George. Botany of :N^orth Mexico (appended to Wislizenus). A Memoir, etc., 1848. 8vo. 19. 14. 1 Gray, Asa. Manual of Botany, X. Y., and Chicago, 1862. 8vo. 49. 1 Plantte Wrightianae, etc. Plants of Texas and New Mexico. (Smithsonian Contr., Vols. 3 and 5.) 49. 7 Hough, F. B. Catalogue of Plants of Lewis Co, K. Y. n, t. p. 8vo. 49. 5. 5 Johnson, A. E. Mycological Flora of Minnesota. (Minn. - Acad, of Sci. Bulletin, 1875.) 22. 11 Macon, John. Botany of the Saskatchewan Country, Peace Eiver, British Columbia, etc. (Canada Geol. Sur., 1875- '76, pp. 110-232.) Montreal, 1877. 51. 6 Muir, John. Botanical N^otes on Alaska. 68 3 Pacific Eailway Survey. Vols. 2, 4, 5, 7, 12. 69. 7 Contents: Vol. 2. Report by John Torrey and Asa Gray. 4. Botanical charac- ter of the country, by J. M. Bigelow; Forest Trees; Remarkable California Threes, by J. M. Bigelow; Cactacai, by George Engelmann; Descriptions of Botanical Collections, by John Torrey; Mosses and Liverworts, by \V. S. SuUivant. 5. Plants of California, by John Torrey. 6. Botanical Report of the Route from Sacramento Valley to Columbia River, by J. S. New- herry. 7. Botany of the route to California, by John Torrey. 12, Part 2. Botany of the route from St. Paul to Puget Sound, by J. G. Cooper: Catfilogue of Plants East of the Rocky Mountains, by Asa Gray; Catalogue of Plants in Washington Territory^, by J. G. Cooper. Parry, A. C. Arctostaphylos, Notes on Pacific Coast Species. 19. 13 Chorizanthe, E. Brown. Eevision of the Genus, and Ee-arrangement of the Annual Species, etc. 19. 13 Peck, C. H. Paper on Botany. No imprint. 1872. 8vo. 49. 5. 5 Plumier, Charles. Description des Plantes de FAmerique. Avec Leurs Figures. Paris, 1693. fo. V CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 255 Botany — (Continued). Porter, T. C. and Coulter, J. M. Flora of Colorado. Wash., 1874. 8vo. (U. S. Geol. Survey, Misc. Publ. No. 4.) 49. 5. 3 Eeichardt, William. Present State of our Knowledge of Cryptogamous* Plants. (Smiths. Report, 1871. pp. 249- 260.) 49. ^ Robinson John. Flora of Essex Co., Mass. 49. 9. 5 Smithy Sir J. E. Grammar of Botany, with Explanation of Jussieu's System. X. Y., 1822. 8vo. 49. 1 Swezey, G. D. Catalogue of Plants. Wise. Geol. Survey. Vol. 1. Torrey, John. Botany of the Mexican Boundary. (See Emory, W. H. Mexican Boundary Survey, 1857-'9.) 4to. V. e. 49. 12 Plants Collected by him in California. Batis Maratima, of Linnaeus. New Pitcher Plant from Northern Cali- fornia. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 6.) 49. 7 U. S. Department of War. Geol. Exploration 40th Parallel. Vol. 5. Botany, by Sereno Watson, Daniel C. Eaton and others. Washington, 1878. 4to. 50. S TJ. S. Geol. Survey. Bulletin, viz. : Vol. 2, No. 3, Flora of Colorado, T. S. Brandegee; Vol. 4, No. 4, Plants of Dakota and Montana. J. W. Chickering; Vol. (i. No. 1, Vegetation of the Rocky Mountain Region, by Asa Gray and J. D. Hooker. 49. 5. 1 Watson, Sereno. Bibliographical Index to North American Botany. Part 1. Wash., 1878. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 15.) 49. 9 Winchell, N. H. Plants Growing Wild in Michigan and the Islands of Lake Huron. (Mich. Geol. Survey, Report, 1860.) 51. 5 Wood, Alphonso. Six New Species of Plants. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proceedings, 1853. 8vo. 49. 10 Both Sides of the Controversy Between the Roman and Reformed Churches. Bacon. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. m. 4 Bothwell, James Hepburn. Earl of. See De Peyster, J. W. Both well; an historical drama. N. Y., 1884. 8vo. 46. 5 De Peyster, J. W.' A Vindication of James Hepburn. 46. 5 See, also, Mary Stuart. 33 256 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BOTT Arthur. Prince Bismarck and his Policy. Eead be- fore the Albany Institute, Jan. 16, 1877. (No imprint.) 8vo. 43. 6. B. 1 BoTTA Carlo Guiseppe Guglielmo. History of the War of Independence of the United States. New Haven, 1842. 8vo., 2 Vols. (Trans, from the Italian by George A. Otis.) 14. 8 BoTTS, J. Menor. a Few Plain Political Axioms, n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 19, No. 34.) 60. S Great Eebellion; its Secret History, etc. N. Y., 1866. 12mo. 30. S Speech at a Complimentary Dinner at Newark, N. J, 19th Sept., 1853. (Whig party.) Newark, N. J, 1853. 8vo. 33. 7. 2 Boucher, Jonathan. View of the Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution, in thirteen discourses. Lon- don, 1797. 8vo. 14. 2 Boucher, Pierre le Sieur. Canada in the Seventeenth Cen- tury. Translated by Edward Louis Montizambert. Montreal, 1883. 8vo. 20. 2 Note. — The original title, p. 5, reads: "True and Genuine Description of New France, Commonly Called Canada, and of the Manners of that Country. Paris, 1664." BoucHETTE, Joseph. Topographical Description of the Prov- ince of Lower Canada. London, 1815. 8vo. 20. 2 BoucHETTE, E. S. M. Weights and Measures. (Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Transactions. ;N^ew Series, Vol. 1, part 1.) 20. 9. 7 BouDiNOT, Elias. Star in the West; Attempt to Discover the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. Trenton, N. J., 1816. 8vo. 15.3 Bougainville, Louis Antoine, de. Voyage Autour du Monde, par le Fregate du voi la Boudeuse, et la Flute V Etoile, in 1766, -'69, -68-' 69. (Maps.) Paris, 1771. 4to. 38. 11 BouLTON, Charles A. Eeminiscences of the Northwest Ee- bellions, with a Eecord of the Eaising of her Majesty'^ 100th Eegiment in Canada, etc, Toronto, 1886. 12mo. 19. S- Boundary, Between U. S. and Canada. Message from the President of the XJ. S., Transmitting Information in re- lation to the boundary between the XJ. S. and Great Britain. July 3, 1838. (Maps.) Wash., 1838. 8vo. 20. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 25T Boundary Commission. Northern. See XJ. S. Department of State, Reports, etc, 1878. 4to. Boundaries of the U. S. and the several States. See Gannett, Henry. (Bulletin IT. S. Geol. Survey, Ko. 13). 49. 4. Bouquet, Gen. Henry. See Parkman, Francis, Conspiracy of Pontiac. Vol. 2. .20. 10 Smith, Wm. Historical Account of Bouquet's expedition Against the Ohio Indians, in 1764. And Dumas' (C. G. F.) Biographical Sketch. Cinn., O., 1868. 8vo. (Maps.) 18. 2 Bourbons, The. See Yonge, C. D. France under the Bour- bons. 42. 6 BouRBOURG, Brasseur de. See Brasseur de Bourbourg. BouRKE, John G. An Apache Campaign in the Sierra Madre.. An Account of the Expedition in Pursuit of the Hostile Chiricahua Apaches in the Spring of 1883. N. Y., 1886. 12mo. 16. 4 Bourne, Edward E. History of Wells and Kennebunk, Maine (1640-1820), with Biographical Sketches. Portland, 1875. 8vo. 7. 8 Bourne, George. Picture of Slavery in the U. S. Middle- ton, Conn., 1834. 18mo. 30. 13 BouRS, Allen L. History of Michigan to 1873. Lansing, 1873. (App. to his Proceedings, etc., 1873.) 8vo. 18. 4. 2* Proceedings at Laying the Corner Stone of the Capitol, etc. See Michigan State Building Commissioners, etc. 18. 4. 2 Bouscaren, G. Extraction of Sacchariferous Juices of Plants- by Diffusion, with Engravings. Cincinnati, 1876. 8vo. 72. 4. 1 Boutell, Charles. Bible Dictionary. London, 1871. 8vo- 2 Maps. (Hayden Series.) 34. 9 Boutell, John Alonzo. Burke and Alvord Memorial. Gene- alogical Account of the Descendants of Eichard Burke, of Sudbury, Mass., and of Alexander Alvord, of Windsor, Conn. Boston, 1864. 8vo. 47. 1 BouTON, Kathaniel. History of Concord, 1725-1853. Con- cord, 1856. 8vo. 7. 10- Same. Editor. Documents and Records Relating to the Province of Xew Hampshire. See Xew Hampshire. 7. 3- BouTWELL, Francis Marion. Old Homesteads of Groton,. Mass. Groton, 1883. 8vo. 8. 2. 6^ 258 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BouTWELL, George Sewall. Address Before the Hills*bor- ough Agricultural and Mechauical Society, Sept. 30,1852. Boston, 1853. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6,. :N^o. 8.) 9. 2 Address Before the Housatonic Agricultural Society, at its 13th Anniversary, Held at Great Barrington, Sept., 1854. Pittsfield, 1855. 8vo. 72. 4. 2 Address Delivered Before the Worcester Agricultural So- ciety, Sept. 22, 1853. Worcester, 1853. 8vo. 72. 4. 2 The Currency-Specie Payments. Speech, in the U. S. Sen- ate, Jan. 22, 1874. Washington, 1874. 8vo. 33. 7. 9 Emancipation J its Justice, Expediency, and Necessity, etc. Speech in Tremont Temple, Boston, Dec. 16, 1861. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 14. 1 Funding the National Debt. Speech in the House of Eepre- sentatives, U. S., July 21, 1868. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 11. 8 Maratime Interests of the United States. Eemarks before the (Committee on Commerce, House of Eepresentatives, Feb. 8, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphs.,Yol. 16, No. 20.) 60. 1 Speeches and Papers Relating to the Rebellion. Boston, 1867. 8vo. 30. 2 Reconstruction and its Relation to the Business of the Coun- try. Address, Boston, Dec. 27, 1866. n. t. p. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 25, No. 17.) 60. 8 System of Agricultural Education. An Address before the Barnstable Agricultural Society, Oct. 8, 1857. n. p., n. d. 8vo. 72. 4. 2 BouTWELL, Rev. William Thurston. Schoolcraft's Exploring Tour of 1832. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll.) Vol. 1., pp. 153- 176.) 22. 10 BouviER, John. Law Dictionary, adapted to the United States. 1.5th edition, enlarged. Philadelphia, 1883. 8vo. 2 Vols. 34. 3 BovALLius, Carl. Nicaraguan Antiquities. (Swedish Society of Anthropology and Geography.) Stockholm, 1866. 4to. 85. 2 BowDEN, James. The History of the Society of Friends in America. 2 Vols. London, 1850. 8vo. 38. 10 BowDiTCH, Henry Ingersoll. Brief Plea for an Ambulance System for the Army, drawn from the extra sufferings of Lieut. Bowditch. Boston, 1863. 8vo. 30. 11. 6 BowDiTCH, Nathaniel. See White, D. A. Eulogy on Bow- ditch at Salem, Mass., May 24; 1838. Salem, 1838. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 251> BowDiTCH, Nathaniel Ingersoll. Suffolk Surnames. 2d edition. Boston, 1858. 8vo. 46. 13 BowDiTCH, Wm. I. Woman Suffrage a Right, not a Privilege. Cambridge, 1879. 8vo. 57. 4. 1 BowDoiN, Mrs. Elizabeth. See Emerson, William. Sermon in Brattle Street Church, Boston, after the Interment of Madame Elizabeth Bo wdoin. Boston, 1803. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 BoWDOiN, James (Gov. of Mass.). See Winthrop, R. C. Address before the Maine Historical Society at Bowdoin College, Sept. 5, 1849. Boston, 1849. 8vo. 47. 8 [Note. — Commemorating the History of the Bowdoin Family, and the Pa- tron of Bowdoin College.] Bowdoin, James (Son of Preceding). See Jenks, Wm. Eulogy on James Bowdoin, at Bowdoin College, Sept. 2, 1812. Boston, 1812. 4to. 43. 9 Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. Catalogue, 1852, '82, ^84. Brunswick, Me. v. d. 8vo. 7. 8. 1 Peucinian Society. Catalogue of Officers and Members, 1843. Brunswick, 1843. 8vo. 7. 8. 1 Catalogus. 1828, '43, '55, '58, '61. Brunswick, 1828-'61. 8vo. 7. 8. 1 See Jenks, William. Eulogy on James Bowdoin, at Bowdoin College, 1812. 43. 9 Bo WEN, Abel. The Naval Monument, Containing Official and other Accounts of all the Battles fought between the Navies of the U. S. and Great Britain, during the Late War. Boston, n. d. 8vo. 16. 13 BowEN, Eli. Pictorial Sketch-book of Pennsylvania. Phila., 1852. 8vo. 11. 11 BowEN, Francis. Classical Studies; a Paper read before the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Feb. 26, 1867, with an Appendix on the Abuse of Grammar. Cambridge. 1867. 8vo. 56. 9. 4 Bowen, T. J. Grammar and Dictionary of the Yoruba Lan- guage; with Description of Yoruba. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 10.) 49. 7 Bower, C. C. Eev. John Bower, first Minister at Derby, Conn., and His Descendants. No title page. 1879. 8vo. 47. 14. 1 Bower, William. Sermon, in Newark, O.. Sept. 19, 1875.. In Memory of Henry Martin Hervey. Granville, O., 1876. 8vo. • 43. 13. H. 1 Bower Family. See Bower, C. C. 260 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Bowie, E. I. Speech, in tbe U. S. House of Eepresentatives, April 26, 1852, on the Homestead Bill. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 2 Bowles, Eet. Charles. See Lewis, J. W. Life, Labors and Travels of Charles Bowles. Watertown, 1852. 16mo. 43. 8 Bowles, Samuel. See Merriam, Geo. S. The Life and Times of Samuel Bowles. 2 Vols. T^ew York, 1885. 45. 3 Bowles, Wm. Lisle. Letters to T. Campjbell on Poetical Crit- icism. London, 1822. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 20.) 53. 5 Observations on the Poetical Character of Pope. (Pam- phleteer, Vol. 18.) 53. 5 Eeply to Charges in the Quarterly Eeview, Oct., 1820. Against the Last Editor of Pope's Works. London. 1820. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 17.) 53. 5 Thoughts on the Increase of Crimes, etc. 2d edit. London, 1819. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 15.) 53.5 Two Letters to Byron, on the Life and Writings of Pope. 3d edit. London, 3821. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 18.) 53. 5 Vindication of Winchester College. Letter to Henry Brougham, Occasioned by his Letter on Charitable Abuses, 2d edit. London, 1819. (Pamphleteer, Vol.13.) 53. 5 Bowman, Maj. Joseph. Journal of the Taking of Post St. Vincents. (Appended to Clark, G. E. Campaign in Illinois, 1869. 8vo. pp. 98-111.) 18. 2 BowRiNG, John. Some Account of the State of Prisons in Spain and Portugal. London, 1824. (Pamphleteer. Vol. 23.) 53. 12 BoxFORD, Mass. See Perley, Sidney. History of Boxford, Es- sex Co., Mass. Boxford, 1880. 8vo. 9. 6 EoYD, Andrew. Louisiana and Mississippi Business Directory, 1870-'71. New Orleans, 1870. 8vo. 15. 7 And Hart, Charles H. Memorial Lincoln Bibliography; Ac- count of Works, etc., upon Abraham Lincoln. Albany, K Y., 1870. 44. 12 Boyd, John. Annals and Family Eecords of Winchester, Conn., with Exercises of the Centennial Celebration 16th ^-«^^"?.^"^^ August, 1871. Hartford, 1873. 8vo. 7. 5 BoYDELL, John. See Shakespeare, Wm. Gallery of Illustra- tions to the Works of. (Eeduced andEe-eugraved by the "Heliotype Process," etc.) Philadelphia, 1874. 4vo. Drawer, No. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 261 BoYDEN, Albert G. History and Alumni Eecord of the State Normal School. Bridgewater, Mass. , to July, 1876. Bos- ton, 1876. Svo. 9. 9. 5 BoYER. Journal of Wayne^s Campaign against the I^orthwest Indians, 1794. Cincinnati, * 1866. 4to. (Bound with Jacob's Life of Cresap.) 44. 7 BoYER, Ben J. M. Results of the Presidential Election. Speech, H. of R, Jan. 8, 1869. Washington, 1869. 8vo. (Ram- sey Pamphlets, Vol. 29, No. 49.) 60. 8 Boyle, Esmeralda. Biographical Sketches of Distinguished Marylanders. Baltimore, 1877. 12mo. 43. 11 Boyle, Robert. See Thompson, C. O. Sketch of Boyle. (Amer. Antiq. Soc, Apr., 1882.) ^ 9. 10. 1 BoYNTON, Rev. Charles B. History of the Navy during the Rebellion. New York, 1867. 8vo. 2 Vols. 29. 9 Oration Before the New England Society of Cincinnati, Dec. 22, 1847. Cincinnati, 1848. 8vo. 7. 7. 1 Navies of England, France, America and Russia. New York, 1865. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 10, No. 4.) 60. 1 Bo YNTON, Henry V. Sherman's Historical Raid. The Memoirs in the Light of the Record. Cincinnati, 1875. 8vo. 30. 9 Bo YNTON, John Farnham. The American Boynton Directory, Containing the Addresses of all Known Boyntons, etc. Sy- racuse, 1884. 8vo. 47. 8 Boynton, (Boyington, or Byington) Family. See Boynton, J. F. American Boynton Directory. Syracuse, 1884. 8vo. 47. 8 Boys. Johnson, John, Jr. Rudimentary Society Among Boys. Baltimore, 1884. 8vo. 11. 8. 6 Boys IN Blue. Incidents and Reminiscences of .the Rebellion. Hoge, Mrs. A. H. New York, 1867. 8vo. 30. 2 Bozman, John Leeds. History of Maryland, from its First Settlement in 1633, to the Restoration in 1660, with a Co- pious Introduction, and Notes and Illustrations. 2 Vols. Bait., 1837. 8vo. 16. 9 Sketch of the History of Maryland, 1634-'38. Baltimore, 1811. (Port, of Lord Baltimore.) 11. 1 Brace, Ch^arles L. Dangerous Classes of New York, and 20 years' work among them. New York, 1872, 8 vo. 57. 12 Humanitarian Progress in the United States, 1776-1876. (''First Century of the Republic") 1876. 8vo. 14. 10 262 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brace, Charles L. — (Continued). New West, or California in 1867-'68. New York, 1869. 12mo. 19. 8 Eaces of the Old World. A. Manual of Ethnology. New York, 1863. 8vo. 16. 4 Brace, Joab. History of the Church in Newington, Conn. Discourse Jan. 16, 1855. Hartford, 1855. 8vo. 7. 12. 1 Bracebridge Hall. See Irving, Washington. London, 1822. 8vo. 2 Vols. 74. 1 Brachiopoda. See Zoology. Brackenridge, Henry M. History of the Insurrection in Western Pennsylvania, commonly called the "Whisky Insurrection," 1794. Pittsburgh, 1859. 8vo. 11. 11 History of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain, 1812-'15. Phila., and Pittsburgh, 1814. 12mo. 14. 4 Journal of a Voyage up the Missouri Eiver, in 1811. 2d edition. Bait., 1816. 12mo. 19. 2 Eecollections of Persons and Places in the West. Phila. 1834. 12mo. 45. 3 Views of Louisiana; with Journal of a Voyage up the Mis- souri Eiver in 1811. Pittsburgh, 1814. 8vo. 15. 7 Voyage to South America, Performed by Order of the American Government, in the years 1817 and 1818, in the Frigate Congress. 2 Vols. Bait., 1819. 8vo. 42. 10 Bradbury, Charles. History of Kennebunk Port, from the First Discovery by Bartholomew Gosnold, May 14, 1602, to A. D. 1837. Kennebunk, 1837. 12mo. 7. 9 Bradbury, John. Travels in the Interior of America, 1809-'ll. 2d edit. London, 1819. 8vo. 33. 4 Braddock, Maj. Gen. Edward. Orderly Books, Feb. 26 to June 17, 1755, with History of Braddock's Expedition. (Lowdermilk, W. H. History of Cumberland, 1878. 8vo.) 11. 1 See Sargent, Winthrop. History of an Exhibition against Fort Du Quesne, in 1755, under Gen. Braddock. Phila., 1856. 8vo. (Pa. Hist., Soc. Memoirs, Vol. 5.) 11. 10 Braddock, Fanny (Sister of Gen. B.). Sketch of. (Pa. Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Vol. 5, Appendix, No. 2.) . 11. 10 Bradford, Alden. Biographical Notices of Distinguished Men in New England. Boston, 1842. 12mo. 43. 12 Historical Sketch of Harvard University. Amer. Quar. Eeg., Vol. 9. 9, 1, 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 263 Bradford, Allen — (Continued). History of the Federal Government, for Fifty Years, 1789 . to 1839. Boston, 1840. 8vo. ^ 14. 10 ]S"ew England Chronology, from the Discovery of the Country by Cabot, in 1497, to 1820. Boston, 1843. 16mo. 7. 7 Bradford, Alex. W. American Antiquities and Eesearches into the Origin and History of the Eed Eace. N. Y. and Boston, 1841. 8vo. 15. 10 Commemorative Address. (Albany Academy, Semi-centen- nial, 1863. 8vo. pp. 33-54.) 10. 12 Discourse before the New York Historical Society, Nov. 20, 1845. N. Y., 1846. 8vo. 10. 4 Bradford, E. B. Argument Before the U. S. [Senate and House Committees on Jlailroads, on the Great Southern Eailway Co. 8vo. n. p. 1878. 72. 6. 4 Bradford, S. B. Eeport of Attorny General of Kansas, on the Enforcement of the Prohibitory Liquor Liw. n. p. 8vo. 81. 8. 5 Bradford, Samuel Dexter. Works of, etc. Boston, 1858. 8vo. 38. 3 Bradford, Thos. G. Encyclopedia Americana, Articles on Geography. See Lieber, Francis. Bradford, Gov. Wm:. Correspondence Between the Colonies of New Netherlands and New ^Plymouth, 11627. (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Series. Yol. 1.) 10.4 Dialogue Concerning the Church. Ed. by Charles Deane. Boston, 1870. 8vo. 8. 3 History of Plymouth Colony. See Young, Alex. Chron- icles, 1844. 8vo. 9. 12 See Mather, Cotton. Life. n. t. p. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 1 And Winslow, Edward. Journal. (Yoiing, Alex. '^ Chron- icles of Plymouth.'^) 1844. 8vo. 9. 12 Bradford, Wm. J. A. Notes on the Northwest; or. Valley of the Upper Mississippi, 1845. New York and London, 1846. 12mo. ' 19. 1 Bradford Club Series. No. 7. Laurens, Col. John. Army Correspondence, 1867. 8vo. 14. 10 Bradford Family. See Purple^ S. S. Gen. Memoirs of Wni. Bradford, the Printer. 47. 1 Bradford, Mass., Academy. Catalogue, 1846. Boston, 1846. 18mo. 9. 9. 6 34 264 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bradford, Mass., Academy— (Continued). See S^ingsbury, J. D. Memorial History of Bradford. 1883. • 8. 12 Perry, Gardner B. History of Bradford, Mass. 1872. 8. 12 Bradford, Yt. See McKeen, Silas. History of Bradford, Vt. 7. 8 Bradish, Luther. New York Historical Society. Proceedings on the Death of Luther Bradish, Oct. 1863. IS^. Y., 1865. L. 8vo. 43. 9 Bradlaugh, Charles. Impeachment of the House of Bruns- wick. Boston, 1875. 12mo. 35. 9 Bradlee, Eev. Caleb Davis. Brief Memoir of G. H. G^y. Boston, 1879. 8vo. 43. 6. G Christ, All in All. A Sermon preached at the Church of the Good Samaritan, Sept. 1, 1872. Boston, 1872. 12mo. 56. 7. 2 Death and the Eesurrection. Sermon, March 15, 1874. A Tribute to Millard Fillmore and Charles Sumner. Boston, 1874. 16mo. 43. 6. F God, the Eternal Support. Sermon, preached Sept. 5, 1886, on the first Sunday after the Great Earthquake (at Charles- ton), and after the Death of Nathaniel Tucker and Sewell E. Faunce. Boston, 1886. 8vo. 56. 7. 5 History of His Ordination;^ also, History of the Thirtieth Anniversary of His Ordination, Dec. 11, 1884. Boston, 1885. 12mo. 43. 6 See King, Eev. T. Starr. Sermon at the Installation of C. D. Bradlee, Dec. 11, 1854. Boston, 1855. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., VoU 8, No. 3.) 9. 2 The Might of Faith. Sermon, in Boston, Sept. 2, 1883, after the Funerals of Mrs. Mary C. Bispham and Francis J. Humphrey. Boston, 1883. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 1 Mozart; a Poem. Boston, 1883. 4to. 43. 13. M Natural and Eevealed Eeligion. A Sermon preached to the Church at'Harrison Square, Boston, May 19, 1878. Cam- bridge, 1878. 12mo. 56. 7. 1 Poem. In Memoriam. Eead at the Funeral of Winslow Gay, Sept. 7, 1877. Broadside. 43. 6. G Sermon, Sept. 25, 1881, after the death of James A. Gar- field. Boston, 1881. 12mo, 43. 6. G . CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 265 Bradlee, Joseph P. See Frothinghaui, X. L. The Memory of the Just is Blessed. Sermon after the death of Joseph P. Bradlee, Feb. 2, 1838. Boston, 1838. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Bradlee, Samuel. See Ellis, Eufus. Sermon in Memory of Samuel Bradlee, in Boston, Aug. 11, 1867. Boston, Aug. 11, 1867. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Bradley, Joseph P. The American Union. Paper read before the New Jersey Historical Society, Jan. 23, 1851. (X. J. Hist. Soc. Proc, Vol. 5. pp. 103-129.) 10, 8 Constitutional Amendment. Letter on the question of the number of States requisite to ratify an amendment, n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 15, Xo. 19.) 60. 1 Bradley Family. See Lloyd, A. P. Genealogy, Family of Aaron and Sarah Bradley, of Guilford, Conn. Hartford, Conn., 1879. 4to. . 47. 1 Brady, James T. Life of. See McCabe, J. D. ''Great For- tunes, etc." 1871. 8vo. 43. 12 Brady, J. E., of Pennsylvania. Speech on the Late War with Mexico, its Origin, Objects and Results; delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, June 27, 1848. Wash., 1848. 8vo. (Mexican War Pamphlets, No. 5.) 16. 10 Brady, John Henry. A Critical and Analytical Dissertation on the Names of Persons. London, 1822. 18mo. 31. 8 Bragdon, O. D. Facts and Figures; Information for the People of Louisiana. New Orleans, 1872. 8vo. 15. 7. 1 Same. Another copy. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 26, No. 12.) " 60. 8 Brain. See Brown, Sequard, C. E. Dual Character of the Brain. Wash., 1877. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 15.) Toner Lecture, No. 2. 49. 9 Dean, John. Gray Substance of the Medulla Oblongata and Trapezium. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 16.) 49. 7 W^hiting, William. Address, July 22, 1872, at Colby Uni- versity. Boston and New York, 1872. 8vo. 74. 7. 2 Brainard, William F. Masonic Lecture before Union Lodge^ New London, June 24, 1825. 3d edit. New London, 1825. Boston (re-printed 1835). 8vo. 52. 2. 1 Brainerd, Cephas. Argument before the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives, Jan. 29, 1^76. Rights of Owners of Ships Destroyed by the Xashville, Tallahassee^ Georgia and the Shenandoah, to Payment out of the Geneva • Award Superior to other Claims. X. Y., 1876. 8vo. 33. 12. 2 266 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bkainekd, Cephas — (Continued). Customs Eevenue Laws. New York, 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 35, ^o. 15.) 60. 2 Observations in Favor of the Distribution of the Geneva Award to the Owners of Ships Destroyed by the Nashville, Tallahassee, Georgia and the Shenandoah. 2d edit. N. Y., 1876. 8vo. 33. 12. 2 Brainerd, David. Eise and Progress of a Work of Grace amongst the Indians in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, Eepresented in a Journal, n. p. 1798. (Appended to Edwards, Jonathan, Life of Brainerd. 1798. 8vo.) Also, Brief Eemarks on the Difficulty of Christianizing Indians. ^ 15. 10 See Pemberton, Ebenezer. Sermon, in Newark, June 12, 1744, at the Ordination of David Brainerd. Edinb., 1798. (Appended to Edwards' Life of Brainerd.) 15. 10 Brainerd, Prof. Ezra. The Geological Features of the Marble Belt. See Papers and Proceedings of the Middlebury, Vt., Hist. Soc. Vol. 1. Maps. 7. 9. 1 Brainerd, J. A., and Wright, C. Historic Incidents and Life in India. Eevised ed. Chicago, 1862. 8vo. 40. 9 Brainerd, Eev. Thomas. Presbyterianism; a Discourse Deliv- ered at the Dedication of the Lombard Street Presbyterian Church, March 12, 1848. Phila., 1848. 8vo. 56. 12. 4 Brainerd Family. See Field, D. D. Genealogy of the Brain- erd Family in the United States. N. Y., 1857. 8vo. 47. 8 Braintree, Mass. See Adams, Chas. F. Address at the Open- ing of the New Town Hall, July 29, 1858. Boston, 1858. Svo. 25. 8 Bates, Samuel A. Eecords of Braintree, 1640-1793. 9. 6 Pattee, W. S. History of Old Braintree and Quiucy; with Sketch of Eandolph and Holbrook, 1625-1875. Quincy, 1878. 8vo. 9^ 13 See Storrs, E. S. Sermon on 50th Anniversary of His Ordi- nation, July 3, 1861. Boston, L861. 8vo. 25. 8 Brakeman, Eev. N. L. A Blow at the Public Schools. A Note of Warning ! A Lecture for the Times, delivered in the 5th Street M. E. Church, Sunday night, Dec. 5, 1869, La- fayette, Ind. Lafayette, ri. d. 8vo. 56. 9. 3 Braman, D. E. E. Braman's Information about Texas, carefully prepared. Phila., 1857. 12mo. 17. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 267 Braman, Eev. Milton P. A Discourse delivered before His Excellency, George N. Briggs, Governor, etc., Mass. Election Sermon, Jan. 1, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8vo. 56. 5. 5 Brand, Adam. Journal of an Embassy into China, 1693-'95. Translated from the High Dutch original; Printed at Hamburgh, 1698. (Harris, John. Navigantium, etc., 1705. Vol 2. Folio, pp. 229-243.) V. Brand, O. F. Descriptive Catalogue of the Faribault Nursery^ 1871. Faribault, 1871. 16mo. 22. 14. 5 Brandegee, Augustus, of Conn. Speech, H. of E., Dec. 12^ 1864, on Locating the [N^aval Station for Ironclads at New London, Conn. Wash., 1864. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph.^ Vol. 32, No. 70.) 60. S Brandt, or Brant, Joseph. {Thayendanegea.) See Buchanan,. James. Visit to the Daughter of Brant. (In his Sketches- of the Indians, 1824. 8vo.) 15. 2 Campbell, W. W. Annals of Try on County; Border Warfare of Kew York during the Eevolution. N. Y.y 1831. 8vo. 10. 10 Hoffman, C. F. Greyslaer; Eomance of the Mohawk. 74. a Principal Events in his Life. (N. E. Hist, and Gen. Eegister, Vol. 2, p. 345.) 46. a Stone, W. L. Life of Joseph Brant. Albany, ]Sr. Y., 1864. 2 Vols. 44. 11 Brandywine, Battle of. Pa. Hist. Soc. Bulletin, Vol. 1, ^o. 8. pp. 25-63. Papers Eelative to the Battle of Brandy- wine. Supplementary to the Account of the Battle, by Joseph Townsend. 11. 10 See Townsend, Joseph. Some Account of the British Army under Gen. Howe, and the Battle of Brandywine, Sept. 11, 1777. Phila., 1846. (Pa. Hist. Soc. Bull., Vol. l,No. 7.) 11. 10 Branford, Conn. See Baldwin, Elijah C. Branford Annals. (New Haven Hist. Coll., Vol. Ill, p. 249.) 7. 6 Brannan, John, Editor. Official Letters of the Officers of the U. S. during the War 1812-'15. Wash., 1823. 8vo. 14. 4 Bransford, J. F. Archaeological Eesearches in Nicaragua. (Smiths. Contrib. to Knowledge, Vol. 25. 2 Plates.) 4to. 49. 14 268 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brant, Joseph. See BraDdt, Joseph. Brantly, William T. The English in Maryland, 1623-1691. (Narrative and Critical History of America, Vol. Ill, Chap. 13.) 25. 9 Brasseur DE BoURBOURG, l^Abbe, Popol Yuh. Livresacreet les mythes de Fantiquite Americaine, avec les livres her- oiques et historiques des Quiches. Ouvrage original des Indigenes de Guatemala. Paris, 1861. 8vo. 15. 3 Brattle Family. See Harris, E. D. Account of some of the Descendants of Capt. Thomas Brattle. Boston, 1867. Sq. Svo. 47. 8 Brattleboro, Vt. See Burnham, Heniy. Brattleboro, 1724- 1880. Early History; with Biographical Sketches, Ed. by A. M. Hemmenway. Brattleboro, 1880. 8vo. 7. 9 Bravais, Auguste, Memoir of, by Elie de Beaumont, (Smiths. Eeport, 1869, pp. 145-168,) 49. 3 Bray, Thobias, Acts of his Visitation at Annapolis in Mary- land, 1700, London, 1700. (See Hawks, F. L. Contri- butions, etc. 1836-'39. Vol, 2.) 56. 3 Brayton, Geo. A, Defense of Samuel Gorton, and the Settlers of Shawomet, Providence, 1883. Sq. 12mo. (E. I. Hist. Tracts, No, 17,) 8, 7, 6 Brayton, Isaac. The Memory of Washington. Discourse, in Watertown, Feb. 22, 1852. Watertown, 1852. Svo. 43. 14. 4 Brazer, John. Sermon at the Ordination of Jonathan Cole, as Pastor of the First Congregational Society in Kingston, Mass., Jan. 21, 1829. Salem, 1829. 8vo, (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 6.) 9. 2 Sermon before the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany, 1826. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Duty and Privilege of an Active Benevolence. Address, before the Seaman's Widow and Orphan Association, Christmas, 1835, in Salem, Mass. Salem, 1836. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, ISo. 3.) 9. 2 Brazil. Compleat Account of the Great Country of Brasile. (See Harris, John, Navigantium, etc., 1705. Folio. 720-738.) Vol. 1. V See Cavalcanti, Amaro. Brasilian Language aud its Agglu- tination. 34 9 Empire of Brazil at the Universal Exhibition of 1876 in Philadelphia. Eio de Janeiro, 1876, 8vo, 52. 14. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 269 Brazil — (Continued). Yves d^Evreux, pere. Voyage dans le nord du Brazil; 1613-'14. 32. 11 Bread. See Horsford, E. N. Eeport on Vienna Bread. Wash., 1875. 8vo. (Vienna Exhib., Vol. 2.) 52. 6 Wetherill, C. M. Chemical Examination of the Baker's Bread of Philadelphia. 51. 3. 1 Brebceuf, Jeax de, le pere. (Jesuit Missionary.) Eelation de ce qui s- est passe aux Hurons, 1635. (Eelations des Jesuites, 1858. 8vo. Vol.1.) 20.3 £NoTE. — Contained in Paul le Jeune's Relation; for 1635-'36.] Horrible Death of, by the Hands of the Savages, with some Account of his Life. By Paul Ragueneau, in his Eela- tion, 1649. (Eelations des Jesuites, 1858. 8vo. Vol. 2.) 20. 3 Parkman, Francis. Brebceuf and his Associates. (In his Jesuits in K'orth America.) 20. 10 Breck, Charles. Life of James Lloyd Breck. K Y., 1883. 8vo. 43. 1 Breck, James Lloyd. See Breck, Charles. Life of, etc. 8vo. 43. 1 Breck, Mrs. J. Lloyd. See Whipple, H. B. Address at her Burial. 43. 6. B. 1 Breck, Samuel. Lecture on George Whitefield, ^before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Feb. 1850. (Pa. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1, 1853. 8vo. pp. 392-409.) 11. 10 EecoUections; with Passages from his Note Books, 1771- 1862. Phila., 1877. 8vo. 43. 1 See Fisher, J. F. Memoir of Samuel Breck. 43. 6. B. 1 Ingersoll, J. E. Memoir of Samuel Breck. 43. 6. B. 1 Breckenridge, John C. Address, Preceding the Eemoval of the U. S. Senate from the Old to the New Chamber, Jan. 4, 1859. Wash., 1859. 8vo. 33. 7. 4 Speech to the Kentucky General Assembly, Jan. 23, 1870. (Cincinnati Southern Eailway Memorial.) 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 27, No. 1.) 60. 8 Breckenridge, Eey. Eobert J. The Civil War; Its Nature and End. (From the Danville Quarterly Eeview for Dec, 1861. pp. 639-672.) Cinn., 1861. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Discourse, on the Day of National Humiliation, Jan. 4, 1861, at Lexington, Ky., on the Preservation of the Union, n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 7 270 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Breckenridge, Eev. Egbert J.— (Continued). Discussion, on American Slavery. See Thompson, Geo. 30. 14. 1 Breckenridge, Wm. C. P. Address at the Centennial Celebra- tion of the Settlement of Breckenridge County,' Nov. 2, 1882. Frankfort, Ky., 1882. 8vo. 18. 14. 3 Address at the Unveiling of the Monument to J. L. Young, Mt. Sterling, Ky., Oct. 2, 1879. Cinn., 1879. 8vo. 43. 7. Y Breckenridge County, Ky. See Breckenridge, W. C. P. Address at the Centennial Celebration. 18. 14. 3 Breed, Eev. David E. More Light. ''Sir, we would see Jesus."— John 12:21. K Y. n. d. 16mo. 56. 7. 3 Breese, Sidney. The Early History of Illinois, from its Dis- covery by the French, in 1673, until its Cession to Great Britain in 1763, etc. With a Biog. Memoir [of the Author] by Melville W. Fuller. Ed. by Thomas Hoyne. Chicago, 1884. 8vo. 17. 10 Bremen, Me. See Johnston, John. History of Bristol and Bremen in Maine, 1607-1872. 7. 8 Bremer, Fredrika. Homes of the New World, 1849-' 50. K Y., 1853. 12mo. 2 Vols. 33. 10 Brennan, John. Saint Paul & Sioux City, and Sioux City & St. Paul E. E. Directory and Business Guide, 1873. Sioux City, 1873. 8vo. 22. 12. 3 Brenton, Edward Pelham. Naval History of Great Britain, 1783-1836. New ed. London, 1837. 8vo. 2 Vols. 35. 9 Bressani, Francesco Giuseppe (Jesuit Miss, in Canada). See Vimont, Barthelemi. Eelation, 1644. Capture and Suffer- ings of Bressani at the Hands of the Mohawks, and his Eelease by the Dutch. (Eelations des Jesuites, 1858. 8vo. Vol. 2.) 20. 3 Brewer, Eev. Darius E. The Errors of Ultraism, in Morals and Eeligion. A Sermon preached before the Convention of the Prot. Episc. Church, in the Diocese of Ehode Island, in Grace Church, Providence, June 10, 185>, and in Trinity Church, Newport, E. I., on Sunday, July 20, 1851. Newport, 1851. 8vo. 56. 7. 5 Brewer, J. S., Editor. Calendar of the Carew Manuscripts. See Great Britain, Public Eecord Office. 35. 13 Giraldi Cambrensis Opera. See Barry, Girald. 40. 11 Letters and Papers of the Eeign of Henry VIII. See Great Britain, Public Eecord Office. 35. 14 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 271 Brewer, J. S., Editor — (Continued). Monumenta Franciscana. See Monumenta, etc. 1858. 8vo. 40. 6 See Bacouf Eoger. Opus Tertium, etc. 40. 6 Brewer, Hon. Mark S. (of Mich.). Home Labor m. Foreign Labor. Speech in the House of Representatives, April 15, 1878. n. t. p. 8vo. 57. 2. 3 Brewer, T. M. North American Oology. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 11.) 49. 7 Brewer, W. Alabama; Her History, Resources, War Record, and Public Men. Montgomery, Ala., 1872. 8vo. 15. 7 Brewer, Wm. H. Agricultural Progress in the U. S., 1776- 1876. (First Century of the Republic) 1876. 8vo. 14. 10 Brewer's Plea: Vindication of Strong Beer and Ale. London, 1647. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 6. pp. 73-79.) 40. 3^ Brewerton, G. Douglas. The War in Kansas; a Rough Trip to the Border, 1855. N. Y. and Cinn., 1856. 12mo. 19. 7 Brewster, Benj. H. Address before the Law Academy at Philadelphia, Sept. 22, 1857. Phila., 1857. 8vo. 74. 7. 1 Brewster, Charles W. Rambles about Portsmouth, . K H.; Persons, Localities and Incidents of Two Centuries. Portsmouth, 1859. 8vo. 7. 10 Same. Second Series. Portsmouth, 1869. 8vo. 7. 10 Brewster, Sir David. Chronological View. See Haskel, Daniel. 40. 8 Brewster, F. Carroll. Argument in the Case of Swasey ^s. ^orth Carolina R. R. Company. Raleigh, June 8, 1874. No imprint. 8vo. 15. 6. 1 Duty; Address at the University of Pennsylvania, Dec. 13, 1869. Phila., 1870. 8vo. 74. 7- 1 Brewster, Francis E. Slavery and the Constitution. Both Sides of the Question. Phila., 1850. 8vo. 30. 7. 6 Brewster, Gov. William. See Steele, Ashbel. Chief of the Pilgrims; Life and Times of William Brewster. Phila., 1857. 8vo. 43. 3 Brewster, W^illiam. Sketch of the Town of Bloomington, Minnesota Valley, Minn. St. Paul, M. T. 12mo. With Map. 22. 1^ 5 35 272 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bric, James J. Eey. An Account of Catholicity in the Public Institutions of Boston. (Amer. Oath. Hist. Soc. Eecords, Vol. 1.) Phila., 1887. 8vo. 16. 11. 1 Brice, Wallace A. History of Fort Wayne; with Sketch of Gen. Anthony Wayne; also, Biography of Samuel Hanna. Fort Wayne, Ind., 1868. 8vo. 18. 11 Bridge, Wm. F. An Account of the Descendants of John Bridge, Cambridge, Mass., 1632. Boston, 1884. 8vo. 47. 8 Bridge Family. See Bridge, Wm. F. Descendants of John Bridge, Cambridge, Mass.* 47. 8 Bridgeport, Conn. See Orcutt, Samuel. History of Stratford and Bridgeport, Conn. [N'ew Haven, 1886. 8vo. 7. 14 Bridgeport and East Bridgeport Directory. By Andrew- Boyd, 1865-'66. Bridgeport, Conn., 1865. 8vo. 80 Bridger, Charles. Index to Printed Pedigrees. London, 1867. 8vo. 46. 2 Bridges, Charles. Exposition of Psalm cxix. Sd Amer. Ed. Phila., 1846. 12mo. 5<^. 3 Bridges, Lyman. Eeport on the Buildings of the Exhibition, and on Eailroad Structures. Wash., 1876. 8vo. (Vienna Ex., 1873. 8vo. Vol. 4.) 52. 6 Bridges. See Eogers, Fairman. Construction of Bridges. (Smiths. Eeport, 1861. pp. 125-239.) 49. 3 Ohio Eiver, Navigation of. Memorial of the Pa. Legis- lature. 72. 13. 2 Saint Louis Bridge. Bridgewater, Mass. Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of its Incorporation, June 3d, 1856. Address by Emory Washburn; Poem by James Eeed. Boston, 1856. 8vo. 8. 10 See Mitchell, ]N"ahum. History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Mass., including an Exten- sive Family Eegister, 1642-1757. Boston, 1840. 8vo. 9. 13 State Almshouse. See Mass. State Almshouse, etc. State Normal School. See Boyden, Albert G. Boston, 1876. 8vo. 9. 9. 5 Bridgewater, North. See North Bridgewater. Bridgman, Eev. Charles De W. Words in the Second Pres- byterian Church, Albany, May 2, 1864, at the Obsequies of Lewis Benedict. Albany, 1866. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 273 Beidgman, Eev. Charles De W. — (Continued). Discourse before the Pearl Street Baptist Church, Albany, Aug. 28, 1870, on Leaving their Old House of Worship. Albany, 1870. 8vo. 10. 6. 11 BRiDaMAN, Laura. See Lieber, Francis. Vocal Sounds of Laura Bridgman. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 2, p. 32.) 49. 7 Bridgman, Thomas. Epitaphs from Copp's Hill Burial Ground, Boston; with Notes. Boston and Camb., 1851. 12mo. 46: 12 Inscriptions on the Gravestones of Northampton, etc. North- ampton, Mass., 1850. 12mo. [Portrait of Jonathan Ed wards.] 46. 12 Brief Account of the Causes that have Eetarded the Progress of the Colony of Georgia. London, 1743. See Stephens, Thomas. 15. 13 Brief Account of the Establishment of the Colony of Georgia under Gen. James Oglethorpe, Feb. 1, 1733. Wash., 1835. 8vo. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 1.) 14. 12 Brief Description of the Province of Carolina, on the Coasts of Floreda; More Particularly at Cape Feare, 1664. London, 1666. 8vo. (Carroll, B. E., Hist. Coll. of S. Carolina. 1836. Vol. 2. 15. 13 Brief Observations on the Copyright Bill. London, 1821. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 18.) 53. 5 Brief Observations on the Punishment of the Pilloi^. 1814. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 4.) 53. 5 Brief Eelation of a Wonderful Accident in the Forest OF Charnwood, Leicester, Eng., 1679. 4to. pp. 6. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 8. pp. 229-231.) 40. 3 Brief Eelation of the State of New England, 1689. See Mather, Increase. 14. 12 Brief Eemarks on the Slave Eegistry Bill. London, 1816. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 7.) 53.5 Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania. See Smith, William. 14. 1 Brief State of the Services and Expences of the Pro- vince OF THE Massachusetts Bay. London, 1765. 8vo. (Eevolutionary Pamph., Vol. 19, No. 8.) 14. 1 Brief View of the Policy, etc. 1810. 8vo. See Hare, Eobert. 53. 12 274 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brief View of the Eelations between the Government AND THE Indians. Anon. n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 11. ^ Briggs, Geo. W. Address, in Salem, Feb. 22, 1862. Salem, 1862. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, ^o. 12.) 9. 2 See MorisoD, J. H. Sermon at the Installation of G. W. Briggs, in Salem, Jan. 6, 1853. Salem, 1853. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 8, Xo. 5.) 9. 2 Briggs, Egbert M. Eesolutions and Addresses Eelative to the Death of Eobert M. Briggs [of Cincinnati], delivered in the Court of Common Pleas, Fayette County, Ohio, by E. A. Harrison and J. Sloane, Feb. 23, 1869. Cinn., 1869. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Briggs, Samuel. Book of the Varian Family; with Specula- tions as to their Origin, etc. Cleveland, Ohio, 1881. 8vo. 47. 13 Partial Eecord of the Descendants of Walter Briggs, of Westchester, ^. Y. Cleveland, O., 1878. 4to. 47. 1 Briggs Family. See Briggs, Samuel. Descendants of Walter Briggs, etc. 1878. 4to. 47. 1 Brigham, C. H. Description of the MS. Dictionary of the Bible in the Indian language, in the possession of the Mass. Historical Society. Eead before the Old Colony Historical Society, March 7, 1865. (Collections, No. 3, pp. 105.) 8. 9. 9 Historical Sketch of Taunton, Eng. Eead before the Old Colony Historical Society, Jan. 7, 1856. (Collections, No. 3, pp. 55.) - 8. 9. 9 Brigham, John C. See Adams, William. Life and Services of John C. Brigham. Discourse, Nov. 9, 1862, by request of the American Bible Society. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Brigham, William. Address in Grafton, Mass., on the Cen- tennial Anniversary, April 29, 1835. Bost., 1835. 12mo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol 5, No. 3.) * 9. 2 The Compact, with the Charter and Laws of the Colony of New Plymouth, together with the Charter of the Council at Plymouth, and an Appendix containing the Articles of Confederation of the United Colonies of New England, etc. Bost., 1836. 8vo. 9. 14 Bright, John. Speeches on the American Question. Boston, 1865. 8vo. 30. s CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 275 Bright, John M., of Tenu. Educational Fund. Speech, H. of E., Feb. 2, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 31, ]S"o. 25.) 60. 8 Enforcement of Fourteenth Amendment. Speech, H. of E., April 3, 1871. Washington, 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 32, Xo. 36.) 60. 8 Eefunding of Cotton Tax. Speech, H. of E., Feb. 11, 1873. Washington, 1873. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 23, No. 34.) ' 60.8 The Tariff. Speech, H. of E-, May 3, 1872. Washington, 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 31, ]^o. 5.) 60. 8 Bright, Jonathan B. The Brights of Suffolk, England. For private distribution. Boston, 1858. 8vo. 46. 12 Brighton, Mass. School Committee. Eeport, 1873. Boston, 1873. 8vo. 9. 8. 6 See Drake, F. S. Brighton in the Colonial Period. (Me- morial Hist, of Boston. Vol. 1, p. 439.) Do, in the Pro- vincial Period. Vol. 2, p. 369. Do, in the Last Hundred Years. Vol. 3, p. 601. 9. 14 Board of Health. Eegulations for the Sanitary Government of the Abattoir, June 30, 1874. Boston, 1874. 8vo. 8. 5. 1 Evergreen CemiBtery. See Whitney, F. A. Address at the Consecration of Evergreen Cemetery, Aug. 7, 1850. Bost., 1850. 8vo. 8. 8. 9 Whitney, F. A. Oration at the Dedication of the Sol- diers' Monument, July 26, 1866. Bost., 1866. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, Ko. 14.) 9.2 Holton Library. See Holton Library. Public Library. See Boston Public Library. Brighton Branch. Brimfield, Mass. Historical Celebration of the Town of Brimfield, Mass., Oct. 11, 1876, with the Historical Ad- dress of Eev. Charles M. Hyde, and other Addresses, Let- ters, Documents, etc., relating to the early history of the town (with genealogies of families). Springfield, 1879. 8vo. 9. 13 Vaill, Joseph. Historical Sermon, Jan. 7, 1821. 8. 9 Brinkerhoff, E. Crime Schools at Public Expense, n. t. p. 24mo. 57. 10. 4 Brinley, George. Catalogue of His American Library. Hart- ford, 1878-'81. 3 Vols. 8vo. 74. 12 276 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brinton, D. G., Editor. Library of Aboriginal American Literature. 6 Vols. Phil. 8vo. 15.4 The Annals of the Cakchiquels. The original text, with a ti-anslation, notes and introduction. Phil., 1885. 8vo. 15. 4^ Books of Chilan Balam. Prophetic and Historic Eecords of the Mayas of Yucatan. Philadelphia, 1882. 8vo. 15. 11. 1 The Gueguence; a Comedy Ballet, in the Nahuatl— Spanish dialect of Nicaragua. (Brinton's Libr. of Aborig. Amer. Literature, No. 3.) Phil., 1883. 8vo. 15. 4 Journey of the Soul. Philadelphia Numismatic and Anti- quarian Society. Proceedings 25th Anniversary. 11. 10. 1 The Lenape and their Legends: with the complete text and Symbols of the Walum Olum, a new translation, and an inquiry into its authenticity. Brinton's Library of Ab- original American Literature, Vol. V.) Phila., 1885. 8vo. 15. 4 The Maya Chronicles. (Brinton's Library of Aboriginal American Literature, No. 1.) Phila., 1882. Svo. 15. 4 Myths of the New World. New York, 1868. 8vo. 15. 3 Brisbane, Albert. A Concise Exposition of the Doctrine of Association; or, Plan for a Re-organization of Society, based on Fourier's Theory. New York, 1843. 8vo. 57. 10. 3 Brisbane, Sir Charles. Communication from the Governor of St. Vincent, to the House of Assembly, inclosing Lord Bathurst's dispatch, with reply, Sept. 1823. London. 1823. 8vo. 30. 13 Brisbin, James S. Life and Public Career of James A. Garfield; with Account of his Election, Assassination, etc. By William Ralston Balch. Chicago, 1881. Svo. 43. 3 Brisbin, John B. Reports. See Minn. Terr. Supreme Court. 24. 1 Bristed, Charles Astor. Five years in an English Univer- sity. Second edition. New York, 1852. 12mo. 35. 9 Bristed, John. Resources of the United States. New York, 1818. 8vo. 33. 10 Bristol, Earl of. See Digby, John. Bristol, Me. See Johnston, John. History of Bristol and Bre- men, in Maine. 1607-1872. Albany, N. Y., 1873. Svo. 7. S Bristol, Rhode Island. See Lane, J. P. Manual of the First Congregational Church Providence, 1873. 12mo. 8. 11 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRA Bristol, Ehode Island — (Continued). Munro, Wilfred H. The story of the Mount Hope Lands, etc. Providence, 1880. 8vo., 8. 7 Bristol County, Massachusetts. See Dudley, Dean. Bris- tol County Dii'ectory and History, 1877. Boston, 1877. 8vo. 80 Britain. See Kennedy, James. Ethnology and Civilization of the Ancient Britons. (Essays eth. and ling., 1861.) 8vo. 15.2 Britaine, William de. Dutch Usurpation; Brief View of the Behavior of the States-General of the United Provinces Towards the Kings of Great Britain. London, 1672. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 7, pp. 521-544.) 40. 3 British Almanac, 1828-'72. London. 12mo. 40 Vols. (Soc. for Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. ) 35. 1 Companion to the, or Year Book of General Information,, 1828-'72. 12mo. 40 Vols, bound with the preceding. 35.1 British America. See Alexander, Sir J. E. L'acadie. Seven Years' Explorations in British America, 1841-' 48. London, 1849. 12mo. 2 Vols. 20.9 Barneby, W. Henry. Life and Labor in the Far West. London, 1884. 8vo. 19. 9 Butler, W. F. Wild North Land; Winter Journey with Dogs; Across Northern North America. 4th ed. Phila., 1874. 16mo. 20. 4 Crossby, P. A., Editor. Lo veil's Gazetteer of British North America. Montreal and Eouse's Point, 1873. Sq. 8vo. 20.9 Dawson, S. J., and Hind, H. Y. Papers Eelative to the Exploration of the Country between Lake Superior and the Bed River Settlement. London, 1857. 8vo. 20. 12 Same. Toronto, 1859. 4to. Canada Legislative Assembly, Journals, Appendix. 20. 12 Gordon, D. M. Mountain and Prairie. 20. » Grant, T. H. Future Commercial Policy of British North America. Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Trans. New ser. Pt. 5, pp. 64-78.) 20. 9. 8 Hall, E. H. Lands of Plenty. British North America for Health, Sport and Profit. London and Toronto, 1879. 8vo. 20. 4 Harmon, D. W. Journal of Voyages and Travels in the In- terior of North America, 1800-1819. Andover, Mass., 1820. 8vo. 33. 4 ^78 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. British America — Continued). Hill A S From Home to Home; Autumn Wanderings in the NorthAvest, 1881-'84. :t^ew York/ 1885. 8vo. 20. 11 Hearne, Samuel. Journey from Hudson's Bay to the North- ern Ocean, 1769-1772. London, 1795. 4to. 20. 14 Hind H. Y. Eeports of the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition, 1858. London, 1860. 8vo. (Can- ada, Dept of State.) 20. 12 Same. Toronto, 1859. 4to. 20. 12 Kennedy, Archibald. Serious Considerations of the Present State of Affairs in the Northern Colonies. Lond., 1754. 8vo. ^^- 2 Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. Voyages from Montreal to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, 1789-1793. Phila., 1802. 8vo. 20. 13 Murray, Hugh.; Historical and Descriptive Account of Brit- ish America. Edinburg and London, 1839. 8vo. 3 Vols. 20. 1 Palliser, Capt. John. Journals, Detailed Reports, and Ob- servations Relative to the Explorations of British Amer- ica, 1857-'60. London, 1863. 8vo. 20. 12 Papers Relative to the Exploration of British America between the Saskatchewan and the United States ; and between the Red River and Rocky Mountains, 1857-'58. London, 1859. 8vo. 20. 12 Further Papers, 1859. London, 1860. 8vo. 20. 12 Simpson, Alex. Life and Travels of Thomas Simpson, the Arctic Discoverer. London, 1845. 8vo. 44. 5 Taylor, J. W. Northwest British America and its Relations to Minnesota. St. Paul, 1860. 8vo. 22. 5. 2 British^and Colorado Mining Bureau. Colorado; its Min- eral and Other Resources, 1872. London. 8vo. 19. 14. 4 British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society Publications. Slavery in the Spanish Colonies. New York, 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 14, No. 7.) 60. 1 British Association for the Advancement of Science. Reports of Annual Meetings, 1831-'84. London. 8vo. 42.1 British Bellman. Printed in the Year of the Saints Fear, 1648. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 6, pp". 181-196.) 40. 3 British Colonies. See Anderson, James. Interest of Great Britain with regard to her American Colonies Considered. London, 1782. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 9, No. 7.) 14. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 279 British Colonies — (Continued). Butel, Dumont, G. M. Histoire et Commerce des Colonies Anglaises, dans. L' Amerique Septentrionale. A Londres, 1755. 8vo. 20. 1 Cluny, Alex. American Traveler; Observations on tlie British Colonies in America. By an old and experienced traveler. London, 1769. 4to. 33. 4 Considerations on the Present Peace, as far as is relative to the Colonies and the African Trade. Anon. London, 1763. 8vo. (Eevolutionary Pamphlets, Vol. 19, Xo. 2.) 14. 1 Lee, Charles. Some Hints to the People in Power on the Present Melancholy Situation of Our Colonies in ^tsTorth America. London, 1763. 8vo. (Eev. Pamph., Vol. 8, Xo. 1.) 14. 1 McCulloch, . Miscellaneous Essay Concerning the Courses Pursued by Great Britain in the Affairs of Her Colonies. London, 1755. 8vo. 20. 2 Mac Fie, R. A. Colonial Questions Pressing for Immediate Solution. London, 1871. 8vo. 20. 5. 3 Popi)le, Henry. Atlas of the British EmjDire in America. London, 1733. 4to. V Rawlings, Thomas. Confederation of the British Korth American Provinces; their past history and future pros- pects, 1864. London, 1865. 8vo. 20. 5 Rogers, J. E. T. Colonial Question. (Cobden Club Essays, 2dSer. 1872. 8vo.) 57.9 Rogers, Robert. Concise Account of IlsTorth America; De- scription of the British Colonies. London, 1765. 8vo. 33. 11 State of the British and French Colonies in [N'orth America. In Two Letters to a Friend. \.Anon.'] London, 1755. (Revolutionary Pamph., Vol. 32, ^o. 1.) 14. 8 Stiles, J. Unification of the Anglo-American Race. Policy of Congress in View of Union with the British Colonies. n. t. p. 8vo-. 30. 4. 1 Unification of the Anglo-Saxon Race. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 39, ^o. 55.) 60. 2 British Columbia. See Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of British Columbia, 1792-1887. (History of Pacific States, Vol. 27.) San Francisco, 1887. 8vo. 25. 12 Barrett, Lennard C. E. Travels in British Columbia; with Karrative of a Yacht Voyage to Vancouver's Island, 1859. London, 1862. 8vo. 20. 13 36 280 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. British Columbia — (Continued). Canada, Parliament. Papers Eelative to the Proposed Union of British Columbia with the Dominion of Canada. Otta- wa, 1871. 8vo. 20. 5. 4 Cornwallis, Kinahan. The :N'ew El Dorado. London, 1858. 19. 8 Hall, E. H. British Columbia. (In his Lands of Plenty, • 1879..) 8vo. 20.4 Macdonald, D. G. F. British Columbia and Van Couver's Island, 1860. London, 1862. 8vo. 20. 13 Macfie, Mathew. Vancouver Island and British Columbia; Their History, Eesources and Prospects. London, 1865. 8vo. 2. 13 Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. Extract from a Journal of a Voyage through British Columbia, 1793. 20. 5 Mayne, E. C. Four Years in British Columbia and Van- couver Island. 20. 13 Pemberton, J. Despard. Facts and Figures Eelatiug to Vancouver's Island and British Columbia. London, 1860. 8vo. 20. 13 Eattray, Alex. Vancouver Island and British Columbia. History, Topography, Climate; and Advantages as Colon- ies for Settlement. London, 1862. 8vo. 20. 13 Eawlings, Thomas. Early Discovery, Boundary Lines, Lakes, Eivers, etc. (In his Confederation, etc., 1865. 8vo. pp. 105-164.) 20. 5 Selwyn, Alfred E. C. Eeport of Exploration in British Col- umbia in 1875. 51. g British Empike. See Wynne, J. H. General History of the British Empire in America. London, 1770. 8vo. 2 Vols. 14. 12 British Empire, the, in America. London, 1741. 8vo. 2 Vols. See Old Mixon, John. 14. 9 British Empire, Statistical Illustrations of the. London, 1825. (Pamphleteer, Vols., 25-26. 53. 12 British Metre and Derivatives. London, 1820. (Pam- phleteer, Vol. 16.) 53. 5 British Museum. See London. British North America. Hudson's Bay and Manitoba Acts, 1867. n. t. p. 8vo. 20. 5. 2 British North American Boundary Commission. Joint Maps. See U. S. Dept. of State Eeports, etc., 1878. 4to. V CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 281 British Oeegox. Minnesota Legislature. House Eeport from a Select Committee on the Overland Emigration Eoute from Minnesota to British Oregon, 1855. St. Paul, 1858. 8vo. 22. 5. 2 Bretish Treaty. Anon. No imprint. Phila., 1810. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph. Vol. 9, Xo. 3.) 53. 12 Brittox, W. a. Speech at the Republican Convention in Van Buren, Ark., July 23, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph. Vol. 31, No. 18.) 60. 8 Britton, Winchester. The Outdoor Eelief System of King's County. Opinion as to its Legality, Eendered to the Board of Supervisors, Jan. 3L, L878. n. t. p. 8vo. 57. 5.3 Broad Advice to the United Netherland Provinces, by I. A. G. W. C. Trans, from the Dutch, by Henry C. Murphy. (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol 3, Part 1, pp. 237- 284.) 10. 4 Broadhurst, Mrs. Frances. Word in Favor of Female Schools. London, 1827. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 27.) 53. 12 Brock, E. A. The Fourth Charter of the Eoyal African Com- pany of England, Sept. 27, 1672, with Prefatory IS'ote, Exhibiting the Past Eelation of Virginia to African Slav- ery. (Va. Hist. Soc. Coll., N. S., Vol. vi.) 15. 12 Editor. The Official Letters of Alexander Spotswood, Lieut. Gov. of the Colony of Virginia, 1710-1722. Now First Printed, from the Manuscript in the Collec- tions of the Virginia Historical Society, with an Introduc- tion and Notes. Eichmond, 1882-'5. 8vo. 15. 5 Eichmond. Historical Sketch. Eichmond, Va., 1880. 8vo. 15. 12. 6 Editor. Documents, Chiefly Unpublished, Eelating to the Huguenot Emigration to Virginia, and to the Settlement at Manakin Town, with an Appendix of Genealogies, etc. • Eichmond, 1886. 8vo. (Va. Hist. Soc. Coll., New Series, Vol. V.) 15. 5- Editor. Vestry Book of Henrico Parish, Virginia, 1730-'73, Containing a History of St. John's Church, Eichmond. Printed for Private Distribution. Eichmond, Va., 1874. 4to. (Wynne's Hist. Doc. No. 5.) 15. 12 Virginia, 1606-1689. (Narrative and Critical History of America, Vol. 3, Chap. 5, pp. 127-168.) 25. 9 Brockett, John Trotter. Glossary of North Country Words, in use, with their Etymology. Newcastle upon Xyne, 1829. 8vo. 34. 9 282 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brockett, Linus P. Lights and Shadows of the Great Rebel- lion. Phila., 1866. 8vo. 30. 2 And Vaughan, M. C. Woman's Work in the Civil War, Phila., 1867. 8vo. 44. 7 Stiles, H. E., Proctor, L. B., and Brockett, L. P. His- tory of Kings Co. and Brooklyn, :N". Y. 10. 2 Brockie, Wm. Family :N"ames of the Folks of Shields, Eng., Traced to their Origin, etc. South Shields, 1857. 8vo. 46. 10 Brockway, J. Introductory Lecture Before the Third District Deutal Association of the State of New Yopk, Jan. 12, 1869. A^lbany, 1869. 8vo. 51. 11. 4 Brocton, Mass. See North Bridgwater, Mass. Broderick, George C. Law and Custom of Primogeniture. (Probyn, J. W. Systems of Land Tenure. 1876. 8vo. pp. 367-418.) 35.2 Broadhead, Garland C. Geological Survey of Missouri, 1873- ^74. (Mo. Bureau of Geol. and Mines.)- 51.6 Geological Survey of Illinois. See Worthen, A. H. 51. 13 Brodhead, Jacob. Services at the Funeral of Jacob Brod- head, in New York, June 8, 1855; and Discourse, July 1, 1855, by George W. Bethune. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. 43. 6. B. J Brodhead, John Eomeyn. Address before the New York His- torical Society, Nov. 20, 1844. N. Y., 1844. 8vo. 10. 4 History of the State of New York, 1609-'91. Vol. 1, Ee. vised Edition. Vol. 2, 1st Edition. N. Y., 1871-'74. 8vo. 2 Vols. 10. 11 Memoir on the Early Colonization of the New Netherlands. (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 2, Part 2. pp. 355-370.) 10. 4 Documents Eelating to the Colonial History of the State of New York. 10. 7 Brockmeyer, H. C. Speech in the Senate of Missouri, Feb. 8, 1872, upon the Bill to Eepeal the Usury Law. n. p! 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 31, No. 29.) 60. 8 Broderick, George C. Law and Custom of Primogeniture. (Cobden Club Essays, 2d Series, 1872. 8vo.) 57. 9 Bromfield School, Harvard, Mass. Prospectus, 1880-'81. n. t. p. Sq. 18mo. 9, 9, g Bronson, Alyin. An Essay on the Commerce and Transporta- tion of the Vallies of the Great Lakes and Elvers of the Northwest. Published by the Oswego Board of Trade. Oswego, 1868. 8vo. 72. 13. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 283 Bronson, Greene C. Opinion Eelating to the Security of the First Mortgage Land Grant Bonds, Issued by the La Crosse and Milwaukee Eailroad Company, etc. IS'ew York, 1857. 8vo. 72. 7. 6 Bronson Henry. Chapters on the Early Government of Con- necticut f with Critical and Explanatory Eemarks on the Constitution of 1639. A Paper Eead before the IsTew Haven Colony Hist. Soc, March 3, 1879, and Feb. 23, 1880. See Collections, Vol. 3, p. 294. 7. 6 Historical Account of Connecticut Currency, Continental Money, and the Finances of the Ee volution. N'ew Haven Colony Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol 1, pp. iv. 192. 7. 6 History of Waterbury, Conn., 1673-1857. With an Ap- pendix of Biography, Genealogy and Statistics. Water- bury, 1858. 8vo. 7. 12 Bronte, Charlotte. (Currer, Bell.) See Martineau, Harriet. Life of Charlotte Bronte. (Biog. Sketches, 1869.) 12mo. 43. 1 Brooke, Samuel. Slavery, and the Slave Holder's Eeligion as Opposed to Christianity. Cinn., 1846. 12mo. 30. 7. 3 Brookes, Eichard. General Gazetteer and Geographical Dic- tionary. !N"ew enl. edit. Ed. by James Smith, London, 1876. 8vo. 34. 9' Brookfield, Mass* See Dunham, Samuel. Historical Dis- course, 150tli Anniversary of First Baptist Church. Springfield, 1867. 8vo. 25. 8 Brookline, Mass. Public Library Eeports, 1875-82. Boston. 8vo*. "^ 8. 2. 2 Directory, 1873-'74. Dudley, Dean. Boston, 1873. 8vo. 80 Brooklyn, JS". Y. Benevolent Association of the Church of the Holy Trinity. Proceedings at the First Anniversary Meeting, Ash Wednesday, 1851, etc. KY., 1851. 8vo. • 56. 12. 2 Sixth Annual Eeport of the Brooklyn Young Men's Chris- tian Association, Presented May 8, 1860, etc. Brooklyn, 1860. 8vo. 56. 14. 6 Furman, Gabriel. ^N'otes, Geographical and Historical, Eelating to the Town of Brooklyn, Long Island. Brook- lyn, 1824. (Eepr. 1865.) 4to. 10. 11 Stiles, Henry E. History of the City of Brooklyn, includ- ing Bushwick and Williamsburg. Albany, 1869-'70. 8vo. 3 Vols. • 10. 10 284 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brooklyn, N. Y.— (Contimied). And Others. History of Kings County and Brooklyn. 1884. 2 Vols. 4to. 10. 2 Church of the Savior. Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Birthday of William EUery Channing, April 6 and 7, 1880. Boston, 1880. 8vo. 44. 1 Library Bulletin, ^o. 17. 1882-'83. Brooklyn, 1883. 8vo. 74. 13. 3 Mercantile Library Association. Eeport, 1862, '74, '75. Brooklyn, v. d. 8vo. 10. 12. 4 Superintendent of Schools, Eeport, 1860. Brooklyn, 1860. 8vo. 10. 6. 7 Brooks, A. L. Anniversary Sermon; Danville, 111., Presbyte- rian Church; 50th Anniversary, etc., 1879. 8vo. 18. 6. 3 Brooks, B. S. The Chinese in California. Memorial to the Committee on Foreign Eelations of the United States Sen- ate, n. t. p. 8vo. * 52. 10. 1 Brooks, Charles. Address in Oak Grove Cemetery, Medford, Mass., Sept 6, 1866, at the Consecration of the Monument to the Medford Volunteers. Bost., 1866. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, Ko. 13.) 9. 2 An Appeal to the Legislatures of the United States in Eela- tion to the Public Schools. Cambridige, 1867. 8vo. 56. 9. 3 History of the Town of Medford, Mass., from its First Settle- ment in 1630, to the Present Time. Boston, 1855. 8vo. * 25. 2 Memoir of Jiohn Brooks, Governor of Massachusetts, n. t. p. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Some Eeasons for the Immediate Establishment of a JS^ational System of Education for the United States. Boston, 1869. 8vo.* 56. 9. 4 Two Lectures. I. History of the Introduction of State Nor- mal Schools in America. II. A Prospective System of National Education for the United States. Boston, 1864. 8vo. 56. 9. 2 Brooks, Charles T. The Simplicity of Christ's Teachings. Boston, 1859. 8vo. 38. 1 Brooks, Edward, and Others. Address of the Faueuil Hall Committee, on a Supply of Pure Water for the City of Boston, May 5, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8vo. 8. 1. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. • 285 Brooks, Edward P. Free Trade with Cuba; Cuban Question Commercially and Politically Considered. Wash., 1869. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 37, No. 17.) 60. 2 Brooks, Erastus. What the State Owes the People. Paper Eead at the American Public Health Association, at New Orleans, Dec. 9, 1880. New Orleans, 1881. 8vo. 51. 11. 1 Speech in the New York Senate, March 6, 1855, on the Church Property Bill, the Papal Power in the State, etc. See "Controversy between Senator Brooks and f. John." 56. 12. 8 Brooks, Eev. Jabez. A Lecture on the History and Prominent Features of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Minneapo- lis, 1876. 16mo. 56. 7. 2 Methodism: Its Development, and the Chief Causes of Its Success. A Centenary Sermon, preached Sept. 21, 1866^ before the Minnesota Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. St. Paul, 1866. 8vo. 56. 5. 1 Brooks, James, of N. Y. Defence of President Fillmore before a Meeting of the American Party, at Cincinnati, May 30, 1856. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 2 Eeciprocity Discussed. Trade with England and Her Colo- nies. Speech on the two letters of Sir Henry Bulwer to Mr. Clayton, Sec. of State, etc., in the House of Eepre- sentatives. May 14, 1850. Wash., 1850. 8vo. 57.2.1 Speech on the President's IVHssage, House of Eepresenta- tives, December, 1864. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 12, No. 10.) 60. 1 The Tariff. Speech in the House of Eepresentatives, Dec. 15, 1868. Washington, 1869. 8vo. 57. 2. 4 The Tariff. Speech, House of Eepresentatives, March 3, 1870. Washington, 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 38, No. 39.) 60. 2 Two Proclamations. The Provost Marshal's War Order, and the Emancipation Speech, before the Democratic Union Association, Sept. 29. 1862. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 Brooks, John, (Gov. of Massachusetts). See Brooks, Charles. Memoir of John Brooks, n. t. p. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Memoir of, by Charles Brooks. (N. E. Hist, and Gen. Eeg- ister, Vol. 19, p. 193.) 46. 3 Brooks, J. Tyrwiiitt. Four Months Among the Gold Finders in Alta California; being the diary of an expedition from San Francisco to the gold districts. Loudon, 1849. 12mo. 19.8. 286 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brooks, J. W. Testimony of, before the Committees on Eail- roads of the Legislature of Massachusetts, March 29, 1870, on the Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad. Bost. , 1870. 8vo. 72. 14. 5 Brooks, IS'athan C. Complete History of the Mexican War. (1845-'48.) Phila. and Bait., 1849. 8vo. 14. 11 Brooks, Peter Chardon. Memoir of. (X. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. 8. 9.) 46. 3 Brooks, Rev. Phillips. Address, May 30, 1873, at the dedi- cation of the Memorial Hall^ Andover, Mass. Andover, 1873. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 13.) 9. 2 Brooks, T. B. Iron-Bearing Rocks, Upper Peninsula, Michi- gan. (Geol. Surv. Michigan, 1869-'73, Vols 1 and 2.) K Y., 1873. 8vo. 51. 6 Brooks, Wm. M. The Story of Tabor College, Tabor, Fremont County, Iowa. Rochester, I^. Y., 1885. 24mo. 19. 13. 4 Brooks YiLLE, Me. See Castine, Me. Broom, Jacob. Address at Castle Garden, Feb. 22, 1854, on the Birthday of Washington. N. Y., 1854. 8vo. 74. 7. 4 Broom, James M., and Others. Address of the Committee of !Rew Castle County to Citizens of Delaware (on the War of 1812). Wilmington, Del., 1812. 8vo. 14. 10. 2 Broome County, I^. Y. See Burr, George. Hist. Address, July 3, 1876. Binghamton, 1876. 8vo. 10. 11. 3. 2 Broomall, John M., of Pa. •:^^ational Currency. Speech, H. of R, Feb. 7, 1865. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 12, :N'o. 13.) 60.1 Reconstruction Speech, H. of R., Jan. 8, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 12, No. 18.) 60. 1 Speech on the Constitutional Amendment, H. of R., May 9, 1866. Wash., 1866. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 29, No. 14.) 60. 8 Bross, Col. John A. Memorial of John A. Bross, who fell in leading the assault on Petersburgh, July 30, 1864, with Sermon by Arthur Swazey. By a friend. Chicago, 1865. 8vo. * 43.2 Bross, William. America as a Field, etc. Address before the Alumni of Williams College, July 31, 1866. Poem by J. C. French. Chicago, 1866. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 7.) 9. 2 Biographical Sketch of Gen. B. J. Sweet. History of Camp Douglas. Paper read before the Chicago Historical So- ciety, June 18, 1878. Chicago, 1878. 8vo. 43. 7. S. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 287 Beoss, William — (Continued), History of Chicago. Eepublislied from the ''Daily Demo- cratic Press." Chicago, 1876. 8vo. 18. 5 Illinois and the ISth Amendment. Paper read before the Chicago Historical Society, Jan. 15, 1884. Chicago, 1884. 8vo. 18. 6. 6 Beotherhead, William. The Book of Signers, containing facsimile letters of the signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, etc. Phila., 18(51. 4to. Drawer K'o. 3 General Fremont and the injustice done him by politicians and envious military men. " Philadelphia, 1862. 8vo. 43. 6. F Beothertown Indians. See Indians of America. Wisconsin. Beoueeius Van Nidek, oe Xyedek, Matheus, (and Long, Izaak C). Kabinet Van Xederlandsche en Kleefsche Oudheden. Dortrecht, 1770. 4to. 6 Vols. 52. 12 Beougham, Heney, Loed. See Bowles, W. L. Vindication, etc. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 13.) 53.5 Ellis, J. H. Lord Brougham, Considered as a Lawyer. Boston, 1868. 8vo. Historical Sketches of Statesmen who Flourished in the time of Leo III., etc. (60 in 3.) London, 1845. 16mo. 45. 8 Ireland, John. Letter to Henry Brougham. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 14.) 53. 5 Letter to Sir Samuel Eomilly, upon the Abuse of Charities. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 13.) 53. 5 Letter to Henry Brougham, from a Master of Arts of Queens College, ui^on the Best Method of Eestoring Decayed Grammar Schools. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 13.) 53. 5 Martineau, Harriet. Life of Lord Brougham. (Biog, Sketches, 1869.) 12mo. 1. 3. 1 Political Philosophy. 3d edition. London, 1849-'53, 8vo. 3 Vols. 57. 3 Speech on the Education of the Poor, in the House of Com- mons, June 29, 1820, London, 1820, (Pamphleteer, Vol, 16.) 53, 5 Beoughton, Eobeet E. Letter to G. W. Hall, on the Views of the Agricultural Associations. London, 1821. (Pam- phleteer, Vol. 18.) 53. 5 Beowx, a. G., of Miss. Speech, in the H. of E., Feb. 10, 1848, on the Bill to Authorize a Loan not Exceeding $18,500,000, etc. n. t. p. 8vo. (Mexican War Pamphlets, K'o. 6.) 16. 10 37 288 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brown, Aaron V. (Gov. of Tenn., etc.) Speeches. Congressional and Political, and Other Writings. I^ashville, Tenn., 1854. Svo. 33. 13 Brown, Allan D. (and Winterhalter, A. G.) Annular Eclipse of the Sun, March 15-16, 1885. Washington, 1885. 4to. 50. 1. 1 Brown, Alex. E. Address before the American Whig and Cliosophic Societies of the College of New Jersey, June 23, 1846. Princeton, 1846. Svo. 74. 7. 2 Brown, Allen H. History of the Presbyterian Church in West or South Jersey, 1700-1865; with an Appendix to 1869. Phila., 1869. 8vo. 10. 2. 4 Brown, Andrew. A Letter Concerning Family History, n. p. 1812. 8vo. 47. 1 Brown, B. Gratz. Address — Freedom, etc., St. Louis, Aug. 27, 1863. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 15, :N^o. 10.) 60. 1 Emancipation in Missouri. See Missouri. First Emanci- pation Convention. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 19, Xo. 31.) 60.8 Freedom and Franchise Inseparable, n. t. p. 8vo. (Ram- sey Pamph., Vol. 30, No. 9.) 60. 8 Another Copy. Vol. 19, No. 11. Same 60. 8 Immediate Abolition of Slavery by Act of Congress. Speech in the U. S. Senate, March 8, 1864. Wash., 1864. 8vo. 30. 14. 1 Oration at the Inauguration of the Lyon Monument Associa- tion, in Jefferson City, Mo., Jan. 11, 1866. Wash., 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 15, No. 36.) 60. 1 Shivery in its National Aspects. Address before the Eman- cipation Society of Missouri, St. Louis, Sept. 17, 1852. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 19, No. 31.) 60. 8 Universal Suffrage. Address at St Louis, Sept. 22, 1865. St. Louis, 1865. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 14.) 60. 1 Sketch of. (See Eeavis, L. U. St. Louis, etc., 1875. 8vo. 18. 7 Brown, Buckminster. The Treatment and Cure of Cretins and Idiots; with an account of a visit to the Institution on the Abendberg, Berne, Switzerland, during the summer of 1846. Boston, 1848. 8vo. 57. 5. 4 Brown, David Wolfe. See Lord, Wm. B. and Brown, D. W. Debates of the Michigan Constitutional Conveution. 85. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 289 Browx, Edward. Wadsworth Memorial; containing an account of the Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the First Settlement of the Township of Wadsworth, Ohio; with the Addresses, Historical Papers and Poems presented on that occasion, etc. Wadsworth, 1875. 12mo. Browi^, Francis H. Fauna of Madeira, n. t. p. 8vo. pp. 205-214. From Proceedings of Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist. Vol. 12. 49. 5. 5 Indexes to Medical Literature. Boston, 1881. 16mo. 51. 11. 5 KoU of Students of Harvard University, who served in the Army or ]N'avy of the United States during the Eebellion. Cambridge, 1866. 8vo. :N'o. 14, Harv. Coll, Eep., Vol. 2. 9. 2 Brown, Frederic J. Sketch of the life of James McHenry, Private Secretary of Gen. Washington. Eead before the Maryland Hist. Soc.', Nov. 13, 1876. Bait., 1877. 8vo. 43. 13. M Brown, Dr. Geo. W. Eeminiscences of Old John Brown. Thrilling Incidents of Border Life in Kansas; with an ap- pendix containing statements and full details of the Pot- tawatomie Massacre, etc., to which is added a review, Ipy Eli Thayer, of Massachusetts. Eockford, 111., 1880. 43. 6. B. 2 (Very severe against John Brown.) Brown, Henry. History of Illinois, to 1844. jST, Y., 1844, 8vo. 18. 5 Brown, Henry. A Narrative of the Anti-Masonic Excitement in the Western part of Xew York, during the years 1826,. '27, '28, etc. Batavia, 1829. 12mo. 16. 11 Brown, Henry Armitt. Oration on the 100th Anniversary of the Meeting of Congress in Carpenter's Hall. Phila., 1874. 8vo. 14. 10. 1 Another Copy. 8. 3 Brown, Isaac V. D. Slavery Irreconcible with Christianity and Sound Eeason. Trenton and Kew Brunswick, 1858. 12mo. 30. 7. 5 Brown, J. A. The new Theology, and its Abettors and Defend- ers. Phila., 1857. 12mo. 56. 5. 1 Brown, James S. Eepresentatives from Arkansas. Speech H. of E., June 29, 1864. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol, 29, Xo. 37.) 60. 8 290 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brown, Gen. Jesse B. See Taylor, Hawkis. Sketch of Gen. Brown. Annals of Iowa, Yol. 10, ^o. 3. 19. 13. 1 Brown, John. (''Ossawotamie.") See Anderson, O. P. Nar- rative of Events at Harper's Ferry. Boston, 1861. 12mo. 30. 7. 3 Andrew, J. A. Speeches, with Testimony, before the Har- per's Ferry Committee in Eelation to John Brown. 1860. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 4 Brown, G. W. Eeminiscences of '' Old John Brown." 43. 6. B. 2 Channing, W. E. Burial of John Brown. {^Poem.] Ko imprint. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 1 Drew, John. John Brown's Invasion; an Authentic History of the Harper's Ferry Tragedy. Boston, 1860. 8vo. 30. 5 Estimate of his Character, by A. A. Lawrence. (Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceedings, 2d Series, Vol. 1.) 9. 10 Humphrey's Family Genealogy, pages 303-314. 47. 3 Life, Trial and Execution of John Brown, with Account of the Insurrection at Harper's Ferry. 'E. Y., 1859. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 1 Lloyd, Frederick. John Brown among the Peedee Quakers. (Annals of Iowa.) Yol. 5. 19. 6 Eulogy on, by Alfred S. Eoe. (^'Proceedings of the Worces- ter Society of Antiquity," for 1884, p. 173.) 9. 10. 3 Trumbull, Lyman. Eemarks on Seizure of Arsenals at Har- per's Ferry, Ya., and in Yindication of the Eepublican Party. Dec. 6-8, 1859. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 4 Wheelock, E. M. Harper's Ferry and its Lessons. Sermon, InTov. 27, 1859. Boston, 1859. 12mo. 30. 14. 3 Brown, J. B., and Brown, Buckminster. Observations on the Curvature of the Spine, Wry -neck. Club-foot, and other Orthopedic Affections. Boston, 1860. 8vo. 51. 11. 3 Brown, John C. Argument of, as Yice President of the Texas & Pacific Eailway Co., before Senate Committee on Eail- roads, Feb. 7, 1876. 8vo. Wash. 72. 6. 3 Letter to the People of the South, on the Texas & Pacific Eailway. 8vo. Pulaski, Tenn., 1878. 72. 6. 3 Brown, John Mason. Oration on the Centennial Commemora- tion of the Battle of the Blue Licks (Aug. 19, 1882). Frankfort, Ky., 1882. 8vo. 18.14.3 Brown, John :N"ewton. Cyclopcedia of Eeligious Knowledge. Added, a Missionary Gazetteer, by B. B. Edwards. Brat- tleboro, Yt., 18.54. 8vo. 34. 14 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 291 Brown, Joseph E. (Gov. of Ga.). Special Message to the Leg- islature of Georgia, Xov. 7, 1860. Milledgeville, Ga.,1860. 8vo. 15. 13. 1 Brown, Joseph 31. The Mountain Campaigns in Georgia, or War Scenes on the Western and Atlantic Eailroad. n. p. n.. d. 4to. 17. 11. 1 Broavn, Joseph E. Memoir of. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 3. .pp. 201-212.) 22.10 Brown, Leonard. American Patriotism; Memoirs of '^ Com- mon Men" [in the Southern Rebellion]. Des Moines, 1869. 8vo. 30. 2 History of Whitingham, Vt., from its Organization to the Present Time. Brattleboro, 1886. 8vo. 7. 2 Brown, Mrs. M. G. Metaphysical Discovery. Xew York, n. d. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 28, No. 19.) 60. 8 Brown, Moses. See Swett, S. Sketches, etc. Xo. 1. — Capt. Moses Brown. Boston, 1846. 12mo. 43. 6. B. 1 Brown, Nicholas. See Wayland, Francis. Discourse on the Life and Character of Nicholas. Brown, Delivered in the Chapel of Brown University, Nov. 3, 1841. Boston, 1841. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 1 Brown, Orlando. Memorandaof the Preston Family. Albany, 1864. 4to. 25. 14. 6 Brown, Rawdon, Editor. Calendar of State Papers and Manu- scripts — Venetian. See Great Britain, Public Record Office. 35. 6 Brown, Robert. The Races of Mankind; a Popular Descrip- tion of the Principal Varieties of the Human Famil}/. 4 Vols. London, n. d. 8vo. 16. 5 Brown, S. D. The Bible, the Source of True Civilization. Sermon at the Albany County [N. Y.] Bible Society, Feb. 24, 1864. Albany, 1864. 8vo. 10. 14. 3 Brown, Samuel R. Authentic History of the Second War for Independence with Great Britain, 1812-'15. Auburn, 1815. 12mo. 2 Vols. • 14. 10 Brown, Thomas W. Memorial Sermon on John P. Hale. (See Hale, J. P., Funeral Services, etc.) 1873. 8vo. No. 5 in New Hampshire Pamphlets. 7. 11 Brown, Thurlow Weed. Sketch of, by D. W. Ballon. (Wise. Edit. Assoc, Proc. 1867, pp. 113-120.) 19. 12. 3 Life and Character of, by H. A. Reid. (Wise. Edit. Assoc. Proc, 1860, pp. 23-37.) 19. 12. 3 292 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brown, William. Proposed Change in the Law lor Collec- tion of Taxes on Distilled Spirits. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 36, No. 28.) 60. 2 Brown, Wm. H. Historical Sketch of the Early Movement in Illinois for the Legalization of Slavery. Read before the Chicago Historical Society, Dec. 5, 1864. Chicago, 1865. 8vo. 18. 6. 6 Memoir of Daniel P. Cook, Read before the Chicago His- torical Society, June 9, 1857. Chicago, 1857. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Brown, Wm. Wells. American Fugitives in Europe. Sketches of Places and People Abroad. Boston, etc., 1865. 12mo. 30.6 Clotelj the President's Daughter. N^arrative of Slave Life in the United States. London, 1853. 8vo. 30. 12 Lecture before the Female Anti slavery Society of Salem, :Nov. 14, 1847. Boston, 1847. 12mo. 30. 14. 2 Narrative of a Fugitive Slave. Written by Himself. 2d edition, enlarged. Boston, 1848. 3 2mo. 30. 13 Biography of an American Bondsman [W. W. Brown], by his Daughter. Boston, 1856. 12mo. 30. 14. 4 Brown, W. Y. History of the First Presbyterian Church of the Borough of Darby, Delaware County, Pa., 1854-'76. Phila., 1876. 8vo. 11. 5.4 Brown, % Speech of Mr. Brown, of Burlington, in Favor of the Bill Incorporating the Camden and Keyport Rail- road Company. Made in the House of Assembly, Feb. 18, 1851. Trenton, 1851. 8vo. 72. 14. 7 Brown Family. See Brown, Andrew. A Letter Concerning Family History. 47. 1 See Smith, Columbus. Report to the Brown Association, U. S. A., 1868. Burlington, 1868. 8vo. 47. 1 Brown County, Illinois. History. See Schuyler Co., 111., History, 1882. 4to. 83 Wisconsin. See Curtis, J. S., and Others. Resources, Ad- vantages and Productions of the Counties of Brown, Door, Oconto and Shawano, in Wisconsin. Green Bay, 1870. 16mo. 19. 5. 8 Browne, Dunn, j>sexuL See Fiske, Samuel. Brow\\e, Edward. Travels into Divers Parts of Europe. (See Harris, John. Xavigantium. etc., Vol. 2, 1705. Folio, pp. 501-546.) V CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 293 BROW^^E, H. The Old Pharisee, with the New Phylacteries of Presbyterj^ 4to. pp. 26. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 6, pp. 344-354.) 40.3 Browne, J. Eoss. Crusoe's Island; a Eamble in the Footsteps of Alexander Selkirk; with Sketches of Adventure in California and Washoe. London, 1864. 8vo. 17. 4 Mineral Eesources West of the Eocky Mountains. [1866- '67.] Wash., 1878. 8vo. 2 Vols. (U. S. Dept. of the Treasury.) 49.4 Eelacion de los debates de la convencion de California, sobre la formaciou de la constitncion de esta^o, en Setiembre y Octobre de 1849. mieva York, 1851. 8vo. 20. 7 Eeport of the Debates in the Convention of California, on the Formation of the State Constitution, in September and October, 1849. Wash., 1850. 8vo. 20.7 Browne, John W. Sunday Law neither Christian nor Ameri- can. [Published by a Committee of the Anti-Sabbath Convention.] Boston, 1849. 12mo. 57. 10. 1 Browne, John White. In Memoriam, J. W. B. Boston. Published for his Friends. 1860. 16mo. 43. 8 Contents: Life, by John A. Andrew; Sermon, by C. C. Shackford; Kemarks, by Charles »Sumner, etc. Browne, Junius Henri. Four Years in Secessia; Adventures within and beyond the Union Lines. Hartford, etc., 1865. 8vo. 29. 2 Browne, l!^. B. Address before Union League of Philadelphia, May 9, 1863. [Lord Lyons and the Democracy.] Phila., 1863. 8vo. 33. 7. 5 Browne, Wm. George (English Traveler). Biographical Me- moir of. (See Walpole, Eobert. Continuation, etc., 1820. 4to. pp. 163-181.) 40. 7 Browne, Wm. Hand. Maryland; the History of a Palatinate. Boston, 1884. 12mo. 11. 8 Brownell, Charles De Wolf. Indian Eaces of Korth and South America. :^^. Y., etc., 1857. 8vo. 15.3 Brownell, Henry Howard. War Lyrics. Boston, 1866. 16mo. « 30. 8 Brownell, Et. Eev. Thomas Church. Christian Zeal; a Ser- mon preached at the Opening of the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, in St. James Church, Philadelphia, on Aug. 12, 1829. Kew York, 1829. 8vo. oQ. 7. 5 29-4 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brownhelm, Ohio. Fairchild, J. H. Early Settlement and History of Brownhelm, O. Oberlin, 1867. 8vo. 18. 3. 2 Browning, Eobert. See Forman, H. B. Essay. (Our Living Poets, 1871.) 8vo. 43.12 Browning, J. W. Los Angeles City and County, Guide-Book for Tourists and Strangers. Los Angeles, 1885. 8vo. 20. 14. 6 Brownlee, William Craig. On the Loftiest and Most Im- portant Branch of all Sciences. Oration at Eutgers Col- lege, :N^. J., July 16, 1827. New Brunswick, 1827. 8vo. (Misc. Pan^h., Vol. 8, :N"o. 19.) 53. 12 Brownlow, Wm. G. (Gov. of Tenn.). Message and Inaugural Address to the Legislature of Tennessee, 1865. ]^ashville, 1865. 8vo. 18. 14. 1 Personal Explanations. Speech, Senate of U. S., Feb. 15, 1872. No title page. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 31, No. 31.) 60. 8 Portrait and Biography of "Parson" Brownlow. Indian- apolis, 1862. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 1 Sketches of the Eise, Progress and Decline of Secession; with Personal Adventures among the Eebels. Phila. and Cinn., 1862. 12mo. 30. 8 And Pry ne, A. Ought American Slavery to be Perpetuated % Debate at Philadelphia, Sept., 1858. Phila., 1858. 12mo. 30.13 Brown-Sequard, C. E. Dual Character of the Brain. Toner Lecture, No. 2, April 22, 1874. Wash., 1877. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 15.) 49. 9 Lectures on the Nerves. (Tribune Popular Science, 1874. 8vo.) 57. 3 Brownson, Eev. Orestes A. Babylon is Falling. A Discourse preached in the Masonic Temple, to the Society for Chris- tian Union and Progress, on Sunday Morning, May 28, 1837. 56.7.1 Social Eeform. Address in Wesleyan University, Middle- town, Conn., Aug. 7, 1844. 8vo. 74. 7. 1 Brown University, Providence, E. I. Catalogue of Officers and Students, 1838, '39, '45, '46, '49, '51, '56, '60, '61, '71, '72, '74, '75, '80. Providence. 8vo and 18mo. 8. 7. 4 .Catalogus, 1852, '66, '73, '80. Providently, 1852-'80. 8vo. 8. 7. 4 Celebration of the 100th Anniversary, Sept. 6, 1864. Provi- dence. 8v0. 8. 7. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. . 295 Brown University, Providence, E. I. — (Continued). Guild; E. . A. First Commencement of Ehode Island College. (Ehode Island Soc. Coll., Vol. 7.) 8. 7 Laws. Eevised edition. Providence, 1835. 8vo. 8. 7. 4 Parsons, C. W. Medical School formerly Existing in Brown University; Its Professors and Graduates. Providence, 1881. 8. 7. 6 Eeportof a Committee of the Alumni, 1863. n.t.p. 8vo. 8. 7. 4 Eeport of the Committee Appointed to Eaise a Fund of $125,000. Providence, 1851. 8vo. pp.16. 8.7.4 Eeports of the President, 1870, '72, '73. Providence. 8vo. 8.7.4 Brtjc, C. Compte de. Eepublic of San Marino. Translated from the French, by W. W. Tucker. 2d edit. Cambridge, 1880. Sm. 8vo. 52. 12 Bruce, Henry Austin, Lord Aberdare. Inaugural Address as President of the Eoyal Historical Society. (Eoyal Historical Society Transactions, Vol. 7, pp. 384-394.) 35. 9 Bruce, John. Speech in the House of Commons on India Affairs, May 31, 1813. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 2, pp. 441- 465.) 53.5 Editor, Calendar of State Papers — Domestic Series. See Great Britain, Public Eecord Office. Brunot, Felix E. Eeport on the Modoc War. Eead at a Meeting of the Indian (jommissioners, at ISTew York, April, 1873. pp. 217-221. 8vo. (U. S. Board of Indian Com. missioners.) 15. 11. 4 Brunson, Alfred. Memoir of Jacob Ward, Local Elder in the M. E. Church. La Crosse, Wis., 1870. 16mo. 43. 7. W. 1 Prairie du Chien, Wis. Its Present Position and Future Prospects. Milwaukee, 1857. 12mo. 19. 5. 7 Western Pioneer 5 Incidents of his Life and Times, Embrac- ing a Period of over 70 Years. Cinn. and N^. Y., 1872-'9. 8vo. 2 Vols. 19.4 Brunswick, Impeachment of the House of. See Bradlaugh,. Charles. Boston, 1875. 12mo. 35. 9 Brunswick, Maine. See Wheeler, G. A. and H. W. History of Brunswick, Topsham and Harpswell, Maine, Including the Ancient Territory known as Pejebscot. Boston, 1878. 8vo. 7.1 Bowdoin College. See Bowdoin College. 38 296 . MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brut y Twysagion; or, The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales, Ed. by John Williams ab Ithel. London, 1860. (Great Britain, Public Eecord Office. Chronicles and Memorials. ) 40. 12 Bkuyas, James. Eadices Yerborum Iroquaeorum. Auct. Ja- cobo Bruyas. Neo-Eboraci, 1863. [Also, with the title, Eadical Words of the Mohawk Language, with their Derivatives.] I!^ew York, 1862. 8vo. (Shea's Libr. of Amer. Linguistics, ISTo. 10. ) 15. 2 Bry, Theodore de. Portraits j First Published by De Bry, 1590. See Wyth, John. Bryan, Clark W. The Book of Berkshire, Describing and Illustrating its Hills and Homes, etc. Great Barrington, n. d. 12mo. 25. 8 Bryan, Francis T. Expedition from Fort Riley, Kansas, to Bridger's Pass in the Rocky Mountains, Wyoming, 1856. n. t. p. 8vo. pp. 455-534. (U. S. Department of War.) 19. 14. 3 Bryan George J. Biographies of George P. Barker, John C. Lord, Mrs. John C. Lord, and Wm. C. Bryan; also, Lec- ture on Journalism. Buffalo, 1886. 8vo. 45. 2 Bryan, L. C. The World has but One Florida, and Florida but One Indian River. Information for Emigrants, etc. Sa- vannah, 1886. 8vo. 15. 14. 3 Bryan, Wm. H. Report of the Engineer of the Sacramento Yalley Irrigation and Navigation Canal. Sacramento, 1867. 8vo. 72. 7. 2 Bryant, Capt. Charles. Report on the Seal Islands of Saint Paul and Saint George [Alaska], Sept. 5, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 1, I^o, 10.) 60. 1 Bryant, Charles S. History of the Sioux Massacre of 1862. (See Neill, E. D. Hist, of Minnesota Yalley, 1882. 4to.) 22. 7 Lecture on Man. Delivered before the Saint Paul Academy of Science, Feb. 21, 1879. Saint Paul, 1879. 8vo. 15. 11. 1 State Education, Minnesota. (History of the Upper Mis- sissippi Yalley, 1881. 4to. pp. 201-216.) 22. 7 And Murch, Abel B. History of the Great Massacre by the Sioux Indians in Minnesota [1862], including the Personal Narratives of many who Escaped. St. Peter, 1872. 12mo. 22.9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 297 Bryant, Edwin. What I Saw in California; Tour Across I^ortli . America, 1846-'47. 2d edit. X. Y. and Pliila., 1848. 12mo. 20. 6 Bryant, J. E. The Georgia Question. See Caldweli, J. H. 15. 13. 1 Bryant, William Cullen. Funeral Oration on Thomas Cole, before the National Academy of Design, Kew York, May 4, 1848. K Y. and Phila.,-1848. 8vo. 43. 6. c. 1 Biography of. See Parton, James, "Men of Progress,'^ 1870-'71. 8vo. 44.2 Duyckinck, E. A. Biogr. Sketch. (Nat. Port. Gal., Yol. 2.) 44.6 Waterston, R. C. Tribute to William Cullen|Bryant. 43. 6. B. 2 Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea) and his 'Posterity. (See Beach, W. W. Indian Miscellany.) 15. 9 Sketch of Orlando Allen. (Buffalo Hist. Soc. Publ., Vol. 1.) 10.5 And Gay, Sidney Howard. Popular History of the United States. 14. 6 Bryce, George. Manitoba; Its Infancy, Growth |and Present Condition. London, 1882. 8vo. 20. 4 The Old Settlers of Red River. A Paper read befoie the Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society 'of J Wi nnipeg, Kov. 26, 1885. Winnipeg, 1885. 8vo. 20. 5. 2 Winnipeg Country; Its Discovery, and the Great Conse- quences Resulting, n. t. p. 8vo. (Manitoba Hist, and Sci. Soc. Publ., Ko. 4.) 20. 5. 2 Brydges, C. J. Manitoba and the Northw^est, etc. Montreal, 1880. 8vo. 17. 3 Brydges, Sir Edgerton. Arguments in Favor of Relieving Able Bodied Poor by Employment. London, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 11.) 53. 5 Reasons for a Further Amendment of the Copyright Act of Queen Anne. London, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 10.) 53.5 What are Riches ? Geneva, 1821. London, 1822. (Pam- phleteer, Yol. 20.) 53. 5 Brymner, Douglas. Report on the Canadian Archives. iN'os. 1 to 4, 1881-'85. Ottawa, 1881-'85. 8vo. 38. 11. 1 BuACHE, Philippe, (eminent Fr. Geographer). Atlas Universal. See De Lisle, Guillaume. V 298 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. \ Buccaneers. History of the Buccaneers of America. (Harris, John, Navigantium. Vol 2, 1705, fo. pp. 816-865.) V BucH, Leopold, yon. Memoir of, by M. J. P. Flourens. Smiths. Inst. Eep.,1862. pp. 358-372.) 49. 3 Buchanan, Eey. Claudius. The Star in the East; a Sermon Preached in the Parish Church of St. James, Bristol, Sunday, Feb. 26, 1809. For the Benefit of the '' Society for Missions to Africa and the East.'' Boston, 1809. 8vo. 56. 16. 3 Buchanan, George. Admonition Direct to the Trew Sordis Mantenaris of the Kings Graces Authoritie. Striviling, 1571. 8vo. In the Scottish Tongue. (HarleianMisc, Vol. 1, pp. 419-430.) 40. 3 Buchanan, Geo. Oration Upon the Moral and Political Evil of Slavery. At a meeting of the Maryland Society for Pro- moting the Abolition of Slavery, etc. Baltimore, July 4, 1791. Baltimore, 1793. 8vo. (App. to Poole, W- F., Anti-Slavery, etc., 1873. 8vo. 30. 5 Buchanan, James, President. Last Letter to Mr. Packen- ham, on the American Title to Oregon. Baltimore, 1845. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 16.) 53, 12 Mr. Buchanan's Administration on the Eve of Eebellion. IsT. Y., 1866. 8vo. 33. 13 James Buchanan; his Doctrines and his Policy, as Exhib- ited by Himself and his Friends, n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 4 Life and Public Services of [Anon.'] N. Y., 1856. 12mo. 43. 6. B. 1 See Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. (Nat. Port. Gall. Vol. 2.) 44. 6 Buchanan, James. (British Consul for K Y.) Sketches of the North American Indians. London, 1824. 8vo. 15. 2 Buchanan, Eoberdeau. Genealogy of the Eoberdeau Family, Including a Biography of Gen. Daniel Eoberdeau, of the Eevolutionary Army. Washington, 1876. 8vo. 47. 12 Buchanan, Eobert. A Treatise on Grape Culture in Vineyards in the Vicinity of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, 1850. 8vo. 72. 4. 1 Buchanan County, Missouri. Illustrated Historical Atlas, 1877. St. Louis, 1877. 4to. Y Buck, Alfred E, of Alabama. Condition of the South. Ku- klux Klan, an Organization in Alabama. Speech, H. of E., Feb. 8, 1871. Washington, 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 32, No. 15.) 60. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 299 Buck, Charles. Brief View of the Persecutions of Christians. Somerset, Penn., 1818. (Appended to Taylor, J., Life of Christ.) 43. 1 Buck, Edward. The Drift of the War. Bost., 1861. 8vo. . 30. 4. 1 Buck, James S. Pioneer History of Milwaukee. 4 Vols. (Vols. 3 and 4 titled, ' ' Milwaukee Under the Charter. ' ' ) Milwau- kee, 1876-'86. 8vo. 19. 11 Buck, Korman. Address before Prairie Lodge No. 7, I. O. O. F., Winona, Minn., April 26, 1876. Winona, 1876. 8vo. 22. 4. 5 Address of Welcome. (G. A. E. Dept. of Minn. Proceed- ings, 1869. 8vo.) 22. 4. 5 Buck, Wm. J. Early Accounts of Petroleum in the United States. Eead before the Hist. Soc. of^Penn., March 13, 1876. Titusville, Pa., 1876. 8vo. 51. 3. 1 History of Montgomery County within the Schuylkill Val- ley, Pa. Norristown, 1859. 8vo. 11. 4 BucKALEW, Charles E. Eepresentation in Congress. Speech in the Senate of the U. S., Feb. 21, 1866. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 12, Ko. 3.) 60. 1 Buckingham, Duke of. See Villiers, George. Buckingham, James Silk. America, Historical, Statistic and Descriptive, 1837-'40. London and Paris, n. d. 8vo. 3 Vols. 33. 11 Canada, ^oy^ Scotia, New Brunswick, and the other British Provinces in Korth America, with a plan of N^ational Col- onization. London and Paris, 1843. 8vo. 20. 2 Buckingham, Joseph Tinker. Personal Memoirs and EecoT- lections of Editorial Life. Boston, 1852. 16mo. 2 Vols. 43. 1 Specimens of Newspaper Literature, etc. Boston, 1852. 12 mo: 2 Vols. 43. 1 Buckingham, Wm. A. Currency. Speech, Senate U. S., Feb. 1, 1870. Washington, 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol 39, No. 53.) 60. 2 Currency, Specie Payments. Speech, U. S. Senate, Jan 10. 1873. Washington, 1873. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 23, Is^o. 30.) 60. 8 Message, as Governor of Connecticut, 1861. Hartford, 1861. 8vo. 7. 12. 2 Political Disabilities. Speech. Washington, 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol 31, Ko. 30.) 60. 8 300 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Buckingham, Wm. A.— (Continued). U. S. Congress. Memorial Addresses on Wm. A Bucking- ham, Feb. 27 and Marcli 1, 1875. Wash., 1875. 8vo. 44. 7 Buckingham Family. Chapman, F. W. Descendants of Thomas Buckingham, of Milford, Conn. 47. 8 Buckingham, Pa. See Watson, John. First Settlement of Buckingham and Solebury, Bucks Co., Pa. 11. 10 uckle, Henry Thomas. History of Civilization in England. 2 Vols. London, 1857. 8vo. 40. 2 Buckley, Charles W. Amnesty for All, and Universal Suif- rage. Speech, H. of E., March 12, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol 39, No. 12.) 60. 2 New South and New Industries. Speech, H. of E., March 29, 1870. n.* t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 38, No. 41.) 60. 2 Buckminster, Lydia Nelson. (Hastings.) Hastings Memo- rial. Genealogical Account of the Descendants of Thomas Hastings of Watertown, Mass. , from 1634 to 1864. Boston, 1866. 8vo. 47. 3 Buell, J. S. Mercantile Cipher for Condensing Telegrams. Buffalo, 1860. 12mo. 72. 5 Buell Family. See Welles, Albert. American Family An- tiquity, Vol. 1. New York, 1880. 4to. 85. 8 BuENA Vista, Battle of. See C irleton, J. H. Battle of Buena Vista. ' 14. ll BuFALiNi Prize, The. See '^Education." Buffalo. See Leidy, Joseph. Memoir on the Extinct Species of American Ox. (Smithsonian Contr. to Kn. Vol.5.) 49. 7 Buffalo, New York. Board of Health. Sanitary Eeports, 1854. Buffalo, 1855. 8vo. . 51. 11. 1 City of Buffalo, and its Surroundings. Buffalo, 1880. 8vo. 10. 6. 14 Ketchum, William. History of Buffalo. 10. 5 Manufacturing Interests of Buffalo. Including Sketches of Buffalo. 2d edit. Buffalo, 1866. 8vo. 10. 6. 13 Seventh Annual Eeport of the Young Men-s Christian Union (1859). 56. 14. 6 Board of Trade. Trade and Commerce of Buffalo, 1863, '65, 69, ^72-^74. Buffalo, 1864-'73. 8vo. 10. 6. 13 Bonner, B. E. Address before the Board, Dec. 12, 1870. 60. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 301 Buffalo, New York — (Continued). Mechanics Institute. Official Catalogue and Guide to the International Industrial Exhibition at Buffalo, October, 1869. Buffalo, 1869. 8vo. 10. 12. 5 National Convention of Colored Citizens, August, 1843. Minutes of the Convention. New York, 1843. 8vo. St. Paul's Cathedral. Shelton, William. Historical Ser- mon, Feb. 19, 1867. 10. 6. 11 Sermon preached in Saint PauFs Church, Nov. 2, 1851. Buffalo, 1851. 8vo. 10. 6. 12 Historical Society. Publications. Vols. 1 and 2. Buffalo, 1879-85. 8vo. 10. 5 Certificate of Incorporation, Constitution and By-Laws. Buffalo, 1875. 8vo. 10. 11. 2 Reports, 1885, '86. Buffalo, 1885. 8vo. 10. 11. 2 Transactions. Vol. 3. Buffalo, 1885. 8vo. 10. 11. 3 See Dorr, E. P. Brief Sketch of the First Monitor and its Inventor. 30. 4. 1 Marshall, O. H. First Visit of De La Salle to the Senecas, in 1669. 20. 10 Same. The Niagara Frontier. 10. 11. 2 Directories, 1847-'50, 1855-'64, 1877. Buffalo. 12mo and 8vo. 80 Buffalo Valley, Pennsylvania. Linn, J. B. Annals of Buffalo Valley, 1755-1855. 11. 11 BUFFUM, E. Gould. Six months in the Gold Mines. From a Journal of Three Years' Residence in Upper and Low- er California, 1847, '48, '49. Philadelphia, 1850. 12mo. 19. 8 Building. See Architecture. BuissoN, Saint Cosme. See Saint Cosme, J. F. Buisson, de. BuLFiNCH, Thomas. Oregon and the El Dorado; the Romance of the Rivers (Columbia and Amazon). Boston, 1866. 8vo. 20. 6 BuLKELEY, Edwin A. Wars and Rumors of Wars. Sermon at the Union Church in Groton, Mass., April 21, 1861. Cambridge, 1861. 8vo. 30. 4. 7 BuLKELEY, Gersham. The People's Right to Election, or Alter- ation of Government in Conn., Argued, etc. Phila., 1689. Conn. Hist. Soc. Col., Vol 1, p. 57.) 7. 6 Another Copy. Prince. Soc. Pub. Vol. 2, p. 83. Andros Tracts. 9. 3 302 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, BULKELEY Family. See Chapman, F. W. Bulkeley Family; Descendants of Peter Bulkeley, etc. 47. 1 BuLLARD, Henry A. Discourse before the Hist Soc. of Louisi- ana, Jan 13, 1836. (Hist. Coll. of Louisiana. Vol 2, pp. 1-23.) 20. 3 Discourse on the Life, Character and Writings of F. X. Martin. (Hist. Coll. of Louisiana. Vol. 2, pp. 17-40.) 20. 3 Memoir of. (Hist. Coll. of Louisiana. Vol, 3. pp. 5-8.) 20. 3 BuLLARD Family. See Barton, W. S. Dr. Artemas Bullard of Sutton, and his Descendants. 47. 8 BuLLEN, William. Editor. Calendar of the Carew Manu- script. See Great Britain Public Eecord office. 35.13 Bullitt, J. C. Eeview of Mr. Binney'sPamph. on the Privi- lege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus, under the Constitu- tion. Phila., 1862. 8vo. 30. 4. 4 Bullock, Alex. Hamilton. Abraham Lincoln; the Magis- trate, Statesman, Philanthropist. Address before the City Council of Worcester, June 1, 1865. Worcester, 1865. 8vo. 43. 14. 1 Address to the Council of Massachusetts, on Improving the Flats in South Bay. Boston, 1868. 8vo. 8. 1. 2 Address to the Executive Council of Massachusetts, on the case of E. W. Green. Boston, 1866. 8vo. 8. 1. 2 Address to the Legislature, Jan. 3, 1868. Bost.. 1868. 8vo. 8. 1. 2 Addresses to the Legislature of Massachusetts, 1866, '67. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vols. 24 and 25.) 60. 8 Massachusetts and the War Tax. Speech in the Massachu- setts House of Eeps., April 10, 1862. Bost., 1862. 8vo. 8. 9. 6 Valedictory Address to the Legislature, Jan. 7, 1869. Bost., 1869. 8vo. 8. 1. 2 Bullock, James D. Secret Service of the Confederate States in Europe; or. How the Confederate Cruisers were Equipped. 2 Vols. London, 1883. 8vo. 31. 4 Bullock, Eufus B. (Gov. of Ga.) Letter to John Scott, on the Condition of the Late Insurrectionary States. Atlanta, Ga.,187L 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol 3, Ko 19.) 60. 1 Message to the Provisional Legislature, 1870. Atlanta, Ga. 1870. 8vo. 15. 13. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 303 Bullock Eufus B. (Gov. of Ga.) — (Continued). Eemarks to the Judiciary Committee of the U. S. Senate. Reconstruction of Georgia, March 2, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. * 15. 13. 1 Bull Eun, Battle of. See Barnard, J. G. The C. S. A. and the Battle of Bull Run. I*^ew York and London, 1862- 8vo. 30. 3 Colville, Col. William. Bull Run. Address, n. t. p. 8vo. # 30. 4. 8 Cox, G. D. Second Battle of Bull Run, as Connected with the Fitz John Porter Case. Cincinnati, 1882. 16mo. 30. 10 TJ. S. Joint Congress. 37th. Report of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War, Part 2. Washington, 1863. 8vo. 29. 13 Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. (Lord Lytton). Confessions and Observations of a Water Patient. Baltimore, n. d. 8vo. 51. 11. 2 BUNDY, C. S. Argument in the Matter of C. P. Griffin, upon a Suit of Habeas Corpus, n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphs., Vol. 2, ^o, 5.) 60. 1 BuNDY, J. M. Are we a Xation? The question, as it stood before the war. :N"ew York, L870. 8vo. 30. 4. 2 BuNDY. W. F. Partial List of the Fungi of Wisconsin, with Descriptions of Kew Species. Geology of Wisconsin, Vol. 1. 51. 13 Bungay, Geo. W. Crayon Sketches of Distinguished Ameri- can Statesmen. Boston, 1852. 8vo. 43. 14. 7 Bunker Hill, Battle of. See Devens, Charles. Oration on the 100th Anniversary. 8. 3 Ellis, G. E. History of the Battle of Bunker^s (Breed's) Hill, June 17, 1775. 14. 10. 1 Oration at Charlestown, Mass., 17th June, 1841. 53. 6 Emmons, Richard. Battle of Bunker Hill; Poem. 10th ed. Bost., 1859. 18mo. 14. 3 Frothingham, Richard. Siege of Boston, and Battle of Bunker Hill. ^ 14. 3 Letter Relative to the Battle of Bunker Hill and Gen. Israel Putnam, by Col. Daniel Putnam. (Conn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1, pp. 227-250.) 7. 6 Bunker Hill Monument. See Packard, A. S. History of the Bunker Hill Monument. 7.1 39 304 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bunker Hill Monument — (Continued). Webster, Daniel. Addresses, on Laying its Corner Stone, June 17, 1825, and on its Completion, June 17, 1843. (Works, 1851. 8\^. Vol. 1.) 44. 5 Bunker Hill Monument Association. Inauguration of the Statue of Warren, June 17, 1857. Bost., 1858. 8vo. 14. 3 Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, 1865-'67, '76-' 80, '83. Bost., 1865-'83. 8vo. 14. 3 Procetedings, June 23, 1875; Oration of Charles Devens, and Account of the Centennial Celebration, June 17, 1875. 14. 3 Warren, G. W. History of the Bunker Hill Monument As- sociation. 14. 3 Winthrop, E. C. Annual Address before, 1883. 14. 3 Mauduit, Israel. Eemarks on the Attack on Bunker's Hill. 14. 1 BUNN, J. V. Pub. Winona City Directory, 1883. Winona, 1883. 8vo. 22. 12 BUNN, J. v., AND Phillipi. Stillwater [Minn.] City Directory, 1884. Stillwater, Minn., 1884. 8vo. 22.12 BuNYAN, John. Descriptive Catalogue of the Bunyan Tab- leaux, Albany, N.Y., 1867. 12mo. 51. 3. 4 The Pilgrim's Progress Translated into Dakota, by S. E. Eiggs. 22. 1 BURBANK, J. A. (Gov. of Dakota). Message, Dec. 3, 4872. Yankton, D. T., 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. • 33, No. 24.) 60. 2 BuRCHARD, Hon. Horatio C. Speech in the House of Eepre- seotatives, March 24, 1870, on the Tariff. Washington, 1870. 8vo. 57. 2. 1 Tariff Eeduction, etc. Speech in the House of Eepresenta- tives, April 27, 1872. Washington, 1872. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 31, Ko. 2.) 8vo. 60. 8 Burchell, Wm. J. Hints on Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope. London, 1820. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 17.) 53. 5 BuRD, Col. James. Journal While Building Fort Augusta at Shamokin, 1756-'57. (Pa. Archives, 2d Series, Vol. 2, p. 743-820.) 11. 3 Two Journals, 1760 and Journal at Fort Augusta, 1763. Same, Vol. 7, pp. 413-455. 11. 3 Bureau, The. Magazine Devoted to Commerce, etc. 1870. 2^08. 1-6. n. t. p. 8vo. 57. 9 • CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 305 Bureau County, Illinois. The Voters and Tax payers of Bureau County, 111. Containing also a Biographical Di- rectory, etc. Chicago, 1877. 8vo. 16. 9 Burgess, Ebenezer. Burgess Genealogy. Memorial of Thomas and Dorothy Burgess, Settled at Sandwich, Mass., in 1637. Boston, 1865. 8vo. 47. 1 Burgess, Rt. Rey. George. Discourse before the Maine His- torical Society, at Brunswick, August 2, 1854. (Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. V. 4, pp. 62-91.) 7. 1 The Secondary Benefits of the Prayer Book. A Sermon, preached at the AnniYersary of the Bishop White Prayer Book Society, Oct. 14, I860, in St. Luke's Church, Phila- delphia. New York, 1861. 8yo. 56. 14. 7 Burgess, Josiah J. Railway Directory, 1866. New York, 1866. 8yo. 72. la Burgess, Tristram. See Cooper, J. F. Battle of Lake Erie, 1843. Small 12mo. 14. 10. 2 Burgess Family. See Burgess, Ebenezer. Burgess Genealogy. 47.1 BuRGOYNE, Gen. John. See Dallas, Robert, Jr. Essay on Modern Martyrs. 14 .1 Enquiry into, and Remarks Upon, the Conduct of Gen.Bur- goyoe, in the Campaign of 1777. In Letter Addressed ta the General. [Anon.l London, 1780. 8vo. (ReY. Pamph.,. Vol. 22, No. 4.) 14. 1 Hadden, J. M. Journal Kept in Canada, and upon Bur- goyne's Campaign in 1776 and 1777. 14. 10 Letter to his Constituents, upon his Late Resignation; with the correspondences. Relating to his Return to America. 2d edit. London, 1779. Syo. (Rcy. Pamph., Vol. 22^ No. 3.) 14. 1 O'Callaghan, E. A. Orderly Book of Burgoyne, 1777. Al- bany, 1860. 8vo. 16. 11 Reply to Burgoyne-s Letter, etc., 1779. 8vo. See Ger- maine, George. Lord Sackville. 14. 2 State of the Expedition from Canada, 1777. London, 1780. 8yo. ' 14.1 BUEK, John. History of Virginia, 1607-1775. Petersburg, Va., 1804-'5. 8vo. 3 Vols. 15. 5 BuRK AND Brothers, Publ. Business Directory of Lafayette,. Ind., for 1862-'63. Chicago, 1862. 16mo. 18. 11 Burke, Sir Bernard. See Burke, Sir (John) Bernard. • 306 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. • Burke, Edmund. Account of the European Settlements in America. 3d edit. London, 1760. 8vo. 2 Vols. 14. 2 Examination of the Commercial Principles of the Late Negotiation between Great Britain and France, in 1761. 2d edit. London, 1762. 8vo. (Eev. Pamph., Vol. 8, Ko. 3.) 14. 1 Letter to a Noble Lord, on the Attacks made upon him and his Pension, in the House of Lords, by the Duke of Bed- ford and the Earl of Lauderdale. London, 1796. 8vo. See Miles, Wm. Letter, 1796. 8vo. 35. 8 Speech, in Bristol, Eelative to his Parliamentary Conduct. London, 1780. 8yo. (Eev. Pamph., Vol. 23, No. 4.) 14.1 Bertie, Willoughby, Earl of Abingdon. Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke on the Affairs of America. 14. 8 Same. 6th edit. Oxford, 1780. (Do.. Vol. 15, No. 6.) 14. 1 Burke, Edward. Tobacco Manufacture in the U. S. Eeport. N. Y. n. d. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 30, No. 8.) 60.8 Burke, Emily P. Eeminiscences of Georgia, n. p. n. d. 12mo. 17.9 Burke, Sir (John) Bernard. Family Eomance; or, the Epi- sodes in the Domestic Annals of the Aristocracy. 2 Yols. London, 1853. 12mo. 45. 10 Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. 14th ed. London, 1852. 8vo. 46. 7 Same. 33d ed. London, 1871. 8vo. 46. 7 Genealogical History of the Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited and Extinct Peerages of the British Empire. London, 1866. 8vo. 46. 7 Eomance of the Aristocracy; or. Anecdotes and Eecords of the Distinguished Families. 3 Yols. London, 1855. 12mo. 45. 10 Eomantic Eecords of Distinguished Families. A 2d series of Anecdotes of the Aristocracy. London, 1881. 12mo. 45. 10 Eoyal Descents and Pedigrees of Founders' Kin. London. 1864. 8vo. 46. 7 Yicissitudes of Families, and other Essays. 3 Yols. Lond. 45. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 307 Burke, Sir (John) Bernard — (Continued). Visitation of the Seats and Arms of the Noblemen and Gentle- men of Great Britain. 1st series, Vols. 1 and 2; 2d series, 1 and 2. London, 1852-'55. 8vo. 46. 12 Btjrke, John. A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry, or Commoners, of Great Britain and Ire- land, Enjoying Territorial Possessions, a High Official Eank,but Uninvested with Heritable Honors. 4 Vols. Lon- don. 8vo., 1837. 8vo. 46. 14 Burke, John, and Sir (John) Bernard. Encyclopedia of Heraldry, General Armory of England, Scotland and Ire- land, to the Present Time. 3d edition; with Supplement. London, n. d. 8vo. 46. 7 Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Extinct and Dor- mant Baronetcies of England, Ireland and Scotland. Sec- ond edition. London, 1844. 8vo. 46. 7 Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 5th edition. London, 1871. 8vo. 2 Vols. 46. 7 Same. 6th edition. London, 1879. 8vo. 2 Vols. 46. 6 Eoyal Families of England, Scotland and Wales, with their Descendants. London, 1851. 8vo. 2 Vols. 46. 7 Burke Family. See Boutelle, J. A. Burke and Alvord Me- morial. Boston, 1864. 8vo. 47. 1 Burleigh, Charles. Genealogy of the Burley or Burleigh Family in America. Portland, 1880. 8vo. 47. 8 Burleigh, John Bartlett. Legislative Manual, Containing all the Eules for Conducting Business in Congress, Jeffer- son's Manual, and the Citizens' Manual. 2d edit. 1852. 12mo. 33. 8 Burleigh, Walter A. Management of Indian Affairs. Speech in the House of Eepresentatives, June 9, 1866. n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 11. 3 Speech in the House of Eepresentatives, Feb. 9, 1869. In- dian Affairs, Washington, 1869. 8vo. 15. 11. 3 Burleigh Family. Burleigh, Charles. Genealogy. Portland, 1880 -'80. 47. 8 Burley. See also Burleigh. BURLINGAME, Anson. Appeal to Patriots Against Fraud and Disunion. Speech in the House, March 31, 1858, against the Lecompton Constitution for Kansas. Washington, D. C, 1858. 8vo. 19. 14. 6 308 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Burling AME, Anson — (Continued). Defense of Massachusetts. Speech, June 21, 1856. n. t. p. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Banquet to, by the Citizens of :N^ew York, June 23, 1868. N. Y., 1868. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 21, No. 30.) 60. 8 Boston, Common Council. Memorial of Anson Burlingame, 1870. 43. 6. B. 2 Burlington, Iowa. See Maitland, James. Historical Sketch of Burlington, Iowa, 1881. 19. 13. 4 Board of Trade. Eeport, 1878-'81. Burlington, Iowa, 1879. 8vo. 19. 13. 4 Burlington, K J. See Hills, Geo. M. History of the Church in Burlington. 10. 2 Burlington, Yt. First Congregational Church Jubilee, 1817- 1867. Fiftieth Anniversary of the Dedication of the First Congregational Church, 9th Jan., 1867. Burlington, 1867. 8vo. 7. 9. 2 Burlington County, N. J. Woodard, E. M. and Hageman, J. F. History of Burlington and Mercer Counties, N. J. 10. 1 Burlington & Missouri Eiver Eailroad Co. See Hauke, J. S. Argument, etc. 60. 1 Burlington, Cedar Eapids & Minnesota Eailway. Pros- pectus of its seven per cent Bonds [with Map]. K. Y., 1869. 8vo. 72. 7. 6 Burman, Eev. W. a. The Sioux Language; a Paper Eead before the Manitoba Hist, and Sci. Soc. [Publ. No. 5.] Winnipeg, n. d. 8vo. 20. 5. 2 BuRNAP, Eev. Geo. W. Christian Worship. A Discourse De- livered at the Dedication of the Unitarian Church, in Wheeling, Ya., May 15, 1852. Baltimore, 1852. 8vo. 56.5. 1 Origin and Causes of Democracy in America; Discourse Delivered in Baltimore, before the Maryland Historical Society, Dec. 20, 1853. 8vo. 33. 7. 3 Memoir of. (N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc, Memor. Biog., 1880, etc., Yol. 3, pp. 447.) 46. 13 BuRNAP, U. C. See Scribner, I. C. Eeview of U. C. Burnap's Sermon. 30. 7. 6 Burnet, Gilbert. History of the Eeformation of the Church of England. New ed. Oxford, 1816. 3 Yols. 40. 13 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 309 Burnet, Gilbert — (Continued). Memoires pour servir a I'histoire de la Grand -Bretagne, sous les regnes de Charles II., et de Jacques II. Trad, de I'Anglois. A la Hay e. 1725. 12mo. 2 Vols. 35.9 Burnet, Jacob, Judge. Address before the Cincinnati Astro- nomical Society, June 3, 1844. Cinn., 1844. 12mo. 18. 10. 10 Letters Relating to the Early Settlement of the Northwest- ern Territory. (Ohio Hist, and Phila. Soc. Vol. 1, Part 2.) 18. 1 ]S^otes on the Early Settlement of the Northwestern Terri- tory. Cincinnati, 1847. 8vo. 18. 9 Este, D. K. Discourse on the Life' and Public Services of Jacob Burnet, at Cincinnati, June 21st, 1853. 43. 6. B. 2 Burnett, Peter H. [Gov. of Cal.]. Recollections and Opin- ions of an Old Pioneer. [Auto.] New York, 1880. 12mo. 43. 3 Burnett, Thomas P.. Memoir of, by Rev. Alfred Brunson. (Wise. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 2, pp. 233-325.) 19. 11 Burjs*h:am, Henry. Brattleboro, Windham County, Vermont, 1724-1880. Early History, with Biographical Sketches* (Ed. by Abby Maria Hemenway.) Brattleboro, 1880. 8vo. 7.9 BURNHAM, S. W. Report to the Trustees of the James Lick Trust, of Observations Made on Mount Hamilton, Cal., with Reference to the Location of Lick Observatory. Chi- cago, 1880. 4to. 25. 6. 1 Burns, Anthony. Boston Slave Riot, and Trial of Anthony Burns. Boston, 1854. 8vo. 30. 7. 4 See Stevens, C. E. Anthony Burns, a History. Boston, 1856. 12mo. 30. 13 Burns, Robert, Complete Works. Including his Correspond- ence, with Memoir, by Wm. Gunnyon. Edinburg. n. d. 8vo. 74. 4 BURNSIDE, Gen, Ambrose Everett. New Zealand and Austra- lian Mail Steamship Service. Letter to the Senate Com- mittee on Post Offices. Washington, 1873. No imprint. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 13, No. 4.) 60. 1 See Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. (Nat. Port. Gallery, Vol. 2.) 44. 6 Burr, Rev. Aaron. (Prest. Coll. of N. J.) Life of. (See Stearns, J. F. Hist. Discourse, 1853. 8vo., pp. 151-211. 10. 8 310 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Burr, Aarox. (Yice Pies, of the TJ. S.) See Davis, M. L. Memoirs of Aaron Burr. 44. 9 Eobertson, C. P. Attempts to Separate the West from the American Union. 18. 7. 5 Eobertson, David. Eeports on the trials of Baron Burr, for Treason. Phila., 1808. 8vo. 2 Vols. Safford, Wm. H. The Blennerhassett Papers. 14.14 Some Traits of. (Edwards, Charles. Pleasantries about Courts and Lawyers, 1867.) 8vo. 10.12 Trial of, for Treason. 2 Vols. (Causes Celebres. Vols. 4-5.) 53. 11 Tuttle Genealogy, p. 386. Memoirs of Aaron Burr. 47. 12 Burr, C. Chauncy. History of the Union, and of the Consti- tution. N. Y., 1862. 12mo. 30. 13 !N'otes on the Constitution of the U. S., with Exposition of Eminent Statesmen and Jurists. K. Y., 1864. 16mo. 33. 7. 3 Burr, David H. Atlas of the State of 2^ew York. I!^. Y., 1829. 4to. * V Burr, George. Historical Address, relating to the County of Broome, K Y. Delivered at Binghamton, July 3, 1876. Bingmamton, 1876. 8vo. 10. 11. 3. 2 Burr Family. See Todd, C. B. General Index of the Burr Family in America. 47. i BURRAGE, Alvah A. The Burrage Memorial. A Genealogi- cal History of the Descendants of John Burrage, who Settled in Charlestown, Mass., in 1637. Boston, 1877. 8vo. 47. 8 Burrage Family. See Burrage, A. A. Descendants of John Burrage, etc. 47. 3 BURRITT, Elihu. Western and Eastern Questions in Europe. Hartford, 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 11, No. 13.) 60. 1 See Northend, Charles. Memoir of E. Burritt. 46. 5 Burroughs, Henry. Historical Account of Christ Church. Boston. Address on the 150th Anniversary, Dec. 29, 1873. Boston, 1874. 8vo. 8. 9. 3 Burrow, Eeuben. Hints Eelative to Friction in Mechanics. (Asiatic Eesearches, Vol. 1, pp. 171-195.) 40. 9 Burrows, C. Acton. Annals of the Town of Guelph, Canada, 1827-'77. Guelph, Canada, 1877. 8vo. 20. 9. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 311 Burrows, John. National Prejudices; their Good and Bad Effects, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 9.) 53. 5 Burrows, E. K. Contested Election Case of. See Minn. Leg- islature, Senate Eeport, etc., 1874. 8vo. 22. 13. 7 Burt, Dayid. Discourse before the Congregational Conference at St. Paul, Oct. 11, 1860. (C^ng. Conf. of Minn. Min- utes, 1860.) 22. 4 Eeports, as Superintendent of Public Instruction of Minne- sota, 1875-'81. 24. 2 Burton, John Hill. History of Scotland. 80-1748. ]N"ew edition. Edinburg, 1876. 8vo. 8 Vols. 40. 3 Burton, Eichard F! The City of the Saints, and Across the Eocky Mountains to California. [I860.] N. Y. 1862. 8vo. 19. 9 Burton, Eobert. Anatomy of Melancholy, by Democritus, Jr. N'ew edition. Boston, 1859. 8vo. 3 Vols. 74. 2 Burton, Thomas. (Abbot of Meaux.) Chronica Monasterii de Melsa, a Fundatione Usque ad Annum 1396, Accedit Confcinuatio ad Annum 1406. Edited from the Auto- graphs of the Authors, by Edward A. Bond. London, 1866-'68. 8vo. 3 Vols. 40. 12 Bush, L. P. Some Vital Statistics of the City of Wilmington, Eead before the Delaware State Medical Society, June, 1877. Wilmington, 1877. 8vo. 11. 8. 5 BusHKiLL, Pa. Eeformed Dutch Church. See Mills, S. W. Hist. Discourse. 10. 6. 11 BusHNELL, Charles I. An Arrangement of Tradesmen's Cards, Political Tokens; also. Election Medals, etc. Current in the U. S. of America for the Last 60 Years. Xew York, 1858. 8vo. 51. 10. 1 BusHNELL, Horace. Age of Homespun. Discourse. (Litch- field Co., Conn. Centennial Celebration, 1851. 8vo. pp. 105-130. 7. 5 An Argument for ''Discourses on Christian Nature," Ad- dressed to the Publishing Committee of the Mass. Sabbath School Society. Hartford, 1847. 8vo. 56.12.3 Barbarism, the First Danger. Discourse for Home Mis- sions. New York, 1847. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 6.) 53. 12 Census and Slavery: Thanksgiving Discourse at Clifton Springs, New York, Nov. 29, 1860. Hartford, 1860. 12mo. 30. 14. 3 40 312 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, BusHNELL, Horace — (Continued). Common Schools; a Discourse on the Modifications De- manded by the Eoman Catholics, Delivered on the Day of the Late Fast, March 25, 1853. Hartford, 1853. 8vo. 56. 12. 8 Day of Eoads. Discourse on the Annual Thanksgiving, 1846. Hartford, 1846, 8vo. (Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1, No. 6.) 53. 12 Historical Estimate of the State of Connecticut. Hartford, 1851. 8vo. 7. 12. 2 Oration. In Yale College, Addresses and Proceedings, etc. 1866. 8vo. " 7. 13 Oration Before the Phi Beta Kappa, at Cambridge, Aug. 24, 1848. 3d edition. Cambridge, 1848. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 6.) 53. 12 Popular Government by Divine Eight. Sermon, Delivered on the Late National Thanksgiving, in Hartford, n. t. p. 1864. 8vo. 30. 4. 7 Eeview of his Discourses on Christian Nurture. From the Princeton Eeview. New York, 1847. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph. , Vol. 2, No. 17.) 63. 12 BuswiOK, N. Y. See Brooklyn, N. Y. BussEY, Gen. Cyrus. Biog. Sketch of. (Annals of Iowa, Vol. 5, p. 902.) 19. 6 BusTEED, EiCHARD. See Smith, E. H. Review of the Evidence against Ei chard Busteed. 15. 7. 2 Charge to the Grand Jury, at Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 5, 1866. Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 5, 1866. Montgomery, 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 24, No. 34.) 60. 8 BuTEL-DuMONT, Geo. Marie. Histoire et Commerce des Colo- nies Angloises, dans 1' Atnerique Septentrionale. A Lon- dres, 1755. 8vo. 20. 1 Historical Memoirs of Louisiana, 1687-1740. (Hist. Coll. of Louisiana, Vol. 5.) 20. 3 BuTEUX, Jacques, le pere. Journal du voyage qu' il a fait pour la Mission des Attikameques. (Eelations des Jesuites, 1858. 8vo. Vol. 2.) 20. 3 Butler, Benj. F. Address, Music Hall, Boston, Nov. 23, 1870. Lowell, n. d. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. . 11, No. 21.) 60. 1 Admission of Georgia. Speeches in the House of Eepresen- tatives, March 4 and 8, 1870. Washington, 1870. 8vo. 15. 13. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 313 Butler, Benj. F. — (Continued). Same. Speeches, March 4 and 8, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. 60.2 Butler's Eecord. lAnon.'] n. p. 1879. 16mo. 43. 6. B. 1 Civil Service. Speech, H. of E., April 18, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 31, Ko. 3.) 60. 8 Controversy Between Speaker Blaine and Gen. Butler, n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 32, Ko. 39.) 60. 8 Credit Mobilier. Speech, H. of E., Feb. 27, 1873. Wash- ington, 1873. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 23, Ko. 13.) 60.8 Duyckinek, E. A. Biogr. Sketch. (Natl. Port. Gall., Vol. 2.) 44. 6 Geneva Award. Speech, H. of E., Feb. 14-15, 1873. Washington, 1873. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Yol. 23, :N'o. 40.) 60. 8 How to Prosecute, and how to Ead, the War. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Hudson, H. IS". Chaplain's Campaign with Gen. Butler. New York, 1865. 8vo. 30. 9 General Butler's Campaign on the Hudson. 2d edit. Boston, 1883. 8vo. 30. 4. 8 Internal Tax. Speech, H. of E., June 3, 1870. IS'o title page. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Yol. 39, No. 28.) 60. 2 Lecture at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Nov. 24, 1866. [On Abuses of Executive Power, and the Eemedy.] No imprint. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Yol. 21, No. 14.) 60. 8 Letter to E. E. Hoar. Lowell, 1876. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 1 Parton, James. General Butler in New Orleans. 11th edit. New York, 1864. 12mo. 29. 1 Pierrepont, Edwards. Eeview of Gen. Butler's Defense. 30. 11. 4 Plan for the Organization of a Law Faculty in the Universi- ty of the City of New York. New York, 1835. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 8, No. 8.) 53. 12 Pomeroy, M. M. Life and Public Services of B. F. Butler. New York, 1868. 16mo. 43. 6. B. 1 Public Expenditures of Grant's Administration. Speeches, H. of E., Jan. 26 and 28, 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 39, No. 19.) 60. 2 Eeconstruction. Speech in the H. of E., Jan 30, 1868. Wash., 1868. 8vo. . 33.7.1 314 MINNESOTA HISTOBICAL SOCIETY. Butler, Benj. F.— (Continued). Speech in the H. of R., Jan. 20, 1S68. Washington, 1868. 8vo. 33. 7. 1 Reconstruction of Georgia. Speech in the H. of R., Dec. 20 and 21, 1869. Washington, 1869. 8vg. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 38, Ko. 9.) 60.2 3lecord of Benj. F. Butler, Compiled from Original Sources. Boston, 1883. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 1 Record of Benj. F. Butler, since his Election as GtiVernor of Massachusetts. Boston, 1883. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 1 Reduction of the Currency. Speech in the U. S. House of Representatives, J^ov. 26 and 27, 1867. 8vo. 33. 7. 6 Report on the ^N'ational Asylum for Disabled Soldiers, 1870. 8vo. (TJ. S. Congress, House. Ramsey Pamph.,, Vol. 37, ]Kro28.) 60.2 Right of America to Present her Claims against Great Brit- ain for Damages without Menace. Speech in the U. S. House of Representatives, May 21, 1872. Washington, 1872. 8vo. 33. 12. 2 Selby, William. Argument in the Cases of C. W. Wooley vs.'B. F. Butler. 60. 1 Speech at Lowell, Mass., 1865. Speech on Emancipation; Defense of Biitler, by G. S. Bout well, Jan. 24, 1865, in the U. S. House of Representatives, n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Yol. 10, l^o. 1.) 60. 1 Speech upon a National Currency, Jan. 1869. ,Xo title page. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 29, ^o. 51.) 60.1 Status of the Insurgent States, upon the Cessation of Hos- tilities. Speech before the Legislature of Penn., April 11, 1866. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Yol. 15, No. 29.) 60. 1 Treaty of Washington. Analysis of its Provisions. Ad- dress at Philadelphia, Oct. 16, 1871. Boston, 1871. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Yol. 4, No. 5.) 60. 1 Examination of its Provisions. Letter to A. Ames. Lowell, 1871. 8vo.. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Yol. 4, No. ^•) 60. 1 And Paine, H. W. Opinion on Establishing a Water Board for the City of Boston. July, 1874. 8vo. 8. 1. 3 And Peabody, Charles A. Case of T. C. A. Dexter. Argu- ments for the Defendant. New York, 1866; 8vo. 53. 11. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 315 Butler, Caleb. History of Groton, Mass. , Including Pepperell and Shirley, 1655 to 1848. Boston, 1848. 8vo. 9. 13 See Nightingale, Crawford. Discourse at the Funeral of Caleb Butler. 43. 6. B. 1 Butler, Charles. Address to the Protestants of Great Britain and Ireland, 1813. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 1, pp. 457-485.) 53. 5 Inaugural Oration, 4th ofXov., 1815. On laying the first stone of the London Institution for* the Diffusion of Science and Literature. London, 1816. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 7.) 53.5 Legality of Impressing Seamen. 3d edition, with additions. London, 1824. Pamphleteer, Yol. 23.) 53. 12 Letter to C. J. Blomfield, Bishop of Chester. 2d edit, enlarged. London, 1825. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 25.) 53. 12 Butler, E. Essay on Our Indian Question. N. Y. , 1882. 8vo. 15. 11. 4 Butler, Francis Gould. Hist, of Farmington, Me., 1776-1885. Farmington, 1885. 8vo. 16. 2 - Butler, Geo. B. Conscription Act; Articles Communicated to the Journal of Commerce, n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 9 Butler, Geo. H. Thomas Butler and his Descendants; a Gene- alogy of the Descendants of Thomas and Elizabeth Butler, of Butler's Hill, South Berwick, Me., 1674-1886. ISTew Yorki 1886. 8vo. 47. 8 Butler, Henry E. God's Way of Leading the Blind. Dis- course on the Death of Abr. Lincoln, in Keeseville, ^. Y., April 23, 1865. Burlington, Yt., 1865. 8vo. 43. 14. 1 Butler, James. 1st Duke of Ormonde. See Carte, Thomas. History of the life of James, Duke of Ormonde. 43. 14 Butler, James. American Bravery Displayed in the Capture of 1,400 Yessels of AYar and Commerce, since the Declar- ation of War by the President. Carlisle, 1816. 16mo. 16.10 Butler, James D. Nebraska, its Characteristics and Prospects. Xo impt. [1873.] 8vo. 19. 10. 5 Butler, James David. Deficiencies in Our History. Address before the Yermont Historical Society, Oct. 16, 1846. Montpelier, 1846. 8vo. 7. 9. 1 Butler, Et. Eev. Joseph. Analogy of Eeligion. New ster. ed. N. Y. and Boston, 1833. 12mo. 56. 10 Butler, Mann. History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to 1813. Cinn. and Louisville, 1836. 12mo. ' 18. 12 316 MINNESOTA HISTOBICAL SOCIETW. BUTLEE, Samuel (English poet). Acts and Monuments of our Late Parliament. London, 1659. 8vo. (Harleian Mis- cellany, Vol. 7, pp. 53-58.) 40. 3 Butler, Samuel. Emigrant's Hand Book of Facts Concerning Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Cape of Good Hope, etc. Glasgow, 1843. 18mo. 40. 9 Butler, W. F. Wild IS'orth Land: IN'ortliern IN'orth America. 4th edit. Phil., 1874. 16mo. 20.4 Butler, Wm. O. Sketch of the Public Services of Major Gen. W. O. Butler. (Bound with Life of Cass.) Phil., 1848. 8vo. 45. 8 Butler Family. See Butler, Geo. H. Thomas Butler and his Descendants, etc. X. Y., 1886. 8vo. 47. 8 Butler Co., O. See McBride, James. Ancient Fortifications in Butler Co., O. 18. 1 Pioneer Biography. Early Settlers of Butler Co., O. Cinn., 1869-'71. 18. 2 McLean, J. P. Mound Builders, with Archaeology of But- ler Co., O. 15. 10 Butler Hospital for the Insane, Providence, E. I. Ee- ports, 1869, 1874. Providence, 1869-'74. 8vo. 8. 7. 2 Butte, Montana. Directory, 1884-'5. St. Paul, 1884. 8vo. 19.8 BuTTERFiELD, CONSUL WiLLSHiRE. Historical Account of the Expedition Against Sandusky in 1782, under Col. William Crawford. Cinn., 1873. 8vo. 18.' 2 History of Seneca County, Ohio. Sandusky, 1848. 12mo. 18. 8 History of the Discovery of the iJ^Torthwest, by John Kicolet, in 1634, with a Sketch of his Life. Cincinnati, 1881. 8vo. 20. 3 History of Wisconsin. (Prefixed to History of Dane Co. 1880. 4to.) 19. 12 [Note.— Also, prefixed to the histories of Iowa, Lafayette, Racine and Kenosha, Rock, Columbia and Grant counties. Wis.] Journal of Capt. Jonathan Heart, on the March with his Company from Connecticut to Fort Pitt, in Pittsburgh, 1785, .to which is added the Dickinson-Harmar Correspond- ence of 1784-' 85, etc. Albany, 1885. 8vo. 4 Editor. The Washington-Crawford Letters. Being the correspondence between George Washington and William Crawford, from 1767 to 1781, concerning Western lands. Chronologically arranged and carefully annotated. Cinn., 1877. 8vo. 11.11 CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 317 BUTTERFIELD, CONSUL WiLiSHiRE — (Continued). Editor. Washington-Irvine Correspondence. Official let- ters between Washington and Gen. William Irvine, con- cerning military affairs in the West, 1781-'83. Arranged and annotated with an introduction. Madison, Wis., 1882. 8vo. 14. 6 Butterfly. See Scudder, S. H. Preliminary List of the Butterflies of Iowa. (Chic. Acad. Sci. Trans. Y. I, pt. 2.) 18.5 See also ''Moth." Buxton, Thomas Fowell. African Slave Trade and its Eem- edies. London, 1840. 8vo. 30.12 Buxton, Edward :NroRTH. The A. B. C. of Free Trade. An address to the West Ham Liberal Association, March 6, 1882. [Cobden Club Publication.] London, 1882. 12mo. 37. 2. 7 Buxton, Me. See Goodwin, W^m. F. Eecords of the Proprie- tors. * 16. 2 Marshall, J. M. First Centennial Anniversary of its Incor- poration. 16. 2 Byberry Township, Philadelphia, Pa. 'See Martindale, J. C. History of the Townships of Byberry and Moreland, Pa. 11. 4 Byfield, Nathaniel. Account of the Late Eevolution in New England, 1689. London, 1689. 4to. (Andros Tracts, Vol.1.) 9.3 Same. Another Copy, (Force's Tracts, Yol. 4.) 14. 12 Account of the Late Eevolution in New England, 1689. Lon- don, 1689. New York. (Ee-printed, 1865.) 4to. (Sabin's 4th Series, No. 1.) 7.7 The Eevolution in New England Justified, and the People Yindicated from the Aspersions Cast upon them by John Palmer, 1691. Boston; re-printed, 1773. 8vo. (Force's • Tracts, Yol. 4.) 14. 12 Byington, W. W. Insurance Editor of the '^Independent." Biographical Sketches, n. t. p. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 1 Byles, Sir John Barnard. Sophisms of Free Trade, and Popular Political Economy Examined. By a Barrister. Manchester and Philadelphia, 1873. 12mo. 57. 9 Byram, B. p. History of the First Baptist Church of Salis- bury and Amesbury, Mass., in Four Discourses. Salisbury, 1860. 8vo. 25.9 318 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Byrd, William. History of tlie Dividing Line between Vir- ginia and Korth Carolina, as run in 1728-'29. Eichmond, Ya., 1866. 4to. 2 Vols. 15.5 Byrdsall, F. The History of the Loco-foco, or Equal Rights Party, its Movements, Conventions, and Proceedings, etc. Kew York, 1842. 12mo. 31. 2 Byron. Lady Anna Isabella Milbank, Baroness of Wentworth. Life of. (Martineau, Harriet. . Biogr. Sketches, 1869. 12mo.) 43. 1 Byron, George Gordon Koel, Lord. Irving, Washington. Kewstead Abbey. (With his Abottsford, 1835. 8vo.) 74.1 Letter of Expostulation to, on his Present Pursuits, with Animadversions on his Writings. London, 1822. (Pam- phleteer, Vol. 19.) 53.5 Letter to Byron, Protesting against the Immolation of Gray, Cowper, and Capapbell, at the Shrine of Pope. London, 1821. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 18.) 53. 5 c. Cabeca de Vaca, Alvar Nunez. Relation of what Befel the Armament in Indias, Whither Panfilo de ISTarvaez went for Governor from 1527 to 1537, translated from the Spanish by Thomas Buckingham Smith. :N'ew York, 1871. 8vo. With Memoir, by T. W. Field.* (Edition 100 copies only.) 20. 10 Account of the Voyage to Florida, by Pamphilo, Narvaez, 1527. (See Harris, John. Navigantium, 1705. Fo. Vol. 1, pp. 799-805.) . V Cabell, Edward C, of Florida. Speech on the Mexican War, Delivered in the H. of R., March 4, 1848. n. t. p. 8vo. (Mexican War Pamphlets, No. 7.) 16. 10 Cabin and Parlor. (Fiction.) See Randolph, J. T. Phila., 1852. 12mo. 30. 6 Cabinet Conference; or. Tears of the Ministry. (Anon- ymous Burlesque.) London, 1779. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 22, :N"o. 2.) 14. 1 Cabot, John. See Kidder, Frederic. Discovery of Is^orth America, by John Cabot, 1497. Boston, 1878. 8vo. 14. 13. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY, 319 Cabot, Johx and Sebastian. See Avezac, M. d'. Voyages of the Cabots. (Maine Hist. Soc. Collections, 2d Series, Vol. 1.) 7. 1 Deane, Charles. (Narrative and Critical History of America. Yol. 3, chap. 1.) 25. 9 Cabot, Sebastian. Memoir of, with a Eeview of the History of Maratime Discovery. Illustrated by Documents from the Eolls. London, 1831. 8vo. 45. 4 Cabrera, Paul Felix. See Eio, Antonio del. Appendix to Teatro Critico Americano, etc. 16. 5 Caccietore, Leonardo. Nuevo Atlante Lstorico. Firenze, 1832-'33. Obi. 8vo. 3Yols.ini. V Cady, David K. In Memoriam. Cincinnati, 1867-'89. 16mo. 43. 6. C. 1 Cesar, Caius Julius. See Hirtius, Aulus. Analyse de la Campagne de Jules Cesar en Afrique. Guischard, K. G., Memoirs Militaires, 1758. 8vo. Yol. 2, pp. 157-275. 40.7 Napoleon III. Histoire de Julius Cesar. ^N". Y., 1865-'6. 8vo. 2 Yols. 46. 5 Caird, James. Letter on the Lands of the Illinois Central Eail- ■ way Co. London, 1859. 8vo. 72. 7. 5 Cairnes, J. E. The Slave Power ; Its Character, Career and Designs; Eeal Issues Involved in the American Conflict. • Xew York, 1863. 8vo. 30. 5 Cairns, John T. The Eecruit; Compilation of Exercises and Movements of Infantry, Light Infantry and Eiflemen. 6th ed. K Y., 1855. 16mo. 29. 1 Cairo, III. Trustees of City Property. Petition to the Naval Committee of the U. S. Senate for a Kavy Yard on the Mississippi Eiver, Jan. 13, 1864. (Eamsey Pamph., YoL 28, No. 25.) * 60. 8 Cakchiquels, The. See Brinton, D. G. Annals Of the Cak- chiquels. 15. 4 Caldwell, Alexander. See Conkling, Eoscoe. Election of SenatQr Caldwell. Speech. Wash., 1873. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamph., Yol. 23, Xo. 1.) 60. 8 Morrill, L. M. Election of Senator Caldwell. Speech. 60.8 Stockton, J. P. Election of Senator Caldwell. Speech, n. t. p. 60. 8 41 320 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Caldwell, Augustine. Caldwell Eecords. John and Sarah Dillingham Caldwell. Ipswich, Mass., and their descend- ants. Boston, 1873. 8vo. 47. 2 See Slade, D. D., and Caldwell, A. Denison Memorial. 47. 2 Caldwell, Charles. Memoirs of the Life and Campaigns of ISTathaniei Greene. Phil., 1819. 8vo. 44. 9 Thoughts on the Original Unity of the Human Eace. I^. Y., 1830. 12mo. 15. 10 Caldwell, J. F. J. History of the Brigade of South Carolini- ans, known first as "Gregg's,*^ and subsequently as '^McGowan's Brigade." Phil., 1866. 12mo. 30. 11 Caldwell, J. H. and Bryant, J. E. The Georgia Question before the Judiciary Committee of the U. S. Senate. Ar- guments. Washington, 1870. 8vo. 15. 13. 1 Caldwell, Samuel L. Editor. Bloudy Tenent of Persecution, etc. See Williams, Eoger. (Narragansett Club. Publ. Vol. 3.) 8. 13 The Bloody Tenent Yet More Bloody. See Williams, E. Same. Yol. 4. 8. 13 Caldwell Family. See Caldwell, Augustine. Caldwell Eec- ords, etc. 47. 2 Caldwell County, Missouri. History of Caldwell and Liv- ingston Counties, Mo. St. Louis, 1886. 8vo. 83. 16 Calef, Eobert. More Wonders of the Invisible World. (Saleni Witchcraft, etc.,) 1865. 4to. 8. 11 Calendar of Letters, etc. Eelating to IS'egotiations between England and Spain, 1485-1525. See Great Britain, Public Eecord Office. 35. 13 Calendar of State Papers. Domestic, Colonial and Foreign Series. See Great Britain, Public Eecord Office. 35. 5 Calendar of State Papers. Eelating to Ireland, 1509-1585. See Great Britain, Public Eecord Office. 35. 13 Calendar of the Carew Manuscripts. 1867' -69. 8vo. 3 Vols. See Carew, Sir George. 35. 13 Calendar of Treasury Papers. See Great Britain, Public Eecord Office. 35. 13 Calendarium Genealogicum. See Great Britain, Public Eec- ord Office. 35. 13 Calhoun, Dr. A. W. The Effects of Student Life upon the Eye- sight. [Circular of Information, of the Bureau of Edu- cation, No. 6, 1881.] Washington, 1881. 8vo. 56. 9. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 321 Oalhoun, Johis" Caldwell. Address on Slavery, in Senate, TJ. S., read March 4, 1850. n. t. p. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 3, Ko. 24.) 53. 12 Speech on his* Eesolutions in reference to the War with Mex- ico; delivered in the Senate of the XJ. S., Jan. 4, 1848. Wash., 1848. 8vo. (Mexican War Pamphlets, ^o, 8.) 16.10 Speech on the Oregon Question, in the Senate of the TJ. S., March 16, 1846. n. t. p. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 3, No. 10.) 53. 12 Speeches of J. C. Calhoun and Daniel Webster, on Slavery, in the Senate of the TJ. S., March, 1850. l^ew York, 1850. 8vo. 30. 14. 2 Thomas, J. P., Editor. Carolina Tribute to Calhoun. Eulogies, Orations, etc. Columbia, S. C, 1857. 8vo. ^ 44. 6 Webster, Daniel. Peply to Calhoun in the TJ. S. Senate, March 22, 1838. (Works, 1851. 8vo., Yol. 4.) 44. 5 Tribute to Calhoun, in the TJ. S. Senate, April 1, 1850. (Works, 1851., Yol. 5.) 44.5 €alhoun, William B. Address at Amherst College, June 28, 1848. See Amherst, Mass., College. 9. 8. 8 Eights of the Indians. Memorial to Congress, by committee of a meeting at the State House, Boston, Jan. 21, and Feb. 8, 1830. n. t, p. 8vo. 15. 11. 3 California. Adjutant General's Eeport, 1864-'65. Xo im- print. 8vo. 31. 12 Department of Public Instruction. School law of Califor- nia, and rules and regulations of the state board of educa- tion and examination, 1876. Sacramento, 1876. 8vo. 20.7 Governor. 1861. Message of John G. Downey, Jan. , 1861. Sacramento, 1861. 8vo. 20.14.3 Indian Commissioner, to 1850. McKee, Eedick. Letter to the Senators of the United States, on his claim for ser- vices as Indian Commissioner to California, Xov. 15, 1876. n. t. p. 8vo. 20. 14. 3 Legislature. Journal, 1854-'59. Sacramento, 1854-59. 8vo. 13 Yol. 81 Same. Senate. Chinese Immigration. Testimony before a committee of the Senate, 1876. Sacramento, 1876. 8vo. 52. 10. 1 322 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. California — (Continued). State Prison. Eeport, 1867. Sacramento, 1867. 8vo. 20. 14. 4 State Eeform School. Eeport, 1867. ]N'o^mprint. 8vo. 20. 11. 4 Surveyor General. Eeport, 1865-' 67. Ko imprint. 8vo. 20. 14. 4 Botany of. See Parry, A. C. Xotes on the Arctostaphylos, and Xew Plants from Southern and Lower California. (Proc. Davenport Acad. Sci. Vol. 4. Nov., 1883.) 19.13 History. See Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of the Pa- cific States, etc. Vols. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. 8vo. San Fran- cisco. V. d. 25. 5 Benton, T. H. Speech on California Claims, 1848. 16. 10 Bill Eelating to Indemnity Selections in California. Eeply *to Brief of Luce, Holcomb, and Johnston, Attorneys for Certain Jumpers, Miscalled Settlers. "Washington, 1876. 8vo. 20. 14. 3 Felton, J. B. and Others. Eailroad System of California. Oakland and Vicinity. 20. 14. 3 Ferris, J. A. Financial Economy of the United States, and Causes which Eetard the Progress of California. 57. 10 Forbes, Alex. History of Upper and Lower California, a Full View of the Missionary Establishments, etc. 19. 8 Frost, John. History of California. New York. n. d. 8vo. LC.^'^- 20.7 Hittell, Th<5^ H. History of California. 17. 9 Memoire touchant la Call for nie. Extra it de la Eelation des Missions establies par les Jesuites, tradnit par I'espagnoL (Bernard, J. F. Eecueil, etc. Vol. 3, pp. 278-287. 20. 1 ^ ;^Lindell, G. H. Eeport upon the Blasting Operations at Lime Point, Cal. 1868-69. 20. 14. 3 Morris, W. G., and Bennett, J. C. Essay on the Manufact- uring Interests of California. 20. 14. 3 Parsons, Geo. F. Life of James W. Marshall, the Discoverer of Gold in California. 45. 4 Public Lands for Homesteads. 60. 8 Same. Eeview of Bills Asking Congress to Grant them to the State. 60. 1 Eelation d' une descent des Espagnols dans la California en 1683. Trad, de Castilian. (Bernard, J. F. Eecueil, etc.. Vol 3, pp. 287-300.) 20. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 323 California — (Continued). State Eegister and Year Book of Facts, 1859. San Fran- cisco, 1859. 12mo. 20. 7 U. S. Supreme Court. The Moquelemos, or Pico Grant, in San Joaquin County, California. Decisions of the XJ. S. Supreme Court, and of the Department of the Interior. Stockton, Cal., 1875. 8vo. 20. 14. 3 Whitney, L. H. Memorial on Public Lands in California. 60. 1 See also Goat Island, Sutro Tunnel, Wilmot Proviso, etc. Admission of. See Baldwin, R. S. Speech, March 27, and April 3, 1850. 33. 7. 1 Benton, Thomas Hart. Admission of California. Speech, April 8. * 33. 7. 1 Same. Anti-compromise Speech, June 10, 1850. 33. 7. 1 Crowell J. On the Admission of California. Speech. 33. 7. 1 Dwindle, J. W. Address on the Acquisition of California by the United States. 53. 6 Seward, Wm H. Speech, March 8, 1850. 53. 12 Same. Speech, March 11, 1850. 8vo. 53. 12 Winthrop, R. C. Admission of California. Speech, May 8, 1850. 20. 11. 1 Bank of California. Sutro, Adolph. The Bank of Califor- nia against the Sutro Tunnel. Washington, 1874. 8vo. 19. 10. 1 Same. Closing Argument. Washington, 1872. 19. 10. 1 Sutro Tunnel. Washington, 1873. 8yo. 19. 10. 1 Baptist Associations. Minutes, v. p., v. d. 8vo. 38. 12. 3 Constitutional Convention, 1849. See Brown, J. Eoss. Re- port of the Debates. 20. 7 Same, in Spanish. I^^ueva York, 1851. 8vo. 20. 7 Descriptive. Annual Guide to California. Chicago, v. d. 8vo. 20. 14. 16 Auger, E. Voyage en Californie, 1852, ^53. Paris, 1854. 16mo. 19. 8 Bates, Mrs. D. B. Four Years on the Pacific Coast. Boston, 1858. 12mo. Becker, George F. Notes on the Stratigraphy of Cali- fornia. 49. 4. 2 Bigly, Cantell A. Aurofodina, or Adventures in the Gold Region. 19. 8 324 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, California— (Continued). Borthwick, J. D. Three Years in California. 19. S Brace, C. L. The :N^ew West, etc. 19. S Brooks, J. T. Four Months Among the Gold Finders in Alta, California, etc. 19. S Browne, J. Eoss. Crusoe's Island; with Sketches of Ad- venture in California, etc. 17. 4 Bryant, Edwin. What I saw in California. 20. 6 Buffum, E. Gould. Six Months in the Gold Mines. 19. 8 Chipman, M. M. Eeport on Medical Topography, etc., California. 20. 14. 4 Churchill, Caroline M. Over the Purple Hills. 20. 6 Codman, John. The Bound Trip, Through California, Oregon, etc. • ' 19. 8 Coke, Henry J. A Eide Over the Eocky Mountains, etc. 19.2 Colton, Walter. Three Years in California. 19. 8 Cone, Mary. Two Years in California. 19. 8 Cronise, T. F. Natural Wealth of California. San Fran- cisco and Kew York. 20. 7 Cumming, C. F. Gordon. Granite Crags. 17. 2 Delisle, G. Lettre touchant la Californie. Bernard, J. F. Eecueil, etc. 20. 1 Derby, G. H. Eeconnaissance of the Gulf of California, and the Colorado Eiver, 1850-'51. 19. 14. 1 Dexter, A. H. Early days in California. 19. 8 Diller, J. S. Geolgy of Nor. California. 49. 5. ^ Dunbar, E. E. Discovery of Gold in California. 19. 8 Emory, W. H. Notes of Travel in California. 8vo. 20. 14. 1 Farnham, Eliza W. California, Indoors and Out, 1856. 19. 8 Farnham, Thos. J. Life and Adventures in California, etc. 17.2 Field, S. J. Personal Eeminiscences of Early Days in Cali- fornia. 20. 7 Fisher, Walter M. The Californians, 19. S Forbes, Alex. History of, etc. 19. 8 Foster, G. G. The Gold Eegions of California, etc. 20. 14. 6 Fremont, J. C. Geographical Memoir of Upper California, in Illustration of his Map of Oregon and California, 1847. 20. 14. 1 Same. With the Title -'Notes of Travel in California, '^ etc. 20. 34. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY, 325 « California — (Continued), Frost, Mrs. J. B. Gem of the Mines. Narrative of Cali- fornia Life. 20. 7 Griswold, N. W. Beauties of California. 20. 14. 6 Helper, H. E. The Land of Gold. 19. 8 Hughes, John T. California, its History, Population, Cli- mate, etc. 17. 2 Ives, J. C. Colorado Exploring Expedition. 19. 14. 1 Johnson, T. T. Sights in the Gold Eegion, and Scenes by the Way. 20. 6 Same. With Title. California and Oregon. 20. 6 King, Clarence. The Sierra IN'evada. 17.8 Lyman, Albert. Journal of a Voyage to California, and Life in the Gold Diggings, etc. 19. 8 ]^ordhoff, Charles. Northern California, etc. 20. 13 Pacific Ocean. Eoamings in the, etc. 32. 12 Parke, J. G. and Campbell, A. H. Explorations for Eail- road Eoutes from San Francisco to Los Angeles. 1854-'5. 69. 7 Pictorial Yiew of California, Including a Description of the Panama and Nicaragua Eoutes, etc. By a returned Cali- fornian. K Y., 1853. 8vo. 19. 8 Eaymond, W. Second Annual Excursion to Colorado and California, 1882. Program. 19. 10. 2 Eesources of Southern San Joaquin Yalley, Cal. Fresno, Tulare and Kern Counties. Topography, Soil, Climate, etc. San Francisco, 1885. 8vo. 20. 14. 6 Eevere, J. W. Tour of Duty in California. 20. 7 Eobinson A. Life in California. 20. 7 Eobinson, Fayette. California and Its Gold Eegions. 17. 2 Eoss, James, and Gary, George. From Wisconsin to Cali- fornia. . 19. 10. 2 Eossi, L. Six ans en Amerique, etc. 17. 8 Eyan, W. E. Personal Adventures in Upper and Lower Cali- fornia, 1847-'49. 20. 7 Sargent, A. A. Mineral and Timber Lands in California. 20. 14. 1 Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in California. Anon. 20. 7 ' Shaw, Wm. Golden Dreams, etc. 17. 8 Shinn, C. H. Mining Camps, etc. . 19. 8 Souvenir of the Baldwin Hotel, San Francisco. 17. 8. 2 Taylor, Bayard, El Dorado; Comprising a Yoyage to Califor- nia, etc. 20. 6 326 3IINNE80TA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. California — (Continued). Thornton, J. Q. Oregon and California in 1848. 20. 6 U. S. Dept. of War. Eeports from Gen. P. F. Smith and Gen. B. Eiley. 20. 14. 1 Whipple, A. M. Journal of an Expedition from San Diego to the Eio Colorado. 19. 14. 1 Wise, Henry A. Los Gringos, or an inside view of Mexico and California. * 19. 8 White, C. A. Mesozoic and Cenozoic Palaeontology of Cali- fornia. 49. 4. 2 Same. N'ew Cretaceous Fossils from California. 49. 4. 2 Williamson, E. S. Explorations in California Eailroad Eoutes. 69. 7 Woods, D. B. 16 Months at the Gold Diggings. 17. 8 Historical. SeeCapron, E. S. History of California, 1542- 1854. ' 20. 7 Greenhow, Eobert. History of Oregon and California. 20. 6 Memoire Touchaut 1' Etat des Missions Etablies dans la California, 1702. Map. (Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses, etc., 1780-^83. 12mo. Tom. 8.) 20. 8 Parsons, Geo. F. Life of Marshall, the Discoverer of Gold in California. * 45. 4 Soule, Frank (and Others). Annals of San Francisco. 20. 7 Taylor, Eev. William. California Life Illustrated, 1858. 19. 3 Tuthill, Franklin. History of California to 1864. 20. 7 Settlers on Public Lands. Chester, A. Argument in Be- half of Settlers on Public Lands in Tulare County, Cal. 20. 14. 3 Doyle, J.\(. Memorial of the Settlers on Lands claimed by the Southern Pacific Eailroad. 20. 14. 3 Gould, (and Others). Argument in Behalf of Settlers. 20. 14. 3 Laine, T. H. Speeches in the Senate of California, Eela- tive to the Change of Eoute of the Southern Pacific Eailroad. . 20. 14. 3 California Academy of Sciences. Proceedings of the Agassiz Memorial Meeting, Dec. 22, 1873. San Fran- cisco, 1874. 8vo. 43. 6 California Historical Society. Papers, Vol. 1, Part 1. San Francisco. 8vo. 17. 8.1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 327 California State Teachers' Institute. ProceediDgs at San Francisco, Sept. 13-16, 1870. Sacramento, 1871. 8vo. 20. 14. 4 California, University of. Addresses at the Inauguration of W. T. Eeid as President, Aug. 23, 1881. Sacramento, 1881. 8vo. 20. 7 Biennial Eeport of the President, 1882-'84. Sacramento, 1884. 8vo. 20. 7 Annual Eeport of the President, 1881-'82. Sacramento, 1882. 8vo. , 20. 7 Bulletins, Xo. 1-34, (1874-'79). Berkeley. 8vo. 20. 7 Bulletins, new series, No. 6. 1883-'4. Berkeley. 16mo. 20.7 . Catalogue of the Loan Book Exhibition. Sacramento, 1884. 8vo. 20. 7 Catalogue of the Theological Library, presented by Andrew S. Hallidie. 20, 7. 2 Haven, E. O. Function of Universities. Address at the University of California, June 1, 1881. San Francisco, 1881. 8vo. 20. 7 Library Bulletin, ^o. 1-4, 6. Sacramento, 1880. 8vo. 20.7 Prospectus, 1869-'70. San Francisco, 1870. 8vo. 20. 14. 4 Eegister, 1883-'86, '87. Berkeley. 8vo. 20. 7 Eeport of J. D. Whitney on the Geological Survey, n. t. p. 8vo. 20. 7 Eeport of the Secretary, 1 884-' 85. Sacramento, 1884. Svo. 20. 7. 2 College of Agriculture. See Hilgard, Eugene W. Eeport of the viticultural work during the seasons 1883-' 84 and 1884-'5, with notes regarding the vintage of 1885-'6. Sacramento, 1886. 8vo. 20. 7. 2 Same. Eeport, 1882-'84 Sacramento. 8vo. 20. 7 Alkali Lands, Drainage and Irrigation, in their Mutual Ee- lations, by E. W. Hilgard. (Appendix No. 7 to Eeport for 1886.) Sacramento, 1886. 8vo. 20. 7. 2 University Library During 1878-'9. n. t. p. 8vo. 20. 7 California Vine Growers, etc.. Association. Bulletin, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 16, No. 6.) 60.1 42 328 3fINNES0TA HISTOEICAL SOCIETY. California, The Indians of. See Hoffman, W. J., Aboriginal Art Among the Indians of California, etc. (Proceedings Dav. Acad. Sci., Vol 4, p. 105.) 19. 13 Powers, Stephen. Indian Tribes of California. Wash., 1877. 4to. (Vol. 3, Contributions to Ethnology.) 50. 2 Calkin, Hervey C. Alabama Claims. Speech, H. of E., Jan. 28, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 32, ^o. 5.) 60. 8 Shall we Build our own Ships, or Purchase them of Eng- land? Speech, H. of E., May 18, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 39, ^o. 39*.) 60. 2 Call, E. Ellsworth. On the Quaternary and Eecent MoUusca of the Great Basin, with Descriptions of New Forms. Intro- duced by a Sketch of the Quaternary lakes of the great ba- sin, by C. K. Gilbert. Wash., 1884. 8vo. (Bulletin of U. S. Geological Survey, No. 11.) 49. 4 Callaway County, Mo. History of. Including a history of its townships, towns and villages; a condensed history of Missouri, etc. St. Louis, 1884. 8vo. 83. 15 Callender, James Thomson. Sketches of the History of Amer- ica. Phila., 1798. 8vo. 16. 12 Callender, John. Historical Discourse on Ehode Island ; with Memoir by Eomeo Elton. Providence, 1838. 8vo. (Ehode Island Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 4.) 8. 13 Caller, James M., (and Ober, Mrs. M. A.) Genealogy of the Descendants of Lawrence and Cassandra South wick, of Sa- lem, Mass., etc. Salem, 1881. 8vo. 47.6. Callicot, Theophilus Carey. Cyclopedia of Universal Geog- raphy. 2d edit. N. Y. and Cinn., 1857. 12ma (Home Cyclopedia.) 34. § Calthrqp, S. E. Lecture on Physical Development, delivered before the American Institute, ^tiTorwich, Conn., Aug. 20, 1858. Boston, 1859. 12mo. 51. H. 4 Calumet County, Wise. See Cammuck, Thomas. Sketch of Calumet county. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1. pp.103 , -106. 19.11 Calvary Catechism in the Dakota Language. Faribault, Minn. 1864. 32mo. 22. 1. 1 Calvert, Cecil, Lord Baltimore. Memoir of. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Trans. '^Dept. of Amer. Hist." 1879. 8vo. pp. 1^-^^-^ 22. 5. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 329 Calvert, George, First Lord Baltimore. See Kennedy, J. P. Discourse on George Calvert, before the Maryland Historical Society, Dec. 9, 1845. Baltimore, 1845. 8vo. pp.50. 43.9 Keill, E. D. The Lords Baltimore, and Proprietaries of Maryland. (In his "Terra Mariae," 1867. 12mo.) 11. 1 Sir George Calvert. Baltimore, 1869. 12mo. 43. 6. C. 1 Virginia and Maryland. Or, the Lord Baltimore's Printed Case, Uncased and Answered. London, 1655. 8vo. (Force's Tracts, Yol. 2.) 14. 12 Wilhelm, L. W. Sir George Calvert, Baron of Baltimore. Baltimore, 1884. 8vo. 46. 5 Calvert, Leonard (First Gov. of Md.) See Keill, E. D. Founders of Maryland, 1876. 8vo. 11. 1 Calvin, S. Fragments of Geological History, Johnson County, Iowa. (Iowa Hist. Record, Yol. 1, p. 100.) 19. 13. 5 Camanches. See " Indians of America." Comanches. Cambria. See Wales. , Cambridge University, England. See Cooper, C. H. Memorials of Cambridge. 3 Yols. Cambridge, i860. 8vo. 38.2 Petition of the Gentlemen and Students of the University. Offered to Both Houses, Jan. 5th, 1642. London, 1642. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 5. pp. 239-240.) 40.3 Bristed, C. A. Five Years in an English University. 35. 9 Ordinance for Eegulating the University of Cambridge. On Commission by the Earl of Manchester. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 5. pp. 328-332.) 40. 3 Cambridge, Mass. See Everett, Edward. Oration at Cam- bridge, 4th of July, 1826. Boston, 1826. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Yol. 3, IS^o. 3.) 9. 2 Exercises in Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of the Set- tlement of Cambridge, Dec. 28, 1880. 8. 9 Cla^ical Institute. Catalogue, 1864. Boston, 1864. 16mo. 9. 9. 6 Federal Street Society. Eeport of the Committee on the Application of the Directors of the Theological School in Cambridge. Cambridge, 1825. 8vo. (Harv. Coll. Eep., Yol. 1.) ' 9. 2 First Church and Shepard Society. Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Settlement of John A. Abro, as Pastor of the First Church and Shepard Society. Cam- bridge, 1860. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Yol. 2, No. 3.) 9. 2 330 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cambridge, Mass.— (Continued). Harvard College. See '^ Harvard College." Hospital. Eeport, 1870-'71. Cambridge, 1872. 8. 8. 2 Mount Auburn Cemetery. See ''Mount Auburn." School Committee. Eeport, 1843, '67, '68. Cambridge, 1843-'68. 9. 8. 6 Directory, 1872. See Dudley, Dean. Cambridge, 1872. 8vo. 80 Society for the Collegiate Instruction of Women in Cam- bridge, Mass. Eeport of the Ladies of the Executive Com- mittee. Cambridge, 1883. 8vo. 25.1.3 Cambridge, West, Mass. See Arlington, Mass. Cambridge City, Ind. Catalogue of the Graded School, 1870, Indianapolis, 1870. 8vo. 18. 11. 5 Cambridge Copper Mine, Guildford County, N. Carolina. Prospectus, n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 6. 1 Camden, Lord. Letter to., 1775. 8vo. See Bernard, T. (Eev. Pamph., Vol. 17, No. 9.) 14. 1 Camden, Peter G. Common Sense, Matter of Fact Discussion of Kegro Slavery. St. Louis, Mo., 1855. 8vo. 30. 7. 5 Camden, William. Camden's Brittania, Newly Translated into English; with large additions and improvements. Published by Edmund Gibson, of Queen's College, in Ox- ford. London, 1695. fo. 85. 4 Camden & Amboy E. E. and Transportation Co. Eeport to the Legislature of New Jersey, of Commissioners Ap- pointed to Investigate Charges Made Against its Direct- ors, Feb. 8, 1850. Trenton, 1850. 8vo. 72. 7. 2 Camden & Atlantic Eailroad. Eeport of Eichard B. Os- borne, Civil Eng., to the President and Directors, on the Surveys for the Line. 8vo. Phila., 1852. 72.6.2 Camden & Keyport Eailroad Company. See Brown, . Speech in N. J. Legislature. 72. 14. 7 Camden, Me. See Locke, J. L. History of Camden, Maine, to 1858. Hallowell, 1859. 7. 1 Camden Society Publications. Athill, William, Editor. Documents Eelating to the Collegiate Church of Middle- ham, York. London, 1847. 4to. 35. 10 Came, Charles G. Legal Nominations. (Philadelphia, Union League Essays, 1868.) 8vo. 5. 7. 3 Camel, The. See Heap, G. H. Camels as a substitute for Horses, Mules, etc. In his Central Eoute to the Pacific, 1854. Svo. pp. 128-131. 19. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIEmk&LJLrL^J^^:i^ 331 Cameria. Appeal to the Public on Behalf of, etc. [^Anon,'] Lond., 1781. Eeprinted, Cincinnati, 1868. 8vo. 14. 10. 1 Cameron, A. S. IN^ecessity of a Bureau of Mechanics. N. Y., 1869. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 36, No. 19.) 60. 2 Organization of Labor, and system of co-operation. ]!vr. Y. u. d. 16mo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 26, No 11.) 60. 8 Cameron, Henry C. Eeminiscences of Joseph Henry. (Dod, S. B. Discourse, 1878. 8vo.) 43. 13. H. 1 Cameron, Simon. Address of the People's Club of Philadel- phia, in favor of Gen. Simon Cameron for the Next Presi- dency. Phila., 1859. 8vo. 33. 7. 2 Camp, David N. Editor. American Year Book and National Eegister for 1869, with Brief Account of Foreign States. ' Vol. 1. Hartford, 1869. 8vo. 33. 8 Camp, March, and Battle Field. Three Years and a Half with the Army of the Potomac. See Stewart, A. M. Phila., 1865. 12mo. 29. 1 Campaign Text Book. The Eepublican Party Ee viewed ; Its Sins of Commission and Omission. N. Y., 1876. 8vo. 33. 13 Campaigns of the Civil War. N. Y., 1881-^83. 12mo. 11 Vols. ' 30. 10 Campbell, Archibald. (8th Earl of Argyle.) Honorable Speech in the Parliament of Scotland, 30 Sept., 1641. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 4, pp. 480-481.) 40. 3 Last Will and Testament, with his Character. 4to. pp. 16. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 2, pp. 508-514.) [Burlesque.] 40. 3 Campbell, Archibald. (9th Earl of Argyle.) True and per- fect account of the Earl of Argyle' s Landing in the North of Scotland. Lond., 1685, fo. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 9., pp. 140-142.) 40. 3 Campbell, Charles. Genealogy of the Spotswood Family in Scotland and Virginia. Albany, 1868. 8vo. 47. 6 Introduction to the History of the Colony and Ancient Do- minion of Virginia. Eichmond, 1847. 8vo. 15.5 Editor. Orderly Book of the American Army, near Wil- liamsburg, Va., under Gen. Andrew Lewis, 1776. Eich- mond, Va., 1860. 4to. 14. 2 Campbell, Douglas. Historical Fallacies Eegarding Colonial New York. Address before the Oneida Historical Society, Jan. 14, 1879. N. Y., 1879. 8vo. 10. 11. 2 332 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Campbell, Duncan. History of Prince Edward Island, 1663- 1873. Charlottestown, 1875. 16nio. 20. 1 Campbell, Sir Geokge. Tenure of Land, in India. (Probyn, J. W. Systems of Land Tenure, etc. 1876. 8vo. pp. 125-196.)*^ 3^- 2 Campbell, Hugh Y. Ossiana; Fingal Traced in Ulster. Lon- don, 1819. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 15.) 53. 5 Campbell, J. D. Our Own Second Eeader; Our Own Third Eeader, etc. See Sterling, Eichard. [Confederate School Books, 1862.] 83 Campbell, James Y. Outlines of the Political History of Mich- gan. Detroit, 1876. 8vo. 18.4 Campbell, John. Kegro-mania; Examination of the Falsely Assumed Equality of the Yarious Eaces of Men. Phila., 1851. 12mo. 30. 6 Campbell, John L. Address. (Wabash College, Dedication, etc. 1878. 16mo. 18.11.2 Campbell, Lewis. Biographical Sketch, from Barnes' History of Congress, n. t. p. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Campbell, Lewis D. Tariff on Agricultural Products. Speech in the Senate of Ohio, March 9, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 38, No. 43.) 60. 2 Campbell, Loomis Joseph. Historical Sketch of Min^iesota, to accompany Seavey's edition of Goodrich's History of the United States. Bost., 1868. 8vo. 22. 5. 2 Campbell, Malcolm. Is the Cotton Tax Constitutional? An Opinion upon the Constitutionality of the Tax on Un- manufactured Cotton. New York, 1866. 8vo. 72. 9. 2 Campbell, Mks. Makia. Eevolutionary Services and Civil Life of Gen. Wm. Hull, by his Daughter, with History of the Campaign of 1812, and the Surrender of Detroit, by his Grandson, (James Freeman Clarke.) New York and Philadelphia, 1848. 8vo. 44. 6 Campbell, Eobert. The Discovery and Exploration of the Yukon (Pelly) Eiver. Winnipeg, 1885. 24mo. 20. 13. 1 Campbell, Eobeet A. Pub. Gazetteer of Missouri. Eev. ed. St. Louis, 1875. 8vo. 18. 7 Campbell, Thomas. Gertrude of Wyoming. (Stone, W. L. Poetry, etc., 1864. 12mo.) 11. 11 Campbell, Wm. W. Annals of Tryon County; or Border War- fare of New York during the Eevolution. ]!^ew York, 1831. 8vo. 10. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 3^3 Campbell, Wm. W. — (Continued). Editor. Life and Writings of De Witt Clinton. New York, 1849. 8vo. 44. 6 Camp-fire Sketches, or Notes of a Trip from Saint Paul to Sel- kirk Settlement, 1851. Bond, J. W. [Appended to his Minnesota, etc., 1856. 12mo.] 22. 8 Canaan, Maine. See Norridgewock, Me. Canada, Census of Canada, 1870-'71. Ottawa, 1878-'78. 8vo. 5 Vols. 82 Same, 1880-^81. Ottawa, 1882-' 84. 8vo. 3 Vols. 82.9 Canada. Department of Agriculture., Canada, a Hand Book of Information for Intending Emigrants. Ottawa, 1879. 8vo. 20. 9. 1 Canadian Northwest. Climate and Productions. Mis- representation Exposed. Ottawa, 1883. 8vo. 20. 5. 5 Province of Manitoba; and the Northwest Territory of the Dominion of Canada. Ottawa, 1876. 8vo. 20. 5. 1 Province of Manitoba. Information for Intending Emi- grants, Cttawa, 1874. 16mo. 20. 5. 3 Eeport, 1881. Appendix. Report on Canadian Arch- ives, and on the System of Keeping Public Records. By Douglas Brymner. Ottawa, 1882. 8vo. 20. 9. 2 Report on Alleged Exodus to Western United States ; by John Lowe, 1883. n. t. p. 8vo. 20. 9. 9 Department of Public Works. Baie Vert Canal. Re- port of the Chief Engineer on the Construction of a Canal between the Gulf of Saiyt Lawrence and the bay of Fun- dy, 1873. Ottawa, 1874. 8vo. 20. 9. 3 Canadian Pacific Railway. Sanford Fleming, Engi- neer in Chief. Explorations and Surveys to Jan., 1874. Ottawa, 1874. 8vo. 20. 5 Report, 1874. Ottawa, 1875. 8vo. 20. 9. 3 Report of the Chief Engineer on the Navigation of the River Saint Lawrence, between Lake Ontario and Montreal. Ottawa, 1875. 8vo. 20. 9. 5 Department of Railways and Canals. Report of the Chief Engineer of Canals, 1879. Ottawa, 1880. 8vo. 20. 9. 4 Department of State. Papers Relative to the Exploration of the Country between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement. Reports of S. J. Dawson and H. Y. Hind, 1857. London, 1859. 8vo. Maps. 20. 12 . Same. Toronto, 1859- 4to. Maps. 20. 12 334: MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Canada — (Continued). Papers Eelative to Eecent Occurrences in the Northwest Territories, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets^ Vol. 38, No. 56.) 60. 2 Eeports of Progress, etc., by Henry Youle Hind, 1858. 20.12 Department of the Interior. Dominion Lands Eegulations, for Manitoba and the Northwest Territories. 1882. n. t. p. fo. 20. 5. 5 Extracts from Surveyor's Eeports, of Township Surveys in Manitoba and the Northwest Territories, n. p. 1884. 8vo. ' . 20.5.5 Eeport, 1883. Ottawa, 1884. 8vo. 20. 9. 9 Geological Survey. Eeport to 1866. By Sir. W: E. Logan and others. Montreal, etc., 1863-' 66. 8vo. 2 Vols. • 51. 6 Laval University. Annuaire, pour 1' annee academique, 1883-'84. Quebec, 1883. 17. 13. 1 Legislative Assembly. Journals, January-May, 1859, etc. Toronto, 1859. 8vo. 20. 12 [Contains Dawson & Hind's Report.] Parliament. Act to amend the Northwest Territories Act^ 1880. Ottawa, 1884. 8vo. 20, 5. 5 Civil Code of Lower Canada, n. t. p. 8vo. 2 Vols. 82 Consolidated Statutes for Lower Canada, 1860. Quebec, 1861. 8vo, • 82 Same, for Upper Canada, 1860. Toronto, 1859. 8vo. 82 46 Victoria, Chapt. 17. Dominion Lands Act, 1883. n. t. p. 8vo. 20. 9. 9 Papers Eelative to the Proposed Union of British Co- lumbia with the Dominion of Canada. Ottawa, 1871. 8vo. 20. 5. 4 Eeports of Superintendents of Eoads from Thunder Bay to Fort Garry on the Eed Eiver, 1870. Ottawa, 1870. 8vo. 20. 5. 4 Eeports of the Select Committee of the Senate on Eu- pert's Land, Eed Eiver and the Northwest Territory. Ottawa, 1870. 20. 5. 1 Eeport of the Select Committee on Immigration and Colonization, 1876. Ottawa, 1876. 8vo. 20. .9. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 335 • Canada — (Continued). Eeport of the Select Standing Committee on Immigra- tion and Colonization. Ottawa, 1879. 8vo. 20. 9. a Statutes of the Province of Canada, I860-' 68. Toronto, etc. 1859-'68. 8vo. 21 Vols. 82 Statutes refondus pour le bas Canada. Quebec, 1861. 8vo. 82 Patent Office. Eules, Eegulations and Forms, Sept., 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. 20. 9. 2 Post Office Department. Official Postal Guide, Comprising the Chief Eegulations of the Post Office, an Alphabetical List of Post Offices in Canada, etc. Jan. 1, 1885. Otta- wa, 1885. 8vo. 17. 13. 1 Eeport of Post Master General, June 30, 1885. 17. 3. 1 Privy Council. Orders in Council, Kov. 29, 1883. fo. 20. 5. 5 Eeport of a Committee on the Public Lands in the Prov- ince of Manitoba. March, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. 20. 5. 2 Eeport of Delegates Appointed to Negotiate for the Ac- quisition of Eupert- s Land, and the Northwest Terri- tory. Ottawa, 1869. 8vo. 20. 5. 2 Eoyal Society. Proceedings and Transactions of, for the years 1882 and 1883, and 1884. 2 Vols. Montreal, 1883- 1885. 4to. 20. 12 See Brymner, Douglas. Eeports on the Canadian Archives. Buckingham, J. S. Canada, Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wick, and the other British Provinces in North America, with a Plan of National Colonization. London and Paris^ 1843. 8vo. 20. 2 Cauchon, Joseph. Union of the Provinces of British North America. Trans, by G. H. Macaulay. Quebec, 1865. 8vo. 20. 9. 1 Champlain, Samuel de. Oeuvres. 2d edit. 1603-'31. Que- bec, 1870. 4to. 5 tom. bd. in 2. 20. 12 Voyages. Translated by C. P. Otis. Bost., 1878-'82. 4to. 3 Vols. . 9.3 Franklin, Benjamin. The Interest of Great Britain Consid- ered, with Eegard to her Colonies, and the Acquisi- tions of Canada and Guadaloupe. London, 1760. 8vo. (Eev. Pamph., Vol. 8. No. 2.) 14. 1 Same. 2d edit. London, 1761. 8vo. (Eev. Pamph., Vol. 25, No. 1.) 14. 8- 43 336 MIJfNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Canada — (Continued). Gendron, Le Sieur. Quelques Particular! tez du Pays des Hurons en la :N^ouvelle France, 1644-'45. Troyes et Paris, 1660. 4to. (Col., Albany, N. Y., 1868.) 20. 3 Hall, Archibald. Analysis of the Georgian Spring Water. Quebec Lit. and His. Soc. Trans. Vol. 4., Pt. 1.) 20. 9. 7 Harrisse, H. Notes Pour Servir a 1' Histoire, a la Biblio- graphic et a la Cartographe de la :N^ouvelle France, 1545- 1700. Paris, 1872. 8vo. 74. 8 Harvey, Arthur; and Lowe, John, editors. Year Book and Almanac of Canada, 1870, '71, '79. Montreal, 1869-'79. 8vo. 3 Vols. 20. 9. 1 Jones, Charles H. History of the Campaign for the Conquest of Canada, in 1776. Phila., 1882. 8vo. 14.2 Laverdiere, , et Casgrain, les Abbes, editors. Journal des Jesuites, 1645-1688. Publi d' Apres le Manuscript Original Conserve Aux Archives du Seminaire de Quebec. Quebec, 1871. 4to. 20. 3 McGee, T. D. Mental Outfit of the New Dominion. 1867. n. t. p. 8vo. 20. 9. 2 Morgan H. J. The Dominion Annual Eegisterand Eeview, 1880-'82. Montreal and Toronto. 1883. 8vo. 2 Vols. 20.9 Sketches of Celebrated Canadians. 46. 11 Bawlings, Thomas. What Shall We Do With Hudson Bay Territory? 20.5.3 Belation des Affaires du Canada A. D. 1696. 20. 3 Eelations des Jesuites. Quebec, 1858. 8vo. 3 Vols. 20. 3 Eeport of the Special Commissioners appointed Sept. 8, 1856, to investigate Indian Affairs in Canada. Toronto, 1858, 8vo. 20. 11 Eeview of President Grant's Eecent Message, relative to the Canadian Fisheries. 60. 1 Eobjohns, Sydney. Growth of Nationality in Canada. 35. 9 Eoman Catholic Missions in Canada, 1838-'40. 40. 2 Schroeder, John. Skandinaverne i de Forenede Stater og Canada. 20. 1 Scripps, J. L. Undeveloped Northern Portion of the American Continent. 20. 5. 2 Bturton, S. The Botanical Geography of Canada. 20. 9. 7 Tanguay, Cyprien, L' Abbe. Dictionnaire Genealogique des Families Canadiennes. 46. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 337 Canada — (Continued). Wilkin, Daniel. Importance of some General System of . Education in Canada, 1841. 20. 9. 7 Descriptive. See Alexander, Sir J. E. L' Acadie. 20. 9 Anburey, Thos. Travels through the Interior Parts of North America. 16. 3 Boucher, Pierre, le Sieur. Canada in the 17th Century. 20. 2 Cay ley, Edward. Up the Eiver Moisie, 1861. 20. 9. 7 Dufferin, Earl. Canada the Place for the Emigrant. 20. 9. 2 Eleming, Sandford. England and Canada, etc. 17. 3 Oeikie, John C. Life in the Woods. 17. 2 Oladman, George. The Country between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement. 20. 5 Haliburton, Thos. C. The Bubbles of Canada. 17. 3 Hall, E. H. Ho ! For the West! 20. 5. 1 Head, Sir George. Forest Scenes and Incidents. 33. 11 Henry, Alexander. Travels and Adventures in Canada. 20.2 Heriot, George. Travels through the Canadas. 20. 3 Hurlbut, J. B. Climates, Productions and Resources of Canada. 20. 9. 2 Jameson, Mrs. A. M. Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada. 20. 2 Kalm, Peter. Travels in North America. 33. 11 Same. Voyage en Amerique. 1749. 20. 9. 6 La Hontan, M. le Baron de. Voyages dans V Amerique Sep tent rion ale. 20. 2 La Rochefoucault-Liancourt, F. A. F. due de. Travels Through the United States and Upper Canada. 20. 12 Le Beau, C. Avantures ou Voyage Curieux et Nouveau. 20.1 Lome, Marquis of. Canadian Pictures. 20. 10 Lyell, Charles. Travels in North America. 33.11 Marryatt, Capt. Frederick. Canada in 1837. 33. 4 Moodie, Mrs. Susannah. Roughing it in the Bush. 20.1 O' Leary, Peter. Travels and Experiences in Canada. 20. 2 Oliphant, Laurence. Minnesota and the Far West, 1854. 22.2 338 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Canada — (Continued). Ontario. Province of Ontario; its Soil, Climate, etc. 20. 9. 1 Parkman, Francis. Historic Hand-Book of the North- ern Tour. 19. 3 Picturesque Canada. The ^N'orthern Lakes of Canada, etc. 19. 10. 2 Quebec, Province of. Bureau of Agriculture. 20. 9. 1 Eae, W. F. Columbia and Canada. 17. 3 Same. New Foundland to Manitoba. 19. 8 Eussell, Wm. H. Hesperothen, etc. 2 Vols. 32. 12 Small, H. B. Resources of Ottawa District. 20. 9. 2 Spence, Thomas. Prairie Lands of Canada. 20. 5. 1 Talbot, E. A. Five Years' Eesidence in the Canadas. 20.2 Traille, Catherine Parr. The Canadian Crusoes. 17. 3 Warburton, George. Hochelaga. England in the New World. _ 20.2 Weld, Isaac, Jr. Travels Through the Provinces of Up- per and Lower Canada, 1795-'97. 33.5 Historical. Anderson, W. J. Canadian History and Bi- ography. 20. 9. 8 Charlevoix, Pierre F. X. Histoire de la Nouvelle France. 20. 10 Same. Translated by J. G. Shea, with notes, etc. 6 Vols. 20. 10 Cochran, A. W. The Saint Paul's Bay Disease. 20. 9. 7 Cook, J. W. On the History of Canada. 20. 9. 8 Dablon, J. C. Relation Aux Missions en la Nouvelle France, 1672 et 1673. 20. 3 Davis, Andrew M. Canada and Louisiana. 25. 9 Dent, John Charles. The Story of the Upper Canadian Rebellion. 25. 3 Documents Respecting Early French Settlements and Explorations. 20. 11 Dreuilletes, Gabriel. Recueil de Pieces, etc. 20. 3 Duane, Wm. Canada and the Continental Congress. 20. 9. 2 Garneau, F. X. History of Canada, 1534-1840-'41. 20. 2 Le Clerc, Chretien. First Establishment of the Faith in New France. 20. 10 [ CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 339 Canada — (Continued). Lettres Edifiantes et Carieuses, 1780-'83. 12mo. Vol. 6. 20. 8 Lindsey, Charles. Life and Times of W. L. McKenzie. 43.2 Miles, H. H. History of Canada under French Regime, 1535-1763. 20. 2 Mills, David. Report on the Boundaries of the Prov- ince of Ontario. 20. 11 Morris, Alex. The Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba. 19. 8 Parkman, Francis, Fcance and England in North Amer- ica. 7 Vols. 20. 10 Richardson, John. War of 1812, etc. 14. 4 Taylor, F. and Notman, W. Portraits, and Biograph- ical Sketches of British Americans. 25. 3 Yeritables Motifs de Messieurs et Dames de la Societe de Xotre Dame de Montreal, etc. 20. 9. 6 Warburton, George. Conquest of Canada, 1534-1760. 20. 2 Canada, Royal Society. Inaugural Meeting in Ottawa, May 25, 1882. No imprint. 4to. 20. 9. 6 Proceedings and Transactions for 1882-'83. 20. 14 Canada, Lower. Bouchette, Joseph. Topographical Descrip- tion of Lower Canada. 8vo. 20. 2 Christie, Robert. History of the Late Province of Lower Canada. 20. 1 See also Quebec, Province of. See also British America, Indians, Jesuits, Ungava Bay, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Prince Edward's Island, Quebec, Kew Brunswick, Kova Scotia, etc. Canada, Upper. Strachan, James. Visit to the Province of Upper Canada in 1819. 20. 2 Canada AYest. Legislative Assembly. Report on the Explora- tion of the Country between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement, 1857, '58. 20. 5 Canadian Institute, Toronto. 3d series. Vol. 3, fas. 2 and 3. Toronto. 8vo. 38. 1L2 Canadian Literature. Fabre, Hector. * Paper on Canadian Literature. In French. 20. 9. 8 Morgan, H. J. Bibliotheca Canadensis. 20. 2 340 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Canadian Pacifio Eailway. Acts of Parliament of Canada^ and Eoyal Letters Patent, Respecting the Canadian Pa- cific Railway. Also, the Consolidated Railway Act, 1879; the Amending Act of 1881, and the By-Laws of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway. London, 1881. fo. 20. 14 Canada. Department of Public Works. Canadian Pacific Railway. Explorations and Surveys to Jan., 1874. Otta- wa, 1874. 8vo. 20. 5 • Horetzky, C. Some Startling Facts, etc. 20. 5. 5 Official Guide Book to the Canadian Pacific Railway Lands. 20. 5. L Speeches Delivered by Hon^ Sir. Charles Tapper, Hon. H. S.Langevin, J. B. Plumb, and Thos. Wright, etc., during the debate in the House of Commons, session of 1880. Montreal, 1880. 20. 5. 5 Canadian Red River. See Red River of the North. Canadians. Tasse, Joseph. Les Canadiens de 1' ouest. 46. 8 Canal. Central American Isthmus. See Pitman, R. B. Suc- cint Yiew, etc. 20. 5 Canals. Boston Board of Trade Proceedings, relative to a Canal from the Lakes to the Mississippi, and from the St. Lawrence to Lake Champlain, May 20, 1870. Boston, 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 36, No. 5.) 60. 2 Canada, Department of Public Works. Bale Yerte Canal. Report on the Construction of a Canal between the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Bay of Fundy, 1873. Ottawa, 1874. 8vo. 20. 9. 3 Chesebrough, R. A. Plan to Keep Them Open in Winter. 72. 7. 1 Fulton, Robert. Treatise on Canal Navigation. 49. 13 Lorraine, E. Central Water Line from the Ohio River to the Yirginia Capes. 60. 2 Rochester, New York. Convention of N. Y. State Commer- cial Union, Jan. 19, 1870. 60. 2 Ruggles, S. B. Report on Steam Towage. 72. 7. 1 Segar, Joseph. Ship Canals. Speech. 60. 1 U. S. Congress. Memorial from Boards of Trade for a Ship Canal through Florida. 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. ll, No. 18.) 60. 1 Yirgina, General Assembly. Memorial to Congress relative to Water Communication between the Atlantic and the Mississippi. Richmond, 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 36, No. 12.) eO. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 341 Canals — (Continued). Walker, J. G. Value of, for Transportation. 72. 13. 5. See also Names of Canal Companies. Ship. See Darien, Isthmus of; Nicaragua ,• Tehuautepec, etc. Cancer. Woodward, J. J. Structure of Cancerous Tumors. 49.9 Candee Family. See Baldwin, C. C. Candee Genealogy. 47. 8 Candia, N. H. See Eaton, F. B. History of Candia. 7. 10 Candia, (or Crete). See Fletcher, E. T. Twenty Years' Siege of Candia. 20. 9. 7 Candid and Impartial Narrative of the Transactions of- THE Fleet, Under Lord Howe. By an Officer then; Serving in the Fleet. [Anon.'] 2d edition. (Eev. Pamph., Yoi. 35, No. 5.) 14. 8. Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims, etc., 1775, See Galloway, Joseph. 14. 1 Candish. See Cavendish. Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de. Memoir of, by Flourens, J. P. 49. 3 Canfield, Thos. H. vs. The Minneapolis Agricultural and. Mechanical Association. Complainant' s Testimony and Exhibits, 1881. St. Paul. n. d. 8vo. 22.15.6. Canfield, Wm. H. Outline Sketches of Sauk County, Wis.. n. t. p. 1870. 8vo. 19. 5. 8. Cannel Coal Co., Coal Eiver, Ya. Eeport of the Board of Directors. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. 15. 12. 6 Canning, E. W. B. Poem. [White, Joseph.] Address, etc., 1855. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 19.) 53. 12 Canning, George. Speech at the liverpool Dinner on his Ee- election, March 18, 1820. 4th, edition. Lond., 1820. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 16.) 53. 5 Speech in the House of Commons, Jan. 29, 1817, on the Motion for an Address to the Prince Eegent. Lond., 1817. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 10.) 53. 5 Speech in the House of Commons, 25th April, 1822, on Ee- form of Parliament. (Pamphleteer, 1822, Vol. 21.) 53. 5 Cannon, Geo. Q. Discourses on Celestial Marriage. See Pratt, Orson, and Others. Discourses, etc., 1869. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamphlets, Vol. 40, No. 2.) 60. 2; Sermon on Polygamy, Delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Oct. 9, 1869, Salt Lake City, 1876. 8vo. 19. 10. 3. Cannonade, The. By Anicetus. [Satire.] Clark, W. A. Bost., 1861. 12mo. 29.1. 342 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Canot, Theodore. Captain Canot; Twenty Years of an African Slaver. Edited by Brantz Mayer. N. Y. and Lond., 1854. 12mo. 30. 12 Cansick, Frederick Teague. Collection of Epitaphs from the Church and Burial Grounds of Saint Pancras, Middlesex. Lond., 1869. 8vo. 46. 8 Canterbury, England. See Thomas of Elmham. Historia Monasterii. S. Augustini Cantuariensis. Ed. by Charles Hard wick. Lond., 1858. 8vo. 40. 6 Canton, Conn. Phelps, Noah A. History of Simsbury, etc. 7.14 Canton, III. See Swan, A. M. Canton, its Pioneers and His- tory. 18. 6. 6 Canton, Mass. Memorial Services of Commemoration Day, May 29, 1880. Bost., 1880. 8vo. 30. 11. 9 Cape Breton Island. See Perrault, Julien. Eelation de V He dn Cap Breton, 1635. 20. 3 Cape Cod, Mass. See Freeman, Frederick. History of Cape Cod. 9. 12 Capen, Elmer Hewitt. Inauguration of E. H. Capen, as Pres- ident of Tufts' College, Somerville. Mass., June 2, 187 "\ Bost., 1875. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 4, ISo. 9.) 9. 2 Capen, Nahum. Indissoluble IsTature of the American Union, Considered in Connection with the Assumed Eight of Se- cession. Letter to Peter Cooper. Bost., 1862. 8vo. 30. 4. 3 Cape Palm as, Liberia. Latrobe, J. H. B. Maryland in Li- beria. Colony at Cape Palmas. 8vo. 11. 1. 2 Cape Tovs^n. Society for the Belief of Distressed Settlers in South Africa. Eeport of the Committee. London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, Vok 23.) 53. 12 Capgrave, John. Chronicle of England. Edited by Francis Charles Hingeston. London, 1858. 8vo. ' 40. 5 Liber de Illustribus Henricus. Edited by Francis Charles Hingeston. London, 1858. 8vo. 40. 6 Capital. See also Labor. Capital, National. See United States Capital. Capital Punishment. See Death Penalty. Cappe, Catherine. Thoughts on the Ability of Ladies Visiting the Female Wards and Lunatic. London, 1816. (Pam- phleteer, Vol. 8.) 53. 5 Capron, E. S. History of California, 1542-1854. With Journal of the Voyage to San Francisco, via Panama. Boston and Cleveland, 1854. 12mo. 20. 7 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 343 Capron, Horace. Letters During 1875 to Kuroda Kiyotaka, and Horace Capron. [Japan.] Tokei, 1875. 8vo. 52. 10. 2 Capron Family. See Holden, F. A. Genealogy of the De- scendants of Banfield Capron, 1660-1859. 47. 2 Captain Bonneyille. Adventures of. See Irving, Washing- ton. 74. 1 Capture and Escape. Life Among the Sioux. 1864. See Larimer, Mrs. S. L. 15. 8 Capturing a Locomotive. History of the Secret Service in the Late War. See Pittinger, William. 30. 8 Carausius, Marcus Aureltus Valerius. See DePeyster, J. W. History of Carausius. 8vo. 43. 2 Caries, The. See Indians of America. Caribs. Carbon County, Pa. See Laciar, J. D. Patriotism of Carbon County, Pa. 29. 14 See Northampton County, Pa. 11. 12 Carew, Sir George, (Baron of Klopton and Earl of Totness). Calendar of the Carew Manuscripts, preserved in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth. (Henry VIII — Eliz- abeth.) Ed. by J. S. Brewer and William Bullen. Lon- don, 1867-'69. 8vo. 3 Vols. 35. 13 Carew, Sir Peter. Life of, by John Vowell, alias Hooker. (Prefixed to the Carew MSS. Vol. 1.) 35. 13 Carew Manuscripts, Calendar of the. 1867-' 69. 8vo. 3 Vols. See Carew, Sir George. 35. 13 Carey, Henry C. British Treaties of 1871 and 1874. Letters to the President of the United States. Phila., 1874. 8vo. 33. 12. 3 Currency Question. Letters to Schuyler Colfax. Phila., 1865. 8vo. 30. 11. 8 Same. Another edition. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 22, Ko. 27.) No imprint. 60. 8 Farmer's Question. Philadelphia, 1865. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 17, No. 22.) 60. 8 How Protection, Increase of Public and Private Revenues, and National Independence, March Hand in Hand To- gether. Review of the Report of the Hon. D. A. Welles, Special Commissioner of the Revenue. Philadelphia, 1869. 8vo. 57. 2. 2 International Copyright Question Considered. Phila., 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 26, No. 5.) 60. 8 44 344 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Carey, Henry C. — (Continued.) The Iron Question. Letters to Schuyler Colfax. (Fifth and Sixth only.) Phila., 1865. 8vo. 57. 2. 2 Same. Letter Seventh. Jan. 16, 1865. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 19, No. 25.) 60. 8 Letters to (James Buchanan) the President, on the Foreign and Domestic Policy of the Union, and its Effects, as Ex- hibited in the Condition of the People and the State. Phila., 1858. 8vo. 57. 2. 4 The Paper Question. Letters to Hon. Schuyler Colfax. Phila., 1865. 8vo. 57. 2. 2 Same. Another copy. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 20, No. 6.) 60. 8 Principles of Social Science. 3 Vols. Phila., 1858. 8vo. 57. 9 Public Debt, Local and National. How to Provide for its Discharge. Letter to David A. Wells. Philadelphia, 1866. 8vo. 33. 7. 7 The Eailroad Question. Phila., 1865. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 14, No. 1.) 60. 1 Eesources of the Union. Lecture, Dec. 1865, before the American Geographical and Statistical Society, New York. Philadelphia, 1866. 8vo. 33. 7. 7 Eesumption; How it may Profitably be Brought. Phila., 1869. 8>ro. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 39, No. 2.) 60. 2 Eeview of the Farmer's Question, as Exhibited in the Ee- cent Eeport of D. A. Wells. Philadelphia, 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 37, No. 31.) 60. 2 Eeview of the Eeport of D. A. Wells. Phila., 1869. 8vo. (Pam. No. 5. in ''Industrial Protection.'') 57. 9 Shall We Have Peace? Peace Financial and Peace Politi- cal? Letters to the President Elect of the United States. [U. S. Grant.] Phila., 1869. 8vo. 57. 2. 2 . Another Copy. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 22, No. 14.) 60. 8 Slave Trade, Domestic and Foreign; Why it Exists, and How it may be Extinguished. 2d edit. Phila. 1856. 12mo. 30. 13 See Elder, Wm. Memoir of H. C. Carey. Phila., 1880. 8^'<>- 4; . 6. C. 1 Carey, John L. Slavery and the Wilmot Proviso, with some Suggestions for a Compromise. Bait., 1847. 8vo. 30. 7. 6 Some Thoughts Concerning Domestic Slavery, in a Letter to W. B. Latrobe, of Baltimore. Bait., 1838. 18mo. 30. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 3:45 * Carey, Mathew. The Olive Branch. 7th edit. Enlarged. Phila., 1815. 8vo. 33. 13 Answer to Parts of a Work, by Mathew Carey, entitled the ''Olive Branch." N. Y., 1816. 12mo. 57.3 Caribbee Islands. True and Faithful Relation of the Proceed- ings of the Forces Against the French in the Caribbee Islands. London, 1691. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 9, pp. 516-531.) 40. 3 Carl XIV, Bernadotte, King of Sweden. Sketch of. Tucker, W. W. His Royal Highness, etc. 1876. 8vo. 41. 7 Carle, John I. Funeral Sermon, Dec. 29, 1799, on the Death of Washington. (Rockaway, N. J., Presb. Church Funeral Sermons, 1882. 8vo.) 43. 14. 4 Carleton, pseud. See Coffin, Charles Carleton. Carleton, James Henry. The Battle of Buena Vista (1847), with the Operations of the "Army of Occupation,'^ for One Month. IST. Y., 1848. 16mo. 14. 11 Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. See Barrows, Rev. Wm. A Story of Carleton College. 22. 6. 6 Calendar, 1876, '78, '79, '82, -'87. n. t. p. 24mo. 22. 6. 6 Annual Catalogue, 1868-'87. Minneapolis, 1868-'87. 8vo. 22. 6. 6 Dana, M. Mc G. History. St. Paul, 1879. Sq. 16mo. 22. 6. 6 How to Build the* Best Monument. [Reprinted from the "Advance," Chicago.] Sheet. 22.2.6 State Weather and Crop Report Service. See Minnesota, State Weather, etc. Statement, Appeal, Historical Sketch, etc. 24mo. Pam- phlets and Slips. 22. 6. 6 Sketch of Carleton College. From the Korthfield Standard. Sept. 17, 1874. 22. 6. 6 Whiting, Lyman. Oration Before the Trustees and Stud- ents, June, 27, 1871. 22. 6. 6 Carlisle, Earl of. See Howard, Charles. Carlisle, C. B. Spokane County, Washington Territory, as it is, 1882. Portland, Or. 1882. 8vo. 19. 10. 7 Carlisle, Mass. See Shattuck, Lemuel. History of Concord. 8.2 Carlisle, Pa. See Wing, C. P. History of the First Presby- terian Church of Carlisle, Pa. 11. 4 346 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. t Carlisle, Pa.— (Continued). Presbytery of. See Hays, I. N. History of the Presbytery of Carlisle. " - H- 5. 4 Wing, C. P. Discourse on the History of Donegal and Carlisle Presbyteries, etc. 1877. 11. 5. 4 Carll, John F. Oil Well Eecords and Levels. Harrisburg, 1877. 8vo, (Pa. 2d Geol. Survey, Appendix II.) 11. 3 Report of the Venango County Oil District of Pennsylvania. ^ Harrisburg, 1875. 8vo. (Pa. 2d Geol. Survey. Ap. I.)11.3 Caelton, Robert, pseud. See Hall, Baynard R. Carman, Dr. B. R. (Simmons, G. W., and Price, John E.) Report upon the Route of a Railroad from Topolobampo Bay, on the Gulf of California, to Piedras Kegras, on the Rio Grande. 8vo. Boston, 1881. 72.6.3 Carnahan, James. The Pennsylvania Insurrection of 1794, commonly called -'The Whisky Insurrection." (New Jer- sey Hist. Soc. Proceedings, Vol. 6. pp. 113-152.) 10. 8 Carnahan, James Aikman. See Tuttle, J. F. Discourse at the Funeral of J. A. Carnahan. 43. 6. C. 2 Carnegie, Andrew. An American Four-in-Hand in Britain. London, n. d. 42. 13 Carnegie, James, (Earl of Southesk). Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains. Travel, Sport and Adventure through the Hudson Bay Company's Territories in 1859 and '60. Edinburg, 1875. 8vo. 20. 5 Carnot, Lazaro ISTicolas Marguerite. Memorial to the King of France, 1815. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 5.) 53. 5 Carolana. See Coxe, Daniel. Description of the English Province of Carolana. 15. 6 Note. — " Under the name of Carolana was comprehended the i^resent state of Georgia, the Floridas, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana." — Sahin. Carolina, North. See Koith Carolina. Carolina, South. See South Carolina. Caroline, of Brunswick, Queen of George IV. Exclusion of the Queen from the Liturgy, considered. By a Barris- ter. 4th edit. Enlarged. London, 1821. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 18.) 53. 5 SeeJournal of an English Traveler, 1814-' 16; Memoirs and Anecdotes of the Princess of Wales. lAnon.'] London, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 10.) 53. 5 Trial of Queen Caroline. Jersey City, 1879. 8vo. 3 Vols. ''Causes Celebres,'' Vols. 1-3. 53. 11 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 347 Oaron, Francois. Memoire pour V Etablissement du Commerce au Japan, dresse Suivant 1' Ordre de M. Colbert. (Ber- nard, J. F. Recueil, etc.. Vol. 3., pp. 186-256.) 20.1 EelationConcernantr Empire et le Gouvernementdu Japan. (Bernard, J. F. Reciieil, etc.. Vol. 3, pp. 57-141.) 20. 1 Carondelet, Mo. Rules and Regulations of the Public Schools, 1851. St. Louis. 12mo. 18. 7. 2 Carpenter, Frank B. Anecdotes and Personal Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln. (See Raymond, H. J., Life, etc., 1865. 8vo.) ' 44. 12 Carpenter, Rev. H. Bernard. American Character and In- fluence. Oration Delivered Before the City Council and Citizens of Boston, July 4, 1883. 8vo. 8. 9. 6 Peace; A Sermon Preached at the Hollis Street Church, on the 245th Anniversary of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, June 4, 1883. Boston, 1883. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Carpenter, Hugh S. Eulogy on William Henry Harrison, Before the Eucleian Society of the University of New York, May 28, 1841. K Y., 1841. 8vo. 43. 14. 6 Carpenter, Matthew H. Louisiana Affairs. Speech in the Senate of the U. S., Jan. 1874. Wa^h., 1874. 3vo. 15. 7. 1 North Carolina Senatorship. Speech in the Senate of the U. S., April 12, 1872. No imprint. * 8vo. 15. 6. 1 Power of Appointment. Speech in the Senate of the United States, Jan. 18, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. 57. 4. 3 Wisconsin Legislature. Memorial Addresses in Respect to his Death, March 30, 1881. n. t. p. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Carpenter, Philip B. Mollusks of Western North America. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 10.) 49. 2 Carpenter, S. D. Address. (Wis. Editorial Assn. Proceedings, 1871. pp. 19-27.) 19.12.3 Logic of History. Results of Slavery Agitation, etc. Mad- ison, Wis., 1864. 8vo. 30. 12 Carpenter, Stephen H. Philosophy of Evolution. Papers read before the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, 1873-'4. Madison, Wis., 1874. 8vo. 51. 3. 1 In Memoriam. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 8, pp. 86-108.) 19. 11 Carpenter, Wm. Henry. History of Kentucky. See Arthur, T. S. 18. 14 And Arthur, T. S. History of New Jersey, 1613-1850. Phila., 1853. 12mo. 10. 1 History of Ohio, [to 1858.] Phila., 1858. 18mo. 18.8 348 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Caepenteb FAMrLY. See Usher, James. Genealogical and Historical Becord of the Cari)enter Family. N. Y. n. d. 8vo. 47. 8 Carpets. Fay, Samnel, and Others. Caii)et Mann facto re. Statement to the U. S. Revenue Commission. Cambridge, 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 17. Xo. 12.) 60. 8 Carr, K S. Inangural Address Before the Board of Eegents of the Wisconsin University, Jan. 10, 1856. Xo imprint. 8vo. 19.12.4 Carr, John. Early Times in Middle Tennessee. Xashville, 1857. 18mo. 18. 14 Carr, Lucien. The Mounds of the Mississippi Talley Histori- cally Considered. (From the Ky. Oeol. Survey.) Frank- fort, n. d. 4to. 17. 11. 1 Carr, Spencer. Brief Sketch of La Crosse, Wis. La Crosse, 1854. 8vo. 19. 5. 7 Carrington, Henry B. Battles of the American Eevolution, 1775-1781. Historical and Military Criticism, with Topo- graphical Illustration. X. Y., 1876. 4to. 14. 14 Battle Maps and Charts of the American Revolution, with Explanatory Xot^s and School History References. New York. n. d. Svo. 14. 14 Boston and XewYork, 1775 and 1776. n. t. p. 8vo. 14. 13. 1 Military Education in American Colleges, n. t. p. 8vo. 56. 9. 1 Carrington, Mrs. M. J. Ab^a-ra-ka, Home of the Crows. Experience of an Officer's Wife on the Plains, 1866-^7. Phila., 1868. 12mo. 19. 2 Carroll, Anna Ella. Material Bearing of the Tennessee Cam- paign in 1862, Upon the Destinies of Our Civil Wai*. Anon. Wash. n. d. (Ramsey Pamphlets. Vol. 4, Xo. 18.) " 60.1 Star of the West. 3d edit. Enlarged. X. Y. 1857. 12mo. 33.6 The Powers of the General Government. Washington, 1862. 8vo. 30. 4. 1 Carroll, B. R. Editor. Historical Collections of South Caro- lina; Rare and Valuable Pamphlets, etc., to 1776. X. Y. 1836. 8vo. 2 Vols. 15.13 Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton. Journal During his Visit to Canada in 1776, as One of the Commissioners from Congress ; with Memoir and Xotes by Brantz Mayer. Baltimore, 1876. 8vo. (Md. Hist. Soc.) 14, 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 349 Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton — (Continued). See Boyle, Esmeralda. Biog. Sketch. rDistiu. Marylanders. 1877. 12mo.) 43. 11 Carroll County, III. Illustrated Historical Atlas, 1876. St. Louis. 4to. V Carroll County, Indiana. S- Stewart, J. H. Eecollections of the Early Settlement of Carroll Co., 'Ind. Cincinnati, 1872. 84^0. . ' 18.11 Carroll County, Md. See Scharf, J. Thomas. Hist, of West- ern Maryland. 16. 9 Carte, Thomas. History of the Life of James,' Duke of Or- monde. London, 1736. fo. 2 v. 43.14 Carter, A. G. M. Old Court House; Reminiscences of the Courts and Bar of Cincinnati, O. Cincinnati, 1880. 8vo. 18.1 Carter, James G. Sketch of. (Fragment from the American Journal of Education. Vol. 5. pp. 407-416.) 43. 6. C. 1 Carter, John Pym. Elements of General History ^'[to 1871]. New York, 1871. 12mo. 40. 1 C ARTER, William. Commemorative Discourse. (Cong. Church. Illinois Association. 1863. 8vo.) 18. 6. 3 Carter, W. C, and Glossbrenner, A. J. History of York County, Pa. 1729-1834. 18mo. 11. 12 Carter Family. See Potts, Thomas M. Bicentenary Memorial of Jeremiah Carter. 47. 8 Cartier, Jacques. See De Costa, B. F. Jacques Cartier and his Successors. 25. 9 Documents sur les Voyages, et sur la vie de Jacques Cartier. • (Quebec Lib. & Hist. Soc. Trans. Vol. 5. pp. 81-146.) 20. 9. 7 Schoolcraft, H. E. Synopsis of Cartier' s Voyages of Dis- covery at !N"orth America. 15. 9 Cartography, the Early of America. See Winsor,*Justin. Cartography of the Northeast Coast of North America, 1535-1600. 25. 9 Cartography of Louisiana. 25. 9 Maps of the Eastern Coast of North America, 1500- 1535. 25. 9 Cartwright, John. American Independence, the Interest and Glory of Great Britain. London, 1774. 8vo. (Bev. Pamph., Vol. 25, No. 4.) 14. 8 " The First Member of Parliament to Advocate the American Cause." 350 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cartwright, Peter. Life of. (McCabe, J. D. Great For- tunes, 1871. 8vo.) 43. 12 Caruthers, E. W. Eevolutionary Incidents; and Sketches of Character in the ^' Old Nori h State." Philadelphia, 1854. 12mo. 15. 6 Same. 2d Series. Philadelphia, 1856. 8vo. ' 16. 6 Carver, Hartwell. Memorial to Congress for a Private Char- ter to Build a Railroad to the Pacific Ocean, n. t. p. 8vo. (Pac. R. R Pamph., Vol. 1, :Nro. 2.) 22.4 Proposal for a Charter to Bnild a Railroad from Lake Michi- gan to the Pacific Ocean. Washington, 1817. 8vo. (Pac. R. R. Pamph., Vol. 1, :N"o. 1.) 22. 4 Carver, Capt. Jonathan. Three Years' Travels Through the Interipr Parts of Korth America, 1766-68. Walpole, N". H., 1813. 12mo. 22. 2 Same. 3d edition, to which is added, some account of the Author. [Also, Map, Colored Plates, and Steel Portrait of Author.] London, 1781. 8vo. 22. 2 Same. [With Title:] Carver's Travels in Wisconsin. From the 3d London ed. New York, 1838. 8vo. 22. 2 Capt. Jonathan Carver and his Explorations. (Minn. Hist. Spc. Coll., Vol. 1., pp. 349-367.) 22. 10 Captivity of. (See Drake, S. G. Tragedies of the Wilder- ness.) * 15. 8 Durrie, D. S., Jonathan Carver, and Carver's Grant. 19. 11 Minn. Hist. Soc. The Carver Centenary. Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Treaty of Capt. Carver with the :N'audowessies, May 1, 1767, at the "Great Cave," now within the Limits of St. Paul, Held May 1,#1867. St. Paul, 1867. 8vo. (Coll., Vol. 2, Part 4.) 22. 10 Schoolcraft, H. R. Captivity of Jonathan Carver among the Indians. (Amer. Indians, 1851. 8vo. pp. 488-493.) 15. 9 Smith, W. R. Carver's Grant. (In his Documentary Hist, of Wis., 1854. 8vo. pp. 265-283.) 19. 11 Voyage dans les Parties Interieures de 1' Amerique Septen- trionale. Pendant les Annees, 1766, 1767, and 1768. Paris, 1784. Svo. 22.2 Gary, Henry, 1st Viscount of Falkland. History of King Edward II. 12mo. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 1, pp. 90-127.) 40.3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. ^ 351 Gary, John W. Speech of, Before the Legislative Committee [of Wisconsin Legislature], on Eailroads, in the Assembly Chamber, Jan. 29, 1874, on the Bill to Eaise the Taxes on Gross Earnings of Railroads from Three to Six Per Cent. Milwaukee, 1874. 8vo. 72. 13. 4 Gary, Richard. Letter to the Members of the Society for Proi)agatiug the Gospel Among the Indians, etc., in regard to the bequest of Hon. John Alford, May 27, 1789. n. t. p. 4to. 15. 11. 4 Gary, Gen. Samuel F. Letter to Volunteers in the Federal Army, Warning Against Intemperance. Ginn., 1861. 8vo. ' 30. 4. 2 Rights of Labor. Speech, H. of R., Jan. 5, 1869. Wash., 1869. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 29, iS'o. 3.) 60. 8 Gary, Thomas G. Fine Arts, etc. Address before the Boston Mercantile Library Association, Nov. 13, 1844. Boston, 1845. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, Xo. 6.) 9. 2 Profits on Manufactures at Lowell. A Letter from the Treas- urer of a Corporation to John S. Pendleton, of Virginia. Boston, 1845. 8vo. 57.2. 4 Gary Family. See Welles, Albert. American Family Antiq- uity. Vol. 1. 85. 8 Casanova de Seingault, Jacques. Memoires, Ecrits par lui Meme, Suivis des Memoires du Prince de Ligne. 8 Vols. Paris, n. d. 16mo. 38. 1 Casanova, Innocencio. Memorandum of Wrongs which the Spanish Government in Cuba have done to, etc. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 11, No. 27.) 60. 1 Case, G. F. History and Description of Lyon County, Minne- sota. Marshall, 1884. 8vo. 22. 9 Case, Lafayette Wallace. The Hollister Family of America. Lieut. John Hollister, of Wethersfield, Conn., and his Descendants. Chicago, 1886. 8vo. 47. 10 Case and Claim of the American Loyalists Impartially Considered. Printed by order of their agents. Anon. ]S"o imprint. 1783. 8vo. (Rev. .Pamph., Vol. 7, ISo. 3.) 14. 1 Case of Conscience Resolved. Concerning Ministers Med- dling with State matters in their sermons. London, 1649, 4to. (Harleian Misc. Vol. 6, pp. 196-212.) 40. 3 Case of Great Britain and America. Addressed to the King and Both Houses of Parliament. London, 1769. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 1. ]S"o. 5.) 14. 1 45 352 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Case Stated Between the Public Libraries and the Bo6k- SELLERS. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 2, pp. 343-368.) 53. 5 Casey, Gen. Silas, Infantry Tactics. N. Y., 1862-'63. 24 mo. 3 Vols. 51. 9 Casgrain L'Abbe, Ed. Journal des Jesuites. 1645-'68. See Laverdiere. 20. 3 Casgrain, H. E. Un Cotemporain. F. X. Garneau, Quebec, 1866. 16mo. 43. 6. G Cass, Lewis. Address before the Alumni of Hamilton College • Aug. 26, 1830. Utica, 1830. 8vo. (Misc. Pamphlet, Vol. 8, No. 15.) 53. 12 Cass and Taylor on the Slavery Question. {Anon.) Boston, 1848. 12mo. 30. 7. 2 Cass Manuscripts. Documents obtained from the French Archives, by Hon. Lewis Cass, vvhen Minister to that Country. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 3, pp. 139 177.) 19. 11 Discourse at Washington before the American Historical Society, Jan. 30, 1836. Wash., 1836. 8vo. 14. 10 Discourse on the History of Michigan. (Mich. Hist. Soc. Hist. Sketches, 1834. 12nio.) 18. 4 Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. (ISTat. Port. Gall., Vol. 2.) 44. 6 Gen. Cass at Sainte Marie in 1820. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 5, pp. 410-416.) 19. 11 Life of Lewis Cass, with his Letters and Speeches. Balti- more, 1848. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Life of Gen. Cass, comprising an account of his military services in the Il^orthwest, during the war with Great Britain, &c., to which is appended a sketch of Gen. W. O.Butler. {Anon.) Phila., 1848. 8vo. 45. 8 Speech in reply to Thomas H. Benton, in Senate U. S., April 2, 1846. n. t. p. 8vo. (Misc. Pamphlet, Vol. 3, l^o. 11.) 53. 12 Speech on the Oregon Question, in Senate TJ. S., March 30, 1846. n. t. p. 8vo. (Misc. Pamphlet, Vol. 3, No. 8.) 53. 12 War with Mexico. Speech in the Senate of the U. S., ^ Jan. 3, 1847; on the Bill Reported from the Committee of Military Affairs, to Raise, for a Limited Time, an Addi- tional Military Force, n. t. p. 8vo. (Mexican War Pamphlets, Ko. 10.) 16.10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 353 Cass County, III. Illustrated Atlas, 1874. St. Louis, 1874. 4to. V See Perrin, W. H. History of Cass County. 83. 8 Cass Co., Minn. See Benedict, G. W. Speech [in the State Senate] on the Cass County Investigation, n. d. 22. 13. 2 Plain Statement Facts in Relation to Cass Co. n. t. p. 1874. 8vo. 22. 12. 4 Cass County, Missouri. The History of Cass and Bates Coun- ties; Containing a History of their Cities, Towns, etc. Biographical Sketches of their Citizens, etc. Saint Joseph, 1883. 8vo. 83. 15 Casseday, Ben. History of Louisville; till 1852. Louisville, Ky., 1852. 12mo. 18. 14 Casseely, Eugene. Before the Senate Committee. Eemarks on the Cession to the Central Pacific Company, of One- half of Goat Island. Washington, 1873. 8vo. (Ram- sey Pamph., Vol. 23, ISTo. 4L) 60. 8 Castagnaves, Augustin, C. pere. Memoire sur un Mission- aire Distingue. Lettres Edifiantes, etc. 1780-'83. 12mo. t. 9. pp. 315-327.) 20. 8 Caste. See Sumner, Charles. Question of Ca^te. Lecture. 60.2 Castle. William. Petition to Parliament, for Propagating the Gospel in America, n. p. 1641. 8vo. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 1.) 14. 12 Castellani, Alessandro. Collection of Antiquities. Phila- delphia, 1876. 8vo. 52. 13. 3 Castillo, Bernal Diaz del. See Diaz del Castillo. Couquis- ta de :N^ueva Espana. Madrid, 1795. 16mo. 4 Vols. 52. 4 Castine, Me. History of Castine, Penobscott and Brooksville, Me., Including the Ancient Settlement of Pentagoet. 1605- 1865. Bangor, 1875. 8vo. 7.8 Castle, Capt. Henry A. Grand Army of the Republic. Its Principles and Objects. Address in Rochester, Minn., Jan. 24, 1881, (G. A. R., Department of Minn., Proceed- ings, 187L 8vo.) 22.4. 5 Koblest Science. Address at McKendree College, Leban- on, 111., June 7, 1882. St. Paul, 1882. 8vo. 74. 7. 2 Problem of American Destiny. Oration at Owatonna, July 4, 1868. St. Paul, 1868. 8vo. 74. 7. 4 Special Report of the State Inspector of Oils, on the Illumi- nating Quality of Oils, Jan., 1885. St. Paul, 1885. 8vo. 24. 5. 7 354 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Caswell, Alexis. Meteorological Observations at Providence, E. L, 1831-1860. Xo imprint. (Smiths. Contr. to Knowl- edge, Vol. 12.) 49. 7 Eesults of Meteorological Observations, Made at Providence, R. I., Extending Over a Period of 45 Years, from Dec. 1831, to Dec. 1876. (Smiths. Contr. to Knowledge, Vol. 24.) 1882. 4to. 49.7 Lincoln, John L. Discourse Commemorative of A. Caswell, June 19, 1877. Providence, 1877. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Catacombs, OF Rome. {Anon.) Phila. (Amer. S. S.Union.) 1884. 12mo. 41 . 1 See Walpole, Rev. Robert. Catacombs of Alexandria. (In His Memoirs, etc., 1818. 4to. pp. 38i-387.) 40. 7 Catalogue. See Catlin, George. Indian Pprtraits. (In his Adventures, etc., 1852. 8vo. Vol. 1, pp. 253-296.) 15. 10 Fay, J. A. & Co. Illustrated Catalogue of Patent Wood- working Machinery. Cinn., 1878. 8vo. 49. 5 Field, T. W. Essay, etc. Catalogue of Books Relating to the Indians. K Y., 1873. 8vo. 15. 2 Hall, C. E. Catalogue of the Geological Museum of the Pennsylvania Geological Survey. 11. 10 Hardy, T. -D. Descriptive Catalogue of Material Relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland, etc. 40. 6 Jackson, W. H. Catalogue of Photographs of ^N'orth Ameri- can Indians. 15. 11. 5 Maryland Historical Society. Catalogue of Manuscripts, Maps, Medals, Coins, etc. 1854. Baltimore, 1854. 11. 1. 3 Same. Catalogue of Paintings, Engravings, etc. 1848, '49, '68. Same. Catalogue of Paintings, etc., of the Artists' Asso'n. and Hist. Society. Bait. 11. 1. 3 Methodist Southern Publishing House, etc. Catalogue. Nashville, 1859-'60. (Meth. Almanac, Southern.) 53. 10. 7 New York State, University of. Cabinet of Natural History. Catalogue of the Cabinet, and of the Historical and Anti- quarian Collection, Albany, 1853. 8vo. 10. 12 Nova Scotia. Com. of Public Records. Catalogue of MS., Documents, etc. 20. 9. 2 Pamphleteer. Classed Catalogue of the First Thirty Num- bers of the. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 15.) ' 53. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 355 Catalogue — (Continued). Unitarian Ladies' Commission. Catalogue of Books for Uni- tarian Sunday-Schools. 74. 13. 5 U. S. Geol. Survey. F. Y. Hayden. Catalogue of Publica- tions. 2d edit. 49. 5. 2. Wisconsin Historical Society. Catalogue of the Picture Gallery of the Society. 19. 5. 1 Woodhull, A. A. Catalogue of the Surgical Section of the U. S. Army Medical Museum. 50. 9 Woodward, J. J. Catalogue of the Medical Section of the U. S. Army Medical Museum. 50. 9 Eevolutionary Eelics. Exhibited at 56 Beacon St., Boston, June, 1875. 3d edition. 8. 2. 6 Of Sale of Shorthorn Cattle at Fair Grounds, West Liberty, Iowa, 1879. 19. 13. 4 Of the Loan Collection of Revolutionary Relics Exhibited at the Old South Church, Boston, 1876. 8. 2. 6 Library. American Antiquarian Society. Catalogue of Books in the Library. 74. 13 American Institute. Catalogue. K. Y. 74. 11 Boston Athenaeum. Catalogue of Books added since 1827. Boston, 1840. 8vo. 74. 13. 4 List of Books Added, 1862-'71. n. t. p. 8vo. 74. 13. 4 Boston Library Society. Catalogue. Boston, 1844. 8vo. 74. 11 Same. Supplemental Catalogue, 1849. No. impr. 8vo. 74. 13. 1 Boston Mechanic Apprentices' Library. Catalogue. Bos- ton, 1836-'45. 12mo. 74. 13. 5 Boston Public Library. Bullefin. Yol. 5, No. 5 and 7; Yol. 6, No. 1-4. No. imp]'. 8vo. 74. 11. 3 Catalogue of the American Part of the Collection of Thomas Prince. 74. 13. 3 Same, with Memoir of Thomas Prince, by W. H. Whit- more. 74. 14 Index to the Catalogue of Books in the Bates Hall. 2d Ster. ed. 74. 14 Same. Supplement. Boston, 1866. 74. 14 Index" to the Catalogue of the Library, in the lower hall. 74. 13. 3 East Boston Branch. List of Books. Feb., 1871. X 74. 11. 3 356 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue — (Continued). Brooklyn Library. Bulletin, IS'o. 17. 1882-'83. Brooklyn, 1883. ^ 74.13.3 California, University of. Catalogue of the Library Pre- sented by H. D. Bacon. 20. 7 Chicago Public Library. Finding Lists. Chicago, 1880. 8vo. 74. 13. 4 Cincinnati Public Library. Catalogue. Cinn., 1871. 74. 12 Duluth Library Association. Catalogue, 1870. 74. 11. 1 Faribault Library. List of Books, 1877. 74. 11. 1 Grotou Public Library. Catalogue, 1855, '62, '75, '85. 8vo. 74. 13. 1 Harvard College Library. Catalogus Bibliothecae Harvard- ensise. Bostonise, 1790. 8vo. 74. 13. 2 Bulletins, ISo. 6-34. Svo. 74. 14 Hastings, Minn., Library Association. Catalogue. 22. 13. 7 Illinois State Library. Catalogue, 1871-'77. 18. 13. 8 Iowa, Grand Lodge of. Catalogue of the Library, 1873. 52. 9 Same. 5th edition. . 52. 9 Long Island Historical Society. List of Eecent Additions to the Library, 1881. 74. 13. 1 Mass. Hist. Soc. Catalogue of the Library. Boston, 1859. 74. 11 Michigan State Library, 1881-'82; and Supplement for 1883, '84. 85. 13 Milwaukee Young Men's Association. Catalogue of the Library. 74. 11 Same, 1868. 8vo. 74. 13. 5 Same. (With Charter, etc.) 1855. 16mo. 74. 11 Same. Second Supplementary Catalogue, 1859. 74. 13. 5 Minnesota State Library. Catalogue, 1873. . 22. 9 In Eeports. 22. 3 Minnesota, State University Library. Alphabetical Cata- logue of Authors, to [1872]. 74. 13. 3 Nashotah Theological Seminary. Catalogue. Delafield, 1861. 74. 13. 5 New Bedford, Mass., Public Library. Catalogue. 1S58. • 74. 11 i^ew Haven Colony Historical Society. Catalogue of Objects of Interest Belonging to the Society. 7. 12. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 357 Catalogue — (Continued). Kew York Historical Society. Catalogue of the Library. 10.4 i^ew York City Mercantile Library. Catalogue of Novels. Tales and Works in Foreign Languages. 1861. 74. 13. 1 ISTew York City Mercantile Library Association. Catalogue of Books in the Library, New York,1866. 74. 11 Same. Supplement, 1 866-' 72. 74. 11 New York State Library. Catalogues. 74. 13 • Eeport of Trustees and Catalogue, 1879. 8vo. 3 Vols. 74. 13 Philadelphia Library Company. Catalogue of Books. 74. 11 Philadelphia Loganian Library. Catalogue of Books. 74. 11 :t^irst Supplement, 1867. 74. 13. 1 Ehode Island Historical Society. Catalogue of Books, from Library of J. J. Cooke, 1883. 8. 7. 7 Eoyal Geographical Society. London, 1870. 32. 2 St. Louis Public Library. Bulletin, May-Dec, 1880. Jan- Aug., 1861. 74. 11. 2 Systematic Index, 1866. St. Louis, 1866. 18. 7. 7 Saint Paul Library Association. Catalogue, 1868. 22. 9 Saint Peter Library Association. 74. 11. 1 Smithsonian Institution. Catalogue. (Misc. Coll., Vols. 3, 9.) 49. 2 Publications of Learned Societies and Periodicals in the Library. (Contributions, Vols. 7, 8. 49. 7 TJ. S. Department of War. Catalogue of the War Depart- ment Library, including the Law Library. 74. 14 Alphabetical List of Additions to the War Depart- ment Library. 49. 6. 1 TJ. S. Congress Library. Catalogue of Books added to the Library, 1867-' 71. Wash., 1868-'72. 8vo. 5 Vols. 74. 14 List of Additions, 1861-'65. Washington, 1862-'65. 8vo. 74. 13. 6 U. S. Dept. of War. Index-Catalogue of the Surgeon General's Office. Washington, 1880. 8vo. 50. 9 Vermont State Library. Catalogue, 1850. 7. 9. 2 Wisconsin State Historical Society. 7 Vols. 74. 13 Wisconsin State Library. Catalogue. 74. 13. 5 Abbott, Ezra. Statement Eespecting the New Catalogues of Harvard College Library. (Eeport of Overseers for 1864.) 9.2 358 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue — (Continued). Cutler, C. A. Eules for a Printed Dictionary Catalogue. (U. S. Bureau of Education, Public Libraries.) Part 2. 74. 6 New Catalogue of Harvard College "Library. (K A. Eeview, Vol. 108, pp. 96-129.) 39. 10 Fiske, John. A Librarian's Work. (Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 38, p. 480.) 39. 5 See also Bibliography. Catalogue Sale. Brinley, George. Catalogue of his Ameri- can Library. Hartford, 1878-' 81. 3 Vols. 74.12 Clarke, Eobert & Co. Catalogues of Books and Pamphlets Eelating to America, 1869-' 87.. Cincinnati. 8vo. 74.12 Davis, Judge John. Catalogue of his Private Library. Boston, 1847. 8vo. 74. 12 Drake, S. G. Catalogue of his Library. Bost., 1876. 8vo. 74. 12 Harper Brothers. Publ. Illustrated Catalogue of Works on General Literature. N. Y., 1847. 8vo. 74. 12 Howe, Leonard & Co. Catalogue of Eare Books on Amer- ica. Boston, 1848. 8vo. 74. 12 Catalogue of Standard English Works. Boston. 74. 12 Ingraham, J. W. Catalogue of his Private Library. Bos- ton, 1847. 8vo. 74. 12 Leavitt, Strebeigh «& Co. Catalogue of a Private Library of Books relating to America. N. Y., 1870. 8vo. 74. 12 Leonard, Joseph. Catalogue of Misc. Books. Boston, 1847. 8vo. 74. 12 Pickering, John. Catalogue of his Philological, Classical and Law Library. 74. 12 Quaritch, Bernard. General Catalogue. London, 1868. 8vo. Same, parts x. xi. xii. London, 1886-7. 74. 12 74. 12 Sabin, Joseph. Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts and En- gravings belonging to William Menzies of New York. N. Y. 1875. 8vo. 74. 12 Smith, A. E. Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets illustrating America. London, 1871-' 74. 74. 12 Sotheran, Henry & Co. Catalogues of Books Ancient and Modern. 1869-'75. n. t. p. London, 1869-'75. bd. in 6 Vols. 74. 12 Same, 1870-77. 2 Vols. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 359 Catalogue Sale — (Continued). Stevens, Henry. Historical Collections. Pt. 1, Catalogue of Books relating to America. London, 1821. 8vo. 74. 12 Trubner & Co. Publ. American and Oriental Literary Ee- cord. 1868-'79. London, 1868-'79. Bound in 3 Vols. 8vo. 7i. 12 Catalogue of Official Eeports upon Geological Surveys OF THE United States and British Provinces. No imprint. 8vo. 74. 13. 1 Of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. 1844, '47, '52 n. p. 8vo. 52. 2. 2 Catalogues Sodalium Kappa Alpha n. p. 1874. 8vo. 52. 2. 2 Catechism of the Corn Laws. 3d edit. (Pamphleteer, VoL 27.) 53. 12 Catherine, Iriquois Saint. See Cholenec, . Memoirs of Catherine Tegahkouita, with Portrait. (Letters Edi- tiantes, etc., 1780-'83. 12mo. t. 6.) 20. 8 Kip, W. I. Early Jesuit Missions, 1847. pp. 79-116. 20.3 Sketch of, appended to Vol. 4 of Shea's Translation of Charlevoix's New France. 1866-'72. 8vo. 20.10 Catherii^e de St. Augustine, la mere. Lettre de la mort de. (In relation of 1668* — Relations de Jesuites, 1858. 8vo. Vol. 3.) 20. 3 Catherine of Arragon. Lamentation, or Complaint of a Sin- ner, verie Profitable to the Amendment of Our Lives. 4to. pp. 47. (Harleian MihC, Vol. 1, pp. 286-313.) 40. 3 Documents Relating to the Private Character of Queen Catherine. (Gr. Brit. Pub. Record Office. Letters, etc., relating to England and Spain. 2 Vols, and Supplement. 1862-'68. 8vo.) 35. 13 Catherwood, Frederic. Punico-Libyan Monument at Dugga, near Ancient Carthage. (Amer. Ethno. Society Transac- tions, Vol. 1, p. 475-491.) 15. 10 Catlin, George. Adventures of the Ojibbeway and loway In- dians in England, France and BelgiuiQ; Notes of Eight Years' Travel with his Indian Collection. 3d edit. Lond., 1848. 8vo. 2 Vols. 15. 10 Last Rambles amongst the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and the Andes. Lond., 1868. 8vo. 15. 8 46 360 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catlin, George — (Continued). Letters and N"otes on the Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians. 3d edit. Lond., 1842. 8vo. 2 Vols. 15. 9 Same. Phil., 1857. 2 Vols. 15. 9 North American Indian Portfolio. Hunting Scenes and Amusements. London, n. d. 4to. (31 colored plates.) 83 North and South American Indians. Catalogue of Catlin's Indian Cartoons. N. Y., 1871. 8vo. 15. 11. 5 O-kee-pa; a Eeligious Ceremony, and other Customs of the Mandans. Phila., 1867. Sq. 8vo. 15. 9 Catlin, Judge John, (of Wis.) Memoir of, by A. B. Braley. (Wise. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 7, pp. 444-451.) 11. 19 Caton, John Dean. Address. (Chicago Calumet Club Recep- tion, 1879.) 8vo. pp. 35-44. 18. 6. 6 Origin of the Prairies. Paper read before the Ottawa Academy of Natural Sciences, Dec. 30,1869. Ottawa, 1869. 49. 5. 5 Position and Policy of the Democratic Party. 1862. n. t. p. 1862. 8vo. 33. 7. 2 Catskill Mountains. Scenery of the Catskill Mountains as described by Eminent Writers. N. Y. n. d. 8vo. 10. 11. 3 Cattell, Alex. G. Speech on Increased Revenue from Im ports. Senate, U. S., Jan. 22, 1867. Wash., 1867. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 12, No. 29.) 60. 1 Cattell, William C. Address before the Synod of Philadel- phia upon Lafayette College, Oct. 1870. n, t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 11. No. 9.) 60. 1 Addresses at his Inauguration as President of Lafayette Col- lege, Easton, Pa., July 26, 1864. Phila., 1864. 8vo. 11. 6. 7 Discourse, preached Nov. 29, 1863, on resigning his Pasto- ral Charge at Harrisburg, Pa. Phila., 1864. 8vo. 11. 6. 7 Cattle. See Aldridge, Reginald. Ranch Notes in Kansas. London, 1884. 17. 9 Angell, G. T. Cattle Transportation in the United States. Boston, 1872. 4to. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 16, No. 33.) 60. 1 Catalogue of Sale of Shorthorn Cattle at Fair Grounds, West Liberty, Iowa, April 9, 1879. Chicago, 1879. 8vo. 19. 13. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. ' 3G1 €attle — (Continued). Colorado; State Brand Book. Denver, 1886. 8vo. 19. 14 De Graff, C. A. Catalogue of Lake Elysian Herds. 22. 14. 5 Dysart, Samuel. Live Stock. (Paris Exp. Eep., 1878. Vol. 5.) 52. 13 Holcombe, A. A. Eeport of Kansas Live Stock Com- mission. 81. 8. 5 McCoy, J. G. Cattle Trade of the West and Southwest. 19. 7 Texas Cattle Disease. (Chicago Board of Health. Eeport for 1868.) 18.13.7 Cauchon, Joseph. Union of the Provinces of British North America. Translated by Geo. Henry Macaulay. Quebec, 1865. 8vo. 20. 9. 1 Caughnawaga Ship Canal Co. Memorandum for Contract- ors. Ottawa, 1873. 8vo. 20. 9. 4 'Caulkins, Fhaxcis Man waring. History of New London, Conn., 1612-'1852. 2d edit. (Cont. to 1860.) New Lon- don, 1860. 8vo. 7. 6 History of Norwich, Conn., to 1866. n.- p. 1866. 8vo. 7. 6 Memoir of William Adams, and Eliphalet Adams. Cam- bridge, 1849. 8vo. n. t. p. 43. 6. A Haven, H. P. Biog. Sketch of Miss Caulkins. 46. 3 Causes Celebres. Jersey City, 1879. 8vo. 53. 11 Causten, James H. Sketch of the Claims of Sundry Amer- can Citizens. [French Spoliation.] Prior to 1800. Wash- ington, D. C, 1871. 8vo. 14. 13. 1 Same, (llamsey Pamph., Vol. 34, No. 19.) - Cavada, F. F. Libby Life ; Experiences of a Prisoner in Eich- mond, Va., 1863-'4. Philadelphia, 1865. 12mo. 30. 1 Cayalcanti, Amaro. Brasilian Language and its Agglutin- ation. Eio Janeiro, 1883. 8vo. 34. 9 Cavalry. See also Military Art. ■Cayelier, Jean, le pere. Account of La Salle's Voyage to the Mouth of the Mississippi, 1684. (Shea, J. G. Early Voyages, etc., 1861. 4to.) 20. 3 Memoire sur la Necessite de Continuer F Enterprise de son Frere, Eobeit Cavelier, de la Salle, 1690. (Margry, Pierre, Decouvertes, etc., 1876-'83. 8vo. Vol. 3, pp. 583- 596.) 20. 11 Oayendar, C. H. Catalogue of Works in Eefutation of Metho- dism, 1729. By^" H. C. Decanver." 2d edit. N. Y., 1868. 8vo. ' 74. ]3. 3 362 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cavendish, or Candish, Thomas. Prosperous Voyage, 1586- 1588. Written by Mr. Francis Pretty, Ms Companion. (Harris, John, Navigantium, 1705. fo. Vol. 1, pp. 24-29.) "V Caverly, a. M. History of Pittsford, Vt., with Biographical Sketches and Family Eecords. Eutland, 1872. .8vo. 7. 9 Caverly, Egbert Boody. Annals of the Boody's in INTew England, Together with Lessons of Law and Life, from John Eliot, the Apostle to the Indians. Lowell, 1880. < 8vo. 47 .2 Genealogy of the Caverly Family, 1116-1880. Lowell, Mass., 1880. 8vo. 47. 2 Heroism of Hannah Dustin with Indian Wars of New Eng- land. Boston, 1875. 12mo. 15. 8 Life and Labors of John Eliot, the Apostle Among the In^ dians, with Account of the Eliots in Kew England. Lowell, Mass., 1881. 8vo. 4V. 9 Caverly Family. Caverly, E. B. Genealogy of the Family 1116-1880. Lowell, 1880. 47. 2 Caverno, a. Eecord of the Caverno Family. Dover, 1874. 8vo. 25. 7. 3 Caverno Family. See Caverno, A. Eecord of the Caverno Family. 25. 7. 3 Cavert, M. p. The Study of the English Language and Liter- ature, as an Educational Force. A paper read before the New York State Teachers' Association, Geneva, 1866. Albany, 1866. 8vo. 74. 6. 3 Cayenne, Guiana. See Chautard, Leon. Escapes from Cay- eniie. • 43. e. C. 1 Cayuga County, I^ew York. See Stroke, E. G. and Smith, J. H. History of Cayuga Co., K Y. 10. 14 Cayuga County, !^. Y., Historical Society. Collections Xo. 1, 2. Auburn, 1879-'82. 8vo. 10. 11. 2 Cazenovia, N. Y. Seminary. See Eeddy, William. First Fifty Years of Cazenovia Seminary. 10. 5 Cecil, Eobert, Earl of Salisbury. State and Dignity of a Secretary of State's Place. London, 1642. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol 5^ pp. 166-172.) 40. 3 Cecil, pseud. Kansas and the Constitution. See Fisher Charles Edward. X9 ^4 ^ Cecil County, Maryland, Eock Presbyterian Church. Johns, J. H. History of the Eock Presbyterian Church in Cecil County, Maryland. Oxford, Pa., 1872. 8vo. 11. 1. 2: Catalogue of the library. 363 CEDAR County, Iowa, The History of. Containing a History of the County, its Cities, Towns, etc., a Biographical Directory of its Citizens, etc. Chicago, 1878. 8vo. 83. 8 Cedarholm, Adolph. See Eye, P. K. Sketch of Adolph Ce- darholni, the First M. E. Minister to Sweden. 43. 6. C. 1 Cedarholm, Mrs. Caroline. Narrative of her Journey Across the Deserts to Arizona. St. Paul, 1872. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Celibacy. Manifesto, The, (serial). 1884-'86. Shaker Village, Mass., 1884-'86. 8vo. 38. 10 Cellier, Mrs. Elizabeth. Scheme for the Foundation of a Eoyal Hospital for Foundlings, fo. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 9, pp. 191-198.) 40. 3 Cemetery. Healy . Location, L^ing Out, Planting and Care of Cemeteries. (Minn. Hort. Soc. Proceedings, 1878.) 22. 14. 4 See also Boston, Mount Hope, Brighton, Evergreen Cemetery, Cincinnati, Spring Grove, Mount Auburn, etc. Census of 1880. See Cox, S. S. Apportionment for Members of Congress. 57. 10. 2 Census, TJ. S. See Walker, Francis A. Eeport of Superintend- ent, Census of 1880. 57. 10. 2 Hough, Dr. F. B. The Principles of Statistics, as Applied * to, etc. ■ . 57. 10. 2 Communication in relation to. 57. 10. 2 TJ. S. Dept. of Interior, Dept. of State. Centennial Almanac. Phila., 1876. 4to. 52. 14. 7 Centennial Celebration of the Battle of Ehode Island, 1778. At Portsmouth, E. I., Aug. 29, 1878. Providence, 1878. 12mo. (Ehode Island Hist. Soc. Tracts, ^o, 6.) 8. 13 Centennial Exhibition, U. S., 1876. See Phila., Centennial Exhibition. Centennial of the U. S. Constitution. Proceedings of the Convention of Governors of the Thirteen Colonial States, held in Phila., Sept. 17, 1886, with the Proceedings of the Constitutional Centennial Commission, held Dec. 2 and 3, 1886, at Phila. Phila., 1886. 8vo. 16. 13. 1 Centennial Orations on the Opening Events of the American Eevolution, 1874-5. Boston, 1875. 8vo. 8. 3 Central America. See America, Central. ' 364 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETT. * Central College, Columbus, O. Catalogue, 1868-'69. Co- lumbus, 1869. 8vo. 18. 10. 7 Central New York Pioneers' Association. Tenth Annual Meeting, at Syracuse, Sept. 11, 1878. Order of Exercises. [Slip.] 10. 6. 11 Central Pacific Eailroad. Acts of Congress Eelating to, and Amendments. K Y., 1876. 8vo. 72. 6. 5 California "Credit Mobilier," alias Contract and Finance Co. of the Central Pacific Eailroad. n. t. p. 8vo. 60. 2 Eailroad Across the Continent, with an Account of the C.P- E. E. of California. A Description of the Eoute, the Progress and Character of the Work, etc. Map. N. Y., 1868. 8vo. 72. 6. 5 Suit of John E. Eojbinson against, &c., in the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of California. Complaint of the Plaintiff. San Francisco, 1876. 8vo. 72. 6. 5 See Goat Island, California. Huntington, C. P, Letter to Philetus Sawyer. 72. 6. 5 Storrs, James H. Argument, etc. 72. 6. 5 Trumbull, Lyman. Brief of, etc. 72. 6. 5 Central Eailroad Company of New Jersey. 20th to 27th Annual Eeports of the Board of Directors to the Stock- holders, l^ew York. 8vo. 1867-'74. 72. 14. 9 Central Vermont Eailroad Co. Summer Excursionist for 1874. Boston, 1874. 18mo. 19.10.2 Century Magazine, THE. Vols 1 to 8. New York. v. d. 8 vo. 38. 6 Ceramics. See Blake, W. P., Ceramics. Illustrations. (Paris- Expos., 1878. Vol. 3.; 52. 13 Cereals. See Euggles, S. B., and Hazard, G. S., Cereals. Quantities Produced in Different Countries. 52. 6 Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis. See Hand, D. W. :N'otes on Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis. 24. 6 Ceenuschi, Henri. Monetary Diplomacy in 1878. London, 1878. 8vo. S3. 7. § Silver Vindicated. Paper Eead before the ]N^ational Social Science Association, Liverpool Meeting, 1876. Liverpool, 1876. 8vo. 33. 7. g. Certain Inducements to Well-Minded People, to Trans- port Themselves into the West Indies. Ano7i. 1643. N. Y., 1865. 4to. (Sabin's Eeprints, No. 4.) 7. 7 Cesnola, Gen. . Luigi Palma di. Cesnola Collection of An- tiquities from Cyprus. (N. Y. City, Metropol. Museum, Guide, etc.) 51.3.4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 365 Oespedes, J. DE Armas y. See Arms y Cespedes. Cessna, John. Eemarks, House of Eeps., Feb. 7, 1871, in Ex- planation of his Action in the Case of George Chorpenning. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 32, Ko. 9.) 60.8 Cevallos, Pedro. Exposure of the Usurpation of the Crown of Spain, and of the Means Pursued by Bonaparte. Ed. by J. J. Stockdale. London. 1808. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph. , Vol. 11, E"o. 7.) 53.6 Chabanel, Noel, le pere. See Parkman, Francis. Jesuits in ISTorth America. 20. 10 Ragueneau, Paul. Relation, 1650. Murder of Chabanel by the Indians. (Relations des Jesuites, 1858. 8vo. Vol. 2.) 20. 3 Chabert, J. Xayier. Observations on Cholera and Cholera Morbus. N. Y., 1852. 8vo. 51. 11. 3 Chabot, Charles. Handwriting of Junius. See Hay ward, A. Evidence, etc. 25. 6. 1 Cha^e, Benj. H. Discourse, Commemorative of Dr. Dan King, in Greenville, Nov. 14, 1864. Providence, 1865. 8vo. 43. 13. K Chadbourne, Paul A. Influence of History. Address before the Historical Society of Wisconsin, Jan. 30, 1868. Mad- ison, 1868. 8vo. 19. 5. 1 Waste of Labor in the Work of Education. An Address Delivered before the American Institute of Instruction at l!^orth Adams, Mass., Aug., 1874. Wash., 1875. 8vo. 56. 9. 7 Chad WICK, Sir Andrew. See Chad wick, Edmund, and Board- man, James. Reports on the Estate of Sir Andrew Chad- wick. Prefixed — Life of Sir Andrew Chad wick. By J. O. Chadwick. London, etc., 1881. 8vo. 46.5 Chadwick, James R. Study and Practice of Medicine by Women. N. Y., 1879. 8vo. 51. 11. 5 Chaffin, W. L. History of the Town of Easton, Mass. Cam- bridge, 1886. 8vo. 8. 2 Chaille, Stanford E. Vital Statistics, Applied to the "Mili- tary Reconstruction" Politics of Louisiana, n. t. p. 16mo. 15. 7. 1 Chalchihuitl. See Squier, E. G. Observations on the Chal- chihuitl of Mexico and Central America. K Y., 1869. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 37, :N"o. 25.) 60. 2 366 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chalmer, James. Eemarks upon the Scot's Bankrupt Bill. Edinburg, 1782. 8vo. (Eev. Pamphs., Vol. 20, ^o. 7.) l4. 1 Chalmers, George. Opinions on Interesting Subjects of Pub- lic Law and Commercial Policy; Arising from American Independence. London, 1784. 8vo. (Eev. Pamph., Vol. 12, ^o. L) 14. 1 Same, new edit. London, 1785. 8vo. Vol. 31, JSTo. 2. 14. 8 Political Annals of the Present United Colonies, from Their Settlement to the Peace of 1763. Book II. (New York Historical Society Collections. 1868. pp. 3-176.) 10. 4 Political Annals of the Province of Carolina. (Carroll, B. E. Hist. Coll. of So. Car., 1836. 8vo. Vol.2, pp. 273-345.) 15. 13 State of the United Kingdom, at the Peace of Paris, Nov. 20, 1815. 2d ed. London, 1816. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 7.) 53. 5 Chalmers, Patrick. The Adhesive Postage Stamp. James Chalmers was the Inventor. Also, Papers on the Penny Postage Eeform. London, 1886. 8vo. . 52. 10. 4 The Philatelic Society of London, and the Adhesive Postage Stamp. Sir Eowland Hill disowned. Wimbledon, 1887. 8vo. 52. 10. 4 Chalmers, Thomas. Christian Eevelation Viewed in Connec- tion with Modern Astronomy. N. Y., Amer. Tract Soc. n. d. 12mo. 49. 8 Political Economy in Connection with the Moral State of Society. N. Y., 1832. 12mo. * 57. 3 Chamberlain, D. H. Treaty of Washington. Letter to Ham- ilton Fish. Columbia, S. C, 1872. 8vo. 33. 12. 3 Chamberlain, Et. Hon. Joseph. The French Treaty and Eec iprocity. A speech delivered in the House of Commons, Aug. 12, 1881. [Cobden Club Publication.] London, 1881. 12mo. 57.2.7 Chamberlain, Mellen. John Adams, the Statesman of the Ameri^jan Eevolution. Address before the Webster His- torical Society, in Boston, Jan. 18, 1884. Boston, 1884. 8vo. 43. 6. A Chamberlain, Wm. H. History of the 81st Eegiment Ohio In- fantry Vol. during the Eebellion. Cinn., 1865. 16mo. 29. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 367 Chimberlayne, Eev. Israel. Evil Speaking; or, A Bridle for the Unbridled Tongue. A Sermon. Delivered before the Preachers' Association, Genessee Conf. M. E. Church, etc., Aug. 1, 1848. Rochester, 1849. 8vo. 56. 7. 5 Chamberlin, Henry H. Worcester, Main St., Sixty -Three Years Ago. Worcester, 1886. 8vo. 25. 2. 1 Chamberlin, T. C. Artesian Wells in Wisconsin. See Wis. Geol. Survey, Vol. 1. 51. 13 Preliminary Paper on the Terminal Moraine of the Second Glacial Epoch. (TJ. S. Geol. Survey. Report 1881-' 82. 8vo.) 50.3 The Requisite and Qualifying Conditions of Artesian Wells. (U.S. Geol. Survey. 5th Report.) Washington, 1885. 8vo. 50.3 and Irving, R. D. Geology of Keweenaw Point, Lake Su- perior. (U. S. Geol. Bulletin, No. 23.) 49. 4. 2 and others. Geology of Wisconsin. Vols. 2 and 3. Madi- son, 1877-'80. 8vo. 2 Vols. 51. 13 Chambers, A. H. Comments on the Sinking Fund. London 1819. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 15.) 53.5 Thoughts on the Resumption of Cash Payments by the Bank of England. .London, 1819. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 14.) 53. 5 Chambers, Ephraim. Chambers' Encyclopedia. Amer. re- vised edit. Phil., 1879. 8vo. 10 Vols. 34. 12 Chambers, John. 2d Gov. of Lowa. Biogr. Sketck of. (An- nals of Iowa, Vol. 9, p. 553.) 19. 6 Chambers, Robert. Cyclopedia of English Literature. Edin- burg, 1844. 8vo. 2 Vols." 34. 3 and Chambers, William. Gazetteer of Scotland. New ed. enlarged. Edinburg, 1846. 8vo. 34. 11 Chambers, William. American Slavery and Colour. London, 1857. 8vo. 30. 12 ThingsasTheyArein Americ-1. (1853.) Phil., 1854. 8vo. 33.11 Chambers, William and Robert. Information for the People. Edinburg, 1848-'9. 8vo. 2 Vols. 83 Chambersburg, Pa. See Garrard, Lewis H. Chambers- burg in the Colony and the Revolution, 1726-'80. Phila. 1856. 8vo. . (Pa. Hist. Soc. Pubis.) • 11.10 Chambrun, Adelbert Dominique Joseph, Compte de. France and Germany. Address at Springfield, 111. Feb. 11, 1871. Wash., 1871. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 32, I^o. 30.) 60. 8 47 368 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Champaign Co., III. " History with Biography and Sketches. Phil., 1878. 4fco. 83 Champaign Co., Ohio. See Antrim, Joshua, History of Champaign and Logan Counties. Bellefontaine, O., 1872. 8vo. 18. 8 Champigny, Chevalier, Jean de. Memoir of the Present State of Lousiana. 1740-1770. (Hist. Coll. of Louisiana. Vol 5, pp. 127-231.) . 20. 3 Champion, Judah. Two Sermons at Litchfield on the Gen- eral Fast, April 18, 1770. Hartford, 1770. 4to. 7. 12. 5 Champlain, Samuel de. Oeuvres publiees sous le patronage de r TJniversitie Laval, par 1' Abbe C. H. Laverdiere. 2d edition. Quebec, 1870. 4to. 5 Tom. 20. 12 Same. Translated by C. P. Otis, with historical illustrations, and memoir by E. F. Slafter. Bost., 1878-'82. 4to. 3 Vols. 9. 3 Champlain in the Onondaga Valley. By O. H. Marshall. (K Y. Hist. Soc. Proceedings, March, 1849. pp. 96-103.) 10. 4. 1 Champlain' s Expeditions to Northern and Western ISTew York, 1609-1615. (O'Callaghan, E. B. Doc. Hist, of ]S"ew York. Vol. 3, pp. 1-15.) . 10. 14 Charlevoix, P. F. X. de Histoire de la ^Nouvelle France, 1744.. 4to. Vol.1. 20.10 Same. Translation by John G. Shea, 1866-'72. 8vo. Vol. 1. 20. 10 Hurlbut, H. H. A Brief Sketch of. Chicago. 1885. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Le Jeune, Paul. Eelation, etc., 1634. Domestic habits of Champlain. Eelation, 1636. Interesting particulars of the death of Champlain. (Eelation des Jesuites. 1858. 8vo. Vol 1.) 20. 3 McGee, Thos. D. A. On a lately discovered MS. of Sam- uel Champlain. (Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Transactions. Xew ser. Vol. 1, Pt. 1.) 20. 9. 7 Parkman, Francis. Champlain and his Associates. (In his Pioneers of France, etc.) 20. 10 Slafter, Edmund F. (Narative and Critical History of Amer- ica. Vol. 4, p. 103.) 25. 9 Champlain, Lake. See Lake Champlain. Champlain Valley, Pioneer History of the. Watson, W. C. Albany, 1863. 8vo. 10. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 369 Champlin (Minn.) Society of Pkogressive Spiritualists. n. p., n. d. 12mo. 22. 11. 8 Champney, Susanna Park. See Whitney, F. A. The Chris- tian Mother. Address at the funeral of Mrs. S. P. Champ- ney. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Chancellorsyille. De Peyster, J. W. Chancellors ville and its Eesults. N. Y. n. d. 8vo. 30. 4. 8 Dodge, T. A. Campaign of Chancellorsvilie. Boston, 1881. 8vo. 29. 11 and Gettysburg. See Doubleday, Abner. N. Y., 1882. 12mo. 30. 10 Chandler, George. The Chandler Family, descendants of William and Annis Chandler, in Eoxbury, Mass., 1637. Worcester, 1883. 8vo. . 47. 8 Chandler, Joseph E. Outlines of Penology. [Eeprinted from the Penn. Monthly.] Philadelphia, 1875. 8vo. 57. 12. 1 Chandler, Seth. History of the Town of Shirley, Mass. Shirley, 1883. 8vo. 8. 11 Chandler, Thomas Bradbury. Alarm to the Province of New York. (Cooper, Myles. What Think Ye, etc., 1775.) 8vo. 14. 1 Chandler, William E. Suggestions in the Investigation into the Affairs of the District of Columbia. April 24, 1872. Washington, 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 16, ^N^o. 38.) 60. 1 Chandler, Zachariah. American Commerce. Speech, Sen- ate TJ. S., May, 28, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 39, ISTo. 43.) 60. 2 Fitz John Porter. Pope's Campaign. Speech, in the TJ. S. Senate, Feb. 21, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 11. 2 Legal and Political Disabilities. Speech, Senate U.S., Jan. 31, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 31, No. 36.) 60. 8 Proposed Annexation of Winnipeg. Speech in the Senate of the U. S., April 22, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. 20. 5. 2 U. S. Congress. Memorial Address on Zachariah Chandler, Jan. 28, 1880. Wash., 1880. 8vo. 44. 7 Chandler Family. See Chandler, George. Chanler, John Winthrop. This is a White Workingman's Government. . Speech, H. E., Jan. 12, 1866. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphs., Vol. 29, Ko. 19.) 60. 8 370 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohannel Islands. I^ews from the Channel ; Discovery and Perfect Description of the Isle of Serke. Lond., 1673. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 11, pp. 552-557.) 40. 3 Channing, Edward. The Companions of Columbus. (IsTarra- tive and Critical History of America. Chap. 3, Vol. 2, p. 157-217.) 25. 9 Channing, Edward. The Narragansett Planters — a Study of Causes. Bait., 1886. 8vo. 11. 8. 6 Channing, Walter. Professional Eeminiscences of Foreign Travel, n. t. p. Boston, 1852. 8vo. 51. 11. 5 €hanning, Wm. Ellery. Works. 14th edit. Boston, 1855. 12mo. 6 Vols. bd. in 3. 44. 1 Address at Lenox, Mass., Aug. 1, 1842. The Anniversary of Emancipation in- the British West Indies. Lenox, Mass., 1.^42. 8vo. 30. 14. 1 Same. Boston, 1842. 12mo. 30. 14. 1 The Church. A Discourse Delivered in the First Congre- gational Unitarian Church of Philadelphia, Sunday, May 30, 1841. Phila., 1841. 8vo. 56. 7. 5 Discourse at the Dedication of the Unitarian Congregational Church in Newport, E. I., July 27, 1836. Boston, 1836. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 2.) 9. 2 A Discourse on the Evidences of Eevealed Eeligion. Bos- ton, 1826. 12mo. 56. 7. 6 Lectures on the Elevation of the Laboring Portion of the Community. Boston, 1840. 12mo. 74. 7. 1 Letter to the Eev. Samuel C. Thacher, on the Aspersions Contained in a Late Number of the Panoplist on the Ministers of Boston and Vicinity. Boston, 1815. 8vo. 56. 7. 5 Sermon at the Ordination of Ezra Stiles Gannett, as Col- league Pastor of the Church in Federal Street, Boston, . June 30, 1824. Boston, 1824. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 7.) 9.- 2 Sermon Delivered at the Ordination of Eev. Jared Sparks, to the Pastoral Care of the First Independent Church in Baltimore, May 5, 1819. Baltimore, 1819. 8vo. 56. 7. 3 Sermon at the Ordination of John Emery Abbot to the Care of the North Church in Salem, April 20, 1815. Salem, 1815. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 12.) 9. 2 Slavery. Boston, 1835. 16mo. • 31. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 371 Channing, Wm. Ellery — (Continued). Brooklyn, K Y. .Church of the Savior. Celebration of the 100th Aniversary of his Birthday, April 6 and 7, 1880. Boston, 1880. 8vo. 44. 1 Memoir. With Extracts from his Correspondence, and Manuscripts. Edited by his Nephew, W. H. Channing. 6th edit. Boston. 1854. 12mo. 3 Vols. 44. 1 See Sumner, Charles. The Scholar, etc. 1846. 8vo. 53. 12 Channing, Wm. Ellery {nephew of preceding). Burial of John Brown. Poem. No imprint. 8vo. 43. 6; B. 1 Thoreau: The Poet naturalist. Boston, 1873. 12mo. 44. 7 Channing. Wm. F. The American Fire Alarm Telegraph. A Lecture Delivered before the Smithsonian Institution, March, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 57. 4. 7 Municipal Electric Telegraph. New Haven, 1852. 8vo. 51. 3. 1 Channing, Wm. Henry, Editor. Memoir and Writings of James Handasyd Perkins. Boston and Cincinnati, 1851. 12mo. 2 Vols. 44. 8 Eeligions of China; Address at Boston, May 27, 1870. Bos- ton, 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 39, No. 3.) 60. 1 Chapin, Aaron L. Discourse at his Inauguration, as President of Beloit College, July 24, 1850. Milwaukee, 1850. 8vo. 19. 5. 3 Chapin, Alonzo B. Glastenbury, Conn., for Two Hundred Years. Centennial Discourse, May 18, 1853. Hartford, 1853. 8vo. 7. 5 Chapi?^, Edward Hubbell. Sketch of. (Men of Progress, 1870. 8vo.) 44. 2 The Eelation of the Individual to the Public. Mass. !^lec. Sermon. Jan. 3, 1844. Boston. 8vo. 56. 5. 5 Chapin, Mary Anderson. Tribute to her Memory. Albany, 1873. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Chapin, William. Complete Eeference Gazetteer of the United States. New York, 1844. 12mo. 34. 2 Chaplain's Petition to the Honorable House forEedress OF Grievances. London, 1693. 4to. (Harleian Mis- cellany, Vol. 10, pp. 183-165.) 40.3 Chaplin, Ebenezer. Shumway, H. L. An Old Time Minister. Worcester Soc. of Antiq. Proceedings, 1882. 9. 10. 2 Chapman, Charles A. Mankato and Blue Earth County, Minn. Historical Descriptive Sketch, with a Eeport of the Board of Trade of Mankato, for 1877. Mankato, 1878. 8vo. 22. 12^ 372 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chapman, Frederick W. BuGkingham Family, Descendants of Thomas Backingham, of Milford, Conn. Hartford, Conn., 1872. 8vo. 47. 8 Bulkeley Family; Descendants of Peter Bulkeley, who Set- tled at Concord, Mass., in 1636. Hartford, 1875. 8vo. 47. 1 Chapman Family; Descendants of Eobert Chapman, of Say- brook, Conn., with Genealogical litotes. Hartford, 1854. 8vo. 47. 8 Coit Family; Descendants of John Coit, Salem, Mass., 1638, etc. H irtford, 1874. 8vo. 47. 8 Pratt Family; Descendants of William Pratt, One of the First Settlers of Hartford and Saybrook, Conn. Hartford, 1864. 8vo. 47. 5 Trowbridge Family; Descendants of Thomas Trowbridge, of New Haven, Conn. :N^ew Haven, 1872. 8vo. 47.13 Chapman, Rev. Geo. T. Ascent to Heaven Difficult — Descent to Hell Facile. A Sermon Delivered in All Saints Church, Worcester, etc. (^See Smalley, E. ''The Wor- cester Pulpit," etc. pp.479 496.) Boston, 1851. 12mo. 25. 1 Sermons to Presbyterians of all Sects. Hartford, 1836. 8vo. 56.3 Sketches of the Alumni of Dartmouth College, 1771-1886. Cambridge, 1866. 12mo. 43. 11 Chapman, Jacob. Genealogy of the Folsom Family. Concord, K H., 1882. 8vo. 47.9 Chapman, Jonathan. ('' Johnny Apple Seed.") Sketch of. (See Antrim, Joshua, etc. 1872.) 8vo. 18. 8 Harpers Magazine, Vol. 43, p. 830. 37. 6 Knapp, H. S. History of Ashland Co., O. 1863. 8vo. 18. 2 Chapman, Maria Weston. Eight and Wrong in Massachusetts. [Slavery.] Boston, 1839. 12mo. 30. 7. 3 Chapman Family. See Chapman, F. W. Descendants of Rob- ert Chapman. Hartford, 1854. 47. 8 Gerard, C. B. Descendants of Ralph Chapman. Newburg, K Y., 1876. 4to. 47. 2 Chappell, Alonzo, Artist, l^ational Portrait Gallery, From Original Full Length Paintings by Chappell. I*^. Y. n. d. 8vo. 2 Vols. (See Duyckinck, E. A.) 44. 6 Chappell, Edward. :N^arrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay, in the Rosamond. (1814.) London, 1817. 8vo. 20.4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 373 Chappelsmith, John. Account of a Tornado Near New Har- mony, Ind., April 30, 1852. No imprint. 4to. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 7.) 49. 7 Character of a Disbanded Courtier. London, fo. 1681. (Harleian Misc. Vol. 8. pp. 509-510.) 40. 3 Of an 111 Court Favorite. London. 4to. pp. 22. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 8, pp. 364-379.) 40. 3 Characters. See Earle, John. Microcosmography; Essays and Characters. 1st American edition. Albany, 1867. 8vo. 74. 2 McConnell, J. L. Western Characters, or Types of Border Life. N. Y., 1853. 12mo. 19.1 Chardin, Jean, le Sieur. Travels into Persia, 1671. (Harris, John. Navigantium, etc., 1705. fo. Vol. 2, pp. 317- 325.) V Charge of Ignorance, etc. 1833. 8vo. See Upham, C. W. 43. 6. C. 1 Charities. See State Charities, under the names of the States. Charities and Corrections, National Board of. Proceed- ings of same for 1884-'6. Boston, 1884-'6. 8vo. 57. 12 Chariton County, Missouri. History of Howard and Chari- ton Counties, Mo., including a History of their Townships, Towns and Villages, etc. St. Louis, 1883. 8vo. 83. 15 Charlemont, Mass. See White, Joseph. Charlemont as a Plantation. Historical Discourse, June 11. 3 855. Bost., 1858. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 18.) 53. 12. White, Joseph. Charlemont as a Plantation. Historical Discourse, June 11, 1855. Bost., 1858. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 18.) ' 53. 12 Charles I, King of England. The Dissenting Ministers, Vindication of Themselves from the Horrid and Detest- , able Murder of King Charles. London, 1648. 4to. (Har- leian Misc., Vol. 6, pp. 129-133.) 40. 3 Earl of Glamorgan's Negotiations Demonstrated; or The Irish Plot Discovered, in several letters, taken by Sir Thomas Fairfax's Forces. London, 1645. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 5, pp. 562-582.) 40. 3 England's Joy; Eelation of the Most Eemarkable Passages, from His Majesty's Arrival at Dover, to his Entrance at Whitehall, London, 1660. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 7, pp. 111-114.; 40. 3 374 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charles I, King of England — (Continued). Irish Cabinet, The; His Majesty's Secret Papers, taken in the carriages of the Archbishop of Tuam. London, 1645. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 5, pp. 485-498.) 40. 3 The King's Cabinet Opened; Certain Pacquets of Secret Letters and Papers, Written with the King's Own Hand, and Taken in His Cabinet at IsTasby Field, June 14, 1645. by Sir Thomas Fairfax. London, 1645. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 5, pp. 514-557.) 40.3 The Kings' Declaration Concerning Lawful Sports. Lond., 1633. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 4, pp. 201-204.) 40. 3 Nuntius a Mortuis, Colloquy Between the Ghosts of Henry YHL, and Charles I. Paris, 1657. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 6, pp. 508-524.) 40. a Power of the Laws of a Kingdom-Over the Will of a Misled King. London, 1643. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 5, pp. 336-339.) 40. 3 Eebel's Catechism. 1643. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 5, pp. 403-422.) • 40. 3 ^ Triumph of King Charles. Triumphant Order of Eeceiving His Majesty into the City of London, Nov. 25, 1641. Lon- don, 1641. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 5, pp. 36-103.) 40. a Two Speeches by the Earl of Manchester and John Pym, as a Eeply to His Majesty's Answer to the City of London' s^ Petition. London, 1642. 4to. pp. 8. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 5, pp. 218-223.) 40. a' Yiew of the Eeign of Charles I. London. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 12, pp. 50-72.) 40. a Yox Borealis; the Northern Discoverie; Dialogue between Jamie and Willie. London, 1641. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 4, pp. 422-441.) 40. 3 Yox Populi; or, the People's Humble Discovery of their Own Loyalty, and His Majesty's Ungrounded Jealousy. London, 1642. ,4to. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 5, pp. 264-268.) 40.3 Charles II. King of England. Behold! Two Letters, one written by the Pope to the then Prince of Wales, now King of England; the other, an answer, by the said Prince. 1642. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 5, pp. 235-238.) 40. 3 Copies of Two Papers Written by the Late King, Charles IL fo. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 9, pp. 159-161.) 40. a CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 375 Charles II. King of England — (Continued). Second Charter, Granted by King Charles II. to the Proprie- tors of Carolina. (Carroll, B. R. Hist. Coll. of So. Caro- lina. 1836. 8vo. Yol. 2, pp. 37-57.) 15. 13 Cheesman, Christopher. Epistle to Charles II. Eeading, 1661. Harleian Misc., Vol. 7, pp. 265-271.) 40. 3 Letter to a Person of Honour, Concerning the King's Dis- avowing the having been Married to the Duke of Mon- mouth's Mother. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 8, pp. 512- 526.) 40. 3 Mischief and Unreasonableness of Endeavoring to Deprive His Majesty of the Affections of his Subjects. Dublin, May 24, 1681. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 1, pp. 50-55.) 40. 3 True Narrative and Relation of his Most Sacred Majestic' s Miraculous Escape from Worcester, 3d Sept., 1651. Lon- don, 1660. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 6. pp. 247-255.) 40. 3 Charles VIII. of France. See Guilloche, . Le Pro- phecie du roy Charles VIII. Paris, 1869. Sm. 8vo. 52. 11. 1 Charles, V., Emperor of Germany. Lamentable and Piteous Treatise, wherein is Contayned the High Enterprise and Valeauntness of the- Emperour Charles the V. and his Army. 1542. 8vo. By Sir Nycolas Uyllagon. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 1, p. 231-246.) 40. 3 See Robertson, William. History of the Reign of the Em- peror, Charles v., 1502-1559. (Works, 1822, Vol. 4-7.) Charles XIV. of Sweden. See Carl. 40. 14 Charleston, S. C, The Centennial of Incori^oration. Charles- ton, S. C, 1884. 8vo. 15. 6 Chamber of Commerce. Public Debt and Taxation of South Carolina. Proceedings of Special Meeting, March 30, 1871. Also, Proceedings of the Board of Trade, March 31, 1871. Charleston, S. C, 1871. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 11, No. 26.) 60. 1. Convention, 1860. See Becker, Geo. L. The Charleston Convention. 22. 14. 8 Siege of Charleston by the British Fleet and Army, May, 1780. Ed. by Dr. F. B. Hough. 4to. 14. 2 Charlestown, Mass. City Council. Report on Supplying Charlestown with Pure Water; by G. R. Baldwin and C. L. Stevenson. Boston, 1860. 8vo. 8. 1 ., 3 48 376 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. CflARLESTOWN, MASS.— (Continued). ^ Public Library Eeport, 1873. Charlestown, 1874. 8vo. 8. 4. 5 School Committee. Eeport, 1856. Charlestown, 1857. 8vo. 9. 8. 6 Eeport of the Committee Eelating to the Destruction of the Ursuline Convent, Aug. 11, 1834. JBost., 1834. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 2.) 9. 2 Calley, Eobert. Diary, 1699-1765. Genealogical Matter. 46. 3 Edes, H. H. Charlestown in the Colonial Period. (Me- morial Hist, of Bost., Vol. 1, pp. 383.) 9. 14 Charlestown in the Provincial Period. Same. Vol. 2. 9. 14 Charlestown in the Last Hundred Years. Same. Vol. 3. 9. 14 History of the Harvard Church in Charlestown, Mass., 1815- 1879. With Services at the Ordination of Mr. Pitt Dilling- ham, Oct. 4, 1876, etc. Boston, 1879. 8vo. 9. 6 "Wyman, T. B. Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, 1629-1818. Boston, 1879. 2 Vols. Map. 46. 12 First Church Eecord Book, 1630, etc. I^. E. Hist. Gen. Eegister, Vol. 23-33. 46. 3 Winchester Home Corporation for Aged Women. Annual Eeports, 1878. Boston, 1878. 8vo. 25. 1. 3 Charlestown,^. H. SeeSaunderson,H. H. History of Charles- town. 7. 10 Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Pastes Chronologiques du l^onveau Monde, et des Etablissemens que les Europe 'eus y ont fait. 1248-1739. (Prefixed to his Histoire) etc. 1744. 4to. Vol. 1. 20. 10 Historical Journal, 1721-'22. (Hist. Coll. of La., Vol. 3, pp. 119-196.) 20. 3 History and General Description of ^NTew France, 1477-1736. Trans, with N^otes, ■ by J. G. Shea. New York, 1866-'72. 8vo. 6 Vols. 20. 10 Histoire et description generale de la Nouvelle France, [1477-1736] avec le journal historique d'm voyage fait dans r Amerique Septentrionale, 1720-'21. Paris, 1744. 4to. 3 Vols. Maps, etc. 20. 10 Charlotte Caroline Augusta, Princess of Wales. Ad- dress to the Princess Charlotte on her marriage, on the Distress of the Country, 1816. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 8.) 53.5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. ^11 Chaklton, Mass. See Ammidown, Holmes. Historical Col- lections, pp. 113-228. 8. 9 Ohakter of :N'ew Plymouth Colony. Brigham, Wm. The Compact, Charter and Laws, etc. 9. 14 Charters. Eight of the State to Eepeal. See Porter, J. M. Speech in Pa. Convention. 57. 10. 3 Ohase, Benjamin. History of Old Chester, K. H., 1790-1869. Auburn, I^. H., 1869. 8vo. 710 Chase, C. C. Eeminiscences of the Lowell, Mass., High School. See contributions of the Old Eesidents' Histor- ical Association, Vol. 3, p. 113. 8. 2. 3 Chase, DAiNIEL K. Tides, ^ew Theory. Boston, 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. '34, No. 12.) 60. 2 Chase, Enoch. Address to the Old Settlers Club, Milwaukee Co., Wis., July 4, 1872. Milwaukee, 1872. 8vo. 19. 5. 7 Chase, Francis. Gathered Sketches from the Early History of New Hampshire and Vermont. Claremont, N. H., 1856- • 1880. 18mo. 7. 9 Chase, George, B. Lowndes, of South Carolina; an Historical and Genealogical Memoir. Boston, 1876. 8vo. 47. 4 Chase, Eev. Geo. L. Christ, not Self, the Burden of Chris- tian Preaching and Living. A sermon preached in St. John's Church, St. Cloud, Minn., Sept. 8, 1867, on resign- ing the rectorship of the parish. St. Cloud, 1867. 8vo. 56. 7. 3 Chase, Geo. Wing ate. History of Haverhill, Mass., 1640- 1860. Haverhill, 1860. 8vo. 9. L3 Chase, J. J. Charge at Daybreak. Incidents at the Battle of the Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va., July 30, 3864. Lewiston, Me., 1875.' 16mo. 30. 4. 8 Chase, Levi B. A Genealogy and Historical Notices of the Family of Plympton, or Plimpton, in America, and of Plumpton, in England. Hartford, Conn. n. d. 8vo. 47.8 Chase, Lucian B. English Serfdom and American Slavery. Fiction. N. Y., 1854. 30.12 Chase, Philander B. (Bp. of Ohio). Memoir of. in "Lives of Missionaries." p. 97. Loud. n. d. 16mo. 45. 1 History of the Polk Administration, 1845-'49. New York, 1850. 8vo. 33.13 Ohase, Salmon P. How the South Eejected Compromise in the Peace Conference at Washington in 1861. Speech^ n. t. p. 8vo. (Loyal Pub. Soc. No. 37.) 30. 9 378 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chase, Salmon P. — (Continued). Maintain Plighted Faith. Speech in the TJ. S. Senate, Feb^ 3, 1854. (Nebraska Question, etc. 1854. 8vo.) 30. 14. 2: Eeply to O'Connell. See O'Connell, Daniel, Liberty, etc. 1863. 8vo. 30. 7. 5 See Duyckinck, E. A. Biographical Sketch. (Nat. Port. Gall., Vol. 2.) 44. 6 System of National Finance. Notes explanatory of S. P. Chase's plan of national finance. Washington, 1861. 8vo. 30. 11. 8 Chase Family. See Lapham, William B. Descendants of Rev. Nathaniel Chase, of Buckfield, Me. 47. 3 Usher, James. History of the Lawrence-Townley and Chase-Townley estates in England. N. Y., 1883. 8vo. 47. 13 Chaska, Minn. Moravian Academy, Circular, 1864. n. t. p. 8vo. 22. 6. 2 Chastellux, Francois Jean, Marquis de. Voyages dans L' Amerique Septentrionale, dans les Annees 1780, '81, '82. 2 Vols. Paris, 1786. 12mo. 32. 12 Chateaubriand, Francois Auguste, Viscount de. Buona- parte and the Bourbons, 1814. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 3.) 53.5 Censorship Recently Established, etc. Paris-London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 24.) 53. 12 Travels in America and Italy, 1791-1803. London, 1828. 8vo. 2 Vols. ' 33. 4 Chastellux, Francois Jean, Marquis de. Travels in North- America, 1780-'82. 2 Vols. 2d edit. London, 1787. 8vo. 33.4 Chatfield, a. Gr. Opinions in the case of C. H. Schurmeier vs. the St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Co. n. t. p. 8vo. . (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 27.) 60. 1 Chaumonot, Pierre Joseph Marie, le pere. Vie, escrit par luimeme, 1638. N.Y.,1858. 8vo. ( Jes. Rel. No. IL ) 20. 3 Suite de la vie du r. p. Chaumonot, par un pere de la meme Compagnie. [Sebastian Rasle.] Avec la maniere d'orai- son du venerable Pere, ecrite par lui-meme. N. Y., 1858. (Jes. Rel. No. 12.) 20.3 See Parkman, Francis. Jesuits in North America. 20. 10 Voyage du J. Chaumonot et du Claude Dablon, a Onontague, pais des Iroquois Superieurs. In Jean de Quien's Rela- tion, 1656. (Relation desJesuites, 1858. 8vo. Vol.3.) 20. a CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 379 Chaunoey, Charles. See Boardman, Eev. H. A. Eulogy on. 56. 7. 5 Chauncey, ok Chauncy, Family. See Fowler, W. C. Me- morials of the Chaunceys, Including Prest. Chauncy, his Ancestors and Descendants. Bost., 1858. Sq. 8vo. 47. 8 Chauncey, Eev. Chaeles. Civil Magistrates must be Just, rul- ing in the fear of God. Mass. Elec. Sermon, 1747. Bos- ton. 8vo. 1747. 56. 5. 2 Discourse on "The Good News from a Far Country." De- livered July 24, 1776. On the Eepeal of the Stamp Act. Boston, N. E., 1776. (Pulpit of the American Eevolu- tion.) 1860. pp. 105-146. 14. 8 Chauncy, Nathaniel. See Fowler, W. C. Conditions of Success in Genealogical Investigations, Illustrated in the Character of Nathaniel Chauncy. Bost., 1866. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Ohauncy Family, (of England). See Tucker, Stephen. Pedi- gree of Chauncy. London, 1884. 4to. 25. 14. 10 -Chauncy Hall School, Boston, Mass. Catalogues, 1871, ^80, '83, '85, '86. Boston^ 8vo. 9. 9. 6 Eoll of Members who Served in the Southern Eebellion. Bost., 1866. 18mo. 9. 9. 6 Ohautard, Leon. Escape from Cayenne. Salem, 1857. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Chautauqua County, N. Y. Young, A. W. History of Chau- tauqua Co. 1806-1875. Buffalo, N. Y., 1875. 8vo. 10. 5 Chautauqua Lake, N. Y. Description, n. t. p. 8vo. Map. 10. 14. 2 Chaves, J. Francisco, of New Mexico. Indian Appropria- tions. Speech, H. E., March 2, 1867. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 12, No. 20.) 60. 1 New Mexico Enabling Act. Speech, H. E., March 3, 1871. Washington, 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 29.) 60. 8 -Cheap Cotton by Free Labor. See Atkinson, Edward. 30. 7. 6 Oheadle, W. B. The Northwest Passage by Land. See Fitz- william, W. W., Viscount Milton. 20. 4 •Cheesman, Christopher. Epistle to Charles II, King of England. Eeading, 1661. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 7, pp. 265- 271.) 40.3 380 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cheever, Ezekiel. Trial of Ezekiel Cheever before the Churcli at New Haven. (Conn. Hist. Soc. Col., Vol. 1, p. "22.) 7. 6. Cheever, Geo. B. Characteristics of the Christian Philosopher. Discourse on Rev. James Marsh, Aug., 1843. N. Y., 1843. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 9.) 53.12 Elements of National Greatness. Address before the New England Society of the City of New York, Dec. 22, 1842. N. Y. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol 5, No. 1.) 53. 12 God Against Slavery. Duty of the Pulpit to Rebuke it. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. 30. 6 Guilt of Slavery, and Crime of Slave-holding, Demonstrated from the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures. Boston, 1860. 12mo. 30. 6 Historical and Local Illustrations. (Mourt, George, Relation. n. d. 8vo.) 7. 7 Petition and Memorial to Congress [for Negro Suffrage] adopted at a meeting in the Church of the Puritans, New York, Nov. 30, 1865. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. 30. 7. 6- The Pilgrim in the Shadow of the Jungfrau Alps. N. Y.,. 1848. 12mo. 52. 3 The Republic, or the Oligarchy? Which? [reconstruction.] N. Y., 1866. 12mo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 22, No. 37.) 60. 8 Upham, C. W. Charge of Ignorance and Misrepresenta- tion against Geo. B. Cheever. Salem, 1833. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Wanderings of a Pilgrim in the Shadow of Mount Blanc N. Y., 1848. 12nio. 52. 3 Cheever, Henry T. Life in the Sandwich Islands. N. Y. and Cinn., 1856. 12mo. 40. 9 Cheever, Wm. M. Anniversary Sermon at the Quarter-cen- tury Anniversary of the Second Presbyterian Church, Terra Haute, Ind., Dec. 28, 1873. Cinn., 1873. 8vo. 18. 11. 4 Chelmsford, Mass. Allen, Wilkes, History of Chelmsford, etc. 25. 9 Chelsea, Mass. See Chamberlain, Mellen, Winnisimmet, Rum- ney, Marsh and Pullen Point, in the Colonial Period. 9. 14 Same in the Provincial Period. 9. 14 From the Provincial Period. 9. 14 Winnisimmet Congregational Church. See Langworthy, J. P. Historical Discourse. 9. 2. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 381 Chemistry. American Association for Advancement of Science. Proceedings, etc. 49. 10 Booth, J. 0. and Morfit, Campbell. Eecent Improvements in the Chemical Arts. 49. 2 Clarke, F. W. Constants of Nature. Pt. 1-5. 49. 2 Colvin, Yerplanck. . Certain ISTew Phenomena in Chemistry. No impr. 8vo. 51. 3. 2 Gibbs, Wolcott. Eeport on Physical Apparatus and Chemi- cal Materials. Washington, 1876. 8vo. (Vienna Exhibit, 1873, Vol. 2.) .52. 6 Hunt, T. S. Chemistry of the Earth, n. t. p. 8vo. 51. 3. 2 Indiana State Chemist. Eeport of, from the Tenth Eeport of Purdue University, n. j)., n. d. 8vo. 18. 11. 1 Jenkins, T. E. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Processes and Preparations. Plates. (Paris Exposition, 1878. Vol. 4.) 52. 13 Kletzinsky, . Mtrogen Bodies of Modern Chemistry. (Smith's Eeport, 1872. pp. 203-218.) 49. 3 Liebig, Justus Von. Animal Chemistry. Phila.. 1843. 8vo. 51. 11. 2 Familiar Letters on Chemistry. N. Y. and Phila., 1843. 8vo. 49. 1 Parnell, E. A. Applied Chemistry in Manufactures, Arts and Domestic Economy. N. Y. and Phila., 1844. 8vo. 49.8 Phipson, T. L. The Catalyptic Force in Studies on the Phenomena of Contact. . Prize Memoir. (Smiths. Inst. Eept., 1862. pp. 395-412.) 49. 3 Sadtler, S. P. Hydrocarbon Compounds. (Penn. Second Geol. Survey. App. B.) 11. 3 Smith, J. L. Progress and Condition of Industrial Chem- istry. Wash., 1869. 8vo. (Paris Exposition, 1867, Vol. 2.) 52.6 Eeport on Chemicals and Chemical Industry. Wash. 1875. 8vo. {Vienna Exhibit, 1873, Vol. 2.) 52. 6 Wetherill, C. M. Crystallization of Sulphur, n. t. p. 8vo. 51. 3. 1 Examination of Fusel Oil from Indian Corn and Eye. n. t. p. 8vo. 51. 3. 1 Experiment with the Ammonium Amalgam. No impr. 8vo. 51.3.2 Modern Theory of Chemical Types, n. t. p. 8vo. pp. 153-168. 51. 3. 1 382 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOGIETt. Chemung Valley, Schuyler Co., :N'. Y. See Cheney, T. A. Historical Sketch of the Chemung Valley. Watkins, K. Y., 1868. 8vo. 10. 10 Chenango County, N^. Y. Bible Society. Eeport 1841. Ox- ford, 1841. (Misc. Pamph., Vol 13, No. 2.) . 53. 6 Cheney, Person C. (Gov. of :N^. H.) Address. (Moore, J. B. New Hampshire at the Centennial.) 7. 11. 1 Cheney, T. Apoleon. Historical Sketch of the Chemung Val- ley, Schuyler Co., N. Y. Watkins, N. Y., 1868. 8vo. 10. 10 Cherokee Nation. Communication of the Delegation of the Cherokee Nation, to the President of the United States Concerning John Ross, etc. Washington, 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 24, No. 15.) 60. 8 Memorial of the Delegates of the Cherokee Nation, to the President and Congress. Washington, 1866. 8vo. (Ram- sey Pamph., Vol. 15, No. 37.) 60. 1 Reply of the Delegates of the Cherokee Nation to the De- mands of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, May, 1866. Washington, 1866. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 24, No. 6.) 60. 8 National Council. Compiled Laws, 1881. Tahlequah, I. T., 1881. 8vo. 81 Cherry, P. P. The Grave Creek Mound, its History and its Inscribed Stone, with its Vindication, near Wheeling, W. Va. Wadsworth, O., 1877. Sq. 12mo. 15. 11. 1 Chesapeake & Delaware Canal Co. General Reports of the President and Directors, for the Years 1850, '53-' 57. Phila., 1850-'57. 8vo. 72. 7. 1 Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. Report to the Stockholders on its completion to Cumberland, with a sketch of the Potomac Company, and a history of the C. «& O. Canal Co. from its Origin to Feb. 1851, etc. Frederic, 1851. 8vo. 72. 7. 1 Harper, Robert G. Speech in favor of. 72. 7. 1 Kennedy, J. P. Letter of, etc. 72. 7. 1 Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad. Geological report, by T. S. Ridgway. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. 51. 5. 1 Chesbrough, E. S. Examinations of Sewerage in European Cities, 1856-'7. See Chicago Board of Sewerage Commis- sioners. 18. 13. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 383 Ohesebrough, Eobebt a. Inland Transportation. Keeping the canals open for navigation during the winter, through the agency of artificial heat. With opinions of Prof. ii. H. Thurston and P. H. Yanderweyde. N. Y., 1873. 8vo. 72. 7. 1 Cheshire, Conn. See Wallingford, Conn. Cheshire, Mass. See Eaynor, Ellen M., etc. History of Cheshire, etc. 7. 12 Chess. Easy Introduction to the Game; including Philidor's Analysis. Phila., 1824. 12mo. 56. 2 Jones, Sir Wm. On the Indian Game of Chess. (Asiatic Eesearches. Vol. 2, pp. 159-165.) 40. 9 Letter from a Minister to his Friend, concerning the Game of Chess. London, 1680. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 8. pp. 361-363.) 40. 3 Chester A. Argument in Behalf of Settlers on Public Lands in Tulare County, California. 1875. K t. p*. 8vo. 20. 14. 3 Chester, Joseph Lemuel. See Armytage, Geo. J. Allega- tions for Marriage Licenses, etc. London, 1887. 8vo. 25. 12 Howard, J. J. and Chester, J. L., editors. Visitation of London, A. D. 1633, 1634 and 1635. (Harleian Soc. Pub., Vol. 15.) London, 1880. 8vo. 2 Vols. 25. 12 Marriage, Baptismal and Burial Registers of the Collegiate Church, or Abbey of St. Peter, Westminster. Private ed. London, 1876. 8vo. 46. 6 Chester, T. Morris. Speech at the Dunn Commemorative Meeting, ]N"ew Orleans, Dec. 4, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 4, l^o. 19.) 60. 1 Chester, New Hampshire. See Bell, Charles. Facts Relat- ing to the Early History of Chester. 7. 3 Chase, Benjamin. History of Old Chester. 7. 10 Chester, Pa. See Martin, J. H. Chester and its Vicinity. 11. 4 Chester County, Pa. Fagg's Manor. See Noble, W. B. History of the Presbyterian Church of Fagg's Manor. 11. 5. 4 Chesterville, Me. See Sewall, Oliver. History of Chester- ville, Me. 16. 2 Chestnut, James, Jr. Relations of States. Speech in the Sen- ate of the U. S., April 9, 1860. Baltimore, 1860. 8vo. 33. 7. 4 49 384 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chevalier, Thomas. Eemarks on Suicide. London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 23.) 53. 12 Cheyennes, The. See Indians of America. Cheyennes. Chicago. Board of Health Eeports, 1867-'75. 8vo. 18. 13. 7 Department of Health Report, 1877. Chicago, 1878. 8vo. 18. 13. 7 Board of Public Works Eeforts, 1862-'69, '71-' 75. 8vo. 18. 13. 1 Department of Public Works Report, 1876. 8vo. 18. 13. 2 Board of Se^Yerage Commissioners. Chicago Sewerage. Re- port of Examinations of Sewerage in European Cities, 1856-'57. By the Chief Engineer, E. S. Chesbrough. Chicago, 1858. 8vo. ' 18. 13. 2 Report J 860. 8vo. 18.13.3 City Council Proceedings, 1 876-' 77. Chicago, 1878-'79. 8vo. 2 Vols. 81 Morse Memorial Meeting, April 6, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 16, l^o. 30.) 60. 1 Rules and Order of Business. Chicago, 1877. 8vo. 18. 6. 4 City Hall. Architectural Competition for Design of a Court House and City Hall. Chicago, 1872. 8vo. 18. 6. 4 Department of Finance. Statement of the Finances, 1876- '77. Chicago, 1876-'77. 8vo. 18. 6. 4 Department of Public Instruction. Report of Supt of Schools, 1856-'70, '72-' 82. 8vo. 56. 8 Fire Marshal Report, 1877. Chicago, 1878. 8vo. 18. 6. 4 House of Correction. Report of the Board of Inspectors, 1877. Chicago, 1878. 8vo. 18. 6. 2 Mayor. Inaugural Address of John Wentworth, March 22, 1860. Chicago, 1860. 8vo. 18. 6. 4 Tuthill, R. S. Opinion in the Matter of Election of a Mayor, April 18, 1876. 18. 6. 4 Public Library. Finding List. Chicago, 1880. 8vo. 74. 13. 4 Reports, 1876, '77, '79, '81-'85. Chicago. 8vo. 18. 13. 8 Reform School Report, 1857-'72. Chicago. 1857-^72. 8vo. 18. 6. 2 Rules and Regulations. Chicago, 1870. 8vo. 8. 6. 2 South Park. Report of Commissioners, 1877. Chicago. 8vo. 18. 13. 3 Report of L. B. Sid way. Chairman of the Horticultliral Dept, 1876. 18. 13. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBABY. 385 Chicago — (Continued). Superintendent of Police Eeport, 1877. Chicago, 1878. 8vo. 18. 6. 4 Historical. See Andreas, A. T. History of Chicago. 3^ Vols. 4to. 1881-'86. 18. 4 Charter and Ordinances to Sept., 1856, with Acts of the General Assembly Eelating to the City. Compiled by G. W. and John A. Thompson. Chicago. 8vo. 1856. 18. 5 Catalogue of Arms and Trophies at the Northwestern Sani- tary Fair at Chicago, May 30, June 21, 1865. Chicago, 1865. 8vo. 30. 4. 9 Blanchard, Eufus. Discovery and Conquest of the North- west. 18. 12. Bross, Wm. History of Chicago, 1876. 18. 5 Celebration of the Independence of the TJ. S., July 4, 1862. Chicago, 1862. 8vo. 18. 6. 4 Commerce, Manufactures, etc., of Chicago, 1854-'57, '59- '60. Chicago. 8vo. 18. 6. 7 Earle, C. W. Scarlatina in Chicago, 1876, '77. 51. 11. 3 Ferry, T. W. Chicago Fire; Speech. Washington, 1872. 60. 8 Gen. Grant's Eeception at Chicago. Grand Eeunion of the Army of the Tennessee, Nov. 12th to 15th, 1879. Chicago, 1879. 8vo. n. t. p. 18. 6. 6 Hurlbut, H. H. Chicago Antiquities. 18. 12 Lakeside Memorial of the Burning of Chicago, 1871. 18. 5 McVicker, J. H. The Theatre; its Early Days in Chi- cago. 1884. 18. 5 Marquis, A. N. Hand-book of Chicago. 1885. 17. 10 New Chicago; Eeview of the Work of Eeconstruction. Chi- cago. [1872.] 8vo. 18.6.4 Sanitary History of Chicago, 1833-'70. Chic. Bd. of Health. 1871. 8vo. 18. 13. 7 Sheahan, J. W., and Upton, G. P. A Great Conflagration. 18.5 Tucker, J. H. Chicago, as a Site for a National Armory and Foundry. 18. 6. 4 Academy of Sciences. Act of Incorporation, Constitution^ By-Laws, Lists of Members, etc. Chicago, 1865. 8vo. 18. 6. 6 Transactions, do. Yol. 1. Chicago, 1867-'69. 8vo. 18.5 386 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohicago — (Continued). Bennett Medical College. Announcement, 1878, '79. Chi- cago, 1878. IGmo. 51. 4. 3 Board of Trade. Eeports, 1859-'62, '64 -'70, '72, '75-'78, '80. Chicago. 8vo. 18. 6. 7 Branch of the United States Sanitary Commission. See U. S. Sanitary Commission. Calumet Club. Early Chicago. Eeception to the Settlers of Chicago, Prior to 1840. May 27, 1879. Chicago, 1879. ' 8vo. 18. 6. 6 OoUege of Pharmacy. Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Ethics. Chicago, 1867. 8vo. 51. 4. 3 College of Physicians and Surgeons. Announcement. (1886-'87.) 51. 4. 3 Convention, 18 — . Chicago Tribune Campaign Document, Ko. J . Spirit of the Chicago Convention, 18 — . n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 3 Democratic Convention, 1864. Chicago Copperhead Con- vention. Treasonable Utterances. Washington. 1864. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 Directory. Years 1872, '74-' 76, '81, '82. 80 Eye and Ear Infirmary. Petition in Behalf of Poor Patients of Minnesota, to the Authorities of Minnesota, Jan. 1, 1868. No imprint. 22. 13. 6 Eeport, 1859, '61, '64, '67, 'm. Chicago, 1859-'68. 51. 4. 3 Monetary Measure by Congress. Speedy Means of Ee- building of Chicago. Hamilton, Ont., 1871. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamphlets, Vol. 4, ^o. 9.) 60. 1 Oraceland Cemetery. See Graceland Cemetery. Hahnemann Medical College. Announcement, I860-' 61. Chicago, 1860. 8vo. 51. 4. 3 Historical Society. Annual Meeting, :N'ov. 19, 1868. Ad- dresses by J. Y. Scammon and I. ]N^. Arnold. Chicago, 1868. 8vo. 18. 6. 6 Brief History of the Society, with Constitution and By- Laws, List of Officers and Members. Chicago, 1881. 8vo. 18. 6. 6 Collections. Vols. 1-3. Chicago, 1882-'84. CONTENTS: Vol. 1. Flower, George. English Settlement in Edwards Co., 111. 2. Eeid, Harvey. Biog. Sketch of Enoch Long. 3. Ed- wards Papers. 18. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 387 Chicago — (CoDtinued). Constitution and By-Laws, with List of Officers and Members, 1882-'3. Chicago, 1883. 8vo. 18. 6. ^ Same. Another edition, Chicago, 1886. 8vo. 18. 6. 6 Arnold, I. N. William B. Ogden and Early Days in Chicago. 43. 13. O Bross, William. Biographical Sketch of Gen. B. J. Sweet. 43. 7. S. I Illinois and the Thirteenth Amendment. Paper Eead before the Society, Jan. 15, 1884. 18. 6. 6 Brown, W. H. Hist. Sketch, etc. Dec. 5, 1864. 18. 6. 6 Memoir of D. P. Cook. Eead June 9, 1857. 43. 6. C. 1 Goodwin, Daniel, Jr. The Dearborns. Discourse before the Society. 43. Q.D Hoyne, Thomas. Memoir of George Manierre, 16th April, 1878. 44. 7 McVicker, J. H. The Theatre, its early days in Chi- cago. 18. 5 Mason, E. G. Illinois in the Eighteenth Century. 18. 6. 6 Memorial Addresses on Isaac N. Arnold and Thomas Hoyne, Oct. 21, 1884. 43. 6 Patterson, K. W. Early Society in Southern Illinois. 18. 6. 6 Smith, W. H. Charles Hammond, etc., May 20, 1884. 43. 13 Washburne, E. B. Sketch of Edward Coles, Second Governor of Illinois. 43. 9 Inter-State Industrial Exposition, 1878. Catalogue of Paint- ings, etc. ^o imprint. 16mo. 51. 3. 4 . National Ship Canal Convention, June 23, 1863. Proceed- ings. Chicago, 1863. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphs., Yol. 20, No. 2.) 60. 8 First Presbyterian Church. See Mitchell, Arthur. The Church on the Frontier. 18. 6. 3 Third Presbyterian Church. History and Manual of the Church. Chicago, 1852. 18mo. 18. 6. 3 Belief and Aid Society. Report, 1871, '72, '76. Chicago, 1871-'76. 8yo. 18.6.4 Republican Convention, May 20, 21, 1868. Proceedings. • Chicago, 1868. 8vo. 33. 7. 3 Rush Medical College. Announcement, 1879-' 80. Chicago, 1879. 8vo. 51. 4. 3 388 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chicago — (Continued). See Shipman, G. E. Homceopathia Worthy of Exami- nation. 51. 4. 3 Saint James' Church. See Clarkson, E. H. Tenth Anniver- sary Sermon, 1859. • 18. 6. 6 Theological Seminary. Catalogue, 1859, '60, '6r-62. Chi- cago, 1860, '62. 18.13.5 University of. Circular of the Law School, .1859, Chi- cago, 1859. 8vo. 18. 13. 5 Catalogue, 1860, '61. Chicago, 1861, '62. 18. 13. 5 Woman's Hospital Medical College. Announcement, 1871- '72. Chicago, 1871. 8vo. 51. 4. 4 Young Men's Association. Memorials of the Old Chicago Library, formerly Young Men's Association, and of the Advent of the New. Chicago, 1878. 8vo. 18. 13. 8 Young Men's Christian Association. Chicago, 1866. 8vo. 18. 6. 4 (West) Park Commissioners. See McChesney, Eobert. Ee- port on. 18. 13. 3 Eeports, 1872-'78, 1880-'82, '84. Chicago, 1 872-' 84. 8vo. 18. 13. 3 Chicago & Michigan Lake Shore Eailroad. Eeport of the Eeceiver. Boston, 1878. 8vo. 72. 7. 5 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Eailroad. Eeports o^ the Directors to the Stockholders, for the years 1860, '67. '77, '80, '83, '85 and 86. Chicago, 1860-'86. 8vo. 72. 7. 6 Chicago & IS'orthwestern Eailway. Eeport of, for the fiscal years ending May 31, 1866, and May 31, 1867. ]S^ew York, 1867. 8vo. 72. 7. 6 See Midgely, J. W. Statement in Behalf of. 72. 13. 4 Wisconsin Eailway Legislation. Memorial against the Pot- ter Law, etc. 72. 7. 6 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Eailway. See Wiscon- sin Eailway Legislation. Memorial against the Potter Law, etc. 72. 7^ 6 Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Eailway Com- pany. Annual Eeports, 1881, '82, '83, '84, '85, ^SQ. Chic. & St. Paul. V. d. 8vo. 72. 7. 5 Eules and Eegulations for the Government of Local Ac- countants. St. Paul, 1887. 12mo. 72. 5 Chicago & West Michigan Eailway. Annual Eeport, 1885. Boston, 1886. 8vo. 72. 7. 7 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 389 Ohickering, Jesse. Immigration into the United States. Boston, 1848. 8vo. 57. 4. 5 €hickerinCt, John W. Power of Example in Personal Habits. Discourse at Washington, D. C, Dec. 10, 1871. Wiish- ington, D. C, 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 7.) 60. 1 €hickering, Jonas. Life of. See McCabe, J. D. Great For- tunes. 43. 12 Chidley, Samuel. A Cry against a Crying Sin, by Killing of Men merely for Theft. London, 1652. 4to. pp. 32. (Harl- lian Miscellany, Vol. 6, pp. 272-288.) 40. 3 Child, Elias. Genealogy of the Child, Childs and Childe Fam- ilies in the United States and the Canadas, from 1630 to 1881. Utica, X. Y., 1881. 8vo. 47. 2 Child, or Childs, Family. See Child, Elias. Eecord of the Child, etc., Families. 47. 2 Child, James E. Waseca County in Minnesota, as a Home for Immigrants. Wilton, Minn., 1867. 16mo. 22. 12. 5 Child, Mrs. Lydia Maria. Anti-slavery Catechism. 2d ed. Newbury port, 1839. 12mo. 30. 7. 1 Appeal in Favor of that Class of Americans called Africans. Boston, 1833. 12mo. 30. 13 Correspondence with Gov. Wise and Mrs. Mason, of A"ir ginia. Kew York, 1860. 8vo. (Anti-slavery Tracts, new ser. ISo. 1.) 30. 7. 1 The Right Way the Safe Way, proved by emancipation in the British West Indies and elsewhere. New York, 1862. 12mo. 30. 7. 1 •Childe, John. Xew England's Jonas cast up at London; rela- tion of the proceedings of the court, at Boston, against divers persons. Also a brief answer to '^Hypocrasie Un- masked," by Edward Winslow. London, 1647. 8vo. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 4.) 14. 12 Gheldren. Boston, Mass., Board of Health. Eules for the Management of Infants and Children. Boston, 1876. 8vo. 8. 5. 1 See Channing, W. E. Duties of Children. 44. 1 Bowditch, H. P. The Growth of Children. 8. 5 Hewitt, C. N. Infant Mortality, its Causes, etc. 22. 3 Massachusetts Deputy State Constable. Eeport on the em- ployment of children in manufactures and mechanical establishments, 1868. Boston, 1869. 8vo. 8. 1. 1 390 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Children — (Continued). Mattocks, Brewer. Children; their Diseases and Treatment. 22. 11 Meredith, E. A. An Important Branch of Social Science. Plea for destitute and neglected children. 20. 9. 7 Wilcox, S. M. Legal Eights of Children. 56. 9. 8 Childs. See also Child or Childe. Childs, Geo. W. Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of Public Men. n. t. p. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Parton, James. G. W. Childs, a Biographical Sketch. 43. 6. C. 1 Sketch of Childs. (Men of Progress, 1870. 8vo.) 44.2^^ Chile and Spain. The Question Officially Stated. ]^. Y., 1865. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 15, No. 49.) 60. 1 Alvarez, Fernando. Puren Indomito, Poema, etc. 32. 11 Chile. Gillis, J. M. Chile; its Geography, Climate, Social Conditions. 50. 1 Hunter, D. J. Chili, the United States and Spain. 60.8- Sketch of Chili. New York, 1866. 8vo. 60. 8 Markham, C. E. Pizarro and the Conquest and Settle- ment of Peru and Chili. 25. 9" Seve, Edouard. Le Chili tel qu' il est. 52. 14. 1 China. See Channing, W. H. Eeligions of China. Address. 60. 1 Great Britain Public Eecord Office. Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, East Indies, Japan and China. London, 1862. 8vo. 35. 6 Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses, 1780-'83. Vols. 16-23, 25, 26. 20.8 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, 1876. China. Cata- logue of the Chinese Collection at the Exhibition. 25. 6. 2 Progress of Western Education in. Washington, 1880. 56. 8. 1 (Descriptive.) See Pumphelly, Eaphael. Eesidence in China, 1862-'65. , 40. 2 Eeports on the System of Education in China. Washing- ton, 1877. 56. 8. 1 Taylor, J. Bayard. Visit to India, China and Japan in the year 1853. 40. 9 (Descriptive.) See Seward, W. H. Visit to China, 1870. 44. (> CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 391 China Mail Service. See Bell, Clark. Brief and ArgumeDt. 57. 10. 1 Chinch Bug. See Thomas, Cyrus. The Chinch Bug, its His- tory, etc. 49. 5. 4 TJ. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Entomology. Bulletin Ko. 2. Eeports of observatioDS on the Eocky Mountain Locust and the Chinch Bug. 49. 5. 4 Chinese. See Brooks, B. S. Chinese in California. 52. 10. 1 California — Legislature — Senate. Chinese Immigration, its Social, Moral, and Political Effect. 52. 10. 1 Do, same, another edition, 1878. 52. 10. 1 Johnson, J, A. Chinese Immigration. Speech. 60. 2 Jones, Sir William. Discourse on the Chinese. 40. 9 Mungen, William. Heathen Chinese. Speech. 60. 8 Peters, J. B., Jr. History, Manners and Customs of the Chinese. 52. 10. 1 Philadelphia Chinese Museura# Catalogue and Programme of the Chinese Museum Exhibition. 52. 10. 1 Sargent, A. A. Immigration of Chinese. Speech. 52. 10. 1 TJ. S. Congress. House. Eeport from Mr. Wright on Chinese Immigration. 52. 10. 1 Wines, E. C. Peep at China. 52. 10. 1 Chinese Language. Chinese Sunday-School book. In Chinese. 16mo. 52. 10. 1 Lobscheid, W. Chinese and English Dictionary. 42. 5 Death of Good and Bad Men. In Chinese. 16mo. 52. 10. 1 Chinese Slave Trade. See Coghlan, J. M. Speech. 60. 1 Chipman, Daniel. Memoir of Thomas Chittenden, first Gov- ernor of Vermont. Middlebury, 1849. 12mo. 44. 1 Chipman, M. M. Eeport on Medical Topography, etc., made to the Medical Society of California, 1881. San Francisco, 1881. 8vo. 20. 14. 4 Chipman, Norton P. Appropriations to Eeimburse the District of Columbia, etc. Speech, Dec. 14, 1872. Washington, 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol 23, ^o. 19.) 60. 8 Argument in Behalf of E. S. Parker, Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Washington, 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 11, Ko. 4.) 60. 1 Argument in the Trial of Edmund E. Paulding, before a Court Martial, June, 1866. Washington, 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 7, ISo. 28.) 60. 1 50 392 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chipman, Norton P.— (Continued). Claims of Loyal Citizens for Property Taken and Used by the U. Army during the Eebellion. Washington, 1870. 8vo. (EamseyPamph., Vol. 9, No. 19.) 60. 1 District Affairs. Speech in the House of Eeps., Feb. 5, 1873, in reply to E. B. Eoosevelt. Washington, 1873. 8vo. 11. 8. 4 The District of Columbia. Speech in Eeply to E. B. Eoose- velt, in the House of Eeps., June 3, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. 11. 8. 4 District of Columbia Under the New Form of Government. Speech. Wash., 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 14.) 60.1 Endowment of Public Schools in District of Columbia. Speech in House of Eeps., Jan. 27, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphs., Vol. 31, No. 43.) 60. 8 Extension of theCapitol|Grounds, Washington City. Speech, n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 34.) 60. 1 Financial Condition of the District of Columbia. Speech m the House of Eeps., Feb. 22, 1875. Wash., 1875. 8vo. 11. 8. 4 Eelations of the District of Columbia to the General Govern- ment. Speech in the House of Eeps., Feb. 28, 1874. Wash., 1874. 8vo. 11. 8. 4 Washington Monument. Speech, House of Eeps., Feb. 18, 1873. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 23, No. 38.) 60.8 Chipman, E. Manning. Chipman Lineage, Particularly in Essex Co., Mass. Salem, 1872. 8vo. 25.7.3 Chipman Family. See Chipman, E. M. Chippewas, The. See Indians of America — Ojibways. Chippewa Valley, Wis. See Eandall, T. E. History of the Chippewa Valley, Wisconsin. 19. 4 Chips for the Chimney Corner. See Munsell, Frank. Tales. Albany. 74. 13 Chittenden, Lucius E. Captur-e of Ticonderoga. Address before the Vermont Historical Society, at Montpelier, Vt., Oct. 8, 1872. Eutland, Vt., 1872. 8vo. 7.2 Character of the Early Settlers of Vermont, its Influence on Prosperity, etc. An Oration Delivered at Burlington, Vt., July 4, 1876. (See Saunders, F. ''Our National Jubilee," etc. p. 499.) N. Y., 1877. 8vo. 16. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 393 Chittenden, Lucius E. — (Continued). The Emma Mine. Statement of Facts. K Y., 1876. 20. 14. 3 Eeport of Debates and Proceedings in the Conference Con- vention, for Proposing Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, Washington, D. C, Feb., 1861. :N'ew York, 1864. 8vo. 29. 9 Chittenden, Newton H. (Compiler.) Manual of Notaries and Commissioners and all Persons Authorized to Administer Oaths, etc. Minneapolis, Minn., 1869. 12mo. 22. 5. 1 Stranger's Guide in Minneapolis and Surrounding Country. Minneapolis, 1869. 16mo. 22. 13. 1 Chittenden, Simeon B. Funding the Legal-Tender Debt. Speech in the TJ. S. House of Eepresentatives, Feb. 19, 3876. Wash., 1876. 8vo. 33. 7. 7 Shall the United States become the Leader of Eepudiation ? Eepeal of the Eesumption Act. Speeches in the House of Eeps., Nov. 13 and 14, 1877. Wash., 1877. 8vo. 33. 7. 7 Chittenden, Thos., Gov. of Yt. See Chipman, Daniel. Me- moir of. 44. 1 Chittenden Family. See Talcott, Alvan. William Chitten- den of Guilford, Conn. 47. 2 Chitty, Joseph. Observations on the Game Laws. London, 1816. r Pamphleteer, Yol. 9.) 53. 5 Chivalry. See Waites, Alfred. Age of Chivalry. 9. 10. 2 Chloride of Zinc. Its Economic and Sanitary Eelation. Bost., 1850. 8vo. 51. 3. 2 Chloroform. (See Dawson, W. W.) Chloroform deaths. 51. 11. 2 Choate, ? Farragut. Address at the Eequest of the Farragut Monument Association, May 25, 1881. N. Y., 1881. 8vo. 43. 6. F Choate, Eufus. Works, with Memoir of his Life. By Samuel Gilman Brown. Boston, 1862. 8vo. 2 Yols. Boston and Cambridge, 1853. , 44. 9 Discourse at Dartmouth College, July 27, 1853, on Daniel Webster. Boston and Cambridge, 1853. 8vo. 44. 5 See Coggswell, J. B. D. Memoir of. 46. 13 Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. (IS^at. Port. Gallery, Yol. 2.) 44.6 Choctaw Hymn Book. 6th edition. Eichmond, 1872. 18mo. 15. 11 394 MINNESOTA HISTOEJCAL SOCIETY. Choctaws. See Indians of America. Choctaws. Cholenec. Lettres, 1715. See Lettres Edifiantes, etc. 20. 8 Cholera. Boston City Physician. Communication from Wm. Eead, on Asiatic Cholera. Is it a Contagious Disease? Boston, 1886. 8vo. 51. 11. 3 Chabert, J. X. Observations on Cholera and Cholera Mor- bus. 51. 11. 3 Constantinople International Sanitary Conference, Feb.. 1866. Eeport of a Commission on the Origin, Endemicity, Trans- missibility and Propagation of Asiatic Cholera. Trans., byS. L. Abbot. Boston, 1867. 8vo. 51. 11. 1 Evans, O. C. Explanation of the Cause, Prevention and Treatment of Cholera. 51.11.3 Fauvel, A., and Others. Eeport on Cholera. 8. 2. 9 Ottawa Medical Conference, 1866. Memorandum on Cholera. 51. 11. 3 Eeport upon Cholera. (Chicago Bd. of Health Eeport, 1870- '73. pp. 23-44.) 18.13.7 "Walworth, E. H. Use of Congress Water in Cholera. 10. 14. 2 Woodward, J. J. Epidemic Cholera in the Army of the United States. 50. 9 Eead, Wm. Communication on Asiatic Cholera. 8. 5. 1 Chorpenning, George. See Barnard, H. M. The Chorpenn- ing Claim. 60. 1 Cessna, John. Eemarks, H. of E. Feb. 7, 1871. 60. 8 Chotteau, Leon. France and the United States. Commercial Intercourse. San Francisco Chamber of Commerce. Meeting, June 13, 1879. Speech, n. t. p. 8vo. 52. 10. 2 Christ. See Channing, W. E. Character of Christ. Imitable- ness of his Character. 44. 1 Cumming, Hooper. Sermon on the Divinity of Christ. 53. 12 •Taylor, J. Life of our Savior, Jesus Christ. 43. 1 Christenings Make not Christians. See Williams, Eogers, 1645. 8. 7. 6 Christian, Duke. Death of Duke Christian. 1626. 43. 6. C. 1 Christian, Edward. General Observations on Provident Banks. London, 1820. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 17.) 53.5 Vindication of the Eight of the Universities of Great Brit- ain to a Copy of Every New Publication. Second edit. Cambridge, 1814. 8vo. TMisc. Pamph., Vol. 15, No. L) 53.6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. ' 395 Christian Co., III. With Biographical Sketches, 1763-1880. Philadelphia, 1880. 4to. Views and Portraits. 83 Christian University, Canton, Mo. Catalogue. 1868-'70. Canton, Mo., 1868-'70. 8vo. 18. 7. 2 Christianity. See Gisborne, Thos. Familiar Survey of the Christian Peligion. 56. 2 Whately, Eichard, abp. General View of the'Eise, Progress and Corruption of Christianity. 34. 13 versus Treason and Slavery. Eeligion Eebuking Sedition, n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 3 Evidences of. See Evidences of Christianity. Christie, House of. See Eogers, Charles. Genealogical Memoirs of the Scottish House of Christie. London, 1878. 8vo. 46. 2 Christie, Eobert. History of the Late Province of Lower Canada, Parliamentary and Political, 1760-1853. Mon- treal, 1866. 12mo. 6 Yols. ^0. 1 Christison Wenlock (and the Early Friends in Talbot Coun- ty, Md.) See Harrison, S. A. 11. 1. 3 Christmas, Eev. Joseph S. See Spring, Gardiner. Sermon on the death of J. S. Christmas. 53. 6 Christy, David. Cotton is King; Culture of Cotton audits Ee- lation to Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce. By an American. Cincinnati, 1855. 12mo. 30. 8 Lecture on African Colonization, Delivered in the Hall of the House of Eepresentatives of Ohio. Cincinnati, 1849. 30. 7. 10 Pulpit Politics; Ecclesiastical Legislation on Slavery in its Disturbing Influence on the Union. Cincinnati, 1862. 8vo. 30. 12 Chronica Monasterii S. Albani. See Great Britain. Public Eecord Office. Chronicles and Memorials, etc. 40. 4 Chronicles of Great Britain and Ireland During the Middle Ages. London, v. d. 8vo. 95 Yols. 40. 4. 6 Chronicles of England, France, Spain, etc. See Froissart, Jean, le Sieur. , 40. 13 Chronicon Abbatiae de Evesham. See Marleberge, or Marlborough, Thomas. " 40. 12 Chronicum Scotorum; ed. by W. M. Hennessy. 40. 11 Chronology. See Anthon, Charles. Chronological Table of the World's History. 34. 10 Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Pastes Chronologiques du Kou- veau Monde, etc. 20. 10 396 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chronology — (Continued). Same. Translated by J. G. Shea. (8vo. Vol. 1.) 20.10 Haskel, Daniel. Chronological View of the World. 40. 8 Jones, Sir William. Lunar Year of the Hindus. 40. On the Chronology of the Hindus. 40. 9 Putnam, G. P. Editor. Cyclopedia of Chronology. 34. 8 Church, Benjamin. History of King Philip's War. Intro- duction and Notes by Henry Marty n Dexter. Bost., 1865. 4to. 15. 4 History of the Eastern Expedition of 1869-1704, against the Indians and French. Notes by H. M. Dexter. Boston, 1867. 4to. 15. 4 Church, J. A. Mining Schools in the U. S. N. Y., 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 28, No. 11.) 60. 8 Church, Samuel, Judge. Address. (Litchfield County, Conn., Centennial Celebration, 1851. 8vo. pp. 21-69.) 7. 5 Church, Thomas. History of the Great Indian War of 1675 and 1676, Commonly Called Philip's War. Also of the Old French and Indian Wars, 1688-1794. Notes and Ap- pendix, by S. G. Drake. Cooperstown, 1846. 12mo. 15. 8 Church, The. See Atkinson, Wm. The Church. 56. 4 Clark, Dorus. Oneness of the Christian Church. 56. 4 Clark, N. G. A Century of Christian Progress. 56. 12. 3 Lee, Alfred. Proper Function of the Christian Ministry. 56. 12. 3 McClintock, John, and Strong, James. Cyclopedia of Bibli- cal, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature. 32. 6 Skinner, Eev. T. H. Lay Evangelism. 56. 12. 3 Smith, Gerrit. ''Are the Christians of a Community the Church of Such Community ?" 53. 6 Wight, J. A. Permanency of the Pastoral Eelation. 56. 12. 2 See also Missions, Tract Society, Eeligon, Sermons, etc. Church, Dictionary of the. See Staunton, William. 34. 9 Church, History of the. See Alzog, Eev. John. Manual of Universal Church History. 42. 4 D'Aubigne, J. H. Merle. History of the Eeformation. 42. 10 Fuller, Thomas. Church History of Great Britain. 35. 9 Mosheim, Yon J. L. Institutes of Ecclesiastical History. 38. 10 Church Home for Orphan and Destitute Children. (South Boston, Mass.) Eeport, 1874, '79, '81, '82. Boston, 1874- ^82. 8vo. 8. 8. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 397 Church Bates. Eeport of a Grand Protestant Meeting at Free Masons Hall, London, Feb. 18, 1837. London, 1837. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 15. Ko. 8.) 53. 6 Chuech of England. See Bedford, W. K. E. Blazon of Epis- copacy. 46. 2 Blunt, Henry. Discourses on the Articles. 56. 3 Daniel-Tyssen, J. E. Inventories of the Goods and Orna- ments in the Churches, etc. 35. 9 Extraordinary Black Book. Exposition of the United Church of England and Ireland, etc. London, 1831. 8vo. 35.9 Fuller, Thomas. Church History of Britain. 35. 9 Great Britain, Parliament. Two Ordinances for the De- molishing of all Organs, Images, and all Manner of Super- stitious Monuments, in Churches and Chapels throughout England and Wales, the Better to Acomplish the Blessed Eeformation. London, 1644. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 5, pp. 440-443.) 40. 3 Howorth, H. H. Columban Clergy of North Britain. 35. 9 Hunter, Joseph. Introduction to the Valor Ecclesiasticus of Henry VIII. 34. 5 Interests of the Church. Second edit.. London, 1821. Pam- phleteer, Vol.19.) 53.5 Jones, Eichard. Eemarks on the Commutation of Tithes. 53.6 List of Archbishops, Bishops, etc. Debrett's Illustrated Peerage, etc. 46. 1 Manning, James. Letter upon Compelling the Assessment of Church Eates. 53. 6 Martyrology of Learned Ministers of London, Imprisoned and Barbarously treated in the Late Eebellion. London, 1661. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 7, pp. 181-185.) 40.3 Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana. (Appen. to Anc. Laws, etc. 1840.) fo. V Pearson, C. B. Eegister and Church- warden's Account Book of Knebworth, Herts. 35. 9 Eepresentation of the Present State of Eeligion. Drawn up by the Upper House of the Convocation of Canterbury. 40.3 Winters, William. Ministers of the Church of Waltham Holy Cross. 35. 9 See also Protestant Episcopal Church. Eeformation, etc. 398 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chuech of Ireland. Historical Collections of the Church of Ireland, Henry VIII.-Mary. London, 1681. 4to. (Har- leian Misc., Vol. 8, pp. 534-548.) 40. 3 Howorth, H. H. Irish Monks and the Norsemen. 35. 9 Church of Eome. See Eoman Catholic Church. Church of Scotland. See Hetherington, W. M. History of the Church of Scotland. 35. 2 Churches. The Free Church System. (From the American Quarterly Church Review.) l!^ew Haven, 1860. 8vo. 56. 12. 2 Church and State. Address to the American People by the National Association for the Complete Secularization of the State. Chicago, 1881. 8vo. 56. 12. 2 See Dodge, Eev. Nehemiah. Sermon on Jefferson's Election. 56. 7. 2 Churchill, Caroline M. Over the Purple Hills; or Sketches of Travel in California. Denver, 1884. 12mo. 20. 6 Churchill, John C. Magara Ship Canal. Speech, H. of R., Jan. 15, 1869. Wash., 1869. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 29, No. 47.) 60. 8 Churchill, J. Wesley. Ecclesiastical History of Nashua. (Nashua Weekly Telegraph, Nov. 1, 1873.) 7. 11. 1 Churchyard, Thomas. Spark of Fi-iendship and Warm Good- will, etc. London, 1588. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 1, pp. 109-117.) ■ 40. 3 Chute, James. In Memoriam. Rev. James Chute, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Fort Wayne, Ind. n. p. 1874. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Cicero, pseud. See Galloway, Joseph. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. First Oration Against Cataline; with Analysis of the Argument, Tby A. D. Jonesv Bait., 1856. 8vo. 53. 11. 1 Cinchona. American Medical Association. Memorial to Con- gress on the Cultivation of the Cinchona Tree in the United States. Phila., 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 9, No. 8.) 60. 1 Cincinnati, Ohio. Board of Education. Report, 1864, '69, '70. Cinn., 1864, '70. 8vo. 3 Vols. 18. 10. 4 Report of Special Committee upon the University Pro- ject, June 30, 1869. n. t. p. 8vo. 18. 10. 7 Mayor, 1871. Message of John F. Torrence, to the Common Council, April 13, 1871. Cinn., 1871. 8vo. 18. 3. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. Cincinnati, Ohio — (Continued). Public Library. Catalogue. Cinn., 1871. 8vo. Plan of the Library. 74. 12 Eeport, 1871, '73, '79. Cinn. 8vo. 18. 10. 10 Water Supply Commission of 1865. Report; with report by Jas. P. Kirk wood. Civil Engineer, July 3, 1865. 18. 10. 8 Announcement of the Annual Course of Instruction of the Miami Medical College, for 1855. Cinn., 1855. 8vo. 51. 11. 4 Annual Announcement of the, Same, for 1885-' 86. 51. 4. 1 Carter, A. G. W. The Old Court House; Eeminiscences of the Courts and Bar of Cincinnati. Cinn., 1880. 8vo. 18.1 Cist, Charles. Cincinnati in 1841. 18.1 Sketches and Statistics of Cincinnati in 1851. 18. 1 Sketches and Statistics 'of Cincinnati, in 1859. 18. 1 Clarke, Robert. Information wanted with Reference to the Early Settlers of Losantiville, now Cincinnati, 1789-'90. n. t. p. 8vo. 18. 3. 1 Pre-Historic Remains Found on the Site of Cincinnati, with Vindication of the ''Cincinnati Tablet." Cinn., 1876. 8vo. 15.* 11. 1 Drake, Daniel. Natural and Statistical View of Cincinnati. 18. 1 Annual Report, with Constitutions, By-laws, List of Officers, Committees, etc., of the Young Men's Christian Union, of Cincinnati, O. Cinn., 1859. 8vo. ' 56. 14. 6 Foote J. F. Schools of Cincinnati and its Vicinity. 18. 1 Ford, H. A. and Mrs. K. B. History of Cincinnati, O. 18. 8 King, Moses. Pocket Book of Cincinnati. 18. 1 Marquis, A. !N^. Industries of Cincinnati. 18. 3. 5 Maxwell, S. D. Manufactures of Cincinnati. 18. 10. 2 A Sketch of the Woman's Art Museum Association of Cin- cinnati, 1877-'86. Cinn., 1886. 8vo. 18. 9 Stevens, G. E. City of Cincinnati; Summary of Attrac- tions, etc. 18. 1 Stevenson, J. E. Free ]N"avigation. The I^ewport and Cin- cinnati Bridge. 60. 1 Teetor, H. B. Life and Times of Col. Israel Ludlow. 46. 5 Miller, F. W. Cincinnati's Beginnings. 18. 1 51 400 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cincinnati, Ohio — (Continued). Astronomical Society. See Adams, J. Q. Oration. 49. 8 Burnet, Jacob. Address, June 3, 1844. 18. 10. 10 Board of Trade. Report, 1869. 8vo. 18. 10. 2 Chamber of Commerce and Merchants' Exchange. Pork Packing in the West, 1874-'5, compared with 1873-'4. n. t. p. 8vo. 18. 10. 2 Report of Trade and Commerce of Cincinnati. 1855, '64, '71, '73, '78. Cincinnati, 1855-'78. 8vo. 18. 10. 1 Chronicle Almanac 1871. Cincinnati, 1870. 12mo. 53. 10. 4 College of Music. Catalogue and Course of Instruction, 1879, '80. Cincinnati, 1880. 8vo. 18. 3. 6 Correspondence Connected witb the Withdrawal of Theo- dore Thomas from the College of Music. Cincinnatt, 1880. 8vo. 43. 7. T. 1 Exposition of Textile Fabrics, August, 1869. See Max- well, S. D. History of the Exposition. 52. 13. 1 Historical Society. Transactions. Vol. 1. Hildreth, S. P. Pioneer History, etc. 18. 2 Hughes High School. Annual Published by the Society of the Alumni, December, 1870. Vol. 1. Cincinnati, 1870. 4to. . 18. 10. 7 Liberty Convention, June, 1845. Address to the People of the United States, on Slavery, n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 7. 5 Miami Medical College Announcement, 1886. Cincinnati, 1886. 8vo. 51. 4. 3 Museum Association. Report, 1882. 8vo. 51. 3. 3 New England Society. See Kew England Society of Cin- cinnati. Newport and Cincinnati Bridge Co. TJ. S. Congress. Senate. Argument and Opinions. In the Matter of the Company, n. d. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 20, No. 13.) 60. 8 Ohio Mechanics' Institute. Report of the Board of Direct- ors, 1869, '70. Cinn., 1870. 18. 10. 10 Memorial Association. In Memoriam. Cincinnati, 1881. Proceedings of the Association, Eulogies and Biograph- ical Sketches. Cinn., 1881. 8vo. 18. 8 Observatory. Inaugural Report of the Director, Cleveland Abbe, 1868. Annual Report, 1869. Cinn., 1869. 8vo. 18. 10. 7 Republican Convention, May 1-3, 1872. Proceedings of the Liberal Republican Convention. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. 33. 7. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 401 Cincinnati, Ohio — (Continued). Southern and Western Liberty Convention, June, 1845. Address to the People of the United States on Slavery, n. t. p. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 17, No. 4.) 53.6 Southern Commercial Convention. Proceedings at Its Ses- sion, Oct., 1870. Cinn., 1871. 8vo. (Kamsey Pamph.', Yol. 28, :N'o. 15.) 60. 8 Cincinnati & Baltimore Railway Co., Prospectus of. Cinn. 8vo. 1869. 72.6.1 Southern Railway. The Ferguson Railway Act. Proceed- ings of the Citizens, City Council, and Superior Court of Cincinnati under said Act. Cinn., 1869. 8vo. 72. 7. 5 Memorial of Trustees, and Speech of J. C. Breckenridge, and Proceedings of the Lexington, Railroad Con- vention. (1870.) n. p. 1871. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph.^ Yol. 27, Ko. 1.) 60. 8 Superior Court of Cincinnati. J. B. Walker, against City of Cincinnati, Trustees of the Cincinnati South- ern Railway, et al. Opinion of the Court. n. p., n. d. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 28, ]^o. 17.) 60. 8 See Davis, Garrett. Spetch. Wash. 8vo. 60. 1 Spring Grove Cemetery. By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, Charter, etc. Cinn., 1846-'49. 8vo. 18. 10. 8 Reports, Same, 1848-'51, '57. 8vo. Cinn., 1848-'57. 18. 10. 8 Spring Grove Cemetery, its History and Improvements. Cinn., 1869. 8vo. 18. 1 Superior Court. The Bible in the Public Schools. Argu- ments, Opinions and Decisions of the Court, 1869-*70. 8vo. 57. 3 Union Chapel, M. E. Church. History of its Organization and Progress. Cinn., 1852. 8vo. 18. 10. 9 University of. By-Laws for th^ Directors. Cinn., 1871. 8vo. 18. 10. 7 Catalogue, 1878-'79. Cinn., 1878. 8vo. 18. 10. 7 Report of Committee as to Plan of Organization^ etc. n. t. p. 8vo. 18. 10. 7 Taft, Alphonso. Lecture on the University of Cin- cinnati. 18- 1^- '^ Woodward High School. Woodward Manual, 1869-'70. Cinn., 1870. 8vo. 18. 10. 7 Young Ladies' Seminary. Catalogue, 1867-'68. 18. 10. 7 402 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. OiNCiNNATi, Ohio — (Continued). Young Men's Mercantile Library Association. Eeport of the Board of Directors, 1863, '69-'76, '78-'81. 8vo. 18.10.10 See Blair, P. F., Jr. Colonization and Commerce. Ad- dress. 30. 7. 10 Fisher, Elwood. Lecture on the North and the South. 30. 14. 2 Taft, Alphonso. Lecture on the University of Cincin- nati. 18. 10. 7 Zoological Society. Eeport for 1874, with Charter, Con- stitution and By-Laws. Cinn., 1875. 8vo. 18.10.10 Cincinnati Miscellany. See Cist, Charles. 18. 9 Cincinnati, Society of the. Institution of the Society, with the Eoll of the Order in New Jersey, 1783-1866. Albany, 1866. 8vo. 10. 1 See Johnston, Alex. Some Account of the Society of the Cincinnati. 11. 10 Sargent, Winthrop. Journal of the General Meeting in 1784. 11. 10 Cinoinnatus, on Government. (Farmer, John and Moore, J. B. Collections, etc., 18^2-' 24. 8vo. Vols. 2, 3.) 7. 3 CiRcouRT, Count Adolphe de. France and the United States. Historical Eeview. Bost., 1877. 8vo. 14.13.1 Cist, Charles. Cincinnati in 1841. Cinn., 1841. 12mo. 18. 1 Cincinnati Miscellany. Vol. 1, 2. Oct., 1844- April, 1846. Cinn., 1845 '46. 8vo. 18. 9 Sketches and Statistics of Cincinnati in 1851. Cinn., 1851. 12mo. 18. 1 Sketches and Statistics of Cincinnati in 1859. Cinn., 1859. 8vo. 18. 1 Cist, Henry M. Army of the Cumberland. N. Y., 1882. 12mo. (Campaigns of the Civil War, No. 7.) 30. 10 Cities, of the U. S. Waring, Geo. E. Eeport on the Social Statistics of the Cities of the United States. 60. 14 Citizen-Soldier. Memoirs of a Volunteer. See Beatty, John. 8vo. 30. 10 Citizen's Manual. Eules of Order for Legislative Assemblies. (See Burleigh, J. B. Legislative Manual, 1852. 12m. pp. 195-287.) 33.8 Civil Engineering. See Allen, Charles. Two Hundred Tables of Elevation Above Tide Level. 11. 10 Blake, W. P. Civil Engineering and Public W^orks. 52. 6 Watson, William. Civil Engineering, etc. 52. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 405 CiYiL Eights. See Boles, Thomas. Bounty aud Pensions. Speech. 60. & Blair, J. G. Civil Eights are Legal Eights. Speech. 60. 1 Davis, Garrett. Speech, April 6, 1866. 60. 1 Davis, T. T. Speech, on Equality of Eights. 60. a Higby, William. Privileges and Immunities of Citizenship. Speech. 60. 8 Morrill, L. M. Amnesty. Privileges and Immunities of Citizens. Speech. 60. 8 Norfolk, Ya. Equal Suffrage. Address from the Colored Citizens to the People of the United States, ^ew Bedford, 1865. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 30, :N'o. 3.) 60. 8 Sumner, Charles. Equal Eights of All. Speech. 60. 1 Equality Before the Law. Argument in the Case of Sarah C. Eoberts. 60.2 Equality Before the Law. Speech on his Civil Eights Bill. 60. 1 Thayer, M. E. Speech, March 2, 1866, on the Civil Eights. Bill. 8vo. 60.8 Yates, Eichard. Only Salvation, Equality of Eights. Speech. 60.^8 See also Education, Freedmen, Kuklux, etc. Civil Service Eefoem. See Adams, H. B. Civil Service Eeform. 60. 2 Annual Eeports of the U. S. Civil Service Commission, 1884-'85. Wash. 8vo. 57.4 Butler, B. F. Speech. Washington, 1872. 60. 8 Cari)enter, Matt H. Speech in Congress, 1872. 57. 4. 3 Eaton, Dorman B. Eeport of the Civil Service Commission. 57. 4. 3 The Spoils System, etc. 57. 4. 3 FuUerton, Alex. How You May Aid Civil Service Eeform. 57. 4. 3 Garfield and Civil Service Eeform. A Broadside issued by the Civil Service Eeform Association, K. Y., Containing Extracts from Hon. J. A. Garfield's Speech in Favor of Civil Service Eeform. n. d. 57. 4. 3 Howe, Hon. T. O. A ^N^ational University the First Step, etc. 57. 4. 3 Jenckes, Thos. A. Speeches in Congress, v. d. 57. 4. 3 Speech. Wash., 1867. 60. 1 404 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ^ Civil Service Eeform — (Continued). Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, Transmitting to the U. S. Senate Information in Relation to the :N^omi- nations and Appointments in the New York Custom House. n. t. p. 8vo. 57. 4. 3 Logan, John A. Tenure of Office. Speech. 60. 8 Massachusetts. Eeport of Civil Service Commissioners. 8.8.7 McCrary, G. W. Evils of the Civil Service and the Eem- edy. Speech. 60. 1 Opinion of the United States Civil Service Commission on the Power of Eemoval, and on Discrimination in Appoint- ments, for Partisan Eeasons, July 8, 1886. Wash., 1886. 12mo. 57. 4. 3 Packard, Jasper. Speech, Wash., 1872. 60.8 Patterson, J. W. Eeport to Congress, 1865. 57. 4. 3 Pendleton, G. H. Eeport to Congress, on, 1881. 57. 4. 3 Plain State of the Case. Eelations of Department Clerks to Salaries, to Landlords, etc. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 24, No. 29.) 60. 1 ^ Potter, Clarkson N. Civil Service Eeform. Eemarks- 60. 1 Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the National Civil- Service Eeform League, held at Newport, E. L, Aug. 1, 1883, with the Address of the President, Hon. Geo. Wm. Curtis, N. Y., 1883. 8vo. 57. 4. 3 Same, 1885. 57. 4. 3 Purposes of the Civil Service Eeform Association. (Publi- cation No. 1.) N. Y., 1881. 8vo. 5-7. 4. 3 Eeform of the Civil Service. [A circular of the National League.] New York, 1885. 8vo. 57. 4. 5 Eeport of the Committee on Eetrenchment, of the Senate of the United States, made by Hon. James T. Morehead, Chairman, June 15, 1844. (28th Cong., first sess. Senate Document No. 399. Vol. 7.) Washington, 1844. 8vo. 61. 8 [On Removals from Office by the President.] Eules and Eegulations for the Improvement of the Civil Service, n. t. p. 8vo. 57. 4. 3 Sargent, A. A. Speech. Washington, 1872. 60. 1 The Selection of Laborers [in Massachusetts]. Publication of the National Civil Service Eeform League, n. t. p. 8vo. 57. 4. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 405 Civil Sebvice Eeform — (Continued). Smith, W. A. Prize Essay on Civil Service Eeform. 57. 4. 3 Snapp, Henry. Civil Service Swindle Exposed. Speech. 60. 8 Snowden^ A. L. The Need of Elevated and Permanent Civil Service. 57. 4. 3 Spooner, John C. Speech in U. S. Senate, on Eelations Between the Senate and the Executive Departments. March 18-19, 1886. Wash., 1886. 8vo. 33. 7. 4 Trumbull, Lyman. Power of Appointment, etc. 57. 4. 3 Appointments to Office. Speech. 60. 8 U. S. Civil Service Board. Eegulations Governing Admis- sion to the Department and Examination for Promotion. Wash., 1872. IsTo imprint. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphs., Vol. 16, No. 37.) 60. 1 U. S. Congress. Petition for Increase of Salaries of Gov- ernment Clerks. Signed, J. E. B. No imprint. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 22, No. 26.) 60. 8 Willard, C. W. Speech. 60. 1 Woodward, G. W. Speech in Congress, 1869. 57. 4. 3 What Has Been Done in New York, and May Be Done Else- where. 57. 4. 3 What It Is in the Departments at Washington, etc. 57. 4. 3 Williams. William. Civil Service Eeform Speech. 60. 8 and T. A. Jenckes' Bill. 60. 8 See also "Tenure of Office." Civilization. See Buckle, H. T. History of Civilization in England. 40. 2 Dean, Amos. History of Civilization. 40. 10 Hitchcock, E. C. Laws of Civilization. 74. 7. 3 Irons, W. J. Transition from Heathen to Christian Civil- ization. 35. 9 Lubbock, Sir John. Origin of Civilization, etc. 15. 3 Wilson, J. F. Civilization— When Did it Begin ? 15. 11. 1 Young, Samuel. Lecture on Civilization. 53. 6 See also Man. Clagett, William H. Colorado Territory. Speech, H. of E., Jan. 28 and 29, 1873. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pam- phlets, Vol. 23, No. 3L) 60. 8 Claggett, Wyseman. See Atherton, Charles H. Memoir. 7. 3 Territorial Courts. Speech in the U. S. H. of E., March 16, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 5, No. 38.) 60. 1 406 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Claggett, Wyseman — (Continued). Life and Correspondence of John A. Quitman, Major Gen. :N^. Y., 1860. 12mo. 2 Vols. 44. 1 Life and Times of Gen. Sam Dale, the Mississippi Partisan. N. Y., 1860. 12mo. 45. 4 Clap, Eoger. Memoirs, 1630. Bost., 1844. 18mo. (Dorchester Antiq. and Hist. Soc. Coll., No. 1.) 8. 3 Memoirs of, relating some of God's remarkable providences to him, &c. Boston, 1807. 8vo. 25. 7. 3 Clapp, Caleb. See Haskins, S. M. The Ministers of Christ, etc. 43. 6. C. 1 Clapp, Ebenezer. The Clapp Memorial. Eecord of the Clapp Family in America. Boston, 1876. 8vo. 47. 2 ' Clapp, Otis, Justice. Simplicity, Uniformity. Brit, and U. S. Post Offices Compared. 1878, 8vo. 57. 4. 1 Clapp Family. See Clapp, Ebenezer. Clapp Memorial, &c. 47. 2 Clare, Ada, pseud. Only a Woman's Heart. N. Y. 1866. 12mo. 74. 3 Claremont, N. Y. Dale Cemetery, Incorporation, Eules and Eegulations, and the Dedication Addresses. ]K^. Y., 1852. 10. 14. 2 Clarendon, First Earl of. See Hyde, Edward. Clarendon Papers. See Hyde, Edward. Clark. See also Clarke. Clark, A. S. Publ., Eochester, Minn. Business Directory for 1871. Eochester, 1871. 16mo. 22. 12. 5 Clark, Amos. Banking and Currency. Speech, in the U. S. House of Eepresentatives, Feb. 7, 1874. Washington, 1874. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Clark, B. C. Plea for Hayti. Boston, 1853. 8vo. 52. 3. 1 Clark, Benj. F. The Province of Law, etc. Sermon, at the Mass. Annual Election, Jan. 6, 1869. Bost, 1869. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 15.) 9. 2 Clark, C. M. Trip to Pike's Peak [Colorado], and Notes by the Way. Chicago, 1861. 8vo. 19. 14 Clark, Frank H. Land fur ein Wanderer im Staat Minnesota. St. Paul, 1871. 8vo. 22.12.6 Clark, Geo. Faber. A History of the Town of Norton, Bris- tol County, Mass., from 1669 to 1859. Bost., 1859. 12mo. 8.2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 407 Olark, George Eogers. Sketch of his Campaign in the Illi- nois, in 1778-'9; with Introduction by Henry Pirtle, and Appendix. Biog. Sketch of Gen. Clark. Cinn., 1869. Svo. (Ohio Valley Hist. Series, ^o. 3.) 18. 12 Clark, Henry James. Lucernaria and their Allies. Wash- ington, 1878. 4to. (Smith's Contrib. to Knowledge, Vol. 23.) 49.14 Clark, J. A. Wyoming Valley, Upper Waters of the Susque- hanna, and the Lackawanna Coal Region, Including Views of the Natural Scenery of Northern Pennsylvania, from the Indian Occupancy to 1875. Scranton, 1875. 8vo. 11. 4 Clark, Prof. J. B. The Effect of External Aid on Self Reli- ance in Spiritual Work. A Paper Read Before the Minn. Congreg. Conference, n. p. 1879. 8vo. 56. 12. 3 Clark, J. Henry. Medical Men of New Jersey, from 1666 to 1866. Newark, N. J., 1867. 8vo. 10. 2. 4 Clark, John. Records of the Descendants of Hugh Clark, of Watertown, Mass., 1640-1866. Bost., 1866. 8vo. 47. 8 Clark, Joseph S. An Historical Sketch of Sturbridge, Mass., from its Settlement to the Present Time. Brookfield, 1838. Svo. 25. 8 Clark, Joshua V. H. Onondaga; or Reminiscences of Earlier and Later Times. Syracuse, 1849. 8vo, 2 Vols. 10. 5 Clark, Henry A. College Book. See Richardson, C. F. 33. 13 Clark, Rev. N. G. A Century of Christian Progress. A Paper Read at the Meeting of the A. B. C. F. M., at Hartford, Oct. 4, 1876. Cambridge, 1876. 8vo. 56. 12. 3 Clark, Malcolm. Sketch of the Early Life of; by Mrs. C. O. Van Cleve. (Montana Hist. Soc. Coutribut., Vol. 1, pp. 90-98.) 19. 9 Clark, Nelson. See Quincy, Mass. Evangelical Congr. Church. Plain Statement. » 9. 2 Clark, Rufus W. Heroes of Albany. Memorial of the Patriot Martyrs During the War, 1861-'65. Albany, 1866. 44. 14 Review of Moses Stuart^ s Pamphlet on Slavery, Entitled Conscience and the Constitution. Boston, 1850. 12mo. See Stuart, Moses. 30. 7. 4 Clark, Satterlee. Sketch of, by E. A. Calkins. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 9, pp. 417-420.) 19. 11 Clark, Solomon. Antiquities, Historicals and Graduates of Northampton, Mass., 1654-1880. Northampton, 1882. 8vo. 9.13 52 408 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Clark, T. M. Eural School Architecture. Washington, 188a. 8vo. 51. 14. 1 Clark, Thomas. Physical Geography, Meteorology and Botany of the :N^orth eastern District of Minnesota. (Minn. Geol.- Eeport, etc. 1865. 8vo.) 22. 10- Clark, Thomas March, Bishop. Address. Amer. Colonization Society; Eeport, 1867. 30. 7. 9' Oration, in Providence, July 4, 1860. Providence, 1860. 8vo. 8. 13- Clark, W. A. The Cannonade. By Anicetus. [Satire.] Bos- ton, 1861. 12mo. 29. 1 Clark, Willis Gaylord. Parlour Scrap Book. Philadelphia,. 1836. 4to. Y Clark, W. P. The Indian Sign Language, with Brief Explan- atory I^otes, etc., and Description of Some of the Peculiar Laws,etc.,of Our Aborigines. Philadelphia, 1885. 8 vo. 16.4 Clark, William T. Children's Eights. Schools for all. Speech, H. of E., Feb. 8, 1871. Washington, 1871. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamphlet, Vol. 32, No. 12.) 60. 8 Patriot Soldier, vs. the Unrepentant Eebel. Speech in the House of Eepresentatives, May 13, 1872. Wash., 1872.. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 5, No. 31.) 60. 1 Texas Pan Handle. Texas Politics. Speech in the U. S.. House of Eepresentatives, March 2, 1872. Wash., 1872.. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Yol. 5, No. 36.) 60. 1 Clark County, Iowa. See Parks, P. S. Sketch of Clarke County, Iowa. 19. 6 Clark Family. See Clark, John. Eecords of the Descendants of Hugh Clark, of Watertown, Mass., 1640-1866. 47. 8 Gay, Julius. Eecord of the Descendants of John Clark, of Farmington, Conn. 47. 2 Sims, C. S. Account of the Ancestors and Descendants of John Lardner Clark and Sophia Marion Eoss. 47. 14. 1 Clarke, see also Clark. Clarke, C. C. P. True Method of Eepresentation in Large Con- stituencies. N. Y., 1873. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Yol.. 13, No. 14.) 60. 1 Clarke, Calyin. Christian Submission. Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Susan Heard Cleaveland, who died at Marshall, Mich., Oct. 1st, 1843. Cincinnati, 1844. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Clarke, Davis W. (Bishop M. E. Church). Problem of Life- Funeral Discourse on the Death of John McLean, Cincin- nati, April 28, 1861. Cinn., 1861. 8vo. 43. 13. M CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 409 Clarke. Eev. Dorus. The Centennial Discourse, Delivered in Westhampton, Mass., Sept. 3, 1879, on the 100th Anni- versary of the Formation of the Church in that Town. Boston, 1879. 12mo. 8. 2. 6. B Fugitives from the Escritoire of a Eetired Editor. Boston, 1864. 8vo. 56. 10 Oneness of the Christian Church. Boston, 1869. 16mo. 56.4 Clarke, Edward H. The Relation of Drugs to Treatment. Lecture before the Medical Class of 1856-^57, of Harvard University. Bost., 1856. 8vo. (IS'o. 8 in ''Harvard Coll. Addresses.") 9. 2 Clarke, E. Y. Atlanta Illustrated. (Map.) Atlanta, 1881. 8vo. 16.6 Clarke, Frank W. Constants of JS'ature. Pt. 1-5. Washing- ton, 1872-'82. 8vo. 3 Vols. (Smiths. Misc. Contrib., Vols. 12, 14, 27.) 49. 2 [Part 4 is by Geo. F. Becker. ] A Eeport of Work done in the Washington Laboratory, During the Fiscal Year, 1883-' 84. Washington, 1884. 8vo. (Bulletin, U. S. Geol. Survey, N^o. 9.) 49. 4 A Report on the Teaching of Chemistry and Physics in the TJ. S. (Circular of Information, Bureau of Education, No. 6, 1880.) Wash., 1881. 8vo. 36.9.8 Clarke, Gaylord J. Enemies of the Constitution and the Union! Peace or War. Speech before the Democratic Club of Lockport, K Y., March 16, 1863. Lockport, ^. Y., 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 Clarke, George K. Genealogy of the Descendants of Nathan- iel Clarke, of Kewbury, Mass. Bost., 1883. 8vo. 47. 2 Same. Second edition. Ten Generations, 1641-1885. 47. 2 Clarke, Henry J. H. Report on the Immigration Conference at Ottawa, Sept. 18, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 34, Ko. 8.) 60.2 Clarke, Hopewell. The Source of the Mississippi River. A Report of a Special Survey, etc., Oct., 1886. (Reprinted from Science, Dec, 1886.) N. Y., 1886. 8vo. 22. 13. 7 Clarke, James Freeman. Discourse on the Aspects of the War, in the Indiana Place Chapel, Boston, Fast Day, April 2, 1863. Boston, 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 7 The Duties of Massachusetts. Mass. Election Sermon, Jan. 1, 1868. Boston, 1868. 8vo. 56. 5. 6 410 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Clarke, James Freeman— (Continued). History of Gen. Hull's Campaign of 1812, and the Surrender of Detroit. (With Campbell, Mrs. Maria, Eevolutionary Services, etc., of Gen. Hull.) 1884. 8vo. 44. 6 Memoir of Ealph Waldo Emerson. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Proc, Series 2, Yol. 2. 9. 14 On Giving i^ames to Towns and Streets. Boston, 1880. 16mo. 74. 10. 1 The Well-Instructed Scribe. Sermon at the Installation of George F. Simmons and Samuel Eipley, over the Union Congregational Society in Waltham, Mass., Oct. 27, 1841. Bost., 1841. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 8.) 9. 2 Clarke, John B., Publ. Successful ]^ew Hampshire Men. Manchester, 1882. 8vo. 43. 5 Clarke, John M. On the Higher Devonian Fauna of Ontario County, New York. (U. S. Geological Survey, Bulletin No. 16.) Washington, 1885. 8vo. 49. 4. 2 Clarke, L. H. Eeport of the Debates and Proceedings of the Convention held at Albany, 28th Aug., 1821. N. Y., 1821. 8vo. 10. 9 Clarke, M. St. Clair, and Hall, David A. Cases of Con- tested Elections in Congress, from 1789 to 1834, inclusive. Wash., 1834. 8vo. 60. 3 Clarke, Milton, and Lewis. Narrative of their Sufferings during a Captivity of more than Twenty Years among the Slaveholders of Kentucky. Boston, 1846. 12mo. 30.13 Clarke, Prescott O. Ehode Island and Providence Planta- tions. A Short Historical Sketch and Statistical Compil- ation, etc. Providence, 1885. 8vo. 8. 7. 5 Clarke, Eobert. His Library of Geological Works. See 5th U. S. Geolog. Eeport. p. xxxv. ' 50. 9 Information Wanted with Eeference to the Early Settlers of Losantiville, now Cincinnati, 1789-'90. n. t. p. 8vo. 18. 13. 1 Pre-Historic Eemains Found on the Site of Cincinnati, O., with a Vindication of the ''Cincinnati Tablet.'^ Cinn., 1876. 8vo. 15. 11. 1 and Company. Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogues of Books and Pamphlets Eelating to America, 1869-1879. Cinn., 1869-'79. 8vo. 74. 12 Same, 1883. Cinn., 1883. 8vo. 74. 12 Same, 1885. Cinn., 1885. 8vo. 74.12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 411 Clarke, Samuel C. Eecords of Descendants of John Fuller I^ewton, l644-'98. From Jackson's History of Newton , etc. Boston, 1869. Svo. 25. 7. 6 Eecords of Descendants of Eichard Hull, of ]N'ew Haven, 1639-1662. Boston, 1869. 8vo. 25. 7. 8 Eecords of Some of the Descendants of Thomas Clarke, Ply- mouth, 1623-1697. Boston, 1869. 8vo. 42. 2 Eecords of Some of the Descendants of William Curtis, Eox- bury, 1632. Boston, 1869. 8vo. 25. 7. 3 Clakke, Sam'l F. a Centennial Discourse, Delivered Sept. 9, 1850, before the First Church in Athol, Mass., at the Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Organization of said Church, etc. Boston, 1851. 8vo. 25. 9 Clarke, S. J. History of McDonough County, Illinois. Spring- field, 111., 1878. 8vo. 18. 5 Clarke, Wm., Capt. Travels. See Lewis, Capt. Meriwether. 19. 3 Clarke, William B. See Thompson, J. P. Sermon at the Installation of Wm. B. Clarke, as Pastor of the Church in Yale College. 7. 13 Clarke, W. Penn. Base Slander Eefuted. Defending James Harlan, n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphs., No. 15^, in Yol. 36.) 60. 2 Clarke Family. See Clarke, G. K. Genealogy of Descend- ants of Nathaniel Clarke, of Newbury, Mass. (Two edi- tions.) .. 47. 2 Clarke, S. C. Eecords of Some of the Descendants of Thomas Clarke. Plymouth, 1623-1697. Boston, 1869. 8vo. 47. 2 (Or Clark) Family. Johnson, W. W. Clarke, or Clark, Genealogy. Eecords of the Descendants of Thomas Clarke, Plymouth, 1623-1697. North Greenfield, Wis., 1884. 8vo. 47. 8 See also Gedney Family. Clarke Institution for Deaf Mutes. See Northampton, Mass. Clarkson, Egbert H. Tenth Anniversary Sermon in St. James^ Church, Chicago, 1859. Chicago, 1859. 8vo. 18. 6. 6 Clarkson, Thomas. Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species, Particularly the African, with Addi- tions. London, 1786. Svo. 30. 5 Another Edition. Georgetown, Ky., 1816. 12mo. 30. 6 412 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. CxARKSON, Thomas — (Continued). History of the Abolition of the Slave Ti-ade. London, 1808. 2 Vols. ' 30. 5 Clarkson, William. Inquiry into the Cause of the Increajse of Pauperism and Poor Bates. London, 1816. (Pam- phleteer, Vol. 8.) 53. 5 Classical. Studies. See Cook, J. P. The Greek Question. 56. 9. 1 Classics. Museum Criticum. Cambridge Classical Eesearches. Vol. 2. Cambridge, etc. 1826. 8vo. 74. 5 Clavers, Mrs. Mary, pseud. See Kirkland, Mrs. Caroline M. (Stansbury.) Clavigero, Francisco Sayerio, l'abbe. Mexican Jesuit Missionary. History of Mexico. Phil., 1817. 8vo. 3 Vols. 52.4 Clay, Cassius M. Synopsis of Forty Chapters on Clay. By Timothy Bombshell and Others. Burlesque, n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 11, ^o, 2.) 60. 1 Clay, Henry. Address before the American Colonization Society, Jan. 21, 1851. (Amer. Col. Soc Eeport, 1851.) 30. 7. 9 An Address to the Public, Containing Certain Testimony in Befutation of the Charges against him, Made by Gen. An- drew Jackson, Touching the Last Presidential Election. New Brunswick, N. J. 1828. 8vo. (Jackson Pamphlets, No. 2.) ^ 45. 3 Anderson, Charles. Funeral Oration on Henry Clay, in Cincinnati, Nov. 2, 1852. 43. 6. C. 2 Ashland Text-Book, Compendium of Speeches on Various Public Measures. Boston, 1844. 12mo. 83. 7. 2 Colton, Calvin. Life and Times of Henry Clay. 44. 5 Life, Correspondence and Speeches of Henry Clay. 44.12 Life and Speeches. Ed. by Daniel Mallory. 5th edit. 44.12 Monument to the Memory of. Life, Speeches and Obituary Addresses. Cinn., 1857. 8vo. 44. 12 Obituary Addresses on. Delivered in Congress June 30, 1852. Washington, 1882. 8vo. 45. 5 Prentice, Geo. D. Biography of Henry Clay. 2d edit. 44. 11 Sargent, Epes. Life and Public Services of Henry Clay. 43. 6. C. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 413 Clay, Henry — (Continued). Speech in Support of his Propositions to Compromise on the Slavery Question. In the Senate of the U. S., Feb. 5, 1850. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 1 Speech in the U. S. Senate, in Defense of the '^American System '' Against the British Colonial System; with an appendix of Documents Eeferred to in the Speech; Feb. 2, 3, and 6, 1832. Washington, 1832. 8vo. ' 57. 2. 1 Winthrop, E. C. Memoir. 46. 13 •Clay, John. Free Trade Essential to the Welfare of Great Britain. London, 1820. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 17.) 53. 5 Clay County, Indiana. History of. See '^ Counties of Clay and Owen, Indiana — Historical and Biographical.^' Chi- cago, 1884. 8vo. 83. 16 Clay County, Missouri. History of Clay and Platte Counties, Missouri; Including a History of their Townships, Towns and Villages, a Condensed History of Missouri, Biograph- ical Sketches, etc. St. Louis, 1885. 8vo. 83. 15 Clayborne, William. See IS^eill, E. D. William Claiborne, of Kent Island. (In his ''Founders of Maryland, '^ 1876.) 11. 1 Clay Lick, Ohio. Celebration of American Independence at Clay Lick, 1869. (Licking County, Ohio, Pioneer Society, Pamph., No. 3.) 18. 3. 1 Claypole, E. W. The Chambers Lightning Eod. (Proceed- ings of Davenport Acad. Sci., Vol. 4, p. 41.) 19. 3 Eeport on some Fossils from the Lower Coal Measures near Wilkesbarre, Pa. (Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc, Yol. 2, pp. 239.) Wilkesbarre, 1886. 8vo. 11. 10. 1 Clayton, A. M. Centennial Address on the History of Marshall Co., Mass., Delivered at Holly Springs, Aug. 12, 1876. Wash., 1880. 8vo. 15. 7. 3 Clayton, John. Letter, 1688, Giving an Account of Virginia. No imprint. 8vo, (Force's Tracts, Vol. 3.) 14. 1. 2 Clayton, John M. Comegys, J. P. Memoir of J. M. Clayton, Wilmington, 1882. 8vo. 46. 5 U. S. Congress. Obituary Addresses on the Death of John M. Clayton, Dec. 3, 1856. Washington, 1857. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 2 Clayton^ Powell, (Gov. of Ala.) Biennial Message, 1871. Little Eock, 1871. 8vo. (EamseyPamphs., Vol. 10, No. 15.) 60. 1 414 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Clayton, W. W. History of Davidson Co., Tenn., with Illus- trations and Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Ment and Pioneers. Phila., 1880. 4to, 18. 14 Clayton Family. Aveling, Thomas W. Memorials of the Clayton Family, of England. 45. 8 Clayton County, Iowa. See Price, Eliphalet. I^ames of the Elvers and Streams of Clayton County. 19. 6 Cleasby, Eichaed. See Yigfusson, Gudbrand, Icelandic- English Dictionary. Oxford, (England.) 1844. 4to. 38. 4 Cleaveland, John. Journal of. Edited by K. Cleaveland. Essex Institute Coll., Vol. 12-13.) 8. 4 Cleaveland, Nehemiah. Address at Topsfield, Mass., Aug. 28, 1850. The 200th Anniversary of its Incorporation. K Y., 1851. 8vo. 8. 3- Cleaveland, Parker. Meterological Observations at Bruns- wick, Me., 1807-59. ^o imprint. 4to. (Smithsonian Contributions, Yol. 16.) 49. 7 Eulogy on, by Leonard Woods. (Maine Historical Society Coll., Yol. 6, pp. 375-435.) 7. 1 Cleaveland, Mrs. Susan Heard. See Clarke, Calvin. Ser- mon at the Funeral of Mrs. S. H. Cleaveland. 43. 6. C. 1 Clemens, Jeremiah. Letter on Submission to the Govern- ment. Phila., Oct., 1864. n. t. p. 16mo. 30. 4. 3 Clemens, Orion. City of Keokuk in 1856. Also, Sketch of the Black Hawk War, etc. Keokuk, 1856. 8vo. 19. 13. 4 Clergy. Advice to a Young Clergyman, in a Letter from a Eight Eeverend Prelate. 8vo. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 11, pp. 208-217.) 40. 3 Barry, Girald. Giraldi Cambrensis Gemma Ecclesiastica. 8vo. 40. 11 [Note.— "In vain shall we look elsewhere for such a picture of the Welsh clergy of the 15th century." — Preface.'\ Gushing, Eev. C. The Supply of Ministers. 56. 11. 4 Disputation; Proving to Grant unto Ministers Secular Jurisdiction ; and to Make them Lords and Statesmen in Parliament. London, 1679. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 8, pp. 310-335. 40. 3 Fletcher, J. Duties of Churches to their Pastors. Sermon. 53. 6. Foster, E. B. Eighjs of the Pulpit. Discourse. 53. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBABY. 415 Clergy — (Continued). Letter from a Country Clergyman to his Brother, Touching Some Eeproaches Cast Upon the Bishops. 4to. (Har- leian Misc., Vol. 12, pp. 262-273.) 40. 3 Park, E. A. Discourse on the Duties of the IsTew England Clergy. 53. 12 Patten, J. A. Lives of the Clergy of ]N^ew York and Brook- lyn. 44. 14 Pecock, Reginald. The Repressor of Overmuch Blaming of the Clergy. 40. 4 Sprague, W. B. Annals of the American Pulpit. 43. 12 Williams, Wm. R. The Holy Ghost, in its Relations to Ministerial Education. 53. 6 N. Y. State, Gen. Assembly. Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, on a Repeal of the Law Exempting Ministers of the Gospel from Ta:?^ation, March 25, 1841. 53. 6 Cleveland, Horace Gillette. Genealogy of Benjamin Cleveland, Great Grandson of Moses Cleveland, of Woburn, Mass. Chicago,^879. 8vo. 47. 2 Cleveland, H. W. S. A Few Hints on Landscape Gardening. Chicago, 1871. 8vo. 51. 14. 1 The Great Want of Illinois — Farm and Land Drainage. Chicago, 1878. 12mo. 72. 4. 1 Outline Plan of a Park System for the City of St. Paul, Comprised in Two Addresses Delivered before the Com- mon Council and Chamber of Commerce, June 24, 1872, and June 19, 1885. Saint Paul, 1885. 8vo. 22. 13. 3 Cleveland, James Butler. A Genealogical Register of the descendants of Moses Cleveland, of Woburn, Mass., an Emigrant in 1635, from England, with a Sketch of the Clevelands of Virginia, and the Carolinas. Albany, 1881. 8vo. 25. 7. a Cleveland, Stafford C. History and Directory of Yates Co., N. Y., Containing a Sketch of Its Original Settlement, etc. Yol. 1. (All ever published.) Penn Yan, K Y., 1873. 8vo. ' 16.14 Cleveland Family. See Cleveland, H. G. Genealogy, etc. Chicago, 1879. 8vo. ' . 47. 2 Cleveland, Ohio. Board of Education. Report, 1871, '75, '76. Cleveland, 1872. 8vo. 3 Vols. 8. 10. 5- City Council. Inauguration of the Perry Statue of Cleve- land, Sept. 10, 1860. 18. & 51 416 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cleveland, Ohio — (Continued). Public Library. Eeport, 1883. 18. 10. 10 . Griswold, S. O. Corporate Birth and Growth of the City of Cleveland. Address. 18. 3. 2 Johnson, Crisfield, History of Cuyahoga Co., etc. 18. 9 Whittlesey, Charles. Cleveland as a Kaval Depot. 18. 3. 6 Early History of Cleveland, Ohio, with IS^otices of the Pioneers and Surveyors. 18. 8 Board of Trade. Trade and Commerce of Cleveland, 1866- '70. Eeported by J. D. Pickands. Cleveland, 1867-'71. 8vo. 18. 10. 2 Female Seminary. Catalogues, 1857, '67, ^QS. 18. 10. 7 Library Association, Charter, Constitution and By-Laws, with Eeport, etc. Cleveland, 1867. 8vo. 18. 10. 10 Trinity Church. See Bolles, James A. Eeport and Pastoral Letter. ^ 18. 10. 9 Cleveland Directory, 1875, '78-9. Cleveland, 1874-' 8. 8vo. 80 Clews, Henry. Our Monetary Evils. K Y., 1872. 60. 1 Clift, William. Eecord, etc. See Baldwin, J. D. 47. 2 Clifton Springs Water Cure. Addresses and Sermon at the Dedication, July 25, 1856. Geneva, etc., 1857. 8vo. 10. 11. 3 Climacus, Joannes, (Surnamed Scholasticus). A. D. 525-605. Scala Paradisi. Venice, 1492. 4to. [Note.— This is the oldest printed book in the society's collection.] Climate. See Bonstetten, Ch. de. The Man of the South and the Man of the North. 16. 14 Climatology of Minnesota, by D. C. Shepard. Of the Sas- katchewan District and British Oregon. (Minn. Leg.,* 1858, Eeport on Overland Emigration. 1858. 8vo. 22. 5. 2 Coolidge, E. H. Prominent Features of Climate in the U. S. ^ 510.1 CroU, James. * Climate and Time in their Geological Eela- tions. 15, 13 Disturnell, J. Influence of Climate. 25. 6. 2 Influence of Climate in I^orth and South America. 49. 10 Garfielde, S. Climates of the Northwest. 22. 4 ^eike, James. Causes of Cosmical Changes of Climates. 15.3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 411 Climate — (Continued). Greeley, A. W. Isothermal Lines of the United States. 50.1.1 Knox, M. V. B. Climate and Brains. 19. 7 Nott, J. C. Acclimation; Comparative Influence of Cli- mate and Diseases on Man. 15. 10 Climatology of the U. S. See Blodgett, Lorin. Climatol- ogy of the U. S. 51. 3 Olingman, Thomas C. Alabama Claims. Synopsis. Jan. 18, 1876. Wash., 1876. 8vo. 33.12.2 •Clint, William. The Aborigines of Canada under the Brit- ish Crown. (Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Trans., Session 1887-'88; pp. 63-113.) 20. 9. 8 Olinton, Charles A. Sketch of the Clinton Family. (In Niven, A. C, Centennial Memorial, etc.) IS". Y., 1859. 12mo. * 16. 14 Olinton, De Witt. Discourse. General Geographical, Polit- ical and Historical Yiew of the Eed Men, Delivered before the 'E. Y. Historical Society, Dec. 6, 1811. (K Y, Hist. Society Coll, 1814. pp. 37-116.) 10. 4 Campbell, W. W. Editor. Life and Writings of De Witt Clinton. 44. 6 Conkling, Alfred. Discourse. Commemorative of De Witt Clinton. 1828. 53. 12 Manley, J. E. Eulogium on De Witt Clinton. 53. 12 Mitchell, S. L. Discourse on De Witt Clinton. 53. 12 Seward, W. H. Biography of De Witt Clinton. 44. 6 Tribute to the Memory of De Witt Clinton. 43. 1 Olinton, George. See Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. 44. 6 Olinton, Sir Henry. Narrative of the Campaign in 1781, in ^N'orth America. Lond., 1783. (Reprinted, Phila., 1865.) 4to. . 14. 14 (See Cornwallis, Charles. Answer, etc. 1866. 4to.) ^Narrative, Relative to his Conduct During part of his Com- mand of the King's Troops in North America, Particu- larly the Campaign in 1781, with Extracts of Parts of his Correspondence. London., 1783. 8vo. (Revolutionary Pamphlets, Vol 20, No. 5.) 14. 1 Observation on Earl Cornwallis' Answer. Lond., 1783. (Reprinted, Phila., 1866. 4to.) Bound, with his Narra- tive, etc. 1865. 4to. 14. 14 (See Cornwallis, Charles. Answer, etc. 1866. 4to.) 418 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Clinton Co., III. See Marion Co., 111. Clinton, Iowa. 1st Presb. Church. See Cowden, J. G. Ser- mon on the 10th Anniversary of his Pastorate. 19. 13. 4 Clinton, Mass. The Inducements and Advantages Offered for Business Enterprises, or Permanent Eesidence. Issued by the Board of Trade. Illustrated. Clinton, 1885. 16mo. 8. 2.5 Wire Cloth Co. System for Fire-proofing Buildings. Bos- ton, 1879. 8vo. 51. 14. 1 Clinton, I^. Y., Cemetery. Exercises at the Dedication of (1857). Utica, K Y., 1857. 8vo. 10. 11. a Hamilton College. See ''Hamilton College.'^ Clockmaker The. Sayings and Doings of Sam Slick, of Slick- ville. 2d Series. Phila., 1839. 12mo. 74.3 Clocks of Gnoster-Town. Poem. See Sill, E. E. New Haven, 1870. 8vo. (No. 19, Yale College Addresses.) 7. 13 Cloquet, Jules. Eecollections of the Private Life of Gen- Lafayette. 2 Vols. [Translated from the French.] IvT. Y., 1836. 12mo. 45. 4 Clotel, the President's Daughter. Narrative of Slave Life in the U. S. See Brown, W. W. London, n. d. 8vov 30. 12 Clouds. See Poey, Andre. New Classification of Clouds. (Smiths. Eeport, 1870. pp. 432-456.) 49.3 Clough, Wm. p. Eeport to Gov. C. K. Davis, of the Case — ''Winona «& St. Peter E. E. Co. vs. John D. Blake et al.,'^ now Pending in the Supreme Court of the U. S. St. Paul^ 1875. 8vo. 72. 13. 4 Synopsis of the Legislation of the TJ. S. and of the State of Minnesota, Eelating to the Extension Lines (so called) of the St. Paul «& Pacific Eailroad. St. Paul, 1875. 8vo. 72. 13. 4 Clubs, of New York. See Fairfield, P. G. N. Y., 1873. 8vo. 10. 9- Cluny, Alexander. American Traveler. Observations on the British Colonies in America. By an Old and Experi- enced Trader. London, 1769. 4to. 33. 4 Cluseret, Gustave Paul. Mexico and the Solidarity of Na- tions. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 24, No. 25.) 60. a Clute, J. J. Annals of Staten Island, 1609-1876. N. Y., 1877. 8vo. 10. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 419 Clyde, John C. Genealogies, Necrology and Eeminiscences of the ^' Irish Settlement," Northampton Co., Pa., etc. n. p. 1879. 12mo. 46. 8 Eosbriigh, a Tale of the Eevolution; Life, Labors and Death of John Eosbrugh. Eead before the N. J. Hist. Soc, Jan. 2, 1877. Easton, 1880. 4to. 44. 7 Coal. See Anderson, W. J. Coal-like Substance found at Point Lewis, Canada, etc. 20. 9. 8 Cannel Coal Co., Coal Eiver, Ya. Eeport of the Board of Directors. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. Map. 15. 12. 6 Charters of the Union Potomac Company, and the New Creek Company, with a Description of their Coal andiron Mines, Situate in Hampshire Co., Ya. N. Y., 1853. 8vo. 72. 13. 6 Cumberland Coal & Iron Co. Eeport 1853. N. Y., 1853. 8vo. 51. 5. 1 D' Aligny, H. F. Q. Manufacture of Pressed or Agglomerated Coal. 52, 6 Pulton, John. On the Coking of Bituminous Coal. 11. 3 Hampshire Coal & Iron Co., Ya. Charter. Passed March 14, 1853. N. Y., 1853. 8vo. 15. 12. 6 James, T. C. Discovery of Anthracite Coal, on the Lehigh. 11. 10 Le Conte, Joseph. Lecture on Coal. 49. 3 Lesquereux, Leo. Atlas to the Coal Flora of Pennsylvania. 11. 10 The Miners Journal ; Coal Statistical Eegister for 1870. 72. 13. 6 Morris, Israel. Duty on Coal. 60. 8 Piatt, Franklin. Coke Manufacture in Pennsylvania. 11. 3 Description of the Coal Fields of Bradford and Tioga Counties, Pa. 11. 3 And W. G. Eeport of the Bituminous Coal Fields of Western Pennsylvania. 11. 3 Pumpelly, Eaphaei. Eeport on Cretaceous Coals in the Northwest. 60. 14 Saward, F. E. The Coal Trade. 72. 13. 6 Schweitzer, P. True Composition of Coal. 18. 7. 2 .Sheafer, P. F. Address on the Age and Extent of Coal De- posits in the IT. S. 60. 8 Eeport of an examination of the Puyallup Coal Fields in Washington Territory. 22. 4 420 MINNESOTA HISTOBICAL SOCIETY. Coal — (Continued). Stevenson, J. J. Greene and Washington District of the- Bituminous Coal Fields of Western Pennsylvania. 11. % Same. Eeport of the Fayette and West Moreland Dis- trict. 11. 3^^ Union Potomac Co. Hampshire County, Virginia. Coal and Iron Mines, etc. Baltimore, 1840. 15. 12. ^ Walker, E. H. Pennsylvania Coal Fields and their Eela- tion to Buffalo. 51. 5. 1 Westbrook, E. B. A Few Facts and Figures About Coal. 60.2 White, I. C. Bituminous Coal Fields of Western Pennsyl- vania. 11- 10' See also Coke, Petroleum, etc. Coal Mines. Eoy, Andrew, and Pollock, John. The Venti- lation and Inspection of Coal Mines. 18. 3. ^ Coast Survey, its Cost, Abuses and Power. From the New York Times, Nov. 17, 1858. Anon. No imprint. 8vo. 33. 12. 1 Eeply to the Ofiicial Defense of its Cost, Abuses- and Power. [To the N. Y. Times — Signed B. B.] Na imprint. 8vo.. 33. 12. L Coates, Benj. H. Discourse before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 28th of April, 1834, on the Origin of the Indians. (Pa. Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Vol. 3, Pt. 2.) 11. 10 Coats, Capt. William. Geography of Hudson's Bay; Eemarks in Many Voyages between 1727 and 1751, with Appendix Containing Extracts from the Log of Capt, Middleton on his Voyage in 1741-2. Ed. by John Barrow. London, 1852. 8vo. (Haklyt Society.) 20. 11 Cobb, Henry. Iron Man of Missouri. St. Louis, 1855. 8vo.. n. t. p. 18. 7. 5- Cobb, Howell. The War with Mexico. A Speech in the H.. of E., Feb. 2, 1848, on the Cause and Conduct of the War, etc. n. t. p. [Wash., 1848.] 8vo. (Mexican War Pamph., No. 11.) 16. la Cobb, Samuel C. Inaugural Address, as Mayor of Boston, 1874-'76. Boston, 1874-' 6. 8vo. 8.9.2 Cobb, Thomas E. E. Inquiry into the Law of Negro Slavery in the United States. Prefixed, Histor. Sketch of Slavery . Philadelphia and Savannah, 1858. 8vo. 2 Vols. 30. 12; CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 421'- CoBBETT, William. Examination of Mr. Cobbett's Objections to the Bill for the Eelief of the Unitarians. (Pam- phleteer, Vol. 2, pp. 1-14.) 1813. 53. 5 See Lodge, H. H. Eeview of Edward Smith's Biography of Cobbett. 43. 6. C. 2 COBBETT, Wm. The Pride of Britannia Humbled; or the Queen of the Ocean TJnqueened. Phila., 1815. 12mo. 16.10 CoBDEN, Richard. See Duff, Grant. The Teachings of Eich- ard Cobden. 57. 2. 7 Hobart, Lord. The Mission of Eichard Cobden. 57. 2. 7 Cobden Club. Correspondence Eelative to the Budgets of Va- rious Countries. Ed. by J. W. Probyn. London, etc., 1877. 12mo. 57. 2. 6 Essays. 2d series. 1871-'2. 2d edit. London, 1872. 12mo. 57. 9 CoxTENTS: Broderick, G. C. Law and Customs of Primogeniture. Fancher, Julius. New Commercial Treaty between Great Britain and Germany. Fowler, Wm. Present Aspect of the Land Question. Gostick, Joseph. Trade Unions, and the Relations of Capital and Labor. Leveleye, Emile de. Causes of "War, and Means of Reducing it. Leslie, T. C. E. Financial Reform. Rogers, J. E. T. Colonial Question. Smith, J. P. Coinage Question, (English). Wells, D. A. Recent Financial, Commercial and Industrial Experi- ences of the U. S. ^ Eeportofthe Proceedings at the Dinner, 1873-' 75. Lon- don, 1873-'75. 3 Vols. 57. 2. 6 CoBHAM, Lord. See Oldcastle, Sir John. Cobham Family. See Flower, J. H. Notices of the Family of" Cobham of Sterborough Castle, Lingfield, Surrey. (Eoyal Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 2, pp. 115-194, 224; Vol. 3, pp. 354- 356.) London. 8vo. 35. 9 CoBLEiGH, Eev. l^ELSON E. Jesus, the Saviour of his People;, a Sermon, etc. (See Smalley, Elam, " The Worcester Pulpit," etc., pp. 425-439.) Bost., 1851. 12mo. 25. 1 CoBURN, John. Address. Tendencies and Evolutions of the Times. (Wabash College, Semi-Centennial, etc. 1882. 8vo. pp. 44-67.) 18. 11. 2- Currency. Speech in H. of E., Jan. 21, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 38, IS'o. 15.) 60. 2^ 422 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. OoBUHN. John — (Coiitinned). Enforcement of 14th Amendment. Speech, H. of E., April 4,1871. Washington, 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph.,Vol. 32, ^o, 43.) 60. 8 Life and Services of John B. Dillon; with a Sketch by Judge Horace Biddle. [Indiana Hist. Society Pamph., ^o. 2.] Indianapolis, 1886. 12mo. 18. 11. 3 Eesumption and Funding. Speech in H. of E., Jan. 7, 1869. Washington, 1869. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol.29, :sro. 48.) 60.8 Speech on the Eeduction and Eeorganization of the Army. H. of E., May 28, 1874. Wash., 1874*. 8vo. 51. 9. 1 •Cochin, P. S. Augustin. Eesults of Slavery. Boston, 1863. 8vo. 30. 6 (Translated from the French ''L'abolition d'esclavage.") Cochran, James. Sermon on tjie Death of William Holcombe, Stillwater, Minn., Sept. 25, 1870. Stillwater, 1870. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 1 Cochban, Joseph. History of Mifflin County, Pa., its Physical Peculiarities, Soil, Climate, etc., Including an Early Sketch of the State of Pa. Yol. 1. [No more pub.] Har- risburg, 1879. 8vo. 11. 4 Cochrane, Charles Stuart. Journal of a Eesidence and Travels in Columbia, During the Years 1823 and 1824. 2 Yols. London, 1825. 8vo. 38. 10 Cochrane, Warren E. History of Antrim, K H., 1744-1877. Manchester, 1880. 7. 3 Cockayne, Oswald, Editor. Leechdoms, Wort Cunning, and Star Craft of Early England. London, 1864-^66. 8vo. 3 Yols. 40. 4 Cock Fighting. See Ellis, Edmund. Opinion Concerning the Sportof Cock Fighting. Oxford, 1660. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 7, pp. 66-72.) 40. 3 CoDDiNGTON, David S. The Crisis and the Man. [A. Lin- coln]. Address on the Presidential Crisis, New York, Nov. 1, 1864. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. 30. 4. 1 CoDDiNGTON, WiLLiAM, (Early Settler of E. I.). See Turner, H. E. William Coddington in Ehode Island Colonial Affairs. Historical Inquiry. (E. I. Hist. Tracts, No. 4.) 8. 13 Codex, Eamirez. Notes upon the. See Phillips, Henry, Jr. 15. 11. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY, 423 CoDMAN, John. Bounty to Ship Builders and Stock Jobbers, Not Protection to American Commerce. 2d edit. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph,, Vol. 36, No. 10.) 60. 2 Same, and a Review of Report of Secretary of the Treasury* Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 37, No. 3.) 60.2 Free Ships. Restoration of the American Carrying Trade. N. Y., 1878. 12mo. (N. Y. City Free Trade Club. No. 6.) - 57.2.8 Letter to John Lynch, on the Navigation Interest. Boston, 1869. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 36, No 13.) 60. 2 The Round Trip by Way of Panama, Through California, Oregon, Nevada, etc., with Notes on Railroads, Com- merce, Agriculture, Mining, etc. N. Y., 1881. 8vo. 19. 8 CoDMAN, Rev. John. The Importance of Moderation in Civil Rulers. A Sermon, Delivered before His Excellency, Edward Everett, Governor, etc. (Mass., Election Ser- mon, Jan. 1, 1840.) Bost., 1840. 8vo. 56. 5. 4 See Storrs, R. S. Discourse at the Funeral of John Codman. 53. 6 Codman, Capt. John. See Goodell, A. G., Jr. The Murder of Capt. Codman. 9. 4 Coffee. See Corrie, Edgar. Letters on the Duties on Coffee. 53. 6 Wetherill, C. M., and Dalson, A. T. Some Experiments upon Coffee as a Beverage. 51. 3. 1 CoFFEE-HousE. Character of a. London, 1673. fo. (Har- leian Misc., Vol. 8, pp 7-13.) 40. 3 Coffee-Houses Vindicated. Answer to the Character of a Coffee House. London, 1675. fo. (Same, pp. 75-79.) 40. 3 Coffin, Allen. The Coffin Family. The Life of Tristram Cof- fin, of Nantucket, Mass., Founder of the Family Line in America, etc. Nantucket, 1881. 8vo. 25. 7. 3 Coffin, Charles. Lives and Services of Maj. Gen. John Thomas, Col. Thos. Knowlton, Col. Alex. Scammell, Maj. Gen. Henry Dearborn, in the American Revolution. N. Y., 1845. 12mo. 44. 1 Coffin, Charles Carleton. Following the Flag. From Aug., 1861, to Nov., 1862, with the Army of the Poto- mac. By "Carleton." Boston, 1865. 8vo. 29.1 54 424 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Coffin, Charles Carleton — (Continued). The great Commercial Prize. Plea for the Construction of a Eailroad from the Missouri Eiver to Puget Sound. Bos- ton, 1858. 8vo. (Nor. Pac. E. E. Pamphlets, Vol. 1.) 22.4 History of Boscawen, K H., and Webster, N. H., from 1733 to 1878. Concord, 1878. 8vo. 7. 4 Seat of Empire. Trip to the North\festern U. S., 1870. Boston, 1870. 12mo. 22. 1 Coffin, James H. Orbit and Phenomena of a Meteoric Fire Ball, Seen July 20, 1866. No imprint. 4to. (Smiths. Contrib., YoL 16.) 49. 7 Prychometrical Table for Determining the Elastic Force of Aqueous Vapor, and the Eelative Humidity of the Atmosphere. Wash. 1856. 8vo. (Smiths. Miscel. Coll., Vol. 1.) 49. 2 Winds of the Globe. Maps by S. J. Coffin, with Analysis of Tables and Charts, by Alexander Wocikof. Washing- ton, 1875. 4to. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 20.) 49. 14 Winds of the Northern Hemisphere. No impr. 4to. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 6.) 49. 7 Coffin, Joshua. History of Newbury, Newburyport, and West Newbury, from 1635 to 1845. Bost. 1845. 8vo. 9. 13 A list of some of the Descendants of Mr. Edward Woodman, who settled at Newbury, Mass., A. D. 1635. Newbury- port, 1855. 12mo. 25. 14. 7 Coffin, N. W. Eeasons for the Annexation of a Part of Dor- chester to Boston. Bost., 1867. 8vo. 8. 1. 5 Coffin, Paul. Memoir and Journals, 1760-1800. Missionary Tours in New England. (Maine Hist. Soc. Coll.. Vol. 4, pp. 235-405.) 7. 1 Coffin, William F. Eighteen Hundred and Twelve; the War and its Moral; a Canadian Chronicle. Montreal, 1864. 16mo. 14. 4 Coffin Family. See Coffin, Allen. Life of Tristram Coffin, etc. 35. 7. 3 COGGESHALL, George. History of the American Privateers, and Letters of Marque, During Our War with England, 1812-'14. N. Y., 1856. 14. 6 CoGGESHALL, S. W. Auti-Slavcry Address in Danielson,Conn., July 4, 1849. West Killingly, 1849. 8vo. 30. 7. 2 CoGGESHALL, Wm. T. Lincoln Memorial. Journeys of Abra- ham Lincoln, 1861 and 1865. Columbus, 1865. 8vo. 44. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 425 C0GG8WELL Family. See Jameson, E. O. The Coggswells in America. 47. 8. CoGHLAN, John M. Chinese Slave Trade. Oooleyism. Speech March 16, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphs., Yol. 5, No. 41.) 60. 1 Public Lands for the Toiling Poor. Speech, in H. of E., Jan. 27, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphs., Yol. 31, No. 20.) 60. 8 COGHLAN, P. G. Eeport on the Trade and Commerce of Eich- mond, Ya., for 1871. See Eichmond, Ya., Chamber of Commerce. 15. 12. 7 Cogswell, Elliott C. History of Nottingham, Deerfield and Northwood, N. H., with Genealogical Sketches. 1721- 1877. Manchester, 1878. 8vo. 7. 10 Cogswell, Wilbur F. Memorial to Congress, Asking to be placed on the Eetired List of the Navy. n. p. 1883. 43. 6. C. 1 Cogswell, Wm. (Eev.) A Sermon Delivered before the Auxili- ary Education Society of Norfolk Co., at their Annual Meeting, June 14, 1826. Bost., 1826. 8vo. 56. 7. 1 Assistant to Family Eeligion. Boston, etc., 1836. 12mo. 56. 2 Cohen, J. Barrett. Oration Delivered on the First Anniver- sary of the South Carolina Hist. Soc, June 28, 1856. (So. Car. Hist. Soc. Coll., Yol. 2, p. 104.) 15. 6 Cohen, M. M. Notices of Florida, and its Campaigns. Charles- ton, S. C, etc., 1836. 12mo. 14. 12 Cohen, Solomon. Eulogy on the Life and Character of Et.Eev. Stephen Elliott. Written at the Eequest of the Georgia Historical Society. Savannah, 1867. 8vo. 43. 6. E. COHOES, N. Y. The City of Cohoes; its History, Growth and Prospects. Its Great Manufactories. Albany, 1869. 18mo. 10. 11. 3 See Masten, A. H. History of Cohoes, N. Y. 10. 3 Coinage. See Barclay, J. T. Proposed Improvement in Our System of Coinage. 33. 7. 8 Garnett, Louis A. Letter on a Change in the Mint Laws. 33. 7. 8 International. Washington, 1868. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Contents: Eeport of Senator John Shsimin; report of Senator E. D. Morgan; Bill to Establish a Uniform Coinage; report of S. B. Ruggles. 426 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Coinage — (Continued). Kelley, Eugene. Argument Against Exchanging Unparted Bullion at any of the Mints for Pine Bars. 33. 7. 8 Knox, John Jay. Report in Relation to a Revision of the Laws on the Mint. 33. 7. 8 Moulton, C. W. References to the Coinage Legislation of the United States. 33. 7.8 Phillips, Henry, Jr. Coinage of the United States. 49. 6. 1 Smith, J. P. English Coinage Question. 57. 9 Stewart, Wm. M. The Bondholders' Conspiracy to Demonetize Silver, etc. 33. 14. 1 Walpole, Rev. Robert. Gold and Silver Coinage of Greece. 40. 7 Wharton, Joseph. Project for Reorganizing the Small Coinage of the United States. 60. 8 Williams, Albert, Jr. Gold and Silver Conversion Tables. 49.4 Coins. See Clarke, Hyde. Early History of the Mediterranean Populations, etc. Illustrated from Autonomous Coins, etc. 35. 9 Phillips, Henry, Jr. Coins and Medals at the Philadelphia Museum. 51. 3. 4 Prime, W. C. Coins, Medals and Seals, Ancient and Modern. 51. 10 Remarks on, and Description of Ancient British Coins. Y Smith, A. M. Illustrations of Rare and Valuable Coins. 74. 13. 3 Stenerson,L.B. Mynt Fundet fra Graeslid y Thydalen. 25. 6. 1 U. S. Commissioners to the Paris Exposition, 1867. Report of the International Committee on Weights, Measures and Coins. 33. 7. 8 Whitbourn, Richard. Ancient British Coins found in Sur- vey. 35. 9 Williamson, Joseph, Castine, Me., and the Old Coins found there. 7. 1 Willis, Wm. Coins found at Portland, in 1849, and Rich- mond's Island in 1855. 7. 1 See Numismatics. CoiT Family. See Chapman, F. W. Descendants of John Coit, Salem, Mass. 47. 8 Coke, Henry J. A Ride over the Rocky Mountains to Oregon and California, with a Glance at some of the Tropical Islands, etc. London, 1852. 8vo. 19. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 427 Coke. See Fulton, John. Methods of Coking. 11. 3 On the Coking of Bituminous Coal. 11. 3 Piatt, Franklin. Coke Manufacture of the Youghiogheny Eiver Valley. 11. 3 Weeks, J. D. Eeport on the Manufacture of. 30. 10 COLANGE, L. ZelPs Popular Encyclopedia. Phila., 1870-'71. 4to. 2 Vols. (With Supplement). 34. 14 CoLBURN, Mary J. and Smith, Wm. E. Minnesota as a Home for Emigrants. Prize Essays. St. Paul, 1865. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamph., Vol. 17, :N'o. 23.) 60. 8 Colby, Frederick Thomas, Editor. Visitation of the County of Devon, in the year 1620. London, 1872. 8vo. (Harleian Soc. Publ. ISo. 6.) 46. 14 The Visitation of the County of Somerset, in the year 1623. London, 1876. 8vo. (Harleian Soc. Pub., Vol. 11.) 25. 12 Colchester County, Nova Scotia. See Miller, Thomas. Historical and Genealogical Eecord of the First Settlers of Colchester County, K S. Halifax, 1873. 8vo. 46. 11 CoLDEN, Cadwallader. History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada. London, 1747. 8vo. 15. 2 Life of Eobert Fulton. New York, 1817. 8vo. 43. 9 CoLDEN Family. See Purple, Edwin E. Genealogical Notes on the Colden Family in America. 47. 2 Cole, Charles Augustus, Editor. Memorial of Henry V, King of England. See Henry V. 40. 13 Cole, David, Editor. History of Eockland County, N. Y. N. Y. 4to. 85. 9 Isaac Kool (Cool or Cole,) and Catherine Serven, Married Oct. 15, 1764, at Tappan, N. Y., their Descendants Com- plete, to May 1, 1876. New York, 1876. 8vo. 47. 2 Cole, Gordon E. Argument on the Five Million Loan. See Minnesota; Supreme Court; State of Minnesota, etc. Cole, Henry, Editor. Documents Illustrative of English His- tory in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. [Henry III,— John.] London, 1844. fo. (Gr. Brit. Pub. Eecord Office.) V Cole, Jonathan. See Brazer, John. Sermon at the Ordination of Jonathan Cole. 9. 2 Cole, Thomas. See Bryant, W. C. Funeral Oration on the Death of Thomas Cole (Artist). 43. 6. C. 1 Cole Family. See Cole, David. Isaac Kool, etc. 47. 2 Coleman, L. Coleman Family. Descendants of Thomas Cole- man, 3598-1867. Philadelphia, 1867. 8vo. 25. 7. 3 428 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Coleman, Lyman. Genealogy of the Lyman Family. Albany, 1872. 8vo. 47. 10 Great Crevasse of Jordan, and of the Eed Sea. (Bibl. Sac- ra, Vol. 24, pp. 248-262.) 8vo. 52. 10. 2 Coleman, Thomas. Funding Bill. Remarks, H. ofR., March 29, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, VoL 38, No. 50.) 60. 2 Coleman Family. See Coleman, L. 47. 14. 1 CoLEOPTERA. See Insects. Coles, Edward. (Second Gov. of Illinois.) See Washburne, E. B. Sketch of Coles. Chicago. 43. 9 Coleson, Ann. Narrative of her Captivity among the Sioux Indians in Minnesota. Phila., 1864. 8vo. 15. 8 [Largely, if not altogether, fictitious.] COLESWORTH, D. C. Willie G. Richardson. Sketch. Boston, 1881. 12mo. 43. 7. R Colfax, Schuyler. Paper Question. Letters to, by Carey, H. C. Phila., 1864. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 19, Ko. 12.) 60. 8 See Potter, C. K. Report as to his Impeachment, Feb. 24, 1873. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 23, No. 3.) 60. 8 Colfax, William. Biographical Sketch of Wm. Colfax, Cap- tain of Washington's Body Guard. (]^. J. Hist. Soc. Proc, Vol. 4, pp. 145-152.) 10. 8. 1 Collamer, Jacob. Addresses on the Death of Jacob Collamer, Delivered in Congress, Dec. 14, 1865. Wash., 1866. 8vo. 43. 9 Reconstruction. Speech, Senate, U. S., Feb. 6, 1865. Wash., 1865. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 12, ^o. 53.) 60. 1 Review of his Speech in the Senate, Jan. 16, 1865, on Trade with the Revolted States. Wash., 1865. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 32, IN'o. 71.) 60. 8 Speech on the Mexican War, Delivered in the H. of R., Feb. 1,1848. Wash., 1848. 8vo. (Mexican War Pamph. , No. 12.) 16. 10 Collectanea Topographic a et Genealogica. London, 1834-'43. 8 Vols. 8vo. 46. 6 College of New Jersey. See Princeton College, of N. J. College of William and Mary, Va. Adams, Herbert B. Historical Sketch of. (U. S. Bureau of Ed. Circular, No. 1, 1886.) Wash., 1887. 8vo. 57. 14. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 429 Colleges. Account of College Commencements During 1873, in the Western and Southern States. [Circular of Infor- mation, of the Bureau of Education, Xo. 5, 1873.] Wash., 1873. 8vo. 56. 9. 7 Account of College Commencements for the Summer of 1873, etc. [Circular of Information, Bureau of Education, IN'o. 3, 1873.] Wash., 1873. 8vo. 56. 9. 7 The 2d, 11th, 13th and 14th Reports of the Society for the Promotion of Collegiate and Theological Education at the West. jN". Y., 1845-'47. 8vo. 56. 11. 4 Barnes, Albert. Plea for Western Colleges. 53. 6 Catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity, 1844, '47, '52. n. p. 1844-'52. 8vo. 52. 2. 2 Catalogus Sodalium Kappa Alpha, n. p. 1874. 8vo. 52. 2. 2 Songs of the Theta Delta Chi. No imprint. 16mo. 52. 2. 2 Farmer, John. List of Graduates at Colleges in New York and ^ew Jersey, to 1834. 43. 14. 7 Hall, Rev. Edwin. Colleges Essential to Home Missions. 56. 11. 4 Hopkins, Erastus. Speeches on the Bill to Incorporate the College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, April, 1849. 53. 12 Indiana College Association. Addresses and other Proceed- ings, Dec. 26 and 27, 1881. Crawfordsville, 1882. 8vo. 18. 11. 5 Neill, Edward D. Thoughts on American, etc. 22. 6. 1 Richardson, C. F. (and Clark, H. A.) The College Book. Boston, 1878. 8vo. 33. 13 Storrs, R. S. Jr. Colleges, a Power in Civilization. 56. 11. 4 Thwing, C. F. American Colleges; their Students and Work. 33. 13 Tuttle, J. F. Visit to Four Eastern Colleges. 18. 11. 2 For Reports, Addresses, etc., see names of colleges, or of the places where they are situated. COLLEGEVILLE, MiNN. School for the Chippewa Indians, Con- ducted by the Fathers and Sisters of St. Benedict, etc. St. Paul, 1887. 8vo. 22. 6. 2 CoLLESTER, M. D. L. Memorial Address on James L. Ridgely. [Waseca, Minn.] 1882. 8vo. 43. 7. R CoLLETT, John. (State Geologist, Indiana.) Geological Report. See Indiana — State Geologist. 51. 12 430 MINNESOTA HISTOBICAL SOCIETY. Collier, Francis J. Downington Presbyterian Church. His- torical Address at the Celebration of the 15th Anniver- sary of the Central Presbyterian Church, Downington, Pa.; July 23, 1876. Downington, 1876. 8vo. 11. 5. 4 Collier, J. Payne. Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Barest Books in the English Language. K. Y., 1866. 8vo. 4 Vols. 74. 10 Collier, Joshua. Eeply to the Sixth Edition of a Pamphlet (supposed official) on the State of the Nation, 1822. 2d edition. London, 1822. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 21.) 53.5 Collier, Eev. Eobert Laird. The Social Evil; an Address, etc. Chicago, 1871. 8vo. 57. 10. 1 Collins, Arthur. Peerage of England. 5th edit. 8 Vols. London, 1779. 8vo. 46.1 Collins, D. C. Practical Political Economy and Social Sci- ence, in their Application to our Present Condition as a Nation. Covington, Ky., 1876. 8vo. 57.10.2 Collins, John Erancis. A History of Hillsdale, Columbia County, N. Y. A Memorabilia of Persons and Things of Interest, Passed and Passing, etc. Edited by Prof. H. S. Johnson. Philmont, N. Y., 1883. 8vo. 16. 10 Collins, Lewis. Historical Sketches of Kentucky, 1770-1842. Maysville, Ky., 1847. 8vo. 18. 14 Same. History of Kentucky. Enlarged and Brought Down to 1874, by his Son, Eichard H. Collins. Covington, Ky. 1878. 8vo. 2 Vols. 18. 14 Collins, Thaddeus W. Eeview of the Governor's Message. Speech in the N. Y. House of Assembly, March, 1868. n. t. p. 8vo. 10. 13. 3 Collinson, Peter. See Dillingham, W. H. Tribute to the Memory of Peter Collinson. 43. 6. C. 1 CoLLYER, Eev. Eobert. God's Providences, and our Duty. A Talk to the Citizens of La Crosse, Wis., July, 4, 1876. (See Saunders, Fred. ^^Our National Jubilee," etc., p. 765.) New York, 1877. 8vo. 16. 12 Not Eetreat, but Victory. [Sermon.] From the Pamphlet Mission, Vol. 1, No. 1. Chicago, 1878. 8vo. 56. 7. 4 CoLMAN, Eev. . A Eeview of his Sermon, Delivered at the Opening of the Independent Congregational Church, in Barton Square, Salem. Boston, 1825. 8vo. 56. 7. 5 COLMERY, D. E. ''Walk About Zion." Historical Discourse, July 30, 1876, in the Presbyterian Church, Jersey, Ohio. Columbus, O., 1877. 8vo. 18. 3. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y. 431 Colombia. See Bache, Eichard. Notes on Colombia, 1822-^23. 40.9 Cochrane, Charles Stuart. Journal of a Eesidence in, etc. 1823-^24. London, 1825. 8vo. 38. 10 Colombian Mail Steamship Company. Value of the South American Republics, to the United States, [on] the Bill to Aid the Company to Establish a line of Steamships Between the U. S. and Columbia. New York, 1873. (Ram- sey Pamphlets, Vol. 33, No. 37.) 60. 2 Colombo, Chistofero. See Columbus, Christopher. CoLONEY, Myron. Manomin; a Rhythmical Romance of Minne- sota. St. Louis, 1866. 16mo. 22. 1 Colonization. See African Repository, Feb., 1844; Sept., 1869; March, 1871. Washington, 1844-'71. 8vo. 30. 7. 10 Alexander, William. An Encouragement to Colonies, 1624. 9.3 Blair, Francis P. Jr. Colonization and Commerce. 30. 7. 10 Blair, Montgomery. Comments on the Policy of the Presi- dent. 30. 4. 1 Christy, David. Lecture on African Colonization. 30. 7. 10 Frothingham, O. B. Colonization, n. t. p. 30. 7. 3 Humphrey, E. P. Color Question in the U. S. 30. 7. 10 Latrobe, J. H. B. Christian Civilization of Africa. 30. 7. 10 Colonization. Letter to Thomas Suffern. 30. 7. 10 McGill, A. T. Hand of God with the Black Race. 30. 7. 10 Patriotism, Philanthropy and Religion. 30. 7. 10 Orcutt, John. African Colonization; Address. 30. 7. 10 Peabody, Ephraim. Slavery in the United States; its Evils, etc. 30. 7. 5 Remarks on the Colonization of the Western Coast of Africa. [Anon.] 30. 7. 10 Toy, J. T. [?]. Slavery Indispensable to the Civilization of Africa. 30. 7. 5 Tracy, Joseph. Colonization and Missions. 52. 10. 2 See American Colonization Society. 30. 7. 9 See also Africans, Freedmen, Liberia, Slavery, etc. See also American, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, etc.. Colonization Societies. Colonization, American. See Neill, E. D. English Coloni- zation of America. 14. 12 The Planter's Plea. The Grounds of Plantations Examined, etc. 14. 12 55 432 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Colonization, America — (Continued). Zestermann, C. A. A. Memoir on the European Colonization of America. 14. 13. 1 See also Northmen, French, etc. Color. Moiono F. :N'. M. Accidental or Subjective Colors. His '*Eepertoire d'Optique Moderne," etc. (Smiths. Report, 1866. pp. 211-253.) 49. 3 Color Blindness. See Jeffries, B. J. Dangers from Color Blindness. 8. 5 Remarks on. 57. 10. 2 Colorado. Corbett, T. B. Legislative Manual of Colorado. 19. 9 Message of Edward M. McCook, Governor, Jan 3. 1872. Denver, Col. 1872. 8vo. 19. 14. 4 Message of John L. Routt, Nov. 3, 1876. [With Dept. Reports.] Denver, 1876. 8vo. 19. 14. 4 State Forestry Association. Constitution, By-Laws and Papers. Denver, J 884. 8vo. 19. 14. 4 Baker Silver Mining Company. Reports etc. 1866. 19. 14. 4 Baptist Associations. Minutes of. v. p. v. d. 8vo. 38. 12. 3 Descriptive. Blackmore, Wm. Colorado, its Resources, etc. London, Clark, C. M. Trip to Pike's Peak, Colorado. 19. 14 1869. 4to. 17. 1 See Coues, Elliott. Birds of the Colorado Valley, Part 1. 8vo. 49. 11 Draft of Constitution Published under the Direction of a Committee of Citizens of Colorado, for Consideration and Discussion. [^Anon.'\ Denver, 1873. 8vo. 19. 14. 4 Evans, John. Facts Concerning the Admission of Colorado. 60. 1 Fossett, Frank. Colorado, its Gold and Silver Mines, etc. 19. 9 Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, Embracing Colorado. See Hayden, F. V. 49. 4 Gilpin, William. Notes on Colorado. 60. 1 Greatorex, Eliza. Summer Etchings in Colorado. 19. 9 Hollister, O. J. Mines of Colorado. 19. 9 Ingersoll, Ernst. The Crest of the Continent, etc. 17. 9 Jackson, W. H. Ancient Ruins in Southwestern Colorado. 49. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 433 Colorado — (Continued). King, Henry. Excursion to the Eocky Mountains, 1877. 19. 14. 2 Mollhausen, Baldwin. Eeisen in die Felsengebirge JiTord- Amerikas. 19. 2. Morris, M. O'C. Eambles in t^e Eocky Mountains. 19. 1 Old, E. O. Colorado; its Minerals and other Eesources. 19. 14. 4 Porter, T. C, and Coulter, J. M. Synopsis of the Flora of Colorado. 49. 5. 3 Eaymond, W. Second Annual Excursion to Colorado and California, 1882. 19. 10. 2 Eust, S. F. & Co., Publ. Guide to Colorado. 19. 14. 4 Smart, S. F. Colorado Tourist and Guide. 17. 11. 1 State Brand Book of Colorado. Containing all the Stock Brands, etc. Denver, 1886. 8vo. 19. 14 Strahorn, E. E. To the Eockies and Beyond. 19. 10. 2 Wheeler A. C. The Iron Trail. Excursion to Colorado. 19. 10. 2 Historical. See Corbett, T. B. History of Colorado. 19. 9 Hill, Alice Polk. Tales of the Colorado Pioneers. 19. 9 Vickers, W. B. History of Colorado. 19. 10 Warner, F. P. The Two Bonanzas; a Colorado Drama. 19. 14. 4 Colorado Condensed. Industrial Information for Capital- ists and Immigrants. 19. 14. 4 Colorado Mines. Saint Paul Sulphuret Silver Mining Co. Prospectus and By-Laws. St. Paul, 1880. 8vo. 22. 13. 4 Colorado Eiver, Cal. See Derby, G. H. Eeconnoissance of the Gulf of California and the Colorado Eiver. 19. 14. 1 Sitgreaves, L. Eeport of an Expedition Down the Zuni and Colorado Elvers, (1853). 49. 11 TJ. S. Dept. of War. Colorado Exploring Expedition, 1857-'58. 19.14.1 Whipple, A. M. Expedition from San Diego, Cal., to the Eio Colorado, 1849. 19. 14. 1 Colorado Eiver of the West. Powell, J. W. Exploration of the Colorado Eiver of the West and its Tributaries, 1869-'72. 49.13 Ives, J. C. EepOrt of the Colorado Eiver of the West, 1857-^58. 49. 12 434 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. COLORADO Territory. See Clagett, W. H. Colorado Terri- tory. Speech. 60. 8 Colorado Veto Eeyiewed. From the Washington Chronicle, n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 7, ISo. 25.) 60. 1 Colt, Samuel. Life of. (McCabe, J. D. Great Fortunes, etc.) 43.12 Colt Family. See Eogers, Charles. Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Colt, and Coutts. 46. 2 CoLTON, Calvin. Crisis of the Country. By Junius. Credit System and the '^o Credit System, n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 14. 1 [NoTB. — In favor of Wm. H. Harrison for president.] The Currency. By Junius. N. Y., etc., 1843. 8vo. 33. 7. 9 Life and Times of Henry Clay. N. Y., 1846. 8vo. 2 Vols. 44. 5 Public Economy for the United States. N. Y. and Cinn. , 1848. 8vo. 57. 3 The Test. Parties Tried by their Acts. By Junius. ^N". Y. and Phila., 1843. 8vo. 33. 7. 3 Tour of the American Lakes, and Among the Indians of the l^orthwest Territory, in 1830. London. 12mo. 2 Vols. 20. 9 Editor. Life, Correspondence and Speeches of Henry Clay. 6 Vols. I!^. Y. 8vo. 1864. 44. 12 Contents: 1-3, Life; 4, Correspondence; 6-6, Speeches. CoLTON, Walter. Deck and Port. Or Incidents of a Cruise in the U. S. Frigate ''Congress,'^ to California, etc. N. Y., 1850. 8vo. 17. 8 Three Years in California. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. 19. 8 CoLUMBA, Saint. (Apostle of Scotland.) See Ho worth, H. H. Columban Clergy of Korth Britain. 35. 9 Columbia College, N. Y. City. Catalogue, 1860, '62, '64, 'QQ. N. Y. 8vo. 10. 6. 3 Proceedings at the Inauguration of Frederick A. P. Bar- nard, as President, Oct. 3, 1864. :N^. Y., 1865. 8vo. 10. 6. 3 See Buggies, S. B. Duty of Columbia College. 10. 6. 3 Law School. Dix, Morgan. The Bar, etc. Sermon before the Graduating Class. 10. 6. 3 Medical Department. Catalogue and Announcement, 1868, '72, '86. I^T. Y. , 8vo. 51. 4. 2 School OF Mines. Catalogue, etc., 1865, '69, '71. n. t. p. 8vo. 10.6.3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 436 Columbia County, Wis. History of Columbia County Wis. Containing Biog. Sketches of Prominent Men and Early Settlers; Preceded by a History of Wis., by Consul W. Butterfield. Chicago, 1880. 4to. 19. 11 Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Washing- ton, D. C. Eeports, 1868, ^76. Wash. 8vo. 57. 5. 6 Columbia Eiyer. See Franchere, Gabriel. Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America, 1811-' 14. 12mo. 20.5 Cox, Ross. Columbia River; Scenes and Adventures. 20. 6 Report on the Occupation of the Columbia River, by the Committee of the House of Representatives, Dec, 1821. (Newspaper Cutting.) Feb. 2, 1821. 19. 10. 6 Symons, T. W. Examination of the Upper Columbia River. 50. 7 Victor, Mrs. F. F. River of the West. 19. 2 See Oregon. Columbus, Christopher. See Barry, J. J. The Life of Christopher Columbus. 45. 4 Letter of Columbus to Luis de Santangel, 1493. No imprint. 8vo. (With Fac similes of the Letter.) 14.13.1 [Note. — From the only known copy in the Ambrosian library at Milan. The description (12 pages) by James Lenox.] The Bones of Columbus, by R. S. Swords. (New Jersey Hist. Soc. Proc, Vol. 5, pp. 179-190.) 10. 8. 1 Butler, J. D. Portraits of Columbus. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll,, Vol. 9, pp. 76-96.) 19. 11 Channing, E. Companions of Columbus. 25. 9 Dodge, Robert. Memorials of Columbus. 43. 6. C. 1 Fox, G. V. The Frst Landing Place of Columbus. 50. 1. 1 Gibbs, George. The Spot on which Columbus Landed. 10.4 Goodrich, Aaron. Character and Achievements of the (so- called) Christopher Columbus. 43. 10 Irving, Washington. Life and Voyages of Columbus. 74. 1 Same. London, 1850. . 8vo. 3 Vols. 74. 1 Luby, M. D. C. New American Epic Poem on the Discovery of America by Columbus. 74. 2 Schott, C. A. Variation of the Compass of Columbus. 50. 1. 1 Resting Place of the Remains of, by W. A. Whitehead. (New Jersey Hist. Soc. Proc. Vol. 5, pp. 128-137.) 10. 8. 1 Winsor, Justin. Columbus and his Discoveries. 25. 9 436 ■ MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Columbus, O. See Studer, J. H. Columbus, O. Its History, Eesources and Progress. 18. 8 Green Lawn Cemetery. Eeport, with By-Laws, Eegulations, etc. 1849-'50. Columbus. 8vo. 18. 10. 8 CoLViN, Yerplanck. Eeport on a Topographical Survey of the Adirondack Wilderness of T^ew York (1872). Albany, 1873. 8vo. 10. 9 CoLViLL, Col. William. Bull Eun. Address at the Eeunion of the Survivors of the First Minnesota, June 21, 1877. n. t. p. 8vo. 22. 5. 2 Same. 30. 4. 8 CoLViN, Andrew J. Speech in Senate of New York, March 8, 1860, on the Bill to Amend the Eevised Statutes. I^o ' imprint. 8vo. 53. 11. 1 Certain Kew Phenomena in Chemistry. Eead before the Albany Institute, Jan. 2, 1872. No imprint. 8vo. 51. 3. 2 Narrative of a Bear Hunt in the Adirondacks, (1870); read before the Albany Institute, Jan. 18, 1870. Albany, N. Y.,1870. 49.5.5 Winter Fauna of Mt. Marcy. Eead before the Albany Institute, Jan. 4, 1876. n. t. p. 8vo. ' 49. 5. 5 CoLWELL, Stephen. Five Cotton States and New York; Eemarks on the Social and Economical Aspects of the Southern Political Crisis, n. p. 1861. 8vo. 30. 4. 2 Eeport upon the Eelations of Foreign Trade to Domestic Industry and Internal Eevenue. (U. S. Eevenue Com- mission. Special Eeport. No. 10.) Wash., 1866. 8vo. 57. 2. 1 CoMANCHES, The. See Indians of America. Comanches. Combe, George. See Martineau, Harriet. Life of .Combe. 43. 1 Combs, Leslie. Col. Wm. Dudley's Defeat Opposite Fort Meigs, May 5, 1813. Official Eeport. Cinn., 1869. 8vo. 14. 10. 2 CoMEGYS, Joseph P. Memoir of John M. Clayton. Wilming- ton, 1882. 8vo. (Delaware Hist. Soc. Papers, Vol. 4.) 46.5 Comets. See Le Mercier, F. J. Eelation, 1665. 20. 3 Payne, W. W. Study of Eecent Comets. 22. 11 Winlock, W. C. The Great Comet of 1882. 50. 1. 1 Comic Almanac for 1842. N. Y., 1841. 4to. 53. 10. 2 Turner's, 1845. N. Y., 1814. 8vo. 53. 10. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 437 Coming Crown, the. Satire upon Gen. Grant. Phila., 1880. 8vo. 33. 7. 3 Commerce. American Shipping Interests; their Revival a !N'ational Necessity. Report of a Special Committee of the Boston Board of Trade, etc. Boston, 1871. 8vo. 57. 10. 4 See Atkinson, Edward. Commercial Development of the U. S., 1776-1876. 14. 10 Blodget, Lorin. Commercial and Financial Strength of the U. S. 33. 7. 7 Boutwell, G. S. Maritime Interests of the United States. 60. 1 Chandler, Zachariah. American Commerce. Speech. 60. 2 Charter, Constitution, etc., of the American Chamber of Commerce, Manufactures, Trade and Agriculture, n. p., n. d. 57. 10. 4 Chotteau, Leon. France and the United States. Commercial Interests. 52. 10. 2 Cooper, Peter. The Damages of a War of Commerce, on all the Great Interests of our Country. 60. 2 Geary, J. W. Correspondence, Relating to the Foreign Commerce of the U. S. 60. 2 Hichborner, N. G. ''Don't Give Up the Ship.'^ 60. 2 Hill, C. S. Our Merchant Marine. 57. 10. 4 Lynch, John, American Commerce. Speech. 60. 2 Mattorn, C. S. Letter to Z. Chandler on Pacific Ocean Commerce. 60. 2 Mediterranean and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. Testi- mony, etc. 60. 2 National Board of Trade. Proceedings, 1868-'80. 57. 1 Negley, J. S. Commercial and Shipping Interests. Speech. 60.2 New York State Chamber of Commerce. Report of a Special Committee on the Decline of American Commerce. 60. 2 Nimmo, Joseph, Jr. Foreign Commerce and Decadence of American Shipping. 60. 2 Palmer, A. H. Letter to C. H. Ingersoll on the Produc- tions, Commerce, etc., of Persia, Burmah, Japan, etc. 30. 13 Proceedings of the National Convention of Ship Owning and Other Commercial Bodies, for the Encouragement of the Ocean Commerce of the United States, held in Boston, Oct. 6, 7, 8, 1880. (Official Report Issued by the New York Maritime Register.) N. Y. n. d. 8vo. 57. 10. 4 438 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Commerce — (CJontinued). Proceedings of the National Convention of the United States Export Trade, held in Washington, D. C, Feb. 19 and 20, 18.78. Pittsburgh, 1878. 8vo. 57. 10. 4 Smith, W. L. Speeches on Commercial Eegulations Pro- posed by Mr. Madison, 1794. 35. g Southern Commercial Convention, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 1870. Proceedings. Cinn., 1871. 8vo. 60. 8 U. S. Dept. of State. Commercial Eelations. Reports of Consuls. 51. 2. 1 U. S. Dept of State. Report on the Commercial Relations of the United States with all Nations. 69. 13 Ward, Elijah. Our Inland Commerce; Free Canal Policy. J60. 2 Wells, Erastus. Western River and Ocean Commerce. Speech. 60. 2 Wood, Fernando. American Commerce. Speech. 60. 2 Commercial Convention. Detroit, 1865. See Detroit, Com- mercial, etc. Commodities of the Island Called Manati or Long Isle, which is in the Continent of Virginia, n. p., n. d. 8vo. [1865.] 15. 12. 3 Common School Journal, of Pennsylvania. Vol. 1, 1844. Phila., 1844. 8vo. 56. 1 Common Sense. 1776. 8vo. See Paine, Thomas. 14. 1 In a Letter to a Friend by the Author of Ireland in Tears. Dublin, printed; London, reprinted, 1755. 8vo. (Revo- lutionary Pamphlets, Vol. 32, No. 7.) 14. 8 Commons, House of. See Great Britain, Parliament, House of Commons. Company Clerk, The. See Kantz, A. V. Phila., 1864. 12mo. 5L9 Comparative Importance of Our Acquisitions from France in America. With Remarks on a Pamphlet Entitled an Examination of the Commercial Principles of the Late Negotiation in 1761. London, J 762. 8vo. (Revolutionary Pamphlets, Vol. 8., No. 4.) See Burke, Edmund. Examination, etc. 1768. 8vo. 14. 1 Compendious or Briefe Examination of Certayne Ordinary Com- plaints of Divers of Our Countrymen. By W. S., Gen- tleman. London, 1581. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 5.) 53. 5 Complete Refutation of the Arguments Used on the Subject of the Agricultural Petition. Lond, 1819. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 14.) 53. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 439 Compressed View of Points to be Discussed in Treat- ing WITH THE United States. By the Author of American Encroachments on British Rights. 1815. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 5.) 53. 5 Compromise of 1850. See Slavery. Compromise of 1850. CoMSTOCK, Gen. C. B. Primary Triangulation of the United States Lake Survey. Wash., 1882. 4to. (U. S. Dept. of War.) 50.3 CoMSTOCK, Geo. F. Speech. (Tariff on Salt.) 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 3, K'o. 8.) 60. 1 CoMSTOCK, John M. Obituary Record of Graduates of Dart- mouth College, 1884. Hanover, I^. H., 1884. 8vo. 43. 14. 7 CoMSTOCK, Joseph. Tongue of Time. IsT. Y., 1838. 8vo. 51. 10 CoMSTOCK, Theodore B. Geological Report of Northwestern Wyoming. (U. S. Department of War, Report, 1875.) 8vo. 19. 9 CoMSTOCK Lode, Geology of the. See Becker, G. F. (U. S. Geol.^ Surv. Monographs, Vol. 3.) 50. 2 Atlas, same. V CoNANT, A. J. Footprints of Vanished Races in the Missis- sippi Valley; Monuments and Relics. St. Louis, 1879. 8vo. 15.3 Con ANT, S. S. Progress of the Fine Arts in the U. S., 1776- 1876. (In ''First Century of the Republic") 1876. 8vo. * 14.10 CoNCHOLOGY. See Shells. Concord Fight, (April 19, 1775.) See Frothingham, Richard. Siege of Boston. 14. 3 Curtis, G. W. Oration on the One Hundredth Anniversary. 8.3 Concord, Mass. See Shattuck, Samuel. History of Concord. 8.2 Walcott, Charles H. History of Concord, Mass., in the Colonial Period. 8. 12 Mayor. See Cummings, G. A. Inaugural A ddress, l^ov. 9, 1880. 7. 11. 1 Board of Trade. Report of the Exercises at the Social Fes- tival, Oct. 20, 1873. Concord, 1873. 8vo. 7. 11 Bouton, ]N"athaniel. History of Concord, N. H., 1725-1853. 7.10 56 440 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Concord, Mass. — (Continued). McClintock, J. :N'. Concord in 1879. 7. 11 Moore, J. B. Historical Sketch of Concord, IST. H. 7. 3 Concordance. See Cruden, Alexander. New and Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, on the Basis of Cru- den. Ed. by John Eadie. N. Y., etc., 1850 [!]. 84. 9 Gaston, Hugh. Scripture Account of the Faith and Prac- tice of Christians. 5(5. 4 Concord Eailroad Corporation. Nineteenth and Twenty - seventh Annual Eeports of the Directors. Concord, 1860-'68. 8vo. 72.14.6 CoNDiCT, Lewis. See Adams, John Quincy; and Condict, L. Eeport to Congress, on Manufactures. 57. 2. 2 CoNDiE, D. Francis. Address before the Philadelphia County Medical Society, Feb. 13, 1856. Phil.. 1856. 51. 11. 5 CoNDiT, Blackford. Historic Discourse at the Quarter Cen- tury Anniversary of the Second Presb. Church, Terre Haute, Ind. Dec. 27, 1873. Cinn., 1874. 8vo. 18. 11. 4 CoNDiT, JoTHAM H. AND Eben. Genealogical Eecord of the Condit Family, Descendants of John Condit, a Native of Great Britain, who Settled in Newark, N. J., 1678-1885. Newark, 1885. 8vo. 47. 8 Condit Family. See Condit, J. H. and Eben. Descendants of John Condit, etc. 47. 8 CoNDORCET, Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat, de. Biography of, by Francis Arago. (Smiths. Eeport, 1878.) 49.3 Cone, D. D. Letters Eelating to Our Agricultural, Manufac- turing and Commercial Interests. 5th edit. Washing- ton, 1867. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 17, No. 26.) 60.8 Cone, Mary. Two Years in California. Chicago, 1876. 12mo. 19.8 Cone, William W. Historical Sketch of Shawnee County, Kansas. Topeka, Kan., 1877. 8vo. 19. 14. 2 Confederate States (so called). Compilation of the Tariff Act of the Confederate States of America, Approved May 21, 1861. New Orleans, 1861. 8vo. 30. 3 Department of War. Eifle and Light Infantry Tactics. By W. J. Hardee. New Orleans, 1861. 8vo. 51. 9. 1 Statutes at Large. 1861-'64. 6 Vols. 8vo. Eichmond. 30. 9. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 441 Confederate Survivors Association. The Old South. Addresses delivered before the CoDfederate Survivors Association, in Augusta, Ga., at its Mnth Annual Eeunion, April 26, 1887, etc. Augusta, Ga., 1887. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 Confessions. Les Confessions du Comte de * * * . Ecrites par Lui-Meme, a Mon Ami. Amsterdam, 1767. 16mo. 74.8 CONGAR, O. H. Report on the Silver Mines of the Pah-Ranagat Lake District, Southeastern Nevada. New York, 1866. 8vo. 19. 10. 1 CoNGAR, SAkuEL H. Genealogical Notices of the First Settlers of Newark N. J. (N. J. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 6. Sup- plement, p. 105.) 10. 8. 2 CoNGDON, Charles T. Reminiscences of a Journalist. Boston, 1880. 8vo. 43. 1 Conger, A. B. Memorial Address on Edward G. Faile, deliv- ered before the New York State Agricultural Society, Sept. 23, 1864. Albany, 1865. 8vo. 43. 6. F Conger, Omar D. Legislative Appropriation bill, H. of R., Jan. 29, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 38, No. 6.) 60. 2 Saint Croix & Lake Superior Railroad. Speech in the U. S. House of Representatives, March 4, 1872. Washing- ton, 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 23.) 60. 1 CoNGLETON, LoRD. See Parnell, H. B. Congregational Almanac. 1846. Boston, 1845. 12mo. 53. 10. 7 Congregational Church. See American Congregational Union; Annual Reports, 1859-'60. New York, 1859-'60. 8vo. 56. 12. 5 California, General Association of. Minutes, Oct., 1860. San Francisco, 1860. 8vo. 20. 14. 4 Beecher, Lyman. The Rights of the Congregational Churches of Massachusetts. 56. 12. 3 A Confession of Faith, Owned and Consented Unto by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches Assembled at Bos- ton, in New England, May 12, 1868, being the Second Ses- sion of the Synod. Boston, 1725. 16mo. (Bound up with ''The Results of Three Synods.") 56. 11 Congregational Quarterly. Boston, 1859-'79. 3S. 9 Connecticut: Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of, etc. New Haven, 1861. 8vo. 7. 14 442 3IINNES0TA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Congregational Chuech — (Continued). Gushing, Christopher. What Congregationalism has Ac- complished, etc. 56. 12. 5 Pelt, Joseph B. Reply to A. D. White. 56. 12. 3 Hart, Burdett. Congregationalism. A Sermon, etc. 56. 5. 1 Hawes, Joel. Tribute to the Memory of the Pilgrims, and Vindication of the Congregational Churches of New Eng- land. Hartford, 1836. 12mo. 7. 7 niinois Association. Memorial, Commemorative Dis- course, by Wm. Carter, and Historical Appendix. Com- piled by S. H. Emery. Quincy, 111., 1863. 8vo. 18. 6. 3 Minutes, Same; 1860, '61, '67, '68. Quin(!y, 1860-'68. 8vo. 18. 6. 3 Rights of Congregationalists in Knox College, 111. See Bailey, J. W. 18. 13. 5 Lawrence, R. F. The New Hampshire Churches, 1623-1655. 7.3 Le Bosquet, John. Congregrational Manual. 56. 2 Manual of the American Congregational Union, for 1875, '76. Boston. V. d. 8vo. 56. 12. 5 Massachusetts. See Allen, Joseph. The Worcester Associa- tion and its Antecedents. 25. 2 Langworthy, Isaac P. Historical Sketch of the Suffolk :Nrorth Conference. 8. 2. 6. B General Association. Minutes of 81st Annual Meeting, Boston Highlands, June 19-21, 1883. Boston, 1883. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Minutes of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Middlesex Union Conference, held at Townsend, Oct. 17, 18, 1887. Ayer Junction, Mass., 1877. 8vo. 8. 2. 4 Minnesota, Conference of. Minutes, 1856-1886. 2 Vols. bd. and 6 Pamph. v. p. 8vo. 22. 4 Minutes of the National Council of the Congregational Churches of the U. S. at the 3d sessiom, held in Concord, K H., Oct. 11-15, 1883. With the Reports and Papers. Boston, 1883. 8vo. 56. 12. 5 •New York, General Association. Minutes annual meeting in New York City, Sept. 20, 1859. Rochester, n. d. 8vo. 10. 14. 4 General Convention, Albany, N. Y. Proceedings, Oct., 1852. N. Y., 1852. 8vo. 10.4.4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 443 Congregational Church — (Continued), The Eesults of Three Synods, held by the elders and mes- sengers of the churches of Massachusetts Province, New England, containing: 1. The platform of church disci- cipline, in the year 1648; 2. Propositions concerning the subject of baptism, in 1662; 3. The necessity of reforma- tion, etc., in 1697. Bost., 1725. 16mo. 56. 11 Storrs, E. S. An Address on Congregationalism. 56. 12. 5 Congregational Library Association, Boston, Mass. Re- ports, 1854-'60. 8. 5. 3 • [See also American Congregational Association, ] Congregational Quarterly, The. Vols. 1-20, Bost., 1859- '79. 38. 9 Congregational Union. Kew York. See American Congre- gational Union. Congregational Visitor. Vols. 1-2. 1844-5. Boston. 12mo. 56.13 Congregational Year Book, 1882, '84, '85. Bost., 1882-'5. 8vo. 56. 13 CoNGRES International des Orientalistes. Compte-rendu de la Premiere Session, Paris, 1873. Paris, 1876-'79. 8vo. 3 Vols. 52.11.1 CoNGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE Americanistas. See Madrid. 15. 11. 1 Congress, Continental. Extracts from the Votes and Pro- ceedings at Phila, 5th Sept., 1774. Phila. printed; Lon- don reprinted, 1774. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 14, Ko. 8.) 53.6 To the People of Great Britain, from the Delegates of the • Colonies, in Congress at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774. Lon- don, 1775. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 11, :N'o. 11.) 53. 6 See Adams, John. Debates in the Continental Congress, 1775-6. 44. 3 Bacon, W. J. The Continental Congress; Some of its Actors and their Doings. 10. 11. 2 Cooper, Myles. What Think Ye of the Congress [N'ow? 14.1 Duane, William. Canada and the Continental Congress. 20. 9. 2 Letter to the People of Great Britain, in answer to that pub- lished by the American Congress. Anon. London, 1775. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 17, ^o. 7.) 14. 1 444 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Congress, Continental — (Continued). Seabury, Samuel, bp., and Wilkins, Isaac. Congress Can- vassed. 14. 1 Staples, W. E. Eliode Island in the Continental Congress. 8.6 Congress, United States. IS'iles Weekly Eegister, Yol. 1-50: — 1811-'36. Baltimore, 1811-'36. 51 Vols. 4to. 39.6 See U. S. — Congress. Congress, Contested Elections. See Clarke, M. St. Clair, ^nd Hall, David A. Contested Elections in Congress, 1789- 1884. Washington, 1831. 8vo. . 60. 3 Congress Water. See Walworth, E. H. Use of Congress Water in Cholera. 10. 14. 2 Congressional Board of Experts on Yellow Feyer and Cholera. Proceedings of the Board. Meeting in Mem- phis, Dec, 1878. :N'ew Orleans, 1878. 8vo. 15. 7. 1 Congressional Globe, Edited by J. C. Eives. Washington, 1833-'73. 4to. 122Yols. 58 Congressional Eecord. Yol. 1-11. 40 Yols. 4to. Washing- ton, 1874-'86. 58 CoNGREVE, Sir William. Impracticability of the Eesumption of Cash Payments. London, 1820. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 15.) 53. 5 CoNJUGAiL Love. See Swedenborg, Emanuel. New York, 1871. 8vo. 56. 6 CoNKLiNG, Alfred. Discourse Commemmorative of De Witt Clinton; at Schenectady, before the Phi Beta Kappa, July 22, 1828. Albany, 1828. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 8, ^o. 3.) • 53. 12 CoNKLiNG, Edgar. See Benton, Thomas H. Policy of Devel- oping Mineral Lands. 22. 4 CONKLING, EoscoE. Administration Yindicated. Speech, Senate of the U. S., Feb. 19, 1872. Washington, 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 31, Xo. 34.) 60. 8 Constitutional Amendments — Powers of States. Speech, Feb. 22, 1870. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 38, IS'o. 60.) 60. 2 Election of Senator Alexander Caldwell. Law of Legisla- tures. Speech in the Senate, U. S., March 19 and 20, 1873. Wash., 1873. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 23, ^0.1.) 60.8 Extra Session of 1879. What it Teaches. Speech in the Senate, April 24, 1879. Wash., 1879. 8vo. 33. 7. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 445 CoNKLiNG, EoscoE — (Continued). National and State Politics of 1871 Eeviewed. Speech at Albany, Oct. 11, 1871. n. t. p. Utica. n. d. 8vo. (Kamsey Pamph., Vol. 14, No. 2.) 60. 1 One Term Dogma. Speech in the Senate of the U. S. , Jan. 11, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 13.) 60. 1 Fry, J. B. Letter to A. G. Eiddle, etc. 60. 8 CoNLEY, Benj. (Gov. of Ga.) Message, Jan 11, 1872. Atlanta, 1872. 8vo. 15. 13. 1 Veto Message on the Bill Providing for a Special Election for Governor. Atlanta, 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 12.) 60. 1 Conn, Samuel. Centennial Sermon; Historical Sketch of the First Presb. Church, New Albany, Ind., June 25, 1876. Phil., 1870. 8vo. 18. 11, 4 Connecticut — Colony. See Hinman, E. E. Catalogue of the First Puritan Settlers. 47. 14 Public Eecords of, 3665-1750. Edited by J. Ham- mond Trumbull and Charles J. Hoadley. Hartford, 1852-^76. 8vo. 9 Vols. '7. 6 Adjutant General. Catalogue of Connecticut Volunteer Organizations, Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery, in the Service of the U. S. 1861-'65. Hartford, 1869. 8vo. 29. 14 Eeports, 1863-^66, '79. New Haven and Hartford. 5 Vols. 8vo. 29. 14 Commissioner of the School Fund. Eeport, 1864. Hart- ford, 1864. 8vo. 7. 12. 3 Comptroller of Public Accounts. Eeport, 1877, '78. Hart- ford, 1878-'9. 8vo. 7. 12. 2 General Assembly. The Code of 1650, the Earliest Laws; also, the Constitution Adopted by Windsor, Hartford and Wethersfield, 1638-'9. Added, Extracts from the Blue Laws. Hartford, 1822. 7. 5 Militia Law. Hartford, 1874. 8vo. 7. 12. 2 Public Acts, Eclating to Schools, 1860. Hartford, 1860. 8vo. 7. 12. 3 Governor, 1861. Message of William A. Buckingham. Hartford, 1861. 8vo. 7. 12. 2 Hospital for the Insane. Eeport, 1879. Middletown. 8vo. 7. 12. 4 446 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Connecticut— (Continued). Eegistration. Eeport Eelating to the Eegistration of Births, Marriages, Deaths and Divorces, for 1S73. Hartford, 1874. 8vo. 7. 12. 2 State Normal School. Eeport, 1859. New Haven, 1859. 8vo. 7. 12. 3 State Prison. Eeport, 1838, 1878. Hartford, 1838, etc. 7. 12. 2 History. See Baldwin, S. E. The Boundary Line be- tween Connecticut and New York. 7. (> Barber, J. W. Connecticut Historical Collections. 7. 12 Beardsley, E. E. The Mohegan Land Controversy. 7. 6 Bronson, Henry. Chapters on the Early Government of Con- necticut. 7. 6 Historical Account of Connecticut Currency. 7. 6 Bulkeley, Gershom. The People's Eight to Election. 7. 6 Bushnell, Horace. Historical Estimate of the State of Con- necticut. • 7. 12. 2 Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of Connecticut, Prepared Under the Direction of the General Association, to Commemorate the Completion of 150 Years Since its First Annual Assembly. New Haven, 1861. 8vo. 7. 14 Correspondence of Connecticut with the British Govern- ment, 1755-57. (Conn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1, pp. 257- 332.) 7. 6 Dwight, Theodore, Jr. History of Connecticut. N. Y., 1841. 16mo. 7. 14. Edes, H. H., Ed. Documents Eelating to the Colonial His- tory of Connecticut; with notes, 1678, etc. (N. E. Hist. Gen. Eegister, Vol. 23.) 46. 3 Federalism Triumphant in the Steady Habits of Connecti- cut Alone. Comic opera or political farce. In six acts, n. p. 1802. 8vo. 7. 12. 2 Hinman, E. E. Part Sustained by Connecticut During the War of the Eevolution. 14. 3 Hollister, G. H. History of Connecticut to 1787. 7. 5 Kingsbury, Frederic J. Old Connecticut; a Paper. 7. 6 Letter to the Clergy of the Colony of Connecticut, from an Aged Layman of said Colony. New Haven, 1760. 8vo. 7. 12. 5 Morris, J. A., and Croffut, Wm. A. Military and Civil History of Connecticut During the War of 1861-65. 8vo. 29. 14 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 447 Connecticut — (Continued). Poetry and Poets of Connecticut. (New Haven Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 2, pp. 93-115.) 7. 6 The Public Seal of Connecticut, by C. J. Hoadley. (Conn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1, pp. 251-255.) 7. 6 Reasons Why the British Colonies in America should not be Charged with Internal Taxes, by Authority of Parliament; Humbly offered for Consideration on Behalf of the Colony of Connecticut. Anon. New Haven, 1764. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 19, No. 3.) 14. 1 In the Rebellion. See Sheldon, W. D. Twenty -seventh Regiment Connecticut Volunteers; Regimental history. New Haven, 1866. 16mo. 29. 14 Steady Habits Vindicated; Serious Remonstrance to the People of Connecticut Against Changing their Govern- ment. By a friend to the public welfare. Hartford, 1805. 8vo. 7. 12. 2 Their Majesties' Colony of Connecticut in New England Vin- dicated from the Abuses of a Pamphlet printed in 1694, entitled. Some Reasonable Considerations for the Good People of Connecticut. By an answer thereto. Boston in New England, 1694. (Conn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol 1, pp. 83-130. 7.6 True-blue Laws of Connecticut and New Haven, and the False Blue-laws Invented by Samuel Peters. Ed. by J. Hammond Trumbull. Hartford, Conn., 1876. 8vo. 7. 5 Election Sermon, 1783. Stiles, Ezra. The United States Elevated to Glory and Honor. 14. 8 Trumbull, Benj. History of Connecticut 1630-1764. 7. 5 See also under names of Counties, Towns, etc., in the State. Connecticut General Association. Minutes at their meet- ing in Bridgeport, June 18, 20, 1861. New Haven, 1861. 8vo. 7. 12. 1 Connecticut Grants. See Hoyt, H. M. The Seven Town- ships in the County of Luzerne. 11. 5. 6 Connecticut Historical Society. Collections, Vols. 1, 2. Hartford, 18^0-^70. 2 Vols. 7. 6 Connecticut Land Company. See Western Reserve, Ohio. Connecticut Medical Society. Medical Communications, Vol. 1, No. 2, 3, 1861-2. Hartford, 1861-2. 8vo. 51. 4. 2 Proceedings, 1859-'62. Hartford. 8vo. 51. 4. 2 [Note. — The proceedings of 1859 contain an historical account of the society, byAshbel Woodward, M. D.] 57 448 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Connecticut State Agricultural Society. Transactions, 1854,-'55, '58, '59. Hartford, 1855-' 60. 8vo. 4 Vols. 72. 9 Connecticut Valley Historical Society. Papers and Pro- ceedings, 1876-'81. Springfield, Mass., 1881. 8vo. 9. 12 Connecticut and Passumpsic Eivers Eailroad Company. 5th Annual Eeport, July, 1850. Boston 1850. 8vo. " 72. 14. 3 CONNELL, George. Speech in the Senate of Pennsylvania, April 1, 1864, in Defense of the National Administration. Phila., 1864. 8vo. 33. 7. 7 Connelly, Henry. (Gov. of New Mex.) Message, Dec. 4, 1861. Santa Fe, K M., 1861. 8vo. 19. 14. 9 Conner, John C. Carpet Bag Eule, History of Eeconstruc- tion in Texas. Wash., 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Voh 4, :No. 8.) 60. 1 Oklahoma Territory. Speech, in H. of E., Jan. 15, 1873. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 23, No. 23.) 60. 8 Texas Politics. Wash., 1873. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 23, No. 20.) 60. 8 Texas Politics. Letter. Washington, 1879. 8vo. 15. 14. 2 CoNNESS, John. Speech, at Piatt's Hall, San Francisco, Oct. 18, 1864. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 22, No. 25.) 60. 8 Connor Family. See Welles, Albert. American Family Antiquity, Vol. 2. ^ 93. 3 CONOVER Family. See Welles, Albert. American Family Antiquity. Vol. 3, p. 113. 93. 3 Conquest of Canada. See Warburton, George. London, 1849. 20. 2 Conquest of Granada. (1478-'92.) See Irving, Washington. 74. 1 Conrad, Eobert T. See Fry, J. Eeese, and Conrad, E. T. Life of Gen. Zachary Taylor. 45. 3 Conrad, T. A. Check-list of the Invertebrnte Fossils of North America. Eocene and Oligocene. Washington, 1866. 8vo. (Smith. Inst. Misc. Coll., Vol. 7.) 49. 2 Conscription, The. Also, Speeches of W. D. Kelley. With Letters from S. P. Chase. Philadelphia, 1863. 8vo. 30.4.6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. , 449 Considerations — of the Police Eeport of 1816. London, 1822. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 21.) 53. 5 On Behalf of the Colonists. In a Letter to a Noble Lord. (Signed F. A.) London, 1765. Svo. (Rev. War Pam- phlets, Vol. 19, No. 11.) 14. 1 [Note. — See Jenyns, Soame. Objections to the Taxation, 1765. 8vo.] On British Commerce, with Reference to British India, the United States, and the Slave Trade. London, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 11.) 53. 5 On Certain Political Transactions of the Province of South Carolina. Anon. London, 1774. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 21, No. 3.) 14. 1 On the Attorney General's Proposition for a Bill for the Es- tablishment of Peace with America. By an Old Member of Parliament. London, 1782. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol, 9, No. 5.) 14. 1 Considerations on the Corn Question. London, 1821. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 17-18.) 53. 5 On the Dependencies of Great Britain. With Observations on a Pamphlet Entitled The Present State of the Nation. London, 1769. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 1, No. 3.) 14. 1 On the Expediency, etc. 1770. 8vo. See Maseres, Francis. (Rev. War Pamphlets, Vol. 26, No. 6.) 14. 8 On the Indian Trade. Originally Published in the Detroit Gazette. Anon. Detroit, 1821. 8vo. 19. 10. 6 On the Measures, etc. 1774. 8vo. See Robinson, Matthew. 14. 8 On the Present Peace, as far as is Relative to the Colonies and the African Trade. Anon. London, 1763. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 19, No. 2.) 14.1 On the Propriety of Imposing Taxes, etc. 1766. 8vo. See Dulancy, Daniel. 14. 1 Preliminary to the Fixing the Supplies, the Ways and Means, and the Taxes, for 1781. London, 1781. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 2.) 14. 1 Sur la Guerre Actuelle entre les Grecs et les Turcs, par un Grec. Imp rime a Paris, reimprime a Londres, 1824. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 24.) 53. 12 Upon the Sugar and Minting Bills, addressed to the people of Ireland in general, and the citizens of Dublin in par- ticular. Dublin, 1780. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 6.) 14.1 Consolatory Thoughts on American Independence. See Tod, Thomas. 1782. 8vo. 14. 1 450 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constables. See Booth, W. S. Justice's Manual. 8vo. 22. 5. 1 Haines, E. M. Duties of Constables in Illinois. 8vo. 53. 4 CoNSTANTiNE, THE GREAT. See Gibbon, Edward. History of Constantine. 40. 1 Constantinople. International Sanitary Conference. Feb., 1866. Eeport of a Commission on Asiatic Cholera. Trans, by Samuel L. Abbot. Boston, 1867. 8vo. 51. 11. 1 Constant de Eebecane, Henri Benjamin. On the Dissolu- tion of the Chamber of Deputies. Paris, 1820. London, 1821. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 18.) 53. 5 On the Eesponsibility of Ministers. Paris, printed,- Lon- don, reprinted, 1815. TPamphleteer, Vol. 5.) 53. 5 Constitution, The; and Mr. Motley. Signed ''Magna Charta." Evans, E. E. Phila., 1861. 12mo. 30. 4. 3 Constitution of the Confederate States of America, [so called.] Adopted March 11, 1861. Montgomery, Ala., 1861. 8vo. (No. 5, in Government Contracts, etc., 1861.) 30. 2 British. See Dean, Amos. The British Constitution in its Past History and Present Workings. (Hist, of Civiliza- tion, Vol. 5.) 40. 10 United States. See United States Constitution. Constitutional Eight of the Legislature of Great Brit- ain to tax the British Colonies IN America Impar- tially Stated. [^?ion.] (On the Stamp Act.) London, 1768. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 5, Xo. 5.) 14. 1 Consular Clerks. See U. S. Department of State, Eegula- tions, etc. 1864. 12mo. ' 33. 12. 1 Consumption. See Jones, Talbot. Plea for Cold Climates. 8vo. 51. 11. 2 Contemporary Evolution. See Mivart, St. George. 12mo. 15. 10 Continental Congress. See Congress, Continental. Continuation of the State of ]^ew England; being a further account of the Indian War, 1675. London, 1676. (Drake, Sam'l G. "Old Indian Chronicle." 1867. 4to. No. 3, pp. 171-205.) 15. 14 [Note.— See "Present State of New England, etc. 1675."] Controversy Between Great Britain and her Colonies Eeviewed. 1769. 8vo. See Knox, William. 14. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 451 Controversy Touching the Old Stone Mill. ]S"ewport, «E. I. :N"ewport, 1851. 12mo. 8. 6 Conway, Gen. Henry Seymour. Speech in the House of Commons, 5th of May, 1780, on the Bill for Quieting the Troubles in the British Colonies in America. London, 1781. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol 3, Ko. 2.) 14. 1 Conway, Martin F. Speech on Rgconstruction, House of Delegates, Ya., Feb. 28, 1866. (Ramsey Pamphs., Vol. 25, Xo. 9.) 60. 8 The War; A Slave Union, or a Free. Speech, H. of R., Dec. 12, 1861. n. t. p. 12mo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 37, No. 8.) ■ 60. 2 Conway, Rey. Moncure D. East and West; An Inaugural Discourse, Delivered in the First Congregational Church, Cincinnati, May 1, 1859. Cinn., 1859. 8vo. 56. 7. 1 The Golden Hour. Immediate Emancipation as a War Measure. Boston, 1862. 8vo. 30. 6 The Rejected Stone. Insurrection vs. Resurrection, in America. By a Native of Virginia. Boston. 1861. 30. 13 Con WELL, Russell H. Lives of the Presidents. See Abbott, J. S. C. ' 43. 11 CoNYNGHAM, D. P. The Irish Brigade and its Campaigns. (69th N. Y. Militia.) Boston, 1869. 12mo. 29. 12 ConynCtHam, John N. See Stevens, Wm. B. Memorial Dis- course on. 8vo. 43. 6. C Cook, B. C. Argument in Case of Neal Rug2:les vs. People of the State of Illinois. Supreme Court of Illinois, Sept. Term, 1874, on the Right of the State to Regulate Rail- road Charges. Chicago, 1874. 8vo. 72. 13. 4 Brief and Argument in the Supreme Court of the U. S., on the Constitutionality of an act of the Minnesota Legisla- ture, Regulating Railroad Charges, Oct. Term, 1874 [Winona & St. Peter R.R. Co. vs. John D. Blake et. al.] Chicago, 1875. 8vo. 72. 13. 4. Also, Reply to the Argument of Deft, in Error, same case. 72. 13. 4 Cook, Burton C. The Tariff. Speech in the H. of R., March 23, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 38, :N'o. 3,3.) 60. 2 452 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. COQK, Eben. The Sot- Weed Factor; or, a Voyage to Maryland. A satyr. In which is described, the laws, government, courts and constitution of the country, and also the build- ings, feasts, frolicks, entertainments and drunken humours of the inhabitants of that part of America. In burlesque verse. By Eben Cook, Gent. London, 1708. 4to. 11.1 [Note. — This copy is one of Shea's early southern tracts, from the edition of 1708. Introduction by Brantz Mayer. ' ' Sot-weed " is an old name for tobacco. ] Cook, Daniel P. See Brown, \Y. H. Memoir of D. P. Cook. 43. 6. C. 1 Cook, Eev. F. C. The State of those who Sleep in Jesus. A sermon preached by the author, in Lincoln's Inn, London, Nov. 19, 1871, and read in the chapel of St. Stephen's College, Annandale, ^N". Y., Festival of All Saints, 1873. Albany, 1873. 8vo. 56. 7. 1 Cook, Geo. H. Eeport on a Survey of the Boundary Line Between Kew Jersey and New York, 1874. ^N'ew Bruns- wick, K. J., 1874. 8vo. 10. 2. 1 Cook, Thomas & Son, Publ. Are You Going to Europe? Cook's Excursions, 1882-'87. K. Y., 1882-'7. 16mo. 19. 10. 2; Cook's Excursionist, and Home and Foreign Tourist Adver- tiser, Jan., 1887. K Y. 4to. 17. 11. 1 Same. Programmes for Tours in Europe, etc. 1887. 4to. 25. 6. 1 Cook County, III. See Andreas, A. T. History of Cook County. 17. 10 Board of Supervisors. Eeport on the Eeform School Grounds, n. t. p. 8vo. 18. 6. 4 Coroner. Eeports, 1875-'77. Chicago, v. d. 8vo. 18. 6. 6 Department of Public Instruction. Eeport of the County Supt. of Schools, 1872. Aurora, 111. 1872. 56. 8 Jail. Eeport of Charles Kern, Sheriff, for 1877. Chicago. 24mo. 18. 6. 4 :N'ormal School. Circular, 1877. Chicago, 1877. 18. 13. 9 Cooke, Edward. Eeal Causes of the Increased Price of the Necessaries of Life, and the High Price of Gold Bullion. London, 1819. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 14.) 53. 5 Thoughts on the Expediency of Eepealing the Usury Laws.. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 13.) 53. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY, 453 Cooke, Jay. & Co. Catalogue of Lands in Minnesota, etc., Be- longing to the Estate of Jay Cooke <& Co., in Bankruptcy, etc. 2 Pamph. n. p., n. d. [1886.] 8vo. 22. 13. 7 [N'orthern Pacific Eailroad's Land Grant, and the Future Business of the Eoad. New York, 1870. 8vo, (Xor. Pac. E. E. Pamphlets, Vol. 2.) 22. 4 Cooke, John Esten. Essay on the Invalidity of Presbyterian Ordination. Lexington, 1829. 8vo. 56. 3 Wearing of the Gray; Personal Patriots, Scenes, and Adven- tures of the War. New York, 1867. 8vo. 30. 2 Cooke, John Henry. (Capt. in Brit. Army.) A Narrative of Events in the South of France, and of the Attack on New Orleans, in 1814 and 1815. London, 1835. 8vo. 16. 13 Cooke, Josiah Parsons. Scientific Culture, its Spirit, Aim and Methods; and, Further Eemarks on the Greek Question, n. p. • 1884. 8vo. 56. 9. 1 Cooke, Philip St. George. Conquest of New Mexico and Cali- fornia (1846-7.) New York, 1878. 12mo. 14. 11 Scenes and Adventures in the Army; or, Eomance of Mili- tary Life. Philadelphia, 1857. 12mo. 17. 10 Cooke, Samuel. Sermon at Cambridge, May 30, 1770. Being the Anniversary for the Election of His Majesty's Coun- cil. Boston, 1770. (Pulpit of the Amer. Eev.) 1860. 12mo. pp. 147-186. 14. 8 Cooke, W. B. and Cooke, G. Descriptions to the Plates of Thames Scenery. Engraved by W. B. Cooke and G. Cooke. London, 1818. 8vo. 35. 9 Cooke Family. See Welles, Albert. American Family Antiq- uity. Vol. 2. 93. 3 CooKMAN, Eev. Geo. G. An Address Delivered at the Sixtk Anniversary Meeting of the Foundry Missionary Society ,^ held in Wesley Chapel, Wash., Jan. 15, 1835. Bait., 1835. 12mo. 56. 7. 6 Cool Thoughts, etc. 1780. 8vo. See Galloway, Joseph. (Eev. WarPamphs., Yol. 2, No. 4.) 14. 1 Cooley, Leroy C. Mechanical Action of- Eadiation. Eead before the Albany Institute, Feb. 1, 1876. n. t. p. 8vo. 51. 3. 2 Cooley, Timothy Mather. See Sprague, W. B. Sermon at the Funeral of Cooley. 43. 6. C. 1 Cooley, Thomas M. The Acquisition of Louisiana. (Indiana Historical Society Pamphs., No. 3.) Indianapolis 1887. 12mo. 18. 11. 3 454 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. CooLTDGE, A. J. (and Mansfield, J. B.) A History and Description of New England, General and Local. Vol. 1. (All yet Pub. Contains Me., K H., and Vt.) Bos- ton, 1859. 8vo. 7. 14 CooLiDGE, J. J. T. Farewell Discourse at the Thirteenth Con- gregational Church, July 4, 1858. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 7, :N"o. 9.) 9. 2 CooLiDGE, EicHAKD H. Army MeteorologicalEegister, 1843- '54. Wash., 1855. 4to. (U. S. Dept. of War, Surgeon General). 50. 1 Statistical Eeport on Sickness and Mortality in the U. S. Army, 1839-'55. Wash., 1856. 4to. (U. S. Dept. of War, Surgeon General.) 51. 4 CooLEY, Byeon. Memoirs, Compiled from his Papers and Con- versations, while under the Sentence of Death. Cinn., 1837. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Cooper, Anthony Ashley. (Earl of Shaftesbury.) Brief Account of Many Memorable Passages in the Life and Death of the Earl of Shaftesbury. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 9, pp. 49.) 40. 3 Cooper, Charles Henry. Memorials of Canibridge Univer- sity, Eng. Greatly Enlarged from the Work of J. Le Keux, etc. 3 Vols. Cambr., 1860. 8vo. 38. 2 Cooper, David. Sketch of. (From Sketches of Eminent Americans.) n. t. p. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Cooper, Elizabeth. Popular History of America, from the Discovery by Columbus, to the Establishment of the Eepublic of the United States. London, 1865. 8vo. 16. 11 Cooper, James Fenimore. See Arnold, Isaac N. A Tribute t^ Cooper, etc. (In Shaw, S. M. Brief History of Coop- erstown.) 10. 9 Battle of Lake Erie; Answers to Messrs. Burges, Duer, and Mackenzie. Cooperstown, 1843. 12mo. 14. 10. 2 History of the Navy of the U. S. London, 1839. 8vo. 14. 6 Naval History. See Parsons, Usher. Battle of Lake Erie. 8. 13 Gushing, Caleb. Eeply to the Letter of J. Fenimore Cooper. . 33. 7. 3 Duyckinck, E. A. Biogr. Sketch. 44. 6 Livermore, S. T. Biogr. Sketch. (In his ^^History of Coop- erstown." 10. 3]^ Eeview. (App. to Mackenzie, A. S. Proceedings, etc. 53. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 455 Cooper, James M. Our Steel Industry, u. t. p. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamph., Vol. 3, ISo. 10.) 60. 1 Cooper^ Myles. American Queiist; Some Questions Pj-oposed, Eelative to the Present Disputes Between Great Britain and her American Colonies. 10th edit. I*^. Y., 1774. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamphs., Vol. 17, :N"o. 1.) 14. 1 Friendly Address to all Eeasouable Americans, on the Sub- ject of our Political Confusions. ]^ew York, printed; London, reprinted. 1774. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamphs., Vol. 25, No. 3.) 14. 8 What Think Ye of the Congress Now! Inquiry, How Far the Americans are Bound to Abide by the Decisions of the Continental Congress. With a Plan, by Samuel Gallo- way, for a Proposed Union between Great Britain and the Colonies. Added, an Alarm to the Legislature of the Province of New York. [By Thomas Bradbury Chand- ler.] New York, printed; London, reprinted. 1775. 8vo. (Rev. War. Pamphs., Vol. 17, No. 3.) 14. 8 Friendly Address, Answer to. See Livingston, Philip. The Other Side, etc. 14. 1 Cooper, Peter. Communication to Show the Dangers of a War of Commerce on all the Great Interests of our Country.' N. Y., 1872. (Ramsey Pamphs,, Vol. 35, No. 14.) 60.2 Letter to the Delegates to the Evangelical Alliance. N. Y., 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphs., Vol. 4, No. 11.) 60. 1 Letter, to Abraham Lincoln. On Slave Emancipation, n. t. p. 8vo. (Loyal Pub. Soc, No. 23.) 30. 9 Same, No. 2. n. t. p. 8vo. (Loyal Pub. Soc, No. 28.) 30.9 'Protection to American Industry. N. Y., 1871. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 10.) 60. 1 Speech at a Dinner Party Given by the Commission Mer- chants of New York, to the Manufacturers of Massachusetts, Dec. 14, 1870. N. Y. 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphs., Vol. 7, No. 20.) And Others. Thorough Digest of the Indian Question. Recommending a Bill, by John B. Wolfe, n. t, p. 8vo. 15. 11. 3 Reception of, by the Arcadian Club, on his Eighty fourth Birthday, Feb. 12, 1874. New York, 1874. 8vo. 45. 3 See Zachos, J. C. Sketch of the Life and Opinions of Peter Cooper. New York, 1876. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 2 58 456 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. COOPEE, Samuel. Concise System of instruction and Eegula- tions for the Militia and Volunteers of the TJ. S. Phila., 1863. 12nio. 30. 8 Cooper, Thomas, Editor. Statutes at Large of South Caro- lina, Vol. 1. Columbia, S. C, 1836. 8vo. 15. 6 Cooper, Thomas V., and Fenton, Hector T. American Politics (non-partisan), to 1882. Chicago, 1882. 8vo. 33. 13 Cooper County, Mo. Histoi^y of Howard and Cooper Coun- ties, Missouri, etc. St. Louis, 1883. 8vo. 83. 15 Cooper Union. See New York City. Cooper Union. 10. 12. 5 CooPERSTOWN, N. Y. See Livermore, S. T. Condensed History of Cooperstown (1761-1862), with a Biographical Sketch of J. Fennimore Cooper. Albany, 1862. 18mo. 10. 3 Shaw, S. M. Brief History of Cooperstown, etc. 10. 9 Coos County, K H. See Powers, Grant. Historical Sketches in Coos County. 7. 10 Coote, Eichard, Earl of Bellomont. See De Peyster, Frederick. Earl of Bellomont. 43.6. C.l Cope, E. D. Catalogue of the Vertebrata of the Eocene of New Mexico. Wash., 1875. 8vo. (U. S. Geol. Surveys, W. of the 100th Mer. ) • 49. 5. 3 Check List of North American Batrachia and Reptilia. Wash., 1875. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 13.) 49. 2 Geological Survey of Ohio, 1869-'72. 4 Vols. Columbus, 1873-'75. 8vo. 51.5 On the Contents of a Bone Cave in the Island of Anguilla, West Indies. [From the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. 25.] 1883. 4to. 49. 14 Vertebrata of the Cretaceous Formations of the West. Wash., 1875. 4to. (U. S. Geol. Survey, F. V. Hayden, Vol. 2.) 50. 8 Vertebrate Fauna of the Miocene Period, n. t. p. 8vo. 49. 5. 5 Vertebrata of the Tertiary Formations of the West. (U. S. Geol. Surv. of the Terr., Vol. 3.) Wash., 1883. 4to. 50.9 Cope, 'Gilbert. Genealogy of the Dutton Family. West Ches- ter, Pa., 1871. 8vo. 47. 2 Eecord of the Cope Family. Phila., 1861. 8vo. 47.8 Cope Family. See Cope, Gilbert. Eecord of, etc. 47. 8 CATALOGUE OF THELfSMjtEX±^Ji^^^^^ 457 CoPELAND, R. Morris, Asst. Adj. Gen. Statement of R. Morris Copeland, discharged from service, Aug. 6, 1862. Bos- ton, 1864. 8vo. 30. 11. 4 Copenhagen. L' Academie Royale.- Bulletins, 1881-'86. 8vo. 40. 9 Royal Society of [N'orthern Antiquaries. Annaler for Nor- disk Old-Kyndinghed, 1836-'37. Kjobenhavn, 1837. 8vo. 40.9 Memoires, 1840-'44. Copenhague. v. d. 8vo. 40. 9 See Rafn, C. C. Memoirs sur la Decouverte del' Amer- ique. 40. 9 Supplement to the Antiquitates Americanae. Oopenh., 1841. 8vo. 40. 9 Copernicus Refuted. 1846. Svo. See Merceron, D. S. Copland, Patrick, (Rector of the First Projected College in the U. S.) See :N^eill, E. D. Memoir of Patrick Cop- land. N. Y., 1871. 8vo. 44. 1 Copley, John Singleton. (Lord Lyndhurst.) See Martin- eau, Harriet. Life of Copley. (Biogr. Sketches, 1869. 12mo.) 43. 1 Copley, Josiah. Kansas and the Country Beyond^ Phila., 1867. 8vo. 19. 7 COPPEE, Henry. Elements of Logic. Phila., 1871. 16mo. 83 Copper. See Foster, J. W., and Whitney, J. D. Geology of the Lake Superior Land Districts. , 51. 5 Houghton, Jacob. Ancient Coi)per Mines of Lake Superior. 19'. 3 Same. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 8, pp. 140-151.) 19. 11 Irving, R. D. Copper-Bearing Rocks of Lake Superior. 50. 2 Martin, Henry. Duty on Copper Ores. 60. 1 Mode of Fabrication of Ancient Copper Instruments, by L. C. Draper, Charles Whittlesey and others. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 8, pp. 165-173.) 19. 11 Notes upon Copper and Copper Ores. Anon. No imprint. 8vo. 51. 3. 1 Reems, H. A. Duty on Copper. Remarks, etc. 60. 2 Slafter, E. F. Prehistoric Copper Implements. 19. 11 Williams, Herbert. Copper Mining in Canada East. zO. 9. 8 Copperheads. Book, Ye, of Copperheads. Anon. Phila., 1863. 12mo. 30. 4. 9 Copper Smelting. See Howe, Henry M. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Bulletin No. 26.) 49. 11. 1 458 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. COPWAY, George, (Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowli.) Life, History and Travels of Kah-ge-ga-gah bo wh. Written by himself. 2d edit. Phila., 1847. 12mo. 43. 2 Ojibway Conquest. Tale of the :Nrorthwest. Poem. N. Y., 1850. 18nio. 15. 1 Organization of a IS'ew Indian Territory. N. Y., 1850. 8vo. 15. 11. 3 Traditional History of, and Characteristic Sketches of, the Ojibway Nation. Boston, 1851. 16mo. 15. 1 Translated Gospel of St. Luke in Ojibway. See Bible, 2s^. T., etc. 22. I Copyright. International. See Literary Property. Corbet, Miles. A Most Learned and Eloquent Speech in the House of Commons, at Westminster, 31st July, 1647. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 5, pp. 36 42.) 40. 3 OoRBETT, G. O. Eed Eiver Rebellion; the Cause of it. Letters to the British Government. London, 1870. 8vo. 20. 5. 2 CoRBETT, Henry W. (of Oregon.) Specie Payments. The Tariff. Speech in the Senate of the U. S., March 19 and 22, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. 57. 2. 1 CoRBETT, Jerry. Attention, Irishmen! Political Squib, n. t. p. 8vo. 22. 14. 6 CoRBETT, Sidney, Key. A Sermon, Suggested by the Assassi nation of President Garfield, Preached at St. Thomas' Church, Battle Creek, Mich., Sept. 25, 1881. No imprint. . 12mo. 43. (). G CoRBETT, Thomas B. Legislative Manual of Colorado, Com- prising the History of Colorado, Annals of the Legisla- ture, Manual of Parliamentary Practice, etc. Denver, 1877. 8vo. 19. 9 CoRBiN, D. T. Argument in the trial of the Ku Klux, before the U. S. Circuit Court, Columbia, S. C. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 14, ^o. 9.) ()0. 1 Corcoran Gallery of Art. See Washington, D. C. CoRDAY, Marie Anne. (Charlotte d' Armans, Charlotte Cor- day.) See Dunphy, Thomas, and Cammings, T. J. Re- markable Trials. 53, 4 Cordnbr, John. American Conflict; Address before the Kew England Society of Montreal, Dec. 22, 1864. Montreal, 1865. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 6, ISTo. 11.) 60. 1 Is Protestantism a Failure? The Question Considered, in 5 Lectures. Also a Discourse on Christian Monotheism. Montreal, 1869. 12mo. 56. 7. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 459 Corey, Allen. Gazetteer of the County of Washington, N. Y. Schuyler ville, K Y., 1849-'50. 8vo. 10. 1 CoKiNTH, Miss. Siege of Corinth, 1862. (See IT. S. Dept. of War. Hist, of the Rebellion; Official Reports, 1st Ser. Vol. 10, Pt. 1.) Wash., 1883. 25. 4 Corliss, George H. See Gardner, H. W. Claim of Corliss ' against the Navy Departinent. 60. 1 Corliss, Augustus W. A Genealogical Record of the Corliss Family of America. Also, Notes on the Corlies Family. Yarmouth, Me., 1875. 8vo. 47. 8 Corliss, George H. See Spencer, G. E. Corliss Steam Engine Contracts. 51. 9. 1 Corliss, or Corlies, Family. See Corliss, Aug. W. Corliss Family in America. CoRNARO, LuDOVico. Sure Methods of Attaining a Long and Healthful Life. 33d edit. Loudon, 1821. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 18, 19.) 53. 5 [Note. — First published in 1558.] CoRXELius, Elias. See Beecher, Lyman. Sermon at the In- stallation of Elias Cornelius, as Associate Pastor of the Tabernacle Church in Salem, July 21, 1819. Andover, 1819. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 11.) 9. 2 Cornell, Ezra. In Memoriam. Death and Burial of Ezra Cornell, Founder of Cornell University. Ithaca, N. Y., 1874. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Cornell, William Mason. History of Pennsylvania, from the Earliest Discovery, to 1876. Phila. and Boston, 1876. 8vo. 11. 11 Cornell Uniyersity, Ithaca, N. Y. Catalogue, 1868. Ithaca, N. Y., 1869. 8vo. 10. 6. 6 Register, Same. 1868, '72, '74, '81, '82, '85. Ithaca, v. d. 8vo. 10. 6. 6 Laws and Documents. Ithaca, 1870. 8vo. 10. 6. 6 CoRNU CoPiA. A Miscellaneum of Experiments. 4to. (Har- leian Misc., Vol. 6, pp. 540-552.) 40. 3 Cornwall, Conn. See Gold, Theodore S. Historical Records of. 7. 13 Cornwall, Vermont. See Matthe\YS, Lyman. History of Corn- wall. 8vo. 7. 9 CoRNWALLis, Charles, Earl, etc. Answer to Sir Henry Clinton's Narrative of the Campaign in 1781, in North America. Phila., 1866. 4to. (Reprint.) 14.4 [Note. — Bound, with Clinton, Sir Henry, Narrative, etc. 1865. 4to.] 460 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. CoENWALLis, Charles, Earl, etc.— (Continued). Correspondence. Edited, with notes, by Charles Eoss. 2d edit. Lond., 1859. 3 Vols. 8vo. 43. 2 CoRNWALLis, KiNAHAN. The New El Dorado; or, British Colum- bia. London, 1858. 12mo. 19. 8 CoENWALLis, Thomas. See Neill, E. D. Founders of Mary- " land. 11. 1 CoEONADO. See Yasquez de Coronado. Corporations, their Powers and Eights. See Farrar, Tim- othy. Case of Trustees of Dartmouth College vs. W. H. Woodward. ' 7. 4 Correspondence with the Inhabitants of the Moon, Some Account of a. Lond., 1800. 8vo. Eeprinted, Cinn., O., 1868. 8vo. 51. 11. 1 CoRRiE, Edgar. Letters on the Duties on Coffee. 3d edit. London, 1808. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 11, No. 6.) 53. 6 CoRRY, p. Discourse on the Landing of the Pilgrims of Mary- land, Celebrated May 15, 1843, at Mfe. St. Marys, Md. Gettysburg, 1843. 8vo. (^Misc. Pamphs., Yol. 1, Ko. 9.) 53. 12 Corson, Hiram. The University of the Future. Address, before the Alumni of St. John's College, July 7, 1875. Annapolis, Md., 1875. 8vo. 11. 1. 2 CoRTEREAL, MiGUEL. See Dexter, George. (Narrative and Critical History of America. Yol. IY> Chap. 1.) 25.9 Cortes, Hernando, Life of. See Prescott, Wm. H. (Con- quest of Mexico. 1843. 8vo.) 52. 4 Portrait Authentique de Fernand Cortez. (France, Soc. Amer. Archives, nouv. ser. tom 1st, p. 296.) 14. 12 Winsor, Justin. Cortes and his Companions. (:N'arrative and Critical History of America. Yol. 2, p. 349.) 25. 9 CoRTHELL. E. L., Civil Engineer. The South Pass Jetties. Descriptive and Incidental :N^otes and Memoranda. Eead at 10th Annual Convention, American Society of Civil Engineers. 7 maps. (Eeprinted from Yol. YII, Proceed- ings.) n. p. 8vo. 72. 13. 2 Cortland County, IsT. Y. See Goodwin, H. E. Pioneer His- tory of Cortland County, K Y. 10. 9 CoRWiN, Edward Tanjore. Corwin Genealogy in the U. S. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. 47. 2 Historical Discourse on Occasion of the Centennial Anniver- sary of the Eeformed Dutch Church, of Millstone, N. J., 1866. N. Y., 1866. Svo. 10 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 461 CoRWiN, Thomas. Free Soil vs. Slavery. Speech against the Compromise Bill in the Senate of the U. S., July 24, 1848. 8vo. 30. 14. 1 OoRWiN, CuEWEX, CuRWiN FAMILY. See Corwin, E. T. Cor- win Genealogy in the U. S. 47. 2 Coshocton County, O. See Hunt, W. E. Historical Collec- tions of Coshocton County, O. 18. 2 CossHAM, Handel. The American War; Facts land Fallacies. Speech, at Bristol, Eng., Feb. 12, 1864. K. Y., 1865. 8vo. 30. 4. 1 Friends of America, in England. Handel Cosham. From the Federal American Monthly, X. Y. Wash., 1865. 8vo. 30. 4. 1 CoSTi, Angelo Michele. Memoir of the Trent Affair. Wash., 1865. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 20, Xo. 10.) 60. 8 Costumes. See Planche, J. R. A Cyclopedia of Costume. 25.8 CoTHREN, William. History of Ancient Woodbury, Conn.; from the first Indian deed in 1659, to 1879. 3 Yols. Waterbury, 1871-'79. 8vo. 7. 12 Cottages. See American Architect and Building News. (Peri- odical.) Boston, 1876-'87. 4to. 13 Yols. 51. 7 Palliser, George and Charles. American Cottage Homes. Bridgeport, Conn., 1878.^ 4to. 50.5 Cotton, Mrs. Anne. Account of Our Late Troubles in Yir- ginia, Written in 1676. Wash., 1835. 8vo. (Force's Tracts, Yol. 1.) 14. 12 Cotton, Aylett R. Tariff. Speech in the U. S. House of Reps., March 23, 1872. 8vo. Wash., 1872. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 5, 'Eo. 28.) 60. 1 Cotton, Bartholomew de (Monk of Norwich, d. 1298). His- toria Anglicana, A. D. 449-1298. Nee non ejusdem liber de archiepiscopis et episcopis Anglise. Ed. by Henry Richards Luard. London, 1859. 8vo. 40. 12 Cotton, John. Letter to Mr, Williams, Loud., 1643. Ed. by Reuben A. Guild. (Narragansett Club Publ., Yol. 1.) See Williams, Roger, Mr. Cotton's Letter, etc. 1644. 8. 13 Reply to Mr. Williams. His examination. Ed. by J. Lewis Diman. (Narragansett Club Publ., Yol. 2.) See Will- iams, Roger. Mr. Cotton's Letter, etc. 1644. (In the same, Yol. 1.) 8. 13 Williams, Roger. The Bloody Tenant Yet More Bloody, etc. 8. 13 462 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cotton, Josiah. Yocabulary of the Massachusetts (or IN'atick) Indian Language. Imprint torn off. 8vo. 15. 1 1. 2 Cotton, Sir Eobert. Antiquity and Dignity of Parliaments. 1679. fo. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 8, 216-228.) 40. 3 Cotton. See Atkinson, Edward. Address on Cotton. 60. 1 Bell, M. A. South Side View, etc. 1860. 8vo. 30. 4. 1 Buckley, C. W. New South and Kew Industries. Speech. 60.2 Cause of Fire in Cotton and Cotton Laden Vessels, with Eecommendation for its Detection and Prevention. Anon. K Y., 1866. 8vo. 72. 9. 2 Cotton is King. By an American (Christy, David). Cinn., 1855. 12mo. 30. 8 Cotton Question, The. An Inquiry into the Standing and Prospects of the Cotton States of America, etc. n. j). 1876. 8vo. 72. 9. 2 Cotton Production of the United States. See Census Eeports. 50. 10 Cotton vs. Currency. Ought the Cotton Trade to be Opened? Signed, E. A. Boston, June 4, 1864. 30. 4. 2 Emerson, Dr. G. Cotton in the Middle States. 72. 9. 2 Henderson, J. B. Tax of Manufactured Cotton. 60. 8 Histoiy of the Sales of Cotton Seized in the South by the U. S. Army. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 16, ^o. 40.) * 60. 1 James, Charles T. Letters on its Culture and Manufacture. 72. 9. 2 Kimball, Israel. Constitutionality of the Cotton Tax. 60. 1 Loring, F. W., and Atkinson, C. F. Cotton Culture and the South. 72. 9 Memorial from Citizens of Boston to Congress, on the Cot- ton Manufacture, n. t. p. [1846.] 8vo. 72. 9. 2 Proceedings of a Convention held in the City of New York, April 29, 1868, for the Purpose of Organizing the :N'ational Association of Cotton Manufacturers and Planters. Bost., 1868. 8vo. 72. 9. 2 Statistics of Cotton Manufacture. From the 7th Annual Eeportof the Boston Board of Trade. Boston, 1861. 8vo. 72. 9. 2 Woodbury, Levi. Cultivation, Manufacture, etc., of Cotton. 44. 13 Young, P. M. B. Cotton Culture. 52. 13 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 46S Cotton Tax. See Bright, J. M. Refunding of Cotton Tax. 60. 8 Cowdin, E. C. Tax on Cotton. 60. 1 Campbell, Malcolm. Constitutionality of the Tax. 72. 9. 3 See Perce, L. W. Refunding Tax on Cotton. 60. 8 Cotton Worm. See Riley, C. V. The Cotton Worm. 49. 5. 4 COTTU, Charles. Administration of the Criminal Code in Eng- land, and the Spirit of the English Government. London, 1S20. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 16.) 53. 5 CouES, Elliott. Biids in Dakota and Montana. (XJ. S. Dept. Interior. Bulletin. Geol. Survey, Yol. 4, No. 3.) 49. 5. 2 Birds of the Colorado Valley. Part 1. Wash., 1878. 8vo. (U. S. Dept. of Interior. Geol. Surv. Misc. Pub., No. 11.) 49. 11 [Note. — Pt. 1 has a Bibliographical Appendix, pp. 567-807. Parts 2 and 3 of this Bible are in the Bulletin of the Geol. Surv., Vol. 1, Nos. 2, 3. 49.. 5. L] Birds of the Northwest. Wash., 1874. 8vo. (U. S. Dept. of Interior. Geol. Surv. Misc. Pub., No. 3.) 49.11 And Allen, Joel Asaph. Monographs of North American Kodentia. Wash., 1877. 4to. (U. S. Geol. Survey. F. Y. Hayden, Yol. 7.) 50. 8 Coulter, Dr. . Celebration of America^n Independence at Clay Lick, O, Address. (Licking Co., O., Pioneer So- ciety. Pioneer Pamph., No. 3.) 18. 3. 1 Coulter, John M. Flora of Colorado. See Porter, T. C. 49. 5. a Council Fire and Arbitrator. 1882. Yol. 5, Nos. 2, 3. Wash., 1882. 8vo. 15. 11. 3^ Courcelles, Daniel Kemy de. Yoyage au lac •Ontario. Margry, Pierre, Decouvertes, etc. 1876-'83. (8vo. Yol. 1, pp. 167-192.) 20. 11 Coureurs des bois. See Bancroft, H. H. History of the Pa- cific States. Yol. 22. 25. 9 Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine. Copy of a Letter to William Sturges Bourne, on the Poor Laws. 1817. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 11.) 53. 5 Courtenay Family. See Gibbon, Edward. Origin, etc., of the family of Courtenay. (Decline and Fall. Yol. 11, pp. 294-307.) 40. 1 59 464 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Courts Martial. See United States History— War of the Eebellion — Courts Martial, N. Y. Department of \¥ar. Also the Xame of the Defendant in the Trial. CouTO, Jose Ferrer, don. Cuba May Become Independent. Trans, by Charles Kirchoff. IST. Y., 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 1, ^o. 11.) 60. 1 CouTTS Family. See Colt Family. CovELL, Silas Lewis. Minute and Eesohition on his Death, Adopted by the Irving Club, Troy, July 22, 186?. n. t. p. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 2 Coventry and Litchfield, Robert, Bp. of. Speech in the House of Commons. London, 1641. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 5, pp. 44-46.) 40. 3 Cover, Joseph Carman. Obituary. (Wise. Edit. Assn. Proc. 1872. pp. 76-83.) 19.12.3 Cow. See White, Charles. Natural History of the Cow. (Manchester, Eng., Lit. and Philos. Soc. Memoir. Vol. 1, pp. 442-447.) 35.8 Cow Chace, The. (Burlesque Poem.) Andre, Maj. John. Cinn., 1869. 8vo. 14. 10. 1 Cowan, Edgar. Speech, on Executive Appointments and Removals; Senate, N. Y., May 29, 1866. Wash., 1866. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 29, I^o. 41.) 60. 8 CoWDEN, J. G. Sermon, in the Presbyterian Church, Clinton, Iowa, on the 10th Anniversary of his Pastorate, Oct. 28, 1877. Clinton, Iowa, 1877. 8vo. 19. 13. 4 CowDEN, Capt. John. Commercial Freedom for the Missis- sippi Valley. Report on the Gateway to the Seas. Map. Memphis [1877]. 8vo. 72. 13. 1 The Route to the Seaboard. The Mississippi River against transcontinental Railroads. Map! Kew Orleans, 1877. 8vo. 72. 13. 1 CowDiN, Eliot C. Presidential Issue. Speech, Oct. 19, 1868. N. Y., 1868. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 30, ^o. 17.) 60.8 Tax on Cotton. Remarks before the Chamber of Commerce of the State of [N^ew^ York, Dec. 20, 1866. IS^o impr. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 10, No. 6.) 60. 1 Cowley, Abraham. Vision Concerning his Late Pretended Highness, Cromwell, the Wicked. London, 1661. 12vo. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 7, pp. 209-235.) 40. 3 Cowley, Charles. History of Lowell, Mass. 2d edit. Bost., l^i:>^. 12mo. 25. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 465 CowPER, William. The Task, Table Talk and other poems. With notes, by J. E. Boyd. N. Y. and Cinn,, 1853. 12mo. 74. 4 Cox, E. St. Julien, vs. Strait, H. B. Papers in the case of. See TJ. S. Congress, House, 44th Congress. Contested elec- tion. 22. 10 Trial of. (Impeachment, as District Judge.) See Minne- sota, Legislature, Senate, 1881. Journal, etc., 1882. 8vo. 24. 9 Cox, E. T. Eeport of the Geological Survey of Indiana. See Indiana, State Geologist. 51. 12 Cox, Gen. Jacob D. Atlanta, N. Y., 1882. 12mo. (Campaigns of the Civil War, Ko. 9.) 30. 10 March to the Sea, Franklin and :N'ashville. ]S'. Y., 1882. 12mo. (Campaigns of the Civil War, No. 10.) 30. 10 Second Battle of Bull Eun, as Connected with the Fitz John Porter Case. Cinn., 1882. 16mo. 30.10 See Dickson, W. M. Eeview of the Letter of Gen. Cox. 8vo. 60. 8 Cox, Joseph, Judge. Address. (Miami Valley, O., Pioneers of, Eeunion, etc. 1873.) 8vo. 18. 3. 1 Cox, Samuel Hanson. The Dead are Living. Sermon, Oct. 1, 1843, on the funeral of Mrs. Mary L. Stafford of New York City. N. Y., 1843. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol 4, No. 9.) 53. 12 Cox, Samuel S. Amnesty. Speech, in H. of E., Dec. 15, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 25.) 60. 8 Apportionment Under Census of 1880. Speech in the H. of E., Feb. 2, 1881. 8vo. n. p., n. d. 57. 10. 2 Cabinet in Congress. Speech, H. of E., Jan. 26, 1865. Wash., 1865. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 17, No. 21.) 60. 8 Curiency, Funding, Gold and Silver. Speech, H. of E., June 7, 1869. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 39, No. 32.) 60. 2 Bleeding, Not Health. Tariff and Taxation Schemes. Speech in the U. S. House of Eeps., May 3, 1872. Wash., .1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 25.) 60. 1 Eight Years in Congress, from 1857-1865. Memoir and Speeches. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. 16. 12 Enforcement of Fourteenth Amendment. Speech, House of Eeps., April 14, 1871. Wash., 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 45.) 60. 8 466 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cox, Samuel S. — (CoDtiniied). Free Ships, No Subsidies. Speeches, H. of E., Jan, 22 and Feb. 22, 1873. Wash., 1873. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 23, No. 43.) 60. 8 Naval Expenditures, Usurpation, etc. Speech, H. of R., Feb. 19, 1870. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 38, No. 61.) 60. 2 Negotiation of Loan; The Syndicate; What Is It? Speech in the H. of R., Jan. 31, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 7 Protection to American Citizens Abroad. Germans and Irish. Parties and Platforms. Speech in the H. of R., July 15, 1876. Wash., 1876. 8vo. 57. 10. 4 The Tariff, Its Oppressions, Absurdities, and Spoliations. Speech, H. of R., March 28, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 28, No. 47.) 60. 2 Union — Disunion — Reunion. Three Decades of Federal Legislation, 1855-'85. Personal and historical memories. of events preceding, during, and since the American Civil War, etc. Providence, 1885. 8vo. 16. 12 Cox, Sanford C. Recollections of the Early Settlement of Wa- bash Valley, Indiana. Lafayette, 1860. 8vo. 18. 11 Cox, Ross. Columbia River; Scenes and Adventures During a Residence of Six Years Among Various Tribes of Indians, 1811-'17. Lond., 1832. 8vo. 2 Vols. 20. 6 CoxE, Daniel. Description of the English Province of Caro- lona, by the Spaniards called Florida, and by the French la Louisiane, as also of the River Meschacebe or Missis sippi, the Five Vast Lakes and Parts Adjacent. Lond., 1727. 8vo. 15. 6 Another Copy. (Hist. Coll. of La., Vol. 2, pp. 221-276.) 20. 3 CoxE, William. History of the House of Austria, from the Foundation of the Monarchy by Rudolph of Hapsburgh, to the Death of Leopold the Second. 1218-1792. 3 Vols. London, 1807. 4to. 42. 14 CoYNER, J. M. Hand-Book of Mormonism. Salt Lake City, etc. 1882. 8vo. 19. 10. 3 CozzENS, Frederick S. Eulogy on Col. P. A. Porter. (N. Y. City — Century Ass'n;Proceedings, 1865.) 8vo. 43.7. W. 1 Crab, Roger. The English Hermit. London, 1655. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 6, pp. 390-405.) 40. 3 Craft, Zachary. First Sitting of the Committee on the Pro- posed Monument to Shakspeare. (Burlesque.) London, 1823. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 22.) 53. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 467 Cragin, Aaron H. Execution of the Laws in Utah. Speech in the Senate of the U. S., May 18, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 39, :N"o. 37.) 60. 2 Iron Ships, and the Restoration of Commerce. Speech, U. S. Senate, Feb. 6, 1873. Wash., 1873. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol 23, No. 33.) ^ 60. 8 Loyal Supremacy. Speech in the XT. S. Senate, Jan. 30, 1868, on the Reconstruction Acts. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 2 Craig, Corydox F. Advantages Offered to Emigrants, etc., by Northwest Missouri. St. Josephs, Mo., 1880. 8vo. 18. 7. 5 Craig, Neville B. History of Pittsburgh, Pa., 1759-1850. Pittsburgh, 1851. 12mo. 11. 12 Editor. The Olden Time; a Monthly Publication Devoted to the Preservation of Information in Relation to the Country around the Head of the Ohio. Vols. 1, 2. Pitts- burgh, 1846. Repr. Cincinnati, 1876. 8vo. 2 Vols. 11. 11 Craik, Geo. L., and MacFarland, Charles. Pictorial His- tory of England During the Reign of George III, Being a History of the People, as Well as of the Kingdom (1760- 1820.) London, 1841-^44. 8vo. 4 Vols. 35.11 Craik, James. The Divine Life and the New Birth. Boston, etc., 1866. 8vo. 56. 4 Cram, T. J. Topographical Memoir and Report Relative to the Territories of Washington and Oregon (1858). n. t. p. 8vo. (U. S. Dept. of War.) 20. 6. 1 Crane, Anne Moncure. See Boyle, Esmeralda. The Author of Emily Chester. 43. 11 Crane, Cephas B. Historical Discourse at the Bi-Centenary Commemoration of the Re-opening of the First Baptist Meeting House. Boston, March 2 L, 1880, etc. Boston, . 1880. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Crane, Edward. Abstract of an Address on the Subject of Transportation Between the East and the West, at the State House, Feb. 13, 14, and 18, 1868. Boston, 1868. 8vo. , 72. 13. 5 Crane, Edward A. The Rotatory Eldership in Connection with the History of Park Church in Newark, etc. Newark, 1852. 8vo. 56. 12. 4 Crane, Ellery B. Early Paper Mills in Massachusetts. (Wor- cester Soc. of Antiq. Proc. 1886, p. 115.) 9. 10 Revised Memoir of Edward Rawson; with Genealogical Notices of his Descendants. Worcester, 1875. 8vo. 47. 12 468 .MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ckane, John H. More About the Washington Tammany. Washington, 1873. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Voh 33, No. 20.) . 60.2 Washington Eing. Eeview of the Investigation into the Affairs of the District of Columbia. Washington, 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 16, No. 39.) 60. 1 Letter to Eobert B. Eoosevelt, Eeviewing the Eeport of the Board of Public Works, D. C, Jan. 7, 1873. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 16.) 60. 1 Crane Family. See Appleton, W. S. Memorials of the Cranes of Chilton. 47. 8 Craniology. See Fletcher, Eobert. On Prehistoric Trephin- ing. 50. 2 Langton, John. On the Measurement of Heads. 20. 9. 8 Meigs, J. A. Cranial Characteristics of the Eaces of Men. 15. 10 Morton, S. G. Crania Americana. Philadelphia, 1839. 94. 8 Eetzius, Anders. Present State of Ethnology. 49. 3 Wilson, Daniel. The American Cranial Type, etc. 49. 3 Indications of Ancient Customs. 9. 3 Crav^EIN, Elijah E. Historical Sermon on the 50th Anniver- sary of the Third Presbyterian Church. Newark, N. J. , June 14, 1874. Newark, 1874. 8vo. 10. 2. 4 Crawford, George A. The Press and the Centennial. Ad- dress, April 7, 1875. (Kansas Editors and Publishers^ Association, Proceedings, 1875) 19. 14. 2 Crawford, S. J. Argument of, as Attorney for the State, be- fore Hon. Henry M. Teller, in the Matter of Excess of Lands Certified to the A. T. & S. F. E. E. Co., within the State of Kansas. Washington, 1883. 8vo. 72. 7. 7 Message (Governor) 1866. Lawrence. 8vo. 81. 8. 5 Crawford, Thomas. See Hicks, Thomas. Thomas Crawford, his Career, etc. 43. 6. C. 1 Crawford, William. Washington-Crawford Letters. See Washington, George. 11. 4 Butterfield, C. W. Expedition against Sandusky. 18. 2 Indian Atrocities. Cinn., 1867. 18mo. 18. 8 Smucker, Isaac. Crawford's Campaign. 18. 2 Crayon, Geoffrey, Pseud See Irving, Washington. Creation. See Haeckel, Ernst. History of Creation. 15. 10 Winchell, Alexander. Sketches of Creation. 15. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 469' Credit Mobilier. See Bingham, J. A. Speech. Wash., 1873. 60. 8 Butler, B. F. Speech. Wash., 1873. 60. 8 Hawley, J. R. Credit Mobilier Investij^atiou. 60. 8 Potter, C. K Eemarks, H. of R. Feb. 26, 1873. 60. 8 Speer, R. M. Credit Mobilier Robbery. 60. 8 Credit Mobilier ISTo. 2, etc. See Washington, D. C. 60. 1 Creeks, Indians. See Indians of American. Creeks. Crees, or Cris. See Indians of America. Crees. Creigh, Alfred. History of Washington County, Pa. Har- risburg, 1871. 8vo. 11.4 Cremation. See Adams, J. F. A. Cremation and Burial. 8.5^ Creole, the Brig. See Channing, W.E. Remarks suggested by the case of the Creole, 1842. (Works, 1855. 12mo. Vol. 6.) 44. 1 Webster, Daniel. Maritime Rights. Case of the Creole. Works, 1851. 8vo. Vol.6.) 44.5 Cresap, Capt. Michael. See Jacob, J. J. Biographical Sketch. 44. 7 Jeft'erson, Thomas. Appendix Relative to the Murder of Logan's Family. (Writings, 1853-^54. 8vo. Vol. 8, p. 457.) 44. 10 Mayer, Brantz. Tah-gah-jute; or, Logan and Cresap. 15. 4 Smucker, Isaac. Cresap and Logan. 18.2, Cresson, Dr. Charles M. Results of Examination of Water from the River Schuylkill. Phila., 1875. 8vo. 11. 5.8 Cresswell, John A. J. Oration on the Life and Character of Henry Winter Davis^ Delivered in the H. of R., Feb. 22, 1866. Wash., 1866, 8vo. 43. 2 Crete. See Cockerell, , on the Labyrinth of Crete. 40. 7 Howe, S. G. Appeal to the People of the United States. 52. 10. 2 Cretan Refugees and their American Helpers. 52. 10. 2 Shanks, J. P. C. Recognition of Crete. 60. 8 Crichton Royal Institution, and Southern Counties - Asylum. Report, 1865. Ho imprint. 8vo. 52.10.4 Cricket, Western. See Locust.. Crime. See' Brace, Chas. L. The Dangerous Classes in New York City. 57. 12 Brinkerhoff, R. Crime Schools at Public Expense. 57. 10.4 London. International Congress for the Prevention of Crime. Preliminary report by E. C. Wines. 1871. 57. 13, 470 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 5. !. 7 Crocker, Henry E., Editor. History of New England, s Howard, R. H. 7. 7 Crocker, Uriel H. Plan for a Public Park. L-ttoriuili City Government of Boston. 1860. n. t. p. 8v<>. ^'. l. 6 Orockett, Col. David.- S -' Ellis, Edward S. Lif.' of Cio •!< it. Life of Martin Van Buren. N. Y. and Phila., IS. 5. i> n.. I- ' Sketches and Eccenti'icities of. [.^y*o//.] LtUKion. !^^^ 12mo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 471 Croffut, Wm. Aug. Military and Civil History of Connecti- cut, 1861-'65. See Morris, J. A. 29.' 14 Croft, J. W. Eespective Situations of the Eeformed Church in France, and of the Roman Catholics in Great Britain. London, 1826. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 27.) 53. 12 Croll, James. Climate and Time in their Geological Relations. K Y., 1875. 12mo. 15. 3 Croly, George. Salathiel; Story of the Wandering Jew. Kew ed. London, 1842. 8vo. 3 Vols. 74. 3 CRf>MBiE, Alexander. Letter to Dr. Richards, Containing an Analysis of his Pamphlet on the Depreciation of Bank I^otes. London, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 10.) 53. 5 Letters on the Present State of the Agricultural Interests. London, 1816. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 8.) 53. 5 Cromwell Family. See I^oble, Mark. Memoirs of the House of Cromwell. 4"3. 9 Cromwell, Oliver. Declaration Against the Royal Family of the Stuarts, and Worship of the Church of England. London, fo. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 6, pp. 420-21.) , 40. 3 A Most Learned, Conscientious and Devout Exercise or Ser- mon, April, 1649. London, 1680. 4to. pp. 17. (Har- leian Misc., Vol. 11, pp. 544-552.) 40. 3 [Note. — ''This carries no evidence of genuineness. It was probably writ- ten in ridicule of Cromwell." Lowndes.] Speech, 4th July, 1653-1654. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 6, pp. 331-344.) 40. 3 Arguments Urged, by the Late Protector, against the Gov- ernment of this Nation, by a King. 1658. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 6, pp. 525-539.) 40. 3 Cowley, Abraham. Vision Concerning his Late Pretended Highness. 40. 3 Cromwell's Complaint of Injusticce; His Dispute with Pope Alexander VI for Precedency in Hell, fo., j)p. 2. (Har- leian Misc., Vol. 6, pp. 529-531.) 40. 3 Dane, J. W. Embarkation of Cromwell and his Friends. 7. 7. 1 Haven, Nathaniel. Defense of the Character of Oliver Cromwell. 43. 3 History of the Life and Death of Oliver Cromwell. London, 1663. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 7, pp. 273-283.) 40. 3 Titus, Col. Silas. Killing no Murder. 40. 3 60 472 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ckomwell, Oliver — (Continued). True ]N"arrative of the Occasions and Causes of CromwelPs Anger and Indignation against Lieut. Col. George Joyce. (Harleian Misc.. Vol. 5, pp. 557-561.) 40. 3 The World's Mistake in Oliver Cromwell. London, 1668. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 7, pp. 347-360.) 40. 3 Cromwell, Eichard. Speech to Both Houses of Parliament, 27th Jan., 1658. Also. Letter to Parliament. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 1, pp. 25-28.) 40. 3 Cronise, Titus F. Natural Wealth of California. San Fran- cisco, 1868. 8vo. 20. 7 Crooks, Eamsay. See Andreas' History of Chicago, j). 93. Memoir. 18. 4 Crosby, Alpheus. Memorial of the College Life of the Class of 1827, Dartmouth College. Hanover, N. H., 1869-'70. 8vo. 43. 14. 7 Present Position of the Seceded States, and Rights and Du- ties of the General Government. Boston, 1865. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Crosby, Frank. Life of Abraham Lincoln. Philadelphia, 1865. 8vo. 44. 12 Crosby, Howard. "God's View of Rebellion." Sermon in the Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church, Sept. 11, 1864. :Sew York, 1864. 8vo. * 30. 4. 7 Jesus, His Life and Work. New York and Baltimore, 1871. 8vo. 56.13 Crosby, Nathan. Annual Obituaiy Notice of Eminent Per- sons who have Died in the U. S., 1857-'58. Boston. 1858 '59. 2 Vols. 8vo. 44. 14 Crosby Family. Josiah Crosby, Sarah Fitch, and their Descendants. Lowell, Mass., 1877. 8vo. 47. 8 Crosby Family. See Crosby, Nathan. 44. 14 Cross, Andrew B. The War and the Christian Commission, n. p. 1865. 8vo. 30. 11. 1 Cross, J. K., M. P. Imports, Exports, and the French Treaty. A Speech in the House of Commons, Aug. 12, 1881. (Cob- den Club Publ.)' London, 1881. 12mo. 57.2.7 Cross, O., Mayor. Report of the March to Oregon, 1849. Washington, 1850. 8vo. 20. 6. 1 Cross, Whitman. On Hypersthene-andesite and Triclinion , Pyroxene in Augitic Rocks. Wash., 1883. Svo. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Bulletin, New Ser., No. 1.) 49. 4. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 473 ^Cross, Whitman — (Continued). ^ And Hillebrand, w. F. Contributions to the Mineralogy of the Eocky Mountains. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Bulletin, ^o, 20.) Washington, 1885. 8vo. 49. 4. 2 Cross and Crown. (Periodical.) Vol. 1, No. 1. July, 1872. St. Anthony, Minn., 1872. 4to. 22. 11. 3 Cross, The, and the Crucifix. Their Various Forms. See Whittlesey, Charles. Cleveland, O., 1883. (Broadside.) 15. 11. 1 Crossby, p. a., Editor. LovelFs Gazetteer of British North America. Montreal, 1873. 8vo. 20. 9 Crotty, D. G. Four Years' Campaigning in the Army of the Potomac. Grand Eapids, Mich., 1874. 8vo. 30. 9 Croup. See' Ware, John. History and Treatment of Croup. 8vo. 51. 11. 3 Crow, Wayman. Address, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. (Inaugural addresses, 1872. 8vo.) 18. 7. 2 Crow Eiver, Minn., Baptist Association. Anniversary, 1869. Minneapolis, 1869. 12mo. 22. 11. 5 Crowell, John. On the Admission of California into the Union. Speech, H.. of E., June 3, 1850. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 1 Crowell, Eobert. Address, Oct. 27, 1852, at the Consecration • of the Spring Street Cemetery, Essex, Mass. Bost., 1853. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 7.) 9. 2 History of Essex, Mass., 1634-1868. Essex, 1868. 8vo. 9. 6 Sermon, Nov. 19, 1827, at the Interment of Eev. Joseph Dana, in Ipswich, Mass. Ipswich, 1827. 8vo. 43. 6 Crowley, Jere, Obituary of. (Wise. Edit. Assn. Proc, 1870.) 19. 12. 3 Crow^ninshield, Benjamin. Address before the Columbian Society, at Marblehead, Mass., Jan. 9, 1826. Salem, 182(). 8vo. 74. 7. 2 Crows, The. See Indians of America, Crows. Cruoifixion. See Euggieri, Cesar. Narrative of the Cruci- fixion of Mathew Lovat, Executed by his Own Hands, at Venice, July, 1805. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 3.) 53. 5 Cruden, Alexander. New and Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, on the Basis of Cruden. Edited by John Eadie. New York, 1850. 34. 9 474 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cruelty to Animals, Doings of the Third Annual Meeting of the American Humane Association, held at Chicago, 111., Oct. 8-10, 1879. Boston, 1879. 8vo. :>1. 10. 3 See Swing, Eev. David. Sermon for the Humane Associa- tion of Chicago. 57. 10. 3 Crunden, F. M. The Function of a Public Lbrary and its Value to a Community. A Paper read before the ''Round Table'^ at St. Louis Club, Nov. 8, 1884. St. Louis, 1884. 8vo. 74. 6. 1 Crustacea. See Birge, E. A. Notes on Cladocera. 19. 12. 1 Kingsley, J. S. Natural History, Vol. 2. 51. 10 Cruzat, Don Francisco. (Gov. of Upper La., 1775.) Message to the Sauks and Foxes, 1781. (Wise. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 3, pp. 504-505.) ' 19. 11 Crystallization. See Eason, Alex. On Crystallization. 35. 8 Crystallograph. See Brezina, Aristides. Principles of Crys tallography. 49. 3 CsiNK, J. Grammar of the Hungarian Language, with Exer- cises, etc., to which is added, a Historical Sketch of Hun- garian Literature. London, 1853. 12mo. 42. 5 Cuba. See Abbott, A. Letters from Cuba. 52. 3 Arango, N. Cuban Rebellion. History. 52. 3. 1 Armosy Cespedes, J. de. • Position of the United States on the Cuban Question. 60. 1 Brooks, E. P. Free Trade with Cuba. 60. 2 Couto, J. F. Don. Cuba May Become Independent. 60. 1 Cuban Question Settled in England. London, 1871. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 26, No. 2.) 60. » Facts About Cuba. 1869. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 40, No. 7.) 60. 2 Fitch, Thomas. Cuba and the Alabama Claims. 60. 2 Howe, T. O. Laws of Neutrality. Speech. 60. 2 Logan, John A. Belligerency of Cuba. Speech. 52. 3. 1 Same. Independence of Cuba. Speech. 60. 2 Macias, J. M., Editor. Cuban Question in the Spanish Par- liament. ' 6Q^ X Morton, O. P. Laws of Neutrality. Speech. 60. 2 Mungen, William. Recognition of Cuba. Remarks. 60. 2 Notes About Cuba. Slavery. The Revolution. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 26, No. 7.) 60. 8 Orth, Godlove S. Independence of Cuba. Speech. 60. 2 Phillips, A. E. Statement About a Spanish Mob. 52. 3. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 475 €UBA — (Continued). Scottran, S. R Slavery in Cuba. 30. 7. 5 Sumner, Charles. Cuba and the United States. 60. 2 Fragments of a Letter, etc.. New York, 1869. 8vo. 60. 2 In Eevolution. Statement of Facts. London, 1871. 8vo. 60. 2 Cuban Question. New York, 1869. 8vo. 60. 2 •CuDMORE, Patrick. Civil Government of the States; and the Constitutional History of the United States. New York, 1875. 8vo. "^ 33. 13 The Irish Eepublic. Historical Memoir on Ireland and her Oppressors. St. Paul, 1871. 8vo. 35. 2 Poems and Songs. Satires and Political Eings. New York, 1885. 12mo. 74. 10 CuESTA, Felipe Arroyo de la. See Arroyo, de la Cuesta. OULBERTSON, Thaddeus A. Expedition to the Mauvaises Terres and the Upper Missouri, in 1850. n. t. p. (Smiths. Eept.) 19. 14. 8 CuLLOM, Shelby M. (Gov. of 111.) Message, Jan. 8, 1877. Springfield, 1877. 8vo. 18. 6. 1 Speech on Eeconstruction, H. of E., Jan. 28,-1867. Wash- ington, 1867. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 12, No. 32.) 60.1 •CuLLUM, Gen. Geo. W. Biographical Eegister of Officers and Graduates of the U. S. Military Academy at West Point. New York, 1802-1867. New York, 1868. 8vo. 2 Vols. 43.11 •Culture. See Bates, S. P. Mental and Moral Culture. 56. 1 CuLVERWELL, EoBERT James. Guide to Health and Long Life. New York, 1850. 8vo. 51. 11. 4 CuMBACK, Will. See Hughes, James. Baker-Cumback Corre- spondence. Speech. 60. 8 Cumberland Coal and Iron Company. Eeport, 1853. N. Y., 1853. 8vo. 51.5.1 Cumberland, Md. See Lowdermilk, W. H. History of Cum- berland, etc. 11. 1 Cumberland County, I^l. History of, etc. Chicago, 1884. 8vo. 83. 8 •Cumberland County, Pa. See Nevin, Alfred. Churches of the Valley, etc. 11. 12 Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn. Catalogue, 1859- '60. Lebanon. 18. 14. 2 476 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cumins, Eev. Geo. D. Claims of the Prayer Book Upon Prot estant Christendom. A Sermon, etc. Phila., 1861. 8vo. 56. 14. 7 CUMMACK, Thomas, (Narragansett Indian.) Sketch of the Brothertown Indians. (Wis. Hist. Coll., Vol. 4.) 19. 11 CUMMING, C. F. Gordon. Granite Crags. (California). Edin- burg, 1884. 8vo. 17. 2: CUMMINGS, Hooper. Sermon on the Divinity of Christ, March 23, 1823. Albany, 1823. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 2, ^o. 16.) 53.12 CuMMiNGS, Geo. A. Inaugural Address, as Mayor of Concord, K H., Nov. 9, 1880. Concord. 8vo. 7. 11. 1 CUMMINGS, Thos. J. Eemarkable Trials. See Dunphy. Thomas. 53.4 Cunningham, Allan. Life and Writings of Sir Joshua Eeyn- olds. K. Y., 1860. 12mo. 43. 10 Sir Michael Scott. (Fiction.) London, 1828. 8vo. 3 Vols. 74. 3 Cunningham, G. A. History of :N'eenah, Wis. Neenah, 1878. 16m6. 19.11 Cunningham, Geo. G. Lives of Eminent Englishmen, etc. Glasgow, 1836-' 38. 8vo. 8 Vols. 43. 4 Cunningham, John Wm. Cautions to Continental Travelers. London, 1823. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 21.) 53. 5- Observations on Friendly Societies. 2d edit. London, 1823. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 22.) 53. 12 Cunningham, William. See Pickering, Timothy. Correspond- ence between John Adams and William Cunningham, 1803-'12. 14. 13- CuRATES' Appeal to the British Legislature, etc.. Exam- ined. Letter from a Country Incumbent. London, 1820. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 17.) 53. 5- Curate's Conference. 1641. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 4,. pp. 373-379.) 40.3 CuRLEY, Edwin A. Nebraska; its Advantages, Eesources and Drawbacks. N. Y., 1875. 8vo. 19. 2 Currency. See Appleton, Nathan.^ Eemarks on Currency and Banking. Boston, 1841. 8vo'. 33. 7. 6 Asper, J. F. Increaseof Banking Currency. Speech. 60.2 Backus, C. K. Contraction of the Currency. 33. 7. a Bannan, Benj. Our National Currency; How to Improve it. 60.1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 477 Currency — (Continued). Boutwellj G. S. The Currency — Specie Payments. Speech. 33. 7. 9 Broomall, J. M. National Currency. Speech. 60. 1 Buckingham, W. A. Currency. Speech. Wash. 60. 2 Currency, Specie Payments. Speech. 60. 8 Butler, B. F. Eeduction of the Currency. Speech. 33. 7. 6 Speech Upon a ^N'atioual Currency, Jan., 1869. 60. 8 Carey, H. C. Currency Question. 60. 8 Clark, Alvord. Past, Present and Future of Greenbacks. 33. 7. 9 Coburn, John. Currency. Speech, H. of E. 60. 2 Colton, Calvin. The Currency. By Junius. 33. 7. 9 Cox, S. S. Currency. Speech, H. of E. 60. 2 Gushing, Caleb. Speeches, (Feb., 1834) on the Currency, etc. 33. 7. 9 Deweese, J. T. National Currency. Speech. 33. 7. 6 Ewing, Thomas. Letter to the Financial Committee, etc. 60. 8 Fenton, E E. Currency. Speech, Jan. 25, 1870. 60. 2 Few Facts Pertaining to Currency, etc. Wash., 1864. 8vo. 60. 8 Field, M. W. and Merick, E. G. The Currency, etc. 33. 7. 6 Frelinghuysen, F. T. Specie Payments, etc. Speech. 33. 7. 6 Garfield, J. A. The Currency. Speech, May 15, 1868. 33. 7. 9 Haight, Edward. National Currency, etc. N. Y. 1873. 60. 8 Hawley, J. E. Finance — the Currency, etc. Speech, 1874. 33. 7. 9 Hooper, Samuel. Speech on the Treasury Note Bill. 1862. 33. 7. 9 Howe, T. O. Eesumption with Contraction. Speech, 1870. 60. 2 Hubbell, W. W. Views and Opinions of the Phila. Bar. 1870. 60. 2 Knox, J. J. Eemarks on the Bill Eetiring Notes. 1875. 33. 7. 9 Logan, J. A. The Currency, Specie Payments. Speech, 1874., " 33. 7. 6 Finance, Currency, etc. Speech, 1874. '33, 7. 9 478 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Currency — (Continued). Mavnard, Horace. The Currency, etc. Speech, 1871. ^ 33.7.8 Nichol, T. M. Argument in Favor of Honest Money, etc. 1878. ^^' ^' ^ Our Currency and the Banks. By a Banker. 60. 1 Our Currency. By a Merchant. 1871. 60. 1 Phelps, W. W. Sound Currency. Speech, 1874. 33. 7. 9 Eeed, Samuel E. Currency and Finances. 1864. 60. 8 Eeflection on the Present State of the Currency. 1837. 33. 7. 6 Eopes, J. S. The Currency. 1868. - 33. 7. 6 Schuckers, J. W. The Currency Conflict. Address, 1876. " 33. 7. 9 Schurz, Carl. The Currency, etc. Speech, 1874. 33. 7. 6 Sherman, John. Currency, Specie Payments. Speech, 1873. 60. 8 Sherwood, I. E. Finance, etc. Speech, 1874. 33. 7. 6 Smith, J. Y. Depreciation of the Currency. 60. 1 Some Strictures on an act to Provide a National Currency. 33. 7. 6 Spooner, Lysander. I^ew System of Paper Currency. 33. 7. 6 Tatham, W. P. Eestoration of the Standard of Value. 60. 8 Thoughts on the Currency. 1866. 60. 1 U. S. Congress, Senate. Vetoed Currency Bill. Debate, 1874. 33. 7. 9 Walker, Amasa. Expansion or Contraction. 1870. 60. 1 Walker, George. Suppression of National Banks. 1867. 60. 1 Webster, Daniel. Speech on the Currency. 1837. 44. 5 Wells, Erastus. Silver Coin for Fractional Currency. 33. 7. 8 See also, Banks and Banking, Coinage, Greenbacks, Paper Money, Silver Question, United States Finances, etc. Currents and Counter Currents in Medical Science. See Holmes, O. W. Bost., 1860. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 11.) 9. 2 Curry, J. L. M. National Aid to Education. (Circular, Bureau of Ed., No. 3, 1884.) Wash., 1884. 8vo. 56. 9. 9 Curtin, Andrew G. Inaugural Address, as Gov. of Pa., 1864. No imprint. 8vo. 11. 7. 10 Same. Message, Jan. 1, 1864. Harrisburg, 1864. 8vo. 11. 7. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 479 Curtis, Benjamin Bobbins. Argument on the Jurisdiction of the U. S. Senate, Concerning the Pacific R. R. Bonds, Bos- ton, Dec. 28, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 9, No. 17.) 60. 1 Executive Power. Boston, 1862. 8vo. 30. 4. 4 Opinion on the Minnesota State Bonds. (Melville, Allen, Memorial.) 1871. Svo. (No. 7 in "Five Million Loan" Pamphlets.) . * 22. 3 Curtis, Georoe T. Life of Daniel Webster. N. Y., 1870. 2 Vols. 44. 5 Observations on E. S. Gannett^ s Sermon, Entitled '^Relation of the North to Slavery," etc. Bost., 1854. 8vo. 30. 14. 3 And Others. Mr. Winthrop's Vote on the Mexican War. Bill. Bost., 1846. 8vo. 33. 7. 1 Curtis, George Wm. Address at Annual Meeting of the Na- tional Civil Service Reform League, Newport, R. I., Aug. 1, 1883. 57. 4. 3 Civil Service Reform Under the Present Administration. Address, etc., Aug. 5, 1885. 57. 4. 3 Equal Rights for Women. Speech, at Albany. July 19, 1867. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 12.) 1869. 8vo. 60. 1 Eulogy on Wendell Phillips, April 18, 1884, before the Com- mon Council of Boston. 25. 3 Oration on the 100th Anniversary of th« Fight at Concord, April 19, 1775. (Centennial Orations, 1875. 8vo.) 8. 3 Public Duty of Educated Men. Oration at Union College, June 27, 1877. Albany, 1878. 8vo. 74. 7. 2 Report of the Commission Appointed to Revise Rules and Regulations for the Purpose of Reforming the Civil Ser- vice, n. t. p. Svo. 57. 4. 3 Curtis, James Freeman. See Greenwood, F. W. P. The Inheritance, etc. Discourse on the Death of J. F. Curtis. 43. 6. C. 1 Curtis, J. S., and Others. Resources, etc., of the Counties of Brown, Dow, Oconto and Shawano, in Wisconsin, 1870. Green Bay. 1870. 16mo. 19. 5. 8 Silver Lead Deposits of Eureka, Nevada. (U. S. Geol. Surv., Monograph No. 7.) Wash., 1884. 4to. 50. 3 Curtis, Samuel Prentis. The Army of the Southwest, and the First Campaign in Arkansas. (Annals of Iowa, Vol. 5-7.) , 19.6 61 480 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Curtis, Gen. Samuel Eyan. Campaign Against Gen. Price, in October and I^ovember, 18t>4. (Annals of Iowa, Vol. 8, p. 5; Vol. 12, ^o. 4.) 19. 6 Inaugural Address. (Clemens, Orion. City of Keokuk.) 1856. 8vo. 19. 13. 4 Biogr. Sketch of. (Annals of Iowa, Vol. 5, p. 811.) 8vo. 19. (> Sketch of. (Stuart, A. A. Iowa Colonels, etc. 1865. 8vo.) 29. 3 Curtis, Thomas B. Sanitary Condition of Boston, 1875. (Eeport to the Board of Health.) Boston, 1875. 8vo. 8. 5. 1 Curtis, IJ. Geographical and Statistical Sketch of Wabasha County, Minn. Rochester, 1870. 16mo. (See Mitchell, W. h!) 22. 9 Historical Sketch of Dodge County, Minn. (See Mitchell, W. H.) Historical, etc. 16mo. 22. 9 Curtis, Eev. Wm. S. Sermons on the Providence of God, as Exhibited in the Physical World, etc. Ann Arbor, 1855. 8vo. 56. 7. 4 Curtis Family. See Clarke, Samuel C. Descendants of Wm. Curtis, Eoxbury. 25. 7. 3 CuRTiss, Daniel S. Western Portraiture and Emigrant' s Guide, (1850). N. Y., 1852. 12mo. 19. 8 CuRTiss, S. I. Mr. Ingersoll's Attitude Toward the Bible. Chi- cago, 1880. 16mo. 56. 7. 2 Curwen, J. C. Speech, House of Commons, May 28, 1816, on the Poor Laws. Lond., 1816. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 8.) 53. 5 Speech, in the House of Commons, Feb. 21, 1817, on the Poor Laws. London, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 10.) 53. 5 Curwen, Maskell E. Sketches of the Campaign in Northern Mexico, 1846-'7. By an ofiicer of the First Eegiment of Ohio Volunteers. K. Y., 1853. 12mo. 14. 11 [Note.— Some bibliographers ascribe this book to L. Giddiiigs.] Curwen, Samuel. Journal and Letters of an American Eefu- gee in England, 1775-'84. Added, Biographical [N^otices of American Loyalists. By G. A. Ward. London, 1842. 8vo. 44. 13 CuRZO.v, Egbert, Jr. Ancient Monasteries of tHe East. K Y., 1854. 12mo. 40. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 481 Gushing, Caleb. Address before the American Institute, Oct. 20, 1836. N. Y., 18.%. 8vo. 74. 7. 1. Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, at I^ewbury- port, Mass., July 15, 1826. 8vo. 44. 3 Introductory Discourse, before the American Institute of Instruction, at their Fifth Anniversary, Boston, Aug., 1834. Bost., 1834. 8vo. 56. 8. 2 Reply to the Letter of J. Fenimore Cooper, to his Country- men, by one of his Countrymen. Boston, 1834. 8vo. 33. 7. 3 Speeches in the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, Feb. 1834, on the Currency and Public Deposits. Salem, 1834. 33. 7. ^ CusHiNG, Rev. Christopher, The Supply of Ministers; read before the National Council at Oberlin, O., Nov. 16, 1871. 8vo. 56. 11. 4 Financial Aspect of the Benevolent Work of the Churches. Boston, 1875. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 24.) 9. 2 What Congregationalism has Accomplished during the Past Century. (From the Congr. Quarterly, Oct. 1876.) Boston. 8vo. 56. 12. 5 CusHiNG, Jonathan P. Address before the Virginia Hist. Soc, Feb. 4, 1833. (Va. Hist. Coll., Vol. 1.) 15. 12. a CusHiNG, Luther S. Reports of Contested Elections in the House of Repr. of Massachusetts, 1780-'84. Boston, 1834. 8vo. 81 CusHiNG, Thomas. Memorials of the Class of 1834, of Har- vard Coll. Boston, 1884. 8vo. 43. 11 CusHiNG, Wm., (Chief Justice U. S.) See Flanders, Henry. Lives of the Chief Justices of the United States. Vol.- 2. 45. 5 CusHiNG, William. Initials and Pseudonyms,* a Dictionary of Literary Disguises. N. Y., 1885. 8vo. 74. 13 CusHMAN, David Quimby. History of Ancient Sheepscot and New Castle, Including Early Pemaquid, Damariscotta etc., 1625-1882, with Genealogies. Bath., 1882. 8vo. 7. 8 CusHMAN, Henry Wyles. Historical and Biographical Gene- alogy of the Cushmans; Descendants of Robert Cushman, the Puritan, 1617-1855. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 47. 8 482 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. CusHMAN, Egbert. Sin and Danger of Self-love Described. Sermon in Kew England, 1621. With Memoir of the Author. Boston, 1846. 8vo. (Misc. Pamphs., Vol. 18, No. 15). ^^' 6 [Note.— This was the first sermon ever preached in New England.] CusHMAN Family. See Cushman, H. W. Genealogy of the Cushmans. 47. 8 Custer, Mrs. Elizabeth B. "Boots and Saddles,'' or Life in Dakota, with Gen. Custer, ^qw York. [1885.] 12mo. 16. 4 Custer, Maj. Gen. Geo. A. See Hazen, W. B. Our Barren Lands. 19. 10. 6 CuSTis, G. W. P. Eecollections and Private Memoirs of Wash- ington, with Memoir of the Author, by his Daughter, and :fi[otes by B. J. Lossing. N. Y., 1860. 8vo. 44. 11 Cuthbert, St. (Anglo Saxon Monk, Died a. 688.) See Fryer, A. C. Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, his Life and Times. London, 1880. 8vo. 43. 9 CuTBUSH, Edward. Address before the Columbian Institute, Washington, Jan. 11, 1817. Wash., 1817. 8vo. 74. 7. 1 Cutler, Jervis. Topographical Description of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territory and Louisiana. Added, Journal of Charles Le Eaye. Boston, 1812. 12mo. IS. 8 Cutler, Manasseh. Journal, 1788. (N. E. Hist, and Gen. Eegister, Vol. 14-15.) 46. 3 Cutler, E. King. Address to Citizens of Louisiana, Aug., 18B4. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph.-, Vol. 17, No. 10.) 60. 8 Cutler, Wm. P. The Ordinance of July 13, 1787, for the Gov- ernment of the Territory l^orthwest of the Ohio Eiver; a Paper Eead before the Ohio State Historical and Archaeo- logical Society, Feb. 23, 1887. Cutter, Benjamin. Hist, of the Cutter Family of New Eng- land. Enlarged by W. E. Catter. Boston, 1871. 8vo. 47. 8 Same. Supplement, 1871-'75. Boston, 1875. 8vo. 47. 8 And Cutter, Wm. E. History of Arlington, Mass. For- merly Menotomy, Afterwards West Cambridge, 1635-1879. Boston, 1880. 12mo. 9. 13 Cutter, Charles A. New Catalogue of Harvard College Library. (N. A. Eeview, Vol. 108, pp. 96-129.) 39. 10 Eules for a Printed Dictionary Catalogue. (U. S. Bureau of Education, Public Libraries, 1876-'8. Pt. 2.) 74. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB R ART. 483 Cutter, L. E. and Others. Keport of the Common Council, on the Sale of Bad Meat in Boston. 1871. ^o imprint. 8vo. 8.2.9 Cutter, William. Life of Israel Putnam. K. Y., 1847. 12 mo. 44.1 Cutter Family. See Cutter, Benjamin. History of the Cutter Family. 47. 8 CuviER, Geo. Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert. Memoir of Cuvier and History of his Works, by M. J. P. Flourens. (Smiths. Report. 1868, pp. 121-165.) 49. 3 Cuyahoga County, O. See Johnson, Crisfield. History of, etc. 18. 9 Cyclone, at St. Cloud, Minn. Report of the Executive Com- mittee Appointed to Distribute Funds for Relief of Suffer- ers, by the Cyclone in Minnesota, April 14, L886. St. Paul, 1886. 3vo. 22. 13. 7 Cyclopedia. See also Encyclopedia. Appleton, D. & Co., Publ. ^ew American Cyclopedia. (First edit.) Vols. 1-16. N. Y., 1870. 8vo. 16 Vols. 34.4 Same. Annual Cyclopedia, 1861-'86. K Y. 8vo. 15 Vols. 34. 11 Chambers, Robert. Cyclopedia of English Literature. 34. 3 Fosbrooke, T. D. Cyclopedia of Antiquities. 34. 3 Home Cyclopedia. 5 Vols. 8vo. 34. 8 Hoyt, J. K. and Ward, A. L. Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations. 34. 3 Kiddle, Henry, and Schem, A. J. Cyclopedia of Education. 1877. 34. 3 Kirkland, Frazar. Cyclopedia of Anecdotes. 38. 4 McClintock & Strong. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature. 32. 6 Cypher. See Buell, J. S. Mercantile Cypher for Condensing Telegrams. 72. 5 D. Dablon, J. Claude, le pere. (Jesuit Missionary in Canada.) (Relation, 1671-'72. (Relations des Jesuites, ^1858. 8vo. Vol. 3.) * 20. 3 Relation de ce qui s' est passe de plus remarquable aux Mis- sions des peres de la cami^agnie de Jesus en la Kouvelle France, 1672 et 1673. A la Nouvelle York, etc. 1861. 8vo. (Shea's Jesuit Relations, Xo. 15.) 20. 3 484 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. X)ABLON, J. Claude, le pere— (Continued). Eelation of the Voyages, Discourses, and Death of James Marquette, and Subsequent Voyages of Claude Allouez. (Shea, J. G., Miss. Valley, in Hist. Coll. of Louisiana. Vol. 4.) 20. 3 See Chaumonot, Joseph. Voyage, etc. 20. 3 Daboll, Nathan. Schoolmaster's Assistant. [Arithmetic] Title page wanting. 1814? 12mo. 83 Da Costa, J. M. Strain and Over-action of the Heart. Toner Lecture No. 3, May 14, 1874. Washington, 1874. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 15.) 49. 9 Dacota, or Dacotah. See Dakota. Dada, Eev. W. B. See Hudson, A. G. Eeview of Dada's Ser- mon. 56. 7. 2 Daae, Ludwig. Kx)ng Christiern den Forstes. Norske historic, 1448-1458. Christiana, 1879. 8vo. 52. 10. 6 Daggett, Frank. (Minnesota Journalist.) Memoir of, by J. Fletcher Williams. (Minn. Editorial Ass'n Proc, 1877.) 22. 12. 2 Daggett, John. Sketch of the History of Attleborough, Mass., from its Settlement, etc. Dedham, 1834. 8vo. 25. 8 Dahl, Bastian. Die Lateinische Partikel VT, etc. Kristiania. 1882. 8vo. 74. (i. 3 Dahlgren, Mrs. Madeleine V. Petition to the Government for Compensation for Inventions of Eear- Admiral Dahl- gren. Washington, 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 35, No. 6.) 60. o Thoughts on Female Suffrage. Washington, 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 10, No. 9L) 60. 1 Dainese, F. History of Mr. Seward's Pet in Egypt. (Charles Hale.) Washington, 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 19, No. 8.) 60. 8 Dairy, The. See Minnesota, Proceedings of Butter, Cheese and Dairy Stock Association, 1885. 22. 13. 7 Northwestern Dairymen's Association. Wisconsin Dairy- Men's Ass'n, etc. Dairyman's Daughter, The. See Eichmond, Eev. Legh. Dakota, (Language). See Hinman, S. D., and Eobertson, T. A. Translators Dakota Church Service. 15. 11. 2 Hinman, S. D. Prayer Book in Dakota. St. Paul, 1865. 22. 1 Same. Another edition. N. Y., 1883. 15. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 485 Dakota, (Language) — (Continued). Hnggins, E. W., and Williamson, N. J. Dakota Text- 'Book. 22. 1 Pond, G. H. See Riggs, S. R., and Pond, G. H. Dakota Text-Book. 22. 1 Pond, Samuel W. Dakota 2d Reading Book, 1842. 22. 1 Renville, John B. Translator. . Woonspe Italikilina. (Precept upon Precept.) 22. 1 Renville, Joseph. Extracts from Genesis. 22. 1 Same. Extracts from the Gospels. 22. 1 Same. Gospel According to Mark. 22. 1 Same. Part of the Psalms. 22. 1 Same. (And others.) Dakota Dowanpi Kin. (Hymns.) 22. 1 Riggs, A. L. Dakota Songs and Music. 22. 1 Same. Wicoie \Yowapi Kin. 22. 8 Same. Word Book. 22. 8 Riggs, S. R.^ Model First Reader. 22. 8 And A. L. Guyot's Elementary Geography. 22. 8 And Pond, G. H. Dakota First Reading Book. 22. 1 Grammar and Dictionary of the Dakota Language. 49. 7 Mahpiya Ekta Oicimani ya. (Pilgrim's Progress.) 15. 4 Dakiota Odowan. (Hymns.) 22. 1 Woonspe. Itakihna. 22. 1 Dakota Wowapi Wakan Kin. (Bible.) 22. 1 Odowan Wakan. (Psalms.) 22. 1 Wowapi Mitawa. [My own Book.] 22. 1 Same, and Williamson, John P. Dakota Odowan. (Hymns.) 22.1 Williamson, John P. Oowa Wowapi. 22. 1 Williamson, Thos. S. Translation of Old Test, into Dakota. 22.1 Dakota Tawaxitku Kin, (Dakota Fhiend). Monthly News- paper, ed. by G. H. Pond, in Dakota and English, Vols. 1, 2. 1850-'52. St. Paul. 4to. V [Continued subsequently under the name ''lapi Oaye," 9 Vols,] Dakota, (Territory). Governor's Message, 1862. n. t. p. 8vo. 19. 14. 5 Same, 1863. See Edmunds, Newton. Yankton, 1863. 8vo. 19. 14.5 486 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dakota, (Territory) — (Continued). Same, 1866. Faulk, A. J. Yankton, 1866. 8vo. 60. 8 Same, 1872. Burbank, J. A. Yankton, 1872. 8vo. ♦ 60. 2 Same, 1877. Pennington, John L. Yankton, 1877. 8vo. 19. 14. 5 Same, 1885. Pierce, G. A. Eeport. 1885. Wash. 8vo. 19. 14. 5 Legislature. Eeport of the Select Com. on Indian Affairs, 1862-'3. 12mo. 15. 11. 4 General and Private Laws, etc. 1864. 81 Council Journal, 1863. Yankton. 8vo. 81 General Laws Eelating to Eailroad Corporations. (Minn. Ter. and State, 1857-'79. Charter, etc., 1879. 8vo. 22. 14. 3 Memorial of the, to Congress, for a Kew Territory out of North Dakota. Wash, 1872. 8vo. 60.2 Eeport of a Select Committee on Eesources of Dakota. 1865. 8vo. 60.1 Agricultural College, Brookings. Catalogue, 1885. n. p. 8vo. 19. 14. 5 Baptist Associations. Minutes, v. p. ; v. d. 8vo. 38. 12. 9 Historical Society. First Annual Eeport, 1865. News- paper cutting, mounted. 12mo. ' 19. 3 Eeport of Board of Grain Inspectors. Fargo, 1885. 8vo. 19. 14. 5 McYay, W. H. Biennial Eeport of Treasurer. 1884. 19. 14. 5 (Historical). See Andreas, A. T. Historical Atlas. 1884. 94. 20 Armstrong, M. K. History and Eesources. 1866. 19. 14. 5 McKenzie, J. H. and Giguere, O. Capture of Little Six. 1864. 22. 5. 2 Newson, T. M. Drama of Life in Black Hills. 1878. 19.14.5 (Descriptive). See Andrews, C. C. Minn, and Dacotah. 1856. 22. 1 Batchelder, G. A. History and Eesources of Dakota. 1870. 60. 1 Black Hills Exploring and Mining Association. Circular. 1865. 19. 14. 5 Custer, Elizabeth B. Boots and Saddles. 1885. 16. 4 Davy, P. B. Expedition to Black Hills. 1868. 19. 14. 8 Donan, Pat. Scream from the American Eagle. 1882. 19. 14. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. ' 487 Dakota, (Territory) — (Continued). Gazetteer of Minnesota and Dakota, 1882-3. 1884-5. 8vo. 22. 12 Hayden, F. V. Geological Exploration of Yellowstone, etc. 1859. 19. 14. 6 Holabird, S. B. Eeconnoissance in Dakota. 1869. 19. 14. 8 Holt, O. H. "Behold, I show you a Delightsome Land." 19. 14. 5 Hunt, W. H. Jr. and Eandell. Dakota. City of Fargo, etc. 1879. 19. 14. 5 Jennings, W. P. Mineral Wealth, Climate, etc., of Black Hills. 1876. 19.14.5 Leading Business Men of Dakota. Cities. 1883. 19. 14.^5 Ludlow, Wm. A Eeconnoissance of the Black Hills. 1874. 50.3 Kewton, Henry, and Jenney, "VV. P. Geology, etc. of Black Hills. 1880. 50.3 Northern Dakota, Its Soil, Climate, etc. (Immigration doc.) 1877. 19. 14. 5 Powell, W. E. The Land of Promise, n. d. 19. 14. 5 Eed Eiver YaUey and the Land of Golden Grain. 1882. 19. 14. 5 Slaughter, Mrs. L. W. The New Northwest. 1874. 19. 14. 5 Smalley, E. V. North Dakota. (North. Pac. E. E., 1883.) 19. a Warren, G. K. Explorations in the Dacota Country. 1855. 19. 14. 7 Preliminary Eeport of Exi^lorations. 1855, '57. 19. 14. 5 Willis, Bailey. The Lignites of the Sioux Eeservation. 49. 4.2 Dakota County, Minn. See Warner, G. E. and Foote, C. M. History of Dakota Co. 1881. 22.7 Agricultural Society. Eegulations and List of Premiums^ 1875, 1883. ' 22. 14. 1 S. S. Association. Minutes of the Meeting, Feb. 7, 1862. 22. 11. 8 Dakota Land. [Fiction.] See Hawkins, C. New York City, 1868. 12mo. 22. 8 Dakota War Whoop. See McConkey, H. B. 22. 9 Dakotas, or Dacotahs. See Indians of America — Dakota. Dalby, Thomas. Historical Account of the Else and Growth of the West India Colonies. London, 1690. 4to. (Har- leian Misc., Vol. 9, pp. 403-445.) 40. 3 62 488 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dale, Gen. Sam, of Miss. See Claiborne, J. F. H. Life and Times. 45. 4 Ball, C. H. A. Tenth Eeport as Missionary in India, etc. Lon- don, 1861. 8vo. 56. 14. 1 Dall, W. H. Index to Subdivisions of the Class Brachiopoda. Washington, 1877. 8vo. (Smiths. Inst. Misc. Coll., Vol. 13.) 49. 2 List of Marine Mollusca, comprising the Quaternary Fossils and Eecent Forms, from American Localities, between €ape Hatteras and Cape Eogue, including the Bermudas. Washington, 1885. 8vo. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. Ko. 24.) 49. ILl On Masks, Labrets and Certain Aborignal Customs, with an Inquiry into the bearing of their Geographical Distribu- tion. (Bureau of Ethnology, 3d Report.) Washington, 1884. 8vo. 50. 3 Remains of Later Prehistoric Man, from Caves in Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. Washington, 1878. 4to. (Smiths. Contr., Vol. 22.) 49. 14 Tribes of the Extreme Northwest. [Alaska.] U. S. Geo- graphical Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region. Con- tributions, etc. Vol. 1. 1877. 4to. 50. 2 Dallas, Alexander James. Exposition of the Causes and Character of the War between the U. S. and Great Britain, 1812-' 15. Concord, K H., 1815. 12mo. 14.4 Dallas, Robert, Jr. Considerations Upon the American En- quiry. • London, 1779. 8vo. (Rev. War. Pamph., Vol. 18, No. 4.) ;,K , Essay on Modern Martyrs; with a Letter to Gen. Burgoyne, London, 1780. 8vo. -(Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 22, No. 6.) 14.1 Dallaway, James. Inquiries into the Origin and Progress of the Science of Heraldry. Gloucester, 1793. 4to. 46. 7 jDalbymple, John, (Fifth Earl of Stair). Address of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America. London, 1775. 8vo. (Rev. War. Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 2.) 14.1 Facts and Their Consequences, Submitted to the Considera- tion of the Public, etc. London, 1782. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 9, No. 2.) 14. i Postscript, Addressed to John, Earl of Stair. Defense of the Earl of Shelburne. 1782. 8vo. (Rev. War. Pamph., Vol. 15, No. 2.) 14 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 489 Dalrymple, John, (Fifth Earl of Stair) — (Continued). Eights of Great Britain Asserted, Against the Claims of America. Added, a Farther Eefutation of Dr. Price's State of the National Debt. London, 1776. 8vo. (Rev. War. Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 2.) 14. 1 Same. 5th ed., with addition. London, 1776. 8vo. 14.1 State of the Public Debts. Added, a Postscript, in Answer to a Postscript, by the Author of "A Defense of the Earl of Shelburne." London, 1783. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 11, No. 3.) 14. 1 Dalrymple, W. H. The Name of Dalrymple, with tl^e Gene- alogy of One Branch of the Family in the United States. Haverhill, 1878. 16mo. 47. 2 Dalrymple Family. See Dalrymple, W. H. The name of Dalrymple, etc. 47. 2 Dalson, Augustus T. Some experiments upon coffee. See Wetherill, C. M. 51. 3. 1 Dalton, Edward Barry, M. D. Memorial of. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. 43. 9 D' Alton, John. Illustrations, Historical and Genealogical, of King James' Irish Army List, 1689. 2d edit. London, 1861. 8vo. 2 Vols. Vol. 1, Cavalry; Vol. 2, Infantry. 46.2 Daly, Charles P. Annual Address before the American Geo- graphical and Statistical Society, Jan. 25, 1870. N. Y., 1870. 8vo. 74. 7. 1 Are the Southern Privateers Pirates? Letter to Hon. Ira Harris. N. Y., 1862. 12mo. 30.4.1 Gulian C. Verplanck; his Ancestry, Life and Character. Delivered before the Century Club, April 9, 1870. N. Y., 1870. 8vo. 43. 7. V Dalys of Dalystown. See O'Brien, Dillon. 74. 3 Damon, Eev. David. A Sermon Delivered before His Excel- lency, Marcus Morton, Governor, etc. (Mass. Election Sermon, Jan. 6, 1841.) Boston, 1841. 8vo. 56. 5. 5 Damariscotta, Me. See Cushman, David Q. History of Ancient Sheepscot, etc. 7. 8 Damariscotta, Me. See Sheepscot, Me. Damascus. Memoire sur la ville de Damas et ses dehors. (Lettres edifiantes et curieuses, etc., 1780-^83. 12mo. Vol. 2, pp. 438-480.) 20. 8 490 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Damon, Samuel Chenery. Damon Memorial; or Notices of three Damon Families who Came from Old England to New England in the 17th Century. Honolulu, S. I., 1882. 8vo. 47. 2 History of Holden, Massachusetts, 1667-1841. Worcester, 1841. 8vo. 8. 11 Damon, Norwood. The Holy Voice. Discourse in West Cam- bridge, Mass., May 14, 1841, on the Death of William Henry Harrison. Boston, 1841. 8vo. 43. 14. 6 Damon Family. See Damon, Samuel C. Damon Memorial. Honolulu, 1882. 8vo. 47. 2 Dampier, Capt. William. Voyage Around the World, 1681- ^90. (Harris, John, Navigantium, Vol. 2, 1705. fo. pp. 865-906.) 94.8 Dana, Charles A. The Biter Bit. Blackmailing operations of Charles A. Dana's ^'Sun." Washington, 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 10, No. 8.) 60. 1 And Eipley, George, editors. New American Encyclo- pedia, N. Y., 1861-^70. 8vo. 34.4 Dana, C. W. The Great West. Its History, Wealth, etc. Description of each state. Bost., 1858. 12mo. 19.1 Dana, Rev. Daniel. A Sermon Delivered at the Annual Election, Jan. 4, 1837, before His Excellency, Edward Everett, etc. (Mass. Election Sermon.) Boston, 1837. 8vo. 56. 5. 4 Dana, Edward S. A Crystallographic Study of the [Thinolite of Lake Lahontan. Wash., 1884. 8vo. (Bulletin of TJ. S. Geol. Surv., No. 12.) 49. 4 Dana, Mrs. Henrietta. See Allen, B. E. Sermon on Mrs. Dana's Death. 43. 6. d Dana, James. Memoir of the late Hon. Samuel Dana, (by his son), also Memoirs of Others of the Family, by Mrs. J. F. Dana and Dr. A. A. Hayes; Cambridge, 1877. 8vo. 25. 7. 4 Dana, James D wight. Manual of Geology. Phila., etc., 1866. 8vo. 49. 1 Science and Scientific Schools. Address before the Alumni of Yale College, at the Commencement Anniversary, Aug. 1856. New Haven, 1856. (Yale College Addresses, No. 11-) 7. 13 The Yale University Scheme. New Haven, 1870. 8vo. 7. 13. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 491 Dana, Joseph. A Discourse Delivered in Ipswich, Mass., on July 4, 1827, the 51st Anniversary of American Independ- ence. Ipswich, 1827. 8vo. 56. 7. 2 Sermon at the Interment of. Nov. 19, 1827, in Ipswich, Mass. Ipswich, 1827. 8vo. 43. 6 A Sermon, Delivered at Ipswich, Mass., on the Day of the Annual Thanksgiving, Nov. 28, 1820. Newburyport, 1820. 8vo. 56. 7. 2 A Sermon, Delivered in Ipswich, Mass., South Parish, on Lord's Day, Nov. 6, 1825, being the day which completed the 60th year of his ministry in that place. Salem, 1825. 8vo. 56. 7. 2 Dana, Malcolm McGregor. Annals of Norwich, Conn., in the Great Eebellion of 1861-'65. Norwich, 1873. 8vo. 7.12 History of Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. St. Paul, 1879. 16mo. 22. 6. 6 Plea for Improvement of Home and City. St. Paul, 1878. 18mo. 22. 13. 3 Dana, Capt. Napoleon Jackson Tecumseh. Trial and Acquittal before the Court Martial at Fort Snelling, Minn., Aug. 17, 1854. n.t. p. 8vo. (U. S. Army, Gen. Order No. 6.) 43. 6. D Dana, Eichard H., Jr. An Address upon the Life and Ser- vices of 'Edward Everett, Delivered before the Municipal Authorities and Citizens of Cambridge, Feb. 22, 1865. Cambridge, 1865. 8vo. 43. 6. E Oration on the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexing- ton, April 19, 1775. (^In Centennial Orations, 1875. 8vo.; 8.3 Speech, in Boston, June 21, 1865. On the Reorganization of the Rebel States, n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 15, No. 41.) 60. 1 Dana, Samuel. See Atherton, Charles. Memoir of. (N. H. Hist. Coll., Vol. 3, p. 9.) Concord, 1832. 8vo. 7. 3 Dana, Samuel L. Manures. A Prize Essay, pub. by the Mass. Soc. for the Promotion of Agriculture. Boston, 1843. 8vo. 72. 4. 1 Dana Family. See Dana, James. Memoirs of Hon. Samuel Dana, and Others of the Name. 25. 7. 4 Dan BY, Vermont. See Williams, J. C. History of Danby, Vermont. 7. 2 492 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dancing. See Neill, E. D. An Undignified Amusement for a Christian. 56. 12. a Dane, John, of Ipswich. Declaration of Remarkable Provi- dences in the Course of My Life. Added, a Pedigree of the Dane Family. Aiion. Boston, 1854. 8vo. 43. 6. D Dane County, Wisconsin. See Durrie, D. S. Notes on Dane Co., and its Towns. (Appended to his History of Madison. 1874. 8vo.) 19. 11 History of Dane Co., Wis. Anon, Preceded by a History of Wisconsin, by C. W. Butterfield. Chicago, 1880. 4to. 19. 12 Statistics of Dane County; with Sketch and Directory of the Village of Madison, 1851-'52. Madison, 1851. 8vo. 19. 5. 7 Danford, Heney B. Colors of the U. S., First raised over the Capitol of the Confederate States. April 3, 1865. Morri- sania, N. Y. 1866. 8vo. 30. 4. 8 Danfoeth Family. Fifth Meeting of the Dauforth Family in America, held in Boston, Sept. 1, 1886. Boston, 1886. 8vo. 25. 7. 4 Daniels, Arthur M. Journal of Sibley's Indian Expedition, During the Summer of 1863, and Record of the Troops Employed. By a Soldier in Co. H, 6th [Minn.] Eegt. Winona, Minn. 1864. 8vo. 22. 5. 2 Daniels, Edward. Geological Survey of Wisconsin, 1854, and 1858. Minnesota Legislature, Senate. Geolog. Rept. 1860. 22.10 Society to Promote Industrial Education. Plan for Indus- trial Schools. Industrial Education, the True Education. Broadsides, v. p., v. d. 56. 9. 4 Daniels, Geo. F. Samuel Davis, of Oxford, Mass., and Joseph Davis of Dudley, Mass., and their Descendants. :Nrorth Andover, Mass., 1884. 8vo. 47. 2 Daniel, John W. Oration at the Dedication of the Washing- ton Monument. Washington, 1885. 8vo. 25. 2 Danish Dictionary. See Geelmunden, J. Engelsk ordbog. Christiania, 1872. 16mo. 34. 1 Larsen, A. Dansk-norsk-engelsk ordbog. Kjobenhavn, 1880. 16mo. 34.1 Tauchnitz, Karl, Publ. New Pocket Dictionary of the Eng- lish and Danish Languages. Leipsic. n. d. 16mo. 34. l Danish Islands. Are we in Honor Bound to Pay for Them See Parton, James. Boston, 1869. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 36, No. 26.) 60. 2- CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 493: Dankaerts, Jasper, and Sluyter, Peter. See Read, W. J. Leaves from the Early History of Delaware and Maryland. .11. 8. 5- Same, Journal of a Voyage to New York, in a Tour in Sev- eral of the American Colonies in 1679-'80. Trans, and Edited by Henry C. Murphy. Brooklyn, 1867. 8vo. (Long Island Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Vol. 1.) 10. 11 Danyers, Mass. Proceedings at the Eeception in Honor of George Peabody, by the Citizens of Dan vers, Oct. 9, 1856. Appended, an Historical Sketch of the Peabody Institute. Boston, 1856. 8vo. 43. 9 Danvers Church Records, Transcribed by W. T. Harris. (K. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. 11-13.) 46. 3 Directory. See Dudley, Dean. Directory and Register of Danvers, Marblehead, Peabody, Beverly, etc. 1873. 80^ South. See Peabody, Mass. See South Danvers. Danville, III. Presbyterian Church. 1829-1879. 50th Anni- versary of the Church, Containing Anniversary Sermon, by A. L. Brooks, etc., March 8 and 9, 1879. Danville, 111., 1879. 8vo. 18! 6. 3 Darby, John. F. Address before the Missouri Historical Society, at St. Louis, April 21, 1881, on the Presentation of a Portrait of Samuel Gaty (Getty). Mo. Hist. Soc. Publ., No. 5. 18. 7. 5 Darby, William. Emigrant's Guide to the Western and South- western States and Territories. 1817. N. Y. 1818., 8vo. 18. 5 Darby, Pa. First Presbyterian Church. See Brown, W. Y. History of the First Presbyterian Church of the Borough of Darby, Delaware Co., Pa. 11. 5. 4 D'Arc, Jeanne. See Joan of Arc. Dardis, George. Description of the State Capitol of Tennessee. Nashville, 1859. 8vo. 18. 14. 1 Darien, Conn. See Stamford, Conn. Darien, Isthmus of. See Gisborne, Lionel. Journal, etc. 52. 3 Selfridge, T. O. Exploration and Surveys. 49. 12 U. S. Dept. of War. Report of Survey. 63. 6 Darling, Charles W. Anthropophagy. Utica, 1886. 8vo. 15.11.1 Darling, Henry. Exercises at the Inauguration of. Hamil- ton College, Clinton, N. Y. 10. 6. 4 494 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Darling, Olney I. History of Warren, Mass. West Brook- field, Mass., 1874. 12mo. 8. 2. 6 Dakling, Wm. a., of :N'.. Y. Tax on Distilled Spirits. Speech, 'H. of R., Feb. 25, 1867. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphs., Vol. 12, ^o. 41.) 60. 1 Darnell, Elias. Journal of Kentucky Volunteers, Commanded by Gen. Winchester, 1812-'13. Phila., 1854. 18mo. 14. 4 Dartmoor Prison, England. See Waterhouse, Benjamin. Journal of a Surgeon, etc. 16.11 Dartmouth College, Hanover, X. H. Catalogus Collegii Dartmuthensis, 1828, 1843, 1846. Hanoverae, 1828-'46. 8vo. 7. 11. 3 Catalogue, 1831, '37, '43, '45, '%S ,'72. Hanover, 1831-'72. 8vo. 7. 11. 1 Bartlett, S. C. Duties of Educated Men. Address. 74. 7. 2 Ohapman, G. T. Sketches of the Alumni. 43. 11 Comstock, J. M. Obituary Record of Graduates. 43. 14. 7 Crosby, Alpheus. Memorial of Class of 1827. 43. 14. 7 Farmer, John. Biog. Sketches of Graduates. 7. 3 Farrar, Tiniothy. Trustees vs. W. H. Woodward. 7. 4 Haven, I^. Address before Phi Beta Kappa. 43. 3 Webster, Daniel. Dartmouth College, etc. Argument. 44. 5 Woodbury, Levi. Oration on Progress, etc. 44. 13 Dartmouth, Mass. Records, 1713, etc.. Copied by J. B. Cong- don. (N. E. Hist. Gen. Reg., Vol. 20-22.) 46. 3 See ^ew Bedford, Mass. D'Arusmont, Mme. Frances Wright. Views of Society and Manners in America, 1818-20. (By an Englishwoman.) X. Y., 1821. 8vo. 33. 6 Darwin, Charles. Darwinism and Deity. (With Prehistoric Man.) Cinn.,1873. 8vo. 15.10 See Haeckel, Ernst. History of Creation. :sr. Y., 1876. 12mo. 15. 10 Washington Biological Society. Proceedings. Vol. 1. 49. 9 Dash, M., pseud. History of Lansing, Mich., to 1870. Lansing, 1870. 12mo. 18. 4. 2 Dates. Dictionary of. See Haydn, Joseph. London, 1871. 34. 9 Daubeny, Charles. Substance of a Discourse, Giving Reasons for Declining a Connection with the Bible Society, 1815. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 5.) 53. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 495 D'AuBiGNE, Jean Henri Merle. History of the Eeformation in Europe, in the Time of Calvin. 8 Vols. London, 1863. 8vo. 42,10 Dauphin County, Pa. See Egle, Wm. H. Kotes and Queries. 11. 13. 1 Morgan, Geo. H. Settlement, etc., of Dauphin County. 11.11 Dayenport, Alfred. Camp and Field. Life of the 5th I^. Y. Vol. Infantry (Duryea's Zouaves). N. Y., 1879. 12mo. 29. 12 Davenport, A. B. Genealogy of the Davenport Family, 1086- 1850. K Y., 1851. 12mo. 47. 2 Same. Supplement, 1876. 47. 2 Davenport, Col. George. Biog. Sketch of. See Wilkie, F. B. 19.13 Davenport, John. Life and Writings of. By Franklin B. Dexter. (:N^ew Haven Col. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 2.) 7.6 Davenport Family. See Davenport, A. B. History of the Davenport Family, 1086-1850. N. Y., 1851. 12mo. 47.2 Same, Supplement to, 1876. Stamford, Conn., 1876. 47.2 Davenport, Iowa. Twin Cities Directory. Davenport, Eock Island and Moline. 1860. Davenport. 1859. 8vo. 80 See Wilkie, B. F. Davenport, Past and Present. 19. 13 Academy of Natural Sciences. Vols. 1-4. 1867-'74. 8vo. 19. 13 Davidson, Lucretia Maria. Poetical Eemains, Collected by her Mother; with Biography by C. M. Sedgwick. Boston, 1857. 8vo. 74.4 Davidson, Margaret Miller. Biog. Sketch of. See Irving, W. Spanish Papers, etc. 1866. 8vo. Vol. 2. 74. 1 Biography and Poetical Eemains. Boston, 1857. 74. 4 Davidson, J. Morrison. New Book of Kings [of England.] Boston, 1884. 16mo. 35. 9 Davidson, Eobert. History of the Presbyterian Church in the State of Kentucky, with a Preliminary Sketch of the Churches in the Valley of Virginia. X. Y., 1847. 8vo. 17.6 Davidson County, Tenn. See Clayton, W. W. History of. 18. 14 63 496 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Da VIES, Charles. Arithmetic. N. Y., 1855. 16mo. 91. S Elementary Algebra. N. Y. and Cinn., 1853. 12mo. 91. 8 Davies, Ebenezer. American Scenes and Christian Slavery j Tour of Four Thousand Miles in the U. S. London, 1859. 12mo. 30. a Davies, J. E. Character and Methods of the Geodetic Survey. See Geol. Surv. of Wis., Vol. 4. 51. 13 Davies, John M. Los Angeles, City and County. Eesourqes, Climate, etc. Los Angeles, 1885. 8vo. 20. 14. 6 Daviess County, Ky. Illustrated Historical Atlas, 1876. St. Louis, 1876. 4to. V Davila, Enrico Caterino. See Adams, John. Discourses on Davila. (Works, 1850-' 56. 8vo. Vol.6.) 44.3 Davis, Judge. Judicial Conduct and Deportment. N. Y., 1874. 8vo. 10. 6. 10 Davis, A. C. Frauds of the Indian Office. Argument before the Committee on Indian Affairs of the House of Repre- sentatives, Jan. 12, 1867. Wash., 1867. 8vo. 15.11. 3 Davis, A. J. Vaccination. Use of Humanized and Non- humanized Virus. (Minn. Board of Health, 1879.) 22. 3 Davis, Andrew M. Canada and Louisiana. (Xat. and Crit. Hist, of America. Vol. 5, Chap. 1.) 25. 9 Davis, Asahel. Lecture on the Antiquities of Central Amer- ica, etc N. Y., 1840. 8vo. 14. 13. 1 Visit to Sunnyside. Buffalo, 1860. 8vo. 43. 13. 1 Davis, Charles G. Report of Proceedings at his Examination, on Charge of Aiding in the Rescue of a Fugitive Slave Boston, Feb., 1851. Boston, 1851. 8vo. 30. 7. 6 Davis, C. H. Law of Deposit of the Flood Tide. No impr. 4to. (Smith's Contrib., Vol. 3.) 49. 7 Davis, Charles H. Report in Relation to Boston Harbor. See Boston, Mass., City Council, etc. 8. 3 Davis, Charles H. S. History of Wallingford, Conn., 1670-1870, including Meriden and Cheshire. Meriden, Conn., 1870. 8vo. • 7. 5 Davis Family Record. Monthly Journal. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-8. Meriden, 1867. 8vo. 25. 7. 4 The Saxon Language; Its Eclipse and Relumination. Ad- dress before the American Philological Society, Dec. 19, 1867. n. t. p. 8vo. 74. 6. 3 Davis, Cushman K. An Address at the Opening of the Min- neapolis Exposition. Delivered Aug. 23, 1886. Minne- apolis, 1886. 8vo. 22. 15. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 497 Davis, Cushman K. — (Continued). The Permanency of Our Institution. An Oration Delivered at the Centennial Celebration in St. Paul, July 4, 1876. (See Saunders, Frederic, etc. ) 16. 12 The Railroad Question. Address at Rochester, Minn. Oct. 9, 1873. (Newspaper Cutting.) 22. 14. 2 And Lowry, Thomas. Statement of Proceedings in the Matter of Suits and Demands by the U. S., on Account of Pine LogsCat|upon United States Lands in Minnesota, 1879. n. t. p. 8vo. 22. J 3. 7 Davis, E. H. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley. See Squier, E. G. Davis, Edmund J. Gov. of Texas. Message. Jan. 14, 1873. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 13, Xo. 21.) 60. 1 Davis, Garrett. Cincinnati and Southern Railway. Speech, Senate U. S., March 13, 1871. Washington, 1871. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 48.) 60. 8 Enforcement of Fourteenth Amendment. Speech, U. S. Senate, April 3, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 49.) 60. 8 Public Credit. Speech in the U. S. Senate, Feb. 27, 1869. Washington, 1869. 8vo. 33. 7. 7 Reconstruction. Speech,. U. S. Senate, June 7, 1866. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 29, No. 25.) . 60. 8 Speech on Civil Rights Bill, Veto Message. Senate, U. S., April 6, 1866. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 12, No. 63.) 60. 1 Speech, on District of Columbia Suffrage, Jan. 16, 1866. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 29, No.21.) 60. 8 Speech on Reconstruction. U. S. Senate, Feb. 16, 1867. Wash., 1867. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 12, No. 19.) 60. 1 Speech on the Internal Revenue Bill. Senate, IJ. S., Feb. 27, 1865. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 1-2, No. 11.) 60. 1 State of Mississippi. Speech, Senate, U. S., Feb. 15, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 39, No. 24.) 60. 2 Tenure of Office Law. Speech in the U. S. Senate, March 29, 1869. Wash., 1869. 8vo. 57. 4. 3 U. S. Congress. Memorial Addresses on Davis. Dec. 18, 1872. Wash., 1873. 8vo. 44. 7 498 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Davis, Geoege. A Historical Sketch of Sturbridge and South- bridge, Mass. West Brookfield, 1856. 8vo. 8. 2 Davis, George E. Speech on the Financial Policy of the Dam- ocratic and Whig Parties. Troy, N. Y., 1843. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 17.) 53. 12 Davis, Gilbert A. Centennial Celebration, with Historical Sketch of Beading, Yt., 1772-1872. Bellows Falls, 1874. 8vo. 7. 2 Davis, H. G., of Va. Brief History of Agriculture. Import- ance to all Countries, especially the United States. West Va. Eesources. Speech in U. S. Senate, Jan. 14, 1879. Wash., 1879. 8vo. 72. 4. 2 Speech in Senate of U. S., May 13, 1874, on War Claims of West Virginia. Wash., 1874. 8vo. 15. 12. 2 Treasury Accounts and Books. Speech in the Senate of the U. S., June 15., 1880. No imp. 8vo. 33. 7. 4 Davis, Henry Winter. Speech on the War at Philadelphia. Sept. 24, 1863. No impr. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 Speech, Nov. 25, 1864, at Philadelphia, before the Union League. Union League Gazette, Vol. 1, No. 10. (Eam- sey Pamph., Vol. 28, No. 22.) 60. 8 Speeches on his Bill for a Board of Admiralty in Navy Dept. H. of E. Feb. 3 and 6, 1865. Wash., 1865. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphs., Vol. 12, No. 12.) 60. 1 ^ee Cress well, J. A. J. Oration on H. W. Davis. 43. 2 Davis, J. C. Bancroft. Mr. Sumner, the Alabama Claims and their Settlement. Letter to the New York Herald, Jan. 4, 1878. N. Y., 1878. 8vo. 33. 12. 2 Davis, James D. History of Memphis. Also, the "Old Times Papers." Memphis, Tenn., 1873. 16mo. 18. 14 Davis, Jefferson. See Blaine, J. G. and others. Jefferson Davis. Amnesty. 30. 11. 4 Bledsoe, A. T. Is Davis a Traitor? 30. 2 Jefferson Davis and his Complicity in the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Phila., 1863. 8vo. 43. 14. 1 Life and Adventures. [Burlesque.] By McArone. N. Y., 1865. 16mo. 43. 6. D Else and Fall of the Confederate Government. N. Y., 1881. 8vo. 29. 3 Speeches, Delivered during the Summer of 1858. Baltimore, 1859. 8vo. 33. 7. 4 True Story of the Capture of Jefferson Davis. (Southern Hist. Soc. Papers, Vol. 5.) 29. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 499 Davis, Jefferson — (Continued). Walker, E. J. Jefferson Davis, Eepudiation, Eecognition and Slavery. 30. 4. 3 Another Copy. 30. 6 Davis, Capt. John. Voyages to the East Indies, 1598-1605. Voyages for Discovery of the ]^orthwest Passage, 1585 -'87. (Harris, John, Kavigantium, etc., Vol. 1, 1705.) 94. 8 Davis, John, Judge. Catalogue of his Private Library. Bos- ton, 1847. 8vo. 74. 12 Gannett, E. S. Good Old Age. Sermon on the Death of John Davis. 43. 6. D Memoir of. See Kinnicutt, Thomas. 9. 10 Davis, John. ("Honest John Davis.") See Haven, S. F. Me- moir. 46. 13 Speech in the H. of E. on the Tariff Bill of 1832. Boston, 1833. 8vo. 57.2.1 Davis, Matthew L. Memoirs of Aaron Burr. N. Y., 1837. 8vo. 44. 9 Davis, Noah. Admission of Georgia. Speech in the H. of E., March 7, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 13. 1 Tenure of Office. Speech in the H. of E., March 26, 1869. Wash., 1869. 8vo. 57. 4. 3 And Potter, Clarkson. Income Tax. H. of E., June 1 and 2, 1870. Eemarks. n. t. p. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 39, No. 34.) 60.2 'Davis, N. S. History of Medical Education and Medical Insti- tions in the U. S., 1776-1876. Wash., 1877. 8vo. 51. 11. 5 Davis, Paris M. Authentick History of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain, 1812-1815. Ithaca, 1829. 12mo. 14. 9 Davis, Phebe B. Two Years and Three Months in the New York Lunatic As>^lum at Utica. Syracuse, 1865. 8vo. 43. 6. D Davis, Eobert M. Public and Private Credit and Banking, and their Abuses. New Orleans, 1869. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 The Southern Planter, the Factor, and the Banker. New Orleans, La. 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Vol. 11, No. 14.) 60. 1 Davis, Thomas T. Speech on Equality of Eights. H. E., Feb. 28, 1866. Washington, 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 29, No. 57.) 60. 8 Davis, Walter B., and Durbie, Daniel S. Illustrated His- tory of Missouri. St. Louis, etc. 1876. 8vo, 18. T 500 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Davis, Wm. T. Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth, Mass. Bos- ton, 1883. 8vo. 9. 13 History of the Town of Plymouth, Mass., with a Sketch of the Origin and Growth of Separatism. Philadelphia, 1885. 8vo. 8. 12 Davis, W. W. H. El Gringo; or New Mexico and her People. New York, 1857. 12mo. 19. 14 History of the 104th Pa. Regt., from Aug. 22, 1861, to Sept. 30, 1864. Philadelphia, 1866. 8vo. 29. 14 Sketch of John Lacey. n. p. 1868. 8vo. 43. 9 Davis Family. See Daniels, Geo. F. Davis Genealogy. 47. 2 See Davis, C. H. S. Davis Family Record. 7. 5 Davis County, Iowa. See Horn, H. B. History of Davis Co. 19.6 Davy, P. B. Expedition to Black Hills. Blue Earth City, Minn., 1868. 12mo. 19.14.8 Dawes, E. C, Editor. Journal of Ruf us Putnam, kept in North- ern New York during Four Campaigns of the Old French and Indian War, 1757-1760, with Biographical Sketch of Gen. Putnam. Albany, 1886. 8vo. 14. 10 Dawes, Henry L. Americans Must Control Their Own Mar- kets, etc. Speech, H. of R., May 3, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph.,Vol. 31, No. 4.) 60. 8 Dawes, Mathew. Letter to John Home Tooke. In which an apparent error on Government is exploded. London, 1782. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 20, No. 2 ) 14. 1 Dawson, Charles C. Collection of Family Records of the Name Dawson. Albany, N. Y., 1874. ovo. -7.2 Record of the Descendants of Robert Dawson, of East liaven. Conn., including numerous other families. Albany, 1874. 8vo. 47. 2 Saratoga; Its Mineral Waters. N. Y. 1873. 24mo. 10.14.2 Dawson, Geo. M. Appearance and Migrations of the Locust in Manitoba and the Northwest Territories. 1875. n. t. p. 16mo. 49. 5. 4 Notes on the Locust Invasion of 1874 in Manitoba and the Northwest Territories. Montreal, 1874. 8vo. 20. 5. 3 Report on Explorations in British Columbia. (Canada Geol. Report for 1875-'76.) Montreal, 1877. 8vo. 51. 6 Dawson, Henry B. Assault on Stony Point, by General An- thony Wayne, July 6, 1779. Morrisania. N. Y., 1863. 4to. 14. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 501 Dawson, Henry B. — (Continued), Battles of the U. S. by Sea and Land. 2 Vols. :N'. Y.,1858. 4to. 16. 7 Declaration of Independence by the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. n. t. p. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 9.) 7. 2 Sons of Liberty in New York. Paper read before the N.Y. Hist. Soc, May 3, 1859. N. Y., 1859. 8vo. 10. 4. 1 Editor. Gleanings from the Harvest Field of American History. 14. 3 And Others. Correspondence between John Jay and Henry B. Dawson, and between James A. Hamilton and Henry B. Dawson, concerning the Federalist. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. 14. 13. 1 Dawson, John L., of Pa. Speech on Eeconstruction. H. of R., Jan. 16, 1867. Wash., 1867. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 12, No. 37.) 60. 1 Dawson, J. W. Story of the Earth and Man. N. Y., 1873. 12mo. 15. 10 Dawson, Moses. Historical Narrative of the Civil and Military Services of Wm. H. Harrison. Cinn., 1824. 8vo. 44.6 Dawson, S. J., and Hind, H. Y. Papers Relative to the Ex- ploration of the Country between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement, 1857. London, 1859. 4t0. 20. 12 Dawson, T. M. Semi-Centennial Sermon. (N. Y. City, 7th Presbyterian Church.) 1868. 8vo. 10. 6. 11 Dawson, W. W. Chloroform Deaths, n. t. p. 8vo. 51. 11. 2 Dawson Family. See Dawson, C. C. Collection of Family Records, etc. , 47. 2 Day, George E. Genealogical Register of Robert Day. New Haven, 1840. 8vo. 25. 7. 4 Day, Mary L. Incidents in the Life of a Blind Girl. A grad- uate of the Maryland Institution for the Blind. Bait., n. d. 43.8 Day, Thomas. Reflections upon the Present State of England, and the Independence of America. London, 1782. 8vo. (Rev. Pamph., Vol. 16, No. 1.) 14. 1 Day, Thomas, and Murdock, James. Brief Memoirs of the Class of 1797, Yale College. New Haven, 1848. 8vo. 45. 1 Day Family, See Day, G. E. 502 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Day-Breaking, if I^ot the Sun-Eising, of the Gospel, WITH the Indians in N^ew England. London, 1647. (Eeprinted, New York, 1865.) Sabin's Reprints, No. 9. 4to. 7. 7 Day-Fatality. Some Observations of Days, Lucky and Unlucky. Gibbon, J. 1679. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 8, p. 300.) 40.3 Dayton, Aaron Ogden. Address before the American Whig and Cliosophic Societies of the College of New Jersey, Sept. 24, 1839. Princeton, 1839. 8vo. 74. 7. 2 Dayton, Wm. A. Memorial of the Life and Character of, by Joseph P. Bradley. (N. J. Hist. Soc. Prac. 2d. ser. Vol. 4, p. 69.) 8vo. 10. 8. 1 Dayton, Wm. L. Speech on the Subject of Oregon, etc. Delivered in the Senate of the U. S., Feb. 23 and 26, 1844. Wash., 1844. 8vo. 17. 3 Dayton, O. See Van Cleve, J. W. The Settlement of Dayton. 18.1 Deaf, The. See Ackers, B. St. John. Education of the Deaf. 35. 9 Deaf and Dumb. Convention of Instructors. See American Instructors, etc. Deaf Mutes. See Bell, A. G. Formation of a Deaf Variety of the Human Eace. 49? 6 Booth, E. Early Education of Iowa Mutes. 19. 6 Gallaudet, E. M. Eeport on Deaf-mute Instruction. 52. 6 Northampton, Mass. Conference of Principals of Institu- tions for the Deaf, May, 1880. Northampton,. 1880. 8vo. 57, 5. 6 See American Instructors, etc. Columbia Institution; Hartford, Conn. Asylum; Indiana, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin Institutions, etc. Dean, Amos. History of Civilization. Albany, N. Y.,1868-'69. 8vo. 7 Vols. 40. 10 Dean, Amos. Biogr. Sketch of. (Annals of Iowa, April, 1874.) 19. 13. 1 Dean, Gardner. Life, Experiences, and Incidents of. Auto. New Bedford, 1883. 12mo. " 47. 9 Dean, Henry Clay. Crimes of the Civil War, and Curse of the Funding System. Baltimore, 1868. 8vo.. 30. S Philosophy of the History of the Louisiana Purchase. (An- nals of Iowa, July, 1874.) 19. 13. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 503 Dean, John. Gray Siibstaucce of the Medulla Oblongata and TraDezium. ^o impr. -tto. (Smiths. Contr., Vol 16.) 49.7 Dean, Paul. A Discourse Delivered at the Annual Election, Jan. 4, 1832, etc. Boston, 1831. 8vo. 56. 5. 4 Dean Family. See Pierce, E. W. Genealogy of. 47. 9 Dean, John Ward. Brief History of the Kew England Hist, and Gen. Register, to the 17 th Vol. n. t. p. 8vo. 8. 5. 4 Brief Memoir of Giles Firmin, one of the Ejected Ministers of 1662. Boston, 1866. 8vo. 43. 6. F Sketch of W. B. Towne, Founder of the Towne Memorial Fund, of the ^ew England Historic Genealogical Society. Boston, 1878. 8vo. 43. 7. T. 1 Story of the Embarkation of Cromwell and his Friends. Boston, 1866. 8vo. 7. 7. 1 Deane, Charles. Kew England, the Council Incorporated by James I. (Xar. and Crit. Hist, of Amer., Vol. Ill, Chap. 9.) 25.9 Voyages of the Cabots. (^N'ar. and Crit. Hist, of America, Vol. Ill, Chap. 1.) • 25. 9 Deane, Samuel. Kew England Farmer; or, Georgic Diction- ary. Worcester, 1790. 8vo. 72. 4 See Willis, Wm. Journal of Rev. Samuel Deane, of Port- land, Me. 7. 9 Deane, Silas. Correspondence. (Conn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 2, p. 127.) 7. 6 Dearborn,. Benjamin, (of Boston). His Will, July 2, 1832. Boston, 1859. 8vo. 43. 6. D Dearborn, Maj. Gen. Henry. See Coffin. Charles. Life of Dearborn. 44. 1 Goodwin, Daniel Jr. The Dearborns, etc. 44. 6. D Journal of, Quebec Expedition, 1775. 14. 10. 1 Dearborn, Henry A. S. Address Delivered Oct. 8 1830, the Second Centennial Anniversary of the Settlement of Rox- bury. Roxbury, 1830. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 5, :N"o. 9.) 9.2 See Goodwin, Daniel Jr. The Dearbons, etc. 43. 6. D Memoir of. IN". E. Hist, and Gen. Soc. Memoirs. Vol. 1. 46.13 Putnam, George. Address on. 43. 6. D Life of the Apostle Elliot. Roxbury, 1850. 8vo. 43. 6. E 64 504 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dearborn, Nathaniel. Pub. Guide Through Mount Auburn,. 1849-'53. Boston, 1849-'53. 12mo. 8. 8. 9 Dearborn, E. F. Saratoga, and How to See It. With Treatise on its Mineral Springs. Albany, 1873. 16mo. 10. 14. 2 Dearborn, W. L. Descriptions of a Eailroad Eoute from St. Louis to San Francisco, in Letters to P. P. F. De Grand, 1849. Map, etc. Boston, 1850. 8vo. 72. 6. 5 jpEARBORN County, Ind. History of Dearborn and Ohio Counties, Indiana, from their Earliest Settlement^ etc. Chicago, 1885. 4to. 17. 6 OeATH. See Brinton, D. G. Journey of the Soul. 11, 10. 1 Hewitt, C. N. Vital Statistics in Minnesota. 22. 3 Tyndall, John. Death by Lightning. 15. 13 Vital Statistics in Minnesota, 1871-'79. 22. 3 Death Penalty. See Armstrong, Lebbeus. Signs of the Times, etc. 57. 3 Chidley, Samuel. Cry Against a Crying Sin. 40. 3 Brown, A. V. Argument Against Capital Punishment. 33. 13 Polidori, J. W. Punishment of Death. 53. 5 Punishment of Death, etc. London Herald. 57. 3 Stevens, John L. Speech, Maine Senate, 1869. 57. 10. 1 Strictures on Capital Punishment. 53. 5 Wakefield, E. G. Facts Eclating to, etc. 57. 3 De Bernardy, A. Kennys, Editor. Next of Kin Gazette, Un- claimed Money, and Parish Clerk's Eegister, etc.,1876-'81. Lond. 8vo. 47. 14. 1 De Bernardy Brothers, Publ. Unclaimed Money Eegister. Lond., 1883. 47.14.1 De Bow, J. D. B. U. S. Census Eeports. See U. S. Dept. of Interior. 50. 4 Debrett, John. Illustrated Baronetage, Knightage, and House of Commons, of Great Britain and Ireland, 1866. Lond., 1866. 8vo. 46. 1 Same. Editions of 1872 and '73. 46. 1 Illustrated House of Commons and Judicial Bench, 1872, '73, '81. (Edited by E. H. Mair.) Lond., 1872-'81. 8vo. 46.1 Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy of Great Britain and Ireland, 1870, '72, '73, '85. Lond. v. d. 46. 1 Debt, Public, U. S. See Porter, E. P. Eeport on. 50. 10 Declaration of England Against the Acts and Pro- jects of the Holy Alliance. London, 1821. (Pam- phleteer, Vol. 18.) 53. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 505 Decatur, Stephen. See Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. 44.6 Waldo, S. P. Life of Decatur. 44. 1 Same, 2d edit. 44. 8 Declaration or Independence. See Brotherhead, Wm. Book of the Signers. !>• 3 De-coo-dah. Traditions of. See Pidgeon, Wm. 15. 8 Decoration Day, Addresses, etc. See Garfield, J. A. Address at Arlington, Ya. 30. 4. 5 Holmes, O. W., Jr. Address at Keene, l!^. H. 30. 4. 6 Sanborn, J. B. Address at Austin, Minn. 30. 4. 6 Shepard, I. F. Address at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. 30. 4. 5 De Costa, Benj. F. Jacques Cartier and his Successors. (Nar- rative and Critical History of America, Yol. lY, Chap. 2.) 25.-9 Norumbega, and its English Explorers. (Nar. and Crit. Hist, of Amer., Yol. HI, Chap. 6.) 25. 9 Pre-Columbian Discovery of America by the Northmen, Illustrated by the translations from the Icelandic Sagas. Albany, 1868. 8vo. 14. 10 Dedham, Mass. Annual Eeport of School Committee, 1883-4. 8vo. 25. 1. 6 Annual Eeport of Temporary Asylum for Discharged Fe- male Prisoners, 1884-'85. 25. 1. 6 Dedham Standard. Account of Celebration of 250th Anni- versary, 1886. 25. 1. 6 Hill, D. G., Editor. Eecords of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1635-1845. 25. 2 Lamson, Alvan. History of the First Church and Parish. 1839. . 25. 8 Plan of Dedham Yillage, 1636-1876. 8. 2. 6 Worthington, Erastus. History of Dedham, 1827. 9. 6 Historical Society. Plan of Dedham Yillage. 8. 2. 6 Deerfield, Mass. See Hough, F. B., Editor. Papers Con- cerning the Attack on Deerfield, 1677. 9. 6 Hoyt, Elihu. Brief Sketch of the First Settlement. 25. 9 Deerfield, N. H. See Nottingham, N. H. Deer Isle, Maine. See Hosmer, Geo. L. Historical Sketch. 7.9 Defense of THE Earl OF Shelburne. Lond., 1782. (Eev. War Pamph., Yol. 15, No. 2.) 14. 1 Defense of the Slave Trade ^on the Grounds of Human- ity, Policy and Justice. [^Anon.'] London, 1804. 8vo. 30. 5 506 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Defense of the Whigs. By a Member of the 27th Cong. N. Y., 1844. 18mo. 33. 13 Defender of the Faith. See Brown, J. M. Henry YIII's Book, etc. 35. 9 Defensive League of Freedom. Circular of an Association in Mass. for the Legal Defense of Fugitive Slaves, n. t. p. 12mo. ' 30.7.3 De Forest, B. S. Eandom Sketches and Wandering Thoughts, in Va., etc., during the Eebellion. With Sketch of the 2d Oswego Regiment, N. Y. State. Albany, 1866. 12mo. 30. 3 De Forest, Erastus L. Methods of Interpolation Applicable to the Graduation of Irregular Series. (Smiths. Report, 1871.) 49. a De Forest, John W. History of the Indians of Connecticut, to 1850. Hartford, 1852. 12mo. 15. 8 Degener, Edward. Indian Affairs. Speech, H. of R., Jan. 21, 1871. Wash., 1871. 8vo.' (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 61.) 60. 8 De Graff, Charles A. Catalogue of the Lake Elysian, Minn., Herds, Shorthorns and Alderneys. St. Paul, 1878. 8vo. 22. 14. 5 De Graff & Co. Memorial of De Graff & Co. to the Legis- lature of Minnesota, 1878. St. Paul, 1878. 8vo. 22. 13. 7 De Haas, Wills. History of the Early Settlement and Indian Wars of Western Yirginia. Wheeling, 1851. 8vo. 15. 12 Deistical Writers. Yiews of. See Leland, John. 56. 4 De Kalb, Baron, John. See Kalb. De Kalb County, III. See Boies, Henry L. History of De Kalb Co., 111. 83.8 De la Constitution de l' Angle-terre. Par un Anglais. Paris. Reimprime a Londres, 1826. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 27.) 53. 12 Delafield, Richard. Report on the Art of War in Europe, 1854-'56. Washington, 1860. 4to. 51. 9 Delamater, Lafayette. Genealogy of Descendants of Claude Le Maitre, who settled at New York, 1652. Albany, 1882. 8vo. 47^ 2 Delamater Family. See Delamater, L. Genealogy, etc. 47. 2 De Lancey, Edward Floyd, Editor. History of Kew York during the Revolutionary War. See Jones, Thomas. 10. 4 De Lancey, James. Memoir of, by Edward F. De Lancey. 10.14 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 507 De Lancey, Wm. Heathcote, Bp. Eeport to the Convention of the Diocese of Western New York, of the Mission to England, to Attend the Jubil^ of the Society for the Prop- agation of the Gospel. Utica, 1852. 8vo. 10. 14. 4 Delano, A. Life on the Plains and Among the Diggings; Over- land Journey to California, 1849-'50. Auburn, N. Y., etc. 1854. 8vo. 19.3 Delano, Columbus. See W^-ight, J. W. Strange Disclosures. 53. 11. 1 Delaroche, Paul. Apotheosis of the Fine Arts. Boston, 1861 8vo. 51. 3. 3 Delaware, General Assembly. Acts Eelating to the City of Wilmington, 1873. 8vo. 11. 8. 5 Governor. First Biennial Message of John P. Cochran, 1877. Wilmington, 1876. 8vo. 11. 8. 5 State Normal University, Wilmington. Eeport and Cata- logue, 1867. 8vo. 11. 8. 5 History. See Esling, Charles H. A. The Planting of the Catholic Church in Delaware. 16. 11. 1 Perry, W. S. American Colonial Church. 14. 14 Eead, W. J. The Early History, etc. 11. 8. 5 Seville, W. P. History of First Eegiment Del. Vols. 11. 8. 5 See also under names of counties, towns, rivers, etc., in the State. Delaware & Hudson Canal Company. Eeport, March 7, 1837. 72. 7. 1 Delaware & Earitan Canal. Eeport of Commissioners Appointed to Investigate Charges against the Direct- ors. (Leg. of N. J., Feb. 8, 1850.) Trenton, 1850. 8vo. 72. 7. 2 Delaware County, Iowa. History of, etc. Chicago, 1878. 8vo. 83. 8 Delaware County, N. Y. History of, etc. IS". Y. 1880. 8vo. 85.9 Delaware County, O. See Perrin, W. H. and Battle, J. H. History, etc. 18. 9 Delaware County, Pa. See Martin, J. H. Chester and its Vicinity. 11. 4 Smith, Geo. History of Delaware County, Pa. 11. 4 Delaware Historical Society. Constitution; with its His- tory, etc. Wilmington, 1871. 8vo. 11. 8. 5 Papers, No. 4. 1882. 46. 5 508 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Delaware Historical Society— (Continued). Eeed, J. M., Jr. Historical Inquiry Concerning Henry Hudson. * 44. 9 Delaware Indians. Laws of the Delaware I^ation of Indians. n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 11. 4 See Indians of America, Delawares. Delaware Eiver. See Acrelius, Israel. New Sweden, etc. • 10. 4 Armstrong, Edward. History and Location of Fort Nassau. 10. » Beekman, J. W. Early European Colonies on the Delaware. 10. 4. 1 Fernow, B., Editor. Dutch and Swedish Settlements, etc. 10. 7 Penna. Archives, 2d Series, Vol. V. Colonies on the Dela- ware. « 11. S Delessert, Edouard. Indians de la Bale d' Hudson. Paris, 1861. 12mo. 20. 11 Delisle, Guillaume, (and Buache, Phillipe). Atlas Univer- sel Dresses Sur les Observations de 1' Academic E-oyale des Sciences. Paris, 1757. 4to. V Lettre Sur la Question, Si la Japon est une He. 20. 1 Lettre Sur V Embouchure de la Eiviere de Miss. 20. 1 Delisle, Joseph Nicolas. Explanation of the Map of the New Discoveries Northward of the South Sea. (Brit. Amer. Pamph., No. 6.) 20. 2 Delisle, Leopold. Manuscripts of the Earl of Ashburnham. Trans, by Harrison Wright. Eeport. Philadelphia, 1884. 8vo. 74. 6. 1 Same. Manuscripts, etc. The Libri Collection. 74. 6. 1 De Pla, a, {pseud, f) French Drama, Discussion on Theatres Promoting Taste and Morals. Paris, 1814. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 12.) . 53. 5 Democracy. See Eaymond, James. Democracy in 1856. 33. 13 Demarest, Eey. David D. The Huguenots on the Hackensack. A Paper read before the Huguenot Society of America, April 13, 1885. New Brunswick, N. J., 1886. 8vo. 10. 2. 7 Democracy. See Brougham, Henry, Lord. Political Philoso- phy. 57. 3 In the Old World and the New. London, 1884. 12mo. 16. 12 Heinzein, Karl. What is the Eeal Democracy f 60. & CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 509 Democracy in America. Tocqueville, A. 0. H. de. London^ 1862. 8vo. 33. 6 Democracy in the TJ. S. See Gillet, E. H. New York, 1868. 12mo. 33. 4 Democrat's Almanac, 1841. Boston, 1840. 12mo. 53. 10. 2 Democratic Almanac, 1869. :N^ew York, 1868. 8vo. 53. 10. 2 Democratic Congressional Committee. Eepublican Eecord of the 47th Congress. Wash., 1882. 8vo. 33. 7. 3 Democratic ;n^ational Convention, K. Y., July 4, 1868. Brief Histories of the Southern Delegates, n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 11. 4 Treason and Democracy, One and Indivisible, n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 30, No. 11.) 60. 8 Democratic Opinions on Slavery, 1686 1863. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 7. 5 Democratic Party. See Benjamin, J. P. Defense Against the Attack of S. A. Douglas. 1860. 33. 7. 4 Benton, Jacob, Speech. Wash., 1870. 60. 2 Burnap, G. W. Origin of Democracy, etc. 33. 7. 3 Caton, J. D. Position and Policy. 33. 7. 2 Forrest, J. K. C. History of the. 60. 8 Hancock and English. Eatification Meeting, 1880. 33. 7. 4 Eobertson, D. A. The South and the Democratic Party. 33. 7. 4 Sargent, A. A. Eecord of the Democratic Party. 60. 2 Ward, Elijah. Principles and Policy of the Democratic Party. 33.7.2 Democratic Peace Offered for the Acceptance of Penn- sylvania Voters. Phila., 1864. 8vo. 30.4.2 Democratic Eeview. See U. S. Magazine and Dem. Eeview. 39. 10 Democratic Times. Dishonorable Peace with Eebellion. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 2 Democritus, Jr., xyseud. See Burton, Eobert. Democritus Turned Statesman. London, 1659. 4to. (Har- leian Misc., Vol. 7.) ' 40. 3 Demoralizing Literature and Art. An Address on Some Growing Evils of the Day. Phila., 1882. 12mo. 57. 10. 1 Denarius. See Phillips, H., Jr. :N"otes upon the Denarius. 11. 10. 1 Denis, W^m. The Sources of I^orth western History. [A paper read before the Manitoba Hist, and Sci. Soc] Trans. No. 6. 8vo. 20. 5. 2 510 ' MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Denison, Charles W. Address to the American People on National Prohibition. (Eamsey Pamph. , Vol. 16, ISo. 19. ) 60. 1 Denison, Maj. Gen. Daniel. See Slade, D. D. Biog. Sketch. 43. 6 Another Copy. N. E. Hist. Gen. Eeg., Vol. 23. 43. 3 Denison, Frederic. Westerly, E. I., and its Witnesses, for 250 Years, 1626-1876; Including Charleston, Hopkinton and Eichmond. Providence, 1878. 8vo. 8. 14 Denison Family. See Baldwin, J. D., and Clift, Wm. Descendants of Capt. George Denison. 47. 2 Slade, D. D., and Caldwell, A. Denison Memorial. 25. 7. 4 Denmark. See D'Aubigne, J. H. M. History of the Eeforma- tion. 42. 10 Gurwood, John. Dispatches of Wellington. 42. 12 Howorth, H. H. Early Intercourse of the Franks and Danes. 35. 9 Language. See Danish Dictionary. Dennis, Mass. See Yarmouth, Mass. Dennison, William, (Gov. of O.). Message to the General Assembly, Jan. 7, 1861. 8vo. 18. 3. 6 Denny, C. C. Genealogy of the Denny Family in England and America; Descendants of John Denny, of Combs, Suffolk, Eng., 1439. Leicester, Mass., 1886. 8vo. 47. 2 Denny, Maj. Ebenezer. Military Journal, 1781 to 1795. (With Memoir, by W. H. Denny. Indian Wars.) Pa. Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Vol. 7. 11. 10 Denny Family. See Denny, C. C. Descendants of John Denny, etc. 47. 2 Dennysville, Me. Memorial of the 100th Anniversary of the Settlement of Dennysville, Me., 1886. Portland, 1886. 8vo. 16. 2 Denonville, Jacques Eene de Brisay, Marquis de. Papers Eelating to his Expedition to the Genesee Country and Niagara, 1687. See O'Callaghan, E. B. Doc. Hist, of N. Y., Vol. 1. 10. 14 Dent, . Eemarks in the Maryland State Convention on the Basis of Eepresentation. n. p., n. d. 8vo. 11. 1. 5 Dent, John C. The Story of the Upper Canadian Eelftllion. 2 Vols. Toronto, 1885. 8vo. 25. 3 Dental Surgery. See Brockway, J. Introductory Lecture. 51. 11. 4 Westcott, A. Lecture. Baltimore, 1846. 8vo. 51.4.2 CATALOGUE OF TH. 511 Dekton, Daniel. Brief Description of New^ lork, formerly called New Netherlands. London, 1670. 8vo. (Pa. Hist. Soc. Bull., Vol. 1.) 11- 10 Denyee, Col. See Hensley, A. A. Pencil Sketches, etc. 17. 11. 1 Vickers, W. B. History of Denver. 19. 10 ISTational Mining and Industrial Exposition. Catalogue. Denver, 1883-'84. 8vo. 19. 14. 4 Denver «& Eio Gkande Eailroad. Hooper, S. K. Khymes of the Rockies. 17.11.1 Report, 1873. 8vo. '^2. 7. 7 Denver Pacific R. R. Co. Statement, etc. See Kansas Pa- cific R. R. Depew, Chauncey M. Address at the Unveiling of the Statue of Alexander Hamilton, in Central Park, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1880. N. Y., 1880. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 1 De Peyster, Frederic. Address before the New York His- torical Society, Jan. 6, 1874, on William III of England, as a Reformer. :N'. Y., 1874. 8vo. 44. 7 The Early Political History of Kew York. An Address Delivered before the X. Y. Hist. Soc. on its 60th Anniv., Kov. 22, 1864. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. 30. 11. 4 In Memoriam. K. Y., 1882. 43. 6. 6 Life and Administration of Richard Coote, Earl of Bello- mont. Governor of the Provinces of New York^ Mass. and N. H., 1697-1701. An Address before the N. Y. Hist. Soc, Nov. 18, 1879. 43. 6. C. 2 Memoir of Wm. Henry Guest. N. Y., 1878. 8vo. 44. 7 Moral and Intellectual Influence of Libraries upon ^Social Progress. Address before the N. Y. Hist. Soc, No\^. 21, 1865. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. 74. 6 Representative Men of the English Revolution. An Address Delivered before the N. Y. Hist. Soc. at the Celebration of the 72d Anniversary, Dec. 19, 1876. N. Y., 1876. 8vo. 52. 10. 4 Be Peyster, John Watts. Address at the Third Army Corps Union, New York, May 5, 1884. n. t. p. %yo. 30. 4. 3 Address to the Officers of the New York State Troops, 19th Jan., 1858. n. t. p. 8vo. (Misc Pamph., Yol. 19, No. 5.) 53. 6 Address, 28th Nov., 1866, in Madalin, N. Y., upon the In- auguration of a Monument to Defenders of the Govern- ment. N. Y., 1867. 8vo. 30. 2 512 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. De Peyster, John Watts — (Continued). Address [which was to be] Delivered before the Historical Society of New Brunswick, 4th July, 1883. N. Y., 1883. 8vo. . 20. 9. 2 The Affair at King's Mountain, 7th Oct., 1780. N. Y., 1880. 4to. 14. 10. 1 Analytical Parallel and Criticism of Union and Eebel Gen- erals, n. t. p. 30. 4. 8 Andrew Atkinson Humphreys of Pa. Major Gen. TJ. S. A. A Memoir, etc. Lancaster, 1886. 8vo. 43. 13 Anniversary Addresses before the Third Army Corps, 5th May, 1875, at New York. N. Y., 1875. 4to. 25. 6. 2 Anthony Wayne, Third General-in-Chief of the United States Army. [Eeprinted from the U. S. Service, March, 1886.] 8vo. 43. 7. W. 2 Battle of the Sound, or Baltic, Fought Nov. 9, 1658, between the Hollanders and the Swedes. Poughkeepsie, " 1858. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 19, No. 2.) 53. 6 Before, at, and after Gettysburg. N. Y., 1887. 8vo. 30. 4. 8 Bothwell, Historical Drama. N. Y., 1884. 8vo. 46. 5 The Burgoyne CamiDaign of July-Oct., 1777. Philadelphia, 1883. 8vo. 14.10.1 Chancellorsvilleand its Eesults. Gen. Joseph Hooker, in Command of the Army of the Potomac. Ed. by J. B. Lyman. N. Y. 8vo. 30. 4. 8 Charade. A Night with Charles VII of Sweden, n. t. p. (Misc. Pamphs., Vol. 19, No. 4.) 53. 6 Decisive Conflicts of the Late Civil War. Nos 1 and 3. N. ,Y., 1867. 8vo. 30.4.8 •Description of Medals Presented bypscar,King of Sweden^ to J. W. De Peyster, Dec, 1856. * 8vo. 53. 6 Dutch at the North Pole; and the Dutch in Maine. Paper read before the N. Y. Hist. Soc, 3d March, 1857, N. Y., 1857. 8vo. (Misc. Pamphs., Vol. 19, No. 1.) 53. 6 The Engagement at Freehold, known as the Battle of Mon- mouth, N. J., more properly of Monmouth, C. H. 28th June, 1778. N. Y., 1878. 4to. * 14. 10. 1 Eulogy on Lennart Torstenson. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. 43. 9 From the Eapidan to Appomattox C. H. Phila., 1883. 8vo. 30. 4. 8 Gypsies. Information Translated and Gathered from Vari- ous Sources. N. Y., 1885. 8vo. 52. 10. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 515 De Peyster, John Watts — (Continued). History of Carausius, the Dutch Augustus. With Histori- cal and Ethnological Account of the Menapii, the Ancient Zee-landers. Poughkeepsie, 1858. 8vo. 43. 2 History of Leonard Torstenson, Generalissimo of the Swedish Armies. Poughkeepsie, 1855. 8vo. 43. 2 History of the Manipii, the Ancient Zee-landers. Pough- keepsie, 1859. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 19, Xo. 3.) 53. & In Memoriam. Verses, etc., on the Death of a Little Girl. Poughkeepsie, 1857-1862. 8vo. 43. 6. D Inquiry into the Career and Character of Mary Stuart, and a Justification of Bothwell. N. Y., 1883. 8vo. 46. 5 Life, Misfortunes and Military Career of Sir John Johnson, Bart. K Y., 1882. 4to. 46. 5 Local Memorials lielating to the De Peyster and Watts, and affiliated families. K Y., 1881. 8vo. 43. a Maj. Gen. Geo. H. Thomas. Address before the l^ew York Historical Society, Jan. 5. 1875. N. Y , 1875. 4to. 43.^ Mary, Queen of Scots. A Study. N. Y., 1882. 8vo. 46.5 Massacres of Saint Bartholomew, Aug. 24 and Sept. 5, 1572. n. t. p. 8vo. ^ 52. 10. ^ Nashville. The Decisive Battle of the Rebellion. Address before tlie N. Y. Historical Society, Jan. 4, 1876. Eulogy on Gen. Thomas, n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 8 Obituaries. See Robinson, J. C. Oriskany, 6th Aug., 1777. The Decisive Collision of the American Revolution. K Y., 1878. 4to. 14. 10. 1 Personal and Military History of Philip Kearney. K. Y., 1869. 8vp. , 44. 6 Philip Schuyler, and the Burgoyne Campaign in the Sum- mer of 1777. Address, 2d Jan., 1877. :N^. Y. 1877. 8vo. 43. 7. S. 2 La Royale, Pts. 7, 8. The Army of Northern Virginia, n. t. p. 1872. 29. 2 Secession in Switzerland and the U. S. Compared. Address, Oct. 20, 1863, before the Vermont Historical Society. Catskill, 1863. 8vo. 52. 10. 2 Sketch of Gen. George H. Thomas, from ^'Representative Men." 3d edit., pp. 545-576. New York. n. d. 4to. 43.9. T 514 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. De Peyster, John Watts— (Continued). Suworrow. Phila., 1883. 8vo. 43. 7. S Torstenson before Vienna. Die Schweden in Oesterreich, 1645-'46. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Dreissigjahren Krieges von Joseph Feil. A Translation, with Notes. ]Sr. Y.,1885. 8vo. 43. 7. T Vindication of James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Both well, Third Husband of Mary, Queen of Scots. Phila., 1882. 8vo. 46.5 Winter Campaigns, the Test of Generalship. N. Y., 1862. 12mo. 30.4.8 See Whittaker, Frederic. Sketch of De Peyster. 44. 2 De Peyster Family. See De Peyster, J. W. Local Memo- rials, etc. 43. 6 De Puy, W. H. Methodist Year Book, 1885. 8vo. 56. 11. 3 De Quincey, Thomas. Life, by Harriet Martineau. 43. 1 Derby, E. Hasket. American Statesmanship and American Markets. Boston, 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 26, No. 15.) 60. 8 Claims for French Spoliation, n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 16, No. 36.) 60.1 Derby, E. H. History of Paper Money in Mass. before the Eevolution. Bost., 1874. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Derby, George, i Geographical Distribution of Consumption in Mass. n. t. p. 8vo. 51. 11 . 2 Derby, Geo. H. Eeconnoisance of the Gulf of California, and the Colorado Eiver, 1850-'51. n. t. p. 8vo. 19. 14. 1 Derby, Perley. Genealogy of the Hutchinson Family. (Essex Inst. Coll., Vol. 10.) 8.4 Derby, Conn. See Orcutt, Samuel, and Beardsley, Ambrose. History of Derby, 1642-1880. 7. 12 Derenzy, Geo. W. Enchiridion, or a Hand for the One- Handed. Lond. 1823. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 22.) 53. 12 Dermer, Thomas. Letter Describing his Passage from Maine to Virginia, 1619. From Purchas' Pilgrims. London, 1625. (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 2d Ser., Vol.1, p. 343) 10.4 Derry, J. T. Georgia, a Guide to its Cities, Towns, Scenery and Eesources. Phila., 1878. 18mo. 15.13 Derryfield, N. H. See Potter, C. E. History of Manches- ter, formerly Derryfield. See Manchester, N. H. Description of Georgia. By a gentleman who has resided there upwards of 7 years, etc. London, 1741. 8vo. (Forceps Tracts. Vol. 2.) 14. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 515 Description of the Province of I^ew Albion. By Planta- genet, Beauchamp. n. p. 1648. 8vo. 14. 12 Description of the Sect Called the Family of Love. Lon- don, 1641. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 4.) 40. a Descrizione di Roma Antica. Roma, 1697. 8vo. 52. 12 Descrizione di Roma Moderna. Roma, 1697. 52. 12 De Smet. See.Smet. Des Moines, Iowa. See Turrill, H B. Historical Reminis- cences of Des Moines. 19. 1^ Des Moines River, Iowa. See ^N'egus, Charles. The River of the Mounds. (Annals of Iowa, July, 1873, and Oct. 1874.) 19. 13. 1 Des Moines River Land Grant. Memorial to Congress. His- tory of its Construction, n. p., n. d. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 10. No. 11.) 60. 1 De Solis, Antonio. See Solis, Antonio, de. De Sota, Fernando, or Hernando. See Soto. Detail and Conduct of the American War, under Gener- als Gage, Howe, Burgoyne, and Lord Howe. 3d edit. London, 1780. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 2.) 14.1 Detectives. See Whitley, H. C. Detection of Criminals. 60. a De Tocqueville. See Tocqueville. Detroit, Mich. Report of City Historiographer, 1883. 18. 4. 2 Water Commissioners' Report, 1853, '56, '57. 8vo. 18. 4. 3- Bishop, Levi. Teuchsa Grondie, a Poem. 17. 12 Dubuisson. The Siege of Detroit, 1712. 19. 11 Farmer, Silas. History of. • 18. 4 Hamlin, Marie C. W. Legends of Detroit. 18. 4 Roberts, R. E. Sketches of Detroit, etc. 18. 4 Trowbridge, C. C. Detroit, Past and Present. 18. 4. 3 Board of Trade. The Currency. Report of a Special Com- mittee. Detroit, 1867. 8vo. 33. 7. 6 Report, Same. 1872, '73. 8vo. 18. 4.3 Statistical Tables, for 1882, etc. 8vo. 18. 4. 4 Commercial Convention, July, 1865. Proceedings, 1865. 8vo. 57. 1 Medical College. Announcement, etc. 1870. 51. 4. 3 Young Men's Society. Report, 1860. 18.4.3 Detroit Directory. f877. 8vo. 8a National Commercial Convention, 1871. Proceedings. (Ram- sey Pamph., Vol. 35, No. 5.) 60. 2 516 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Detroit, Lansing & Northern Eailroad Co. Annual Ee- port, 1885. 72. 7. 7 Detroit Eiver, Mich. See Bissell, G. W. Eeasons why the Detroit Eiver Should Kot be Bridged. 1874. 18. 4. 3 Detroit, Straits of. See Ely, G. H. Eemarks in Opposition to the Bridging of. . 18. 4. 4 Detjtscher Kalender, 1869. Cincinnati, 186$. 8vo. 53. 10. 1 Deux-ponts, Guillaume de. Count. My Campaigns in Ameri- ca. Journal, 1780-' 81. Trans, by S. A. Green. Boston, 1868. 8vo. 14. 2 De Yeaux College. Suspension Bridge, K Y. See Suspen sion Bridge. Develin, J. E. Eemarks in the New York Constitutional Con- vention, Jan. 16, 1868. n. t. p. 10. 13. 3 Devens, Charles. Oration on the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. (In Centennial Orations, 1875.) 8vo. 8. 3 Opinion on School Lands in Indian Eeservations in Kan- sas. Topeka, 1880. 81. 8. 9 Two Addresses Compaemorative of Gen. Grant, Delivered, at Boston, July 26, 1885, and Worcester, Aug. 8, 1885. Worcester, 1885. 8vo. 43. 6. G. 1 Devens, Samuel Adams. Sketches of Martha's Yineyard, and other Eeminiscences of Travel at Home, etc. Boston, 1838. 12mo. 25. 1 Devereux, John F. Our Eoll of Honor. Poems on Mass., Young Men in the Eebellion. . No impr. 8vo. 43. 14. 7 Devereux, Eobert. (2d Earl of Essex.) Eobert, Earl of Essex's, Ghost Sent from Elysium to the l!^obility. Gentry and Commonalty of England. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 3.) 40. 3 Devereux, Eobert. 3d Earl of Essex. See Codrington, Eob- ert. Life and Death of the Illustrious Eobert, Earl of Essex. London, 1646. 4to. 40. 3 Devon, Frederick, Editor. Issues of the Exchequer. See Great Britain, Public Eecord Office. 35. 4 DeYries. See Yries. Dew, Thomas E. Eeview of the Debate on Slavery in the Yirginia Legislature, 1831-'32. (Pro-Slavery Argument, ) 1852. 12mo. 30. 5 Dewees, JohnH. Fossil Iron Ore Beds of Middle Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, 1878. 8vo. (Pa. 2d Geol. Surv.) 11. 3 Dewees, W. B. Letters from an Early Settler of Texas. 1819- '45. Louisville, 1854. 12mo. 15. 14 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 5l7 Deweese, John T. National Currency. Speech in the U. S. H. of U, Feb. 22, 1869. Wash., 1869. 8vo. 33. 7. 6 Dewey, Chester. Sketch of, by M. B. Anderson. (Smiths. Eeport, 1870. pp. 231-240.) 49. 3 Dewey, Eey. Oryille. The Claims of Puritanism. Mass. Election Sermon, May 31, 1826. Boston, 1826. 8vo. 56. 5. 4 On Patriotism. The Conditions, Prospects and Duties of the American People. A Sermon DeliYcred on Fast Day, at Church Green, Boston. Boston, 1859. 8yo. 56. 7. 7 On the tJses of the Communion, and the Propriety of a Gen- eral Attendance upon it. Boston, 1841. 8vo. 56. 7. 3 De Witt, John, (Grand Pensionary of Holland). See Barn- well, E. G. Sketch of his Life and Times. 43. 2 De Witt, Thomas. Discourse, Commemorative of John Knox. Jan. 24, 1858. 43. 13. K De Witt, Wm. B. See Eobinson, T. H. Discourse on W. E. De Witt, D. D. 43. 6. D De Witt County, III. History, with Biog. Sketches. Phila., 1882. 4to. 83 Dexter, A. Hersey. Early Days in California. Denver,1886. 8vo. 19. 8 Dexter, Franklin B. Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Yale College, 1701-'45. N. Y., 1885. 8vo. 46. 11 The Early Eelations between New Netherland and New England. A Paper read before the New Haven Colony Hist. Soc, Nov. 21, 1881. (Collections, Vol. Ill, p. 443.) 7.6 The Founding of Yale College. Paper read before the New Haven Colony Historical Society, Feb. 14, 1876. (Collec- tions, Vol. Ill, p. 1.) 7.6 Gov. Elisha Yale. A Paper read before the New Haven Colony Historical Society, Dec. 2, 1873. (Collections, Vol. Ill, p. 227.) 7. 6 Inscriptions on Tombstones in New Haven, Erected Prior to 1800. (Collections, New Haven Colony Hist. Soc, Vol. Ill, p. 471.) 7.6 The Pilgrim Church, and Plymouth Colony. (Narrative and Crit. Hist, of America. Vol. Ill, Chap. 8.) 25. 9 Sketch of the History of Yale University. N. Y., 1887. 12mo. 7. 13 Dexter, George. Cortereal, Verrazano, Gomez, Thevet. (Nar. and Crit. Hist, of America, Vol. IV, pp. 1-32.) 25. 9 518 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dexter, George — (Continued). Tribute to, and Memoir. (Mass. Soc. Proc. 2cf Ser., Yol.l.) 9. 10 Dexter, Henry Martyn. As to Eoger Williams and his Ban- ishment from the Massachusetts Plantation. A Monograph. Bost., 1876. 8vo. 44. 11 Christenings, etc. See Williams, Eoger. 8. 7. 6 Editor. History of King Philip's War. See Church, Ben- jamin. 15. 4 Editor. History of the Eastern Expeditions, etc.^ See Church, Benjamin. 15. 4 Our National Condition, and its Eemedy. Sermon on Sla- very, in Boston, June 22, 1856. Boston, 1856. 8vo. 30. 14. 3 What Ought to be Done with the Freedmen, and with the Eebels? Sermon in Berkeley Street Church, Boston, April 23, 1865. Boston. 8vo. 30. 14. 3 Dexter, John H. A Plea for the Horse, a Few Eemarks and Suggestions upon his Treatment and Management. Bos- ton, 1846. 12mo. 72. 4. 1 Dexter, O. P. A Genealogical Cross Index of the Four Vol- umes of the Genealogical Dictionary of James Savage. K Y., 1884. 8vo. 47. 14. 1 Dexter, Samuel. Extracts from his Diary, 1720. (K H. Hist. Gen. Eegister, Vol. 13.) 46. 3 Dexter, Thomas C. A. See Butler, B. F., and Peabody, C, A. Case of Dexter. Argument for the Defendant. 53. 11. 1 Case of Dexter. Arguments for Defense, by B. F. But- ler and C. A. Peabody. Eeview and Opinion of Joseph Holt. Discharge of Dexter. :N'ew York, 1867. 8vo. 53. 11. 1 Holt, Joseph. Eeview and Opinion. Discharge of Mr. Dexter. K Y., 1867. 8vo. 53. 11. 1 Dexter, Timothy. (Known as ^^Lord."} Pickle for the Knowing Ones. :N'ewburyport, 1848. 16mo. 74. 10. 1 Dialogue Concerning the Church. See Bradford, Wm. Eeprinted, Boston, 18';;0. 8vo. ' 8. 3 Dialogue on the Actual State of Parliament. Anon, London, 1783. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamphs.., Yol. 11, Ko. 5.) 14. 1 Diamond. See Babinet, . Diamond and Other Precious Stones. (Smiths. Eeport, 1870. pp. 333-363.) 49. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 519 Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. Historia Verdadera de la Oon- quista de la Kueva Espana. 4 Vols. Madrid, 1795. 16mo. 52.4 D' Iberville. See Iberville. Dick, Robert. Close Communion the Offspring of Arrogance. Utica, 1842. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 8.) 53.6 Dickens, Charles. American Notes. London, 1842. 8vo. 33. 4 Eeport of the Dinner Given to Charles Dickens, in Boston, Feb. 1, 1842. Boston, 1842. 16mo. 43. 6. D DicKERSON, Edward N. Navy of the U. S. Exposure of its Condition, etc. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. 29. 2 Dicky, Oliver J. and James K. Moorehead. Death of Thaddeus Stevens. Eulogies in the H. of R., Dec. 17, 1868. Wash., 1868. 8vo. 43. 6. D Dickinson, Daniel S. Speech on the Oregon Question, Sen- ate of the U. S., Feb. 24, .1846. Wash., 1846. 8vo. 17. 3 Dickinson, John. Essay on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America. (Pa. Archives, 2d Ser., Vol. 3.) 11. 3 Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. London, 1768. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 1, No. 6.) 14.1 Same. Phila., Reprint., 1774. 8vo. (Vol. 33, No. 2.) 14. 8 New Essay by the Pennsylyania Farmer on the Constitu- tional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in Amer- ica. Phila., 1774. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph, Vol. 14, No. 5.) 14. 1 Dickinson, Moses. Sermon at the Ordination of Elisha Kent, New-Tow^n, Conn., Sept. 27, 1732. Boston, 1733. 8vo. 7. 12. 5 Dickinson, Rev. Timothy. Biog. Sketch, and Extracts from his Journal. (Worcester Soc. of Antiq. Proc. 1883.) 9. 10. 2 Dickson, Sam'l H. Oration at New Haven, before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Aug. 17, 1842. New Haven, 1842. 8vo. (Yale Coll. Addresses, No. 3.) 7. 13 Another Copy. (Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6, No. 1.) 53. 12 Dickson, W. M. Review of the I^etter of Gen. Cox, of Ohio. Boston, 1865. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 18, No. 3.) 60.8 DiCTiONNARiUM Britannicum. See Bailey, Nathan. London, 1730. fo. 34.10 66 520 MINNESOTA HISTOEICAL SOCIETY. Dictionary. See Arthur, Wm. Dictionary of N^ames. 46. 8 Gannett, Henry. Dictionary of Altitudes in the U. S. 49.4 Halliwell, J. O. Archaic and Provincial Words. 38. 3 Hayden, Joseph. Dictionary of Dates. 34. 9 X.2, 1868. Kew Ha- ven, 1868. 8vo. (No. 20, in Yale College Addresses.) 7.13 DOMENECH, Emanuel, l' abbe. Journal d' un Missionaire au Texas et au Mexique, 1846-'52. Carte. Paris, 1857. 8v(f. 17.9 Seven Years' Eesideneeinthe Great Deserts of l!^orth Amer- ica. London, 1860. 8vo. 19. 2 Domesday Book; or Great Survey of England, of Will- iam THE Conqueror, 1086. Pub. (fac-simile) by the Ordinance Survey Office of Great Britain. 1863. 4to. 2 Vols. 93. 7 Ellis, Henry. General Introduction to Domesday Book, with Indexes of Tenants. 42. 5 Bawden, William, Trans. Dom. Boc. Translation of the Record Called Domesday, so far as relates to Middlesex, Hereford, and Gloucester. Doncaster, 1812. 4to. 40. 14 Dominica. Legislature. Report of the Committee on the Con- dition of the JS^egro ^Population, June, 1823. London, 1823. 8vo. 30.13 Donaldson, Rev. John B. Washington Irving, and his Relation to American Letters. An Address to the Alumni of Wa- bash College, June 9, 1885. Hastings, 1885. 8vo. 18. 11. 2 Donaldson, Thomas. American Colonial History; Address be- fore the Md. Hist. Soc. March, 29, 1849. Baltimore, 1849. 8vo. 11.1.3 Donaldson, Thomas, [of Idaho.] The Public Domain, its History, with Statistics, etc. [Report of the Public Land Commission, Vol. V.] Ho. Misc. Doc. 45, Part 4, 47th Congress, 2d Session. Washington, 1854. 8vo. QS. 10 DoNAN, Patrick. Scream from the American Eagle. Dakota, 1882. 8vo. ' 19.14.5 DoNCK, Adrian Yan der. Description of the New Netherlands. 2d edition. Amsterdam, 1656. Trans, by Jeremiah John- son. (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 2d Series, Vol. 1, pp. 125- 242.) 10. 4 Representation of New Netherland. Translated by Henry C. Murphy. (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 2d Series, Vol. 2, Pt. 2, pp. 251-338.) 10. 4 Donegal, Pa. Presbyters of. See Carlisle, Pa. Presbytery of. 534 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Doniphan, A. W., Col. See Edwards, Frank S. Campaign in Mexico. 14. 11 Hughes, John T. Doniphan's Expedition. 16. 10 DoNNAN, Wm. G. Re-eligibility of the President. Speech in the U. S. House of Repr., March 16, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. * (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 5. No. 21.) 60. 7. 1 DONNELL, E. J. Wages and Tariffs. Address May 8, 1884. N. Y., 1884. 8vo. 57. 2. 5 Slavery and Protection. An Historical Review and Appeal to the Workshop and the Farm, N. Y., 1882. 8vo. 57. 2. 2 Donnelly, Ignatius. See Address to the Republican Com- mittee of the 2d Congr. Dist. Minn., in favor of Ignatius Donnelly for Representative in Congress, 1868. n. t. p. 8vo. 22. 14. 6 Same, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. 22. 14. 6 Atlantis, the Ante-Diluvian World. K Y., 1882. 12mo. 74. 10 See Barnes, Wm. H. History of the 40th Congress. Me- moir, Vol. 1, p. 359. • 45. 7 Correspondence. See Ramsey, Alex. 22. 14. 6 Facts for the Granges. The Necessity of Co-operation among the Farmers, etc. n. t. p., 1873. 8vo. 72. 4. 1 Freedmen's Bureau. Speech in the House, Feb. 1, 1866. Wash., 1866. 8vo. 30.7.7 Ignatius Donnelly vs. Wm. D. Washburn. Brief of Law and Facts. [Contested Election.] n. t. p, 8vo. 22. 10 Issues of the Campaign. Reply to the Speech of J. H. Baker in St. Paul, Oct 17, 1870. 22. 14. 6 Minnesota. Address before the Minnesota Historical Soci- ety, May 27, 1856. (Newspaper Cutting, mounted.) 8vo. 22. 13. 3 Personal Explanation, in Answer to Charges Preferred by Elihu B. Washburne, Delivered in the U. S. House of Reps., May 2, 1868. n. t. p. 8vo. « 33. 7. 5 Record of as a Squanderer of the People's Lands, n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 30, No. 20.) 60. 8 Reform of the Indian System. Speech, H. of R., Feb. 7, . 1865. n. t. p. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol 15, No. 40.) 60. 1 Report of the Pine Land Committee to the Senate of Minne- sota, March, 3. 1874. n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 11. 4 Sale of Public Lands. Speech in H. of R., May 7, 1868. n. t. p. • 33. 7. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 535 Donnelly, Ignatius — (Continued). Sale of the Sioux Indian Reservation. Letter to the Editor of the Winona Republican, 1868. Wash. n. d. 8vo. 33. 7. 5 Short Speeches in the U. S. H. of Reps., Jan. and Feb., 1868. n. t. p. ' 33. 7. 5 Speech, in Favor of the ^STorthern Pacific Railroad. Delivered in the H. of Reps., April 26, 1866. Wash., 1866. 8vo, 33. 7. 5 Speech on Immigration. Delivered in the H. of Reps., Feb. 27, 1864. Wash., 1864. 8vo. 57. 4. 5 Speech on the Reconstruction of the Union. Delivered in ^ the U. S. H. of Reps., May 2, 1864. n. t p. 8vo. 33. 7. 5 Speech on Reconstruction. Delivered in the U. S. H. of Reps., Jan. 18, 1867. Wash., 1867. 8vo. 33. 7. 5 TJ. S. Congr. House, 46th Congress. Contested Election of Donnelly vs. Washburn. Papers in the Case, (1879.) n. t. p. 22. 10 Report from the Committee on Elections in the Contested Election Case of Donnelly vs. Washburn. n. t. p. 8vo. 22. 10 Donnovan, C. Adventures in Mexico; Experienced during av Captivity of Seven Months. 12th edition. Boston, 1848. 8vo. 14. 11. 1 DooLiTTLE, Ben J. Narrative, etc. Boston, 1750. (Temple, J. H. and Sheldon, Geo. History of Northfield, Vt., 1875.). 9. a DooLiTTLE, Mark. Historical Sketch of the Congregational Church in Belchertown, Mass. Northampton, 1852. 12mo. 8. a DoBE County, Wis. Grarland, John. Resources, etc., of Dorr County, 1870. See Brown County, Wis. 19. 5. a Dorchester, Mass. Antiquarian and Historical Society Col- lections. Bost., 1844-'50. 3 Vols. " 8.5 Barnard Freedmen's Aid Society. Report, 1869. n. t. p. 30. 7. 7 First Church. Hall, Nathaniel. Sermon, etc., 1870. 9. 2 Memorial of Nathaniel Hall. 1876. 44. 13 Industrial School for Girls. Report, 1866. 8. 2. 10 Public Library. See Boston Pub. Lib., Dorchester Br. School Committee. Regulations, 1856, '57, '65, ^m, '67. 9.8.7 636 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. DOECHESTEB, MASS. —(Continued). Same. Eeports, 1850, '52, '65, 'm, '69. • 9. 8. 7 Second Church. Allen, Wni. Historical Discourse, 1848. 53. 6 Historical. See Barrows, S. J. Dorchester in the Colonial Period, etc. ' 9. 14 Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1648-'83. 46. 13 Blake, James. Annals of Dorchester. 1750. 8. 3 Coffin, K W. Annnexation to Boston. 8. 1. 5 Everett, Edward. Dorchester in 1630. Oration. 8. 10 Proceedings of the 250th Anniversary of the Gathering, in England, Departure for America, and Final Settlement in ;N". E. of the FirstjChurch and Parish of Dorchester, Mass., Coincident with the Settlement of the Town, Observed March 28, and June 17, 1880. 25. 1 Trask, W. B., Editor. Town Eecords. 46. 3 DORE, Eben p. Brief Sketch of the First Monitor and its In- ventor. Paper read before the Buffalo Historical Society, Jan. 5, 1874. Buffalo, 1874. 8vo. 30. 4. 1 Dorr, Henry C. Planting and Growth of Providence, E. I., to 1880. Providence, 1882. 12mo. (E. I. Hist. Tracts, ISio. 15.) 8. 13 Dorr, Thomas W. The [N^ine Lawyers' Opinion. (E. I, Hist. Tracts, No. 11.) 8. 7. 6 Might and Eight; by a Ehode Islander. Anon, Providence, 1844. 12mo. 8. 6 Dorset, J. Owen. Omaha Sociology. (3d Eeport of the Bu- reau of Ethnology.) Washington, 1884. 8vo. 50.7 Dorset, S. W. Statistical and Other Facts Eelating to ISTarrow Gauge Eailways. IST. Y., 1871. 72. 13. 3 DORSHEIMER, HoN. Wm. Dedicatory Oration, Oriskany Mon- ument, Aug. 6, 1884. See Transactions of Oneida Hist. Soc, 1881-'84, p. 204. 10. 11. 2 DosTiE, A. P. Address before the American Association in New Orleans, May 9, 1866. n. t. p. 8vo. ' (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 6, No. 16.) 60. 1 Freedom vs. Slavery. Address at New Orleans, Jan. 2, 1864. n. t.p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 21, No. 24.) 60.8 Political Position of Thomas J. Durant. New Orleans, 1865. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamphlets, Yol. 21, No. 11.) 60. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 537 DoTTEEEB, Hexry S. Descendants of Jacob Markley, of Skip- pack, Montgomery County, Pa. n. p. 1884. 8vo. 25. 7. 12 Doty, James D., (Governor of Wisconsin). See Ellis, A. G., Life of, etc. 19. 11 DouAY, Anastase, le pere. Narrative of La Salle's Attempt to Ascend the :jlississippi in 1687. (Shea, J. G., in Hist. Coll. of La., Vol. 4, p. 197.) 20. 3 Doubled AY, Abner. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. N. Y., 1882. 12mo. 30. 10 Eeminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in I860-' 61. K Y., 1876. 29. 1 Dougherty, Daniel. Fears for the Future of the Eepublic. Address at Lafayette College, July 26, 1859. Phila., 1859. 74. 7. 1 Douglas, D. True and Historical :N'arative, etc. See Tailfer, Patrick. 14. 12 Douglas, Eobert M. and Stephen A. Claims for Property Appropriated by the Army of the United States. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., YoL 8, No. 7.) 60.1 Douglas, Stephen A. Address at the Annual Fair of the ]^ew York Agricultural Society, Eochester, Sept., 1851. Albany, 1851. 8vo. 72. 4. 2 Flint, H. M. Life and Speeches of S. A. Douglas. 43. 8 Popular Sovereignty in the Territories. Eeply to Judge Black, n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 4 Popular Sovereignty in the Territories. Dividing Line be- tween Federal and Local Authority. N. Y., 1859. 8vo. 19. 14. 6 Eemarks on Kansas, Utah, and the Dred Scott Decision, delivered at Springfield, 111., June 12, 1857. Chicago, 1857. 8vo. 30. 14. 1 Speech in the U. S. Senate, Jan. 30, 1854, (on the Nebraska Question). 30. 14. 2 Speech in the U. S. Senate March 3, 1854, on Nebraska and Kansas. Wash., 1854. 8vo. 19.14.6 Speech on the Bill to Eefund Gen. Jackson's Fine, U. S. H. of E., Jan. 7, 1844. Wash., 1844. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 3, No. 19.) 53.12 Speech on the Kansas-Lecompton Constitution, in the Sen- ate, April 29, 1858. n. t. p. 8vo. : 1 19. 14. 6 538 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Douglas, Stephen A. — (Continued). Speech on the Kansas-Lecompton Constitution. In the Sen- ate, April 29, 1858. n. t. p. 8vo. 19. 14. 6 Speech on the ''Measures of Adjustment.'^ Delivered in Chicago, Oct. 23, 1850. Wash., 1851. 8vo. 33. 7. 1 Speech on the State of the Union. TJ. S. Senate, Jan. 3, 1861. Wash., 1861. 8vo. . 30. 4. 6 Speech on the War with Mexico and the Boundary of the Eio Grande. Delivered in the Senate of the U. S., Feb. 1, 1848. Wash., 1848. 8vo. (Mex. War Pamph., No. 16.) • 16. 10 Addresses on the Death of. Congress, July 9, 1861. Wash., 1861. 8vo. 43. 9 Benjamin, J. P. Defense of the N^ational Democracy against the Attack of Judge Douglas. 33. 7. 4 Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. 44. 6 Eulogy on, by S. S. Cox. (Smiths. Eept., 1861, p. 117.) 49.3 Forney, J. W. Eulogy on S. A. Douglas. 60. 8 Douglas Monument Association. Organization, Constitu- tion and By-Laws. Chic, 1862. 8vo. 18. 6. 4 Douglas, Thomas D., (5th Earl of Selkirk). Letter, Accompa- nied by a Correspondence with the Colonial Department, 1817-'19, on the subject of the Red River Settlement. :j^oimpr. [1819.] 8vo. 20.4 Report of the Proceedings Connected with the Disputes be. . tween the Earl of Selkirk and the N.W. Company, at the Assizes, held at York, Upper Canada, Oct., 1818. Lond.^ 1819. 8vo. 20.11 Sketch of the British Fur Trade in North America, with Observations Relative to the Northwest Company of Mon- treal. Lond., 1816. 8vo. 20. 4 Biyce, G. A Good Man and a Noble Work. Selkirk Set- tlement. (See his Manitoba, 1882.) 20.4 Same. Sketch of the Earlier Life of the Earl of Selkirk. Paper read before the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, Feb. 8, 1881. Broadside. 20. 5. 2 Continuation of the Communications of Mercator,^' upon the Contest between the Earl of Selkirk and the Hudson's Bay Co., on one side, and the Northwest Co. on the other. Montreal, 1817. 8vo. 20. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 539 Douglas, Thomas D. — (Continued). Hargrave, J. J. Eed Eiver. Montreal, 1871. 8vo. 20. 4 McGillivray, Simon. ^N'arrative of Occurrences in the In- dian Countries of North America. 20. 3 Notices on the Claims of the Hudson's Bay Company and the Conduct of their Adversaries. Montreal, 1817. 8vo. 20.4; Prospectus of a Plan for Sending Settlers to the Colony of the Red River, 1820. (See Beltrami, G. C. Pilgrimage, etc., Vol. 2, pp. 360-366.) 22. 2 Douglas County, Minn. Cheap and Pleasant Homes in. St. Paul, 1876. 8vo. , 22. 12. 3 Douglas, W. W. Digest of Opinions. (Judge Adv. Gen., G. A. R.) Phila., 1876. 8vo. 52.2.4 Douglass, Ben. History of "Wayne County, O. Indianapolis, 1878. 8vo. 18.9 Douglass, Fred. Description of. (Annals of Iowa, Vol. 5. p. 358.) 19. 6 Douglass, John Abbott. See Warren, Wm. Memoir of. 7. 9 Douglass, Mass. See Emerson, W. A. History of Douglass. 9.12 DousMAN, Geo. C. Paper on the Indians of Wisconsin, 1870. 8vo. 19. 5. a DousMAN, Hercules L. See Sibley, H. H. Memoir of. 22. 10 Dover, N. H. One Hundredth Anniversary of the National Independence, July 4, 1876; its Celebration, etc. Oration by Alonzo H. Quint. Dover, N. H., 1876. 8vo. 7. 11. 2 School Committee Report, 1873. 7. 11 The Massacre at Dover, June 27, 1689. (N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 8.) 7.3 Spalding, G. B. Discourse on the 250th Anniversary. 7. 11 Dow, Lorenzo. Dealings of God, Man and the Devil; Life, Experience and Travels of Lorenzo Dow. Added, the Vicissitudes of Life by Peggy Dow. N. Y., 1856. 8vo. 2 Vols. 44. 9 DowD, Rev. W. W. The Descendants of Henry Doude, who came from England in 1639. Hartford, 1885. 8vo. 47. 2 DowD Family. See Dowd, W. W. Descendants of Henry Doude. 47. 2 DowLEY, M. Francis. History and.Honorary Roll of the 12th Reg. Infantry, National Guards, K Y. N. Y., 1869. l2mo. 29.12 540 MINNESOTA HISTOBICAL SOCIETY. DowLiNG, Thomas H. Memorial to Congress, and Accompany- ing Papers in Eegard to his Claims to the Island of Yerba Buena, Cal. Wash., 1869. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 10, ^o. 21.) 60. 1 Downey, John G. (Gov. of Cal.) Message, Jan., 1861. Sacra- mento, 1861. 8vo. 20. 14. 3 Downing, Andrew Jackson. Theory and Practice of Land- scape Gardening. K Y., 1853. 8vo. 51.14 Downing, Maj. Jack, pseud. See Smith, Chas. Aug., and Smith, Seba. Downing, Lewis, (Cherokee Chief). Some Eeasons why the Pending Cherokee Treaty Ought to be Eatified. Wash., 1870. 8vo. 15. 11. 4 DowNiNGTON, Pa., Presb. Church. See Collier, F» J. His- torical Address. 11. 5. 4 Downs, S. W. (of La.;. Speech on the War with Mexico. U. S. Senate, Jan. 31, 1848. Wash., 1848. 8vo. (Mex. War. Pamph. No. 15.) 16. 10 DowsoN, John. A Grammar of the Urdu, or Hindostan Lan- guage. London, 1872. 12mo. 38. 3 Dox, Peter M. Eestoration of Georgia. Speech, H. of E., June 6, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 39, :N"o. 25.) 60. 2 Doyle, J. A. The English in America, Virginia, Maryland and the Carolinas. London, 1882. 8vo. 16. 13 Doyle, J. J., and Chester, A. Memorial of Settlers on Lands in California, n. t. p. 1875. 8vo. 20. 14. 3 Doyle, John T. History of the Pious Fund of California. (Cal. Hist. Soc. Papers, Yol. 1.) San. Francisco, 1887. 8vo. 17.8.1 Drainage. See Philbrick, E. S. Defects in House Drainage. 8.5 Drainage, for Valleys. See Mass. Eeport of a Commission, etc. 8. 12 Drake, Charles D. Admission of Georgia. Speeches in U. S. Senate, March 18 and April 18, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 13. 1 Judicial Veto. Speech, U. S. Senate, Dec. 13, 1869. n. t. p. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 39, :N'o. 61.) 60. 2 Slavery's Destruction, the Union's Safety. Speech, Louis- ville, Ky., Feb. 22, 1864. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 17, N"o. 8.) 60. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 541 Drake, Charles D. — (Gontinued). Speech, Sept. 15, 1868. St. Louis, 1868. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 30, No. 18.) 60. 8 Speech, at Cincinnati, Oct. 1, 1864. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 17, No. 9.) 60. 8 Drake, Dai^iel. Natural and Statistical Yiew of Cincinnati and the Miami Country. Cinn., 1815. 12mo. 18.1 Pioneer Life in Kentucky. Eeminiscential Letters to his Children. Cinn., 1870. 8vo. 18.2 Drake, Sir Francis. Famous Yoyage Eound the World, 1577- '80. See Harris, John, Navigantium, Yol. 1. 94. 10 Hale, E. E. Hawkins and Drake. 25. 9 Drake, Francis S. Dictionary of American Biography. Boston, 1872. 8vo. 43. 12 Life and Correspondence of Henry Knox. Boston, 1873. 8vo. 44. 7 The Town of Eoxbury, Mass. Its Memorable Persons and Places, 1630-1687. Eoxbury, 1878. 8vo. » 9. 6 Drake, Henry H. See Yivian, J. L., and Drake H. H. The Yisitation of the County of Cornwall, etc. 25. 12 Drake, Samuel Adams. The Heart of the White Mountains. Their Legends and Scenery. London, 1882. 4to. 7. 4 History of Middlesex Co., Mass., with Histories of Every City and Town in the County. 2 Yols. Boston, 1880. 8vo. 25. 2 Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast. N. Y., 1875. 4to. 7. 7 Old Landmarks and Historic Personages of Boston. Boston, 1876. 8. 10 Drake, Samuel Gardner. Address before the New England Historical and Genealogical Society, Boston, Jan. 20, 1858. Boston, 1858. 8vo. 8. 5. 4 Biography and History of the Indians of North America. Boston, 1834. 8vo. 15. 2 Early History of Georgia; Embassy of Sir Alexander Cum- ing to the Country of the Cherokees, in 1730. A Paper, etc. Boston, 1872. 8vo. 15. 13. 1 Genealogical and Biographical Account of the Family of Drake. [Boston.] 1845. 12mo. 47. 2 History and Antiquities of Boston, 1630 to 1770. Boston, 1856. Svo. 9. 12 642 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Drake, Samuel Gardner— (Continued). Particular History of the Five Years' French and Indian War in Kew England and Parts Adjacent, 1744-1749, etc. Albany, 1870. 8vo., 15. 4 Eesult of Some Eesearches Among the British Archives Eelative to the Founders of New England. Boston, 1860. 4to. 46. 12 Tragedies of the Wilderness; Narratives of Captives Car- ried Away by the Indians. Boston, 1846. 12mo. 15. 8 Editor. History of King Philip's War. See Mather, Increase. Brief History, etc. 1676. 4to. 15. 4 Editor. History of the Indian Wars in New England. See Hubbard, William. . 15. 4 Editor. Old Indian Chronicle; Collection of Exceeding Eare Tracts, Written and Published in the Time of King Phil- ip's War, by Persons Eesiding in the Country. Added, Introduction and Notes, by S. G. Drake. Boston, 1867. 4tof , 15. 4 Editor. The Eedeemed Captive. See Norton, John. 8.10 Catalogue of his Library. Boston, 1876. 8vo. 74. 12 Sheppard, J. H. Memoir of Drake. 46. 3 Drake Family. See Drake, S. G. Drama. Origin and Progress of Dramatic Eepresentation Among the Greeks. (Museum Criticum, Vol. 2.) 74. 5 Draper, Fernando P. Account of the Silver Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Draper, June 16, 1871; Including His- torical Essays on the Draper and Preston Families. Albany, 1871. 8vo. 43. 6. D Draper, Henry. Construction of a Silvered Glass Telescope, Fifteen and One-half Inches in Diameter, and its Use in Celestial Photography. No imprint. 4to. (Smiths. Con- trib.. Vol. 14.) 49. 7 Draper, James. History of Spencer, Mass., to 1860; Including a Sketch of Leicester to 1753. Worcester, Mass. n. d. 12mo. 9. 6 Draper, John Wm. Address to the American Union Academy of Literature, Science and Art, at its First Annual Meet- ing, Jan. 31, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. 11. 8. 4 History of the American Cival War. N. Y., 1867-'70. 8vo. 3 Vols. 29. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 543 Draper, Lyman 0. King's Mountain and its Heroes. CinA., 1881. 8vo. 14. 9 Madison, the Capital of Wisconsin; its Growth, Condition, etc. Madison, 1857. 8vo. 19. 5. 7 See Anderson, R. B. Biog. Sketch. 43. 6. D Thwaites, E. G. Biog. Sketch. Madison, 1887. 45. 6 Draper, Sir William. Thoughts of a Traveler upon Our American Disputes. London, 1774. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 33, ^o. 3.) 14.8 Drayton, B. J. (Liberian Judge. ) Address. Liberia College- Proceedings at the Inauguration of.) 30. 7. 10 Dred, a Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. See Stowe, Mrs. H. B. 30. 10 Dreher, Julius D. Endowments. How Shall Capital be At- tracted in Larger Amounts, etc. A Paper read before the Educational Association of Va., July 15, 1880. n. t. p. 8vo. 56. 9. 5 Dreuillettes, Gabriel, le pere. Epistola ad Joannem Wintrop. (Shea's J^uit Relations, IsTo. 21.) :N'. Y., 1864. .4to. 20. 3 Another edition, 1869. 4to. 20. 3 Journal of an Embassy from Canada to the United Colonies of New England, in 1650. Trans, by J. G. Shea. (K Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 3.) 10. 4 Recueil de Pieces sur la Negociation Entre la Xouvelle France, et la Nouvelle Angleterre, es Annees 1648 et Suivantes. K Y., 1866. 8vo. 20. 3 Lallement, Jerome, le pere. De le Hyvernement du Pere Gabriel Dreuillettes auec les Sauvages. In his Relation, 1648. (Relations des Jesuits, 1858, Vol. 2.) 20. 3 Parkman, Francis. Jesuits in North America. 20. 10 Drew, Benjamin. Refugee. Narratives of Fugitive Slaves in Canada. Related by Themselves, etc. Boston, 1856. 12mo. . 30. 6 Drew, Daniel. Life of. See McCabe, J. D. Great Fortunes. 43.12 McClintock, J. Sketch of Drew, in Men of Progress. 44. 2 Drew, Geo. F. Message, as Governor of Florida. Jan. 10, 1877. Tallahassee, 1877. 8vo. 15. 14. 3 Drew, John. John Brown's Invasion. An Authentic History of the Harper's Ferry Tragedy. Boston, 1860. 8vo. 30.5 69 544 MINNESOTA HISTOEICAL SOCIETY. Drewry. See Drury. Drisler, H. Eeply to Bible View of Slavery, by J. H. Hop- kins, n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 9 Drown, Solomon. Oration at Marietta, O., April 7, 1789, in Commemoration of the Settlement by the Ohio Company. Worcester, Mass., 1789. (See Hildreth, L. P. Pioneer History.) 18. 2 Druggists' Price Current. See ^N'oyes Bros. & Cutler, St. Paul. 83. 3 Drury, Edwd. James. Eecreative French Grammar. Lond., etc., 1883. 16mo. 83 Drury, Eobert. True Eeport of the Arraignment and Con- demnation of a Popish Priest, named Eobert Drewrie, 25th Feb., 1607. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 3, p. 52.) 40. 3 Drury College, Springfield, Mo. Catalogue. 1883-'84. 8vo. 18.7.2 Dual City Blue Book. (St. Paul and Minneapolis.) 1885. 12mo. 22. 11 DUANE. James. State of the EWdence and Argument in Sup- port of the Territorial Eights and Jurisdiction of New York against 'New Hampshire and Massachusetts. (N, Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1870, p. 144.) 10.4 And Others. Collection of Evidence in Vindication of New York, against the Claims of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, etc. (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1869, p. 277.) 10.4 Memoir of, by S. W. Jones. (O'Callaghan, E. B. Doc. Hist, of K Y., Vol. 4, p. 641.) 10. 14 DuANE, EiCHARD B. Scrmou in Providence, April 19, 1865, on Abr. Lincoln. Providence, 1865. 8vo. 43. 14. 1 The Seasonable Question. A Sermon Preached in the Parish of Grace Church. Honesdale, Pa., Jan. 1, 1854. ]^. Y., 1854. 8vo. 56. 7. 2 DuANE, Wm. Canada and the Continental Congress. Address before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 31st Jan. , 1850. Phil., 1850. 8vo. 20.9.2 Experience the Test of Government. Phila., 1807. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 10, I^'o. 3.) 53. 12 Politics for American Farmers. Wash., 1807. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 10, No. 2.) 53.12 Eeport of a Debate in the Senate of the U. S. Phila., 1804. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 10, No. 7.) 53. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 545 DUANE, Wm. — (Continued). Sampson Against the Philistines. Phila., 1805. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 10, No. 1.) 53. 12 Editor. Select Pamphlets. Phila., 1811. 8yo. 53. 12 DuANE, Wm. John. Law of ligations Investigated. Phila., 1809. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 10, ISTo. 5.) 53. 12 Dublin Mansion House Committee, 1880. Proceedings for the Belief of Distress in Ireland, during January and Febru- ary, 1880. Dublin, 1880. 8vo. 52. 10. 4 Dublin Eoyal Society. Official Catalogue of the Great In. dustrial Exhibition, 1853. Dublin, 1853. 4to. 53. 13. 1 Dublin, N. H. History of Dublin, Containing the Address by Charles Mason, and Proceedings at the Centennial Cele- bration, June 17, 1852, etc. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 7. 10 Du Bois, Wm. E. Proposition for a Revised System of Weights and a Restoration of Silver Currency. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 36. No. 16.) 60. 2 Record of the Families of Robert Patterson. Pt. 1. Phila, 1847. 8vo. 47. 5 DuBOSE, Dudley M. Atlantic and Great Western Canal of Georgia. Speech, H. of R., Jan. 11, 1873. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 23, :N'o. 24.) 60. 8 DuBRAYius, Bp. of Olmutz. See Dubraw, Johann. DuBBAW, Johann, Bp. of Olmutz. See Wratislaw, A. H., Life, etc. 35. 9 Dubuque, Julien. See Langworthy, L. H. Dubuque, its History, etc. 19. 13 Tasse, Joseph. SeeCanadiennes del'ouest. Yol. 1. 46.8 Dubuque, Iowa. See Langworthy, L. H. Dubuque, its History, etc. 19. 13 Price, Eliphalet. Dubuque in Early Times. 19. 6 Congregational Church. See Holbrook, J. C. History, etc. 19.6 Directory, 1875-'76. 12mo. 80 Dubuque County, Iowa. History of Dubuque, la. Chicago, 1880. 8vo. ' 19.6 Duchess County, N. Y. Papers Relating to Ulster and Duchess Counties, K Y. See O'Callaghan, E. B. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. 10. 14 Smith, P. H. General History of Duchess County, K. Y. 10.10 See also Orange Co., K. Y. 546 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. DucROTAY DE Blainville, Marie-Henri. Memoir of, by M. J. P. Flourens. 49. 3 Dudley, Charles E. See Hunt, Washington, Eulogy on, etc. 10. 14. 1 Dudley, Dean. Bangs Family; Genealogical Chart. Boston, 1854. 25. 7. 2 Bristol County, Mass. Directory and History. Boston, 1877. 8vo. 80 Brookline, Jamaica Plain and West Eoxbury, Mass. Direc- tory. Boston, 1874. 80 Cambridge, Mass. Directory, 1872. 80 Directory and History of Plymouth and Barnstable Coun- ties, Mass., 1873. 80 Directory and Eegisterof Danvers, Marblehead, Peabody, Beverly, Manchester, Essex, Windham and Topsfield, 1873. 8vo. 80 Dudley Genealogies and Family Records. Boston, 1848. 8vo. 47.2 History of the Council of Mce, A. D. 325. Boston, 1860. 8vo. 56. 3 Social and Political Aspects of England and the Continent. Boston, 1862. 12mo. 35. 8 Weymouth, Quincy and Braintree Directory, 1874. 8vo. 80 Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester. Leicester's Common- wealth. 1641. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 4, p. 470.) 40.3 Dudley, Joseph. Kew England's Faction Discovered, etc. London, 1690. (Prince Soc. Pub. Andros Tracts, Vol. 2, p. 203.) 9. 3 Dudley, Thomas. Letter to the Countess of Lincoln, 1631, with Notes by John Farmer. Wash., 1838. 8vo. (Force's Tracts, Yol. 2.) 14. 12 Dudley, Thomas H. Reply to Augustus Mongredien's Appeal to the Western Farmers of America, etc, Phila., 1$80. 8vo. 57. 2. 2 Dudley, Thos. P. Battle and Massacre at Frenchtown, Mich., 1813. (West. Reserve Hist. Soc. Tracts, ^o. 1.) 14. 10. 2 Dudley Family. See Dudley, Dean. Dudley Genealogies. 47.2 Same. History of the Dudley Family. Part 1. 47. 2 Dudley, Mass. See Ammidown, Holmes. Hist. Coll., Yol. 1. 8. 9 Bates, Joshua. Anniversary Discourse. 25. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE. LIBRARY. 547 Dudley Observatory, Albany, ]N'. Y. See Albany, IsT. Y. Duelling. See Bosqiiett, Abraham. Treatise on Duelling. 53. 5 Sabine, Lorenzo. Notes on Duelling. 57. 10 Ware, Henry. Sermon on the Law of Honor. 56. 7. 2 Duenna, The. Comic Opera. Sheridan, R. B. B. 43. 8 DuER, William. Speech, on the Origin of the War with Mexico, in the U. S. H. of R., Feb. 14, 1848. Wash., 1848. 8vo. (Mex. War Pamph., No. 17.) 16. 10 Speech on the Constitution of California, TJ. S. H. of E., 'April 10, 1850. n. t. p. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 22.) 53. 12 DuER, Wm. Alex. Eulogy at Albany, N. Y., July 31, 1826, on John Adams and Thos. Jefferson. 44. 3 Life of Wm. Alexander, Earl of Stirling, with Selections from his Correspondence. (N. J. Hist. Soc, Coll., Vol. 2.) 10. 8. 2 Duff, Grant. The Teachings of Richard Cobden. An Address, etc. London, n. d. 12mo. 57. 2. 7 DuFFERiN, Lord. Canada, the Place for the Emigrant, etc. Speeches during a Tour in 1874. Toronto, 1874. 12mo. 20. 9. 2 DuFFiELD, George, Jr. National Union, the Test of Amer- ican Loyalty. Historical Discourse, Nov. 24, 1864. Detroit, 1864. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 DuFFiELD, Rev. John T. A Discourse delivered at the Open- ing of the Synod of New Jersey, Elizabeth, N. J., Oct. 16, 1886. Phila., 1866. 8vo. 56.5.1 Discourse on the History of the Second Presbyterian Church, Princeton, N. J, Princeton, 1876. 8vo. 10. 2. 4 Dufosse, E. Americana ; Bulletin Bibliographique Trimestriel, etc. 2 Vols. Paris, v. d. 74. 10 DuGDALE, Richard. Narative of Popish Cruelties; Account of the Spanish Inquisition. London, 1680. (Harleian Misc., Vol, 8, p. 414.) 40. 3 Narrative of the Wicked Plots Carried on by Seignior Gon- damore, for Advancing the Popish Religion. London, 1679. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 8, p. 231.) 40. 3 DuGDALE, Sir Wm. Monastican Anglicanum, a History of the Abbies and other Monasteries, Hospitals, Frieries, and Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, with their Depend- encies, in England and Wales, etc. 8 Vols. fo. (Pro- fusely illustrated with steel engravings.) London, 1846. 93.10 548 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Duis, E. Good Old Times in McLean Co., III. Bloomington, 1874. 8vo. • • 18. 5 Duke, Basil W. History of Morgan's Cavalry. Cinn., 1867. 8vo. 30. 9 DULANEY, Daniel. Considerations on the Propriety of Im- posing Taxes in the British Colonies. London, (reprint) 1766. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 19, I^o. 13.) 14. 1 Du LUTH, Daniel Geeysolon. Memoir on the Discovery of the Country of the Kadouecioux in Canada, 1685. (Ap- pended to Hennepin, L., Description, etc. 1880.' 8vo.) 22. 2 Account of Du Luth. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1, p. 314.) 22. 10 Sketch of. See Neill, E. D. History of Minnesota, 1882. 22. 9 DULUTH, Minn. Board of Education. Report, 1881. 22. 14. 7 Annual Eeport of its Trade, etc., 1883, '84. 22. 14. 7 Library Association. Catalogue, 1870. 74. 11. 1 Daily Market Eeports, Oct. 3, 1881, Sept. 30, 1882. 8vo. 24.9 Directory. 1883, '84, '85, ^m. 8vo. 22. 13 Duluth; Commercial Importance of. n. j). n. d. 22. 12. 1 Same. 2d edition. 1871. 22. 12. 1 Johnson, C. F. Local Drama, '^ The Credulous Country- man." 22. 14. 7 Eeport of Select Committee, Minn. Legislature, Eclating to Duluth as an Harbor and Port of Entry. St. Paul, 1870. ■ 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 20, :N"o. 8.) 60. 8 Newton, W. H. Survey of Superior Harbor. 22. 3 The City of Duluth, Minn. ; a Eeview of its Trade, Com- merce and Industries, etc. Duluth, 1886. 8vo. 22. 14. 7 U. S. Supreme Court. State of Wisconsin vs. the City of Duluth and the Nor. Pac. E. E. Co. Eeports of the War Department upon Duluth and Superior Harbors. St. Paul, 1873. 8vo. ^ 22.12.1 Same. Answer of Defendant. No imprint. [St. Paul, 1875?] 22.3 Same. Eeports of War Department upon Duluth and Superior Harbors. (1871.) 22. 3 Same. Depositions of Witnesses, n. t. p. 8vo. 22. 12. 1 DuMARESQ Family. Sketch of the Family of Dumaresq. Added, Eeminiscences of James Dumaresq, and an Appendix of Documents. Albany, 1863. 8vo. 46. 3. D CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 549 DUMMEE, Jeremiah. Defence of the Kew England Charters. London, n. d. 8vo. (Eev. WarPamph., Vol. 5, ISo. 2.) 14.1 DuMONT, GrEOEaE Marie Butel. See Butel-Dumont, G. M. Dunbar, Edward E.' The Eomance of the Age, or, the Dis- covery of Gold in California. I^. Y., 1867. 12mo. 19. 8 Dunbar, John B. The Pawnee Indians. A Sketch. No impr. 4to. 15. 10 Dunbar, Eev. Samuel. The Presence of God with His People, their only Safety and Happiness. (Mass. Elec. Sermon, 1760). Boston, 1760. 8vo. 56. 5. 2 Dunbar Family. See "Welles, Albert. "American Family Antiqaity.'' 93.4 DUNBARTON, N. H. See Stark, Caleb. History of Dunbarton, etc. . 7. 4 t)UNCAN, Alexander. Speech in the U. S. H. of Eep., March 6, 1844. on the Election of Electors for President, etc. n. t. p. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 3, Ko. 12.) 53. 12 Duncan, James. A Treatise on Slavery, in which is shown forth the Evil of Slave-holding, etc. N. Y. 1840. 12mo. 31.3 Duncan, John M. Discourse delivered on the Fast Day Eec- ommended by the President, on the Death of President Harrison. Bait, 1841. 8vo. 56.7.4 Duncan, Joseph (of Ky.) Speech on the Assumption of Power by the Executive. Delivered in H. of E., July 24, 1848. Wash., 1848. 8vo. (Mexican War Pamph., Xo. 18.) 16. 10 Duncan, W. Tabulated Mortuary Eecord of Savannah, Ga., 1854-'69. Savannah, 1870. 8vo. 15. 13. 1 Duncan, Wm. Memorial Addresses on, in Congress. Wash., 1885. 8vo. 45.6 DUNCUMB Family. See Dashwood, G. H. Note of Some Deeds, etc. ^ 35. 9 D'lJNaER, E. Dipsomania. Cinchona Eubra Cure for Drunken- ness. Chicago, 1879. 8vo. 51. 11. 3 DuNGLisoN, EoBLEY. The Blind, and Institutions for tlje Blind, in Europe. Phila., 1854. . 8vo. 11. 7. 8 Dunham, Samuel. Historical Discourse, delivered at West Brookfield, Mass., on the 150th Anniversary of the First Church, Oct. 16, 1867. Springfield, 1867. 8vo. 25. 8 Dunkirk, France. Description of the Town and Citadel. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 11, p. 170.) 40. 3 550 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. DUNLAP, Andrew. Oration at Salem, July 5, 1819. Salem ^ 1819. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 1.) 9. 2 DuNLAP, Wm. History of the New Netherlands, Province of New York, and the State of New York, 1609-1787. N. Y., 1839. 8vo. 2 Vols. * 10. 11 DUNLOP, Anthony. Sketches on Political Economy. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 11.) 53. 5 Dunn, John. History of Oregon Territory, and British North American Fur Trade. London, 1844. 8vo. 20. 6 Dunn, Oscar James. See Chester, T. M. Speech at the Dunn Commemoration. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 19. 60. 1 Dunn, William. Vansittart Plan of Finance. London, 1820. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 16.) 53. 5 Dunn, William H. Picturesque St. Croix, and Other North- west Sketches. Handy Guide to Northwestern Wisconsin, Minnesota, etc. Chicago, 1881. 16mo. 22.12.^ Captain Jolly on the Picturesque St. Croix. By a Eambler. St. Paul, 1880. 18mo. 22. 8 DuNNEL, Henry Gale. True Genealogy of the Dunnel and Dwinnell Family of New England. N. Y., 1862. 8vo. 47. 2 DuNNELL, Mark H. Commerce by Eailroads among the States. Speech, H. of E., March 25, 1874. Wash., 1874. 8vo. 72. 13. 3 Public Lands. Internal Improvement, Tentorial Develop- ment, etc. Speech, H. of Eep., Feb. 3, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 4.) 60. 1 Eeports of Supt. Pub. Instruction, of Minn. 1867-70. See Ex-Docs. , of Minnesota. 24. 5 Eefunding of a Portion of the National Debt. Speech in H. of E., March 20, 1880. Wash., 1880. 8vo. 33. 7. 7 The Tariff Commission. The Tariff, its Needed Eevision. Speech, H. of E., March 30, 1882. n. t. p. 8vo. 57. 2. 1 Dunne LL Family. See Dunnell, H. G. True Genealogy of the Dunnell Family, etc. 47. 2 DuNPHY, Thomas, and Cummings, Thos. J. Eemarkable • Trials of all Countries. N. Y., 1878. 8vo. 53. 4 DUNRAVEN, Earl of. See Wyndham Quin, E. E. 20. 11 DuNSKY, H. D. Statement on the Timber and Deal Trade. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 18.) London, 1821. 53. 5 Dunstable, Mass. See 'Fox, C. J. History of Dunstable. 8. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 551 Dunstable, Mass. — (Continued). Kason, Elias. History of Dunstable. 9. 13 Worcester, S. T. First Hundred Years of Dunstable. 7. 11. 1 Dunstable, Pkiory of. Annales Prioratus de Dunstaplia. (Annales Monastic!, Vol. 3.) 40. 5 DUNSTER, Samuel. Henry Dunster and his Descendants. Cen- tral Falls, E. I., 1876. 8vo. 47. 2 Dunster Family. See Dunster, Samuel. Henry Dunster and his Descendants. 47. 2 Dunton, John. Letters from New England. Boston, 1867. 4to. (Prince Soc. Publ.) 9. 3 Du Page Co., III. See Blanchard, Eufus. History, etc. 83.8 DUPIN, . Proces du Constitutionnel. Discours Adresse a la Cour Eoyale de Paris. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 26.) 53.12 Du PoissoN, , Le Peke. Letters on his Yo>^ age up the Mis - sissippi and Mission to the Arkansas, 1727. See Kip, W. I. Early Jesuit Missions. 20. 3 Du Ponceau, Peter S. Inaugural Discourse, June 3, 1837, before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. (Pa. Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Yol. 4, Part i.) 11. 10 DUPORT, James. Memoir of. (Museum Criticum, Yol. 2, p. 672.) 74.5 DuQUESNE, Fort. See Lambing, Eev. A. A. Baptismal Eeg- ister, etc. 11. 13 DuRANT, Henry, (Prest. TJni. of Cal.). Memorial Address on, by John B. Felton. 20. 7 DuRANT, Thomas J. Letter to Henry Winter Davis on Eecon- struction in Louisiana. New Orleans, 27 Oct., 1864. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 19, No. 29.) 60. a See Dostie, A. P. Political Position of T. J. Durant. (Eam- sey Pamph., Yol. 21, No. 11.) 60. 8 DuRFEE, Eey. Calyin. Is Belief in the Endless Punishment of the Wicked, Essential in a Candidate for the Congrega- tional Ministry ? Bostop, 1880. 8vo. 56. 12. 3 DuRFEE, Job. Discourse before the Ehode Island Historical Society, Jan. 13, 1847. Providence, 1847. 8vo. 8. 13 See Durfee, Thomas. Memoir by. 43. 13 Hazard, E. G. Discourse by. 43. 6. D 70 552 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. DURFEE, Thomas. Gleanings from the Judicial History of Ehode Island. Providence, 1883. 12mo. 8. 13 Oration in Providence, July 4, 1853. Providence, 1853. 8vo. 8. 13 Durham, Conn. See Fowler, Wm. C. History of Durham, Conn. 7. 13 Durham, 'E. H. See Burt, Federal. Sketches of Durham. 7.3 DURKEE, Charles, (Gov. of Utah.) Prominent Events in the Life of, by M. Frank. 19. 11 DURRETT, Eeuben T. John Filson, the First Historian of Ken- tucky. Account of his Life and Writings. Louisville, 1884. 4to. 18. 14 DuRRiE, Daniel S. (Librarian Wis. Hist. Soc. ) Alphabetical Index of American Genealogies and Pedigrees, Contained in Histories, Printed Genealogies, etc. (2d edition.) Albany, 1878. 8vo. 46. 12 Same, 3d edition. Albany, 1886. 8vo. 46. 12 Capt. Jonathan Carver, and Carver's Grant. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Yol. 6, p. 220.) 19. 11 Early Outposts of Wisconsin. Paper read before the Hist. Soc. of Wis., Dec. 26, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. 19.5. 7 Genealogical History of John and George Steele, of Hart- ford, Conn., 1635-'36, and their Descendants. Enlarged edit. Albany, 1862. 8vo. 47. 6 Genealogical History of the Holt Family in the United States. Albany, 1864. 8vo. 47. 3 History of Madison, the Capital of Wisconsin j Including the Four Lake Country, to July, 1874. With Notes on Dane County and its Towns. Madison, Wis., 1874. 8vo. 19. 11 Illustrated History of Iowa. See Tuttle, C. E. 19. 6 Illustrated History of Missouri. See Davis, W. B. 18. 7 Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Organization of the Pres- byterian Church, Madison, Wis., Oct. 4, 1876. Historical Address. Madison, 1876. 8vo. ^ 19. 5. 7 DURYEA, Eev. Joseph T. Call to Humiliation and Eeform. Sermon, in Troy, May 19, 1861. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 16, Eo. 9.) 53. 6 Loyalty to Our Government. Sermon, in Troy, K. Y., April 28, 1861. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 16, No. 7.) 53. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 553 DussELDORF ACADEMY OF FiNE Aets. Catalogue, etc. I^. Y., 1851. 8vo. 51.3.4 Dust. See Tyndall, John.' Dust and Disease. In his "Frag- ments," etc. 15. 3 DusTON, Hannah. See Caverly, E. B. Heroism of Hannah Duston. 15. 8 Dutch, The. See De Peyster, J. \Y. The Dutch at the North Pole, etc. 53. 6 Elting, Irving. Dutch Villages on the Hudson Eiver. 11. 8. 6 Fernow, B. New Netherland, etc. 25. 9 And the Iroquois. See Hall, 0. H. 10. 11. 1 Dutch Dictionary. See Sewel, Wm. Diet. Dutch and Eng- lish. 34. 10 Dutch Eeformed Church. See Taylor, B. C. Annals of the Classis of Bergen. 10. 1 Dutch Eemonstrance. Concerning the Proceedings and Practices of John De Witt, Pensionary, and Euwaert Van Putten, his brother. 1672, London. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 7, p. 504.) 40. 3 Dutch Eepublic. See Motley. J. L. Eise of the, etc. 42. 4 Duties. See Tariff. DuTTON, Clarence E. Geology of the High Plateaus of Utah. Wash., 1880. 4to. 50. 3 Hawaiian Volcanoes. (U. S. Geol. Surv., 1883.) 50.3 Tertiary History of the Grand Canon District. Wash., 1882. 4to. 50. 2 DuTTON Family. See Cope, Gilbert. Genealogy of. 47. 2 DuYALL, Claude. Memoirs. London, 1670. (Harleian Misc., V9I. 7, p. 392.) 40.3 Duxbury,Mass. See Winsor, Justin. History of Duxbury. 9.6 DUYCKINCK, Eyert A. History of the World, etc. 4 Vols., N. Y. 4to. 38. 4 ^flfational Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans. From Paintings by Alonzo Chappel. I^. Y. n. d. 8vo. 2 Vols. 44. 6 Dwight, Benj. W. Higher Christian Education. :Nr. Y., 1859. 12mo. 56. 1 History of the Descendants of Elder John Strong, of North- ampton, Mass. Albany, K Y., 1871. 8yo. 2 Vols. 47.6 654 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. D WIGHT, Ben J. W. — (Continued). History of the Descendants of John Dwight, of Dedham^ Mass. K Y., 1874. 8vo. 2 Vols. 47. ^ DwiGHT, Edmund. A Plan for Military Education in Massa- chusetts. Boston, 1862. 8vo. 56. 9. 1 DwiGHT, Theodore. Character of Thomas Jefierson, as Ex- hibited in his Writings. Boston, 1839. 12mo. 44. a History of the Hartford Convention, 1814; with a Review of the Policy which Led to the War of 1812. N. Y., 1833. 8vo. 14. 4 DwiGHT, Theodore, Jr. History of Connecticut, from its Set- tlement, etc. ^. Y., 1841. 16mo. 7. 14 DwiGHT, Theo. W. Prisons of the U. S. and Canada. See Wines, E. C. 57-5-^ Trial by Impeachment. From the Amer. Law Register. (Ramsey Pamphs., Yol. 21, No. 28.) 60. 8 DwiGHT, Timothy. Travels in ]S^ew England and JiTew York, 1796-1815. New Haven, 1821. 8vo. 4 Vols. 33. 5 See Olmstead, Denison. Timothy Dwight as a Teacher, etc. 43. 6. D Dwight, Wm. T. A Great Man Fallen. Discourse on the Death, of President Harrison, in Portland, April 18 and 22, 1841. Portland, 1841. 8vo. 43. 14. 6 Dwight Family. See Dwight, B. W. History, etc. 47. 9 DwiNELL, Israel E. Hope for Our Country. Sermon in the South Church, Salem, Mass., Oct. 19, 1862. Salem, 1862. 8vo. 30. 4. 7 DwiNNELL Family. See Dunnel Family. 47. 2 DwiNELLE, John W. Address on the Acquisition of Califor- nia by the United States, San Francisco, Sept. 10, 1866. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 16. No. 15.) ' 53. 6 Argument in the Supreme Court of California, on the Right of Colored Children to be Admitted to the Public Schools. :N^o imprint. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 1, No. 8.) 60.1 DwiNELLE, Wm. H. Casket and the Ribbon; or, the Honors of Ether. Baltimore, 1849. 8vo. 51. 4. 5 Dyeing. Purple Dyeing, Ancient and Modern. (Smiths. Report, 1863. p. 385.) 49. a Dyer, Gen. A. B. Proceedings of a Court of Inquiry, to Exam- ine into Accusations against. Wash., 1868. 8vo. 2 Yols- 60. ^ CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 555 Dyer, Charles E. Historical Address. (Eacine Co., Wis., Old Settlers' Society. Official Eecord, 1871. 8vo.) 19. 5. 8 Dyer, Eey. Dayid. iDipressions of Prison Life in Great Brit- ain. Albany, 1868. 8vo. 57. 12. 1 Dyer, George. Dissertation on the Theory and Practice of Benevolence. New Ed. London, 1819. (Pamphleteer, Vols. 13, 14.) 53. 5 Four Letters on the English Constitution. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 12.) 53. 5 Dyer, Thomas Henry. History of Modern Europe, from the Fall of Constantinople in 1453, to the Crimean War, in 1857. 4 Yols. London, 1861. 8yo. ' 42. 12 Dyer Family. See Joy-Dyer, Caroline C. Eecords of, etc. 47. 2 Dylks, Joseph C. See Taneyhill, E. H. Leatherwood God. Appearance and Pretensions Qf, etc. 1828. 18. 2 Dymock, John and Thomas. Lempriere's Classical Diction- ary, Improved, etc. 2 Yols. London, 1843. 8vo. 34. 10 Dysentery. See Mann, James. Dissertation on Dysentery. 14.4 E. Eadie, John. Editor. New and Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. See Cruden, Alex. 34. 9 Eads, James B. See Hoit, T. W. Elegy on Eads. 43. 6. E Letter to Hon. W. S. Holman, U. S. H. of Eep., Jan. 29, 1877. [On payment for the Jetties.] W&sh., 1877. 8vo. 72. 13. 2 Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi Eiver. Eeport of the TJ. S. Levee Commission, Eeviewed. New Or- leans, 1876. 8vo. 72. 13. 1 McCabe, J. D. Life of Eads. In '^ Great Fortunes.'^ 43.12 Eager, Sam'l W. Outline History of Orange County, N. Y. Newburgh, 1846-7. 8vo. 10. 9 Eames, Benj. T. Statue of Eoger Williams. Speech, H. of E., Jan. 11, 1872. n. t. p. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 31, No. 15.) - 60. 8 Eames, Henry H. Geological Eeconnoissance, etc. 22. 10 Earle, Abraham L. Our Eevenue System and the Civil Ser- vice. N. Y., 1878. 12mo. 57.2.8 556 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Earle, Charles W. Scarlatina in Chicago, 1876-'77. 8vo. 51. 11. 3 Earle, John. Microcosmography; Essays and Characters. Added, I^otes by Philip Bliss. Albany, 1867. 8vo. 74. 2 Earle, John Milton. Report Concerning Indians of Massa- chusetts. 15. 11. 5 Earle, Parker. Address at the 7th Session of the American Horticultural Society, at Cleveland, O., Sept. 7-10, 1886. Detroit, 1886. 8vo. 72. 4. 2 Early, Jubal A. Address to the Southern Historical Conven- tion, June 9, 1873. (Southern Hist. Conv. Proc, p. 18.) 15. 14. 1 Early Man in Europe. See Eau, Charles. 15. 3 Early Voyages Up and Down the Mississippi. See Shea, J. G. . 20. 3 Earth. See Gunning, W. D. Life History of our Planet. 15. 3 Merino, Miguel. Figure of the Earth. 49. 3 Marsh, G. P. Earth as Modified by Human Action. 15. 3 Proctor, R. A. Our Place among Infinities. 49. 8 Earthquake. See Lallemant, J. Relation, etc. 20. 3 Mallet, R. Observation of Earthquakes. 49. 3 East, The. See Curzon, R. Ancient Monasteries. 40. 8 Lettres Edifiantes et Curieusses. 20. 8 Walpole, Rev. R. European and Asiatic Turkey, etc. 40. 7 East Boston. See Sumner, W. H. History of East Boston. 9. 12 Public Library. See Boston Pub. Library. Eastern Railroad Company. Annual Reports, 1856-'61, 66- '67, '69-'70, 81-'82-'84. Salem, etc. 8vo. 72. 14. 1 East Haddam, Conn. See 'Mies, H. B. The Old Chimney Stacks, etc. 7. 5 Eastham, Mass. See Pratt, Enoch. History of Eastham, etc. 8.3 Easthampton, Mass. See Payson, Lyman W. History of, etc. 25.2 Williston Seminary, See Williston Seminary. East India Company. Hints on the Present State of the Ques- tion, etc. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 2.) 53.5 Report of the Committee on Correspondence. (Pamph., Vol. 2.) 53. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 557 East Indies. Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, 1513- 1616. See Great Britain, Public Eecord Office. 35. 6 First English Voyages to. (Harris, John. Navigantium. Vol.1, pp. 46.)"^ 94.10 Strange Kews from Plymouth; Tragical Eelation of a Voyage from the Indies. London, 1684. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 9, p. 80.) 40. Sr True Eelation of Accidents which Lately Happened, etc, 1622. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 3, p. 421.) 40. a Eastlick, Mrs. Lavina. Thrilling Incidents in the Indian War of 1862; Being a Personal Narrative of the Outrages and Horrors Witnessed by Mrs. Eastlick, in Minnesota. Min- . neapolis, 1864. 8vo. 22. 5. 5 Eastman, Edwin. Seven and Kine Years among the Comanches and Apaches. Jersey City, N. J., 1874. 16mo. 15. 8^ Eastman, John E. Difference of Longitude between Detroit^ and Carlin and Austin, Nevada. Wash., 1874. 4to. 50. 1. 1 Difference in Longitude between the Naval Observatory at Washington and the Sayre Observatory of Lehigh Uni- versity. Wash., 1878. 4to. 50.1.1 Difference in Longitude between Washington and Ogden^ Utah. Wash., 1876. 4to. 50. 1. 1 Tables of Instrumental Constants and Corrections, for the Eeduction of Transit Observations. Wash., 1873. 4to. 50. 1. 1 Value of the Solar Parallax from Meridian Observations of Mars at the Opposition in 1877. Wash., 1881. 4to. 50. 1. 1 Eastman, Mrs. Mary H. The American Annual. Illustra- tion, of Indian Life. Phila. n. d. 8vo. 15. 9* Aunt Phillis^s Cabin. Phila., 1852. 12mo. 30. 13 Dacotah; or, Life and Legends of the Sioux, around Fort Snelling. Preface by Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. New York, 1849. 12mo. • 22. 1 Jenny Wade, of Gettysburg. Phila., 1864, 18mo. 31. 1 Eomance of Indian Life. Phila., 1853. 8vo. 22. 9 Eastman, Gen. Seth. See Townsend, Gen. E. D. Memoir of Eastman. 43. 6. E Easton, H. Treatise on the Intellectual Character, and Civil and Political Condition of the Colored People of the U. S. Boston, 1837. 8vo. 30. 14. 5 558 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. • Easton, Eufus. See Bay, W. V. IS". Sketch of. 18. 7 Easton, Mass. See Chaffin, W. L. History of Easton. 8. 2 Easton, Pa. Lafayette College. See Lafayette College. Eastwood, Maevin. Apostolic Platform. Vindication of the Baptists from the Charge of Close Commnnion. Sermon in Waterford, K Y. Lansingburgh, 1842. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 13, N^o. 16.) 53. 6 Eaton, Amasa M. The French Spoliation Claims, and Ehode Island Claimants. A Paper read before the E. I. Hist. Soc, Dec. 1, 1885. Providence, 1885. 8vo. 8. 7. 7 Eaton, Cyrus. History of Thomaston, Eockland, and South Thomaston, Me. 1605-1864. With Family Genealogies. Hallowell, 1865. 12mo. 7. 1 See Sibley, J. L. A Eemarkable Self-made Man. 43. 6 Eaton, Daniel C. Botany. Geol. Expl. Expl. 40th parallel. Vol. Y. 50. 8 The Dedham Eatons, from 1635 to the 5*th Generation. A Eeport read at the Annual Meeting of the Eaton Family Association in Boston, Oct. 21, 1884. New Haven, 1884. 8vo. 25. 7. 5 Eaton, Dorman B. Civil Service in Great Britain. History of Abuses and Eeforms and their bearing upon American Politics. K Y., 1880. 8vo. 35. 2 Eeport of the Civil Service Commission, to the President, April 5, 1874. Wash., 1874. 8vo. 57. 4. 3 The ''Spoils" System, and Civil Service Eeform, in the Custom House and Post Offices at:N'ew York. I!^. Y., 1881. 8vo. 57. 4. 3 Eaton, F. B. History of Candia, once known as Charmingfare. Manchester, K. H., 1852. 16mo. 7. 10 Eaton, John. Are the Indians Dying Out! Preliminary Ob- servations Eelating to Indian Civilization and Education. Wash., 1877. 8vo. 15. 11. 4 Illiteracy, and its Social, Political and Industrial Effects. An Address delivered by Invitation before the Union League Club of New York City, Dec. 21, 1882. n. p. n. d. 8vo. 56. 9. 4 Eaton, John Henry. Life of Andrew Jackson. Phila., 1824. 8vo. 44. 5 Eaton, Lilley. Genealogical History of the Town of Eeading, Mass., including Wakefield and :N'orth Eeading, from 1639 and 1874. Boston, 1874. 8vo. 9. 13 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 559 Eaton, Eev. Petek. A Sermon, delivered before His Excel- lency, John Brooks, Esq., Governor, etc. Mass. Election Sermon, 1819. Boston, 1819. 8vo. 56. 5. 3 Eaton, Theophilus. Memoir of, by J. B. Moore. (N. Y. Hist. Coll. 2d Set. Yol. 2.) . 10.4 Eaton, Gen. William. Life. From his Correspondence and Manuscripts. Brookfield, 1813. 8vo. 43. 9 Eaton Family. See Eaton, Daniel C. The Dedham Eatons. 22. 7. 5 Eaton's College of Commerce, Worcester, Mass. Catalogue, etc., 1859. 9. 9. 5 Ecclesiastical History. See Mosheim, von, J. L. 4 Vols. 38. 10 Ecclesiastical Polity. See Bradford, Wm. Dialogue Con- cerning the Church. Ed. by Charles Deane. Boston, 1870. 8. 3 Echoes from the South. Speeches, Proclamations, etc. ^. Y., 1866. 12mo. 30. 12 EcLAiREUR. Military Journal. J. W. De Peyster, Editor. Poughkeepsie, K Y., 1853-'55. 8vo. V Eclipse. See Gillis, J. M. Total Eclipse of the Sun, Sept. 7, 1858. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 11.) 49. 7 Lallement, J. Eelation, 1663. (Eelations, Vol. 3.) 20. 3 Le Jeune, Paul. Eelation, 1637. (Eelations, Vol. 1.) 20. 3 Mayer, A. M. Total Solar Eclipse, etc., Aug. 7, 1869. 51. 3. 2 Solar Eclipse Expedition to Caroline Island, May, 1883. 49.6 U. S. Naval Observatory. Eeports on the Total Eclipse of July 29, 1878, and Jan. 1 1, 1880. Wash. , 1880. 4to. 50. 1 Vimont, B. Eelation. 1642. (Eelations, Vol. 2.) 20. 3 See also Sun. Edda. See Anderson, E. B. Xorse Mythology. 40. 9 Eddy, Caleb. Historical Sketch of the Middlesex Canal, Mass. Boston, 1843. 8vo. 72. 7. 1 Eddy, Charles. Genealogy of the Eddy Family, Brooklyn. K Y., 1881. 16mo. 47. 9 Eddy, Jonathan. See Porter, J. W. Memoir. 47. 9 Eddy, Eobert Henry. Genealogical Memoir of Eev. Wm. Eddy. A. M., Vicar of the Parish of Crambrooke, Eng- land, from 1589 to 1616, and his American Descendants. Boston, 1883. 8vo. 47. 9 71 560 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Eddy, Egbert Henry — (Continued). Eeport on the Introduction of Soft Water into the City of Boston. Boston, 1836. 8vo. 8. 1. 3 Eddy, Eichard. History of the Sixteenth Eegiment N. Y. State Vols., 1862-'64. Phila., 1864. 12mo. 29. 12 The Martyr to Liberty. Three Sermons in Philadelphia, April, June, 1865, on Abraham Lincoln. Phila., 1865. 8vo. 43. 14. 1 Eddy Family. See Eddy, Charles. Genealogy of, . etc. 47. 9 Eddy, E. H. Genealogy of the Eddys. 47. 9 Porter, J. W. Memoir of Jonathan Eddy, etc. 47. 9 Eeunion at Providence, to Celebrate the 250th Anniversary of the Jjanding of John and Samuel Eddy, at Plymouth, Oct 29, 1630. Boston, 1884. 8vo. 47. 9 Edes, Eichard S. Address Delivered in the First Parish Church in Boston, July 4, 1876, at the Centennial Celebra- tion of American Independence, and the 138th Anniver- sary of the Incorporation of the Town. Clinton, 1877. 8vo. 25. 8 Genealogy of the Descendants of John May, who came to Eoxbury, Mass., in 1640. Boston, 1878. 8vo. 47.11 Edgar, CornIelius H. Curse of Canaan Eightly Interpreted, and Kindred Topics. Three lectures in the Dutch Ee- formed Church, Easton, Pa., Jan. and Feb., 1862. K Y., 1862. 8vo. 30. 14. 3 Germs and Growth; or Elements and Evidences of National Permanence. A sermon preached on the day of Thanks- giving, :N'ov. 28, 1861, in the Eeformed Dutch Church, Easton, Pa. K Y., 1861. 8vo. 56.7. 1 Edgar, John Todd. ISTashville, Tenn. First Presb. Church. Tribute of Eespect to the Memory of, etc. Nashville, 1860. 8vo. ' " 43.6. E Edgar County, III. The History of Edgar County, 111. Chi- cago, 111., 1879. 8vo. 83. 8 Edinburgh Eeyiew. , Vols. 2-46. 1803-'27. Edinburgh. 8vo. 34 Vols. 39. 7 Edison, Thos. A. See Garbit, F. J. The Phonograph and its Inventor. 43. g. e Editorial Association of Wisconsin. See Wisconsin, etc. Editors' and Publishers' Association, Kansas. See Kan- sas, etc. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRABY. 561 Edmands, J. Wiley. Oration, Boston, Mass., English High School. Semi-centennial Anniversary, 1871. 8vo. 8. 9. 6 Edmeads, Wm. National Establishment, National Security. Thoughts on the Consequences of Commuting the Tithes. 1816. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 7.) 53. 5 To the Editor of the British Eeview. Answer to his Ee- marks on the Preceding. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 12.) 53. 5 Edmunds, Charles A. See Michigan. Trial of C. A. Ed- munds, Commissioner of the Land Office, for Corrupt Con- duct. Lansing, 1872. 8vo. 85. 14 Edmunds, Geo. F. Life of Solomon Foot. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 30, No. 2.) 60. 8 Speech in the Senate of the IT. S., on the Bill to Prohibit Military Interference at Elections, May 9, 1879. Wash., 1879. 8vo. 33. 7. 5 Edmunds, Newton. (Gov. of Dak.) Message, Dec. 1863. Yankton, D. T., 1863. 8vo. 19. 14. 5 Edsall, Benj. B. Centennial Address. (Sussex County, N. Y. First Centenary, 1853. 8vo.) 10. 8. 2 Edson, Hanford a. The Church, God's Building. Historical Discourse, Dec. 22, 1867, at the Second Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis. Ind., 1868. 8vo. 18. 10. 4 Education. American Education as Described by the French Commission to the International Exhibition of 1876. (Circular of Information, Bureau of Education, No. 5, 1879). Wash., 1879. 8vo. 56. 9. 8 American Education, at the International Exposition to be held at Vienna in 1873. (Circular of Information, Bureau of Education for Nov., 1873). Washington, 1872. 8vo. 56. 9. 7 An American University. (From Eecords of the National Teachers' Association), n. t. p. 8vo. 56. 9. 2 A Bill to Establish a National University; with report of Congressional Committee, n. t. p. 56. 9. 2 Blind, Education of the. (From the N. E. Magazine for March.) n. t. p. 8vo. 56. 9. 3 Board of National Popular Education, 7th Annual Eeport, etc. Hartford, 1854. 8vo. 56. 9. 4 The Bufaline Prize. (Bureau of Education Circular.) Wash- ington, 1883. 8vo. ' 56. 8. 1 562 MINNESOTA EISTOBICAL SOCIETY. Education — (Continued). Circular No. VI. Department of Education, Containing: New England Academies and Classical Schools, by Eev. Chas. Hammond; and Public Instruction in Prussia, Secondary Schools, etc. n. t. p. 56. 9. 1 Co-education of the Sexes in the Public Schools of the U. S. (Circular of Information, Bureau of Education, No. 2, 1883.) Wash., 1883. 8vo. 56. 9. 9 Common School Controversy, The. Letters from the Secre- tary of the Board of Education of Massachusetts, in Eeply to Charges Against the Board, by the Editor of ''Chris- tian Witness," etc.; also, Extracts from the Daily Press. Boston, 1844. 8vo. 56. 9. 3 Daily Public School, The, in the U. S. Phila., 1866. 8vo. 56. 9. 5 Education in France. (Circular No. 4, Board of Education, 1881.) 56. 8. 1 Education in Italy and Greece. (Bureau of Education Cir- cular.) Wash., 1883. 8vo. 56.8.1 Education in Japan. (Bureau of Education Circular No. 2, 1875. Wash., 1875.) 8vo. 56. 8. 1 Educational Land Policy of the TJ. S. (Official Circular No. 3, National Dept. of Education, August, 1867.) n. t. p. 56. 9. 1 Elementary Education in Sweden. (Bureau of Education, Circular No. 2, 1878.) Wash., 1878. 8vo. 56. 8. 1 Eleventh Eeport of the Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor of Ireland, etc. Dublin, 1823. 8vo. 56. 8. 1 Exhibition of, at New Orleans Exposition. Wash., 1884. 8vo. 56. 9. 5 Fifty years of Freedom in Belgium; Education in Malta and Sheffield; Illiteracy and Crime in France, etc. (Bureau of Education Circular.) Wash., 1881. 8vo. 56. 8. 1 First and Second Annual Eeports of the American Woman's Educational Association. N. Y., 1853. 8vo. 56.8.2 First Annual Eeport of Wisconsin Teachers' Association, with Constitution, Proceedings and Addresses, etc., An- nual Meeting, Aug. 9-10, 1854. Madison, 1854. 8va. 56. 8. 3 Fourth Annual Eeport of the Ladies' Society for the Pro- motion of Education at the West. Presented at Annual Meeting in Boston, Feb. 2, 1850. 8vo. 56. 8. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 563 Education — (Continued). Hartwell, Edward Muzzy. Physical Training in American Colleges and Universities. 56. 9. 7 Higher Education ^n America, The. (From the " Galaxy,'^ March, 1871.) n. t. p. 8vo. 56.9.4 High School for Girls in Sweden. (Bureau of Education Circular.) Wash., 1882. 8vo. 56.8.1 Historical Summary and Eeports on the Systems of Public Instruction in Spain, Bolivia, Uruguay and Portugal. (Bureau of Education Circular ^o. 1, 1873.) Wash., 1873. 8vo. 56. 8. 1 History of Secondary, in Germany. (Bureau of Education Circular No. 3, 1874.) Wash., 1874. 8vo. 56. 8. 1 History of the Formation of the Ladies' Society for the Pro- motion of Education at the "West; with Two Addresses Delivered at its Organization, by Eev. Edward Beecher, D. D., and Eev. E. N. Kirk. Boston, 1846. 8vo. 56. 9. 4 Irish School System, The. (An Article from the "Princeton Eeview," January, 1842.) Princeton, 1842. 8vo. 56.8.1 Legal Provisions Eespecting the Examination and Licensing of Teachers. (Circular of Information, Bureau of Educa- tion, No. 1, 1883.) Wash., 1883. 8vo. 56. 9. 9 Maternal Schools in France. (Bureau of Education Circu- lar No. 5, 1882.) Wash., 1882. 8vo. 56. 8. 1 Memorial of the Directors of American Institute of Instruc- tion, to Legislature of Mass. n. t. p. [1837.] 8vo. 56. 8. 2 National Department of Education. Circulars Nos. 4 and 5, September and October, 1867. Constitutional Provisions Eespecting Education in each State, n. t. p. 8vo. 56. 9. 1 National Education Company's 1st Quarterly Eeport, March 31, 1857. London, 1857. 12mo. 56. 8. 3 Origin, Nature and Object of the New System of Education. London, 1812. 18mo. 31. 8 Outlines of Moral Exercises for Public Schools. By the Principal of the 20th Distrj^t School. Cin. O., 1871. 8vo. 56. 11 5 Proceedings and Lectures of the National Teachers' Associ- tion. National Association of School Superintendents, and American Normal School Association, at their Annual Meetings held ait Indianapolis, Aug. 1866. Albany, 1867. 8vo. 56. 8. 2 564 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Education — (Continued). Also, Proceedings for 1869. n. t. p. 8vo. 56. 8. 2 Proceedings at the Quarter Century Anniversary of the So- ciety for Promotion of Collegiate and Theological Educa- tion at the West, Marietta, O., I^oy, 7-10, 1868.' K. Y. 1868. 8vo. 56. 8. 3 Proceedings of the Department of Superintendence of the [N^ational Educational Association for 1874. (Circular of Information, Bureau of Education, ¥o. 1, 1874.) Wash., 1874. 8vo. • 56. 9. 7 Same for 1875, '80, '81, '83, '84, 'SQ. 56. 9. 8 Proceedings of Fifth Meeting of the International Business College Association, held in Cincinnati, O., June 10-13, 1873. Milwaukee, 1873. 8vo. 56. 8. 3 Progress of Western ;^du cation in China and Japan. (Bu- reau of Education Circular.) Wash., 1880. 8vo. 56.8.1 Eeport of a Special Committee on the Subject of Physical Training in the Public Schools. Boston, 1860. 8vo. 56. 9. 1 Eeport of the Directors of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece, for the year 1882-3. (Bureau of Education Circular.) Wash., 1884. 8vo. 56.8.1 Eeport of the Directors of the Philadelphia Education Society, March 20, 1855. Phila., 1855. 8vo. 56. 8. 3 Eeport on the Public Schools, and Systems of Public In- struction, in the Cities of ISTew York, Philadelphia, Balti- more and Washington. Boston, 1867. 8vo. 56. 9. 3 Eeport on the System of Education in China. (Circular of Information, Bureau of Education, Ko. 1, 1877.) Wash., 1877. 8vo. 56. 8. 1 . Eeports on the Systems of Public Instruction in Finland, Netherlands, Denmark, Wurtemberg and Portugal; with a Paper on the University of Leipsic. (Bureau of Educa- tion Circular No. 2, 1877.) 8vo. 56. 8. 1 The Scholiast Schooled. An Examination of the Eeview of the Eeports of the Annual Visiting Committees of the Public Schools of Boston, for 1845, by " Scholiast." By a Bostonian. Cambridge, 1846. 8vo. 56. 9. 3 Schools in British India. (Bureau of Education, Circular No. 2, 1873.) Wash., 1873. 8vo. 56. 8. 1 Scope and Plan of the School of Industrial Science of the Mass. Institute of Technology, Eeported by the Commit- tee, and Adopted May 30,1864. Boston, 1864. 8vo. 56.9.4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 565 Education — (Continued). Semi- Annual Eeport of Standing Committee on Music, of the Public Schools of Boston. 1861. 8vo. 56. 9. 1 Seventh Annual Eeport of American College and Education Society, at Annual Meeting, May 24, 1881. Boston, n. d. 8vo. 56. 8. 3 Also, 10th Annual Eeport, 1884. 8vo. 56. 8. 4 Shall State Text Books be Furnished to Scholars Free? Eeport of School Com. to City Council. (Boston, City Doc, No. 38, 1847.;) n. t. p. 8vo. 56. 9. 1 Statement of the Theory of Education in the U. S., as Ap- proved by Many Leading Educators. Wash., 1864. 8vo. 56. 9. 5 State [N^ormal Schools and other Institutions for Professional Training of Teachers. (Special Circular No. 10, U. S. Department of Education), n. t. p. 8vo. ' 56. 9. 5 State Teachers' Associotion of Kansas, its Constitution and Officers, and Papers read at session held at Emporia, Kansas, June 26-28, 1877. Topeka, 1877. 8vo. 56. 8. 2 . A Teacher's Appeal to the Parents and. Guardians of His Pupils. Hartford, 185^. 8vo. 56.9.4 Teachers' Institutes. (Circular of Information of Bureau of Education, No. 2, 1885.) 8vo. 56. 9. 10 Technical Instruction in France. (Bureau of Education Circular No. 6, 1882.) 8vo. 56. 8. 1 Third Annual Address before the Corresponding Associa- tion of the Princeton Theological Seminary, by the In- cumbent of the Hoff Scholarship. Phila., 1859. 8vo. 56. 9. 3 Tract for the Times, No. 1. n. t. p. 56. 9. 4 The Training of Teachers in Germany. (Bureau of Edu- cation Circular No. 1, 1878). 8vo. 56. 8. 1 See Abbott, Jacob. The Duties *of Parents, etc. 56. 9.6 Adams, F. G. Education and Industry. 56. 9. 2 Andrews, C. C. Present System of Education. 56. 9. 2 Ansorge, Chas. The Teacher in Prussia, etc. 56. 8. 1 ' Bache, A. D. Education in Europe. 56.1 Bacon, Leonard. Christianity and Learning. 53. 12 Barnes, Thomas. Public and Private Education. 35. 8 Barrows, Eev. W. High School Policy in Massachusetts. 56.9.5 Bascom, John. Education and the State. 56. 9. 5 566 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Education — (Continued). Bateman, iN^ewton. Natural Science in Public Schools. 56. 9. 3 Bates, S. P. On Mental and Moral Culture. 56. 1 Becker, G. F. Its Eelations to the State and Individual. 20. 7 Bicknell, Thos. W. Address at Madison. 56. 8. 4 See '-The Blind." Boardman Geo. N. Female Education. 56. 9. 2 Bollman, Lewis. Industrial Colleges. 56. 9. 2 Bowen, Francis. Classical Studies. 56. 9. 4 Bright, J. M. Educational Fund. 60. 8 Brooks, Chas. Appeal to Legislatures. . 56. 9. 3 A National System of Education. 56. 9. 4 National Education. 56. 9. 2 State Normal Schools in America. 56. 9. 2 Calthrop, S. R. Physical Development. 56. 9. 6 Carrington, H. B. Military Education in American Col- leges. 56. 9. 1 Chadbourne, Paul A. Waste of Labor in Education. . 56. 9. 7 Chamberlain, J. L. Education at Paris Exposition. 52.13 Channing, W. E. Education. (Works, 1855, Vol. 1.) 44.1 Clarke, F. W. Teaching Chemistry and Physics, in U. S. 56. 9. 8 Clark, W. T. Children's Eights — Schools for all. 60. 8 Clinton, De Witt. Free Schools. 44. 6 Common School Journal of Pa., Yol. 1, 1844. 56. 1 Cooke, J. P. Scientific Culture, etc. 56. 9. 1 Curry, J. L. M. National Aid to Education. 56. 9. 9 Gushing, Caleb. Discourse before American Institute. 56. 8. 2 Daniels, Edward. Industrial Education. 56. 9. 4 Dreher, Julius D. Endowments (for Colleges). 56. 9. 5 Dwight, B. W. Higher Christian Education. ^6. 1 ^ Eaton, John. Illiteracy and its Effects. 56. 9. 4 Eliot, C. W. A National University. 56. 9. 2 Emerson, Geo. B. Am. Institute of Instruction. 56. 9. 4 Education in Mass. Early Legislation, etc. 8. 3 Foster, John. Evils of Popular Ignorance. 56. 9. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE Education — (Continued). Freese, J. E. Eeport on School-houses, etc. 56. 9. 3 Fowler, M. F. A Defense of Corporal Punishment. 56. 9. 1 Ganse, H. D. Debt Learning Owes to Faith. 18. 11. 2 Garfield, J. A. On National Bureau of Education. 56. 9. 1 Garrett, Thos. E. Oration at Warrensburg, Mo., 1871. 56. 9. 2 George, Eev. A. C. National Education. 56. 9. 4 Gorrie, Wm. F. Address, Minn. Educational Association. 56. 9. 3 Haddock, C. B. Collegiate Education. Address. 53. 12 Hale, Eev. E. E. Baccalaureate A^ddress, 1881. 56. 9. 4 Harris, Eev. S. Address at Pitts.^eld. 56. 8. 3 Harris, W. T. State Provision for Education. 60. 1 Harrison, G. L. Chapters on Social Science. 57. 3 Harrison, Dr. J. P. Address before the Phi Delta Sigma Society. 56. 9. 2 Hawkins, D. A. Eeport on Compulsory Education. 56. 9. 3 Henry Joseph. Thoughts on Education. 53. 12 Hewitt, C. N. Health of Pupils. 22. 3 Hill, Thos. Integral Education. 56. 9. 2 Eeligion in Public Instruction. 56. 11. 5 History and Progress of Education from the Earliest Times. 56. 1 Hoar, G. F. Education a National Concern. 60. 2 Education the Only Safeguard, etc. 60. 8 Hoyt J. G, Eelation of Culture and Knowledge. 18. 7. 2 Hoyt, J. W. Address on University Progress. 56. 9. 3 A National University. 56. 9. 2 Eeport on Education. [1876.] 52. 6 Jones, Chas. W. Address to Graduates, etc. 56. 9. 2 Junius, H. W. P. Utility of Classical Learning. 74. 2. 7 Kerr, Michael C. National Education. 56. 9. 2 Kiddle, Henry, and Schem, A. J. Cyclopaedia of Educa- tion. 34. 3 Kiehle, D. L. Intelligence the Basis of Christian Civiliza- tion. 56. 9. 5 Kimball, E. B. Collegiate Education. 56. 9. 3 Lancaster, J. Vindication of Mrs. L's System. 53. 6 Langton, J. Opening Address upon Education. 20. 9. 8 Lawrence, E. Educational Progress in the U. S., 1776 to 1876. • 14. 10 72 568 MINNESOTA HISTOBICAL SOCIETY. Education — (Continued). Leland, C. G., Industrial Art in Schools. 56. 9. 9 Lincoln, H. H. School Discipline. 56. 9. 5 Lindsley, Philip. Speech About Colleges. 56. 9. 2 Lunt, W. P. Moral Education. 56. 11. 5 Mann, Horace. Education in Europe. 56. 8. 1 Keply to the 31 Boston Schoolmasters. 36. 9. 3 Mansfield, E. D. American Education, its Principles, etc. 56. 1 Marble, A. P. Development of Character, etc. 56. 9. 5 Marsh, H. National Eeligion, etc. 53. 5 Mayhew, Ira. Means and Ends of Universal Education. 56. 1 Mayo, Eev. A. D. Buildings for Children in the South. 56. 9. 10 Meredith, E. A. Short School Time, etc. 20. 9. 8 Minnesota Teacher and Journal of Education. 56. 1 Moore, Mrs. Samuel. To Infant School Society of Phila. 56. 9. 1 Morrill, J. S. IsTational Colleges. 56. 9. 2 Muzzey, A. B. The Higher Education. 56. 9. 4 National Educational Association. 38. 10 National Educational Association. Am. University. 60. 1 Netherlands — Eoyal Commission. Elementary, etc., Instruc- tion. 56. 1 Northend, W. D. Importance of Moral and Eeligious. 56. 9. 6 Northend, C. Obstacles to Greater Success. 56. 9. 6 Olin, Eev. S. Address at Genesee Wesleyan Seminary. 56. 9. 2 Orcott, Hiram. Discipline of the School. . 56.9.4 Otey, J. H., bp. Christian Education. 56. 3 Paddock, Eev. B. H. A Christian College. 56. 9. 2 Page, D. P. Advancement m Means and Methods. 56. 9. 6 Parker, Theodore. Public Education of the People. 53. 12 Patton, Benj. Supplying Schools with Books. 56. 9. 4 Peabody, A. P. Scientific Education of Mechanics, etc. 49.3 Peabody Education Fund, Proc. of Trustees, 1867-81. 56. 1 Phelps, Wm. F. Address before National Ed. Association. 56. 9. 2 Education and Civilization. 56. 9. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 569 IEdtjcation. Phelps, Wm. F. — (Continued). Education of the People, the Hope of the Eepublic. 56. 9. 3 Thoughts on Educational Science. 56. 9. 4 Philbrick, J. D. City School Systems in the U. S. 56. 9. 10 Truancy an(^ Compulsory Education. 56. 9. 3 Porter, Eev. Noah. Address at Wellesley College. 56. 9. 3 Post, Rev. T. M. Advantages of the Smaller Country Col- leges, m. 9. 3 Procee'dings of Indiana College Association. 56. 8. 4 Prosser, W. F. Promotion of Education. 60. 2 Government and Education. 60. 8 Pead, Daniel. Address on Education. 56; 9. 5 Reid, D. B. Revision of Education in Science. 22. 13. 2 "Sears, P. ^H. Classical Studies. 56. 9. 2 Sequin, E. Report on Education. 52. 6 Sexton, Dr. S. Deafness Among School Children. 56. 9. 8 Shiras, Alex. The N^ational Bureau of Education. 56. 9. 1 Slade, Wm. Reports to Bd. National Popular Education. 56. 8. 2 -Smart, J. H. Best System of Schools for a State. 56. 9. 4 .Smith, Annie T. Rural Schools, etc. 56. 7. 10 -Smith, Henry B. An Argument for Christian Colleges. m. 8. 3 Smith, Rev. W. Popular Instruction, etc. 56. 9. 5 Stebbins, G. B. Scientific and Industrial Education. 60. 1 .Steele, Allen. Address at Genesee Wesleyan Seminary. 74. 7. 2 Stimson, H. A. Christian Education. 56. 9. 2 Stowe, Rev. Calvin. Religious Element in Education. 56. 9. 6 Taft, C. P. German University and Am. College. 56. 9. 2 Tappan, H. P. Public Education. 56. 9. 3 Taylor, Rev. A. A. E. Secular Education. . 56. 11. 5 Tennessee. Appendix to Report, Supt. Pub. Ins., 1869. pp. 57-72. 18. 14. 2 Thompson, C. O. The Modern Polytechnic School. 56. 9. 5 Technical Instruction. 56. 9. 9 Thorpe, F. N. American History in American Schools. 56. 9. 5 'Townsend. W. National System of Education. 60. 8 570 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Education — (Continued). Tuttle, J. F. Address at Indiana State Teachers' Assoc. 18. 11. 1 Education of Moses, etc, 18. 11. 2* The Higher Culture, etc, 18. 11. 2 Visit to Four Eastern Colleges, etc. 18. 11. 2 The Well Prepared Freshman, etc. 56. 9. 2 TJllmann, D. Kon-Sectarian Education. . 56. 11. 5- Underwood, F. H. High School Education of Boys. 56. 9. 3. TJpham, J. B. Music in Public Schools. 56. 9. 4 Warren, Chas. Illiteracy in the U. S. 56. 9. 9 Wayland, Francis. Discourse before American Institute. 56. 9. 6^ Wead, C. K. The Teaching of Physics. 56. 9. 10' Webster, Daniel. Defense of the Christian Eeligion. 53. 12 AVhite, A. D. Political Education. 52. 13 White, E. E. Eelation of Education to Industry. 56. 9. 8 Wickersham, J. P. Education and Crime. 56. 9. 4 Winchell, N. H. The State and Higher Education. 56. 9. 2 Withington, Leonard. Penitential Tears, etc. 56. 9. 2: Woodman, J. S. Technological Education, etc. 74. 7. 2. W^oods, Geo. Technical Education. 56. 9. 3- Wyman, M. Corporal Punishment. 56. 9. 1 See also Agricultural Education, Colleges, Freedmen, In- dustrial Education, Schools, School Houses, Teaching,, etc. See also reports of the various State, City and Town Boards. of Education, etc. Education, Agricultural. See Agricultural Education. Education, Industrial. See Industrial Education. Education, Medical. See Medical Education. Education, Military. See Military Education. Edward I. ' Year books. See Harwood, A. J. 40. 12' Edwabd II. See Luard, A. E. Lives of Edward, the Con- fessor. . 40. 12 Edward II. See Cary, Henry. History of King Edward 11. 40. 3- Edward YI. See Burnet, Gilbert. History of the Eeformation. 40. 13 Edw^ard, Prince of Wales. life and Death of. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 8, pp. 163-178,) 40. 3. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 571 Edward, Prince, Duke of Kent. See Anderson, J. W. 20. 9. 8 Edward, D. B. History of Texas. Cincinnati, 1836. 12mo. 15. 14 Edwards, Eichard. Pab. Gazetteer, etc., of Mississippi River, from St. Cloud to N'ew Orleans, Sketches, etc. St. Louis, 1886. 8vo,. 22. 12 Edwards, Bela Bates. Address on Death of President Harri- son. Andover, May 14, 1841. 8vo. 43. 14. 6 Missionary Gazeteer, 1854. (Appended to Brown, J. M. Encyclopedia of Eeligious Knowledge). 8vo. 34. 14 Edwards, Bryan. Thoughts on the Proceedings of Govern- ment Eespecting the Trade of West India Islands with the U. S. 2d edit, enlarged. London, 1784. (Eev. War Pamph., Yol. 12, N^o. 5.) 14. 1 Edwards, Charles. Pleasantries about Courts and Lawyers of the State ofVew York. IST. Y. and London, 1868. 8vo. 10. 12 Edwards, Edward. Free Town Libraries, etc. N. Y. and London, 1859. 8vo. 74. 6 Life of Sir Walter Ealeigh. London, 1868. 8vo. 2 Vols. 43.2 Editor. Liber Monasterii de Hy da. (See Hyde Abbey, Eng.) 40.5 Edwards, F. S. Campaign in ^N'ew Mexico, with Col. Doni- phan, 1846- Phila, 1847. 16mo. 14.11 Edwards, J. W. Shelby and his Men ; or, the War in the West. Cincinnati, 1867. 8vo. 29. 9 Edwards, Gen. John. Biographical Sketch of. (Annals of Iowa, Vol. 8, p. 376. 19. 6 Edwards, Jonathan. Account of the Life of David Brainerd, etc. Added Beatty's Mission, etc. London, 1798. 8vo. 15. 10 The Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners. A Dis- course Delivered at Northampton at the Time of the Late Wonderful Eevival of Eeligion there. Boston, 1773. 12mo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 20, No. 4.) 53. 6 'The Life and Character of the Late Eeverend, Learned and Pious Mr. Jonathan Edwards, President of the College of New Jersey,- and, also, Eighteen Select Sermons on Vari- .ous Important Subjects. {Anon.) London, 1735. 12mo. 45. 4. 572 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Edwards, Jonathan— (Continued). Thoughts on the Eevival of Eeligion in I^ew England, 1740:. Prefixed, a Narrative of the Work in Northampton, 1735. N. Y. American Tract Society, n. d. 12mo. 56. 4 Two Dissertations. I. Concerning the End for which God Created the World. II. The Nature of True Virtue. Boston, 1765. 12mo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 20, No. 2.) (Pages 97 to 112 missing.) 53. 6^ See Tuttle Genealogy, p. 374. 47. 13- Memorial Address on. (See Woodbridge, J. E. Memorial Vol., etc., 1871.) 8vo. 47. 9 Edwards, Ninian. Edwards Papers, etc. Edited by E. B. Washburn. (Chicago Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 3.) 18. 12 See Edwards, N. W. History of Illinois, etc. Springfield, 1870. 8vo. IS. 12 Edwards, Ninian W. History of Illinois 1778-1833; and Life and Times of Ninian Edwards. Springfield, 1870. 8vo. 18. 12: Edwards, Thomas. English-Welsh Pronouncing Dictionary. 2 Vols. Treffynnon, 1864. 8vo. 34. 1.. Edwards County, III. See Flower, George. History. 18.12 History of Edwards, Lawrence and Wabash Counties, 111.,, with Biog. Sketches, 1682-1882. Phila., 1883. 4to. 83. 7 Edwards Family. Woodbridge, J. E., editor. Memorial Vol- ume of the Edwards Family Meeting at Stockbridge, Mass., Sept., 1870. Boston, 1871. 8vo. 47. 9' Eelking, Max von. Memoirs, Letters and Journals of Major General Eiedesel, During his Eesidence in America, 1776- 1783. Translated from the German by William L. Stone. Albany, 1868. 8vo. 2 Vols. 43. 3 Effect of Secession, etc. See Lord, Daniel. 2d ed. 1861. 30. 4. 1 Effinger, Eev. J. E. Unitarianism; its History and Position. Seventh Lecture of the Plymouth Church Fraternity Course, delivered March 4, 1875. St. Paul, 1875. 8vo. 56. 5. 1 Egan, Bartholomew. Address at the Commencement Exer- cises of the Louisiana State Seminary, etc., June 29, 1866.. Alexandria, La., 1866. 8vo. 15. 7. 2' Egbert, Ecbert, or Ecgbert, Abp. of York. Dialogus de Ecclesiastica Institutione; Confessionale, etc. (Great Brit. Pub. Eecord office. Ancient Laws of England.) 1840.. Fo. • V CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 573 Eggers, H. F. a., Baron. Flora of the St. Croix and the Vir- gin Islands. Washington, 1879. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 23.) 49. 9 Eggleston, Edward. The Mystery of Metropolisville. Fic- tion. Scene in Minnesota. K Y., 1873. 12mo. 22.8 An American Novelist and Preacher. [^Anon.'] n. t. p. 8vo. 13. 6. E Eggleston, Geo. Gary. Eebel's EecoUections. K Y., 1875. sm. 8vo. 30. 1 Eggleston, Eey. Nathaniel H. Eeligion in Politics. A Discourse to the Congregational Church and Society in Madison, 1866. 8vo. 56. 7. 5 Egle, Wm. Henry. Genealogical Eecord of the Families of Beatty, Egle, Muller Murray, Orth, and Thomas. Harris- burg, 1886. 8vo. 47. 1 Historical Eegister: Notes and Queries, Historical and Genealogical, Eelating to Interior Pennsylvania. 2 Vols. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1883-'84. 11. 13. 1 Illustrated History of Pennsylvania. (1699-1876). Harris- burg, 1876. L. 8vo. 11. 11 Notes and Queries, Historical and Genealogical. Parts I-VIII. Harrisburg, Pa., 1883. 4to. 11. 13. 1 Editor. Notes and Queries, Chiefly Eelating to the History of Dauphin County, Pa. (6 numbers.) n. t. p. 1884. 11. 13. 1 Pennsylvania Archives, See Pennsylvania. 11. 3 Pennsylvania Genealogies, Scotch, Irish and German. Har- risburg, 1886. 8vo. 46. 13 Egle Family. Egle, William H. Genealogical Eecord, etc. 47. 1 Egleston, T. Catalogue of Minerals, with their Formulas. Wash., 1863. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol 7.) 49. 2 Egli, J. J. Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte der Geographischen Namenlehre. Wien, 1883. 4to. 25. 6. 3 Eglisham, Geo. The Forerunner of Eevenge. Petitions Con- cerning the Death of King James. London, 1642. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 4, pp. 403-418.) 40. 3 Egwin, St. Life of. See Marleberge, Thos. de. 1863. 8vo. 42. 12 Egypt. Dean, Amos. History, Customs, etc. (History of Civilization, Vol. 1.) 40. 10 Douglas, James. Belief of the Ancient Egyptians Eegard- ing a Future State. 20. 9. 7 574 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Egypt. Dean, Amos — (Continued). On Two Mummies from Thebes. 20. 9.8 Glidden, G. E. Ancient Egypt, lier Monuments, etc. 25. 6. 2 Landseer, John. Sabaean Eesearches. 40. 7 Letters Edifiantes et Curieuses. Vol. 5. 20. 8 Lieblein, J. Recherches, etc. 52. 12 Mchols, T. Handy -Book of British Museum. 35. 2 Pennsylvania, University of. Translation of the Rosetta Stone. 11. 11 Wilford, Francis. Egypt and the Mle, etc. 40. 9 Descriptive. Curzon, Robt., Jr. Egypt in 1833. Ancient Monasteries, etc. 1854. 12mo. 40. 8 See also Pyramid. Ela, Jacob H. The True Policy. Speech in U. S., H. R., Jan. 21, 1870. Manchester, K H., 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 38, ^o. 31.) 60. 2 Elbert, Samuel. (Maj. Gen., Rev. War.) See Jones, C. C, Life and Services of. 43. 6. E Elder, Gyrus. Dream of a Free-trade Paradise, and Other Sketches, etc. (Published for the Industrial League.) Phila., 1873. 8vo. 57. 2. 3 Elder, William. Biography of Elisha Kent Kane. Phila. and London, 1858. 8vo. 43. 3 Debt and Resources of the U. S., and the Effect of Secession upon the Trade and Industry of the Loyal States. Phila., 1863. 8vo. 30. 11. 8 The Doctrine and Policy of Protection, with the History of our Tariffs from the Organization of the Federal Gov- ernment to the Present Time. Phila., 1860. 8vo. 57. 2. 2 Emancipation: Its Conditions and Policy. Lecture at Tre- mont Temple, Boston, 1886. 8vo. 30. 7. 5 How Our National Debt can be Paid. Resources of the IT. S. Phila., 1865. 8vo. 33. 7. 7 Memoir of Henry 0. Carey. Read before the Hist. Soc. of Penn., Jan. 5, 1880. Phila., 1880. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Schulden und Hullsguellen der Yereinigten Staaten. Phila., 1863. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 30.) 60. 1 The Western States: Their Pursuits and Policy. Phila., 1865. 8vo. (Industrial Protection, No. 12.) 57. 9 El Dorado, The (of the Spanish Explorers). See Winsor, Jus- tin. Narrative and Critical History of America. Yol. 2, pp. 579. 25. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 575 Eldred, H. B. History of Kinsman, Trumbull County, Ohio. (Mahoning Yalley, O., Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1, pp. 268- 445.) 18. 9 Eldridge, Chas. a. Conspiracy against William McGarrahan. Speech, H. R, Feb. 18, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 16i.) 60. 8 Naturalization and Immigration. Speech, H. E., June 9, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 39, No. 30.) 60. 2 Reconstruction. Speech, H.'R., Jan. 18, 1867. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 12, No. 36.) 60. 1 Election of Representatives, Parliamentary and Munic- ipal. See Hare, Thomas. 4th. ed. London, 1873. Sm. 8vo. 57. 3 Elections. See Mayham, S. L. Federal Interference in Elec- tions. Speech, 60. 8 Electoral Votes. See United States, President. Electricity. See Franklin, Benjamin. Letters and Papers on. (Works, 1 836-' 40. 8vo. Vol. 5.) Also Memoirs, 1859. 8vo. Vol. 2. 44. 2 Franklin Institute. Official Catalogue of Electrical Exhi- bition, Phila., Sept. 2, 1884. Phila., n. d. 8vo. 11. 5. 7 La Rive, A. de. Phenomena of the Propagation of Electric- ity. 49. 3 Lautenbach, B. F. Effects of Irritation of a Polarized Nerve. 49.3 Matteucci, Carlo. Electrical Currents of the Earth. 49. 3 Secci, A. Researches on Electrical Rheometry. 49. 7 Electro-Physiology. Matteucei, Carlo. Lectures on. (Smiths. Report, 1865, pp. 291-345.) 49. 3 Elements of Empire in America. See Seward, Wm. H. N. Y., 1844. 8vo. 25.6.1 Elephant. See Corse, John. Method of Catching, etc. (Asi- atic Researches, Vol. 3, pp. 229-248.) 40. 9 "The Life and Death of Jumbo," etc. n. p. 8vo. 51. 3. 7 Elephantiasis. On the Cure of Elephantiasis. By At 'har AliKhan, of Delhi. (Asiatic Researches, Vol. 2, pp. 149- 158.) 40.9 Elevations. Gannett, Henry. Dictionary of Altitudes in the U. S. ' 49. 4 Lists of Elevations West of the Mississippi river. 4th edit. (U. S. Geol. Survey, Misc. Publ. No. 1.) 49. 11 73 576 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Elevations — (Continued). Supplement. (U. S. Geol. Survey, Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 3.) 49. 5. 1 Spencer, J. W. In the Dominion of Canada. 49. 4 Elflora, OF THE SusQUEHANNAH. Poem. Harlan, C. PMla., 1879. 16mo. il. 11 Elford, Sir William. Few Cursory Remarks on the Obnox- ious Parts of the Game Laws. 2d ed., 1817. (Pamphleteer^ Yol. 10.) 53.5 Elgin Watch Company, Chicago. Almanac, 1876. Sq. 8vo.. 53. 10. 1 Eliot, Chas. Wm. The Exemption from Taxation of Church, Educational, Literary and Charitable Institutions Proper- ty, n. p., n. d. 8vo. 57.10.1 A National itniversity. Report made to the National Edu- cational Assoc. (Department of Higher Instruction), Aug. 5, 1873. Cambridge, 1874. 8vo. 56. 9. 2 Speech for Aid in Preserving the Old South Meeting House. Boston, 1878. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Addresses at His Inauguration as President of Harvard College. (See Harvard College.) 9. 2 See Hoyt, J. W. His Review of Dr. Eliot's Report. 56. 9. 2 Eliot, F. Percival. Letters on the Political and Financial State of the Nation, 1814-16. By Falkland. (Pamphleteer, Vols. 3, 4, 5, 8.) 53.5 Eliot, George, pseud. See Lewes, Mrs. M. J. 43. 12 Eliot, John. (The Apostle.) See Caverly, R. B. Annals of the Boodeys in New England. 47. 9 Same. Life and Labors of John Eliot. 47. 1> Eliot, W. H. Life. In his Genealogy, etc. 1854. 47. 9 Dearborn, Gen H. A. S. Sketch of Life of Eliot. 43. 6. E .Moore, Martin. John Eliot and his Indian Converts. 15. 9 Memoir of, in ''Lives of Missionaries. P. 1. London, n. d. 16mo. 45. 1 Eliot, John. Biographical Dictionary of the xFirst Settlers in New England. 43. n Eliot, Samuel. Annual Address at the Meeting of the Amer- ican Association for the Promotion of Science, at New York, Nov. 19, 1867. Boston, 1867. 8vo. 57. 10. 1 The Functions of a City. Oration in Boston, July 4th, 1868. Boston, 1868. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 11.) 9. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 577 Eliot, Samuel Atkins. Observations on the Bible for Young Persons. Boston, 1842. 12mo. 56. 2 Eliot, Samuel A. Letter to, in Reply to his Apology for Voting for the Fugitive Slave Bill. By Hancock. Bos- ton, 1851. 8vo. 30. 7. 6 Eliot, Thomas D. Freedmen's Bureau. Speech, H. of R., May 23, 1866. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 29, :N'o.'' 43.) 60. 8 Speech on' the River and Harbor Bill, H. of Rep., April 30, 1866. Wash., 1866. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 29, ]S^o. 8.) 60. 8- Eliot, William G. Address. (Washington University, In- augural Address, 1872.) 8vo. 18. 7. 2 Eliot, Wm. H. Genealogy of the Eliot Family. Enlarged by W. S. Porter. New Haven, Conn., 1854. 8vo. 47. 9 Eliot Family. See Caverly, R. B. Life of John Eliot, with Accounts of the Eliots in England. 47. 9 Eliot, W. H. Genealogy of the Eliot Family. 47. 9- Elizabeth, Queen of England. See Chapman, J. H. The Persecution under Elizabeth. (Royal Hist. Soc. Transac- tions, Vol. 9, pp. 21-43.) 32. 4 Declaration Conteyning the Causes which Haue Coustrayned Her to Arme Her Subiectes, etc. Sept., 1562. London. 4to. [Black letter.] (Harleian Misc., Vol. 1, pp. 374- 379.) • 40. 3 Declaration of Great Troubles Pretended against the Realm, by a Number of Seminar ie Priests and Jesuits. London, 1591. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 2, pp. 209-215.) 40. 3 Declaration of the Fauorable Dealing of Her Maiestie's Commissioners, Appointed for the Examination of Cer- taine Trai tours, and of Tortures Vniustly Reported to Be Done vpon Them. [Black letter.] (Harleian Misc., Vol. 1, pp. 514-517.) 40. 3 Disclosing, a, of the Great Bull, and Certain Calues that He Hath Gotten, and Especially the Monster Bull, that Roared at My Lord By shop's Gate. London. 8vo. [Black letter.] (Harleian Misc., Vol. 1, pp. 483-489.) 40. 3 [Chettle, Henry.] England's Mourning Garment, Worn here by Plain Shepherds in Memory of their Sacred Mistress,. Elizabeth. London, 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 2, pp. 481-507.) 40. 3 578 3IINNES0TA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. IElizabeth Queen of England — (Continued). Execution of lustice in England for Maintenance of Pub- lique and Christian Peace, Against Certeine Stirrers of Sedition. London, 1853. 4 to. [Black Letter.] (Har- leian Misc., Vol. 1, pp. 481-513.) 40. 3 Giacometti, Paolo. Historical play, ^ew York, 1866. 60. 8 Golden Speech of Queen Elizabeth to her last Parliament, ]S"ov. 30, 1601. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 2, pp. 352- 355.) • 40.3 History of her Life and Eeign. (Prefixed to Calendar of State Papers, Foreign SeriBS, 1558- '63.) 35. 6 [Naunton, Sir Eobert.] Fragmenta Eegalia; Observations on the Late Queen Elizabeth. 40. 3 Life. [Strickland, Agnes.] Qaeens of England. 1872. Vol. 3. 8vo. 43. 8 Summary of Certaine Reasons, Which Have Moved Queue Elizabeth to Procede in Reformations of Her Monies, 1560. 8vo. [Black Letter.] (Harleian Misc., Vol. 2, pp. 477-480.) ' 40. 3 Elizabeth, K J. See Hatfield, E. F. History of Elizabeth, K J- 10. 1 Christ Church. Statistics, etc. 8vo. 10. 2. 4 Elizabethtown, K J. See Murray, Rev. K Notes, etc. 10.2 Elkins, Stephen B. Admission of :N'ew Mexico as a State. Her Resources and Future. Speech in H. of R., May 21, 1874. Washington, 1874. sq. 8vo. 19. 14. 9 :Ellet, Charles. Physical Geography of the Mississippi Valley. 4to. (Smiths. Contr., Vol. 2.) 49. 7 Ellet, Charles, Jr., (C. E.) Reading R. R. Co. K Y., 1845. . Svo. 72. 14. 8 Ellet, Mrs. ^Elizabeth Fries. Pioneer Women of the West. IS". Y., 1852. 12mo. 43. 12 The Queens of American Society. K Y., 1867. 8vo. 45. 2 Summer Rambles in the West. Kew York, 1853. 12njo. 19.1 :Ellicott's Mills, Baltimore, Md. Tyson, M. E. 11. 1 Ellington, Conn. See Windsor, Conn. J^LLiOT, Daniel G. Classification and Synopsis of the Trochi- lidae (Humming-bird). (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 23.) 49.14 List of Described Species of Humming-birds. Wash., 1879. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 16.) 49. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 579' Elliot, Jacob G., M. D. See Newell, F. E. Sermon at Fune- ral of J. G. Elliot, Nov. 26, 1854. 43. 6. E Elliot, Jonathan, Compiler. Debates in the Several State Conventions, on Adoption of the Federal Constitution, 1787. (2d ed.) Phila., 1866. 8vo. 60. 2 Elliott, C. L. See Thorpe, T. B. Reminiscences of C. L. Elliott, Artist. 43. 6. E Elliott, E. B. Letters on the Credit of the U. S. Government. 1871. 8vo. 33. 7. 9 Military Statistics of the TJ. S. Berlin, 1863. 4to. 51. 9. 1 U. S. Securities. Letters on the Credit of the U. S. (jovern- ment. 1871-'72. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 16, Nos. 8-13.) 60.1 Elliott, G. B., (CanaiTe an Journalist.) Winnipeg as it is in 1874, and as it was in 1860. Ottawa, 1875. 8vo. n. t. p. 20. 5. 2 Elliott, H. W. Report on the Seal Islands of Alaska. (TJ. S. Census, 10th, Vol. 8, Special Reports.) 50. 10 Report upon Condition of Affairs in Alaska, 1874. Wash., 1875. 8vo. (U. S. Dept. ofTreas.) 20.13 Elliott, Isaac H. Record of the Services of Illinois Soldiers in the Black Hawk War, 1831-'32; and in the Mexican War, 1846-'48, etc. Springfield, 1882. 8vo. 17. 10 Elliott, J. D. Speech in ;Hagerstown, Md., :N"ov. 14, 1843. Phila., 1844. 8vo. 49.3 Elliott, Stephen, Bp. Reply to a Resolution of the Georgia Hist. Soc. (on the Prospects of the Soc), read Feb. 12, 1866. Savannah, Ga., 1866. 8vo. 15. J 3.1 Cohen, Solomon. Eulogy on Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliott. 43. 6. E, Ellis, A. G. (Surveyor General of Wis. and Iowa.) Fifty-four Years^ Recollections of Wisconsin, 1821-'75.* (Wis. Hist.. Soc. Coll., Yol. 7, pp. 207-268.) 19. 11 Ellis, Charles M. The History of Roxbury Town, Mass. * Boston, 1847. 8vo. * 9. 12 Memorial Address on Abraham Lincoln, at St. John,X. B., June 1, 1865. St. John, K B., 1865. 16mo. 43. 14. 1 Ellis, E. S. The Life of Col. David Crockett, etc. Phila., n. d. 12mo. 45. 3 Ellis, G. A. IsTew Britain. Narrative of a Journey to a Country in the Yast Plain of the Missouri, in ]^orth. America. (Fiction.) London, 1820. 8vo. 20. 4. 5S0 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ellis, George E. Address in Salem, Mass., at the Faneral of C. W. Upham, June 18, 1875, and Sermon by J.T. Hewes. Salem, 1875. 8vo. 43. 7. U Discourse in Boston, Before the Ancient and Honorable Ar- tillery Company, June 1, 1846. Boston, 1846. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 18, No. 9.) 53. 6 History of the Battle of Bunker's (Breed's) Hill, June 17, 1775. Boston, 1875. 8vo. 14. 10. 1 Las Casas, and the Eelations of the Spaniards to the In- dians. (Nar. and Crit. Hist, of America, Yol. 2, Chap. 5, pp. 299-348.) 25. 9 Oration at Charlestown, Mass.-, June 17, 1841, on the Battle of Bunker Hill. Boston, 1841. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 18, No. 8.) . • 53. 6 The Christian's Dependence on the Great Hope; a Sermon Preached in Harvard Church, Charlestown, Feb. 19, 1854. (Eeprinted from the Monthly Eeligious Magazine.) Bos- ton, 1854. 8vo. 56. 7. 5 The Opening, the Use, and the Future of Our Domain on this Continent. An Address before the N. Y. Hist. Soc, Nov. 16, 1886. 8vo. 10. 4. 1 The Eelative Obligations of the Christians to the Heathen. ^ Boston, 1844. 8vo. 56. 14. 4 The Eoman Church and American Institutions. (From the Unitarian Eeview, May, 1880.) 56. 12. 8 The Eeligious Element in the Settlement of New England. Puritans and Separatists in England. (Nar. and Crit. Hist, of Am., Yol. 3, Chap. 7, pp. 219-286.) 25. 9 Ellis, Henry, (Gov. of Ga). Voyage to Hudson's Bay 1746- 47, for Discovering a Northwest Passage. London, 1748. 8vo. 20. 5 Same, Dublin, 1749. Sm. 8vo. 20. 5 Ellis, Henry. A General Introduction to Domesday Book; Accompanied by Indexes of the Tenants-in-Chief, and Under-tenants, at the time of the Survey, etc. 2 Vols. London, 1833. 8vo. 42. 5 Ellis, John Harvard. Lord Brougham, Considered as a Law- yer. Boston. (Eeprinted from Am. Law Eeview.) 1868. 8vo. 43. 6. B.2 Ellis, Margaret. Journal of. Phila., 1886. 16mo. (Bound with Life of Elizabeth Ashbridge.) ' 45. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. • 581 Ellis, EuFUS. Life, Services, etc., of Edward Everett. Sermon*' iu Boston, Jan. 22, 1865. With Appendix. Boston, 1865. 8vo. 43. 6. E Memoir of the Hon. Samuel Howe. Boston, 1850. 18mo. 43. 13. H. 2 Our Completeness in Christ; Commemorative Sermon on Mrs. Abby Langdon Wales, Oct. 4, 1868. Boston, 1868. 8vo. 43. 7. W. 2 Sermon in Eirst Church, Chauncy street, May 10, 1868. Boston, 1868. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol.. 7, N^o. 11.) 9.2 Sermon in Memory of the late Samuel Bradlee, in Church of the Eedeemer, Boston, Aug. 11, 1867. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 The Gospel Committed to Inspired Witnesses. Sermon at the Dedication of the Fifth House of Worship of the First Church, Boston, Dec. 10, 1868. Sermon, Dec. 13. Cambridge, 1869. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 2, :N^o. 6.) . 9.2 The Kingdom of God First; A discourse before the Benevo- lent Fraternity of Churches, April 22, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 56. 7. 2 Ellis, Thomas T. Leaves from the Diary of an Army Surgeon. :N^. Y., 1863. 12mo. 30. 8 Ellis, Wm. S. • Antiquities of Heraldry. London, 1869. 8vo. 46.2 Ellsworth, H. W. Valley of the Upper Wabash, lud. K Y., 1838. Sm. 8vo. 18. 11 Ellsworth, Oliver. See Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. 44.6 Flanders, H. Lives of Chief Justices of the U. S. Vol. 2. 45. 5 Ellwis, Gervase. Lieutenant of the Tower's. Speech, and Eepentance for the Murder of Sir Thomas Overbury. London. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 3, pp. 316-322.) 40. 3 F^LMER, Dr. Ebenezer. Extracts from a Journal Kept During Gen. Sullivan's Expedition to the Six Kations, in 1779. (K J. Hist. Sdc. Proc, Vol. 2, p. 43.) 10. 8. 2 IElmer, Lucius Q. C. Constitution and , Government of the Province and State of New Jersey, with Biographical Sketches of the Governors, from 1776 to 1845. N'ewark, 1872. 8vo. (N. J. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 7.) 10. 8' 582 3nNNES0TA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. I Elmer, Lucius Q. C— (Continued). History of the Constitution of New Jersey. (K. J. Hist.. Soc. Proc, 2d Ser., Vol. 2, pp. 133.) 10. 8. 1 Elmer, Thomas. Letter to Thomas Hope on the Fine Arts. 1814. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 3, p. 329.) 53. 5 Elmira, N. Y. First Annual Report of the Y. M. C. A. of Elmira; with the Charter, etc. Elmira, 1859.* 8vo. 56. 14. 6 Masonic Belief Association. Report, 1879. 52. 2. 1 Elmore, Fra^tcis Harper. See Webster, D. Eulogy on. 44.5 El Paso, Texas. The City and County of El Paso, Texas; Its Resources and Advantages, etc. El Paso, 1886. 8vo. 15. 14. 2- Elting, Irvin^g. Dutch Village Communities on the Hudson River. (John Hopkins University Studies, etc. 4th Ser., No. 1.) Bait., 1886. 8vo. 11. 8. Q Elwood, G. DeWitt. Memoir of, by S. D. Hastings. 19. 11 Ely, Hon. Alfred. Journal of a Prisoner of War in Rich- mond. Ed. by Charles Lanman. N. Y., 1862. 12mo. 30. L Ely,- Alfred B. Eulogy on Zachary Taylor, Newton, Mass., Aug. 13, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8vo. 43. 7.T.L Ely, George H. Remarks before the Committee on Commerce, of Congress, in Opposition to the Bridging of the Straits- of Detroit, Feb., 1880. No irapr. 8vo. 18.4.4 Ely, Herman. Records of the Descendants of Nathaniel Ely,. the Emigrant who Settled First in Newton, now Cam- bridge, Mass. Cleveland, 1885. 4to. 47. 9- Ely Family. See Ely, Herman. Descendants of Nathaniel Ely. 47. 9' Emancipation. See Colonization, Freedom, Slavery, etc. Emancipation League. Facts Concerning the Freedmen.. From Military Men in. the South. Boston, 1863. 8vo. 30. 7. 7 Embalming. Nekrosozoic, or Embalming Process. Reports on, by F. Delafield, and Other Physicians. N. Y., 1868. 8vo. 51. 11. 4 Embree, Elisha, (of Ind). Speech on the Bounty Land Bill, delivered in the H. of R., Wed., May 3, 1848. Wash., 1848. 8vo. (Mexican War Pamph., No. 19.) 16. 10> Emerald Isle. Poem. See Phillips, Charles. 43. L CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 583 Emersie, John, j?s6M(^. Alisto, a Eomance. [Scenes Laid in St. Paul, Minn.] N. Y., 1884. 12mo. 74. 2 Emerson, Charles L. Finances of Eamsey County. Eeport of a Committee of Investigation, July 24, 1858. n. t. p. . 8vo. 22.13.5 Eise and Progress of Minnesota Territory. St. Paul, 1855. • 8vo. 22. 12. 4 Emerson, Ellen Eussell. Indian Myths, or Legends, Tradi- tions and Symbols of the Aborigines of America, Com- pared with those of Other Countries, Including Hindo- stan, Egypt, Persia, Assyria and China. Boston, 1884. 8vo. 16. 4 Emerson, G. Cotton in the Middle States, with Directions for its Easy Culture. Phila. 12mo. n. d. 72. 9. 2 Emerson, Geo. B. Address at the Opening of the Boston Me- chanics Institution, Feb. 7, 1827. Boston, 1827. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 1.) 9. 2 Education in Massachusetts. Lowell Institute Lecture, Feb. 16, 1869. Boston, 1869. 8vo. 8. 3 History and Design of the American Institute of Instruction. Boston, 1849. 12mo. 56. 9. 4 Biogr. Sketch of. Amer. Jour, of Ed. Y. 5. 43. 6. E Same. By Eobert C. Waterston. 9. 4 Eeminiscences of an Old Teacher. Boston, 1875. 16mo. 45. 2 Emerson, Joseph. Address. See Beloit College. 18. 5. 3 Questions Adapted to Whelpley's Compend of History. N. Y., 1844. 12mo. 52. 12 Emerson, Ealph Waldo. Address before the Senior Class in Divinity College, Cambridge, 15th July, 1838. Boston, 1838. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 3.) 53. 12 Clarke, J. F. Momoir of Emerson. 9. 4 Holmes, O. W. Memoir of Emerson. 45. 9 The Town Meeting. Extract from his Address at Concord. 57. 10. 4 Stewart, Geo., Jr. Emerson, the Thinker. 20. 9. 8 Emerson, Wm. Sermon in Brattle Street Church, Boston, After the Interment of Madame Elizabeth Bowdoin. Boston, 1803. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Emerson, Wm. A. History of Douglass, Mass., to 1878. Boston, 1879. 8vo. 9. 12 74 584 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Emery, Eush. Chemical Work of the Iowa Geol. Survey. See White, C. A. 51. 13 Emery, S. Hopkins. Memorial of the Congregational Ministers and Churches of the Illinois Association. Quincy, 111., 1863. 8vo. 18.6.3 Ministry of Taunton, Mass. Boston, 1853. 12mo. 8. 3 Emery, Sarah Anna. Editor. Eeminiscences of a Nonagen- arian, l^ewburyport, 1879. 8vo. 44. 13 Emigrants' Guide to Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota. 1857. 22. 5. 7 To the Western and SouthAvestern States. See Darby, Wm. 18.5 Emigrants' Hand Book of Facts, etc. See Butler, Samuel. 40.9 Emigration. • See Kapp, Friederich. European Emigra- tion, etc. 60. 2 Sturz, J. J. Suggestions for the Encouragement of. 60. 8 See also "Immigration." Emma Silver Mine. See Chittenden, S. E. Statement. 20. 14. 3 Emma Mine [Swindle. Campaign Text Book, 1878. 33. 13 Emmerton, Jas. a. Genealogical Account of Henry Silsbee, and Some of His Descendants. Salem, 1880. 8vo. 47. 6 (And Waters, F.) Gleanings from English Eecords about New England Families. Salem, 1880. 8vo. 46. 12 Emmons, Eichard. Battle of Bunker Hillj Poem. 10th ed. * Boston, 1859. 8vo. 14. 3 The Fredoniad; or. Independence Preserved. An Epick Poem on the War of 1812. 4 Vols. Boston, 1827. 12mo. 25. 8 Emmons, S. F. Descriptive Geology. (U. S. Dept. of War Geol. Expl. 40th Parallel.) 50. 8 (And Becker, G. F.) Statistics and Technology of the Pre- cious Metals. (U. S. Census Eeport, 1880. Part 13.) 4to. 50.7 Emmons, William. Authentic Biography of Col. Eichard M. Johnson. K Y., 1833. 16mo. 43. 9 Emms, Dr. Mighty Oracle, The. London, 1708. Folio. (Har- leianMisc.,Yol. 11., p. 62.) 40.3 Emory, Wm. H. Notes of a Military Eeconnaissance from Ft. Leavenworth, in Mo., to San Diego, iuCal. Wash., 1848. 8vo. 61. 11 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 585 Emoey, Wm. H. — (Continued). Kotes of Travel in California. :N'. Y., 1849. 8vo. 20. 14. 1 Eeport on the U. S. and Mexican Boundary Survey, 1854- '55. Wash., 1857-'59. 4to. 2 Vols. 49. 12 EiVCARNACiON Prisoners. Comprising an Account of the March of the Kentucky Cavalry from Louisville to the Rio Grande, together with an Authentic History of the Cap- tivity of the American Prisoners, etc. Louisville, 1848. 12mo. ■ 16. 10 Encke, Johann Franz. Memoir of. (Smiths. Rep., 186S.) 49.3 Encyclopedia. See Brown, J. ^N^. Religious Knowledge. 84. 14 Burke, J. and J. B. Encyclopedia of Heraldry. 46. 7 Chambers, E. Chamber's Encyclopedia. 34. 12 Encyclopedia Britannica. 8th and 9th ed. 34. 13 Johnson & Son. ^ew Universal Encyclopedia. 34. 5 Lieber, Francis. Encyclopedia Americana. 83. 6 Murray, Hugh. Encyclopedia of Geography. 34. 10 Zell, T. E. Popular Encyclopedia. (L. Colange.) 34. 14 Encyclopedia Britannica. 8th ed. 34. 13 End of the Irrepressible Conflict. By a Merchant of Phila. Phila., 1860. 8vo. 30. 7. 6 Endicott, Charles M. Genealogy of the Peabody Family, With Partial Record of the Rhode Island Branch. By B. F. Pabodie. Boston, 1867. 8vo. 47. 5 Endicott, John, (Gov. of Mass). Memoir of, by C. M. Endi- cott. 46. 3 Commemoration of the 5th Half Century of His Landing in Salem, Sept. 18, 1878. (Essex Inst. Coll., Vol. 15.) 8. 4 Endicott, W. C. Address at the Commemoration, etc. 8. 2. E Endicott, "WilliaiM C. Address at the Commemoration of the . Landing of John Endicott, before the Essex Institute, Sept. 18, 1878. Salem, 1879. 8vo. 8. 2. 6- Engelskt och Svenskt Handlexicon. Stockholm, n. d. 16mo. 34. 1 Engineer Department, U. S. Army. See IT. S. Dept. of War. Engineering. Yan Kostrand's Eclectic Engineering Magazine. Vols.1-11. N. Y., 1869-'74. 8vo.l 2 Yols. 93. 13 586 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. . ENGLAND, John. (Eoman Catholic Bishop.) Letters to John Forsyth, on Domestic Slavery. Baltimore, 1844. 8vo. 30. 13 England. See Allen, W. F. Origin of the Free-holders. 19. 12. 1 Same. Enral Population of England. 19.12.1 Ancient Customs of England. 40. 3 Bateman, John. Aristocracy of England. 35. 8 Bawden, Wm. Dom boc. Translation of the Domesday. 40. 14 Oockayne, Oswald. . Leechdoms, Wortcunning, etc. 40. 4 Conference Between Monarchs of France and Spain. 1641. 40.3 Discourse, the State of the Three Kingdoms. 1641. 40.3 Domesday Book, or Great Survey of England. 93. 7 Ellis, Henry. Introduction to Domesday Book. 42. 5 Extraordinary Black Book. 35. 9 Hoskyns, C. W. Land laws of England. 35. 2 Judge's Judgment. Speech against the Judges, 1641. 40. 3 Law's Discovery, The. Notorious Errors and Abuses. 40. 3 Narrative of Trial of Confederates, etc. 40. 3 Present Case of England, and the Protestant Interest. 40. 3 Present State of England. 1627. 40. 3 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the Queens of England. 43. 8 Second Eelation of Accidents in Wydecombe. 1638. 40. 3 Trade's Increase. London, 1615. 40. 3 Trial and Condemnation of Adrian Scroope, etc. 40. 3 Walford, Cornelius. Kings Briefs, their Purposes, etc. 35.9 Antiquities. See Surrey Archaeological Society, Collections. 35.9 Biography. See Biography, Collective, British. Church of. See Church of England. Colonies. See British Colonies.- Descriptive. See Brown, W. W. American Fugitives in Europe. 30. 6 Carnegie, Andrew, American Four-in-hand. 42. 13 Collectanea Typographia et Genealogica. . 46. 6 Cooke, W. B., and Cooke, G. Description of Thames. 35. 9 Dudley, Dean. Social and Political Aspects. 35. 8 Dugdale, Wm. Monasticon Anglicanum. SQ. 2 Fleming, Sandford. England and Canada. 17. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 587 England — (Continued). Harris, George. Domestic Every-Day Life. 35. 9 Irving, Washington. Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey. 74.1 Same. Bracebridge Hall. 74. 1 Same. Sketch Book. 74. 1 Laugel, Aug. England, Political and Social. 35. 8 Lester, C. E. The Glory and Shame of England. 35. 10 Lewis, Percival. Forests and Forest Laws. 35. 14 Lewis, Samuel. Topographical Dictionary of England. 34.7 Moule Thomas. English Counties Delineated. 40. 14 Mchols, J. G. Topographer and Genealogist. 46. 2 Willis, N. P. Famous Persons and Places. 44. 8 Historical. Account of the Late Scotch Invasion. [1708.] London, 1709. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 11, pp. 66-87.) 40. 3 Adolphus, John. History of England. 35. 3 Anderson, J. J. School History of England. 35. 9 Bradlaugh, Chas. Impeachment of the House of Brunswick. 35.9 Brief History of the Succession of the Crown of England. Folio. 1688-'89. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 9, pp. 248-270.) 40.3 Brief Relation of Passages in the Star Chamber, at the Cen- sure of Dr. Bastwicke, Mr. Burton and Mr. Prynne. 1638. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 4, pp. 220-236.) 40. 3 Buckle, H. T. History of Civilization in England. 40. 2 Capgrave, John. Chronicle of England. London. 40. 5 Certain Advertisements Concerning Losses, etc., to the Spanish Navy. London, 1588. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 2, pp. 47-59.) 40.3 Clarke, Hyde. Settlement of Britain and Russia by the . English Races. -35. 9 Cotton, Bartholomew. Historia Anglicana, etc. 40. 12 Craik, G. L., and MacFarlane, Chas. Pictorial History of England. 35. 11 D'^ubigne, J. H. Merle. Reformation in Europe. 42. 10 De Peyster, Fred. Representative Men of the English Rev- olution. 52. 10. 4 Dixon, W. H. Her Majesty's Tower. ' 35. 9 588 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. England — (Continued). Freeman, Edw. A. History of the Norman Conquest of England, etc. 42. 13 Froissart, le Sieur Jean. Chronicles of England, France and Spain, etc. 8vo. 40. 13 Great Victory Obtained by the English against the Dutch, Sept. 27, 1652. London, 1652. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 6, pp. 269-272.) 40. 3 Green J. E. The Conquest of England by the Danes, etc. 42.13 Short History of the English People. 35. 9 Hallam, Henry. . Constitutional History of England. 42. 6 History o*f England. Declaring the State of the Isle of Britain under the Eoman Empire. London, 1602. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 2, pp. 411-476.) 40. 3 Hooper, James. Impartial History of English Eebellion, etc. fo. . 93. 7 Hoveden, Eoger de. Chronica. 40. 5 Hughes, T. S. History of England, etc. 35. 3 Hume, David. History of England, etc. 35. 3 Hyde, Edward. History of the Eebellion. (1641-1660.) 35. 8 Kemble, J. M. The Saxons in England, etc. 42. 12 Knight, Charles, publ. Pictorial History of England, etc. 35. 11 Langtoft, Peter. Chronicle in French Verse, etc. 40. 12 Lappenberg, J. M. History of England under the Anglo- Saxon Kings, etc. 35. 10 Letters and Papers Illustrative of the Wars of the English in France during the Eeign of Henry VI. Ed. by J. Ste- venson. London, 1861-66. 8vo. 3 Vols. 40. 11 Liber Monaster ii de Hyda. 8vo. 40. 5 Lingard, John. History of England, etc. 35. 10 Livere de reis de Brittanie, etc. 40. 12 Macaulay, T. B. History of England, etc. 35. 9 ]S"edham, Marchamont. English Eebellion, in Verse. (Har- leian Misc., Vol. 7, pp. 185-208.) 40. 3 Oldmixon, John. Eeign of the Stuarts. Fo. 93.7 Packe of Spanish Lyes, etc. (Harleian Misc., Vol! 2, pp. 117-129.) 40. 3 Paris, Matthew. Historia Anglorum, etc. 40. 11 Public Eecord Office, Brit. Gr. Monumenta Historica Brit- annica, etc. Vol. I. [To :N^orman Conquest.] 94. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 5S9 England — (Continued). Richard, of Cirencester. Speculam Historiale, etc. 40. 6 Short Historical Collection, Touching Saccession, etc. (HarleianMisc, Vol. 9, pp. 271-273.) 40. 3 Smollett, Tobias. History of England, etc. 35. 3 Stille, C. J. How a Free People Conduct a Long War. 30. 4. 1 Same. K Y. n. d. (Loyal Pub. Soc, l^o. 13.) 30. 9 Strutt, Joseph. Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England. 25. 8 Thierry, J. N. A. History of Conquest of England. 35. 8 Thomas, F. S. Historical :N^otes. 35. 11 Turner, Sharon. History of the Anglo-Saxons. 38. 2 Same. England during Middle Ages. 38. 2 Same. The Modern History of England. 38. 2 Ubaldini, Petruccio. Discourse. (Harleian Misc.) 40. 3 Walshingham, Thomas. Historia Anglicana. 40. 4 Wars, The, and Causes of them, between England and France, from William I. to William HI. 1697. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 10, pp. 284-328.) 40. 3 Waurin, Jean de. Recueil des Chroniques, etc. 40. 6 Wykes, Thomas. Chronicon, 1066-1289. 40. 5 Great Britain — Public Record Office. Chronicles and Me- morials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages. London. (Various dates.) 8vo. 95 Vols. 40. 4. 6. and 11. 13 Same. Also under N^ames of Sovereigns, Reformation, etc. History of Religion in. Turner, S. Vol. 5. 38. 2 House of Commons See Great Britain — Parliament. House of Lords. Great Britain — Parliament. Law. Ancient Laws and Institutes of England. Also, Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, 7th-10th Century.. London, 1840. 94. 4 See Hett, John. Free and Candid Disquisitions, etc. (Vol. 31, No. 10, Rev. Pamph.) 14.8 Also, Law. Rose, George. Observations on the Poor Laws of, etc. 53. 6 Whitehead. Speech on the Poor Laws. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 11, No. 4.) 53. 6 Wood, Thomas. Institute of Laws of England. 93. 7 Parliament See Great Britain' — Parliament. 590 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. England — (Continued). Peerage. See Great Britain — Peerage. Privy Council. Proceedings and Ordinances. Eichard II., 1386; Henry VIII., 1542. Edited by Sir Harris Nicolas. London, 1834-'37. 8vo. 7 Vols. (Great Britain Public Eecord Office.) 35. 4 Politics. See Hare, Thomas. Election of Representa- tives. ^1.^ Paine, Thomas. Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance. 53. 12 Political Poems and Songs, 1327-1484. 40. 4 See also Monarchv. Politics, Cromavell. See Butler, Sand. Acts and Monu- ments of Our Late Parliament. 1659. 40. 3 Cole, Wm. A Rod for the Lawyers. 1659. 40.3 Democritus, Turned Statesman. 1658. 40. 3 Expedient for Preventing Any Difference, etc. 1659. 40. 3 Let Me Speak, too. 1659. , 40. 3 Leveller, The. Principles Concerning Government. 1659. 40.3 Plea for Limited Monarchy. 1659. 40. 3 Prynne, Wm. Short and Easy Prescription, etc. 165.9 40.3 Shuffling, Cutting and Dealing, etc. 1659. 40. 3 Politics, Charles II. Reasons which induced Charles II to Declare, War.- 1689. 40.3 Answer to the French Declaration of War. 1665. 40. 3 Bibliotheca Fanatica. 1660. 40. 3 Bibliotheca Militum. 1659. 40. 3 Britaine, Wm. de. Dutch Usurpation. 1672. 40.3 The Cloud Opened, etc. 1670. , 40. 3 Exact Account of the Receipts and Disbursements, etc. 1660. 40. 3 Forde, Sir Edward. Experimented Proposals. 1666. 40.3 Grand Concern of EDgland Explained. 1673. 40.3 Grand Designs of the Papists. 1678. 40. 3 Honour's Invitation. 1673. 40. 3 Justification of the Present War, etc. 1672. 40. 3 Letter Written by an Unknown Hand, etc. 1673. 40. 3 Memorial of the Spanish Ambassador, etc. 1681. 40. 3 Pacquet-boat Advice. 1678. , 40. 3 Present State of Christendom. 1677. 40. 3 to be Elected, 40.3 L670. 40.3 40.3 40.3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BART. 591 England — (Continued). Qualifications of Persons . . . The Eoyal Fishing Eevived. Tears of the Press. 1681. Voice from the Dead. 1681. Politics, James II. Designs of France against England. 40.3 Enquiry into the Measures of Submission, etc. 1688. 40. 3 Politics, Wm. and Mary. The Apparent Danger of an Invasion. 1701. 40. 3 Catalogue of Books of the Newest Fashion. 40. 3 A Descent from France. 1692. 40. 3 Dialogue between Francisco and Aurelia. 1690. 40. 3 Doctrine of Passive Obedience. 1689. 40. 3 Essay towards Carrying on the Present War. 40. 3 Jacobite Hopes Frustrated. 1690. 40. 3 New Looking-Glass for the Kingdom. 1690. 40. 3 Parable of the Bear -Baiting. 1691. 40. 3 Parable of the Three Jackdaws. 1696. 40. 3 Pretenses of the French Invasion Examined. 1692. 40. 3 Proposal for an Equal Land Tax. 1691. 40. 3 Quakers' Eemonstrance to the Parliament. 1689. 40. 3 Eeasons for Settling Admiralty Jurisdiction. 1690. . 40. 3 Speech of a Fellow-Commoner of England. 1689. 40. 3 Taxes no Charge. 1690. 40. 3 Politics, Anne. Character of a Sneaker. 1705. 40. 3 Division, our Destruction. 1702. 40. 3 Inquiry into the Causes of our Xaval Miscarriages. 1707. 40.3 King William's Ghost. 1711. 40. 3 Proposals for Carrying on Effectual War in America. 1702. 40.3 Eoyal Gamesters, etc. 40. 3 Secret History of the Calves-Head Club. 1703. 40. 3 State Gamesters, etc. 40. 3 Politics — George II. Siblline Leaves. 1755. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 32.) 14. 8 State of the Nation Considered. 1747. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 32.) 14. 8 Politics — George III. Anglia Eediviva. 1782. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 11.) 14. 1 75 .'592 IflNNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. JBngland. Politics — (Continued). Cabinet Conference, or Tears of Ministry. 1779. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 22.) 14. 1 Chalmers, Geo. Opinions on Interesting Subjects. 1784. 24.1 ■Chalmers, James. The Scots Bankrupt Bill. 1782. 14. 1 Considerations Preliminary, etc. 1781. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 13.) 14. 1 Correspondence with the Editor of the Times. 1812. Pam- phleteer, Vol. 2.) ' 53.5 Dairy mple, John. Facts and their Consequences. 1782. 14. 1 Same. State of the Public Debts. 14. 1 Examination into the Principles, Conduct and Designs of the Minister, [Shelburne]. London, 1783. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 11.) 14. 1 Hartley, David. Address to the Committee of the County of York. 14. 1 Johnson, Samuel. The Patriot. 14. 8 Letter to Mr. Debrett, etc. 1783. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 2.) ' 14. 1 Letter to the Author of the Lucubrations. (Rev. ^ War Pamph., Vol. 16.) 14.1 Letters to Us, from One of Ourselves. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 27.) 14. 8 Lucubrations during a Short Recess. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol.9.) 14.1 Nathan, to Lord :N^orth. 1780. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 23.) 14.1 Observations upon the Riot Act, 1781. (Rev.* War Pamph., Vol. 14.) 53. 6 Observations upon the Riot Act. By a dilettante. London, 1781. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 14, IS'o. 7.) 53. 6 Proposal for the Liquidation of the I^ational Debt. 1783. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 7, :N'o. 9.) 14. 1 Pulteney, Wm. Considerations on the Present State, etc. 14.8 Series of Letters to the Greatest Politician in England. (Rev. War. Pamph., Vol. 23, N^o. 3.) • 14. 1 Tickell, Richard. Commonplace Arguments, etc. 14. 1 Tooke, J. H. Letter to Lord Ashburton. 1782. 14. 1 And Price, Richard. Facts, Addressed to the Land- holders. 14. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 593 England. Politics — (Continued). Word at Parting, to the Earl of Shelburne. (Eev. \yar Pamph., Vol. 11, ^o. 1.) 14. 1 Young, Arthur. Political Arithmetic, etc. 1779. 14. 8 See also, American Eevolution — Preceding Controversy. England, Eoyal Agricultural Society. See Webster, Daul. Address, etc. 44. 5 England, Sovereign. See Great Britain, Sovereign. English, The, in America. See Brantley, W. T. The English in Maryland. 25. 9 Doyle, J. A. The English in America. 16. 13 Haliburton, Thomas C. Same. 33. 6 ;N"arrative and Critical History of America. Vol. III. 25. 9 Stevens, J. A. The English in Kew York. 25. 9 Whitehead, W. A. English in E. and W. New Jersey. 25.6 English, The, in Muscovy. See Casimir, Mkolas. 35. 9 English Dictionary. See Ash, John. New and complete, etc. 1775. 34. 8 Johnson, Sam. Dictionary of the English Language. 34. 14 Bichardson, Charles, l^ew Dictionary, etc. 34. 14 Walker, John. Critical Pronouncing Dictionary. 34. 10 Webster, Noah. An American Dictionary, etc. Table Worcester, J. E. Dictionary of the English Language. Table Wedgewood, H. Dictionary of English Etymology. 34. 9 Wright, Thomas. Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English. 34. 8 English Grammar. See Spencer, George H., Sr. Grammar and Lectures. . 91. 9 English Language. See Bosworth, J. Anglo-Saxon Diction- ary. 38. 3 Brockett, J. T. Glossary of North Country Words. 34. 9 Cavert, M. P. The Study of the English Language. 74. 6. 3 Davis, C. H. S. The Saxon Language. 74. 6. 3 Dictionary of Modern Slang, Cant, etc. 34. 1 D wight, Timothy. Language of New England. 33. 5 Flower, J. W. Surrey Etymologies. 35. 9 Haldeman, S. S. Affixes, in their Origin, etc. 34. 1 Halliwell, J. O. Archaic and Provincial Words. 38. 3 Marsh, G. P. Origin and History of the. 42. 7 594 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. English Language — (Continued). Munsell, Hez. Manual of English Grammar. 74. 6. 3 Muller, Max. On Spelling. 74. 6 3 Murray, J. H. The Spelling Reform. 74. 6. 3 Palmer, A. S. Folk Etymology. 42. 5 Eoget, P. M. Thesnurus of English Words. 34. 3 Schellhous, J. C. Better Method of Studying the, etc. 20. 14. 4 Vindex Anglicus. Perfections of the English Language, etc. 40. 3 English Law. See Reeves, John. History of the English law. 35. 10 * .English Literature. See Chambers, Robert. Cyclopedia of English Literature. 34 . 3 Taine, H. A. History of English Literature. 74. 9 Turner, Sharon. Literary History of England. 38. 2 Williaaus, J. W. Literature of Quieen Anne's Reign. 20. 9. 8 English I^eutrality. See Lowrey, G. P. Is the Alabama, a British Pirate? 30.11.3 English People. See Nicholas, Thomas, pedigree of the, etc. 46.2 English Serfdom and American Slavery. [Fiction.] See Chase, L. B. 30. 12 Enmegahbowh, J. J. Letter on the Death of Chief I. H. Tuttle [l^abunashkong.] 1874. n. t. p. 8vo. 22.5.5 Entomological Commission, U. S. See U. S. Dept of the Interior. Entomology. See Hoy, R. P. Catalogue of Wisconsin Lepidop- tera. • 51.13 Peabody Academy of Science. Reports. • 9.10 Episcopacy. See Cooke, J. E. Invalidity of Presbyterian Ordi- nation. 56. 3 Skinner, John. Primitive Truth and Order Vindicated. 56. 3 Episcopacy Considered with Reference to Modern Popular Societies. Anon. London, 1820. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 16.) 53.5 Episcopal Church. See Protestant Episcopal Church. Epitaphs. See Bridgman, Thomas. Epitaphs from Copp's Hill. 46.12 Same. On Gravestones of Northampton, Mass. 46. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 595 Epitaphs — (Continued). Cansick, F. T. Epitaphs from the Church and Burial Mounds' of St. Pancras, Eng. 46. 8 Dexter, F. B. Tombstones in New Haven, Conn. 7. 12. 1 Epitaph of John Ward, of Haverhill, England. 43. 7. W. 2 Harris, W. T. From the Old Burying Ground in Water- town, Mass. ^ 46. 12 Heraldic Journal. Vols. 1-3. 46. 13 Whitmore, W. H. Graveyards of Boston. 46. 12 Worcester, Mass. Inscrii^tions from the Old Burying Grounds. 9.J.0 Ericcson, John. See Beschke, Wm. Infringements on his Patent in Building Ironclads. 60. 8 Dorr, E. P. The First Monitor and its Inventor. 30. 4. 1 Eeie, Pa. Supt. of Schools. Eeports, 1870, '71. 11. 6. 1 Erie and Oswego Canal. See Bennett, D. S. National De- fense of the Lakes. 60. 2 Erie Canal. Origin of the Erie Canal. (Buf. Hist. Soc. Pub., Vol. 2.) 10. 5 Eeports and Speeches in Favor of the Bill for the Enlarge- ment of the Erie Canal, and the Completion of the Gen- nessee Valley and Black Eiver Canals. (N. Y. Leg., 1851.) Albany, 1851. 8vo. • 72. 7. 2 Wright, B. H. Origin of the Erie Canal. Services of Benj. Wright. 16. 11. 3 Wright, Elizur. Account of the Erie Canal. 43. 5 Erie County, Pa. See Johnson, C. Centennial History of. 16.4 Sanford, Laura G. History of Erie County. 11. 4 Erie, Lake. See Whittlesey, Charles. The Great Swash of June 23, 1882. 18. 3. 5 Erie, Pa., Cemetery. By-Laws, etc. Erie, 1851. 8vo. 11. 5. 4 Eeport of the Managers. 1852. 11. 5. 6 Erie Eailroad. See Adams, C. F., Jr. The Erie Eailroad, etc. 10. 11. 3 Erskine, Thomas, Lord. Appeal to Great Britain on the Sub- ject of Confederated Greece. London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 23.) 53. 12 Defenses of the Whigs. London, 1820. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 15.) 53. 5 Letter to an Elector of Westminster. London, 1820. (Pam- phleteer, Vol. 15.) • 53. 5 596 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Erskine Thomas Lord — (Continued). Sketch of the Character of. London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 23.) 53. 12 Erwin, Milo. History of Williamson Co., 111. Marion, 1876. 16mo. 18. 12 Eskimo, or Esquimaux. See Indians of America — Esqui- maux. EsLiNG, Charles H. A. Catholicity in the Three Lower Coun- ties; or, the Planting of the Church in Delaware. (Amer. , Cath. Hist. Soc. Eecords, Vol. 1, p. 117.) Phila., 1887. 8vo. 16. 11. 1 Esopus, The. See Indians of America — Esopus. Espr, James P. Fourth Meteorological Eeport. Wash., 1857. 4to. 50.1 Espy, Joseph. Tour in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana Territory in 1805. (Ohio Valley Hist. Series, Miscellanies.) Cinn., 1871. 8vo. 18. 2 Esquimaux, or Eskimo. See Indians of America — Esqui- maux. EssAi D' Instructions pour Voyager TJtilement. (Bernard, J. F. Recueil, etc.) 20. 1 EssAi. Sur r usage, 1' abus, et les inconveniens de la torture, dans le procedure criminelle. Par Mr. S. D. C. Lausanne, 1779. 8vo. (Rev. WarPamph., Vol. 3, Ko. 1.) 14. 1 Essay. Upon the Origin and Progress of Government. Anon. London, 1783. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 7, l^o. 7.) , 14. 1 Same. Sequel to an Essay, etc. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 7, Ko. 8.) 14. 1 Essex, Earl of. See Devereux. Essex, Mass. See Crowell, Robert. History of Essex. 1868. 9.6 Felt, J. B. History of Essex, 1834. 8. 9 Spring Street Cemetery. Crowell, R. Address. 9. 2 Coffin, Joshua. Early Settlers of Essex. 46. 3 Essex Agricultural Society. Account of Premiums Awarded * in 1825, etc. Salem, 1826. 8vo. 72. 10. 8 Reports, 1829-1880. 49 Pamph. 72. 10 Transactions, 1830-1880. 8vo. 72. 10 Trustees' Account of the Cattle Show, 1821. 72. 10. 8 Essex Bar Association. Salem, Mass. See Salem, Mass. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 597' Essex County, Mass. See Eobinson, John. Flora of. Standard History of Essex County, Mass. Boston, 1884. 4to, 85.8 Essex County, ;N". J. See Shaw, Wm. History of Essex County, etc. 16. 14 Essex County, ]^. Y. See Watson, W. C. History of Essex County, N. Y. 10. 10 Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. Act of Incorporation, etc., 1855. 8. 4. 3 Bulletin, 1869-1887. 16 Vols. 8vo. 8. 4 By-Laws, Adopted March 4, 1876. 8. 4. 3 Circular, Asking Subscriptions to a new Building, 1886. 8. 4. 3 Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary, 1871. 8. 4. 3 Historical Collection, Vol. 1-21. 1859-'87. 8. 4 Historical Notice, Act of Incorporation, etc., 1865. 8. 4 Naturalists' Directory, Part I. 1865. 49. 5. 5 The Weal Eeaf. Eecord of the Fair, 1860. 8. 4 Today: Paper printed during Fair, 1870. 25. 6. 1 Goodell, A. C, Jr. Address before the Institute, etc., 1874. 8. 4. 3 History of the Institute, n. d. 8. 4. 3 Essex, The (U. S. Frigate). See Preble, G. H. Building and Career of the Essex. 8. 4 First Cruise of. Salem, 1870. 14. 13. 1 EsTE, D. K. Discourse on the Life and Public Services of Jacob Burnet, at Cincinnati, June 21, 1853. Cinn., 1853. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Estill, J. H. The Old Lodge. Freemasonry in Georgia, in the Days of the Colony. A Brief History of Solomon's Lodge, from 1735 to 1785. [Savannah, 1885.] 15. 13. 1 Estrada, Alyaro Flores, Don. Eepresentation to Ferdinand VII in Defense of the Cortes. London, 1839. (Pam- phleteer, Vol. 14.) 53. 5 Ethelwerd, Fabius. Chronicorum, A. D. 30-975. (Gr. Brit. Pub. Eec. Ofitice, Monumenta Hist. Britan.) 94. 8 Ether. Dwindle, W. H. Casket and the Eibbon, or the Hon- ors of Ether. Bait., 1849. 8vo. 51. 4.. 5 Gay, Martin. Statement of the Claims of Charles T. Jack- son. 51. 4. 5 Morton, W. T. G. Physiological Effects of Sulphuric Ether. ^ 51. 4. 5. 598 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ether — (Continued). Morton Testimonial Committee. Historical Memoranda. 51. 4. 5 Proceedings on Behalf of the Morton Testimonial. 51. 4. 5 Eeport of T. O. Edwards on the Memorial of W. T. G. Mor- ton. 51. 4. 5 Eeport of the Select Committee of Congress. 51. 4. 5 Eeport, Same. Vindicating the Eights of C. T. Jackson. 51. 4. 5 Warren, Edward. Some Account of the Letheon. 51. 4. 5 Ethics. See Morals. Ethnography. See Domenech, E. Indian Ethnography. 19. 2 Nilson, Sven. Primitive Inhabitants of Scandinavia. 15.10 Societe d' Ethnographic. Bulletins. 15. 14. 1 See also Ethnology, Man., etc. See Institution d' Ethnographic. 25. 3 Ethnology. See American Antiquarian. Bartlett, J. E. Progress of Geography. 10. 4 Same. Progress of Ethnology. 10. 4 Brace, C. L. Paces of the Old World. 45. 4 Bureau of. See Smithsonian Institution. Cabrera, P. F. History of the Americans. 16. 15 Caldwell, C. Original Unity of the Human Eace. 15. 10 Cami)bell, John. Negro Mania. 30. 6 Contribution to North American Ethnology. 50. 2 Harvard College, Peabody Museum. 9. 10 Kennedy, James. Essays, Ethnological and Linguistic. 15. 2 Latham, E. G. Ethnology of the British Islands. 16. 4 Same. Man and his Migrations. 16. 4 Morgan, L. H. Degrees of Eelationship. 49. 2 Same. Systems of Consanguinity. 49. 7 Morton, S. G. Crania Americana. 1839. 94. 8 Nicholas, Thos. Pedigree of the English People. 46.2 Kott, J. C. and Gliddon, G. E. Indigenous Eaces. 15. 10 Orton, H. S, History and Development of Eaces. 19. 5. 1 Eawlinson, Geo. The Origin of Nations. 16. 4 Six Species of Men. ' 30. 7. 6 Wilson, Daniel. Physical Ethnology. 49. 3 See also Ethnography, Man, Pre-historic Man, etc. Etruscans. See Kennedy, James. The Ancient Etruscans. 15.2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 599 Etymological Dictionary of Christian Names. Anon. n. t. p. 16mo. 47.14.2 EuLOGiUM HiSTORiARUM siVE Temporis. Chroiiicas ab orbe condito usque ad annam dominij 1366. London, 1858-' 63. 3 Vols. 40.11 Eureka Springs, Ark. See Johnson, W. W. Guide to the. 15. 14. 4 Europe. See Bache, A. D. Education in Europe. 56. 1 Burritt, Elihu. Western and Eastern Questions of Europe. 60.1 Dean, Amos. History of Civilization. Yols. 4-7. 40. 10 Discourses upon the Modern Affairs of Europe. 40. 3 Manley, Thos. The Present State of Europe. 1689. 40. 3 Mann, Horace. Education in Europe. 56. 8. 1 Musgrave, T. M. Considerations on Balance of Power. 53. 5 Eobertson, Wm. Progress of Society in Europe. 40. 14 Descriptive. Beltrami, G. C. Pilgrimage in Europe. 22.2 Cheever, Geo. B. Wanderings of a Pilgrim. 52. 3 Cook, Thomas and Son. Cook's Excursions to Europe. 19. 10. 2 Greely, Horace. Glances at Europe, 1851. 52. 12 Murray, N. Men and Things as I saw them, etc. 40. 2 Picture of the Empire of Bonaparte. 52. 12 Seward. W. H. Letters from Europe, 1833. 44. 6 Same. Travels. 1873. • 44. 6 Sullivan, Benj. Visit to Europe in 1851. 40. 2 Travels Through Portugal, etc. See Harris, Johu. 94. 8 Watson, Elkanah. Travels in Europe, etc., 1777. 43. 1 Historical. See Alison, Sir A. History of Europe, etc. 40.10 Dyer, T. H. History of Modern Europe. 4 Yols. 42. 12 Hallam, Henry. Yiew of Europe during Middle Ages. 42.6 Same. Introduction to the Literature of Europe. 42. 6 Eussell, William. History of Modern Europe. 40.10 See also Andorra, San Marino, Moresnet, and other names of Countries. Europe. (U. S. Military Commission to.) See Delafield, Eich. Art of War in Europe. 51. 9 Same. McClellan, G. B. Seat of War in Europe. 51. 9 76 600 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. European and North American Eailway. Report to Senate of Mass., on the Line from Boston to Halifax. Boston, 1866. 8vo. 72. 14. 3 Eustace, John Chetwood. Answer to the Charge of the Bish- op of Lincoln. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 2.) 53. 5 Eustaphiere, a. Resources of Russia, in the Event of a War with France. Bost., 1812. 8vo. 52.10.2 Evangelical Alliance. See Cooper, Peter. Letter to Dele- gates of, etc. 60. 1 Evangelic Lutheran Church. See Albany, N. Y. 1st Luth- eran Church, Manual, 1871. ^ 56. 2 Protokoll vid Svenska Ev. Luth. Minn. 22. 11. 8 Synod of K. Y. Minutes, 1869-'70. 10. 14. 3 Synod of N. Y. and K J., Minutes, 1873,' 75. 10. 14. 3 In New York State. Hartwick Synod, Minutes 1867. 10. 14. 3 Evans, Elwood. Historical Review of the Oregon Question, i807-'46. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 1, :N^o. 14.) Evans, George. Speech in Relation to the Failure of the Bill Making Appropriations for Fortifications. Delivered in the U. S. H. of Reps., Jan. 28, 1836. Wash., 1836. 8vo. 33. 7. 1 Evans, James. Ojibue ^N'ugumouinun. See Jones, Peter, and others. Ojibue, etc. 1844. 12mo. 22. 1 Evans, John, (Dep. Gov. of Pa.) See Keill, E. D. Biog. Sketch of. , 43. 6. E Evans, John, (and Others). Statement of Fact Regarding the Admission of Colorado. Wash., Jan., 1867. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 12, ^o. 40.) 60. 1 Evans, O. C. Spherical Mental Physical Explanation of Cholera. Piqua, O., 1849. 8vo. 51. 11. 3 Evans, Oliver. See Latimer, G. A. Sketch of Evans. 43. 6. E Evans, Rowland E. The Constitution and Mr. Motley. [Signed ''Magna Charta."] Phila., 1861. 12mo. 30. 4. 3 Evans, Thomas W. Report on Ambulance and Sanitary Mate- riel. (Paris Exposition, 1867.) Paris, 1867. 8vo. 51. 9. 1 Evans Family. See Jenkins, H. M. Historical Collections of Gwynedd, Pa. 11.4 EvANSTON, III. See Garrett Biblical Institute. K. W. Female College. EvANSViLLE, IND. Board of Trade. Report, 1867. 18. 11. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 601 Eyansville, Ind. — (Continued). First Presbyterian Church. See McCarer, W. H. Sermon. 18. 11. 4 Same. Eeminiscences and Reflections. 18. 11. 4 Eyarts, Wm. M. Memorandum. The Sum Awarded by the Tribunal at Geneva, a Mere Equivalent of the Losses, n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 20.) 60. 1 Opinion as to Priority of Rights. 22. 14. 3 Opinion on the Minnesota State Railroad Bonds. 22. 3 What the Age Owes to America. Oration Phila., July 4, 1876. (See Saunders, Fred, etc.) :New York, 1877. 8vo. 16.12 Eyelin, George. See Streeter, S. F. The First Commander of Kent Island. 11. 1. 3 Evelyn, John. On a Deed Relating to John Evely, by W. H. Hart. (Surrey Archaeological Soc. Coll. Yol. 2.) 35.9 Evening Journal (Albany). Almanac, 1859-' 62. Albany. 8vo. 53. 10. 4 Everett, Edward. Address at Boston, Aug. 27, 1862. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Address at the Academy of Music, I^. Y., July 4, 1861. (See Moore, Frank, Rebellion Record.) " 29. 13 Address, at the Consecration of the ]N'ational Cemetery at Gettysburg, Nov. 19, 1863, with the Dedicatory Speech of President Lincoln, and other Exercises, Boston, 1864. 8vo. . 29.2 Address at the Erection of a Monument to John Harvard, Sept. 26, 1828. Boston, 1828. 8vo. (^Harvard Coll. Ad- dresses, No. 2.) 9. 2 Address at the Inauguration of the Statue of Warren. (Bunker Hill Monument Association, Inauguration, 1858. 8vo.) 14. 3 Address before the American Colonizatio'n Society, Jan. 18, 185S. (Report, 1853.) 30. 7. 9 Address Delivered before the American Institute of the City of New York, at their Fourth Annual Fair, Oct. 14, 1831. N. Y., 1831. 8vo. 37. 2. 1 Address before the Phi Beta Kappa Society in Yale Col- lege, Aug. 20, 1835. New Haven, 1833. 8vo. 74. 7. 1 Address on Webster. (See Webster, Danl. 74th Anniver- sary, etc. 44. 5 Biog. Memoir of the Public Life of Daniel Webster. See Webster's Works, Vol. 1. 44. 5 602 • MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Everett, Edward — (Continued). Dorchester in 1630, 1776 and 1855. Oration, 4th July, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 8. 10 Eulogy on John Quincy Adams, at Boston, April 15, 1848. Boston, 1848. 8vo. 44. 3 Eulogy on Lafayette, in Boston, Sept. 6, 1834. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 6, No. 17.) 53. 12 Great Issues Il^ow before the Country. Oration at the New York Academy of Music, July 4, 1861,^N. Y., 1861. 8vo. '% 30. 4. 5 Monroe Doctrine. Eeprinted from the New York Ledger, n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 9 Oration at Cambridge, before the Phi Beta Kappa, Aug. 27, 1824. Boston, 1824. 8vo. 74. 7. 4 Oration at Cambridge, 4th July, 1826. Boston, 1826. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Yol. 3, No. 3.) 9. 2 Oration on the Battlefield of Gettysburg, Nov. 19, 1863, at the Consecration of the Cemetery, etc. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Speech in the House of Eepresentatives, 14th and 21st Feb., 1831, on the Execution of Laws and Treaties in Favor of the Indian Tribes, n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 11. 3 Speech in the Senate, Feb. 8, 1854, on the Nebraska and Kansas Territorial Bill. Wash., 1854, 8vo. 19. 14. 6 Speech in the TJ. S. Senate, Feb. 8, 1854. (Nebraska Ques- tion, etc.) . 30. 14. 2 Speech on the Central American Treaty. Delivered in the Senate, March 21, 1853. Washington, 1853. 8vo. 33.12.3 Uses of Astronomy. Oration, at Albany, 28th July, 1856, on the Inauguration of the Dudley Observatory. N. Y., 1856. 8vo. 53. 12 American Antiquarian Society. Proceedings at a Special Meeting, Jan. 17, 1865, in Eeference to the Death of Ever- ett. Bost., 1865. 8vo. ' 9. 3 Dana, E. H., Jr. Memorial Address on Everett. 43. 6. E Ellis, Eufus. Life, etc., of Edward Everett. 43. 6. E Harvard College. Addresses at the Inauguration of Edward Everett as President, April 30, 1846. Bost., 1846. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 18, No. 10.) 53. 6 N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc. Tribute to the Memory of Edward Everett. Bost., 1856. 8vo. 43. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 603 Everett, Edward — (Continued). Proceedings of the Thursday Evening Club on the Death of Edward Everett. Bost., 1865. 8vo. 43. 6. E Winthrop, E. C. Tribute to Memory of Everett. 43. 6. E Everett, Horace. Eeport on Indian Aftairs Reviewed. (Biblical Repertory, Oct., 1838.) 15. 11. 3 Everett, Wm. Oration in Boston, July 4, 1870. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 13.) 9. 2 EVERHARD, Sir R. Brief Account, etc. See Stephens, Thos. 15.13 Everitt, Benj. S. Sermon. History of the Presbyterian Church, Jamesburg, K J. Phila., 1876. 8vo. 10. 2. 4 Everyday Book. See Hone, Wm. 74. 5 Evesham, Eng. Abbey of. See Malberge, or Marlborough, Thos. Chronicon Abbatise de Evesham, etc. 40. 12 Evidences of Christianity. See ChanniDg, W. E. Discourses, etc. 44. 1 Hartley, David. Truth of the Christian Religion. ^Q. Hopkins, Mark. Lectures before Lowell Institute. 56.11 ♦ Mc Ilvaine, C. P. Evidences of Christianity, etc. 56. 11 Porteus, B. Summary of Principal Evidences. 56. 2 Wilson, Dauiel. External and Internal Evidences. 56. 10 EviNS, John H. Memorial Addresses in Congress on Hon. John H. Evins, of South Carolina. Washington, 1885. 8vo. 45.6 Evolution. See Bastian, H. C. Evolution, etc. 15. 10 Carpenter, S. H. Philosophy of Evolution. 51. 3. 1 Haeckel, Ernst. History of Evolution. 15. 10 Henglow, George. Theory of Evolution. 15. 3 Hubbell, H. P. Examination of S. H. Carpenter's Theory. 19. 12. 1 Lapham, I. A. Law of Embryonic Development. 19. 12. 1 Mivart, St. George. Contemporary Evolution. 15. 10 Oldenhagen, H. Remarks on Descent of Animals. 19. 121 EvREUX, LE Pere, Yves DE. See Yves d' Evreux. Yoyage dans le nord du Brazil. 32. 11 EwiNG, Charles. Requisition of the Osage :N^ational Council on money for the Payment of an Osage ^National Debt. (1873.) n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 11. 4 See Southard, S. L. Eulogium upon Charles Ewing. Trenr ton, K J., 1832. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 8, No. 16.) 53. 12 604 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. EwiNG, Thomas. Letter to the Fiiiancial Committee of the Senate, on the Public Debt and Currencj^ Wash., 1869. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 25, I^o. 25.) 60. 8 Speech, at Chillicothe, O., Sept. 29, 1800. Cinn., 1860. 8vo. 33. 7. 4 EwiNG, Thomas, Jr. Speech before the :N'ational Delegate Convention of Union Soldiers and Sailors, New York, July 4, 1868. ]^. Y. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 17, 1^0. 1.) 60. 8 Examination into the Conduct of the Present Adminis- tration, FROM 1774 TO 1778. And a Plan of Accom- modation with America. By a Member of Parliament. {Anon.) London, 1778. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Yol. 10, No. 5.) 14. 1 Examination into the Principles, Conduct and Designs OF THE Minister [Shelburne]. Anon. London, 1783. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Yol. 11, No. 6.) 14. 1 Examination of the Commercial Principles, etc. 1762. 8vo. See Burke, E. 14. 1 Examination of the Eights of the Colonies, upon Prin- ciples OF Law. By a Gentleman of the Bar. {Anon.) London, 1766. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Yol. 19, No. 14.) 14.1 Exclusion of the Queen (Caroline of Brunswick) from THE Liturgy. By a Barrister. London, 1821. (Pam- phleteer, Yol. 18.) 53.5 Executive Power of Eemoval, with Especial Eeference TO Military and Naval Officers. Wash., 1856. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 18, No. 2.) 60. 8 Exeter, N.H. Phillips Academy. See Phillips Academy, Exeter. Exhibition, International. See U. S. Centennial Exhibition. Exiles of Florida. See Giddings, J. E. 15. 13 Exposition of Fallacies on Eent, Tithes, etc. By a Mem- ber of the University of Cambridge. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 27.) 53. 12 Exposition. See Exhibition, under New Orleans, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Yienna, Paris, etc. Express. See Stimson, A. L. History of the Express Busi- ness. 33. 10 Extraordinary Black-Book ; Exposition of the United Church of England and Ireland. Civil Lists and Crown Eevenues. By the Original Editor. London, 1831. 8vo. 35. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 605 Eye, The. See Calhoun, A. W. Effects of Student Life Upon the Eyesight. 56. 9. 8 Stevens. G. T. Clinical Notes of Cases of :Nreuralgia. 51. 11. 4 Same.. Light in Some of its Eelations to Disease. 51. 11, 4 Williams, H. W. Optical Defects in School Children. 9.2 Same. Treatment of Iritis without Mercury. 5. 11. 3 F. Faber, Geo. Stanley. View of the Prophecies. Boston, 1809 8vo. 56.3 Fabius {pseud.). Letter to the Earl of Buckinghamshire, on an Open Trade to India. {Anon.) 1813. (Pamphleteer, Vol L, pp. 539-577.) 53. 5 Fables. Mather, Cotton. -Political Fables. (Prince Soc, An- dros Tracts, Vol. 2, p. 325.) 9. 3 Facts, Addressed to the Landholders, etc. See Tooke, J. H., and Price, Eichard. 14.. 1 In Relation to the Increase, Present Condition and Future Prospects of Philadelphia. [Anonl. Phila., 1838. 8vo. 11. 7. 4 Fagan, David D. History of Benton Co., Oregon, etc. Port- land, 1885. 4to. 17. 2 Fahnestock, George Wolff. ' Centennial Memorial of Chris- tian and Anna Maria Wolff, March 25, 1863; withEecords of their Children and Eelatives. Phila., 1863. 8vo. 47.7 Memoranda of the Effects of Carburetted Hydrogen Gas on Exotic Plants. Phila., 1858. 51. 3. 1 Faile, Edw. G. See Conger, A. B. Memorial Address on E. G. Faile. 43. 6. F Fairall, H. S. Manual of Iowa Politics, State and National. Vol. 1. Iowa City, 1884. 4 Vols. bd. in one. 19. 13 Fairbanks, Geo. E. History and Antiquities of the City of St. Augustine, Fla., etc. K Y., 1858. 8vo. 15. 14 Fairchild, J. H. Early Settlement and History of Brownhelm, O. Presented at the Jubilee Celebration, July 4, 1867. Oberlin, 1867. 8vo. 18. 3. 2 Oberlin College, its Origin, Progress and Eesults. Address, Aug. 22, 1860. Oberlin, O., 1860. 18. 10. 6 606 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fairfax Family. :N^eill, E. D. Fairfaxes in England and America, etc. 47. 9 Fairfax, Vt. New Hampton Lit. and Theol. Institution. Cat., 1867. Burlington, 1867. 8vo. 7. 9. 2 Fairfield, F. G. Clubs of New York. Essay on New York Club Life. N. Y., 1873. Sm. 8vo. 10. 9 Fairfield County, Ohio. See Graham, A. A. History of Fairfield and Perry Counties, O. 17. 7 Fairhaven, Mass. See New Bedford, Mass. - 8. 3 Fairhaven, Vt. See Adams, A. N. History of Fairhaven. 7.2 Fair Oaks, Va. Battle of Fair Oaks, or Seven Pines, Va. (U. S. Dept. of War, Hist, of Eebellion, etc. 1st Series, Vol. XI, Pt. 1.) 25. 4 Falconer, Thos. The Oregon Question, or a Statement of the British Claims to the Oregon Territory, etc. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1815. 8vo. 17. 8 Falkland, Viscount. See Cary, Henry. Falkland {pseud.). See Eliot, F. Percival. Fall Eiyer, Mass. Adams, C. F. Oration, July 4, 1860. 9.2 History of: With Notices of Freeborn ^nd Tiverton, as Published by Eev. O. Fowler, in 1841, together with Sketch of his Life, etc. Fall Eiver, 1862. 8vo. 9. 13 Eeply of Manufacturers' Board of Trade to Pt. Ill, of 13th Annual Eeport of Mass. Bureau of Statistics of Labor. April, 1882. Fall Eiver, 1882. 8vo. 25. 1. 6 Webb, T. H. Discovery of Antiquities, at Fall Eiver. 40. 9 Falls of St. Croix, Wis. N. Y., 1858. 8vo. 19. 5. 7 Falmouth, Mass. See Needham, Daniel. Address, etc. 74. 7. 3 Familiar Epistle to Eobert J. Walker. From an Old Acquaintance. London, 1863. 16mo. 30. 1 Family Christian Almanac. See Am. Tract Soc. Family Meeting of the Descendants of John Tuthill, etc. See Tuthill Family. 47. 13 Family Names. See "Surnames." Famine. Percival, Thomas. Effects of Famine, etc. 35. 8 Famous Persons and Places. Willis, N. P. N. Y., 1854. 44. 8 Fanatick, Character of a. By a Person of Quality. London, 1675. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 8, pp. 79-82.) 40. a CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 607 FANATiCKis. Semper, lidem. Parallel between the Ancient and Modern Fanaticks. London, 1661. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 7, pp. 251-264.) - 40. 3 Fancourt, C. St. John. History of Yucatan, to the Close of the 17th Century. London, 1854. 8vo. 52. 3 Fane, C. Bankruptcy Eeform: Letters to Sir Eobert Peel. London, 1838. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 15, Ko. 4.) 53.6 Faneuil Family. See Weisse, Mrs. J. A. History of the Bethune and Faneuil Families. . * 47. 8 Fannant, Thomas. Historical Narration of that Memorable Parliament at Westminster, 1386. Printed in 1641. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 1, pp. 133-152.) 40. 3 Fanning, David. The Narrative of Col. David Fanning (a Tory in the Eevolution), Giving an Account of his Ad- ventures in North Carolina, from 1775 to 1783, as written by himself. K Y., 1865. 8vo. 16. 13 Fanshawe, Ladv Anne. Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe, Wife of Sir Eichard Fanshawe, Anibassador from Charles II. to Portugal and Madrid. Written by herself. New ed. London, 1830. 12mo. 43. 1 Fanshawe Family. S^ge, E. J., and Others. Notes, Gen. and Hist., of the Fanshawe Family. 47. 9 Same. (Misc., Gen. and Herald, Vol 1, p. 314, etc. 46. 14 Faraday, Michael. Life and Works of, by A. De La Eine. (Smiths. Eeport, 1867, pp. 227-245. 49. 3 Tyndall, John. Life and Letters of Faraday, etc. (In his Fragments of Science, 1877.) 15.3 Fargo, Dakota. Hunt, W. H., Jr., andEandell. City of Fargo, its History and Census, etc. 19. 14. 5 Faribault, Jean Baptiste. See Sibley, Gen. H. H. Memoir of J. B. Faribault. 22. 10 Tasse, Joseph. Memoire. (Les Canadiens de'l' Quest, Vol. 1.) 4 ■ 46. 8 Faribault, Minn. Smiley, F. B., and Others. Directory for 1880. 22. 12 Citizen's Committee. Description of Faribault and Vicin- ity. * Faribault, 1884. 8vo. 22.12.3 Library. List of Books, 1877. n. t. p. 24mo. 74. 11. 1 Parish of The Good Shepherd. Pastoral Paper, and Easter Eeport, 1886. (Bound with Missionary Paper of Seabury Mission.) 22. 10 77 608 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Faribault, Minn. — (Continued). Same. Eeport and Constitution of the Brotherhood of the Parish, 1869. 12mo. 22. 11. 8 Protestant Cathedral. Whipple, Bishop H. B. Address at Laying of Corner Stone, July 16, 1862. 22. 11. 4 Eegister, 1866-'80. 8vo. 22. 6. 9 Shattuck School. Catalogue and Circular, 1866 -'73-' 75-' 79- '81-' 85. Faribault, 1866-'85. 8yo. 22. 6. 5 Same. Circular, 1872. 8vo. 22. 6. 5 Consecration Services, etc., of Memorial Chapel, etc. Fari- bault, 1872. 8vo. 43. 7. S. 1 Seabury Divinity School. Catalogue, 1866. 22. 6. 5 Eules and Eegulations. (Bound with Missionary Pa^^ers of Seabury Mission.) 22. 11 Seabury Mission. Missionary Papers, ^os. 2-4-6-8-23-26- 40. 1859-67. (Bound together.) 22.11 Missionary Paper No. 10. Schools for the Mission. 1860. 22. 6. 5 Faribault County, Minn. Historical Sketch of. 22. 12. 5 Farley, F. A. Channiug, W. E. Discourse at Ordination. 44. 1 Farley, J. P. Communication from, as Eeceiver, to the Minne- sota Legislature, January, 1877, in Eelation to the St. Paul «& Pacific E. E. Co. 22. 14. 3 Petition from, to Legislature, Askin'g Extension of Time for Completion of Said Eoad. January, 1874. 22. 14. 3 Farmer, E. J. Eesources of the Eocky Mountains. Cleveland, O., 1883. 16mo. 19. 3 Farmer, John. A Genealogical Eegister of the First Settlers of New England, etc. Lancaster, Mass., 1829. 8vo. 46.12 Historical Memoir of Billerica, Mass., to 1816. Amherst. K H., 1816. 8vo. 8.2.6 List of Graduates at Colleges in New York and New Jersey to 1834. Boston. 1838. 8vo. 43. 14. 7 Memoir. (N. E. Hist, and Geneal. Eegister, Vol. 1, p. 9.) 46.3 Sketches of the Graduates of Dartmouth College from its Foundation in 1769. (N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol.3, p. 102, etc.) Concord, 1832. 8vo. 7. 3 Farmer, John and Moore, J. B. Collections, Topographical, Historical and Biographical, Eelating Principally to New Hampshire. Concord, 1822-24. [Vol. L] Eeprinted 1831. 8vo. 3 Vols. 7. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 609 Farmer, Silas. The History of Detroit and Michigan; or the Metropolis Illustrated; In chiding a Full Record of Terri- torial Days in Michigan, and the Annals of Wayne County. Detroit, 1884. '4to. 18.4 Farmers' and Mechanics' Almanac, 1873. Philadelphia, 1872. 4to. 53. 10. 1 Farmers' College, College Hill, O. Catalogue, 1878. Cin- cinnati, 1878. 8Vo. 18. 10. 7 Farming. See Agriculture. Farmington, Conn. Records of. [1652.] Copied by Nathaniel Goodwin; {'S. E. Hist, and Gen. l^^g., Vols. 11-13.) 46. 3 Farmington, Me. See Butler, Francis Gould. History, etc., 16.2 Farnham, Mrs. Eliza W. California, In-Doors and Out; or. How we Farm, Mine and Live, Generally, in the Golden ' State. :N'. Y., 1856. 12mo. 19. 8 Life in Prairie Land (111.) 184-. X. Y., 1847. Sm. 12nio. 19.2 Farnham, Thomas J. History of Oregon Territory, it Being a Demonstration of the Title of these United States of America to the Same. N. Y., 1844. 8vo. 17. 8 Life and Adventures in California, and Scenes in the Pacific Ocean. K Y., 1846. 8vo. 17. 2 Travels in the Great Western Prairies, the Anahuac and Rocky Mountains and Oregon Territory, 1839. n. t. p. (Cop., 1840.) 8vo. 19. 2 Farnsworth, Gen. John F. Georgia Again. Speech, H. R., March 4-5, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 39, ^o. 13.) 60. 2 National Military Asylums. Speech, H. R., March 3, 1871. Wash., 1871. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 32, :N^o. 27.) 60. 8 Farnsworth, Reuben L. The Real Man is a Spirit Only. St. Paul, Minn., 1876. 56. 10 Farnsworth, William, (Wis. fur trader). Sketch of. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Yol. 9, pp. 397-400.) 19. 11 Farnum, Alex:ander. Yisits of the Northmen to Rhode Island, A. D. 982-1002. Providence, 1877. Sq. 12nio. (R. I. Hist. Tracts, Ko. 2.) 8. 13 Farquharson, Dr. R. J. See Middleton, W. D. Biographical Sketch of do. 19. 13 Farragut, David Glascoe, Admiral. Choate. Address at the Request ' of the Farragut Monumental Association, May 25, 1801. K Y., 1881. 8vo. 43. 6. F 610 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fakragut, David Glasgow Admiral— (Continued). Duyckinck, E. A. Biographical Sketch. (Nat. Port. Gal., Vol. 2.) 44. 6 Farrand, Elizabeth M. History of the University of Michi- gan. Ann Arbor, 1865. 12mo. 17. 5 Farrar, C. 0. S. The War; its Causes and Consequences. Cairo, etc., 1864. Small. 12mo. 30. 10 Farrar, Maurice. Five Years in Minnesota, 1874-1879. London, 1880. 8vo. 22. 9 Farrar, Timothy. Case of Trustees of Dartmouth College vs. Wm. H. Woodward, in Superior Court of N. H., ]N^ov., 1817, etc. Portsmouth, n. d. 8vo. 7.4 Farrier, Geo. H. Memorial of the Centennial Celebration of Battle of Paulus Hook, Aug. 19, 1879; with History of Jersey City, etc. Jersey City, 1879. 8vo. 10. 10 Farrington Family. See Farrington Memorial. 25. 7. 6 Farther Brief and True Narrative of the Late Wars EiSEN IN :N^ew England, 1675-^6. London, 1676. (Drake, S. G. Old Indian Chronicles, No. 8, pp. 313-319.) 15.4 Farwell, Leonard J., (Gov. of Wisconsin). Message, Jan. 16, 1852. Madison, 1852. 8vo. 19. 5. 9 Farwell Family. See Holton, D. P., and Mrs. F. K. (F.) Farwell Ancestral Memorial. 47. 9 Faucher, Julius. New Commercial Treaty Betw^een Great Britain and Germany. (Cobden Club Essays, 2d Series, 1872.) 8vo. 57.9 Eussian Agrarian Legislation of 1861. (Probyn, J. W. Systems of Land Tenure, etc., 1876.) 35. 2 Faulk, A. J., (Gov. of Dakota Ter.). Message, Dec, 1866. CEamsey Pamph., Vol. 22, No. 39.) 60. 8 Faulkner, T. C. History of the iJevolution in the Southern States. N. Y., 1861. 8vo. 30. 4. 9 Faust. Eeichlin-Meldegg, Carl A. Yon. Exposition of Goethe's Faust. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 19, No. 13.) 60. 8 Faux, W. English Farmer. Memorable Days in America: Journal of a Tour to the United States in 1818-'20; Includ- ing Accounts of Morris Birkbeek's Settlement in the Illinois. London, 1818. 8vo. 2d edit. 33. 4 Faxon, Geo. L. History of the Faxon Family. Springfield, Mass., 1880. Sm. 8vo. 47. 9 Faxon Family. See Faxon, G. L. ■ 47. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 611 Fay, J. A. <& Co. Illustrated Catalogue of Patent Wood-work- . ing Macliinery. Cinn., 1878. 8vo. 49. 5 Fay, Samuel, and Others. Carpet Manufacture. Statement of Facts Addressed to the IT. S. Eevenue Commission. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 17, Xo. 12.) 60.8 Fayette County, 111. History, with Biog. Sketches. Phila., 1878. 4to. 83 Fayette County, Ind. See Gamble, J. S. Manual of Common Schools in, etc. 18. 11. 3 Fayette County, Iowa. History of. [Anon.'] (Chicago Western Hist. Co.) 19.6 Feaen, J. Essay on External Perception. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 5.) 53. 5 Letter to Prof. Stewart, on the Objects of General Terms, and on the Axiomatical Laws of Vision. 2d ed. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 12.) 53. 5 Eeview of First Principles of Berkley, Eeid and Stewart. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 3.) 53. 5 Feakon, H. Bradshaw. Sketches of America. ]N'arrative of a Journey through the Eastern and Western States [1817- '18]; With Eemarks on Mr. Birkbeck's ^'Is'otes" and ^'Letters." London, 1818. 33.11 Featherstonhaugh, Geo. Wm. Canoe Voyage up the Minnay Sotor; Account of the Lead and Copper Deposits in Wis.; of the Gold Eegion in the Cherokee Country; and Sketches of Popular Manners, 1835-'37. London, 1847. 8vo. 2 Vols. * 22. 2 Excursion through the Slave States, from Washington to Mexico, 1834. London, 1844. 8vo. 2 Vols. 15. 7 Geological Eeport of an Examination, in 1834, of the Ele- vated Country between the Missouri and Eed Elvers. Wash., 1835. 8vo. (TJ. S. Dept. of War.) 51. 6 Observations on the Treaty of Washington, signed Aug 9, 1842,with the Treaty annexed. London,1843. 8vo. 33.12.3 Eeport of a Geological Eeconnoisance, in 1835, by the Way of Wisconsin Territory to the Eidge Dividing the Missouri from the St. Peter's Eiver. Wash., 1836. 8vo. (U. S. Dept. of War.) 22. 10 Federalism Triumphant in the Steady Habits of Connec- ticut, Alone; or. The Turnpike Eoad to a Fortune. Comic Opera, or Political Farce. In Six Acts. n. p. 1802. 7. 12. 2 612 IIINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Federalist, The. Hamilton, Alexander. Phila., 1868. 8vo. 14. 12 Dawson, H. B. Correspondence with John Jay and James A. Hamilton, Concerning The Federalist. 14. 13. 1 Felch Family. See Felch, W. F. Felch Family in America and Wales. 25. 7. F Felch, W. Farrand The Memorial History of the Felch Family in America and Wales; The Earliest and Latest Eecords, 1641 and 1881. Columbus, O., 1881. 8vo. 25. 7. F Feldborg, a. Anderson. Appeal to the English I^^ation, in Behalf of Norway. 1814. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 4.) 53. 5 Felt, Chas. W. Our Steam Railroads and Suburban Travel. Boston, 1833. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Felt, Joseph B. Annals of Salem, Mass. 2d edition, 2 Vols. Salem, 1845. 12mo. 25. 2 The Ecclesiastical History of Kew England; Comprising Eeligious, Moral and Other Eelations. 2 Vols. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 7. 6 History of Ipswich, Essex, and Hamilton, Mass. Cam- bridge, 1834. 8vo. 8. 9 Memorials of William Smith Shaw. Boston, 1852. 12mo. 44. 8 Eeply to the :Nrew England Congregationalism of Hon. Daniel A. White. Salem, 1861. 8vo. 56. 12. 3 Feltman, Wm., Lieut. Journal of Lieut. Wm. Feltman, of the 1st Pennsylvania Eegiment, 1781-'82, Including the March into Virginia, and the Siege of Yorktown, Phila. ^ 1853. 8vo. 16.13 Felton, Cornelius Conway. Eulogy of, by T. D. Woolsey. Smiths. Eeport, 1861, pp. 109-116.) 49. 3 Felton, Cyrus. A Genealogical History of the Felton Family j Descendants of Lt. Nathaniel Felton, who came to Salem,' Mass., in 1633, etc. Marlborough, 1886. 8vo. 47.9 Felton, John B., and Others. Eailroad System of California, Oakland and Vicinity. San Francisco, 1871. 8vo. 20.14.3 Felton Family. See Felton, Cyrus. Gen. Hist. Felton Family, etc. 47. 9 Female Suffrage. See Suffrage, Woman. 57. 4. 1. & 60. 1 Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de la Mothe, Abp. See Channing, W. E. Character, etc., of Fenelon. Vol 1, Works of 1855. 12mo. 44. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 613 Fenelon, Francois — (Continued). Greenhow, Robert. Fenelon among the Iroquois. (1^. Y. Hist. Soc. Proc, Dec, 1848, p. 199.) 10. 4. 1 Fenneb Family. See Root, J. P. Sketch of Capt. A. Fenner, of Providence, R. I. 25. 7. 6 Fenton, Hector T. American Politics. See Cooper, T. Y. 33. 13 Fenton, Reuben E. Currency. Speecli, U. S. Senate, Jan. 25, 1870. n. t. p. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 39, Xo. 20.) 60. 2 Funding Bill. Speech, U. S. Senate, Feb. 24, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 40, No. 18.) 60. 2 Message, as Governor of N. Y., Jan., 1865. 8vo. 10. 13. 3 Fenton Family. See Weaver, Wm. L. Gen. of Descendants of Robert Fenton, of Ancient Windham, Conn. 25. 7. 6 Fenwick, Sir John. Contemplations upon Life and Death. London, 1697. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 10, pp. 328- 350.) 40. 3 Fenwicke, John, (Founder of a Colony in IlsT. J.). Memoir by R. G. Johnson. (IS". J. Hist. Soc. Proc, Vol. 4, pp. 53- 89.) 10. 8. 2 Fenwick's Colony, :N^. J. See Shourd's, Thomas. History of Fenwick's Colony, etc. 16.14 Ferdinand and Isabella. (King and Queen of Spain.) See Calendar of State Papers. (English.) Spanish, 1485-1525. 35.13 Fergus Falls, Minn. '^The Coming City " of the I^orthwest, and the Park Region of Minnesota, by ^' Old Settlers," 1873. Fergus Falls, Minn., 1874. 8vo. 22. 12. 4 Fergus, Henry. The History of the United States. 2 Vols. London, 1830. 12mo. 16.10 Ferguson, Adam. Essay on the History of Civil Society. 8th edit. Phila., 1819. 8vo. 57.3 Ferguson, J. B. Nationality vs. Sectionalism. Estimate of the Political Crisis. Wash., 1866. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 18, No. 9.) 60. 8 Ferguson, James. Astronomy Exj)lained. 9th edit. , London, 1794. 8vo. 49. 1 Fernow, B. Editor. Documents Relating to the Colonial His- tory of New York. Vols. 12-14. 10. 7. & 10. 14 The Middle Colonies. (Nar. and Crit. Hist, of Am., Vol. 5, Chap. 3.) 25.9 614 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fernow, B. —(Continued). Albany, N. Y., and its Place in the History of the United States. A Memorial Sketch, Written lor the 200th Anni- versary of its Birth as a City. Albany, 1886. 8vo. 10. 11. 3 Kew 2!iretherland; or, the Dutch in :N'orth America. (Nar. and Crit. Hist, of Am., Vol. 4, Chap. 8, pp. 394-442.) 25. 9 Ferree, p. Y. Heroes of the War for the Union, 1st series. Cinn., 1864. 12mo. 30. 8 Ferrel, Wm. Converging Series Expressing the Eatio between the Diameter an^ the Circumference of a Circle. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 18.) 49. 14 Ferris, Benj. G. Utah and the Mormons. 1852-'53. I^. Y., 1854. 12mo. 19. 9 Ferris, Isaac, [D. D.] Jubilee Memorial of the American Bible Society, etc. N. Y., 1867. 8vo. 56. 11. 6 Thy Kingdom Come. Discourse at Boston, Sept. 12, 1848, before the Am. Board. Boston, 1848. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Yol. 4, No. 10.) 53. 12 Ferris, J. Alex. Financial Economy of the U. S. San Fran- cisco and Kew York, 1847. 12mo. 57. 10 Ferry, O. S. U. S. Congress. Memorial Addresses on O. S. Ferry, Feb. 8, 1876. 8vo. 44. 7 Ferry, Thos. W. (of Mich.). Chicago Fire. Speech, U. S. Senate, Feb. 12, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 3, ISTo. 31i.) • 60. 8 Duty on Lumber, Paid by Canadians. Folly of Repeal. Speech in H. R., May 24, 1870. 8vo. 57. 2. 1 Fertilizers. See Collier, Peter. Report on Commercial Fer- tilizers. 52. 6 Fessenden, Wm. Pitt. See Preble, G. H. Memoir of Wil- liam Pitt Fessenden. 46. 3. F U. S. Congress. Memorial Addresses on, Dec. 14, 1869. Wash., 1870. 8vo. 44. 7 Fetherston, John. Editor. Yisitation of the County of Cum- berland (Eng.), 1615, etc. London, 1872. 8vo. (Harleian Soc. Publ., No. 7.) 46. 14 Yisitation of the County of Leicester (Eng.), in 1619* Lon- don, 1870. 8vo. (Harleian Soc. Publ., No. 2.) 46. 14 Yisitation of the County of Warwick (Eng.), in 1619. London, 1877. 8vo. (Harleian MSS., 1167.) (Harleian Soc. Publ., Yol. 12.) . 25. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 615 Fever. See Keen, W. W. Surgical Complications, and Sequels of the Continued Fevers. Washington, 1877. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 15.) 49. 9 Wood, H. C. Fever; Study in ^N^ormal and Morbid Physi- ology. 49. 14 Same. Study of the Nature and Mechanism of Fever. 49. 9 Few Suggestions on the Slave Trade, by Homo. 1814. (Pamphleteer., Vol. 4.) 53. 5 Upon the Personal Liberty Law, etc. Thomas, B. F. Boston, 1861. 8vo. 33. 7. 2 Words for Honest Pennsylvania Defhocrats. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 Of the Loyal Women, by One of Themselves. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. (Loyal Publ. Soc, No. 10.) 30. 4. 1 Fewsmith, Joseph. A Quarter-Century. Sermon in the Second Presbyterian Church at Newark, N. J., Dec. 24, 1876. Newark, 1877. 8vo. 10. 2. 4 FiCKLiN, O. B. (of 111.) Speech on the Oregon Question, in H. R, Feb. 6, 1846. Washington, 1846. 8vo. 17.3 Fiction. See Wheeler W. A. Explanatory and Pronouncing Dictionary of Noted Names of Fiction. 2nd Edition. Boston, 1876. 8vo. 3^. 8 Bacon, Francis. New Atlantis, etc. 74. 3 Clare, Ada. [pseud ] Only a Woman's Heart. 74. 3 Croly, George. Salathiel, etc. 74. 3 Cunningham Allan. Sir Michael Scott, etc. 74. 3 Ellis, G. A. New Britain. London, 1820. 8vo. 20. 4 Emersie, John, \jpseud.'] Allisto, a Romance. 74. 2 Hale, E. E. Sybaris and other Homes. 74. 3 Haliburton, T. C. The Clock-maker, etc. 74. 3 More, Sir Thomas. Utopia, etc. 74. 3 Munsell, F., Compiler. Chips, etc. ^ 74. 3 O'Brien, Dillon. Dalys of Dalystown. 74.3 Paltock, Robert. Peter Wilkins. (2 Vols.) 74. 3 Poe, Edgar A. Tales. (Works 1876.) 74. 3 Presbury, B. F. The Mustee. (Slavery.) 74. 3 Randolph, P. B. Ravelette. Also Tom Clark, the Rosi- crucian's Story. 74. 3 Volney, C. F., Count. Ruins: Survey of the Revolutions of Empires, etc. 56. 2 Fiction — (Descriptive). Arctic Regions. See Verne, Jules. Fur Country. 20. 11 78 616 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fiction — (Continued). Canada. Moodie, Mrs. S. Roughing it in the Bush, etc. 20.1 Hudson's Bay Territory. Kingston, W. H. G. Snowshoes and Canoes, etc. 20. 4 Manitoba. Begg, Alexander. ''Dot it Down," etc. 20.4 Minnesota, TJ. S. Hankins, C. Dakota Land, etc. 22. 8 Same. Kennedy, E. C. Osseo, the Spectre Chieftain. 22.8 United States. (Jilmore, J. E. Among the Pines, etc. 30.10 My Southern Friends, etc. 30. 13 Hale, Mrs. S. J. Sketches of American Character. 33. 10 Hall, B. R. The New Purchase, etc. 19. 1 Kirkland, Mrs. C. M. Forest Life, etc. [Michigan.] 19. 1 A New Home — Who' 11 Follow ? 19. 1 Western Clearings, etc. 19. 1 Steele, J. W. Frontier Army Sketches. 30. 8 Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Uncle Tom's Cabin. New edition. 30.6 . Wheeler, A. C. The Iron Trail. (Excursion to Colorado.) 19. 10. 2 Fiction — Historical — American Revolution, Emma Corbett; Miseries of Civil War. {Anon.) 74. 3 British America. Weeks, H. C. White and Red, etc. 22. 1 England. Taylor, C. B. Truth; Narrative of Church His- tory in 17th Century, etc. 56. 3 Giacometti, Pp^olo. Elizabeth, Queen of England. [His- torical Play.] 60. 8 Indians of America. Hoffman, C. F. Greyslaer; a Ro- mance of the Mohawk. 74. 3 Snelling, W. J. Tales of the Northwest. 22. 1 Peru. Sheridan, R. B. B. Pizarro; a Tragedy. 43. 8 United States. Eastman, Mrs. M. H. Romance of Indian Life. 22. 9 Eggleston, Edward. Mystery of Metropolisville, etc. 22.8 Frost, Mrs. J. B. Gem of the Mines, etc. 20. 7 Gilmore, J. R. Among the Guerillas. 29. 1 Down in Tennessee. 30. 8 On the Borden. 30. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 617 PiCTiON — (Continued). Eandolph, J. T. Cabin and Parlor. [Pro slavery.] 30. 6 Snelling, Mrs. A. L. Kabaosa, etc. 15. 10 Stowe. Mrs. H. B. "Dred," etc. 30. 10 Same. The Two Altars. 30. 7. 3 EiELD, Cyrus, W. Life of. (McCabe J. D., Great Fortune.) 43. 12 PiELD, David D. Centennial Address at Middletown, Conn., with Historical Sketches. Middleton, 1853, 12mo. 7. 12 Genealogy of the Brainerd Family, in the U. S. New York, 1857. 8vo. 47. 8 History of the Town of Pittsfield, Berkshire Co., Mass. Hartford, 1844. 8vo. 25. 8 Sketch of. (Men of Progress.) 44. 2 Field, Edwin W. Correspondeuce on Present Eelations be- tween Gt. Britain and U. S. See Loring, C. G. 30. 9 Field, George. Esthetics, Analogy of the Sensible Sciences. Indicated. London, 1820. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 17.) 53.5 Brief Outline of the Universal System. 1816. (Pam- phleteer Yol. 9.) 53. 5 Ethics; or the Analogy of the Moral Sciences. London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 23.) 53. 12 Third Organon Attempted; or Elements of Logic. London, 1818. Pamphleteer, Yol. 12.) 53. 5 PiELD, Eev. Henry M. The Loneliness of Guilt. A Sermon. April, 1861. n. p. n. d. 8vo. 56. 7. 4 PiELD, Joseph E. Three Years in Texas, including a Yiew of the Texan Revolution, and an Account of the Principal Battles, etc. Greenfield Mass., 1836. 12mo. 15. 14. 2 PiELD, Moses W. Finance — Currency. Speech in H. of R., of Mich., Jan. 10, 1874. n. t. p. sm. 8vo. 33. 7. 6 Field, M. W., and Merick, E. G. The Currency. Report of Special Com. to the Detroit Board of Trade, Jan. 8, 1867. Detroit, 1867. 8vo. 33. 7. 6 Wages of English and American Workmen, n. t. p. 1869. 8vo. (No. 11 in Industrial Protection.) 57. 9 Field, Richard S. Address on the Life and Character of Joseph C. Hornblower. Read before the N. J. Hist. Soc, Jan. 16, 1865. ^o imprint. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 1 Hart, C. H. Necrological ISTotice of R. S. Field. 43. 6. F 618 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Field, Eichakd S — (Continued). Provincial Courts of N. J., with Sketches of Bench and Bar, Bead before the N. J. Hist. Soc. (K J. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 3.) 10. 8 Memoir of, by A. Q. Keasbey. (I^. J. Hist. Soc. Proc, Vol. 2, 2d series, pp. 111-132.) 10. 8. 1 Field, Stephen J. [Justice S. C, XJ. S.] Dissenting Opinions of, in the Chicago Elevator and the ''Granger" Cases, Decided March, 1877. n. p. 8vo. 72. 13. 4 Personal Beminiscences of Early Days in California, with other Sketches. Cop. 1880. 8vo. 20. 7 Field, Thomas P. Discourse on the 200th Anniversary of the First Church in New London, Conn., Oct. 19th, 1870» New London, 1870. 8vo. 7. 12. 1 Field, Thomas W. The Battle of Long Island, with Connected Preceding Events, and the Subsequent American Betreat. With authentic documents. Brooklyn, 1869. 8vo. (Long Island Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Vol. 2.) 10 11 Essay towards an Indian Bibliography. Catalogue of Books. Belating to the Indians, in Library of Thomas W. Field. N. Y., 1873. 8vo. 15. 2 Field Eecord of Officers of the Veteran Eeserve Corps. Wash., n. d. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 24, No. 19.) 60. 8 Fields, James T. Life of. (McCabe, J. D. Great Fortunes.) 1871. 8vo. 43. 12 FiEVET, Constant. Exploitation Agricole de Masny. n. p. 1862. 8vo. 72. 4. a Fifteenth Amendment. See Eeconstruction. Also, U. S. Constitution. Fifty Years in Chains. Ball, Charles. Indianapolis, n. d. 12mo. 30. la Fiji Islands. Wilkes, C. IT. S. Exploring Expedition, 1838- '-12. 49. la FiLLEY, William. Life and Adventures of William Filley, who was Stolen in Jackson, Mich., by the Indians, Aug. 3, 1837, and His Eeturn from Captivity Oct. 19, 1866. Chicago, 1867. 8vo. 43. a Fillmore, Millard. Early History, Written by Himself. (Buffalo Hist. Soc. Pub., Vol. 2.) 10. 5- Inaugural Address Before the Buffalo Hist. Soc, July 1, 1862. (Buf. Hist. Soc. Pub., Vol. 1.) 10. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 619 Fillmore, Millard — (Continued). Biographical Sketch. From Walker^s Statesman's Manual, pp, 1917-1926. 43. 6. F Same. Life and Administration, etc. N. Y., 1856. 8vo. 43. 6. F Bradlee, C. D. Death and the Eesurrection. A Tribute to Millard Fillmore and Charles Sumner. 43. 6. F Brooks, James. Defense of President Fillmore. 33. 7. 2 Duyckinck, E. A. (Kat. Port. Gal., Vol. 2.) 44. 6 Is Millard Fillmore an Abolitionist? \_Anon.'] Boston, 1856. 8vo. 33. 7. 2 Fillmore County, Minn. Bishop, J. W. History of Fillmore County, Minn. Chatfield, 1858. 22. 12. 5 Turner, E. C, and others. History of Fillmore County, Minn. Minneapolis ^Minnesota Publ. Co.), 1882. 4to. 22.7 FiLSON, John. See Durrett, E. T. John Filson, the First His- torian of Ken'^ucky, etc. 18. 14 Histoire de Kentuckie, Nouvelle Colonic a F ouest de laYir- ginie, etc. Avec une carte. Traduit de 1' Anglois, de M. John Filson, par M. Parraud. Paris, 1785. 8vo. 17. 6 Finance. See Baird, H. C. Theory of Inflation, etc. 33. 7. 6 Collins, D. C. Practical Political Economy. 57. 10. 2 Hill, B. A. Absolute Money, etc. 33. 7. 6 Banks and Banking, Coinage, Currency, Money, Silver Ques- tion, U. S. Finances, etc. Financial Eecord. Extra, No. 2, Yol. 1, May 6, 1874. 33. 7. 9 Financial Eeform Almanack for 1878, '80, '82-84. Lon- don, 1877-'83. 8vo. 5 Yols. 53. 10. 3 Finch, John, (Lord Finch of Ford wick, etc.). Accusation and Impeachment of. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 4, pp. 347-350.) 40. 3 FiNDLAY, James. Directory to Gentlemen's Seats, Yillages, etc., in Scotland. Edinburgh, etc. n. d. 8vo. 35. 8 FiNDLEY, Wm. Cause of the Country Truly Stated. Speech in Congress on the Loan Bill. K Y., 1814. 14. 10. 2 Fine Arts. See Art. FiNLASON, W. F. Editor. History of the English Law. See Eeeves, John. 35. 10 FiNLAYSON, James. Surnames and Sirenames. The Origin and History of Certain Family and Sirenames. London, n. d. 8vo. 46. 2 620 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. FiNLAYSON, Robert. Essay to Captains on Preserving the Health of Their Cre\^s. Loudon, 1825. (Pamphleteer, Vol.26.) 53.12 FiNLEY, H. H. Springer W. M. Argument to Inquire into the Authorship of an Anonymous Letter, dated March 4, 1880, Attributed to H. H. Finley, June 10, 1880. No. imprint. 8vo. 22. 5. 2. & 22. 10 Finley, I. J., and Putnam, Rufus. Pioneer Record, and Reminiscences of Ross County, Ohio. Cincinnati, 1871. 8vo. 18.2 Finley, J. B. Autobiography; Pioneer Life in the West. Cin., 1854. 12mo. 44.1 Life Among the Indians; Personal Reminiscences. Cin.^ 1857. 12mo. 15. 8 Sketches of Western Methodism. Cincinnati, 1854. 12mo. 56. 2 Finley, Chas. G. Sermon at Troy, March 4, 1827. Troy, N. Y. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 10.) 53. 12 Finney, Darwin A. See Pettis, S. N., and Woodward, G. W. Eulogies in H. R. Dec. 18, 1868. n. t. p. 8vo. 43. 6. F FiNOis, F. J. Great Monarchical Conspiracy, n. t. p. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 9, No. 4.) 60.1 Fire Lands Historical Society. [Norwalk, O.] Fire Lands Pioneer, Vols. 1-11. (Incomplete.) 18. 3. 3. iifi;-/r 51.11.3 Friedrich II. (The Great). King of' Prussia. See Jomini, Henri. Histoire des Guerres de Frederic II. . 14. 8 Friends, The Society of. The Ancient Testimony of the Religious Society of Friends, Commonly Called Quakers, Respecting Some of Their Christian Doctrines and Prac- tices ; Revised and Given Forth by th^ Yearly Meeting. Phila., 1843. 12mo. 56.12.7 An Appeal to the Legislative Council and General Assembly of New Jersey, on Behalf of the Religious Society of Friends, Commonly Called Quakers. Phila., 1836. 8vo. bQ, 12. 7 Bowden, James. History of the Friends in America. 38. 10 Epistle from the Yearly Meeting of Friends, Held in Phila- delphia, Addressed to its Subordinate Meetings and Mem- bers. Phila., 1863. 12mo. 56. 12. 7 Is It Calumny ? or, Is It Truth % An Examination of a Pam- phlet Entitled '' Calumny Refuted, or a Glance at John Wilbur's Book." Phila., 1846. 8vo. 56.12.3 Gurney, J. J. Letter to the Followers of Elias Hicks. 56.12.7 Hallowell, R. P. Quakers in New England. 7. 7. 1 Harrison, S. A. Wenlock Christison and the Early Friends, etc. 11. 1. ^ Howland, Emily. Friends in Cayuga County, N. Y. .10. 11. 2 83 656 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Friends, The Society of— (Continued). Lewis, Enoch. Vindication of the Friends. 56. 12. 7 Norris, J. S. Early l^riends in Maryland. 11. 1. a Papers Eelating to Quakers and Moravians in IST. Y. 10.14 Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends. 1880, 'Sk. 11.5.4 Sewel, Wm. History of the Quakers. 56. 11 Testimony of the Society of Friends in America. 56. 12. 7 Tuke, Henry. Principles of the Eeligion of the Friends. 56.2 !N'ew England Yearly Meeting. Appeal t>o the Professors of Christianity, etc. • 30. 7. 5 Testimony Against Slavery. 30. 7. 2 North Carolina Yearly Meeting. Account of Suffering of the Friends from the Rebels. 30. 11. 4 Yearly Meeting, Phila. Brief Statement of the Rise and Progress of the Testimony of the Friends Against Slavery. Philadelphia, 1843. 12mo. 30. 7. 1 Fbink, F. W. Record of Rice County, Minn., in 1868. Fari- bault, 1868. 8vo. 22.12.3 Same, with Appendix, Brought Down to 1871. 21. 12. 3 Fbisbie, Barnes. History of Middletown, Vt., in Three Dis- courses, Delivered before the Citizens of that Town, Feb. 7 and 21, and March 30, 1867, etc. Rutland, 1867. 8vo. 7.9 Fbobisher, Sir Martin. Memoirs of. (N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. 3.) 46. 3 Voyages to the I^orthwest, 1576-1578. (See Harris, John, IS^avigantum, Vol. 1.) 94. 8 Frogs. See Lansing, J. V. Frogs and their Contributions to Science. 49. 5. 5 Wyman, Jeffries. Anatomy of the Nervous System of Rana Pipiens. 49. 7 Froiseth, Mrs. Jennie A. Women of Mormonism. With Papers by Leonard Bacon and P. T. Van Zile. Detroit, Mich, 1882. 8vo. 19. 9 Froissart, Le Sueur, Jean. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, etc. 1326-1399. Trans, by Thomas Johnes. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. 40. 13 Frontenac, Louis, Count. Papers Relating to his Expedition Against the Onondagas, 1696. See O'Callaghan, E. B. Doc. Hist, of U. S., Vol. 1. 10. 14 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY, 657 Frontenac, Louis, Count — (Continued). See Stewart, Geo. Jr. Frontenac and his Times. 25. 9 Voyage au Lac Ontario en 1673. See Margry, Pierre. De- couvertes, etc. Vol. 1. 20. 11 Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Histoire de la I^ouvelle France. 20.10 Same. Translation by J. G. Shea. 20. 10 Le Olercq, Chretien. First Establishment of the Faith. 20.10 Frontier Army Sketches. See Steele, J. W. Chicago, 1883. 8vo. 30. 8 Frost, Charles. Considerations on Eemuneration to Witnesses in Civil Actions, for Loss of Time. London, 1815. (Pam- phleteer, Vol. 7.) 53. 5 Frost, Mrs. J. Blakeslee. Gem of the Mines. Narrative of California Life. Hartford, Conn., 1866. 20. 7 Frost, J. H. Ten Years in Oregon. See Lee, D. 20. 6 Frost, John. Book of the U. S. Navy. (1776-1842.) N. Y., 1842. 8vo. 14. 6 History of the State of California. N. Y. 8vo. 20. 7 Indian Battles, Captivities and Adventures. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. 16. 4 Pictorial History of America (986-1852). Phila, 1854. 8vo. 14.6 Pictorial History of Mexico, and the Mexican War. Phila., 1871. 8vo. 14. 11 Popular History of the U. S. N. Y., 1882. 12mo. 14.13 Frost Family. See Welles, Albert. American Family Antiq- uity, Vol. 1. 39. 3 Frothingham, N. L. The Duty of the Citizen to the Law; a Sermon, etc. Boston, 1844. 8vo. 56. 7. 4 Farewell. Sermon to the First Church, on Eesigning its Pastoral Charge, March 10, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8vo. • (Mass. Pamph., Vol.- 7, No. 12.) 9. 2 Sermon at the Ordination of O. B. Frothingham, as Pastor of the North Church in Salem. Salem, 1847. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 10.) 9. 2 The Memory of the Just. Sermon Preached after the Death of Joseph P. Bradlee, Dec. 25, 1838. Boston, 1838. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 658 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fbothingham, :N^. L. — (Continued). The New Idolatry. A Sermon to the First Church, Sunday, ISoY. 22, 1840. Boston, 1840. 8vo. 56. 7. 5 Our Eeligious Times. An Address, Delivered before the Association of the Alumni of the Cambridge Theological School, July 12, 1844. Boston, 1844. 8vo. 56. 11. 4 Sermon in King's Chapel [Boston], after the Funeral of F. W. P. Greenwood, D. D., Aug. 6, 1843. Boston, 1843. 8vo. 43. 6. G FbothinCtHAM, Octavius B. Colonization, n. t. p. 12mo. >. .. 30. 7. 3 The I^ew Commandment; a Discourse Delivered in the Korth Church, Salem, Sunday, June 4, 1854. Salem, 1854. 8vo. 56. 7. 5 The Eadical Belief; a Discourse Spoken in Lyric Hall, Oct. 23,1870. N. Y.,.1870. 8vo. 56.5.1 The Spirit of the l^ew Faith. Sermon, printed in the Pam- phlet Mission, March 1878. Chicago, 1878. 8vo. 56. 7. 4 Theodore Parker. Sermon in New York, June 10, 1860. Boston, 1860. 8vo. 43. 13. P. 1 Frothingham, N. L. Sermon at Ordination of O. B. Froth- ingham. 9. 2 Frothingham, Eichard. The Alarm on the Night of April 18, 1775. No title page. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 History of the Siege of Boston, and the Battles of Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill. Bost., 1851. 8vo. 14. 3 Life'and Times of Joseph Warren. Boston, 1865. 8vo. 44. 9 '■■ Oration in Boston, July 4, 1874. Bost., 1874. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 15.) 9. 2 See Deane, Charles. Memoir of Ei chard Frothingham. 9. 10 Feoube, James Anthony. Gems from Froude. N. Y. n. d. 16mo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 8.) 60. 1 Fruit. See Brand, O. F. Catalogue of Faribault Nursery. • 22. 14. 4 . Ford, L. M. & Co. Catalogue of Groveland Garden. 22. 14. 5 Fry, James B. Letter to A. G. Eiddle, Containing a Eesume of his Charges against Eoscoe Conkling, etc. Washington, " 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 18, No. 7.) 60. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 659 Fry, J. Eeese, and Conrad, E. T. Life of Gen. Zachary Tay- lor. Phila., 1847. 12mo. 45. 3 Fry, Joseph Storrs. Concise History of Tithes, with Inquiry how far they are Warranted by Christ. London, 1820. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 15.) 53. 5 Fryer, Alfred C. Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, his Life and Times. London, 1880. 8vo. 43. 9 FucA, Juan de. Original Account of his Voyage along the I^orthwest Coasts of America in 1592. See Greenhow, E. History of Oregon. 20. 6 Fudge Family in Paris. See Moore, Thomas. Works, 1826. 8vo. 74. 4 Fugitive Slave Law. See "Slavery." FuGiTT, James Preston. Union of Patriots. Oration on the Union. Baltimore, 1860. 8vo. 33. 7. 2 Fuller, Allen C. Speech on Eevenue. In the Senate of Illi- nois, Jan. 17, 1872. Springfield, 1872. 8vo. 18. 6. 6 Fuller, Arthur B. See Fuller, E. F. Chaplain Fuller, Life Sketch. 44. 8 Sketch of. Harvard Memorial Biog., Vol. 1. 43. 11 Fuller, Melville W. Biographical Memoir of Sidney Breese. Eead before the Illinois State Bar Association, Spring- field, 111., Jan. 9, 1879. (See Breese, Sidney. Early Hist, of 111., p. 3.) 17.10 Fuller, Metta V. Mormon Wives, a JS'arrative of Facts Stranger than Fiction. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. 17. 1 Fuller, Eichard and Wayland, Francis. Domestic Slavery Considered as a Scriptural Institution. I^. Y. and Bost., 1845. 18mo. 30. 6 Fuller, Eichard F. Chaplain Fuller, Life Sketch of A. B. Fuller. Boston. 1864. 8vo. 44. 8 Fuller, Sarah Margaret. See Ossoli, Mary Fuller, Mar- chesa d'. Fuller, Thomas. Church History of Britain, until the Year 1848. With a Preface and ]S"otes by James Nichols. London, 1842. 8vo. 35. 9 Fuller Family. See Clarke, S. C. Descendants of John Ful- ler. * 47. 14. 1 FuLLERTON, ALEXANDER. How You may Aid Civil Service Eeform. Phila. n. d. 8vo. 57. 4. 3 FuLLERTON, Thomas M. St. Louis Eiver, Minn. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1.) 22. 10 660 MINNESOTA HISTOBIOAL SOCIETY. FuLl?ON.JoHN. Methods of Coking. (Pa. 2d Geol. Survey, App. K) 11. 3 Fulton, Egbert. Treatise on the Improvement of Canal Navi- gation. London, 1796. 4to. 49. 3 See Colden, C. D. Life of Fulton. 43. 9 Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. 44. 6 Life of. See McCabe, J. D. Great Fortunes. 43. 12 Fulton jlnd Hamilton Counties (N. Y.). Bible Society. Eeport, 1868-'69. 10.14.3 Fulton Co., III. See Swan, A. M. History of Fulton Co., 111. 18. 6. 6 Fulton Co., N. Y. History of Montgomery and Fulton Coun- ties, I^ew York. K Y., 1878. 4to. 85. 9 Fulton Wells, Cal. Fulton Sulphur Wells, Los Angeles Co., Cal. Description. Los Angeles, 1883. 12mo. 20. 14. 6 Funk, . Patriot Farmers' Defiance to Traitors, n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 9 Fur, Fin and Feather. Game Laws of the United States and Canada. :N'ew York, 1870. 8vo. 49. 5. 5 FURBER, Daniel L. Eeligion and Education in a Eepublic. Sermon at the Annual, Mass., Election, Jan. 5, 1881. Boston, 1881. 4to. 56. 5. 6 FURBER, Geo. C. Twelve Months' Volunteer ; Journal of a Pri- vate in the Campaign in Mexico, 1846-'47. Cinn., 1849. 8vo. 14. 11 FuRBER, Wm. H. Historical Address in Somerviile, July 4, 1876. Boston, 1876. 8vo. (Mass. Pamphlets, Vol. 3, IsTo. 17.) 9. 2 Furlong, Charles B. Origin of the Outrages at Vicksburg. Speech in the Senate of Mississippi, Dec. 18, 1874. Vicks- burg, 1874. 8vo. 15.7.3 FuRMAN, Gabriel. Notes, Geographical and Historical, Eclat- ing to the Town of Brooklyn, Long Island. Brooklyn, 1824. 10. 11 Furness, William H. Declaration of Independence. Dis- course in Philadelphia, June 29, 1862. Phila., 1862. 8vo. 30. 4. 7 Doing before Believing. A Discourse Delivered in Hing- ham, Mass., May 19, 1847. IST. Y., 1847. 8vo. 56. 7. 1 Our American Institutions. Thanksgiving Discourse in Philadelphia, Aug. 6, 1863. Phila., 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 7 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y. 661 FuKNESS, William H. — (Continued) Our Duty as Conservatives. Discourse, Nov. 25, 1860. occa- sioned by the Threatened Secession. Phila., 1860. 8vo. 30. 4. 7 Thanksgiving Discourse in Philadelphia, April, 13, 1862. 30. 4. 7 Voice of the Hour. Discourse in Philadelphia, Jan. 15, 1864. Phila., 1864. 8vo. 30. 4. 7 Fur Company, N"orthwest. See Northwest Fur Company. Fur Hunters of the Far West. See Eoss, Alex. 20. 11 Furs and the Fur Trade. See Aikin, A. On Furs and the Fur Trade. 19. 10. 6 Anderson, T. G. Early Experiences in the Fur Trade. 19. 11 Bancroft, H. H. History of the Pacific States, Vol. 22. 25. 12 Considerations on the Indian Trade. 19. 10. 6 Fur Trade and Factory System. 19. 11 Douglas, T. D. Sketch of the British Fur Trade. 20. 4 Dunn, John. Oregon and the Fur Trade. 20. 6 Elliott, H. W. Seal and Other Fur Trade, Alaska. 20. 13 Loughborough, J. Papers in Western Civilian, Vol. 1-2. '37. 14 Mackenzie, Sir A. Fur Trade from Canada to the K. W. 20. 13 TJmfreville, Edward. Description of Fur Trade. 20. 4 Victor, Mrs. F. F. American Fur Companies. 19. 2 See also Hudson Bay Co., Northwest Fur Co. Further Queries upon the Present State of the Kew English Affairs. By S. E. London, 1689 or '90. TEe- printed, N. Y., 1865.) 7. 7 Further Accompt, A, of the Progresse of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England. London, 1659. (Reprinted, N. Y., 1835.) 7. 7 FuTHEY, J. Smith. Historical Discourse on the 150th Anniver- sary of the Upper Octorara Presbyterian Church, Chester Co., Pa., Sept. 14, 1870. Phila., 1870. 8vo. 11. 4 Future Life, The. See Channing, W. E. Works, 1855. Vol. 4. 44. 1 Douglas, James. Belief of the Ancient Egyptians. 20. 9. 7 662 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. G. Gaelic Language. See Mackay, Charles. Gaelic Etymology, etc. 42. 5 McLauchlan, Thos. Gaelic Language, Literature, etc. 52. 11 Gaffakel, Paul. Etude sur les Eapports de 1' Amerique, et de r Ancient Continent avant Christophe Colomb. Paris, 1869. 8vo. . 14.12 Gaffield. Thomas. Action of Sunlight on Glass, n. t. p. 8vo. 51. 3. 1 Gail, G. W. Suggestions for Taxing Tobacco in its Eaw State. Baltimore, 1865. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 22, No. 22.) 60. 8 Gaimer, Geoffrey. See Geoffrey, Gaimar. Gaines, Mrs. Myra Clarke. New Orleans Finance Commit- tee. Eeport on the Petition of Mrs. Myra Clarke Gaines to the Common Council of New Orleans. N. Y., 1868. 8vo. 15. 7. 1 Paschal, G. W. Argument in Behalf of her Claim. 60. 8 GairDner, James. Editor. Historia Eegis Henrici Septimi. See Andrea, Bernardo. 40. 6 Letters and Papers of the Eeigns of Eichard III. and Henry VII. See Letters, etc. 40. 6 Gale, Eev. Amory. Centennial Discourse, Preached in Eoy- alston, at the First Centennial Anniversary of the Baptist Church, in Eoyalston, Mass., June 10, 1868. Worcester, 1868. 8vo. 8. 9. 6 The Two Abrahamic Covenants; a Sermon Preached in Lee, Mass., Jan. 29, 1854. Lee, 1854. 8vo. 56. 7. 3 Gale, George. Gale Family Eecords in England and the United States. Galesville, Wis., 1865. 8vo. 47. 9 Genealogy of the Gale Family, n. t. p. 8vo. 25. 7. 7 Upper Mississippi. Historical Sketches of the Indian Tribes, etc. Chicago, etc., 1867. 8vo. 19. 11 Memoir of, by D. S. Durrie. (Wis. Hist. Coll., Vol. 7.) 19. 11 Gale, George W. Brief History of Knox College, Galesburg, 111., with Discourse by J. Blanchard. Cinn., 1845. 8vo. 18. 13. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 663 Gale Family. See Gale, George. Genealogy of. 47. 9 Galena «& Chicago Union Eailroad Co. Documents Sub- mitted to the Stockholders, by the Board of Directors, July 22, 1858, in Eelation to the Leasing of the Chicago, Ful- ton & Mississippi Eailroad Bridge at Fulton, etc. Chic, 1858. 8vo. 72. 7. 5 Fourth Annual Eeport, 1851. 72. 7. 5 Galena, III. History of First Presbyterian Church, etc. Ga- lena, 1845. 16mo. 18. 6. 3 Theological Seminary. Charter and Constitution. Galena, 1853. 8vo. 18.13.5 Directory. 1852. 16mo. 80 Gales «& Seaton, Publ. Eegister of Debates in Congress. 1824-'37. Washington, 1825-'37. 8vo. 29 Vols. 60. 6 Galignani, a. and W. N^ew Paris Guide for 1854. Paris, 1853. 8vo. 40. 9 Galindo, Don Juan. Euins of Copan, in Central America. (Amer. Antiq. Soc. Trans., Vol. 2.) 9. 10 Gallagher, W. D. Facts and Conditions of Progress in the Northwest. Discourse before the Historical and Philo- sophical Society of Ohio, April 8, 1850. Ciun., 1850. 8vo. 19.8 Another copy. 18. 3. 1 Galland, Isaac. Indian Tribes of the West; their Language, Eeligion and Traditions. (Annals of Iowa, Vol. 7.) 19. 6 Iowa Emigrant: General Descriptions of Iowa Territory. Chillicothe, 1840. 8vo. 19. 6 Gallatin, Albert. See Adams, Henry. Memoir. 46. 13 Autobiography. (Me. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 6.) 7. 1 Expenses of the War with Mexico, n. t. p. [Wash., 1848.] 8vo. (Mexican War Pamphlets, No. 22.) 16.10 Indian Tribes East of the Eocky Mountains, and in the British and Eussian Possessions. (Amer. Antiq. Soc. Trans., Vol. 2.) 9.10 Inaugural Address before the l!^. Y. Hist. Soc, Feb. 7, 1843. No imprint. 8vo. 10. 4 Letters on the Oregon Question, Originally Published in the^ National Intelligencer, Jan., 1846. Wash., 1846. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 1.) 17. g Memoir on the Northeastern Boundary, with a Speech by Daniel Webster, 1843. N. Y., 1843. 8vo. 10. 4 84 664 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Gallatin, Albert— (Continued). Notes on the Semi-Civilized iN'ations of Mexico, Yucatan and Central America. (Amer. Ethn. Soc. Trans., Yol. 1.) 15.10 Peace with Mexico. K Y., 1847. 33. 7. 1 Eeminiscences of, by J. E. Bartlett. 1849. 10. 4. 1 Proceedings on the Death of. ' 10. 4. 1 Oallatin, James. National Debt, Taxation, Currency and Banking System of the U. S. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. 33. 7. 6 National Finances, Currency, Banking, etc. Eeply to a Speech by Samuel Hooper. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. 33. 7. 6 Public Debt, Banking, Currency and Finances of the U. S. Letter to James E. Doolittle. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. 33. 7. 7 Gallaudet, Thos. H. Picture Defining and Eeading Book; also, New Testament Stories in the Ojibwa Language. Boston, 1835. 12mo. 22. 1 . Wowapi Mitawa. My own Book. Trans, into Dakota, by S. E. Eiggs. 1842. 32mo. 22. 1 Gallinee, le Pere, Brehan de. Eelation. Yoyage de la Salle. (See Margry Papers, Yol. 1.) 17.5 Gallison, John. See Channing, W. E. Memoir, etc. 44. 1 Galloway, Joseph. Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies. N. Y., 1775. 8vo. (Eev. Pamph., Yol. 17.) 14.1 Second edition, 1786. (Eev. War Pamph., Yol. 24, No. 2.) 14.1 Cool Thoughts on the Consequences to Great Britain of American Independence. London, 1780. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Yol. 2, No. 4.) 14. 1 Historical and Political Eeflections on the Else and Progress of the American Eebellion. London, 1780. 8vo. 14. 1 Letter to the Eight Hon. Lord Yiscount H. E. on his Naval Conduct in the American War. London, 1789. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Yol. 2, No. 3.) 14. 1 Letters from Cicero to Cataline, the Second [Charles James Fox]. London, 1781. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Yol. 13, No. 5.) 14. 1 Letters to a Nobleman on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. London, 1779. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Yol. 18, No. 1.) 14. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 665 Galloway, Joseph — (Continued). Plain Truth; or, Letter to the Author of Dispassionate Thoughts on the American War. By the Author of Letters to a Nobleman, etc. London, 1780. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Yol. 24,» '^o. 4.) 14. 1 Reply to the Observations of Sir William Howe on '' Letters to a I^obleman." Added, an Appendix. London, 1780. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 24, No. 1.) 14. 1 Same. 2d edition, with Additions. 1781. (Vol. 35, No. 6.) 14.8 Examination of Joseph Galloway before the House of Com- mons. London, 1779. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 18, No. 3.) 14. 1 Letter to Cicero, Lucius Cataline, or the American Deputy; with Two Letters in Defense of the Association of Protest- ants in England. London, 1781. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 4.) 14. 1 Galloway, Samuel. Plan for a Proposed Union between Great Britain and the Colonies. See Cooper, Myles. What Think Ye? etc. 1775. 8vo. 14. 1 Galtier, Rev. Lucien. See Ireland, John (Bp. of St. Paul). Memoir, etc. 22. 10 Galton, Francis. Hereditary Genius; an Inquiry into its Laws and Consequences; New and Revised Edition, with an American Preface. N. Y., 1884. 8vo. 51. 1 Galusha, Jonas. (Gov. of Vt.) Life of, by P. H. White. 60. 8 Galvanism. See Hough, G. W. Remarks on the Galvanic Battery. ' 51. 3. 1 MuUer, J. Galvanism. 49. 3 Galveston, Texas. See Lea, Albert M. Galveston as a Rail- way Centre. 15. 14. 2 Gamble, J. S. Manual of the Common Schools of Fayette Co., Ind. Cinn., 1877. 18mo. 18. 11. 3 Gambling. The Nicker Nicked, or the Cheats of Gaming Dis- covered. 1669. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 7.) 40. 3 Game. See ''Fur, Fin and Feather " — Fishing, Hunting, etc. Gammell, William. Address before the Rhode Island Histor- *ical Society, Nov. 20, 1844. Providence, 1844. 8vo. 8. 7. 7 The Huguenots and the Edict of Nantes. A Paper read be- fore the R. I. Hist. Soc, Nov. 3, 1885. Prov., 1886. 8vo. 8. 7. 7 666 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Gammell, William — (Continued). Life and Services of Hon. John Eussell Bartlett. A Paper read before the E. I. Hist. Soc, Kov. 5, 1886. Pro v., 1886. 8vo. 43. 6. B Life of Eoger Williams. Bostoci, 1846. 16mo. 44. 11 Gandolphy, Peter. Congratulatory Letter to Herbert Marsh, on his Inquiry into the Consequences, etc., 1812. (Pam- phleteer, Vol. L ) 53.5 Second Letter to Herbert Marsh, etc. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 2.) 53. 5 Ganilh, Charles. General Eeflections on the Financial Situa- tion of France in 1816. Paris, 1815. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 7.) 53. 5 Gannett, Ezra Stiles. The Atlantic Telegraph. A Discourse Delivered in the First Church, Aug. 8, 1858. Boston, 1858. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 7, ^o. 1.) 9. 2 Discourse in Dedham, Mass., July 31, 1864, after the Death of Alvan Lamson. Boston, 1864. 8vo. 43. 13 Good Old Age. Sermon on the Death of John Davis, Preached in Boston, Jan. 24, 1847. Boston, 1847. 8vo. 43. 6. D The Old and the New. " Sermon in the Arlington Street Church, Boston, Jan. 2, 1870. Boston, 1870. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 10.) 9. 2 The Physician. Sermon, in Boston, after the Death of Marshall Sears Perry, M. D. Boston, 1859. 8vo. 43. 13. P. 1 Eeligion of Politics. Mass. Election Sermon, Jan. 5, 1842. Boston, 1842. 8vo. 56. 5. 5 Eelation of the North to Slavery. Discourse in the Federal Street Meeting House, in Boston, June 11, 1854. Boston, 1854. 8vo. 30. 14. 5 See Curtis, G. T. Observations on Dr. Gannett' s Ser- nion. 30. 14. a Thanksgiving for the Union. A Discourse Delivered in the Federal Street Meeting House, Boston, Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph. , Vol. 7, No. 2.) 5«. 7. 4 Channing, W. E. Sermon at Ordination of E. S. Gannett, as Colleague Pastor of the Church in Federal Street, Bos- ton, June 30, 1824. Boston, 1824. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 7.) 9. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 667 Gannett, Henry. Boundaries of the U. S., and of the Several States and Territories, with a Historical Sketch of the Territorial Changes. (U. S. Geol. Survey, Pul5. Ko. 13.) Wash., 1885. 8vo. 49. 4 Dictionary of Altitudes in the U. S. Washington, 1884. 8vo. (U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. I^o. 5.) 49. 4 Geographical Fieldwork of the Yellowstone Park Division. (U. S. Geol. Survey, 12th Report.) Washington, 1883. 8vo. 49. 11 Lists of Elevations in the U. S. West of the Mississippi. 4th edit. Wash., 1877. 8vo. (U. S. Geol. Survey, Misc. Pub. No. 1.) ' 49. 11 Supplement, Same. Vol. 5, ^o. 3. 49. 5. 1 Gannett, W. C. Unity Sunday School Lessons. Series IV. A Chosen Nation, or the Growth of the HebiFew Eeligion. Chicago, n. d. 8vo. 56. 12. 3 Ganse, Heryey D. Address. The Debt which Learning Owes to Faith. Wabash College. Semi- Centennial. 1882. 8vo. 18. 11. 2 Gansevoort, Peter. Sketch of his Life and Character. Anon. 1876. n. t. p. 8vo. 43. 6. G Gantt, E. W. Address to the People of Arkansas, Oct. 7, 1863. Little Eock, 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 Garber, Silas. (Gov. of Neb.) Message. Lincoln, 1877. 8vo. 19. 10. 5 Garbit, Fred. J. The Phonograph and its Inventor (T. A. Edison). Boston, 1878. 8vo. 43. 6. E Garden, James. History of Henry III, King of France. Dub- lin, 1783. 8vo. 43. 3 Gardening. See Falconer, Wm. Gardening among the An- cients. 35. 8 See Horticulture. Gardiner, Abigail. See Sharp, Mrs. Abigail G. Captivity among the Sioux, etc. 19. 13 See Lee, L. P. History of the Spirit Lake Massacre. 19. 13. 4 Gardiner, Sir Christopher. See Adams, C. F., Jr. Episode of, etc. 9. 4 Gardiner, Henry. Absenteeism Considered. London, 1826. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 27.) 53. 12 Gardiner, John. Oration, July 4th, 1785, at Boston. Boston, 1785. 4to. 43. 9 668 BIINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Gardiner, John Lyon. Notes and Observations in the Town of East Hampton, L. I., 1798. (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. 18^.) 10. 4 Gardiner, Me. See Hanson, J. W, History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner, Me. 7. 1 Gardner, Asa B. Argument on Behalf of Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, Eespondent, before the Court of Inquiry in the Case of Gouverneur K. Warren, Appellant, July 28-30, 1881. Wash., 1881. 8vo. 30. 11. 2 Correspondence between Gen. J. M. Schofield and Maj. A. B. Gardner, in Eegard to the Officers Inquiring into the Case of Fitz John Porter, Dec. 20, 1880. n. t. p. 8vo. • 30. 11. 2 Gardner, Augustus K. Eulogy on John W. Francis, M. D. N. Y.^1861. 8vo. 43. 6. F Gardner, Charles K. Dictionary of All Officers in the Army of the U. S., 1789-1853, Including the Kavy and Marine Corps. K Y., 1853. 12mo. 33. 9 Gardner, Francis. Memorial of Francis Gardner, Late Head Master of the Boston Latin School. Boston, 1876. 4to. 43. 6. G Gardner, James. Faiths of the World. Dictionary of All Eeligions and Sects. Edinburg, etc. n. d. 8vo. 2 Vols. 56. ra Gardner, Henry W. True Situation of Affairs in Eelation to the Claim of Geo. H. Corliss against the Navy Depart- ment. Providence, 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 22.) 60. 1 Gardner Family. See Pierce, E. W. Genealogy of Gardner Family. 47. 9 Garfield, James A. Argument in the U. S. Supreme Court, March 6, 1866, in the Matter of L. P. Milligan, W. A. Bowles and Stephen Hersey. Wash., 1866. 8vo. 53. 11. 1 Currency, The. Speech in the H. of E., May 15, 1868. Wash., 1868. 8vo. 33.7.9 Garfield and Civil Service Eeform. Extracts from his Speeches. (Broadside.) n. p. n. d. 57. 4. 3 Jefferson Davis. Amnesty. Speech, with Blaine, J. G. ^•^•P- 30.11.4 National Bureau of Education. Speech, H. of E., June 8, 1866. n. t. p. 8vo. 56. 9. 1 CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 669 Garfield, James A. — (Continued). Oration at Arlington, Ya., May 30, 1868, on Strewing Flow- ers on the Graves of Union Soldiers. Cleveland, O., 1868. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Oration on Gen. G. H. Thomas, before the Society of the Army of the Cumberland, Cleveland, O., Nov. 25, 1870. Cinn., 1871. 8vo. 43. 7. T. 1 Public Expenditures. Speech, Jan. 23, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 31, No. 24.) 60. 8 Eemarks in the H, of R., on the Bill to Place the Rebel States under Military Control, Feb. 1867. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 Review of the Transactions of the Credit Mobilier Company, and an Examination of the Testimony which Relates to Mr. Garfield. Wash., 1873. 8vo. 43. 6. G Speech on the Confiscation of the ProI^^rty of Rebels. H. of R., Jan. 28, 1864. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Speech on the Constitutional Amendment to Abolish Slavery, H. R., Jan. 13, 1865. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 12, Ko. 60.) 60.1 Speech on the McGarrahan Claim, H. of R., Feb. 20, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 41.) 60.8 Speech on the Public Debt and Specie Payments, H. of R., March 16, 1866. Wash., 1866. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 29, No. 18.) 60. 8 Army of the Cumberland, Society of the. Garfield Monu- ment. Appeal for ^Subscriptions, n. t. p. 4to. 43. 6. G See Averill, J. O. Funeral Sermon on Garfield. 43. 14. 4 Berry, J. R. Silence Amid Mystery. Sermon. 43. 6. G Blaine, J. G. Memorial Address on Garfield. 44. 12 Boston Common Council. Memorial. 44. 12 Boston. Eulogy by N. P. Banks. 43. 6. G Bradlee, C. D. Sermon on Garfield. 43. 6. G Brisbin, J. S. Life and Public Services. 43. 3 Comic Biography. [Detroit Free Press.] 43. 6. G Corbett, Sidney. A Sermon, etc. 43. 6. G Freemasons. Memorial Tribute. , 43. 6. G King, Moses, Publ. Poet's Tribute to. ' 43. 6. G Memorial Service. Boston Y. M. C. A. 43. 6 Same. Held at Sea, Steamer .Scythia. 43. 7 670 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Garfield, James A.— (Continued). Newark, N". J. Memorial Services. 43. 6. G Porter, E. G. President Garfield's Ancestry. 47. 14. 2 Tuttle, J. F. Memorial Address. 43. 6. G Garfielde, Selucius. Climates of the l!^orthwest. Phila., 1871. 8vo. (I^or. Pac. E. E. Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 20.) 22. 4 Same. Edition of 1872. .19. 10. 7 Gargan, Thos. J. Oration Delivered before the City Council and Citizens of Boston, July 4, 1885. Boston, 1885. 8vo. 8.9.6 Garibaldi, Gen. Giuseppe. Life of. Written by Himself. Translated by Theo. D wight. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. 43.10 Garland, Hugh A. Life of John Eandolph of Eoanoke. 11th ed. N. Y., 1^856. 2 Tols. 44. 9 Garland, John. Door County, Wis. See Curtis, J. S. 19. 5. 8 Garlick, Theodatus. Biography of Ephraim Kirby, Director of the Conn. Land Co. in 1795. n. t. p. 18. 13. 1 Garneau, Francois X. History of Canada, 1534-1840. Trans- lated, with ^N'otes, by Andrew Bell. Montreal, 1S66. 8vo. 20.2 Casgrain, H. E. Un Contemporain. 43. 6. G Garnier, Charles, le Pere. Eagueneaux, Paul. Eelation. 1650. (Eelation des Jesuites. 1858. Vol. 2.) 20. 3 Garnett, Louis A. Letter on a Change in the Mint Laws, upon the Subject of the Eefining of Gold and Silver. 1866. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Garnett, S. Ann. Cursory Family Sketches [Tompkins Fam- ily]. :N. Y., 1870. 8vo. 47. 13 Garrard, Lewis H. Chambersburg in the Colony, and the Eevolution. Phila., 1856. 8vo. (Pa. Hist. Soc. Coll.) 11.10 Garreau, Leonard. See Quien, Jean de. Eelation, 1656. 20.3 Garrettson, H. Eeport, Vienna Exhibition, Vol. 1. 52. 6 Garrett, Col. John H. Biog. Sketch of. (Annals of Iowa, Vol. 9.) 19. 6 Garrett, John W. Address, Jan. 30, 1883, before the Y. M. C. A. of Baltimore. Bait., 1883. 8vo. 74. 7. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 671 Oarrett, John W. — (Continued). Address to the Directors of the B. & O. R. R. Co., upon his Re-election as President. Bait., 1866. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph.) 60.1 Same. 1868. 72.7.4 Letter and Accompanying Documents from the President of the B. «& O. R. R. Co. to the Controller of Maryland. Bait., 1865. 16mo. 72. 7. 4 Remarks of, as President, Made at the Regular Monthly Meetings of the Directors, Aug. 11, and Sept. 8, 1869. Bait., 1869. 8vo. 72. 7. 4 Remarks on the Necessity for an Additional First-Class Railway between Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, Jan. iT, 1871. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 28, No. 16.) 60.8 Garrett, Thos. E. Oration, as Graiid Master of the Masons of Mo., on the Occasion of Laying the Corner Stone of the Normal School at Warrensburg, Mo., Aug. 16, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. 56. 9. 2 Garrett, Wm. Reminiscences of Public Men in Alabama for Thirty Years; with Appendix, Containing Roll of all Public Of&cers for Thirty Years. Atlanta, 1872. 8vo. 45. 3 Garrett, W. R. History of the South Carolina Cession and the Northern Boundary of Tennessee. Nashville, Tenn., 1884. 8vo. 18.14.1 Garrett Biblical Institute, Eyanston, III. Catalogue and Circular, 1860. Chicago, 1860. 8vo. 18. 13. 5 Garrett Co., Md. See Scharf, J. T. History. 16. 9 Garrigues, S. S. Statistics Relating to the Saline Interests of Michigan. Lansing, 1881. 8vo. 85. 9. 5 Garrison, Daniel Randall. Sketch of. See Reavis, L. U. 18.7 Garrison, W. P. Benson Family of Newport, R. I. With an Appendix Concerning the Benson Families in America, of English Descent. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. 47. 1 Garrison, Wm. Lloyd. Fac-Simile of an Autograph Letter Relating to Kansas, Written a Few Days before his Death, March, 1879. (Kans. Hist. Soc. Trans., 1881.) 19. 7 Infidelity of Abolitionism. N. Y., 1860. 12mo. 30. 7. 1, Lectures of George Thompson, with a Full Report of the Discussion between Mr. Thompson and Mr. Borthwick in Liverpool, etc. Boston, 1836. 12mo. 31. 3 85 672 MINNESOTA HISTOUICAL SOCIETY. Garrison, Wm. Lloyd — (Continued). Letter, to Louis Kossuth, Concerning Slavery in the U. S. In Behalf of the American Anti-Slavery Society. Boston, 1852. 8vo. 30. 7. 4 See Johnson, Oliver. Garrison and his Times. 43. 11 Lyman, Theo. The Garrison Mob. 1835. 30. 7. 4 Garroway, , Alderman. Speech, 17th January, 1642. (Harleian Misc. , Vol. 5. ) 40. 3 Gary, George. From Wisconsin to California. See Ross, James. 19. 10. 2 Gas. See Merrick, S. V. Gas Manufactories of Great Britain, etc. 11.5.3 Pease, J. B. and Piatt, F. :N^atural Gas. 11. 3 Sadtler, S. P. Gas from Oil Wells. 11. 3 See Boston, Mass., Gas Light Co. Gasparin, Agenor Etienne, Comte. America before Europe. Translated by Mary L. Booth. N. Y., 1862. 12mo. 30. 5 Response a la Ligue Loyale et National, New York. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. 30. 9 Same, translated. ^ 30. 9 Uprising of a Great People. U. S. in 1861. N. Y., 1861. 12mo. 30. 8 Gaspesia, Canada. See Langelier, J. C. Sketch of Gaspesia, Canada. 20. 9. 1 Gass, Patrick. Lewis and Clarke's Journal to the Rocky Mountains, 1804-'6. Dayton, O., 1847. 12mo. 19. 3 Gaston, Hugh. Scripture Account of the Faith and Practice of Christians, Complete Concordance to the Scriptures. Fred- ericktown, Md., 1818. 8vo. 56. 4 Gaston, William. Inaugural Address, as Mayor of Boston. Jan. 2, 1871. Boston, 1871. 8vo. 8. 9. 2 Gates, Gen. Horatio. See Duyckink, E. A. Vol. 1. 44. 6 Gatling Guns. See U. S. Dept. of War. Ordnance Dept. Report, 1874-'76. Gatschet, Albert S. The Beothuk Indians. Two Papers read before the American Philosophical Society, June 19, 1885, and May 7, J 886. Phila. 8vo. 15. 11. 4 A Migration Legend of the Creek Indians, with a Linguis- tic. Historic and Ethnographic Introduction. [Brinton's Library of Aboriginal American Literature, Ko. lY]. Phila., 1884. 8vo. 15. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 673 Gatschet, Albert S. — (Continued). Sketinasha Indians of Southern Louisiana, n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 11. 5 The Timucua Language. Papers read before the American Philosophical Society, April 5, 1878, and Feb. 20, 1880- [Reprinted from the. Proceedings, Vols. 17 and 18.] 15. 11. 2 Der Yuma Sprachtst'amm. From the Zeitschrift fur Eth- nologic. 1877-'83. Berlin. 8vo. 15.11.4 Gaty. See Getty. Gavbil, Antoine. Histoire de T Astronomic Chinoise. (Let- tres Edifiantes, Vol. 26.) 20. 8 Gay, George Hen^ry, M. D. See Bradlee, C. D. Brief Memoir. 43. 6. G Gay, Julius. Record of the Descendants of John Clark, of Farmington, Conn. The Male Branches Brought Down to 1882. Hartford, Conn., 1882. 8vo. 47.2 Gay, Martin. Statement of the Claims of Charles T. Jackson, to the Discovery of the Applicability of Ether to Prevent Pain. Boston, 1847. 8vo. 51. 4. 5 Gay, Sidney Howard. Amerigo Vespucci. [Chapt. II. Xar. and Crit. Hist, of America, Vol. 2.] 25. 9 Popular History of the United States. See Bryant, W. C. 14.6 Gayarre, Charles A. History of Louisiana. The French Domination. K. Y. 1854. 8vo. 2 Vols. 15. 7 Same. Spanish Domination. . 15. 7 Gazetteer. See Callicot, T. C. Cyclopedia of Geography. 34.8 Brookes, R. General Gazetteer. 34. 9 Gazetteer of the World. (Edinburg.) 34. 7 McCulloch, J. R. Dictionary, Geographical, etc. 34. 2 Salmon, Thos. Modern Gazetteer of the World. 34. 1 See also Dictionary, Geographical. British America, See Crosby, P. A. Lo veil's Gazetteer. 20.9 Dakota. Minnesota and Dakota, 1882-'3; 1884-'5. 22. 12 England. Lewis, Samuel. Topographical Dictionary. 34. 7 Illinois. Peck, J. M. Gazetteer of 111. 18. 5 India. Hunter, W. W. Imperial Gazetteer. 42. 11 Indiana. State Gazetteer and Business Directory. 80 Iowa. Parker, N. H. Iowa as it Is in 1856. 19. 13 Ireland. Lewis, Samuel. Topographical Dictionary. 34. 674 MINNESOTA HI8T0BI0AL SOCIETY. Gazetteer-^ (Continued). Massachusetts. Nason, Elias. Gazetteer. 8.3 Michigan. State Gazetteer and Business Directory. 80 Minnesota. Gazetteer and Business Directory. 1869-'72- '73-78-'82. 22.12 And Dakota and Montana. 1884-'5. 22. 12 Missionary. Edwards, B. B. Encyclopedia, etc. 34. 14 Mississippi Eiver. Edwards, E. Descriptive Gazetteer, etc. 22. 12 Missouri. Campbell, E. Gazetteer of Missouri. 18. 7 Polk & Co. Missouri State Gazetteer. 80 Wetmore, A. State Gazetteer of Missouri. 18. 7 Montana. See Minnesota, Dakota and Montana. 22. 12 Naval. Malham, John. Naval Gazetteer. 34. 8 New England. Hayward, John. N. E. Gazetteer. 34. 2 New York State. Corey, A. Co. of Washington, N. Y. 10. 11 Same. French, J. H. Gazetter of N. Y. 10. 10 Same. Spaffbrd, H. G. Gazetteer of N. Y. 10. 11 Scotland. Chambers, E. and W. Gazetteer, etc. 34. 14 Lewis, Samuel. Topographical Dictionary. 34. 7 United States. Steinwehr, A. Von. Centennial Gazetteer. 34.9 Chapin, W. Complete Eeference Gazetteer. 34. 2 Worcester, J. E. Gazetteer of the IT. S. 38. 1 Vermont. Hemenway, A. M. Vermont Historical Gazet- teer. 7. 2 Wales. Lewis, Samuel. Topographical Dictionary. 34. 7 Wisconsin. Hunt, J. W. Wisconsin Gazetteer, 1853. 19. 4 Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1882. 19. 4 Geary, John W. (Gov. of Pa.) Correspondence with Vice Admiral Porter, Eelating to the Foreign Commerce of the United States, n. t. p. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 36, No. 4.) ^ 60. 2 Gihon, J. H. Geary and Kansas. ' 19. 7 Gedney Family. See Waters, H. F. Gedney and Clarke Fam- ilies. 47. 14. 1 Geelmunden, J. Engelsk Ordbog. (English Dictionary.) Chris- tiana, 1872. 16mo. 34. 1 Geer, John J. Beyond the Lines; a Yankee Prisoner Loose in Dixie. Phila., 1863. 8vo. 30.8 Geijer, or Geyer, Eric Gustav. History of the Swedes. London, n. d. 8vo. 40. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 675 Geike, James. The Great Ice Age, and its Eelation to the Antiquity of Man. N. Y., 1875. 12mo. 15. 3 Geikie, John C. Life in the Woods, a Boy's Narrative of the Adventures of a Settler's Family in Canada. Bost., 1865. 12mo. 17. 3 Gendron, le Sieub. Quelques Particularitez du Pays des Hurons, en la I^ouvelle France, etc. Albany, 1868. 20. 3 Genealogical Eegistry for the TJ. S. Heraldry, etc., No. 3. N. Y. 8vo. 47. 14. 1 Genealogist, The. See Marshall, G. W., and Selby, W. D. Vols. I- VII. London. 8vo. 46. 9 Genealogy. Anderson, Wm. Genealogy and Surnames. 46. 2 Durrie, D. S. Index to American Genealogies. 46. 12 Fowler, W. C. Conditions of Success. 43. 6. C. 1 Kew England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. 1-38. 46. 3 N. Y. Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. 1-10. 46.9 Notes and Queries. Ed. by W. H. Egle. 25. 6. 1 Usher, James. Heirs of Unclaimed Money. 25. 14. 8 Whitmore, W. H. American Genealogist. 46. 12 List of American Genealogies. 46. 3 Genealogy, Collective. See Appleton, W. S. Ancestry of Priscilla Baker. 47. 1 Brock, R. A. Huguenot Families in Va. 15. 5 Essex Institute Bulletins and Collections. 8. 4 Farmer, John. Genealogical Register, etc. 46. 12 Gleanings from English Records. 8. 4. 1 Heraldic Journal. Vol. 1-4. 46. 13 Holgate, J. B. American Genealogy. 46. 14 Jenkins, H. M. Welsh Families in Gwynedd, Pa. 11. 4 Maine Genealogist and Biographer. 3 Vols. 46. 13 Morse, Abner. Genealogical Register. 47. 1 Schwenkfelders Genealogical Record. 47. 6 Peirce, E. W. Contributions, Biographical, Genealogical^ etc. 46. 13 Potter, E. R. French Settlers in R. I. 8. 13 Vinton, J. A. Genealogical Memoirs of the Giles, etc. 47. 9 Genealogy — Collective — Places. Abington, Mass. See Hobart, B. History of Abington. 8. 10 Amherst, N. H. See Secombe, D. F. History of Amherst. 7.11 676 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy — Collective — Places — (Continued). Antrim, N. H. See Cochrane, W. E. History of Antrim. 7.3 • Ashburnham, Mass. See Stearns, E. S. 8. 9 Augusta, Me. See Korth, J. W. ' 7. 1 Augusta County, Va. See Peyton, J. L. 15. 5 Billerica, Mass. See Hazen, H. A. 8. 3 Boscawen, I^. H. See Coffin, C. C. 7. 4 Brimfield, Mass. See Historical Collections, etc. 9. 13 British West Indies. See Lawrence- Archer, J. H. 45. 7 Charlestown, Mass. See Wyman, T. B. 46. 12 Charlestown, K H. See Saunderson, H. H. 7. 10 Chester, N. H. feee Chase, Benj. 7. 10 Chester, Pa. See Martin, J. H. 11. 4 Concord, Mass. See Potter, C.E. 85.3 Connecticut and Massachusetts. See Goodwin, Nathaniel. 46.12 Cornwall, Conn. See Gold, Theo. S. 7. 13 Derby, Conn. Orcutt, Samuel, and Beardsley, Ambrose. 7.12 Dover, N. H. Quint, A. H. Genealogical Items. 46. 3 Dublin, N. H. History of. 7. 10 Easthampton, Mass. See Lyman, P. W. 25. 2 Fair Haven, Yt. See Adams, A. K. 7. 2 Farmington, Mo. See Butler, F. G. 16. 2 Fenwick's Colony, K J. See Shourds, Thomas. 16. 14 Framingham, Mass. See Barry, Wm. 9. 6 See Temple, J. H. 8. 9 Gilsum, N. H. See Hay ward, Silvanus. 7. 4 Gloucester, Mass. See Babson, J. J. 8. 2. 6 Grafton, Mass. See Pierce, F. C. History of Grafton. 8.3 Guildhall, Yt. See Benton, E. C. ^ • 7. 9 Hadley, Mass. See Boltwood, L. M. 46. 12 Hanover Township, Pa. See Plumb, H. B. 11. 11 Harlem, ^. Y. See Eiker, James. 10. 9 Hollis, N. H. See Worcester, S. T. 7. 3 Hudson Co., N. J. See Winfield, C. J. 10. 5 Kent Co., Md. See Hanson, Geo. H. 16. 9 Machias, Me. Memorial, etc. 7. 8 Maine. Genealogist and Biographer. 46. 13 Maiden, Mass. See Maiden Bi-Centennary Book. 25. 1 CATALOGUE 'OF THE LIBRARY. 677 Genealogy — Collective — Places — (Continued). Massachusetts. ISee Goodwin, Nathaniel. 46. 12 Medford, Mass. See Whitmore, W. H. Eegister. 46. 12 Medway, Mass. See Jameson, E. O. 46. 11 Merrimac Valley. Hist, and Gen. Sketches. 46. 14 Newark, N. J. See Congar, S. H. 10. 8. 2 New Britain, Conn. See Andrew, Alfred. 7. 5 New England. See Emmerton, J. A., and Waters, H. F. 46. 12 Titcomb, Sarah E. 46. 13 Savage, James. Gen. Dictionary. 46. 12 Thayer, Elisha. Genealogy of Fourteen Families. -» 46. 12 New Ipswich, N. H. See Kidder, F., and Gould, A. A. 7.3 New Jersey. See Littell, John. Family Eecords. 47. 4 Newton, Mass. See Jackson, Francis. 8. 3 New York State. See Pearson, Jonathan. Contributions. 46. 12 New York and New England. See Talcott, S. Y. 46. 12 Northampton Co., Pa. See Clyde, J. C. Genealogies. 46.8 North Brookfield, Mass. See Temple, J. H. 8. 9 Norwalk, Conn. See Hall, Edwin. Ancient Eecords. 7. 6 Norway, Me. See Lapham, W. B. 7. 8 Nottingham, N. H. See Coggswell, E. C. 7. 10 Nova Scotia. See Miller, Thomas. 46. 11 Pennsylvania. See Egle, Wm. H. 46. 13 Perth Amboy, N. J. See Whitehead, W. A. 10. 8 Pittsford, Yt. See Caverly, A. M. 7. 9 Ehode Island. See Austin, J. O. 85. 3 Eichmond, N. H. See Bassett, Wm. 7. 4 Eindge, N. H. See Stearns, EzraS. 7. 4 Salisbury, Mass. See Brown, A. W. 46. 3 Sanbornton, N. H. See Eunnels, M. T. 7. 10 Sangamon County, 111. See Power, J. C, and S. A. 18. 12 Seymour, Conn. See Sharpe, W. C. 7. 5 Sheepscot, Me. See Cushman, D. Q. 7. 8 Shirley, Mass. See Chandler, Seth. 8. 11 Shrewsbury, Mass. See Ward, A. H. - 8. 10 Stanstead County, Can. See Hubbard, B. F. 20. 2 Stratford, Conn. See Orcutt, Samuel. 7. 14 678 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. GENEALOGY — COLLECTIVE — Pl A CES — (Continued). Temple, N. H. See Blood, H. A. 7. 4 Thomaston, Me. See Eaton. Cyrus. 7. 1 Torrlngton, Conn. See Orcutt, Samuel. 7. 6 Union, Me. See Sibley, J. L. 7. 1 Wallingford, Conn. See Davis, C. H. S. 7. 5 Washington, K H. History of. 7.10 Walpole, N. H. See Aldrich, George. 7.10 Waterbury, Conn. See Bronson, Henry. 7. 12 Waterford, Me. See Warren, Wm. 7. g Watertown, Mass. See Bond, Henry. 46. 12 Whately, Mass. See Temple, J. H. 8. 2. 6 Winchester, Conn. See Boyd, John. 7. 5 Windsor, Conn. See Stiles, H. E. 7. 12 Wolcott, Conn. See Orcutt, Samuel. 7. 12 Woodbury (ancient). Conn. See Cothren, Wm. 7. 12 Woodstock, Me. Lapham, W. B. 7. 8 See also. Great Britain, Peerage; Heraldry; Marriages; Sur- names. Genealogies, of American Families: Abbot Family. See Abbot, Abiel and Ephraim. See Adams, George. See Alden, Ebenezer. See Allan, G. H. See Allen, A. W. * See Allen, Joseph. See Eecord of Allen Family. Ailing, or Allen Family. See Allen, J. K. Allyn Family. See Candee Family. Alvord Family. See Burke Family. Ammidown Family. See Ammidown, Holmes. Andrews Family. See Andrews, Alfred. See Andrews, George. Angell Family. See Angell, A. F. Appleton Family. See Jewett, I. A. See Oliver Family. Atlee Family. See Barber, E. A. Atwater Family. See Atwater E. E. Atwood Family. See Eanney, H. D. Avery Family. See Morgan, N. H. Bailey Family. See Merrimack Valley, Hist., etc. Balch Family. See Balch, G. B. Adams Family. Alden Family. Allan Family. Allen Family. 47, .1 47. ,1 47. .1 7. .8 47. 1 47. 1 44. 2 47. 1 *47. 8 47. 1 47. 1 47. 1 47. 1 47. 1 47. 1 ■47. 5 47. 2 25.7. 1 47. 1 47. 1 46.14 25.7. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 679 Genealogy of American Families — (Continued). Baldwin Family. See Baldwin, B. A. 47. 7. 2 See Baldwin, 0. C. 47. 1 Ball Family. Maternal Ancestry of Washington. 25. 14. 8 Ballon Family. See Faxon Family. 47. 9 Bancroft Family. See Allen, J. K., and Salter, Edwin. 45. 8 Bangs Family. See Dudley, Dean. 25.7.2 Barbour Family. See Faxon Family. 47. 9 Barron Family. See Welles, Albert. 93. 3 Bartholomew Family. See Bartholomew, G. W. 47. 9 Bartlett Family. See Bartlett, Levi. 47.6 Bartow Family. See Bartow, Evelyn. 47. 1 Bascom Family. See Harris, E. D. 47. 1 Beal Family. See Shurtleft; N. B. 25. 7. 2 Beatty Family. See Egle, Wm. H. ^ 47. 1 Bellows Family. See Bellows, H. W. 47. 1 Benedict Family. See Benedict, H. M. 47. 1 Benson Family. See Garrison, W. P. 47. 1 Bergen Family. See Bergen, T. G. 47. 1 Bethune Family. See Weisse, Mrs. J. A. 47. 8 Besbedge Family. See Lapham, W. B. 47. 8 Bicknell Family. See Bicknell, T. W. 47. 1 The Family Eeunion at Weymouth. 47. 1 Bidwell Family. See Bidwell, E. M. 47. 1 Binney Family. See Binney, C. J. F. 47,8 Bird Family. See Trask, W. B. 25. 7. 2 Bisbee Family. See Lapham, W. B. 47^ 3 Blake Family. See Blake, Samuel. 47^ 1 Bliss Family. See Bliss, J. H. 47 -^ Boardman Family. See Boardman, S.TW. ' 47. g See Log Book of Timothy Boardman. 46, 5 Bogardus Family. See Gale Family. 47, 9 Bolles Family. See Bolles, J. A. 47, ^ Boiling Family. See Boiling, Eobert. 47, ^ Bontecou Family. See Morris, J. E. 47, g Boodey Family. See Caverly, Eobert B. 47. g Booge, or Bogue Family. See Patterson, D.^W. 25. 7. 2 Bordley Family. See Gibson, Mrs. E. B. 47, g Bower Family. See Bower, 0. C. 25. 7. 2 Boynton Family. See Boynton, J. F. 47, g Bradford Family. See Purple, S. S. 47, x 86 680 ^ MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of American Families — (Continued). Bradley Family. See Lloyd, A. P. 47. 1 Brainerd Family. See Field, D. D. 47. 8 Brattle Family. See Harris, E. D. 47. 8 Bridge Family. See Bridge, Wm. F. 47. 8 Briggs Family. See Briggs, Walter. 47. 1 Bright Family. See Bright, J. B. ' 40. 12 Brown Family. See Brown, Andrew. • 47. 1 See Smith, Columbus. 47. 1 Bruce Family. See Upton Family. 47. 13 Buckingham Family. See Chapman, F. W. 47. 8 Buell Family. See Welles, Albert. 93. 3 Bulkeley Family. See Bnii abridge, H. A. 46. 3 See Chapman, F. W. 47. 1 Bullard Family. See Barton, W. S. 25. 7. 2 Burgess Family. See Burgess, Ebenezer. 47. 1 Burke Family. See Boutelle, J. A. 47. 1 Burleigh, or Burley Family. See Burleigh, Charles. 47. 8 Burr Family. See Todd, C. B. 47. 1 Burrage Family. See Burrage, A. A. 47. 8 Caldwell Family. See Caldwell, Augustine. 47. 2 Candee Family. See Baldwin, C. C. 47. 8 Capron Family. See Holden, F. A. 47. 2 Carpenter Family. See Usher, James. 47. 8 Carter Family. See Potts, Thos. M. 47. 8 Cartier Family. See Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc, Vol. 5. 20. 9. 7 Cary Family. See Welles, Albert. 93. 3 Catlin Family. See Candee Family. 47. 8 Caverly Family. See Caverly, E. B. 47. 2 Caverno Family. See Caverno, A. 25.7.3 Cilley Family. See Maine Genealogist, etc. 46. 13 Chadwick Family. See Chadwick, E., and Boardman, J. 46.5 Chandler Family. See Chandler, George. 47. 8 Chapman Family. See Chapman, F. W. 47. 8 See Gerard, C. B. 47. 2 See Maine Genealogist, etc. 46. 13 Chase Family. See Lapham, W. B. 25. 7. 3 See Usher, James. 47. 13 Chauncey Family. See Fowler, W. C. 47. 8 Chauncy Family. Same. 46. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 681 Genealogy of American Families — (Continued). Child, Childe, or Childs Family. See Child, Elias. 47. 2 Chipman Family. See Chipmau, R. M. 25. 7. 3 Chittenden Family. See Talcott, Alvan. 47. 2 Clap Family. See Blake, James. 25. 7. 3 Clapp Family. See Clapp, Ebenezer. * 47. 2 Clark Family. See Clark, John. 47. 8 See Gay, Julius. 47. 2 See Sims, C. S. 25. 7. 3 Clarke Family. See Clarke, G. K. 47. 2 Same. 2d edition. 47. 2 See Clarke, S. C. 47. 2 Clarke-Clark Families. See Johnson, W. W. 47. 8 See also Gedney Family. 25. 7. 7 Cleveland Family. See Cleveland, H. G. 47. 2 See Cleveland, J. B. 25. 7. 3 Clinton Family. See Clinton, C. A. 16. 14 Coffin Family. See Coffin, Allen. 25. 7. 3 Coggswell Family. See Jameson, E. O. 47. 8 Coit Family. See Chapman, F. W. 47. 8 Colden Family. See Purple, E. E. 47. 2 Cole Family. See Cole, David. 47. 2 Coleman Family. See Coleman, L. 25. 7. 3 Condit Family. See Condit, Jotham H. 47. 8 Connor Family. See Welles, Albert. 93. 3 Conover Family. See Welles, Albert. 93. 3 Cooke Family. See Welles, Albert. 93. 3 See Candee Family. 47. 8 Cope Family. See Cope, Gilbert. 47. 8 Corliss (or Corlies) Family. See Corliss, A. W. 47. 8 Corwin Family. See Corwin, E. T. 47. 2 Crosby Family. See Crosby, Nathan. 47. 8 Curtis Family. See Clarke, S. C. 25. 7. 3 Cushman Family. See Cushman, H. W. 47. 8 Cutter Family. See Cutter, Benj. 47. 8 Dalrymple Family. See Dalrymple, W. H. 47. 2 Damon Family. See Damon, S. C. 47. 2 Dana Family. See Dana, James, etc. 25. 7. 4 Dane Family. See Dane, John. 43. 6. D Danforth Family. Fifth Meeting, 1886. 25. 7. 4 Davenport Family. See Davenport, A. B. 47. 2 Same. 2d edition. 47. 2 682 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of American Families— (Continued). Davis Family. See Daniels, Geo. F. 47. 2 Davis, C. H. S. 25. 7. 4 See Pierce, E. W. 46. 3 Dawson Family. See Dawson, 0. 0. 47. 2 >Day Family. See Day, E. G. 25. 7. 4 Dean Family. See Pierce, E. W. 47. 9 Delamater Family. See Delamater, Lafayette. 47. 2 Denison Family. See Baldwin, J. D., and Clift, Wm. 47.2 See Slade, D. D., and Caldwell, A. 25. 7. 4 De Peyster Family. See De Peyster, J. W. 43. 6 Denny Family. See Denny, C. C. 47. 2 Dodge Family. See Dodge, Robert. 47. 2 Dodge, E. E. 25. 7. 4 Dodge, Thomas H. 25. 7. 4 Dow Family. See Stranahan Family. 47. 6 Dowd Family. See Dowd, W. W. . 47. 2 Drake Family. See Drake, S. G. 47. 2 Draper Family. Hist. Essays on. 43. 6. D Dudley Family. See Dudley, Dean. 47. 2 Dumaresq Family. Sketch of. 43. 6. D Dunbar Family. See Welles, Albert. 93. 3 Dunnell (or Dwinnell) Family. See Dunnell, H. G. 47. 2 Dunster Family. See Dunster, Samuel. 47. 2 Dutton Family. See Cope, Gilbert. 47. 2 D wight Family. See D wight, B. W. 47. 9 Dwinnell Family. See Dunnell Family. 47. 2 Dyer Family. See Joy-Dyer, Cornelia C. 47. 2 Eaton Family. See Eaton, Daniel C. 25. 7 . 5 ijddy Family. See Eddy, Charles. 47. 9 Eddy, Eobert H. 47. 9 • Porter, J. W. 47. 9 Edwards Family. See Woodbridge, J. E. 47. 9 Egle Family. See Egle, Wm. H. 47. 1 Eliot Family. See Caverly, E. B. 47. 9 Eliot, W. H. 47. 9 Elton Family. See Mayo Family. 47. 11 Ely Family. See Ely, Heman. 47. 9 Erving Family. See Prime, Temple. 25. 7. 2 Evans Family. See Jenkins, H. M. 11.4 Fairfax Family. See JSTeill, E. D. 47. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 683 Genealogy of American Families — (Continued). Faneuil Family. See Weisse, Mrs. J. A. 47. 8 Farrington Family. Ancestors, etc., of John Farrington. 25. 7. 6 Farwell Family. See Holton, D. P. 47. 9 Fanshawe Family [Eng.]. See Sage, E. J. 47. 9 Faxon Family. See Faxon, E. L. 47. 9 Felch Family. See Felch, W. F. 25. 7. 6 Felton Family. See Felton, Cyrus. 47. 9 Fenner Family. See Root, J. P. • 25. 7. 6 Fenton Family. See Weaver, W. L. 25. 7. 6 Fillmore Family. See Woodward, Ashbel. 46. 3 Fish Family. See Welles, Albert. 93. 3 Fiske Family. See Fiske, A. A. ' 47. 9 Fitch Family. See Stranahan Family. 47. 6 Fitts, or Fitz Family. See Fitz, James H. 47. 9 Fletcher Family. See Fletcher, E. H. 47. 9 Genealogical Sketches of the. 24. 7. 6 Flower Family. See Welles, Albert. 93. 3 Flynt Family. See Morris Family. 47. 11 Follansbee Family. See Smith, Columbus. 25. 7. 6 Folsom Family. See Chapman, Jacob. 47. 9 Folsom, :Nathaniel S. 25. 7. 6 Fontaine (or La Fontaine) Family. See Maury, Ann. 46.8 Foot Family. See Foot, J. B. 25. 7. 6 Foote Family. See Goodwin, Nathaniel. 47. 9 Forster Family. See Forster, E. J. 25. 7. 6 Frost Family. See Welles, Albert. 93. 3 Foulke Family. See Jenkins, H. M. 11. 4 Fowler Family. See Stickney, M. A. 47. 9 Franklin Family. Origin and Genealogy of. 44. 2 Freeman Family. See Freeman, Frederick. 47. 9 Fuller Family. See Clarke, S. C. 25. 7. 6 Gale Family. See Gale, George. 47. 9 Same. 25.7.7 Gardner Family. See Pierce, E. W. 47. 9 Garfield Family. See Porter, E. G. 25. 7. 7 Gedney Family. See Waters, H. F. 25. 7. 7 Gerould Family. See Gerould, Samuel L. 47. 9 Gibbs Family. See Gibbs, J. W. 47. 9 Giddings Family. See Giddings, M. S. 47. 9 684 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Genealogy of American Families — (Continued). Giles Family. See Vinton, J. A. 47. 9 Gillson Family. See Jillson Family. 47. 10 Gilman Family. See Gilman, Arthur. 47. 9 Same. Another edition. 47. 9 Glover Family. See Glover, Anna. 47. 9 Goodrich Family. The Goodrich Memorial. 25. 7. 7 Goss Family. See Lawrence Family. 47. 4 Gould Family. See Gould, B. A. . 47. 9 Gould, Zac'cheus. 8. 4 Grace Family. See Welles, Albert. 98. 3 Grant Family. See Dean, J. W. 46. 3 See Marshall, E. C. 47. 9 Green Family. See Green, Samuel A. 47. 9 Same. 25. 7. 7 Greene Family. See Greene, Eichard. 8. 7. 6 Green, Eeuben. 25. 7. 7 Greene, Samuel S. 47. 9 Greenleaf Family. See Greenleaf, Jonathan. 47. 9 Lunt, W. P. 43. 6. G Griffing Family. See Ston(e, Clara J. 47. 9 Guild Family. See Guild, Calvin. 47. 9 Gunnison Family. See Gunnison, G. W. 47. 9 Haight Family. See Hoyt Family. Hakes Family. See Hakes, Harry. 47. 3 Hale Family. See Hale, E. S. 25. 7. 8 Hall Family. See Whitmore, W. H. 26. 7. 8 Hall, D. B. 47. 3 Hall, Theo. P. 47. 10 Handerson Family. See Handerson, Dr. H. E. 47. 3 Hapgood Family, n. p. n. d. 25. 7. 8 Harris Family. See Harris, L. M. 47. 3 Harris, Wm. S. 47. 3 Morgan, K H. 47. 3 Hart Family. See Andrews, Alfred. 47. 3 Harwood Family. See Harwood, W. H. 25. 7. 8 Hastings Family. See Buckminster, Mrs. L. K 47. 3 Hatch Family. See Fletcher, E. H. 47. 3 Haven Family. See Adams, J osiah. 47. 3 Park, J. C. • 47. 3 Hayden Family. See Hayden, Jabez H. 25. 7. 8 Hayes Family. See Hayes, C. W. 47. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 685 OENEALoaY OF AMERICAN FAMILIES — (Continued). Heirick Family. See Herrick, L. C. 47. 'S Hight Family. See Hoyt Family. 47. 3 Hill Family. See Hill, Eichard. 47. 3 Hill Family. See Parsons, Usher. 46. 3 Hinds Family. See Pierce, E. W. 47. 9 Hinman Family. See Hinman, E. E. 25. 7. 8 Hodges Family. See Hodges, A D. 47. 3 Hollister Family. See Case, L. W. 47. 10 Holmes Family. See Holmes, John. 47. 3 Holt Family. See Darrie, D. S. 47. 3 Homes Family. See Tappan, Mrs. Sarah. 46. 5 Horton Family. See Horton, G. F. - 47. 3 Hosmer Family. See Hosmer, T. B. 25. 7. 8 Houston, Family. See Houston, Samuel E. 47. 3 Howe Family. See Nason» Elias. 47. 3 Howland Family. See Howland, Franklin. 47. 10 Hoyt Family. See Hoyt, D. W. 47. 3 • Same. 47. 3 Hubbell Family. See Hubbell, Walter. 47. 3 Hull Family. See Clarke, S. C. 25. 7. 8 Hull, Oliver. 47. 10 Hunt Family. See Wyman, T. B. 47. 3 Huntington Family. See Huntington, E. B. 47. 3 Huntington, Daniel. 47. 3 Huntoon Family. See Huntoon, D. T. Y. 47. 3 Hurlbut Family. See Hurlbut, H. H. 47. 3 Hutchinson Family. See Chester, J. L. . 46. 3 Derby, Perley. 8. 4 Hyatt Family. See Hoyt Family. ^ 47. 3 Hyde Family. See Walworth, E. H. ' 47. 3 Ireland Family. See Ireland, J. N. 25. 7. 9 Jackson Family. See Jackson, Halliday. 47. 10 Jones Family. See Jones, F. 47. 10 Jennings Family. See Smith, Columbus. 25. 7. 9 Jillson, David. See Jillson, David. - 47. 10 Johnson Family (of Yarmouth). Chronicle of. 25. 7. 9 See Johnson, W. W. 47. 10 Jordan Family. See Jordan, T. F. 47. 10 Johonnot, Family. See Johonnot, Andrew. 66. 3 Josselyn Family. See Stranahan Family. . 47. 6 Judd Family. See Judd, Sylvester. 47. 10 686 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of American Families— (Continued). Kasson Family. See Kasson, Geo. M. 47. 10 Kellogg Family. See Kellogg, D. O. 46. 3 Kendall Family. See Welles, Albert. 93. 3 Keyes Family. Thomas Keyes and Descendants. 25. 7. 10 Kidder Family. See Kidder, F. E. 47. 1 Kilbourne or Kilburn Family. See Kilbourne, P. K. 47. 10 Kimball Family. See Kimball, John. 47. 10 Kinsman Family. See Stickney, L. W. 47. 10 Kip Family. Historical IS^otes. 25. 7. 10 See Welles, Albert. 93. 3 Kirk Family. See Stubbs, C. H. 47. 10 Kirtland Family. See Chapman, F. W. 46. 3 ^ Knowlton Family. See Woodward, Ashbel. 46. 3 "^ Lane Family. See Lane Family Papers. 46.3 Lanier Family. See Lanier, J. F. D. 44. 6 Lapham Family. See Lapham, Wm. B. 25. 7. 11 Lathrop or Lothrop Family. See Huntington, E. B. 47. 4 Lawrence Family See Lawrence, John. (3 editions.) 47.4 Usher, James. 47. 13 Learned Family. See Learned, W". L. 47. 4 Leavenworth, Family. See Leavenworth E. W. 47. 4 Lee Family. See Mead, E. C. 47. 4 Lee, S. M. 47. 4 Leete Family. See Leete, E. L. . 47. 10 Lefferts Family. See Bergen, F. G. 47. 10 Leighton Family. See Jordan, T. F. 47. 10 Leland Family. See Leland, Sherman. 47. 10 Levering Family. See Jones, H. G. 47. 4 Leverett Family. See Leverett, C. E. 47. 4 Libby Family. See Libby, C. T. 47. 10 Lincoln Family. See Lincoln, Solomon. 46. 3 Litchfield Family. See Morse, Abner. 46. 3 Lithgow Family. Me. Hist. Coll., Vol. 5. 7. 1 Little Family. See Little, G. T. (2 editions.) 47. 4 Lloyd Family. See Hill Family. 47. 3 ^ Locke Family. See Locke, J. G. 47. 10 Loomis Family. See Loomis, Elias. 47. 10 Lowndes, Family. See Chase, Geo. B. - 47. 4 Lyman, Family. See Coleman, Lyman. 47. 10 Lynde Fa^mily. See Lynde, Benj. 44. 13 Prime, Temple. 25. 7. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 687 Genealogy of American Families — (CoDtinued). Lyon Family. See Welles, Albert. Maclay Family. See Judd, O. B. Maris Family. See Maris, G. L. and Annie M. Markley Family. See Dotterer, H. S. McKinstry Family. See Willis, Wm. Macy Family. See Macy, S. J. Makepeace Family. See Makepeace, William. Mallery Family. See Candee Family. Mann Family. See Mann, G. S. Marsh Family. See Marsh, E. J. Marshall Family. See Paxton, W. M. Martin Family. See Martinin, H. J. Welles, Albert. Mason Family. See Walworth, E. H. Mather Family. See Mather, Increase. Mattocks Family. See Mattocks, John. May Family. See Edes, E. S., and others. Mayo Family. See Mayo, 0. H. and T. Metcalf Family. See Harris Family. Montague Family. See Montague, Wm. L. Montgomery Family. See Montgomery, T. H. Moody Family. See Moody, 0. C. P. Morey Family. See Harris Family. Morgan Family. See Morgan, N. H. Same (Morgan and Avery). Morison, or Morrison Family. See Morrison, L. A Morris Family. See Hart, E. L. and Street, O. Morris, J. F. Morse Family. See Morse, Abner. Mortimer, Family. See Welles, Albert. Mo wry Family. See Mo wry, W. A. [Two lines.] Mudge Family. See Mudge, Alfred. Muller Family. See Egle, Wm. H. Munroe Family. See Locke, J. G. Munsell, Munsill, or Maunsell Family Murray Family. See Egle, Wm. H. Neal Family. See Neal, T. A. JSFeff Family. See Neff, Elizabeth 0. Neill Family. See Neill, Edward D. ^N'eill, Henry. 93.3 47.4 47.11 25. 7. 12 46.3 47.11 47.11 47.8 47.11 47.11 47.11 47.11 93.3 46.3 15.4 25. 14. 10 47. 11 47.11 47. 3 47.11 47.11 47.11 47.3 47.11 25. 7. 12 . 47. 11 47.11 25. 7. 12 47. 11 93.3 47.11 47. 11 47.1 25. 7. 12 See Munsell, Frank. 47.11 47. 1 25. 14. 1 47. 11 43. 13.K" 47. 11 688 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of American Families — (Continued). Nelson Family. Descent of John :N'elson. 25. 18. 1 Descendants of Thomas :N"elson. 25. 14. 1 Newcomb Family. See Newcomb, J. B. 47. 11 I^ewell Family. See Candee Family. 47. 8 Hall, Mary A. 47. 11 Newgate Family. See Prime, Temple. 25. 7. 2 Newhall Family. Essex Inst. Coll. 8. 4. 2 Noble Family. See Boltwood, Lucius M. 47. 11 Norton Family. See Candee Family. 47. 8 Olcott Family. See Goodwin, Nathaniel. 47. 11 Oliver Family. See Appleton, W. S. 47. 11 Olmstead Family. See Thomas, E. L. 47. 11 Orth Family. See Egle, Wm. H. 47. 1 Osgood Family. See Endicott, C. M. 46. 3 Otis Family. See Otis, A. M. 46. 3 Pabodie Family. See Peabody F.imily. 47. 5 Page Family. See Welles, Albert. 93. 3 Paine Family. See Paine, A. W. 47. 5 Paine, Josiah. 46. 3 (or Payne.) Paine, H. D. 47. 5 ^ Palmer Family. S^e P.ihnjr, L3wLs. 47.5 Palmer, N. F. 47. 5 Same. Fir^t Palmer Reunion. 25. 14. 3 Parry Family. See Parry, E. R. 47. 5 Parsons Family. See Howell, G. R. 25. 14. 3 Parthemore Family. S^e Parthemore, E. W. S. 47. 5 Patterson Family. S33 D:i Bjis, \V. E. 47. 5 Peabody Family. Sae Endicott, C. M. 47.5 Same. 46. 3 Pease Family. See Pease, A. S.* 47. 5 Peck Family. See Peck, J. B. 47. 5 Peirce or Pierce Family. Sae Peirce, E. W. 46. 3 Same. (Another edition.) 46.13 Peirce, F. B. and F. C. 47. 5 Peirce, F. C. 47. 5 Pennypacker Family. See Pennypacker, S. W. 47. 5 Perkins Family. See Perkins, G. A. 47. 14. 1 Perrin Family. See Perrin, Glover. 47. 5 Pfautz Family. See Pfautz, J. E. 47. 5 Phillips Family. See Phillips, A. M. 47. 5 Pierce Family. See Pierce, F. B. and F. C. 47. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE V 689 Genealogy of American Families — (Continued). Piersoii Family. See Pierson, L. B. 47. 5 Phoenix Family. See Phceni^, S. W. 47. 5 Piugry or Pengry Family. See Pingry, Wm. M. 47. 5 Pitkin Family. See Pitkin, A. P. 47. 5 Plimpton or Plymton Families. See Chase, Levi B. 47. 8 Plammer Family. See White, D. A. 25. 14. 3 Pollock Family. See Hayden, Horace E. 25. 14. 3 Pomroy Family. See Lawrence Family. 17. 4 Pond Family. See Harris, E. D. 47. 5 Pond, D. S. 47. 5 Poore Family. See Poore, Alfred. 47. 5 Portage Family. See Prime, Temple. 25. 7.2 Porter Family. See Andrews, H. P., and Wiggins, P. P. 47.5 Porter, J. W. 47. 5 Pratt Family. See Chapman, F. W. 47. 5 Preble Family. See Preble, Abraham. 46. 3 Preble, G. H. 47. 5 Prentice or Prentiss Family. History of the. 47. 5 Prescott Family. See Prescott, William. 47. 5 Preston Family. See Brown, Orlando. 25. 14. 3 See also Draper Family. 43. 6. D Prime Family. See Prime, Temple. 25. 7. 2 Pusey Family. See Pusey, Pen nock. 25. 14. 3 Putnam Family. See Putnam, Rufus. D. 10 See also Upton Family. 47. 13 Pynchon Family. See Candee Family. 47. 8 Randall Family. See Randall, P. K. 47. 12 Ranney Family. See Ranney, H. D. 25. 14. 4 Ransom Family. See Sears, C. B. 47. 12 Rantoul Family. See Rantoul, Robert S. 8. 4 Rawlins or Rollins Family. See Rollins, J. R. 47. 12 Rawson Family. See Crane, E. B. ■ 47. 12 Rawson, S. S. 47. 12 Raymond Family. See Raymond, Samuel. 47. 12 Redfield Family. See Redfield, J. H. 47. 12 Reynolds, or Runnel.^, Family. See Runnels, M. T. 47. 12 Reed Family. See Reed, J. W. 47. 12 Rice Family. See Ward' A. H. 47. 12 Ricker Family. See Picker Family. ' 46. 13 Richards Family. See Morse, Abnt^r. 47. L2 690 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of American Families — (Continued). Eichardson Family. See Vinton, J. H. 47. 12 Bicker Family. See Lapham, W. B. 25. 7. 11 Bidden, Biddle, Bidlon, ]&idley Family. See Eiddle, G. T. 47. 12 Bipley Family. See Eipley, H. W. 25. 7. 11 Eoberdeau Family. See Buchanan, E. 47. 12 Eoberts Family. See Jenkins, H. M. 11. 4 Eockwood Family. See Eockwood, E. L. 47. 12 Bogers Famiiy. Descendants of ^athanial Eogers. 46. 3 BoUins Family. See Eawlins Family. 47. 12 Boot Family. See Boot, James P. 47. 12 Bopes Family. See Essex Inst. Coll., Vols. 7-9. 8. 4 Boss Family. See Sims, C. S. 25. 7. 11 Bunnels, or Eeynolds, Family. See Eunnels, M. T. 47. 12 Sabin Family. See Titus, Anson. 25. 14. 5 Salisbury Family. See Salisbury, E. E. 47. 14 Salter Family. See Stillwell, J. E. 25. 14. 5 Sanborn Family. See Sanborn, Kathan. 46. 3 Sands Family. Descent of Comfort Sands, etc. 47. 6 Saxton Family. See Faxon Family. 47. 9 Schenck Family. See Schenck, A. D. 47. 6 Schleswig-Holstein, House of. 25. 14. 5 Schuyler Family. See Schuyler, G. W. • 10. 10 Scott Family. Antiquity of the :N^ame. 43. 7. S. 1 Scott, M. B. 46. 3 Scranton Family. See Scranton, Erastus. 47. 6 Scripps Family. See Scripps, J. E. 25. 14. 5 Seagrave Family. See Seagrave, Daniel. 47. 6 Sharpe Family. See Sharpe, W. C. . 47. 6 Shattuck Family. See Shattuck, Lemuel. 47. 6 Sheldon Family. See Sheldon Magazine. 22. 14. 5 Shuey Family. See Shuey, D. B. 47. 6 Sill Fami:iy. See Sill, G. G. 47. 6 Silsbee Family. See Emmerton, J. A. 47. 6 Slafter Family. See Slafter, E. F. 47. 6 Slocum Family. See Slocum, C. E. 47. 6 Smith Family. See Leonard, L. W., and Smith, S. A. 25. 14. 5 Snively Family. See Snively,,Wm. A. 47. 12 Snow Family. See Welles, Albert. 93. 3 Southwick Family. See Caller, J. M., and Ober, Mrs. M. A. 47. 6 • CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 691 Genealogy of American Families — (Continued). Spalding Family. See Spalding, S. J. 47. 6 Spare Family. See Spare, John. 47. 6 Spofford Family. See Spofford, Jeremiah. 46. 3 Spooner Family. See Spooner, Thomas. 1871. 47. 6 Same. Another edition. 1883. 47. 6 Spotswood Family. See Campbell, Charles. 47. 6 Sprague Family. See Soule, Eichard, Jr. 47. 6 Stafford Family. See Benedict, H. M. 25. 14. 5 Starin Family. See Welles, Albert. 93. 3 Stebbins Family. See Stebbins, . 47. 6 Wheeler, A. S. 25. 14. 5 Steele Family. See Durrie, D. S. 47. 6 Steiner Family. Steiner Memoir. 25. 14. 5 Stetson Family. See Barry, J. S. 47. 6 Stickney Family. See Stickney, M. A. 47. 6 Stiles Family. See Stiles, H. E. 47. 6 Same. Another branch. 25. 14. 5 Stillwell Family. See Stillwell, Wm. H. 47. 6 Stoddard Family. See Patterson, D. W. 47. 6 Stoddard, Charles and E. W. 47. 6 Stokes Family. See Welles, Albert. 93. 3 ^Stone Family. See^TJpton Family. 47. 13 Storrs Family. See Storrs, Charles. 47. 12 Strachan Family. See Stranahan Family. 47. 6 Stranahan Family. See Stranahan, H. E. 47. 6 Strong Family. See Dwight, B. H. 47. 6 Sumner Family. See Sumner, W. H. 47. 6 Trask, W. B. 46. 3 Symmes Family. See Vinton, J. A. 47. 6 Taft Family. Proceedings at Meeting of. 47. 13 Taintor Family. See Taintor, C. M. 25. 14. 6 Tappan Family, See Tappan, Mrs. Sarah. 46. 5 Temple Family. Some Account of. 25. 14. 6 Ten Broeck Family. Se6 Ten Broeck, Abraham. 25. 14. 6 Tenney Family. See Tenney, H. A. 47. 13 Terry Family. See Terry, Stephen. 47. 13 Thayer Family. See Thayer, Bezaleel. 47. 13 Thayer, Elisha. ' 46. 12 Thomas Family. See Egle, Wm. H. 47. 1 See Thomas, L. B. 47. 13 Thurston Family. See Thurston, Brown. 47. 13 , First National Gathering, 1885. 25. 14. 6 692 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. • Genealogy of American Families— (Continued). Thwiug Family. See Thwing, W. E. 47. 13 Tilley Family. See Tilley, R. H. 47. 13 Todd Family. See Green, R. H. 47. 13 Tompkins Family. See Garnett, S. Ann. 47. 13 Torrey Family. See Torrey, John. 47. 13 Tottingham Family. See Gale Family. 47. 9 Towne Family. See Hubbard, Edwin. 47. 13 Towne Family. See Towne, W. B. 46. 3 Townley Family. See Usher, James. 47. 13 Townshend Family. See Townshend, C. H. 47. 13 Trowbridge Family. See Chapman, F. W. 47. 13 Trumbull, Family. Ancestors, etc. of Geo. A. and Louisa Trumbull. 47. 13 Turner Family. See Turner, Jacob. 47. 13 Tuthill Family. See Tuthill Family Meeting. 47. 13 Tuttle Family. See Tuttle, Geo. F. 47. 13 Tuttle, J. F. 25.14.6 Upham Family. See K E. Hist. Gen. Reg., Vol. 23. 46. 3 TJpham, F. K. California branch. 25. 14. 7 Same. The XJphams of Castine, Me. 47. 13 Upton Family. See Vinton, J. A. 47. 13 Valentine, Family, See Valentine, T. W. 47. 14 Van Brunt Family. See Bergen, T. G. 47. 7 Varian Family. See Briggs. Samuel. 47. 13 Vassall Family. See Harris, E. D. 25. 14. 7 Vilas Family. See Vilas, C. N. 47. 13 Vinton Family. See Vinton, J. A. , 47. 13 Wadsworth Family. See Wads worth, H. A. 47. 7 See Candee Family. 47. 8 Waldo Family. See Hall, Joseph D., Jr. 47. 7 Waldron Family. See Gale Family. 47. 9 Walker Family. See Walker, J. B. R. 47. 7 Wanton Family. See Bartlett, J. R. 8. 13 Ward Family. See Ward, Av H. 47. 7 Washburn Family. See Faxon Family. 47. 9 Washington Family. See Chester, Joseph L. 46. 3 Origin and Genealogy. , 44. 4 Tuffley, E. W. 43.14.4 Welles, Albert. 47. 14 Same. [Descendants of Jam^s Washington.] 93. 3 Waterbury Family. See Welles, Albert. " 93. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 693 Genealogy of American Families — (Continued). Watson Family. See Watson, Thomas. 47. 7 Watts Family. See De Peyster Family, 43. 6 Weeks Family. See Weeks, R. D. 47. 14 Weitzel Family. See Hayden, H. E. 47. 14 Wells Family. See Hayes, C. W. 47. 3 Wells, Charles K. 47. 7 Wentworth Family. See Chester, J. L. 46. 3 See N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 5. 7. 3 Wentworth, John. 47. 7 Wentworth, William. 46. 3 Wetmore Family. See Wetmore, J. C. 47. 7 Wheeler Family. See Welles, Albert. 93. 3 White Family. See Kellogg, A. S. 47. 7 White, J. B. 25. 14. 8 White, Wm. M. 10. 11. 3 Whitmore Family. See Whitmore, Wm. H. 47. 7 Whittlesey Family. Memorial of the. 47. 7 Whitlock Family. See Stebhins Family. 25. 14. 6 Whitmarsh Family. See Faxon Family. 47. 9 Whitney Family. See N. E. Hist, and Gen. Beg., Vols. 11- 12. 46. 3 Phoenix, S. W. 47. 14 Wight Family. See Wight, D. P. 47. 7 Wilder Family. See Wilder, M. H. 47. 7 Willard Family. See Willard, Joseph. 47. 7 Williams Family. See Seward, Thos. K. 25. 14. 8 Williams, G. H. 25. 14. 8 Williams, Samuel W. 47. 7 Willoughby Family. See Greenwood, I. J. 25. 14. 8 Winchell Family. See Winchell, Alexander. 47. 7 Wing Family. See Wing, Conway P. , 47. 7 Winslow Family. See Holton, D. P., and Mrs. F. K. 47. 7 Witter Family. See Allen Family. 47. 1 Wolcott Family. See Wolcott, Samuel. 47. 14 Wolff Family. See Fahnestock, Geo. W. 47. 7 Wood Family. . See Wood, Wm. S. 47. 14 Woodbridge Family. See Mitchell, Louis. 47. 14 Woodman Family. See Woodman, Cyrus. 47. 7 Woodman, Edward. 25. 14. 8 Woodward Family. See Woodward, Louis. 47. 7 Worcester Family. See Worcester, J. F. 47. 14 694 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of American Families — (Continued). Worden Family. See Worden, O. K. 47. 7 Wynkoop Family. See Wynkoop, Eichard. 47. 7 . Young Family. See Young, J. G. 47.7 See Gale Family. 47. 9 Youngman Family. See Youngman, David. 25. 14. 9 Genealogy, British. See Biidger, Chas. Index to Printed Pedigrees. 46. 2 Burke, John. Landed Gentry. 1837. 46. 14 Burke, John and Sir J. B. Landed Gentry. 1879. 46. 6 Same. Eoyal Families. 46. 7 Burke, Sir J. B. Peerage and Baronetage. 46. 7 Eoyal Descents. 46. 7 Visitation of Seats and Arms. 46. 12 Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica. 46. 6 Cromwell Family. Memoirs. 43. 9 D' Alton, John. King James' Irish Army List. 46. 2 Foster, Joseph. Eoyal Lineages. 46. 7 Great Britain. Calendarium Genealogicum. 35. 13 Harleian Society. Publications. 26 Vols. 46. 14 Howard, J. J. Ed. Miscellanea Genealogica. 46. 14 Marshall, G. W., and Selby, W. D. The Genealogist, etc. 46.9 Index to Pedigrees. 46. 2 :N'ichols, J. G. Topographer and Genealogist. 46. 2 O' Donovan, John. Hy — Many. 46.2 O'Hara, John. Irish and Anglo-Irish gentry. 46. 2 O'Hart, John. Irish Pedigrees. 46. 2 Sims, Eichard. Index to Pedigrees. 46. 2 Manual for the Genealogist, etc. 46. 2 Surrey Archaeological Society. Collections. 35. 9 Waters, H. F* Genealogical Gleanings in England. 46. 13 Genealogy. British Families. Baird Family. See Baird, Wm. 46. 7 Chauncy Family. See Tucker, Stephen. 25. 14. 10 Christie Family. See Eogers, Charles. 46. 2 Colt Family. See Eogers, Charles. 46. 2 Coutts Family. See Colt Family. 46. 2 Crane Family. See Appleton, Wm. S. ^ 47. 8 Knox Family. See Eogers, Chas. 46. 2 Lee Family. See Lee, F. C. 25. 14. 10 Mayo Family. See Mayo, C. H., and T. 47. Jl Scott Family. See Eogers, Charles. 46. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 695 Genealogy, Canada. See Tanguay, Cyprien. Dictionaire Genealogique. . 46. 6 Genesee County, N. Y. See Munro, Eobert. Description of. 10.14 Genesee (III.) Seminary. Catalogue, 1855. 8vo. 18. 13. 5 Geneva, Switzerland. See D' Aubigne, J. H. Merle. History of the Keformation, Vol. 1-2-4-5-6-7. *42. 10 Society of Physics and Kat. Hist. Trans., 1863-'64. (Smiths. Eeport, 1863-'75.) 49.3 Geneva Award. Brainerd, Cephas. Argument before Judici- ary Com., H. of E., Jan. 29, 1876. 33. 12. 2 Observations in Favor of Distribution, etc. 33. 12. 2 Butler, B. F. Speech. 60. 8 Evarts, W. M. Memorandum, etc. 60. 1 Geneva Award as Discussed by Judiciary Com. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 33, ¥o, 13.) 60. 2 ^ Hand, C. A. Eeasons Why Moneys Obtained from, can not be so Disposed of, as to Exclude Underwriters, etc. 33. 12. 2 Lathers, Ei chard. Argument on, etc. 33. 12. 2 Potter, C. ]^. Distribution of the, etc. 60. 8 Speech. Feb. 14, 1873. 33. 12. 2 Ward, Elijah. Distribution of the, etc. 33. 12. 2 See also Alabama Claims. Geneva, Wis. Simmons, James, History of. 19. 4 Genin, Thos. H. Selections from his Writings, with a Biog. Sketch. N^. Y., 1869. 8vo. • 43. 10 Genth, Fred. Aug. See Gibbs, Walcott and Genth, F. A. Eesearches on the Ammonia-Cobalt Bases. 49. 7 Preliminary Eeport on the Mineralogy of Pennsylvana. (Penn. 2nd. Geol. Sur., App. B.) Harrisburg, 1875. 8vo. 11. 3 Gentleman, Tobias. England's Way to Win Wealth. London, 1614. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 3, pp. 232-250.) 40. 3 Gentleman's Magazine. Vols. 1-138, 1831 1868. . 36. 1. 13 index. 1789-1821. 8vo. 5 Vols. 36. 7 Gentz, Frederick, Von. Eeflections on the Liberty of the Press in Great Britain. London, 1820. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 15.) 53. 5 Geodetic Survey of Wisconsin. See Davies, J. E. Char- acter and Methods of. (Geol. Sur. of Wis., Vol. 4., pp. 727-749.) 696 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Geoffrey, Gaimar. English Poet of the Twelfth Century. Estorie des Engles, A. D. 495-1099. (Gr. Brit. Publ Eec. Office, Monumenta Hist. Brit., 1848, Vol. 1, pp. 764-829). Y Geography. Abinoji aki Tibajimouin. [Geography in the Ojibwa Language.] {Anon.) American Board, 1840. 22. 1 Adams, Daniel. A Description of the World. 40. 1 American Association for Advancement of Science Proceed- ing, etc. 49. 10 Callicott, T. 0. Cyclopedia of Universal, etc. 34. 8 Guthrie, William. New System of Modern, etc. 1st Am. edit, enlarged, 1794-'5. 2 Vols. 33. 12 Guyot, A. H. Common School^ etc., 1870. V Journalof the Eoyal Geographical Society of London. 50 Vols., with 1 Vol. Cat., and 5 Indexes. 32. 1 MacCulloch, J. E. Dictionary Geographical, etc. 34. 2 Same. Edited by David Haskell, 1847. 83 Mitchell, S. A. New Intermediate, etc. . V System of Modern, etc. 40. 1 Moll, Herman. Compleat Geographer, etc. 93. 7 Morse, Jedediah. American Geography. 2d edit. 34. 10 And Gaston. Manual of American Geography. 33. 10 Murray, Hugh and Others. Encyclopedia of, etc. 34. 10 Paschoud, . Histori co-Political, etc. Vol. 1. 40. 8 Eennell, James. Geographical System of Herodotus Ex- amined, etc. . 40. 13 Wheeler, J. T. Geography of Herodotus Developed, Ex- plained, etc. 40. 13 Winsor, Justin. The General Atlases and Charts of the 16th and 1 7th Centuries. (Nar. and Crit. Hist, of Am., Vol. 4, p 369.) 25.9 See also Atlas; Dictionary; Gazetteer; Geographical; Maps, etc. Geography, Ancient. Mitchell, S. A. Ancient Geography. 1845. Same, .1853. 4iO. 1 Ancient Geography, Classical and Sacred. ]N"ew edit. 34.1 Smith, William. Dictionary of Greek and Eoman Geog- raphy. 32.5 Geological Survey of the United States. See U. S. Dept. of the Interior. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 697 Geology. American Association for Advancement of Science Proc, etc. 49.10 American Geologists and Naturalists, Association of. Ee- ports, 1840-'42. Boston, 1843. 8vo. 49. 10 Becker, G. F. Geology of the Comstock Lode, etc. 50. 3 1 Yol. Text. 1 Yol. Atlas. (U. S. Geo. Sur. Mono- graphs, Yol. 3.) 94. 20 Bedford, W. Geology of Lincoln County, England, etc. 35. 10 Brainerd, Ezra. Geological Features of the Marble Belt of Yermont. ^. 9. 1 Canada. Royal Society Transactions, 1882. (2Yols.) 20.14 Calvin, S. Fragments of Geological History of Johnson County, Iowa. 19. 13. 5 Catalogue of Of&cial Eeports upon Geol. Sur. of the U. S. and Brit. Provinces. 8vo. 74. 13. 1 Chamberlin, T. C. Extent and Significance of the Wiscon- sin Kettle Moraine, etc. 19. 12. 1 And Others. Geology of Wisconsin, etc. 51. 13 Comstock, T. B. Geol. Eeport of Northwestern Wyoming, etc. 19. 9 Curtis, J. C. Silver- Lead Deposits of Eureka, Nevada. Dana, E. S. A Crystallographic Study of the Thinolite of Lake La Hontan. 49. 4 Dana, J. D. Manual of Geology. 49. 4 Daubrie, G. A. Experiments on Metamorphism and Forma- tion of Crystalline Rocks. 49. 3 Dawson, J. W. Story of the Earth and Man. 15. 10 Diller, J. S. Geology of Northern California. (TJ. S. Geol. Survey, Bulletin No. 33.) 49. 5. 6 Dutton, C. E. Tertiary History of the Grand Canon Dis- trict. 50. 2 Eaton, J. H. Geology of Region about Devils Lake, Wis. 19. 12. 1 Engelmann, Henry. Geology of Country between Ft. Lea- venworth and Sierra Nevada. 50. 3 Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Geological Examination of Ele- vated Country between the Missouri and Red Rivers. 51.6 Geological Reconnoisance, etc. 22. 10 Foster, J. W., and Whitney, J. D. Geol. of Lake Superior. 51.5 698 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. • Geology — (Continued). Geikie, James. Great Ice Age, etc. 15. 3 Geology West of the 100th Meridian. (U. S. Geog. Surveys, Vol. 3.) 50. 2 Hagar, A. D., and Others. Geology of Vermont. 51. 6 Hall, James. Geology of Portions of Minnesota. 25. 6. 2 And Whitney, J. D. Geological Survey of Iowa. 51. 13 Hayden, F. V. Explanation of Geol. Map of Nebraska and Kansas. 19. 14. 7 ♦ Geological Survey of the Territories. 49. 4 & 11 Geological Eeport of Dakota. 19. 14. 7 Geological Eeport — Yellowstone and Missouri Elvers. 19. 14. 7 Hilgard, E. W. Geology of Lower Louisiana Salt Deposit, etc. 49. 14 Hitchcock, Edward. Illustrations of Surface Geology. 49. 7 Holmes, W. H. Geology of National Park (Yellowstone). 49. 11 Irish, C. W. Glacier Movements in Iowa, etc. 19. 13 Irving, Eoland. Age*6f the Quartzites, Schists, etc., of Sauk Co., Wis. 19. 12. 1 Irving, E. D., and Van Hise, C. E. Secondary Enlargements of Mineral Fragments. 49. 4 Lecoq, or Le Coq, Henri. Elemens de Geologic et d' Hydro- graphie, etc. 49. 10 Lyell, Charles. Travels. Geological Observations onU. S., Canada and Nova Scotia, etc. 33. 11 Marcou, J., and J. B. Mapoteca Geologica Americana. 49.4 Marsh, O. C. Palseotrochis of Emmons from North Carolina. 51. 3. 1 Meek, F. B. Geological Valley of the Mackenzie Eiver. 18.5 Minnesota Eeports, 1872-'76. Five volumes bound in one. 22.3 Geological and Natural History Survey, Final Eeport. 22.14 Mitchell, Elisha. Elements of Geology. 49. 8 Mortson, O. C. Geological Notes on North and Central Mon- tana. 19. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 699 Geology — (Contiuued). l!Tewberry, J. S. (Macomb, J. K Eeport, etc., 1876.) 50.3 :N'ew York State. Eeport of the Geologist, 1839. 51. 5 Ohio Geological Survey, 1838, '69, '70, '72. 51. 5 Owen, D. D. Geological Explorations of Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois, 1839. 51. 6 Eeport of Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, Min- nesota, and a Portion of I^ebraska, 1847-'49. 50. 3 Pacific E. E. Eeports, Vols. 2, 5, 6. 69. 7 Panton, J. H. Leaves from Geological Eecord of Great Northwest, etc. 20. 5. 2 Notes on Geology of Islands in Lake Winnipeg. 20. 5. 2 Parry, 0. C, and Schott, Arthur. Eeport, Mexican Bound- ary. ' 49. 12 Pennsylvania, 2d Geological Survey, 1874-'76. 11. 3 & 11. 10 Prestwich, Joseph. Past and Future of Geology. 49. 3 Pumpelly, Eaphael. ; Geological Eesearches in China, Mon- golia, and Japan. (Smiths. Oontr., Vol. 15.) 49. 7 Eogers, H. D. Address on Eecent Prog, of Geol. Ee- search. 51. 5. 1 Eussell, Israel 0. Geological History of Lake La Hontan. 50.9 St. John, Orestes. Geology of the Wind Eiver District. 49.11 Scudder, Samuel H. The Tertiary Lake Basin at Florissant, Colorado. 49.11 Seely, H. M. The Marble Fields, etc., of Western N. E. 7. 9. 1 Southall, J. C. Eecent Origin of Man, etc. 15. 3 Suess, Edouard. Boundary Line between Geol. and Hist. 49.3 Sweet, E. T. Geol. of Northern Wis. 19. 12. 1 Tuomey, M. Geology of Alabama. 51. 5 United States Department of War. Geol. Expl. of 40th Par. 50. 8 Geographical and Geological Survey of Eocky Mountain Eegion. 50. 3 Geological Survey Bulletins. 49. 5. 1. & 2 J. W. Powell, Director. Eeport, 1880, '82, '83. 50.3 Monographs. (Atlas 94.20.) 50. 2 700 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Geology — (Continued). Walcott, C. D. PaleDntology of the Eureka District. 50.3 Warren, Gen. G. K. Physical Features Upper Mississippi River. 22. 10. 1 Wetherill, C. M. Experiments on Itacolamite. 51. 3. 1 White, C. A. Geological Survey of Iowa, 1866-'69. 51. 13 Fresh Water Invertebriites of American Jurassic. 49. 11. 1 Whittlesey, Charles. Fresh Water Glacial Drift, etc. 49. 7 Williams, Geo. H. The Gabbros and Associated Horn- blende Rocks, near Baltimore, Md. 49. 11 . 1 Winchell, Alexander. Geological Survey of Michigan, 1860. 51.5 Sketches of Creation. 15. 3 Winchell, N. H. Drift Deposits of the IS'orthwest. 22. 10. 1 Geological Report. (Ludlow, William, Report 1875.) 19. 14. 7 Geological Report on Black Hills, D. T., 1874. 25.6. 1 Geological Report on Black Hills, D. T., 1875. 50. 3 Worthen, A. H., and Others. Geological Survey of Illinois, Vols. 5, 6. 51. 13 Wright, C. E. Geology Lake Superior Iron Region. 19. 3 Wright, G. F. Glacial Boundary in Ohio, Indiana and Ken- tucky. 18. 3. 2 Yorkshire, Eng. Geol., etc., Soc, Papers and Proceedings, 1871-^72. 52.10.4 See, also, Climate; U. S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey. Also the various State Geological Reports and Surveys. George, Rev. A. C, [D. D.]. :N"ational Education. An Address before the Illinois Wesleyan University, at Bloomington, 111., June 14, 1870. St. Louis, 1870. 8vo. 56. 9. 4 Geoege, John H. Opening Argument of, in Behalf of the Boston & Lowell R. R., for Leave to Consolidate, etc., with the Fitchburg R. R., etc. Boston, 1873. 8vo. 72. 14. 3 George III., King of England. See Adolphus, John. His- tory of England, from Accession to Decease of George III. . 35.3 Craik, G. L., and Macfarlane, Chas. Pictorial History of England during Reign of George III. ' 35. 11 '^^ TRP. CATALOGUE OF THE George IV., King of England. Letter to the Prince of Wales, 1787. (:N'o. 4 in "Pamphlets.") 35. 8 Withers, Philip. Al^ed; a Narrative, etc. 3d ed. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 14, No. 3.) 53. 6 See, also, Caroline of Brunswick. George Fox Digg'd Out of His Burro wes. See Williams, Eoger. Georgetown, D. C. Academy of the Visitation. Catalogue, 1874. 11. 8. 2 Maine. See Bath, Me. Georgia — Colony. Acts Passed by the General Assembly, 1755-1774. (Now first printed.) Wormsloe, 1881. fo. 94.10 Adjutant- General. Meade, G. G. Eeport of Military Oper- ations, etc., in 3d Military District of the South. Atlanta, Ga., 1868. 8vo. 15. 13 Department of Public Works. Eeport, 1871. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 13.) 60. 1 Governor. 1860. Special Message to Legislature, Nov. 7, 1860. 15. 13. 1 1870. Message to Provisional Legislature. 15. 13. 1 1871. Veto Message on Bill for Special Election of Governor. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 12.)^ 60.1 1872. Message, Jan. 11, 1872. 15. 13. 1 White, Geo. Biographical Sketches of the Governors of Georgia, 1733-1855. (Ga. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1855, pp. 175-258.) 15.33 (Legislature.) Proc. Provisional Legislature, April, 1870. 15. 13. 1 Brief Account of Establishment of the Colony, 1733. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 4.) 14. 12 (Descriptive.) Brown, J. M. Mountain Campaigns in Georgia. 17. 11. 1 Burke, Emily P. Eeminiscences of Georgia. 17. 9 Derry, J. T. Georgia; Guide to Its Cities, Towns, etc. 15.13 Description of Georgia. By a Gentleman, Who was One of its First Settlers. London, 1741. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 2.) 14.12 Georgia Scenes, Characters, Incidents, etc., in the First Half- Century of the Eepublic. By a Native Georgian. N. Y., 1871. 12mo. ' 15.13 702 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Georgia — (Continued), An Impartial Inquiry into the State and Utility of the Prov- ince. 1741. '(Ga. Hist. Coll., V^l. 1, pp. 133-201.) 15. 13 Moore, Francis. A Voyage to Georgia, 1735. (Ga. Hist. Coll., Vol. 1, pp. 79-152.) 15. 13 New and Accurate Account of the Provinces of Georgia and South Carolina. London, 1733. (Ga. Hist. Coll., Vol. 1, pp. 42-78.) 15. 13 (Historical.) Avery, I. W. History of Georgia. 15. 13 Cotton, Calvin. Case of the Cherokee Indians against the State of Georgia. 20. 9 Estill, J. H. Freemasonry in Georgia. 15. 13. 1 Georgia Historical Society. Collections, V. 1-4. 1842-78. 8vo. 15. 13 Giddings, J. E. The Exiles of Florida, etc. 15. 13 Harris, T. M. Biographical Memorial of James Oglethorpe, the Founder of the Colony of Georgia. 43. 2 Jones, C. C. The English Colonization of Georgia, 1733- 1752. 25. 9 The History of Georgia. 15. 13 Historical Sketch of To-mo-chi-chi,-Mico [Chief] of the Yamacraws. 15. 10 Kimble, F. A. Journal of a Eesidence on a Georgia Plan- tation, 1838-'39. 15. 13 Leigh, Frances Butler. Ten Years on a Georgia Plantation. 31.4 Marty n, Benj. Account, Progress of Colony of Georgia from its First Establishment. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 1.) 14. 12 Same. (Ga. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 2, pp. 265-326.) 15. 13 Marshall, John. Opinion in Supreme Court U. S., 1832. 53. 11. 2 Miller, S. F. Memoir of Gen. David Blackshear. 45. 2 Mountgomery, Sir Robert. Discourse Concerning the Estab- lishment of a New Colony to the South of Carolina. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 1.) 14. 12 Perceval, John. A Journal of Transactions of Trustees for Establishing Colony of Georgia. 16. 13 Reasons for Establishing Colony of Georgia, etc. 15. 13 Reck, P. G. F., von, and Bolzius, Rev. Mr. Extracts of Journals of their Voyage to Georgia, 1733-^34. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 4.) 14.12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 703^ Georgia — (Continued), State of Province of Georgia, Attested in Court, etc., 1740. (Force's Tracts, Yol. 1.) 14. 12 Stevens, W. B. History of Georgia, etc., to 1798. 15. 13- Tailfer, Patrick, and Others. True and Historical Narra- tive of Colony of Georgia. [1741.] (Force's Tracts, VoL 1.) 14. 12 Same. (Ga. Hist. Soc. Coll., Yol. 2, pp. 163-263.) 15. la See also under l!Tanies of Counties, Towns, etc. in the State. Also, Eeconstruction — Georgia. Georgia Contested Election, 1870. Norwood, T. M. Argu- ment on his Eight to Seat in U. S. Senate. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 31, No. 17.) 60. 2 Georgia Freedmen's Convention, Augusta, Jan. 10, 1866. Proceedings. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 15, No. 22.) 60. 1 Georgia Historical Society Coll., Yols. 1-4. 15. 13- Constitution, By-Laws and List of Members. 1871. 8vo. 15. 13. 1 Proceedings af Dedication of Hodgson Hall, Feb. 14, 1876. Savannah, 1876. 8vo. ^ 15. 13. 1 Proceedings, Resolutions, etc., Commemorative of Edward J. Harden, President of Society. 1873. 43. 13. H. 2 Cohen, Solomon. Eulogy on Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliott, etc. 43. 6. E Elliott, Stephen. Reply to a Resolution, etc. 15. 13. 1 Jones, C. C. Anniversary Address, 14th Feb., 1881. 15. 13. 1 Olmstead, C. H. Reminiscences, etc., March 3, 1879. 15. 13. 1 Georgia, Reconstruction of. Bullock, R. B. Remarks to Judiciary Committee, TJ. S. Senate, 1870. 15. 13. 1 Butler, B. F. Speech in H. of Reps., Dec. 20-21, 1869. 15. 13. 1 Caldwell, J. H., and Bryant, J. E. The Georgia Question. 15. 13. 1 Davis, Noah. Speech in H. of Reps., March 7, 1870. 15. 13; 1 Drake, C. D. Admission of Georgia, Speeches. 15. 13. 1 Farnsworth. Speech in H. of Reps., March 4-5, 1870. 15.13.1 Poole, John. Speech in Senate, April 15, 1870. 15. 13. 1 89 704 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Georgia, Eeconstruction of — (Continued). Schurz, Carl. ' Two Speeches in Senate, 1870. 15. 13. 1 Spencer. G. E. Speech in U. S. Senate, March 17, 1870. 15. IS. 1 Georgia Secession Convention, 1861. Journal of the Public and Secret Sessions of, etc. 15. 16 Georgia, University of. Meek, A. B. Americanism in Lit- erature. Oration, etc., 1844. 15. 13 Gerard, Chas. B. Descendants of Ealph Chapman. Kew- burgh, K Y., 1876. 4to. ' 47. 2 Gerhard, Frederick. Illinois as It Is. Chicago, 1857. 8vo. and 12mo. 18. 12 Germaine, George, Lord Sackville. Reply to General Bur- goyne's Letter to his Constituents. London, 1779. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 22, No. 5.) 14. 1 German Dictionary. Grieb, C. F. Dictionary of English and German, etc. 34. 12 Germans, The. See Rosengarten, J. G. The German Soldier in the Wars of the U. S. 14. 13. 1 & 9. 1 Germany. See D'Aubigne, J. H. Merl^. Reformation in Europe., 42.10 Der Buchhandel, etc., Deutschlands, etc. 40. 9 Europe a Slave, When the Empire is in Chains, etc. (Har- leian Misc., Vol. 11, pp. 183-194.) 40. 3 Gindley, Anton. History of the Thirty Years' War. 2 Vols. 42.12 Heywood, James. Transference German Army to France, etc,, in 17th Century, etc. 35. 9 History of Secondary Education in. Wash., 1874. 8vo. 56. 8. 1 Military Penal Code, 1872. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 13, ISo. 3.) 60. 1 The Training of Teachers. See "Education.'' Walford, Cornelius. Outline History of Hanseatic League. 35. 9 Germany, Descriptive. Travels of Three English Gentlemen from Venice to Hamburgh, etc. 1734. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 2, pp. 218-255.) 40.3 Germany, Historical. Mock-Majesty; or, the Siege of Mun- ster. London, 1644. 4to. (Harleian Misc.. Vol. 5, pp. 455-477.) ' 40. 3 Muller, David. History of, from Earliest Times, etc. 40. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 705 Germany, Historical — (Continued). Warning for England, in the History of the Frantic Ana- baptists, etc. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 5, pp. 253-264.) 40. 3 Gerould, Samuel L. The Genealogy of the Family of Gama- liel Gerould, Son of Dr. Jacques (or James) Jerould, of the Province of Languedoc, France. Bristol, N. H., 1885. 8vo. 47. 9 Gerould Family. See Gerould, Samuel L. 47. 9 Gertrude of Wyoming. Campbell, Thomas, etc. 11. 11 Getty, or Gaty, Samuel. Darby, J. F. Address, etc. 18. 7. 5 Sketch of. See Hist.'st. Louis, pp. 475-480. 18. 7 Gettysburg, Pa., Battle of. Bachelder, J. B. Description of Eepulse of Longstreet, etc. 30. 4. 9 Benedict, C. C. Vermont at, etc. 7. 9 De Peyster, J. W. Before, at and after. 30. 4. 8 Decisive Conflicts, etc. 30. 4. 8 Doubleday, Abner. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. 30. 10 Eastman, M. H. Jenny Wade, of Gettysburg. (Poem.) 3. 1 Gordon, H.L. Charge of First Minnesota. (Poem.) 30. 4. 8 Meade, Geo. Did Gen. Meade Desire to Retreat at? etc. 30. 4. 8 Souder, Mrs. E. A. Leaves from the Battlefields of, etc. 30.10 Southern Historical Society. Papers Respecting, etc. 29. 2 Two Addresses, on Battle of, etc. (Dawes and O. O. Howard), at Marietta College, O., July 1, 1868. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 8 See Pennsylvania College. Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association. Its Or- ganization, etc. 30. 4. 3 Gettysburg, Pa., Soldiers' National Cemetery Associa- tion. Charter and Proceedings of Board of Commission- ers. Providence, 1864. 8vo. 30. 4. 9 Oration of O. P. Morton, Address of Gen. Meade, and Poem by Bayard Taylor, at Dedication of Monument, July 1, 1869. Gettysburg, 1870. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Proceedings and Report of Board of Managers, 1864, '68- '69 and '71. 30.4.9 Gettysburg, Pa., Soldiers' National Cemetery. Bartlett, J. A. Editor. Proceedings at Consecration, etc. 29. 14 Bjston, Common Council. Report of Burials of Massachu- setts Dead in. ' 30. 4. 9 706 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Gettysburg, Pa., Soldiers' I^ational Cemetery— (Cont'd). Everett, Edward. Address at Consecration of, etc. 29. 2 Same. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Maine Legislature. Eeport of Committee on, etc. (Eamsey Pampb., Vol. 6, No. 7.) 60. 1 Oration of Gen. O. O. Howard and Speech of A. G. Curtin, at Laying of Corner-Stone of Monument in. (Eamsey Pampk, Vol. 2, No. 18.) 60. 1 Pennsylvania Legislature. House. Eeport of Select Com- mittee Eelative to, etc, 30. 9 Geysers. See Peale, A. C. Thermal Springs, etc. Ghent. Adams, J. Q. Editor. Documents Eelating to Treaty, etc. 20. 13 Gholson, W. Y. Address on Payment of U. S. Bonds in Coin, at Avondale, Oct. 3, 1868. Cincinnati. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 19, No. 17.) 60. 8 Speech in Cincinnati, Sept. 3, 1868, on Eeconstruction. Cinn. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 19, No. 18.) 60. 8 GiACOMETTi, Paolo. Elizabeth, Queen of England. Histori- cal Play. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 22, No. 36.) ' 60. 8 GiBBES, E. W. Memoir on Mosaurus, etc. No imprint. 4to. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 2.) 49. 7 GiBBES, EoBERT WiLSON. Documentary History of the Ameri- can Eevolution. Letters and Papers Eelating to the Con- test chiefly in South Carolina. N. Y, 1653-57. 8vo. 3 Vols. * 15. 6 Gibbon, Edward. History of the Decline and Fall of the Eoman Empire. [A. D. 96-1420.] London, 1820. 8vo. 12 Vols. 40. 1 Gibbon, J. Day Fatality. Some Observations of Days Lucky and Unlucky. 1679. fo. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 8, pp. 300-309.) 40. 3 Gibbon, Lardner. Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon. (U. S. Dept. of the Navy.) 52. 5 Gibbons, Charles. Speech, in Philadelphia, Oct. 5, 1860, on the Presidential Question, in Eeply to Hon. W. B. Eeed. Phila., 1860. 8vo. 30.4.5 Gibbons, J. A. Kanawka Valley, its Eesources and Develop- ments. Also, Business Directory of Charleston, etc. Charleston, W. Va., 1872. 8vo. 15. 12. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 707 OiBBS, George. Alphabetical Vocabulary of the Chinook Lan- guage. K Y., 1863. 8vo. 15. 11. 6 Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or Trade Language of Ore- gon. Wash., 1863. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 7.) 49. 2 Instructions for Eesearch Eelative to the Ethnology and Philology of America. Wash., 1863. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol 7.) 49. 2 Editor. Memoirs of the Administrations of Washington and John Adams, edited from the Papers of Oliver Wol- cott: K Y., 1846. 8vo. 2 Vols. 33. 13 Tribes of Western Washington, and l^^orth western Oregon. (U. S. Geog. Sur. Eocky Mts. Eegion, Contributions, etc., Vol. 1, 1877.) 4to. 50. 2 GiBBS, Oliver, and Young, Charles E., Publ. Eeview of Pierce Co., A\^is. Prescott, Wis., 1856. Sm. 8vo. n. t. p. 19. 5. 8 GiBBS, Oliver, Jr. The Garden in Literature. An Essay Eead before the Wis. State HoiJ. Soc, at Green Bay, Dec. 21, 1883. n. t. p. 72. 4. 2 Lake Pepin Fish Chowder. In Letters to General Spinner. K Y., 1869. 18mo. ^ ' 22. 8 GiBBg, J. WiLLARD. Memoir of the Gibbs Family in England, and the U.S. Phila., 1879. 8vo. 47.9 GiBBS, Walcott, and Genth, F. a. Eesearches on the Am- monia-Cobalt Bases. (Smiths. Contb. to Knowl., Vol. 9.) Wash., 1857. 4to. 49. 7 Gibbs Family. See Gibbs, J. W. 47. 9 Gibraltar. Propriety of Eetaining Gibraltar, Impartially Considered. London, 1783. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 20, IS"o. 4.) 14. 1 Gibson, Mrs. Elizabeth, (Bordley.) Biog. Sketches of the Bordley Family, of Md. Phila., 1865. 12mo. 47.8 GiDDiNGS, Joshua E. Exiles of Florida; Crimes Committed by our Government against the Maroons. Columbus, O. , 1858. 8vo. 15. 13 History of The Eebellion. Its Authors and Causes. N". Y., 1864. 8vo. 30. 3 GiDDiNGS, L. Sketches of the Campaign in I^orthern Mexico, in 1846-'47, by an Officer of the First Eegt., Ohio Volun- teers. K Y., 1853. 12mo. 14.11 GiDDiNGS, Marsh. Gov. of [N". Mexico. Message, Dec. 7, 1871. Sante Fe, N. M., 1871. 8vo. 19. 14. 1 708 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. GiDDiNGS, MiNOT S. The Giddings Family; or, The Descend- ants of George Giddings, who came from St. Albans, Eng- land, to Ipswich, Mass., in 1635, etc. Hartford, 1S82. 8vo. 47.9 Giddings Family. See Giddings, M. S. 47. 9 Gideon, Peter M. Fruit Culture and Fast Horses. Address before the Minn. Hort. Soc. n. p. 1882. 74. 7. 3 GiFFORD, Stephen Nye. A Memorial of Stephen Nye Gifford, Clerk of Massachusetts Senate, from Jan. 6. 1858, to April, 1886. Boston, 1886. 8vo. 25. S GiHON, John H. Geary and Kansas. Gov. Geary's Adminis- tration in Kansas; with History of the Territory until July, 1857. Phila., 1857. 12mo. 19. 7 GiHON, John T. Annals of San Francisco. See Soule, Frank. 20. 7 Gilbert, Benj. E. Bobbins, Chandler. Sermon after Death of. 43. 6. G Gilbert, Davies. Plain Statement of the Bullion Question. 2d edition. London, 1819. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 14.) 53. 5 Gilbert, G. K. Geology of the Henry Mts., Utah. Wash., 1877. 4to. (TJ. S.Geol. Sur., E.^M. Eegion. Powell.) 50. a Geol. Sur. of Ohio, 1869-'72. 4 Vols, Eeportsand Papers. Columbus, 1873-^75. 8vo. 51. 5 The Topographic Features of Lake Shores. (U. S. Geol. Sur., p. 75, 5th Eept.) Wash., 1885. 8vo. 50. 9 Gilbert, Sir Humphrey. (Celebrated English Navigator of the 16th Century.) Voyage, 1583. (Harris,) John, [N^avi- gantium, etc., Vol. 1, 1705. fo. 94. 10 GiLDAS, OR GiLDUS, St., THE WiSE WELCH MONK, ETC. His- toria. (Gr. Britain Publ. Eec. Office, Monumenta Hist. Brit., 1848. fo. Vol. 1, pp. 1-46.) 94. 10 Giles, Pearce. The True Source of the Mississippi Eiver. Buffalo, 1887. 8vo. 22. 13. 7 Giles, Wm. F. Address before the Maryland Hist. Soc, Dec. 17, 1866. Baltimore, 1867. 8vo. 11. 1. a Giles Family. Vinton, J. E. Giles Memorial. Genealogical Memoirs. 47. 9 GiLFiLLAN, Calvin W. Public Debt. Speech, H. E., April 1, 1870. n. t. p. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 38, No. 52.) 60. 2 Gill, Theodore. Arrangement of the Family of Fishes. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 11.) 49. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 709 Gill, Theodore — (Continued). Arrangement of the Family of Mammals. Wash., 1872. 8vo. . (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 11.) 49. 2 Arrangement of the Family of Mollusks. Wash., 1871. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 10.) 49. 2 Bibliography of the Fishes of the Pacific Coast, 1879. Wash., 1882. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 23.) 49. 9 Catalogue of the Fishes of the East Coast of North America^ Wash., 1873. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 14.) 49. 2 Catalogue of the Fishes of the East Coast of North America. Wash., 1873. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 14.) 49.2 Natural Science in the U. S., 1776-1867. (First Century of the Eepublic, 1876. 8vo. 14. 10 GiLLESPY, J. C. History of Green Lake- County, Wis. ; with Description of the City of Berlin. Berlin, 1860. Sm. 8vo. 19. 5. a GiLLET, Kansom, H. Democracy in the United States. N. Y., 1868. 12mo. 33.4 GiLLETT, E. H. History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. Phila., 1864. 12mo. 2 Vols. 56. 13 Gillies, John. Memoirs of George Whitefield. Appended, his Sermons, etc. Middletown, 1838. 8vo. 43. 10 GiLLiLAND, Wm. Watson, W. C. Champlain Valley. Settle; ment of Willsborough by, etc., etc. 10. 9 GiLLiss, E. M. Total Eclipse of the Sun, Sept. 7, 1858, near Olmos, Peru. No imprint. 4to. (Smiths. Contb., Vol. 11. 49. 7 GiLLiss, James M. U. S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, 1849-'52. Vols. 1-3, 6. Wash., 1855-'56. 4to. 4 Vols. 50.7 GiLLMORE, QuiNCY Adams. Ecport on Various Kinds of Build- ing Stone, Tested at Fort Tompkins, Staten Island, N. Y. Wash., 1874. 8vo. (U. S. Dept. of War, Engineer Dept.) 51. 14. 1 GiLLSON. See, also, Jillson. Gil'man, Arthur. Genealogical and Biographical Eecord ot the Family of Gilman. Albany, 1863. 8vo. 47. 9 . Gilman Family, Traced in the Line of John Gilman, of Exeter, N. H., With Account of Other Gilmans in Eng- land and America. Albany, 1869. 4to. 47. 9 A History of the American People. Boston. 12mo. 16. 12: 710 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Oilman, Geo. II. History of the Town of Houlton, Me., from 1804 to 1883. Haverhill, Mass., 1884. 8vo. 7. 8. 3 •Oilman, John M. Argument on the Five Million Loan. Minn. Supreme Court. 22. 3. 1 Oilman Family. See Oilman, Arthur. 47. 9 OiLMANTON, N. H. See Lancaster, Daniel. History of Oilman- ton. 7. 10 OiLMER, Oeorge. Papers, Military and Political, 1775-1778, of Oeo. Gilmer, M. D., of Pen Park, Albemarle County, Va. (Va. Hist. Soc. Coll., No. 5, Vol. 6.) 15. 12 Oilmer, John H. and McCulloch, Hugh. Correspondence. Eichmond, 1869. 8vo. (^Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 25, I^o. 24.) 60. 8 OiLMOR, Harry. Four Years in the Saddle. Story of a Eebel Colonel in the U. S. Civil War. K Y., 1866. 12mo. 30. 1 GiLMORE, James E. Among the Guerillas. [By Edmund Kirke.] K Y., 1866. 8vo. 29.1 Among the Pines. South in Secession Times. N. Y., 1865. 12mo. 30. 10 Down in Tennessee and Back by Way of Eichmond. IS^. Y., 1864. 12mo. 30. 8 My Southern Friends. K Y., 1863. 12mo. 30. 13 On the Border. Boston, 1847. 12mo. 30. 1 OiLPiN, Wm. (Gov. of Col.). Notes on Colorado, Spoken at the British Association of Science, Liverpool, Sept. 26, 1870. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 11, Ko. 28.) 60. 1 OiLSUM, N. H. See Hay ward, Silvanus. History of. 7.4 OiNDELY, Anton. History of the Thirty Years War. [Trans, by And. Ten Brook. With an Introductory and Conclud- ing Chapter, by the Translator.] 2 Vols. London, 1885. 8vo. 42. 12 OiRALDUS Cambrensis. See Barry, Girald. OiRARD, Charles. Catalogue of North American Eeptiles. See Baird, S. F. 49. 2 Natural History of Fresh Water Fish of North America. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 3.) 49. 7 OiRARD, Stephen. See Arey, H. C. Girard College and Its Founder. 43.. 1 Duyckinck, E. A. National Portrait Gallery. Vol. 1. 44. 6 Life of. See McCabe, J. D. Great Fortunes. 43. 12 Webster, D. Defense of the Christian Eeligion, etc. 53. 12 Will, with Biography. Phila., 1848. 8vo. 43. 6. G CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 711 GiKARD College, Philadelphia, Pa. Eeport of the Board of Directors, 1849, '57. 11. 6. 7 Bache, A. D. Magnetic and Meteorological Observations, etc. 49. 7 Observations at the Meteorological Observatory, etc. 50.7 Biddle, l!^. Address on Laying the Foundation. 33. 11 Tyson, J. E. Discourse on First Anniversary. 11. 6. 7 Webster, D. Argument against Executors of. 44. 5 Gisborne, Lionel. Isthmus of Darien in 1852. London, 1853. 8vo. 52. 3 Gisborne, Thomas. Familiar Surveys of the Christian Eeligion. K Y., 1807. 12mo. 56. 2 Glaciers. See Eussell, Israel C. Existing Glaciers of the U. S. 50. 9 Gladman, George. Eeport on the Exploration of the Country between Lake Superior and the Eed Eiver Settlement. Toronto, 1858. 8vo. 20. 5 Gladstone, Thomas H. Kansas; Squatter Life and Border Warfare in the Far West. London, 1857. 8vo. 19. 7 Gladstone, Wm. Ewart. Speech in the House of Commons on the Abolition of I^egro Apprenticeship, March 13, 1838. London, 1838. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 15, Ko. 3.) 53.6 Glaeser, August. Das Lincoln Monument. Eine Eede des Charles Sumner. Frankfort a M., 1868. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 22, iN'o, 11.) 60. 8 Glasgow, Scotland. Mitchell Library. See Mitchell Library. Glass. See Blake, W. P. Glass and Glassware. 52. 13 Gaffield, Thomas. Sunlight on Glass. 51.3.1 Wetherill, C. M. Crystalline :N'ature of. 51. 3. 1 Glastonbury, Conn. See Chapin, A, B. Centennial Discourse. 7.5 Glazier, Geo. H. The Mistakes of [Gen. J.'H.] Baker, a Eeply, etc. St. Paul, 1887. 8vo. 22. 13. 7 Glazier, Willard. See Baker, James H. The Sources of the Mississippi; Their Discoverers, Eeal and Pretended. 22. 9 Capture, Prison Pen and Escape. N. Y., 1870. 12mo. 30. 1 Discovery of the True Source of the Mississippi. ' Commu- nication to the Eoyal Geographical Society, of London. 22. 13. 7 Giles, Pearce. The True Source of tiie Mississippi. 22. 13. 7 Glazier, Geo. H. The Mistakes of Baker, etc. 22. 13. 7 90 712 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Glazieu, Willard — (Continued). Glazier or Itasca. With a Prelude. Anon. 22. 13. 7 narrower, H. D. Capt. Glazier and his Lake. 22. 9 Hill, A. J. Capt. Glazier's Claim. 22. 13. 7 Owens, John Algernon [^pseud.']. Sword and Pen. 45. 4 Thr'ee Years in the Federal Cavalry. K Y., 1874. 12mo. 29.1 Gleig, George Egbert. Narrative of the Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans, 1814-'15.^ London, 1826. 8vo. 14. 4 Subaltern in America. Campaigns of the British Army at Baltimore, Washington, etc. Phila., etc., 1833. 8vo. 14.4 Glen, or Glenn, James. (Gov. of S. C.) Description of South Carolina. Added, a Particular Account of the Eice Trade. London, 1761. 8vo. 1.5. 13 Glendale, O. Female College. Catalogue, 1871. Cinu., 1871. 8vo. 18. 10. 7 Glidden, Geo. E. Ancient Egypt. Her Monuments, Hiero- glyphics, etc. Phila., etc., 1847. 4to. 25.6.2 Doctrines of Schools on the Unity or Diversity of Human Eaces. (See Nott, J. C. Indigenous Eaces.) 15. 10 Glisan, E. Journal of Army Life, 1850-'59. San Francisco, 1874. 8vo. 20.6 Glossbrenner, a. J. History of York County, Pa. See Car- ter, W. C. . 11. 12 -Gloucester Abbey, England. Historia et Cartularium, etc. Ed. by Wm. Henry Hart. London, 1863-'67. 8vo. 40. 6 Gloucester, Mass. See Babson, J. J. History of Gloucester. 9. 13 Same. Notes and Additions to. 8. 2. 6 Glover, Anna. Glover Memorials and Genealogies. Boston, 1867. 8vo. • 47. 9 Glover, George. Observations on Pauperism in England. London, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 10.) 53. 5 Thoughts on the Property Tax. London, 1816. (Pam- phleteer, Yol. 8.) 53. 5 Glover,' John, Editor. Livere de Eeis de Brittanie et le Livere de Eeis de Engleterre. 1865. 8vo. 40. 12 Glover, L. M. Discourse Occasioned by the Death of Jacob Strawn, the Great American Farmer. Delivered in Jack- sonville, 111., Sept. 17, 1865. Jacksonville, 1865. 8vo. 43. 7. S. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 713 Glover, L. M. — (Continued). Quarter Century Memorial of the Pastorate of L. M. Glover, Over the First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, 111. Jacksonville, III., 1873. 8vo. 18. 6. 3 Semicentennial of the First Presbyterian Church, Jackson- ville, III., June 30, 1877. Discourse. Jacksonville, 1878. 8vo. 18. 6. 3 Glover Family. See Glover, Anna. Glover Memorials, etc. 47. 9 Gloversville, N. Y. See Sprague, Horace. Gloversville. A Poem. • 10. 9 Goat, or Yerba Buena Island, Cal. Dowling, T. H. Memorial in Eegard to his Claim to, etc. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 10, No. 21.) 60. 1 Appeal to the California Delegation in Congress, upon the Goat Island Grant. 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 33, No. 33.) 60. 2 Arguments before the Com. on Mil. Affairs, U. S. Senate, on Bill to Lease, etc., for Railway Terminus. 1873. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 25.) 60. 1 Casserly, Eugene. Remarks before Senate Com., on Ces- sion of, to C. P. R. R. Co., etc. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 23, No. 41.) 60. 8 McRuer, D. C. Statements, etc., a'gainst the Bill. 60.2 Summary of Objections to Bill, etc. (Ramsey Pamj)h., Vol. 33, No. 7.) 60. 8 Merrill, J. C, and Others. Appeal to Delegation, etc. 20. 14. 3 Sargent, A. A. In Answer to D. C. McRuer, etc. 60. 1 And Coghlan, J. M. Yerba Buena Island. 60. 8 Stanford, Leland, and McRuer, D. C. As a Railroad Ter- minus, etc. 20. 14. 3 Grant. Proc. Chamber of Commerce, B'dof Supervisors, etc. San Francisco, March, 1872. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 40.) . 60.1 GoDALMiNG, Eng. Evaus, J. The Vicar of, etc. (Surrey Arch. Coll., Vol. 2, pp. 210-223.) 35. 9 Heales, Alf. Church of. (Surrey Arch. Coll., Vol. 4, pp. 194-213.) 35. 9 GoDDARD, D. A. See Smith, C. C. Memoir. 43. 6. G GoDDARD, Jonathan. Discourse, setting forth the Unhappy Condition of the Practice of Physick in London. 1670. 4to. (Harleian Misc. Vol. 7, pp. 468-483.) 40. 3 714 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, GoDDAED, Wm. G. Address to tlie People of Ehode Island, May 3, 1843, on Change in the Government. Providence^ 1843. 8vo. 8. 7. 5 Godwin, Francis. Bp. of Landaff and Hereford. View of St. Helena; with Account of the Voyage of Domingo Gonsales to the Moon. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 11, pp. 511-534.) 40. 3 Godwin, Parke. Cyclopedia of Universal Biography. K Y.; and Cinn., 1856. 12mo. (Home Cyclopedia.) 43. 12 GOEPP, C. Legal Organization of the People to Select Candi- dates. (Phila. Union League, Essays, 1868.) 8vo. 57. 3 GoERRES, JoHANN JOSEPH. Germany and the Eevolution. [Translated.] London, 1820. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 15.) 53. 5 GoGGiN, Wm. L., OF Va. Speech on the War with Mexico, in H. E., Feb. 1, 1848. n. t. p. (Mex. War Pamph., l^o, 23.) 16. 10 Going, Jonathan. See Smalley, Elam. "The Worcester Pulpit.'' 25. 1 Tempting God; or. Separating Ends from Means; a Sermon to the First Baptist Church in Worcester. (See Smalley, Elam. '^The Worcester Pulpit," pp. 305-321.) Boston, 1851. 12mo. 25. 1 Gold. McCulloh, E. S. Eeport on Eefining. 51. 3. 1 Gold, Theodore S. Historical Eecords of the Town of Corn- wall, Litchfield Co., Conn. Hartford, 1877. 8vo. 7. 13 Gold Mines. See Howitt, W. Land, Labor and Gold, etc. 20. 7 Golden Fleece. See Argonauts. Golden Northwest, n. t. p. 8vo. 22. 12. 5 Goldsmith, Lewis. Observations on the Appointment of George Canning to the Foreign Department. London, 1823, (Pam- phleteer, Vol. 22.) 53.12 GoLLADAY, Edward (of Tenn.). Public Buildings — Tennessee —Her Capital. Speech in the U. S. H. E., April 13, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 5, l^o. 50.) 60. 1 GOMARD, . Manual of Bayonet Exercise. (Translated from thp French by G. B. McClellan. Phila., 1862. 12mo. (U. S. Dept. of War.) 5L 9 Gomez, Estevan (Stephen), Early Explorer of America. (See Dexter, Geo. :N"ar. and Crit. Hist, of Am., Vol. 4, Chap. 1.) Gonsales, Domingo, {pseud.). See Godwin, Francis. 40. 3 Good, John M. Letter to Sir J. C. Hippisley, on the Tread- wheel as an Instrument of Discipline. 2d edition, with additions. London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 23.) 53. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 715 Good, G. B. Catalogue of Fishes of the Bermudas. Wash., 1876. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 13.) 8vo. 49. 2 Classification of the Collection at the International Exhibi- tion, 1876, to Illustrate the Animal Eesources of the U. S. Wash., 1876. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 13.) 49. 2 Classification of the Collection inU. S. National Museum to Il- lustrate the Animal Resources of the TJ. S. 1876. (U. S. Nat. Museum, Bulletin No. 6.) 49. 5. 3 The Fisheries and Fishery Industries of the U. S. (IJ. S. Cenfeus, 1880, Vol. 6.) Wash., 1884. 4to. 60. 14 GooDE, Francis. The Better Covenant. From the 5th London edit. Phila. and N. Y., 1858. 12mo. 56. '4 GooDE, Wm., Rev. Sound Protestant Episcopal Views of the Lord's Supper, or Holy Communion, etc. Baltimore, 1863. 8vo. 53. 7. 2 Goodell, Abneb C, Jr. Address to the Essex Institute, Oct. 5, 1874. Salem, 1874. 8vo. 8. 4. 3 Address on the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Provin- cial Legislature, in Salem, pet. 5, 1774. (Centennial Ora- tions* 1875. 8vo.) * 8. 3 Charges Against Samuel Adams; Murder of Capt. Codman; Paper, on the Provincial Seals of Massachusetts; Witch Trials etc. (Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc, Vol. 20.) 9. 4 The ^^ Sharpies" Pictures (of Washington). Reprinted from the Boston Post, Fet). 2, 1867. n. t. p. 8vo. 43. 14. 4 Goodell, Wm. American Slave Code in Theory and Prac- tice. London, n. d. 8vo. 30. 6 Goodhue, James M. Neill, E. D. Obituary of J. M. Goodhue. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., •Vol. 1, pp. 245-25i.) 22. 10 Goodhue County, Minn. History of ; Including a Sketch of the Territory and State of Minnesota. [Anon.'] Red Wing. 1878. 8vo. 22.9 Goodman, Alf. T. First White Children Born on Ohio Soil. n. t. p. (West. Res., O., Hist. Soc, Tract No. 4.) 18. 3. 1 Judges of the Sup. Court of Ohio, 1803-'52. n. t. p. 8vo. (West. Res., O., Hist. Soc, Tract No. 2.) 18. 3. 1 Goodman, Charles, Publ. Western Counterfeit Detector, and Bank Note Table, Vols. 1-2, 1840-'41. Cinn., 1840-'41. 8vo. 72. 5 Goodman, H. H., and Smith, A. Thomas. Navy &en. Court Martial, at Charlestown, Mass. U. S. vs. Franklin W. Smith. Argument of the Judges Advocate. Boston, 1865. 8vo. 53. 11. 2 716 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Goodrich, Aaron. Code of Pleadiogs and Practice in Civil Actions in the Courts of Minnesota. St. Paul, 1858. 8vo. 24. 9 Same. Eeported to the Legislature, etc. 22. 5. 1 Colored Masons and Colored Masonry. Minority Eeport to Grand Lodge of Minnesota. St. Paul, 1877. 8vo. 22. 4. 3 Early Courts of Minnesota. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1, pp. 77-80.) 22. 10 History of the Character and Achievements of the So-called Christopher Columbus. N. Y., 1874. 8vo. 43. 10 Maine and Minnesota. Hrummond vs. Goodrich, n. t. p. (See his Colored Masons, etc. pp. 19-25.) 22.4.3 Grand Lodge of Utah and Bro. Aaron Goodrich, n. t. p. 8vo. 22. 4. 3 Goodrich, Chas. A. History of the U. S.j for Schools. Brought down to 1866, by Wm. H. Seavey. 12mo. 14. 13 Sin Universal; Eeasons for Preaching the Doctrine, set forth in a Discourse to the First Congregational Church, etc., in Worcester, Mass., etg. (See Smalley, Elam. ''The Worcester Pulpit," etc.) 25. 1 Webster, Koah. Dictionary of the English Language, Ee- vised by. Goodrich, De Witt C, and Tuttle, C. E. Illustrated History of Indiana, to 1875. Indianapolis, 1875. 8vo. * 18. 11 Goodrich, Earle S. Memoir of S. Y. McMasters. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 3, pp. 295-303.) 22. 10 Mormonism Unveiled. The Other Side. From the Chicago "Times.'^ n. p. 1884. 8vo. 19.10.3 Goodrich, JoA^ Z. Eeply to thie Statements of Hon. Samuel Hooper, in a Pamphlet Entitled "A Defense of the Mer- chants of Boston." Boston, 1867. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph.,. Vol. 24, No. 22.) 60. 8 Goodrich, Samuel G. Parley^s Common School History, An- cient and Modern. :N"ew edit. Phila., 1871. 12mo. 40.1 (Peter Parley.) Pictorial History of the U. S. For Schools. New edit. Phila., 1871. 12mo. 14. l3 Tales about the U. S., by Peter Parley. London, 1839. Sq. 16mo. 33. 10 Goodrich Family. Memorial of. Parts I-II. Chicago, 1887. 8vo. ' 25. 7. 7 GooDRiDGE, E. E. W. On the Proposed Change of Time Mark- ing to a Decimal System. Paper read before the Hist, and Sci. Soc. of Manitoba. Winnipeg, 1886. 8vo. 20. 5. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. Ill Good Templars, Independent Order of. See Independent Order of Good Templars. Goodwin, Daniel, Jr. The Dearbons; Discourse Commemora- tive of the Occupation of Fort Dearborn, and the First Settlement at Chicago; read before the Chi. Hist. Soc, Dec. 18, 1883. Chicago, 1884. 8vo. 43. 6. D Goodwin, Daniel E. Southern Slavery in its Present Aspects. Eeply to a Late Work of the Bishop of Vermont, [J. H. Hopkins,] on Slavery. Phila., 1864. 8vo. 30. 5 Goodwin, Eev. E. P. [D. D.] Christianity and Infidelity Tested by their Fruit. A Sermon in Eejfly to Mr. Inger- soll's Eulogy on Thomas Paine; with an Appendix by Prof. S. I. Curtiss. Chicago, 1880. 16mo. 56. 7. 2 Possessing the Land. A Sermon in Behalf of the Am. H. M.Soc, Preached in the Broadway Tabernacle Church, K. Y., May 9, 1880. 8vo. . 56. 7. 5 Goodwin, H. C. Pioneer History; or, Cortland County, and Border Wars of New York. K Y., 1859. 12mo. 10. 9 Goodwin, Ichabod, Gov. of N. H. Closing Message, as Gov. of K H., June Session, 1861. Concord, 1861. 8vo. 7. 11 Eeport upon an Act for the Suppression of Intemperance, with Contract by E. A. Boardman to Furnish Liquors to Agents of Towns in N. H. Concord, 1860. 8vo. (Ko. 2 in Legislative Eeports for 1860.) 7. 11 Goodwin, Nathaniel. Descendants of Thomas Olcott, One of the First Settlers of Hartford, Conn. Eevised edit., with additions by H. S. Olcott. Albany, 1874. 8vo. 47. 11 Genealogical l^otes; Contributions to the Family History of Cohnecticut and New York. Hartford, 1856. 8vo. 46. 12 Foote Family. Genealogy. Hartford, 1849. 8vo. * 47. 9 Goodwin, Thomas S. Natural History of Secession. N. Y., 1864. 12mo. ' 30. 8. Goodwin, Wm. F., Ed. Eecords of Proprietors of Narragansett Township, No. 1, [now Buxton, York Co., Me.], Aug. 1, 1733, to Jan. 4, 1811. Concord, 1871. 8vo. 16. 2 Goodwin, W. W. Eeport of Director of American School of Classical Studies, at Athens, for year 1882-'83. Wash., 1884. 8vo. " 56. 8. 1 Goodyear, Charles. Life of. McCabe, J. D. Great Fortunes. 1871. 8vo. 43.12 New Jersey. U. S. Circuit Court, Trenton. Decision in India Eubber Case, Goodyear vs. Day. N. Y., 1852. 8vo 53. 11. 2 718 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Goodyear, Stephen, Deputy Gov. New Haven Colony. His- torical Sketch. (]^ew Haven Colony Hist. Coll., Vol. 2, p. 154.) 7. 6 GooKiN, Daniel, I^. E. Soldier and Author. Doings and Suf- ferings of the Christian Indians in ]Sr. E., 1675-'77. (Am. Antiq. Soc. Trans., Vol. 2, p. 423.) 9. 10 GooLD, William. Portland in the Past; with Historical Notes of Old Falmouth. Portland, 1886. 8vo. 16. 2 Gordon, Andrew E. (E. N.) Eeport of the Hudson's Bay Expedition, under Command of, etc. .[Toronto?] 1884. 8vo. . 20. 5. 5 Gordon, Sir Cosmo. Life and Genius of Lord Byron. Lon- don, 1824. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 24.) 53. 12 Gordon, Eev. Daniel M. Mountain and Prairie; A Journey from Victoria to Winnipeg, via Peace Eiver Pass, etc. Montreal, 1880. 12mo. 20. 5 Gordon, Geo. F. General Eeport in Eelation to the Market Department, etc. Phila., 1856. 8vo. 11. 7. 4 Gordon, Geo. H. Hist, of Campaign Army of Virginia, under Gen. John Pope, Cedar Mountain to Alexandria, 1862. Boston, 1880. 8vo. 29. 4 Gordon, Geo. Wm. Lecture before the Boston Y. M's Soc, on the Subject of Lotteries, March 12, 1833. Boston, 1833. 8vo. 57. 10. 2 Gordon, Han FORD L. Gettysburg: Charge of the First Min- nesota. [Poem.] n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 8 Legends of the I^orthwest. . Of the Dakotas [Poems.] St. Paul, Minn., 1881 Sq. 8vo. 22. 8 Oration at Alexandria, Minn., July 4, 1868. St. Paul, 1868. 8vo. 74. 7. 4 Gordon, James Bentley. An Historical and Geographical Memoir of the IS^orth American Continent, its Nations and Tribes. With a Summary Account of his Life, Writings and Opinions. Dublin, 1820. 4to. 16. 14 An Address before the Confederate Survivors' Ass'n., Au- gusta, April 26, 1887. Augusta, 1887. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 Gordon, Wm. Discourse Preached Dec. 15th, 1774, and after- wards at the Boston '-Lecture." 2d edit. Boston, 1775. Pulpit of the Am. Eev., 1860. 12mo. pp. 186-226.) 14. 8 History of the Else, Progress, and Establishment of the In- dependence of the United States. [1771-1784.] London, 1788. 8vo. 4 Vols. 14.8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 719 Gore, Christopher. Manlius; with Kotes and Eeferences. Boston, 1794. 8vo. 33. 7. 1 OoRGEi, GoRGEY, OR GoERGEY, ARTHUR. [HuDgarian Gener- al.] My Life and Acts in Hungary, 1848-^49. IS". Y., 1852. 12mo. 43. 1 Gorges, Sir Ferdinando. Briefe Narration of the Originall Undertakings of the Advancement of Plantations into the Parts of America, Especially [N^ew England. 1658. (Maine Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 2, pp. 71, etc.) 7. 1 Gorman, Capt. J. C. Lee's Last Campaign, with History of Stonewall Jackson's Last Wound. 2d edit. Ealeigh, 1866. 16mo. 30. 4. 8 Gorman, Willis Arnold. Message, as Governor of Minnesota Territory, 1857. St. Paul, 1857. 8vo. 22. 3 Compiler. Synopsis of the Laws of 1871-'72, Authorizing the Levy of Assessments for Local Improvements in St. Paul, and Creating a Board of Public Works. St. Paul, 1872. 8vo. 22. 13. 3 Life and Public Services of. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 3, pp. 314-332.) 22. 10 GoRRELL, James. Journal, 1761-'63. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1, pp. 24-48.) 19. 11 Gorrie, Wm. F. The President's Address, read before the Min- nesota State Educational Association, at Mankato, Aug. 29, 1877. Stillwater, 1877. 8vo. 56. 9. 3 Gorton, Samuel (First Settler in Warwick, E. I.). Letter to Nathaniel Morton. Warwick, June 30, 1669. (MSS.) (Force's Tracts, Vol. 4.) 14. 12 Si mplici tie's Defense against Seven-Headed Policy, etc. London, 1646. 8vo. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 4.) 14. 12 Same, Eeprinted. (R. J. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 2.) 8. 13 See Brayton, G. A. Defense of. (E. I. Hist. Soc. Tracts, Ko. 17.) 8. 7. 6 Goshen, Mass. See Barrus, Hiram. History of Goshen, etc. 9. 12 GosNOLD, Bartholomew. Eelation des Voyages de Gosnol, Prince et Gilbert, a' la Virginie, 1602 et 1603. (Bernard, J. F. Eecueil, etc.. Vol. 4.) 20. 1 Goss, ]^. S. A Catalogue of the Birds of Kansas. Topeka, 1883. 8vo. • 81. 8. 7 A Eevised Catalogue of the Birds of Kansas, with Descrip- tive ;Notes of the Nests and Eggs of the Birds Now Known to Breed in the State. 1886. " 19.7 91 720 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Goss, Warren Lee. Soldier's Story of his Captivity at An- dersonville, Belle Isle, and Other Eebel Prisons. Boston and Chicago, 1870. 8vo. . . 30. 2 Goss Family. See Lawrence Family. GosTiCK, Joseph. Trades Unions and the Eelations of Capital and Labor. (Cobden Club Essays, 2d series, 1872.) 8vo. 57.9 Gouge, Henry A. New System of Ventilation. K. Y., 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 18.) 60. 8 GOUGH, John B. Autobiography and Personal Eecollections, with 26 Years' Experience as a Public Speaker. Spring- field, 1370. 8vo. 45. 4 Sketches of. (Men of Progress, 1870. 8vo.) 44. 2 Gould, Augustus A. History of New Ipswich, N. H. See Kidder, Frederic. 7. 3 Gould, '■ — , and Others. Argument in Behalf of Settlers of California, against Passage of Senate Bill 805 and House Bill 3364, 44th Cong., IstSess., 1873-'4. n. t. p. 8vo. 20. 14. 3 Gould, Benj. Apthorp. Address in Commemoration of Alex- ander D. Bache, Delivered Aug. 6, 1868, before the Am. Assoc, for the Advancement of Science. Salem, 1868. 8vo. 42. 6. B. 2 Addresses at the Complimentary Dinner to, etc.. Hotel Ven- dome, Boston, May 6, 1885. Lynn, 1885. 8vo. 43. 6. G. 2 Ancestry and Posterity of Zaccheus Gould of Topsfield, Mass. Salem, 1872. Sq. 8vo. 47. 9 Same. (Essex Inst. Coll., Vol. 2.) 8. 4 History of the Discovery of Neptune. Wash. (Smithsonian Institution),* 1850. Svo. 51.3.2 Eemarks. (Albany. Dudley Observatory Inauguration, 1856. j 8vo. 10.14.1 Eeply to the ''Statement of the Trustees" of the Dudley Observatory. Albany, 1859. 8vo. 10. 14. 1 Six Articles upon the Smithsonian Institution from the ''Boston Post,'^ with the Letters of Profs. Peirce and Agassiz. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 11. 8. 4 Transatlantic Longitude, as Determined by the Coast Sur- vey Expedition of 1866. ^o imprint. 4to. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 16.) 49. 7 Gould, Herman D. Torrey, D. Prince of Life: Sermon in Delhi, K Y., on Burial of H. D. Gould. 43. 6. G CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 721 Gould, Jay. Sketch of. (Men of Progress, 1870.) 44. 2 Gould Family. See Gould, B. A. Ancestry, etc. 47. 9 GoupiL, Eene, le pere. Jogues, Isaac. Novum Belgium, etc, (Shea's Jesuit Eelations, :N'o. 17.) 20. ^ Gout. The Honour of the Gout; a Eational Discourse. By- Philander Misaurus. London, 1699. 12mo. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 10, pp. 389-408.) 40. 3 Government. Brougham, Lord. Political Philosophy. 3d edit. London, 1849-'53. 8vo. 3 Vols. 57. 3 Essay on the Origin and Progress of Government. {Anon.) London, 1783. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 7.) 14. 1 Sequel to same. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 8.) 14. 1 Paine, Thomas. Dissertation on First Principles, etc. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 10, Nov. 4.) 53. 12 Townsend, Calvin. Analysis of Civil, etc. 33, 6 See, also. Monarchy. GowRiE, Earl of. See Euthven, William. Gracchus, {pseud.) Letters on the East India Question. [Anon.'] (Pamphleteer, Vol. 1, pp. 579-636.) 53. 5 Grace, Et. Eev. Thomas L. The Papal Encyclical; Being a Pastoral Letter to the Clergy and Laity of the Diocese, on Occasion of the Publication of the Jubilee. St. Paul, 1865. 8vo. 56.12.8 Grace Family. Welles, Albert. '^American Family Antiq- • uity,"Vol. 1. 93.3 Graceland Cemetery. (Near Chicago, 111.) Charter, with Eules and Eegulations, 1861. Chicago, 1861. 16mo. 18. 13. 3 Gracey. Samuel L. Annals of the Sixth Pennsylvania Cav- alry, n. p. 1868. Sq. 8vo. 29. 14 Graff, Frederic. Eeport of Chief Engineer of Department for Supplying City of Philadelphia with Water, etc.. Made to the Council, April 19, 1855. Phila., 1855. 8vo. 11. 5. 8 Grafton, Mass. First Annual Eeport of Trustees of Free Pub- lic Library and Eeading Eoom. Worcester, n. d. 8vo. 8. 12. 2 Brigham, Wm. Address on Centennial Anniversary, April 29, 1835. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 5.) 9. 2 Pierce, F. C. History of, etc., 1647-1879. 8. 3 Graham, A. A. History of Fairfield and Perry Counties, Ohio. Their Past and Present, etc. 17. 7 722 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Geaham, a. a. — (Continued). History of Ohio. (Prefixed to Perrin, W. H., History of Delaware Co., O.) 18.9 Same. Prefixed to Hill, N. N., Jr., History of Licking Co. 18.9 History of Eichland County, O. (Including the Original Boundaries). Its Past and Present, etc. Mansfield, 1880. 4to. 17. 7 Graham, James (of :N'ew Orleans). Life of Daniel Morgan, of the Virginia Line of the Army (Revolutionary). N. Y., 1859. 12mo. 44. 1 Graham, J. D. Lunar Tidal Wave in Lake Michigan. Phila., 1869. 8vo. 5L3. 2 Report on Mason and Dixon's Line. Chicago, 1862. 8vo. 15. 12. 1 Graham, James, (Earl and Marquis of Montrose). Declaration Concerning his Resolution to Settle Charles II. in his Do- minions, July 9, 1649. London, 1649. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 11, pp. 469-472.) 40. 3 •Graham, Thomas. Odling, Wm. Thomas Graham's Scientific Work. (Smiths. Rept., 1871, pp. 177-216.) 49. 3 Grahame, James, (Marquis of Montrose). Relation of the Exe- cution of. London, 1650. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 6, pp. 234-236.)' 40.3 Relation of the True Funerals of the Great Lord Marquis of Montrose. 1661. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 7, pp. 236- 25L) 40. 3 Grahame, James. History of the United States, 1492-1776. Phila., 1845. 8vo. 4 Vols. ' 14. 5 • Quincy, Josiah. Memory of James Grahame Vindicated, , etc. 43. 6. G Another Copy, (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 6, IS^o. 16.) 53. 12 Grahame, James. Who is to Blame? Cursory Review of "American Apology for American Accession to Negro Slavery." London, 1842. 8vo. 30.13 Grammar. Feuling, J. B. Studies in Comparative Grammar. (Wise. Acad, of Sciences, Trans., Vol. 3, pp. 117-121.) 19. 12. 1 Grammar and Vocabulary of the Language of New Zea- land. Published by the Church Missionary Society. London, 1820. 12mo. See Kendall, Thomas. 34. 8 Grammar Schools, Considered, By a Barrister. London, 1820. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 16.) 53. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BAR T. 72a Grain Trade. Harvey, Arthur. The Grain Trade. 20. 9. 7 Granby, Conn. Phelps, Noah A. History of Simsbury, etc. 7. 14 Grand Army of the Eepublic. Digest, etc. [See Douglas, W. W.] 52. 2. 4 Manual. 1881. n. p. 8vo. 52 2. 4 McGill, Andrew R. Address at Inter- State Encampment, Lake City, Jijne 9, 1886. n. p. 1886. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 Department of California. Register, 1886. San Francisco, 1886. 12mo. 52. 1. 2 Department of Massachusetts. By-Laws and Eules of Order. Boston, 1870. 16mo. 52. 2. 4 Proceedings Annual Encampment, 1870, '74, '75, '83, '84, '85, ^m. Boston, 1870-'86. 8vo. 52. 2. 4 Department of Minnesota. By-Laws and Rules df Order of Acker Post, TS"o. 21. St. Paul, 1882. 24mo. 22.14.10 By-Laws and Rules of Order for Posts. St. Paul, 1872. 24mo. 22. 14. 10 Constitution of Department. [Old Organization.] St. Paul, 1866. 24mo. 22. 14. 10 General Orders, Nos. 1-5; 1872. St. Paul, 1872. 8vo. 22. 4. 5 Proceedings of the Encampments, 1869-'72, '81-'85, ^^Qt. Winona and St. Paul, 1869-'86. 22. 4. 5 Department of New York. Proceedings of the Encamp- ments, 1884-'85. N. Y., 1885. 8vo. 52. 1. 2 Department of Virginia. Proceedings, 1885. Hampton. 8v^o. 52. 1. 2 National Encampment. Proceedings of Meetings, 1866, '72, '74, '78, '80, '81, '84, '85, 'SQ, v. p. 8vo. 52. 2. 3 and 52. 1. 2 Opinions of the Judge- Advocate General, W. W. Doug- .las. 1877. 1^0 imprint. 8yo. 52. 2. 4 Roll of Members, and Official Reports. 1874. Boston, 1874. 8vo. 52. 2. 3 Rules and Regulations, 1868, '70, '72, '74, '81. v. p. 1869-'81. 8vo. and 16mo. 52. 2. 4- Services for the Installation of Officers, and for Burial of the Dead. Boston, 1873. 16mo. 52. 2. 4 Grand Rapids, Mich. Dept. of Instruction. Catalogue of the Public Schools, 1860-'61. Grand Rapids Mich., 1861. 8vo. 18. 4. 4 Dillenbach & Leavitt, Publ. History of. (In History of Kent Co., 1870. pp. 114-136.) 8vo. 18. 4 724 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ''Gkanger Cases,'' The. See Field, Stephen J. [Justice.] Opinion in Supt. C't., U- S. 72. 13. 4 Granite Monthly, The. A. ^. H. Magazine. Vol. 1-5. 1877-'82. 8vo. 7. 11 Or ANT, Albert. Letter to the Gov. and Pres't. Board Public Works, Washington, D. C, Aug. 17, 4871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 24.) ^ 60. 1 Grant, Oeo. M. Ocean to Ocean. Sanford Fleming's Expedi- tion through Canada, in 1872. Diary kept, etc., from^ Atlantic to Pacific. Canada and London, 1873. 8vo. 20. 4 Grant, Capt. J. W. Flying Regiment. Campaign of the 12th R. L Vols. Providence, 1865. 18mo. 30. 2 Grant, Judge, James (of Iowa). Sketch of. (Annals of Iowa, Oct., 1873.) 19. 13. 1 Grant, Matthew. Church Record. From Stiles' History of Ancient Windsor, n. t. p. 8vo. 25. 7. 7 Grant, Ulysses Simpson. Boyer, B. M. Results Presidential Election. Speech, 1869. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 29, Xo. 49.) 60. 8 Chicago, Gen. Grant's Reception at, Kov. 12-15, 1879. Chi- cago, 1879. 8vo. n. t. p. 18. 6. 6 Dean, J. W. The Grant Family. Pedigree of Gen. Grant. (K. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., Vol. 21, p. 173.) 46. 3 Devens, Charles. Two Cornmemorative Addresses. 43. 6. G. 1 Hancock, Gen. W. S., and Sherman, W. T. Correspondence in Relation to Gen. Hancock's Personal Relations with Gen. Grant, etc. 33. 7. 6 Life and Services of. Wash., D. C, 1868. (Vol. 30, :N'o. 23.) 60.8 Marshall, E. C. Ancestry of Gen. Grant, etc. 47. 9 Pennsylvania— Soldiers' and Sailors' State Central Com- mittee. Addresses in Favor of Grant and Colfax. Phila., 1868. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 30, ^o. 22.) ' 60.8 Perry, Joseph G. A Memoir. 43. 6. G. 2 Preuss, H. C. Columbus Crockett to Gen. Grant, on the Indian Question, etc. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 23. ^o. 12.) 60. 8 Beview of Grant's Message Relative to the Canadian Fish- eries, and the St. Lawrence. Dated at Ottawa. Dec. 12, 1870. ^o imprint. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph. , Vol. 9, Xo. 1^-) 60. 1 Sanborn, J. B. Eulogy on, in Address before Society of Army of the Tennessee. 30. 4. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y. 725 Settlement upon the Bed Eiver; its Destruction, in 1815 and '16; and the Massacre of Gov. Semple and Party, etc. London, 1817. 8vo. ' 20. 11 Hall, A. Oak EY. Horace Greeley Decently Dissected. Letter to Joseph Hoxie. N. Y., 1862. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Hall, Asaph. Parallax of A Lyrae and 61 Cygni. Wash., 1882. 4to. (U. S. I^aval Obs., 1879. App. 1.) 50. 1. 1 Hall, Basil. Travels in :N^orth America, in l827-'28. Edin- burg, 1829. 8vo. 3 Vols. 33. 10 Forty Etchings from Sketches Made in North America, 1827- '28. Edinburg, 1830. 4to. 33. 12 Hall, Baynard R. The New Purchase; Seven and a Half Years in the Far West. [By Eobert Carlton.] N. Y., 1843. 8vo. 2 Vols. 19. 1 Hall, Benj. H. History of Eastern Vermont, 1766-1800. N. Y., 1858. 8vo. 7.2 Hall, Mrs. Cecil. A Lady's Life on a Farm in Manitoba. London, 1884. 12mo. 17. 2 Hall, Charles E. Catalogue of the Geological Museum of the Pennsylvania Geological Survey. Parti. Eock Specimens. Harrisburg, 1878. 8vo. 11.10 Hall, Charles C. Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition, Made 1864-'69. Wash., 1879. 4to. (U. S. Dep. of Navy.) 20.14 Hall, Charles H. The Dutch and the Iroquois. Paper read before the Long Island Hist. Soc, Feb. 21, 1882. N. Y., 1882. 8vo. 10. 11. 1 Hall, Clayton C. The Great Seal of Maryland. A Paper read before the Maryland Historical Society, Dec. 14, 1885. (Pub. Fund, No. 23.) Baltimore, 1886. 8vo. 11.15 Hall, C. L. Biographical Sketches of the State Government and Legislature of Minnesota, 1877 and '78. Minneapolis, 1877-'78. 8vo. 43. 14. 7 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 755 Hall, David B. The Halls of New England. Genealogical and Biographical. Albany, 1883. 8vo. 47. 3 Hall, Edward B. Discourse before the Ehode Island Histor- ical Society, Feb. 6, 1855, on the Life and Times of John Howlaud, Late President. Providence, 1855. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 1 The Spirit of Truth. A Discourse Delivered at the Dedi- cation of the I^ew Divinity Hall of the Meadville Theo- logical School, Meadville, Pa., June 28, 1854. Cambridge, 1854. 8vo. 56. 7. 3 Hall, Edward Hepple. Ho! for the West! Traveller and Emigrants Hand-Book to Canada and the North- West of the American Union. Lond., 1858. 8vo. 20. 5. 1 Lands of Plenty. British North America. London, 1879. 8vo. 20. 4 Lands of Plenty, in the New North -West, Manitoba and the North- West Territory, Canada. Toronto, 1880. 8vo. 20. 5. 1 Hall, Edwin, Rev. Ancient Historical Records of Nor walk, Conn., 1640-1847. Norwalk, Conn., 1865. 12mo. 7. 6 The Puritans and their Principles. N. Y., 1846. SVo. 7. 14 Colleges Essential to Home Missions. Discourse, etc. N. Y.. 1853. 8vo. 56. 11. 4 Hall, Geo. B. Illustrated Tourist ; Account of Minnesota. Min- neapolis, 1880. 8vo. 22. 5. 6 Hall, Henry. American Navigation, with Some Account of the Causes of its Former Prosperity and Present Decline. N. Y., 1878. 8vo. 57. 10. 4 Report on the Ship-Building Industry of the U. S. [Census, 1880, Yol. 8.] 50.10 Hall, Hiland. Capture of Ticonderoga,' in 1775. Paper read before the Vermont Historical Society, Oct. 19, 1869. Montpelier, 1869. 8vo. 7. 9. 1 Early History of Vermont. Albany, 1868. 8vo. 7. 9 History of Wells, Vt., for the First Century after its Settle- ment. With Biographical Sketches, by Robert Parks. Rutland, 1869. 8vo. 7. 9 Hall, James, Judge. History of the Indian Tribes of North America. See McKenney, T. L. 3 Vols. 95. 21 Letters from the West. Ohio. London, 1828. 8vo. 19. 1 Notes on the Western States; Sketches of their Soil, Climate, Resources and Scenery. Phila., 1838. 12mo. 19. 1 756 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hall, James, Judge — (Continued), Sketches of History, Life and Manners of the West. Phila.^ 1835. 12mo. 19. i Statistics of the West at the Close of the Year 1836. Cinn.,. 1836. 12mo. 19. 1 The West; its Soil, Surface and Productions, Commerce and Navigation. Cinn., 1848. 12mo. 19. 1 Western Souvenir. 1829. Cinn., 1829. 18mo. 19. 1 Hall, James (Geologist). Geology of Minnesota, from St. Paul,. to the Western Part of the State, n. t. p. 4to. (From Proc. Amer. Geog. Soc, 1866.) 25. 6. 2" Geological Survey of Ohio. 1869-'72. 4 Vols. Columbus, 1873-'75. 8vo. 51. 5 Palaeontology. (Geol. Exp., 40th Par.) 50. 8 'Report on Building Stones. Albany, ]^. Y., 1868. 8vo. 51. 14. 1 And Whitney, J. D. Eeport of the Geological Survey of Iowa, 1855-'57. n. p. 1858. 8vo. 2 Vols. 51. 13 Hall, Joseph D., Jk. The Genealogy and Biography of the Waldos of America, from 1650 to 1883. Danielsonville, Conn. 1883. 8vo. 47. 7 Hall, J. Prescott. Discourse before the Kew England Society,. in the City of l^ew York, Dec. 22, 1847. N. Y., 1848. 8vo. 7. 7. 1 Hall, J. W. D. Ancient Iron Works in Taunton, Mass. Bead before the Old Colony Historical Society, J^uly, 1884. (Collections No. 3, p. 131.) 8. 9. 9- Hall, Mary A. (Newell). Thomas Newell, who Settled in Farmington, Conn., A. D. 1632, and his Descendants. Southington, Conn., 1878. 12mo. 47. 11 Hall, Nathan K., Judge. Opinion on Habeas Corpus, in the Case of Eev. J. D. Benedict. Buffalo, 1S62. 8vo. 53. 11.1 Hall, Nathaniel, Eev. The Iniquity. [Slavery.] Sermon in the First Church, Dorchester, Mass., Dec. 11, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8vo. 30. 14. 3 The Man, [John Brown]; the Deed; the Event. Sermon in Dorchester, Dec. 4 and 11, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8vo. 30. 14. a Moral Significance of the Contrasts between Slavery and Freedom. Discourse in Dorchester, May 10, 1864. Bost. 1864. 8vo. 30. 14. S CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 757 Hall, JSTathaniel, Eev. — (Continued). Truth not to be Overthrown, nor Silenced; Sermon at Dor- chester, Jan. 27, 1861. Boston, 1861. 8vo. 30. 4. 7 Sermon Preached in the First Church, Dorchester, June 19, 1870, the 240th Anniversary. Boston, 1870. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol 2, JSTo. 8.) 9. 2 Memorial of ISTathaniel Hall, Pastor of the First Church, in Dorchester, Mass. Boston, 1876. 8vo. 44. 13 Hall, Newman. Sermon on the Assassination of Abraham • Lincoln, at Surrey Chapel, London, May 14, 1865. Bos- ton, 1865. 8vo. 43. 14. 1 Hall, E. L. Oconto County, "Wis. See Curtis, J. S. Eesources, etc. 1870. 16mo. 19. 5. 8 Hall, Egbert, Eev. Works, with Memoir, by O. Gregory; and Eeminiscences by John Greene. N. Y., 1849. 8vo. 4 Vols. 56. 10 Hall, Samuel E. Biographical Sketch of. (Amer Jour. Ed., Vol. 5.) 43. 13. O Hall, Sherman, Eev. (Translator). Gospel of St. Luke in Ojibway. See Bible, O. T. , etc. 1837. 12mb. 22.1 Hall, Theodore Parsons. Genealogical I^otes Eelating to the Families of Hon. Lyman Hall, of Georgia; Hon. Samuel Holden Parsons Hall, of Binghamton, IS". Y., and Hon. Nathan Kelsey Hall, of Buffalo, K. Y. Albany, 1886. 8vo. 47. 10 Hall, WillardP. (of Mo.). Instructions to Mr. Slidell. Speech in the House of Eepresentatives, Jan. 19, 1848, on the President's Message, Giving the Eeasons why he Declined to Give the House, in Compliance with its Call, the Instruc- tions to Mr. Slidell. n. t. p. 8vo. (Mexican War Pamph., Ko. 25.) 16. 10 Hall, Wm. M. Speech in Favor of a National Eailroad to the Pacific, at the Chicago Convention, July 7, 1847, etc. N. Y., 1853. 8vo. 72. 6. 5 Hall Family. See Hall, D. B. Halls of New England. 47. 3 Hall, Theo. P. Notes on the Hall Families. 47. 10 Whitmore, W. H. Hall Family of Medford, Mass. 25. 7. 8 Hallam, Henry. The Constitutional History of England, from the Accession of Henry YII. to the Death of George II. 3 Vols, London, 1881. 8vo. 42. 6 Introduction to the Litera^ture of Europe, in the 15th, 16th and 17th Centuries. 4 Vols. Lomion, 1873. 8vo. 42. 6 758 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hallam Henry — (Continued). View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. 3 Vols. London, 1878. 12mo. 42. 6 See Martineau, Harriet. Life of Hallam. 43. 1 Halleck, Henry W., Gen. See Duyckinck, E. A. Biography. 44.6 Halley, Ebenezer. Christian's Nativity and Death Contrasted. Sermon, on the Death of Eliphalet Wickes. With Bio- graphical Notice. Troy, N. Y., 1850. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 7.) 53. 12 • Jehovah's Proclamation. Sermon, on the Death of President Taylor. Troy, N. Y., 1850. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 8.) 53. 12 Halliwell, James O. Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs, from the 14th Century. 2 Vols. London, 1881. 8vo. 38. 3 Hallock, Charles. Our New Alaska; or, the Seward Purchase Vindicated. N. Y., 1886. 8vo. 17. 2 Hallock, Eey. Jeremiah. See Yale, Cyrus. Life of Hallock. 44.1 Halloway, Wm. W. True Greatness. Sermon at Belleville, N. J., June 27, 1869, on the Death of S. L. Ward. Newark, N. J., 1869. 43. 7. W. 2 Hallowell, Eichard p. Quakers in New England. Essay. Phila., 1870. 8vo. 7.7.1 Halpine, Charles G. Miles O'Eeilly. A Poem. 29. 14 Halstead, Murat. Caucuses of 1860. History of the National Political Conventions of the Presidential Campaign. Co- lumbus, 1860. 8vo. 33. 6 Hamburg- American Packet Co. General Information for Pas- sengers by the Steamships. N. Y., 1873. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 28.) 60. 1 Hamersly, Thomas H. S. Complete Army Eegister of the U. S., for 100 Years, 1779-1879. Wash., 1881. 14. 7 Hamilton, Alexander. See Callender, J. T. Account of his Liason with Mrs. Eeynolds. See his ''Sketches of the History of America." Phila., 1798. 8vo. 16. 12 Depew, C. M. Address at Unveiling Statue of. 43. 13. H. A Duyckinck, E. A. Biographical Sketch of. 44. 6 Hamilton, J. C. Writings of Alex. Hamilton. 14. 12 Letter from Phocion to the Citizens of N. Y. 1784. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamphs., Vol. 12, Nos. 2-4.) 14. 1 Same. Mentor's Eeply to. 14. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 759 Hamilton Alexander — (Continued). Second Letter from Phocion. Same. 14. 1 Smucker, S. M. Life and Times. 43. 9 (And Others.) The Federalist; Commentary on the Consti- tution of the U. S. Ed. by J. C. Hamilton. Phila., 1868. 8vo. 14. J 2 Hamilton, Andrew J. (Gov. of Texas). Letter to the Presi- dent of the United States, July 28, 1863. n. t. p. 30. 9 Speech, for the Government, at the War Meeting at Faneuil Hall, Boston, April 18, 1863. Boston, 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 Hamilton, Lady Augusta. Marriage Eites, Customs and Cere- monies, of all Nations of the Universe. London, 1822. 8vo. 38.3 Hamilton, Eev. B. F. God in Government. Mass. Election Sermon, Jan. 3, 1877. Boston; 1877. 8vo. 56. 6. 6 Hamilton, Charles M. Charges against Gen. O. O. Howard. Eemarks, H. of E., March 3, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 18.) 60. 8 Hamilton, H. International English and French Dictionary. See Smith L. , 34 . 12 Hamilton, Hans Claude (Editor). Calendar of State Papers Eelating to Ireland, 1509-1585. See Gr. Britain. Pub. Eecord Office. 35. 13 Hamilton, H. W. Eural Sketches of Minnesota, the Eldorado of the ^N'orthwest; Containing Full Description of the Country, its Productions, Yillages, State of Society, etc. Together with a Series of Letters upon Northern Wiscon- sin, its Appearance, Improvements, etc. With a Table of Distances. Milan, O., 1850. 8vo. 22. 2 Hamilton, James. Letter to Sir William Garrow, on Eegulat- ing the Practice of Surgery. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 12.) 53.5 Hamilton, Eev. James. The Literary Attractions of the Bible; Delivered before the Young Men's Christian Association, in Exeter Hall, London, Nov. 27, 1849. K Y. n. d. 16mo. 56. 11. 6 Hamilton, James A. The Constitution Yindicated; National- ity, Secession, Slavery, n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 1 Correspondence. See Dawson, H. B. 14. 13. 1 Hamilton, James Cleland. The Prairie Province; Sketches of Travel from Lake Ontario to Lake Winnipeg. Toronto, 1876. 16mo. « 20.4 96 760 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hamilton, John C. Coercion Completed, or Treason Triumph- ant. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 2, Ko. 7.) 60. 1 History of the United States, as Traced in the Writings of Alex. Hamilton, and of his Cotemporaries. Phila., 1868. 8vo. 7 Vols. 14. 12 The Slave Power; Its Heresies and Injuries to the American People. Speech, Nov., 1864. n. t. p. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 2, ]S"o. 21.) 60. 1 Hamilton, Wm. T. (of Md.). The Tariff. Speech in the Senate of the U. S., March 20, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. 57. 2. 1 Vessels of War. Speech, U. S. Senate, Jan. 20, 1873. Wash., 1873. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 23, l^o. 26.) 60. 8 Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. Catalogue, 1857-'9, ^65, 'm, '81, '83. ClintoH, K Y. 8vo. 10. 6. 4 Catalogus Collegii Hamiltonensis. Clintonia, 1868-'71. 8vo. 10.6.4 Eighteenth Curran Prize Examination, March 26, 1873. n. t. p. 8vo. lO. 6. 4 Exercises at the Dedication of the Kirkland Monument, in the Cemetery at Hamilton College, June 25, 1873. Utica, K. Y., 1873. 8vo. 10. 9 History of the Perry H. Smith Library Hall. Utica, 1872. 8vo. 10. 6. 4 Public Exercises at the Inauguration of Henry Darling, as Eighth President, Sept. 15, 1881. Utica, 1^1^. Y., 1881. 8vo. 10. 6. 4 Same. At Inauguration of Samuel W. Fisher, ^oy. 4, 1858. 10. 6. 4 Allen, W. F. Address to Graduating Class, 1857. 10. 6. 4 Cass, Lewis. Address before the Alumni, 1830. 53. 12 Greeley, Horace. Address before Literary Societies. 53. 12 Hamilton, Mass. See Felt, J. B. History of Ipswich, Hamil- ton, etc. 8. 9 Hamilton County, O. See Ford, H. A., and Mrs. K. B. His- tory. 18. 8 Hamlin, Marie Caroline Watson. Legends of Le Detroit. Detroit, 1884. 8vo. ^ 18. 4 Hamline, Leonidas L. (Bishop M. E. Church). See Hibbard, F. G. Memoir. 45. 3 Hamline Universit? (St. Paul, Minn.). Catalogues, 1855, '59, '62, '65, '80. 22.6.4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 761 Hamline University — (Continued). Circular, 1861. n. t. p. Eed Wing, 1861. 8vo. 22. 6. 4 Financial Exhibit, 1876. n. t. p. 8vo. 22. 6. 4 Hamline Burned. (Cutting from St. Paul ^' Globe," Feb. 8, 1883.) 22.6.4 Murray, W. P. Historical Sketch. Newsp. cutting, June, 1880. 22. 6. 4 Magazine. Vol. 1, :Nros. 1-3. 1864-'5. Eed Wing, 1864. 8vo. 22. 6. 3 St. Paul Medical College. Announcement. 1880? 8vo. 22. 6. 4 Hammer, Christian. Synopsis of his Museum of Art and An- tiquity. Stockholm, 18?1. 4to. 52. 14. 2 Hammer, Joseph von. History of the Assassins. Trans, from the German, by O. C. Wood. London, 1835. 12mo. 40. 8 Hammond, Rev. Charles. New England Academies and Clas- sical Schools; with Sketches of Phillips, Andover, Law- rence, Groton, and Munson Academies. Boston, 1877. 8vo. 56. 9. 4 Hammond, Charles (N'oted Abolitionist). See Smith, W. H. Memoir. 43.13 Hammond, Jabez D. History of Political Parties in the State of New York. N. Y., 18 12.' 8vo. 2 Vols. 10. 11 Hammond, James H. (Gov. of S. C). Letters on Slavery. [In its favor.] 1852. 12mo. 30. 5. Hammond, John. Leah and Rachel, the Two Fruitful Sisters of Virginia and Maryland. London, 1656. 8vo. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 3.) 14. 12 Hammond, Wm. A. (Surgeon General). Causes which Led to his Dismissal from the Army. No imprint. 8vo. (Ram- sey Pamph., Vol. 22, No. 24.) 60. 8 Hammondport, N. Y., Academy. Catalogue. Bath, N. Y., 1865. 8vo. ^ 10.6.2 Hamner, Rev. J. G. Spiritualism, vs. Formalism and Ritualism. A Sermon, etc. Baltimore, 1850. 12mo. 56. 7. 3 Hampden County, Mass. See Holland, J. G. History of West- ern Massachusetts. 8. 3 Hampshire Coal and Iron Ca, Va. Charter, March 14, 1853. N. Y., 1853. 8vo. 15. 12. 6 Hampshire County, Mass. See Holland, J. G. History of Western Massachusetts. 8. 3 Hampstead, N. H. See Kelley, John. Historical Sketch. 7. 3 762 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, Ya. Ee- port, 1872, '76, '79, '81. EichmoDd, 1872-'81. 8vo. 15. 12. 5 Hanaford, Jeremiah Lyford. History of Princeton, Worces- ter Co., Mass., Civ^il and Ecclesiastical; from its First Set- tlement in 1793, to April, 1852. Worcester, 1852. 12mo. 8.2 Hanohett, Aug. H. (Geologist). Eeport, 1864. See Minn., Geology. 22. 10 Hancock, John. See Duyckinck, E. A. Biographical Sketch. 44.6 Hancock, John. Essays on the Election Franchise. Phila., 1865. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 15, No. 39.) 60. 1 Hancock, Gen. W. S. Bright Eecord of the Patriot Hancock. [Campaign document.] Anon. Wash., 1880. 8vo. 33. 7. 4 Civil Eecord of Gen. Hancock, during his Administration In Louisiana and Texas, 1867-'68. n. p. 1871. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 2 Comic Biography. By the '' Detroit Free Press Man." N. Y. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 2 Hancock and English. Proceedings of the Eatification Meet- ing at New York, July 28, 1880. N. Y., 1880. 8vo. 33.7.4 Norton, F. H. Life and Public Services of Hancock. 43. 13. H. 2 Soldier Statesman. Authentic History of his Administration in New Orleans, 1867-'68. New Orleans, 1880. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 2 And Sherman, W. T. Correspondence in Eegard to Han- cock's Personal Eelations with Gen. Grant. St. Paul. 187L 8vo. ^ 33.7.5 Hand, C. A. Geneva Award. Eeasons why, etc. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 12. 2 Hand, Dr. D. W. History of the Yellow Fever in the TJ. S. Account of the Epidemic in the South. (Minn. Board of Health. Eeport, 1879.) 22.3 Notes on Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis. (Eeport, Same, 1881.) 24.6 Typhoid Fever. Description of the Disease and Directions for Nursing. (Eeport, Same, 1874.) 22. 3 Ventilation. Its Principles and Practice, as Applied to Domestic Use. (Eeport, Same, 1876.) 22. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 763 Hand, Dr. H. C. Tapeworm. [N^atural History; Means of Prevent- ing; Prevalence in Minnesota; Eemedies. (Minn. Bd. of Health. Eeport, 1873.) 22. 3 Hand-Book of Politics. See McPherson, Edward. 33. 6 Handerson, Dr. H. E. Contribution to the Genealogy of the Handerson Family. N. Y., 1885. 8vo. 47. 3 Handerson Family. See Handerson, H. E. Genealogy. 47. 3 Handy, Eev. Isaac W. K. The Terrible Doings of God. A Sermon Delivered in the Court Street Baptist Church, Portsmouth, Ya., Dec. 30, 1855, Commemorative of 28 Members of the Old Dominion Lodge, No. 5, who Died during the Late Epidemic. Hanka, Wenceslaus, Editor. Polyglotta Kralodvorskeho Eu- kopisu, etc. Praze, 1852. 12mo. [Bohemian Lyrics.] 34.1 Hankins, '^ Colonel." Dakota Land. Historic and Eomantic Work, with Descriptions of Minnesota. N. Y. City, 1868. 12mo. 22. 8 Hannaford, E. Story of a Eegiment. History of the Sixth Eegt. Ohio Vol. Inf. Cinn., 1868. 8vo. 29. 5 Hannay, James. The History of Acadia, from its First Dis- covery to its Surrender to England by the Treaty of Paris. London, 1880. 8vo. 17. 3 Hannibal & St. Joseph Eailroad. Eeport, 1864. Boston. 8vo. 72. 7. 7 Hanover College, Ky. Catalogue, 1856. Louisville. 8vo. 18. 14. 3 Hanover, Mass. See Barry, J. S. Historical Sketch. 9. 13 Hanover, :N". H. Dartmouth College. See Dartmouth College. Hanover Township, Pa. See Plumb, H. B. History of. n. 11 Hanseatic League. See Walford Cornelius. Outline History of. 39. 5 Hansen, Peter Andreas. Investigation of Corrections to Han- son's Tables of the Moon; with Tables for their Applica- tion. See N^ewcomb, Simon. 50. 1. 1 Hanson, George A. Old Kent; the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Notes Illustrative of the Most Ancient Eecords of Kent Co., Md., and of tiie Parishes of St. Paul's, Shrewsbury and I. N. ; and Genealogical Histories of Old and Dis- tinguished Families of Maryland. . Baltimore, 1876. 8vo. 16. 9 ,764 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Hanson, Eev. John H. The Lost Prince; Identity of Louis XVII. of France and Eleazar Williams. K Y., 1854. 12mo. 44. 1 Hanson, John H. (Minnesota Journalist). Centennial Chrono- logical History of St. Paul, Minn., July 4, 1876. St. Paul, 1876. 12mo. 22. 5. 2 Grand Opening of the Northern Pacific Railway. Celebra- tion at St. Paul, Sept. 3, '1883. 22. 13. 3 An Idyl on Ice. (Poem, written for the St. Paul Ice Carni- val of 1887.) . St. Paul, 1887. 8vo. 22. 13. 3. B And Luther, M. H. Saint Paul, and Hotel Ryan. A Glance at the Gigantic Growth, and the Winter Carnival. St. Paul, 1886. 8vo. 22. 13. 3. B Hanson, Rev. John W. Historical Sketch of the Old Sixth Regt. Mass. Vols. Boston, 1866. 8vo. 29. 10 History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner, Me. Gar- diner, 1852. 12mo. 7. 1 History of Norridgework and Canaan, Me. Boston, 1849. 7.1 HapgooD Family. Genealogy of the Hapgood Family, n. p., n. d. 8vo. 25. 7. 8 Harbaugh, H. Life of Michael Schlatter; with Account of his Travels and Labors, 1716-'90. Phila., 1857. 12mo. 43.8 Haecourt, Robert. Relation of a Yoyage to Guiana. London, 1613. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 3.) 40. 3 Voyage to Guiana. (Harris, John. Navigantium, Vol. 1.) 94.10 Harcourt, Wm. Geo. Granville Vernon. American Neu- trality, by Historicus. From the London "Times,'' Dec. 22, 1864. K Y., 1865. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 24, No. 3.) 60. 8 Neutrality of England. A.pp. to Bemis, Geo., Hasty Recog- nition. 1865. 30. 1L3 Harcus, Wm., Editor. South Australia; Its History, Resources and Productions. London, 1876. 8vo. 40. 3 Harden, Edward J. Georgia Historical Society; Proceedings Commemorative of, etc. 1873. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 2 Harden, Samuel. History of Madison County, Indiana, from . 1820 to 1874; giving a General Review of Principal Events, Statistical and Historical Items, etc. Markleville, Ind., 1874. 8vo. 17. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 765 Harden, William. A Suggestion as to the Origin of the Plan of Savannah. Eemarks made before the Georgia Histor- ical Societyj Sept. 7, 1885. Savannah, 1885. 8vo. 15.13.1* Hardenbergh, John L. Journal, 1779, in Gen. Sullivan^s Cam- paign against the Western Indians. Ed. by John S. Clark. Also, Biographical Sketch, by Charles Hawley. Auburn, N. Y., 1879. 8vo. (Cayuga Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., No. 1.) 10. 11. 2 Hardie, James. New Universal Biographical Dictionary, and American Eemembrancer. N. Y., 1805. 8vo. 4 Vols. 43.11 Hardwick, Charles, Editor. Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuarensis. See Thomas of Elmham. 40. 6 Hard wick, Moses. Sketch of. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Yol. 9.) 19. 11 Hardwick, Mass. See Paige, L. R. History of Hardwick, Mass. 9.13 Hardy, Thomas Duffus. Descriptive Catalogue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland, to the End of the Reign of Henry YII. London, 1862-'65. 8vo. 3 Yols. 40. 6 Editor, Modus Tenendi Parliamentum. (See Gr. Britain, Pub. Rec. Office. ) 35.4 Rotuli Chartarum. See same. 94. 4 Rotuli de Liberate ac de Misis et Praestitis, Regnante Jo- hanne. 94. 4 Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus in Turri Londinensi Asservati. 35.4 Rotuli Literarum Clausarum. 94. 4 Rotuli Literarum Patentium. 94. 4 Rotuli Norman nise in Turri Londinensi Asservati. 35. 4 Syllabus of the Documents Known as "Rymer'sFcedera.'' 35.13 Duffus, Lady Hardy. Through Cities and Prairie Lands. Sketches of an American Tour. London, 1881. 8vo. 32. 12 Hardy, William, Editor. Recueil des Croniques et Anchiennes Istories, etc. See Waurin, Jean de. 40. 6 Hare, J. I. Clark. Opinion upon the Constitutionality of the Acts of Congress, Feb. 5, 1862, Declaring U. S. Notes "Lawful Money,'^ and a -'Legal Tender." n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 11. 8 766 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hare, John. England's Proper and Only Way to an Establish- ment in Honour, Freedom, Peace and Happiness. London, 1648. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 6.) 40. 3 Saint Edward's Ghost; or Anti-Normanism. London, 1647. (Harleian Misc. , Vol. 6. ) 40. 3 Hare, Egbert. Brief View of the Policy and Eesources of the United States, etc. Phila., 1810. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 9, No. 2.) 53. 12 Hare, Egbert. Explosiveness of Nitre. No imprint. 4to. (Smiths. Contr., Vol. 2.) 49. 7 Hare, Thomas. Election of Eepresentatives, Parliamentary and Municipal. London, 1873. 8vo, 57. 3 Minority Eepresentation in Europe. Paper read at the Gen- eral Meeting in Philadelphia, Oct. 20, 1860. n. t. p. 8vo. 57. 10. 2 Harford, E. Proposals for Building in every County a Work- ing Almshouse, or Hospital. 1677. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 8.) ^ . 40.3 Harger, Charles B. Milwaukee Illustrated. [1877?] 8vo. 19. 5. 7 Hargrave, Joseph James. Red Eiver. Montreal, 1871. 8vo. 20.4 Harkness, Albert. Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges. N. Y.,1864. 12mo. 34.8 Harkness, Edson. Disposition of the Mineral Lands. Wash., 1865. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 24, No. 2.) 60. 8 Harkness, J. C. Introductory Statement in the Case of Charges Preferred against Eev. John Thrush, Preacher in Charge, of the McKendree M. E. Church, Washington, D. C, to the Baltimore Annual Conference, n. t. p. 8vo. 56. 12. 1 Harkness, William. Difference of Longitude between Wash- ington and St. Louis. Wash., 1872. 4to. 50. 1. 1 Flexure of Meridian Instruments, and the Means Available for Eliminating its Effects from Star Places. Wash., 1886. 4to. 50. 1. 1 Observations on Terrestrial Magnetism, and on the Devia- tions of the Compasses of the Monadnock, etc. No impr. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 18.) 49. 14 Harlan, C. El Flora, of the Susquehanna. Verse. Phila., 1879. 16mo. 11. 11 Harlan, James. The President and San Domingo. Speech, Senate, U. S., March 29, 1871. Wash., 1871. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 3.) 60. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y. 767 Harlan, James — (Continued). . Sale of Arms to French Agents. Speech, Senate, U. S., Feb. 14, 1872. n. t. p. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 31, :N'o. 48.) 60.8 Clarke, W. P. Base Slander Eefuted. 60. 2 Harleian Miscellany. Harley, Robert. London, 1808-'10. 8vo. 12 Vols. 40. 3 Hableian Society, London, Eng. Publications. 27 Vols. 8vo. London, 1869-'87. 46. 14 CONTENTS : The Visitation of London, in 1568, by Cooke. Edited by J. J. Howard and G. J. Armitage. The Visitation of Leicestershire, in 1619, by Lennard and Vincent. Edited by John Fetherston, Jr. The Visitation of Rutland, in 1618, by Camden. Edited by George J. Army- tage. The Visitations of Nottingham in 1563 and 1614. Edited by Geo. W. Mar- shall. The Visitations of Oxford, 1574 and 1634. Edited by W. H. Turner. The Visitation of Devon in 1620. Edited by the Rev. F. T. Colby, D.D. The Visitation of Cumberland in 1615. Edited by John Fetherston. Le Neve's Catalogue of Knights, Edited by George W. Marshall. The Visitation of Cornwall, 1620. Edited by Colonel J. L. Vivian and Dr. H. H. Drake. The Registers of Westminster Abbey. Edited by Col. J. L. Chester. The Visitation of Somersetshire in 1623. Edited by the Rev. T. F. Colby. The Visitation of Warwickshire in 1619. Edited by John Fetherston. The Visitations of Essex in 1552, 1558, 1612 and 1634. Part I. Edited by Walter C. Metcalf The Visitation of Essex consisting of Miscellaneous Pedigrees, and Berry's Pedigrees. Part II. With general Index. The Visitation of London, 1633-'4. Vol. I. Edited by J. J. Howard and Col. Chester. The Visitation of Yorkshire in 1564. Edited by the Rev. C. B. Norcliffe. The Visitation of London, 1633-'4. Vol. II. Edited by J. J. Howard. The Visitation of Cheshire in 1580. Edited by J. Paul Ry lands. The Visitations of Bedfordshire in 1566, 1582 and 1634. Edited by F. A. Blaydes. The Visitation of Dorsetshire in 1623, by St. George and Lennard as depu- ties to Camden. Edited by J. Paul Rylands. The Visitation of Gloucestershire in 1623, by Chitting and Phillipot as dep- uties to Camden. Edited by Sir John Maclean and W. C. Heane. The Visitations of Hertfordshire in 1572 and 1634. Edited by Walter C. Metcalf, Esq. Marriage Licenses: Dean and Chapter of Westminster, 1558 to 1699; Vicar- General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1660 to 1679. Extracted by the late Col. Chester. Edited by Geo. J. Armytage. 97 768 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Harleian Society, Eng. — (Continued). Marriage Licenses: Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1543 to 1869. Marriage Licenses: Bishop of London, Vol. L, 1520 to 1610. Marriage Licenses: Bishop of London, Vol. 11. , 1611 to 1828. The Visitation of Worcestershire in 1569. Edited by Wm. P. W. Philli- more. Eules, Eeport and List of Members, 1887. London, 1887. 8vo. 52. 10. 5 Harlem. Dutch Society of Sciences. Historical Notice. Har- lem. 1876. 8vo. 52. 14. 6 Harlem (New York City). Eiker, James. Its Origin and Early Annals. « 10. 9 Harley, Robert (Earl of Oxford). Harleian Miscellany: Col- lection of Pamphlets and Tracts, found in the late Earl of Oxford's Li])rary. London, 1808-' 10. 8vo. 12 Vols. 40.3 Harman, A. Sketches of the Tower of London. London, n. d. 16mo. 52. 10. 4 Harmon, Daniel W. Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Interior of North America. Andover, 1820. 8vo. 33. 4 Eeminiscences of a Fur Trader at Winnipeg, 1800-1820. (Man. Hist, and Sci. Soc. Trans. No. 3.) 20. 5. 2 Harmony Grove Cemetery. See Salem, Mass. Harney, Gen. William Selby. Sketch of; by L. TJ. Eeavis. (In his Saint Louis. 1875.) 18. 7 Harper, James. Life of. See McCabe, J. D. Great Fortunes. 43.12 Harper, Eobert G. Speech to the Citizens of Baltimore on the Expediency of Promoting a Connection between the Ohio Eiver and the Waters of the Chesapeake, at Balti- more, by a Canal, etc. Dec. 20, 1823. Bait., 1824. 72. 7. 1 Harper, William. Memoir on Slavery, [Pro Slavery.] 1852. 12mo. 30. 5 Harper Bros. Illustrated Catalogue of Works on General Literature. N. Y., 1847. 8vo. 74. 12 Harper's Ferry, Va. Appeal to Congress, Jan., 1872, in re- gard to Potomac Water Privileges, n. t. p. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamph., Vol. 35, No. 19.) 60. 2 Ha-rper's Ferry Invasion. TJ. S. Cong. Senate. Eeport on. 1860. n. t. p. 15. 5 See also Brown, John, ^'Ossawatomie.'' CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 761> Ha-rper's Magazine. Vols. 1-68. 1850-'86. K Y. 8vo. 37. 5 Harpswoll, Me. See Brunswick, Me. Harriman, Walter. History of Warner, N. H. Concord, N. H., 1879. 8vo. 7. lo Harrington, F. W. Ilistoryof Fillmore*Co., Minn. See Turner, E. C. 22. 7 Also History of Eice Co., Minn. 22. 7 Harris, Alex. Biographical History of Lancaster Co., Pa. Lancaster, 1872. 8vo. 43. n Harris, D. L. Hoosac Tunnel and Greenfield Eailroad. Bos- ton, 1862. 8vo. 8.1.9 Harris, Edward. Memorial of Manufacturers of Woolen Goods to Congress. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 21.) 60.1 Harris, Edward D. Account of Some of the Descendants of Capt. Thomas Brattle. Boston, 1867. 47. 8 Genealogical Eecord of Daniel Podd and his Descendants. Boston, 1873. 8vo. 47. 5 Genealogical Eecord of Thomas Bascom, and his Descend- ants. Boston, 1870. 12mo. 47. 1 The Yassalls of New England, and their Immediate De- scendants. Albany, 1862. 8vo. 25. 14. 7 Harris, Gen. F. H. Historical Sketch of Montclair, to 1876. Montcl-air, N. J., 1881. 8vo. 10. 2. 7 Harris, Hamilton. No Eoyal Eoad to Knowledge. Lecture, in Schenectady, June 15, 1842. Albany, N. Y., 1842. 8vo. 74. 7. 1 Harris, Ira. Memorial of. Albany, 1876. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 1 Speech, in New York Assembly, upon the Anti-Eent Ques- tion, Feb. 4, 1846. No imprint. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 13.) 53. 12 Harris, Isham G. (Gov. of Tenn.). Message. Nashville, 1861. 8vo. 38.14.1 Harris, James H. Speech on the Militia Bill in the North Car- olina H. of E., Jan. 17, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 16. 1 Harris, John. Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca; or, a Compleat Collection of Voyages and Travels, Hak- luit, De Bry, etc. London, 1705.*^ Folio. 2 Vols. 94. 10 Harris, John S. Levees at the Mississippi. Speech, Senate of the U. S., June 2, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 39, No. 36.) 60.2 770 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Harris, Luther M. Eobert Harris and his Descendants. With Notices of the Morey and Metcalf Families. Boston, 1861. 8vo. 47. 3 Harris, Philip S. Address. (Minn. Hort. Soc, 1873.) 22.10 Harris, Eev. Samuel. The Complete Academic Education of Females. A Report, etc. New Haven, 1853. 8vo. 56. 8. 3 Harris, Thaddeus M. Biographical Memorials of James Ogle- thorpe, Founder of the Colony of Georgia. Boston, 1841. 43.2 Journal of a Tour into the Territory Northwest of the Alle- ghany Mountains, 1803. Boston, 1803. 8vo. 33. 11 Harris, Thomas L. Obituary Address on. See TJ. S. Congress. 43. 7. 2 Harris, Wm. C. Prison Life in the Tobacco Warehouse at Rich- mond. By a Ball's Bluff Prisoner. Phila., 1862. 8vo. 30.1 Harris, Wm. Samuel. Harris Family. Thomas Harris, in Ipswich, Mass., in 1636, and Some of his Descendants, through Seven Generations, to 1883. Nashua, N. H., 1883. 8vo. 47. 3 Harris, Wm. T. How Far May the State Provide for the Edu- cation of her Children at Public Expense? Essay, read at St. Louis, Aug. 25, 1871. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 27.) . 60. 1 Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground in Watertown,Mass. With Notes by E. H. Harris. Boston, 1869. 4to. 46. 12 Harris Family. See Harris, L. M. Robert Harris and his De- scendants. 47. 3 Morgan, N. H. James Harris and his Descendants. 47. 3 Harrisburg, Pa. See Morgan, G. H. Annals of Harrisburgh. 11. 12 Harrison, C. E. Report of Mound Exploration near Pine Creek, Muscatine Co., Iowa. (Proc. Davenport Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol.4.) 19.13 Harrison, Carter H. Speeches, on the Treatment of Savages, July 8, 1876, and on Texas Border Question, July 12, 1876. Wash., 1876. 8vo. 15.11.4 Harrison, Geo. L. Chapters on Social Science. Phila., 1877. 8vo. 57. 3 The Remains of William Penn. Pennsylvania's Plea. Mis- sion to England, etc. Phila., 1882. 8vo. 43. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 771 Harbison, J. B. The Adirondack Forests and the Problem of the Great Waterways of the State of Kew York. n. t. p. ^^^' 49. 10. 1 Harbison, John P. Discouragements to the Attainment of a Sound and Accurate Scholarship. An Address, etc. Cinn. 1841. 8vo. 56, 9, 2 Harrison, J. Scott. Pioneer Life at North Bend. ^ Addresa before the Whitewater and Miami Valley Pioneer Asso- ciation at Cleves, Ohio, Sept. 8, 18G6. Cinn., 1867. 8vo. 18. 3. 1 Harrison, E. A., and Sloane, E. Eesolutions and Addresses relative to the Death of E. M. Briggs, Feb. 23, 1869. Cinn., 1969. Svo. 43. g. g. 2 Harrison, Samuel A. Memoir of Wm. Hindman ; Paper read before the Md. Hist. Soc, March 10, 1879. Bait., 1880. 8vo. (Fund Pub., No. 14.) 43. 13. H. 1 Wenlock, Christison, and the Early Friends in Talbot Co., Md. Paper read before the Md. Hist. Soc, March 9, 1874. (Fund Publ., No. 12.) Bait., 1880. 8vo. 11. 1. 3 Harrison, Wm. True and Perfect Account of the Execution of Joan Perry, and her Two Sons for the Supposed Murder of Wm. Harrison. Likewise Mr. Harrison's own Account. London, 1676. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 8.) 40. 3 Harrison, William Henry. See Bacon, L. Discourse on Death of, April 17, 1841. 43. 14. 6 Boardman, H. A. Sermon on, etc. 43. 14. 6 Carpenter, H. S. Eulogy on. 43. 14. 6 Damon, M. The Holy Voice. Discourse. 43. 14. 6 Dawson, M. Historical Narrative of. 44. 6 Duncan, J. M. Fastday Discourse, 1841. 56. 7. 4 • Dwight, W. T. A Great Man Fallen. 43. 14. 6 Edwards, B. B. Address on Death of. 43. 14. 6 Haddock, C. B. Discourse at Hanover, N. H. 43. 14. 6 Hewit, N. Discourse at Bridgeport, Conn. 43. 14. 6 Johnson, W. C. Eemarks on Charges Against. 30. 14. 2 Krebs, J. M. The Leader Fallen. Sermon. 43. 14. 6 Merciful Eebukes. Same. 43. 14. 6 Lamson, A. Discourse at Dedham, Mass. 43. 14. 6 Life of. Anon. Phila., 1840. 8vo. 44. 6 Mansfield, E. D. Eulogy on Harrison. 43. 14. 6 N. Y. City. Common Council. Obsequies. 43. 14. 6 Eichards, John. Eulogy, Windsor, Vt. 43. 14. 6 772 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Harrison, William Henry— (Continued). Spencer, J. S. National Accountability. 43. 14. 6 Spring, Gardiner. New Sepulchre. Discourse. 43. 14. 6 Sprague, Peleg. Eemarks at Faneuil Hall. 43. 14. 6 Upham, C. W. Discourse. 43. 14. 6 Van Eensselaer, Cortlandt. Funeral Sermon. 43. 14. 6 HARRisoi^, Me. See Eidlon, G. T. Early Settlers of. 7. 8 Harrisse, H. Notes pour servir a V Historic, a la Bibliogra- phie, et a la Cartographic de la Nouvelle France, 1545- 1700. Paris, 1872. 8vo. 74.8 Harrower, Henry D. Captain Glazier and his Lake. An Inquiry into the History and Progress of Exploration at the Head-waters of the Mississippi Eiver, since the Dis- covery of Lake Itasca. N. Y., 1886. 8vo. 22. 9 Hart, Eev. Buedett. Congregationalism. A Sunday Morn- ing Discourse, in the Plymouth Church of St. Paul, March 20, 1859. St. Paul, 1859. 8vo. . 56. 5. 1 Hart, Charles Henry. Bibliographia Websteriana. List of Publications on the Death of Daniel Webster, n. t. p. 8vo. 74. 13. 3 Memorial Lincoln Bibliography. See Boyd, A. 44. 12 Necrological Notice of Eichard Stockton Field, read before the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Phila., Oct. 6, 1870. Phila., 1870. 8vo. 43. 6. F Eobert Morris, the Financier of the American Eevolution. A Sketch. Phila., 1877. 8vo. 43. 13. M Tribute to William Willis. Eead before the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, March 3, 1870. Phila., 1870. 8vo. 43. 7. W. 2 Hart, E. L. and Street, O. Memoranda of the Descendants cvf Amos Morris, of East Haven, Conn. N. Y., 1853. 12mo. 47.11 Hart, Wm. Answer to this Question, What are the Qualifica- tions for Attendance on the Sacraments? New London, 1772. 8vo. • 7. 12. 5 Hart, Wm. Henry, Editor. Historia et Cartularium Monasterii S. Petri Gloucestrise. See Gloucester, Abbey of. 40. 6 Hart Family. See Andrews, Alf. Genealogical History of Deacon Hart and his Descendants, 1632-1875. 47. 3 Hartford, Conn. Atlas of Hartford County and City. 85. 8 Births, Marriages and Deaths. 46. 3 Hartford in the Olden Time. By Scaeva. 7. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. IIZ Hartford Conn. — (Continued). Papers relating to the Controversy in the Church in Hartford. 7.6 Eeports made to the Common Council, 1861. 7. 12. 2 Asylum for Deaf and Dumb. Eeports, 1848, '49, '53, '55, '56. 7.12.4 Eetreat for Insane. Eeports, 1854-'56, '59, '60, '61, 65. 7. 12. 4 Trinity College. See Trinity College. See Walker, Geo. L. First Church. 7. 12 Hartford County, Conn. Atlas. 1869. fo. 85. 8 Trumbull, J. H., Editor. Memorial History, 1633-1884. 2 Vols. 7. 13 Hartford & I^ew Hayen Eailroad Company. Eeport of C. M. Pond, Treasurer, of the List of Shareholders, May, 1866. n. p. 8vo. 72.14.3 Hartford Convention, 1814. See Dwight, Theo. History. 14.14 Hartley, David. Address to the Committee of the County of York, on the State of Public Affairs. London, 1781. 8vo. 14.1 Letters on the American War, Addressed to the Mayor and Corporation, etc., of Kingston-upon-Hull. London, 1779. • 8vo. 16. 10 Observations on Man. London, 1834. 8vo. 56. 4 Hartley, Isaac S. Fort Schuyler in History. An Address, etc. (Oneida Historical Society Transactions, 1881-'84.) 10. 11 Hon. Horatio S. Seymour, Ex-Governor of N. Y., late Pres- ident of the Oneida Historical Society. Utica, 1868. 8vo. 43. 7. S Hartley, Travers. Letter to, qn the Sugar Bill. See ' ' Letter," etc. 1780. 14.1 Hartlib, Samuel. The Eeformed Virginian Silkworm; a Eare and :N'ew Discovery, 1652, for the Feeding of Silk Worms on Mulberry Tree Leaves, in Virginia. London, 1655. 8vo. 14. 12 Hartranft, John F. (Gov. of Pa.). Message, Jan. 3, 1877. Harrisburg, 1877. 8vo. 11. 7. 10 Hartshorn, Henry. Memoir of George B. Wood, read before the American Philosophical Society, Oct. 11, 1880. No imprint. 8vo. 43. 7. W. 2 774 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Habtwell, Edward M. Physical Training in American Col- leges and Universities. Circular of Bureau of Education, Ko. 5,. 1885. Wash., 1886. 8vo. 56. 9. 7 Harvard, John. See Everett, Edward. Address at Erection of a Monument to Harvard, 1828. 9. 2 Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. Act for Incorporating Harvard Colledge at Cambridge, in Kew England, June 14, 1697. (See Perry, W. S. Hist. Coll., Vol. 3, p. 67.) 14.14 Annual Eeports of the President and Treasurer, 1843-^87. Cambridge. 8vo. 9. 2 Catalogue of Officers and Students, 1834, '39-' 74, '79-' 80, '84-' 5, '85-' 6. Cambridge. 12mo. 9. 9 Catalogus. [Triennial Catalogue, 1830-'75.] Cantabrigise. 8vo. . 9.2 Quinquennial Catalogue. 1885. 8vo. 25. 1. 1 Copy of the Laws of Harvard College, 1655. Introduction by S. A. Green. Cambridge, "1S76. 8vo. (Harv. Coll., Eep., Vol. 2, Xo. 16.) 9. 2 Memorial Concerning the Eecent History and the Constitu- tional Eights and Privileges of Harvard College; pre- sented to the Legislature Jan. 17, 1851. Cambridge, 1851. 8vo. (Harv. Coll., Eep., Vol. 1, No. 5.) 9. 2 ]S"ecrology of Harvard College, 1869-1872. Cambridge, 1872. 8vo. 43.11 Eeport of Board of Overseers, 1871, 1880-'81. n. t. p. 8vo. (Harv. Coll. Eep., Vol. 1, ^o. 4.) 9. 2 Eeport on the Eelative Powers, Duties and Eesponsibllities of the Corporation and Overseers; with the Proceedings of the Overseers, Jan. 31, 1856. Boston, 1856. 8vo. (Harv. Coll. Eep., Vol. 1^ ]^o. 7.) 9. 2 Eeport on the Eights and Duties of the President and Fel- lows, in Eelation to the Board of Overseers. Cambridge. 1856. 8vo. (Harv. Coll. Eep., Vol. 1, No. 6.) 9.2 Eeport on the Eules and Statutes of the office of ^'Plummer Professor," April, 1855. (Harv. Coll. Eep. Vol. 1, No. 3.) . 9.2 Eeport on the Voluntary System in Mathematics, Latin and Greek; also, Eeport of the Visiting Committee, 1841. Cambridge, 1841. 8vo. (Harv. Coll. Eep., Vol. 1.) 9. 2 Eeport to the Board of Overseers on the Condition, Needs and Prospects of the University. Cambridge, 1869. 8vo. (Harv. Coll. Eep., Vol. 2, No. 8.) 9. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. lib Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. — (Continued). Keports of the President and Treasurer, 1883-'84. Cam- bridge, 1885. 8vo. 9. 9. 1. B Eeports to the Board of Overseers, 1869-'70. Cambridge, 1870. 8vo. (Harv. Coll. Rep. Vol. 2, l^o. 9.) 9. 2 Eoll of Students who Served in the Army or Navy of the United States during the Rebellion. By F. H. Brown. Cambridge, 1866. 8vo. 9. 2 Statutes of the University. Private Proof, n. t. p. 8vo. (Harv. Coll. Rep., Vol 1, No. 8.) 9. 2 Addresses at the Inauguration of C. W. Eliot, as President Oct. 19, 1869. Cambridge, 1869. 8vo. 9. 2 Addresses at the Inauguration of Edward Everett, as Presi- dent, April 30, 1846. Boston, 1846. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 18, No. 10.) 53.6 Addresses at the Inauguration of Thomas Hill, as President, March 4, 1863. Cambridge, 1863. 8vo. (Harv. Coll. Addresses, No. 16.) 9. 2 Everett, Edward. Address at the erection of a Monument to John Harvard. 9. 2 Norton, A. Inaugural Discourse, Aug. 10, 1819. ^ 9. 2 Walker, James. Addresses at his Inauguration, May 24, 1853. 9. 2 Address before the Alamni, July 10, 1863. 9. 2 White, D. A. Discourse before the Alumni, Aug. 27, 1844. 9.2 Winthrop, R. C. Address before the Alumni, July 22, 1852. 9. 2 Astronomical Observatory. Annual Report, 1878, by E. C. Pickering. 9. 9. 1 Boylston Medical Society. Catalogue of Officers and Mem- bers, 1867, 1871. Boston, 1871. (Harv. Coll. Rep., Vol. 1, No. 10.) 9.2 Dental School. Announcement, 1875-'76. Cambridge, 1875. 16mo. 51. 4. 1 Divinity School. See Channing, W. E. Discourse at Dedi- cation. 1826. 44. 1 Emerson, R. W. Address before Senior Class. 1838. 53. 12 Hedge, F. H. Address before the Graduating Class, July 15, 1849. 53. 12 Law School. See Greenleaf, Simon. Discourse at his Inau- guration as Royall Professor of Law. 9. 2 98 776 MINNESOTA EISTOBICAL SOCIETY. Habvard College, Cambridge, Mass.— (Continued). Jackson, J. C. Kelations of American Lawyers to the State. 9. 2 Parker, Joel. The Law School, etc. 9. 2 Quincy, Josiah. Address at the Dedication of Dane Law College. 9.2 Washburn, Emory. Professional Training. 9. 2 Library. Library Bulletins. Nos.6-36. Cambridge, 1877-' 86. 8vo. 74.14 Catalogas Bibliotheca Harvardianse, 1790. 8vo. 74. 13. 2 Extracts from the Laws Eelating to the Library. 1867. (Harv. Coll. Eep., Vol. 2, No. 5.) 9.2 Eeport of the Committee of the Association of the Alumni, July, 1857. (Harv. Coll. Eep., Vol. 2, No. 1.) 9. 2 Eeport of the Committee of the Overseers Appointed to Visit the Library, 1860. (Harv. Coll. Eep., Vol. 2, No. 2.) 9.2 Same for 1864. (Vol. 2, No. 3.) 9. 2 Eeport of the Librarian, J. L. Sibley, 1864. (Harv. Coll. Eep., Vol. 2, No. 4.) 9. 2 Eeport, 1881. 9. 9. 1 Medical School. Addresses and Exercises at the 100th An- niversary of the Foundation of the School, 1883. Cam- bridge, 1884. 8vo. 8. 12 Catalogue of the Medical School. 1882-^3, 1884-^5. 9. 9. 1 Andrews, J. A. Address to the Graduating Class, 1864. 9. 2 Announcement of the Medical Course, November, 1855. (Harv. Coll. Eep., Vol. 1, No. 9.) 9. 2 Bacon, John. Introductory Address, 1858. , 9. 2 Bigelow, H. J. Science and Success. 9. 2 Clarke, E. H. Eelation of Drugs to Treatment. 9. 2 Holmes, O. W. Valedictory Address. 1858.* 9.2 Memorial Hall. Final Eeports of the Building Committee and Treasurer. Cambridge, 1878. 8vo. (Harv. Coll. Eep., Vol. 2, No. 11. 9. 2 Eeport of a Committee on the Permanent Memorial. 1865. (Harv. Coll. Eep., Vol. 2, No. 10.) 9. 2 Museum of Comparative Zoology. Eeports of Curator, 1877-'78, 1881-'82, 1882-'83, 1883-'84. 9. 9. 1 Eeport of Trustees, 1862-'64-'66. (Harv. Coll. Eep., Vol.2, No. 5.) 99.1 Loring, G. B. Speech on the Museum. 9. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 777 Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. — (Continued). Peabody Museum. Eeports, 1868-1886. Bound in 2 Vols. 9.10 Palaeolithic Implements of the Valley of the Delaware. Cambridge, 1881. 8vo. 15. 11. 1 Phi Beta Kappa. Catalogue, 1823. 9. 9. 1 Same, 1873, with the Constitution. 25. 1. 1 Bethune, G. W. Claims of Oar Country. Oration. 53. 12 B'ushuell, H. Oration before the Society, 1818. 53. 12 Everett, E. Address before the Society, 1824. 74. 7. 4 Sumner, Charles. Address before the Society, 1846. 53. 12 Catalogue of the Porcellian Club, 1877. 25. 1. 1 Alumni Hall. Appeal to the Alumni and Friends of Har- vard. Cambridge, 1866. 8vo. 9. 9. 1 Bellows, H.- W. Appeal in Behalf of the Divinity School. 9.9.1 Bradford, Alden. Historical Sketch. 9. 1. 1 Cambridge. Federal Street Society. Eeport of the Com- mittee on the Application of the Theological School. Cambridge, 1825. 8vo. (Harv. Coll. Eep., ^o. 13.) 9. 2 Higginson, T. W. Harvard Memorial Biographies. 43. 11 Quincy, Josiah. History of Harvard University. 9. 9 Speech before the Overseers, 1845. 9. 2 Sibley, J. L. Biographical Sketches of Graduates. 46. 3 Notices of the Triennial and Annual Catalogues. 9. 2 Ticknor, George. Eemarks on Changes Lately Proposed. 53. 12 Class of 1834. See Gushing, Thomas. Memorials. 43. 11 1857. Class Poem. (Harv. Coll. Addresses, No. 9.) 9.2 1858. Eeport of Class Secretary. (Harv. Coll. Eep., Vol. 2, No. 12.) 9. 2 1862. 2d and 3d Eeports. 9. 9. 1 1864. Baccalaureate Sermon, by H. P. Peabody, etc. 9. 2 Secretary's Eeport, No. 4. (Harv. Coll. Eep., Vol. 2.) 9.2 Same. No. 5. 9. 9. 1 1878. Secretary's Eeport, No. 2. 43. 11 1884. Class Day Exercises. 9. 9 Harvard University. See Harvard College. Harvard, Mass. Bromfield School. See Bromfield School. Public Library. Catalogue, 1868. 74. 13. 3 778 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Harvey, Arthur, and Lowe, John. Year Book and Almanac of Canada, 1870, '71, '79. Montreal. 8vo. 20.9. 1 Haryey, Henry. History of the Shawnee ladians, 1681-1854. Cinn., 1855. 8vo. 15. 1 Harvey, Louis P. (Governor of Wisconsin). Message Jan. 8, 1862. 8vo. 19. 5. 9 Sketch of, by David Atwood. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 5.) 19.11 Harvey, W. H. Nereis boreali Americana. Marine Alga^ of North America. (Smith. Contrib., Vols. 3, 5, 10.) 9.7 Biographical Notice of, by Asa Gray. (Smiths. Eept., 1867.) 49.3 Harwood, Sir Edward. Advice upon the French King's Preparation. London, 1642. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 5.) 40.3 Harwood, Watson H. Genealogical History of the Harwood Families Descended from James Harwood, who was of English Origin, and Eesided at Columbus, Mass. Pots- dam, 1879. 12mo. 25. 7. 8 Harwood Family. See Harwood, W. H. Genealogy. 25. 7. 8 Hasenclever, Peter. See Homes, H. A., Notice of. 43. 13. H. 2 Haskel, Daniel. Chronological View of the World. Collected Chiefly from the New Edinburg Encyclopedia. N. Y., 1846. 12mo. 40. 8 Haskell, David C. (of Kansas.) Memorial Addresses on his Life and Character, Delivered in the House of Eepresen- tatives and Senate, 48th Congress, 1st Sess. Wash, 1886. 8vo. 45. 7 Haskins, Ealph W. Art and Artists. Buffalo, 1851. 8vo. 51. 3. 3 Effects of Increase in the Quantity of Money Metals. Buf- falo, 1850. 8vo. 33. 7, g Haskins, Samuel M. The Ministers of Christ, etc. In Memo- riam, Caleb Clapp. Sermon in New York, Feb. 10, 1878. No. impr. 8vo. 43. 0. c. 1 Hastings, Samuel D. Proceedings at his Eeunion, Dec. 25, 1865. Madison, Wis., 1865. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 1 Hastings, Serranus Clinton. Biog. Sketch from "Men of Progress." Parton, J., Annals of Iowa. Vol. 10. 19. 13. 1 Hastings, Warren, Marquis. Summary of the Admiustra- tion of the Indian Government, 1813-'23. Lond., 1824. (Pamph., Vol. 24.) . 53. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 779 Hastings, Warren, Marquis — (Continued). Sheridan, R. B. B. Speech in the House of Commons, on a Charge of High Crimes and • Misdemeanors, against Warren Hastings, Feb. 7, 1787. London, 1787. (Rev. WarPamph., Vol. 35, Ko. 7.) 14. 8 Hastings Family. See Buckminster, Mrs. L. N. Hastings Me- morial. 47. 3 Hastings, Minn. See Warner, G. E. and Foote, C. M. Hist. of Dakota Co. and the City of Hastings. 22. 7 Library Association. Catalogue, 1877. 22. 13. 7 Union Industrial Association. Premium List, Rules, etc. , 1881-'82. 22. 14. 1 Haswell, Robert. Voyage Round the World, on Board Ship *' Columbia Rediviva," and Sloop Washington, in 1787-'9. [History of Pacific States, Vol. 22.] 25. 12 Hatch, Israel T. Reciprocity with Canada. Speech, in Com- mercial Convention at Detroit, July 14, 1865. Buffalo, 1865. 8vo. 72. 13. 6 Hatch, Wm. S. Chapter of the War of 1812, with Sketch of Tecumseh. Cinn., 1872. 18mo. 14. 4 Hatch Family. See Fletcher, E. H., Maj. Timothy Hatch, etc. 47.3 Hatfield, Edwin F. History of Elizabeth, :N'. J., including the Early History of Union Co. N. Y., 1868. 8vo. 10. 1 Hatfield, Mass. See Hough, F. B. Papers Concerning the Attack on Hatfield and Deerfield, by a Party of Indians from Canada, Sept. 19, 1677. K Y., 1859. 8vo. 9. 6 Hatton, Joseph. Henry Irving' s Impressions of America. ]^arrated in a Series of Sketches, Chronicles and Conver- sations. 2 Vols. Lond., 1884. 12mo. 32.12 Hauke, John S. Argument in Favor of M. J. Latimer and Others, vs. the Burlington «& Missouri River Railroad Co. Washington, 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 16, No. 26.) 60.1 Letter to G. W. Scofield, in Relation to Lands Claimed by Land Grant Corporations, in Excess of their Grants. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 31, No. 41.) 60.8 Letter to John H. Ketcham, in Relation to a Contest between Homestead Claimants and Railroad Companies, for Lands in Iowa. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 35, No. 20.) 60. 2 780 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hauke, John S. — (Continued). Protest against the Passage of Senate Bill 638, and Eeply to the Argument by the Attorneys of the Kansas Pacific and Denver Pacific Eailroad Companies. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 16, No. 23.) 60. 1 HA.UPT, Herman. A Consideration of the Plans Proposed for Improvement of the Ohio Eiver. Phila., 1855. 8vo. 72. 13. 2 Haupt, Herman, Jr. Yellowstone National Park. Complete Guide to and Description of the Yellowstone Eegion. N. Y. and Phila., 1883. 16mo. 19. 9 Haven, C. C. Thirty Days in New Jersey 90 Years Ago. Essay Eevealing New Facts in Connection with Washington and his Army, in 1776-^77. Trenton, 1867. 8vo. 10. 1 Annals of the City of Trenton. Eeminiscences. Trenton, N. J., 1866. 8vo. 10.8.2 Haven, Gilbert. (Bishop.) National Sermons. Speeches and Letters on Slavery and its War. Boston, 1869. 8vo. 30. 13 Haven, Erastus O. Function of Universities. Address at the University of California, June 1, 1881. San Francisco, 1881. 8vo. 20. 7 Haven, Nathaniel Appleton. Eemains, with Memoir of his Life, by George Ticknor. Cambridge, 1827. 8vo. 43. 3 Haven, Samuel F. Archaeology of the U. S. Progress of In- formation and Opinion, EespectingVestages of Antiquity. (Smiths. Contr., Vol. 8.) 49.7 Deane, Charles. Memoir of S. F. Haven. 9. 10 Memorial of Samuel F. Haven, Librarian of the American Antiquarian Society. Worcester, 1882. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 2 Eecord of Proceedings, April 27, 1881, in Eegard to the Eesignation of S. F. Haven, n. t. p. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 2 Haven Family. See Adams, Josiah. Genealogy of Descend- ants of Eichard Haven. 47. 3 Same. Second Edition. 47. 3 Park, J. C. Meeting of the Descendants, 1844. 47. 3 Haverhill, Mass. See Chase, G. W. History of Haverhill. 9. 13 Exercises Commemorative of the 150th Anniversary of the West Congregational Church, Haverhill, Mass. Haver- hill, 1886. 8vo. 8. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 781 Hawaii. See Allen, F. H. Commercial Aspect of the. 33.12.3 Bartlett, S. C. Historical Sketch of Mission. 56. 14. 1 Cheever, H. T. Life in Sandwich Islands. 40. 9 Dixon, Geo. Voyage Eound the World. 20. 14 Button, C. E. Hawaiian Volcanoes. 50. 3 Peabody, A. P. Missionary Labors. 56. 14. 1 Proceedings of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, in Eelation to a Eecent Interference with its Works in the Sandwich Islands, n. t. p. 8vo. 56. 14. 1 Eemarks on the ''Tour Around Hawaii" by the Mission- aries Messrs. Ellis, Thurston, Bishop and Goodrich, in 1823. Salem, 1848. 8vo. Simpson, Geo. Overland Journey Around the World. 20. 5 Townsend, J. K. Visit to Sandwich Islands. 19.2 Vancouver, Geo. Voyage of Discovery. 52.12 Ward, Elijah. The Hawaiian Treaty. 33. 12. 3 Wilkes, Charles. TJ.* S. Expl. Expedition. 49. 18 Haweis, Thomas. Evangelical Expositor; Commentary on the Bible. London, 1821. fo. V Hawes, Joel. Tribute to the Memory of the Pilgrims, and a Vindication of the Congregational Churches of New England. Hartford, 1836. 12mo. 7. 7 Hawk, Eobert M. A. Memorial Address on. U. S. Congress. Wash., 1883. 8vo. Hawkes, J. A Eetrospect of the Boston Tea Party, with a Memoir of George E. T. Hewes, a Survivor of the Little Band who Drowned the Tea in Boston Harbor in 1773. N. Y., 1834. 12mo. 16. 11 Hawker, Peter. Instructions to Young Sportsmen, in all that Eelates to Guns and Shooting. (2d Amer. edit.) Added, the Hunting and Shooting of I^orth America. By W. T. Porter. Phila., 1853. 8vo. 22. 10 Hawkins, Dexter A. :N^ew York City Council of Political, Ee- form. 5 Eeports. K Y., 1873. 8vo. 60. 1. E. 1 Eeport of the Committee on Education, of the ^ew York City Council of Political Eeform, upon Compulsory Edu- cation. K Y., 1874. 8vo. 56. 9. 3 Eeport to the Union League Club, Showing Sectarian Ap- propriations of Public Money and Public Property in :N"ew York City. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. 56. 12. 8 782 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hawkins, Sir Richakd. Voyage into the South Sea, 1593. (See Harris, John. :N^avigantum.) 94. 8 Hawkins, Wm. (Early American Explorer.) See Hale, E. E. Hawkins and Drake. 25. 9 Hawkins, Wm. G. Lunsford Lane; Another Helper from North Carolina. Boston, 1864. 12mo. 30. 6 Hawkins, Henry, Eeform of Parliament, the Ruin of Par- liament. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 1.) 53. 5 Hawks, Francis L. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical His- tory of the United States. N^. Y., 1836-'39. 2 Vols. 56. 3 Efforts to Obtain the Episcopate before the Revolution. (Prot. Episc. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1851.) 56. 3 Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, 1852-'54, under Command of Commodore M. C. Perry. Wash., 1856. 4to. 49. 13 History of I^orth Carolina, 1584-1729. Fayetteville, N. C, 1857. 15. 6 Pictorial Encyclopedia of Biography. N. Y., 1856. 8vo. 43. 5 Hawley, Charles. Annual Address before Cayuga Co. Hist. Soc, 1883-'84. (Cayuga Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., No. 3.) Au- burn, 1884. 8vo. 16.14.1 Early Chapters of Seneca History. Jesuit Missions in Son- nontowan, 1656-1684; with Annual Addresses, 1883-'84. [Cayuga Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., No. 3.] Auburn, 1884. 8vo. 16. 14. 1 Fourth and Fifth Annual Addresses, 1881-'82. (Coll., No. 2.) 10.11.2 In Memoriam. Proceedings of a Special Meeting of the Cayuga Hist. Soc, Nov. 28, 1885, and a Memorial Ad- dress, March 9, 1886, by Rev. Willis J. Beecher. [Cayuga Co. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 4.] ' 16. 14. 1 Hawley, Cyrus M., Judge. Arrest of Militia Officers in Utah Territory. Opinion, n. t. p. 8vo (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 28, No. 4.) 60. 8 Habeas Corpus Decision (as Associate Justice, Supreme Court, Utah), Jan. 28, 1873. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 33, No. 4.) 60. 2 Important Decision of the U. S. Supreme Court for Utah, , Oct. 2, 1871, Jeter Clinton et al. vs. Paul Engelbrecht and C. Remke. Opinion, n. t. p. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 34, No. 18.) 60.2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 783 Hawley, Jerome. See Neill, E. D. Founders of Maryland. 11. 1 Hawley, Joseph E. Credit Mobilier Investigation. Speech , H. of E., Jan. 25, 1873. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 23, ISTo. 39.) 60. 8 Finance — the Currency. Speech, H. of E., April 1, 1874. No imprint. 8vo. 33. 7. 9 Hawley, Eey. Silas. Fall of Sumpter; its Intent and Portent. Address at Plymouth Church, St. Paul, April 12, 1863. St. Paul, 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 7 National Eeconstruction. The Glory and Shame of a Na- tion. Thanksgiving Sermon, Dec. 7, 1865, in Lockland, O. Cinn., 1866. 8vo, 30. 4. 7 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Life of. (See McCabe, J. D. Great Fortunes.) 43. 12 Hayden, F. Y. Contribution to the Ethnography and Philology of the Indian Tribes of the Mo. Valley. Phila., 1862. 4to. 15.10 Descriptions, etc. See Meek, F. B. Explanations of a 2d Edition of a Geological Map of Ne- braska and Kansas, based upon Information Obtained in an Expedition to the Black Hills, under Command of G. K. Warren. Phila., 1858. 8vo. 19. 14. 7 Geological and Geographical Survey, 1867-^79. See U. S. Dept. of Interior. 49. 4 Geological Eeport of Dakota. (Warren, G. K. Explora- tions, etc.) 19.14. 7 Geol. Eeport of the Exploration of the Yellowstone and Mis- souri Elvers, 1859-'60. Wash., 1869. 8vo. 19. 14. 7 Notes Explanatory of a Map Illustrating the Geological Structure of the Country on the Mo. Eiver. Phila., 1857. 8vo. 49. 5. 5 On the Yellowstone Park. n. t. p. 8vo. 19. 10. 9 Hayden, Horace Edwin. Bibliography of the Wyoming Val- ley, Pa. (Coll. Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc, Vol. 11, pp.46.) ' 11.10.1 Brief History of the Soldiers' Medals issued by the State of » W. Va., to Citizens who Served in the Army of the U. S., 1861-^65. Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1881. 8vo. 30.4.9 Pollock Genealogy. A Biographical Sketch of Oliver Pol- lock, Esq., of Carlisle, Pa., TJ. S. Commercial Agent at New Orleans and Havana, 1776-'84; with Genealogical Notes of his Descendants, etc. Harrisburgh, 1883. 8vo. 25. 14. 3 99 784 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hayden, Horace Edwin — (Continued). Various Silver and Copper Medals, Presented to the Ameri- can Indians by the Sovereigns of England, France and Spain, from 1600 to 1860, etc. (Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc, Vol. 2, p. 217.) 11.10.1 Weitzel Memorial. Genealogical Eecords of the Descend- ants of Paul Weitzel, of Lancaster, Pa., 1740, including Brief Sketches of other Families. Wilkesbarre, 1883. 8vo. 47. 14 Hayden, Jabez H. Sketch and Genealogy of the First Three Generations of the Connecticut Hay dens, with a Map Showing the Locality in which they Settled. Hartford, 1885. 8vo. 25. 7. 8 Hayden, Wm. B. Institution of Slavery, Viewed in the Light of Divine Truth. Lecture, March 17, 1861. Portland, Me., 1861. 8vo. 30.14.3 Hayden Family. See Hayden, J. H. First Three Generations of the Conn. Haydens, etc. 25. 7. 8 Haydn, Joseph. Dictionary of Dates Eclating to All Ages and Nations. 13th ed., with Supplement to 1870. Lond., 1871. 8vo. 34. 9 Same. Putnam, Geo. Cyclopedia of Chronology. 34. 8 Dictionary of Universal Biography. London, 1870. 8vo. 43.5 Boutell, Charles. Bible Dictionary. 34. 9 Eodwell, G. F. Dictionary of Science. 34. 9 Haydon, Frank Sooxr. EulogiumHistoriariam, sive Temporis. See Eulogium. 40. 11 Hayes, Charles. Alleged Oatrages in the Southern States. [Ku Klux.] Speech in the H. of E., May 4, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 11.) 60. 1 Hayes, Charles Wells. George Hayes, of Windsor, and his Descendants. Buffalo, 1884. 8vo. 47. 3 Wm. Wells, of Southold and his Descendants, A.D. 1638 to 1878. Buffalo, 1878. 8vo. 47. 6 Hayes, J. D. The Niagara Ship Canal, and Eeciprocity. Papers written for the Buffalo "Commercial Advertiser." Buf- falo, 1865. 8vo. ' 72. 13. 6 Hayes, John L. An Argument for a Protective Tariff. The Farmer's Question, being a Eeply to the Cobden Club Tract, entitled "The Western Farmer of America.'' [By "Jonathan B. Wise."] Cambridge, 1380. 8vo. 57. 2. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY, 785 Hayes, John L.— (Continued). Fleece and the Loom. Address before the :N"ational Associa- tion of Wool Manufacturers in Philadelphia, Sept. 6, 1865. Boston, 1866. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 17, No. 16.) 60.8 Protection a Boon to Consumers. Address in Kew York, May 1, 1867. Boston, 1867. 8vo. 57; 9 Protective Question Abroad, and Remarks at the Indianap- olis Exposition. Cambridge, 1870. 8vo. (Industrial Pro- tection, ^o. 1.) 57.^ Report upon Wool. See Mudge, E. R. Solidarity of the Industries. Address at the Fair of the American Institute, K. Y., Oct. 13, 1870. Cambridge, 1870. 8vo. 57. 9 Statement of Facts relative to Canada Wools and the Manu- factures of Worsted. Boston, 1866. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph. Vol. 17, :^o. 14.) GO. 8 Hayes, J. S. Physical Observations in the Arctic Seas. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 15.) 49. 7 Hayes, Rcxtherford B. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U. S. Address at the Congress, Chicago, 111., Apr. 17, 1885. :N'o imprint. 8vo. 30. 11. 10 Hayes, S. S. Taxation in the United States. Chicago, 1867. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 30, ^o. 6.) 60. 8 Hayes Family. See Hayes, C. W. Genealogy. 47. 3 Hayne, Robert Young, and Webster, Daniel. Speeches of Hayne and Webster in the U. S. Senate, Jan., 1830. Also^ Webster's Speech on the Slavery Compromise Bill, March 7, 1850. Boston, 1853. 8vo. • 30. 7. 5 Haynes, D. E. Reconstruction of States. Washington, Dec. 30, 1867. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 25, No. 3.) 60. 8 Haynes, Edwin M. History of the Tenth Regiment Vermont Volunteers, in the Southern Rebellion; with Biographical Sketches of Officers who Fell in Battle, n. p. 1870. 8vo. 29. & Haynes, Henry W. Early Explorations of !N"ew Mexico. (Nar. and Crit. Hist, of America, Vol. 2, Chap. 7.) • 25. 9- Hays, George P. History of the Second Presbyterian Church, Washington, Pa., Delivered July 9, 1876. Washington^ Pa. n. d. 8vo. 11. 5. 4 Hays, Henry H. Address before the Young Men's Jefferson Society, July 4, 1832. n. p. n. d. 8vo. 74. 7.4 786 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hays, J. N. History of the Presbytery of Carlisle. Discourse at the Opening of the Synod of Baltimore, in Carlisle, Oct. 16, 1866. Chambersburg, Pa., 1866. 16mo. 11. 5. 4 Hayteb, Henry H. Notes on the Colony of Victoria. (1875.) Melbourne, L875. 8vo. 52. 11. 3 Hayti. Annexation of San Domingo. Anon. N. Y., 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 36, No. 11.) 60. 2 See Clark, B. C. Plea for Hayti. 185S. 52. 3. 1 Harlan, James. The President and San Domingo. 60. 8 Causes of the Insurrection of Negroes, 1792. 30. 5 Morrill, J. S. Annexation of Santo Domingo. 60. 8 Reasons for Immediate Alliance with St. Domingo. 30. 5 Porter, David. Island of San Domingo. 60. 2 St. Domingo Question. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 36, No. 23.) 60.2 Stevenson, J. E. Dominican Republic. 60. 8 Sumner, Charles. Naboth's Vineyard. Speech. 60. 8 Toussaint L'Ouverture. Bonapart in the West Indies. 30. 5 Hay WARD, J. Henry. Poetical Pen Pictures of the War, from our Union Poets. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. 30. 2 Hayward, a. Evidence of Handwriting. Review of Hand- writing of Junius, Professionally Investigated by Charles Chabot, expert. Cambridge, 1874. 4to. 25. 6. 1 Hayward, John. New England Gazetter. Boston, 1839. 12mo. 34.2 Hayward, Silvanus. History of the Town of Gilsum, N. H., from 1752 to 1879. With folded map. Manchester, 1881. 4to. 7. 4 Haywood, Atticus G. The New South; Gratitude, Amend- ment, Hope. Thanksgiving Sermon, Nov. 25, 1880. Ox- ford, Ga., 1880. 8vo. 15. 14. 1 Hazard, Rowland G. Discourse before the Rhode Island His- torical Society, Jan 18, 1848, on the Character and Writ- ings of Job Durfee. Providence, 1848. 8vo. 43. 6. D Hazard, Samuel. Annals of Pennsylvania, from the Discov- ery of the Delaware, 1609-1682. Phila., 1850. 8vo. 11.11 Register of Pennsylvania. Vol. 1-'16. 1828-'36. Phila. 8vo. 11. 14 United States Commercial and Statistical Register. Vol. 1-5. 1830-'41. Phila., 1840. 8vo. 11. 14 (Editor.) Pennsylvania Archives. See Pa. 11. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 787 Hazard, Thomas E. Miscellanies and Letters. Phila., 1883. 12mo. ' 74 2 Hazelton, Gerry W. Fox and Wisconsin Eivers. Speech in the TJ. S. House of Eepresentatives, March 16, 1872. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 5, N^o. 39.) 60. 1 And Arthur, W. E. Truth Vindicated. Justice done. Remarks on the Arkansas Contested Election, H. R. Feb. 9, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 31, No 27.) 60. 8. Hazen, Henry A. History of Billerica, Mass., to 1880, with a Genealogical Register. Boston, 1883. 8vo. 8. 3 Hazen, Nathan W. Memorial Discourse of William Symmes, at Andover, Mass.,1859-'60. Salem, 1862. 4to. 43. 7. S. 1 Hazen, Gen. W. B. Our Barren Lands. The United States West of the 100th Meridian, and East of the Sierra Ne- vadas. Cinn., 1875. 8vo. 19. lo. 6 Hazlitt, William. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2d edition. Revised by his son. London, 1852. 8vo. 4 Vols. 44. 8 (Editor.) Talvi's History of the Colonization of America. 2 Vols. London, 1851. 12mo. 16. 12 Head, Sir George. Forest Scenes and Incidents; Diary of a Route from Halifaxo he Canadas. [1827-'28?]. 2d edition. London, 1838. 12mo. 33. 11 Headley, C. B. Annual Statement of the Saginaw Valley. [See Lewis, Geo. F.] 18. 4. 2 Headley, Joel Tyler. Second War with England. [1812-'15.] N. Y., 1853. 12mo. 2 Vols. 14.4 Health. Bell, John. Importance, etc., of Sanitary Measures to Cities. (N. Y. City Council, 1859, Doc. 20.) 49. 10 Brooks, E. What the State Owes the People, etc. 51. 11. 1 Calthrop, S. R. Lecture on Physical Development, etc. 51.11.4 Culverwell, R. J. Guide to Health, etc. • 51. 11. 4 Ranch, J. H. Intramural Interments in Cities, etc. 51. 11. 2 Thompson, H. M. Address on Health, Detroit, 1883. 5L 11. 5 Tyndall, J. Dust and Disease. [In Fragments of Sci., 1877.] 15. 3 Viele, E. L. Report on Civic Cleanliness, etc. 51. 11. 1 Wark, D. Renewal of Life by Swedish Movement, etc. 51.11.4 788 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, ^ Health — (Continued). See National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention. See also, Climate, Disease, Food, Medicine, N'ames of Dis- eases, Surgery, Temperance, etc. Also, Reports of Boards of Health under names of States, Cities and Towns. Healy, John Plummer. Morse, Godfrey. Memoir of J. P. Healy. 43. 13. H. 1 Heane, W. C. See Maclean, John; and Heane, W. C, editors. The Visitation of County of Gloucester, England, etc. 25. 12. Heap, Gwinn Harris. Central Route to th-e Pacific; Expedi- tion of E. F. Beale and G. H. Heap, from Missouri to California, in 1853. Phila. and London, 1854. 8vo. 19. 2 Heard, Isaac V. D. History of the Sioux War and Massacres of 1862 and 1863. K Y., 1863. 12mo. 22. 9 Hearne, Samuel. Journey from Hudson's Bay to the North- ern Ocean, 1769-1772. London, 1795. 4to. 20. 14 Heart, Capt. Jonathan. See Butterfield, C. W. Journal of Capt. Heart's March, etc. 11.4 Heart. Da Costa, J. M. Strain and Overaction of the, etc. . 49.9 Heat. Cazin, A. Recent Progress in Relation to Theory of, etc. 49. 3 Miller, Johann. Principles of the Mechanical Theory of, etc. (Smiths. Rep., 1868, pp 245-280.) 49. 3 Powell, Baden. State of Knowledge of Radiant Heat, 1832- 54. 49. 3 Tyndall, John. Radiant Heat. (Frag, of Sci., 1877.) 15. 3 Heath, Gen. H. H. Address, at Santa Fe, New Mexico, on Occa- sion of Grant's Election. Santa Fe, N. M., 1869. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 37, No. 4.) 60. 2 Letter. Personal Record. Wash., 1870. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 1 Heath, Noble. Treatise on Arithmetic. Phila., 1856. 12mo. 91.8 Heathj S. p. The Orphan Cheered. [Poem.] Read at the Inauguration of the New Hampshire Orphan's Home, etc., Franklin, Oct. 19, 1872. 8vo. 7. 11. 1 Heath, Gen. William. Memoirs Containing Details of Events during the American War. Boston, 1798. 12mo. 44. 8 Heathfield, Richard. Elements of a Plan for the Liquidation of the Public Debt of the United Kingdom. London, 1820. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 15.) 53. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 789 Heathfield, Eichard — (Continued). Further Observations of Liquidating the Public Debt. 2d edit. London, 1820. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 16, 17.) 53. 5 Observations on Trade. London, 1822. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 20.) 53. 5 Heaton, David. Summary Statement of the Manufacture and Trade of the Upper Mississippi, 1862. Minneapolis, 1862. 12mo. 22. 13. 1 Heaven and Hell. Swedenborg, Emanuel. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. 56.6 Heavenly Arcana. Swedenborg, E. N. Y., 1870-'73. 8vo. 10 Vols. 56. 6 Hebard, George Diah Alonzo. Biog. Sketch of. (Annals of Iowa, Vol. 9, p. 536.) 19.6 Hebrew Language. Prey, J. S. C. F. Hebrew Grammar. 34.2 Hebrew Eeader. (Bound with his Grammar.) 34. 2 Pike, Samuel. Hebrew Lexicon, etc. 34. 8 Eoy, W. L. Hebrew and English Dictionary. 34. 3 Hebrews. Mills, A. Ancient Hebrews. 56. 11 Hebrew Scriptures. See Bible — Old Testament — Hebrew. Hebrides. Thomas, F. W. L. Traditions of the Morrisons, etc. 47. 11 Heckewelder, John. Map and Description of Northeastern Ohio, 1796. Cleveland, O., 1884. 8vo. (Western Eeserve Hist. Soc, Tract ^o. 64.) IS. 3. 2 History, Manners, and Customs of the Indian IN'ations of Pennsylvania and the Neighboring States. New edition. With Introduction and Notes by W. C. Eeichel. Phila., 1876. 8vo. (Pa. Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Vol. 12.) 11. 10 Names which the Lenni Lenape, or Delaware Indians, Gave to Eivers, Streams and Localities. Ed. by W. C. Eeichel. Bethlehem, 1872. 8vo. 15. 11. 2 Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, 1740-1808. Phila., 1820. 8vo. 15. 2 Eondthaler, E. Life of Heckewelder. 44. 8 Vindication of Heckewelder' s Indian Nations, etc. By W. Eawle. (Pa. Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Vol. 1.) . 11. 10 Hedge, Eev. Frederick H. Address before the Graduating Class of the Divinity School in Cambridge, July 15, 1849. Cambridge, 1849. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 5.) 53.12 790 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hedge, Eev. Feederick H. — (Continued). Luther, and his Work. (Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc, Vol. 20, pp. 364-383.) 9.4 The Sick Woman. A Sermon for the Time. Boston, 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 7 Heebner, Balthasar. Genealogical Eecord of the Descend- ants of the Schwenkfelders, who Arrived in Pennsylvania^ 1733-'37. With Historical Sketch, by C. Heydrick. Ma- nayunk, 1879. 8vo. 47. & Heermans, J. War Power of the President, n. t. p. 8vo. (Loyal Pub. Soc, No. 10.) 30.9 Heighway, Osborn W. Trenery. Leila Ada, the Jewish Con- vert; an Authentic Memoir. Phila., 1853. 12mo. 44.8 Heintze, Albert. Die Deutschen Familien-Namen, Geschicht- lich, Geographisch, Sprachlich. Halle, 1882. 8vo. 46. 9 Heintzelmais, Gen. Samuel P. Obituaries of. See Eobinson, J. C, and De Peyster, J. W. 43. 13 Heinzen, Karl. What is Real Democracy? Exposition of the Constitution. Indianapolis, Ind., 1871. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 26, ^o. 13.) 60. 8 Heirs Wanted. See Usher, James. Heirs to Unclaimed Money ► 47. 14. 1 Helderbergia; Or, The Apotheosis of the Heroes of the Anti-Rent War. [Poem.] Albany, 1855. 8vo. 10. 11. 3 Helena, Montana. Board of Trade. Report, 1878-^79. Hel- ena, 1879-'80. 8vo. 19. 10. 8 Heller, Rev. D. F. Lape, Thomas. Memorial of D. F. Heller. 43. 13. H. 1 Helmer, Charles D. The Stars and Stripes. [Poem ] Before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Yale College, July 30, 1862. (With Tracy, Charles; Oration, 1862, pp. 23-47.) (No. 14 in Yale College Addresses.) 7. 13 Heloise et Abaillard. Lettres d' Heloise et d' Abaillard. 3 Yols. Paris, 1796. 4t6. 32. 13 Helper, Hinton Rowan. Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It. N. Y., 1860. 12mo. 30. 5 The Land of Gold. Reality vs. Fiction. Baltimore, 1855. 8vo. 19. 8 Hemenway, Abby Maria, Editor. Yermont Historical Gazet- teer. Burlington, Yt.y 1867. 7. 2 Hempstead, G. S. B. The Mound Builders. A Particular and Minute Description of the Ancient Earthworks of Ports- mouth, O. Portsmouth, 1883. 8vo. 15. 11. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY, 701 Hendee, Geo. W. District of Columbia Affairs. Speech in H. of E., July 1, 1876. Wash., 1876. 8vo. 11. 8. 4 Henderson, John B. (of Mo.). Funding Bill. Speech in TJ. S. Senate, March 4, 1868. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 7 Letter to Secretary of War, June 1, 1865, on Bounty Due to the Missouri Militia. 'No imprint. 8vo. (Eamse'y Pamph., Vol. 24, No. 7.) 60. 8 Eeconstruction. Speech in TJ. S. Senate, June 8, 1866. n. t. p. 8vo.(Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 29, No. 29.) 60. 8 Speech in TJ. S. Senate, Feb. 20, 1867. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 12, No. 34,) 60. 1 Speech on Increased Esvenue from Imports. TJ. S. Senate, Jan. 26, 1867. (Eamsey Pamph.% Vol 12, No. 30.) 60. 1 Speech on the Condition of the Country, in the TJ. S. Senate, Feb. 13-14, 1866. Wash., 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 12, No. 2.) 60.1 Speech on the Post Office Appropriation Bill, in TJ. S. Sen- ate, April 30 and May 1, 1866. Wash., 1866. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamph., Vol. 29, No. 6.) 60. 8 Speech, on the Tax of Unmanufactured Cotton, in the U. S. Senate, June 25, 1866. Wash., 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 29, No. 24.) ^ 60. 8 Henderson, J. B. and Beard, Henry. Argument in Support of Application of the Kansas Pacific Eailway for Lands near Junction City, Kansas, Feb. 19, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 16, No. 22.) 60. 1 Henderson, John H. D., of Oregon. Speech on Eeconstruc- tion, H. E., Feb. 18, 1867. Wash., 1867. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamph., Vol. 12, No. 4.) 60. 1 Hening, Eev. John Adams. A Sermon and an Apology. De- livered at Light Street Church, Baltimore, the former Dec. 5, 1841; the latter, Jan. 16, 1842. Bait., 1843. 8vo. 56. 7. 4 Hening, William Walter, Editor. Statutes at Large. Col- lection of the Laws of Virginia, 1619-1792. N. Y., 1823. 8vo. 13 Vols. 82. 17 Hennepin, Louis. Account of Louis Hennepin, the Franciscan. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1, pp. 302-313.) 22. 10 Account of the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi; Ac- count of La Salle's TJndertaking to Discover the Eiver by Way of the Gulf of Mexico, 1684-'87. (Hist. Coll. of Louisiana, Vol. 1, pp. 195-222.) 20. 3 100 792 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hennepin, Louis — (Continued). Description of Louisiana. Trans, from Edition of 1683, by J. Gilmary Shea, etc. 22. 2 Discovery of the Eiver Mississippi, and Adjacent Country. (Amer- Antiq. Soc. Trans., Vol. 1, p. 61.) 9. 10 Hennepin's Ill-Fame. (Minn. Hist. Soc, Dept. of Am. Hist. Trans., 1879. 8vo. pp. 63-66.) 22. 5. 2 Minnesota Historical Society Hennepin Bi-Centennial. Ac- count of the Celebration, etc. St. Paul, 1880. 8vo. 22. 5. 2 Narrative of the Voyage to the Upper Mississippi, 1680-'81. Shea, J. G. "^ . 20. 3 Keill, E. D. Notice of Hennepin's Writings. 22. 9 Parkman, Francis. Discovery of the Great West. 20. 10 Sabin, Joseph. List of Editions of Works of Hennepin, etc. 74. 13. 3 Shea, J. G. Bibliographical Notice of the Works of Henne- pin, etc. 20. 3 Voyage en un Pays plus Grand que P Europe, Entre la mer Glaciale et le Nouveau Mexique. (Bernard, J. F. Eec- neil, etc. Vol. 4. pp. 169.) 20. 1 Voyage ou Nouvelle Decouverte d'un tres-grand Pays, dans I'Amerique, Entre le Nouveau Mexique et lamer Glaciale, etc. Amsterdam, 1 704. 12mo. 22. 2 Voyage to North America; La Salle's Undertaking to Dis- cover the Mississippi, 1679-1683. (Harris, John. Navigan- tium. Vol. 2, pp. 906-915.) 94. 10 Winsor, Justin. Father Louis Hennepin and his Eeal or Disputed Discoveries. (Nar. and Grit. Hist, of Am., Vol. 4, p. 247.) 25. 9 Hennepin County [Minn.] Agricultural Society. Eules and Eegulations of. The Annual Fair at Minneapolis, 1865-'66. Minneapolis, 1865-' 66. 8vo. 22.14.1 Horticultural Society. Premium List, and Eules and Eegulations of the Annual Fair, in Minneapolis, 1869-'70. Minneapolis, 1869 '70. 8vo. 22. 34. 1 Stevens, J. H. Address before the Minneapolis Lyceum [18561] giving Early History of County. 22. 13. 1 Mitchell, W. H., and Stevens, J. H. Geographical and Statistical History of. 1868. 16mo. 22. 9 Warner, G.E., and Foote, C. W. History of Hennepin County, and the City of Minneapolis. 22. 7 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 793 Hennessy, Wm. M., Editor. Chronicum Scotorum. See Chron- icon, etc. 40. n Henri III., King of France. Garden, James. History of. 43.3 Whole and True Discourse of the Enterprises and Secret Conspiracies against the Person of, etc. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 2, pp. 142-148.) See Sixtus Y., Pope. The Catholic Cause, etc. 40. 3 Henri IY., the Great, King of France and Navarre. Pere- fixe, Hardouin de Beaumont de Historic du Eoy Henri le Grand. Amsterdam, 1661. 12mo. 43. 2 Henrico Parish, Ya. Brock, E. A., editor. Yestry Book of. 15.12 Henries, the. Capgrave, J. Lider de Ilhistribus Henri cis. Ed. by F. C. Hingeston. 40. 6 Henry II., King of England. Benedict of Peterborough. Chronicle of the Eeign of Henry II. and Eichard I. Ed. by Wm. Stubbs. 40. 5 Life of. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 5, pp. 232-235.) 40. 3 Henry III., King of England. Eoyal and other Historical Letters, Illustrative of the Eeign of, etc. 40. 4 Henry IY., King of England. Eoyal and Historical Letters During the ESign of, etc. 40. 4 Shakespeare, W. King Henry IY. 74. 4 Henry Y., King of England. Memorials of. Ed. by C. A Cole. 40. 13 Shakespeare, W. King Henry Y. 74. 4 Henry YI., King of England. Letters and Papers Illustra- tive of the Wars of the English in France during the Eeign of. Ed. by Joseph Stevenson. 40. 11 Shakespeare, W. King Henry YI. 74. 4 Henry YII., King of England. Andrea, Bernardo. Histo- ria Eegis Henrici Septemi. Ed. by J. Gairdner. 40. 13 Letters and Papers of the Eeigns of Eichard III., and Henry YII. Ed. by J. Gairdner. 40. 4 Henry YIIL, King of England. Brown, J. M. Henry YIII.'s Book, Assertio Septum Sacramentorum, etc. (Eoyal Hist. Soc. Trans., Yol. 8, pp. 242 261) 32. 4 Epistle to the Emperours Maiestie, to all Christen Princes, and to all that Trewly and Syncerely professe Christes Eeligion, etc. (Harleian Misc., Yol.l, pp. 226-231.) 40. 3 794 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Henry VIII., King of England— (Continued). Love-Letters from, to Anne Boleyn. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 1, pp. 183-202.) 40. 3 Same to Same. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 21, 22.) 53. 5 Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Eeign of, etc. (Gt. Brit. Pub. Rec. Office, 3 Vols., in 5 Parts.) 35. 14 Shakespeare, W. King Henry VIII. 74. 4 State Papers. Eeign of (Gt. Brit. Pub. Eec. Office, 5 Parts, in 11 Vols.) 35. 7 Henky, Alexander. Travels and Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories, 1760-1776. :N'. Y., 1809. 8vo. 20. 2 Captivity of. (Drake, S. G.) Tragedies of the Wilderness. 15.8 IvTarrative of his Captivity Among the Indians. School- craft, H. E. (American Indians, pp. 417-462.) 15. 9 Henry, Archdeacon of Huntington. Historia Anglorum, A. D., 60-1.154. (Gr. Brit. Pub. Eec. Office, Monumenta Hist. Brit., 1848. fo. Vol. 1, pp. 689-763.) See Allibone. 94.10 Henry, Caleb Sprague. Patriotism and the Slaveholders' Eebellion. Oration. N. Y., and London, 1861. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 Henry, George. Ojibue Mugumoninun. See Jones, Peter and others. Ojibue, etc., 1844. Sm. 12mo. 22. 8 Henry, James. Sketches of Moravian Life and Character. Phila., 1859. Sm. 12mo. 11. 12 Henry, James P. Eesources of Arkansas. 3d Edit. Little Eock, Ark., 1873. 8vo. 15. 14.4 Henry, John Joseph. Account of Arnold's Campaign against Quebec, 1775. Albany, 1877. Sm. 12mo. 14. 2 Henry, Joseph, Am. Scientist. Thoughts on Education, n. t. p. Fragment. 53. 12 Dod, S. B. Discourse, Memorial of, in Princeton, May 19, 1878, With Eemarks by H. C. Cameron. 43. 13. H. 1 Gray, Asa. Biographical Memoir. (Smiths. Eep., 1878.) 49.3 Memoir of, by James C. Moffat. (N. J. Hist. Soc. Proc, Vol. 5, pp. 190-203.) 10. 8 Memorial of. Wash., 1881. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol.21.) 49.9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 795 Henry, Joseph — (Continued). Taylor, W. B. Henry and the Telegraph. (Smiths. Eep., J.878, pp. 262-360.) 49.3 Waite, H. M. and Porter, i^oah. Addresses at the Unveil- ing of the Henry Statue, Washington. 43. 13 Henry, Patrick. Wirt, Wm. Life and Character of, etc. 44.1 Henry (Prince of Wales). Corn wallis, Sir Charles. Discourse of the Most Illustrious Prince Henry, etc. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 3, pp. 519-528.) 40. 3 Henry, Wm. Seaton, Capt. Campaign Sketches of the War with Mexico. K Y., 1847. 12mo. 14. 11 Henry, William Wirt. Address; Settlement at Jamestown, with Particular Reference to the Late Attacks upon Capt. John Smith, Pocahontas and John Eolfe, by E. D. ]N'eill. (Ya. Hist. Soc. Proc, 1882.) 15. 12.3 Sir Walter Ealeigh; The Settlement at Roanoke, and Yoy- ages to Guiana. (Nar. andCrit. Hist. Am., Yol. 3, Chap. 4, pp. 105-126.) 25. 9 Henry County, Ind. Pleas, Edward. Henry County, Past and Present, etc. 18. 11. 3 Henry County, Mo. History of Henry and St. Clair Coun- ties, Mo., Containing a History of those Counties, their Cities, Towns, etc. St. Joseph, 1883. 8vo. 95. 7 Henry Mountains. See Utah. 56. 3 Henshaw, Henry W. Perforated Stones from California. Wash., 1887. 8vo. 15. 11. 1 Henshaw, John Prentiss Kewly, Bp. Theology for the Peo- ple; Discourses on the Catechism of the Protestant Epis- copal Church. Baltimore, 1840. 8vo. 56. 3 The Usefulness of Sunday Schools; a Sermon Preached at the request of Am. S. S. Union, in the St. Andrews Church, Philadelphia, May 20, 1833. Phila., n. d. 16mo. 56. 14. 9 Henshaw, Col. William. Orderly Book of, of the American Army, 1775. With Memoir t)y Emory Washburn, and Notes by C. C. Smith. Reprinted from Proc. Mass. Hist. Soc, October, 1876. Boston, 1877. 8vo. (2 cop.) 14. 2 and 14. 10. 1 Hensley, Andrew A. Denver: Pencil Sketches and Graver Strokes. A Reflex of its Importance. Denver, 1886. 4to. 17. 11. 1 796 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Henslow, George. Theory of Evolution of Living Things. London, 1873. ' Sm. 8vo. 15. 3 Henson, Josiah (Formerly a Slave). Life, as Narrated by Him- self. Boston, 1849. 16 mo. 43. 13. H. 1 Hepburn, James. Fourth Earl of Bothwell. See Bothwell. 46.5 Hepburn, J. C. Japanese-English' and English- Japanese Dic- tionary. K Y., 1873. 12mo. 38.3 Hepworth, George H. Sketch of (Men of Progress.) 44.2 Heraldic Journal. Eecording the Armorial Bearings and the Genealogies of American Families, Vols. 1-4, 1865-' 68. Boston, 1865-' 68. 8vo. 46.13 Hereditary Property Justified. Eeply to Brownson's Article on the Laboring Classes. Cambridge, 1841. 8vo. 57. 10. 3 Heraldry. Bedford, W. K. E. Blazon of Episcopacy. 46. 2 Betts, B. E. Heraldry and Genealogy. 46. 9 Burke, John, and Sir J. B. Encyclopaedia of Heraldiy. 46.7 Burke, J. B. Visitation of the Seats and Arms of. 46. 12 Dallaway, James. Origin and Progress of the Science. 46.7 Debrett, John. Heraldic Distinctions, etc. 46. 1 Ellis, W. S. Antiquities of, etc. 46. 2 Genealogical Eegistry for the United States. History of. ^o. 3. :N. Y., n. d. 8vo. 47. 14. 2 Heraldic Journal. 46.13 Heraldry in America. (K E. Hist. Gen. Eeg., Vols. 12, 13.) 46. 3 Howard, J. J. Editor. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heral- dica, etc. 46. 14 Same. New Series. 3 vols. 46. 14 Visitation of Surrey, 1623, etc. 35. 9 Insignia of the Orders of Knighthood, etc. 46. 14 Mapleson, T. W. G. Handbook of, etc. 46. 1 Washburne, Henry. Book of Family Crests, etc. 46. 8 Willement, Thomas. Eegal Heraldry, etc. 46. 14 See also. Genealogy; Great Britain; Peerage, etc. Herbert, Charles. Prisoners of 1776. Sufferings of Ameri- can Prisoners Carried into Plymouth, England, 1776. Edited by E. Livesey. Boston, 1854. 18mo. 14. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 797 Herbert, Jasper K. Oration, at Bennington, Yt., on the 94tli Commemoration of the Battle of Bennington, Aug. 18, 1871. Bennington, 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol, 3, No. 25.) 60. 1 Herbert, Sir Thomas. Travels in Persia, etc. 1626-'30. Harris, John. ISTavigantium, etc. Vol. 1, 1705, pp. 404-468.) 94. 10 Heredity. Fisher, G. J. Are Malformations or Monstrosities ever Produced by Maternal Mental Emotions? 51. 11. 2 Galton, Francis. Hereditary Genius. 51. 1 Genealogy, Physically considered. Nicholas, J. G. 46. 2 Husband and Wife, etc. 51. 1 Leasure, Daniel. The Law of Heredity. 22. 11 Lewis, J. B. Hereditary Predisposition. 51. 4. 2 Eibot, T. H. Heredity. A Psychological Study of. 51. 1 Whitmore, W. H. Hereditary Ability. 46. 3 Heriot, George. Travels Through the Canadas; Description of Scenery, with Account of Inhabitants. Subjoined, a Vie*w of Indian Nations of N. and S. America. London, 1807. 4to. 20. 3 Herkimer County, N. Y. Benton, N. S. History of, etc. 10. 5 History of; with Illustrations Descriptive of Scenery; Por- traits of Old Pionpers and Prominent Citizens. N. T., 1879. 4to. 93. 5 Herkimer. Papers. (Oneida Hist. Soc. Trans, 1881.) 8vo. 10. 11. 2 Herndon, THCfMAS H. (M. C. from Ala.) Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of, etc.. Delivered in H. of R., and Senate IJ. S., first Sess. 48th Cong. Wash., 1884. 8vo. 45. 7 Herndon, Wm. Lewis, and Gibbon, Lardner. Exploration of Valley of the Amazon, 1850-'52. Wash., 1853-'54. 8vo. 2 Vols. 52. 5 Herndon, Hon. Wm. S. (of Texas). Speech in H. E., Jan. 11, 1873., Advocating a Canal for Steam Vessels along the Margin of Gulf of Mexico. Wash., 1873. 8vo. 72. 13. 6 Herodotus. Eennell, J. Geographical System of 40. 13 Wheeler, J. T. Geography of, Developed, etc. 40. 13 Herrick, Elizabeth. Immediate, not Gradual Abolition: In- quiry into the Most Effectual Means of Getting Eid of West Indian Slavery. Boston, 1838. 12mo. 30. 7. 1 798 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hebrice:, Lucius C. Herrick Genealogy. A Genealogical Eeg- ister of the Name and Family of Herrick, from the Set- tlement of Henerie Herrick, in Salem, Mass., 1829, to 1846; With a Concise I^otice of their English Ancestry, etc. Columbus, 1885. 4to. 47. 3 Herrick Family. See Herrick, L. C. The Herrick Genealogy. 47.3 Herriot, Wm. B. Eedwood County, Minn. ; Its Advantages to Settlers. Eedwood Falls, 1878. 8vo. 22. J 2. 4 Herron, Gen. Francis Jay. Biog. Sketch of. (Annals of Iowa, Vol. 5, p. 801.) 19. 6 Herschel, Sir John Frederick William. Memoir of, by X. S. Dodge. (Smiths. Eeport, 1871, p. 109.) 49.3 Herschel, Sir William. Memoir of, by Francois -Arago. (Smiths. Eeport, 1870, p. 197.) 49. 3 Hersey, John. The Christian's Duty; or, Importance of Strict Economy and Unanimity of Effort among the Followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Baltimore, 1832. 18mo. 56. 7. 2 Hervey, Dwight B. Discourse, Commemorative of the Eev. Henry Hervey, Martinsburg, O,, March 31, 1872. Cinn., 1872. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 2 Heryey, Eev. Henry. See Hervey, D. B. Discourse, etc. 43. 13. H. 2 Hervey, Henry M. Historical Sketches of the Presbyterian Churches (O. S.) in Licking Co., O., Eead before the Lick- . ing County Pioneer Association. Newark, 1869. 8vo. 18.10.9 Bower, Wm. Sermon, in Newark, O., in Memory of. 43. 13. H. 1 Hervey, William. Spirit of Missions. Sermon, Dec. 13, 1829. Williamstown, 1831. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 14.) 53. 12 Hertz, Henry. United states vs. Henry Hertz et al., etc. 53. 11. 1 Hessian Fly. Packard, A. S., Jr. (U. S. Ent. Com., Bull. No. 4.) 49. 5. 4 Hetherington, William M. History of the Church of Scot- land to 1843. 7th edit. Edinburgh and London, 1848. 8vo. 2 Vols. 35. 2 Hett, John. Free and Candid Disquisitions on the Nature and Execution of the Laws of England. 2d edit. [By John Fitzsimmonds, pseud.'] London, 1754. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol 22, No. 10.) 14. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 799 Hewatt, Alexander. An Historical Account of the Eise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 Vols. Lond., 1779. 8vo. 17. 8 Hewes, Geo. E. T. Hawkes, J. Memoir of Hewes, a Sur- vivor of the Boston Tea Party. 16. 11 Hewit, l^ATHANiEL. Discourse at the Funeral Solemnities at Bridgeport, April 19, 1841, on Decease of William Henry Harrison. Bridgeport, Conn., 1841. 8vo. 43. 14. 6 Hewitt, Abram S. Address on the Opening of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge, May 24, 1883. K. Y., 1883. 8vo: 74. 7. 1 Statistics and Geography of the Production of Iron, Paper, read before the Am. Geog. and Statistical Soc, 21st Feb., 1856. (Minn. Legisl. Senate. Geological Eeport, 1860. pp. 35-78.) • 22.10 Hewitt, Charles X. Adulteration of Food and Cheese Poison- ing. (Minn. State Bd. of Health Eeport for 1876, pp. 129- 137.) 22. 3 Duty of the State in the Care and Cure of Inebriates. (Minn. State Bd. of Health Eeport for 1873, p. 75.) 22. 3 Heating and Ventilation of School Houses. (Minn. Bd. of Health Eeport, 1877, p. 31.) 22. 3 Infant Mortality, its Causes, and the Means of Prevention. (Minn. Board of Health Eeport, 1877, p. 13.) 22. 3 Eelations of Scholastic Methods to the Health of Pupils in the Public Schools. (Minn. Bd. of Health Eeport for 1878- '79.) 22. 3 Eeport of Commission to Examine the Patients in the Hos- pital for the Insane, at St. Peter, Jan. , 1878. Minneapo- lis, 1878. 8vo. . 22. 3 Small-Pox. Its History and the Means for its Prevention. (Minn. Bd. of Health Eeport for 1877, p. 59.) 22. 3 Vital Statistics of an Average Minnesota Population of 10,- 000 Persons, for an Average Year. (Minn. Bd. of Health Eeport for 1877, p. 45.) 22. 3 Water. Its Composition, etc., and Methods of Purifying It. (Minn. Bd. of Health Eeport for 1876, p. 25.) 22. 3 And Others. Eeport on Inebriate Asylums. (Minn. Bd. of Health Eeport for 1874, p. 19.) 22. 3 Hewitt, Girart. Minnesota: Its Advantages to Settlers. 1869. 3d Edit. ^t. Paul, 1869. 8vo. 22. 13. 8 [Eleven Editions in all were Published.] 101 800 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Hewson, Thomas T. Bache, Franklin. Obituary l^otice of, etc. 43. 13. H. 2 Heywood, E. H. Hard Cash. Essay on Financial Monopolies. Princeton, Mass., 1875. 8vo. 33. 14. 1 Heywood, Joseph Lee. Leonard, D. L. Funeral Discourse of J. L. Heywood, at Northfield, Minn., Sept. 10, 1876. 43.13. H. 1 Hiawatha. Myth^f. Schoolcraft, H. E. 15. 8 Song of. Longfellow, H. W: (Poems, 1875. Yol. 2.) 74. 2 HiBBARD, Ellery A. Tariff, etc. Speech, H. E., May 2, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. TEamsey Pamph., Vol. 31, ^o. 6.) 60. 8 HiBBARD, Eev. F. G. Biog. of Eev. Leonidas L. Hamline, late one of the Bishops of the M. E. Church. To which is added Dr. Hamline' s Speech before the Gen. Conf. of 1844, on Case of Bishop Andrew. Cinn., 1881 12mo. 45. 3 Highborn, :N'. G. "Don't Give Up the Ship.'' Our Merchant Marine, its Status and l!^eeds. Stockton, Me., 1872. (Eam- sey Pamph., Yol. 35, No. 21.) 60. 2 HiCKEY, William. The Constitution of the IT. S., with an Al- phabetical Analysis, a Descriptive Account of the State Papers, etc. Phila., 1854. 12mo. 16. 13 HicKOCK, Eev. Laurens P. A l^ation Saved from its Prosperity * only by the Gospel. A Discourse in Behalf of the Am. Home Mission Soc, Preached in New York and Brooklyn, May, 1853. K Y., 1853. 8vo. 56. 14. 3 Hicks, Thomas. Thomas Crawford; his Career, Character and Works. Eulogy, Jan. 26, 1858. N. Y., 1858. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Hicks, Thomas Holliday. Message as Gov. to the General Assembly ofMd., Jan., 1860. Annapolis, 1860. 8vo. 11.1. 2 Hicks, W. H. Letter on Finance. Boston, 1873. 8vo. 33. 7. 7 HiDATSA, OR Grosventre INDIANS. See Indians of America. Hidatsa. HiGBY, Wm., [of California.] Privileges and Immunities of Citizenship. Speech, Feb. 27, 1866. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamph., Yol. 29, Ko. 17.) 60.8 HiGDEN, Eanulph, Eng. Monk. Polychronicon Eanulph Hig- den Monarchi Cestrensis; with the English Translation of John Trevisa, and of an Unknown Writer of the 15th Century. Edited by Churchill Babington. London, 1865- '69. 8vo. 2 Yols. (Gr. Brit. Pub. Eec. Oface, Chroni- cles and Memorials.) 40. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 801 Higher Law, Tried by Eeason and Authority. ArgumeDt, Pro and Con. {Anon.) Cinn., 1851. 8vo. 30.5 The, Considered, n. t. p. 8vo. (Bound with the above.) 30.5 HiGGiNS, Godfrey. Horse Sabbaticte. London, 1826. (Pam- phleteer, Yol. 27.) 53. 12 See Hughes, T. S. Letter to G. Higgins, etc. (Same.) Observations on M'Culloch's Doctrines Eespecting the Corn Laws. London, 1826. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 27.) 53. 12 HiGGiNSON, Francis. JSTew England^ s Plantation. Written by a Eeverend Divine now there Eesident. London, 1630. 8vo. (Force's Ttacts, Yol. 1.) 14. 12 HiGGiNsoN, Thomas Wentworth. Army Life in a Black Eeg- iment. Boston, 1870. 8vo. 30. 8 Harvard Memorial Biographies. Cambridge, 1867. 8vo. 2 Yols. 43. 11 Massachusetts in Mourning. Sermon on the Fugitive Slave Law, in Worcester, June 4, 1854. Boston, 1854. 8vo. 30. 14. 3 New Eevolution. Speech before the Am. Anti-Slavery Soc, in N. Y., May 12, 1857. Boston, 1857. 8vo. 30. 14. 1 Oration at 250th Anniversary of Cambridge, Mass. See ''Cambridge," etc. 8. 9 Eide Through Kansas, 1856. n. t. p. 12mo. 19. 14. 2 Woman and Her Wishes. An Essay. Inscribed to the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention. Boston, 1853. 8vo. 57. 4. 1 Highland County, O. Thompson, James H. History of, etc. Hillsboro, 1878. 8vo. 17.7 Highlanders, The, of Scotland. See Keltic, John S. His- tory of the Scottish Highlands, etc. 8 Yols. Edinburgh, 1877. 8vo. 52. 11 HiGHT Family. See Hoyt Family. 47. 3 HiLDEBURN, Charles E. Biog. Sketch of Francis Hopkinson. Phila., 1878. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 1 Hilder, F. F. Archaeology of Missouri. (Mo. Hist. Soc. Publ. , Ko. 6.) ^ 18. 7. 5 HiLDRETH, James. Dragoon Campaigns to the Eocky Moun- tains. (1833-^34.) By a Dragoon. N. Y., 1836. 12mo. 14.11 802 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. HiLDRETH, EiCHARD. Despotism in America: Slaveholding System. Boston, etc., 1854. 12mo. 30.5 History of the United States. N. Y., 1854-'55. 8vo. 6 Vols. 14. 5 Editor. White Slave. See Moore, Archy. 30. 6 HiLDEETH, Samuel Prescott. Biographical and Historical Memoirs of the Early Settlers of Ohio. Cinn., 1852. 8vo. 43. 11 Meteorological Observations at Marietta, O., 1826-'59. n. impt. 4to. (Smiths. Contrib. Vol. 16.) 49. 7 Pioneer History: The Ohio Yalley, and the Early Settle- ment of the JS'orthwest Territory. Cinn., and N. Y., 1848. 8vo. 18. 2 HiLGARD, Eugene W. Geology of Lower Louisiana. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 23.) 49. 14 Report [to the College of Agriculture, University of Cali- fornia] of the Yiticultural Work, during the Seasons ] 883-' 84, and 1884-'85, etc., with Notes Regarding the Vintage of 1885-'86. Sacramento, 1886. 8vo. 20. 7. 2 Hill, A. F. Our Boys. Personal Experiences of a Soldier in the Army of the Potomac. Phila., 1864. 8vo. 30. 8 Hill, Alex. Staveley. From Home to Home: Autumn Wanderings in the Northwest in 1881, '82, '83, '84. N. Y., 1885. 8vo. 20. 11 Hill, Alfred J. ,Capt. Glazier's Claim to the Discovery of the Source of the Mississippi Eiver. St. Paul, 1887. 8vo. (Reprint from Mag. of Western History.) 22. 13. 7 Constantine Beltrami. Biographical Sketch. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1867, pp- 13-20.) 22. 10 Geography of Perrotj So far as it Relates to Minnesota and the Regions Immediately Adjacent. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1867, pp. 22-31.) 22. 10 Hill, Alice Polk. Tales of the Colorado Pioneers. Denver, 1884. 12mo. 19. 9 Hill, Alonzo. In Memoriam. Discourse in Worcester, Oct. 5, 1862, on Thomas Jefferson Spurr. Boston, 1862. 8vo. 43. 7. S. 2 Revelation by Fire. Sermon in Worcester, Aug. 17, 1862, after the Burial of William Hudson. Boston, 1862. 8vo. ' 43. 13. H. 1 Hill, Britton A. Absolute Money. Kew System of I^ational Finance, under a Cooperative Government. St. Louis, 1875. 8vo. 33. 7. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 803 Hill, Britton A.— (Continued). Specie Eesumption and National Bankruptcy, Identical and Indivisible. St. Louis, 1876. 8vo. 33. 14. 1 Hill, Charles S. Our Merchant Marine. A Voice for Amer- ican Commerce. N". Y., 1877. 12mo. 57.10.4 Hill, Don Gleason. Editor. Eecord of Births, Marriages and Deaths, and Intentions of Marriage, in the Town of Dedham. Vols. 1 and 2, 1635-1845. Dedham, 1886. 8vo. 25. 2 Hill, Frank P. Lowell, Illustrated: A Chronological Record of Events, and Historical Sketches of the large Manufac- turing Corporations. Lowell, 1884. 4to. 8. 12 Hill, Hamilton A. Commercial Associations; Their Uses and Opportunities. Boston, 1869. 8vo. 57. 10. 2 Memoir of Abbott Lawrence. Boston, 1883. 8vo. 44. 13 Hill, H. H. History of Will County, 111. See Woodruff, G. H. 18. 12 Hill, John B. History of Mason, :N^. H., 1749-1858. Boston, 1858. 8vo. 7. 10 Hill, Joshua. Union Record. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 39, No. 14.) 60.2 Hill, I^. N., Jr. History of Licking County, O., its Past and Present. :N'ewark., 1881. 4to. 18.9 Hill, Richard. Letters of Dr. Richard Hill and his Children, Collected by J. J. Smith. Phila., 1854. 8vo. 47. 3 Hill, Thomas. Addresses at the Inauguration of Thomas Hill, as President of Harvard College, March 4, 1863. Cam- bridge, 1863. 8vo. (No. 16 in Harvard College Ad- dresses.) 9. 2 Integral Education. An Inaugural Address Delivered at Antioch College, of Yellow Springs, O., Sept. 8, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8vo. 56. 9. 2 'Religion in Public Instruction. Baccalaureate Address before the Graduating Class of Antioch College, Yellow Springs, O., June 20, 1860. Boston, 1860. 8vo. 56. 11. 5 HiLLARD, Geo. S. Life, Letters, and Journals of George Tick- nor. 2 Vols. London, 1876. 12mo. 45. 9 Hillhouse, James A. Oration at New Haven, Aug. 19, 1834, in Commemoration of Gen. Lafayette. New Haven, 1834. 8vo. 43. 13. L Hillary, Sir William. Appeal to the British Nation, on the Preservation of Lives and Property from Shipwreck. 2d edition. London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 23.) 53. 12 804 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hillary, Sir William — (ContinuedX Plan for the Construction of a Steam Life-boat. 2d edition. London, 1825. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 25.) 53.12 Sketch of Ireland in 1824. 2d edition, with additions. Lon- don, 1825. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 25.) 53. 12 Suggestion for the Improvement and Embellishment of the Metropolis. London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 24.) 53.12 Hillebrand, W. F. See Cross, Whitman, and Hillebrand, W. F. Contribution on the Mineralogy of the Eocky Moun- tains. 49. 4. 2 HiLLiARD, Henry W. Speech on the Bill to Establish a Terri- torial Government in Oregon. Delivered in the H. E., March 30, 1848. Wash., 1848. 8vo. vMex. War Pamph., No. 26.) 16. 10 Hills, Darwin T. Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Hills, at Crawfordsville, Ind., Nov. 18, 1878, etc. 43. 13. H. 1 Hills, George Morgan, D.D. History of the Church in Bur- lington, N. J., Comprising Facts and Incidents of Nearly 200 Years, etc. Trenton, N. J., 1885. 8vo. 10. 2 Hillsborough, Mass., Agricultural and Mechanical So- ciety. Address before the, Sept. 30, 1852. Boutwell, G. S. Boston, 1853. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 8.) 9.2 Hillsdale, N. Y. Collins, John Francis. History of, etc. 16. 10 Hillsdale County, Mich. Johnson, C. History of: with Biog. Sketches. 18. 4 Hilton, Wm. Eelation of a Discovery Lately Made on the Coast of Florida. London, 1664. 8vo. ^Force's Tracts, Vol. 4.) 14. 12 Hinchcliffe, Hon. John. Protection to Miners. Speech in the 27th Gen. Assembly of Illinois, Feb. 15, 1872. Spring- field, n. d. 8vo. 57. 10. 3 Hinckley, Frederic. Discourse at the Installation of. Bel- lows, H. W. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 28, No. 8.) 60. 8 Unitarianism. Sermon in Washington, D. C, March 2, 1873. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 23, No. 8.) 60. 8 Hind, Henry Youle. Narrative of the Canadian Eed Eiver Exploring Expedition of 1857, and of the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition of 1858. London, 1860. 8vo. 2 Vols. 20.5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 805 Hind, Henry Youle — (Continued). Papers Eelative to the Eed Eiver Exploring Expedition, 1857. (Canada Dept. State.) 20. 12 Same. (Canada Legisl. Assembly.) 20.12 Eeports of the Assiuiboine and Saskatchewan Expl. Exped., 1858. London, 1860. (Bound with Eed Eiver Exped.) 20.12 Same. (Canada LegisL Assembly, Jour. App.) 20. 12 Hind, J. Eussell. • Solar System. I^. Y. 12mo. . 49. 8 HiNDMAN, William. Harrison, S. A. Memoir of, etc. 43. 13. H. 1 Hinds, James. U. S. Congress, House. Assassination of Hon. James Hinds. Eulogies, Jan. 22, 1869. Wash., 1869. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 2 Hinds Family. Pierce, E. W. Hinds Genealogy. In Dean, Gardner, Life of, etc. 47. 9 Hindus. Asiatic Eesearches. Calcutta, printed. London, re- printed, 1798-'99. 8vo. 3 Vols. 40. 9 Hindustani Language. Dowson, John. Grammar of the Urdu, or Hindustani, Language. London, 1872. 12mo. 38. 3 HiNE, Eev. Orlo D. Early Lebanon. An Historical Address, delivered in Lebanon, Conn., by request, on the National Centennial, July 4, 1876. [With an Appendix on Hist. :N^otes, by M. H. Morgan, of Hartford.] Hartford, 1880. 12mo. 7. 12 HiNES, GusTAVUS. Oregon: Its History, Condition and Pros- pects; Eesidence on the Plains, near the Pacific; JN'otes of Voyage around the World, 1839-'45, etc. ]^. Y. and Auburn, 1857. 12mo. 20. 6 HiNGESTON, Francis Charles, Editor. Chronicle of England. See Capgrave, John. 40. 5 Liber de lUustribus Henricis. See Capgrave, John. 40. 6 Eoyal and Historical Letters, during the Eeign of Henry IV. See Letters. 40. 4 HiNGHAM, Mass., Agricultural and Horticultural So- ciety. Transactions from Oct;, 1858, to March, 1861. Boston, 1861. 8vo. 72. 3. 4 Also, Transactions for 1875. n. p., 1876. 8vo. 72. 3. 4 HiNGHAM, Mass., Public Library. Address at the Dedication, by Thomas Eussell, July 5, 1869. 8. 4. 5 HiNGHAM, Mass. The Celebration of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Settlement of the Town of, Sept. 15, 1885. Hingham, 1885. 8vo. 8. 12 806 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. HiNMAN, EoYAL E. Catalogue of the First Puritan Settlers of the Colony of Connecticut. Hartford, 1856. 8vo. 7.14 Historical Collection of the Part Sustained by Connecticut during the War of the Revolution. Hartford, 1842. 8vo. 14.3 HiNMAN, SiMUEL D. Journal, as Missionary to the Santee Sioux Indians. And Taopi, by Bishop Whipple. Phila., 1869. 12mo. 15- 11- 3 Journal at the Indian Mission in Nebraska, 1869. [In Taopi and his Friends, 1869. 16mo.] " 22. 1 (Translator.) Ikce Wocekiye Wowapi. Qa Isantanka Ma- koce, etc. [Book of Common Prayer, etc., 1865.] See Protestant Episcopal Church. 22. 1 Another edition. N. Y., 1883. 15. 4 And Eobertson, Thos. A. Dakota Church Service for the Mission of Saint John. Faribault, Minn., 1862. 8vo. 15. 11. 2 HiNMAN Family. Hinman, E. E. Family Eecord of the De- scendants of Edward Hinman. (Catalogue, etc., 1856. 8vo. Pt. 6.) 47. 14. 3 Hinsdale, B. A. Hiram (O.) College. Sketch of its History, n. t. p. 8vo. 18. 10. 6 HiNTON, John Howard. History and Topography of the U. S. (to 1832.) London, 1830-'32. 4to. 2 Vols. 14. 7 HiNZUAN, OR Johanna (African Isle). Jones, Sir William. Eemarks on the Island of Hinzuan, or Johanna. (Asiatic Eesearches, Vol. 2, p. 77.) 40. 9 Hiram (Ohio) College. Hinsdale, B. A. Sketch of its His- tory, etc. 18. 10. 6 Hirsch, Ad. Eapport du Directeur de I'Observatoire Cantonal de Neuchatel, au Departement de I'lnterieur sur le Con- cours des Chronometers i)endant V Annee 1875. Neuchatel, 1876. 12mo. 52. 10. 5 HiRTius, AULUS (Eoman Consul and General). Analyse de la Campagne de Jules Cesar en Afrique. (Guischard, K. G. Memoires Militaires, 1758. 8vo. Vol. 2, p. 157.) 40. 7 Historical Magazine, and Notes and Queries Concerning America. Vols. 1-10. 1857-'66. Boston and London, 1857-' 66. 4to. 10 Vols. 53. 7 Same. 2d Series, Vols. 1-6. 1867-'69. Morrisania, 1867- '69. 4to. 6 Vols. 53. 7 Historical Eeader; Selections erom Standard Writers OF History. Anderson, J. J. 40. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 807 Historical Sketch of St. Anthony and Minneapolis; With Statistics from their First Settlement to Kov., 1855. St. Anthony, 1855. 8vo. 22. 13. 1 Historical Societies. Frelinghuysen, Theo. Uses and Ben- efits of. 10. 8 Seton, Eobert. The Origin of. 16. 11. 1 Historicus {pseud.). See Harcourt, William George Granville Vernon. History. Ghadbourne, P. A. Influence of on Individual and National Action, etc. 19. 5. 1 Dnyckinck, E. A. History of the World. 38. 4 Fuulke, W. P. The Right Use of, etc. 11. 10. 1 Martin, Frederick. Statesman's Year-Book for 1879. 30. 8 McCabe, J. D. Pictorial History of the World. 38. 4 Priestly, Joseph. Lectures on. etc. 40. 8 Rogers, C. Notes on the Study of. 35. 9 Trumbull, B. Century Sermon, etc. 7. 7 Williamson', H. Discourse on the Benefits of Civil, etc. 10.4 Zerffi, G. G. Science of. 35. 9 Of Various Countries. See under the names of the Coun- tries, Cities, etc. Poetry of. See Ford, H. A. Poems of. 74. 3 History, Manners, and Customs of the :North American Indians. Phila. (Am S. S. Union.) w. d. 18mo. 15. 8 History^ of the College of William and Mary. (Wil- liamsburg, Va.) From its Foundation, 1693 to 1870. Bal- timore, 1870. 8vo. 15. 5. History' of the United States to 1815. {Anon.) London, 1826. 8vo. * 14.13 Added, Questions for Schools. Cooperstown, N. Y., 1845. • 18mo. 14. 6 History of the Upper Mississippi Valley. Minneapolis, 1881. (Minnesota Historical Company.) 4to. 22.7 History of the Vigilance Committee of San Francisco, Cal. {Anon.) San Francisco, 1858. 12mo. 20. 14. 1 History, Ancient. Bloss, C. A. Revised by J. J. Anderson. 40.1 Rollin, Charles. 40. 2 History, Modern. Smyth, Wm. Lectures on. 40. 7 History, Sacred. See Turner, Sharon. Of the World. 102 808 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History, Universal. Anderson, J. J. Manual of General History, to 1870. 40. 1 Cacciatore, Leonardo. Nuevo Atlante Istorico. 94. 9 Carter, J. P. Elements of General History. 40. 1 Eulogium Historiarum, sive Temporisf Chronicon ab orbe Condito usque ad annum Domini, 1366, etc. Edited by Frank Scott Hay don. 40. 11 Goodrich, S. G. Parley's Common School History of the World, etc. 40. 1 Higden, Eanulph or Ealph. Polychronicon, etc. 40. 12 Weber, Georg. Outlines of, etc., with a History of the U. S., by Francis Bowen. 40. 1 Whelpley, Saml. Compend of History, etc., 12th edition, with additions by Joseph Emerson. 52. 12 Willson, Marcius. Outlines of History. 40. 9 History of Congress, 1789-1793; Embracing the First Term of the Administration of Washington. Phila., 1843. 8vo. 33. 6 History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines. Phila., 1821. 8vo. 56.4 Hitchcock, Rev. Edward. [D. D.] The Catalytic Power of the Gospel. A Discourse Delivered before the Massachu- setts H. M. Soc, at its Anniversary, in Lowell Institute, Boston, May 25, 1852. Boston, 1852. 8vo. 56. 14. 3 The Highest Use of Learning. Address at his Inaugura- tion as President of Amherst College, 1845. Amherst, 1845. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 4, ^o. 4.) 9. 2 Illustrations of Surface Geology. Pt. 1. — That of the Con- necticut Valley, in N. E. 2. — Erosions of the Earth's Surface, Especially by Elvers. 3. — Traces of Ancient Glaciers in Massachusetts and Vermont. (Smiths. Contrib. to KnowL, Vol. 9.) Wash., 1859. 4to. 49.7 Inseparable Trio, The. [Eeligion. Education, and Freedom.] Massachusetts Election Sermon, Jan. 2, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8vo. 56. 5. 5 Preliminary Eeport of the Geology of Vermont, 1859. Montpelier, 1859. 8vo. 51. 5. 1 Eeminiscences of Amherst College, Historical, Scientific, Biographical, and Autobiographical; also, of Other and Wider Life Experiences. Northampton, 1863. 12mo. 7.14 Hitchcock, Edward; Edward, Jr. ; and Charles H. Geology of Vermont. See Hagar, A. D. 5] . 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 809 Hitchcock, Gad. (Rev.) A Sermon, Preached before his Ex- cellency, Thomas Gage, Esq., Governor; the Honorable House of Representatives, of the Province of the Massa- chusetts Bay, etc.. May 25, 1774; being the Anniversary of the Election of his Majesty^s Council for said Province. Boston, 1774. 8vo. [Reprint.] 56. 5. 2 Hitchcock, Roswell D. Laws of Civilization. Address, 1860. K. Y., 1860. 8vo. 74. 7. 3 HiTTELL, Theodore H. History of California. 2 Vols. San Francisco, 1885. 8vo. 17. 9 HoADLEY, L. Ives. Divine Agency; or, God's Hand in All Things. A Sermon, delivered in the Calvinist Church in Worcester, etc. (See Smalley, Elam, "The Worcester Pulpit," p. 345.) 25. 1 Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood. Opinions Relative to taking the "Test Oath," by Persons Elected to OfiBce in Virginia. Wash., 1869. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 37, ^o. 2.) 60.2 Butler, B. F. Letter to E. R. Hoar. Lowell, 1876. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 1 Hoar, Hon. Geo. F. Claims of the Worcester [Mass.] Free Institute. Argument before the Committee on Educa- tion, noimpt. 8vo. 9.9.4 College of William and Mary in Va. Speech, U. S. H. R., Feb. 9, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 5.) 60.1 Relation of the National Government to Domestic Com- merce. Speech in U. S. Senate July 1, 1884. Wash., 1884. 8vo. 72. 13. 6 Universal Education. A National Concern and Necessity. Speech in H. R. June 6, 1870. n. t. p^ 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 39, No. 31.) 60. 2 The Only Safeguard of State Rights. Speech in H. R. Jan. 25, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 31, No. 16.) 60.8 HoBART, Aaron. Historical Sketch of Abington, Plymouth County, Mass. Boston, 1839. 8vo. 25. 8 Hob ART, Benjamin. History of Abington, to 1865. Boston, 1866. 8vo. 8. 10 HoBART, Chauncey, D. D. Recollcctions of My Life. Fifty Years of Itinerancy in the Northwest. Red Wing, 1885. 12mo. 46. 5 810 MINNESOTA HISTOBICAL SOCIETY. HoBART, Chauncey, D. D.— (Continued). Semi-Oentennial Sermon by, of the Minnesota Annual Con- ference of the M. E. Church. Preached by request of the Conference, at its Session in Stillwater, Oct. 7, 1886. n.p. 8vo. 22.11.1 HoBART, Mrs. H. A. Memories and Incidents of Red Rock Park Association, from its Commencement to the Present Time. Red Wing, 1887. 16mo. 22. 13. 7 HoBART, H. R. Biographical Directory of Railway Officials. See Talbott, E. H. 46. 11 HoBART, Rt. Rev. John Henry, D.D. Address delivered be- fore the Auxiliary New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, in Trinity Church, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1816. ^. Y., 1816. 8vo. 56.7.2 Hobart-Hamden, Aug. Edward (Earl of Buckinghamshire). The Mission of Richard Cobden. [Reprinted from "Mac- millan's Magazine."] London, n. d. 12mo. 57.2.7 HoBOKEN Directory. See Jersey City. 80. 7 HoBOKEN, N. J. Stevens Institute of Technology. Announce- ment of the Institute, n.p. n.d. 8vo. 10.2.2. HocH, Charles. Neutral Territory of Moresnet. Trans, by W. W. Tucker. Cambridge, 1882. 16mo. 52. 12 HocHELAGA [Canada]. Warburton, Geo. 20. 2 Hodge, Charles. State of the Country. From the Princeton ^^ Review," Jan., 1861. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 3 Hodge, Hiram C. Arizona as It Is; The Coming Country. Notes of Travel, 1874-' 76. N. Y. and Boston, 1877. 16mo. 19.2 Hodge, William. Papers Concerning Early Navigation on the Great Lakes. Buffalo, 1883. 8vo. 10. 11. 2 Hodges, Almon D. Genealogical Record of the Hodges Family of New England, Containing the Names of over 1,500 Per- sons, from 1633 to 1853, Numbering Eight Generations. Boston, 1853. 8vo. 47. 3 Hodges, Leonard B. Forest Culture in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota State Forestry Association. St. Paul, 1876. 8vo. (No. 3 in "Forest Culture.") 49. 10 Forest Tree Planter's Manual. Published by the Minnesota State Forestry Association. St. Paul, 1872. 8vo. 24. 9 Practical Suggestions on Forest Tree Planting in Minnesota. St. Paul, 1874. 8vo. (No. 2 in '^Forest Tree Culture.") 49. 10 ^CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 811 Hodges, Eichard Manning. Life and Providence. Sermon, preached March 21, 1869, before the First Congregational Society in Somerville, on the 25th Anniversary. Boston, Mass., 1869. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 5.) 9. 2 Hodges Family. Hodges, A. D. Genealogical Eecord of. 47.3 HoDGKiNSON, Eaton. Memoir of, by E. Eawson. (Smiths. Eept., 1868, p. 203.) 49. 3 Hodgson, Francis. The Great Iron Wheel; or, a Defence of the M. E. Church against the Calumnious Assaults of Eev. F. A. Eoss and Eev. A. Converse, D.D. Phila., 1848. 12mo. 56. 5. 1 HoDGSON^, Joseph. Alabami Mmual and Statisticil Esgister. Montgomery, 1869. 8vo. 15. 14 Hoe, Eichard M. Life of. (McCabe, J. D. '^ Great Fortunes,'^ etc.) 1871. 8vo. 43.12 HoEFER, J. C. F., Editor. Nouvelle Biographic Generale, etc. Paris, 1862-'66. 8vo. 46 volumes bound in 22. 46. 4 & 46. 11 Hoffman, Charles Fenno. Greyslaer; Eomance of the Mo- hawk. Yol. 1. N. Y., 1840. 12mo. 74.3 A Winter in the Far West. 2 Yols. London, 1835. 12mo. 33.5 Hoffman, John T. Gov. Hoffman's Yeto of :*^ew York Char- ter. 1872. 10. 13. 3 Message, as Governor of JST. Y., 1869-'72. InT. Y., 1869-'72. 8vo. 10. 13. 3 & 10. 9 Sketch of. (Men of Progress, 1870. 8vo.) 44. 2 Hoffman, W. J. Eemarks on Aboriginal Art in California and Queen Charlotte's Island. (Proceedings Davenport Acad. Nat. Sci., Yol. 4, p. 105.) Davenport, 1886. 8vo. 19.13 HOGAN, Peter. Water Supply of the City of Albany, May 27, 1873. Albany, K Y., 1873. 8vo. 10. 13. 4 HoGE, Mrs. A. H. Boys in Blue; Heroes of the Eank and File. Incidents and Eeminiscences. K Y., 1867. 8vo. 30. 2 HoGE James. Address on Dedication of Green Lawn Cemetery, July 9, 1849. (Columbus, O., G. L. Cemetery, Eeport, 1849.) 18. 10. 8 Hogeland, a. Centennial Eeport of the Business of Louisville, Ky. Louisville, 1876. 8vo. 18. 14. 3 HoiT, T. W. Elegaic Yerses on Capt. James B. Eads. St. Louis, 1887. 43. 6. E 812 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. HoiT, T. W.— (ContiDued). The Model Man; An Oration on Washington, in which he is Compared with the Sages and Heroes of Antiquity, etc. St. Louis, 1866. 8vo. 43. 14. 4 The Right of American Slavery. St. Louis, 1860. 8vo. 3L3 HoLABiRD, Gen. Samuel B. Report of a Reconnoisance in the Department of Dakota in 1869. n. t. p. 8vo. (U. S. Dept. of War.) 19.14.8 HoLBROOK, Alfred. The N"ormal. Methods of Teaching the Common Branches. N. Y., 1860. 12mo. 56. 1 Holcombe, a. a. Second Annual Report of the Live Stock Sanitary Commission, and State Veterinarian, of the State of Kansas. (State Bd. of Agric). Topeka, 1886. 8vo. 81. 8. 5 Holcombe, William, (Lt. Gov. of Minn., 1858-'59). See Cochran, James. Sermon on Death of. 4. 13. H. 13 HoLCOMB, William P. Pennsylvania Boroughs. [Johns Hop- kins University Studies in Hist, and Polit. Sci., 4th Series, No. 4.] Baltimore, 1886. 8vo. 11. 8. 6 HOLDEN, A. W. History of Queensbury, N. Y., 1760-1874, with Biographical Sketches. Albany, 1874. 8vo. 10. 10 HoLDEN, Edward S. Index Catalogue of Books and Memoirs Relating to Nebulae and Clusters, etc. Wash., 1877. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 14.) 49. 2 Monograph of the Central Parts of Orion. Wash., 1882. 4to. (U. S. N. Obs. Observations, 1878, App. 1.) 50. 1 Multiple Star E 748 (in Nebulse Orionis.) Wash., 1881. 4to. (U. S. Naval Observatory, 1877, App. 2.) 50. 1. 1 HoLDEN, Frederick A. Genealogy of the Descendants of Banfield Capron, 1660-1859. Boston, 1859. 12mo. 47. 2 Holden, William W. (Gov. of N. C.) Answer to Articles of Impeachment, n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph. , Vol. 10, No. 23.) 60.1 Holden, Mass. Damon, S. C. History of 1667-1841. 8. 11 Holder, Joseph Bassett. The Atlantic Right Whales, (Am. Museum of Nat. Hist., Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 4.) 10. 12. 5 Holder, R. H. Directions for Collecting and Preserving Speci- mens in Ornithology. (111. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 1861.) 8vo. 18.13.6 HOLDSWORTH, A. H. Letter to a Friend on the Present Situa- tion. London, 1816. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 8.) 53.5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. ' 813 HoLDSWORTH, A. H. — (Continued). Second Letter to a Friend, in Devonshire, on the Present Situation of the Co\intry. London, 1816. (Pamphleteer, Vol.9.) . 53.6 Hole-in-the-Day (Chippewa Chief). Articles of Agreement between the U. S. and. (U. S. Dept. Int., Bu. of Ind. Af. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 2, ^o. 25.) 60. 1 Reminiscences of, by Julius T. Clark. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 5, p. 378.) 19.11 Sketch of, by Alfred Brunson. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 5, p. 387.) 19. 11 See Paper, "Gen. Cass at St. Mary, in 1820, p. 410. The Younger. Death of. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 5, p. 402.) 19.11 HOLFORD, George. Thoughts on Criminal Prisons. London, 1821. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 18.) 53. 5 HoLGATE, Jerome B. American Genealogy. Albany, 1848, 4to. 46. 14 Holland, Josiah Gilbert. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, at Springfield, Mass., April 19, 1865. 3d edition. Spring- field, 1865. 8vo. 43. 14. 1 History of Western Massachusetts, Counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin and Berkshire. Springfield, 1855. 12mo. 8, 3 Sketch of. (Men of Progress, 1870. 8vo.) 44. 2 Holland, William M. Life and Political Opinions of Martin Van Buren. Hartford, 1835. 12mo. 43. 8 Holland. Address to the People of the iNTetherlands on the Situation of. By a Dutchman. (Anon.) London, 1782. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 16, l^o. ; 14.1 Andrews, John. Letters to the Count de Welderen, etc. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 13, :N^o. 3.) 14. 1 Brouerius Van ]S"idek, Matthews and Long, Izaak le Kabi- net Van Nederlandsche en Kleefsche Oadheden. Dor trecht, 1770-'71. 4to. 6 Vols. 52.12 Character of Holland. London, 1665. Folio. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 7, p. 321.) 40.3 Late Voyage to. Also, Remarks on the Manners, Customs, etc., of the People. Written by an English Gentleman Attending the Court of the King of Great Britian. (Har- • leian Misc., Vol. 9, p. 531.) 40. 3 Laveleye, Emile de. Land System of Belgium and Holland. (Probyn, J. W., Systems, etc., 1876, p. 197.) 35.2 814" MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Holland — (Continued). Meraoire Touchant le Code Primitif et Conventionnel des nations, a F occasion des diffefends Actuels entre la Re- publique et la Grande Bretagne. Groninque, 1780. 8vo. (Rev, War Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 6.) 14. 1 True Account of a Late Horrid Conspiracy to Betray Hol- land to the French. London, 1690. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 9, p. 445.) 40. 3 Historical. Andrews, John. Histpry of the War with, etc. 4 Vols. 42.6 Gurwood, John. Dispatches of !F. M., the Duke of Wel- lington, etc. 8 Vols. 42. 12 Motley, J. L. Hist. United Netherlands. 4 Vols. 42. 4 Same. Life of John Barneveld. 2 Vols. 42. 4 Same. The Rise of the Dutch Republic. 3 Vols. 42. 4 Language. See Dutch Dictionary. HoLLEY, Mrs. Mary Austin. Texas. Observations, Histori- cal, Geographical, and Descriptive. In a Series of Letters, Written during a visit to Austin's Colony, etc., in 1831. With an Appendix. Baltimore, 1833. 12mo. 15. 14 HoLLEY, Myron. Wright, Eliznr. Myron Holley, and What he Did, etc. 43. 3 HoLLiNSHEAD, WiLLiAM. Decisions of Supreme Court. (Min- nesota Legislature — Collated Statutes, 1853.) 8vo. 24. 3 Reports. See Minnesota Territory, Supreme Court. 24. 3 HoLLiNGSWORTH, S. The Present State of Nova Scotia; With a Brief Account of Canada and the British Islands, etc. 2d edit., enlarged. Edinburgh and London, 1787. 8vo. 20.2 HoLLis, N. H. Worcester, S. T. History of, 1673-1879. 7.3 HoLLis, Thomas. True Sentiments of America; Contained in a Collection of Letters, etc. London, 1768. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 1, ^o. 1.) 14. 1 HoLLiSTER, Gideon Hiram. History of Connecticut, to 1787. New Haven, 1855. 8vo. 2 Vols. 7. 5 Hollister, H. History of the Lackawanna Valley, Pa. 2d edition, entirely rewritten. N. Y., 1869. 8vo. 11. 4 Hollister, Ovando J. Mines of Colorado. Springfield, Mass., 1867. 12mo. 19. 9 The Resources and Attractions of Utah. Salt Lake City, 1882. 8vo. 19.10.3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 815 HoLLiSTER Family. Case, L. W. Descendants of Lieut. John Hollister, of Connecticut. Chicago, 111., 1886. 8vo. 47.10 HoLLOWAY, John N. History of Kansas. Lafayette, Ind., 1868. 8vo. 19. 7 HoLLOWAY, W. R. Indianapolis^ Historical and Statistical Sketch of the Railroad City. Indianapolis, 1870. 8vo. 18. 11 HoLMAN, William S. The Tariff. Speech, H. R., March 22, 1 870. Wash. , 1870. 8 vo. (Ramsey Pamph. , Vol. 38, Ko. 55.} 60. 2 Holmes, Abiel. American Annals, 1492-1806. Cambridge, printed. London, reprinted, 1808. 8vo. 2 Vols. 14. 10 Two Sermons, Preached at Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 25, 1829, the 37th Anniversary of the Author's Installation. Cam- bridge, 1829. 8vo. 56. 7. 5 Holmes, Ezekiel. Report upon an Agricultural Survey of the Aroostook, for 1838. n. t. p. 1839. 7. 8. 3 Holmes, John. Letter of Directions to his Father's Birthplace. With Notes, and a Genealogy, by D. W. Patterson. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. 47.3 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Address. (Boston Medical Li- brary Association. Dedication, etc.) 1881. Sm. 4to. 51. 4. 1 Same. Cambridge, 1879. 8vo. 51. 11. 5 Address, on Opening the Kew Building, etc., Oct. 17, 1883. (Harvard College Medical School, Addresses, etc., 1884.) 8vo. ' 8. 12 The Brave Old South. [Slip.] 8. 2. 6 Currents and Counter-Currents in Medical Science. Address before the Mass. Med. Soc, May 30, 1860. Boston, 18S0. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, ^o. 11.) 9. 2 Oration, at Boston, July 4, 1863. Phila., 1863. 8vo. 74. 7.4 Ralph Waldo Emerson. Memoir. London, 1885. 12mo. 45.9 Valedictory Address to the Graduates of Harvard Univer- sity, at Commencement, March 10, 1858. Boston, 1858. 8vo. (Harv. Coll. Addresses, No. 11.) 9. 2 Dead, yet Living. Address at Keene, N. H., Memorial Day, May 30, 1884. 12mo. 30. 4. 6 Holmes, Sidney T. Verdict of the People. Speech, H. R., Jan. 3, 1867. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 29, No. 53.) 60. 8 103 816 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Holmes, Wm. H. Ancient Pottery of the Mississippi Valley. (Proceedings Davenport Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. 4, p. 123.) 19. 13 Illustrated Catalogue of Portion of the Collections made by the Bureau of Ethnology during Season of 1881. (3d An- nual Eeport, Bureau of Ethnology.) Wash., 1884. 8vo. 50.7 Report on the Geology of the Yellowstone National Park. (12th Annual Report of U. S. Geol, Sur., Part 2.) Wash., 1882. 49. 11 Holmes Family. Holmes, John. Letter of Directions to his Father's Birthplace, etc. Notes and Genealogy by D. W. Patterson. 47. 3 Holt, Joseph (U. S. Judge- Adv. -Gen.). Fallacy of Neutrality. Address to the People of Kentucky, Louisville, July 13, 1861. Also, Letter to J. F. Speed. N. Y., 1861. Sq. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Letter upon the Policy of the General Government, etc. Wash., 186L 8vo. 30.4.3 Military Commission at Mobile. Case of T. C. A. Dexter. Review and Opinioii. N. Y., 1867. 8vo. 53. 11. 1 Same. (Dexter, Case of, 1867.) 8vo. 53. 11. 1 Opinion in the Case of Samuel S. Smoot, Contractor, n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 37, No. 19.) 60. 2 Reply to Montgomery Blair, Sept. 13, 1865. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 15, No. 48.) 60. 1 See Blair, M. Speeches. (RamseyPamph., Vol. 15. No. 47.) 60 1 Report of the Judge- Advocate-General on the "Order of American Knights," or "Sons of Liberty." A Western Conspiracy in Aid of the Southern Rebellion. Wash., 1864. 8vo. 30.4.1 Review by the Judge- Advocate- General of the Proceedings of a Court Martial in Washington, for the Trial of Fitz John Porter. Wash., 1863. 8vo. 30.9 Vindication of Judge- Adv. -Gen. Holt from Slanders of Traitors in the Interest of Jefferson Davis. 2d edit. Wash., 1866. 8vo. 30. 11. 4 Holt, O. H. Dakota; "Behold, I Show You a Delightsome Land." Chicago, 1885. 8vo. 19. 14. 5 Holt Family. Durrie, D. S. Genealogical History of the, etc. • Albany, 1864. 8vo. 47. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y. 817 Holt County, Mo. Illustrated Historical Atlas, 1877. St. Louis, 1877. 4to. 94. 21 HoLST, Dr. H. von. The Constitutional and Political History of the U. S. [Trans, from the German by J. J. Lalor and A. B. Mason.] 5 Vols. 1750-1856. Chicago, 1877-'85. 8vo. 16. 6 HoLTON, David Parsons, and Holton, Mrs. Francis K. For- ward.) Farewell Ancestral Memorial Genealogy. N. Y., 1879. 8vo. 47. 9 Winslow Memorial. Family Eecord of Winslows in Amer- ica. Kenelm Winslow. Vol. 1. K. Y., 1877. 8vo. .47. 7 HoLTON Library, Brighton, Mass. Eeport, 1868-'70. Bos- ton, 1868-' 70. 8vo. 8.4.5 Holy Land. See Palestine. HoLYOKE, Edward A, M.D. Peirson, A. L. Memoir of. 43. 13. H. 1 HoMANS, I. Smith, Jr. Merchants' and Bankers' Almanac for 1869. N. Y., 1869. 33.8 Home Cyclopedia. N. Y. and Cinn., 1855-'60. 8vo. and 12mo. 4 Vols. 34. 8 Homes, Henry A. Description and Analysis of the Collection of Unpublished Manuscripts of Eobert Morris. Albany, 1876. 8vo. 43. 13. M Letter, on the Correct Arms of the State of New York. (App. to ^. Y. State Commissioners, etc., Eeport 1881. 8vo.) 10.3.4 Notice of Peter Hasenclever, an Iron Manufacturer of 1764- '69. Albany, 1875. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 2 Homes Family. See Tappan, Mrs. Sarah. Memoir of. 46. 5 Homes of our Forefathers. See Whitefield, E. Drawings of Ancient Houses in New England. Reading, Mass., 1880. 7.14 Homes of the New World (1849-'50). Bremer, Fredrika. N. Y., 1853. 12mo, 2 Vols. 33. 10 Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine. Laurie, Joseph. N. Y., etc., 1850. 12mo. 51. 11 Homoeopathy. Minnesota Homoeopath. Vol. 1, No. 4, Jan., 1859. St. Paul, 1859. 8vo. 51. 11. 2 Shipman, G. E. Homoeopathia Worthy of Examination. Chicago, 1848. 12mo. 51. 4. 3 Watson, W. H. Addresses before the Homoeopathic Medi- cal Society of the State of New York, Feb. 9, 1869. Al- bany, 1869. 8vo. 51. 4. 2 818 MINNESOTA HI8T0BICAL SOCIETY. Hone, Wm. Every-Day Book, and Table Book. London, 1841. 8vo. 3 Vols. 74. 5 Year Book of Daily Eecreation and Information. London, 1850. 8vo. 74. 5 Ho!^OBA.BLE A-BTILLEBY Oo., BsQ. Se3 ArtiUsry Go. 40. 14 Hooker, Eeward W. Seroi m on the Catastrophe on the Ship Princeton, Bennington, Vt., March 17, 1844. Troy, K Y., 1844. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 1.) 53. 12 Hooker, Gen. Joseph. See De Peyster, J. W. Sketch of. 44. 2 Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. 44. 6 Lincoln, A. Letter to Gen. Hooker, 1863. 29. 1 Hooker, Thomas. Letter to Gov. Winthrop, 1638. Abstracts of Two Sermons, 1638-'39. (Conn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1.) ^ 7. 6 Hooper, James. Impartial History of the Eebellion and Civil 'Wars in England, during the Reign of Charles I. London, 1738. 93. 8 Hooper, Samuel. Laws Regulating the Amount of Specie in Banks. Boston, 1860. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 National Finances. Speech, H. of R., on the Loan Bill, Feb. 21, 1866. Wash., 1866. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 1.) 60. 1 Speech on the Treasury Note Bill, in the H. of R., Feb. 3, 1862. Wash., 1862. 8vo. 33. 7. 9 Goodrich, J. Z. Reply to Statement of Hooper. 60. 8 Lowell, J. A. Review of Mr. Hooper's Pamphlet. 33. 14. 1 Hooper, S. K. Rhymes of the Rockies; Scenery on the Denver & Rio Grande R. R. Chicago, n. d. 8vo. 17. 11. 1 Hooper, Wm. H. Speech in the U. S. H. of R., Feb. 25, 1869. [in Favor of the Mormons]. Wash., 1869. 8vo. 19. 10. 3 Utah Bill. Plea for Religious Liberty. Speech, H. of R., March 23, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 37, No. 12.) 60.2 Extension of Boundaries. Speech, H. of R., Feb. 25, 1869. Wash., 1869. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 37, No. 14.) 60. 2 HoosAo Tunnel. See Harris, D. L. Hoosac Tunnel, etc. 8. 1. 9 Massachusetts. Troy and Greenfield R. R. Report. 8. 1. 9 History, Description, etc. [Newspaper Cutting.] 8. 1. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 819 Hopkins, A. G. Early Protestant Missions among the Iroquois. [Lecture before the Oneida Hist. Soc, Jan. 12, 1886.] Coll., 1885-'86. 10.11.2 Hopkins. B. F. Life and Services of, by D. Atwood. (Wise. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. G.) 19. 11 Madison, Wis., Mut. Ins. Co. Proceedings on his Death. 1870. 43. 13. H. 1 Hopkins, Erastus. Speeches on the Bill to Incorporate the College of the Holy Cross, W^orcestef , in the Mass. H. of E., April 24-25, 1.S49. Northampton, Mass., 1849. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 1, ]!^o. 4.) 53. 12 Hopkins, G. M. Atlas of the Environs of St. Paul, including the whole of Ramsey Co., Minn. fo. Phila., 1886. 95. 11 Hopkins, J. G. The Northern Railroad in New York, with Remarks on the Western Trade. Boston, 1845. 8vo. 72. 14. 9 Hopkins, James H. Centennial Celebration of American Inde- pendence. Speech, H. of R., Jan. 18, 1876. Wash., 1876. 8vo. 52. 14. 7 Hopkins, John Henry, Bp. Scriptural, Ecclesiastical and Historical View of Slavery. N. Y., 1864. 30. 6 Bible View of Polygamy. [Satire.] Addressed to Bp. Hopkins, n. t. p. 8vo. 30.7.5 Bolles, J. R. Reply to Bp. Hopkins on Slavery. 30. 7. 6 Drisler, H. Reply to same. 30. 9 Goodwin, D. R. Reply to same. 30. 5 Howe, M. A. De W. Reply to Bp. Hopkins^ Letter, etc. 30. 4. 3 Order of Services at Translation of his Remains. 43. 13. H.l Review of Bp. Hopkins' Bible View of Slavery. 30. 7. 6 Hopkins, John H. Jr. The Faith and Order of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the TJ. S. N. Y. n. d. 12mo. 56. 5. 1 Hopkins, Johns. Report of the Finance Com. of the B. «&0. R. R. Co., in Opposition to the Payment to the State of Md. of a Capitation Tax upon Passengers. Bait., 1869. 8vo. 72. 7. 4 See Garrett, J. W. Address Jan. 30, 1883. 74. 7. 2 Hopkins, Johns, University. See Johns Hopkins' University. Hopkins, Mark. A Discourse Commemorative of Amos Law- rence, Delivered by Request of the Students, in the Chapel of Williams College, Feb. 21, 1853. Boston, 1853. Svo. 43. 13. L 820 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hopkins, Mark — (Continued). Faith, Philosophy and Eeason. Baccalaureate Sermon, at Wil- liamstown, Mass., Aug. 18, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 7, ISo. 1.) * 53. 12 Higher and Lower Good. Baccalaureate Sermon, at Wil- liamstown, Mass., Aug. 4, 1857. Boston, 1857. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 2.) ' 53. 12 Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity, before the Lowell Institute, Boston, Jan., 1844. Boston, 1846. 8vo. 56.11 Science and Religion. Sermon, Delivered in the 2d Pres. Church, Albany, Aug. 24, 1856. Albany, 1856. 8vo. 56. 7. 3 Sermon, Delivered at Pittsfield, Aug. 22, 1844, on the Occa- sion of the Berkshire Jubilee. [See Berkshire Co. Jubi- lee.] Albany, 1845. 8vo. 25.1 Sermon, Delivered before His Excellency, Edward Everett, Governor, etc. Mass. Election Sermon, Jan. 2, 1839. Boston, 1 39. 8vo. 56. 5. 4 Hopkins, Stephen. Grievances of the American Colonies Candidly Examined. Printed by Authority, Provi- dence, R. 1. London, 1766. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph , Vol. 19, No, 12.) 14.1 Historical Account of the Planting and Growth of Provi- dence, R. I. (R. L Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 7.) 8. 7 Rights of Colonies Examined. (K. I. Coll. Records, 1861. 8vo. Vol. 6.) ^.^ True Representation of the Plan Formed at Albany, 1754, for Uniting all the Northern Colonies. Pro v., 1880. 12mo. (R. I. Hist. Tracts, No. 9.) 8. 13 See Foster, W. E. Stephen Hopkins, a R. I. Statesman. 8. 13 HoPKiNSON, Francis. See Diiyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. 44.6 Hildeburn, C. R. Biogr. Sketch of. 43. 13. H. 1 Hopkinton, N. H. Philomathic Club. Origin, Plan, History and Resources. By Silas Ketchum. 7. 11. 1 Hopper, Thomas. The Utica Water Works. (Oneida Hist. Soc. Trans., 1885-'86.) 10. 11. 2 HoppiN, Wm. J. Eulogy on Gen. J. S. Wadsworth. (N. Y. CityCenturyAsso'n. Proceedings, 1865. 8vo. 43.7. W.l HoRETZKY, C. Some Startling Facts Relating to the Canadian Pacific Railway, and the Northwest Lands, etc. Ottawa, 1880. 8vo. 20. 5. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 821 Horn, Mrs. AutheDtic and Thrilling IN^arrative of the Cap- tivity of Mrs. Horn, and her Two Children, with Mrs. Harris, by tae Camanche Indians, and the Murder of their Husbands and Traveling Companions. Cinn., 1851. 8vo. 16. 4 Horn, Hose a B. History of Davis County, Iowa. (Annals of Iowa, October, 1804.) 19. 6 Biographical Sketch of. (Annals, etc., October, 1864.) 19.6 HoRNBLOWER, JOSEPH C. Address before the N. J. Historical Society, Jan. 21, 1847. (N. J. Hist. Soc. Proc, Vol. 2.) 10. 8. 2 Address on Life of, by E. S. Field. (N. J. Hist. Soc. Proc, Vol.10.) 10.8 HoRNBLOWER, Wm. H. Allegheny Theological Seminary, Pittsburg, Pa. Inauguration of, as Professor, etc., 1871. Pittsburg, 1872.. 8vo. 11.6.7 HoRNE, John. See Tooke, John Home. HoRNE, Richard H. Ess^y on. (Forman, H. B. Our Living Poets.) 43. 12 HoRNE, Thos. H. The Folly of Deism; or, Comnion Sense in being a Christian. Baltimore, 1842. 8vo. 56.7.6 Horner, Francis. See Horner, L., Editor. Memoirs and Cor- respondence. 43. 2 Horner, Leonard, Editor. Memoirs and Correspondence of Francis Horner, M. P. Boston, 1853. 8vo. 2 Vols. 43.2 Horner, Wm. E. Introductory Lecture to a Course of Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania, Nov. 7, '1831. Phila., 1831. 8vo. * 51.11.5. Horry, Gen. Peter, and Weems, M. L. Life of Gen. Francis Marion. Phila., 1831. 12mo. ♦ 44. 8 Horse, The. See Barden, R. Catalogue of Trotting Stock. 22. 14. 5 DePeyster, J. W. Stable Rules. 53. 6 Horticulture. See Campbell, J. W. Horticulture. 52.13 Earle, P. Address. Amer. Hort. Society, 1886. 72. 4. 2 Gibbs, O. The Garden in Literature. 72. 4. 2 Mississippi Valley Hort. Soc, 1883-^84-'85. 72. 3 Wilder, M. P. Addresses at American Pomological Soc. 72. 9. 4 See names of States for State Societies, etc. 822 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. HoRTON, Geo. F. Horton Genealogy. Chronicles of the De- scendants of Barnabas Horton, of Southold, L. I., 1640. Phila., 1876. 8vo. 47. 3 Horton, J. H., and Teverbaugif, Sol. History of the Eleventh * Eegiment, O. Vol. Inf. Dayton, O., 1866. 8vo. 29. 5 Horton Family. See Horton, C. F. Horton Genealogy. 47. 3 HoRWOOD, Alfred J. (Editor and Translator.) Year Books of the Reign of Edward I. See Year Books.' 40. 12 HoSACK, David. Biographical Memoir of Hugh Williamson. (K Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1821.) 10.4 Annual Address before the N. Y. Hist. Soc, February, 1820. (K Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1821.) 10. 4 HosKYNS, C. Wren. Land Laws of England. (Probyn, J. W., Systems of Land Tenure.) 35. 2 HosMER, Geo. L. Historical Sketch of the Town of Deer Isl- and, Me., with Notices of its Settlers and Early Inhabi- tants. Boston, 1886. 8vo. . 7. 9 HosMER, James B. Genealogy of the Hosmer Family. Hart- ford, 1861. 8vo. 25. 7. 8 HosMEB Family. See Hosmer, J. B. Genealogy of. 25. 7. 8 Hospital Life. (Armyof the Potomac.) See Reed, W.[H. 30.9 Hospitals. See Derby, Geo. Hospitals, etc. 8. 5 Baudens, J. B. L. Military and Camp Hospitals. 30. 9 Woodworth, J. M. Hospitals. Construction, etc. 60. 10 Hotchkin, James H. History of the Purchase and Settlement of Western I^ew York, and of the Else and Progress and Present State of the Presbyterian Church in that Section. K Y., 1848. 8vo. 10. 9 HoTCHKiss, Frederick W. Sermon at the Installation of Pythagoras Lodge of Freemasons, in Lynn, Conn. New London, 1800. 8vo. 52. 2. 1 HoTCHKiss, Jedidiah, AMD ALLAN, Wm. Battlefields of Vir- ginia. Chancellorsville. N. Y. and London, 1867. 8vo. 30.6 Hot Springs, or Geysers. See Peale, A. C. Thermal Springs of the Yellowstone National Park. 49. 4. 1 Hotten, John Camden. Original Lists of Persons who Went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600- 1700. K Y., 1874. 4to. 46. 12 Hottinger, Johann Jacob. Life and Times of Ulric Zwingli. Trans, from the German, by T. C. Porter. Harrisburg, 1856. 12mo. 43. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 823 Hough, Franklin B. Address on Forestry, Delivered before the Legislature of Minnesota, Feb. 4, 1883. (Newspaper Cutting— Mounted.) 8vo. 49. 10. 1 American Biographical Notes, Notices of Persons not In- cluded in Allen's or in Drake's Dictionary. Albany, 1875. 8vo. 43.5 Biographical Notice of Sylvester W. Willard, Surgeon Gen- eral of New York. Albany, 1866. 8vo. 43. 7. W. 2 Catalogue of Plants of Lewis County, N. Y. n. t. p. 8vo. 49. 5. 5 Circular Issued to Presidents of Colleges, etc.. Asking for Historical Data, for a Sketch of the Same. n. t. p. 4to. 56. 9. 5 Communication to the Census Committee of the U. S. Senate and H. of R. on the Best Method of Taking the Ninth Decennial Census of the U. S. n. t. p. 8vo. 37. 10. 2 Cultivation of Timber and the Preservation of Forests. Report to the H. of R., March 17, 1874. (H. Rep., No. 259.) Wash. 8vo. 49.10.1 Duty of Governments in the Preservation of Forests. Salem, 1873. 8vo. 49. 10 Elements of Forestry, Designed to Afford Information Con- cerning the Planting and Care of Forest Trees, etc. Cinn., 1882. 8vo. 49.10 Essay on the Climate of New York. Albany, 1857. 8vo. 10. 11. 3 Historical Sketches of Universities and Colleges of the U. S. Wash., 18b3. 56.8.4 History, Geology and Topography of Lewis County, N. Y. (Broadside.) 10. 11. 3 History of Jefferson County, N. Y. Albany, etc., 1854. 8vo. 10. 5 History of Duryee's Brigade during the Campaign in Va., etc., 1862. Albany, 1864. 8vo. 29.2 History of Lewis Co. N. Y. Albany, 1860. 8vo. 10. 3 History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties, N. Y. Al- bany, 1853. 8vo. 10. 5 (Editor.) Journal of Maj. Robert Rogers; Containing an Ac- count of the Several Excursions he made, etc. Albany, 1883. 8vo. 14. 10 New York Convention Manual. Albany, 1867. 2 Vols. 8vo. 10. 10 104 824 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hough, Franklin B.— (Continued). (Editor.) The l^orthern Invasion of October, 1780. A Series of Papers Eelating to the Expeditions from Canada, under Sir John Johnson and others, against the Frontiers of New York, etc. [Bradford Club Series, :sro, 6.] X. Y., 1866. 8vo. 16. 13 Pemaquid, in its Eelations to our Colonial History. Ad- dress at Fort Popham, Aug., 1874, at the 270th Anni- versary of the Popham Colony. No impr. 8vo. 7.8.3 On the Principles of Statistics as Applied to the Census. [From the Proceedings of the Am. Assn. for Adv. Sci.] n.t.p. 8vo. 57.10.2 Papers Concerning the Attack on Hatfield and Deerfield by a Party of Indians from Canada, Sept. 19, 1697. [Brad- ford Club Series, No. 1.] N. Y., 1859. 8vo. 9. 6 Prize Essay on Medical and Vital Statistics. Albany, 1867. 8vo. 51. 11. 2 Eeports upon Forestry. Vols. 1-3. Wash., 1878-^82. 8vo.' 49. 10 Thousand Islands of the St. Lawrence. Descriptions of their Scenery, etc. Syracuse, N. Y., 1880. • 16 mo. 10. 3 Memoir of Dr. Hough. (Newspaper Cuttings. Mounted.) 8vo. 43. 13. H. 2 Hough, G. W. Eemarks on the Galvanic Battery. Eead be- fore the Albany Institute, Nov., 1868. Albany, 1869. 8vo. 51. 3. 1 Houghton, Eev. D. C. A Discourse Delivered on Occasion of Thanksgiving at Honeoye Falls, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1843. Eochester, 1844. 8vo. 56. 7. 2 Houghton, Geo. F. Controversey of the New Hampshire Giants; with Sketch of Seth Warner. Address in Mont- pelier. Oct. 20, 1848. Burlington, 1849 8vo. 7. 9. 2 Houghton, Jacob. Ancient Copper Mines of Lake Superior. (Swineford, A. P. History, etc.) 19.3 Houltoi^, Me. See Gilman, Geo. H. History of. 7. 8. 3 Housatonic Eailroad Co. Annual Eeport, 1870. Bridge- port, Conn. 8vo. 72. 14. 5 House of Commons, British. See Great Britain, Parliament, etc. Houses. American Architect and Building News. Boston, 1876-' 86. 51, 7 Bailey, C. Timber Houses of Middle Ages. 35. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 825 Houses — (Continued). Mernsee, J. E. Construction, etc., of Dwellings in Vienna. 52.6 New Haven Colony, Ancient Houses in. 7. 6 See also Architecture, Cottages, Ventilation, etc. Houston, Samuel. Life of Sam Houston, the Hunter, Patriot, Statesman of Texas. {Anon.) Phila., 1860. 8vo. 44. 1 Houston, Sam'l R. Brief Biographical Accounts of Many Members of the Houston Family, accompanied by a Gen- ealogical table. Cinn., 1882. 12mo. 47.3 Houston, Thomas. The Faithful Minister a '* Burning and Shining Light." Discourse in Loanhead, Scotland, July 8, 1866, on til e Death of Rev. Wm. Anderson. Paisley, Scotland, 1867. 8vo. , 43. 6. A Houston Family. See Houston, S. R. Brief Biographical, etc. 47.3 Houston Co., Minn. Advantages and Resources. Hokah, Minn., 1858. 16mo. * 22.12.5 History of Houston Co., Minn. Minneapolis, 1882. 4to. 22. 7 Warner, G. E and Foote, C. M. Plat Book of Houston Co. Phila., 1878. 8vo. 95. 14 HovEDEN, Roger de. Chronica Magistri Rogeri de Hovedene. Ed. by Wm. Stubbs. London, 1868. 8vo. 2 Vols. 40. 5 HovEY, Alvah. Religion and the State. Boston, 1874. 8vo. 57. 3 HovEY, Horace C. Oyster Farming in Connecticut, n. t. p. 8vo. 49. 5. 5 See Williams, E. F. Installation Sermon on. 22. 11. 8 How, David. Diary of a Private of Massachusetts, in the Army of the American Revolution. From the Original MS. Biog. Sketch by G. W. Chase and ^N^otes by H. B. Dawson. Morrisania, 1 865. 8vo. 14. 3 Howard, Benj. C. Report of the Decision of the Supreme Court in the Case of Dred. Scott, Dec, 1856. K Y., 1857. 8vo. 30. 5 Howard, Charles. Embassy from Charles II. to Muscovy, Sweden and Denmark, 1663, 1664. (Harris, John, Navi- gantium. Vol. 2.) 94. 10 Howard, Frank K. Fourteen Months in American Bastiles. Baltimore, 1863. 8vo. 30. 11. 4 Howard, Jacob M. Military Interference with Elections. Speech in the U. S. Senate., March 23 and 24, 1864. n.t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 2 826 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Howard, Jacob M. — (Continued). San Jnan Island. Speech in Executive Session, TJ. S. Sen- ate, April 16, 1869. Wash., 1870. 8vo. 52. 3. 1 Speech on the Confiscation of Property. In the Senate of the U. S., April 18, 1862. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Transcontinental, Memphis & El Paso Eailroad. Speech, Senate, U. S., June 22 and 23, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamph.,Yol. 39, No. 18.) 60.2 Howard, Joseph Jackson. Miscellanea Genealogica et Her- aldica. London, 1868-' 74. 8vo. 2 Vols. 46.14 Same. New series, 1874-'84. 5 Vols. 8vo. 46. 14 Same. Second series, 1886. 1 Vol. 46. 14 And Armytage, G. J. (Editors). Visitation of London in the Year 1568. Taken by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux King of Arms. London, 1869. 8vo. (Harleian Soc. Pub., No. 1.) 46. 14 And Chester, J. L. (Editors). The Visitation of London, A. D. 1633, 1634 and 1.635, made by Sir Henry St. George, Knt., Eichmond Herald, etc. 2 Vols. London, 1880. 8vo. (Harleian Soc. Publ., Vol. 15.) 25. 12 Howard, Oliver Otis. The Indians. Account of Gen. O. O. Howard's Mission to the Apaches and Navajoes, 1872. 8vo. 15.11.4 Oration at the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Monument in thfe Soldiers' National Cemetery, at Gettysburg, July 4, 1865. Gettysburg, 1865. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 18.) 60.1 Statement before the Committee on Education and Labor, in Defense against the Charges Presented by Fernando Wood; and Argument by Edgar Ketchum, of Counsel for Gen. Howard. N. Y., 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 9, No. 12.) 60. 1 Gen. Howard and the Freedmen's Bureau. Eemarks by G. F. Hoar, and Others, n. t. p. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 31.) 60. 8 Hamilton, C. M. Charges against Gen. O. O. Howard. 60. 8 Howard, E. H., and Crocker, Henry E. (Editors). History of New England, containing Historical and Descriptive Sketches, 1620-1880. Boston, 1881. 4to. 2 Vols. 7. 7 Howard, Simeon. Sermon, in Boston, May 31, 1780. Being the Anniversary for the Election. Boston, N. E., 17^0. > (Pulpit of the American Eevolution, 1860. p. 355.) 14.8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 827 Howard, Thomas (4th Duke of Norfolk). Arraignment of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk (1572). (Harleian Misc., Vol. 9.) 40. 3 Howard, W, D. God^s Goodness and Our Ingratitude. A Dis- course delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, Pitts- burg, Aug. 3, 1849, the Day appointed by the President as a Day of Fasting on account of the Prevalence of the Cholera. Pittsburg, 1849. 8vo. ' 56. 7. 5 Howard County, Mo. History of Howard and Cooper Coun- ties, Missouri. St. Louis, 1883. 8vo. 83. 15 Howard University, D. C. Catalogue, 1869. Washington, D. C, 1870. 8vo. 11. 8. 2 Howe, Daniel White. The Laws and Courts of Northwest and Indian Territories. [Indiana Historical Society, Pamphlets, No. 1.] Indiana^)olis, 1886. 8vo. 18. 11. 3 Howe, Elias, Jr. Life of. (See McCabe, J. D. Great For- tunes.) 43. 12 Howe, Henry. Historical Collections of New Jersey. See Barber, J. W. 10. 8 Historical Collections of Ohio. Cinn., 1848. 18. 1 Historical Collection of Virginia. Charleston, S. C, 1832. 8vo. 15. 5 Historical Collections of the Great West. Cinn., 1854. 8vo. 19.2 Times of the Eebellion in the West. Miscellaneous. Cinn., 1867. 8vo. 30. 9 Howe, Henry M. Copper Smelting. [U. S. Geol. Surv. Bul- letin No. 26.] Wash., 1885. 8vo. 49.11. 1 Howe, Julia Ward. Margaret Fuller, Marchesa Ossoli. Lon- don, 1883. 12mo. 45. 9 Howe, Eev. M. A. De Wolfe. Our Public Blessings and Social Dangers. A Discourse delivered in St. Luke's Church, Philadelphia, Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 18, 1858. Phila., 1858. 8vo. 56. 7. 2 Eeply to the Letter of Bishop Hopkins, Addressed to Dr. Howe, in ^^The Age," Dec. 8, 1863. Phila., 1864. 8vo. 30. 4. 3 Howe, Rev. Reginald H. Special Matters of Parochial Inter- est. A Sermon preached in the Church of Our Savior, Longwood, Mass., Nov. 19, 1882. Boston, n. d. 8vo. 56. 7. 4 828 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Howe, Eichard, Earl. Candid and Impartial IsTarrative of the Transactions of the Fleet, under Lord Howe. By an Officer then Serving in the Fleet. London, 1779. 8vo. (Eev. WarPamph., Vol. 35, ^o, 5.) 14. 8 See Galloway, J. Letters to, on his Conduct in the Ameri- can War. 14. 1 Mauduit, Israel. Three Letters to Lord Howe. 14. 1 Howe, Samuel See Ellis, E. Memoir of Howe. 43. 13. H. 2 Howe, Samuel G. Appeal to the People of the United States to Eelieve the Island of Crete. Boston, 1867. 8vo. 52. 10. 2 Cretan Eefugees and their American Helpers. Boston, 1868. 4to. 52. 10. 2 Letter on the Sanitary Condition of Troops near Boston to the Governor of Massachusetts. Wash., 1861. 8vo. 30. 11. 6 Howe, Timothy O. Authority of the JSTation Supreme; that of the States Subordinate and Conditional. Speech, Senate U.S., Jan. 10, 1866. Wash., 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 12, ^o. 8.) 60. 1 The Currency. Eesumption, with Contraction. Speech, Senate U. S., Jan. 24, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 39, No. 23.) 60. 2 Laws of IlTeutrality. Speech, Senate U. S., Feb. 2, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 39, No. 50.) 60. 2 A National University, the First Step in Civil Service Ee- form. Speech delivered in the Senate of the U. S., March 8, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. 57. 4. 3 Howe, Sir William. See Dallas, E. Considerations upon the American Inquiry. 14.1 Galloway, Joseph. Eeply to Observations of, etc. 14. 1 Narrative of, in a Committee of the House of Commons, on the 29th Day of April, 1779, Eelative to his Conduct dur- ing his Late Command of the King's Troops in North America, etc. 2d edit. London, 1780. 4to. 16. 14 Two Letters from Agricola to Sir William Howe. London, 1779. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 18, No. 2.) 14. 1 Howe Family. See Nason, Elias. Howe Family Gathering. 47.3 Howell, Andrew (Editor). The General Statutes of Michigan. 2 Vols. Chicago, 1882. 8vo. 85. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 829 Howell, Geo. E. Biographical Sketch of Joel Munsell. Ap- pended, Geneah)gy of the Munsell Family, by Frank Mun- sell. Boston, 1880. Svo. 43. 13. M Early History of Southampton, L. I. ; with Genealogies. N. Y., 1866. 12mo. 16. 14 Partial Genealogy of the Descendants of Samuel Parsons, of East Hampton, L. I. (1650). Albany, 1879. 8vo. 25. 14. 3 Howell, Geo. R., and Tenney, J. Bi-Centennial History of Albany, K. Y. History of the County of Albany, N. Y., from 1609 to 1886, etc. N. Y., 1886. 4to. 94. 3 History of the County of Schenectady, N. Y., from 1662 to 1886. I^. Y., 1886. 4to. (Bound with History of Albany Co.) 94.' 3 Howell, James. England's Tears, for the Present Wars. Lon- don, 1644. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 5.) 40. 3 Vindication of Himself from the Charge of Being no Friend to Parliaments. London, 1677. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 8.) 40.3 Howell, James B. Railroad Grants and Land Monopolies. Speech, Senate of the U. S.. March 1, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 38, No. 30.) 60. 2 HowaATE, Henry W. Congress and the North Pole. Abstract of Arctic Legislation in the Congress of the U. S., 1849- '78. Kansas City, 1879. 8vo. 20.14.5 Polar Colonization. Memorial to Congress, and Action of Scientific and Commercial Associations. No impr. 1878? 8vo. 20. 14. 5 HowiTT, Mary. Popular History of the U. S. 2 Vols. Lon- don, 1859. 8vo. 16. 11 HowiTT, William. Land, Labor and Goldj Two Years in Vic- toria; with Visits to Sidney and Van Dieman's Land, 1852- '54. Boston, 1855. 12mo. 2 Vols. 20.7 HowLAND, John. See Hall, E. B. Discourse on John Howland, President of the Rhode Island Historical Society. 8vo. 8.13 Hall, E. B. Discourse. On the Life and Character of. 43. 13. H. 1 Stone, E. M. His Life and Character. 44. 1 HoWLAND, Franklyn. A Brief Genealogical and Biographical History of Arthur, Henry, and John Howland, and their Descendants, of the U. S. and Canada, etc. New Bedford, Mass., 1885. 8vo. 47. 10 830 3IINNES0TA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. HowLAND, Joseph A. The A^mistad Captives. (Worcester Soc. of Ant. Proc, 1886, p. 61.) 9.10 Rowland Family. Howland, F. Genealogical History. 47. 10 HoWLETT, John E. Manual of the General Assembly of Illinois. Lanark, 1869. l2mo. 18.5 HowsE, Joseph. Grammar of the Cree Language; with which is combined an Analysis of the Chippewa Dialect. Lon- don, 1844. 8vo. 15. 2 Hoy, H. p. Catalogue of Wisconsin Lepidoptera, and Cold- blooded Vertebrates. Geology of Wisconsin, Vol. 1. 51. 3 Hoyne, Thomas. Biographical Memoir of George Manierre, delivered before the Chicago Historical Society, 16th April, 1878. Chicago, 1878. 8vo. 44. 7 (Editor). Breese, Sidney. Early History of Illinois. 17. 10 , Memorial Addresses on. (Chicago Historical Society.) Chi- cago, 1884. 8vo. 43. 6 HoYT, Albert H. Brief History of the New England Histor- ical and Genealogical Eegister. Boston, 1876. 8vo. 8. 5. 4 HoYT, David W. Genealogical History of the Hoyt, Haight, and Hight Families; With some Account of the Earlier Hyatt Families. Providence, etc., 1871. 8vo. 47. 3 Eecord of the Hoyt Family Meeting at Stamford, Conn., June 20-21, 1866. Boston, 1866. 8vo. 47. 3 Hoyt, Edmund S. Maine State Year Book, 1876. Portland, 1876. 8vo. 7. 8 Hoyt, Elihu. Brief Sketch of the First Settlement of Deerfield, Mass., together with a Few of the Events which Took Place there in Early Times. Greenfield, 1833. 16mo. 25.9 Hoyt, Henry M. Brief of a Title in the 17 Townships, in the County of Luzerne. A Syllabus of the Controversy be- tween Connecticut and Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, 1879. 8vo. 11. 5. 6 Hoyt, J. K., and Ward, Anna L. Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations, English and Latin. N. Y., 1882. 8vo. 34. 3 Hoyt, James. The Mountain Society. History of the First Presbyterian Church, Orange, N. J. N. Y., 1860. 12mo. 10. 1 Hoyt, John Wesley. Address on University Progress, deliv- ered before the :N"ational Teachers' Association, at Tren- ton, :N'. J., Aug. 20, 1869. N. Y., 1870. 56. 9.3 • CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 831 HoYT, John Wesley — (Continued). A National University; Review of the Paper read before the Higher Department of the National Educational Associa- tion, at Elmira, K Y., Aug. 5, 1873, by Dr. C. W. Eliot. Madison, n. d. 8vo. 56 9. 2 Eeport on Education. Wash., 1876. 8vo. (Vienna Exhib., 1873, Vol. 2.) 52. 6 HoYT, Joseph G. Address, on the Relation of Culture and Knowledge in a University Education, at his Inaugura- tion as Chancellor of Washington University, Saint Louis, Oct. 4, 1859. St. Louis, 1859. 18. 7. 2 HoYT Fi^MiLY. See Hoyt, D. W. Genealogy, etc. 47. 3 Same. Hoyt Family Meeting. 47. 3 Hubbard, Bela. Memorials of a Half Century. K. Y., 1887. 8vo. 17. 12 Hubbard, B. F. Forests and Clearings: The History of Stan- stead County, Province of Quebec. With Sketches of more than 500 Families. Revised by John Lawrence. Montreal, 1874. 8vo. 20. 2 Hubbard, Edwin. The Towne Family Memorial. Chicago, 1880. 8vo. ^ 47.13 Hubbard, Gardiner G. Postal Telegraph. Memorial to Con- gress. Boston, Jan. 18, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph.,Vol. 34, :N^o. 11.) 60.2 Memorial to the Senate of the U. S., in Relation to the Postal Telegraph, 1873. n. t. p. 8vo. 57. 4. 7 The Postal Telegraph, the Only Means by which the Tele- graph can be Made the Ordinary Method of Communica- tion. An Address, etc. Boston, 1861). 8vo. 57. 4. 7 Union of the Post-Office and Telegraph. Letter to the Post- master General, on the European and American Systems of Telegraph, with Remedy for the Present High Rates. Boston, 1868. 8vo. 57. 4. 7 Hubbard, John. New Haven County Association. Letter to . the Elders who Assisted in the Ordination of Mr. Hub- bard, at Meriden, June 22, 1769. Annexed, Remarks on the Confession of Faith and Examination of the said Mr. Hubbard. New Haven, n. d. 8vo. 7. 12. 5 Hubbard, J. Niles. An Account of Sagoyewatha, or Red Jacket, and his People, 1750-1830. Albany, 1886. 8v6. 15. 4 105 832 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hubbard, Joseph S. Eulogy of, by B. A. Gould. (Nat. Acad, of Sci. Annual, 1863-'64. Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 21, No. 25.) 60. 8 Hubbard, R. B. Oration of the Governor of Texas, at Phila- delphia, at the U. S. Centennial Exposition, Sept. 11, 1876. No imprint. 8vo. 15. 14. 2 Hubbard, Russell. See Smith, Elbridge. Address Commem- orative of. 43. 13. H. 2 Hubbard, Wm. General History of New England, to 1680. (Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., 2d Ser., Vols. 5, 6.) 9. 11 History of the Indian Wars in New England, from the First Settlement to the Termination of the War with King Philip, in 1677. Edited by S. G. Drake. Roxbury, Mass., 1865. 4to. 15.4 Narrative of the Discovery and Planting of the Massachusetts. (See Young, Alex. Chronicles, etc.) 1846. 8vo. 9.12 HUBBELL, Herbert P. Examination of G. H. Carpenter's Theory in Regard to Evolution. (Wise. Acad. Sci. Trans., Vol. 3.) 19.12.1 HuBBELL, Walter. History of the Hubbell Family, contain- ing a Genealogical Record, etc. N. Y., 1881. 8vo. 47. 3 Hubbell, Wm. W. Views and Opinions of the Philadelphia Bar, on the Legal Tender Act of Congress, of 1862. Phila., 1870. 8v,o. (Ramsey Pamph.. Vol. 38, No. 44.) 60.2 Way to Secure Peace and Establish Unity as One Nation. Phila., 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 3 Hubbell Family. See Hubbell, Walter. History of. 47. 3 Hudson, A. G. Review of aSermon on the Immortality of the Soul, preached by W. B. Dada, in Lake City, April 18, 3869. Lake City, 1869. 8vo. 56.7.2 Hudson, Charles. History of Lexington, Middlesex County, Mass., to 1868; With a Genealogical Register of Lexing- ton Families. Boston, 1868. 8vo. 9. 12 History of Marlborough, Middlesex County, Mass., 1657- 1861. With a Genealpgy of Families, to 1800. Boston, 1862. 8vo. 9. 12 Sketch of, by Henry M. Smith. (Wore. Soc. of Antiq. Proc, 1881.) 9. 10. 12 Speech on the Cost of the War, and the Finances of the Country, delivered in the House of Representatives, Feb. 15, 1848. Wash., 1848. 8vo. (Mexican War Pamph., No. 27.) 16. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 833 Hudson, Frederick. Journalism in the U. S., from 1690 to 1872. N. Y., 1873. 8vo. 33.10 Hudson. Henry. Voyages and Discoveries toward the North Pole. (Harris, John. Navigantiura, etc.. Vol. 1.) 94. 10 Voyages, 1607-1610. (K Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1809.) 10.4 Eead, J. M., Jr. Historical Inquiry Concerning. 44.9 Hudson, Henry N. Chaplain's Campaign with Gen. Butler. K Y., 1865. 8vo. 30. 9 General Butler's Campaign on the Hudson. Boston, 18^3. 8vo. 30. 4. 8 Hudson, J. C. Letter to Mistresses of Families, on the Cruelty of Employing Children in Sweeping Chimneys. London, 1822. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 22.) 53. 12 Hudson, William. See Hill, Alonzo. Burial Sermon on. 43.13. H.l Hudson, 1^. Y. See Miller, S. B. Historical Sketches. 10. 10 Hudson, O. Proceedings of the 56th Anniversary of the Settle- ment, June 18, 1856. Hudson, O., 1856. 8vo. IS. 3. 1 Hudson, Wis. See Hall, T. D. Hudson and its Tributary Ee- gion. 19. 11 Hudson County, N. J. See Shaw, Wm. A. History of Essex and Hudson Counties, K J. 2 Vols. Phila., 1884. 4to. 16.14 Winfield, C. H. History of. 10. 5 Same. History of Land Titles in. 16. 14 Hudson River. Traveller's Guide to. KY.,1857. 8vo. 10.11.3 Hudson's Bay Company. See Bancroft, H. H. History of Pacific States, Vol. 22. 25. 12 Bell, C. ^. Our Northern Waters. 20. 5. 5 Coats, Capt. W. Geography of Hudson's Bay. 20. 11 Copy of Charter, or Grant, to the Company. 20. 5. 4 Correspondence and Documents Relating to. 20. 11 Delessert, E. Les Indiens de la, etc, 20. 11 Documents Relative to the Hudson's Bay Co. 20. 6 Dodds, James. The H. B. Co., its Position, etc. 20.5.3 Gordon, A. R. Hudson's Bay Expedition, 1884. 20. 5. 5 Gray, W. H. History of Oregon. 20. 6 Great Britain. Report of Committee to Parliament. 20. 12 History and Organization of the. 20. 5. 2 McGillivray, S. Narrative of Occurrences, 1817. 20. 3 Martin, R. M. Hudson's Bay Territories, etc. 20. 4 Middleton, C. Effects of Cold, etc. 20. 4 Observations (Meteorological). 20. 4 «34 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hudson's Bay Company — (Continued). Notices on the Claims of. 20. 4 Eae, Dr. John. Hudson's Bay Eoute, etc. 20. 5. 2 Eeport in Regard to the IS'avigation of. 20. 5. 2 State of the Countries and Trade of North America. Lon- don, 1749. 8vo. 20. 2 Simpson, Thos. Narrative of Discoveries on N. W. Coast. 20. 3 Smithsonian Institution. Circular to Officers, etc. 49. 2 Victor, Mrs. F. F. Account of Hudson's Bay, etc. 19. 2 Hudson's Bay Territory. See Anderson, D. Net in the Bay. 20.4 Ballantyne, R. M. Hudson's Bay, Everyday Life. 20. 4 Belcourt, G. A. Department of Hudson's Bay. 22. 10 Bell, Robert. Mineral Resources of. 20. 5. 1 Carnegie, James. Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains. 20. 5 Chappell, E. Voyage to Hudson's Bay. 20. 4 Dobbs, Arthur. Countries Adjoining Hudson's Bay. 20. 14 Ellis, Henry. Voyage to Hudson's Bay. 20.5 Jacobs, Peter. Journey from Rice Lake to the, etc. 20. 11 Kingston, W. H. G. Snow Shoes and Canoes. 20. 4 McLean, John. Notes of Twenty-five Years' Service. 20. 11 Rawlings, Thomas. Government, Physical Features, etc. 20.5 Same. What Shall we do with the, etc. 20. 5. 3 Robinson, H. M. Great Fur Land. 20. 4 Robson, Joseph. Six Years Residence in. 20. 4 Ryerson, J. Missionary Tour in the Territory of, etc. 20. 4 XJmfreville, E. Present State of Hudson's Bay. 20.4 Hudson's Straits. Articles of Agreement for Carrying on an Expedition by Hudson's Straits, for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage, etc. London, 1745. 8vo. (Brit. Am. Pamph., No. 4.) 20. 2 Reasons to Show that there is a Great Probability of a Nav- igable Passage to the Western American Ocean Through Hudson's Straits and Chesterfield Inlet. {Anon.) Lond., 1749. 8vo. (Brit. Amer. Pamph., No. 3.) 20. 2 Short Narrative and Justification of the Proceedings of the Committee Appointed by the Adventurers to Prosecute the Discovery of the Passage to the Western Ocean of America; and to Open and Extend the Trade and Settle the Countries bejond Hudson's Bay. {Anon.) London, 1749. 8vo. (Brit. Amer. Pamph., No. 1.) 20. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 835- HuGGiNS, Eliza W.,a^d Williamson, Nancy J. (Translators.) Dakota Text Book. [Verse of Scripture for each Day in the Yeir.] N. Y., n. d. 32mo. 22. 1 Hughes, James. Baker-Ciimback Correspondence. Speech in the Indiana Senate, Jan. 15, 1869. Indianapolis, 1869. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 22, No. 21.) 60. 8 Hughes, John. (Archbishop.) The Catholic Chapter in the History of the United States. A Lecture Delivered in Metropolitan Hall, before the Catholic Institute, March 8,1852. N. Y.,1852. 8vo. 56.12.8 Decline of Protestantism, and its Cause. Lecture in Phila- delphia. N. Y., 1850. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 18, No. 11.) 53. 6 Berg, J. F. Answer to Abp. Hughes. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 18, No. 12.) 53. 6 Sketch of Abp. Hughes, Life and Labors. Boston, 1864. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 2 Hughes, John T. California, its History, Population, Climate, Soil, Productions and Harbors. An Account of the Eev- olution in California, and Conquest of the Country by the U. S-. in 1846-'47. Cinn., 1848. 8vo. 17. 2 Doniphan's Expedition. Containing an Account of the Conquest of New Mexico; Gen. Kearney's Overland Ex- pedition to California; Doniphan's Campaign against the Navajoes; his Unparalleled March upon Chihuahua and Durango, etc., with a Sketch of his Life. Cinn., 1850. 12mo. 16.- 10 Hughes, Egbert W. Political Situation in Virginia, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 2j.) 60. 1 Hughes, Thomas S. Address to the People of England, in the Cause of the Greeks. London, 1822. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 21.) 53.5 Considerations on the Greek Eevolution. London, 1822. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 22.) 53. 12 History of England from the Accession of George III., 1760, to the Accession of Queen Victoria, 1837. London, 1846. 8vo. 35. 3 Letter to Godfrey Higgins on the ^' Horse Sabbaticse." Lon- don, 1826. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 27.) 53. 12 Eemarks on an ''Essay on the Eternity of the World, '^ by a Skeptic. London, 1826. (Pamphleteer, Vol 26.) 53. 12 836 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Hugo, Leopold. Astronomie Geometrique. Paris, 1876. 8vo. 51. 3. 1 Huguenots, The. See Holmes, A. The Eeforraation in FraDce. (In his Historical Collections. Vol. 1, p. 9.) N. Y., 1877. 8vo. 8. 9 Brock, E. A. Documents Eelating to the Huguenot Emi- gration to Virginia. 15. 5 Demarest, D. D. Huguenots in Hackensack. 10. 2. 7 French Protestants of Abbeville District, 1761-'65. (So. Car. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 2.) 15. 6 Gammell, Wm. The Huguenots and the Edict of Nantes. 8. 7.7 Fontaine, James de la. Memoirs of a Huguenot Family. 46. 8 Lee, Hannah F. The Huguenots in France and America. 33. 5 Marteilhe, J. The Huguenot Galley Slave. 32. 4 Parkman, F. Huguenots in Florida. 20. 10 Smiles, Samuel. The Huguenots in England, etc. 33. 5 Waldron, W. W. The Huguenots of Westchester, etc., N. Y. • 10. 9 White, Henry. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. 33. 5 HuLBERT, Ee:v. Calvin B. God not Altogether Like Ourselves. A Baccalaureate Discourse, delivered at Middlebury Col- lege, July 16, 1876. Middlebury, 1876. 8vo. 56. 7. 1 HuLBERT, Henry W. English Eural Schools. [Circular of Information, Bureau of Education, No. 5, 1880.] Wash., 1880. 8vo. 56. 9. 8 HuLL^ Aaron W. See Blain, W. J. Sermon at his Funeral. 43. 13. H. 1 Hull, Araetius B. The Providence of God; a Sermon, deliv- ered to the First Church in Worcester, etc. [With a Memoir of the Author.] See Smalley, E. ''The Wor- cester Pulpit," etc., p. 198. Boston, 1851. 12mo. 25.1 Hull, John. Diaries [1624-1682] From the Original Manu- script. With Memoir. Boston, 1857. (Amer. Ant. Soc. Trans., Vol. 3.) 9. 10 Hull, Moses. That Terrible Question. [Free love.] Boston, 187B. 8vo. 57. 4. 1 Hull, Oliver. Book of the Hulls; being a Genealogy of the Hull Family; Containing some Account of the Hulls in England, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Ehode Island. N. Y., 1863. 12mo. 47. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BART. 837 Hull, Gen. William. Memoirs of the Campaign of the North- western Army of the United States, 1812. Boston, 1824. 8vo. 14. 4 See Campbell, Mrs. Maria. Eevolutionary Services, etc. , 44.6 Lossing, B. J. HulPs Surrender of Detroit. IS. 4. 2 Eeport of his Trial, at a Court Martial at Albany, Jan. 3, 1814. Taken by J. G. Forbes. ]S. Y., 1814. 8vo. 44. 6 Hull, William (of Wisconsin). Sketch of, by E, A. Calkins. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 9.) 19. 11 Hull Family. See Clarke, S. C. Descendants of Richard Hull. 25. 7. 8 Hull, Oliver. Book of the Hulls. 47. 10 Human Race. See Ethnology; Ethnography; Creation; Evolu- tion; Man; Prehistoric Man, etc. Humble Address of the Publicans of Kew England. To which King you Please; with some Remarks upon it. London, 1691. (Prince Soc. Pub. An dros Tracts, Vol. 2.) 9.3 Humboldt, Fbiedrich Heinrich Alexander von. Humboldt Commemoration at a Meeting of the American Geographi- cal and Statistical Society, June 2, 1859. 43. 13. H. 2 See Martineau, Harriet. Life of Humboldt. 43. 1 Researches Concerning the Institutions and Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America; with Descriptions and Views of some of the most Striking Scenes in the Cordilleras. Translated from the French, by Helen Maria Williams. 2 Vols. London, 1814. 8vo. 52. 5 Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the ^N'ew Continent, 1799-1804. 7 Vols. London, 1 822-' 29. 8vo. 52.5 Humboldt Medical College, St. Louis, Mo. Announcement, 1867. St. Louis. 8vo. 51. 4. 3 Hume, David. History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution of 1688. London, 1841. 8vo. 6 Vols. 35.3 Another edition. 2 Vols. Phila., 1846-'48. 8vo. 35.10 Hume, Joseph. Resolutions on the State of the Kation, Sub*- mitted to the Parliament, May 4, 1826. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 26.) 53. 12 Hummer, Rev. Michael. Hummer's Bell, by S. W. Huff. (Annals of Iowa, Vol. 7.) 19. 6 Hummingbird. See Elliot, D. G. Classification of. 49. 14 Same. List of Described Species. 49. 9 838 3IINNES0TA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Humphrey, Edward P. Color Question in the United States. Paper prepared for the Meeting of the American Coloni- zation Society, Jan. 16, 1877. Washington City, 1877. 8vo. 30. 7. 10 Humphrey, Herman. Address, at the Collegiate Institution, Amherst, Mass., on Occasion of his Inauguration to the Presidency, Oct. 15, 1823. Boston, 1823. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph.,Vol. 4, No. 1.) 9.2 The Promised Land. A Sermon, delivered at Goshen, Conn., at the Ordination of the Rev. Messrs. Hiram Bingham and Asa Thurston, as Missionaries to the Sandwich Islands, Sept. 29, 1819. Boston, 1819. 8vo. 56. 14. 3 Valedictory Address, at Amherst College, April 15, 1845. Amherst, 1845. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 3.) 9.2 Humphrey, James. Obituary Notices and Funeral Services. Brooklyn, 1866. 8vo. 43. 10 Humphrey, James M. [of N. Y.]. Speech, H. of E., on the Niagara Ship Canal, Jan. 14, 1869. Wash., 18d9. 8vo. 72. 13. 6 Humphrey, Mary A. The Squatter Sovereign; or, Kansas in the 50' s. A Life Picture of the Early Settlement of the Debatable Ground. ' Chicago, 1883. 8vo. 17. 8 Humphrey, Rev. Z. M. The Relation of Creeds to Christianity. A Discourse delivered before the Presbyterian and Con- gregational Convention of Wisconsin, at La Crosse, Oct. 9, 1858. Milwaukee, 1859. 8vo. 56. 7. 2 Humphreys, Gen. A. A. See De Peyster, J. W. Memoir of. 43. 13. H. 2 Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River. 1861. Wash., 1876. 4to. (Reprint.) 50.3 Humphreys, David. Account of Missionaries Sent to South Carolina. Extract from his History of the Propagation of the Gospel, etc. (See Carroll, B. R. Hist. Coll. of S. C.,Vol. 2.) ' 15.13 Humphreys, Frederick, and Others. The Humphreys Family in America. N. Y., 1883. 4to. 47.3 Humphreys, W. H. Suggestions on the Subject of Bank Charters. Nashville, 1859. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Hun, Edward R. Trichina Spiralis. Paper read before the Albany Institute, Jan. 5, 1869. Albany, 1869. 8vo. 51. 11. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 839 Hundley, D. R. Social Relations in our Southern States. N. Y., 1860. 12mo. 15. 5 Hungarian Language. See Csink, J. Grammar, etc. 42. 5 Fogarasi, J. Hungarian-German Dictionary. 38. 3 Singer, I. Simplified Grammar. 38. 3 Hungary. See D'Aubigne, J. H. Merle. Reformation in Europe. Vol. 7. 42. 10 The Emperor's Concession to his Protestant Subjects of Hungary. London, 1681. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 8.) 40.3 Gorgii, Arthur. My Life and Acts in Hungary. 43. 1 Life of Kossuth, and Brief History of the Hungarian War of Independence. By an Officer, etc. N. Y., 1852. 8vo. 43. 13. K HUNNICUTT, James W. The Conspiracy, unveiled. The South Sacrificed; or. The Horrors of Secession. Phila., 1863. 12mo. 30. 2 Hunt, B. P. Report of the Committee for Securing to Colored People in Philadelphia, the Right to use the Street Cars. Phila., 1865. 8vo. 30. 14. 5 Hunt, Charles H. Life of Edward Livingston. With Intro- duction by Geo. Bancroft. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. 44. 6 Hunt, Edward B. Union Foundations; Study of American Nationality as a Fact of Science. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 Hunt, Ezra M. Words about the War. Plain Facts for Plain People. K Y., 1861. 8vo. 30.4.2 Hunt, Freeman. Biography. (N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc. Mem. Biog., Vol. 3.) 46.13 Hunt, Hiram P. Speech on the Tariff Bills. Delivered in theXJ. S. H. of R., June 20, 1842. Wash., 1842. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 6.) 53. 12 Hunt, James M. History of the Mormon War. St. Louis, 1844. 12mo. 19. 9 Hunt, John W. Wisconsin Almanac and Annual Register for 1856. Milwaukee, 1856. 16mo. 19. 5. 6 Wisconsin Gazetteer. Madison, 1853. 8vo. 19. 4 Eulogies on. (Wise. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 5.) 19. 11 Hunt, T. G. (of La.) Good Faith and Union. Speech in the House of Reps., on the Kansas and Nebraska Bill, March 23, 1824. n. t. p. 8vo. 19. 14. 6 Hunt, T. Sterry. Chemistry of the Earth, n. t. p. 8vo. 51. 3. 2 106 840 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hunt, T. Sterry — (Continued). Development of our Mineral Resources, 1776-1876. (First Century of the Republic. 1876. 8vo.) 14. 10 Geology of Canada. (Can. Geol. Surv., 1863-'66.) 51. 6 Trap Dykes and Azoic Rocks of Southeastern Pa. Pt. 1. Historical Introduction. Harrisburg, 1878. 8vo. 11. 3 Hunt, Washington. Eulogy on Hon. Charles E. Dudley. (Albany, Dudley Observatory. Inauguration, etc., 1856.) 8vo. 10.14.1 Hunt, Wm. E. Historical Collections of Coshocton County, O., 1764-'76. Cinn., 1876. 8vo. 18. 2 Hunt, Wm. H. Argument before the United States Circuit Court. Kellogg vs. Warmoth. [Governorship of Louis- iana.] New Orleans, 1873. 8vo. 15. 7. 1 Hunt, Wm. H., Jr., and Randell. Dakota. City of Fargo, its History, etc. With a Description of Cass and other Dakota Counties. St. Paul, 1879. 16mo. 19. 14. 5 Hunt Family. See Wyman, T. B. Genealogy, etc. 47. 3 Hunt's Merchant's Magazine. Vols. 1-41. l!^. Y., 1840-'59. 8vo. 37. 7 Year Book. K Y., 1871. 8vo. 33.8 Hunter, Alfred. Register of Officers and Agents in the Ser- vice of the United States. Wash., 1860. 8vo. 51. 9. 1 Hunter, C. L. Sketches of Western North Carolina, Historical and Biographical. Illustrating the Revolutionary Period. Raleigh, 1877. 8vo. 15. 6 Hunter, Daniel J. Chili, the United States and Spain. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 18, No. 25.) 60. 8 Sketch of Chili, Prepared Expressly for Emigrants. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 18, No. 24.) 60. 8 Hunter, J. S. Eulogy on Daniel Webster, in Cahaba, Ala., Feb. 22, 1853. 12mo. (Webster Pamphlets, No. 2.) 44.5 Hunter, John D. Memoirs of a Captivity among the Indians, from Childhood to the Age of 19. London, 1823. 8vo. 15.2 Hunter, Joseph. Collections Concerning the Founders of New Plymouth. London, 1854. 8vo. 46. 13 Introduction to the Valor Ecclesiasticus of Henry VIII. See Great Britian Public Record Office. 34. 5 Fines, siva pedes finium, etc. See same. 35. 4 Great Rolls of the Pipe. See same. 35. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 841 Hunter, E, M. T. (of Va.). Speech on the Admission of Kan- sas. Delivered in the Senate of the U. S. , March 19, 1858. n. t. p. 8vo. 19. 14. 6 Hunter, W. W. The Imperial Gazetteer, of India. 9 Vols. London, 1885-'6. 8vo. 42. 11 Hunter, Wm. Speech in Secret Session of the Senate of the U.S., Feb. 20, 1813, on the Proposition for Seizing and Occupying the Province of East Florida by the Troops of .the United States, Newport, E. I., n. d. 8vo. 14. 10 Hunterdon County, IST. J. See Mott, G. S. The First Cen- tury of, etc. 10. 8. 1 Hunting. See Hawker, Peter. Instructions to Young Sports- men. 22. 10 Murphy, J. M. Sporting Adventures in the Far West. 32. 12 Huntington, C. P. Bemarks of, before the House Committee on Pacific Eailroads, Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1876. Wash., 1876. 8vo. 72.6.3 Letter to Hon. Philetus Sawyer, Chairman of the House ofEep. Committee on the Pacific Eailroad, Eegarding Charges of Fraud Against that Eoad. N. Y., 1874. 8vo. 72.6.5 Huntingdon, Ezra A. The House of God and the Law of the House. A Sermon preached at the Dedication of the New House of Worship Erected by the 3d Pres. Church, Albany, Dec. 3, 1845. Albany, 1845. 8vo. 56. 7. 3 Huntingdon and Broad Top E. E. and Coal Co. Eeport on its Lands, by W. F. Eoberts and H. K. Strong, Geologists. Phila.,^1853. 8vo. 72.6.1 Huntingdon Co., Pa. See Adams, Joseph. Account of, etc. 11.10 Lytle, M. S. History of Huntingdon Co., Pa. 11. 11 Huntington, Asahel. See Lord, O. P. Memorial Address on. 43. 13. H. 2 Huntington, C. A. Letter to G. H. Atkinson, in Defense of his Course as Indian Agent, 1878. n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 11. 3 Huntington, C. L. Surgical History of the War of the Eebellion, pt. 3. (See U. S. Surgeon General, etc.) 50.9 Huntington, Eev. Daniel. An Intolerant Spirit Hostile to the Interests of Society. Mass. Elec. Sermon, 1822. Bost., 1822.. 8vo. 56.3 842 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Huntington, Eey. Daniel— (Continued). Memories, Counsels and Eeflections. By an Octogenary. Addressed to his Children and Descendants, and printed for their use. [With an Autobiography.] Cambridge, 1857. 8vo. 47. 3 Huntington, Daniel. General View of the Fine Arts. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. 74. 2 Huntington, Elijah B. Genealogical Memoir of the Hunt- ington Family. Stamford, Conn., 1863. 8vo. 47.3 Genealogical Memoir of t:ie Lo-Lathrop Family in this Country. Eidgefield, Conn., 1884. 8vo. 47. 4 History of Stamford, Conn., (including Darien.) Stamford, 1868. 8vo. 7. 6 Huntington, Eev. F. D. Christian Citizenship and Honest Legislation. Mass. Election Sermon, Jan. 6, 1858. Bos- ton, 1858. 8vo. 56. 5. 5 Christian Believing and Living. (25 Sermons.) Boston, 1860. 8vo. 38.1 Sermon on the 50th Anniversary of the Boston Female Asy- lum, Sept. 20, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8vo. 8.2. 12 See Putnam, Geo. Sermon at Ordination of F. D. Hunting- ton. 9. 2 Huntington, James M. Letter to E. A. Watkins, Inspector of Indian Affairs, March, 1878, in Defense of his Father, C. A. Huntington, as Indian Agent, n. t.p. 8vo. 15. 11. 3 Huntington, Gen. Jedidiah. Letters, 1775-'76. (Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., 5th Ser., Vol. 5.) 9. 5 Huntington, Joseph, Eev. Thoughts on the Atonement of Christ, etc. Newburyport, Mass., 1791. 8vo. 56.12.2 . Huntington Family. See Huntington, E. B. Genealogy of. 47.3 HuNTOON, Daniel T. V. Philip Huntoon and his Descendants. Genealogy of the Huntoon Family. Canton, Mass., 1881. 8vo. 47. 3 . Province [of Mass.] Laws. Their Value, etc. Bost., 1885. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Huntoon Family. See Huntoon, D. T. V. Philip Huntoon and his Descendants. 47. 3 Hunt's Cikculating Library, St. Paul, Minn. Catalogue. St. Paul, 1873. 16mo. 74. 11. 1 Huntt, Henry. Visit to the Eed Sulphur Spring of Virginia, 1837. Boston, 1839. 8vo. 15. 12. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 843 HuRD, D. Hamilton. History of ISTew London Co., Conn. ; with Biographical Sketches, etc. Phila., 1882. 4to. 7. 14 HuED, John. Mirrour of Worldly Fame. London, 1603. (Har- leian Misc., Yol. 2.) 40. 3 HuRD, John Codman. Law of Freedom and Bondage in the United States. Boston, etc., 1858-'62. 2 Vols. 30. 12 HuRLBERT, J. B. Climates, Productions and Resources of Can- ada. Montreal, 1872. 8vo. 20. 9. 2 HURLBUT, E. P. A Secular View of Religion in the State, and the Bible in the Public Schools. Albany, 1870. 8vo. 57. 10. 1 HuRLBUT, Henry Higgins. Chicago Antiquities. Chicago, 1881. 8vo. 18. 12 Paper read at a Family Meeting of the Descendants of Samuel Hurlbut, of Chatham, Conn., held at Racine, Wis., Sept. 20, 1860. Racine, Wis., 1861. 47. 3 Samuel de Champlain; A Brief Sketch of the Eminent Navi- gator and Discoverer. Read before the Chicago Histor- ical Society, Oct. 20, 1885. Chicago, 1885. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Hurlbut, W. D. Geology of Southern Minnesota. Essay pre- pared for the Teachers^ Convention at Mankato, Aug. 24, 1870. Rochester, Minn., 1870. 8vo. 22.10.1 Hurlbut Family. See Hurlbut, H. H. Family Meeting. 47. 3 Hurley, Michael, Rev. See Westcott, Thompson. Memoir of Very Rev. Michael Hurley, D.D. Phila., 1887. 8vo. (Amer. Cath. Hist. Soc. Records, Vol. 1.) 16. 11. 1 Huron & Ontario Ship Canal Co. Summary Report. Toron- to, 1869. 8vo. 20. 9. 4 Toronto. Council of the Corporation. Public Reports in Relation to the Huron & Ontario Ship Canal. Toronto, 1871. 8vo. 20.9.4 HURONS, The. See '^Indians of America — Hurons." Hurst, John F. Religious Development in the U. S., 1776- 1876. (See ''First Century,'^ etc. 1876.) 8vo. 14.10 HuRBT, Samuel H. Journal History of the 73d Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Chillicothe, O., 1866. 12mo. 29. 5 Husband, J. L. Our National Finances. Phila., 1864. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 22, No. 28.) 60. 8 HusKissoN, William. Speech, in the House of Commons, upon the Finances, March 25, 1813. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 2.) 53.6 844 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hubs, Johann. Life of John Huss. (See Taylor, J. Life of Christ. 1818.) 43. 1 HuTCHiNS, Alex. Conditions of the Conflict. Oration, Brook- lyn, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1874. K Y., 1874. 8vo. 51. 11. 5 HuTCHiNS, Hon. John (of Ohio). Speech in the H. of R., May 10, 1862, on Low and Uniform Postage. I^. Y., 1862. 8vo. 57. LO. 1 HUTCHINS, Levi. Autobiography; with Preface, Notes and Addenda, by his Youngest Son. Private edition. Cam- bridge, 1865. 12mo. 43. 1 HuTCHiNS, Stephen. Arguments of Campbellism, Stated and Refuted. Bennington, Yt., 1841. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 13.) 53. 6 HuTCHiNs' Almanac. See Wright, S. H. Hutchinson, Aaron. A Well-tempered Self-love a Rule of Conduct towards Others. Sermon at Windsor, July 2, 1877. Dresden, n. d. (Vt. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1.) 7. 9 Hutchinson, C. C. -Resources of Kansas. Fifteen Years' Ex- perience. Topeka, Kas., 1871. 8vo. 19. 9 Hutchinson, Enoch. Translated. Syriac Grammar. See Uhle- mann. 34. 2 Hutchinson, Col. John (of Nottingham, England). Narra- tive of the Imprisonment and Usage of Col. John Hutchinson in the Tower of London, 1664. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 7.) 40. 3 Hutchinson, Thomas. The History of Massachusetts, from the First Settlement Thereof, in 1628, until the Year 1750. In two Vols. The 3d edition. Salem, etc., 1795. 8vo. 25.2 Hutchinson, Thomas and Oliver, Andrew. Letters of Gov. Hutchinson, and Lieut. Gov. Oliver, etc., printed in Bos- ton, 1768, and Remarks thereon. With the Assembly's Address, and the Proceedings of the Lords, Committee of Council. London, 1774. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 35, No. 1.) 14. 8 Hutchinson Papers. Collection of Original Papers relative to the History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Boston, New England, 1769. Reprinted: Albany, 1865. 4to. 2 Vols. (Prince Soc. Pub.) 9.3 HUYSHE, G. L. The Red River Expedition, 1870. London and KY., 1871. 8vo. Hyacinthe, le pere. See Loyson, Charles. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 845 Hyatt Family. See Hoyt Family. Hyatt, H. S. Manufacturing, Agricultural and Industrial Resources of Iowa, 1872. See Iowa Bd. of Immigration. 19. 13. 4 Hyde, Rev. Charles M. Historical Oration at the Celebra- tion of the Town of Brim field, Hampden County, Mass., Oct. 11, 1876, etc. Springfield, 1879. 8vo. 9. 13 Hyde, Edward (First Earl of Clarendon). Clarendon Papers. (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1869.) 10. 4 History of the Rebellion and Civil War in England, 1641- 1660. Oxford, 1712. 8vo. 3 Vols. 35. 8 Humble Petition, and Address to Parliament. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 7.) 40.3 Hyde, H. F., and Alexander, Walter S. Funeral Sermons on the Death of Rev. Daniel Hunt. No impr. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 1 Hyde, John, Jr. Mormonism; Its Leaders and Designs. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. 19.9 Hyde, Wm. L. History of the 112th Regt, N. Y. Vols. Fre- donia, N. Y., 1866. 12mo. 29.12 Hyde Abbey, England. Liber Monasterii de Hyda. Com- prising a Chronicle of the Affairs of England, etc. Edited by Edward Edwards. London, 1866. 8vo. 40. 5 Hyde Family. See Walworth, R. H. Hyde Genealogy. 47. 3 Hydrography. Le Coq, Henri. Elemens d'Hydrographie. 49. 10 Hyer, George. Annual Letters. (\^isc. Edit. Assn., 1865-'71.) 19. 12. 3 Obituaries on. See same. 1872. 19. 12. 3 Sketch of his Life and Services, by L. C. Draper. 19. 11 Hygiene. See * ' Health. ' ' McSherry, Richard. Lecture on Hygiene. 11. 1 Hymnology. See Staples, S. E. Ancient Psalmody of N. E. 9.10 Hymns. See Rippon, John. Selections from Best Authors. • 56. 2 Watts, Isaac. Psalms, Hymns, etc. 56. 2 Hyndman, Capt. Wm. History of a Cavalry Company. Record of Co. A. 4th Pa. Cav. Phila., 1870. 12mo. 29. 14 Hyren, Frederic. Principles and Rules for the Establish- ment of the Millenial Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, called the Church of the Holy Spirit. Cleveland, 1858. 8vo. 56. 12. 2 846 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. I. Iberville, Pierre Lemoine, or Le Moyne. Abstract of His Memorial on the Country of the Mississippi. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1.) 22.10 Lettressur le Premier Voyage au Mississippi, 1698-'99. Second Voyage, et Lettres, 1699-1700. Journal, 1699-1700. Troisieme Voyage, 1701-'2. (Margry,P. Decouvertes, etc.. Vol. 4.) 20. 11 Narrative of the Voyage made by Order of the King of France, in 1698, to take Possession of Louisiana. (Hist. Coll. of La., New Ser., 1869.) 20. 3 ICARiA, Iowa. Sketch of the Icarian Community, a Socialistic Organization. (Annals of Iowa, Vol. 5.) 19.6 Iceland. Arbok hins Islenza Fornleifelags, 1886. (Annual of Iceland Antiquarian Society.) Reykjavik, 1887. 8vo. 52. 10. 2 See La Peyrere, . Relation de Island. Amsterdam, 1715. 12mo. 20. 1 Westergaard, N. L. On the Connexion between Sanscrit and Icelandic. ' 40. 9 Icelandic Language. See Vigfusson, G. Dictionary. 38. 4 , IcTHYOLOGV. See Fish. Idaho. Baptist Associations. Minutes, v. d. 8vo. 38. 12. 9 De Lacy, W. W. Trip up the Snake River. 19. 9 Fisk, Jas. L. Idaho, her Gold Fields, etc. 19. 10. 4 Hayden, F. T. Geol. Survey, 1877. 49. 4 Smalley, E. V. I^orthern Idaho and Washington. 19. 3 Strahorn, R. E. Resources and Attractions. 19. 10. 4 U. S. Dept of War. Report of Capt. Fisk. 19. 10. 4 Same. Report of Lt. John Mullan. 19. 14. 3 Same. Second Expedition of Capt. Fisk. 19. 10. 4 IDDINGS, Joseph P. See Hague, A., and Iddings, J. P. Devel- opment of Crystallization, etc. 49. 4, 2 Idiocy. . Proceedings of the Association of Medical Officers of American Institutions for Idiotic and Feeble-minded Per- sons. Phila., 1877. 8vo. 57. 5. 4 Brown, Dr. B. Treatment and Care of. 57.5. 4 Mass. School for Idiotic. Reports. 8. 9. 1 Wilbur, H. B. Aphasia. 51. 11. See, also, Insanity, Reports of various Societies, etc. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 847 Ignatius, Saint. Epistles of St. Ignatius to the Ephesians, etc. 56.3 Illinois. Adjutant- General. See Elliott, I. H. Black Hawk War. 17.10 Reports, 1861-^62. 29. 11 1861-^66. 8 Vols. 80.18 Same. Revised edition. 8 Vols. 80. 18 1870. 18. 6. 1 Auditor. Biennial Report, 1878. 18. 6. 1 Board of Centennial Managers, 1876. Report. 18. 5 Board of State Commissioners of Public Charities. Report, 1870-^78. 57.5.1 Canal Commissioners. Reports, 1870, '72, '77. 18.6. 1 Commissioners to the Paris Exposition, 1878. Report, 1879. 52. 13. 3 Constitutional Convention, 1860. Debates, etc. 95. 10 Department of Agriculture. See 111. State Ag. Soc. Department of Public Instruction. Opinions and Remarks on the School Law, 1860. 18. 13. 9 Same. Reports of Superintendent, 1859, '65, '69. 18. 13. 9 General Assembly. Act to Establish and Maintain a System of Free Schools. 1872. 56. 8 Laws. 1854, '63. 81 Legislative Directory, 1876, '79, '80. 18. 6. 1 Manual. By John R. Hewlett. 18. 5 Private Laws, 1863. 81 Report of Committee on Penitentiary. 18. 6. 2 Reports made to the General Assembly, 1853. 81 School Law, as Amended, 1859. 18. 13. 9 House Journal, 1857. 81 Rules, etc., of House. 18. 6. 1 Senate Journal, 1857. 81 Geological Survey. By A. H. Worthen. 1873-'5. 51. 13 Governor. 1861. Message of Richard Yates. 18. 6. 1 1871, '73. '' J. H. Palmer. 18.6.1 1873. *' R. J. Oglesby. 18. 6. 1 1874. '' S. M. Cullen. 18.6.1 Industrial University. Circular, etc., 1869, '70, '75. 18.6.9 Laws of Congress and of Illinois in Relation to. 18. 6. 9 Memorial of Trustees to the General Assembly. 18. 6. 9 Report of Committee on Courses of Study. 18. 6. 9 107 848 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Illinois. Industrial University — (Continued). Eeport of Board of Trustees, 1869-'70. 18. 6. 9 Eeport of the Regents, 1870. 18. 6. 9 Institution for Education of Feeble-minded Children. 18.6.5 Institution for Education of Blind. Reports, 1859, '60, '65, 'm, '71, '72. 18.6.5 Institution for Education of Deaf and Dumb. Reports, 1872, '73, '76, '82. 18. 6.5 :N'orthern Insane Asylum. Report, 1872. 18. 6. 5 R. R. and Warehouse Commissioners. Laws of Illinois, etc. 72. 12 Same. Reports, '72, '73, '75, '83. 72. 12 Secretary of State. Report, 1870, '76. 18. 6. 1 Soldiers' Orphans Home. Report of the Board of Trustees, 1871. 18. 6. 6 Report of Legislative Committee, 1871. 18. 6. 5 State Board of Centennial Managers, 1876. 18. 6. 1 State Board of Equalization. Proce.edings, Oct. 5, 1869. 18. 6. 1 State Entomologist. Report on Noxious Insects, 1871, ' 72, '79, '81. 18.13.6 State Hospital for Insane. Reports, 1866, '72. 18. 6. 5 State House Commissioners. Communication, etc. 18. 6. 1 Reports, 1869, '72. 18.6.1 State Library. Catalogue, 1871, '77. 18. 13. 8 State Normal University. Cat., 1860. 18. 13. 9 State Penitentiary. Reports, 1863-'66, '70, '72, '73. 18. 6. 2 Illinois General Assembly. Report of Committee on. 18. 6. 2 State Reform School. Report, 1870, '72. 18. 6. 2 Report of the Commissioners. 18. 6. 1 Superintendent of Public Instruction. Reports, 1857-'60, '73, '74. 56.8 Treasurer. Reports, 1879, '80. 18.12 Fuller, A. C. Speech on Revenue, 1872. 18. 6. 6 Haines, E. M. Justices of the Peace, Manual. 53.4 Morris, J. N. Two per cent Tax. 60. 1 U. S. Cong. Two per cent Claims. Report on. 60. 1 Wilson, Jere. Two per cent Tax. Speech. 60. 8 Constitution. Opinions as to Validity of Sec. 34, Schedule. 18.6.4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 849 Illinois — (Continued). (Descriptive.) Atlas of Illinois, 1876. 4to. 94. 22 Birkbeck, M. Letters from 111., 1817. 18.5 Cleveland, H. W. S. Farm and Eoad Drainage. 72. 4. 1 Curtiss, D. S. Western Portraiture. 19. 8 Ellet, Mrs. E. F. Summer Eambles in the West. 19. 1 Farnham, Mrs. E. W. Life in Prairie Land. 19. 2 Fowler, C. H. Illinois; Resources and Record. 16. 12 Qerhard, F. Illinois as it is, 1857. 18. 12 Illinois in 1837. 18. 5 Jones, A. D. Illinois and the West. 18. 5 Marest, Gabriel, le pere. Journey through Illinois, 1712. 20.3 Patterson, R. W. Early Society in Southern Illinois. 18. 6. 6 Peck, J. M. Gazetteer of Illinois, 1837. 18. 5 Guide to Emigrants, 1831. 18. 12 Woods, John. Two Years' Residence,* etc. (1822.) 17.10 (Historical.) Abstract of Illinois Laws, 1878. 18. 12 Biographical Encyclopedia of Illinois, 1875. 44. 14 Bross, Wm. Illinois and the 13th Amendment. 18. 6. 6 Brown, Henry. History of Illinois, 1844. 18. 5 Brown, W. H. Historical Sketch of Slavery Movement. 18. 6. 6 Clark, Gen. G. R. Campaign in the Illinois, 1778-'9. 18. 2 Edwards, Mrvian. The Edwards papers. 18. 12 Edwards, N. W. History of Illinois, 1778-1833. 18. 12 Ford, Thomas. History of Illinois, 1818-^47. 18. 12 Hoyne, Thomas. Early History of Illinois. 17. 10 Linder, Usher F. Reminiscences of Early Bench, etc. 45. 3 Mason, E. G. Illinois in the 18th Century. 18. 6. 6 Miller, A. S. History of Illinois. 18. 5 Reynolds, John. My own Times. 18. 12 Pioneer History of 111. 18. 12 See also under names of Cities, Counties, Towns, etc. For Institutions of Various Kinds, see the name of the In- stitution, or of the Place where it is Situated. Illinois: Southern Rebellion. See Ambrose, D. L. Sev- enth Regt. 29. 11 Bar net, James. Martyrs and Heroes. 45. 5 Bennett, J. G., and Haigh, W. M. Thirty-Sixth Regt. 29. 6 Morrison, M. Ninth Regt. 29. 2 Parker, H. M. First Reunion of 11th Regt. 30. 4. 9 See Illinois Adjt. Gen.^s Report. 29. 11 850 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Illinois and MiCHiaAN Canal. Eeport of the Board of Trus- tees to the 21st General Assembly, for Years 1857-'58. Springfield, 1859. 8vo. 72.7.2 Illinois Association of the Sons of Vermont. Reports 1878-'82. Chicago. 8vo. 18.13.4 Illinois Central Railroad Co. See Caird, J. Letter on its Lands. Documents Relating to the Organization. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. 72. 7. 5 Guide to the Illinois Central E. R. Lands. Chicago, 1859. 8vo. 18. 13. 6 Sectional Maps of Farming and Wood Lands. Bost., 1874. 8vo. 18. 13. 6 Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. Report, 1872. Chicago. 8vo. * 51. 4. 3 Illinois College, Jacksonville, III. Catalogue of, includ - ing Whipple Academy and Jacksonville Business Col- lege, 1871-'72. Jacksonville, 1872. 8vo. 18. 13. 5 Illinois Natural History Society. Transactions, Vol. 1, Ser. 1. Springfield, 1861. 8vo. 18. 13. 6 Illinois Republican State Central Committee. Salient Points of the Campaign. 1860. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 4 Illinois Southern Normal University. Report of Trustees, 1870-'71. Springfield, 1870-'71. 8vo. . 18. 13. 9 Illinois State agricultural Society and Department of Agriculture. Transactions, 1859-'71, '75, '77, '79. Springfield, 1855-' 80. 8vo. 72.2 Ninth Annual Exhibition, to be held at Chicago, Sept. 9-14, 1861. Premium List. 72. 2. 1 Same for 1867. Fair at Quincy. (2 Editions.) 72. 2. 1 Illinois State Dental Society. Journal. Transactions for 1875. Chicago, 1875. 8vo. 51. 4. 3 Illinois State Horticultural Society. Transactions for 1867. Chicago, 1868. 8vo. 72. 2. 1 Same for 1869. St. Louis, 1870. 8vo. 72. 2. 1 Illinois Union League. Proceedings of the Grand Council, Sept. 2, 1863. 30. 11. 6 Illustrated London News. Vols. 1-65. (1842-'74.) Lond., 1843-'74. fo. Y Ilsley, Charles P. Centennial of Portland, Me., 1675-1776, 1875 and 1975. (Poem.) Somerville, Mass., 1876. 8vo. 7. 8.3 Imbert, Jean. Quatre Livres des Institutions Forenses. Paris, 1561. 8vo. . 53.11 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. • 851 IitLAY, George, or Gilbert. Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America. (1791.) Lond. 1792. 8vo. 33. 10 Same. 3d edition, with Additions. 1797. 8vo. 33. 10 IifMiGRATiON. Annual Report of the Commissioners of Emi- gration of the State of New York, for the Year ending Dec. 31, 1878. Albany, 1879. 8vo. 57. 4. 5 Arguments in Favor of the Freedom of Immigration at the Port of Boston, etc. Boston, 1871. 8vo. 57. 4. 5 Constitution and By-Laws of the American Board of Immi- gration. Wash., 1867. 8vo. 57.4.5 Emigration vs. Enforced Emigration. Address to Chester A. Arthur, Pres. of the U. S., by the Irish National League, etc., June 28, 1883. n. p. n. d. 8vo. 57. 4.5 La Province de Quebec, et I'Emigration Europeen, etc. Quebec, 1870. 8vo. 57. 4. 5 Report of the Commissioners of Alien Passengers and For- eign Paupers, of Mass. Boston, 1860. 8vo. 57. 4. 5 Reports of the Board and Commissioner of Immigration. [State of Maine.] 1871. Augusta, 1872. 8vo. 57. 4. 5 See Anderson. M. B. Legislation to Exclude Foreign Pau- pers. 57. 4. 5 Chickering, J. Immigration into the U. S. 57.4.5 Donnelly, I. Speech in Congress, 1864. 57. 4. 5 Jarvis, E. Immigration into the U. S. 57. 4. 5 Meyers, J. F. Report on Immigration. 60. 2 U. S. Congress. Laws to Encourage Immigration. 60. 8 Young, Edward. Rapport Special sur 1' Immigration. 57. 4. 5 Impeachment. See Dwight, T. W. Trial by Impeachment. 60. 8 Impeachment Trials. United States Congress. Andrew John- son. (1868.) 60. 9 Kansas. Case of State Treas. Hayes, 1874. 81. 8. 7 Michigan. Trial of C. A. Edmunds. (1872.) 85. 14 Minnesota. Trial of E. S. Cox. (1881.) 24. 9 Same. Charles Mcllrath. 22. 9 Same. Sherman Page. (1878.) 24.9 Same. Wm. Seeger. 21. 5 Improvement of Transportation Routes. Memorial of the 12th General Assembly of the State of Iowa to the U. S. Congress, Relative to Water Communications between the Atlantic and Mississippi. Des Moines, 1868. 8vo. 72. 13. 6 852 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Improvement of Transportation Routes— (Continued). Proceedings of the National Commercial Convention, to Consider the Question of Increased Transportation Facili- ties from the West to the Seaboard. Held in Detroit, Dec. 13, 1871. Detroit, 1872. 8vo. 72. 13. 6 Proceedings of the National Ship Canal Convention, held in Chicago, June 2 and 3, 1863. Chicago, 1863. 8vo. 72. 13. 6 Water Communication between the Mississippi and the Lakes. Memorial to Congress on the Improvement of the Navigation of the Wisconsin and Fox Eivers, Sub- mitted by the Conventions held at Prairie du Chien, Nov. 10, 1868, and Portage City, Oct. 20, 1869, with Proceed- ings of the Conventions, Supplement, etc. Madison, 1870. 8vo. 72. 13. J6 Alberger, F. A. Address to U. S. Senate Committee. 72. 13. 6 See Bronson, Alvin. Essay on Commerce. 72. 13. 6 Lakes, Improvement of Navigation on. Letters of a Western Trader. 72. 13. 6 Mississippi River — Improvement of. Windom, Wm. Cheap Transportation. 72. 13. 2 Same. Our National Water Ways. 72. 13. 2 Independent Almanac (1884). N. Y., 1883. 8vo. 53. 10. 4 Independent Order of Good Templars. Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota, 1867-1885 (except ^70, '71, '73, '77, '80, '81, '83). St. Paul and Minneapolis. 8vo. 22. 9. 1 Proceedings of the R. W. Grand Lodge of North America, 1855-1884. (Lacks '56, '57, '58, '59, '61, '63, '65.) v. p 1 2mo. and 8vo. 38. 8. 2 Independent Order of Odd Fellows. See Buck, Norman. Address before Prairie Lodge, No. 7, Winona. 22. 4. 5 By-laws of Mt. Zion Encampment, No. 7, Lake City, Minn. 22. 14. 10 Journals Grand Lodge of Minnesota, 1853 to 1882. 2 Vols. 22.6 Journal of Proceedings, Gr. Lodge of U. S., 1821-'62. 4 Vols. 52. 2 Minnesota Encampment, No. 1, St. Paul. Constitution and By-laws, 1861. 22. 14. 10 Minnesota Odd Fellows Mutual Benefit Society. Laws, 1870. 22. 14. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 853 Independent Order of Odd Fellows — (Continued). Same. Eeports, 1877, '84. St. Paul. 8vo. 22. 13.6 Mertes, M. L. Poetical Address on Odd Fellowship. 22. 5. 8 Williams, J. F. History of the Order in St. Paul. 22. 9 Same. The Odd Fellows Minstrel, 1864. 52. 2 Independent Order of the Sons of Malta. Laws, etc., of M' dewakantonwan Lodge, No. 1. St. Paul, 1858. 24mo. 22. 14. 10 Index. See Ordway, Alb. Index to Journals of Congress, 1789-1821. 60. 9 Poole, W. F. Periodical Literature. 74. 14 India. See Campbell, Sir. G. Tenure of Ofifice in. 35. 2 Chambers, Wm. Sculptures and Ruins. 40. 9 Dall, C. H. A. Unitarian Mission in. 56. 14. 4 Dilke, C. W. Travels in. 35. 8 Education — Schools in British India. 56. 8. 1 Gurwood, J. Dispatches of Wellington. 42.12 Hunter, W. W. Imperial Gazette. 9 Vols. 42. 11 Inscription on a Pillar near Buddah. 40. 9 Lettres Edifiantes, etc. Vols. 10-15. 20. 8 Mattson, Hans. Indian vs. American Wheat. 73. 4. 1 Missions. American, among the Marathas. 56. 14. 1 Rights and Pretentions of Nabob of Arcot, etc. 14. 8 Peggs, James. East India Slavery. 30. 6 Robertson, Wm. Knowledge of the Ancients about India. 40. 14 Royal Grant of Land, Engraved, etc. 40. 9 Scoble, John. Slavery and the Slave Trade, etc. 30. 6 Seward, W. H. Voyage around the World. 44. 6 Taylor, Bayard. Visit to India. 40. 9 Wilberforce, W. Religious Instruction in India. 53. 5 Wright, Caleb and Brainerd. Life in India. 40. 9 India Rubber Case. Goodyear vs. Day. 53. 11. 2 Indian Corn. See Maize. Indian Territory. General Council of. Journal, 6th Session, 1815. 15. 11. 4 Indian Trade. Considerations on the. Detroit, 1821. 8vo. 19.6 Indiana. Adjutant General. Report, 1861-'65. Indiana in the War of the Rebellion. 1866-'69. 8 Vols. 8vo. 29. 4 Allotment Commissioner. Report, 1865. 8vo. 18. 11. 1 854 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indiana — (Continued. Board of State House Commissioners. Proceedings at Lay- ing of the Corner Stone. 1880. 8vo. 18. 11 Report of Proceedings, to Dec. 31, 1878. 8vo. 18. 11 Bureau of Statistics and Geology. General Description of Ind. 1879. 18. 11. 3 See Indiana — State Geologist. Hospital for Insane. Eeport, 1871. 8vo. 18. 11. 1 Institution for Deaf and Dumb. Report, 1854-'58. 18. 11. 1 Legislature. Report of Special Joint Committee on the National Debt, etc. Indianapolis, 1867. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 22, No. 31.) ' 60. 8 Senate Documents, 1839. 8vo. 81 Military Agency. Report of Military Agencies, 1864. 18. 11. 1 Railroad Property. Report of Board of Equalization, 1879. 72. 7. 8 Sanitary Commission. Report, 1865. 18.11.1 State Board of Agriculture. Report, 1869. 72. 9 State Geologist. See Cox, E. T. Reports, 1869-^75, '79-^80. 51. 12 State Prison, North. Report, 1869. 18. 11. 1 Same. South. Report, 1869. 18. 11. 1 (Descriptive.) Illustrated Historical Atlas. 1876. V (Historical.) See Baldwin, D. P. Indiana, etc. 74. 7. 1 Barnard, Job. Survey of Wolf Lake, etc. 18. 11. 3 Dillon, J. B. History of Indiana, to 1816, etc. 18. 11 Goodrich, D. W. C, and Tuttle, C. R. History, etc. 18. 11 See Histories of Dearborn, Ohio, and other Counties. Howe, D. W. Laws and Courts — Early. 18. 11. 3 Operations of the Indiana Legion, etc., 1863-64. 29. 5 Qwen, R. D. Report of Agent to Purchase Arms. 18. 11. 1 Smith, O. H. Early Indiana Trials. 18. 11 Woolen, W. W. Biographical and Historical Sketches. 18. 11 Indiana Asbury University. Triennial Catalogue, 1869-^70. 18. 11. 5 Indiana College Association. Addresses and other Proceed- ings, at Indianapolis, Dec. 26-27, 1881. Crawfordsville, 1882. 8vo. 18. 11. 5 Same. Sixth Annual Session, 1883. 56. 8. 4 Indiana Historical Society. Pamphlets, 1-3. Indianapolis. 12mo. 18.11.3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 855 Indiana Pioneer Association. First Convention, at the State Fair of 1878. Indianapolis, 1879. 8vo. 18. 11. 3 Indiana Sabbath Convention. Proceedings, 2d Convention, 1846. 8vo. 30. 13 Indiana State Arch^ologioal Association. Circular No. 4. n. t. p. 8vo. Minutes of the Convention, 1875. 18.11.3 Indiana State Gazetteer and Business Directory. 1860- '61. 8vo. 80 Indiana State Teachers' Association. See Tuttle, J. F. Ad- dress. 1867. 18. 11. 1 Indiana State' University. Eeport, 1859-'60. 18.11.5 Baker, Conrad. Address, 1868. 18. 11. 5 Inauguration of J. H. Lathrop, as President, 1861. 72. 7. 2 Indiana, Two Per Cent Claims. See Two Per Cent Claims. See also under names of Cities, Counties, Towns, etc., in the State. For Benevolent and Educational, etc., Institutions, see the name of the Institution, or of the place where it is situ- ated. Indianapolis. Common Council. The City of Indianapolis; Its Advantages as a Manufacturing Point, etc. 1870. 18. 11. 3 Hallo way, W. R. Historical Sketch. 18. 11 Semi-Centennial Anniversary of Sunday Schools, 1873. 18. 11. 4 Sulgrave, B. R. History of Indianapolis. 18. 11 Twentieth Meeting American Science Association, 1871. 49.10 Manufacturers and Eeal Estate Exchange, Indianapolis; Its Advantages, etc. • 18. 11. 3 First Presbyterian Church. Manual, 1876. 18. 11. 3 Second Presbyterian Church. Edson, H. A. Historical Dis- course. 18. 11. 4 Presbytery of. See Moore, A. Y. History of. 18. 11. 3 Indianapolis City Directory. 1877. 8vo. 80 Indian Wars (Western Ya.). See De Hass, W. History of. 15.12 Indians of America. See Adair, J. History of the. 15. 9 Allen, Z. Conditions of Life, etc. 8. 7. 7 Atwater, C. Writings, etc. 15. 3 Bancroft, H. H. Native Races of Pacific Coast. 15. 2 108 856 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indians of Ameeica — (CoDtinued). Beach, W. W. Indian Miscellany. 15. 9 Boiler, H. A. Among the Indians. 15. 8 Boudinot, Elias. Star in the West. 15. 3 Boundary Line between Whites and Indians. 10. 14 Brackenridge, H. M. Voyage up the Mississippi, 1811. 19.2 Brinton, D. G. Library of Aboriginal Literature. 15. 4 The Gueguence. 15. 4 The Lenape and their Legends. 15. 11 Myths of the New World. 15. 3 Brownell, C. De W. Indian Eaces of North and South America. 15. 3 Buchanan, James. Sketches of the Indians. ' 15. 2 Cabeca de Vaca, A. N. Eelation, 1527-1537. 20. 10 Gary, Eichard. Gospel among the Indians. 15. 11. 4 Catlin, George. Last Eamble among the Indians. 15. 8 Letters and Notes on the Manners, etc. 15. 9 North American Indian Portfolio. 94. 12 North and South American Indians. 15. 11. 5 Chateaubriand, E. F. A. Travels in America. 33. 4 Coates, B. H. Origin of the Indians. 11. 10 Colton, Calvin. Tour of the American Lakes. 20. 9 Contributions to North American Ethnology. 5 Vols. 50. 2 Denny, Ebenezer. Military Journal, 1781-'95. 11. 10 Dodge, E. I. Our Wild Indians. 15. 10 Domenech, E. Great Deserts of North America. 19. 2 Doolittle, . General Law Concerning Indians. 60. 1 Drake, S. G. Five Years' French and Indian War. 15. 4 Duis, E. Black Hawk War. . 18. 5 Eastman, Mrs. M. H. American Annual. 15. 9 Eaton, John. Are the Indians Dying Out? 15. 11. 4 Ellis, G. E. Los Casas: Spaniards and the. 25. 9 Emerson, E. E. Indian Myths, etc. 16. 4 Ettwein, John. Traditions of the Indians. 11. 10 Faribault, Minn. Seabury Mission. Papers. 22. 11 Farnham, T. J. Travels in Great Western Prairies. 19. 2 Field, T. W. Indian Bibliography. 15. 2 Finley, J. B. Life amongst the Indians. 15. 8 Flint, Timothy. Indian Wars of the West. 15. 1 Francis, Geo. Legends of the Land of the Lakes. 19. 5. 6 Frost, John. Indian Battles, Captivities, etc. 16. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 857 Indians of America — (Continued). Gale, George. Upper Mississippi, etc. 19. 11 Galland, Isaac. Indian Tribes of the West. 19. 6 Gallatin, Albert. Indian Tribes East of Eocky Mountains. 9. 10 Gatschet, A. G. Migration Legend of the Creeks. 15. 11. 4 Gordon, J. B. Memoir of J^orth American Continent. 16. 14 Hale, Horatio. Iroquois Book of Rites. 15. 4 Hall, James. Indian Legends. 19. 1 Heriot, Geo. Comparative View of the Manners, etc. 20. 3 History, Manners and Customs of, etc. Phila. 18mo. 15. 8 Hubbard, J. ^N^. Red Jacket and his People. 15. 4 Huntington, J. M. Letter in Defence of C. A. Huntington, etc. 15.11.3 Indian Territory. General Council of the. 15. 11. 3 IiVing, John T. Hunters of the Prairies. 19. 1 Jackson, W. H. Catalogue of Photographs of. 15. 11. 5 Jar vis, S. F. Religion of the Indian Tribes. 10. 4 Jefferson, Thos. Indian Addresses. 44. 10 Jones, George. History of Ancient America. 15. 10 Keating, W. H. Expedition to St. Peter's River. 22. 2 Kennedy, James. Probable Origin of N. A. Indians. 15. 2 Kinzie, Mrs. J. H. Wau-bun. 18. 5 Lafitau, J. F. Moeurs des Sauvages Ameriquains. 15. 9 Lewis, Meriwether, and Clarke, Wm. Travels, etc., 1804-'6. 19.3 Long, J. Voyages and Travels. 20. 13 Mathews, Dr. W. Navajo Weavers. 15. 11. 6 McClung, J. A. Sketches of Western Adventure. 18. 14 McConnell, J. L. Western Characters. 19. 1 McCoy, Isaac. History of Baptist Missions. 15. 2 Mcintosh, John. Origin of the N. A. Indians. 15. 1. McKenney, T. L. Origin, History, etc., of the. 43. 3 Reports and Proceedings of his Recent Tour. 15. 11. 4 And Hall, James. History of Indian Tribes. 95. 19 Mallery, G. Study of Sign Language. 15. 11. 6 Map of Indian Reservations, etc., 1874. 15. 11. 1 Marryatt, Fred. Travels of Mons. Violet. 3 Vols. 33. 10 Maximilian, A. P. Travels in N. A. 33. 12 Marryatt, Frederic. Descendants of Lost Tribes of Israel. 33.4 858 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indians of America — (Continued). Mayer, Brantz. Tab -gah -jute. 15. 4 Mazakute, Paul. Testimony to the Love of Jesus. 15. 11. 3 Michigan. Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Report. 15. 11. 3 Milburn, W. H. Pioneers, Preachers, etc. 18. 5 Moore, W. V. Indian Wars of the U. S. 15. 9 Morse, Jed. I^Tarrative of a Tour in 1820. 15. 1 Neill, E. D. Effort, etc., to Civilize the Aborigines. 60. 8 Parker, Rev. S. Exploring Tour beyond the Rocky Mts. 19.3 Parkman, Francis. Discovery of the Great West. 20. 10 Patten, G. W. Indian Melodies. 74. 4 Perrot, Mcolas. Memoire sur les Moeurs, etc. 15. 2 Photographic Portraits of Indians, etc. List. 49. 2 Pidgeon, Wm. Traditions of De-coo-dah. 15. 8 Pond, G. H. Paganism a Demon Worship. 15.*11. 3 Pike, Z. M. Exploratory Travels. 20. 12 Pouchot, . Manners and Customs. 14. 10 Portraits of. Painted by J. M. Stanley, etc. Catalogue. 49.2 Protestant Episcopal Church. Indian Commission. Report. 22. 5. 5 Reid, Hugo. Indians of Los Angeles Co., Cal. 8. 4 Saint Clair, Arthur. Campaign in 1791. 15. 14 Sanborn, J. B. Our Indian Relations. 22. 11. 5 Scherer, J. B. Recherches Historiques. 20. 8 Schoolcraft, H. R. Algic Researches. 15. 8 American Indians. 15. 9 History, Condition and Prospects, etc. 49. 13 Indian in his Wigwam. 15. 9 Myth of Hiawatha, etc. 15. 8 Oneota, Characteristics of the Red Race. . 15. 9 Personal Memoirs, etc. 15. 9 Shea, J. G., Editor. Early Voyages on the Mississippi. 20. 3 History of Catholic Missions Among, etc. 50. 4 The Jesuits, Recollects and Indians. 25. 9 Sheridan, Gen. Phil. H. Engagements with Hostile Indi- ans. 15. 11. 3 Smet, P. J, de. New Indian Sketches. 15. 8 Western Missions and Missionaries. 15. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 859 Indians of America — (Continued). Smith, J. Y. Origin of the American Indians. 19. 11 Smithsonian Institute. Bureau of Ethnology. 50. 7 Snelling, W. J. Sketches of Indian Life and Character. 22.1 Society for Propogating Gospel, etc. ' 56. 14. 11 Stone, W. L. Uncas and' Miantonomah. 43. 1 Strickland, W. P. Pioneers of the West. 19. 1 Stuart, Col. John. Memoir of Indian Wars. 15. 12. 3 Taopi and his Friends. 22. 1 Townsend, J. K. Journey Across the Eocky Mountains. 19.2 Tuttle, C. E. Border Wars with the Indians, 1750-1874. . 14.3 Traits of American Indian Life and Character. 15. 8 Tyson, J. E. Surviving Eemnant of the Indian Eace. 15. 11. 4 XJ. S. Board of Indian Commissions, etc. Eeport, 1870, '75, '78. Bureau of Education. Indian School, etc. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Eeports. Eeport of Purchasing Committee. Treaties between U. S. and Tribes. Eeport on Indian Tribes, 1867. Statement in Eelation to all Tribes, 1870. Congress. Act to Eegulate Trade with Indians. Condition of Indian Tribes, 1865. Dep. of Interior. Indian Bureau Circular. Dep. of War. Eeport of Commissioners, etc. Eeport on Indian Tribes, 1829. Eevised Eegulations, 1837. Victor, Mrs. F. F. Eiver of the West. Yolney, C. F. General Observation on the. Waldo, Wm. Eecollections. Walker, J. B. Origin of the K. A. Indians. Welsh, Wm. Letter to J. D. Cox, etc. Eeport of Visit to Spotted Tail's Tribe. Wheeler, Thos. Narrative of an Expedition, etc. Wilson, Daniel. Pre-Historic Man. Wilson, Thos., Bp. Instruction for the Indians. Worsley, Israel. View of the American Indians. 15. n. 4 15.1 15. n. 5 15. 1 15. 11. 3 15.2 15. ,11. 4 15. 11. 3 15. . n. 3 15. ,1 J 5. 11. 1 19. 14. 8 15. 11. 4 15. IL 3 19. 2 33.4 18. 7. 5 18. 3. 4 60. 8 22.5. 5 7. 3 15.: LO 15. 8 15.8 860 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indians of America — (Continued). Yarrow, H. C. Study of Mortuary Customs. 15. 11. 6 (Antiquities.) Abbott, C. C. The Stone Age in N. J. 49. 3 Aboriginal Ingenuity. The Tepiti. 15. 11. 1 Anthropology. Cordate Ornaments. 15. 11. 1 Antiquities in the Southern States. 49. 3 Atwater, Caleb. Antiquities in Ohio, etc. 9. 10 Bancroft, H. H. Native Eaces, Pacific Coast. 15. 2 Bradford, A. W. American Antiquities. 15. 10 Brasseur, de Bourbourg. Popol Vuh. (LivreSacre.) 15.3 Brown, E. Pictured Cave of La Crosse Valley. 19. 11 Conant, A. J. Foot Prints of Vanished Eaces. 15. 3 Ewbank, Thos. Indian Antiquities of Chile, etc. 50. 1 Foster, J. W. Pre-Historic Eaces of the U. S. 15. 9 Harvard Coll. Peabody Museum, Eeports. 9. 10 Hoffman, W. J. Aboriginal Art in California. 19. 13 Johnson, W. E. Indian Engraving. 11. 10 Jones, C. C, Jr. Antiquities of Southern Indians. .15.3 Jones, Joseph. Aboriginal Eemains of Tenn. 49. 14 Mode of Fabrication of Ancient Copper Implements. 19. 11 Palaeolithic Implements, Delaware Valley. 15. 11. 1 Perkins, G. H. Archaeology of Vermont. 15. 11. 1 Priest, Josiah. American Antiquities. 15. 10 Putnam, F. W. Chipped Stone Implements. 15. 11. 1 Ancient Copper Implem.ents. 15. 11. 1 Eau, Chas. Ancient Aboriginal Trade in America. 49. 3 Indian Pottery. 49. 3 Eosny, Lucien de. Histoire de la Ceramique, etc. 14. 12 Eecherchessur les Masques, etc. 14. 12 Slafter, E. F. Prehistoric Copper Implements. 15. 10 Same. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 8.) 19.11 Squier, E. G. Primeval Monuments of Peru. 60. 2 And Davis, E. H. Ancient Monuments, Miss. Valley. 49.7 Stebbins, E. S. Stone Implements of the Aborigines. 22. 5. 2 Thatcher, B. B. Indian Biography. 15. 8 Troost, Gerard. Ancient Eemains in Tenn. 15.10 U. S. Dept. of War. Surveys West of 100th Mer. 50. 2 White, Geo. Biog. Sketch of Dist. Indians. 15. 13 Wright, Harrison. Indian Earthenware. 11. 10. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 861 Indians of America — (Continued) . See also Archaeology, Mounds and Mound Builders, Prairies, Rocky Mountains, West, the, etc. (Captives, Tales of.) Butterfield, C. W. Crawford's Ex- pedition . 18. 2 •Drake, S. G. Tragedies of the Wilderness. 15. 8 Eastlick, Mrs. L. Narrative of. 22. 5. 5 Ellet, Mrs. E. F. Captivity of Mary Healy. 19. 1 Farmer, J., and Moore, J. B. Captivity of Mrs. Johnson. 7.3 Filley, Wm. Life and Adventures. 43. 3 Horn, Mrs. . Narrative of Captivity. 16. 14 Hunter, J. D. Memoirs of a Captivity. 15. 2 Indian Atrocities. Sufferings of Knight and Slover. 18. 8 Ingles, Mrs. Mary. See Hale, J. P. 16. 6 Leith, John. Account of his Sufferings, etc. 15. 3 Le Eoy, Marie, and Leininger, Barbara. Narrative. 11. 3 Miner, C. Captivity of Frances Slocum. 11. 11 Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Johnson. 7. 3 Norton, John. Redeemed Captive. 8. 10 Sharp, Mrs. Abigail G. History of Spirit Lake Massacre. 19.13.4 Shute, Mrs. Captivity, 1755. 7. 3 Smith, Col. James. Remarkable Occurrences. 18. 2 Spencer, O. M. Indian Captivity. 18.18 Stone, W. L. History of Frances Slocum. 11. 11 Stratton, R. B. Captivity of the Oatman Girls. 1 15. 2 Tanner, John. Narrative of his Captivity. 15. 2 Wakefield, Mrs. Sarah F. Six Weeks, etc. 22. 5. 5 (Indian Question.) See Adair, W. P. Memorial, etc. 15. 11. 4 Banning, H. B. Transfer of Indian Bureau. 15. 11. 5 Bates, J. C. Speech on Indian Bill. 15. 11. 3 Bogy, L. V. Transfer of Indian Bureau. 15. 11. 5 Brief View of the Relation between, etc. 15. 11. 3 Burleigh, W. A. Management of Indian Affairs. 15. 11. 3 Indian Affairs. Speech. 15. 11. 3 Butler, E. Essay on the Indian Question. 15. 11. 4 Calhoun, W. B. Rights of the Indians. 15. 11. 3 Cooper, Peter, and Others. Indian Question. 15. 11. 3 Cop way, George. A New Indian Territory, etc. 15. 11. 3 Council Fire and Arbitrator. 1882. 15. 11. 3 862 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indians of America — (Continued). Davis, A. C. Frauds of the Indian Office. 15. 11. 3 Degener, Edw. Indian Aifairs. 60. 8 Donnelly, I. Reform of the Indian System. 33. 7. 5 Report of the Pine Land Committee. 15. 11. 4 Everett, Edward. Speech on Laws and Treaties. 15. 11. 3 Everett, Horace. Report on Indian Affairs Reviewed. 15. n. 3 Foster, Thomas. True Method of Civilizing. 60. 1 Appointment as Indian Historiographer. 60. 1 Frelinghuysen, T. Speech, on Indian Removal. 15. 11. 3 Grayson, G. W. Memorial of Indian Delegates. 15. 11. 4 Hall, James. Intercourse with the Indians. 19. 1 Harrison, C. H. Treatment of Savages. 15. 11. 4 Huntington, C. A. Defense of his Course as Agent. 15. 11. 3 Indian Frauds. 33. 13 Indian Swindles. (Broadside.) 1873. 60.1 Lincoln, W. H. The Indian Question. 15. 11. 4 Lowe, Chas. The President's Indian Policy. 15. 11. 5 McCormick, R. C. Claims for Losses from Indians. 15. 11. 3 McKee, G. C. Territory of Oklahoma. 15. 11. 4 Neill, E. D. Effort and Failure to Civilize the, etc. 15. IL 5 Relation of the Government to. 15. 11. 5 New York City. Indian Board. Documents, etc. 15. 11. 4 Orr, J. L. Bill Defining Terms of Treaties. 15. 11. 4 Parker, J. C. Indian Appropriations. Speech. 15. 11. 3 Poston, C. D. Speech on Indian Affairs. 60. 8 Prot. Episc. Church. Indian Commisson. The Church, etc. 15. 11. 3 Ross, E. G. Osage Indian Lands. Speech, etc. 60. 2 Sargent, A. A. Indian Appropriation Bill. 60. 2 Sevier, A. H. Bill to Provide for Security of, etc. 15. 11. 4 Shanks, Gen. J. P. C. Indian Affairs. 15. 11. 4 Sibley, Gen. H. H. Speech, H. of R., Aug. 2, 1850. 33. 7.1 Stanton, F. P. Argument on the Indian Frauds. 15. 11. 3 Stewart, J. H. Transfer of Indian Bureau. 15. 11. 5 Tipton, John. Speech, Protection of the Aborigines. 15. 11. 4 U. S. Bd. of Indian Com. Modoc War. 15. 11. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 863 Indians of America — (Continued). Com. of Indian Affairs. Revised Regulations. 15. 11. 3 Congress, House. Transfer of Ind. Bureau. 16. 11. 5 Dept. of Interior. Report of Commission, etc. 15. 11. 4 Wells, Erastus. Territory of Oklahoma. 15. 11. 4 Welsh, Wm. Indian Ofi&ce. Wrong Doings, etc. 15. 11. 3 Letter to Congress. 15. 11. 4 Sales of Indian Pine Timber. 15. 11. 4 Misconduct in the Indian OfiSce. 15. 11. 3 White, E. Testinionials in Favor of his Appointment, ect. 15. 11. 3 Whittlesey, Charles. Universal Indian Problem. 15. 1 1 . 5 Williamson, T., and Others. The Indian Question. 15. 11. 4 (Language.) Adams, F. G. Phonetic Representation. 15. 11. 2 Ainslee, G. Grammatical Structure. 49. 5. 2 Bancroft, H. H. Native Races, Vol. 3. 15. 2 Baraga, Fred. Otchipwe Language. 15. 8 Theoretical and Practical Grammar. 15. 8 Barber, E. A. Comparative Vocabulary of Utah Dialects. 15. 11. 2 Bible, the, in Dakota. 15. 3 Brasseur, de Bourbourg, L' Abbe. Popol Vuh. 15. 3 Bruyas, James. Radical Words of Mohawk. 15. 2 Burman, Rev. W. A. The Sioux Language. 20. 5. 2 Dakotah Church Service. 15. 11. 2 Dictionary of Chinook Jargon. 15. 11. 2 Fenling, J. P. Place of the Indian Languages. 19. 12. 1 Gallatin, Albert. Mexican, Tarasca, etc., Languages. 15. 10 Gatschet, A. S. The Timucua Language. 15. 11. 2 Der Yuma Sprachtstamm. 15. 11. 4 Gibbs, George. Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon. 49. 2 Hathaway, Joshua. Indian N^ames in Wisconsin. 19. 11 Hayden, F. V. Indian Tribes of Mo. Valley. 15. 10 Heckwelder, J. Names given by the Lenni Lennape, etc. 11. 10 Hinman, S. D. Dakota Church Service. 15. 11. 2 Heriot, Geo. Indian Languages in General. 20. 3 Howse, J. Grammar of the Cree Language. 15. 3 La Combe, Alb. Dictionnaire des Cris. 15.4 Ledesme, Le Pere. Doctrine Chrestiene Traduicte, etc. 20. 12 109 864 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indians ^F America — (Continued). Leland, P. W. Algonquin Language. 8. 9. 9 Lieberkuhn, Samuel. Life of Christ in Delaware. 15. 11. 2 Lincoln, Enoch. Eemarks on Indian Languages. 7. 1 Ludewig, H. E. Literature of Aboriginal Languages. 74. 10 McLean, John. Indian Dialects in Hudson's Bay. 20. 11 Madier de Montjan, ed. Evangiles en Nahuatl. 14. 12 Mathews, W. Ethnography, etc., of the Hidatsas. 15.2 Minnesota. Constitution in Dakota. 15. 11, 2 Mizi Anamiawinum, etc. (Prayer Book in Ojibwa.) 22. 1.1 Odowan. (Hymns, in Dakota.) 22. 1. 1 Powell, J. W. Introduction to the Study of, etc. 50. 7 Schoolcraft, H. E. Aboriginal Names of N. Y. 10. 4 Grammatical Structure of Indian Language. 15. 9 Shea, J. G., Editor. French Onondaga Dictionary. 15.2 Library of American Linguistics. 15. 2 Ten Commandments, etc., in Ojibway. 11. 15. 2 Trumbull, J. H. Best Methods of Studying the, etc. 15. 11. 2 Books and Tracts in the Indian Language. 9. 3 Composition of Indian Geog. Names. 7. 6 The Indian Tongue and its Literature. 9. 14 Mistaken Notions of Algonkin Grammar. 15. 11. 2 U. S. Smithsonian Institute. Method of Eecording the, etc. 50. 7 Williams, E. Key into the Language of America. 8. 13 Williamson, A. W. The Dakota Languages. 15. 11. 2 Willis, Wm. Language of the Abnakis. 7. 1 (Languages. ). Abnaki. See Easles, S. Dictionary. 83 Alaska. Lisiansky, Urey. Vocabulary. 20. 13, 1 Whymper, F. Indian Dialects. 20.13 Algonquin. La Hontan, Baron. Dictionary. 20. 2 Brazilian. Cavalcanti, A. Brasilian Language. 34. 9 Catawba. Lieber, O. M. Vocabulary of. 15. 6 Chinook. Gibbs, G. Alphabetical Vocabulary. 15. 11. 6 Choctaw. Choctaw Hymn Book. 15. 11 Cree. Harmon, D. W. Specimen of the Cree. 33. 4 Vocabulary. See Chappell, E. 20. 4 Dakota. Baudry des Loziers, L. N. Vocabulary. 20. 8 Bible. Trans, by Williamson, Eiggs, etc. 22. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 865 Indians of America — (Continued). Burman, W. A. The Sioux Language. 20. 5. 2 Calvary Catechism. 22. 11 Dakota Tawaxitkukin. V Gallaudet, T. H. Wowapi Mitawa. 22. 1 Huggins, E. W., and Williamson, N. J. Text Book. 22. 1 Ikce Wocekiye Wowapi. (Prayer Book. ) 22. 1 Pond, S. W. Wowapi Inonpa. 22. 1 Eenville, J. and others. Hymns. 22. 1 Eiggs, S. E. The Dakota Language. 22. 10 Same. Dakota Odowan. [Hymns.] 22. 1 Same. Dakota Tawoonspe. 22. 1 Same. Grammar and Dictionary of. 49. 7 Same, and Pond, G. H. First Eeading Book. 22. 1 Same, and Williamson, J. P. Dakota Odowan. 22. 1 Eoehrig, F. L. O. Dakota Language. 49. 3 Woonspe Itakihna. By J. B. Eenville. 22. 1 Sisseton and Wahpeton Treaty. 22. 5. 5 Huron. Breboeuf, Jean de. Eelation, 1636. 20. 3 Massachusetts. Cotton, Josiah. Vocabulary. 15. 11. 2 Maya. Eosny, Leon de. Essai sur le, etc. 15. 14. 1 Same. Yocabulaire de, etc. 15. 11. 6 Miami. Volney, C. F. Vocabulary. 33. 4 Ojibway. Geography in. 22. 1 Bible. 22. 1 Carver, J. Short Vocabulary of the. 22. 2 Gallaudet, T. H. Picture Defining and Beading Book. 22.1 The Peep of Day. 22. 1 Jones, Peter, and others. Ojibue Hymn Book. 22. 1 Long, J. Vocabulary of the. 20. 13 Gospel of St. Luke. By S. Hall and G. Copway. 22. I Ojibwa Primer. 22. 1. 1 Ojibwa Spelling Book. 22. 1 Old Testament Bible Stories. 22. 1 Schoolcraft, H. E. Analysis of Chippewa Language. 22.2 Wilson, E. F. Ojibwa Language. A Manual. 15. 8 Quiche. Brasseur de Bourbourg, Pabbe. Popol Vuh. 15. 3 Eivero, M. E. The Quichua Language. 40. 8 (By States.) Alaska. Petroff, Ivan. Eeport on. 50. 10 866 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indians of America — (Continued). Sumner, Chas. Speech. ^ 20. 13. 1 U S. Board Indian Com. ' 20. 13. 1 Arizona. Grossman, F. E. Pima Indians. 49. 3 British America. Harmon, D. W. Journal. 33. 4 Hind, H. Y. Exploring Expedition. 20. 12 Jacobs, P. Journal. The Wesleyan Mission. 20. 11 Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. Voyages. 20. 13 Notes on the Tinneh or Chipewyan Indians. 49. 3 Pallisser, J. Indian Tribes and Vocabularies. 20. 12 Ross, Alex. Red River Settlement. 20. 11 West, John. Journal at Red River Colony. 20. 11 British Columbia. Macdonald, D. G. F. British Colum- bia. 20. 13 Mayne, R. C. Four Ye irs in. 20. 13 Swan, J. G. Haidah Indians. 49. 14 California. Baegert, Jakob. Aboriginal Inhabitants. 49.3 Boscana, G. Historical Account of the Indians. 20. 7 Cronise, T. F. The Aborigines of. 20. 7 Gillet, Felix. Les Indiens. 14. 12 Menefee, C. A. Indian Tribes of Napa Co. 20. 7 Putnam, F. W. Indians of Cal. 8. 4. 3 Whipple, A. W. Journal of an Expedition. 19. 14. 1 Canada. Bacqueville de la Potherie. Histoire, etc. 20. 1 Bell, Robert. The Medicine Man, etc. 15. 11. 1 Blake, F. K Management of Indians in. 20. 5. 2 Boucher, Pierre. Indians of New France. 20. 2 Canada. Report of Special Commissioners. 20. 11 Carnegie, James. Saskatchewan and Rocky Mountains. 20.5 Ohamplain, Saml. de. Oeuvres. 20.12 Charlevoix, P. F. de. Histoire de Kouveile France. 20. 10 Clint, Wm. The Aborigines of Canada. 20. 9. 8 Dablon, J. C. Relation, 1672. 20. 3 La Hontan, Baron. Voyages dans L' Amerique. 20. 2 Journal des Jesuites. 20. 3 Le Beau, C. Avantures, ou Voyage Curieux. 20. 1 Letters Edifiantes et Curieuses. 20. 8 Relation des Affaires du Canada, en 1696. 20. 3 Relations des Jesuites. Quebec, 1858. 20. 3 Veritables Motifs de Messieurs, etc. 20. 9. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBR. Indians OF America — (Continued). Young, E. Manual of Devotion in the Beaver Dialect. 15.4 Connecticut. De Forest, J. W. Indians of Conn. 15. 8 Dakota. Territorial Council. Report on. 15. 11. 4 Dept. of Interior. Massacre at Ft. Phil Kearney. 60. 8 Delaware. Heckwelder, John. Mission of the Uitited Brethren. 15. 2 Laws of the Delaware Nation. 15. 11. 4 Florida. Gatschet, Albert S. The Timucuans. 15. 11. 2 Laudonniere, R. G. de. Attempt of French to Colonize, etc. 20. 3 Hudson's Bay. Delessert, Edouard. Indiens, etc. 20. 11 Umfreville, E. Manners and Customs. 20. Anderson, D. The Net in the Bay. 20. 4 Illinois. Clark, Gen. G. R. Campaign in the Illinois. 18. 2 Gravier, Jacques. Journal du Voyage. 20. 3 Iowa. Flandrau, Charles E. The Inkpaduta Massacre. 22.10 Negus, Chas. Early History of Iowa. 19. 13. 1 Kansas. First Kaw Indian Mission. 19. 7 Hale, E. E. Indian Tribes in Nebraska, etc. 19. 7 Kentucky. Brown, J. M. Oration, etc. 18. 14. 3 Louisiana. Bossu, N. Nouveaux Voyages. 20. 3 French, B. F. Historical Collections. 20. 3 Gatschet, A. S. Shetimasha Indians. 15. 11. 5 Hennepin, Louis. Description of Louisiana. 22. 2 Le Page du Pratz. Account of the Several Nations. 20.1 Maine. Baxter, J. Journal while Missionary to, etc. 46. 3 Indian Treaties. 7. 1 Baxter, J. Several Visits to Indians, etc. 15. 11. 5 Papers Relating to Indian Troubles in. 7. 1 Pownall, Gov. T. Voyage to Penobscot River, 1759. 7. 1 Manitoba. Morris, Alex. The Treaties of Canada. 19. 8 Weeks, H. C. White and Red. 22. 1 Massachusetts. Allen, Chas. Report on Stockbridge In- dians. 15. 11. 4 Ellis, G. E. Indians of Eastern Mass. 9. 14 Indian Commissioner. Report, etc. 15. 11. 5 Medfield; Burning of, by the Indians. 9. 2 868 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indians of America — (Continued). Peskeompskut; the Falls Fight. 8. 2. 6 Snelling, W. J. Indian Nullification of the Laws. 8. 3 Michigan. Henry, Alex. Travels in Canada, etc. 20. 2 Minnesota. Beltrami, J. C. Pilgrimage, etc. 22. 2 Bryant, C. S. History of the Sioux Massacre. 22. 7 * And Murch, A. B. History of the Great Massacre. 22.9 Donnelly, I. Sale of the Sioux Reservation. 33. 7. 5 Eastman, Mrs. M. H. Romance of Indian Life. 22. 9 Ely, E. F. Battle of Lake Pokeguma. 22. 5. 2 Enmegahbowh, J. J. Death of Chief J. H. Tuttle.- 22. 5. 5 Farrar, M. Five Years in Minnesota.' 22. 9 Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Canoe Voyage up Minnay Sotor. 22. 2 Heard, I. V. D History of the Sioux War. 22. 9 Indians on White Earth Reservation. 60. 2 Miller, Stephen. Special Order, to Hang 39 Indians. 22. 5. 5 McConkey, Mrs. H. E. B. Dakota War Whoop. 22. 9 Minnesota Year Book, 1852. Treaty of 1851. 22. 8 Neill, E. D. Battle of Lake Pokeguma. 22. 10 History of Minnesota. 22. 9 Newson, T. M. Thrilling Scenes among the. 15. 11 Pond, S. W. Indian Warfare in Minnesota. 22. 10 Ruffee, C. A. Condition of Chippewas of Minnesota. 22. 5. 5 Turner, E. C. (and Others). History of the Sioux Mas- sacre. 22. 7 XJ. S. Department of Interior. Claim of H. M. Rice. . 30.2 Williamson, T. S. Who were the First Men? 22. 10 Windom, Wm. Speech on Indian Outrages. 22. 5. 2 See, also, ''Indians,'' etc., Sioux, Ojibwas, etc. Mississippi. St. Cosme, J. F. B., and Others. Relation, etc. 1700. 20. 3 Nebraska. Johnson, H. The Omahas, etc. 19. 7 New England. Captivity of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. 7. 3 Caverly, R. B. Heroism of Hannah Duston. 15. 8 Church, B. History of King Philip's War. 15. 4 History of Expeditions of 1689, etc. 15. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 869 Indians of America — (Continued). ^ Church, Thos. History of Philip's War. 15. 8 Drake, S. G., Editor. Old Indian Chronicle. 15. 4 Day Breaking, if Not the Sun Eising, etc. 7. 7 Fifteen Indian Treaties in N. E., etc. 7. 3 Further Accompt of the Progresse of the Gospel, etc. * 7. 7 Gookin, D. Doings, etc., of the Christian Indians. 9.10 Hubbard, W. History of the Indian Wars in N. E. 15.4 Mather, Increase. Brief History of the Wars with, etc. 15.4 New England's First Fruits, etc. 7. 7 Penhallow, S. History of the Wars of New England, etc. 7. 7 Shepard, Thos. The Clear Sunshine of the Gospel, etc. 7. 7 Spofiford, Mrs. H. P. New England Legends. 7. 7 Whitfield, H. Light Appearing, etc. 7. 7 Strength out of Weakness, etc. 7. 7 New Hampshire. Chase, Francis. Gathered Sketches, etc. 7.9 New Jersey. Allinson, Samuel. Fragmentary History, etc. 10. 8. 1 Brainerd, David. Rise and Progress, etc. 15. 10 Gifford, Archer. The Aborigines of New Jersey. 10. 8. 2 New Mexico. Whipple, A. W., and Others. Report, etc. 69. 7 New York. Campbell, W. W. Annals of Tryon County. 10. 10 Champlain, Samuel de. Voyages, 1603-'29. 20. 12 Clinton, De Witt. General View of the Red Men. 10. 4 Haw ley, G. Journey to Onondaga, 1753. 10. 34 Moravian Historical Society. Memorial, etc. 7. 5 O'Callaghan, E. B., Editor. Documents Relative to, etc. 10.7 Ruttenber, E. M. History of the Indian Tribes, etc. 15. 9 Ohio. Baldwin, C. C. Indian Migrations in Ohio. 15. 11.4 Force, M. F. Early Notices of Indians. 15. 11. 4 870 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indians of America — (Continued). Dodge, J. E. Eed Men of Ohio Valley. 15. 8 Harrison, W. H. Aborigines of the Ohio Yalley. 18. 1 Jones, David. Visits Made to Indians, etc. 15. 10 Mitchener, C. H. Ohio Annals. 18. 9 Papers Eelating to Expedition of Col. Bradstreet. 18. 3. 1 Smith, Eev. Wm. Gen. Bouquet's Expedition. 18. 2 Zeisberger, D. Diary of a Moravian Missionary. 18. 9 Oregon. Armstrong, A. N. Description, etc. 20. 6 Cram, T. J. Indian Treaties. 20. 6. 1 Dunn, John. History of Oregon Territory. 20. 6 Glisan, E. Journal of Army Life. ' 20. 6 Kane, Paul. Wanderings of an Artist. 20. 11 Kip, Laurence. Army Life on the Pacific. 20. 6 Lee, D., and Frost, J. H. Ten Years in Oregon. 20. 6 Stevens, I. I. Eemarks on the War Expenses, etc. 33. 7. 1 Pennsylvania. Beatty, Charles. Tour amongst Indians. 15. 10 Creigh, Alfred. Attack on Miller's Block House. 11. 4 Hecke welder, John. History, etc., of the Indians. IL 10 Jones, U. J. Early Settlement of Juniata Valley. 11.11 Eeichel, W. C. Memorials, 1870. 11. 12 Pennsylvania Archives. 2d Series, Vol. 4. 11. 3 Ehode Island. Allen, Z. Treatment of the Indians. 8. 6 Potter, E. E. Early History of Narragansetts. 8. 13 South America. Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses. 20. 8 Texas. Bonell, G. W. Account of Indian Tribes. 17. 9 Utah. Simpson, Gen. J. H. Shortest Eoute to California. 19.2 Virginia. Doddridge, J. Indian Wars of Western Va. 15. 8 Narrative of Indian Wars, etc. 14. 12 Wyth, John. Portraits to the Life, etc. 15. 9 Washington Ter. Gibbs, Geo. Indian Tribes. 69. 7 Swan, J. G. Indians of Cape Flattery. 49. 7 Wisconsin. Carver, J. Origin, etc., of the Indians. 22. 2 Anderson, T. G. Personal Narrative. 19. 11 Baird, Mrs. H. S. Indian Customs, etc. 19. 11 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 871 Indians of America — (Continued). Brunson, A. Early History of Wisconsin. 19. 11 Cass Manuscripts. 19. n Doty, J. D. :N^orthern Wisconsin in 1820. 19. n Ellis, Gen. A. G. I^. Y. Indians in Wis. 19. H Grignon, Augustin. Recollections. 19. n Lapham, I. A. and Others. Removal of Indians. 19. 5. 6 Laronde, J. T. de. Personal Narrative. 19. ll Robinson, C. D. Legend of the Red Banks. 19. 11 Shea, J. G. Indian Tribes of Wis. 19. n Sketch of the Brothertown Indians. 19. j i Strong, M. M. Indian Wars of Wis. 19. ll Whittlesey, C. Tour through Wisconsin in 1832. 19. 11 (By Tribes.) Abnaki. See Bacqueville de la Potherie. 20.1 Bigot, Jacques. Relation, 1702. 20. 3 Dreuilletes, G. Narre' du Voyage. 20. 3 Jesuit Missions among the. 20. 3 Kidder, F. The Abnaki Indians. 7. l Lettre du Pere. * '"^ Missionaire chez les Abnakis. 20.8 Rasles, S. Missionary Life among the Abnakis. 20. 3 Yetromile, E. The Abnaki Indians. 7. 1 Algonquin. Le Jeune, Paul. Relation, 1634. 20. 3 Parkman, F. Algonquin Family. 20. 10 Apache. Arizona Legislature. Memorial. 60. 1 Howard, Gen. O. O. Mission to the Apaches. 15. 11. 4 Stratton, R. B. Captivity of Oatman Girls. 15. 2 U. S. Board of Indian Commissioners. Peace with the, etc. 60. 8 Beavers. Young, R. Manual of Devotion. 15. 4 Brothertown. See Indians, etc., Wisconsin. See Quinney, John W. Chief. Camanches. Mrs. Horn's Narrative of Captivity. 16.14 Caribs. La Borde, Sieur de. Voyage qui Contient, etc. 22. 2 Cherokee. National Council. Compiled Laws, 1881. 81 Drake, S. G. Early History of Georgia. 15. 13. 1 Memorial of the Delegates of Cherokee Nation. 60. 1 Reply of the Delegates, etc. 60. 1 Ridge, J. R. and Others. * Comments on the Objections. 60.8 110 872 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indians of America — (Continued). Some Reasons why the Pending Treaty, etc. 15. 11. 4 See also, Cherokee [N'ation. Cheyennes. Abert, J. W. Report of New Mexico. 19. 14. 9 Dodge, R. I. Plains of the Great West. 19. 3 Chippewa. See Ojibways. Ohoctaws. Banfield, E. C. Letter on the Choctaw Claims. 60. 1 Pickett, A. J. The Aborigines of Alabama. - 15. 7 Comanches. Belden, G. P. Twelve Years among the Indi- ans. 15.8 Eastman, Edwin. Seven Years among the. 15. 8 Gregg, Josiah. Commerce of the Prairies. 19. 2 Marcy, R. B. Expedition to the Brazos. - 19. 14. 1 Same. Thirty Years on the Border. 19. 2 Pattie, J. O. Personal Narrative. 19. 2 Creeks. Gatschet. A. S. Migration Legend. 15. 4 Hawkins, B. Sketch of the Creek Country. 15. 13. 1 Meek, A. B. Sketch of Weatherford. 15. 13 Ross, W. P. Early Creek History! 15. 1 1. 2 Crees. La Combe, Albert. Dictionnaire. 15. 4 Crows. Carrington, Mrs. M. J. Absaraka. 19. 2 Stuart, James. Yellowstone Expedition, 1863. 19. 9 Dakotas. Burton, R. F. The Sioux or Dakotahs. 19. 9 Coleson, Ann. Narrative of Captivity. 15. 8 Custer, Mrs. E. B. Boots and Saddles. 16. 4 Eastman, Mrs. Mary. Life and Legends of. 22. 1 Gordon, H. L. Legends of the Northwest. 22. 8 Hinman, S. D. Journal of a Missionary. 15. 11. 3 Lynd, J. W. History and Religion of. 22. 40 Kelly, Mrs. F. Narrative of my Captivity. 15. 8 Larimer, Mrs. S. L. Capture and Escape. 15. 8 Lockwood, J. H. Manners, Customs, etc. 19. 11 McKenzie, J. H., and Giguere, O. Capture of Little Crow. 22. 5. 2 McLean, N. Letter on the Sioux Indians. 22. 10 Malmros, O. Report as Adjutant General, 1862. 24. 5 Marsh, O. C. Affairs at Red Cloud Agency. 15. 11. 5 Narrative of Paul Mazakootamane. 22. 10 Neill, E. D. Dakota Land and Dakota Life. 22. 10 Pond, G. H. Dakota Superstitions. 22. 10 Poole, D. C. Among the Sioux. 15. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 873 Indians of America — (Oontinued). Riggs, S. R. The Dakota Mission. 22. 10 Mary and I. 22. 1 Tah-Koo-Wah-Kan. 22. 1 Sibley, H. H. Sketch of John Other-day. 22. 10 Taylor, J. W. The Sioux War. 15. 11. 5 Remarks on the Indian Policy. 15. 11. 5 Welsh, Wm. Visit to the Sioux and Ponkas. 15. 11. 5 Williamson, T. S. First Male Dakota Convert. 22. 10 The Sioux or Dakotas. 22. 10 See Indians — Minnesota. Delawares. Treaty Stipulations with. 62. 11 (and Iroquois). SchwQinitz, E. Life of Zeisberger. 43.3 Esopus. Jones, N. W. Kotes on Esopus Indians. 10. 11. 2 Kregier, Capt. M. Journal of Second Esopus War. 10.14 Esquimaux. Chappell, E. Voyage to Hudson's Bay. 20.4 Hall, 0. F. Narrative of Second Arctic Ex. 20. 14 Perry, W. E. Second Voyage for Discovery. 20. 14 Quebec. Lit. and Hisc. Soc. Notes on Labrador. 20. 9. 7 Haidah. See Indians. Brit. Columbia. Hidatsa, or Grosventres. Mathews, W. Ethnography. 15. 2 Huron. Gendron, le Sieur. Quelques Particularitez. 20. 3 Parkman, F. Jesuits in North America. 20. 10 Relations des Jesuites. Vols. 1, 2. 20. 3 Iroquois. Bacqueville de la Potherie. Histoire. 20. 1 Cholonec, le Pere. Catherine, the Iroquois Saint. 20. 3 Clark, J. V. H. Onondaga, Vol. 1. 10. 5 Colden, C. History of Five Nations. 15. 2 D wight, T. Account of Origin, Customs, etc. 33. 5 Hale, Horatio. Iroquois Book of Rites. 15. 4 Hall, C. H. The Dutch and the Iroquois. 10. 11. 1 Hawley, C. Addresses, 1881-'82. 10. 11. 2 Hopkins, A. G. Early Protestant Missions. 10. 11. 2 Inglis, C. Memorial Concerning the Iroquois. 10. 14 Johnson, Elias. Legends. 15. 4 Parkman, F. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 20. 10 Papers Relating to Conversion of. 10. 14 Papers Relating to the Nine Tribes. 10. 14 Proctor, Col. T. Journey to the Indians. 11. 3 874 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indians of America — (Continued). Eelations des Jesuites. Vols. 2, 3. 20. 3 Schoolcraft, H. R. ^N^otes on the Iroquois. 15. 9 Smith, E. A. Myths of the Iroquois. 50. 7 Mandans. Oatlin, Geo. O-kee-pa. ' 15. 9 Maya. Thomas, C. Study of the Manuscript Troano. 50. 2 See Guatemala; Yucatan. Mohawk. Jogues, Isaac. The Jogues Papers. 10. 4 Megapolensis, Hans. Sketch of. 10. 4 O'Callaghan, E. B. Documentary History of N. Y. 10. 14 Mohegans. Beardsley, E. E. Mohegan Land Controversy. 7.6 Narragansetts. Dorr, H. C. The Narragansetts. 8. 7 Katchez. Charlevoix, P. F. de. Historical Journal. 20. 3 Gayarre, C. A. Origin, Customs, etc. , 15. 7 '. Le Petit, le Pere. Massacre by the Natchez. 20. 3 Eichebourg, de. Memoir sur la Guerre, etc. 20.3 Navajoes. Chaves, J. F. Speech. Indian Appropriations. 60.1 Davis, W. W. H. Trip to Navajo Country. 19. 14 Letherman, Jona. Sketch of the Navajo Tribe. 49.3 Mathews, W. Mythic Dry Painting of. 15. 11. 1 Navajo Silversmiths. 50. 7 Part of the Navajo's Mythology. 15. 11. 5 Some Deities and Demons of. 15. 11. 4 Simpson, Gen. J. H. Reconnoissance to Navajo Coun- try.- 19. 14 Oakinacken. Ross, Alex. Manners and Customs of. 20. 6 Ojibways. Agreement between Hole-in-the-Day and the U. S. 60. 1 Calkins, H. Indian Nomenclature. 19. 11 Catlin, Geo. Ojibbeway Indians in England, etc. 15. 10 Cop way, Geo. Life, History and Travels. 43. 2 Traditional History of. 15. 1 Ojibway Conquest. 15. 1 Draper, L. C. Notice of Match-e-ke-wis. 19. 11 Fox and Ojibway War. 22. 10 Incident of Chegoimegon. 19. 11 Jameson, Mrs. A. M. Winter Studies in Canada. 20. 2 Jones, Peter. History of Ojibways. 15. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE V. 875 Indians of America — (Continued). Kohl, J. H. Wanderings around Lake Superior. 19. 3 McKenney, T. L. Tour to the Lakes. 15. 4 Morse, E. F. Chippewas of Lake Superior. 19. 11 ' Neill, E. D. History of the Ojibways. 22. 10 Ojibway Prayer Book. 45. 3 Pitezel, J. H. Lights and Shades, etc. 19. 3 Eeminiscences of Hole-in-the-Day. 19. 11 Schoolcraft, H. R. Travels to Source of Mississippi River. 22. 2 Expedition to Itasca Lake. 22. 2 Summary N^arrative. 22. 2 Supplementary Treaty with Red Lake, etc. 60. 8 TJ. S. Dept. of Interior. Treaty, etc. 60. 1 Warren, W. W. History of the Ojibways. 22. 10 See, also, ''Indians, Minnesota. ^^ Omahas. Long, S. H. Expedition to Rocky Mountains. 19. 2 Oneidas. Milet, Pierre, le Pere. Relation. 1690-'l. 20.3 Osages. Ewing, Ch. Requisition of Osages, etc. 15. 11. 4 Pawnee. Dunbar, J. B. Pawnee Indians. 15. 10 Dodge, Gen. H. Expedition to Rocky Mountains. 19. 14. 8 Irving, J. T., Jr. Indian Sketches. 15. 2 Pawtucketts. Allen, W. History of Chelmsford, Mass. 25. 9 Penacooks. Character of the Penacooks. 7. 3 !N'ote on the Penacooks. 7. 3 Pequakets. Kidder, F. Expedition of Capt. Lovewell. 8. 10 Potto wattamies. Matson, N. Sketch of Shan-he-na. 19. 11 Pima. See Indians, Arizona. Pueblos. Davis, W. W. H. The Pueblo Indians. 19. 14 Putnam, F. W. Pueblo Pottery. 15. 11. 6 Sacs. Armstrong, P. A. Sauks and the Black Hawk War. 17. 12 Snelling, W. J. La Butte des Morts. 19. 11 And Foxes. Biggs, Uriah. Sketches of. 19. 6 History of the. 44. 8 Tradition of the Fox Indians. 19. 11 Senecas. Hawley. C. Early Chapters of History. 16. 14. 1 Ketchum, W. History of Buffalo. 10. 5 876 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indians OF A^merica — (Continued). Marshall, O. H. First Visit of La Salle to the Senecas. 20. 10 Stone, W. L. Life and Times of Red Jacket. 44. 7 Shawnees. Harvey, H. History of the Shawnees. 15. 1 Shetimasha. See Indians, etc., Louisiana. Shoshones. U. S. Dept. of War. Reconnoissance, etc. 19. 9 Sioux. See Dakotas. Six I^ations. Sherman, Daniel. Six Nations. 15. 11. 5 Stockbridges. Allen, T. Recollections of the Stockbridges. 25. 1 Communication fron Levi Kon-ka-pbt, Jr 19. 11 Susquehannas. Alsop, G. Small Treatise, etc. 11. 3 Tuscaroras. Johnson, Elias. History of. 15. 4 Winnebagos. Laws and Regulations Adopted. 15. 11. 4 Legend of the. 19. 11 McKenney, T. L. Winnebago War of 1827. . 19. 11 Price, E. Wa-kon-shuts-kte's Scalping Knife. 19. 6 Snelling, W. J. Early Days at Prairie du Chien. 19. 11 Yazoos. Davis, A. M. F. Journey of Moncacht-Ape. 9. 10. 1 Zunis. Cushing, F. H. Zuni Fetiches. 50. 7 See also Black Hawk War, Florida War, Mounds and Mound Builders, Seminole War, Names of Noted Chieftains, etc. Industrial Education. Bollman, Lewis. Industrial Colleges. 9. 9. 4 Carr, E. S. Industrial Education. Lecture. 20. 14. 4 Holland, F. M. Industrial Education. 19. 12. 1 Industrial League of America. Semi-Annual Report of Officers, Feb., 1881. Chicago, 1881. 8vo. 57.2. 2 Industry, Me. Allen, William. History of. 7. 8. 3 Infantry Tactics. Casey, Gen. Silas. 3 Vols. 51. 9 Bayonet Drill, etc. Patten, Geo. 51. 9 Infidelity. Leland, John. View of Deistical Writers in Eng- land, etc. 56. 4 Information for the People. Chambers, William and Robert. Edinburgh, 1848-'49. 8vo. 2 Vols. 83. 13 Ingalls, Rufus, and Others. Appointment and Promotion of Commissioned Officers of the Army. Memorial to the Com. on Mil. Affairs, H. R. n. t. p. 8vo. 51. 9. 1 INGELOW, Jean. Forman, H. B. Essay. 43. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 877 INGERSOLL, CHARLES. Letter to a Friend in a Slave State. By a Citizen of Penn. Phila., 1862. 8vo. 30. 9 Undelivered Speech, on Executive Arrests. Phila., 1862. 8vo. [Against Arrests under Suspension of the Habeas Corpus.] 30. 4. 4 Ingersoll, Ebon C. Finance. Speech, H. E., June 9, 1870. u. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 38, No. 25.) 60. 2 In the Matter of the Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad Company, for Authority to Extend its Road, etc. Argu- ment. Wash., D. C, 1871. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 28.) 60. 1 Reconstruction and Andrew Johnson. Speech, H. R., May 5, 1886. n. t.p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 29, No. 13.) 60.8 Speech, on the Government of Insurrectionary States, in the H. R., Feb. 7, 1867. Wash., 18G7. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 12, No. 17.) 60. 1 Ingersoll, Edward. Personal Liberty, and Martial Law. Review of Some Pamphlets of the Day. Phila., 1862. 8vo. 30. 4. 4 Ingersoll, Ernest. The Crest of the Continent. Record of a Summer's Rambles in the Rocky Mountains, and Beyond. Chicago, 1885. 8vo. 17. 9 Ingersoll, Geo. G. (Rev.) Home. A Thanksgiving Sermon, Preached in King's Chapel, Boston. Boston, 1845. 8vo. 56. 7. 2 Ingersoll, Joseph R. Memoir of Samuel Breck. Read before the Hist. Soc. of Penn.. Jan. 12, 1863. Phila., 1863. 8vo. 43. 6. B.l Ingersoll, Lurton Dunham. History of the War Dept. of the U. S., with Biog. Sketches of the Secretaries. Wash., D. C, 1879. 8vo. 33. 3 Ingersoll, Robert G. Hard Times, and the Way Out. Speech at Boston, Oct. 20, 1878. Wash., 1878. 8vo. 74. 7. 1 The Meaning of the Declaration. An Oration delivered at Peoria, 111., July 4, 1876. (See Saunders, F. "Our National Jubileee," etc., p. 694.) N. Y., 1877. 8vo. 16.12 Ingle, Edward. Capt. Richard Ingle, the Maryland "Pirate and Rebel," 1642-'53. Paper read , before the Maryland Historical Society, May 12, 1884. Baltimore, 1884. 8vo. (Maryland Hist. Soc, Fund-Publication, No. 19.) 11. 1. 3 J 878 * MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. INGRAHAM, EDWARD D. A Sketch of the Events which Pre- ceded the Capture^of Washington, by the British, on Aug. 24,1814. Phila., 1849. 8vo. 16.13 Ingraham, Joseph H. The Southwest. By a Yankee. 2 Vols. K Y., 1835. 12mo. 15. 14 Ingraham, Joseph W. Catalogue of [his] Private Library. Boston, 1848. 8vo. (Bound with Harper's Catalogue.) 74. 12 Ink-pa-du-ta Massacre, The. See Flandrau,. C. C. Paper read before the Minn. Hist. Soc. 22. 10 See also, Sharp, Abbie G. History Spirit Lake Massacre. Inquiries into the Causes of the Insurrection of the Ne- groes IN THE Island of St. Domingo. {Anon.) Added, Observations of M. Garran-Coulon. London, 1792. 8vo. (Bound with Clarkson's Essay, etc.) 30. 5 Inquiry into the Formation of Washington's Farewell Address. [Binney, Horace.] Phila., 1859. 8vo. 44. 11 Inquiry into the Legal Mode of Suppressing Eiots, with A Constitutional Plan of Future Defence. {Anon.) London, 1780. 8vo. . (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 23, No. 1.) 14. 1 Inquiry into the Eight and Duty of Compelling Spain TO Eelinquish the Slave Trade in Northern Africa. London, 1816. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 7.) 53. 5 Inquisition, Spanish. Llorente, Don Juan Antonio. History of the, in Spain, to the Eeign of Ferdinand VII. Abridged. Phila., 1843. 8vo. 40.9 Dugdale, Eichard. Narrative of Cruelties towards Protest- ants, etc. (HarleianMisc, Vol. 8, p. 414.) 40. 3 Insanity. American Journal of Insanity, The. Published by the N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum, Utica. Vol. 9, No. 1. 1852. 8vo. 57. 5. 4 Bartlett, C. K. Insanity as a Symptom of Brain Disease. 20. 11 Bowers, J. E. Differential Diagnosis of, etc. 22. 11 Dix, D. L. Memorial, Soliciting a State Hospital for, etc., to Legislature of Pa., 1845. 11. 7. 6 Folsom, C. P. Disease of the Mind. 8. 5 Great Britain — Parliament — House of Commons. Eeport of Committee on Madhouses, etc. 93. 9 Harrison, G. L. 'Care of the Insane. 57. 3 Howard Association, Eng. Criminal Lunacy. 51. 11. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 879 Insanity — (Continued). Lanier, L. System of Statistics, etc. 51. 11. 5 Mann, E. 0. Insanity in the Middle States. 51. 11. 4 Mason, E. Z. Duty of the State, etc. 19. 12. 1 Wilkins, Dr. E. T. Insanity and Insane Asylums. 57. 5. 7 See also. Idiocy, Mental Science, Names of State and other Lunatic Hospitals. Insects. Agassiz, L. (J. E.) Classification of, etc. 49.7 Hagen, Hermann. Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America, etc. 49. 2 Haldeman, S. S. Description of New and Interesting Ani- mals, etc. 49. 5. 5 Harris, T. W. Insects Injurious to Vegetation. 8. 8. 7 Hoy, P. E. Insects Injurious to Agriculture, etc. 19. 12. 1 Leconte, J. L. .Coleoptera of Kansas and N. M. 49. 7 Classification of the Coleoptera ofN. America. (Smith. Misc. Coll., Vols. 3, 11, 26.) 49. 2 and 49. 9 List of the Coleoptera of N. A. Pt. 1. 49. 2 New Species of North American Coleoptera. Pts. 1, 2. 49.2 Loew, H. Monographs of the Diptera of North America. Ed. by E. Osten-Sacken. Pts. 1-A. 49. 2 Morris, J. G. Synopsis of the Described Lepidoptera of N. A. Pt. 1. . 49. 2 Osten-Sacken, C. E. Catalogue of the Described Diptera of N. A. 49. 9 Packard, A. S. Directions for Collecting and Preserving. 49.2 Eiley, C. V. Eeport on Noxious, Beneficial and Other In- sects of Mo. 49. 5. 4 Scudder, S. M. Catalogue of the Orthoptera of N. A. 49. 2 Thomas, Cyrus, and Lebaron, William. Noxious and Bene- ficial Insects of 111. 18. 13. 6 U. S. Entomological Commission. Bulletins Nos. 1-7. 49. 5. 4 U. S. Geol Survey Bulletins, Nos. 1-37. 49. 5. 1 and 49. 5. 2 Walsh, B. D. Insects Injurious to Vegetation in 111. 18. 13. 6 Kingsley, J. S. Nat. Hist., Vol. 2. 51. 10 See also. Army- Worm; Butterfly; Grasshopper; Moth; Po- tato-bug; Wasp, etc. Insignia of the Orders of Knighthood, Etc. (Anon. ) no impt. 4to. 46. 14 111 880 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Institution Ethnographique. Annuaire. Publie par Victor Dumas, 1878. Paris, 1878. 8vo. 15. 4. 1 Eapport Annuel, 1883. * 8vo. 15. 4. 1 Insurance. Minnesota Legislature. Insurance Laws of the State of Minn., 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. 22. 5. 1 McGill, A. R. Experience of 33 Ins. Cos. in Minn., etc. 57. 4. 4 ]^ew York (City) Life Ins. Co. Agents' Manual: Handbook of Life Assurance. I^. Y., 1862. Sm. 8vo. 72. 5 Oakley, H. A. Address to the l^ational Board Fire Under- writers, etc. ^ 57 . 4. 4 Insurance, Marine. Gr. Brit. H. of C. Report of Select Com. on, 1810. Added, Minutes of Evidence. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 11, ^o. 1.) 53. 6 See State Reports, Reports of Conventions, etc. Intellect. Anderson, J. A. Sermon, Difference between Soul and. 19. 14. 2 See Mental Science. Intellectual Philosophy. Steward, Dugald. " Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man, etc. 56. 10 Interest of Great Britain Considered. See Franklin, Benj. 14.1 Interest of the Merchants and Manufacturers of Great Britain in the Contest with her Colonies. {Anon.) London, 1774. 8vo. (Rev. War Paraph., Vol. 14, No. 6.) 14.1 International Coinage. Wash., 1868. 8vo. See Coinage. 33. 7. 8 International Copyright with Great Britain. [Signed T. H. C] n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 35, No. 12.) 60.2 Meeting of Authors and Publishers, at New York, April 9, 1868, and Organization of the International Copyright Association. N. Y., 1868. 8vo. 57.10.3 International Exhibition. See London, Paris, U. S. Cen- tennial Exhibition, Vienna. International Law. Duane, W. J. Law of Nations Investi- gated, etc. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 10, No. 5.) 53. 12 U. S. Department of State. Correspondence between the Governments of the U. S. and Gr. Brit., 1840-'43, Re- specting the Right of Search of Merchant Vessels, in Time of Peace, n. t. p. 1846. 8vo. (Senate Doc, Vol. 8, 1845-'46. 61. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 881 International Law — (Continued). Vattel, Emrich von. Law of Nations. 1st Am. edition. K Y., 1796. 12mo. 57. 10 Wheaton, Henry. Discourse on the History of the Science of, etc., Dec. 28, 1820. (K Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1821, p. 281.) 10.4 See also Treaties. International Monetary Conference at Paris, 1867, 1878. See Paris. International Monthly Magazine. Vols. 1-3. 1850-51. N. Y., 1850-'51. 8vo. 3 Vols. 36.14 International Railroad and Steamship Co., of Florida. Prospectus of. K Y., 1883. 8vo. 72.6.4 International Sanitary Conference, at Constantinople, Feb. 1866. See Constantinople. 51. 11. 1 International Typographical Union. See National Typo- graphical Union. International, The. Wilkes, Geo. (Eamsej Pamph., Vol. 34, No. 14.) 60.2 Inter-State Commerce. See also, "Transportation." Inventions. Wheeler, Cyrenus, Jr. Inventors and Inventions of Cayuga Co., N. Y. 10. 11. 2 Invertebrates: Lower. See Kingsley, J. S. Nat. Hist., Vol. 1. 51. 10 Iowa. Adjt. General. Report, 1861-'65, ^67, '68. Des Moines, 1862-'68. 8vo. 9 Vols. 3L 12 Auditor of State. Report of Insurance Department, 1868- '69. 2 Vols. 19. 6 Board of Education. Acts, Resolutions, and Forms Adopted by the Board, December, 1858. 19. 13. 3 Journal of its Sessions, 1858-'59. ' 19. 13. 3 Report of the Secretary, 1859. 19. 13. 3 Board of Immigration. Manufacturing, Agricultural, and Industrial Resources of the State of, 1872. By H. S. Hyatt. 19. 13. 4. Census. Returns for 1856. Iowa City, 1857. 8vo. 19. 6 Same for 1867. Des Moines, 1867. 8vo. 19. 13. 6 Same for 1875. Same, 1875. 8vo. 19. 6 Same for 1880. Accompanied with the Findings of Other States, etc., 1883. 8vo. 19. 13 Same for 1885. Des Moines, 1885. 8vo. 19. 6 Constitutional Convention, 1857. Debates. Davenport, 1857. 8vo. 2 Vols. 81. 13 882 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Iowa — (Continued) . General Assembly. Acts, Eesolutlons and Memorials, 1848, '56, '58, '60, '68, '70. Iowa City, 1848-'70. 8vo. 6 Vols. 81.13 Iowa Eailroad Tariff Law, and the New Herd Law. Des Moines, 1874. 8vo. 19. 13. 2 Journal of the Senate and H. of Eep., 1854, '56, '70. Iowa City, 1855, '70. 8vo. 5 Vols. 81.6. &13 Legislative Documents. Des Moines, 1870. 8vo. 2 Vols. 81.8 Same, 1884. Des Moines, 1884. 5 Vols. 81. 10 Memorial of the 12th General Assembly, to Congress, Eelative to Water Communication between the Atlan- tic and Mississippi Eiver. Des Moines, 1868. 8vo. 72. 13. 6 Geological Survey. Eeport, 1855-'57. See Hall, James, and Whitney, J. D. 51. 13 Eeport, 1866-'67. White, C. A. 51. 13 Eeport, 1866-'69. White, C. A. 51. 13 Governor, 1860. Message and Documents. ' 81. 13 Special Message of S. J. Kirk wood in Eeply to Ees. of Inq. in Eelation to Eequisition of Gov. of Va. for one Barclay Coppic. Des Moines, 1860. 8vo. 19. 13. 2 1870. Special Message of Samuel Merrill, on the Im- provement of Fox and Wisconsin Eivers. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 36, ^o. 27.) 60. 2 Hospital for the Insane. Eeport, 1863. (Bd. Ed. Minn. Hos. for Insane Eeports.) 22.3 Insurance Department. See Iowa. Auditor of State. State Library. Eeport 1872, '80, '81. Des Moines, 1872,'81. 8vo. 19. 12. 3 Supt. Public Instruction. Eeport 1850, '56, '58. Iowa City and Des Moines, 1850-58. 8vo. 19. 13. 3 Eeport of Joseph M. Beck, Agent for Investigating the Disposition of School Funds, during Administration of Supt. James D. Eads. Des Moines, 1858. 8vo. 19. 13. 2 Baptist Associations. Minutes, v. p., v. d. 8vo. and 12mo. 38. 12. 1 to 8 Baptist State Conventions and Anniversaries. Minutes. 1842-1885, complete, v. p., v. d. 8vo. 38. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. etc. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 883 * Iowa — (Continued). Botany of. See Arthur, J. C. Contributions to the Flora of Iowa. 19.13 College, Grinnell, Iowa. Catalogue 1856-'71 19.13. 3 Constitutional Convention, 1857. Journal. Muscatine, 1857. 19. 6 Fairall, H. S. Manual of Iowa Politics, State and National. Vol. 1. 19. 13 State of. Its Statistics and Eesources, 1776-1876. Des Moines, 1876. nar. 16mo. 19. 13. 4 (Descriptive.) Allien, J. Expedition, etc., 1844. 19.14.8 Galland, I. Iowa Emigrant, etc. 19. 6 Parker, N. H. Iowa as It Is, in 1856, etc. 19. 13 White, C. A.. Trip to the Great Red Pipestone Quarry, etc. 19. 6 (Historical.) Andreas,* A. T. Illustrated Historical Atlas of, etc. 94. 15 Foster, Suel. Origin of Our Missouri War [1839], in a Land Grant, etc. (Annals of Iowa, April and July, 1873.) 19.13.1 Levering, N. Early Settlement of IN'orth western Iowa, etc. 19. 13. 1 Negus, Charles. Early History of. " 19. 6 Early Times in. 19. 13. 1 Southern Boundary of. 19. 6 Nourse, C. C. Iowa and the Centennial, etc. 19. 13. 4 Sharp, Mrs. Abbie G. The Spirit Lake Massacre, 1857. 19. 13. 4 Tuttle, C. R., and Darrie, D. S. Ill ast rated History of the State of Iowa, etc. 19. 6 Record. See Iowa Historical Society. Salter, Wm. Life of James W. Grimes, Gov. of, etc. Westover, J. T. Iowa as a Missionary Field. 34. 8 Historical Society. Annals of Iowa, Jan., 1863-Oct., 1874. Vols. 1-12. Iowa City, 1863-'74. 8vo. 12 Vols. 19. 13. 1. and 19. 6 Dean, H. C. Philosophy of the History of the Louis- iana Purchase. Address, etc. 19. 13. 1 Report, 1857, '60, '61, '64, '65, '69, '77, '81, '85. Des Moines, I860-' 82. 8vo. [Reprints of 1st to 4th Re- ports are bd. w. Rept. for 1881.] 19. 13. 4 884 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ♦ Iowa — (Continued). Salter Wm. Address, etc., before the Society on the 200th Anniversary of Discovery of Iowa, etc. 19. 13. 1 Historical Eecord, Published Quarterly, by the Society. Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 2. 1885. Iowa City, 1885. 8vo. 19. 13. 5 In the Eebellion. Brown, Leonard. American Patriotism, etc. 30. 2 Pierce, L. B. History of the 2d Iowa Cavalry. 29. 3 Sperry, A. F. History of the 33d Iowa Infantry, etc. 29.3 Stuart, Capt. A. A. Iowa Colonels and Eegiments, etc. 29.3 State Agricultural Society. Eeports, 1855, '58, '69. 72. 9. 5 Eules, Regulations, etc. 72. 9. 3 Third Annual Exhibition, 1856. 72. 9. 5 State Medical Society. Constittltion, etc. 51. 4. 3 State University. Catalogues, 1866, '67, '73. 19. 13. 3 Plan of Organization, etc. 19. 13. 3 Eeport of President, 1873, '77. ' 19. 13. 3 Eeport of Trustees, 1859. 19. 13. 3 Iowa Eailkoad Land Co. Choice Iowa Farming Lands. Cedar Eapids, 1870. 8vo. 19. 13. 4 Iowa City. City Council. Charter and Laws. 1853-'59. 8vo. 19. 13. 2 North Presbyterian Church. See Huff, S. W. Hummer's Bell, etc. 19. 6 Iowa County, Wis. History of Iowa Co., Wis. Containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent Men and Early Set- tlers. Preceded by a History of Wisconsin, by C. W. Bjitterfield. Chicago, 1881. 4to. 19. 12 Ipswich, Mass. See Felt, J. B. History of Ipswich. 8. 9 Ireland, John. Letter to Henry Brougham, on his Letter on Charitable Abuses. London, 1819. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 14.) 53. 5 Ireland, John, (Bishop of St. Paul, Minn.). Memoir of Eev. Lucien Gaultier, the First Catholic Priest in Minnesota. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 3.) 22. 10 Ireland, Joseph Norton. Some Account of the Ireland Fam- ily, Originally of Long Island, N. Y., 1644-1880. Bridg- port, 1880. 8vo. 25. 7. 9 Ireland Family. See Ireland, J. N. Ireland Family of L. I. 25. 7. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 885 IRELAMD. Aphorisms Relating to the Kingdom of Ireland. Sub- mitted to the Assembly at Westminster. London, 1689. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 9.) 40. 3 Common Sense; In a Letter to a Friend. By the Author of "Ireland in Tears.'' Dublin, printed; London, reprinted, 1755. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 7.) 14. 8 O' Donovan, John. Tribes and Customs of Hy-many, Com- monly Called O' Kelly's Country. From the Book of Lecan, a Manuscript in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy. Dublin, 1843. 4to. 46.2 Dublin Mansion House Committee, 1880. Proceedings for the Relief of Distress in Ireland, during Jan. and Feb., 1880. Dublin, 1880. 8vo. 52. 10. 4 Eleventh Report of the Society for Promoting Education of the Poor. Dublin, 1823. 8vo. 56. 8. 1 The Irish School System. Princeton, 1842. 8vo. 56. 8. 1 Petersen, IS". M. Udsigt over de ^Idste Toge, etc. 40. 9 Royal Historical and Archaeological Association. Transac- tions, 1871-'74. 8vo. 80. 13 Ryan, Richard. Biographia Hibernia. London, 1821. 8vo. 45. 10 Scanlan, J. F. Why Ireland is Poor. 57. 2. 3 Sheridan, C. F. Some Observations on a Late Address, etc. 52. 10. 4 Thom, Alex. Irish Almanac, 1872. 35. 2 IEELA.ND, Church of. See Church of Ireland. Ireland. (Descriptive.) Barry, Girald. Topographica Hi- bernica. 40. 11 Becker, B. H. Disturbed Ireland. 35. 2 Jones, W. B. Life's Work of a Landlord. , 35. 2 Lewis, Samuel. Topographical Dictionary. 34. 7 McGrath, Terence. Pictures from Ireland. 35. 2 Murphy, J. N. Ireland, Industrial, etc. 35. 2 (Historical.) Carew, Sir Geo. Carew MSS. 35. 13 Carte, Thos. History of James, Duke of Ormonde. 43. 14 Cudmore, P. The Irish Republic. 35. 2 Chronicum Scotorum. 40. 11 Great Britain. Calendar of State Papers, etc. 35. 13 Same. Correspondence between England and Ireland, 1515. 35. 7 Prendergast, J. P. Cromwellian Settlement of. 35. 2 Thomas, F. S. Historical Notes. 35. 11 886 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ireland — (Continued). War of the Gaedhill and Gaill. 40. 6 Wright, Thomas. History of Ireland. 40. 14 (Land Question.) Lefevre, G. S. Land Questions. b5. 2 Longtield, M. Tenure of Land. 35. 2 Morris, W. O'C. Land Question of Ireland. 35. 2 O'Brien, E. B. History of the. 35. 2 Eichey, A G. Irish Land Laws. 35. 2 Peerage, Heraldry, etc. See Great Britain, Peerage. (Politics.) Sugar and Mutiny Bills. 14. 1 Letter to Travers Hartley. 14. 1 Observations on the Mutiny Bill. 14. 1 State of Ireland, Laid Open to View. 14. 8 Thoughts on Some Late Eemovals in R-eland. 14. 8 Irish, C. W. Account of the Detonating Meteor of Feb. 12, 1875. Iowa City, 1885. 4to. , 50. I. 1 Movement of the Glaciers of the Ice Period in Iowa and its Vicinity. (Iowa Hist. Eecord, Vol. 1.) , 19. 13 Irish, The. See McGee, T. D. The Irish in North America. 33. 10 Irish Catholic Benevolent Union, of the U. S. Proceed- ings, 17th Annual Convention, 1885. Phila., 1885. 8vo. 52. 1. 1 Irish-English Primer. Fables in Irish and English. Dublin, 1815. 12mo. 34. 1 Irish Language. See McSweeney, J. P. Irish Grammar. 42.5 Irish Literature. See O' Curry, Eugene. Lectures on. 35.2 Irish Melodies. See Moore, Thomas. Works. 74.4 Irish Monks and the Norsemen. See Ho worth, H. H. 35. 9 Irish Oratory. With its Effects on Catholic Emancipation Considered. By an Irish Protestant. London, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 10.) 53.5 Irish Pedigrees. See O' Hart, John. Irish Pedigrees. 46.2 Same. Irish Landed Gentry. 46. 2 Iron, See Akerman, E. Iron Manufacture in Sweden. 25. 6. 1 American Iron and Steel Association. • 60. 1 Baker, W. E. S. Word to Speaker Blaine. 60. 8 Blake, W. P. Eeport on Iron and Steel. 52. 6 Carey, H. C. The Iron Question. 60. 8 ' Cobb, Henry. Iron Man of Missouri. 18. 7. 5 Dewees, J. H. Fossil Iron, etc. • 11. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 887 Iron — (Continued). Foster, J. W., and Whitney, J. D. Geology of Lake Supe- rior. 51. 5 Frazer, P. York and Adams Co., Pa. 11. 3 Geology of the Menomonee Iron Eegion, Wis. 51. 13 Hewitt, A. S. Its Economic and Social Eelations. 52. 6 Statistics and Geography of Production. 22. 10 Minnesota Iron Co. Vermillion Lake District. 22. 10. 1 Minnesota Iron Works, Minneapolis. Articles, etc. 22. 13. 4 Morrell, D. J. Iron and Steel Exhibits. 52. 13 Taxes on American Iron. 60. 8 Pearse, J. B. Use of Natural Gas. 11. 3 Percival, J. G. Iron of Dodge and Washington Co^s., Wis. 19. 5. 7 Prime, F., Jr. Brown Hematite Deposits. 11. 3 Eeport on Brown Hematite. 11. 3 Schmidt, Adolph. Iron Ore in Missouri. 51. 6 Scott, John. Commissioner Wells's Statistics. 60. 2 Williams, C. P. Iron Ores of Missouri. 18. 7. 2 Statistics of the American Trade, 1883. 57. 2. 3 Iron-clads. Monitor Ironclads. Boston, 1861. 8vo. (Ram- sey Pamph., Vol. 22, No. 1.) 60. 8 Stevens' Iron-clad Battery. K Y., 1874. 8vo. 51. 9. 1 Iron-clads. Iron Steamships, etc. See U. S. Navy. Iron Resources of the U. S. Pumpelly, P. Report on. 60. 14 Ironside, Gilbert. Seven Questions of the Sabbath Briefly Disputed. Oxford, 1637. 4to. 56. 11 Iroquois, The. See Indians of America — Iroquois. Irrigation. See Bryan, Wm. H. Sacramento Canal. 72. 7. 2 Irvine, Gen. William. See Butterfield, C. W. Washington Irvine Correspondence. 14. 6 Irving, Henry. See Hatton, J. Irving^s Impressions of America. 32. 12 Irving, John Treat. The Hunters of the Prairie, or the Hawk Chief, etc. 2 Vols. London, 1837. 12mo. 19. 1 Indian Sketches; Expedition to the Pawnee and Other Tribes. London, 1835. 12mo. 2 Vols. 15. 2 Irving, Roland Duer. Copper-bearing Rocks of Lake Super- ior. (U. S. Geol. Surv., 1881-'82.) 50. 3 Geology of Wisconsin. (Wise. Geol. Surv., Vols. 2, 3.) 51. 13 113 888 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Irving Eoland Duer — (Continued). Lithology of Wisconsin. (Geol. of Wise, Vol. 1.) 51. 13 Preliminary Eeport on an Investigation of Archaean Forma- tions of the Northwestern States. (U. S. Geol. Surv., 5th Eeport.) 50. 9 (And Ohamberlin, T. 0.) Observations on the Junction be- tween the Eastern Sandstone and the Keweenaw Series, on Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior. (U. S. Geol. Surv. , Bull. Ko. 23.) 8vo. 1885. 49. 4. 2 (And Van Hise, C. E.) Secondary Enlargements of Mineral Fragments in Certain Eocks. (Bull, of Geol. Surv., No. 8.) 8vo. 49.4 Irving, Theodore. Conquest of Florida, by Hernando de Soto. K Y., 1851. 12mo. 15. 14 Irving, Washington. Abbottsford and Newstead Abbey. Lon- don, 1835. 8vo. 74. 1 Alhambra. London, 1832. 8vo. 74. 1 Astoria Enteri)rise beyond the Eocky Mountains. London, 1836. 8vo. 74. 1 Biography of Maria M. Davidson. Boston, 1857. 8vo. 74.4 Bracebridge Hall. London, 1822. 8vo. 74. 1 Capt. Bonneville's Scenes beyond the Eocky Mountains. London, 1837. 8vo. 3 Vols. 74. 1 Conquest of Granada. London, 1829. 8vo. 2 Vols. 74. 1 History of New York, by D. Knickerbocker. London, 1820. 8vo. 74. 1 Legends of the Conquest of Spain. London, 1835. 8vo. 74. 1 Life and Voyages of Columbus. London, 1828. 8vo. 74. 1 Life of George Washington. N". Y., 1855. 5 Vols. 8vo. 44.11 Mahomet and his Successors. London, 1850. 8vo. 74. 1 Sketch Book. 2 Vols. London, 1820. 8vo. 74. 1 Spanish Papers and Other Miscellanies. ^N". Y., 1866. 2 Vols. 74. 1 Tales of a Traveller. London, 1824. 8vo. 74. 1 Tour on the Prairies. London, 1835. 8vo. 74. 1 Davis, Asahel. Visit to Sunnyside. 43. 13. I Donaldson, J. B. Irving' s Eelation to American Letters. 18. 11. 2 Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. 44. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY, 889 I RviNG, Washington — (Conti nued) . Powell, W. H. Portrait of Irving. 43. 13. 1 Sketches of American Authors. [^Anon,'] 43. 14. 7 Todd, J. A. Death of Washington Irving. 43. 13. 1 Warner, C. D. Memoir of Irving. 46. 13 Paulding, J. K., and Irving, Wm. Salmagundi. 74. 1 Irving, William. Salmagundi. See Irving, W. 74. 1 Irving Institute. See Tarry town-on-the-Hudson, JiJ". Y. ISBISTER, A. K. In Memoriam. By Prof. Bryce. 20. 5. 2 Israel, Ten Tribes of. See Boudinot, E. Star in the West. 15.3 Jones, George. Ancient America. 15. 10 Kennedy, James. Lost Tribes of. 15. 2 Marryatt, Fred. American Indians the. 33. 4 Worsley, Israel. Descendants of the Ten Tribes. 15. 8 Italian Dictionary. See Baretti, G. Dictionary, etc. 34. 2 Italian Language. Hand Buch der Italianischen Sprach and Litteratur. Berlin, 18'i0. Svo. 52. 12 See D'Aubigne, J. H. M. Reformation in Europe. 42. 10 Education- in Italy, etc. 56. 8. 1 Handbuch der Italianische Sprach. 52. 12 (Descriptive.) Chateaubriand, E. F. A. Travels in. 33. 4 Taine, H. A. Italy, Rome, etc. 40. 2 Irving, W. Tales of a Traveler. 74. 1 True Description of Things in Italy. 40. 3 (History.) See Procter, George. History of Italy. 40.2 Trollope, T. A. Commonwealth of Florence. 42. 7 See also San Marino. Itasca Lake. See Lake Itasca. Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell University. See Cornell University. Ives, Joseph C. Report of the Colorado River of the West. Wash., 1861. 4to. 49. 12 Ives, Moses B. See Wayland, F. Discourse on his Life. 43. 13. 1 Jackson, Andrew. Address. From a Meeting of Democratic Citizens of the City of Philadelphia Opposed to the Elec- tion of Gen. Jackson, Oct. 5, 1827, to their Democratic Brethren. n.p.,n. d. 8vo. (Jackson Pamphs., No. 12.) 45.3 890 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jackson, Andrew — (Continued). An Address to the People of the United States, on the Sub- ject of the Presidential Election, Comprising a Compara- tive View of the Character and Administration of Andrew Jackson. By a Freeman of the United States. Wash., 1832. 8vo. (Jackson Pamphlets, No. 5.) 45. 3 Appeal to the Moral and Eeligious of all Denominations; or, an Exposition of some of the Indiscretions of Gen. An- drew Jackson, as copied from the Eecords of Mercer Co., Ky. {Anon.') N. Y., 1828. 8vo. (Jackson Pamphlets, No. 19.) 45.3 The Beauties of "Eeform;" or, the Munificent Blessings of the Great Eeformation. By Telemachus. New Brunswick, N. J., 1832. 8vo. (Jackson Pamphlets, No. 1.) 45.3 Brown, A. V. Speech on Eemitting the Fine on Gen. Jack- son. 33. 13 Clay, Henry. Address to the Public. 45. 3 Concise Narrative of General Jackson's First Invasion of Florida, and of his Immortal Defense of New Orleans, etc. By Aristides. Morristown, N. J., 1827. 8vo. (Jackson Pamphlets, No. 18.) , 45. 3 Considerations which Demand the Attention of Farmers, Mechanics, and Friends of the American System. By a Citizen, etc. N. Y., 1828. 8vo. (Jackson Pamphlets, No. 8.) 45. 3 Douglas, S. A. Speech on the Bill to Eefund Gen. Jack- son's Fine. 53. 12 Eaton, J. H. Life of Andrew Jackson. 44. 5 Falsehood and Slander Exposed. The Case of the Six Mili- tiamen, Stated from Official and Authentic Eecords. Published by Order of the Jackson Central Committee, n. p.n. d. 8vo. (Jackson Pamphlets, No. 6.) 45. 3 Letters and Documents of Distinguished Citizens of Tennes- see, on the Buying and Selling of Human Beings. Anon. N. Y., 1828. 8vo. (Jackson Pamphlets, No. 10.) 45. 3 Military Despotism. Arbitrary Arrest of a Judge, n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 9 *' Monumental Inscriptions." n.p., n. d. [1828.] 8 vo. (Jack- son Pamphlets, No. 23.) 45. 3 Note. This is the celebrated ' ' Coffin Pamphlet, ' ' published by the enemies of Jackson, with engravings of coffins, on which are printed inscriptions to the six militiamen shot, in 1815, by order of Gen. J. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 891 Jackson, Andrew — (ContiDued). Official Eecord, from the War Department, of the Proceed- ings of the Court Martial which Tried, and the Orders of Gen. Jackson for Shooting the Six Militiamen; Together with Official Letters from the War Department, showing that these American Citizens were Inhumanly and Ille- gally Massacred. Washington. 8vo. 45. 3 Parton,. James. Life of Andrew Jackson. 44.5 Presidential Question, Addressed to the People of the U. S. K Y., 1828. 8vo. (Jackson Pamphlets, No. 11.) 45. 3 Proceedings and Address of the N"ew Jersey State Conven- tion, Assembled at Trenton, Jan. 8, 1828, which Nomi- nated Andrew Jackson for President. Trenton, 1828. 8vo. (Jackson Pamphlets, No. 17.) 45. 3 Eeminiscences; or. An Extract from the Catalogue of Gen. Jackson's Juvenile Indiscretions, between the Ages of 23 and 60. n. p., n. d. 8vo. (Jackson Pamphlets, No. 13.) 45.3 Eeview of the Veto, Containing an Examination of the Prin- ciples of the President's Message, and his Objections to the Bill to Modify and Continue the Act Eechartering the Bank of the United States. Phila., 1832. 8vo. (Jackson Pam- phlets, No. 3.) Scriptural Yiew of Politics, Addressed to Serious-minded Christians, n. p., n. d. 8vo. (Jackson Pamphlets, No. 15.) 45. 3 Smith, C. A. Life of Andrew Jackson. 44. 5 Snelling, W. J. Brief History of Andrew Jackson. 44. 5 The Tennessee Farmer; or Farmer Jackson in New York, n. p., n. d. (Jackson Pamphlets, No. 14.) 45. 3 To the People of the State of N. Y. Proceedings of Vir- ginia Anti- Jackson Convention, n. p., n. d. 8vo. (Jack- son Pamphlets, No. 9.) 45. 3 TJ. S. Congress. Addresses on the Presentation of the Sword , of Gen. Andrew Jackson to Congress, delivered in the Sen- ate and House, Feb. 26, 1855. Wash., 1855. 8vo. 43. 3 The Voice of Virginia on the Approaching Election. Anon. n. p., .n. d. 8vo. (Jackson Pamphlets, No. 20.) 45. 3 Walker, Alex. Jackson and New Orleans. N. Y., 1856. 8vo. 16. 10 Walsh. E., Jr. Jackson Wreath. Biographical Sketch, etc. 44. 5 892 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jackson, Andrew — (Continued). Woodlmry, Levi. Life and Character of Jackson. 44. 13 Jackson, Charles Thomas. See Gray, Martin. Statement, etc. 51. 4. 5 TJ. S. Congress, House. Eeport Vindicating the Eights of C. T. Jackson to the Discovery of Ether, Aug. 28, 1852. By Edward Stanley and Alex. Evans, n. p., n. d. 8vo. 51. 4. 5 See, also, Morton, W. T. G. Jackson, Francis. History of Kewton, Mass., 1639 to 1800. With a Genealogical Eegister. Boston, 1854. 12mo. 8. 3 Jackson, Halliday. Proceedings of the Sesqui-Centennial Gathering of the Descendants of Isaac and Ann Jackson, at Harmony Grove, Pa., 1875. With the Family Geneal- ogy. Phila., 1878. 8vo. 47. 10 Jackson, Henry. Account of the Baptist Churches in Ehode Island. Providence, 1854. 8vo. 8. 6 Jackson, John D. Black Arts in Medicine. Cinn., 1870. 8vo. 51. 11. 5 Jackson, Joseph C. Eelations of the American Lawyer to the State. Oration before the Harvard Law School, Septem- ber, 1859. Camb., 1859. (Harv. Coll. Addresses, No. 13.) 9. 2 Jackson, Mortimer Melville. See Butterfield, C. W. Me- moir. 45. 6 Jackson, Eichard. The Interest of Great Britain Considered. See Franklin, B. 14. 1 Jackson, Samuel. Introductory Address before the Medical Class of the University of Pennsylvania, Nov. 3, 1846. Phila., 1846. 8vo. 51. 4. 3 Introductory Lecture to the Course of the Institutes of Medicine in the University of Pa., 1841-^2. Phila., 1841. 8vo. 51. 11. 5 Jackson, Eey. Samuel C. Eeligious Principle, a Source of Public Prosperity. Mass. Elec. Sermon, Jan. 7, 1843. Boston, 1843. 8vo. 56. 5. 5 Jackson, Gen. Thos. J. (Stonewall). See Allan, Wm. Cam- paign of, in the Shenandoah Valley. 30. 9 Jackson's Valley Campaign of 1862, by Col. Wm. Allen. (South. Hist. Soc. Papers, Vol. 7.) 29.2 Wounding of Stonewall Jackson. (South. Hist. Soc. Papers, Vol. 6.) 29. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. . 893 Jackson, William. Preliminary Discourse, Showing the Per- fection and Harmony of Sounds. Westminster, n. d. 8vo. 51. 3. 1 Jackson, W. H. Catalogue of Photographs of 'North Ameri- can Indians. Wash;, 1877. 8vo. (U. S. Geol. Surv., Misc. Pub., No. 9.) 15. 11.5 Jackson Family. See Jackson, Halliday. Proceedings, etc. 47.10 Jackson Co., III. History of. With Biographical Sketches. Phila., 1878. 4to. 95. 10 Jackson Co., Ia. History of Jackson Co., la. Chicago, 1879, 8vo. 95. 8 See Snyder, F. History of. (Annals of Iowa, Vol. 7.)19. 6 Jackson Co., Mich. History of, with Sketches of its Cities, Villages, etc. Chicago, 1881. 8vo. 94. 4 Jackson Co., Mo. Illustrated Historical Atlas, 1877. St. Louis, 1877. 94. 22 Jacksonville, III. Convention of Instructors of the Deaf and Dumb. Proceedings, Aug. 26-30, 1882. Springfield, 1882. 8vo. 18. 6. 5 First Presbyterian Church. See Glover, L. M. Discourse. Semi-Centennial of the Church, 1887. 18. 6. 3 Glover, L. M. Quarter- Century Memorial. 18. 6. 3 Jacob, John J. (Gov. of West Va.). Biennial Message to Legis- lature, 1877. 15. 12. 2 Biographical Sketch of Capt. Michael Cresap. Cinn., O., 1866. 4to. 44. 7 Jacob, W. Inquiry into the Causes of Agricultural Distress. London, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 10.) 53. 5 Jacobs, Peter. Journal from Rice Lake to the Hudson's Bay Territory, 1852. With Account of his Life, etc. N. Y., 1857. 16mo. 20.11 Jails. See Prisons. Jamaica. African Slave Trade in Jamaica, n. p., n. d. 8vo. 30. 7. 5 Barclay, Alex. Address to Philanthropists, etc. 30.1.3 Thorne, J. A., and Kimball, J. H. Emancipation. 30. 7. 5 See also. West Indies. Jamaica Plain, Mass. See Thompson, J. W. The Great Com- mission. ^- 2 Adams, Nervine Asylum. Report, 1882-^83. 8.8. 5 Directory. See Dean, Dudley. 83 Public Library. See Boston Pub. Library. 894 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. James I., King of England. His Majesty's Speech, Concern- ing the Gunpowder Plot. London, 1605. 4to. (Har- leianMisc, Vol 3.) 40.3 Gourie's Conspiracie. Discourse of the Unnatural and Yyle Conspiracie Attempted against the King's Majes- ties Person, 5 Aug. , 1600. (Harleian Misc. , Vol. 2.) 40. 3 Greville, Sir Foulk. Five Years of King James. 40.3 Strange Apparitions, or the Ghost of King James. London, 1642. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 5.) 40. 3 James H., King of England. Commission of James II. to Sir Edmund Andros, June 5, 1686. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 4.) 14. 12 Essay upon the Original Design of Magistracy. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 1.) 40.3 Letter from the Emperor of Germany to James 11. , Setting Forth the True Occasion of his Fall, etc. (Harleian Misc., Vol.1.) 40.3 Letter to a Friend Concerning a French Invasion to Restore the Late King James to his Throne. London, 1692. (Har- leian Misc., Vol. 10.) 40. 3 True and Genuine Declaration of one King James, Declara- tion, 1693. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 10.) 40. 3 A Word without Doors, Concerning the Bill of Succession. Signed J. D. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 1.) 40. 3 View of the Court of St. Germain, 1690-'95. London, 1696. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 10.) 40. 3 James VI., of Scotland. See James I., of England. James, Charles T. Letters on the Culture and Manufacture of Cotton. Originally Published in Hunt's Merchants' Magazine. N. Y., 1850. 8vo. 72. 9. 2 James, Edwin. Account of an Expedition from Pittsburg to the Eocky Mountains, 181 9-' 20, under Command of S. H. Long. Phila., D823. 8vo. 2 Vols. 19.2 James, Henry. Essay on the ^Currency. London, 1820. Pam- phleteer, Vol. 17.) ' 53. 5 James, John H. Address. (Ohio Hist, and Philos. Jour., 1870.) 18.1 Military Commissions for the Trial of Citizens. Letter to E. P. Hoar, Attorney General of theXJ. S. Cinn., 1869. 8vo. 30. 4. 4 James, Capt. Thomas. Strange and Dangerous Voyage for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage, 1631-'32. (Harris, John. Navigantium.) 94. 10* CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 895 James, Thomas C. Memoir of, by Job E. Tyson. (Pa. Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Yol. 3.) 11.10 James, William. Full and Correct Account of the Military Occurrences of the Late War between Great Britain and the United States. London, 1818. 8vo. 14. 10 James Eiyer, Va. See Euffin, F. G. Advantages of James Eiver for Ship-building. Eichmond, Va., 1883. 8vo. 15. 12. 5 James Eiyer and Kanawha Canal. The Central Water- line from the Ohio Eiver to the Virginia Capes, Connect- ing the Kanawha and James Eivers, etc. Map. Eich- mond, Va., 1868. 8vo. 72.7.2 See Segar, J. Speech on. 60. 8 Stephenson, J. E., and Kerr, M. C. Speeches. 60. 8 Jamesburgh, N. J. Presb. Church. Everitt, B. S. Sermon. ^ History of the Church. 10. 2. 4 Jameson, Mrs. Anna M. Winter Studies and Summer Eam- bles in Canada. K Y., 1839. 12mo. 2 Vols. 20. 2 Martineau, Harriet. Life of Mrs. Jameson. 43. 1 Jameson, E. O. The Coggswells in America. Boston, 1884. 8vo. 47. 8 Biographical Sketches of Prominent Persons, and the Gene- alogical Eecords of many Early and Other Familiesin Medway, Mass., 1713-1886. Millis, Mass., 1886. 8vo. 46.11 History of Medway, Mass., 1713 to 1885. [Pro v.] 1886. 8vo. 25.9 Military History of Medway, Mass., 1745-1885. Containing the Names of the Inhabitant Soldiers in the French and Indian Wars, the Eevolutionary War, War of 1812, and the War for the Union. [Pro v.] 1886. 8vo. 29. 11 Jameson, J. F. Introduction to the Study of the Constitutional and Political History of the States. [Johns Hopkins Uni- versity Studies in Historical and Political Science, 4th Series, No. 5.] Baltimore, 1886. 8vo. 11.8.6 Jameson, John (of Mo.) Speech on the War with Mexico, de- livered in the H. of E., Jan. 18, 1848. With an Appen- dix, giving a List of Outrages by Mexico and its People on those of the U. S. Wash., 1848. 8vo. (Mex. War Pamph., No. 28.) 16.10 Jamieson, Alexander. Grammar of Logic. New Haven, 1854. 12mo. 74. 2 114 896 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jamieson, John. Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Lan- guage, to which is Prefixed a Dissertation on the Origin of the Scottish Language, etc. New Ed. Eevised by John Longmuir and David Donaldson. 4 Vols. Paisley, 1879. 4to. 42. 7 Janes, Frederick. Genealogy and Brief History of the Janes Family. N. Y., 1868. 8vo. 47. 10 Janes Family. See Janes, Fred. 47. 10 Janesville, Wis. See Janes, H. F. Early Eeminiscences, etc. 19. 11 Janney, J. J. State Bank of Ohio. Cleveland, 1885. 8vo. 18. 3. 3 Janney, Samuel M. Life of Wm. Penn, with Selections from his Correspondence and Autobiography. Phila., 1852. 8vo. 44. 13 Japan. Adams, Wm. Voyage, 1598-1611. (Harris, John. Nav- igantium, etc.) 94.10 Calendar of State Papers, East Indies, China and Japan. See Great Britain, Public Eecord Office. 35. 6 Capron, H. Letters Addressed, etc. 52. 10. 2 Caron, Francois. Eelation Concernant Japon. 20. 1 Delisle, G. Si le Japon est une ile? 20. 1 Education in Japan. Wash., 1875. 56. 8. 1 Same. (Circular of Information, Bureau of Education, No. 4, 1885.) ' 56. 9. 9 Hawks, F. L. Expedition to Japan. 49. 13 Hepburn, J. C. Japanese and English Dictionary. 38. 3 Pfoundes, C. Notes on History, etc. 35. 9 Prot. Episc. Church. Board of Missions. 52. 10. 2 Pumpelly, Eaphael. Eesidence in Japan. 40. 2 Taylor, J. B. Visit to India, Japan, etc. 40. 9 Japan Expedition, U. S. See U. S. Dept. of Navy. Jarves, J. J. Descriptive Catalogue of the ^'Old Masters," Col- lected to Illustrate History of Painting. Cambridge, 1860. 8vo. 51. 3. 4 jAKVis, Edward. History of the Progress of Population in the U. S. from 1790 to 1870. Boston, 1877. 8vo. 57. 4. 5 Immigration into the United States. [Eeprinted from the '^ Atlantic Monthly," April, 1872. Boston, 1872. 8vo. 57. 4. 5 Increase of Human Life. Eead before the American Statis- tical Association. Boston, 1872. 8vo. 51. 2. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 897 Jaeyis, Ed ward — (Conti nued) . Practical Physiology. Phila., 1852. 12mo. 51. 11 Supposed Decay of Families in New England Disproved by the Experience of the People of Concord, Mass. (Eeprint- ed from the ]N^. E. Hist, and Gen. Eegister, Oct., 1884.) Boston, 1884. 8vo. 57. 10. 4 Wood, E. W. Memorial of Dr. Jarvis. 43. 13. J Jarvis, Samuel F. Discourse on the Eeligion of the Indian Tribes of North America; before the N. Y. Hist. Soc, Dec. 20, 1819. (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1821.) 10. 4 Two Discourses on Prophecy. N. Y., 1843. 12mo. 56. 2 Jasper County, III. History of Cumberland, Jasper and Eich- land Counties, 111. Chicago, 1884. 8yo. 95. 9 Jasper County, Ind. History of Warren, Benton, Jasper, etc., Counties, Ind. Chicago, 1883. 8vo. 94. 4 Jasper Couij^ty, Mo. Illustrated Historical Atlas, 1876. St. Louis, 1876. 4to. 94. 21 Jay, John (Chief Justice, TJ. S.). Correspondence, etc. See Dawson, H. B. 14. 13. 1 Federalist. See Hamilton, Alex. 14. 12 Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. 44. 6 Flanders, H. Lives of Chief Justices. 45. 5 Jay, John. American Thanksgiving. Vienna, Nov. 18, 1869. n. t. p. 74. 7. 2 Jay, Wm. Eeply to Moses Stuart. 53. 12 Our Triumphs and Our Duties. Eemarks, at Brooklyn, Dec. 22, 1864. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 15, No. 20.) 60. 1 Jay, William. Miscellaneous Writings on Slavery. Boston, etc., 1853. 12mo. 30. 13 Eeply to Eemarks of Moses Stuart on John Jay. N. Y,, 1850. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 13.) 53. 12 Jay County, Indiana. See Montgomery, M. W. History. 94.4 Jayne, William (Gov. of Dakota). Message, March 19, 1862. 19. 14. 5 Jee, Thomas. Practical Observations on the Management of the Poor. London, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 9.) 53. 5 JeffeRys, T. Conduct of the French, with Eegard to Nova Scotia, from its First Settlement to the Present Time. London, 1754. 8vo. (Brit. Amer. Pamph., No. 8.) 20. 898 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jefferson, Joseph. Life of. See McCabe, J. D. Great For- tuQes. 43. 12 Jefferson, Thomas. Writings; Published by Order of the Joint Committee of Congress on the Library, from the Original Manuscripts. Edited by H. A. Washington. N. Y. , 1853-'54. 8vo. 9 Vols. 44. 10 Manual of Parliamentary Practice. (Burleigh, J. B.)33. 8 Memoir, Correspondence and Miscellanies. Ed. by T. J. Eandolph. Charlottesville, 1829. 8vo. 4410. Summary View of the Eights of British America. Wil- liamsburg, printed; London, reprinted, 1774. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 14, No. 1.) 14. 1 Boutwell, G. S. Speech at Boston, April 13, 1859. 30. 2 Dwight, Theo. Character of Thomas Jefferson. 44. 3 Eulogies on. See Adams, John. 44. 3 Parton, James. Life of Jefferson. 44. 10 Proceedings in Senate and H. of E., April 23, .1880, on Pre- sentation of the Desk of Thomas Jefferson. Wash., 1882. 8vo. 43. 13. J Eandall, H. S. Life of Jefferson. 44. 10 Tucker, Geo. Life of Jefferson. , 44.3 Webster, Daniel. Discourse, Aug. 9, 1826. Boston, 1826. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 2.) 53. 12 Jefferson County, Mo. Illustrated Historical Atlas. 1876. St. Louis, 1876. 4to. 94. 22 Jefferson Co, N. Y. Hough, B. F. History. 10. 5 Jefferson Co., Y/is. History of. Containing its Early Set- tlement, etc. Chicago, 1879. 4to. 95. 3 Jeffrey, Frdeeric John. Enlarged Genealogical Chart, Showing all the Branches of the House of Oldenberg, Commonly Styled Schleswig-Holstein. London and Liv- erpool, n. d. Broadside. 47. 14. 1 Jeffries, B. Joy. Eemarks at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels, on Color Blindness, n. t. p. 8vo. 57. 10. 2 Jeffries, Sir George, (Lord Chancellor of England). The Chancellor's Examination and Preparation for a Trial. 1689. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 9.) 40.3 The Lord Chancellor. Discovery and Confession made in the Time of his Sickness in the Tower. London, 1689. (Har- leian Misc., Vol. 9.) 40.3 Jelly Fish. See Clark, H. J. Lucernaria and their Allies. 49. 14 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 899 Jemmett, Henry. Letter to Eobert Peel, on Arrest for Debt. London, 1826. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 26.) 53. 12 Observations on Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. London, 1826. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 27.) 53. 12 Jenckes, Thomas A. Bankrupt Law. Speech, H. of R., June 1, 1864. Wash.. D. C, 1864. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 32, ^o. 69.) 60. 8 Civil Service. Speech, delivered in the H. of R., April 5, 1869. Wash., 1869. 8vo. 57. 4. 3 Speech, on the Civil Service, H. of R., Jan. 29, 1867. (Ram- sey Pamph., Vol. 20, No. 16.) 60. 10 Speech, on the Bill to Regulate the Civil Service of the U. S., and Promote the Efficiency Thereof; delivered in the H. of R., May 14, 1868. Wash., 1868. 8vo. 57. 4. 3 Jenkins, Howard M. Historical Collections Relating to Gwyn- edd, a Township of Montgomery Co., Pa., Settled, 1698, by Welsh Immigrants, etc. Phila., 1884. 8vo. 11.4 Jenkins, J. Foster. Relations of the War to Medical Science. Address before the Westchester Co., N. Y., Medical Soci- ety, June 16, 1863. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. 51. 4. 2 Jenkins. Jeff. The Northern Tier. Life among the Home- stead Settlors of Northern Kansas. Topeka, Kas., 1880. 16mo. 19. 7 Jenkins, John S. History of the War between the U. S. and Mexico. Auburn, 1851. 12mo. 14. 11 Life of Silas Wright. Auburn, N. Y., 1847. 12mo. 44. 7 Jenkins, Steuben. Yankee Celebration at Wyoming, in ye Olden Time. Historical Address, before the Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc. (Wyoming, etc.. Proceedings, 1881.) 11. 10. 1 Jenkinson, Anthony. Voyages in Russia, 1557-'71. (See Harris, John. Navigantium, etc.) 94. 10 Jenkinson, Charles (Earl of Liverpool). Collections of Trea- ties between Great Britain and Other Powers, 1619-1734. London, 1781. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 14, No. 5.) 53.6 Substance of Speech on Report of the Bank Committee. London, 1819. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 14.) 53. 5 Jenkinson, Robert B. (Earl of Liverpool.) Letter to United Kingdom Tributary to France, etc. London, 1820. (Pam- phleteer, Vol. 17.) 53.5 900 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jenks, William. Address to the American Antiquarian So- ciety, Oct. 23, 1813. Boston, 1813. 8vo. 9. 3 Address to the New England Historic-Genealogical Society, March 1, 1852. Boston, 1852. 8vo. 8. 5. 4 Eulogy on James Bowdoin, in Brunswick, Me., at Bowdoin College, Sept. 2, 1812. Boston, 1812. 4to. 43. 9 Sermon Preached before His Excellency, John Brooks, Esq., Governor, etc. (Mass. Election Sermon, 1820.) Boston, 1820. 8vo. 56. 5. 3 Jenness, John S. (Editor). Transcript of Original Documents in the English Archives Eclating to the Early History of New Hampshire. N. Y., 1876. 8vo. 7. 3 Jenney, Walter P. Mineral Eesources of the Black Hills. See Newton, Henry. Geology, etc. 50. 3 Jennings, Isaac. Memorials of a Century; Embracing a Eecord of Individuals and Events, Chiefly in the Early History of Bennington, Yt., and its First Church. Boston, 1869. 8vo. 7. 9 Jennings, Eev. John. On Preaching Christ, and on Particular and Experimental Preaching. First Published, A. D. 1723. N. Y. 12mo. 56.7.6 Jennings, Paul A. Colored Man's Eeminiscences of James Madison. Brooklyn, 1865. 8vo. 43. 14. M Jennings, Walter P. Mineral Wealth, Climate and Eainfallj and Natural Eesources of the Black Hills of Dakota. Wash., 1870. 8vo. 19.14.5 Jennings Family. See Smith, Columbus. Eeport, etc. 25. 7. 9 Jenyns, Soame. Objections to the Taxation of Our American Colonies, by Great 'Britain, briefly Considered. London, 1765. 8vo. 14. 1 Jerome, of Prague. Life of Jerome, etc. See Taylor, J. Life of Christ, etc. 43. 1 Jerome, Chauncey. Life of. See McCabe, J. D. Great For- tunes. 43. 12 Jersey, Ohio. Presbyterian Church. See Colmery, D. E. "Walk about Zion." Historical Discourse, etc. 18. 3. 1 Jersey City, N. J. Board of Public Works. Eeport of the Chief Engineer, 1872. 10. 2. 3 Farrier, G. H. History of Early Settlement. 10. 10 Home for Aged Women. Eeport, 1873. 10. 2. 3 (And Hoboken) Directory, 1876. 80 Jerusalem. See Timberlake, H. True and Strange Discourse, etc. 40. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 901 Jerusa lem — (Continued). Tweedie, W. K. Jerusalem and its Environs. 40. 2 Jerves, Eev. \Y. Henley. The Gallican Church and the Eev- olution. London, 1882. 8vo. 52. 11 Jesso. Relation de la decouverte de la terre de Jesso, au nord du Japon, etc. (See Bernard, J. F. Eecueil, etc.) 20. 1 Jesuits. Camilton^s Discovery of the Devilish Designs and Killing Projects of the Society of Jesuits in Germany, 1641. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 5.) 40. 3 Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Histoire de la Nouvelle France. 20.10 Dablon, J. C. Relation, 1672-'73. 20. 3 Gravier, Jacques. Relation du Voyage, 1700. 20. 3 Kip, W. I. Early Jesuit Missions in :N'. A. 20. 3 Law, John. Early Jesuit Missionaries in the N. W. 19. 11 Laverdiere, et Casgrain. Journal des Jesuites. 20. 3 LeClercq, C. First Establishment of the Faith, etc. 20. 10 Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses. 20. 8 Milet, Pierre, le Pere. Relation de Sa Captivite. 20. 3 O'Callaghan, E. B. Jesuit Relations of Discoveries, etc. 10. 4. 1 Parkman, Francis. Jesuits in North America. 20. 10 Plots of the Jesuits, etc. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 1.) 40. 3 Relation des Affaires du Canada. 20. 3 Relation des Jesuites, etc. Quebec, 1858. 3 Vols. 20. 3 Saint Cosme, J. F. B. de, and Others. Relation. 20. 3 Shea, J. G. Relations des Jesuites. (Cramoisy Press, N. Y. ) 20. 3 The Jesuits, Recollects and the Indians. 25. 9 Smith, W. R. Extracts from Jesuit Relations. 19. 1\ Tuthill, F. Experiments of the Jesuits in Cal. 20. 7 Winsor, Justin. Chronological Bibliography. 25. See, also, Loyala. Jesus. See Crosby, Howard. His Life and Work. 56. 13 Flavel, J. Fountain of Life. 58. 10 White, E. G. Spirit of Prophecy. 56. 10 See, also, ^'Christ." Jesus College. (^Falls of St. Anthony, Minn.) Announce- ment for 1872. 22. 6. 1 Cross and Crown. (Monthly Paper.) St. Anthony, 1872. 22. 11. 3 Neill, E. D. Jesus College. Its Aim and IN^ame. 22. 6. 1 902 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jewett, C. C. Public Libraries in the United States. 74. 6 Biog. Notice of, by E. A. Guild. (Smiths. Eept., 1867.) 49.3 Jewett, Isaac A. Memorial of Samuel Appleton, of Ipswich, Mass., with Genealogical Notices of his Descendants. Bos- ton, 1850. 8vo. 47. 1 Jewett, Jeremiah P. History of Burnshead, N. H., 1727-'72. Ed. by E. B. Caverly. Lowell, Mass., 1872.' 16mo. 7. 10 Jewitt, Llewellyn. Grave-Mounds and their Contents; a Manual of Archaeology, as Exemplified in the Burials of the Celtic, the Eomano-British, and the Anglo-Saxon Periods. London, 1870. 12mo. 16. 4 Jews. See Brest, Samuel. Narrative of a Great Council of. 40. 3 Croly, Geo. Salathiel. 74. 3 Drury, John. Case of Conscience, etc. - 40. 3 Josephus, F. Works, Trans, by Wm. Whiston. 40. 9 Narrative of the Late Proceedings at "Whitehall, etc. 40. 3 JiLLSON, David. Genealogy of the Gillson and Jillson Family. Central Falls, 1876. 8vo. 47. 10 Jim Jam Gems, by Jim Jam, Jr. [A Defense of Saloons.] Minneapolis, 1885. 16mo. 57. 10 Joan (Supposed Pope of Eome). See Cooke, Alexander. 40.3 Joan OF Arc. A Poem. ("In Leaves from the Backwoods.") 20.2 JoGUES, Isaac, le Pere. Description of New Netherlands, 1644. (See O'Callaghan, E. B, Hist, of N. Y., Vol. 4.) 10. 14 Jogues Papers, Written between 1642 and 1646. (Shea. J. G., Trans.) N. Y. Hist. Coll., Vol. 3. 2d Ser. 10. 4 Letters Descriptive of his Capture, Sufferings, etc. (Eela- tions des Jesuites, Vol. 2.) 20. 3 Martin, Eev. F. Life of Father Isaac Jogues. 45. 3 Novum Belgium. (Shea, Cramoisy, Series.) 20. 3 Parkman, F. Jesuits in North America. 20. 10 John of Jenstein (Arbp. of Prague). Sketch of, by A. H. - Wratislaw. (Eoyal Hist. Soc, Trans., Yol. 7.) 35. 9 John of Leyden. Mock -Majesty, or the Siege of Munster. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 5.) 40. 3 Warning for England, in the History of the Frantic Anabap- tists in Germany. (Harleian Misc., Yol. 5.) 40.3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 903 Johns, Henry T. Life with the 49th Mass. Volunteers. Pitts- field, Mass., 1864. 12mo. 29.10 Johns, Rev. Henry V. D. Sermon Preached in St. Paul's Church, Baltimore, at the Opening of the Convention of the Diocese, May 28, 1886. Bait., 1856. 8vo. 56. 7.4 The Sunday School the Evangelist of the District School. A Sermon, etc. Phila. n. d. 16mo. 56. 14. 9 Johns, John (Bp.). Address before the American Whig and Cliosophic Societies of the College of New Jersey, Sept. 29, 1840. Princeton, 1840. 8vo. 47. 7. 2 Annual Sermon before the Bishops, Clergy and Laity, Con- stituting the Board of Missions of the Prot. Episc. Church. Preached in St. Paul's Church, Boston, June 20, 1838. K Y., 1838. 8vo. 56. 14. 3 Johns, J. Henry. History of the Rock Presbyterian Church in Cecil Co., Maryland. Oxford, Pa., 1872. 8vo. 11. 1. 2 Johns Hopkins University. Circulars, Kos. 48-51. Bait., 1886. 11. 8 Register. 1880-'81. Bait. 8vo. 11.8.6 Report. 1879-'85. Bait. 8vo. 11.8.6 Studies in Historical and Political Science. 2d and 4th Ser. Johnson, . New Life in Virginia. Being the Second Part of Nova Britannia. London, 1612. 8vo. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 1.) 14. 12 Nova Britannia, Offering Most Excellent Fruits by Planting in Virginia. London, 1609. 8vo. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 1.) 14. 12 Johnson, Mrs. . Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. John- son, of Charlestown, N. H., for Four Years with the In- dians. 1754. (Farmer, John, and Moore, J. B. Collec- tions, 1822-' 24. Vol.1.) 7.3 Johnson, A . G. Chapter of History, or the Progress of Judi- cial Usurpations. Troy, N. Y., 1863. 8vo. 10. 6. 10 Johnson, Alexander B. Discourse on Language. Utica, 1832. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 18.) 53.12 Johnson, A. J. & Co. (Publishers). New Illustrated Family Atlas of the World. N. Y., 1883. L. 4to. 94. 19 New Universal Encyclopedia. N. Y.,1878. 4to. 8vo. 34.5 Johnson, Andrew. Speech of, on the State of the Union, in the Senate of the U. S., 'Feb. 5 and 6, 1861. Wash., 1861. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 115 904 MINNESOTA HISTOBICAL SOCIETY. Johnson, Andrew — (Continued). See Butler, B. F. Abuses of Executive Power. 60. 8 Cowan, Edgar. Speech on Executive Appointments, etc. 60.8 Duyckinck, E. A. Biogr. Sketch. 44. 6 Holmes, S. T. Verdict of the People. 60. 8 Life and Times of, 1866. 45. 3 Eeconstruction on ''My Policy," etc. [Burlesque.] 33. 7. 2 Sumner, C. Expulsion of the President. 33. 7. 2 One Man Power. 60. 8 Protection Against the President. 60. 1 U. S. Senate. Trial of Andrew Johnson, 1868. 3 Vols. 60.9 Went worth, John. President's Message. Speech. 60. 1 Wieczorek, E. To Andrew Johnson. An Open Letter. 60. 8 Wilson, Henry. Executive Patronage. Speech. 60. 8 Johnson, Bradley T. The Foundation of Maryland, and the Origin of the Act Concerning Religion of April 21, 1649. Prepared for the Maryland Historical Society. Bait., 1883. 8vo. 11. 1. 3^ Johnson, C. B. Sketch of the Wyoming Historical and Geolog- ical Society of Wilkesbarre. n. p. 1880. 4to. 11. 10. 1 Johnson, Charles F. Den Enfaldige Smalanningen. [The Credulous Countryman.] A Comedy, Burlesquing Local Characters at Duluth, Minn. Duluth, 1875. 12mo. 22. 14. 7 Johnson, Chas. W. A Tale of Two Cities. Minneapolis and St. Paul Compared. Minneapolis, 1835. 8vo. 22. 13. 1 The Veteran of 1861-'65, and the Citizen of 1887. Address delivered at Minneapolis, Minn., Memorial Day, May 30, 1887. Minneapolis, 1887. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 Johnson, Crisfield. History of Cuyahoga Co., O., and of the City of Cleveland. Cleveland, 1879. 4to. 18.9 Centennial History of Erie Co., N. Y, being its Annals from the Earliest Recorded Events to the 100th Year of Ameri- can Independency. Buffalo, 1876. 8vo. 16. 2 History of Hinsdale County, Mich., with Illustrations" and Biographical Sketches. Phila., 1879. 4to. 18. 4 Johnson, David K. Sketches of Lynn; or, Changes of 50 years. Lynn, 1880. 8vo. , ' 25. 9 Johnson, Edwin F. An Engineer's Opinion of the Marine Railway around IS'iagara. l!^ew York, 1865. 8vo. (Ram- sey Pamph., Vol. 27, Ko. 3.) 60.' 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 905 Johnson, Edwin F. — (Continued). IS'avigation of the Lakes, etc., in Eelation to the Lines of Eailway Leading to the Pacific. Hartford, 1866. 8vo. (Nor. Pac. E. E. Pamphs., Vol. 1. I^o. 19.) 22.4 Eailroad to the Pacific. Northern Eoute. Its General Character, etc. 2d edit. N. Y., 1854. 8vo. (Nor. Pac. E. E., Vol. 1, No. 3.) 22.4 Johnson, Elias (Tuscarora Chief). Legends, Traditions and Laws of the Iroquois, or Six Nations; and History of the Tuscarora Indians. Lockport, N. Y., 1881. 8vo. 15.4 Johnson, Frederick A. Our American Colony. Venezuelan Guayana. St. Louis, 1875. 8vo. 52.3.1 Johnson, Harrison. History of Nebraska. Omaha, Neb., 1880. 8vo. ' . 19.7 Johnson, Herschel V. The War with Mexico. Speech in the Senate of the U. S., March 16, 1848, on the Bill to Eaise an Additional Military Force, n. t. p. 8vo. (Mex. War Pamph., No. 30.) 16. 10 Johnson, James A. Chinese Immigration. Speech, H. of E., Jan. 25, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 38, No. 12.) 60.2 Johnson, Sir John, Bart. See De Peyster, J. W. Life and Misfortunes and Military Career of. 46. 5 Johnson, John. Jr. Eudimentary Society among Boys. Bait., 1884. 8vo. n.8. 6 Johnson, Oliver. The Abolitionists Vindicated, in a Ee- view of Eli Thayer's Paper on the New England Emi- grant Aid Company. Worcester, 1887. 8vo. (Worces- ter Soc. of Ant., No. 25.) 9. 10 Wm. Lloyd Garrison and his Times; Sketches of the Anti- Slavery Movement. Boston, 1880. 12mo. 43. 11 Johnson, E. G. Historical Account of the First Settlement of Salem, in West Jersej^, by John Fenwick, Esq., with Many of the Important Events that have Occurred, down to the Present Generation. Phila., 1839. 24mo. 10.2 Johnson, Eevi^idy. Argument to Establish the Illegality of Military Commissions, Especially the One for the Trial of the Assassins of Lincoln. Bait., 1865. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 20.) . 60. 1 Letter to John A. Peters on the Washington Treaty, in Ee- lation to the Claim of the United States for Damages. Bait., 1872. 8vo. 33.12.2 906 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Johnson, Eeyerdy — (Continued). Eemarks on Popular Sovereignty, as Maintained and Denied Eespectively by Judge Douglas, and Attorney Gen. Black. Bait., 1^59. 8vo. 33. 7. 4 Speech in Support of the Eesolution to Amend the Consti- tution so as to Abolish Slavery. Delivered in the Senate of the U. S., April 5, 1864. n. t. p. 8vo. : 0. 14. 1 Speeches on the Military Eeconstruction Bill; in the Senate of the U. S., Feb. 20 and March 2, 1867. Wash., 1867. 8vo. 33. 7. 2 Speech on the Ten Eegiment Bill, in the Senate of the U. S., Jan. 10 and 13, 1848. n. t. p. 8vo. (Mex. War Pamph., No. 29.) 16. 10 Bemis, Geo. Eeverdy Johnson ;^Alabama Negotiations. 33. 12. 2 Johnson, Eichard. The Nine Worthies of London. London, 1592. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 12.) 40. 3 Johnson, Col. Eichard M. Authentic Biography of. [By Wm. Emmons.] N. Y., 1833. 16mo. 43.9 Johnson, Gen. Eichard W. Memoir of Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas. Phila., 1881. 8vo. 43. 9 The Battle of Stone Eiver. (Eeprinted from the U. S. Service Mag., Jan., 1886.) N. Y., 1886. 8vo. 30. 4. 8 A Soldier's Eeminiscences in Peace and War. Phila., 1886. 8vo. 45. 4 Johnson, Eossiter. A History of the War of 1812-'15, be- tween the U. S. and Great Britain. N. Y., n. d. 12mo. 14. 9 Johnson, S. M. Dual Ee volutions. An ti -Slavery and Pro- Slavery. Bait., 1863. 8vo. 30.7.5 Johnson, Samuel. Dictionary of the English Language. 8th ed. London, 1799. 4to.'^ 2 Vols. 38. 4 The Patriot. Addressed to the Electors of Great Britain. London, 1774. 8vo. (Eevolutionary Pamphlets, No. 33, No. 6.) 14. 8 Taxation no Tyranny. Answer to the Eesolutions and Ad- dress of the American Congress. London, 1775. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 33, No. 5.) 14. 8 Johnson, Theo. T. Sights in the Gold Eegion, and Scenes by the Way. N. Y., 1849. 12mo. 20. 6 Same, with Title, "California and Oregon,'^ etc. 1865. 20.6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 907 Johnson, Wesley. Wyoming; Eecord of the 100th Year Com- ^ memorative Observance of the Battle and Massacre, July 3, 1878. Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1878. 8vo. 11. li Johnson, Wm. C. Speech, on the Eejection of Petitions for the Abolition of Slavery; with Eemarks on Charges against Gen. W. H. Harrison; in the House of Eepresentatives, Jan. 25-28, 1840. Wash., 1840. 8vo. . 30. 14. 2 Johnson, Sir Wm. Journals of Sir Wm. Johnson's Scouts, 1755, '56. (See O'Callaghan, E. B. Doc. Hist, of K ¥., Yol. 4.) 10.14 Manuscripts of Sir William Johnson, 1754-'74. Same, Vol. 2. 10. 14 Sketch of. (See Jones, Thos. Hist, of K Y. 1879. 8vo.) 10.4 Stone, Wm. L. Life and Times of. 44. 9 Johnson, Wm. Samuel. Letters to the Governors of Connecti- cut. (Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., 5th Ser., Vol. 9.) 9. 5 See Beardslee, E. E. Life of W. S. Johnson. 44. 2 Johnson, Wm. W. Clarke — Clark Genealogy. Eecords of the Descendants of Thomas Clarke, of Plymouth, 1623-1697. Korth Greenfield, Wis., 1884. 8vo. 47. 8 Eecords of the Descendants of David Johnson, of Leominster, Mass. Milwaukee, 1876. 8vo. 47. 10 Johnson, W. W. The Eureka Springs. Arkansas. St. Louis, 1885. 12mo. 15. 14. 4 Johnson Family. Chronicle of Johnson, of Yarmouth, n. p., n. d. fo. 25. 7. 9 Johnson, W. W. Descendants of David Johnson. 47. 10 Johnson's Island, Lake Erie. Memorial of the Federal Prison on Johnson's Island, Lake Erie, O., 1862-'64; Containing a List of Prisoners of War, from the Confede- rate States Army, and of the Deaths among them; With ''Prison Lays" by Distinguished Officers. (Va. Hist. Coll. N. S., Vol. 6.) 15. 12 Johnson County, Iowa. See Irish, F. M. History of John- son County, Iowa. (Annals of Iowa, Vol. 6.) 19. 6 Johnston, Alex. -Keith. Eoyal Atlas of Modern Geography. Edinburgh, etc., 1880. Folio. Drawer 2 Johnston, Henry P. The Yorktown Campaign, and the Sur- render of Cornwallis, 1781. N. Y., 1881. 8vo. 14. 2 Johnston, James H. The Dead who Die in the Lord, Blessed. Sermon, in Crawfordsville, Ind., Feb. 26, 1871, on Albert Barnes. Phila., 1874. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 908 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Johnston, James H. — {Continued). Ministry of Forty Years in Indiana. Historical Discourse on the Progress of Presbyterianism, Feb. 5, 1865. Indian- apolis, 1865. 8vo. 18. 11. 4 Johnston, John. History of Bristol and Bremen, Me. Albany, 1873. 8vo. 7. 8 Johnston, John W. [of Va.]. The Tariff. Speech in the Senate of the U. S., March 21, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. 57. 2. 1 Johnston, Gen. Joseph E. Narrative of Military Operations during the Late War between the States. N. Y., 1874. 8vo. 29. 9 Johnston, Wm. Address on the Life and Public Services of Edwin M. Stanton, delivered in Cincinnati, Jan. 7, 1870. Cinn., 1870. 8vo. 43. 7. S. 2 Joint Stock Companies. Speeches in the House of Commons, 1826. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 27.) 53. 12 Joinville, Le Peince de. Army of the Potomac; Its Organ- ization, its Commander, and its Campaign. Translated, with Notes, by Wm. Henry Hurlbut. N. Y., 1862. 8vo. 29. 2 JoLiET, Louis. Account, 1673. See Marquette, Joseph. 20. 3 Winsor, J. Joliet, Marquette and La Salle. 25. 9 JoLiET, Illinois. See Eowell, H. Resources and Advantages. 18. 6. 6 JoLLiFFE, John. In the Matter of George Gordon's Petition for Pardon. Cinn., 1862. 8vo. 30.14.6 JoMiNi, Gen. Henei, Baeon. Histoire Critique et Militaire des Guerres de Frederic II. Compares au Systeme Moderne. Paris, 1818. 8vo. 3 Vols. 40. 8 Histoire Critique et Militaire des Guerres de la Revolution. Paris, 1820. 8vo. 14 Vols. 14. 8 Jonas, Chaeles. Dictionary of the Bohemian and English Lan- guages. Racine, Wis., 1876. 16mo. 34. 1 Jones, A. D. Illinois and the West. Boston, etc., 1838. 18mo. 18.5 Memoir of Elder Abner Jones. Boston, 1842. 16mo. 43.2 Jones, A. E. Address at Turpin's Grove, O., on Reminiscences of the Little Miami Yalley, July 4, 1878. Cinn., O., 1878. 8vo. 18. 3. 2 Jones, Abnee. See Jones, A. D. Memoir of Elder Abner Jones. 43. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 909 Jones, Alex. H. Knocking at the Door. Adventures and Escapes during tbe War. Wash., 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 14.) 60. 1 Jones, Alex. H. Eemarks on Sulphate of Quinia. 1877. No imprint. 8vo. 51. n. 3 Jones, Anson. Memoranda and Official Correspondence Eclat- ing to the Eepublic of Texas, its History and Annexation. With Autobiography of the Author. K Y., 1859. 8vo. 17. 9 Jones, Ben. Speech, Nov. 20, 1863, [on the Cause of the Eebel- lion]. N. Y. n. d. 16mo. 30. 4. 5 Jones, BuehkinGt H. Sunny Land; Prison Prose and Poetry of Writers in the South. Ed. by J. A. Houston. Baltimore, 1868. 12mo. 30. 1 Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr. Address before the Confederate Survivors' Association, Augusta, April 26, 1887. Augusta, 1887. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 Ancient Tumuli in Georgia. (Amer. Antiq. Soc. Proc, Apr., 1869.) 9. 3 Anniversary Address, before the Georgia Historical Society, in Hodgson Hall, 14 Feb., 1881. Savannah, Ga., 1881. 8vo. 15. 13. 1 Antiquities of the Southern Indians, Particularly of the Georgia Tribes. N. Y., 1873. 8vo. 15.3 Casimir Pulaski. Address before the Georgia Historical So- ciety, upon the 32d Anniversary, Feb. 13, 1871. (Coll., Yol. 3.) 15. 13 Dead Towns of Georgia, Savannah, 1878. (Ga. Hist. Soc. Coll., Yol. 4.) 15. 13 English Colonization of Georgia, 1733-1752. (Nar. and Crit. Hist, of Amer., Yol. Y, Chap. 6.) 25. 9 Historical Sketch of Tomo-chi chi, Mico of the Yamacraws. Albany, 1868. 8vo. 15. 10 History of Georgia. 2 Yols. Yol. 1. Aboriginal and Colonial Period. 2. Eevolutionary Epoch. Boston, 1883. 8vo. 15.13 Life and Services of the Hon. Maj.-Gen. Samuel Elbert, of Georgia. An Address delivered before the Georgia His- torical Society at Savannah, Dec. 6, 1886. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo. 43. 6. E Monumental Eamains of Georgia. Pt. 1. Savannah, 1861. 8vo. 15.13 910 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jones, Charles Henry. History of the Campaign for the Conquest of Canada in 1776, from*fche Death of Montgom- ery to the Eetreat of the British Army, efcc. Phila., 1882. 8vo. 14. 2 Jones, Charles W. (of Fla.). Address to the Graduates of St. John's Collegiate Institute, Washington, D. C, June 27, 1881, n.p.,n.d. 8vo. 56.9.2 Impeachment of Wm. W. Belknap. Opinion on the Ques- tion of Jurisdiction in the Senate, May 26, 1876. Wash., 1876. 8vo. 33. 7. 5 Jones, David. Journal of Visits made to Indians on the \Yest Side of the Ohio, 1772 and 1773. Biographical Xotice of the Author, by Horatio Gates Jones. N. Y. (Sabin's re- print), 1863. 8vo. ^ 15. 10 Jones, Edward C. Eeport of the Mission in the County Insane Hospital of Blockley, Philadelphia, I860-' 62. Phila. 8vo. • ^ 11.7,6 Jones, George. History of Ancient America Anterior to the Time of Columbus; Proving the Identity of the Aborigi- nes with the Tyrians and Israelites. London, 1843. 8vo, 15. 10 Jones, George. Observations on the Zodiacal Light, 1853-'55. (Japan Expedition, Vol. 3.) 49. 13 Jones, George H. Funeral Sermon on President Lincoln, April 19, 1865. 43. 14. 4 Jones, Geo. Wallace. Memoir in Iowa Historical Eecord, April, 1887. Vol. 3. 19. 13. 5 Jones, Horatio Gates. Biographical Notice of David Jones. [Prefixed to David Jones' Journal.] 1865. 8vo. 15. 10 The Levering Family: Genealogical Account of Wigard Levering, and Gerhard Levering, Settlers of Eoxborough, Pa., and their Descendants. Phila., 1858. 8vo. 47. 4 Jones, J. B. Eebel War Clerk's Diary at Eichmond. Phila., 1866. 12mo. 2 Vols. 30. 9 Wild Western Scenes; a Narrative of Adventures in the Western Wilderness, wherein the Exploits of Daniel Boone are Particularly Described. Phila., 1882. 12mo. 17. 2 Jones, J. William. Army of Northern Virginia. Memorial Volume. Eichmond, 1880. 8vo. 30. 9 Treatment of Prisoners during the War between the States. (Southern Hist. Soc. Papers, Vol. 1.) 29. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 911 Jones, John, and Jones, Peter (Trans.) Minuajumouin on St. John. See Bible, N. T., St. John, Ojibwa. 1838. 12mo. 22. 1 Jones, John P. Eesumption, and the Double Standard of Gold and Silver. Speech in the Senate of the U. S., April 24, 1876. Wash., 1876. 8vo. 33.7.8 Jones, John Paul. See Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. 44.6 Sherburne, J. H. Life and Character. 44. 9 Jones, John W. (of Ga). Speech on the Pending War. Deliv- ered in the House of Eeps., Jan. 18, 1848. Wash., 1848. 8vo. (Mex. War Pamph., :N^o. 31.) 16. 10 Jones, Joseph. Exploration of the Aboriginal Eemains of Tennessee. Wash., 1876. 4to. (Smiths. Contr., Vol. 22.) 49.14 Eesearches, Chemical and Physiological, Concerning l^orth American Vertebrata. No impt. (Smiths. Contr.,- Vol. 8.) 49. 7 Jones, Joseph Seawell. Defence of the Eevolutionary His- tory of North Carolina, from the Aspersions of Mr. Jeffer- son. Bost., 1834. 12mo. " 15.6 Jones, Peter. History of the Ojibway Indians; with reference to their conversion to Christianity. London, n. d. 16mo. 15.1 And Others, Ojibue Nugumouinun, etc. (Ojibway Hymn Book.) Boston, 1844. 12mo. 22.8 Jones, Pomroy. Annals and Eecollections of Oneida County, N. Y. Eome, 1851. 8vo. 10. 9 Jones, Eiohard. Eemarks on the Government Bill for the Commutation of Tithes. London, 1836. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 6.) 53. 6 Jones, Talbot. Plea for Cold Climates, in the Treatment of Consumption. N. Y., 1879. 8vo. 51. 11. 2 Jones, Judge Thomas. History of New York during the Eev- olutionary War. Ed. by E. F. DeLancey. N. Y., 1879. 8vo. 2 Vols. 30.4 Jones, Thomas. Experience of a Slave for Forty-three Years. Springfield, Mass., 1854. 12mo. 30. 14. 4 Also, Adventures of Wild Tom. Boston, n. d. 8vo. ^ 30. 14. 4 Jones, TJ. J. History' of the Early Settlers of Juniata Valley. Phila., 1856. 8vo. 11. H 912 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jones, William A. Eeport upon the Reconnoissance of North- western Wyoming, including Yellowstone National Park, 1873. Wash., 1875. 8vo. 19. 9 Jones, W. Bence. Life's Work in Ireland of a Landlord who Tried to do his Duty. London, 1880. 8vo. 35. 2 Jones, Sib William. Antiquity of the Indian Zodiac. (Asiatic Eesearches, Vol. 2.) 40. 9 Discourse on the Institution of the Asiatic Society. (Asiatic Researches, Vol. 1.) 40. 9 Discourses, Vols. 2 and 3. 40. 9 Dissertation on the Orthography of Asiatic Words in Roman Letters. (Asiatic Researches, Vol. 1.) 40.9 Lunar Year of the Hindus. (Asiatic Researches, Vol. 3.) 40.9 Musical Modes of the Hindus. (Asiatic Researches, Vol. 3.) 40.9 On the Chronology of the Hindus. (Asiatic Researches, Vol. 2.) 40. 9 On the Gods of Greece, Italy and India. (Asiatic Researches, Vol. 1.) 40. 9 On the Indian Game of Chess. (Asiatic Researches, Vol. 2.) 40. 9 On the Mystical Poetry of the Persians and Hindus. (A.siatic Researches, Vol. 3.) 40. 9 Remarks on the Island of Hinzuan, or Jopanna. (Asiatic Researches, Vol. 2.) 40.9 Jones, Wm. Carey. The First Phase of the Conquest of Cali- fornia. (Cal. Hist. Soc. Papers, Vol. 1.) San Francisco, 1887. 8vo. ' 17. 8. 1 Jones County, Iowa. History of, etc. Chicago, 1879. 8vo. 95. 8 JoPLiN, Thomas. General Principles and Present Practice of Banking. London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 24.) 53.12 Jordan, Dayid S. Contribution to ]N^orth American Icthyol- ogy. Wash., 1877-'78. 8vo. 3 Vols. (Smiths. Misc. Colls., Vols. 13, 23.) 49.2 Jordan, Dayid S., and Gilbert, Charles H. Synopsis of the Fishes of Korth America. Wash., 1882. 8vo. 49. 9 Jordan, G. ^W. Examination of the Principles of the SlaYe Registry Bill, and of the Means of Emancipation Proposed by the Authors of that Bill. London, 1816. 8vo. 30. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 913 Jordan, Samuel. Eestorer of the Union of the U. S. to its Original Purity. Augusta, Ga., 1866. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 9, No. 1.) 60. 1 Jordan, Gen. Thomas, and Pryor, J. P. Campaigns of Lt. General N. B. Forrest, and of Forrest's Cavalry. Cinn., C, 1868. 8vo. 29. 10 Jordan, Tristram F. Jordan Memorial. Family Records. Boston, 1882. 8vo. 47. 10 Leighton Genealogy. An Account of the Descendants of Capt. Wm. Leighton, of Kittery, Me. Albany, 1885. 8vo. 47.10 Jordan Family. See Jordan, T. F. 47. 10 Jordan River, The. See Coleman, L. Great Crevasse of Jor- dan. , 52. 10. 2 Joseph Hi, Emperor of Germany. Letters to Distinguished Princes and Statesmen. London, 1821. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 19.) 53.5 JosEPHUS, Flayius. Works. Trans, by Wm. Whiston. Edin- burgh, 1867. 40. 9 JosLiN, Benj. F. Discourse on Man, as a Progressive Being. Delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Union College, July 23, 1833. Schenectady, 1833. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 10.) 53. 12 JossELYN, John. An Account of Two Voyages to New England, etc. London, 1675. (Reprinted.) Boston, 1865. 8vo. 25.2 New England's Rarities Discovered. Ed. by Edward Tuck- erman. (Amer. A.ntiq. Soc. Trans., Vol. 4.> • 9. 10 Journal of an English Traveller, 1814-'16: Memoirs and Anecdotes of the Princess of Wales, Caroline of Bruns- wick. London, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 10.) 53. 5 Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy. New Ser. Phila.,1866. 8vo. 57.5.8 Journalism (in the U. S.;. See Bennett, J. G. Life of. 43. 1 Bryan, Geo. J. Paper. See his ''Biographies." 45.2 Buckingham, J. T. Recollections of Editorial Life. 43. 1 Specimens of Newspaper Literature. 43. 1 Calkins, E. A. The Early Newspaper Press. 22. 12. 2 Editing a Newspaper. 19. 12. 3 Congdon, C. T. Reminiscences of a Journalist. 43. 1 Fitch, C. W. Address on the "Printer Editors." 19. 12. 3 Ginty, Geo. C. The Faults of Journalism. 19. 12. 3 914 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journalism — (Continued). Hudson, F. Journalism in the U. S., 1690-1872. 33. 10 Kansas Editors' and Publishers' Association. 19. 14. 2 Leonard, J. A. Address on the Press. 22. 12. 2 Maverich, A. H. J. Eaymond and the ]S^. Y. Press. 43. 1 Merriam, G. S. Life of Samuel Bowles. 45. 3 Minnesota Editors' and Publishers' Association. 22. 12. 2 Munday, E. H. Sketch of the Philadelphia Public Ledger. 11. 5. 6 Parton, J. Life of Horace Greeley. 43. 9 Eublee, H. Modern Journalism. Poem. 19. 12. 2 San Francisco Chronicle. History of. 19. 8 Seymour, Chas. Character and Mission of the Press. 19. 12. 3 Thwing, C. F. Journalism in Colleges. ' 33. 13 Wheelock, J. A. Address on the Power of the Press. 22. 12. 2 Williams, J. F. The Press of Minnesota. History. 22. 12. 2 Wisconsin Editors' and Publishers' Association. 19. 12 See, also, Newspapers, Periodicals, Press, etc. JouTEL, Henri. Historical Journal of La Salle's Last Voyage to Discover the Eiver Mississippi. 1684-'87. (Hist. Coll. of La., Vol. 1.) 20.3 Journal of the Last Voyage Performed by Monsr. de La Salle, to the Gulj^h of Mexico, etc. London, 1714. 8vo. (Map wanting.) 20. 1 Eelation, 1684-' 88. Dernier Enterprise de La Salle. (Mar- gry Papers, Vol. 3.) 20. 11 See Parkman, F. Discovery of the Great West. 20. 10 Joy-Dyerj Cornelia C. Some Eecords of the Dyer Family. K. Y., 1884. 12mo. 47.2 JuANA, Queen of Castile. Documents Eelating to Queen Juana; Argument in Favor of her Sanity.. (Letter relating to England and Spain.) London, 1862-' 68. 8vo.) 35.13 JUDD, Dayid W. Story of the Thirty-third U. S. Vols. ; Two Years' Campaigning in Virginia and Maryland. Eochester, 1862. 12mo. 29.12 JUDD, Norman B. Apportionment of Eepresentation. Speech, H. of E., Jan. 1, 1870. n.t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 38, ^o. 5.) Speech in the H. of E., on the Niagara Ship Canal. Jan. 15, 1869. Wash., 1869. 8vo. 72. 13. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 915 JuDD, Okange. AlumDi Record of Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. Boston, 1873. 8vo. 43. ll JUDD, Orrin B. Maclay Memorial. Sketching the Lineage, Life, and Obsequies of Hon. William B. Maclay. Published for the Friends of the Deceased, etc. IN". Y., 1884. 12mo. 47.4 JuDD, Sylvester. Thomas Judd and his Descendants. North- ampton, 1856. 8vo. 47. lO Judd Family. See Judd, Sylvester. Thos. Judd and Descend- ants. 47. 10 Judges, U. S. Eegister of Judicial Officers of the U. S. See U. S. Dept. of Justice. 60. 9 Judicial Conduct and Deportment. Judge Davis and Six Gentlemen of the New York Bar. By a Member of the Profession. N. Y., 1874. 8vo. 10.6.10 JUDSON, Adoniram. See Wayland, T. Memoir, etc. 45. 4 JUDSON, Mrs. Ann H. See Porter, E. G. Address, etc. 43. 13 JuDSON, L. Carroll. The Sages and Heroes of the American Eevolution, Including the Signei^s of the Declaration of Independence. Phila., 1853. 8vo. 25. 3 Julian, Geo. W. Dangers and Duties. Eeconstruction and Suffrage. Speech, H. of E., ISTov. 17, 1865. Cinn. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 29, :N^o. 35.) 60. 8 Homesteads for Soldiers on the Lands of Eebels. Speech in the House of Eepresentatives, March 18, 1864. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 6 Letter on the Soldiers' Bounty Bill. :N". Y. n. d. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 23.) 60. 1 Our Land Policy, its Evils and their Eemedy. Speech in H. of E., March 6, 1868. Wash., 1868. 8vo. 57. 10. 3 The Overshadowing Question. Speech on Public Lands, H. of E., Jan. 21, 1871. Wash., 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 32, :N^o. 63.) 60. 8 Political Eecollectious, 1840-1872. Chicago, 1884. 12mo. 16. 12 Eadicalism and Conservatism. Speech, H. of E., Feb. 7, 1865. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 12, ISTo. 57.) 60.1 « Eadicalism, thelRation's Hope. Speech, H. of E., June 16, 1866. n. t. p. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 29, ]S"o. 32.) 60. 8 Eegeneration before Eeconstruction. Speech, H. of E., Jan. 28, 1867. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 29, IS'o. 52.) 60.8 916 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Julian, Geo. W. — (Continued). Eights of Pre-emptors on tlie Public Lands. Eemarks, H. of E., July 5, 1866. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 29, No. 23.) 60. 8 Sale of Mineral Lands. Speech, H. of E., Feb. 9, 1865. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 12, Ko. 43.) 60. 1 Speech on the Punishment of Eebel Leaders, H. of E., April 30, 1866. Wash., 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 29, Ko. 4.) 60. 8 Suffrage in the District of Columbia. Speech in H. of E., Jan. 16, 1866. n. t. p. 8vo. 11 . 8. 4 Juneau Co., Wis. See Kingston, J. T. Early Explorations. 19. 11 Juniata Valley, Pa. See Jones, ^N". J. History of. 11. 11 Junius, H. W. P. Eemarks on the Utility of Classical Learn- ing. St. Paul, 1856. 8vo. 74. 7. 2 Junius. See Hayward, A. Evidence of Handwriting. 25. 6. 1 See Griffin, F. Junius Discovered. 35. 2 Jurispbudence. See Abbott, B. V. American Jurisprudence. 14. 10 See also Law. Jury, Trial by. See Caverno, C. Abolition of the Jury Sys- tem. • 19. 12. 1 Duane, Wm. Sampson Against the Philistines. 53. 12 Longley, John. Observations on. 53. 5 JussiEN Family. See Flourens, M. J. P. , 49. 3 Justices of the Peach. See Booth, W. S. Justice's Manual. 22. 5. 1 Haines, E. M. Powers and Duties of. 53. 4 JusTiNiANUS I., Emperor. Corpus Juris Civilis Academicum. Altenbergi, 1751. 8vo. 2 Vols. 53.4 K. KA-GE-GA-aAH-BOWH. See Copway, Geo. Kalb, John, Baron de. See Smith, J. S. Memoir. 43. 6. D Kalm, Pehr. Travels into North America, 1748-' 51. London, 1771. 8vo. 3 Vols. 33. 11 Voyage en Amerique, 1748-'49. Trad, par L. W. Marchand. 20. 9. 6 Kanawha and James Eiver Canal. See Lorraine, E. Central Water Line Connecting the Kanawha and James Elvers. 60.2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 917 Kanawha County, Yirginia. See AtkinsoD, G. W. History. 15. 5 Kanawha Valley, West Va. See Gibbons, J. A. Kanawha Valley. 15. 12. 2 Strother, D. H. Capital of West Virginia. 15. 12. 2 Kane, Elisha Kent. Arctic Explorations; the Second Grin- nell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, 1853, '54, '55. 2 Vols. Phila., 1857. 8vo. 17. 2 Astronomical Observations in the Arctic Seas, 1853-'55. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 12.) 49. 7 Magnetical Observations in the Arctic Seas. (Smiths. Oon- trib.. Vol. 10.) 49. 7 Meteorological Observations in the Arctic Seas, 1853-'55. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 11.) 49. 7 Tidal Observations in the Arctic Seas, 1853-'55. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 13.) 49.7 See Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. 44. 6 Elder, Wm. Biography of E. K. Kane. 43. 3 Memorial Proceedings in Geographical and Statistical Soc. 33. 5 Philadelphia City Council. Honors to Dr. Kane. 43. 1 Kane, Paul. Wanderings of an Artist among the Indians of North America, through the Hudson's Bay Company's Territory. London, 1859. 8vo. 20. 11 Kankakee, III. The Charms of Kankakee. [Guide Book.] 18. 13. 6 Kankakee Company. A Western Enteri^rise in Illinois. Ee- ports, Estimates and Statistics. Boston, 1871. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamph., Vol. 3, Ko. 19.) 60. 1 Kanouse, Peter. Historical Sermon in the Second Presbyter- ian Church, Wantage, N. J. I^ewton, K J., 1878. 8vo. 10. 2. 4 Kansas Academy of Science. Transactions, Vols. 5, 7, 8, 9. Topeka, 1881-'85. 8vo. 19. 7 Kansas Baptists. State Conventions and Anniversaries. Min- utes, 3 876-' 84. 83.12.5 Associations (various). Minutes of. 38. 12. 5 Kansas Editors and Publishers Association. Kansas Ed- itors' Annual for 1877, Containing Proceedings of the Association, Constitution and By-laws, Address by Henry King, Excursion to Colorado, Sermon by John A. Ander- son, and List of Newspapers in Kansas. Topeka, 1877. 8vo. 19. 14. 2 918 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kansas Editors and Publishers Association — (Continued;. Same. Proceedings, 1875. With Address of G. A. Craw- ford. Topeka. 8vo. 19. 14. 2 Kansas State Historical Society. Circular, 1877-'78. 19. 14. 2 List of its Collections, with Account of its Organization and Explanation of its Objects, n. t. p. 8vo. 19. 14. 2 Union of Libraries. Proposition of the Board of Directors to the Trustees of the State Library for a Union of Libra- ries, n. t. p. 19. 14. 2 » Eeports, 1879, '80, '83. Topeka. 19. 7 Transactions. First, second and third Biennial Reports. 3 Yols. 19. 7 Kansas State Horticultural Society. Transactions, 1876- • '85 (exc. 1881). 81. 1 Kansas, State of. Governor. Crawford, S. J. Message, 1866. 81. 8. 5 Same. Martin, John A. Message, 1886. 8L 8. 5 Osborn, T. A. Messages, 1873, '75, '76. 81. 8. 5 Robinson, C. Message, 1862. 19. U. 2 Legislature. Journal and Session Laws, 1877. 8vo. 81 Laws for the Regulation and Support of Common Schools, 1879. 19. 3 Edition of 1885. * 81.8.9 Rules and Joint Rules Senate and House, etc, 1883. 81. 8. 5 Public Documents, 1868, '69, '7^, '79, '81, '83. 81. 8. 3 Superintendent of Publiclnstruction. Laws for Common Schools. 19. 13 Reports, 1870, '74, '80, '84. 81.8. 9 Supreme Court. Reports of Cases. W. C. Webb, Reporter. 1877. 61 State University. Annual Catalogues, 1882-'3, 1886. 81. 8. 10 Biennial Report to Legislature, 1877-'78. 81. 8. 10 Facts of General Interest to the People. The Univer- sity of Kansas. What it is and What it Does. 1884. 81. 8. 10 Assessment of Railroad Property. Reports, 1880-'81, '82, '85. . ' 72.7.8 Adjutant General. Biennial Report, 1884. 81. 1 Auditor of State. Biennial Reports, 1882-'84. 81. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 919 Kansas, State of — (Continued). Board of E. R. Commissioners. Annual Reports, 1883, '84, '85. 81. 1 Bureau of Labor. Betten, F. H. 1st Annual Report* 81. 1 Deaf and Dumb. Report of Trustees, 1868, '69, '72, '84. 81. 8. 4 Imbecile Asylum. Report, 1884. 81. 8. 4 Insane Asylum. Biennial Report, 1878. 81. 8. 4 ' Kansas State Board of Centennial Managers. Report. 81. 8. 5 In the Rebellion. Price Raid Commission. Report. 81. 8. 5 Impeachment Trial. Case of J. E. Hayes, State Treas- urer. 81. 8. 7 Forestry Report. Kas. State Horticultural Society, 1883-'85. 81.1 Natural History. See Goss, K. S. Birds of Kansas. 19.7 IsTormal School. Official Reports, 1870-'83. 81. 8. 9 Normal Institutes. Course of Study. 81. 8. 9 State Board of Agriculture. Monthly and Quarterly Reports, 1877-'85. 81.1.1 Fifth Annual Report, 1876. 72. 9. Fourth and Fifth Biennial, 1885-'87. 72. 9 State Board of Health. Annual Report, 1885. 81. 8. 7 State Industrial Reformatory. Report, 1885. 81. 8. 4 State Penitentiary. Annual Report Directors and Warden, 1872. 81. 8. 4 Same. Special Report, 1886. 81. 8. 4 State Reform School, 1884. 81. 8. 4 State Teachers' Associations. Sessions, 1877, '78. 81. 8. 9 Treasurer of State. Biennial Reports, 1880, '82, '84. 81. 1 (Descriptive.) See Bryan F. T. Expedition from Ft. Riley, etc. ^ 19.14.3 Clarke, C. M. Trip to Pike's Peak. 19. 14 Copley, Josiah. Kansas and the Country Beyond. 19. 7 Dodge, Gen. Henry. Expedition to Rocky Mountains. 19. 14. 8 Fremont, Gen. J. C. Exploring Expedition, etc. 19. 3 Gladstone, T. H. Kansas Squatter Life. 19. 7 Griswold, W. Kansas, her Resources, etc. 19. 14. 2 Hale, E. E. Kansas and Nebraska. 19. 7 117 920 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kansas, State of — (Continued). Hayden, F. V. Explanation of Geological Map. 19. 14. 7 Higginson, T. W. Eide Through Kansas. 19. 14. 2 Hutchinson, C. C. Eesources of Kansas. 19. 9 Jenkins, Jeff. Northern Tier. 19. 7 Park, G. S. Trip up Kansas Eiver. 19. 14. 2 Sims, Wm. Kansas Immigration Documents. 81. 8. 6 Tewksbury, G. C. Kansas Picture Book. 17. 11. 1 U. S. Dept. of War. Survey of Southern Boundary. 19. 14. 1 Webb, T. H. Information for Kansas Immigrants. 19. 14. 2 Western Border Life. What Fanny Hunter Saw, etc. 10. 7 (Historical.) See Adams, F. G. Primitive Northern Kansas. 19. 14. 2 Brewerton, G. D. The War in Kansas. 19. 7 • Gihon, J. H. Geary and Kansas. ^ 19. 7 Hollo way, J. N. History of Kansas. 19. 7 Humphrey, Mary A. The Squatter Sovereign. 17. 8 Hyatt, Thomas. First Settlers in Kansas. 19. 7 Phillips, Wm. Conquest of Kansas. 19.7 Prouty, S. S. Kansas as a Factor, etc. 19. 7 Quarter-Centennial Celebration of Admission as a State, Jan. 29, 1886. 19. 7 Eobinson, Chas. Historical Address. ' 19. 7 Eobinson, S. T. L. Kansas, its Interior and Exterior Life. 19.7 Eopes, Mrs. H. A. Six Months in Kansas. 19. 7 Simpson, B. F. The Wyandotte Constitutional Convention. 19. 7 Spring, Leverett W. Kansas, the Prelude, etc. 19. 7 Thacher, T. D. The Leavenworth Const. Convention. 19. 14. 2 Thayer, Eli. N. E. Emigrant Aid Co. A Lecture, etc. 9. 10 Tomlinson, W. P. Kansas in 1858. 19. 7 Wilder, D. W. Annals of Kansas. 19. 7 Kansas, the Slayery Struggle. Laws of the Territory of Kansas. (U. S. Senate Doc, Yol. 11, 1855-' 56.) 62. 12 U. S. Dep. of State. Papers Eelative to the Affairs of the Territory, 1856. (Senate Doc, Ypl. 11, 1855-'56.) 62.12 U. S. Congr. House. Eeport of the Special Committee on the Troubles in Kansas, 1855-^56. (Eeports of Commit- tees, Vol. 2, 1855-'56.) 62. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 921 Kansas, the Slavery Struggle— (Continued). U. S. Congress, House. Eeports of the Select Committee on the Lecompton Kansas Constitution, etc. n. t. p. 8vo. 19. 7 Kansas-I^ebraska Question. See Adrain, G. B. Speech against the Admission of Kansas, March 20, 1858. 19. 14. 6 Benton, T. H. Nebraska and Kansas. 19. 14. 6 Burlingame, A. Appeal to Patriots against Fraud. 19. 14. 6 Crittenden, J. J. The Admission of Kansas. 19. 14. 6 Douglas, S. A. Poj)ular Sov^ereignty in the Territories. 33. 7. 4 Eemarks" on Kansas, Utah, etc. -19. 14. 6 Speech, March, 1854, on Nebraska, etc. 19. 14. 6 Speech on the Kansas Lecompton Constitution. 19. 14. 6 Everett, E. Speech on the Kansas and I^ebraska Bill. 19.14.2 Fisher, C. E. Kansas and the Constitution. 19. 14. 6 Foster, E. B. North Side View of Slaverj^ 53. 12 Perils of Freedom. 53. 12 Rights of the Pulpit. 30. 14. 3 Hale, J. P. Kansas and th4 Supreme Court. 19, 14. 6 Hunt, T. G. Good Faith and Union. 19. 14. 6 Hunter, H. M. T. Speech on the Admission of Kansas. 19. 14. 6 Speeches, U. S. Senate. N. Y., 1854. 8vo. 30. 14. 2 Pugh, Geo. E. Admission of Kansas. 19. 14. 6 RicRardson, E. H.. Wickedness in High Places. 19. 14. 6 Seward, Wm. H. Freedom in Kansas. 19. 14. 6 State of the Country. 33. 7. 4 Sumner, Chas. Barbarism of Slavery. 30. 14. 1 The Crime against Kansas. 19. 14. 6 Final Protest against Slavery in Kansas, etc. 19. 14. 6 U. S. President, 1856. Message. Affairs in Kansas. 19: 14. 6 Walley, S. H. Speech on the Kansas Bill. 33. 7. 1 See also '^ Nebraska." Kansas and Missouri Contention, Leavenworth, Kas. Pro- ceedings, May 14, 15, 1867. Leavenworth, 1867. 8vo. 19. 14. 2 Kansas Pacific Railroad Co., and Denver Pacific. Beard, Henry, and Elbert, S. H. Statement and Argument in Support of Senate Bill No. 638. Wash., 1872. 8vo. 60. 1 922 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kansas Pacific Eailroad Co. — (Continued). Hanke, J. S. Protest, etc. 60.1 Henderson, J. B., and Beard, Henry. Argument, etc. 60.1 Palmer, W. J. Eeport of Surveys, 1867-'68. 60. 8 Usher, J. P. Interest on Bonds Issued to. 60. 1 See also Union Pacific Eailway. Kansas Publishing Company. Some Information in Eegard to the Great State of Kansas. Lawrence, 1870. 8vo. 19. 14. 2 Kansas City, Mo. Board of Trade. The New West, etc. n. t. p. 8vo. 19. 10. 6 Same. Eeport, 1878. 18. 7.4 Public Schools. Eeport, 1877-'78. . 18. 7. 2 Kansas City, Fort Scott &> Gulf Eailroad Co. Annual Ee- port, 1884. 72. 7. 7 Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs Eailroad. Ee- port. 72. 7. 7 Kansas City, Springfield & Memphis Eailroad Co. Eeport, 1884. 72. 7. 7 Kapp, Friedrich. European Emigration to the U. S. N. Y., 1860. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 40, No. 6.) 60. 2 Life of F. W. Steuben, Major-General in the Eevolutionary Army. Introduction by Geo. Bancroft. N. Y., 1859. 8vo. 43.9 Kaskaskia, III. See Mason, E. G. Its Parish Eecords. 18. 6. 6 Kasson, G. M. Genealogy of a Part of the Kasson Family in the U. S. and Ireland. Woodbury, Conn., 1882. 47. 10 Kasson Family. See Kasson, G. M. Genealogy. 47. 10 Kaufman, David S. Address before the American Whig and Cliosophic Societies of the College of New Jersey, June 25, 1850. Princeton, :N'. J., 1850. 8vo. 74. 7. 2 The Texas Boundary. Speech, showing that Mexico Com- menced the Late War with the United States by Invading the Territory that Belonged to Texas at the Period of her Annexation; Delivered in the H. of E., June 5, 1848. n. t. p. 8vo. (Mex. War Pamph., :N'o. 32.) 16. 10 Kautz, Gen. August V. Answers to Inquiries on Military Eeorganization of the Department of Arizona, March, 1876. n. t. p. 8vo. 19. 14. 10 The Company Clerk. Phila., 1864. 12mo. 51. 9 Kay, Joseph. Free Trade in Land. Edited by his Widow. With Preface by John Bright. London, 1880. 8vo. 35. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 923 Kaye, John (Bp. of Bristol). Charge, at his Primary Visitation, Aug., 1821. London, 1822. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 20.) 53. 5 Kearney, Gen. Philip, ani>Birney Gen. D. B. Official Re- ports of the Battle of Seven Pines, May 31, 1862. Phila., 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 8 Kearney, Gen. Stephen Watts. Report of a Summer Cam- paign to the Rocky Mts., in 1845. n. t. p. 8yo. (U. S. Dept. of War.) 19.14. 8 Kearney, Gen. Philip. De Peyster, J. W. Personal and Mil- itary History of, etc. 44. 6 Kearsage, Mt., :N^. H. Shirley, J. M. Report on the :N^arae of, etc. 7. 11. 1 Keating, William H. :N'arrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnipeek, Lake of the Woods, etc., 1823, under Command of Stephen H. Long. London, 1825. 8vo. 2 Vols. 22. 2 Keefer, Thomas C. Report of the Survey of the Georgian Bay Canal Route to Lake Ontario, etc. Whitby, C. W., 1863. 8vo. 72. 7. 2 Keel AND Saddle. [Travels.] Revere, J. W. 30.8 Keeler, OcarT., Pubis. Mississippi Almanac, 1866. Colum- bus, Miss., 1866. 16mo. 15. 7. 3 Keen, Gregory B. New Sweden: or, the Swedes on the Dela- ware. (Nar. and Crit. Hist, of Am., Vol. 4, Chap. 9, pp. 443-502.) 25.9 Note on New Albion. (Nar. and Crit. Hist, of Am., Vol. 3, pp. 457-468.) 25.9 Keen, William W. Surgical Complications and Sequels of the Continued Fevers. Toner Lecture No. 5, Feb. 17, 1876. Wash., 1877. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 15.) 49. 9 Keene, N. H. Hale, Salma. Annals of, 1734-1790. 7. 3 Annals of, 1734-1815. 7. 3 McClintock, J. N. Sketch of. 7. 11 Keith, Alexander. Land of Israel. Edinburgh, 1843. 8vo. 12mo. 56. 4 Keith, George. Journal of Travels from New Hampshire to Caratuck, 1702. London, 1706. 8vo. (Prot. Episc. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1851.) 8vo. 56. 3 Keith, Sir William (Gov. of Penn.) Biog. Sketch of. (Pa.- Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Vol. L) 11. 10 Narrative of His Coming to the Government of Pennsylva- nia, etc., 1726. . (Pa. Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Vol. 2, Pt. 2.) 11. 10 924 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kelley, Hall J. A General Circular to all Persons of Good Character who Wish to Emigrate to Oregon Territory, etc. Charlestown, 1831. 8vo. 17.3 Kelley, O. H. Origin and Progress of the Order of Patrons of of Husbandry in the U. S. Phila., Pa., 1875. 8vo. 52. 2 Kelley, William D. Centennial Celebration and International Exposition. Speech, H. E., Jan. 10, 1871. Wash., 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 7.) 60. 8 Closing Speech in the Northrop -Kelley Debate, at West Philadelphia, Oct. 7, 1864. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Conversation with Horatio Seymour, on the National Debt and Taxes. Speech, Sept. 8, 1868. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 2 Equality of All Men, etc. See Phillips, Wendell, and others, Equality, etc. 30. 14. 5 Farmers, Mechanics and J^aborers Need Protection. Speech, H. E., March 25, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 38, No. 45.) 60. 2 Finances, The. Views, and Letter to the "Philadelphia Press, ^' Nov. 4, 1873. Phila., 1873. 8vo. 33.7.7 Government of Insurrectionary States. H. E., Feb. 12, 1867. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 29, No. 54.) 60.8 How and When Our War Debt Can Be Paid. Speech, H. E., Jan. 3, 1867. Wash., 1867. 8vo. 30. 11. 8 Internal Taxes; Shall they be Perpetuated, or Abolished? Speech, H. E., May 1, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 12.) 60. 1 Justification of a Tariff Commission. Speech, H. E., May 5, 1882. Wash., 1882. 8vo. 57. 2. 1 Mr. Hurd's Free Trade Eesolution. Speech, H. E. Feb. 18, 1881. Wash., 1881. 8vo. 57.2.1 Mr. Wells' Eeport. Speech, H. E., Jan. 11, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 39, No. 21.) 60. 2 Pecuniary and Political Value of the International Exhibi- tion. Speech, H. E., May 5, 1874. 8vo. 52.14. 7 Practice of Justice, our Only Security for the Future. Ee- marks in H. E., Jan. 16, 1865. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. (Loyal , Publ. Soc, No. 82.) 30.4.1 Same. Wash., 1865. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 29, No. 1.) 60. 8 Eeasons for Abandoning Free Trade and Adopting the Principle of Protection. Phila., 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 15.) 60. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 925 Kelley, William D. — (Continued). Eemarks of, on Eeport of Special Commissioner of the Eevenue, in the H. E., Feb. 4, 1869. Wash., 1869. 8vo. 57. 2. 4 Eemarks of, on his Amendment to the Bill "To Guarantee to Certain States a Eepublican Form of Government,'' delivered in H. E., Jan. 16, 1865. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 2 Eeply td George Korthrop, Sept. 23, 1864. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Should Congress Compel American. Laborers to Work for Lower Wages? Speech, H. E., March 16, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 5, Ko. 35.) 60. 1 Speech, Constitutional Eegulation of Suffrage, H. E., Feb. 27, 1866. Wash., 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 29, No. 59.) 60.8 Speech in the Northrop -Kelley Debate at Manayunk, Oct. 4, 1864. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Speech on Protection to American Labor, H. E., Jan. 31, 1866. Wash., 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 67.) 60. 8 Speeches, Addresses, and Letters on Industrial and Finan- cial Questions. Phila., 1872. 8vo. 33. 13 Speeches on the Conscription; Peace; and Arming the Negroes. (Conscription, The, 1863.) 8vo. 30. 4. 6 The Great Thoroughfare. Address on the Northern Pacific Eailroad, in Philadelphia, 1871. No impt. 4to. 22. 4 Same. New Northwest, etc. No impt. 4to. (N. P. E. E., Vol. 2, Nos. 17 and 19.) 22. 4 The New Northwest. Address ou the Northern Pacific Eailroad. Phila., 1871. 8vo. 19.10.7 The Proposed Eeciprocity Treaty. An Address delivered at the Academy of Music, Philadelphia, Oct. 28, 1374. Phila., 1874. 8vo. 57. 2.2 Kellogg, Allyn S. Memorials of Elder John White, of Hart- ford, Conn., and his Descendants. Hg-rtford, 1860. 8vo. 47. 7 Kellogg, Martin. The Local Units of History. (California Hist. Soc. Papers, Vol. 1.) San Francisco, 1887. 8vo. 17.8.1 Kellogg, Miner E. Fine Arts in the United States. Paper Eead before the American Union 'Academy, Dec. 27, 1869. Wash., 1869. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 36, No. 17.) . 60. 2 926 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kellogg, Mrs. Jeannette. McKiDley, Eev. Wm. Discourse at her Funeral, St. Anthony, etc. 43. 13. K Kellogg, Egbert H. Life and Death in Rebel Prisons; Prin- cipally Andersonville, Ga., and Florence, S. C. Hart- ford, Conn., 1865. 12mo. 30. 8 Kellogg, S. W. Claim of McGarrahan. Speech, H. R., Feb. 18, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol 32, No. 33.) • 60. 8 Statues of Jonathan Trumbull and Roger Sherman. Speech, H. R., April 29, 1872. n. t. p. •8vo. 7. 12. 2 Kellogg, William Pitt, Gov. of 'La. Inaugural Address, Jan. 13, 1873. Ji^ew Orleans, 1873. 8vo. (Ramsey Pami)h., Vol 13, No. 2.) • 60. 1 Steamship Line to Mexico. Speech, Senate U. S., Feb. 2, 187L Wash., 1871. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 6.) 60. 8 Kelly, Eugene. Argument Against Exchanging Unparted Bullion at any of the Mints for Fine Bars. (To the N. Y. Chamber of Commerce.) N. Y., 1872. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Kelly, Mrs. Fanny. Narrative of My Captivity Among the Sioux Indians, 1864. Hartford and Phila., 1873. 12mo. 15.8 Kelly, Frederick, Proprietor. Post Office London Directory, 1874. 75th Annual Publication. London, 1873. 8vo. 34.3 Kelly, William. Across the Rocky Mountains, from New York to California, 1849. London, 1852. 8vo. 19. 2 Keltie, John S., Editor. A History of the Scottish Highlands, Highland Clans, and Highland Regiments; with an Ac- count of the Gaelic Language, Literature, etc.; by Rev. Thos. McGlauchlan; and an Essay on Highland Scenery, by John Wilson. 8 Vols. Edinburgh, 1877. 8vo. 55. 11 Kemble, Frances Anne. Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation, 1838-39. N. Y., 1863. 12mo. 15. 13 What Became qf the Slaves on a Georgia Plantation. Sequel to Mrs. Kemble' s Journal of a Residence on a, etc. n. p. 1863. 8vo. 30.7.5- See Kemble, F. A., Journal, etc. 15. 13 Kemble, John Mitchell. The Saxons in England. A His- tory of the English Commonwealth, till the Period of the Norman Conqftest. (A new edition, revised by Walter de Gray Birch.) 2 Vols. London, 1876. 8vo. 42. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 927 Kemper College, near St. Louis, Mo. Laws, 1840. St. Louis, 1840. 8vo. 18. 7. 2 Kendal, Eey. Samuel. Eeligionthe Only Sure Basis of Free Government. Mass. Election Sermon, 1804. Boston? 1804. 8vo. 56. 5. 3 Kendall, Amos, U. S. P. M. General. Autobiography. Ed- ited by his son-in-law, William Stickuey. Boston^and N- Y., 1872. 18vo. ' 43.10 Kendall, Charles W. Irrigation in Nevada. Wells in the Desert. Speech, H. E., March 23, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. cEamsey Pamph., Vol. 5, Ko. 42.) ' 60. 1 Mines and Mining. Speech, H.of E., May 20, 1872. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph.. Vol. 5, Xo. 32.) 60. 1 Kendall, George W. Karrative of an Expedition across the Great Southwestern Prairies, from Texas to Santa Fe, 1841. London, 1845. Sm 8vo. 2 Vols. 19. 3 The War between the United States and Mexico, Illustrated; Embracing Pictorial Drawings of all the Principal Con- flicts, by Carl Nebel, with a Description of each Battle, etc. I^. Y., 1851. folio. 93.20 Kendall, James. Discourse, Jan. 1, 1850, upon the 50th An- niversary of his Ordination as Pastor of the First Church, Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth, 1850. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 7.) 9.2 Kendall, Thomas. Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lan- guage of New Zealand. Published by the Church Mis- sionary Society. London, 1820. 12mo. 34. 8 Kendall Family. Wells, Albert. ^'American Family Anti- quity," Vol. 2. N. Y., 1881. 4to. 93. 9 Kendall County, III. Biographical Directory of the Tax Payers and Voters of Kendall Co., 111. Chicago, 1876. 8vo. 17. 10 Kenly, John E. Memoirs of a Maryland Volunteer. W^ar with Mexico, 1846-'48. Phila., 1873. 8vo. 14. 11 Kennebec Purchase. Gardiner, E. H. History of the Ken- nebec Purchase. (Maine Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 2, pp. 269- 294.) 7. 1 Kennebunk, Me. Bourne, E. E. Hist, of W^ells and Kenne- bunk, etc. 7. 8 Bradbury, Charles. History of Kennebunk Port, etc. 7. 9 Kennedy, Archibald. Serious Considerations on the Present State of Affairs of the Northern Colonies. London, 1754. 8vo. (Pamphlets on Brit. Am., Xo. 9.) 20. 2 118 928 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kennedy, Duncan, Eev. A Sermon on Sacred Music, preached in the Second Street Presbyterian Church, Troy, March . 19, 1865. Troy, 1865. . 8vo. 56. 7. 3 Kennedy, Evender C. Osseo, the Spectre Chieftain. Poem. Leavenworth, 1867. 16mo. 22. 8 Kennedy, James. Essays, Ethnological and Linguistic. Ed. by 0. M. Kennedy. London and Edinburgh, 1861. 8vo. 15. 2 Ethnological and Philological Essays. London, 1855. 8vo. ' 15.10 Kennedy, James G. C. Report of the Seventh Census, for 1851- ^52. Wash., 1853. 8vo. 50.4 Kennedy, John Pendleton. Discourse on the Life and Char- acter of George Calvert, the First Lord Baltimore, before the Maryland Hist. Soc, Dec. 9, 1845. Baltimore, 1845. 8vo. 43. 9 Letter of, on the Proposition to Transfer the Stock held by the Federal Government in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, to the State of Maryland. Baltimore, 1844. 8vo. 72. 7. 1 Mr. Ambrose's Letters on the Rebellion. N. Y. and Bait., 1865. Sm. 8vo. 30. 11 Peabody Institute. Proceedings on the Death of J. P. Ken- nedy. Bait., 1870. 8vo. 43. 13. K Slavery the Mere Pretext for the Rebellion, ;N"ot its Cause. Picture of the Conspiracy, Drawn in 1863, by a Southern Man. Phila.,,lS63. 8vo. 30.7.6 The Border States. Their Power and Duty in the Present Disordered Condition of the Country. Phila., 1861. 8vo. 30. 4. 1 Kennedy, John S., and Others. Minn. U. S. Circuit Court. Kennedy [et al] vs. St. Paul & Pacific R. k Affidavits to Oppose Plaintiff's Motion for Receiver. 1873, n. t. p. St. Paul, 1873. 8vo. 22. 14. 3 In Equity. John S. Kennedy et al. vs. the St. Paul «& Pa- cific R. R. Co. et al. Bill of Complaint, and Plaintiff's Motion for Receiver, July, 1873. n. t. p. St. Paul, 1873. 8vo. 22. 14. 3 J. S. Kennedy & Co. vs. The St. Paul & Pacific Rail- road Co. and Others. Order to Show Cause why a Receiver shall not be Appointed, July, 1873. n. t. p. St. Paul, 1873. 8vo. 22. 14. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 929 Kennedy, John S., and Othees — (Continued. Petition of the Holland Bondholders, to Congress, for an Extension of the Land Grant to the St. Paul & Pacific E. E. 1874. n. t. p. 8vo. 22. 14. 3 BANNED Y, William. Texas: The Else, Progress and Prospects of Texas. 2 Vols. London, 1841. 8vo. 15. 14 Kennicott, Egbert. Biography of. (Chi. Acad. Sci. Trans., Vol. 1, Pt. 2, pp. 133-226.) 18.15 Kenosha County, Wis. Frank, M. Early History of. 19. 11 History of Eaciue and Kenosha Counties, Wis. {Anon.) (Chicago: Western Historical Co., 1879.) 8vo. 95.2 Lothrop, Jason. Early History of, etc., and the Western Emigration Co. 19. 11 Mygatt, Wallace. Some Account of the Early Settlement of. . 19. 11 Kent, Duchess of. See Maria Louisa Victoria. 43. 1 Kent, Elisha. Dickinson, Moses. Sermon at Ordination of, at ^STewtown, Conn. 7. 12. 5 Kent, James. Address at Xew Haven, before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Sept. 13, 1831. :N'ew Haven, 1831. 8vo. (No. 1, "Yale College Addresses.'^ 7. 13 Anniversary Discourse, before the K Y. Hist. Soc, Dec. 6, 1828. On the Domestic Hist, of the State of ^. Y. (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 2d Series, Vol. 1, pp. 10-36.) 10. 4 Edwards, Charles. Pleasantries about Courts and Lawyers. 10. 12 Memoir of, by James Kent, of Fishkill. 46. 13 Kent, William, Judge. Addresses and Proceedings at a Meeting of the Bar of ]^. Y. on the Death of William Kent. K Y., 1861. 8vo. 43. 13. K Kent County, Md. Hanson, Geo. A. Old Kent, the Eastern Shore of Maryland, etc. 16. 9 Kent County, Mich. Dillenback & Leavitt, Publ. History and Directory of. 18. 4 Kent Island, Chesapeake Bay. Allen, Eev. Ethan. Mary- land Toleration, etc. 11. 1. 5 Streeter, S. F. First Commander of. 11. 1. 3 Kenton, Gen. Simon. McDonald, J. Life of. 43. 12 Kentucky. Adjutant General. Eeport, 1861-66. Frankfort, Ky., 1866-67. 4to. 2 Vols. 29. 7 Biographical Encyclopaedia of Kentucky, of the 19th Cen- tury. Cinn., 1878. 4to. 44. 14 "930 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kentucky — (Continued). Bureau of Agriculture, etc. Eesources and Condition of the Commonwealth of, etc. Frankfort, Ky., 1877. 8vo. 18. 14. 3 Declaration of Independence, Provisional Government; with Message of the Gov. (1861.) Bowling Green, Ky., 186L. 8vo. 18. 14. 3 Eastern Lunatic Asylum. Eeport, 1854, '56, '58, '61. Frank- fort, 1856-61. 8vo. 18. 14. 3 Geological Survey. General Account of the Commonwealth. Prepared for the Centennial Exhibition at Phila., 1876. Cambridge, Mass., 1876. 18. 14 Oovernor, 1859. Inaugural Address of Beriah Magoffin, Aug. 30, 1859. Frankfort, ,1859. 8vo. 18. 14. 3 Also his Message of Dec, 1859. ' 18. 14. 3 Message of, (B. Magoffin), Feb., 1862. n. t. p. 8vo. 18.14.3 Institution for the Blind. Eeport of Board of Visitors, 1858 and 1859. Frankfort, 1859. 8vo. 18. 14. 3 (Historical.) Allen, W. B. History of, etc. 18. 14 Arthur, T. S., and Carpenter, W. H. History of, to 1850. 18. 14 Brown, J. M. Oration on the- Battle of the Blue Licks. (1782.) 18.14.3 Butler, Mann. History of the Commonwealth of, etc., to 1813. 2ded., enl. 18.12 Collins, Lewis. Historical Sketches of, etc. 18. 14 Same, enlarged and brought down to 1874. 18. 14 Dav-idson, Eobert. History Presbyterian Church in. 17.6 Drake, Daniel. Pioneer Life in, etc. 18. 2 Espy, Joseph. Tour in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana Ter., 1805. 18. 2 Filson, John. Histoire de Kentucke, etc. 17. 1 Hall, James. Events in the Early History of, etc. 19. 1 Perkins, J. H. Pioneers of, etc. 44. 8 Perrin, W. H., and others. • History of, etc. 17. 6 Eafinesque, C. S, Ancient History of, etc. 18. 14. 3 Smith, Z. F. History of, etc. 17. 6 Speed, Thos. The Wilderness Eoad, etc. 18. 14 Thompson, E. P. History of First Kentucky Brigade, etc. 29. 7 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY, 931 Kentucky — (Continued). See also, Under names of Cities, Counties, Towns, etc., in the State. For Benevolent or Literary Insti- tution, see the n^me of the Institution, or of the Place where it is Situated. Coal Mining Co. Act of Incorporation. 51. 5. 1 Notices of the Press. 51. 5. 1 Colonization Society. Annual Meeting, Feb. 12, 1846. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 7. 10 Historical Society. Brown, J. M. Oration on Battle of Blue Licks. [1782.] 18. 14. 3 Polytechnic Society. Proceedings of Meeting, April 16^ 1883. With Charter, History, etc. Louisville, 1883. 8vo. 18. 14. 3 University, Lexington. Catalogue, 1870. Louisville, 1870v Svo. 18. 14. 3 Kenyon College j Ohio. See Chase, Philander. Autobiogra- phy. Boston, 1848. Svo. 45. 2 Keokuk, Chief of the Sacs. Biggs, Uriah. Sketches of the Sacs and Foxes, etc. 19. (> Life of (Life of Black Hawk, 1856. 12mo.) 44.8 Wilkie, F. B. Davenport, Past and Present, etc. 19. 13 Keokuk, Iowa. Clemens, Orion.' City of, in 1856. 19. 13. 4 History of. (In History of Lee County, Iowa.) 1879. 8vo. 19. ft Kepler, John. Bert rand. John Kepler: His Life and Works. (Smiths. Report, 1869, p. 93.) 49. 3 Kerfoot, Samuel H. Bishop Whitehouse, .and the Diocese of Illinois. Chicago, 1860. 8vo. 18. 6. 3 Kern, Maximilian G. Rural Taste in Western Towns and Country Districts, in its Relation to the Principles of the Art of Landscape Gardening. Columbia, Mo., 1884. Svo. 51. 14 Kerosene Oil. Allen, T. Explosibility of Coal Oils. (Smiths. • Report, 1861, p. 330.) 49.3 Peckham, S. F. Kerosene, its Manufacture, Uses and Dan- gers. 22. 3 Sweet, E. T. On Kerosene Oil. 19. 12. 1 See also. Petroleum. Kerr, Alexander. Reasons, etc. See Nickerson, E. G. Kerr, Michael Crawford, of Indiana. National Education. Speech in H. R., Feb. 18, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. 56. 9. 2 932 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kerr, Michael Ckawfoed, of Indiana ^(Continued). Power of Congress over Eailroads, and to Kegulate their Traffic and Commerce; Eailroad from Washington to New York. Speech in H. E., Feb. 4 and 9,1869. Wash., 1869. 8vo. 72. 13. 4 U. S. Congress. Memorial Addresses on, Dec. 16, 1876, and Feb. 27, 1877. Wash., 1877. 8vo. 44. 7 See Stevenson, J. E. Kerr, M. C, and Beck, J. B. Negotiation of Loan. Speeches in H. E., Jan. 31, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 5, No. 3.) 60. 1 Ketchum, Edgar. Argument for Gen. Howard. See Howard, O. O. Statement, etc. 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 9, No. 12.) 60.1 Ketchum, Eev. Silas. Address at Annual Meeting of the New Hampshire Antiq. Soc, July 15, 1879. Contoocook, 1879. 8vo. (N. H. Antiq. Soc. Coil., No. 4.) 7. 11. 1 Exi)osition of the Philomathic Club, Hopkinton, N. H. Bristol, 1873. 8vo. 7. 11. 1 Paul on Mar's Hill. A Sermon, etc. Windsor, 1880. 8vo. 56. 7. 1 Ketchum, William. Authentic and Comi)rehensive History of Buffalo; With an Account of its Inhabitants, Savage and Civilized. Buffalo, N. Y., 1864-'65. 8vo. 2 Yols. 10.5 Origin of the Name of Buffalo. (Buffalo Hist. Soc. Publ., Yol. 1.) 10.. 5 Ketcham, Hon. W. W. (of Pa.). Labor, the Source of All Wealth. Speech, in H. E., June 2, 1876, on a Bill to Ee- vise and Simplify Existing Laws. Wash., 1876. 8vo. 57. 2. 1 Kettell, Thomas Prentice. Southern Wealth and Northern Profits, Showing the Necessity of Union to the Welfare of the Eepublic. N. Y., 1860. 8vo. 30. 5 Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior. See Irving, E. D., and Chamberlin, T. C. Junction between the Eastern Sand- stone and the Keweenaw Series, etc. 49. 4. 2 Key, Francis Scott. Boyle, Esmeralda. Biog. Sketch. (Dis- tinguished Marylanders, 1877.) 8vo. 43.11 Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin. Stowe, Mrs. H. B. 30. 12 Keyes, Charles M. Military History of the 123d Eegiment Ohio Yolunteer Infantry. Sandusky, 1874. 16mo. 29. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 933 Keyes, Fhank W. Address before the Alumni Association of the University of Miss., July 5, 1859. Oxford, Miss., 1859. 8vo. 15. 7. 3 Keyes, James. Pioneers of Scioto County; Being a Short Bio- graphical Sketch of Some of the First Settlers of Scioto County, O. Portsmouth, 1880. 8vo. 18. 3. 5 Keyes Family. A Brief Notice of the Late Thomas Keyes, of West Boylston, together with a Short Historical Account of his Descendants, etc. Worcester, 1857. 12mo. 25. 7. 10 KiDD, Capt. William (Buccaneer). Hale, E. E. Lord Bello- mont and Captain Kidd. 9. 14 Kidder, Frederic. Discovery of Korth America by John Ca- bot. [1497.] Boston, 1878. 8vo. 14. 13. 1 Expeditions of Capt. John Lovewell, and his Encounters with the Indians; Account of the Pequauket Battle, with a History of that Tribe; and a Reprint of Eev. Thomas Symmes' Sermon. Boston, 1865. Sm. 8vo. 8. 10 History of the Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770. Albany, K. Y., 1870. 8vo. 14. 3 History of the First Kew Hampshire Regiment, in the War of the Revolution. Albany, 1868. 8vo. 14. 3 Editor. See Allen, Col. John. Military Operations, etc. 1867. 8vo. 7. 8 And Gould, Augustus A. History of Kew Ipswich, K. H. [1836-'50.] Boston, 1852. 8vo. 7.3 Kidder, F. E. A History of the Kidder Family, from A. D., 1320 to 1676, including the Biography of our Ancestor, James Kidder; also a Genealogy of his Descendants, Through his Son^ John Kidder, etc. AUston, Mass., 1886. 8vo. 47. 10 Kidder, Henry Purkitt. Memoir of. Boston, n. d. 12mo. 43. 13. K Kidder, J. H. IS'atural History of Kerquelan Island, Wash., 1875, ^76. 8vo. 2 Vols. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 13.) 49. 2 Kidder Family. Kidder, F. E. History of the, etc. Allston, 1886. 8vo. 47. 1 Kiddle, Henry, and Schem, A. J. Cyclopaedia of Education. K Y., and London, 1877. 8vo. 34. 3 KiEHLE, D. L. Intelligence the Basis of Christian Civilization. An Address, etc. 56. 9. 5 934 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. KiEHLE, D. L. — (Continued). Eeports of Superintendent of Public Instruction, State of Minnesota, 1881-'87. See Ex. Docs, of Minn. 24.5 KiLBOURNE, Payne Kenyon. History and Antiquities of the Name and Family of Kilbourne, in its Varied Orthogra- phy. New Haven, 1856. 8vo. 47. 10 KiLBOURN, OR KiLBURN FAMILY. See Kilboume, P. K. His- tory, etc. 1856. 8vo. 47. 10 KiLBURN. See Kilbourn, or Kilbourne. 47. 10 KiLPATRicK, Gen. Hugh Judson. Moore, James. Kilpatrick and Our Cavalry. Life of, etc. 30. 1 KiLPiN, Samuel. Memoir of Kev. Samuel Kilpin, of Exeter, Eng. N. Y. (Am. Tract Soc, n. d. 18mo.) 43. 1 Kimball, David Tenney. Fitz, Daniel. Long Life, etc. Ser- mon at Funeral of. 43. 13 Kimball, Israel. An Argument in Favor of the Constitution- ality of the Cotton Tax, with Eeasons why the Tax Should Not be Eefunded. Wash., 1873. 8vo. • 72. 9. 2 Constitutionality of the Cotton Tax. Wash., 1873. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 19.) 60. 1 Kimball, James. One Hundredth Anniversary of the Destruc- tion of Tea, in Boston Harbor. No imprint. 8vo. 8. 2. 6 Kimball, Jerome B. Oration at Providence, R. I., July 4, 1856, and Poem, by W. M. Rodman. Providence, 1856. 8vo. 47. 7. 4 Kimball, John. Joseph Kimball Family, The. A Genealogical Memoir of the Ascendants and Descendants of Joseph Kimball, of Canterbury, N. H. Ten Generations, 1634- 1885. Concord, 1885. 8vo. 47. 10 Kimball, Rev. John C. Mormonism Exposed. The Other Side. A Clergyman's View of the Case. n. p. 1884. 8vo. 19. 10. 3 Kimball, J. Horace. Emancipation in the West Indies. See Thome, J. A. 30. 7. 5 & 30. 13 Kimball, Richard B. Collegiate Education. An A^ddress be- fore the Alumni of Dartmouth College, July 19, 1871. N. Y., 1871. 8vo. 56. 9. 3 Kimball Family. See Kimball, John. The Joseph Kimball Family, etc. 47. 10 KiNDiNECO, Thomas. Memorial to Congress, in Relation to Charles Hale, Consul-General in Egypt, n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 35, No. 17.) 60. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 935 King, A. H. Eailway Directory, 1867, '69, U. S., and Canadas. N. Y., 1867, '69. 8vo. 2 Vols. 72. 13 King, Andrew, ^fety of Life on Eailroads. Speech, H. E., Feb. 7, 1873. Wash., 1873. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 23, No. 35.) ^ 60. 8 King, Barnabas. Fortieth Anniversary Sermon, at Eockaway, K J., Dec. 31, 1848. K Y, 1849. 8vo. 10. 2. 4 Sketch of, by J. F. Tattle. 10. 8. 1 Tuttle, J. F. The Grace of God, etc. Sermon at Funeral of, etc. 43. 13. K King, Charles. Discourse before the New Jersey Historical Society, May 7, 1845. (N. J. Hist. Soc.Proc, 1845, p. 21.) 10. 8. 2 History of the New York Chamber of Commerce. Discourse, before the N. Y. Hist. Soc, Nov. 21, 1848. (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 2d Series, Yol. 2, Pt. 2, pp. 381-446.) 10. 4 Progress of the City of New York during the Last Fifty Years. Lecture, Dec. 29, 1851. N. Y., 1852. 8vo. 10. 11. 3 King, Clarence. Geological Exploration of the 40th Parallel. See U. S. Dept. of War. 50. 8 Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. London, 1874. 8vo. 17.8 Editor. The U. S. Mining Laws and Eegulations There- under; and State and Territorial Laws, etc. Appended, Local Mining Eules and Eegulations. Wash., 1885. 4to. 68.8 King, Dan. Chace, B. H. Discourse on, etc. 43. 13. K King, Daniel P. Upham, C W. Memoir of. 8. 4 King, Edward (Viscount Kingsborough). Antiquities of Mexico; Comprising Fac Similes of Ancient Mexican Paintings and Hieroglyphics, Preserved in the Eoyal Li- braries of Paris, Berlin, etc. Together with the Monu- ments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix. 9 Vols. London, 1831. Folio. 93. 11 King, F. H. Economic Eelations of Wisconsin Birds. See Geology of Wisconsin, Yol. 1. 51. 13 Geology of the Upper Flambeau Valley. (Geol. Sur. of Wis., Vol 4.) 51.13 King, Finlay M. Eeply of the Grand Master of New York, to the Invitation to Attend the Proposed Peace Convention at Louisville, Ky. N. Y., 1861. 30. 4. 2 119 ' 936 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY King, Henry. Address and I^otes of the Excursion to Colo- rado, 1877. (Kansas Ed. and Publ. Assoc, Annual, 1877.) 19. 14. 2 Kino-, Horatio. Salutatory Address at the* Third Eeopening of his Literary Eeunions. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 26, No. 7.) 60. 8 King, Dr. James. James G. Blaine. Some Points in the Career of the People's Choice. Broadside, 1884. 43. 6. B. 2 King, Moses. Hand-Book of Boston.* Profusely Illustrated, 7th edition, etc. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo. 8. 11 Pocket-Book of Cincinnati. Cambridge, Mass., 1879. 16mo. 18. 1 Publ. Poets' Tributes to Garfield. Collection of Poems written for the Boston Daily Globe, and many Selections, with Biography. Cambridge, Mass., 1881. Sq. 8vo. 43. 6. G King, [Rev.] Thomas Starr. Address in Memory of Sarah Paul, in Hollis Street Church, June 26, 1859. Boston, 1860. 16mo. 43. 13. P. 1 A Short Eeview of. Dr. Edward Beecher's Work on "The Conflict of the Ages." (Eeprinted from the University Quarterly, Jan., 1854.) Boston, 1854. 8vo. 56. 12. 1 Sermon at the Installation of Caleb D. Bradlee, as Pastor of the Allen Street Church, in Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 11, 1854. Boston, 1855. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 3.) ^ 9. 2 The White Hills; Their Legends, Landscape and Poetry. K Y., 1870. Sq. 8vo. 7. 11 Words at Parting. Sermon in Hollis Street Church [Bos- ton], March 25, 1860. Boston, 1860. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Yol. 7, ISTo. 6.) 9. 2 King, William S. Springer, W. M. Argument [on an Anon- ymous Letter Attributed to W. S. King, also to H. H. Finley], June 10, 1880. ^o impt. 8vo. 22. 5. 2 Kii^G, William E. Obituary Addresses on the Death of, deliv- ered in Congress, and the Supreme Court, 8 and 9 Dec, 1853. Wash., 1854. 8vo. 43. 3 Kingman, Bradford. History of ^N'orth Bridgewater, Ply- mouth County, Mass., to 1865, with Family Eegisters. Boston, 1866. 8vo. 9. 13 King's Mountain, Battle of. See De Peyster, J. W. The Affairs at, etc. 14. 10. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBABY. 937 King's Mountain, Battle of — (Continued). L. C. Draper. King's Mountain and its Heroes. 14. 9 KiNGSBOROUGH, YiscoUNT (King Edward). Antiquities of Mexico. 93. 11 KiNGSBoROUGH, EDWARD KiNG (Viscount). Kotes on Lord Kiugsborough's Collection of Mexican Paintings. (Amer. Ethnol. Soc, Trans., Vol. 1.) 15. 10 KiN'GSBURY, A. Memorial Day. Sermon in the Presbyterian Church, Putnam, O., Jan. 1, 1860. Cinn., 1860. 8vo. 18. 10. 9 Kingsbury, Frederick J. Old Connecticut. A Paper read before the Xew Haven Colony Historical Society, Feb. 19, 1877. See Proc, Vol. 3, p. 63. 7. 6 Kingsbury, J. D. Memorial History of Bradford, Mass., from the Earliest Period to the Close of 1882. Haverhill, 1883. 8vo. 8. 12 Kings County, L. I. Assessment Eolls of the Five Dutch Towns in. [1675.] (O'Callaghan, E. B. Doc. Hist, of N. Y., Vol. 4, pp. 89-104.) 10. 14 Papers Eclating to, etc. [1698-171-5.] (O'Callaghan, E. B. Doc. Hist, of :N^. Y., Vol. 3, pp. 85-116.) 10. 14 KiNGSLEY, John Sterling, Editor. The Standard I^atural History. 6 Vols. 51. 10 Kingston, W. H. G. Snow-shoes and Canoes. [Juvenile Fic- tion.] London and Phila., 1877. Sq. 16mo. 20.4 Kingston, Mass. Eeport of Proceedings and Exercises at the 150th Anniversary of the IncoriDoration of the Town of, etc., June 27, 1876. Boston, 1876. 8vo. 25.9 Kingston, ^. H. Historical Address of the 150th Anniversary of the Gathering of a Congregational Church in, etc., Sept. 28, 1875, by Eev. J. H. Mellish, etc. With Appen- dix, giving Biographies. Providence, 1876. 8vo. 7. 10 Kingston, New Mexico. A Sketch of, and Surroundings. The Mining Center of the Famous Percha District. Kingston, K. M., 1883. 8vo. 19.14.9 Kinney, William B. Oration on the 200th Anniversary of the Settlement of :N"ewark, :N'. J. (K J. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 6, Supplement, p. 75.) 10. 8. 2 KiNNicuTT, Thomas. Memoir of John Davis. (Am. Antiq. Soc. Trans., Vol. 3, p. 344.) 9. 10 Kinsman Family. See Stickney, L. W. Kinsman Family. Genealogical Eecord. 47. 10 938 3IINNES0TA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kinsman, Ohio. See Eldred, H. B. History of, etc. 18. 9 KiNZiE, Mrs. John H. Wan-bun, the ''Early Day " in the Northwest. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. 18.5 Kip, Laweence. Army Life on the Pacific. Journal of the Expedition against the Northern Indians in 1858. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. 20. 6 Kip, "William Ingraham, Bp. Early Jesuit Missions in North America. [1656-1757.] Compiled and Translated from Letters of the French Jesuits, with Notes. N. Y., 1847. 12mo. 2 Vols. bd. in 1. 20. 3 Kip Family. Historical Notes of the Family of Kip, of Kips- burg and Kip's Bay. Privately printed, 1871. n. p. 8vo. 25. 7. 10 Kip or (He Kype) Family. Welles, Albert. American Family Antiquity, Vol. 2. 93. 3 KiRBY, Edmund A., Publ. Strangers' Guide and Eeference Book to St. Paul, 1878. 8vo. 24. 14 KiRBY, Ephraim. Jurist and Revolutionary Patriot. Garlick, Theodatus. Biography of, etc. 18. 3. 1 Kirk, Rev. Edward Norris. Great Men are God's Gift. Dis- course on the Death of Daniel Webster, in Boston, Oct. 31, 1852. 8vo. (No. 7, in "Daniel Webster.") 44. 5 Jesus, the Great Missionary. A Sermon delivered in Bow- doin Street Church, Boston, Nov., 1839, at the Ordina- tion of Samuel Wolcott as a Foreign Missionary. Boston, 1839. 8vo. oQ. 7. 3 The Church, Essential to the Republic. Sermon in Behalf of the Am. H. M. Soc, preached May, 1848. N. Y., 1848. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 4, Nos. 5-13.) 53. 12 Kirk, John. Exposition of Odd Fellowship, including the Secret Signs, Grips, etc., of the 5 Degrees, etc. N. Y., 1857. 8vo. 32. 2. 5 Kirk, John. Romau Catholic Principles, 1680. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 13.) 53. 5 Kirk Family. Stubbs, C. H. Historic Genealogy of, etc. Lancaster, Pa., 0.872. Sq. 8vo. 47. 10 KiRKBRiDE, Thomas S. Report of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane, for the Year 1863. Phila., 1864. 8vo. 11. 7. 6 KiRKE, Edmund, j^seud. See Gilmore, J. R. KiRKLAND, Mrs. Caroline M. [Stansbury]. Forest Life. [Fiction.] N. Y. and Boston, 1844. 12mo. 2 Vols. 19.1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 939 KIRKLA.ND, Mrs. Caroline M. [Stansbury] — (Continued). Mrs. Mary Clavers. A New Home — Who'll Follow? Glimpses of Western Life. 4th edit. N. Y. and Boston, 1850. 12mo. 19. 1 Western Clearings. [Fiction.] K Y., 1845. S,q. 16mo. 19. 1 KiRKLAND, Charles P. Destiny of Our Country. X. Y., 1864. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. i9, ISo. 6.) 60. 8 Letter to Peter Cooper, on ^'Treatment of Eebels, Individ- ually," and ''Mode of Restoring the Rebel States," etc K Y., 1865. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 18, ^o. 21.) 60.8 KiRKLAND, Frazar. Cyclopedia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes, etc. 2 Vols. X. Y., 1865. 8vo. 38. 4 Pictorial Book of Anecdotes and Incidents of the War of the Rebellion. Hartford, Conn., etc., 1866. 8vo: 30. 10 Kerkland, Rev. John Thornton. A Discourse before His Excellency, Caleb Strong, Governor, etc. Mass. Election Sermon. Boston, 1816. 8vo. 56. 5. 3 KiRKLAND, X. Y. Gridley, A. D. History of, etc. 10. 9 KiRKLAND, Samuel. Exercises at the Dedication of the Kirk- land Monument, in Cemetery at Hamilton College, June 27, 1873. Utica, X. Y., 1873. 8vo. 10.9 KiRKLEY, J. W. Itineracy of the Army of the Potomac, June and July, 1863. Wash., 1882. 8vo. (U. S. Dept. of War.) 30. 4. 8 KiRKMAN, Marshall M. How to Collect Railroad Revenue without Loss. The Railway Officer's Handbook and Trav- eling Auditor's Manual. Chicago, 1885. 12mo. 72. 5 Railway Expenditures; Their Extent, Object and Economy. 2 Vols. Chicago, 1880. 12mo. 72. 5 Railway Revenue. A Treatise on the Organization, of Rail- roads and the Collection of Railway Receipts. 2d edit. N. Y., 1879. 12mo. 72. 5 KiRKPATRicK, Andrew (Chief Justice of l!^. J.) Sketch of, by J. G. Wilson. 10. 8. 1 KiRKWOOD, A., AND MuRPHY, J. J. Undeveloped Lands in Northern and Western Ontario. 1877. Toronto, 1878. 8vo. 20. 9. 3 KiRKWOOD, Samuel J. (Gov. of Iowa). Special Message, in Relation to the Requisition of the Governor of Virginia for one Barclay Coppic. Des Moines, 1860. 8vo. 19. 13. 2 940 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. KiEKWOOD, Samuel Vobda:^^. Biographical Sketch of. (An- nals of Iowa, Oct., 1873.) 19. 13. 1 KiRWAN, jpseud. See Murray, Nicholas. KiTCHi-GAMi. Wanderings Eound Lake Superior. Kohl, J. G. ~ 19. 3 KiTCHiNG, J. Howard. "More than Conqueror." Memorials of Col. J. H. Kitching. By J. B. Kitching. 44. 8 Kjellman, F. E. Svenska Polar Expeditionen, ar 1872-73, Under Ledning af A. E. Nordenskiold. Stockholm, 1875. 8vo. 20. 13 Kloos, J. H. Minnesota, in zijne hulpbronnen, vruchtbaarheid en Ontwikkeling Geschetst, voor Landverhuizers en Kap- italisten. Amsterdam, 1867. 8vo. 22. 13. 9 Same. Tweede, vermeerderde Druk, etc. 22. 13. 9 Eapport, omtrent den St. Paul en Pacific Spoorweg en de waarde der landerijen nitmakende het onderpand der 7 pet. obligatien. St. Paul, 1866. 8vo. 22. 14. 3 Eeport on the Eesources, Population, etc., along the Brain- erd «& St. Yincent Extensions of the St. Paul & Pacific Eailroad. St. Paul, 1871. 8vo. 22. 14. 3 Knapp, Arthur May. Sermon on the 200th Anniversary of the First Parish, Watertown, Mass., :N^ov. 28, 1880. Bos- ton, 1881. 8vo. 9. 8. 3 Knapp, H. S. History of the Maumee Valley, Commencing with its Occupation by the French, in 1680, etc. Toledo, 1872. 8vo. 18. 1 History of Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland County, [Ohio,] to 1863. Phila., 1863. 8vo. 18. 2 Knapp, Jacob. Farewell Sermon at the Baptist Church, in Bowdoin Square, Boston, March 19, 1842. Boston, 1842. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 13, ^o. 14.) 53. 6 Kneeland, Abner. Parker, S. D. Arguments at the Trial of, etc. 53. 4. 1 Knell, Thomas. Epitaph upon the Life and Death of Dr. Bonner, Unworthy Bishop of London. London, 1569. l2mo. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 1, pp. 387-398.) 40. 3 Knickerbacker, Et. Eev. D. B. See Whipple, H. B. Sermon, at his Consecration, 1883. 56, 7. 5 Knickerbocker, Diedrich, pseud. See Irving, Washington. Knight, Charles, Publ. Pictorial History of England. Being a History of the People as well as of the Kingdom. [To 1760.] London, 1838-41. 8vo. 4 Vols. 35. 11 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y. 941 Knight, Dr. Indian Atrocities. Perils and Sufferings of Dr. Knight, etc. Cinn., 1867. 18mo. 18. 8 Knight, Edward H. American Mechanical Dictionary. 1^. Y., 1876. 8vo. 3 Vols. 31. 14 Mechanical Progress in the TJ. S. (First Century of the Eepublic, 1876. 8vo.) 14. 10 Knightage of Great Britain. See Great Britain Peerage. Knighthood. Insignia of the Orders of, etc. (Anon.) No impt. 4to. 46. 14 Knight, J., Civil Engineer. [And Latrobe, Benj. H.] Re- port upon the Plan of Construction of Several Principal Railroads in the Northern and Middle States, and upon a Railway Structure for a New Track on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Baltimore, 1838. 8vo. 72. 7. 4 Knight, R. Payne. An Inquiry into the Symbolical Language of Ancient Art and Mythology. See Supplement to Lem- priere's Classical Dictionary. 34. 10 Knights of Pythias. See Minnesota, Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of. 22. 5. 8 Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Indiana, 1869-70. Indianapolis, 1870.^ 8vo. 52. 2. 5 Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, 1870-'71. Colum- bus, 1871. 8vo. 52.2.5 . Knights of St. Crispin. Constitution of State and Subordi- nate Lodges, 1871. Albany, 1871. 16mo. 52. 2. 5 Knights of the Bath. Manner of Creating the Knights of the Ancient and Honorable Order of the Bath. London, 1661. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 7, pp. 155-161.) 40. 3 Knights Templar. Conclave of the Grand Commandery of Illinois, Oct. 26, 1880. Chicago, 1880^ 8vo. 52. 2. 1 Damascus Commandery, No. 1, St. Paul, Minn. By-Laws. • St. Paul, 1875. 24mo. 22. 14. 10 Oliver, G. Temple Bruer and its Knights. Lincoln, Eng., etc. 35. 10 Proceedings of the Grand Commandery of the State of Min- nesota, 1866-J 886. St. Paul, etc. 8vo. 2Yols.bd. 35.10 Proceedings of the Grand Conimandery of Ohio. Dayton, O., 1874. 8vo. 52.2.1 Proceedings of the Grand Encampment, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 21, 1883. n. p. 1883. 8vo. 52. 2 Knout, The, and the Russians. Lagny, Germain de. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. 40. 8 942 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Knowlton, Col. Thomas. Coffin, Charles. Life of, etc. 44. 1 Know-Kothing Party. Brown, A. V. Speeches, etc. .33. 13 Know-Nothings. Wide A wake Gift. A Know-i^othing Token for 1855, etc. See American Party. 33. 6 Knox College, III. Bailey, J. W. Knox College, by whom Founded, etc. 18. 13. 5 Catalogue, 1854. Galesburg, 111., 1854. 8vo. 18. 13. 5 Gale, G. W, Brief History of. 18. 13. 5 Knox County, Ohio. Norton, A. B. History of, etc. 18. 8 Knox, Gen. Henry. Drake, F. S. Life and Correspondence of, etc. , 44.7 Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch, etc. 44. 6 Knox, John. American Clergyman. Memorial of. No impt. 1858. 8vo. 43. 13. K Eogers, John. Genealogical Memoirs of, etc. 46. 2 Knox, John Jay. Dry Bank Statistics. Address at the Con- vention of the American Bankers' Association, at Niagara Falls, Aug. 11, 1881. 2d edition. N. Y., 1881. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 Comptroller, etc. Eemarks on the Substitute for a Bill to . Eetire the Circulating I^otes on National Banks, Feb. 19, 1878. 33. 7. 9 Eeport in Eelation to a Eevision of the Laws on the Mint and Coinage of the United States, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 8 United States Notes. History of the Issues of Paper Money by the Government, etc. N. Y., 1884. 8vo. 33. 6 Knox, Egbert (Officer in the East India Co.). Historical Ac- count of Ceilon: Written by a Captive there Near Twenty Years. [1657-'77.] (Harris, John. Navigantium, etc., Vol. 2, 1705.* pp. 450-484.) 94. 10 Knox, Yicesimus. Eemarks on Grammar Schools. 2d edition. London, 1821. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 19.) 53. 5 Knox, William. Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies Ee viewed. London, 1769. (Eev. War Pamph., Yol. 30, No. 1.) 14. 8 Justice and Policy of the Late Act of Parliament, for Mak- ing more Effectual Provision for the Government of Que- bec, Asserted and Proved. London, 1774. (Eev. War Pamph., Yol. 36, No. 5.") 14. 8 Kohl, Johann Georg. History of the Disco \^ery of Maine. Portland, 1869. 8vo. (Maine Hist. Soc. Coll., 2d Series, Yol. 1.) 7. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 943 Kohl, Johann Georg — (Continued). Kitclii-gami. Wanderings around Lake Superior. London, 1860. 8vo. 19. 3 KOLDEWEY, Oapt. Karl. German Arctic Expedition of 1868- ^70; and Narrative of the Wreck of the ''Hausa," in the Ice. Trans, by L. Mercier, and edited by H. W. Bates. London, 1874. 8vo. 20. 14 Kossuth, Louis. Garrison, W". L. Letter to, Concerning Slav- ery. 30. 7. 4 Life, with his Public Speeches in the U. S., and History of the Hungarian War. By an Officer of the Hungarian Army. K Y., 1852. 8vo. 43. 13. K XosTEE, Henry. Amelioration of Slavery. Loudon, 1816. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 8.) 53. 5 Kouli-Khan. See Kadir Shah. Krauth, Charles P. Two Pageants. Discourse in Pittsburg, Pa., June 1, 1865. [On A. Lincoln.] Pittsburg^ 1865. 8vo. 43. 14. 1 Krebs, John M. American Citizen. Discourse, in Kew York, Dec. 12, 1850. K Y., 1851. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., A^ol. 5, No. 8.). . 53.12 Merciful Eebukes. Sermon in New York, May 14, 1841, on the Death of Harrison. K Y., 184L 8vo. 43.14.6 The Leader Fallen. Sermon in New York, A]3ril 11, 1841, on the Death of William Henry Harrison. N. Y., 1841. 8vo. 43. 14. 6 Kregier, Capt. Martin. Journal of the Second Esopus War, 1663. (O'Callaghan, E. B. Doc. Hist, of N. Y., Vol. 4, pp. 27-62.) 10. 14 Kreutzer, William. Notes and Observations Made during Four Years of Service with the 98th N. Y. Volunteers, etc. Phila., 1878. 8vo. 29. 12 Ku-Klux. Ames, Adalbert. Extension of the Ku-Klux Act. Speech. 60. 1 Speech, TJ. S. Senate, March 21, 1871. 60. 8 Bayard, T. F. Speech, U. S. Senate, March 20, 1871. 60. 8 Buck, A. E. Condition of the South, etc. 60. 8 Coburn, John. Enforcement of the 14th Amendment. 60. 8 Corbin, D. T. Argument in Trial of Ku-Klux, etc. 60. 1 Cox, S. S. Enforcement of the 14th Amendment, etc. 60. 8 Hayes, C. Alleged Outrages in the Southern States. 60. 1 Key to the Ku-Klux. (Anon.) (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 16, No. 14.) 60. 1 120 944 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ku-Klux — (Continued). Maynard, H. Ku-Klux in Tennessee. Speech. 60. 8 Pierson, H. W. Letter to Charles Sumner, etc. 60. 2 Poole, John. Protection of Life at the South. 60. 8 Pratt, D. D. Extension of Ku-Klux Act. Speech. 60. 8 Ku-Klux Outrages. Speech. 60. 8 Eobert, W. E. Enforcement of the 14th Amendment, etc. 60.8 Sawyer, F. A. Outrages of the. Speech. 60. 8 Scott, John. Extension of Ku-Klux Act, 60. 8 Protection of Life at the South. 60. 8 KULP, George B. Biographical Sketch of Harrison Wright. (Wyoming Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 3.) Wilkesbarre, 1886. 8vo. 11.5.9 Families of the Wyoming Valley, Biographical, Genealogical and Historical. Sketches of the Bench and Bar of Lu- zerne Co., Pa. Vol. 1. Wilkesbarre, 1885. 8vo. 46.11 KcjMLiEN, LuDWiG. Contributions to the l!^atural History of Arctic America, on the Howgate Polar Expedition, 1877- '78. Wash., 1879. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 23.) 49. 9 KuYKENDALL, Andkew J. Capital and Labor. Speech, H. E., Jan. 18, 1867. Wash., 1867. 8vo. (EamseyPamph., Vol. 12,^0.39.) 60.1 La Barre, Antoine le Fevre de (French Gov. of Canada. ) O'Callaghan, E. B. . Doc. Hist, of X. Y., etc. 10. 14 Labaume, Eugene. Circumstantial Narrative of the Campaign in Eussia, 1812. Hartford, 1817. 8vo. 40. 9 Labberton, Egbert H. IN'ew Historical Atlas and General History. K. Y., 1886. 8vo. 32. 13 Labor. See Aiken, John. Labor and Wages. 57. 10. 3 Bolles, A. S. Conflict between Labor and Capital. 53. 7 Cameron, A. S. Organization of, etc. 60. 8 Gary, S. F. Eights of Labor. Speech. 60. 8 Channing, W. E. Elevation of the Laboring Portion of the Community. 44. 1 Lectures on the Elevation of the Laboring Portion of the Community. 74. 7. 1 Chapin, A. L. Eelations of Labor and Capital. 19. 12. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 945 Labor — (Continued). Colton, Calvin. Public Economy for the TJ. S. 57. 3 Extracts, Magazine Articles, etc., bearing upon the subject of, etc. 57. 10. 3 Fall Eiver, Mass. Eeply to Mass. Bureau Statistics of. 25. 1. 6 Gostick, J. Trade Unions, etc. 57. 9 In Europe and Other Countries. U. S. Consular Eeports, 1885. 3 Vols. . ' 57. 11 Kansas Bureau of Labor, 1st Annual Eeport. 81. 1 Kuykendall, A. J. Capital and Labor. Speech. 60. 1 Leggett, M. D. Eelations of Employer and Employe. 60. 1 Michigan. Eeports Bureau of. 85. 9. 2 Morrill, J. S. Eight-hour Law. 60. 2 IN'ational Labor Congress. Wages of American and English Workmen, n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 38, :N'o. 27.) 60.2 Korthrop, B. G. Labor Question, etc. 60. 1 ^JsTorton, F. H. Its Eights and Wrongs. 57. 10. 3 Owen, Eobert Dale. Its History and Prospects. 57. 10. 3 Eankin. J. S. Hard Times, their Cause and Cure. 57. 10. 4 Eead, M. C. Labor and Capital. 57. 10. 3 Eobinson, T. H. Labor and its Allies. 57. 10. 3 Spencer, George. Eights of Labor. Speech. 60. 2 Stevenson, J. E. We Eecognise Capital — Let us Eecognise Labor. Speech. 60. 8 Weeks, J. D. Arbitration, etc. 57. 10. 3 Wilkes, George. The Internationale; Its Principles and Purposes. 60. 2 Winn, A. M. Address before the Eight-Hour Associations, San Francisco, etc. 60. 2 Wright, Carroll D. First Annual Eeport Commissioner of Labor, etc. 57. 11 Young, H. H. The Labor Question. 57. 10. 4 Labor and Capital. Eeport of the Committee of the U. S. Senate, upon the Eelations between Labor and Capital, in 5 Vols. Wash., 1885. 8vo. 57. 11 Laboulaye, Edouard. (Eeue Lefebvre.) Upon Whom Eests the Guilt of the War? Separat^ion. War Without End. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 1 Same. (Loyal Publ. Soc, No. 8.) 30. 4. 1 Why the North Cannot Accept of Separation. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 3 946 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. La Boede, Sieur de. Voyage qui Continent une delation Ex] acte de POrigine, Moeurs, Cotitumes, Eeligion, Guerres" and Voyages des Caraibes, Sauvages des Isles Antilles de L'Amerique. Amsterdam. Chez Adriaan Braakman, 1704. 12mo. (With Hennepin, Louis, Voyage, etc., p^ 517.) 22. Labouh in Vain. London, 1700. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 10, p, 458.) 40. Labrador — Descriptive. Davis, W. H. A. Esquimaux Bayi etc. 20. 9. 7J Eobertson, Samuel. N^otes on the Coast of. 20. 9. 7- Lacey, Henry. Principal Events in the Life of Moses. Phila., 1817. 18mo. 43. 13. M Lacey, John. Davis, W. W. H. Sketch of. 43. 9 La Chaise, Francois de. (French Jesuit.) Project for the Extirpation of Heretics. Letter. 1688. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 9, p. 222.) 40. 3 La Chasse, i.'PERE DE. Jesuit Missionary in Canada. Let- ter, 1724, describing the Death of Sebastian Easles. (Kip, W. I. Early Jesuit Missions, 1847. 12mo. p. 69.) 20. 3 Lettre, 1724. (Lettres Edifiantes, etc., 1780-83. i2mo. t. 6, p. 226. 20. 8 Laciar, J. D. Patriotism of Carbon County, Pa. What her People Contributed for the Preservation of the Union. Mauch Chunk, Pa., 1867. 8vo. 29. 14 Lackawanna County, Pa. History of Luzerne, Lackawanna, and Wyoming Counties, Pa. With Illustrations and Bio- graphical Sketches, etc. K Y., 1880. 4to. 11.13 Lackawanna Valley, Pa. Clark, J. A. Wyoming Valley, and the Lackawanna Coal Begion. 11. 4 Hollister H. History of the, etc., 2d edit. 11. 4 Lacoe, E. D. List of the Palaeozoic Fossil Lisects of the United States and Canada. Read before the Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc, April 6, 1883. Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1883. 8vo. - (Wy. Hist, and Geol. Soc. Publ., Ko. 5.) 11. 10. 1 Lacombe, Rev. Albert. Dictionnaire de la Langue des Cris. Grammaire, do. Montreal, 1874. 8vo. 15.4 La Crosse County, Wis. History of. Containing Account of its Settlement, Growth, etc. A Minute Sketch of its Cities, Towns, etc., and Biographical Sketches. Chicago. 1881. 4to. 95. 3 McMillan, Morrison. Early Settlement of, and Monroe. 19. 11 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 947 La Ceosse, 'Wis. Carr, Spencer. Brief Sketches of. 19. 5. 7 Directory, 1868-'69. 80.17 Northwestern Centennial Celebration in, July 4, 1876. His- torical Address by Chas. Seymour. 19. 5. 7 La Ckosse Valley, Wis. Brown, Edward- Pictured Cave of, etc. Additional Notes by J. A. Eice. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 8, p. 176.) 19. 11 La Crosse & Mil. Kailroad Co. See Bronson, Greene C. Opin- ion of, etc. 72. 7. 6 La Cuesta, Felipe Arroyo de. See Arroyo de la Cuesta. 15. 11. 6 Ladd, Horatio O. History of the War with Mexico. N. Y., n. d. 12mo. 16. 10 L'Adyocat, Jean BaptisteJ (Yosgien, _psew^). French Savant. Dictionnaire Geographique. Nouv edit., Augmentei; Par M. Bossan de Collonges. Lyons, 1813. 8vo. 34. 8 Laet, Jan van, Flemish Geographer. Extracts from his Des- cription of the West Indies. (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 2d Series, Vol. 1, p. 281.) 10. 4 Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Eoch Ives Gilbert Motier, Marquis de. Adams, J. Q. Oration on. In Congress, 1834. 43. 13. L Cloquet, Jules. Private Life of. 2 Yols. 45. 4 Everett, Edward. Eulogy on, Sept., 1834. 53. 12 Hillhouse, J. A. Oration in New Haven, etc. 43. 13. L In the American Eevolution. n. t. p. Boston. Sm. 8vo. (Old South Leaflets.) 43. 13. L Levasseur, A. Lafayette in America, in 1824-'25. 43. 10 Memoires, Correspondence, et Manuscrits du General Lafay- ette. Publics par Sa Famille. 2 Yols. Bruxelles, 1857. 8vo. 25. 6 Memoirs. :N'. Y., 1825. 12mo. 43. 8 Outlines of the Life of. From N. Am, Eeview. London, 1825. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 26.) 53. 12 Sketch of the Life of. London, 1830. 16mo. 43. 1 Sprague, W. B. Oration, Commemorative, in Albany, July 24, 1834. 43. 13. L Sumner Charles. Lafayette: The Faithful One. 60. 1 Sumner, W. H. Eeminiscences of Lafayette's Yisit to Bos- ton, 1824. 46. 3 Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. Addresses at Inauguration of Wm C. Cattell, as President, etc. 11. 6. 7 948 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. — (Continued). Announcement of the Pardee Scientific Course, 1866 Easton, Pa., 1866. 8vo. Catalogue, 1867, 1875. Easton, 1868, '76. 8vo. Cattell, Wm. C. Address before Synod of Phila. , 11. 6. 7 11. 6. 7 upon. 60. 1 Dougherty dress. March, F. A D. Fears for the Future of the Eepublic, Ad- 74. 7. 1 Address at Ee-opening of Pardee Hall, etc. 11. 5. 6 Presbyterian Synod of Phila. Eeport of the Committee of the, etc. , 11. 6. 7 Presbytery of Phila., Preliminary Statement, etc.^ 11. 6. 7 Eaymond, E. W. Address at Dedication of Pardee Hall, etc. 11. 6. 7 Sheafer, P. F. Address before the Pardee Scientific Dept. of. 60. 2 Lafayette, Ind. Burk & Brothers, Publ. Business Direc- tory of, for 1862-'63. 18. 11 Wetherill, C. M. Chemical Analysis of the White Sulphur \ Water of the Artesian Well of. 18. 11. 3 Lafayette County, Wis. History of, etc.. Containing Biog. Sketches of Prominent Men, and Early. Settlers, etc. {Anon.) Preceded by a Hist, of Wis., by C. W. Butter- field. Chicago Western Hist. Co., 1881. 4to. 95. 3 Lafitau, Joseph Francois, French Jesuit. Moeurs des Sau- vages Ameriquains, Compar^es aux Moeurs des Premier temps. Paris, 1774. 4to. 2 tom. 15. 9 Lafon, Eev. Thomas. The Great Obstruction to the Conver- sion of Souls, at Home and Abroad. Address, etc. ^. Y., 1843. 8vo. 56. 12. 2 Lagny, Germaine de. Knout, The, and the Eussians; The Muscovite Empire, the Czar, and his People. Trans, by John Bridgeman. K Y., 1854. 12mo. 40. 8 La Grange College, Ala. Meek, A. B. Jack-Cadeism and The Fine Arts. Oration, etc. 45. 13 La Harpe, Bernard de, French Officer. Historical Journal of the Establishment of the French in Louisiana. (Hist. Coll. of La., Vol. 3, p. 9.) 20. 3 La Hontan, ;N., le Baron de. Few Voyages to ^orth America, 1683-1694. Also, a Dialogue between the Author and a General of the Savages. Added, a Diction- ary of the Algonkine Language. Done into English. London, 1703. • 8vo. 2 Vols. bd. in one. 20. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 949 La Hontan, N., le Baron de — (Continued). Same. In French. Amsterdam, 1705. 20. 2 Neill, E. D. La Hontan' s Fabulous Voyage. 22. 9 Voyage^to North America, 1683-1693. (Harris, John. Nav- igantium, etc., Vol. 2, 1705, fo. p. 915.) 94. 30 Winsor, Justin. Baron La Hontan, A Bibliographical and Critical I^ote. 25. 9 Laidler, Joseph. Minn. Supreme Court. Case of The City of St. Paul vs. Joseph Laidler, (for selling fresh meat in vio- lation of ordinance,) Kov., 1858. n. t. p. St. Paul, 1858. 8vo. 22. 13. 3 Laine, T. H. Speeches in the Senate of California, Eelative to a Change of Eoute of the Southern PaciHc Eailroad, Feb. , 1876. No impt. 8vo. Bd. w. Doyle, J. J., Memorial, etc. • 20. 14. 3 La Jonchere, C. de. Nouveau Dictionnaire Portatif Francais, Suedois. [New French-Swedish Dictionary.] 3d ed. Stockholm, 1816. Sq. 16mo. 34. 1 Lake Delos. Argument before Com. on Corporations of As- sembly, State of Cal., on Constitutional Power of the Leg- islature to Eegulate Eates of Fare, etc., on Eailroads. San Francisco, n. d. 8vo. 72. 13. 4 Lake Athabaska. Lefroy, J. H. Magnetical and Meteorologi- cal Observations at, and Ft. Simpson. 20. 14 Lake Bonneville. Gilbert, G. K. Contributions to the His- tory of. 50. 3 Lake Champlain. Papers Eelating to the French Seigniories on, etc., 1764-,76. (O'Callaghan, E. B. Doc. Hist, of N. Y., Vol. 1, p. 345.) ^ 10. 14 Lake Chautauqua, N. Y. Description, n. t. p. 8vo. 10. 14. 2 Lake City, Minn. Lake Pepin Sportsmen's Club. Constitu- tion and By-Laws. Lake City, 18?6. 24mo. 22. 14. 10 Lake County, Cal. See Menefee, C. A. 20. 7 Lake County, III. Haines, E. W. Historical and Statistical Sketches of. 18. 6. 6 Lake County, Ind. See Ball, T. H. 18. 11 Lake Dwellings. See Switzerland. Lake Forest, (III.) Academy. Catalogue, 1872. Lake For- est, 1872. 8vo. 18. 13. 5 Young Ladies' Seminary at "Ferry Hall." Catalogue, 1870-'75. 8vo. 18.13.5 Lake George. Dwight, Timothy. Journeys to, 1802 and 1811. 33.5 950 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lake Itasca. Clarke, Hopewell. Eeport of an Expedition to the Sources of the Mississippi Eiver, etc. 22. 13. 7 Who Discovered Lake Itasca? (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1, p. 417.) . 22.10 Lake Lahontan, (Nevada). Eussell, J. 0. A Sketch of the Geol. Hist, of, etc. 50. 3 Lake Michigan. Graham, J. D. Lunar Tidal Wave in. 51. 3. 2 Hoy, P. E. Deep-water Fauna of. 19. 12. 1 Lake Ontario. Margry, Pierre. Tentatives d'Etablissement des Francais sur les Terres Voisines du Lac Ontario, etc. 20.11 Lake Pepin Fish-Chowder. Gibbs, Oliver, Jr. 22. S LakeSakaegan, Wis. " Lake Sakaegan " — Its Identity. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 9, p. 130.) 19. 11 Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Eailway. Seventh An- nual Eeport of President and Directors to Stockholders. Cleveland, 1877. 8vo. 72. 7. 6 Lake Superior. Agassiz, L. (J. E.). Lake Superior; Its Phys- ical Character, etc. 19.3 Baker, J. H. Lake Superior; Its History, Eomance of the Fur Trade, Treaties, the Yoyageurs, etc. 22. 10 Disturnell, J. Lake Superior Guide. 19. 3 Foster, J. W., and Whitney, J. D. Geology of the Lake Superior Land District, etc. Pts. 1, 2. 51. 5 Francis, Geo. Legend of the Land of the Lal^es. [Pt. 1.] 19. 5. G Irving, E. D. Copper-bearing Eocks of. [Monographs.] 50.2 Same. [Plates.] 50. 3 Kohl, J. G. Kitchi-gami. Wanderings Eound, etc. 19. 3 Lanman, C. Summei* in the Wilderness, ete. 22. 1 • Life on the Lakes; Trip to the Pictured Eocks of Lake Su- perior. [1835.] {Anon.) ^. Y., 1836. 12mo. 2 Yols. 20.9 Macfarlane, Thos. Eeport on. 51. 6 Oliphant, L. Minnesota and the Far West. [Pt. 2.] 22. 2 Owen, D. D. Formation of. 22. 2 Pitezel, J. H. Lights and Shade of Missionary Life, etc. 19.3 Eice, H, M. Mineral Eegions of, etc. 22. 10 Eitchie, J. S. Wisconsin and its Eesources, etc. 19. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 951 Lake Superior — (Continued). Schoolcraft, H. E. Eeport on the Copper Mines of. 22. 2 Swineford, A. P., Editor. History and Eeview of, etc., of the South Shore of. 19. 3 Whittlesey, Chas. Ancient Mining on Shores of. 49. 7 Lake Superior & Mississippi Eailroad Company. Legisla- tion Eelating to the Company. See Minn. Legisl.. 1861- '64. Act, etc. . 22. 14. 8 Minn. Legislature. Act to Incorporate, 1861. Also Amend- ment, 1863. 22. 14. 8 See Minn. Legisl. — Senate, 1860. Publishers. Lake Su^^erior & Mississippi Eailroad, connect- ing the Mississippi and Minnesota Eivers and the Eailroad Systems of Minnesota and California with Lake Superior. St. Paul, 1866. 8vo. 22. 14. 8 Lands for Emigrants. K Y., n. d. 16mo. 22. 14. 8 Same. St. Paul, 1873. 8vo. 22. 14. 8 Eeport of the Engineer, 1864. St. Paul, 1864. 8vo. 22. 14. 8 Sectional Maps of Lands in Minnesota for Sale by the Com- pany, 1869. St. Paul, Minn., 1870? 8vo. 22.14.8 Some of the Eeasons why a Grant of Land Should Be Made by Congress to the Company. Wash., 1864. 8vo. 22. 14. 8 Lake Survey, U. S. Comstock, Gen. C. B. Primary Triangu- lation of the U. S. Lake Survey. 50. 3 Lake Winnipisiogee. Description. (Granite Monthly, Vol. 3, p. 370.) 7. 11 Lake Winnepiseogee. Dwight, Timothy. Journeys to Lake Winipiseogee, 1812-1«. 33. 5 Lakes — Improvement of :N"avigation on. Letters on the K'ecessity of Cheaj)ening Transport between the West and the Ocean. Addressed to the Milwaukee '^ Sentinel," and the Chicago '^Tribune," by "A Western Trader." Mil., 1868. 8vo. • 72.13.6 The Great Northern Waterway. Proceedings of the Lake Improvement Convention, held at St. Paul, Min^i., Dec. 18 and 19, 1878. St. Paul, 1879. 8vo. 72. 13. 6 Lakes, The Great. Colton, Calvin. Tour of the American Lakes, in 1830. 20. 9 Disturnell, J. Trip Through the Lakes of Korth America. 19.3 121 • . 952 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lakes, The Great — (Continued). Hodge, Wm. Papers Concerning Early Navigation on the. 10.11.2 McKenney, T. L. Sketches of a Tour of the, etc. 15. 4 Whittlesey, Charles. Fluctuations of Levels in the ]S^. A. Lakes. 49. 7 Of America. E. D. Keill. Discovery along the, etc. 25. 10 Lakeside Memorial of the Burning of Chicago, 187L Chicago, 1872. 8to. 18. 5 Lallemant, Charles, le Pere. Relation, 1826. (Relations des Jesuites, 1858. 8vo. Vol. 1.) 20. 3 Lallemant, Gabriel, le Pere. Martyrdom of, l)y the Sav- ages of Canada. By Pere Paul Ragueneau. (Relation des Jesuites, 1852. Vol. 3.) 20. 3 Lallemant, Jerome, le Pere. Relation de Mission des Hurons, 1640-'45. (Relations des Jesuites, 1858. Vol. 1.) 20. 3 Relation, 1646-' 48. (Relations des Jesuites, , 1858. 8vo. Vol. 2.) 20, 3 Relation, 1659-'62, '64. (Relations des Jesuites, 1858. Vok 3.) 20. 3 Lalor, John J. Primer of Political Economy. See Mason, A. B. 57. 9 Lamar, Lucius Q. C. Centennial Celebration. Speech, H. of R., Jan. 25, 1876. n. t. p. 8vo. 52. 14. 7 Lamb, Gen. John. See Lake, J. A. Memoir. 44. 9 Lamb, Martha J. History of the City of ^Siew York; its Origin, Rise and Progress. 2 Vols. N. Y., 1877. 4to. 10.2 Lamb, R. Journal of Occurrences during the Late American War, to 1783. Dublin, 1809. 8vo. 14. 8 Lamb, Thomas Meltin. Sketch of. . (Worcester Soc. of Ant. Proc, 1882.) 9.10.2 Lambert, Maj. Wm. H. Sherman's Army. n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 8 Lambing, Rev. A. A. (Editor). The Baptismal Register of Fort Duqu^ne (from June, 1754 to Dec, 1756). Trans- lated, with an Introductory Essay and Notes. Pittsburg, 1885. 8vo. 11. 13 Lambrechtson, K. C. History of the XewiN'etherlands. Trans, by F. A. Van Der Kemp. (IsT. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 1.) 10. 4 Lambton, John Geo. Speech in the House of Commons on Reform of Parliament. London, 1822. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 27.) 53. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 953 Lamon, Ward H.. Life of Abraham Lincoln. (To his Inaugu- ration.) Boston, 1872. 8vo. 44. 12 La Motte Cadillac, Antoine de. Extracts from his Memoir Concerning Acadia and New England. 1692. (Me. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 6.) 7. 1 Lamson, Alvan. Discourse at Dedham, Mass., May 14, 1841, on the Death of Wm. Henry Harrison. Dedham, 1841. 8vo. 43.14.6 History of the First Church and Parish in Dedham, in Three Discourses, Delivered on the Occasion of the CompletioUj, Kov. 18, 1838, of the Second Century, etc., of said Church. Dedham, 1839. 8vo. 25. 8 Bailey, B. H. Tribute to Alvan Lamson. 43. 13 Gannett, E. S. Discourse in Dedham on Death of. 43. 13 Lancaster, Daniel. History of Oilman ton, K. H., 1727-1845. Gilmanton, 1845. 12mo. 7. 10 Lancaster, Joseph. Vindication of Mr. Lancaster's System of Education. By a Member of the Royal Institution. London, 1812. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 11, No. 2.) 53. 6 Lancaster, Mass. Lancaster Eecords. (U. S. Hist. Gen. Reg., Vols. It5-17.) .46.3 Marvin, A. P. History of Lancaster. 8. 12 Nourse, H. S. Early Records of. 8. 12 State Industrial School for Girls. Report of the Trustees, 1868. 8. 2. 10 Lancaster County, Pa. See Morris, Alex. Biographical History. 43. 11 Mombert, J. I. Authentic History of Lancaster Co. 11. 4 Lancey, de. See De Lancey. Land. See Digby, K. E. History of Law of Real Property. 57. 9 (In the U. S.) See Sato, Shosuke. Land Question in the U.S. 11.8.6 Land Commissioners. Proceedings of the First Annual Con- vention of the Association of Land Commissioners of the Land Grant Railroads of the United States. Chicago, 1877. 72. 13. 3 Also, Special Meeting, July, 1878; and 3d Annual Conven- tion, 1879. 72. 13. 3 Land Grants. See ^'Railroads." Land Question. See Arnold, Arthur. Free Land. (Great Britain.) 35. 2 954 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. XiAND Question — (Continued). Fowler, Wm. Present Aspect of the. 37.9 • Kay, tfoseph. Free Trade in Land. 35. 2 Lefevre, G. S. English and Irish Land Question. 35. 2 Morris, W O'C. Letters on the Land Question. 35. 2 Probyn, J. W. Systems of Land Tenure in Various Coun- tries. Lond., 1876. 8vo. 35. 2 CONTENTS. Broderick, G. C. Law and Customs of Primogeniture, pp. 367-418. ^ Campbell, Sir Geo. Tenure of Land in India, pp. 125-196. Faucher, Julius. Eussian Agrarian Legislation of 1861. pp. 309-346. Fisher, C. M. Farm Land and Land Laws of the U. S. pp. 347-366. Hoskyns, C. H. Land Laws of England. j)p. 81-124. Laveleye, Emile de. Land System of Belgium and Holland, pp. 197- 285. Leslie, T. E. C. Land System of France, pp. 287-308. Longfield, M. Tenure of Land in Ireland, pp. 1-79. Eichey, A. G. Irish Land Laws. 35. 2 Landor, Walter Savage. See Martineau, Harriet. Biog. Sketch. 43. 1 Lands, Public. See Coghlan, J. M. For the Toiling Poor. 60.8 Donaldson, Thomas. The Public Domain, etc. History. 68. 10 Donnell, M. H. Speech, 1872. n. t. p. 60. 1 Hauke, J S. Letter to G. W. Scofield, etc. 60. 8 Letter to J. H. Ketcham, etc. 60. 2 Julian, G. W. Overshadowing Question. 60. 8 Our land Policy; Its Evils, etc. 57. 10. 3 Eights of the Pre-emptors, etc. 60. 8 Sale of Mineral Lands. 60. 1 Pratt, D. D. Eights of Settlers on Public Lands. 60. 8 Scofield, G. W. Land Grant Corporations. 60. 8 Slater, J. H. Disposition of Public Lands. 60. 1 Stewart, W. M. Public Lands. 60. 8 U. S. Dep. of Interior. Land Office Circular. 49. 6. 1 Webster, D. Speech on Public Lands. 53. 12 Whittlesey, C. Surveys of the Public Lands. 18. 3. 2 See, also, U. S. Dept. of the Interior. Land Office. Landscape Gardening. See Cleveland, H. W. S. 51. 14. 1 • Downing, A. J. Treatise on. 51. 14 Kern, M. G. Earal Taste. 51. 14 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 955 Landseer, John. SabsBan Researches. Essay, Addressed to Distinguished Antiquarians, on the Engraved Hieroglyph- ics of Chaldea, Egypt and Canaan. London, etc., 1823-'24. 40. 7 Lane, Judge Ebenezer. Moravian Missions. (Fireland's Pio- neer, Vol. 3.) 18.3.4 See ]N'ewton, Alfred. Sketch of His Life. 46. 3 Lane, Henry S. (of Ind.). Reconstruction and Amendments of the Constitution. Speech, Senate, IT. S., Feb. 8, 1868. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 12, No. 5.) 60. 1 Lane, Rev. James P. Hampton Lane Family Memorial. A Reprint of the Address of, at the Funeral of Deacon Joshua Lane, of Hampton, N. H. (who was killed by light- ning, June 14, 1766), by his Son, Deacon Jeremiah Lane, of Hampton Falls; with Sketches of his Ancestry and Families, to the Fourth Generation from Wm. Lane, of Boston, Mass., 1651. Boston, Mass., 1885. 16mo. 25. 7. 11 Manual of the First Congregational Church, Bristol, R. I., 1687-1872. Providence, 1873. 12mo. 8.14 Lane, Lunsford. See Hawkins, W. G. Sketch of. 30. 6 Narrative of. Pub. by himself. Boston, 1842. 18mo. 30. 14. 4 Lane, Sir Ralph. Life of See Hale, E. E. 9. 10 Lane Theological Seminary, Cincinnati, O. Catalogue, 1877- '78. 18. 10. 7 Inaugural Discourses of E. D. Morris and H. A. Nelson, May 13, 14, 1868. With Sketch of the Institution. Cinn., 1868. 8vo. 18. 10. 6 Lang, W. History of Seneca County, O., from the Close of the Revolutionary War to July, 1880; Embracing many Per- sonal Sketches of Pioneers, Anecdotes and Events Per- taining to the Country and its Progress. Springfield, 1880. 18.9 Langdale, Lord. See Bickersteth, Henry. Langdon, Samuel. Government Corrupted by Vice, and Re- covered by Righteousness. Sermon, before the Congress of Massachusetts Bay, at Watertown, 31st May, 1775. Watertown, 1775. (Pulpit of American Revolution.) 14.8 Langelier, J. C. Sketch of Gaspesia, Canada. Quebec, 1884.' 16mo. '20. 9. 1 956 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Langford. Geo. See Taylor, J. W. Obituary Address. 43. 13. L Langlade, Augustine de. See Grignou, Aug. Eecollections, etc. 19. 11 Langlade, Charles de. Memoir of, by Joseph Tasse. (Wis. Hist. Coll., Vol. 7.) 19.11 Tasse, J. Memoir: In his ''Canadiens," etc. 46.8 Langlade Papers. (1737-1800.) (See Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 8.) 19. 11 Langtoft, Peter. Chronicle, in French Verse, from the Ear- liest Times to the Death of Edward I. Ed. by Thos. Wright, London, 1866-'68. 8vo. 2 Vols. 40. 12 Langton, John. Address before the Quebec Literary and His- torical Society, 1862. (Transactions, J^ew Ser., Vol. 1.) 20. 9. 7 Opening Address upon Education. (Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Trans., Kew Ser., pt. 3.) 20. 9. 8 Language. See Clark, W. P. Indian Sign Language. 16. 11 Dahl, Bastian. Die Latinische Partikel. V. T. 74. 6. 3 Johnson, A. B. Discourse on Language. 53. 12 Jones, Sir Wm. Orthography of Asiatic Words. 40. 9 Kennedy, James. Essays, Ethnological and Linguistic. 15. 2 Mackay, C. Gaelic Etymology of Languages, etc. 42. 5 Beade, J. Language and Conquest. 20. 14 Timperley, C. H. Origin of Language. 34. 12 Torp, Alf. Die Flexion des Pali. 74. 6. 2 Webster, ^N'oah. Dictionary of the English Language. 83. 8 Wedgewood, H. Origin of Language. 34.9 Whitney, W. D. Principles of Linguistic Science. 49. 3 Wilbur, H. B. Aphasia, n. t. p. 51. 11. 5 Worcester, J. E. Dictionary of the English Language. Table. See '^ Dictionaries.'' See also under Name of Each Tongue. Lang WORTHY, Ashel. Authentic Biography of Colonel Eich- ardM. Johnson, of Ky. N. Y., 1833. 12mo. 46. 5 Langworthy, Isaac P. Brief Historical Sketch of the Suffolk North Conference of Congregational Churches, 1861-'86. Boston, 1887. 8vo. 8. 2. 6. B Historical Discourse at Chelsea, Mass., Sept. 20, 1866, at the 25th Anniversary of the Winnisimmet Congregational Church. Chelsea, 1866. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 1. No. 70 9. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY, 957 Langwobthy, James L. Biog. Sketch of. 19. 6 Lang WORTHY, Lucius H. Dubuque; its History, Mines, Indian Legends, etc., in two Lectures before the Dubuque Liter- ary Institute, 1855. Dubuque, 1855. 8vo. 19. 13 •Lanier, J. F. D. Sketch of his Life. 1877. 8vo. 44. 6 Lanman, Charles. Biographical Annals of the Civil Govern- ment of the U. S. during its First Century. Wash., 1876. 8vo. 43. 5 Dictionary of Congress. Wash., 1864. 8vo. 44.13 Haw-noo-hoo, or Records of a Tourist. Phila., 1850. 8vo. 19.1 Letters from the Alleghany Mountains. ^. Y., 1869. 12mo. 74. 10 Private Life of Daniel Webster. K Y., 1853. 12mo. 44. 5 Eed Book of Michigan; Civil, Military and Biographical. Detroit, 1871. 8vo. 18. 4 Summer in the Wilderness. Canoe Voyage up the Missis- sippi and around Lake Superior. ^. Y., 1847. 12mo. 22.1 Lanman, James H. History of Michigan. K Y., 1855. 18mo. 18.4 Lansdowne, Henry P. Fitz-Maurice, Marquis of. Speech on Foreign Commerce in the House of Lords. London, 1821. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 17.) 53. 5 Lansing, John Y. Frogs and their Contributions to Science. Read before the Albany Institute. Albany, 1869. 8vo. 49. 5. 5 Therapeutical Skepticism. Address, Introductory to the Course of 1869. Albany Medical College. Albany, 1869. 8vo. 51. 11. 5 Lansing, Mich. Dash, M. {pseud,) History of. 18. 4. 2 Lansing, its Advantages, etc. 1875. 8vo. 18. 4. 2 Laying the Corner Stone of the ISqw State Capitol, Oct. 2, 1873. Lansing, 1873. pvo. 18. 4. 2 Proceedings at the, etc. By A. L. Bours. 18. 4. 2 Lape, Thomas. Memorial of D. F. Keller, Pastor of the Luth- eran Church, West Camp, IS". Y. Albany, 1865. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 1 La Peltrie, Madame de. La Sainte mort de Madame de Pel- trie, et de la mere Marie de 1' incarnation. By J. C. Dab- Ion in his Relation, 1672, p. 57. (Relations des JesuiteS, 1858. 8vo. Vol. 3.) 20. 3 958 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. La Pelthie, Madame de — (Continued). Parkman, F. Sketch of. (Jesuits of North America.) 20.10 La Peyrere. Eelation de I'lslande. Amsterdam, 1715. 12mo. (Bernard, J. F. Eecueil, etc., Vol. L) 20. 1^ Eelation du Groenland. Amsterdam, 1715. (Bernard, J. F. Eecueil, J. F., etc., Vol. 1.) 20. 1 Lapham, Increase Allen. Antiquities of Wisconsin. (Smiths. Inst. Contr., Vol. 7.) 49. 7 Catalogue of the Plants of Minnesota. Extract from Eeport of State Horticultural Society, 1875. St. Paul, 1875. 8vo. 22. 10. 1 Geographical and Topographical Description of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, 1844. 16mo. 19. 3 On the Classification of Plants. (Wis. Acad. Sci. Trans., 1870, '72.) 19. 12 Wisconsin, its Geography. Milwaukee, 1866. 12mo. 19. 4 (And others.) Paper on the Number, Locality and Times of Eemoval of the Indians of Wisconsin; with Appendix, Containing a Complete Chronology of Wisconsin to 1818. Milwaukee, 1870. 8vo. 19. 5. 6 See Buck, J. S. Pioneer History of Milwaukee. 19. 11 Sherman, S. S. Biog. Sketch. 44. 7 Lapham, Wm. B. Centennial History of Norway, Oxford Co., Me., 1786-1886, with Genealogical Eegisters, etc. Port- land, 1886. 8vo. 7. 8 Family Eecords of Some of the Descendants of Thomas Bes- bedge (Bisbee) of Scituate, Mass., in 1634. Augusta, Me., 1876. 8vo. 25. 7. 2 History of Woodstock, Me., with Family Sketches, 1760-1880. Portland, 1882. 8vo. 7. 8 Lapham Family Eegister; or, Eecords of some of the De- cendants of Thomas Lapham, of Scituate, Mass., in 1635. Augusta, 1873. 8vo. 25. 7. 11 Eecords of some of the Descendants of George and Maturin Eicker, who were Early at Dover, N. H., and who were Killed by the Indians, June 4, 1706. Augusta, Me., 1877. .8vo. • 25. 7. 11 Eecords of the Descendants of Eev. Nathaniel Chase, of Buckfield, Maine; with a brief Account of his Ancestors. Also, Eecords of some of the Descendants of Edmund Chase, of Minot, Me. Augusta, 1878. 8vo. 25. 7. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 959 Lapham, Wm. B. — (Continued). (And Maxim, S. P.) History of Paris, Me., from its Settle- ment to 1880, with a History of the Grants of 1736 and 1771, etc. Paris, Me., 1884. 8vo. 7. 8 Lapham Family. See Lapham, W. B. Eegister. 25. 7. 11 Lapland. See Tromholt, Sophus. Under the Eays of the Aurora Borealis. 38. 1 Lappenberg, Johann Martin. History of England, under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. Trans, from the German by Ben5. Thorpe, with Additions. London, 1845. 8vo. 2 Yols. 35. 10 La Porte, Ind. Presbyterian Church. Manual and Historical Sketch. La Porte, 1878. .8vo. 18. 11. 4 La Potherie, Bacqueville de. See Bacqueville de la Potheri^. Larned, E. C. The Great Conflict. Oration, at Aurora, 4th July, 1865. Chicago, 1865. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Yol. 15, :N'o. 33.) 60. 1 Larned, Ellen D. History of Windham County, Conn. \Yor- cester, 1874-'80. 8vo. 2 Yols. 7. 5 Larimer, Mrs. Sarah L. Capture and Escape. Life among the Sioux. Phila., 1870. 12mo. 15. 8 La Eoche, St. Andre, le Chevalier. Letter on the Pamphlet Entitled, Yindication of the Conduct ' of Gen. Savary. London, 1817. (Pamphleteer, Yol. 11.) 53. 5 La Eochefoucault, Liancourt, Francois Alexandre Fre- deric, Due DE. Travels through the United States, the Country of the Iroquois, and Upper Canada, 1795-1797. With Account of Lower Canada. London, 1799. 4to. 2 Yols. 20. 12 Larrabee, Judge Charles H. (of Wis.). Sketch of. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Yol. 9.) 19. 11 Larsen, a. Dansk-lS'orsk-Engelsk Ordbog. Kjobenhavn, 1880. 16mo. 34. 1 Larsen, Edward. Politiske Eovere. [Political Eobbers.] A Comedy, etc. Chicago, 1885. 12mo. 18. 6. 6 Lartet, Edouard. Scientific Labors of, by P. Fischer. (Smiths. Eeport, 1872.) 49. 3 La Salle, Egbert Cavalier de. La Sieur. Account of his Last Expedition and Discoveries in North America. (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1814.) 10. 4 Letter of, from Texas, to the Marquis de Seignelay, March 4, 1685. (App. to Shea, J. G. Early Yoyages.) 20. 3 122 960 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. La Salle, Egbert Cavalier de, La Sieur — (Continued). Lettres de La Salle, et Correspondance relative a ses Enter- prises, 1678-1685. Vol. 2. Dernier Memoire et derniere Lettre de La Salle, 1686-'87. Vol. 3. (Margry Papers.) 20. 11 Memoir on the ISTecessity of an Expedition to Louisiana, etc. (Hist. Coll. of La., Vol. 1.) 20. 3 Building and Voyage of the Griffon, in 1679. By O. H. Marshall. (Buffalo Historical Society Publ., Vol. 1.) 10. 5 Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Histoire de la l!^ouvelle France. Vol. 2. 20. 10 Douay, Anastase. l!^arrative of La Salle's Attempt to Ascend the Mississippi i-n 1687. (Shea, J. G. Hist. Coll. La., Vol. 4.) 20.3 Hennepin, Louis. Account of La Salle's Undertaking to Discover the Eiver Mississij)pi, etc. (Hist. Coll. La., Vol. 1.) 20.3 Description of Louisiana. Trans, by J. G. Shea. N. Y., 1880. 8vo. 22. 2 Joutel, Henri. Historical Journal of La Salle's Last Voy- age to Discover the Mississippi. (Hist. Coll. La., Vol. 1.) 20.3 Journal of the Last Voyage Performed by Monsr. de La Salle. London, 1714. 8vo. (The map wanting.) 20. 1 Le Clercq, Chretien. First Establishment of the Faith. l!^. Y., 1881. 8vo. 20. 10 Marshall, O. H. First Visit of La Salle to the Senecas, in 1669. n. p. n. d. 8vo. 20.10 Membre, Z. First Attempt of La Salle to Explore the Mis- sissippi. (Shea, J. G. Hist. Coll. of La., Vol. 4.) 20. 3 Milburn, W. H. Marquette and La Salle. (Li his ''Pio- neers," etc.) 18. 5 Parkman, F. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West. 20. 10 "Winsor, Justin. Joliet, Marquette and La Salle. [iN'ar. and Crit. Hist, of Amer., Vol. IV.) 25. 9 La Salle, Nicolas. Lettres, 170Q-'2. (Margry, Pierre. De- couvertes, etc.. Vol. 4.) 20.11 Eecit de 1' Enterprise de E. C. La Salle, 1682. (Margry, P. Decouvertes, etc., Vol. 1.) 20.11 La Salle Co., III. See Baldwin, Elmer. History. 18.12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 961 Las Casas, Bartholomew. His Eelations to the Indians. See Ellis, Geo. E. (]S"ar. and Crit. Hist. America, Vol. 2.) 25. 9 Eelation des Voyages et des Decouvertes que les Espagnols out fait dans les Indies Accidentales, etc. Amsterdam, 1698. 12mo. 20.1 La Source, Dominic Thaumur, de la. See Thaumur de la Source. Lassels, Eichard. Voyages in Italy. (Harris, John. ^N'avi- gantium, Vol. 2.) 94. 10 s Latham, Geo. E., (of West Va.). Speech on Eeconstruction, H. of E., Jan. 8, 1866. Wash., 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 12, :N"o. 4*.) 60. 1 Latham, E. G. The Ethnology of the British Islands. Lond., 1852. 12mo. 16.4 Man and his Migrations. London, 1851. 12mo. 16.4 Lathers, Eichard. Argument on the Geneva A. ward. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 12. 2 Lathrop. See, also, Lothrop. Lathrop, John H. Address at his Inauguration as Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin, Jan. 16, 1850. Milwau- kee, 1850. 8vo. 19. 12.4 Inauguration of the Fourth President of Indiana University. Inaugural Address. Indianapolis, 1861. 8vo. 74. 7. 2 Lathrop, or Lothrop Family. See Huntington, E. B. Genea- logy of. 47. 4 Latimer, Geo. A. Sketch of the Life of Oliver Evans, Me- chanic and Inventor. Wilmington, n. d. 8vo. 43. 6. E Latin Dictionary. See Ains worth, E. Abridgment of, by Thomas Morell. London, 1806. 8vo. 83 Smith, Wm. Latin-English Dictionary. 34. 9 Latin Grammar. See Andrews, E. A., and Stoddard, Solomon, Grammar, etc. 34. 8 Harkness, A. Latin Grammar. 34. 8 Latitude. See Slafter, E. F. History and Causes of Incorrect Latitudes, 1535-1740. Boston. 8vo. 5L3.2 La Tour, A. La Oarriere. Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida and Louisiana in 1814-'15, with an Atl^, etc. [Written Originally in French, and Translated for the Author by H. P. IS'ugent.] Phila., 1816. 8vo. 16. 10 962 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Latrobe, Ben J. H. Letter on the Railway Gauge Question; With Extracts from English Engineers' Reports on Rail- way Gauges, and Economy in Construction, Maintenance and Working. N. Y., 1873. 8vo. 72. 13. 3 (And Knight, J.) Report upon the Plan of Construction of Several of the Principal Railroads in the Northern and Middle States, and upon a Railway Structure for a Kew Tract on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Baltimore, 1838. 8vo. 72. 7. 4 Latrobe, Charles Joseph. Rambler in North America. N. Y., 1835. 12mo. 33.1^ Latrobe, John H. B. Address. (Amer. Colonization Society, Memorial, etc., 1867. 8vo.) 30.13 Christian Civilization of Africa. Address before the Amer. Colon. Soc, Jan. 16, 1877. Wash., 1877. 8vo. 30. 7. 10 Colonization. Notice of Victor Hugo's Views of Slavery in the TJ. S. Baltimore, 1851. 8vo. 30. 7. 10 First Steamboat Voyage in the Western Waters. Baltimore, 1871. 8vo. 11. 1. 3 A Lost Chapter in the History of the Steamboat. Balti- more, 187L 8vo. 11.1.3 Maryland in Liberia. Paper read before the Md. Hist. Soc, March 9, 1885. Baltimore, 1885. 8vo. 11.. 1. 2 Latter-Day Saints. See also Mormons, Utah, etc. Latude, Henri Masers. Life of Latude, Imprisoned 35 Years in the Bastile. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 3.) 53. 5 Laud, William (Archbishop). Archbishop of Canterbury's Speech; or, His Funeral Sermon, Preached by Himself, on the Scaffold on Tower Hill, Jan. 10, 1644. Lond., 1644. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 5.) ^ 40. 3 True Copy of a Letter Sent to the University of Oxford, when he Resigned his Office of Chancellor. Oxford, 1641. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 12.) 40. 3 Accusation and Impeachment of William Laud, by the House of Commons, 1641. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 4.) 40. 3 The Bishop's Potion; Dialogue between the Bishop and his Physician. 1641. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 5.) 40. 3 Character and Career of. (Calendar of State Papers, Do- mestic Series, 1633-'34.) 35. 12 Parallel between Cardinal Wolsey, Abp. of York, and Wil- liam Laud. 1641. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 4.) 40. 8 Rome for Canterbury. True Relation of the Life of Laud. 1641. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 4.) 40.3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y. 963 Laudonniere, Le Oapitaine Eene Goulaine de. History of Jean Ribault's First-Third Voyages to Florida. [J 562-' 67.] Hist. Coll. La. and Fla., New Ser., 1869. 8vo. " 20. 3 See Parkman, F. Pioneers of France, etc. 20. 10 Laugel, Aug. England, Political and Social. Trans, by J. M. Hart. I^. Y., 1874. 12mo. 35. 8 LaurenSj Henry. Capture and Confinement in the Tower of London, 1780-'82. (S. C. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1.) 15. 6 See Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. 44. 6 Laurens, Col. John. Army Correspondence, 1777-'78. Now First Printed from the Original Letters Addressed to his Father, Henry Laurens, President of Congress. With Memoir, by W. G. Simms. K. Y., 1867. Svo. [Bradford Club, 1^0. 7.] 14. 10 Laurie, Joseph. Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine. K. Y., 1850. 12mo. 51. 11 Layal, Francois de Montmorency. Parkman, F. Old Ee- gime in Canada. 20. 10 Layeleye, Emile de. Land System of Belgium and Holland. (Probyn, J. W. Systems of Land Tenure, etc.) 35.2 Layerdiere, C. H., l'Abbe. Oeuvres de Champlain. See Champlain, Samuel de. (And Casgrain, l'Abbe.) Journal des Jesuites, Public d'Apres. le Manuscrit Original Consevr^ aux Archives des Seminaire de Quebec. Quebec, 1871. 4to. 20. 3 La\y, George. Sketch of the Life of George Law. N. Y., 1855. 12mo. 44. 8 Law^ George Henry, Bp. of Bath and Wells. Charge to the Clergy, 1825. London, 1825. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 26.) 53. 12 Law, Judge John. Colonial History of Yincennes, Ind., under the French, British and American Governments, to 1801. Address before the Yincennes Hist, and Antiq. Soc, Feb. 23, 1839. Yincennes, 1858. 8vo. 18. 11 Jesuit Missionaries in the Northwest. Lecture, Cinn., O., Jan. 31, 1855. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Yol. 3.) 9. 11 Law, William. Oration before the Georgia Historical Society, Feb. 12, 1840. (Ga. Hist. Soc. Coll., Yol. 1.) Savannah, 1840. 8vo. 15". 13 tiAW. See Agnew, Daniel. Spirit and Poetry of. 60. 8 Andrews, C. C. Opinions of Attorneys General. 60. 10 Beck, J. M. State and Federal Coui'ts. 53. 11. 1 964 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Law — (Continued). Blackstone, Sir W. Commentaries. - 5 \ 4 Brewster, B. H. Address before Law Academy. 74. 7. 1 Cicero, M. T. First Oration against Cataline. 53. 11. 1 Colvin, A. J. Speech in Senate of N. Y. 53. 11. 1 Gibbon, E. Roman Jurisprudence. 40. 1 Imbert, Jean. Institutiones Forenses. 53. 11 Justinianus L, Emperor. Corpus Juris Civilis. 53. 4 Kew York State — Judiciary Court of Appeals. 53. 11. 1 Proposals of the Committee for Eegulating the Law. (Har- leian Misc., Yol. 6.) 40.3 Eeeves, John. History of the English Law. 35. 10 Rehm, Jacob. Petition and Argument for Pardon. 53. 11. 2 Ryan, E. G. Address before a Law Class, etc. 74. 7. 2 Woodbury, Levi. Judicial Works. 44.33 Year Book, Reign of Edward I. 40. 12 Law Dictionary. Lee Bouvier, John. 34. 3 Law, International. See International Law. Lawrence, Abbott. Letters to Wm. C. Rives, on Revenue Laws, Cotton, etc. (Ramsey Pamph., Yol. 3, No. 2.) See Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. 44. 6 Hill, A. H. Memoir of Abbott. 44. 13 Prescott, W. H. Memoir of Abbott. 44. 13 Lawrence, Amos. Extracts from his Diary and Correspon- dence; with Incidents in his Life. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 43.3 Hopkins, Mark. Discourse Commemorative of, etc. 43. 13 Life of. (McCabe, J. D. Great Fortunes.) 43. 12 Memoir of. Q^. E. Hist. Gen. Soc. Mem. Biog., Yol. 1.) 46. 13 Lawrence, C. B. Argument in the Circuit Court of the U. S., for the Eastern District of Wis., upon the Yalidity of the Act of the Wisconsin Legislature Prescribing Rates of Railway Fare and Freight. Chicago, n. d. 8vo. 72. 13. 4 Brief and Argument in the Supreme Court of the U. S., on the Constitutionality of an Act of the Minnesota Legisla- ture, Regulating Railroad Charges. Chicago, 1875. 8vo. 72. 13. 4 Lawrence, Eugene. Colonial Progress. (First Century of the Republic, 1876. 8vo.) 14. 10 '^ Educational Progress in the U. S., 1776-1876. (First Cen- tury of the Republic.) 14. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 965 Lawren^ce, George N. Birds of Southwestern Mexico. Col- lected by F. E. Sumichrast for the U. S. National Musenm. Wash., 1875. 8vo. 49. 5. 3 Lawrence, Sir James. Dramatic Emancipation. Strictures on the State of the Theatres, 1813. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 2.) 53. 5 Nobility of the British Gentry. London, 1824. (Pamphlet- eer, Vol. 23.) 53. 12 Lawrence, James. See Lathrop, S. K. Sermon on. 43. 13. L Lawrence, John. Genealogical Memoir of the Family of John Lawrence, of Watertown, Mass., 1636. 47. 4 Genealogy of the Family of John Lawrence of Wisset, Suffolk, England, and of Watertown and Groton, Mass. Boston, 1857. 8vo. 47.4 Same. Enlarged Edition. Bost., 1869. 8vo. 47. 4 Family of John Lawrence, Continued. Family of Philip Goss, of Lancaster, Mass., Family of Selah Pomroy, of Stanstead. P. Quebec. Albany, K Y., 1881. 8vo. 47. 4 Lawrence, Joseph W. (of N. B.) Foot-prints; Incidents in the Early History of Xew Brunswick, 1783-1883. Saint John, K B., 1883. 8vo. 20. 3 Lawrence, Myron. Speech in the Senate of Mass. on the Amendment to the Lowell Eailroad Bill, Feb. 18, 183^. 8vo. 72. 14. 2 Lawrence, Eobert F. The ^ew Hampshire Churches. His- tories of the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches, with JSTotices of other Denominations. Claremont, 1856. 8vo. ' 7. 3 Lawrence, Wm. B. French Commerce and Manufactures, and Negro Slavery in the United States. Paris, 1860. 8vo. 30. 7. 6 The Treaty of Washington. Providence, 1871. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamphlets, Vol. 23, ISo. 21.) 60. 1 Hart, C. H. Sketch of Lawrence. (In Men of Progress. ) 44. 2 Lawrence, Wm. E., Editor. Extracts from the Diary and Cor- respondence of Amos Lawrence; with Incidents in his Life. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 43. 3 Lawrence, Wm. Eichards. In Memoriam. Biographical Sketch. Boston, 1885. 8vo. 43. 13. L Lawrence Family. See Lawrence, John. Family of John Lawrence. (3 editions.) * 47. 4 '"^Stfr^'./^^-^^MI^^^ESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lawrence Family — (Continued). Usher, J. History of the Lawrence-Townley Estate in Eng- land. 47. 13 Lawrence, Mass. See Wadsworth, H. A. History of Law- rence. 8. 3 School Committee. Eules and Eegulations. 1856. * 9. 8. 6 Water Commissioners. Final Report. 1876. 8. 1. 4 Lawrence Academy, Groton, Mass. Catalogue, 1849-'79. 9. 9. 2 Catalogue, from its Incorporation to 1855. 9. 9. 2 Jubilee, July 12, 1854. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. 9. 9. 2 Memorial, Soliciting Aid its Rebuilding. 1868. 9. 9. 2 Order of Exercises. Annual Exhibition, 1859, '60, '62, '68, '73, '76, '77. 9.9.2 Lawrence-Archer, J. M. Monumental Inscriptions of the British West Indies, from the Earliest Date, with Genea- logical and Historical Annotation, etc., with Engravings of the Arms of the Principal Families. London, 1875. 4to. 45. 7 Lawrence Co., III. See Edwards Co., 111. Laws. See Andrews, C. C. Revenue Laws of U. S. 60. 10 British ^orth America, Hudson Bay, etc. 20. 5. 2 • California. Dep. of Public Instruction, 1876. 20.7 Cherokee National Council, 1881. 81 Delaware Indians. Laws of. 15. 11. 4 Fisher, C. M. Land Laws of the U. S. 35. 2 Hurd, J. C. Laws of Freedom and Bondage. 30. 12 Laws and Regulations of the Winnebagoes. 15. 11. 4 Pennsylvania. Gen. Assembly. 94. 8 Peters, Richard. Public Statutes of U. S., 1789-1845. 60. 13 U. S. Congress. Laws of the U. S., 1833-'39. 60. 3 Revised Statutes, etc. 60. 12 Same. Relating to D. of C, etc. 60. 12 U. S. Department of Navy. Laws of. 60. 10 TJ. S. Treasury Dept. Internal Revenue Laws. 60. 10 Wisconsin. Gen. Assembly. Revised Statutes, 1858. 19. 12 Supplement to the. 19. 5. 9 See also, Trials; U. S. History, War of the Rebellion; Legal Questions, etc. For Laws of a Country, State or City, see under the name of same. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBE Lawson, John. The History of Carolina, Containing theExact Description and Natural History of that Country. Lon- don, printed 1714. Eeprinted, Ealeigh, 1860. 12mo. 16. 7 Lawyers. See At water, Isaac. ' Minnesota Courts and Law- yers, in the Days of the Territory. (Minn. Hist. Soc, Dept. of American History. Trans. 1879.) 22. 5. 2 Bay, W. V. N. Bench and Bar of Missouri. 18. 7 Carter, A. G. M. Old Court House, Cincinnati. 18. 1 Durfee, Thomas. Gleanings from the Judicial History of R. L 8. 13 Edwards, C. Courts and Lawyers of N. Y. 10. 12 Linder, U. F. Bench and Bar of 111. 15. 3 O'Neall, J. R. Bench and Bar of South Caiolina. 15. 6 Morse, J. F., Jr. Bench and Bar in Boston. 9. 14 Layard, a. H. Discoveries among the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. 40. 2 Layres, August. Defence of the Reconstiuction Acts of Con- gress. San Francisco, 1868. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 25, No. 22.) 60. 8 Lea, Albert Miller. Galveston, Tex., as a Railway Centre. (Broadside. ) Galveston, ] 866. 1 5. 14. 2 A Pacific Railway. Knoxville, 1858. 8vo. 72. 6. 5 Notes on Wisconsin Territory. Phila., 1836. 18mo. 22. 8 Autobiography. Newspaper cutting, from the Albert Lea, Minn., ^'Standard." 43. 13. L Lea, Henry C. Reports on the Philadelphia Gas Trust, April 20 and May 18, 1874. n. t. p. 8vo. 11. 5. 3 Lea, Isaac, and Others. Check Lists of the Shells of North America. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Wash., 1860. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 2.) 49. 2 Lead. See Schmidt, Adolf, and Leonhard, Alex. Lead and Zinc Regions of Missouri. (Mo. Geol. Survey, 1873-'4.) 51. 9 Schoolcraft, H. R. Lead Mines of Missouri. 18. 7 Strong, Moses. Lead Region of Wisconsin. 51. 13 Lead Region of Wisconsin. History of. (See History of Grant Co., Wis., 188L) 39. 11 Meeker, Moses. Early History of. (Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 6.) . 19. 11 Leadville, Colorado. Waite, C. W. Complete Illustrated Guide to the Wonderful Mining Country, Leadville, Col. Chicago, 1879. 8vo. 19. 4. 4 123 968 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. See Boston — Old South Church. League Island, Delaware River. See Myers, L. League Island and iNTavy Yard. Speech. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 12, No. 22.) 60. 1 Report of the Mjnoritj^ of the Naval Committee of Congress, in Favor of Accepting League Island for a Station, etc. Phila., 1864. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 15, No. 21.) 60.1 Leah and Rachel. See Hammond, John. (Force's Tracts, Vol.3.) 14.12 Leake, Isaac Q. Memoir of Gen. John Lamb. Albany, 1857. 8vo. 44. 9 Leamington, Eng. Royal Leamington Spa; Visitors' Guide. Manchester and London, n. d. 16mo. 52. 10. 4 Lear, or Llyr (King). See Geoffrey of Monmouth. Xearned, Wm. L. The Learned Family; being Descendants of William Learned, of Charlestown, Mass., in 1632. Albany, 1882. 8vo. 47. 4 Learned Family. See Learned, W. L. The Learned Family being Descendants of Wm. Learned, etc. 47. 4 Leaven for Dough-Faces. Three Score and Ten Parables Touching Slavery. By a Former Resident at the South. Cinn., etc., 1856. 12mo. 30. 13 XiEAVENWORTH, Elias Warner. Genealogy of the Leaven- worth Family in the United States. Syracuse, N. Y., 1873. 8vo. 47.4 Leavenworth Family. See Leavenworth, E. W. 47. 4 Leavenworth, Kan. Board of Education. Report, 1871. 19. 14. 2 Constitutional Convention, 1858. See Thacher, T D. Ad- dress on the, etc. 19. It. 2 Kansas and Missouri Convention. Proceedings, May 14, 1867. 19. 14. 2 Leavitt, Judge. Decisions of Judge Leavitt, of Ohio, in the Vallandigham Habeas Corpus Case. Phila., 1863. 8vo. 30. 11. 4 Leavitt, Joshua. Mqnroe Doctrine. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. (Ram- sey Pamph., Vol. 15, No. 23.) 60. 1 Leavitt, O. S. Memorial to Congress on the Finances, Jan., 1870.. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 11, ^o. 22.) 60.1 Lebanon, Conn. See Hine, Orlo M. Historical Address on. 7.12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRA BY. 969 Lebanon, Conn. — (Continued). Huntington, Daniel. Eeminiscences of. 47. 3 First Church. Williams, S. Duty of Christians. Sermon. 7.12.5 Le Baron, Wm. Noxious Insects of Illinois. (State Entomol- ogist's Eeport, 1871-'72.) 18. 13. 6 Le Beau, C. Avantures ou Voyage Curieux et Nouveau par- mi les Sauvages de PAmerique Septentionale. Amster- dam, 1738. 8vo. 20. 1 Le Blond, Frank C. Eeconst ruction. Speech, H. of E., Apr. 7, 1866. Wash., 1866. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 29, No. 31.) • 60.8 Le Bosquet, John. Congregational Manual. Boston, 1841. 18mo. 56. 2 Le Bouvier, Jacques. Le Eecouvrement de Normandie. (Ste- venson, Joseph, Ed. Narrative, etc. 1863.) 40. 6 Lechford, Thomas. Plain Dealing; or Newes from New-Eng- land. London, 1642. With Introduction and Notes, by J. H. Trumbull. Boston, 1867. 4to. 7. 7 Leckie, G. F. Essay on the Practice of the British Government, Distinguished from the Theory. London, 1817. (Pam-. phleteer. Vol. 11.) 53. 5 Le Ceaire, Antotne. Memoir of. (Annalsof Iowa, Oct., 1863.) 19. 6 Biog. Sketch of. (Wilkie, F. B., in his '* Davenport, ^^ etc.) 19. 13 Le Clercq, Chretien, le Pere. Account of La Salle's At- tempts to Eeach the Mississippi by Sea, 1664-'87. (Shea, J. G. Miss. Valley, etc.) 20. 3 First Establishment of the Faith in New France. Now first Translated, with Notes, by J. G. Shea. N. Y., 1881. 8vo. 20.10 Shea, J. G. Bibliographical Notice of the Etablissement de la Foi, by Le Clercq. (Hist. Coll. La., Vol. 4.) 20. 3 Le Comte, Louis. Memoirs and Observations Made in China, 1685, etc. (Harris, John. Navigantium, etc.) 94. 10 Le Conte, John L. Classification of the Coleoptera of North America. Wash., 1861-'83. (Smiths. Misc. Publ., Vol. 3.) 49. 2 Coleoptera of Kansas and New Mexico. No imprint. 4to. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 11.) 49. 7 970 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Le Conte, John L. — (Continued). List of the Coleoptera of North America, Pt. 1. Wash.^ 1863. 8vo. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 6.) 49.2 Method of Subduing Insects Injurious to Agriculture, n. t. p. 8vo. 72. 4. 1 New Species of North American Coleoptera. Pts. 1, 2. Wash., 1863, '73. 8vo. 2 Vols. (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vols. 6, 11.) 49. 2 Lecoq, or Le Coq, Henri. Elemens de Geologic et d' Hydro- graphie. Bruxelles, 1839. 8vo. 49. 10 Lectures on the Progress in Arts and Sciences, Eesult- ING FROM THE EXHIBITION IN LoNDOij, 1851. Delivered before the Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. 74. 2 Ledesme, , LE Pere. Doctrine Chretienne, Traduite en la Langue Canadois, etc. (Champlain, Samuel de. Ouvres^ 1870. 4to. Vol. 2.) 20. 12 Le Due, W. G., Publ. Minnesota Year Book, for 1851, '53. St. Paul, 1851, '53. 3 Vols. 22. 8 Needs of the Department of Agriculture. Wash., 1880. 8vo. 72.4.1 Ledyard, John. See Moore, C. B. John Ledyard, Biog. Sketch. 46. 9 Lee, Alfred, Bishop. Proper Function of a Christian Minis- try. An Essay, etc. N. Y., 1878. 8vo. 56. 12. 3 See Mcllvaine, C. P. Sermon at the Consecration of Lee. 56. 12. 3 Lee, Charles, (Maj. Gen. in Eev. War). The Lee Papers; Gen. Lee's Political and Military Writings and Corres- pondence in England and America, 1776. 8vo. 3 Vols. (U. S. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1871-'3.) 10. 4 Moore, Geo. H. Treason of Charles Lee. U. S., 1860. 8vo. 14.2 Some Hints on the Present Melancholy Situation of our Colonies in North America. London, 1763. * 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 1.) 14. 1 Memoirs of the Life of Charles Lee. Added, Political and Military Essays; also Letters. N. Y., 1792. 12mo. 43. 3 Lee, D. and Frost, J. H. Ten Years in Oregon. N. Y., 1844. i2mo. . 20. 6 Lee, F. D., and Agnew, J. L. Historical Record of the City of Savannah, Ga. Savannah, 1869. 12mo. 17. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY, 971 Lee, Frederick Geo. Genealogy of the Family of Lee, of Chester, Bucks and Oxon, Eng. Shewing the Lineal De- scent of the Late Gen. Robert E. Lee, of Virginia, Amer- ica, from Sir John Lee, Knt. London, 1884. 4to. 25. 14. 10 Lee, Hannah F. The Huguenots in France and America. 2 Vols. Cambridge, 1843. 12mo. 33. 5 Lee, Henry. Memoirs of the War In the Southern Depart- ment of the United States. New ed. Edited by R. E. Lee. X. Y., 1870. 8vo. 14. 9 Lee, Henry. Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas; with remarks on Johnson's Life of Greene. Phila., 1824. 8vo. 14.2 Lee, Henry, (of Mass.). Exposition of Evidence in Support of the Memorial to Congress, ''Setting Forth the Evils of the Existing Tariff of Duties," etc.. Prepared in Pur- suance of instructions from the Permanent Committee Appointed by the Free Trade Convention at Philadelphia, to Prepare the Memorial to Congress. Boston, 1832. 8vo. 57. 2. 2 L , Henry, Jr. Militia of the United States. What it has been. What it Should be. Boston, 1864. 8vo. i. 30.1 Lee, John Hancock. Origin and Progress of the American Party in Politics. Phila., 1855. i2mo. 33. 6 Lee, L. p. History of the Spirit Lake Massacre, and of Abi- gail Gardiner's Captivity Among the Indians. ]N^ew Britain, Conn., 1857. 8vo. 19. 13.4 Lee, Richard Henry. See Duyckinck, E. A. Biogr. Sketch. 44.6 Lee, Gen. Robert E. See Chamberlyne, J. H. Address on Character of Lee. (Southern Hist. Soc. Papers, Yol. 3.) ' 29.2 Fontaine, W. W. Descent of Gen. Lee, from Robert Bruce, of Scotland. (Southern Hist. Soc. Papers, Vol. 9.) 29. 2 • McCreery, T. C. Arlington. Resolution and Speech. 60. 8 Lee, Sarah Marsh. John Lee, of Farmington, Conn., and his Descendants. Norwich, 1878. 4to. 47. 4 Lee, Wm. Wallace. Barkhamstead, Conn., and its Centen- nial, 1879. To which is added, a Historical Appendix, etc. Meriden, 1881. 8vo. 7. 13 Lee Family, of Conn. See Lqc, S. M. John Lee, of Farming- ton, Conn., and his Descendants. 47. 4 Lee Family, of Eng. See Lee, F. G. Family of Lee. 25. 14. 10 972 3IINNES0TA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lee Family of Va. See Mason, Emily V. Journal of a Young Lady, etc. 16. 6 Mead, E. 0. Gen. History of the Lee Family of Va. and Md. 47. 4 Lee County, III. History of Lee Co., HI., together with Bio- graphical Matter, Statistics, etc. Chicago, 1881. 8vo. Lee County, Iowa. See Campbell, J. E. Recollections of the Early Settlement of. 19. 6 History of Lee Co., Iowa. Chicago, 1879. 8vo. . 95.8 Leeds, Joseph. One Hundredth Anniversary of the Declara- tion of Independence, and Independence Square, in Phil- adelphia, as a Monument of Memorials Sacred and For- ever. Phil., 1872. 8vo. 11. 5. 6 One Hundreth Anniversary of the Declaration of Indepen- dence. Phil., 1872. 8vo. 52. 14. 7 Leeds, Eng. Philosophical and Literary Society. Eeport^ 1869, '71, '78, '79-' 86. 52. 10. 4 Leete, Edward L. Family of William Leete, one of the First Settlers of Guilford, Conn. New Haven, 1884. 8vo. 47. 10 Leete Family. See Leete, E. L. Family of Wm. Leete. 47. 10 Lefevee, G. Shaw. English and Irish Land Question. Essays. London, 1881. 8vo. 35. 2 Lefferts, Marshall. The Electric Telegraph; its Iniiuejice and Geographical Distribution. Address before the American Geographical and Statistical Society, 1856. (Bulletin, Vol. 2.) 33. 5 Lefferts Family. See Bergen, T. G. Genealogy, etc. 47. 10 Lefroy, J. H., and Richardson, Sir John. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations at Lake Athabasca and Fort Simpson; and at Fort Confidence in Great Bear Lake. London, 1855. 8vo. 20. 14 Leftwich, W. M. Martyrdom in Missour; During the Late Civil War. St. Louis, 1870. 12mo. 2 Vols. 30. 5 Legal Profession, The. See Boardman, H. A. Sermon tOy etc., 1849. 56. 7. 5 Leigh ton Family. See Jordan, T. F. Descendants of Capt. Wm Leighton, of Kittery, Me. ' 47. 10 Legare, Hugh Swinton. Writings. Prefaced by a Memoir. Edited by his Sister. Charleston, S. C, 1845. 8vo. 2 Vols. 44. 13 Legends. See Eastman, Mrs. M.H. Eomance of Indian Life. 22. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 973 Legends — (Continued). Francis, Geo. Legends of the Lakes. 19. 5. 6 Schoolcraft, H. R. Algic Researches. 15. 8 Indian Legends and Traditions. 15. 9 Myth of Hiawatha. 15. 8 Leqoett, M. D. Relations of Employer and Employe. Ad- dress, at Cincinnati, Dec. 13, 1872. No imprint. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 29.) 60. 1 Legendre, Adrien Marie. Memoir of, by Elie de Beaumont. (Smiths. Report, 1867.) 49.3 Legislative Manual. See Burleigh, J. B. Phila., 1852. 12mo. 33.8 See also Colorado, New York, Minnesota, Wisconsin, etc. Legouve, Ernst. Moral History of Women. Trajus. by J. W. Palmer. N.Y., 1860. 12mo. 74.2 Legrelle, a. Louis XIV. et Strasbourg. Paris, 1884. 8vo. 52.10 Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company. Reports, 1850, '53, '58. 72. 7. 1 Lehigh County, Pa. See Northampton Co., Pa. 11. 2 Leicester, Earl of. See Dudley, Robert. Leicester, Mass. Celebration of the One Hundred and Fif- tieth Anniversary, July 4, 1871. Cambridge, 1871. 8vo. 8.10 Washburne, Emory. Historical Sketches. 9. 6 Academy. May, Samuel. Sketch of. 9. 10. 2 Leidy, Joseph. Ancient Fauna of Nebraska. No imprint. rSmiths. Contrib., Vol. 6.) 49. 7 Cretaceous Reptiles of the United States. No imprint. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 14.) ^ 49.7 Extinct Mammalia and Chelonia, from Nebraska Territory. (Owen, D. D., Report, etc.) 50. 3 Extinct Vertebrate Fauna of the Western Territories. Wash., 1873. 4to. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Hayden. Vol. 1.) 50.8 Flora and Fauna within Living Animals. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 5.) 49. 7 Fresh Water Rhizopods of North America. Wash., 1879. 4to. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Hayden. Vol. 12.) 50. 8 Memoir on the Extinct Sloth Tribe of N. A. No imprint. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 7.) 49. 7 Memoir on the Extinct Species" of American Ox. No impr. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 5.) 49. 7 974 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leidy, Joseph — (Continued). Notice of Eemains of Extinct Vertebrata from the Valley of the Niobrara River. Phila., 1858. 8vo. 49. 5. 5 Leigh, Frances Butler. Ten Years on a Georgia Plantation, Since the War. London, 1883. 8vo. 81. 4 Leigh, Richard. Copy of a Letter Sent Out of England, to Don Bernardin Mendoza, Declaring the State of England. London, 1588. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 2.) 40. 3 Leighton, Geo. E. Annual Address before the Missouri His- torical Society, Jan. 16, 1883. (Mo. Hist. Soc. Publ., No. 7.) 18.7.5 Leighton Family. .Jordan, T. F. Descendants of Wm. Leigh- ton. 47. 10 Leininger, Barbara. Narrative. See Le Roy, Marie. Leisler, Jacob. Documents Relating to the Administration of Jacob Leisler. (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1868.) 10. 4 Papers relating to the Administration of Lieut. Gov. Leis- » ler. (O'Callaghan, E. B. Doc. Hist, of N. Y., Vol. 2.) 10. 14 Leith, John. Short Biography. Account of his Sufferings among the Indians for 18 Years. Lancaster, O., 1831. Reprinted, with Notes, by C. W. Butterfield. Cinu., 1883. 8vo. 15. 3 Le Jeune, Paul, le Pere. Relation, 1632-1640. (Relations des Jesuites, 1858. 8vo. Vol.1.) 20.3 Relation, 1657, 1661. (Same, Vol. 3.) 20. 3 Parkman, F. Jesuits in North America. 20. 10 Leland, Charles G. Fesang, or the Discovery of America by Chinese Buddhist Priests in the 5th Century. London, 1875. 12mo. 16. 5 Industrial Art in Schools. [Circular of Information, Bu- reau of Education, No. 4. 1882.] Wash., 1882. 8vo. 56. 9. 9 Union Pacific Railway. Three Thousand Miles in a Rail- way Car. Phila., 1867. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph,, Vol. 27, No. 6.) 60. 8 Leland, John. View of Deistical Writers in England. Ap- pendix by W. L. Brown. London, 1837. 8vo. 56.4 Leland, P. W. Algonquin, or Indian Terms, as Applied to Places and Things. Read before the Old Colony Histori- cal Society, Dec. 6, 1858. (Collections, No. 3, p. 83.) 8.9.9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 975 XiELAND, Sherman. Leland Magazine, a Genealogical Eecord. Boston, 1850. 8vo. 47. 10 Xeland Family. See Leland, Sherman. 47. 10 Le Mercier, Francois Joseph, le Pere. Relation, 1653-'54. (Relations des Jesuites, 1858. 8vo. Vol.2.) 20.3 Relation, 1665, ^m, '67, '68, '70. (Relations des Jesuites, 1858. 8vo. Vol. 3.) 20.3 Relation of the Huron Mission and the Persecution of the Jesuits by that Tribe, 1637-'38. (Relations des Jesuites, 1858. 8vo. Vol. 1.) 20. 3 Le Mesurier, Thomas. Counter Address to Protestants, in Answer to Charles Butler. 1813. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 2.) 53. 5 Lemmon, Richard. Faith and Baptism, Illustrated from the Bible. Baltimore, 1841. 8vo. .56.5.1 Lemoine, J. B. M. Observations in the Libels against Le Vi- comte de Chateaubriand. Trans, by Sir John Philippart. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 12.) 53. 5 Le Moine, or Le Moyne, d' Iberville. See Iberville. Lemon, Robert, Editor. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series. See Great Britain Public Record Office. Lemont, Levi P. Fourteen Hundred Historical Dates of the Town and City of Bath, and Town of Georgetown, 1604- • 1874. Bath, 1874. 8vo. 7. 8. 3 Le Moyne, Simom, le Pere. Journey to the Mohawks, 1656, '57. Letters, 1661; Le Moyne among the Senecas, 1662; In the Relations for 1654, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1661, 1662, (Relations des Jesuites, 1858. 8vo. Vol. 3.) 20. 3 Le Moyne, or Lemoine, de Bienville, Jean Baptiste. See Bienville, J. B. Lemoyne de. Lempriere, John. Classical Dictionary. See Dymock, John and Thomas. 34.10 Lenape, The. See Brinton, D. G. The Lenape and their Legends. 15. 4 Leo, Juan. Description of Africa. (Harris, John. Navigan- tium. Vol. L) 94.10 Leominster, Mass. See Wilder, David. History. 8. 12 Leonard, D. L. Funeral Discourse on Joseph Lee Heywood, at Northfield, Minu., Sept. 10, 1876. Minneapolis, 1876. 8vo. 43. 13. H.l Lennard, C. E. Barrett. See Barrett-Lennard. 124 976 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leonard, John Edwards. U. *S. Congress. Memorial Ad- dresses on J. E. Leonard, April 18, 1878. Wash., 1879. 8vo. 44. 7 Leonard, L. W., (and Smith, Samuel A.) Genealogy of the Family of William Smith, of Peterborough, N. H. Keene, 1852. 8vo. 25. 14. 5- Lenox, James. Letter of Columbus, 1493. See Columbus, C. 14. 13. 1 Lenox Library, New York City. Eeport, 1 874-' 76. n. t. p. 8vo. 10. 12. 4 Leo, the Thirteenth, Pope. Encyclical Letter. Translation. N. Y., 1884. 8vo. 56. 12. 8 Leonard, W. A. Travelers' Instructor Guide of the Eoute between New York and Boston. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. 10. 11. 3 Leonard, Wm. H. Meteorology of Minnesota, 1875-78. (Mihn. Bd. of Health, Eeport, 1878-79.) 22. 3' Le Page, Du Pratz. History of Louisiana, or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina. London, 1763. 12mo. 20.1 Journey of Moncacht-ape. (Amer. Antiq. Soc. , Proc. , Apr. , 1883.) ^ 9.10.1 Le Petit, , le Pere. Letter on the Massacre by the Nat- chez, 1729. (Kip, W. L Early Jesuit Missions, 18*47. 12mo.) ' 20. a Le Plongeon, Augustus. Sacred Mysteries among the Mayas and the Quiches, 11,500 Years ago. N. Y., 1886. 8vo. 15. 3 Leprosy. See Cookson, W. D. Hospital at Lincoln, Eng., for Lepers. (Lincolnshire Topog. Soc. Selections, 1843.) 35. 10 Gronvold, C. Eemarks on Norwegian Leprosy. (Minn. Board of Health, 1873.) 22. a Le Eaye, Charles. Journal, while a Captive with the Soiux,. on the Missouri Eiver, 1801-'4. (Cutler, J. Topograph- ical, etc.) 18. 8 Le Eoy, Marie, and Leininger, Barbara. Narrative of Three Years and a Half as Prisoners among the Indians. Phila., 1759. (Pa. Archives, 2d Ser., Vol. 7.) 11. 3 Le Sage, Alain Eene. Les Avantures de Mons. Eobert Che- valier, dit de Beauchene, Capitaine de Flibustiers dans la Nouvelle France. Amsterdam, 1783. 8vo. 33.10 CATALOGUE VF THE LIBRARY. ^11 Lesley, J. P. Comparative Geology of Northeastern Ohio, Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York. (Pa. 2d Geol. Surv., App. I.) 11. 3 Historical Sketch of Geological Explorations in Pennsylva- nia and Other States. (Pa. 2d Geol. Surv., 1875. 8vo. A.) 11. 3 Leslie, Lt.-Col. Salem, Mass. Centennial Anniversary of Leslie's Expedition to Salem, Feb. 26, 1775. Salem, 1875. 8vo. ' 9. 6 Leslie, Sir John. Progress of Mathematical and Physical Science during the Eighteenth Century. Encyc. Brit., 8th ed., Vol. 1.) 34. 13 Leslie, T. E. Cliffe. Financial Eeform. (Cobden Club Es- says, 2d Ser., 1872.) 57. 9 Land Systems of France. (Probyn, J. W. Systems of Land Tenure.) 35. 2 Lesquereux, Leo. Contributions to the Fossil Flora of the . Western Territories. (U. S. Geol. Surv., Vol. 6.) Wash., 1874. 4to. . 50. 9 Same. Part 2. Wash., 1878. (U. S. Geol. Surv., Vol. 7.) 50. 8 Same. Part 3. The Cretaceous and Tertiary Floras. (U. S. Geol. Surv., Vol. 8.) Wash., 1883. 4to. 50. 9 Atlas to the Coal Flora of Pennsylvania and of the Carboni- ferous Formation throughout the United States. (87 plates.) Harrisburg, 1879. 8vo. (Pa. 2d Geol. Survey, App. H.) 11. 10 Fossil Flora. Wash., 1872. 8vo. (U. S. Geol. Surv., 1871.) 49. 5. 2 Lester, C. Edwards. The Glory and the Shame of England. N. Y., 1842. 12mo. 2 Vols. 35. 10 Light and Dark of the Eebellion. Phila., 1863. 12mo. 30.2 L' Estrange, Sir Eoger. Loyal Observator; Historical Me- moirs of Eoger the Fiddler; alias, the Observator. Lon- don, 1683. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 8.) 40. 3 Plea for Limited Monarchy; in an Address to Gen. Monk, by a Zealot for the Good Old Laws of his Country, 1660. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 1.; 40.3 Le Sueur, Pierre. See Neill, E. D. Additional Notices of, etc. (Hist, of Minn., edit, of 1882, App. G.) 22. 9 Le Sueur's Explorations. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1.) 22. 10 ^78 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. liE Sueur, Pierre — (Continued). Voyage up the Mississippi, 1699-1700. (Shea, J. G. Early- Voyages, etc. ) 20. 3 Penicaut, . Relation. (Hist. Coll. La. and Fla., New Ser., Vol. 1.) 20.3 Translation of Same. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 3.) 22. 10 liETCHER, John .Gov. of Va.). Message. Richmond, 1861. 8vo. 15.12.4 Letter from a Russian Sea Officer, Containing Remarks upon De 1' Isles Chart and Memoir, Relative to Discoveries Northward and Eastward from Kamschatka. With Ob- servations on that Letter. By Arthur Dobbs. Added, Del' Isle's Explanatory Memoir on his Chart. London, 1754. 8vo. 20. 2 Letter from a Virginian to the Members of the Congress TO be Held at Philadelphia, Sept. 1, 1774. Boston, Printed; London, Reprinted, 1774. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 14, No. 3.) 14. 1 Letter to a Member of Parliament, on the Present Un- happy Dispute between Great Britain and her Colonies. {Anon.) London, 1774. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 14, No. 4.) 14.1 Letter to a Member of Parliament, Wherein the Power of the British Legislature, and the Case of the Colonists are Briefly and Impartially Considered. London. 1765. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 4.) 14. 1 Letter to Lord North, on his Re-election into the House of Commons. By a Member of the Late Parliament. {Anon.) London, 1780. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 23, No. 8.) 14.1 Letter to Mr. Debrett, being an Answer to Lucubrations during a Short Recess. Added, a Plan for the Payment of the National Debt. London, 1783. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 20, No. 1.) 14. 1 Letter to Sir Wm. Meredith, 1774. 8vo. See Meredith, Sir Wm. 14. 8 Letter to the Author of Lucubrations during a Short Recess. (Anon.) London, 1782. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 16, No. 4.) 14. 1 Letter to the Clergy of the Colony of Connecticut, from an Aged Layman of said Colony. New Haven, 1760. 8vo. 7. 12. 5 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 979 Letter to the Earl of Chatham, 1774. 8vo. See Meredith, Sir Wm. 14. 8 Letter to the Earl of Shelburne, on the Peace. Signed "Fortius." London, 1783. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 7, ^o. 6.) 14. 1 Letter to the Neay Parliament. Loudon, 1780. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 13, ^o. 1.) 14. 1 Letter to the People of Great Britain, in Answer to that Published by the American Congress. London, 1775. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 17, No. 7.) 14. 1 Letter to the Prince of Wales (Geo. IV.), on a Second Ap- plication to Parliament, to Discharge Debts Wantonly Contracted since May, 1787. London, 1795. 8vo. (No. 4, in ''Pamphlets.") 35. 8 Letter to the Reverend Richard Watson, on his Position on the American Question. {Anon.) London, n. d. [1780?] (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 14, No. 2.) 53. 6 Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord North. To which is added a Petition to the King in Favour of the Colonies. {Anon.) London, n. d. [17761] 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 3.) 14. 1 Letter to Tr avers Hartley, on the Subject of the Sugar Bill, and the Resolutions of the Body of Merchants. Dub- lin, 1780. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 5.) 14.1 Letter to us, from one of Ourselves. New Edition, Cor- rected. London, 1777. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 27, No. 5.) 14. 8 Letters and Papers, Illustrative of the Wars of the English in France, duriog the Reign of Henry VL Ed. by Joseph Stephenson. London, 1861-'66. 8vo. 2 Vols. 40. 11 Letters and Papers, of the Reigns of Richard III. and Henry VL Ed. by James Gairdner. London, 1861-'63. 8vo. 2 Vols. 40. 4 Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. [Dickinson, John.] London, 1768. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 1, No. 6.) 14. 1 Letters of Papinian, in which the Conduct, Present State, and Prospects of the American Congress are Examined. New ^ork, Printed. London, Reprinted, 1789. 8vo. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 2, No. 1.) - 14. 1 Letters, Royal and Historical, during the Reign of Henry IV. Ed. by F. C. Hingeston. Vol. 1. London, 1860. 8vo. ' 40. 4 980 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letters, Eo.yal and Historical — (Continued). Same. Reign of Henry III. Ed. by W. W. Shirley. 2 Vols. London, 1862-'66. 8vo. 40. 4 Lettres Edifiantes et CuRiEUSESjEcrites des Missions Etran- geres, par des Missionaires de la Compagnie de Jesus. Nouv. edit. Paris, 1780-' 83. 12mo. 26 Vols. (12 and 24 missing.) 20. 8 Continuation of. See ''Annals of the Faith." 40. 2 Leutze, Emmanuel. Life of. See McCabe, J. D. Great For- tunes. 43. 12 Le Val, Francois Picard de. Voyage to the East Indies, 1601, 1602. Translated from the French, and Abridged. (Harris, John. Xavigantium, etc.) 94. 10 Laveleye, Emile de. Causes of War, and Means of Reducing. (Cobden Club Essays, 2d Ser., 1872.) 8vo. 57. 9 Levasseur, a. Lafayette in America in 1824 and '25. Phila., 1829. 8vo. 2 Vols. 43. 10 Leverett, Charles Edward. Memoir, Biographical and Genealogical, of Sir John Leverett, Governor of Mass., 1673-'9. And of Hon. John Leverett, Judge of the Supreme Court, and President of Harvard College; and of the Family Generally. Boston, 1856. 8vo. 47. 4 Leverett, Sir John, (Gov. of Mass.) See Leverett, C. E. Memoir, etc. 47. 4 N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc. Report on the Question, "Was John Leverett a Knight?" Boston, 1881. 8vo. 43. 13. L Levering, I^. Early Settlement of Northwest Iowa. (Annals of Iowa. Vol. 7.) 19. 13.1 Levering Family. See Jones, H. G. Genealogy. 47. 4 Levermore, Charles H. The Republic of New Haven. A* History of Municipal Evolution. Baltimore, 1886. 8vo. 7. 14 Leyett, Christopher. Voyage to New England, 1623-24. London, 1628. (Me. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 2.) 7. 1 Leyings, Noah. Man among the Tombs. Sermon on Temper- ance, Troy, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1842. Troy, 1842. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 5.) 53. 6 Lewes, Mrs. M. J. (George Elliot.) See Forman, H. B. Our Living Poets. 43. 12 Lewis, Alonzo, and Newhall, James R. History of Lynn, Essex County, Mass. Boston, 1865. 8vo. 9. 6 Lewis, Charlton T. History of Germany. See Miller, David. N. Y., 1877. 8vo. 40. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 981 Lewis, Daniel. Good Rulers, the Fathers of the People; and the Marks of Honor Due them. A Sermon, preached at Boston, in the Audience of His Excellency, Wm. Shir- ley, Esq., Governour, etc. (Mass. Election Sermon.) May 25, 1748. Boston, 1748. 8vo. 56. 5. 2 Lewis, Edwin M. vs. C. A. De Graff. Minn. XJ. S. Dist. Court. In Equity. Phila., n. d. 8vo. 22. 14. 3 Lewis, Enoch. Vindication of the Society of Friends. Being a Reply to a Review of Cox on Quakerism. Phila., 1834. 8vo. . 56. 12. 7 Lewis, Geobge F., and Headley, C. B. Annual Statement of the Business of Saginaw Valley for 1868. East Saginaw, 1869. 8vo. 18. 4. 2 Lewis, John W. Life, Labors and Travels of Charles Bowles, an African Minister of the Free Will Baptist Denomina- tion, with Essay on the African Race. Also, Essay on the Fugitive Law of 1850. By Arthur Dearing. Water- town, 1852. 16mo. 43. 11 Lewis, Joseph C. Letter to Schuyler Colfax. Wash., 1866. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamphlets, Vol. 22, No. 5.) 60. 8 Lewis, Capt. Meriwether, and Clarke, Capt. Wm. Travels from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean, 1804-'6. London, 1809. 8vo. 19.3 Same. From the Official Report. London, 1815. 8vo. 3 Vols. 19. 3 Same. A^ccount by Gass, Patrick. Dayton, 1847. 8vo. 19.3 Lewis, Meriwether. See Jefferson, Thos. (Biog. Sketches, Writings. Vol.8.) 44.10 Lewis and Clarke's Expedition. See Bulfinch, Thos. Ore- gon and Eldorado. 20. 6 Montana Hist. Soc. Contr., Vol. 1? 19. 9 Smalley, E. V. In his Hist, of :sr. P. R. R. 19. 3 Lewis, Osceola. History of the 138th Regiment, Pa., Volun- teer Infantry [in the Rebellion]. I^orristown, 1866. 13mo. 29. 14 Lewis, Percival. Historical Inquiries concerning Forests and Forest Laws, with Topographical Remarks upon the New Forest, in Southampton. London, 1811. 4to. 35. 14 Topographical Dictionary of England. 7th edit. London, 1848. 4to. 4 Vols. (With Atlas.) 34. 7 Topographical Dictionary of Ireland. 2d ed. London, 1849. 4*0. 3 Vols, and Atlas. 34. 7 982 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lewis, Percival — (Continued). Topographical Dictionary of Scotland. London, 1849. 4to. 2 Vols, and Atlas. 34. 7 Topographical Dictionary of Wales. 3d edit. London, 1848. 4to. 2 Vols. 34.7 Lewis, Tayler. State Eights; Photograph from the Eains of Ancient Greece. Albany, 1864. 12mo. 30. 9 Lewis, Theo. H. Ancient Rock Inscriptions in Eastern Dako- ta, n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 11. 1 Effigy Mounds in Iowa. n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 11. 1 Incised Boulders in the Upper Minnesota Valley, n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 11. 1 '' Monumental Tortoise" Mounds of "De-coo-dah." n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 11. 1 Recently Discovered Effigy Mounds, South of St. Paul. n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 11. 1 Snake and Snake-like Mounds in Minnesota, n. t. p. 8vo. 15. 11. 1 Lewis, Wm. Experiments and Observations on American Pot- ashes. London, 1767. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 4, No. 6.) 53. 6. Lewis, Rev. Wm. H. Position of the Protestant Episcopal Church, with Reference to Other Denominations. N. Y., 1852. r2mo. . 56.5.1 Lewis, Winslow. Address before the N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc, Jan. 1, 1862. (Register, Vol. 16.) 46. a Address, Same, Jan. 7, L863. 8. 5. 4 Address, Same, Jan. 6, 1864. - 8. 5. 4 Address, Same, Jan. 4, 1865. 8. 5. 4 Valedictory Address, Feb. 7, 1866. 8. 5. 4 See Sheppard, J. H. Brief Memoir. 46. 3 Lewis County, ]S^. Y. See Hough, F. B. History, etc. (Broad- side.) 10. n. 3 Same. 8vo. 1860. 10.3 Stephens, W. H. Voyage towards Castorland. 10. 11. 3 Lexicon Pentaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syria- CUM, Talmudico-Rabbinicum et Arabicum. Schindler, Valentin. Hanoverise, 1612. fo. 34. 10< Lexicon. See Dictionary. Lexington, Kentucky. See Ranck, G. W. History of Lex- ington. 18.14 Southern Railroad Convention, Oct. 10, 1870. Proceedings. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 27, No. 1.) 60. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 983 Lexington & Danville Railroad Co. Annual Beport, 1856. 72.7.5 Lexington, Mass. See Historical Monuments and Tablets, etc. 8. 2. 5 Hudson, Chas. History, etc. 9. 12 Lexington, Battle of. Collections of Eelics Illustrating the Battle of Lexington, and Other Events of the Revolution- ary Period, Exhibited at the Cary Library, Lexington^ April 19, 1875. n. p. n. d. 12mo. 8. 2. 5 Dana, R. H,, Jr. Oration, 100th Anniversary. 8. 3 Frothingham, R., Jr. Siege of Boston, etc. 14. 3- Muzzey, A. B. The Battle of Lexington. 14. 10. 1 One Hundred and Eleventh Anniversary. Programmes. 14. 10. 1 Souvenir of 1775. Engravings. 25. 6. 1 LiANcouRT, Francois Alexandre Frederic Rochefoucault. See La Rochefoucault-Liancourt. LiBBY, Charles T. Libby Family in America. Portland, Me.,. 1882. 8vo. 47.10 Libby Family. See Libby, C. T. Libby Prison. See Canada, F. F., Libby Life. 30. 1 Ely, Alfred. Journal of a Prisoner. ' 30. 1 Harris, W. C. Prison Life in the Warehouse. 30. 1 Liberia. Documents Concerning Liberia. 1867. 30. 14 Information about going to. 1852. 30. 7. 10 Latrobe, J. H. P. Maryland in Liberia. 11. 1. 2 Lugenbeel, J. W. Sketches of Liberia. 30. 7. 10 Stetson, G. R. Liberian Republic as it is. 1881. 52. 10. 2 U. S. Dept. of State. Report of R. R. Gurley. 61. 6 Liberia College. Proceedings at the Inauguration of Liberia College, Monrovia, Jan. 23, 1862. Printed by order of the Legislature of Liberia, n. d. 30. 7. 10 Liberty. See Lieber, Francis. Civil Liberty. 57. 3 Libraries. See Crunden, F. M. The Function of a Public Library. 74. 6. 1 De Peyster, F. Moral and Intellectual Influence of. 74. 6 Edwards, E. Free Town Libraries. 74. (> Green, S. S. Personal Intercourse between Librarians and Readers. 74. 6. 1 Public Libraries and Schools. 74. 6. 1 Guild, R. A. Librarian's Manual. 1858. 74. 6 Hunt, Dr. Monasteries and Libraries on Mt. Athos. 40. 7 125 •984 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Libraries — (Oontinued). Jewett, C. C. l!^otices of Public Libraries in U. S. 74. 6 Lesley, J. P. Classification of Books. 49. 3 Mass. Hist. Soc. The Whlte-Kennett Library. 9. 4 Mullins, J. D. Free Libraries and News Eooms. 74. 6 Public Libraries in the TJ. S. 74. 6 Statistics of Libraries in U. S. 1884-'5. 74. 14. 1 Wallace, J. W. Address to Congress of Librarians. 1876. 74. 6. 1 Winsor, Justin. Libraries in Boston. 9. 14 Wynne, J. Private Libraries of K. Y. City. 10. 12 See also, Catalogues, Library; Library Architecture, etc. Library Architecture. See Poole, W. F. Construction of, etc. 51. 14. 1 Eeport on the Progress of. 1882. 51. 14. 1 ILiBRARY Association, Congregational. See Congregational, etc. ILiBRARY Journal, Vol. 1-3. (1876-'78.) N. Y., etc. 74.6 Library of American Linguistics. See Shea, J. C, Editor. XiBRARY OF New England History. Nos. 2 and 3. (No. 1 wanting.) 15. 4 Lick Observatory, Mt. Hamilton, Cal. See Burnham, S. W. Eeport to the Trustees, 1880. 25. 6. 1 -Licking County, O. See Hervey, H. M. Hist. Sketches of the Presbyterian Churches (O. S.), in Licking Co., O. O^ewark, 1869. 8vo. 18. 10. 9 Hill, N. N., Jr. Hist. of. 18. 9 Smucker, Isaac. Centennial History. 18. 3. 1 Agricultural Society. Premium List, etc., 1873, ^76, ^78, '80-' 83. . 18.10.11 Pioneer Society. What has it Accomplished? 18. 3. 1 Pioneer Pamphlet. No. 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 (1869-73). 18. 3. 1 Soldiers' Monumental Association. List of Dead. 18. 3. 1 LiDDELL, Henry George, and Scott, Egbert. Greek-Eng- lish Lexicon. 4th ed. Oxford, 1855. 8vo. 34. 12 LiEBER, Francis. . Arguments of Secessionists. Letter to the Union Meeting in N. Y., Sept. 30, 1863. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. 30. 9 '^Civil Liberty and Self-government. Phila., 1859. 8vo. 57.3 ^Fragments of Political Science on Nationalism and Inter- Nationalism. N. Y., 1868. 8vo. 33. 7. a CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y. 985 LiEBER, Feancis — (Continued). Guerilla Parties Considered with Eeference to the Laws and Usages of War. N. Y., 1862. 8vo. 33. 3. 6 No Party Now, but All for Country. Address at the Meet- ing of the Loyal National League, N. Y., April 11, 1863. 12mo. 30. 4. 1 Plantations for Slave Labor the Death of the Yeomanry, n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 7. 5 Slavery, Plantations and the Yeomanry, n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 9 Two Lectures on the Constitution of the United States. Appended in Address on Secession. N. Y., 1861. 8vo. 30. 4. 5 Vocal Sounds of Laura Bridgman. No imprint. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 2.) 49.7 Washington and Napoleon. A Fragment. N. Y., 1864. 43. 14. 4 (Wiggles worth, E., and Bradford, T. G.) Encyclopedia Americana. Phila., 1847. 14 Vols. 83 LiEBEK, Oscar M. Vocabulary of the Catawba Language, with Some Remarks on its Grammar, Construction and Pronun- ciation. (S. C. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 2.) 15. 6 LiEBiG, Justus von. Animal Chemistry. Ed. by Wm. Greg- ory. 51. 11. 2 Familiar Letters on Chemistry. Ed. by John Gardiner. 49.1 Induction and Deduction. Discourse. (Smiths. Report, 1870.) 49.3 LiEBERKUHN, Samuel. History of our Lord Jesus Christ. Trans, into the Delaware Indian Language by David Zeis- berger. N. Y., 1821. 8vo. 15. 11.2 LiEBLEiN, J. Recherches sur la Chronologic Egyptienne d' apres les Listes Genealogiques. Christiaiiia, 1873. 8vo. 52. 12 Life. See Stevens, G. T. Life as a Physical Phenomenon. 51. 3. 1 Woodward, Ashbel. Life. Address, etc. 51. 4. 2 See "Vital Statistics." Liggett, J. T. Art Education in Michigan. Industrial Draw- ing. Boston, 1875. 8vo. 51. 3. 3 Light. See Barnard, F. A. P. Lectures on the Undulatory Theory, 49. 3 Davies, J. E. The Magnetic Rotary Polarization of Light. 19. 12. 1 986 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Light— (Continued). Tyndall, John. Kew Chemical Eeactions Produced by Light. 15.5 Eadiation. (Smiths. Eept., 1868.) - 49. 3 Lighthouses — of the U. S. See American Coasters' Nautical Almanac, for 1884, etc. 50. 3 Sweden. Beskrifning ofver Svenska Fyrarne. 83 Lightning. See Masterman, S. Observations on. 49. 3 Lightning Eods. See Claypole, E. W. The Chambers Eod. 19. 13 Henry, Joseph. Directions for Constructing. 49. 2 Limerick, Ireland. Diary of the Siege and Surrender of. Lon- don, 1692. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 10.) 40. 3 Limerick, Me. See Freeman, Chas. Account of. (Me. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1.) 7. 1 LiMPSFiELD, Surrey Co., England. See Heales, Alfred. Limpsfield Church. 35. 9 Lincoln, Abraham. Amnesty Proclamation and 3d Annual Message, read Dec. 9, 1863. ^o imprint. 8vo. 30. 4. 2 Letter to Gen. Joseph Hooker, Jan. 26, 1863. Phila., 1879. 8vo. 29. 1 Letters on Questions of National Policy. Boston, 1863. 12mo. 30. 11. 4 President Lincoln's Views. Letter on the Principles In- volved in the Valiandigham Case. Phila., 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 2 Testimony of the Framers of the Constitution, etc. Speech at N. Y., Feb. 27, 1860. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 4 See Abott, Abott A. Assassination and Death of. 43. 14. 1 Andrew, J. A., Gov. Message on the Death of. 43. 14. 1 Arnold, Isaac N. Life of Lincoln. 46.5 Eoyal Hist. Soc. Trans., Vol. 10. 35. 9 Assassination of Lincoln. Expressions of Condolence and Sympathy. Wash., 1867. 4to. 44.14 Bancroft, Geo. Oration, New York, April 25, 1865. 43. 14. 1 Same. Memorial Address before Congress, Feb. 12^ 1866. 44. 12 Bates, Edmund. Letter in Support of Lincoln. 33. 7. 4 Berlin-Dorotheen Church. Services Commemorative, etc. 43. 14. 1 Boston City Council, Bronze Group, Commemorating Eman- cipation. '43. 14. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 987 Lincoln, A^braham — (Continued). Boyd, Andrew, and Hart, C. H. Memorial Lincoln Bibli- ography. 42. 12 Bullock, A. H. Abraham Lincoln. An Address, etc. 43. 14. 1 Butler, H. E. Sermon on. Keeseville, N. Y., April 23, 1865. 43. 14. 1 Coddington, D. S. The Crisis and the Man. Address. 30. 4. 1 Coggeshall, W. T. Lincoln Memorial. 44. 12 Crosby, Frank. Life of Lincoln. 44. 12 Duane, R. B. Sermon in Providence, April 19, 1865. 43. 14. 1 Eddy, Richard. Three Sermons; Phila., April, June, 1865. 43. 14. 1 Ellis, C. M. Memorial Address at St. John, N. B. 43. 14. 1 Olaeser, Aug. Das Lincoln Monument. 60. 8 Guthrie, W. E. Oration on Lincoln. 43. 14. 1 Hall, Newman. Sermon, London, May 14, 1865. 43. 14. 1 Haven, Gilbert. Sermon. 30. 13 Holland, J. G, Eulogy, at Springfield, Mass., April 19, 1865. 43.14.1 Jefferson Davis and his Complicity in the Assassination of Lincoln. 43. 14. 1 Johnson, R. Illegality of Military Commissions. 60. 1 Jones, G. H. Funeral Sermon, Rockaway, N. J. 43. 14. 4 Krauth, C. P. Two Pageants. Discourse. 43. 14. 1 Lamon, W. H. Life of Lincoln. 44. 12 Lincoln, Solomon. Genealogy of Lincoln Family. 46.3 Lowell, J. R. The President's Policy. Essay. 30. 4. 2 Martyr's Monument, The. His Speeches, Messages, etc. 44. 12 Mayo, A. D. The !N"ation's Sacrifice. Two Discourses. 43. 14. 1 Morgan, W. F. Joy Darkened. Sermon. 43. 14. 1 Morris, B. F. Memorial Record. 44. 12 Myers, Leonard. Memorial Address. 60. 1 Nason, Elias. Eulogy on Lincoln. 43. 14. 1 Newell, R. H. Martyr President. Poem. 43. 14. 1 N. Y. Common Council. Obsequies of Lincoln. 44. 12 Our Martyr President. Voices from the Pulpit. 44. 12 Patterson, A. J. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln. 43. 14. 1 988 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lincoln, Abraham— (Continued). Philadelphia Union League. Abraham Lincoln, etc. 43.14.1 Same. Will of the People. Policy of Lincoln. 43. 14. 1 Proceedings Eegarding the Assassination. 43. 14. 1 Poetical Tributes to the Memory of. 44. 12 Eaymond, H. J. Life and Public Services of. 44. 12 Salem, Mass. City Council. Order of Exercises. 43.14.1 Sample, E. F. The Curtained Throne. Sermon. 43. 14. 1 Sermons in Boston on Death of Lincoln. 44. 12 Steiner, L. H. Abraham Lincoln. Address. 43. 14. 1 Stoddard, E. H. Abraham Lincoln; An Horatian Ode. 43. 14. 1 Stone, A. L. Discourse on Death of. 43. 14. 1 Sturz, I. I. Eeden Gehalter bei der Berliner, etc. 43. 14. 3 Sumner, Chas. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln. 43. 14. 1 Swain, Leonard. Sermon on the Assassination of Lincoln. 43. 14. 1 Tappan, H. P. Discourse in the Dorotheen Church, Berlin. 43. 14. 1 Terrible Tragedy. Assassination of Lincoln. 43. 14. 1 Thayer, W. M. Character and Public Services of Lincoln. 43. 14. 1 Trial of Lincoln, by the Great Statesmen of the Eepublic. 43. 14. 1 Tributes to the Memory of. Facsimiles, etc. 95. 20 Tuttle, J. F. Memorial*Address. 43. 6. O Walden, T. The l!^ational Sacrifice. Sermon. 43. 14. 1 Washburne, E. B. Abraham Lincoln; His Personal History^ etc. 43. 14. 1 Washington, D. C. Meeting of Ministers of All Denomina- tions, etc. 43. 14. 1 Workingmen^s Eeasons for the Ee-election of Lincoln. 30. 4. 2 Lincoln, Benjamin (Gen. in Eev. War). See Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. 44. 6 Lincoln, Elizabeth, Countess of. Her Nursery. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 3.) 40.3 Lincoln, Enoch (Gov. of Me.). MS. Papers Eelating to Indian Antiquities and Historical Annals of Maine. (Me. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1.) 7. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 989 Lincoln, Frederic W., Jr. Inaugural Address, as Mayor of Boston, 1863-'65. Boston, 1863-'65. 8vo. 8. 9 Lincoln, Hose a H. School Discipline; Its Objects and Meth- ods. An Address, etc. Boston, 1867. 12mo. 56. 9. 6 Lincoln, John L. Discourse Commemorative of Alexis Cas- well, Delivered at Brown University, June 19, 1877. Prov- idence, 1877. 8vo. 43. 6. C. 1 Lincoln, William. Address before the American Antiquarian Society, Oct. 23, 1835, on C. C. Baldwin. Worcester, 1835. 8vo. 9. a History of Worcester, Mass., to 1836. Worcester, 1862. 8vo. 9.6 Lincoln, William H. The Indian Question. Report of the Committee appointed by John D. Long, Gov. of Mass. Boston, 1880. 8vo. * 15. 11. 4 Lincoln, Wm. S. Alton Trials; of Winthrop S. Oilman, and Others, for Riot, 7th Nov., 1837. N. Y., 1838. 12mo. 18. 5 Lincoln, Mass. See Shattuck, Lemuel. History of Concord^ etc. Boston, 1835. 8vo. 8. 2 Lincolnshire, Eno. Topographical Society. Selection of Pa- pers Relative to the County of Lincoln. Read before the Society, 1841-'42. Lincoln, 1843. 4to. 35. 10 Lind, Jonathan. Answer to the Declaration of the American Congress. 5th ed. London, 1776. 8vo. v^Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 28, Ko. 4.) 14. 8 Lind University, Chicago, III. Medical Dept. Announce- ment, 1862-'63. Chicago, 1862. 8vo. 51. 4. 3 LiNDANUS, OR Linda, William Damasus. Tabulae grassantium passium haereseon anasceuasticae, etc. Antwerp, 1562. . 16mo. 56. 2 LiNDER, Usher F. Reminiscences of the Early Bench and Bar of Illinois. Chicago, 1879. 12mo. 45.3 Lindsay, Robert B., (Gov. of Ala.). Message, 1871. 60.1 Lindsey, Charles. Life and Times of Wm. Lyon Mackenzie. With an Account of the Canadian Rebellion of 1837. Phil.^ 1862. 8vo. 2 Vols. 43.2 LiNDSLEY, John Berrian. Appeal in Behalf of the University of Nashville, June 12, 1856. Nashville, 1856. 8vo. 18. 14. 2 On Prison Discipline and Penal Legislation; with Special Reference to the State of Tennessee. Nashville, 1874. 8vo. 57. 12. 1 990 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. LiNDSLEY, Philip. Speech about Colleges, Delivered in Nash- ville, on Commencement Day, Oct. 4, 1848. Nashville, 1848. 8vo. 56. 9. 2 LiNGAKD, John. History of England, to 1688. London, 1855. 8vo. 10 Vols. 35. 10 Philosophic and Practical Inquiry into the Nature and Con- stitution of Timber. London, 1820. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 16.) 53. 5 Reply to the Observations of the Edinburgh Review on his Anglo-Saxon Antiquities. London, 1816. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 7.) 53. 5 LiNGENFELTER, L. History of Fremont Co., Iowa. Sidney, Iowa, 1876. 24mo. 19. 13. 4 Linn, E. A., and Saegent, N. Life and Public Services of Dr. Lewis F. Linn, for 10 Years Senator from Missouri. N. Y., 1857. 8vo. 43. 3 Linn, John Blair. Annals of Buffalo Valley, Pa. (1755-1855.) Harrisburg, Pa., 1877. 8vo. 11.11 Sunday Schools in Albany. See Townsend, A. 10. 6. 12 (Editor.) Pennsylvania Archives. See Pennsylvania. 11. 3 Linn, Lewis Fields. See Linn, E. A., and Sargent, N. Life. 43.3. Linn County, Iowa. See Snyder, F. History of Linn Co. (Annals of Iowa, Vol. 8.) 19. 6 LiNSCHOOTEN, OR LiNSCHOTEN, Jan Hugo VAN. Voyage to Goa, and Observations on the East Indies, abridged. (See Harris, John. Navigantium, Vol. 1.) 94.10 LiNSLEY, J. Berrien. On Medical Colleges. Lecture in the University of Nashville. Nashville, 1858. 8vo. 51. 4. 3 LiNTNER, G. A. Early History of the Lutheran Church in the State of New York. Discourse before the Hartwick Sy- nod in Richmondville, Sept. 21, 1867. n. p. 1867. 8vo. 10. 6. 11 Historical Discourse before the Schoharie County Bible Society, in Schoharie, Oct. 6, 1863. Albany, 1863. 8vo. 10. 14. 3 Lippincott's Dictionary of Biography and Mythology. See Thoma^s, J. 43. 13 Lisle, de. See De Lisle. List of those that have been Executed for the Late Eebellion in Virginia, by Sir Wm. Berkelej^, Governor. Wash., 1835. 8vo. (Force's Tracts, Vol. 1.) 14.12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 991 XiiSTOE, SoREX. Staaten Minnesota i Nordamerika. u. p. 1870. 8vo. 22. 12. 6 Litchfield, Minn. Ceremonies at the Unveiling of the Acton Monument, in Memory of the Victims of the Indian Mas- sacre, Aug. 17, 1862, held at Kess Church, Sept. 13, 1878. Speech by Gov. Ramsey, etc. (Newspaper Cutting.) 22. 5. 6 Litchfield Co., Conn. Centennial Celebration at Litchfield, Conn., 13th and 14th Aug., 1851. Hartford, 1851. 8vo. 7. 5 Literary Examiner and Western Monthly Review. Vol. 1,1839. Pittsburg, Pa., 1839. 8vo. 53.14 Literary Magnet. Vols. 1-4. (1826-'29.) London, 1829. 8vo. 74. 5 Literary Property. Address to Parliament on the Claims of Authors to their own Copy-right. {Anon.') 1813. (Pam- phleteer, Vol. 2.) " 53. 5 Baird, H. C. Duty on Books. 60. 2 Carey, H. C. International Copyright Question. 60. 8 Case Stated between the Libraries and the Book Sellers, 1813. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 2.) 53. 5 Christian, E. Vindication of the Right of the Universities of Great Britain to a Copy of Every I^ew Publication. 53. 6 International Copyright with Great Britain, n. t. p. 60. 2 Talfourd, T. X. S-)eech on Literary Property, 1837. 53. 6 Literature. See Channing, W. E. Remarks on Xational Lit- erature. (Works, Vol. 1.) 44.1 Fabre, Hector. Canadian Literature. 20. 9. 8 Greeley, Horace. Literature as a Vocation, (Recollections.) 43.9 Hallam, H. Introduction to the Literature of Europe. 42.16 Handbuch der Italianischer Sprache und Litteratur. 52.12 Henry, Thomas. Consistency of Literature, etc., with Com- merce. . 35. 8 Lemoine, J. M. On the History of Literature. 20. 9. 8 Merriam, C. L. Obscure Literature. Speech. 57. 10. 1 Ripley, George, and Taylor, J. B. Cyclopedia of Literature. 34.8 Taine, H. A, History of English Literature. 74. 9 126 992 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Literature — (Continued). Tiniperley, C. H. Diet, of Printers and Printing. 34. 12: Turner, Sharon. Literary History of England. 38. 2 Tyler, M. C. History of American Literature. 74. 10 Whipple, E. P. Century of American Literature. 14. 10 White, Charles. Essays on Literature and Ethics. 74. 2 See American Literature; Authors: Canadian Literature^ PoetS] etc. LiTiz, Pa. Linden Hall Moravian Seminary for Young Ladies. Catalogue. Lancaster, Pa., 1869. 8vo. 11. 6. 7 Little, Eliakim. Memoir of. (K. J. Hist. Soc. Proc, Vol. 7.) 10. 8. 1 LiTTELL, John. Family Eecords; or, Genealogies of the First Settlers of Passaic Valley, N. J., above Chatham. Felt- ville, N. J., 1851. 8vo. 57.4 Little, George T. Descendants of George Little, Who Came^ to Newbury, Mass., in 1640. Cambridge, 1877. 16mo. 47.4 Second Edition do. Enlarged. 8vo. 1882. 47. 4 Little, William. History of Warren, N. H. Manchester, N. H., 1870. 8vo. 7. 3 Little Family. See Little, Geo. T. (Two Editions.) 47. 4 Little Britain, N. Y. Centennial Memorial of the Associated Eeformed Presbyterian Church, etc. Ed. by A. C. Niven. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. 16. 14 LiTTLEJOHN, W. H. The Coming Conflict. Battle Creek, Mich., 1883. 8vo. 56. 10 Littleton, Mass., Lyceum. Proceedings on the 50th Anni- versary, Dec. 23, 1879. Boston, Mass., 1881. 8vo. 8. 4. 4 School Committee. Report, 1867-8. 9. 8. 6 LiTTRE, Maximilien Paul Emile. Dictionnaire de la Langue Francaise. 5 Vols. 4to. Paris, 1863-69. 25. 9 LiVERMORE, Rev. Ariel Abbot. The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints; a Discourse Delivered at the Dedication of the Unitarian Meeting-house in Winsor, Vt., Dec. 9, 1846. Boston, 1847. 8vo. 56. 7. 1 War with Mexico, Reviewed. Boston, 1850. 12mo. 14. 11 LiVERMORE, George. Historical Research Respecting the Opinions of the Founders of the Republic on Negroes as Slaves, as Citizens, and as Soldiers. Boston, 1863. 8vo. 30. 14 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 993 LiVERMORE, George — (Continued). Opinions of the Early Presidents upon Slavery and Soldiers. K Y., 1863. 8vo. 30! 9 LiVERMORE, S. T. Condensed History of Cooperstown, N. Y., with a Biographical Sketch of J. Fenimore Cooper. Albany, 1862. 18mo. LiVERMORE, Cal. Scmitropical Livermore, Alameda Co., Cal. Livermore, 1887. 8vo. 20. 14. 1 LiVERMORE, Me. Notes, Historical, Descriptive and Personal, of Livermore, in Androscoggin (formerly Oxford) County, Maine. Portland, 1874. 8vo. 7. 8 Liverpool, Earl of. See Jenkinson, Charles. Liveryman's Eeply to Sir Crisp Gascoigne's Address, Etc. Anon, London, 1754. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 3.) 14.8 LiVERE DE Eeis de Brittanie, e le Livere de Eeis de Eng- LETERRE. Ed. by John Glover. London, 1865. 8vo. 40. 14 LiVESEY, EiCHARD, Editor. Prisoners of 1776. See Herbert, Charles. 14. 2 Livingston, Edward. See Hunt, C. H. Life of. 44. 6 Livingston, Philip. Other Side of the Question. Defence of the Liberties of North America. Answer to a Late Friendly Address to all Eeasonable Americans, etc. [by Myles Cooper]. New York, 1774. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 17, No. 2.) 14. 1 Livingston, Wm. See Sedgwick, Theo., Jr. Memoir of. 43. 2 Livingston County, N. Y. Historical Society. Fifth Annual Meeting, Jan. 11, 1881. Dansville, N. Y., 1881. 8vo. 10. IL 2 Livingston County, Mo. History of Caldwell and Livingston Counties, Mo. St. Louis, 1886. 8yo. 95. 7 Livingston Manor. Papers Eelating to the Manor of Living- ston. Including the First Settlement of Schoharie, etc. (O'Callaghan, E. B. Doc. Hist, of N. Y., Vol. 3.) 10. 14 Llandaff, Bp. of. See March, H. Van Mildert, Wm. Wat- son, Eiche. Llorente, Don Juan Antonio. History of the Inquisition of Spain, to the Eeign of Ferdinand VII. Abridged. Phila., 1843. 8vo. 40.9 Lloyd, A. P. Genealogy. Family of Aaron and Sarah Brad- ford, of Guilford. Conn. Hartford, Conn., 1879. 4to. 47.1 994 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lloyd, Clinton. Great Lesson of the War. Lecture before the Soldiers' and Sailors' National Union League, Wash- * ington, Nov. 14, 1865. Wash., n. d. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 25, No. 6.) 60. 8 LoBscHiED, W. A Chinese and English Dictionary. Hong Kong, 1871. 4to. 42. 5 Locke, Calvin S. , Eev. Stearns, O. Sermon at Ordination of, at Dedham, Dec. 6, 1854. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 56. 7. 8 Locke, E. W. Three Years in Camp and Hospital. [Kebellion.] Boston, 1870. 8vo. 30. 10 Locke, John (English Philosopher). First Set of the Funda- mental Constitutions of South Carolina. (Carroll, B. E. Hist. Coll. of S. C, 1836. 8vo. Vol. 2, p. 361.) 15. J3 Locke, John, (American Scientist.) Observations on Terres- trial Magnetism. No impt. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 3.) 49. 7 Locke, John Goodwin. Book of the Lockes. Genealogical and Historical Eecord. Boston, 1853. 8vo. 47. 10 The Munroe Genealogy. Boston, 1853. 8vo. 25. 7. 12 LocB^, John L. Sketches of the History of the Town of Cam- den, Me., [to 1858.] Hallowell, 1859. 12mo. 7. 1 Locke, N. C. "Watch, Therefore." Discourse on the Death of Mrs. Margaretta Willoughby, Jan. 28, 1849. N. Y., 1849. 8vo. 43. 7. W. 1 Locke Family. See Locke, J. G. 47. 10 LocKHAKT, John Gibson. Marti neau, Harriet. Life of. 43. 1 Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. Phila., 1837-'38. 8vo. 2 Vols. 43. 10 LocKWOOD, Belva a. Eight of Women to Vote, Guaranteed by the Constitution. Memorial to U. S. Senate, Jan. 23, 1871. Wash., 1871. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 28, No. 18.) 60. 8 LocKWOOD, D. W. Eeconnaissance Through Nevada, 1869. See Wheeler, G. M. 50. 3 LocKYER, J. NoKMAN. Star-gaziug, Past and Present. London, 1878. 8vo. 51. 2 Locust. Dawson, G. M. Appearance and Migration, etc., in Manitoba, etc. 49. 5. 4 Notes on the Invasion of, etc. 20. 5. 3 Hamilton, J. C. The Grasshopper Plague, etc. 20. 4 Eeports of Observations on the Eocky Mountain Locust. Wash., 1883. 8vo. (TJ. S. Dept. of Agr., Division of Entomology, Bulletin No. 2.) 49. 5. 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 995 Locust — (Continued). Eocky Mountain Locust. Eeport of a Conference of Govern- ors, at Omaha, Oct., 1876, to Consider the Locust Prob- lem, etc. 22. 10. 1 Smiths. Inst. Circular in Reference to the . History of I^. , Amer. Grasshoppers, n. t. p. 8vo. - (Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 2.) 49. 2 Taylor, J. W. The Grasshopper Plague, etc. 20. 5. 1 U. S. Entomological Commission. Bulletin Nos. 1, 2. Wash., 1877. 8vo. 49. 5. 4 Report Relating to the Rocky Mountain Locust, and Western Cricket, 1877, '79. Wash., 1878, '80. 8vo. 2 Vols. . 49. 11 Whitman, Allen. Report upon the Rocky Mountain Locust, as it Appeared, etc., in 1876. 22. 3 Same. St. Paul, 1877. 49. 5. 4 See also. Grasshopper. Lodge, Edmund. Peerage of the British Empire, as at Present Existing. Added, the Baronetage. 13th Edit. London, 1844. 8vo. 46. 7 Lodge, Henry Cabot. Wm. Cobbett. Review of Edward Smith's Biog. of Cobbett, 1878. 43. 6. C. 2 LOEW, H. Monographs of the Diptera of North America. Ed. by R. Osten-Sacken. Pt. 1-4. Wash., 1862-'63. 4 Vols. (Smith's Misc. Coll., Vols. 6, 8, 11.) 49. 2 Logan, (Indian Chief.) American Pioneer, Vol. 1, pp. 1-24. [Logan, the Mingo Chief.] 18. 9 Jefferson, Thomas.. Appendix Relative to the Murder of Logan's Family. 44.01 Mayer, Brantz. Tah-gah-jute; or, Logan and Cresap. An Historical Essay. 15. 4 Strickland, W. P. Logan the Mingo Chief. (In his Pioneers, etc.) 19. 1 Logan, James. Correspondence between William Penn and James Logan. Phila., 1870-72. 8vo. 2 Vols. (Phila. Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Vols. 9, 10.) 11. 10 Logan, John A. Speech on Reconstruction, in the U. S. H. R., July 12, 1867. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 2 Belligerency of Cuba. Speech, H. R., Feb. 14, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. 52. 3. 1 Finance — Currency. Speech in the U. S. Senate, March 17, 1874, in Reply to Senator [Carl] Schurz. Wash., 1874. Sni 8vo. See Schurz, C:iil. The Currency, etc. 33. 7. 9 996 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Logan, John A. — (Continued). Fitz-John Porter. Speech, U. S. Senate, March 13, 1884. Wash., 1884. 8vo. 30. 11. 2 Independence of Cuba. Speech, H. E., June 15, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 38, No. 24.) 60.2 Eeduction of the Army. Speech, H. E., March 10, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 39, No. 11.) 60.2 Eelations between the Senate and Executive Departments. Speech, Senate, March 26, 1886. Wash., 1886. 8vo. 33. 7. 5 Eemoval of the Capital. Speech, H. E., Jan. 22, 1870. Wash., 1870. 8vo. 33. 7.1 Self-Government in Louisiana. Speech, TJ. S. Senate, Jan. 13-14, 1875. Wash., 1875. 8vo. 15. 7. 1 Speech in Senate of U. S., April 11, 1872. [North Carolina Senatorship.] Wash., 1872. 8vo. 15. 6. 1 Tenure of Office. Speech, H. E., Jan. 8, 1869. Wash., 1869. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 29, No. 50.) 60. 2 The Currency — Specie Payments. Speech, U. S. Senate, • Jan. 19, 1874. Wash., 1874. 8vo. 33. 7. 7 Logan, Sir William Edmond. (Canadian Geologist.) Memoir of. Canadian Geol. Survey, Eeport of Progress, 1875-76. Montreal, 1877. 8vo. 51.6 And Others. Geology of Canada. Montreal, etc., 1863-66. 8vo. 2 Vols. (Canada Geological Survey.) 51. 6 Logan County, Ohio. Antrim, Joshua. History of Cham- paign and Logan Counties. 18. 8 Logan [O.] Historical Society. American Pioneer, a Monthly Periodical Devoted to the Objects of the Logan Historical Society. Vol. 1, 2, 1843-45. 8vo. 2 Vols. Cinn., O., 1843-44. 18. 9 LoGANiAN Library, Philadelphia. See Philadelphia. LoGANSPORT, Ind. Presbyterian Church. Post, M. M. Ee- trospect, etc. Discourse. 18. 11. 4 Logic. Coppee, Henry. Elements of. 91. 8 Jamieson, Alex. Grammar of. 74. 2 LoGUEN, Jermain AV., [Eev.] As a Slave, and as a Freeman. Syracuse, 1859. 30. 13 Lombard, C. W. History of the Third Eegiment Minn. Vol. Infantry. Faribault, 1869. 8vo. 22. 5. 2 London, Eng. Armytage, Geo. J. Marriage Licenses Issued, 1520-1610. 2 Vols. 25.12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 997 XoNDON, Eng. — (Continued). Dialogue between the Cities of London and Paris. London, 1701. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 10, p. 494.) 40. 3 Elementary Education in. See Education. Fleay, F. G. History of Theatres in, [1576-1642.] (Eoyal Hist. Soc. Trans., Vol. 10, p. 114.) 32. 4 Full and True Accojnnt of a Most Dreadful and Astonishing Fire which Happened at Whitehall, London, 1698. (Har- leian Misc., Vol. 10, p. 359.) 40. 3 Inquiry into the Legal Mode of Suppressing Eiots, with a Constitutional Plan of Future Defense. {Anoyi.) London, 1780. 8vo. (Eev. War Pamph., Vol. 23, No. 1.) 14. 1 Kelly, Fred. Post Office London Directory, 1874. 34. 3 Mayhew, Henry. London Labour, and London Poor. 3 Vols. 40.2 Munimenta Gildhallse Londoniensis; Liber Albus, Liber Custuraarum, et Liber Horn. Ed. by H. T. Eiley. Lon- don, 1859-62. 8vo. 3 Vols, in 4. 40. 5 Observations upon the Burning of London, Sept., 1666. By Eege Sincera. London, 1667. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 7, p. 324.) 40.3 Scott, Benjamin. Statistical Vindication of the City of. 35.8 Seasonable Advice for Preventing Fire. Ordered Printed by the Lord Mayor of, 1643. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 5, p. 346.) 40.3 Vincent, William. Plain and Succinct Narrative of Eiots, etc., in the Cities of. 3d Edit., etc. 14. 1 (Institutions.) American Exhibition, 1886. Correspond- ence, etc., Eelative to a Proposed Exhibition in 1886. London, 1884. 8vo. 52. 13. 1 British Museum. Mchols, T. Handy-book of the. 35. 2 Sheppard, J. H. Sketch of the. 46. 3 Chronicle, Vol. 1-12, 1757-1762. London, 1757-'62. 4to. 12 Vols. V. 86. 7 Committee of Manufactures, etc. Origin, Object and Oper- ation of the Apprentice System. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 3, p. 217.) 53. 5 Corporation of Foreign Bondholders. Eeport, 1874-^75. London, 1875-'76. 8vo. 52. 10.2 •Crystal Palace Guide. London, 1872. 16mo. 52. 13. 3 -Directory. Webster, A. Eoyal Eed Book, etc. 46. 1 998 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. London, Eng. — (Continued). Exhibition of 1851. Lecture^ on the Progress in Arts, and Sciences, Eesulting from the, etc. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. 74. 2 Exhibition of 1862. Wisconsin Commissioner, Reports. Madison, 1869. 8vo. 52. 13. 3 Exhibition of 1872-3. Catalogue Qf the Victorian Exhibi- tion, n. t. p. 8vo. 52. 13. 4 Official Catalogue. Melbourne, 1873. 8vo. Bd. w. above. • 52. 13. 4 Gazette, 1665-1713. London, 1665-1713. fo. n. t. p. V. 86. 1 and 7 Illustrated News. (See Illustrated.) V. 86, 4, 5, and 10. 11 International Congress for the Prevention of Crime. Pre- liminary Report of Commissioner [E. C. Wines], 187 L Washington, 1872. 8vo. - 57. 13 Report, 1872. By E. C. Wines. Wash., 1873. 8vo. 57. 13 International Exhibition, 1872-'73. Essays Ko. 1-9, Relat- ing to Victoria. Melbourne, 1873. 8vo. 52. 13. 4 Female Anti-Slavery Society. Vindication of Female Anti- Slavery Associations, n. t. p. Sm. 8vo. 30. 7. 3 Fish Association. Report of Committee, 1813-'14. (Pam- phleteer, Vols. 1, 2.) 53.5 Free-Trade Association. Address to the American Free- Trade League. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 18, No. 8.) 60.8 Guardian Society. Address to the. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 11.) 53.5 Royal Society. Alexander, C. A. Origin, etc., of the. 49.3 Tower. Dixon, W. H. Her Majesty's Tower. 35.9 Harman, A. Sketches of the. 52. 10. 4 Westminster Abbey. Chester, J. L., Editor. Marriage, Baptismal, and Burial Registers of the Collegiate Church, etc. 46. 6 Londonderry, N. H. See' Parker, E. L. The History of, etc. 7. 4 LoNGr, Charles. Temperate Discussion of the Causes of the High Price of Bread. 2d edit. London, 1817. (Pam- phleteer, Vol. 10.) 53. 5 Long, Enoch. Reid, H. Biog. Sketch of, etc. 18. 12 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY, 99^ Long, George. The Decline of the Eomaa Eepublic. 5 Vols. London, 1864. 8vo. 42. la Long, Izaak C. Kabinet, etc. See Brouerius van Nidek. Mattheus. 52. 12 Long, J. Voyages and Travels of an Indian Trader, Describing the N. Amer. Indians. London, 1791. 4to. 20. 13- Long, John Davis. Oration, in Boston, July 4, 1882. Boston,. 1882. 8v<). 8. 9. G- Long, John Dixon. Pictures of Slavery in Church and State. 3d edit. Phila., 1857. 12mo. 80. & Long, M. Historical Sketches of the Town of Warner, N. H. {^. H. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 3, p. 179.) Concord, 1832. 8vo, 7.3- Long, Col. Stephen Harriman. Account of an Expedition from Pittsburg to the Eocky Mts., 1819-20. Compiled by Edwin James. Phila., 1823. 8vo. 2 Vols. (U. S. Dept. of War.) 19.2 Keating, W. H. Narrative of an Expedition to the Sources of St. Peter's Eiver, Lake Winnipeek, Lake of the Woods, etc., 1823, under Command of, etc. 22. 2 Voyage in a Six-Oared Skiff, etc. 22. 10 And. McNeill, Wm. Gibbs. Narrative of the Proceedings- of the Board of Engineers of the Baltimore & Ohio E, E. Co. Bait., 1830. 8vo. 2 Vols. (Bd. w. B. «& O. E. E. Eeport of Engrs., 1828. 8vo.) 72. 12 LoNGCHAMP, William, Bp. of Ely. Sketch of. (See Gr. Brit. Pub. Eec. Office. Eotuli Curiae Eegis. Intr., Vol. 1.) 35. 11 Longevity. See Worcester, J. E. Longevity in the U. S. 25. 6. 3 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Anderson, W. J. "Evan- geline," and "The Archives of Nova Scotia." 20.9. 8 Bradlee, C. D. [Poem.] In Memoriam. (Slip.) 43. 13. L Courtship of Miles Standish, and Birds of Passage. Boston^ 1869. Sm. 12mo. 74. 4 Duyckinck, E. A. Biog. Sketch. 44. 6 Life of. (McCabe, J..D. Great Fortunes. 1871.) 43. 12 Poems. 74. 2 LoNGFiELD, M. Tenure of Land in Ireland. (Probyn, J. W. Systems of Land Tenure, etc. 8vo. pp. 1-79.) 45.2 Long Island. Bayles, E. M. Sketches of Suffolk Co., etc. 10. 9 127 1000 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Long Island — (Continued). Dwight, Timothy. Journey to, in 1804. 33. 5 JFernow, B. Documents Eelating to Early Settlements, etc. 60.2 Field, T. W. The Battle of, etc. 10. 11 Papers Eelating to, etc., 1645-^64. (O'Callaghan, E. B. Doc. Hist, of N. Y., Vol. 1, p. 251.) 10. 14 Prime, 1^. S. History of. [1625-1845.] 10. 9 Hate Lists of. [1675-'76 and '83.] (O'Callaghan, E. B. Doc. Hist, of N. Y., Vol. 2, p. 251.) 10.14 Historical Society. By-Laws and Certificate of Incorpora- tion. Brooklyn, 1863. 8vo. (Bd. w. Reports of Sec.) 10.11 Circular, n. t. p. 8vo. 10. 11. 1 Hall, C. H. The Dutch and the Iroquois. 10. 11. 1 List of Recent Additions to Library of, 1881. 74. 13. 1 Memoirs, Vols. 1, 2. Brooklyn, 1867-' 69. 8vo. 10.11 Proceedings, 1882-'83, with Report of Directors. Brooklyn, 1882-' 83. 8vo. 10.11.1 Report, 1864-'69, '77, '78. Brooklyn, 1864-'69, '77,'78, '80. 10. 11. & 10. 11. 1 Report of Building Committee, May 16, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. 10.. 11. 1 'The Model ]^ew Building of the Society. From the Brooklyn "Eagle," Nov. 3, 1880. (n. p. cut.) 10. 11. 1 Longitude. Daintry, Valentine. Investigations of the Rules, etc., for Ascertaining the. (^Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Trans., Vol. 4, Pt. 1, p. 11.) 20. 9. 7 Eastman. J. R. Difference of, between Detroit and Carlin and Austin, Nev. 50. 1. 1 Difference of, between U. S. Naval Observatory and the Sayre Observatory of Lehigh University. 50. 1. 1 Difference of, between Washington and Ogden, Utah. 50. 1. 1 Fletcher, Judge. On the Different Modes of Reducing the Apparent Distance between the Moon and Sun; or a Star, in Lunar Observations, to the True Distance, etc., for As- certaining the. (Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Trans., Vol. 4, Pt. 1, pp. 1-10.) 20. 9. 7 ■ Gould, B. A. On the Transatlantic. 49. 7 Harkness, Wm. Difference of, between Washington and St. Louis. 50. 1. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 1001 LoNGLEY, John. Observations on Trial by Jury, 1812. (Pam- phleteer, Vol. 5.) 53. 5 LoNGMEADOW, MASS. Proceedings at the Centennial Celebra- tion, Oct. 7, 1883; With Historical Appendices and Town Genealogy. Longmeadow, 1884. 8vo. 15. 6 LoNGWORTH, Nicholas. Life of. (McCabe, J. D. Great For- tunes. 1871.) 43. 12 Looking-Glass fok the Times. [Poem.] Folger, Peleg. 8. 7. 6 LooMis, Eli AS. Descendants, by the Female Branches, of Jo. seph Loomis, who Settled in Windsor, Conn., 1639. New Haven, 1880. 8vo. 2 Vols. 47. 10 Descendants of Joseph Loomis, who Settled in Windsor, Conn., 1639. New Haven, 1870. 8vo. 47. 10 On Certain Storms, in Europe and Ameri(ia, Dec, 1836. No imprint. (Smiths. Contrib., Vol. 11.) ^ 49. 7 Loomis, John S. Speech on the Northern Pacific Eailroad, at Demilt Hall, N. Y., April 11, 1871. (Newsp. cut.) (N. P. E. E., Vol. 2, No. 15.) 22.4 Loomis Family. See Loomis, Elias. 47. 10 Lord, Daniel. Effects of Secession upon the Commercial Ee- lations between the North and South, and upon Each Sec- tion. 2d edit. N. Y., 1861. 12mo. 30. 4. 1 Lord, Eliot. Comstock Mining and Miners. Wash., 1883. 4to. (U. S. Geol. Surv. Monographs, No. 4.) 50.2 Lord, John. Address before the Peace Society of Amherst Col- lege, July 4, 1839. Amherst, 1839. 8vo. (Misc. Pamph., Vol. 1, No. 8.) 52. 12 Lord, John C. Address. Preachers, Pedagogues and Poets of Buffalo, in 1825. (Buffalo Hist. Soc. Publications, Vol. 1.) 10.5 Lord, Otis P. Hon. Asahel Huntington. Memorial Address before the Essex Institute, Sept. 5, 1871. Salem, Mass., 1872. 8vo. 43. 13. H. 2 Lord, Wm. Blair, and Brown, David W. The Debates and Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of Michigan, at Lansing, May, 1867. 2 Vols. Lansing, 1867. 4to. 85. 17 Lord's Supper. Abbadie Jacques. Chemical Change in the Eucharist. In Four Letters, Shewing the Eelations of Faith to Sense. Trans, by J. W. Hamen^ley. London, n. eU Sm. 4to. 56. 10 1002 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. LoREDANO, Leonardo (Doge of Venice). Navagero, Andrea. Funeral Oration, at Venice, on the Death of Loredano. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 12.) 53. 5 LoRiNG, Am AS A. History of Pisquataquis County, Maine, to 1880. Portland, 1880. 8vo. 7. 1 LoRiNa, Charles Greeley. England's Liability for Indem- nity: Eemarks on the Letter of ''Historicus" [William George Granville Vernon Harcourt], Nov. 4, 1863. Print- ed in the London ^'Times." Boston, 1864. 8vo. 30. il. 3 Neutral Eelations of England and the United States. Bos- ton, 1863. 8vo. (Bound with Correspondence, etc.) 30.9 Eeconstruction. Claims of the Inhabitants of the States Engaged in the Rebellion to Restoration of Political Rights and Privileges under the Constitution. Boston, 1866. 8vo. 30.9 And Field, E. W. Correspondence on the Present Relations between Great Britain and the United States. Boston, 1862. 8vo. 30. 9 LoRiNG, F. W., AND Atkinson, C. F. Cotton Culture and the South, Considered with Reference to Emigration. Boston, 1869. 8vo. 72. 9 LoRiNG, Hon. George B. The Cobden Club, and the American Farmer. Address at the Opening of the 17th Annual Fair, held at Worcester, Mass., Sept. 7-10, 1880. n. t. p. 8vo. 57. 2. 2 Speech on the Museum of Comparative Zoology, March 26, 1873. Boston, 1873. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 17.) 9.2 LoRiNG, James Spear. Hundred Boston. Orators, Appointed by the Municipal Authorities, and other Public Bodies, 1770-1852. 4th edit. Boston and Cleveland, 1855. 12mo. 43. 5 LoRNE, Marquis of. See Sutherland, John George Edward Henry Douglas. 20. 10 Lorraine, E. Central Water Line from the Ohio River to the Virginia Capes, Connecting the Kanawha and James Rivers. 2d edit. Richmond, Va., 1869. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 36, No. 9.) 60. 2 Same. (Another copy.) 15. 12. 6 Los ANGELES, Cal. See Browning, J. W. Guide Book for Tourists and Strangers. 20. 14. 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 1003 t Los Angeles, Cal. — (Continued). Catalogue of the University of Southern California, 1884-'85. Los Angeles, 1885. 8vo. 22. 12. 2 See Davies, J. M. Resources, Climate, Progress, etc. 20. 14. 6 Centinela Land Co. Notice, n. t. p. 8vo. 20. 14. 3 County, Cal. See Widney, J. P. Historical Sketches of, etc."^ 20.14.6 LossiNG, Benson John, Editor. American Historical Record. Vol. 1-3. Phila., 1872-'74. 4to. 3 Vols. 53.7 Eminent Americans. K Y., 1857. 12mo. 44. 14 Hull's Surrender of Detroit. [1812.] Phila., n. d. 8vo. 18. 4. 2 Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Phila., 1870. 8vo. 45. 3 Memoir of Lieut. -Col. John T. Greble, of the U. S. Army. Phila., 1870. 8vo. 44.7 Mount Vernon and its Associations, Historical, Biographi- cal and Pictorial. K Y., 1859. 8vo. 32. 11 Our Country. A Household History for all Readers, from the Discovery of America to the present Time. 3 Vols. K Y., 1877. 4to. 16. 7 Outline History of the United States. [To 1875.] K Y., 1875. 16mo. 14. 13 Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution. 14. 3 Pictorial Field Book of the War of 1812. :N'. Y., 1869. L 8vo. 14. 4 Pictorial History of the Civil War in the United States, etc. Phila., 1866-' 70. 8vo. 3 Vols. 29.11 Pictorial History of the United States. For Schools. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. 14. 6 Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-Six; or. The War for Inde- pendence. A History of the Anglo-Americans, from the Union of the Colonies against the French, to the Inaugu- ration of Washington, etc. K Y., 1849. 8vo. 14. 14 The League of States. :N'. Y., 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 3 Washington and the American Republic. N. Y., 1870. Sq. 8vo. 3 Vol!». 44. 4 Lost Cause Regained. Pollard, A. E. 30. 8 Lost Prince, The. Hanson, J. H. 44. 1 LoTHROP. See also, Lathrop. LoTHROP, Mrs. Mary (Lyman). Wife of Rev. S. K. Peabody, A. P. Our Conversation in Heaven. 43. 13. L 1004 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. « LoTHROP, Eev. S. K., [D. D.] a Sermon Delivered before His Excellency, Emory Washburn, Gov., etc. Mass. Election Sermon, Jan. 3, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 56. 5. 5 Memorial of the Church in Brattle Square, Boston. Dis- course in the Church on the LastSunday of its Use, July 80, 1871. Boston, 18^1. 8vo. 8. 10 Sermon, in Boston, Feb. 14, 1875; After the Death of James Lawrence. Boston, 1875. 8vo. 42. 13. L The Stay and the Staff taken Away. Sermon, in Boston, on the Death of Harrison Gray Otis, Nov. 5, 1848. Bos- ton, 1848. 8vo. 43. 13. O Lotteries. See Gordon, Geo. William. Lecture on. 57. 10. 2 Eobertson, E. W. Speech in Congress on Suppressing. 57. 10. 2 The Mails and the Lottery Companies. Eeport of the P. M. Gen., to a Eesolution of the H. E. Washington, 1880. 8vo. 57. 10. 2 LouBAT, Alphonse. American Vine- dresser's Guide. IN^. Y., 1837. 12mo. 72. 2 LoUBERE, Simon de la. Account of the Kingdom of Siam,1687- ^S^. (Harris, John. IS^avigantium, etc.. Vol. 2, 1705, p. 464.) 94.10 Loudoun, John, Earl, Lord Chanceller of Scotland. Speech to a Grand Committee of both Houses of Parlia- ment, 1645. London, 1645. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 5, p. 511.) 40. 3 Loughborough, Lord. See Wedderburn, Alex. 14. 8 Loughbridge, William, of Iowa. Claim of McGarrahan. Speech, H. E., Feb. 27, 1871. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eamsey Pamph., Vol. 32, No. 28.) 60. 8 Speeches, H. E., Dec. 20 and 22, 1869. n. t. p. 8vo. (Eam- sey Pamph., Vol. 38, Ko. 21.) 60. 2 Louis IX. (Saint Louis), King of France. Perkins, J. H. Saint Louis, of France. 44. 8 Louis XIV., King of France. Leprelle, A. Louis XIV. at Strasbourg. 52. 10 The Great, King of France. The Great Bastard, Protector of the Little One. Cologne. (Harleian Misc., Vol. 9, p. 273.) 40.3 Louis XVII. , Dauphin of France. Hanson, J. H. The Lost Prince, etc. 44. 1 Louisa County, Iowa. Origin of the Name of. (Langworthy, L. H., Dubuque, etc., 1855. 8vo. p. 30.) 19. 13 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 1005 Louisa County, Iowa, — (Continued). Toole, W. L. Sketches and Incidents Relating to the Set- tlement of. 19. 6 LouiSBURG, N. S. Parsons, Usher. Life of Sir William Pep- perel, etc. 43. 1 Siege of, 1745. Prince, Thos. Sermon on the General Thanksgiving, etc., on the Taking of. 15. 4 Wolcott, Roger. Journal at the. 7. 6 Louisiana — Board of Levee Commissioners. Memorial to Con- gress, Asking Aid in the Reconstruction of Levees. New Orleans, 1866. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 19, No. 22.) 60. 8 Bureau of Freedmen. Freedmen of Louisiana, Final Re- port, by T. W. Conway, Gen. Supt. New Orleans, 1865. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 18, No. 27.) 60. 8 General Assembly. Report of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the Late Elections. New Orleans, 1868. (Ram- sey Pamph., Vol. 6, No. 9.) 60. 1 Governor. Facsimile of Original Autographs of the French and Spanish Governors of. (Hist. Coll. of La. and Fla., 1869-.) 20. 3 Inaugural Address of Gov. W. P. Kellogg, Jan. 13, 1873. New Orleans, 1873. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 13, No. 2.) 60.1 Adams, T. A. Report in Regard to Federal Interference in the Affairs of. New Orleans, 1873. 15. V. 1 Address of the Citizens of, to the People of the U. S. Wash. No imprint. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 8, No. 14.) 60.1 Baudry des Lozieres, L. N. Voyage a la Louisiane, et sur le Continent de P Amerique, Septrentionale, 1 794-' 98, etc. * 20.8 Bossu, M. Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes Occidentales [1751- '62]. 20. 1 Nouveaux Voyages dans PAmerique, etc. 20. 3 Boyd, Andrew. Louisiana and Mississippi Business Direc tory, 1870-'71. 15. 7 Bragdon, O. D. Facts and Figures for the People of. 60. 8 Same. 1872. 15. 7. 1 Breckenridge, H. M. Views of. 15. 7 Carpenter, M. H. Louisiana Affairs. Speech. 15. 7. 1 Chaille, Stanford, E. Vital Statistics Applied to the '^Mili- tary Reconstruction'' Policy of. 15. 7. 1 1006 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Louisiana — (Continued). Coxe, Daniel. Description of the English Province of Caro- lana, by the French Called la Louisiane, etc. 15. 6 Same. (Hist. Coll. of La., Vol. 2, p. 221.) 20. 3 €utler, E. K. Address to the Citizens of, etc. 1864. 60. 8 Durant, T. J. Letter to H. W. Davis, on Reconstruction. 60. 8 Hunt, W. H. Argument before the U. S. Court. Kellogg vs. Warmoth, etc. 15. 7. 1 Logan, J. A. Self-government in. ' 15. 7. 1 Memorial on Grievances Suffered by the People of. Dec, 1872. n. t. p. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph. , Vol. 8, No. 11.) 60. 1 Observations on the Present Condition of. Wash., 1865. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 21, ^o. 19.) 60. 8 Pike, Z. M. Journal of an Expedition through Interior of. 20. 12 Relation de la Louisianne, ou Mississipi, ecrite a une Dame, par un Officier de Marine. (Bernard, J. F. Recueil, etc., Vol. 4.) 20. 1 iStoddard, Amos. Sketches, Historical, etc. 15. 7 Tonti, Henry de. Relation de la, etc. 20. 1 True Statement of the Louisiana Imbroglio. [1873?] n. t. p. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 8, N'o. 20.) 60. 1 Warmoth, H. C. Letter to Senator [G. H.] Williams, on Reconstruction, etc. 60. 8 Zacharie, F. C, and Others. Arguments on the Law and Evidence, before the Congressional Committee, etc. 15. 7. 1 {Historical.') Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Histoire de la :N^ouvelle France, etc. lt44. Vol. 2. 20, 10 Same. Trans, by J. G. Shea. 20. 10 Davis, And. M. Canada and Louisiana. 25. 9 French, B. F. Historical Collections of Louisiana. 5 Pts., 1678-1770. 5 Vols. 20. 3 Historical Collections of Louisiana and Florida, In- cluding Translations of Original MSS., etc. 20. 3 Oayarre, C. A. History of [to 1769]. 2 Vols. 15. 7 Same. Spanish Domination. 15. 7 Gravier, Jacques. Lettre, 1708, sur les Affaires de la, etc. 20.3 Le Page du Pratz. History of, oi*, of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina, etc. 20. 1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 1007 X/OUisiANA. HrsTORiOAL — (Continued). Marbois, Francois de Barbe, Marquis. Histoire de la, etc., 1672-1826. 20. 3 Same. Translated. 15. 7 See also, under names of Towns, River'fe, etc., in the State. Constitutional Convention, 1859. Official Journal oi^ held in N^ew Orleans, April 21, 1879. Kew Orleans, 1879. 8vo. 15.7 Historical Society. Account of the Society, 1850. (Hist. Coll. of La., Vol. 2, p. 1.) 20. 3 Bullard, H. A. Discourse before the. 20. 3 Mechanics' and Agricultural Fair Association. Eeport of the Third Grand Fair, April, 1869. New Orleans, 1869. 8vo. 15. 7. 1 Third Grand State Fair. Schedule of Premiums; Rules and Kegulations. Kew Oilcans, 1869. 15. 7. 1 Republican State Convention, August, 1871, at ISTew Or- leans. Official Report. IS^ew Orleans, 1871. (Uamsey Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 22.) 60. 1 Report of Com. on Address, and Address of Executive Com. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 3, No. 7.) 60. 1 Sept., 1865, at New Orleans. Proceedings. New Or- leans, 1865. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 21, No. 2.) 60. 8 State Medical Association and Board of Health. Circular of Legislative Committee, to Physicians Throughout the State. New Orleans, 1878. 8vo. 15. 7. 1 State Seminary and Military Academy. Egan, B. Address at Commencement Exercises, etc., 1?. 7. 2 Official Register, 1866-'70. New Orleans, 1866-'70. 8vo. 15. 7. 2 » Report of Superintendent, 1867. New Orleans, 1868. 15. 7. 2 Report of Board of Supervisors, 1866-'69. N. O. , 1866- '70. 15.7.2 Purchase, 1803. Anderson, J. J. Did the Louisiana Pur- chase Extend to the Pacific Ocean? 19. 10. 7 Cooley, Thos. M. The Acquisition of Louisiana. . 18. 11. 3 Dean, H. C. Philosophy of the History of the. 19. 13. 1 Louisville, Ky. Casseday, Ben. History of, till 1852. 18. 14 Board of Trade and Merchants' Exchange. Report, 1867. Louisville, 1867. 8vb IS. 14. 3 128 1008 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Louisville, Ky.— (Continued). Board of Trade. Eeport, 1880. 18. 14. 3. Directory, 1859-'60. By Henry Tanner. 8vo. 80. 16 Hogeland, A. Centennial Report of the Business of, etc. 18. 14. 3 McMurtrie, H. Historical Sketches of, 1819. 18. 13 Trustees of Public Schools. Eeports, 1859-'66. Louisville, 1859-'67. 18. li. 3 Rules and Regulations of the Schools, 1859. Louisville, 1859. 8vo. 18.14.3 LouNSBERRY, Rev. Edward. The Safe Refuge in the Day of Calamity. A Sermon in St. Jude's Church, Phila., Sept. 7,1862. Phila., 1862. 8vo. 30.4.7 L'OuYERTURE, F. D. ToussAiNT. See Toussaint, L'Ouverture. 30.5 Love, William De Loss. Wisconsin in the War of the Rebel- lion. Chicago, etc., 1866. 8vo. 29. 10 Love's Labor Lost. Shakespeare, W. Vol. 2. 74. 4 LovEJOY, Elijah P. Beecher, E. Narrative of Riots at Alton, etc., in Connection with Death of. 18. 5 (The Martyr.) See Lovejoy, J. C, and Owen. Memoir of. 46. 5 Tanner, Henry. Martyrdom of, etc. 45. 4 Lovejoy, Joseph C, and Owen. ^Memoir of Elijah P. Lovejoy, who was Murdered in Defence of the Liberty of the Press, etc. With an Introduction by John Quincy Adams. N. Y., 1836. J2mo. ' 46.5 LovELL, Albert A. A Sketch of the Life of Major Ezra Bea- man, together with Documents of Public Interest. Wor- cester, 1882. 8vo. 43. 6. B. 2 Worcester, Mass., in the War of the Revolution, Embracing 1765 to 1783. Worcester, 1876. 8vo. 8. 3 LovELL, John E. Progressive Reader, No. 4. New Haven, 1857. 16mo. 91. ^ LovELL, Gen. Solomon. Original Journal, kept during the Penobscot Expedition, 1779, with Sketch of his Life, by G. Nash. (Weymouth Hist. Soc, 1881, No. 1.) 8. 12 Lovering, Joseph W. "The Shields of the Earth Belong unto the Lord.'^ Election Sermon, in Boston, Jan. 4, 1882. Boston, 1882. 8vo. 56.5.6 Loves OF the Angels. [Poem.] Moore, Thomas. 74.4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 1009 LovEWELL, Capt. John. Kidder, Frederic. Expeditions ofy and his Encounters with the Indians. Boston, 1865. 8. 10 LovEWELL^s Fight. (Farmer, John, and Moore,. J. B. Collec- tions relating to N. H., Vol. 1, p. 25, and Vol. 2, p. 64 and 94.) 7.3 Low, Henhy E. Speech, U. S. Senate, March 14, 1866. Albany, 1866. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 18, Ko. 16.) 60. 8 LowDERMiLK, Wm. H. History of Cumberland, Md., 1728- 1878, Embracing an Account of Washington's First Cam- paign, etc. Wash., D. C, 1878. 8vo. 11. 1 Lowe, Charles, [Rev.?] Have we Misrepresented Orthodoxy ? A Reply to Strictures Contained in the " Boston Congre- gational ist and Recorder," etc. Boston, 1868. 56. 5. 1 The President's Indian Policy. From "Old and New," April, 1871. p. 499. Boston, 1871. 8vo. 15. 11. 5 The Unitarian Position. An Address before the Unitarian Association, May 24, 1870. Boston, 1870. 56. 5. 1 Lowe, John. Letter to George Canning on Recognising the Independence of the South American States. London, 1823. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 21.) 53. 5 The Recognition of Columbia, by Great Britain. London, 1823. (Pamphleteer, Vol. 22.) 53. 12 Editor. Year-Book and Almanac of Canada. See Harvey, Arthur. 20. 9. 1 Lowe, William M., M. C. U. S. Congress. Memorial Ad- dresses on, Dec, 1882. Wash., 1883. 8vo. (Hoftse Misc., 1882-83, Vol. 8.) 43. 12 Lowell, Charles, Rrv. A Discourse in the West Church in Boston, Aug. 3, 1815. Cambridge, 1845. 8vo. 56. 7. 8 Gospel Preaching. Sermon at Ordination of Thomas B. Fox, as Pastor of First Church, Newburyport, Mass., Aug, 3, 1831. Cambridge, 1831. (Mass. Pamph., Vol.8, No. 2.) 9.2 Lowell, James Russell. The President's [A. Lincoln's] Pol- icy. From the "IST. A. Review," Jan., 1864. n. t. p. 8vo, 30. 4. 2 Three Memorial Poems. Boston, 1879. Sq. 16mo. 74. 4 Lowell, John. Analysis of the Late Correspondence between Our Administration and Great Britain and France. Bos- ton, 1809. 8vc. S3. 7. 1 Peace Without Dishonour, etc. Calm and Dispassionate Enquiry into the Question of the Chesapeake, etc. By a Yankee Farmer. Boston, 1807. 8vo. 14. 10. 2 1010 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lowell, Hon. John. Eeception and Dinner given to, by the Boston Merchants Ass'n., May 23, 1884. Boston, 1885. 8vo. 43. 13. L Lowell, John A. Oorrespohdence inEelation to Lowell, Mass. See Appleton. Nathan. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 6.) 9.2 . Eeview of Mr. Hooper's Pamphlet on Specie Eeserves. Bos- ton, 1860. 8vo. 33. 14. 1 Lowell, Mass. Appleton, Nathan. Introduction of the Power Loom, and Origin of Lowell. Lowell, 1858. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 5, No. 8.) 9. 2 Appleton, Nathan, and Lowell, J. A. Correspondence in Eelation to the Early History of the City of. 9. 2 Historical and Biog. Sketches of. See Old Eesidents' Hist. Ass'n., Contrib. to, etc: . 8. 2. 3 Hill, Frank P. Lowell Illustrated. 8. 12 Miles, H. A. Lowell, As it Was, and As it Is. 8. 2. 5 The Parish Eegister of St. Anne's Church. Eev. Theodore ■ Edson, S. T. D., the First and Only Eector, from March 7, 1824, to June 25, 1883. Lowell, 1885. 8vo. 8. 12 Old Eesidents' Historical Association. Contributions, Vols. 1 and 2, Pts. 1 and 2, Vol. 3. Lowell, 1873-85. 8vo. 3 Vols. 8. 2. 3 School Committee. Eeport, 1842, '51, '59, '65, '66. Lowell, 1842-'66. 8vo. 9. 8. 6 Second Advent Conference, 1841. Eeport of the. By J. V. Hines. Boston, 1841. 8vo. (Pamphlets, Vol. 13, No. 3.) 53.6 Lower, Mark Anthony. Dictionary of the Family Names of the United Kingdom. London, 1860. 8vo. 46. 6 English Surnames. Essays on Family Nomenclature, His- torical, Etymological and Humorous. London, 1842. 12mo. 46.2 Lowndes, Wm. Thomas. Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. London, 1834. 8vo. 4 Vols. 74. 8 Lowndes Family. Chase, G. B. Lowndes, of S. C. 47. 4 LowREY, Grosvenor P. English Neutrality. Is the Alabama a British Pirate ? Phila., 1863. 8vo. 30. 11. 3 LowRY, Thomas. Statement of Proceedings, etc. See Davis, •C. K. 22. 13. 7 LowviLLE (N. Y.) EuRAL CEMETERY. Dedication Services, Oct. 9, 1867. Lowville, 1868. 8vo. 10. 11. 3 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 1011 Loyalists. See Allen, JoUey. Account of his Sufferings and Losses. Boston, 1883. 8vo, 44. 2 Case and Claim of the American Loyalists, Impartially Stated and Considered. Printed by order of their Agents. (^?io7i.; No impt. 1783. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 3.) 14. 1 Curwen, Samuel. Journal and Letters of an American Refugee in England, etc. 44. 13 De Peyster, J. W. Life and Misfortunes, etc., of Sir John Johnson, etc. 46. 5 Observations on the Treaty with America; and on the Ne- cessity of Inquiring into the Losses of American Loyalists, etc. {Anon.) (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 7, No. 1.) 14. 1 Particular Case of the Georgia Loj^alists, etc. (Rev. War Pamph.) 14. 1 Ryerson, Egerton. Loyalists of America, and their Times, 1620 to 1816. 2 Vols. 14.2 Sabine, Lorenzo. American Loyalists, etc. 14. 2 The Tories, or Loyalists, in America; Being Slight Histori- cal Tracings, from the Foot prints of Sir John Johnson, and his Contemporaries in the Revolution. Albany, 1882. 8vo. 14. 2 Loyal Legion. See U. S. Military Order of the. 30. 11. 10 Military Order of the. See U. S. Military Order, etc. 30. 11. 10 Loyal Publication Society, N. Y. Propeedings at the Meet- ing Feb. 13, 1864. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. (No. 44.) 30. 9 Nordhoff, Charles. America for Free Working Men, etc. (No. 80.) 30. 7. 5 Results of the Serf Emancipation in Russia. N. Y., 1864. 8vo.. (No. 47.) 30.7.5 Tracts. Nos. 1-44. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. 30. 9 See its Publications under the Author or Title of the Sep- arate Pamphlets. . Loyal National League, N. Y. Opinions of Prominent Men, in Letters to the League, on the Great Mass Meeting at Union Square, on Anniversary of Sumpter, April 11, 1863, etc. 30. 4. 3 Proceedings at the Organization, at Copper Institute, March 20, 1863. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. 30. 4. 3 Sumpter Anniversary, 1863. Opinions of Loyalists, in Speeches and Letters, etc. 30. 1 1012 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. XiOYALTY FOR THE TiMES. Voice froHi Kentucky, April, 1864. (^Anon.) n. t. p. 8vo. 30. 4. 2 Loyalty. What is If? To Whom, or What, Due? {Anon.) Eebel View. Baltimore, 1863. 8vo. 30 4. 2 Loyola, Ignaoio de. Perkins, J. H. [The Founder of the Jesuits.] 44. 8 LoYSON, Charles, le Pere Hyacinthe. France and Germany. Discourse at London, Dec. 20, 1870. Baltimore and N. Y., 1871. 8vo. 52. 10. 2 LoziERES, Baudry des. See Baudry des Lozieres. 20. 8 LuARD, Henry Richards, Editor. Annales Monastic!. See Annales. 40. 5 Epistolse. Grosseteste, Robert, Bp. of Lincoln. 40. 12 Historia Anglicana. Cotton, Bartholomew. 40. 12 Lives of Edward, the Confessor, Edward II., the Confessor, King of the Anglo-Saxons. 40. 12 Lubbock, Sir John. Origin of Civilization, and the Primitive Condition of Man. Mental and Social Condition of Sav- ages. N. Y., 1871. 12mo. 45. 3 Editor. Primitive Inhabitants of Scandinavia. See Nilson or Nilsson, Sven. '5.10 LuBY, M. D. C. New American Epic Poem, on the Discovery of America by Columbus. St. Paul, Minn., 1863. 74. 2 Lucas, Robert, 1st Gov. of Iowa. Biog. Sketch of. (Annals of Iowa, Vol. 8.) 19. 6 Lucubrations During a Short Recess. By ,Esq., Member of Parliament. London, 1782. (Rev. War Pamph., Vol. 9, No. 4.) [See Letter to the Author of Lucubrations.] 14. 1 Answer to. See Letter to Mr. Debrett, 1783. LuDWiG, Herman E. Literature of American Aboriginal Languages. With Additions by W. W. Turner. Edited by N. Trubner. London, 1858. 74. 10 LUDDINGTON, HARRISON, Gov. OF Wis. Message, Jan. 11, 1877. Madison, 1877. 8vo. 19. 5. 9 LuDLOAV, Israel. See Teeter, H. B. Life and Times of. 46. 5 Ludlow, James R. The School Fund of Philadelphia, n. t. p. 8vo. (Campaign Doc.) 11. 6. 4 Ludlow, John. Address delivered Dec. 22, 1834, on his In- auguration as Provost of the University of Penn. Phila. , 1835. 8vo. 11. 6. 7 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 1013 IjUDLOW, William. Report of a Reconnoissance of the Black Hills of Dakota, July and Aug., 1874. Wash., 1875. 4to. (U. S. Dept. of War.) ' 50. 3 Another copy. 8vo. 19. 14. 7 Report of a Reconaissance from Carroll, Montana, to the Yellowstone National Park, 1875. Wash., 1876. 4to. (U. S. Dept. of War.) 50. 3 LuGENBEEL, J. W. Sketches of Sibwia. Wash., 1850. 8vOi 30. 7. 10 Lumber, Duties on. See Tariff. XiUNATic Asylums. Suggestions and Instructions in Reference to Sites, Construction and Arrangement of Buildings, Plans, etc., of. Issued by the Commissioners in Lunacy. London, 1870. 8vo. 57. 5. 4 Lunatic Hospitals. See Boston, Northampton, Pennsylvania, Taunton, Worcester, etc. LUNENBERG, Mass. Torrey, R. C. History of. 25. 8 LuNiER, L. System of Statistics Applicable to the Study of Mental Diseases. Trans, from the French, by T. M. Franklin. Utica, 1869. 8vo. 51. 11. 5 LUNT, George. Origin of the Late War; Traced from the Beginning of the Constitution to the Revolt of the South- ern States. N. Y., 1866. 12mo. 30. 2 LuNT, William Parsons. A Sheaf of Years, etc. Discourse on the 20th Anniversary of his Installation, Delivered to the First Congregational Society, Quincy, Mass., June 3, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8vo. 8. 2. 12 Christian Standard of Honor. Discourse, in Quincy, Mass., Jan. 8, 1854, on the Death of Thomas Greecleaf. Boston, 1854. 8vo. 43. 6. G Discourse in Quincy, March 11, 1848, at Interment of John Quincy Adams. Boston, 1848. 8vo. 43. 6. A Discourse in Quincy, Nov. 25, 1852, Commemorative of Dan iel Webster. Boston, 1852. 8vo. 43. 14. 5 Discourse on, at Quincy, June 7, 1857. Also, Last Sermon Preached by, Dec. 28, 1856. 43. 13. L Greenwood, F. W. P. Sermon at Ordination of, June 19, 1828. (Mass. Paraph., Vol. 8, m, 9.) 9. 2 Moral Education. An Address Delivered before the Teach- ers and Pupils of the Schools, together with School Com- mittee and Citizens, etc., of Quincy, July 4, 1838. Quin- cy, 183a 8vo. 56. 11. 5 1014 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. LuNT, William Parsons — (Continued). The Christian Doctrine of Consecration.. Sermon, to Society Worshipping in First Congregational Church, Quincy, Nov. 19, 1843. Quincy, 1843. 8vo. 56. 7. 2 Trial of the Spirits. A Discourse Delivered in First Con- gregational Church, Quincy, June 25, 1854. Boston, 1S54. 8vo. 56. 7. 1 Two Discourses, Sept. 29, 1839, on the 200th Anniversary of the First Congregational Church, Quincy. Boston, 1840. 8vo. (Mass. Pamph., Vol. 1, No. 2.) 9. 2 Union of the Human Race. Lecture in Quincy, Feb. 7, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8vo. 74. 7. 2 Luther, Martin. Hedge, F. H. Luther and his Work. 9. 4 Mass. Historical Society. Commemoration of the 400th Anniversary of the Birth of, etc., Nov. 10, 1883. Boston, 1883. 8vo. 43. 13. L Lutheran Church. Lintner, G. A. Early History of the, in the State of K Y. Discourse. 10. 6. 11 Lutheran Ev angelical Church. See Evangelical Lutheran Church. Lutheran Synod, Scandinavian. Protokoll, [etc.] Journal^ 1869-83. Chicago, etc., 1870-83. 8vo. 18.13.11 Lutherans, The. See Brown, J. A. . The New Theology. 56. 5. 1 Reflections on the Evangelical Lutheran Church, by a I^utheran Minister of the United States, n. t. p. 1851. 8vo.. . 56.5.1 Lutzen, Prussia. Great and. Famous Battle of. 1623. 4to. (Harlei^in Misc., Vol. 4, p. 183.) 40. 3 Luxemburg. Diary of the Seige of, 1684. London, 1684. 4to. (Harleian Misc., Vol.. 9^ p. 88.) 40. 3 Luzerne County, Penn. Eighth and Mnth Annual Reports of Board of Commissioners, of the Luzerne Co. Prison, etc. Pittston, Pa., 1878-'79. :8vo. 11.7.10 History of Luzerne, Lackawanna, and Wyoming Counties, Pa., With Illustrations, and Biographical Sketches of Some of Their Prominent Men g^nd Pioneers, N". Y., 1880. 4to. ' 95. 2 In the matter of the Impeachment of Hon. Garrick M. Hard- ing, Argument in Behalf of Petitioners, n. t. p. 8vo. 11.7.10 Pearce, Stewart. Annals of. To 1860, 11. 11 CATALOGUE OE THE LIBRARY. . 1015 Lyell, Charles. Second Visit to the United States [1845-^46]. London, 1849. 12mo. 2 Vols. 33. 11 Travels in North America; With Geological Observations on the U. S., Canada, and Nova Scotia. [1841-'42.] Lon don, 1845. . 12mo. 2 Vols. ' 33. 11 Lyman, Albert. Journal of a Voyage to California, and Life in the Gold Diggings. Also, of a Voyage from California to the Sandwich Islands. Hartford, 1852. 12mo. 19. 8 Lyman, Charles. Wadsworth, Chas. Sermon on the Death of, Nov., 1848. 53. 12 Lyman, Payson W. History of Easthampton, Mass. ; Its Settle- ment and Growth; Its Material, Educational and Eeligious Interests; Together with a Genealogical Eecord of its Orig- inal Families. Northampton, 1866. 12mo. 25. 2 Lyman, Theodore. Need of Independent Political Action. Speech, at Newton, Oct. n, 1884. n. t. p. 8vo. 33. 7. 3 Lyman, Theodore, 3d. Papers Relating to the Garrison Mob (Boston), Oct. 21, 1835. Cambridge, 1870. 8vo. (2 copies, Ibd.) 30. 7.4 & 30. 13 Lyman Family. Coleman, Lyman. Genealogy of the Lyman Family in England and America. 47. 10 Lyme, Conn. Record of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1662, etc. (N. E. Hist. Gen. Reg., Vol. 32, 24, etc.) 46. 3 Lynch, James D. The Bench and Bar of Texas. St. Louis, 1885. 8vo. 17.4 Lynch, Hon. John M., of Me. Causes of the Reduction of American Tonnage. Report to H. R., Feb. 17, 1870. n. t. p. 8vo. ^ 57.2.2 Promotion of American Commerce. Speech in the H. R., June 17, 1868. n. t. p. 8vo. 57. 2. 1 Resumption of Specie Payments. Speech, H. R., Jan. 26, 1869. Wash., 1869. 8vo. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 12, No. 47.) 60. 1 Lynch, John. Speech H. R., May 11, 1870. American Com- merce. Wash., 1870. (Ramsey Pamph., Vol. 37, No. 18.) 60.2 Lynch Law. Bancroft, H. H. Popular Tribunals, Vols. 33, etc. 25. 9 Lynchburg, Va. Sketches and Recollections of. By the Old- est Inhabitant. Richmond, 1858. Sm. 12mo. 15. 5 Lynd, James W. History and Religion of the Dakotas. (Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 2, pp. 57-84.) 22. 10 Riggs, S. R. Memoir of. 22. 10 129 1016 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lynde, Benjamin, Judge. Diaries of, and of Benjamin Lynde, Jr. Boston, 1880. 8vo. 44. 13 Lyndhurst, Lord. See Copley, John Singleton. 43. 1 Lynn, Mass. See Johnson, D. ^N' Sketches of. 25. 9 Lewis, Alonzo, and I^ewhall, J. E. History of, etc. 9. 6 School Committee, Eeport, 1866-'67. Lynn, 1867. 8vo. 9.8. 6 Lyon County, Minn. Case, C. F. History and Description of. 22.9 Lyon, Mathew. White, P. H. Life and Services of. 7. 9. 1 Lyon, Gen. Nathaniel. Brown, B. Gr. Oration, at the In- auguration of the Lyon Monument, etc. 60. 1 Peckham, James. Gen. Nathaniel Lyon, and Missouri, in 1861. 30. 8 Woodward, A. Life of. 44. 7 Lyon Family. Welles, A. ''American Family Antiquity,'^ Vol. 2. 93. 9 Lyons, Iowa. First Congregational Church. Magoun, G. F. Sermon on the History of, etc. 19. 6 Lytle, Milton Scott. History of Huntingdon County, Pa. , to 1876. Lancaster, Pa., 1876. 8vo. 11. 11 Lytton, Lord. See Bnlwer-Lytton, E. G. E. 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