4 4 ==»| -. 1 1 2 5 2 ' 1 IZZ^ 4 A C ATA L O G U E OF ONE HUNDRED IMPRESSIONS FROM GEMS, Engraved by N. M A R C H A N T. ISAAC FOOT LIBRARY ""ii!!iMlimfiiifnmli!iii!Hi!fflnim!immi!'T n mm§mm ninmmtitm'tmmHiHiiumi CATALOGUE O F ONE HUNDRED IMPRESSIONS FROM GEMS, ENGRAVED BY NATHANIEL MARCHANT. MIK.PA MEN EPrA TAA' ESTIN, EXEI A" HAEIAN On.QnHN. JNTHOLOCrJ. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. EDWARDS, PALL-MALL. 1792. i-inrifl it x UNIVKR'-'-y OP r M , rF0RNIA . jp BANTA IJARBARA ADVERTISEMENT. Ti H E Gems, of which this collection contains imprcfllons, were executed chiefly at Rome, whither Mr. Marchant had gone to prepare himfelf for engaging in the moft diftinguifhed province of the art he profefled; and he was induced to re^ main there fixteen years, as well on account of the opportuni- ties it afforded for profecuting his ftudies, as of the patronage and encouragement which he there received, both from his countrymen and foreigners. It was his wifh, by a diligent and accurate examination of the antique, to form himfelf, if pofiible, upon thofe principles of art, which enabled the ancients, in every branch of fculp- ture, to cany their works to a degree of perfection which has not been attained in modern times. By a deep and fcientific knowledge of nature, they came to felecl: the beauties of many individual forms, and to combine them into one, arranging them with fuch fymmetry and order, as to exhibit not an aflemblage of detached parts, but fuch a complete and uniform A 11 ADVERTISEMENT. whole, as united their ideas of beauty and grace, and fome- times of fublimity : thus we fee prefented, in the moft perfect of their works, what is neither fo remote from ordinary na- ture as to appear incredible, nor fo exactly copying and refem- bling it, as not to have in it fomething fuperior and more noble. Since the revival of the arts, engraving on hard ftones has been cultivated, at different periods, with confiderable fuccefs, and principally in Italy; where genius, never wanting examples, has frequently found great and liberal patrons to encourage it : but, in England, it has made lefs progrefs than moft of the other arts ; not indeed, fo much from want of encouragement and employment, as from having been principally applied to the purpofes of Heraldry, where the devices and forms are generally as contrary to nature and beauty as the manner of treating them is ungraceful, but of which the profits are confiderable and certain. How far the author of the works now offered to the public has fucceeded in his endeavours, the judicious and candid en- couragers of the prefent undertaking muft decide : — He pre- fumes only to fay for himfelf, that he is the firft Englifhman who has examined thofe ineftimable remains of ancient art on the fpot, where alone they can be ftudied to advantage, with a view of extending this particular branch of fculpture, and of purfuing it upon thofe principles before referred to, which run through all the beft works of the ancients, and which an accurate obferver may difcovcr as much in the fmallcft of their intaglios, as in their CoIoHa! ftatues. ADVERTISEMENT. Ill One of his works, the portrait of the reigning Pope, from life, he had the honor to place in the Cabinet of Gems belong- ing to the Vatican ; — that, and the portrait of the Emprefs of Ruffia, engraved for the King of Poland, from an original picture fent from Warfaw for the purpofe, are, of the many he has executed, the only two which he has ventured to admit into the prefent collection. — To have introduced them all would have enlarged it too much ; and to have felected fuch as, from accidental circumftances, might appear to be beft en- graved, or fuch as are more interefting by reprefenting diftin- guifhed characters, might have feemed difrefpectful to the reft. The copies from the antique are rendered with all the fide- lity he is capable of beftowing upon them ; and a particular attention has been fhewn to preferve, as much as pofiible, the diftinguiihing character and ftyle of execution which pervade the originals. The very confiderable difcoveries which were made during his actual refidence at Rome, and the tafte of the prefent Pope, as well as his attention to add every thing which is of diftinguiflied merit to the Mufeum of the Vatican, have enabled the fculptor to enrich his collection with many beauti- ful fubjefts, of which there have hitherto appeared fcarcely any copies in this country ; and to give the portraits of feveral great and eminent perfons of antiquity, whofe characters are peculiarly interefting from their connection with the hiftory, learning, or philofophy of ancient times, and whofe refem- blances were, before, either totally unknown, or miitaken. CATALOGUE OF GEMS i. SPHINX. CORNELIAN. CAMEO. JOHN SULIVAN, Efq. Copied from one of the hieroglyphic fymbols on the top of the obelifk of the fun, which lay, broken into five pieces, in a Cortile in the Campo Marzio, whence it is removed, to be re- ftored, and erected at Monte Citorio, upon the fpot where flood the pedeftal, on which the apotheofis of Antoninus is repre- fented in baffo-rilievo. This pedeftal is now placed in the centre of the Cortile, in the Mufeum at the Vatican. The above obelifk was found near where it lay, under the foundations of feveral houfes behind the facrifty of St. Lorenzo, in Lucina. B ( 6 ) II. ISIS. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. THOMAS BROOKE, Efq. From a head in the Mufeum Pio-Clementinum. It is believed to reprefent Ifis from the ftyle of the hair, and its being brought into the form of a lotus upon the forehead. This head was found beyond the Porta Maggiore, in the Via Preneftina, in the tenuta or eftate di Salone, where a villa of Gordian is fuppofed to have flood, now called Prato Bagnato. III. ISIS. CHALCEDONY. INTAGLIO. PRINCE PONIATOWSKI. From the head of a ftatue in the collection of Charles Townley, Efq. The Modius and the ear-ring, in the original, are not copied in the Intaglio. This ftatue was found near the monument of Cecilia Metella (vulgarly called Capo di Bove), in the Via Appia, in the pontificate of Sixtus V. and placed by that Pontiff in his magnificent villa, fituated on the Quirinal Hill, now called the Villa Negroni. ( 7 ) IV. JUPITER SERAPIS. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. ROWLAND BURDON, Efq. From a colofTal buft, in a more fublime ftylc of fculpture than any of that character in Rome, in the Mufeum Pio- Clementinum. This bud was found at Colombaro, in the Via Appia, about eight miles from Rome, where a villa of Gallienus is fuppofed to have been fituated. V. JUNO. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. WILLIAM BURN, Efq. From a colofTal head in the Villa Ludovifi, efteemed for its dignified beauty and ftyle of fculpture fuperior to the other reprefentations of Juno at Rome. The height from the crown of the head to the clavicle is about three feet five inches and a half, from the tip of the ear to the end of the nofe near feventeen inches. VI. JUNO. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. W. WILBERFORCE, Efq. From the head of a coloffal ftatue in the Mufeum Pio- Clementinum. This ftatue was found in the Muti Gardens on the Viminal Hill, where the baths of Olympia are fuppofed to have flood. { 8 ) VII. CASTOR. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. EARL SPENCER. From the head of a coloflal ftatue, about eighteen Englifh feet in height, {landing, with its companion, on the Quirinal Hill, which takes its prefent name of Monte Cavallo from the horfes accompanying the two figures : they were found in the baths of Conftantine. For a defcription of thefe ftatues, fee Nardini, Lib.YV. Capo, VI. P. 188. and Memorie di Flaminio Vacca, No. X. VIII. CASTOR. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Sir G. BEAUMONT, Bt. Taken from the head of the preceding ftatue j the profile - from the other fide. IX. POLLUX. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. CAV. GIULIANO, Noble Venetian. From the head of the companion to the laft mentioned ilatue of Caftor. ( 9 ) X. CASTOR and POLLUX. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. N. HEWET WRIGHT, F.fq. From one of the twelve figns of the zodiac, which arc re- prefented in baffo-rilievo, in the villa Albani. XL MINERVA. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. CHARLES LONG, Efq. From the head of a ftatue in the Giuftiniani Palace. This ftatue was found upon the Efquiline Hill, near the Porta Maggiore, in the round Temple, which is fuppofed to have been that of Minerva Medica. XII. MINERVA. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Rev. M. C. CRACHERODE. From a colofTal head in the collection of Charles Town- ley, Efq. This head was found near the high road leading from Santa Maria Maggiore, to Santa Croce, in Gerufalemme. ( 1° ) XIII. ENDYMION. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. W. BECKFORD,. Efq. From a bafTo-rilievo of great fimplicity and nature, as large as life, in the Mufeum Capitolinum. This baffo-rilievo was found in a vineyard in the middle of Mount Aventine. XIV. APOLLO. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. J. COX HIPPISLEY,.Efq. From the head of the well known ftatue, which takes the name of Belvedere, from its fituation in the Cortile of the Mufeum Pio-Clementinum. This ftatue was found at Capo d' Anzio among the ruins of ancient Antium, when Julius II. was Cardinal ; who, after he became Pope, adorned his gardens at the Vatican with this ftatue, as alfo the group of the Laocoon, under the direction (as it is faid) of M. Angelo, Thefe gardens are now incorporated with the Mufeum Pio- Clementinum. XV. APOLLO and the Muse EUTERPE, SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. DUKE of GLOUCESTER. From part of a bailb-rilievo that ftood in a fmall houfe, with the celebrated group of Dirce at the Farnefe Palace, lately removed to Naples; as is alfo the group of Dirce. < II ) XVI. MERCURY. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO: Sir T. BEAUCHAMP PROCTOR, Bt. From a head in the pofTeffion of the Marquis of Lanfdown ; reputed the fineft head of Mercury. This buft was found in the Pantanello, in Adrian's Villa, nearTivoli. XVII. MERCURY. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. Count REVENTLAW. From the admired ftatue vulgarly called Antinous, in the Cortile of the Mufeum Pio-Clementinum. It was found near the church of S. Martino de' Monti, in the pontificate of Leo X. In a place called Adrianello. See Nardini, p. 116. lib. iii. Capo. x. XVIII. MERCURY. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. STUART WELDON, Efq. From the head of the preceding ftatue. XIX. NEREID, and MARINE BULL. ANTIQUE CORNELIAN. Rev. M. C. CRACHERODE. From part of a bafTo-rilicvo, on the front of a Sarcophagus in the Cortile of the Lancellotti Falace. ( 12 ) XX. A MUSE. YELLOW CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. Chevalier des TOURS. From the head of a half ftatue, in the Mufeum Capitolinum. XXI. MELPOMENE. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Countefs SPENCER. From the head of a ftatue in the Mufeum Pio-Clementimim. This ftatue was found in company with feven other Mufes, Apollo Citharoedus, and a figure of Sleep, in the Oliveto del Dottor de Matthias, called the Pianella di Cafilo near Tivoli. See Mufeo Pio-Clementino, p. 39. Tavola xx. XXII. ISIS. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. JOHN CAMPBELL, Efq. From a buft, the breaft of which terminates in the flower Lotus, omitted in this Intaglio. This buft was formerly in the Laurenzano Palace at Naples, and is now in the poneffion of Charles Townley, Efq. ( 13 ) XXIII. N I O B E. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. Sir W. HAMILTON, K.B. From the head of that celebrated ftatue in the Grand Duke's Gallery at Florence. This ftatue was found, with her chil- dren, a little way out of the porta di S. Giovanni. See Memo- ria di Flaminio Vacca, No. 74. XXIV. ETHOD^EA, or THERA. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Vifc. St. ASAPH. Eldeft daughter of Niobe, from the head of a ftatue belong- ing to the much efteemed group of Niobe, in the Grand Duke's Gallery at Florence. This ftatue was found, with thofe of the preceding article, and appears, by the ftyle of fculpture, to be of the fame time. XXV. BACCHUS and a BACCHANTE. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. G. H. FOOTE, Efq. From a bafTo-rilievo, that ftood in a fmall houfe at the Far- nefe Palace, with the group of Dirce, lately removed to Naples. D ( 14 ) XXVI. ARIADNE. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. T. W. COKE, Efq. From a much admired coloffal head in the Mufeum Capi- tolinum. XXVII. BACCHANTE. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. J. PUGH PRICE, Efq. From a coloffal Terme in the Mufeum Pio-Clementinum. This Terme was found in Adrian's Villa, near Tivoli. XXVIII. BACCHANTE. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Countefs of PEMBROKE. From a fmall baffo-rilievo in the Palace of the Villa Borghefe. XXIX. BACCHANTE, GIVING DRINK TO A YOUNG FAUN. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Sir W. WILLIAM WYNNE, Bt From a large baffo-rilievo, in the Giuftiniani Palace: it commonly paffes for Amalthea giving drink to Jupiter. See the Admiranda, Plate 26. C U > XXX. BACCHANT and FAUN. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. J. TREVELYAN, Efq. The idea taken from part of a group in baflb-rilievo upon a marble vafe in the Giuftiniani Palace. See the Admiranda, Plate 45. XXXI. BACCHANT and FAUN. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Rev. M. C. CRACHERODE. From part of a bafto-rilievo in the Rondinini Palace. XXXII. A YOUNG FAUN, drinking. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. Chevalier des TOURS. From a baflb-rilievo in the Mufeum Pio-Clementinum. XXXIII. FAUN. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. MARK DAVIES, Efq. From a buft that formerly belonged to the celebrated Count Marfigli, and flood in the Iftituto di Bologna, and is now in the Villa Albani ; it was difcovered near the tomb of Cecilia Metella. See Winkelmann-, Italian edition, Tom. i. lib. v. p. 292, ( i6 ) XXXIV. FAUN with the CROTALE. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. C. J. CLAVERING, Efq. From a ftatue commonly called the Clapping Faun, in the Grand Duke's Gallery at Florence. XXXV. FARNESE HERCULES. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. ROPER HEAD, Efq. Is fo called from its late fituation in the Cortile of the Far- nefe Palace, now at Naples. This celebrated ftatue, executed by Glycon, the Athenian, was found in the baths of Caracalla (Memoria di Flaminio Vacca, No. 23), and the legs afterwards in the Tyber. Previous to its going to Naples, the modern legs, executed by Fra. Guglielmo della Porta, were taken off, and its own legs replaced. The fuperior merit of thefe, and their connection in ftyle of fculp- ture with the ftatue, do not appear to juftify the opinion of Michael Angelo.* * Fra Guglielmo (fays Baglione) rifece lc gambe con tanta macftria chc cflendofi poi le antiche ritrovate, Michel Agnolo giudico, non doverfi mutare quelle di F. G. per moftrare con quel rifarcimento fi degno al mondo, che le opcre della fcultura ciodcrna potcvano flare al paragonc de' lavori antichi. ( >7 ; XXXVI. HERCULES. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Vifcount St. ASAPH. From the head of the preceding figure. XXXVII. HERCULES and OMPHALE. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. J. C. MUSGRAVE, Efq. From a group in the Farnefina lately removed to Naples ; Hercules is reprefented with the tunic and diftaff of Omphale, as is Omphale with the Lion's fkin and club of Hercules. XXXVIII. HERCULES, SUPPORTING THE VANQUISHED HlPPOLYTE. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Baron VAN HORN. The idea chiefly copied from an Intaglio. ( *8 ) XXXIX. HERCULES SEIZING THE M.ENALIAN HlND. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. G. J. CHOLMONDLEY, Efq. From one of the twelve labours of Hercules, which are re- prefented in baffo-rilievo round the outfide of a marble vafe in the villa Albani, the circumference of which is twenty-three Englifh feet, two thirds. XL. VENUS. ANTIQUE CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. Sir W. HAMILTON, K. B. From a fmall ftatue in the collection of Charles Town- ley, Efq. found at Oftia. XLI. ADONIS. CHALCEDONY. INTAGLIO. JOHN CAMPBELL, Efq. From a ftatue of delicate Sculpture in the Mufeum Pio-Cle- mentinum. This ftatue was found four miles from the Porta di S. Giovanni, in the Barberini Tenuta, or Eftate. ( 19 ) XLII. CUPID. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. D. of MARLBOROUGH. From the head of a half ftatue in the Mufeum Pio-Clementi- num, it was found in the Via Labicana near the Centocelle. XLIII. CUPID and PSYCHE. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. J. LATOUCHE, Efq. From a group in the Mufeum Capitolinum. This group was found, in the year 1749, on Mount Aventine. XLIV. TWO CUPIDS, or GENII, HOLDING A BUTTERFLY OVER TWO LIGHTED TORCHES, WHICH ARE PLACED UPON AN ALTAR. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. JOHN CAMPBELL, Efq. From a bafTo-rilievo upon a fepulchral altar in the Mufeum Pio-Clementinum. This marble was found upon the Efquiline Hill, in the Villa Negroni. ( *> ) XLV. CUPID, carrying Game upon a Pedum, said to be the Genius of the Chace. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. R. PAYNE KNIGHT, Efq. From an antique Cameo of the fame fize in the collection of the Right Honourable Sir Richard Worfley, Bart. This Ca- meo was found in the month of February 1788, near the Porta Portefe, where the gardens of Caefar are fuppofed to have been fituated, as conjectured by Flaminio Vacca. XL VI. CUPID in a CAR, drawn by two boars. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. Earl of BEVERLEY. From a fmall baffo-rilievo in the Mufeum Pio-Clemen- tinum. XLVII. A YOUNG BRIDE with the PRONUBA. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Hon. JOHN TREVOR. From part of an antique painting, which is commonly called the Aldrobrandini marriage, from its being placed in the Villa Aldrobrandini. This painting was found about two hundred years ago on the Efquiline Hill, near the arch of Gallienus. See the Admiranda, Plate 60. ( 2i ; XLVIII. A wounded AMAZON, SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. H. G. QUIN, Efq. ORIGINAL. XLIX. L E A N D E R, ANTIQUE NICOLO. INTAGLIO. Vifcountefs MAYNARD. ORIGINAL. L. ATALANTA. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. WILLIAM LOCK, Efq. From a head formerly in the Verofpi Palace at Rome, now in the pofleffion of the Duke of Richmond. LI. MEDUSA. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. W. PALMER, Efq. From a mafk in the Rondinini Palace, efceemed for its fine expreflion and character. LII. MEDUSA, Profile. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. OZIAS HUMPHRY, Efq. From the preceding malk. ( « ) LIII. ACHILLES. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. J. TREVELYAN, Efq. From a head in the pofleflion of General ShouvalofF. This head was found in the eftate of Baron del Nero, called Porcil- liano, near the ancient Lavinium, not far from Oftia. LIV. The grief of ACHILLES upon the death of PATROCLUS. See Hom. II. lib. xviii. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. Rev. M. C. CRACHERODE. From a Cameo of Greek fculpture in the pofTeffion of Mon- fignor Ferretti, which formerly belonged to the ContefTa Charofini; the Cameo has been broken in the middle, and is incomplete : therefore part of the Intaglio has been fupplied to correfpond with the fubjeft. LV. PRIAM AT THE FEET OF ACHILLES SUPPLICATING THE REDEMPTION OF HECTOR'S BODY. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Rev. F. H. EGERTON. Achilles is reprefented fitting ; he turns away his face from Priam, yet fuffers him to kifs his hand, and bathe it with his tears. The two remaining figures are Brifeis and Alcimus, or Automedon. See Hom. II. lib. xxiv. From part of a baflb- rilievo in the Villa Borghefe. ( 23 ) LVI. ■ A J A X. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Rev. W. SANDFORD. From a buft in the Mufeum Pio-Clementinum. This bull was found in Adrian's Villa, near Tivoli, with feveral fragments of the group to which this buft belonged, reprefenting Ajax fupporting and defending the dead body of Patroclus. The famous Pafquino in Rome is a mutilated part of a group of the fame fubjecT:. LVII. DIOMEDES. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. Vifcount DOWN I From a buft in the Mufeum-Pio Clementinum. This buft was found in Adrian's Villa, near Tivoli. LV1II. PYLADES and ORESTES. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Sir R. COLT HOARE, Bart. From a baffo-rilievo in the Rondinini Palace. This baffo- rilievo was found at Tivoli. ( ?4 ; LIX. IPHIGENIA in AULIS. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. T. GRIMSTON, Efq. From part of a group, on a marble vafe, (See the Admiranda, plate 1 8), lately in the Villa Medici, now in the Grand Duke's Gallery at Florence. LX. ALEXANDER. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Sir W. W. WYNNE, Bt. From a coloflal head in the Grand Duke's Gallery at Florence. LXI. ALEXANDER. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. MAHAGAN, Efq. From a head rather coloflal, in the Mufeum Capitolinum. * * Fra le teflc d'Alcffandro tuttora efiftcnti tre fono le piu ragguardevoli. La piu grande e nel mufeo Fiorentino, la feconda ncl Capitolino, e la terza, che era in quello dclla regina di Svezia, e ora a S. Ildefonfo in Ifpagna. IVinkelmann Sto- ria delle Arti del Difegno. Italian edition by Carlo Fea. Tomo ii. libro x. p. 251. fee. 23. ( 25 ) LXII. ALEXANDER. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. ! rl of BEVERLEY. From a fragment in Intaglio, on a Cornelian, in the cabinet of the Earl of Beverley. The copy has fiipplied the deficiency which is in the original. LXIII. DEMOSTHENES. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Rev. Mr. KEARNEY. From a fmall baffb-rilievo, in the pofieHion of the Earl of Chefterfield. This bafTo-rilievo is in Greek Marble, and not of Terra Cotta, as mentioned by Winkclmann, Storia delk Arti del Difcgno prcjj'o gli Anticbi, tomo ii. p. 255, Italian edition by Carlo Fea. The fculpture appears, by the ftyle, to be much anterior to that of the fmall bronze head of De- mofthenes, found at Herculaneum, now in the Mufeum at Por- tici, near Naples, which has the name on the pedeftal. It muft be remarked, that before this difcovery, the heads of De- mofthenes had always been mi (taken for thofe of Pythagoras ; and the head, before generally called Demofthenes, and now Solon, has the name of Solon inferibed upon its pedeftal. G ( 26 ) LXIV. SAPPHO. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. Monfieur St. GERMAIN. From a head about the fize of life, and of Greek fimplicity, in the Giuftiniani Palace. LXV. EURIPIDES. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. Count ROWZZAMOUSKI. From a Terme, lately in the Farnefina, now at Naples. It has the name of Euripides infcribed on the breaft, in Greek characters. This Terme was found near Porta Pontefe. LXVI. PERICLES. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Rt. Hon. Sir R. WORSLEY, Bt. From a Terme found in the year 1780, in the Oliveto del Dottor dc Matthias, called the Pianella di Caflio : there was alfo found another head of Pericles, now in the collection of Charles Townley, Efq. and a Terme without a head, with the ( 2 7 ) name of Phidias inferibed upon it. Pericles, from the peculiar form of his head, was called by the Attic Poets Schinocephalus,* and his ftatues, probably for this reafon, were almoft allgaleated. See Plutarch's Life of Pericles, London edition, by Bryan, p. 339. The fculpture in this Terme appears to correfpond wit!) the character given by Plutarch, as it difcovers the hair through the eye-hole of the helmet, which carries the head higher than what is generally feen in nature. This has been care- fully copied in the Intaglio. LXVIL. PERICLES and ASPASIA. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. HENRY BANKES, E^. Pericles from the preceding Terme, and Afpafia from a Terme found at Caftro-Novo, near Civita Vecchia, in the fame year as that of Pericles, the names are on both Termes, which authenticates thofe portraits, and were unknown till this difcovery : they are engraved in the fame characters on the exergue of the gem. Both thefe Termes are in the Mufeum Pio-Clementinum. * Schinos is the fquilla, fea onion, or leek.. ( 28 ) LXVIII. PHOCION. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. WILLIAM MILLS, Efq. From a ftatue, in the Mufeum Pio-Clementinum. This ftatue was found at the foot of the Quirinal Hill, in building the Gentili Palace. LXIX. ROME. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. Prince BORGHESE. From a coloffal head, in the Palace of the Villa Borghefe. LXX. MARS descending to RHEA SILVIA. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. Prince REZZONICO. ORIGINAL. LXXI. JULIUS CyESAR. CORNELIAN INTAGLIO. Major General AINSLEY. From a buft in the Palace of the Marchefa Cafali. ( 2 9 ) LXXII. BRUTUS. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. T. J. FORTESCUE,Efq. From a fmall filver coin in the cabinet of the Vatican library. LXXIII. M. T. CICERO. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. VifcountDUNCANNON. From a coloflal bull in the Mufcum Capitolinum. LXXIV. CLEOPATRA. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. T. W. COKE, Efq. From a ftatue in tlie Mufeum Pio-Clementinum. This ftatue was the acquifition of Pope Julius the Second. LXXV. AUGUSTUS. CHALCEDONY. INTAGLIO. Ear! of BRISTOL. From a head in the Mufeum Capitolinum. H ( 30 ) LXXVI. CALIGULA. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Lord JOHN CLINTON. From a bull in Bafaltes, in the Mufeum Capitolinum. LXXVII. A FEMALE FIGURE, IN THE CHARACTER OF AGRIPPINA WEEPING OVER AN URN. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Hon. Mrs. WELDON. ORIGINAL. LXXVIII. TRAJAN. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Vifcount LANGFORD. From a head in the Villa Albani. This head was found at the Marmorata, where is fuppofed was the ancient landing place of the Romans. LXXIX. A CONOUERED PROVINCE, SUPPOSED TO BE DACIA. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. J. G. PERRIN, Efq. From a baffo-rilievo, which appears to have been the key- ftone of an arch, in a cortile of the Mufeum Capitolinum. ( 3' ) LXXX. ANTINOUS. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Countefs of HOLDERNESS. From a coloITal head in the Villa Mondragone, above Frafcati. This head appears to have more effeminacy than the other reprefentations of Antinous. See Winkelmann 's defcription of this head, Monument i Antichi, page 235, No. 179. LXXXI. ANTINOUS. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Duke of MARLBOROUGH. From the head of a lefs than half figure in baffo-rilievo in the Villa Albani ; the height is three feet nine inches and up- wards. This baffo-rilievo was found in Adrian's Villa, near Tivoli. See lYinkelmann, Storia delle Arti del Difegno, Italian edition, by Carlo Fea. Tomo h. p. 385. fee. 16, 17. LXXXII. MARCUS AURELIUS, when young. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. Rev. CLAYTON M. CRACHERODE. From a buft in the Mufeum Capitolinum. ( 32 ) LXXXIII. MARCUS AURELIUS. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Lord LUCAN. From a buft in the Villa Albani. This buft was found in Adrian's Villa, near Tivoli. LXXXIV. FAUSTINA, wife to MARCUS AURELIUS. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Earl of HARDWICKE. From a buft in the Mufeum Capitolinum. This buft was found in Adrian's Villa, near Tivoli. LXXXV. LUCIUS VERUS. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Lord LUCAN. From a coloifal head in the Villa Borghefe, the fineft portrait of that Emperor, and efteemed for the great execution of the hair and beard. It was found, with its companion head of Marcus Aurelius, near fixty years ago, under large tiles four miles from Rome upon the Florence road, in a place called Acqua traverfa. See Winkelmann, Storia delle Arti del Difegno, Italian edition, by Carlo Fea. Tomo ii. capo ii. p. 395. fee. 5. ( 33 ) LXXXVI. A FEMALE FIGURE, dressed as a VESTAL. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. J. TREVELYAN, Efq. From part of a baflb-rilievo in the Villa Pamphili. LXXXVII. A ROMAN MATRON. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Marquis of BUCKINGHAM From a ftatue, fuppofed to reprefent that character, in the collection of the Marquis of Buckingham. This ftatue was found thirteen miles from Rome, in the tenuta di Quadrono, in the Via Flaminia. LXXXVIII. A NAVAL VICTORY. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. Sir W. CUNNINGHAM, Bart. From a fmall ftatue in the Mufeum Pio-Clementinum. The advanced foot ftands on the prow of an ancient galley. This ftatue was found at Cornazano. ( 34 ) LXXXIX. A VICTORY. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. D. of MARLBOROUGH. From part of a fmall Etrufcan baflb-rilievo, formerly in the poflefiion of the Right Hon. Sir William Hamilton, K.B. now in the Britifh Mufeum. This baflb-rilievo was found at Capua Vecchia, in the kingdom of Naples. XC. FORTUNE. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. Count WORONZOW. From a pifhire painted by Guido Reni, in the Capitoline Gallery of Pictures. XCI. A HEAD of a FEMALE FIGURE, DECORATING A TEMPLE WITH A GARLAND. JACINTH. INTAGLIO. Lady C. CAMPBELL. From a fmall baflb-rilievo, lately in the Villa Negroni, now in the pofleflion of John Campbell, Efq. See Winkle- mann, Storia delle Arti del Difegno, Italian edition, by Carlo Fea, Tomo iii. p. 495. Tav. xviii. ( 35 ) XCII. AN ANGEL. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Vifcount BULKELEY. From the painting of Raphael's Heliodorus, in the Vatican. The fubjec~l is taken from the fecond Book of Maccabees, chap. iii. verfe 25. XCIII. St. SUSANNA. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. D. of MARLBOROUGH. From the head of a ftatue, executed by Francis Quefnoy, commonly called II Fiammingo, in the church of S. Maria di Loreto. XCIV. DANTE. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. Countefs of ALBANY. Partly taken from a buft, executed by Ghirlandaio, the matter of Michael Angelo, in the Farnefina ; and from Dante, painted by Raphael, in his picture of the difpute of the facrament, in the Vatican. XCV. TOROUATO TASSO. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. Duca di CERRI. Executed from a caft in wax, preferved in the library of the Convent of S. Onofrio, in Rome. Tailb died in this convent. After his death, a mould was made from his head, from which mould the above caft in wax was taken. ( 3& ) XCVI. Portrait of the REIGNING POPE, PIUS VI. FROM LIFE. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. CABINET VATICAN LIBRARY. ' . XCVII. r Portrait of the EMPRESS of RUSSIA. CORNELIAN. INTAGLIO. KING of POLAND. From, an original picture belonging to the King of Poland. XCVIII. BRITANNIA sacrifising to ESCULAPIUS. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. QUEEN of GREAT BRITAIN. ORIGINAL. XCIX. GENERAL WOLFE, RECEIVING THE NEWS OF THE VICTORY AS HE WAS EXPIRING. . SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Rt. Hon. Sir R. WORSLEY, Bart. ORIGINAL. C. NYMPH. SARDONYX. INTAGLIO. Countcfs SPENCER. From Orlando Furiofo, canto xxxv. ftanza 12. THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. 25, A L0m-12,'67