THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES r r AHI = POEMS OF RELIGION AND SOCIETY BY JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, SIXTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, ETO-, WITH NOTICES OF HIS LIFE AND CHARACTER, BY JOHN DAYIS AND T. H. BENTON. ATJBUEN : DERBY AND MILLER. BUFFALO : DERBY, OKTON & MULLIGAN. 1853. Entered according to Act of Congress, In the year 1848, by WILLIAM H. GRAHAM. In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. Stereotyped by BAHB & P 11 Spruce Street- CONTENTS The Life of Mr. Adams, by the Hon. John Davis, . . 7 The Character of Mr. Adams, by the Hon. T. H. Beaton, 12 POEMS. The Wants of Man, . 15 - The Plague in the Forest, 24 To a Bereaved Mother, 29 Charles the Fifth's Clocks, 32 Eetrospection, 36 To the Sun-dial, under the Window of the Hall of the House of Representatives of the United States, ... 38 The Thirteenth Satire of Juvenal, 39 Version of the One Hundred Seventh Psalm, . . 52 The Hour-glass, 54 Sabbath Morning, 56 The Death of Children, 58 Written in Sickness, 60 Hymn for the Twenty-second of December, . - . .62 O God, with goodness all thy own, . . . . 64 Sing to Jehovah a new song, 65 O, all ye people, clap your hands, 67 4518 IV CONTENTS. Turn to the stars of heaven thine eyes, .... 69 O Lord my God! how great art thou! . . 71 Lord, thy all-discerning eyes, 73 My soul, before thy Maker kneel, 75 For Thee in Zion waiteth praise, 77 My Shepherd is the Lord on high, .... 79 Bond forth, O God, thy truth and light, . . . .81 O judge me, Lord, for thou art just, .... 82 O heal me, Lord, for I am weak, .... '\ 83 Blest is the mortal whose delight, 85 Why should I fear in evil days, 87 Come, let us sing unto the Lord, 89 Sing to the Lord a song of praise, 90 Lord of all Worlds 92 Justice an Ode, 94 To Sally, 100 To E B , 103 " To a Lady, who Presented him with a Pair of Knit Gloves, 105 - The Lip and the Heart, 107 Written in an Album, 108 " A PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. IT is known to all the friends of the late ex-President Adams, that it was his custom from early manhood to devote his leisure moments to literature; and the fruits of his literary studies, when collected in an appropriate form, will show that he is enti- tled to high consideration among our authors. Among his poems are a translation * of Wieland's " Oberon" that has never been published. His " Dermot McMorrogh" failed of a just appreciation, on account of his political relations. Many of his minor pieces have wit, humor, grace, and tenderness, and they are all informed with wisdom and various learning. Some of his " hymns" are among the finest devotional lyrics in our Ian This collection of Mr. Adams' shorter poems is, of course, incomplete, having been made from the periodicals and miscel- lanies in which they were originally printed ; but the editor has made it as perfect as his opportunities allowed, and he is confi- dent that, in the absence of any other volume of the same kind, he has done an acceptable service to the reading public. Nicw YORK, Sept., 1848. * See Griswold's "Prose writers of America," Article J. Q. Adama 8 LIFE OF ME. ADAMS. lands. In May, 1796, two years after, he was appointed Minis- ter Plenipotentiary at Lisbon, in Portugal. These honors were conferred on him by George Washington, with the advice and consent of the Senate. In May, 1797, he was appointed Minister Plenipotentiary to the King of Prussia. In March, 1798, and probably while at Berlin, he was appointed a Commissioner, with full powers to negotiate a treaty of amity and commerce with Sweden. After his return to the United States he was elected by the Legislature of Massachusetts a Senator, and discharged the duties of that station in this chamber from the 4th of March, 1803, until June, 1808, when, differing from his colleague and from the State upon a great political question, he resigned his seat. la June, 1809, he was nominated and appointed Minister Plenipo- tentiary to the Court of St. Petersburgh. While at that court, in February, 1811, he was appointed an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, to fill a vacancy occasioned by the death of Judge Cushing, but never took his seat upon the bench. In May, 1813, he, with Messrs. Gallacin and Bayard, wa* nominated Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary ta negotiate a treaty of peace with Great Britain, under the media- tion of Russia, and a treaty of commerce with Russia. From causes which it is unnecessary to notice, nothing was accom- plished under this appointment. But afterward, in January, 1814, he, with Messrs. Gallatin, Bayard, Clay, and Russell, were appointed Ministers Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary to nego- tiate a treaty of peace, and a treaty of commerce with Great Britain. This mission succeeded in effecting a pacification, and the name of Mr. Adams is subscribed to the treaty of Ghent. After this eventful crisis in our public affairs, he was, in Feb- ruary, 1815, selected by Mr. Madison to represent the country, and protect its interests, at the Court of St. James ; and he re- mained there as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotenti- ary until Mr. Monroe became President of the United State*. LIFE OF MR. ADAMS. 9 On the 5th of Marcn, 1817, at the commencement of the new administration, he was appointed Secretary of State, and con- tinued in the office while that gentleman was at the head of the administration. In 1825, he was elected his successor, and discharged the duties of President for one term, ending on the third of March, 1829. Here followed a brief period of repose from public service, and Mr. Adams retired to his family mansion at Quincy ; but was elected a member of the House of Representatives, from the district in which he lived, at the next election which occurred after his return to it, and took his seat in December, 1831. He retained it, by successive elections, to the day of his death. I have not ventured, on this occasion, beyond a bare enume- ration of the high places of trust and confidence which have been conferred upon the deceased. The service covers a period of more than half a century ; and what language can I employ which will portray more forcibly the great merits of the deceas- ed, the confidence reposed in him by the public, or the ability with which he discharged the duties devolved upon him, than, by this simple narration of recorded facts ? An ambitious man could not desire a more emphatic eulogy. Mr. Adams, however, was not merely a statesman, but a ripe, accomplished scholar, who, during a life of remarkably well- directed industry, made those great acquirements which adorned his character, and gave to it the manly strength of wisdom and intelligence. As a statesman and patriot, he will rank among the illustrious men of an age prolific in great names, and greatly distinguished for its progress in civilization. The productions of his pen are proofs of a vigorous mind, imbued with a profound knowledge of what it investigates, and of a memory which was singularly retentive and capacious. But his character is not made up of those conspicuous qualities alone. He will be remembered for the virtues of private life 10 LIFE OF MR. ADAMS. for his elevated moral example, for his integrity, for his devotion to his duties as a Christian, as a neighbor, and as the head of a family. In all these relations, few persons have set a more steadfast or brighter example, and few have descended to the grave where the broken ties of social and domestic affection have been more sincerely lamented. Great as may be the loss to the public of one so gifted and wise, it is by the family that his death will be most deeply felt. His aged and beloved part- ner, who has so long shared the honors of his career, and to whom all who know her are bound by the ties of friendship will believe that we share her grief, mourn her bereavement and sympathize with her in her affliction. It is believed to have been the earnest wish of his heart to die, like Chatham, in the midst of his labors. It was a sublime thought, that where he had toiled in the house of the nation, in hours of the day devoted to its service, the stroke of death should reach him, and there sever the ties of love and patriot- ism which bound him to earth. He fell in his seat, attacked by paralysis, of which he had before been a subject. To describe the scene which ensued would be impossible. It was more than the spontaneous gush of feeling which all such events call forth, so much to the honor of our nature. It was the expression of reverence for his moral worth, of admiration for his great intel- lectual endowments, and of veneration for his age and public services. All gathered round the sufferer, and the strong sym- pathy and deep feeling which were manifested, showed that the business of the House (which was instantly adjourned) was for- gotten amid the distressing anxieties of the moment. He was soon removed to the apartment of the Speaker, where he re- mained, surrounded by afflicted friends, till the weary clay re- signed its immortal spirit. "This is the end of earth!" Brief but emphatic words. They were among the last uttered by the dying Christian. Thus has closed the life of one whose purity, patriotism, tal- ents, and learning, have seldom been seriously questioned. To LIJS OF MR, ADAMS. 11 say that he had faults, would only be declaring that he was hu- man. Let him who is exempt from error, venture to point them out. In this long career of public life, it would be strange if the venerable man had no* met with many who have differed from him in sentiment, or who have condemned his acts. If there be such, let the mantle of oblivion be thrown over each unkind thought. Let not the grave of the " old man eloquent" be desecrated by unfriendly remembrances, but let us yield our homage to his many virtues, and let it be our prayer that we may so perform our duties here, that, if summoned in a like sud- den and appalling manner, we may not be found unprepared or unable to utter his words, " I am composed." THE CHARACTER OF MR ADAMS BY THE HON. T. H. BENTON. THE voice of his native State has been heard, through one of the Senators of Massachusetts, announcing the death of her ageJ and most distinguished son. It is not unfitting or unbecoming in me to second the motion which has been made, for extending the last honors of the Senate to him who, forty-five years ago, was a member of this body, who, at the time of his death, was among the oldest members of the House of Representatives, and who, putting the years of his service together, was the oldest of all the members of the American government. The eulogium of Mr. Adams is made in the facts of his life, which the Senator from Massachusetts has so strikingly stated, that, from early manhood to octogenarian age, he has been con stantly and most honorably employed in the public service. For a period of more than fifty years, from the time of his first ap- pointment as minister abroad under Washington, to his last elec- tion to the House of Representatives by the people of his native district, he has been constantly retained in the public service ; and that, not by the favor of a sovereign, or by hereditary title, but by the elections and appointments of republican government. This fact makes the eulogy of the illustrious deceased. For what, except a union of all the qualities which command the esteem and confidence of man, could have ensured a public ser vice so long, by appointments free and popular, and from sources so various and exalted ? Minister many times abroad ; membe* of this body ; member of the House of Representatives ; cabi CHARACTER OF MR. ADAMS. 13 net minister ; President of the United States ; such has been the galaxy of his splendid appointments. And what but moral ex- cellence the most perfect ; intellectual ability the most eminent ; fidelity the most unwavering; service the most useful; could have commanded such a succession of appointments so exalted, from sources so various and so eminent ? Nothing less could have commanded such a series of appointments ; and accordingly we see the union of all these great qualities in him who has re- ceived them. In this long career of public service, Mr. Adams was distin- guished not only by faithful attention to all the great duties of his stations, but to all their less and minor duties. He was not the Salamiuian galley, to be launched only on extraordinary occa- sions, but he was the ready vessel, always launched when the duties of his station required it, be the occasion great or small. As President, as cabinet minister, as minister abroad, he exam- ined all questions that came before him, and examined all, in all their parts, in all the minutiae of their detail, as well as in all the vastness of their comprehension. As Senator, and as a member of the House of Representatives, the obscure committee-room was as much the witness of his laborious application to the drudg- ery of legislation, as the halls of the two Houses were to the ever ready speech, replete with knowledge, which instructed all hearers, enlightened all subjects, and gave dignity and ornament In the observance of all the proprieties of life, Mr. Adams was a most noble and impressive example. He cultivated the minor as well as the greater virtues. Wherever his presence could give aid and countenance to what was useful and honorable to man, there he was. In the exercises of the school and of the col- lege in the meritorious meetings of the agricultural, mechani- cal, and commercial societies in attendance upon divine wor- ship he gave the punctual attendance rarely seen but in those who are free from the weight of public cares. Punctual to every duty, death found him at the post of duty ; 2 14 CHARACTER OF MR. ADAMS. and where else could it have found him, at any stage of his ca- reer, for the fifty years of his illustrious public life ? From the time of his first appointment by Washington to his last election by the people of his native town, where could death have found him but at the post of duty ? At that post, in the fullness of age, in the ripeness of renown, crowned with honors, surrounded by his family, his friends, and admirers, and in the very presence of the national representation, he haa been gathered to his fathers, leaving behind him the memory of public services which are the history of his country for half a century, and the example of a life, public and private, which should be the study and the model of the generations of his countrymen. POEMS. THE WANTS OF MAN.* "Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long." Goldsmith's Hermit. - " MAN wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long." 'Tis not with ME exactly so, But 'tis so in the song. MY wants are many, and if told Would muster many a score ; And were each wish a mint of gold, I still should long for more. * It was written under those circumstances : General Ogle informed Mr. Adams that several young ladies in his district had requested him to procure Mr. A.'s autograph for them. In accordance with this request, Mr. Adams wrote the following beautiful poem upon "The Wants of Man," each stanza upon a sheet of note paper. 16 THE WANTS OF MAN. II. What first I want is daily bread, And canvas backs and wine ; And all the realms of nature spread Before me when I dine. Four courses scarcely can provide My appetite to quell, With four choice cooks from France, beside, To dress my dinner well. III. What next I want, at heavy cost, Is elegant attire ; Black sable furs, for winter's frost, And silks for summer's fire, And Cashmere shawls, and Brussels lace My bosom's front to deck, And diamond rings my hands to grace, And rubies for my neck. IV. And then I want a mansion fair, A dwelling house, in style, Four stories high, for wholesome air A massive marble pile ; With halls for banquets and balls, All furnished rich and fine ; With stabled studs in fifty stalls, And cellars for my wine. THE WANTS OF MAN. 17 V. I want a garden and a park, My dwelling to surround A thousand acres (bless the mark), With walls encompassed round- Where flocks may range and herds may low, And kids and lambkins play, And flowers and fruits commingled grow, All Eden to display. VI. I want, when summer's foliage falls, And autumn strips the trees, A house within the city's walls, For comfort and for ease. But here, as space is somewhat scant. And acres somewhat rare, My house in town I only want To occupy a square. VII. I want a steward, bulled, cooks ; A coachman, footman, grooms, A library of well-bound books, And picture-garnished rooms; Corregios, Magdalen, and Night, The matron of the chair ; Guide's fleet coursers in their flight, And Claudes at least a pair. 2 18 THE WANTS OF MAN. VIII. I want a cabinet profuse Of medals, coins, and gems; A printing press, for private use, Of fifty thousand EMS ; And plants, and minerals, and shells; Worms, insects, fishes, birds; And every beast on earth that dwells In solitude or herds. IX. I want a board of burnished plate, Of silver and of gold ; Tureens of twenty pounds in weight, With sculpture's richest mould ; Plateaus, with chandeliers and lamps, Plates, dishes all the same ; And porcelain vases, with the stamps Of Sevres, Angouleme. X. And maples, of fair glossy stain, Must form my chamber doors, And carpets of the Wilton grain Must cover all my floors ;' My walls, with tapestry bedeck'd, Must never be outdone ; And damask curtains must protect Their colors from the sun. THE WANTS OF MAN. 19 XI. And mirrors of the largest pane From Venice must be brought ; And sandal-wood, and bamboo cane, For chairs and tables bought ; On all the mantel-pieces, clocks Of thrice-gilt bronze must stand, And screens of ebony and box Invite the stranger's hand. XII. I want (who does not want ?) a wife, Affectionate and fair, To solace all the woes of life, And all its joys to share ; Of temper sweet, of yielding will, Of firm, yet placid mind, With all my faults to love me still, With sentiment refin'd. XIII. And as Time's car incessant runs, And Fortune fills my store, I want of daughters and of sons From eight to half a score. I want (alas ! can mortal dare Such bliss on earth to crave?) That all the girls be chaste and fair The boys all wise and brave. THE WANTS OF MAN. XIV. And when my bosom's darling sings, With melody divine, A pedal harp of many strings Must with her voice combine. A piano, exquisitely wrought, Must open stand, apart, That ah 1 my daughters may be taught To win the stranger's heart. XV. My wife and daughters will ddsire Refreshment from perfumes, Cosmetics for the skin require, And artificial blooms. The civil fragrance shall dispense, And treasur'd sweets return ; Cologne revive the flagging sense, And smoking amber burn. XVI. And when at night my weary head Begins to droop and dose, . A southern chamber holds my bed, For nature's soft repose ; With blankets, counterpanes, and sheet, Mattrass, and bed of down, And comfortables for my feet, And pillows for my crown. THE WANTS OF MAN. 21 XVII. I want a warm and faithful friend, To cheer the adverse hour, Who ne'er to flatter will descend, Nor bend the knee to power ; A friend to chide me when I'm wrong, My inmost soul to see ; And that my friendship prove as strong For him, as his for me. XVIII. I want a kind and tender heart, For others wants to feel ; A soul secure from Fortune's dart, And bosom arm'd with steel ; To bear divine chastisement's rod. And mingling in my plan, Submission to the will of God, With charity to man. XIX. I want a keen, observing eye, An ever-listening ear, The truth through all disguise to spy^ And wisdom's voice to hear ; A tongue, to speak at virtue's need, In Heaven's sublimest strain ; And lips, the cause of man to plead, And never plead in vain. 22 THE WANTS OF MAN. XX. I want uninterrupted health, Throughout my long career, And streams of never-failing wealth, To scatter far and near ; The destitute to clothe and feed, Free bounty to bestow ; Supply the helpless orphan's need, And soothe the widow's woe. XXI. I want the genius to conceive, The talents to unfold, Designs, the vicious to retrieve, The virtuous to uphold ; Inventive power, combining skill, A persevering soul, Of human hearts to mould the will, And reach from pole to pole. XXII. I want the seals of power and place, The ensigns of command, Charged by the people's unbought grace, To rule my native land. Nor crown, nor sceptre would I ask But from my country's will, By day, by night, to ply the task Her cup of bliss to fill. THE WANTS OF MAN. 23 XXIII. I want the voice of honest praise To follow me behind, And to be thought in future days The friend of human kind ; That after ages, as they rise, Exulting may proclaim, In choral union to the skies, Their blessings on my name XXIV. These are the wants of mortal man ; I cannot want them long, For life itself is but a span, And earthly bliss a song. My last great want, absorbing all, Is, when beneath the sod, And summon'd to my final call, The mercy of my God. XXV. And oh ! while circles in my veins Of life the purple stream, And yet a fragment small remains Of nature's transient dream, My soul, in humble hope unscar'd, Forget not thou to pray, That this thy WANT may be prepared To meet the Judgment Day. 24 THE PLAGUE IN THE FOREST. THE PLAGUE IN THE FOREST. TIME was, when round the lion's den, A peopled city raised its head ; 'Twas not inhabited by men, But by four-footed beasts instead. The lynx, the leopard, and the bear, The tiger and the wolf, were there ; The hoof-defended steed ; The bull, prepared with horns to gore, The cat with claws, the tusky boar, And all the canine breed. In social compact thus combined, Together dwelt the beasts of prey ; Their murderous weapons all resigned, And vowed each other not to slay. Among them Reynard thrust his phiz ; Not hoof, nor horn, nor tusk was his, For warfare all unfit ; He whispered to the royal dunce, And gained a settlement at once ; . His weapon was, his wit. THE PLAGUE IN THE FOREST. 25 One summer, by some fatal spell, (Phoebus was peevish for some scoff,) The plague upon that city fell, And swept the beasts by thousands off. The lion, as became his part, Loved his own people from his heart, And taking counsel sage, His peerage summoned to advise And offer up a sacrifice, To soothe Apollo's rage. Quoth lion, " We are sinners all, And even it must be confessed,, If among sheep I chance to fall, I, I am guilty as the rest. To me the sight of lamb is curst, It kindles in my throat a thirst, I struggle to refrain, " Poor innocent .' his blood so sweet ! His flesh so delicate to eat ! I find resistance vain. " Now to be candid, I must own The sheep are weak and I am strong, But when we find ourselves alone, The sheep have never done me wrong. And, since I purpose to reveal All my offences, nor conceal THE PLAGUE IN THE FOREST. One trespass from your view ; My appetite is made so keen, That with the sheep the time has been I took, the shepherd too. " Then let us all our sins confess, And whosesoe'er the blackest guilt, To ease my people's deep distress, Let his atoning blood be spilt. My own confession now you hear, Should none of deeper dye appear, Your sentence freely give ; And if on me should fall the lot, Make me the victim on the spot, And let my people live." The council with applauses rung, To hear the Codrus of the wood ; Though still some doubt suspended hung, If he would make his promise good, Quoth Reynard, " Since the world was made, Was ever love like this displayed T Let us like subjects true Swear, as before your feet we fall, Sooner than you should die for all, We all will die for you. " But please your majesty, I deem, Submissive to your royal grace, THE PLAGUE IN THE FOREST. 27 You hold in far too high esteem That paltry, poltroon, sheepish race ; For oft, reflecting in the shade, I ask myself why sheep were made By all-creating power ? And howsoe'er I tax my mind, This the sole reason I can find, For lions to devour. " And as for eating now and then, As well the shepherd as the sheep, How can that braggart breed of men Expect with you the peace to keep ? 'Tis time their blustering boast to stem, That all the world was made for them, And prove creation's plan ; Teach them by evidence profuse That man was made for lion's use, Not lions made for man." And now the noble peers begin, And, cheered with such examples bright, Disclosing each his secret sin, Some midnight murder brought to light Beynard was counsel for them all, No crime the assembly could appal, But Tie could botch with paint : Hark ! as his honeyed accents roll, Each tiger is a gentle soul : Each blood-hound is a saint. THE PLAGUE IN THE FOREST. When each had told his tale in turn, The long-eared beast of burden came And meekly said, " My bowels yearn To make confession of my shame ; But I remember on a tune I passed, not thinking of a crime, A haystack on my way : His lure some tempting devil spread, I stretched across the fence my head, And cropped, a lock of hay." " Oh, monster ! villain '" Reynard cried, " No longer seek the victim, sire ; Nor why your subjects thus have died, To expiate Apollo's ire." The council with one voice decreed ; All joined to execrate the deed, " What, steal another's grass !" The blackest crime their lives could show, Was washed as white as virgin snow ; The victim was, The Ass. TO A BEREAVED MOTHER. 29 TO A BEREAVED MOTHER. SURE, to the mansions of the blest When infant innocence ascends, Some angel, brighter than the rest, The spotless spirit's flight attends. On wings of ecstasy they rise, Beyond where worlds material roll ; Till some fair sister of the skiea Beceives the unpolluted soul. That inextinguishable beam, With dust united at our birth, Sheds a more dim, discolor'd gleam The more it lingers upon earth. Closed in this dark abode of clay, The stream of glory faintly burns : Not unobserved, the lucid ray To its own native fount returns. But when the LORD of mortal breath Decrees his bounty to resume, And points the silent shaft of death Which speeds an infant to the tomb- s' 30 TO A BEREAVED MOTHER. No passion fierce, nor low desire, Has quenched the radiance of the flame; Back to its GOD the living fire Reverts, unclouded as it came. Fond mourner ! be that solace thine ! Let hope her healing charm impart, And soothe, with melodies divine, The anguish of a mother's heart. O, think ! the darlings of thy love, Divested of this earthly clod, Amid unnumber'd saints above, Bask in the bosom of their GOD. Of their short pilgrimage on earth Still tender images remain : Still, still they bless thee for their birth, Still filial gratitude retain. Each anxious care, each rending sigh, That wrung for them the parent's breast, Dwells on remembrance in the sky, Amid the raptures of the blest. O'er thee, with looks of love, they bend ; For thee the LORD of life implore ; And oft, from sainted bliss descend, Thy wounded quiet to restore. TO A BEREAVED MOTHER. 31 Oft, in the stillness of the night, They smooth the pillow of thy bed ; Oft, till the morn's returning light, Still watchful hover o'er thy head. '."* Hark ! in such strains as saints employ, They whisper to thy bosom peace ; Calm the perturbed heart to joy, And bid the streaming sorrow cease. Then dry, henceforth, the bitter tear : Their' part and thine inverted see : Thou wert their guardian angel here, They guardian angels now to thee. 32 CHARLES THE FIFTH'S CLOCKS. CHARLES THE FIFTH'S CLOCKS. WITH Charles the Fifth art thou acquainted, reader ? Of Ferdinand and Isabel the grandson, In ages past of Europe's realms file leader, Among the mightiest of all ages, one. Spain, Germany, his sceptre swayed, With feet victorious over France he trod, Afric' and Italy his laws obeyed, And either India trembled at his nod. Well, reader, this same monarch mighty, Like many of his stamp before, Down to the latest of the set Whose names I leave in blank, as yet ! And with Napoleon you may fill, Or Alexander, as you will ; Charles, seated upon all his thrones, With all his crowns upon his head, Built piles on piles of human bones, As if he meant to reign the sovereign of the dead. He kept the world in uproar forty years, And waded bloody oceans through ; Feasted on widows' and on orphans' tears, And cities sacked, and millions slew. CHARLES THE FIFTH'S CLOCKS. 33 And all the pranks of conquering heroes play'd, A master workman at the royal trade, The recipe approved time out of mind, To win the hearts of all mankind. But heroes, too, get weary of their trade ; Charles had a conscience, and grew old ; The gout sometimes an ugly visit paid; A voice within unwelcome stories told, That heroes, just like common men, One day must die ; and then Of what might happen Charles was sore afraid. Of Charles's wars, need little here be said ; Their causes were ambition, avarice, pride, Despotic empire o'er the world to spread, Revenge on Francis, who proclaimed he lied, And chiefly Luther's heresies to quell ; To prove the wrong of Reformation With fire, and sword, and desolation, And save the souls of Protestants from hell. But when the humor came to save his own, Charles stripp'd off all his royal robes, Dismissed his double globes, Cast down his crowns, descended from his throne, And wit'h St. Jerome's monks retired, to die alone. Charles had a maggot in the mind, Restless, that needs must be of something thinking. And now, to keep his spirits from sinking, Employment often at a loss to find, Much of his time he spent in prayer ; 34 CHARLES THE FIFTIl's CLOCKS. In penance for his evil deeds, In saying masses, and in telling beads; In self-chastisement, till he bled A drop for every ton of others shed ; And much his little garden claim'd his care, In planting cabbages and plucking seeds ; But these were simple occupations, And Charles, so long in empire's toils immers'd, So deep in all their intricacies vers'd, Some pastime needed, full of complications. So long his study had been man, His sport, his victim, man, of flesh and blood, That now with art mechanic he began To fashion manakins of wood. Soon he became a skilful mechanician, And made his mimic men with so much art. They made St. Jerome's friars start, And think their royal master a magician, Leagued with the mother of all evil ; Like Dr. Faustus, soul-bound to the devil. At last the fancy seized his brain, Of perfect instruments for keeping time. Watches and clocks he made, but all in vain ; He never could succeed to make them chime. With choice chronometers he liird his cell ; No two at once would ever ring the bell. Now mark the moral of my tale, Which flash'd in sunbeams upon Charles's soul ; When he whose chisel could prevail CHARLES THE FIFTH'S CLOCKS. 35 Man's outward actions to control, So that his puppets seemed as good As living men, though made of wood, Yet ever baffled found his skill To mould two watches to his will. He smote his bosom with a sigh, Exclaiming, " What a dolt was I, By force constraining men to think alike, And cannot make two clocks together sf k.t < 36 RETROSPECTION. RETROSPECTION. WHEN life's fair dream has passed away To three score years aud ten, Before we turn again to clay The lot of mortal men, 'Tis wise a backward eye to cast On life's revolving scene, With calmness to review the past And ask what we have been. The cradle and the mother's breast Have vanish'd from the mind, Of joys the sweetest and the best, Nor left a trace behind. Maternal tenderness and care Were lavished all in vain Of bliss, whatever was our share No vestiges remain. Far distant, like a beacon light On ocean's boundless waste, A single spot appears in sight Yet indistinctly traced. RETROSPECTION. 37 Some mimic stage's thrilling cry, Some agony of fear, Some painted wonder to the eye, Some trumpet to the ear. These are the first events of life That fasten on the brain, And through the world's incessant strife Indelible remain. They form the link with ages past From former worlds a gleam ; With murky vapors overcast, The net-work of a dream. 4 f~ .& 38 TO THE SUN-DIAL. TO THE SUN-DIAL, UNDER THE WINDOW OF THE HALL OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENT ATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES. THOU silent herald of Time's silent flight ! Say, could'st thou speak, what warning voice were thine t Shade, who canst only show how others shine ! Dark, sullen witness of resplendent light In day's broad glare, and when the moontide bright Of laughing fortune sheds the ray divine, Thy ready favors cheer us but decline The clouds of morning and the gloom of night. Yet are thy counsels faithful, just, and wise ; They bid us seize the moments as they pass Snatch the retrieveless sunbeam as it flies, Nor lose one sand of life's revolving glass Aspiring still, with energy sublime, By virtuous deeds to give eternity to Time. THE THIRTEENTH SATIRE OF JUVENAL. 39 THE THIRTEENTH SATIRE OF JUVENAL.* FROM Virtue's paths, when hapless men depart, The first avenger is the culprit's heart ; There sits a judge, from whose severe decree No strength can rescue, and no speed can flee ; A judge, unbiass'd by the quibbling tribe ! A judge, whom India's treasures cannot bribe. Calvin, what thiukest thou the world will say, To see thy faithless friend his trust betray ? Yet, to thy fortune, is the breach but small ; Thy purse will scarcely feel the loss at all; Nor are examples of such baseness rare ! 'Tis what in common with thee thousands bear ; A single drop of water from the deep ! A single grain from fortune's boundless heap. Excessive sorrow let us then restrain : A man should measure by the wound his pain ! * THE ARGUMENT. Calvinus had deposited a sum of money In the hands of a friend, who, upon being required to restore it, denied having ever received the trust Calvinus appears to have been too much affected at this incident, and Juvenal addressed to him this Satire, containing topics of consolation to Calvinus for his loss, and of reproof for the extreme sensibility he had manifested upon the occasion. 40 THE THIRTEENTH SATIRE OF JUVENAL. Though keen thy sense, the smallest ill to meet, Must thy blood boil to find thy friend a cheat ? The sacred trust committed he denies But, at thy age, can treachery surprise ? When threescore winters thou hast left behind, To long experience art thou still so blind ? Great, and prevailing is the sacred lore, Which Wisdom, Fortune's victress, has in store ; But we consider likewise those as blest, Who meet the woes of life with placid breast ; Bred in life's school, who bend beneath her sway, Nor from her yoke would draw their necks away. Is there a day so festive through the year, But frequent frauds and perfidies appear ? A single day, but sees triumphant vice With lurking dagger, or with loaded dice ? Small is the train who honor's path pursue ; The friends of virtue are a chosen few So few, that gathering o'er the spacious earth A full collection of untainted worth, Scarce could you find a number, free from guile, To match the gates of Thebes, or mouths of Nile. Such are the horrors of our modern times, They bleach the blackness of all former crimes. The age of iron has long since been past, And four Vesides, each blacker than the last; A ninth succeeds, compared with which, of old, The age of iron was an age of gold ; An age, which nature dares not even name, 1 THE THIRTEENTH SATIRE OF JUVENAL. 41 Nor yields a metal to express its shame. The faith of gods and men our lips attest, Loud as a great man's pimps applaud his jest But hoary infant ; art thou still to know With what bright charms another's treasures glow ? Go ! fetch the rattle of thy childhood, go ! What peals of laughter rise on every side ! How all the town thy simpleness deride ! To see thee ask, and with a serious brow, That any mortal be not perjured now ; To see thee now, of any man require Faith in a god, and terror of hell-fire. These tenets truly our forefathers held, Ere from this throne old Saturn was expelled. Before he laid his diadem aside, And in the rustic sickle took a pride, While Ida's caves were yet the haunts of Jove, Nor virgin Juno, conscious of his love. No revels then were ever seen to rise Among the heavenly tenants of the skies ; No Trojan boy, no Hebe's form divine, To fill the goblets with inflaming wine ; With unwashed hands, no smutty Vulcan came To quaff the nectar, from his anvil's flame. Each god was then content to dine alone, Nor was our motley mob of god-heads known ; Small were the numbers of the blest abode ; Nor weighed down wretched Atlas with the load ; No gloomy Pluto ruled the realms of shade, 42 THE THIRTEENTH SATIRE OF JUVENAL. Nor yet had ravished the Sicilian maid. Hell then no wheel, no rock, no furies bore, No vulture's pounces dripped with ghostly gore ; But cheerful spirits ranged the valleys gay. Nor of infernal monarchs owned the sway. A fraud was held a wonder in that age ; And in the presence of a hoary sage, Had any younger man to rise forborne, However blest with ampler stores of corn, To them a crime of dye so black it seemed, As by naught else but death could be redeemed. The like respect by beardless boys was shown To those whose faces were but just o'ergrown ; Such awe four years precedence could engage, And youth's first blossom bore the fruits of age . Now, if your friend should not betray his trust, But give you back your coins with all their rust, It seems a miracle of higher strain, Than all the Tuscan sybil books contain, And, in memorial of so strange a deed, A votive lamb should on the altar bleed. If now mine eyes a man of virtue greet, I think a double-headed child to meet Not more surprising were it to behold A plough-share dig up fish, or mules with foal ; Earn fall in pebbles, or in wildest shapes Bees, clustering on a temple's roof like grapes. Or rivers, rushing with tremendous sweep, To pour a milky torrent in the deep. THE THIRTEENTH SATIRE OF JUVENAL. 43 The loss of fifty ducats you deplore, See your next neighbor filched of ten times more ; By a like fraud behold a third complain His loss of all his strong-box could contain. So prone, so ready are we to despise The single testimonial of the skies, Unless a mortal sanction too be given, And man confirm the evidence of Heaven ! Look ! with what seeming purity of breast And steady face he dares his faith attest Swears by the solar beams, the bolts of Jove, And thy full quiver, huntress of the grove ; By Mars' lance, Apollo's arrows drear, By Neptune's trident, and Minerva's spear, Alcides' bow, and whatsoe'er beside From all heaven's arsenal can be supplied ; And, if a father sooner be my food My infant's flesh, he cries, my drink his blood ! There are who deem that Fortune governs all ; That no Supreme Disposer rules the ball ; That Nature's energies alone suffice To make successive days and seasons rise ; Hence, with intrepid brow, such men as these To sanction falsehood, any altar seize, Another trembles lest the vengeance due, Of gods offended, should his crimes pursue ; Believes in gods, yet stains with guilt his soul, Aud thus attempts his terrors to control " Deal with my body as thou wilt," he cries, 44 THE THIRTEENTH SATIRE OF JUVENAL. " Great Isis ! and with blindness strike my eyes, If peacefully, though blind, I may but hold The price of perjury, the pilfered gold. What is a palsied side, a broken leg, Compared with indigence, compelled to beg The fleetest runner would, beyond a doubt, Give all his swiftness for a wealthy gout ; Nay, should he hesitate in such a case, Send for his doctor and his waistcoat lace ; For what can all his racing talent boot ? A hungry stomach and a nimble foot. And what avails the olive round his head, While puffed with glory, he must pine for bread 7 The anger of the gods, though great, is slow ; Nor will their mercy doom to endless woe ; And if they punish every guilty soul, Before my turn comes what long years may roll? Perhaps their wrath is pacified with ease, And oft they overlook such faults as these ; For the same deed, as good or ill luck reigns, One wields a sceptre,, and one hangs in chains.' Thus having lulled his conscience to repose, Before you to the sacred fane he goes ; Nay, drags you thither, with indignant ear The oath of fraud and perfidy to hear; For, with the multitude, guilt's face of brass For conscious innocence will often pass. See ! how he lays his hand upon his heart, And like a finished actor plays his part ! THE THIRTEENTH SATIRE OF JUVENAL. 45 You, plunder'd of your trust, with piercing cries, In vain, with voice like Stentor, rend the skies, Or rather, like old Homer's Mars exclaim, " Hear'st thou all this, great Jove, in silence tame, When all thy fury, at such vows accurst, From lips of brass or marble ought to burst ? Else, wherefore burns our incense at thy shrine ? Why, on thy altars, bleed the calves or swine ? Since no distinction, I perceive, were just, Between your statues and a dancer's bust." Yet hear what comfort an unlettered friend, Though from no school derived, can recommend; Who never made the cynic rule his own, Nor that of stoics, differing but in gown; Nor yet has learned the maxims to obey Of Epicurus, in his garden gay. When dire diseases rack your feeble frame, Call for some doctor of distinguished fame ; But in a case like yours, of trifling pain, To Philip's pupil you may trust your vein. Expressly show that since the world began A deed so base was never done by man ; Then, I object no longer, tear your hair, And beat your face and bosom in despair ; At such a dread misfortune close your gates, With lamentation loud accuse the Fates, Heave deeper groans, tears more abundant shed For money pilfered than a father dead. No man in this case feigns of grief a show ; 46 THE THIRTEENTH SATIRE OF JUVENAL. Content to wear the formal suits of woe, And fret his eyes to strain a seeming tear, No ! for lost gold our SOITOWS are sincere ! But if the like complaint with yours you meet, Where'er you turn your eyes in every street ; If every day shows men who boldly dare Their own hand-writing to a bond forswear ; Proved by ten witnesses their deed deny, And gravely give their solemn seal the lie, Must thou from common miseries be free ? And art thou formed of better clay than we ? Thou, favored by the gods with special grace ; We, the vile refuse of a worthless race ? Thine eyes to crimes of deeper baseness turn, And thy small loss to bear with patience learn ; See this man's slave with robber bands conspire, Behold that mansion blaze with bidden fire : See, from yon antique temple stolen away, The massive goblet, venerably gray ! Gifts from which nations once derived renown, Or some old monarch's consecrated crown. Are these not there 1 behold the villain ply To rasp Jhe gilding from Alcides' thigh, Strike off the nose from Neptune's aged form, Or strip the bracelet from young Castor's arm ; Why should he dread of minor gods the frown, Wont the whole thunderer bravely to melt down ? The guilt of blood see other wretches share, And one the poison sell, and one prepare ! THE THIRTEENTH SATIRE OF JUVENAL. 47 See, to a harmless, hapless, monkey tied, Plunged in the briny deep the parricide ; Yet in this list how small a part appear Of all the crimes that meet the Prater's ear, And he from Hesper's dawn till closing day must hear. The manners of mankind wouldst thou be taught, With full instruction that one house is fraught ; But a few days attend the trials there, And then to call thyself unhappy, dare. Who feels astonishment affect his mind Amidst the Alps a tumid throat to find ? Or who behold in Meroe, with surprise, A dug surpass the child it feeds in size ? On seeing Germans, who would think to stare At azure eyes and golden-colored hair, And crisped locks, with ointments which distill? Such they were made by Nature's sovereign will Clap but a cloud of Thracian cranes their wings, Lo ! to his arms the pigmy warrior springs ! But soon, unequal to resistance, flies, Clenched in relentless clutches through the skies. Among ourselves a sight like this would make Your sides, no doubt, with ceaseless laughter shake ; But there, though common, 'tis no laughing sight, Where the whole tribe is not a foot in height. " But shall the wretch all penalties evade, For friendship perjur'd, and for trust betrayed?" Suppose him seized, in chains, and at your will, (What would vindictive anger more ?) to kill ; 48 THE THIRTEENTH SATIRE OF JUVENAL. Yet would your damage still the same remain. Nor could his death restore the trust again ; How poor a comfort, to relieve your woe, The blood that from his headless trunk would flow ! " But vengeance, even more than life, is sweet ;" Yes ! to those minds of heedless, headlong heat, Which blaze at every spark, however small, And often kindle without cause at all : Not Thales thus, nor thus Chrysippus speaks, Not thus the best and wisest of the Greeks The godlike Socrates who, galled with chains, To share the hemlock with his foe disdains. True wisdom points to virtue's path, and frees From every vice and error, by degrees ; The noble soul above revenge we find, 'Tis the poor pleasure of a puny mind : If proof you need, contemplate female spite ; In vengeance none like women take delight. But, canst thou deem from all chastisement freed Men who beneath the scourge of conscience bleed T By scorpions stung, their teeth in fury gnash, And writhe with anguish at the secret lash ? Oh! trust me, friend, the judge in hell below Cannot on crimes inflict so deep a woe As that poor mortal feels, by guilt oppressed, Doomed day and night to bear the witness in his breast. A Spartan once to Delphi's fane repaired, And to consult the god's opinion dared, Whether he might retain entrusted gold, THE THIRTEENTH SA7IRE OF JUVENAL. 49 And with a solemn oath the fraud uphold ! The priestess answered, with indignant air, The doubt alone its punishment should bear ; Th' insulting doubt that in the question lies, If great Apollo would a crime advise. The frightened Spartan, by compulsion just, From fear, not virtue, straight restored the trust ; Yet soon he found, that, from the sacred fane, His doom deserved was not denounced in vain : Himself, his offspring, all his hapless race, Swept from the earth, left not behind a trace. By such hard penalties must men atone The fault of meditated wrong alone ; He guilt incurs who merely guilt intends How much more he, then, who in act offends ? Perpetual anguish preys upon his breast, Nor, even at his meals, allows him rest. His sickened palate, nauseating, heaves At every morsel that his mouth receives j Loathes the fine fragrance of long-hoarded vines. The cordial drop, distilled from Alban wines ; While his knit brows, if choicer still you bring, Of sour Falernian seem to mark the sting. At night, if when his limbs have long been spread, In restless tossmgs, over all his bed, Short slumber comes at last to close his eyes, In dreams he sees the hallowed temple rise Before him violated altars stand, And gods offended, with uplifted hand ; 50 THE THIRTEENTH SATIRE OF JUVENAL. But, what his breast with torture chiefly rends Larger than life thy sacred'form ascends, With deadly fears his dastard soul to press, And force his lips their falsehood to confess. Heaven's earliest murmurs cause his heart to fail And every flash of lightning turns him pale; By storms or chance impelled, no bolts can fly, He thinks, but vengeance hurls it from on high. If, yet unhurt, he sees one storm pass o'er. He only trembles at the next the more. If in his side he feels the slightest pains, Or sleepless fever riot in his veins, The weapons of a god he fancies these, Sent to afflict his body with disease. For health he dares not ask the powers divine, With votive offerings at the sacred shrine ; For oh ! what mercy can the guilty mind, In illness, hope from angry heaven to find 1 What bleeding victims for his crimes atone, Whose life were not more precious than his ow* T With what a changeful, sickliness of soul, The varying tempers of the wicked roll i Crimes to commit how bold they are and strong But soon they learn to know the right from wrong. Yet stubborn nature all amendment spurns, And to her evil practices returns. For what offender ever yet was found Who to his vices could prescribe a bound? The blush of shame, when once expelled the face, THE THIRTEENTH SATIKE OF JUVENAL. 51 Who ever saw it reassume its place ? In all thy life's experience, hast thou knowa A man contented with one crime alone 1 The wretch who wronged you, in the toils soon caught, Shall to some prison's gloomy cell be brought ; Or to some dreary rock of banishment, For famous exiles noted, shall be sent ; Then shall the sufferings of your perjured foe Sweet consolation on your soul bestow; And then, at last, shall your rejoicing mind Confess the gods are neither deaf nor blind. 52 VERSION OP THE HUNDRED SEVENTH PSALM. VERSION OF THE ONE HUNDRED SEVENTH PSALM. THAT the race of men would raise Their voices to their heavenly King, And with the sacrifice of praise The glories of Jehovah sing ! Ye navigators of the sea, Your course on ocean's tides who keep, And there Jehovah's wonders see, His wonders in the briny deep ! He speaks ; conflicting whirlwinds fly ; The waves in swelling torrents flow; They mount, aspire to heaven on high ; They sink, as if to hell below: Their souls with terror melt away ; They stagger as if drunk with wine Their skill is vain, to thee they pray ; O, save them, Energy divine ! He stays the storm; the waves subside; Their hearts with rapture are inspired } Soft breezes waft them o'er the tide, In gladness, to their port desired: VERSION OF THE HUNDRED SEVENTH PSALM. 53 O that mankind the song would raise, Jehovah's goodness to proclaim ! Assembled nations shout his praise, Assembled elders bless his name ! 5* 54 THE HOUR-GLASS. THE HOUR-GLASS. ALAS ! how swift the moments fly ! How flash the years along ! Scarce here, yet gone already by, The burden of a song. See childhood, youth, and manhood pass, And age, with furrowed brow ; Time was Time shall be drab the glass- But where in Time is now? Time is the measure but of change ; No present hour is found ; The past, the future, fill the range Of Time's unceasing round. Where, then, is now ? In realms above, With God's atoning Lamb In regions of eternal love, Where sits enthroned I AM. Then, pilgrim, let thy joys and tears On Time no longer lean ; Bat henceforth all thy hopes and fears From earth's affections wean : THE HOUR-GLASS. 55 To God let votive accents rise ; With truth, witn virtue, live ; So all the bliss that Time denies Eternity shall give. 58 SABBATH MORNING. SABBATH MORNING 55 HARK ! 'tis the holy temple's bell j The voice that summons me to prayer : My heart, each roving fancy quell; Come, to the house of God repair. 44 There, while, in orison sublime, Souls to the throne of God ascend, Let no unhallowed child of time Profane pollutions with them blend. 44 How for thy wants canst thou implore, Crave for thy frailties pardon free, Of praise the votive tribute pour, Or bend, in thanks, the grateful knee, 66 If, from the awful King of kings, Each bauble lures thy soul astray; If to this dust of earth it clings, And, fickle, flies from heaven away ; SABBATH MORNING. 57 Pore as the blessed seraph's vow, O, let the sacred concert rise ; Intent with humble rapture bow, Adore the ruler of the skies. Bid earth-born atoms all depart ; Within thyself collected, fall; And give one day, rebellious heart, Unsullied to the Lord of all 58 THE DEATH OF CHILDREN. THE DEATH OF CHILDREN. SURE, to the mansions of the blest When infant innocence ascends, Some angel brighter than the rest The spotless spirit's flight attends. On wings of ecstasy they rise, Beyond where worlds material roll Till some fair sister of the skies Receives the unpolluted soul There, at the Almighty Father's hand, Nearest the throne of living light, The choirs of infant seraphs stand, And dazzling shine, where all are bright That inextinguishable beam, With dust united at our birth, Sheds a more dim, discolored gleam, The more it lingers upon earth. THE DEATH OF CHILDREN. 59 Closed in this dark abode of clay, The stream of glory faintly burns, Nor unobscured the lucid ray To its own native fount returns. But when the Lord of mortal breath Decrees his bounty to resume. And points the silent shaft of death, Which speeds an infant to the tomb No passion fierce, no low desire, Has quenched the radiance of the flame ; Back to its God the living fire Returns unsullied, as it came 60 WRITTEN IN SICKNESS. WRITTEN IN SICKNESS. LORD of all worlds, let thanks and praise To thee forever fill my soul; With blessings thou hast crowned my days My heart, my head, my hand control : O, let no vain presumption rise, * No impious murmur in my heart, To crave the boon thy will denies, Or shrink from ill thy hands impart. Thy child am I, and not an hour, Revolving in the orbs above, But brings some token of thy power, But brings some token of thy love : And shall this bosom dare repine, In darkness dare deny the dawn, Or spurn the treasures of the mine, Because one diamond is withdrawn ? The fool denies, the fool alone, Thy being, Lord, and boundless might, Denies the firmament, thy throne, Denies the sun's meridian light; WRITTEN IN SICKNESS. Denies the fashion of his frame, The voice he hears, the breath he draws ; O idiot atheist ! to proclaim Effects unnumbered without cause. Matter and mind, mysterious one, Are man's for threescore years and ten ; Where, ere the thread of life was spun ? Where, when reduced to dust again T All-seeing God, the doubt suppress ; The doubt thou only canst relieve ; My soul thy Saviour-Son shall bless, Fly to thy gospel, and believe. 61 62 HYMN FOE THE TWENTY-SECOND OF DECEMBER. HYMN FOR THE TWENTY-SECOND OF DECEMBER. WHEN o'er the billow-heaving deep, The fathers of our race, The precepts of their God to keep, Sought here their resting-place That gracious God their path prepared, Preserved from every harm, And still for their protection bared His everlasting arm. His breath, inspiring every gale, Impels them o'er the main ; His guardian angels spread the sail, And tempests howl in vain. For them old ocean's rocks are smoothed December's face grows mild ; To vernal airs her blasts are soothed, And all their rage beguiled. HYMN FOR THE TWENTY-SECOND OF DECEMBER. 63 When Famine rolls her haggard eyes, His ever-bounteous hand Abundance from the sea supplies, And treasures from the sand. Nor yet his tender mercies cease ; His overruling plan Inclines to gentleness and peace The heart of savage man. And can our stony bosoms be To all these wonders blind ? Nor swell with thankfulness to thee, O Parent of mankind? All-gracious God, inflame our zeal ; Dispense one blessing more ; Grant us thy boundless love to feel, Thy goodness to adore. 64 O GOD, WITH GOODNESS ALL THY OWN. O GOJ); WITtt/OODNESS ALL THY OWN. GOD, with goodness all thy own, ifia mercy cause thy face to shine ; So shall thy ways on earth be known, Thy saving health and power divine: O, let the gladdening nations sing, And praise thy name with hallowed mirth, For thou of righteousness art King, And rulest all the subject earth. O, let the people praise the Lord ; The people all thy praise express ; And earth her plenty shall afford, And God, yea, our own God, shall bless ; Oar God his blessing shall bestow ; His power, his goodness, shall appear ; And all the ends of earth shall know And worship him with holy fear. SING TO JEHOVAH A NEW SONG. 65 SING TO JEHOVAH A NEW SONG. SING to Jehovah a new song, For deeds of wonder he hath done ; His arm in holiness is strong ; His hand the victory hath won : The Lord salvation hath made known ; His goodness o'er the world extends ; His truth to Israel's house is shown ; His power to earth's remotest ends. Shout to Jehovah, all the earth, Break forth in joy, exult, and sing; Let voice, let clarion speak your mirth, Trumpet and harp proclaim your King : Roar, ocean, to thy lowest deep ; Shout, earth, and all therein that dwell ; Floods, clap your hands as on you sweep : Mountains, the choral anthem swell. Let heaven, and earth, and sea, combine, Jehovah's holy name to bless ; Creation owns his power divine, The universe his righteousness ; 66 SINO TO JEHOVAH A NEW SONG. He comes in judgment to display Resistless right and boundless grace The world with equity to sway, And blessings shed o'er all our race. O, ALL YE PEOPLE CLAP TOUR HANDS. 67 O, ALL YE PEOPLE, CLAP YOUR HANDS. O, ALI, ye people, clap your bands, Shout unto God with holy mirth ; In fearful majesty he stands ; He is the Monarch of the earth : Before us nations he subdues, And prostrates kingdoms at our feet ; For us a portion he shall choose In favored Jacob's chosen seat. God, with a shout, to heaven ascends ; Sing praises to our God and King : Hark ! the loud tempest ether rends ; Sing praises, praises, praises sing. His power Creation's orb sustains ; Sing hymns of praise to him alone : Jehovah o'er the nations reigns ; He sits upon his holy throne. See gathering princes, men of might, In crowds from earth's remotest shore, With us in worship all unite, And Abraham's God with us adore : O, ALL YE PEOPLE, CLAP TOTTE HANDS. The shields of earth are all his own, And, far o'er human ken sublime, Eternal pillars prop his throne, Beyond the bounds of space and time. TURN TO THE STARS OF HEAVEN THINE EYES. 69 " TURN TO THE STARS OF HEAVEN THINE EYES. TURN to the stars of heaven thine eyes, And God shall meet thee there ; Exalt thy vision to the skies, His glory they declare ; Day speaks to day, night teaches night, The wonders of their frame, And all in harmony unite Their Maker to proclain. Earth has no language, man no speech, But gives their voice a tongue ; Their words the world's foundations reach; Their hymn in heaven is sung ; Pavilioned there in glory bright, As from a blooming bride, The sun comes forth in floods of light, With all a bridegroom's pride. Glad, like a giant for the race, His orient flame ascends, Soars through the boundless realms of space, And in the west descends ; & 70 TUBN TO THE STARS OF HEAVEN THINE EYES. His heat the vital lamp bestows, The firmament pervades, In ocean's darkest caverns glows, And earth's profoundest shades. O LORD MY GOD ! HOW GREAT ART THOU ! 71 O LORD MY GOD! HOW GREAT ART THOU I 55 O LORD my God ! how great art thon ! With honor and with glory crowned ; Light's dazzling splendors veil thy brow, And gird the universe around. 66 Spirits and angels thou hast made ; Thy ministers a flaming fire ; By thee were earth's foundations laid ; At thy rebuke the floods retire. 44 Thine are the fountains of the deep ; By thee their waters swell or fail ; Up to the mountain's summit creep, Or shrink beneath the lowly vale. 44 Thy fingers mark their utmost bound ; That bound the waters may not pass ; Their moisture swells the teeming ground, And paints the valleys o'er with grass. 72 O LORD MY GOD! HOW GREAT ART THOU ! The waving harvest, Lord, is thine ; The vineyard, and the olive's juice ; Corn, wine, and oil, by thee combine, Life, gladness, beauty, to produce. The moon for seasons thou hast made, The sun for change of day and night ; Of darkness thine the deepest shade, And thine the day's meridian light. O Lord, thy works are all divine ; In wisdom hast thou made them all ; Earth's teeming multitudes are thine ; Thine peopled ocean's great and small. All these on thee for life depend ; Thy spirit speaks, and they are born ; They gather what thy bounties send ; Thy hand of plenty fills the horn. Thy face is hidden they turn pale, With terror quake, with anguish burn ; Their breath thou givest to the gale ; They die, and to their dust return. And thou, my soul, with pure delight, Thy voice to bless thy Maker raise ; His praise let morning sing to night, And night to morn repeat his praise. O LORD, THY ALi,-iISCERNING EYES. 73 O LOKIVBH-Y ALL-DISCERNING EYES. O LORD, thy all-discerning eyes My inmost purpose see ; My deeds, my words, my thoughts, arise Alike disclosed to thee : My sitting down, my rising up, Broad noon, and deepest night, My path, my pillow, and my cup, Are open to thy sight. Before, behind, I meet thine eye, And feel thy heavy hand : Such knowledge is for me too high, To reach or understand : 4 What of thy wonders can I know t What of thy purpose see ? Where from thy spirit shall I go 1 Where from thy presence flee ? If I ascend to heaven on high, Or make my bed in hell ; Or take the morning's wings, and fly O'er ocean's bounds to dwell ; 74 O LORD, THY ALL-DISCERNING EYES. Or seek, from thee, a hiding-place Amid the gloom of night Alike to thee are time and space, The darkness and the light. MY SOTTL, BEFORE THY MAKER KNEEL. 75 MY SOUL, BEFORE THY MAKER KNEEL. Mr soul, before thy Maker kneel ; His name let all within me bless ; 'Tis he the wounded heart shall heal ; 'Tis he shall comfort in distress : My soul, his name forget not thou, Who e'en in tender mercy frowns, Forgives thy oft-forgotten vow, And still thy lips with blessing crowns. The Lord of mercy and of grace, To kindness swift, to anger slow, Not always wears a chiding face, Not always bends the avenging bow : Above the earth as heaven is high, Above our crimes his mercies rise : We sin but pardon still is nigh ; Fools he rewards us as the wise. Far distant as the adverse poles, Oar sins he scatters to the wild, Pities the frailties of our souls A father's pity for his child : 76 MY SOUL, BEFORE THY MAKER KNEEL. He knows our frame ; our days are grass } The fading floweret's bloom is o'er ; Let but a breeze of morning pass, The place shall never know it more. But far beyond the bounds of time The mercies of the Lord are sure ; Throughout eternity sublime His truth and justice shall endure : His grace of those who keep his law Shall on the children's children fall ; His throne high heaven beholds with awe ; His kingdom ruleth over all. ' '). FOR THEE IN ZION WAITETH PRAISE. 77 " -Vr- v FOR THEE IN ZION WAITETH PRAISE. FOR thee in Zion waiteth praise, O God, thou that hearest prayer ; To thee the suppliant voice we raise ; To thee shall all mankind repair. On thee the ends of earth rely ; In thee the distant seas confide ; By thee the mountains brave the sky, And girded by thy strength abide. Thou speakest to the tempest peace ; The roaring wave obeys thy nod ; The tumults of the people cease ; Earth trembles at the voice of God : The morning's dawn, the evening's shade, Alike thy power with gladness see ; The fields from thee the rains receive, And swell with fruitfulness by thee. Thy river, gracious God, o'erflows ; Its streams for human wants provide 5 At thy command the harvest grows, By thy refreshing showers supplied : 78 FOR THEE IN ZION WAITETH PRAISE. Thy bounty clothes the plains with grass ; Thy path drops fatness as it goes ; And wheresoe'er thy footsteps pass, The desert blossoms like the rose. i Thy goodness crowns the circling year ; The wilderness repeats thy voice ; The mountains clad with flocks appear ; The hills on every side rejoice ; And harvests from the valleys spring ; The reaper's sickle they employ ; And, hark ! how hill and valley ring With universal shouts of joy ! MY SHEPHERD IS THE LORD ON HIGH. 79 MY SHEPHERD IS THE LORD ON HIGH. MY Shepherd is the Lord on high ; His hand supplies me still ; In pastures green he makes me lie, Beside the rippling rill : He cheers my soul, relieves my woes, His glory to display ; The paths of righteousness he shows, And leads me in his way. Though walking through death's dismal shade, No evil will I fear; Thy rod, thy staff shall lend me aid, For thou art ever near : For me a table thou dost spread In presence of my foes ; With oil thou dost anoint my head ; By thee my cup o'erflows. Thy goodness and thy mercy snre Shall bless me all my days ; And I, with lips sincere and pure, Will celebrate thy praise. { 80 MY SHEPHERD IS THE LORD ON HIGH. Yes, in the temple of the Lord Forever I will dwell j rouse the youth to diligence, courage, and faith in the struggle of hie. New York Webserver. ,t' The counsels, warnings, and encouragements, to the young, contained in this vol- MM, are, as designed, adapted to the tunes. It is interesting in its style as well as latter, and canuot fail to profit that class to whom it is addressed. The (Boston) ' ptritan. i\ The author of these lectures is himself a young man. He has addressed those of ^jisown age, not with the stern reproof or grave counsel of a father, but with the af- ?Hctionate~entreaty. kind, yet faithful warning of a brothei. The subjects of the lec- ires are judiciously selected and cannot fail of doing good to those who are soon to ^-jiar the burdens and responsibilities of society. Huston Recorder. jvi> A volume of lectures, seven in numbei-j on subjects of vast importance, and writ- m with much force. The book will prolit those who read it. New York Commtr- ' 3al Advertiser. {The lectures were delivered on Sabbath evenings to densely crowded audiencca, id were spoken of in terms of high praise at the time. At the request of many who sard them they are now published. The lectures are valuable, containing a vast jiount of good advice and information for that class of persons for whom they were tiginally designed, and in a time like the present, when pernicious literature ap- . Tfcars to be the order of the day, they are mill more acceptable. (Hartford) Cftrta- vpn Secretary. '. jwe can positively say that the object of the work is most praiseworthy, the sub cts treated of are important, the counsels it contains are weighty, and are enforced a happy style with a spirit well calculated to gain the attention of those who ara Jdreesed. Hartford (CV.) Courant. In design and execution it is worthy to so eide by side with the late popular and idely circulated work known aa Beaclter's Lectures to Young Men. The fifth Ice- re is well suited to our columns and we hope to give it a place ere long. AT. Y. Jvoeaie and i'tumly Guardian. BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED BY DERBT & MILLER. The Odd Fellows' Amulet : or the principles of Odd Fellowship detmed ; the objections to the order answered ; and its advantages maintained ; with an address to the pub- lic, the ladies, and the order. By Rev. D. W. BRISTOL, Pas- tor of the M. E. Church, and P. G. of Osco Lodge, No. 304, . at Auburn, N. Y. The Rev. Mr. Bristol, the author of the above work, is a popular clergyman of tlje Methodist church. He appears to have miuen the work not merely for Odd Fellows, but to disabuse the public mind, if possible, of prejudices formed against the Order, A spirit and design of apparent sincerity appear* to pervade the entire work, and tho writer discusses his themes and meets the objections urged against Odd Fellows, with a great deal of candor and respect. No person, we think, can read it, whatever may have been his prejudices hitherto, wiihout having those prejudices at least, conside- rably softened, if not wholly taken away. The style of the writer ie captivating, while the arrangement and classification of his subjects adds interest to the volume. We have no hesitancy in recommending the Amulet as a book that may be read by the public Genesee Evangelist. We have wiled away several houra pleasantly and profitably in its perusal, and can recommend it as a work deserving of a large circulation. The principles of the Or- der ar set forth by its auihor, the Rev. D. VV. Bristol, a distinguished Methodist clergyman, in a masterly manner, objections instituted by many to the Order, are . fairly tested, and answered in a mild and satisfactory way. It is a cheap and useful work, and we cheerfully recommend it to public favor. Mirror of the Times. Able and exceedingly interesting articles, that we would most cordially commend to the attomion of every reader, while we are gratified at being able to bring there under the notice of members of the great Order. The work contains also Addresses by Rev. L> W. Bristol, and is embellished with several fine Steel Engravings. Fullj| and correctly defining the principles of O. F., it should fill a niche in the library o. every Odd Fellow, where it will furnish a mine of valuable matter whence he cat 'l draw at all times for the facts illustrative of the great principles of the noble institu- tioaof Odd Fellowship. Gulden Rule. It is an excellent work, and worthy of the patronage of the Order. The objections often urged against our institution, are moat thoroughly examined, and ably answer- ed. The book is got up in good style, and is offered at a low price. The Ark. We should think that every lover of the Order which this book upholds would I adorn his library with it ; an-* every person that is opposed to it should also have one so that they could see their objections answered. We would say to *ery lovei^; of the poor and afflicted, buy one and peruse it for yourselves and see wbt the Odi ',( Wellows do for them. Us motto is ' Do unto others as ye would have others do unu you." The B:e. This is a clear, forcible, and well written exposition of the subjects above namd ; and a book that every Odd Fellow in the country should be in possession of. TIM work is well got up, and embellished with several fine engravings appropriate to th subject of which it treats. It is sold at the low price of one dollar, and can be .-nailed to any part of the United States. Banner of tke Union. 119 For thee, my heart with vivid ardor glows, For thee, my blood with rapid impulse flows. By day thy beauties are my darling theme, By night thy image swee.tens many a dream. On thee, thy ardent lover's fate depends, From thee, the evil or the boon descends ; Thy choice alone can make my anxious breast, Supremely wretched or supremely blest ! BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED BT DERBY * MILLSK. The Life of General Lafayette. By P. C. HEA- LEY, autlior of the Life of Josephine. Auburn: Derby & Miller. A vry useful and popular book Mr. Headley will find that he has here sent forth. Though raiher ton eulogistic, and written up to a high pitch of patriotism, ii narrates in a clear, sustained, and energetic history, ihe deeds of a remarkable man placet! in remarkable position. Connected as he. was wi.h some of th most stirring inci- dents of our revolutionary era, and of two French experiments at imitation, his life*" introduces H great number of historic passages of extraordinary interest, winch the graphir pen ol Mr Ileadley presents in a highly dramatic and spirited lorm It will be read, and read with interest, by all who take it up. The young, especially wilt find it not only an engaging, but a very suggestive and useful work, coloring impi tant histot cal farts with good moral and philanthropic sentiment. "It IB neatly pimteC and does lionor to the thriving inland city it hails from. xVeir \'ork Evangelist. Mr. Ileadley his sketched in an easy and graceful style the life of one whom A mac leans must everdelight to honor. The author has evidenily formed a just conception ol biography, and has a voided the extremes of barren detail, ami of elaborate, fulsotni eulogy. There is hardly an attempt at mere fine wining, but a very successlul por trauure of the magnanimous General. Neio York Independent. "The man of two worlds," alike in his character, the unselfish incidents of his life Kid Ins patriotic associates in the great event.-! of his history, presented to Mr. Ileadley a grand theatre on which to develop his descriptive powers and his graphic pen has not failed to hold up before the mental eye of his readers a full portrait of the remark- able man and his patriotic, self-sacrificing de.eds. Few characters stand on the his- toric page so illustriously attired, from youth to old ASK, in ihe moral sublime, as ih subject of this memoir. But the priceless beauty of the work before us. is the high estimate our author puts upon morality and religion, and the great lesson he thus instills into the minds and hearts of his" readers. 'The printing and binding are exe- cuted in a neat and workmanlike manner. Christian Advocate. The name of Lafayette is so intimately linked with the history of our Revolution, and so closely associated wnh that of Washington, that it is a matter of wonder that we have not long since had a memoir of his isle that would do justice to his career as a soldier and civilian, and give us the means of forming an intelligent; as well as an admiring estimate of the true nobleness ol his character.. We have, indeed, had biographies of the man, or compilations called such ; but prepared with little refer- ence to chronological order, and doing but scan 1 , justice to that portion of his history not Immediately connected with our struggle fur political independence. Mr. Ilead- ley ba therefore supplied, in this volume, a desideratum which many have felt, and given the youth of our country the means of studying one of the purest models of chivalry that the world has ever seen. Lafayette was no ordinary man His char- acter was singularly elevated, unselfish, and consistent, anil no truer friend ol liberty ever periled fortune and life in its behalf. It was uoi a mere romantic impulse that induced him to leave the honors and delights of his native land, to share the Imrd- hips and the perils of an infant nation battling against fearful odds for the boon of liberty: but a true devotion to ihe right, a manly sympathy with the oppressed, and a no less rnaulv hatred of tyranny in all its forms. The (acts of his history, as de- lailed by Mr. Ileadley. show this. We are glad to have our mind refreshed wiih these details, and confess thai our admiration of Lafayette has deepened with the perusal ol these pages. It is. therefore, with no empty form of words, but with aa taniesmess burn of ibis admiration, that we commend Mr. Headiey's work to lha American, public, as the best biography of its illustrious subject that we hare yel ,ad. and as worthy of a place in the library of every American citizen. One word as to the general style of the publications of Derby ic. Miller, whose en- terprise is fast gaining lor them a conspicuous position among the book publisher* Cf our land, lii neatness of typography, .ptality of paper, and beauty of lindlng. their works will compare favorably with tluwe of eastern publishers generally, and we notice a steady improvement in these particular*, as the circle of iheir btulncM indent and their issues multiply. They deserve success, an* wo belicr* Uiat Umr Brgy and uierpriz will commaaU H. Standard. BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED BY BKBBY & MILLER. The Lives of Mary and Martha, mother and Wife of Washington : by Margaret C. Conklin^ with a steel portrait, 18mo, scarlet cloth. Miss CONKLING, who is a daughter el' Judge Conkling of Auburn, is favorably known as the author of Harper's translation of "Florian'e History of the Moor* af Spain." She also wrote " Isabel, or the Trials of the Heart." In the preparation of the pretty little volume she has done a praiseworthy deed, and we hope she will receive the reward she merits. She has taught us in the work " how divine a thing A woman may be made." The mother and wife of Washington were, in many respects, model women, and the daughters of America will do weil to study their character which is nnely drawn on these pages. Literary Messenger. This beautifully printed and elegantly bound little work, reflecting the highest credit upon the skill and task of the publishers, contains biographical sketches of Mary, the mother, and Martha, ihe wile of the Father of his country. It is a most Taluable contribution to the history of the American people, embracing not only the great public events of the century during which the subjects lived, but those pictures of home life, and that exhibition of social manners and customs, which constitute the most important part of life, but which, from the fact of their apparent triviality and intangibility, the historian generally passes over. The authoress evidently sympathises earnestly with her subject, and feels that in the exhibition of those womanly virtues which characterized the heroines of her narrative, she makes the most eloquent plea in favor of the dignity of her sex. It is dedicated to Mrs. Wu. H. SEWARD, and contains a finely executed engraving of the wife of Washington. We cordially commend it to the public, and most especially our lady readers. Syracuse Journal. This acceptable and well written volume goes forth upon a happy mission. " To teach us how divine a thing A woman may be made," Dy unfolding those charms of character which belong to the mother and wife of the hero of the Land of tin. Free ; and in the companionship of which, while they illus- trated the watchful tenderness of a mother, and the confiding altections of a wife, is shown those influences which made up the moral sentiments of a man, whose moral grandeur will be felt in all that is future in government or divine in philosophy ; and one whose name is adored by all nations, aa the leader of man iu in the progress of government, to that perfection of human rights where all enjoy liberty and equality. To say that Miss Conkling has fulfilled the task she says a "too partial friendship has assigned her" faultlessly, would perhaps be "too unmeasured praise, for perfection is seldom attained; but it will not be denied but that her biographies are traced in the chaste elegances that belong to the finished periods of a refined style, which fascinates the reader with what she has thus contri- buted to our national literature. The design of the volume is, to picture a mother fitting the " Father of his Country " in a light full of the inexhaustible nobleness of woman's nature, and- yet as possessing that subdued and quiet simplicity, where Truth becomes the Hope o& Which Faith looks at the future with a smile. The mother of Washington waa tried in a school of practice where frugal habits and active industry were combined with the proverbial excellences of those Virginia matrons, who were worthy mothers of such men as Washington, Jetlerson. Marshall, and Henry. Miss C has pictured with fidelity and elegance, her views of this remarkable woman ; not less beauti- fully has she sketched the character of Martha, the wile ; following her from her bri'liant manners as the Virginia belle, through the various phases of her life, she gives a rapid but comprehensive view of those characteristics which make up the quiet refinement of manners native to her, and which ever gave her the reputation f an accomplished wife and lady. And with peculiar delicacy Miss Conkiing has portrayed the thousand virtues with which she embellished a home ; her amiabla imposition and winning manners made the happiest to the purest and best of all men fame baa chosen for its noblest achievmeats. Syracuse Star. WORKS PUBLISHED BY DERBY ith a more agreeable one. JV. Y. Tribune. The author is a young man, yet he has produced in the volume before us a more readable and valuable work than nine tenths of the books of travel which are con- stantly pouring from the press. * * * A feature of this volume that will interest many readers is his group of " Sketches of Public Men." These include Tennyson, Dickens, Carlyle, Macaulay, and others. Hartford Times. The book is racy and spirited. Its descriptions are graphic, and it will be read through with unflagging-interest. The author has been the able foreign correspon- dent of several journals ; he gave the best description of the Crystal Palace, wa think, of any we saw. Boston Olive Branch. An air of originality and freshness pervades every page. On the whole, we think it will be regarded as one of the most entertaining books of the season. JV. .'. Pbrmcr. He deals with men and things, and the traits of English every-day life, kindly and pleasantly, and he has made a neat volume of excellent reading. National Era. All the lions in London, literary, artistic, political, military, naval, and clerical, are vividly sketched. We have derived a great deal of information and pleasure from a perusal of this good book. Philadelphia City Item. Mr. Bartlett has written a book which is the fruit of long residence among, and extensive observation of the great English nation. It is this which gives a value to his work that few volumes of travels can pretend to, and which causes us to strongly recommend it to all others. Carpet Bag. This lively, gossipping volume is a welcome addition to the literature of the day. ~JV. Y. Orgtn. BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED BY DERBY * MILLER. The Life of the Empress Josephine, first wife: of Napoleon. By P. C. HEADLEY. 12mo., pp. 378. Derby, Miller & Co., Auburn, New York. There are few of the female characters of modern history whose lires abound with more interesting events than that of the Empress Josephine. Her whole course was' one of romantic, and also of tragic interest. If the illustrious husband was eminent, far above all other men of his time, for vast intellect and prodigious achievements,' Josephine seemed, in the more lofty and majestic traits of character, to transcend tha most distinguished of her female cotemporaries. Like her husband, she is a great subject for biography. Many memoirs have been written of her. possessing more 01, less merit, but none have been without interest. The author of the present book has,' we think, been very successful. It is by far the most interesting history of Josephine* that we have yet seen, fie seems to have had recourse to the best sources for his materials, which he has combined and put together with skill and judgment. Hie, Btyle is flowing, elegant, and often eloquent. In short, it is a book well worth read- ing. It will not fail to attract the public attention. As to the mechanical execution 1 of the book, it is but justice to the proprietors to say. that it will compare favorably with the productions of the press of any city in the Union. It contains a fine mezzo-, tint portrait of Josephine, showing a beauty of person equalled only by the mora' grandeur of her character. Washington Union. i It is not without its sparkling gems. Occasional flashes of thought mak the rea' der pause to contemplate their freshness and beauty, and reveal a well-stored mint' In sympathy with the noblest human traits, in close communion with the glories c nature. His text, top, is happily chosen. Who has not felt a lingering, peculi undefinable interest in the hifrhly extraordinary and tragic career of the Empr Josephine t Would it not extend this notice too far, we should like to touch the i prominent of the many eventful passages which marked the history of this ren able child of superstition, to gaze for a moment upon the vascillating star of her < tiny, and trace Us luminous ascent from the veriest depths of agonizing gloom despair, to the loftiest pinacle of worldly splendor and renown, where she grasp for a moment the fleeting phantom of happiness, only to sink again into the arms < misfortune, and feel still more keenly the bitter pangs of adversity. But all this be found in a very readable form in this interesting volume, and we cheerfully mend it to notice. Utica Observer. We do not know of a biography of this important and interesting personage, complete in its historic details, and so congenial to the spirit of her life, as thi while it has also the advantage of a popular style, and of that view of the subje which accords with the general sentiment. Mr. Headley writes in a clear, well-sus\ tained and engaging style evidently entertaining a warm approbation of his subject; and alive to the sublimity and purity of her life. Treating of one of the most impoi. tant epochs of French history, the work is finely adapted to enlist the interest of th reader, and to supply a kind and degree of information not readily accessible ele where. It can hardly fail of proving a highly popular, as it is a highly creditab work. AT. Y. Evangelist. The writer of this book is a brother of J. T. Headley, the author of" Napoleon i his Marshals" -" Washington and his Generals," ogphy, that we have so far departed from the usual course adopted in like cases, as to read carefully the work in hand, before recommending it to our readers. And we are prenared to say, (hat a more attractive volume has not fallen in our way for a long time. It is made up of brief historical and descriptive eulogies of the most remarkable females of a most extraordinary era in the world's history. The author has appropriated very much of the poetry and romance of the Bible, in the sketches he has given of nineteen women, who have come down to us throuffh their peculiar merits, embalmed in sacred inspiration. Whoever reads the story of Sarah, the beautiful Hebrew maiden, the admiration of the Chaldean shepherds and the pride of her kindred ; or of Ktbecca, whom the " faithful steward of Abraham " journeyed to the land of Nahor and selected as the bride of Isaac, and who, it n said, "was very fair to lonk vjton ;" or of Rachel, the beautiful shepherdess wh tended her father'* flocks in the valley of Haran ; or of Mernam, Deborah, Jeptha'i Daugb. tr, Delilah. Ruth, Queen of Slieba, tlieShunamitei^ther. E Mary, Dorcas, and others will read a^ry^y nfoSr injfKsting and any romance or norel. Every young ltdj in*wn4houwtead this wortt will venture to ay that they wtT do eo if they but once get hold of it, for it is i that cannot be laid trfde. - I UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 3 3 1158 00121 026!