John Swett SCIENCE PRIMERS, edited by PROFESSORS HUXLEY, RoSGOE, and BALFOUR STEWART. VIII BOTANY. BOTANY. BY J. D. HOOKER, C.B., P.R.S. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. NEW YORK : D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 549 AND 551 BROADWAY. i8 77 . Q.K4 PREFACE. THE object of this Primer is to supply an elementary knowledge of the principal facts of plant-life, together with the means of training beginners in the way to observe plants methodically and accurately; and in the way to apply the knowledge thus obtained to the methodical study of Botany. It is hoped that by its means the teacher may convey a sound elementary knowledge of the number, nature, relative positions and uses of the principal organs of plants, of the order and way in which they grow, and in which plants multiply, and of those resemblances which exist amongst them, by a com- parison of which their true relationships are known and themselves classified. In using this Primer the plants indicated are, when- ever possible, to be put into each pupil's hand. Hence, to facilitate its use, I have placed at the end an Index of the plants referred to in it. These may be procured in the country, or from any intelligent nurseryman. Many of them should be grown in every school-garden, and arranged in it systematically, so that the teacher may have the same means of dis- playing to his pupils the principles of classification that the great founder of the natural classification of plants, Bernard de Jussieu, had after he had thus vi PREFACE. arranged the Garden of the Palace of Trianon after its establishment by Louis XV. The teacher should further have a copious supply of dried flowers, and other parts of these plants so preserved as that the pupil can, after -moistening them in warm water, separate their organs. Much may thus be learnt when fresh plants cannot be obtained, and a rehearsal of the summer's lessons upon such dried specimens is a most improving exercise. He should also have a supply of preserved fruits, seeds, sections of stems, and of mounted pre- parations of the tissues and minute parts of plants adapted for exhibition under the microscope. Each pupil should have a pocket-lens magnifying three or four times, a sharp pen-knife, and a pair of forceps ; and he should be taught to preserve between sheets of paper the specimens he has examined, with a descriptive ticket attached ; and also be exercised in the habitual use of the schedules described at pp. 112, 113. In using the Primer the pupil should be taught first, the contents of sections I. and II. ; after which he may either take the other sections in order, or go on to section VI., taking sections III. to V. after- wards. Sections XIX. and XXV. are too difficult for beginners. After mastering its contents the pupil may proceed to the use of Professor Oliver's " Lessons in Elemen- tary Botany," which goes over the same ground in more detail. CONTENTS. SECT. PAGE I. INTRODUCTORY i II. GENERAL CHARACTERS OF FLOWERING PLANTS 8 III. THE TISSUES OF PLANTS ic IV. THE GROWTH OF CELL-TISSUE, AND NATURE OF THE CELL 13 V. THE FOOD OF PLANTS 20 VI. THE GROWING SEED 23 VII. THE ROOT 28 VIII. THE STEM 33 IX. THE BUDS AND BRANCHES 38 X. THE LEAVES 40 XI. THE INFLORESCENCE 45 XII. THE FLOWER 47 XIII. THE CALYX 62 XIV. THE COROLLA 63 XV. THE DISK 66 XVI. ^ESTIVATION 67 XVII. THE STAMEN 68 XVIII. THE PISTIL 72 XIX. THE OVULE 74 XX. FERTILIZATION 76 XXI. THE FRUIT 80 XXII. THE SEED 89 XXIII. SURFACE COVERINGS AND APPENDAGES . . 93 XXIV. GYMNOSPERMOUS PLANTS 95 XXV. CLASSIFICATION . 97 XXVI. PHYSIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTS 102 XXVII. A SCHOOL-GARDEN OF FLOWERING PLANTS 107 XXVIII SCHEDULES FOR EXERCISES ON LEAVES AND FLOWERS in INDEX 114 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Fig. i. Cellular tissue of rounded cells 10 2. Cellular tissue of rather long cells .... 10 3. Thick-walled cells from a leaf of Stone-pine . 1 1 ,, 4. Spiral-vessels with cellular tissue on each side . 12 5. Growing point of stem of Stonewort showing formation of new cells by division .... 13 6. Starches 17 jj 7> 8, 9. Crystals of oxalate of lime, as found in cells 19 10. Pea "24 ii. Germination of Mustard 25 12. Wheat germinating 26 13. Vertical section of tip of root-fibre of Hyacinth 29 14. Root^hairs 30 15. Tubercles and root-fibres of Orchis .... 31 16. Creeping stems and roots of Couch-grass . . 32 17. Transverse section of vascular bundle from stem of a Dicotyledon 35 ,, 1 8. Transverse section of stem of a Dicotyledon . 35 19. Transverse section of stem of a Monocotyledon 37 20. Leaf-buds and vertical section of ditto ... 38 21. Fragment of epidermis with a stomate ... 43 22. Vertical section of Buttercup flower .... 51 23. Vertical section of Bramble flower .... 52 24. Vertical section of Wall-flower 52 25. Stamens of Wall-flower 52 26. Vertical section of flower of Mallow. ... 53 27. Section of flower of Pea 54 28. Vertical section of flower of China Primrose . 54 29. Transverse section of ovary 54 30. Vertical section of Dead-nettle flower ... 55 31. Vertical section of Rose 56 32. Vertical section of Apple flower 56 33. Vertical section of head of Daisy 57 34. Inner flower from head of Daisy 57 35. Vertical section of Daphne flower .... 58 36: Vertical section of Tulip flower 59 37. Vertical section of Daffodil flower .... 59 38. Male flower of Willow 60 39. Female flower of Willow 60 40. Spikelets of Wheat 6 1 41. Dandelion fruit with pappus 63 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Fig. 42. Thistle fruit with pappus 63 43. Spotted orchis- flower 64 44. Honey glands of Buttercup and Barberry . . 66 45. Disks of Orange and Mignonette .... 67 46. Estivations 68 47. Stamens of Pea 69 48. Stamens of Bilberry, Heath, Barberry, and Mistletoe 70 49. Transition from stamen to petal, and to sepal, in double rose 70 50. Pollen grains of Orange, and of Buttercup upon the stigma with their tubes descending to the ovule 71 51. Pollen grains of Evening Primrose, and Cherry, both emitting pollen tubes 71 52. Axile ovules 73 53. Parietal ovules 73 54. Growth of ovule of Celandine 74 55. Longitudinal section of ovule of Heartsease . 75 56. Corolla of long-styled and short-styled Prim- rose 77 57. Section of flower of Orchis, showing a bee standing upon the lip with its head touching the sticky gland to which the pollen masses are attached ; bee's head with the pollen masses as removed ; the same with the pollen masses after they have moved forwards . . 79 58. Aggregate fruit of Mulberry 82 59. Fruit of Pig cut vertically; male and female flowers 82 60. Section of fruit of Nettle ; section of seed of the same, showing the embryo 83 61. Fruit of Pea splitting into two valves ... 84 62. Fruit of Buttercup, cut open showing the seed ; seed of the same cut open showing the small embryo within the small albumen .... 84 63. Fruit of Bramble with stamens and calyx be- neath it 85 64. Fruit of Strawberry with calyx and bracts beneath it 85 65. Fruit of Mallow surrounded with the calyx . 86 66. Fruit of Apple cut across 87 67. Pod of Wallflower with one valve coming off . 88 68. Experiment with bottle in basin 103 SCIENCE PRIMERS. BOTANY. I. INTRODUCTORY. THE study of Botany is best commenced with the careful observation of the different parts of living plants, their positions and arrangement in reference to one another, the order in which they make their appearance, and their uses to the plant itself. It is hence often called a science of observation, in con- trast to Chemistry and other subjects of which the study must necessarily commence with experiment. But Botany is also an experimental science ; only the experiments by which we investigate the growth of plants, their modes of living and multiplying, and their relations to the air and soil, require much to have been learnt first by observation alone. Such experi- ments require also for the most part a previous know- ledge of Chemistry and Physics; those, however, described in this Primer will need no more knowledge of these subjects than is to be found in the Primers devoted to them. Plants are living things ; they form the Vege- table Kingdom as animals form the Animal King- dom. Like animals, plants pass through the stages 2 V J I 'SCIENCE PRIMERS. [i. of in r ancy, ; ihatur;fy, arid death ; they also feed, grow, and multiply. Unlike the higher animals, during the ordinary processes of growth (with the exception of germination and flowering) they have no proper heat, not being warmer than the air or water in which they live. Duration of Plant-life. Some plants have limited lives, flowering but once and dying soon after; others have unlimited lives, throughout which they flower periodically. Plants with limited lives are: i. Annuals, which live but for one year or season, as wheat, peas, &c. ; 2. Biennials which live for two years, as the cabbage, turnip, foxglove, &c. ; and 3. plants which grow for many years without flowering (for example many palms), flower but once, and then die. Those with unlimited lives are Perennials, and may be either trees and shrubs which, like the oak and hawthorn, have stems and branches increasing in size from year to year ; or herbs like the primrose and snowdrop, having underground root-like stems which annually send up leaves or branches that die off in the same year. Distribution of Plants. Plants are found on nearly all parts of the surface of the globe, but no two countries have all their plants alike. They are found in the greatest luxuriance and variety in hot and damp climates. They are not found in the very coldest or very dryest regions, nor at very great depths in lakes, or the ocean. As a rule, they diminish in size, as well as in number of kinds in pro- ceeding from the tropics to the frigid zones ; as regards size there are exceptions, as the gum-trees of South Australia and the wellingtonia of California, which I.] BOTANY. are amongst the most gigantic of known plants ; the seaweeds of cold seas are also far more bulky than those of tropical regions. Besides the plants now growing upon the surface of the earth, the remains of many others that are no longer living anywhere, are found in rocks at various depths beneath it. Of these, those that lived most recently and are hence found in the more newly formed rocks, are like existing plants ; those that lived longer ago are less like existing ones, and are sometimes very different looking indeed. In short, the longer ago the plants lived the less like they were to plants now living : but however different are the plants that lived longest ago, they all seem to have grown much in the same way, to have depended on similar conditions of light, heat, and moisture, and to have followed the same general course of life. The Forms of Plants are infinitely varied. As trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, ferns, &c., they are familiar to all ; but only a small proportion of the Vegetable Kingdom consists of such plants. The bright green covering of banks, tree-trunks, damp walls, and cottage roofs, and the carpeting of forests and wooded valleys, chiefly consist of mosses and moss- like plants, of which several hundred kinds grow in Britain alone. The ocean's surface sometimes swarms with extremely minute plants, to such an extent as to give the water a distinct colour ; and its shores within and beyond the tide level are covered like gardens with sea-plants of many forms and colours. As green and purple slimes, plants also stain damp walls, and the rocks and stones in the bottom of fresh-water streams and along the seashore; as leathery or 2 4 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [i. powdery crusts they cling to the hardest rocks and stoniest soils of mountains and moorlands ; as moulds they spoil articles of food, books, leather-work, woollen and other fabrics ; as dry-rot, and under many other forms, they utterly destroy trees, wooden houses and ships ; as smut, rust, bunt, potato- and vine-blight, they prey upon the living tubers, stems, leaves, and fruits of the most valuable crops, and some even invade the organs of living animals. Things Necessary to the Life of Plants are air, heat above the freezing point, light, water, and earthy (inorganic) matter in some shape. The ex- ceptions to this are few ; amongst them are the Red- snow plant, a most minute vegetable, which 'tinges the surface of melting snow with a rosy hue ; and fungi, of which some grow or are cultivated in total dark- ness. No plants, except these, continue to live in health in the absence of light, as a few blind animals can do (fishes and insects) which inhabit caves, as well as many deep-sea animals, and those that live in the interior of others. The Division of Labour in Plants. During their life-time plants perform various kinds of work which are essential, some to sustain them in life and health, others to reproduce their kind. These kinds of work being very different from one another are not accomplished by any portion of the plant indiscrimi- nately but are carried on by particular parts specially fitted for the purpose (called organs). In the case of flowering plants, for example, the principal Organs are, i. The Root, by which the plant is fixed to the ground, and absorbs /nourishment from it; 2. The Stem, which supports the buds, I.] BOTANY. leaves, flowers, and fruit; 3. The Leaves, which are usually thin and so placed as to receive as much light as possible upon one surface ; 4. The assem- blage of organs called the Flower; a part of this grows into the Fruit, which contains the Seeds. The purposes which organs are specially fitted to serve are called their Functions. The most im- portant of these in all plants are nourishment and reproduction. Plants have no organs of locomotion, or of the senses. In Flowering Plants Nourishment is effected by means of the root and leaves. Unlike animals, such plants have no special stomach to receive the food, no heart or blood-vessels to distribute it, and no special organs to carry off what is not used as nutriment. The Food of plants is liquid and gaseous, never solid. The root absorbs water, in which both gaseous and mineral matters are dissolved ; and this fluid ascends and enters the leaves, which also take in carbonic acid gas from the air. By the action of light on the water and carbonic acid in the leaves a substance called Starch is formed, which is distri- buted throughout the plant, supplying in great mea- sure the material for adding to its parts. The excess of water taken up by the root is ex- haled by the leaves, and this tends to keep them cool. From the starch produced in the leaves and nitro- genous compounds taken up by the roots and dissolved in the fluids which permeate the plant, albuminoids are formed, which are very essential in producing growth. These fluids further supply the materials from which are manufactured by the plant various 6 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [i. substances, such as resin, sugar, oil, wax, and colouring matters, The Reproduction of Plants takes place in two ways. First, and principally, by seeds ; secondly by buds that separate and grow into independent plants. Seeds are produced by the interaction of special organs of two kinds, and are inclosed in a covering called the fruit. Buds that separate them- selves and become new plants are formed on various parts of plants, as where the leaf is attached to the stem in the tiger-lily and the tubers or underground branches in the potato plant. Many plants may be artificially increased by divi- sion ; that is, by cutting off a twig with a bud on it, and sticking it into damp ground, when the twig will send forth roots. Or the twig may be inserted into a slit in the branch of a similar tree, with which it will unite, and the bud thus nourished will grow, and pro- duce leaves, flowers, and fruits. The Tissues of Plants. The substance of plants is not, like a piece of stone, made up of particles in which no definite form or structure is visible, but is built up of minute bags called cells, and of tubes called vessels (which also consist at first of rows of cells), packed more or less closely together. The Chemical Constituents of Plants. Plants, like animals, contain a far greater weight of water than of anything else. Besides the elements of water (oxygen and hydrogen), the tissues contain carbon (which is the charcoal left after burning), and some also contain nitrogen. Plants obtain the water principally by their roots; the carbon by their leaves .rom the carbonic acid gas absorbed from the air, and I.] BOTANY. the nitrogen in solution by the roots, from salts of ammonia (or nitrates). Most plants contain moreover small quantities of one or more mineral substances, also absorbed in solution by the roots. The green colour which prevails amongst plants depends on the presence of a peculiar matter (Chloro- phyll) within the cells, especially those near the surface of the plant. This matter is coloured green only by the action of light, consequently plants grown in quite dark places are never green, nor are those parts of them which are not exposed to the light (such as the roots). The lustrous hue and glossy appearance of most leaves is due to the fact of the coloured matter not being superficial, but inclosed in cells whose sides are usually as transparent as glass, and whose surface reflects the light. The Primary Divisions of Plants. Plants do not present a disorderly mass of living things, having no degrees of relationship one with another, like children's letters or numerals emptied out of a box ; nor are they related to one another equally, differing in similar degrees, as one does from two, two from three, &c. ; but they fall into groups variously related to one another, some like brothers, others like cousins, and so forth ; whence arises the classification of the vegetable kingdom into sub-kingdoms, classes, orders, genera, and species. There are two primary groups, or Sub-kingdoms of plants; the Flowering and the Flowerless, which differ very much indeed ; the Flowering having, amongst other characters, usually very conspicuous structures commonly known as flowers, which pio- duce seeds ; and these seeds invariably contain an 8 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [n. independent plantlet (embryo). The Flowerless plants (ferns, mosses, seaweeds, &c.) have no such flowers, nor such seeds : instead of seeds they have spores which contain no plantlet, but themselves grow into new individuals. Plants purify the air that is being habitually rendered unfit to breathe by animals having already breathed it. They provide the animal kingdom with food, and often with shelter. They protect the surface of the earth from being too much scorched by the sun's rays by day, and too rapidly cooled by radiation at night. They prevent the too rapid evaporation of the rain-fall; and they supply man with fuel, medicine, and many materials for arts and manufactures. II. GENERAL CHARACTERS OF FLOWERING PLANTS. 1. The Vegetable Kingdom as stated above pre- sents two quite distinct Sub-kingdoms, which the most superficial observer rarely confounds : that of flower- ing plants, to which trees, shrubs, and herbs belong; and flowerless plants, such as ferns, mosses, sea- weeds, lichens, and fungi. The pupil is recommended to begin with the flowering plants, not only because the two sub- kingdoms are so different that they cannot be studied together advantageously by a beginner in Botany, but because the flowerless plants require for their study high magnifying powers of the microscope and great skill in using them. 2. Flowering plants present the following organs or ii.] BOTANY. parts : root, stem, leaves, flowers, which latter are succeeded by fruit, containing seed. Most flowering plants have roots ; all have stems, though these may be reduced to a mere knob on the top of the root : some few have no proper leaves, as the dodder, and plants which, like it, feed on the juices of others : many never have but one bud, which is a flower-bud : but all must have a flower or flowers, though these may be of a very simple nature. 3, The organs of flowering plants may be classed according to their relation to one another under two divisions : (a) an axis, of which the root is the descending and the stem the ascending part; and (b) appendages of the axis, which are the leaves, and the parts of the flowers. 4. They may also be classed according to their uses (functions) as follows : (a) for support, the root and stem ; (b) for nourishment, the root and leaves; (c) for reproduction, seeds, buds that separate from the plant, flowers, fruit. This division is evidently a very rough one ; for while the root is often the sole organ of support, fixing the plant to the ground and holding it upright, other plants are supported wholly or in part by their climbing or twining stems (convolvulus), by tendrils (vine), by twisting leaf-stalks (clematis) and even flower-stalks, by hooked prickles' (brambles), by sticky glands, and in the case of water-plants by floats containing air. The root and leaves are the chief organs of nutri- tion, but all green parts of the plant are so to some extent. The seeds are the principal means of reproducing SCIENCE PRIMERS. [in. plants, but, as already pointed out, this process is also often effected by bulbs that separate themselves (tiger- lily) ; or by the budding of underground bulbs (onion) ; or by tubers covered with buds (potato). III. THE TISSUES OF PLANTS. 5. The substance or material of which a plant con- sists is called its tissue ; and there are several kinds of tissue. Their nature cannot be made out without a microscope ; but as a low power will show the most important of them, these should be learned at once. 6. The chief is cellular tissue (parenchyma), FIG. i Cellular tissue of rounded cells, many times the real size. FIG. 2. Cellular tissue of rather long cells, many times the real size. which forms the principal substance of most plants. It consists of minute oval sacs, called cells, crowded together and often becoming angular by pressure (Figs i and 2). Orange-pulp is an example of cells loosely packed together ; cork and elder pith of cells crowded together which have always been cohe- rent by their sides. The walls of the sac consist in.] BOTANY. II usually of a very thin and transparent membrane, which may contain air only, when the cells are dead (as in pith) ; or a fluid, as in the cells of orange-pulp ; or, besides fluid, granules of protoplasm (Par. n), coloured by substances which are green in leaves, and of other tints in many flowers; or granules of starch. Sometimes the cell-wall is very thick and hard, as in the stone of the cherry and other stone-fruits, and the leathery surface of leaves such as those of the stone- FIG 3. Thick- walled cells from a leaf of stone-pine as seen in a cross-cut, many times the real size. pine (Fig. 3). Some plants are formed wholly of cellular tissue (mosses, fungi, seaweeds, lichens), and almost all plants have more cellular than any other tissue. Fluids can pass through the walls of the cells, and the nourishment which is sucked up by the roots in the fluid state, is distributed through the plant chiefly by passing from cell to cell. The celte which cover the surface of the plant are a good deal flattened, and form a layer called the epidermis. 7. Wood-tissue, of which in addition to vessels 12 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [in. wood is principally formed, consists of long cells, or rather tubes, tapering and closed at both ends, with thick walls, and which lie side by side and form wood. 8. Bast-tissue consist of very long flexible cells, or rather tubes, also closed at both ends. It occurs chiefly in the inner bark, and supplies the materials of many useful fabrics. Hemp and flax are bast-cells of the plants of those names ; and the Bast, used by gardeners for tying, is the inner bark of the lime-tree. 9. Vascular tissue consists of long, unbranched tubes, with thin walls, which are often dotted or FIG. 4. Spiral-vessels with cellular tissue on each side, many times the real size. barred, and sometimes thickened internally by spiral threads, easily seen in the leaf of the hyacinth, if broken across. These are called spiral vessels (Fig. 4). All such tubes are formed from rows of super- posed cells, the partitions which separate them having been absorbed. The tissues 7, 8, and 9 usually occur together in the form of bundles which traverse the cellular tissue, as the veins (or nerves) of the leaves, and are called fibre-vascular bundles. IV.] BOTANY. IV. THE GROWTH OF CELL-TISSUE, AND NATURE OF THE CELL. 10. To understand how plants grow, and how such products as sugar, starch, oils, resins, and medicinal substances are formed in them, it is necessary to ex- amine further cellular tissue ; for it is by the addition of cell to cell that plants grow, and by chemical changes taking place within the cell, that the above- named and other substances are formed. 11. The cell consists of a wall (cell- wall) and its FIG. 5. Growing point of stem of stonewort showing formation of new cells by division, many times the real size. contents (cell-contents). The cell-wall is a thin (rarely thick) transparent bag of inert or dead matter called cellulose ; it contains when young a viscid granular substance endowed with life and sometimes exhibiting motion, called protoplasm. Cellulose is composed 14 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [iv. of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon ; protoplasm of these together with nitrogen. 12. When cells are very young they are smaller in size, the cell- wall is thinner, and they are completely filled with the protoplasm ; a darker rounded portion of this is generally to be noticed in the centre and is called the nucleus. As the cells grow in size their cavity becomes larger than the mass of protoplasm which originally filled it. The cell-wall is always lined by a layer of protoplasm, but in the interior of the cell, cavities are formed in the protoplasm which are filled with a watery fluid called the cell-sap. Later on the protoplasm is reduced to a thin film, in which the nucleus is placed and which lines the cell-wall ; strings of protoplasm pass from the nucleus across the cell-cavity. In old wood and cork cells the proto- plasm has completely disappeared, and the cavity of the cell contains nothing but water or air. 13. New cells are formed by the protoplasm of some which are still quite young dividing into halves, between which a wall of cellulose is then formed. The original cell-cavity is thus divided into two. It is supposed that this breaking up of the protoplasm commences by the division of the nucleus seen in the protoplasm of most cells, and that the protoplasm collects round each half of the nucleus ; but this is not certain. 14. The rate at which cells thus multiply is asto- nishing, and is most conspicuous in mushrooms, toad- stools, &c., which are formed wholly of cellular tissue. The giant puff-ball grows in one night from the size of a marble to that of a child's head, by the growth and increase of cells, which individually are but a few iv.] BO 7^ ANY. 15 thousandths of an inch in diameter, and of which three millions are estimated to be formed in twenty-four hours. 15. Cells which have ceased to divide gradually grow into their permanent form, which in various cases is very different. (a) Those of cork and pith do not alter very much in shape, and finally, losing their protoplasm and cell- contents which are absorbed into more active adjacent cells, simply contain air. (b) Wood and bast-cells grow very much in length. The protoplasm continues to secrete cellulose which is added to the cell-wall and gradually makes it very thick (see Par. 6). These, too, lose eventually their living contents and contain only air or water. Other cells may have their walls thickened in the same way without becoming elongated. Vessels (Par. 9) are formed by the partitions between rows of superposed cells becoming absorbed. (c) In many cases the protoplasm, instead of secreting thickening material which is added to the cell-wall, forms various substances out of the fluids which permeate through the cell-wall and mix with the cell-sap. These remain imbedded in the protoplasm, as in the case of starch grains, oily and fatty matters, or grains of albuminoids ; or they are dissolved in the cell-sap, as in the case of sugar and the substances (alkaloids, &c.) which give so many plants useful or noxious properties. (d) These substances often seem to fill the cell- cavity to the exclusion of everything else, but the remains of the protoplasm can generally still be traced, though in a, very shrivelled state. 3 1 6 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [iv. (e) In the green parts of plants the protoplasm undergoes a peculiar change, by which it is broken up into granules which contain the green colouring matter (chlorophyll). These granules are accordingly termed chlorophyll granules. 1 6. Chlorophyll granules, consist then of proto- plasm coloured green by a pigment called chloro- phyll. They abound in the superficial cells of plants, and their colour being seen through the thin cell-walls, give the green hue to leaves ; similar granules tinged with other colours give in some cases the bright tints to flowers. Chlorophyll under the influence of sunlight brings about changes in the cells of the leaf that result in starch being formed and distributed all through the plant, as required. In so doing, it is supposed that the chlorophyll separates the carbon from carbonic acid taken from the air, gives back the oxygen to the air, and supplies the carbon (which at the same time combines with the components of water to form starch) to the plant. It is a curious fact that chlorophyll is not developed, and there- fore that this process will not go on, except the plant be supplied with iron ; and as all soils contain iron> the plant can always take this substance up by its roots. In the absence of sunlight also, the green colour of chlorophyll does not appear, hence celery is covered up to make it white, otherwise it is a very green plant. 17. Starch. This compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen abounds within the cells of many parts of many plants, as the potato and all cereal grains, arrow-root, tapioca, sago, &c. It consists of white granules, differing in form in different plants (Fig. 6), IV.] BOTANY. often marked* with concentric rings, and is tinged bright blue with iodine. It is found in greatest quan- tity in the parts of plants intended to be deposits of food during winter, for the growth of the plant in the following spring. Seeds and roots, as they grow, use up the starch which the cells contain. FIG. 6. Starches. Granules of a Potato, b Wheat, c Oats, d Maize ai d Rice, e Bean and Pea, f Parsnip, g Beet ; all very many times their real size. 18. Oils and fats are composed of the same elements as starch, from which they are probably manufactured by the plant, and as deposits of food serve the same purpose. Oils prevail in seeds and fruits, as linseed oil (from the seed of the flax -plant), cocoa-nut-, almond-, olive-, colza-, and castor-oils. 19. Sugar, formed also of the same elements, differs from all the preceding in being soluble in water, and existing only in solution. It abounds in the cells of sugar-cane, beet, parsnip, and all sweet fruits. It is formed out of the starch manufactured in the leaves. 20. Albuminoids. These are compounds con- taining nitrogen in addition to carbon, hydrogen, and 1 8 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [iv. oxygen. Gluten, the most common oY them, occurs in granules in the outer cells of wheat and other grains. The viscid matter left in the mouth after chewing wheat, especially hard wheats, is gluten. 21. Alkaloids. These are very remarkable sub- stances, which all contain nitrogen; many of them are medicines, as quinine and morphia ; others are poisons, as strychnine and nicotine ; still others have stimulating properties, as theine and caffeine, to which tea and coffee owe their refreshing qualities. 22. Other substances, of a mineral character, enter into the composition of the cell and cell- contents ; as sulphur, which is a constituent of the albuminoids ; iron which, as already stated, is indis- pensable for the production of chlorophyll; silica, which is found deposited in the insoluble state within the cell-walls ; compounds of phosphoric acid, which are associated in some way not understood with the formation of albuminoids; and lastly, salts of potash, which are concerned in a manner equally unknown with the production of starch and sugar. Other mineral constituents are found in the plant, often in considerable quantity, such as salts of soda in seashore plants. But this is due to their acci- dental presence in the soil ; and marine plants grown inland will usually flourish with very little soda. Calcium, again, is very commonly present in plants, being taken up from the roots as sulphate of calcium. This, however, is decomposed by oxalic acid, and oxalate of calcium, which is not readily soluble, is formed, and this is deposited in the plant in the form of crystals, while the sulphuric acid yields its sulphur for the formation of albuminoids : these occur in IV.] BOTANY. the cells of a walnut leaf (Fig. 7), and in rhubarb (Fig. 8), and beet (Fig. 9). FIG. 7. FIG. 8. FIG. 9. Crystals of oxalate of lime, as found in cells, many times the real size. 23. The great importance of the nitrogenous sub- stance protoplasm, as the only living matter which the plant contains, cannot be too firmly insisted upon. It is of the same nature as the protoplasm of which some of the lowest animals (those nearest the plants) wholly consist, and which forms the living substance of the bodies of the higher animals, including man himself. Like animals, plants cannot live without oxygen. The activity of the protoplasm in both cannot be kept up without it. The protoplasm of all living things wastes and would die altogether unless it were nourished. This process of nourishing involves respiration, i.e. getting rid of superfluous carbon, which combines with oxygen taken in from the air, and is given off as carbonic acid (Par. 158). 20 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [v. V. THE FOOD OF PLANTS. ABSORPTION, TRANSPIRATION, ASSIMILATION. 24. The food of plants is partly gaseous and partly liquid; and is derived from the earth or water in which they grow, and from the air. The liquid food is taken into the plants chiefly by their roots, the gaseous chiefly by their leaves. 25. The gaseous food of plants consists of car- bonic acid gas, supplied chiefly by the atmosphere. The liquid food is water, in which various saline substances are dissolved, the principal components of these being nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, potash, and iron. The above-named matters are found in most soils in which plants grow, but cannot be taken up by the roots except they be dissolved in water. 26. Absorption. The taking in of liquid food by the roots is called absorption, and the liquid absorbed becomes part of the sap in the plant. The sap ascends through the stem and branches, and so reaches the cells of the leaves, or the cells near the surface of plants that have no leaves. In mounting up it passes both from cell to cell through their walls and along some of the tubes of the vascular tissue. The taking in of carbonic acid gas from the air is another process of absorption. It is performed by the leaves, in the cells of which a chemical process goes on under sunlight, by which the carbon is broken up. the carbon being retained by the plant, and the oxygen given back to the air. The carbon being at the same time combined with the oxygen and hydrogen v.] BOTANY. of water as already explained (Par. 15, c\ the substance known as starch is formed. 27. Transpiration. The sap, on reaching those surfaces of plants that are exposed to the light, parts with a great deal of its water as vapour, either through minute pores in the leaves, or through the walls of the superficial cells, as in the case of plants that have no leaves. These pores are called stomates (Par. 72) they exist in very great numbers, chiefly on the underside of the leaves; an apple-leaf presents upwards of 100,000 of them. This process of evapo- ration, called transpiration, keeps plants cool in the hottest weather, and is so rapid that a sunflower plant has been found to give off a quart of fluid in twenty- four hours, and an oak or beech-tree must give off many gallons in the same space of time. 28. Assimilation. The process by which the carbonic acid absorbed by the leaves and the water absorbed by the roots are combined together in the leaves under the influence of sunlight to form starch, free oxygen being at the same time given off, is called assimilation. The starch so formed appears to be dissolved in the cell-sap during darkness, and to be distributed from cell to cell all over the plant. It is used up wherever growth is taking place, furnishing the material for the formation of the cellulose of the new cell-walls, or it is stored up again in the solid form as a reserve of material for future use, as in seeds. Besides conversion into cellulose, starch is capable of being transformed under the influence of protoplasm into oily and fatty matters, and also into sugar. The soluble starch in its downward passage through the tissues of the stem, meets with various saline 22 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [v. matters containing nitrogen, such as nitrates or salts of ammonia. From these in some way or other not yet understood, but under the influence of protoplasm, the nitrogen is abstracted, and from this, together with the constituents of starch, albuminoids are manufactured. These albuminoids are the necessary food of proto- plasm. It is important to remember that their formation depends upon the manufacture of starch in the green parts of plants, and this depends upon expo- sure to sun-light. We see, therefore, why without light plants starve; their protoplasm ceases to be nourished. 29. The effect of plants requiring mineral sub- stances for their nourishment is, that one kind of crop cannot be grown continuously on the same piece of ground, if it is periodically cut and carried away. This has led to the use of manures containing the substances taken away in the crop, for rendering the exhausted soil fit for another crop of the same kind. In a state of nature, on the contrary, the plants of each piece of ground die where they grow, and by decay give back to the soil what they took from it. 30. The above-mentioned plant-foods are all inorganic substances ; and until quite recently plants (except fungi and parasites) have been supposed to be incapable of deriving nourishment from organic sub- stances except these be completely decayed. It is now, however, ascertained that some plants can derive nourishment from raw meat, insects, and other animal and even vegetable matter, such plants being provided with organs for the purpose of digesting such matters. The leaves of the nepenthes, side-saddle flower, venus's fly-trap, and sundew, are instances. In all vi.] BOTANY. 23 these cases where the meat is laid on the digesting surface, a fluid is poured out from its cells which acts as a solvent on the animal substance, enabling the plant to absorb it and use it for its nourishment. 31. Except in cases of accident, plants in a state of nature either die a natural death, that is, one that comes after the functions of all its organs have been fulfilled, or are eaten by animals. Those that die a natural death undergo chemical changes which constitute decay, and in so doing return to the air and earth the materials of which they were con- structed. Those that are eaten by other animals undergo quite a different set of chemical changes in the animal's body, and which may be said to result in the several constituents of the plant supplying nitrogenous substances to the animal's muscle, carbon to its fat, mineral matter to its bones. These, or some of these, are necessary to the life and health of every animal, and are what it cannot obtain from simple inorganic substances except these have been first taken up by plants and united together into more complicated compounds. VI. THE GROWING SEED. GERMINATION. 32. It is well to commence the actual study of plants by that of the growth of the seed, as it is very easily observed, and a right understanding of the early history of the plant as studied in its seedling state is a great help to the learner of its later history. 33. Take seeds of pea, mustard, and wheat, and place them on dry earth. So long as earth and seeds SCIENCE PRIMERS. [vi. remain dry the seeds will not grow. Moisten them and put them where the temperature does not rise above freezing ; still they will not grow. Place them in a vessel from which all air is excluded still they will not grow. Lastly, place them where the tem- perature is considerably above freezing, and where air has access to them, and keep them moist, and they will grow, whether in light or shade. This growth of a seed is called its germination. 34. From these experiments we learn that to produce germination in a live seed, water, air, and a heat con- FIG. 10. T Pea, 2 Radicle pushing through Integument, 3 Embryo with Radicle elongated, 4 the same with one Cotyledon removed, 5 the same further advanced ; all twice the real size. siderably above the freezing point are all required. And what is thus proved of the seed applies to plants throughout their lives namely, that to grow they VI.] BOTANY. must have warmth, air, and moisture. Further on it will be shown that to grow to maturity light is also wanted ; but at present we are concerned only with the germinating seed. 35. From experiment now proceed to observation. All seeds consist of two principal parts a dead part outside and a living part within it. The living part is the plantlet, or embryo, and is in fact an im- FIG. ii. Germination of Mustard, i Seed, 2 Embryo removed from Integu- ment, 3 Radicle pushing through Integument, 4 Cotyledons and Radicle after throwing off Integument, 5 Young Plant ; all twice the real size. mature plant, having a separate existence from that of its parent : the dead parts are its coverings (integu- ments), together with sometimes a nourishing matter (albumen) provided for the plantlet, and like it con- tained within the integuments. The pea and mustard have no albumen ; the wheat has. 26 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [VI. 36. The plantlet consists of several parts, which serve different purposes. In the pea (Fig. 10) it consists of two thick masses (cotyledons) placed face to face and united at one point of their margins. A small cylindrical body lies between the cotyledons where these unite, and is attached to them about its middle. It is conical at one end, and blunter FIG. 12. Wheat germinating : i Seed cut vertically, showing a the in- tegument, b the albumen, c the embryo ; 2 the same further advanced ; 3 back view of grain, with d plumule, and e sheathed rootlets ; 4 the same further advanced ; all twice the real size. at the other. When the seed grows, the conical end (the radicle), which lies below the point of junction with the cotyledons, elongates downwards and gives origin to the root of the plant. The blunter end (the plumule), which lies above that point, elongates upwards and becomes the stem of vi.] BOTANY. 27 the plant; the scales are undeveloped leaves. To ascertain which is the radicle and which the plumule of the plantlet, the seed must sometimes be examined soon after it has germinated, when they are easily distinguished, whether by their form or by the direc- tions they take. 37. This elongation of plumule and radicle is the first growth made by both the pea and the mustard but after this they follow quite different modes of development. In the case of the pea the cotyledons do not grow at all, but supply nourishment to the growing radicle and plumule, which absorb it through the points of union ; after which, their nourishing matter being ex- hausted, the cotyledons shrivel and dry up, or rot. The plantlet thus feeds on the same substance as is eaten at table, and in so doing it empties the cells of the cotyledons of the starch, oils, albuminoids (Sect. 17 to 20) which they contained. Here, then, the cotyledons nourish the plumule and radicle from the very first. In the case of the mustard, on the other hand, whilst the radicle plunges into the soil, the coty- ledons are carried up above ground, where they spread out to the light, become green, and assimilate for the plantlet, as leaves do for full-grown plants. 38. In the wheat (Fig. 12), the plantlet lies on one side of the seed, between its integument and the albu- men, which is white and floury. It has not two oppo- site thick cotyledons, but one, which forms a sheath around the other leaves of the plumule. When germi- nation begins, the plumule and radicle absorb nourish- ment from the albumen by contact, and not through a connecting structure such as that which unites the 4 28 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [vii. plumule and radicle of the pea to its cotyledons. The plantlet here feeds on the flour of which we make bread, just as the pea plantlet fed on the part of the pea which we eat. The radicle of the wheat does not elongate upon germination, as that of the pea and mustard did, but rootlets grow out from it with sheaths at their base. 39. These great differences between the cotyledons, the growth of the root, and the mode of germination of the pea (or mustard) and of the wheat, are most important, being characteristic of the two great divi- sions (classes) of flowering plants, called Dicotyle- dons (plants with two cotyledons or seed-leaves) and Monocotyledons (plants with one cotyledon or seed-leaf), which divisions are further to be recognized by other characters hereafter to be described. VII. THE ROOT. 40. The root is formed by one or more pro- longations of the radicle of the embryo (Sect. 36). Its uses to the plant are, to fix it to the ground, to absorb nourishment from the latter, and sometimes to store up and retain nourishment during winter for the food of the plant during its growth in the following spring. 41.. Roots are known from stems by their growing downwards from the plantlet (Sect. 36), and usually afterwards avoiding the light ; by their not, or very rarely, bearing buds; and by their structure and mode of growth. 42. When only a single prolongation of the radicle is formed this is called a tap-root. This bears at its VII.] BOTANY. 29 side numerous slender branches or root-fibres. Sometimes the tap-root is very insignificant and not easily distinguished from its fibre-like branches ; the whole root is then distinguished as fibrous. Root- fibres are usually so slender that it is not easy to see their nature ; but this can be done in the hyacinth root, the tip of which, if cut down the middle shows FIG. 13. Vertical section of tip of Root-fibre of Hyacinth, many times the real size. under a microscope that a sheath of soft flattened cells envelops the tip, within which is a mass of denser cells which form the growing point. 43. Root fibres do not push themselves into the soil as one thrusts a stick into it ; but they push their way through interstices in the soil as they elongate at the point As the root fibre elongates, the front part of the sheath decays, and the back part, which is constantly renewed by the growing point, takes its place ; thus advancing and displacing water in the case of the hyacinth, and earth in other cases. In shrubs and trees the root-fibres as well as the tap-root thickens as it grows, becomes woody, and displaces the earth laterally as well as in front ; and SCIENCE PRIMERS. [VII. with such force does growth go on that it is common to see stones of walls displaced by roots. In tropical countries the destruction of buildings is universally caused by the power of growing roots ; and neither conquering nations, nor earthquakes, nor fires, nor tempests, nor rain, nor all put together, have de- stroyed so many works of man as have the roots of plants, which have all insidiously begun their work as slender fibres. 44. Nourishment is taken in by the root-hairs, but not by the growing-point. Root-hairs are delicate long cells, that stand out from the surface of the elongated radicle and of the root-fibres, and may be seen on the first formed root of the pea and mustard plants in great quantities. FIG. 14. Root-hairs, many times the real size. 4.5. Roots may be roughly classed under two heads those that simply nourish the plant as it grows, and those that lay up a store of nourishment to assist the growth of the plant during the second year. To the first class belong (a) the very simple annual yii.] BOTANY. 31 roots that consist wholly of simple fibres (hyacinth; ; (b) annual roots of much branched fibres (grasses, groundsel, shepherd's purse) ; (c) branched roots whose fibres become woody in the second year (trees, shrubs, and herbs with woody roots). To the second class belong (a) such roots as are fleshy and globose or spindle-shaped (turnip, carrot, radish, beet). These produce leaves the first year, and in the second, leaves, flowers, and fruit, after which the whole plant dies. They are nourished by slender fibres from their sides and tip. (b} Roots with many fleshy branches, called tubercles (ficaria, dahlia), (c) Roots with only two fleshy tubercles like the orchis, which deserves a separate description. 46. The root of an orchis consists of two distinct fleshy tubercles, one large, the other small. Both FIG. 15. Tubercles and Root-fibres of Orchis. grow at the bottom of the stem, below the stout root- fibres which spread horizontally from just above them. When an orchis is in flower, the flower-stem proceeds from the top of the large tubercle, which bears the smaller tubercle attached close to its neck. Later in SCIENCE PRIMERS. [vii. the year, when the orchis is seed-bearing, the large tubercle will be found withered, and the little tubercle to have grown large and plump, and have a bud at its top. Still later, the whole plant dies, except the smaller tubercle with its bud, which latter will grow up as the orchis stem of the next year. An English orchis plant is thus a travelling store of food, which makes a little journey annually; but in Australia certain orchises make a much longer annual journey, for the new root-tubercle, instead of being attached to the base of the stem close to the old root-tubercle, is attached to the latter by a root-fibre sometimes six inches long; and such orchises make comparatively rapid marches under the ground. 47. Adventitious Roots. Root-fibres may in some cases be thrown out from the stems of plants. FIG. 16 Creeping stems and roots of Couch-grass. Such rootlets are called adventitious, and are found on mature plants of both Monocotyledons (stem of couch-grass near the ground), and of Dicotyledons (wall-roots of ivy), and they form the supports of the branches of the banyan-tree of India. VIIL] BOTANY. 33 VIII. THE STEM. 48. The stem is formed by the elongation of the plumule of the embryo (Par. 36); its uses are to support the leaves, buds, and flowers, and to form a channel of communication by which the water absorbed by the roots is conveyed to them, and the starch formed in the leaves is distributed over the plant. 49. The stem usually seeks the light, but not always; for many stems grow underground, elongating, and even branching horizontally; such stems (cowslip, potato) are often mistaken for roots, from which they differ in their mode of growth, and in bearing leaves, buds, and flowers. 50. A fully developed stem may be simple (most palms) or branched. It consists of nodes and internodes : the nodes are the points from which leaves arise ; the internodes are the intervening por- tions of the stem or branch. The nodes are swollen in many plants (pinks, grasses); in grasses the inter- nodes are usually hollow while the nodes are solid. 51. The chief modifications of the stem besides the common erect one are The twining stem (hop, honeysuckle, convol- vulus), of which some turn to the right, some to the left; but very rarely does one kind of plant turn either way indifferently. This twining habit is the effect of an inherent disposition in the tips of all elongating stems to bend successively towards all the points of the compass; a movement which is very obscure in plants with straight stems, but very marked in those that climb. The tip of such a stem, as it elongates, describes a wider and wider sweeping circle, 34 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [vin. till the stem strikes a support, when the portion above the point of contact with the support continuing to revolve as it lengthens, naturally twines round and ascends it. Such stems, if they find no support, become weak as they lengthen, and fall on the ground. 52. The principal underground forms of stem are (a) The bulb, a very short, usually underground stem, with excessively crowded, overlapping leaves. These leaves are wrapped round one another in the onion, but simply overlap in the tiger-lily. (#) The rhizome or root-stock, a woody under- ground stem, which sends root-fibres from its lower side, and buds and leaves from its upper side (iris). The corm is a very short fleshy rhizome (colchicum). (<:) Bulbils are small bulbs or corms formed at the side of old ones, and are hence analogous to branches, under which they will be further noticed. 53. The tissues of the stem of flowering plants are arranged on two plans, one characteristic of Dicotyle- dons, the other of Monocotyledons (Par. 39). These plans must be understood by the pupil, and can be so by a little patience and practice with specimens ; they are best illustrated by three such examples as the flax, lime, and butcher's broom, or asparagus. 54. The flax plant (a Dicotyledon) has an erect her- baceous stem of many internodes (Par. 50), with leaves all the way up, and flowers at the ends of the branches. A magnified cross-cut of the stem shows that it consists of a cylinder of cellular tissue (Par. 6), traversed vertically by a ring of wedge-shaped fibro-vascular bundles (Par. 9), which are separated from one another by the cellular tissue. The central cellular tissue is the future pith, that at the circumference is the * VIII.] BOTANY. 35 future outer bark, and that between the fibro-vascular bundles is the future silver-grain of wood. The fibro-vascular bundles are in part future inner bark and in part future wood, and consist of wood-tissue (Par. 7) mixed with vascular tissue (Par. 9) towards the centre, and of bast-tissue (Par. 8) towards the circumference. Of these components of the vascular bundle the bast-tissue forms the inner bark; the wood and vascular tissues form the wood of the plant. Such is the origin of outer bark, inner bark, wood, pith, and silver-grain. A cross-cut of a one year's old twig of lime shows the same arrangement of tissues as the flax; but whereas the flax stem dies the same year as that in which it is formed, the lime twig lives through the winter, and is added to during the following summer, increasing thus in thickness. FIG. 17. Transverse section of vas- cular bundle from stem of a Dicoty- ledon. FIG. 18. Transverse section of stem of a Dicotyledon. 55. This increase of thickness is caused by new tissue being added between the bast and wood formed in the previous year. This new tissue consists at first of soft, tender, cellular tissue, produced by the growth 36 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [vm. of the cambium layer (which lies between the bast and the wood) in spring, in the position indicated; and which after the leaves expand, and are acted upon by light and heat, gives rise to an additional layer of new bast-tissue inside the old bark, and new wood- tissue with vascular tissue amongst it outside the old wood. 56. Omitting details (such as the formation of layers of cellular tissue outside the bast-tissue), this is the plan upon which the stem and branches of all plants with- two cotyledons are formed. It has been called Exogenous growth, because the bulk of the stem is increased by additions to the outside of the wood. Exogenous plants are hence synonymous with Dicoty- ledons (Pars. 39, 53). 57. The branch or stem of a dicotyledonous tree or shrub (as the lime) if more than one year old, hence consists, proceeding from the centre, of (a) pith ; (b) layers of wood (with a little vascular tissue), of which the oldest layers are next the pith ; (c) layers of bast-tissue, of which the oldest are next the cir- cumference ; (d) layers of cellular tissue, of which the oldest are next the circumference ; (, twisted ; c, valvate, with the edges turned outward. 102. The stamens usually grow straight from the first, but are sometimes curved or rolled inwards (myrtle and nettle), or backwards (kalmia). XVII. THE STAMEN. ANTHER, POLLEN, FILAMENT. 103. The stamen consists essentially of the anther, a 2-lobed, 2-celled organ filled with granules (the pollen); its lobes are placed right and left to the axis of the flower. The anther may or may not have a stalk (filament), which contains a vascular bundle (Par. 9) that terminates between the anther- lobes. The use of the stamen is to form, contain, and discharge the pollen. XVIL] BOTANY. 69 104. Stamens are variously inserted, but always within the calyx and corolla and outside the pistil, if these be present. They vary in number, and may be in one or more series ; when equal in number to the petals or divisions of the perianth, they usually alter- nate with these in Dicotyledons, but are opposite to them in Monocotyledons ; when twice as many they are alternate and opposite. They are inserted on the receptacle in the buttercup (Fig. 22), on the calyx in the bramble (Fig. 23), on the disk in the lime, on the corolla in the primrose (Fig. 29), and are combined with the pistil in the orchis (Fig. 43). The filaments are free in most plants; more or less combined in the mallow (Fig. 26) ; combined by bundles in St. John's wort ; nine are united together and one is free FIG. 47. Stamens of pea, nine combined and one free ; enlarged. in the pea (Fig. 47). The anthers are usually free, but combined in the thistle and daisy, the filaments being free. 105. The anther in its early state is a cellular 2-lobed body, with longitudinal rows of special cells in the centre of each lobe. The contents of each of these special cells (called mother-cells) divide into four, which form as many pollen grains. These pollen grains acquire first one and then a second cellulose- (Par. n) coat, and finally escape from the mother-cell and lie loose in the cavity of the anther. SCIENCE PRIMERS. [xvn. 1 06. When fully formed the anther-cells open to allow the pollen to escape, in most plants by longi- tudinal slits on the face (towards the pistil) ; but in some by lateral slits (buttercup), or dorsal ones (iris). In the heath order the anthers open by terminal pores (Fig. 48 b\ which in the bilberry (Fig. 48 a) are at the end of long tubes. In the barberry (Fig. 48^:) they open Bilberry. Heath. Barberry. Mistletoe. FIG. 48. Stamens of. a, bilberry; b, heath ; c, barberry; d, mistletoe: all much enlarged. by oblong lids that fall away ; and in the mistletoe (Fig. 48^) by many holes, each of which is a pocket full of pollen. FIG 49. Transition from stamen a, to petal />, and to sepal c, in double rose. XVII.] BOTANY. 107. The relation of the stamen to the leaf is not so clear as are those of the sepals, petals, and carpels; nevertheless the transition from petal to stamen is obvious in the white waterlily, and in manv double flowers, as the rose (Fig. 49). FIG. 50. a, pollen grains of orange ; b, pollen grains of buttercup upon the stigma with their tubes descending to the ovule ; both very much enlarged. 108. The pollen grains are usually globose, or ellip- soid, or rounded with obtuse angles ; they are generally free, but sometimes escape from the mother-cell con- nected in fours (rhododendron). In orchis they escape as club-shaped masses (Fig. 57). The surface of the granules is smooth, sculptured, or prickly, and this and their size and shape are wonderfully constant in each kind of plant, and through many allied plants. A pollen-grain consists of two cellulose coats and fluid protoplasmic contents. When placed on the stigma (Par. 112), one or more tubes formed of the inner cellulose coat are pushed through slits or holes in the outer, and descend through the stigma and SCIENCE PRIMERS. [XVIII. style to the cavity of the ovary, finally conveying protoplasmic fluid from the pollen to the ovule. FIG. 51. Pollen grains of, a, evening primrose ; and b, cherry ; both emitting pollen tubes very greatly enlarged. XVIII. THE PISTIL. OVARY, STYLE, STIGMA. 109. The pistil is by far the most complicated organ of the flower, and consists of one or more carpellary leaves (Par. 82 d). If it is composed of many such leaves, these may be so combined as to form a one- or many- celled ovary. Its use is to produce within its cavity ovules, destined to become seeds, and to provide means for conducting the contents of the pollen to the ovules. no. The ovules are generally produced on the edges of the carpellary leaf; which presents a spongy thickening called the placenta, to which the ovules are attached by a short or long cord or stalk called the funicle. The position of the placenta depends on the composition of the pistil; if the latter is formed XVIIL] BOTANY. 73 of one carpel (pea, Fig. 27) the placenta will be on the walls of the cavity of the ovary (parietal); so also if two or more carpels are united by their edges only (Fig. 53), the ovules will still be parietal; but if two or more carpels are closed by the infolding of the edges of the carpel! ary leaves as far as the axis of the pistil, and are combined by their sides into one, the ovules will be on the axis of the pistil or on placentas projecting from it (Figs. 36, 37, 52). FIG. 52. Axile ovules. FIG. 53. Parietal ovules. in. The style consists of a column of cellular tissue continuous with the midrib and margins of the carpellary leaf or leaves, enclosing a core of looser cellular tissue amongst which the pollen tubes (Par. 1 08) descend to the ovary. 112. The stigma occupies the top, or the sides of the top of the style ; or of the ovary if there is no style, and is not covered with epidermis (Par. 6), which would obstruct the descent of the pollen tubes. It is frequently formed either of short loose cells which exude a viscid fluid that holds the pollen grains, and hastens the protrusion of their tubes ; or of long cells, forming tufts of hair, amongst which the pollen- grains become entangled. 74 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [xix. XIX. THE OVULE. 113. The ovule is a minute body enclosed in the ovary, and destined, after being fertilized by the pollen, to become a seed, and to contain an embryo or plantlet. There may be one, few, or many ovules in an ovary; and if there are two or more, all, or a few, or one only, of these may be fertilized and become a seed. 114. In its earliest stage the ovule consists of a nucleus, which is a most minute swelling of cellular tissue formed on the placenta (Par. no). Next a ring of cellular tissue grows up around the base of the nucleus and all but envelops it, leaving a canal or hole (micropyle). Often a second ring forms at the base of the first, and is similarly developed into an outer covering. A vascular bundle (Par. 9) runs from the edge of the carpellary leaf through the placenta into FIG. 54- Growth of ovule of celandine : a, nucleus ; b, first formed covering ; c, second covering very greatly enlarged. the ovule, reaching the base of the nucleus, and is concerned in its nutrition and in that of the seed. 115. The ovule may be straight, or it may grow obliquely, or it may as it were turn round on itself by the greater growth of one side, so as to become com- XIX.] BOTANY. 75 pletely inverted, when the micropyle, instead of being distant from the placenta, is brought into proximity to it, and the base of the nucleus is at the top of the ovule. In this last case the vascular bundles from the placenta run up the side of the ovule to the base of the nucleus. 1 1 6. In the axis of the nucleus, a cavity lined with a delicate membrane (the embryo sac) containing protoplasm, appears. Within this sac again near its top a dark spot is seen (germinal vesicle), which, after the application of the tip of the pollen tube to FIG. 55. Longitudinal section of ovule of heartsease : a, placenta; Z>, outer coat ; c, inner coat ; d, nucleus ; e, embryo sac, with the germinal vesicle at its small end ; ./", micropyle ; g, end of pollen-tubevery much enlarged. the nucleus, acquires a cellulose coat, and becomes a cell. This cell, by division (Par. 13), gives origin to a filament, from the end of which the embryo Is developed. 76 SCIENCE PRIMERS, [xx. XX. -FERTILIZATION. 117. Though stamens and pistil frequently occur in the same flower, it does not follow that the pistil of such a flower is fertilized by its own stamens. On the contrary, it has been proved by many careful observations and experiments that nature has pro- vided that pistils should be fertilized by pollen from other flowers, or from the flowers of other plants. Hence some plants bear stamens and pistils on separate flowers of the same individual (oak, hazel); others have stamens and pistils on different individuals (willow) ; in others again, when stamens and pistil occur in the same flower, they do not become mature at the same time; and in still others, when stamens and pistil do occur in the same flower and are mature at the same time, they are so placed in reference to one another or to the corolla &c., that the pollen cannot reach the pistil. 1 1 8. It has also been proved, that, as a rule, a pistil fertilized by the pollen of another flower, or that of another individual of its own kind, produces more and larger seeds which grow into stronger plants, than if it had been fertilized by the pollen of its own flower. 119. These and many other observations tend to prove that the elaborate structures, colours, scents, honeyed secretions, and other attractions of the corolla, stamens and pistil, and their adjustments to one another and to the forms and habits of insects, are all intended to prevent flowers from being fertilized by their own pollen, and to facilitate their being fertilized XX.] BOTANY. 77 by pollen brought from other flowers. This operation is called cross-fertilization. 120. In respect of fertilization flowering plants may be roughly classed under two heads, according as the pollen is carried to the pistil by the wind or by insects. Wind-fertilized plants have, as a rule, stamens and pistil in different flowers or individuals. Their flowers are not bright-coloured, are scentless, and have no sugary secretions, and their stigmas are covered with hairs that retain the pollen ; in some the anthers hang out of the flower (plantain, poplar, willow, oak); their pollen is abundant, dry, and powdery (birch, alder, pine). 121. Insect-fertilized plants, on the other hand, pre- sent innumerable contrivances to ensure the fertiliza- tion of the pistil by pollen from another flower or plant, of which the following examples must suffice- FIG. 56. Vertical section of corolla of, a, long-styled, and b, short-styled primrose. 122. The primrose has two sorts of flowers, which never occur on the same plant ; one has the stamens 78 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [xx. far down the corolla tube, and the stigma high up at its mouth, the other has stamens high up the tube and the stigma far down; both have honey at the very bottom of the corolla tube. When a bee visits a short-styled flower, it thrusts its proboscis to the bottom and, withdrawing it, brings away some pollen at its base. If it then visits another short-styled flower it cannot fertilize it, and only takes more pollen away ; but if it visits a long-styled flower it must de- posit pollen on its stigma, that being at the mouth of the corolla. If, on the other hand, the bee first visits a long-styled form of primrose the operation is reversed, it will then carry away pollen upon the tip of its proboscis and deposit this on the stigma of the next short-styled flower it visits. 123. In the common orchis the anther is placed above the stigma, which is a hollow viscid cavity in front of the flower, at the base of the lip, and the lip is produced into a long tube full of honey. A bee seeking honey thrusts its head against the anther, and in so doing detaches one or both of the two sticky glands to which two club-shaped masses of pollen are attached ; these it carries away on its forehead, in an erect position. So long as the pollen masses are erect on the bee's head these do not reach the stigma of any other flower that it visits ; gradually, however, as the sticky gland contracts, the pollen masses incline forward and assume a horizontal position, in which they must touch the stigma of the next flower the bee visits, when the greater stickiness of the stigma detaches some or all the pol- len from the bee's head and fertilizes the flower. Further, in some cases it takes so long for the pollen XX.] BOTANY. 79 to assume the horizontal position, that by the time this has taken place the bee has visited all the flowers of the plant from which it took the pollen, and has gone to another plant. FIG. 57. a, section of flower of orchis, shewing a bee standing upon the lip with its head touching the sticky gland to which the pollen masses are attached ; b, bee's head with the pollen masses erect, as removed ; c, the same with the pollen masses after they have moved forwards : all enlarged. 124. Birds with long slender bills, as humming- birds, and also great moths, thus fertilize long-tubed flowers ; in all which and many other cases the adjust- ment of the parts of the flower to the form and habits of the insect or bird, and of these to the flower, is so accurate, that it is in vain to speculate whether the plant was adapted to feed the animal, or the animal adapted to fertilize the plant. So SCIENCE PRIMERS. [xxi. XXI. THE FRUIT. PERICARP, SEED. 125. The fruit consists of a covering (seed-vessel, or pericarp) containing one or more ripe seeds, The term should strictly apply to the result of the fertiliza- tion of one pistil," but it is extended to crowded masses^ of fruits belonging to several flowers on one peduncle or branch (mulberry Fig. 58, pine-cone). These are called aggregate fruits, or infructescences, just as the aggregates of flowers are called inflor- escences (Par. 75). Further, various organs of the flower, or inflorescence, when retained on the fruit, are considered parts of the fruit; as the acorn-cup, which is formed of scale-like bracts (Par. 79); the flesh of the apple, hip, and pear, which are all formed of the swollen peduncle ; the strawberry (Fig. 64), which consists of a fleshy receptacle covered with ripe carpels ; and the fig (Fig. 59), which is a hollow fleshy peduncle containing many ripe carpels. 126. The study of the fruit is more complicated than that of any other organ of the plant, because : i. of its composition, which can only be made out by an examination of the pistil (Sect. XVIII.) ; 2. because many parts visible in the pistil are often suppressed or masked in the fruit ; 3. because the seed is not always as distinguishable from the pericarp as the ovule always is from the ovary ; 4. because accessory organs are so often attached to it or envelope it; 5. because carpels that are free in the pistil may become com- bined in the fruit; 6. because the placentas (Par. no) XXL] BOTANY. 81 sometimes grow out and form additional partitions in the cavity of the fruit. 127. The simplest classification of fruits is into : r. pods; these are dry, and their pericarp splits open along denned lines, or parts into separate pieces called valves (pea Fig. 61, wallflower Fig. 67); such are dehiscent fruits, their seeds fall out of the pericarp after it splits open. 2. Dry fruits that do not open by valves and are hence called indehiscent ; the seeds of such do not fall out, but germinate within the peri- carp, the embryo either throwing off the pericarp (maple), or its cotyledons remaining within it (acorn) ; of these there are two kinds, the nut, which is large and hard, and the achene, which is small and usually has a thin pericarp. 3. Indehiscent fleshy fruits, that either rot on the ground and thus set the seeds free, or are eaten by birds, which digest the flesh and reject the seeds (apple, holly, mistletoe, gooseberry). The chief kinds of these are the berry, which has a soft pericarp, and the drupe, of which the inner walls of the pericarp are hard and bony, or stony. 128. The above classification teaches nothing of the real nature of the fruit ; the following does, and in- cludes the chief kinds accessible to the student, who by learning all will obtain a better knowledge of fruits than he could by any other means. He should be careful to observe whether the fruit is inferior or superior (Par. 84 d], and further, in the cases of fruits that are composed of many combined dehiscent carpels, he should observe whether they split between the carpels (septicidal), or down their backs (ioculicidal) ; or by the carpels parting from their axes (septi- fragal). 82 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [xxi. In the following enumeration the character of the seed is added to avoid subsequent repetition. A. Aggregate fruits or Infructescences (Par. 125). Mulberry (Fig. 58). A head of fruits, each con- sisting of a dry i-seeded little indehiscent nut, inclosed in four juicy perianth pieces. FIG. 58. Aggregate fruit of mulberry. FIG. 59. <7, fruit of fig cut vertically ; b y male, and c, female flowers ; both much enlarged. Fig (Fig. 59). A hollowed-out fleshy peduncle, with bracts at the top, containing innumerable fruits, each consisting of a little i-seeded indehiscent achene, together with the withered remains of a perianth. Pine-cone. A series of woody scales, each with two seeds at its base (here there is no pericarp, see Par. 139). XXL] BOTANY. 83 B. Simple fruits formed by the pistil of one flower, (a) Indehis cent fruits of one carpel. (i.) Plum, Cherry. Fruit (a drupe) superior; pericarp of an outer very fleshy, and inner stony coat. Seed solitary, without albumen. (2.) Wheat. (Fig. 12) Fruit (an achene) superior; pericarp very thin, adhering so closely to the solitary seed that it cannot be separated. Seed albuminous. In oats and barley the fruit is of the same struc- ture, but inclosed in the hardened bracts (chaff). (3.) Nettle (Fig. 60). Fruit (an achene) minute, superior, flattened, dry, thin. Seed solitary, without albumen. FIG. 60. a, section of fruit of nettle much enlarged ; b, section of sead of the same, showing the embryo, still more enlarged. (4.) Barberry. Fruit (a berry) superior ; pericarp fleshy. Seeds i or 2, basal, albuminous. Thistle (Fig. 42). Fruit (an achene) crowned with a calyx formed of a tuft of silky hairs (pappus). Seed i, basal, erect, without albumen. In the dandelion (Fig. 41) the top of the fruit is drawn out into a long beak and crowned with a similar pappus. In the daisy the top of the fruit is obtuse and there is no pappus. 8 4 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [xxi. (b) Dehiscent fruits of one carpel (pods). (5.) Pea (Fig. 61), Bean. Fruit superior, divid- ing into 2 valves, with inner and outer line of de- hiscence. Seeds many, without albumen, attached to FIG. 61. Fruit of pea splitting into two valves. the line of dehiscence which is nearest to the free stamen (Fig. 47). (6.) Willow. Fruit superior, dividing into 2 valves. Seeds few, without albumen, basal, with long hairs at their bases. (c) I ndehiscent fruits of several free carpels. Buttercup (Fig. 62).- Carpels many, dry (ache- nes), seated on a dry elevated receptacle. Seeds solitary in each achene, albuminous. FIG. 62. <7, fruit of buttercup, cut open showing the seed ; b, seed of the same cut open showing the small embryo within the small albumen ; both much enlarged. xxii.] BOTANY. 85 Bramble (Fig. 62), Raspberry. Carpels many, fleshy (drupes), seated on a dry elevated receptacle. Seeds solitary, without albumen. FIG. 63. Fruit of bramble with stamen and calyx beneath it. Strawberry (Fig. 64). Carpels many, dry (ache- nes), seated on a fleshy elevated receptacle. Seeds solitary, without albumen. FIG. 64. Fruit of strawberry with calyx and bracts beneath it. Rose (Fig. 31). Carpels few or many, dry (ache- nes), seated within the hollowed- out fleshy top of the peduncle. Seeds solitary, without albumen. (d) Indehi scent fruits of several combined carpels. Ash. Fruit superior, dry, winged (a winged achene commonly called a key), of 2 combined carpels, i- celled, each cell i-seeded (one cell is sometimes suppressed). Seeds solitary, albuminous. The maple fruit is of the same nature, but each 86 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [xxi. carpel has a wing, and the two separate when ripe ; they do not, however, open so as to let the seed fail out. Mallow (Fig. 65). Fruit superior, a whorl of many i -seeded carpels (achenes), combined by their faces. Seeds solitary, albuminous. FIG. 65. Fruit of mallow surrounded with the calyx, enlarged. Deadnettle. Fruit superior, of 4 dry achenes, each i-seeded. Seeds albuminous. Holly. Fruit (a drupe) superior, fleshy, of 4 com- bined carpels, with four, i-celled, i -seeded stones. Seeds albuminous. Olive. Fruit (a drupe) superior, fleshy, of 2 car- pels, forming a single 2-celled stone ; cells i-seeded. Seeds albuminous. Potato. Fruit (a berry) superior, of 2 fleshy carpels, 2-celled, with many seeds in each cell. Seeds albuminous. Apple (Fig. 66). Fruit 5-celled, of 5 carpels enveloped in the fleshy swollen top of the peduncle, each with a horny inner coat, and i or 2 seeds. Seeds xxi.] BOTANY. 87 without albumen. {This, the quince, pear, &c., are called pomes.) FIG. 66. Fruit of apple cut across. Gooseberry, Currant. Fruit (a berry) inferior, of 2 fleshy carpels, T -celled, with two placentas, and several seeds immersed in pulp. Seeds albuminous. Carrot, Parsnip. Fruit inferior, of 2 combined dry carpels (achenes) that finally separate, each i- seeded. Seed albuminous. Acorn. Fruit (a nut) inferior, of 3 combined carpels, contained in a cup-shaped involucre (Par. 79); of these carpels one alone ripens, the others may be found as minute cavities at the top of the nut. Seed solitary, without albumen. In the beech, the fruit is of the same structure, but three fruits are together included in a woody, 4-valved in- volucre, and each nut is 3-angled. The sweet chestnut has the same structure as the beech. (The horse- chestnut is altogether different, see below.) In the hazlenut also the fruit is of the same structure, but the pericarp is stony and the involucre green and leathery. (e) Dehiscent fruits of several combined carpels. Horse-Chestnut. Fruit superior, of 3 carpels, combined into a globose, leathery, prickly, 3-celled 88 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [xxi. pod, opening to the base by 3 valves. Seeds one in each cell, without albumen ; cotyledons soldered together. Primrose, Cowslip. Fruit (a pod) superior, dry, of 5 carpels combined into a i-celled pod, opening at the top by 5 valves. Seeds many, albuminous. Violet (Fig. 53). Fruit superior, dry, of 3 carpels, forming a i-celled, 3-valved pod. Seeds many, al- buminous. Wallflower (Fig. 67). Fruit superior, dry, of 2 carpels, forming a 2-celled pod, splitting to the base into 2 valves, which fall away from a framework. Seeds many, without albumen. FIG. 67. Pod of wallflower with one valve coming off. Poppy. Fruit superior, dry, of many carpels, forming a i-celled pod, opening by small persistent valves under the stigma. Seeds many, albuminous. Heath. Fruit superior, dry, of 5 carpels, forming a 5-celled pod, the cells of which split longitudinally down the back. Seeds many, albuminous. XXL] BOTANY. 89 Rhododendron. Similar to Heath, but the carpels separate from one another and from the central axis, and split longitudinally down the front (next the axis). Iris, Crocus. Fruit inferior, of 3 carpels, forming a 3-celled pod, the cells of which split longitudinally down the back. Seeds many, albuminous. Orchis. Fruit inferior, dry, of 3 carpels, forming a i -celled pod, with 3 valves, which fall away from a framework. Seeds many, without albumen. (f ) Dehiscent fruits of several free carpels. Columbine, Aconite, Larkspur. Fruit su- perior, of 3 or more dry pods, splitting longi- tudinally down the inner face. Seeds numerous, albuminous. 129. The contrivances for the dispersion of fruits and for their becoming fixed to the ground, are very numerous, and afford most interesting studies. Many have winged appendages belonging to the carpels (maple, ash), or hooks by which they attach them- selves to the fur of animals (cleavers), or wings formed of accessory organs (bracts of lime), or hooks, or spines (involucres of beech, chestnut, burdock). Others have fine hairs (pappus), formed by the calyx, (dande- lion, thistle) ; others have a sticky surface, or one that gets sticky when the fruit falls on moist ground suitable for its germination (groundsel); whilst still others attract birds by their smell, colour, or sweetness, and are hence transported by them. Lastly, a few burst open with elastic force, the valves acting as pop-guns, and scattering the seeds abroad (balsam). 90 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [xxii. XXII. THE SEED. TESTA, ALBUMEN, EMBRYO. 130. The seed consists of the embryo (Par. 35) and its coverings (integuments), and sometimes albumen ; it is the ovule fertilized and arrived at maturity, at which period it has become independent of the parent plant ; it is attached to the pericarp by a short or long cord, funicle (Par. no), through which it derived nourishment from the parent. 131. The integuments are usually double, the two coverings sometimes corresponding to the two coats of the ovule (Par. 114); the outer (testa) is generally the harder and thicker, and is sometimes, but very rarely, juicy (pomegranate). Two points should be carefully noted on the testa the scar (hilum) indicating its point of attachment, and a minute hole (micropyle) by which the pollen-tube entered the ovule (Par. 114). The radicle of the embryo almost always points to this hole. In some seeds a ridge (raphe) passes from the funicle to the opposite end of the seed, indicating the position of the nourishing vessels that go to the base of the nucleus (Par. 114), where they sometimes expand into a dark spot. In many palm seeds the raphe sends branches of vascular bundles through the testa. 132. The embryo is a rudimentary plant (Par. 35) with partially-developed organs. The radicle of the embryo is developed first, and is hence to be found next the micropyle (Par. 131). When fully formed the xxn.] BOTANY. 91 embryo consists of a cotyledon or cotyledons, a plumule, and a radicle; of these parts each cotyledon represents a leaf, the plumule and radicle together form an axis, of which the first is an ascending portion and becomes a stem, the latter a descending portion, giving origin to the root. The plumule is, in many plants, not developed till after germination. There are two principal kinds of embryo amongst flowering plants, the mono- and di-cotyledonous; both have cotyledon, plumule, and radicle, but they differ most materially in their structure and mode of growth. 133. The monocotyledonous embryo is often a cylindrical body, of which the upper part is the cotyledon, and usually presents a longitudinal slit or depression in which the plumule lies, the lower part is the short, blunt radicle. In germination the plumule ascends, developing alternate, often sheathing, leaves; whilst the radicle either elongates for a short time and is then replaced by adventitious roots or is itself entirely undeveloped, but gives 'off sheathed adven- titious roots (wheat, Fig. 12). 134. The dicotyledonous embryo is more compli- cated; its two cotyledons are often very large and equal and are always opposite, whilst the radicle is small and often short. The cotyledons maybe thick (pea, horse- chestnut, acorn), or thin (maple), flat (castor-oil), or folded (mallow, mustard), or crumpled (convolvulus), veined with vascular bundles or not. The cotyledons may remain underground and suffer no change till they shrivel or decay (pea, bean, oak), or be carried up and become green leaves (mustard, Fig. n) before the plumule is well developed. In germination the plumule 92 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [xxn. ascends, rarely developing sheathing leaves, and the radicle elongates and branches. 135. The albumen consists of a mass of cells con- taining starch, albuminoids (Pars. 17, 20), &c., provided for the nourishment of such embryos as possess it. It is usually formed within the embryo-sac (Par. 116). There is no organic connection whatever between the embryo and the albumen with which it is in contact, but yet the growing tissues of the former withdraw nourishing matter from the most distant part of the latter. 136. Seeds, like fruits (Par. 129), are provided with various means for aiding their dispersion, in the shape of accessory growths, colour, juicy coverings, &c. Many have the testa produced into a thin wing (pine-seeds), or are covered with long hairs (cotton), or have a tuft of hairs at one end (willow-herb), or at the base (willow) ; others become mucilaginous when moist, and thus adhere to the ground on alighting at a fit spot for growth (cress) ; or are supposed to attract birds by their brilliant colours, as certain tropical plants of the pea tribe, the pods of which open so as to expose the seeds ; others have a juicy testa (pome- granate, magnolia, pseony) ; and still others, a fleshy cup or covering (an aril) formed by a growth from the funicle (Par. 130) (passion-flower and spindle- tree). The nutmeg-tree has a i -seeded fruit like a peach, that splits open and exposes the nutmeg, surrounded by an aril of a brilliant scarlet colour : this aril no doubt attracts pigeons, which swallow the nutmegs, and transport them from island to island of the Moluccas. 137. The vitality of seeds is very variable as to xxiii.] BOTANY. 93 duration. Amongst instances of fugacious vitality are acorns, which germinate at once, and maple-seeds. As a proved instance of persistent vitality, the sacred bean of India is the most authentic ; one such taken from a herbarium upwards of one hundred years old, having germinated. Wheat is said to keep for seven years at the longest. The statements as to mummy wheat are wholly devoid of authenticity ; as are those of the raspberry seeds taken from a Roman tomb. On the other hand, that seeds may remain buried alive in the soil for many years is rendered most probable by the fact of charlock and broom appearing suddenly and in quantities in newly-turned-up soil that had not been disturbed for long periods. It is, however, difficult to believe that such a moist complex substance as living protoplasm can resist chemical change sufficiently long to favour the idea that seeds have lain buried alive in the soil for many hundred years. XXIII. SURFACE COVERINGS AND APPEN- DAGES. 138. These are either exudations from the cells of the epidermis (Par. 6), or modifications of the epidermal cells, or cellular growths from them. They serve very various and totally distinct functions, all necessary to the health, growth, or propagation of the plant. The principal of them may be most instruc- tively classed under their apparent uses : (a) Protective. The simplest of all is the bloom of the grape, cabbage-leaf, pea-pod, &c. It consists of a secretion of wax, which being insoluble in water is 94 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [xxin. probably intended to prevent its injurious effects on the subjacent tissues. Others are hairs and scales. Hairs are either prolongations of epidermal cells, or single long cells of the epidermis (cotton), or strings of such cells (spider-wort). They are protec- tions against wet, cold, and the effects of drought on the subjacent tissue. They are often branched (mal- low) or radiate from a point, like a star; when the rays of such a star are combined the result is a scale or scurf (elaeagnus.) (b) Defensive. The sting of the nettle is a single awl shaped rigid cell, with a swollen base, in which an irritating fluid is secreted. On piercing the skin the point breaks off, and the fluid is deposited in the wound. (c) Attractive. Hairs that secrete a fluid which is sugary or odorous are very common (sweet briar), and are no doubt intended to attract birds and insects for the purpose of fertilizing the flowers or carrying off and thus dispersing the seeds. (d) Nutritive. The glandular hairs of the sun- dew, which both retain the insects that visit the leaves (thus acting also as detentive organs) and absorb nutriment from them. The sticky stems of the catch- fly, and many other plants, probably serve the same purpose. ( 96; petals, 94; stamens, 104, 105; fruit, 128 114 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [INDEX. Cabbage: bloom on, 138 Calycanthus: flower, 86 Campanula: flower, 85; calyx, 93; corolla, 96 Carrot: root, 45; inflorescence, 77, 78; involucre, 79; disk, 99; fruit, 1.28 Castor oil: embryo, 134 Catchfly: stickiness of, 138 Cedar : leaves of, 68 Celandine: ovule, 114 * Cellular tissue, 6 Charlock : vitality of seed, 137 Cherry : vernation, 69 ; double flowered, 86 ; pollen, 108 ; *stone, 6, 14 Chestnut: fruit, 128, 129 Chickweed: inflorescence, 77 Clematis : stem, 4 Clover: inflorescence, 78; corolla, 95 Colchicum: corm, 52 Columbine: fruit, 128 Convolvulus: stem, 4; corolla, 96; aestivation, 101 : embryo, 134 *Cork, 6, 14 Cotton: seed, 136; hairs of seed, 138 Couch-grass, 47 Cowslip: root-stock, 49; inflorescence, 78; fruit, 128 Cress: seed, 136 Crocus: corm, 64; fruit, 128 Crown-imperial: nectary, 98 * Crystals, 22 Cnrrant: inflorescence, 78; fruit, 128 Daisy: inflorescence, 77, 78, 79; flowers, 85; stamens, 104; fruit, 128 Dahlia: root, 45 Dandelion: leaves, 68; calyx, 91; pappus, 128, 129 Daphne: flower, 85 Deadnettle: leaves, 68; flower, 85; corolla, 95; fruit, 128 Dock: flower, 85 Dodder: stem, 2 Dog-violet: inflorescence, 76 Dracaena: *wood, 60 Elaeagnus: * scales, 138 Elder: *pith, 6; inflorescence, 77, 78; flower, 85 Elm : branching of, 66 * Epidermis : 7 1 Evening-primrose: pollen, 108 Ferns: vernation of, 69 INDEX.] BOTANY. 115 Fig: fruit, 125, 128 Flax: *bast cells, 8; *stem, 53, 54 Flowering-rush: inflorescence, 78 Foxglove : inflorescence, 78 Gooseberry: vernation, 69: flower, 85; fruit, 127, 128 Grape: tendrils of, 65; bloom of, 138 Grasses : vernation of, 69 ; sheathes, 68 Hawthorn: inflorescence, 78; spines, 65 Hazel: fertilization, 117; fruit, 128 Heartsease: stipules, 68; ovule, 116 Heath: anther, 106; fruit, 128 Holly: leaves, 68; fruit, 128 Honey-suckle: flower, 85; nectary, 98 Hop: stem, 51 Horse-chestnut: buds, 63; leaves, 68; inflorescence, 78; fruit, 128 ; embryo, 134 Hyacinth: roots, 45; root fibres, 42; bulb, 64; * spiral tissue, 9 Iris: root-stock, 52; vernation, 69; anthers, 106; fruit, 128 Ivy: roots, 47; leaves, 68 Kalmia: stamens, 102 Larch: leaves, 68; cone, 142 Larkspur: fruit, 128 Lilac: inflorescence, 78 Lime: *wood, 54; bast * cells, S; leaves, 68 b, d; inflorescence, 78; stamens, 104; disk, 82; fruit, 129 Magnolia: seeds, 136 Mallow: hairs, 138; flower, 85; aestivation, 101 ; stamens, 104; fruit, 128; embryo, 134 Maple: leaves, 68; fruit, 127, 128, 129; seed, 137; embryo, 134 Mignonette: inflorescence, 78; aestivation, 101; disk, 99 Millfoil : leaves, 68 Mistletoe: anthers, 106; fruit, 127 Mulberry: fruit, 125, 128 Mustard: germination of, 33, 3539; root hairs, 44; embryo, 134 Myrtle : stamens, 102 Narcissus, 85 Nepenthes: pitcher, 30 Nettle: * sting, 138; stamen, 102; fruit, .128 Nutmeg: fruit, 136 Oak: branching, 66; leaves, 68; stipules, 68; inflorescence, 78; fertilization, 117; fruit, see Acorn Oats: inflorescence, 78; fruit, 128 Olive: fruit, 128 Onion: bulb, 52 Orange: pulp, 6; disk, 99 ii6 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [INDEX. Orchis: roots, 46; flower, 85; stamens, 104; pollen, 108; fer- tilization, 103; fruit, 128 Poeony: seed, 136 Palm: seed, 131 Parnassus : grass of, 98 Parsley: leaves, 68 '" ^ . ;; . M, C/tKIGHTOW, M, A. ^^^^^H^^^HH|HI9^HHB rEOGRAPHYj GIOEGS GROVE, NGUSH GRAMMAR; DR, R. MOREIS, NGLISH. LITERATURE s REV. STOPFO&P BROOKE, PHILOLOGY: J. PEILE, M.A. GREEK. LITERATURE? R. C, JEBB, M. A.