%■ LIBRARY UmVERSITVoPCAUKORHK C K. OGDEN COLLECTION / Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/annalsofphilosopOObonnrich ANNALS OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY MACMILLAN AND CO., Limited LONDON • BOMBAY • CALCUTTA • MADRAS MELBOURNE THE MACMILI.AN COMPANY NEW YORK • BOSTON • CHICAGO DALLAS • SAN FRANCISCO THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Ltd. TOROXTO ANNALS OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY WRITTEN FROM ITS MINUTE BOOKS BY T. G. BONNEY, Sc.D., LL.D., F.R.S. EMKRITUS I'ROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY, UNMVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON FELLOW OF ST, JOHN's COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, HON. CANON OF MANCHESTER MACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED ST. MARTIN'S STREET, LONDON 1919 LIBRARY! UNIVEKSITY OF CAUlQSiSJUi DAVI§ - COPYRIGHT GLASGOW : PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLEHOSE AND CO, LTD. PREFACE The story of the Royal Society Club has been recently told by a member hardly less eminent for his literary gifts than as a geologist. But though much the senior, tliis was not the only social club in the Royal Society. A second was founded in 1847, and continued till 1901, when the two were united. Their aims, however, were not identical. The older club had grown up, perhaps without any formal beginning, as a social institution. The younger one, while not by any means repudiating this position, had more definite purposes. It arose from a sense of dissatisfaction, which was felt, rather before the middle of last century, at the condition and management of the Royal Society, by not a few of its more energetic and eminent Fellows. They were convinced that it was not occupying the position or exercising the influence in the country which it ought to be doing, and that this failure was partly due to the way in which its Fellows were elected ; in other words, that there was a danger lest it should be said of the Society, as it was formerly of a very attractive College at Oxford, that the chief qualifications for its Fellowship were for the candidate to be * well-born, well-dressed, and moderately learned [in science].' " The agitation for reform," to quote Sir A. Geikie's words,^ " became so urgent that, in 1846, the Council appointed a Committee to consider the mode of election of Fellows. The result of the deliberations of the Committee was seen next year in the adoption of a new series of statutes which wrought a revolution in the pro- cedure of the Society in regard to this matter." The ^ Annals of the Royal Society Club, page 349. VI Preface election of ordinary Fellows by the general body of the Society was fixed to take place only on the first Thursday in June. Of this meeting ample notice was to be given, and a list of the candidates, proposed by the Council, to be circulated pre\iously among the Fellows. The number of names on this list was not to exceed fifteen, and they were to be carefully selected by the Council. This principle of limitation and selection has lasted to the present day, and has done much to enhance the prestige of the Society. But as danger always exists of enthusiasm flagging and abuses creeping back, the more zealous reformers determined to found a dinner Club, which, instead of being almost wholly social, like the one already in existence, should aim at checking any retrograde tendencies in the Council of the Royal Society, at stimulating the intellectual ac- tivity of its members, and at strengthening the influence of Science in Britain. To facilitate the first and second of these purposes, the rules enacted that no strangers, except " scientific foreigners temporarily visiting this country," were to be present at any of the Club meetings ; thus securing free discussion of subjects, for which publicity might often be undesirable ; while for the third purpose, the chairman was directed, after dinner, to invite any one present to make a communication on some subject which he thought interesting. An abstract of this, with any remarks of importance which it might elicit from other members, was to be entered in the Minute Book and read at the next meeting. These records — the distinctive feature in the Minutes of the Philosophical Club — are preserved in two folio volumes, bound in red-maroon calf : the one presented by Sir H. T. de la Beche, the other (about half -full and ending June 13, 1901) by Sir W. R. Grove. Their interest is great, as I hope to show, but their disconnected nature seemed to me to make a continuous narrative almost impossible. I have therefore decided to arrange the contents of these Minute Books in two sections, corresponding with the purposes mentioned above ; the first relating the history of the Club and its members, and of their efforts Preface vii to increase the influence of the Royal and other Scientific Societies in Britain, and the second section giving summaries of the after-dinner communications. It remains to add that, when Sir A. Geikie had completed the Annals of the Royal Society Club, several of its members thought that the history of the Philosophical Club should also assume the more durable form of print, and in May, 1917, honoured me, as I happened to be the oldest survivor of its members (for I was elected in 1883), by requesting me to prepare its records for publication. It has been a longer task than^ I had anticipated, and one which, though pleasant from its varied and interesting matter, has been in some respects rather saddening, for so many of those, whose kindnesses I often experienced in my earlier days of membership, have passed away from among us. But now that I too have become a Nestor (at any rate in years) among those who are handing on the torch of science to our still younger generation, the study of these records cheers me with hope for the future, because they show that, since the foundation of the Philosophical Club, science has advanced, with accelerated speed and increasing strength, from a comparatively humble position in the Halls of Learning to one, where its merits are more widely and fully appreciated, and its powers of dissipating the mists of ignorance and illuminating the darkness of superstition are beginning to be acknowledged. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I. (HISTORICAL) Aims of the Club and history of its foundation. Biographies of the forty-seven original members. Efforts to foster co-operation and secure juxtaposition of the leading Scientific Societies. Influence on the Council of the Royal Society. New members and their biographies. Modification of rules and declining attendance. Proposals for union with the Royal Society Club, and steps in this direction. Ultimate amalgamation of the two Clubs -.------ pp. i-g5 SECTION II. (DISCUSSIONS) ^ Thermometric scales. Letters of Franklin and Priestley. Tea. cultivation. The earth's interior. Altitudes in Himalayas, The sea-serpent. Meteorological questions. Marine fauna of Lusitanian coast. Bismuth. Physiological investigations. North American fishes. Development of trilobites. Arrian and aromatic plants. Rhinoceros in the Zoological Gardens. Errors of wet-bulb thermometers. Layard's discoveries in Assyria. Attempts to photograph nebulae. Lunar volcanoes. Powerful magnets. Turpentine and hght. Resinous com- pounds and lenses. Alluvial deposits of Nile valley. Boa constrictor and its blanket. Effects of vibration on iron. Changes of level in Arctic regions. New form of steam engine. Geology of Madeira. Coal on Black Sea coast. Binocular microscopes. The Ganges Canal. Fossil plants in Greenland. Synthesis of organic compounds. Saturn's rings. Aluminium. Tornado in America. Gutta-percha. Improved manufacture of steel. Veined structure and colour of glacier ice. Regelation. Parthenogenesis. Greensand grains. Timbuctoo. Living- stone's journeys. Italian earthquakes. Transfusion of blood. Ossiferous caves. Erupted lavas. Improvements in making cannon. Photographic prints. Total solar ecUpses. Palaeo- lithic man. Moraines in the Lebanon. Deep-sea dredging. ^ Only the more important subjects and their first mention are recorded. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I. (HISTORICAL) Aims of the Club and history of its foundation. Biographies of the forty-seven original members. Efforts to foster co-operation and secure juxtaposition of the leading Scientific Societies. Influence on the Council of the Royal Society. New members and their biographies. Modification of rules and declining attendance. Proposals for union with the Royal Society Club, and steps in this direction. Ultimate amalgamation of the two Clubs -------- pp. 1-96 SECTION II. (DISCUSSIONS) 1 Thermometric scales. Letters of FrankUn and Priestley. Tea cultivation. The earth's interior. Altitudes in Himalayas, The sea-serpent. Meteorological questions. Marine fauna of Lusitanian coast. Bismuth. Physiological investigations. North American fishes. Development of trilobites. Arrian and aromatic plants. Rhinoceros in the Zoological Gardens. Errors of wet-bulb thermometers. Layard's discoveries in Assyria. Attempts to photograph nebulae. Lunar volcanoes. Powerful magnets. Turpentine and Ught. Resinous com- pounds and lenses. Alluvial deposits of Nile valley. Boa constrictor and its blanket. Effects of vibration on iron. Changes of level in Arctic regions. New form of steam engine. Geology of Madeira. Coal on Black Sea coast. Binocular microscopes. The Ganges Canal. Fossil plants in Greenland. Synthesis of organic compounds. Saturn's rings. Aluminium. Tornado in America. Gutta-percha. Improved manufacture of steel. Veined structure and colour of glacier ice. Regelation. Parthenogenesis. Greensand grains. Timbuctoo. Living- stone's journeys. ItaUan earthquakes. Transfusion of blood. Ossiferous caves. Erupted lavas. Improvements in making cannon. Photographic prints. Total solar ecUpses. Palaeo- lithic man. Moraines in the Lebanon. Deep-sea dredging. * Only the more important subjects and their first mention are recorded. Table of Contents Australian exploration. Fly-catching plants. Black rain. Graphite in Siberia. Welwitschia. Spectroscopy. Moraines in Britain. Balloon ascents. Survey of Jerusalem. Lake Albert Nyanza. Eozoon Canadense. Elgin reptiUferous sandstone. New Zealand lizard. Thames subway. Arsenic. Travels in the Atlas. Fog signals. Effect of strain on polarized Ught. Deep-sea cable. The radiometer. Bursting of shells. Gigantic tortoises. Vitality of seeds. Geology of Tangiers. Artificial rubies. The planet Mars. Bacillus of splenic fever. Com- posite photographs. White-ants. Edison's electric Ught. Remarkable emerald. Solar spectroscopy. Ancient medicine stamp. Artificial diamonds. Freshwater medusa. Clouds. Fish in hot springs. Colour bHndness. Ice at Niagara. Solar energy. Lightning in Bermuda. Transit of Venus. Rowlands' grating. Eruption of Krakatoa. Anthropometric records. Commensal fish. Colour in crystals. A plant fish- trap. Vege- tation of Kilimanjaro. Edible bird's nests. Discovery of Germanium. A giant hydroid. Eruption of Niau-fu. The yeast-plant. Deep-sea fishes. Chimpanzee and pygmies. Pearls in cocoa-nuts. Electric safety -lamps. Quartz-crystals. Flora of the Canaries. Zero of temperature. Beryl crystal. Compound of nickel and carbon monoxide. Fossil mammals at Barrington. Ants and captive spiders. Stable and unstable periodic orbits. Antitoxins. The Glossopteris flora. Liquid air. Distant earthquake shocks. The Surinam Toad. Photographic plates, metals and vegetable oils. The Univer- sity of Sydney. Boring at the atoll of Funafuti. Thorium gas-mantles. The Garial. Old volcano in island of Arran pp. 97-257 Appendix 259-263 Jnpex 265-286 SECTION I THE HISTORY OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB On April 12th, 1847, twenty-seven Fellows of the Royal Society met at Clunn's Hotel, Covent Garden, and decided on forming a Club. For this the name of the Fortj^-seven Club was at first suggested, but it was ultimately decided to call it the Philosophical Club. Rules were also proposed, discussed, and adopted, as the Minutes duly record, but I think it needless to print them in full, because some are quite of the usual character. The following, however, are more or less indicative of the special purpose of the Club : (i) The purpose of the Club is to promote as much as possible the scientific objects of the Royal Society, to facilitate intercourse between those Fellows who are actively engaged in cultivating the various branches of Natural Science and who have contributed to its progress, to increase the attendance at the evening meetings,^ and to encourage the contribution and discussion of papers. (2) The Members of the Club shall be limited to forty- seven, of whom thirty-five at least shall be resident within ten miles of the General Post Office. With the exception of scientific foreigners temporarily visiting this country, no strangers are to be present at any of the Meetings. (3) With the exception of the President of the Royal Society for the time being, those only shall be eligible as Members of the Club who are Fellows of the Royal Society and authors of a paper published in the Transactions of 1 The Royal Society then met at 8.30. P.O. A 2 Annals of the Philosophical Club one of the Chartered Societies, estabHshed for the promoting of Natural Science, or of some work of original research in Natural Science. ^ (4) The Meetings of the Club shall take place once a month, on Thursdays from October to June, both inclusive, except the Anniversary Meeting, which shall take place on the last Monday in April. The chair shall be taken at half-past five o'clock precisely and quitted at one quarter past eight, each Member presiding in turn in alphabetical order. It shall be the duty of the Chairman to regulate and control all ballots and discussions in the Club, to announce to the Meeting, previously to seven o'clock, the subject of the paper to be read at the Royal Society that evening, and to bring forward, or to invite members of the Club to bring forward, any correspondence or scientific subject worthy of consideration. Members will be expected afterwards to attend the meeting of the Royal Society, unless unavoidably prevented. The times of Meeting shall be notified each year by a circular from the Treasurer and also by a note to each Member one week before every Meeting. The next three rules order the appointment of a Treasurer and a Committee of six to advise on the general management of the Club ; the former to hold office for three years, but to be re-ehgible for election, after an interval of one year '; of the latter, three are to retire annually by seniority, but to be similarly re-eligible. The election to be by ballot, at each Anniversary Meeting. Besides the ordinary duties of Treasurer, that officer is to keep a register of all the Meetings of the Club, to make a Minute of all resolutions which may be adopted, and, whenever practicable, furnish the Chairman with the title of the paper to be read at the Royal Societ\7 on the evening of the Meeting of the Club. The eighth rule fixes the annual subscription at twenty shilUngs, to be paid to the Treasurer at the first Meeting 1 Unless we interpret the term Natural Science in an unusually wide sense (which evidently was the case), this part of the rule would exclude Fellows distinguished in ' Pure Mathematics.' Rules of the Club 3 of the Session, and enacts that the price of the dinner is not to exceed ten shillings. The ninth rule prescribes that candidates for election are to be proposed, and the grounds of their eligibility stated, in writing by three members of the Club, not members of the Committee ; sent to the Treasurer, read to the Club at the next meeting and retained till the anniversary. In case of the number of candidates exceeding that of the vacancies, the Committee is to report to the Club the names of those whom they consider most eligible, and these are to be entitled to priority of ballot. In the event of no excess, or the non-election of recommended candidates, the order of proposal is to be that of voting, and in the event of less than fifteen members being present at an Anniversary Meeting, the election shall be adjourned till the next meeting, when that number shall attend. The tenth rule enacts that all new rules must be proposed by at least three members, notified to the Committee in writing, and read to the Club at not less than two meetings before the Anniversary, when they should be considered, put to the vote, and rejected unless four-fifths of those present (fifteen being a quorum) were in their favour. Of the members present, Mr. Grove was appointed Treasurer of the Club, and Prof. E. Forbes, Prof. Graham, Mr. Horner and Dr. Royle were appointed the Committee of Management with the Treasurer, and were authorised to select and invite Fellows of the Royal Society to join the Club until the number of forty-seven was completed. Those who accepted were to be considered original members of the Club. At the second meeting, held at Cuttriss' Hotel on May 6th, the Treasurer gave the names of thirteen Fellows who had accepted the invitation of the Committee.^ Twenty-eight members, including some of those mentioned above, were present at the dinner. The attendance at the third meeting, held on June 3rd, also at Cuttriss' Hotel, was twenty-three, and it was 1 See the list printed on next page. 4 Annals of the Philosophical Club announced that the number of the Club was now complete, seven other Fellows having accepted invitations to join it. The following is a list of the forty-seven original members of the Club, the first paragraph denoting those present at the first dinner and an obelus those who, though not attending that or either of the other two, must have joined in the project before April 12th : Mr. Ansted, Sir H. T. de la Beche, Mr. T. Bell, Mr. Bow- man, Mr. Broderip, Mr. R. Brown, Sir P. G. Egerton, Dr. Falconer, Prof. E. Forbes, Mr. Gassiot, Prof. Graham, Mr. Grove, Mr. L. Horner, Mr. Lyell, Dr. W. A. Miller, Sir R. Murchison, Mr. Owen, Mr. Partridge, Dr. Pereira, Mr. J. Phillips, Dr. Royle, Col. Sabine, Dr. Sharpey, Mr. Edw. Solly, Mr. Spence, Col. Sykes, Mi. Wheatstone. (May 6th.) Adml. Beaufort, Mr. S. H. Christie, Mr. Faraday, Mr. J. T. Graves, Sir J. Herschel, Mr. Hopkins, Prof. McCuUagh, Mr. W. H. Miller, Mr. Newport, Mr. George Rennie, Sir J. Richardson, Rev. A. Sedgwick, Capt. Smyth. (June 3rd.) tMajor Cautley, tMr. Fox Talbot, Mr. Goodsir, tMr. J. H. Green, Sir W. S. Harris, Dr. Hooker, tDr. WaUich. The autographs of these and of other members down to Sir J. H. Lefroy (elected in 1879) appear on the first two pages of the first volume of Minutes, but twelve of the names are in pencil, the book not having been actually signed. It was customary at first for the members present at each dinner to write their own names at the beginning of the minutes, and the practice continued till the i8th meeting (Feb. 22nd, 1849), after which the list was written by the Treasurer, but it was resumed on Feb. 26th, 1880, for two meetings only. In the second volume of the Minutes the names are written by the Treasurer, but the autographs of the members, at the date of the Anniversary Meeting, April 26th, 1880, with those afterwards elected, are on the first two pages, one name being dupHcated ; three others (down to 1891) are in pencil, after which two names only are written in ink, and the list is evidently incomplete. The Hst printed above has been copied with a little rearrangement from one on page 14 of the same volume, in the handwriting of Original Members 5 Dr. Allen Thomson, then Treasurer. It also mentions those of them who had died or resigned membership. That hst also gives in addition the names of the members with the date of their election, beginning with the original 47, who are grouped as present at the first meeting, or announced at the second and third meetings, together with those who had been subsequently elected down to 1880. The dates of resignation or decease are also entered (in most cases) . It is hoped these short biographical sketches of the founders of the Club, all of whom have, of course, passed away, may interest readers. Some of them did not attain till after 1847 the positions indicated by the prefixes to their names. Professor David Thomas Ansted, the first in alphabetical order of the original forty-seven, was bom in London in 1814, and went to Jesus College, Cambridge, where he obtained a fellowship. After some years' study of geology he became a professor of that subject at King's College, London, and from 1844 to 1847 was Assistant- Secretary to the Geological Society, being elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1844. He then became much occupied in practical work, such as water supply, and for some years was resident at Impington, near Cambridge, dying at Woodbridge, Suffolk, in 1880. He wrote many papers and books on geology, which met with considerable success. Sir Francis Beaufort, the hydrographer, was bom in 1774 at Navan, County Meath, of which place his father, a topographer of some distinction, was rector. In 1787 he entered the Royal Navy, and his ship took part in Lord Howe's victory on June ist, 1794. In 1800 he was one of a boat's crew which cut out a Spanish battle- ship from under the guns of a fort near Malaga, and received nine- teen wounds, sixteen from musket shots and three sword cuts, winning promotion to commander. In 1805 he surveyed the mouth of the Rio de la Plata, andj after convoy duty on the coast of Spain, became post-captain in 1810 and surveyed the coast of Karamania; afterwards publishing an account of it and the adjoining part of Asia Minor. He was badly wounded in a boat attack by Turkish pirates, and had to return to England, where he drew with his own hand the charts of his survey. In 1829 he was appointed hydrographer to the navy, and among the valuable results of his twenty-six years' tenure of office were the scale of wind-force and the tabular system of weather registration. Promoted to rear- admiral in 1846, he was created K.C.B. two years later, and died on Dec. 17th, 1857. 6 Annals of the Philosophical Club Professor Thomas Bell, well known as a zoologist, was a surgeon's son, bom. at Poole in 1792, and brought up to his father's profession, who early showed a love of natural history, especially zoology. Qualifying as M.R.C.S. in 1815 (he obtained its fellowship in 1844), he practised in London, paying, however, such attention to zoology that he became Professor of it at King's College, wrote a History of British Quadrupeds in 1837, followed by one on British Reptiles and another on British Stalk-eyed Crustacea. He was Secretary of the Royal Society from 1848 to 1853, and President of the Linnean Society from 1853 to 1861, and was active in securing accommodation for it at Burlington House. At the age of seventy he retired to Gilbert White's house at Selbome, where he gathered about him memorials of that true lover of Nature, dying on March 13th, 1880. Sir William Bowman, the eminent ocuUst, was a banker's son, bom at Nantwich in 181 6, who began medical study at Birmingham, and went on to King's College, London, where he showed great interest in physiological questions. After spending some months in visiting foreign hospitals, he passed as M.R.C.S. in 1839, and worked at King's College Hospital till 1856, when he became full surgeon. But he had already specialized as an oculist, and after 1852 was the recognized head of that branch in London, his great reputation being due to his unrivalled knowledge of the structure of the eye, his skill as an operator, and his sympathy with his patients. No one was so successful as he in cases of glaucoma, cataract, and detached retina. But his additions to the knowledge of general anatomy were also so valuable that he was called the father of it in Britain. He became F.R.S. in 1841, and received next year a Royal Medal, F.R.C.S. in 1844, and was created baronet in 1884. Notwithstanding his professional labours, he found time for pubUc and philanthropic work, retiring ultimately to Joldwynds, Dorking, where he died on March 29th, 1892. Mr. William John Broderip, a lover of zoology, was bom at Bristol in 1789. After graduating at Oxford, he was called to the Bar in 1817, and five years later appointed a police magistrate, first at the Thames Court, then at Westminster, resigning office in 1856. He devoted all his spare time to his favourite science, forming a large collection of shells, now in the British Museum, and writing the articles on zoology in the Penny Magazine, contributing others on that subject to various periodicals, besides pubUshing Leaves from the Note-hook of a Naturalist and an essay on the Dodo, which contains all the information then known about it. He died in London, Feb. 27th, 1859. Dr. Robert Brown, a botanist, highly esteemed, was the son of an episcopal minister, bom at Montrose in 1773. A medical student at the University of Edinburgh, he lost no opportunity of Original Members working at botany, and, after passing his examinations, became assistant-surgeon to a regiment. This ultimately brought him to London, whence, through Sir Joseph Banks, he was appointed naturaUst to a ship sent to survey the Australian and Tasmanian coasts. During his four years' absence he formed a large collection of plants, many of them new to science, and, after his return in 1805, became librarian to the Linnean Society, and to Sir Joseph Banks, and devoted himself to working out and publishing the results of these and other investigations. He acquired a high reputation for his researches in vegetable physiology, received the Copley Medal from the Royal Society, and from Oxford the degree of D.C.L., and died Jan. loth, 1858, loved for the beauty of his character by his many friends. Sir Pro by Thomas Cautley, distinguished both as an engineer and a palaeontologist, was a Suffolk man, bom in 1802 at Stratford St. Mary. At the age of seventeen he obtained a commission in the Bengal Artillery, but three years later was attached to Captain Robert Smith, then engaged in reconstructing the Doab Canal, an old irrigation channel, coming from the foot of the Siwahk Hills. From this work he was called away to the siege of Bhurtpore in 1827, and, after the fall of that fortress, returned to the canal, which was opened in 1830. Next year he was placed in charge of it, and he was for twelve years engaged in constructing an upper section — a much more difficult task, because it crossed torrents from the hills, and these were liable to sudden floods, which, however, he succeeded in controlling. The Ganges Canal was a still greater work, for here he had to deal with official opposition as well as natural obstacles. The necessary surveys were begun in 1837, but the construction not till 1843. Then a failure in health obliged him to take a long furlough in Europe, which he utilized in increasing his knowledge. During this interval he must have become a member of the Philo- sophical Club, for he returned to India in 1848, and the canal was opened April 8th, 1854. Sir Arthur Cotton criticised its plan, to whom Cautley made a vigorous reply, but expert opinion seems inclined to regard the former as more correct in theory, the latter more defensible in practice. This work completed, Cautley returned to England, and was created K.C.B. But while engaged on the Doab Canal, he investigated the geology of the Siwalik Hills, aided by Dr. Hugh Falconer (page 9), who came to Saharanpur in 1832 as superintendent of its Botanical Gardens. They made a very large collection of fossil remains (now in the British Museum) ^ which suppUed both with materials for many papers. Cautley also wrote a book on canals, and served on the Council of India from 1858 to 1868, dying at Sydenham, Jan. 25th, 1871. Professor Samuel Hunter Christie, distinguished for his mathematical and magnetic investigations, was bom in 1784, and 8 Annals of the Philosophical Club early showed signs of exceptional ability. He went to Trinity College, Cambridge, was second wrangler in the Mathematical Tripos of 1805, and bracketed for the Smith's Prizes with Thomas Turton, afterwards Bishop of Ely. Appointed a Mathematical Lecturer at Woolwich in 1806, he introduced competitive examinations, and, after becoming Professor in 1838, ' transformed the Academy ' before resigning office in 1854. He undertook and published impor- tant investigations into the effect of temperature on magnetic forces, on cases of magneto-electric conductivity, and on the direct influence of solar rays on the magnetic needle. A report, made by himself and the Astronomer Royal (G. B. Airy) on Magnetic Observa- tories, led the Government to establish several such in the British Islands. Professor Christie died at Twickenham on Jan. 24th, 1865. Sir Henry Thomas de la Beche, not the least eminent of that group of geologists who, in the earlier half of the nineteenth century, were the ' makers ' of that science in England, was bom in a suburb of London in 1796. The last of an ancient family, he lost his father early, and passed his boyhood at Ottery St. Mary and Lyme Regis, where the fossils attracted him to geology. Later on, he went from a military school into the army, but gave up that profession after the peace of 181 5, and found employment in the Geology of Dorset. After 181 7 he spent four or five years chiefly in Switzerland and France, studying the Alps and increasing his knowledge of minerals and rocks. In 1819 he published his first paper, On the Temperature and Depth of the Lake of Geneva, which was quickly followed by one on The Secondary Formations of the Southern Coast of England. In 1824 he visited Jamaica, where he had inherited an estate, and, as a result, gave the first description of its rocks. Realizing the great importance of laying down the results of a systematic survey of British geology on the new Ordnance Map (on the scale of an inch to a mile), he did this, at his own expense, for the mining districts of Devon and Cornwall, and the Report on The Geology of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset, published in 1839, is a lasting monument to his powers as a geologist. His map, how- ever, had so strongly impressed the Government that they decided to carry on the work, granted a sum of money and a house in Craig's Court, and appointed De la Beche, in 1835, director of the Ordnance Geological Survey. A larger space for specimens and staff was soon wanted, and the present building in Jermyn Street was opened by Prince Albert in 1851, which enabled De la Beche to carry out his idea of establishing a School of Mines. Elected F.R.S. in 1819, he became President of the Geological Society in 1847, received its WoUaston Medal in 1855, was made a knight in 1848, and died, after three years of declining health, on April 13th, 1855. His Researches in Theoretical Geology, published in 1834, and his Geological Observer, in 1853, are among the classics of the science. Original Members Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton, tenth baronet of that line, was born at Oulton Park, Tarporley, Cheshire, on November 13th, 1806. From Eton he went to Christ Church, taking his degree in 1828, and while at Oxford worked at Geology with Buckland and Conybeare, and began to collect fossil fishes with his friend Viscount Cole, afterwards Earl of Enniskillen. For that purpose they travelled together in Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. He was elected to Parliament in 1830, and till his death represented, except for three years, some constituency in Cheshire, for notwithstanding his devotion to science he took an active interest in local and public affairs. He became F.R.S. in 1831, and received the Wollaston Medal of the Geological Society in 1873. He died after a short illness on April 5th, 1881. Dr. Hugh Falconer, eminent for his botanical and still more for his palaeontological work in India, was bom at Forres on Feb. 29th, 1808, showed in early life much interest in languages as well as in natural science, and took the M.A. degree at Aberdeen Uni- versity in 1826. Then, after medical study at Edinburgh, he became an M.D. in 1829, after which he went to Bengal as an assistant- surgeon of the East India Company, and soon after reaching Calcutta attracted notice by identifying some fossil bones from Ava. Stationed next year at Meerut, he became acquainted with Dr. Royle, of the Botanic Gardens, Saharanpur, whom he shortly after- wards succeeded, and introduced the tea-shrub, with other valuable plants, into that part of India. Becoming acquainted with P. T. Cautley (page 7), he joined him in making a great collection of fossils, largely vertebrate, from the SiwaUk Hills. Falconer's botanical investigations in 1838 took him across the mountains into Balkistan and on to the glaciers at the head of the Shiggur tributary of the Indus. In 1842 he came to England, bringing with him great collections, botanical and palaeontological, which occupied him till his return to India in 1847, when he was placed in charge of the Botanical Gardens at Calcutta. In 1855 he retired to resume his palaeontological work in England, and a few years later was one of the first to reahze the importance of the palaeolithic flint implements discovered in the valley of the Somme. Falconer wrote many valuable memoirs, but as he died July 31st, 1865, he did not live long enough to finish his great store of materials. But what he accompHshed sufficed to prove him a man of first-rate ability, attractive disposition, and high character. Michael Faraday, a ' particular star ' among the physicists of this country, was bom in humble circumstances at Newington Butts on September 22nd, 1791, and at the age of fourteen was apprenticed to a bookbinder and stationer, with whom he remained for eight years, and contrived to acquire so much knowledge of science that a customer gave him tickets to four of Davy's lectures lo Annals of the Philosophical Club at the Royal Institution. Faraday took notes, and sent a copy of them to the lecturer, asking his help in obtaining a less mechanical employment. On Christmas Day, 1812, Davy engaged him as laboratory attendant at twenty-five shilUngs a week (see section II.), and was not long in discovering his exceptional talents, for he took Faraday next summer as a sort of personal attendant to himself and Lady Davy on a tour in France, Switzerland, and Italy, and introduced him to his scientific friends. On their return Faraday was again engaged at the Royal Institution, and began next year to publish papers on science. In 1821 he took two important steps, the one marrying, the other joining a small religious body called Sandemanians. He began two years later a set of experiments which suggested that all gases are the vapours of liquids with very- low boihng points, and in another two years he discovered benzol and attempted to obtain a highly refractive optical glass. In the later part of 1831 he began his great series of discoveries in magneto- electricity, the incessant labour on which so affected his health that he was obHged to take a long rest on the continent. Restored to vigour by the Alpine air, he discovered the effect of magnetic and electrical currents on the polarization of light, and then dia- magnetism. Further investigations suggested doubts whether the atom itself might not be capable of disruption, the demonstration of which is one of the most important of recent advances. Faraday's scientific position might have brought him wealth, but he sacrificed that to the dehght of discovery, till he died on Aug. 25th, 1867, worthy of the eulogium, " that as water in crystallizing excludes all foreign ingredients, however minute, so in the making of him beauty and nobleness coalesced to the exclusion of everjrthing vulgar and low." Professor Edward Forbes, a first-rate naturalist, was a banker's son, bom in 181 5 at Douglas in the Isle of Man. At the age of sixteen he went to London as an art student, but finding Uttie encouragement, entered at Edinburgh University as a medical student, where, however, he soon won distinction for his practical knowledge of natural history, his keen insight, and his power of generalization, so that these studies gradually drew him away from medicine. After graduating in 1839 he went to the Levant as naturaUst on the survey-ship Beacon, where he dredged much, especially on the coast of Asia Minor, and made archaeological discoveries in Lycia. On returning to London in the autumn of 1842 he was elected Professor of Botany at King's College, and two years later became Palaeontologist to the Geological Survey^ and a Fellow of the Royal Society when only thirty years old. When the Survey moved to Jermyn Street, he became its Professor of Applied Natural History, till in 1854 the Chair of Natural History at Edinburgh took him from London. But his health, never strongs Original Members 1 1 was beginning to fail, and the end came on Nov. i8th, 1854. As a teacher and writer (his memoirs were numerous), he was clear, stimulative, and interesting ; he was an excellent draughtsman, had an inexhaustible fund of humour, enlivening, as one result of this, the British Association by founding the Red Lion Club, and yet was a most industrious worker. The old, it was said, loved him as a son, the younger as a brother. John Peter Gassiot, a liberal promoter of science and successful pioneer in electricity, was bom in London, April 2nd, 1797. After some service as a midshipman, he entered the Spanish wine trade, married early, and settled on Clapham Common. Becoming deeply interested in electrical investigations, he acquired the best instru- ments that could be made, and constructed batteries of exceptional power, which he often placed at the service of his less wealthy acquaintances. His writings chiefly deal with electricity, and prove among other things that the static effect of a battery increases with its chemical action, that an electric spark meets with no extra resistance from water under a pressure of 447 atmospheres, but cannot pass through an exhausted vacuum tube, and they record some important investigations of the dark bands in electric dis- charges. He was one of the founders of the Chemical Society, initiated the Scientific Relief Fund of the Royal Society, and was Chairman of the Kew Observatory Committee till his death in 1877. Professor John Goodsir, a slightly eccentric but able Professor of Anatomy in the University of Edinburgh, was a doctor's son, bom at Anstruther, Fife, in 181 4, who began, when only twelve years old, to study at St. Andrews. There he was attracted to metaphysics and became a follower of Coleridge. In Nov. 1830 he was apprenticed to a surgeon-dentist in Edinburgh, and there showed great skill in dissecting, but after passing the Scotch College of Surgeons, in 1835, he spent the next five years in practising with his father at Anstruther, while he made and published scientific investigations. Returning to Edinburgh in 1850, he shared lodgings with Edward Forbes (page 10), taking pupils in Anatomy till he was appointed Professor of that subject in 1846. He was an enthusiastic and suggestive teacher, indefatigable in dissecting and in enriching his museum. In later years he suffered from an affection of the spinal cord, and lived a recluse Hfe, without even one servant, till his sister joined him in housekeeping. He died March 6th, 1867, having written about thirty papers, in some of which he sought to prove that a triangle was the ground plan of all organic forms, and to unite crystals with Hving organisms. Professor Thomas Graham, a chemist of note, ultimately Master of the Mint, was a merchant-manufacturer's son, bom at Glasgow, Dec. 20th, 1805, and educated at its University till in 1 2 Annals of the Philosophical Club 1824 he migrated to Edinburgh. Here he continued his scientific studies for ten years, till he returned to his native city as Professor of Chemistry at Anderson's University College. But in 1837 he went to London as Professor of Chemistry at University College. Here he had a distinguished career, making valuable researches on phosphorus, hydrogen, and the passage of gases through films and small apertures, and discovering the law of the diffusion of gases. Among his books his Elements of Chemistry received high praise. In 1855 he was appointed Master of the Mint, and held that office until his death (unmarried) in Gordon Square, Sept. nth, 1869. Professor John Thomas Graves, a distinguished mathematician, was bom in Dublin, Dec. 4th, 1806, and educated at Trinity College, where he showed excellence as a classic. Then incorporating at Oxford, he took the degree of M.A., and in 1831 was called to the Enghsh Bar, going on the Western Circuit. He was elected Professor of Jurisprudence at University College, London, and wrote on legal subjects, but won his chief distinction as a mathematician, for he aided Sir W. Rowan Hamilton in his work on conjugate factors, elaborating the newly discovered quaternions and the icosian calculus. He died in 1870, after writing many papers on these and similar subjects, and left his very valuable mathematical library to Univer- sity College, London. Sir William Snow Harris, also distinguished for electrical researches, was a solicitor's son, bom at Plymouth, April ist, 1781, who studied medicine and for a time was in practice at his native place. But his growing interest in electricity led him, after his marriage in 1824, to give up professional work, for he had already devised a new form of lightning conductor for ships and made improvements in the mariner's compass. His conductor, after encountering official opposition, was adopted by the Navy in 1841, and he received an annuity of ;£3oo. Six years later he was knighted and obtained a grant of :^5ooo for this and other services, and was appointed in i860 scientific adviser to the Government. Elected into the Royal Society in 1831, he was awarded the Copley Medal in 1835, and died at Plymouth on Jan. 22nd, 1867. Sir John Frederick William Herschel, the great astronomer, was a son of an equally distinguished father. Sir William Herschel. He was born at Slough on March 7th, 1792, and went, at the age of seventeen, to St. John's College, Cambridge, where he graduated in 181 3 as Senior Wrangler and First Smith's Prizeman, and obtained a Fellowship. As an undergraduate, he was intimate with William Whewell, George Peacock, and Charles Babbage, and made a resolu- tion with the second and third to leave the world wiser than they found it. This they did, for, by introducing the differential notation and continental methods of analysis, they restored mathematical Original Members 13 science in England. Herschel, after a trial of the Law, devoted himself to astronomical science, first working at optical and chemical questions, and then ' taking up star-gazing ' in his father's observatory at Slough. He was already an F.R.S., having read his first paper while still an undergraduate, and received the Copley Medal in 1 82 1, to be followed by a Royal Medal in 1836. The Royal Astro- nomical Society also, in the foundation of which he co-operated^ gave him their gold medal. Meanwhile he carried on his father's observations of double stars, pubUshing a catalogue including 380 of them. During visits to the Continent in 1820 and the following year he ascended the Pennine Breithom, measured barometrically the height of Etna, and made experiments on solar radiation from the Puy de Dome. In 1825 he applied a telescope, devised by himself and his father, with a reflector 20 feet from the object glass, to the study of the nebulae. His catalogue (published in 1833, and illustrated by 800 elaborate drawings) included 2307, nearly a quarter of them discovered by himself. In 1830, after having been Secretary to the Royal Society, he was strongly supported for the Presidency, but a majority of its fellows preferred Royal birth to scientific distinction, and elected the Duke of Sussex. Next year, however, Herschel received the K.C.H. In 1834 he boldly transported his great telescope and other instruments to the Cape of Good Hope, in order to study the stars of the Southern Hemi- sphere, and established an observatory near Cape Town. Before his return in 1838, in which year he was created a baronet, he had largely added to his discoveries of nebulae and double stars, and had done much for the cause of education in the colony. In England also he took an active part in public work, holding, besides other positions, that of Master of the Mint from 1850 to 1855. To enumerate even his more notable memoirs, articles, and books would be impossible, for he worked indefatigably till his death on May nth, 1871, when he was buried in Westminster Abbey, near the grave of Newton ; like to whom, as was justly said, " he was eminent for knowledge, simplicity, and humility." Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, bom at Halesworth, Suffolk, on June 30th, 1 81 7, is another instance of a son inheriting a father's talent. After taking the degree of M.D. at Glasgow in 1839, he at once joined Sir James Ross' Antarctic expedition as assistant- surgeon on the Erebus, thus obtaining, during the three years' voyage, the materials for his three volumes on the Flora of the Antarctic, New Zealand, and Tasmania. From 1847 to 1851 he investigated the botany of part of the Himalayas, and during a journey in Sikkim * was taken prisoner, ill-treated, and in danger of being murdered. During this journey he obtained materials for valuable memoirs on the rhododendrons of Sikkim and on the 1 See Section II. 1 4 Annals of the Philosophical Club Indian flora, and for a very interesting book, The Himalayan Journals. He became Assistant-Director at Kew in 1855, and Director ten years later on the death of his father Sir William. Elected F.R.S. at the early age of thirty, he received the Royal, Copley and Darwin Medals, and became President in 1873. But notwithstanding his many duties, he still found time for scientific travel, for in i860 he visited Palestine, in 1871 journeyed through Morocco to the crest of the Great Atlas, and in 1877 went to the United States. His memory will always be inseparable from that of Charles Darwin, whom he stimulated and aided in writing the Origin of Species, of which book he was a stalwart champion. Vigorous and indefatig- able. Hooker wrote many memoirs and books, among which it must suffice to mention his Genera Plantarum and the Flora of British India, on the completion of which he was created G.C.S.I., having been made Knight Commander in 1877 and C.B. in 1869 ; his many other distinctions being crowned, at the age of ninety, by the O.M. On resigning his post at Kew he retired to The Camp, an attractive residence near Sunningdale, but continued his botanical work almost to the end, which came in sleep, Dec. loth, 191 1. William Hopkins, distinguished for his mathematical knowledge and power of teaching, was born at Kingston, Derbyshire, Feb. 2nd, 1793, and brought up as a farmer. But in that calUng, after an experience near Bury St. Edmunds, he was not successful, and a love of mathematics attracted him to Cambridge, where he graduated from Peterhouse as seventh wrangler in 1827. SettUng there as a private tutor, he met with extraordinary success, for he could state in 1849 that nearly 200 of his pupils had been wranglers, 17 of them seniors and 44 in one of the first three places, though he endeavoured to make them lovers of mathematics rather than anxious for its rewards. Attracted to Geology by Sedgwick about 1833, he applied mathematical methods to its physical questions, such as the movement of glaciers and the condition of the earth's interior, in acknowledgment of which he received in 1850 the WoUaston Medal from the Geological Society. A man of many interests, of high character, and attractive nature, he died at Cambridge, Oct. 13th, 1866. Leonard Horner, geologist and educational reformer, was bom in Edinburgh, Jan. 17th, 1785, and educated at its University, where he studied chemistry, subsequently extending his scientific knowledge, especially of mineralogy. After becoming a partner in his father's linen factory, he went to London, where he married and acquired many congenial friends, joining the Royal Society in 181 3, and becoming President of the Geological Society in 1845 and i860. Though a cautious generalizer, he put forward views about the palaeozoic strata which were subsequently confirmed by Sedgwick and Murchison. Business recalled him to Edinburgh Original Members 15 in 1817, where he took a leading part in Whig politics and in educa- tional reform, especially among the working classes ; but in 1827 he returned to London to organize the London Institution, and next year became Warden of the newly established University of London. But a failure of health compelled him to resign and live for a time at Bonn. On his return he was appointed a Commissioner to enquire into the employment of children in factories and the chief inspector under the Factory Act, from which he retired in 1856 and died in London, March 5th, 1864. He wrote much on both educational and geological subjects, one of the most important of his investigations being an attempt to estimate by borings the rate of accumulation in the Nile delta. Sir Charles Lyell, a truly philosophic geologist, was bom on Nov. 14th, 1797, the son of a Forfarshire laird, himself noted as a botanist and a Dante scholar. Charles, however, was brought up in England, whither his parents migrated, going in due course to Oxford, where Buckland attracted him to Geology. He graduated in 1 819 with a second class in Classics, after having travelled in his vacations on the Continent, where he saw the effects of the flood caused by the burst barrier of the Gietroz Glacier, and in the western part of Scotland. He then entered at Lincoln's Inn, but was obhged by a weakness of the eyes to desist from study, went to Rome, and on his return worked at geology in the southern part of England, reading his first paper to the Geological Society in February 1824. This was followed by longer excursions — to Cornwall, the north of Scotland and Paris, till after four years' rest his eyes improved, he was called to the Bar, and got some business. About 1827 the ideas began to germinate which were afterwards worked out in the Principles of Geology, and he set off next year for a long continental tour, with the Murchisons (page i6), through Auvergne, Southern France, and Northern Italy. Parting from his companions, Lyell went southward to study the volcanic district of Naples and ascend Etna. On his return to London in February 1829, he began The Principles, the first volume of which was published next year, while he was making a geological tour in the Pyrenees and the volcanoes of Catalonia. The second volume appeared in 1832, in which year he married Miss Mary Homer, and the third in 1833. The book was afterwards recast and divided into two. The Principles and The Elements, published in 1840. Geological travel in Europe had gone on steadily, but in the following summer Mr. and Mrs. Lyell crossed the Atlantic and travelled for a year in Canada and the United States, enlarging geological experience and getting so far as Southem Carolina. Travels in North A merica describes their journey. In 1845 they undertook another tour in Canada and the States, this time reaching the Gulf of Mexico, the results of which were? described in A Second Visit to North America. Though Lyell twice 1 6 Annals of the Philosophical Club returned to that continent, went to Madeira and the Canary Islands,, and continued his excursions in Europe, this was the last of his long wanderings for the study of Nature. Honours now came more thickly. He was thrice President of the Geological Society, was awarded its Wollaston Medal and the Royal and Copley Medals of the Royal Society, was President of the British Association, received honorary degrees and foreign orders, was made a knight in 1848, and a baronet ten years later. Intimate with Charles Darwin, he did not immediately accept his theory of the ' Origin of Species,' but afterwards became a convert, for which he gives his reasons in his last great book, The Antiquity of Man, published in 1863. So life passed in unflagging work till early in 1873 he had the misfortune to lose Lady Lyell ; then his own health declined, and on Feb. 22nd, 1875, he passed away, and was laid in Westminster Abbey near the grave of Woodward, one of the pioneers of British Geology. His thirst for knowledge, with the singular openness and perfect fairness of his mind, impre^^sed all who knew him. Two maxims regulated bis work, the one " Go and see " ; the other, " Prefer reason to authority." Dr. William Allen Miller, a distinguished chemist, was bom at Ipswich, Dec. 17th, 181 7. Educated for the medical profession, he passed through King's College, London, at which, after holding a subordinate position, he was elected ^n 1845 Professor of Chemistry. Notwithstanding his official duties and the preparation of his important Elements of Chemistry, he spent the night hours in investigating, with his neighbour at Tulse Hill, WilHam Huggins, stellar spectra, in which method of analysis he had already become expert. Besides these he aided in a report on the London Water Supply, and in a Kew Committee to provide for uniformity in weights and measures, invented a thermometer for deep-sea sound- ings, and was assay er to the Mint and Bank of England. He took the degree of M.D. in London University in 1842, and received honorary degrees from Edinburgh, Cambridge, and Oxford. " In- defatigable in work, cautious but clear in judgment, and sincerely reUgious," he died of apoplexy from brain fatigue at Liverpool on Sept. 30th, 1870, -while attending a meeting of the British Association, Sir Roderick Impey Murchison, a leader in geological and geo- graphical circles in London, was bom on Feb. 19th, 1792, at Tarra- dale in County Ross ; a descendant of an old Highland family. He lost his father early, and obtained a commission as ensign in 1807. Going with his regiment to Portugal, he was in the battle of Vimiero and the retreat of Comnna. On retuming to England, it was kept at home, much to Murchison's chagrin, and after Waterloo lie married and retired from the army. He was already slightly interested in science, but for the next two years paid much more Original Members ij attention to art and antiquities, studying in Rome and other Italian cities. On his return, for some five years, fox-hunting was his chief occupation, and not till late in 1824 did he settle in London and begin to work at Geology. Yet in the spring of 1826 he became F.R.S. ! 1 He went to Yorkshire, where he saw how William Smith worked in the field, and then took a long tour in Scotland, returning thither with Sedgwick (page 22) next year, which had for its result a paper on the Old Red Sandstone. In 1828 Murchison and his wife were joined by Lyell (page 15) in a tour through Central France, and then went to the Austrian Alps. Next year Murchison returned to them with Sedgwick, and much valuable work was embodied in a joint paper, and he made a third journey to them in 1830. But next year the two friends attacked a geological ' no man's land,' as it might be called, the region of ' greywacke,' underlying the Old Red Sandstone, and supposed to be a barren, unfossiliferous tract. It occupied, as then understood, a large part of Wales and the Lake District, with most of Devon and Cornwall. The last region was attacked by Murchison and Sedgwick in 1836, and in the course of three years brought into order. Sedgwick explored the Lake District, and the two made separate attacks on Wales ; Murchison, in the summer of 1831, working from the edge of the Old Red Sandstone westward to the more disturbed central region, Sedgwick from the Menai Strait in a more or less southward direction. They communicated their advances to the Geological Society, and late in 1838 Murchison published his great work, The Silurian System. We may pass over the subsequent controversy, which ultimately estranged the two friends, because the main facts are now inseparable from the history of British stratigraphy, and remark that the book was a wonderful accompUshment for one man, even though much aided, as Murchison was, by friends. In 1841 he made a long journey in Russia, studying its geology and getting as far east as the Ural Mountains and south as the Sea of Azov, the result being another important book, Russia and the Ural Mountains, published in 1845 after another visit to that country. Murchison continued for some years to travel rather extensively, though within narrowing limits, and in 1855, on the death of Sir Henry de la Beche (page 8), succeeded him as Director-General of the Geological Survey. He was again elected, in 1863, President of the Royal Geographical Society, and so, always busy with official and consequent social duties, with the revision of his books and preparation of addresses, he continued his ever industrious Hfe, till in 1869 his helpmate Lady Murchison was taken from him, and after a stroke of paralysis, late in the following 3''ear, he quietly passed away on Oct. 22nd, 1871. 1 A frank remark of the President, quoted in Geikie's Life of Murchison, vol. i. p. 129, justifies the agitation for reform in the Royal Society, of which the Philosophical Club was one outcome. P.C. B 1 8 Annals of the Philosophical Club He received many honours : the Presidency of the Geological and Geographical Societies, of the British Association, the WoUaston, the Royal, and the Copley Medals ; valuable presents and an Order from the Czar of Russia, honorary degrees, knighthood, and then a baronetcy in his own country. Sir Richard Owen, a master in vertebrate palaeontology, was the younger son of an India merchant, bom at Lancaster on July 20th, 1 80 1. At its grammar school his chief hobby was heraldry, but when apprenticed to a surgeon, this gave place to anatomy. Passing through Edinburgh University and St. Bartholomew's Hospital, he became M.R.C.S. in August, 1826. After practising for a short time near Lincoln's Inn, he was appointed Assistant- Conservator to the Hunterian Museum, visited Paris in 1831 to study under Cuvier and at the Jardin des Plantes, and then, next year, published his memoir on the Pearly Nautilus, which " placed him at a bound in the first rank of anatomical monographers." In 1834 he became F.R.S., and next year married Miss Clift, daughter of the Hunterian Conservator, whom he succeeded in 1842, and was elected Professor of Comparative Anatomy at the Royal College of Surgeons. He had now gained a position in science and in society, was esteemed by Prince Albert, and in 1842 received a Civil List pension. Ten years later the Queen gave him Sheen Lodge in Richmond Park. But nothing distracted him from the documents and specimens in the Hunterian Museum and his palaeontological work. In 1856 he became Superintendent of the Natural History Department in the British Museum, to the removal of which from Bloomsbury he was favourable. (It was accomplished in 1881.) But in this post his career was hardly so successful, though it afforded faciUties for his scientific work. To enumerate his papers and books would be impossible — by 1843 he had written 200 of the former; it must suffice to mention his works on the Mylodon and Gigantic Sloths of South America, and on the Dodo of New Zealand, which started from a fragment of a thigh bone. He received hono- rary degrees, the WoUaston, Royal and Copley Medals, was created C.B. in 1873 and K.C.B. in 1884. He died at Sheen, Dec. i8th, 1892. Professor Richard Partridge, a noted surgeon, was bom at Ross, Jan. 19th, 1805. Beginning his medical training in Bir- mingham, he went on to St. Bartholomew's, and became M.R.C.S. in 1827. Afterwards he was connected with the hospitals at Charing Cross and King's College, being elected, in 1836, Professor of Anatomy at the latter. He was admitted into the Royal Society in 1837, was Professor of Anatomy at the Royal Academy, and, though he did not publish much, was highly valued as a teacher. He died March 25th, 1873. Dr. Jonathan Pereira, who won great repute for his knowledge of pharmacy, was bom in Shoreditch on May 22nd, 1804, and at Original Members 19 ail early age was articled to a general practitioner in the City Road. Working hard at Chemistry and Materia Medica, he passed the Society of Apothecaries in his nineteenth year, and was appointed to their dispensary. Before qualifying as a surgeon in 1825, he taught and pubUshed three useful students' manuals, and after that began to lecture and prepare for his great work, The Elements of Materia Medica, which was published in 1839-40. An early riser, with an iron constitution, he could work sixteen hours a day, lecturing and writing on Food and Diet, treating these from a scientific point of view. Erlangen gave him the degree of M.D., he became F.R.S. in 1838, F.R.C.P. in 1845, and died, as the result of an accident, on Jan. 20th, 1853. ^ Propessor John Phillips, nephew and pupil of William Smith, the founder of British Stratigraphy, was bom at Harden, Wilts., Dec. 25th, 1800. Brought up by his uncle, they were, as he said, " for years never separated in act or thought " till 1824, when he was appointed to an office at the York Museum, which during his time was transported to its present site in the Abbey Gardens. He quitted that city for a post on the Geological Survey, and was for some years Professor of Geology at King's College, London. But in 1844 he left that for the same office in Dublin, from which he came to Oxford in 1853 as Deputy for Buckland, whom he succeeded as Professor in 1857. For over thirty years he was Assistant-secretary to the British Association, of which he was President in 1865. He wrote not a few valuable memoirs, received many well-deserved honours — F.R.S. in 1834, honorary doctorates and the Wollaston Medal of the Geological Society, and he died, in consequence of a fall, at Oxford on April 24th, 1874. Professor John Forbes Royle, son of a captain in the East India service, was bom at Cawnpore in 1799, and went to Edinburgh High School. At Addiscombe he acquired such a regard for botany that he qualified as a surgeon and went to India, in 18 19, on the medical department of the Company's army. There, four years later, he was placed in charge of the Botanic Garden at Saharanpur, where he brought together in it a fine collection of plants economically valuable. He also examined the drugs sold in the bazaars, many of which he identified with medicine used by the ancient Greeks, and urged the Government to introduce the chinchona plant, which, however, was not done till two years after his death. He published, after returning to England, an important book on the Botany and Natural History of the Himalayas, was elected, in 1837, F.R.S. and Professor of Materia Medica in King's College, London, and was placed, at the India House, in charge of the museum and corre- spondence relating to vegetable products. An author of many books and papers of scientific and economic value, he died at Acton on Jan. 2nd, 1858. 20 Annals of the Philosophical Club General Sir Edward Sabine, son of a Hertfordshire squire, was bom at Dublin on Oct. 14th, 1788, and obtained from Woolwich a commission in the Royal Artillery. After Gibraltar and home service, he was taken on his way to Canada, in May 181 3, by an American privateer. But an English frigate recaptured his vessel, and he obtained credit during active service on the Niagara frontier. On his return to England, he studied astronomy, terrestrial magnet- ism and ornithology, accompanied as astronomer Sir John Ross to Greenland, and wrote a book on its birds and the Esquimaux of its western coast. In 1819 he went away for a year and a half with Captain Parry on another Arctic expedition, having become F.R.S. the previous year. His next task was to ascertain the variations in the length of the seconds' pendulum at different places, in order to determine the earth's figure. Then he joined Sir J. Herschel in observing the exact difference in the longitudes of the Greenwich and Paris observatories, followed by ascertaining the relative lengths of the seconds' pendulum at Greenwich, London, Paris, and Altona, and the absolute length at the first place. Recalled to military duties in 1834, be was still able, while stationed in Ireland, to continue scientific work, the result being the first magnetic survey of the British Isles and the establishment of magnetic observatories by our Government in different parts of the globe. Elected to the Royal Society in 181 8, he received its Copley Medal, and, after serving as Foreign Secretary and Treasurer, was President from 1 861 to 1 871. In the army he rose to the rank of General, and was created K.C.B. in 1869. Full of years and well-earned honours, he died at Richmond on June 26th, 1883. Professor William Sharpey was bom on April ist, 1802, at Arbroath in Forfar, though his father was from Kent, passed through the University of Edinburgh, and, after further study in London and Paris, took the M.D. degree there in 1823. Returning to Arbroath, he was in practice for about three years and then abandoned it for science, starting on a long journey through France to Naples, and back by Venetia, Austria, and Prussia, halting at the chief centres for study. Settling in London, he began to teach, and was appointed, in 1836, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology in University College, where he attracted large classes. He was admitted to the Royal Society in 1839, and served as its Secretary from 1853 to 1872. Resigning his chair in 1874, he died in Torrington Square on April nth, 1880, a man remarkable for his varied knowledge, his accurate memory, and his sound discrimination. Professor Edward Solly was born in London, Oct. nth, 1819, studied chemistry in BerHn, and began early to lecture in London and to write. In 1843 he was elected into the Royal Society, and two years later appointed Professor of Chemistry at Addiscombe. He was also noted for his wide genealogical and Original Members 21 literary knowledge and formed a large library, dying at Sutton, Surrey, on April 2nd, 1886. Professor James Spence was the son of an Edinburgh merchant, bom in that city in 181 2, and educated at its University, and admitted to its College of Surgeons in 1832. After two voyages to Calcutta as surgeon to an East Indiaman, he began to practise and lecture in Edinburgh, ultimately becoming Professor of Surgery in 1864. He was noted as a skilful dissector and operator, with a preference for the older methods of treatment. He died in Edinburgh on June 6th, 1882. Colonel William Henry Sykes, a member of an old Yorkshire family, was bom in that county on Jan. 25th, 1790, and obtained a commission from the East India Company. After the siege of Bhurtpur in 1805, he had experience of active service in the Deccan from 181 7 to 1820, and then returned home to spend four years in continental travel. On resuming work in India, he was employed for the next few years on its statistics and natural history, both resulting in valuable reports. After this, in 1831, he re- turned to England as Lieutenant-Colonel (finally retiring as a full Colonel), and was employed in various capacities, dying in London on June i6th, 1872. He was a zealous and scientific observer, with wide interests, especially in zoology and mineralogy, antiquities and statistics. Sir Charles Wheatstone, remarkable for his scientific ability and inventive powers, was the son of a Gloucester music-seller, bom there in February 1802. At the age of twenty -two he began business as a musical instrument maker in London, and obtained valuable results from a scientific study of sound. Turning next to light and optics, he invented the stereoscope, and showed (in 1835) that the spectrum of the electric spark consisted of rays of different refrangibility, and the lines thus produced would reveal the presence of even a minute portion of any metal. Another invention was a polarization clock; then, soon after being appointed Professor of Experimental Physics at King's College, came inventions which made the electric telegraph available for the public transmission of messages, which were followed by experiments on submarine cables. He was also a most ingenious reader of hieroglyphs and despatches in cipher. He became F.R.S. in 1836, received honorary doctorates from Oxford and Cambridge, was knighted in 1868, and died in Paris, Oct. 19th, 1875. Mr. William Henry Fox Talbot, one of the pioneers of photo- graphy, was a man of good family, bom at Chippenham, Wilts., on Feb. nth, 1800. From Harrow he went to Trinity, Cambridge, won a Porson Prize, and graduated as twelfth wrangler and second Chancellor's Medallist in 1821. After two or three ma the- 22 ^Annals of the Philosophical Club matical papers, he was one day using a camera lucida by the Lake of Como, when the idea occurred to him of making its pictures permanent. Wedgwood, indeed, had already produced evanescent ' sun pictures ' on sensitized paper, so he adopted that method, and had all but succeeded when Daguerre did this by another process. Talbot, however, went on with his experiments, the result of which was the so-called Talbotype, patented early in 1 841, which soon ousted the daguerrotype. Then he devised methods for taking instantaneous pictures and for photographic engraving. Besides his successes in mathematics and photography, he was a good archaeologist and among the first to decipher the cuneiform inscriptions from Nineveh. Elected into the Royal Society in 1831, he received a Royal Medal in 1838 and the Rumford in 1842, and died at Lacock Abbey (his birthplace), Sept. 17th, 1877. Professor Adam Sedgwick, a geologist of real genius, was son of a Yorkshire dalesman, bom at Dent on March 22nd, 1785. From Sedbergh school, after study under John Dawson, a self-taught but first-rate mathematician, he went to Trinity, Cambridge, graduated in 1808 as fifth wrangler, was elected a Fellow in 18 10, and appointed assistant-tutor five years afterwards. Ordained in 1 81 6, he was elected in 181 8 Professor of Geology, though hitherto he had not seriously worked at that subject. But he began at once to travel for that purpose in Great Britain, and to produce papers, becoming F.R.S. in 1830 and President of the Geological Society in 1829. Beginning in southern and eastern England, he then attacked the magnesian limestone and associated red rocks of the north-east, after which he went with Murchison (page 16) to examine the red sandstones on the western side of Scotland. With him also, in 1829, he made a long journey through Mid-Europe as far as Trieste, and worked at the Eastern Alps. Important papers were the outcome of these studies, but he was now becoming keenly interested in the problems offered by the ancient rocks of Britain. With those of Cornwall and Devon he had to some extent the help of Murchison ; in the Lake District he worked single-handed, and in 1831 they attacked, though sepa- rately, the difficulties ol Wales — ^Murchison working westward from the Severn, Sedgwdck in a more or less south-easterly direction from the north-western coast. Papers, read from time to time, announced their progress, till in 1839 Murchison published his important book, The Silurian System. Further work in Wales convinced Sedgwick that his friend had confused two distinct sandstones. He communicated the results to the Geological Society, and in 1852 read a paper criticizing a map of North Wales, issued by the Geological Survey, which placed in the Silurian almost the whole of the Formation which he had named Cambrian. The Society, as Sedgwick thought, did not deal fairly with that paper, which Original Members 23 brought about another estrangement. After the later part of the decade his papers became fewer ; for advancing age and increasing engagements made work in the field more difficult, and though in some ways vigorous, he was often out of health, and had more serious illnesses and accidents than most men. " From 1813 to his death he could never count upon robust health for even a day." Infirmities increased more rapidly during his last fourteen years, till hfe ebbed away in his rooms at Trinity in the early morning of January 27th, 1873. He had received the WoUaston Medal from the Geological Society and the Copley from the Royal, the honorary degree of LL.D. from Cambridge, and a canonry at Norwich. To children he was devoted, to younger students ever kind and stimu- lating ; his wonderful memory, fund of stories, varied recollections, and sense of humour made him the most dehghtful of companions ; in fact his geology was not his only faculty which bore the stamp of genius. Professor William Hallo wes Miller, whose name is inseparable from mineralogy, was bom at Fehndre near Llandovery on April 6th, 1 80 1.' Going to Cambridge, he got a high place in the Mathe- matical Tripos and a Fellowship at St. John's College, and was elected, in 1832, Professor of Mineralogy. For this science he developed a system of Crystallography simpler and better adapted than any previous one to mathematical calculation. When the burning of the Houses of ParHament in 1834 destroyed the standards of length and weight, he took a leading part in reconstructing them, and in all his scientific work showed a great power of obtaining precise results by simple means. Elected to the Royal Society in 1838, he was awarded a Royal Medal, was made LL.D. by Dublin and D.C.L. by Oxford, and received more than one foreign order. He died at Cambridge, after a gradual failure of health, on May 20th, 1880, much esteemed for his wide and accurate knowledge and his unselfish nature. Mr. George Newport, who rose from a humble origin to be a high authority as a scientific entomologist, was bom at Canterbury on July 4th, 1803. Beginning a medical training at Sandwich, he obtained the M.R.C.S. in 1835 and an appointment at Chichester, but devoted all his spare time to studying insects, more especially those of his native county, and communicated papers to the Royal and other Societies, becoming F.R.S. in 1846 and receiving a Royal Medal. He then settled in London, where also he practised, but in his later days had a Civil List pension, and died on April 7th, 1854. Mr. George Rennie, sculptor and politician, bom in Haddington- shire in 1802, was a nephew of the distinguished engineer, John Rennie. He studied sculpture in Rome, exhibiting his works from 24 Annals of the Philosophical Club 1828 to 1837, when he turned to poUtics in the hope of advancing education, and was for some time member for Ipswich. Late in 1847 he was appointed Governor of the Falkland Islands, where his administration was successful. Returning to England in 1855,, he died in London on March 22nd, i860. Dr. Nathaniel Wallich was a Dane, bom on Jan. 28th, 1786, at Copenhagen, where he took the degree of M.D., and in 1807 went as surgeon to Serampore, then belonging to his country. But when it was transferred to England, he entered our service, and soon became an active discoverer and collector of new plants and a contributor to the Flora Indica. He was sent in 1820 to explore Nepal, and pubhshed the results. In 1825 he inspected the forests of Western Hindostan, and in the next two years those of Ava and Lower Burma. Invalided to England in 1828, he brought with him about 8000 specimens, and distributed the duplicates among important herbaria. The results of his labour appeared, 1830-32, as three handsome volumes, with figures, on Unpublished East Indian Plants. He was elected F.R.S. in 1829, and, after another period of service in India, returned to England in 1847, settled in London, went on working out his specimens, and died in Bloomsbury, April 28th, 1854. Professor Joseph Henry Green, noted for his skill in surgical operations, especially Uthotomy, was the son of a city merchant,, bom at London Wall, Nov. ist, 1791. Apprenticed to an uncle, after three years' study in Germany, he passed the College of Surgeons at the close of 1815, and began to practise near Lincoln's Inn. Already connected with St. Thomas' Hospital, he gave instruction there, and in 1820 was appointed surgeon. In 1824 he became Professor of Anatomy at the College of Surgeons and to the Royal Academy in the following year (also that of his election as F.R.S.) . Finally he became Professor of Surgery at King's College. But besides this he was a student of philosophy, who had gone, even in 1 81 7, to Berlin to attend lectures on that subject, and an early acquaintance with S. T. Coleridge ripened into such friendship that he was left in 1834 literary executor to the latter. In the same year Green's father died, bequeathing him a large fortune, which enabled him to give up private practice, though he continued to write papers and addresses. In the later part of his hfe he Hved at Hadley, near Bamet, where he died of gout on Dec. T3th, 1863. He was considered to be a fine operator, an assiduous teacher, a most painstaking student, and a thoughtful, though rather nebulous, writer. Professor James McCullagh was a farmer's son, bom at Glenellie, Tyrone, in 1809, who went in 1824 to Trinity College, DubUn, where he obtained a fellowship and was elected Professor Original Members 25 of Natural Philosophy in 1843. He quickly proved himself not less stimulating as a teacher than zealous as a student, devoting himself especially to higher geometry and to electrical physics. He was also very helpful to the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy. But overwork told upon his health, and in October, 1847, he put an end to his life, while temporarily insane, thus being the most short-lived of the original members of the Philosophical Club. Sir John Richardson, the distinguished Arctic explorer, was bom in Dumfries, where his father was a prominent citizen, on Nov. 5th, 1787. He entered Edinburgh University as a student of medicine, and after qualifying as M.R.C.S. was appointed in February, 1807, to be assistant-surgeon on a frigate. After being present at the bombardment of Copenhagen, he continued on active service till 1 815, when he retired on half -pay, and returned to Edinburgh to study natural science and take the degree of M.D. in the following year. But in 18 19 be was appointed surgeon and naturaHst to Franklin's polar expedition. It wintered at Cumberland House on the Saskatchewan River, and after travelhng 1350 miles spent the next winter at Fort Enterprise. Then a canoe voyage down the Coppermine River took them to the coast, when they explored parts of Bathurst Inlet and Melville Sound. After being reduced to great straits, the expedition, by the help of Indians, reached Fort York in the following June, and returned to England in October, 1822, after having travelled 5550 miles. Richardson wrote the scientific part of the Narrative, and afterwards described the birds and mammals collected by Parry on his second voyage, 1821-3. In 1825 he accom- panied Franklin on his second expedition to the mouth of the Mac- kenzie River, when he explored with a separate party 900 miles of coast between the mouth of that and the Coppermine River. Then he made a voyage round the Great Slave Lake, and ultimately met Franklin at Cumberland House in June, 1827, returning to England in the following September, after which he worked out and published the scientific results of the expedition. In 1838 he was appointed physician to the Haslar Royal Hospital, and two years later Super- visor of Hospitals. But in 1848 he was chosen to conduct a search expedition for FrankUn, and reached the estuary of the Mackenzie River by waj?- of Cumberland House, after leaving Liver- pool on March 25th. Early in September ice floes obliged him to abandon his boats near Cape Kendall. After wintering by the Great Bear Lake, he left his second, John Rae, in command, having kept, by his wise measures, the members of his expedition in excellent health, and reached Liverpool on Nov. 6th, 1849, publishing the results of his journey in 1851. He retired after forty-eight years' service in 1855 and resided generally at a house near Grasmere,, where he accomplished much literary and scientific work and helped his poorer neighbours with his medical knowledge, dying there oa 26 Annals of the Philosophical Club June 5th, 1865. He was elected F.R.S. in 1825, and received a Royal Medal in 1856, and the degree of LL.D. from Dublin in 1857. In 1846 he was knighted and in 1850 created C.B. Admiral William Henry Smyth was born in Westminster on Jan. 2ist, 1788, entered the Navy and saw much service in Indian, Chinese, and Australian waters, after which he made valuable charts of the North Sea, French, Spanish, and Mediterranean coasts, till he retired from active sea life as a post-captain in 1824, and devoted himself to science, being elected F.R.S. in 1826. At an observatory which he had established in Bedford, he carried out systematic work on the stars, publishing the results in the Philosophical Transactions, and made various contributions to scientific periodicals. Attaining the rank of rear-admiral in 1853, he became full admiral in 1863, and died at Aylesbury, to which place he had removed, on Sept. 9th, 1865. Sir William Robert Grove, whose name is inseparable from the history of the Philosophical Club, was the son of a Glamorganshire landowner, bom at Swansea, July nth, 1811. He graduated from Brazenose College, Oxford, in 1832, having already become a student of Lincoln's Inn. Ill-health at first impeded his career at the Bar, so he devoted himself to science and especially electricity, inventing the particular form of battery which bears his name. In 1840 he was appointed Professor of Natural Philosophy at the Royal Institu- tion and elected F.R.S. In both capacities he soon manifested his powers, producing some most important papers and working for reform in the latter body, from which he received a Royal Medal in 1847, having published in the previous year his great treatise, The Correlation of Physical Forces. His health had now greatly improved, so that he resigned his chair at the Institution and resumed active work at the Bar, quickly acquiring a large practice, especially in patent cases. In 1853 he took silk, and was appointed a judge and knighted in the winter of 1871, being transferred to the Queen's Bench, about nine years afterwards. Late in 1887 he retired and was made a Privy Councillor, when he returned with zest to his scientific studies. He received honorary degrees from Oxford and Cambridge, was noted as a man of remarkable energy and originality of mind, and died at his house in Harley Street on Aug. ist, 1896. We now proceed to give an outline of the history of the Philosophical Club, with short biographical notices of its new members,^ and of its efforts to promote the interests 1 As the list of these overlaps the beginning of the present century, many on it must be well known to all readers interested in science, so that I have written much shorter notices of them than of the original forty-seven. Union of Scientific Societies zj of science by stimulating and co-ordinating the activities of the Royal and other societies. At the 6th meeting (Nov. 25th, 1847), ^i"- Grove raised the question whether a closer union between the different scientific societies of the metropolis was not desirable, in order to concentrate their labours, unify their publications, and diminish rivalry. Assuming that to be the case, he thought any measure designed to effect it must be moderate in character ; and with that intent made the following suggestions for the consideration of the Club, (i) That all its members, who are also members of the Councils of the different societies, should endeavour to get these societies brought into a single locality. Then their libraries might be joined (each society retaining its own property), when they would form one of the most valuable scientific Ubraries in Europe, and a single room, if each society selected a different day in the week, would suffice for their meetings. (2) That, in order to obtain an annual publication, embracing the most important branches of science, the Council of each of the principal societies — say, the Astronomical, the Chemical, the Geological and the Linnean — should be at liberty to forward each year to the Council of the Royal Society, papers — say, not exceeding two in number — for pubHcation in the Philosophical Transactions; the right being reser\^ed to the several Councils of printing these papers also in their own Transactions, and to that of the Royal Society of accepting or rejecting them. Sir H. T. de la Beche fully agreed with the general aim of the first proposal, but doubted the feasibiHtj^ of the second, though he thought that science and scientific men suffered from want of mutual co-operation. Dr. W. A. Miller sug- gested the pubHcation, weekly or monthly, of a Compte Rendu of Proceedings by the different societies, and it was generally felt that the subject required further discussion. That was resumed at the next meeting (Dec. 23rd), when six members of the Club were appointed a committee to con- sider and report upon the question on Jan. 27th, 1848. They presented a report to this effect : that the Presidents 28 Annals of the Philosophical Club of the following societies — the Royal, the Linnean, the Geological, the Astronomical, the Chemical, and the Geo- graphical — be requested to form a deputation to the Govern- ment and impress upon it the importance of bringing those societies into juxtaposition for the above-named purpose, and suggest at the same time the grant of the apartments in Somerset House vacated by the Royal Academy. The Report also recommended that two members of the Philo- sophical Club should wait on the Presidents of the above- named societies, represent to them the advantages of juxtaposition, and request their co-operation in the endeavour to obtain it. In discussing this Report, some members considered the societies proposed to be too few, and certain of them suggested the inclusion of bodies, such as the Royal Society of Literature, not devoted to Physical Science, while others, who agreed with this limitation, favoured the inclusion of certain Minor Societies, as they might be called. The locaUty proposed was criticized as not affording sufhcient accommodation, and, besides this, unlikely to be granted, because the Government already were desirous of obtaining the whole of Somerset House for an extension of Pubhc Offices. Hence it would be better to apply for a building large enough to afford ample accommodation to the various societies. In reply to these criticisms, it was urged that any attempt to enlist too many societies at the outset was likely to be unsuccessful, because of the variety of opinions which would have to be consulted and the greater likehhood of disappointing those societies which would still have to be omitted ; there was also a risk that the Government, in the state of finance, either at present or probably withia a reasonable time, would be more likely to accede to a request for moderate accommodation than to a more ambitious scheme. That proposed, as one of the front wings of Somerset House was already occupied by scientific societies, only asked for half the space which would be required if they also were included in an apphcation. That mentioned would, at any rate, suffice for some time to come, and it was used at present only for temporary pur- Union of Scientific Societies 29 poses, viz. by the London University, which was already applying for other rooms. Supposing, however, their request were refused on those grounds, that would give them good grounds for applying to Government for a new building, possibly on a more comprehensive plan. The discussion was resumed at the meeting on March 23rd, when some of the members present urged the importance of bringing together the libraries of scientific societies and the advantage of preparing a list of the books in which they were deficient. At the first Anniversary Meeting on April 24th, all the time was occupied by business proper to the occasion, and a rule, of which due notice had been given, was passed, that in the event of a member of the Club being absent from the United Kingdom for a whole year and notifying the fact, he could be considered a supernumerary member and excused the payment of his subscription. On his return he would be entitled to attend the dinners, as if he were a member, until a vacancy occurred, when he should be restored by the Committee to actual membership. The two vacancies made by the death of Professor McCuUagh and the retirement of Mr. Fox Talbot were tilled by the election of Mr. T. Galloway and Mr. G. R. Porter. Mr. Thomas Galloway was bom in Lanarkshire on Feb. 26th, 1796, and early showed mathematical ability, which was fostered by learning the continental methods of treating those subjects from two French prisoners of war who were residing near his home. After taking the M.A. degree at Edinburgh in 1820 he taught for a time at Sandhurst, but became actuary to the Amicable Life Assurance Company in 1836, and held that office till Nov. ist, 1851, when he died of spasm of the heart at his house in Torrington Square, London. He wrote several memoirs on astronomical and other subjects, the most important being one on the Proper Movement of the Solar System, for which he was awarded a Royal Medal in 1830, having been elected a Fellow in 1829. Mr. George Richardson Porter was a Londoner, bom in 1792. After an unsuccessful attempt at a Business career, he devoted himself to economics and statistics, on which he wrote many papers. After making a valuable digest of Parliamentary Reports, he was appointed 3© Amials of the Philosophical Club Supervisor of the Statistical Department of the Board of Trade, then of its Railway Department, and lastly Joint Secretary of the Board. He married a daughter of Abraham Ricardo, author of the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, and died at Tunbridge Wells, on Sept. 3rd, 1852, from blood-poisoning caused by a gnat's sting. At the meeting on May 25th, the discussion on the Report of the Committee (see page 27) was resumed, and it was resolved that the Presidents of the societies cultivating different branches of Natural Knowledge should be asked to request the Government to grant apartments to them, or such other societies as it should think fit, as trustees for carrying out their objects. At the meeting on June 22nd, the members considered what societies should send their Presidents to form the deputation named in the above-mentioned report, a doubt having arisen about the inclusion of the Chemical Society, because it had not a charter. On it being explained that this was in the way of being remedied, the Club resolved that the societies represented should be the Royal, the Linnean, the Geological, the Astronomical, the Chemical, and the Royal Asiatic. The Club preferred not to enter on the discussion of that part of the Committee's second recommendation which concerned the locale of the apartments, but passed on to the third recommendation, and appointed Lt.-Col. Sabine, Mr. Owen, and Mr. Grove to be members of a Committee to wait on the above-named Presidents, represent to them the advantages of the proposed juxtaposition, and request their co-operation in bringing it about. 1849. At the meeting on April 30th, the second anniver- sary, the four vacancies, caused by the absence from England of Major Cautley, Dr. Falconer, Dr. Hooker, and Sir J. Richardson, were filled by the election of Dr. H. Lloyd,. Dr. Lyon Playfair, the Earl of Rosse, and Lord Wrottesley. Of the four new members, Dr. Humphry Lloyd was son of a Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy in Trinity College, Dubhn, and was bom in that city on April i6th, 1800. After a distinguished University career, he obtained a fellowship, and in 1831 succeeded his father as Professor, devoting himself Biographical Notices 31 more especially to researches in light and magnetism, and the over- sight of the Magnetic Observatory, when founded. He became Provost in 1867, but continued his scientific researches and took an active part in reorganizing the disestablished Irish Church till his death on Jan. 17th, 1881. Dr. Lyon Playfair, son of the Chief Inspector of Hospitals in Bengal, was bom at Chunar in that province on May 21st, 181 8, He studied chemistry and medicine, first at St. Andrews, then at Glasgow. After a short return to India, owing to a breakdown in health, he worked at University College, London, where his former teacher Graham had become Professor, and then at Giessen, where he became Ph.D. Liebig was then engaged on applying organic chemistry to agriculture and vegetable physiology. His views strongly attracted Playfair, who, after returning to England, drew attention to them, and was employed more and more by the Govern- ment. He was appointed in 1845 Professor of Chemistry in the Royal School of Mines, was of much service to the Great Exhibition of 1 85 1, won the esteem of the Prince Consort, became Secretary of Science for the Department of Science and Art, and took an active part in organizing the Royal College of Science. He became in 1858 Professor of Chemistry at Edinburgh, but resigned the chair in 1869, having been elected member of Parliament for that Univer- sity and St. Andrews. From 1880 to 1883 he was Chairman and Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons, and was created K.C.B, on resigning that position. From 1885 to 1892 he sat for South Leeds, and was then raised to the peerage as Baron Playfair, three years later becoming G.C.B. Elected F.R.S. in 1848, he was President of the British Association in 1885, and died in Onslow Gardens, London, on May 29th, 1898. The Third Earl of Rosse was born at York on June 17th, 1800, and graduated from Magdalen College, Oxford, after obtaining a first-class in Mathematics, and sat for King's County, Ireland, from 1823 to 1834, when he resigned to secure more leisure for study. At his home, Birr Castle, he began a series of experiments to perfect reflecting telescopes, constructing everything needed on the spot and taking workmen from the neighbourhood. In 1828 he invented an alloy of copper and tin for the mirrors and a machine to grind and poUsh them. His first great success was in 1839, when he made a speculum 3 feet in diameter, but in 1842-3 he constructed another of twice that diameter, mounted in a tube 58 feet long and 7 feet in diameter. Both were set up, side by side, in front of Birr Castle,^ and he employed them especially in observing nebulae. Elected into the Royal Society in 1831, he received a Royal Medal in 1851, and was its President from 1849 to 1854. He received several distinctions, both English and foreign, among them the K.P. In the famine of 1846-7, he worked hard for the poor and against 3 2 Annals of the Philosophical Club murderous societies, and it was justly said of him when he died at Monkstown on Oct. 31st, 1867, " Estimable in all the relations of life, he pursued, without pretension or self-seeking, the combined careers of a philosopher, a patriot, and a philanthropist." Sir John Wrottesley, Second Baron Wrottesley, was bom at Wrottesley Hall, Staffordshire, on Aug. 5th, 1798, took the B.A. degree from Christ Church, Oxford, and was called to the Bar. Having built an astronomical observatory at Blackheath, he paid especial attention to certain small fixed stars, and published, through the Royal Astronomical Society, a catalogue of the right ascensions of 13 1 8, for which he received their gold medal in 1839. In 1841 he was elected F.R.S., and, on the death of his father in the same year, transferred his observatory to Wrottesley, with the addition of a large equatorial telescope. He was President of the Royal Society from 1854 to 1857, and of the British Association in i860, dying at Wrottesley on Oct. 27th, 1867. 1850. A statement by Mr. Bell, at the meeting on Jan. 24th, that the Government had at the present time two or three large vacant houses, which possibly might be obtained for the use of scientific societies, raised the question of bringing these into juxtaposition, and the Committee appomted on June 22nd, 1848, was requested to meet, to take such action as seemed desirable, and to report the results to the Club. The union of scientific societies was again discussed on Feb. 28th, Sir H. T. de la Beche mentioning the beneficial results of bringing together men of science at the meetings of the British Association, and pointing out how desirable occasional meetings of that kind would be in London. Dr. Playfair remarked that as a large building would have to be constructed for the Exhibition of 1851, part of it might be of a more permanent character, and be apportioned to scientific societies, and yet might again be used for a general exhibition, if another were held. Sir P. Grey Egerton suggested that scientific societies in London should occasionally hold evening joint meetings in order to bring about a greater amalgamation of views. At the meeting on March 28th, Sir H. T. de la Beche, on behalf of a Committee appointed Feb. 28th, said its mem- bers had consulted several men of science, most of whom Union of Scientific Societies 33 had cordially received the proposal of occasional meetings, and were continuing their enquiries. Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Grove thought that conversational soirees would do little good unless they had the definite aim of advancing that union of different societies which had been already so frequently discussed. Sir H. T. de la Beche considered that the main object of these meetings would be to pave the way to a more permanent juxtaposition or consolidation of scientific societies. At the third Anniversary Meeting (April 29th), Dr. Royle was elected Treasurer in place of Mr. Grove, who retired under Rule VII., but, as ill-health obliged the former to resign at the next anniversary (April 28th, 1851), Mr. Grove was then re-elected. 1852. The Committee on the Juxtaposition of Societies submitted to the Club, at its meeting on Feb. 26th, a memo- randum which they recommended should be forwarded to the President of the Royal Society, and of which the following is a summary. Beginning by recapitulating the advantages of bringing together the societies cultivating Natural Knowledge, while retaining their independent action and existence, it states that these would require a suite of apart- ments to contain their several libraries, and three or four rooms of different sizes, in which their meetings might be held on different days in the week, an arrangement which would combine the advantages of devotion to a special object with those of concentration. These libraries also, while retaining their individual distinctness, would become virtually parts of one library of science, and be more available for reference than when dispersed as at present. This arrangement would also diminish the expenses of the societies. Certain members of the Club ^ were requested to ascertain the views of the above-named four societies on this question. At the meeting on March 25th, Dr. Hooker reported that he had consulted about two dozen members of the Linnean Society, including the President, who were unanimously 1 Six for the Linnean and the Geological, four for the Chemical, and three for the Astronomical Society. c 34 Annals of the Philosophical Club in favour of juxtaposition. Mr. Newport stated that he had found, on investigating the financial question, the saving to that society would be about £150 a year. Pro- fessor E. Forbes had consulted many Fellows of the Geo- logical Society, who were unanimously in favour of the proposed juxtaposition, and did not apprehend any opposi- tion. Dr. Allen Miller read a copy of a resolution, passed by the Council of the Chemical Society (Dr. Daubeny being in the chair), which stated their entire concurrence with that adopted by the Philosophical Club, welcoming the proposal for juxtaposition, and expressing their readiness to join with the other chartered societies in an application to the Government. Captain Smyth said that the Council of the Astronomical Society had also passed a resolution in favour of the juxtaposition of the scientific societies, as proposed by the Philosophical Club. At the fifth Anniversary Meeting on April 26th, the Committee recommended that a copy of the original Htho- graphed memorandum, prepared for the instruction of the members of the Philosophical Club in making the above- named enqmries, together with the results of the latter, be forwarded to the Earl of Rosse, with the request that he would take, in consultation with the Council of the Royal Society, the Presidents of the afore-named societies, and the Government, such steps as may appear to him and them most desirable for accomplishing the object in view. Dr. William Benjamin Carpenter was elected into the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Galloway. He was bom at Exeter on Oct. 29th, 1 81 3, and went from his father's school to University College, London, as a medical student. Moving to Edinburgh, when qualified, he began a series of papers on physiological questions, ending with his great work — much in advance of the time — Principles of General and Comparative Physiology, pubUshed in 1839. In 1844 he returned to London as Professor of Physiology at the Royal Institution, and was elected F.R.S. in the same year. After holding two or three other educational posts, he became Registrar of the University of London in 1856, for the development of which he worked assiduously till he retired, and was created C.B. in 1879. He died on Nov. 19th, 1885, " one of the last examples of an almost universal Naturalist," besides which, he was an excellent lecturer. Union of Scientific Societies 35 an advocate of vaccination and other good causes, besides being a fair musician and well versed in literature. The next section of these Minutes illustrates the diversity of his scientific interests, among them being the construction and uses of microscopes, which led to his book on that subject, the first edition appearing in 1856. He received a Royal Medal in 1861, the degree of LL.D. from Edinburgh in 1871, the Lyell Medal of the Geological Society in 1883, and was President of the British Associa- tion in 1872. At the meeting on June 24th, during a conversation about the juxtaposition of Scientific Societies, certain members of the Council of the Royal Societj^ stated that it was con- sidering that subject, and had consulted the Presidents of the four societies mentioned in the Minutes of March 25th last. The subject was again discussed at the meeting on Oct. 2ist, when it was stated that many eminent men of science, who belonged to provincial scientific societies, considered that a union of the metropoHtan societies would not suf&ce for the wants of science, so that some of the more important of these provincial societies would wish to be represented if juxtaposition were effected. Colonel Sabine mentioned that, at the recent meeting of the British Association, this project had been discussed, and many of its members had expressed themselves favourable to it, and thought that the matter had been too long delayed. At that meeting a committee had been formed to endeavour to reorganize scientific pubHcations so as to bring them, if possible, into one form. The issue of a quarterly or monthly publication, to contain the more important papers from this country and the Continent, was also contemplated. Dr. W. A. Miller undertook to bring forward at the next meeting a definite plan for establishing and editing such a periodical. At that meeting (Nov. 25th) it was stated that the Council of the Royal Society would meet next day to consider the reports of the other societies which had been consulted ; also, that the Government were contemplating the erection of a building at Kensington for the fine arts and indus- trial purposes, in which rooms would be allotted to several 36 Annals of the Philosophical Club scientific societies, should they desire it. The opinion was strongly expressed that Kensington, from its distance and other inconveniences, would be quite unsuitable for the meeting of scientific societies, and the feeling was general that, so far as the Royal Society was concerned, to remain in its present apartments would be the wiser plan, unless a change would result in some general benefit to science, such as that contemplated by the juxtaposition of societies. 1853. At the meeting on Jan. 27th, Mr. Grove suggested the preparation, by members of different societies, of a memorial in favour of juxtaposition, which should then be presented to the Government. The Club requested Col. Sabine and Mr. Grove to draw up such a memorial. This was read at the meeting on Feb. 24th, and unani- mously adopted. It recapitulated the reasons, already stated, in favour of the juxtaposition of, and a central position for, the aforesaid societies, and impressed on the Government the fact that the present dispersion of the societies engaged in promoting the science of the country was prejudicial to its progress. On March 24th, Sir H. T. de la Beche suggested convening a pubUc meeting of the signers of the memorial in favour of juxtaposition, Sir R, Murchison remarking that this, if it were done, should be as soon as possible. At the Anniversary Meeting on April 25th, Sir P. Egerton, Col. Sabine, and Mr. Grove were appointed a committee to draw up and issue a request to the memorialists to meet and appoint a deputation to present to H.M. Government the memorial in favour of juxtaposition. Dr. Hofmann and Dr. Bence Jones were elected members of the Club. Dr. August Wilhelm von Hofmann was bom at Giessen on April 8th, 181 8, and after studying philosophy, was attracted to chemistry by Liebig. After teaching that science at Bonn, he came to London in 1845 as Professor at the Royal College of Chem- istry, where his classes were attended by several men who soon began to make their mark. His talents and attractive personality made him popular. He became F.R.S. in 1851, Warden of the Mint in 1856, and President of the Chemical Society in 1861. He Union of Scientific Societies 37 returned to Germany in 1865 to superintend the erection of a chemical laboratory at Berlin and organize the system of instruction in that subject. To this great work, and to carrying on researches in organic chemistry and on aniline dyes, the later part of his life was devoted . His death occurred in that city on May 5th, 1892. Dr. Henry Bence Jones was a member of a good Suffolk family, bom in that county in 1814, who graduated as B.A. from Trinity College, Cambridge in 1836 and M.D. in 1849. After studying chemistry under Prof. Graham of University College, London, he worked under Liebig at Giessen, then practised as a physician in London, obtaining much repute in diseases of the stomach and kidneys. Elected F.R.S. in 1846, he was Secretary of the Royal Institution from 1861 nearly till his death, which occurred on April 2oth, 1873. He was a man keenly interested in the general advance of science, whose genial nature won him many friends, especially among scientific men at home and abroad. The minutes for May 26th contain a copy of a letter from Lord Rosse to Lord Aberdeen, read at the meeting, which requested the latter to appoint a time for receiving a deputa- tion of those (about 200 in number) who had signed the memorial in favour of the juxtaposition of scientific societies. Among them were included many of the scientific men most eminent in their different departments, the few who had not signed abstaining because they feared the memorial might result in locating the scientific societies in a position neither central nor convenient. To the reasons given in the memorial this also might be added, that " The present, disjointed, ill-situated, and ill- appointed scientific institu- tions " offered nothing " to attract young men who emerge from our Universities highly trained, and ready at once to take a prominent part in scientific research. As it is. University honours are the object, and the examination over, science is seldom thought of ; it has been learnt to be forgotten. With us, therefore, scientific men are not numerous and science rests on a narrow basis. This state of things is perhaps not quite creditable to the country, and certainly it has placed us under a disadvantage in the application of science to the development of the national resources." Mr. Grove stated that, on the 23rd, Lord Aberdeen had received the deputation most courteously. 38 - Annals of the Philosophical Club and had promised to consult the Chancellor of the Exchequer as to the means of carrying out the proposed objects. 1854. At the meeting on Jan. 25th, the Club considered how to increase the utiHty and widen the circulation of the Proceedings of the Royal Society, Dr. Sharpey suggested that the different scientific societies should be invited to send notes of their communications to the Royal Society, which should take means to provide for their circulation. The result, he thought, would be a sort of Comptes Rendus, issued (say) once a fortnight. A small subscription from Fellows of the Royal Society and others interested in science would, he believed, make it possible to issue the improved proceedings with regularity. Mr. Wheatstone and others thought that, besides papers sent to the Royal Society and intended for appearance in the Philosophical Trans- actions, communications of a shorter character should be more frequently made, and accounts of noteworthy scientific facts, observed on the Continent, should occasionally be given to the Society. Dr. Pliicker, he said, from whom he had received a letter, saw some difficulty in a regular issue, owing to the Long Vacation. Mr. Grove then remarked that the difficulty, if the project were well launched, might be overcome by keeping back some communications which did not demand immediate issue. Dr. Carpenter suggested that it would be highly advantageous if a list of contem- poraneous papers, published in foreign Transactions, were inserted in these Proceedings. On Feb. 23rd, Dr. Sharpey stated that the Council of the Royal Society was anxious to make improvements in the publication of its Proceedings and thus encourage the communication to its meetings of notices and papers not intended for the Philosophical Transactions. Mr. Grove considered that some changes should be made in the rules to facilitate the publication of such papers, because pro- duction now went on so rapidly that authors would suffer by waiting for publication in the Transactions. Dr. Sharpey thought that the Proceedings might offer a means for rapid publication of the fundamental points in a discovery ; the Proceedings of the Royal Society 39 details being reserved for the Transactions. Mr. Grove referred to his proposition, made Nov. 25th, 1847, ^^'^ 1^^ stress on the importance of the Philosophical Transactions containing the main papers in all branches of physical science. At the meeting on March 23rd, the first number of the new form of the Royal Society's Proceedings was exhibited, and Mr. Horner stated that the Geological Society had determined to print in their Quarterly Journal not only a list of lately pubhshed books and papers on their subject of study, but also an abstract of the contents. ^ Sir R. I. Murchison suggested that the societies should co-operate in applying to Government for the formation of a Scientific Committee to accompany the British army to the Black Sea.2 On April 24th (anniversary). Dr. Hooker was elected Treasurer in place of Mr. Grove. Mr. Charles Darwin, the Rev. Baden Powell, and Colonel Portlock were elected members of the Club. The first of these, Charles Robert Darwin, is such an historical figure in the records of Natural Science that it is needless to give more than a bare outline of his biography. Bom at Shrewsbury on Feb. 12th, 1809, educated at its noted school and Christ's College, Cambridge, he accompanied Captain Fitz Roy from 1831 to 1836 as naturaUst on the voyage of the Beagle to South America, publishing the results, after his return, in the well-known Voyage. After his marriage in 1839, permanent ill-health obUged him to live in retire- ment at Down, where he worked out his idea of the Origin of Species, the publication of which, in 1859, was accelerated by its having independently occurred to A. R. Wallace. Of the controversy excited by this book and one or two that followed, it is needless to speak ; enough to say that its author died on April 19th, 1882, and was buried in Westminster Abbey near the grave of Isaac Newton. Professor Baden Powell, who also much agitated unscientific people, was bom at Stamford Hill on Aug. 22nd, 1796, won distinction * This will be found (separately paged) under the title " Translations and Notices of Geological Memoirs " in the volume (Xth) for 1854, and it was continued as a section of the Journal till the volume for 1873, *The Crimean War began March 28th, 1854. 40 Annals of the Philosophical Club in Mathematics at Oxford, and was elected in 1827 Savilian Professor in Geometry, which post he held till his death on January nth, i860. Ordained in 1820, he wrote on theological as well as mathe- matical subjects, and was prosecuted (without success) for a contri- bution to Essays and Reviews. Major-General Joseph Ellison Portlock was bom at Gosport on September 30th, 1794, and obtained in 1813 a commission in the Royal Engineers. After good service in the Canada war, he returned to England in 1822, and was employed in surveying Ireland, paying much attention to its geology and zoology. Then, after employment in Corfu, he returned to Ireland in command of the Cork district. In 1 85 1 he became Inspector of Studies at Woolwich, doing good work as an educational reformer, till he retired with the rank of Major-General in November, 1857. He was M.R.I. A. as well as F.R.S., and died at Blackrock, near Dublin, on Feb. 14th, 1864. A letter from Sir R. I. Murchison to Lord Raglan was read, which stated that the Presidents of the Geological and Linnean Societies, with Dr. Hooker, Col. Portlock, and himself, were empowered to request H.M. Government to attach a few competent men of science to the army under his command, which was about to be sent to the east of Europe or to the immediately adjacent countries. This, as the letter pointed out, had been done by the French Govern- ment in past times, with valuable results, and by that of the United States, both along the Rocky Mountains and in Southern California. The writers, however, were anxious to ascertain Lord Raglan's views on the question before appl3dng to the Duke of Newcastle, Secretary of State for War. Lord Raglan's secretary had replied that it would be better, in his Lordship's opinion, to wait till the destina- tion of the army had been settled, and it had been some little time in the field, when he hoped to be able to forward their views on the subject. Reverting on May 25th to the housing of scientific societies. Lord Rosse stated that Sir W. Molesworth, to whom he had applied, had informed him he had no doubt the Government, though it had not officially stated its intentions in regard to Burhngton House, intended to provide in it for the accommodation of the scientific societies. Colonel Sabine recommended that the three societies (RoyaU Accommodation at Burlington House 41 Linnean, and Geological) now accommodated in Somerset House should be prepared with a statement of the space which they occupied, and Lord Rosse remarked that BurUngton House would not afford sufficient room for the scientific societies as well as for the University of London^ without building additional wings. 1855. On Jan. 25th, a proposed modification of the bye-law about elections was referred to the Committee, and the progress made by the Royal Society in preparing scientific instruments for the Exhibition in Paris was mentioned. Lord Wrottesley informed the Club that Government had granted £500 towards the expenses, and the services of four sappers had been requested from the Board of Ordnance for security in packing. At the Anniversary Meeting on April 30th, it was resolved that new members should be elected at the first meeting in November as well as at the Anniversary Meeting. But as only fourteen members were then present, the election was postponed till May loth. At that meeting the Treasurer announced six vacancies : Sir H. T. de la Beche, Professor Forbes, Dr. Walhch by death, Mr. Brown, Mr. Christie, Mr. Goodsir by resignation. Sir Proby Cautley was replaced on the Hst. Mr. Busk, Mr. Huxley, Prof. Stokes, and Prof. Tyndall were elected, the sixth vacancy not being filled.^ Mr. George Busk, highly distinguished in more than one branch of science, was bom at St. Petersburg on Aug. 12th, 1807, and showed in his schooldays a love of Natural History. He studied medicine at St. Thomas' and St. Bartholomew's Hospitals, and after qualifying became assistant surgeon on the Grampus, hospital ship at Greenwich, and then full surgeon on the Dreadnought. Retiring in 1855 he settled in London to devote his whole time to scientific work. In this he covered a wide field, for his writings deal with the pathology of cholera, the treatment of scurvy, the lowest forms of life, the polyzoa (the second volume of his Report on those collected by the Challenger being finished during his last illness), palaeolithic implements, and the noted Moulin Quignon jawbone (in 1863), after which he visited Gibraltar, working there and elsewhere at the fauna of caves, besides taking an active part 1 A candidate was proposed, but not elected. 42 Annals of the Philosophical Club in public service. He became F.R.S. in 1850, and received a Royal Medal in 1871, as well as the Lyell Medal of the Geological Society in 1878 and its WoUaston Medal in 1885. He died at his house in Harley Street, August loth, 1886. Professor the Right Honourable Thomas Henry Huxley was son of a schoolmaster, bom at Ealing on May 4th, 1825. He became a medical student in 1841, and soon afterwards suffered from blood-poisoning, the result of which was chronic dyspepsia. Matriculating at the University of London in 1842, be graduated as M.B., with the gold medal for anatomy and physiology, in 1845. From the end of the next year to November, 1850, he was attached to the Rattlesnake, then surveying the sea between Australia and the Great Barrier Reef. Here his studies of floating hydrozoa, especially the medusae, tunicata, and perishable moUusca, enabled him to place their classification on a sound basis. As a result he was elected F.R.S. in 1851, and in the following year was awarded 2, Royal Medal. On obtaining, in 1854, permanent work in teaching at the Royal School of Mines, he soon showed that his powers of exposition equalled those of investigation, and proved to be great in organization on its removal to South Kensington. An intimate friend of Charles Darwin, he was a champion of the Origin of Species, and his chastisement of Bishop Samuel Wilberforce, who had unwisely attacked it at the Oxford Meeting of the British Association in i860, will not readily be forgotten. With all this work, especially on Cartesian criticism, during the ten years previous to 1870, his ' output ' of scientific literature was surprising. So great was his influence on the pubUc mind that he went on the School Board for London. In 1871 he had to take a long holiday, but became Secretary of the Royal Society, and President in i88i. From this, however, failing health obliged him to retire in 1885 and to give up all public work. In 1890 he removed to Eastbourne, where he died on June 29th, 1895, and was buried at Finchley. He received the Copley Medal in 1888 and the Darwin in 1894, besides honorary degrees and other distinctions, among them that of a Privy Councillor (he refused knighthood) in 1892. Sir George Gabriel Stokes, son of the Rector of Skreen, County Sligo, was born there on Aug. 13th, 1811. He went to Pembroke College, Cambridge, where he was senior wrangler and first Smith's prizeman in 1837, and obtained a Fellowship. Elected in 1849 to the Lucasian Professorship of Mathematics, he won distinction in many departments, among his notable researches being those on the motion of fluids, including viscous, the dynamical theory of diffraction, and the general theory of the propagation of disturbances, the development of spectrum analysis, which, as his correspondence proved, he had foreseen before it was actually investigated by Bunsen and Kirchoff, the phenomena of sound, the variation in Biographical Notes 43 gravitation ; in fact, his range on the borderland of mathematics and physics was exceptionally wide. Elected F.R.S. in 1859, he was one of its Secretaries from 1854 to 1885, and President from the latter year to 1890, receiving the Rumford Medal in 1852 and the Copley in 1893. Besides honorary degrees and other marks of appreciation, he sat in Parliament from 1887 to 1891 as a member for his University, was created a baronet in 1889, and was elected to the mastership of his College a few months before his death on Feb. ist, 1903. In addition to his wide range in science, he took much interest in theological questions, as is shown by his Gifiord Lectures and other writings. To celebrate his jubilee as Professor, many eminent men of science from all civihzed countries gathered at Cambridge. Professor John Tyndall, a lecturer exceptionally distinguished, was bom on August 2nd, 1820, at Leighlin Bridge, Carlow, where his father owned a Uttle land. After working on the Ordnance Survey and as a railway engineer, he accompanied Frankland to Marburg, where he obtained, after only two years' study under Bunsen, the degree of Ph.D., proceeding afterwards to Berlin. On returning to Queenswood College in 1851, his increasing reputation obtained him after two years the professorship of Natural Philosophy at the Royal Institution. His investigations on slaty cleavage and the veined structure of glaciers led him to become one of the most energetic of Alpine cUmbers. His laboratory investigations on radiant heat in relation to gases and on the effects of minute dust on Hght, and incidentally on the question of spontaneous generation, were all highly valuable. For seventeen years he was scientific adviser to the Trinity House, and made important experiments on fog-signaUing. His address as President of the British Association at its Belfast meeting excited much criticism from its anti-theological character. After giving up work at the Royal Institution he resided at Hindhead, where he died on Dec. 4th, 1893. The Committee, to whom a proposed alteration in the bye-law about elections was referred on Jan. 25th, reported that it was not prepared, at present, to recommend more than the first clause in the proposal, namely, that the elections in future should be held twice in a year, viz., on the anniversary and on the first meeting in November. This recommendation was put to the meeting and adopted. The Committee left for further consideration the second clause, that two-thirds of the votes should constitute election. Col. Sabine announced that Sir R. I. Murchison (unavoid- ably absent) had mentioned the juxtaposition of societies 44 Annals of the Philosophical Club to Prince Albert, who had expressed himself in favour of the idea, but said it must be remembered that Burlington House was a site equally suitable for the Royal Academy, and thac, as he had been informed, certain London tradesmen objected to transferring the latter to so distant a position as Kensington Gore. The Prince thought that the five chartered societies would do well to press for the BurUngtoa House site. Mr. Horner suggested that the Committee, which had waited on Lord Aberdeen, should be called together, and Lord Wrottesley directed attention to a paper, stating the desiderata of these societies and urging juxta- position, which he had laid before ParHament and should bring before the British Association at Glasgow. May 24th. The above-named Committee, said Lord Wrottesley, had met, and he had spoken about juxtapositioa to Lord Harrowby and the Duke of Argyll, but neither they, nor Sir W. Molesworth, nor Sir C. Eastlake, had heard anything of the report mentioned by Prince Albert. He had asked them to inform Lord Palmerston that the desire of the chartered societies for juxtaposition and for the Burhng- ton House site was unabated, but, failing that, they would be glad to be lodged in the buildings now occupied by the Royal Academj/. The Treasurer said it was important to watch the present opportunity, for no sites so eHgible as Burlington House or Trafalgar Square were likely to be available, and Mr. Solly added that the idea of transferring the National Gallery and the Royal Academy to Kensington Gore had been abandoned. The subject was continued at the meetings on June 21st and October 25th, when Lord Wrottesley announced the result of communications with Lord Palmerston, and stated that Government had not yet formed definite plans about Burlington House. Mr. Grove, at the meeting on November 22nd, proposed that at an election the Committee should lay before the Club a complete list of the candidates, placing at the head the names of those they recommended. His reason for the change was that he thought the present method deterred some distinguished men of science from becoming candidates. Accommodation at Burlington House 45 The two vacancies in the Club were filled by replacing Dr. Falconer on the list and electing Colonel James. Colonel Sabine announced that the Government had placed £1000 at the disposal of the Royal Society .1 Sir Henry James, Director-General of the Ordnance Survey, was bom near St. Agnes, Cornwall, in 1803. He passed from Woolwich into the Royal Engineers in 1825, and in the following year was appointed to work on the Ordnance Survey, and then to be local superintendent, under Sir H. T. de la Beche, of the Geological Survey of Ireland. Detached in 1846 for Admiralty work, he returned after four years to the Ordnance Survey, of which he became Director-General in July, 1854, reaching the rank of Lieut. -Colonel in the following December. During his tenure of office great changes were made ; the scales adopted for the maps were finally settled, photography was employed in the reduction from one scale to another, and photozincography in printing the results. The Director also took part in connecting the British survey with those of neighbouring countries, and arranged for the survey of Jerusalem and the Sinai district. Elected F.R.S. in 1848, he was knighted in i860, became Lieut. -General in 1876, resigned office owing to failing health in August, 1875, and died on June 14th, 1877. On Dec. 20th, Mr. Grove's proposal for a change in the mode of election was discussed, but dropped, as it appeared not to meet with general support. Lord Wrottesley intimated such progress as had been made in regard to housing the scientific societies at Burling- ton House, and Colonel Sabine, with Dr. Lyon Playfair (who had proffered his services), were requested to press the matter on the Government. 1856. At the meeting on January 24th, the former stated the result of an interview with Sir Benjamin Hall, who had said that the Board of Trade had not received any information of the Government's intentions about Burlington House. The University of London had been permitted to occupy it, but whether temporarily or permanently he did not know. He had, however, recommended that Lord Wrottesley, as President of the Royal Society, should 1 This is apparently the institution of the " Government Grant Fund," •which has been very helpful in scientific research. See Year Book of the Royal Society. 46 Annals of the Philosophical Club address a letter to the Treasury stating what the scientific societies desired, which letter would be sent to the Board of Works in the regular course of business. He had assured Sir R. I. Murchison, to whom he had spoken, that, if their desires could be met, he would warmly support them. Lord Wrottesley had accordingly written a letter to the Treasury, which, by his permission, Colonel Sabine com- municated to the Club.i This letter, after recapitulating the history of the movement for placing the Royal Society,, with the four chartered societies, in a more suitable and central position than they then held, referred to the occupancy of Burlington House by the University of London, by which, however, as he beheved, large accommodation was required on only two or three distinct occasions annually,, so that arrangements might be made to meet its needs and those of such societies as could be located in the building. Copies of this letter had been sent to the Duke of Argyll and Lord Harrowby, who had given assurances of warm support ; also to Lord Granville and Lord Stanley of Alderley. The next step desirable. Dr. Playfair and Colonel Sabine had thought, was to inspect the accommodation at Burlington House, which the Board of Works had per- mitted them to do. They found that the University of London had occupied the whole of the central building or mansion house. The wings, still free, are detached buildings between 70 and 80 feet long, of a coi responding breadth and height, the west one fitted up as a kitchen and offices, the east one as a private residence. Supposing the occupancy of the University of London to be continued, there would not be accommodation for the chartered societies with the present arrangements. But they thought that by certain rearrangements of the central block, by converting the west wing into a large hall, and by altering the east one, there might be room for the University of London, and some, if not all, of the societies. These alterations the Board of Works considered practicable. As it appeared important to avoid giving any offence to the University of London, Col. Sabine 1 A copy of it is inserted in the Minutes. Accommodation at Burlington House 47 and Sir R. I. Murchison had obtained an interview with its Vice-Chancellor, Mr. Shaw Lefevre, and discussed the project. This he had promised to bring before the Uni- versity, and hoped it would appoint a committee to cooperate with Lord Wrottesley in pressing the matter on the attention of the Government. A conversation followed, in which hopes were expressed that Colonel Sabine and Dr. Playfair would continue to watch the progress of the movement for juxtaposition. The prospects were favourable, for two- thirds of the Cabinet were pledged to support it. On February 22nd, Dr. Sharpey informed the Club that the officials of the University of London had been requested to state what accommodation they desired, and that after referring the matter to the University, had communicated with him. He had repHed by suggesting the conversion of the west wing of BurUngton House into a large hall for examinations, the appropriation of the east wing to the University, and of the central building to such scientific societies as it would accommodate. But the members of the Club, then present, thought it would be a wiser course for the Royal Society not to move unless it could obtain better quarters than it now occupied and space sufficient to accommodate the other chartered societies under the same roof with itself. Dr. Hooker referred to the appointment of a Parliamentary Committee to enquire how the Government could best forward the interests of science, and asked whether the above-named subject had been brought to its notice. Lord Wrottesley repUed that the Committee, after consideration, was not then in favour of bringing it before the House. At the Anniversary Meeting on April 28th, two motions for altering the mode of election into the Club, of which Colonel Sykes and Mr. Gassiot had previously given notice, were put to the vote, but the one was rejected and the other failed to obtain a sufficient majority. 1857. On Feb. 5th, Mr. Bell stated that the Linnean Society, as a body, was strongly in favour of meeting in BurUngton House on the same evening as the Royal Society. 48 Annals of the Philosophical Club This difficulty, as Dr. Sharpey had kindly suggested, could be overcome by the latter society arranging that papers pre- sented to it might be read on evenings when the former one did not meet. He also expressed the deep sense of obligation felt by the Council and Fellows of the Linnean Society for the efforts made on their behalf by the Royal Society. At the Anniversary Meeting on April 27th, Dr. W. A. Miller was elected Treasurer in the place of Dr. J. D. Hooker, and two alterations, of which the Committee had given notice on Jan. 15th, were proposed and carried : (i) that one black ball in five instead of one in three should exclude a candidate ; and (2) that the Committee should consist of seven members instead of four, three instead of two retiring annually. Mr. J. C. Adams was elected into the vacancy made by the resignation of Mr. Green. Professor John Couch Adams, the discoverer of Neptune, was bom on January 5th, 181 9, at Lidcot, near Launceston. A farmer's son, he began at an early age to study astronomy, and showed exceptional mathematical talent. Entering St. John's College, Cambridge, he was senior wrangler and first Smith's prizeman in 1843. While still an undergraduate, he resolved on trying to discover the cause of the perturbations in the orbit of Uranus, and took the result of his calculations to the Greenwich Observatory in October, 1845. The story of the official delays, which prevented him from obtaining the full credit for his discovery of Neptune, is too well known to need repetition. Elected Lowndean Professor of Astronomy in 1858, he became Director of the Observatory three years later, and spent his whole life at Cambridge, dying on Jan. 2ist, 1892. Of him it was truly said that in few men were the moral and intellectual qualities more evenly balanced. His work on the secular acceleration of the moon's motion and on the Leonid meteors was hardly less notable than his discovery of Neptune. He was elected F.R.S. in 1849, having been awarded the Copley Medal in the previous year, and received not a few other distinctions, British and foreign. On May 14th, Mr. Horner announced that the Geological Society had applied to the Government for accommodation at BurUngton House, and Mr. Hardwick had put forward a plan (to which he beheved the Government was favourable) for the erection of a building, at a cost of about £3500, Change of Dining Place 49 which would not interfere with the present front of that mansion. On Nov. 19th, the Club decided to dine in future at the * Thatched House/ because the present place of meeting was inconveniently distant from BurHngton House ; the landlord undertaking to provide a dinner of two courses, with dessert, tea, coffee, and attendance, for nine shiUings a head — ^wdne, ale, and spirits being charged according to quantity consimied, sherry at six shilHngs and port at seven shilHngs a bottle. Mr. Horner stated at the meeting on Dec. 17th that the Government had decUned for the present to accommodate the Geological Society on the site of BurHngton House, because the house which it now occupied was not as yet required for pubhc purposes. 1858. The vacancy caused by the death of Dr. Royle was filled at the Anniversary Meeting on April 26th, by the election of Mr. Paget. Sir James Paget, the eminent surgeon, was bom at Great Yar- mouth on Jan. nth, 1814, and studied medicine at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, during which time he discovered, while dissecting, the minute but often fatal parasite Trichina spiralis. Becoming M.R.C.S. in 1836 and obtaining the Fellowship in 1843, he held various posts till he became full surgeon in 1861. Before this, he had gained a high position in his profession, and in 1871 attended the Princess of Wales (afterwards Queen Alexandra) when lame from rheumatism. As a surgeon he was skilful and clear-sighted ; as a teacher, facile and prompt ; as a speaker, eloquent ; and as a man, universally respected and beloved. He was elected F.R.S. in 1851, received many degrees and distinctions, among them a baronetcy in 1871, and died in London on December 30th, 1899. Towards the end of the year the attendance of members had perceptibly decreased, and the Treasurer, on December i6th, was directed to write to those who had been absent for two years. On November 25th, only eight were present, so the election had to be postponed till Dec. i6th, when seventeen members dined, and Sir B. C. Brodie was elected to fill the vacancy made by the retirement of Mr. Spence. p.c. D 50 Annals of the Philosophical Club Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, the elder of that name, was- bom at Winterslow, Wilts., of which his father was rector, in 1783. He studied medicine in London, held various posts at St. George's Hospital, and carried out important physiological investigations, especially on vegetable poisons, being made F.R.S. in 1810, and receiving the Copley Medal next year. In 181 9 he became Professor of Comparative Anatomy at the Royal College of Surgeons, took part in removing a scalp tumour from George IV., and attended the king, who held him in much regard, during his last illness. He was highly esteemed as a successful operator, with a quick eye and a steady hand, an accurate observation and a retentive memory. His scientific papers were important, and his work on diseases of the joints, published in 18 18, reached a fifth edition. He died at Broome Park, Surrey, on Oct. 21st, 1862. 1859. Dr. Carpenter informed the Club on Feb. 24th^ that Lord J. Manners, during an inspection of Burlington House, had requested the University of London to state what accommodation they would require in the new building which the Government was about to erect. Dr. Carpenter thought that the scientific societies ought to be watchful against arrangements being made prejudicial to their interests. Mr. Grove then gave reasons in favour of the societies making an effort to obtain an independent building, where they could meet without interference on the part of the Government, but Dr. Sharpey said he could not accept some of these reasons, though agreeing, with Sir R. L Mur- chison. Admiral Sm5dh, and Mr. Bell, that the matter called for the earnest attention of the members of the Club and the societies. At the Anniversary Meeting on April i8th, the vacancies caused by the retirement of Mr. Ansted, Mr. Graves, and Sir J. Herschel were filled by the election of Dr. Daubeny, Dr. Frankland, and Dr. Lindley. Dr. Charles Giles Bridle Daubeny was bom at Stratton,. Gloucestershire, on Feb. nth, 1795, and went from Winchester School to Magdalen College, Oxford, where he obtained a fellowship which he held for the rest of his Hfe. Devoting himself to chemistry and geology, he passed some three years under Professor Jameson at Edinburgh, and then travelled in Auvergne and other volcanic districts of Europe, the result of which was his valuable book^ Description of Active and Extinct Volcanoes, the first edition oi Biographical Notes 51 which appeared in 1826 and the second (enlarged) in 1848. He was elected Professor of Chemistry at Oxford in 1822, to which, twelve years later, was added the Chair of Botany, and in the interval he took the degree of M.D. and practised as a physician, so his work covered a wide field and yet was good, for he wrote valuable papers on the chemical side of geology and on vegetable physiology. After his death on Dec. 13th, 1867, Professor J. Phillips remarked, " His earnest spirit gained him great influence in the Oxford of his time. No project of change ever found him indifferent, prejudiced, or unprepared." He was elected into the Royal Society in 1822. Professor Sir Edward Frankland was bom at Churchtown, near Lancaster, on Jan. i8th, 1825. From its noted Grammar School he went to study at the Museum of Practical Geology in London, under Professor Lyon Playfair. After teaching chemistry at Queenswood College, Hants., he worked in 1847 under Bunsen at Marburg, and, after graduating as Ph.D., proceeded to Giessen to be under Liebig. In 1850 he returned to England as Professor of Chemistry at Putney College, going on next year to Owens College, Manchester, where he continued his important researches in theore- tical and apphed chemistry, so that, after being elected F.R.S. in 1853, he obtained a Royal Medal in 1857. In the summer of 1859, when the Thames water at London became " horribly offensive," ^ he was called upon by the Board of Works to join Professor Hofmann, whom he afterwards succeeded at the Royal College, in reporting on the deodorization of the sewage. In August 1859 he spent a night with Professor Tyndall on the summit of Mont Blanc, where he made interesting experiments. In 1865 he became analyst of the Metropolitan drinking water, after serving on the second Commission about the Pollution of Rivers, and contributed largely to scientific literature. He gave up his Professorship in 1885, going to reside at his house at Reigate. He received many honours, and was ultimately created K.C.B. in 1897. On Aug. 9th, 1899, he died after a short illness at Golaa in Gudbrandsdalen, to which country he had gone as usual for salmon fishing.2 Dr. John Lindley, the son of a nurseryman, was bom near Norwich on Feb. 5th, 1799, and early showed a love for botany and antiquities. From Norwich Grammar School he went to Belgium as agent for a seed merchant, and began to write on ' The writer had full experience of this, for he was then a Master at Westminster School and lodged at the lower end of Great College Street. One night the stench was so bad that he was driven to mask it by screwing up a lot of tobacco in a newspaper and thus fumigating his sitting room. The water was a dark brown tint, seemingly full of a minutely granular curd. * His body was brought back to Reigate, where the writer, who had often experienced his kindness, read the funeral service. 52 Annals of the Philosophical Club botanical subjects, then came to London as assistant librarian to Sir Joseph Banks, was befriended by W. J. Hooker, was elected F.R.S. in 1828, and in 1857 was awarded a Royal Medal. He did good service to the Horticultural Society's Garden at Chiswick, of which he was superintendent, and was Professor of Botany in University College, London, from 1829 to i860. The Government fre- quently consulted him on questions of food cultivation, and especially on the noted potato famine in Ireland. He wrote many botanical papers and books, and died after a long iUness on Nov. ist, 1865. A project, which engaged the attention of the Club for some little time, was started by a memorandum from Mr. Gassiot, read at the meeting on March 24th. This suggested the establishment of a fund for assisting scientific men or their families when in need of money. The Minutes contain a copy of this memorandum, which, after stating fully the purpose of the fund, recommends entrusting the administra- tion of it to the President and Council of the Royal Society, and investing the capital of the fund in Government securities in their names, the receipts and disbursements appearing in the annual financial statement of the Society. No application for assistance is to be entertained unless it be made by the President of the Astronomical, the Chemical, the Geological, the Linnean, or the Royal Societies. If granted, the accommodation must be entered on the Minutes of the Council, which are open to the inspection of Fellows, thus preventing misappropriation, and the expenses neces- sarily incurred by ordinary charitable societies. It was agreed that the Treasurers should send a circular letter to each member of the Club asking for his opinion on this subject. At the next meeting (April i8th), when sixteen members were present, letters were read from eight others. The general opinion seemed in favour of establishing a fund, to be supplementary to, not a substitute for, the pensions awarded by Government to men of science, and some of the Fellows promised contributions. A Committee, includ- ing Mr. Gassiot, was appointed to draw up a report. This was presented on May 26th as a draft scheme, and is entered in the Minutes. It suggests the name Scientific Rehef Scientific Relief Fund 53 Fund, and puts the above recommendations in more formal terms, empowering the Council of the Royal Society to appoint committees or make the necessary arrangements for managing the matter. At the meeting on November 24th, Dr. A. Farre and Professor A. C. Ramsay were elected in the places of Professor J. Phillips and Admiral Smyth, who had resigned. A modification of the rule about the admission of visitors (No. II.) was suggested by Mr. Horner. It was discussed at the December meeting, but a resolution, brought forward on January 26th, i860, was withdrawn by him, as it did not appear to be favourably regarded by a majority of those present. Dr. Arthur Farre, son of a noted London physician, was bom on March 6th, 1811. From Charterhouse he went to Cambridge, where he took the degree of M.D. in 1841, becoming F.R.C.P. two years later, and holding important positions in medical education. He had a great reputation in obstetrical cases, and wrote valuable papers on that and microscopical subjects, dying on December 17th, 1887. He was elected into tiie Royal Society in 1839. Sir Andrew Crombie Ramsay, son of a Glasgow manufacturing chemist, was born in that city on Jan. 31st, 1814. Having attracted notice by a model of the Isle of Arran, exhibited at the meeting of the British Association in 1840, he was placed on the Geological Survey by Sir R. I. Murchison, and was employed mainly in Wales, but held the Professorship of Geology at University College, London, from 1847 to 1852, when he became lecturer at the School of Mines. On the Survey he succeeded Murchison in 1871 as Director-General, and was knighted on retiring in 1 881 . A man of great activity, mental and bodily, he overtaxed his strength, and died at Beaumaris after a slow failure on Dec. 9th, 1891. He was elected F.R.S. in 1862, President of the Geological Society in the same year, and of the British Association in 1880, receiving a Royal Medal from the first and a Wollaston Medal from the second. His contributions to physical geology were numerous ; the most noteworthy being those on certain river courses, on the denudation of South Wales, and on the glacial origin of lake basins in the Alps and the Black Forest 1860. At the Anniversary Meeting on April 23, Dr. Carpenter succeeded Dr. W. A. Miller as Treasurer, but there was no vacancy in the Club. 54 Annals of the Philosophical Club On June 21st, Sir R. Murchison read a letter from M. de Verneuil deprecating the division of the British Museum, and pointing out that much space might be gained by so re-arranging the Natural History collection as to restrict the portion displayed to the public, but to make it more available for their instruction. Professor Huxley remarked that, in giving evidence to a Parhamentary Committee, he had expressed similar views, and that subsequent careful measurements had confirmed his statements, which at the time were founded on general impressions. At the meeting on Nov. 22nd, Mr. Lubbock, Mr. Prestwich, and Professor Williamson were elected into the vacancies made by the death of Prof. Baden Powell, and the resignations of Mr. G. Rennie and Mr. E. Solly. Lord Avebury, better known as Sir John Lubbock, was born at High Down, Kent, in November, 1834, and left Eton at a rather early age to enter the bank in which his father was a leading member, succeeding him as fourth baronet in 1865. He was a leader among men of business, wide in his culture, remarkable for his varied activities, combining a grasp of principles with an unflagging care for details. His books on Prehistoric Times and Primitive Culture were very valuable, together with his contributions to certain branches of entomology, and his Scenery of England and Scenery of Switzerland must not be forgotten. His more popular little books, the Pleasures of Life, the Use of Life, the Beauties of Nature, were highly successful. He sat in Parliament from 1870 to 1900, for the last ten years as representative of the University of London. There he concentrated his energies on social and educational questions. Bank Holidays being his popular memorial. He had probably presided over more societies than any other man, received not a few honorary degrees and other distinctions, and in 1900 was created Baron Avebury (taking his title from the noted Wiltshire circle of megaliths). Regretted by all who knew him, he died on May 28th, 1913. Sir Joseph Prestwich, son of a ^^me merchant, but of an old Lancashire family, was bom at Clapham near London on March 12th, 1 81 2. At the age of eighteen, after two years in Paris to learn French, he entered his father's office, but devoted all his spare time to science, especially geology, soon making his mark by two excellent papers on the Carboniferous Rocks of Coalbrook Dale, and then devoting himself to working out the Tertiary and Post-Tertiary deposits of southern and eastern England. He was also among the first to investigate the evidence for early prehistoric Change of Dining Place 55 man, and paid much attention to the question of water-supply. In 1872 he retired from business to live near Shoreham, where, «ix years before, he had built an attractive house, but was appointed Professor of Geology at Oxford in June, 1874, and held that ofi&ce till 1888. He contributed largely to the literature of geology, dealing chiefly with stratigraphy and certain physical questions, among which was advocating the effect of great floods. He was President and WoUaston medallist of the Geological Society, was elected F.R.S. in 1853, received a Royal Medal in 1865, and an Hon. D.C.L. from Oxford, was gazetted knight in January, 1896, and . * Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790). The latter began his researches in electricity in 1746, which led to his election as F.R.S. in 1753 and the award of the Copley Medal. Four years later, an important political mission brought him to England, where he remained for five years. That medal was received by J. Canton, also a distinguished electrician, in 175 1 and 1764. loo Annals of the Philosophical Club It is undated, but as Franklin was in England from 1764 to 1775, and Priestley received that medal in 1772, it must have been written either in or just before that year. It states that the Council of the Royal Society had doubted whether they could receive a paper in which Priestley gave an account of experiments already published, and which had been directly communicated to them by Canton instead of being referred to them by the Society. They had therefore decided to consult the Founders' will and reconsider the matter at the next meetmg of the Council, when, if the one permitted and the other approved, the medal would be awarded to Dr. Priestley. Thus, as Canton writes, *' The business ended for that time, and how it will conclude at last seems an uncertainty, for I think some persons are busy in an opposition to the measure. But I hope it will end in favour of merit, in which case I think our Friend cannot miss it." The Club then resolved that " Mr. R. Brown, Mr. Forbes, Dr. Royle, and Mr. Wheatstone, be requested to use their best endeavours to procure MS. letters relating to the Royal Society to be submitted to the Philosophical Club." Afterwards Dr. Royle exhibited specimens of tea which had been grown in the Himalayas, and gave an account of the introduction of that shrub from China, stating that he and Dr. Falconer, the one writing in England, the other in India, after considering such information as could be obtained about the climate and characteristics of China, had recom- mended Garhwal, with two other provinces,^ as most suitable for tea cultivation, and nurseries had been estabhshed in 1843, with the sanction of the Indian government. From these the India House had already received specimens of both black and green tea, thus settling in a great measure the long-disputed question whether one or two species of the tea plant were employed in making the two different coloured teas. " The first and as yet one of the best speci- mens of black tea was manufactured while Dr. Falconer ^ The names are not clearly written in the Minutes. Metrical System of Measurement i o i (President of the Club on that evening) was superintendent of the tea nurseries." ^ Whether EngHsh naturalists should make use of the French system of linear measurement was discussed at the fourth meeting (June 17th), since the * line ' now employed by them was not small enough for all purposes, and was regarded by some as a tenth of an inch, by others as a twelfth. The adoption of the former value was proposed, but it was felt that even then the inch was not the decimal part of a foot, and neither of these corresponded with a Continental unit. The French metrical system had this recommendation, that it was equally favourable to large or small measurements. A change to that received strong support, though the difficulties it would involve were ad- mitted, and the real question felt to be whether these were outweighed by the advantages. It was ultimately resolved that Mr. Owen, who had introduced the subject, should be requested to bring it up at the forthcoming meeting of the British Association at Oxford. Mr. Grove mentioned on October 28th a phenomenon which he had observed but had not found noticed in any treatise on Optics. A small object, if held very close to the eye, is not visible, but, if a convex lens or compound microscope be placed on its further side, it can then be seen magnified with a tolerably clear definition. This was confirmed by Dr. Miller,2 who attributed the result to the paralleHsm of the rays of light which had passed through the lens, though he also was unable to recollect any mention of the fact in print. Mr. Grove said he thought it might have useful applications, such as detecting defects in lenses. 1848. Sir Snow Harris enquired at the ninth meeting of the Club (Feb. 24th) what evidence there was of the earth * According to the Dictionary of National Biography, Dr. Falconer superintended the first cultivation of Indian tea in 1834, while Keeper of the Botanic Garden at Sah^ranpur, and in that year the plant was discovered growing wild in Upper Assam and cultivated in 1835 near Luckimpur, to the north of the Brahmaputra. 2 Both W. A. Miller and W. H. Miller were present at the dinner, but the latter is much more likely to have made the remark. I02 Annals of the Philosophical Club having once been liquid and of its interior being still in this condition, and invited Mr. Hopkins to express his own views. He replied that he thought the subject was not yet ripe for discussion, but that it would be much advanced if Sir H. de la Beche would undertake some experiments on the results of pressure. The latter expressed himself willing to do this, if the requisite funds were provided and friends would co-operate. During the fourteenth meeting (Oct. 26th) a letter, written by Dr. Hooker from a station in the Himalayas, was read to the Club, in which he said : ^ '* Kinchinjunga, the mountain opposite us, is now found to be the highest in the world, 28,178 feet, as measured by the Surveyor-General, who has just announced the result." 2 After referring to the heights obtained for some other peaks and his admiration for the way in which the surveyors* work had been done, the writer continues, *' There is not a shadow of doubt that the snow-Hne is much higher in Thibet than on the south slope of the Himalayas. In Upper Assam (27^°) we have permanent snow at 15,000 feet, but have about 16,000 feet in Kimaweena, (and) 17,000 to 18,000 feet in upper valley of Sutlej ; 36° N. it is 20,000 feet. Is not this defying latitude ? Precipitation and evaporation are the important elements. There is no precipitation in Thibet, precipitation and no evaporation in Upper Assam. The south pole over again ! '* Conversation then turned on the sea-serpent, which according to the newspapers had been seen on Aug. 6th, 1848, by Capt. M'Quhae of the Daedalus frigate.* Mr. Bell said it had been thought the animal might have been a gigantic land snake, some of which are known to exceed 30 feet in length ; speaking for himself, he recognized the difficulty 1 The letter was probably written from Darjeeling, where Dr. Hookerarrived on April i6th, 1848, leaving it for the Kinchinjunga district on October 27th. ' In Round Kangchenjunga (the speUing exhibits variation) D. W. Fresh- field gives the elevation as 28,156 feet, stating that it is the third in height of the measured mountains of the globe, yielding place to Mount Everest, 29,002 feet, and to ' K. 2,' which is 28,250 feet. 3 His letter was dated Oct. 7th, 1848. The creature was seen in the S. Atlantic, lat. 24° 44' S. and long. 9° 20' E. The Sea-Serpent 103 wliich was presented by the distance from land. Sir Charles Lyell remarked that, when visiting America in 1845, he had heard of an appearance of the sea-serpent, and Mr. Dawson/ at his request, had collected the evidence of several witnesses. ^ In the same year an unusual monster, according to a pubHshed account, had terrified some Norwegian fishermen. These stories accorded so well with Pontoppidan's ^ account of the sea-serpent that it and they must refer to the same creature as that which visited the coast of New England be- tween the years 1815 and 1825, chasing shoals of herring and mackerel into the harbours of New England and sometimes coming very near to the beach. A good view was obtained of it from the shore, its length being estimated as from 60 to 90 feet, and its appearance described. It raised its head occasionally several feet out of the water, had a mane, swam very rapidly, and when shot at dived and re-appeared at a long (hstance.* He thought the same creature had terrified the crews of fishing boats in the Hebrides in 1808, which was afterwards cast ashore on the Island of Stronsa (Orkneys), and the damaged skeleton was said to have measured 60 feet. The head was sent to Dr. Barclay in Edinburgh, but after his death it unfortunately disappeared. The College of Surgeons possessed some of the vertebrae, which, however, were said to belong to some kind of shark. 1 Afterwards Sir W. Dawson. • One group had seen a snake-like animal in August, 1845, at Merigomish in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, swimming, nearly aground, within 200 feet of the beach, and estimated its length as 100 feet. It was slender in proportion to its length. A similar creature had frightened fishermen in that gulf in the course of the summer, and in October, 1844, had swum slowly past Arisaig, near the east end of Nova Scotia. An observer, who said he was within 40 yards of it, estimated its length as 60 feet. In February, 1846, a snake-like animal was seen from the deck of a steamer off the coast of Virginia. Lyell also mentions an earlier occurrence in August, 181 7, and for several successive years. In the harbour of Glou- cester, Mass., some observers were only 10 yards from it, and one even fired a shot at its head ; on which it dived and rose about 100 yards away. Its estimated length was 80 to 90 feet. ' Bom 1698, died 1764. The account was published in 1750. * See Second Visit to the United States, ch. viii. vol. i. pages 131-157. 1849. 1 04 Annals of the Philosophical Club Mr. Bell expressed doubts whether any shark could correspond with the description of the sea-serpent, but Sir C. Lyell, while admitting the difficulty, suggested a way of overcoming it, and said that the teeth of a shark {Carcharodon megalodon) found in the Crag of Norfolk and Suffolk were sometimes very large. ^ The subject was resumed at the 15th meeting (Nov. 23rd),. when Mr. Owen criticized the evidence in favour of the existence of a sea-serpent, and particularly of that said to have occurred in the Hebrides. The two vertebrae from this, in the Museum of the College of Surgeons, belonged to the Basking Shark (Selache maxima)} He showed how readily false impressions might be produced, and quoted an extract ^ from the private log of Lieutenant Edgar Drum- mond, which he regarded as more trustworthy than Captain M'Quhae's, for it was written down the same day, and the other one reproduced from memory some two months afterwards. Lieutenant Drummond stated that the head, with the back fin, was the only part visible to him, the one being long, pointed, and flattened at the top, perhaps 10 feet in length, the upper jaw projecting considerably. The fin, visible occasionally, " was perhaps 20 feet in rear of the head. The creature pursued a steady and undeviating course, keeping its head horizontal with the water, and in rather a raised position, disappearing occasionally beneath a wave for a very brief interval. ... It was going at the rate of perhaps from 12 to 14 miles an hour, and when nearest was perhaps 100 yards distant. ... It was visible to the naked eye for five minutes and with a glass for perhaps fifteen more. The weather was dark and squally at the time, with some sea running." Professor Owen remarked ^ They may measure 5 inches along the margin with a basal width of 4 inches. (Nicholson and Lydekker, Pales ontology, page 945.) 2 The Basking Shark of the Atlantic {Cetorhinus maximus), which grows to over 30 feet in length, and that of the Pacific and Indian Oceans {Rhinodon typicus), which can exceed 45 feet, have, however, small teeth. The Hving species of Carcharodon (now named C. Rondeletii) attains to 40 feet. ' Printed in the Cornwall Gazette. The Sea-Ser petit loj that no serpent has a fin, either dorsal or caudal, and the only known marine animal from 20 to 30 feet in length which could swim at from 12 to 14 miles an hour was Phoca prohoscidea. This, by the action of its low-set pectoral paddles, could raise at pleasure its head and the forepart of its body above water. He doubted the existence of a ' mane,' for the Lieutenant had not observed this. Both the form and the colour of the part visible agreed with the above-named seal, and nothing else but the large terminal fin would be seen, and that only occasionally. So he thought the supposed sea-serpent was a large species of that seal. A letter from Sir C. Lyell was after\vards read, stating that, since the last meeting, he had seen the vertebrae from Stronsa, which had belonged, as Prof. Owen had said, to Squalus maximus. Possibly, as the latter had suggested, we might account for the length, 60 feet, by supposing two specimens to have been washed ashore and their bones arranged as a single skeleton. ^ But such a shark is not likely to have frightened fishermen, nor did its aspect agree with those seen in Norway and in the St. Lawrence in 1845, and so often prior to that in the United States northern seas, so he was not satisfied that the sea-serpent of the north, though doubtless neither ophidian nor reptilian, could have been a well-known kind of shark only 30 or 35 feet long.2 1849. At the 19th meeting (March 27th) Colonel Sykes read a letter from Dr. Buist, of Bombay, stating that as the meteorological observations indicated such a general uni- formity (the barometer in 1843 standing at 29-824 inches,, in 1844 at 29-801 inches, in 1845 at 29-815 inches, and in 1846 at 29-816 inches, the curves, daily, weekly, and hourly being often coincident), he doubted whether, though it would be well to continue observing, it was worth while pubHshing anjiihing more than the anomalies of the weather. Colonel Sabine, however, thought it would not ^ This seems a rather improbable hypothesis. - A good recent summary of the Sea Serpent question is given by H. N, Hutchison, Extinct Monsters, etc. (1910), page 315. io6 Annals of the Philosophical Club be prudent to discontinue either making or printing the observations. Mr. Grove afterwards asked for the reason why currents of air, when they issue from tubes on fiat surfaces, instead of blowing these away, rather attracted and drew them closer. Mr. Wheatstone rephed that rather complex explanations of this had been given, which, however, amounted to supposing that the fugitive particles of air produced a vacuum, and then the surrounding air kept the surfaces together. Mr. Grove replied that he had, of late, been incUned to take that view, by observing that when matter was moving in any direction than that in which gravity acted, its weight was diminished. In the above- named experiments the surfaces would remain equally mobile in any direction when all was tranquil, but when the air between them was in rapid motion transverse to the direction in which gravity acted, they would be kept by this at a certain distance. At the 20th (anniversary) meeting (April 30th), Mr. Wheatstone read a letter from Dr. Hooker, who wrote from Darjeeling to say that he had just returned from a three months' journey among the snows of Eastern Nepal and Sikkim, in the course of which he had reached in mid-winter a height of from 13,000 to 14,000 feet on a mountain 28,000 feet high.i The weather had been remarkably fine, he had brought back safe his two portable barometers, had kept * a tolerable meteorological register with many hundred observations,' and corresponding observations had been made for him at Darjeeling. He had visited four snowy passes on spurs from Kinchinjunga, and had camped for three days on its southern face in the snow, which, however, 1 On this adventurous expedition, described in chapters ix. to xv. of the Himalayan Journals, Dr. Hooker travelled on the western and southern side of Kinchinjunga, encamped at elevations of 13,000 feet, and ascended to heights, or crossed passes, from 16,000 to 17,000 feet above the sea. The occasion mentioned seems to have been early in January, 1849, at some cattle huts called Jongri, 13,140 feet, to the north-west of Mon Lepcha, near the Ratbung river. Strictly speaking, it is on the southern flank of Kabru (24,015 feet) rather than Kinchinjunga, but the two peaks are connected by a ridge every part of which is above 22,000 feet. Effects of Electromagnetism loy drove him down by falling deeper and deeper. The upper part of that mountain, above 20,000 feet, is a great outburst of granite which '* protrudes in veins at 12,000 feet, and above this carries up the mica-schist and gneiss in enormous masses to 18,000 and even 20,000 feet, baked and distorted in the most extraordinary manner." Afterwards Mr. Forbes read a letter from Mr. McAndrew, then examining the sea bordering the Spanish coast, in which he stated that in the Bay of Vigo, the continuity of the Lusitanian fauna, north and south of it, was interrupted by an assemblage of littoral forms of the British t5^e, among them being a number of Fusus contrarius so common in the (Red) Crag. Mr. Forbes pointed out the bearing of this fact on the land continuity, which he had supposed once existed between South-west Ireland and North-west Spain. ^ Information about recent observations of scientific interest on the Continent was invited at the 21st meeting (May 24th), when Mr. De la Rive (guest) stated that M. Pliicker had proved by experiment that when a mass of bismuth of any shape was fused and then cooled between the poles of a power- ful electromagnet, it afterwards would resume that position in regard to those poles ; thus indicating a property of the metal, unless (as was just possible) it contained iron, the particles of which would produce this result by arranging themselves along that axial Hne. He had also been informed by M. Pliicker that the absolute weight of certain liquids increased under the influence of magnetism without any change of their density. Du Bois-Re5miond ^ had shown that if any one held in each hand a metal tube communicating with the terminals of a galvanometer this was deflected, if one arm were held out, the other remaining bent ; but when the converse was done, the galvanometer was deflected in the opposite direction, the positive electricity passing from the outstretched hand through the galvanometer to the curved hand. 1 See Memoirs Geological Survey, vol. i. pages 336-403. ' Well known for his researches in electricity and psychology. Bom at Berlin in 1818 ; died there in 1896. io8 Annals of the Philosophical Club Dr. Marcet (guest) stated that, according to M. Bernard,^ a considerable quantity of sugar existed in the liver, and was also present in the heart, the secretion of which ceased immediately when the pneumogastric nerve was cut. M. Bernard had also found the pancreatic juice to have a chemical action on fatty matters, causing their assimilation and conversion into parts of the chyle, so that the one was necessary for the healthy formation of the other. In rabbits the secretion between the biliary and pancreatic ducts was found to differ much (as described) from the chyle. These experiments, he thought, might have an important bearing on certain forms of disease. Mr. Bowman mentioned another discovery of M. Bernard, that an animal after injury to its brain passed urine loaded with sugar, and Mr. Bell said that green food, taken from the stomach of a rat and pressed out of a silk bag, became milky when treated with bile. During the 22nd meeting (June 21st), Sir Phihp Egerton read a letter from Professor Agassiz ^ announcing his dis- covery that the heterocercal tail of a young Lepidosteus exhibits the same form as that of Dipterus or Diplopterus in the Old Red Sandstone. He had also obtained from Lake Superior a new genus intermediate between the Salmonoid and Percoid fishes, and thus illustrative of forms occurring in the Cretaceous Period. Besides this. Tertiary forms are met with, and he remarks, "It is one of the extraordinary features of this continent that there are so many types of ancient families still living here." Sir R. Murchison then communicated a letter from M. Barrande,^ of Prague, who wrote that he had succeeded in 1 Claude Bernard (1813-1878), the noted French physiologist, who began to make his mark about 1841 and gave up a Professorship at the Sorbonne in 1868 for one at the Jardin des Plantes. His first important work was on the function of the pancreas gland, and his second on the glycogenic function of the liver. To these researches Dr. Marcet doubtless referred. • J. L. R. Agassiz (i 807-1 873), born at Motier, Canton Friborg, Switzer land, and, after graduating in medicine at Munich, made his mark as a naturalist and became a Professor at Neuchatel. From 1836 to 1844 he devoted much time to studying the glaciers of the Alps. ^ Joachim Barrande (1799- 1884). Born at Sauges in France, he followed Charles X. into exile, and became tutor to the Comte de Chambord. Settling at Prague, he devoted himself to the study of the Palaeozoic fossils of Arrian and Indian Aromatic Plants 109 tracing Sao hirsuta from its embryonic condition of a simple disc-like body through twenty stages to a fully formed trilobite — an important discovery, for it not only illustrated the life-history of that crustacean, but also reduced the number of so-called species ; for, in a recently published work on Bohemian trilobites, M. Corda had made ten genera and eighteen species out of a part only of these stages in the development of Sao hirsuta. Professor E. Forbes said that, as a lady had found on trial, sea-water could be kept in a healthy condition for animal life by pouring part of it backwards and forwards through the air. Dr. Royle then read a letter from Dr. Hooker referring to Arrian's account of plants found by Alexander's army in the deserts of the Gadrosi.^ These are (i) trees, abundant and reaching a large size, which exude a gum like myrrh — the googal balsam tree ; (2) the salt-marsh trees with thick laurel-like leaves and fragrant white flowers ; this suits Aegiceras magnum ; (3) one with a thorny stem and acrid juice, Euphorbia narcifolia. These three cannot be mistaken, and are found within twenty miles of Karrachee.^ The odoriferous herb {papSov ptl^a) is the only plant difficult to identify, for there are two or three herbaceous plants on the rocks in Scinde called wild nard. He thought the * root of nard ' collected by the Phoenicians must have been that of the reed-like grass generally named Calamus aromaticus, found in dry hot parts of India, the distilled oil of which is commonly called oil of spikenard. ^ Bohemia, of which he formed an unrivalled collection, described in his Systeme Silurien de la Boheme, 22 volumes of which had been published before his death. (See Geol. Mag. 1883, p. 528.) 1 See Arrian, History of Alexander' s Expedition, book vi. ch. xxii. He makes the statement on the authority of Aristobulus. The army was returning. 2 Dr. Hooker did not personally v^isit this part of North-western India, but probably obtained the information about its flora either at the Botanic Gardens of Calcutta or from Dr. Thomson, with whom he spent about nine months in exploring the Khasia mountains. 3 Arrian states that they gathered good store of the roots, and that the plants, when trodden under foot, perfumed the air. 1 1 o Annals of the Philosophical Club At the 23rd meeting (Oct. 25th), Dr. Playfair gave a short account of an accident in the sewers at Westminster, and Mr. Rennie referred to the drainage system of St. Petersburg, which he had recently examined, and gave his reasons for preferring the plan of taking the sewage of London into the Thames to any other method. To an enquiry about Sir J. Franklin's expedition, Mr. Goodsir replied that the explorer's brother doubted whether the rumour that the Esquimaux had fallen in with its members could be trusted, for none of them possessed a knife of a pecuUar shape, which had been taken for giving away, so as to be an indirect means of tracing the expedition. A letter written from Swansea and read at the 24th meeting of the Club (Nov. 22nd) described a remarkable meteor of a bright red colour which was seen from near that town on the evening o^ Nov. 2nd. Afterwards Sir J. Richardson ^ gave some account of his expedition in search of Sir J . Franklin, mentioning, in addition to what had been published in the newspapers, some peculiar hmestone hills which occur shortly after leaving the Mac- kenzie River. About 300 miles west of the latter were clays of an Upper Tertiary age, which ignited spontaneously. Colonel Sykes mentioned a curious instance of variation of rain-fall in India, for, from May to September, no less than 338-38 inches oi rain had fallen at the Convalescent Station at Mahabaleshwar, on the Western Ghat, while at Paunchgunny, close by, it had been only 58 inches. Professor Owen gave an account of the illness, and death on Nov. 20th, of the Rhinoceros at the Zoological Gardens^ and described its anatomy. Of this comparatively Uttle had been known, and the accounts pubUshed were all written by Fellows of the Royal Society, and appeared in the * Sir J. Richardson (i 787-1 865) was surgeon and naturalist to Franklin's polar expedition in 181 9-21, and was with him in his second expedition to the mouth of the Mackenzie River, 1825, parting from him in the following year and exploring the coast to the Coppermine River, afterwards visiting the Great Slave Lake. He conducted a search expedition for Franklin in 1847, and returned to England without success on Nov. 6th, 1849. His ' Journal ' of the expedition was published in 1851. (See page 25.) Moving Weights and Iron Bars 1 1 r Philosophical Transactions, namely one by Dr. James^ Parsons in 1743, a second by Mr. W. Bell in 1793 on a two-horned Rhinoceros, dissected at Bencoolen, and a third by Mr. H. L. Thomas in 1801.1 The members present at the 25th meeting (Dec. 20th) discussed a recent report of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the application of iron to railway structures. Mr. Rennie reported that experiments, conducted by and for them, had shown that a load traversing a bar produced a greater deflection than if it were placed on the middle part, and that as the velocity of the traversing weight increased, so did the deflection ; that corresponding with a rate of thirty miles an hour being more than double of the amount produced by a * dead weight.' The greatest deflec- tions also were not in the middle but towards the extremity of the bar most remote from the point of access, a result which had not been anticipated by the Commissioners, but had been predicted by Professor Airy, the Astronomer Royal. 1850. At the 26th meeting (Jan. 24th), Dr. Hooker's imprisonment in Sikkim was mentioned, and Lord Dalhousie was said to have taken steps to secure his release.^ Sir J. Richardson gave an account of rich deposits of native copper in the neighbourhood of Lake Superior,* 1 Phil. Trans, xlii. p. 523 ; id. 1793, part i. p. 3 ; id. 1801, p. 145. ' Dr. Hooker was then travelling with Dr. Campbell, the superintendent of Darjiling, which was purchased about 1840 from the Rajah of Sikkim. The story, a rather compUcated one, is told in chapters xxv. and xxvi. of the Himalayan Journals. They were arrested on Nov. 7th, 1849, at their camp when returning from an attempt to travel in Thibet, and were detained till Dec. 24th. The motive was the hope of extracting from Dr. Campbell, who was at first violently assaulted, a treaty favourable to the ambitious designs of the Rajah's chief minister. Accidental circumstances prolonged their captivity, which ended when the chief offender found that Lord Dalhousie was not to be trifled with, but for a time their lives were evidently in danger. ' The metal occurs " in ' trappean ' rocks and their associated conglome- rates (ascribed by Whitney to the Lower Silurian Period) in Michigan on the southern shore of Lake Superior. . . . Masses of nearly pure copper, weighing over 400 tons, have been met with. . . . The bulk of the produce is, however, obtained by stamping and washing rock containing from | to 4 per cent, of copper." J. A. Phillips and H. Bauerman, Elements of Metallurgy (1887), page 399. (They are late Precambrian in age.) 1 1 2 Annals of the Philosophical Club saying that hitherto the difficulty of separating it from the mass had much impeded a profitable development of the metal. Colonel Sykes, at the 27th meeting (Feb. 28th), drew attention to two sources of grave error in observations with wet-bulb thermometers. These were (i) a possible lowering of temperature by the proximity of a dry-bulb thermometer ; (2) in calm air its own vapour, by forming an enclosing shell, might make readings fallacious ; (3) if that shell is removed by a current of air, the velocity of the latter affects the temperature of the bulb ; (4) it is also affected by radiation from surrounding objects ; (5) the dew-point determined by Apjohn's formula, appears to be too high with small depressions of the wet-bulb thermo- meter, but much too low with considerable depressions. The last matter he discussed in some detail. A letter from Dr. Layard,i read at the 28th meeting (March 28th), announced the discovery of some new sculptures in Ass5nia. Attention was called to' the importance of securing daguerrotypes of all figures too heavy to be moved, and this led to a discussion on photographic questions. The 29th (anniversary) meeting fell on April 29th, when Mr. Spence referred to the exhibition of two flies at the Zoological Society, apparently identical with a species described by Bruce, the bite of which drove cattle mad, and which seemed to have a resemblance to the Hornfly.^ The subject of photography was resumed, and Lord Rosse remarked that Ronconi was reported to have daguerrotyped some of the nebulae, but he doubted whether the Hght of a nebula would suffice to produce a daguerrotype that would T^e of any use, and whether an equatorial could yet be ^ Afterwards Sir A. H. Layard, G.C.B. (1817-94). He was then, viz. from October, 1849, till some time in 1851, working at either Kayunjik or Nebi-Yunus, having begun excavations at Nimrud in 1845 and sent to England, in the following year, the large man-headed winged bull and lion, which are now, with other important pieces of sculpture, obtained in this (see 'Nineveh and its Remains) and the later expedition, preserved in the British Museum. ' Haematobia serrata, a pest to cattle in Abyssinia. Lunar Volcanoes 1 1 3 constructed with such an extremely accurate movement as is now frequently required. He described practical diffi- culties which had arisen on making drawings of nebulae, and thought photography might be applied to them, if sufficiently sensitive plates could be made. To an enquiry about the measurement of 7-Virginis, Lord Rosse replied that he had not worked at double stars with his telescope, for the nebulae occupied the observer's whole time. When Sir R. Murchison raised the question of lunar volcanoes. Lord Rosse replied that he had observed several features, corroborating the idea that the moon's surface wholly consisted of them. These were such as, holes in the apices of the conical mounds in the centres of the basins, material on the plains resembUng ejected debris, streams like consoUdated lava, in some of which light could be seen through an arch over a fissure, and the white lines consisting of precipitated snow-like matter. As the conditions on the mioon — diminution of gravity, absence of wind, etc. — differed from those on the earth, the character of the surface could not be identical. He regarded, however, with some scepticism the statement that an actual eruption had been observed, though the number of craters appeared to multiply with the improvement of telescopes, for nearly twice as many could be seen on any part of the moon's surface with the six-feet reflector as with the three-feet one. To a remark that the volcanoes of the moon appeared to have been active where its surface was in a viscous condition, Colonel Sykes replied that he had received by the last mail an account of the discovery of mud volcanoes at Materam in India. At the 30th meeting (May 23rd) Mr. Galloway made some remarks about daguerrotyping astronomical objects, and Mr, Grove spoke of the differences in the aspects of some of the mountains on the moon, according as they were more or less illuminated. After this Dr. Royle gave the results of investigating the action of physical agents on plants. In cotton the length and fineness of the fibre are more de- pendent on the continuous presence of a moderate degree P.C. H 1 1 4 Annals of the Philosophical Club of moisture in the air than on any other cause. This, he thought, accounts for cotton being chiefly cultivated near the coast, or, at any rate, in districts where vapour-laden winds are prevalent. In Egypt or in the great river valleys of Central India, irrigation might produce the same effect. At the 31st meeting (June — ^), Mr. Grove again referred to the illumination of the mountains of the moon, stating that one of them, in four days, might change in aspect from a bright to a dark spot, after which Dr. Royle read a letter from Dr. Jameson announcing the discovery in the Punjab of an extension of the Salt Range to the north-east ; another from Mr. Adam referring to a collection of Punjab birds which he was forming, and a third from Mr. Fortune ^ stating that he had despatched to India from the coast of China tea plants and seeds, and that upwards of 2000 of the former had arrived in safety. The 32nd meeting (Oct. 24) was signalized by Sir C. Lyell's announcement that a stuffed specimen of Dinornis, hitherto known only from skeletons, had been found among a collec- tion of birds recently received from New South Wales. This corresponded very nearly with the form inferred from the bones. 3 He also stated that another mammaUan jaw had been obtained from the Stonesfield slate.* Colonel Sabine gave an account of Regnault's hygrometer 1 Day of month omitted in Minute. 2 Robert Fortune (i 813- 1880) visited China for the Horticultural Society in 1842, and for the East India Company in 1848 ; also Formosa and Japan in 1853 ; he introduced several well-known plants into England, was active in promoting the culture of tea in India, and pubUshed accounts of his journeys. 'There is some mistake here. The specimen in any case must have originally come from New Zealand, for the moa has not been found in Australia. The moa also has not been seen by any European, though it probably has not been long extinct. Can the apteryx be the foundation of the story ? * It is difi&cult to identify this specimen. Owen, Fossil Mammals of the Oolite Formations (Pala.eont. Soc. 1870), p. 12, enumerates three specimens of Amphitherium Prevostii, one of A. Broderipii and one of Phascolotherium, as described by him in or before 1846. A fourth, Stereognathus ooliticus, also described by him, was noticed in 1854 (British Association). Possibly this may be the above-mentioned specimen, though it had been found som© years earlier. Powerful Magnets 115 and his method and apparatus for making thermometers, which was followed by a letter from Mr. Welch to Mr. Gassiot describing in detail the system followed at Kew Observatory in electrical and meteorological observations. At the 33rd meeting (Nov. 21st) Colonel Sabine said he had received from Dr. Wolfgang Haecker, of Nuremberg, a horse- shoe magnet, weighing 35 grains, capable of supporting, if certain precautions were taken, 4785 grains (135 times its own weight). Mr. Gassiot remarked that the same maker had sent one to him, weighing 40 grains, which had held up a total weight of 4599 grains (115 times its own weight). At the 34th meeting (Dec. — i) Colonel Sabine said that a magnet, weighing 36 grains, had now been received from Dr. Haecker, which supported 5280 grains, or 146 times its own weight. Mr. Grove drew attention to an effect produced on the retina by rubbing the eye before looking through a lens, placed at one end of a tube, when striae, crossing one another, make their appearance. For instance, if a convex lens of one-inch focal length be thus placed in a tube six inches in length, and the light of a candle, placed one foot from the other end, be viewed through a pin-hole in it, after the eye has been slightly pressed by the finger, these striae are visible, accompanied occasionally by black spots, which he attributed to the derangement of small vessels and secretions in the eye, which were thus rendered visible. 1851. On Jan. 30th, the 35th meeting, Mr. Grove exhibited specimens from Dr. Schonbein,^ of Basle, illustrat- ing the effects of insolated oxygen on such chemical substances as sulphide of antimony, of arsenic, and of lead, but which were not produced by oxygen, kept in the dark. Professor E. Forbes read a letter from M. Puggaard, of Copenhagen, on the geology of the Island of Moen.^ He ^ Figure omitted. * Christ. Fried. Schonbein, bom at Wurtemberg, 1799, died at Baden Baden i868, appointed Prof, of Chemistry at Basle 1828, who did some important work, especially in organic chemistry. ^ Described by him. in Moens Geologic (1874). 1 1 6 Annals of the Philosophical Club had come to the conclusion that there both the chalk and the Pleistocene Tertiaries were affected by disturbances, which had occurred between the deposition of the Glacial or Pleistocene drift and the last boulder period.^ Colonel Sykes gave an account of a number of mud craters, small and large, extending for 25 miles along the coast of Lus, to the N.W. of Cutch and the mouth of the Indus.2 They emit gas (the nature of it undescribed) together with mud. At the 36th meeting (Feb. 27th) Dr. Faraday said, in reference to Mr. Grove's communication at the previous meeting, that Professor Schonbein writing to him on Dec. 28th, 1850, mentioned his discovery that oil of turpentine and essence of lemon, if exposed for some time to the joint action of pure oxygen (or atmospheric air) and light, can become ' most energetic oxydizing agents,' changing the colour of indigo solutions, and turning with the utmost faciHty the metallic sulphides into sulphates. Experiments which he had made fully confirmed Professor Schonbein's conclusions. Dr. Lyon Playfair remarked that artists would give a large price for turpentine which had been long exposed to sunlight in half-empty bottles, because it possessed peculiar properties in dissolving cobalt. Mr. Gassiot described at the 37th meeting (March 27th) an apparatus, recently obtained by the Kew Observatory, for graduating with great accuracy thermometer and barometer tubes, after which Sir R. Murchison spoke of a new war-steamer on the wave principle, the outcome of some experiments undertaken for the British Association, and built for the King of Prussia. It was 550 tons burden, and had engines of 160 horse-power, making, on the average, 1 See Lyell, Antiquity oj Man, ch. xvii., for a fuller account. In the QuavU Jour. Geol. Soc. vol. Iv. (1899), pages 305-311, reasons are given by myself and Canon E. Hill why \\e were unable to accept the above- named explanation, or that which attributed the disturbance to the thrust of an ice-sheet. ' See Lyell. Principles of Geology, for a fuller account (ed. 11, vol. ii. pages 76-7). Atmospheric Waves 1 1 7 15 f statute miles an hour. It could carry and fire efficiently, as had been proved by experiments which he quoted, a heavier armament than any other vessel of the same size in the British Navy. As a sister ship had already proved its competency in heavy weather, naval officers had considered such vessels to fulfil all the requisites of a good sea-boat. At the 39th meeting (May 22nd) Professor Bond of Harvard Observatory, and M. Metelet were present as guests. The former spoke of the progress made in applying the daguerrotype to astronomical purposes. Attempts made at Boston to photograph the sun had been failures, notwith- standing every precaution, because of the intensity of the light, but the Cambridge telescope of 22 feet focus and 15 inches aperture had succeeded well with the moon. Records of the double star Castor and of Jupiter with its belts and satellites had also been obtained. Afterwards M. Metelet described the method of tracing atmospheric waves by comparing times of the actual and expected barometric minima at different stations. The atmospheric oscillations appear to proceed from the north, and travel more readily over the sea : large tracts of land, and particularly mountain chains, such as the Urals, pre- senting a barrier to them. In the progress of these waves the oscillating air appears to set up two currents, the upper one proceeding from north to south, and the under in the reverse direction. The lines of vegetation seem to have some relation to these waves, but that has not yet been accurately estabhshed. Colonel Sabine remarked that observations in America would be most valuable, because of the pecuHar physical character of that continent. Professor Plantamour, a guest at the 40th meeting (June 19th), mentioned that barometric observations made at Geneva and at the Convent on the Great St. Bernard,^ showed that temperature produced differences, which might amount to 120 feet, between the observed and the calculated * He published an elaborate essay on them in i860 {Mem, de la Soc. de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genive, t. xv.). 1 1 8 Annals of the Philosophical Club heights. When asked what allowances were made for local causes, such as the presence of clouds, he repHed that exact comparisons had not yet been made, but that observa- tions, taken at the Convent nine times daily by competent scientific men, promised to be of considerable value. Mr. Grove said that he had found by experiment the ad- vantage of resinous compounds as a substitute for flint glass to secure achromatism in telescope lenses. The best ingredient was a cement formed by nearly colourless resin and castor oil, the refractive and dispersive powers of which could be altered within certain limits, and which was sufficiently pUant and tenacious to yield to the expansion of the glass by temperature. Among other promising experiments, he had very satisfactorily corrected a bad lens by using this composition. That was done some months ago, but he mentioned the matter, because he had read in a Catalogue of the Exhibition ^ that a telescope there had a soHd material, the composition of which was kept secret, instead of flint glass. M. Plantamour said that oxide of zinc had been substituted for oxide of lead in flint glass, and that glass so made was less Hable to corrosion by exposure to the atmosphere. Mr. Horner referred to investigations in the Nile Valley, undertaken to ascertain the rate at which alluvium had accumulated, by ascertaining its thickness around monu- ments, the date of which was known, and thus to connect historical and geological time. It was intended to begin at the ObeHsk of HeliopoHs, the age of which was known. ^ At the 41st meeting (Oct. 30th) Captain Skogman, of the Swedish Navy, who was a guest, announced that the measure- ment of an arc of the meridian was about to be repeated in his country, and observations were then being taken to ascertain whether the Baltic and the Polar seas differed in level. To the 42nd meeting (Nov. 27th) Mr. Bell gave an account 1 The well-known one opened May ist, 1851. 2 See Lyell, Antiquity 0/ Man, ch. iii. (especially pages 40, 41, ed. 4), and Principles of Geology, vol. i. pages 430-434, ed. 11. Falls of Fishes 1 1 9 of the boa constrictor at the Zoological Gardens, which had recently swallowed a blanket, stating that instances were on record where this snake in darting at its prey had seized other things, and had been apparently unconscious of its mistake. The occasional fall of fishes during showers of rain in India was discussed on Dec. i8th. Colonel Sykes thought the spawn was caught up by a whirlwind, but Dr. Hooker held that it was the fish themselves, for the whirlwinds, during the monsoon season, are frequently very powerful. All the members who had been in India agreed that such falls really occurred.^ Dr. Royle, in reply to an enquiry, said that tea was now grown on more than 2000 acres from Kumaon westwards on the lower slopes of the Himalayas.^ Mr. Porter spoke of a cloth, the invention of Klaussen, and made half of sheep's wool half of flax, some of which he was then wearing. Dr. Hooker said that a museum was then in process of construction at Kew to be devoted to foreign products, and the conversation turned on a project for removing the Crystal Palace, or part of it, to Kew, and for appropriating the surplus fund to a school of design, a thing much needed. Colonel Sykes asked him why plants in India, though the ground was waterless and cracked by heat, burst suddenly into flower. Dr. Hooker thought it due to the sudden access of heat to water lying at some distance below the surface. 1852. Dr. Playfair, at the 44th meeting (Jan. 29th), stated that, eighty years ago. Lady Moira had proposed the plan of making cloth, mentioned at the last meeting, ajid was presented with a medal at Manchester, but the effort had failed owing to the fiscal regulations of that day. 1 " Showers of fish and frogs are by no means uncommon, especially in India." In one which occurred in 1839, the fish, all of one kind, were about three inches long. See Ferrel, A Popular Treatise on the Winds (1890), page 414, and pages 381 to 393, for instances of the lifting power of tornadoes. ^ In 1908 it amoimted in India proper to over 531,000 acres, Encycl. Bnt, (India). 1 20 Annals of the Philosophical Club At the 48th meeting (May 27th) Dr. Marcet communicated some recent researches by Dr. Bernard, which showed that section of a sympathetic nerve increased animal heat on the corresponding side. On that also where the nerve was divided, the heat was more or less persistent, and was less affected by alterations of external temperature. Thus, if the general temperature was raised, that of the side, where the nerve was whole, was raised more than on the side where it was divided, and if the general temperature was lowered, the lowering was greater in the former case than in the latter to a larger extent than had happened in the first instance. This effect, as yet, had not been explained. He also mentioned some curious instances, observed at New Orleans, of increase of temperature in the human body after death. These appeared to proceed, in some cases, from a lingering vitality in the organism after apparent death, in others to the contrary — ^the death and putrefaction of portions of the organism, prior to that of the individual. He further stated that at Geneva, during this spring,. N.E. winds had lasted consecutively for 90 days. Dr. Du Bois-Reymond's electrophysical experiment (21st meeting) was again mentioned. A discussion took place, but without any confident expression of opinion, on the question, whether the deflection of the galvanometer, on contracting the muscles of one arm, arose from the proper muscular action or from increased secretion in the incurved finger or other secondary actions. Colonel Sykes at the 49th meeting (June 24th) referred to the importance of using balloons for meteorological observations, now that the management of them was in proper hands and better understood. Mr. Green, ^ he added, who was about to give up making ascents for the amusement of the public, was willing to aid in the advance- ment of science. Lord Wrottesley said that the Council ^Charles Green (1785-1870) made 528 ascents between 1821 and 1852, when he ceased to be a professional aeronaut. In the former years he made the first ascent with carburetted hydrogen gas, and in 1836 travelled through the air from Vauxhall to Weilburg in Nassau. New Standard Weights and Measures 121 of the Royal Society had considered a proposal of this kind fifteen years ago, but had been deterred from acting on it by the serious practical difficulties which then presented themselves. The famiHar fact that the barometer falls before rain and rises after it was then discussed, and the intention expressed, which, however, was not fulfilled, of resuming the subject at the next meeting. Dr. Carpenter stated that the bars of the Menai Bridge,^ after having been some time in place, had been found ta have become highly magnetic and also brittle. Mr. Grove thought that the former effect was probably due to their vertical position and constant agitation, in lines approxi- mately parallel to those of terrestrial magnetism. He did not regard the brittleness as a necessary consequence of the magnetism, though it also was probably a result of the continual vibratory disturbance. It had been shown by experiment that the elasticity of metals was affected hj electric action and magnetization. 1853. At the 58th meeting (June i8th) Dr. Miller 2^ gave some account of the standard instnunents, lately prepared at Kew ; weights had been made from i pound avoirdupois to o-oi of a grain. For the heavier — from 100 to 7000 grains — gun-metal, thickly electro-gilt, had been used, and platinum for those less than 100 grains. A standard yard had been laid down upon a flat-rolled brass scale between gold pins. These standards had been used in constructing, for meteorological purposes, two barometer tubes of one inch internal diameter. He added some details of the operation of boiHng the mercury in these unusually large tubes. 1 The Suspension Bridge, opened in 1825, must be meant, though the^ Britannia Tubular Bridge was completed in 1850. 2 This must have been Prof. W. A. Miller, for in the course of his remarks he mentioned Prof. W. H. Miller, of Cambridge, who was an active member of the committee, appointed in 1843 to reconstruct the standards of weight and ireasurement destroyed by the burning of the Houses of Parliament in 1834. The work was completed by 1854, when the standards of weight, length, and capacity were authorized {18 and 19 Vict. ch. 72). 122 Annals of the Philosophical Club A letter from Sir J. Richardson, read at the 59th meeting (Oct. 27th), stated that he had been informed by Lieut. Cresswell that on Baring Island, ^ trunks of pines, that must be drift-wood, occur frequently in a gravel or mud which forms a mound of considerable size at least 200 feet above the present sea-level. All over the Arctic Islands shells are found belonging to species still living in the seas, thus indicating a rise of land to that extent in times, geologically speaking, very recent.^ Lieut. Cresswell had also mentioned that, in the same region, considerable quantities of sihcified wood were embedded in a Umestone.^ Sir C. Lyell mentioned that Dr. Lea, of Philadelphia (who was present as a guest), had been the first to discover a bone of a saurian (of which a jaw had been found since he left that city) in a rock wherein only footprints had previously been observed. It was not yet certain whether the formation v^as Triassic or somewhat later, but this probably was the oldest remnant of a large reptile which, as yet, had been discovered.^ Colonel Sabine showed the Club a bottle made of green glass, which was egg-shaped, the neck having been broken off. It was one of several found on the coast of Siberia rather east of Nova Zembla, where two great currents meet. One of them had been closed by a stopper. Both the Russian government and our own had endeavoured, but without success, to ascertain where these bottles were made. They were not in use in the country where they had been found, and none like them had been supplied to Sir J. Franklin or other Arctic travellers. Sir R. Murchison said that General Haug was planning an expedition to explore the north-eastern part of AustraHa in the hope of discovering a passage by the Victoria and Albert Rivers to the Gulf of Carpentaria. 1 Now called Baring Land, the southern part of Banks Land, about lat. 7i°-72". 2 For other instances see Manual joy the Arctic Expedition, 1875, pages 538-540- ' See same Manual, page 538. * Perhaps it was that afterwards named Clepsysaurus and from the Trias. Ether Applied to Steam Engines 123 At the 60th meeting (Nov. 24th) Colonel Sabine said that a Norwegian at Lloyds had identified the bottle exhibited at the last meeting as one of those used by fishermen of his country as floats for nets. He also gave some account of the magnetic action of the moon, as observed at the earth's surface. This reached a maximum when the planet was on the upper and lower meridian and a minimum when halfway between these positions — results bearing on the question whether the moon was idiomagnetic or magnetic by induction. Mr. Bowman explained how the eye adapted itself to ^ v/as found by Captain Feilden at Discovery Bay, Grinnel Land, lat. 81° 45' N., in 1876. Heer, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. 1878, page 66. Preserved Meat and Vegetables 127 specific gravity between 2 and 2-5.^ The metal was remark- able for strength and lightness combined, and had been produced by the sodium process. 1855. At the 72nd meeting (Feb. 22nd) Dr. Playfair described a method for the preservation of vegetables which had been invented by Verdel. They were compressed and dried, after supersaturated steam had been blown through them, but they recover their form and colour after being slowly boiled. Mr. Rennie described a method of preserving meat, raw or cooked, by extracting from 50 to 60 per cent, of the water and then immersing it in gelatine prepared from the bones of the animal. Large quantities of both the vegetables and the meat had been ordered by the Government for use by the army in the Crimea. Mr. Gassiot exhibited a dinner fork, covered with silicon, which had been deposited by the galvanic process. Mr. Grove suggested that aluminium might be used for voltaic purposes,, since it is highly electro-positive and not attacked by nitric acid. Dr. Playfair mentioned that calcium had the colour of gold, and if it had a different allotropic state might replace that metal for electrotyping processes. Dr. Bence Jones read extracts from a letter by Du Bois- Reymond, dated Feb. 4th, 1855, mentioning that, in Wohler's Laboratory,^ leucine had been prepared from inorganic elements, together with some of the higher members of the homologous series of fatty acids. Also that artificial tallow was about to be made to replace the Russian. Dr. Miller announced that alcohol had been made from olefiant gas. Mr. Wheatstone remarked that this had been ^ Probably this was from aluminium prepared by M. Sainte-Claire Deville, whose first researches were pubUshed in 1854. See lor the history of the metal up to 1887, J. A. PhiUips, Elements of Metallurgy, s.v. Aluminium. Even then the author writes, " Up to the present time aluminium has not found the extensive application for which its properties would appear to fit it." He states that its specific gravity varies from 2-56 after fusion to 2-67 after hammering. =» Friedrich Wohler (i 800-1 882) began a new era in the branch of organic: chemistry by the artificial production of urea in 1828. 128 Annals of the Philosophical Club discovered by Faraday many years ago, and the result had now been obtained by more than one process. At the 73rd meeting (March 22nd) Admiral Smj^h read a letter just received from Captain R. P. King with the news that some remains of Leichardt's party had been found. ^ Dr. Miller mentioned a proposal to fire guns by using Ruhmkorff's coil. The method was equally appHcable to various submarine purposes, and no difficulty was apprehended. Dr. Bence Jones read a letter from Professor Du Bois- Reymond stating that the cellulose, which Virchow asserted to be present in the brain, had proved to be one of the compounds of cholesterin, which presents the same reaction as cellulose, " so this time we get off with the fright of being <:losely alHed to the cabbage.'* Attention was drawn at the 74th meeting (April 30th) \o a statement made in the House of Commons that a paper manufactory was to be established at Woolwich, because the cartridge-cases, made by a manufacturer at Aberdeen, in which pulp was used instead of paper to prevent the overlapping of the latter (which interfered with the accuracy of firing), could not be packed with sufficient closeness to travel with safety and economy. At the 75th meeting (May loth) Sir John Richardson mentioned that the hostiHty of the Loucheux Indians to the Eskimo occup5dng the country about the mouths of the Mackenzie River was diminishing in consequence, it was believed, of the visits of the boats and ships of the expedition to those shores. He also mentioned that six or seven years ago the shoulder- bone and tooth of a mastodon had been found on a spit by the Swan river, to the west of Lake Winnipeg, at a height of 800 feet above the sea, in lat. 52°. The spot had recently again been visited. In lat. 62°, to the north-west, at an elevation of 1800 feet, a skeleton of a mammoth had 1 F. W. L. Leichardt (born in Prussia in 181 3) went to New South Wales in 1 841, crossed the Australian continent from east to north in 1844-5 ; started to cross it from east to west in 1848, and was never heard of again. Pits Sunk in Nile Valley 129 l)een found some years ago in excellent preservation. This, however, had been unfortunately lost in a lake, with the exception of a tibia, which was now in the Haslar Museum. Mr. Grove, at the 76th meeting (May 24th), spoke of some observations of Saturn's rings published in the Atti Mia Reale Accademia del Lincei, made with a telescope of 14 feet focal length and a 9-inch object glass, which showed the dark portions of both the main rings to be, not shadows, but interspaces between successively lighter rings. ^ Mr. Huxley mentioned some observations by Professor Kolliker in regard to the action of solutions on spermatozoa and cilia. When these were weak their movements were stopped, but not killed, for they recommenced when the solution was strengthened. They were stopped by water, but renewed by the addition of sugar, gum, and neutral salts. They were prolonged by caustic alkahes, but killed by acids. Colonel Sykes had received letters from the Schlagint- weits, announcing their return to Calcutta and the safety of their instruments. Mr. Horner stated that seventy-two pits had been sunk across the Nile valley, through desert sand, to a depth of 7 feet above the level of the Mediterranean. In the excava- tion near the statue of Rameses at Memphis, pieces of brick, tile, and pottery had been found 48 feet below the surface, and thus 40 feet below the pedestal of the statue, which is 78 feet above the Mediterranean, and was erected, according to Lepsius, about 3200 years ago.^ At the 78th meeting of the Club (Oct. 25th) Prof. Faraday was reported to have announced at the Royal Institution that nickel, when heated, gained in magnetic power. Dr. Hofmann stated that experiments undertaken by ^This must refer to the two outer rings, though the third — ^the faint inmost one — was discovered in 1850. ^ The first set of pits was in the latitude of HeUopolis, where the valley is 16 miles wide. The other is one of a set across the vaDey, where its width is 5 miles (Lyell, Antiq. Man, eh. iii.). P.O. I 130 Annals of the Philosophical Club himself and his guest, M. Cahours,^ showed ammonia (NHg) and phosphuretted hydrogen (PH3) to have a great analogy. As in compounds of the former, each equivalent of hydrogen may be replaced by ethyl, methyl, and amyl, so, in the latter, the same can be done, thus forming new and highly basic substances in every way corresponding with the hydrogen compounds. M. Cahours, in reply to an enquiry from Admiral Smyth about the cost of manufacturing aluminium, specimens of which had attracted so much notice at the Paris Exhibition, said that some totally different method of manufacture must be devised, before it could be produced cheaply, so that at present it was regarded as a curiosity, which had only a theoretical interest. Colonel Sabine gave an account ^ of a remarkable tornado which had occurred on April 30th, 1852, near New Harmony, in Indiana, U.S. The breadth of the whirUng air-column appears to have been about a mile, and at nine or ten miles on either side the air was calm enough to allow of ordinary agricultural work, but in the track of the tornado, trees, many of them 15 feet in circumference, were overthrown, frequently being twisted half round before this happened. Its axis moved at the rate of about 60 miles an hour, first N. 30° E. for 50 miles, and then a little N. of E. for 200 miles further, the change of direction corresponding with an angle in the Ohio valley, to which its course was roughly parallel. The sky was described by persons in the neighbourhood as a cloud, with vivid blue, green and red hght on its lower part. At 3 p.m., in a place four miles on one side of the axis, the thermometer stood at 80° and the barometer at 29-09 inches. At 4 p.m. the first flash of Hghtning occurred, which was followed by a heavy, driving hailstorm ; the stones sometimes measuring 8 inches in circumference and weighing four ounces. At that time the thermometer 1 Probably Professor A. A. T. Cahours, a distinguished French chemist^ elected Professor of Chemistry in the £cole Polytechnique at Paris, who was bom Oct. 2nd, 1 81 3, and died March 17th, 1891. " It had been published in Smithsonian Contributions, vol. vii. article 2» The Monigoljier Balloon 131 had fallen 2*^ and the barometer risen o-o8 inch. The latter maintained this rise, while the tornado passed over^ but afterwards, by 5.45 p.m., it had fallen by the same amount. The thermometer continued to fall during the passage. Mr. Chappelsmith, who gives the account, con- siders the phenomena to be consistent with the rotatory theory, but indicative of an ascending column of air in the axis of the tornado, with an influx of air towards it from the sides. At the 79th meeting (Nov. 22nd) Colonel Sykes stated that gutta-percha ^ had been discovered in the Peninsula of India. Mr. Grove gave an account of a visit to the family of M. Seguin, the inventor of wire-bridges and tubular boilers, who has a large estate in the Cote d'Or, and related how his great-uncle Montgolfier had discovered the balloon which bears his name. He had been airing his wife's gowns, and observed them to become inflated and tending to rise when filled with heated air. On her return she found her husband sending up Uttle paper balloons, and thus originating his invention. He then referred to experiments of M. Seguin on the conversion of motion into heat, which formed the subject of a discussion. At the 85th meeting (May 22nd, 1856) Dr. Playfair described an improved method of nature-printing, due to a student at Marlborough House. The object is dabbed with hthographic ink, transferred to the stone, and then worked upon by acid. By this means the ' velvety ' texture of the leaves is perfectly retained. The impression may also be transferred to copper and etched in the usual manner. Colonel James explained how greatly photography had expedited the production of maps at the Ordnance Survey* By employing it, the 25-inch map was reduced to the 6-inch scale with perfect accuracy. 1 Dr. W. Montgomerie, of the Indian Medical Service, introduced it to- England for practical purposes in 1843, the Malacca Peninsula and Malay- Archipelago being the chief source of this juice of one or more species of Isonandra, and by i860 the quantity imported exceeded 16,000 cwt.^ but it is now much greater 132 Annals of the Philosophical Club Mr. Gassiot informed the Club that Ruhmkorff had obtained a secondary spark 2 J inches long from his induction apparatus. At the 86th meeting (June 19th) Dr. Hooker read a letter from Colonel James referring to the Ordnance Survey maps, and exhibited some specimens of them. Dr. Bence Jones read a communication from Professors Miiller ^ and Kolliker,^ stating that, if the nerve of a rheo- scopic frog were spread over the beating heart (removed from the body) of another frog, a secondary contraction of the former attended every systole of the latter. The experiment succeeds only with one frog out of two or three, but in such case the secondary contractions will go on for I hour or more. But the most remarkable thing is that the secondary contraction of the rheoscopic frog a little precedes the primary contraction of the heart itself. At the 87th meeting (Oct. i6th) Mr. Rennie described a new and economical method of making steel, devised by Captain Uchatius, of the Vienna Arsenal ; exhibiting a box of cutlery manufactured in that city from Styrian iron, and bars made, on Oct. loth, at his own works, from Indian cast-iron and common English cast-iron, Herr Karl Leng, partner of Captain Uchatius, operating on each occasion. The effect of this new process would diminish by about one-half the expense of making steel, and would produce in a few hours a result which usually required three weeks, and sometimes double that time. It consisted in running a certain amount of melted iron into a crucible of water. This converted it into shot-hke particles. Of these 24 pounds were mixed with 6 pounds of crushed ore, and with half that amount (as was said) of manganese peroxide. After the addition of a little fire-clay the whole was melted 1 Johannes Miiller (1801-1858), bom at Coblenz, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology at Bonn 1826, and at Berlin 1833, regarded as almost the founder of modern Physiology. •Albert von KoUiker (181 7-1 905), born at Zurich, where he became Professor, and was then appointed to the Chair of Anatomy at Wurzburg in 1847. Distinguished especially for his work on microscopic anatomy and on the development of the embryo. An Ancient Indian City 133 down. The bar, produced from this, was then hammered, and proved to be excellent steel. " The importance of this process for reducing the cost of steel in the manufacture of tires, axles, piston-rods, boiler-plates, and other important machinery can hardly be estimated.'* On Nov. 13th, the 88th meeting, Mr. Grove described the recent occultation of Jupiter by the moon, as he saw it through quite a small telescope (magnifying about 43 times). As the planet approached the moon, it seemed to project towards the disc of the latter, and this gave way to an apparent flattening of both bodies, producing a definite line between them, as Jupiter skimmed the edge of the moon for 10° or 15°. If the observation could be trusted, this might be due to the moon's atmosphere or perhaps to its disc being only partially illuminated. The light of Jupiter was not so bright as that of the moon, and looked more blue. Colonel Sykes communicated the results of some excava- tions made by Mr. Augustus Bellasis on the site of an Indian city, about 80 miles to the north-east of Hyderabad, which had been destroyed by an earthquake in the eighth century. These showed the arts to have been well advanced. The people could blow and cut glass, could make china like Stafford ware, could put glazes on clay and trace designs upon hard stones without incision. Masses of steel, cast in crucibles, with charcoal attached, were met with, and a house containing a lapidary's tools. The town was about three miles in circumference, and its destruction, as skeletons were found in the houses, must have been sudden. Professor Tyndall exhibited an apparatus invented by M. Matteuchi for determining the power of crystalUne bodies to conduct electricity in different directions. This was formed mainly of bars of bismuth, about 2 inches in length and 2 lines in width, of which the cleavage planes were sometimes parallel with, sometimes perpendicular to, their length, and the differential galvanometer showed the rate at which each set conducted electricity or heat. He also, with Prof. Huxley, gave an account of investiga- tions which they had undertaken to ascertain the relation 134 Annals of the Philosophical Club between the veined structure in glacier ice and rock cleavage.^ The results, in their opinion, threw considerable light on the theory of glacier motion. At the 89th meeting (Dec. nth) Professor Huxley invited attention to Professor Von Siebold's recently published work. Parthenogenesis hei Schmetterlingen und Bienen, in which he brought forward strong evidence to show that the females of certain Pychidae and. of Bomhyx mori produce fertile ova without previous fecundation, and with the former the process may be repeated for several generations. With the bees, not only can the unimpregnated Queen-bee lay fertile eggs, but she also appears to fertilize, after impreg- nation, only those ova which are laid in neuter or female cells, those laid in drone cells remaining unfertilized. Professor Tyndall drew attention to the fact that the green colour of many of the Swiss rivers and lakes had not yet been explained.^ 1857. At the 90th meeting (Jan. i8th) Sir C. Lyell reported that, at his suggestion, Mr. Beckles ^ had opened a quarry in the Purbeck Beds in search of fossil mammals and had already discovered about thirteen species.* On Feb. 5th, the 91st meeting. Professor Tyndall described some more observations on the physical structure of ice. Agassiz, he said, had noticed that bubbles made a pecuhar noise when escaping from the surface of thawing glacier ice, 1 Professor Tyndall did not yet feel satisfied that he could demonstrate this veined structure to be, like cleavage in rocks, the efifect of pressure as the ice was forced through a narrow part of a valley. That happened in 1858. See Glaciers of the Alps, part ii. sect. 27 (i860). ' In his Glaciers of the Alps, part ii. sect. 7 (i860), he suggests that the greenness and the blueness may be due to the presence of mud of increasing fineness in the water. . He afterwards worked out this idea, which is now generally accepted. ' Samuel H. Beckles wrote some papers on footprints and fossils from the Wealden, became F.G.S. in 1854 and F.R.S. in 1859. He died in August, 1890. * Sir C. Lyell gives a full account of these and subsequent discoveries in his Elements of Geology, pages 379-384 (6th ed.). In Mesozoic Mammalia (Palaeontographical Society, vol. xxiv.) Professor Owen describes and figu:res (with others) Mr. Beckles' specimens, which he assigns to eleven genera and about twice as many species. Green Sands 135 attributing this to the escape of air enclosed in cavities and acted on by heat that had passed through the ice. He (the speaker) had compressed a quantity of snow into ice like that of a glacier, and then by heating it obtained the results observed by Agassiz.^ Such ice also showed a veined structure at right angles to the pressure, and this structure was sometimes exaggerated into a true cleavage. Dr. Carpenter gave the results of his studies of the green grains in * Greensands,' which he had found in rocks as far back as Silurian, and which proved to be casts of f oraminifera made by a greenish, siliceous material. He gave particulars of the cast of a curious Orbitolite, the calcareous part of which had disappeared, as is well shown in Ehrenberg's figures. ^ Sir R. Murchison observed that the Greensands were a good example of the value of Palaeontology, for it had proved those near St. Petersburg to belong to the Silurian Period, which Brongniart had supposed to be Tertiary. At the 94th meeting (May 14th) Dr. Barth ^ was a guest, and gave an account of Timbuctoo. The people are such strict Mohammedans as to forbid the use of tobacco. To that creed they had not long been converts, for it was forced upon them by the Fulahs, a warHke race of Arabs, which had subdued a great part of Central Africa. The natives are not true negroes, their hair is not woolly, and they show an affinity, like the Madagascar people, to the Malays. They are intelligent, but speak an unwritten dialect, Arabic being the learned language, in which histories exist, of both Timbuctoo and Bornou, that go back to the fifteenth century. They are giving way to the Tuaregs, who exact 1 See Glaciers of the Alps, part ii. sect. 5 (i860), and Hours of Exercise in the Alps (1873), pages 362-8. 2 See W. B. Carpenter, The Microscope and its Revelations (Dallinger's Ed.), page 827, note. ^Heinrich Barth {1821-1865), a German, ' One of the greatest modem scientific travellers,' began his journeys in countries near the Eastern Mediterranean in 1845. In 1850 he started from Tripoli and explored thence to Adamiwa in the south and from Bagirmi in the east to Timbuctoo in the west, returning to Europe in 1856. His great work, Travels and Discoveries in Central Africa, was published 1857-8. 136 Annals of the Philosophical Club tribute from them. The town Timbuctoo has a resident population of above 13,000 persons, and a shifting one of about 10,000. At the 95th meeting (June nth) General Sabine read a letter from the Archduke Maximilian of Austria, thanking English men of science for the interest they had taken in the preparation of the exploring expedition of the Novara. All the instruments, which had been prepared and verified in England, had been safely received, and the vessel had reached Gibraltar, which was to be its basal station for magnetic observation on the voyage to the Cape of Good Hope.i Mr. Grove, at the 97th meeting (Nov. 19th) said that, during the past autumn, he had discovered the skin of a newly captured trout to have photographic properties. When leaves, or other objects, were pressed upon the skin, on either side of the upper part, they left a very perfect outHne, which was negative in character, the darkest portions being those more exposed to the light. No such impressions appeared on the under surface. Professor Huxley thought that the effect might be due to contraction of the chroma- tophores (sacculae containing coloiu:) upon the surface of the fish. Dr. Carpenter and Dr. Sharpey thought the suggestion worth following up, but said that chromatophores had not yet been actually found in the trout's skin. Professor Tyndall described an ascent of Mont Blanc made during last autumn,^ when he and his companions had felt extreme prostration during the last part, having to halt after each fifteen steps. He called attention to the blue tint seen in a hole made by thrusting an alpenstock into the snow. At the 98th meeting (Dec. 17th) Mr. Horner gave further particulars about the borings in the Nile Valley. Fragments of coarse pottery had been found at a depth of 45 feet. Taking as a basis for calculation the statue of Rameses H. * The expedition returned in 1859 after about three years' voyage, and the results were published 1862-77. ' An account of it is given in Glaciers of the Alps, part i. sect. 11. Electric Fish 137 (1394 B.C.) near Memphis and about one- third of a mile from the river, the rate of accumulation would be about 3 J inches per century, but this, as he explained, could not be regarded as very precise. Professor Du Bois-Reymond described in a letter to Dr. Bence Jones his studies of three specimens of Silurus electricus ^ from the coast of Africa. From the largest, 9 inches long, he obtained 15 to 20 shocks on alternate days. The smallest, about 4 inches long, died ; the middle one, as it became sickly, he killed. Only a single nerve, easily laid bare, went to each electric organ. 1858. To the 99th meeting (Jan. 21st) Dr. Sharpey described Dr. Livingstone's plans for a journey in Africa. He intended to estabhsh a settlement on the high land near the junction of the Kafue and the Zambesi rivers, some distance below the Falls, to test the suitability of this region for cultivating cereals, and to study the tsetse fly, with the possibiHty of exterminating it.^ In regard to this fly Mr. Grove suggested experiments which might be advantageous, mentioning its singular aversion to human excrement. Mr. Spence advised com- paring it with the zuni fly described by Bruce in Abyssinia. Dr. Sharpey wished that some fly-fisher would investigate the temperature of living trout, as he believed it to be higher than that of water. General Sabine informed the Club that Dr. Hochstetter of the Novara had written to him from the Cape of Good Hope. The vessel was to proceed thence to the Nicobar Islands. At the looth meeting (Feb. i8th) Sir Snow Harris exhibited and described a modification of Lind's wind gauge. ^ The electric catfish, now called Malapterurus and separated from Silurus, belongs to Tropical Africa ; that inhabiting the Nile grows tcy about 4 feet in length. 2 He started March loth, 1858. He was rewarded by the discovery of Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa, the northern shores of which he explored, but met with many disappointments and trials, including the death of his wife. He returned to London July 23rd, 1864 (see Zambesi and its- Tributaries, 1865). 138 Annals of the Philosophical Club General Sabine said that Sir C. Lyell had heard from Mr. Mallet, 1 who wrote from Naples, where he was engaged in investigating the effect of the recent earthquake in Southern Italy. He had not found any change in the level of the Temple of Serapis, but the Posilippo tunnel, near Naples, showed several new cracks, and was in a tottering condition. He was shortly going on to Calabria. Mr. Grove mentioned that the object-glass in an old Dollond 6-inch telescope had been sensibly improved by inserting a metallic ring about one-eighth of an inch from the glass. At the loist meeting (March i8th), Sir Charles Lyell communicated two letters written by Mr. Mallet from Naples, after his return from Calabria. There he had suffered much from the cold, and in crossing Mount Vultur he had to force his way through a sudden fall of snow 5 feet in depth. In order to trace the effect of the earth- quake in a northerly direction, he intended to return home by way of Rome. Sir C. Lyell also called attention to a possible cause of inaccuracy in estimating the height of the Temple of Serapis, namely, the action of the wind in raising the sea above its ordinary level, and so damming back the water of the hot spring. The staple to which a bronze ring had been attached, below the level of the water, was an important point in measuring the elevation of the floor. The Geographical Society, according to Sir R. Murchison, had given a favourable reception to a proposal made by " a gentleman of the name of Baker," ^ who had had con- siderable experience of travel in tropical climates and explored parts of Ceylon. This was to land at Algoa Bay ^The results were published in his book, The Neapolitan Earthquake of j8s7' * Samuel White Baker {1821-1893), knighted 1866. He must have changed his plans, for he explored the Nile tributaries of Abyssinia 1861-2, and then, after a stay at Khartoum, went up the V^ite Nile to Gondokoro, "Where in February, 1863, he met Speke and Grant on their return from the Victoria Nyanza. Proceeding southwards he reached Lake Albert Nyanza and returned to Khartoum in May, 1865. Transfusion of Blood 139 and explore the part of Africa between the Zambesi and Port Natal. He hoped to ,have the company of Captain Palliser,! and would be glad if men of science would suggest matter deserving investigation. On April 20th, the 102nd meeting, Dr. Gassiot exhibited a photograph of spots on the sun, taken at Kew with the photohehograph on March 15th last, which showed that the principal difficulties in manipulation had been sur- mounted. Professor Tyndall stated that he had found by experiments that the readiness with which liquids assume a spheroidal condition depends on their power of absorbing radiant heat, and this, when of low intensity, is readily arrested in those into the composition of which hydrogen enters. Dr. Hooker said that Dr. Livingstone, writing from Sierra Leone, had stated that Lieut. Glover, in his journey after the wreck of the Dayspring, had recovered some of Mungo Park's 2 manuscripts, written on stray leaves of a table of logarithms. On May 20th, the 103rd meeting, M. Brown-S^quard ^ (guest of Dr. Bence Jones) described the results of his experiments in transfusion of blood on dogs and rabbits in articulo mortis, to which they had been brought by injuries to the intestines and peritoneum. When apparently at the last gasp, with the heart barely beating, blood was transfused from other animals. This produced instantaneous effect — ^restoration 1 Perhaps W. R. G. Palliser, commander in the Royal Navy, who, in 1854, distinguished himself in expeditions against Chinese pirates. * Mungo Park (i 771-1806) explored the Upper Niger from 1795 to 1799. He undertook, under Government auspices, a second expedition in 1805, and was killed, with all his men, on his journey down that river, at Boussa {Northern Nigeria) in a conflict with the natives, but the particulars of his fate were not ascertained till 181 2. ' C. E. Brown-S6quard, born at Port-Louis, Mauritius, on April 8th, 1 81 7, had an American for father and a French woman for mother. He graduated in medicine in Paris, and for a time practised in London. Then he held Professorships in the United States and in Paris, to which he finally returned as Professor of Experimental Medicine at the College de France, where he died on April 2nd, 1894. He was highly distinguished as a physiologist, who was a daring experimenter, and made most valuable contributions to science. 1 40 Annals of the Philosophical Club of breathing, the heart's action, consciousness, and volition. In some cases these lasted for several, and in one case for II J hours. Mr. Busk enquired whether salt and water of the same density as the blood would have produced similar effects, for transfusion of this mixture in cholera cases had prolonged life, even for sixteen hours. Dr. Sharpey said the injection of salt and water had never effected a permanent cure ; febrile symptoms had generall}^ supervened and carried off the patient. He had tried, ia cases of asphyxia, to restore animation by transfusion, but without success. Dr. Falconer gave some particulars about the bone caves in Devonshire, towards the excavation of which the Royal Society had granted £100. They had the same general character as those explored by Buckland twenty-five years ago, but which had been since then much neglected. One group of ossiferous fissures in the hmestone, containing bones of animals no longer living in Britain, was on the slope of Windmill Hill, near Brixham.^ It had been purchased some time back, apparently as a speculation, by a dyer, who was asking too high a price for liberty to excavate it. The other cave, Kent's Hole, near Torquay, had been known since 16 15. Here excavations were undertaken by the Rev. J. MacEnery, who died in 1843, after working on them for some twenty years. His collections were unfortunately dispersed, and his manuscripts bought for wastepaper by a tailor. In some of these caves the contents apparently belonged to two widely separated epochs : the lower to the Pliocene, the upper to the Glacial. A cave in Gower, which contained bones of an African rhinoceros, proved marked changes of level, for it was now many feet above the sea,, and yet contained sea-shells. As regards the presence of the ^ For the history of the excavation of the Brixham Caves and Kent's Hole, see Memoir of William Pengelly {1897), pages 296-314, under whose indefatigable supervision the work was effected. MacEnery's manuscript, at first supposed to have perished, was happily recovered and was printed ,^ also by Pengelly 's care, in the Transactions of the Devonshire Association, vol iii. pages 196-482. Lye IPs Visits to Vesuvius and 'Etna 141 rhinoceros, M. Lartet,^ a French geologist, had suggested, in explanation of a similar mixture of southern and northern animals, that the former, at a time of greater cold, had reached Spain, where their remains occurred in the upper gravels, and had migrated as far north as the Rhine. At the meeting on June 17th, the 104th, Dr. Falconer, invited by the chairman (Mr. Horner), continued the subject of the Devonshire caves, stating that the owner of the Windmill Hill cave had now agreed to more reasonable terms, and Miss Burdett Coutts had given £50 towards the expense of excavation. A memorial to the Chancellor of the Exchequer in favour of retaining the Natural History Collections at the British Museum was read, and was signed by the majority of the members present (eighteen in all). At the 105th meeting (Oct. 28th) Sir C. Lyell gave an account of his late visits to Vesuvius ^ and Etna. On the former, during September, he had been able, as the steam and irrespirable gases escaped by the great crater, while the lava was discharged from two flattened dome-shaped cones at its base, to approach within a few feet of the spot from which the lava was issuing. It was white-hot at the moment of its escape, moving at the pace of a fast-flowing river ; in a few yards it changed to a red heat, and then quickly became encrusted with black scoria, and this, as the upper part was the first to solidify, took the shape of loops of rope, with down-pointing curves. Afterwards he spent five weeks 1 Edouard Lartet (1801-1871), the distinguished French palaeontologist, who, after valuable studies of the Upper Miocene vertebrata in the South of France, and those of the Pliocene Age from Pikermi in Greece, devoted himself to exploring the ossiferous caverns in the hmestone region of the southern Provinces, publishing his first paper in i860, and then co-operating in Perigord with our late countryman, Henry Christy. The results were published in Reliquiae Aquitanicae, commencing in 1865. They are now given in most of the larger text-books of Geology and Anthropology. 'A severe and protracted eruption of Vesuvius began on May 21st, when lava issued from seven new mouths on the north and north-west sides of the cone, one great stream flowing towards and on either side of the Hermitage. A branch of it, which is crossed by the ordinary road up the mountain, is a very good example of the ' corded ' type of lava, black And vitreous. See Life, Letters, and Journal, vol. ii. pages 291-293. 142 Annals of the Philosophical Club on Etna.i There he had seen several compact lava streams inclined at angles of from 20° to 40° ; that of 1688, which is 5 feet thick, being as compact as ' Scotch trap.' In some places it lay at an angle of 48°, but its thickness here was only 2 J feet. At one part of the mountain horizontal lava beds rested on others which were highly inclined ; thus indicating two centres of eruption, as it was at Teneriffe. Nine-tenths of the fossils, collected from sedimentary beds under Etna, belonged to existing species; so the volcano had been built up in later Tertiary times. ^ Professor Tyndall described his examination of the veined structure in Alpine glaciers, to compare it with the slaty cleavage of rocks. He had found the former cutting the stratification of the snow at all angles up to 90°. Dr. Falconer recurred to the excavations in the Devon caves. The one carried inwards in a horizontal direction above the stalagmite floor of the cavern had come upon reindeer antlers in good preservation. About 2J feet vertically below them, after breaking through this floor, several specimens of what were known to antiquarians as flint knives were found in good preservation. Then came a * bed of ochry loam ' about 11 feet thick, and then a gravel, flint knives being found in both, and in the loam bones of rhinoceros and hyaena belonging to the Glacial Period. Mr. Wheatstone then exhibited some specimens of paper,^ pierced for transmitting messages by a form of printing- telegraph which he had invented. It could produce about 320 symbols or letters a minute. At the io6th meeting (Nov. 25th) General Portlock gave an account of the trials of Armstrong's guns at Shoeburyness. One, with a nine-pounder bore, but a rifled barrel, had thrown an oblong 18 pounds shot, with an error of only 20 feet in 7000 yards. A 12-pound shot from a 6-pounder gun had 1 op, cit. vol. ii. pages 303-311, 2 See Principles of Geology, vol. ii. page 6 (ed. 11) for a more precise statement, and chapter xxvi. for a general discussion of the structure- of Etna and its two eruptive centres. Armstrong Guns 143 pierced through 6 feet of solid oak at a distance of 400 yards^ and gone 200 yards on the other side. At the next meeting, the 107th, on Dec. i6th, he resumed the subject of these Armstrong guns. They are breech- loaders, the rifled barrel being of steel, which is bound round with a spiral band of welded wrought iron, the weight being somewhat greater than that of a brass gun of similar calibre. He also described the shell, which is built up of segments, united by lead and enclosed in an envelope of the same, to secure its fitting closely to the rifling of the barrel. Guns of three sizes have been made — one, a six-pounder, throwing a twelve-pound shot ; another a nine-pounder, throwing^ an eighteen-pound shot, and the third a sixteen or eighteen- pounder, throwing a thirty- two-pound shot. The first sent a twelve-pound shot, which at 600 yards penetrated eighteen inches into a brick wall, and then exploded, doing it great injury. One hundred rounds, 98 of which passed through a target 9-foot square, were fired from the same gun in as many minutes, and after that it showed no signs of injury. The eighteen-pounder threw a thirty-two-pound shot 9600 yards, with a deflection of 20 feet. Sir R. Murchison re- marked that bringing into the Navy these guns, on the breech-loading principle, would mean that only eight men instead of thirteen would be required for working each of them. 1859. Mr. Homer called attention, at the io8th meetings (Jan. 27th), to the remarkable contrast between the recent winter temperatures in England and the United States. In the one the weather had been very mild ; in the other, at 6 a.m., the thermometer had been down to —32° F. at Keene, New Hampton, to —38° at White River Junction, and to — 40° at St. Johnsbury. In Hahfax it registered 0° at 8 a.m. ; in New York, — i6J° at 3 a.m., and in East Boston, ~i8°. In a conversation which followed, arising from an announce- ment of the success of a subscription, initiated at a previous meeting, in aid of an artist whose drawings of microscopic objects had been very useful to workers in science, the 1 44 Annals of the Philosophical Club idea of a Royal Society Relief Fund was discussed, and strongly supported.^ To those present at the 109th meeting (Feb. 24th) Mr. Wheatstone exhibited the results of experiments made by M. N. de St. Victor with nitrate of ammonia and per- manganate of potash in order to produce a specially sensitive paper. Copies of engravings were taken in about fifteen minutes by using the former salt, while the blue impressions resulting from the latter required an hour for their com- pletion. Another experiment was to wash over a paper with tartaric acid, expose it to sunlight for two minutes, then roll it up loosely and enclose it in a dark metallic case, where it was Jeft for six minutes. At the end of that time, the case was opened, a few drops of water thrown in, the whole warmed, and the case inverted over a sheet of photo- graphic paper, above which was placed the original to be copied. In a few minutes a negative transfer was effected, developed, and fixed in the usual manner. Mr. Busk mentioned an experiment, made about twelve years ago, in which paper was washed in the dark, first with nitrate of silver, next with tartaric acid, and then placed between the closed leaves of an old printed book for twelve hours. After being removed in the dark, it gave, on exposure to sunlight, a copy of the printed page. A copper-plate engraving, however, did not admit of this kind of transfer. At the iioth meeting (March 24th) Dr. Bence Jones read a letter from Professor Du Bois-Reymond. His experiments had shown that, if the sciatic nerve were divided on one ^ide of a rabbit, and the animal then killed by strychnine, the muscle in the paralysed limb had an alkaline reaction, and that in the tetanized part an acid one. The result was unfaiHng in rabbits, but not always so in dogs. One of his pupils had proved the indirect irritability of muscular fibre by showing that, after the destruction of the nerve, hydro- 1 The idea was further discussed at the next meeting, and the Treasurer requested to write to each member of the Club to ascertain his opinion on the subject (the Minutes contain a copy of the letter). The fund was estabhshed in the course of the year ; see page 52. Flint Implements in Maccagnono Cave 145 chloric acid, diluted to one- tenth per cent., caused the muscle to contract, and ammonia produced the same result, even when more diluted. Mr. Paget mentioned a case of a patient whose tendon Achilles had been divided. The thermometer in the ward stood at 65° F. ; on the surface of the foot and in the wound itself only at 70°. He thought this due to the sluggish movement of the circulating fluid. Sir B. Brodie said that, in the case of dogs, where life was prolonged by artificial respiration, the circulation might continue till the temperature throughout the body had fallen to about 70° F. It was mentioned at the 112th meeting (May 26th) that Dr. Falconer had discovered flint implements among the bones of preglacial animals in the cave of Maccagnono ; on which Professor Huxley observed that the absence of strati- fication in the deposit reduced the value of its evidence in regard to the extreme antiquity of the human race, while Mr. Grove thought the non-occurrence of himian bones to be singular. At the next meeting (113th) Dr. Falconer was present, and gave a description of the cave.^ Charcoal and rude flint implements occurred beneath stalagmite in a breccia containing bones of Elephas antiquus, the hyaena, a large bear, a Felis (probably F. spelaea), and numerous bones of the Hippopotamus. " The vast number " of the last shows that ** the physical condition of the country must have been greatly different, at no very distant geological period, from what obtains now " ; yet, since then, the top of the material filHng the cave had been cemented to the roof by stalagmite, after which the greater part of its contents had been cleared out. Dr. Perthes ^ (a guest) said he had discovered among some iThe Minute corresponds in all important respects with the account given in Lubbock's Prehistoric Times, pages 260-262. - This is probably one of the noted pubHshers at Gotha. He might be a son of F. C. Perthes (bom in 1772 at Rudolstadt), who, after estabUshing himself at Gotha, became noted as a publisher of historical and patriotic P.C. K H 1 46 Annals of the Philosophical Club neglected manuscripts a poem describing the invasion of England by William the Conqueror ; also a maritime history of Genoa, commencing in 1099, and continued by authority of the Senate ; the last entry being by John Doria, who gives an account of two ships sent round Africa to the East Indies. They never returned, and the last surviving descendant of their crews was found by the Portuguese wha were coasting Africa prior to the departure of Columbus (1492). At the 114th meeting (Oct. 27th) Professor Tyndall gave some results of his work in the Alps during the past summer. In the previous one he had placed a minimum thermometer on the rocks close to the summit of the Finsteraarhorn (14,025 feet), by which, according to another observer this year, a temperature of —32° or —34° (Cent.) had been registered. Professor Frankland and he had attached six thermometers to as many strong posts at intervals from the bottom to the top of Mont Blanc. They had spent a night in a tent on the summit, whence the colour effects of the sky and the mountains in the early morning were remarkably fine. Candles of the same size were burnt there and at Chamonix for definite periods. There was no appreci- able difference in the rate of consumption, but that at the top gave a very feeble light, and the blue of the flame extended one-eighth of an inch above the tip of the wick. Sir C. Lyell described his examination of the gravels above the Somme valley near Amiens, whence he had obtained sixty-five flint hatchets, and proved the correctness of Professor Prestwich's accounts. Though the evidence was not yet complete, he had little doubt that the Siberian mammoth and the tichorhine rhinoceros were contempora- neous with the makers of the hatchets. Commenting on the absence of human bones from these deposits, he remarked that not a single human skeleton had been found works, dying there May i8th, 1843 ; or a grandson of his uncle, S. G. J. Perthes (i 749-1 816), who devoted himself, with his sons, to publishing important geographical works, such as Petermann's Mitteilungen. From the nature of the communication the latter seems more likely. Central African Exploration 147 on the bed of the Lake of Haarlem, which had now been dried, drained, and cultivated, though it had been navigated for hundreds of years and the scene of a great battle between the Dutch and the Spaniards. Nov. 24th. Dr. Hofman mentioned that, in lecture experiments, he had found sparks from the Ruhmkorff coil useful in the decomposition of gases, for instance with ammonia, marsh-gas, and carbonic acid. In particular cases he had observed two stages of decomposition. Pro- fessor W. A. Miller said that, in his own lectures, he had used this coil for similar purposes. On Dec. 22nd (ii6th meeting) Sir R. Murchison said that Dr. Livingstone had found that his intended exploration required a steamer, especially fitted for river navigation, and had applied for one to the Government. ^ It had been granted, and would leave this country in April or May. Captain Speke, he went on to say, proposed to descend the lake which he had recently discovered, ^ and to follow the river issuing from it, which he beUeved to be the White Nile. Mr. Petherick, consul at Tetuan, was to ascend the Nile and meet him. Government had granted £2500 towards the expense of the expedition.^ Colonel Smythe,* Director of the St. Helena Observatory, sent word of his mission to the Fiji Islands, asking for sugges- tions as to matters demanding investigation. Dr. Hooker was asked if he could be accompanied by a botanist from Kew. 1 He had left on March loth, 1858. Though the steamer was unfitted for its purpose, he explored, notwithstanding many difficulties and trials, the northern bank of Lake Nyassa, returning to the east coast of Africa, whence an adventurous voyage took him to Bombay. » On July 30th, 1858. 3 Speke, with his companion. Captain Grant, left England April 27th, i860. The story of the expedition, which, notwithstanding grave diffi- culties, placed the matter beyond reasonable doubt, is told in his book. Journal oj the Discovery of the Source of the Nile (1863), * William James Smythe (18 16- 1887), R.A., who saw service in Kaffir War, India, etc., was sent to these islands in 1859 to report upon their cession to England. He advised against it, on the conditions then proposed, and they did not become British till 1874. 148 Annals of the Philosophical Club 1860. At the next meeting (117th), on Jan. 26th, Dr. Hooker announced that Dr. Seeman,^ who had accompanied Captain Kellett on the Herald, had been allowed by Govern- ment to go with Colonel Smythe. Lord Wrottesley announced that at a meeting of the Trustees of the British Museum, the proposal to separate the collections had been carried by one vote. Feb. 23rd, 1 1 8th meeting. Professor Tyndall thought that Professor James Thomson was wrong in attributing the regelation of ice to pressure, for, as he had calculated the height of the column of ice above the Montanvert to be over 4000 feet, that, if it acted vertically downwards, would only lower the melting point there by 0.9° C, while its observed temperature was — 5°C., and yet the ice was 5delding more rapidly in the centre than at the sides in the proportion of 2 to i. Professor Faraday said that his experiments on regelation proved that two pieces of ice which were in contact under water at a single point, would freeze together ; but he had not observed this property in the case of any other solid — ^wax, spermaceti, and some of the metals having failed to show it. He thought it might be restricted to bodies which expand in becoming solid. March 22nd, 119th meeting. Professor Brown-Sequard, who was a guest, gave an account of his recent enquiries into the existence of special nerve fibres. He had found that some animals, particularly the frog, when the entire posterior root of the spinal nerve has been divided, slowly learned the power of directing the movement of the Umb, which could also be observed, though to a much smaller extent, in the mammaHa. He had also endeavoured to ascertain if any decussation existed in the fibres of the spinal cord, and had found on making a vertical incision in it on one side of the medial Hne that the limbs on both sides were more or less paralysed. * Berthold Carl Seeman (1825-1871), born at Hanover, studied at Ke\r. Naturalist to the Herald on its voyage on west coast of America and in Arctic Seas, 1847-51 ; accompanied Colonel Smythe i860 ; made valuable contributions to Botany. Palaeolithic Gravels of Somme Valley 149 Professor Huxley said that investigation by M. Ducaze Duthiers of the fluid from the Mwr^:v,i which produced the Tyrian dye, was at first colourless, but when exposed to the sun's rays, it became, first, bright yellow, then blue, and finally red. The same investigator had taken a photo- graphic negative from one of Ostade's pictures, and a positive from this (which he exhibited) showed the red colour. April 23rd, 1 20th meeting (anniversary). Mr. Busk described his visit to Amiens and Abbeville to study the gravels. The more they were examined, the more perplexing became the evidence as to their age, but he had no doubt that the flint implements were the work of man, were of great antiquity, and were much older than the deposits in the bed of the Somme valley. He described the stone coffins of Charlemagne's age, which were found in the beds over the gravels. In these were human bones with teeth in good preservation. Sir H. James exhibited some specimens of photozinco- graphy, and gave a description of the process. On May 24th, Sir R. Murchison resumed the discussion on the implementiferous gravels, caUing attention to the fact that the worked flints occurred in the lower part of these, and were unworn, while the pebbles were rolled, and suggest- ing that the latter might be long anterior to the former, and have been transported to the place where the manufacture had been carried on, and the two mixed up. As an illustra- tion of this Professor W. H. Miller said that, in the Venetian Alps near Cortina, he had seen beds of gravel not less than forty feet in thickness, beneath which, as he was informed, a village had been found. There had been time enough for its inhabitants to escape, but not to remove their goods, so that the works of man would occur under the gravel, but no human bones. Some members of the Club doubted 1 This, according to Canon Tristram (Lawd of Israel, 1865, page 51), was M, brandaris, at any rate at Tyre, though according to some authorities M. trunculus was the more usual source, but he says the masses of broken shells, which must have been used to obtain the dye, consist almost entirely of the first species. 150 Annals of the Philosophical Club whether the implements could be the work of man, because they are found over so large an area near Amiens and Abbe- ville and under similar circumstances elsewhere. Dr. Falconer stated that, after he had left Italy, Baron Francesco had explored a new ossiferous cave, Ben Fratello, near Aquadolce, which contained, together with the bones of large herbivora such as he (the speaker) had found, those of several carnivora, the identification of which might, he hoped, be helpful in determining the age of these deposits. June 2ist, 122nd meeting. Colonel Sir H. James said he had learnt that the process of photozincography had been independently invented by Mr. Taylor, a member of the Australian Geological Survey. A letter from M. de Verneuil ^ was read, giving reasons against the proposed division of the collection in the British Museum, and showing how space could be gained by a rearrangement. Professor Huxley stated that, in giving evidence before the Parliamentary Committee, he had dwelt strongly on this point. Professor Frankland exhibited a new chemical compound, which he had recently obtained. It consisted of boron and ethyle, the latter standing in the same relation to the former as the oxygen in boracic acid, and might be named borethyle. Its composition was — ^boron 10 per cent., carbon 75, and hydrogen 15. It ignites spontaneously on coming in contact with air, and burns with a green flame. Oct. 25th, 123rd meeting. Dr. Daubeny said that he had repeated M. Pouchet's experiments on solutions which had been subjected to high temperatures and accessible only to air that had passed through a red-hot tube. In these also low forms of vegetation had appeared. Professor W. A. Miller described the success of Bunsen * Philippe-Eduard Poulletier de Verneuil {i 805-1 873), born and died in Paris, devoted his time and fortune to the study of Geology and Palaeon- tology. He travelled extensively from the Ural Mountains to the United States of America, studying more especially the Palaeozoic rocks in these regions and in the intermediate countries of Europe, including Spain and Great Britain. American Expeditions and Solar Eclipse 151 and Kirchoff ^ in detecting minute amounts of metallic bases by the lines which they produce in the spectrum, «ach metal revealing itself by a special line or lines. Of these and of the instrument he gave a description. For purposes of quaUtative analysis, as was shown by examples, "this method exceeds in delicacy any other in existence. Professor Loomis,^ a guest, gave an account of American expeditions to observe the recent solar eclipse. In that to Labrador, though the state of the weather prevented the taking of photographs, the contacts were seen, and an observer, separated from the rest, saw the red flames with the naked eye. The expedition to Vancouver Island had no photographic apparatus, but obtained good observations of the contacts. He also mentioned that during the aurora of Sept. 2nd, 1859, which extended all over the United States, the electric influence on the telegraph wires was so strong that for about an hour messages were transmitted from Boston to Portland (fully 100 miles) and back, by its agency alone. The direction of the current also was con- stantly changing. On another line, messages were trans- mitted from Philadelphia to Pittsburg (about 300 miles), though with less steadiness than in the other case. The auroral current was frequently strong enough to overpower the ordinary battery. Nov. 22nd, 124th meeting. Dr. Hooker, writing to Professor Huxley from Beirut, announced his discovery of moraines in the Lebanon, perhaps also in the Anti- Lebanon. In the former range the heads of the valleys ^ Robert Wilhelm Bunsen (1811-1900), bom at Gottingen, was successively Professor of Chemistry at Marburg, Breslau, and Heidelberg. Of his many discoveries, among them the invention of the magnesium light, the greatest was spectrum analysis, in conjunction with Gustav Robert Kirchoff (1824-87), bom at Konigsberg, who became Professor of Physics at Berlin in 1874 and was also notable for his researches in electri- city, optics, and the mechanical theory of heat. The Davy Medal was awarded to them jointly in 1877, the Copley to Bunsen in i860, and the Rumford to KirchofE in 1862. 'Elias Loomis was born in Connecticut on Aug. 7th, 1811, graduated at Yale, won distinction in Physical Mathematics, did much research, and wrote largely on subjects more or less connected with astronomy, returning ultimately to Yale as Professor of that subject. He died Aug. 15th, 1889. 152 Annals of the Philosophical Club are broad, open, and shallow, surrounded by bare rounded heights of broken rock, without precipices or peaks, though the summits in one part rose above the average height of the range (about 6000 feet) to fully 9000 feet. The bottoms of the valleys become, lower down, narrow and terraced. Above 5000 feet they are very barren, below this level brushwood is abundant. No glaciers or permanent snow- fields now exist, and there is little water in the higher parts, for that from the melted snow (of which much falls till about May) disappears down conical depressions from five to twenty feet in depth. Moraines only occur in the broad fiat heads of the valleys, at from 6000 to 7000 feet. But these are quite typical, rising abruptly from flat-floored valleys in long continuous masses of debris, and the cedars (now about 400 in number) occupy five or six of them in close contiguity. None of the trees seemed less than forty years old (for drought kills all the seedlings) ; the more aged may perhaps have Hved 500 years. ^ Colonel Sykes drew attention to the gale of Oct. 2nd. In the morning the barometer stood about 30 inches ; it fell I.I inch before 9 p.m., and began to rise before midnight. The wind, which had been strong all day, then increased to a hurricane, which lasted till 9 a.m. on the 3rd, by which time the barometei had returned to 30 inches. Dec. 20th, 125th meeting. Dr. Carpenter gave an outhne of the results obtained by Dr. Wallich,^ who had accom- panied, as naturaHst, Captain Sir Leopold M'Clintock in H.M.S. Bulldog on her sounding expedition (in view of laying a sub-Atlantic telegraph) to Iceland, Greenland, and Newfoundland. Former deep-sea soundings had proved the tests of Glohigerina to be abundant on the sea-bottom at more than 1000 fathoms depth, but it was uncertain whether the animals habitually lived so far beneath the 1 For an account of these and other survivmg groups of cedars in the Lebanon, see H. B. Tristram, Land of Israel, pages 623-632. ^ George Charles Wallich (i 815-1899), M.D. Edinburgh, after service as an army surgeon in India, returned to England. The results of the above-mentioned voyage were pubUshed in his important work. The North Atlantic Sea-bed (1862). Exploration of Australia 153: surface. Now several specimens of Ophicoma had beea brought up from 1260 fathoms between Cape Farewell and Rockall, in the stomachs of which Globigerina were abundant. Small tubes also, formed of the shells of this foraminifer, and probably once tenanted by an annelid, were brought up from 1913 fathoms ; living serpulae with spirorbis from 680 fathoms, and free annelids, with amphipod Crustacea, from 445 fathoms, so that the enormous pressure at great depths seems not to have any destructive effect on such deHcate organisms.^ Sir R. Murchison stated that Mr. M'Douall Stuart, with two men and thirteen horses, had recently made a journeys from Adelaide for 1300 miles to the north. He had turned back in lat. 18° 47' S. and long. 134° E., being prevented from reaching the north coast only by the hostility of the natives. Instead of the arid salt desert, which he had expected, he had found a succession of oases, providing sufficient water and vegetation to maintain transit between the southern and northern part of the AustraUan continent. 1861. Jan. 24th, 126th meeting. Sir R. Murchison said he had that morning heard of an expedition undertaken by Mr. M'Douall Stuart, prior to that mentioned on the last occasion, for which the citizens of Adelaide had provided the funds, and during which he had discovered in the interior an immense lake,^ which extended northward beyond the range of telescopes, its southern margin being 29° S. lat. and 139° E. long. The water was extremely salt, though springs of fresh water, often copious, were abundant in its near neighbourhood. Mr. Stuart had now started, with a considerably stronger party, on a fresh expedition inta the interior.3 Dr. Hooker, in exhibiting a branch of a new species of Araucaria, which had been found growing to a height of ^ The story of the distribution of life in the deeper parts of the Ocean, prior to the voyage of the Challenger (Dec. 1872-May, 1876), is told by Professor C. Wyville Thomson in The Depths of the Sea, 1873. 2 Probably Lake Eyre, though 137° would be nearer its longitude. ' The one which reached a point west of Chambers Bay in 1862. 154 Annals of the Philosophical Club from i6o to i8o feet, on an island off New Caledonia, com- mented on the extremely local distribution of these trees over the islands of the southern Pacific, which had now furnished six species. Feb. 2ist, 127th meeting. Mr. Darwin gave an account of his experiments with Dros^m (sun-dew), a species of which was abundant on a common near Down, and described how it entrapped flies and held them till they died in a cage of its hairs, which afterwards returned to their normal position. He had ascertained that non-nitrogenous materials did not set these in motion, but that a very small amount of nitrate or carbonate of ammonia caused one of the hairs to emit its secretion, and a portion of flesh or even of ordinary hair had the same effect.^ Mr. Prestwich mentioned that six flint implements, resembling those from Abbeville, had been found by Mr. T. Leech between Heme Bay and Reculver at the foot of a cliff consisting of Lower Tertiary beds, capped with gravel. Mammalian remains of the same period as those in the Somme valley had occurred previously at no great distance. 2 March 21st, 128th meeting. Mr. Prestwich stated that, since the last meeting, he and Mr. John Evans had visited Heme Bay, and each of them had found, on the shore at the foot of the cUff, a flint implement of the Abbeville type. Next day he found an implement at the foot of Swale Cliff near Whitstable. April 29th, 129th meeting (anniversary). Dr. Carpenter exhibited a specimen of a large Polyzoon, much resembling in its mode of growth the Eschara foliacea of our own seas. It had been detached from a ship which was one of the expeditionary force sent to China, and had been anchored for about six months at the mouth of the Peiho. Its size, as its growth might reasonably be Hmited to that interval, ^ He began work on this subject in the summer of i860, and continued it intermittently till 1875, when he pubUshed the results in his book. Insectivorous Plants. ^ For a full description see J. Evans, Ancient Stone Implements (1897), pages 613-7, where five of them are figured. Heating of Electrodes 1 5 5 "was an indication of the rate at which this occurred. Mr. Busk remarked on its resemblance to the Biflustra of the East AngHan CoralUne Crag. Professor Miller referred to Schroeder's experiments on fermentation, which led to the conclusion that, if all living germs are strictly excluded, this cannot take place, even when the liquid is one easily susceptible of that change. Mr. Gassiot described his experiments on the heating of electrodes. He had noticed, twenty-two years ago, that the positive pole became hot, the negative one remaining ^ool. This Mr. Grove had attributed to the oxidation of the metal employed in the electrodes. But he had found that, with an induction coil and thin wires for the electrodes, the negative pole was the hotter, and that this held good whether the discharge was passed through air or through a vacuum. When he used a powerful Grove battery and solid brass balls as electrodes, the negative ball became heated, and this ball, with an intermittent discharge from the battery, first exhibits a white glow round it, and soon b)ecomes red-hot. But on substituting a continuous dis- <:harge the negative ball suddenly cools, and the positive one becomes red-hot. He thought the resistance offered to the passage of the electric current was the most ready explanation of these phenomena. Dr. Bence Jones said that, as Professor Briicke had informed him, his experiments showed that pepsin does not act as a ferment, but forms definite chemical compounds ^th ahmentary substances. Oct. 31st, 132nd meeting. Mr. Gassiot exhibited photo- graphs of the recent solar ecUpse taken in Biscay by Sefior Novara with the Madrid equatorial. Dr. Hooker read a communication from the Rev. M. J. Berkeley ^ about a human skull, found in the drift at Nottingham, together with bones of the elk, 18 feet below the surface of the ground. 1 Miles Joseph Berkeley {1803-1889), F.R.S., Hon. Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge, and ultimately Rector of Sibbertoft, Northamptonshire, was author of Introduction to Cryptogamic Botany and other works on Fungi. 156 Annals of the Philosophical Club Professor Tyndall communicated some observations ort lunar radiation, made with a thermoelectric apparatus, on a bright clear night when a faint haze, indicative of precipitated vapour in the atmosphere, surrounded the moon. On the cone being turned towards the moon, the pile indicated a radiation of cold, which he accounted for by supposing that the obstruction to terrestrial radiation, due to the mist, had been removed when this had been dispersed by the moon's rays. Professor Huxley described the [Neanderthal ^j skull, a cast of which he had recently examined. The brain cavity is only about two-thirds of that in a fully developed man, being intermediate between it and the chimpanzee. The supraorbital ridges are of enormous size, and the fragments of humerus and tibia found with the skull are human in proportion, but are very thick and have strong ridges. ^ Sir C. Lyell said that the age of the formation, in which the skull was found, is uncertain, and gave an account of the discovery by M. Lartet of human bones with those of extinct animals, including IJrsus spelaeus, and with flint implements in a sepulchral vault in the south of France. Nov. 28th, 133rd meeting. Mr. Grove said that recently, in observing the planet Saturn, the ring of which was then invisible, he had noticed two bands across its disk, which he thought might be explained as follows. The plane of the ring now passes through the earth, but not through the sun, which accordingly shines on one surface of the ring, so the bands result from the passage of the solar light ta the disk of Saturn, through the space between the outer and inner ring, and that between the latter and the planet. Mr. Paget mentioned a case, where, during a convulsive paroxysm, a patient had swallowed a set of artificial teeth, which had lodged in the throat below the root of the tongue. 1 In the manuscript of the Minutes a blank occurs where the name should be, but I have no doubt he was referring to the discovery in this cave. 2 See Huxley's Man's Place in Nature, pages 128-143 (1863). They are more fully described and assigned to the Mousterian age (rather later than that of the St. Acheul race) by W. J. Sollas, Ancient Hunters, chapter vL Photographic Reproductions 157 This produced a difficulty of swallowing, which threatened inanition, and the cause of it was not detected for three months, the patient having referred the sense of obstruction to a lower position, about the level of the cricoid cartilage. Mr. Busk reported that Professor Frankland had found Acari swallowed nux vomica with impunity, and had shown that the minute pellets, voided by them, consisted of clear, highly-refracting particles, almost entirely soluble in alcohol. These, he suggested, might consist of strychnine and the immunity be due to its not being absorbed by their ahmen- tary canal. This alkaloid also was not poisonous to cockroaches. Dec. I2th, 134th meeting. Sir H. James informed the members that photography was now largely employed for transmitting to officers accurate representations of all articles of miUtary equipment ; a foot rule, to give scale, being always included. He also said that it was proposed to obtain by photozincography facsimiles of the noted Limancas archives. These require absolute accuracy in reproduction, for they mostly consist of despatches in cypher, from documents in very bad Latin. Progress, he reported, was being made with the reproduction of Domesday Book, ^ but the county of Kent was at present omitted, since Mr. Lakin had already pubHshed in facsimile a portion of that county. The reproduction of the Shakespeare folios of 1620 had been suspended, owing to failure of funds. He also mentioned the completion, in all its details, of the Trigonometrical Survey of the British Islands, commenced in 1783. An arrangement was now in progress to connect it with the Survey of Belgium ; this, with the Prussian one, and it with the Russian. The completion of that work wiU give an exact measurement of an arc of parallel from the west of Ireland to the Ural Mountains. In order to link up Britain with Belgium, part of France had to be crossed. For this the French Government had afforded every facility to our officers, and its own Survey staff had iThe first instalment, the part relating to Cornwall, was published before the end of 1861. 158 Annals of the Philosophical Club gone over their work. A comparison of the results thus obtained led him to conclude that the great theodoHte, made by Ramsden in 1783 (which is still in working order and used on this Survey), was a more accurate instrument than the French repeating circle. Dr. Carpenter exhibited photographs by Dr. Haidinger of dissections of the nervous system, and Mr. Paget men- tioned that Dr. W. Budd ^ had successfully photographed many pathological specimens. He suggested that the Royal College of Surgeons would do a great service to science by having photographs taken of many important specimens in the Pathological Museum. 1862. Feb. 27th, 136th meeting. Colonel Sykes com- municated a description of a black rain, which fell on Jan. 14th at Slains and along the whole eastern coast of Aberdeen- shire. According to the minister, Mr. James Rust, the morning, about 8.30, was clear ; then the sky darkened, threatening rain. About an hour later, " a large, dense, black, smoky-looking cloud came driving over the sea from the S.S.E., and discharged a shower of rain with drops like ink, which blackened all the water collected in cisterns from the roofs of houses, and dirtied clothes put out to bleach so effectively that warm water was needed to wash out the spots." Mr. Rust suggested the dust might be due to a recent eruption of Vesuvius. 2 Sir R. Murchison said that though it was not impossible for dust from Vesuvius to travel as far as Aberdeen, he thought the peculiar blackness of the cloud indicated a smoky origin. That recent eruption had differed from those in past centuries, in that for some miles near Vesuvius the land had risen about 3 feet. March 27th, 137th meeting. Colonel Sykes referred to the black rain mentioned at the last meeting, and said that he had made enquiries which had satisfied him of the trustworthiness of the narrator. Professor Tyndall stated * William Budd (i8ii-i88o), M.D. Edinburgh, who practised for many years in Bristol, was the author of numerous medical papers, especially on zymotic diseases. * A rather severe eruption had occurred, Dec. 8th-ioth, 1861. New Method of Photometry 159' that his own experiments made him doubtful whether a sufficient quantity of soot could have been distributed through the atmosphere to produce the blackness described. Colonel Sykes then gave an account of a balloon ascent, made under the auspices of the Meteorological Committee of the British Association. But as the balloon unfortunately was not of the stipulated capacity and very leaky, it had only risen to the height of a mile and a half, and its final descent had been rather dangerously rapid. Professor Tyndall suggested the erection, at an elevation of 14,000 feet, of a permanent hut for scientific observations,^ such as determining whether the solar spectrum is of the same length as at lower positions, whether as many obscure rays are present in it, and whether its red end is longer. May 22nd, 139th meeting. Professor Dove,^ of Berlin, described a new method of photometry. When micro- photographs of inscriptions are viewed through a microscope, they appear, with transmitted Hght, black on a white ground, but with reflected light, white on a black ground. By using both kinds of Hght, and due graduation, the one can be made indistinguishable from the other, and if the lights to be compared are adjusted, so that the one is transmitted and the other reflected, their relative intensity can be estimated from the amount of movement required by the microscope. In a similar way the illuminating power of different coloured lights can be compared. Professor Wurtz,^ of Paris, gave an account of the method of reconverting aldehyde into alcohol by digesting it with an amalgam of sodium. ^That has now been done. Besides the Gniffetti Hut, at 11,877 feet, there are now the Regina Margherita Hut at 14,961 feet, both on the ItaUan side of Monte Rosa (see Angelo Mosso, Life of Man on the High Alps (Translation 1898)), and the Vallot Observatory at 14,320 feet on Mont Blanc, besides that erected on the summit by M. Janssen (now removed). ' Heinrich Wilhelm Dove (1803-1876), Professor of Natural Philosophy^ at BerUn for many years, made important investigations in optics and electricity, and did much to establish meteorology on a scientific basis. 3 Charles Adolphe Wurtz (1817-1884), bom at Strasburg, resident in Paris from 1844, an eminent chemist and author of several works, two of which. The Atomic Theory a^nd Modern Chemistry, have been translated into English. 1 60 Annals of the Philosophical Club June 19th, 140th meeting. Sir R. Murchison stated that a rich bed of graphite had been discovered on the banks of the Lower Tunguska River, one of the principal tributaries of the Yenesei in Siberia. It must, however, be transported to the mouth of the latter river, and then by sea to Russia, before the discovery would be of any commercial value. Hitherto no ship had succeeded in making the sea journey, but the discoverer of the deposit, M. Sideroff, attributed this to their commanders having always taken the Kara Strait, to the south of the two great islands of Novaya Zemlya, or the Matyushin Shar between them, both leading into the Kara Sea, which is always full of ice. But he believed that the route to the north of Barents Land would prove practicable, and had offered a reward to the first vessel that should be successful. Oct. 31st, 141st meeting. Mr. Gassiot mentioned recent experiments with his large water-battery of 3400 cells. At first he had simply repaired the loss by evaporation. En- couraged by the results, he had recharged the whole set with salt and water, and improved the insulation by mounting each jar on rails of shellac, when the current was sent through the exhausted tubes as distinctly as with the Ruhmkorff coil. In a perfect vacuum neither discharge nor heating of either electrode occurred till heat was applied to the fused potash, but as the temperature of that was raised, a cloud of vapour was formed, the negative electrode became heated, and a continuous action carried off a large quantity of platinum. With one tube, a distinct singing sound was produced, when the discharge took place. Nov. 27th, 142nd meeting. Sir H. James stated that photozincography, which hitherto had been restricted to subjects expressed by definite lines (such as maps, manuscripts, etc.), had now been applied to reproduce ordinary photographs, where tints had to be rendered, with good results, as the specimens, which he exhibited, demonstrated. Dr. Hooker described that strange African plant, the Welwitschia, of which additional specimens had recently Nile Exploration i6i reached him.^ These had fully confirmed his original view of its structure. The two great fleshy leaf-Uke bodies are persistent cotyledons, never changed, though in some cases they may be a century old. He gave additional particulars of its structure, stating that the embryogeny combines in a remarkable way that of the gymnosperms and the angiosperms, and the fructification consists of cones, female and hermaphrodite, the ovules in the latter being abortive. Dec. nth, 143rd meeting. Dr. Daubeny exhibited some fibrous balls, picked up on the Mediterranean coast near Villa Franca,' which apparently were formed from the leaves of Posidonia maritima, a plant aUied to Zostera marina, 1863. Jan. 29th, 144th meeting. Sir R. Murchison said that three ladies had fitted out a steamer at Khartimi, and, after ascending the river Sobat for some distance, had continued up the White Nile till they were obHged to turn back, owing to the shallowness of the water, rather south of Gondokoro and about 4° north of the equator. No news had reached them of Mr. Petherick, who had set off for that place to meet Captains Speke and Grant, except a rumour that, owing to unfavourable weather, he had sent his boats back to Khartum and proceeded on foot, and it was appre- hended that he had been killed. March 24th, 146th meeting. Dr. Bence Jones read an extract from the Minutes of the Board of Managers of the Royal Institution, dated March ist, 1813, in which Sir Humphry Davy reports having engaged a young man named Michael Faraday,^ " whose habits seem good, his disposition active and cheerful, and his manner intelHgent." His duties were to assist Professors and Lecturers, both before and during their discourses, to prepare instruments and illustra- ^ Welwitschia mirabilis is described by Dr. Hooker in the Linn. Soc. Trans, vol. xxiv. (part i. 1863). A short account is given in Encyc. Brit. vol. xxix. page 192 (nth ed.). * Now Villefranche, a few miles to the east of Nice. ^ He succeeded Davy in the Chair of Chemistry at the Royal Institution in 1827, and was at the above date a member of the Club, having been elected May 6th, 1847. P.O. L 1 62 Annals of the Philosophical Club tions, and to clean and keep in order the same. His pre- decessor, it is recorded, was dismissed for striking an official who had rebuked him for neglect of duty. April 27th, 147th meeting (anniversary). Dr. Carpenter* described a new binocular microscope, made by Messrs. Nachet, which he had examined in Paris. The reflecting prism of this sent to the right eye the pencil which should have been transmitted to the left one, and vice versa, the result being to produce a very complete pseudoscopic con- version and give a more correct notion of solid form than could otherwise be obtained. He expected it would be valuable in testing the strength of our previous mental associations, by the different degrees in which our notions of diffeient objects resist the converting process. He also said that he had seen, during his visit, a lamp for burning the vapour of American petroleum. A piece of sponge, soaked in this, was enclosed in a metal vessel, and atmospheric air, in passing over it, took up so much of the vapour that, on issuing from a metal tube, it burnt like an ordinary gas light, the charge lasting for about nine hours. Mr. Gassiot gave an account of a spectroscope with nine prisms, made under his direction by Spencer Browning. It had been too recently finished to enable him to make a prolonged use of it, but it had, for example, distinctly separated the thalUum line from the barium one, which pre- viously had been regarded as coincident. May 28th, 148th meeting. Dr. Falconer communicated an account of a recent conference in France concerning the himian jaw found in the drift at MouHn Quignon.^ On hearing of the discovery, he had gone in April to Abbeville and had examined the pit and some flint implements, said to have been found in the same beds, together with one or ^ He afterwards discussed the question of pseudoscopy in his Menial Physiology, §§ 168-170. See also his Microscope and its Revelations (ed. W. H. DalUnger, pages 92-97). * The following account is condensed from a minute (apparently copied from a document) which occupies six and a half pages of the Minute Book (folio). The authenticity of the jaw was for some time a ' burning question/ but it is now generally repudiated. The Moulin Quignon Jaw 163 two separate human molar teeth. The shape of the jaw was peculiar, and both it and some of the pebbles in the drift had a black coating. At first he inclined to regarding the two as contemporaneous, but, after his return to England, on closer study of the flint implements, some purchased by himself and others obtained by Messrs. Evans, Prestwich, and Brady, he had been suspicious of the authenticity of both. He at once communicated his doubts, through M. Lartet, to M. de Quatrefages, who had already expressed his beUef in the jaw to the French Academy. A meeting of representative savants of England and France was then arranged, so he, with Dr. Carpenter, Mr. Busk, and Mr. Prestwich, went on May 9th to Paris. The points for special discussion were (i) the genuineness of the flint implements, (2) the authenticity of the jaw and teeth, said to have been found in the lowest bed of gravel. Dr. Falconer, after mentioning the characters generally indicating a forgery,* said that the conference frequently referred to both genuine and fabricated specimens, and its French members incUned to the view that between these no adequate distinction could be maintained. Next came the examination of the jaw, the separate tooth (which M. Boucher des Perthes had given to Dr. Falconer) being withdrawn from the controversy. A strongly adherent layer of a black material, mixed with sand, which M. Delafosse pronounced natural, covered the jaw, but an examination of one end revealed Unes suggestive of brush marks. The bone, when sawn across, was mode- rately firm, not very friable, having the ordinary odour, with the cortical layer a pale buff colour and the diploe of a darker tint. The section passed through a fang of the remaining tooth, and showed it to be in the same condition as the loose one already mentioned. In short, the jaw is in a state indicative of considerable antiquity, hke one from an old cemetery, but not such as should characterize a bone from a drift of so remote an age. The conference then adjourned to Abbeville, where they engaged workmen ^ As these are now familiar to archaeologists, it is needless to repeat them. 1 64 Annals of the Philosophical Club to lay bare a vertical face of gravel, about 15 or 16 feet from the surface to the chalk, and some distance back from the old one. In the course of the day five flint implements were found *' under the very eyes of the members," the genuineness of which seemed beyond suspicion. Four of them were of a form which at Paris had been supposed to indicate forgery. They had, however, been found where the drift showed signs of disturbance, and a pipe in the middle, reaching down to the chalk, was occupied by a material rather different from the usual stratified gravel, which suggested the possibility that the jaw might have been subsequently introduced. Several members of the con- ference, including Messrs. Milne Edwards and de Quatrefages, expressed no opinion as to the geological age of the bone, though regarding it as contemporaneous with the gravel. Dr. Falconer and Mr. Busk thought that if the latter were really of the same age as the Somme valley deposits, the bone had too recent an aspect to belong to it. Mr. Prestwich remarked that he had known the MouHn Quignon gravel for several years, and that, prior to the discovery of the jaw, very few hdches had been found, and these of the oldest and rudest types. Those since obtained were of a different type and more modem in aspect. That these were not stained, while the surrounding pebbles were so, was a difficulty which, however, was diminished by his having got an un- coloured flint from the couche noire. At first he had doubted the genuineness of jaw and hdches, but he now thought it possible that if the latter were so, the former might be the same. June nth, 149th meeting. Mr. Lubbock described the circumstances under which human skeletons had been found in 1862 at Mesnitos, near Abbeville, as ascertained by himself, Mr. Prestwich, and Mr. Evans. The lower law of one of them presented a striking resemblance to that from MouUn Quignon. Oct. 29th, 150th meeting. Professor Ramsay said that during the past summer members of the Geological Survey liad discovered and mapped terminal moraines in the south Glacial Action in Britain 165 of Scotland. They apparently belonged to the latest part of the Glacial Period, and were associated with a gradual rise of the land. No such moraines, or ice scratches, or other signs of glacial action, had been found in the Peak of Derbyshire, though abundant evidence of the former presence of ice had been met with in the adjacent region. Dr. Frankland remarked that he had observed glacial striation in Craven (Yorkshire), and some remarks were made about rocks on the islets aroimd Spitzbergen being scored by floating icebergs. Dr. Hooker exhibited photographs of drawings by Dr. Hector, made in the South Island of New Zealand, at com- paratively low levels above the sea, which showed the effect of glacial action and much resembled similar phenomena in the Himalayas. Glaciers still existed in New Zealand at about [2400] feet ^ above the sea. He also showed a Japanese botanical work, with well- executed outUne illustrations of the plants. He thought this was the first instance of an original work on natural history in the East. Mr. Busk said that a large cavern had been discovered in the Rock of Gibraltar during the excavation of a tank, and had been traced to a depth of above 100 yards. In its uppermost part works of art and bones of men had been found associated with those of numerous animals. Others lay beneath a stalagmite floor, among which were a hyaena, leopard, deer, and two species of rhinoceros (both probably extinct). The fauna was African in character, and he, with Dr. Falconer, was now engaged in working it out. Nov. 26th, 151st meeting. Colonel Sykes commented on a recent balloon ascent by Mr. Glaisher.^ At a height of 22,000 feet it passed through a dry cloud, having a tem- perature of 18* F., the air in which was not saturated ; * The manuscript omits the figure. On the eastern side of the New Zealand Alps the end of the Tasman Glacier is about 2350 feet ; on the western one the Fox Glacier comes down to about 700 feet. * He was accompanied by Mr. Coxwell (on September 5th, 1 862). They reached 29,000 feet, at which elevation the latter was just able to open . the valve, Mr. Glaisher having already become insensible. 1 66 Annals of the Philosophical Club on emerging from it he observed numerous dark clouds. A mile lower down rain fell on the balloon, and below this, it passed through rain, snow, and ice spicules, and the tem- perature had risen to 33° F. Professor Stokes thought that the dry cloud probably consisted of spicules of ice. Dec. 17th, 152nd meeting. Professor Frankland stated that recent examination of the lunar surface led him to suppose that the moon also had undergone a glacial epoch, and that several of its valleys, rills, and streaks are due to former ice action. In some cases the moraines would be on a gigantic scale, and he gave two examples, one, in the great streak running from the base of Tycho under the S.E. wall of BulUaldus, lower down in which is a pair of curved ridges with their convex sides towards the north ; the other, in a great valley running past the eastern edge of Rheita. The moon is supposed to be without an atmosphere, but as it must have cooled much more quickly than the earth, its internal structure would be very cavernous, and seamed with communicating fissures. If then it contracted only to the same amount as granite, a fall of 100° C. would produce cellular space amounting to nearly 14 million cubic miles, which would suffice to engulf an ocean, proportionate in volume to that on the earth. 1864. Jan. 28th, 153rd meeting. Sir R. Murchison referred to reports about the Zambesi mission and the rumoured death of Dr. Livingstone, expressing the hope that the latter was not true, though there was sonfe reason to beheve he had been wounded in the foot. He also said M. de Verneuil had informed him that the hook several inches long and rather hke an anchor, which had been found in sawing up a block of marble from the Ardennes, was only part of the bony covering of a Cephalaspis. Feb. 25th, 154th meeting. Sir H. James said that a deviation of the plumb-line had been observed at Cowhythe near Portsoy, the cause of which was now being investigated. May 26th, 157th meeting. Dr. Hooker exhibited photo- graphs of fossil ferns from the coal formation of Otago, sent by Dr. Hector, one being a species of Glossopteris. New Zealand Glaciers 167 Mr. Lubbock described a visit, recently made with M. Lartet, Mr. Christy, and Mr. J. Evans, to some caves in the department of the Dordogne. They contained flint implements of the roughest type, with very numerous articles of reindeer horn — ^harpoons, needles, etc. — ^very neatly made and finished, besides figures of animals, such as the horse and the reindeer.^ June i6th, 158th meeting. Mr. Gassiot exhibited some examples of colour photography, but they were fugitive in character and could be exhibited only in diffused light, so that the result was not considered to be satisfactory. Mr. Paget gave an account of a patient in the hospital, one of whose kidneys had been exposed by a wound in the lumbar region, so that it could be observed. Its natural colour appeared to be pale, like that of blotting paper. Dr. Hooker read a letter from Mr. Haast 2 about some New Zealand glaciers. The west coast, he said; for the last fifty miles south of the Totara River 3 is formed by enormous moraines, CUffy Head, Bad Head, Albert Head being only terminal moraines of former glaciers. The largest glacier, equal in size to the Tasman, descends to within 500 feet of the sea-level and eight miles from it. But on both sides of this glacier, luxuriant forests are growing, with areca pines and tree-ferns. Mr. Haast had also found in 1 The worMiig out of these caves, some of the more noted being in the limestone cUffs by the river Vezdre, was continued for some years by Lartet and Christ^,;, and the results embodied in Reliquiae Aquitanicae (1865-75). Notices of them will be fovmd in almost any book dealing with ancient man, and the time when this race existed is called (from one of the caves) the Magdalenian epoch. It is later than that of Mousterian (Neanderthal) man. The cUmate was colder than now, the reindeer being abundant in that part of France. 2 Afterwards Sir J. F. JuUus von Haast (1824-1887), distinguished as a geologist and explorer of New Zealand ; discovering coal and gold fields south-west of Nelson, making the first expedition (in 1862) into the Tasman district. Professor of Geology in New Zealand University, and author of works on the geology of those islands. 3 The Totara River enters the sea on the west coast a httle nor»,h of that from the Franz Josef Glacier (which descends to 692 feet above sea-level and fourteen miles from the sea). The Fox Glacier comes down to 670 feet and within 10 miles of the beach. Perhaps this was the one mentioned. See A. P Harper, Pioneer Work in Alps of New Zealand, page 8. 1 68 Annals of the Philosophical Club some old moraines, cut through by mountain torrents, '* great quantities of moa bones." Oct. 27th, 159th meeting. Dr. Hooker exhibited a copy of an inscription from a large bell, found by a missionary in crossing the North Island of New Zealand, the characters of which, as some thought, resembled Malayan. Mr. Busk gave an account of his recent visit, with Dr. Falconer, to the Rock of Gibraltar in order to examine the cave and fissures on Windmill Hill, from which Captain Brome, Governor of the Military Prison, had obtained and forwarded to England during the last year a number of human and other bones. The fissure appears to commence about 400 feet above sea-level, where the highest part of the rock joins Windmill Flat, and the dip of the strata changes from a steep western one to a low eastern one. The Flat is an old sea bottom, its surface being formed of water- worn rock, and the fissures, as they contain no marine remains, must be later in date than the elevation of it. Captain Brome traced it to a vertical depth of more than 200 feet, but the animal remains are mostly restricted to the first 80 or 90 feet, the fallen blocks and subsequent stalagmite having apparently blocked it. Among the animal remains were a bear, hyena brunnea, two species of ibex (neither of which had been identified), and cervus elwphus ; the last two genera being very abundant. Professor Tyndall mentioned his experiments on obscure thermal rays, to the existence of which in the solar spectrum Sir W. Herschel had first called attention. By using rock-salt lenses he had compared the visible spectrum of the gas flame with the invisible one of hydrogen, and had ascertained that the obscure thermal rays in both lay beyond the red rays of the spectrum. He had also proved ^ iodine to be remarkably transparent to these ultra-red undulations, and that a solution of this in carbon sulphide, though wholly opaque to the luminous rays of a spectrum, however brilliant, nevertheless permitted all the obscure thermal rays to pass. As pure carbon bisulphide is very ^ Phil. Trans, vol, cliv. pages 201, 327. Survey of Jerusalem 1 69 transparent to rays emitted from solid incandescent bodies, a combination of the two makes it possible to separate, almost entirely, the purely thermal and simply luminous rays in any spectrum. Nov. 24th, i6oth meeting. Sir H. James reported that Captain Vincent, with a party of sappers, had completed a survey of Jerusalem, for which purpose they had been permitted to establish a station within the Haram area, every faciHty having been given by the Turkish authorities. Captain Vincent, by descending a well, had found a conduit with Roman work, 82 feet beneath the surface, from which three steps led down to running water. 1 Dr. Falconer called attention to the discrepancies of statements about the relative levels of the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, and the depth of the latter, and hoped that the above-named party would be directed to settle these points.^ Sir H. James referred to some anomalies in pendulum observations at Portsoy, and stated that, according to Mr. Otto Struve, the same had been noticed over a tract of country running east and west of Moscow. Dec. 22nd, i6ist meeting. Mr. Busk announced the discovery by Captain Brome of a second cave in Windmill Hill, Gibraltar, in which abundant human remains and stone implements had been found embedded in, or covered by, thick layers of stalagmite, but the excavation had not yet been carried deep enough to disclose any mammalia, except man. ^ This survey stimulated interest in the antiquities and topography of Jerusalem and Palestine. The Palestine Exploration Society was founded in 1865. Excavations at Jerusalem were begun in 1866 by Captain (after- wards Sir Charles) Wilson and Lieutenant Anderson, with important results. Between 1867 and 1870 Lieutenant Warren (afterwards Sir Charles), with some non-commissioned ofl&cers of the Royal Engineers, carried out works which settled many disputed questions in regard to the ancient Temple area and underground Jerusalem. 2 These discrepancies were mainly due to the fact that in all but two cases the level of the Dead Sea had been determined by barometrical observations. Triangulation by Lieutenant Symonds gave 1312 feet below the Mediterranean ; another one by Lynch gave 131 7 feet. The result afterwards obtained by the Ordnance Surveyors was 1292 feet (the level varies some 5 feet with the season). 170 Annals of the Philosophical Club Dr. Williamson described a combination of a glass and a flexible tube for producing a non-conducting vacuum, and Mr. Gassiot mentioned some experiments with electric currents and vacuum tubes. 1865. Jan. 26th, 162nd meeting. Sir R. Murchison stated that the Geographical Society had resolved to send out an expedition under Dr. Livingstone to explore the watershed of East-Central Africa, more especially between the southern end of Lake Tanganyika and the northern one of Lake Nyassa. Dr. Bence Jones communicated the results of experiments on the absorption of such drugs as iodide of potassium and chloride of Uthium. Within twelve minutes, the former had been taken into the system, and the latter was diffused with extraordinary rapidity ; for instance, three grains of lithium chloride had been administered to a guinea-pig by the mouth, and that alkaU was detected by spectrum analysis in every part of its body, for at least twenty-four hours, being present even in cartilage and in the crystaUine lens, but not in the latter till four hoiu-s after administration, though it reached the aqueous humour within two hours. In the case of this animal it could be detected in the urine for at least thirteen days. Sir H. James stated that he desired to determine the level of the Dead Sea by carr3dng a Une to it from Jaffa through Jerusalem, each station being marked. Feb. 23rd, 163rd meeting. Professor Frankland referred to experiments by himself and Mr. Duppa in the synthesis of organic compounds. They had lately succeeded in forming butyric acid from acetic acid, by substituting two atoms of methyl for two of hydrogen. By submitting acetic ether to the action of sodium they had obtained butyric ether. Mr. Gassiot spoke of a recent large extension of his constant galvanic battery. It now consisted of 2000 elements, the cells being 3 J inches high and i J inches in interior diameter, the elements being carbon and zinc, and the exciting fluid sulphate of mercury. This apparatus, properly kept, had The Absorption of Lithium 1 7 1 ^ven him a discharge three feet long through a vacuum tube, the longest, he believed, which had yet been obtained. The luminous discharge does not appear till some time after forming connexion, and the luminosity, at short intervals, remits in intensity. March 23rd, 164th meeting. Dr. Bence Jones gave further details of experiments made to illustrate the absorption of lithia in the human system. He quoted instances to show that ' cataract ' resisted this process. Of seven patients who suffered from this malady, in one instance only the lens exhibited a trace of Hthium, but when that drug had been administered gradually it made its way to the affected organ, being traceable in the lens and present in the cartilages. Lithia made its way into the urine in from 5 to 10 minutes, and could be detected there for 7 or 8 days after a dose of 20 grains. Professor Huxley gave results of his study of the brain in Dasypus (Armadillo) and Perameles (Bandicoot), indi- cating their special anatomical features and their transitional character between those of the placental and non-placental mammals. April 24th, 165th meeting (anniversary). Mr. Gassiot said that in experimenting with his mercury battery of 1200 cells he had received a shock which had left a single mark on the positive finger and two on the negative finger. This was analogous with the effects produced on glass by the discharge of Ruhmkorff's coil. May 1 8th, i66th meeting. Professor Tyndall stated that his assistant, in experimenting with the solar luminous beam, cut off by an iodine solution, had obtained results like those from the obscure rays of the electric light and of the limelight. It was also found that platinum foil was entirely dissipated in the luminous focus of a mirror 8 or 9 inches in diameter. Professor W. H. Miller stated that the spider's thread remained intact in the luminous focus of a lens which could melt a metallic wire. June 15th, 167th meeting. Dr. W. A. Miller stated that, 172 Annals of the Philosophical Club in a spectroscopic examination of the planet Saturn, the spectrum of the planet itself was not so intense as that of the ring, and a dark line in the red was still more intense than in the atmosphere of the earth. This fact led him ta infer the existence of an atmosphere around Saturn, which contained a substance similar to one of those present in the earth's atmosphere. Mr. Busk said that since the last mention of the ossiferous caves on Windmill Hill, Captain Brome had discovered three others, containing relics of human workmanship, the entrance of one being over the edge of the cliff which rose above the * Governor's Cottage ' on the east face of the plateau of Windmill Hill. This cavern contained the remains of several individuals, inchiding four nearly perfect crania, and numerous implements of bone, flint, and other stone. The crania were uniformly doHchocephalic, very Hke those of the Basques at the present day, and that of a specimen, seen last year by Dr. Falconer and himself at Madrid, which had been found in the ancient workings of a copper mine in the Asturias. We might therefore infer that at the * polished stone period ' a race, resembling the existing Basques, was living all over Spain. Professor Ramsay announced that he was to visit Gibraltar during the autumn to make a geological survey of the Rock and the adjoining district. Mr. Busk said that after studying the fossil bones of the Pigmy Elephant, brought by Captain Spratt from the Zebbug Cave in Malta, he held them to represent two distinct species, and not one as had hitherto been supposed. Oct. 26th, i68th meeting. Sir R. Murchison announced that Mr. S. Baker had arrived in England, and would describe to the Royal Geographical Society on Nov. 13th his discovery of Lake Albert Nyanza, the basin of which lay under the equator and was about 260 miles in length ; ^ also that news had been obtained from M. De Chaillu, who was then about 150 miles inlajid from the Gaboon and was ^ Its existence was ascertained by Speke and Grant in 1862, but it was explored by Baker (afterwards Sir S.) in 1864. Quinine and Fluorescence 173 desirous of making his way, if possible, across the continent. The speaker had also received a letter from Dr. Livingstone, who was fitting out, at Bombay, his expedition for African exploration.! Dr. Bence Jones gave some results of experiments on the rapidity of the absorption of quinine by various parts of the body. These had also proved the existence in it of a fluorescent principle. This Helmholtz had already noticed (in 1853), when he observed that the retina of a man, eighteen hours after death, was still fluorescent, though less so than paper or linen, and more than porcelain, while in 1859 Tetschenow had shown the fluorescence of the lens in rabbits and men to be very strong, exactly resembhng, though not quite so strong as, that of quinine, with which in optical respects it agreed. It would be very desirable to isolate, if possible, this fluorescent substance. Dr. Pla3^air gave an account of the conclusions arrived at by the Commission for investigating the Cattle Plague. The disease was undoubtedly contagious and very subtle. Inoculation twelve or thirteen times in succession reduced the mortaHty to about 14 per cent., but as yet no curative appeared to have been discovered. He also stated that at Madras, when smallpox virus had been mixed with five times its weight of milk, no serious s5miptoms — usually only a single pustule — ^were observed in 100 children inoculated. Dec. 2ist, 170th meeting. Mr. Sylvester gave an account of some movements of a planetary body about a centre of force which had been described in his * Astronomical Pro- lusions,' pubUshed in the Philosophical Magazine for January 1868. Colonel Sykes mentioned some exceptionally high readings of the barometer in the current month. At his house in Albion Street, Hyde Park, about 100 feet above mean-tide level, his sympiezometer had recorded 30-9 on the loth (at 10 a.m.), 30*8 on the 13th, the same on the 17th (at 3 p.m.), and 30-4 on the 21st (at 10 a.m.) ; the thermometer ^ That on which, after leaving Zanzibar in 1866, he discovered Lake JBangweolo, was met by Stanley at Ujiji, and died on May ist, 1873. 174 Annals of the Philosophical Club readings on these days being from 51° to 52°, and the wind from W. to W. by N. Letters pnbhshed in the Times had recorded similar observations at Leyton, Essex, and at Tunbridge, Kent. 1866. Jan. 25th, 171st meeting. Colonel Sykes referred to the exceptionally high barometric readings mentioned at the last meeting, stating that the atmospheric wave to which they were due appeared to have proceeded in a westerly direction. He urged the importance of a more extensive collection of observations than was at present possible, and of forming an international meteorological society. Dr. Sclater mentioned that the Zoological Society had obtained a specimen (the first brought to England) of Arctocephalus Hookeri, a large seal inhabiting the Southern Ocean. Feb. 23rd. Colonel Sykes again referred to the above- named atmospheric wave, and suggested that the tempests might be due to the filHng up of the vacuum in its rear. He also furnished observations of temperatures in Canada during the first cold term in the current year. Sir R. Murchison announced that Baron von der Decken's expedition ^ had not been able to ascend the Juba River in Eastern Africa for more than 385 miles. March 22nd, 173rd meeting. Dr. Carpenter referred ta the objections made by Professors King and Rowney to the foraminiferal origin of Eozoon Canadense,^ and read a letter from Professor Dawson, of Montreal, stating that he and Dr. Sterry Hunt were still satisfied that the speaker's view was correct. April 30th, 174th meeting (anniversary). Dr. Carpenter said that since the last meeting Professor Dawson had examined specimens which consisted entirely of calcareous material, and yet showed the characteristic Eozoonal struc- 1 Karl Klaus von der Decken {1833- 1863) began African travel after leaving the Hanoverian army in i860. FaiUng to reach Lake Nyassa, he went thence to Kilimanjaro, ascending to 13,780 feet. Next he explored some of the East African rivers, and was murdered on this journey. * Their views are expressed at length in An Old Chapter of the Geological Record, 1881. Zoology of Amphioxus 175 ture, which conclusively negatived the hypothesis of Professors King and Rowney that this structure was due to the intermixture of calcareous and siliceous constituents. Oct. 25th, 177th meeting. Dr. Carpenter read a letter from Professor Wyville Thomson giving an account of a small crinoid dredged by M. Sars ^ from deep water on the west coast of Norway. Though only about three inches long, it was a mature form and related to the Jurassic Apiocrinus. He also mentioned the pubhcation of a memoir by a Russian zoologist on Amphioxus, ^ which is remarkably abundant in the Bay of Naples. He had proved that, notwithstanding the absence of a true spinal column and of some other characters of the vertebrata, it was rightly classed with them, though utterly unUke them in its earUer stages, when it has more resemblance to a medusa. Nov. 29th, 178th meeting. Col. Sykes called the attention of the Club to the case of a young naturalist, who had been arrested in Japan for digging up skulls in a native cemetery and banished from that country and China. Professor Frankland spoke of a recently published pamphlet describing experiments on animal respiration and excretion with an apparatus much better adapted for that purpose than any hitherto in use. It consisted of a glass case large enough to contain a man with his workshop and a bed, so that quantitative determinations could be made of the egesta, ingesta and products of respiration both in a condition of rest and after hard work. The results obtained were (i) that the amount of work, if it at all affects the excretion of urea, very lightly lessens it ; (2) that during hard work a considerably greater amount of carbonic acid 1 It was obtained ofE the Lofoten Islands by Mr. G. O. Sars, son of the well-known Professor in the University of Christiania, at a depth of about 300 fathoms. A description and figure of Rhizocrinus loffotensis, as it was named, is given by Prof. Wyville Thomson in The Depths of the Sea (1873), pages 447-451- ^ Branchiostoma (the lancelet), so named by Costa in 1834, two years before it was called Amphioxus by Yarrell, is the only genus of the family. It contains eight or nine species, and belongs to a very archaic type. 176 Annals of the Philosophical Club is excreted than during rest ; (3) that hard work adds very little to the absorption of oxygen during the day, but the amount is greatly increased during the following night. Diabetic and leukaemic patients, however, absorb no more oxygen by night than by day. Sir H. James said that after completing the recent triangu- lation of the United Kingdom, the Ordnance Survey had computed the figure and dimensions of the earth from the results, as well as from a combination of all the separate measurements of arcs of meridian in Peru, France, Prussia, Russia, Cape of Good Hope, India, and the United Kingdom. These gave the equatorial semi-diameter as 20,926,330 and the polar one as 20,855,240 feet. The equator was also found to be slightly elliptical, the longer diameter being in 15° 34' E. long., and the shorter in 105° 34' E. long. ; the semi-diameters being in the one case 20,926,350 feet, in the other 20,919,972 feet. The meridian of 15° 34' nearly corresponded in the eastern hemisphere with that passing over the greatest quantity of land in that hemisphere and in the western with that passing over the greatest quantity of water. The meridian of 105*^ 34' corresponds nearly with that which passes over the greatest quantity of land in Asia and with that which does the same in the western hemisphere. 1867. January 31st, i8oth meeting. Colonel Sykes drew attention to the cold of the month, which had been most intense at or near London, while the weather in the extreme north of Scotland had been comparatively mild. Professor Ramsay stated that in the Miocene Period the vegetation within the Arctic circle indicated a much more temperate cHmate than the present one, for it consisted of evergreens or at least leaf-bearing trees, the species of which are either identical or so closely correspond with those still existing, that we may fairly suppose them to have flourished under similar cHmatic conditions. He called attention to the subject, in the hope that experiments might be under- taken to ascertain whether leaf-bearing trees could survive a winter of three, four, or five months without the stimulus ■of light. In the discussion that followed Dr. Hooker stated Studies of Eozoon Canadense 177 that he thought it would be practically impossible to place trees in confinement under the same conditions in regard to heat, light, and ventilation as those in a state of nature, but that, as deciduous trees are dormant throughout the winter in temperate cHmates, the absence of light was not likely to produce any sensible effect on them during winter. Feb. 28th, i8ist meeting. Mr. A. Smith mentioned results lately obtained by Sir W. Thomson as to the rate ot a watch placed horizontally and suspended by two vertical cords, so that it can take up a vibration the rate of which depends on the torsion of the cords. When this rate is less than that of the balance of the watch, the latter gains, when greater it loses. The change, however, is not gradual, as might have been expected, but sudden, from the maximum of gaining to that of losing. In the pocket chronometer, exhibited by Mr. S. Smith, when the torsional vibration is very slow, the gain is about i in 1250, or 70 seconds a day. As the cords are shortened, the gain increases up to i in 50, or 28 minutes a day. It then suddenly changes to a loss of 28 minutes a day. When the watch is gaining, the balance and watch vibrate in opposite directions ; when it is losing, in the same direction. This can be easily perceived in a chronometer, which only ticks when the balance is moving to the right. Dr. Carpenter exhibited a specimen of Eozoon Canadensg recently brought to England by Sir WilUam Logan, in which were two points of interest : (i) it is formed of lamellae, which curve round in a natural manner to join one another, and enclose the spaces elsewhere separating them ; (2) because instead of being preserved in a serpentinous marble it is imbedded in a homogeneous hmestone. Hence it cannot be due to any such reaction between calcareous and siliceous constituents, as Professors King and Rowney have supposed. Dr. Carpenter thought that no palaeontologist could doubt, after examining this specimen, that it had an organic origin, and was identical in character, both to the unaided €ye and under the microscope, with the ordinary forms of Eozoon, though its minute structure was not well preserved, p.c. M 178 Annals of the Philosophical Club March 28th, 182nd meeting. Mi. Sclater stated that Professor Huxley, in lecturing at the Royal College of Surgeons on the osteology of reptiles and birds, had pointed out some very remarkable characters in the cranium of the latter, which apparently had not hitherto been noticed, and showed that if these were taken, as he proposed should be done, for a basis of classification, the whole class must have a very different arrangement from that adopted in the Cuvierian system. May 30th, 184th meeting. Mr. Wheatstone exhibited a specimen of avanturine chrome brought from Paris by M. Pelouse. Mr. Busk said that, while examining the animal remains from the Brixham cavern, a large part of which belong to the bear, he had ascertained the bulk of them to represent XJrsus priscus, which he had found by cranial and dental characters to be indistinguishable from Ursus ferox} The bones of the true TJrsus spelaeus were so scanty, that even its occurrence was doubtful, but some of Ursus arctos seemed to be present. Dr. Carpenter described some important improvements recently made by M. Nachet in a binocular dissecting micro- scope. ^ June 30th, 185th meeting. Dr. Carpenter described the results of examination under the microscope of thin sHces from Spirifer cuspidatus and from types which have been confused with it. A true specimen of the first has an imperforate shell, but* a shell occurs externally indistinguish- able from it, which is perforate, and has such differences in its internal structure that it cannot be placed in the same genus. Of these Dr. Carpenter gave a description, saying that for the latter Professor Winchell had constituted the genus Syringothyris. This external isomorphism, associated with such differences of internal structure, was a remarkable thing. * They are considered to be identical by Prof. S. H. Reynolds. See Pleistocene Mammalia, vol. ii. part 2, Palaeontographical Society, vol. Ix^ (1906). So the Grizzly Bear was much more abimdant than the Brown Bear, and the Cave Bear the rarest. ' An addition to this Minute is placed at the end of those for Oct. 31st. Age of the Elgin Sandstones 1 79 Oct. 31st, i86th meeting. Dr. Hooker read extracts of a letter from Dr. Hector, written on Sept. 17th from Wellington, New Zealand, in which he said that he had forwarded to England specimens of chert flakes found in cooking ovens with moa bones, together with bones of the embryo chick from the egg of that bird, and drawings of the Qgg and bones. Professor Huxley referred to a discussion which had taken place some ten years previously about the age of the reptiUferous sandstones of Elgin, and stated that he had recently obtained evidence in favour of referring them to a more modern age than the Devonian. The quarries at Cot on End in Warwickshire, which are worked in sandstones not older than Permian, have furnished fragments of Hyper odapedon, the most characteristic of the Elgin reptiles, A no less interesting fact is the discovery of its remains in India, in strata which are beHeved to belong to the same series as the Damuda beds, in wliich Labyrinth odonts, with Dicynodonts and other reptiles, have been discovered. So these beds, with the South African rocks containing Labyrinthodonts and Dicynodonts, are probably all of the same age, and thus, as Professor Oldham has suggested, all three may be neither Permian nor Trias, but passage beds between the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic.^ Professor Huxley also mentioned that, during a recent \dsit to Oxford, Professor Phillips had called his attention to the fine collection of megalosaurian remains in the Museum of Geolog}^ and they had concluded after careful examination that some of the bones of Megalosaurus had hitherto been wrongly determined, the so-called coracoid being the ilium and the clavicle probably the ischium. Since his return to London he had found that similar errors had been made in the interpretation of the bones of Iguanodon and other * The difficulties presented by the quarry at Cutties' Hillock have now been cleared up (J. W. Judd, Proc. Roy. Soc. 1885, p. 394). Of two sand- stones, Uthologically almost indistinguishable, the upper contains Hypero- dapedon, with other Triassic vertebrates, the lower well-known Old Red Saiidstone fish remains, so that an almost inconspicuous unconformity is the sole record of a great break in time. i8o Annals of the Philosophical Club Dinosauria. The rectification is important, for it shows the true pelvis of Megalosaurus, Iguanodon, etc., to be more bird-like in character than could have been imagined, and this, with the tridactylate character of the foot in the above- named Dinosaurs, caused him to regard them as the nearest connecting forms, known to us, between the typical reptilia and the struthious or other ratite birds. Mr. Sclater announced the probable arrival of a living walrus at the Zoological Gardens. Dr. Carpenter recounted some interesting experiments on a living Comatula, undertaken to show that, as he had already thought probable, the sarcode cord which passes through each segment of the arms and pinnules has the function of a nerve-trunk, though it has not the histological character of nerve. Nov. 28th, 187th meeting. Mr. Grove read a letter from a member of his family, giving an account of a recent ascent of Vesuvius and the present state of the eruption. The explosions occurred with a certain periodicity, the greater ones at intervals of 4 or 5 minutes, with numerous minor explosions between them at intervals of a few seconds. Mr. Sclater mentioned that, for the first time in England, an eland had that morning been sold to a butcher for food. 1868. Jan. 30th, 189th meeting. Dr. Carpenter reverted to the subject of his communication about the physiological structure of crinoids, adding several particulars of much interest. Professor Flower exhibited a photograph of a drawing from New Zealand, sent by Dr. Haast, which gave (with some restorations) the shapes and sizes of six species of Dinornis. April 27th, 192nd meeting. Mr. Grove, who had examined some rocking stones during a recent visit to Cornwall, exhibited a small model in imitation of the phenomena. Professor Tyndall gave an account of his recent visit to Vesuvius during the eruption, when he had succeeded in ascending to the margin of the crater and looking down into it. May 28th, 193rd meeting. Dr. Carpenter exhibited a 'Studies of Crinoids i8r small specimen of the crinoid obtained at 300 fathoms near the Lofoten Islands (see Oct. 25th, 1866). He also recounted the results of studies by Professor Wyville Thomson and himself of a perfect specimen of the West Indian Pentacrinus. These were (i) the precise conformity of its general plan of structure to that of the pentacrinou> larva of comatula, before separation from its stem ; (2) the close conformity of the visceral apparatus in the two, which, with the contents of the stomach, indicates their food and the manner of obtaining it to be the same, the whole apparatus of arms and pinnules being' a trap for minute organisms, which are conveyed to the mouth by ciHary action along the floor of the furrow on the upper surface of every pinnule; (3) the diagnosis of calcareous plates, forming the essential or radial skeleton and those which are accidental, according as they are imperforate or per- forated for extensions of the axial cord, has been found ta hold good in such a variety of cases that it may be regarded as fundamental in determining the homologies of the skeleton in the whole group of Crinoidea. The specimen exhibited showed how readily, if these clues were followed, very aberrant forms might be understood. Oct. 29th, 195th meeting. Mr. Sclater stated that the Zoological Society had received from Sir George Grey a curious New Zealand Uzard, constituting a distinct sub-order, which was sent by Dr. Hector, and called Hatteria punctata. Professor Huxley expressed the opinion that this might be a direct lineal representative of Hyperodapedon.^ Sir R. Murchison exhibited a curious white tissue which had been found lining the hold of a ship which had recently arrived in the Thames laden with maize from Trieste. This was said to be the production of myriads of small maggots. 1 The Tuatera, now called Sphenodon punctatus, which apparently is confined to the small islands off the north-east of New Zealand, is not only the most remarkable of all existing reptiles to which the term lizard can be applied, but is the sole living representative of a distinct family, as well as of an entire order ; and the difference between it and an ordinary lizard immeasurably exceeds that by which the latter is separated from a serpent (Lydekker). A foramen in the parietal bones of the skull covers a rudimentary eye. Hyperodapedon was among its ancestral forms. 1 82 Annals of the Philosophical Club Its texture is verj^ thin but extremely tenacious, and when rubbed it is highly electric. Mr. Busk, in a discussion about its nature and origin, remarked that he had seen material from Mexico very similar but yellow in colour, which is said to be made by spiders and found hanging from trees. Nov. 26th, 196th meeting. Mr. Busk, reverting to the above-named tissue, said that Mr. Stainton ^ had suggested it might be the work of a small Tineina, and similar cases had been previously observed. 1869. Feb. 25th, 199th meeting. Sir W. Armstrong described a machine invented by Captain Andrew Noble for measuring very minute intervals of time, which was being employed to measure the velocity of a projectile in passing through the gun. The principle of the machine was that an electric spark, emitted by a series of pointed wires, arranged at fixed intervals, marked the circumference of a number of smoke-blackened discs, which rotated with a high velocity about an axis. It had proved remarkably successful in measuring even the smallest variations in the time occupied by the shot in passing through successive intervals of the gun. It had also been observed that a much milder kind of gunpowder had been found to give a higher average pressure than that generally used, notwith- standing its lower maximum pressure. This probably was due to the fact that the higher temperature, accompanying more intense pressure, caused greater absorption of heat by the gun, with a consequent loss of propelling power. March i8th, 200th meeting. Mr. Gassiot spoke of a very powerful electrical machine by which a spark could be obtained 19 inches in length. April 26th, 20ist meeting. Dr. Hooker exhibited drawings of some curiously-shaped stones, found by Mr. W. T. L. Travers, F.Z.S., on the isthmus between Lyell's Bay and Evans* Bay, near Wellington, New Zealand. They have a strong resemblance to works of human art, occur in great * Henry Tibbats Stainton {1822-1892), a distinguished entomologist, author of papers and works on British insects. Secretary of the Ray Society J861-1872, F.R.S. 1867. Wind-worn Stones 183 abundance, and vary in size from half an inch to several inches in length. Mr. Travers believed that, notwith- standing their artil&cial aspect, they were formed merely by the cutting action ot wind-driven sand, as it drifted over an exposed boulder bank which forms the higher part of the isthmus. Dr. Hector, while adopting this .view, had re- marked that if they had been elsewhere associated with works of human art, they would have been referred to the so-called stone period. ^ Dr. Hector thought that the Umus of the Maoris (the kjokkenmoddings of New Zealand) were places Hkely to favour the production of these stones, being generally on rising ground among sand dunes. Sir P. Egerton said that Lord Selkirk had given him a stone, polished by driving sand, which he had found in Egypt nine years ago. This he would bring to the Club (see next page). Mr. Evans felt some doubt about the origin assigned to these stones, but reserved his opinion till he had an oppor- tunity of examining them. May 27th, 202nd meeting. Mr. Sclater said that a few days previously a living specimen of the rare mammal Ailurusfulgens, the correct zoological position of which is still doubtful, 2 had arrived at the Zoological Gardens. It had been obtained near DarjeeHng, and brought to England by Dr. Simpson. June 17th, 203rd meeting. Mr. Prestwich referred to the subway then being constructed under the Thames, which was expected to be finished in about two months. The tunnel was about 9 feet in diameter, and some 20 feet below the bed of the river, being cut entirely through the London clay, at the rate of about 9 feet a day. 1 They are described and figured by Mr. J. D. Enys in Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxiv. {1878), page 86. Specimens have been placed by myself in the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge, with sand-worn stones from near Wady Haifa, Egypt, given to me by Colonel H. G. Lyons, F.R.S. These dreikanter, etc., have been often noticed in recent geological literature. ' Aelurus fulgens, the panda, is placed by the late W. T. Blanford, The Fauna of British India {Mammalia), page 189, in the Procyonidae (racoons, etc.). The genus contains but a single species pecuUar to the Himalayan region. 184 Annals of the Philosophical Club Sir Philip Egerton exhibited a stone, polished by blown sand, which Lord Selkirk had picked up in March, 1849, on the east side of the Red Sea not far from Suez near the wells of Mabouk. These are on a flat strip of land between the sea and a range of hills. Here the wind is always blowing^ up and down, and the driven sand ^ polishes the exposed surfaces of the stones. Oct. 28th, 204th meeting. Mr. Prestwich announced that the Thames Tunnel had now been completed, still wholly through the London clay, to 120 feet beyond the river, on the south side, where the corresponding shaft was being constructed. Dr. Carpenter stated the general results of the Deep-Sea Dredging Expedition of the current year. In the cold area of the Atlantic the temperature was ascertained to be as low as 30° F. Its fauna was arctic in character and very rich, including, at 650 fathoms, thousands of Arctic echino- derms {Comatula escrichtii, etc.) with dwarfed forms of ordinary British species. From depths of 550 to 700 fathoms in the warm area numerous species of HoUenia and Hyalonema were obtained. Hardly a species was common to the two areas, which in places were within ten miles of each other. A depth of 2435 fathoms had been reached in the north of the Bay of Biscay, 250 miles W. of Ushant. Here a con- siderable variety of animal life, representing nearly every division of the invertebrata, had been found in the Atlantic mud, among which was a new crinoid and certain chalk fossils hitherto regarded as extinct. Professor Huxley announced that his examination of specimens of Thecodontosaurus had proved it to belong to the Dinosauria. Nov. 25th, 205th meeting. Professor Flower gave some particulars of a fin- whale (Balaenoptera 2) which recently had been stranded in Layston Harbour, near Portsmouth, and produced some hairs from its beard. ^ See April 26th, page 183. 2 Four species, according to the British Museum Gutde to the Mammalian Galleries, are occasionally stranded on the British coasts. Arsenic in River Water 185 Mr. Paget mentioned that a patient, whose tongue he had recently excised, was nevertheless able to speak articulately within twenty-four hours after the operation. Dec. i6th, 2o6th meeting. Mr. Grove called attention to some recent changes in the planet Jupiter, the south pole, usually dark, having become brilhantly light. This was succeeded by a dark belt variegated with light ; afterwards by an extremely bright belt where it was usually dark. Dr. W. A. Miller read a letter from Dr. Robinson ^ giving an account of the progress made with the new telescope which Mr. Grubb (now Sir Howard), of Dublin, was con- structing for the Royal Society. 1870. Jan. 27th, 207th meeting. Mr. Evans exhibited a stone implement discovered in gravel on Southampton Common 180 feet above the level of the river Itchen.^ Mr. Grove referred to a paper recently pubUshed in 'Nature ' by Mr. Barrett, and made some remarks on the correspon- dence between the spectrum of Hght and the gamut of sound. Sir R. Murchison spoke of Mr. Hayward's recent travels in Kaschgar and Yarkand, sa3dng that he was now preparing to explore the table-land of Pamir, which had not been visited since the days of Marco Polo. Sir B. Brodie called attention to a recently invented mechanical process for separating the starch and gluten of rice and other flour. Feb. 24th, 2o8th meeting. Professor Frankland said that river water contained an appreciable quantity of arsenic. In Lancashire he attributed it to the iron pyrites used in the alkah works, and had estimated that thus 1500 or 1600 tons of arsenic were introduced yearly into Great Britain. He had found the metal in the London sewage at Barking to the amount of 0*004 ^^ 100,000 parts, and accounted for 1 Dr. Thomas Romney Robinson (1797-1882), Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, in charge of the Armagh Observatory, F.R.S., and distinguished for his physical and astronomical writings. 2 Implements from this locality, perhaps including the one mentioned above, are described in J. Evans, Ancient Stone Implements of Great Britain (ed. ii.), pages 613-5. 3 W. F. Barrett, Nature, vol. i. page 286. 1 86 Annals of the Philosophical Club its presence by the large consumption of coal in the Metro- polis, from which the arsenic passed off in smoke, for he found it even in London rainwater to the extent of o*oo8 in 100,000 parts. Professor Cornu,^ of Paris (a guest), spoke of an optical study of the deformation of elastic bodies and the employment of a new source of photogenic and monochromatic light. ^ March 31st, 209th meeting. Mr. Sclater said that a remarkable new fish had been obtained from one of the rivers in Eastern Queensland by Mr. Krafft, curator of the Australian Museum at Sydney, which appeared to be inter- mediate between Lepidosiren and the Ganoid fishes. It was referred by him to the genus Ceratodus (Agassiz), but it appeared to be nearer to Dipterus ; though probably it would require a new genus. Professor Huxley remarked that the discovery had a special interest for those who, like himself, had asserted Lepidosiren to be closely connected with the Ganoids. April 25th, 2ioth meeting (anniversary). Mr. Gassiot stated that when the electric discharges from an induction coil are passed through vacuum tubes with uranium-glass globes, these become intensely illuminated, owing to the high refrangibiUty of electrical light. But on heating one of the globes with a spirit lamp, the peculiar luminosity disappears, which, however, is recovered if the globe be allowed to cool. Colonel Sykes enquired whether, when sea water freezes, the salt is or is not ehminated. The opinion expressed was that the salt in this water was only mechanically present and cordd be eliminated by repeated freezing. Oct. 24th, 213th meeting. Professor Peirce,^ of New York, Director of the American expedition to observe the ecHpse 1 M. A. Comu (1841-1902), Professor of Physics at the ficole Polytech- nique, Paris, who wrote many important papers on the phenomena and properties of light. 2 The Minute, no doubt suppUed by the Professor, is in French, with two pen-and-ink diagrams, and does not admit of condensation. ^ J. M. P. Peirce, Professor of Astronomy and Mathematics at Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S.A. A Total Solar Eclipse 187 of the sun on Dec. 22nd (a guest), described its plan. His Government had granted £6000 for the purpose, and twenty- five observers were to be sent to the Mediterranean, one party to Spain, the other to Sicily. The corona would receive special attention. Comments were made on the action of the Admiralty, which, by refusing a ship, had caused the collapse of the English expedition, but it was stated that the Government would now be more willing to consider the matter. The members present were in favour of repeating the appHcation, though it was doubtful whether there would be sufficient time for the needful preparations. Nov. 24th, 214th meeting. A singular atmospheric phenomenon, witnessed at Copenhagen in July 185 1, but of which a scientific explanation had only recently been given, was mentioned by Mr. Gassiot. About sunset a light blue luminous cone shot through the sky, followed by four others going in the same direction and of the same colour. Their diameter was a little less than that of the sun, the fifth being smaller than the others. It was followed by irregular masses, with an apparently strong internal movement. Mr. Huggins described the preparations for observing the coming ecUpse of the sun, the Government having now offered the necessary assistance in transport and money. 1871. Jan. 26th, 216th meeting. Mr. Huggins gave some particulars of the late solar ecHpse. At Or an, where he was stationed, clouds hid the sun during totaHty. He exhibited photographs, taken by Lord Lindsay, Mr. Willard of the American expedition, and Mr. Brothers. One of the first-named showed a larger amount of halo on the side of the moon on which the brighter part of the corona round the sun was visible. This probably had to a great extent a terrestrial origin, namely in the Hght scattered by the imperfect transparency of our atmosphere. In the photo- graphs, taken by Mr. Willard in Spain and Mr. Brothers in Syracuse, similar dark rifts are seen in the corona, which suggests that the light in which they occur is exterior to the earth's atmosphere and probably near the sun. 1 8 8 Annals of the Philosophical Club March 30th, 218th meeting. Mr. Busk described an effect produced by different-coloured chalks. During a lecture at the Royal College of Surgeons, what was written in blue on the blackboard seemed to be in the same plane as it ; that in red to project two or three inches from it ; and that in white to occupy an intermediate position. The effect was seen by two of the audience, whose attention he had called to it. Some members present mentioned similar appear- ances which they thought might help in explaining the phenomenon. June 29th, 22oth meeting. Dr. Hooker gave an account of his recent three months' expedition to Marocco.^ The general coolness of the climate, due to the prevalent north- west winds and the cold southerly current along the Atlantic coast, had especially struck him. His party went from Tetuan to Mogador by sea, and thence to Marocco. From that city they visited the main chain of the Atlas, some 20 miles south of it, and reached a height of 12,000 feet. Though snow falls on the highest parts throughout the year, it is only permanent as patches in gullies. No glaciers now exist, but they discovered a moraine at a height of about 7000 feet. No truly Alpine plants were found, the vegeta- tion, so far as it extended upwards, being purely Spanish. Oct. 26th, 22ist meeting. Mr. Paget said that the brain of the late Mr. Babbage,^ which had been examined in accordance with his desire, was rather below than above the average weight and slightly asymmetrical. It would be placed in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. Nov. 23rd, 222nd meeting. Dr. Carpenter communicated some results of his expedition to the Mediterranean, during the past autumn, on H.M.S. Shearwater while on its way to survey the Red Sea. The evidence of an outflow under- 1 It began on April ist and ended on June 21st. He was accompanied by Mr. John Ball, the weU-known Alpine botanist, and Mr. G. Maw. The journey is described in their Journal of a Tour in Marocco and the Great Atlas, 1878. 2 Charles Babbage {1791-1871), so eminent in mathematics and mechani- cal science, noted especially as inventor of the calculating machine. He- had died on Oct. i8th. The Mediterranean Sea-Bed 189 current from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, which had iDeen ascertained during the previous year,^ had been fully confirmed by soundings near Gibraltar. The results of both critical point and density are below those of any other substance. Calculated from these data the boiling point of hydrogen, at ordinary atmospheric pressure, would be between 20° and 22° absolute temperature^ the difference between critical and boiling point being about 10°, while it is about 50° in the case of nitrogen and carbonic acid. So if we had liquid hydrogen, we should have to lower its boiling point 20° to reach the zero of absolute temperature. As such reduction can be effected when oxygen, nitrogen, and other substances are evaporated under diminished pressure, there is no apparent reason for doubting that, with a supply of liquid hydrogen, we could arrive at, or very near to, the zero of absolute temperature. Before this could be reached, hydrogen would be a solid mass, probably having the appearance and characters of a metal. ^ Its critical temperature (-233° C.) and the boiling point (-243°C.> were ascertained by Professor Olszewski {Nature, vol. li. page 488). He also obtained a momentary liquefaction of the gas, but Professor Dewar himself succeeded on May loth, 1898, in reducing the gas to a static liquid. For an account see Nature, vol. Iviii, page 49. A Roman Glass Bottle 239 1890. March 13th, 385th meeting. Mr. Evans described a small glass bottle (about three inches in diameter) of Roman make, inside which five glass rods extended from the base of the neck to a point a little above the bottom, at angles of about 45° with the axis of the bottle, and thus seeming to support the neck. He suggested that, while the bottle was still soft and before it had reached its full size, a blunt rod, like a knitting pin, had been pushed into the side at five different points and the viscous glass carried as tubes to the base of the neck, where they were finally attached by the help of a blowpipe. This done, the bottle would be reheated and blown to its full size, the tubes by this action being welded into rods. By adopting this device, Mr. Powell, whose practical knowledge of glass is so great, and Mr. C. V. Boys, so successful in constructing glass apparatus, had made a similar vessel. May 8th, 387th meeting. Professor Judd exhibited a crystal of beryl, well formed, though somewhat water-worn, weighing 2650 grains, with a specific gravity 2703. It was clear, and its colour between aquamarine and emerald. It had been obtained in Ceylon by Mr. Barrington Brown. He had also brought from Burma the specimens (exhibited) of rubies in a matrix of highly crystalline limestone. Oct. 30th, 389th meeting. Professor Dewar exhibited a specimen of liquid nickel carbon monoxide, discovered by Mr. Mond while experimenting with an improved form of Grove's gas-battery in order to find a way of obtaining hydrogen cheaply for commercial purposes. While trying various modes of separating the two oxides of carbon from their mixture with hydrogen in the gas-battery he found that nickel united with the carbon monoxide in the pro- portion of one volume of the former to four volumes of the latter, forming a gas at ordinary temperatures, which is reduced by pressure to a heavy, colourless, highly refracting liquid. As neither cobalt, nor iron, nor any other metal forms a similar compound, this gives a ready method of distinguishing nickel from any metal resembling it. That is the more important, because nickel and cobalt have the 240 Annals of the Philosophical Club same atomic weight and because it negatives the suggested existence of a new element present as a constant impurity in the two metals. It also shows the possible existence of a group of elements, forming compounds of the type RO^. Sir F. Bramwell mentioned an attempt, made many years ago at the old Vauxhall Gardens, to prepare hydrogen gas for commercial purposes by passing steam over charcoal. It aimed at producing as little carbon monoxide as possible, the carbon dioxide being got rid of by passing the gas through a solution of caustic soda. Dec. nth, 391st meeting. Professor Frankland gave the results of experiments on the fitness of electric lamps for use in coal mines. He found that the small spark from small storage batteries could not ignite explosive mixtures of marsh gas or coal gas or even of hydrogen with air. Hence no such spark, caused by a breaking circuit or otherwise, can cause danger in a fiery mine. He was still making experiments to ascertain whether the breaking of the globe and momentary contact of the incandescent filament with an explosive mixture would be dangerous. 1891. Jan. 15th, 392nd meeting. Professor Newton read a letter from Professor Stirling, giving a description of a recently discovered AustraUan mammal, which proves to be a marsupial, not a monotreme as at first supposed.^ It has a bird-like pelvis and four or five of the cervical vertebrae are fused, but has marsupial bones, though these are exceedingly small. The eyes are pigment spots under the skin, and it burrows underground in the sand for long distances. He could not send a specimen to England, for he had only four, none of them in good condition, since they had travelled 1500 miles wrapped in a kerosene rag, and they supplemented each other. Professor Flower said the animal represented a new order in the marsupials, which now afforded representatives of the mammalian orders 1 A drawing of Notorhyctes typhops was exhibited at the Royal Society •Conversazione on June 17th, by Professor Newton {Nature, vol. xliv. page 188). The first account of the animal, found at a station on the overland route from Adelaide to Port Darwin, is given by Professor Stirling, Nature, vol. xxxviii. pages 588-9. Experiments with Explosives 241 of carnivora, herbivora, and insectivora. Mr. Thiselton- Dyer remarked that some vegetable types showed a tendency to assume forms characteristic of very different orders. For example, the genus Senecio includes many adaptive types, such as tree-like, succulent, and climbing forms. June i8th, 397th meeting. Mr. d'Abbadie^ (guest) drew attention to the nature of hazes, by which, even in the driest atmosphere, the sun is often obscured and mountains, at a distance of three or four miles, are invisible. Though so common as to have received a special name in the languages and dialects of many savage tribes, their true nature has not been fully studied, nor their origin determined. He also gave some account of his scientific travels, especially on magnetic surveys in Africa and Arabia. 1892. June i6th, 406th meeting. Captain Noble gave an account of some experiments on explosives. It was generally agreed that for artillery the pressure employed should not exceed 17 tons per square inch. The maximum pressure with the new explosive compounds did not exceed that of the old, but in some cases, and especially with cordite, fifty per cent, more energy was imparted to the projectile, the pressure on the interior part of the gun being increased, but not that on the chamber. The results given by the old gauge were incorrect, because the products of explosion were forced into the gauge. It was not advan- tageous to increase the velocity of the projectile above 2000 feet per second, though one of 3000 feet might be obtained. Owing to the resistance of the air a better result is got by increasing the weight of the projectile. He men- tioned that cordite of large diameter is blown from a gun imperfectly burnt, the residue being cordite in all respects similar to the newly-prepared material. Oct. 27th, 407th meeting. Mr. Crookes said that a study of the phosphorescent spectrum of j^trium had suggested that it was really a compound. Progress had been made 1 A. T. d'Abbadie (1810-1897) lived in Paris and studied meteorological and astronomical subjects, writing on these and on earthquakes, shooting stars, and gravitation. p.c. Q 242 Annals of the Philosophical Club in a work which had lasted for many years, and but for * accidents ' might not be completed for another half century. Two of them, however, had lately much facilitated the enquiry ; one being the precipitation of one of the con- stituents in a pure state, as a crystalline salt, namely, that giving a close pair of green lines in the spectroscope ; the other being the discovery of a mineral accompanying gadoHnite ^ from Texas, in which fractionation had already advanced to a considerable extent. 1893. Jan. 26th, 410th meeting. Professor Riicker gave the results of experiments, made in the eastern part of London by himself, Professor Ayrton, and others, which proved that the neighbourhood of a railway worked by electricity would be injurious to a physical laboratory. Feb. i6th, 411th meeting. Professor Newton mentioned the discovery of another deposit containing bones of large mammals at Barrington, near Cambridge, similar to the one described fourteen years ago by the Rev. O. Fisher.^ Bison priscus and Megaceros hibernicus are the more abun- dantly represented, but there are a considerable number of teeth and some bones of Hippopotamus amphibius, with bones of a female Elephas antiquus and her calf, teeth of bear (Ursus priscus), and of a large Felis, with other repre- sentatives of the river gravel fauna. The excavation was now being carried on, by favour of the owner, on behalf of the Wood war dian Museum. ^ April 27th, 413th meeting (46th anniversary). Captain Noble gave an account, of experiments with explosive compounds. With a large charge of cordite and a light projectile he had obtained a velocity of nearly 5000 feet per second. He had used six different kinds of explosives. * A silicate of beryllum, iron, and yttrium. 2 See ^uart. Jour. Geol. Soc. 1879, page 670. Since the above date many valuable remains, now contained in the Sedgwick Museum at Cam- bridge, have been obtained from this and another pit. See for a full account (with illustrations) Proc. Geol. Assoc, vol. xxii. pages 268-278. The late Professor Hughes thought the gravel probably older than the Chalky Boulder Clay. ' The former title of the Sedgwick Museum. Experiments with Explosives 243 A 100 pounds projectile could acquire a velocity of 3400 feet per second, but a 40 pounds one a velocity of 4930 feet, and that could be considerably increased by enlarging the chamber and increasing the gravimetric density of the charge. The solid products of combustion of brown prismatic powder (one of the above six) favoured deposit in the tube, for it became fluid at the temperature of the explosion. A dirty gun made a sensible difference in the velocity, amount- ing to a loss of 9-5 per cent, of energy. Cordite and ballistite produced no deposit. In the experiments three guns had been used — of 50, 75, and 100 calibre (ratio of length to diameter) — that of 75 calibre, fired with brown prismatic powder, gave, when clean, the same velocity as that of 100 calibre, when foul. He indicated how the velocities were measured, and said that higher could be obtained, but they were not practically useful, because of the high resistance of the air. He also mentioned that when nitroglycerine is mixed with diatom-earth, or any inert substance, detonation takes place as if it were not so mixed, but when gun-cotton is dissolved in nitroglycerine, as in the manufacture of cordite, this will not detonate. The difference of action between gun-cotton and cordite is shown by filling a cast-iron shell with each. When exploded by a fulminate, the one is broken to pieces, the other reduced to powder. Oct. 26th, 416th meeting. Dr. Giinther described the habits of a small ant [Occophylla sp.?) found on the west coast of Africa. Colonies of it form nests, double the size of a man's fist, in young shoots of the coffee plant. When a nest is complete, the ants capture a small spider Gastracantha curvispina to cover it with a web, and construct for this a separate cell, opening into the interior of the nest, where they keep it a prisoner and feed it, to repair or renew the external web. Eight or nine of the spiders have been examined, and all prove to be males. Mr. Galton said that early in the year he had made experiments to ascertain whether he could work sums in arithmetic by other faculties than sight or hearing, on one or other of which some calculators depend. He taught 244 Annals of the Philosophical Club himself by means of a simple apparatus for smelling different odours, and practising for a few minutes night and morning, to consider peppermint as one unit, camphor as two units, carbolic acid as three, etc., and was able to translate the earlier part of the addition table into these scents. He thought that a child, if it began early enough, would not find a process of this kind more difficult than learning addition in the usual way. But, having got thus far, he did not think it worth while to continue the experiments, and found that the faculty temporarily acquired had already been almost lost. 1894. April 19th, 422nd meeting (47th anniversary). Mr. Galton described a visit to an institution at Nice for rearing prematurely born children. It was furnished with fiat glass cases like incubators, which could be kept at any desired temperature, and in each lay a swaddled child, not yet of the normal age for birth ; the facts being noted on a placard. Apparently it was a private speculation, but it received Government approval in 1891, and that of the French Academy of Medicine in 1893. May 24th, 423rd meeting. Dr. Debus referred to the fundamental law in modern chemistry supposed to have been discovered by Avogadro in 1812. But, as the Italian chemist was aware, John Dalton clearly stated the principle in 1808.^ He, however, dropped it because he found such remarkable discrepancies on comparing the atomic weights with the densities of the gases. But a more exact deter- mination of the former showed that they really correspond. The discovery of this law seemed to him not less important than that of gravitation by Newton. Sir A. Noble described an apparatus for determining the rate with which high explosives part with their heat to the chamber enclosing them. Corite gases are remarkable in this respect. A charge of it, giving in a closed vessel a pressure of a little over 6 tons per square inch, has that reduced in 0-07 of a second after the explosion to 6 tons, in 0-17 second to 5 tons, in 075 second to 4 tons, in 175 * See H. E. Roscoe, John Dalton and the Rise of Modern Chemistry, 1895. Stable a?id Unstable Orbits 245 second to 3 tons, in 3-5 seconds to 2 tons, and in 7 seconds to I ton, while in 13 seconds the pressure is well below that amount. He had corroborated the results by two or three experiments. Powder gases exploded at the same pressure took triple the amount of time, but this perhaps might be expected because of the larger charges fired and the lower temperatures developed. June 14th, 424th meeting. Professor G. Darwin stated that, on a recent consideration of the ' three bodies problem,' he had found a possible mode of motion for a sateUite, which would give it three changes of moon and one fuU moon in a single lunation. Its orbit would be a figure of eight relatively to the sun and planet, the latter lying in the larger loop of the eight. Such an orbit is, however, very unstable, so that the satellite, if slightly displaced, must soon cease to move, even approximately, in its primitive orbit, with the result that, sooner or later, it will either come into colUsion with the planet, or be drawn towards and fall into the sun. Thus all unstable orbits will gradually be eUminated from a solar system, those that are stable alone remaining. By considering the stabihty or instabihty of various periodic orbits he was in hopes of throwing light on the actual distribution in space of planets and satelhtes. Professor Victor Horsley gave a brief account of Erlach's experiments with a solution of methylene blue. When this is introduced into the system during life, the colouration or non-colouration of any tissue showed whether oxidation or reduction took place in that part of the body. During Hfe (he had repeated Erlach's experiments on a large scale) no reduction took place in the muscles (including the head) and the brain ; in the lungs the blue was rapidly deoxidized and the tissues remained colourless. At the moment of death the colour instantly fades from tissues, where in the living state it is very pronounced, showing the occurrence of an active and universal reduction. Oct. 25th, 425th meeting. The members discussed some subjects in electricity, such as Professor Lenard's observa- tions on cathode rays, the currents about magnetic poles. 246 Annals of the Philosophical Club Lord Armstrong's hydroelectric machine and its suggested relation to the lightning that accompanies volcanic eruptions, the reported new gas discovered by Lord Rayleigh and Professor Ramsay in association with atmospheric nitrogen,^ the manufacture of aluminium, the preparation of pure fluorine, the synthesis of diamonds, and the fractionation of yttrium. 1895. Feb. 14th, 429th meeting. Professor Frankland gave the results of a three years' investigation of the bacterial life in Thames water. He found the number contained in a cubic centimetre to vary between 630 and 56,630, the largest number, as a rule, being found in winter with a low temperature, and the smallest in summer with a high one. The causes affecting the development of microbic life had all received attention, and he exhibited curves illustrating its relation to each of them. He inferred from them (i) that though a few coincidences existed between low temperature and a high number of bacteria, some other conditions, as a rule, entirely masked the effect of the latter ; (2) the amount of sunHght during the past three days has no substantial effect on the number of microbes present in a cubic centi- metre of water ; (3) this depends on the rate of flow of the water, or, in other words, on the rainfall. March 14th, 430th meeting. Sir H. Roscoe dwelt on the recent great development by the Institute of Preventive Medicine in the preparation of antitoxins. Within the last few days about 400 doses of the antitoxin of tetanus had been distributed to the Pacific Islands at a cost of one shilling each. The preparation of diphtheritic antitoxin now took only eighteen hours, and 300 doses of it were sold daily by Messrs. Allen and Hanbury at a cost price of eighteen pence for thirty cubic centimetres, or three average doses. The ■effect had been to reduce by one-half the deaths from that disease. April 24th, 431st meeting (48th anniversary). Mr. * They announced the discovery of argon (as they called the gas) at the Oxford meeting of the British Association. See British Association Jleport, 1894, page 614. Signs of an Ancient Southern Continent 247 Crookes mentioned some recent experiments by Victor Schumann, of Leipzig, on the photography of rays of very high refrangibility. Having found that the short length •of air, through which the light has to pass from the electric spark to the spectroscope, has a very decided absorptive action on those rays, he had constructed a spectroscope from which the air can be exhausted. Mr. Crookes showed a photograph of a certain part of the hydrogen spectrum, exhibiting more than 300 lines and representing about one-eighth of the whole hydrogen spectrum, which contains from 1500 to 2000 lines. May 1 6th, 432nd meeting. Mr. Blanford spoke of a fossil flora, information of which had recently come to him from the province of San Luis, Argentina, It was remarkably interesting, because a series of fossil floras had now been found in Australia, India, and South Africa, ranging in age from Carboniferous to Jurassic or Neocomian, the older of which were quite different from the Carboniferous and Permian floras of Europe and North America, and so much resembled those of Mesozoic age, that the Australian and Indian coal-beds had for long been considered Jurassic, but the higher Indian, Australian, and South African floras did not differ so much from those in the north. Dr. Kurtz had now found, in Argentina, a small number of plants identical with those in the Karharbari and Talchir beds of India, the Ecca-Kimberley beds of South Africa, and some of the lower Newcastle beds of Australia, thus indicating that a more or less connected tract of land, comprising parts of India, Australia, South Africa, and South America must once have existed, which, however, was separated by a break, impassable by plants, from that occupied by the flora of North America and Europe. Another interesting matter was that, in each of the first-named four countries, traces of glaciation have been observed in connection with the beds containing the Upper Palaeozoic flora.* 1 Sometimes referred to as the " Glossopteris flora," and considered to be of Permo-Carboniferous age. This and the signs of glaciation are mentioned in Sir A. Geikie's Text-book of Geology, pages 1057, 1066, etc. 248 Annals of the Philosophical Club June 20th, 433rd meeting. Dr. Sclater exhibited speci- mens of the silicified wood [Nicolia), which he had brought from the * petrified forest ' in the Suez desert, some 7 miles from Cairo in a direction south of east. From the way the trunks were lying he had little doubt the trees had been brought down by water and stranded on the shore of an ancient estuary. Nov. 2ist, 435th meeting. In the absence of Professor Dewar, Mr. Crookes described a simple, rapid, and inexpen- sive method of preparing Hquid air. One end of a strong copper tube, about a quarter of an inch in external diameter, is connected with a steel bottle, about one cubic foot in capacity, containing air at 180 atmospheres pressure. The other end (a few feet distant) is twisted into a close spiral about nine inches long and two inches in external diameter. Inside this a glass tube, exhausted to a high vacuum, is tightly slipped, and the whole put into a vacuum-jacketed glass cylinder a couple of inches longer than the copper-spiraU the end of which is open. On turning the tap of the high- pressure cylinder, the compressed air rushes into the lower part of the outer cylinder. In expanding it abstracts heat from surrounding bodies, but as the vacuum jacket, inside and out, almost completely isolates thermally the upper spiral, the temperature of the stream of expanding air is lowered till it reaches its own liquefying point, when Hquid air begins to roll down the outer cyhnder. Last Saturday he saw Professor Dewar perform the experiment at the Royal Institution, when liquid air began to appear in about five minutes after the tap was turned on, and in ten minutes seventy cubic centimetres of liquid air had collected, the compressed air expended amounting to about fifty cubic feet at the normal atmospheric pressure. If the high pressure cyhnder be filled with oxygen or nitrogen, they also are liquefied, and with a similar apparatus Professor Dewar has succeeded in obtaining liquid hydrogen.^ * A fuller account of the experiments, with figures of the apparatus, is given in Nature, vol. liii. pages 329-331, from a paper read by Professor Dewar to the Chemical Society on Dec. 19th, 1895, and printed in their Proceedings. Records of Earthquakes 249 1896. Feb. 13th, 438th meeting. Professor John Milne * (a guest) described some photographic records of earthquakes which he had obtained at Shide, Isle of Wight, from a horizontal pendulum. This, from time to time, showed sudden movements. As these might be due to local earth- quakes, he intended to compare their records with those from an apparatus which would be set up at Carisbrooke. Earthquakes originating in Europe and other distant places were also noted. Occasionally tremor-storms lasting from ten to seventy hours occurred, which so far blurred the photogram as to obliterate a separate record ; the rate at which the film was moved being too quick for obtaining satisfactory diagrams of diurnal tilting. He hoped that instruments, equivalent to that at Shide, would be estab- lished at about fifteen stations round the world ; their chief object being to determine the rate at which earthquake motion is propagated, not only round the earth but possibly through its interior. April 23rd, 440th meeting (49th anniversary). Sir Joseph Hooker exhibited a small instrument made for measuring sections of plants. It was on the plan of a pair of propor- tional compasses, but so arranged that the distance between the pointed ends is recorded by the opposite end of one of them on a scale attached by a pivot to the other limb.^ May 7th, 441st meeting. Dr. Sclater described the way in which the eggs of the Surinam water-toad {Pipa americana) were deposited on the back of the female, observations 1 Professor John Milne, who founded seismographic observatories in Britain and made most important contributions to seismology, was born in Liverpool, Dec. 30th, 1850, studied at the School of Mines in Jermyn Street, and then in Cornwall, after which he undertook work in Newfound- land, Labrador, and the Peninsula of Sinai. In 1872 he obtained a post under the Japanese Government, and on his way to take up this, crossed Europe and Asia from England to Shanghai. A prolonged period of earthquake disturbances in Japan enabled him to study their phenomena, on which he wrote some valuable memoirs. Returning to England in 1 895, he settled at Shide (Isle of Wight), where he established an observatory, devising instruments for registering secondary shocks, and recording, classifying, and pubUshing his observations. (See an excellent biography in the Geological Magazine, 19 12, 337.) He died July 31st, 1913. - A pen-and-ink sketch of the instrument is inserted in the Minutes. 250 Annals of the Philosophical Club having been made of two pairs, which had copulated in the hot pond of the Zoological Society's Gardens. The female, when spawning, extruded from her cloaca a long bag-like organ, no doubt a prolongation of its lower part. This was bent over on her back, and the male, when in copula, pressed on it, squeezing out the eggs, one by one, and arranging them on her back — fecundating them, as was supposed, -while doing this. Oviposition ended, the male left the female, and the extruded part of the cloaca returned into her body. Much more, however, remained to be discovered, for these were the first observations that had ever been made. Nov. 19th, 444th meeting. Dr. Frankland related the experiences of a party sent to observe the total eclipse of the sun on August 9th from an island on the western side of Vadso (Norway) . After the necessary preparations had been made, their party, twenty in number, was landed there about 2.30 a.m. The sun shone at intervals through banks of •clouds, but was invisible when a bugle note indicated the first contact. Another sounded five minutes before totality. A general gloom had already set in, the fleecy clouds had become yellow, the sea and distant hills deep indigo-blue. A rifle shot announced the beginning of totality, and now a dark shadow swept over the heavens and the earth at the rate of about two miles a second. It came on in great waves, blackening every fleecy cloud and appearing to bring down the sky and the clouds upon their heads. An observer called the time from a chronometer, every ten seconds, to 104 seconds, when totahty ceased ; the sky and landscape xapidly resuming their ordinary aspect. The darkness -during totality was not great enough to prevent one from reading a book, for much light was reflected from masses of cloud near the horizon and outside the range of totality. It would doubtless have been more intense had the sky been clear. 1897. Jan. 21st, 446th meeting. Sir F. Bramwell •described the roller boat of M. Baxin, on which a paper had heen read the previous evening at the Society of Arts. It The Floor of the Pacific Ocean 251 consisted of a rectangular platform carrying deckhouses, mounted on six hollow lenticular rollers, each about 40 feet diameter and 12 feet thick, actuated by engines of 150 horse- power, and an engine of 500 horse-power works a screw- propeller, which rotates between the pairs of rollers. The friction of the water should thus be reduced to a minimum, as the boat rolls over it without cutting through it. Feb. nth, 447th meeting. Sir A. Geikie gave a summary of the results of Admiralty soundings in the Pacific. Sub- marine peaks had been discovered, over areas hundreds of square miles in extent, with bases averaging about 20 miles wdde and with fiat tops, which are 25 or 26 fathoms below high-water mark, and do not vary in depth more than a few feet. These must be the cinder cones of volcanoes, now extinct, which the waves have cut down to the level where they ceased to have any erosive power. On three submarine peaks corals had grown, and atolls were being formed. March nth, 448th meeting. Sir John Evans called attention to the discovery by Mr. Joseph Landon, of Saltley, near Birmingham, in the highland gravels of the Rea, of at least one well-formed palaeolith, made of quartzite. The absence of these implements from the region north of a line drawn from the mouth of the Severn to the Wash had been explained by supposing it to have been then covered by ice, but as similar palaeoliths had already been found at Creswell Crags in north-east Derbyshire,^ non-discovery might be the better reason, and a careful search in the older gravels of northern rivers might result in a large extension of the area occupied by palaeolithic man. June 17th, 451st meeting. Dr. Russell gave an account of experiments on the action of metals and some other bodies on photographic plates which he had been describing that afternoon to the Roj^al Society. When repeating Becquerel's experiments on uranium, he had found zinc to act in the same kind of way, a fact which, though he was not then aware of it, had been already observed by Colston. » See J. M. Mello, Q^AafU Jour, GeoL Soc, 1876, pages 240-244. and AV. B. Dawkins, ibid, pages 249-256. 252 Annals of the Philosophical Club A bright zinc plate, however, would not only produce a complete picture of markings on it, when laid on a sensitive plate, but this action also occurred through considerable distances, and even if such substances as celluloid, gelatine, gutta-percha tissue, goldbeater's skin, vegetable or real parchment were interposed between the two plates. Other metals and their alloys, such as mercury, magnesium, cadmium, nickel, cobalt, aluminium, lead, tin, antimony, pewter, or fusible metal, acted in the same way. Copal and some other varnishes produced similar effects, and a picture of such a thing as a skeleton leaf could be obtained by putting it between a photographic plate and a sheet of zinc, or piece of glass, covered with copal, but pure paper, after being soaked in a solution of certain salts, prevented the passage of any such action. Wood also was similarly active, and a good picture was obtained by laying a piece of it on a photographic plate. Printers' ink in many cases had the same effect, and remarkably clean dark pictures came from placing either the blank or the inked side of a page of print on such a plate. Pill boxes, in which some of the uranium salts had been kept, were found to have a similar effect, for they were usually made of straw-board covered with white paper, and the former could act, though to a less extent, like zinc and copal. 1898. Jan. 20th, 455th meeting. Professor Anderson Stuart 1 (a guest), from the University of Sydney (Australia), gave an account of that University. It was incorporated by Royal Charter in 1850, and at the present time received from the State an annual subsidy of £12,000, besides other pecuniary aid. Its buildings were well situated, and its students numbered about 600, including 80 women. No distinction was made between the sexes, and no difficulties 1 Sir Thomas Anderson Stuart was born at Dumfries on June 20th, 1856, and, after taking the M.D. degree with special distinction at the University of Edinburgh, became Professor of Physiology in the University of Sydney. There he has been for not a few years an energetic worker in medical and alUed scientific subjects, and was a leader in organizing the three expe- ditions for making a deep boring into the atoll of Funafuti in the EUice Islands. He was knighted in 19 14. Deep Boring in a Coral Reef 253 had arisen. It had four faculties — arts, law, medicine, and science ; the teaching was professorial, not tutorial, and the staff, including lecturers and demonstrators, was 46 in number. April 28th, 458th meeting (anniversary). Professor Judd gave an outline of the progress made in investigating the structure of a coral reef by boring. The committee, appointed by the Royal Society, had selected the atoll of Funafuti, one of the Ellice Islands, of which Captain Field in H.M.S. Penguin had made a very complete survey. Two borings were put down in 1896 by Professor SoUas, and a third in 1897. This, under charge of Professor Edgeworth David,^ of Sydney University, had reached a depth of 698 feet. The m.aterials obtained had been sent to England for examination, and it was hoped that the committee, formed in Sydney to co-operate with the Royal Society, would be able to continue the deep bore-hole and to sink one, with the aid of the Lords of the Admiralty, into the bed of the lagoon.^ June i6th, 460th meeting. Professor Riicker communi- cated the results of experiments with a self-recording magnetometer, recently set up in South Kensington. The self-registered curves (which he exhibited) showed periodic magnetic disturbances, of about 3 minutes' duration, superposed on the photographic trace of the instrument. On every week day they began about 6 a.m. in the morning and continued till about 11. 15 p.m., but there is no trace of them during the night or on Sunday, when the electric trains of the South London Railway are not running. Careful comparison with records, obtained at Greenwich Observatory, of trains running on the South London Electric iTannatt WilUam Edgeworth David, C.M.G., F.R.S.. Professor of Geology in the University of Sydney, was born in 1858, and graduated from New College, Oxford (of which University he is now a D.Sc). Besides his valuable work in Funafuti as head of the second expedition, he was scientific officer on the Shackleton Antarctic Expedition from 1907 to 1909, making the ascent of Mount Erebus, and leading a party to the South Magnetic Pole. ■^ In 1898 the boring was carried down to 11 14 feet, and two, near together, were sunk into the bed of the lagoon, one to a depth of 144 feet. See Minutes for Feb. 8th, 1900. 254 Annals of the Philosophical Club Railway, showed them to be very similar to these in character and probably due to the same cause. This inference was confirmed by experiments made at Chelsea (2^ miles from the railway) and at a point about \ a mile from it, the disturbances at both places showing an increase over those registered at South Kensington, and becoming larger as the railway was approached. 1899. April 27th, 467th meeting (anniversary). Sir G. G. Stokes, on being asked to account for the difference in luminosity of mantles consisting of pure thoria in com^ parison with those formed of 99 per cent, of thoria and I per cent, of ceria, when heated by cathode rays or the Bunsen flame, explained the physical conditions to which such difference was due. These were that thoria, from its molecular structure, is little disposed to vibrate with the frequencies corresponding with the less refrangible end of the spectrum and the invisible rays beyond. But, if it can be thrown into a state of high molecular agitation, by a cause permanently at work, so that the intake of energy balances that given out by radiation, much less of the output is lost (for illuminating purposes) by being in the form of vibrations with low frequency. Thus a compara- tively large part of the output is in the form of vibrations of higher frequency, which are needed for illumination. To explain how the thoria is to be thrown into a state of high agitation, we must suppose that, when a mantle of it is thus affected by the Bunsen burner, this is mainly produced, not by direct contact with the products of com- bustion, but by taking up from the ether the violent agita- tion, produced in it by, and emanating from, the various molecules born by the combustion. At any moment only an extremely small fraction of the molecules that have just been born can impinge on the mantle before their agitation has to a great extent subsided by com- munication to the ether and in part to the molecules in their immediate neighbourhood. We have, therefore, mainly to look to the agitation in the ether for getting up agitation in the molecules of the thoria. That will be, in Borings in a Coral Reef 255* very great measure, of high frequency, belonging to the ultra-violet part of the spectrum. But if thoria be nearly transparent for that part, the etherial vibrations will mostly pass through without disturbing it, and thus fail to produce the very high agitation desired. But when the thoria is mixed with a small quantity of a suitable oxide, such as that of cerium or of uranium, which is opaque for rays of high refrangibihty, their molecules take up agitation from the ether and pass it on to the thoria by molecular conduction. If a large quantity of the oxide were mixed with the thoria it would be injurious, because then it would freely emit radiations of comparatively low frequency, and so a great quantity of the agitation, which it takes up from the ether disturbed by the combustion of the gas would be wasted on etherial vibrations of a kind which are not wanted. But when thoria is agitated by the so-called cathodic rays, that is, by molecular bombardment, the process is wholly different and the foreign oxide is not required. 1900. Feb. 8th, 474th meeting. Professor Edgeworth David, of the University of Sydney (a guest), gave an account of the boring which had been put down in the atoll of Funafuti (see page 253) to a depth of 11 14 feet, and described his own stay on the island in 1897, while the first part of that bore-hole was being made.^ In this last expedition two borings, near together, had been made in the bed of the lagoon by the aid of Captain Sturdee, one to a depth of 144 feet, the other of 94J feet. The result of the three expeditions was to obtain maps and a study of the geography, geology, botany, and zoology of the atoll, and make a complete section of it, which passed partly through coral rock, partly through calcareous sand, and the materials obtained had been sent for study to the British Museum. He considered that the evidence tended to show that at Funafuti and other atolls in the ElUce group, algae, like Halimeda and Litho- thamnion, were not less important than corals and foramini- fera in their construction, and that the existence of large * An interesting account of this visit was written by Mrs. Edgeworth David in Funafuti, or Three Months on a Coral Island, 1899. ^56 Annals of the Philosophical Club ■coral blocks at the depths attained in the floor of the lagoon and of masses of reef -building corals at depths of more than 1000 feet, favoured the view that in these atolls subsidence had predominated over elevation.^ April 5th, 476th meeting (anniversary). Sir W. Crookes stated the results of his recent studies of uranium and its compounds in regard to their radio-active properties. That these were inherent in them had been taken for granted, but he had found that by chemical fractionation they can be divided, one portion having strong radio-active pro- perties, the other almost, or entirely, without them. The strongest of the former is capable of darkening a photo- graphic plate in five minutes, while the extreme one of the latter scarcely produces a visible effect after an exposure of 150 hours. He had succeeded in separating the active body from uranium, but not, as yet, in obtaining it unmixed. It was not polonium, for its radiations pass easily through glass and metal, while those of polonium are stopped. Whether or not it is radium, is at present doubtful, for, though it closely resembles that body in some of its characters, it differs in others, as described in the researches of M. and Mme. Curie. Nov. 22nd, 480th meeting. Dr. Blanford pointed out that the distribution of the garial (Garialis gangetica) favoured the idea of a depression in the upper part of the Bay of Bengal. It is a crocodile inhabiting rivers only, being never found like Crocodilus palustris in ponds or marshes, or like Crocodilus forosus in tidal waters or the sea. It occurs in the Brahmaputra, Ganges, and Indus, with their larger tributaries, and in the Mahanadi in Orissa and the Koladyni in Arakan. The simplest explanation of its presence in these two rivers is that they were once tribu- taries of the Ganges. This would require the Bay to have extended not farther north than about 19° N., where now its depth is about 800 fathoms. At Calcutta a well section * A full report of these expeditions and of the materials obtained, ^th maps and illustrations, is given in The Atoll of Funafuti, Report of the Coral Reef Committee of the Royal Society, 1909. The Geology of Arran 257 has afforded clear evidence of a depression of 460 feet — or, so far as it was carried. It is true signs of slight elevation are shown in the Bay of Bengal. There are none of great depression on the Arakan coast, but about midway, between the mouths of the Mahanadi and the Koladyni rivers, is the ' Swatch of no Ground,' a channel 1800 feet deep in the sea-bed, which on either side is only about 100 feet below the surface of the water. This could not be due to submarine erosion, and, if a result of subaerial, it must have been formed when the land was at least 2000 feet above its present level, which accords with the distribution of the garial. Sir A. Geikie mentioned an interesting discovery made by the Geological Survey in the Isle of Arran. Here the granite and other eruptive rocks have been for some time past considered to be referable to the great period of Tertiary volcanic activity, when so much igneous material was extruded in the north-western portion of the British Isles, but no actual proof of their age had been obtained before last summer, when a tract, about two miles in diameter, was found on the west side of the southern half of Arran, which obviously marks the site of a volcanic crater, for it is occupied by coarse agglomerates, with abundant bosses and dykes of various intrusive rocks. In these agglomerates are blocks of sedimentary strata, containing fossils, which show some of them to be Rhaetic, others Lower Lias, together with large masses of white limestone, indistinguish- able from the hard chalk of Antrim and full of Cretaceous foraminifera and sponges. This shows that the southern part of Arran, when the eruptions occurred, must have been covered with sedimentary rocks resembling those preserved under the basalt of Antrim. These probably extended into the south of Scotland, from which they have since been removed by denudation. This justifies the inference that the main topographical features of that region have been, to at least a great extent, carved out since the time of the chalk. p.c. APPENDIX I. LIST OF THE 47 ORIGINAL MEMBERS OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB.i April 12. Mr. D. T. Ansted. Sir H. T. de la Beche. Mr. T. Bell. Mr. W. Bowman. 5 Mr. W. J. Broderip. Mr. R. Brown. Sir p. de M. G. Egerton. Dr. W. Falconer. Prof. E. Forbes. 10 Mr. J. P. Gassiot. Prof. J. Graham. Mr. W. R. Grove. Mr. L. Horner. Mr. C. Lyell. 15 Dr. W. a. Miller. Sir R. I. Murchison. Mr. R. Owen. Mr. R, Partridge. Dr. J. Pereira. 20 Mr. J. Phillips. Dr. J. F. RoYLE. Col. E. Sabine. Dr. W. Sharpey. Mr. E. Solly. 25 Mr. W. Spence. Col. W. H. Sykes. Mr. C. Wheatstone. May 6. Adml. F. Beaufort. Mr. S. H. Christie. 30 Mr. M. Faraday. Mr. J. T. Graves. Sir J. F. W. Herschel. Mr. W. Hopkins. Prof. J. McCullagh. 35 Dr. W. H. Miller. Mr. G. Newport. Mr. G. Rennie. Sir J. Richardson. Rev. a. Sedgwick. 40 Capt. W. H. Smyth. June 3. Major P. T. Cautley. Mr. J. GooDsiR. Mr. J. H. Green. Sir W. S. Harris. 45 Dr. J. D. Hooker. Mr. W. H. Fox Talbot. Dr. N. Wallich. II. LIST OF TREASURERS OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB. 1847-1850. W. R. Grove. 185O-185I. J. F. ROYLE. 1851-1854. W. R. Grove. 1854-1857. J. D. Hooker. 1857-1860. W. A. Miller. 1 860-1 863. W. B. Carpenter. 1 Grouped in alphabetical order and according to the evenings on which the assent of each was announced, with the titles then generally given to them. 259 26o Appendix 1863-1866. G. Busk. 1 866-1 869. T. Thomson. 1869-1872. P. L. SCLATER. 1872-1874. W. H. Flower. 1874-1876. Sir R. Strachey. 1876-1879. F. Galton. 1879-1882. A. Thomson. 1882-1884. J. H. Lefroy. 1884-1887. T. G. Bonney. 1887-1889. J. Ball. 1889-1892. J. W. JUDD. 1892-1895. W. T. Blanford. 1895-1898. W. Crookes. 1898-1901. W. G. Adams. III. LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY CLUB, WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE PHILO- SOPHICAL CLUB. 1902-3.1 Fvesident. 1870. Huggins, Sir W., K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., P.R.S. Honorary Members. 1874. Bramwell, Sir F. J., 1879. Lister Bart., D.C.L. 1867. buckton, g. b. 1870. Foster, Sir M., K.C.B., LL.D. 1866. Galton, Francis, M.A., D.C.L. 1873. GUNTHER, A. C. L., M.A., Ph.D. 1864. Hay, Adm. Rt. Hon. Sir J.D.,Bt.,G.C.B., D.C.L. 1847. Hooker, Sir J. D., G.C.S.I. 1890. Kelvin, Lord, D.C.L., LL.D. Lord, M.D., D.C.L., LL.D. 1 881. Newton, Prof. A., M.A. 1889. Ommanney, Adm. Sir E., C.B. 1 871. Salisbury, The Mar- quess OF, K.G. 1862. ScLATER, p. L., Ph.D. 1866. Simon, Sir J., K.C.B., D.C.L.. LL.D. 1855. Stokes, Sir G. G., Bart,, LL.D. 1865. Strachey, Sir R., G.C.S.I. i860. Williamson, Prof. A. W., D.C.L., LL.D. Ex-officio Members. 1884. Christie, W. H. M., C.B., 1900. Larmor, J., M.A., D.Sc. M.A. 1868. Evans, Sir John, K.C.B., D.C.L. 1890. Geikie, Sir A., D.Sc, LL.D. 1889. Kempe, a. B., M.A. 1874. Rayleigh, Lord, M.A., D.Sc. 1886. Rucker, Sir A. W., M.A., D.Sc. 1886. Thorpe, Prof. T. E., C.B., D.Sc. LL.D. * Reprinted from Annals of the Royal Society Chiby by Sir A. Geikie, p. 4S5. The date before each name is that of election. Appendix 261 Ordinary Members. D.C.L., Wolfe, , M.A.. , LL.D. G.. 1888. Abney, Capt. Sir W. de W., R.E.. K.C.B., D.C.L. 1889. Adams, Prof. W. G., D.Sc. 1900. Armstrong, Prof. H. E., LL.D. i860. AvEBURY, Lord, LL.D. 1897. Barry, Sir J. K.C.B. 1902. Beddard, F. E. F.Z.S. 1886. Blanford, W. T., 1 881. Bonney.Rev. Prof. T. D.Sc. 1895. Boys, Prof. C. V. 1887. Brunton, Sir T. Lauder, M.D. 1890. Clifford-Allbutt, Prof. T., M.D. 1886. Clifton, Prof. R. B., M.A. 1892. Common, A. A., LL.D. 1889. Creak, Capt. E. W., R.N.. C.B. 1882. Crookes, Sir William. 1893. Dallinger, Rev. W. H., LL.D. 1894. Darwin, Francis, M.A. 1874. Debus, Heinrich, Ph.D. 1881. Dewar, Prof. James, M.A., LL.D. 1898. Dunstan, Wyndham R., M.A. 1898. EwiNG, Prof. James, B.Sc. 1890. Fletcher, L., M.A. 1897. Forsyth, Prof. A. R., M.A., D.Sc. 1896. Foster, Prof. G. Carey, B.A. 1 881. Gladstone, Prof. J. H., D.Sc. 1902. Glazebrook, R. T., M.A. 1889. GoDMAN, F. D., D.C.L. 1897. Greenhill, Prof. A. G., M.A. 1899. Griffiths, Principal E. H., M.A. 1881. Harcourt, a. G. Vernon, LL.D. 1890. HoRSLEY, Sir Victor, B.S., M.D. 1892. Hudleston, W. H., M.A. 1902. Jackson, Capt. H. B., R.N. 1886. JuDD, Prof. J. W., C.B. 1900. Langley, J. N., M.A., D.Sc. 1891. LivEiNG, Prof. G. D., M.A. 1885. LocKYER, Sir J. Norman, K.C.B. 1897. M'Clean. F., LL.D. 1895. MacMahon, Major P. A., D.Sc. 1873. Maskelyne, N. Story, M.A. 1902. Matthey, G. 1898. Meldola, Prof. R. 1898. MiERS, Prof. Henry A., M.A. 1895. MoND, L., Ph.D. 1875. MuLLER, Hugo, LL.D. 1 871. Noble, Sir A., Bart., K.C.B. 1868. Odling, Prof. W., M.A. 1900. PouLTON, Prof. E. B., M.A. 1895. Ramsay, Sir W., K.C.B.. D.Sc, LL.D. 1891. Reinold, Prof. A. W., M.A. 1893. Roberts- Austen, Prof. Sir W., K.C.B. 1880. RoscoE, Sir H., D.C.L., LL.D. 1875. RossE, THE Earl of, K.P., D.C.L., LL.D. 262 Appendix 1879. Russell, W. J., Ph.D. 1874. Sanderson, Sir J. S. BuRDON, Bart., LL.D. 1880. Scott, Robert H., M.A., D.Sc. 1900. Teall, J. J. H.. M.A. 1898. Thomson, Prof. J. J., M.A., D.Sc. 1898. Thornycroft, Sir J. I. 1897. Tilden, Prof. W. A., D.Sc. 1902. Turner, Prof. H. H., D.Sc. 1881. Tylor, Prof. E. B., D.C.L. 1899. Weldon, Prof. W. F. R., M.A. 1886. Wharton, Rear-Adm. Sir W. J. L., K.C.B. 1887. Wilson, Col. Sir C. W., K.C.B. Prof. W. G. Adams, Major MacMahon, and Prof. C. V. Boys, TveasuYevs. IV. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. At the third meeting of the Club it was announced that a Book for the Minutes had been presented by Sir H. T. de la Beche, a Treasurer's Box by Mr. Gassiot, and a Seal by Mr. T. Bell, for which thanks were voted. Sir W. Flower (page 60) was born in 1831. In the biographical note on Sir J. Evans (page 62) for 1889 read 1898. On page 72, in first line of biographical note on Lord Rayleigh, joY as read and. The note about Dr. N. Wallich on page 152 is needless, for a short biography of him, as an original member, is given on page 24. In the biographical statements I have relied especially on the DictionaYy of National BiogYaphy, supplemented in some cases by obituary notices in the Proceedings of the Royal and other Societies, and occasionally (in those of later date) by personal knowledge. While this sheet was passing through the press, the death of Dr. F. du Cane Godman (page 84) was announced as having occurred on Feb. 20th. On page 230 a tubular hydroid is said to have been dredged up on the ChallengeY Expedition from a depth of four miles. That is stated in the Minute Book, but it did not occur to me till too late that this depth was considerably greater than any reached from Appendix 263 the Challenger. The hydroid, subsequently named Monocaulus imperator, is described by Professor AUman ; see his Report on the Hydroids, Part ii, page 5 and Plate 3 {Challenger Reports, Zoology, vol. xxiii.). It had a stem more than 7 feet long and was brought up from a depth of 2900 fathoms, off Yokohama, in lat. 34° 3/ N., long. 140° 32' E. My thanks are due to not a few friends, too numerous for separate mention, for their help in difficulties arising from incorrectly written words in the Minute Books or from my own ignorance, but especially to Professor H. G. Plimmer for his care in transmitting to me those Books, and above all others to Professor W. W. Watts, Sc.D., F.R.S., my old friend and former pupil, who has read all the proofs of Section II. and has detected several misprints and other errors which had escaped my notice. Such errors insist on creeping into books, and this is not likely to be an exception, for I have hardly ever read a new one without detecting two or three misprints. But I fear there may be others. As the communications made to the Philosophical Club range over a wide field of knowledge, it is occasion- ally possible that a statement may not be accurately reported, and if the author of it were absent from the reading of the Minutes, this may have passed unnoticed. Some such cases I have observed and corrected, but others, in subjects with which I am unfamiliar, have no doubt passed undetected. In other cases, to one or two of which I have called attention, the speaker has been wrongly informed. Lastly, the ' somebody who blundered ' may have been myself. After a certain time in life we become too well aware that accuracy does not increase with years. So for mistakes of my own making I crave the reader's pardon and ask him to remember Horace's genial dictum : " Scimus, et hanc veniam petimus- que damiisque vicissim." INDEX Abbeville, discovery of human skeletons at, 164. Abel, F. A., election of, and bio- graphical note on, 69 ; communi- cations from, 200, 204, 207, 220, Abney, W. de W., election of, and biographical note on, 83. Abyssinia, gadflies in, 112. Academies, Mr. Grove's objection to, 63. Acari, immune from strychnine, 157. Acetylene gas, experiments in pro- ducing, 222. Adams, J. C, election of, and bio- graphical note on, 48 ; resigna- tion of, 62. Adams, W. G,, election of, and bio- graphical note on, 84. Adelaide, expeditions from, to explore Australia, 153. Africa, Genoese expedition round the Cape to India, 146. Agassiz, J. R. L., ancient types among North American fishes, 108 ; biographical note, id. ; on bubbles from thawing glacier ice, 134- Agos Garcia, selected for a coaling station, 229. Aiguille Blanche de Peuteret, fatal fall of Professor F. M. Balfour and guide, 221, Ailurus fulgens, living specimen of, received at the Zoological Gar- dens, 183. Air currents through tubes, an effect of, 106 ; a simple process of liquefying it described, 248. Aitkens, Mr. John, on the nature of clouds, 213. Akkas, skeletons of, forwarded by Emin Bey, 232. Albert, Prince, and juxtaposition, of Societies, 44. Albert Nyanza, Lake, discovery of, 172. Alcohol, made from olefiant gas, 127 ; and aldehyde, 159 ; Pro- fessor Tyndall in danger from a tube of it bursting over a lamp, 229. Aldehyde and alcohol, 159. Allman, Professor, election of, and biographical note on, 65 ; com- munications from, 212, 230 ; on a deep-sea hydroid, 230. Aluminium, medal of, 126 ; use for voltaic processes suggested, 127. American expeditions to observe the transit of Venus, 223 ; effi- ciency of their workmen increased by early education, 224. Ammonia and phosphuretted hy- drogen, analogy of, 130. Amphioxus, geological position of, 175- Animals in rapid motion, instru- ment for observing, 221. Ansted, D, T., biography of, 5 ; retirement of, 50. Anthropometric records in Messrs. Bury's ledgers, the weights and mode of living of aristocratic customers, 225. Antitoxins, rapid development in their preparation and export, 246. Ants, their nests and captive spiders, 243. Ants, white, their ravages at St. Helena and Pointe de Galle, 207. Aquadolce, ossiferous cave at, 150, 265 266 Index Araucaria, a new species of, on an island near New Caledonia, 153 ; insulated habits of its species, 154- Arc of meridian, progress of mea- surement in Europe, 157. Arctocepkahis Hookeri, large seal from Southern Ocean obtained by Zoological Society, 174. Ardennes, marble block from, con- taining part of a Cephalaspis, 166. Argentine, discovery of a Glossop- teris flora in, 247. Arithmetic, a new method of, 244. Armstrong, Sir W., election of, and biographical note on, 61 ; de- scribes Captain Noble's machine to measure velocity of a projec- tile, 182 ; swinging bridge con- structed by, 194 ; suggestion by, 220 ; resignation of, 75. Armstrong's guns, experiments with, 142, 143. Aromatic plants of North-west India, described by Arrian, 109. Arran, Isle of, discovery of a Tertiary volcanic neck, 257. Arrian, on aromatic plants found by Alexander's army, 109. Arsenic, in river water, explanation of its presence, 185. Arsenical dyes, poisonous effects of, 204 ; in glazed paper, id. Asiatic (Royal) Society, 30. Assyria, new discoveries of sculp- tures in, 112. Astronomical purposes, use of da- guerrotype for, 112, 113, 117; photography applied to, 124. Astronomical Society, 27, 30. Atlantic, nature of sea-bed in the North, 152 ; distribution of life on it, id. Atlas, The, vegetation of its main chain entirely Spanish, 188. Atmosphere, waves and currents in the, 117 ; pressure of, at differ- ent elevations, id. ; obstruction offered by its strata to passage of sounds, 193. Atmospheric agents, effect of, on plants, 113. Attraction meter. Dr. Siemens', its principle explained, 198, 199. Aurora borealis in United States, effect on telegraph wires, 151. Australia, exploration of, 122 ; expeditions starting from Ade- laide, 153. Australian marsupial, a new form of, described, 240. Avanturine, specimen of, from Paris, 178. Avebury, Lord, see Lubbock, Sir J. Babbage, Charles, remarks on brain of the late, 188. Bacteria in Thames water, the con- ditions of their occurrence, 246. Baker, S, W., proposed journey in South-east Africa, 138 ; explores Lake Albert Nyanza, 172. Balaenoptera, account of one stranded near Portsmouth, 184. Balfour, F. M., election of, 77, and biographical note on, 78 ; killed in the Alps with his guide, 221. Ball, J., election of, and biographical note on, 68 ; communications from, 214, 230, 235 ; death of, 84. Balloon, invention of the Mont- golfier, 131 ; use of a, for meteoro- logical observation, 1 20, 1 59 ; as- cent in a, to a great height, 165. Balls of plant fibres found near Villa Franca, 161. Barometer, general uniformity in readings in India, 105 ; move- ments of the, and rain, 121 ; high readings of, in London, 173, 174. Barometers, large tubes for, 121. Barrande, J., communication on trilobites, 108 ; biographical note on, id. Barrington, bones of extinct mam- mals discovered at, 242. Barrow at Youngsbury, notes on its contents, 237. Barth, H., visit of, to Timbuctoo, 135- Basques, former extension over Spain of a race resembling the, 172. Bathometer, Dr. Siemens', its prin- ciple explained, 198. Index 67 Baxin, M., a roller-boat invented by, 250. Bear, species of, found in Brixham Cave, 178. Beaufort, F., biography of, 5. Beckles, S., discovers fossil mammals in the Purbeck Beds, 134. Beechey, Capt., brings fossil plants from Greenland, 126. Bell, T., biography of, 6 ; com- munications from, 102, 104, 108, 118; resignation of, 55. Bellasis, Augustus, results of exca- vation in an old Indian city, 133. Bengal, Bay of, evidence for de- pression in its northern part, 256. Berkeley, Rev. M. J., human skull and elk bones from Nottingham drift, 155. Bermudas, character of the flora, 192 ; cause suggested for frequent thunderstorms, 222. Bernard, C, physiological experi- ments, and note on, 108. Bernard, Great St., barometric ob- servations at the, 117. Bertillon, A., method of identifica- tion by measurements described, 236. Beryl, water-worn crystal of, from Ceylon, 239. Birds, small, introduced into America, 194. Bird's nests, edible, their composi- tion, 227, 233, 234. Bismuth and electric conduction, 133- Black rain, a fall of, in Aberdeen- shire, 158 ; in Ireland, 237 ; material examined by Dr. Russell, id. Blanc, Mont, see Mont Blanc. Blanford, W. T., election of, 81 ; biographical note on, 82 ; com- munication from, 247, 256. Blood, experiments on the trans- fusion of, 139. Boa constrictor, swallowing a blanket, 119. Boat on rollers, invented by M. Baxin, 250. Bogota, Santa Fe de, remarks on an emerald from, 208. Bois-Reymond, Du, experiments with galvanometer, 107, 120 ; on artificial production of leucine, 127 ; on alleged cellulose in the brain, 128 ; on examination of Silurus electricus, 137 ; results from section of sciatic nerve, 144. Bond, Professor, on the daguerro- type in astronomical observa- tions, 117. Bonelli, Mr., improvements in Jac- quard's loom, 125. Bonney, T. G., election of, 78 ; asked to edit these Annals, id. ; communications from, 230, 232. Borethyle, new compound of boron and ethyle, described, 150. Botanic Gardens, discovery of a freshwater Medusa in tank at, 212. Bottle of Roman make described, 239 ; imitated by Mr. Powell, id. Bowman, W., biography of, 6 ; communications from, 108, 123, 216 ; proposes fusion of Philo- sophical and Royal Society Clubs, 87 ; death of, 88. Brailey, Dr., investigation of colour blindness by, 216. Bramwell, Sir F., election of, and biographical note on, 79 ; com- munications from, 240, 250. Bridge, a swing, constructed at Sir W. Armstrong's works, 194. Bridge, Menai, and acquired mag- netism, 121. British Association, discussion re- garding certain sections of the, 70. British Museum, and letters from William Harvey, 197, 198. British Museum, division of, 54 ; objection to separating the Natural History department, 141 ; the proposal obtains a majority of one vote on the Board of Trustees, 148, Brittleness, a result of vibration in iron, 121. Brixham Cave, investigations of, 140 ; difficulties lessened, 141 ; contains three species of bears, 178. Broderip, W. J., biography of, 6. 268 Index Brodie, Sir B. C. (the elder), election of, 49, and biographical note on, 50; communication from, 145; death of, 57. Brodie, Sir B. C. (the younger), election of, and biographical note on, 57 ; communications from, 185, 191, 192. Brome, Captain, discovery of an ossiferous cave at Gibraltar, 168 ; of a second one, 169 ; of three others, 172. Bronze articles and their moulds exhibited, 190. Brown, Barrington, beryl and rubies brought by, 239. Brown, R,, biography of, 6 ; resig- nation of, 41. Brown-S6quard, C. E., experiments by, on transfusion of blood, 139 ; on existence of special nerve fibres, 148. Browning, Spencer, maker of special form of spectroscope, 162. Bruce, J., account of Abyssinian gadflies, 112. Brunton, T. L., election of, and biographical note on, 91. Buckton, J., election of, and bio- graphical note on, 61 ; placed on honorary supernumerary list, 85. Budd, Dr. W., photographs of pathological specimens, 158. Buenos Aires, subfossil skull of a peculiar /e/is from, 124. Bunsen, R. W., on results of spec- trum analysis, 151. Burdon-Sanderson, J. S., election of, and biographical note on, 70 ; communication from, 205. Burlington House and Scientific Societies, 40, 44, 49, 50. Busk, G., election of, and bio- graphical note on, 41 ; communi- cations from, 140, 149, 157, 165, 168, 169, 172, 178, 182, 188, 193, 207 ; placed on supernumerary list, 81. Cables, telegraph, see Telegraph cables. Cahours, M., on affinity of ammonia and phosphuretted hydrogen. 1 30 ; on manufacture of alumi- nium, id. Calabria, study of earthquakes in,. 138. Canary Islands, note on their vege- tation, 235. Candles, difference in flame of, at top of Mont Blanc and at Chamo- nix, 146. Cannon, projectile force of Arm- strong's, 142, 143. Canton, J., correspondence with, 99. Carbon, crystals of, resembling diamond, obtained artificially, 235- Carbonic acid, effect, when frozen^ on living tissues, 202. Carpenter, W. B., election of, and biographical note on, 34 ; com- munications from, 121, 124, 135, 136, 152, 154, 158. 162, 174, 175, 178, 180, 181, 184, 188, 191, 194, 196, 204, 207, 216, 217, 218, 224, 225 ; death of, 80, 229. Carpenter, W. Lant, description of Niagara Falls in winter, 216. Cartridge factory at Woolwich, 128, Cattle plague disease, remarks on its character, 173. Cautley, P. T., biography of, 7 ; communication from, 125 ; ab- sence from England, 30 ; replace- ment on list, 41 ; resignation of, 56. Cave, ossiferous, at Aquadolce, 1 50 ; at Brixham, with remains of three species of bears, 178. Caves in Devonshire, investigations of, 140, 142. Cellulose, wrongly said to be present in the brain, 128. Ceria, effect of, on luminosity of gas-mantles, 255. Challenger, safe journey from Sheer- ness to Portsmouth, 191 ; sends plants from Bermuda, 192 ; deep dredging in Atlantic, 196. Chappelsmith, Mr., on a tornado in Indiana, 131. Charleston earthquake, sands ejected by, 232. Chemical Society, 27, 28, 30. Children prematurely born reared in incubators, 244. Index 269 China, two skulls of tiger from, 193- Christie, S. H., biography of, 7 ; resignation of, 41. Cilia, action of solutions on, 129. Cleavage in rock and vein-structure in ice, 134, 142. Clifford, W. K., election of, and biographical note on, 71 ; death of, 72. Clifton, R. B., election of, and bio- graphical note on, 82. Climatal conditions within Arctic circle in Miocene times, 176. Clock, astronomical, controlled by magnets, 230. Cloth of flax and wool, 119 ; Lady Moira's proposal for, id. Clunn's Hotel, place of first dinner, I. Coal discovered at Heraklea, 124 ; in India, 197. Cocoa-nut, alleged formation of pearls in a, 232. Cold, effect of, on vitality of seeds, 202, Colour-blindness, report on an investigation of, 216. Comatula, function of its sarcode cord, 181. Committee appointed to consider fusion of the Royal and the Philosophical Clubs, 87, Committees of Management ap- pointed, 2, 3. Communications to Club, proposed analysis of, 76. Composite photographs for a por- trait, 206 ; applied to represent disease, 213. Compte Rendu, suggested, 27. Conservation of solar energy, hypo- thesis proposed by Dr. Siemens, 218, 219. Copper, native, near Lake Superior, III; arsenide of, in green muslin, • 204. Coral reef, account of boring in a, 253 ; organisms forming a, 255. Corals, method of making sections of, 211. Cornu, Professor, on optical study of deformed elastic bodies, and on light, 186 ; on reversing spec- tral lines of metals, 190 ; on control of a clock, 230. Cornwall, model of rocking stones in, 180, Corona of sun, photographs of dur- ing a total eclipse, 187 ; proved to be part of the sun, 189. Cortina, houses at, buried by gravel slides, 149. Corundum, artificial forms of, 203. Cottrell, Mr., instrument to show effect of sounds on a flame, 194. Craven (Yorkshire), glaciation in, 165. Cresswell, Lieut., on wood and shells upon Arctic islands, 122. Crinoid from deep water west of Norway resembling Apiocrinus, 175- Crinoids, physiological structure of, 180, 181. Cronstadt, plan for closing channel leading to Bay, 125. Crookes, W., election of, and bio- graphical note on, 84 ; constructs improved radiometers, 199 ; com- munications from, 241, 247, 248, 256. Cuttriss' Hotel, place of second and third dinners, 3. Czar of Russia, his assassination and explosives, 215. Daguerrotype for astronomical pur- poses, 112, 113, 117. Dalton, John, priority in discovering Avogadro's law, 244. Dardanelles, undercurrent through, into the Black Sea, 191. Darwin, C. R., election of, and bio- graphical note on, 39 ; communi- cation from, 154; resignation of, 57 ; death and funeral, 220. Darwin, F., election of, 89 ; bio- graphical note on, 90. Darwin, G. H., election of, and bio- graphical note on, 83 ; communi- cation from, 245 ; resignation of, 93- Dasypus, brain of, and transitional character of the animal, 171. 270 Index Daubeny, C. G. B., election of, and biographical note on, 50 ; com- munications from, 150, 161 ; re- signation of, 57. David, Professor Edge worth, and atoll of Funafuti, 253, 255 ; bio- graphical note on, 253. Davos, winter temperature at, 195. Dawson, Professor, on foraminiferal origin of Eozoon Canadense, 174. Dead Sea, amount of its depression dubious, 169 ; proposal for ascer- taining, 170. Deaf mutes and their sense of dizziness, 223. Debus, H., election of, and bio- graphical note on, 67 ; communi- cations from, 202, 204, 219, 244. Decken, Von der, partial ascent of the Juba River, 174. Deep-sea dredging in the Atlantic, fauna in the warm and cold areas, 1 84 ; globigerina ooze in red clay, 196 ; hydroid from the, 230 ; fishes, 231. De la Beche, H. T., biography of, 8 ; death of, 41 ; presents first Minute Book, 262. De la Rive, communication from, 107. De la Rue, W., election of, and bio- graphical note on, 80 ; death of, 84. Demerara, submarine cable partly cut by a sawfish, 198. Deprez, M., makes diamonds, 204. Dewar, J., election and biographical note on, 76 ; communications from, 217, 219, 222, 237, 239, 248 ; on experiments in production of acetylene gas, 222 ; on properties of artificial racemic acid, id. Diamonds, attempted making of, 210,211,212; made by M. Deprez, 204. Difference engine of M. Schwarz, invention, 125. Dinornis, alleged discovery of, in New South Wales, 114 ; drawing | showing restorations of six species | of, 180. j Dinosaurs, Professor Huxley on I their relation to birds. 180. i Diphtheria antitoxin, rapid pro- duction, and large sale of, 246. Disco Island, fossil plants from, 126. Diseases represented by composite photographs, 213. Dissociation, meaning of the term discussed, 219. Dordogne, caves with stone and bone implements in the, 167. Doria, Marquis G., on discovery of an Echidna in New Guinea, 200. Dove, Professor, on a new method of photometry, 159. Draper, Dr. Henry, on presence of oxygen in the sun, 209. Duncan, P. M., election of, 72 ; biographical note on, 73 ; retire- ment of, 86. Duppa, experiments with Prof. Frankland on synthesis of organic compounds, 170. Duthiers, M. Ducaze, on the origin of Tyrian purple, 149, Earth, the condition of its interior, 102 ; figure and dimensions of the, 176. Earthquake at Charleston, sands ejected during, 232 ; records from Shide, Professor Milne on, 249. Echidna, a large species of, dis- covered in New Guinea, 200. Eclipse, total solar, 151 ; photo- graphs of the recent, 155 ; the corona, 187, 189; solar, observed at Vadso, 250. Edison, principle of his electric light, 208. Education, its effects on American workmen, 224. Egerton, Sir P. de M. G., biography of, 9 ; communications from, 108, 183, 184, 207 ; death of, 76. Egypt, signs of former erosive action by streams, 190. Eland, first sold for butchers' meat in England, i8o. Electric conductivity in bismuth, 133 ; water-battery, experiments with a large one, 160 ; discharges and vacuum tubes, 170 ; effect of^ on a vacuum, 186 ; discharges Index 271 and the production of acetylene gas, 222 ; light, Edison's lamp, 208 ; effect on zinc, platinum and aluminium, id. ; for use in explosive coal-mines, 233 ; tested experimentally, 240. Electric trains, their effect on a self-recording magnetometer, 253. Electrical fish, studies of the, 137 ; machine giving a spark 18 inches long, 182 ; railway and its effects on a physical labora- tory, 242. Electricity, generation and trans- mission of, 206. Electrodes, phenomena of heating by passage of a current, 155, 160. Electrotyping with silicon, 127 ; with calcium suggested, id. Elephas antiqtms, a tooth found near Tangier, 203. Elgin, new evidence as to age of the Reptilif erous sandstone near, 1 79 ; its geological position discussed by Professor Huxley, id. Elk, bones of, from Nottingham drift, 155. Elliot, Principal, on introduction of small birds into America, 194. Embryonic characters, retention of, described by Sir J. Paget, 200. Emerald from Colombia, its form and relation to the containing rock, 208. Emin Bey, intelligence from, 232. England, William the Conqueror's invasion of, 146. Eozoon Canadense, controversy as to origin of, 174, 177 ; structure resembling, in a Sutherland lime- stone, 218. Erlach's experiments with methy- lene blue, 245. Ether used in driving a steam- engine, 123. Ethyle and boron, new compound of, 150. Etna, its lava streams and their inclination, 142 ; its two centres of eruption, id. Evans, Sir J., election of, and bio- graphical note on, 61 ; com- munications from, 210, 225, 251 ; on a stone presumed to be wind- worn, 183 ; exhibits a palaeolith from Southampton Common, 185 ; description of a peculiar glass bottle of Roman age, 239 ; of a palaeolith from Rea Valley, 251. Everest, Sir G., election of, and biographical note on, 57 ; death of, 61. Ewart, Mr., researches into splenic fever with Dr. Burdon-Sanderson, 205. Explosive powders, experiments ta measure their effects, 220. Explosives, the effects of different kinds of, 228 ; their action on shingle, 236 ; experiments with, for use in cannon, 241, 242 ; rate at which they part with heat, 244. Extinct mammals discovered in Maccagnono Cave, 145 ; in Somme Valley gravels, 146. Eye, striae and spots in field of view, 115 ; adaptive action of the, 123, Falcon, a mummy of, exhibited, 236. Falconer, Hugh, biography of, 9 ; communications from, 100, 140, 141, 142, 145, 150, 162, 169 ; absence from England, 30 ; re- placement on list, 45 ; death of, 59- Faraday, M., biography of, 9 ; engaged as an assistant by Board of Managers, 161 ; communi- cations from, 116, 128, 148; makes alcohol from olefiant gas, 128 ; resignation of, 60. Farre, A., election of, and bio- graphical note on, 53 ; placed on supernumerary list, 76. Felis, subfossil skull of a, from Buenos Aires, 124. Fermentation, the part of living organisms in, 155. Fever, splenic, studies of, 205. ! Fiji Islands, visit of Colonel Smythe I to, 147 ; with Dr. Seeman, 148. Fish, entombed in mother of pearl, 226. Fisheries Exhibition, the inter- national, at South Kensington,. 225. 272 Index Fishes, fall of, discussed, 119; living in hot springs, 214 ; in deep underground waters, id. ; illustrations of those from great depths, 231, Flame, instrument to illustrate effects of sounds on a, 194 ; M. Topler's experiments on a singing, 222. Flint implements, with rhinoceros and hyaena bones in Devon caves, 142 ; discovered at Heme Bay, 154 ; near Whitstable, id. Flour, invention of apparatus for separating the starch and gluten from, 185. Flower, W. H., election of, and biographical note on, 60 ; com- munications from, 180, 184, 198, 232, 240 ; placed on honorary supernumerary list, 87. Flowers on an Alpine peak, in depth of winter, 220. Fluid, viscous, effect of strains in, on polarized light, 193. Fluorescence, in living tissues of the body, 173. Fog signals at sea, effect of the atmosphere upon, 193. Footprints, reptilian, near Phila- delphia, 122, Forbes, E., biography of, 10 ; com- munications from, 107, 109, 115 ; death of, 41. Forbes, George, and Young, James, new experiments on the velocity of light, 215. Fortune, Mr., sends tea plants to India, 114. Foster, Prof. M., communications from, 222, 227. Frankland, E., election of, 50; biographical note on, 51 ; com- munications from, 146, 150, 157, 165, 166, 170, 175, 185, 195, 204, 208, 212, 217, 228, 229, 240, 246, 250 ; death of, 93. Franklin, B., letters from, and note on, 99. Franklin, Sir J., reference to expedi- tion of, no. Frogs, physiological experiments with, 132. Funafuti, survey and boring of coral reef at, 253, 255. Fusus contrarius, dredged up in Bay of Vigo, 107. Gaboon, explored by M. du Chaillu, 172. Gadinolite from Texas, 242. Gale on Oct. 2nd, i860, 152. Galloway, T., election of, and bio- graphical note on, 29 ; communi- cation from, 113 ; death of, 34. Galton, F., election of, and bio- graphical note on, 66 ; com- munications from, 195, 206, 210, 213, 217, 219, 221, 225, 236, 243, 244 ; placed on supernumerary list, 92. Galvanic battery, a greatly enlarged form described, 170; length of its spark, 171 ; effects of a shock, id. Ganges Canal, difficulties overcome in constructing the, 125. Garial, geographical distribution of the, 256. Gas-mantles of thoria and ceria, 254. Gases, decomposition of, by Ruhm- korff coil, 147 ; liquefied by Professor Dewar, 248. Gassiot, J. P., biography of, 11 ; remarks on a passage in Minutes, 63 ; communications from, 116, 127, 132, 139, 155, 160, 162, 167, 170, 171, 182, 186, 187, 195 ; death of, 71. Geikie, A., election of, 78 ; bio- graphical note on, 79 ; com- munications from, 251, 257. Geneva, barometric observations at, 117. Genoa, maritime history of, 146. Geological Society, 27, 30, 39. Germanium, discovery of, 229 ; specimen exhibited, 230. Gibraltar, examination of ossiferous cave on Windmill Hill, 168 ; investigation into water supply of, 202 ; geology of district, 203 ; apes on the rock, id. Glacial epoch in the moon's history, 166. Glaciers and moraines in New Zealand, 167. Index 273 Glaisher, Mr., balloon ascent to great height, 165. Glass bottles on Siberian coast, 122 ; explanation of them, 123. „ THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. m. JUN % 196!) Book Slip-20m-3,*60(A9205s4)458 1 207';i9 Call Number: Qlil Bonney, Thomas George. Annals of the Philo- R75 b6 L-onncj 04-1 -R15 B(^ 207519