m^p^wm-imims NORTHBRIDGE VITAL RECORDS UC-NRLF illlllllJllllLilll BER>> ctET LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA VITAL RECORDS OF NORTH BRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS, TO THE YEAR 1850. COMPILED BY THOMAS W, BALDWIN, A.B., S.B., MEMBER OF THE NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. BOSTON, MASS. 1916. Number of births printed 2,823 Number of marriages printed . 929 X 2 = 1,858 names Number of deaths printed 729 Total 5,410 LOAN STACK BOSTON: ' WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING COMPANY. 32 Dbrnr Strkbt. NORTHBRIDGE. Part of Uxbridge established as the district of Northbridge July 14, 1772. The district made a town by general act August 23, 1775. Part of Sutton annexed April 20, 1 780. Part of Sutton annexed February 17, 1801. Part annexed to Sutton June 15, 1831. Bounds between Northbridge and Sutton established March 7. >8a(7. Part of Sutton annexed May 16, 1844. Bounds between Northbridge and Uxbridge established and part of each town annexed to the other town April 30, 1856. Bounds between Northbridge and Uxbridge established April 17, 1908. Population by Census: — 1776 (Prov.) 481; 1790 (U. S.) 569; 1800 (U. S.) 544; 1810 (U. S.) 7>3: 1820 (U. S.) 905; 1830 (U. S.) J.053; 1840 (U. S.) J. 449; 1850 (U. S.) 2,230; 1855 (State), 2,104; i860 (U. S.), 2,633; 1865 (State), 2,642; 1870 (U. S. 1875 (State 1880 (U. S. 1885 (State 1890 (U. S. 1895 (State 1900 (U. S 1905 (State 1910 (U. S 1915 (State 3.774; 4.030; 4.053; 3.786; 4,603; 5.286; 7.036; 7.400; 8,807; 9.254. /40 EXPLANATIONS. 1 . When places other than Northbridge or Massachusetts are named in the original records they are given in the printed copy, 2. In all items from the records the original spelling of the names is given and any additions made to the spelling of the record are enclosed in brackets. 3. The various spellings of a name should be examined as items about the same family or individual may be found under different spellings. 4. The birth of a married woman is recorded under her maiden name when it is known, but if the maiden name is unknown the entry appears under the husband's name with a dash enclosed in brackets, i.e., [ ], to signify that the maiden name is not known. 5. In taking records from gravestones it is often the case that the family name of a woman as given on the stone is not that under which she was bom, so, therefore, many births may appear under a married name instead of the original, which is not shown on the stone. In many cases names are evidently those of wives though not so specified. 6. Marriages and intentions are printed under the name of both parties. When both the marriage and intention are recorded, only the marriage record is printed and the date of the intention is not given, except when needed to make more clear the date of the marriage. When the marriage appears without the intention recorded it is designated with an asterisk. 7. Additional information, which does not appear in the original town record, i.e., any difference shown in other records of the same person, is enclosed in parentheses with the source of the information indicated. ABBREVIATIONS. a. — age, aged abt. — about b. — born bp. — baptized bur. — buried cb. — child C.R.I. — church record. Congregational Church, Northbridge Center C.R.2. — church record. Village Congregational Church, Whi- tinsville C.R.3. — from records of Smithfield, R. I., Monthly Meeting d. — daughter; died; day Dea. — deacon dec, — deceased dup. — duplicate entry G.R.I. — grave record, Pine Grove Cemetery G.R.2. — grave record, Riverdale Cemetery G.R.3. — grave record, St. Patrick's Cemetery G.R.4. — grave record, Benson Cemetery G.R.6. — grave record, Quaker Cemetery G.R.7. — grave record. Fowler Cemetery G.R.8. — grave record. Old Cemetery, Northbridge Center G.R.9. — grave record, Cooper Cemetery, Northbridge Center G.R.io. — grave record. Lackey Cemetery b. — husband, hours inf. — infant int. — publishment of intention of marriage Jr. — junior md. — married mo. — month 6 . prob. — probably 5. — son Sr. — senior unm. — unmarried w. — wife, weeks wid. — widow widr. — widower ABBREVIATIONS. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. To THE Year 1850. ABBOT (see Abbott), Elizabeth Fletcher, d. of Rev. Jacob J. and Margaret F. W. (Margaret F. Whitin, g.r.i), Mar. 14, 1848. ABBOTT (see Abbot), Jacob J., d.d., Jtily 17, 1813. g.r.i. ADAMS, , s. of Daniel and Betsey, Jan. — , 1823. Aaron Jr., s. of Aaron and Sarah, June 10, 1802. Abagail Z., d. of Nathan and Abagail, Feb. 13, 1844. Abigail Taft, d. of Arnold and Sophia, Feb. 28, 1827. Abner Jr., s. of Abner and Lucy, Feb. 11, 1806. Abner, s. of Sylvanus and Chloe H., Dec. 8, 1834. Albert Whitman, s. of Moses and Harriet, Sept. 4, 1845. Alpheus, s. of John Jr. and Elizabeth, Apr. i, 1781. Anna, d. of Nathan (Nathaniel dup.) and Lucy, Oct. 23, 1772. Annie M. [ ], w. of Perry, May 21, 1844. g.r.2. Augusta M., d. of Arnold and Sophia, Jan. 11, 1833. Azubah, d. of Francis and Abigail, June 8, 1780. Benjamin, s. of John and Elizabeth, Feb. 7, 1792. Benjamin, , 1820. g.r.i. Betsey, d. of Nathan (Nathaniel dup.) and Lucy, Nov. 14, 1781. Betsey, d. of Aaron and Sarah, June 3, 1792 (1791 dup.). Caleb (Jacob in pencil), s. of Aaron and Sarah, May 2, 1799. Charl[e]s, s. of Nathan and Ruth, Dec. 9, 181 2. Christopher, s. of Jacob and Lois, Nov. 18, 1828. Clark, s. of John and Elizabeth, Nov. 5, 1773. Cynthi (Cynthia S., c.r.i), d. of Arnold and Sophia, Aug. 19, 1820. Cyrus, s. of Nathan (Nathaniel dup.) and Lucy, Jan. 29, 1776. Daniel, s. of Aaron and Sarah, Oct. 23, 1780. Daniel Herbert, s. of Moses and Olive, Jan. 11, 1848. Deborah, d. of Aaron and Sarah, Jime 29, 1777. lO NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Adams, DoUey, d. of Oliver and Anna, Apr. 4, 1796. Elias, s. of Cyrus and Olive, June 23, 1816. Elias A., s. of Elias and Elmira, in Worcester, Aug. 15, 1841. Eliza, d. of Andrew and Betsy, Oct. 5, 1796. Elizabeth Naomi, d. of Jacob and Ardelia, May 5, 1836. Emeline Mariah, d. of John 2d and Sally, Mar. 25, 1816. Ephraim, s. of Clark and Siley, Nov. 27, 1814. Francis, s. of Arnold and Sophia, Mar. 24, 1822. George, s. of Andrew and Bets}'-, Dec. 28, 1792. George Willard, s. of Sylvanus and Cloe, July 5, 1837. Gilbert Franklin, s. of Sylvanus and Chloe H., Apr. 27, 1832. Hannah Jane, d. of Clark and Silence, Oct. 19, 182 1. Harriet, d. of Clark and Siley, Feb. 2, 1808. Harriet Thayer, d. of Abner and Lucy, Oct. 8, 1804. Harriet Thayer, d. of Sylvanus and Chloe, Nov. 17, 1826. Henry, s. of Clark and Siley, Mar. 7, 1816. Henry C, Oct. 6, 1840. g.r.2. Israel Plummer, s. of Moses, b. in Sutton, and Harriet, b. in Mendon, July 16, 1848. Jacob Axtell, s. of Daniel and Betsey, July 29, 1813. Jane L., d. of Jacob and Lois, Oct. 22, 1834. Jedson, s. of Nathan and Ruth, Sept. 5, 1809. Jennison, s. of Clark and Siley, Nov. 12, 1803. Joel, s. of John and Elizabeth, May 13, 1778. John, s. of Aaron and Sarah, Aug. 29, 1785 (Aug. 21, 1785 dup.). John Jr., s. of John and Elizabeth, May 26, 1789. John Q., Feb. 14, 1818. g.r.i. John Quincy, s. of Sylvanus and Chloe, Sept. 20, 1829. Jonathan, s. of Oliver and Anna, Aug. 19, 1798. Jonathan, s. of Clark and Siley, Nov. 16, 1809. Josiah, s. of Aaron and Sarah, Feb. 29, 1796. Judson, s. of Abner and Lucy, Mar. 23, 1808. Judson Laroy, s. of Sylvanus and Chloe H., Sept. 30, 1842. Laura, d. of Cyrus and Olive, Feb. 10, 1799. Laura, d. of Cyrus and Olive, Feb. 20, 1819. Lawson Sibley, s. of Arnold and Sophia, Feb. 9, 1824. Lucieus Arnold, s. of Warren and Mary G., Nov. 9, 1845. Lucy, d. of Nathan (Nathaniel dup.) and Lucy, in Hopkinton, May 2, 1769. Lucy, d. of Aaron and Sarah, Dec. 21, 1778. Lydia A. [ ], w. of Henry C, June 27, 1840. g.r.2. Lydia L., d. of Cyrus and Polly, Jan. 10, 1834. Lyman, s. of Cyrus and Olive, Feb. 4, 1807. Mary, d. of Cyrus and Olive, Nov. 28, 1809. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. II Adams, Mary Ann, d. of John 2d and Sally, Mar. 8, 181 1. Mary Mehitable, d. of Nathan and Abagail L., June 9, 1841. Moses, s. of Daniel and Betsey, Aug. 5, 1815. Moses Perry, s. of Moses and Harriet, in Sutton, Sept. 21, 1834. Nahiim, s. of Andrew and Betsy, Jiine 14, 1795. Nathan, s. of Nehemiah and Ziporah, Aug. 19, 1783. Nathan Warren, s. of Nathan and Ruth, Aug. 26, 1817. Nath[anie]l 2d, s. of Cyrus and Olive, May i, 181 2. Nehemiah, s. of Nehemiah and Ziporah, Jan. 25, 1785. Olive, d. of Francis and Abigail, May 20, 1786. Olive, d. of Nehemiah and Ziporah, i, 1790. Oliver, s. of John Jr. and Elizabeth, Feb. 10, 1771. Patty, d. of Andrew and Polley, Jan. 4, 1784. Peleg, s. of Andrew and Betsy, Dec. 29, 1799. ' Perry, Sept. 21, 1834. g.r.2. Polly, d. of Nehemiah and Ziporah, Aug. 8, 1781. Prudence, d. of Nehemiah and , Jime 13, 1777. Rachel, d. of Nehemiah and Ziporah, May 15, 1780. Rhoda, d. of Francis and Abigail, Aug. 17, 1781. Rosanna A. [ ], w. of John Q., Aug. 27, 1832. g.r.i. Roxalana, d. of Nathan and Ruth, May 24, 1806. Ruth, d. of Abner and Lucy, May 11, 1802 (1803 dup.). Ruth A. [ ], w. of John Q., July 18, 1823. g.r.i. Ruth Ann, d. of Nathan and Ruth, July 17, 1823. Salina Walradt [ ], w. of Chris[topher], , 1833. G.R.9. Sally, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, Dec. 12, 1775. Sally, d. of Nehemiah and Ziporah, Nov. 9, 1787. Sally, d. of Aaron and Sarah, Apr. 6, 1788. Sally Thompson, d. of Nathan and Ruth, Sept. 25, 1820. Samuel, s. of Cyrus and Olive, Dec. 9, 1802. Samuel (Samuel A. dup.), s. of Arnold and Sophia, Feb. 3, 1829. Samuel C., s. of Cyrus and Polly, Sept. 16, 1839. Samuel Justin, s. of Warren and Mary, July 21, 1847. Sarah, d. of Cyrus and Olive, Nov. 7, 1803. Siley, d. of Clark and Siley, May 17, 1812. Sindea, d. of Oliver and Anna, Jan. 5, 1801. Sintha, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, Dec. 6, 1774. Sophia, d. of Jona[than] and Sarah, Aug. 2, 1779. Stunner, s. of Nehemiah and Ziporah, Jan. 13, 1795. Susannah, d. of John and Elizabeth, Aug. 26, 1785. Sylva (Sylvia dup.), d. of Jonathan and Sarah, Nov. 21, 1777. Sylvanus, s. of Abner and Lucy [no date]. 12 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Adams, Syntha, d. of Nathan (Nathaniel dup.) and Lucy, Nov. 14, 1793. Thamer, d. of John and EHzabeth, Mar. 23, 1776. Tyler Herbert, s. of Moses and Harriet, in Sutton, May 19, 1841. Waldo, s. of Clark and Siley, Mar. 18, 1800. Warren, s. of Abner and Ruth, in Sutton, Feb. 12, 1792. Warren, s. of Arnold and Sophia, Mar. 30, 181 7. Warren Augustus, s. of Moses and Olive, Feb. 11, 1844. Washington, s. of Abner and Lucy [no date]. Welcome, s. of Aaron and Sarah, Oct. 31, 1793. West, s. of Clark and Siley, Feb. 6, 1802. William Jacob, s. of Jacob Axtell and Ardelia, July 16, 1834. Zebadiah Allbe, s. of Sylvanus and Chloe, Mar. 31, 1824. Zebediah, s. of Abner and Lucy, Aug. 3, 1814. ALDRICH, Abigail, d. of Alexander and Abigail, in Mendon, Nov. 9, 1770. Abigail, d. of Ahaz and Huldah, Feb. 19, 1805. Abraham, s. of Asa and Suzannah, Dec. 3, 1775. Ahaz, s. of Alexander and Abigail, in Uxbridge, Jan. 17, 1767. Alexander, s. of Alexander and Abigail, in Mendon (Uxbridge dup.). May 2, 1768. Amarantha, d. of Ellis and Hannah, June 26, 181 2. Amasa Read, s. of Samuel W. and Joanna, Feb. 13, 1825. Amelia, d. of Joseph and Amy C, Aug. 9, 1826. Amelia Catharine, d. of Ahaz and Rachel, June 5, 1809. Amey, d. of David and Mary, June 2, 1786. Amity, d. of John and Elizabeth, Apr. 7, 1791. Ann Maria, d. of James and Betsey, Jan. 30, 1819. Anna Amy, d. of Lyman and Anna, Nov. 22, 1813. Anna Elizabeth, d. of Elizabeth, May 18, 1819. Anna Evelyn, d. of Thomas B. and Sarah C, Aug. 22, 1844. Arnold, s. of Lymon and Anna, Aug. 27, 1804. Artemas, s. of Ahaz and Huldah, Apr. 18, 1800. Asa, s. of Ahaz and Rachel, Oct. 4, 1816. Asa, s. of Welcome and EHza, Mar. 22, 1846. Betsey J. Taft [ ], w. of John O., Feb. 28, 1842. g.r.i. Brown, s. of David and Mary, Jan. 9, 1785. Bryce, s. of Peter and Esther, in Uxbridge, Jan. 4, 1772. Caroline Bebe, d. of Josiah and Sally, May 12, 182 1. Celistina Ann, d. of Nathan and Levina, Oct. 16, 1826. Chandler B., s. of Omer and Maryann, May 30, 1834. Charles, s. of Ellis and Hannah, in Uxbridge, Aug. 16, 1807. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. I3 Aldrich, Charles Bowen, s. of John Jr. and Betsey, Sept. lo, 1823. Charles G., s. of Liberty and Mary A., Jan. ii, 1839. Charles P., s. of Omer and Maryann, Apr. 21, 1831. Charlotte, d. of Lymon and Anna, Aug. 28, 1797 (Sept. 28 dup.). Chloe M., d. of Peleg and Huldah, Mar. 20, 1817. Cromwell, s. of Alexander and Comfort, Nov. 17, 1799. Cynthia Mari, d. of John and Betsey, Feb. 27, 1832. David, s. of David and Mary, Jan. 10, 1794. David, s. of Jesse and Susan, May 26, 1829. Deborah, d. of Peter and Esther, Feb. 27, 1775. Dorcas, d. of Peleg and Huldah, Nov. 5, 1827. Eleanor W., d. of Omer and Maryann, Feb. 18, 1829. Elizabeth, d. of Alexander and Abigail, Dec. 6, 1776. Elizabeth, d. of John and Elizabeth, Jan. 22, 1795. Emma Frances, d. of Daniel H. and Cyrena R., b. in Thompson, Conn., Aug. 3, 1849. Francis Fisk, s. of Jesse and Susan, Mar. 17, 1841. Franklin, s. of Jesse and Susan, June 9, 183 1. Frederick V., s. of Lymon Jr. and Abigail, Aug. 22, 1831. Gardiner, s. of Lymon and Anna, Sept. 2, 1795. George Crane, s. of Paul and Mary, Sept. 10, 1807. George W., s. of Jesse and Susan, Mar. 27, 1845. Hannah, d. of Alexander and Abigail, Jan. 13, 1782. Hannibal Scipio, s. of Clark and Polly, Sept. 21, 1814. Henry Alanson, s. of Paul Jr. and Amey, June i, 1826. Hephizibah, d. of Alexander and Abigail, May 21, 1780. Hiram W., s. of Jesse and Susan, Jan. 12, 1847. Hopestill, d. of Lymon and Anna, Sept. 15, 1793. Horris (Harris dup.), s. of Asa and Suzannah, June i, 1778. Ira, s. of David and Mary, Sept. 15, 1788. Ira Thomas, s, of Jesse and Susan, Nov. 9, 1838. Irena D., d. of John and Betsey, June 3, 1839. James, s, of Paul and Susannah, Oct. 17, 1791. James S., s. of Willard C. and Louisa, Oct. 7, 1842.^ Jesse, s. of David and Mary, Mar. 4, 1797. Jesse Brown,' s. of Jesse and Susan, Aug. i, 1834. Joanna Bucklin, d. of Lymon and Anna, Sept. 12, 1791. John Jr., s. of John and Elizabeth, Aug. 16, 1798. John H., , 1828. G.R.I. John Oren J., s. of John and Betsey, Oct. 8, 1835. John T., s. of Liberty and Mary A., July 4, 1841. Joseph, s. of David and Mary, Aug. 10, 1801 . 14 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Aldrich, Joshua, s. of John and Eliza, Sept. 24, 1788. Joshua L., s. of Lymon Jr. and Abigail, Sept. 6, 1833. Josiah, s. of Alexander and Abigail, in Uxbridge, Dec. 19, 1778. Lewellyn R., s. of Thomas P. and Sarah C, Sept. 9, 1848. Lucinda Ann, d. of John and Betsey, Sept. 27, 1838. Lydia, d. of Alexander and Abigail, Oct. 30, 1774. Lydia, d, of Ellis and Hannah, Sept. 6, 1809. Lydia Sadler, d. of Clark and Polly, Apr. 26, 181 7. Lymon, s. of Lymon and Anna, Sept. 11, 1802. Malissa Ann, d. of Liberty and Mary A., Mar. 14, 1844. Marcus M., s. of John and Betsey, Mar. 18, 1833. Marcus Morton, s. of Lymon Jr. and Abigail, Jan. 19, 1840. Martha, d. of Samuel and Sarah, Apr. 20, 1788. Mary 2d, d. of Sam[ue]l and Sarah, July 28, 1794. Mary, d. of Ahaz and Huldah, May 19, 1803. Mary B., d. of Jesse and Susan, Aug. 13, 1832. Mary Brown, d. of David and Mary, Dec. i, 1803. Melica, d. of Omer and Maryann, Feb. 23, 1836. Menerva, d. of Omer and Maryann, Jan. 5, 1838. Mercy, d. of Ahaz and Huldah, Jan. 15, 1799. M[o]lley, d. of Lymon and Anna, July i, 1810. Molly, d. of Bamabus and Betty, Apr. 7, 1784. Narcissa, d. of Paul Jr. and Amy, Apr. 2, 1809. Nathan, s. of Paul and Susanna, Mar. 23, 1797. Omar, s. of Paul and Mary, June 19, 1805. Oris Chapin, s. of John Jr. and Betsey, Sept. 30, 182 1. Otis, s. of Peter Jr. and Elizabeth, Mar. 14, 1774. Peleg Jr., s. of Sam[ue]l and Sarah, June 30, 1790. Peleg B., s. of Peleg and Huldah, Dec. 19, 1825. Phebe, d. of Paid and Susannah, Oct. 15, 1799. Phebe Saben, d. of Paul Jr. and Amy, Sept. 9, 1815. Phila Arnold, d. of Ahaz and Rachel, Jan. 22, 181 5. Prissa, d. of Paul and Susanna, Apr. 3, 1794. Rachel, d. of Alexander and Abigail, in Mendon, Aug. i, 1769. Rachel, d. of Paul and Mary, Mar. 3, 1813. Rachel E., d. of Omer and Maryan, Oct. 21, 1827. Rachel P., d. of Jesse and Susan, Feb. 23, 1826. Rhoda, d. of Samuel and Sarah, Feb. 17, 1786. Richard, s. of Paul Jr. and Amy, Mar. 20, 1807. Robert B., s. of Peleg and Huldah, May 15, 1819. Rufus Munroe, s. of Samuel W. and Joanna, Nov. 8, 1826. Ruth Morey, d. of Paul Jr. and Amey, Feb. 14, 1818. Sam[ue]l Jr., s. of Samuel and Sarah, July 4, 1792. Samuel 3d, s. of Lyman and Anna, Aug. 14, 1807. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. I5 Aldrich, Samuel B., s. of Peleg and Huldah, Feb. i8, 1821. Samuel Taft, s. of Lyman and Abagail W., Dec. 21, 1843. Sam[ue]l Willard, s. of Sam[ue]l and Sarah, May 15, 1800. Sarah, d. of David and Mary, Aug. 18, 1791. Sarah 2d, d. of Sam[ue]l and Sarah, Sept. 15, 1797. Sarah, d. of Peleg and Htddah, Jan. 24, 1823. Sarah Eliza, d. of Daniel H. and Cyrena R., June 5, 1847. Sarah R., d. of John and Betsey, July 10, 1827. Sintha, d. of Alexander and Comfort, Apr. 20, 1797. Smith, s. of Ahaz and Huldah, Sept. 24, 1801. Sumner Adams, s. of Alexander and Rachel, July 8, 1816. Sylvanus Bucklin, s. of Lyman and Anna, Oct. 16, 18 10. Thomas Paul, s. of Paul Jr. and Amey, Nov. 6, 1821. Vanransalier, s. of Lyman Jr. and Abigail, Oct. 12, 1829. Welcome Pratt, s. of Jesse and Susan, June 16, 1837. ALLEN, Amey Ann, d. of Newman C. and Elvira, Apr. 14, 1835. Anna Elizabeth, d. of James and Lucia, July 16, 1847. B. Frank, , 1832. g.r.i. Caroline A., d. of Newman C. and Elvira, Mar. 26, 1839. Emma Udora, d. of James and Lucia, Feb. 11, 1845. Jane D. Crandall [ ], w. of B. Frank, , 1829. g.r.i. Nelson R., s. of Newman C. and Elvira, Apr. 3, 1837. Rhoda E., d. of Newman C. and Elvira, Nov. 10, 1841. Thomas W. D., s. of Newman C. and Elvira, Nov. 10, 1843. AMBLER, Joseph S., Sept. i, 1836. g.r.i. Sarah [ ], w. of Joseph S., Nov, 12, 1843. g-R.i- AMES, Sarepta Martin [ ], w. of Proctor, Mar. 5, 183 1. g.r.i. ANDERSON, James, , 1825. g.r.i. Sarah McQuerence [ ], w. of James, , 1832. g.r.i. ANDREW (see Andrews, Andrus), Pembroke R. (Pembroke Herbert, c.R.2), s. of Thomas R. and Elmanda (Eknanda M., c.R.2), May 26, 1840. ANDREWS (see Andrew, Andrus), Albert J., , 1829. g.r.i. Caroline, d. of Hawkins and Lucinda, May 17, 1848. Emeline, d. of Hawkins and Lucinda, both b. in Gloucester, R. I., Sept. 15, 1849. George T., s, of Thomas and Amanda M., Apr. 8, 1842. Sybil [ ], w. of Albert J., , 1836. g.r.i. l6 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. ANDRUS (see Andrew, Andrews), Adin Parsons, s. of Jona- [than] H. and Lucina, bp. Aug. 5, 1834. c.r.2. Ann Mariah, d. of Jonathan H. and Lucina, Oct. 25, 1827. Arthur J., s. of Walter H. and Lurana Saunders, , 1843. G.R.I. Caroline Adelia, d. of Jona[than] H. and Lucina, bp. Aug. 5, 1834. C.R.2. Frank W., s. of Walter H. and Lurana Saunders, , 1836. G.R.I. Harriet, d. of Jona[than] H. and Lucina, bp. Oct. 12, 1834. C.R.2. Lurana Saunders [ ], w. of Walter H., , 1817. g.r.i. Walter H., , 1815. g.r.i. ARMSBY, , s. of Lewis and Clarissa, June 9, 1846. Stillborn. Amos, inf. s. of Horace and Lucretia J., bp. Jan. 10, 1836. C.R.2. Ann Maria [ ], w. of Edwin, , 1808. g.r.i. Catharine Panthea, d. of Edwin and H. Adaline, July 8, 1847. Edwin, , 1812. G.R.I. George A., Feb. 7, 1827. g.r.i. Hannah Adeline [ ], w. of Edwin, , 1822. g.r.i. Henry Lucius, s. of Lewis and Mary Ann, July 5, 1848. ARNOLD, Amos, , 1828. g.r.i. Caroline J. [ ], w. of George L., , 1832. g.r.i. Charlotte L Taft [ ], w. of Amos, , 1830. g.r.i. Edgar Lamonte, s. of John C. and Mary Elizabeth, b. in Ux- bridge, Sept. 29, 1849. George Gordon, s. of Benedict and Lydia, Mar. 29, 1828. George L., , 1827. g.r.i. Jane A, Rawson [ ], w. of Amos, , 1840. g.r.i. John C, , 1823. G.R.I. Lyman T., s. of Virgil M. and Sarah, Sept. 8, 1844. Mary E. [ ], w. of John C, , 1827. g.r.i. Welcome, , 1824. g.r.i. AUSTIN, Charles, , 1823. g.r.i. Phoebe Bryant [ ], w. of Charles, , 1826. g.r.i. BABCOCK, Simon B., 1826. G.R.9. BABSON, Isaac H., Dec. 19, 1835. g.r.i. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 17 BACHELOR (see Batcheller, Batchellor, Batchelor), Anne Madana, Aug. 19, 1837. g.r.8. Charlotte [ ], w. of Zeri, , 1810. g.r.i. Myra M., d. of Zeri and Charlotte, , 1839. g.r.i. Urana J. [ ], w. of Charles Z., , 1837. g.r.i. Zeri, , 1808. g.r.i. BACON, Jane [ ], w. of John, Jan. 11, 1828. g.r.i. John, Nov. 9, 1823. g.r.i. BAKER, Charlotte, d. of Eben[eze]r and Betsy, Mar. 14, 1812. Cyrus P., Jan. 18, 183 1. g.r.i. Elizabeth Caroline, d. of Ebenezer and Betsey, July 17, 1806. Emily Maria, d. of Eben[eze]r and Betsy, July 24, 18 10. Eunice P. Capron [ ], w. of Cyrus F., June 16, 1832. G.R.I. Nathan William, s. of Ebenezer and Betsey, Nov. 18, 1808. BALDWIN, Anna, d. of Sam[ue]ll and Millicent, in Weston, Nov. 9, 1764. Cyrus, s. of Samfuejll and Millicent, May 5, 1773. Edward, Jan. 12, 1841. G.R.3. Ephraim, s. of Sam[ue]ll and Millicent, in Uxbridge, June 20, 1771. Jonas Cutler, s. of Sam[ue]ll and Millicent, in Uxbridge, Jan. 3, 1769. Lydia, d. of Sam[ue]ll and Millicent, Aug. 18, 1775. Millicent, d. of Sam[ue]ll and Millicent, June 29, 1777. Sam[ue]ll, s. of Sam[ue]ll and Millicent, in Uxbridge, Oct. 13, 1766. BALLAD, Fanny, d. of , bp. June 3, 1832. c.r.i. BALMER, Margaret Topping [ ], w. of William, , 1822. G.R.I. Matthew, s. of William and Margaret Topping, , 1847. G.R.I. William, , 1807. g.r.i. William, , 1849. g.r.i. BAMPREY, Jane [ ], w. of John, , 1835. g.r.i. John, , 1835. G.R.I. BARDEAN, Elenor, d. of Samuel and Elisabeth, in Douglas, Mar. II, 1777. Polly, d. of Samuel and Elisabeth, in Rehoboth, Aug. 22, 1781. Zurviah, d. of Samuel and Elisabeth, in Douglas, Jan. 22, 1779. l8 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. BARR, George, Sept. 21, 1821. g.r.i. BARTON, Martin Aldrich, s. of Peter and Rachel, in Croydon, Aug. 22, 1813. BASS, Charles H., , 1836. g.r.i. Elmina J. Carey [ ], w. of Charles H., , 1839. g.r.i. BASSET (see Bassett), David, s. of Simeon and Abigail, July 26, 1813. BASSETT (see Basset), ly, ch. of Jacob and Celia, bp. Apr. 20, 1800. C.R.I. s, ch. of Jacob and Celia, bp. Apr. 20, 1800, c.r.i. , ch. of Jacob and Celia, bp. Sept. 13, 1801. c.r.i. Abigail, d. of Simeon and Abigail, Nov. 3, 1811. Albert, s. of and Sarah, bp. Oct. 2, 1808. c.r.i. Alvin Jr., s. of Alvin and Hannah, May 25, 1793. Barton, s. of and Abigail, iDp. Oct. 6, 1799. c.r.i. Benja[min] Jr., s. of Benja[min] and Mercy, in Attleboro, Dec. 5, 1774. Benja[min], s. of Benja[min] Jr. and Elisabeth, July 17, 1804. Betsy, d. of Simeon and Abigail, Sept. 5, 1794. Caleb Strong, s. of Simeon and Abigail, Oct. 3, 1807. Ebenezer, s. of Benja[min] Jr. and Elisabeth, Nov. 9, 1806. Elizabeth, d. of Benj[ami]n and Sarah, Mar. 7, 181 1. Hannah, d. of Alvin and Hannah, Aug. 24, 1795. Jason, s. of Benjamin and Elizabeth, in Sutton, Dec. 16, 1797. Jasper, s. of Benja[min] Jr. and Sarah, Apr. 15, 1809. Julia, d. of Alvin and Hannah, in Sutton, Nov. 21, 1800. Lucy, d. of Simeon and Abigal, June 22, 1802. Melinda, d. of Benjamin and Elizabeth, in Sutton, Jan. 29, 1800. Moses Park, s. of Simeon and Abigail, Aug. 12, 1809. Nancy, d. of Alvin and Hannah, May 8, 1798. Phebe, d. of Benj[ami]n and Marcy, Nov. 17, 1776. Polly, d. of Simeon and Abigail, Apr. 2, 1805. Rufus, s. of Simeon and Abigail, May 14, 1796. Salley, d. of Simeon and Abigail, Apr. i, 1793. Sam[ue]l, s. of Benj[ami]n and Marcy, May 11, 1780. Sarah Shearman, d. of Benj[ami]n and Sarah, Feb. 7, 1813. Simeon, s. of Benj[ami]n and Marcy, in Rehoboth, Feb. 10, 1770. Simeon Jr., s. of Simeon and Abigail, Apr. 22, 1804. Simeon Milton, s. of Simeon and Abigail, in Holden, May 1 1 , 1816. William, s. of Benja[min] Jr. and Elisabeth, Mar. i, 1802. Zilpah, ch, of Benja. and Mercy, bp. July 3, 1782. c.r.i. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. I9 BATCHELLER (see Bachelor, Batchellor, Batchelor), , ch. of Aaron and Nancy, Feb. 2, 1823. Aldolphus, s. of , bp. June 3, 1832. c.r.i. Almira Mash, d. of Zeri and Sharlotte, Apr. 3, 1839, Betsy, d. of , bp. June 3, 1832. c.r.i. Charles Oscar, s. of Joel Jr. and Laura, June 24, 1837. Charles Zeri, s. of Zeri and Sharlot, June 28, 1835. C)mthia Adams, d. of Adolphus and Betsey, Feb. 28, 182 1. David Jr., s. of David and Deborah, in Cornish, N. H., Aug. 25, 1811. Edward Forbes, s. of Ollis and Prudence, Aug. 16, 1825. Edward Pason, s. of Stephen F. and Mary Ann, Jan. 30, 1835. Edward Payson, s. of Joel Jr. and Laura, Mar. 14, 1839. Elizaan, d. of Simeon and Eliza, Sept. 19, 1832. Eliza Jane, d. of Azor and Plumy, July 24, 1835 (July 23 dup.). Elizabeth, d. of Adolphus and Betsey, June 10, 1832. Ellen Augusta, d. of Joel Jr. and Laura, July 3, 1841. Emala Maria, d. of and Prudence, bp, June 4, 1830. C.R.I. Frances A. (Frances Alphronia, c.R.2), d. of Stephen F. and Mary Ann, Aug. 23, 1840. George Nelson, s. of Nelson and Mary A., Sept. 11, 1847. Jairus Harrison, s. of Josiah and Mary, Aug. 18, 1824. Joel, s. of David and Lois (Wood), Mar. 24, 1770. Joel Jr., s. of Joel and Judith, Feb. 19, 1808. Joel 2d, s. of David and Deborah, in Cornish, N. H., May 13, 1813. John, s. of Aaron and Nancy, May 31, 1825. Laura Jane, d. of Joel and Laura, Sept. 27, 1833. Lucy Madana, d. of Joel and Judith, June 19, 1813. Lydia, d. of Adolphus and Betsey, Dec. 22, 1829. Lydia Tuel, d. of Joel and Judith, Feb. 5, 1810. Maria Frances, d. of Joel Jr. and Laura, May 7, 1835. Martha Ann, d. of Joel and Laura, Jan. 3, 1844. Martha Ann, d. of Zeri and Charlotte, Mar. 22, 1844. Mary Elizabeth, d. of and Elizabeth, bp. Oct. i, 1830. C.R.I. Mary Plaisted, d. of Ollis and Prudence, Mar. 5, 1840. Nancy, d. of Aaron and Nancy, May 23, 1821. Naomy, d. of Aaron and Nancy, Jan. 3, 1828. Nelson, s. of Adolphus and Betsey, Dec. 18, 1822. Orondatus, s. of David Jr. and Patee, Oct. 3, 1785. Samantha, d. of Adolphus and Betsey, Jan. 28, 1825. Simeon 2d, s. of David and Deborah, Oct. 16, 1815. 20 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Batcheller, Simeon, s. of Adolphus and Betsey, Dec. 8, 1835. Simeon, s. of Nelson and Mary A., Aug. 15, 1846. Susanna, d. of David and Deborah, Apr. 23, 1818. Susanna, d. of Aaron and Nancy, Feb. 19, "1824. Sylvia, d. of David and Deborah, July 25, 1820. Vesta, d. of Adolphus and Betsey, Apr. 13, 1827. BATCHELLOR (see Bachelor, Batcheller, Batchelor), Aaron, s. of David and Pattee, in Grafton, Mar. 6, 1795. Abigail, d. of Silas and Dorkis, Mar. 27, 1796. Abigail, d. of Simeon and Lucy, Nov. i, 1807. Adolphas, s. of Simeon and Lucy, Aug. 15, 1793. Anna Adams, d. of Simeon and Lucy, July 24, 1810. Celitina, d. of Simeon and Lucy, Mar. 15, 1797. David 3d, s. of David and Louis, in Upton, Jan. 9, 1765. David Jr., s. of David and Pattee, in Grafton, Mar. 24, 1789. Erastus, s. of David and Pattee, Apr. 17, 1799. Fortunatus, s. of David and Pattee, Jan. 19, 1793. Judith 2d, d. of Joel and Judith, Aug. 4, 1800. Leander, s. of David and Pattee, in Sutton, July 22, 1807. Lois, d. of Simeon and Lucy, Oct. 8, 1800. Lois Wood, d. of David and Pattee, in Sutton, Mar. 21, 1810. Loren Wood, s. of David and Pattee, in Sutton, May 4, 1787. Lucy, d. of Simeon and Lucy, Jan. 29, 1803. Luther, s. of Silas and Dorkis, Aug. 15, 1794. Odedelia, d. of David and Pattee, in Sutton, July 27, 1802. Otis, s. of Joel and Judith, Sept. 14, 1797. Pattee, d. of David and Pattee, Oct. 25, 1796. Perdiscus, s. of David and Pattee, in Sutton, May 22, 1804. Satyra, s. of David and Patee, in Grafton, Mar. 22, 1791. Simeon, s. of David and Louis, in Upton, Oct. 15, 1767. Simeon, s. of Simeon and Lucy, Mar. 27, 1805. Syrena, d. of Joel and Judith, Dec. 16, 1795. Vesta, d. of Simeon and Lucy, Oct. 11, 1795. BATCHELOR (see Bachelor, Batcheller, Batchellor), Imogene C. Lackey [ ], w. of Geo[rge] N., , 1847. g.r.io. Mary A. Fletcher [ ], w. of Stephen F., :, 1809. g.r.i. Stephen F., June 5, 1807. g.r.i. BATES, William, s. of W[illia]m and C. F. L., bp. Oct. 7, 1845. C.R.I. William Jr., s. of Rev. William, b. in Dedham, and Cornelia F. L., b. in Conway, Mar. 16, 1849. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 21 BATHRICK, Caroline K. [ ], w. of Warren C, , 1830. G.R.I. Experience H. [ ], w. of Jonathan, , 1790. g.r.i. Harriet, d. of Jonathan and Experience H., , 1817. g.r.i. Jonathan, , 1788. g.r.i. Lucinda T., d. of Jonathan and Experience H., , 1820. g.r.i. Warren C, , 1827. g.r.i. BAYLES (see Baylis), Charles Augustus, s. of , bp. Sept. II, 183 1. C.R.I. BAYLIS (see Bayles), Sarah J., d. of N. and Margaret F. Chapin, June 4, 1829. G.R.I. BEACH, Horace Holden, Apr. 23, 1832. g.r.i Rosalie Ix)wry [ ], w. of Horace Holden, Feb. 27, 1833. G.R.I. BEAN (see Beane), Charles, s. of Hazen O. and Mary, May 5, 1839. Frances Jane, d. of Hazen and Mary Ann, Oct. 7, 1842. George W., s. of Hazen O. and Mary, Oct. 14, 1835. Hason, s. of Hazen O. and Mary, Aug. 9, 1837. Hazen Obadiah, s. of Hazen 0. and Mary Ann, Mar. 14, 1847. Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Hazen O. and Mary Ann, Nov. 3, 1844. Washington, s. of Rufus C. and Martha, Aug. 27, 1846. Twin. Wellington, s. of Rufus C. and Martha, Aug. 27, 1846. Twin. BEANE (see Bean), Harriet A. [ ], w. of Charles, Apr. 13, 1838. G.R.2. Hazen O., , 1809. g.r.2. Mary A. [ ], w. of Hazen O., , 1814. g.r.2. BECKWITH, Francis E., s. of Francis E. and Mary, Feb. 10, 1845. Theadocia A., d. of Francis E. and Mary, Apr. 9, 1848. BELLOWS, Malvina Eellis, d. of Calvin and Sarah, Apr. 2, 1839. BEMIS, Charles E., , 1839. g.r.i. BENNETT, Abbie E. [ ], w. of John R. D., , 1829. G.R.I. Adelpha M., d. of John R. D. and Abbie E., , 1849. g.r.i. 22 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Bennett, Albert Congden, s. of Rufus and Polly, Nov. 30, 1820. David Wood, s. of Rufus and Polly, July 12, 1809. Twin. George H., s. of Robherd B. and Lucina, Oct. 27, 1834. Joanna W., d. of Robert (Robherd B. dup.) and Lucina, Jan. 6, 1832. Joanna Wilkitson, d. of Rufus and Polly, May 27, 1805. John R. D., , 1823. G.R.I. Lavina White, d. of Rufus and Polly, Jan. 27, 181 2. Mary Famum, d. of Rufus and Polly, July 12, 1809. Twin. Mary O. [ ], w. of George H., Feb. 6, 1828. g.r.6. Robert Bucklien, s. of Rufus and Polly, Jan. 23, 1803. Rufus Augustus, s. of Rufus and Polly, Dec. 15, 181 7. Samuel Agustus, s. of David W. and Abagail, Nov. 8, 1843. Sarah Ann, d. of Rufus and Polly, Apr. 8, 1807. Susannah Frost, d. of Rufus and Polly, Oct. 4, 1814. BENSON, Amasa, s. of Benj[ami]n and Martha, Feb. 15, 1779. Amasa Benjamin, s. of Amasa and Sarah, June 26, 181 5 (Jvily 26 dup.). Benjamin Jr., s. of Benjamin and Martha, June 6, 1786. Erastus Otis, s. of Amasa and Sarah, Mar. 27, 1822. Esther Goddard [ ], w. of George, , 1828. g.r.i. Gardener Aldrich, s. of Amasa and Sarah, Dec. 9, 1810. George, s. of Amasa and Sarah, July 28, 1819. Twin. Hannah, d. of Benj[ami]n and Martha, Apr. 18, 1778 (1775 dup.). Martha, d. of Benj[ami]n and Martha, Feb. 26, 1777. Mary J., d. of Amisa and Sarah, June 9, 1829. Miranda, d. of Amasa and Sarah, May 31, 1809. Sarah, d. of Amasa and Sarah, Mar. 9, 1825. Silence, d. of Benj[ami]n and Martha, July 30, 1773. Silenc[e], d. of Benj[ami]n and Martha, Aug. 8, 1781. Thankfull, d. of Benj[ami]n and Martha, Aug. 29, 1783. Truelove, d. of Benj[ami]n and Martha, Nov. 8, 1788 (Nov. 18 dup.), Willard, s. of Amasa and Sarah, July 28, 1819. Twin. BENTON, Celia A. Kenney [ ], w. of William H., , 1839. g.r.i. William H., , 1838. g.r.i. BIGALOW (see Bigelow), Edward, s. of Silas and Silence, July 5, 1830. Twin. Emily, d. of S2as and Silence, July 5, 1830. Twin. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 23 BIGELOW (see Bigalow), John Wilks, s. of John and Lucinda, Jan. 14, 1834. BILLS, Cordelia Ellen, d. of Davis and Julia, , 1846'. g.r.i. Davis, , 1804. G.R.I. Julia [ ], w. of Davis, , 1825. g.r.i. Samuel, , 1772. g.r.i. Sarah Brown, d. of Davis and Eliza Aldrich, , 1838. g.r.i. Susanna [ ], w. of Samuel, , 1770. g.r.i. BIXBY, Alfred Lorenzo, s. of Lorenzo W. and Mary E., Mar. 9, 1848. BLANCHARD, Geo. M., Mar. 28, 1830. g.r.i. Lydia A. Morse [ ], w. of Geo. M., Dec. 11, 1830. g.r.i. BLOODGOOD, Daniel, Jan. 4, 1799. g.r.i. Olive [ ], w. of Daniel, Dec. 31, 1804. g.r.i. BLY, Frederick Percy, s. of Albert and Harriet W., Dec. i, 1847. Harriet Lillian, d. of Albert and Harriet W., July 28, 1845. BOLSTER, Albert, s. of Olney and Eliza, , 1847. g.r.2. Eliza [ ], w. of Olney, , 1804. g.r.2. Loranah M., d. of Olney and Eliza, , 1844. g.r.2. Loring O., s. of Olney and Eliza, , 1835. g.r.2. Marietta, d. of Olney and Eliza, , 1842. g.r.2. Olney, , 1813. g.r.2. Olney, s. of Olney and Eliza, , 1846. g.r.2. BOOMER, Mary Amelia, d. of Job B. and Anna, June 19, 1823. Nancy McLellan, d. of Job B. and Anna, Sept. 27, 1819. BOSMA, Richard, Feb. 18, 1848. g.r.2. BOWDISH, Allen E., s. of Crawford T. and Mary J., , 1849. G.R.I. Crawford T., , 1821. g.r.i. Mary J. [ ], w. of Crawford T., , 1824. g.r.i. BOWEN, Anginette Augusta, d. of John A. and Mary M., June 24, 1847. Ann Mariah, d.' of Ch[ar]l[e]s and Urana, Aug. 14, 1827. Eliza Maria, d. of William and Betsey M., July 25, 1844. Ida Zivonia, d. of William and Betsey M., Jan. 11, 1849. Isaac, s. of Charles and Urana, May 29, 1834. Josiah, s. of David and Hopestill, Dec. 18, 1785. 24 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. BowEN, Nancy E., d. of Charles and Urana, Jan. 29, 1838. Nancy Franklin, d. of William and Betsey M., June 27, 1847. Sarah, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Nov. 9, 1789. Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Ch[ar]l[e]s and Urana, Nov. 22, 1825. Smith, d. of Ch[ar]l[e]s and Urana, Aug. 20, 1830. BOYCE, David, Dec. 5, 182 1. g.r.i. BOYD, Eliza Kearney [ ], w. of Capt. Hugh E., . 1827. G.R.I. Hugh E., Capt., , 1828. G.R.I. BOYDEN, Hannah L., , 1840. g.r.2. BRADLEY, Abram, Jan. 26, 1810. g.r.i. Catharine M. [ ], w. of Abram, Sept. 5, 1822. g.r.i. BRADY, John C, s. of Joseph and Fidelia, July 13, 1844. John Charles, s. of Joseph and Fidelia, Dec. 3, 1846. William E., s. of Allen G. and Lucinda, Apr. 22, 1843. BRAMAN (see Brajrman), Delano W., s. of Oliver and Eliza B., Sept. 2, 1843. Joseph, s. of William and Ann, Jan. 2, 1849. William S., s. of Oliver and Eliza B., May 23, 1847. BRANNAN, , d. of James and Bridget, Apr. 8, 1847. BRASON, Nancy A. Fisher [ ], w. of Thomas, Feb. 3, 1826. G.R.I. Thomas, Nov. 24, 1816. g.r.i. BRAYMAN (see Braman), James A., s. of Oliver and Eliza, in Ashford, Conn., Jan. 16, 1836. Marion A., d. of Oliver and Eliza, Oct. i, 1840. BRAYTON, Eugene T., Jan. 21, 1849. g.r.i. BREHENY, Katherine Carroll [ ], w. of Thomas, May — , 1833. G.R.3. Thomas, Sept. — , 1830. G.R.3. BREWER, Eliza Hirst [ ], w. of T. H., , 1846. g.r.i. Martha P. [ ], w. of Thomas, Sept. 4, 1805. g.r.i. • Sarah [ ], w. of William G., Feb. 17, 1837. g.r.i. Thomas, Apr. 7, 1801. g.r.i. William G., July 28, 1831. g.r.i. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 25 BRIANT (see Bryant), Consider, s. of Aseph (Aasa dup.) and Betsey, Dec. 27, 1792. BRIGHAM, Laura A. [ ], w. of O. W., , 1817. g.r.2. Lovisa W., , 1800. G.R.2. O. W., , 1815. G.R.2. BROMLEY, Almira E. [ ], w. of Charles H., Jan. 5, 1837. G.R.I. Charles H., Dec. 20, 1836. g.r.i. BROUILLETTI, Auorelie, June 12, 1848. G.R.3. BROWN, Alexander, , 1835. g.r.i. Angeline Kidney [ ], w. of Robert, , 1845. g.r.i. Ann [ ], w. of Alexander, , 1830. g.r.i. Ann O. [ ], w. of James, , 1838. g.r.i. Clement P., s. of Parley Jr. and Elizabeth, Aug. 11, 1848. David, , 1798. G.R.I. Deforest L., s. of Rowland H. and Nancy M., Sept. 25, 1845. Edwin Richmond, s. of Rowland H. and Nancy, bp. Mar. 7, 1847. C.R.2. Eliza, d. of William, Nov. 11, 1815. g.r.2. Emma Sophia, d. of Parley Jr. and EHzabeth, Nov. 28, 1844. Franklin Josiah, s. of Chauncey and Rebecca, Apr. 13, 1849. George M., , 1832. g.r.i. Hannah Amelia, d. of Rowland H. and Nancy, July 21, 1848. Harriett, d. of Charles G. and Lucy, Aug. 31, 1840. Henry P., , 1834. g.r.i. James, , 1834. g.r.i. James P., s. of Parley Jr. and Elizabeth, Apr. 27, 1847. Jennie [ ], w. of David, , 1791. g.r.i. Margaret [ ], w. of Henry P., , 1839. g.r.i. Martha Elizabeth, d. of Rowland H. and Nancy, bp. Mar. 7, 1847. C.R.2. Mary C. Dunn [ ], w. of Smith H., , 1849. g.r.2. Nancy Sabinia, d. of Rowland H. and Nancy, bp. Mar. 7, 1847. C.R.2. Orange Scott, s. of Rowland H. and Nancy, bp. Mar. 7, 1847. C.R.2. Roancie M. [ -], w. of Thomas W., , 1846. g.r.i. Robert, , 1837. g.r.i. Sarah P. [ ], w. of George M., , 1836. g.r.i. Thomas W., , 1842. g.r.i. BROWNING, Alfred F., July 9, 1838. g.r.i. 26 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. BRUCE, Louisa Maria, d. of Smith and Lucy Ann, Aug. 27, 1846. BRYANT (see Briant), Samuel, s. of Aasa and Betsey, in Rehoboth, Mar. 11, 1790. BRYCE, Susanna, d. of Martha Aldrich, July 2, 1774. BUCKLEY, Abby R. [ ], w. of Phineas, Sept. 18, 1842. G.R.I. Phineas, Dec. 20, 1848. g.r.i. William Jr., s. of William and Ann, Oct. 25, 1846. BULLARD, Artemas Jr., s. of Artemas and Lucy, June 3, 1802. Asa, s. of Artemas and Lucy, bp. Sept. 9, 1804. c.r.i. George N., a. of Libertine and Eliza Ann, July 9, 1841. Leonard C, s. of Libertine and Eliza Ann, June 13, 1838, Maria, d. of Artemas and Lucy, Jan. 25, 1800. Silas, , 1816. G.R.2. BURBANK, Timothy T., s. of David and Mary Matilda, Jan. 23, 1818. BURDETT, Ardelia W., Mar. 22, 181 2, g.r.i. Michael, Rev., Jan. 23, 1808. g.r.i. BURKE, , d. of Anthony and , Mar. 7, 1847. BURNS, Frances Melissa, d. of William Henry and Louisa, Apr. 23, 1848. BURR, Abagail A., d. of Albert and Sarah C, Dec. 3, 1843. Albert, , 1818. g.r.8. Albert Franklin, s. of Albert and Sarah C, Nov. 30, 1845. Frederick Phineas, s. of Albert and Sarah, Nov. 6, 1847. Reuben Rawson, s. of Albert, b. in Wilbraham, and Sarah C, b. in Sutton, Dec. 29, 1849. Sarah C. [ ], w. of Albert, , 1816. g.r.8. BURRILL, James Henry, s. of Ebenezer F. and Mary Jane, Aug. 26, 1844. BURSLEY, Ira Allen, s. of Samuel C. and Hannah D., Sept. 23, 1847. BURT, Albert G., s. of Benj[amin] and Abagail, June 18, 1844. Benjamin Jr., s. of Benjamin and Chloe, Mar. 12, 1814. Charles, s. of John and Rachel, Oct. 23, 1809. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 27 Burt, David, s. of Benjamin and Chloe, Oct. lo, 1826. George, s. of Benjamin and Chloe, in Sutton, Oct. 12, 1818. Mason, s. of Benjamin and Chloe, Feb. 21, 1824. Rachel, d. of John and Rachel, Oct. 2, 1808. Sanford, s. of Benjamin and Chloe, Feb. 16, 1816. Stephen, s. of Benjamin and Chloe, in Sutton, Feb. 15, 182 1. BURTON, Emma M. Taft [ ], w. of Lucius L., , 1848. G.R.IO. Lucius L., , 1847. G.R.IO. BUTLER, Alphronia M. Pollock [ ], w. of Henry W., , 1833. G.R.I. Henry W., , 1833. g.r.i. BUXTON, Charles Francis, s. of George and Patience Almira, Oct. 15, 1844. CADWELL, John, s. of Ebenezer and Lucinda, Apr. — , 1838. Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Ebenezer and Lucinda, Jan. 13, 1840. CADY, David Eldridge, s. of Samuel Reed and Lucinda, Jan. 19, 1827. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel R. and Lucinda, Apr. 14, 1833. Ellen Maria, d. of Samuel R. and Lucinda, Mar. 27, 1844. Hannah, d. of Samuel R. and Lucinda, Sept. 4, 1829. Hannah Maria, d. of Daniel E. and Lois, b. in Rhode Island, May 28, 1844. Lucinda, d. of Daniel E. and Lois, b. in Rhode Island, in Glouces- ter, R. I., June 9, 1840. Mary Ida, d. of Daniel E. and Lois, b. in Rhode Island, in Connecticut, Oct. 12, 1846. CALLUM, Hannah, d. of Royal and Mary, Feb. 8, 1817. CAMPBELL, Ammie B., , 1847. g.r.i. CAREY, Harriet R., , 1836. g.r.i. CARPENTER, Abigail, d. of Samuel and Tyley, Jan. 14, 1817. Betsey, d. of Sam[ue]l and Tiley, May 12, 1808. Charles A., .1831. g.r.i. Elias H., s. of Joseph and Sabra, July 17, 1840. George Washington, s. of Nathaniel E. and Ruth T., Sept. lO, 1847. Helen S. [ ], w. of Charles A., , 1841. g.r.i. Jonathan, s. of Sam[uell and Tiley, Nov. 17, 1809. 28 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Carpenter, Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary, Apr. 4, 1839. Julia Daniels, d. of Nathaniel E. and Ruth T., June 20, 1845. Lucretia Aurelia, d. of Samuel and Tiley, in Sutton, Jan. 18, 1823. Mariah White, d. of Samuel and Tiley, Oct. 16, 1818. Martha Bartlett, d. of Job and Susannah, Jan. 23, 181 2. Martha Bartlett, d. of Nathaniel E. and Ruth T. (Ruth T. (White), C.R.2), in Hookset, N. H., Aug. 5, 1842. Miranda Eliza, d. of Samuel and Tiley, Dec. 5, 1820. Nancy, d. of Samuel and Tiley, July 18, 181 1. Nathaniel E., s. of Job and Susannah, in Brooklyn, Conn., Feb. 28, 1816. Sarah Fuller, d. of Samuel and Tyley, July 7, 1815. Silena Abilene, d. of Samuel and Tiley, in Sutton, Jan. 12, 1825. Unity T., d. of Job and Unity, in Paxton, Jan. 18, 1809. William, s. of Samuel and Tyley, Oct. 30, 1813. CARR, Alven Leland, s. of George M. and Prudence, Feb. 14, 1836. Emilie S. [ ], w. of Hial C, , 1828. g.r.i. Frances J. [ ], w. of George Marden, , 1819. g.r.i. Frances M., d. of Hial and Sarah, Sept. 10, 1840. George Albert, s. of George M. and Prudence, Aug. 12, 183 1. George Marden, , 1826. g.r.i. Hial C., , 1814. G.R.I. Jonathan, July 17, 1795. g.r.i. Jonathan Jr., s. of Jonathan and Ruth, Jan. 2, 1840. Joseph Town, s. of George M. and Prudence, Dec. 20, 1838. Lewis S., s. of Jonathan and Ruth, Jan. 23, 1843. Lewis Woodman, s. of Jonathan and Ruth, in Thompson, Conn., Jan. 25, 1831. Mary Jane, d. of George M. and Prudence, Sept. 8, 1833. Ruth [ ], w. of Jonathan, Feb. 25, 1800. g.r.i. Sara H. [ ], w. of Hial C, , 1823. g.r.i. CARRICK, William, , 1790. g.r.i. CARROLL, Margaret, , 1845. G.R.3. Patrick S., , 1838. G.R.3. CARTER, Cephas A., s. of Augustus C. and Ellen M., Oct. 5, 1847. CHACE (see Chase), Frank R., Dec. 19, 1843. G-R-I- Jennie Inman, Feb. 11, 1849. g.r.i. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. SQ CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlin), Lydia Sophia, d. of Harri- son, bp. Oct. 4, 1846. C.R.I. Silas Edwin, s. of Harrison, bp. June 4, 1843. cr.i. Stephen, s. of Lee N., bp. Aug. 7, 1836. cr.i. Warren, s. of Lee N., bp. Aug. 2, 1835. cr.i. CHAMBERLm (see Chamberlain), H. W., , 1820. g.r.i. CHANNING, Martha, d. of John and Abby of Newport, R. I., in South Kingston, R. I., Mar. 16, 1780, w. of Erastus Robinson. CHAPIN, Adolphus, s. of Henr^' and Abigail, Nov. 12, 1796. Caleb Taft, s. of Phineas and Eunic, bp. Oct. 2, 1808. cr.i. Catharine Lackey [ ], w. of Moses W., , 1829. g.r.i. Chloe, d. of Phineas and Eunic, bp. Oct. 2, 1808. cr.i. Eliza, d. of Henry and Abigail, Sept. 26, 1809. George, s. of Henry and Abigail [no date]. (George, s. of and Abigail, bp. May 3, 1807. cr.i.) Henry Jr., s. of Henry and Abigail, in Sutton, Nov. 3, 1794. Judson, s. of Henry and Abigail, July 20, 1799. Laurinda, d. of Phineas and Eunic, bp. Oct. 2, 1808. cr.i. Margaret Ann, d. of Phineas and Eunice, June 16, 1808. Mary, d. of Henry and Abigail, June 30, 1803. Mary Warren, d. of Phineas and Eunic, bp. Oct. 2, 1808. cr.i, Moses W., , 1829. g.r.i. Nabby, d. of Phineas and Eunic, bp. Oct. 2, 1808. cr.i. Nicholas Baylies, s. of Henry and Abigail, May 9, 1801. Samuel Austin, s. of and Abigail, bp. July 3, 1816. CR.I. Sarah J., d. of Bayles and Margaret, bp. July 31, 1829. c.p.i. Sarah Richardson, d. of Phineas and Eunic, bp. Oct. 2, 1808. CR.I. CHAPMAN, Anna, d. of Parley and Thankful, Feb. 20, 1806. CHASE (see Chace), Abba A. [ ], w. of Oliver R., Apr. i, 1816. G.R.I. Benjamin, s. of Isaac and Elizabeth, Sept. 2, 1787. Charles, s. of Timothy G. and Martha H., Aug. 3, 1848. Cordelia, inf. d. of Oliver R. and Abby Amanda, bp. Aug. 22, 1847. CR.2. Cyrus, s. of Isaac and Elizabeth, May 12, 1790. David B., , 1842. g.r.i. Elisha, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, Jan. 11, 1773. 30 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Chase, Ellen Amanda, d. of Silas E. and Amanda, June i, 1839. Eunice, d. of Isaac and Elizabeth, in Sutton, Mar. 16, 1776. Fanny Augusta, d. of Silas E. and Amanda, Sept. 13, 1841. Horace Edgerton, s. of Silas E. and Lurania, Apr. 28, 1847. Horatio C, Sept. 22, 1819. g.r.i. Isabel Lincoln [ ], w. of David B., , 1841. g.r.i. John, s. of Isaac and Elizabeth, in Sutton, Apr. 21, 1774. Lawson Everard, s. of Silas E. and Amanda, Oct. 4, 1835. Lewis Herbert, s. of Oliver R. and Amanda (Abby Amanda, C.R.2), Aug. 18, 1844. Mary M. Brown [ ], w. of Horatio C, Mar. 16, 1820. g.r.i. Naomy, d. of Isaac and Elizabeth, Apr. 16, 1781. Nathan, s. of Isaac and Elizabeth, Sept. i, 1778. Nathan, s. of Charles and Polly Pierce, in Sutton, Mar. 21, 1834. Prudence, d. of Ebenezer and Mary, in Uxbridge, Jan. 31, 1770. Ruth, d. of Isaac and Elizabeth, June 28, 1784. Sally Johnson, d. of Charles and Polly Pierce, in Sutton, Mar. 11, 1831. Sanford H., July 23, 1845. g.r.i. Sarah A. Seaver [ ], w. of Sibley, , 1837. g.r.i. Sibley, , 1834. g.r.i. Susan, inf. d. of Silas and Amanda, bp. Jidy 9, 1837. c.r.2. Susan F. Day [ ], w. of Sibley, , 1836. g.r.i. CLAPP, Sarah [ ], w. of Seth Warren, Dec. 3, 1820. G.R.2. Seth Warren, Aug. 13, 1829. g.r.2. CLARK (see Clarke), Charles F., s. of Orrin R. and Mary A., May 17, 1846. George H., June 27, 1836. g.r.i. Laura Payson, d. of Rev. Lewis F. and Nancy, Aug. i, 1848. Lewis Franklin, Rev., Sept. 11, 1812. Pastor for 28 years. G.R.I. Louisa Payson, d. of Rev. Lewis Franklin and Mary Sheldon (Nancy, c.R.2), Aug. i, 1848. g.r.i. Margaret [ ], w. of George H., June 15, 1844. g.r.i. Mary Sheldon [ ], w. of Rev. Lewis Franklin, Sept. 15, 1823. G.R.I. Roderick S. (Roderick Sheldon, g.r.i), s. of Rev. Lewis F. (Lewis Franklin, g.r.i) and Nancy S. (Mary Sheldon, g.r.i), Aug. 13, 1845. • Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Isaac and Sarah, Feb. 24, 1849. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS.* 3I CLARKE (see Clark), Barton Sanford, Sept. 17, 1844. g.r.i. Mary Jane Elizabeth [ ], w. of Barton Sanford, Apr. 3, 1845. G.R.I. Mary Sheldon [ ], w. of Rowse Reynolds, Nov. 17, 1847. G.R.I. Rowse Reynolds, in Kingston, R. L, Feb. 12, 1822. g.r.i. Sarah P. Wells [ — ], w. of Rowse Reynolds, Oct. 12, 1823. g.r.i. CLEMMONS, Sam[ue]ll, s. of Betty Knap, Jan. i, 1772. Submit, d. of Sam[ue]l and Mary, Dec. 25, 1782. COGGSHALL, Amasa Waterman, s. of W[illia]m K. and Phebe, in Coventry, R. I., Feb. 9, 1818. Joseph Heath, s. of W[illia]m K. and Phebe, in Coventry, R. I., July 2, 1813. Loisa, d. of W[illia]m K. and Phebe, in Coventry, R. I., Dec. 17, 1811. Phebe Ann, d. of W[illia]m K. and Phebe, in Coventry, R. I., June 28, 1820. Sally Eddy, d. of W[ilHa]m K. and Phebe, Apr. 13, 1825. COLBERT, Catherine [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1837. G.R.3. Thomas, , 1831. G.R.3. COLE, Alice Sherman [ ], w. of John B., , 1805. G.R.I. Edwin Laroy, s. of William D. and Cynthia A., Mar. 6, 1847. Eliza R., , 1833. G.R.I. Elmira, d. of Stephen and Hannah, Feb. 18, 1802. John B., , 1809. G.R.I. Madora E., d. of William D. and Cyntha A., Dec. 24, 1844. Margaret J. [ ], w. of William H., , 1845. g.r.i. Mary Ann; d. of Stephen and Hannah, Oct. 28, 1806. Philinda, d. of Stephen and Hannah, Sept. 30, 1804. Sirinda, d. of Stephen and Hannah, July 3, 181 2. COMBES, Carrel, s. of Reuben and Nancy, in Sutton, Feb. 12, 1789. Nancy, d. of Reuben and Nancy, Jan. 16, 1801. Obed, s. of Reuben and Nancy, Aug. 10, 1798. Reuben Jr., s. of Reuben and Nancy, Apr. 8, 1794. COMSTOCK, Hannah Eliza, d. of Ezra and Mary Ann, Nov. 22, 1846. 32 KORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. CONANT, Abner G., June ii, 1819. g.r.2. Robert C, , 1845. g.r.i. Sarah M. Burbank [ ], w. of Robert C, , 1848. G.R.I. CONED Y, Julia Moriah, d. of William and Sarah, Apr. 23, 1840. CONGDON, , s. of Charles and Mary, Aug. 28, 1846. Adin B., s. of Josiah S. and Harriet B., June 23, 1846. Albert, s. of Joshua and Sarah, Sept. 16, 181 2. Anna Bowen, d. of Joshua and Sarah, Sept. 14, 181 5. Benjamin B., s. of Josiah S. and Harriett, in Milford, Mar. 3, . 1836. Eliza, d. of Joseph and Eliza H., Sept. 15, 1848. Frederick M., Nov. 6, 1834. g.r.6. George S., s. of Josiah S. and Harriett, May 7, 1839. Harriet B. [ ], w. of Josiah S., July 3, 1807. G.R.5. Harriett A., d. of Josiah S. and Harriett, Apr. 13, 1838. Isaac Whitney, s. of Joshua and Sarah, Sept. 15, 1807. Jennings Bowen, s. of Joshua and Sarah, Apr. 26, 1806. Jesse, s. of Joshua and Sarah, Jan. 14, 1798. Joseph, s. of Joshua and Sarah, Feb. 3, 1802. Joshua, 7th mo., 30th day, 1765. g.r.6. Josiah Shove, s. of Joshua and Sarah, Feb. 14, 1809. Lucy Maria, d. of Joseph and Eliza S., June 20, 1846. Mary Jane, d. of Josiah S. and Harriet, June 6, 1831. Sarah [ ], w. of Joshua, 4th mo., 27th day, 1770. G.R.5. Seneca, s. of Joshua and Sarah, July 24, 1796. Susanna, d. of Joshua and Sarah, May 12, 1804. Thomas, s. of Joshua and Sarah, Jan. 3, 1800. William, s. of Joshua and Sarah, in Providence, R. I., Dec. 7, 1793- William D., s. of Joseph and Eliza, Feb. 3, 1839. (1840. g.r.6.) CONNORS, Mary Reily [ ], w. of Michael, June 25, 1842. G.R.3. Michael, Oct. 5, 1838. G.R.3. COOK, Benjamin, Apr. 14, 1820. g.r.2. Edwin Herbert, s. of Mowry and Lusina, Jan. 5, 1848. Harriet N. Colvin [ ], w. of Benjamin, Dec. 3, 1822. g.r.2. Henry A., Dec. 12, 1835. g.r.i. Mary Adalade, d. of Adney M. and Lusina B., Oct. i, 1845. Sarah H., Feb. 18, 1836. g.r.i. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 33 COOLIDGE, Stephen, , 1823. g.r.i. COOPER, Aaron Gay, s, of Sani[ue]l J. and Lucindia, Dec. 5, 1819. Twin. Abner, s. of Nathaniel Jr. and Mary, Apr. 5, 1772. Abnira Nelson, d. of Stillman and Sarah, July 6, 1819. Alonzo C, s. of Chandler and Jane, Nov. 12, 1845. Augusta Elvira, d. of John L. and Sarah, Apr. 23, 1843. Calvin, s. of Nathaniel Jr. and Mary, Mar. 31, 1779. Chandler, s. of Stillman and Sally, Oct. 17, 1823. Charlotte, d. of Nathaniel Jr. and Mary, May 24, 1774. Elisabeth, d. of John and Penelope, Mar. 22, 1784. Eliza Ann, d. of Nathaniel and Betsey, Aug. 31, 181 5. Ellen Maria, d. of John N. and Betsey, Oct. 7, 1846. Ellen Sophia, d. of Ezra and Mary C., May 25, 1846. Ezra, s. of Nathaniel and Mary, July 5, 1769. Ezra, s. of Nathaniel and Betsey, Jan. 25, 181 2. Hannah W., d. of Stillman and Sally, Dec. 12, 1825. Hannah Wilkerson, d, of Stillman and Sally, Dec. 18, 1826. HoUis Nathaniel, s. of John L. and Sarah, Aug. 26, 1847. Horace Duick, s. of Sardius and Easter, Aug. 22, 1805. Hyram, s. of Calvin and Ruth, Oct. 19, 1800. John Jr., s. of John and Penelope, Aug. 20, 1781. John Albert J., s. of John N. and Betsey P., b. in Chester, N. Y., July 20, 1849. John Leland, s. of Nath[anie]l Jr. and Betsey, Aug. 27, 1808. John Normandy, s. of Stillman and Sarah, May 5, 181 7. Laura Jane, d. of Ezra and Mary, May 8, 1841. Lois, d. of Sam[ue]l J. and Lucindia, Jan. 22, 1818. Lucindia, d. of Nath[anie]l Jr. and Betsey, Oct. i, 1803. Lucy Maria, d. of Stillman and Sally, Jan. 14, 181 2. Luther, s. of Nathaniel Jr. and Mary, Aug. 14, 1776. Manning (Manen dup.), d. of John and Penelope, Mar. 12, 1786. Maranda B., d. of Stillman and Sally, in Cimiberland, R. I., Apr. 18, 183 1. Marcus Morton, s. of Stillman and Sally, Mar. 14, 1828. Mari, d. of Natli[anie]l and Betsey, Sept. 5, 1825. Mary 2d, d. of Nathaniel Jr. and Mary, May 22, 1785. Mary Lucetta, d. of John N, and Betsey P., Sept. 6, 1844. Melora Bartlett, d. of Sam[ue]l J. and Lucindia, Dec. 5, 1819. Twin. Nathaniel 3d, s. of Nathaniel Jr. and Mary, Jime 25, 1782. Otis, s. of Nathaniel and Mary, May 24, 1790. Penelope, d. of John and Penelope, June 17, 1777. 34 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Cooper, PoUey, d. of John and Penellope, Jan. 2, 1795. Prescut Leland, s. of John L. and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1837. Rubins, d. of John and Penelope, Feb. 6, 1773 (Feb. 16 dup.). Ruphus (Rufus K. dup.), s. of Ezra and Mary.C., July 7, 1838. Ruth, d. of John and Penelope, Sept. 6, 1779. Sadius (Sardius dup.), s. of John and Penelope, Mar. 5, 1775. Sally, d. of Nathaniel and Betsey, Apr. 26, 1818. Samuel Johannes Jr., s. of Sam[ue]l J. and Lucindia, Dec. 31, 1826. Samuel Johonnot, s. of Nathaniel and Mary, Sept. 15, 1787. Sarah Ann, d. of Stiknan and Sarah, July 30, 1814. Sarepta, d. of Ezra and Anna Adams, Oct. 19, 1791. Shepherd, s. of Stillman and Sarah, Aug. 15, 1821. Sophronia Howard, d. of Stillman and Sarah, Sept. 9, 1809. Stillman, s. of John and Penellope, July 28, 1788. Willard Manning, s. of Sardius and Easter, July 21, 1809. CORSON, Charles Bartlet, s. of William W., b. in Exeter, N. H., and Almira F., b. in New Haven, Conn., in Grafton, Mar. 14, 1849. COUPPLE, John, s. of James and Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 22, 1813. C.R.I. COYNE, Patrick F., , 1843. G-R-S- CRAGIN, Betsey A. Aldrich [ ], w. of Luther T., , 181I. G.R.I. Luther T., , 1812. g.r.i. Willard D., , 1842. g.r.i. CRAM, Annie M. [ ], w. of Moses F., Nov. i, 1840. g.r.i. CRANE, George, s. of George and Phila, Mar. 31, 1783. Hannah, d. of John and Rachel, bp. Feb. 10, 1788. c.r.i. Rachel, d. of Rev. John and Rachel, Jan. 7, 1785. Susanna, d. of John and Rachel, bp. Apr. 30, 1786. c.r.i. CRAWFORD, Margaret Johnston, , 1832. g.r.i. CRICHTON, Lillias Wallace [ ], w. of James, in Edin- burg, Scot., Nov. 28, 1841. g.r.i. CROMPTON, Thomas, , 1848. g.r.i. CRONEY, Caroline, d. of Henry and Anne, May 30, 1817. Henry, s. of John and Sibbel, Aug. 24, 1785. Silvia Ann, d. of Henry and Anna, May 24, 181 2. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 35 CROSMAN (see Crosmon), Frances, d. of Alvah and Fanny, July I, 1839. Josiah Richardson, s. of Abishai and Experience, in Sudbury, May 25, 1773. Ruphas Thornton, s. of Abishai and Experience, Jan. i6, 1776. CROSMON (see Crosman), Martha, d. of Abishai and Expe- rience, Mar. 29, 1778. CROSS, Frank A., , 1844. g.r.i. Hattie E. Smith [ ], w. of Frank A., , 1840. g.r.i. CUILON, Charles Jr., s. of Charles and Josephine, Apr. 25, 1849. CUMMH^GS, Sarah Frances, d. of Royal and Sarah G., Aug. 16, 1848. CUNLIFF, Abbie Jane Cadwell [ ], w. of Lemuel Harris, Sept. 29, 1842. g.r.i. Lemuel Harris, May 13, 1838. g.r.i. CURRIER, Alvin Taylor, , 1834. g.r.i. Catherine Frances Aldrich [ ■], w. of Alvin Taylor, , 1843. G.R.I. CUTLER, Emily Gertrude, d. of Ebenezer Jr. and Emily, Aug. 15, 1847. DAILY, Daniel Jr., s. of Daniel and Joanna, Dec. 6, 1848. DALE, Joshua, Feb. 15, 1839. g.r.i. Susan Heys [ ], w. of Joshua, July 20, 1839. g.r.i, DALRYMPLE, , d. of William and Mary, Jan. 23, 1785. Anna, d. of Wil[lia]m and Mary, June 16, 1778. Barbary, d. of Wil[lia]m and Mary, Feb. 21, 1774. Hannah, d. of John Shep[a]rd and Hannah, Apr. 30, 1779. John, s. of Wil[lia]m and Mary, June 17, 1782. John Shep[a]r(i, s. of John Shep[a]rd and Hannah, Mar. 23, 1781. Mary, d. of Wil[lia]m and Mary, Apr. 30, 1776. Prudence, d. of Wil[lia]m and Mary, Mar. 23, 1772. Susannah, d. of Wil[lia]m and Mary, Sept. 2, 1780. Susannah, d. of John Shep[a]rd and Hannah, May 20, 1783, 3^ NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. DARLING, Frederic Alonzo, s. of Collins, b. in Mendon, and Lydia, b. in Charlton, Aug. 29, 1849. Twin. Lucinda T. [ ], w. of Moses, , 1826. g.r.i. Melissa Annette, d. of Collins, b. in Mendon, and Lydia, b. in Charlton, Aug. 29, 1849. Twin. Moses, , 1814. g.r.i. DAVIDSON, James M., , 1848. g.r.i. Sarah [ ], w. of William, in England, , 1825. g.r.i. William, in England, , 1824. g.r.i. DAVIS, Bowars, , 1840. g.r.i. Jerome Francis, s. of Alonzo and Miranda, , 1844. DAWLEY, John, Oct. 17, 1827. g.r.i. Rowena Torrance [ ], w. of John, Sept. 19, 1839. g.r.i. DAY, Daniel Putnam, s. of Daniel and Lucy, Nov. 14, 1832. Harriet Adams, d. of Daniel and Lucy, June 2, 1826. Lewis P. (Lewis Pennell, g.r.i), s. of Daniel and Lucy, Feb. 9, 1840. Lucy, d. of Daniel and Lucy, Jan. 13, 1830. (Lucy Batcheller, d. of and Lucy, bp. Oct. i, 1830. g.r.i.) Mary Smith, d. of Daniel and Lucy, Feb. 5, ^824. Susan, d. of Daniel and Lucy, bp. Aug. 28, 1836. c.r.i. DEAN (see Deane), Elisha L., , 1842. g.r.2. DEANE (see Dean), Anne Lavers [ ], w. of John, , 1829. G.R.I. Arthur Wellington, s. of Brigham and Phila, bp. Jtme 9, 1839. C.R.I. John, , 1822. G.R.I. DINNING, Hannah [ ], w. of , , 1817. g.r.i. DIXON, David, s. of William and Sophia, both b. in Ireland, in Uxbridge, July 6, 1848. Elizabeth Ward [ ], w. of William, Sept. 6, 1839. g.r.i. Sarah Moore [ ], w. of William, Nov. 26, 1848. g.r.i. William, Mar. 2, 1839. g.r.i. DODGE, Abner Hart, s. of Abner and Rhoda, Sept. 27, 1812. Algenon Sidney, s. of Abner and Rhoda, Jan. 20, 1816. Charles P., s. of Algernon S. and Julia Ann, Oct. 8, 1842. Francis Adams, s. of Abner and Rhoda, Jan. 24, 1806. Fredrick E., s. of Abner H. and Lucy B., Mar. 11, 1847. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 37 Dodge, Henry Fenton, s. of Abner H. and Lucy, Aug. lo, 1838. Henry H., s. of Algernon S. and Julia Ann, Dec. 11, 1840. Jane Mari, d. of Francis and Julia H., Oct. 25, 1836. Maranda, d. of Abner and Rhoda, Feb. 19, 1808. Mary A. [ ], w. of Willard, Apr. 2, 1820. g.r.i. Nelson Gates, s. of Algernon S. and Julia Ann, b. in Douglas, July 12, 1849. Rhoda A., d. of Abner H. and Lucy B., Oct. 16, 1844. Rhoda Taft, d. of Abner and Rhoda, Apr. 24, 1818. Sarah Maria, d. of Abner and Rhoda, Feb. 6, 1810. Sheldon Arthtir, d. of Francis A. and Julia M., Nov. i, 1846. Sobrina, d. of Abner and Rhoda, Feb. 17, 1804. Willard P., s. of Abner H. and Lucy B., July 28, 1840. DOLITTLE (see Doolittle), Homer B., s. of Horley and Sarah M., Sept. 10, 1841. DONNAN, Susan, , 183 1. g.r.i. DOOLITTLE (see Dolittle), Caroline Eliza, inf. d. of Harley and Sarah N., bp. Jan. 7, 1844. c.r.2. DORR, Amos Waldo, s. of George W. and Eunice, Aug. 4, 1842. DORSET, Edward, s. of Dennis and Bridget, Apr. 11, 1848. Jane, d. of Dennis and Bridget, both b. in Ireland, Aug. 2, 1849. DRAKE, Alphonso Rocello, s. of James H. and Olive T., Jan. i, 1849. DRISCOLL, Daniel D., , 1849. G.R.3. DUDLEY, Amasa, Oct. 17, 1792. g.r.i. Ann [ ], w. of Amasa, Apr. 22, 1793. g.r.i. Charles H., h. of Nancy Emeline Prentice, , 1833. g.r.i. Edwin, s. of Joseph and Lois, May 29, 1846. Emma, d. of Joseph and Louis, June 25, 1844. Henry Marchant, Aug. 13, 1846. g.r.i. Joseph Amory, s. of Amasa and Ann, in Albany, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1815. Paul Whitin, s. of Amasa and Ann, in Amsterdam, Apr. 3, 1817. Sarah A. [ ], w. of Paul Whitin, Dec. 23, 1819. g.r.i. Seth Francis, s. of Joseph and Louis, Dec. 17, 1848. W[illia]m, s. of Amasa and Ann, Nov. 23, 1823. W[illia]m Neile, s. of Amasa and Ann, Apr. 20, 1820. (Apr. 22. g.r.i.) 38 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. DUNN, , d. of Henry and Rachel, Oct. 25, 1815. , d. of Henry and Rachel, Aug. 5, 1822. Achsah, d. of Henry and Lydia, Aug. 12, 1781. Achsah, d. of David and Huldah, Oct. 25, 1819. Alonzo, s. of David Jr. and Louisa P., in Sutton, Apr. 28, 1832. Ann [ ], w. of James, Apr. 29, 1829. g.r.i. Arnold, s. of David and Huldah, Mar. 12, 1805. Betsey Maria, d. of Henry and Rachel, Sept. 15, 1818. Betsy, d. of Henry and Lydia, in Natick, Jan. 25, 1774. David Jr., s. of David and Elizabeth, Nov. 30, 1777. David, s. of Henry and Lydia, Jan. 24, 1779. David Jr., s. of David and Huldah, Oct. 3, 1807. Elias Frost, s. of Henry and Rachel, Jan. 19, 181 2 [prob. 1814]. Eliza B., d. of Henry and Rachel [no date]. Emery, s. of David and Huldah, June 25, 1809. George E., s. of Emory and Irena, Feb. 13, 1838. Hannah, d. of David and Elizabeth, June 20, 1774. Henry, s. of Henry and Lydia, Feb. 12, 1786. Henry 3d, s. of Henry and Rachel, May 5, 1810. Henry W., s. of Emory and Lydia Darling, , 1844. g.r.2. Huldah Aldrich, d. of David and Huldah, Apr. 5, 181 1. James, Aug. 16, 1822. g.r.i. James, , 1832. g.r.i. James F., s. of Emory and Lydia Darling, , 1846. g.r.2. John, s. of David and Elizabeth, Mar. 28; 1773. Laura Ann, d. of Henry and Rachel, Aug. 17, 1820. Lewis A., s. of David Jr. and Louisa P., Apr. 5, 1834. Lucy, d. of Henry and Lydia, in Natick, Mar. 15, 1765. Lydia, d. of David and Huldah, May 5, 181 5. Lydia B., d. of David Jr. and Louisa P., Dec. 10, 1836. Lydia Darling [ ], w. of Emery, , 1816. g.r.2. Marcus Morton, s. of Henry and Rachel, Nov. 2, 1827. Mary Cartwright, d. of David and Huldah, Apr. 17, 1815. Mary Elizabeth, d. of David Jr. and Louisa P., June 3, 1842. MoUey, d. of Henry and Lydia, Apr. 14, 1770 [prob. 1790]. Molley, d. of Henry and Lydia, Mar. 13, 1791. Moses Leland, s. of Emory and Lydia, July 9, 1842. Nancy [ ], w. of James, , 1843. g.r.i. Rachel Axtell, d. of Henry and Rachel, May 5, 181 2. Roderick Warren, s. of David Jr. and Louisa P., Feb. 8, 1846. Silas B., s. of David Jr. and Louisa P., July 12, 1839. Walter Raleigh (Walter B. dup.), s. of Emory and Lydia, May 4, 1840. Willard Goldthwait, s. of Henry Jr. and Rachel, July 10, 1808. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 39 DUNNING, WiUiam, Mar. i6, 1848. g.r.i. DYER, Abigail, d. of Moses and Susan, June 26, 1837. Ann Lucretia, d. of Moses and Susan, Dec. 2, 1838. Charles Sidney, s. of Moses and Susan, Sept. 13, 1826. Chloe Allice, d. of Moses and Charlotte T., May 5, 1848, Edward Joslilyne (Joslen, c.r.i), s. of Moses and Susan, Dec. 23, 1824. George Franklin, s. of Moses and Charlotte T., Jan. 22, 1846. Menil B., s. of Moses and Charlotte T., Apr. 2, 1844. Susan Mariah, d. of Moses and Susan, Jan. 13, 1833. EAMS, Jane Maria, d. of Aaron A. and Hannah W., Sept. 10, 1843. EGAN, Jane, , 1841. G.R.3. ELDER, E. A., , 1833. g.r.2. Eliza A. [ ], w. of E. A., , 1839. g.r.2. ELLIOTT, David, s. of Jona[than] and Sarah, July 22, 1781. Jotham, s. of Daniel and Polly, Nov. 30, 1801. Prudy, d. of Jona[than] and Sarah, Oct. 31, 1779. Siley, d. of Daniel and Polly, Sept. 22, 1797. ELLIS, Harvey, July 25, 1829. g.r.i. Sophira C. Inman [ ], w. of Harvey, June 6, 1832. g.r.i. ELLISON, Betsey, d. of Edward and Polly, Apr. 10, 1794. Eliab, s. of Jacob and Hannah, Dec. 3, 1775. Erastus, s. of Eliab and Prudence, Aug. 4, 1799. Henry, s. of Jacob and Hannah, Oct. 15, 1777. MoUey, d. of Jacob and Hannah, Jan. 11, 1773. Nahum, s. of Edward and Polly, Aug. 28, 1795. Nahum, s. of Edward and Polly, May 14, 1797. EMERSON, Ann Eliza, d. of Oliver and July Ann, Oct. 28, 1835. Charles Augustus, s. of Oliver and Julia Ann, Apr. 30, 1839. George Albert, s. of Oliver and Julia Ann, Nov. 20, 1844. Horace M., s. of Oliver and Jtdia Ann, Nov. 7, 1840. John G., s. of Oliver and Julia Ann, Sept. 11, 1847. Jtdia Ann, d. of Oliver and Julia Ann, Feb. 5, 1843. William, s. of Oliver and Jidia Ann, Aug. 15, 1837. ENGLISH, Margaret [ ], w. of Robert, , 1830. G.R.I. Robert, , 1830. g.r.i. 40 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. ENNIS, W[illia]m, s. of Benjamin and Sally, Feb. i6, 1829. FAIRBANKS, Alonzo, s. of Asa and Betsey, Dec. 23, 1832. Calvin, s. of Joel and Mary, in Sutton, May 29, 1780. Pamela A., d. of Royal and Sally, Jan. 30, 1829. FARNIIM, Daniel, s. of Daniel and Mary [no date]. George W., Apr. 4, 1833. g.r.i. James M., s. of Daniel and Mary, Apr. 11, 1822. Joseph S., s. of Daniel and Mary, in Mendon, Aug. 21, 18 14. Luke S., s. of Daniel and Mary, in Mendon, Jan. 20, 1817. Mary Alice, d. of James M. and Ophelia, b. in Medway, May 28, 1849. Oscar, s. of Angeline M. GiflFord, Nov. i, 1847. Ruth M., d. of Daniel and Mary, Aug. 29, 1819. Sarah A. Phetteplace [ ], w. of George W., Aug. 10, 1839. G.R.I. FARRAND, John, , 1848. g.r.i. FARRAR (see Farrow), Charles M., s. of Granville P. and Jane B., June 6, 1846. Ebenezer (Farrow dup.), s. of Seth and Milleson, May 13, 1781 (1779 dup.). George Augustus, s. of Granville P. and Jane R., June 23, 1844. John (Farrow dup.), s. of Seth and Milleson, Dec. i, 1791. Mary (Marcy Farrow dup.), d. of Seth and Milleson, Apr. 3, 1786. Mary Jane, d. of Granville P. and Jane R., Apr. i, 1848. Polly, d. of Seth and Melisent, Feb. 7, 1798. Sally (Farrow dup.), d. of Seth and Milleson, Apr. 30, 1789. Stephen (Farrow dup.), s. of Seth and Milleson, June 27, 1783 (1781 dup.). FARROW (see Farrar), Abradates, s. of Benjamin and Lucy, Jan. 19, 1798. Adoniram, s. of Benjamin and Lucy, May 8, 1795. Benjamin Jr., s. of Benjamin and Lucy, Mar. 9, 1782. Cincinatous, s. of Benj[ami]n and Lucy, Oct. 11, 1800. Judson, s. of Benj[ami]n and Lucy, Aug. 18, 1785 (May 23 dup.). Lucy, d. of Benjamin and Lucy, July 8, 1787. Perrey. s. of Benj[ami]n and Lucy, May 17, 1802. Susannah, d. of Seth and Milison, July 31, 1783. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 4I FAY, Charlotte Augusta, d. of Lyman and , bp. June 8, 1834. C.R.I. Eliza Burdon, d. of Lyman and Judith, Apr. 27, 1827. Joel B., s. of and Judith, bp. Oct. 3, 1823. c.r.i. Lydia Bemis, d. of Lyman and Judith, May 24, 1822. FEEN, John, , 1830. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w, of John, , 1841. G.R.3. FERGUSON, Agnes English [ ], w. of William. Nov. 3, 1823. Robert E., Dec. i, 1844. g.r.i. William, Nov. 3, 1823. g.r.i. FINDLAY, John, , 1843. g.r.i. Mary [ ], w. of Robert, , 1817. g.r.i. Robert, , 1817. g.r.i. FISHER, Alvina Malisse, d. of Emory and Barshabe, Dec. 24, 1840. Andrew Jackson, s. of Fores and Mahala, Feb. 17, 1831. Charles Henry, s. of Forest and Mercy, May 6, 1839. David K., s. of Emery and Bathsheba, Aug. 7, 1843. Ellen Maria, d. of Forest and Mercy, May 23, 1848. George, s. of Robert D. and Alice, Feb. 6, 1848. Lucy Mariah, d. of Fores and Mahala, Feb. 5, 1828. Martha Alice, d. of Robert D. and Alice, Oct. 8, 1844. Nancy, d. of Robert D. and Alice, Jan. 18, 1846. PauHna Agnes, d. of John C. and Tarissa G., Dec. 2, 1848. Robert D. Jr., s. of Robert D., b. in Halifax, N. S., and Alice, b. in Scotland, in Uxbridge, Aug. 21, 1849. FLAGG, Eleazer Jr., s. of Eleazer and Patty, Mar. 6, 1804. Elenor, d. of Eleazer and Patte, Dec. 20, 1786. John, , 1820. g.r.i. Levi, s. of Nath[anie]l B. and Betsey, Mar. 5, 1823. Nathaniel B. Jr., s. of Nathaniel B. and Betsey, July 31, 1829. Nath[anie]l Bliss, s. of Eleazer and Patte, May 12, 1782. Patty, d. of Eleazer and Patte, Dec. 13, 1788. Rosetta Bryant [ ], w. of John, , 1827. g.r.i. Sarah, d. of Nathaniel B. and Betsey, Feb. 26, 1832. Sylvanus, s. of Nathaniel B. and Betsey, Jan. 27, 1826. Wil[lia]m Brigham, s. of Eleazer and Patte, Sept. 16, 1784. FLANAGAN (see Flannigan), John Francis, s. of John and Mary, Nov. 22, 1846. 42 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. FLANNIGAN (see Flanagan), Eunice H. [ -], w. of J[ame]s and fonnerly w. of Lewis Smith, , 1811. g.r.i. FLANTINGA, Oepke, , 1847. g.r.2. FLETCHER, Abba Elizabeth, d. of Ephraim S. and Margaret A., Nov. 25, 1841. Abby Amanda, d. of Sam[ue]l and Lydia, Apr. i, 1816. Anna, d. of James and Margaret, Apr. 22, 1793. Aratus, s. of Sam[ue]l and Lydia (Lydia Spring, g.r.i), Sept. 6, 1810. (Sept. 5, 1811. G.R.I.) Betsey (Elizabath dup.), d. of James and Margaret, Apr. 26, 1777. Charles A., s. of Ezra and Laurinda, bp. May 7, 1823. c.r.i. Eleazer, s. of James and Margaret, July 24, 1774. Eleazer, s. of and Mary, bp. June 9, 1793. c.r.i. Emeline, d. of Sam[ue]l and Lydia, Dec. 13, 1813. Emily Maria, d. of Ephraim S. and Margaret A., June 5, 1846. Ephraim S. (Ephraim Spring, c.r.i), s. of Sam[ue]l and Lydia, July 30, 1805. Eunice, d. of Sam[ue]l and Lydia, Feb. 23, 1804. Eunice White [ ], w. of James, , 1790. g.r.i. Ezra Wood, s. of James and Margaret, Jan. 28, 1796. Ezra Wood Jr., s. of Ezra Wood and Laurinda, Feb. 2, 182 1. Fany, d. of and Mary, bp. June 9, 1793. c.r.i. George Fergo, s. of Ephraim S. and Margaret A., Jan. 5, 1844. James, Col., in Grafton, Jan. 17, 1747. g.r.i. James, s. of James and Margaret, Oct. 10, 1790. James Brainerd, s. of Ephraim S. and Margaret A., Aug. 25, 1839. Joel White, s. of James and Eunice, Oct. 3, 181 7. Josiah Spring, s. of Ephraim S. and Margaret A., in Solon, Me., Feb. 21, 1833. Lewis Clark, s. of Ephraim S. and Margaret Ann, July 11, 1848. Lucy, d. of and Mary, bp. Dec. i, 1793. c.r.i. Lydia, d. of Sam[ue]l and Lydia, July 26, 1820. Lydia Spring [ ], w. of Samuel, July 23, 1782. g.r.i. Margaret, d. of James and Margaret, Apr. 17, 1785. Margaret, d. of Sam[ue]l and Lydia, June 19, 1807. Margaret Wood [ ], w. of Col. James, , 1750. g.r.i. Maria Louisa, d. of Sam[ue]l and Lydia, Feb. 23, 18 18. Mary Ann, d. of Sam[ue]l and Lydia, Jan. 19, 1809. Mary Jane, d. of Ephraim S. and Margaret A. in Solon, Me., Aug. I, 1829. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 43 Fletcher, Panthea, d. of James and Margaret, June 30, 1782. Peleg Aldrich, s. of Gilbert H. and Chloe Matilda, Aug. 16, 1848. Salley, d. of James and Margaret, Feb. 17, 1788. Samuel, s, of James and Margaret, Aug. 14, 1779. Samuel Judson, s. of Ephraim S, and Margaret A., in Solon, Me., Mar. 31, 1831. Sarah Jane, d. of Sam[ue]l and Lydia, Sept. i, 1824. William Walton, s. of Ephraim S. and Margaret A., in Uxbridge, July 6, 1837. FLYNN, Mary Sheehan [ ], w. of Thomas, May i, 1839. Native of Co. Cork, Ireland. G.R.3. Thomas, May i, 1838. Native of Co. Cork, Ireland. G.R.3. FOBES (see Forbes), Abner, s. of Absalom and Martha, in Uxbridge (Sutton dup.), Feb. 29, 1772. Absalom, s. of Absalom and Martha (in Upton dup.), Nov. i, 1778. Jotham, s. of Absalom and Martha, in Upton, June 12, 1776. Libbeus, s. of Absalom and Martha, in Upton (tlxbridge dup.), Jan. 28, 1774. FOGG, Elbridge, s. of Edward and Harriet, and adopted s. of Ezra and Judith Southwick, in New York, Mar. 16, 1824. FORBES (see Fobes), John W., , 1822. g.r.i. FOSTER, Abigail, d. of Wil[lia]m and , May 11, 1771. Ebenezer, s. of Wil[lia]m and , Jan. 15, 1775. Jareb (Jared dup.), s. of Wil[lia]m and , Mar. 14, 1773. John, Jan. 29, 1794. g.r.i. Robert, , 1836. g.r.i. Susan [ ], w. of John, Aug. 15, 1795. g.r.i. FOWLER, Abigail Steere [ ], w. of Bernard, , 1775. G.R.6. Adolphus, s. of John and Huldah, Apr. 14, 1802. Bernard, , 1762. g.r.6. Bernard, s. of Samuel and Eliza, in Hoosick, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1841. Caleb, s. of Barnard and Rebeckah, Mar. 20, 1800. Charles, s. of B. and A., , 1815. g.r.6. Charles T. (Charles Thomas, g.r.6), s. of Charles and Susan F., Aug. 29; 1847. 44 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Fowler, Eliza, Apr. 5, 1814. g.r.2. Emela, d. of Robert and Pamelie, June 19, 1820. Ephraim Sherman, s. of Robert and Pamelie, July 30, 182 1. Francis E., s. of Samuel and Eliza, July 26, 1843. Hannah, d. of John and Huldah, May 29, 1804. Twin. Hannah, d. of John and Huldah, June 29, 1809, . Hannah Bowen [ ], w. of Samuel, , 1733. g.r.6. Henry Auther, s. of Samuel and Eliza, July 9, 1845. Isaac, s. of John and Huldah, July 14, 1807. Jane B. [ ], w. of John Milton, Nov. 25, 181 2. g.r.6. John B., , 1833. G.R.7. John Milton, s. of John and Huldah, May 9, 181 1. John Milton, s. of John and Huldah, Nov. 23, 1814. (Nov. 14, 1814. G.R.6.) Lucinda, d. of John and Huldah, Dec. 2, 1799. Lucy, d. of John and Huldah, Feb. 14, 1816. Maria, d. of John and Huldah, Feb. 5, 1798. Mary, d. of Barnard and Rebeckah, Mar. 12, 1791. Mary, d. of John and Huldah, June 9, 181 2. Nancy, d. of Bamerd and Abigail and w. of Stephen Rawson White, Mar. 20, 1817. g.r.6. Permilla, d. of John and Huldah, Mar. 3, 1796. Phebe, d. of Barnard and Rebeckah, Feb. 23, 1798. Robert, s. of Barnard and Rebeckah, Aug. 3, 1793. Rufus Bennett, s. of Charles and Susan, Dec. 5, 1841. Ruth, d. of John and Huldah, May 29, 1804. Twin. Ruth, d. of John and Huldah, May 4, 1805. Sally B. [ ], w. of Isaac, May 3, 1814. G.R.7. Samuel, , 1730. g.r.6. Samuel, May 18, 1803. g.r.2. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Eliza, Apr. 8, 1847. Sarah Jane, d. of John M. and Jane B., Oct. 2, 1841. g.r.6. Susan Frost Bennett [ ], w. of Charles, Oct. 3, 1814. g.r.6. Thomas, s. of B. and A., , 1811. g.r.6. Willis, s. of Barnard and Rebeckah, June 22, 1795 (Jan. 22 dup.). FRANCE, Elizabeth A. [ ], w. of William H., Feb. 19, 1832. G.R.I. William H., May 29, 1827. g.r.i. FRENCH, Polly, d. of and Sarah, bp. Feb. 28, 1790. C.R.I. Silvester, s. of and Sarah, bp. Aug. 31, 1788. c.r.i. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 45 FULLER, Abigail, d. of Josiah Jr. and Esther, in Bellingham, Oct. 20, 1784. Adolphus, s. of Daniel and Sarah, Dec. 31, 1790. Austin Braynard, s. of Levi and Lydia, May 7, 1838. Charlotte Lucinda, d. of Brigham and Mary, July 10, 1838. Daniel Jr., s. of Daniel and Betsey, Jan. 27, 1807. Daniel, s. of Levi and Lydia, Oct. 19, 1833. Elizabeth Eddy, d. of Alpheus and Ann, Mar. 11, 1838. Emma Agusta, d. of Marmaduke W. and Lydia, June 25, 1845. Emma Diantha, d. of Alpheus and Ann, Sept. 27, 1848. Ester 2d, d. of Josiah (Jr. dup.) and Ester, Oct. 23, 1786. Freeman, , 1819. g.r.i. Freeman W., s. of Freeman and Mary T., July 19, 1847. George Henry, s. of William B. and Lucy, Apr. 11, 1841. Henry Martyn, s. of Levi and Lydia, Jan. 4, 1836. Henry S., s. of Timothy S. and Samantha, Jan. 6, 1847. James W.B., ,1822. g.r.i. Jane Elizabeth, d. of Timothy S., b. in Attleborough, and Samantha, Aug. 13, 1849. Jonathan Robinson, s. of Daniel and Betsey, Oct. 27, 1816. Lemuel, s. of Edward S. and Eliza W., July 30, 1836. Levi, s. of Daniel and Betsey, May i, 1804. Levi Augustus, s. of Levi and Lydia T., May 3, 1831. Lewis, s. of Daniel and Sarah, May 16, 1789. Loisa, d. of Daniel and Betsey, Jan. 27, 1805. Louisa, d. of Levi and Lydia, Oct. 27, 1829. Louisa Jane, d. of William and Lucy, Dec. 24, 1829. Lovisa, d. of Daniel and Betsey, May 10, 1809. Lucy B. [ ], w. of William B., Apr. 28, 1810. G.R.9. Lucy Madana, d. of Levi and Lydia, Sept. 4, 1840. Lucy Mahala, d. of Brigham and Mary, Oct. 26, 1840. Lydia Maria, d. of Levi and Lydia, Feb. 2, 1843. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Edward S. and Eliza W., July 15, 1839. Nancy Mariah, d. of William and Lucy, May 19, 1837. Nancy Mariah, d. of Alpheus and Ann, Oct. 29, 1845. Olive J. Keech [ ], w. of James W. B., , 1827. g.r.i. Otis, s. of Daniel and Betsey, July 30, 181 5. Susan Marcelia, d. of Alpheus and Ann, Mar. 8, 1840. Warren A., s. of Marmaduke W. and Lydia, Nov. 27, 1838. William Baker, s. of Daniel and Betsey, Oct. 21, 181 2. William Henry, s. of William B. and Lucy, Dec. 25, 1848. FULLERTON, Mary M. Young [ ], w. of WiUiam S., , 1832. G.R.I. William S., , 1827. g.r.i. 46 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. GALVIN, Catharine, d. of William and Nony, both b. in Ire- land, in Sutton, Mar, i6, 1849. GAMBO, Eliza Jane, , 1845. g.r.2. GARDmER, Daniel, Apr. 29, 1827. g.r.i. Eliza A. Knowles [ ], w. of Daniel, Nov. 7, 1831. g.r.i. GAVET, Francis Augustus, s. of Stephen and Mary, in Oxford, Apr. 30, 1830. GIBBS, George Leavitt, Feb. 20, 1837. g.r.i. GILL, George, , 1847. g.r.2. Lydia E. [ ], w. of George, , 1846. g.r.2. GILMORE, David, , 1815. g.r.i. Robert, , 1847. g.r.i. Sarah Hamilton [ ], w. of Robert, , 1847. g.r.i. GODFREY, Richard, s. of John and Waity Ann, Jan. 4, 1847. GOFF, Hannah L., d. of Amisa C. and Almira, July 18, 1843. GOLDTHWAIT (see Gouldthwait) , Albert, s. of Josiah and Cyntha, May 25, 1848. Albert L., s. of Josiah and Cyntha, Jan. 13, 1843. Alvan, s. of Samuel and Lydia, Apr. 21, 1791. Asenath, d. of Samuel Jr. and Lydia, Jan. 3, 1786. Austin Darwin, s. of Constantine and Lurany, Apr. 3, 1838. Betsey, d. of Jacob and Rachel, Apr. 8, 1789. Bulah, d. of Ezekiel and Anna, Oct. 31, 1781. Calvin, s. of Joseph and Mary, bp. May 2, 1784. c.r.i. Charl[e]s, s. of Obed and Abi, Apr. 3, 1806. Charles M., s, of Peter and Mary D., Sept. 17, 1842. Cloe, d. of Stephen Jr. and Cloe, Feb. i, 1793. Constantine, s. of Tho[ma]s and Polly, Mar. 3, 1807. David, s. of Jesse and Sally, Aug. i, 1809. EUzabeth, d. of Tho[ma]s and Polly, Mar. 23, 1800. Francis J., s. of Stephen and Polly L., Oct. 30, 1829. George Edwards, s. of Obed and Nancy, July 27, 1835. George Edwin, s. of Josiah and Cyntha, Apr. 11, 1841. Gershom Chapin, s. of Obed and Nancy, May 13, 1811. Han[n]ah, d. of Stephen Jr. and Cloe, Mar. i, 1795. Hervey, s. of Tho[ma]s and Mary (Polly, c.r.i), Aug. 7, 1804. James Sullivan, s. of Stephen Jr. and Cloe, June 20, 1807. Jesse, s. of Stephen and Patience, Mar. ,23, 1779. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 47 GoLDTHWAiT, John, s. of Thomas and Polly, May 26, 1802. Josiah M., s, of Stephen and Chloe, Jan. 3, 1812. Laura, d. of Obed and Abi, Feb. 16, 1802. Liberty M., s. of Stephen and Polly L., July i, 1833. • Looma, d. of- Stephen Jr. and Cloe, Apr. 18, 1791. Lucinda, d. of Ezekiel and Anna, Sept. 16, 1783. Maria Louisa Fletcher [ ], w. of Silas B., Feb. 22, 18 18. G.R.I. Mary, d. of Thomas and Mary, Sept. 18, 1815. Mary E., d. of Peter and Maiy D., Mar. 16, 1844. Mary F. (Mary Fletcher, c.r.i), d. of Silas B. and Maria L., May 31, 1841. Merrick Barton, s. of Josiah and Cyntha, Aug. 25, 1838. Nathan Taft, s. of Nathan and Mercy, Oct. 7, 1793. Patience, d. of Samuel and Lydia, Oct. 9, 1789, Patience, d. of Stephen Jr. and Cloe, Aug. 25, 1797. Paulina, d. of Stephen Jr. and Cloe, Mar. 7, 1805. Peter, s. of Stephen Jr. and Cloe, July 2, 1800. Phila, d. of Stephen and Chloe, Aug. 23, 1809. Rachel, d. of Jacob and Rachel, Feb. 10, 1787. Sarah E., d. of Peter and Mary D., Aug. 25, 1840. Silas Brigham, s. of Tho[ma]s and Mary, Jan. 2, 1809. Stephen 3d, s. of Stephen Jr. and Cloe, Sept. 16, 1802. Stephen M., s. of Stephen and Polly L., Dec. 29, 1831. Thomas Jr., s. of Tho[ma]s and Polly, Oct. 17, 1798, Verry, s. of Tho[ma]s and Elizabeth, Apr. 24, 1795. Willard, s. of Jacob and Rachel, May i, 1791. Zadock, s. of Stephen and Patience, Apr. 11, 1783. Zadock, s. of Obed and Abi, June 2, 1804. Zina, d. of Samuel and Lydia, Nov. 6, 1787. GORDON, Eliza H., , 1839. g.r.i. GORMAN, John, s. of Timothy and Mary, both b. in Ireland, May 20, 1849. GOULDTHWAIT (see Goldthwait), Eunice Mercy, d. of Benoni and Etmice, Mar. 2, 1828. GOVE, Charles Frederick, s. of Hiram and Druzilla, Aug. 6, 1845. GRAHAM, Amelia J. [ ], w. of John J., , 1845. G.R.I. James, , 1813. g.r.i. 48 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Graham, John J., , 1845. g-R-i- Margaret Rae [ ], w, of James, , 1818. g.r.i. Mary Jane, d. of James and Margaret, Oct. 16, 1848. GRANGER, Lewis N., Jan. i, 1818. g.r.i. Mary D. [ ], w. of Lewis N., Oct. 16, 1819. g.r.i. GRAY, Davis P., - — , 1827. g.r.i. Louisa M., — -, 1833. g.r.i. GREEN (see Greene), Betsey, d. of James and Phebe, Nov. 14, 1788. James Jr., s. of James and Phebe, Jan. 4, 1791. John, s. of James and Phebe, Apr. 13, 1793. Pearle, s. of James and Phebe, Feb. 28, 1796. GREENE (see Green), Eleanor, d. of and w. of Cordial Orcutt, Oct. 13, 181 1. G.R.I. GREENWOOD, James R., Sept. 16, 1848. g.r.i. GUNN, Diantha Lorinda, d. of Charles and Abigail, bp. Nov. 15, 1826. C.R.I. John, , 1846. G.R.I. Sarah Clark [ ], w. of John, , 1846. g.r.i. HAIRE, Betsey, d. of Roswell and Charlotte, Aug. 28, 1842. Charles, s. of Roswell and Charlotte, Oct. 10, 1846. Lewis, s. of Roswell and Charlotte, Feb. 11, 1841. HALL, Danford, s. of John and Polly, Jan. 15, 1816. Elmira, d. of John and Polly, May 11, 1806. Frances E. Watson [ ], w. of William Slocomb, , 1826. G.R.I. George, s. of James and Joannah, Dec. 2, 1803. Horatio I., in Croydon, N. H., Mar. 8, 1812. g.r.2. James, s. of and Joan, bp. Oct. 2, 1808. g.r.i. Mary, d. of James and Joannah, Sept. 22, 1802. Mary, d. of Polly and w. of Eleazer, July — , 181 1. Nathan, s. of John and Polly, June 29, 1808. Richardson, s. of John and Polly, Feb. 18, 1814. Sally, d. of John and Polly, Sept. 4, 181 7. Stephen, s. of John and Polly, Mar. 18, 1810. Susannah, d. of James and Joannah, Oct. 14, 1805. William Slocomb, , 1816. g.r.i. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 49 HAMILTON, Charles H., Nov. 17, 1844. g.r.i. James, , 1835. g.r.i. Jane, , 18 13. g.r.i. HANDY, Amy A., , 1827. g.r.i. Celinda B., , 1822. g.r.i. Deborah Ballou [ ], w. of Stephen, , 1796. g.r.i. John, , 1833. G.R.I. Mary A. Knox [ ], w. of John, , 1828. g.r.i. Sam[ue]I Judson, s. of Joseph and Abigail, May 23, 181 9. Stephen, , 1796. g.r.i. HANSON, Elijah, Feb. 8, 1826. g.r.i. Jane B. [ ], w. of Elijah, Aug. 6, 1827. g.r.i. HARDENBER, William E., s. of William and Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1845. HARRINGTON, Catherine [ ], w. of Michael, , 1844. G.R.3. Michael, , 1834. G.R.3. HARRISSON, Anna, d. of Thomas and Eunice, in Stillwater, Aug. 24, 1778. Edward Cobom, s. of Thomas and Eunice, Apr. 9, 1795. Grindly, s. of Thomas and Eunice, Mar. 8, 1786. James, s. of Thomas and Eunice, July 6, 1788. John, s. of Thomas and Eunice, Sept. 11, 1790. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Eunice, in Northcastle, Nov. 8, 1780. William, s. of Thomas and Eunice, in Barre, Aug. 24, 1776. Zepheniah, s. of Thomas and Eunice, July 19, 1784. HART, Daniel Webster, s. of Cha[rle]s H. and Ann, bp. Apr. 5, 1835. C.R.2. John Menahan, s. of Cha[rle]s H. and Ann, bp. Apr. 5, 1835. C.R.2. HATHAWAY, Elizabeth Bowen, d. of Wesson and Mercy, Mar. 29, 1814. Harriet N. [ ], w. of Thomas E., May 9, 1836. g.r.i. Nancy Almy, d. of Wesson and Mercy, June 29, 1818. Sarah Ann, d. of Wesson and Mercy, Mar. 20, 1816. Thomas E., Jan. i, 1829. g.r.i. Thomas Smith, s. of Wesson and Mercy, Sept. 25, 1822. William, s. of Wesson and Mercy, July 11, 1820. 5© NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. HAYES, Mary [ ], w. of James, , 1841. G.R.3. HAYWARD, Amasa Lovering, s. of Amas and Prudence, Feb. 9, 1805. Ira, s. of Amas and Prudence, Sept. 9, 1801. Julia, d. of Amas and Prudence, in Grafton, May 11, 1808. Lucretia, d. of Amas and Prudence, June 20, 1800. Tyler, s. of Amas and Prudence, in Milford, Mar. 24, 1797. Tyler, s. of Amas and Prudence, Nov. 18, 1817. HEALEY, Cornelius, , 1832. G.R.3. Margaret, , 1832. G.R.3. HEATH, Carlos, , 1829. g.r.i. Marie Antoinette [ ], w. of Carlos, , 1834. g.r.i. HEMENWAY, Syrena, d. of Jonas and Polly, Apr. 27, 1807. Timothy, s. of Jonas and Polly, Aug. 6, 1803. HENDRICK, Lucy, d. of WfiUiaJm and Mary, in BurrillviUe, May 9, 1820. Mary, , 1784. g.r.i. Memmorial Pulsifer, s. of W[illia]m and Mary, Aug. 22, 1814. Moses Brown, s. of W[illia]m and Mary, Mar. 12, 1817. W[illia]m Tucker, s. of W[illia]m and Mary, in Burrillville, June 5, 1822. B[ENRY, James Samuel, s. of Joseph and Calista H., Nov. 28, 1846. Mary Jane, d. of Joseph and Calista H., July 11, 1845. Phebe Elizabeth, d. of Lyman and Phebe S., Feb. 26, 1847. HEWET (see Hewett, Hewitt), Christopher, s. of EH and Betsey, Feb. 9, 1808. EH, s. of EH and Betsey, Feb. i, 1805. Eliza, d. of Eli and Betsey, Mar. 10, 18 10. Horace, s. of Eli and Betsey, Dec. 28, 1829. Jesse W[illia]m, s. of EH and Betsey, Apr. 6, 1823. Mary, d. of Eli and Betsey, May 31, 181 2. Orrin, s. of EH and Betsey, Aug. 23, 1819. Valentine G., s. of Eli and Betsey, June 6, 1816. HEWETT (see Hewet, Hewitt), , s. of Jesse and Almira, June 2, 1846. Stillborn. Welcome W., , 1833. g.r.i. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 51 HEWITT (see Hewet, Hewett), Amanda W., d. of Moses D., b. in Sutton, and Henrietta, b. in New York State, Nov. 4, 1849. George Francis, s. of Francis H. and Lucy H,, Dec. 8, 1847. Harriet Francelia, d. of and w. of Benjamin Franklin Redfield, in Blackstone, Oct. 26, 1847. g.r.i. Nathaniel M., s. of Christopher C. and D, Maria, Jan. 6, 1848. Warren Allen, s. of Sumner and Mary, Nov. 20, 1838. HICKS, Champney D., s. of Abigail, bp. June 19, 1838. c.r.i. Judson, May 6, 1804. g.r.i. Louisa E. Inman [ ], w. of Judson, Apr. 22, 1806. g.r.i. Polly Mariah, d. of and Abigail, bp. Sept. 22, 1833. c.r.i. HILL, Almira S. J. [ ], w. of Ezra J., , 1836. g.r.i. Elizabeth I., d. of Paul D. and Angeline, Oct. 4, 1846. Ezra J., , 1840. G.R.I. Horrace, s. of Jabez and Clearisea, in Milford, Mar. 7, 1800. Jason, s. of Jabez and Clearisea, June 21, 1804. Levi, s. of Jabez and Clearisea, Oct. 5, 1802. Levi, s. of Jabez and Clearisea, Mar. 8, 1808. Lucy W., d. of Paul D. and Angeline, May 30, 1848. Orilla, d. of Jabez and Clearisea, Feb. 21, 1810. HIRST, David, July 8, 1810. g.r.i. Hannah [ ], w. of David, Apr. 24, 1810. g.r.i. John, s. of David and Hannah, July 25, 1835. g.r.i. HODGSON, Mary Minerva, d. of Samuel and Mary, Dec. 29, 1844. Thomas John, s. of Samuel and Mary, Jan. 4, 1847. HOLBROOK, Ellen Sophia, d. of Sylvanus and Martha, Oct. 28, 1841. Isic (Holdbrook dup.), s. of Seth Jr. and Suzanna, Sept. 16, 1774. Seth (Holdbrook dup.), s. of Seth Jr. and Suzanna, Dec. 11, 1776. Sylvanus Jr., s. of Sylvanus and Martha, July 18, 1844. Wilder S., s. of Stephen and Hannah, Aug. 31, 1840. HOLDING, WiUiam, Jime 9, 1846. g.r.i. HOLLY, Erastus Henry, s. of Gideon and Sarah, Sept. 21, 1833. Mary Jane, d. of Gideon and Sarah, June 6, 1828. W[illia]m FrankHn, s. of Gideon and Sarah, Mar. 26, 1830. 52 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. HOLT, George Dennis, s. of Dennis and Lucy W., May 30, 1848. John W. (John Wellington, c.R.2), s. of Jonathan P. and Eunice (Eimice H., c.R.2), June 30, 1848. HOPKINS, Betsey R. Childs [ ], w. of Edward P., , 1840. G.R.I. Edward P. (Edward Philip, c.R.2), s. of Josiah and Susan C, Aug. 7, 1838. Lewis, Mar. 12, 1836. g.r.i. Willis Culbert, s. of Josiah and Susan C, Aug. 27, 1845. HOUGHTON, John Frederick, s. of German and Sarah, Sept. 9, 1845. Lewis T., s. of German and Sarah, Dec. 6, 1842. Louisa J. [ ], w. of Mahlon, Dec. 24, 1839. G.R.9. Mahlon, June 11, 1836. G.R.9. William H., s. of German and Sarah, Sept. 20, 1840. HOUSTON, Robert, , 1849. g.r.i. HOWARD, Ahce Ann, d. of Tyler and Mary T., b. in Barre, Vt., Sept. 3, 1849. Betsey, d. of Jonathan and Dorcas, in Mendon, June 27, 1824. Estus L, s. of Tyler and Mary T., Feb. 2, 1844. Francis White, s. of Jonathan and , Mar. 2, 1828. Joshua Lackey, , 1817. g.r.io. Julia Ann, d. of Amasa L. and Vesta E., Jan. 21, 1843. Mary, d. of Jonathan and Dorcas, in Mendon, July 4, 1826. Prudence, d. of , bp. June 3, 1832. g.r.i. HUBBARD, Geo[rge] W., , 1820. g.r.8. Mary A. Hare [ ], w. of Geo[rge] W., , 1829. g.r.8. HUNT, Ellen A., d. of William and Julia L., Sept. 24, 1844. Emma Jane, d. of William and JuHa L., Oct. 16, 1846. Ezekiel, s. of Ezekiel and Eunice, in Uxbridge, Mar. 3, 1771. Jerusha B., Sept. 3, 1809. g.r.i. Joseph, s. of Ezekiel and Eunice, June 22, 1773. Oliver, s. of Ezekiel and Eunice, Sept. 14, 1775. HUTCHINSON, Charles P. (Charles Pope, c.R.2), s. of Charles D. and Elizabeth W., Aug. 4, 1845. INGALLS, James, , 1844. g.r.i. INGLEY, Mary Jane, d. of William D. and Nancy, June i, 1839. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 53 INMAN, Abel P., s. of Albert and Sarah, both b. in Smithfield, R. L, Nov. 27, 1849. Amanda, d. of Welcome and Emelia, June 30, 1826. Asa, s. of Tourtelott and Achsah, Oct. 30, 1814. Asa Fenner, s. of Fenner M. and Melissa, May 28, 1848. Edward Horton, s. of Mahala, single woman, Apr. 20, 1827. Fenner Manies, s. of Tourtelott and Achsah, May 16, 1818. George Francis, s. of Valentine and Delia, Oct. 30, 1843. Luisa Ann, d. of , bp. June 3, 1832. c.r.i. Martha Maranda, d. of Turtalotte and Axsa, Jan. 28, 182 1. Mary, d. of Totirtelott and Achsah, Mar. 11, 181 2. William P., s. of William V., b. in Rhode Island, and Elmira S., b. in Lowell, Dec. 31, 1849. IWNIS, John W., s. of Benjamin and Sarah, June 23, 1842. IRONS, Gilbert Anson, s. of Arthur and Mary, Dec. 25, 1847. Thomas W., s. of Arther and Mary, Apr. 17, 1844. JACKSON, Charles, May 14, 1819. g.r.i. Hannah Mariah, d. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Sept. 6, 1833. Lydia Kinister, d. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, July 27, 1836. Maria, , 1833. G.R.9. Mary Jane, d. of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Aug, 26, 1842. Nancy Smith [ ], w. of Charles, July 25, 1824. g.r.i. JACOBS, Lucy Ann, d. of Caleb and Nancy L., Mar. i, 1844. Martha Jane, d. of Caleb and Nancy L., Mar. 28, 1847. JEFFERS, EUen Sadler [ ], w. of Jesse, , 1849. g.r. i . Jesse, , 1849. g.r.i. JEPHERSON, Sarah Congdon. d. of Joseph and Susan, Jan. 2, 1828. JOHNSON (see Johnston), Amelia Ann, d. of Nicholas W. and Paulina, Sept. 30, 1844. Ann Augusta, d. of Lewis and Lucy Ann, Apr. 20, 1839. Betty (Hannah dup.), d. of William and Martha, July 8, 1783. Caroline Elizabeth, d. of Hiram and Caroline M., Sept. 23, 1831. David, s. of William and Amey (Martha dup.). May 10, 1774. George Edward, s. of Lewis and Lucy A., May 10, 1837. Hannah, d. of Wil[lia]m and Martha, Jan. 7, 1781. Isaac, s. of Samuel and Electy, Feb. 11, 1834. James T., s. of Thomas and Persis, Jan. 29, 1845. 54 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Johnson, Joseph, s. of Thomas and Persis, Jan. 31, 1847. Josiah, s. of William and Martha, Dec. 31, 1785. Nancy E., d. of Reuben and Hannah, Dec. i, 1825. Richard M., s. of Job G. and Almira N., Dec. 25, 1843. Stephen, s. of William and Martha, Sept. 14, 1780. Susannah, d. of Reuben and Hannah, Nov. 3, 1823. Uriah B., s. of Samuel and Electy, Mar. 27, 1832. JOHNSTON (see Johnson), Alexander, , 1827. g.r.i. Ann J. Crane [ ], w, of James, , 1822. g.r.i. Ellen [ ], w. of , Sept. — , 1788. g.r.i. James, , 1833. g.r.i. John, , 1823. G.R.I. Nancy [ ], w. of John, , 1835. g.r.i. William, , 1825. g.r.i. JONES, Betsey Azubah Lackey [ ], w. of Edward, , 1819. G.R.IO. Edward, , 1821. g.r.io. Ezra, , 1827. g.r.i. Laura Ann, d. of David and Mily, Mar. i, 1816. Lucinda [ ], w. of Ezra, , 1831. g.r.i. JOSLIN, Adalade, d. of Hezekiah and Rebecca, July 2, 1844. KANE, Michael, , 1844. G.R.3. KARRIGAN, Eliza, d. of Patrick and Ann, Jan. 27, 1849. KAY, Margaret [ ], w. of Charles, Mar. 25, 1805. g.r.i. KEECH, Charles Edward, s. of Riley and Louisa, July 6, 1845. Henry Austin, s. of Riley and Louisa, July 31, 1847. Jesse, , 1822. G.R.I. KEITH, Albert B., s. of Lyman M. and Lydia R., July 4, 1847. Edgar, s. of Sylvester G. and Rebecca, Apr. 17, 1844. Twin. Oscar, s, of Sylvester G. and Rebecca, Apr. 17, 1844. Twin. Susan Victoria, d. of , and Susan Augusta, Mar. 2, 1845. William, s. of Submit Clemmons, Apr. 5, 1803. KELLEY (see Kelly), Albert, 3d mo., 30th day, 1813. g.r.6. Albert Wing, s. of Albert and Deborah, Jan. 16, 1842. Deborah I., 4th mo., 7th day, 1815. g.r.6. James, June 6, 1842. Native of Co. Roscommon, Ire. G.R.3. Mary Smith [ ], w. of James, Oct. 3, 1845. Native of Co. Caban, Ire. G.R.3. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 55 KELLY (see Kelley), John, s. of Patrick and Susan, Feb. 2, 1848. KEMPTON, George Albert, s. of George and Hannah, Oct. 15, 1843. KENDAL (see Kendall), Mary B., d. of William and Lydia, Sept. I, 1844. William Henry, s. of William and Lydia, Nov. 5, 1847. KENDALL (see Kendal), John, s. of Thomas Jr. and Olive, July 21, 1810. Lydia F. [ ], w. of William, July 26, 1820. g.r.i. Mary Bancroft, inf. d. of William and Lydia, bp. Nov. 17, 1844. C.R.2. Ruth, d. of Thomas Jr. and Olive, in Sutton, Mar. 9, 1809. William, Oct. 28, 1815. g.r.i. KENNEDY (see Kennidy), Agnes F., d. of William and Sarah B., Apr. 5, 1845. Edward, s. of James and Mary, both b. in Ireland, Dec. 16, 1849. Ellen, d. of James and Mary, Feb. 28, 1848. Julia Moriah, d. of William and Sarah, Apr. 23, 1840. Sarah B. [ ], w. of William, Oct. 12, 1805. g.r.i. Viola, d. of William and Sarah, Nov. 24, 1842. William, Dec. 24, 1794. g.r.i. William Henry, s. of William and Sarah, Jime 4, 1848. Winifred, , 1841. G.R.3. KENNEY, David, Apr. 6, 1818. g.r.i. Eliza Ann, d. of Martin and Mary, Feb. 27, 1848. Ellen Maria, d. of Martin and Mary, both b. in Ireland, Dec. 12, 1849. Lucy [ ], w. of David, Dec. 15, 1818. g.r.i. Mary Frances, d. of George W. and Patience A., Jan. 14, 1849. KENNIDY (see Kennedy), Alonzo Evins, s. of William and Sally, Mar. 4, 1838. KEYES, Linus, s. of Eber and Polly, Jan. 6,*i79i. Nahum, s. of Eber and Polly, Nov. 6, 1787. KIDD, James A., , 1835. g.r.i. KIDDER, Thankful, , 1815. g.r.i. 56 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. KILGOUR, Eliza P. [ ], w. of James C, in Dublin, Ire., Mar, 24, 1834. G.R.I. James C, in Sinclairtown, Scot., Jan. i, 1830. g.r.i. KINISTER, Sarah Abigail, d. of Jacob and Sylvia Ann, Feb. IS, 1836. KNAP (see Knapp), James, s. of Betsey, Dec. 18, 1777. Joel, s. of Joel and Sibel, Aug. 14, 1805. John Croney, s. of Joel and Sibel, Aug. 11, 1808. Lois, d. of Joel and Sibel, May 3, 18 10. Louisa Tony, d. of John and Eleanor E., bp. July 14, 1833. C.R.I. Sibel, d. of Joel and Sibel, Feb. 13, 1807. EINAPP (see Knap), Amelia Low, d. of Joel and Sibel, Mar. 30, 1814. James, s. of Joel and Lydia, in Croydon, Feb. 20, 1797. Sarah Eddy, d. of Joel and Sibel, Oct. 2, 181 1. EREMER, John, s. of Michael and Mary, both b. in Ireland, Oct. 29, 1849. LACKEY, Anna L., , 1816. g.r.io. Azubah Davenport [ ], w. of Joshua, , 1779. g.r.io. Dorcas, , 181 2. g.r.io. Dorcas Woodbury [ ], 2d w. of Mathew, , 1756. g.r.io. Fanny Maria, d. of Walter and Lucina P., Sept. 3, 1843. Florence AdeHa, d. of Walter and Louisa B., Nov. 8, 1840. (w. Qf Bates. G.R.IO.) George W., , 1827. g.r.i. Imogene C, d. of Walter and Lucina P., Sept. 29, 1845. Joshua, , 1782. g.r.io. Joshua, Aug. 14, 1824. G.R.IO. Lucina P. [ ], w. of Walter, , 181 7. g.r.io. Mathew, , 1742. g.r.io. Matilda A. [ ], w. of George W., , 1832. g.r.i. Matthew, , 1774. g.r.io. Nancy [ ], w: of Matthew, , 1777. g.r.io. Sally, d. of Joel and Lucina, Dec. 15, 181 1. g.r.io. Walter, , 1818. g.r.io. LANDRY, Joseph, , 1817. G.R.3. Ohve Richard [ ], w. of Joseph, , 1828. G.R.3. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 57 LANVIS, Norbert, , 1846. G.R.3. LASELL, Josiah, in Schoharie, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1825. g.r.i. LAUGHLIN, Emma Maria, d. of John and Maria, Aug. 15 (12 dup.), 1846. LAWTON, Ann, July 6, 1802. g.r.i. E. W. [ ], w. of T. W., , 1825. G.R.I. George Walter, s. of Thomas W. and Esther W., Feb. 11, 1849. Selena F. [ ], w. of Theodore, Aug. 8, 1846. g.r.i. T. W., , 1825. g.r.i. Theodore, Jime 26, 1833. g.r.i. LEACH, Edelbert A., s. of Libeus Jr. and Julia A., Feb. 2, 1847. Elizabeth [ ], w. of Libeous, Aug. 16, 1802. g.r.i. Freeman, Mar. 16, 1832. g.r.i. James M., s. of Libeous and Elizabeth, Jiily 21, 1824. g.r.i. Libeous, Apr. 17, 1792. g.r.i. LEARNED, Ednah Vilroy, d. of Jeremiah and Charlotte, Sept. 19, 1848. LEAVER, Mary, d. of John and Rosannah, June 2, 1844. LEE, WiUiam, s. of Henry and Vesta Ann, May 15, 1848. LELAND, Benjamin N., s. of Lesse, bp. July 9, 1818. c.r.i. EUza W., d. of Lesse, bp. July 9, 1818. c.r.i. Henry P., s. of Benjamin M. and Sally S., Feb. 15, 183S. Laura Eliza, d. of Benjamin M. and Sally S., Jan. 7, 1844. Wesley P., s. of Benjamin M. and Sally S., Aug. 12, 1840. LEONARD, Darius Putnam, s. of Jesse and , Mar. 31, 1826. James, s. of John and Ellen, Aug. i, 1847. Jesse Bethuel, s. of Jesse and , Oct. 16, 1829. Jesse Bethuel, s. of Jesse and Nancy, Nov. 7, 1830. Levina Nancy, d. of Jesse and Nancy, in Sutton, June 19, 1828. Martha Maria, d. of Jesse and Nancy, in Taunton, Sept. 3, 1823. LESURE, Thankful!, d. of Joseph and Dorcis, Mar. 25, 1774. LINCOLN, Hannah M., in Brewster, , 1836. g.r.8. Roxena, d. of Samuel and , bp. Nov. 12, 1786. c.r.i. 58 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. LINTERN, George H., s. of Henry and Betsey, Dec. 17, 1840. Mary Ann, d. of Henry and Betsey, Jan. 28, 1848. LITTLEFIELD, Alonzo M., , 1837. g.r.i. Maria M. [ ], w. of Alonzo M., , 1842. g.r.i. LIVINGSTON, Charlotte Johnston [ ], w. of George, , 1842. g.r.i. George, , 1841. g.r.i. LOTHROP, Betsy, d. of Thomas and Deborah, Mar. 14, 1793. Daniel Brown, s. of Thomas and Deborah, Dec. 6, 1796. Maria, d. of Tho[ma]s and Deborah, Oct. 31, 1794. LOVE, Daniel, Dec. 27, 1823. g.r.i. Mary Kyle [ ], w. of Daniel, Oct. 18, 1825. g.r.i. MAGILL, Matilda Scott [ ], w. of William, July 11, 1847. g.r.i. Sarah J., d. of Alex, and Jane, Dec. 30, 1844. g.r.i. William, July i, 1847. g.r.i.' MAGORNEY, Ellen D. [ ], w. of WiUiam, , 1822. G.R.I. Matilda [ ], w. of William, , 1829. g.r.i. Thomas, s. of William and Ellen D., , 1843. g.r.i. William, , 18 13. g.r.i. MAHONY, James, s. of Martin and Joanna S., July 22, 1847. MARSH, Douglas, Jan. 18, 1813. g.r.6. MARSHALL, David L., , 1835. g.r.i. Ellen [ ], w. of David L., , 1837. g.r.i. Jane Kyle [ ], w. of Richard, , 1824. g.r.i. Richard, , 1825. g.r.i. MARTIN, Luther Prentice, s. of Joseph and Mary, Oct. 14, 1810. Mary Angelina Augusta, d. of Joseph and Mary. Apr. 8, 181 2. Mary Prentice, Dec. 7, 1790. g.r.io. MASCROFT, Charies WilUam, s. of William D. and Harriet, Oct. 31, 1847. Emma J. W., d. of William D. and Harriet G., July i, 1846. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 59 MASON, Almira [ ], w. of Francis B., Sept. 13, 1813. G.R.2. Charles A., s. of Francis B. and Almira, Jan. 8, 1847. Francis B., Feb. 28, 1813. g.r.2. Loyd N., s. of Francis B. and Almira, July 16, 1840. Nancy M., d. of Francis B. and Almira, Nov. 18, 1843. William A., s. of Francis B. and Almira, Feb. 10, 1845. MATTERSON (see Mattison), William L., s. of William Jr. and Elcy Ann, July 31, 1844. MATTISON (see Matterson), Ann Rebecca, d. of William and Elcy Ann, July 25, 1842. Elsie Ann [ ], w. of W[illia]m, Nov. i, 1812. g.r.i. W[illia]m, Aug. 11, 1816. g.r.i. MAYNARD, Adolphus Batcheller, s. of Simmer and Lois, Aug. 15, 1837. Lyman, s. of Sumner and Louis, May 13, 1843. Mary Agusta, d. of Sumner and Lois, Jtme — , 1834. McAllister, Margaret Knox [ ], w. of William, , 1825. G.R.I. William, , 1822. g.r.i. McBRIDE, Benjamin W., Nov. 28, 1816. g.r.2. Charles 0., s. of John, b. in Berlin, and Mary B., b. in Mendon, Aug. 24, 1849. David A., s. of Obadiah and Amity, Oct. i, 1831. John B., s. of John and Sally, Dec. 3, 1840. Laura K., d. of Obadiah and Amity, June 23, 1824. Phebe Elizabeth, d. of Benjamin, b. in Berhn, and Sarah Ann, b. in Foster, R. I., Apr. 16, 1849. Sarah A. ( ], w. of Benjamin W., , 1822. g.r.2. McCANN, Catherine M. [ ], w. of James, , 1842. G.R.3. Issabella G., d. of James and Sarah Ann, Jan. 17, 1848. James, , 1839. G.R.3. McCAUVRAN, Margaret, Apr. 12, 1845. G.R.3. McCLELLAN, Jane Booth [ ], w. of William, , 1836. G.R.I. William Sr., , 1832. g.r.i. 6o NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. McGAW, Alexander, Feb. i, 1806. g.r.i. Hannah W., Dec. 28, 1823. g.r.i. McGINNIES, Ann, d. of Michael and Bridget, both b. in Ireland, Aug. 28, 1849. McEEE, Robert, — — , 1843. g.r.i. Selina J. Anderson [ ], w. of Robert, , 1844. g.r.i. McKINSTREY (see McKinstry), Charles Otis, s. of Andrew J. and Mary A., June 10, 1843. Elias M., s. of Andrew J. and Mary A., Jan. 7, 1848. James A., s. of Andrew J. and Mary A., Dec. 10, 1838. Mary, d. of Andrew J. and Mary A., Nov. 26, 1840. McKINSTRY (see McKinstrey), Frances Agusta, d. of An- drew J. and Mary A., Jan. 13, 1846. • McMULLEN, Thomas, s. of Patrick and Margaret, both b. in Ireland, Oct. 29, 1849. McNAMARA, Austin, s. of Hugh and Martha, Apr. 7, 1793. Charl[e]s, s. of Hugh and Martha, May 14,. 1 791, David Shearman, s. of Hugh and Martha, Apr. 5, 1808. Ephraim, s. of Hugh and Martha, May 13, 1789. Ezra Nelson, s. of Austin and Betsey, May i, 1823. Francis, s. of Austin and Betsey, Oct. 24, 1824. George Washington, s. of Hugh and Martha, July 8, 1805. Hopestil, d. of Hugh and Martha, Mar. 25, 1787. Mary, d. of Hugh and Martha, Aug. 5, 1799. Nelson, s. of Austin and Betsey, Sept. 15, 1826. Permelia, d. of Hugh and Martha, June 27, 1797. Prudence, d. of Hugh and Martha, July 31, 1803. Silence, d. of Hugh and Martha, May 5, 1795. Sophia, d. of Hugh and Martha, May 31, 1801. Timothy Jr., s. of Hugh and Martha, Jan. i, 1785. McQUAID, Bernard, Jan. 12, 1834. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of Bernard, Mar. 28, 1843. G.R.3. McSHEEHY, Mary [ ], w. of William, , 1840. G.R.3, McWILLIAM, George, , 1846. g.r.i. MEEK, M. B., , 1844. g.r.i. Robert B., ,1844. g.r.i. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 6l MELVIN, Jennie Findlay [ ], w. of John, , 1842. G.R.I. John, , 1839. G.R.I. MERCER, Jane, , 1843. g.r.i. MERRILL, John, s. of James and Wealthy, May 28, 1827. MILLER, Ellen Mariah, d. of Stephen B. and Laura, Feb. 21, 1846. MINOT, Sarah Jane, d. of Wilham and Olive W., July 4, 183 1. MITCHELL, James, , 1815. g.r.i. Jane Owen [ ], w. of James, , 1825. g.r.i. MOLONEY, Bridget Callahan, , 1841. G.R.3. MONTGOMERY, William, , 1849. g.r.i. MOODY, James, Jime 16, 1817. g.r.i. Martha [ ], w. of James, Jan. 3, 1818. g.r.i. Martha Helen, d. of James and Martha, Jan. 21, 1847. Mary Elizabeth, d. of James and Martha, Mar. 15, 1849. Samuel, s. of James and Martha, Jan. 7, 1845. Sarah, d. of James and Martha, Sept. 12, 1843. MOONEY, Anne, , 1841. G.R.3. MOORE, Eliza Jane [ ], w. of James, , 1845. g.r.i. James, ,1844. g.r.i. Mary Maxwell [ ], w. of Samuel, , 1832. g.r.i. Samuel, , 1829. g.r.i. MORRISON, Andrew Johnson, s. of Robert and Almira, Oct. 7, 1847. Ellen Maria, d. of Michael and Honoria, Mar. 27, 1845. Mary Frances, d. of Robert S. and Almira, June 13, 1843. MORSE, y Taft, ch. of Henry and Betsy, bp. Aug. 8, 1802. C.R.I. David, Apr. 11, 1796. g.r.i. Deborah C, d. of Joshua W. and Deborah C. Brown, Oct. 3, 1844. G.R.I. Deborah C. Brown [ ], w. of Joshua W., May 24, 1824. G.R.I. Edward, Sept. 5, 1829. g.r.i. Elisha Hale, , 1825. g.r.i. Ellen Bolster [ ], w. of Elisha Hale, , 1846. g.r.i. 62 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Morse, Esther Fisher, d. of Hervey and Betsey, Mar, i, 1813. Helen M, [ ], w, of Moses, Dec. 13, 1838. g.r.i. Jane [ ], w. of Edward, Aug. 9, 1833. g.r.i. Joshua W., Feb. 4, 1820. g.r.i. Levi, s. of Henry and Betsey, May 30, 1798. Lydia A. Searles [ ], w. of Joshua W., Oct. 27, 1842. g.r.i. Mary S. Day [ ], w. of Joshua W., Feb. 5, 1824. g.r.i. Mary Whitney [ ], w. of David, Nov. 27, 1800. g.r.i. Moses, Aug. 6, 1832. g.r.i. MORTON, Alfred, , 1826. g.r.i. Mary A. [ ], w. of Alfred, , 1830. g.r.i. MOSS, Caroline Mariah, d. of Josiah and Mariah, Feb. 19, 1829. MOSSO, Bridget [ ], w. of Joseph, Mar. 19, 1846. G.R.3. MOWRY, Azubah P., d. of John D. and Abagail B., June 24, 1846. Charles A., s. of Nelson, b. in Oxford, and Sally Ann, b. in Warwick, R. I., May 17, 1849. Cornelia P. Braman [ ], w. of Henry D., , 1841. G.R.I. Ella Dexter, d. of John D. and Abagail B., Jan. 17, 1848. Henry D., , 1840. g.r.i. James K. Polk, s. of Nelson and Sally Ann D., Mar. i, 1845. MULRANEY, John D., , 1847. G.R.3. MUNRO, Donald, , 1848. g.r.i. MURDOCK, Margaret Moriah, d. of Russel and Eunic, bp. Sept. 30, 1827. C.R.I. NEW, James, s. of Jesse and Sarah, July 29, 1816. NEWTON, Gershom, s. of Meriam, in Marlboro, Jan. 9, 181 2. NICHOLS, Laura Lucretia, d. of John and Maria, Dec. 12, 1829. NICHOLSON, Eliza Forestell [ ], w. of William, , 1809. G.R.I. James, s. of William and Eliza, Jan. 12, 1836. Lydia Ester, d. of WilHam and Eliza, Sept. 16, 1839. Maryett, d. of William and Eliza, Jan. 19, 1838. William, , 1807. g.r.i. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 63 NORBURY, Edward William, s. of Edward and Sarah, in Taunton, Nov. 2, 182 1. James, s. of Edward and Sarah, in Taunton, Mar. 30, 1829. Sarah L., d. of Edward and Sarah, in Mansfield, Feb. 5, 181 7. NORCROSS, Lydia Agustey, d. of Josiah Jr. and Sally, Jan. 20, 1821. Sarah Rand, d. of Josiah Jr. and Sally, Jan. 23, 1824. NORWOOD, Eliza N. Butterworth [ ], w. of , , 1805. G.R.I. O'CONNELL, W[illia]m, , 1845. G.R.3. ODIAN, Abigail H. Searles [ ], w. of Nathaniel H., Sept. 3, 1825. G.R.I. Nathaniel H., May 31, 1812. g.r.i. O'GRADY, Ann, , 1816. G.R.3. ORCUTT, Cordial, Aug. 24, 1808. g.r.i. Harriet E., d. of Cordial and Eleanor Greene, Sept. 12, 1848. g.r.i. OSGOOD, Caroline L. [ ], w. of Henry B., Apr. 25, 1819. g.r.i. Henry B., May 10, 1818. g.r.i. PACKERD, James, s. of James and Hannah, Oct. 18, 1810. PADDOCK, Charles F., , 1848. g.r.i. PAINE, Charles Francis, s. of Francis E. and Nancy, Apr. 26, 1847. George W., s. of Henry H. and Abby Ann, Sept. 6, 1844. Joseph B., s. of Henry H. and Abby Ann, July 25, 1846. Mary L., d. of Nelson and Anna, Jan. 23, 1841. PARK, Amasa, s. of Nathan and Ruth, in Uxbridge, Feb. 20, 1771. Betsy Potter, d. of William and , bp. Oct. 5, 1788. c.r.i. Calvin (Chalvain dup.), s. of Nathan and Ruth, Sept. 11, 1774. Cloe, d. of Nathan and Ruth, in Uxbridge, Feb. i, 1772. Eleanor, d. of Nathan and Ruth, in Newton, Oct. i, 1776. Elizabeth, d. of Nathan and Ruth, in Uxbridge, Oct. 8, 1766. Luther, s. of Nathan and Ruth, in Newton, Aug. 15, 1780. Nathan Jr., s. of Nathan and Ruth, in Uxbridge, Sept. 25, 1768. Sophia, d. of Wil[lia]m and Sally, Apr. 25, 1783. Tho[ma]s, s. of Nathan and Ruth, in Uxbridge, Jan. 25, 1765. William Jr., s. of Wil[lia]m and Sally, Jan. 15, 1782. 64 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. PARKER, George, Jiily 8, 1847. g.r.i. James, s. of James and Mary, June 27, 1783. Otis, s. of James and Mary, Apr. 13, 1789. Polly, d. of James and Mary, June 11, 1795. Willard, s. of James and Mary, Jan. 9, 1792. Winsor, s. of James and Mary, Apr. 3, 1794. PARSONS (see Persons), Celistia, d. of George and Abigail, Oct. 13, 1799. Graty, d. of George and Abigail, in Douglas, May 2, 1792. PATTERSON, Alexander, , 1835. g.r.i. Eliza J. Ferguson [ ], w. of Alexander, , 1849. g.r.i. John, , 1844. g.r.i. PAYSON, Ada Angeline, d. of Charles G. and Eunice E., Nov. I, 1848. PECK, Edwin C. (Edwin Cheney, c.r.i), s. of Josephus and Louisa, Feb. 3, 1840. Louisa Taft [ ], w. of Josephus W., Apr. 3, 1815. g.r.8. Susan Butler [ ], w. of Edwin C, May 8, 1845. g.r.8. PENNELL, Christopher, s. of Lewis and Esther, Aug. 12, 1842. Francis Wayland, s. of Lewis and Esther, Nov. 28, 1840. PERSONS (see Parsons), Arespy, d. of George and Naby, Oct. 13, 1796. Fanny, d. of George and Abigail, Sept. 12, 1790. George, s. of John and Lydia, Oct. 27, 1782. Naby, d. of George and Naby, July i, 1794. Paul, s. of John and Lydia, Dec. 29, 1780. PHARNES, Harriet Seaver [ ], w. of John Edward, , 1833. G.R.I. PHETIPLACE, Emmeorre, d. of Zebedee and Silva, Aug. 15, 1814. Hosea, s. of Zebedee and Silva, June 21, 18 16. PHILLIPS, Manson, , 1808. G.R.5. Mary Ellen, d. of Lucius J. and Mary E., Dec. 12, 1847. PHIPPS, , s. of Erastus O., b. in Hopkinton, and Abi- gail B., Feb. 15, 1848. Ellen A., d. of Erastus O. and Abagail B., Jan. 16, 1846. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 65 PIERCE, Henrietta Louisa, d. of Harrison and Louisa, Dec. 15, 1840. Isaac T., Jan. i, 1817. g.r.i. John Dean, June 17, 1827. g.r.2. Laura Maria, d. of Isaac T., b. in Fairfax, Vt., and Maria, b. in Barnet, Vt., Nov. 13, 1849. Maria [ ], w. of Isaac T., Nov, 11, 1815. g.r.i. Mary Ann, d. of Ambrose and Almeda, Apr. 23, 1838. Sarah Maria Thqmpson [ ], w. of John Dean, Feb. 3, 1832. g.r.2. PILLSBURY, Daniel Sargent, May 5, 1836. g.r.i. PLIMPTON, Amos Gardner, s. of Gardner and Hannah Whit- ney, , 1842. g.r.i. Anna Bell, d. of Gardner and Hannah, June 18, 1848. Ellen, d. of Gardner and Hannah Whitney, , 1838. g.r.i. Gardner, , 1807. g.r.i. Hannah Whitney [ ], w. of Gardner, , 1812. g.r.i. PLUMER (see Plummer), Emma Amelia (Emma A. Tafft, 1835, g.r.i), d. of Israel and AmeUa T., Sept. 21, 1835. PLUMMER (see Plumer), Amelia T. Cooper [ ], w. of Israel, , 1808. g.r.i. Israel, , 1810. g.r.i. Sarah Louisa, d. of Israel and Amelia T., Aug. 31, 1841. POLLARD, Eliza, d. of George and Elmina, Oct. 2, 1845. POLLOCK, Alexander, s. of Samuel and Phila, in Burrillville, July 12, 1821. Annie E. Simmons [ ], w. of Alexander, , 1820. g.r.i. Charles E., , 1833. g.r.i. Charles Henry, s. of Samuel and Phila, in Mendon, Jan. 8, 1829. Corderia S. [ ], w. of Charles E., , 1833. g.r.i. Eliza A., , 1835. G.R.I. Eliza A. Turner [ ], w. of George N., , 1847. g.r.i. Eliza Ann, d. of James and Mercy, Feb. 6, 1841. George H., s. of Samuel and Phila, Dec. 23, 1831. George Nelson, s. of Alexander, b. in Burrillville, R. I., and Ann, b. in Douglas, July 4, 1849. Henrietta Frost, d. of Samuel and Phila, in Smithfield, R. I., Dec. 10, 1825. Horace, s. of Samuel and Phila, in Burrillville, R. I., Oct. 17, 1814. 66 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Pollock, James M., s. of Samuel and Phila, in Burrillville, Dec. 2, 1812. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Samuel and Phila, in Smithfield, R. I., July 22, 1823. Mercy B. [ ], w. of James M., , 1811. g.r.i, Philena W. [ ], w. of Samuel, , 1792. g.r.i. Richard C, s. of Samuel and Phila, in Burrillville, R. I., Feb. 22, 1819. Samuel, , 1790. g.r.i. Susan C., d. of Samuel and Phila, in Burrillville, R. I., Feb. 8, 1810. POSTMA, Lutsen, Apr. 27, 1839. g.r.2. Martin, , 1846. g.r.2. PRATT, Harriet Valentine [ ], w. of Dr. Jefferson, in Hopkinton, , 1800. g.r.i. Jefferson, Dr., in Belchertown, , 1803. g.r.i. Mary Jane, d. of Edward A. and Mary Ann, Oct. 11, 1847. PRENTICE, Abigail Baylies, d. of Luke and Azubah, May 24, 1824. Adrastus P., s. of Mellen and Julia Ann, May 4, 1845. Adson (Addison C, g.r.i), s. of Samuel B. and Polly, Mar. 31, 1826. Althea L., d. of James A. and Mercy, Dec. 26, 1843. Amey Joslin [ ], w. of Luke, , 1809. g.r.i. Ann Velentia, d. of Luke Jr. and Amey, May 29, 1844. Arethusa M., d. of Luke Jr. and Amey, Sept. 8, 1839. Azubah [ ], w. of Luke, , 1780. g.r.i. Byron O., s. of Samuel B. and Polly, Oct. 9, 1846. Calvin, s. of James and Sarah, in Sutton, Jan. 17, 1772. Caroline Matilda, d. of Nahum and Nancy, Dec. 7, 1807. Charles W., s. of Samuel B. and PoUy Thayer, , 1835. g.r.i. Charlotte H., d. of Samuel B. and Polly, Apr, 4, 1831. (w. of George A. Armsby. g.r.i.) Corodon, s. of Nahum and Nancy, Mar. 15, 1810. Dorcas, d. of James and Sarah, Feb. 2, 1777. Edward Jackson, s. of Samuel B. and Polly, June 10, 1828. Eleanor, d. of Samuel B. and Polly, Apr. 26, 1824. (w. of Charles C. Spring. G.R.I.) Elton Adams, s. of James A. and Mary, Dec. 22, 1847. George Henry, s. of Ira and Zilpha, Nov. 10, 1847. George W., s. of James and Mercy, Jan. 29, 1839. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 67 Prentice. Harriet S., d. of Samuel B. and Polly, Sept. 2, 1819. James Adams, s. of Luke and Azubah, Nov. i, 1806. James Calvin, s. of Calvin and Ann E., May 10, 1848. Jemima Bundy [ ], w. of Calvin, , 1758. g.r.i. John Aldrich, s. of Calvin and Ann Elizabeth, May 29, 1837. John Mowry, s. of Luke Jr. and Amey, Mar. 26, 1846. Julia Sophia, d. of Calvin and Ann Elizabeth, Feb. 18, 1839. Levi, s. of James and Sarah, Dec. 6, 1780. Lucius Anthony, s. of Luke Jr. and Amey, Feb. 21, 1848. Luke, s. of James and Sarah, Feb. 11, 1779. Luke, s. of Luke and Azubah, Mar. 28, 181 2. Lusiatia, d. of James A. and Mary, May 21, 1837. Luther, s. of James and Sarah, in Sutton, July 24, 1774. Lydia L., d. of Luke Jr. and Amey, Jan. 4, 1838. (w. of Charles T. Cady. g.r.i.) Lyman J., s. of Luke Jr. and Amey, Aug. 17, 1841. Mariett Lucretia, d. of James and Mercy, Oct. 5, 1841. Martha Ann, d. of Calvin and Ann E., Mar. 10, 1841. Marvel, s. of Luke and Azubah, May 17, 1814. Mary, d. of James and Sarah, Dec. 7, 1790. Mary Draper, d. of Calvin and Jemima, Nov. 15, 1801. Mary T., d. of Samuel B. and Polly, Dec. 18, 1821. (w. of Freeman Fuller and John W. Forbes, g.r.i.) Mendrick A., s. of Luke Jr. and Amey, Dec. 27, 1837. (1836. G.R.I.) Mercy [ ], w. of James A., , 1807. g.r.i. Millen, s. of Luke and Azubah, Nov. 2, 1816. Minerva, d. of Luke and Azubah, Apr.^ 17, 1810. Nancy Emeline, , 1833. g.r.i. Nancy Whipple, d. of Nahum and Nancy, Oct. i, 1812. Naum, s. of James and Sarah, May 8, 1783. Newton M., s. of Marvel and Phebe, in Douglas, Oct. 15, 1847. Phebe Wallis [ ], w. of Marvel, , 1819. g.r.i. Polly Thayer [ ], w. of Samuel B., , 1800. g.r.i. Sam[ue]l (Samuel B., g.r.i), s. of Calvin and Jemima, Jan. 6, 1799. Sarah, d. of James and Sarah, Sept. 8, 1786. PREST, Elizabeth [ ], w. of John, , 1807. g.r.i. EHzebeth [- ], w. of John E., , 1839. g.r.i. Esther Taylor [ ], w. of John, , 1816. g.r.i. J. Edward, s. of John and Esther Taylor, , 1846. g.r.i. John, , 1796. g.r.i. John, ,1813. G.R.I. 68 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Prest, Robert, , 1823. g.r.i. Robert A., s. of John and Esther Taylor, , 1848. g.r.i. Sarah E., d. of John and Esther Taylor, , 1834. g.r.i. PRESTON, Henry Kirke, s. of Willard and Lucy Maria, Jan. 30, 1814. PROCTOR, Albern Wright, s. of Edward and Sarah, Feb. 5, 1845- Joseph Harwood, s. of Harwood and Mary R., bp. Aug. 2, 1846. C.R.I. Josiah, s. of Harwood and Mary R., bp. Aug. 2, 1846. c.r.i. Josiah A. (Josiah Adelbert, c.r.i), s. of Edward and Sarah, June 4, 1846. Martha Sophia, d. of Edward and Sarah, Jan. 10, 1848. PRUE, Lodema Cordelia, d. of Thomas and Lodema, Jan. 7, 1848. PURINTON, Elizabeth Ann, d. of Frederick H. and Mary Eliza, July 17, 1829. PUTNAM, Edward Franklin, s. of Philander and Harriet S., July 14, 1844. Emma Jane, d. of Philander and Harriet S., June 28, 1847. Frances V., d. of Philander, b. in Sutton, and Harriet S., Oct. II, 1849. Harty C, d. of John M. and Harty C, Oct. 29, 1843. John M. Jr., s. of John M. and Harty, Oct. 16, 1838. Martha Ann, d. of John M. and Harty, Apr. 29, 1835. Nathaniel C, s. of John M. and Harty, Jan. 29, 1841. Wheelock T., s. of Philander and Harriet S., Sept. 9, 1841. William M., s. of Aaron and Lucy, bp. Apr. i, 1822. c.r.i. RANDALL, Clarisa A., d. of Joseph and Phebe, Nov. 12, 1819. RANKIN, John, , 1827. g.r.i. Sarah Young [ ], w. of John, , 1826. g.r.i. RASCO, Levi, June 24, 1848. G.R.3. RAWSON, , s. of Silas and Mary, July 16, 1847. Still- bom. Abner H., Oct. 25, 1805. g.r.i. Adin Ballou, s. of Abram and Ruth, Mar. 27, 1846. Alfonso P., Dec. , 1833. G.R.3. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 69 Rawson, Bamabus Aldrich, s. of Caleb and Molly, Feb. 3, 1818. Caleb Jr., s. of Caleb and Molly, Dec. 16, 1812. Celestina Experience, d. of Caleb and Molly, Mar. i, 1829. Charies C, Apr. 26, 1831. g.r.i. Edwin F., s. of Silas and Sally, Apr. 13, 1833. Emily, d. of Silas and Sally, Dec. 21, 1830. Everline W., Dec. 2, 1802. g.r.i. George Willard, Oct. 5, 1827. g.r.i. Hannah, d. of Edward and Lucy, Mar. 20, 1808. Hannah, d. of Caleb and Molly, June 19, 1810. Joanna E,, in Upton, June 26, 1824. g.r.2. John N., s. of Caleb and Molly, Dec. 17, 1807. Judson, s. of Caleb and Molly, Jan. 24, 1804. Lurana, d. of Caleb and Molly, June 26, 181 5. Lurana Maria, d. of Caleb Jr. and Ann Maria, Sept. 24, 1841. Maria, d. of Caleb and Molly, Oct. 13, 1805. Mariah Angela, d. of Silas and Sally, Sept. 15, 1827. Mary, d. of Edward and Lucy, Sept. 20, 1805. Philander Philo, s. of Caleb and Molly, Sept. 2, 1824. Sally, d. of Edward and Lucy, May 15, 1810. Susan Elizabeth Bills [ ], w. of George Willard, Dec. 5, 183I. G.R.I. Washington Adams, s. of Silas and Sally, May 31, 1829. Wilson Lorenzo, s. of Caleb and Molly, May 18, 1822. RAYAN, John, s. of Michael and Catharine, Jan. 14, 1847. READ (see Reed), Clarissa, d. of Thomas and Martha, Mar. 12, 1780. Eleanor, d. of Thomas and Martha, Dec. 19, 1777. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas and Martha, Jan. 24, 1773. Twin. John Hancock, s. of Thomas and Martha, Oct. 8, 1775. Lucy, d. of Thomas and Martha, in Uxbridge, Sept. 20, 1770. Martha, d. of Thomas and Martha, in Uxbridge, Feb. 15, 1765- Martha (Mary dup.), d. of Thomas and Martha, Jan. 24, 1773. Twin. Sarah, d. of Thomas and Martha, in Uxbridge, Sept. 22, 1768. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Martha, in Uxbridge, Oct. 8, 1766. REAGAN, Margaret [ ], w. of John, , 18 12. G.R.3. REANEY, Charlotte, , 1822. g.r.i. Mary, , 1817. g.r.i. 70 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. REDFIELD, Abbey H., d. of Mills and Emily, June 20, 1846. Benjamin Franklin, in Grafton, Dec. 7, 1833. g.r.i. Ellen Maria, d. of Warren F. and Elizabeth C, Oct. 27, 1844. Georgianna E., d. of Warren and Elizabeth, Feb. 8, 1848. REED (see Read), Abbie S., Nov. 18, 1821. g.r.i. REILLY, John, , 1845. G.R.3. REMINGTON, , d. of Thomas M. and Susan, May 5. 1846. Alford W., s. of James C. and Lucy, July 8, 1841. Alonzo T., s. of Thomas M. and Susan, Jan. 26, 1845. Caroline, d. of James C. and Lucy, June 28, 1846. Charles Cathcart, s. 0/ Benedict and Mary Ann, in Mendon, Feb. 13, 1821. Eliza E., Feb. 15, 1845. g.r.i. Elizabeth C, d. of Benedict and Mary Ann, June 2, 1827. Herbert Eugene, s. of Charles C. and Mary Ann, Feb. 20, 1849. James Congdon, s. of Benedict and Mary Ann, in Mendon, Apr. 9, 1819. James M., Jan. 14, 1812. g.r.i. Josephine E., d. of Charles C. and Mary Ann, May 4, 1846. Leander Cathcart, s. of Benedict and Mary Ann, in Mendon, Feb. 13, 1824. Leverett L., May 28, 1847. g.r.i. Lucy Munyan [ ], w. of James C, , 1818. g.r.i. Margaret Maria, d. of William Benedict and Mary A., bp. Aug. 5, 1834. C.R.2. Mary Elisabeth, d. of William Benedict and Mary A., bp. Aug. 5, 1834. C.R.2. Sanford Warren, inf. s. of Charles C. and Mary Ann, bp. Feb. 9, 1845. C.R.2. Sarah [ ], w. of James M., Feb. 22, 1812. g.r.i. Sarah, inf. d. of Benedict and Mary A., bp. May 2, 1841. c.r.2. Susan [ ], w. of Thomas M., , 1821. g.r.i. Thomas Muzzy, s. of Benedict and Mary Ann, in Mendon, Apr. 20, 1822. William Benedict, s. of Benedict and Mary Ann, Sept. 3, 1827. REYNOLDS, John Q., Aug. 22, 1848. g.r.i. Mary EHzabeth, d. of John R. and Ruth M., Oct. 24, 1848. Susan Abby, d. of John R., b. in Essex, Vt., and R. Maria, Dec. 13, 1849. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 71 RICH, Calvin, s. of Ezekiel and Rachel, bp. May 30, 181 5. C.R.I. Mary, d. of Ezekiel and Rachel, Sept. 13, 1810. RICHARDS, Hannah Dowse [ ], w. of Josiah, , 1801. G.R.I. Isaac Pratt, , 1834. g.r.i. Josiah, , 1792. G.R.I. RICHARDSON, Albert, s. of Henry and Emily, Oct. 10, 1848. Alonzo Lovell, s. of Charles and Olive T., Aug. 10, 1848. RICHMOND, Jason Henry, s. of Jason and Lydia Ann, Nov. 3> 1847. RIDEL, Catharine E., d. of Henry and Sarah Ann, Feb. 8, 1844. RIENSTRA, Albert A., , 1832. g.r.2. RILEY, Ann, d. of Hugh and Harriet, July 21, 1842. John, s. of Hugh and Harriet, Mar. 17, 1828. Robert, s. of Hugh and Harriet, Sept. 23, 1829. William, s. of Hugh and Harriet, May 19, 1831. RISE, John, s. of Stephen and Mary, Apr. 4, 1777. REST, Chloe Goldthwait, d. of Levi and Selendia, Apr. 13, 1811. James Hubbard, s. of Levi and Selendia, June 4, 1818. Jerusha Blake, d. of Levi and Selendia, in Sutton, Sept. 3, 1809. Joseph, s. of Levi and Selendia, Oct. 5, 1815. Levi Jr., s. of Levi and Selendia, June 21, 1813. RIXFORD, Emma Harriet, d. of Harriet Day, bp. Sept. 9, 1845. C.R.I. Harriet A. [ ], w. of Harvey C, , 1826. g.r.i. Harvey C, , 1819. g.r.i. ROBERTSON (see Robinson), James, May 11, 1819. g.r.i. Janett [ ], w. of James, Jan. 10, 1820. g.r.i. ROBIE, Albert C, Feb. 4, 1846. g.r.2. Anna C. Williams [ ], w. of Albert C, Feb. 21, 1846. g.r.2. John H., , 1840. G.R.2. Mary Elizabeth, d. of and w. of Charles Oscar Bachelor, in Newmarket, N. H., Oct. 15, 1837. g.r.8. Sarah E. [ ], w. of John H., , 1844. g.r.2. 72 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. ROBINSON (see Robertson), Benjamin F., s. of Jeremiah and Harriet, July 2, 1846. Erastus, s. of Joshua and Sibil, in Tolland, Conn., Apr. 12, 1774. Harriet Jane, d. of Jeremiah and Harriet, June 8, 1844. Jeremiah F., s. of Jeremiah and Harriet, May 22, 1842. Joseph A., s. of James and Amelia M., Apr. 21, 1847. Lusina Imogene, d. of Jeremiah and Harriet, July 25, 1848. Maria, d. of Jeremiah and Harriet, June 5, 1837. Nancy P., d. of Erastus and Martha, in Brooklyn, Conn., May 6, 181 1. Sara Ann, d. of Erastus and Martha, in Brooklyn, Conn,, Sept. 13, 1812. Walter Charming, s. of Erastus and Martha, Jan. 17, 181 7. ROCKWOOD, Calvin Augustine, s. of Calvin B. and Mariah B., Feb. 18, 1843. Ellen Mariah, d. of Calvin R. and Ann Mariah, Oct.^31, 1845. ROGERS, Rachel P., d. of Elam and Caroline M., Aug. 27, 1829. ROSE, Betsey Ann, d. of Oliver and Fidelia Ann, June 26, 1846. Charles Thomas Henry, s. of Mark and Hannah W., July 10, 1845. Elizabeth Ellen, d. of Oliver and Fidelia, Aug. 5, 1844. John Leland, s. of Oliver and Sally, May 18, 1837. Josephine Augusta, d. of Mark D. and Hannah W., in Grafton, Dec. 24, 1847. Sally W., d. of Oliver and Fidelia Ann, Apr. 8, 1848. Walter Henry, s. of John and Elizabeth B., Dec. 6, 1848. William A., s. of John and Elizabeth, May 26, 1846. ROSS, Benjamin, s. of Ziba and Barbara, Jan. 16, 1845. RUST, Mary Ann, d. of Rev. William W. of.Nauvoo, and Welthy, Sept. 12, 1844. RUTTERFORD, Adam, s. of Samuel and Rebecca, Apr. 12, 1812. SABEN (see Sabin), Huldah, d. of Israel and Sarah, Nov. 23, 1830. Richard Mowry, s. of Isriel and Sarah, Oct. 7, 181 1. Sarah, d. of Israel and Sarah, Sept. 7, 1828. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 73 SABIN (see Saben), Charles, s. of John and , bp. Sept. 7, 1817. C.R.I. SAWYER, Lucina Frances, d. of John and Deborah, Mar. 21, 1846. SAYLES, Amasa, s. of Horatio, b. in Burrillville, R. I., and Caroline M., b. in Douglas, Nov. 5, 1849. Herbert R., s. of Richard H. and Sarah E., Aug. 11, 1847. Horatio Jr., s. of Horatio and Caroline M., June 4, 1847. SCHOFIELD, Jane [ ], w. of John, Feb. 18, 1833. g.r.i. John, Apr. 6, 1824. g.r.i. Mary Dale, May 15, 1814. g.r.i. SCOTT, Henry, , 1826. g.r.i. Jane Redmond [ ], w. of Henry, , 1826. g.r.i. Matilda [ ], w. of Robert, Oct. 31, 1825. g.r.i. Robert, Nov. 12, 1822. g.r.i. SEAGRAVE, Hannah, d. of Sam[ue]l and Betsey, May 22, 1809. SEARLES (see Searls), Abbie F. Wihnarth [ ], w. of Francis G., Oct. 3, 1838. g.r.i. Andrew Jackson, s. of George and July Ann, May 29, 1836. Curtis, May 12, 1768. g.r.i. Eveline Fisher [ ], w. of George F., , 1834. g.r.i. Francis G., Oct. 10, 1833. g.r.i. George F., , 1832. g.r.i. Gilbert, 'Sept. 24, 1800. g.r.i. Lizzie T., d. of Gilbert and Lydia Hyde, Oct. 11, 1847. g-R-I- Lucy A. Seagraves [ ], w. of Andrew J., , 1841. G.R.I. Lydia Hyde [ ], w. of Gilbert, Oct. 2, 1802. g.r.i. Sarah Jennie [ ], w. of Warren W., , 1841. g.r.i. Tamar Blake [ ], w. of Ciutis, Sept. 14, 1771. g.r.i. Warren W., , 1831. g.r.i. SEARLS (see Searles), George B., , 1844. g.r.i. Mary Emma [ ], w. of George B., , 1846. g.r.i. SEAVER, Edward Alanson, , 1849. g.r.i. SHAW, Mary Smart [ ], w. of Samuel, , 1849. g.r.i. Samuel, , 1844. g.r.i. 74 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. SHEEHAN, Hannah [ ], w. of John, , 1826. G.R.3. Hannah, , 1830. G.R.3. John, , 182 1. G.R.3. SHERMAN, Angelette (Angletty dup.), d. of George and Margaret E. (Margaret I. dup.), Mar. 12, 1848. Eliza Ann, d. of George C. and Margaret E., Apr. 9, 1843. Miriam Augusta, d. of George C. and Margaret I., Feb. 9, 1845. Sarah Ellen, d. of George C. and Margaret I., Jan. 4, 1847. SHOVE, Mary Vernon, d. of Samuel and Deborah, Nov. 11, 1842. SIBLEY, Abigail, d. of Abner and Abigail, Jan. 27, 1821. James, s. of Abner and Abigail, Apr. 27, 1815. Levina, d. of Abner and Abigail, May 18, 181 7. Sn)DALL, Emma A. Franklin [ ], w. of Fergus, , 1842. G.R.I. Fergus, , 1842. g.r.i. SIPMA, Siebren J., in Minnertsga, Fr., June 15, 1845. g.r.i. SKINNER, Christina, , 1834. g.r.i. SLADE, , d. of George and Bridget, Apr. 27, 1849. Still- bom. Helen Maria, d. of George and Bridget, Feb. 23, 1846. SLATER, Arba Covel, Apr. 18, 1824. g.r.i. Lucy Clark Avery [ ], w. of Arba Covel, Oct. 20, 1825. g.r.i. SLOCOMB, Arnold, s. of Joshua and Lucy, in Marlboro, Nov. 19, 1798. Augustus, s. of John W. and Sarepta, in Sutton, July 31, 1815. Charles, s. of and Lucy, bp. Apr. 19, 1795. c.r.i. Clarindy, d. of George and Tabatha, Apr. 2, 1790. Cynthia Adams, d. of John W. and Sarepta, Mar. 31, 1820. Ehza Jones, d. of John and Mary, Apr. 13, 181 2. George, s. of George and Tabatha, May 15, 1781. George LaFayette, s. of John W. and Sarepta, Feb. 3, 1823. Harding, s. of George and Tabatha, Mar. 14, 1793. Henry, s. of John W. and Sarepta, July 20, 1829. Henry P., s. of John and Mary, Dec. 9, 1824. Horatio Nelson, s. of Joshua and Lucy, in Grafton, May 4, 1805. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 75 Slocomb, Jareb, s. of George and Tabatha, Feb. 17, 1784. John, s. of Joshua and Lucy, Aug. 22, 1787. John Monroe, s. of John and Mary, in Grafton, Sept. 22, 1818. Lewis, s. of Joshua and Lucy, in Grafton, July 24, 1791. Loammi, s. of Joshua and Lucy, in Northboro, Dec. 17, 1796. Lovinia, d. of Joshua and Lucy, Sept. 25, 1785. Lucinda Maria, d. of John W, and Sarepta, in Sutton, Sept. 24, 1813. Lucy, d. of Joshua and Lucy, Aug. 14, 1800. Lydia, d. of Joshua and Lucy, in Sutton, Apr. 5, 1807. Mary, d. of Joshua and Lucy, in Grafton, Mar. 20, 1793. Mary, d. of John and Mary, in Sutton, Apr. 13, 1814. Mary, d. of John W. and Sarepta, Apr. 25, 1828. Nancy, d. of John W. and Sarepta, June 18, 1826. Quincy, s. of Joshua and Lucy, July 20, 1789. Ruth A. [ ], w. of Silas A., July 17, 1841. g.r.i. Vesty, d. of George and Tabatha, Mar. 29, 1787. SMITH (see Smyth), , s. of Elijah H. and Lucinda, May 19, 1844. Alexander, , 1837. g.r.i. Almira [ ], w. of Joel, Dec. 30, 1810. g.r.i Almira E., d. of Joel and Almira, Jan. 5, 1837. Twin. Alona Augusta, d. of Joshua D. and Pema H. B., Oct. 8, 1847. Benjamin L. M., , 1836. g.r.i. Charles H., , 1840. g.r.i. Charles M. (Charles Michael, c.R.2), s. of Joel and Almira, Jan. 5, 1837. Twin. David, , 1832. G.R.I. Ellen M. [ ], w. of Lucius B,, , 1846. g.r.2. Elmira H. B. Keech [ ], w. of Benjamin L. M., , 1836. g.r.i. Emma Louise, d. of Lewis and E. H., , 1849. g.r.i. Prances Jane, d. of Warren N. and Maria, both b. in Rhode Island, Aug. 10, 1849. George, Apr. 14, 1807. g.r.i. George Henry, s. of Johnathan and Nancy, July 7, 1833. George M. (George Williams, c.R.2), s. of Joel and Almira, Dec. 20, 1834. George W., s. of George and Lucy, Dec. 19, 1842. g.r.i. Helen M., d. of Warren N. and Maria, Dec. 16, 1843. Hester A. [ ], w. of David, , 1835. g.r.i. Horatio M. (Horatio Marshall, c.r.i), s. of Joshua D. and Pema H. B., July 29, 1845. 76 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Smith, Jane E. [ ], w. of George H., , 1835. g.r.i. Joel, Jan. 8, 1810. g.r.i. Joel Jr., Mar. 2, 1833. g.r.i. (Joel, s. of Joel and Almira, bp. July 21, 1836. C.R.2.) John G., s. of George and Lucy, Jan. 9, 1830. g.r.i. Jona[than], s. of Jacob and Sarah, Nov. 25, 1796. Jonathan, Dec. 19, 1825. g.r.i, Joseph William, s. of Lewis and E. H., , 1847. g.r.i. Joshua D., , 181 1. G.R.2. Laura A. [ ], w. of Charles H., , 1842. g.r.i. Lewis, , 181 1. G.R.I. Lovisa, d. of Joshua D. and Pumy, Mar. 10, 1840. Lucius B. (Lucius Buss, c.r.i), s. of Joshua D. and Pema H. B., July 31, 1842. Lucretia E. [ ], w. of Joel Jr., Feb. 20, 1837. g.r.i. Lucy [ ], w. of George, Apr. 11, 1809. g.r.i. Lucy, d. of George and Lucy, Mar. 14, 1834, g.r.i. Margaret [ ], w. of Marshall, , 1840. g.r.i. Marshall, , 1827. g.r.i. Mary E. Campbell [ ], w. of David, , 1841. g.r.i. Mary Emma, d. of Warren N. and Maria, Sept. 26, 1847. Mary Jane, d. of Charles and Laura, Aug. 30, 1846. Menerva, d. of George and Lucy, Mar. 15, 1837. g.r.i. Minerva A. (Minerva Arminda, c.R.2), d. of Joel and Almira, Nov. 18, 1843. Pema H. [ •], w. of Joshua D., , 1818. g.r.2. Sarah, d. of Jacob and Sarah, May 20, 1799. Sarah, d. of George and Lucy, Mar. 17, 1831. g.r.i. Sarah F. Carr [ ], w. of Jonathan, Apr. 4, 1825. g.r.i. Sarah Louisa, d. of Warren N. and Maria, Oct. 20, 1845. Urana Jane, d. of Elijah W. and Lucinda, June 21, 1837. Wilfliajm, s. of Jacob and Sarah, June 27, 1801. SMYTH (see Smith), James, , 1848. g.r.i. SNELLING, Robert, s. of John and Martha, Apr. 23, 1848. SNOW, EHzabeth A. Orr [ ], w. of Sumner L., June 18, 1839. G.R.I. Simmer L., Oct. 22, 1830. g.r.i. SNOWLING, Mary Ellen, d. of James Jr. and Susannah, Apr. 4, 1845. Nancy E., d. of James and Susan, Feb. 5, 1849. William Henry, s. of James Jr. and Susan, Nov. 9, 1847. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 77 SOLOMON, Hugh Jr., s. of Hugh, b. in Scotland, and Mary Ann, b. in Ireland, Oct. 24, 1849. James C, s. of Hugh and Mary Ann, Dec. 30, 1848. SOULE, Mary Rawson, d. of Beza and Mary, Dec. 9, 1818. SOUTHWICK, AHce L., Feb. 22, 1847. g.r.i. Alsey P. Fowler [ ], w. of David, , 1831. g.r.2. Benjamin Franklin, s. of Jesse E. and Ruth M., Oct. i, 1847. Charles Frederick, s. of Jesse and Ruth, Sept. 10, 1837. David, ist mo., 6th day, 1789. g.r.6. David, s. of David and Lucretia, July 30, 1819. Twin. Ella Maria, d. of Jonathan and Miranda E., July 18, 1848. Emily Josephine, d. of Jonathan and Miranda E., June 15, 1846. George, s. of David and Lucretia, Oct. 30, 18 17. George L., , 1845. g.r.i. Ira, Nov. 2, 1832. g.r.i. Jerome P., s. of Jonathan and Miranda E., Jan. 12, 1845, Jesse, s. of David and Lucretia, Oct. 25, 18 14. John Eddy, s. of David and Lucretia, Sept. 3, 1827. Jonathan, s. of David and Lucretia, July 30, 18 19. Twin. Mary A. Morton [ — • ], w. of George L., , 1849. g.r.i. Nancy, d. of David and Lucretia, May 8, 1823. (Nancy M., w. of Silas Bullard, b. 1823. g.r.2.) Sarah Frances, d. of Jesse E. and Ruth M., June 21, 1844. Stephen H., s. of Jonathan and Chloe, Aug. 15, 1827. SPENCER, Phebe M., d. of Albert C. and Lydia Ann, Nov. 11, 1846. SPRAGUE, Abner, s. of Hosea and Hepsa, Mar. 25, 1848. Alvin Eugene, s. of Hosea, b. in Danby, Vt., and Hepza, b. in Philipston, Oct. 25, 1849. Samuel, s. of Hosea and Hepza, Nov. 19, 1836. SPRING, Charles A. (Charles Addison, g.r.i), s. of Charles C. and Eleanor, Jime 16, 1845. Charles C, , 1824. g.r.i. Daniel, s. of Adolphus and Lydia, Mar. 10, 1800. Edgar Francis, s. of Charles C. and Elenor P., , 1848. G.R.I. Elias, s. of Adolphus and Lydia, Feb. 28, 1804. Twin. Ellen Augusta, d. of Charles C. and Eleanor, Jan. 6, 1847. George, s. of Adolphus and Lydia, Feb. 28, 1804. Twin. 78 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Spring, Hannah, d. of Adolphus and Lydia, May i8, 1797. John, s. of Adolphus and Lydia, Nov. 21, 1798. Lewis, s. of Adolphus and Lydia, Dec. 9, 1805. Luther, s. of Adolphus and Lydia, Dec. 20, 181 2. Lydia, d. of Adolphus and Lydia, Aug. 29, 1801. Marcus, s. of Adolphus and Lydia, Oct. 21, 1810. Margarett, d. of Adolphus and Lydia, Jan. 16, 1807. Mary, d. of Adolphus and Lydia, Feb. 11, 1796. SPROAT, Robert, , 1842. g.r.i. SPRUHAN, Sarah Mariah, d. of Thomas and Polly, Mar. i, 1846. STANLEY, Mary, d. of David T. and Louisa, Dec. 12, 1845. STAPLES, , s. of Henry [no date, in registration of Feb. 1847]. Mary Jane, d. of Alvin T., b. in Mendon, and Susannah A,, Feb. 14, 1849. STEARNS, , d. of Styles and Satyra, Feb. 27, 182 1. Collins, s. of and Satira, bp^ July 5, 1818. c.r.i. STEVENS, Edgar H., , 1840. g.r.i. Mary W. Pierce [ ], w. of Edgar H., , 1840. g.r.i. STEWART, Margaret, in Ayrshire, Scot., , 1825. g.r.i. STONE, Mary Ellen, d. of Edwin and Mary Ann, Dec. 15, 1847. STOW, Emeline Elizabeth, d. of John L. and Mary, July 11, 1846. STRAIGHT, Phebe, d. of Thomas Jr. and Phebe, Sept. 30, 177 1. STREETER, Caroline M. M., d. of Aldrich and Caroline M., Sept. 22, 1841. Constant, d. of Aldrich and Caroline M., Feb. 16, 1845. Cromwell A., s. of Aldrich and Caroline M., Oct. 20, 1843. Daniel, s. of Olney and Mary, in Smithfield, R. I., July 3, 1819. Daniel, s. of Olney and Mary, Sept. 17, 1826. George, s. of Olney and Mary, May 12, 181 1. Hannah, d. of Olney and Mary, in Smithfield, R. I., Mar. 23, 1829. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 79 Streeter, Henry, s. of Olney and Mary, Jan. 15, 1813. Joanna, d. of Olney and Mary, Dec. 20, 1828. Mary Ann, d. of Olney and Mary, in Smithfield, R. I., Feb. 15, 1817. Olney Jr., s. of Olney and Mary, in Smithfield, R. I., Feb. 22, 1815. Sophia, d. of Olney and Mary, July 18, 1823. Sophia Amanda, d. of Aldrich and Caroline M., Mar. 21, 1846. STURTEVANT, Harriet Edna, d. of Caleb and Nancy, Jime 21, 1837. Samuel Augustus, s. of Caleb and Nancy, Oct. 4, 1835. SULLIVAN, Ann Hyland [ ], w. of Timothy, Sept. 10, 1843. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. of Timothy, May 5, 1848. G.R.3. Timothy, Nov. 28, 1847. G.R.3. SWEET, Abagail Harriett, d. of James V. and Polly, Oct. 11, 1831. Albert, s. of James V. and Polly, Dec. 14, 1839. Angell, s. of John and Amey, in Oxford, Apr. 7, 1790. Charles U., s. of Hovey and Ann Maria, Jan. 10, 1844. Cleveland N., , 1845. g.r.2. Elmer Norton, s. of Caleb L. and Miranda, b. in Charlestown, N. H., June i, 1849. Fannie E. Jackson [ ], w. of Elmer N., -, 1838. g.r.2. Isaac M., s. of Hovey and Ann Mariah, Dec. 25, 1845. James Luther, s. of James V. and Polly, Sept. 25, 1834. Jeremiah H., s. of Hovey and Ann Maria, in Upton, Aug. i, 1847. Jerome B., s. of James V. and Polly, Feb. 22, 1847. Twin. John, s. of James V. and Polly, Apr. 15, 1833. Lawson Angel, s. of James V. and Polly, Oct. 30, 1848. Lowell Kenniston, s. of James V. and Polly, Mar. 11, 1836. Lucy Anna R., d. of Hovey and Ann Maria, b. in Seaconk, R. I., June 23, 1849. Martin Van Buren, s. of James V. and Polly, Sept. 20, 1841. Mary Maria, d. of James V. and Polly, Mar. 14, 1844. Nathaniel, s. of James V. and Polly, June 29, 1838. Nathaniel C, s. of Caleb L. and Maranda, Mar. 12, 1844. Otis Luther, s. of Caleb L. and Maranda, Oct. 15, 1841. Stephen Vial, s. of Caleb L. and Maranda, Nov. 8, 1846. Sylvester G., s. of James V. and Polly, Feb. 22, 1847. Twin. SWIFT, Adeline C, May 15, 1830. g.r.i. 8o NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. TAFT, -ariah Emmons, s. of and Phebe, bp. May lo, 1812. C.R.I. Abbie A. Whipple [ ], w. of Dandridge C, Sept. 17, 1837. C.R.I. Abigail, d. of Israel and Submit, Feb. 9, 1790. Abigail, d. of Israel and Submit, Mar. 26, 1799. Benjamin, s. of Benj. and Mary, bp. Oct. 12, 181- [prob. 1817]. C.R.I. Benjamin Franklin, s. of Benjamin and Serene, Aug. 17, 1823. Caleb Walter, s. of Cheney and Laurana, Oct. 11, 1813. Caroline E., d. of Benjn. and Mary, bp. Oct. 10, 1824. c.r.i. Caroline Francis, d. of Lyman and Abigail, Mar. 4, 1823. Charles, , 1822. g.r.i. Charles, s. of Lyman and Abigail, June i, 1825. Charles A., , 1849. G-R-I- Charles Henry, s. of Lyman and Abigail, Nov. 19, 1827. Charles L., s. of Merrick L. and Emily, Jan. 6, 1844. Clarisa, d. of Israel and Submit, Mar. 5, 1786. Cyrus, s. of Israel and Submit, Feb. 3, 1797. Cyrus, s. of Elzaphan and Elizabeth, Nov. 27, 1824. Dandridge G., Feb. 18, 1828. g.r.i. Dennis, s. of Josiah and Hannah, Sept. 3, 1839. Edmund M., — -, 1834. g.r.i. Elijah K., s. of Benjamin and Mary, Oct. 26, 1829. Elizabeth (Elizabeth G., g.r.i), d. of Elzaphen and Elizabeth, May 17, 1833. Elizabeth F. [ ], w. of Elzaphan, , 1791. g.r.i. Ellen Maria, d. of Willis and Emily, Jan. 28, 1845. Elzaphan, s. of Israel and Submit, Feb. 15, 1788. Emila Angenett, d. of Elzaphan and Elizabeth, Sept. 15, 1815. Emma Maria, d. of Merrick L. and Emily, Feb. 28, 1848. Francis Eugene, s. of Merrick L. and Emily, Jan. 4, 1846. Frederick Sibley, s. of Benjamin and Serena, Aug. 18, 183 1. George Henry, s. of Samuel N., b. in Providence, R. I., and Betsey E., June 28, 1849. George R. W., Sept. 9, 1840. g.r.i. Gilbert Chase, s. of Elzaphan and Elizabeth, Nov. 22, 1813. Gustavus E., Aug. 29, 1829. g.r.i. Henry Cheny, s. of Cheney and Laurana, Apr. 20, 1815. Henry D., s. of Josiah and Hannah S., Feb. 18, 1843. Israel, , 1761. g.r.i. John (John E., g.r.i), s. of Elzaphan and Elizabeth, Feb. 25, 1821. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 8l Taft, John C, , 1830. G.R.I. (John Cheney, bp. Jiine 3, 1832. C.R.I.) Josiah, s. of Benj. and Mary, bp. Oct. 12, 181- [prob. 1817]. C.R.I. Keith Jr., s. of Keith and Phebe, May 25, 1805. Lewis A., , 1843. G.R-i- Loel, s. of Josiah and Hannah, Aug. 5, 1837. Louis, d. of Israel and Submit, Apr. 25, 1801. Louisa Daniels [ ], w. of Charles, , 1829. g.r.i. Lucia Avery [ ], w. of Peter Morse, , 1832. g.r.i. Lucinda, d. of Elzaphan and EHzabeth, July 26, 1827. Lucinda M. [ ], w. of Cjmas, , 1800. g.r.i. Lurana, d. of Israel and Submit, May 13, 1792. Lydia, d. of Israel and Submit, July 10, 1794. Lydia White, d. of , bp. June 3, 1832. c.r.i. Martha Ann, d. of Josiah and Hannah S., June 8, 1846. Marvel 2d, s. of Benjamin and Serena, Feb. i, 1820. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Merrick L. and Emily, Sept. 15, 1840. Mary Emeline, d. of , bp. June 3, 1832. c.r.i. Mary Kimbal, d. of Benj. and Mary, bp. Oct. 12, 181- [prob. 1817]. c.r.i. Orra, ch. of , bp. June 3, 1832. c.r.i. Peter Morse, , 1833. g.r.i. Rachel P. Aldrich [ ], w. of Charles, , 1826. g.r.i. Ruth, d. of Israel and Submit, Jan. 5, 1783. Ruth Murdock, d. of Benjamin and Serena, Apr. 2, 1817. Ruth S. Lamb [ ], w. of Gustavus E., May 4, 1829. g.r.i. Sally, d. of Keith and Phebe, Feb. 25, 1794. Samuel Newell, s. of , bp. June 3, 1832. c.r.i. Samuel Read, s. of Elzaphan and Elizabeth, Aug. 6, 1818. Sarah J. [ ], w. of John C, , 1831. g.r.i. Sarah Jane, d. of Cyrus and Lucinda M., Oct. 5, 1843. Serena Batcheller, d. of Benjamin and Serena, Sept. 28, 1827. Submit R. [ ], w. of Israel, , 1763. g.r.i. Sylvanus Holdbrook, s. of Keith and Phebe, Feb. 24, 1807. Warren Reed, s. of Marvel and Sarah T., Mar. 24, 1847. TALBOT, Ellen M. [ ], w. of , Oct. 27, 1844. G.R.I. TAYLOR, Elmira M., d. of Obed and Elmira, Aug. 11, 1829. James, s. of James and Lucy, Sept. 25, 1797. Lawson, s. of James and Lucy, Feb. 17, 18 10. Lucena, d. of James and Lucy, Mar. 26, 1820. Twin. 82 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Taylor, Lurina, d. of James and Lucy, Mar. 26, 1820. Twin. Mary, d. of James and Lucy, Jan. 8, 1816. Melinda, d. of James and Lucy, Sept. 12, 1813. Obed, s. of James and Lucy, Aug. 4, 1799. Percival, s. of James and Lucy, Mar. i, 1808. Royal, s. of James and Lucy, Oct. 30, 1803. Sarah, d. of James and Lucy, Aug. 12, 1810 [prob. 1801]. THACHER, Adaline Augusta, d. of Moses F. and Caroline B., Sept. II, 1845. Elbridge Gerry, s. of John and Dulcena, May 21, 1817. Elias Foster, s. of John and Bemice, July 13, 1813. John E., s. of Elbridge and Lydia, July 14, 1840. John Richman, s. of John and Bemice, in Mendon, Sept. 13, 1811. Lucy Blake, d. of John and Bemice, May 20, 181 5. Moses Fisher, s. of John and Dulcena, Nov. 21, 182 1. Nancy, d. of John and Dulcena, July 31, 1819. THAYER, Alexander W., s. of and Polly, bp. Apr. 14, 1816. C.R.I. Anderson, s. of and Polly, bp. May 29, 1814. c.r.i. EUithnia, ch. of and Polly, bp. July 24, 1808. c.r.i. Francis, s. of and Polly, bp. Sept. 10, 1809. c.r.i. Lucy, d. of Samuel and Huldah, Aug. 21, 1822. Lyman, s. of Samuel and Huldah, Feb. 23, 1826. Martha L., d. of Augustus and Moriah, July 13, 1840. Nancy, d. of Samuel and Huldah, June 15, 1824. Oliver (Levi dup.), s. of Israel and Polly, Jan. 3, 1785. Policy, d. of William and Policy, May 29, 1800. Silis, s. of and Polly, bp. July 24, 1808. c.r.i. Susan, d. of Samuel and Huldah, May 25, 1827. Washington, s. of and Polly, bp. July 24, 1808. c.r.i. THOMPSON (see Thomson), Charlotte Elizabeth, d. of John A. and Charlotte A., Feb. i, 1848. Elizabeth Axdel, d. of Eunice [no date]. Harriet A. Jordan [ ], w. of Joshua E., May 26, 1821. G.R.I. John Colbum, s. of John A., b. in Medway, and Charlotte A., b. in Roxbury, Nov. 10, 1849. Joshua E., June 20, 1823. g.r.i. Sarah, d. of Lyman and Betsey. Aug. 6, 181 2. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 83 THOMSON (see Thompson), Anna, d. of William and Lydia, Oct. 16, 1785. Benjamin, s. of William and Lydia, May 3, 1774. David, s. of William and Lydia, in Uxbridge, Aug. 31, 1769. David Aldrich, s. of Lewis and Sarah, May 10, 182 1. Delilah, d. of William and Lydia, in Uxbridge, July 23, 1771. Eimice, d. of William and Mehitabel, in Uxbridge, Sept. 14, 1748. Hannah, d. of William and Lydia, Jan. 23, 1782. Huldah, d. of William and Lydia, Jan. 27, 1784. Lydia, d. of Wil[lia]m and Lydia, Oct. 7, 1772. Martha, d. of William and Lydia, July 24, 1778. Mehetabel, d. of William and Lydia, Aug. 18, 1780. William Jr., s. of William and Lydia, July 13, 1776. TOBEY, Isabella G., Nov. 4, 1831. g.r.i. Marchant, Apr. 3, 1791. g.r.i. Maria R., Sept. 26, 1824. g.r.i. Maria S. [ ], w. of Marchant, Oct. 19, 1793. g.r.i. TOPPING, Elizabeth [ ], w. of James, , 1842. g.r.i. James, , 1846. g.r.i. TRACY, Lurana Taft, d. of James and DoUey, Jan. 9, 181 1. TRIPP, Andrew Jackson, s. of Robherd and Harriet, Sept. i, 1832. Charles Miller, s. of Robherd and Harriet, Nov, 7, 1833. Sarah Ann, d. of Robherd and Harriet, Sept. 5, 1838. TROWBRIDGE, Charles E., Feb. 3, 183 1. g.r.i. Jane E. Brayton [ ], w, of Charles E., Mar. 29, 1835. g.r.i. TUCKER, Eliza, , 1843. g.r.i. TUTTLE, David L., July 21, 1828. g.r.2. Mary R. Gilbert [ ], w. of David L., Oct. 17, 1833. g.r.2. TYLER, Eliza, d. of Rufus D. and Mary H., June 25, 1847. Jane A., d. of Rufus D. and Mary H., Apr. 19, 1843. VANIER, Frank P., , 1849. g.r.i. VERRY, Ester Jane, d. of James and Nancy, Aug. 18, 1836. Isadore, d. of James and Nancy, July 10, 1839. 84 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. VILAS, Virtue, d. of Sam[ue]l and Ruby, Oct. 28, 1804. VINCENT, Isaac, Nov. 10, 1830. g.r.i. VISSER, Jouke D., July 28, 1833. g.r.2. Magdalena de Vries [ ], w. of Jouke D., June 21, 1840. g.r.2. WADE, Orrin, , 1827. g.r.i. Rebecca E. [ ], w. of Orrin, , 1830. g.r.i. Susan Emma, d. of William W. and Susan T., Dec. 8, 1848. WAITE, Jonas Frederic, s. of Josiah, b. in Millbury, and Eme- line, b. in Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1849. WAKEFIELD, Abby L. [ ], w. of Amasa R., , 1822. G.R.IO. Amasa R., , 1823. g.r.io. WALKER, Amory Arnold, , 1794. g.r.i. Charles Amory, s. of Amory Arnold and Mary Whitin, , 1819. g.r.i. John, Jan. 4, 1840. g.r.i. Mary [ ], w. of William, , 1834. g.r.i. Mary D. [ ], w. of , , 1803. g.r.i. . Mary Elizabeth, d. of Amory Arnold and Mary Whitin, , 182I. G.R.I. Mary J. Kay [ ], w. of John, Apr. 26, 1846. g.r.i. Sarah Ann, d. of Amory Arnold and Mary Whitin, , 1827. G.R.I. William, , 1832. g.r.i. WALLACE, James, Apr. 15, 1826. g.r.i. WALSH, Rose [ ], w. of James and formerly w. of John Lynch, Nov. 27, 1843. G.R.3. WARD, Agnes Robertson [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1846. G.R.I. Thomas, , 1842. g.r.i. WARFIELD, C. H., , 1842. g.r.i. Edward, s. of Lewis and Sylvia, Feb. 11, 1824. Lewis Gardiner, s. of Lewis and Sylvia, Nov. 6, 1828. Obediah, s. of Lewis and Sylvia, Apr. 11, 1833. Silas Kimball, s. of Lewis and Sylvia, Sept. 13, 1822. Sylvia, d. of Lewis and Sylvia, Dec. 15, 1830. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 85 WARNER, Sarah Kimball [ ], w. of WiUiam Wallace, , 1838. G.R.I. William Wallace, , 1836. g.r.i. WARREN, Charles Fisher, s. of Levemie and Deborah, July 19, 1819. Deborah [ ], w. of Levenne, June 20, 1796. g.r.2. Levenne, Mar. 28, 1794! g.r.2. Lydia Hepsibeth, d. of Levene and Deborah, Aug. 13, 1832. Sarah Lurinda (Lacorinda dup.), d. of Levenne and Deborah, Sept. 19, 1822. WATERMAN, Emeline Miranda, d. of Albert and Lucy, Apr. 20, 1846. Harriet E., d. of Avery and Barbery, Apr. 17, 1832. Sally Ann Catharine, d. of Avery and Barbery, Jan. 30, 1834. WATJEN, Jennie E. Gardner [ ], w. of Charies, , 1849. G.R.I. WATSON, John, June 3, 1813. g.r.i. Sarah Foster ( ], w. of John, Oct. 14, 1820. g.r.i. WEBSTER, Ella Elizabeth, d. of Abisha and Harriet N., Sept. 23, 1848. 'WEEKS, Mary Bigelow [ ], w. of , Aug. 21, 1821. G.R.I. WELTCH, Marcelia B., d. of Thomas W. and Asenath, June 11, 1848. WESTCOTT, Angeline J. [ ], w. of Edwin, , 1820. G.R.I. Edwin, , 1822. G.R.I. WHEELER, Abigail Inman [ ], w. of George B., 4th mo., 17th day, 1820. G.R.6. Ann Buffum, d. of George B. and Abagail, Feb. 7, 1847. Benj[aminJ Franklin, s. of Benja[min] and Rhoda, Oct. 26, 1824. Caleb B., s. of Obadiah Jr. and Phila, Sept. 10, 1815. Charles, s. of Obediah Jr. and Philander, Aug. 12, 1810. Daniel, s. of George B. and Abagail, Dec. 2, 1843. Deiadamia [ ], w. of Antipas, , 1799. G.R.9. Ellen T., d. of Riley and AmeHa, Oct. 14, 1837. 86 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Wheeler, George Buffum, s. of Benja[min] and Rhoda, Nov, 9, 1812. (loth mo., 9th day, 1812. g.r.6.) John Brown, s. of Benjamin and Rhoda, May 8, 1822. John F., s. of Riley and Amelia, Apr. 17, 1832. Louisa M., d. of Riley and Amelia, June 25, 1834. Lucretia, d. of Caleb B. and Lucy M., Jan. 24, 1841. Lyman A. Jr., s. of Lyman A., b. in Sterling, and Susan, b. in Townsend, Vt., Apr. 10, 1849. Maria Annette, d. of Hiram M. and Nancy R., Mar. 11, 1848. Maria F., d. of Riley and Amelia, Aug. i, 1830. Meriam, d. of Benjamin and Rhoda, Aug. 13, 1809. Obadiah M., s. of Caleb B. and Lucy M., Oct. 21, 1839. Paul, s. of Stephen and Susannah, Feb. 17, 1813. Paul A., s. of Obadiah Jr. and Phila, July 10, 182 1. Phebe Ann, d. of Caleb B. and Lucy M., Feb. 6, 1846. Rufus, s. of Stephen and Susannah, Feb. 6, 1818. Ruth, d. of Obadiah Jr. and Phila, Oct. 12, 1812. Sam[ue]l Aldrich, s. of Benja[min] and Rhoda, Apr. 29, 1815. Stephen Jr., s. of Stephen and Susannah, Dec. i, 1815. Stephen Sweet, s. of Benja[min] and Rhoda, Apr. 7, 1818. Susanna A., d. of Obadiah Jr. and Phila, Dec. 3, 1825. WHELAN, Mary Ann, d. of James and Catharine, Sept. 14, 1848. WHIPPLE, Amos, May 26, 1813. g.r.i. Edgar, s. of Ahab and Orra, Mar. 4, 1846. Twin. Ella M., d. of Amos Jr. and Louisa, Mar. 16, 1849. Emily, d. of Ahab and Orra, Mar. 4, 1846. Twin. Frances L., d. of Amos Jr. and Louisa, June 19, 1842. Harriet Emily, d. of Ahab and Orra, Apr. 26, 1848. Louisa L. [ ], w. of Amos, Mar. i, 1821. g.r.i. WHITAKER, Emily Augusta, d. of William and Sarah L., Mar. 23, 1848. WHITE, , inf. s. of Joseph and Nancy, May 24, 1825. G.R.8. Aaron, s. of Joel and Martha, June 13, 1785. Twin. (Jime 13, 1789 dup.) Abish (Abishai dup.), s. of Amos and Azuba, Nov. 29, 1774. Alden, s. of Jesse and Anna, Mar. 21, 1785. Alonso Augustus, s. of Mason and Rhoda, Apr. 13, 1833. Alpheus, s. of Thomas and Susannah, in Uxbridge, July 19, 1779. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 87 White, Amanda, d. of Freebim and , May 8, 1817. Amorantha [ ], w. of Amos, Jr., June 6, 1812. g.r.i. Amos, s. of Jesse and Anna, Sept. 19, 1781. Amos Jr., s. of Amos and Hepzibeth, June 3, 1809. Ann M., d. of Lowell and Maranda, July 23, 1840. Twin. Anna, d. of Thomas and Susannah, Mar. 7, 1783. Anna 2d, d. of Jesse and Anna, Jan. 4, 1787. Arine, d. of Alden and Achsah, Sept. 24, 1813, Calvin, s. of Joseph and Nancy, June 26, 1833. Caroline Frances, d. of Washington and Lydia, Jan. 20, 1835. Catharine Augusta, d. of Lowel and Miranda, Feb. 6, 1830. Charles, s. of Famum and Elenor, June 10, 1809. Charles, s. of Alden and Achsah, Mar. 31, 1812. Charles A., s. of Jefferson and Abagail, Jime 26, 1840. Charles Arnold, s. of Freebun and , July 17, 1812. Charles Laroy, s. of Amos Jr. and Amorantha, July 25, 1847. G.R.I. Comfort, d. of Amos and Azuba, July 24, 1772. Darias, s. of Joseph and Nancy, June 13, 1818. Edward Rawson, Aug. 20, 1849. g.r.6. Elisha, s. of Alden and Achsah, Dec. 24, 1809. Ellis Aldrich, s. of Amos Jr. and Amorantha, Sept. i, 1839. G.R.I. Emila, d. of Freebun and , Jan. 31, 181 6. Emily Holland, d. of Joseph and Nancy, Apr, 26, 183 1. Emma Jane, d. of Washington and Lydia, Feb. 18, 1845. Eunice, d. of Jesse and Anna, Mar. 4, 1791. Eunice Fletcher, d. of Washington and Lydia, Jan. i, 1827. Frank Walker, s. of Amos Jr. and Amorantha, Sept. 18, 1834. G.R.I. George Washington, s. of Amos and Amarintha Jr., Jan. 21, 1836. Harriet Newell, d. of Joseph and Nancy, Apr. 18, 1814. Henry Kirk, s. of Washington and Lydia, May 10, 1837. Jane S., d. of Lowell and Maranda, July 23, 1840. Twin. Jefferson, s. of Amos and Hepzibeth, June 19, 1805. Jesse Jr., s. of Jesse and Anna, June 13, 1783. Joel Jr., s. of Joel and Martha, Mar. 31, 1782. Joel, s. of Jesse and Anna, Jan. 5, 1789. Joel Jr., s. of Joel and Martha, Dec. 25, 1790. Joel, s. of Joseph and Nancy, Feb. 22, 1821. Joseph, , 1712. Joseph, s. of Amos and Azuba, in Uxbridge, Mar. 24, 1771. Joseph, s. of Joel and Martha, Jime 17, 1784. OO NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. White, Joseph Jr., s. of Joseph and Nancy, July 29, 1828. Judith, d. of Joel and Martha, Jan. 28, 1787. Laura Jane, d. of , bp. Aug. 24, 1834. c.r.i. Lavina E. [ ], w. of L. R., , 1825. g,r.2. Levi Rist, s. of Joseph and Nancy, Mar. 30, 1823. Lewis Slocomb, s. of Noah and Julia, Sept. 15, 1803. Louis, d. of Amos and Azubah, in Douglas, Dec. 25, 1779. Louisa, d. of Alden and Achsah, May 14, 18 18. Lowell, s. of Amos and Hepzibeth, Apr. 20, 1804. Lucy, d. of Jesse and Anna, May 5, 1778. Lucy B., d. of Washington and Lydia, Oct. 16, 1841. Lurana, d. of Freebun and , Dec. i, 1818. Liu-ana Taft, d. of Washington and Lydia, Apr. 14, 1823. Luther Rice, s. of Joseph and Nancy, Mar. 16, 1816. Lydia, d. of Amos and Hepzibeth, May 15, 1813. Lydia Mariah, d. of Washington and Lydia, Apr. 3, 1825. Margaret A. [ ], w. of Phineas A., Jan. 16, 1834. g.r.i. Margret R., d. of Washington and Lydia, July 20, 1833. Mariah Barton, d. of Mason and Rhoda, Jan. 11, 1828. Martha A., d. of Jefferson and Abagail P., Mar. 26, 1832. Mary, d. of Amos and Azubah, May 7, 1777. * Mary Elizabeth, d. of Washington and Lydia, Sept. 15, 1829. Mary J., d. of Jefferson and Abagail P., Jan. 11, 1829. Mason, s. of Jesse and Anna, May 4, 1794. Moses, s. of Joel and Martha, June 13, 1785. Twin. (June 13, 1789 dup.) Nancy, d. of Joel and Martha, Mar. 7, 1793. Twin. Nancy, d. of Joseph and Nancy, May 22, 1826. Noah, s. of Jesse and Anna, Feb. 21, 1780. Otis, s. of Amos and Hepzibeth, Oct. 20, 1806. Pattey, d. of Joel and Martha, Mar. 7, 1793. Twin. Phineas A., s. of Amos Jr. and Amorantha, July 20, 1833. g.r.i. Phinehas, s. of Thomas and Susannah, June 27, 1781. Prescott Elon, s. of Joel and Priscilla P., Sept. 19, 1845. Priscilla P. [ ], w. of Joel, , 1826. g.r.i. Rebecah, d. of Abisha and Betsy, Sept. 19, 1802. Rufus B., s. of Jefferson and Abagail, Mar. 15, 1836. Ruth Taft, d. of Washington and Lydia M., June 16, 18 19. Sally, d. of Jesse and Anna, May 6, 1793. Sarah Ann, d. of Washington and Lydia, Sept. 17, 182 1. Sarah Francis, d. of Loel and Maranda, Oct. 16, 1835. (Oct. 20 dup.) Satira, d. of Abisha and Betsy, Dec. 25, 1800. Stephen Rawson, s. of Freebun and , Feb. i, 1811. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 89 White, Thomas, s. of Thomas and Susamiah, Sept. lo, 1784. Thomas J., s. of Jefferson and Abagail P., May 14, 1830. Washington, s. of Jesse and Anna, May 19, 1796. Wilber F., s. of Jefferson and Abagail P., Nov. 19, 1834. William Edwards, s, of Washington and Lydia, Mar. 8, 1839. WHITELOCK, Sarah J. [ ], w. of John B., July 29, 1843. G.R.I. WHIXm (see Whiting), Achsah Crane [ ], w. of John Maltby, in Lowell, Jan. 24, 1841. g.r.i. Ann Louisa, d. of Paul and Sarah R. (Chapin), Jan. 26, 1839. Arthur Fletcher, s. of Charles Pinckney and Sarah Jane (Halli- day), June 28, 1846. Betsey [ ], w. of Paul, Apr. 26, 1777. g.r.i. Catharine Haven Leland [ ], w. of John C, in Sutton, May 9, 1809. g.r.i. Charles Edward, s. of Paul Jr. and Sarah R. (Chapin), Sept. 13, 1823. Charles Pinckney, s. of Paul and Betsey (Fletcher), Aug. 6, 1809. Edward, s. of Charles and Sarah Jane, Mar. 10, 1838. Ehzabeth Thomas, d. of Paul and Sarah R. (Chapin), Sept. 5-, Frances E., inf. d. of Nathaniel and Sarah, bp. 3d Sabbath in May, 1835. C.R.2. [May 24.] Frederick Dwight, s. of (Dea., c.R.2) John C. and Catharine H., Aug. 27, 1843. George, s. of Paul and Sarah R. (Chapin), Feb. 29, 1836. George Fredrick, s. of John C. and Catharine H. (Catharine Haven Leland, g.r.i), July 4, 1846. Hellen Louisa, d. of Charles and Sarah Jane, May 29, 1836. (w. of George L. Gibbs. g.r.i.) Henry, s. of Paul Jr. and Sarah R. (Chapin), Oct. 23, 1826. (Oct. 29 dup.) James, s. of Paul and Betsey, Dec* 23, 1794. James Fletcher, s. of Paul and Betsey (Fletcher), Dec. 21, 1814. Jane, d. of John and Catherine, Jan. 6, 1834. (w. of Josiah' Lasell, Jan. 27, 1834. g.r.i.) Jeorge, s. of John and Catherline, Oct. 28, 1832. John Crane, s. of Paul and Betsey, Mar. i, 1807. John Maltby, s. of John and Catherine, Jime 10, 1838. Lewis Frederick, s. of Charles P. and Sarah J., Jan. 20, 1844. Louisa Ann, d. of Paul and Sarah, bp. July — , 1839. c.R.2. 90 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. Whitin, Margaret Adelaide, d. of Dr. Nathaniel D. and Sarah A., Mar. 15, 1837. g.r.i. Margaret Fletcher, d. of Paul and Betsey (Fletcher), Sept. 4, 1817. Mary, d. of Paul and Betsey, May 10, 1797. Mary, d. of Paul and Betsey, July 4, 1802. Mary Alice, d. of James F. and Patience, June i, 1846. Mary Gertrude, d. of Dr. Nathaniel D. and Sarah, and w. of William Forbush, Feb. 18, 1840. g.r.i. Nathaniel Draper, s. of Paul and Betsey, Sept. i, 1804. Patience Howard Saunders [ ], w. of James Fletcher, May 21, 1818. g.r.i. Paul, Dec. 3, 1767. g.r.i. Paul Jr., s. of Paul and Betsey, Feb. 5, 1800. Sarah Ann, d. of Paul and Betsey (Fletcher), Feb. 22, 1812. Sarah Jane Halliday [ ], w. of Charles P., June 10, 1810. G.R.I. Sarah Maria, d. of Paul Jr. and Sarah R. (Chapin), Jan. 18, 1830. Sarah R. Chapin [ ], w. of Paul, Apr. 30, 1800. g.r.i. Walter H., s. of James F. and Patience H., Aug. 2, 1844. William Halliday, s. of Charles P. and Sarah J., Sept. 5, 1841. WHITING (see Whitin), George Milner, June i, 1849. g.r.i. Henry W., May 24, 1828. g.r.i. Mary M., May 5, 1824. g.r.i. Sarah A. [ ], w. of Dr. Nathaniel D., Aug. 13, 1807. G.R.I. WHITNEY, Sybil K., d. of Sarah C, bp. Oct. 8, 1837. C.R.I. WHITTAKER, Sarah L. [ ], w. of William W., Sept. 19, 1822. G.R.2. William W., July 27, 1815. g.r.2. WILBOUll, Imogene, d. of Daniel and Lucy, Sept. 30, 184& Mary, d. of William and Sarah, June 9, 1836. Sarah, d. of William and Sarah, Jan. 26, 1839. WILCOX, Mary Ann, d. of Noah, b. in Rowe, and Juliaette, b. in Ireland, Nov. 15, 1849. Mary D., , 1842. g.r.i. NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. QI WILLARD, Emma Adalade, d. of Samuel T. and Sarah W., Feb. 14, 1849. WILLIAMS, Abel B., s. of Alpheus and Clarissa, in Sutton, Jan. 6, 1816. Abel B., s. of Alpheus and Clarissa, in Coventry, Conn., Mar. 23, 1820. Albert Congdon, s. of John W. and Abigail, Feb. 22, 1813. Albert N., s. of Newell and Ann M., May 5, 1843. Albert Wood, s. of Thaddeus and Ehza, May 5, 1824. Amos, s. of Thadeus and Phebe, Oct. 13, 1803. Augustus W., s. of Alpheus and Clarissa, in Douglas, Feb. 22, 1818. Charles Albert, s. of Albert W. and EHzabeth A., July 30, 1848. Cyrus, s. of Alpheus and Clarissa, in Sutton, Aug. 15, 1814. David B., s. of Newell and Ann M., Oct. 3, 1845. Edgar Jerome, s. of EHas and Lucy, June 23, 1847. Elias Willard, s. of Thaddeus and Eliza, June 26, 1818. Eliza [ ], w. of Thaddeus, Oct. 14, 1794. g.r.i. Elizabeth Bassett, d. of Thaddeus and Phebe, Nov. 6, 1807. Ellen Amelia, d. of EHas W. and Lucy, Jan. 16, 1844. Francis B., s. of Alpheus and Clarissa, July 23, 1830. George Washington, s. of Thaddeus and Eliza, Aug. 26, 1830. George Willard, s. of Thaddeus and Eliza, Dec. 6, 1816. Henry, s. of Amos and Achsah, Feb. 20, 1808. Henry H., s. of Cyril and Ollive S., Dec. 10, 1840. James H., s. of Alpheus and Clarissa, Mar. 6, 1824. Lydia Taft, d. of Thaddeus and Eliza, Nov. 14, 1822. Margaret Innis, d. of Thaddeus and Eliza, Sept. 10, 1820. Mercy Bassett, d. of Thaddeus and Phebe, Oct. 21, 181 1. Paul Whitin, s. of Thadeus and Eliza, Feb. 15, 1826. Rachel Mahala, d. of Alpheus and Clarissa, in Sutton, Mar. 19, 1822. Rebecca, d. of Alpheus and Clarissa, in Sutton, Aug. 6, 1828. Samuel, s. of Alpheus and Clarissa, in Sutton, Mar. 6, 1826. Sarah, d. of Chester and Sarah, Mar. 22, 1799. Sarah E., d. of Cyrril and Ollive S., Oct. 5, 1836. Sewell Remington, s. of Elias W. and Lucy, Feb. 15, 1842. Sidney Alvado, s. of Albert W. and Elizabeth, b. in Guildhall, Vt., Oct. 20, 1849. Thaddeus, Feb. 4, 1774. g.r.i. WILLIS, Josiah Shove, s. of Daniel and Abigail, Oct. 30, 1822 . 92 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. WILLMARTH (see Wilmarth, Wilmouth), AbigaH Francis, d. of John T. and Eliza, Oct. 3, 1838. Catharina E. (Catharine Everett, c.R.2), d. of John T. and Eliza, Jan. 16, 1841. Mary Eliza, d. of John T. and Eliza, Dec. 22, 1835. WILMARTH (see Willmarth, Wilmouth), Thomas D., Apr. 20, 1842. G.R.I. WILMOUTH (see Willmarth, Wilmarth), Adeline, inf. d. of John and Elisa, bp. May 26, 1839. c.r.2. WILSON, Albert Wing, s. of Ephraim, b. in Princeton, and Elizabeth B., b. in New Bedford, Sept. 16, 1849. Edward, s. of Ephraim and Elizabeth B. Hathaway, , 1840. G.R.4. Elizabeth B. Hathaway [ ], w. of Ephraim, , 1814. G.R.2. Ephraim, , 1802. G.R.4. Fostina E., Oct. i, 1843. g.r.2. Isaac Willard, s. of Abram A. and Emily, Apr. 29, 1845. WING, Albert F., s. of Paul and Betsey, July 4, 1818. Alic[e], d. of Jabez and Patience, Dec. 20, 1786. Caroline, d. of Paul and Elizabeth, July i, 1811. Charles, s. of Paul and Betsey, Sept. 16, 1816. Hiram, s. of Jabez and Patience, Oct. 27, 1799. Nathaniel Henshaw, s. of Paul and Elizabeth, Mar. 10, iSio. WINTER, Adolphus, s. of John and Hipzibeth, June 26, 1797. Anna, d. of David and Anna, Jan. 24, 1787. Anna, d. of David and Dinah, Mar. i, 182 1. Betsey, d. of David and Anna, July 12, 1783. Calvin, s. of John and Hipzibah, Feb. 23, 1775. Christopher, s. of John and Hipzibeth, Mar. i, 1787. David Jr., s. of David and Anna, June 20, 1789. David B., s, of David and Dinah, Aug. 15, 1826. Diana, d. of David and Anna, Nov. 15, 1797. Elizabeth, d. of John and Hipzibah, Oct. 27, 1779. Harrison, s. of David and Dinah, Oct. 21, 1814. Hipzebah, d. of John and Hipzibah, Mar. 29, 1777. Hiram, s. of Harrison and Rebecca, July 13, 1842. John, s. of John and Hipzibah, Apr. 22, 1782 (Apr. 23, 1781 dup.). NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. 93 Winter, Joseph C, s. of William Jr. and Lucy, in Westborough, Apr. lo, 1811. Louisa Moriah, d. of David and Dinah, Sept. 9, 1833. Lucindia, d. of David and Dinah, Jan. 24, 1816. Luther, s. of John and Hipzibeth, July 29, 1799. Nathaniel, s. of John and Hipzibeth, Jan. 18, 1785. Ruth, d. of David and Anna, Jan. 25, 1785. Sam[ue]l, s. of John and Hipzibeth, Apr. 8, 1794. Sarah, d. of John and Hipzibeth, Apr. 16, 1791. Silva, d. of David and Anna, Nov. 11, 1791. Waterman, s. of WilHam Jr. and Lucy, in Westborough, May 23, 1807. Willard, s. of Wil[Ha]m and Anna, Feb. 3, 1782. Willard, s. of WilUam Jr. and Lucy, in Westborough, Dec. 5, 1816. William, s. of William Jr. and Lucy, in Westborough, Oct. 22, 1814. William Chamberlin, s. of William and Anna, Mar. 16, 1790. WOOD, Amanda Prouty [ ], w. of George A., , 1827. G.R.2. Daniel, July 22, 1832. g.r.i. Frances A. [ ], w. of Joseph W., Mar. 23, 1834. g.r.i. Francis A., s. of Joseph W., b. in Upton, and Harriet N., b. in Worcester, Sept. 15, 1849. George A., , 1824. g.r.2. George Eli, s. of George A., b. in Medway, and Amanda P., b. in Canada, Dec. 5, 1849. Harriet N. [ ], w. of Joseph W., Oct. 2, 1822. g.r.i. Joseph W., Mar. 7, 1820. g.r.i. Lois, d. of and w. of David Batcheller, in Upton, Apr. 27, 1740 o. S. G.R.8. Mary Amanda Slade [ ], w. of Daniel, Jan. 12, 1840. G.R.I. Mary Jane, d. of William W. and Mary D., July 12, 1848. Polly Lackey, Nov. 29, 1809. g.r.io. Rebecca F., , 1812 [prob. d. of B, and A. Fowler], g.r.6. Sarah Marion, d. of Daniel C. and Lucretia O., Dec. 10, 1848. Sylva L., d. of William W. and Mary D., July 31, 1843. WOODMANCY, Charles A., s. of John and Mary, , 1840. g.r.i. Emily J., d. of John and Mary, , 1838. g.r.i. 94 NORTHBRIDGE BIRTHS. WooDMANCY, Henry F., s. of John and Mary, , 1843. G.R.I. Jeremiah H., s. of John and Mary, , 1847. g.r.i. John, , 1815. G.R.I. Mary [ ], w. of John, , 1816. g.r.i. WRIGHT, Anna F. [ ], w. of Hosea S., Dec. 5, 1836. G.R.I. Hosea S., Jan. 14, 1833. g.r.i. YOUNG, Edward S., Oct. 14, 1840. g.r.i. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. To THE Year 1850, ABBOTT, Jacob J., Rev., of Bennington, Vt., s. of Jacob and Nancy, a. 32 y., and Margaret F. Whitin, d. of Paul and Betsey, a. 25 y., Sept. 16, 1845. Mary of Holden, and Judson Rawson, int., Apr. i, 1825. ADAMS, Abby T., d. of Arnold and Sophia, a. 21 y., and George D. Fowler, s. of John and Huldah, a. 28 y., Apr. 4, 1848. Abigail and Dea. Nicolas Baylies of Uxbridge, Oct. 18, 1804. C.R.I. Abner and Ruth Wood of Milford, int.. Mar. 22, 1781. Abner Jr. and Elizabeth T. Claflin of Holliston, int., Feb. 21, 1830. Andrew and Molly Morse of Southborough, in Southborough, Dec. 10, 1780 (int., Dec. 25, 1780). Andrew and Betsy Chapin of Uxbridge, in Uxbridge, Nov. 4, 1790. Arnold, Lieut., and Sophia Sibley of Barre, int., Oct. 3, 1815. Azuba and Luke Prentice, Sept. 26, 1805. c.r.i. Benj[ami]n and Mary Taft, May 30, 1819. Betsey of Leicester, and Lyman Thomson, int., Oct. 8, 1811. Betsey and Simon Dudley of Sutton, Dec. 28, 1817. Caroline A. of Barre, and Charles Adams, int., Apr. 24, 1837. Charles and Caroline A. Adams of Barre, int., Apr. 24, 1837. Cheney R. and Roxana Adams, Nov. 26, 1829. Clark and Siley Benson, Mar. 15, 1798. Clark and Sally Rockwood of Grafton, int., Sept. 18, 183 1. Cynthia and James Foster of Grafton, Jan. 31, J 793.* Cynthia S. and Arnold Read of Xenia, O., Aug. 7, 1843. Cyrus and Olive Wood of Uxbridge, in Uxbridge, Oct. 4, 1798. Cyrus, Capt., and Polly Adams, int., Sept. 18, 1831. * Intention not recorded. 97 98 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. Adams, Cyrus, Capt., and Lucretia Bigelow of Boston, int., Feb. 21, 1841. Daniel of Grafton, and Betsy Goldthwait, Apr. 13, 1806. c.r.i. Daniel and Abigail Rawson, Apr. 19, 1824. Deborah and Royal Keith of Grafton, Dec. 28, 1797.* Dolly of Uxbridge, d. of Joseph and Dolly, a. 38 y., and Henry Bond, widr., s. of Swimlast and Ann, a. 37 y., Oct. 29, 1846. Elias and Almira Ann Brigham of Sutton, int., Aug. 23, 1840. Harriet and Calvin (Calvin, J., int.) Cheney of Millbury, Nov. 25, 1829. Jacob and Lois Taft, Nov. 6, 1826. (Nov. 16, 1826. c.r.i.) Jacob A. and Ardelia Burr of Worcester, Sept. 25, 1833. c.r.i. Jennison of Oxford, s. of Clark and Silence, a. 43 y., and Lucy Chapman, d. of Cyril and Abagail, a. 40 y.. Mar. 2, 1848. Joel and Azubah Whitney of Westborough, Apr. 24, 1806. John and Elizabeth Hubbard of Ward, in Ward (now Auburn), Nov. 13, 1787. John Jr. and Polly Lathe of Grafton, int., Oct. 15, 1809. John M. and Lurana J. (Laurana T., int.) Webber, Mar. 25, 1830. Josiah and Hannah Dudley of Sutton, int., May 22, 1827. Lois and Rev. David Holman of Douglas, Dec. 7, 1824. Lucretia B., wid., d. of David and Louis Bigelow, a. 47 y., and Aeriel C. Cole, widr., s. of James and Lavana, a. 48 y., Mar. 15, 1849. Lucy and Simeon Batcheller, Jan. 27, 1791. Lucy and David Nelson of Paxton, Mar. 3, 1796. Lydia R. of Wilbraham, and George L. Bathrick, int., Sept. 2, 1849. Mary and John E. Bacon of Sutton, int., July 10, 1827. Molly and Jonathan Bacon Jr., Dec. 13, 1781. Moses and Olive Dickey, Apr. 19, 1840. Nathan and Ruth Winter, Jan. 16, 1806. c.r.i. Nathan and Abagail L. Bursley of Paxton, int.. Mar. 8, 1840. Nehemiah and Zipporah Rawson, Apr. 7, 1784. Nehemiah and Sally Wilson of Spencer, Jan. 12, 1807. Olive and William Houghton of Paxton, Sept. 2, 1807. Oliver and Anna Allen of Sutton, in Sutton, Jan. 14, 1796. Pearly (Parley, int.) and Eliab Leland of Holliston, Apr. 5, 1808. Polly of Hubbardston, and Daniel Elliott, int., Jan. — , 1801. Polly and William Thayer, Mar. 25, 1801. (Mar. 25, 1800. C.R.I.) (Mar. 9, 1800, int.) Polly and Capt. Cyrus Adams, int., Sept. 18, 1831. * IntentioQ not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. 99 Adams, Prudence and Joseph Ingraham of Sharon, int., Apr. 9, 1795. Banns forbidden by Prudence Adams. Prudence and Eliab Ellison, Nov. 8, 1798. Rachel and Ezra Crosman (of Northborough, int.), Apr. 24, 1800. Rebeckah and Amasa Leland of HoUiston, Jan. 12, 1803. Rhoda and Abner Dodge, Dec. 23, 1802. Roxana and Cheney R. Adams, Nov. 26, 1829. Ruth and Amos Fairbanks of Douglas, int., Nov. 27, 1831. Salley and Zebediah Lothrop, Oct. 4, 1795. Sally and Jacob Stone of Sutton, int., June 22, 1806. Sally and Peter Bams of Hopkinton, May 16, 1809. Sarah and William Thayer of Scituate, int.. May 7, 1780. Sarah (Sarah W. int.) and (Capt., int.) Peter Legg of Uxbridge, May 19, 1829. Sarah T. and Marvel Taft, Nov. 26, 1840. Sarepta and John Wilkes Slocomb of Sutton, int., Apr. 5, 1813. Silence and John Ewers of Grafton, Apr. 8, 1835. Silvanus and Chloe H. Albee of Milford, int.. Mar. 28, 18 19. Sumner of Sutton, and Betsey Osbum Fisher, Nov. 5, 18 15. Susanna and Nahum Whitney of Westborough, Oct. 22, 1809. Sylva and West Pope of New Braintree, Nov. 12, 1795. Synthia and Abner Read, Apr. 8, 181 6. Thamer and Aaron Sherman Jr. of Westborough, Sept. 2, 1805. C.R.I. Warren and Mary Goldthwait, May 11, 1840. Welcome and Sally Dudley of Sutton, int., Oct. 30, 1820. William H. and Jiilia Ann Pressey, int., Apr. i, 1846. Zebadiah A. of Milford, s. of Sylvanus and Chloe, a. 22 y., and Vesta Batcheller, d. of Adolphus and Betsey, a. 18 y., Oct. 14, 1846. ALB££ (see AUbee), Chloe H. of Milford, and Silvanus Adams, int.. Mar. 28, 1819. Julia Ann and Capt. Oliver Emerson, int., Nov. 23, 1834. Obadiah W. of Milford, and Eunice B. Draper, Jan. i, 1844. Prudence and Benjamin Green, int., Oct. 27, 1785. Simeon of Mendon, and Betsey M. Slocomb, Apr. 9, 1828. ALDRICH (see Aldriche), Abel and Elisabeth Rawson, both of Uxbridge, June 21, 1791.* Abel Jr. and Phoebe Comstock of Uxbridge, int., Dec. 31, 1820. Abigail and James Chase of Sutton, Sept. i, 1796. Ahaz and Rachel Arnold Razey of Cumberland, R. I., int., May 23, 1813. * Intention not recorded. lOO NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. Aldrich, Aldolphus and Hannah Croney, Sept. 27, 1804. C.R.I. Alexander and Rachel Crosman of Sutton, Dec. i^, 1814. Alexander Jr. and Comfort White, June 16, 1797. (June 16, 1796. C.R.I.) (May 30, 1796, int.) Alpheus of Upton, and Penelopee Cooper, Oct. 26, 1797. Amarintha and Amos White Jr., int., Aug. 5, 1832. Amos of Sutton, and Betsey Draper, int., Oct. 11, 1835. Ann A., d. of Lyman and Anna, a. 31 y., and Francis Fisk of Boston, widr., b. in Holliston, s. of Asa and Susanna, a. 37 y-. Jan. i, 1845. Ann Mariah B. and Calvin R. Rockwood of Upton, int., Sept. 12, 1841. Anne and Calvin Prentice of Grafton, int., Sept. 7, 1834. Arad and Ruth Chase of Sutton, int., Nov. 2, 1828. Asa, s. of Samuel and Huldah, and Susanna Harris, d. of Jona- than and Mary of Smithfield, R. I., 20th day, 4th mo., 1774. C.R.3.* Asa and Susan Jenks of Franklin, int., Apr. 22, 1838. Barnabas and Martha Aldrich, in Mendon, Nov. 26, 1778. Barnabas and Betty Newel of Leicester, int., Feb. 9, 1783. Caroline B. and Moses F. Thacher, Oct. 12, 1842. Charles and Ann B. Congdon, in Uxbridge [no date] (int., Sept. 18, 1836). Charlotte and Luther Jones of Lancaster, Aug. 28, 1822. Chloe M. and Gilbert H. Fletcher of Mendon, Oct. — , 1836 (Oct. 9, 1836, int.). Clark and Polly Wood of Upton, int., Nov, 7, 1813. Clarrisa and Buckley Minot, int., Jan. i, 1827. Cloe and Stephen Goldthwait Jr., int., Nov. 16, 1788. Cynthia and Lyman Mann of Grafton, Mar. 2, 18 19. Daniel H. and Cyrena R. Munyon, int.. Mar. 8, 1846. Eliza B. and Davis Bills of Mendon, Sept. — , 1835 (int., Sept. 6, 1835). Elizabeth (Elizabeth B., int.) and John Rose, Nov. 30, 1843. Gardner and Rachel Winter, Oct. 15, 1789. George Jr. of Mendon, and Policy Bowen, June 30, 1785.* George and Mary Thankfull Pratt, int., Sept. 24, 182 1. George C, s. of Paul and Mary, a. 39 y., and Bethiah B. Moul- ton, d. of William and Mary, a. 37 y., Feb. 14, 1849. Hannah and Ebenezer Howard of Bellingham, Feb. 28, 1808. Hephzibah of Upton, and Amos White, int., Aug. 7, 1803. Hopestill and Joshua Rawson of Upton, Apr. 22, 1824. Huldah and David Dunn, int., Dec. 30, 1804. * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. lOI Aldrich, Huldah and David (Davis, int.) Bills of Providence, R. I., Sept. ID, 1828. Isabella and Levi Arnold of Cumberland, R. I., int., Apr. 15, 1790. James and Betsey Holbrook of Upton, int., Mar. 8, 1818. Jeremiah and Polly Cooper, Oct. 9, 1806. Jesse and Deborah Brown (of Uxbridge, int.), in Uxbridge, Feb. 4, 1798. Jesse and Susan Patridge, int., Feb. 3, 1823. Jesse, Capt., and wid. Waity Wood [no date] (int., Nov. 15, 1840). Joanna B. and Stephen Rawson Esq. of Providence, R. I., Sept. 5, 1821. John Jr. and Elizabeth Brown, int., Sept. 9, 1787. John, s. of John and Mary, both dec, and Anne Wing, d. of Jabez and Anna dec. of Smithfield, R. I., 6th day, 8th mo., 1807. C.R.3.* John Jr. and Betsey D. Keyes of Uxbridge, int., Oct. 30, 1820. Joseph and Amey Cecelia Cooper of Sutton, Apr. 21, 1825. Josiah and Penelope Aldrich of Upton, int., Sept. i, 1825. Levi of Smithfield, R. I., and Lovisa Wing, Nov. 29, 1826. Levice of Upton, and William Winter, int., Dec. 4, 1790. Lydia and Jennings B. Congdon of Uxbridge, int., Feb. 26, 1832. Lyman and Anna Bennet of Sutton, Apr. 21, 1791. Lyman Jr. and Abigail Taft of Uxbridge, May 28, 1828. c.r.i. Martha and Barnabas Aldrich, in Mendon, Nov. 26, 1778. Mary and Paul Aldrich, Dec. 6, 1804. Mary B. and Capt. Hiram Wing, Apr. 18, 1843. Mercy and Augustus Ballou, May 31, 1818. Mercy and Willard Taft, both of Mendon, Nov. 22, 1818.* Milly and David Jones, Aug. 17, 181 5. Molly and Ruben Randal of Richmond, Aug, 13, 1782. Molly and Caleb Rawson of Upton, int., Oct. 24, 1802. Nathan and Lucy Clerk of Upton, int., Apr. 27, 1783. Nathan and Mary Holbrook, int., Feb. 2, 1824. Nathan of Uxbridge, and Maria Fowler, Dec. 30, 1824. Omer and Mary Ann Fay, int., Feb. 14, 1825. Otis D. and Lydia Tiffany of Douglas, int., May i, 1842. Paul and Mary Aldrich, Dec. 6, 1804. Paul, s. of Patil and Susannah dec, and Milla Cook, d. of Zimri of Mendon dec, and Joanna, 7th day, 4th mo., 183 1. C.R.3.* Peleg and Huldah Baker, May 2, 1816.* Penelope of Upton, and Josiah Aldrich, int., Sept. i, 1825. * InteatioD not recorded. I02 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. Aldrich, Peter and Elisabeth Giles, int., Oct. lo, 1773. Phila, d. of Peter and Esther, and George Crane, s. of John and Rachel of Norton, 2d day, 5th mo., 1782, C.R.3.* Rachel and Amos Davenport of Fullam, int., Mar. 12, 1787. Rachel P., d. of Jesse and Susan, a. 21 y,, and Charles Taft of Uxbridge, s. of Elkanah and Ruth S., a. 25 y., Dec. 23, 1847. Richard and Mary (Mary C, int.) Dunn, Nov. 3, 183 1. Rufus Monroe and Harriet D. Carpenter of Sutton, int., Jan. 31, 1847. Sabra S. of Millbury, and William H. Miller, int., Oct. 29, 1848. Sally and Albert Ingley of Mendon, Apr. 19, 1838. Samuel Jr. and Sarah Brown, May 5, 1785. Samuel W. and Joanna W. Bennett, Dec. 31, 1823, Samuel W. (Samuel Willard, int.) and Lovina W. Bennett, Apr. 17, 1837. Sarah, d. of Samuel and Huldah, and Thomas Eddy, s. of John and Sarah, 3d day, 6th mo., 1779. C.R.3.* Sarah and Amasa Benson, Apr. 28, 1808. Sarah and Hial Carr, Jan. 6, 1840. Sarah S. and Orlando R. Carruth of Northboro, Oct. 29, 1839. (Oct. 28, 1839. C.R.I.) Solomon Jr. and Susy Walkup, int., Apr. 21, 1782. Sophia and Amasa L. Howard, int., Dec. 14, 1823. Sylvanus B. and Lucy J. Stodard of Upton, int., July 10, 1836. Turner and Ruth Straight, int., Oct. 3, 1790. Welcome of Uxbridge, and Mariah Rawson, int., Jan. 31, 1830. Willard C. and Louisa Emerson of Grafton, Mar. i, 1841. ALDRICHE (see Aldrich), Ellis and Sarah Persons of Uxbridge, int., Dec. 18, 1829. ALEXANDER, Rhoda and Loammi (Lora, int.) Slocimib, Feb. 6, 1840. ALLBEE (see Albee), Samuel and Hannah Pratt, Dec. 20, 1781. ALLEN, Anna of Sutton, and Oliver Adams, in Sutton, Jan. 14, 1796. Elijah Danforth and Anne Bowen, Dec. 28, 1786. Elizabeth (Mary Elizabeth, int.) and Sumner Hewitt of Sutton, Aug. 13, 1830. Emory and Patience Goldthwait, both of Webster, Aug. 26, 1835.* James and Sarah E. Brigham of Worcester, int., May 13, 1849. * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. IO3 Allen, John and Patience Lee of Douglas, int., Sept. 2, 1793. John and Dolly Dalrymple, in Athol, July 5, 1781. Penuel and Moses Hill, Oct. 6, 1791. Phebe and James Green (both transient persons, int.), May 8, 1788. AMES, Ezra, late of Albany, and Ziporah Wood, Oct. 6, 1794. Sarah R., d. of William B. and Susan A., a. 19 y., and Charles H. Morrison, s. of Henry S. and Abigail, a. 21 y., Aug. 25, 1845. AMSBURY (see Armsby), Amos (Amsby, int.) of Paris, and Margaret Fletcher, Jan. 21, 1808. ANDREW (see Andrews, Andrus), Lucina (Lucina P. Andrus, int.) and Walter Lackey, July 15, 1838. ANDREWS (see Andrew, Andrus), Fanny and Thomas Wilcott of Dudley, May 21, 1817. (May 21, 1816. c.r.i.) (Feb. 24, 1816, int.) Pamela and Ezra T. Benson of Uxbridge, Jan. i, 1832. ANDRUS (see Andrew, Andrews), Orin C, widr., of Spring- field, s. of Jonathan and Lucena, a. 41 y., and Cyntha Martin, d. of Abel and Abigail, a. 40 y., Sept. 6, 1849. Walter H. and Lurany Sanders, int., Oct. 25, 1835. APTHORP, William of La Hash, 111., and Mary Thurston, int., Nov. 29, 1836. ARMSBY (see Amsbury), Edwin and H. Adaline Thayer of Uxbridge, int., Oct. 30, 1842. George A., s. of Joshua and Sally, a. 22 y., and Charlotte H. Prentice, d. of Samuel B. and Polly, a. 18 y., May i, 1849. Horace and Lucretia J. Prentice of Millbury, int., Feb. 2, 1834. Lewis and Clarissa B. Dunn of Millbury, int., Oct. 17, 1841. Lewis, widr., s. of Joshua and Martha, a. 32 y., and Mary Ann Prentiss, d. of Otis and Hannah, a. 24 y., June 3, 1847. ARNOLD, Benedict and Lydia Spring, May 2, 1827. Eber of Gloucester, R. I., and Rachel Green of Uxbridge, Dec. 30, 1790. C.R.I.* Levi of Cimiberland, R. I., and Isabella Aldrich, int., Apr. 15, 1790. AUSTIN, Roxa A. of Sutton, and Augustus J. Leland, int., Feb. 20, 1848. AXDELL, Rachel and Jacob Goldthwait, Apr. 14, 1785. * Intention not recorded. 104 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. BABCOCK, Simon B. and CaroHne E. Wheeler, int., July i, 1849. BACHELLOR (see Batcheller, Batchelor), David and Abigail Bacon (of tjxbridge, int.), Oct. 6, 1772. BACON, Abigail (of Uxbridge, int.) and David Bachellor, Oct. 6, 1772. John E. of Sutton, and Mary Adams, int., July 10, 1827. Jonathan Jr. and Molly Adams, Dec. 13, 1781. Thomas K. and Polly M. Cady, int., May 8, 1834. BADGER, Samantha and Ambrose Ogden, Dec. 9, 1844. BAILEY (see Bay ley), William Henry, s. of John and Sarah, a. 34 y,, and Elizabeth Nevett of Smithfield, R. I., d. of William and Sarah, a. 29 y.. Mar. 11, 1847. BAKER, Hannah and Sheribiah Baker of Orring, int., July 22, 1804. Hillel of Upton, and Hannah Fowler, Jan. 26, 1794. Huldah and Peleg Aldrich, May 2, 18 16.* Jesse and Policy Crosman, both of Sutton, July 17, 1787. C.R.I.* Lucy Maria and Willard Preston, Jan. i, 181 1. Manasseh and Sarah Wilhams, both of Uxbridge, May 31, 1792.* Melotte and Susanna E. Rogers of Grafton, int., Jan. 3, 1830. Molly and James Parker, int., Sept. 29, 1782. Sally and John Joyce, int., Mar. 16, 1828. Sheribiah of Orring, and Hannah Baker, int., July 22, 1804. Ward of Upton, and Phebe Fowler, May 24, 1797. BALCOM, Warren and Lydia Haskell, Nov. 30, 183 1. BALL, Clarissa of Milford, and Jabez Hill, int., Apr. 25, 1799. BALLOU, Augustus and Mercy Aldrich, May 31, 18 18. BANCRAFT (see Bancroft), Nathan of Ward, and Charloty Cooper, June 8, 1796. BANCROFT (see Bancraft), Jenerson and Esther S. Batcheller, int. [Oct. or Nov.], 1836. BARDEN, Polly and James New Jr. of Grafton, Aug. 21, 1800. Prudence of Sutton, and Absalom Forbes, Aug. 6, 1801. Zurviah and Samuel Fuller, Mar. 4, 1799. * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. IO5 BARNES (see Bams), Henry and Mary R. Hill of Upton, int., Nov. 14, 1830. BARNS (see Barnes), Mary L, and Hasket D. P. Bigerlow of Uxbridge, int., Apr. 17, 1836. Peter of Hopkinton, and Sally Adams, May 16, 1809. BARRETT, Marcia T. of Grafton, and Wilson L. Rawson, int., Apr. 25, 1847. BARROWS, William and Lucy Maynard of Upton, int., Nov. 5, 1809. BARTLET, Rosina and Nathan Kinne of Milford, int., Nov. 10, 1823. BASSET (see Bassett), Marcy and Increase Steams Jr. of Holden, Dec. 10, 1783. Nancy and Reuben Comes of Upton, Aug. 26, 1788. Zilpha and Thomas Brayman of Norton, int., Dec. 27, 1778. BASSETT (see Basset), Benjamin and Sally Shermon of Grafton, int., Dec. 27, 1807. Betsey and Hervey Morse, Nov. 26, 181 2. Phebe and Thadeus Williams of Douglas, Feb. 4, 1801. Simeon and Abigail Huse, Aug. 16, 1792. BATCHELLER (see Bachellor, Batchelor), Aaron and Sarah Thwing of Uxbridge, Dec. 10, 1789. Aaron and Nancy Crosman of Sutton, Apr. 13, 1820. Abigail and Hiram Hicks of Sutton, Sept. 6, 1826. Adolphus (Lieut., int.) and Betsey Bellows, Apr. 9, 1820. Adolphus, Capt., and wid. Pamelia Fowler of Grafton, int., Feb. 20, 1848. Bridgham A. of Douglas, and Mary Hewet, Mar. 12, 1835. Celestina and William P. Mascraft of Grafton, Dec. 3, 1818. Cynthia A. and William D. Cole of Sutton, Apr. 23, 1843. David and Pattee Hills of Sutton, Jan. 26, 1785. - David Esq. and Rachel Goldthwait, Dec. 10, 1804. Eliza S. and William H. Pierce of Sutton, int., Apr. 25, 1841. Esther S. and Jenerson Bancroft, int. [Oct. or Nov.], 1836. Joel and Judith Burden of Sutton, Aug. 14, 1794. Joel Jr. and Laura Goldthwait, Dec. 12, 1832. c.r.i. Joseph of (East, int.) Douglas, a. 38 y., and Louisa Plummer, a. 28 y., Dec. 18, 1844. Judith and Lyman Fay, Oct. 29, 1820. I06 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. Batcheller, Lois and John Straight, May i, 1794. Lois and Sumner Maynard of Providence, R. I., May 19, 1828. Lucy and Daniel Day, Feb. 5, 1823. Lydia and Levi Fuller, Oct. 29, 1828. Ollis and Prudence Forbes, Sept. 16, 1824. Perdiscus of Providence, R. I., and Eliza Taft, Dec. 18, 1827. Samantha and Timothy S. Fuller, Apr. 3, 1844. Sarah D. and William K. Vincent, both of Millbury, May i, 1836.* Satyra and Stiles Steams of Upton, Sept. 29, 181 7. (Sept. 29, 1816. C.R.I.) (Aug. 26, 1816, int.) Silas and Darcus Prentice of Sutton, Jan. 30, 1794. Simeon and Lucy Adams, Jan. 27, 1791. Simeon Jr. and Eliza Maynard of Northborough, int., Mar. 20, 1831. Stephen F. and Mary Ann Fletcher, May 4, 1834. Vesta of Sutton, and William Houghton, int., Mar. 7, 1841. Vesta, d. of Adolphus and Betsey, a. 18 y., and Zebadiah A. Adams of Milford, s. of Sylvanus and Chloe, a. 22 y., Oct. 14, 1846. Zeri and Charlotte Forbes, Apr. 17, 1832-3. c.r.i. BATCHELOR (see Bachellor, Batcheller), Syrena and Benja- min Taft, Nov. 30, 181 5. BATES, Harriet of Mendon, and Josiah Shove Congdon, int., Apr. 26, 1829. Joel of Mendon, and Mary Batterson, Aug. 31, 181 7. Phebe of Smithfield, R. I., and Anderson Thayer, int., Dec. 7, 1834. Samuel G. and Rosemond Sweet, Jan. — , 1837. Smith G., s. of Peter and Sybil, a. 27 y., and Harriet Jeanette Hopkins, d. of Josiah and Susan C., a. 17 y., Dec. 2, 1847. William and Cornelia Frances Lee of Northampton, int., May 15, 1848. BATHRICK, George L. and Lydia R. Adams of Wilbraham, int., Sept. 2, 1849. BATTERSON, Betsey (Eliza, int.) and Ebenezer Mason Streeter of Sutton, Dec. 30, 1819. Mary and Joel Bates of Mendon, Aug. 31, 181 7. BAYLEY (see Bailey), Stephen, Dea., of Berlin, and Mary Dudley, Feb. 10, 1814.* * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. IO7 BAYLIES, Alpheus of Uxbridge, and Sarah Spring, Apr. 24, 1794. Nicolas, Dea., of Uxbridge, and Hannah Elliot of Sutton, Dec. 8, 1789. C.R.I. Nicolas, Dea., of Uxbridge, and Abigail Adams, Oct. 18, 1804. C.R.I. BEAN, Hazen O. and Mary JVIcBride, Feb. 10, 1834. BECKWITH, Francis E. and Mary Turner of Pittsfield, int., Dec. 8, 1844. BELLOWS, Betsey and (Lieut., int.) Adolphus Batcheller, Apr. 9, 1820. Calvin and Sarah B. Collier of Oxford, int.. Mar. 31, 1833. Rebecah and Putnam Converss, Nov. 16, 1823. BENNET (see Bennett), Anna of Sutton, and Lyman Aldrich, Apr. 21, 1791. Robert and Laura White, May 21, 1829 (Robert B. Bennet and Lucena White, int., Jan. 4, 1829). BENNETT (see Bennet), Abigail and Zadok Taft of Uxbridge, Nov. 20, 1800. David W. and Abagail Carpenter, Apr, 14, 1842. Joanna W. and Samuel W. Aldrich, Dec. 31, 1823. John R. D., s. of Jared and Sally Ann, a. 22 y., and Abby E. Leach, d. of Libbeus and Elizabeth, a. 17 y., June 18, 1846. Lovina W. and Samuel W. (Samuel Willard, int.) Aldrich, Apr. 17, 1837. Rufus and Polly Wood of Uxbridge, int., Nov. i, 1801. Sarah Ann and Baxter Hall, Mar. 4, 1824. Susan F. and Charles Fowler, Feb. 9, 1841. Susanah and William Greene of Grafton, Oct. 19, 1838. BENSON, Amasa.and Sarah Aldrich, Apr. 28, 1808. Amasa B. and Eunice S. Wood of Uxbridge, int., Apr. 27, 1845. Charlotte T. of Uxbridge, and Moses Dyer, int., Oct. 11, 1840. Ezra T. of Uxbridge, and Pamela Andrews, Jan. i, 1832, Maranda and Lewis Pierce of Sutton, Jan. 20, 1842. Martha and Timothy Gleason of Grafton, Feb. 24, 1803. Samuel of Thompson, and Sarah Maxwell, May 23, 1825. Siley and Clark Adams, Mar. 15, 1798. Thankful and Otis Taft of Upton, Mar. 3, 1806. c.r.i. Truelove and Jonas Johnson of Worcester, Oct. 29, 181 2. I08 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. BENTON, Elvira H. of Buckland, and Orrin L. Hewitt, int., Jan. 7, 1849. BIGELOW (see Bigerlow), John of Sutton, and Lucinda M. Slocomb, int., July 28, 1833. Lucretia of Boston, and Capt. Cyrus Adams, int., Feb. 21, 1841. BIGERLOW (see Bigelow), Hasket D. P. of Uxbridge, and Mary L. Bams, int., Apr. 17, 1836. BILLS, David (Davis, int.) of Providence, R. I., and Huldah Aldrich, Sept. 10, 1828. Davis of Mendon, and Eliza B. Aldrich, Sept. — , 1835 (int., Sept. 6, 1835). BIXBY, Lorenzo W., s. of Simon and Hannah, a. 23 y., and Mary E. Remington, d. of Benedict and Mary Ann, a. 17 y., Sept. 2, 1847. BLACKMAN, Almira and George H. Buxton, June 4, 1843. Cynthia and Wheelor Williams of Sutton, Apr. 17, 1814. Ollive and Joseph H. Clark, Sept. 17, 1838. BLACKOMORE, Ollive and Joseph H. Clark, Oct. 19, 1837.* BLAKE, Helen R. of Uxbridge, and Edward B. Foster, int., Aug. 12, 1849. BLANCHARD, Williams of Norton, and Martha Bloom, int., Dec. 3, 1834. BLOOM, Martha and Williams Blanchard of Norton, int., Dec. 3, 1834. BOLSTER, Nancy, wid., d. of W[illia]m and Patience Inman, a. 45 y., and John Powers, s. of John and Mary of Ireland, a. 45 y-. Jan. 31, 1847. BOND, Henry, widr., s. of Swimlast and Ann, a 37 y., and Dolly Adams of Uxbridge, d. of Joseph and Dolly, a. 38 y., Oct. 29, 1846. BONZEY, Miranda (Miranda R., int.) and Ebenezer (Edward, int.) Sawtel of Shrewsbury, Apr. 3, 1840. BOSWORTH, Lucy and William B. Fuller, Apr. 27, 1836. * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. IO9 BO WEN (see Bowin), Anne and Elijah Danforth Allen, Dec. 28, 1786. Celia and Samuel (Samuel T., int.) Warfield, Dec. 26, 183 1-2. C.R.I. Charles and Lurana Mory of Smithfield, R. I., int., Apr. 13, 1824. Lydia R. and Lyman M. Keith, int., July 19, 1846. Mary and Charles McNamara, Nov. 16, 1824. Oliver of Killingly, Conn,, and Betsey Cooper, int., Nov. 3, 1806. Policy and George Aldrich Jr. of Mendon, June 30, 1785.* Sarah and Collister Wood of Grafton, int., Aug. 21, 1808. Thomas and Elizabeth Wing of Smithfield, R. I., int., Feb. i, 1789. William Jr. and Mary Hathaway of Upton, int., Jan. 5, 1783. William and wid. Mary Thayer of Mendon, int., Dec. 15, 1785. BOWIN (see Bowen), John, s. of William and Anna dec, and Phebe Congdon, d. of Joseph and Susanna, 14th day, 6th mo., 1781. C.R.3.* BOYENTON, Caleb of Milford, and Elenor Park, Dec. 9, 1790. BRADLEY, Enoch and Lotsenia Smith, June 5, 1839.* BRADY, EHza and John Congtin, Sept. 16, 1839 (Eliza G. Brady and John S. Conlan, int., Aug. 24, 1839). BRAMAN (see Brayman), Alpha and John Burges, Mar. 5, 1837. Andrew of Worcester, and Amy Davenport, int., Oct. 15, 1837- Jason of Boston, s. of Jason and Susan, a. 25 y., and Sarah Jane Emerson, d. of OHver and Mary, a. 17 y., June 11, 1844. BRAND, Thomas T. of Westerly, R. I., and Mary Gavet of South Kingston, R. L, Aug. 28, 1828.* BRAYMAN (see Braman), Thomas of Norton, and Zilpha Basset, int., Dec. 27, 1778. BREED, Susan of Millbury, and Hiram Johnson, int.. Mar. 18, 1838. * Intention not recorded. no NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. BRIGGS, Ann Maria and Hovey Sweet, int., Apr. 23, 1843. Forbidden by his father, he being under age. Miriam, resident in Norton, and Silas Briggs of Norton, Sept. 24, 180I. C.R.I. * Silas of Norton, and Miriam Briggs, resident in Norton, Sept. 24, 180I. C.R.I. * BRIGHAM, Almira Ann of Sutton, and EHas Adams, int., Aug. 23, 1840. Elizabeth P. of Grafton, and Jonathathan Jackson, int., Oct. 28, 1832. Orison W. of Shrewsbury, and Laura A. White, Oct. 12, 1842. Sarah E. of Worcester, and James Allen, int., May 13, 1849. BROCK, Maria A., d. of James and Mary, a. 32 y., and Isaac T. Pierce, s. of Hilkiah and Betsey A., a. 31 y., Dec. 13, 1848. BROWN, Aby of Douglas, and Obed Goldthwait, int., Oct. 12, 1800. Charles H., s. of Andrus and Hannah, a. 26 y., and Hannah W. Cady, d. of Samuel R. and Lucinda, a. 19 y., Aug. 29, 1849. Deborah (of Uxbridge, int.) and Jesse Aldrich, in Uxbridge, Feb. 4, 1798. Elizabeth and John Aldrich Jr., int., Sept. 9, 1787. Esther, d. of John and Clarissa of Charlton, a. 28 y., and Hiram Sherwood, s. of and Patty of Southbridge, a. 29 y., Oct. 17, 1846. George L. of East Douglas, and Alma A. Cook, int., Oct. 27, 1844. Israel and Hannah Vicory, int., Dec. 7, 1833. Japtha and Mary Ann Knapp, July 5, 1840. Milla C. T. of Douglas, and George Taft, int.. May i, 1842. Minerva and Peter Darling, both of Smithfield, R. I., May 26, 1826. (May 26, 1825. C.R.I.)* Sally and Benjamin M. Leland of Sutton, int., Feb. 21, 1836. Sarah and Samuel Aldrich Jr., May 5, 1785. Tarissa G., d. of Pemberton and Abba Eliza, a. 19 y., and John C. Fisher, s. of John P. and Nancy, a. 29 y., Feb. 17, 1848. BRYANT, Sam[ue]l of Sutton, and Rachel Keith, int., May 16, 1818. BUCKLING, Simeon, a transient person, and Mary Southwick, Feb. 22, 1801. * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. Ill BUGBEE, Edna L. and George S. Russell, int., Oct. 19, 1845. BULLARD, Artemas, Dr., and Maria Waters of Sutton, in Sutton, Feb. 27, 1796. Artemas, Dr., and Lucy White, Dec. 6, 1798. John G. and Prudence McNamara of Grafton, int., Jan. 24, 1830. Libertine and Eliza Ann Cooper, Nov. 8, 1836. Luther of Uxbridge, and Hannah Dudley, int., Dec. i, 1814. BULLEN, Sarah and Edward Proctor, Apr. 15, 1844. BUNN, Eliza and Joseph Congdon, Apr. 24, 1836. Joseph (Joseph D., int.) and Abigail Clapp, Nov. 15, 1839. BURBANK, David Jr. and Mary Matilda Tillinghast, June 29, 1817. BURDEN, Judith of Sutton, and Joel Batcheller, Aug. 14, 1794. BURGES, John and Alpha Braman, Mar. 5, 1837. BURLEY, Joseph C. and Annah Irons, June 14, 1841. BURNS, Silas (Silve, int.) of Charlestown, and Lydia P. Dunn, Nov. 29, 1829. BURR, Albert and Sarah C. Rawson, Apr. 28, 1842. Ardelia of Worcester, and Jacob A. Adams, Sept. 25, 1833. C.R.I. BURSLEY, Abagail L. of Paxton, and Nathan Adams, int.. Mar. 8, 1840. Samuel C., s. of Samuel and Abigail, a. 21 y., and Hannah D. Wheeler, d. of Antipas and Damaris, a. 18 y., Aug. 26, 1846. BURT, Ellis and Betsey White, Sept. — , 1819 (int., Sept. 20, 1819). Lucinda of Sutton, and Allen Hewet, int., Dec. 5, 1817. Sally and Jesse Goldthwait, Oct. 2, 1808. Sila of Sutton, and Sam[ue]l Carpenter, int., Sept. 25, 1806. BUSS, Pema and Joshua D. Smith, May i, 1839. BUXTON, Caroline and Lewis Holbrook, Apr. 5, 1827. George H. and Almira Blackman, June 4, 1843. 112 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. Buxton, Laura and Daniel E. Kelly, int., Feb. 6, 1842. Leonard A. of Uxbridge, and Sally Cady, Aug. 3, 1823. Louisa Z. and Francis B. Williams, int., Jan. 7, 1849. Patience A. and George W. Kenney, June 27, 1847. Sarah and Luther Hoburt, June 4, 1843. CABEL, James, a transient person, and Lucy Read, int., Jan. 30, 1803. CADY, Abigail of Oxford, and Berzilla B. Huse, Nov. 14, 1811. Hannah W., d. of Samuel R. and Lucinda, a. 19 y., and Charles H. Brown, s. of Andrus and Hannah, a. 26 y., Aug. 29, 1849. Polly M. and Thomas K. Bacon, int.. May 8, 1834. Sally and Leonard A. Buxton of Uxbridge, Aug. 3, 1823. Samuel Read of Douglas, and Lucinda Sears, Sept. 29, 1825. Vicena and Caleb Madison, int., Sept. 8, 1833. Vicina of Grafton, and Willard Clapp, Dec. i, 1839. CALLAM (see Galium), Hannah, d. of Ebenezer and Anna, late of Mendon, and Ezekiel Fowler of Worcester, s. of Samuel and Hannah, late of Northbridge, 2d day, 5th mo., 1821. C.R.3.* CALLUM (see Callam), Mary and Reuben Combs of Holden,. Sept. 9, 182 1. CAMPBELL, Lydia of Sutton, and Lee N. Chamberlain, int., Nov. 13, 183 1. CARPENTER, Abagail and David W. Bennett, Apr. 14, 1842. Daniel of Uxbridge, and Eunice Wood, Feb. 12, 1797. Ebenezer and Cloe Richardson of Sutton, int., Sept. 23, 18 16, Harriet D. of Sutton, and Rufus Monroe Aldrich, int., Jan. 31, 1847. Lucindia of Killingly, Conn., and Sam[ue]l J. Cooper, int., Nov. 28, 1816. Mary T. of Uxbridge, and Tyler Howard, int., July 4, 1841, Miranda of Sutton, and Jonathan Southwick, Mar. 28, 1844. Nancy and Ira Darling of Millbury, May 4, 1836 (May 17, 1836 dup.). Nathaniel E. of Hookset, N. H., and Ruth T. White, Nov. 9, 1841. Sam[ue]l and Sila Burt of Sutton, int., Sept. 25, 1806. * Inteotion not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. II3 CARR, George M. and Sarah P. Thompson, int., Apr. 2, 1848. Hial and Sarah Aldrich, Jan. 6, 1840. Lucretia and Thomas Foss of Thompson, Conn., Feb. 9, 1834. C.R.I. Sarah F., d. of Jonathan and Ruth J., a. 21 y., and Jonathan Smith, Jr., s. of Jonathan and Nancy, a. 20 y., Apr. 28, 1846. CARRUTH, Orlando R. of Northboro, and Sarah S. Aldrich, Oct. 29, 1839. (Oct. 28, 1839. C.R.I.) CARRYL, George, Dr., and Permela Martin, both of Uxbridge, Nov. 17, 1790. C.R.I.* CARTER, Augustus C., s. of Cephas and Mary, a. 24 y., and Ellen M. Lowe, d. of Thomas T. and Pela, a. 18 y.. May 12, 1845. CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlin), Elizabeth and Ebenezer Winter, Nov. 20, 1783. Harrison and Polly E. Hix of Sutton, int., Jan. 24, 1833. Lee N. and Lydia Campbell of Sutton, int., Nov. 13, 1831. Phineas and Huldah Cooper, in Grafton, Nov. 27, 1783. Polly and Eleazer Hall of Sutton, Nov. 29, 1804. c.r.i. CHAMBERLIN (see Chamberlain), Anna of Grafton, and Wil- liam Winter, Apr. 19, 1781. Phebe and Jonathan Pierce Jr. of Sutton, in Sutton, July 6, 1788. CHAPIN, Betsy of Uxbridge, and Andrew Adams, in Uxbridge, Nov. 4, 1790. Judson of Roxbury, and Emeline Fletcher, May 23, 1839. Latirinda of Uxbridge, and Ezra W. Fletcher, int., Feb. 21, 1819. Lois and Abijah Legg, both of Uxbridge, Dec. 5, 1790. c.r.i.* Nancy of Uxbridge, and Obed Goldthwait, int., Nov. 12, 1809. Nicholas B. and Margaret Fletcher, Sept. 15, 1828. CHAPMAN, Lucy, d. of Cyril and Abagail, a. 40 y., and Jen- nison Adams of Oxford, s. of Clark and Silence, a. 43 y., Mar. 2, 1848. CHASE, Abigail of Sutton, and Nathaniel Cooper Jr., in Sutton, Oct. 31, 1790. Hannah (Hannah Berry, int.) and Jacob Ellison, in Uxbridge, Oct. 26, 1772. * Intention not recorded. 114 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. Chase, James of Sutton, and Abigail Aldrich, Sept. i, 1796. Nathan of Sutton, and Mehetable Goldthwait, Dec. 11, 1788. Olive and Maynard Loring of Sutton, int., Mar. 21, 1841. Oliver R. and Abba A. Fletcher, Apr. 26, 1843. Ruth of Sutton, and Arad Aldrich, int., Nov. 2, 1828. S. Edwin, widr., s. of Silas and Lucinda, a. 34 y., and Lurana T. White, d. of Washington and Lydia M., a. 22 y., Oct. 30, 1845. Timothy G. and Martha H. Ellison of Uxbridge, int., Sept. 5, 1847. CHENEY, Calvin (Calvin J., int.) of Millbury, and Harriet Adams, Nov. 25, 1829. Ebenezer and Mary Hicks, int., Jan. 30, 1837. Joseph (Rev., int.) of Wiscasset, and Elizabeth Preston, Apr. 22, 1804. C.R.I. CHILD, Enoch and EHzabeth Tefft of Smithfield, in Smithfield, R. I., July 2, 1783. CLAFLIN, Elizabeth T. of HoUiston, and Abner Adams, Jr., int., Feb. 21, 1830. Sabra W., d. of Oliver W. and Tabitha H., a. 21 y., and Frank- lin F. Phelps of Southbridge, s. of Abram and Betsey, a. 21 y., Oct. 19, 1848. CLAPP, Abigail and Joseph (Joseph D., int.) Bunn, Nov. 15, 1839. Seth Warren and Sarah Wells of Cumberland, R. I., int., Sept. 23, 1849. Willard and Vicina Cady of Grafton, Dec. i, 1839. CLARK (see Clerk), Joseph H. and OlHve Blackomore, Oct. 19, 1837.* Joseph H. and Ollive Blackman, Sept. 17, 1838. Lewis F., Rev., and Nancy C. Sheldon of Southampton, int., May 16, 1843. Louisa P. of Sutton, and Otis Fuller, int.. May 13, 1838. CLEMANTS (see demons), Submit and Eber Parsons, Jan. 15, 1809. CLEMONS (see Clemants), Sam[ue]ll and Mary Thomson, Mar. 22, 1774. CLERK (see Clark), Lucy of Upton, and Nathan Aldrich, int., Apr. 27, 1783. * Intention DOt recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. II5 COBB, Roland of Grafton, and Anna Lawton, int., Aug. i6, 1846. COBLEIGH, Ransom W. and Betsey Keech, Apr. 8, 1841.* COLBURN, Charlotte A. of Mendon, and John A. Thompson, int., Apr. 25, 1847. COLE, Aeriel C, widr., s. of James and Lavana, a. 48 y., and Lucretia B. Adams, wid., d. of David and Louis Bigelow, a. 47 y.. Mar. 15, 1849. Almira and Abraham Pierce of Millbury, int., Jan. 27, 1823. Bamet and Susy Walkup, int., June 8, 1781. Betsey and Austin F. Fuller of Millbury, int., Apr. 7, 1825. Hannah and Ucal Cttmmings, July 4, 1822. Stephen and Nancy Delany, Nov. 15, 182 1. William D. of Sutton, and Cynthia A. Batcheller, Apr. 23, 1843. COLLIER, Sarah B. of Oxford, and Calvin Bellows, int., Mar. COMBS (see Comes), Reuben of Holden, and Mary Callimi, Sept. 9, 1821. COMES (see Combs), Reuben of Upton, and Nancy Basset, Aug. 26, 1788. COMMINGS (see Cuming, Cummings), Reuben of Grafton, and Lois Wood, June 15, 1794. COMSTOCK, Eliza and Daniel Sprague, int., July 17, 1836. Ezra, widr., a. 45 y., and Mary Ann Hardy, a. 36 y., Sept. 21, 1845. Phoebe of Uxbridge, and Abel Aldrich Jr., int., Dec. 31, 1820. CONANT, Thomas A. of Upton, and Julia A. Munyon, int., Apr. 18, 1847. CONDON, William and Mary Walch, int., Aug. 5, 1849. CONE, Eunice and Andrew Stone, Feb. 19, 1837. CONGDON (see Congtin), Ann B. and Charles Aldrich, in Uxbridge [no date] (int., Sept. 18, 1836). Jennings B. of Uxbridge, and Lydia Aldrich, int., Feb. 26, 1832. Joseph and Eliza Bunn, Apr. 24, 1836. Josiah Shove and Harriet Bates of Mendon, int., Apr. 26, 1829. Phebe, d. of Joseph and Susanna, and John Bowin, s. of William and Anna dec, 14th day, 6th mo., 1781. c.R.3.* Susan and Joseph Jepherson of Troy, int., FeJD. 27, 1827. • Intention not recorded. Il6 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. CONGTIN (see Congdon), John and Eliza Brady, Sept. 16, 1839 (John S. Conlan and Eliza G. Brady, int., Aug. 24, 1839). CONVERSE (see Converss), Jacob Jr. of Thompson, Conn., and Meriam Keith of Uxbridge, Apr. 12, 1792.* Priscilla P. and Joel White, int., Sept. 8, 1844. CONVERSS (see Converse), Putnam and Rebecah Bellows, Nov. 16, 1823. COOK, Alma A. and George L. Brown of East Douglas, int., Oct. 27, 1844. John and Elizabeth Perham of Upton, int.. May 19, 1822. Milla, d. of Zimri of Mendon dec, and Joanna, and Paul Aldrich, s. of Paul and Susannah dec, 7th day, 4th mo., 1831. C.R.3.* COOPER, Abner and Patience Taft of Uxbridge, int., Oct. 2, 1803. Almira N. and Job G. Johnson, int., Feb. 17, 1839. Amelia Taft and Israel Plummer, Jan. i, 1835. Amey Cecelia of Sutton, and Joseph Aldrich, Apr. 21, 1825. Anna and David Winter, Aug. 29, 1782. Betsey and Oliver Bowen of Killingly, Conn., int., Nov. 3, 1806. Calvin and Ruth Cooper, July 24, 1800. Chandler W. and Jane Rodgers, int., Dec 26, 1841, Charloty and Nathan Bancraft of Ward, June 8, 1796. Eliza Ann and Libertine Bullard, Nov. 8, 1836. Ezra and Mary C. Kemp of Grafton, Nov. 6, 1836. Hannah W. and Mark D. Rose, May 25, 1844. Hepsibah and Timothy (John, int.) Winter, in Uxbridge, Oct. 12, 1773. Huldah and Phineas Chamberlain, in Grafton, Nov. 27, 1783. John Jr. and Polly White, Apr. 2, 1801. John, Rev., and wid. Lidia Winter, Jan. 10, 1816.* John L. and Sarah Lippitt of KilHngly, Conn., Oct. 31, 1836. John L. and Louisa S. Lee of East Douglas, int., July 14, 1839. John N. and Betsey P. Crandol of Sturbridge, int., Oct. 28, 1838. Lucy and Otis Weaver, int., Dec. 5, 1833. Lucy (Lucy M., int.) and John Mills, Oct. 7, 1835. Maria and John Laflin, int., Nov. 2, 1845. • Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. II7 Cooper. Mary C, (Mercy Caroline, int.) and Francis Fisk of Boston, Oct. 29, 1833. Nathaniel Jr. and AbigaU Chase of Sutton, in Sutton, Oct. 31, 1790. Nathaniel Jr. and Betsy Winter, Nov. 26, 1801. Penelopee and Alpheus Aldrich of Upton, Oct. 26, 1797. Polly and Jeremiah Aldrich, Oct. 9, 1806. Polly and James Parker of Douglas, Mar. 25, 1813. Rhuby and Samuel Vilas (transient person, int.). Mar. 30, 1791. Ruth and Calvin Cooper, July 24, 1800. Sally W. and Oliver Rose, Nov. 19, 1835. Samuel and Anna Straight, May 10, 1781. Sam[ue]l J. and Lucindia Carpenter of ICillingly, Conn., int., Nov. 28, 1816. Shepherd and Mary Millen of Grafton, int., Oct, 10, 1841. Sophrona (Sophrona H., int.) and Sylvanus N. Day of Mill- bury, Dec. 3, 1835. Stiknan and Sarah Howard, Apr. 13, 1809. CORSER, Dorothy G. of Cumberland, R. I., and Paid A. Wheeler, int.. May 5, 1844. COVERDEL, Henry and Ann Eliza Evens of Mendon, int., Apr. 12, 1828. COWAN, James M. and Julia Ann Mason, int., July 23, 1846. COWDEN, Eliza of Pawtucket, and John T. Willmarth, int., Nov. 3, 1834. CRADDOCK, John and Bridget Seray, int., Aug. 9, 1846. CRAGGEN, Elmira and Isaac R. Murphy, Dec. 2, 1830. CRANDOL, Betsey P. of Sturbridge, and John M. Cooper, int., Oct. 28, 1838. CRANE, Ellen of Canton, and David Hill, int.. Mar. 19, 1837. George, s. of John and Rachel of Norton, and Phila Aldrich, d. of Peter and Esther, 2d day, 5th mo., 1782. c.R.3.* Hannah and Rev. John Taylor of Shutesbury, May 30, 1817. (May 30, 1816. c.R.i). (May i, 1816, int.) John, Rev., and Rachel Taft, Feb. 3, 1784. Rachel and (Rev., int.) Ezekiel Rich of Greenwich, Dec. 20, 1809, Susanna and Abial Jaques of Salem, Apr. 3, 1808. * Intention not recorded. Il8 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. CRARY (see Croney, Crony), Sylva Ann (Crony, int.) and Jacob M. Kinnister (Kenniston, int.), , 1832. c.r.i. (July 24, 1832, int.) CRONEY (see Crary, Crony), Betsy and Samuel Gary of Plainfield, Oct. 14, 1797. Caroline S., d. of Henry and Anna, a. 29 y., and William P. Famimi, widr., s. of George and Deborah, a. 41 y., June 10, 1846. Catharine of Uxbridge, and Simeon Wheelock, Nov. 29, 1804. C.R.I. Hannah and Aldolphus Aldrich, Sept. 27, 1804. c.r.i. Henry and Anna Winter, Feb. 27, 181 2. Polley and Jonas Hemenway of Worcester, June 15, 1797.* Sibyl and Joel Knap, Nov. 8, 1804. c.r.i. CRONY (see Crary, Croney), Sibil and John Elder of Worcester, Mar. 7, 1806. c.r.i. CROSMAN (see Grossman), Ezra (of Northborough, int.) and Rachel Adams, Apr. 24, 1800. Nancy of Sutton, and Aaron Batcheller, Apr. 13, 1820. Polley and Jesse Baker, both of Sutton, July 17, 1787. c.r.i.* Rachel of Sutton, and Alexander Aldrich, Dec. 13, 1814. CROSS, John and Jane Labum of Uxbridge, int., Nov. 29, 1846. CROSSLY, Sally L. and Palmer Deavenport of Holden, int., Aug. 23, 1840. CROSSMAN (see Crosman), Harriot and Hue Riley of Ux- bridge, int., Oct. 18, 1826. CROXFORD, Polley and Nathan Jackson of Upton, Jan. 10, 1799. Sally and Jacob Smith, May 2, 1796. CUMING (see Commings, Ctmimings), Samuel and Eimice Hunt, both of Douglas, July 31, 1806. c.r.i.* CUMMINGS (see Commings, Cuming), Itheal and Diana Winter, Oct. 13, 1814. Joseph and Lucy Warner, int., Aug. 6, 1815. Ucal and Hannah Cole, July 4, 1822. * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. 119 CUNNINGHAM, John, widr., s. of W[illia]m and Margaret, 3- 55 y-» ^^^ Polly Jacobs, d. of Samuel and Ruth, a. 44 y., Jan. 4, 1845. Mary Ann and Daniel Eldridge, widr., Apr. 2, 1845. CURTIS, Charles of Grafton, and Mary Upham, June 10, 1840. CUTLER, Ebenezer Jr. and Emily Johnson of Sutton, int., Sept. 28, 1844. Nathaniel and Eleanor Flagg, May 21, 1806. DALRUMPLE (see Dalrymple, Dalymmple), Susanna and Seth Holbrook of Uxbridge, in Uxbridge, Mar. 24, 1774. DALRYMPLE (see Dalrumple, Dalynmiple), Dolly and John Allen, in Athol, Jtily 5, 1781. DALYRUMPLE (see Dalrumple, Dalrymple), John Sheapard and Hannah Elliot of Sutton, in Sutton, Dec. 16, 1778.* DANIELS, Harriet of Mendon, and Isaac Fowler, int., Jan. 17, 1830. Htddah of Mendon, and John Fowler, in Mendon, Nov. 22, 1795- DARLING, Abigail of Sutton, and John Williams, int., July 3, 1808. Elizabeth of Mendon, and Amos Fairbank of Douglas, Apr. 5, 1803. C.R.I.* Ira of Millbury, and Nancy Carpenter, May 4, 1836 (May 17, 1836 dup.). Louisa of Douglas, and Franklin Lackey, int., Sept. 12, 1841. Lydia of Sutton, and Emory Dunn, int., Sept. i, 1839. Moses Jr. of Boston, s. of Moses and Betsey, a. 31 y., and Lucinda M. Taft, d. of Cyrus and Lucinda M., a. 19 y., Jan. 22, 1846. Nathan and Lydia Murphy, Oct. 26, 1828. Peter and Minerva Brown, both of Smithfield, R. I., May 26, 1826. (May 26, 1825. C.R.I.)* Rachel and Levi Prentice, Sept. 20, 1801.* Sally and Charles D. Hudson, int., Sept. 15, 1825. DAVENPORT (see Deavenport), Amos of Fullam, and Rachel Aldrich, int.. Mar. 12, 1787. Amy and Andrew Braman of Worcester, int., Oct. 15, 1837. * Intention not recorded. I20 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. DAY, Daniel and Mary Smith, Sept. 17, 1820. Daniel and Lucy Batcheller, Feb. 5, 1823. Elizabeth A., d. of Abner and Fiorina, a. 19 y., and Albert W. Williams, s. of Thadeus and Eliza, a. 21 y., June 3, 1845. Harriet A., d. of Daniel and Lucy, a. 21 y., and Harvey C. Rixford, s. of Artemas and Rachel, a. 27 y., Oct. .9, 1847. Lorinda, d. of Abner and Fiorina, a. 26 y., and Moses B, Hen- drick, s. of William and Mary, a. 28 y., Dec. 16, 1845. Mary S., d. of Daniel and Lucy, a. 25 y., and Joshua W. Morse, widr., s. of David and Mary, a. 29 y., Sept. 4, 1849. Sylvanus N. of Millbury, and Sophrona (Sophrona H., int.) Cooper, Dec. 3, 1835. DEARTH, Henry and Mary An Warfield, Dec. 25, i83[i]. C.R.I * DEAVENPORT (see Davenport), Palmer of Holden, and Sally L. Crossly, int., Aug. 23, 1840. DELANY, Nancy and Stephen Cole, Nov. 15, 182 1. DICKEY, James, widr,, s. of James and Lydia, a. 52 y., and Abigail B. Handy, wid., d. of Levi and Azubah Leisure, a. 59 y., Nov. 8, 1845. Olive and Moses Adams, Apr. 19, 1840. DODGE, Abner and Rhoda Adams, Dec. 23, 1802. Abner H. Jr. and Lucy B. White, Sept. 29, 1835. Algernon S. and Julia Ann Gates of Grafton, int., May 13, 1838. Francis and Julia M. Sibley, Sept. 16, 1829. Mary of Sutton, and Silas Rawson, int., Apr. 7, 1839. Miranda and Lowel White, Oct. 5, 1828. Moses C. and Lydia Sabin, Sept. 15, 1844. Rhoda (Rhoda T., int.) and Martin Fasset of Grafton, May 15, 1839. Sabrina and Simon J. Woodbury.of Sutton, Sept. 11, 1827. Sarah M. and Augustus Slocomb of Grafton, Dec. 21, 1836. DOOLEY, Thomas, widr., s. of Patrick and Margaret, a. 40 y., and Susan Shepherd, wid., d. of Joseph and Comfort Durgin, a. 46 y., Dec. 13, 1846. DORR, Abagail, wid., of Sutton, d. of Aaron and Abigail Stock- well, a. 36 y., and Thomas Goldthwait, widr., s. of Thomas and Mary, a. 49 y., Sept. 6, 1849. * latention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. 121 DRAKE, Diana C. (Diana E., int.) and John L. Smith, Apr. 22, 1838. C.R.I. Rosanna M. of Grafton, d. of Jonathan H. and Ann B., a. 18 y., and Andrew S. Phillips of Grafton, s. of John and Cath- arine, a. 21 y., Sept. 16, 1845.* DRAPER, Betsey and Amos Aldrich of Sutton, int., Oct. 11, 1835. Eunice B. and Obadiah W. Albee of MUford, Jan. i, 1844. TMillee R. and Sulivan Putnam, Jtme 6, 1837. Sally of Uxbridge, and Chester Williams, in Uxbridge, Jan. 13, 1797. DUDLEY, Amasa of Millbury, and Anna Fletcher, Oct. 13, 1814. (Oct. 10, 1814. C.R.I.) Elias, Rev., of Oxford, and Mary Spring, Oct. 22, 1793. Hannah and Luther Bullard of Uxbridge, int., Dec. i, 1814. Hannah of Sutton, and Josiah Adams, int.. May 22, 1827. Mary and Dea. Stephen Bayley of Berlin, Feb. 10, 1814.* Sally of Sutton, and Welcome Adams, int., Oct. 30, 1820. Simon of Sutton, and Betsey Adams, Dec. 28, 181 7. WilHam A. of Douglas, s. of Samuel and Chloe, a. 21 y., and Mary Wallace, d. of Willard and Joan, a. 22 y., Nov. 20, 1844.* William H. and Susan H. Johnson of Southborough, int., Dec. 8, 1849. DUNN, Achsah and Amos Williams, Sept. 24, 1805. c.r.i. Amory and Irene Stockwell of Douglas, int., Aug. 23, 1835. Betsy and Solomon Nelson of Union, Dec. 15, 1796. Clarissa B. of Millbury, and Lewis Armsby, int., Oct. 17, 1841. David and Eunice Wright of Upton, Oct. 25, 1792. David and Huldah Aldrich, int., Dec. 30, 1804. David Jr. and Loisa Pierce Slocomb of Oxford, int., Aug. 16, 1830. Emory and Lydia Darling of Sutton, int., Sept. i, 1839. Henry Jr. and Rachel Goldthwait, Nov. 4, 1807. John and Elizabeth Sinclair of Spencer, in Spencer, Oct. 6, 1794 (June 4, 1774, int.). Lucy and Joshua Slocomb of Franklin, Nov. 25, 1784. Lydia P. and Silas (Silve, int.) Bums of Charlestown, Nov. 29, 1829. Mary (Mary C, int.) and Richard Aldrich, Nov. 3, 1831. Polly and Eber Keyes, Apr. 22, 1787. Rachel A. and Henry Giftord, Feb. 5, 1832-3. c.r.i. • Intention not recorded. 122 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. Dunn, Sarah A., d. of John and Sarah, a. 22 y., and Leander Gorton, s. of Daniel and Lydia, a. 31 y., July 30, 1845. Willard G. and Sarah Rich of Troy, N. H., int., Oct. 19, 1833. DURFEE, Elijah and Elizabeth Fitzgerald, May 26, 1830. DYER, Angelina and Orra Goodell of Millbury, Mar. 8, 1826. Mose and Susan Thomson of Smithfield, R. I., int., Dec. 29, 1823. Moses and Charlotte T. Benson of Uxbridge, int., Oct. 11, 1840. DYKE, James of Millbury, and Calista White, int., Apr. 6, 1829. EAGER, Caroline F. and Ivers J. Sampson, int.. Mar. 5, 1830. EAMES, Betsey W. and Nathaniel B. Flagg, int., Mar. 24, 1822. EASTMAN, Abigail (Abigail P., int.) and Jefferson White, Mar. 3, 1828. EDDY, Amasa and Esther Southwick, Mar. 15, 1804. John and Huldah Larkin, May 9, 1824. Sarah and WilHam Kitchen of Grafton, int., Sept. 26, 183 1. Thomas, s. of John and Sarah, and Sarah Aldrich, d. of Samuel and Huldah, 3d day, 6th mo., 1779. C.R.3.* EGGLESTON, Eliza Ann of Smithfield, R. I., and Jabez W. Wilmarth, int.. May 10, 1834. ELDER, John of Worcester, and Sibil Crony, Mar. 7, 1806. C.R.I. ELDRIDGE, Daniel, widr., and Mary Ann Cunningham, Apr. 2, 1845. Lydia of Smithfield, R. I., and Martin Miuphy Jr., int., Apr. 7, 1825. ELLIOT (see Elliott), Hannah of Sutton, and John Sheapard Dalynunple, in Sutton, Dec. 16, 1778.* Hannah of Sutton, and Dea. Nicolas Baylies of Uxbridge, Dec. 8, 1789. C.R.I. Pliny of Sutton, and Martha Stockwell, Sept. 24, 1829. ELLIOTT (see Elliot), Daniel of Sutton, and Polly Morse, May 10, 1797. Daniel and Polly Adams of Hubbardston, int., Jan. — , 1801. * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. 123 ELLISON, Dolly and James Tracy, Oct. 12, 1809. Edward and Polly Pierce of Uxbridge, Feb. 28, 1793. Eliab and Prudence Adams, Nov. 8, 1798. Jacob and Hannah (Hannah Berry, int.) Chase, in Uxbridge, Oct. 26, 1772. Joseph and Lucinda Wood of Uxbridge, in Uxbridge, Nov. 27, 1798. Martha and William Johnson, in Mendon, Apr. 8, 1779. Martha H. of Uxbridge, and Timothy G. Chase, int., Sept. 5, 1847. Mary and William Rawson, in Mendon, Aug. 12, 1779. Thomas and Abigail Goldthwait, int., Oct. 3, 1779. EMERSON, Amos of Chester, and Mary (Polly, int.) Read, Apr. 8, 1795. Louisa of Grafton, and Willard C. Aldrich, Mar. i, 1841. Lucy of Thompson, Conn., and Henry Howell, int., Aug. 9, 1830. Oliver, Capt., and Julia Ann Albee, int., Nov. 23, 1834. Sarah Jane, d. of Oliver and Mary, a. 17 y., and Jason Braman of Boston, s. of Jason and Susan, a. 25 y., June 11, 1844. Susannah C. and John Lawton Jr. of Douglas, int.. May 13, 1838. EVENS, Ann Eliza of Mendon, and Henry Coverdel, int., Apr. 12, 1828. Sally B. and William Kennedy, int., Apr. 6, 1829. EVERTON, Ancell and Julia Keith, int., Apr. 26, 1840. EWERS, John of Grafton, and Silence Adams, Apr. 8, 1835. FAIRBANK (see Fairbanks), Amos of Douglas, and Elizabeth Darling of Mendon, Apr. 5, 1803. c.r.i.* Harriet (Harriet I., int.) and Robert T. Tripp, Sept. 11, 1831. FAIRBANKS (see Fairbank), Amos of Douglas, and Ruth Adams, int., Nov. 27, 183 1. Nelson of Douglas, and Hannah Goldthwait, Aug. 20, 1815. FARNUM, James M. and Ophelia Stoddard of Uxbridge, int., Apr. 18, 1847. Luke S. and Chloe M. Taft of Uxbridge, int., Feb. 4, 1849. William P., widr., s. of George and Deborah, a. 41 y,, and Caroline S. Croney, d. of Henry and Anna, a. 29 y., Jime 10, 1846. * Intention not recorded. 124 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. FARRAR (see Farrow), Granville P. and Lydia Staples, int., Oct. I, 183 1. Granville P. of Upton, and Jane R. Greene, Mar. 3, 1842. Lucy and Amherst Thayer, Oct. 19, 1797. (Sept. 24, 1797. C.R.I.) FARRINGTON, Abigail of Upton, and Daniel Lincoln, int., Jan. 14, 1838. FARROW (see Farrar), Benjamin Jr. (Eben[eze]r, int.) and Ruth Taft, July 19, 1804. c.r.i. FASSET, Martin of Grafton, and Rhoda (Rhoda T., int.) Dodge, May 15, 1839. FAY, Lyman and Judith Batcheller, Oct. 29, 1820. Lyman and Lydia M. Hayden of Westborough, int.. May 16, 1841. Mary Ann and Omer Aldrich, int., Feb. 14, 1825. Stephen S. and Mary C. Hoton of Leominster, int., Dec. 6, 1835- FELIX, Rosannah and Sharper Watson of Thomson, int., Oct. 15, 1788. (Rosanna Felix and Shap, a negro of Thomp- son, m., Nov. 28, 1788. C.R.I.) FERRY, Lucy and Constantine Merrill, int., Aug. 14, 1833. FISH, Nat[hanie]l and Miriam Hamilton, Apr. 28, 1783. FISHER, Betsey Osbum and Stunner Adams of Sutton, Nov. 5, 1815. Deborah of Attleboro, and Levene Warren, int.. May 20, 1817. Forest and Mary Laplin (Mercy Laflin, int.), Nov. 30, 1837. Hannah and Artemas Shippey of Smithfield, R. I., Feb. 22, 1818. John and Mary R. Pope of Dudley, int., Apr. 4, 1847. John C., s. of John P. and Nancy, a. 29 y., and Tarissa G. Brown, d. of Pemberton and Abba Eliza, a. 19 y., Feb. 17, 1848. FISK, Francis of Boston, and Mary C. (Mary Caroline, int.) Cooper, Oct. 29, 1833. Francis, widr., of Boston, b. in HoUiston, s. of Asa and Susanna, ^- 37 y-* ^^^ -^^^ ^- Aldrich, d. of Lyman and Anna, a. 31 y., Jan. i, 1845. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. 12$ FITZGERALD, Elizabeth and Elijah Durfee, May 26, 1830. Thomas and Elizabeth Mackintosh of Grafton, int., Nov. 5, 1837- FLAGG, Eleanor and Nathaniel Cutler, May 21, 1806. Eleazer Jr. and Clarissa Twitchell of Westborough, int., Mav 11, 1823. Nathaniel B. and Betsey W. Eames, int., Mar. 24, 1822. Tho[ma]s Jefferson and Maria Lee of Douglas, int.. May 20, 1827. W[illia]m B. and Mary T. Hall, Dec. 23. 1818. FLETCHER, Abba A. and Oliver R. Chase, Apr. 26, 1843. Anna and Amasa Dudley of Millbury, Oct. 13, 1814. (Oct. 10, 1814. C.R.I.) Betsey and Paul Whitin, Dec. 3, 1793. Ebenezer of Sutton, and Mary Goldthwait, June i, 1786. Emeline and Judson Chapin of Roxbury, May 23, 1839. Eunice and Russel Murdock of Millbury, Feb. 8, 1826. Ezra W. and Latuinda Chapin of Uxbridge, int., Feb. 21, 1819. Gilbert H. of Mendon, and Chloe M. Aldrich, Oct. — , 1836 (Oct. 9, 1836, int.). * .James Esq. and Hannah Spring, Aug. 21, 1800. (Oct. 30, 1800. C.R.I.) James Jr. and Eimice White, Jan. i, 181 7. Lydia of Sutton, and Samuel Goldthwait, in Sutton, Feb. 24, 1785. Lydia and William Kendall, Aug. 24, 1842. Margaret and Amos Amsbury (Amsby, int.) of Paris, Jan. 21, 1808. Margaret and Nicholas B. Chapin, Sept. 15, 1828. Mariah L. and Silas B. Goldthwait, Aug. 16, 1839. Mary Ann and Stephen F. Batcheller, May 4, 1834. Nathan (Jr., int.) of Charlton, and Catharine Morse, Mar. 25, 1802. Samuel and Lydia Spring of Uxbridge, int.. Mar. 20, 1803. FOBES (see Forbes), Martha and Joel White, Nov. 21, 1780. FOGG, Elbridge G. and Martha A. Leland, Sept. 6, 1846. FOLINSBE, Ebenezer of Leicester, and Clarisa Taft, July 23, 1805. C.R.I. 126 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. FORBES (see Fobes), Absalom and Prudence Barden of Sutton, Aug. 6, 1801. Charlotte and Zeri Batcheller, Apr. 17, 1832-3. c.r.i. Emely of Keene, N. H., and Merrick L. Taft, int., Oct. 8, 1837. Prudence and Ollis Batcheller, Sept. 16, 1824. FORBUSH (see Furbush), Lucretia and Joseph Wood of Upton, July 17, 1806. FOSS, Thomas of Thompson, Conn., and Lucretia Carr, Feb. 9, 1834. C.R.I. FOSTER, Edward B. and Helen R. Blake of Uxbridge, int., Aug. 12, 1849. James of Grafton, and Cynthia Adams, Jan. 31, 1793.* FOWLER, Amelia and Riley Wheeler, Apr. 5, 1829. Bernard, s. of Samuel and Hannah, and Rebecah Mowry, d. of Jonathan and Deborah of Smithfield, R. I., 4th day, 3d mo., 1790. C.R.3.* Bernard, s. of Samuel and Hannah dec, and Abigail Steere, d. of Enoch and Sarah of Gloucester, R. I., 5th day, 12th mo., 1810. C.R.3.* Charles and Susan F. Bennett, Feb. 9, 1841. Elizabeth and Elzaphan Taft, Dec. 3, 181 2. Ezekiel of Worcester, s. of Samuel and Hannah, late of North- bridge, and Hannah Callam, d. of Ebenezer and Anna, late of Mendon, 2d day, 5th mo., 1821. c.R.3.* George D., s. of John and Huldah, a. 28 y., and Abby T. Adams, d. of Arnold and Sophia, a. 21 y., Apr. 4, 1848. Hannah and Hillel Baker of Upton, Jan, 26, 1794. Hannah and Edward Seagraves, Jan. 4, 1830. Isaac and Harriet Daniels of Mendon, int., Jan. 17, 1830. John and Huldah Daniels of Mendon, in Mendon, Nov. 22, 1795. Lucy and William Metcalf of Cumberland, R. I., Apr. 8, 1838. C.R.I. Maria and Nathan Aldrich of Uxbridge, Dec. 30, 1824. Martha and Benjamin Legg of Mendon, int., Apr. 9, 1807. Mary and Baruch A. Southwick (of Mendon, int.), Nov. 6, 1833. Nancy and Stephen R. White of Grafton, int., Jan. 16, 1842. Olive and James Parker, Jr., int., May 7, 1781. Pamelia, wid., of Grafton, and Capt. Adolphus Batcheller, int., Feb. 20, 1848. Phebe and Ward Baker of Upton, May 24, 1797. • Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. 127 Fowler, Phebe and Timothy McNamara, int., Apr. 22, 1821. Rebekah and Obadiah Wood of Mendon, Mar. — , 1840. Robert and Permelia McNamara, June 29, 1819. Sarah, d. of Sam[ue]ll, and Jacob Southwick of Douglas, s. of Jonathan, 4th day, 6th mo., 1778. c.R.3.* FREEMAN, Lindal W., s. of Dan and Sally, a. 26 y., and Ellen Lockwood, d. of Amasa and Henrietta, a. 18 y., Jan. 10, 1847. FRENCH, Isaac of Sutton, and Sarah Goldthwait, Nov. 29, 1787. FRY, Abigail and Daniel Willis of Milford, Apr. 19, 1822-. Lydia Sophrona and Andrew Mann, int., Nov. 17, 1823. FULLER, Alpheus and Ann Winter, int.. Mar. 19, 1837. Austin F. of Millbury, and Betsey Cole, int., Apr. 7, 1825. Daniel and Sarah Taft of Mendon, in Mendon, Mar. 15, 1789. Daniel of Grafton, and Elizabeth Winter, Aug. i, 1803. Freeman of Worcester, and Mary T. Prentice, Feb. 15, 1844. James W. B. and Mary A. White of Exeter, Me., int., Nov. 22, _ 1846. Julia Ann of Sutton, and Millen Prentice, int., Apr. 7, 1844. Levi and Lydia Batcheller, Oct. 29, 1828. Melinda B. of Attleboro, and Charles F. Warren, int., May 6, 1849. Otis and Louisa P. Clark of Sutton, int., May 13, 1838. Samuel and Zurviah Barden, Mar. 4, 1799. Timothy S. and Samantha Batcheller, Apr. 3, 1844. William B. and Lucy Bosworth, Apr. 27, 1836. FURBUSH (see Forbush), Polly of Upton, and Thomas Gold- thwait, int., Aug. 21, 1797. GARDNER, Nathan and Martha Thomson, Mar. 22, 1774. GARY, Samuel of Plainfield, and Betsy Croney, Oct. 14, 1797. GATES, Julia Ann of Grafton, and Algernon S. Dodge, int., May 13, 1838. Ruth M., d. of John and Ann, a. 21 y., and Luke White, s. of Amos and Hipzabeth, a. 23 y., June 11, 1845. GAVET (see Gavit), Mary of South Kingston, R. I., and Thomas T. Brand of Westerly, R. I., Aug. 28, 1828.* Stephen of Sutton, and Mary Hemenway, Sept. 17, 1829. • Intention not recorded. 128 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. GAVIT (see Gavet), Benjamin N. of Smithfield, R. I., and Isabella S. Quint, Jan. 23, 1837. GAY, Ira arid Mary Norcross of Sutton, int., June 27, 1830. GIFFORD, Henry and Rachel A. Dunn, Feb. 5, 1832-3. C.R.I. GILBERT, Caroline D. H. and Thorret Smith, June 18, 1839. GILES, Elisabeth and Peter Aldrich, int., Oct. 10, 1773. GLEASON, Timothy of Grafton, and Martha Benson, Feb. 24, 1803. GODBOLD, Mary and Joseph Thomson, Dec. 3, 1772. GOLDING, Solomon E. of Grafton, and Nancy P. Robinson, int.. May 7, 1843. GOLDTHWAIT (see Gouldthwait), Abigail and Thomas Ellison, int., Oct. 3, 1779. Benoni L. of Mendon, and Eunice S. Wilson, July 16, 1820. Betsy and Daniel Adams of Grafton, Apr. 13, 1806. c.r.i. Constantine and Lurana Hardy of Shelburne, int., Dec. 2K, 1836. Hannah and Nelson Fairbanks of Douglas, Aug, 20, 1815. Jacob and Rachel Axdell, Apr. 14, 1785. Jesse and Sally Burt, Oct. 2, 1808. Laura and Joel Batcheller Jr., Dec. 12, 1832. c.r.i. Lucy and James Taylor (Jr., c.r.i) of Sutton, Dec. 15, 1797. (Dec. 15, 1796. c.r.i.) Mary and Ebenezer Fletcher of Sutton, June i, 1786. Mary and Warren Adams, May 11, 1840. Mehetable and Nathan Chase of Sutton, Dec. 11, 1788. Naomy and Caleb Sadler of Grafton, Nov. 11, 1790. Nathan and Mercy Taft, July 4, 1792. Obed and Aby Brown of Douglas, int., Oct. 12, 1800. Obed and Nancy Chapin of Uxbridge, int., Nov. 12, 1809. Patience and Emory Allen, both of Webster, Aug. 26, 1835.* Rachel and David Batcheller Esq., Dec. 10, 1804. Rachel and Henry Dunn Jr., Nov. 4, 1807. Samuel and Lydia Fletcher of Sutton, in Sutton, Feb. 24, 1785. Sarah and Isaac French of Sutton, Nov. 29, 1787. Silas B. and Mariah L. Fletcher, Aug. 16, 1839. * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. 1 29 GoLDTHWAiT, Stephen Jr. and Cloe Aldrich, int., Nov. i6, 1788. Stephen Jr. and Polly L. Wheelock of Mendon, int., Nov. 9, 1826. Thomas and Elizabeth Shepherd, Nov. 25, 1790. Thomas and Polly Furbush of Upton, int., Aug. 21, 1797. Thomas, widr., s. of Thomas and Mary, a. 49 y., and Abagail Dorr, wid., of Sutton, d. of Aaron and Abigail Stockwell, a. 36 y., Sept. 6, 1849. GOODELL, Orra of Millbury, and Angeline Dyer, Mar. 8, 1826. » GORTON, Leander, s. of Daniel and Lydia, a. 31 y., and Sarah A. Dunn, d. of John and Sarah, a. 22 y., July 30, 1845. GOULD, Elizabeth C. and Warren F. Redfield, Oct. 31, 1841. Lucy of Westborough, and Willard Winter, int., Jan. 24, 1807. Sheldon B. and Lucy D. Peasley, May 9, 1842. GOULDTHWAIT (see Goldthwait), John and Jemima B. Handy of Shelbume, int., Aug. 17, 1828. Obed and Nancy Lee of Mendon, int., Aug. 24, 1834. Thomas Jr. and Abigail H. Skinner of Franklin, int., May 29, 1828. GREEN (see Greene), Benjamin and Prudence Albee, int., Oct. 27, 1785. James and Phebe Allen (both transient persons, int.). May 8, 1788. John and Miranda Wood, Sept. 14, 1829. Rachel of Uxbridge, and Eber Arnold of Gloucester, R. I., Dec, 30, 1790. C.R.I.* Samuel and SaUey Oxx, both of Uxbridge, Mar. 27, 1791. C.R.I.* GREENE (see Green), Emerson V., s. of Levi and Mary, a. 22 y., and Syrena B. Taft, d. of Benjamin and Syrena, a. 21 y., Sept. 5, 1848. Jane R. and Granville P. Farrar of Upton, Mar. 3, 1842. William of Grafton, and Susanah Bennett, Oct. 19, 1838. GREENWOOD, Leander W. of Grafton, and Simina Lackey, May 30, 1844. GROVES, Elizabeth and Jabez Hodgson, int., Feb. 21, 1847. • Intention not recorded. 130 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. GUILD, Virgil, s. of Abner and Mary, a. 21 y., and Jane M. Hilton, d. of Daniel and Julia, a. 23 y., Dec. 12, 1844, GUNN, Charles J. and Abigail Hatch, Feb. 24, 1825. HAGER, Charles of Grafton, and Lydia Whipple, May 6, 1838. C.R.I. HALE, Hannah C. and Ellery Holbrook of Uxbridge, int., Apr. 7, 183 1. Philander and Martha Taft of Upton, Sept. 6, 1829. HALL, Baxter and Sarah Ann Bennett, Mar. 4, 1824. Eleazer of Sutton, and Polly Chamberlain, Nov. 29, 1804. C.R.I. Ezekiel and Mary Leonard of Southborough, int., Dec. 27, 1772. James and Jonna (Joanna, mt.) Tracy, Apr. i, 1802. John and Polly Putnam of Sutton, int., May 19, 1805. Josiah of Grafton, and Patty White, Sept. 29, 1822. Martha S. and Jesse Haven, both of Sutton, in Sutton, Nov. 24, 1842.* Mary T. and W[illia]m B. Flagg, Dec. 23, 1818. HAMBLETON, Caroline C, wid., and d. of Elijah and Amey Houghton, a. 26 y., and Daniel Harrington, s. of Willard and Mary, a. 21 y., Oct. 13, 1844. HAMILTON, Miriam and Nat[hanie]l Fish, Apr. 28, 1783. HANDY, Abagail and Albert B. Mason, int., June 10, 1844. Forbidden. Abigail B., wid., d. of Levi and Azubah Leisure, a. 59 y., and James Dickey, widr., s. of James and Lydia, a. 52 y., Nov. 8, 1845. Esther W., d. of Stephen and Deborah, a. 23 y., and Thomas W. Lawton, s. of Robinson and Ann, a. 22 y., Nov. 11, 1847. Jemima B. of Shelbume, and John Goiddthwait, int., Aug. 17, 1828. HARDY, Lurana of Shelbume, and Constantine Goldthwait, int., Dec. 25, 1836. Mary Ann, a. 36 y., and Ezra Comstock, widr., a. 45 y., Sept. 21, 1845. HARNDEN, Levi A, and Harriet L. Hayward, int.. Mar. 15, 1833. Disannulled. * Intention not teoorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. I3I HARRINGTON (see Horrington), Daniel, s. of Willard and Mary, a. 21 y., and wid. Caroline C. Hambleton, d. of Elijah and Amey Houghton, a. 26 y., Oct. 13, 1844. Mary of Shrewsbury, and Lewis Thayer, int., Apr. 18, 1823. HARRIS, Susanna, d. of Jonathan and Mary of Smithfield, R. I., and Asa Aldrich, s. of Samuel and Huldah, 20th day, 4th mo., 1774. c.R.3.* HASKELL, Lydia and Warren Balcom, Nov. 30, 183 1. HATCH, Abigail and Charles J. Gunn, Feb. 24, 1825. HATHAWAY, Elizabeth B. and Ephraim Wilson of Grafton, int., Nov. 4, 1832. Joseph G., s. of Joseph R. and Sophia of Millbury, a. 19 y., and Harriet M. Peck, d. of Abram dec. and Hannah, a. 19 y., Oct. 6, 1845. Mary of Upton, and William Bowen Jr., int., Jan. 5, 1783. ELEVEN, Jesse and Martha S. Hall, both of Sutton, in Sutton, Nov. 24, 1842.* HAWKINS, Ira of Gloucester, R. I., and Luescenia Inman, May 16, 1838. HAYDEN, Lydia M. of Westborough, and Lyman Fay, int., May 16, 1841. HAYWARD, David (Howard, int.) and Abigail Holland, in Mendon, Nov. 26, 1772. Harriet L. and Levi A. Harnden, int., Mar. 15, 1833. Dis- anntdled. Polly and Israel Thayer, Mar. 22, 1784. HEMENWAY, Jonas of Worcester, and Polley Croney, Jime 15, 1797.* Mary and Stephen Gavet of Sutton, Sept. 17, 1829. HENDRICK, Lucy and Elias Williams, int., Dec. 13, 1840. Moses B., s. of William and Mary, a. 28 y., and Lorinda Day, d. of Abner and Fiorina, a. 26 y., Dec. 16, 1845. Sarah and James Remington, int., June 14, 1836, HENRY, Clark W. and Sarah Nickerson of Smithfield, R. I., May 29, 1834. Ebenezer and Deborah Inman, int., Apr. 14, 1833. • Intention not recorded. 132 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. Henry, John and Philena Hill of Mendon, int., Dec. 5, 1833. Joseph and Calista Janna, int., Apr, 19, 1834. Stephen and Rebecca (Rebecca H., int.) White, Apr. 11, 1832. HENSHAW, Charles L. and Hannah Marshall of Milford, int., Sept. 13, 1818. HERRICK, Janette W., d. of Ira and Evaline, a. 21 y., and Reuben H. Wilmot, s. of Osee and Lydia, a. 29 y., May 25, 1848. HEWET (see Hewett, Hewitt), Allen and Lucinda Btirt of Sutton, int., Dec. 5, 181 7. Mary and Bridgham A. Batcheller of Douglas, Mar. 12, 1835. HEWETT (see Hewet, Hewitt), Barnabas of Sutton, and Eliza Hewett, int., Sept. 23, 1831. Eliza and Barnabas Hewett of Sutton, int., Sept. 23, 1831. Jesse P. and Almira H. Towne of Pawtucket, int.. Mar. 9, 1845. Sumner of Sutton, and Elizabeth (Mary Elizabeth, int.) Allen, Aug. 13, 1830. HEWITT (see Hewet, Hewett), Francis H. of Sutton, s. of Hammond and Lydia of Sutton, a. 21 y., and Lucy H. Taylor, d. of Charles and Susan, a. 23 y., Jan. 20, 1847. Orrin L. and Elvira H. Benton of Buckland, int., Jan. 7, 1849. HICKS (see Hix), David and Eleanor Parker, June 24, 1820. Hiram of Sutton, and Abigail Batcheller, Sept. 6, 1826. Judson of Blackstone, s. of David and Anna, a. 43 y., and Louisa Inman, d. of Toiutellot and Achsah, a. 40 y., Sept. 2, 1846. Mary and Ebenezer Cheney, int., Jan. 30, 1837. HILL (see Hills), David and Ellen Crane of Canton, int., Mar. 19, 1837. Horace of Blackstone, and Eunice F. White, int., Oct. 5, 1845. Jabez and Clarissa Ball of Milford, int., Apr. 25, 1799. Marcy and Matthew Lucas of Upton, int., Mar. 23, 1795. Mary R. of Upton, and Henry Barnes, int., Nov. 14, 1830. Moses and Penuel Allen, Oct. 6, 1791. Philena of Mendon, and John Henry, int., Dec. 5, 1833. Silence and Samuel Wilson of Upton, Nov. 10, 1797. HILLS (see Hill), Pattee of Sutton, and David Batcheller. Jan. 26, 1785. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. I33 HILTON, Jane M., d. of Daniel and Julia, a. 23 y., and Virgil Guild, s. of Abner and Mary, a. 21 y., Dec. 12, 1844. Julia L. and William Hunt, May 12, 1842. HIX (see Hicks), Polly E. of Sutton, and Harrison Chamberlain, int., Jan. 24, 1833. HOBBS, Harriet, d. of John and Lois of Dover, N. H,, a. 23 y., and Simeon B. Mascroft, s. of W[illia]m and Celestina, a. 25 y., Dec. 10, 1846.* HOBURT, Luther and Sarah Buxton, June 4, 1843. HODGSON, Jabez and Elizabeth Groves, int., Feb. 21, 1847. HOLBROOK, Betsey of Upton, and James Aldrich, int., Mar. 8, 1818. EUery of Uxbridge, and Hannah C. Hale, int., Apr. 7, 183 1. Henry and Sarah Wadsworth of Barre, int., Apr. i, 1827. Josiah and Betsey Parker, both of Sutton, May 3, 1794.* Lewis and Caroline Buxton, Apr. 5, 1827. Marg[e]ry of Upton, and Thad[d]eus Winter, int., Apr. 7, 1789, Mary and Nathan Aldrich, int., Feb. 2, 1824. S. Esq. and Hannah Whitney of Milton, int., Sept. 11, 1830. Seth of Uxbridge, and Susanna Dalrumple, in Uxbridge, Mar. 24, 1774. Stephen B. and Hannah O. Sutton of East Douglas, int., Nov. 10, 1839. Sylvanus Esq. and Martha Waters of Millbury, int., Mar. 29, 1840. HOLLAND, Abigail and David Hayward (Howard, int.), in Mendon, Nov. 26, 1772. HOLLEY, Lydia M. and William H. Town of Southbridge, Dec. 31, 1838. HOLMAN, David, Rev., of Douglas, and Lois Adams, Dec. 7, 1824. HOLT, Humphre of New Salem, and Eddy Knap, int.. Mar. 2, 1778. Jonathan P. and Eunice H. Wellington of Boylston, int., Sept. I, 1844. HOPKINS, Harriet Jeanette, d. of Josiah and Susan C, a. 17 y., and Smith G. Bates, s. of Peter and Sybil, a. 27 y., Dec. 2, 1847. • Intention not recorded. 134 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. HORRINGTON (see Harrington), Elizabeth A. of Grafton, and John Rice, int.. Mar. 5, 1843. HOTON (see Houghton), Lysander A. and Lydia White, Aug. 19, 1834. Mary C. of Leominster, and Stephen S. Fay, int., Dec. 6, 1835. HOUGHTON (see Hoton), WilHam of Paxton, and Olive Adams, Sept. 2, 1807. William and Vesta Batcheller of Sutton, int., Mar. 7, 1841. HOWARD, Amasa L. and Sophia Aldrich, int., Dec. 14, 1823. Ebenezer of Bellingham, and Hannah Aldrich, Feb. 28, 1808. Jerome, a. 29 y., and Mary M. More (Moore, int.), a. 24 y.. May 27, 1846. Polly and James T. Sweet, int., Feb. 17, 1833. Sarah and Stilman Cooper, Apr. 13, 1809. Tyler and Mary T. Carpenter of Uxbridge, int., July 4, 1841. HOWE, Jerusha D. and Joel S. Peck, Apr. 3, 1825. Sarah of Milford, and Francis E. Wheelock, Nov. 26, 1835. HOWEL (see Howell), Betsey of Douglas, and Abisha White, int., July 10, 1799. HOWELL (see Howel), Henry and Lucy Emerson of Thompson, Conn., int., Aug. 9, 1830. HUBBARD, Elizabeth of Ward, and John Adams, in Ward (now Auburn), Nov. 13, 1787. HUDSON, Charies D. and Sally Darling, int., Sept. 15, 1825. HULL, Elias of Millbvuy, and Meriam Wheeler, May 29, 1839. HUMES, Mercy of Millbury, and Edwin Livermore of Grafton, Feb. 23, 1834. C.R.I.* HUNT, Celindia and Levi Rist of Sutton, Nov. 21, 1808. Eunice and Samuel Cuming, both of Douglas, July 31, 1806. C.R.I.* Juda and Stephen Trask Jr. of Uxbridge, Aug. 2, 1785.* William and Julia L. Hilton, May 12, 1842. HUSE, Abigail and Simeon Bassett, Aug, 16, 1792. Berzilla B. and Abigail Cady of Oxford, Nov. 14, 1811. HUTCHINSON, Charies D. and Elizabeth W. Pope of Dudley, int., Apr. 2, 1844. • Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. I35 INGLEY, Albert of Mendon, and Sally Aldrich, Apr. 19, 1838. INGRAHAM, Joseph of Sharon, and Prudence Adams, int., Apr. 9, 1795. Banns forbidden by Prudence Adams. INMAN, Abigail, d. of Daniel and Abigail of Smithfield, R. I., and George B. Wheeler, s. of Benjamin and Rhoda, ist day, 9th mo., 1842. C.R.3.* Deborah and Ebenezer Henry, int., Apr. 14, 1833. Emily and Abram A. Wilson, Jan. — , 1842. Fenner M. and Melissa Mowry of Scituate, R. I., int., Feb. 15, 1846. Louisa, d. of Tourtellot and Achsah, a. 40 y., and Judson Hicks of Blackstone, s. of David and Anna, a. 43 y., Sept. 2, 1846. Luescenia and Ira Hawkins of Gloucester, R. I., May 16, 1838. Rachel of Smithfield, R. I., and Smith Thompson, int., Sept. 17, 1835. Tourtellot Esq. and Sarah Putnam of Sutton, int.. Mar. 14, 1847. Tourtleot of Gloucester, R. I., and Achsah Read, Oct. 3, 1805. C.R.I. Urania, d. of Daniel and Abigail of Smithfield, R. I., and Ben- jamin Wheeler, s. of Obadiah and Ann, both dec, 3d day, 6th mo., 1847. C.R.3.* WHliam V. and Almira S. Mascroft of Sutton, int., Feb. 4, 1849. INNICE, Benj[ami]n and Sally Rider of Seekonk, int., May 2, 1825. Eliza and Thadde[u]s Williams, Jan. 16, 1814. Nancy and Wyman Parker, June 19, 1814. IRONS, Amasa (of Smithfield, R. I., int.) and Susan Smith, Feb. — , 1842. Annah and Joseph C. Burley, June 14, 1841. Elsa and William Madison, int., Sept. 27, 1835. Francis D. and Urania H. Smith, Aug. 17, 1843. William of Mendon, and Barbra Madison, int.. Mar. 6, 1837. JACKSON, Charles of Grafton, s. of Nathan and Mary, a. 26 y., and Nancy Smith, d. of Jonathan and Nancy, a. 21 y., Apr. 29, 1846. Jonathathan and Elizabeth P. Brigham of Grafton, int., Oct. 28, 1832. Nathan of Upton, and PoUey Croxford, Jan. 10, 1799. * Intention not recorded. 136 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. JACOBS, Hulay (Huldah, int.) of Uxbridge, and Daniel Read, in Uxbridge, June 16, 1799. Polly, d. of Samuel and Ruth, a. 44 y., and John Cunningham, widr., s. of W[illia]m and Margaret, a. 55 y., Jan. 4, 1845. Sophia and Sylvanus H. Taft, May 7, 1834. JANNA, Calista and Joseph Henry, int., Apr. 19, 1834. JAQUES, Abial of Salem, and Susanna Crane, Apr. 3, 1808. JENKS, Livingston H. and Sarah C. Morris of Worcester, Apr. 6, 1838. C.R.I. Susan of Franklin, and Asa Aldrich, int., Apr. 22, 1838. JEPHERSON, Joseph of Troy, and Susan Congdon, int., Feb. 27, 1827. Otis and Olive Phillips of Thompson, Conn., int., Jan. 11, 1829. JINKINGS, Ann and John Woodcock, int., Aug. 10, 1823. JOHNSON (see Jonson), Abigail and Obediah Warfield, int., Aug. 17, 1828. Emily of Sutton, and Ebenezer Cutler Jr., int., Sept. 28, 1844. Hiram and Susan Breed of Millbury, int., Mar. 18, 1838. Job G. and Almira N. Cooper, int., Feb. 17, 1839. Jonas of Worcester, and Truelove Benson, Oct. 29, 181 2. Susan and James Snowling Jr., Aug. 4, 1844. Susan H. of Southborough, and William H. Dudley, int., Dec. 8, 1849. Thomas and Persis Smith, Nov. 16, 1843. William and Martha Ellison, in Mendon, Apr. 8, 1779. JONES, Ann Moriah of Grafton, and Caleb Rawson Jr., int., Oct. II, 1840. David and Milly Aldrich, Aug. 17, 1815. Luther of Lancaster, and Charlotte Aldrich, Aug. 28, 1822. Thomas and Lucinda Lasure, Mar. 30, 1829. JONSON (see Johnson), Lewis A. of Grafton, and Lucy Ann Lamard, July 6, 1836. JORDAN, Edith A. of Grafton, and Crosby D. Melendy, int., Aug. 17, 1847. JOSLEN (see Joslin), Amey and Luke Prentice Jr., int., Feb. 21, 1836. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. 137 JOSLIN (see Joslen), Edward and Louis Worseby of Thomson, Conn., int., Dec. — , 1819. JOYCE, John and Sally Baker, int.. Mar. 16, 1828. i[AY, Catharine and Patrick Reddy, int., June 29, 1848. KEECH, Betsey and Ransom W. Cobleigh, Apr. 8, 1841.* Maria and Warren N. Smith of Douglas, Mar. 11, 1841. Riley and Louisa Smith, Mar: 31, 1842. KEITH (see Kieth), Ambrose and Katharine Southworth of Bridgewater, int., Oct. — , 1796. Deborah of Grafton, and Orry Taft, int., Sept. 10, 1821. Julia and Ancell Everton, int., Apr. 26, 1840. Lyman M. and Lydia R. Bowen, int., July 19, 1846. Meriam of Uxbridge, and Jacob Converse Jr. of Thompson, Conn., Apr. 12, 1792.* Rachel and Sam[ue]l Bryant of Sutton, int.. May 16, 1818. Royal of Grafton, and Deborah Adams, Dec. 28, 1797.* KELLY, Daniel E. and Laura Buxton, int., Feb. 6, 1842. KEMP, Mary C. of Grafton, and Ezra Cooper, Nov. 6, 1836. KENDALL, William and Lydia Fletcher, Aug. 24, 1842. KENNEDY, William and Sally B. Evens, int., Apr. 6, 1829. KENNEY (see Kinne), George W. and Patience A. Buxton, June 27, 1847. KEYES, Betsey D. of Uxbridge, and John Aldrich Jr., int., Oct. 30, 1820. Eber and Polly Dunn, Apr. 22, 1787. Olive W. and William Minot, int., Nov. i, 1824. Oren and Lois Seagrave of Uxbridge, in Uxbridge, Sept. 7, 1783. KIETH (see Keith), Chapin and Elizabeth Taft, both of Ux- bridge, June 24, 1790. C.R.I.* EINESTON (see Kinnister), Lowel and Martha Ann Sweet, int., July 29, 1827. KINNE (see Kenney), Nathan of Milford, and Rosina Bartlet, int., Nov. 10, 1823. * Intention not recorded. 138 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. KINNISTER (see Kineston), Jacob M. (Kenniston, int.) and Sylva Ann Crary (Crony, int.), , 1832. c.r.i. (Int., July 24, 1832.) KITCHEN, William of Grafton, and Sarah Eddy, int., Sept. 26, 1831. KNAP (see Knapp), Eddy and Humphre Holt of New Salem, int., Mar. 2, 1778. Elizabeth and Jacob Winslow, in Sutton, Sept. 28, 1778.* Joel and Sibyl Croney, Nov. 8, 1804. c.r.i. KNAPP (see Knap), Emily and Charles Wheelock, both of Sutton, May 29, 1836.* Lucy M. of Walpole, and Caleb B. Wheeler, Feb. 24, 1839. Maranda W. and Watson P. Smith of Springfield, in Mendon, Nov. 26, 1839. Mary Ann and Japtha Brown, July 5, 1840. Sarah E. and Levi S. Whitney, both of Sutton, Oct. 9, 1836.* KNOWLTON, Freeman and Hannah Murphy, int., Oct. 3, 1825. LABURN, Jane of Uxbridge, and John Cross, int., Nov. 29, 1846. LACKEY, Franklin and Louisa Darling of Douglas, int., Sept. 12, 1841. Joel of Sutton, and Arespy Parsons (Persons, int.), Oct. 15, 1832. C.R.I. Simina and Leander W. Greenwood of Grafton, May 30, 1844. Walter and Lucina Andrew (Lucina P. Andrus, int.), July 15, 1838. Woodbury and Betsey Smith, Apr. i, 1814. LAFFLIN (see Laflin, Laplin), Lovina and Leander Pierce, int., Sept. 10, 1838. LAFLIN (see Lafflin, Laplin), John and Maria Cooper, int., Nov. 2, 1845. LAMB, Diantha, d. of Jesse and Mary, a. 25 y., and Luke A. Merriam of Leominster, s. of Amos and Sally of Leominster, a. 26 y., May i, 1845.* LAPLIN (see Lafflin, Laflin), Mary (Mercy Laflin, int.) and Forest Fisher, Nov. 30, 1837. . • Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. 139 LARKIN, Dinah and David Winter Jr., Apr. 8, 1813. Huldah and John Eddy, May 9, 1824. LARNARD, Lucy Ann and Lewis A. Jonson of Grafton, Jtily 6, 1836. LASURE, Lucinda and Thomas Jones, Mar. 30, 1829. LATHE, Asa of Grafton, and Priscilla Rawson, Sept. 6, 1786.* Polly of Grafton, and John Adams Jr., int., Oct. 15, 1809. LAWTON, Anna and Roland Cobb of Grafton, int., Aug. 16, 1846. John Jr. of Douglas, and Susannah C. Emerson, int., May 13, 1838. Thomas W., s. of Robinson and Ann, a. 22 y., and Esther W. Handy, d. of Stephen and Deborah, a. 23 y., Nov. 11, 1847. LEACH, Abby E., d. of Libbeus and Elizabeth, a. 17 y., and John R. D. Bennett, s. of Jared and Sally Ann, a. 22 y., June 18, 1846. LEALAND (see Leland), Alvan, Dea., and Sophia Waters of Millbury, int., Nov. 30, 1834. Catharine of Sutton, and John Crane Whitin, int., May 8, 1831. LEARNED, Lousa of Sturbridge, and Amos Whipple Jr., int., Dec. 15, 1839. LEE, Cornelia Frances of Northampton, and Williami Bates, int.. May 15, 1848. Louisa S. of East Douglas, and John L. Cooper, int., July 14, 1839. Maria of Douglas, and Tho[ma]s Jefferson Flagg, int.. May 20, 1827. Nancy of Mendon, and Obed Gouldthwait, int., Aug. 24, 1834. Patience of Douglas, and John Allen, int., Sept. 2, 1793. LEGG, Abijah and Lois Chapin, both of Uxbridge, Dec. 5, 1790. C.R.I.* Benjamin of Mendon, and Martha Fowler, int., Apr. 9, 1807. Lois and Josiah Woodward of Sutton, in Sutton, Oct. 26, 1797. Peter (Capt., int.) of Uxbridge, and Sarah (Sarah W., int.) Adams, May 19, 1829. • Intention not recorded. I40 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. LELAND (see Lealand), Amasa of HolHston, and Rebeckah Adams, Jan. 12, 1803, Augustus J. and Roxa A. Austin of Sutton, int., Feb. 20, 1848. Benjamin M. of Sutton, and Sally Brown, int., Feb. 21, 1836. Eliab of HolHston, and Pearly (Parley, int.) Adams, Apr. 5, 1808. Martha A. and Elbridge G. Fogg, Sept. 6, 1846. Sylvia M. of Auburn, and William H. Young, int., Nov. 14, 1848. LEONARD, Mary of Southborough, and Ezekiel Hall, int., Dec. 27, 1772. Phillip and Lucy Williams, Oct. 30, 18 14. LEWIS, Eliza of Sutton, and James Lewis, int., Feb. 7, 1825. James and Eliza Lewis of Sutton, int., Feb. 7, 1825. LINCOLN, Daniel and Abigail Farrington of Upton, int., Jan. 14, 1838. Samuel and Mehitable Thayer, Jan. 5, 1785. LINTERN, Henry and Betsey Smith, Jiily 6, 1837. LIPPITT, Rebekah and Harrison Winter, int.. Mar. 8, 1840. Sarah of Killingly, Conn., and John L. Cooper, Oct. 31, 1836. LIVERMORE, Edwin of Grafton, and Mercy Htmies of Mill- bury, Feb. 23, 1834. C.R.I.* LOCKWOOD, Ellen, d. of Amasa and Henrietta, a. 18 y., and Lindal W. Freeman, s. of Dan and Sally, a. 26 y., Jan. 10, 1847. Gratia A. and Ambrose C. Wheeler, int., Sept. 10, 1848. LORING, Maynard of Sutton, and Olive Chase, int., Mar. 21, 1841. LOTHROP, Zebediah and Salley Adams, Oct. 4, 1795. LOWE, Ellen M., d. of Thomas T. and Pela, a. 18 y., and Augustus C. Carter, s. of Cephas and Mary, a. 24 y., May 12, 1845. LUCAS, Matthew of Upton, and Marcy Hill, int., Mar. 23, 1795- MACKINTOSH, Elizabeth of Grafton, and Thomas Fitzgerald, int., Nov. 5, 1837. * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. I4I MADISON, Barbra and William Irons of Mendon, int., Mar. 6, 1837. Betsey Ann and Keith Taft, Feb. — , 1834. Caleb and Vicena Cady, int., Sept. 8, 1833. William and Elsa Irons, int., Sept. 27, 1835. MANN, Andrew and Lydia Sophrona Fry, int., Nov. 17, 1823. Lyman of Grafton, and Cynthia Aldrich, Mar. 2, 1819. MARSH, Axel and James Tiffany, both of Douglas, Apr. 5, i8o8.* MARSHALL, Hannah of Milford, and Charles L. Henshaw. int., Sept. 13, 1818. MARTIN, Cyntha, d. of Abel and Abigail, a. 40 y., and Orin C. Andrus, widr., of Springfield, s. of Jonathan and Lucena, a. 41 y., Sept. 6, 1849. James and Polly Wadsworth of Grafton, int.. Mar. 2, 1828. Joseph of Sutton, and Mary Prentice, int., July 20, 1810. Mary and Ebenezer Swan, int., Feb. 10, 1835. Permela and Dr. George Carryl, both of Uxbridge, Nov. 17, 1790. C.R.I.* Rodney and Mariah Southwick of Mendon, int., Jan. 21, 1838. MASCRAFT (see Mascroft), William P. of Grafton, and Celes- tina Batcheller, Dec. 3, 1818. MASCROFT (see Mascraft), Almira S. of Sutton, and William V. Inman, int., Feb. 4, 1849. Simeon B., s. of W[illia]m and Celestina, a. 25 y., and Harriet Hobbs, d. of John and Lois of Dover, N. H., a. 23 y., Dec. 10, 1846.* MASON (see Masson), Albert B. and Abagail Handy, int., June 10, 1844. Forbidden. Harty and John M. Putnam, Aug. 6, 1835. Julia Ann and James M. Cowan, int., July 23, 1846, Sally Ann D. and Nelson Mowry, Mar. 10, 1844. MASSON (see Mason), Anna of Uxbridge, and Jesse White, int.. Mar. 10, 1777. MAXWELL, Sarah and Samuel Benson of Thompson, May 23, 1825. * Intention not recorded. 142 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. MAYNARD, Eliza of Northborough, ^nd Simeon Batcheller Jr., int., Mar. 20, 1831. Lucy of Upton, and William Barrows, int., Nov. 5, 1809. Sumner of Providence, R. I., and Lois Batcheller, May 19, 1828. MAYOR, William of Grafton, s. of Ralph and Nancy, a. 25 y., and Nancy Snowling of Grafton, d. of James and Relief, a. 16 y., Sept. 30, 1845.* McBRIDE, Benjamin, b. in Bolton, s. of Obadiah and Amity, a. 28 y., and Sarah A. Whitman, d. of W[illia]m W. and Huldah, a. 23 y., Dec. 18, 1844. Mary and Hazen O. Bean, Feb. 10, 1834. Sarah E., d. of Obediah and Amity, a. 23 y., and Richard Sayles of Uxbridge, a. 26 y., Jan. i, 1846. McFARLAND, Rachel and Eliphelet Smith, both of Grafton, Oct. 8, 1795. C.R.I.* McINTIRE, George F. and Harriet H. Saunders of Cumberland, R. I., int., Dec. 25, 1842. McNAMARA (see McNamary), Charles and Mary Bowen, Nov. 16, 1824. Hugh and Martha Sherman of Grafton, in Grafton, July i, 1784. Permelia and Robert Fowler, June 29, 1819. Prudence of Grafton, and John G. Bullard, int., Jan. 24, 1830. Timothy and Phebe Fowler, int., Apr. 22, 182 1. McNAMARY (see McNamara), Mary of Sutton, and Silas W. Reed of Princeton, Oct. 18, 1826. c.r.i.* MELARDY (see Melendy), Lydia (Melledia, int.) and Benja- min Powers, Apr. 16, 1777. MELCHER, Hellen Elizabeth and Lucian N. Pratt, Feb. 3, 1834. MELENDY (see Melardy), Crosby D. and Edith A. Jordan of Grafton, int., Aug. 17, 1847. MELLEN, Joshua N., widr., of Westborough, s. of Joshua and Elizabeth, a. 58 y., and Wealthy Merrill, wid., d. of Noah and Mary White, a. 46 y., Oct. 12, 1848. * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. I43 MERIAM (see Merriam), Almira of New Salem, and Obed Taylor, int., May 6, 1827. MERRIAM (see Meriam), Luke A. of Leominster, s. of Amos and Sally of Leominster, a. 26 y., and Diantha Lamb, d. of Jesse and Mary, a. 25 y., May i, 1845.* MERRIL (see Merrill), James and Wealthy White, Sept. 4, 1826. (Sept. 24, 1826. C.R.I.) MERRILL (see Merril), Constantine and Lucy Ferry, int., Aug. 14, 1833. Wealthy, wid., d. of Noah and Mary White, a. 46 y., and Joshua N. Mellen, widr., of Westborough, s. of Joshua and Elizabeth, a. 58 y., Oct. 12, 1848. METCALF, William of Cumberland, R. I., and Lucy Fowler, Apr. 8, 1838. C.R.I. MILLEN, Mary of Grafton, and Shepherd Cooper, int., Oct. 10, 1841. MILLER, Ellathyna P. and Ira T. Robbins of Sutton, Mar. 13, 1843. Susan and Thomas M. Remington, Feb. 21, 1844. William H. and Sabra S. Aldrich of Millbury, int., Oct. 29, 1848. MILLS, John and Lucy (Lucy M., int.) Cooper, Oct. 7, 1835. MINOT, Buckley and Clarrisa Aldrich, int., Jan. i, 1827. William and Olive W. Keyes, int., Nov. i, 1824. MORE, Mary M. (Moore, int.), a. 24 y., and Jerome Howard, a. 29 y., May 27, 1846. MORRIS, Sarah C. of Worcester, and Livingston H. Jenks, Apr. 6, 1838. C.R.I. MORRISON, Charles H., s. of Henry S. and Abigail, a. 21 y., and Sarah R. Ames, d. of William B. and Susan A., a. 19 y., Aug. 25, 1845. Robert S. and Almira Newton, int., July 9, 1833. MORSE, Benjamin and Elizabeth Putnam, both of Sutton, Nov. 29, 1816.* Catharine and Nathan Fletcher (Jr., int.) of Charlton, Mar. 25, 1802. * Intention not recorded. 144 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. Morse, Henry and Betsy Taft of Upton, int., July 30, 1797. Hervey and Betsey Bassett, Nov. 26, 181 2. Joshua W., widr., s. of David and Mary, a. 29 y,, and Mary S. Day, d. of Daniel and Lucy, a. 25 y., Sept. 4, 1849. Lotte of Sutton, and Alexander Rice of Shrewsbury, Apr. 6, 1815.* Molly of Southborough, and Andrew Adams, in Southborough, Dec. 10, 1780 (int., Dec. 25, 1780). Polly and Daniel Elliott of Sutton, May 10, 1797. Rufus of Sutton, and Nancy White, int., Sept. 11, 1820. Silas and Orpah White, both of Uxbridge, Feb. 15, 1791. c.r.i.* MORY (see Mowry), Lurana of Smithfield, R. I., and Charles Bowen, int., Apr. 13, 1824. MOULTON, Bethiah B., d. of William and Mary, a. 37 y., and George C. Aldrich, s. of Paul and Mary, a. 39 y,, Feb. 14, 1849. MOWRY (see Mory), John D. of Smithfield, R. I., s. of Nathaniel and Lydia, a. 23 y., and Abigail B, Prentice, d. of Luke and Azubah, a. 21 y., Sept. 25, 1845. Melissa of Scituate, R. L, and Fenner M. Inman, int., Feb. 15, 1846. Nelson and Sally Ann D. Mason, Mar. 10, 1844. Rebecah, d. of Jonathan and Deborah of Smithfield, R. L, and Bernard Fowler, s. of Samuel and Hannah, 4th day, 3d mo., 1790. C.R.3.* MUNYON, Cyrena R. and Daniel H. Aldrich, int., Mar. 8, 1846. John and Ruth Warfield, Oct. 23, 1833. Julia A. and Thomas A. Conant of Upton, int., Apr. 18, 1847. MURDOCK, Lydia and Wheelock Wood, Mar. 31, 1785. Russel of Millbury, and Eunice Fletcher, Feb. 8, 1826. Ruth of Uxbridge, and Marvel Taft, in Uxbridge, Apr. 29, 1784.* MURPHY, Hannah and Freeman Knowlton, int., Oct. 3, 1825. Isaac R. and Elmira Craggen, Dec. 2, 1830. Lydia and Nathan Darling, Oct. 26, 1828. Martin Jr. and Lydia Eldridge of Smithfield, R. L, int., Apr. 7, 1825. NEFF, Pamelia C. and Nathaniel W. Quint, int., Dec. 11, 1836. * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. 145 NELSON, David of Paxton, and Lucy Adams, Mar. 3, 1796. Solomon of Union, and Betsy Dunn, Dec. 15, 1796. NEVETT, Elizabeth of Smithfield, R. I., d. of William and Sarah, a. 29 y., and William Henry Bailey, s. of John and Sarah, a. 34 y.. Mar. 11, 1847. NEW, James Jr. of Grafton, and Polly Barden, Aug. 21, 1800. Jesse and Sarah Winter, Oct. 22, 1815. NEWEL (see Newell), Betty of Leicester, and Barnabas Aldrich, int., Feb. 9, 1783. NEWELL (see Newel), Maria and Charles A. Sweet, July 17, 1845. Marietta of Grafton, and Justus S. Wheeler, int., Mar, 17, 1849. NEWLAND, Abigail and Lemuel Powers (Jr., int.), Apr. 16, 1777. NEWMAN, Daniel of Uxbridge, and Mary Ann Soul, int., Oct. 17, 1847. NEWTON, Almira and Robert S. Morrison, int., July 9, 1833. NICKERSON, Sarah of Smithfield, R. I., and Clark W. He*ry, May 29, 1834. NOLEN, Nancy and James Verry, int., Nov. 3, 1834. NORCROSS, Josiah and Sally Wakefield, both of Shrewsbury, Apr. — , 1820.* Mary of Sutton, and Ira Gay, int., June 27, 1830. O'BRIEN, Patrick and Olive Warren (Warner, int.), Nov. 30, 1828. O'CONNELL, Bridget and Corydon Smith, int., Sept. 29, 1849. OGDEN, Ambrose and Samantha Badger, Dec. 9, 1844. OXX, Salley and Samuel Green, both of Uxbridge, Mar. 27, 179I. C.R.I.* PADDOCK, Elizabeth of Newton, and Emory Wood, Oct. 10, 1838. PAINE, Abijah and Hannah Read, Nov. 15, 1792. Nelson of Smithfield, R. L, and Anna White, Jan. 13, 1839. * Intention not recorded. 146 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. PARK, Elenor and Caleb Boyenton of Milford, Dec. 9, 1790. William, Lieut., and Sally Potter, Oct. 5, 1780. PARKER, Betsey and Josiah Holbrook, both of Sutton, May 3, 1794.* Eleanor and David Hicks, June 24, 1820. James Jr. and Olive Fowler, int., May 7, 1781. James and Molly Baker, int., Sept. 29, 1782. James of Douglas, and Polly Cooper, Mar. 25, 1813. Mary and John Slocomb of Sutton, Nov. 21, 181 1. Wyman and Nancy Innice, June 19, 1814. PARSONS (see Persons), Arespy (Persons, int.) and Joel Lackey of Sutton, Oct. 15, 1832. c.r.i. Eber and Submit Clemants, Jan. 15, 1809. PATRIDGE, Susan and Jesse Aldrich, int., Feb. 3, 1823. PEASLEY, Lucy D. and Sheldon B. Gould, May 9, €842. PECK (see Pek), Harriet M., d. of Abram dec. and Hannah, a. 19 y., and Joseph G. Hathaway, s. of Joseph R. and Sophia of Millbury, a. 19 y., Oct. 6, 1845. Joel S. and Jerusha D. Howe, Apr. 3, 1825. Josephus W. of Mendon, and Louisa Taft, Mar. 9, 1837. PEIRCE (see Pierce), Eunice and Reuben Walker, Nov. 3, 1795- PEK (see Peck), David and Phebe Wakefield, Nov. 5, 1789. C.R.I. * PERHAM, Elizabeth of Upton, and John Cook, int., May 19, 1822. PERSONS (see Parsons), George and Argail (Abigail, int.) Rawson of Uxbridge, Mar. 19, 1789. James and Thankfull Read of Uxbridge, int., Jan. 22, 1796. Sarah of Uxbridge, and Ellis Aldriche, int., Dec. 18, 1829. PHELPS, Franklin F. of Southbridge, s. of Abram and Betsey, a. 21 y., and Sabra W. Clafiin, d. of Oliver W. and Tabitha H., a. 21 y., Oct. 19, 1848. PHETEPLACE, Zebidee and Sylvia Winter, May 26, 1813. PHILIPPS (see Phillips), Manson of Worcester, and Louisa (Loiza W., int.) White, Jan. — , 1837. * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. I47 PHILLIPS (see Philipps), Andrew S. of Grafton, s. of John and Catharine, a. 21 y., and Rosanna M. Drake of Grafton, d. of Jonathan H. and Ann B., a. 18 y., Sept. 16, 1845.* Lucius J. (Lewis, int.), s. of Benjamin B. and Betsey M., a. 21 y., and Mary E. Pollock, d. of Samuel and Phelina, a. 22 y., Apr. 9, 1846. Olive of Thompson, Conn., and Otis Jepherson, int., Jan. 11, 1829. PIERCE (see Peirce), Abraham of Millbury, and Almira Cole, int., Jan. 27, 1823. Isaac T., s. of Hilkiah and Betsey A., a. 31 y., and Maria A. Brock, d. of James and Mary, a. 32 y., Dec. 13, 1848. Jonathan Jr. of Sutton, and Phebe Chamberlin, in Sutton, July 6, 1788. Leander and Lovina Lafflin, int.. Sept, 10, 1838. Lewis of Sutton, and Maranda Benson, Jan. 20, 1842. Martha and Doten Smith, int., Dec. 20, 1824. Polly of Uxbridge, and Edward Ellison, Feb. 28, 1793. W. Aurelia, d. of Hilkiah and Betsey, a. 22 y., and Newell Southard, s. of Jonathan and Samantha R., a. 26 y., Apr. 26, 1846. William H. of Sutton, and Eliza S. Batcheller, int., Apr. 25, 1841. PLUMMER, Israel and Amelia Taft Cooper, Jan. i, 1835. Louisa, a. 28 y., and Joseph Batcheller of (East, int.) Douglas, a. 38 y., Dec. 18, 1844. POLLOCK, Mary E., d. of Samuel and Philina, a. 22 y., and Lucius (Lewis, int.) J. Phillips, s. of Benjamin B. and Betsey M., a. 21 y., Apr. 9, 1846. POPE, Elizabeth W. of Dudley, and Charles D. Hutchinson, int., Apr. 2, 1844. Mary R. of Dudley, and John Fisher, int., Apr. 4, 1847. West of New Braintree, and Sylva Adams, Nov. 12, 1795. POTTER, Sally and Lieut. William Park, Oct. 5, 1780. POWERS, Benjamin and Lydia Melardy (Melledia, int.), Apr. 16, 1777. John, s. of John and Mary of Ireland, a. 45 y., and Nancy Bolster, wid., d. of W[illia]m and Patience Inman, a. 45 y., Jan. 31, 1847. * Inteation not recorded. 148 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. Powers, Lemuel (Jr., int.) and Abigail Newland, Apr. 16, 1777. Patience and Ephraim Robobins M. (Robins, int.), May i, 1825. PRATT, Hannah and Samuel Allbee, Dec. 20, 1781. Lucian N. and Hellen Elizabeth Melcher, Feb. 3, 1834. Mary Thankfull and George Aldrich, int.. Sept, 24, 1821. PRENTICE (see Prentiss), Abigail B., d. of Luke and Azubah, a. 21 y., and John D. Mowry of Smithfield, R. L, s. of Nathaniel and Lydia, a. 23 y., Sept. 25, 1845. Calvin of Grafton, and Anne Aldrich, int., Sept. 7, 1834. Caroline (Caroline M., int.) and Elam Rogers, Nov. 27, 1828. Charlotte H., d. of Samuel B. and Polly, a. 18 y., and George A. Armsby, s. of Joshua and Sally, a. 22 y.. May i, 1849. Darcus of Sutton, and Silas Batcheller, Jan. 30, 1794. Eleanor and Charles (Charles C, int.) Spring of Uxbridge, Feb. 15, 1844. Elkanah and Pazy Tumberlain of Holliston, int., Jan. 26, 1784. Harriet S. and Philander Putnam of Paxton, Oct. 3, 1838. Levi and Rachel Darling, Sept. 20, 1801.* Lucretia J. of Millbury, and Horace Armsby, int., Feb. 2, 1834. Lucy H. and James C, Remington, May 7, 1840. Luke and Azuba Adams, Sept. 26, 1805. c.r.i. Luke Jr. and Amey Joslen, int., Feb. 21, 1836. Marvel of Douglas, and Phebe Wallace, Jan. 6, 1841. Mary and Joseph Martin of Sutton, int., July 20, 1810. Mary D. and Alpheus Rawson of Uxbridge, int.. Mar. 26, 1821. Mary T. and Freeman Fuller of Worcester, Feb. 15, 1844. Millen and Julia Ann Fuller of Sutton, int., Apr. 7, 1844. Nahum and Nancy Whiple of Sutton, int., Nov. 23, 1806. Nahum and Asenath Thayer of Douglas, int., July 25, 1813. Sam[ue]l B. and Polly Thayer of Rehoboth, int., Sept. 6, 1818. Sarah and Joel Wright, Nov. 5, 1809. PRENTISS (see Prentice), Mary Ann, d. of Otis and Hannah, a. 24 y., and Lewis Armsby, widr., s. of Joshua and Martha, a. 32 y., June 3, 1847. PRESSEY, Julia Ann and William H. Adams, int., Apr. i, 1846. PRESTON, Amariah, Dea., and Lucy West of Brooklin, int., May 8, 1808. Elizabeth and (Rev., int.) Joseph Cheney of Wiscasset, Apr. 22, 1804. C.R.I. * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. 149 Preston, Ezekiel and Mercy Taft, Apr. 21, 1790. Levice and Willard Taft of Townsend, Jan. 22, 1789. Willard and Lucy Maria Baker, Jan. i, 181 1. PROCTOR, Edward and Sarah Biillen, Apr. 15, 1844. PROUTY, Amanda and George A. Wood of Millbury, int., Aug. 20, 1848. Lavinia W., d. of James and Lavinia, a. 20 y., and Moses Wal- radt, s. of Daniel and Polly, a. 23 y., May 31, 1849. PUTNAM, Elizabeth and Benjamin Morse, both of Sutton, Nov. 29, 1816.* John M. and Harty Mason, Aug. 6, 1835. Philander of Paxton, and Harriet S. Prentice, Oct. 3, 1838. Polly of Sutton, and John Hall, int., May 19, 1805. Sarah of Sutton, and Tourtellot Inman Esq., int., Mar. 14, 1847. Sulivan and Millee R. Draper, June 6, 1837. QUINT, Isabella S. and Benjamin N. Gavit of Smithfield, R. I., Jan. 23, 1837. Nathaniel W. and Pamelia C. Neff, int., Dec. 11, 1836. RAND, Abby R. (Abby H., int.) of Wrentham, d. of Samuel and Susan, a. 28 y., and Edwin E. Whipple, s. of Amos and Lydia, a. 28 y., Jan. 4, 1849. RANDAL, Ruben of Richmond, and Molly Aldrich, Aug. 13, 1782. RAWSON^ Abigail of Upton, and Frebun White, int., Mar. 11, 1810. Abigail and Daniel Adams, Apr. 19, 1824. Abraham V. of Upton, and Ruth Wheeler, int., Dec. 7, 1828. Alpheus of Uxbridge, and Mary D. Prentice, int.. Mar. 26, 1821. Argail (Abigail, int.) of Uxbridge, and George Persons, Mar. 19, 1789. Caleb of Upton, and Molly Aldrich, int., Oct. 24, 1802. Caleb Jr. and Ann Moriah Jones of Grafton, int., Oct. 11, 1840. Elisabeth and Abel Aldrich, both of Uxbridge, June 21, 1791.* Hannah of Uxbridge, d. of Caleb and Mary, a. 35 y., and Henry Taft of Uxbridge, s. of Elkanah and Ruth, a. 26 y., Oct. 2, 1845.* * Intention not recorded. 150 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. Rawson, John N. and Mary Ann Rawson of Uxbridge, int., July 17, 1836. Joshua of Upton, and Hopestill Aldrich, Apr. 22, 1824. Judson and Mary Abbott of Holden, int., Apr. i, 1825. Lurania and William E. (William W., int.) Wood, Jan. i, 1840. Mariah and Welcome Aldrich of Uxbridge, int., Jan. 31, 1830. Mary Ann of Uxbridge, and John N. Rawson, int., July 17, 1836. Olive and Oliver Wilkerson of Townsend, Jan. 30, 1792. Priscilla and Asa Lathe of Grafton, Sept. 6, 1786.* Sally of Upton, and Timothy Winter Jr., int.. Mar. 24, 1792. Sarah C. and Albert Burr, Apr. 28, 1842. Silas and Mary Dodge of Sutton, int., Apr. 7, 1839. Stephen Esq. of Providence, R. I., and Joanna B. Aldrich, Sept. 5, 182 1. William and Mary Ellison, in Mendon, Aug. 12, 1779. Wilson L. and Marcia T. Barrett of Grafton, int., Apr. 25, 1847. Zipporah and Nehemiah Adams, Apr. 7, 1784. RAZEY, Rachel Arnold of Cumberland, R. I., and Ahaz Aldrich, int.. May 23, 1813. READ (see Reed), Abner and Synthia Adams, Apr. 8, 1816. Achsah and Tourtleot Inman of Gloucester, R. I., Oct. 3, 1805. C.R.I. Arnold of Xenia, O., and Cynthia S. Adams, Aug. 7, 1843. Daniel and Hulay (Huldah, int.) Jacobs of Uxbridge, in Ux- bridge, June 16, 1799. Hannah and Abijah Paine, Nov. 15, 1792. Lucy and James Cabel, a transient person, int., Jan. 30, 1803. Martha and Amos Wheeler Jr. of Worcester, June 2, 1785.* Mary (Polly, int.) and Amos Emerson of Chester, Apr. 8, 1795. Thankfull of Uxbridge, and James Persons, int., Jan. 22, 1796. REDDY, Patrick and Catharine Kay, int., June 29, 1848. REDFIELD, Lavina E,, d. of Warren and Ruth, a. 23 y., and Levi R. White, s. of Joseph and Nancy, a. 25 y., Mar. 28, 1849. Miranda and Caleb L. Sweet, Mar. 31, 1840. Sarah and John C. Sweet of Upton, int.. Mar. 13, 1842. Warren F. and Elizabeth C. Gould, Oct. 31, 1841. REED (see Read), Silas W. of Princeton, and Mary McNamary of Sutton, Oct. 18, 1826. C.R.I.* * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. I5I REMINGTON, Charles C. and Mary A. Scarborough, Nov. — , 1841. James and Sarah Hendrick, int., June 14, 1836. James C. and Lucy H. Prentice, May 7, 1840. Leander C, s. of Benedict and Mary Ann, a, 21 y., and Lydia M. White, d. of Washington and Lydia M., a. 20 y., Feb. 4, 1846. Mary E., d. of Benedict and Mary Ann, a. 17 y., and Lorenzo W. Bixby, s, of Simon and Hannah, a. 23 y., Sept. 2, 1847. Thomas M. and Susan Miller, Feb. 21, 1844. RHODES, George W. and Elmira D. R. Taft of Uxbridge, int., Nov. 5, 1843. RICE, Alexander of Shrewsbury, and Lotte Morse of Sutton, Apr. 6, 1815.* John and Elizabeth A. Horrington of Grafton, int.. Mar. 5, 1843. Nancy of Ward, and Joseph White, int., Apr. 5, 1813. Sally D. of Sutton, and Horace Wadleigh, int., Feb. 25, 1844. RICH, Ezekiel (Rev., int.) of Greenwich, and Rachel Crane, Dec. 20, 1809. Sarah of Troy, N. H., and Willard G. Dunn, int., Oct. 19, 1833. RICHARDSON (see Richerson), Cloe of Sutton, and Ebenezer Carpenter, int;, Sept. 23, 1816. Reuben, widr., s. of Silas and Lucy, a. 30 y., and Mary Ann Thomas, d. of Daniel and Louisa, a. 29 y., Jan. 11, 1849. RICHERSON (see Richardson), Ahnira of Taimton, and Caleb B. Wheeler, int., Apr. 24, 1837. RIDER, Sally of Seekonk, and Benj[ami]n Innice, int.. May 2, 1825. RILEY, Hue of Uxbridge, and Harriot Grossman, int., Oct. 18, 1826. RIST, Levi of Sutton, and Celindia Hunt, Nov. 21, 1808. RIXFORD, Harvey C, s. of Artemas and Rachel, a. 27 y., and Harriet A. Day, d. of Daniel and Lucy, a. 21 y., Oct. 9, 1847. ROBBINS (see Robobins), Benjamin and Abagail Sibley of Sutton, int., Sept. 16, 1849. Ira T. of Sutton, and Ellathyna P. Miller, Mar. 13, 1843. * Intention not recorded. 152 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. ROBINSON, Erastus, Dr., widr., s. of Joshua and Sybil, a. 70 y., and Chloe Stone of Uxbridge, d. of George and Mary, a. 44 y., Feb. 13, 1845. Mary C. (Mary J., int.) and James S. Simmons of Sutton, July 4, 1837. Nancy P. and Solomon E. Golding of Grafton, int., May 7, 1843. ROBOBINS (see Robbins), Ephraim (Robins, int.) and Patience Powers, May i, 1825. ROCKWOOD, Calvin R. of Upton, and Ann Mariah B. Aldrich, int., Sept. 12, 1841. Sally of Grafton, and Clark Adams, int., Sept. 18, 1831. RODGERS (see Rogers), Jane and Chandler W. Cooper, int., Dec. 26, 1841. ROGERS (see Rodgers), Elam and Caroline (Caroline M., int.) Prentice, Nov. 27, 1828. Obed Smith and Alvina Vose of Cumberland, R. I., int., Nov. 23, 1829. Susanna E. of Grafton, and Melotte Baker, int., Jan. 3, 1830. ROSE, Emily Ann and Willis B. Taft of Webster, Nov. 30, 1837. John and Elizabeth (Elizabeth B., int.) Aldrich, Nov. 30, 1843. Mark D. and Hannah W. Cooper, May 25, 1844. Mary and James Snowling, Mar. 31, 1838. Oliver and Sally W. Cooper, Nov. 19, 1835. RUSSELL, George S. and Edna L. Bugbee, int., Oct. 19, 1845. RUTER, Job and Sarah Trusdel of Leicester, int., Feb. 13, 1774. SABIN, Charles and Martha Sibley of Sutton, int., Dec. 3, 1812. Lydia and Moses C. Dodge, Sept. 15, 1844. SADLER (see Sattler), Caleb of Grafton, and Naomy Gold- thwait, Nov. 11, 1790. SAMPSON, Ivers J. of Millbury, and Caroline F. Eager, int., Mar. 5, 1830. SANDERS (see Saunders), Asa of Upton, and Mary Winter, Dec. 15, 1811. Lurany and Walter H. Andrus, int., Oct. 25, 1835. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. I53 SANTON, Clarissa, d. of Joseph and Jane, a, i6 y., and Jacob Sattler of Milford, s. of Jacob and Julia Ann, a. 28 y., June 2, 1847. SATTLER (see Sadler), Jacob of Milford, s. of Jacob and Julia Ann, a. 28 y . , and Clarissa Santon, d. of Joseph and Jane, a. 16 y., June 2, 1847. SAUNDERS (see Sanders), Harriet H. of Cumberiand, R. I., and George F. Mclntire, int., Dec. 25, 1842. Patience H. of Grafton, and James F. Whitin, int., July 3, 1842. SAWTEL, Ebenezer (Edward, int.) of Shrewsbury, and Miranda (Miranda R., int.) Bonzey, Apr. 3, 1840. SAYLES, Richard of Uxbridge, a. 26 y., and Sarah E. McBride, d. of Obediah and Amity, a. 23 y., Jan. i, 1846, SCARBOROUGH, Mary A. and Charles C. Remington, Nov. — , 1 84 1. SEAGRAVE (see Seagraves), Lois of Uxbridge, and Oren Keyes, in Uxbridge, Sept. 7, 1783. SEAGRAVES (see Seagrave), Edward and Hannah Fowler, Jan. 4, 1830. SEARLES, George of Sutton, and Juliann Williams, Sept. 29, 1830. SEARS, David and Hannah Whitney, Oct. 4, 1829. Lucinda and Samuel Read Cady of Douglas, Sept. 29, 1825. SERAY, Bridget and John Craddock, int., Aug. 9, 1846. SHAW, Samuel of Millbury, and Elizabeth Walkden, int., Dec. 3. 1843. SHELDON, Nancy C. of Southampton, and Rev. Lewis F. Clark, int.. May 16, 1843. SHEPHERD, Elizabeth and Thomas Goldthwait, Nov. 25, 1790. Susan, wid., d. of Joseph and Comfort Durgin, a. 46 y., and Thomas Dooley, widr., s. of Patrick and Margaret, a. 40 y., Dec. 13, 1846. 154 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. SHEiy\4AN (see Shermon), Aaron Jr. of Westborough, and Thamer Adams, Sept. 2, 1805. c.r.i. George C. and Margaret Williams, int., May 8, 1842. John of Sutton, and Laura Taft, Dec. 2, 1819. Martha of Grafton, and Hugh McNamara, in Grafton, July i, 1784. SHERMON (see Sherman), Sally of Grafton, and Benjamin Bassett, int., Dec. 27, 1807. SHERWOOD, Hiram, s. of and Patty of Southbridge, a. 29 y., and Esther Brown, d. of John and Clarissa of Charlton, a. 28 y., Oct. 17, 1846. SHIPPEY, Artemas of Smithfield, R. I., and Hannah Fisher, Feb. 22, 1818. SIBLEY, Abagail of Sutton, and Benjamin Robbins, int., Sept. 16, 1849. Abner and (wid., int.) Abigail Wilson, Sept. 25, 1814. Judith of Sutton, and Nathan Taft, in Oxford, Oct. i, 1778. Julia M. and Francis Dodge, Sept. 16, 1829. Martha of Sutton, and Charles Sabin, int., Dec. 3, 181 2. Sophia of Barre, and Lieut. Arnold Adams, int., Oct. 3, 1815. SIMMONS, James S. of Sutton, and Mary C. (Mary J., int.) Robinson, July 4, 1837. SIMPSON, Lucius and Maria Thomas of Douglas, int., Aug. 26, 1849. SINCLAIR, Elizabeth of Spencer, and John Dunn, in Spencer, Oct. 6, 1794 (June 4, 1774, int.). SKINNER, Abigail H. of Franklin, and Thomas Gouldthwait Jr., int.. May 29, 1828. SLOCOMB (see Slocumb), Augustus of Grafton, and Sarah M. Dodge, Dec. 21, 1836. Betsey M. and Simeon Albee of Mendon, Apr. 9, 1828. John of Sutton, and Mary Parker, Nov. 21, 181 1. John Wilkes of Sutton, and Sarepta Adams, int., Apr. 5, 1813. Joshua of Franklin, and Lucy Dunn, Nov. 25, 1784. Julia of Sutton, and Noah White, Mar. 19, 1801. Loisa Pierce of Oxford, and David Dunn Jr., int., Aug. 16, 1830. Lucinda M. and John Bigelow of Sutton, int., July 28, 1833. Lydia and Lewis StockweU, Apr. 12, 1827. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. 1 55 SLOCUMB (see Slocomb), Loammi (Lora, int.) and Rhoda Alexander, Feb. 6. 1840. SMITH, Betsey and Woodbury Lackey, Apr. i, 1814. Betsey and Henry Lintem, July 6, 1837. Corydon and Bridget O'Connell, int., Sept. 29, 1849. Doten and Martha Pierce, int., Dec. 20, 1824. Elijah H. and Lucinda Winter, int., Oct. 11, 1835. Eliphelet and Rachel McFarland, both of Grafton, Oct. 8, 1795. C.R.I.* Elisha and Mahala Underwood of Oxford, int., Dec. 30, 1832. Jacob and Sally Croxford, May 2, 1796. John L. and Diana C. (Diana E., int.) Drake, Apr. 22, 1838. C.R.I. Jonathan Jr., s. of Jonathan and Nancy, a. 20 y., and Sarah F, Carr, d. of Jonathan and Ruth J., a. 21 y., Apr. 28, 1846. Joshua D. and Pema Buss, May i, 1839. Laura Ann and Daniel Sprague of Douglas, May 24, 1827. Lindal of Gloucester, R. I., and Sarah Taft, Feb, 12, 1815. Lotsenia and Enoch Bradley, June 5, 1839.* Louisa and Riley Keech, Mar. 31, 1842. Mary and Daniel Day, Sept. 17, 1820. Mary D. of Uxbridge, and William W. Wood, int., Sept. 18, 1842. Nancy, d. of Jonathan and Nancy, a. 21 y., and Charles Jack- son of Grafton, s. of Nathan and Mary, a. 26 y., Aor. 29, 1846. Persis and Thomas Johnson, Nov. 16, 1843. Polly, d. of Elisha and Heart, a. 39 y., and Thomas Spruhan, widr., s. of Michael and Margaret, a. 35 y., Dec. 11, 1845. Saralla and Salsbury Sprague of Sutton, July 28, 1831. Seymour of Uxbridge, and Betsey E. Wood, Mar. — , 1838. Susan and Amasa Irons (of Smithfield, R. I., int.), Feb. — , 1842. Thorret and Caroline D. H. Gilbert, June 18, 1839. Urania H. and Francis D. Irons, Aug. 17, 1843. Warren N. of Douglas, and Maria Keech, Mar. 11, 1841. Watson P. of Springfield, and Maranda W. Knapp, in Mendon, Nov. 26, 1839. SNOWLING, James and Mary Rose, Mar. 31, 1838. James Jr. and Susan Johnson, Aug. 4, 1844. Nancy of Grafton, d. of James and Relief, a. 16 y., and William Mayor of Grafton, s. of Ralph and Nancy, a. 25 y., Sept. 30. 1845.* * Intention not recorded. 156 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. SOUL, Mary Ann and Daniel Newman of Uxbridge, int., Oct. 17, 1847. SOUTHARD, Newell, s. of Jonathan and Samantha R., a. 26 y,, and W. Aurelia Pierce, d. of Hilkiah and Betsey, a. 22 y., Apr. 26, 1846. SOUTHWICK, Baruch A. (of Mendon, int.) and Mary Fowler, Nov. 6, 1833. Daniel W. and Susan Thayer of Douglas, int., Jan. 21, 1849. Esther and Amasa Eddy, Mar. 15, 1804. Ezra and Judith White, July 27, 1823. Jacob of Douglas, s. of Jonathan, and Sarah Fowler, d. of Sam[ue]ll, 4th day, 6th mo., 1778. C.R.3.* Jesse E. and Ruth M. Taft, Oct. 26, 1836. Jonathan and Miranda Carpenter of Sutton, Mar. 28, 1844. Mariah of Mendon, and Rodney Martin, int., Jan. 21, 1838. Mary and Simeon Buckling, a transient person, Feb. 22, 1801. SOUTHWORTH, Katharine of Bridgewater, and Ambrose Keith, int., Oct. — , 1796. SPRAGUE, Daniel of Douglas, and Laura Ann Smith, May 24, 1827. Daniel and Eliza Comstock, int., July 17, 1836. Salsbury of Sutton, and Saralla Smith, July 28, 183 1. SPRING, Adolphus and Lydia Taft of Mendon, in Mendon, Nov. 20, 1794. Charles (Charles C, int.) of Uxbridge, and Eleanor Prentice, Feb. 15, 1844. Ephraim and Eunice Taft of Uxbridge, in Uxbridge, Aug. 25, 1774- Hannah and James Fletcher Esq., Aug. 21, 1800. (Oct. 30, 1800. C.R.I.) Hannah and Bezaleel Taft Jr., Esq., of Uxbridge, Dec. 22, 1817. Lydia of Uxbridge, and Samuel Fletcher, int.. Mar. 20, 1803. Lydia and Benedict Arnold, May 2, 1827. Mariah of Uxbridge, and Merchant Tobey, int., Ma*r. i, 1818. Mary and Rev. Elias Dudley of Oxford, Oct. 22, 1793. Sarah and Alpheus Baylies of Uxbridge, Apr. 24, 1794. SPRUHAN, Thomas, widr., s. of Michael and Margaret, a. 35 y., and Polly Smith, d. of Elisha and Heart, a. 39 y., Dec. II, 1845. * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. 157 STAPLES, Lydia and Granville P. Farrar, int., Oct. i, 1831. STEARNS, Increase Jr. of Holden, and Marcy Basset, Dec. 10, 1783. Stiles of Upton, and Satyra Batcheller, Sept. 29, 181 7. (Sept. 29, 1816. C.R.I.) (Aug. 26, 1816, int.) STEERE, Abigail, d. of Enoch and Sarah of Gloucester, R. I., and Bernard Fowler, s. of Samuel and Hannah dec, 5th day, 12th mo., 1810. C.R.3.* STEPHENS, James B. aiid Sarah Thayer, int., May 23, 1847. STOCKWELL, Irene of Douglas, and Amory Dunn, int., Aug. 23. 1835. Lewis and Lydia Slocomb, Apr. 12, 1827. Martha and Pliny Elliot of Sutton, Sept. 24, 1829. STODARD (see Stoddard), Lucy Jr. of Upton, and Sylvanus B. Aldrich, int., July 10, 1836. STODDARD (see Stodard), Ophelia of Uxbridge, and James M. Famimi, int., Apr. 18, 1847. STONE, Andrew and Eunice Cone, Feb. 19, 1837. Chloe of Uxbridge, d. of George and Mary, a. 44 y., and Dr. Erastus Robinson, widr., s. of Joshua and Sybil, a. 70 y., Feb. 13, 1845. Jacob of Sutton, and Sally Adams, int., June 22, 1806. STRAIGHT, Anna and Samuel Cooper, May 10, 1781. John and Lois Batcheller, May i, 1794. Ruth and Turner Aldrich, int., Oct. 3, 1790. STREETER, Aldrich and Caroline M. Streeter of Ctmiberland, R. I., int., Apr. 10, 1838. CaroHne M. of Cumberland, R. I., and Aldrich Streeter, int., Apr. 10, 1838. Ebenezer Mason of Sutton, and Betsey (Eliza, int.) Batterson, Dec. 30, 1819. STURTEVANT, Caleb and Nancy Wood, Apr. 5, 1835. SUTTON, Hannah O. of East Douglas, and Stephen B. Hoi- brook, int., Nov. 10, 1839. • Intention not recorded. 158 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. SWAN, Ebenezer and Mary Martin, int., Feb. 10, 1835. SWEET, Caleb L. and Miranda Redfield, Mar. 31, 1840. Charles A. and Maria Newell, July 17, 1845. Hovey and Ann Maria Briggs, int., Apr. 23, 1843. Forbidden by his father, he being under age. James T. and Polly Howard, int., Feb. 17, 1833. John C. of Upton, and Sarah Redfield, int.. Mar. 13, 1842. Martha Ann and Lowel Kineston, int., July 29, 1827. Nancy of Grafton, and Jesse Tracy, int., Apr. 24, 1828. Rosemond and Samuel G. Bates, Jan. — , 1837. TAFT, Abigail of Uxbridge, and Lyman Aldrich Jr., May 28, 1828. C.R.I. Abigail R. (Abigail M., int.) and Lyman Taft, Apr. 11, 1822. Benjamin and Syrena Batchelor, Nov. 30, 1815. Betsey of Uxbridge, and Keith White, int., Aug. 8, 1809. Betsy of Upton, and Henry Morse, int., July 30, 1797. Bezaleel Jr., Esq. of Uxbridge, and Hannah Spring, Dec. 22, 1817. Caroline E. of Grafton, and Addison Taylor, int., Apr. 13, 1845. Charles of Uxbridge, s. of Elkanah and Ruth S., a. 25 y., and Rachel P. Aldrich, d. of Jesse and Susan, a. 21 y., Dec. 23, 1847. Cheney and Lurana Taft, Sept. 24, 181 2. Chloe M. of Uxbridge, and Luke S. Famum, int., Feb. 4, 1849. Clarisa and Ebenezer Folinsbe of Leicester, July 23, 1805. C.R.I. Eliza and Perdiscus Batcheller of Providence, R. I., Dec. 18, 1827. Elizabeth and Chapin Kieth, both of Uxbridge, June 24, 1790. C.R.I.* Elmira D. R. of Uxbridge, and George W. Rhodes, int., Nov. 5, 1843- Elzaphan and Elizabeth Fowler, Dec. 3, 181 2. Eunice of Uxbridge, and Ephraim Spring, in Uxbridge, Aug. 25, 1774. George and Milla C. T. Brown of Douglas, int.. May i, 1842. Henry of Uxbridge, s. of Elkanah and Ruth, a. 26 y., and Hannah Rawson of Uxbridge, d. of Caleb and Mary, a. 35 y., Oct. 2, 1845.* Keith and Betsey Ann Madison, Feb. — , 1834. Laura and John Sherman of Sutton, Dec. 2, 1819. • Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. 159 Taft, Lois and Jacob Adams, Nov. 6, 1826. (Nov. 16, 1826. C.R.I.) Louisa and Josephus W. Peck of Mendon, Mar. 9, 1837. Lucinda M., d. of Cyrus and Lucinda M., a. 19 y., and Moses Darling Jr. of Boston, s. of Moses and Betsey, a. 31 y., Jan. 22, 1846. Lurana and Cheney Taft, Sept. 24, 1812. Lydia of Mendon, and Adolphus Spring, in Mendon, Nov. 20, 1794. Lydia M. and Washington White, June 4, 18 18. Lydia W. and Jediah D. Taylor, Mar. 23, 1843. Lyman and Abigail R. (Abigail M., int.) Taft, Apr. 11, 1822. Mariah and Elisha White, May 2, 1832. Martha of Upton, and Philander Hale, Sept. 6, 1829. Marvel and Ruth Murdock of Uxbridge, in Uxbridge, Apr. 29, 1784.* Marvel and Molly Taft of Uxbridge, Apr. 21, 181 7. Marvel and Sarah T. Adams, Nov. 26, 1840. Mary and Benj[ami]n Adams, May 30, 1819. Mercy and Ezekiel Preston, Apr. 21, 1790. Mercy and Nathan Goldthwait, July 4, 1792. Merrick L. and Emely Forbes of Keene, N. H., int., Oct. 8, 1837. Molly of Uxbridge, and Marvel Taft, Apr. 21, 1817. Nathan and Judith Sibley of Sutton, in Oxford, Oct. i, 1778. Orry and Deborah Keith of Grafton, int., Sept. 10, 1821. Otis of Upton, and Thankful Benson, Mar. 3, 1806. c.r.i. Patience of Uxbridge, and Abner Cooper, int., Oct. 2, 1803. Rachel and Rev. John Crane, Feb. 3, 1784. Rozannah of Uxbridge, and Josiah Wood Jr., in Uxbridge, May 28, 1791. Ruth and Benjamin (Eben[eze]r, int.) Farrow Jr., July 19, 1804. C.R.I. Ruth M. and Jesse E. Southwick, Oct. 26, 1836. Sarah of Mendon, and Daniel Fuller, in Mendon, Mar. 15, 1789. Sarah and Lindal Smith of Gloucester, R. I., Feb. 12, 1815. Sylvanus H. and Sophia Jacobs, May 7, 1834. Syrena B., d. of Benjamin and Syrena, a. 21 y., and Emerson V. Greene, s. of Levi and Mary, a. 22 y., Sept. 5, 1848. Willard of Townsend, and Levice Preston, Jan. 22, 1789. Willard and Mercy Aldrich, both of Mendon, Nov. 22, 1818.* Willis B. of Webster, and Emily Ann Rose, Nov. 30, 1837. Zadok of Uxbridge, and Abigail Bennett, Nov. 20, 1800. • Intention not recorded. l6o NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. TAYLOR, Addison and Caroline E. Taft of Grafton, int., Apr. 13. 1845- James (Jr., c.r.i) of Sutton, and Lucy Goldthwait, Dec. 15, 1797. (Dec. 15, 1796. C.R.I.) Jediah D. and Lydia W. Taft, Mar, 23, 1843. John, Rev., of Shutesbury, and Hannah Crane, May 30, 1817. (May30, 1816. c.r.i.) (May i, 1816, int.) Lucy H,, d. of Charles and Susan, a. 23 y., and Francis H. Hewitt of Sutton, s. of Hammond and Lydia of Sutton, a. 21 y., Jan. 20, 1847. Obed and Almira Meriam of New Salem, int., May 6, 1827. TEFFT, Elizabeth of Smithfield, and Enoch Child, in Smithfield, R. L, July 2, 1783. THACHER, Moses F. and Caroline B. Aldrich, Oct. 12, 1842. THAYER, Abijah of Douglas, and Betsey Thayer, in Douglas, Aug. 22, 1780. Amherst and Lucy Farrar, Oct. 19, 1797. (Sept. 24, 1797. C.R.I.) Anderson and Phebe Bates of Smithfield, R. L, int., Dec. 7, 1834. Asenath of Douglas, and Nahum Prentice, int., July 25, 18 13. Betsey and Abijah Thayer of Douglas, in Douglas, Aug. 22, 1780. H. Adaline of Uxbridge, and Edwin Armsby, int., Oct. 30, 1842. Israel and Polly Hayward, Mar. 22, 1784. Lewis and Mary Harrington of Shrewsbury, int., Apr. 18, 1823. Mary, wid., of Mendon, and William Bowen, int., Dec. 15, 1785. Mehitable and Samuel Lincoln, Jan. 5, 1785. Polly of Rehoboth, and Sam[ue]l B. Prentice, int., Sept. 6, 1818. Sarah and James B. Stephens, int.. May 23, 1847. Susan of Douglas, and Daniel W. Southwick, int., Jan. 21, 1849. William of Scituate, and Sarah Adams, int.. May 7, 1780. William and Polly Adams, Mar. 25, 1801. (Mar. 25, 1800. C.R.I.) (Mar. 9, 1800, int.) THOMAS, Maria of Douglas, and Lucius Simpson, int., Aug. 26, 1849. Mary Ann, d. of Daniel and Louisa, a. 29 y., and Reuben Richardson, widr., s. of Silas and Lucy, a. 30 y., Jan. 11, 1849. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. l6l THOMPSON (see Thomson), John A. and Charlotte A. Col- bum of Mendon, int., Apr. 25, 1847. Lucina and Samuel A. Wheeler of Grafton, int., Mar. 24, 1839. Sarah P. and George M. Carr, int., Apr. 2, 1848. Smith and Rachel Inman of Smithfield, R. I., int., Sept. 17, 1835. THOMSON (see Thompson), Joseph and Mary Godbold, Dec. 3, 1772. Lyman and Betsey Adams of Leicester, int., Oct. 8, 1811. Martha and Nathan Gardner, Mar. 22, 1774. Mary and Sam[ue]ll demons, Mar. 22, 1774. Susan of Smithfield, R. I., and Mose Dyer, int., Dec. 29, 1823. THORNTON, Barbery and Avery Waterman, Jan. 25, 183 1. THURSTON, Mary and Wilham Apthorp of La Hash, 111., int., Nov. 29, 1836. THWING, Sarah of Uxbridge, and Aaron Batcheller, Dec. 10, 1789. TIFFANY, James and Axel Marsh, both of Douglas, Apr. 5, 1808.* Lydia of Douglas, and Otis D. Aldrich, int., May i, 1842. TILLINGHAST, Mary Matilda and David Burbank Jr., June 29, 1817. TOBEY, Merchant and Mariah Spring of Uxbridge, int., Mar. I, 1818. TOWN (see Towne), William H. of Southbridge, and Lydia M. Holley, Dec. 31, 1838. TOWNE (see Town), Almira H. of Pawtucket, and Jesse P. Hewett, int., Mar. 9, 1845. TRACY, James and Dolly Ellison, Oct. 12, 1809. Jesse and Nancy Sweet of Grafton, int., Apr. 24, 1828. Jonna (Joanna, int.) and James Hall, Apr. i, 1802, TRASK, Stephen Jr. of Uxbridge, and Juda Himt, Aug. 2, 1785.* TRIPP, Robert T. and Harriet (Harriet I., int.) Fairbank, Sept. II, 1831. TRUSDEL, Sarah of Leicester, and Job Ruter, int., Feb. 1;^, 1774. * Intention not recorded. l62 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. TUMBERLAIN, Pazy of HoUiston, and Elkanah Prentice, int., Jan. 26, 1784. TURNER, Mary of Pittsfield, and Francis E. Beckwith, int., Dec. 8, 1844. TWITCHELL, Clarissa of Westborough, and Eleazer Flagg Jr., int., May 11, 1823. TYLER, Joanna and Dr. Benjamin Webster of Upton, Dec. 30, 1818. UNDERWOOD, Mahala of Oxford, and Elisha Smith, int., Dec. 30, 1832. UPHAM, Mary and Charles Curtis of Grafton, June 10, 1840. VERRY, Cloe H. and David S. Wilder, Mar. 9, 1837. James and Nancy Nolen, int., Nov. 3, 1834. VICORY, Hannah and Israel Brown, int., Dec. 7, 1833. VILAS, Samuel (transient person, int.) and Rhuby Cooper, Mar. 30, 1791. VINCENT, William K. and Sarah D. Batcheller, both of Mill- biu-y. May i, 1836.* VOSE, Alvina of Cumberland, R. I., and Obed Smith Rogers, int., Nov. 23, 1829. WADLEIGH, Horace and Sally D. Rice of Sutton, int., Feb. 25, 1844. WADSWORTH, Polly of Grafton, and James Martin, int., Mar. 2, 1828. Sarah of Barre, and Henry Holbrook, int., Apr. i, 1827. WAKEFIELD, Phebe and David Pek, Nov. 5, 1789. c.r.i.* Sally and Josiah Norcross, both of Shrewsbury, Apr. — , 1820.* WALCH, Mary and William Condon, int., Aug. 5, 1849. WALKDEN, Elizabeth and Samuel Shaw of Millbury, int., Dec. 3, 1843. WALKER, Amory A. and Mary Whiting, Mar. 26, 1818. Reuben and Eunice Peirce, Nov. 3, 1795. * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. 163 WALKUP, Susy and Solomon Aldrich Jr., int., Apr. 21, 1782. Susy and Bamet Cole, int., June 8, 1781. WALL, Edward G. and Susan Wintworth, int., July 23, 1831. WALLACE, Mary, d. of Willard and Joan, a. 22 y., and William A. Dudley of Douglas, s. of Samuel and Chloe, a. 21 y., Nov. 20, 1844.* Phebe and Marvel Prentice of Douglas, Jan. 6, 1841. WALRADT, Moses, s. of Daniel and Polly, a. 23 y., and La- vinia W. Prouty, d. of James and Lavinia, p.. 20 y., May 31, 1849. WARFIELD, Mary An and Henry Dearth, Dec. 25, i83[i]. C.R.I.* Obediah and Abigail Johnson, int., Aug. 17, 1828. Ruth and John Munyon, Oct. 23, 1833. Samuel (Samuel T., int.) and Celia Bowen, Dec. 26, 1831-2. C.R.I. WARNER, Lucy and Joseph Cummings, int., Aug. 6, 1815. WARREN, Charles F. and Melinda B. Fuller of Attleboro, int.. May 6, 1849. Levene and Deborah Fisher of Attleboro, int.. May 20, 181 7. Olive (Warner, int.) and Patrick O'Brien, Nov. 30, 1828. Sarah L., d. of Levene and Deborah, a. 24 y., and William W. Whitaker, s. of Peter and Polly, a. 27 y., Nov. 8, 1846. WATERHOUSE, Joseph and Ann L. Yeamshaw of North Providence, R. L, int.. May 12, 1847. WATERMAN, Avery and Barbery Thornton, Jan. 25, 1831. WATERS, Maria of Sutton, and Dr. Artemas Bvillard, in Sutton, Feb. 27, 1796. Martha of Millbury, and Sylvanus Holbrook Esq., int., Mar. 29, 1840. Sophia of Millbury, and Dea. Alvan Lealand, int., Nov. 30, 1834. WATSON, Sharper of Thomson, and Rosannah Felix, int., Oct. 15, 1788. (Rosanna Felix and Shap., a negro of Thompson, m., Nov. 28, 1788. c.r.i.) WEAVER, Otis and Lucy Cooper, int., Dec. 5, 1833. * Intention not recorded. 164 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. WEBBER, Lurana J. (Laurana T., int.) and John M. Adams, Mar, 25, 1830. WEBSTER, Abisha of Upton, and Harriet N. White, Feb. 23, 1841. Benjamin, Dr., of Upton, and Joanna Tyler, Dec. 30, 1818. WELLINGTON, Eunice H. of Boylston, and Jonathan P. Holt, int., Sept. I, 1844. WELLS, Sarah of Cumberland, R. I., and Seth Warren Clapp, int., Sept. 25, 1849. WEST, Lucy of Brooklin, and Dea. Amariah Preston, int.. May 8, 1808. WHEELER, Ambrose C. and Gratia A. Lockwood, int., Sept. 10, 1848. Amos Jr. of Worcester, and Martha Read, June 2, 1785.* Benjamin, s. of Obadiah and Ann, both dec, and Urania, Inman, d. of Daniel and Abigail of Smithfield, R. L, 3d day, 6th mo., 1847. C.R.3.* Caleb B. and Aknira Richerson of Taunton, int., Apr. 24, 1837. Caleb B. and Lucy M. Knapp of Walpole, Feb. 24, 1839. Caroline E. and Simon B. Babcock, int., July i, 1849. George B., s. of Benjamin and Rhoda, and Abigail Inman, d. of Daniel and Abigail of Smithfield, R. I., ist day, 9th mo., 1842. C.R.3.* Hannah D., d. of Antipas and Damans, a. 18 y., and Samuel C. Bursley, s. of Samuel and Abigail, a. 21 y., Aug. 26, 1846. Hiram M., widr., of Shrewsbury, s. of Antipas and Damans, a. 27 y., and Nancy R. White, d. of Joseph and Nancy, a. 20 y., May 11, 1847. Justus S. and Marietta Newell of Grafton, int., Mar. 17, 1849. Meriam and Elias Hull of Millbury, May 29, 1839. Pavd A. and Dorothy G. Corser of Cimiberland, R. I., int.. May 5, 1844. Riley and Amelia Fowler, Apr. 5, 1829. Ruth and Abraham V. Rawson of Upton, int., Dec. 7, 1828. Samuel A. of Grafton, and Lucina Thompson, int.. Mar. 24, 1839. WHEELOCK, Charles and Emily Knapp, both of Sutton, May 29, 1836.* Francis E. and Sarah Howe of Milford, Nov. 26, 1835. * Intention not recorded.. t NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. 165 Wheelock, Polly L. of Mendon, and Stephen Goldthwait Jr., int., Nov. g, 1826. Simeon and Catharine Croney of Uxbridge, Nov. 29, 1804. C.R.I. "WHIPLE (see Whipple), Nancy of Sutton, and Nahum Prentice, int., Nov. 23, 1806. WHIPPLE (see Whiple), Amos Jr. and Lousa Learned of Sturbridge, int., Dec. 15, 1839. Edwin E., s. of Amos and Lydia, a. 28 y., and Abby R. (Abby H., int.) Rand of Wrentham, d. of Samuel and Susan, a. 28 y., Jan. 4, 1849. Lydia and Charles Hager of Grafton, May 6, 1838. c.r.i. WHITAKER, William W., s. of Peter and Polly, a. 27 y., and Sarah L. Warren, d. of Levene and Deborah, a. 24 y., Nov. 8, 1846. WHITE, Abisha and Betsey Howel of Douglas, int., July 10, 1799. Alden and Achsah Wing, Mar. 12, 1809. Amos and Hephzibah Aldrich of Upton, int., Aug. 7, 1803. Amos Jr. and Amarintha Aldrich, int., Aug. 5, 1832. Anna and Nelson Paine of Smithfield, R. L, Jan. 13, 1839. Betsey and Ellis Burt, Sept. — , 1819 (int., Sept. 20, 1819). Calista and James Dyke of Millbury, int., Apr. 6, 1829. Comfort and Alexander Aldrich Jr., June 16, 1797. (June 16, 1796. C.R.I.) (May 30, 1796, int.) Elisha and Mariah Taft, May 2, 1832. Eunice and James Fletcher Jr., Jan. i, 1817. Eunice F. and Horace Hill of Blackstone, int., Oct. 5, 1845. Frebun and Abigail Rawson of Upton, int.. Mar. 11, 1810. Harriet N. and Abisha Webster of Upton, Feb. 23, 1841. Jefferson and Abigail (Abigail P., int.) Eastman, Mar. 3, 1828. Jesse and Anna Masson of Uxbridge, int., Mar. 10, 1777. Joel and Martha Fobes, Nov. 21, 1780. Joel and Priscilla P. Converse, int., Sept. 8, 1844. Joseph and Nancy Rice of Ward, int., Apr. 5, 1813. Judith and Ezra Southwick, July 27, 1823. Keith and Betsy Taft of Uxbridge, int., Aug. 8, 1809. Laura and Robert Bennet, May 21, 1829 (Lucena White and Robert B. Bennet, int., Jan. 4, 1829). Laura A. and Orison W. Brigham of Shrewsbury, Oct. 12, 1842. 1 66 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. White, Levi R., s. of Joseph and Nancy, a. 25 y., and Lavina E. Redfield, d. of Warren and Ruth, a. 23 y.. Mar. 28, 1849. Louisa (Loiza W., int.) and Manson PhiHpps of Worcester, Jan. —,1837. Lowel and Miranda Dodge, Oct. 5, 1828. Lucy and Dr. Artemas Bullard, Dec. 6, 1798. Lucy B. and Abner H. Dodge Jr., Sept. 29, 1835. Luke, s. of Amos and Hipzabeth, a. 23 y., and Ruth M. Gates, d. of John and Ann, a. 21 y., June 11, 1845. Lurana T., d. of Washington and Lydia M., a. 22 y., and S. Edwin Chase, widr., s. of Silas and Lucinda, a. 34 y., Oct. 30, 1845. Lydia and Lysander A. Hoton, Aug. 19, 1834. Lydia M., d. of Washington and Lydia M., a. 20 y., and Leander C. Remington, s. of Benedict and Mary Ann, a. 21 y., Feb. 4, 1846. Mary A. of Exeter, Me., and James W. B. Fuller, int., Nov. 22, 1846. Nancy and Rufus Morse of Sutton, int., Sept. 11, 1820. Nancy R., d. of Joseph and Nancy, a. 20 y., and Hiram M. Wheeler, widr., of Shrewsbury, s. of Antipas and Damaris, a. 27 y., May 11, 1847. Noah and Julia Slocomb of Sutton, Mar. 19, 1801. Orpah and Silas Morse, both of Uxbridge, Feb. 15, 1791. C.R.I.* Patty and Josiah Hall of Grafton, Sept. 29, 1822. Polly and John Cooper Jr., Apr. 2, 1801. Rebecca (Rebecca H., int.) and Stephen Henry, Apr. 11, 1832. Ruth T. and Nathaniel E. Carpenter of Hookset, N. H., Nov. 9, 1841. Stephen R. of Grafton, and Nancy Fowler, int., Jan. 16, 1842. Washington and Lydia M. Taft, June 4, 1818. Wealthy and James Merril, Sept. 4, 1826. (Sept. 24, 1826. C.R.I.) WHITIN (see Whiting), James F. and Patience H. Saunders of Grafton, int., July 3, 1842. John Crane and Catharine Lealand of Sutton, int.. May 8, 1831. Margaret F., d. of Paul and Betsey, a. 25 y., and Rev. Jacob J. Abbott of Bennington, Vt., s. of Jacob and Nancy, a. 32 y., Sept. 16, 1845. Paul and Betsey Fletcher, Dec. 3, 1793. WHITING (see Whitin), Mary and Amory A. Walker, Mar. 26, 1818. • Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. l(^ WHITMAN, Sarah A., d. of W[illia]m W. and Htddah, a, 23 y., and Benjamin McBride, b. in Bolton, s. of Obadiah and Amity, a. 28 y., Dec. 18, 1844. WHITNEY, Azubah of Westborough, and Joel Adams, Apr. 24, 1806. Hannah and David Sears, Oct. 4, 1829. Hannah of Milton, and S. Holbrook Esq., int., Sept. 11, 1830. Levi S. and Sarah E. Knapp, both of Sutton, Oct. 9, 1836.* Nahtim of Westborough, and Susanna Adams, Oct. 22, 1809. WTLCOTT, Thomas of Dudley, and Fanny Andrews, May 21, 1817. (May 21, 1816. C.R.I.) (Feb. 24, 1816, int.) WILDER, David S. and Cloe H. Verry, Mar. 9, 1837. WILKERSON, Oliver of Townsend, and Olive Rawson, Jan. 30, 1792. WILLIAMS, Albert W., s. of Thadeus and Eliza, a. 21 y., and Elizabeth A. Day, d. of Abner and Fiorina, a. 19 y., June 3, 1845. Amos and Achsah Dunn, Sept. 24, 1805. c.r.i. Chester and Sally Draper of Uxbridge, in Uxbridge, Jan. 13, 1797. Elias and Lucy Hendrick, int., Dec. 13, 1840. Francis B. and Louisa Z. Buxton, int., Jan. 7, 1849. John and Abigail Darling of Sutton, int., July 3, 1808. Jtdiann and George Searles of Sutton, Sept. 29, 1830. Lucy and Phillip Leonard, Oct. 30, 18 14. Margaret and George C. Sherman, int.. May 8, 1842. Sarah and Manasseh Baker, both of Uxbridge, May 31, 1792.* Thadde[u]s and Eliza Innice, Jan. 16, 18 14. Thadeus of Douglas, and Phebe Bassett, Feb. 4, 1801. Wheelor of Sutton, and Cynthia Blackman, Apr. 17, 1814. WILLIS, Daniel of Milford, and Abigail Fry, Apr. 19, 1822. WILLMARTH (see Wilmarth), John T. and Eliza Cowden of Pawtucket, int., Nov. 3, 1834. WILMARTH (see Willmarth), Jabez W. and Eliza Ann Eggle- ston of Smithfield, R. I., int., May 10, 1834. WELMOT, Reuben H., s. of Osee and Lydia, a. 29 y., and Janette W. Herrick, d. of Ira and Evaline, a. 21 y.. May 25, 1848. * Intention not recorded. 1 68 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. WILSON, Abigail (wid., int.) and Abner Sibley, Sept. 25, 1814. Abram A. and Emily Inman, Jan. — , 1842. Ephraim of Grafton, and Elizabeth B. Hathaway, int., Nov. 4, 1832. Eunice S. and Benoni L. Goldthwait of Mendon, July 16, 1820. Sally of Spencer, and Nehemiah Adams, Jan. 12, 1807. Samuel of Upton, and Silence Hill, Nov. 10, 1797. WING, Achsah and Alden White, Mar. 12, 1809. Anne, d. of Jabez and Anna dec. of Smithfield, R. I., and John Aldrich, s. of John and Mary, both dec, 6th day, 8th mo., 1807. C.R.3.* Elizabeth of Smithfield, R. I., and Thomas Bowen, int., Feb. i, 1789. Hiram, Capt., and Mary B. Aldrich, Apr. 18, 1843. Lovisa and Levi Aldrich of Smithfield, R. I., Nov. 29, 1826. WmSLOW, Jacob and Elizabeth Knap, in Sutton, Sept. 28, 1778.* WINTER, Ann and Alpheus Fuller, int.. Mar. 19, 1837. Anna and Henry Croney, Feb. 27, 181 2. Betsy and Nathaniel Cooper Jr., Nov. 26, 1801. David and Anna Cooper, Aug. 29, 1782. David Jr. and Dinah Larkin, Apr. 8, 18 13. Diana and Itheal Cummings, Oct. 13, 1814. Ebenezer and Elizabeth Chamberlain, Nov. 20, 1783. Elizabeth and Daniel Fuller of Grafton, Aug. i, 1803. Harrison and Rebekah Lippitt, int.. Mar. 8, 1840. Lidia, wid., and Rev. John Cooper, Jan. 10, 1816.* Lucinda and Elijah H. Smith, int., Oct. 11, 1835. Mary and Asa Sanders of Upton, Dec. 15, 181 1. Rachel and Gardner Aldrich, Oct. 15, 1789. Ruth and Nathan Adams, Jan. 16, 1806. c.r.i. Sarah and Jesse New, Oct. 22, 1815. Sylvia and Zebidee Pheteplace, May 26, 1813. Thad[d]eus and Marg[e]ry Holbrook of Upton, int., Apr. 7, 1789. Timothy (John, int.) and Hepsibah Cooper, in Uxbndge, Oct. 12, 1773. Timothy Jr. and Sally Rawson of Upton, int.. Mar. 24, 1792. Willard and Lucy Gould of Westborough, int., Jan. 24, 1807. William and Anna Chamberlin of Grafton, Apr. 19, 178 1. Wniiam and Levice Aldrich of Upton, int., Dec. 4, 1790. * Intention not recorded. NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. 169 WINTWORTH, Susan and Edward G. Wall, int., July 23, 1831. WOOD, Amory and Patience Wood, in Uxbridge, May 4, 1794. Betsey E. and Seymour Smith of Uxbridge, Mar. — , 1838. CoUister of Grafton, and Sarah Bowen, int., Aug. 21, 1808. Emory and Elizabeth Paddock of Newton, Oct. 10, 1838. Eunice and Daniel Carpenter of Uxbridge, Feb. 12, 1797. Eunice S. of Uxbridge, and Amasa B. Benson, int., Apr. 27, 1845. George A. of Millbury, and Amanda Prouty, int., Aug. 20, 1848. Joseph of Upton, and Lucretia Forbush, July 17, 1806. Josiah Jr. and Rozannah Taft of Uxbridge, in Uxbridge, May 28, 1791. Lois and Reuben Commings of Grafton, June 15, 1794. Lucinda of Uxbridge, and Joseph Ellison, in Uxbridge, Nov. 27, 1798. Miranda and John Green, Sept. 14, 1829. Nancy and Caleb Sturtevant, Apr. 5, 1835. Obadiah of Mendon, and Rebekah Fowler, Mar. — , 1840. Olive of Uxbridge, and Cyrus Adams, in Uxbridge, Oct. 4, 1798, Patience and Amory Wood, in Uxbridge, May 4, 1794. Polly of Uxbridge, and Rufus Bennett, int., Nov. i, 1801. Polly of Upton, and Clark Aldrich, int., Nov. 7, 1813. Ruth of Milford, and Abner Adams, int.. Mar. 22, 1781. Waity, wid., and Capt. Jesse Aldrich [no date] (int., Nov. 15, 1840). Wheelock and Lydia Murdock, Mar. 31, 1785. William E. (William W., int.) and Lurania Rawson, Jan. i, 1840. William W. and Mary D. Smith of Uxbridge, int., Sept. 18, 1842. Ziporah and Ezra Ames, late of Albany, Oct. 6, 1794. WOODBURY, Simon J. of Sutton, and Sabrina Dodge, Sept. 11, 1827. WOODCOCK, John of Leicester, and Ann Jinkings, int., Aug. 10, 1823. WOODWARD, Josiah of Sutton, and Lois Legg, in Sutton, Oct. 26, 1797. 170 NORTHBRIDGE MARRIAGES. WORSEBY, Louis of Thomson, Conn., and Edward Joslin, int., Dec. — , 1819. WRIGHT, Eunice of Upton, and David Dunn, Oct. 25, 1792. Joel and Sarah Prentice, Nov. 5, 1809. YEARNSHAW, Ann L. of North Providence, R. I., and Joseph Waterhouse, int., May 12, 1847. YOUNG, William H. and Sylvia M. Leland of Auburn, int., Nov. 14, 1848. NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. NORTH BRIDGE DEATHS. To THE YEAR 1850. ABBOTT, Elizabeth F., July i6, 1849. g.r.i. ADAMS, , ch. of Daniel and Betsey, Jan. 30, 1823. Aaron, Capt., Oct. 28, 1843. (^- 9^ y- Revolutionary soldier. G.R.8.) Abagail (w. of Daniel, g.r.8). Mar. 31, 1844. (Mar. 30, 1844, a. 58 y. G.R.8.) Abagail Z., d, of Nathan and Abagail, July 25, 1844, a. 5 m. 11 d. Bowel complaint. Abner, Jan. 18, 1834, a. 76 y. g.r.8. Anna, d. of Nathaniel and Lucy, Dec. 12, 1805, in his 34th y. g.r.8. Betsey, w. of Daniel, Mar. 23, 1823. (a. 34 y. g.r.8.) Clarissa Marsh M., d. of Daniel and Abigail, Sept. 21, 1828, a. 2 y. 2 m. g.r.8. Cyrus, Nov. 24, 1844, a. 68 y. 9 m. 25 d. Md. Diabetes. Edward Holman, s. of Sylvanus and Chloe (Chloe H., g.r.8), Feb. 8, 1841. (a. 10 m. 6 d. g.r.8.) Elias, Nov. 24, 1842. (a. 26 y. g.r.8.) Francis, Nov. 7, 1802 (in his 50th y. g.r.8). Gilbert Franklin, s. of Sylvanus and Chloe (Chloe H., g.r.8), Feb. 13, 1841. (a. 8 y. 9 m. 16 d. g.r.8.) Goldthwait (Willard Goldthwait, g.r.8), s. of Dan[ie]l and Betsey, Mar. 23, 181 5. (a. 3 y. 5 m. 8 d. g.r.8.) Harriet, d. of Abner and Lucy, Oct. 29, 1825. (a. 21 y. g.r.8.) Harriet E., b. in Sutton, d. of Moses and Harriet, May 15, 1844, a. 15 y. I m. Erysipelas. Jane Louisa, d. of Jacob and Lois, Dec. 10, 1840. John, Apr. 24, 1796, in his 77th y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.8. John, father of Clark, June 22, 1828. 173 174 NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. Adams, John B., s. of John M. and Lunara J., Sept. 20, 1840. Jonathan, s. of Clark and Silence, Sept. 7, 1829. Josephine, d. of Capt. Arnold and Sophia, Oct. 2, 1831, a. 8 m. G.R.8. Judson Laroy, s. of Sylvanus and Chloe H., Dec. 9, 1843. (a. 14 m. 9 d. G.R.8.) Laura, d. of Cyrus and Olive, Nov. 20, 1818. Lothrop, s. of Zebadiah and Sally, Aug. 2, 1796, a. 5 m. 6 d. G.R.8. Lucy, w. of Nathaniel, Sept. 11, 1833, ^- ^3 y. Lucy, 2d w. of Abner, Jan. 29, 1843, ^- 7^ y- g.r.8. Mary, w. of John, Apr. 4, 1787, a. 79 y. Nathan W., s. of Nathan and Ruth, Sept. 26, 1838, a. 21 y. G.R.8. Nathaniel, h. of Lucy, Sept. 26, 1833, a. 89 y. Olive, w. of Cyrus, Feb. 8, 1831. Otis, s. of Abner and Lucy, Jan. 21, 1798, a. 6 w. g.r.8. Polly, w. of John 2d, Nov. 20, 1824. Polly, w. of Capt. Cyrus, June 9, 1840. Ruth, w. of Abner, June 20, 1794, in her 3 2d y. g.r.8. Ruth, w. of Nathan, Oct. 26, 1838. (a. 53 y. g.r.8.) Samuel, s. of Capt. Cyrus and Olive, Feb. 5, 1829. Sarah, w. of Capt. Aaron, Aug. 15, 1814, a. 54 y. g.r.8. Sibley, s. of Capt. Arnold and Sophia, Aug. 27, 1822, a. 3 y. II m. G.R.8. Silence, w. of Clark, Sept. 4, 1829. (a. 48 y. g.r.8.) Talitha (Talitha Ann, g.r.8), d. of Daniel and Betsey, Apr. 7, 1809. (a. I y. 8 m. 12 d. g.r.8.) Warren, Oct. 13, 1813, a. 21 y. g.r.8. Warren, s. of Nathan and Ruth, Sept. 26, 1838. Zebadiah, s. of Abner and Lucy, Apr. 3, 181 5, a. 8 m. g.r.8. Ziporah, wid. of Ne[he]miah, Mar. 17, 1814. ALDRICH, , w. of Josiah, May 16, 1821. Ahaz, h. of , Sept. 28, 1825. Alexander, h. of Abigail, Mar. 14, 1814. Alexander, b. in Uxbridge, Sept. i, 1848, a. 80 y. Md. Gravel. Alpheus, h. of Penelope, June 28, 1823. Amasa Read, s. of Samuel W. and Joanna, May 3, 1825. Barnabas, h. of Betsey, Mar. 8, 1816. Brown, s. of David and Mary, Apr. 27, 1808. (a. 23 y. 8 m. 19 d. G.R.6.) David Jr., s. of David and Mary, Nov. 15, 18 19. (nth day, nth mo., 1819, a. 25 y. 10 m. g.r.6.) NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. I75 Aldrich, David, 13th day, 7th mo., 1828, a. nearly 71 y. g.r.6. David, s. of Jesse and Susan, Oct. 23, 1830. Dorcas, d. of Peleg and Huldah, , 1835. Elizabeth, d. of John and Elizabeth, Nov. 25, 1820. Ellis, s. of Abel of Uxbridge, Oct. i, 1838. Francis Fisk, s. of Jesse and Susan, Apr. 10, 1843. Franklin, s. of Jesse and Susan, Aug. 11, 1831. George W., s. of Jesse and Susan, Mar. 27, 1845, 9- 8 h. Ira, s. of David, Mar. 2, 1820. (9th day, 3d mo. 1820, a. 31 y. 6 m. G.R.6.) Joanna W., w. of Willard and d. of Rufus Bennett, Mar. 16, 1829. (a. 23 y. 10 m. g.r.6.) John Jr., h. of Betsey, Feb. 24, 1826. John, Mar. 11, 1838. Lucinda Ann, d. of John and Betsey, Jan. 16, 1840. Lyman, Maj., Sept. 15, 1842 (in his 74th y. g.r.6). Martha, d. of Sam[ue]l and Sarah, July 6, 1794. Mary, May 11, 1842. (a. nearly 79 y. g.r.6.) Mary B., d. of Jesse and Susan, Oct. 11, 1833. Molly, wid. of Bamabus, June — , 1826. Paul, July 28, 1834. Rachel, d. of Paul and Mary, Aug. 16, 1820. Robert B., s. of Peleg and Huldah, Feb. 2, 1826. Samuel Jr., s. of Sam[ue]l and Sarah, Mar. 30, 1794. Sam[ue]l, h. of Huldah, July 5, 1^14. Samfuejl, , 1820. (May 6, 1820, a. 56 y. 8 m. g.r.6.) Samuel B., s. of Peleg and Huldah, Feb. 20, 1847, a. 26 y. 6 d. Typhus fever. Samuel W., Jan. 24, 1844. (s- 43 V- 8 m. g.r.6.) Sarah, w. of Sam[ue]l, Dec. 17, 1819. (a. 53 y. 3 m. 3 d. g.r.6.) Willard, s. of Willard and Joanna, May 3, 1825. ALLEN, Anna Elizabeth, d. of James and Lucia L., Dec. 28, 1849, a. 2 y. 5 m. 12 d. Canker rash. Lucia L., b. in Pomf ret. Conn., w. of James, Sept. 25, 1848, a. 32 y. 2 d. Disease of bronchial organs. ANDREWS, Caroline, d. of Hawkins and Lucinda, June 24, 1848, a. I m. 7 d. Fits. Emeline P., b. in Uxbridge, d. of Hawkins and Lucinda, Aug. 5, 1848, a. 4 y. 8 m. Disease of the brain. ARMSBY, , s. of Lewis and Clarissa, June 9, 1846. Stillborn. Ann Maria, w. of Edwin, July 16, 1840. 176 NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. Armsby, Catharine P., d. of Edwin and H. Adeline, Jtily 24, 1849, a. 2 y. 14 d. Disease of bowels. Clarissa, b. in Townsend, w. of Lewis, June 9, 1846, a. 27 y. Childbed. Henry Lewis, s. of Lewis and Mary Ann, Aug. 12, 1848, a. i m. 17 d. Bowel complaint. ARNOLD, Oliver, b. in Douglas, s. of Virgil M. and Sarah, Sept. 29, 1844, a. 2 y. 9 m. Croup. AXTELL, Rebeckah, Miss., Nov. 14, 1807, a. 54 y. g.r.8. BACHELOR (see Batcheler, Batcheller, Batchellor), Ellen Augusta, d. of Joel Jr. and Laura, Nov. 25, 1844. (a. 3 y. 5 m. dup.) (a. 3 y. 4 m. 22d. g.r.8.) BAKER, Phila, b. in Upton, Jan. 23, 1848, a. 71 y. 4 m. 5 d. Unm. Disease of the spine. BALLOU, Fenner, widr., b. in Rhode Island, Sept. 28, 1848, a. 50 y. Heart disease. BARBER, Betsey Ann, b. in Portland, Me., w. of James, Dec. 25, 1847, a. 37 y. Consumption. BARNS, Sally, wid. of and d. of Aaron and Sarah Adams, Dec. 9, 1823. BARRETT, Laura, w. of , Aug. — , 1841. c.r.2. BARTLET, Jehu, Oct. 31, 1822. BASSET (see Bassett), David, s. of Simeon and Abigail, Feb. 4, 1815. (a. I y. 9 m. 9 d. g.r.8.) BASSETT (see Basset), Benjamin, Jan. 26, 1804, a. 61 y. 2 m. Simeon Jr., s. of Simeon and Abigail, May 14, 1804. Zilpah, d. of Benj[ami]n and Marcy, Jime 4, 1804. BATCHELER (see Bachelor, Batcheller, Batchellor), Forta- natus, s. of David and Patty, Oct. 17, 18 14. BATCHELLER (see Bachelor, Batcheler, Batchellor), , ch. of Aaron and Nancy, Feb. 2, 1823. Abigail (Bacon), w. of Maj. David, Apr. 10, 1804, a. 63 y. Anna, d. of Capt. Simeon and Lucy, Apr. 27, 1813, a. 2 y. 9 m. G.R.8. NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. 177 Batcheller, Betsey, b. in Rowe, w. of (Capt., g.r.8) Adol- phus, Aug. 27, 1846, a. 51 y. 4 m. I d. Liver complaint. David, Maj., May 6, 1806, a. 64 y. (Revolutionary soldier. G.R.8.) Edward Forbes, s. of OUis and Prudence, Aug. 11, 1827. Edward Payson, s. of Joel Jr. and Laura, Sept. 9, 1840. (a. I y. 5 m. 25 d. G.R.8.) Elizabeth, d. of Adolphus and Betsey, Oct. 13, 1838. (a. 6 y. 4 m. G.R.8.) Jairus Harrison, s. of Josiah and Mary, Oct. 27, 1825. Joel, s. of Joel and Judith, Apr. 4, 1804, a. 4 m. 8 d. g.r.8. Joel, s. of David and Lois (Wood), Apr. 5, 1844, a. 74 y. 11 d. Josiah, Apr. 14, 1841. Judith (Judith (Burdon) dup.), b. in Sutton, wid. of Joel, Feb. II, 1845, a. 69 y. 4 m. 11 d. (a. 69 y. 7 m. 9 d. dup.) Cancer. Lois (Wood), d. bet. Mar. 24, 1770 and Oct. 6, 1772. g.r.8. Lois Wood, d. of David and Patty, in Famumsville, Grafton, Sept. 27, 1839. Madana (Lucy Madana, g.r.8), d. of Joel and Judath, Nov. 26, 1837. (a. 24 y. G.R.8.) Martha Ann, d. of Zeri and Charlotte, Nov. 24, 1844, a. 8 m. Canker rash. Martin L. (Martin Luther dup.), s, of Joel (Jr. dup.) and Laura, Sept. 30, 1844, a. 9 m. (a. 8 m. 28 d. g.r.8.) Whooping cough. Mary B., w. of Bridgham A., July 12, 1847, a. 35 y. i m. 12 d. Constimption. Rachel AxteU (Goldthwait), wid. of Maj. David, Apr. 8, 1827, a. 73 y- Simeon Jr., s. of Capt. Simeon and Lucy, Oct. 24, 1833. (a. 28 y. g.r.8.) Simeon, Capt., father of Adolphus, in Sutton, Mar. 15, 1840. (Mar. 14, 1840, a. 73 y. g.r.8.) Simeon, s. of (Capt., g.r.8) Adolphus and Betsey, Apr. 28, 1840. (a. 4 y. 4 m. g.r.8.) Simeon, s. of Nelson and Mary A., Aug. 22, 1846, a. 7 d. Susanna, d. of Aaron and Nancy, Feb. 19, 1824. BATCHELLOR (see Bachelor, Batcheler, Batcheller), Abigail, d. of Silas and Dorkis, Sept. 29, 1796. David, h. of Pattee, Dec. 28, 1810. Erastus, s. of David and Pattee, in Sutton, Sept. i, 1806. 178 NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. BATES, David, inhabitant of Charlton, Apr. 20, 1828. Hannah, wid. of , May 6, 1837, BATHRICK, Jonathan, , 1828. g.r.i. BAYLIS, Sarah J., d. of N. and Margaret F. Chapin, Sept. 28, 1830, G.R.I. BEAN, Hazen, s. of Hazen O. and Mary, Jan. 19, 1840. Martha, w. of Rnfus C, Sept. 11, 1846, a. 25 y. Brain fever. BENNETT, Joanna, w. of Robert, July 4, 1811. (a. 61 y. G.R.6.) Polly, w. of Rtifus, Dec. 5, 1825 (in her 47th y. g.r.8). Robert, Dec. 9, 1829, a. 87 y. g.r.6. BENSON, Amasa, s. of Benj[ami]n and Martha, Oct. 28, 1777. Amasa, Sept. 22, 1847, ^' ^^ Y- 7 ^- 7 d. Md. Dysentery. Benjamin, Mar. 29, 1802, in his 6ist y. g.r.8. Benjamin, s. of Benj[ami]n and Martha, in Sutton, Mar. 18, 18 1 5 (in his 29th y. g.r.8). Gardner A., s. of Amasa and Sarah, Oct. 15, 1833, a. 23 y. G.R.4. Hannah (Miss, g.r.8), Apr. 22, 1831. (a. 56 y. g.r.8.) Martha, w. of Benjamin, Sept. 25, 1806, in her 60th y. g.r.8. Sarah, wid. of Amasa, Aug. 20, 1848, a. 58 y. i d. Dysentery. Silence, d. of Benj[ami]n and Martha, Nov. 10, 1777. Timothy, s. of Benj[ami]n and Martha, Oct. 22, 1777. Willard, s. of Amasa and Sarah, Jan. 18, 1847, a. 28 y. G.R.4. BILLS, Cordelia Ellen, d. of Davis and Julia, — — , 1848. G.R.I. Eliza B., w. of Davis, Sept. 21, 1843, ^- 34 Y- ^o m. g.r.6. Huldah, w. of Davis, Mar. 16, 1835, a. 30 y. i m. 19 d. g.r.6. Julia, w. of Davis, , 1847. g.r.i. BLACKMAN, Amherst, s. of Joel and Ebial, Mar. 14, 1815, a. 6 y. G.R.io. BOLSTER, Albert, s. of Olney and Eliza, , 1847. g.r.2. James, b. in Uxbridge, Mar. 29, 1846, a. 23 y. 10 m. Md. Typhus fever. Jesse, July 5, 1839. Loranah M., d. of Olney and Eliza, , 1849. g.r.2. Marietta, d. of Olney and Eliza, , 1849. g.r.2. Olney, s. of Olney and Eliza, , 1846. g.r.2. NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. I79 BOWEN, Ann Maria, d. of Charles and Urana, Aug. 29, 1829. (a. 2 y. 15 d. G.R.6.) Betsey M., w. of William, Feb. 11, 1849, a. 30 y. 4 m. 26 d. Fever. George, Feb. 15, 1832. Smith, s. of Thomas and , Nov. 21, 1820. (a. 17 y. 7 m. G.R.6.) Thomas, in Worcester, Sept. 3, 1842. (a. 79 y. 6 m. g.r.6.) BRIGGS, Elijah, Feb. 3, 1806, in his 67th y. g.r.io. Mercy, w. of Elijah, Oct. 26, 1809, in her 64th y. g.r.io. BROWN, Deforest L., s. of Rowland H. and Nancy, Aug. i, 1846, a. 10 m. 8 d. Bowel complaint. Emma Sophia, d. of Parley Jr. and Elizabeth, Aug. 11, 1846, a. I y. 10 m. Inflammatory fever. James P., s. of Perley Jr. and Elizabeth, Oct. 4, 1847, a. 5 m. 8 d. Croup. Joseph M., b. in Smithiield, R. I., s. of Rowland H. and Nancy, July 10, 1848, a. 17 y. 4 m. 27 d. Dysentery. Mary, wid. of , Dec. 10, 1815. BRUCE, Eliza W., Miss, May 31, 1816, in her 40th y. g.r.8. BULLARD, George Nathaniel, s. of Libertine and Ehza Ann, Oct. I, 1848, a. 7 y. 2 m. 22 d. Dysentery. Maria, w. of Dr. Artemas, June 6, 1798. BURBANK, David, h. of , Aug. 9, 1826. BURDON, Almon, s. of John and Lucy, Aug. 22, 1774, a. 2 y. 9 m. 6 d. G.R.IO. Betsey, w. of John Jr., Jtme 11, 1808, in her 24th y. g.r.io. John, Sept. 20, 1837, a. 90 y. g.r.io. Lucy, w. of John, Sept. 25, 1822, a. 72 y. g.r.io. Martha, d. of Salmon and Polly, Oct. 2, 1847, in her 25th y. g.r.io. Mary, d. of Salmon and Polly, Nov. 13, 1846, in her 42d y. G.R.IO. BURKE, Bridget, b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick and Ann, Mar. 29, 1849, a. 12 y. 8 m. Cramp on stomach. BURR, Abigail A., d. of Albert and Sarah C, Nov. 15, 1844, a. II m. 15 d. Throat distemper. BURT, Rachel, d. of John and Rachel, Oct. 10, 1808. l8o NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. BUXTON, George, b. in Uxbridge, Oct. lo, 1844, a. 20 y. Typhus fever. Md. CAD WELL, John (John Hale, G.R.9), s. of Ebenezer and Lucinda, Aug. — , 1838. (July 12, 1838, a. 3 m. G.R.9.) John, Sept. 10, 1836, a. 66 y. G.R.9. CADY, , d. of Samuel R. and Lucinda, Feb. 9, 1840. Ellen Maria, d. of Samuel R. and Lucinda, July i, 1844, a. 2 m.- 28 d. Consumption. CAMPBELL, Vesta, July — , 1849. c.r.i. CAPRON, Albert B., s. of Ahab and Amarintha, Jan. i, 1834, in his i8th y. G.R.4. CARPENTER, Betsey, d. of Samuel and Tiley, July 4, 1839, a. 31 y. G.R.io. Ebenezer, h. of Chloe, Mar. 19, 1823. (a. 42 y. g.r.io.) Jonathan, Aug. 15, 1837. (Aug. 16, 1837, a. 27 y. g.r.io.) Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary, Oct. 5, 1839. Julia Daniels, d. of Job and Unity, in Brooklyn, Conn., May 3, 1816. (d. the day she was 10 years old. g.r.8.) Lucy, d. of Ebenezer and Chloe, Sept. 17, 1827, a. 3 y. G.R.IO. Martha Bartlett (youngest, g.r.8) d. of Job and Unity (Su- sanna, G.R.8), July 20, 1825. (a. 13 y. g.r.8.) Martha Bartlett, d. of Nathaniel E. and Ruth T. (Ruth Taft, g.r.8), Nov. 25, 1843. (a. 15 m. g.r.8.) Sally, Miss, Sept. 13, 1836, a. 53 y. g.r.io. Samuel, Oct. i, 1826, in his 48th y. g.r.io. Sarah, wid. of and mother of Sam[ue]l and Eben[eze]r, Oct. 16, 1822. Silence A., d. of Samuel and Tiley, Nov, 8, 1826, a. i y. 9 m. 27 d. g.r.io. Susannah, b. in Franklin, w. of Job, Feb. 6, 1849, ^- 75 Y- 7 °i- 4 d. Lung fever. Tiley, wid. of Samuel, Oct. 27, 1828, in her 39th y. g.r.io. Unity T. (Unity Thurston, 2d d., g.r.8), d. of Job and Unity, Jan. 17, 1831. (a. 22 y. g.r.8.) CARR, Frances M., d. of Hial C. and Sara H., , 1844. G.R.I. Jonathan Jr., s. of Jonathan and Ruth, Feb. 10, 1840. Lewis Woodman, s. of Jonathan and Ruth, Feb. 21, 1840. NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. l8l CARTER, Mary, w. of Cephas, May 22, 182 1, a. 22 y. 6 m. 3 d. G.R.4. Mary Ann, d. of Cephas and Mary, Aug. 20, 1829, a. 12 y. 6 m. 24 d. G.R.4. CHAMBERLIN, Adaline, d. of Silas and Sally, May 22, 1836, a. 29 y. G.R.8. CHAPIN, Ame, Aug. 30, 1840. c.r.2. Caroline, d. of Capt. Henry and Abigail, Apr. i, 1815, a. 3 m. G.R.8. Joseph Goffe, s. of Capt. Henry and Abigail, July i, 1816, a. 21 d. G.R.8. Lemuel P., s. of Simeon and Ann T., Sept. ii, 1843. CHASE, Abby Amanda, w. of Oliver R. and d. of Sam[ue]l Fletcher, Jan. 9, 1849, a- 32 y. c.r.2. Amanda, b. in Sutton, w. of Silas E., Nov. 16, 1844, a. 30 y. II m. 13 d. (a. 32 y. c.r.2.) Consumption. Charles, b. in Sutton, Sept. 28, 1844, a. 47 y. 11 m. 5 d. Con- sumption. Md. CHENY, Mary M., b. in Wethersfield, Vt., d. of Lothrop and Phebe, Dec. 5, 1849, a. 19 y. 8 m. Scarlet fever. CHIPMAN, , d. of Stephen and Phoebe, Aug. 25, 1844, a. I m. 7 d. Fits. Stephen, b. in Barre, July 14, 1849, a. 51 y. 10 d. Md. Dropsy on chest. CmXMAN, Abigail, wid. of , May 22, 1825. CLARK, Roderick Sheldon, s. of Rev. Lewis Franklin and Mary Sheldon, May 6, 1846. g.r.i. COLE, Stephen, h. of Hannah, May 13, 1816. COMSTOCK, Anna, b. in Richmond, N. H., w. of Ezra, Jime 4, 1844, a. 48 y. 8 m. Liver complaint. CONGDON, Adin B., s. of Josiah S. and Harriet B., Feb. 19, 1847, a. 8 m. 26 d. Lung fever. Albert, s. of Joshua and Sarah, Oct. 21, 1812. Catharine M., d. of Josiah S. and Harriet, Oct. 2, 1842. Joshua, 5th mo. 20th day, 1849. g.r.6. Thomas, s. of Joshua, July 3, 1826. l82 NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. CONVERSS, , w. of Putnam, Aug. 22, 1823. COOPER, Abner, widr., Dec. 13, 1847, a. 75 y. 8 m. 8 d. Heart disease. Ellen Maria, d. of John N. and Betsey P., Mar. 7, 1848, a. i y. 5 m. Croup. HoUice Nathaniel, s. of John L. and Sarah, July 26, 1848, a. II m. Dysentery. John, Elder, Apr. 19, 1818. Lurindia, d. of Nath[ani]el Jr. and Betsey, July 10, 1816. Manning, s. of John and Penelope, Apr. 21, 1809. Mary L., d. of John N. and Betsey P., Mar. 8, 1848, a. 3 y. 6 m. 2 d. Croup. Nath[anie]l, July 16, 182 1. Otis, s. of Nath[anie]l and Mary, May 19, 1815. COWAN (see Cowen), Amelia, d. of James and Harriet, Dec. 6, 1840, a. 6 y. G.R.4. COWEN (see Cowan), Susan, d. of James and Harriet, Dec. 7, 1840. CRANE, John, Rev., Sept. i, 1836. (a. 81 y. g.r.8.) Rachel, w. of Rev. John, d.d., Nov. 16, 1832 (in her 74th y. g.r.8). CRAREY, Jerush, b. in Uxbridge, Dec. 17, 1846, a. 98 y. Ery- sipelas. CRONEY, John, Apr. 6, 1804. DALRYMPLE, Mary, w. of William, Jan. 23, 1785. DARLING, Caroline Malissa, b. in Mendon, d. of Collins and Lydia, Apr. 6, 1845, a. 2 y. 10 m. i d. Stoppage. Melissa Annette, d. of Collins and Lydia, Sept. 30, 1849, ^- ^ "^• Fits. DAVENPORT, Sarah, w. of William, Apr. 30, 1791, a. 82 y. G.R.IO. DAY, Charles, b. in Caledonia, Vt., s. of Abner and Florinda, Nov. 6, 1844, a. 13 y. 3 m. 13 d. Croup. Fiorina, b. in Orange, w. of Abner, Sept. 7, 1849, ^- 53 V- 3 ^' 15 d. Dysentery. Mary (Mary S., g.r.8), w. of Dan[ie]l, May 16, 182 1. (May 15, 1821, a. 20 y. g.r.8.) NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. 1 83 DELLIVER, Annah Alpheni, b. in Thompson, Conn., d. of George and Harriett, Jan. ii, 1847, a. 2 y. 2 m. 17 d. Typhus fever. DICKEY, Abagail B., b. in Mendon, w. of James, July 25, 1848, a. 63 y. Dropsy of the heart. Olive, b. in Spencer, w. of James, May 28, 1845, a. 62 y. Con- sumption. DODGE, Elizabeth A., d. of Capt. Abner and Rhoda A., Sept. 7, 1821, a. 4 m. 5 d. g.r.8. Henrietta, d. of Francis and Julia M., Jvdy 6, 1810, a. 9 m. 28 d. G.R.8. Rhoda A. (Rhoda Adams, g.r.8), w. of Capt. Abner, Sept. 13, 1842 (in her 62d y. g.r.8). Rhoda A. (Rhoda Adams, g.r.8), d. of Abner H. and Lucy B., Apr. 29, 1848, a. 3 y. 6 m. 13 d. Croup. Willard P., s. of Abner H., and Lucy B. White, Sept. 7, 1841, a. 13 m. 9 d. G.R.8. DOOLITTLE, Homer B., s. of Horley and Sarah M., Aug. 21, 1843. DUDLEY, Amasa, Oct. 21, 1846. g.r.i. Edwin Agustus, b. in Sutton, s. of Joseph and Louis, Feb. 5, 1845, a. 2 y. 7 m. 27 d. Jane Augusta, b. in Sutton, d. of Joseph and Louis, May 11, 1845, a. 5 y. 5 m. 29 d. Consumption. William Neill, s. of Amasa and Ann, May i, 1822. DUNN, , d. of Henry and Rachel, Aug. 5, 1822. Ceraphyne, d. of Henry Jr. and Rachel, Oct. 15, 1816, a. i m. G.R.8. David Jr., May 8, 1848, a. 40 y. g.r.6. Elias Frost, s. of Henry (Jr., g.r.8) and Rachel, Mar. 13, 181 5. (a. I y. I m. 22 d. g.r.8.) Elisabeth, w. of , Sept. 8, 181 2. Eliza B., d. of Henry and Rachel, Apr. 7, 1826. Henry, Feb. 16, 1820. Irena, w. of Emory, , 1838. Jacob G., s. of Henry Jr. and Rachel, July 20, 1817, a. 14 h. G.R.8. Lydia, d. of Henry Jr. and Rachel, Oct. 26, 1815, a. 14 h. G.R.8. Lydia, wid. of Henry, Aug. 28, 1824. 184 NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. DUSTIN, Martha Jane of Graton, Vt., Nov. 17, 1842. DYER (see Dyre), Susan, w. of Moses, Nov. 26, 1839. (a- 37 y- G.R.8.) DYRE (see Dyer), Abigail (Abigail I., g.r.8), mother of Moses and Angelina, Nov. 12, 1823. (w. of Edward, a. 49 y. G.R.8.) EAMS, Jane Moriah, d. of Aaron A. and Hannah, Aug. 18, 1842. EDDY, John, father of Jesse, Jan. 30, 1823. ELLIOTT, Policy, w. of Daniel, in Sutton, May 4, 1798. (May 4, 1799, a. 19 y. 5 m. 21 d. g.r.8.) ELMERS, Patrick, b. in Ireland, s. of Michael and Mary, June 2, 1848, a. 5 y. II m. 15 d. Drowned. EMERSON, Ann Eliza, d. of Oliver and Julia Ann, Oct. 26, 1836. Charles A., s. of Oliver and Julia Ann, July 29, 1840. Polly, w. of Nathaniel, Mar. 27, 1830. Suicide. FARRAR (see Farrow), Charles M., s. of Granville P. and Jane R., Sept. 9, 1847, a. i y. 3 m. 3 d. Cholera infantum. FARROW (see Farrar), Cecelia A., d. of Benjamin and Ruth, July 18, 1835, a. 25 y. g.r.8. FAY, Judith, w. of Lymon and d. of Joel and Judith Batchelder, Oct. 2, 1838. (a. 38 y. G.R.8.) FISHER, Charles H., s. of Forest and Mercy, Nov. 25, 1844, a. 5 y. 6 m. 19 d. Canker rash. David K., s. of Emery and Bathsheba, Aug. 26, 1844, a. i y. Consumption. Isabella R., d. of Robert D. and Alice, Oct. 16, 1843. Lucy Mariah, d. of Forest and Mercy, Oct. 5 (Oct. 8, c.r.i), 1844, a. 16 y. 8 m. 6 d. Typhus fever. Sarah, d. of Forest, Jan. 18, 1837. FLAGG, Eleazer, Feb. 27, 1836. FLETCHER, Hannah, w. of Col. James, Feb. 12, 1823. James, Col., Dec. 22, 1834. (Oldest inhabitant of the town, a. 88 y. c.r.2.) NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. 185 Fletcher, Margaret (Margaret Wood, g.r.i), w. of James, Sept. 6, 1799. Panthea, d. of James and Margaret, Jvily 8, 1803. Sarah, sister to Samuel, Aug. 31, 1840. Sarah Jane, d. of Sam[ue]l and Lydia, Sept. i, 1826. FORBUSH, Charles, Rev., s. of of Upton, Sept. 8, 1838. FOWLER, Bernard, Apr. 4, 1843. (a. 81 y. 2 d. g.r.6.) Hannah, d. of John and Huldah, May 29, 1804. Huldah, w. of John Esq., Dec. 15, 1841. (Dec. 15, 1842, a. 66 y. 5 m. 28 d. G.R.7.) John Esq., Jan. 30, 1840. (a. 75 y. 9 m. 25 d. G.R.7.) John B., , 1840. G.R.7. John Milton, s. of John and Huldah, , 181 1, a. 6 w. Ruth, d. of John and Hvddah, May 31, 1804. Samuel, , 18 19. g.r.6. FREEMAN, Luther J., b. in Northfield, s. of Daniel and Sally, Aug, 5, 1849, a. 18 y. 8 m. Dysentery. FULLER, Daniel Jr., s. of Daniel and Betsey, June 21, 1808. Emily L., d. of Marmaduke and Lydia, Apr. i, 1844. Esther, w. of (Drum Major, g.r.8) Josiah Jr., Oct. 31, 1786, a. 22 y. "ye 25th day of this instant October." Freeman W., s. of Freeman and Mary T., Sept. 16, 1847, a. 2 m. 15 d. Bowel complaint. George H., s. of William and Lucy, Dec. 14, 1844, a. 3 y. 8 m. 3 d. Canker rash. Harriett, d. of Otis and Louisa, July 17, 1844, a. 8 m. Inflamma- tion of the lungs. Henry Martyn, s. of Levi and Lydia, Aug. 17, 1847, a. 11 y. 7 m. Inflammation of the bowels, (a. 11 y. 7 m. 13 d. g.r.8.) Henry S., s. of Timothy S. and Samantha, Aug. 27, 1848, a. I y. 7 m. 21 d. Dysentery. Jonathan Robinson, s. of Daniel and Betsey, Apr. i, 1817. Levi, Mar. 16, 1844. (a. 40 y. g.r.8.) Loisa, d. of Daniel and Betsey, Sept. 23, 1838. Louisa, d. of Levi and Lydia, Nov. 12, 1829. Lovisa, d. of Daniel and Betsey, Dec. 21, 1810. Lydia M. (Lydia Maria, g.r.8), d. of Levi and Lydia, Aug. 15, 1844, a. I y. 6 m. Dysentery, (a. i y. 3 m. 3 d. g.r.8.) Nancy M., d. of Alpheus and Ann, Aug. 30, 1847, a. i y. 10 m. I d. Cholera infantum. Nancy Mariah, d. of William and Lucy, May 21, 1838. l86 NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. GIBBS, Israel H., Jan. 17, 1843. Patrick, b. in Ireland, July 14, 1849, ^- 26 y. Unm, Dysentery. GIFFORD, Cyrena, b. in Douglas, w. of Famum, Aug. 22, 1848, a. 58 y. 4 m. 14 d. Consumption. GODFREY, Richard, s. of John and Waty Ann, Jan. 4, 1847, a. 14 h. GOLDTHWAIT (see Gouldthwait), Abi (Brown), w. of Obed, Feb. I, 1808, a. 27 y. 8 m. 2 d. Albert L., s. of Josiah M. and Cynthia, July 12, 1846, a. 3 y. 5 m. 30 d. Lung fever. Charles M., s. of Peter and Mary D., Aug. 5, 1844, a. 2 y. 10 m. 20 d. Croup. Chloe, Aug. 23, 1843. (a. 77 y. g.r.io.) Elizabeth, w. of Tho[ma]s, Nov. 8, 1796 (in her 2 2d y. g.r.8). George E., s. of (Dea., g.r.8) Obed and Nancy, Mar. 22, 1841. (a. 5 y. 8 m. g.r.8.) Jacob, h. of Rachel, Mar. 28, 1804 (in his 6ist y. Revolutionary soldier. g.r,8). James S., Apr. 19, 1846, a. 38 y. g.r.io. Lm-any H., w. of Constantine, in Shelbume, Oct. 24, 1838. Patience, wid. of Stephen, Feb. 7, 1826. (Feb. 9, 1826, in her 90th y. G.R.8.) Ruth, d. of Stephen and Patience, July 8, 1771, in her 14th y. G.R.IO. Samuel, May 8, 1789, a. 86 y. Sarah, w. of Samuel, May 9, 1787, in her 84th y. g.r.8. Stephen, June 19, 1812. (a. 79 y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.8.) Thomas (Dea., g.r.8), Apr. 22, 1846, a. 77 y. 19 d. Md. Lung fever. Willard, s. of Jacob and Rachel, Feb. 10, 1797. (Feb. 10, 1798, a. 6 y. 9 m. 10 d. g.r.8.) Zadock, s. of Stephen and Patience, Oct. 14, 1803. GOULD, Charles Forbush, s. of Comfort and Charlotte, Mar. 24, 1841. GOULDTHWAIT (see Goldthwait), Eunice Mercy, d. of Benoni and Eunice, Apr. 18, 1828. Nancy, w. of (Dea., g.r.8) Obed, May 8, 1832. (a. 46 y. G.R.8.) Stephen, Aug. 30, 1832. (Aug. 29, 1832, a. 70 y. Revolu- tionary soldier, g.r.io.) NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. 187 HANDY, Deborah Ballou, w. of Stephen, , 1836. g.r.i. HANNEWAY, Ann, b. in Ireland, w. of Peter, Aug. 4, 1849, a. 50 y. Dysentery. Mary, b. in Ireland, d. of Peter and Ann, Aug. i, 1849, a. 13 y. Dysentery. HATHAWAY, Wesson, h. of Mercy, Aug. 21, 1825. (a. 38 y. G.R.6.) HAWARD (see Howard), Elihu, Dec. 13, 1806, in his 68th y. G.R.8. HAYWARD, Lucretia, d. of Amas and Prudence, Apr. 9, 1801, Tyler, s. of Amas and Prudence, in Milford, Nov. 29, 1806. HEMENWAY, Francis (oldest, g.r.8) s. of Jonas and (Polly, G.R.8), Jan. 16, 1828. (a. 29 y. g.r.8.) Jonas, Oct. 15, 1839, a. 69 y. HENRY, Lyman, b. in Killingly, Conn., Jan, 28, 1848, a. 30 y. 3 m. Md. Lung fever. HENSHAW, Hannah, w. of Charles, May 13, 1822. HEWET (see Hewit), Horace, s. of Eli and Betsey, Jan. — , 1830. HEWIT (see Hewet), , s. of Jesse and Almira, June 2, 1846. Stillbom. HILL, Levi, s. of Jabez and Clearisea, June 22, 1803. HILTON, Abby, d. of Daniel and Jula, June 5, 1838, a. 18 m. HOLBROOK, Eliza, w. of Sylvanus, Nov. 13, 1828. Hannah W., w. of Sylvanus, Feb. 25, 1831. Simeon, Capt., h. of , Oct. 3, 1825. HOLT, John W., s. of Jonathan P. and Eunice, Dec. 20, 1848, a. 5 m. 20 d. Fit. HOPKINS, Josiah, b. in Jefferson, Me., July 26, 1848, a, 45 y. Md. Dysentery. HOWARD (see Haward), Dorcas Lackey, w. of Jonathan, June 18, 1828, a. 34 y. g.r.io. Trysd, wid. of Elihu, July 25, 1825. l88 NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. HUNT, Ellen Amanda, d. of William and Julia L., Dec. 5, 1846, a. 2 y. 2 m. II d. Scald. HUTCHINSON, Mary L., b. in Sutton, d. of Simeon and Vanda- linda, July 25, 1844, a. 16 y. 3 m. Consumption. INMAN, Achsah, Feb. 29, 1844. (a. 63 y. c.r.2.) Edward Horton, s. of Mahala, single woman, Jan. 9, 18*3 [prob. 1828]. George P., s. of Valentine and Delia, Aug. 3, 1844, a. 9 m. 4 d. Cholera infantum. Mariah B., d. of Turtalotte and Axcy, Oct. 26, 1835. INNIS, Adaline, d. of Benjamin and Sarah, Aug. 25, 1843. JACKSON, Lydia K., d. of Jonathan and Eliza P., Jan. 6, 1845. G.R.9. Mary, Oct. 2, 1843. Mary Jane, d. of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Eliza P., G.R.9), Feb. 2, 1844. JACOBS, Sumner, b. in Ward, now Auburn, Jan. 31, 1847, a. 36 y. 7 m. 28 d. Md. Consumption. JEFFERSON, George, s. of Otis and , Aug. 16, 1824. JENKS, Mahaly Ann, Oct. 14, 1838. JOHNSON, Caroline M., w. of Hiram, Mar. i, 1832. Sally, wid. of , Dec. 25, 1841. KARREGAN, Eliza, d. of Patrick and Ann, Feb. 12, 1849, a. 16 d. Fit. KEACH (see Keech), Nathaniel, s. of Mary Fisher, Nov. 6, 1840. KEECH (see Keach), Mahala, b. in Gloucester, d. of Olney and Jemima, Mar. 14, 1848, a. 15 y. 5 m. 13 d. Consumption. KEITH, Edgar, s. of Sylvester G. and Rebecca, Aug. 17, 1844, a. 4 m. Consumption. KELLEY (see Kelly), Diama Daniels, w. of Wing, 2d mo. 14th day, 1842, a. 67 y. g.r.6. Wing, 1 2th mo. 17th day, 1836, a. 63 y. g.r.6. KELLY (see Kelley), Mary Ann, b. in Providence, R. I., d. of Patrick and Susan, Dec. 20, 1847, a. i y. 6 m. Whooping cough. NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. 189 KENNEDY, Viola A., d. of William and Sarah, July i, 1844, a. I y. 9 m. Croup. KINISTER, , inf. s. of Jacob and Sylvia Ann, Dec. 12, 1837- Sarah Abigail, d. of Jacob and Sylvia Ann, Feb. 15, 1840. LACBIEY, Dorcas, , 1832. g.r.io. Dorcas Woodbury, 2d w. of Mathew, , 1794. g.r.io. Fanny Woodbury, d. of Joel and Lucina, Aug. 3, 1833, in her 12th y. G.R.IO. Joshua, , 1829. G.R.IO. Lucina, w. of Joel, Dec. 14, 1831, a. 44 y. 15 d. g.r.io. Mary Ann, b. in Sutton, d. of Mathew and Nancy, Mar. 30, 1849, a. 43 y. Cancer. Mary E., w. of Rufus A., Feb. 27, 1835, a. 28 y. 6 m. g.r.io. Mathew, , 1809. Revolutionary soldier, g.r.io. Matthew, , 1819. g.r.io. Rachel, d. of Joel, Dec. 19, 1836 (in her 21st y. g.r.io). Rufus (Rufus A., g.r.io), s. of Mathew dec, Dec. 3, 1836. (Dec. 3, 1835. G.R.IO.) Susan, w. of Newell, Feb. 10, 1848,, in her 19th y. g.r.io. LAWTON, George Walter, s. of Thomas W. and Esther W., Sept. 14, 1849, a. 7 m. 3 d. Dysentery. LEARNED, Mary, w. of Benjamin, July 9, 1840. LEECH, Edelbert A., s. of Libeus Jr. and Julia Ann, July 19, 1848, a. I y. 5 m. 17 d. Disease of the spine. LELAND, EHzabeth, b. in Ward, w. of Zadock, July 19, 1846, a. 54 y. 4 m. Rheumatic fever. Zadock, widr., b. in Grafton, Sept. 9, 1846, a. 65 y. 2 m. 19 d. Consumption. LEONARD, Bernard A., May 14, 1848, a. 23 y. 11 m. Con- sumption. Jesse Bethuel, s. of Jesse and , Sept. 16, 1837. William Jr., b. in Ireland, s. of William and Mary, Aug. 30, 1849, a. 3y- LITTLE, Judah, wid. of , Oct. 6, 1833. LIVETT, Peter J., Apr. 4, 1840. MARSHALL, , w. of Hezekiah, Mar. 31, 1822. IQO NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. MARTIN, Abigail, b. in Thompson, Conn., w. of Abel, June 27, 1845, 2- 64 y. 6 m. 15 d. Dropsy. Artemas, s. of Timothy and Susan, Feb. 6, 1814, a. 4 y. 27 d. G.R.IO. Susan, d, of Timothy and Susan, Feb. 15, 1816, a. i y. 11 m. 6 d. G.R.IO. MASCROFT, Mary Ellen, b. in Newburyport, d. of William D. and Harriet, July 23, 1845, a. 11 m. 24 d. Cholera infan- tum. MASON, William, b. in Warren, R. I., Sept. 29, 1845, a. 60 y. 12 d. Md. Consumption. William Albert, s. of Francis B. and Almira, Dec. 29, 1845, a. 10 m. 13 d. Dropsy in the head. MATTERSON (see Mattison), Ann Rebecca, d. of William Jr. and Elcy Ann, Aug. 25, 1844, a. 2 y. i m. Croup. MATTISON (see Matterson), William Jr., s. of W[illia]m and E[lcy] A[nn], Jan. 31, 1839, a. 2 y. g.r.i. William L., s. of William and Elcy Ann, Aug. 30, 1848, a. 4 y. I m. Dysentery. MAYNARD, Abagail B., d. of Sumner and Louis, Nov. 27, 1844, a. 4 y. II m. Canker rash. George S., s. of Sumner and Lois, July 14, 1833, a. i y. 10 m. G.R.8. Lucindia A., d. of Stunner and Lois, J\me 16, 1833, a. 4 y. 2 m. G.R.8. McBRIDE, George W., b. in Grafton, s. of John and Mary B., Aug. 29, 1849, a- I y. I m. 29 d. Cholera infanttun. Obadiah, b. in Bolton, July 27, 1846 (1844, a. 59 y. g.r.6), a. 58 y. 1 1 m. I d. Md. Bilious liver complaint. McCOON, William H., b. in Seaconk, s. of Hezekiah and Elizabeth, Jan. 5, 1846, a. 2 y. Dropsy in the head. McGENNIES, Bridget, b. in Ireland, d. of Michael and Bridget, Nov. 7, 1849, a. 14 y. McEHNSTREY, Francis Augustus, s. of Andrew J. and Mary Annis, June 3, 1848, a. 2 y. 6 m. Canker rash. McNAMARA, Ezra Nelson, s. of Austin and Betsey, Jan. 15, 1826. Sarah, w. of Charles, May 20, 1824 (in her 39th y. g.r.8). NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. IQI MERRILL, James, Nov. 23, 1841, a. 15 y. G.R.4. John, s. of James and Welthy, Sept. — , 1846, a. 18 y. Lost at sea. G.R.4. MORRISON, Andrew J., s. of Robert S. and Almira, May 6, 1848, a. 6 m. 30 d. Canker rash. MORSE, Deborah C, d. of Joshua W. and Deborah C. Brown, Sept, I, 1845. G.R.I. Deborah C. Brown, w. of Joshua W., Nov. 5, 1844. g.r.i. Eleanor, w. of Henry, May 7, 1797, in her 33d y. g.r.8. Panthea A., b. in Paris, Me., w. of John H., Nov. 18, 1844, a. 30 y. 10 m. 3 d. Dropsy. MURPHY, Catherine, d. of Martin and (Mary, g.r.8), Mar. 16, 1826. (a. 17 y. G.R,8.) Ehnira, w. of Isaac R., Feb. 21, 1837, a. 31 y. g.r.8. Martin, s. of Martin, Oct. 22, 1825. Martin, Mar. 2, 1844. (a. 73 y. g.r.8.) Mary, w. of Martin, Feb. 22, 1847, a. 76 y. g.r.8. MURRAY, Joseph J., b. in Portsmouth, R. I., s. of Joseph and Margaret, Sept. 4, 1844, a. 6 y. 22 d. Gravel. NICHOLS, Laura L[ucretia], d. of John and Maria, Mar. 13, 1830. NICHOLSON, James, s. of WilHam and Eliza, Aug. 26, 1836. NUGENT, Daniel, b. in Boston, s. of John and EHzabeth, June 28, 1849, 3.. 17 y. 4 m. 27 d. Consumption. PACKERD, James, s. of James and Hannah, Sept. 21, 1811. PADDOCK, Julia, b. in Middleborough, Jime 7, 1849, ^- 5° Y- Unm. Paralysis. PAINE, Charles F,, b. in Hopkinton, s. of Francis E. and Nancy, Aug. 29, 1846, a. 9 m. 14 d. Dysentery. William, Sept. 7, 1825. PARK, Eleanor, d. of Nathan and Ruth, Aug. 15, 1778 (in Newton dup.). Elisabeth, d. of Nathan and Ruth, in Uxbridge, Nov. 28, 1771. Luther, s. of Nathan and Ruth, in Newton, Jan. 23, 1781. Sarah, d. of Wil[lia]m and Mary (Mary Brown, wid. to N. Park, in Uxbridge dup.). Mar. 4, 1772. 192 NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. PARKER, MoUey, w. of James, Nov. 10, 1823. PARSONS (see Person, Persons), Celistia, d. of George and Abigail, Oct. 13, 1802. (a. 3 y. to a day. g.r.8.) PECK, Josephus (Josephus W., c.r.8), in Hawkinsville, Ga., Oct. 24, 1842. (a. 31 y. G.R.8.) PENNELL, Francis Wayland, s. of Lewis and Esther (Esther S., c.R.i), Aug. 9, 1841. PEPPER, John, b. in Ireland, June 20, 1848, a. 55 y. Md. Stoppage. PERSON (see Parsons, Persons), Abigail, wid. of (Ens., g.r.8) George, mother of Graty Arespy, Feb. 23, 1826. (a. 69 y. G.R.8.) PERSONS (see Parsons, Person), George (Ensign, g.r.8), h. of Abigail, June 11, 1808 (in his 51st y. Revolutionary soldier, g.r.8). PHILLIPS, Loiza (Louiza W., G.R.5), w. of Manson, Dec. 24, 1837 (d. of Alden and Achsah White, Dec. 25, 1837, a. 20 y. 7 m. II d. G.R.5). PIERCE, Ambrose, July 3, 1838. PLIMPTON, Anna Bell, d. of Gardner and Hannah, Aug. 16, 1848, a. 2 m. 3 d. Dysentery. Ellen, d. of Gardner and Hannah Whitney, , 1842. g.r.i. POLLARD, Eliza, d. of George and Elmina, Aug. 19, 1846, a. 10 m. 17 d. Consumption. Elmina (formerly Pierce, c.R.2), b. in Bakersfield, Vt., w. of George, July 4, 1846, a. 23 y. 3 m. 26 d. Consumption. POLLOCK, Aseneth T., May 18, 1843. Eliza A., , 1841. G.R.I. George H., s. of Samuel and Phila, Feb. 15, 1832. Henrietta F., b. in Smithfield, R. I., d. of Samuel and Philena, July 29, 1846, a. 20 y. 7 m. 17 d. Consimiption. Richard C, , 1843. g.r.i. POWERS, Lemuel, butmaker, Dec. 11, 1792 (in his 73d y. Revolutionary soldier, g.r.8). NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. I93 PRENTICE, Adson (Addison C, g.r.i), s. of Samuel B. and Polly, July 5, 1827. Althea L., d. of James A. and Mercy, Feb. i, 1845, a. i y. i m. 6 d. Canker rash. Arethusa M., d. of Luke Jr. and Amey, Oct. 15, 1843. Calvin, , 1831. g.r.i. Charles W., s. of Samuel B. and Polly Thayer, , 1837. G.R.I. Ellen A., d. of James A. and Mercy, Sept. 10, 1849, a- i y- 8 m. 17 d. Dysentery. Jemima, b. in Rhode Island, wid. of , Oct. 9, 1847, a. 88 y. Old age. Jemima Bundy, wid. of Calvin, , 1841. g.r.i. John M., s. of Luke Jr. and Amey, Mar. 10, 1847, a. 11 m. 12 d. Canker rash. Julia Ann, May 19, 1843. Jiilia S., d. of Calvin and Ann E., Mar. 23, 1841. (Mar. 20, 1841, a. 2 y. I m. g.r.6.) Levi, July 10, 1819, a. 39 y. g.r.io. Lusatia, d. of James A. and Mary, Jan. 19, 1838. Luther, s. of James and Sarah, Feb. 8, 1777. Mariett Lucretia, d. of James and Mercy, Aug. 19, 1843. (a. I. y. 10 m. G.R.I.) Nancy, w. of Nahum, Feb. 7, 1813. Newton M., b. in Douglas, s. of Marvel and Phebe, Aug. 19, 1849, a. I y. 10 m. 4 d. Cholera infantimi. Rachel, wid. of Levi, Mar. 11, 1846, a. 65 y. g.r.io. Sarah, w. of James, Dec. 8, 1831 (in her 85th y. g.r.io). PRESTON, Elizabeth, w. of (Dea., g.r.8) Amariah, July 6, 1807 (in her 64th y. g.r.8). Polly (Mary, g.r.8), d. of Amariah and Elizabeth, May 10, 1805. (May 12, 1805, a. 23 y. g.r.8.) PROCTOR, Album W., s. of Edward and Sarah, Aug. 3, 1845, a. 5 m. 28 d. Cholera. PUTNAM, Elisha, Aug. 30, 1827. (a. 55 y. g.r.8.) Sarah, sister of Rufus, Apr. 30, 1825. W[illia]m Elijah, s. of William M. and Sabra E., Sept. i, 1832, a. 9 m. 20 d. G.R.8. RAWSON, , s. of Silas and Mary, July 16, 1847. Still- bom. Caleb, b. in Upton, Apr. 24, 1846, a. 66 y. 10 m. 15 d. Md. Bilious fever. 194 NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. Rawson, Emily, d. of Silas and Sally, Apr. i, 1831. Experience, Sept. 29, 1842. Ezekiel W., b. in Sutton, s. of Alpheus and Mary D., Jvdy 28, 1844, a. 8 y. 3 m. II d. Croup. Sally, w. of Silas, Feb. 21, 1837. (Feb. 21, 1835, a. 40 y. g.r.8.) Samuel A., s. of Abraham V. and Ruth, Mar. 11, 1848, a. 11 y. II rn. 17 d. Canker rash. Wilson, Nov. 14, 1841. REMINGTON, , d. of Thomas M. and Susan, May 6, 1846, a. 15 h. Caroline, d. of James C. and Lucy, Aug. 14, 1846, a. i m. 16 d. Canker. Elizabeth Cathcart, d. of Benedict and Mary Ann, July 21, 1828. RICE, Owen, b. in Ireland, Aug. 14, 1849, ^- 55 Y- Md. Dysen- tery. RICH, Mary Adaline, b. in Oxford, d. of Thomas and Prudence, July 19, 1844, a. 2 y. Croup. RICHARDSON, Benjamin P., b. in Sutton, Nov. 8, 1844, a. 18 y. 6 m. Scarlet fever. RICHMOND, Ann M., d. of Edward and Mercy, Feb. 26, 1847, a. 18 y. G.R.I. James, s. of Edward and Mercy, Aug. 26, 1845, ^- ^^ Y- g.r.i. Mercy, w. of Edward, Mar. 29, 1847, a. 48 y. g.r.i. RIDEL, Catharine E., d. of Henry and Sarah Ann, July 4, 1844, a. 4 m. 27 d. Cholera infantiun. Edwin H., s. of Henry and Sarah Ann, July 16, 1844, a. 4 y. 6 m. Croup. RILEY, Harriet, w. of Hugh, Feb. 18, 1848, a. 46 y. Dysentery. RIST, Chloe, d. of wid. Celenda, Apr. 5, 1830. Levi, in Savannah, Ga., Feb. 21, 1819, a. 35 y. 9 m. 3 d. g.r.8. ROBINSON, James, b. in Virginia, July 24, 1848, a. 22 y. 5 d. Md. Dysentery, (s. of Samuel G. and Mary A. and h. of Amelia M. Aldrich, July 25, 1848. g.r.6.) Martha, Mar. i, 1844 (Martha Channing, w. of Dr. Erastus, a. 64 y. G.R.8). NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. ig$ ROSE, Charles T. H., s. of Mark D. and Hannah W., Mar. 6, 1847, a- I y- 7 ni. 27 d. Croup. Sally, w. of Oliver, May 21, 1837. RUSSEL, Ellen, d. of James and Margaret, Nov. 17, 1842. William, s. of James and Margaret, Oct. 2, 1842. RUST, Mary Ann, d. of William W. and Welthy, Oct. 3, 1844, a. 21 d. Canker. RYAN, Margaret, b. in Ireland, wid. of Dani[e]l, Jan. 28, 1847, a. 55 y. Heart disease. SABEN, Richard M., s. of Israel and Sarah, Oct. 10, 1829. Sarah, d. of Israel and Sarah, Jiily 23, 1829. SAULSBARY, John, Oct. 25, 1839. SAWYER, Lucinda F., d. of John and Deborah G., Mar. 30, 1849, a. 3 y. 10 d. Canker rash. SHEPHERDSON, George F., s. of George and Esther, Oct. 18, 1846, a. I y. I m. Limg fever. SHERMAN, George C, b. in Newport, R. I., Nov. 22, 1849, a. 35 y. 8 d. Md. Apoplexy. SLOCOMB (see Slocumb), Henry, s. of John W. and Sarepta, July 20, 1829. (a. I d. G.R.8.) Henry P., s. of John and Mary (Polly dup.), Dec. 30, 1824. Mary, d. of John W. and Sarepta, Apr. 27, 1828. (a. 2 d. G.R.8.) Nancy, d. of John W. and Sarepta, June 27, 1826. (a. 9 d. G.R.8.) SLOCUMB (see Slocomb), Rhoda, w. of Loami, Jime 7, 1840. SMITH, , s. of Elijah H. and Lucinda, June 3, 1844, a. 15 d. Consumption. Abagail, sister of Elijah, in Millville, Apr. 19, 1840. Charles, Feb. 16, 1837. Huldah, b. in Smithfield, R. I., w. of George, June 13, 1845, a. 41 y. Consumption. Jacob, Nov. 8, 1848, a. 73 y. 11 m, 13 d. g.r.i. Lovisa, d. of Joshua D. and Pumy, Mar. 13, 1840. 196 NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. Smith, Lucy, d. of George and Lucy, June 25, 1835. g.r.i. Menerva, d. of George and Lucy, Oct. 17, 1840. g.r.i. Rachel D., b. in Providence, R. I., d. of Scott and Rachel, Aug. II, 1848, a. 21 y. 6 m. Consiimption. Sarah, d. of George and Lucy, June 28, 1832. g.r.i. SNOWLING, James, b. in Suffolk Co., Eng., Jan. 23, 1848, a. 52 y. 9 m. 8 d. Md. Typhus fever, SOLOMON, James, s. of Hugh and Mary Ann, Oct. 12, 1849, a. I y. 2 m. 24 d. Dysentery. SOUTHWICK, Ailse, b. in Smithfield, R. I., wid. of Joseph, Nov. II, 1844, a. 88 y. 9 m. 6 d. Dropsy. David, in Bolton, Aug. 9, 1843. SPRAGUE, , w. of Daniel, Dec. 10, 1838. Abner, s. of Hosea and Hepsa, May 6, 1848, a. i m. 15 d. Disease of the head. Francis Leroy, b. in Grafton, s. of Hosea and Hepsa, Mar. 27, 1848, a. 8 y. 3 m. 15 d. Heart disease. SPRING, Charles A. (Charles Addison, g.r.i), s. of Charles C. and Eleanor, Oct. 3, 1845, a. 3 m. 18 d. Cholera infantum. Edgar Francis, s. of Charles C. and Elenor P., , 1848. G.R.I. Elias, s. of Adolphus and Lydia, Mar. 14, 1804. Ellen A. (Ellen Augusta, g.r.i), d. of Charles C. and Eleanor, Sept. I, 1847, 9" 7 ^- 25 d. Dysentery. Lewis, s. of Adolphus and Lydia, Mar. 4, 1806. STANLEY, Louisa, b. in Attleborough, w. of David T., Dec. 26, 1845, a. 30 y. 4 m. 12 d. Dropsy in the chest. Mary T., d. of David T. and Louis, Oct. 11, 1843. Thomas, s. of David T., Sept. — , 1833. STEARNS, Satyra, w. of Stiles, Feb. 28, 182 1. STEPHENS, Meriam, b. in Berlin, w. of James, July 9, 1845, a. 57 y. 4 m. 2 d. Numb palsy. STILES, Charles T., s. of Henry and Betsey, Mar. 25, 1840. Charlotte, d. of Henry and Betsey, Mar. 12, 1840. STREETER, Aldrich, b. in Cumberland, R. I., Oct. 16, 1849, a. 49 y. 4 m. 10 d. Md. Heart disease. Caroline M. M., d. of Aldrich and Caroline M., Jan. 3, 1842. NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. I97 Streeter, Constant, d. of Aldrich and Caroline M., Mar. 5, 1845, a. 18 d. Consumption. Daniel, s. of Olney and Mary, May 7, 1826. George, s. of Olney, May 22, 1837. Nathan, widr., b. in Cumberland, R. I., Jan. 14, 1845, 3.. 92 y. 2 m. 27 d. Old age. SWEET, Jerome B., s. of James V. and Polly, Mar. 13, 1847, a. 19 d. Rebeckah, w. of Nathaniel, Nov. 9, 1836. Sylvester G., s. of James V. and Polly, Mar. 17, 1847, ^- 23 d. TAFT, Abigail, d. of Israel and Submit, June 5, 1791 (in her 2d y. G.R.8). Almaritta Emeline, d. of Benjamin and Mary, Sept. 5, 1829. (Sept. 7, 1829, a. 15 m. g.r.8.) Almira Ann E., b. in Burrillville, R. I., d. of Ephraim and Lydia, Feb. 4, 1846, a. 17 y. 10 m. 27 d. Consumption. Anna, d. of Josiah and Hannah, Feb. 2, 1847, ^- 7 n^- 25 d. G.R.8. Caleb Walter, s. of Cheney and Laurana, Dec. 19, 18 13. (Dec. 18, 1813, a. 10 w. G.R.8.) Caroline Francis, d. of Lyman and Abigail, Jvdy 30, 1824. Charles, s. of Lyman and Abigail, Apr. 13, 1826. Charles Laroy, s. of Merrick L. and Emily, June 30, 1846, a. 2 y. 5 m. 24 d. Bilious fever. Cheney, in Uxbridge, Feb. 13, 1840, a. 52 y. g.r.8. Cyrus, s. of Elzaphen and Eliza, Feb. 6, 1832. Dennis, s. of Josiah and Hannah, Sept. 5, 1841. (Sept. 6, 1841. G.R.8.) Elijah Kimball, s. of Benjamin and Mary, Apr. 12, 1833, a. 2 y. 5 m. 16 d. g.r.8. Elzaphan, Mar. 23, 1847, ^- 59 y. i m. 8 d. Md. Cancer. (Removed to Worcester in 1837, and later to Ware, and afterwards returned to Northbridge. c.r.2.) Frederick Sibley, s. of Benjamin and Serena, Apr. 2, 1832. (a. 7 m. 15 d. G.R.9.) George W., b. in Providence, R. I. (s. of Adolphus, G.R.9), Nov. 6, 1845, ^- 28 y. I m. 24 d. Md. Consumption. Guilford K. (Guilford Kimball, g.r.8), s. of Benjamin and Mary, in Sutton, July 26, 1824. (July 29, 1824, a. 5 y. 5 m. 8 d. G.R.8.) Israel, Apr. 24, 1842. (a. 81 y. c.r.i.) Keith, Capt., h. of Phebe, in Spencer, Sept. 10, 1825 (in his 65th y. G.R.8). 198 NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. Taft, Keith, s. of Keith and Pheby, June 24, 1835. (a. 30 y. G.R.8.) Lucy Ann, b. in Uxbridge, Dec. 19, 1847, ^- 23 y. 2 m. 16 d. Diabetes. Lydia, w. of Ward, June 6, 1825. Lydia, wid. of (Capt. Ebenezer, g.r.8) and mother of Marvel, Jan. 29, 1829 (in her 91st y., leaving 2 children, 27 grand- children, 89 great-grandchildren and 2 of the 5th genera- tion; 121 descendants, g.r.8). Lydia, b. in Uxbridge, w. of Ephraim, Oct. 11, 1846, a. 54 y. i m. Consumption. Martha Ann, d. of Benjamin and Mary, in Sutton, July 14, 1824. (a. 9 y. 6 m. g.r.8.) Martha Anne, d. of Josiah and Hannah S., Feb. 2, 1847; ^- 7 °i- 24 d. Marvel, Nov. 3, 1832. (a. 70 y. g.r.8.) Mary Elizabeth, d. of Merrick L. and Emily, Mar. 2, 1848, a. 7 y. 5 m. 18 d. Canker rash. (a. 7 y. 6 m. 5 d. g.r.8.) Mary K. (Mary Kimball, g.r.8), d. of Benjamin and Mary, Oct. 17, 1829. (a. 20 y. g.r.8.) Phebe, wid. of Capt. Keith, Oct. 25, 1832. (Oct. 22, 1832, a. 60 y. G.R.8.) Polly, d. of Timothy and Priscella, Sept. 5, 1785, in her 5th y. G.R.8. Prescott M., s. of Merrick L. and Emily, Sept. 6, 1839, a. i y. G.R.8. Ruth, w. of Marvel, July 3, 1816 (in her 54th y. g.r.8). Samuel, s. of Elzaphan and Elisabeth, Aug. 30, 1835. Submit, w. of Israel, May 17, 1841. Warren Reed, s. of Marvel and Sarah T., Oct. 4, 1848, a. i y. 6 m. 10 d. Dysentery. TAYLOR, Charles W., b. in Winchester, N. H., Dec. i, 1848, a. 27 y. 10 m. 17 d. Unm. Consumption. James, s. of James and Lucy, May 27, 1809. James, Dea., h. of Lucy dec, June 18, 1826. Lucy, w. of James, Mar. 7, 1826. Mary, d. of James and Lucy, May 15, 1817. Rebecca, w. of John, Feb. 6, 1833. Sarah, d. of James and Lucy, May 24, 182 1. THACHER, Bemice, w. of John and mother of Lucy Blake, June 16, 1815. John Richman, s. of John and Bemice, Aug. 17, 1812. NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. IQQ THAYER, Sumner, Sept. 26, 1814, a. 24 y. g.r.io. THOMSON, David Aldrich, s. of Lewis and Sarah (Sarah A., G.R.6), June 15, 1838. (a. 17 y. i m. 5 d. g.r.6.) TOBEY, Isabella G., Mar. i, 1837. g.r.i. Marchant, July 24, 1839. g.r.i. TURNER, Alice, b. in Roachdale, Eng., w. of James, July 27, 1848, a. 70 y. 10 m. Thrush. TYLER, Eliza, d. of Rufus D. and Mary H., July 5, 1847, a. 10 d. TYRE, William, Jvme 10, 1838. WADE, W[illia]m N., s. of W[mia]m N. and Susan T., Aug. 24, 1845. G.R.5. WALKER, Amory Arnold (widr., b. in Sutton dup.), h. of Mary Whitin, Mar. 4, 1849, a. 54 y. (a. 55 y. dup.) Charles Amory, s. of Ajnory Arnold and Mary (Whitin), Aug. 20, 1847, ^- 27 y. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Amory Arnold and Mary (Whitin), Sept. 22, 1839, a. 18 y. Mary W. (Mary (Whitin) dup.), w. of Amasa A. (Amory Arnold dup.), Jan. 10, 1845, 3- 42 y. 6 m. 6 d. Consumption. Sarah Ann (b. in New York, N. Y. dup.), d. of Amory Arnold and Mary (Whitin), Apr. 2, 1845, a. 17 y. WATERS, Elijah, b. in Millbury, Feb. 8, 1849, a. 48 y. 11 m. Unm. Congestion of the lungs. WEATHERHEAD, Harriet E., b. in Milford, d. of Abel G. and Annot L., Nov. 2^, 1845, ^- 9 ^- 21 d. Erysipelas. WEBSTER, Ella Elizabeth, d. of Abisha and Harriet N., Jime 21, 1849, a* 4 i^- Consimiption. WEEKS, Daniel W. C, b. in Smithfield, R. I., s. of Julia, Nov. 20, 1845, a. 4 y. I d. Canker rash. George W., b. in Smithfield, R. L, s. of Joseph and Charlotte, Nov. 27, 1845, a. 3 y. 6 m. Canker rash. Thomas W. D., b. in Killingly, Conn., s. of Joseph and Char- lotte, Dec. 5, 1845, a. I y. 4 m. Canker rash. WELTCH, Acenath, b. in Mendon, w. of Thomas, Apr. 15, 1849, a. 24 y. Consumption. 200 NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. WHEELER, Abijah, b. in Vermont, Jan. 21, 1848, a. 21 y. 4 m. Unm. Diabetes. Charles, s. of Obadiah and Phila, Apr. 8, 1836, a. 25 y. 4 m. G.R.6. Ephraim, b. in Grafton, Mar. 25, 1846, a. 52 y. 2 m. 26 d. Md. Lung fever. Hannah, d. of Obediah dec., Feb. 12, 1818. Louisa M., d. of Riley and Amelia (Permela dup.), Nov. 13, 1839 (Nov. 15, 1839 dup.). (Nov. 13, 1839, a. 5 y. 4 m. 19 d. G.R.7.) Lyman A., s. of Lyman A. and Susan, Sept. 14, 1849, ^- 5 "^• 4 d. Consumption. Maria H., w. of Hiram M., Oct. 28, 1814, a. 25 y. G.R.9. Obadiah, Oct. 3, 1843. (^- 59 Y- 6 m. g.r.6.) Obediah M., s. of Caleb B. and Lucy M., , 1848, a. 8 y. G.R.6. Rhoda, w. of Benjamin, Feb. 16 (17, g.r.6), 1846, a. 59 y. II m. 29 d. Consumption. Samuel A., nth mo. 6th day, 1830, a. 15 y. 6 m. g.r.6. Stephen S., s. of Benjamin and Rhoda, Aug. 6 (16, g.r.6), 1845, a. 27 y. 4 m. 2 d. Constmiption. Susan (Susan W., g.r.i), b. in Townsend, Vt., w. of Lyman A., July II, 1849, 3" 31 y- Consumption. WHIPPLE, Emily, d. of Ahab and Orra, Mar. 5, 1847, a. i y. I d. Lung fever and bowel complaint. WHITE, , inf. ch. of Joseph and Nancy, May 24, 1825. Aaron, s. of Joel and Martha, June 13, 1785. Twin. Alden, Aug. 16, 1830. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.5. Anna 2d, d. of Jesse and Anna, Feb. 14, 1795. Anna, d. of Noah and Julia, June 28, 1892. g.r.8. Anna, wid. of Jesse, Aug. 21, 1839. Charles Laroy, s.' of Amos Jr. and Amorantha, Oct. 17, 1847. G.R.I. Ellis Aldrich, s. of Amos Jr. and Amorantha, Mar. 9, 1846. G.R.I. George Washington, s. of Washington and Lydia, Sept. 19, 1832. (Sept. 15, 1833. G.R.8.) Jesse, Mar. 2, 1830. Joel Jr., s. of Joel and Martha, May 27, 1784. (a. 2 y. i m. 20 d. G.R.8.) Joel, July 22, 1835 (in his 83d y. g.r.8). John, s. of Joel and Martha, Oct. 29, 1791, in his 8th y. g.r.8. Joseph, s. of Amos and Azuba, Apr. 6, 1771. NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. 20I White, Joseph, Mar. 12, 1788, a. 76 y. Judith, wid. of Joseph, Feb. 3, 1794, in her 82d y. Julia Ann, d. of Noah and JuHa, Nov. 28, 1828. Martha, w. of Joel, Mar. 26, 1828. (a, 76 y. g.r.8.) Mason, s. of Jesse and Lucy, Apr. 16, 1839. Moses, s. of Joel and Martha, June 13, 1785. Salley, d. of Jesse and Anna, May 17, 1793. Sarah Francis, d. of Loel and Maranda, Oct. 9, 1836. (Oct. 10, a. II m. 28 d. G.R.8.) WHITIN, EHzabeth Thomas, d. of Paul and Sarah R. (Chapin), Feb. 29, 1844. Frederick Dwight, s. of John C, and Catharine H., Jan. 29, 1844. George, s. of Paul and Sarah R. (Chapin), Nov. i, 1837. George Frederic, s. of John C. and Catharine H., July 29, 1848, a. 2 y. 25 d. Cholera infantum. James, s. of Paul and Betsey, June 27, 1798. Jeorge, s. of John and Catherine, Jan. i, 1833. Margaret Adelaide, d. of Nath[anie]l D. and Sarah A., Mar. 15, 1840. G.R.I. Mary, d. of Patd and Betsey, Aug. 6, 1799. Mary Alice, d. of James F. and Patience H., Oct. 19, 1849, a. 2 y. 4 m. Scrofula. Paul Esq., Feb. 8, 1831. Sarah Ann, d. of Paul and Betsey, in Baltimore, Jan. 8, 1838. Walter H., s. of James F. and Patience H., Sept. 9, 1845, 3- I y. I m. 7 d. Cholera infantum. WILBOUR, WiUiam, b. in Johnson, R. I., Feb. 6, 1849, a. 60 y. I m. 10 d. Md. Consimiption. WILLIAMS, Abel B., s. of Alpheus and Clarissa, Feb. 2, 1817. Charles A., s. of Albert W. and Elizabeth A., Aug. 2, 1848, a. 2 d. Edger Jerome, s. of Elias and Lucy, Aug. 12, 1847, ^- ^ ^- 20 d. Canker. Elizabeth Bassett, d. of Thadeus and Pheby, July 27, 1824. John Wesley, s. of Thaddeus and Eliza, Feb. 27, 1832. Lydia Taft, d. of Thaddeus and Eliza, June 12, 1823. Phebe, w. of Thaddeus, Nov. 19, 1813. Sewell Remington, s. of Elias W. and Lucy, July 17, 1842. WILSON, Isaac W., s. of Abram A. and Emily, Feb. 8, 1847, a. I y. 9 m. 8 d. Dropsical consumption. Pamela, Nov. 13, 1841. 202 NORTHBRIDGE DEATHS. WING, Hitty, d. of Patd and Hitty, July 2, 1823. Jabez, father of Hyram, Sept. 7, 1825. (a. 62 y. G.R.5.) Patience, b. in Smithfield, R. I., wid. of , Feb. 11, 1849, a. 81 y. 6 m. Old age. WINTER, Anna, wid. of , Apr. 4, 1S38. David, h. of Dinah, Aug. 24, 1821. Louvise, May 27, 1843. WODSWORTH, James, s. of Moses, Sept. 18, 1825. WOOD, Edwin, Oct. 29, 1839. Josiah, h. of Ziphorah, Nov. 3, 181 5. Lovisa A., d. of Peleg and Vesta, Mar. 22, 1848, a. 20 y. 11 m. Heart disease. Lurana, w. of William W., May 15, 1841. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWEE LOAN DEPT. RENEWALS ONLY— TEL. NO. 642-3405 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. fm%i\m%r RECEIVED MAO C TO 1A AM MAR oby-lOAivi tOAN DEPTo (i^6057sl0'f4T6^r32 Uai^«go[&nia >> •^;: