8 8 Pi ■ ^* THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Xonbon County (Touncfl. c SECON^D SUPPLEMENT AND SUBJECT INDEX TO THE CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. Compiled by th" Clerk of the Council and printed for the use of members. 1908. 15286—400—28.8.08 S.S./162 p ■ ^' \ > ) 1 1 ' >, J 5 1 LOCAL GOVERNMENT, RECORDS AND MUSEUMS COMMITTEE, 1908-9. Chairman. Ernest Gray. Vice-Cliairman. Philip E. Pilditch. Chairman of the Council. R. A. RoBixsox, J. P. Vice-Chairman of the Council. W. Whitaker Thompson. Deputy -Chairman of the CounciL A. A. Allex, M.P. BoYTON, James Knight, W. S. M. Cassel, Felix M., K.C. Phillimore, R. C, J. P. GuiNXESS, The Hon. Walter, M.P. Sanders, W. S. Harris, H. Percy Sturge, C. Y, Howes, Enos, J. P. Wilson, Albert Johnson, W. C, J.P. HISTORICAL RECORDS AND LIBRARY SUB-COMMITTEE. Chairman. C. Y. Sturoe. BoYTON, James. Johnson, W. C, J.P. Gray, Ernest. Pilditch, Philip E. Guinness, The Hon. Walter, M.P. Sanders, W. 8. Harris, H, Percy. 433281 • «« • • r per (• J • e o » « • f e • c c * < ,<■ err ' ^ r t • INTRODUCTIOJSr. This volume is in continuation of the Catalogue and the Supplement thereto issued in June, 1902, and January, 1905, respectively, and has been arranged in a similar way. It also contains the subject index alluded to in the introductions to those volumes. It should be mentioned that in this, as in the preceding volumes, the numerous books contained in that part of the Council's Library which is located in the Education Offices have not been included. It is proposed that a separate Catalogue of these books shall be prepared shortly. G. L. GOMME, Clerk of the Council. County Hall, Spring Gardens, Awjust, 1908. SUPPLEMEXT TO THE CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IX THE LIBRARY OF THE LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. Abraham afterwards Tennant (May Edith) and Arthur Llewelyn Davies. The Law relating to Factories and Workshops. Fourth edition. London, 1902. 8vo, pp. xiv., 38L Adelaide, City of. Annual reports and appendices, 1905-7. Adelaide, 1906-7. Folio. Aged Pensioners. See Old Age Pensions. Keport and special report ... on the Aged Pensioners Bill . . . 190-1. FoUo. Aged Poor. See Old Age Pensions. Report of the Royal Commission on the Aged Poor, etc. 1895. Folio. Airey (Rev. John Alfred L.) and others. A short account of the ancient historic parish and priory church of St. Helen, Bishopsgate . . . London, 1891. 8vo, pp. 19, and plans. Alden (Percy). The Problem of the Unemployed. London, 1903. ito, pp. 12. [A compilation of extracts from various Commissions and Select Com- mittees, etc., for the iise of the Guildhall conference, 27th and 28th Febru- ary, 1903.] [Bound up in volume Unemployment.] and Edward E. Hay ward. Housing. London, 1907, 8vo, pp. [vi.], 17G. Social service handbooks, Xo. L Contents, iyiter (ilia : The problem stated ; historical retrospect ; rural dfpo[)ulation and rural housing; housing in cities; the laud question and taxation reform ; model dwellings and municipal housing ; garden cities and suburbs ; the problem of transit. Allan (Charles Edward). See Browne (J. H. B.) and C. E. Allan. The Law of Compensation, etc. 1903. 8vo. 1.5286 S.S./15'2. Allen (George). [Petitions to the City of London Corporation on the subject of approaches to New London Bridge.] 24th April and 31st October, 1828. Folio, pp. [7], with 5 plans and views. [Bound up in volume New London Bridge, 1814-1829.] Plans and designs for the future approache,s to the new London Bridge, with a memorial submitted to the Court of Com- mon Council . . . comprising suggestions for the formation of a quay for the reception of steam vessels, the opening of new streets and avenues, and the improvement of existing thoroughfares . . . London, 1828. 8vo, pp. 36, and 3 plans. Allinson (Edward P.). See John Hopkins University. Philadelphia l()81-1887,by Edward P. Allinson and Boies Penrose. 1887. 8vo. Altamira (R.) Spain. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cam- bri(,lge Modern History. Vol. X. The Restoration. 1902, etc. Svo. American Statistical Association. PubUcations of the American Statistical Association. Boston, 1888-1906. 8vo {continuing). Contents, inter alia : — Vol. I. — Park areas and open spaces in American and European cities — E. R. L. Gould. Statistics of municipal tinance — Prof. Henry B. Gardner. [Xo. 4 is missing.] Vol. III. — Cost statistics of public electric lighting — Victor Rosewater. Vol. IX. — The bread and meat of the world — Yves Guyot. Vol. X. — The general death rate of large American cities, 1871-1904 — Frederick L. Hoffman. Amherst afterwards Cecil (Alicia M. T.). London Parks and Gardens with illustrations by Lady Victoria Manners. London, 1907. Svo, pp. X., 384. Ilustrations, i?)/cr aZia : St. Katharine's Lodge, Regent's Park ; fountains, Hyde Park ; autumn beds, Hyde Park; crocuses in St. James's Park ; autumn and spring in Pvegent's Park; Waterlow Park ; old English garden, Brockwell Park; St. Paul's Churchyard; the Bank garden; the Imier Temple garden ; Fountain Court, Middle Temple; Lincoln's Inn ; garden gates. Grays' Inn ; Greycoat School, Westminster ; the Little Cloister, Westminster Abbey ; Chelsea Physic garden ; St. John's Lodge, Regent's Park ; sundial, St. Botolph's ; Trinity Alms houses, Mile End-road ; Abbey garden, Westminster. Amsterdam. Statistique provisoire concernant I'annee 1905. Am- sterdam, 1906. 8vo, pp. vi., 67. Winkelbedi'ijven met uitzondering van het Kappers- en Barbiersbedrijven (IL) : rapport . . . Amsterdam, 1905. 8vo, pp. 114. Andrew (John A.). See Massachusetts. Address of His Excellency J. A. Andrew to the two branches of the Legislature of Massa- chusetts. Boston, 1865. 8vo, pp. 140. Andrews (I.). New London Bridge, but no new taxes : or, the feats of the tricksters and trio . . . Containing a narrative of the proceedings of the Bridge House Committee . . . showing the absolute necessity of placing this trust in the hands of three active, intelligent and honourable parhanientary commissioners. London. 1823. 4to, pp. 16. [Bound up in volume Xew London Bridge, 1814-1829.] Andrews ("William). Bygone Middlesex. Edited by W. Andrews. London, 1899. 8vo, pp. 248, ii. Contents, inter alia : — Historic Middlesex — T. Frost. Some Middlesex monasteries — S. W. Kershaw. Fulham Palace and Church — C. H. Bellamy. Canonbury Tower — J. T. Page. Holland House and its memories — C. H. Bellamy. St. Dunstan's Church, Stepney — C. H. Bellamy. Merrie Islington— T. Frost. The old Chelsea Physic Garden— J. T. Page. The tea gardens of the eighteenth century — T. Frost. The old wells of Middlesex— J. T. Page. ' Swearing-in at Highgate. Charle=! Lamb and Edmonton — J. T. Page. Angus (John). Old and new bills of mortaUty ; movement of the population ; deaths and fatal diseases in London during the last 14 years. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. XVIL 1854. Antiquaries Club and Cockburn Association, Edinburgh. The care of historical cities. A report on the measures in force in continental countries for the protection of historical and artistic monuments in the older cities. [By G. B. Bro\^ai.] Edinburgh, 1904. 8vo, pp. 31. Archbold (John Frederick). Archbold's Lunacy, comprising the Lunacy Acts, 1890 and 1891 ; the Lancashire County (Lunatic Asylums and other powers) Act, 1891, and all the statutory rules, orders, and forms in force thereunder, also the statutes relating to criminal lunatics, the Lunacy (Vacating of Seats) Act, 1886, and the Idiots Act, 1886. Fourth edition. By S. G. Lushington. London, 1895. 8vo, pp. 51, cc\di., 905. Archbold's practice of the Court of Quarter Sessions, and its civil, criminal and appellate jurisdiction ; with tables of allow- ances to witnesses, costs of appeal, procedure on appeals, and of the principal indictable offences triable at Quarter Sessions. Fifth edition. By Sir G. Sherston Baker. London, 1898. 8vo, pp. xlvii., 655, [48]. The Poor Law ; comprising the law relating to the Poor Law authorities ; the relief of the poor, including the reUef of pauper lunatics ; the Kettlement and removal of the poor ; and the poor rate. Fifteenth edition. By James Brooke Little. Lon- don, 1898. Svo, pp. hi., [1408]. Architectural Association. Brown Book, Session 1900-1901. [London, 1liamcnt from the river ; Westminster Cathedral. 32 Da vies (Albert Emil) and Ernest Edward Gower. Tramway trips and rambles. Cheap delightful trips by tram and foot in the London countryside. [London, 1905.] 4to, pp. 136. Davis (H. W. C). Catholic Emancipation. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. X. The Eestora- tion. 1902, etc. 8vo. Dawson (Nelson). See Lucas (E. V.). A wanderer in London. With 16 illustrations . . . . by N. Dawson, etc. 1906. 8vo. Dawson (William Harbutt). The German workman. A study in national efficiency. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. xii., 301. Contents, inter alia : Labour registries ; insurance against work- lessness ; labour colonies and relief works for the vmemploj^ed ; housing of the working classes ; anti-consumption crusade ; Berlin convalescent homes ; the doctor in the school ; municipal pawnshops ; industrial courts of arbitration ; industrial insurance laws ; municipal informa- tion bureaux ; poor law. Defoe (Daniel). See Citizen, A. A journal of the plague year, etc. 1886. 8vo. Deptford, Metropolitan Borough of. Abstract of audited accounts of the late Vestry of St. Paul and the Borough Council of Deptford from the 26th March, 1900, to the 31st March, 1901. London, 1902. 8vo. Abstract of the audited accounts . . . 1901-2 to 1903-4. London, 1902-4. 8vo. Reports of the medical officer of health, 1901-5. London, 1902-6. 8vo. Derbyshire County Council. Annual reports on the health of Derby- shire for the years 1904 to 1905. Derby, 1905-6. 8vo. Descamps (E.). L'Afrique Nouvelle : Essai sur I'Etat ci\-ihsateur dans les pays neufs et sur la fonclation, I'organisation et le gouverne- ment de I'Etat Lidependant du Congo. Paris and Bruxelles, 1903. 8vo, pp. xvi., 626. Dewsbury, Borough of. Additional water regulations. Dewsbury, 1890. 8vo, pp. 3. Dewsnup (Ernest Ritson). See Manchester University PubUcations. The housing problem in England, by E. R. Dewsnup. Man- chester, 1907. 8vo. Dibdin (William Joseph). See Thames Barrage Committee. The Port of London and the Thames Barrage ... by ... C. [or rather W.] J. Dibdin. 1907. 4to. Dick (William Robertson). Inscriptions and cle\aces in the Beauchainp Tower, Tower of London : with a short historical slcetch of the building and the prisoners formerly confined therein. Collected from State papers, records, and other authentic sources. London [1853]. 8vo, pp. 32. Dicksee (Bernard). The London Building Acts, 1894 to 1905 . . . with copious index, notes, cross references, legal decisions and diagrams, also the bylaws and regulations. Second edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. xxi., 331. Dodd (J. Theodore). The unemployed and the powers of the Guar- dians of the Poor. London, 1903. 8vo, pp. 19. [Bound up in volume Unemployment.] Doncaster, Borough oL A calendar to the records of the Borough of Doncaster. Doncaster, 1899. 8vo. 2 vols. Contents : — Vol. I. — Royal charters and ancient title deeds. Vol. II. — Court Rolls of Doncaster, Rossington, Hexthorpe, and Long Sandall. Drainage and Sewerage. Metropohtan experience of the unsuccessful results of the system of pipe drainage. Extracted from the " Times " of Wednesday, September 29th, 1852. [London], 1852. 8vo, pp. 32. An account of a meeting of the Metropolitan Commission of Sewers, September 2Sth, 1852. [Bound up in volume Plans for Metropolitan Drainage, 1848-65.] Dresden, City of. Yerwaltungsbericht des Kates der Koniglichen HaupL- und Residenzstadt Dresden, 1901-3. Dresden, 1902-i. 8vo. Drogheda, Corporation of. Abstract of the accounts of the (1) borough fund, (2) waterworks department, (3) gasworks depart- ment, (4) public Hbrary committee, for the year ending 31st March, 1905, together with the auditor's report thereon. [Drog- heda, 1900]. 4to. Droop (H. R.). Our methods of electing representatives. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. XLfV. 1881. Duckworth (Lawrence). The consumer's handbook of the law relating to gas, water and electric lighting. Third edition revised. Lon- don, 1905. 8vo, pp. XV., 108. ^ . Dudley (Henry Bate). See Bate (Henry), afterwards Sir H. B; Dudl.-y. 1.J2.S6 n 34 Dugdale (William). The hi.story of embanking and draining of divers fens and marshes, both in foreign parts and in this kingdom, and of the improvements thereby . . . The second edition, revised and corrected, by C. N. Cole. London, 1772. Folio pp. xii., 469. Contents, inter alia : Kent, Surrey, Middlesex, and Essex embankments on the Thames. Dumsday (William H.) and Hartley Brinkley Newton Mothersole. The Law of Education, comprising the Education Acts 1870 to 1903, and other enactments and orders relating to the powers and duties of local education authorities, etc. London, 1904. 8vo, pp. xliv., 1016. Duncan (W. W.). Duncan's Manual of British and Foreign Tram- way Companies, containing abstract of accounts, traffic tables of the principal companies, tramwav tables, and traniwav direc- tory, 1893. . . . London, 1893. 8vo, pp. viii., 412. [The last 42 pp. are advertisements.] Dundee Social Union. Keport on housing and industrial conditions [in Dundee] and medical inspection of school children. Dundee, 1905. 8vo, pp. xvi., 150. Dunlop (R.). Ireland, from the plantation of Ulster to the Cromwelhan settlement, 1611-59. See Cambridge Modern His- tory. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IV. The Thirty Years' War. 1902, etc. 8vo. Ireland, to the settlement of Ulster. See Cambridge Modern Historv. The Cambridge Modern Historv. Vol. III. The wars 'e of rehgion. 1902, etc. 8vo. E. Eaton (Dorman B.). The government of municipalities. New York, 1899. 8vo, pp. x., [526]. Contents, inter alia : Pi-esent municipal condition in the United States ; nature of the evils and separate elections and Home Rule as remedies ; relation of political parties to Home Rule ; municipal government by party as illustrated by the Tammany democracy ; the Merit, or Civil Sei-\-ice Reform, System ; evil effects of too short terms of ofifice and too many elections ; how to insure a salutaiy publicity of official action ; free nominations and free voting ; minority representation ; functions and relations of city councils and mayors ; constitution and membership of a city council ; methods and practical results of municipal govern- ment in Great Britain and in Continental Europe ; election of mayors and their powers and functions ; school administration and sanitary administration ; police ; judicial administration. oa Edelmann ( ). Sclilaclit- imd Viehhofe. See Wuttke (E.). Die Deutschen Stiklte. 1U04. 8vo and folio. Eden (Sir Frederick Morton). Observations on friendly societies, for the maintenance of the industrious classes, during sickness, infirmity, old age, and other exigencies. London, 1801. 8vo, pp. 30." [Bound up with R. Saunders's Observations on the present state and infli:ence of the poor knvs.} The state of the poor ; or, an history of the labouring classes in England, from the Conquest to the present period ; in which are particularly considered . . . the various plans which, from time to time, have been proposed, and adopted, for the rehef of the poor, etc. London, 1797. 4to. 3 vols. Edinburgh Architectural Association. Our drainage system : Two papers read to the Edinburgh Architectural Association on 7th and 28th February, 1872, by J. Paterson. Edinburgh, 1872. 8vo, pp. 32. Edmundson (George). The revolt of the Netherlands ; Wilham the Silent ; the Dutch Republic. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern Historv. Vol. III. The wars of religion. 1902, etc. 8vo. Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IV. The Thirty Years' War, 1902, etc. 8vo. Brazil and Portugal ; The Low Countries. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. X. The Restoration. 1902, etc. 8vo. Education. Higher Education, England and Wales (Application of Funds by Local Authorities) during the year 1903-4. Return showing the extent to which, and the manner in which. Local Authorities in England and Wales have applied funds to the purposes of technical education and other forms of education other than elementary, during the year 1903-4, under the follow- ing Acts : — Local Taxation (Customs and Excise) Act, 1890 ; Technical Instruction Acts, 1889 and 1891 ; Welsh Intermediate Education Act, 1889 ; Pubhc Libraries and Museums Acts ; and Education Act, 1902. London, 1906. FoHo, pp. 251. Public Elementary Schools (Scholarships, etc.). Return showing the provision made by local education authorities for enabling scholars of public elementary schools to proceed to secondary schools or to pupil teacher centres and preparatory classes connected therewith by means of exhibitions, scholarsliips, bursaries, payment of tuition fees, payment of travelling ex- penses, maintenance grants, etc. . . . London, I'.KXj. Folio, pp. 102. [Bound up in volume Voluatarij schools. Training Colleges, etc.} 36 Education — continued Return for tlie year 1904-5 relating to education in the United Kingdom . . . [showing the total number of educational institutions receiving grants from Imperial Exchequer, proportion of grant to total population, and various other particulars]. London, 1UU6. Folio, pp. 11. [Bound up in volume Voluntary schools. Training Colleges, ttc] Return showing for each of the training colleges for elemen- tary teachers, both day and residential, the total amounts received since their foundation for maintenance from (1) (a) voluntary subscriptions, (b) endowments ; (2) student's fees ; (3) Exchequer grants. . . . London, 1906. Folio, pp. 15. [Bound 11]) in volume Voluntary schools. Training Colleges, etc.] Statement showing number of voluntary schools on 1st January, 1906, in urban areas with a population of 5,000 and over in England and Wales respectively, and their average attendance for statistical year ended 31st July, 1904, with approximate per- centages to the total number and average attendance of all the voluntary schools in England and Wales for the same period. London, 1906. Folio, pp. 3. [Bound up in volume Voluntary schools. Training Colleges, ftc] Statement showing number of voluntary schools in Eng- land and Wales respectively on 1st January, 1906, in urban areas with a population of 5,000 and over ; ... in urban areas with a popidation of less than 5,000 ; ... in rural areas and their average attendance for the statistical year ended 31st July, 1905, with approximate percentages to the total number and average attendance of all voluntary schools in England and Wales for the same period. London, 1906. Folio, pp. 3. [Bound up in volume Voluntary schools. Training colleges, etc.] Education, Board of. Special reports on educational subjects. London, 1897-1905. 8vo [continuing). Contents, inter alia — Vols. XII., XIII., XIV. — Educational systems of the chief Crown Colonies and possessions of the British Emiiire, including rei^orts on the training of native races. Vol. XV. — School training for the home duties of women. Education (Provision of Meals) Bill. Special report and report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Education (Provision of Meals) Bill, 1906 ; and the Education (Provision of Meals) (Scotland) Bill, 1906 ; together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, appendix, index and digest of evidence. London, 1906. Folio, pp. 288. Egerton (Hugh E.). The transference of colonial power to the United Provinces and England. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IV. The Thirty Years' War. 1902, etc. 8vo. ot Egerton (Hugh E.) — continued The British Empire, 1783-1815 ; the Colonies. ,S^e Cam- bridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IX. Napoleon. 1<>02, etc. 8vo. Electric Supply. Special report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the London County Council (Electric Supply) Bill, 1906, with the proceedings of the Committee [and evidence and speeches before the Committee]. London, 1906. Folio, pp. [1207]. Special report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the London County Council (Electric Supply) Bill 1906. London, 1906. Folio, pp. 12. [Bound up M-ith copy of the Bill.] Eeport from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Supply of Electricity Bill ; together with the proceedings of the Committee, and minutes of evidence [and index.] London, 1904. Folio, pp. X, 131. Emden (T. Walter L.). County of London. Sketches of bridges over the Thames. Sketches by Howard Penton. Letterpress by Charles Palmer. London, 1903. 28 illustrations with expla- nations. Obi. fol. Westminster Abbey and parish churches. Illustrations by Howard Penton. London, [1904]. Folio, pp. 11 and 28. Emslie (John Philipps). See London Topographical Society. Illus- trated topographical record of London. From drawings by J. P. Emslie, Avith comments by the artist . . . 1898-1900. 4to. Engineering Standards Committee. Eeport and progress of work, from January, 1901, to July, 1905. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. 59. Engineers, Society of. Transactions for 1866. London, 1867. 8vo, pp. [288], and plates. [Contains a paper by Baldwin Latham on the utilibation of sewage.] Englishman, An. Lighthouse management. The report of the Koyal Commissioners on lights, buoys, and beacons, 1861, examined and refuted. London, 1861. 8vo, pp. ii., 74. [Bound up in volume Miscellaneous PampMets, lS~A)-()4.] Evans, (G. D.). Alphabetical index to Evauvs' wharf map of the River Thames : sliuwiiig all wharves, occupiers of wharves, etc., between Nine Elms and Barking, and the positions on map . . . London, 1905. 4to, pp. 29. Evans' wharf map of tlie rivor Thames, 190.'). London, 43JJ281 38 Evelyn (John). See Citizen, A. [i.e., Daniel Defoe). A journal of the plague year ... to which is added some account of the great fire in 1666 (extracted from " Evelyn's Memoirs "). 1886. 8vo. Eyre-Todd (George). See Glasgow, Corporation of. Official guide to Glasgow. . . . Written by G. Eyre-Todd. 1905. 8vo. P. Factories. [A review of certain literature on factories. London. 1833-4.] 8vo, pp. 43. [Reprinted from London and Westminster Review, October, 1836, vol. xxvi.] Fanshawe (Evelyn Leighton). See Wright (K. S.) and H. Hobhouse- An outline of local government and local taxation in England and Wales (excluding London) . . . Third Edition. By H. Hobhouse and E. L. Fanshawe. 1906. 8vo. Fearnside (William Gray). The History of London; illustrated by views in London and Westminster, engraved by John Woods. . . . Edited by W. G. Fearnside and (in continuation) by Tc Harral. London, [n.d.]. 4to, pp. 204. Ferrand (Lucien). L'habitation a bon marche. Preface de M. Jules Siegfried. Paris, 1906. 8vo, pp. 346, with plans, etc. Fielding (Sir John). The London and Westminster Guide, through the cities and suburbs . . . London, 1776. 12mo, pp. xxxiii., [251]. Figgis (John Neville). Pohtical thought in the sixteenth century* See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern His- tory. Vol. III. The wars of religion. 1902, etc. 8vo. Finsbury, Metropolitan Borough oL Reports on the pubhc health of Finsbury, 1901-5. London, 1902-6. 8vo. Eeport on the pubUc health of Finsbury, 1906, including annual report on factories and workshops, and. special report on infant mortaUty, London, 1907. 8vo, pp. 274. A special report on an infants' milk depot, established under the auspices of the Finsbury Social Workers Association. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. 42. Fire, Protection of Life from. See Building Acts. Precis of the evi- dence given before Select Committees of both Houses of Parlia- ment on the London Building Acts (Amendment) Act, 1905. . . . London, 1906. Foho. 39 Firth (Charles Harding). Anarchy and the Eestoration. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IV. The Thirty Years' War. 1902, etc. 8vo. Firth (James Francis). Coopers' Company, London. Historical memoranda, charters, docnments and extracts from the records of the Corporation and the books of the company, 13'.)6-18i8. London, 1848. 8vo, pp. 136. Fisher (Herbert Albert Laurens). The Codes ; the French Dependen- cies ; the first Restoration ; St. Helena. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IX. Napoleon. 1902, etc. 8vo. Fisher (Payne). Catalogue of the tombs in the churches of the City of London, a.d. 1666. Revised and edited by G. Blacker Morgan. London, 1668. Privately reprinted 1885. 4to, pp. vii., 94. The tombs and monuments, lately visible in St. Paul's Cathedral, and St. Faith's under it . . . Edited by G. Blacker Morgan. [London, 1684.] Privately reprinted 1885. 4to, pp. iv., 190. Fishmongers, Worshipful Company of. Report of experiments and observations on the vitality of the bacillus of typhoid fever and of sewage microbes in oysters and other shellfish. By E. Klein. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. 79. The vitaUty of the typhoid bacillus in shellfish. Prehminary report on investigations . . . By E. Klein. London, 1905. Svo, pp. 10. Fitzgerald (Percy). London city suburbs as they are to-day. Illus- trated by W. Luker, Junr., from original drawings. London, 1893. Folio, pp. xvi., 349. ContentH, inter alia : London inner suburbs ;Lon(lon northern suburbs ' the northern heights ; north-eastern suburbs ; London southern suburbs ; London river suburbs. Fitzmaurice (Maurice). See London County Council. Bridges. Notes on the acquisition ... of the county bridges, etc. With descriptive and explanatory notes ... by Maurice Fitzmaurice, etc. 1906. 8vo. Fletcher (James). Statistics of the farm school system on the Continent, and of its applicability to the preventive and reforma- tory education of pauper and criminal children in England. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. XIV. 1851. 40 Fletcher (Joseph). A statistical account of the ancient prescriptive jurisdictions over the Thames, possessed by the Corporation of London. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statisti- cal Society. Vol. IV. 1841. Statistics of the municipal institutions of the English towns. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Roval Statistical Society. Vol. V. 1842. The Metropolis : its boundaries, extent, and divisions for local government ; history and statistics of the present system of sewerage in the Metropolis. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. VII. 1844. Historical and statistical account of the present system of supplying the Metropolis with water. See Statistical Society, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. VIII. 1845. A statistical account of the municipal provisions for paving, lighting and cleansing the streets and public places of the Metro- polis, and for protecting them from nuisances ; statistical account of the constitution and operation of the criminal courts of the Metropolis. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. IX. 1846. Statistical accoimt of the markets of London. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. X. 1847. Statistical account of the police of the Metropolis. See Statistical Societv. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. XIII. 1850.^ Fletcher (William Isaac). See Poole. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature. 1882, etc. 8vo. Flinzer ( ). Die Gesundheitspolizei in den deutschen Stadten. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. Leipzig, 1904. Fogs. London fogs. Report of the Meteorological Council upon an inquiry into the occurrence and distribution of fogs in the London area, during the winters of 11)01-2 and 1902-3 ... to which is appended the report by R. G. K.Lempfert, M.A., on the observa- tions of the winter 1902-3. London, 1904. Folio, pp. 48. Foot (Peter). General view of the agriculture of the county of Middle- sex, with observations on the means of their improvement. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement. London, 1794. 8vo, jip. 92. Forde (Sir Edward). A Designe for bringing a Navigable River from Rickmansworth in Hartfordshire to St. Gyles in the Fields ; the Benefits of it declared ; and the Objections against it answered. London, 1641. 8vo, pp. 10. [Bound up with Roberts (Sir W.), Ayistver to Mr. Ford's Book . . .] 41 Fortescue (George Knottesford). See British Museum. Subject index of the modern works added to the Ubrary ... in the years 1881-1900. Edited by G. K. Fortescue. 1903. 8vo. Fowler (Sir Henry Hartley). Municipal finance and mmiicipal enterprise. Sec Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statis- tical Society. Vol. LXIII. 1900. Fox (Arthur Wilson). The rating of land values. Notes upon the proposals to levy rates in respect of site values. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. 121. France. Ministere des travaux publics. Ports mantimes de la France. Notice sur le port de Dieppe . . . Paris, 1903. 8vo, pp. 115 and map. Notice sur le port de Boulogne. Paris, 1904. 8vo, pp. 178. Notice sur le port de Calais. Paris, 1901. 8vo, pp. 234. Notice sur le port de Havre. Paris, 1875. 8vo, pp. 172. Notice suj le port de Fecamp. Paris, 1906. 8vo, pp. 109. Frankfort- on-Main. Beilagen zu den Beitragen zur Statistik der Stadt Frankfurt am Main. Neue Folge. Frankfurt am Main, 1900-1907. 4to. {continuing). Contents : — Statistische Uebersichten iiber die Geechaftsthatigkeit der offentlichen Arbeitsvermittelungsstellen der Rhein- und Maingegend 1899-1906 ; AiLsweis iiber die Lohnverhiiltnisse stiidtischer Arbeiter und Bediensten, 19(X> ; Sonderabdruck . . . Bevolkerungs- und Wohnungsverhiiltnisse betretfend, 1902 and 1904 ; Tabellarische Uebersichten iiber die Invalidenrentner . . . 1902 ; Aus den Ergebnissen der Socialversicherung ; Tabellen zum Bericht der stiidtisehen Arbeitsverniittelungsstellc. Beitrage zur Statistik der Stadt Frankfurt am Main. Neue Folge. Ergiinzungsblatter 1-6. Frankfurt am Main, 1900. 4to. No. 1. Au-s den Ergebnissen der Volksziihlung — 2 Dezenibcr, 1895. ,, 2. Zur Statistik der Krankenkassen. ,, 3. Aus den Erg. der Berufsziihlung — 14 Juni, 1895. ,, 4. A\i.s den Erg. der Volksziihlung — 2 December, 1895. (II.) ,, 5. Aus den Erg. iiber die Wohnungsverhiiltnisse gelegentlich der Volksziihlung. ,, G. Aus den Erg. der Gewerbezahlung — 14 Juni, 1895. Beitrage zur Statistik der Stadt Frankfurt am Main. Neue Folge. Zweites, drittes und viertes Hefte. Frankfurt am Main, 1893-1901. 8vo. 2tes Heft. Die Bewegung der Bevtilkerung, 1891. StesHoft. Tabellarische Uebersichten, betrellend den Civilstand . . • 1892-1900. 4tes Heft. Frankfurter Krankheitstafeln. 42 Frankfort-on-Main — continued Beitrage zur Statistik der Stadt Frankfurt am Main. Neue Folge. Kurze Mitteilungen aus den Hauptergebnissen der Volkszahlung voni 1 Dezember, 1905. 1-4 Hefte. Frankfurt am Main, 1906. 4to. Tabellarische Uebersichten betreffend den Zivilstand der Stadt Frankfurt am Main .... 1899, 1901, 1903, 1905 and 1906. Frankfurt am Main, 1900. 4to. • Die Verwaltungsberichte des Magistrats der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, 1901-2. Sonderabdriicke. Frankfurt am Main, 1901-2. 4to. Fraser (Hugh). The Law of Parliamentary Elections and Election Petitions, with suggestions on the conduct and trial of an election petition, forms and precedents and all statutes bearing on the subject. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. xxiv., 430. Free (Richard William). Lux Benigna, being the history of Orange- street Chapel, otherwise called Leicester-fields Chapel, occupied 1693-1776 by the French Eefugee Church founded in Glasshouse- street in 1688 ; 1776-1787 by members of the Church of England ; 1787-1888 by Congregational dissenters . . . London, 1888. 8vo, pp. xxi., 196. Freeman (Horace). See Underbill (A.), H. Freeman, etc., An encyclopaedia of forms and precedents . . . Vol. VII., 1905. 8vo Freshfield (Edwin). Archaeology in London as a Pastime for a busy man, being a lecture delivered at the London Institution ou Monday, February 17th, 1902. London, 1902. 4 to, pp. 15. Frost (Thomas). The old showmen, and the old London Fairs. Second Edition. London, 1875. 8vo, pp. 388. Fulham, Metropolitan Borough of. Annual reports of the medical officer of health, 1901-5. London, 1902-6. 8vo. Fulleylove (John). See Bradley (E. T.), afterwards A. Murray Smith- Westminster Abbey . . . 1904. 8vo. See Davey (R.). The Pageant of London, with 40 illustra- tions by J. Fulleylove. 1906. 8vo. Furnivall (Frederick J.). >See Harrison (William). Harrison's descrip- tion of England in Shakspere's youth . . . Edited . . . by F. J. Furnivall. 1881. 8vo. G. Galton (Douglas). See Herbert Hospital. Report to the Secretary of State for War on Herbert Hospital. . . . 1865. Folio. Gambling. The fatal effects of gambling exemplified in the murder of Wm. Weare, and the trial and fate of John Thurtell, the mur- derer, and his accomphces ; . . . To which is added the Gam- bler's Scourge ; a complete exposure of the whole system of gam- bling in the Metropolis, with memoirs and anecdotes of notorious blacklegs. Illustrated . . . London, 1824. 4to, pp. xxii., 512. Gaols. Fourth and fifth reports from the Select Committee of the House of Lords appointed to encjuire into the present state of the several gaols and houses of correction in England and Wales, with the minutes of evidence . . . and appendix, and a general index, 1835. London, 1835. Folio, pp. vi., [434.] Gardiner (Blanche). See Bunting (Evelyn M.). A School for Mothers. 1908. 8vo. Gardiner (Robert Barlow). The Admission Registers of St. Paul's School from 1748 to 1876 . . . With biographical notices and notes on the earlier masters and scholars of the school from the time of its foundation . . . London, 1884. 8vo. pp. xiv., 515. Gardiner (Samuel Rawson). Britain under James I. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. III. The wars of religion. 1902, etc. 8vo. Gardner (Henry B.). See American Statistical Association. PubU- cations of the . . . Association. Vol. I. Statistics of municipal finance. 1889. 8vo. Gatliff (Charles). On improved dwelUngs and their beneficial effects on health and morals, with suggestions for their extension. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Roval Statistical Society. Vol. XXXVIII. 1875. Gavvtress (William). See Hull, Corporation of. A report of the inquiry into the existing state of the Corporation of Hull . . . Hull,. 1834. 8vo, pp. 419. Gay (Ernest). Nos ediles, 1904-1908. Paris, [1905], pp. 456. [An account of the nienibere of the Conseil Municipal de Paris ; and of the Coaseil General de la Seine, the Prefects, etc.] George (W. L.). Engines of social progress. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. vii., 312. Contents, inter alia : Organised emigration ; email holdings ; garden city; model villages ; housing schemes ; co-operation ; trust public house movement ; rescue. Germany. Die Deutschen im Auslande und die Auslander im deutschen Reich. Berlin, 1905. 4to. 44 Germany — continued Die deutsche Flagge in deu ausserdeutsclien Hafen, 1903 Berlin, 1004-5. 4 to. Teil I. — Europiiische Hiifen. ,, II. — Aussereuropiiische Hiifen. Die deutsche Flagge in den ausserdeutsclien Hafen, 1904. Berlin, 1906. 4to. Statistik der Keichstagswahlen von 1907. Ersterteil : Vergleicliende Uebersicht der Eeichstagswahlen von 1903 und 1907 auf Grmid der Berichte der Walilkonimissare. . . . Berlin, 1907. 4to, pp. 70. Giffard'(Hardinge Stanley), Earl of Halsbury, and other lawyers. The Laws of England : being a complete statement of the whole law of England. London, 1907. 8vo. Giffen (Robert). Notes and further notes on the progress of the work- ing classes in the last half-century. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vols. XLVI. and XLIX. 1883-6. Girdlestone (Rev. Charles). Letters on the unhealthy condition of the lower class of dwellings, especially in large towns, founded on the first report of the Health of Towns Commission. With notices of other documents on the subject, and an appendix con- taining plans and tables from the report. London, 1845. 8vo, pp. xii., 92. Glanders. Report of a conference between the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries and certain local authorities with regard to Glanders, 13th June, 1907. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. 30. Glasgow, City of. The Glasgow Buildings Regulations Act, 1900 . . . Glasgow, 1900. 8vo, pp. 78. Reports, etc., 1904-5 to 1906-7. Glasgow, 1906-7. FoHo. Souvenir handbook of Glasgow issued by the Corporation on the occasion of the twenty-second congress of the Sanitary Listitute held in Glasgow from 25th till 30th July, 1904. Glasgow, 1904. 8vo, pp. 143. Official guide to Glasgow and its neighbourhood by the tramway car routes . . . Written by George Eyre-Todd. Glas- gow, 1905. 8vo, pp. 55. Glen (Alexander). The law relating to county government under the Local Government Act, 1888, and other statutes affecting county councils, together with notes on the Registration of Electors Acts, etc. By W. E. Gordon. London, 1890. 8vo, pp. Ixxxviii, 1279. Glen (Alexander), A. F. Jenkin and R. A. Glen. The law relating to pubUc health and local government. London, 1906. 8vo. 2 vols. Vol. I., pp. cxcvi., 1000, 126. Vol. IL, pp. 1265, 126. 45 Glen (Randolph A,). See Glen (A.) A. F. Jenkin and R. A. Glen. The law relating to pubhc health and local government. 1906. 8vo. Codman (Ernest). See London, Committee for the Survey of the ^lemorials of Greater London. The Church of St. Dunstan, Stepnev. Bv the Hon. Walter C. Pepys and Ernest Godnian . . . [1905.f 4to. Gomme (George Laurence). The Governance of London : Studies on the place occupied by London in Enghsh institutions . . . with maps. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. xii., -118. Contents — The conditions for the study of institutions in Britain ; Roman London ; comparison with other Roman cities in Britain ; methods of i-esearch for later London ; London and William the Con- queror ; London of the Charters ; London and the Sovereign ; organisation of Xorman and Plantagenet London ; State law in relation to municipal law ; decline of London. Local taxation in London. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. LXL 1898. See London Topographical Society. London Topographi- cal Record . . . [with the Vice-Presidential Address of Mr. G. L. Gomme]. Vol. III. 1906. 8vo. Gooch (George Peabody). Great Britain and Ireland, 1792-1815. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IX. Napoleon. 1902, etc. 8vo. Great Britain and Ireland, 1832-41. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. X. The Restoration. 1902, etc. 8vo. Gordon (Robert). On the theory of the flow of water in open chan- nels. Rangoon, 1875. Foho, pp. [149]. Gordon (William Edward). /See Glen (A.). The law relating to county government . . . Together with notes on the Registration of Electors Acts, etc. By W. E. Gordon. 1890. 8vo. Goschen (George Joachim). Speech ... on the Oxford University Tests Abolition Bill, June 14th, 1865. London, 1865. 8vo, pp. 31. [Bound up with Rtporl from Select Committee, of the Housi of Cc7)imcv>< on Optn Spaces — Melropolia]. Goss (Charles W. F.). Crosby Hall : A Chapter in the history of London ; with 36 illustrations. London, 1908. 8vo, pp. xvi., IGO. 46 Gough (Richard). See Camden (W.)- Middlesex. [A section of the enlarged edition (1607) of Camden's Britannia, translated by Gough]. [1806.] Folio. See Camden (W.). Surrey. [A section of the enlarged edition (1607) of Camden's Britannia, translated by R. Gough.] [1806]. Folio. Gould (Elgin Ralston Lovell). See American Statistical Association. Publications of the . . . Association. Vol. I. Park areas and open spaces in American and European cities. 1888. 8vo. Gower (Ernest Edward). See Davies. Tramway trips and rambles. (1905). 4to. Grahame (A. J.). See Bradley (M. C.) and E. T. Bradley. Westmin- ster Abbey. Illustrations and architectural chapter by the late A. J. Grahame, etc. 1904. 4to. Grahn (E ). Die stadtischen Wasserwerke. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stiidte. Leipzig, 1904. Gray (B. Kirkman). A history of English philanthropy from the dissolution of the monasteries to the taking of the first census. London, 1905. 8yo, pp. xy., 291. Great Yarmouth, County Borough of. Abstract of the accounts of the treasurers of the borough of Great Yarmouth for the year ending 3l6t March, 1907. Great Yarmouth, 1907. 4to. pp.101. Greenwich, Metropolitan Borough of. Annual reports made to the Council by . . . medical officer of health, 1901-4. London^ 1902-5. 8vo. Greenwich Union. Statement of the accounts of the Union, 1904-5. London, 1905. FoHo. Greenwood (James). The seven curses of London. London, [1869.] 8vo, pp. yiii., 461. Contents : Neglected children ; Professional thieves ; Professional beggars ; Fallen women ; The curse of drunkenness ; Betting and gambling ; Waste of charity. Gresham University Commission. Report of the Commissioners appointed to consider the Draft Charter for the proposed Gresham Uniyersity in London, together with dissentient and other notes, together with minutes of evidence taken by the Commissioners, tables of witnesses and of institutions represented. London, 1894. Foho, pp. Ixiii., 1227. Grey (William E.) See May (Sir T. E.). A Treatise on the law, privileges . . . and usage of ParUament. 1906. Svo. Gruner ( ). Die Baupolizei. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. Leipzig, 1904. Guilland (Anton). The pacification of Europe, 1799-1802 ; France and lier tributaries, 1801-3 ; Switzerland, 1800-14. See Cam- bridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IX. Napoleon. 1902, etc. Svo. Gurlitt (Cornelius). Der deutsche Stadtebau. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. Leipzig, 1904. Guy (William A.). Two hundred and fifty years of small-pox in London. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. XLV. 1882. Guyot (Yves). See American Statistical Association. Pubhcations of the . . . Association. Vol, IX. The bread and meat of the world. 1904. 8vo. H. Habitual Drunkards. Report from the Select Committee on habitual drunkards ; together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. London, 1872. FoHo, pp. xxviii., 249. Hackney, Metropolitan Borough of. Reports of the Council of the Borough of Hackney, . . . 1900-1 to 1905-6. London [1903-8]. 8vo. Reports on the sanitary condition of the Hackney district, 1901-5. London, 1902-6. Svo. Hackney Union. Financial statement, 1904-5. London, 1905. Folio. Hale (William). An address to the pubHc upon the dangerous ten- dency of the London Female Penitentiary ; with hints relative to the best means of lessening the sum of prostitution. London, 1809. Svo, pp. 68. Considerations on the causes and the prevalence of female prostitution ; and on the most practicable and efficient means of abating and preventing that, and all other crimes, against the virtue and safety of the community. London, 1812. Svo, pp. 71. A letter to Samuel Whitbread, Esq., M.P., containing observations on the distrcBscs peculiar to the poor of Spitalfiekls, arising from their local situation. London, 1807. 4to, pp. 35. Hallen (Arthur Washington Cornelius). The registers of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, London. . . . Transcribed by A. W. C. Hallen. [London], 1889-95. Svo, 3 vols. 48 Halsbury (Earl of). See Gifiard (Hardinge Stanley), Earl of Halsbuiy. Hamilton (Rowland). Popular education in England and Wales before and after the Elementary Education Act of 1870. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. XL VI. 1883. Popular education in England and Wales since 1882. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. LIII. 1890. Hampstead Annual. The Hampstead Annual, 1904--5. Edited by G. E. Matheson and S. C. Mayle. London, [1905.]. 8vo, pp. 139. Contents, i)iter alia : On the geology of Hampstead ; Keats ; Hampstead Heath in 1680; Hampstead Xote Book. Hampstead Antiquarian and Historical Society. Transactions of the Hampstead Antiquarian and Historical Society. 1902-5. London, 1905-7. 8vo, pp. 178. Contents, inter alia : — 1902 — Some local points of interest, especially the name Gospel Oak; The Long Room ; Wyldes. 1903 — Elizabethan association with Hampstead ; A Hampstead invalid and a Hampstead doctor (Gay and Arbuthnot). 1904— St. Katharine's Royal Hospital, 1148-1904; North-End and some of its worthies. 1905. — The local antiquarian society as an instrument of culture ; Kilbui'n Priory. Hampstead Fever and Smallpox Hospital. Report from the Select Committee on Hampstead Fever and Smallpox Hospital ; to- gether with the proceedings of the Committee and minutes of e\dclence. London, 1875. FoHo, pp. xii. ; 140. Hampstead, Metropolitan Borough of. Reports of the medical officer of health, 1901-5. London, 1902-6. 8vo. Handford (Percy). See Mackenzie (W.) and P. Handford. Model by-laws, rules and regulations under the Public Health and other Acts, etc. 1899. 8vo. Harbottle (Thomas Benfield). Dictionary of quotations (classical). With authors and subjects indexes. London, 1902. 8vo, pp. 684. Hardy (William John). See Middlesex County. Middlesex County Records. Calendar of the Sessions Books, 1689 to 1709, by W. J. Hardy, 1905. 8vo. and W. Page. A calendar to the feet of fines for London and Middlesex. . . . London, 1892-3. 8vo, 2 vols. 49 Harleian Society. The publications of the Harleian Society Registers. (London.) Vol. III. The Regester Booke of Saynte De'nis, Backchurch parishe . . . for maryages, christenpiges and buryalles, be- gynnynge in the yeare of O"" Lord God 1538. Edited by J. L, Chester. London, 1878. 8vo, pp. viii., 369. Vol. V. The parish registers of St. Mary, Aldermary, London, containing the marriages, baptisms and burials from 1558 to 1751. Edited by J. L. Chester. London, 1880. 8vo, pp. vi., 277. Vol. VI. The parish registers of St. Thomas the Apostle, London, containing the marriages, baptisms and burials from 1558 to 1754. edited by J. L. Chester. London, 1881. 8vo, pp. vi., 190. Vol. VII. The parish registers of St. Michael, Cornhill, London, containing the marriages, baptisms and burials from 1546 to 1754. Partly edited by J. L. Chester. London, 1882. 8vo, pp. viii., 348. Vol. VIII. The parish registers of St. Anthohn, Budge-row, London, containing the marriages, baptisms and burials from 1538 to 1754 ; and of St. John Baptist on Wallbrook, London, containing the baptisms and burials from 1682 to 1754. Partly edited by the late J. L. Chester, and completed under the direction of G. J. Armytage. London, 1883. 8vo, pp. vi., 262. Vol. XXIX. The registers of St. Vedast, Foster-lane, and of St. Michael le Quern, London. Edited by Willoughby A. Littledale. Vol. I., Christenings. London, 1902. 8vo, pp. x., 352. Harper (Edgar J.). Statistics of London traffic. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. LXVII. 1904. Harral (Thomas) See Fearnside (W. G.), The history of London. . . . Edited . . . (in continuation). By T. Harral. [n.d.]. 4to. Harris (Alexander). See Jessopp (Augustus). The Oeconomy of the Fleete. 4to. 1879. Harrison (William). Harrison's Description of England in Shaks- j^cn-'s youth. London, 1881. 8vo, pp. 196, and plates. ' * IJeirif^ tlic second and tliird books of his description of JJritaine and Eng- land. Edited from the first two editions of Holiashed's Chronicle, A.l3. 1577, irj87, by Eredcrici< J. Furnivall . . . Part 111. The Suiiplcmcnt, sec. 1 — four chaptere of Harrison's fii-st boolc, and extracts from ("iiiircii- yard, lo'j:}, lo'J-l, and John Norden, 1008 ; with a chromo-foto-lithograf of 50 Harrison ( William) — continued the only genuine earliest fnll view of " Old London Bridge" as Shakspere saw it ; a large view of " The Beauty of London," and Edward VI's pro- cession from the Tower to Westminster in 1547 ; views of West Chepe in 1585, and preaching at Paul's Cross in 1620 ; and an appendix by W. Niven, Esq., on " English Houses in Shakspere's Time," with four etchings. [Publication of the New Shakspere Society — Series VI.] Harrow-on-the-Hill Urban District Council. Annual report of the medical officer of health [for 1904]. Harrow, 1905. 8vo. Haw (George). Britain's Homes : a study of the Empire's heart- disease. London, 1902. 8vo, pp. 240. Hawkins (Edward Somerford). The church and parish of Saint Bride, Fleet-street. Third edition. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. 30, and 12 plates. Plates, inter alia: Bridewell Palace and Fleet River, 1660 ; Perspective view of the north-west front, 1761 ; Fleet River at its outfall, c. 1772 ; north-east front, 1814 ; St. Bride's Church, 1825 ; St. Bride's Avenue, 1829 ; St. Bride's Church, 1904 ; St. Bride's Avenue, 1904. Hawksmoor (Nicholas). Remarks on the founding and carrying on the buildings of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich. London, 1728. 4to, pp. 24. Haworth (Sam.). A description of the Duke's Bagnio and of the mineral bath and new spaw thereunto belonging, with an account of the use of sweating, rubbing, bathing, and the medicinal virtues of the spaw. London, 1683. 16mo, pp. 117. Hay ward (Edward E.). See Alden (Percy) and E. E. Hayward. Housing. 1907. 8vo. Health of Towns. First report of the commissioners for inquiring into the state of large towns and populous districts. London, 1844. 8vo, 2 vols. • Second report. Vol. II. (Local reports.) London, 1845. 8vo, pp. iv., 266. Hearnshaw (D. M.). See Heamshaw (F. J. C.) and D. M. Hearnshaw. [Southampton] Court Leet Records. 1905-6. 8vo. Hearnshaw (Fossey John Cobb). The records of Southampton : a brief account of some of the borough documents. Southampton, 1906. 12mo, pp. 24. and D. M. Hearnshaw. [Southampton] Court Leet Records. Vol. I., parts 1 and 2. Southampton, 1905-6. 8vo. Heath (H. Llewellyn). The infant, the parent, and the State: asocial study and review . . . with an introduction by Professor G. Sims Woodhead. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. xv., 187. Heiss (Hugo). The German abattoir. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. 128. [Bound up with Cash (C.) Our slaughter -house Sydem.] 51 Hemsley (H.). Rock and Alpine Gardening. London, 1908. 8vo. pp. 81. Hennell (E. Thomas). See Thames Barrage Committee, The Port of London and the Thames Barrage. 1007. -tto. Herbert Hospital. Report to the Secretary of State for "War, de- scriptive of the Herbert Hospital at Woohnch. By Douglas Galton, Assistant Under-Secretary of State for War. London, 1865. Folio, pp. 45, with plans. Hill (John). The means of reforming the morals of the poor, by the prevention of poverty ; and a plan for ameliorating the con- dition of parish paupers, and diminishing the enormous expense of maintaining them. London, 11)01. 8vo, pp. xx., 157. [Bound up with R. Saunders's Observations on the present state and in- fluence of the poor lairs]. Hobhouse (Henry). See Wright (R. S.). and H. Hobhouse. An outline of local government and local taxation in England and Wales (excluding London) . . . Third edition . . . I'j06. 8vo. Hodges (Nath.). Loimologia : or an Historical Account of the Plague in London in 1665 ; with precautionary Directions against the like Contagion ... to which is added an Essay on the different causes of Pestilential Diseases, and how they become Contagious : with Remarks on the Infection now in France, and the most prob- able Means to prevent its spreading here. By John Quincey. London, 1720. 8vo, pp. vi, 288. Hoffman (Frederick L.). See American Statistical Association. PubUcations of the . . . Association. Vol. X. The general death-rate of large American cities, 1871-1904. 1906. 8vo. Hoffner (C). Die Gaswerke. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. Leipzig, 1904. Holborn, Metropolitan Borough of. Annual report, 1905-6. London, " 1906. FoUo. Aimual report on the vital statistics and sanitary condition of the area of the late Holborn District Board of Works, . . . 1900. London, 1901. Folio. Report for the period from the 9th November, 1900, to the 31st March, 1901, and accounts from the 2Gth March, 1900, to the 31st March, 1901. London, 1903. Folio. Report of the medical ollicer of health . . . for the area of the late St. Giles' District .. . 1900. London, 1901. Folio. Reports of the medical officer of health, 1901-5. London,. 1902-6. FoUo. 52 Holborn Union. Annual report and abstract of accounts, 1903-4. London, 1901. 8vo. Holden ( ). Holden's triennial directory for 1805, 1806, 1807 . . . the same being an alphabetical reference to the merchants, bankers, . . . within the Metropolis and villages around. Also the names, etc., of the principal inhabitants resident in [85 pro- vincial] towns. [Fourth edition.] London, [1805]. 8vo, 2 vols. Homersham (S. C). London (Watford) Spring Water Company. Report to the directors with appendices and 2 maps. London, 1850, 4to, pp. 58.' Hone (Nathaniel J.). The manor and manorial records. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. XV., 357, with 54 illustrations. Hope (Alex. James B. Beresford). Public Offices, and Metropohtan improvements. London, 1857. 8vo. pp. 34. Hopper (Thomas). A letter to the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Dun- cannon ... in explanation of the proceedings of the architects . . . who petitioned for an examination into the propriety of the selection made by the commissioners, etc. London, 1837. 4:to, pp. 61. [Bound up in Report on Rebuilding Houses of Parliament, 1835.] Hopwood (Charles Henry). See Middle Temple, Masters of the Bench of. Middle Temple Records. Edited by C. H. Hopwood. 1903-5. 8vo. Housing of the Working Classes. Homes for the workers, by a social explorer. An account of Burns' Glasgow homes. Glasgow, 1902. 8vo, pp. 32. Houston (A. C). See London County Council. Public Health. Watercress. Report by the medical officer, to which are appended reports by Dr. F. Clowes and Dr. A. C. Houston, etc. 1905. FoHo. Howarth (Edward G.) See Outer London' Liquiry Committee, West Ham . . . Compiled by E. G. Howarth and Mona Wilson. 1907. 8vo. Howe (Frederick Clemson). The City, the hope of democracy. Lon- don, 1905. 8vo, pp. xiii., 319. Contents : Introductory ; the new civilisation ; the profit account ; the loss account ; the American city at work ; the source of corruption ; the Boss, the Party and the System ; the way out ; municipal owner- ship ; does municipal ownership pay ; the city republic ; the city charter ; the cost of the slum ; the city's homes ; the city's -HTreckage ; the wards of the city; the city beautiful; the city's treasure; the revenues of the city ; ths city for the people ; the hope of democracy ; index. 53 Howe (Frederick Clemson) — continued The British City : The Beginnings of Democracy. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. xiii., 363. Contents : Introductory ; the beginnings of democracy ; the town council ; the citizen and the citj' ; the ideals of the British city ; the growth and extent of municipal trading ; the cities and the tramways ; the gas supply ; the electric supply ; the greatest gain of all ; the munici- pality and labour ; Parliament and the cities : the tyranny of a class ; Glasgow, a city of thrift and conscience ; London, a municipal democracy ; the American and the British citj', a comparison ; the dead hand of the land ; the British Parliament, the sanctuary of privilege ; the upper and the nether millstones of privilege ; the next step of industrial democracy ; the city of to-morrow ; index. Howes (John). John Howes' MS., 1582, being " a brief note of the order and manner of proceedings in the first section of " the three Royal Hospitals of Christ, Bridewell, and St. Thomas the Apostle . . . "With introduction and notes by W. Lempriere. London, 190i. 8vo, pp. 6, v., 78. Hoyt (J. K.). The cyclopedia of practical quotations, English, Latin and modern foreign languages. Names, dates, and nation- aUty of quoted authors, with copious indexes. A new edition, revised, corrected and enlarged. New York and London, [1896.] 8vo, pp. xx%di., 1178. Huddersfield, County Borough of. Report of the medical officer of health on infantile mortaHty . . . Huddersfield, 1904. 8vo. pp. [133]. [Contains appendices giving replies from large towns to queries on day nurseries.] Hudson (William), ^ee Selden Society. Leet jurisdiction in the City of Norwich. Edited ... by W. Hudson. 1892. 8vo. See Norwich, City of. The records of the City of Norwich, compiled and edited by Rev. W. Hudson and J. C. Tingey. 1906. 8vo. Hueffer (Ford Madox). The soul of London ; a survey of a modern city. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. xvi., 176. Contents : From a distance ; roads into London ; work in London ; London at leisure ; rest in London. Hugo (Rev. T.). The Hospital of Le Papey in the City of London. See London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, Transactions, Vol. V. London, 1881. 8vo. Huguenot Society of London. The pubHcations of the Huguenot . Society of London. . . . Vols. II. and XIII. The Registers of .' the French church of Threadneedle-street. London, 1600-[1685]. By W. J. C. Moens, Lymington, 1896-1899. 4to. 2 vols. Part I.— 1000-1030. Part IL— 1037-1085. 54 Huguenot Society— eo^itinued The publications of the Huguenot Society of London. . . - Vol. XI. Registers of the church of La Patents, Spitalfiekls. Edited by W. Minet and W. C. Waller. Lyuiington, 1898. 4to, pp. xxvi., 254. Hull, Corporation of. A report of the Inquiry into the existing state of the Corporation of Hull, taken at the Guild-Hail before F. Dwarris and S. A. Rumball, Esq., two of His Majesty's Com- missioners. Also, the Proceedings relative to the Trinity House. With an appendix containing many valuable and authentic documents. By Wilham Gawtress. Hull, 1834. 8vo, pp. 419. Hume (Martin). Spain under Philip II. ; Spain under PhiUp III. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern His- tory. Vol. III. The wars of reUgion. 1902, etc. 8vo. Spain and Spanish Italy under Philip III. and IV. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IV. The Thirty Years' W^ar. 1902, etc. 8vo. Hunter (Sir Robert). The movements for the inclosure and preser- vation of open lands. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. LX. 1897. Hutchinson (John). See Middle Temple, Masters of the Bench of. Middle Temple Records . . . Minutes of ParUament of the Middle Temple . . . With an inquiry into the origin and early history of the Inn, by John Hutchinson, Librarian. 1904-5. 8vo. Hutton (Rev. William Holden). The British Empire, 1783-1815 ; India and Ceylon. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cam- bridge Modern History. Vol. IX. Napoleon. 1902, etc. 8vo. Hyde Park Corner. Report from the Select Committee [of the House of Commons] on the Hyde Park-corner (New Streets) Bill ; to- gether with the proceedings of the Committee and minutes of evidence. . . . London, 1886. Folio, pp. 35. I.H. Paradise transplanted and Restored, in a most Artful and Lively Representation of the several Creatures, Plants, Flowers, and other Vegetables, in the full growth, shape and colour : shown at Christopher Whitehead's at the two wreathed Posts in Shooe-lane, London . . . London, 1661. 8vo, pp. 6. [Bound up in volume Londiniana.] 00 Income Tax. Graduated Income Tax (Colonies). Return showing wliicli of the Colonies liave established systems of graduated Income Tax . . . with particulars in each case of the rates of tax and the system of assessment and collection. London, 1905. FoUo, pp. 97, Inebriates Acts, 1879-1900. Report of the Inspector under the Inebriates Acts, 1879-1900, for the years 1901-5. London, 1902-6. FoUo. The Reports for the four years 190l-19(H are bound together. Infant Life Protection. Report from the Select Committee on Protection of Infant Life ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of e\ddence, appendix and index. . . . London, 1871. Folio, pp. [348]. *' Innovator." See Struther (J.). An AuxiUary Port for London, etc. By Innovator [i.e., J. Struther). 1905. 8vo. Intemperance. First, second, and third reports from the select committee of the House of Lords on Intemperance ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1877. Folio, pp. [1159]. Fourth report (being the report of Session 1878) and final report, with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1879. Foho, pp. [798]. Invercargill, Borough of, New Zealand. Bylaws and Standing Orders, 1906. Invercargill, 1906. 8vo, pp. xxii., 174, xl. Iselin (J. F.). See Williams (T. C.) and J. F. Iselin. A Treatise on the Law of Vendor and Purchaser, etc. By T. C. WilUams, assisted by J. F. Iselin. 190.3. 8vo. Islington, Metropolitan Borough of. Abstract of the Treasurer's accounts, 1900-1 to 1903-4. London [1901-4]. Folio. Annual Reports on the Health and Sanitary Condition of the Borough of Islington for 1901, 1903, and 1904. London, 1902-5. Folio. Report of proceedings in connection with the King's Dinner to the Poor and the Coronation celebrations in the Borough. London, 1902. FoHo, pp. 16. Italy. Commissione Parlamentare d'Inchiesta suUe Miniere della Sardegna : Relazionc preliminare sul programma dei lavori della Commissione. Rome, l'.i07. Folio, pp. 61. L'iniziativa del re d'ltalia c Tistituto internazionale d'agricoltura. Studi e documenti. Rome, 1905. 8vo, pp. x., 731. 56 Italy — continued Ministro di Agricoltura, Industria e Cemmercio. Annali dell'industria e del commercio, 1901. Mostra didattica c congresso dei rappresentanti delle scuole d'arte applicata aH'industria e di disegno industriale. Atti del con- gresso. Kome, 1902. 8vo, pp. xxix, 347. Atti del Consiglio Superiore del Lavoro, 1903-7. Rome,. 1903-7. 4to. Bollettino dell' Ufficio del lavoro. Vols. I. to VI. Rome, 1904-6. 8vo. {continuing). Bollettino Ufficiale del Ministero . . . 1906. Rome, 1906. 8vo. (continuing). Le condizioni di lavoro nelle risaie, Rome, 1906. 4to, pp. vi., 211. Le Correnti periodiche di Migrazione Interna in Italia durante il 1905. Rome, 1907. 8vo, pp. vi., 360. Dati statistici sul Mercato del lavoro in Agricoltura nel 1905. Rome, 1906. 4to, pp. 83. Inchiesta sul lavoro notturno dei fornai. Rome, 1906. 4to, pp. viii., 106. L'industria dei fiammiferi fosforici in Italia e la lotta contro il fosforismo. Rome, 1905. 4to, pp. 45. I Lavoratori delle Miniere. Parte Prima : Eta, famiglia. morbilita, occupazione, reddito. Rome, 1907. Folio, pp. 259. Materiali per una legge sul riposo festivo. [An inquiry on Sunday work in Italy, and an examination of foreign legis- lation on the subject.] Rome, 1906. 4to, pp. x., 218. La mediazione del lavoro per la gente di mare. Rome, 1906. 8vo, pp. 79. Notizie suU'applicazione della legge 19 giugno 1902, n. 242, sul lavoro delle donne e dei fanciulli. Rome, 1906. 4to, pp. 245. Le Organizzazioni di Lavoratori in Italia. Federazioni di mestiere. Rome, 1906. 4to, 2 vols. I. La Federazioni dei Cappellai. II. La Fedeiaziane Edilizia. L'opera compiuta daH'Ufificio e dal Consiglio superiore del lavoro dal 16 luglio 1903 al 30 giugno 1905 . . . Rome, 1905. 8vo, pp. 47. 57 Italy — continued Ministero di Agricoltura, Indastria e Commercio. — continued. Provvedimenti per la coloni2:zazione interna . . . Rome, 1906. 8vo, pp. 104. Saggio bibliografico degli articoli contenuti in riviste Italiane e straniere suUe questioni del lavoro, lliOl: and 1905. Rome, 1905-6. 4to. Statistica delle cause di morte nell' anno 1903. Introduzione. Rome, 1906. 8vo, pp. Ixxiv. Statistici degli scioperi avvenuti in Italia nell' anno 1904. Rome, 1907. 4to, pp. viii, 317. J. James (Edward J.). See Cliicago, University of. Mmiicipal Adminis- tration in Germany. 1901. 8vo. James (William) and Jacob Malcolm. General view of the Agri- culture of the County of Surrey with observations on the means of its improvement. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement. London, 1794. 4to, pp. 95. Jebb (L.). The Small Holdings of England : a survey of various existing systems. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. xi., 445. Jenkin (Austin Fleeming). See Glen (A.), A. F. Jenkin and R. A. Glen. The Law relating to PubUc Health and Local Government. 1906. 8vo. Jenner-Fust (Herbert). Poor Law Orders. London, 1907. 8vo' pp. xxiii., S'22. Jephson (Henry). The Sanitary Evolution of London. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. 440. Jessopp (Augustus). The Oeconomy of the Fleete : or an apolo- geticall answeare of Alexander Harris (late warden there) unto xix articles sett forth against him by the prisoners. Edited ... by A. Jessopp. London, 1879. 4to, pp. xxii. Johannesburg. Minute of His Worship the Mayor for . . . 1903-4. JohuJiJie.sburg, 1904, Folio. Re])ort of the Special Committee of the Johannesburg Town Council appointed to consider the Uquor question, together Avith the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. Johannesburg, 1902. Folio, pp. xxiv, 36. 68 John Hopkins University. Philadelphia, 1681-1887, a History of Municipal Developiueiit. Bv Edward P. Allinson and Boies Penrose. Philadelphia, 1887. 8vo, pp. hi., 31)2. [Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra volume II.] Jones (Thomas Edward). A short account of the three bridges over the river Thames and within the Fulham district to be declared free of toll on the 26th day of June, 1880, by Their Royal High- nesses the Prince and Princess of Wales. London, [1880]. 8vo, pp. 56. Juillerat (Paul) and Louis Bonnier. La tuberculose et I'habita- tion. Paris, 1905. 8vo, pp. 18. K. Kay (James^ Phillips). On the establishment of county or district schools, for the training of the pauper children maintained in Union workhouses. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. I. 1838. Keen (Frank Noel). Tramway companies and local authorities. Being a collection of special provisions contained in private Acts of Parliament of tramway companies and relating particularly to the interests of local authorities. London, 1902. 8vo, pp. 295. Urban police and sanitary legislation, 1904. Being a collection of provisions contained in the Local Improvement Acts obtained by English Urban District Councils in the year 1904, after consideration by the Pohce and Sanitary Committee of the House of Commons. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. Ixxxv., 240. Keim (August). The War of 1809. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IX. Napoleon. 1902, etc. 8vo. Kelly (Frederic). Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Kent,. Middlesex, Surrey and Sussex ; with maps engraved expressly for the work. . . . London, 1855. 4to, pp. xx., 1422. The Post Office London Directory, 1842, 1844-1845, 1847- 1850, 1853, 1860. London, 1842-1860. 8vo. The Post Office London Suburban Directory . . . [1863, 1868]. London, 1863, 1868. 8vo. Kennedy (J.). The manor and parish church of Hampstead and its vicars. With ten . illustrations and maps. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. viii., 149. c9 Kensington, Royal Borough of. Abstract of the accounts of tlie Borough Treasurer, I'.iOO-l to 1903-4, 1905-6 to 1906-7. London, 1901-8. 8vo. Annual reports of the Medical Officer of Health, 1901-5. Loudon, 1902-6. Foho. [Monthly] Reports of the Medical Officer of Health {con- tinuing). ^, Kent, County of. Abstract of the Treasurer's accounts . . . 1902-3 and 1903-4. Maidstone, 1903-4. 4to. Fourth Annual Report (Higher Section) of the Kent Educa- tion Committee, 1906-7. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. 28. Kenyon (R. Lloyd). See Salop County Council. Abstract of Orders of Quarter Sessions, January, 1660 — April, 1694. Edited by R. Llo3'd Kenyon. Shrewsbury, 1908. 8vo. Kerr (James). School hygiene, in its mental, moral and physical aspects. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. LX. 1897. Kingsford (Charles Lethhridge). Chronicles of London. Oxford, 1905. 8vo, pp. xlviii., 368. Kirkpatrick (F. A.). The Establishment of Independence in Spanish America ; The Spanish Dominion in America. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. X. The Restoration. 1902, etc. 8vo. Klatt (B.). See Muret-Sanders. Encyclopaedic English-German Dictionary. Part I. By B. Klatt. 1907. 4to. Klein (E.). See Fishmongers, Worshipful Company of. Report of experiments and observations on the vitality of the bacillus of typhoid fever and of sewage microbes in oysters, etc. By E. Klein. 1905. 8vo. See Fishmongers, Worshipful Company of. The vitality of the typhoid bacillus in shellfish. Prehminary report, etc. 1905. 8vo. Klette ( ). Tiefbau. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. 1904. 8vo. Knee (Fred). See Williams (R.) and F. Knee. The Labourer and his Cottage. 1905, 4to. Koch ( ). Die stadtische Anleihen und Bankpolitik. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. 1904. 8vo. Kubler (Wflhelm). Ueber stadtische Elektrizitatswerke. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. 1904. 8vo. 00 Kuhfahl (Dr.). Verfassung unci Verwaltiing der deutschen Stadt ; Aktenwesen und Buchlaaltimg. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. 1904. 8vo. Kuhnow ( ). Das gewerbliche Unterrichts. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. 1904. 8vo. L. (T. D.). Narrative of a Journey through India. The journey out. London, 1855. 8vo, pp. 26. [Bound up in volume Tilhcellaneovs Favip1ilet>', 1856-64.] Labour. Contracts of Local Authorities (Wages). Return showing [as regards chief Local Government bodies in England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland] whether the Contracts entered into by the Authority for the execution of works specify any conditions as to the wages to be paid by the Contractor, or other conditions with regard to the Persons employed by him ; and if so, what are the conditions so specified. London, 1905. Folio, pp. 105. General report on the wages of the manual labour classes in the United Kingdom ; with tables of the av^erage rates of wages and hours of labour of persons employed in several of the principal trades in 1886 and 1891. London, 1893. Foho, pp. xlviii. 481. Labouring Classes, Committee for the Relief of. Report of the Committee to whom it was remitted to suggest a plan for afiording relief to the labouring classes in the City and Suburbs . . . . Edinburgh, 1816. 8vo, pp. 16. Lambeth Improvement Act. Report of the Evidence taken before a Committee of the House of Commons, on an application made to amend the Lambeth Improvement Act. London, 1836. 8vo, pp. 100. [Bound u]) in volume Londiniana.l Lambeth, Metropolitan Borough of. Address of the Mayor . . . 1904, 1905. London, 1904-5. 8vo. Reports 1901-2 to 1905-6. London [1903-7]. 8vo {con- tinuing). Reports on the vital and sanitary statistics of the Borough of Lambeth, 1901-4. London, 1902-5. 8vo. Special Report on the Lambeth [Municipal] Milk Depot. Bv Joseph Priestley, Medical Officer of Health. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. 13. 61 Lanark, Royal Burgh of. Abstract of the accounts of the Town Council for . . . 1902-3 and 1905-6. Lanark, 1903-6. Folio. Land, Tenure of. Reports from Her Majesty's representatives respecting the tenure of land in the several countries of Europe, 1869-70. London, 1869-1870. Folio, 2 vols., pp. v., [920]. Contents : — • Part I. Reports on Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece,. Hanse Towns, Italy, Netherlands, Portngal, Prussia and North German Confederation, Saxe-Coburg Gotlia, Sweden, United States, Wiirtenibcrg. Part II. — Reports on Austria, Bavaria, Belgium, Grand Duchy of Hesse, Italy, Prussia, Roman States, Russia, Sweden and Norway, Switzerland, Turkey. Land Values Taxation, etc. (Scotland) Bill. Report and Special Report from the Select Committee, on the Land ValueslTaxation, etc. (Scotland) Bill ; together with the Proceedings of the Com- mittee, minutes of evidence and appendix. London, 1906. Folio, pp. Ixviii., 929. Land Values, Taxation of. Papers relative to the working of taxation of the unimproved value of land in New Zealand, New South Wales, and South Australia. . . . London, 1906. Folio, pp. 47. Lang (Elsie M.). Literary London. With an introduction by G. K. Chesterton . . . London [1906]. 8vo, pp. xiii, 349 and 42 photographs. Lange (M. E.). Local Taxation in London, with a preface by Lord Welby. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. 46. Latham (Baldwin). See Engineers, Society of. Transactions for 1867 [containing a paper by B. Latham on the Utilisation of Sewage]. 1867. 8vo. Lauder (Albert E.). The Municipal Manual : a description of the constitution and functions of Urban Local Authorities. - London, 1907. 8vo, pp. xix., 292. Laughton (J. K.). The Elizabethan Naval War with Spain. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. III. The wars of reUgion, 1902, etc. 8vo. Lauterbach (Eugen). Die Staats- und Kommunal-Besteuerung in Deutschland, England, den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika u)id den Englischen Kolonien. Berlin, 1906. 8vo, pp. xi., 241. Law (Thomas Graves). Mary Stewart. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cantbridge Modciii History. Vol. III. The; wars of religion. 1902, etc. 8vo. 62 lawson (W. R.). London County Council Finance, [London, 1905.] 4to, pp. 22. [Rejirinted from the "Financial Times."] Leach (Arthur Francis). See Selden Society. Beverley Town Documents. Edited by A. F. Leacli. 1900. 8vo. Leamington, Borough oL Borough of Royal Leamington Spa. Abstract of accounts, 1896-7. Leamington Spa, 1897. 8vo. Leathes (Stanley). Henry IV. of France. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. III. The wars of religion. 1902, etc. 8vo. Lee (Launcelot John). See Salop County Council. Quarter Sessions Rolls. Edited by L. J. Lee and R. G. Venables. 8vo. Lee (M. Urquhart). Lessons in Procedure of Meetings, based on the Established Practice of Ordinary Deliberative Meetings in Great Britain. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. 36. Lee (Sidney). The last years of Elizsabeth ; the Elizebethan age of English literature. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. III. The wars of religion. 1902, etc. 8vo. Lee Valley Drainage Commission. Fourteenth Annual Report of the Lee Valley Drainage Commissioners. London, 1906. Folio, pp. 3. Leeds, City of. Annual Reports of Committees, 1887-8. Leeds, 1889. 8vo. Reports on the poUce estabUshment and the state of crime ... for 1901-7. Leeds, 1902-8. 8vo. The Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890. Report of the visit of the Sub-Sanitary (Unhealthy Areas) Committee to Salford, Manchester, Liverpool, and London. Leejds, 1899. 8vo, pp. 108 and 30 plans. Legg (Leopold George Wickham). The Concordats. See Cam- bridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IX. Napoleon. 1902, etc. 8vo. Legre (C). Italy. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cam- bridge Modern History. Vol. X. The Restoration. 1902, etc. 8vo. Leicester, Borough oL Records of the Borough of Leicester. Being a series of extracts from the Archives of the Corporation of Leicester, 1509-1603. Edited by Mary Bateson . . . Vol. III. Cambridge, 1905. 8vo, pp. Lxiv., 511. 68 Leicester (Borough of) — continued Report to the Highway and Sewerage and Sewage Works and Farms Committees on the sewerage, and the disposal of the sewage of the Belgrave district, the bacteriological experiments in the purification of Leicester sewage, and the supplementary works required at the Beaumont Leys sewage farm. Leicester, 1900. 8vo, pp. 157 with plates. Lempri^ere (W.). See Howes (John). John Howes' MS. 1582, etc. With introduction and notes by W. Lempriere. 1904. 8vo. Lethaby (William Richard). Westminster Abbey and the Kings' Craftsmen. A study of mediaeval building. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. xvi., 382, Lewis (Charlton T.) and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary ; fomided on Andrews' edition of Freund's Latin dictionary. Re\-ised, enlarged, and in great part rewritten by C. T. Lewis and C. Short. Oxford, 1907. 4to, pp. xiv., 2019. Lewisham, Metropolitan Borough oL Annual Reports of the Council . . . 1901-2 to 1906-7. London, [1903-7]. 8vo. — Annual reports on the \dtal statistics and sanitary con- dition of the Borough of Lewisham, 1901-5. London, 1902-6. 8vo. Report of the proceedings of the Council for the period from 9th November, 1900, to 31st March, 1901, to which is appended the accounts of the Council for the same period ; also abstract of the accounts of the late District Boards of Lewisham and Lee from 26th March to the 8th November, 1900, inclusive. London, 1902. 8vo. Lewisham Union. Reports of the Board of Guardians, 1900-1 to 1905-6. London, 1901-6. 8vo. Licences. County of London, A return as to licenses , , . showing . . . the population, the area in acres, the number of full public- house hcenses, the number of other "on" hcenses, the number of " ofi " licenses, with the number of transfers during the last three years ; the name and address of the licensee, of the lessee (if any), and of the registered owner or owners . , , and also showing the proportion . . , of each of the three classes of licenses above mentioned to the population, [London], 1903. FoUo, pp. 339. Lille. Bureau Municipal!- d'Hygi'';ne. Travaux statistiques pour 1905. Lille, 1907. 4to, pp. 46. 04 Lincoln's Inn. The Records of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn. The Black Books. London, 181)7-1902. 4to. Vol. I. (1897), A.D. 1422 to A.D. 1586, pp. xl., 521. Vol. II. (1898), A.D. 1586 to A.D. 1660, pp. xli., 529. Vol. HI. (1899), A.D. 1660 to A.D. 1775, pp. xli., 544. Vol. IV. (1902), A.D. 1776 to A.D. 1845, pp. xviii., 547. Lingner (K. A.). Volkskrankheiten u. ihre Bekampfung. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. 1904. 8vo. Lithiby (John). The Law of District and Parish Councils, being the Local Government Act, 1894, and the amending Acts, etc. Second edition. London, 1897. 8vo, pp. xvi., 659. Little (James Brooke). The Poor Law Statutes, comprising the statutes in force relating to the poor ; and to guardians, overseers and other Poor Law authorities and officers, from Elizabeth to end of Victoria. With notes and cases. London, 1901. 8vo. 3 vols. >SeeArchbold (J. F.). The Poor Law, etc. Fifteenth edition. By J. B. Little. 1898. 8vo. Liverpool., City of. Health department. Report on the health of the City of Liverpool during 1903. Liverpool, 1904. 8vo, pp. xvi., 238, [14]. Housing of the working classes. Report of the visit of the deputation of the Housing Committee to Glasgow, Manchester, Salford and London. Liverpool, 1901. 8vo, pp. 48 and 42 plates. Lloyd (Charles Frederick). See Bell (Sir W. J.), H. S. Scrivener and C. F. Lloyd. The Sale of Food and Drugs Acts. 1903. 8vo. Lloyd (Ernest Marsh). The First Civil War, 1642-7 ; Presbyterians and Independents, 1645-9. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IV. The Thirty Years' War. 1902, etc. 8vo. The Third Coalition. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IX. Napoleon. 1902, etc. 8vo. Lloyd (John). Historical memoranda of Breconshire. A collection of papers from various sources relating to the history of the county. Vol. II. London, 1904. 4to, pp. \i., [209]. Local Government. MetropoUtan Local Government, 1866. First Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Metropolitan Local Government, 16th April, 1866, together with the evidence of Sir John Thwaites, Chairman of the MetropoUtan Board of AVorks, on the subject of a MetropoUtan Improvement Rate. . . . London, 1866. 8vo, pp. 46. 65 Local Government Journal. The Valuation Bill, 1904. Striking criticisms by a leading expert. Reprinted from the "Local Government Journal." London, [1904]. 8vo, pp. 18. Local Loans. Return showing the total ij mount of the outstanding balances of the Loans of Local Authorities in England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland respectively, at the close of the financial years 1873-4, 1883-4, 1893-4, and 1903-4, with the totals for the three countries on those dates. . . . London, 1905. Folio, pp. 4. Local Records, Report [with Appendices] of the Committee appointed to enquire as to the existing arrangements for the collection and custody of Local Records, and as to further measures which it mav be ad\4sable to take for the purpose. London, 1902. Folio, pp. [347]. [The appendLx contains a report on the records of the London County Council.] Local Taxation. How and why the Rates go up. [A series of articles and correspondence in the " Standard," 1905-6.] Folio, 4 vols. [The Preface to the articles on the Functions and Duties of Loca 1 Authorities is written by Lord Avebury]. Reports from the select committee on Rating of Tene- ments ; with the minutes of evidence and appendix. London, 18.38. Folio, pp. [223]. Locomotives. Report from the select committee on Traction Engines on Roads ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1896. Folio, pp. 305. Loftie (W. J.). The Colour of London, historic, personal and local. Illustrated by Yoshio Markino. With an introduction by M. H. Spielmann and an essay by the artist. London, 1907. 4to, pp. xlii., 236. Contents : — Colour of London — Boundaries — London Names — Migrations of fashion — Tower of London — Changes of Custom — Parks — London Records — London .Manors — Lord Mayor. Illustrations, inter alia : — Night : Lights in Piccadilly Circus — The Vic- toria Tower, Westminster, by moonlight — Spring in Onslow Square — Constitution Hill — Spring Mist, Westminster Bridge — Trafalgar Square by Night — The Running Tide, Albert Bridge — Trafalgar Square, After- noon — A Winter Afternoon, Chelsea Embankment — The Strand — Ludgate Hill — The Tower Uriflge — A Ja])anese Liner in the Albert Docks — Feeding the Gulls, Blackfriars Bridge — The J^^vening Exodus : East End, In Liverpool Street Station — West End, Entering Victoria Railway Station — View across the River, Hungerford Bridge — Looking down the River from Waterloo Bridge — Early Evening, Chelsea Bridge — The Tram Terminus, Westminster llridge Road — Calc Street, Chelsea, in Snow — Early Autumn at Grosvenor Gate, Hyde Park — The Serpentine, Autumn — On the Steps of the Albert Memorial — View from beyond 15286 66 Loftie (W. J.) — continued. the Serpentine Bridge , looking West — Westminster Abbey : the South Ambulatory, looking East — Imperial Institute, South Kensington^ Winter light effect, Grosvenor Road Station Bridge — Feeding the Wild Fowl in St. James's Park — Covent Garden at 4 a.m. — The Oratory, Brompton Road — The Mansion House Crossing — On the Underground, Baker Street^Sunday Morning in Petticoat Lane — Washing the Streets. London. Directories. The London Directory for the year 1778, containing an alphabetical List of the Names and Places of Abode of the Mer- chants and Principal Traders of the Cities of London and West- minster, the Borough of Southwark and their Environs. . . . London, 1778. 16mo, pp. 187. The London Directory for the year 1782. . . . London, 1782. 16mo, pp. 187. Guides, etc. An historical account of the curiosities of London and Westminster, in three parts .... London, 17.59. 12mo, pp. 72, iv., 168, iv., 56. Part I. Tower of London. Part II. Westminster Abbey. Part III. St. Paul's, Monument, London Stone, City Wall, Gates, etc. The tricks of the Town laid open ; or a companion for country gentlemen ... To which is added an appendix London, 1772. 4to, pp. viii., 110. Histories, etc. London Interiors, with their costumes and ceremonies. From drawings made by permission of the public officers, pro- prietors and trustees of the metropolitan buildings. London, 1841. 4to, pp. XX., [288]. Plates : Buckmgham, St. James's, and Kensington Palaces — the House of Lords and of Commons — Admiralty — Custom House — Horse Guards — Westminster Hall — Central Criminal Court — Lincoln's Inn Hall — Middle Temple Hall — Guildhall — Mansion House — Barber Surgeon's Hall — Vintners' Hall — Westminster Hall — Westminster Abbey — St. Paul's Cathedral — Temple Church — St. George's Church, Hanover-square — Roman Catholic Church, ]\Ioorfields — Xew Jewish Synagogue, Great St. Helen's — King's College — British Museum — Royal College of Surgeons — Somerset House — Entrance to the National Gallery — Banquetting House, \Miitehall — Exeter and Freemasons' Hall^— Bank of England— Royal Exchange — Athenseum — Reform Club Thatched House — Drury-lane Theatre — Madame Tussaud's Exhibition.. The vices of the cities of London and W^estminster. Trac'd from their original. Being an impartial detection of the true cause and source of the present growth of immorahty, and the prodigious number of thefts and robberies daily committed in the streets, etc., of this metropolis. With some rational hints 67 London — continued. Histories, 6tc.~ continued. proposed for removing those evils, restoring the morals of the ' people, and securing our persons and properties against the outrages of these villains. In five letters from a Citizen of London to a member of ParUament. London [ ]. 8vo, pp. 52. A full narration of the late riotous tumult within the City of London, and proceedings of the Lord Mayor, Committee of Militia, and the Common -Councell of the said City concerning the same. Presented to the House of Peeres upon Thursday the 13 of April, 1648. With their Lordships' answer thereunto. London, 16-18. 8vo, incomplete, pp. 6. [Printed by order of Parliament.] X collection of pieces relative to the inhuman massacre in St. George's Fields, on the 10th of May, 1768. [London], 1769. I2mo, pp. 129. [Extracts from letters to the St. James's Chronicle, etc.l Tavern anecdotes and reminiscences of the origin of signs clubs, cof[ee-houses, streets, city companies, wards, etc. By one of the old school. London, [1825]. 8vo, pp. vi., 296. Local Government. The Rights and Authority of the Commons of the City of London, in their Common Hall assembled, particularly in the Choice and Discharge of their Sheriffs, Asserted and Cleared. In answer to the vindication of the Lord Mayor, Court of Alder- men, and Common Council. London, 1695. Folio, pp. 28. A letter to the Common Council of the City of London. With remarks on Lord Chief Justice Pratt's letter to the City of Exeter. London, 1764. 8vo, pp. 38. Report delivered to the Committee in aid of Corporate Reform, November 8, 1833 : containing a statement of some of the evils and abuses existing in the Corporation, and in the municipal trading companies of the City of London. London, 1833. 8vo, pp. 24. The Corporation of London and municipal reform. London, [1843]. 8vo, pp. 92. [Reprinted from the Westminster Review for May, 1843.] A debate on the Reform of London Government, opened by Capt. the Hon. Fitzroy Hemphill, L.C.C. [at the National Liberal CluhJ. ... on 3ixl December, 1906. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. 32. 16286 c 2 68 London — continued. Miscellaneous. Some Customs considered, whether Prejudicial to the Health of this City : and if they are, whether we may not hope to have them reformed. London, 1721. 8vo, pp. 19. A computation of the Increase of London, and Parts Adjacent ; with some causes thereof, and Eemarks thereon ; particularly, with respect to the Influence such Increase of the Capital may have on the Body of the Nation, its Constitution and Liberties. London, 1719. 8vo, pp. 22. Streets. The Streets of London ; and how to make them passable. London, 1860. 8vo, pp. 12. Views. Views in London. London [n.d.]. -Ito, unpaged. [Letterpress anonymous. The Plates are engraved by Charles Heath from drawings by various artists.] j Contents : — London Bridge — Burlington Arcade — View from Ric hmond Hill — Custom House — View of Waterloo Bridge — The Quadrant — Lon- ; don from Greenwich Hill — The Tower from the River — The Auction Mart, Bank, etc. — Westminster Hall — Hampton Court — Cornhill, etc. — Tower Hill — Pool of London — Regent's Park, etc. — AVindsor Great Park — View from the Terrace of Somerset House — Opera House — ■ Sussex Place, Regent's Park — London Bridge (second view) — Cornwall Terrace — Westminster Bridge — Green Park — En trance to the London Docks^St. Pancras Xew Church — The Penitentiary — Battersea Bridge — All Souls' Church (Langham Place) — Monument — Lambeth Palace — Richmond Hill (second view) — -Waterloo Place, Pall Mall — Greenwich Hospital — Regent's Canal Basin, City Road — St. Paul's — Haj^market — Southwark Bridge — Regent Street (two views) — Richmond Bridge — Bow jr Church — Elgin Gallery — Somerset House and Xew Church — New ^ Buildings, Regent's Park — View from Old Palace Yard. London Bridge. New London Bridge, 1814 to 1829. [A collection of documents.] Folio. Contents : — A plan for raising £282,000 for the purpose of discharging the- debt due to the artificers of London Bridge ; completing the bridge at Blackfriars, and redeeming the toll thereon; embanking the north side of the river Thames, between Paul's Wliarf and Milford Lane ; repairing the Royal Exchange ; and rebuilding the Gaol of Newgat«. By a^ Citizen of London. London, 1767. 4 to, pp. 32. Report of Geo. Dance, etc. [to the City Corporation], respecting the enlargement and improvement of the waterway under London Bridge. 1814. Folio, pp. 18. Proposed alteration of London Bridge. 1816. 1 Plan. Report from the Committee on the state of London Bridge [with minutes ^ of evidence and appendices]. 1821. Folio, pp. 133- Report from the Select Committee on the state of London Bridge [with minutes]. 1820 Folio, pp. 33. [Particulars of High water, London Bridge, to Westminster, transverse sections of Thames at London Bridge, and other bridges]. 1821. p. 1. 69 London Bridge — continued. Result of the levels of tides . . . between the entrance of the London Docks and Westminster Bridge, etc. 1822. p. 1. Reports . . . from the Committee for letting the Bridge House Estates, 13th February, 9th ]May, 13th June, 1823. Folio, pp. 7, 8, 11. [Minutes of Court of Common Council, 17th April, 1823]. Folio, pp. [12]. [Xotice of] architectural exhibition of designs, 20th May, 1823. 8vo, p. 1. Exhibition of designs ... in the Great Room at the Western Ex- change, Old Bond Street. London, 1823. 4to, pp. 16. [Extract from Journal of the Belles Lettres containing a notice of above exhibition], p. 1. New London Bridge, but no new taxes, or, the feats of the tricksters and trio, in a letter to the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee, [by I. Andrews]. London, 1823. 4to, pp. 16. [Proposed new institution for the Fine Arts]. MS. letter and newspaper cutting. 1823. pp. 4. Observations on the proposed new London Bridge [by Jas. Savage]. 1823. pp. 3. [Correspondence of Mr. J. Gwilt on subject of designs]. Votes and proceedings of House of Commons, 20th June, 1823. pp [4.] Report of John Rennie relative to the approaches to the new London Bridge. 1827. pp. 8. [Petitions of Geo. Allen on the approaches], 24th April and 31st October, 1828, with 5 plans and views. Folio, pp. 4, 3. Report from Committee for rcbuildmg London Bridge. 1828. Folio, pp. 24. Tidal observations. 5 sheets. Minutes of evidence taken before the Lords Committees to whom was referred the Bill intituled " An Act for improving the approaches to London Bridge." London, 1829. Folio, pp. 323. London (City) Traffic Regulation. Eeport from the select com- mittee on the London (City) Traffic Regulation Bill [Lords] ; together with the proceedings of the committee, and minutes of evidence. London, 1863. Folio, pp. vi., 63. London, Committee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London. Brooke House, Hackney. By Ernest A. Mann, Arclii- tect. Being the fifth monograph of the Committee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London. [With an introductory note by C. R. Ashbee]. [London, I'JOL] 4to, pp. 41. The Church of St. Dunstan, Stepney. By the Hon. Walter C. Pepys and Ernest Godman. Being the sixth monograph of the Committee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London. [London, 1905.] 4to, pp. 59 and 8 plates. Contents, irtter alia : — Introductory note by C. R. Ashbee on the preser- vation of St. Dunstan's, Stepney, and the need for the better safe- g\iarding of local registers and monuments. Historical notes on the church and parish. Sandford Manor, Fulham. By W. Arthur Webb, being the eighth monograph of the Committee. London, 1907. 4to, pp. 19. 70 London, Corporation of the City of. Addresses. Addresses presented from the Court of Common Council to the King, on His Majesty's accession to the Throne, and on various other occasions, and his Answers, Eesohitions of the Court, granting the Freedom of the City to several Noble Person- ages ; with their Answers. Instructions at different Times to the Representatives of the City in Parliament. Petitions to Parliament for different Purposes. Eesolutions of the Court, on the Memorial of the Livery, to request the Lord Mayor to call a Common Hall ; for returning thanks to Lord Chatham, and his Answer ; for erecting a statue in Guildhall, to William Beckford, Esq., late Lord Mayor, agreed to between the 23rd October, 1760, and the 12th October, 1770. [London], [n.d.] 8vo, pp. 151. Ambulance System. The Police Ambulance System of the City of London, estabUshed 1907. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. 8. Annual Reports, etc. Report of the Port of London Sanitary Committee, with the half-yearly report of the medical officer of health for the Port of London, to 30th June, 1901. [London, 1901.] Folio, pp. 60. Report of the Central Markets Committee presented 19th September, 1907, as to the estabhshment of a Market Constabu- lary. London, 1907. Folio, pp. 4. Bridges. London Bridge. Report of George Dance, William Chap- man, Daniel Alexander, and James Montague, respecting the enlargement and improvement of the waterway under London Bridge. London, 1834. Foho, pp. 48. [Bound up in volume New London Bridge, 1814 to 1829]. London Bridge. Reports . . . from the Committee for letting the Bridge House Estates. Presented 13tli February, 9th May and 13th June, 1823. FoUo, pp. [26]. [Bound up in volume, New London Bridge, 1814 to 1829.] [Minutes of Court of Common Council, 17th April, 1823]. Folio, pp. [12]. [Bound up in volume New London Bridge, 1814 to 1829]. New London Bridge. Report of John Rennie . . , relative to the approaches to the new London Bridge. London, 1827. FoUo, pp. 8. FBound up in volume New London Bridge, 1814 to 1829]. 71 London, Corporation of the City of— continued. Bridges — continved. Eeport from the Committee for rebuilding London Bridge London, 1828. Folio, pp. 24. [Bound up in volume ^cxo London Bridge, 1814 to 1829.] Ceremonies, etc. London's roll of fame ; being complimentary notes and addresses fron\ the City of London, on presentation of the hono- rary freedom of that City, and on other occasions. . . . From 1757 to 1884:. With a critical and historical introduction. Ex- tracted mainly from the records of the Corporation and pubUshed under the directions of its Library Committee. London, 1884- 4to, pp. ix., 403. [A collection of reports, programmes, etc., in relation to the entertainment of various distinguished personages by the Corporation of the City of London. London, 1873-1878]. Foho, pp. [289]. Contents r^Entertainment of the S'hah, '20th June, 1873 — Entertain- ment of the Czar, 18th May, 1874 — Presentation of plate to the Duke of Edinburgh, 11th May, 1875 — International Municipal Entertain- ment, 29th and 30th July, 1875 — Presentation of the Freedom of the City to Prince Leopold, 25th October, 1875 — Banquet and Ball to the Prince of Wales, 19th May, 1876— Freedom to Ulysses Grant, 15th June, 1878 — Freedom to the Earl of Beaconsfield and the Marquis of Salisbury, 3rd August, 1878. ; S,l Government. A Declaration and Vindication of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Commons of the City of London in Common Councell assem- bled. . . , London, 1660. 8vo, pp. 26. Histories and Records. Calendar of letter-books preserved among the archives of the Corporation of the City of London at the Guildhall. Edited by R. R. Sharpe. London, 1899, etc. 8vo (continuing). Letter-book F., Circa A.D. 1337-1352, pp. xxxvi., 384. • Royal Exchange. Report to the Court of Common Council from the Royal Exchange and Gresham Trusts Committee. London, 1845. Folio, pp. 223. Report to the court of Mayor and Aldermen from the Com- mittee for general purposes of their arraiigements for the recep- tion of Her Majesty at the opening of the Royal Exchange, 28th October, 1844. London, 1844. FoUo, pp. 67. With 4 plates. [Bound up with Royal Exchange. Iiej,ort . . . by Royal Exchange and Gresham Trusts Cojnmitlef]. Memorials of Newgate Gaol and the Sessions House, Old Bailey. Compiled from the City's Record (by direction of the i'Z London, Corporation of the City of — continued. Histories and Records — continued. City Lands Committee). By Reginald R. Sharpe. Printed by authority of the Corporation of London. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. 38. History of the Bunhill Fields burial ground, with some of the principal inscriptions, etc. London, 1893. 12mo, pp. 67 and plans. _ i ; Improvements. The representation of the leaseholders and contractors interested in the houses and buildings in Pickett Street, near Temple Bar ; Skinner Street ; Fleet Market ; and Snow Hill ; with the schemes of the City State Lottery, and the plans and elevations of the different buildings constituting the prizes. [London, 1808] 4to, pp. 8. Plans showing the avenues at Temple Bar and Snow Hill as they were 2>revious to the improvements, etc. The representation of the leaseholders and contractors interested in the houses and buildings in Pickett Street, near Temple Bar ; Skinner Street ; Fleet Market ; and Snow Hill ; with the scheme of the proposed lottery. (London, 1806 ?) 8vo, pp. 64. Plans showing the intended improvements at Snow Hill, Pickett Street' and Skinner Street. Views of the houses to be disposed of by way of lottery. Sewers. Abstract of the Streets, Lanes, Courts, Alleys, etc., contained within the City of London and the liberties thereof ; showing the situations, depths, sizes, etc., of the various public sewers contained therein. With explanatory notes by William Haywood, Surveyor. London, 1847. Folio, pp. 41. London County CounciL AsEessment and Valuation. Assessment Conference, 1904. Resolutions passed at the conference with the London rating authorities, convened by the London County Council in 1904, with a view to promoting uniformity of assessments throughout the Administrative County of London, etc. London, 1904. 8vo, pp. 77. Quinquennial valuation, 1905-6. Property in the occupa- tion of pubhc authorities. Return showing the rateable values on the 6th April, 1906 (as altered on appeal) of properties . . . in the occupation of ... pubhc authorities, compared with the assessments previously in force. London, 1907. Foho, pp. 38. 73 London County Council — continued. Assessment and Valuation — ccntinved. Rateable value of London, 1871-1906. Return showing the rateable value of London under the Valuation (Metropohs) Act, 1869, in each year from 1871-1906. . . . London, 1907. Svo, pp. 3. Bridges, etc. Bridges. Notes on the acquisition, construction, works and maintenance of the county bridges, tunnels, etc. Together with descriptive and explanatory notes on the structure, works and other technical matters. By Maurice Fitzmaurice, C.M.G., M.A., Chief Engineer and County Surveyor. Prepared . . . by the Clerk of the Council. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. 88. Return of the condition of bridges carrying railways over roads and roads over railways in the County of London. London, 1903. FoUo, pp. \-ii., 263. ' Building Act. London Building Acts (Amendment) Bill, 1905. Extract from the Minutes of the meeting of the Council on 14th February, 1905, . . . with regard to the recent fire at the City Mill Building, 1, Upper Thames Street, City, etc. London, 1905. Foho, pp. 6. London Building Acts (Amendment) Bill, 1905. Memoran- dum . . . [showing] the effect of the Bill on the existing Acts . . . London, 1905. FoUo, pp. x., 150. Memorandum by the chairman of the Building Act Com- mittee on the subject of the London Building Acts (Amendment) Bill, 1905. London, 1905. Folio, pp. 8. Supplements to the names of streets and places in the Administrative Countv of London [(i) to 31st December, 1904, (ii) for 1905, and (iii) for 1906]. London, 1905-7. 4:to. Burial Grounds. Report of proceedings at an enquiry held . , . November, 1893, before the Local Government and Taxation Committee ... as to the transfer to the jurisdiction of the Vestry of St. Pancras of the burial grounds of St. George-the-martyr and St. George and the roadwav of Prospect-terrace, Grays-inn-road. [London, 1893.] FoUo, pp. 1823. Ceremonies. Descriptive Pamphlets. [London], 190-4-1907. Svo and 4to. 3 vols. Vol. 4— December, 1904, to AuKust, 1905 :— Camden School of Art, exhibit ion of students' work. Hammersmith School of Art, exhibition of students' work. Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts, exhibition of studcnta' work. London County Council— continued. Ceremonies— co7itmued. Day and evening schools in Bow and Bromley, Poplar, Stepney, and Whitechapel, exhibition of scholars' work. Pay and evening schools in Bethnal Green, Limehouse, Mile End, and St. George-in-the-East, exhibition of scholars' work. Jt'resentation of scholarship certificates. Southfield School, opening. Shoreditch Technical Institute, opening of new workshops, etc. Denmark Hill School, opening. Steamboat service inauguration. Faraday Garden, Walworth. Fire Brigade annual display. Springfield Park. Mountsfield Park. Vol. 5.— October, 1905, to June, 1906 :— Kingsway and Aldwych, opening. Camberwell School of Arts and Grafts, exhibition of students' work. School of Marine Engineering, Poplar. Tramway subway under Kingsway. Norv/ood Technical Institute, awards. St. George the Martyr Chin-chyard. Paddington Technical Institute, exhibition of work. Vauxhall Bridge. Greenwich Electricity Generating Station. Central School of Arts and Crafts, exhibition of pictures. Vol. 6— July, 1906, to December, 1907 :— Hainault Forest. Tooting Common bathing lake. Fire Brigade annual display. Embankment tramways. Camden School of Art, prize distribution. Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts, exhibition of students' work. Ruskin Park. Cannon Street fire station. Hammersmith School of Arts and Crafts, prize distribution. Fire Brigade annual display. London Day Training College. Clapham School of Art, exhibtion of students' work. Camden School of Art, prize distribution. orporate Property. Map of the County of London showing the properties under the control of the London County Council. London, 1906 8vo, pp. 59 and 55 plates. Drainage and Sewerage. Bacterial treatment of crude sewage. Fourth report by Dr. Clowes [on] experimental treatment of London crude sewage . . . London, 1902. FoUo, pp. 150. Education. Report of the School Accommodation and Attendance Committee of the late School Board for London. School Attend- ance Report for [1903-4]. London [1905]. FoUo, pp. 209. 75 London County Council — continued. Education — continued. Report of the School Accommodation and Attendance Committee of the late School Board. School Accommodation Report for 1904. London, 1905. FoUo, pp. 79. Accommodation in Elementary Schools. Report of the Education Committee . . . submitting the return ... for the year ended 31st March, 1905, on accommodation in elementary schools. London, 1906. Foli'o, pp. viii., 95. Attendance in Elementary Schools. Report of the Educa- tion Committee . . . submitting the return ... for the year ended 31st March, 1905, on attendance in elementary schools, London, 1906. Folio, pp. xviii, 227. Accommodation and Attendance in Elementary Schools» Report of the Education Committee . . . submitting reports of the Executive Officer for the years 1905-6, 1906-7. London. 1907-8. Foho {continuing). The apprenticeship question. Report of the section of the Education Committee appointed to consider the question o| apprenticeships. London, 1906. Folio, pp. 45. Report of the Education Committee submitting a report of the Council's officers on bathing arrangements in German/ and Holland. London, 1906. Foho, pp. 23. Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts. Some examples of Practical Work designed and executed by the Students of the London County Council Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts Artistic Typography Class. With which is included a brief report of the work of the Session 1906-7. London, 1907. 4to. Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts. A note upon the classes of the school and their aims. London, 1908. 8vo, pp, 16. [Conference of teachers, 1905]. London Education Gazette Supplement [containing a report of proceedings]. London, 1905. Foho, pp. 70. Conferences of teachers, 1906-8. Reports of proceedings. London, 1906-8. FoHo. Elementary day schools. Report of the Education Com- mittee submitting the return prepared by the Executive Officer relating to Elementary Day Schools maintained by the Council for . . . [1904-5 to 1905-6]. London, 1905-6. FoUo {con- tinuing). Part I. Report and introduction ; Tables relating to London Country Council school^--. Part II. Tables l^•klting to non-provided scbools. London County Council — continued. Education — continued. Elementary Education endowments in London. Summary of reports by tlie Statistical Officer and the Solicitor. London, 1905. Folio, pp. 43. Evening schools, session 1907-8. Schemes of instruction in first aid, home nursing, health and infant care. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. 72. Report of the Education Committee submitting the report . . . deahng with higher education for the year ended 31st March, 1906. London, 1907. Folio, pp. 11. Eeport of the Industrial Schools Committee of the late School Board for London for [1903-4]. London, 1905. FoUo, pp. 115. Reports of the Education Committee submitting the report of the Executive Officer relating to Industrial schools for the years 1904-5 to 1906-7. London, 1905-7. Foho {continuing). Reports of the Education Committee submitting the report of a section of the Special Schools Sub-Committee on their visits to the Industrial School Agencies at Llandilo, CardifE and Lowes- toft, 1905, 1906. London, 1906. FoUo {continuing). Report of the Joint Committee on Underfed Children for the session, 1904-5 to 1906-7. London, 1905-7. FoUo {con- tinuing). List of managers of London County Council schools . . . and pubhc elementary non-pro \aded schools. July, 1905. Lon- don, 1905. 8vo, pp. 264. Report of the Education Committee submitting the report of the medical officer (education) for the years 1904-5 to 1906-7. London, [1905-7]. FoUo {continuing). List of scholarship awards. Particulars of scholarships awarded by the Council, March-July, 1904. London, 1904. FoUo, pp. 49. Handbook containing the examination papers set in the competition for the Council's scholarships and exhibitions and for the Council's admission examination for pupil teacherships, together with the reports of the examiners for the years 1906, 1907. London, 1906, 1907. FoUo. {continuing). Report of the chief examiner on the examination for junior county scholarships, 1907. London, 1907. FoUo, pp. 10. 77 London County Council — continued. Education — continued. Handbook containing the examination papers set in the Elementary School Leaving Examination, 1906. together with the reports of the Examiners, and a summary of the results of the examination. London, 1907. Folio, pp. 11 {continuing). Report of the Education Committee, dated 7th April, 1905, on the survey and inspection of non-provided schools. London, 1905. [With appendices, map and index]. Foho, pp. 227. List of appendices : — A. Architect's (Education) reports on the school premises. B. Reports on tests of drains. C. Return of accommodation, etc., and recommendations. D. Staff of non-provided schools on 1st May, 1904. E. Report by the Educational Adviser and Architect (Education) on loss of accommodation. F. Reports by the Comptroller. Salaries of teachers in non-provided schools, appointed prior to and since 1st May, 1904, at salaries and under conditions other than those provided for in the Council's scale of salaries for teachers. London, 1905. FoUo, pp. 289. Appendix to report of Education Committee, 26th July, 1905. Salaries of teachers in non-provided schools appointed prior to and since 1st May, 1904, at salaries and under conditions other than those provided for in the Council's scale of salaries for teachers. London, 1905. Folio, pp. 289. Penny savings banks in pubUc elementary schools. Return for the financial year ending 31st, March, 1907, showing the position of each bank . . . London, 1907. Folio, pp. 18, Tables of physical exercises based on the syllabus of the Board of Education for use in the schools of the Council. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. 24. Scholarships and training of teachers handbook. Hand- book giving particulars of the Council's scholarships, and other scholarships open to London children, together with regulations for the admission of pupil teachers, bursars and student teachers, and for admission to training colleges, and a list of secondary schools. London, 1907. 8vo. School of Photo-engraving and Lithography . . . Instruc- tion pamphlet, number two. The wet collodion process. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. 15. London County Council School of Photo-engra\'ing and Lithography. Principal's reports for . . . 1903-4 to 1905-6, etc. London, 1904-6. 4to, 3 vols. 78 London County Council — continued. Education — cuntinunl. ■ Examination in Scripture knowledge. Report ... on the examination in Scripture knowledge, 1905. London, 1906. Folio, pp. 38. Handbook containing the examination papers set in the Scripture Knowledge Examination, 1906, together with the reports of the examiners, and a summary of the results of the examination. London, 1907. Folio, pp. 13. Report of the Special Schools Sub-Committee of the late School Board for London for the twelve months ended Lady-day, 1904. London, 1905. Foho, pp. 54. Special schools for blind, deaf and defective children. Report of the Education Committee submitting the report of the execu- tive officer dealing with Schools for Blind, Deaf, Mentally Defec- tive, and Physically Defective Children for the years 1904-5 to 1905-6. London, 1906-7. FoUo, pp. 66. Electricitye Supply of Electricity Bills. Session 1905. Notes of the proceedings at the meeting of the Conference . . . held at the County Hall, Spring Gardens, on 20th March, 1905. . . . London, 1905. Folio, pp. 6. Finance. Expenditure and taxation, 1896-7. Return of expenditure incurred by the several county and local authorities London, 1900. Folio. Rate accounts and revenue-producing undertakings. Esti- mates of the receipts and expenses of the London County Counci during . . . [1907-8]. London, 1907. Folio {continuing). Speeches by the Chairman of the Finance Committee. Annual Estimates, 1898-9 to 1905-6. London, 1898-1905. Folio [continuing). Total expenditure, 1890-91. Return showing the total receipts and expenditure for local government purposes London, 1891. FoHo, pp. 57. Highways. Conference on the use of heavy locomotives on Highways in London. Notes of the proceedings ... at the meeting of the conference ... on Friday, 18th November, 1904. [London, 1904.] Folio, pp. 17. 79 London County Council — continued. Historic Houses. Indication of houses of historical interest in London. [In parts.] 1907, etc. 8vo. [continuing). Indication of Houses of Historical Interest in London. Vol. I. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. 141, vii. No. 17, Fleet Street. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. 20. Hornlman Museum. A handbook to the marine aquaria. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. 39. From stone to steel, a handbook to the cases illustrating the ages of stone, bronze and iron. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. 75. Handbook to library. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. 90. A handbook to the case arranged as an introduction to •the study of birds' eggs. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. 11. A handbook to the vivaria and fresh-water aquaria. Second edition. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. 76. [Syllabuses of lectures at the Horniman Museum, 1904-8. London, 1906-7. 8vo. Contents : — Autumn term, 1904. — Ten lectures on animal life in a marine aquarium, by A. C. Haddon, M.A., Sc.D., F.R.S. ^ Winter term, 1905. — Ten lectures on great cities : their place in geo- graphy, and their relation to liuman development, by Professor Geddes. Spring term, 1905. — Five lectures on magic and primitive religion, by A. C. Haddon, M.A., Sc.D., F.R.S. Autumn term, 190.5.— Nine lectures on the races and peoples of Eu- rope : an introduction to European history, by A. C. Haddon, M.A., Sc.D., F.R.S. Winter term, 1906. — Ten lectures on the outlooks of the sciences .... by Professor Geddes. Sprmg term, 190(i. — Five lectures on the theory of organi,' evolution, by H. S. Harrison, D.Sc. Autumn term, 1901). — Ten lectures forming an introduction to political and economic geography, by Geo. G. Chishohn, M.A., 13. Sc. Winter term, 1907. — Ten lectures on the Melanesians, an ethnological study of Western Oceania, by A. C. Haddon, M.A., Sc.D., F.R.S. Spring term, 1907. — Five lectures on structuie and function, by H. S. Harrison, D.Sc. Session 1907-8. — Twenty -five lectures on the native races of the Empire, by A. C. Haddon, M.A., Sc.D,, F.R.S. Housing of the Working Classes. ■ — Tables showing . . . particulars relating to the Council's dwellings for [1906-7]. liOiidon, 1907. Foho [continuing). 80 London County Council — continued. Improvements. Street improvements and tramways. Return . . . show- ing the net cost ... of every street widening carried out or authorised by the Council along the route of any tramway existing or sanctioned by the Council, the net cost ... of repaving and other works or arrangements consequential to the construction of the tramway ; the portion ... of the cost . . . which has been or is proposed to be charged to (a) the local authority, (&) the Council's improvement account, (c) the Council's tramway account ; the amount which has been charged, year by year, against the tramway account in respect of the services of each branch of the Council's central stafi. London, 1906. Folio, pp. 14. Street improvements — incidence of cost. Return showing in respect of each of the Metropohtan boroughs the expenditure incurred by the Council up to 31st March, 11)04, on street improve- ments (county and local) therein, the amounts contributed by the local authorities . , and the effect of such contributions on the rates . . . London, 1905. Foho, pp. v., 2. Labour. Fair wages and hours of labour. Report of the proceedings of the Council on the question of the payment of fair wages and the observance of the hours and conditions of labour that are generally accepted by the trade unions . . . London, 1907. FoUo, pp. 26. Rates of pay and hours of labour. Return showing the rates of wages paid to, and the hours of labour observed by, work- men employed by the Metropohtan Board of Works in 1888 and the same particulars in respect of workmen employed by the Council in 1906. . . . London 1907. Foho, pp. 19. Licensed Premises. Return showing the number of premises . . . hcensed at the annual hcensing sessions of 1906 for the retail of intoxicating Hquors . . . the rateable value of the different classes of " on " hcensed premises . . the increase or decrease of rateable value as compared with that previously in force ; and the proceedings under the Licensing Act, 1904. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. 18. Local Government. London Elections Bill, 1902. Return showing . . . the efiect upon the electorate of the transfers of area proposed in the London Elections Bill, 1902. London, 1902. FoUo, pp. 15. Locomotion. A penny guide to the Council's river fteamboat service. London, 1906. Fifth edition. 8vo, pp. 69. 81 London County Council — continued. Locomotion — continiud. River steamboat ser^■ice. Map of the river Thames within the County of London, showing the steamboat piers, approaches thereto and public buildings near the river (issued in connection with the Council's Guide Book). London, 1905. Steamboats accounts, 1906-7. London, 1907. 8vo. New York tramways. Memorandum by Mr. J. Allan Baker ... on the working of the conduit tramways in New York. London, 1905. Folio, pp. 3. London County Council tramway statistics, 1904. Return . . . showing for . . . 1904 the number of passengers . . . (i.) at each fare ; (ii.) on each route ; (iii.) receipts from passengers carried on each route ; and (iv.) number of passengers for the whole year carried on each route, etc. London, 1905. Foho, pp. 21. London County Council tramways. Financial results. Report of the Finance Committee . . . 22nd January, 1907, showing the financial results . . . London, 1907. Foho, pp. 8. Report by chief officer of tramways on his visit to America, May, 1905. London, 1905. Folio, pp!' 35. Tramways. The Council and electrical traction for tram- ways. Statement of the action taken by the Council with regard to the adoption of electrical traction . . . and description of the system provisionally adopted by the Council, . . . [London, 1901.] 4to, pp. 8. Tramways. Report of the Highways Committee submitting the accounts of the Council's tramways undertaking . . . 1906-7 . . . London, 1907. 8vo (continuing.) Report prepared by Mr. W. B. Peat, President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, and Mr. F. W. Pixley, F.C.A., in accordance with the resolution of the Council of 11th June, 1907, upon the accounts of the Council's tramways. London, 1908. Folio pp. [35]. Members. County Council, 1889-1904. Return compiled from the official hsts of the names of persons elected to be county council- lors for the Administrative County of London, and of persons elected by the councillors to be aldermen of the County. London, 1905. Folio, pp. 26. 82 London County Council — continued. Members — anitinmd. Attendance of members, 1905-6. Return showing the attendances of members of the Council at meetings of the Council and Committees . . . and the total number of divisions at the Council and also the number of divisions in which each member took part . . . London, 1906. Folio, pp. 15. Miscellaneous. Visit of Councillors to Paris in February, 1906. Press reports and comments. London, 1906. Folio. 2 vols. Visit of the Municipal Council of Paris to London, at the in\itation of the chairman and members of the London County Council, October, 1905. Official programme and illustrated guide, with a summary of the work of the London Comity Coimcil. London, 1905. 4to, pp. 60. The same in French. London, 1905. 4to, pp. 61. Bound up with above.] Parks and Open Spaces. Regulations relating to the playing of games, together with par culars of the facilities afforded ... at parks and open spac's imder the control of the Coimcil. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. 17. Public Control. Crt'ches or day nurseries. Report of the Chief Ofl&cer of the Public Control Department as to creches or day nurseries. London, 1905. FoHo, pp. 33. Smoke nuisance in London. Report of the Chief Officer of the Public Control Department. London, 1906. Folio, pp. 10. Public Health. Cleansing of Persons Act, 1897. Report by the Medical Officer submitting a report by Dr. Wanklyn on the administra- tion in London of the Cleansing of Persons Act, 1897. London, 1905. Folio, pp. 3. Fried fish shops, fish curers and marine store dealers' premises. Report of the Medical Officer on the methods adopted for the conduct of the businesses . . . and as to whether these businesses should be added to the fist of offensive businesses, etc. London, 1906. Folio, pp. 14. The bacteriological examination of milk. Report of the Medical Officer presenting a report by Dr. A. C. Houston on the bacteriolo^cal examination of milk in relation to standards. London, 1905. FoUo, pp. 48. . , 83 London County Council — continued. Public "EesAih— continued. Report of the Medical Officer presenting a report by Dr. Hamer, Medical Officer (General Purposes), on the extent to which fly nuisance is produced in London by accumulations of offensive matter. London, 1908. Folio, pp. 10. "Watercress. Report by the Medical Officer, to which are appended reports by Dr. Frank Clowes . . . and Dr. A. C. Houston, on watercress and watercress beds in the neighbourhood of London. London, 1905. Folio, pp. 18. Rating. • Comparative rating in London. Report by the Statistica Officer. London, 1905. Folio, pp. 6 and tables. ' Report by the Local Government and Taxation Committee on the subject of the rating of land values. London, 1893. FoUo, pp. 6. Thames and Port of London. Return of information . . . respecting the . . . British and Continental ports, together with a statement respecting the Port of London and an appendix showing in parallel columns the depth of water, area of clocks, length of quays, and other particu- lars respecting these ports. London, 1907. FoUo, pp. 43. Royal Commission on the Port of London, 1900. State- ment of evidence by the Clerk of the Council. London, 1900. Folio, pp. 118. Water Supply. London water supply. Report on the action of the Council - with regard to the water supply of London, and a bibliography of the principal reports and papers on the subject, together with a special report by the Comptroller of the Council on the financial aspects of the purchase. London, 1905. Folio, pp. 69, 135, iv. Shrinkage of the Thames and Lea. Report by Maurice Fitzmaurice. London, 1903. Folio, pp. 18, with diagrams and two maps. London Government Act Commissioners. Report to the Committee ol the i'iivy Council of the Proceedings of the Commissioners under the London Government Act, 1899. London, 1907. Folio, pp. 70. 84 London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. Proceedings at the Evening Meetings of the Society, 1872-7. London, 1872-7. 8vo, pp. [388]. Contents, inter alia : — Observations on the recently discovered Roman Sepulchre at Westminster Abbey William H. Black The " Hole-bourne " J. G. Waller Notes on a Roman Quern discovered in St. Martin's-le-Grand . . . . . . J. E. Price. Stone Bosses found in Crpyt, Aldgate . . F. A. Burt. London and the Ballad-mongers . . . . H. Campkin St. John the Baptist, Walbrook . . H. Matthews. Transactions of the Society. Vol. V. London, 1881. 8vo, pp. 558. Contents, iniei alia : — History and Antiquities of the Worshipful Company of Skinners . . . . . . J. F. Wadmore The Hospital of Le Papey in the City of London . . . . . . . . . . Rev. T. Hugo. A Calendar of the Ecclesiastical Dignitaries of St. Paul's Cathedral from the year 1800 to the present time . . . . . . Rev. W. S. Simpson The Serjeants and their Inns . . . . E. W\ Brabrook. London Notes, etc. (two articles) . . H. C. Coote On two Roman Tombs discovered in dig- ging foundations of New Buildings, St. Bartholomew' s Hospital . . . . . . N. Moore A Short Chronicle of St. Paul's Cathedral from A.D. 1140-1341 Rev. W. S. Simpson The Church of St. Stephen's, Walbrook.. T. Milbourn On recent discoveries in Newgate Street.. J. E. Price Notes on an Inventory of Westminster Abbey (two articles) . . . . . . Rev. Preb. Walcott. History and Antiquities of Dyer's Com- pany . . . . . . . . . . E. C. Robins Remarks on Ely Place, Holborn . . . . Sir G. Scott St. Mary, Matfelon, Whitechapel .. G. H. Birch. London Municipal Society. London Municipal Notes : A monthly record of municipal work and progress. No. 23 (January) and No. 27 (May). London, 1907. 8vo. The Tramway Scandal. How the Progressives reckon " Profits." Report of the debate in the London County Council [on 16th October, 1906]. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. 42. London, Port of. Report from the Select Committee on the Coal Trade (Port of London) Bill ; with the minutes of evidence, ap- pendix, and index. [London, 1838.] FoUo, pp. x., 268, iv., 36. Royal Commission on Port of London, 1900. Report of His Majesty's Commissioners appointed to inquire into the sub- ject of the administration of the Port of London (1900). . . , [With minutes of evidence and appendices.] London, 1902. Folio, 3 vols. 85 London, Port of — continued. See Parliament. Acts of Parliament. Port of London. Extracts from . . . Acts . . . respecting the Port of London . . . with the report of the Port Committee relative to the canal at the Isle of Dogs and the Port of London bye-laws. 1814. 8vo. London, School Board for. Report of the Evening Continuation Schools Committee ... on evening continuation schools [for the year 1902-3]. London, 1904. Foho, pp. 150. London Topographical Society. London Topographical Record, illustrated, including the fifth, [sixth and seventh annual reports[ of the London Topographical Society. . . . Vols. IIL, IV. Lon- don, 1906-7. Bvo. London Traffic. Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into and report upon the means of locomotion and trans- port in London ; with minutes of evidence, appendices, and index. London, 1905-6. FoUo. 7 vols. Contents : — Vol. I. Report of Commission with index and plans. Vol. II. Minutes of evidence with index and digest. Vol. III. Appendices to evidence with index. Vol. IV. Appendices to report with index. Vol. V. Maps and diagrams furnished to or prepared by Commission with index. Vol. VI. Mips and diagram ^ furnished to Commission with index. Vol. VII. Report by advisory board of engineers with index. Vol. VIII. Appendix to above with index. Longman (William). A history of the three Cathedrals dedicated to St. Paul in London. With reference chiefly to their structure and architecture, and the sources whence the necessary funds were derived. London, 1873. 8vo, pp. xii., 226. Longmans and Co. Longman's Gazetteer of the World. Edited by George G. Chisholm. London, 1902. 4to, pp. xii, 1,788. Lonsdale (Sophia). The English Poor Laws. Their history, prin- ciples, and administration. . . . Third edition. Westminster, 1902. 8vo, pp. 89. [Three lectures originally given at the University Settlement for Women , Southwark.] Louisville, City of. Second and third annual reports of the Board of I'aik ('(jiiunissioners, 1891-2 and 1892-3, with supplement, Novcnihcr, 1893. Louisville, 1893-4. 8vo. Low (Sidney). New Germany. Aspects and Impressions. London, 1905. Foho. [Articles which appeared in the " Standard " from August to October, I90J5 86 Lubbock, Sir John (afterwards Baron Avebury). The Functions and Duties of Local Authorities. See Local Taxation. How and why the rates go up. . . . 1906. Folio. Local and imperial burdens. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Koyal Statistical Society. Vol. LXIV. 1901, On Municipal and National Trading. London, 1906. 8Va, pp. vi., 176. Lucas ( ). Die stadtischen Briicken. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. 1904. 8vo. Lucas (Edward Verrall). A wanderer in London. With 16 illus- trations in colour by Nelson Dawson, and 36 other illustrations.. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. x., 305. Plates, inter alia :■ — The Tower and the Tower Bridge — Piccadilly, looking east — St. James' s-street and St. James's Palace — Trafalgar-square — The City from Waterloo Bridge^ — St. Mary-le-Strand — In the Temple- Gardens, Fountain-court^ — St. Paul's from the river- — The Charter- house — St. Dunstan's-in-the-East — The Monument — Staple Inn — Ken- sington Palace from the gardens — Cannon-street Station from the- river — Westminster Abbey — The Victoria Tower, House of Lords. Luffman (John). The Charters of London Complete ; also Magna Charta, and the Bill of Rights, with explanatory notes and remarks. London, 1793. 8vo, pp. 431. Luker (William), Junr. See Fitzgerald (P.). London City Suburbs as they are to-day. Illustrated by W. Luker, Junr. 1893. FoUo. Lumley (W. G.). On the present state of the administration of the relief to the poor in the Metropolis, and the charge of the poor rate thereon. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. XXI. 1858. Lushington (Sydney George). See Archbold (J. F.). Archbold's Lunacy. . . . Fourth edition. By S. G. Lushington. 1895 8vo. See MacMorran (A.), S. G. Lushington, and E. J. Naldrett. The London Government Act, 1899, etc. 1899. 8vo. Lydston (G. Frank). The diseases of society (the vice and crime problem). Philadelphia and London, 1904. 8vo, pp. 626. Lyon ( ). Das allgemeine stadtische Bildmigswesen. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. 1904. 8vo. M. Macassey (Lynden). The Distribution of Population by Facilities of Eapicl Transit. York, 1906. 8vo, pp. 14. [A paper read at the meeting of the British Association at York, 1906.] McCleary (George Frederick). Infantile mortality and infants' milk depots. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. ix., 135. Machyn (Henry). The diary of Henry Machyn, citi2;en and merchan t taylor of London, from a.d. 1550 to a.d. 1563. Edited by J. G Nichols. London, 18-18. 4to, pp. xxxii, 464. [Publication No. XLIII. of the Camden Society.] Mackenzie (Montague Johnstone Muir) and S. G. Lushington. The ParUamentary and Local Government registration manual : being a practical guide to the registration of voters and the courts of the re\4sing barristers, with an appendix of all the statutes relating thereto from the Reform Act, 1832, and the Eegistration Order, 1895. Second edition. By S. G. Lushington. London, 1897. 8vo, pp. xlviii., 663. Mackenzie (William W.). The Licensing Act, 1904 . . . with full explanatory notes, an introduction and an appendix. London. 1904. 8vo, pp. xii., [90]. See Paterson (James). The Licensing Acts. . . . Sixteenth edition. By W. W. Mackenzie. 1905. 8vo. See Pratt (J. T.) and W. W. Mackenzie. Pratt and Mac- kenzie's law of highways, etc. 1905. 8vo. Mackenzie (William) and Percy Handford. Model by-laws, rules and regulations inider the Public Health and other Acts, with alternative and additional clauses. London, 1899. 8vo. 2 vols. Macmichael (J. Holden). The Story of Charing Cross and its im mediate neighbourhood. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. [xv.], 344. Macmorran (Alexander). The Public Health (London) Act, 189b Witli introduction, notes, and index. London, 1891. 8vo, pp, xh. [382]. and Walter Addington Willis. The law relating to sewers and drains. London, 1904. 8vo, pp. Ixxvi. [777]. S. G. Lushington and E. J. Naldrett. The London Government Act, 1899, and the various statutes incorporated with it, or specially referred to therein. With notes and index. London, 1899. 8vo, pp. XXX., 202, 46. 88 Mainwaring (George B.). Observations on the Present State of the PoUce of the MetropoUs. . . . London, 1821. 8vo, pp. 140. Malcolm (Jacob). See James, (W.), and J. Malcohn. The Agriculture of Surrey, 1794. 4to. Maiden (Henry Elliot). A History of Surrey. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. viii., 321. [Popular County Histories szries.] Manchester, City of. Fifty-fourth and fifty-fifth reports of the PubUc Free Libraries Committee, 1905. Manchester, 1907. 8vo, pp. 30. Manchester University Publications, Economic Series. The Housing Problem in England : its statistics, legislation and pohcy. By E. R. Dewsnup. Manchester, 1907. 8vo, pp. vii., 327. The Rating of Land Values. By J. D. Chorlton. Man- chester, 1907. 8vo, pp. iii., 177. Mann (Horace). The resources of popular education in England and Wales, present and future. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. XXV. 1862. Manners (Lady Victoria). See Amherst (A. M. T.), afterwards. Cecil. London Parks and Gardens, with illustrations by Lady Victoria Manners. 1907. 8vo. Marindin (G. E.). See Smith (Sir Wilham). A Classical Dictionary . . . revised and in part rewritten. By G. E. Marindin. 1904. 8vo. Markino (Yoshio). See Loftie (W. J.). The Colour of London . . . illustrated by Yoshio Markino . . . with an essay by the artist. London, 1907. 4to. Marsh (John B.). St. Paul's Cross : the most famous spot in London. London, 1892. 8vo, pp. 103. Marshall (Herbert M.). See Mitton (G. E.). The scenery of Lon- don. Painted by H. M. Marshall . . . 1905. 8vo. Martin (Charles Trice). See Middle Temple, Masters of the Bench of. Middle Temple Records. . . . Minutes of ParUament of the Middle Temple. Translated and edited by C. T. Martin. . . . 1904-5. 8vo. Martin (Etienne). Les impots directs en Angleterre. Taxes locales et imperiales. Paris, 1905. pp. xiv., 324. Martin (Matthew). Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Pelham on the state of mendicity in the MetropoUs. London, 1803. 4to, pp. 30. 89 Marylebone Gardens : being a collection of Portraits, Views, Music, Histories, Anecdotes, Advertisements, etc., relating thereto. London [n.d.]. Eoyal folio. 2 vols. Massachusetts. Address of His Excellency John A. Andrew to the two branches of the Legislature of Massachusetts, January 6th, 1865. Boston, 1865. 8vo, pp. 140. Matthews (H.). St. John the Baptist, Walbrook. See London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, Proceedings at the Evening Meetings. 1872. 8vo. Maule (John). See Cooke (John) and John Maule. An Historical Account of the Koyal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich. London, 1789. 4to. Mawson (Thomas H.). The art and craft of garden making. . . . Second edition, revised and enlarged. . , . London, 1901. 4to, pp. xviii., 252. May (Sir Thomas Erskine). A treatise on the law, privileges, pro- ceedings and usage of Parhament. Eleventh edition. London, • 1906. 8vo, pp. lii., 1,001. Books I. and II. edited by T. Lonsdale Webster. Book III. edited by William E. Grey. Mayhew (Henry). The great world of London. London [1856]. 8vo, pp. 498. Incomplete. Contents, inter alia : — Size and population of London — The London Streets — Professional London — The Criminal Prisons of London — Pentonville prison — The female convict prison at Brixton — The hulks at Woolwich — Millbank prison — Coldbath Fields — Tothill Fields. Mayo (Charles Herbert). The Municipal Eecords of the Borough of Shaftesbury ; a contribution to Shastonian history. Sherborne, 1889. 8vo, pp. 87. Mayo (Walter H.). The Trinity House, London, past and present, with six illustrations. London, 1905. 8vo., pp. xi., 100. Meik (Charles Scott) and Walter Beer. The improvement of London Traffic. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. iv., 15, with 6 plates. [A paper read before the Society of Enf,'inccrs .... on June 5tli, 190."', with a jireface and additional illustrations.] [Another copy,] Melbourne, City of. Proceedings of Council, 1896-97 to P.)05-6. Melbourne, 1897-190(5. Folio [continuimj) . Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. AVater supply, sewerage, etc. JMiotogiiipliic views. Melbounu', 1905. 8vo. Menzel (P.). Das Samariter uiid Kettungswesen. 6'ee Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stiidte. 1904. 8vo. 90 Merrett (Christopher). A Collection of Acts of Parliament, Charters, Trials at Law, and Judges Opinions concerning those grants to the Colledge of Physicians, London, taken from the Originals, Law- books and Annals, commanded by Sir Edward Alston, Kt., Presi- dent, and the Elects and Censors. London, 1660. 8vo, pp. 135. Meteyard (Eliza). The hallowed spots of ancient London. Historical, biographical, and antiquarian sketches, illustrative of places and events as they appeared and occurred in the olden time. New edition. London, 1870. 8vo, pp. xii., 291. Contents inter alia : — The City and its site — Smithfield — the Tower — York House, Strand, and Gray's Inn — the old Fleet Prison — the Temple and Lincoln's Inn — St. Stephen's Chapel and Whitehall — Bread Street, Aldersgate Street, Petty France and Cripplegate — the Thames, Lam- beth, and Southwark — the Church of the Pilgrim Fathers — Bunhill Fields — Bull and ISIouth meeting-house, and White Hart Court, Grace- church Street — Hampstead, Acton and Oxendon Street — Stoke Newing- ton and Freeman's Court, Cornhill. Metropolitan Asylums Board. Financial statement (statutory), Michaelmas, 1905. Statement of the receipts and expenditure of the Board of Management of the Metropolitan Asylum District for the half-year ended 30th day of September, 1905. [London, 1906.] Foho. Keport of the Chairman of the Board on the proceedings of the managers. [London], 1876. Folio, pp. 31. Annual report of the Committee of Management of the Metro- politan Imbecile Asylum, Caterham, Surrey, 1872-83. London, 1873-84. 8vo. 10 vols. [1874-5 missing.] Annual report of the Medical Superintendent of the Metro- pohtan Imbecile Asylum, Caterham, Surrey, 1884-5. London, 1885-6. 8vo. 2 vols. Annual report of the Committee for Clapton and Daren th Asylums for Imbecile Children, 1875-8. London, 1876-9. 8vo. 4 vols. Annual report of the Medical Superintendents of the Darenth Asylum and Schools for Imbeciles, 1883-5. London, 1884-6. 8vo. 3 vols. Annual report of the Committee for Darenth Schools and Asylum for Imbeciles, 1879-82. London, 1880-3. 8vo. 4 vols. Report of the Medical Superintendent on the working of the Darenth camps for convalescing small-pox patients, from April, 1884, to September, 1885. London, 1886. 8vo. pp. 59. 91 Metropolitan Asylums Board — continued. Report of the Medical Superintendent of the Deptford Hospital upon the work of the Hospital, 1878-85. Loudon, 1880-6. 8vo. 7 vols. Report of the Committee of the eastern district hospitals and ambulance station, 1882, 1883. London, 1883-4. 8vo. 2 vols. Annual report of the Medical Superintendent of the eastern hospitals for the year 1885, together \\-ith the statistics for the year 1884. London, 1886. 8vo. pp. 68. Annual reports of the Committee for the training ship Exmouth," 1876-85. London, 1877-86. 8vo. 10 vols. Report of the Committee of Management of the Fulham Hospital (later the Western Hospital), 1877-8. London, 1878-9. 8vo. 2 vols. Report of the Medical Superintendent to the Committee of Management of the Fulham Hospital (later the Western Hospital), 1879-82. London, 1880-3. 8vo. 4 vols. Report of the Medical Superintendent of the Metropolitan Small-pox Hospital at Hampstead . . . from November, 1876, to the end of 1878. London, 1879. 8vo. pp. 65. Report of the Committee of Management of the Metropolitan Fever and Small-pox Hospitals at Homerton, 1875-81. London, 1876-82. 8vo. 6 vols. [18S0 wanting.] Annual report of the Medical Superintendent of the Hospital Ships, 1884-5. London, 1885-6. 8vo. 2 vols. — Annual report of the Medical Superintendent of the Leaves- den Asylum, 1883-5. London, 1884-6. 8vo. 3 vols. Annual report of the Medical Superintendent of the North- Western Hospital, 1884-5. London, 1885-6. 8vo. 2 vols. Annual report of the Medical Superintendent of the South- western (originally the Stockwell) Fever and Small-pox Hospitals, 1882-5. London, 1883-6. 8vo. 4 vols. Annual report of the Committee of Management of the Stockwell (later the South-Western District) Fever and Small-pox Hospitals, 1871-8. London, 1872-9. 8vo. Annual report of the Medical Superintendents of the Stock- well (later South-Western District) Fever and Small-pox Hospitals, 1879-81. London, 1880-2. 8vo. 3 vols. •92 Metropolitan Asylums Board — continued. Annual report of the Medical Superintendent of the Western Hospital (originally the Fulhani Hospital), 1883-5. London, 1884-6. 8vo. 3 vols. Metropolitan Board of Works. Gas Supply. Report of the Special Committee of the whole Board on the supply of gas to the Metropolis. London, 1867. 8vo, pp. 14. [Bound up in volume Miscellanea.] Judgments. Copy of the shorthand writer's notes of Judgment in re Cator V. Lewisham District Board of Works. [London, 1864.] 8vo, pp. 21. [Bound up in volume. Miscellaneous Pamphlets, 1856-6-1.] Parks and Opea Spaces. [A collection of by-laws, regulations, etc., relating to Parks and Open Spaces under the control of the Board.] 8vo. Paving Boards Officials. [Correspondence between C. E. Lewis and the Clerk of th Metropolitan Board of Works as to the compensation to officers of the late Paving Boards of the Metropolis. 1856.] 8vo. pp. 8 [Bound up in volume Miucellaneous Pamphlets, 1856-61.] Thames Embankments. A descriptive account of the Victoria Embankment, opened by Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, on the 13th July, 1870. London, 1870. 8vo. [Bound up in volume Miscellanea.] A short descriptive account of the Thames Embankment, and of the Abbey Mills Pumping Station. By J. W. Bazalgette, Engineer to the Board. London, 1868. 8vo. pp. 9. [Bound up in volume Miscellanea.] Report of the Works and General Purposes Committee as to the course taken by the Board with regard to the construction of the Metropolitan District Railway works along the hne of the Thames Embankment North, and the new street to the Mansion House. London, 1868. 8vo, pp. 20. [Bound up in volume Miscellanea.] Water Supply. Metropolis water supply : Abstract of the Metropolis Water Supply Act, 1871. London, 1871. 8vo. pp. 15. [Bound up in volume Miscellanea.] 93 Metropolitan Cattle Markets. First Report of the Committee appointed by owners and occupiers of property in Camden New Town, to conduct the opposition to the intended establishment of the Metropohtan Market in Copenhagen Fields. London, 1852. 8vo. pp. 12. [Bound up in volume Miscellaneous Pamphlets, 1856-64.] Metropolitan Railways. See Railways, Metropolis. Metropolitan Water Board. Abstract of accounts for the year ended 31st March, 1906. London, 1906. FoUo. pp. 93. Annual report of the Metropolitan Water Board for the year ending 31st March, 1904. [London, 1905.] 8vo [continuing). Minutes of Proceedings of the Board. London, 1903, etc. Folio {continuing). Meyer (Hugo Richard). Municipal Ownership in Great Britain. New York, 1906. 8vo. pp. xii., 340. Micklethwaite (J. T.). See Sedgwick (T. E.). Description and history of the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Munster Square . . . with chapters by J. T. Micklethwaite . . . 1902. 8vo. Middle Temple, Masters of the Bench of. Middle Temple Records. Edited by Charles Henry Hopwood. London, 1903-5. 8vo. A Calendar of the Middle Temple Records. Edited by C. H. Hopwood, 1903. Minutes of ParUament of the Middle Temple. Translated and edited by Charles Trice Martin. With an enquiry into the origin and early history of the Inn. by John Hutchinson, Librarian. London, 1904-5. 8vo. 3 vols, and index. Middlesex, County of. Middlesex County Records. Calendar of the Sessions Books, 1689 to 1709. By W. J. Hardy. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. xxvi, 403. The Register of Persons entitled to Vote at any election of a member or members to serve in Parliament for the County of Middlesex, between 30th November, 1861, and the 1st Novem- ber, 1862. London, 1861. 4to, pp. 535. Middlesex and Hertfordshire Notes and Queries. Middlesex and Hertfordshire Notes and Queries, London, 1895-8. 8vo, 4 vols. Milbourn (T.). The Church of St. Stephen's, Walbrook. See London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, Transactions. Vol. V. 1881. 8vo. Milner (Henry Ernest). The art and practice of landscape garden- ing, with j)la)is and illustrations. London, 1890. 4to, pp. IK). 94 Minet (William). See Huguenot Society of London. The publica- tions of the Huguenot Society of London .... Vol. XI. Register of the Church of La Patente, Spitalfields. Edited by W. Minet and W. C. Waller. 1898. 4to. Mining. The Universal Review of Mining, Metallurgy, Public Works, Science and the Industrial Arts. Vol. I., Parts 1 and 2. London, 1873. 8vo, pp. 406. Mittmann ( ). Das stadtische Feuerloschwesen. See Wuttke (R.)- Die deutschen Stadte. 1904. 8vo. Mitton (Geraldine Edith). Clerkenwell and St. Luke's. See Besant (Sir W.). The Fascination of London. Edited by Sir Walter Besant. 1906. 8vo. The Glory of London. Containing six full-page illustration in colour and 48 in black and white. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. x.' 221. [A volume of The Council History Readers. ■ — The Scenery of London. Painted by H. M. Marshall. . . . London, 1905. 8vo, pp. xiii., 223. Plates, inter alia : — Hyde Park Corner — Green Park — Knightsbridge — The approach to Westminster — Hay barges lying off the Horseferry at \^estminster — Pont-street, Chelsea — South foreshore of the Pool from the Tower Bridge — India Office from the Horse Guards Parade — Low tide at Southwark — St. Dunstan's, Fleet-street (Law Courts in the distance) — On the Tower Bridge — Looking down Ludgate Hil from the steps of St. Paul's — From Cannon-street Station — Cheapside — Cannon-street (summer evening) — View from the Tower Bridge — St. Paul's and Ludgate Hill — Grocers' Hall — Dean's-yard, Westminster — The bridge at Westminster — The end of Victoria-street, Westminster — Blackfriars Reach from Waterloo Bridge — Southwark Bridge and St. Paul's Cathedral — Interior of St. Bartholomew's before Restora- tion — St. Bartholomew' s-square — Lambeth Palace — Greenwich — The Tower of London — The waterway to London from above Cherry Garden Pier — Houses of Parliament from Lambeth — Autumn morn- ing, Millbank — Northumberland-avenue — St. Martin's, Trafalgar-square - — Charing Cross Station from the river — Morning in Whitehall — Westminster Abbey from the end of the Embankment — ^Miitehall — Emmanuel Hospital, Westminster — At Charing Cross, from the base of the Nelson Column — Westward from Hyde Park Corner — St. James' s- street from the New University Club — Asphalting in the Strand — St. Mary-le-Strand — Holborn-hill — From Southwark Bridge — Piccadilly, near Down-street — Chelsea Staith — Victoria Tower and east end of Westminster Abbey from the corner of Richmond-terrace — The winter of 1895 — Limehouse Reach — On Westminster Bridge — Chelsea — Battersea Reach — Sunrise at Lambeth — An arch of London Bridge — The Tower and Upper Pool — Old Essex Wharf — View from Waterloo Bridge — The Foreshore at Southwark — Lavender Wharf, Rotherhithe — From Whitehall Court — Millbank, Westminster — St. Giles', Cripple- gate — Little Britain, Aldersgate — The Shot Tower, etc. — St. Clement's and the Law Courts — Trafalgar-square — South end of Waterloo Bridge — The Westminster Embankment — A snowy morning, White- hall — Grosvenor-road, Pimlico. 95 Moens (William John Charles). See Huguenot Society of London. The publications of the Huguenot Society of London. . . . Vols. IL and XIIL The registers of the French Church of Thread- needle Street, London, 1600-[1685]. By W. J. C. Moens. 1896-9. 4to. Montreal, City of. Accounts of the Corporation . . . and reports of the heads of departments, 1902, 1905. Montreal, 1904-6. 8vo. Moore (Charles). See United States, Senate Committee on the district of Columbia of. The improvement of the park system of the district of Columbia. . . . Edited by C. Moore, etc. 1902. 8vo. See United States, Senate Committee on the district of Columbia of. Park improvement papers. , . . Edited and compiled by C. Moore, etc. 1903. 8vo. Moore (N.). On two Roman Tombs discovered in digging foundations of new buildings, St. Bartholomew's Hospital. See London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, Transactions. Vol. V. 1881. 8vo. Morgan (George Blacker). See Fisher (P.). Catalogue of the tombs in the churches of the City of London, a.d. 1666. Revised and edited by G. B. Morgan. 1885. 4to. See Fisher (P.). The Tombs, Monuments, etc., visible in St- Paul's Cathedral. . . . Edited by G. B. Morgan. 1885. 4to. Morley (Henry). >See Stow (J.). A Survey of London, etc. Edited by H. Morley. 1893. 8vo. Mothersole (Hartley Brinkley Newton). See Dumsday (W. H.) and H. B. N. Mothersole. The Law of Education, etc. 1904. . 8vo. Motor Cars. Report of the Royal Commission on Motor Cars, with minutes of evidence, appendices and index. London, 1906. Folio pp. [826]. Annexes : — (i.) Report on the law and practice as to Motor Cars in the principal foreign countries, with a general summary and statistics ; (ii.) Report on the administration, construction and maintenance of certain classes of roads in France, the Xetherlands and (Jcrmany, by Captain C. Bigham, C.M.G. Contents of A])pendices, in^er alia: — (i.) Returns showing the nuinher of cars registered, licences granted, receipts from fees and ex]K'nditure on administration of all local authorities ; (ii.) Tables showing luunber and results of prosecutions under the Act from 1st July, li)(»4, to ;}(»th June, 1005 ; (iii.) Particulars with respect to ])ersons killed by light locomo- tives during 1904 in the Metropolitan Police District. See Local Government Board. Report of the Departmental Committee appointed ... to inquire with regard to regulations for the purjjoses of section 12 of the Motor Car Act, 1903, etc. London, 1904. Folio. 96 Mouat (Frederic J.). On the education and training of the children of the poor. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. XLHI. 1880. Mould (Richard W.). Southwark men of mark. Compiled by R. W. Mould. Edited and pubUshed by R. W. Bowers. London, 1905, Bvo, pp. 72. Mudie-Smith (Richard). The reUgious life of London. Edited by R. Mudie-Smith. London, 1904. Bvo, pp. xv., 518. Municipal Trading. Report from the Joint Select Committee of the House of Lords and the House of Commons on Municipal Trading ; together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evi- dence, and appendix. London, 1900. FoUo, pp. x., 513. Contents, iyUer alia, of appendix : — Papers handed in by Sir Courtenay Boyle : Relations of local authorities to electric lighting, gas, and tramway undertakings — changes in the standing orders affecting local aiithorites in relation to tramways from 1872 to 1899 — special , acts conferring on local authorities powers exerciseable outside their dis- tricts, and examples ol clauses — list of tramways owned and worked by local authorities on 30th June, 1899 — capital and income of munici- pal undertakings — municipal corporations (reproductive inidertakings). Papers handed in by Wr. D. S. Waterlow : Dwellings erected by the London Coiuity Council and now in occupation — population of dwell- ings — buildings in course of erection — standing order for regulating housing undertakings. Paper handed in by Mr. S. B. Provis : Analysis of proposals contained in private bills promoted by local authorities in England and Wales during 1900. Muret-Sanders. Encyclopaedic Enghsh-German and German-English Dictionary ; smaller edition for home and school. BerUn, 1907. 4to. 2 vols. Part I. — English-German, by B. Klatt. Part II. — German-English, by H. Baumann. Murray (David). Museums : their history and their use. With a bibUography and list of museums in the United Kingdom. Glas- gow, 1904. 8vo. 3 vols. Murray (John Fisher). Environs of London (Western Division) . . . illustrated with upwards of one hundred engravings on wood . . . London, 1842. 8vo, pp. xii., 356. N. Naldrett (Edward James). See MacMorran (A.), S. G. Lushington. and E. J. Naldrett. The London Government Act, 1899, etc., 1899. 8vo. National Land and Building Association. Progress of the National Land and Building Association. London, 1845. 8vo, pp. [16]^ [Xo. 2 of The Commonweal.] [Bound up in volume, Miscellaneous Pamphlets, 1856-64]. 97 Needham (Raymond) and Alexander Webster. Somerset House, past and present. London, llKJo. 8vo, pp. Si-i. Netherlands. Jaarverslag van het Staatstoezicht op de Volks- gesondheid over 1902-1906. Utrecht, 1904-1907. Uo. New South Wales. The official year-book of New Soriith Wale 1901-5. Sydney, 1906. 8vo. A Statistical Account of the Seven Colonies of Australasia^ 1901-2. By T. A. Coghlan, Statistician of New South Wales. PubUshed by Authority of the Government of the State of New South Wales and of the Commonwealth of Australia. Sydney, 1902. 8vo, pp. viii., 1,093. New York Board of Fire Underwriters. Annual Report of the Committee on Fire Patrol to the . . . Board . . . Mav, 1897. New York, 1897. 8vo, pp. 223, xxxviii. New York, City of. Advance pages of the Annual Report of the Comptroller of the City of New York. Summarizing the opera- tions of the City Treasurer and the Sinking Fund. . . . 1905. New York, 1906. 8vo. Annual Report of . . . City Chamberlain, 1905. New York, 1905. pp. 31. Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners. Contract No. 2, being for construction and operation of Brooklyn-Man- hattan Rapid Transit Railroad. New York, 1902. 4to. The City Record. The official journal of the City. New York, 1907. Large Folio (jmblished daily). [A complete file for 1907] Department of Parks. Report for the years 1904-5. New York, 1905-6. 8vo. Reports of the Comptroller of the City of New York for . . - 1903-6. New York, 1905-8. Folio. Report of the New York City Improvement Commission to the Honourable George B. McClellan, Mayor of the City of New York, and the Honourable Board of Aldermen of the City of New York. New York, 1907. 4to, pp. 36. Street cleaning. A report on the final disposition of the wastes of New York by the department of street cleaning. New York, 1896. 8vo, pp. 159. 15286 D 98 New York, University of the State of. Yearbook of legislation, 1003. Albany, l'JO-4. 8vo. [State Lilrary Bulletin, Xos. 20-22.] New Zealand International Exhibition, 1906. British Govern- ment Exhibit. Official Catalogue. [London, U;€6.] 8vo, pp. viii., 250. Ccntents :• — Education — Sccial Economy— Naval and Military — INIedals, Coins and Seals — Geogiaphy and Exploration — Meteorology — Photo- graphy. Newman (F. W.). Why the People ought to have a Veto on the sale of Drink. [The substance of a speech delivered in Bristol. April 1st, 1867.] Manchester, 1867. 8vo, pp. 8. [Bound up in volume, Miscellanea]. Newman (George). Bacteriology and the public health. Third edition. liondon, 1904. 8vo, pp. xx., 497. Contents, inter alia :• — The bacteriology of sewage and the bacterial treatment of sewage — bacteria in milk and milk products — disinfection. ■ Infant mortality. A social problem. London, 1906. 8vo., pp. viii., 356. Newsholme (Arthur). The vital statistics of Peabody-buildings and other artisans' and labourers' block dwellings. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Eoyal Statistical Society. Vol. LIV. 1891. Nichols (John Gough). See Machyn (Henry.) The diary of Henry Machyn, etc. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 1848. 4to. Nichols (J. B.'. See Smith (J. T.). Vagabondiana ; . . . Vol. II. The cries rl London . , . with a memoir [by J. B. Nichols] . . . of the author. 1839. 8vo. Nicholson (J. S.) The British Economists. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. X. The Ees- toration, 1902, etc. 8vo. Nicolas (Vale). See Underbill (A.), V. Nicolas, etc. An encyclo- psedia of forms and precedents. . . . Vol. VII. 1905. 8vo. Noble (T. C). A brief History of the Worshipful Company of Iron- mongers, London, a.d. 1351-1889, with an Appendix containing some account of the Blacksmiths' Company. With numerous illustrations by George Cruikshanks and others. London, 1889. 4to, pp. xii., 74. 99 Norman (Philip). Londou vanished and vanishing. London [1905.] Ito, pp. xvi., 294. With 75 coloured illustrations. Plates, inter alia :— Holywell-street, Strand, looking West, 1900— Tabard Inn, Southwark, 1810 — White Hart Inn, Southwark, 1884 — Old Houses, Inner Yard of White Hart Inn, Southwark — George Inn, Southwark, 1885— Queen's Head Inn, Southwark, 1883— Last of the King's Head Inn, Southwark, 1SS4 — Layton's-buildings, Southwark, 1904 — Sir Paul Pindar's House, Bishopsgate-street, 1877 — Tower of Church of St. Giles, Cripplegate, and Old Houses in Fore Street, 1884 — No. 10, Great St. Helen's and entrance of St. Helen's Church, 1893 — Entrance to Bishopsgate from Glreat St. Helen's, 1890 — Almshouses of the Skinners' C'ompany, Mile End. 1892— Vine Tavern, IMile End— Staircase of No. 10, Austin Friars — Chimney Piece and part of Room at No. 4, Coleman- street, 1892 — Doorways of Xos. 1 and 2, Laurence Poultney-hill, 1895 —Old Buildings, from St. Paul's Pier, 1894— Dean's-court, St. Paul's Church-yard, 1894— Swan with Two Necks, Carter-lane, 1894 — Back of Green Dragon Tavern, St. Andrew's-hill, 1890 — Reminiscence of Oxford Arms Inn, Warwick-lane, 1875 — Remains of Roman Wall, Newgate, 1903 — Mediajval Arches, Ireland-yard, Blackfriars, 1900 — Church of St. Michael, Wood Street, 1896— Church of St. Michael, • Bassishaw — Interior of Church of All Hallows, Upper Thames-street, 1894 — Doorway of St. George's Church, Botolph-lane, 1904 — Crypt of Sir John de Pulteney's Mansion, Laurence Poultney-hill, 1894 — Entrances of Christ's Hospital and of Christ Church, 1895 — Cloth Fair, West Smithtield, looking West, 1904— Yard of Old Bell Inn, Holborn, 1897— CoSee-room of Old Bell Inn, Holborn, 1897— Old Bell Inn and Black Bull, from Holborn, 1897 — Leather-lane, looking south towards Holborn, 1897 — A Passage on the North side of Holborn, 1897 — White Hart-yard, Brook-street, Holborn, 1903 — Gateway and entrance of the White Horse Inn, Fetter-lane, 1898 — Nevill's-court, Fetter-lane, 1891 — Dining-room of Cock Tavern, Fleet-street — Temple Bar, 1875— Room in Inner Temple Gate-house, 1899 [No. 17, Fleet- street] — Dick's Coffee House, Fleet-street, 1899 — No. 15, Gray's Inn- square — Hall of Barnard's Inn, Holborn, 1886 — Part of Barnard's Inn» Holborn, 1886 — Staple Inn, Holborn, 1884 — Garden House, Clement's Inn, 1883 — Portsmouth House, at the south-west corner of Lincoln's Inn-fields, 1904-" Old Curiosity Shop," Portsmouth-street, 1884— Holywell-street, Strand, looking East, 1900 — Wych-street, Strand, looking North-west, 1901 — Nell Gwyn's Lodging, Drury-lane, 1880 — No. lO, Downing-street, 1888 — Emanuel Hospital, Westminster 1890— Six Bells Tavern and Bowling Green, Chelsea, 1900— Maunder' Fish Shop, Cheyne Walk, 1887 — Turner's House, Cheync-walk, Chelsea, 1887 — Sandford Manor House, 1898 — Old Houses on the site of the Victoria and Albert Museum, 1899 — Scarsdale House, Wright' s- lane, Kensington, 1892 — York House and Garden, Church-street, Ken- sington, 1899 — Red Cow Public-house, Hammersmith-road, 1897 — Bradmore House, Hammersmith — Thatched Cottage, near Paddington- green, 1895. Vice-Presidential Address to the London Topographical Society. See London Topographical Society. Londou Topo- graphical Record . . . Vol. IV. 1907, 8vo.' See London Topographical Society. Illustrated Topographi- cal Record of London . . . with . . . historical notes by PhiUp Norman. 1898-1900. 4to. Northumberland, County of. .\bstract of the accounts of the county council for . . . WHKi-L Ne\vcastle-on-Tyne, 1905. 8vo. 100 Norwich, City of. Life table for the City of Norwich (Decennium 1891-1900). Prepared by A. W. Tuxford for Dr. H. Cooper Pattin, Medical Officer of Health. Norwich, 1905. ^to, pp. 23, and tables. •— The records of the City of Norwich. Compiled and edited by the Rev. WiUiam Hudson and John Cottingham Tingey. Norwich, 19C6, etc. 8vo. Vol. I. Contains documents relating to the government and adminis- tration of the City, with an introductory sketch of its municipal develop- ment, pp. [13], cxlvi, 45G. Nowack ( ). Die offentUche Gesundheitspflege. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. 1904. 8vo. Nurses, Registration of. Report from the select committee on Registration of Nurses, together with the proceedings of the Com- mittee, minutes of evidence and appendix. London, 1905. Folio, pp. xiv., 234. o. Ogilby (John). The Relation of His Majesty's Entertainment passing through the City of London, to his Coronation : with description of the Triumphal Arches, and solemnity. London, 1661. 4to. Tip. 38. Ogle (William). An inquiry into the trustworthiness of the old Bills of MortaUty. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. LV. 1892. Old Age Pensions. Report and special report from the Select Com- mittee on the Aged Pensioners' Bill ; together with the proceed- ings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1904. Folio, pp. xvi., 163. Report of the Royal Commission on the Aged Poor appointed to consider whether any alterations in the system of poor law rehef are desirable, in the case of persons whose destitution is occasioned by incapacity for work resulting from old age, or whether assistance could otherwise be afforded in those cases. London, 1895. Foho, 3 vols, in 1. Oman (Charles William Chadwick). The Peninsular War, 1808-14 ; the Hundred Days, 1815. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IX. Napoleon, 1902, etc. 8vo. Onslow (William Hillier) Earl of Onslow. The rise and develop- ment of local legislation by private bill. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. LXIX. 1906. 101 Open Spaces (Metropolis). Reports from the select committee on Open Spaces (Metropolis) ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1865. Folio, p.p. [379]. 1st Report : — Wimbledon Common. Appendix : — List of parishes within 15 miles radius of St. Paul's, with the estimated quantity of common lands in each one — inclosures within 15 miles of London — memorial, petitions, etc. 2nd Report : — Hampstead Heath, Epsom, Blackheath, Peckham Rye, Clapham Common, Hackney Common, Hackney Downs, Wandsworth, Barnes, Epping Forest. Appendix, inier alia : — Statute of Merton — Correspondence relating to Epping Forest. [Another copy in two volumes]. Ordish (Thomas Fairman). See London Topographical Society. Annual record . . . 1900. . . . Edited by T. F. Ordish. 1901. 8vo. See London Topographical Society. London Topographical Record . . . including the fourth annual report of the London Topographical Society. Edited by T. F. Ordish. 1903. 8vo. Orphan Working SchooL The plan of the charity for the mainten- ance, education and employment of orphan and other poor children, erected at Hoxton in the year 1760. With the present state of it. . . . London, 1767. 8vo, pp. 32. [Bound up with D'Oyly's Seniion preached at St George's, etc.] Outer London Inquiry Committee. West Ham : A study in social and industrial problems, being the Report of the Outer London Inquiry Committee. Compiled by Edward G. Howarth and Mona Wilson. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. xix., 423. Contents, inter alia : — Housing — Employment and wages — Local govern- ment. Overall (William Henry). See St. Michael, Cornhill. Accounts of the Churchwardens of St. Michael, Cornhill. . . . Edited .... by W. H. Overall. 1869. 8vo. Owen (Edward). Hyde Park. Select narratives, annual events, etc., during twenty years' poHce service. [London, 1906.] 8vo, pp. 60. Paddington, Metropolitan Borough of. Abstract of accounts for the year ending Slst March, 1903. London, 1903. 8vo. Reports of the Medical Officer of Health, 1901-5. London, 1902-6. 8vo. 102 Page (William). See Hardy (W. J.) and W. Page. A calendar to the feet of fines for London and Middlesex, etc. 1892-3. 8vo. Palgrave (Robert Harry Inglis). Local government. On the distribution of the licenses proposed to be transferred in aid of local expenditure. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. LIL 1889. On the local taxation of Great Britain and Ireland. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. XXXIV. 1871. Palmer (Charles). See Emden (T. W. L.). County of London. Sketches of bridges. . . . Letterpress by C. Palmer. 1903. Paris. Assistance Publiqne. Chapitres additionnels au budget de I'exercice 1904. Montevrain, 1904. 4to. Memoire au conseil de surveillance sur les chapitres ad- ditionnels au budget de I'exercice 1903. Montevrain, 1903. 4to, Coneeil Municipal. Budget de I'exercice, 1905-7. Tableaux annexes. Paris, 1905-7. 4to. Liste de MM. les Membres du Conseil Municipal, par ordre alphabetique et par quartiers, precedee du Bureau du Conseil Municipal et suivie de la Composition des Bureaux et des Commis- sions du Conseil Municipal et des Commissions administratives. Paris, 1905. 8vo, pp. 50. Rapport . . . sur le budget de depenses et des recettes de la Prefecture de Police pour I'exercice 1901 . . . par M. Georges Desplas. Paris, 1900. 4to. Rapports et documents, 1903-1905. Paris, 1903-7. 4to {continuinij). Contents, inter alia : — 1903 : — 3 Rapport an noni de la 6™e Commission snr le Projet de reglement sanitaire de la ville de Paris, pp. 80. 19 Documents . . . snr le service des ordnres menageres, pp. 71. [Contains particulars of visit to English refuse destructors]. 32 Rapport . . . sur 1' organisation du service du gaz a Paris au ler Janvier, 1906, pp.197. 40 Rapport . . . sur la reorganisation du service des Beaux-arts et des Musees de la ville de Paris, pp. 233. 43 Rapport . . . sur 1' alimentation de Paris en eau potable, pp. 21. 49 Rapport . . . sur la repartition du credit de 60,000 fr. . . . cntre les caisses des ecoles des vingt arrondisscments de Paris pour achat et distribution de vetements et ciiaussures en faveur des eleves des ecoles maternelles, pp. 13. — [This document gives for each arrondissement the number of children attending the 103 Paris — continued. Conseil Municipal — continued. " ccoles maternelles," and the number assisted, also the total expense, together with the actual and relative amount of the State contribution.] 52 Rapport . . . sur la creation, a la Sorbonnc, d'un Bureau municipal de renseignements scientifiques, pp. 12. [This institu- tion, already existing in Berlin and Vienna, is primarily for foreign students and Anglo-Saxon visitors in Paris. The information given falls into three groups : Educational (Schools, Laboratories, Museums, liibraries. Learned Societies, etc.). Phdantlnopic (Hospitals, Sanatoriums, Asylums, etc.). Municipal (all public services). 71 Rapport . . . sur le projet d' organisation de la regie directe du gaz a Paris, pp. 14. [The findings of the two commissions are given in ]mrallel columns.] 112 Rapport . . . sur les traitements et conditions d'avancement des membres de I'enseignement theorique et technique des ecoles professionnelles de la ville de Paris . . . pp 112. 134 Rapport . . . sur le projet de remaniement des lignes de tiamways exploitees par la Compagnie gencrale des Omnibus, pp. 32. Annexe 1. Memoire deM. IcPrefet de la Seine soumettant un projet de reorganisation des tramways . . . ainsi que les rtsultats de I'enquete a laquelle il a ete precede. [Municipal woiking of trans- port services, with mechanical traction]. 137 Rapport . . . sur le Bureau municipal -de renseignements scien- tifiques de I'universite de Paris, pp. 14. [A full account of the establishment, organisation, scope and success of the Bureau.] l42 Rapport . . . sur la circulation des vehicules automobiles dans la ville de Paris et les communes du ressort, pp. 20. Contents: — Importance dcl'industrie automobile Lesinconvenients des automobiles (bruit, fumee) — Les accidents — Lavitesseet les moyens d'arret des voitures — Ameliorations a apporter a la police de la voie pour assurer la securite publique — La circulation aux bois de Boulogne et de Vincennes — La repression des in- fractions aux reglements. 148 Rapport . . . [containing statistics of the practice of cremation in the United States and on the Continent, with references to the eight English crematories] pp. 5P. 162 Rapport . . . sur le budget des sapeurs-pompiers. [Notice of a respiratory apparatus, pp. 2.] Annexed is an important Report on Theatres by M. Adrian I\Iithouard, pp. 184. Contents: — Origines du theatre et du cafe concert en France — Etude sur les theatres de Berlin, Prague, Vienne, Amster- dam, Hambourg, Londres [with plans of C'ovent Garden] — Etude comparative entre divers theatres etrangers et ceux de Paris — Modilications que, d'apres I'etude des reglements etrangers, il y aurait intcret a apporter h I'ordonnance du Icr septembre, 1S9S, concernant les theatres et autres salles de spectacles — Ininllammabilite des matcriaux et decors employes dans les theatres. Pieces annexes : — Reglements des theatres de Vienne — Inspection speciale pour rcclairage au ga/ dans les theatres, etc., de Vienne — T)is])ositions sf»cciales concernant I'inspcction des installa- tion d'eclairagc electriciue et y)rescriptions pour I'installation d'eclairagc dans les theatres, etc., de Vienne — K eglcments des theatres do Londres — 1<]xtraits des ordonnances de Police de Berlin (1901) — Reglement concernant ks tlieatres et salles de spectacles do la province de Milan (1902) — Eclairage (jlcctriquo 104 Paris — continued. Conseil Municipal — continued. — Eclairage a\i gaz — Eclairage a 1' acetylene — Eclairage de secours a I'electricitc — Des positions gc'nerales pour les ]:ro- jections Ininineuses et cinematographiqnes — Ininfiammabilite — Feu:v dans les theatres, etc., qui ont eclate a Paris. 1904 :— 2 Rapi^ort . . . sur les reglements des ccoles professionnelles, pj. 733. Appendix II. deals with " L'enseignement technique a I'ctranger (Alleniagne, Angleterre, Autriche, Belgique, Hongrie, Italie, Russie, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Norvege, Croatie-Slavonie, Bosnie- Herzegovine, Jiulgarie, Etats-Unis)." Appendix III. Enseignement technique en France. 73 Rapport . . . sur la creation au Conservatoire des arts et metiers d'une Chaire mnnicipalc de chimie industrielle (matieres colorantes, blanchinient, teinture, impression, et appret des etoffes). 83 Proposition tendant a organiser un echange de correspondance entre les ecoliers parisiens et les ecoliers des colonies, pp 7. (Refers to London scheme). 93 Rapport . . . sur les bibliotheques niunicipales, la bibliotheque Gustave-Tridon, la bibliotheque Forney, et les bibliotheques popnlaires de la ville de Paris, pp. 58. 95 Rapport . . . sur le service des Eaux a Paris, pp 57. 97 Rapport . . . sur le fonctionnement du IMont de Piete, pp. 48. 1905 :— 8 Rapport au nom de la Commission des habitations a bon marchc sur les habitations a bon marche, pp. 254. Premiere partie: — Chap. J. — Les conditions de I'habitation ouvriere dans les grandes villes et notamment a Paris. Chap II. — La legislation actuelle des habitations a bon marche. Chap. ITI. — Resultats donnts par 1' application de la legislation des habitations a bon marche. Chap IV. — Les legislations etrangeres. Chap. V.— Les reformes a apporter a la legislation des habitations a bon marche. Deuxiemc Partie: — Chap. I. — Les habitations a bon maiche au Conseil municipal depuis 1883. Chap. II. — Les caracteres d'une maison a bon marche. Chap. III. — Des divers genres de constructions a encourager. Chap. IV. — Modes d'entre- prises a encourager par la Ville — Conditions auxquelles elle doit subordonner son concours. Chap. V. — Modes d' interven- tion possibles de la Ville. Projet de voeux et de deliberations. Annexe" — English housing legislation. The London County Coimcil's housing policy. The Rowton Houses. 10 (aussi 135) Rapport . . . sur la municipalisation du service des pompes funebres de la ville de Paris, pp. 195. Contents : — Chap. I. — Des iabriques et consistoires. Chap. II. — Avant la Revolutioii jusqu'au decret de prairial. Chap. III.— Du decrct de prairial a 1870. Chap IV.— De 1870 a 1878. Chap. V.— De 1878 a 1904. Chap. VL— La suppres- sion du monopole devant le Conseil municipal et devant les Chambres. Chap. VII. — Les agences de funerailles et les regleurs. Chap. VIII. — le monopole et les fournitures. Chap IX. — La loi et la circulaire ministcrielle. Chap X. — Travaux de la Commission mixte — Etude du memoire de M. le Prefet de la Seine. Chap. XL — Depenses. Chap. XII. — 105 Paris — continued. Conseil Municipal — continued. Recettes. Conclusions — Projet de Deliberation — Annexes — (Salaires du personnel des Ponipes funebres). 24 Rapport conipleme'itaire an No. ill de 1904 . . . sur la circu- lation des automobiles, pp. 3. [Deals chief. 3' with suggested regulation of motor nuisances]. 34 Rapport . . . sur I'application d'un reglement general a la Bourse du travail, pp. 24. [The second part of the Kicport of a Commission of Enquiry sug- gesting certain changes. Annexe 4 gives the conditions under which professional syndicates may be organised for the study or protection of induslrial, economic, commercial or agrarian interests.] TO Proposition relative a la creation d'une caisse de chomage, pp. 75. Contents : — Avant-Propos — Le chomage a Paris — La question du chomage au Conseil municipal — Les caisses de chomage subven- tionnees en Franco (Dijon, Limoges, Lyon, Reims, Amiens, Boulogne-sur-Mer) — Les caisses de prevoyance contre le chomage en Belgique (Cand, Anvers) — IjCS caisses d' assurance facultatives de Berne et de Cologne — Les cais.es de chomage a Paris — Conclusions — Point de Deliberation. Annexes [Reglements (pour les villes de Dijon, Reims, Cologne et Lyon) ; Projet de creation d'lme caisse (Boulogne) ; nouveaux statuts (Gand) ; Dispositions (Berne) ; Rapport du Ministere du CommercCj de ['Industrie, des Postes et des Telegraphes.] 92 Rapport . . . sur la creation, au Service de rassainisscment de la Seine, d'une section agronomique chargee d'assurer I'epura- tion culturale des eaux d'egout, pp. 36. Annexe 3. Commission consultative des champs d'epandage de la ville de Paris — Proc es-verbal de la seance du IG mars, 1905. [An allusion to the English sewerage woi'ks is made on p. 30.] 95 Rapport . . . sur 1' education physique, pp. 11. ' [Extracts from Report of ]M. le .Medecin-iRspecteur Dufestal] pp. 2-5. 119 Rapport . . . sur le fonctionnement des bureaux raunicipaux de placement gratuit et sur la repartition des subventions a leur accorder, pp. 28. Origine du placement — Bureaux de placement prives- — Bureaux municipaux (leur origine; leur fonctionnement; service annexe ; cadres d'affiches). Renseignements sur le.s bureaux exis- tants. 135 Rapport . . . sur 1' organisation du service municipal des pompes funebres, pp. 104. [Gives the scheme and the discussion upon it.] 190G :— 29 Rapport au nom de la 4e Commission sur I'enseignement technique et professionnel, pp. 264, and 8 diagrams. La crise de I'apprentissage — Necessite d'une organisation parti- culiere de I'enseignement professionnel — Historique des ccoles professionnelles de Paris — Considerations sur les etudes et les j)rograrames d'enseigncment dans les ecoles professionnelles de gar^ons et de filles — Insufiisance des ecoles professionnelles a conjurer la crise de rap])rcntissage et necessite de creer des cours techniques pour les adultes — Reorganisation de I'enseigne- ment professionnel a Paris— Ktude, sur le passage au Ministere du Commerce d'un etablisscmcnt scolaire professionel administr6 par rinstruction publique ; Conclusion. 48 Note historiiiue sur le regime de reiectricite a Paris (1878-1904) et sur le cahier des charges-type de 1888-1SS9, pp. 182. 106 Paris — continued. Relation officielle de la visite a Londres du Conseil Municipal et de la \isite a Paris du Conseil de Comte de Londres, 16-21 Octobre, 1905, 5-10 Fevrier, 1906. Paris, 1906. FoUo, pp. xxiv, 156. Visite a Paris du London Countv Council, 5-10 fevrier, 1906. Les Services Municipaux de Paris. Paris, 1906. 4to, pp. 151. Departement de la Seine. L' assistance des alienes en France, en Allemagne, en Italie et en Suisse. Paris, 1903. 4to, pp. 1,007, 24 plans, etc. Direction des Affaires municipales (Bureau de I'approvi- sionnement). Rapport annuel de I'annee 1898 sur les services municipaux de I'approvisionnement de Paris. [Abattoirs — Entrepots — Halles centrales — iMarche aux bestiaux — Marches de quartier, etc.] Rapports de I'inspecteur-general charge des services ordinaires et vicinal du departement et du controle des tramways et du metropolitain. Paris, 1904-7. 4to. Direction des Travaux. Notes a Fappui du compte des depenses de I'exercice 1900-5. Paris, 1901-6. 4to {continuing). Prefecture de la Seine. Regime futur de I'electricite. Memoires du Prefet de la Seine au Conseil Municipal. Paris, 1905-6. 4to. Service Municipal des Travaux Publics. Service d'essai des eaux d'egout. I. Compte-rendu des Essais d' Utilisation et d'Epuration. II. Compte-rendu des Travaux et des Resultats. — Rapports des Ingeiiieurs. Paris, 1869. Folio, 2 vols. Yille de Paris. College Chaptal. Le Livre du Cinquantenaire (1844-1894). Paris, 1895. 4to, pp. 120, 11. Le College Chaptal, fonde par Prosper Goubaux en 1844, 1844-1900. Paris, 1900. 8vo, pp. 72. Pariset (Georges). The Consulate, 1799-1804 ; France under the Empire, 1804-14. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cam- bridge Modern History. Vol. IX. Napoleon. 1902, etc. 8vo. Parks and Works (Metropolis) Bill. Report from the Select Com- mittee on Public Parks and Works (Metropolis) Bill ; together with the proceedings of the Committee, and minutes of evidence. London, 1887. FoUo, pp. 20. 107 Parliament. Acts of Parliament. — Collections relating to London generally: — A collection of Acts of Parliament relating to or affecting London for the years 1865-1868. London, 1865-8. Folio. 4 vols. -[A collection of Acts relating to or affecting London.] London, 1845-1862. Folio. Contents : — .Metropolis Local Management, 1855, 185(), 1858, 1862— Icndon Coal and Wine Dues Contimiance, 18G1 — Thames Embankment, 1862 — Lands Clauses Consolidation, 1845-1860 — Metropolitan Buildinge, 1855, 1860, 1861— Covent Carden Approach, etc., 1857— Finsbury Park, 1857— Victoria Park Approach, 1858— Sale of Gas, 1859, I860— Gas (Metropolis), 1860, 1861— Petroleum, 1862— Gunpo^\dcr, etc, I860 — Duchy of Lancaster Lands, 1855 — Thames Conservancy, 1857 — West- minster Bridge, 1853. -[A collection of Acts relating principally to explosives and sale of gas.] London, 1859-1876. Folio. j^.< Acts of Parliament conferring powers on the Metropolitan Board of Works, passed subsequently to the publication of the volume containing Mr. Woolrych's edition of the MetropoUs Management Acts, etc. London, 1847-1868. FoHo. [A collection relating to sewers, nuisances, etc.] London, 1848-9. 8vo. Contents : — Metropolitan Sewers Act, 1848 — Amending Act, 1849 — Nuisances Renewal and Diseases Prevention Act, 1848 — Amending Act, 1849 ; each with analytical index. Collections relating to London parish.es and districts : — -[A collection of Acts relating to the local government, etc., of Paddington, St. Marylebone, St. George, Hanover Square, and St. James, Westminster]. London, 1784-1845. Folio. -[A collection of Acts relating to the local government, etc' of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, St. George, Bloom sbury, St. Paul' Covent Garden, St. Mary le Strand, St. Clement Danes and St* Anne's, Soho, and containing the Act of 1660 " for making the Precinct of Covent Garden parocliial," to which is added the Translation of the Patent of Covent Garden Market, granted by King Charles the Second.] London,, 1748-1829. Folio and 8vo. See St. Andrew, Holborn, and St. George the Martyr, Middle- sex, United Parishes of. A concise statement of the origin and progress of the several Acts of Parliament relating to new paving . . . streets and places within . . . Westminster . . . contain- ing a collection of the Acts in question.] 1819. Folio, 108 Parliament — continued. Acts of Parliament — Collections relating to London parishes and districts — cont. [St. Pancras New Church Acts]. London, 1840. 8vo, pp. [247]. Contents : — Act for new parish church and parochial chapel (1816). — Act for repealing Act for providing additional burying ground, and alter- ing powers of above (1821). Index. [Two Acts (7 Geo. IV., c. Iviii. and 4 Will. IV., c. Iviii.) relating to paving, etc., Grosvenor-place and other streets, etc.] London, 1826-1834. FoUo. [Two Acts, with index, relating to provision of drains and sewers for the purpose of carrying off the water from the Prebendal estate of Halliwell and Finsbury.] London, 1778 and 1814. FoUo. Collections on special subjects. — Canals. [A collection of Acts relating to the Regent's Canal.] London, 1812-1819. Folio. Estates : — [Acollectionof Acts relating to estates, paving, etc.] London, 1812-1845. Folio. Contents :— Paddington estate, 1812, 1825— Tothill Fields, 1825— Manor of Fulham, 1827— Grosvenor Place, 182(5, 1834— Fulham Parish, 1834— Harrow Estate, 1827, 1839— White's Estate, Jlillbank, 1832- Dean and Chapter of Westminster Estate, 1841 — Eton College, 1842 — Grand Junction Estate, 1844 — Ladbroke Estate, 1844 — Westminster Estate, 1845. Gas. [A collection of Acts relating to the sale and supply of gas.] London, 1847-61. Folio. Contents : — Act for regulating measures used in sales of gas, 1859 — Amending Act, 1860 — ^letropolis Gas Act, 1860 — Amending Act, 1861— Gas Works Clauses Act, 1847. ' [A collection of Acts relating to Chartered Gas Light Companies.] London, 1810-23. Folio. ^ [A collection of Acts relating to the supply and sale of gas, 1847-60.] London, 1847-60. Folio. Contents :— Sales, 1859, 1860— :\letropolitan Supply, 1860— Consolidated Clauses, 1847. [Two Acts relating to the Imperial Gas Light and Coke Company.] London, 1821-3 Folio. Parks. [A collection of Acts relating to the Parks, etc., under the control of the Metropolitan Board of Works, and also of Acts relating to other open spaces in and near the metropolis.] London, 1839-89. Folio. 109 Parliament — continued. Acts of Parliament — continued. RaUwaijs. [Two Acts (2 and 3 Vict., c. Ixxvii. and 2 and 3 Vict,, c. lxx^-iii) relating to the Northern and Eastern Railway.] London, 1839. Folio. Sewage. [Two Acts (9 and 10 Vict., c. cccxcviii, and 10 and 11 Vict., c. xxx\aii.) relating to the Metropolitan Sewage Manure Com- pany.] London, 1846-7. Folio. Sewers. Statutes relative to the sewers within Westminster and part of Middlesex. London, 1796. 8vo, pp. 84, vi. Contents :— Bill of Sewers (23 Henry VIII., c. 5)— 3 and 4 Edward VI., c. 8 — 13 Elizabeth, c. — 3 James I., c. 4 — 2 William and -Mary, sess. 2, c. S — 7 Anne, c. 10 — last of sewers under Westminster Commission and names of Commissioners. Thames embankments. [A collection of Acts relating to the formation of Thames embankments, etc.] London, 1861-4. FoUo. Contents : — Thames Embankment Act, 1862 — London Coal and Wine Dues Continuance Acts, 1861 and lS63-^rhames Embankment (Xorth Side), 1863— Thames Embankment (South Side), 1863— Thames Embankment Amendment Act, 1864 — Thames Embankment and Metropolis Improvement (Loans) Act, 1864. Water. [A collection of Acts relating to the New River Company.] London, 1803-1891. Folio. Works oj art, etc. ' -^ [A collection of Acts of Parliament relating to ancient monu- ments, acquisition of houses of interest, etc.] London, 1882-1906. 4 to. Contents : Ancient Monument Protection Acts, 1882, and 1000. — London County Council (General Powers) Act, 1898, I'JOl and 1906. Single Acts. An Act [11 Geo. IIL, c. xxix.] for consolidating, extending, and rendering more effectual the powers granted . . . for making . . . the vaults, drains, and sewers, within the City of London . . . ; and for paving, cleansing, and lighting the streets, lanes . . . ; and preventing and removing obstructions and annoy- ances within the same. London 1770, Folio. 110 Parliament — continued. Acts of Parliament— .S'n(<7/e Acts — continued. An Act [15 Geo. III., c. 170] for paving . . . certain streets, and other public passages and places which are or shall be made upon a certain piece of ground belonging to Thomas Harrison, Esquire, situate in . . . Saint Pancras . . . London, 1810. Folio. An Act [20 Geo., c. xlviii.] for repairing, lighting, watching. and cleansing . . . Goswell Street . . . and also Bull-yard, Glase- house-yard, the north side of Fan's-alley, Mount-mill, and Willow- court . . . ; and for removing nuisances therefrom, and prevent- ing the like for the futiire. London, 1780. 8vo. An Act [39 and 40 Geo. III., c. 49] for forming, paving, cleans- ing . . . and otherwise improving and keeping in repair the streets, squares . . . which are and shall be made upon certain pieces or plots of ground, in . . . Saint Pancras, . . . belonging to the Most Noble Francis Duke of Bedford. London, 1800. Folio. An Act [48 Geo. III., c. cxlix.] for repealing the stamp duties on deeds, law proceedings, and other written or printed instru- ments, and the duties on legacies and successions to personal estate upon intestacies . . . and for granting new duties in lieu thereof. London, 1808. Folio. An Act [50 Geo. III., c. 147] for forming, paving, and other- wise improving certain streets and other pubUc passages and places, in the Parish of Saint Pancras . . . which are or shall be made upon ground belonging to Joseph Lucas, Esquire. London, 1810. Folio. An Act [1811] for paving and improving the streets and other public passages and places which are or shall be made upon a piece of ground belonging to the Brewers' Company, in the Parish of Saint Pancras . . . London, 1811, Folio. [Another copy.] An Act (52 Geo. III., 1812) for making and maintaining a navigable canal from the Grand Junction Canal in the Parish of Paddington to the Eiver Thames in the Parish of Limehouse, with a collateral cut in the Parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, in the County of Middlesex. London [1812]. 8vo, pp. 259. An Act [52 Geo. III., c. 154] for making a pubhc carriage road from the present turnpike road, near the south end of High- bury Place, Islington, to Haberdasher's Walk, in the Parish of Saint Leonard, Shoreditch . . . London, 1812. Folio. Ill Parliament — continued. Acts of Parliament — Single Acts — continued. An Act [1814] for paving . . . the several streets and other public places . . . lying on the west side of Maiden-lane, . . . the north side of the New Road, and . . . the west side of Pancras Road near Battle Bridge, in the Parish of Saint Pancras . . . London, 1814. Folio. An Act [59 Geo. III., c. Ixvi.] for altering and amending the several Acts passed for making a canal from the Grand Junction Canal ... to the River Thames . . . London, 1819. Folio. An Act [1821] for repairing and maintaining the road from Shoreditch Church, through Hackney, to Stamford Hill and other roads communicating therewith . . . London, 1821. Folio. An Act [1821] for more effectually repairing the roads leading to Highgate Gate House and Hanipstead, and other roads . . . ; and for watching, lighting and otherwise improving the said roads. London, 1821. Folio. An Act [1821] to establish an additional company for Hghting certain parts of the metropolis, and parts adjacent, with gas. London, 1821. Folio. An Act [1822] for watching, lighting, watering, cleansing, pa\'ing, gravelling, and otherwise improving the foot, carriage, and other public ways, on certain lands and grounds, in the Parish of Saint Pancras , . . called Camden Town. London, 1822. Folio. An Act [5 Geo. IV., c. Ixi.] for more effectually amending, improving, and keeping in repair the road . . . commonly called and known by the name of the City Road. London, 1824. Folio. An Act [5 Geo., IV. c. c.) for more effectually paving, light- ing, watching, cleansing, and regulating the Regent's Park, together with the New Street from the Regent's Park to Pall Mall, and the new Streets and Improvements in the neighbourhood of Parlia- ment Street and Privy Gardens . . . London, 1824. Folio. An Act [5 Geo. IV., c. cxxv.] to repeal several Acts for the relief and employment of the poor of . . . Islington . . . ; for lighting and watching, and preventing nuisances and annoyances therein ; for amending the road from Highgate through Maiden- lane, and several other roads in the said parish, ; and for providing a chapel of ease and an additional burial ground . . . London, 1824. Folio. An Act [5 Geo. IV., c. cli.J for the removal of Fleet Market in the City of London. London, 1824. Folio. 112 Parliament — continued. Acts of Parliament — Single Acti<— continued. An Act [7 Geo. IV., c. cxlii.] for consolidating the trusts of the several turnpike roads in the neighbourhood of the metro- polis, north of the river Thames. London, 1826. FoUo. An Act [10 Geo. IV., c. xii.] to alter and amend two Acts ... for establishing and regulating the Imperial Gas Light and Coke Company. London, 182i). Folio. An Act [10 Geo. IV., c. ci.] to alter, amend and enlarge the powers of two Acts ... for paving, repairing, Ughting, cleansing, and watching the Parish of Saint James, Clerkenwell . . . London, 1829. Folio. An Act [10 Geo. IV., c. cxviii.] to incorporate certain persons to be called " The Independent Gas Light and Coke Company," and for enabUng them to light with gas certain parishes in the county of Middlesex. London, 1829. FoUo. An Act [10 Geo. IV., c. cxxvii.] to incorporate certain per- sons to be called " The British Gas Light Company," and for enabling them to light Avith gas certain parishes and places . . . near the eastern part of the City of London. London, 1829. Foho. An Act [1 Will. IV., c. 44] to authorize the granting of leases of lands, parcel of the Prebend of Stoke Newton or Newnton, otherwise Newington ... to the Governor and Company of the New Eiver and for empowering the Prebendary . . . and the Rector ... of Stoke Newington respectively to grant building leases ; and for other purposes. London, 1830. Folio. An Act [3 Will. IV., c. xxxvi.] for making a railway from London to Birmingham. London, 1833. Folio An Act [3 and 4 Will. IV., c. c] for continuing certain powers to the trustees of the road from Kentish Town to Upper Holloway . . . . London, 1833. Folio. An Act [18 and 19 Vict., c. cxxii.] to amend the laws relating to the construction of buildings in the metropolis and its neigh- bourhood. London, 1855. Folio. An Act [21 and 22 Vict., c. civ.] to alter and amend the Metro- polis Management Act (1855), and to extend the powers of the Metropolitan Board of Works . . . [Including the copies of the original bill and of the bill as amended.] London, 1858. Folio. An Act [36 and 37 Vict., c. c] for making a new street from Charing Cross to the Victoria Embankment ; with book of reference. London, 1873. Folio. 113 Parliament — continued. Metropolitan Borough Councils (Bills in Parliament). Return of Expenses incurred by each Metropolitan Borough Council, in each financial year since the constitution of the Council, in promoting or opposing Bills in Parliament . . . Expenses incurred in opposing Bills promoted by the London Comity Council being distinguished. London, 1906. Folio, pp. 5L London County Council (Bills in Parliament). Return of Expenses incurred by the London County Council in promoting and opposing Bills in Parliament during the years 190.3, 1904, 1905 and, as far as possible, 1906. London, 1906. Folio, pp. 11. Parliamentary papers. Catalogue of Parliamentary reports, and a breviate of their contents : arranged under heads according to the subjects. 1696- [1837]. [London, 1834-7.] Folio, pp. viii., 220, ii.,'42. Parliament, Houses of. Report from the select committee on rebuilding Houses of Parlianient ; with the minutes of evidence and appendix. London, 1835. Folio, pp. 35. [Bound up in Report on rebuilding Houses of Parliament, 1835. Report from select committee appointed to consider such plans as may be most fitting and convenient for the permanent accommodation of the Houses of Parliament. London, 1835. FoUo, pp. 5. [Bound up in Report on rebuilding Houses of Parliament, 1835]. Report on rebuilding Houses of Parliament, 1835. (A col- lection of papers relating to the rebuilding of the Houses of Parliament.) Folio. Contents : — Plan of part of the City of Westminster, showing Victoria Street and . other new streets .... under .... Westminster Improvement Acts, 1845 and 1847. M.S. Notice to architects re designs. 21st July, 1835. pp. 2. Votes and proceedings of House of Commons, 3i(l June, 1835. Folio pp. 507-518. The new Houses of Parliament. Notice to architects intending to furnish designs, 18th August, 1835. Folio, p. 1. A letter to ... . Lord .... Puncannon .... in e.xplanation of the proceedings of the arcliitects .... who i)ptitioned for an examination into the propriety of the selection made by the Com- missioners .... By Thos. Hop])er. . London, 1837. 4to. jjp. 01. Newspaper cuttings, 18th and 20th August, 1835, p. 1. Plan showing e.Ktent of fire, p. 1. Report from Select Committee appointed to consider .... plans, .... London, 1835. Folio, p]>. 5. Rei)ort from Select Committee on rebuilding Houses of Parliament, with minutes of evidence and appendix. London, 1835. Folio, pp. 35. Plans (3) referred to in notice of 18th August, 1835. Plan of ])arliamentarv and other ])ul)lic hiiildiiius adjacent to West- minster Hall. August, 183.5. Plan of ih'j sites of the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Hall, etc. 114 Parliamentary Representation. Instructions given by the Chief Secretary for Ireland with reference to the Cities and Boroughs in Ireland sending repre- sentatives to Parliament ; likewise Letters or Keports in answer to such instructions. London, 1832. Folio, pp. xii., 150 and 35 plans. Further Return ... for Copies of Instructions given by the Secretary of State for the Home Department with reference to Parliamentary Representation ; likewise, copies of Letters or Reports received by the Secretary of State for the Home Depart- ment in answer to such instructions. Reports from Commis- sioners on proposed Division of Counties and Boundaries of Boroughs. London, 1832. Folio. 6 vols. Contents : — England and Wales : Reports on Divisions of Counties (1 vol.) Reports on Boundaries of Boroughs (4 vols.)— Reports from Commis- sioners and Answers of Returning Officers with regard to the places threatened with partial or total disfranchisement (1 vol.) Parliamentary Borough, etc. (Diagrams). Return of Dia- grams showing the Parliamentary and Municipal Boroughs and the Parliamentary County Divisions of the United Kingdom with the respective Electorates and Populations. London, 1903. Folio. Reports upon the Boundaries of the several Cities, Burghs, and Towns in Scotland, in respect to the election of members to serve in Parliament. London, 1832. Folio, pp. 154 and plans. Returns relating to Parliamentary representation. London, 1831. Folio, pp. 427. Pascoe (Charles Eyre). No. 10, Downing Street, Whitehall ; Its History and Associations. A Memory of Great Names and an Inheritance of Great Examples. London, 1908. 4to, pp. ix., 344. Paterson (James). The liicensing Acts, being the Licensing Acts, 1828 to 1904, together with all the Inland Revenue, innkeepers', Sunday closing, and grogging Acts relating thereto, with intro- ductioii, notes and forms. Sixteenth edition. By W. W. Mackenzie. liondon, 1905. 8vo, pp. xxxiv., 588, 102. Paterson (John). See Edinburgh Architectural Association. Our Drainage System : two papers ... By J. Paterson. 1872. 8vo. Peaker (Frederick). British citizenship, its rights and its duties. With a preface by Sir John Lawson Walton. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. 159. llo Pearson (Charles). The substance of an address ... at a public meeting on 11th, 12th and 18th December, 1813, . . . containing a brief history of the Corporation of London as the Asylum of English freedom in past ages, with a statement of its public services in more modern times . . . also the proceedings and resolutions of the meeting .... London, 1844. 8vo, pp. xii., 212. Pember (Francis William). See Rickards (A. G.) and F. W. Pember. The Metropolis Water Act, 1902, etc. 1903. 8vo. Penrose (Boies). See John Hopkins University. Philadelphia, 1681-1887. By E. P. Allinson and Boies Penrose. 1887. 8vo. Penton (Howard). See Emden (T. W. L.). Countv of London, sketches of Bridges ... By H. Penton. 1903."^ See Emden (T. W. L.). Westminster Abbey and Parish Churches. [1904.] Folio, with 28 illustrations by H. Penton. Pepys (Samuel). The diary of Samuel Pepys, Esq., F.R.S., from 1659 to 1669, with memoir. Edited by Lord Braybrooke. London [ ]. 8vo, pp. xii., 639. Pepys (Walter C). See London, Committee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London. The Church of St. Dunstan, Stepnev. By the Hon. Walter C. Pepys and Ernest Godman .... [1905]." 4to. Perks (Sydney). Residential flats of all classes, including artizans' dwellings. A practical treatise on their planning and arrange- ment, together with chapters on their history, financial matters, etc. . . . London, 1904. 8vo, pp. xiv., 267. Perth, Western Australia. Perth City Coimcil ; Mayor's report, 1906-7. . . . Perth, 1908. Folio. Petroleum. Report from the select committee on Petroleum ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and appendix. London, 1894. Folio, pp. vi., 93. Contents, inter alia, of appendix : — Papers handed in by Mr. Alfred Spencer : Lainp accidents in the Connty of London, 1893-4 — Testing experiments to ascertain increase in temperature in lamps with and without safety-wick tubes — Report by Secretary of Petroleum Association on burning oils and lamps. Papers handed in by Colonel Majendie : Return of oil fires, 1871-1891. Petroleum accidents (on board ships and generally). Pflugh-Harttung (Julius von). The War of Liberation, 1813-4. See Camhiidge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern His- tory. Vol. IX. Napoleon. 1902, etc. 8vo. 116 Philadelphia. Eighty-ninth annual report of the Bureau of Water for the year ending December 31st, 1890, and Fourth Annual Message of Edwin H. Fitler, Mayor of the City of Philadelphia, with the Annual Report of the "Director of the Department of Public Works. Philadelphia, 1891. 8vo, pp. 344. Philadelphia Vacant Lots Cultivation Association. Farming in the City : Eighth Annual Report of the . . . Association, season of 1904. Philadelphia, 1905. 8vo, pp. 24. Philippine Islands. Annual Report of the Commissioner ot Public Health, 1903-4, 1906-7. Manila, 1905-8. 8vo. Phillimore (W. P. W.) and G.E. Cokayne. London Parish Regis- ters. Marriages at St. James's, Duke's Place. London, 1900-2. 8vo, 4 vols. Contents : — Vol. I. 1668-1683. pp. viii., 321. Vol. II. 1684-1690, pp. 321. Vol. III. 1691-1700, pp. 359 Vol. IV. 1700-1837, pp. 275. Phillips (W, Alison). The Congresses, 1815-22 ; Greece and the Balkan Peninsula ; Mehemet Ali. See Cambridge Modern His- tory. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. X. The Restora- tion. 1902, etc. 8vo. Piccadilly and Park Lane. Minutes of evidence taken before the select committee on the Piccadilly and Park Lane New Road Bill ; with the proceedings of the committee. London, 1865. Folio, pp. vi., 45, and plans. Pilotage. Report from the select committee on Pilotage ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and appendix [and index]. London [1888.] Folio, pp. xxviii., 735 [1C6]. Report and special report from the select committee on the Pilotage Bill ; together with the proceedings of the com- mittee, minutes of evidence and appendix. [London, 1870.] Folio, pp. Ixxiv., 579, Pitt-Lewis (George). A handbook of Thames river-law, being a collection of the acts, orders and regulations of general public interest of the various public bodies bearing government upon it. London, 1900. 8vo, pp. ix., 410. Pollard (A. F.). The Germanic Federation. See Cambridge Modern tory. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. X. The Restora- tion. 1902, etc. 8vo. 117 Pontich (Henri de). Administration de la ville de Paris et du departement de la Seine. Ouvrage public sous la direction de Maurice Block. Paris, 1884. 8vo, pp. xxxi., 1032. Poole ( ). Poole's Index to Periodical Literature. Supplements. London, 1882, etc. 8vo {continuing). 1st Supplement by William Frederick Poole, and William I. Fletcher 1882-1886. 2nd Supplement by William I. Fletcher 1887-1891. 3rd Supplement bv AVilliam I. Fletcher and Franklin O. Poole 1892-1896. 4th Supplement by William T. Fletcher and Mary Poole .. 1897-1901. Poole (Franklin O.)- See Poole. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature. 1882, etc. 8vo. Poole (Mary). See Poole. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature. 1882, etc. 8vo. Poole (William Frederick). See Poole. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature. 1882, etc. 8vo. Poor Law. See Local Government Board. Report by Sydney Stephenson on an iiiquiry undertaken by him . . . upon the ophthalmic state of poor law children in the Metropolis. 1897. Folio. See Local Government Board. Report on the ventilation and'wanning in certain of the metropolitan poor law schools . . . 1898. Foho. Boards of Guardians (Persons in receipt of reUef). Return showing, in respect of each Union and Parish ... in England and Wales the number of persons ... in receipt ... (a) of indoor relief, or (b) of outdoor relief . . . who were over 60 years of age . . . London, 1904. Folio, pp. v., 238. Report from His Majesty's Commissioners for inquiring into the administration and practical operation of the Poor Laws : with appendices. London, 1834. Folio. 10 vols. Remarks on the Poor Laws, and on the state of the poor. Brentford, 1802. 8vo, pp. 163. (Bound up with R. Saunders's Observations on the present state and hifln- ence of the ixior hxicx). Poor Law Commissioners. Reports on the sanatory state of the labouring classes, as affected chiefly by the situation and construc- tion of their dwellings, in and about the Metropolis. London, 1839. 8vo, pp. 56. (Extracted from the fourth and fifth annual reports of the Poor Law Comviisaioners). Report of the Poor Law Commissioners upon the relief of the poor in the parishes of St. Marylobone and St. Pancras. With appendix. London, 1847. Folio, pp. 114. 118 Poor Rate Returns. See Rates. Report from the Select Committee on poor rate returns. 1822. Folio. See Rates. Poor Rate Return. An account of the money expended . . . 1830. Folio. Poplar, Metropolitan Borough of. Annual Reports on the sanitary condition, with vital statistics, of the Metropolitan Borough of Poplar, 1901-5. London, 1902-6. 8vo. Poplar Union. Report to the President of the Local Government Board on the Poplar Union. By J. S. Davy, Chief General Inspector of the Board. London, 1906. FoUo, pp. 75. Transcript of the shorthand notes taken at the Public Inquiry held by J. S. Davy, C.B., Chief General Inspector of the Local Government Board, into the general conditions of the Poplar Union, its Pauperism, and the Administration of the Guardians and their Officers. London, 1906. Folio, pp. 405. Porter (Arthur E.). See Thresh (J. C.) and A. E. Porter. Preserva- tives in food and food examination. 1906. 8vo. Porter (Robert P.). The Dangers of Mimicipal Trading. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. xiii., 320. Contents, inter alia : — Municipal trading as a Public Question — The General Case Against — Russia as an Object Lesson in the destruction of individuality — The Public Works Policy of Australasia — The World's Greatest Spendthrift — Delusive Demonstrations of profits — Tramways, Electrical Industry, Telephones, Housing, Nationalisation of Railways. Potter, afterwards Webb (Beatrice). The Relation of Poor Law Medical Relief to the Public Health Authorities. Bristol, 1906. 8vo, pp. 16. — See Webb (S.) and B. Potter, afterwards "Webb. Biblio- graphy of road making and maintenance in Great Britain. 1906. 4to. See Webb (S.) and B. Potter, afterwards Webb. EngHsh local government. . . . 1906, etc. 8vo. Poulters, Company of. The Charter of the W^orshipful Company of Poulters, London ; its orders, ordinances and constitution ; also Acts granted by the Corporation of London ; with a list of the estates and charities belonging to . . . the said Company. [Lon- don, .] 8vo, pp. vii., 81. Pratt (Edwin A.). British canals : is their resuscitation practicable ? London, 1906. 8vo, pp. xi., 161. Pratt (John Tidd) and William W. Mackenzie. Pratt and Mac- kenzie's Law of Highways : being the law of highways, main roads and bridges, .... Fifteenth edition. By W. W. Mackenzie. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. xcix. [1090]. 119 Preceptors, College of. The Calendar for the year 1906. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. 536. Price (Frederick George Hilton). Temple Bar, or some account of " Ye Marygold," No. 1, Fleet Street. London, 1875. 8vo, pp. 58, and 8 plates. Price (J. E.). Notes on a Roman quern discovered in St. Martin's- le-Grand. See London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. Proceedings at the evening meetings. London, 1872-7. 8vo. On recent discoveries in Newgate Street. See London and Middlesex Archwological Society. Transactions, Vol. V. London, 1881. 8vo. Price- Williams (R.). The population of London, 1801-81 [with two maps]. See Statistical Societv. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. XLVIII. 1885. Primrose (Archibald Philip), Earl of Rosebery. See London Topographical Society. London Topographical Record, ... in- cluding the fourth annual report of the . . . Society [containing the presidential address of Lord Rosebery]. 1903. 8vo. Prisons. Report from the Committee [of the House of Commons] on the King's Bench, Fleet, and Marshalsea Prisons ; with minutes of evidence and appendices. London, 1815. Folio, pp. 268. Prothero (George Walter). The constitutional struggle in England, 1625-40 ; the first two years of the Long Parliament, 1640-2 ; the first Civil War, 1642-7 ; Presbyterians and Independents, 1645-9. See Cambridge Modern Historv. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IV. The Thirty Years' War. 1902, etc. 8vo. Pugh (John). See St. Andrew, Holborn, and St. George the Martyr, Middlesex, United Parishes of. A concise statement of the origin - and progress of the several Acts of Parliament relating to new paving . . . the streets and places within . . . Westminster . . . [by J. Pugh . . .]. 1819. Folio. Q. Quaife (James). The Hackney Coach Directory. London, 1821. 12mo, pp. xii., 396. Quick (Joseph). The water supply of the Metropolis, and the pro- posed transfer of the London water companies to a public autho- rity. London and New York, 1880. 8vo, pp. 78. 120 Quincy (John). See Hodges (Nath.). Loimologia, an Historical Account of the Plague in London in 1665, ... to which is added an Essay on the different causes of Pestilential Diseases by John Quincy. London, 1720. 8vo. Quinton (A. R.). See Belloc (Hilaire). The Historic Thames, with coloured illustrations. By A. R. Quinton. London, 11)07. 4to. R. Railways, Metropolis. Reports from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Metropolitan Railway communication [with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index]. [London, 1863.] FoHo, pp. [200]. Report of the Board of Trade on Metropolitan Railway schemes, 186L London, 1864. Folio, pp. 11. [Bound up in vohune Metropolitan Railway Schemes, 1864]. Reports by Colonel Yolland, R.E., to the Lords of the Com- mittee of Privy Council for Trade on the Metropolitan Railway schemes proposed bv Rills in the session of 1863 and 1864. London, 1863-4. Folio, pp. ^21 and 38. Report of the select committee appointed to join with a committee of the Lords to consider the best methods of dealing with the railway schemes proposed to be sanctioned within the limits of the Metropolis, etc. London, 1864. Foho, pp. 5, and plan. [Bound up in \ olwrae Metrofolitan Railway Schemes. Reports, etc., 1864.] Railway, etc.. Schemes (MetropoHs). Copy of report of the engineer of the Metropolitan Board of Works upon the Metropoli- tan Railway, and other schemes of the present session. [London, 1864.] Folio, pp. 91. [Bound up in volume Metropolitan Railway Schemes, 1864]. Report by Colonel Yolland, late R.E., . . . on the Met- ropolitan Railway schemes proposed by Bills in . . . 1864. London, 1864. Folio, pp. 38. [Bound up in volume Metropolitan Railway Schemes, 1864]. Map of the several projected railways in the Metropolitan Division referred to in the Report of the Railway Department of the Board of Trade on the schemes for facilitating the approach to the Metropolis . . . London, 1845. Folio. 121 Ralph (James). A criticcil review of the public buildings, statues and ornaments in and about London and Westminster. To which is prefix'd " The dimensions of St. Peter's Church at Home, and St. Paul's Cathedral at London." London, 1734. 4to, pp. viii., 119. Rapmund (0.). Das Oeffentliche Gesundheitswesen AUeemeiner Teii. Leipz-g, 1901. 8vo, pp. x., 336. Rates. Poor Eate Return. An account of the money expended for the maintenance and relief of the poor in every parish, township or other place in England and Wales for the five years ending 25th ]\Larch. 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828 and 1829 respectively, etc. London, 1830. Folio, pp. 275. Poor Rate Returns. Report from the select committee on Poor Rate Returns, 1822. London, 1822. Folio, pp. 251. Contents, inter nlia, of appendix : — Monies levied and assessed in England and Wales — Money expended for the maintenance of the poor in Eng- land and Wales, 1813-21 — Monies expended on poor Irom middle of 1700 to 1821. Reports from the select committee of the House of Lords appointed to enquire into the charges of the county rates in England and Wales . . . : with the minutes of evidence . . . and an appendix and index, 1835. London, 1835. Folio, pp. vi., 391. Report from select committee on County Rates ; with minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1834. Folio, pp. xxiv., 330. Rates and Expenditure Bill. See County Rates. Report from the select committee on the County Rates and Expenditure Bill. 1851. Folio. Rating of Tenements. See Local Taxation. Reports from the select committee on Rating of Tenements, etc. 1838. Folio. D Records. Reports from the Commissioners appointed by His Majesty to execute the measures recommended by a Select Committee of the House of Commons respecting the Public Records of the Kingdom, etc., 1800-19. London, 1819. Folio. 2 vols. Contents : Vol. I. First report, with account of their proceedings, 1800-1812, with apendices. Second report, with account of their i)roceedings, 1813-1U19, with appendices. Vol. II. Appendix to reports, containing engraved facsimiles inserted in the several works printed under the Conimi.s.sion, with the explan- ations. Reddaway (William Fiddian). The Vasa in Sweden and Poland, 1560-1630 ; the Scandinavian North, 1559-1660. See Cambridge Modern Historv. The Cambridge Modern History. \n\. IV. The Thirtv Years' War. l'J02, etc. 8vo. 122 Reeves (George). A new history of London, from its foundation to its present year. By question and answer . . . Second edition. London, 1764. 12mo, pp. iv., 208. Reformatory and Industrial Schools. Keport of the Inter-depart- mental Committee on the provision of funds for Eeformatory and Industrial Schools. London, 11106. Folio, pp. [113]. Vol. I. Report and appendices. Vol. II. Minutes of proceedings. Rennie (John). >Sfe London, Corporation of the City of. Bridges New London Bridge. Report of John Rennie . . . relative to the approaches, etc. 1827. Folio. Richardson (Charles). Notices and extracts relating to the Lion's Head, ^vhich was erected at Button's Cofiee House, in the vear 1713. London, 1828 8vo, pp. 42. Richardson (Edward). The monumental effigies of the Temple Church, with an account of their restoration in the year 1842. London, 1843. Folio, pp. 32. Richardson (William H.). See Bacon (Nathaniell), The Annalls of Ipswiche . . . Edited by William H. Richardson, with a Memoir by Sterling Westhorp. Ipswich, 1884. Large 4to. Richmond, Borough of. Housing of the Working Classes, with a description of the Richmond Municipal Cottages. By Alderman W. Thompson. Richmond, [1899]. 4to, pp. 52. Rimbault (E. F.). Soho and its Associations : historical, literary and artistic. Edited by George Clinch. London, 1895. 8vo, pp. viii., 232. Contents : — Soho Fields — The Building of Soho — ilrs. Cornelys at Carlisle House — The Streets of Soho — The Religious Buildings of Soho — Insti- tutions, Taverns, Places of Amusement, etc. — Jliscellaneous Subjects — Appendices — Index. Rio de Janeiro. Mensagem do Prefeito do Districto Federal Uda na Sessao do Conselho Municipal de 5 de Setembro de 1906. Rio de Janeiro, 1906. 4to, pp. 292. Ritthousen ( ). Die offentlichen Sparkassen und Leihamter. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. Leipzic, 1904. Rivers Pollution. Thames (Pollution). Copy or extracts of cor- respondence ... as to the pollution of the river Thames by sewage. Loudon [1884.] Folio, pp. 85. 123 Roberts (W, J.). Some old London memorials. London, [1907]. 16mo, pp. 210, with 33 plates. Roberts (Sir Walter). Sir Walter Roberts His Answer to Mr. Ford's Book, entituled, A Designe for bringing a Navigable River from Rickmansworth in Hartfordshire to St. Giles-in-the-Fields. Lon- don, 1641. 8vo, pp. 32. [Bound up with Forde (E.). — .4 Design, etc. . .] Robertson (J. G.). Literature in Germany. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. X. The Restoration. 1902, etc. 8vo. Robertson (James). Lectures on the History of Southwark. London, 1863. 8vo, pp. iv., 75. Robins (E. C). History and Antiquities of the Dyers' Company. See London and Middlesex Archajological Society. Transactions, Vol. V. London, 1881. 8vo. Robinson (Henry). Sewerage and sewage disposal. [Second edition.] London, 1905. 8vo, pp. [vi.], 208. Rogers (James Edwin Thorold). On the incidence of local taxa- tion. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. XXXIII. 1870. Rose (John Holland). The Napoleonic Empire at its height. 1807-9; the Continental system, 1809-14. See Cambridge Modern His- tory. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IX. Napoleon. 1902, etc. Svo. Rosebery (Earl of). See Primrose (Archil)ald Philip) Earl of Rose- bery. Rosewater (Victor). See American Statistical Association. Publi- cation.-; of the . . . Association. Vol. III. Cost statistics of public electric lighting. 1893. 8vo. Royal College of Science. Departmental Committee on Royal College of Science, etc. Final Rejjort of the Committee, with minutes of evidence, appendices and index. London, 1906. Folio, pp. [272]. Rubinstein (J. S.). The Land Registry Fiasco : The Reign of King Stork. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. 44. Ruegg (Richard). Summer Evening Kamble.s round Woolwich. Woolwich, 1847. Svo, pp. viii., 64. 124 Rlishen (Percy C). Transcripts of the monumental inscriptions in and about the late church of the united parishes of SS. George and Botolph, Botolph Lane, in the City of London, with prefatory and commentative notes. London, 1904. 4to, pp. vi. [39J. Russia. Annuaire de Russie, 1904. Premiere annee. St. Petersburg, 1905. 8vo. Resultats generaux de la recolte en Russie, 1904. St- Petersburg, 1905. 4to. s. Sachs (Edwin 0.). See British Fire Prevention Committee. A Record of the Baltimore Conflagration, 1904. . . . London, 1904. Large 4to. Saddlers, Company of. A descriptive and historical account of the Guild of Saddlers of the City of London ... By J. W. Sherwell. London, 1889. 8vo, pp. xxiv., 240. St. Andrew, Holborn, and St. George the Martyr, Middlesex, United Parishes of. A concise statement of the origin and pro- gress of the several Acts of Parliament relating to new paving, repairing, cleansing and lighting the streets and places within the City and Liberty of Westminster, and certain parishes and places adjacent thereto . . . [by John Pugh ; and containing a collection of the Acts in question]. London, 1819. Folio. St. Bride Foundation Institute. Fleventh report of the Governing Body, 1905-6. London, 1906. 12mo, pp. 32. Practical Printing : being examples of letterpress and lithographic printing done by students of the St. Bride Founda- tion practical printing classes, 1905-6. Sivth book. London, 1906. St. Clement Danes. State of the Charity Schools of the Parish of St. Clement Danes ; with a list of the subscribers. [London, 1783.] 4to, pp. 20. St. George, Hanover Square, Parish of. An account of the moneys collected for the relief of the poor for the year 1726. [London, 1727]. Folio. Acts of ParHaraent relating to the Parish of Saint George, Hanover Square, with instruments for appointing vestries. Lon- don, 1826. 8vo, pp. 171. St. George's Union. Abstract of accounts, 1903-4, 1904-5 and 1906-7. London, 1904-6. 8vo. 125 St. Giles-in-the-Fields and St. George, Bloomsbury, Guardians. List of the members of tlie Board of Griiardians ajid officers and abstract of accounts, 1904-5. London, 1905. 8vo. St. John, Hampstead, Guardians. Financial and statistical state- ment of the accounts, 1903-4. London, 1904. 8vo. St. Leonard, Shoreditch, Guardians. Financial statement for half-years ending Michaelmas, 1904, and Lady Day, 1905. London, [1904-5]. Foho. Saint Leonard, Shoreditch, Vestry of. Byelaws for Regulating the Business at Vestry Meetings. London, 1863. 8vo, pp. 4. [Bound up in volume Miscellanea.} Quarterly Report (ninth) of the Medical Officer of Health for the quarter ending 3rd Julv, 1858. London, 1858. 8vo, pp. 32. [Bound up in volume Miscellaneous Pamphlets, 1856-G4.] Regulations for Houses let in Lodgings or occupied by mem- bers of more than one family in the Parish of Saint Leonard, Shoreditch. London, 1867. 8vo, pp. 7. [Bound up in volume Miscellanea.} Report of the Medical Officer of Health on the duties of the Sanitary Inspectors. London, 1869. 8vo, pp. 14. [Bound up in volume Miscellanea.} Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year ending 28th March, 1869. London, 1869. 8vo, pp. 26. [Bound up in volume Miscellanea.} Report showing the cost of maintaining, for two years, with macadamize, the carriageways of New North Road, Curtain Road, Willow Walk, Goldsmith's Place, and East Road. Also, estimates of the cost to pave the same with Aberdeen and Guern- sey granite cubes, 9 inches by 4 inches, according to the general contract. By G. C. Perrett, Surveyor. London, 1868. 8vo, pp. 8. [Bound up in volume Miscellanea.} Report of Samuel Hughes, Esq., F.G.S., Civil Engineer, on his inspection of the works of the Independent Gas Company at Haggerstone. London, 1868. 8vo, pp. 17. [Bound up in volume Miscellanea.} A special report from the Medical Officer of Health on the prevailing epidemics of scarlet and relapsing fever. London, 1869. Svo, pp. 10. [Bound up in volume Miscellanea. }^ 126 St. Louis International Exhibition, Royal Commission on, 1904r. The British Section. Compiled by Sir Isidore Spielmann, and issued by the Eoyal Commission. London, 1906. Folio, pp. 391. St. Margaret, Westminster. Eeport of the late important trial in the Court of King's Bench, in which Sir Charles Burrell, Bart., was plaintiff, and Henry John Nicholson, the defendant ; respect- ing the Parochial Kates claimed by the Parish of St. Margaret, Westminster, from the inhabitants of Richmond Terrace . . . 19th November, 1833. . London, 1834. 8vo, pp. 191 St.' Martin-in-the-Fields, Vestry of. Leicester Square. Report of Mr. Dangerfield as to the facts connected with the " Gardens in Towns Protection Act," and the circumstances under which the plot or garden in the centre of Leicester Square was enclosed, and afterwards conveyed for the purposes of a garden or pleasure ground. [London, 1864.] 8vo, pp. 9. [Bound up in volume Miscellaneous Pamphlets, 1856-64]. [Another copy.] St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington, Guardians. Report of the Guar- dians, 1904-5. London, 1905. 8vo. St. Mary, Islington, Guardians. Statement of the receipts and expenditure of the Guardians, for the half-year ended Lady Day, 1905. London, 1905. 8vo. St. Mary, Lambeth, Guardians. Financial statement of the Board of Guardians. Half-years ending Michaelmas, 1904, and Lady Day, 1905. London, 1904-5. 4to. St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey. The parish registers of St, Mary Magdalene, Bermondsev, 1548-1609. Exeter, 1894. 8vo, pp. 263. An Account of the Estates, Rent Charges, Gifts, Grants and Benevolences, belonging to the Parish of Saint Mary Magda- len, Bermondsey, Surrey, and of the Payments to be made there- out. Prepared by a Committee appointed by the Governors and Directors of the Poor of the said Parish. Southwark, 1850 and 1851. 4to, pp. 24. St. Marylebone, Metropolitan Borough of. [Monthly issues of] the sanitary chronicles of St. Marylebone. . . . 4to. The sanitary chronicles of St. Marylebone : being the annual reports of the Medical Officer of Health, 1900-07. London, 1901-8. 4to. 127 St. Michael, Cornhill. The Accounts of the Churcliwardens of the Parish of St. Michael, Cornhill, in the City of London, from 1456 to 1608, with miscellaneous Memoranda contained in the Great Book of Accounts, and extracts from the Proceedings of the Vestry, from 1563 to 1607. Edited from the originals by William Henry Overall, F.S.A., . . . and printed with the consent of the Vestry ... by Alfred James Waterlow, Churchwarden. . . . London, 1869. 8vo, pp. xxi., 282. St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough of. Accounts of the Borough Council from 9th November, 1900, to 31st March, 1901. . . . London, 1902. 4to. Annual accounts of the Vestry, the Directors of the Poor, and the Borough Council, and the reports ... of the Council . . . , 1900-01. London, 1902. 4to. Annual reports of the Medical Officer of Health on the vital and sanitary condition of . . . St. Pancras, 1900-05. London, 1901-6. 4to. — The records of St. Pancras. From open Vestry to Borough Council (St. Pancras Vestry : 1718-1900 — a retrospect). Treat- ment of the poor (the St. Pancras poor : a brief record of their treatment, etc., from 1718 to 1904). The open spaces (St. Pancras open spaces and disused burial gromids). Dates of important events, etc. (the St. Pancras book of dates of the principal events in the history of the parish). Compiled by W. E. Brown. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. [225.] The St. Pancras Poor : a brief record of their treatmeiit, etc., from 1718 to 1904. By Walter E. Brown. . . . London, 1905. 8vo, pp. 55. St.. Pancras, Vestry of. St. Pancras . . . Report on condition anterior to 1856, works executed, improvements effected since 1856, with observations of a comparative nature [and an appen- dix]. By W. B. Scott. [London, 1890]. 4to, pp. [261]. Contents, inter alia, of appendix : Report on tramways in Metropolis — Manipulation of refuse — Cleansing of streets, etc. St. Paul, Cathedral of. A description of Mr. Burge's models for the adornment of St. Paul's, now exhibited at the Royal Academy. London, 1874. 8vo, pp. 19. St. Petersburg. Aiunuiirc statistiquc de la ville de St. Petersbourg. 20ni(', J'.XX). St. Petersburg, 1903. 8vo. 128 Salis (Henry Rodolph de). See Bradshaw ( ). Bradshaw's canals and navigable rivers of England and Wales. . . . Com- piled . . . by H. R. de Salis. 1904. 8vo. Salop County Council. Abstract of the Orders made by the Court of Quarter Sessions for Shropshire. Edited by Sir Offley Wake- man, R. G. Venables, and R. Lloyd Kenyon. [Shrewsbury] [n.d.]. 8vo. January, 1638— May, 1G60 October, 1652— October, 1659 January, 1660— April, 1694 1709—1726 1726—1741 July, 1741 — 11 January, 1757 April, 1757 — June. 1772 July, 1772— October, 1782 January, 1783 — July, 1796 A full list and partial abstract of the contents of the Quarter Sessions Rolls. Edited by Lancelot J. Lee and R. G. Venables. [Shrewsbury] [n.d.]. 8vo. 1696—1800 Shropshire County Eecords, No. 6 1801—1820 (January) do. No. 10 Commissioners' awards for inclosing lands, 1773-1891, together with a list of the awards deposited at the Public Record Office, and of those named in the Literim Report of the Clerk and Deputy Clerk of the County Council. [Shrewsbury] [n.d.], 8vo, pp. 19. Shropshire County Records, No. 1. Plans and Documents relating to Roads, Bridges, Railways, . 1 . I" Shropshire County Records , No. 11 • } do. No. 12 do. No. 2 do. No. 3 57 do. No. 4 do. No. 5 do. No. 7 do. No. 9 Canals, Water, Gas, etc., deposited with the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Salop. Shrewsbury, 1902. 8vo, pp. xii., 54. Shropshire County Records, No. 8. Shropshire Parish Documents. Shrewsbury, [n.d.]. 8vo, pp. iv., 378. Salvation Army. Hadleigh : " The Story of a Great Endeavour." [An account of the Salvation Army's labour colony for the un- employed]. [London, 1901.] 8vo, pp. 68. [Bound up in volume Unemployment.] Sanitary Authorities, Rural. A digest of the statutes relating to rural sanitary authorities. London, 1873. 8vo, pp. xiv., 130. Sanitary Works. Return of all districts under the Public Health Act, 1848, and Local Government Act, 1858 ; the expense incurred for works of sewerage, etc., completed or in progress, . . . and the total amount raised on account of such works on the security of the rates, etc., London, 1866. Folio, p. 43. 129 Santiago (de Chile). Memoria de la Seccion de Hombres corres- pondieute al auo de 1903. Santiago, 1904. 8vo. Memoria de la Seccion de Mujeres correspondiente al ano de 1903. Santiago, 1904. 8vo. Memorias de los medicos de la Casa de Orates de Santiago correspondiente al ano 1905. Santiago, 1906. 8vo. Sargant (William Lucas). On the progress of elementary education. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. XXX. 1867. Saunders (Robert). Observations on the present state and influence of the poor laws . . . and a plan, proposed for the consideration of Parliament ; by which the poor may in future be better regu- lated ; their morals, and habits of industry, greatly improved ; and a considerable reduction in the poor rates effected. London, 1799. 8vo, pp. XV., 173. [Contains an account of the state of the poor in the parish of Lewisham.] Savage (James). Observations on the proposed new London Bridge. London, 1823. Folio, pp. 3. [Bound up in vohime New London Bridge, 1814 to 1829.] Savoy Hospital. Articles of Enquiry at the visitation of the Hospital of the Savoy in the Strand in the County of Middlesex, commonly called the Hospital of the Savoy of Henry the 7th, late of England King, by the Right Honourable Sir Nathan Wright, Knt., . . . Held on Tuesday, the 28th day of July, 1702. [London, .] FoUo, pp. 30. MS. Scherren (Henry). The Zoological Society of London, a sketch of its foundation and development, and the story of its farm, museum, gardens, menagerie and Ubrary. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. 252. Schmaltz ( ). Die Krankenanstalten. See Wuttke (R.). Die (Icutschen Stadte. 1904. 8vo. Scholefield (Joshua). Encyclopaedia of Local Government Law (exclusive of the Metropolis). Edited by J. Scholefield. Vols. 1. to III. London, 1905, etc. 8vo. Vol. I. "Accounts and Audit" to "Baths and Wash-houses." * Vol. II. "Betterment" to "District Councils." Vol. III. " Diversion of Highways" to " Housing of Working Classes." Schooling (John Holt;. London County Council Finance, from the beginning down to 31st March, 1907, made clear to ratepayers, with 57 tables and 21 diagrams. London, 1907. 8yo, p]). ix., 171. Schumacher (Fritz). Architektonische aufgaben der Stadte. See Wuttke (H.). Die deutschen Stadte. 1904. 8vo. 1528G E 130 Scott (Benjamin). The municipal government of London. By the Chamberlain of London [i.e., Benjamin Scott]. London, 1884. 8vo, pp. 32. [Reprinted from the Contemporary Review for February, 1882.] Scott (Sir G.). Eemarks on Ely Place, Holborn. See London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. Transactions, Vol. V. London 1881. 8vo. Scott (John). On local taxation. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Eoyal Statistical Society. Vol. XXXIV. 1871. Scott (William Booth). Eeport on Tramways in the Metropohs. 1870. London [1870]. 8vo, pp. 70. See St. Pancras, Vestry of. St. Pancras . . . Report on condition anterior to 1856 . . . By W. B. Scott. [1890]. 4to. Scrivener (H. S.). See Bell (Sir W. J.), H. S. Scrivener and C. F. Lloyd. The Sale of Food and Drugs Acts. 1903. 8vo. Seager (J. Renwick). The government of London imder the London Government Act, 1899. London [1899]. 8vo, pp. xx., 102. Sedgwick (Tom E.). Description and history of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Munster Square. Compiled by Tom E. Sedg- wick, with chapters by J. T. Micklethwaite, R. Norman Shaw, and others. London, 1902. 8vo, pp. viii., 60 and 10 plates. Seidlitz (von). Die Fiirsorge fiir die Kunst. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. 1904. 8vo. Selden Society. Beverley Town Documents. Edited for the Seldeu Society by Arthur F. Leach. London, 1900. 8vo, pp. Ixii., 148. Borough Customs. Vol. I. Edited for the Selden Society, by Mary Bateson. London, 1904. 8vo, pp. lix., 338. Leet Jurisdiction in the City of Norwich during the xiiith and xivth centuries, with a short notice of its later history and decline, from rolls in the possession of the Corporation. Edited by William Hudson. London, 1892. 8vo, pp. xcv., 124. Seligman (Edwin R. A.). Essays in Taxation. Second edition. New York, 1897. 8vo, pp. x., 434. Contents : — The Development of Taxation — The General Property Tax — The Single Tax— Double Taxation— The Inheritance Tax— The Taxa- tion of Corporations (i.) History, (ii.) Principles, (iii.) Complications and Conclusions — The Classification of Public Revenues — Recent Reforms in Taxation — The Betterment Tax — Recent European Litera- ture on Taxation — American Reports on Taxation. 131 Seligman (Edwin R. A.) — continued. ■. The Shifting and Incidence of Taxation. Second edition . . . New York, 1899. 8vo, pp. xii., 337. Contents : — Introduction. Part I. (The History of the doctrine of incidence). The Early Theories — The Modern Theories. Part II. (The doctrine of incidence). General principles — Taxes on Agricultural Land — Taxes on Urban Real Estate — Taxes on Personal Property and Capital — Taxes on Profits — Taxes on Wages^Other Taxes — Conclusion. Bibliography. Sellers (Edith). Foreign Solutions of Poor Law Problems. London [1908]. 8vo, pp. xvi., 176. Contents, inter alia : — The State Children of Hungary — Poor Relief in Vienna — An Austrian Penal Workhouse or Loafers' Reformatory — Poor Relief in Berlin — The Belgian Beggars' Colonies — Poor Relief in the Balkan — Official Poor Relief in Russia — Danish and Russian Old-age Homes. Seutemann (Karl). Die Stadtestatistik. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. Leigzig, 1904. Seven Dials. A Rental and also an Account of the Estate of the late James Joye, Esquire, commonly called the Marsh Lands other- wise Cock and Pye Ffields in the Parish of St. Giles in the Ffields . . . London, 1742. MS. Shad well (Arthur). Industrial EfTiciency. A comparative study of industrial life in England, Germany, and America. London, 1906. 8vo, 2 vols. Sharpe (Montagu). Some antiquities of Middlesex in British, Roman and Saxon times, with maps and illustrations. Second edition. Brentford, 1906. 4to, pp. [98]. [Contains an account of the passage of CiBsar's army across the Thames at Brentford and the British pile fortification there; with seme chapters on the early settlement of the rural districts of Middlesex.] Sharpe (Reginald R.). See London, Corporation of the City of. Memorials of Newgate Gaol and the Sessions House, Old Bailey . . . By R. R. Sharpe. London, 1907. 8vo. Shaw (R. Norman). See Sedgwick (T. E.). Description and history of the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Munster Square . . . with chapters by ... R. Norman Shaw, and others. 1902. 8vo. Shaw (William Arthur). The Westminster Assembly ; the Com- monwealth and the Protectorate, 1649-59. See Cambridge Modf-ni History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IV. The Thirty Years' War. 1902, etc. 8vo. 1.0286 E 2 132 Sheffield, City of. Cleansing department and public baths. Annual report of the cleansing superintendent, for . , . 1904-5. Sheffield, 1905. 8vo. Handbook of Workmen's Dwellings erected by and for the Sheffield Corporation. Sheffield, 1905. 8vo, pp. 36 and 30 plates. Stierwell (John W.). See Saddlers, Company of. A descriptive and historical account of the guild of saddlers . . . By J. W. Sherwell. 1889. 8vo. Shoreditch Improvement Bill. Eeport from the Select Com- mittee [of the House of Commons] on the MetropoHtan Board of Works (Leicester Square Improvement), etc., Bills, in the case of the Metropolitan Board of Works (Shoreditch Improvement) Bill ; together with the proceedings of the Committee and minutes of evidence. London, 1871. Folio, pp. 62. Shoreditch, Metropolitan Borough of. Eeports on the health and sanitary condition of the Metropolitan Borough of Shoreditch, 1901-5. London, 1902-6. 4to. Short (Charles). See Lewis (Charlton T.) and C. Short. A Latin Dictionary, 1907. 4to. Shropshire. See Salop. Siegfried (Jules). See Ferrand (L.). L'habitation a bon marche. Preface de M. Jules Siegfried. 1906. 8vo. Sime (John). Historical and Uterary associations of old Highgate. A lecture deUvered by John Sime (before the Highgate Literary and Scientific Institution) on Tuesday, February 9th, 1904. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. 36. Simmonds (Henry S.). All about Battersea. London, 1879. 8vo. pp. 122. Simon (Sir John). English sanitary institutions, reviewed in their course of development, and in some of their poUtical and social relations. Second edition. London, 1897. 8vo, pp. xvi., 516, Contents : — Earliest Times — Romun Institutions — Post-Roman Anarchy and the recommencements — Medieval Philanthrophy — Tudor Legis- lation — London under Elizabeth and the Stuarts — Rise and Progress of British Preventive Medicine — Growth of Humanity in British Politics — Asiatic Cholera in Europe — History of the Public Health Legislation of 1848— General Board of Health, 1848-58— Initiation of Medical Officerships, local and central — The Medical Department under the Privy Council — The Royal Sanitary Commission, 1809-71 — English State-Medicine since 1871 — The Politics of Poverty, 13;] Simpson (William Sparrow). Chapters in the history of Old St. Paul's. London, 1881. 8vo, pp. viii., 304. Contents : — The early histoiy of religion in London — The personal staff of the Cathedral in 1450 — The ritual and religious services of the Cathedral— A walk round Old St. Paul's— Wyclit in St. Paul's— Lol- lards' Tower — The great fire of 1561 — Paul's Cross, its early history — Latimer and Thomas Lever at Paul's Cross — Paul's Cross, its later history — Paul's Walk — St. Paul's during the interregnum. A Short Chronicle of St. Paul's Cathedral from a.d. 1140- 1341. See London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. Trans- actions. Vol V. London, 1881. 8vo. A Calendar of the Ecclesiastical Dignitaries of St. Paul's Cathedral from the year 1800 to the present time. See London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. Transactions. Vol. V. London, 1881. 8vo. Slaney (Robert Agliomby). Keports of the House of Commons on the education (1838), and on the health (1840), of the poorer classes in large towns ; with some suggestions for improvement. London, [1840]. 8vo, 4 pp. 63. Smee (Alfred). Memoir of John George Appold, F.R.S. London, 1865. 8vo, pp. vi. [Bound up in volume Miscellanea.^ Smith (Mrs. Alexander Murray). See Bradley (E. T.) afterwards Smith (A. M.). The Roll-call of Westminster Abbey. 1903. 8vo. See Bradley (E. T.), afterwards Smith (A. M.). Westminster Abbey . . . I'.t04. 8vo. Smith (Charles Manby). Curiosities of London Life ; or Phases, Physiological a)id Social, of the Great Metropohs. London, 1853. . 12mo, pp. xi., 408. Smith (Edward Orford). Municipal finance, or local taxation and local expenditure, as illustrated by the case of the City of Bir- mingham. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statis- tical Society. Vol. LVIIL 18'J5. Smith (F. Berkeley). In London Town. New York and London, 1'.j06. 8vo, pp. 272. Smith (George Lewis). The Monuments and Genii of St. Paul's and Westminster Abbey ; coiiiijiising Naval and Military Heroes, Poets, Statesmen, Artists, Authors, etc. Londoji, 183'J. 8vo. 2 vols. 134 Smith (John Thomas). Antiquities of London and its Environs . . . containing views of houses, monuments, statues, and other curious remains of antiquity . . . London, 1791. 4to, 06 plates. A book for a rainy day, or recollections of the events of the years 1766-1833. Edited with an introduction and notes by Wilfrid Whitten. With illustrations from contemporary prints. London, 1905. 8vo, pp, xxiv., 332. Vagabondiana ; or, anecdotes of itinerant traders through the streets of London, in antient and modern times. Vol. IL The Cries of London : exhibiting several of the Itinerant Traders of Antient and Modern Times . . . with a Memoir [by J. B. Nichols] and Portrait of the Author. London, 1839. 8vo, pp. XV., 99. Smith (Sir William). A Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography, Mythology and Geography. Revised throughout and in part re-written by G. E.Marindin. New impression. London, 1904. 8vo, pp. vi.', 1019. Smoke. Reports on the laws in force in certain foreign countries in regard to the emission of smoke from chimneys. London, 1905. Folio, pp. 29. Smythe (William Dumville). An historical account of the Worship- ful Company of Girdlers, London. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. viii., 288. Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Com merce. National water supply. Congress, Tuesday and Wednes- day, 21st and 22nd May, 1878." . . . London, 1878. " 8vo, pp. 82. Southwark, Metropolitan Borough of. Annual reports of the Medical Officer of Health, 1901-5. London, 1902-6. 8vo. Annual reports of the Medical Officers of Health for the parishes [comprised in the Metropolitan Borough of Southwark], 1900. London, 1901. 8vo. Southwark Union. Financial and statistical statement and abstract of accounts, 1904-5. London, 1905. 8vo. Sparling (Samuel Edwin). schools (F. Warner) — Life and Labour of the people in London ; tirst results of an inquiry based on the 1891 census (C. Booth). Vol. LVIII. (1895) — Municipal finance, or local taxation and local expenditure, as illusti'ated by the case of the city of Birmingham (E. O. Smith). Vol. LIX. (1896) — Mental and phj^sical conditions among fifty thou- sand children seen, 1892-94, etc. (F. Warner) — Reformatory and industrial schools (J. Watson). Vol. LX. (1897) — The movements for the inclosure and preservation of open lands (Sir R. Hunter) — School hygiene, in its mental, moral, and physical aspects (J. Kerr). Vol. LXL (1898) — Local taxation in London (G. L. Gomme). Vol. LXII. (1899) — Some statistics relating to working-class progress since 1860 (G. H. Wood). Vol. LXIII. (1900) — Municipal finance and municipal enterprise (Sir H. H. Fowler). Vol. LXIV. (1901) — The results of state, municipal and organised private action on the housing of the working classes in London and in other large cities in the United Kingdom (J. F. J. Sykes) — Local and imperial burdens (Lord Avebury). Vol. LXV. (1902) — A study of some portions of the census of London for 1901 (J. A. Welton). Vol. LXVI. (1903)— A decade of London pauperism, 1891 to 1901 (Sir W. Chance). Vol. LXVII. (1904)— Statistics of London traffic (E. J. Harper)— Local expenditure and local indebtedness in England and Wales (R. J. Thompson). Vol. LXIX (1906) — Tlie rise and development of local legislation by private bill (Earl of Onslow). Steam Carriages. Report from the Select Committee [of the House of Commo)is] on Steam Carriages ; with tlie minutes of evidence and appendix. London, 1831. Folio, pp. 118. Stephens (Walter). The proposed World's tribute to Shakespeare: a plea for the erection of a memorial statue and national theatre. London, 1005. 8vo, pp. 24. Stephenson (Henry Thew). Shakespeare's London. Westminster, lijOo. 8vo, pp. X., 357. Contents : The Elizabethans— The early growth of the City — A general view of London — Old St. Paul's — The Water Front — The Tower of London — The main highway — Xorth of Cheapside — Military companies — Holborn and Smithticld — The Strand — Southwark — The tlieatres — The taverns and tavern life. Stepney Distress Committee. Report of proceedings of Committee, 11)06-7. LdiKloji, J'.iv)7. 8vo, pp. 30. Stepney. Metropolitan Borough of. A list of the roads, streets, scjuares and other places within the borough, embodying infor- mation relative thereto. London, I'.lOT. 4to, pp. 145. Reports of the Medical Officer of Health, rjOl-4. London, 1002-6. 8vo. 138 Stepney Union. Reports of the Guardians, abstract of the union accounts . . . 1904-5 and 1905-6. London, 1905-6. 8vo. Stoke Newington, Metropolitan Borough of. Reports of the Medical Officer of Health and Public Analyst, 1901-5. London, 1902-6. 8vo. Stow (John). A survey of London coaitayning the originall, antiquity, increase, moderne estate, and description of that citie, written in the year 1598 . . . Edited by Henry Morley. London, 1893. 8vo, pp. 446. Strand Union. Financial statement, half-years ending Lady Day and Michaelmas, 1905. London, 1905. 8vo. Strang (John). On water supply to great towns : its extent, cost, uses and abuses. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Roval Statistical Society. Vol. XXII. 1859." Street (G. S.). The Ghosts of Piccadilly. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. xiii., 287. Streets, Paving of. Metropolitan Committee on materials and means of paving the streets of London. Tabulated statements of information obtained as to the paving of certain streets in the cities of London and Westminster, and various metropolitan boroughs. London, 1905-6. 4to. [Second and third returns.] Struther (John). An auxiUary port for London, being the first of a series of papers on the subject — Can London spend her money to better purpose ? Paper No. 1. The River, its enlockment ... by Innovator (i.e., John Struther). London, 1905. 8vo, pp. 35. Stschepkin (Eugen). Russia under Alexander I., and the invasion of 1812. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IX. Napoleon. 1902, etc. 8vo. Sutton (Henry). See Robertson (G. S.). The law of tramways and light railways in Great Britain [third edition of Sutton's " Tram- ways Acts of the United Kingdom "] . . . 1903. 8vo. Swan (Helena). Dictionary of contemporary quotations (English) with authors' index [and subject index]. London, 1904. 8vo, pp. 628. Sykes|(John F. J.). Small-pox in London. A brief description of the begimiings of the present outbreak, with suggestions as to executive and administrative measures. A paper, illustrated by a series of spotted maps, read before the Incorporated Society of Medical Officers of Health. London, 1901. 8vo, pp. 18. 139 Sykes (John F. J.) — continued. *Sff Biuiting (E. L.). A school for Mothers. . . with a chapter by Dr. J. F. Sykes. 1908. 8vo. The results of state, municipal, and organised private action on the housing of the working classes in London and in other large cities in the United Kingdom. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. LXIV. 1901. Sykes (W. H.). Statistical account of the labouring population inhabiting the buildings of St. Pancras, erected by the Metro- politan Society for Improving the Dwelhngs of the Poor. See Statistical Societv. Journal of the Roval Statistical Society. Vol. XIII. 1850." Statistics of the Metropolitan Commission in Lunacy. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. III. 1840. T. Tallack (William). Howard letters and memories. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. xii.. 305. Tanner (Joseph Robson). The Navy of the Commonwealth and the first Dutch war. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cam- bridge Modern History. Vol. IX. The Thirty Years' War. 1902, etc. 8vo. Taylor (Arthur). Inquiry as to the original site of Roman London. London, 1849. 4to, pp. 26. Taylor (JeCferys). A month in London ; or some of its wonders described. London [n.d.]. 8vo, pp. 182. Telephones. Postmaster-General and National Telephone Company. Copy of memorandum of the Postmaster-General, dated the 14th February, 1905, setting forth an agreement, dated 2nd February, 1905, between the Postmaster-General and the National Tele- phone Company, Limited. London, 1905. Folio, pp. 23. Report from the Select Committee [of the House of Com- mons] on Post Office (Telephone Agreement), 1905 ; together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of eAddence and ap- pendix. London, 1905. Folio, pp. 388. Temperance. The moral, social, and political effects of revenue from intoxicating drinks. By a Temperance Politician. London, [n.d.]. 8vo, pp. 16. [Bound up in volume Miscellanea.] Temperley (H. W. V.). Great Britain, 1815-32. See Cambridge Modern History. Vol. X. The Restoration. 1902, etc. 8vo. HO Terry (George Percy Warner). Greater Westminster : some account of the area of the ancient parliamentary borough of "Westminster, and of the Corporation of the City of Westminster, commonly called the court of burgesses . . . London, 1899. 8vo, pp. 63. [Reprinted from the London Argtis, with a map showing the change s in the extent of Westminster.] Thames Barrage Committee. The Port of London and the Thames Barrage. A series of expert studies and reports on the conditions prevailing in the tidal river and estuary of the Thames ; dealing especially with its geological, engineering, navigation, sanitary, trading or commercial aspects, and the effects upon these of various proposals which have been made for the improvement of the tidal river as the Port of London : Comprising independent studies and investigation by the engineer to the Thames Barrage Com- mittee, T. W. Barber, and by C. [or rather W.] J. Dibdin, E. T. Hennell, Clayton Beadle, D. Urquhart. London, 1907. 4to. pp. v., 193. Thames River. The Thames and its Story. From the Cotswolds to the Nore. With about 100 illustrations and 14 maps. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. [vi.], 376. Report from the Select Committee on the Eiver Thames (No. 2) Bill ; together with the proceedings of the Committee and minutes of proceedings. London, [1885]. Folio, pp. v., 48. Copy of reports on the progress of works on the Thames Embankment ; Chelsea Bridge, the new street from Lower Sloane Street to Chelsea Bridge and Battersea Park . . . [London, 1856]. Folio, pp. 18. Report from the Select Committee on Thames River (Pre- vention of Floods) Bill ; together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence and appendix. [ London, 1879]. Folio, pp. xii., 123. Reports by the Committee ... to inquire into the naviga- tion of the River Thames ; together with the minutes of evidence. [With appendices.] London, 1879. FoUo, pp. Hv,, 526. Special report from the Select Committee on the Thames Navigation Bill ; together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence and appendix. [London, 1870]. Folio, pp. iv., 36. [Bound lip in volume Pollution of the Thames, Barking Enquiry, 1869.] Thames Traffic Committee. Preliminary report by the Committee ... to inquire into the navigation of the River Thames ; together with the minutes of evidence taken up to 5th December, 1878, inclusive. (With appendices.) London, 1878. Folio, pp. 241. 141 Thames Tunnel. Report from the Select Committee [of the House of Commons] on the Thames Tunnel ; with the minutes of evidence. London, 1837. Folio, pp. 28. [Another copy.] Theatrical Licences and Regulations. Report from the Select Committee on Theatrical Licenses and Regulations ; together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence and ap- pendix. . . . London, 1866. FoUo, pp. [341)]. Thompson (R. J.). Local expenditure and local indebtedness in England and Wales. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. LXVIL 1904. Thompson (William). See Richmond, Borough of. Housing of the working classes . . . By Alderman W. Thompson. [189^9.] 4to. Housing up-to-date : A practical manual giving the latest facts and figures for the use of officers, members and com- mittees of local authorities, ministers of religion, members of Parliament and all social and municipal reformers interested in the housing of the working classes. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. xxi., 306, xiii. [Companion volume to the Housing Handbook.] Thresh (John Clough) and Arthur Edward Porter. Preservatives in food and food examination, London, 1906. 8vo, pp. xv.^ 484. Tilley (A. A.). French humanism and Montaigne. See Cambridge Modern Historv. The Cambridge Modern History, Vol. IIL The Wars of Religion, 1902, etc. 8vo. Timbs (John). Clubs and club life in London : with anecdotes of its famous coffee houses, hostelries, and taverns, from the 17th century to the present time. . With numerous illustrations. Lon- don, 1872. 8vo, pp. xiv., 544. *' Times " Newspaper. The story of the London County Council ; a series of articles by the Times special correspondent. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. 84. Tingey (John Cottingham). See Norwich, City of. The records of the City of Norwich. Compiled and edited by Rev. W. Hudson and J. C. Tingey. 1906. 8vo. Tomlinson (Edward Murray). A History of the Minories, London. With 13 illustrations. London, 1907.' 8vo, pp. xvi., 417. Tower, the Great, for London. [The Wembley Tower.] Descrip- tive illustrated catalogue of the sixty-eight competitive designs for the Great Tower for London, compiled by F. C. Tynde, . . . London, 1890. 8vo, pp. 151. [Bound up in volume Londiniuna.] 142 Trade, Board of. Second series of memoranda, statistical tables and charts, prepared in the Board of iTrade with reference to various matters bearing on British and foreign trade and indus- trial conditions. London, 1904. Folio, pp. xiv., 594. ■ ' .' — Index to the two volumes of memoranda, statistical tables, ■ and charts, prepared in the Board of Trade with reference to various matters bearing on British and foreign trade and indus- trial conditions, 1905. 4to, pp. 53. Trade Unions. Reports from the Select Committee on combinations of workmen ; together with the minutes of evidence and appendix. London, 1838. Folio, pp. iv., 309, vi., 242, 77. Tramways. Report from the Select Committee on Tramways Bill ; together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evi- i d^nce and index. [London, 1870.] Folio, pp. xiv., 132. ' — Metropolitan tramways. Explanatory statement and map, proving the advantages of tramways as applied to the traffic of the Metropolis ; with tables showing the width of American streets compared with those of London ; and traffic returns of London and New York. London, 1867. 8vo, pp. 22. Street tramways for London. Their utility, convenience and necessity, with some remarks on the working of street railways in , the United States and Canada. By Charles Mackay. . . . ■ .London, 1868. 8vo, pp. 20. The street railways of America. A review of a pamphlet recently issued, entitled Facts Respecting Street Railways. Re- printed from the Morning Post of December 21st, 1866. . . . London, 1867. 8vo, pp. 11. Street railways or street tramways will be mischievous and dangerous obstructions and nuisances in the crowded streets of London. . . . London, 1868. 8vo, pp. 27. [Bound up with other pamphlets in volume Miscellanea.] Travers (John). See Pearson (C). The substance of an address delivered at a public meeting. . . . 1844. 8vo. Trollope (Walter A.). Cabs and cabmen. [London.] 8vo, pp. 11. [Bound up in volume Londiniana.} Tuberculosis. Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the administrative procedures for controlUng danger to man through the use as food of the meat and milk of tuberculous animals. [With the minutes of evidence, appendix and index.] London, 1898. Folio, pp. iv., 27, 454. 143 Turot (Henri) and Henri Bellamy. Le surpeuplement et ies habita- tions a bon marche. Paris. 1007. 8vo, pp. 260. Tyler (F. E.). Peeps ijito the past or bygone City hfe, traditions, customs and festivals. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. 136. u. Underhill (Arthur). An encyclopaedia of forms and precedents, other than court forms. Under the general editorship of A. Underhill ; assisted by C. 0. Blagden, W. E. C. Baynes, V. Nicolas and H. Freeman. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. Ixii., 745. Vol. VII. Inventions to Landlord and tenant. Underbill (Thomas). Triennial Directory of London, Westminster and Southwark and Ten Miles Distant, for the years 1817, 1818, 1819. . . . Tenth edition. London, 1819. 8vo, [not paged.] Unemployed. London L^nemployed Fimd. Preliminary statement [as on the 14th of April, 1905] prepared at the request of the President of the Local Government Board by the Central Execu- tive Committee. London, 1905. Folio, pp. 56. [Bound up in volume London Uneynployed, 1905.] Unemployed in foreign countries. Report ... on agencies and methods for dealing with the unemployed in certain foreign countries. Bv Mr. D. F. Schloss. London, 1904. 8vo, pp. xi,, 236. Unemployed relief (work) (London). Return showing . . the amount expended in wages for work undertaken specially for the purpose of providing work for unemployed workmen during the six months ending on the 31st day of March. 1905. . . . London, 1905. FoUo, pp. 11. [Bound up in volume London Unemployed, 1905.] United Metropolitan Vestry Committee. Report of the United M<'tropolita)i \'cstry Committee to the Vestries and District Boards of tin- .M<'tiopolis, 1869. London, 1869. 8vo, pp. 34. [Bound up ill volume Miscellanea.] United States. Department of Commerce and Labour. Bureau of the CcJisus. Special reports. Street and electric railways, 1902. . . . Washington, 1905. 4to. 144 United States, Senate Committee on the District of Columbia of. The improvement of the park system of the district of Columbia. . . . Edited by Charles Moore, Clerk of the Senate Committee on the district of Columbia. Washington, 1902. 8vo, pp. 179. Contents : — Report of the Senate Committee — Report of the Park Com- mission — Maps and plans. Park improvement papers. A series of twenty papers relating to the improvement of the park system of the district of Columbia ; printed for the use of the Senate Committee on the district of Columbia. Edited and compiled by Charles Moore, the Clerk of that Committee. Washington, 1903. 8vo, pp. 285. Urquhart (D.). See Thames Barrage Committee. The Port of Lon- don and the Thames Barrage. 1907. 4to. Uruguay. Annuario Estadistico de la KepubHca 0. del Uruguay. Tomo I. 1902 and 1903. Montevideo, 1905. 4to. Utley (Edwin). City sketches. London, 1863. 8vo, pp. 48. [Bound up in volume Jliscellanea.] Contents : — Fore-street on a Saturday night — Parasites— City improve- ments — The guide — Our merchant princes — The dress of our charity- school children — The postage-stamp mania— Gresham House — The social evil in the City — Halfpenny steamboats — Finch-lane, past and present — The Jerusalem — The City police — The taverns of old London — Austin Friars — London on a Sunday morning in summer. Trifles. London, 1865. 8vo, pp. 64. Contents, inter alia : — City beggars — A stroll through the City on a Christ- mas Day — Dirty Dick's — City articles and their editors — The great fire in Tooley-street — Hammersmith and City railway. Another copy. [Bound up in volume Miscellanea.] Another copy. [Bound up in volume Londiniayia.] V. Vagrancy. Report of the Departmental Committee on Vagrancy. With minutes of evidence, digest, general index and appendix. London, 1906. Folio. 3 vols. See Local Government Board. Report to the . . . Local Government Board on methods of dealing with vagrancy in Switzerland. . . . 1904. FoUo. Valuation. The Valuation Bill, 1904. Striking criticisms by a lead- ing expert. London, [1904]. 8vo, pp. 18. [Reprinted from the Local Government Journal.] 145 Van der Borght (R.). Das Verkehrswesen. Leipzig, 189-i. 8vo, pp. X., -468. Vaughan (William). Tracts on Docks and Commerce, printed between the years 1793 and 1800, and now first collected with an intro- duction, memoir and miscellaneous pieces. London, 1839. 8vo, [not continuously paged]. Contents, inter alia : — State of the Port of London, 1793 — Inland navi- gation and canals— On wet docks, quays and warehouses for the Port, 1793 — Plan of the London Dock, with observations, 1794 — Letter on commerce and free ports and London docks, 1795 — Evidence before Committee on commerce of Port of London, 179C- — A comparative statement of the advantages and disadvantages of the docks in Wapping and the Isle of Dogs, 1799. Venables (Rowland George). See Salop County Coimcil. Abstract of Orders made by the Court of Quarter Sessions for Shropshire. Edited by Sir 0. AVakeman and E. G. Venables. 8vo. See Salop County Council. Quarter Sessions Rolls. Edited by L. J. Lee and R. G. Venables.* 8vo. Venice. Comune di Venezia : Case Sane Econoniiche e Popolari. Venezia, 1906. -Ito, pp. 23 and appendices. Vienna, City of. Chronologische Uebersicht der in Landsteiners Sammlung der Gesetze, Verordungen und Erlasse atifgefiihrten Normalien mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Wien. Nach dem neuesten Stande auf Veranlassung des Wiener Bezirkschulrathes zusammengestellt von A. Kundi. Wien, 1904. Die genieinde-verwaltung der k. k. Reichshaupt und Resi- denzstadt Wien, 1905. Bericht des Biirgeruieisters. . . . Wien, 1907. 8vo {continuing). Jahres-bericht der Kaiser Franz Joseph I. Jubilaums- Stiftung fur Volkswohnungen und Wohlfahrts-Einrichtungen 1902 and 1905. AVien, 1903-6. 8vo. Kaiser Franz Joseph I. Jubilaums-Stiftung. Die Arbeiter- wohnungen in London. Reisebericht erstattet an das Curatorium der . . . Stiftung fiir Volkswohnungen und Wohlfahrts-Einrich- tungen in Wien. Wien, 1902. 8vo, pp. 23. Die Kaiser Franz Joseph L Jubilaums-Stiftung fiir Volks- wohnungen und Wohlfahrts-Einrichtungen. Wien, i'.)02. 8vo, pp. 31 and 2 plates. Mannerheim . . . errichtet voji der Kaiser Franz Joseph I. Jubilaums-Stiftung fiir Volkswohnmigen und Wohlfahrts-Einrich- tungen. Wien, 1905. 8vo, pp. 29 and plan. Mitteilungen der Statistischen Abteilung des Weiner Magis- trates. Die Sterblifhkeit an Tuberkulose und Krebs in Wien im Tahre 1904 nach Benilen. Wien, 1907. 4to. 146 Vienna, City of — continued. Sanimlung der das Volksschuhvesen betrefEenden Gesetze, Verordnungen und Erlasse mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Wien. Nachdem neuesten Stande auf Veranlassung des Weiner Bezirk- schulrathes, zusammengestellt von Franz Landsteiner, fort- gesetzt von A. Kundi. Wien, 1899-1904. 8vo. 3 vols, in 2, and 1 supplementary volume. Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Wien, 1905. Wien, 1907. 8vo. Vincent (William). A plain and succinct narrative of the late riots and disturbances in the cities of London and Westminster, and borough of Southwark. Containing, particulars of the burning of Newgate, the King's Bench, the Fleet and New Bridewell Prisons. . . . The third edition, corrected : with an appendix. London, 1780. 8vo, pp. [73]. Vinogradoff (Paul). The growth of the Manor. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. viii., 384. ' English society in the Eleventh Century. Essays in English Mediaeval History. Oxford, 1908. 8vo., pp. xii., 599. Contents : Essay I. Government and Society. Essay II. Land and People. Villainage in England. Essays in Mediaeval History. Oxford, 1892. 8vo., pp. xii., 464. Contents : Essay I. The Peasantry of the feudal Age. Essay II. The Manor and the village Community. von Kaufmann (Richard). Die Kommunalfinanzen (Grossbritannien, Frankreich, Preussen). Leipzig, 1906. 8vo, 2 vols. Vol. I. — Organisation, Aufgaben und Ausgaben der Kommmialkorper- schaften. Vol. II. — Die Deckungsmittel des Bedarfs. Vredenburg (Edric). London Town. Illustrated with 40 views in colour and black and white. London [1905]. 4to, pp. 28. [A description of a walk from the City to the West End.] w. Wadmore (J. F.). History and antiquities of the Skinners Company. See London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, Transactions, Vol. V. London, 1881. 8vo. Waghorn (Thomas). See Boyle (E.) and T. Waghorn. The law and practice of compensation, etc. 1903. 8vo. 147 "Wakeman (Sir Offley). See Salop County Council. Abstract of Orders made by the Court of Quarter Sessions for Shropshire. Edited by Sir 0. Wakeman and R. G. Venables. 8vo. Walcott (Mackenzie E. C). Notes on an Inventory of Westminster Abbey. See London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, Transactions, Vol. V. London, 188L Svo. Walford (Cornelius). Fires and fire-insurance considered under their historical, financial, statistical and national aspects. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. XL. 1877. Walford (Edward). See Brayley (E. W.). Topographical history of Surrey. . . . Edited and revised by E. Walford. [n.d.] 4 vols, in 2. 4"to. Walker (Rev. T. A.). The armed neutrality, 1780-180L Section T. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IX. Napoleon. 1902, etc. 8vo. Waller (J. G.). The " Hole-bourne." See London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, Proceedings at the Evening Meetings. London, 1872-7. 8vo. Waller (William Chapman). See Huguenot Society of London. The pubhcations of the Huguenot Society of London, . . . Vol. XI. Register of the Church of La Patente, Spitalfields. Edited by W. Minet and W. C. Waller. 1898. 4to. Walton (Sir John Lawson). See Peaker (F.). British Citizenship . . . with a preface by Sir John Lawson Walton. 1906. 8vo. Wandsworth Common. [Reports, accounts, etc., of the Wandsworth Common Conservators, 1873-87]. London, 1873-87. FoHo. Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough of. Reports of the Medical Officer of Health, 1901-5. London, 1902-6. 8vo. Wandsworth, Parish of. The registers of the parish of Wandsworth. . . . [1603-1787]. Transcribed by J. T. Squire. Lymington, 1889. 8vo, pp. iv., 557. Wandsworth Union. A list of Guardians . . . and an abstract of the total expenditure . . . l!)04-5. London, 1905. 8vo. Ward (Adolphus William). The Congress of Vienna, 1814-5. See Cambridgf Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IX. Napoleon. 1902, etc. 8vo. 1-18- Ward (Adolphus William) — continued. The outbreak of the Thirty Years' War ; the Protestant Alliance, ir320-30 ; Gustavus Adolphus, 1630-2 ; Wallenstein and Bernard of Weimar, 1632-5 ; the later years of the Thirty Years' War, 1635-48 ; the peace of Westphalia. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History, Vol. IV. The Thirty Years'' War. 1902, etc. 8vo. • — The empire under Ferdinand I. and Maximillian II. ; the empire under Kudolf II. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. III. The Wars of EeUgion, 1902, etc. 8vo. Ward (Edward). The history of the London Clubs, or the Citizen's Pastime. . . . London [1709]. Keprinted. 8yo, pp. 31, 2 parts in 1 yolume. Ward, Lock and Co. A pictorial and descriptive guide to London and its environs. Twenty-sixth edition — entirely re-written and re-illustrated. . . . London, 1905. 8vo, pp. xxxi., 336, and 21 maps and plans. Waring (George Edwin, Jnr.). See New York, City of. Street cleaning. A report on the final disposition of the wastes of New York, etc. 1896. 8vo. Warner (Francis). Eesults of an inquiry as to the physical and mental condition of fifty thousand children in one hundred and six schools. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vols. LVI. and LIX. 1893-6. Water Supply. Constant service system. Copy of all reports made by Mr. William Pole to the Board of Trade and the Home Office in 1870 and 1871, on the Constant Service System of Water Supply. London, 1872. Folio, pp. 59. London water area. Statement showing the population and rateable [and assessable] values of the boroughs and urban districts to be represented on the Water Board ; together with the same particulars relating to the boroughs, urban districts, and rural districts . . . excluded from [the] area or . . . un- represented on the . . . Board. . . . London, 1902. Folio, pp. 7. Copies of reports on the analysis of the waters supplied by the MetropoHtan Water Companies during . . . 1869, 1870 and 1871. By Professor Frankland, F.R.S., ... of letter to the Registrar-General by Professor Frankland, dated 10th July, 1869, . . . and of analyses of metropolitan water supply for October, 1871, and for January, 1872 . . . London, 1872. Folio, pp. 42. 149 Water Sup]?\y—co7itimied. • Metropolis Water. A supplement to the correspondence relating to the supply of water to the metropolis. . . . [London, 1830.] Folio, pp. 6." [Bound up in volume Water Supply, 1828.] Metropolis Water. Copies of . . . written communications . . . between the . . . Secretary of State for the Home Depart- ment and the Chairman of the Committee appointed in . . . 1828 to investigate the supply of water to the Metropolis . . . [London, 1830.] Folio, pp. 33. [Bound up in vohime Water Supply, 18 £8.] See Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce. National water supply. Congress, etc. 1878. 8vo. Waterlow (Alfred James). See St. Michael, Cornhill. Accounts of the Churchwardens of S. Michael, Cornhill. . . . printed . . . by A. J. Waterlow. 1869. 8vo. Watson (John). Eeformatory and industrial schools. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Koyal Statistical Society. Vol. LIX. 1896. ' Webb (Sidney) and Beatrice Potter (afterwards Webb). Biblio- graphy of road making and maintenance in Great Britain. ;^Lon- don, 1906. 4to, pp. 34. English local government from the Revolution to the Muni- cipal Corporations Act, London. 1906, etc. 8yo. Contents : — Vol. I. The Pari.sh : Introduction — The legal framework of the parisli — Unorganised parish government — An extra legal democracy — 'The strangling of the parish — The legality of the close vestry — Close vestry administration — The reform of the close vestry. The County : Introduction — The legal constitution of the county — The rulers of the county — County administration by Justices out of Sessions — The Court of Quarter Sessions — The development of an extra-legal constitution — The reaction against the rulers of the county. Vol. II. The Manor and the Borough : Introduction — The Lord's Court — The Court in ruins — The WestminsterCourtof Burgesses — Manorial boroughs in England — The boroughs of Wales — The municipal Corporation — Constitutional developments. Vol. III. Administration by close corporations — Administration by municipal democracies — The City of London— The municipal revolution of 183.-;. 150 Webb (W. Arthur). See London, Committee for the survey of the Memorials of Greater London. Sandford Manor. By W. Arthur Webb. Being the eighth monograph of the Committee. 1907. 4to. Webster (Alexander). >SeeNeedham (R.) and A. Webster. Somerset House, past and present. 1905. 8vo. Webster (T. Lonsdale). See May (Sir T. E.). A treatise on the law, privileges, . . . and usage of Parliament. 1906. 8vo. Weingart ( ). Die Sicherheitspohzei. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. 1904. 8vo. Welby (Reginald Earle), Baron Welby. See Lange (M. E.). Local taxation in London, with a preface by Lord Welby. London, 1906. 8vo. Welck (Alfred Freiherrn von). Wohnungsfursorge. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. 1904. 8vo. Welch (Charles). A brief account of the Worshipful Company of Gardeners of London. London, 1890. 4to, pp. 14. Welton (Thomas Abercrombie). A study of some portions of the census of London for 1901. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. LXV. 1902. Westall (George). Rateable machinery with abstracts and reports of the leading appeal cases, from 1783 to 1904, and notes on valua- tions, procedure on objections, appeals against assessments, etc. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. 173. West Hani, County Borough of. Extracts from Council Minutes relating to the aboHtion of the Works Department. West Ham, 1907. 4to. Westhorp (Sterling). See Bacon (Nathaniel). The Annalls of Ipswiche . . . Edited by William H. Richardson, with a Memoir jT ;^ by Sterling Westhorp. Ipswich, 1884. large 4to. Westminster. The Register of the Electors for the City and Liberty of Westminster, 1864-5. Revised by Thomas Hull Terrell. London, 1864. 8vo, pp. 326. Westminster, City of. Financial statement and abstract of accounts, 1900-2 to 1903-4. London [1902-4.] 8vo. Report for the year 1900 made to the Council of the City of Westminster by the Medical Officer of Health ... for the district of St. James's. London, 1901. 8vo. ir,i Westminster Sewers Commission. Report on the accounts of col- lectors of sewer rates, etc. 30th November, 1830. London, 1830. Folio, pp. 32. Westminster Union. Financial and statistical statement of the accounts ... of the Guardians for half-years ending Lady Day and Michaelmas, 1905. London, 1905. 8vo. Whale (George). The London Government Act, 1899. Summary of the law as to the first meetings and preliminary business of the Borough Councils in 1900. . . . [London, 1900.] 8vo, pp. 7. White (Alfred). See British Archaeological Association. On the crypt of Gerard's Hall. By A. White. [1853.] 8vo. Whiteehapel District Board. Report on the sanitary condition of the Whitechapel district for the quarter ending 3rd October, 1874. London, 187-1. 8vo, pp. [23.] Whitten (Wilfred). London in song. London [1898]. 8vo, pp. xvi., 356. [A compilaticn of poems and verses relating to London.] See Smith (J. T.). A book for a rainy day. Edited by VV. Whitten. 1905. 8vo. Wickers (Samuel). A short history of the Gate and Priory of St. John of Jerusalem, Clerkenwell. . . . London [n.d.]. 8vo, pp. 7. [Bound lip in volume M iscellanea.] Wiedfeldt ( ). Stadtische Betriebe. See Wuttke (R.). Die deutschen Stadte. 1904. 8vo. Wilcox (Delos Franklin). The American city : A problem in democracy. New York, 1904. 8vo, pp. vi., 423. Contents, iTiter alia : Democracy and city life in America — The street — Control of public utilities — Civic education — Control of leisure — Munici- pal insurance — Civic co-operation — Local centres of civic life — Popular responsibility — Official responsibility — Local responsibility — Municipal revenues — Municipal debt. Will (John Shiress). The law relating to electric hghting. traction, and power. Third edition. London, 1903. 8vo, pp. xxx, 511. Williams (E.). Staple Inn. Customs House, Wool Court and Inn of Chancerv, its mediaeval surroundings and associations. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. xii., 210. Illustrations, intei alia : Staple-inn frontage to Holborn — Staple Hall — Map of surroundings of Staple-inn in a.o. 1313 — Exit from Staple-inn into Holborn, showing the pump — Interior of the Hall — N'os. 337 and 33H, High Holborn — Entrance to the Hall from Sta])k'-inn t!ardcn — Staple-inn Garden— \o. 3, Staple-inn, rebuilt in a.d. I7.ji». 152 Williams (Robert) and Fred Knee. The labourer and his cottage. London, 1905. 4to, pp. 87. Williams (Thomas Cyprian) and J. F. Iselin. A treatise on the law of vendor and purchaser of real estate and chattels real . . , By T. C. Williams, assisted by J. F. Isehn. London, 1903. 8vo. Williams (William Lymington). Handbook on the Borough Funds Acts as afEecting local authorities, with forms and precedents. London, 1904. 8vo, pp. x., 231. Williams (William Meade). Annals of the Worshipful Company of Founders, of the City of London. . . . London, 1867. 8vo, pp. ix., 291. Williamson (John Bruce). The law of Hcensing in England, in- toxicating Ucjuors, theatres and music halls, including the payment of compensation for liquor licences, and all the provisions of the Licensing Act, 1904. . . . Third edition. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. xlvi., 895. Willis (Browne). Notitia ParUamentaria : or An History of the Counties, Cities and Boroughs in England and Wales, showing what Boroughs were anciently Parliamentary, but now disus'd, What do at this day return to Parliament, their Antiquities, Charters, Privileges, Lords, Churches, Monasteries, Government, Number of electors, etc., to which are subjoined. Lists of all the Knights, Citiz;ens, and Burgesses, (as far as can be collected from Records) from the first summons to Parliament, to this Time. With an Account of the Roman towns in every Shire. What NobiUty have been distinguish' d with Titles from each County. The number of Parishes, Market-towns, etc., therein. London, 1715. 8vo, 3 vols. Willis (Walter Addington). See MacMorran (Alexander) and W. A. WiUis. The law relating to sewers and drains. 1904. 8vo. Wilson (Herbert Wrigley). The armed neutrahty, 1780-1801. Section II. ; the Command of the Sea, 1803-15. See Cambridge Modern History. The Cambridge Modern History. Vol. IX. Napoleon. 1902, etc. 8vo. Wilson (Mona). See Outer London Incjuiry Committee, West Ham . . . Compiled by E. G. Howarth and Mona Wilson. 1907. 8vo. Wisconsin, University of. Municipal History and present organi- sation of the City of Chicago. By Samuel Edwin Sparhng. Madison, 1898. 8vo, pp. 188. [Bulletin No. 23. — A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of PhilosoiAy in the Department of Political Science.] 158 Wood (George H.). Some statistics relating to working class progress since 1860. See Statistical Society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Vol. LXII. 1899. Wood (M. P.). Rustless coatings ; corrosion and electrolysis of iron and steel. New York, 1901. 8vo, pp. x., 432. Woodhead (G. Sims). See Heath (H. Llewellyn). The Infant, the Parent and the State. With an introduction by G. Sims Wood- head. . . . London, 1907. 8vo. Woods (John). See Fearnside (W. G.). The history of London, illustrated by views . . . engraved by J. Woods. . . . [n.d]. 4to. Woolwich, Metropolitan Borough of. Abstract of the audited accounts of the Borough Council, 1902-3. London [1901]. 8vo. An account of the infants' milk depot. . . . By the Medical Officer of Health. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. 12. Annual reports of the Medical Officer of Health. 1901-5. London, 1902-6. 8vo. Woolwich Union. An abstract showing the amount of money received and expended. . . . Half-year to Lady Day, li»05. London, 1905. 8vo. Workmen's Trains. Return showing (1) the number of workmen's trains running on all railways within the metropolitan area ; (2) the distance run and the fares charged on each particular train. . . . London [1903]. Folio, pp. 90. Worley (George). Southwark Cathedral, formerly the collegiate church of St. Saviour, otherwise St. Mary Overie. A short history and description of the fabric, with some account of the college and the see. With 36 illustrations. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. 114. The church of the Knights Templars in London. A des- cription of the fabric and its contents, with a short history of the order. London, 1907. 8vo, pp. xiv., 74, with 31 plates. Wright (Sir Robert Samuel) and Henry Hobhouse. An outline of Local Government and Local Taxation in England and Wales (excluding London.) Third edition. By Henry Hobhouse and E. L. Fanshawe. London, 1906. 8vo, pp. ix., 171. Wright (Samuel). London's Wonder : or, the Chaste Old BatcheUor, Being a luitliiul AccouJit of the Family, Lite, and Legacies ot Mr. Samuel Wright. . . . With a true copy of his last Will. . . . London, 1737. 8vo, pp. 24. lo4 Wroth (Warwick). Cremome and the later London gardens, London, 1907. 8vo, pp. xii., 102, and 25 plates. Contents : Cremoine-gardens — Manor-house baths and gardens, Chelsea — Batty' s Hippodrome and Soyer's Symposium, Kensington — The Hippodrome, Notting Hill — The Royal Oak, Bayswater — Chalk Farm — Eel-pie (or Sluice) House, Highbury — Weston's Retreat, Kentish Town — The Mermaid, Hackney — Rosemary Branch, Hoxton — Sir Hugh Myddelton's Head, Islington — The Pandemonion Gardens, King's Cross — The Eagle and Grecian saloons — Albert Saloon and Royal Standard Pleasure Gardens — !New Globe Pleasure Grounds, Mile End- road — The Red House, Battersea — Brunswick Gardens (or Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens), Vauxhall — Flora Gardens, Camberwell — Mont- pelier Gardens, Walworth — Surrey Zoological Gardens — List of minor gardens, nineteenth century. Illustrations, inter alia : Cremorne Gardens — Manor House Garden, Chelsea, c. 1809 — Hippodrome, Bayswater — Tea Gardens, Rosemary Branch, 1846 — Pleasure Gardens, Eagle Tavern, c. 1838 — Mew Globe Tavern Pleasure Grounds — The Red House, Battersea^Surrey Zoologi- cal Gardens. Wuttke (Robert). Die deutschen Stadte. Geschildert nach deu Ergebnissen der ersten deutschen Stadte ausstellung zu Dresden, 1903. . . . herausgegeben von R. Wuttke. Leipzig, 1904. 8vo and folio. Contents : Vol. I.— Die deutsche Stiidteausstellung Verfassung und Verwaltung der deut- schen Stadte Der deutsche Stadtebau Architektonische Aufgaben der Stadte Die Baupolizei Wohnungsfursorge Die Fiirsorge fiir die Kunst Die deutsche Gartenkunst in den Stadten Stadtische Betriebe . . Die Gaswerke Uber stadtische Elektrizitatswerke Die stadtischen Wasserwerke Schlacht- und Viehhofe Tiefbau Die stadtischen Briicken Die ofEentliche Gesundheitspflege . . Die Gesundheitspolizei in den deut- schen Stadten Die Krankenanstalten Volkskrankheiten und ihre Bekamp- fung . . . . Das Samariter- und Rettungswesen Das Allgemeine stadtische Bildungs- wesen Das gewerbliche Unterrichtswesen . . Armenwesen und Wohlfahrtspflege .Die stadtische Anleihen- und Bank- politik Die offentlichen Sparkassen und Leihamter . . Dr. R. Wuttke. Dr. Kuhfahl. Dr. C. Gurlitt. F. Schumacher. ■ — Gnnier. — von Welck. Dr. von Seidlitz. — Bertram. Dr. Wiedfeldt. C. Hoffner. Wilhelm Kiibler. — Grahn. Dr. Edelmann. — Klette. Prof. Lucas, Dr. Xowack Dr. Flinzer. Dr. Schmaltz. — Lingner P. Menzel. Dr. Lyon. — Kuhnow, Dr. W.Bohmert. Dr. Koch. Dr. Ritthausen. lo5 Wuttke (Robert) — continued. Die Sicherlieitspolizei . . . . Dr. Wcingart Das stadtische Feuerloschweseu . . — Mittmann. Aktenwesen und Buchhaltung . . Dr. Kuhfahl. Die Stiidtestatistik . . . . . . Dr. Seutemann. Vol. II. :— Plates. Wyllie (M. A.). See Wyllie (W. L. and M. A.). London to the Note. Painted and described by W. L. and M. A. Wyllie. Ilt05. 8vo. Wyllie (William Lionel and Marian Amy). London to the Nore. Painted and described by W. L. and M. A. Wyllie. London, 1905. 8vo, pp. ix., 259.' Plates, inter alia : Westminster and the Houses of Parliament — Cleopatra's Needle and Somerset House — St. Paul's — Upper Pool — Billingsgate Fish Market — Custom House — Tower — Tower Bridge — Rotherhithe — Limehouse — Greenwich Hospital. Wyllie (W. L.). See Wvllie (W. L. and M. A.). London to the Nore. Painted and described by W. L. and M. A. Wyllie. 1905. 8vo. Wyndham (Henry Saxe). The Annals of Covent Garden Theatre from 1732 to 1897. With -45 illustrations. London, 1906. 8vo, 2 vols. Yolland (W.). ^ee Kailways, Metropolis. Report by Colonel Yolland ... on the MetropoUtan Railway schemes . . . 1864. FoUo. Young (Desmond). At Chelsea Hospital. See Sims (G. R.). Living London. Edited bv G. R. Sims. Vol. I. 1902-3. 4to. 156 SUBJECT INDEX. The Roman numerals indicate the i)articular volume of the Catalogue in which the required entry may be found. Thus I. refers to original Catalogue, issued in 1902 ; II. to the Supplement issued in 1905, and II. (a) to the Appendix at the end of that Supplement ; III. to the present Second Supplement. A. Abattoirs. See " Slaughter-houses." Aberdeen, City of. Accounts : Aberdeen, II. Accounts of Local Authorities : See place Names. Acts of Parliament. See "Statutes." Adelaide, City of. Reports and publications : Adelaide, City of, II., II. (a), III. Adelphi. See "Westminster." Admiralty — Publications : Admiralty , II. Practice : Bruce, I. Adulteration. Adulteration, I., II., II. (a) ; Arsenical poisoning. III.; Bell {Sir W. J.), II., III. ; Blyth, I. ; London Chamber of Commerce, I. Africa — Congo State : Descamps (E.), III. South Africa — Cape Town : Cape Town, II., II. (a). Johannesburg. Johannesburg, I., II., III. Rhodesia : British South Africa Company, III. Transvaal : Transvaal, II. Aged Poor. See " Pauperism." Agriculture — Agricultural depression : Agricultural depression, II. Agricultural labourer : Labour, II. Agricultural Rates Act and Order : Hadden,!.; Mayer,!.; Ryde {W.C.), I. Application of sewer water and manure : Sec ' ' Drainage and Sewerage (Sewage disposal)." Education. See "Education." Employment of women and children in : Poor Law, I. Farm produce realization : Tallerman, I. Insurance as it affects Japanese labourer : Mayet, I. Irrigation. See " Irrigation." Middlesex in 1794 : Foot (Peter), III. New South Wales, in : Nciv South Wales, I. Philadelphia, in : Philadelphia Vacant Lots Cultivation Association, III. Returns : Agriculture, Board of, II. Southern counties, in: James {William), III.; Marshall {William), 11. United States, Department of : United States, I. See also " Gardening." Albany, City of. See "United States of America." Alcoholism. See " Inebriety." Aldgate Parish : Aldgate, I. ; Atkinson {A. G. B.), II. Aldgate Ward of City. History : Kemp {R.), II. {a). Aldwych : Gordon (c), Il.(a). See also " Westminster." Aliens — Australian Colonies, in: Reeves {W. P.), II. Immigration of: Alien immigration, Il.(a) ; Barrows (7. C), II.; Evans- Gordon (IF.), II. (a); Trade, Board of, I. ^_ Return of, in London, 1525-1571 : Huguenot Society of London, II. Alleyx, Edward. 5cc " Cambenvell (Duhvich College)." Allhallows, Barking. MaskxU, I. Alphabets. Manual of lettering : Strange {E. F.), II. Ambulances : Harrison [Reginald), II. (a) ; London, Corporaiion of the City of, III. ; London County Council (Ambulances), II. ; Wuttke, 111. America. See under name of each country of the American continent. Amsterda:si. See "Holland." Ajiusements in London. See "London (Amusements)." Analysis, ^fc " Chemistry." Ancient Lights. See " Light, rights of." ASUIALS — Diseases of. See "Public Health (Diseases of Animals)." Transit, importation, etc., of: Agriculture, Board of, II. (a). Annual Register, 1899-1902 : Annual Register, II., II. (a). Annuities and Reversionary Payments : Jones (David), I. Antiquities — Care of ancient monuments : Antiquaries Club, III. ; Brown [G. B.), III. London, in. See "London (Antiquities)." Antwerp. /See " Belgium." Apothecaries, Society of: Barrett (C. R. B.), III. Appeals, Law of : Trotter, I. Apprenticeship: London County Council (Education), III. Approvement, Law of: Elton, I. Arbitrations AND Awards : Billing,!.; Redman, II. ; Russell (F.), I. ; Stephens (A. J.}, I. Arch.eology : MoUett, I. ; Westropp, I. Architecture — Cementitious architecture : ^yhite (John), I. Designs for public and private dwellings : Soane, I. Cottage architecture : Adams (Maurice B.), II. (a). Duties and liabilities of architects: Glen (IT. C), I.; Hudson, I. Encyclopaedia of : Gu-ilt, I. France, Netherlands, etc., in : Noc, II. Gothic mouldings : Paley (F. A.), I. Houses for working classes : Cranfield (S. W.) and H. I. Potter, II., II. (a). Lunatic asylums : Bibby (G. H.), II. (a). Mechanical principles of: Moseley, I. Mercantile: Ogden, 1. Naval. See "Shipbuilding." Publications of societies : Architectural Association, III. ; Architects, Royal Institute of British, II. School buildings : Baihy (T. ./.), IL (a) ; Clay (F.), IL Vocabulary of technical terms : Hull, I. See also " Building CoiLstruction." Arithmetical Tables. See "Mathematical Tables." Arms. .See " Heraldry." Arsenical Poisoninc; : Arseniud poisoning, III. Art — Acts relating to works of art: Parliament (Acts — Collections on special subjects — Works of art). III. Art foliage : Colling,, I. Civic art: Robinjion, I., II. Dictionaries : Mollett, I. ; Ure, I. Galleries — Chantry Trust : Cluintry Trust, II. Guildhall : London, Corporation •>! Ci'^j «f, I. Paris, in : Paris (Conseil Municifxd. — Rapports et Documents, 1903), III. See also toptjgraphiral section under headings of carious districts. Germany, in : Wutthc, III. Gothic mouldings : Paley (F. A.), I. 158 Abt — continued. Schools. See " Education (Schools)." Sculpture in France, Netherlands, etc. : Noe, II. Traite des arts ccramiques ou des poteries : Brongniart , I. Woodwork in 16th, I7th and 18th Centuries : Tanner {Henry), II.. See also "Architecture." Abtillery Ground, Old : Acts relating to : Old Artillery Chound, I. Artizans' Dwellings. See " Housing of the Working Classes." Assessment. See "Taxation and Rating." Assurance. See " Insurance." Asylums. 5ee " Insanity." Asylums Board. See "Metropolitan Asylums Board." Atlases. ^See "Maps." Attachment, Law of: Brandon, I. Auction-marts : Gaches, II. Auctioneering : A%ictioneers^ Institute, III. Austin Fbiabs, Church and Monastery of : Hugo, I. See also "London (Topographical Section)." Australasia — General works : New South Wales {A statistical account of the seven Colonies),. IIL; Beeves (If. P.), II. Education in : Education {Technical Education Congress), I. Legislation ouvriere et sociale : France, 3Iinistera du Commerce, etc. {Office- du Travail), II. Old Age Pensions : Cope {.John Hautenville), II. (a). New South Wales : Census, I. ; New South Wales,!., II., III. ; Sydney,!. ;;_ New Zealand : Invercargill, III. ; New Zealand, I. ; Netv Zealand Inter-^ national Exhibition, III. Queensland : Brisbane, II., II. (a). III. ; Knight (./. J.), I. ; Pugh, I. South Australia: Adelaide, City of, II., Il.(a), III. Victoria: Melbourne, I., II., III.; Victoria, I. Western Australia : Perth , I. Austria : Baedeker, II. Awabds and Abbitbations. See "Arbitrations and Awards." B. Bacteriology and Microscopy. Carpenter {W. B.), I. ; Crookshanh, I., II. ;. Fraenkel, I. ; Frankland, I. ; Hewlett {R. T.), II. ; Horrocks, II. ; Klein, I. ; London County Council {Public Health), III. ; Neivman {0.), III. ; Prescott,. II. ; Sternberg, I. ; Woodhead, I. Bagnigge Wells : Bevis, II. See also " Pleasure gardens." Bailments, law of: Storey, I. Bakehouses: Bakehouses, II., III.; Finsbury, II.; Moscow, i. Bangor, borough of. Accounts : Bangor, II. Bank of England. History : Francis {John), II. Banking — General works : Investors' Monthly Manual, II. ; Price {F. G. H.), !. Law of bankint; : B7/Ils, I. ; Hart, (//.), II.(o). People's banks : Wolff, I. Bankruptcy and insolvency Archbold, I. ; Robson, {G. Y.), I. ; Shelf ord, I. Barber-surgeon's Company. See " Livery Companies." Barnard' s-iNN. See " Inns of Court and Chancery." Baronetage. See " Directories, etc." Barrow-in-Fubness, county bobough of. Abstract of accounts : Barrow,. !., IL ir>9 Bartholomew faik. iStc *' Faii-s." Bath, City of. Abstract of accounts : Bath, City of, I., II. Bathixg aerangements in Germany and Holland : London County Council (Education), III. Baths and washhovses : London County Council (Baths and washhouses), II. She/fidd, III. ; Tiltman. I. Battersea — Acts of Parliament relating to parish: Baftersca, I. History: Sinunond-i (H. iS.), III. ]\Ietropolitan borough of. Reports, etc. : Battcrsca, II., III. Vestry reports and accounts : Batttr-fca, I. Bayswater. See " Paddington, metropolitan borough of." Bedford, borough of. Abstract of accounts : Bedford, II. Bedford level: Badcdadc, I. ; Cole (C. N.), I. ; Elstobb, I. ; Wells, 1. Belfast, City of. Reports and publications of Council: Belfast, City of., I., II., II.(a), III. Belgium^ Antwerp : Antwerp, II. Brussels : Badois, II. ; Brutsscls, 11. Land system : Probyn, I. I>ocal government in : Brees (E.), III. Reports and official publications : Belgium Il.(a), III. Belgravia. See " Westminster." Berlin' — Bridges in: Berlin (Die Strasse-Briicken), II. Census : Berlin, I., II. Municipal government : Uaherland (G.), Il.(a) ; Pollard, I. ; SJmiw (Albert), 1. Official publications, etc. : Berlin, I., II., II.(«), III. Sanitation of, compared with Paris : Badois, II. See also " Germany." Beemondsey — • History and antiquities: Bell (William Lees), II.; Clarke (E. T.), 11. ; Phillips (G. W.), I. Metropolitan borough of. Reports, etc. : Bermondsey, II., II. («), III. Parishes — Bermondsej- : Bermondscy, I. Rotherhithe: Beck (E. J.) III. ; Botherhithe, I. St. John, Horselydown : «S7. John, Horselydown, I. St. Mary Magdalen: St. Mary Magdalen, Btrmondscy, III. St. Olave, Southwark : St. Glace, I. St. Olave and St. John, Southwark : St. Olaie, I. St. Olave, Southwark, District Board : St. Olave, I. St. Olave and St. John's free grammar school : Corner, I. ; St. Olave and St. John, I. Bethlehem Hospital. See " Insanity (Lunatic asylums)." Bethxal Green — Acts relating to parish : Bethnal Green, I. History of : Allgood, II. .Metro])olitan borough council. Reports, etc. : Bethnal Ureen, II., HI. Sanitary condition of, 1848: Gavin, I. Vestry. Reports and accounts : Bethnal Green, I. Betterment, law of : Baumann, II. ; Town Improvements, I. Beverley Tow^'. Documents : Selden Society, III. BiBLIOCiRAPHY — British municijial history : Gross, I. I^cal institutions : Gomme, I. Register of: Courtney (W. P.), III. Road making and maintenance : WM, III. See also " Catalogues." Bills of mortality : GraunI, I. ; London (Bills of mvrt(dity), II. IGU Biographies, memoirs, etc. — Appold, J. G. : Smee {A.), III. Cobden, Richard : Cooke (F. E.), I. ; Gowing, I. ; Morley [John), I. Cuyler (Theodore) : Ciiyler, I. Dictionary of biography : Hole, I. ; Lee (Sidney), II. FoLsch, Aug. : Folsch, Il.(a). Hogg, Quintin : Hogg [E. M.), \\.(a). Percy, Lord Henry: Simp,ion, (R.), I. Smith, Dr. Southwood : Lewea {Gertrude), Il.(rt). Birds — General works : Gordon ( W. J.), II. ; Hudson {W. H.), II. Wild bird protection : Masefield, I. Birkenhead — County borough of. Accounts : Birkenhead, I., II. Port and docks : Webster (Thomas), I. Birmingham, City of — History of corporation ; Bunce, II. ; Vince (C. A.), II. Local taxation and expenditure : S7nith (E. 0.), I. Official reports, publications, etc. : Birmingham, I., II., III. Secondary schools in : Adand, I. Water supply : Barclay (Thos.), II. Birmingham, University of : BirmingJuMi, Il.(a). Births. See " Vital Statistics." BisnopsGATE Institute. Catalogue of books and list of prints : Bishopsgate Institute, II. Blackburn, Coi-nty borol'Gh of. Abstract of accounts : Blackburn^ I., II. Blackheath. See " Lewisham, metropolitan borough of." Blacksmiths' Company': Noble (T. C), III. Blackwall. See " Poplar, metropolitan borough of." Blackwall tunnel, ^ee " Tunnels." Blind : Blind, III. Bloomsbuky. See " Holborn, metropolitan borough of." Board of Education. See ''Education." Board of Trade." See " Trade, Board of." Board of Works." See " Metropolitan Board of Worlis." Bohemia. Publications : Bohemia, III. Bolton, County borough of — • Piiblications : Bolton, l.,\l.,l\\. Wateruorks, scale of charges : Bolton, II. Bombay, City of. Official publications : Bonihay, II., III. Book prices current : Book prices current II. (a). Bookbinding and care of books : Cocker ell, II. BooTLE, BOROUGH OF. Accounts : Booth, II. Boroughs — General -works : Brady (Robert), Il.(a) ; County Boroughs, I., II. ; Municipal Corporations, II. (a). Metropolitan, expenses incurred in promoting and opposing bills : Parlia- ment (Metropolitan Borough Councils. Bills in Parliament), III. See also place-names. Bosnia : Baedeker (Austria), II. Boston, City of. See " United States." Boundaries AND FENCES : Arnold,!.; Hunt (A. J.),I.,ll.(a) ; Local Government Board, IL.(a) ; Municipal Corporations, I. ; Parliamentary Representation, III. ; Statistical Society (Journal, vol. vii.). III. ; Vernon, I. Bournemouth, County borough of. Abstract of accounts : Bournemou'h, II. Bow, See " Poplar." Bradford, City of. Official publications : Bradford, I., II. Bread, Assize of. See " Food. ' Breconshibe. Historical memoranda : Lloyd (John), II., III. 161 Bkemex — Harbours : Bremen, III. Housing in : Bremen, III. Bridewell hospital : Charter, I. ; Copdand, II. ; Hoives, III. Bridges — Berlin, in : Berlin {Die Strasse-Briicken), II. Carriage ways, over: City Commissioners, I., II. Construction : Bow, I. ; Fairbairn, I. ; Hosking, I. ; Humher- 1. ; Matheson I. ; White (John), I. Germany, in : Wuitke, III. Law relating to : Pratt (J. T.), II., III. See also " Highways (Law relating to)." Metropolitan and Thames — Generally: Bennoch, I.; Bridges, I., Il.(a), III.; Dredge,!.; Emden (T. W. L.), III.; Herring, II. ; London (Bridges), II. ; London (Streets: The Streets of London), III. ; London County Council (Bridges), II., III. ; Metropolitan Board of Works (Bridges), I. Blackfriars : Blackfriars Bridge, III. ; Parliament (Acts : Collcctiotis on special subjects : Bridges), I. Blackfriars Railway Bridge : Civil Engineers, I. Deptford Creek Bridge Ai-bitration : Deptford Creek, I. Fulham district, in : Jones (T. E.), 111. Hungerford-bridge and Wellington-street viaduct : Hungerford bridge, 1. London-bridge : Allen (George), III. ; Andrews (I.), III. ; Cooke (E. W.), 1. ; Englefidd, II. ; London Bridge, I., II. (a), III. ; London Cor- poration of (Bridges), III. ; Savage (James), III. ; White (J. G.), II. Putney : Clmsemore, II. Southwark-bridge : Improvements, Metropolis (Report from Select Com- mittee, 1836), I. Tower-bridge : Civil Engineers, Institute of (Mimttes of Proceedings, vols, cxiii., cxxi., cxxvii.), I., II. ; Tower-bridge, 1. ^ Tulse-hill railway bridge : Civil Engineers, Institute of (MintUes'^of Proceedings, vol. cxxvii.), II. Wandsworth-bridge : Wandsicorth, 1. Waterloo-bridge : Improvements, Mdropolis (Reports from Sdecl Committee, 1836), I. Westminster : Labdye, II. ; Langley, II., II.(«) ; Westminster (Bridge), I. Briefs. Bygone briefs : Smith (J. E.), 1. ; Briefs, II. (a). Brighouse, Borovgh of. Abstract of accounts : Brighouse, ll.(a). Brighton, County bororgh of. Accounts : Brighton, I., Il.(a). Brisbane, City of. See "Australasia (Queensland)." Bristol, City of. Reports and publication.s : Bristol, II., III. British Columbia. Report of Department of Agriculture : British Columbia, 11. British Museum Library. Catalogues and subject indexes : Anderson (J. P.), II. ; British Museum, II., III. British South Africa Company. Reports, etc, : British Sotith Africa Com- pany, III. Bromley-by-Bow. Sec " Poplar." Beook-green. See " Hammersmith." Brooklyn, City of. See " United States." Brunn, Publicatioas of city of: Briinn, II., III. Brunswick theatre, Wellclose-square : Sviith (G. C), II. Brussels. See " Belgium." Budapest, ( ity of — Official publications : Budapest, I., II., n.(rt), III. ; Census, I. Municipal government : Shaw (Albert), 1. Buenos Ayres, City of : Buenos Ayres, II. Buffalo City. Report of Park Commissioners : Buffalo, 11. 1.5280 V 162 Building and Building Construction — General reference books : Boulnois, I. ; Fairbairn, I. ; Hurst, II ; Mackrow, I. ; Bivington, I. Arches : Baker (B.), I. ; Bland, I. Asylums : Bibhy, I. Beams, strength of: Baker {B.), I. Bracing : Bow, I. Bridges : Bow, I. ; Fairbairn, I. ; Ilosking, I. ; Humber, I. ; Matlieson, I. ; White (John), I. Building Acts — Glasgow Buildings Regulation Act : Glasgoiv, III. London and Metropolitan Buikling Acts : Accounts, II. ; Building Acts, III. ; Craies, I. ; Dicksee (B.), III. ; Emden, I. ; Fletcher, I. ; Griffiths (W.Ii.),!.; Waller,!.; Williams (K), I. ; Woolrych, I. London Streets and Buildings Bill, 1894: Blackbouni, I. Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment Bill : Build- ings, I. Metropolitan Buildings and Management Bill : Buildings, I. Reports, etc. ; London County Council (Building Act), II. ; 3Ietropolitan Board of Works (Building Act), I. Buttresses, construction of : Bland, I. By-laws and regulations : Building Regulations, 11. ; Goldstraw,!.; Knight,!.; Local Government Board, I. ; Manchester, I. Carpentry : Tredgold, I. Cement : Civil Engineers, II. ; Reid, I. ; White (John), I. Chimneys : Bancroft, I. ; Wilson (R.) I. Columns : Baker (B.), I. Concrete: Marsh (C. F.), Il.(a) ; Metropolitan Board of Works (Building Act), L Contracts. See " Contracts." Cottage architecture : Adams (Maurice B.), II. (a). Dangerous structures : Metropolitan Board of Works (Building Act), I. ; Stock, I. Dilapidations. See " Dilapidations." Drain and sewer construction. See " Drainage and sewerage." District yurveyor's fees : Accounts (Metropolitan Building Act, 1885), 11. Fire-proof houses in Hats : Ashpitd, I. Girders : Baker (W. L.), I. ; Humber, I. ; Stoncy, I. Gothic mouldings : Paley (F. A.), I. Harbours of refuge : White (John), I. Heating and ventilation of houses : Townsend (C. F.), II. Iron: Fairbairn, II. ; Shields, I. ; Wood (31. P.), III. See also Bridges ; Girdere ; Roof structures. Law — Generally : Emden, I. ; Glen (R. C), I. ; Roscoe, I. London Building Law (Consolidation) Bill, 1891 : Chelsea, vestry of. III. London and Metropolitan Building Acts. *SV'e "Building Acts," above. Legal liabilities of contractore and buildere : Glen (W. C), I. Mechanical philosophy : Robison (John), I. Modern-framed structures : Johnson (J. B.), II. • Pans de bois et pans de fer : Ligcr (F.), I. Periodicals relating to : Builder, II. ; Building News, II. Piers, construction of : Bland, I. Plumbing : Hellyer, I. Price books : Atchley,!.; Laxton (Wm.), II. ; Lockwood, II. ; Rea (J. T.), II. Public institutioas : Colyer, I. Quantity surveying : Leaning, I. Roof structures : Matheson, I. Residential flats : Perks (Sydney), III. School buildings : Bailey (T. J.), II.(a). ; Clay (F.), IL Shipbuilding. See " Shipbuilding." Soils and sub-soils : Woodward (H. B.), I. \ 163 Bun.DrsG AND Building CoNSTRrcxiox — continued. Specificatioas : Donaldson, I. ; Macey (F. W.), II. ; Specification, II. Steel construction : Brown {John) and Co., Il.(a) ; Wood (J/. P.), III. Strength of materials : Box, I. ; Tredgold, I. Ventilation. See " Ventilation." Workmen's dwellings : Cranfield and Potter, II., Il.(rt), See also " Architecture " ; " Engineering." BcNHiLL-PiELDs BURIAL GROUND : BuiihUl- fields , I., II. ; London, Corporation of City of (Hisforieji), III. Burial — General works : Austin (E.), III. ; Burial Grounds, II.; Collison, I. ; Paris {Conseil Municipal — Rapports et Documents), III. ; Playfair, I. Cremation : Eassie, I. ; Paris {Conseil Municipal — Rapports et Documents, 1903), III. Extra mural sepulture : City Commissioners, I. ; Health, General Board of, II. (a). IHord cemetery : City Commissioners, I. Law relating to : Baker {T.), I., II. ; Glen {W. C), I. Metropolitan cemeteries and burial grounds : General works: Burial grounds f II.; Holmes, I.; London {Miscellaneous), III.; London County Council {Burial grounds). III. ; London County Council {Parks and open spaces), II. ; London County Council {Public health), II. ; Walker {G. A.), I. Bunhill- fields burial ground : Bunhill fields, I., II. ; London, Cor- poration of City of {Histories), III. Mount Nod at Wandsworth : Squire {J. T.), II. St. Pancras, in : Brown {W. E.), II. ; Cansick, II. ; St. Pancras, II. Paris, in : Paris {Bureau des Inhumations), I. Return relating to metropolitan interments : Intermenis, II. (a). Towns, in : Health of towns {Second report of Commissioners), I. ; Home Office, II. (a). Burnley, County BOROUGH OF. Abstract of accounts : Burnley , 1. , II. Burton-on-Trent, County borough of. Abstract of accounts : Burton- upon-Trent, II. Bury, County borough of. Abstract of accounts : Bury {County Borough of), I., II. Butchers' Company. See " Livery Companies." Butter : Butter Regulations, III. Button's Coffee-house, lion's head at: Richardson (C. ), III. By-laws : Birmingham, II. ; Knight (— ), I. ; Local Government Board, I. ; London County Council {By-laws), II. ; Lumley, I. ; Mackenzie, I., III. ; Melbourne, I. ; Metropolitan Board of Works, I., III. See also " Buildin" and Building Construction." c. Cabs. See " Locomotion." Caisson Disease. See " Public health (Diseases)." Calcutta, City of: Calcutta, I., II., III. Calendars. See " Directories, etc." California, Revenue laws : California, II. ; Teggart, I. Cajiberwell — Acts of Parliament relating to pari.sh of: CamberweU, I. Dulwich College : Blanch, II. ; Dulwich College, II. ; Young { William), I. History, topography, etc. : Allport, I. ; Blanch {W. //.), I. ; Galer, I. JMetropoiitan borough of. Reijorts and official publicatioas : Camberwell, IL, III. Unemployed Central Committee : Camherivdl, III. Union. Statement of receipts and cx[)enditure : Cantherwtll, iJ, Vestry reports and accounts : Camberwell, I. 1528G F 2 1G4: Cambridge. Gild records : Cambridge AiUiqnarian Society, III. Cambridge, University of. Examinations : Cambridge, University of, Il.(a). Camden Town. See " St. Pancras." Canada — Department of Agriculture. Reports, etc. : Canada, Il.(a). Education in : Education (Secondary Education Commission, 1895, vol. vii-). I. ; Education {Technical Education Congress, 1897), I. Montreal, city of: Montreal, I., II., III. Mount Royal, Montreal : Oimstead, I. National Transcontinental Railway : Canada, Il.(a). Canals— General works : Canals, III. ; Pratt {E. A.), Ill ; Whitworth,!. Acts relating to : Parliament (Acts), I., III. Gravesend to Stroud, proposed : Dodd (Rcdpk), II. London to Arundel Bay and Portsmouth : Cundy, I. Manchester Ship Canal : Manchester Ship Canal, I. Navigation of : Allnutt, I. ; Bradshaiv, III. Regent's Canal : Begent's Canal, II. Rickmaasworth to St. Giles -in-the-Fields, 1641 : Forde (Sir E.), III. : Roherts (Sir W.), III. Waltham Abbey to Moorfields : Whitworth, I. See also " Irrigation." Cancer : Cancer, III. ; Krebsforschung, II. ; Vienna, III. Canterbury, City of. Accounts : Canterbury, II. Cape Town, City of. Publications : Cape Town, II., Il.(a). Cardiff, County borough of — Accounts : Cardiff, ill. Records : Cardiff, II. (a). Carleton House. See '" Westminster." Carlisle, City of. List of Council, etc., and abstract of accounts : Carlisle, IT. Carpenters' Company. See " Livery Companies." Carpentry : Tredgold, I. Catalogues — Bishopsgate Institute lending library : Bishopsgate Institute, II. British Museum : Anderson (J. P.), II. ; British Museum, II., III. Guildhall iliiseum library : London, Corporation of City, I. Hammersmith public library : Hammersmith Public Libraries, II. Hopkins railway library, California : Teggart, I. Incorporated Law Society's library : Law Society, I. Institute of Civil Engineers library : Civil Engineers, I. London antiquities, engravings, maps, etc. : Crace, I. ; Smith (C. E.), I, Wilson (J. H.),l. St. Martin-in-the-Fields' library: Mason (T.), I. St. Paul's Cathedral library : St. Paul's Cathedral, I. South Kensington loan collection of scientific apparatus : South Ken- sington, I. Westmiaster records : Smith (John E.), I. Cattle — Diseases. See " Public Health." Markets. See " Markets." Slaughtering of. See " Slaughterhoi^es." Cement. See " Building and Building Construction." Cemeteries. See " Burial." Census — Berlin: Berlin, I., II., Il.(a). Budapest: Budapest, I., Il.(a). ; Census, I. France : France, Ministlre du Commerce, etc. (Direction du Travail), Il.(a). Great Britain : Census, I., II. ; Sanders (W.), II. ; Welton, I. Italy, 1901 : Italy, II. 165 Census — continued. London: London, Corporation of (Report on City Day Census, ISSl) I. ; London, Corporation of [Ten years' growth, 1S91), I.; London County Council (Census), II. ; Statistical Society (Journal, vol. l.vv.). III. See also "Great Britain," above. New South Wales : Census, I. Paris and Department of the Seine : Census, I. Pest, 1870 : Ce7isus, I. Vienna : Vienna, I. Ceremoxies. See " London (Ceremonies)." Chamber op Commerce. See " London Chamber of Commerce." Chaxcerv, Inns of. See '"Inns of Court and Chancery." Chantrey Trust : Chanirey Trust, II. (a). Chapels. See '" Churches and Chapels." Charing Cross and Neighbourhood. See " Westmiaster." Charing Cross Railway Station. Fall of roof : Charing Cross Railway Station. III. Charing Cross and Victoria Embankment Approach Bill : Charing Cross, I. Charities — General works : Barrows, II. ; Brooks (J. G.), II. ; Burdeit (Sir Henry Charles), II., Il.(a) ; Charities, I., II., III. ; Labouring classes. III. ; Loch (C. S.), I., II. ; Lubbock, I. History of philanthropy : Gray (B. K.), III. Hospitals. See '" Hospitals." Law of : Bristowe, I., II. ; Finlason, I. London— Generally : Archer (Thomas), II.; Bosanquet (C. B. P.), Il.(a) ; Brougham (//.), II. (a) ; Charities, Il.(a) ; Fry (H.), II. (a) ; Greenwood (Jame-s), III; Hawksley (Thomas), II.(a) ; Highmore (A.), I., II. ; London Parochial Charities, II. ; Loiv, I. London — Parishes and districts — Chelsea, in : Chelsea, Vestry, II., II.{a). Clerkenwell, in : Pascall, I. Devonshire House monthly meeting: Devonshire House monthly meet- in;/, II. Fulham, in: Baker (B. G ), I. ; Fulliam, I. Hammersmith : Hammersmith, parish of, II. Hoxton Orphan Working School: Orphan Working School, III. Merchant Taylors Company : Clode, I. St. Alphege parish, Greenwich, in: Kimbell, I. St. Clement Danes : St. Clement Danes, III. St. Leonard, Shoreditch : Ware, I. St. Pancras : Wiswoidd, I. Westminster : Westminster, I. See also topographical section under names of various districts. New South Wales, in : New South Wales (Report on old age pensions), IL See also " Pauperism." Charlton. See " Greenwich." Charterhouse: Bearcroft, I.; Charterhouse, I., II.; Eardley-Wilmot, Il.(ffl); Hendriks (L.), II. ; Heme (S.), II. Charters of London. See " London." Chelsea — Acts of Parliament relating to parish : Chelsea, I. Botanic Garden: Chelsea Physic Garden, III.; Field (11.), II. Charities : Chelsea, vcitry, II., II. (fi). Church: Davies (Randall), ll.(a). General history, tojiograjjhy, etc. : Beaver (Alfred), II. ; Bcsant (Fascina- tion of Lowion), II. ; Bluia,ll.,lll.; Bryan (G.) ll.(a),; Burt (J.), IL ; Faulkner, I. ; .Johnson (L. P.), II. ; U Estrangr, I. Guardiaas. Abstract of accounts : Chelsea Guardians, HI. Knights bridge : Davia (II. G.), 1. 166 Chelsea — continued. Metropolitan Borough of. Reports, etc : Chelsea, Metropolitan Borough of, II., III. Royal Military Asylum : Chelsea, II. Vestry. Reports and accounts : Chelsea, I., III. Chemistry — General works: Dwpri, I. ; Gri/fin, I. ; Groves, I. ; Eoscoe {Sir H. E.), L Analysis : Allen {A. H.), I., II. ; Analyst, I. ; Blair {A. A.), Il.(a) ; Clowes, II. ; Fresenius, I. ; Sutton, I. See also " Gas (Analysis)" ; " Water (Analysis)." Dictionaries, pharmacopa^ia, etc. : Great Ormond-street Hospital, Il.(a) ; Sqtiire (Peter), I. ; Watts, I. Electro-chemistry : Gore, I. Engineering : Phillips {H. Joshua), I. ; Stillman, I. Essential oils and artificial perfumes : Parry [Ernest J.), I. Foods : Bell, I. ; BUjthc, II. Indiarubber : Weher [Carlo 0.), II. Lubrication and lubricants : Archhutt, II. Periodicals : Chemical Industry Society's Jotirnal, I. ; Chemical News, I. See also " Bacteriology." Cheshire County Council. Report of medical officer : Cheshire, III. Chester, City of. Abstract of accounts : Chester, II. Chesterfield, Borough of. Records : Chesterfield, II. (a). Chicago. See " United States of America." Children — Blind, deaf and dumb : Blind, deaf and dumb. III. Clothing of : Paris [Conseil municipal — Rapports et Doctwients, 1903), III. Creches or day nurseries : Huddersfleld, III. ; London County Council [Public Control), III. Defective and epileptic : Defective children. III. Education of. ^S'ee " Education." Employment of : Children, employment of, ll.(a), III. ; Cooper [A. A.), Il.(a) ; London County Council [Public Control), II. ; School children, Il.(a). Feeding of : Bayley (E.), II. (a) ; Children, medical inspection. III. ; Children, underfed. III. ; Education [Provision of meeds). III. ; London Schools Dinner Association, II. ; Physical Deterioration, Il.(a). Infant life protection : Barrows, II. ; Infant life jn-otection. III. ; London County Council [Public Control), III, ; Metropolitan Board of Works, I. Law relating to : Eversley, I. Medical inspection of : Children, medical inspection. 111. ; Dawson [W. II), [The German Workman), III.; Dundee Social Union, III. Mortality: Heath [H. L.), III. ; Huddersfidd, III. ; Newman [G.), III. See also " Vital Statistics." Neglect of, in London : Greenwood [James), III. Physical and mental condition, inquiry into : Statistical Society [Journal vols. Ivi., lix.). III. School for mothers: Bunting [E. M.), III. Chile. Publications : Chile, III. Chiswick, Urban District Council of. Reports : Chiswick, III. Cholera. See " Public Health (Diseases)." Christchurch (Southwark) parish. See " Southwark." Christchurch (Spitalfields) parish. See " Stepney." Christ's Hospital — Charities, I. ; Charter, I. ; Christ's Hospital, II. ; Howes [John), III. ; Lon- don, Corporation of [Meinoranda),!.; Pearce[E. H.), 11. ; Peek [Sir H. W)., I. ; Trollope, 1. Chbistiania : Amneus, II. ; Christiania, II., III. Church Staves : Thorpe, I. 167 Churches axd chapels in London — General history and topography: Clarke {11. 11'.), II.; DanieU, II.; God- win (G.), I. ; White (J. G.), I. Ancient meeting houses : Pike (Godjrey, H.), II. Burial grounds. See " Burial." Catalogue of tombs in : Fisher (Payne), III. Church staves : Thorpe, I. Devonshire House monthly meeting : Devonshire House montldy meeting, II. Orange-street chapel, Leicester Fields : Free (R. W.), III. Parochial history: Hennessy, II.; Nervcourt, II. Registers : Hallcn (A. W. C), III. ; Harleian Society, III. ; Huguenot Society, III ; Phillimore, III. Religious influences in London: Booth {Life and labour, third series), H.; Mudie-Smith, III. Removal of City churches to places "where church accommodation is required : Hume, I. St. Paul's Cathedral. See that title. Temple See " Inns of Court." Tithes. See " Tithes." Westminster Abbey. See " Westminster." See also topographical section under "London" and names of various districts, Chubchyards. See " Burial." City Commissioners of Sewers. See " Commissioners of Sewers." City Court of Sewers : City Court, I. City of London. See " London (City of)." Civil Engineers, Institution of: Civil Engineers, I., II., III. Clapham. See " Wandsworth." Clapham Common. See " Parks and Open Spaces." Clapton. See " Hackney." Cleansing of Persons Act, 1897 : London County Council {Public Health), III. Clement's Inn. See " Inns of Court and Chancery." Cleopatra's Needle : Alexander, I. ; Civil Engineers, I. ; Wilson {Erasmus), 1. Clebkenwell. See " Finsbury." Cliffobd's Inn. See " Inns of Chancery." Climate of London. See " Meteorology." Clothing of Children. See " Children." Clothworkers' Company. See " Livery Companies." Coal — Combustion of, and prevention of smoke. See " Smoke prevention and abatement." Duties on: Bridges, I.; Bunning, I.; Kintrea, II.{a) ; Metropolitan Board of Works {Coal and Wine duties), I. Trade of London : Capper, I. ; London Chamber of Commerce, I. ; Coal trade, II. (a). Cobden, Richard — Life of : Cooke {F. E.), I. ; Gowing, I. ; Morley, I. Speeches and political ^\Titings : Cobden, I. Coffee Houses. See " Inns, etc." Colchester — Oath book: Benham {W. G.), III. Reports, ijublications, etc., of borough of: Colchester, II., II. (a). Cold Storage. See " Refrigeration." College of Physicians. Collection of Acts of Parliament, Charters, etc. : Merrett, III. College of Pbeceptob.s. Calendars : Preceptors, I., III. Cologne, City of. Reports, etc. : Cologne, Il.(a). Colonies — Problems of Greater Britain : Dilke, I. (See o/w " Australasia," " Africa, South," "Canada," "India" CoiXMiiiA (TjNiTKK Statkh) . Parks in: United States Senate Ccinntitlee on Colmnbiu, 111. 168 Commerce. See " Trade." COMJIISSIONEES OF SeWERS — City: City Commissioners, I., II., II. (a). Metropolitan. See " Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers." Powers and duties : City Commissioners, II. ; Drainage, I. See also " Local Government." Surrey and Kent. Reports relating to sewers : Surrey and Kent, I. Tower Hamlets : Tower Hamlets, I. Westminster : Westminster, I. Common Law procedure. See " Law." Common Lodging Houses : City Commissioners, I. ; Health, General Board of, Il.(a). ; Knight, I. ; London County Council (Common lodging houses), II. Commons and Waste Lands : Commons, I. ; Commons and Footpaths Preser- vation Society, III. ; Commons Preservation, I. ; Cooke (G. IF.), I. ; Elton, I. ; Hunter {Sir R.), I. ; Scrutton, I. ; Shaw-Lefevre, II. ; Statistical Society {Journal, vol. Ix.), III. See also " Parks and Open Spaces." Communications — Bridges. -See " Bridges." Ferries. See " Ferries." London, in, (north and south) : Bramwell, III. ; Thames {Crossings), I. Tunnels, ^ee "Tunnels." See also " Locomotion." Companies, joint stock. Law and practice : Price, I. ; Buckley, I. ;' Healey (C. E. H. C), 11. ; Shelf ord (Leonard), I. Compensation — Law and practice : Boyle (E.)and T. Waghorn, Il.(a), III. ; Browne (J. H. B.), II., III. ; Cripps (C. A.), I. ; Freeman, I. ; Ingram, I. ; Lloyd (Eyre), I. Trade claims : Harper (E. J.), I. Compressed-air Illness, ^ee " Public health (Diseases)." Concrete : Marsh (C. F.), II. (a.) ; Metropolitan Board of Works (Building Act), I, Conflagrations. See " Fires." Congo State : Descamps (E.), III. Conservancy Boards. ^See " Rivers." Consolidated Clauses Acts : Bigq, I- ; Collier, 1. ; Parliament (Acts — Col- lections on special subjects), I. Contagious diseases. See "Public health (Diseases)." Contracts — Law of: Addison, I. ; Chiity (Joseph), I. ; Chitly (Joseph), junior, Il.(a) ; Emden, I. ; Fry (Sir E.), I. ; Hudson, I. Rates of wages and hours of laboiu-. See " Labour." Specific iierformance of : Fry (Sir E.), I. Theatres and Music-halls relating to : Geary, I. Conveyancing and transfer of land : Ambrose, II. ; Cherry and Marigold, Il.(a) ; Crabb, I. ; Davidson, I. ; Hayes, I. ; Key, I.. II. (a) ; Prideaux, I., Il.(a) ; Rubinstein, II. ; Torrens, I. ; Tyssen, I. ; Wolstcnholme, I. Cooper's company. ^See " Livery Companies." Copenhagen. Reports, etc.: Copenhagen, II., II. (a), III. Copyholds : Rouse, I. ; Watkins, I. Corn laws. See " Trade (Free trade and protection)." Coronation of King Edward VII. Dinner to the poor: Islington, Metro- politan borough of. III. ; London (Mansion House Committee), II. Coronation records: Legg (L. G. IF.), II. Coroners — Law relating to : Herbert (T. A.), I. ; Jervis, I. ; Melsheimer, I. ; Taylor (S.), II. Report and returns : London County Council (Coroners), 11. Corporate property. *S'ee " Land and property." Corporations — Compulsory purchase of undertakings cf companies by : Brcwne (J. H. B.), 1G9 Corporations — continued. Corporation duty: Hewitt, I. ; Jackson (M. S.), Corporation securities : Moody, II. Law of : Brice, I. ; Grant, I. Municipal. See " Local govei-nment." Costs — Law. See " Law " Parliamentary: Webster (E.), I. Cottage Homes : Cottage Homes, II. CorXTIES (EXGLAXD AND WaLES) — Census returns : Census, I, II. Return of area and population : Counties, I. See also " Local Government," and Xames of Counties. County boroughs. See " Boroughs." CouxTY CouxciLS. See " Local Government." County rates and expenditure : County rates. III. Courts of Justice. See " Law (Courts)." CoVENT-GARDEN ^Iarket : Covent-gardcn, XL Co VENT-GARDEN Theatre : Wyndham, III. Coventry, City of. Abstract of accounts : Coventry, I., II. Creches : Huddersfield, III. ; London County Council {Public Control), III. Cremation. See " Burial." Crime — General works: Howe (F. C), III; Lydston, III. ; Tailack, I. Criminal law : Vincent (C. E. H.), I. Leeds, in : Leeds, III. Medical jurisprudence : Taylor {A. S.), II. Prostitution. See tlmt title. Statistics in Westminster : Statistical Society {Journal . . . Vol. /. ), III. See also " Law," " Police." Criminal courts of metropolis: Statistical Society {Journal . . . \'ol. IX.), III. Crosby Hall and place: Blackburn {E. L.), I.; Carlos, III.; Crosby Hall, II., III. ; Goss {C. W. F.), Ill ; Hattimon {H. J.), II. ; Mackenzie {Rev. C), II. Crown Lands : Crown lands, I. ; Crown leases, Il.(a) ; Woods, Commissioners of, I. Croydon, County borough of. Abstract of accounts: Croydon, L, II. Croydon Union. Statement of accounts : Croydon, II. Currency. See " Finance." Customary law of boroughs : Selden Society, III. Customs. See "Taxation and rating." Cutlers' Company. See " Livery companies." Cuyler (Theodore). Memorials of : Cuyler, I. D. Dalmatia : Baedeker {Austria), II. Dangerous trades. See " Trades, dangerous and noxious." Darwen, Borough of. Abstract of accounts : Darwen, II. Day Nurseries : Huddersfield, III. ; London County Council {Public Control), III. Deaf : Blind, III. Death duties. See " Taxation and Rating." Dkaths. Sie " Vital Statistics." Defective children : (Jhildren, Defective, III. Denmark — Copenhagen, City of. Copenhagen, II, II.('')i HL 170 Deptford — Acts relating to : Deptford, I. History of : Dews, I. Metropolitan borough of. Publications, etc : Deptford, II, III. Parishes of St. Nicholas and St. Paul, Acts of Parliament relating to : St, Nicholas, I. Deptford Creek bridge Arbitration : Deptford Creel-, I. Derby, County borough of. Accounts : Derby, I, II. Derbyshire County Council. Reports : Derbyshire, III. Detroit, Report of Board of Park Commissioners : Detroit, I. Devonport, County Borough of. Abstract of accounts : Devonport, II. Devonshire House Monthly Meeting. Account of property belonging to : Devonshire House Monthly Meeting, II. Dewsbury, Borough of — Abstract of Accounts : Dewsbury, II. Water regulations : Dewsbury, III. Dickens' London : Miltoun (F.), II.(«) ; Ward {H. S.), II. Dictionaries, encyclopedia, etc. — General reference books and encyclopaedia : Burdett, I. ; Cooley, I. ; Encyclo' pcedia Britannica, I., II. ; Maunder, I. Architecture : Givilt, I. Art and archteology : Mollett, I. Arts, manufactures and mines : Ure, I. Author and printer, guide for : Collins (F. H.), III. Bibliography, register of: Courtney (IF. P.), III. Biography : Hole, I. ; Lee (Sidney), II. Chemistry and allied branches of other sciences : Watts, I. Classical dictionary: Smith {Sir Wm.), III. Dates : Haydn, I. English dictionaries : Century, II. ; Chambers, I. ; Johnson, I. ; Murray I. ; Skeat, I. Foreign languages — French and English dictionary : Fleming, I. German-English dictionary: Grieb, I.; Muret- Sanders, III. Italian : Barctti, I. Latin: Lewis {C. T.) and C. Short, III. Law glossary : Tayler (Thomas), I. Technical terms in : Hall, I. Gazetteers and geographical dictionaries : Blackie, I. ; Johnston, I.; Longmans and Co., IIL; Stanford (E.), II. Heraldic : Burke, I., II. ; Fox-Davies, I. Hygiene and public health, dictionary of : Blyth, I. Legal : Lee (T.), I. ; Tomlins, I. Medical : Encyclopwdia Medica, Il.(a) ; Hoblyn, II. ; Price (John A. P.), I. ; Watson, I. Names : Century Cyclopcedia, III. Peerage and baronetage : Burke (Sir J. B.), II. Pharmacopoeia : Great Ormond-street Hospital, II. (a) ; Squire (Peter), I. Political economy : Palgrave (Robert H. I.), I. Quotations, allusions, etc. : Breicer (E. C), I. ; Harbottle, III. ; Hoyt, III. ; Roget, I. ; Swan (H.), III. Statistics : Midhall, I. Dietetics. See " Food and dietetics." Dilapidations : Gibbons, I. ; Macer, I. Diphtheria: Smith (W. R.), I. Directories, Kalendars, Year Books, etc. — Annual register: Annual Register, II, Il.(a). Auctioneers' Iiastitute directory : Auctioneers'' Institute, III. Bankers, directory of : Price (F. G. H.), I. Bedford, Cambridge, Essex, etc., directory : Pigot (James), Il.(a). Calendars issued by educational bodies. See " Education (Calendars)." 171 Directories, Kalendars, Year Books, etc. — continued. Court and City register : Court and City Register, II. Electrical trades directory : Electrician, II. (a). Hazell's Annual : Hazcll. I. Iron, steel, etc., trades directory: Rijland, II. Local government directory : Local Government Directory, I. London directories. aw Schools : Gilbert (Wm.) II. (a) ; Local Government Board, I. ; Monnington ( Walter), II. ; Poor Law, I. ; Statistical Society (Journal . . . vol. i.). III. Private schools, plea for recognition of: Richards (J. If.), II. Jlating of voluntary and board schools: London Cou7ity Council (Rating), 11. 17i Education — contimied. Schools — continued. Reformatory and industrial schooLs : Holmes [T. F.,)n. ; Hornby {F. V.), II. ; London Coujity Council {Education), II., II. (a). III. ; Reforma- tory and Industrial Schools, I., Ill; Statistical Society [Journal . . . vols, xiv., lix.), III. St. Olave's and St. John's Grammar School, Southwark : Corner, I. ; St. Olave, I. St. Paul's School: Gardiner {R. B.), III. Technical. See "Technical Instruction," below. University schools. See " University colleges and schools," below. Voluntary schools : Education, III. Westminster School : Forshall, 11. Switzerland : Adams (Sir F. 0.), I. ; Switzerland, II. Technical : Beaumont, I. ; Birminglmm, II. ; Civil Engineers [Engineering education), I. ; King's Weigh House, II. ; London County Council [Educa- tion), III. ; MacLaren, I. ; Montague, I. ; New South Wales [Department of Public Instruction), II. ; St. Bride Foundation histitute. III. ; Smith [H. L.), I ; South Western Polytechnic, II. ; United States (Labour Depart- ment, Annual reports), I. ; Wood [Sir H. T.), I. Training colleges, return : Education, III. University colleges and schools — Calendars. See "Calendars," above. Examination papers. See " Examination papers," above. University College, London : London, University College, II. University of London : Gr&sham University Commission, III. ; London, University of, II. ; London, University Gazette, II. Westminster, in: Statistical Society [Journal . . . vol. i.), III. Elections : Eraser (Hugh) III. ; Hunt (John), II. ; Lushington, I. ; Mackenzie (if. 31.) and Lushington, I., III. ; Maloney (Michael) II.|; Parker (F. R.),J.., 11. ; Rogers [F. N.), I.; Seager, l.,ll.; Statistical Society [Journal . . . vol. zliv.), III. Electricity — General -works : Ayrton, 1. ; Civil Engineers, II. ; Dawson (P.), II. (a) ; Electrician, II. (a) ; Electricity, I., II., III. ; Garcke, I., II ; Hospitaller, 1. ; Verity, I. Analysis of accounts of supply undertakings : London County Council (Elec- tricity), II. Applications of : Civil Engineers, 1. Belgium, siipply in : Breeds (E.), III. Electric and Gas Exhibition, 1882-1883 : Electric and Gas Exhibition, I. Electric lighting — Acts relating to : Parliament [Acts — Collections on special subjects), I. Chicago streets : Mikkelsen, I. Cost statistics of public electric lighting : American Statistical Associa- tion, III. Fittings : Urquhart, 1. Installations and management of accumulators : Salomons, I. Law relating to : Bower, I. ; Duckworth, II., III. ; Will (J. S.), III. Paris, in : Paris (Rapports et documents). III. Photometry: Palazi (A.), I.; Swinburne, I. Private and municipal ownership : United States (Labour Department ; of), II. Public lighting : Dibdin, II. Rating of : Bond, II. Reports, etc., relating to : Electricity , Lighting by , I.; Electric Lighting Bill, I. ; Metropolitan Board of Works [Lighting), I. Return of undertakings by municipal corporations : Municipal corpora- tions [Reproductive tindertakings), I. Electric railways. See " Railways." Electro-chemistry : Gore, I. Germany, undertakings in : Wuttke, III. Law relating to : Bower,!.; Duckworth, 11., 111. ; Will (J. S.), 111. 175 Electricity — continued. ' ' London County Council (Electric Supplj' Bill), 1906 : Electric Supply, III Measurement : Palazi, I. ; Swinburne, I. Telegraph. See "Telegraph." Traction: Reckenzaun, I. ; Rider (J. //.), II. Eltham Palace : Buckler, II. Ely-place. Act of Parliament relating to : Ely-place, I. Embaxkjiexts, Thames : Charing Cro.ss, I. ; Civil Engineers, I. ; Cruden, I. , Dugdale, III. ; H ungerford-bridge, I. ; London {Bridges, etc.), II. ; London; Corporation of (Thame-i), II. ; Metropolitan Board of Works (Improvements), I., III. ; Roberts(C. H.), I. ; Thames river, I., III. ; Trench {Sir F. W.), I., II. ; Wood{T. L.),I. Employers' Liability Act : Ruegg {A. //.), I., II. Employment agencies: Parts {Conseil municipal — Rapports et Documents, 1905), in. Employment of children. See " Children." Employ'ment of women. See " Women." Employ'ment, Lack of. See " Labour." Enfranchisements and Commutations. See " Land and property." Engineering — General works : Atchley, I. ; Baker {31. N.), III. ; Boulnois, I. ; Clark {D. K.), I. II. ; Clau'del (./.), I. ; Dawson (P.), II. (a) ; Denton, I. ; Engi- neering, II. ; Fairbairn, I. ; Humber, I. ; Latfiam, (B.), I. ; Mackrow, I. ; Moseley, I. Chemistry : Phillips {H. Joshua), I. ; Stillman I. Coded lists. Rolled sections for constructional iron and steel tram rails ; Atkinson (Robert), II. (a). Duties and liabiUtie-; of engineers : Glen, I. ; Hudson, I. Education in : Civil Engineers, I. Engineering Standards Committee : Engineering Standards Committee, III. Gas engineering. See " Gas." Hydraulics. See " Water." Iron and steel construction. Rustless coatings : Wood (M. P.), III. Lubrication and lubricants : Archbutt, II. Marine encjineering : Maw, I. Memoir of J. G. Appold : Smee (A.), III. Publicatioas of societies, etc. : Civil Engineers, I., II., Ill ; Engineers, III. Municipal and County Engineers, I. Specifications. See " Specifications." Engines. See " Machinery." English history. See " History." Epidemics. See " Public Health (Diseases)." Epileptics : Barrows, II. ; Children, defective and epileptic. III. Epizootic lymphangitis: Pallin (W. A.), II. Epping Forest. See " Parks and open spaces." ^ppiNG and Ongar Highway Trust : Winstone (B.), II. (a). Equity. See " Law." Establishment of Council : London County Council (Establishment), II. Estates. Sec " Property." Eton. Proposal for rebuilding town at : Kyle, I. Etymology — Dictionaries. See " Dictionaries." Words and places : Taylor (Isaac), If. Evelyn, John. Diary and correspondence: Citizen (i.e., Daniel Defoe), III.; Evelyn, II. Evidence, Law of : Archhold, I. ; Roscoe, I. ; Taylor (J. P.), I. Executors, Law of: WUUavis (Sir E. V.), I. Exeter, City. Abstract of accounts : Exeter, I., II. Explosions : London County Council (Public Control), II. ; Metropolitan Board, of Works, I. ; Regenf s-park, I. ; Schwartz (von), II. Explosives : Explosive substances, I. ; Majendie (Sir V. D.), I , II. ; Mctropolit m Board of Work-f, I. 176 F. Factories, workshops and laundries — General works : Clark {Allan), II. (a) ; Hand (./. E.), II. Effects of educational provisions of Factories Act : Factories Act, II. (a). History of factory movement: Alfred, II. {a); Hutchins (B. L.), II. Law relating to : Abraham and Davies, II., III. ; Redgrave, I., II. New South Wales, in : New South Wales, I. Review of literature : Factories, III. Tabulation of laws of European countries relating to : Brooke (Emma), II. Fairmount Park Commissioners. Annual reports : Fairmount Park, I. Fairs — General works : Keen (F. N.), II. (a); Walford (Cornelius), II. Bartholomew fair : Morley (//.), I. ; Normanus, I. Law relating to : Caches, II. List of, within ten miles of London in 1817 : Police, Metropolitan, II. Old London showmen and fairs : Frost (T.), III. -See also " Markets." Farhly budgets : Family Budgets, II. Farming. See " Agriculture." Feeble minded : Barrows, II. ; Children, Defective and epileptic. III. Feeding of school children: Bayley (E.), Il.(a) ; Children, medical inspec- tion, III. ; Children, underfed. III. ; Education {Provision of Meals), III. ; London Schools Dinner Association, II. ; Physical deterioration, II. (a). Fences. See " Boundaries and Fences." Fens. See " Marshes and fens." Ferries — Law relating to : Coulson, I. Steam ferry between Wapping and Rotherhithe : Civil -Engineers, I. Woolwich: London County Council [Bridges, etc.), II. Feu-dtjties : CartmeU {J. A.), II. ; Vindex, II. Fevers. See " Public Health (Diseases)." Finance— General and reference books : Accounts, II. ; Bithell, II. ; Burdett, I. ; Cob- den, I. ; Farrer, I. ; Fenn, I. ; Giffen, I. ; Inland Revenue, I. ; London County Council {Finances), II. Accountants : Accountants, II. Accounts of local authorities : See place names. Annuities and reversionary payments : Jones {David), I. Banking. See " Banking." Bills of exchange, promissory notes, bank notes and checks, law of : Byles, I. Bi-metallism : Playfair, I. Corporation duty : Hewitt, I. ; Jackson, I. Corporation securities : Moody, II. County rates and expenditure bill : County rates. III. Currency: Shaiv (IF. ^4.), I. Customs and Inland Revenue Act, 1885 : Hewitt, I. Death duties : CartmeU {J. A.), II. ; Vindex, 11. France, in : Cadoux, II. Greece, finances of : Tricoupis, I. Income tax. t, 1. Parliamentary : May, I., III. Superior Courts at Westminster : Lush, I. Supreme Court of Judicature: Burney, I. ; Charley, I. ; Snow (Thomas), II. ; Stringer, II. Principal and surety : Theobald, I. Public health. See " Public health." Public meetings: Blackwell (G.), JI, Rating. See " Taxation." Registering judgments, decrees, etc. : Pask, I. Reports, etc., of cases : Adolphus and Ellis, 1. : Barnewell (B. V.), 1. ; Beavan, 'i.;Best, I.; Bingham, 1.; Brandon (Woodthorpe), II. (a); Campbell, I.; Cooper, 1.; Craig, L ; Durnfmd, I. ; Ellis (T. F.), I. ; Fisher (B. A.), I. ; De Gex, I. ; Hare (Thomas), 1. ; Harrison (B. T.), I. ; Hartison (S. B.), J. ; Huilstonc, I. ; Jacob (E.), I. ; Johnson (H. B. V.), I. ; Keen, 1. ; Laio Beports, II. ; Macnaghton, I. ; Manning (James), 1. ;J/eeson, 1. ; Meiivale, 1. ; Mews, I. ; Mylne (J. W.), I. ; Phillips (Thoviai J.), I. ; Beferees, Court of, 11. ; Boscoe (E. S.),\. ; BusseU (J aims), 1. ; Simons, 1. ; Smale, 1. ; SwanUon, I. ; Taunton,!. ; Tudor,!. ; Turner (George), I. ; Vesey, 1. ; White (F. T.), 1. ; Wright (Sidney), 11. ; Younge, I. Select pleas in manorial and seignorial courts : Selden Society, II. (a). Sewers and drains : Callis, I. ; Keane, I. ; Macmorran (A.), II. (a). 111. Sheriff and Execution law: Mathei (Philip E.), II. ; Watson (W. IL), 1. Slander : Odgers, 1. Small Holdings: Clarke (S. W.), III. Statutes. See " Statutes." Summary convictions: Paley (W.), 1. Summary Jurisdiction Acts : Gill (A. E.), and C. G. Douglas,!!. ; Glen(W. C), I. Supreme Court, rules of: Chalmers, II. Supreme Covirt of Judicature Acts. ^S'ee "Judicature Acts" above. Taxation. See " Taxation." 193 Law — continued. Theatres and music halls : Geary, I. Thames river : Pitt-Letcis, III. Torts: Addison, I. ; Clerk (J. F.) and W. II. B. Lindsell, II. (a). Tramwaj-s and light railways : Brice (Seward), IT. (a) ; Keen (F. X.), III. ; Robertson (G. S.), II. Trusts and trustees : Lewin, I. Vendor and purchaser: Dart, I.; Williams [T. C), III. Water. See " Water supply." Waters, sea, tidal and iiiland : Coulson, I. Weights and Measures. See " Weights and Measures." Wills : Hawkins, T. ; Jarman, I. Law Society {Incorporated). Catalogue of books in library : Boose, I. Lea River. See " Rivers." Lead poisoning. Reports on: Local Government Boaid, T., II., II. (a). Leaiungton, Borough of. Abstract of accounts: Leamington, III. Leamington Exhibition, Journal of: Leamington, I. Leathersellers, Company of. See " Livery Companies." , Lee. See " Lswisham, Metropolitan borough of." Lee River. See " Rivers." Lee Valley Drainage Comiussion : Xee Valley, III. Leeds, City and Borough of — Accounts : Leeds, I., II. Reports, etc : Leeds, I., III. Leglslation — Court of Referees — Cases decided by : Referees, I., II. Practice : Cli/Jord and Stephen, I. ; Will, I. Parliamentary standing orders : Metropolitan Board of Works, I. Practical legislation: Tlning, II. Private bill legislation : Allan {C. E.), II. {a) ; Cli/Jord, I. ; Dodd (Cyril), II ; Legislation, II. (a) -,8 met hurst, 1. ; Statistical Society (Journal, vol. Ixix), III. ; Stevenson, I. ; Wheeler, I. Statutes. See " Statutes." Leicester, County Borough of — Accounts : Leicester, I., II. Official puVjlications : Leicester, II., III. Public works of : Municipal and County Engineers, I. Records of: T^eicester, II., III. Leicester-square. Sec "Westminster, City of." Leith, borough of. Annual accounts: Leith, I. Lettering, manual of: Strange (E. F.), II. Lewis HAM — Acts of Parliament relating to parish: Lewisham, I. District Board. Repoits and accounts : Lewisham, I. Lee parish — Acts of Parliament relating to: Lee (Parish),!. History: Jlart (F. IL), II. Jlctropolitan borough council. Reports, etc.: Lewislmm, III. Union. Reports of Board of Guardians : Lewislmm, III. Leyton, Great House. London, Committee foi the Survey, II. Libel and slander, law of : Odgers, I. Libraries. Sec also " Catalogues." l^ritish Museum : Anderson (J. P.), II.; British Museum, II., III. France, in: Paris (Conseil vumicipal — Rapports et Documents, 190'i), III. Public and free libraries : Greenwood (Thomas), II. (a) ; Statistical Society (Journal, vol. xxxiii.). III. Returns relating to : London County Council (Baths and Washhouses, etc.), II. Stoke Newington public libraries committee report: Stoke Newington, L Licensing Acts. See " Drink, temperance, etc." Ib28(; O 194 Light — Electric lighting, ^ee " Electricity." Gas, See "Gas." Paper on increasing daylight in London: Maceione, I. Paris, methods of lighting in : Marechal, I. Photometry: Dibden I. ; Palazi, I. Reports on lighting: Metiopolitan Board of \Voil:s {Lighting), 1. Rights of light: Cox (H.), I. ; Holden, I. Light Railways. See " Railways." Lightermen. See " Watermen and Lightermen." Lighthouses: Englishman, 111. ; Redman {J. B.), 1. Ltlle. See " France." LiMEHOUSE, See " Stepney." Lijiitations, Statutes of : Darhy, 1. Lincoln, city of — Annual accounts: Lincoln, I. Records : Ross {John), II. Lincoln's inn. See " Inns of Court.' Liquor traffic. See " Drink, temperance, etc." Literature, periodical. See " Periodical literature." Liverpool, city of — Buildmg regulations : Goldstraw, I. Police establishment and state of crime : Liverpool, IT. Records of : Liverpool, II. Reports, etc. : Liverpool, I., III. Livery Cojipanies, London — General works : Arundell, II.; Blakesley {G. H.), III.; Cheeseivrigld, III.; CUy Livery Companies, III.; Gilbert, I.; Hazlitt, I.; Herbert (IF.), I.; Irish Society, I. ; Livery Companies, II. ; London City Livery Companies, T. ; Norman (P.), II. Barbers' : Lambert, {G.), 1. ; Young {Sidney), 1. Butchers' : Daw, II. Blacksmiths' : Noble {T. C), III. Carpenters' : Jupp, 11. Clothworkers' : Cloth Workers^ Company, IT. Coopers' : Firth {J. F.), III. Cutlers' : Cheeseivright, III. Founders' : Williams (IF. M.), I.,IIL Gardeners' : Welch (C), III. Girdlers' : Smythe {W. D.), III. Gold and silver wyre-drawers' : Steivart, 1. Grocers': Grocers'' Company, II.; Heath, I. Homers' : British Archaeological Association, Il.(a). Ironmongers' : Ironmongers, I., IT.(«) ; Nicholl, I. ; Noble {T. C), III. Leathersellers' : Black {William H.), II.(«). Mercers' : Watney, I. :\Ierchant Taylors' : Clode, I., II. Needlemakers' : Needlemakers, II. Pewterers' : Welch {Charles), II. Plumbers' : Plumbers' Company, II. Poulters' : Poidters, Company of. III. Saddlers' : Saddlers, Company of. III. Scriveners' : So iveners'' Company, II. Skinners' : Herbert (W.), I. ; Skinners' Company, I. ; Wadmore (J. F.), I., II. Tallow chandlers' : Tallow Chandlers, II. Vintners' : Milboiirn, I. Watermen and Lightermen : Humpherus, I. ; Watermen, I. See also "Gilds." Lloyd's Register of British and foreign shipping : Lloyd's, I. Loans. See " Finance." 195 Local GOVERyjiExx — General works : Arminjon,ll.{a); Ashley (Percy), lU.; BaJxr (M. X.), 111. ; Baxter, I.; Bertdini, II.; Billings, II.; Black Book, ll.(a) ; Bradfoid {Gamaliel), II. ; Chadwick (Sir E.), Il.(a) ; Dolman, II. ; Eaton (D. B.), III. ; Fairlie, II. ; Folder, II. ; Godkin, I. ; Gomnte, I. ; Goodnow, I., II., II. (a); Graham, II. : Ilorsfall (T. C), II. ; Hoice (F. C), III. ; Jenks, I. ; Justice of the Peace, 11. ; Lauder (A. E.), III.; Leivis (W. D.), I.; Local Govern- ment, III. ; Local Government Board, I., II. ; Loic (Sidney), ll.(a) ; Madox. I. ; Maiden, I. ; Maltbie, I. ; Montague (F. C), I ; Municipal Affairs, II. ; 3Iunicipal Corporations, I. ; Patten (S. 11'.), I. ; Pcaker (F.), III. ; Prichnrd (F. P^. T, ; Probyn, I. ; Redlich, I., II. ; S/(«if (Albert), 1. ; Sickenga (./.), II. ; Smith (Joshua Toulmin), I., II. ; Statistical Society {Journal . . . Fo/. /<7.)in.; Stephens (H.C.), I.; T'esines, I.; Fiwe (5jV J. A'. «ois. Annual report of Department of Public Works : Peoria, I. Pepys, Samuel, diary : Pepys. III. Percy, Lord (Henry), Notices of life : Simpson (i?.), I. Periodical publications. Index to : Poole, HI. See also names of publications. Perth (Western Australia). Mayor's report : Perth, T. Pest. See " Budapest." Pe^oleum : Bruyn, IT. ; Metropolitan Board of Works, I. ; Petroleum, I., ITI. ; Play fair, I. ; Redwood, I. 209 Pewterers' Company. See " Livery Companies." Philadelphia. See " United States." Philanthropy. See " Charities." Philippin-e Islands. Publications : Philippine Islands, III. Photography : National Photographic Record, IJ. (a). Photometry : Dibden, I. ; Palazi, I. See also " Light." Physical deterioration. See "Public health." Physiography: Emns (./.), L Piccadilly. Sf.e " Westminster." Pilotage : Pilotage, III. ^ee also " Navigation." Plague. See "Public Health (Diseases)." Platforji, its rise and progress : Jephson (H.), TI. Pleasure gardens — General works: Boidton, II. ; Wroth (IT.), I., III. Bagnigge Wells : Bevis, IT. Chelsea physic garden; See Chelsea." Maiylebone gardens : Marylehone Garden'^, III. ^ee also " Inns, Coffee-houses, etc," " Parks, etc." and topographical sectiom under headings of various districts. Plumbers' Company. See "Livery Companies." Plumbing : Hellyer, I. Plumstead District Board. Reports and accounts: Plumstead, I. Plymouth, County Borough of. Official publications : Plymouth, I. Police. Edinburgh, Acts relating to : Mariuick, I. ; Parliament {Acts — Police), I. Guides, manuals, etc. : Archibald (W. F. A.), I., II. (a) ; Fleming (G.), I. ; Greenicood, I. ; Snowden, I. ; Vincent {C. E. H.), I. History of : Lee ( Urn. L. M.),\l. Liverpool, in, report, on : Liverpool, IT. Metropolitan: Colqiihouii, I.; J-Jenekey {G.), II.; London Chamber oj Commerc, I. ; Maiwvarinrj (G. B.), III. ; Police, I. ; Police, Metropolitan, II., II. (a): Safford (A. H.), II; S7nith (John Price), II.; Statistical Society [Journal... vol. xiii.). III. River : Colquhoun, I, Police Courts, JIetropolitan : Police Courts, 1. Political Economy: Cohn, I.; Heivins, I.; Jevons, I.; Marshall, I.; Mill, I.; Mongredien, I. ; Palgraie (Robert H. L), I. ; Ricardo, I. ; Rogers (J. E.T.), I;. Smith (Adam), I. See also " Labour" " Sociology." Poor law. See " Pauperism and poor law," Poor rate. See " Taxation." Poplar. Acts relating to parish of Poplar : Poplar, I. Bromley St. Leonard, parish : Dunstan, I. District Board. Reports and accounts : Poplar, I. Metropolitan borough coimcil. Publications : Poplar, II., III. Millwall (Isle of Dogs) : Cowper, II. Palace of Jiromley-liy-How : London, Committee for the Survey, etc., II. Union: Poplar, I., 111. Poplar and Stepney Skk Asylum District. Report of managers : Pojilar and Stepney. II. PopuL.vriON— General works: Counties, I.; Weber, I.; Wclfon, I. Census of. See " Census." Increa,se of suburbs : Loio (S.), II. (a). London: Cotton (IF. J. R.), I. ; Statistical Society (Journal, vol. xlviii.), III. Overcrowding. See " Housing." Vital statistics. See " Vital Statistics." 210 Poet of London — General works, reports, etc.: Capper, I.; Forrow, I. ; Jordan (C. H.), 11. (a) ; Local Governynent Board {Reports on port and sayiitary survey, 1893-4), I. ; London, Corporaiion of City (Thames), II. ; London County Council {Thames and Port of London, II., III. ; London, Port of, 1., II., III.; Owen {Douglas), I. ; Struther {John), III. ; Thames river, II. ; Thames Barrage Committee, III. ; Vaughun { William), II. Acts relating to : Parliament {Acts), I., II. ; Tonnage, I. Docks — Cold storage at London and India docks : Civil Engineers {Minutes, vol, cxzix), II. Collier Docks, Isle of Dogs : Collier Docks, III. Millwall, grain appliances at: Civil Engineers {Minutes, vol. cxxv.), J. Royal Albert, demolition of wall of gallions basin : Civil Engineers {Minutes, vol. Ixzxvi), I. West India : Civil Engineers {Minutes, vol. zxxiv), I. ; Cowper {B. H.), II. History of : Cruden, I. Laws and regulations relating to : Pulling, I. Pilotage : Pilotage, III. Plan for improvement of : Eden, I. Trade : Capper, I. ; Coal Trade, II. (a) ; Colquhoun, I. ; London Chamber of Commerce, I. See also " Thames." Ports, docks and harbours— General works : Admiralty , II. ; Harcourt,I.; Local Government Board {Reports . . .on port and sanitary survey), I. ; London County Council {Thames and Port of London), III. ; Owen {Douglas), I., II.; Turnbull, I.; Vaughan {Wm.), IL, in. Birkenhead : Webster, I. Bremen, in : Bremen, III. Construction of harbours of refuge : White {John), I. France : France, TL, TI. (a). III. German shipping : Germany, III. Harbour bills (America) : Johnson {E. R.), I. Law relating to : Coulson, I. London. See " Port of London." Melbourne Harbour Trust, rej^orts : Melbourne Harbour, I. North West European harbours : Wiedenfeld {Kurt), II. Rye harbour: Rye, I. Portsmouth, county borough of. Abstracts of accounts: Portsmouth, I.. IT. Portugal. Oporto, official reports : Oporto, I. Post office Statistics : London Chamber of Commerce, I. PoTosi, Mexico. Official reports : Potosi, I. Pottery : Brongniart, I. ; Belgium, III. PouLTERs' Company. ;See" Livery Companies." Poverty. See " Pauperism." Practice, legal. See " Law." Prague. Reports and publications : Prague, I. Preceptors, College of. Calendars : Precepton, I., Hi. Preston, county borough of. Abstract of accounts : Preston, I. Reports and proceedings : Preston, I. Principal and Surety : Theobald, I. Printing trades. Women in: Macdonald {J. R.), II. 'i Prisons. Convict labour in United States : United States {Labour), I. . Howard letters and memories : Tallack, III. London, in : Generally : Greenwood {James), III. Bridewell Royal Hospital. See " Bridewell." 211 Priso>'s — continued. London, in — continued. Ci'iminal : Mai/luw, I. Fleet prison: Ashlon (John), II. ; Burn (J. S.), II ; Jessopp (A.), III. ;. Prisons, III. King's Bench and >rarshalsea : Prisons, III. • Millbant, history of : Griffiths (A.), II. ; Holford, II. Newgate : Benmt (Hon. H. G.), III. ; Gordon (Charles), II. Pentonville : Pentonville, II. Penological and preventive principles : Tallacl:, I. Prison accounts in Scotland: Ptisan, I. Reform in : Barrows, II. Select committee on, 1835 : Gads, III. Treatment of insane in : Barrows, II. Private Bill Legislation : See " Legislation." Problems of Greater Britain : Dilke, I. Promissory Notes : Byles, I. Property. See " Land." Prostitution: Greenwood, III. ; Hale (Wm.), III. ; Magdalen Hospital, I,; Phy- sician, II. (a). See also " Crune." Protection. See '' Trade (Free Trade and protection)." Pro\tdence, Rhode Island. Reports and publications : Providence, I. Prussia. See " Germany." Public Health — General works : Baker {31. N.), III. ; Bechmann, I. ; Billings [J. S), II. ; Bli/ih,I. ; Boston,!.; Boiilnois,!.; City Commissioners, ].; Duris (Thomas),. I.; Dorer,!.; Dunhill,!.; Fleming (G.),l.; Girdleston(Bev.C.),lU.; Hamcr, II.; Health, General Board of,!., II. {a); Health of Towns, I. HI.; Health of Towns Association II. (a) ; Hoivard (G.W.F.), II. (a); Jamaica, Central Board of Health, II. (a) ; Kingzett, I. ; Leamington, I. ; Local Government Board, I. ; London County Council (Public Health), II., III. ; Metropolitan Sanitary Co7nmission, I. ; Newshohne, II. ; Parent-Duchatel, I. ; Parkes (E. A.), I.^ II.; Phipps, II. (a); Play fair, I.; Bapmvnd (O.), III.; Sanitary Reform, I ; Sanitary Works, III. ; Simon (John), I., III. ; Slaney, JII. ; Smith (T. S.), II. (a) ; Stockman (F. C), II. (a) ; Sykes, I. ; Wazon, I. ; Willoughhy (E. F.),n. Adulteration. See " Adulteration." Bacteriology. See " Bacteriology." Burial. See " Burial." By-laws : Jensen (G. J. G.), IT. («) ; Knight {■ — ), I. ; Mackenzie (IK.), I., III. ;. Mackenzie (W.), and P. Handford, II. Collection of Acts relating to : Parliament (Acts), II. (a). Conference on administration of Act of 1891 : London County Council (PuUic Health), II. (a). Disease — General works, reports, etc. : Goodall, I. ; Health, General Board of, I. ;. London County Council (Public Health), II.; Smith (T. S.), II. (a); Willan, (/?.), IL Caisson-diseawj or compressed air illness : Snell, J. See also Occupations, diseases caused V)y, hclou: Cancer: Cancer, III. ; Krebsfoischung, II. ; Vienna, III. Cholera : Davis (Thomas), I. ; Health, General Boaid of, I., II. («) ; Japan, II. ; Limchotise, II. (a) ; Metropolitan Board of Works, I, ; Metropoli- tan Commissioners, I. ; Paris, 1. ; (S7. James, Westminster, II. Contagious Diseases Acts : Ikggs (T.), II. (a). ; Contagious diseases, II. (a) t' Cow-pox. See " Smallpox." bclo^v. ' Di].htheria : Smith (W. R.), I. Dibinfection : Yvert (A.), II. Enteric fever, report on outbreak in 1892": London County Council' (Public Health), JI. 212 Public Health — continued. Disense— continued. Epidemics: Creir/Jifon {CharJe-i'), 11. ; Hecker, II. Germany, in : Wzi'tkr, III. IndvTstrial. See " Occupations, diseases caused by," heloiv. Lung diseases : Raufiome, I. ; -See also " Tuberculosis," heloiv. Jlicro- organisms and disease : Klein, I. Occupations, diseases caused by, Arlidge, I. ; France, Minist^re du Commeire (Direction du Travail), II. (a) ; Oliver (Thomas), IT. ; Snell, J. Ophthalmia: Local Government Board, I. ; Stephenson (S.), I. Plague : Citizen, III. ; Gasquet, II. ; Hodges, ITS. ; Local Government Boaid, II. ; London County Council (Public Health), TI. ; Plague, II. (a) Prevention of : Health, Board of, II. [a) ; Jamaica, II. {a) ; Keane, I. • ParHn, I. ; Reeves {R. H.), II. Quarantine: Health, General Board of, I., II. («) ; Jamaica, II. (a); Plague, II. {a). Scarlet fever and relapsing fever (1869) : St. Leonard, Shoreditch, vestry of. III. Small-pox and cow-pox: Berlin, II.; Edwardes, II.; Statistical Society (Journal.. vol. xlv.). III. ; Sykes (J. F. ■/.), III. Tuberculosis: Juillerat, III.; Latham (A. C), II.; Nocard, I.; Ran- some, I. ; Tuberculosis, I., II., III. ; Vienna, III. Tj^Dhoid fever: Belfast, City of, Il.(a); Fishmongers, Til. ; Maidstone, I. Typhus in Hamburg: Reincke, I. Vaccination. *See " Vaccmation," Vice and crime problem. Lydston, III. Diseases of animals — • Cattle plague : Cattle plague, II. Contagious: Agriculture, Boaid of, II. (a); Contagious diseases, I.; Metropolitan Board of Works (Contagious Diseases), I. Epizootic Lymphangitis: Pallin (W. A.), II. Glanders : Glanders, II , III. ; London County Council (Public Control), II. Jlurrain in liorned cattle : Health, General Board of, I. Rabies : Metropolitan Board of ^¥orks (Rabies), I. Tuberculosis : Legge, I. ; Nocard, I. ; Tuberculosis (Animals), II. Drainage and sewerage. See " Drainage and sewerage." Feeding of school children. See " Children." Fly nuisance : London County Council (Public Health), HI. Food, inspection of. *S'ee " Food." Glermany : Daicson (W. H.), (The German Workman), III. See also " Germany." Ice and cold storage : London County Council (Public Health), II. (a) ; Williams (H.), II. Infant mortality: Newman (G.), III. Influence of housing on: Sykes (J. F. J.), II. Law relating to : Baker (T.), I. ; Blanch, (W. H.), I. ; Fitzgerald, I. ; Glen (A.), III. ; Glen (W. C), I. ; Keen (F. N.), III. ; Lximley, I., II. ; Macmorran, I., III. ; Monro, I. ; Roberts (James), I. ; Sanitary Laws, I. ; Thomas (E. L.), I. Midwives Roll, 1904 : Central Midivives Board, II. (a). MUk depots. See "Milk." Occupations — Hygiene, diseases and mortality of : Arlidge, I. See also "Diseases" above. Periodicals: Gas Lighting, I. ; Health, I. ; Journal of Hygiene, II. ; Sanitary Inslitute, I. ; Sanitary Record, I. Physical deterioration : Cantlie (James), III. ; Physical Detericn aiion, II. (a). Poor-law medical relief, relation of, to Public Health authorities : Potter (B.), III. Public conveniences : Metropolitan Commissioners (Public conveniences), I. 213 Public Health — continued. Public institutions, their engineering, sanitary and other appliances ; Cohjer {F.),'i. Refuse disposal : Baker {M. N.), III. ; Gnodruli (W. F.), II., II. (a) ; London County Council {Public Health), II. ; Maxwell (If. //.), I. ; Xeiv York-, III. ; Paris (Conseil viunicipal — Rapports et Documents, 1903), III. ; Waring, 1. Rural sanitary authorities, digest of statutes relating to : Sanitary authorities, III. Sanitary evolution of London : Jephson, III. School children : Children, medical inspection of. III. ; Dundee Social Union, III. ; Statistical Society [Journal, vols. Ivi., lix., Ix.), III. See also " Children." Slaughterhouses. See " Slaughterhouses." Smoke nuisance. See " Smoke." Soils and sub-soils from sanitary point of view: Woodicard (II. B.), I. Vaccination. See " Vaccination." See also "London (Aspects — social conditions)" and names of various countries. Pfblic houses. See " Drink, temperance, etc." PuELie Institutions. Engineering, sanitary and other appliances : Colyer, I. Public Offices. Proposal for erection of: Hope {A. J. B.), 111. Public Parks an'd Works (Metropolis) Bill : Parks and Works, III. Putney. See " Wandsworth." Putney-bridge. See " Bridges." Q. Quantity surveying See " Surveying." Quarantine, ^ee "Public health (Diseases.)" Queensland. See " Australasia." Quotations : See " Dictionaries, etc." E. Rabies : Metropolitan Board of Works [Babies), I. Railways — General works, etc. : Acworth, II. ; Engineering Congress, II.; Bailways, II. (a) ; Ruelle (•/. de la), II. Amalgamation of companies : Railways, I. Bridges. See " Bridges." Charing Cross railway station : Charing Cross Railway Station, III. Clauses Consolidation Acts : Collier, I. ; Parliament [Acts — Collections on special subjects), I. Compensation under. See " Compensation." Eastern counties: Parliament [Acts — Single Acts. .IS25), I. Electric — General works : Duncan, II. [a); Electricity, II.; Garckc, I. ; Reckenzaun, 1. Baker-street and Waterloo : Civil Engineers [Minutes, vol. cl.), TI. Central London : Civil Engineeis [Minutes, vols, cxxxiii., cxxxviii.), II. ; London County Council [Public Health), II. City and South London Railway: Civil Engineers [Minutes, vols, cxii., cxxiii), I. United States, in : Hedges, I. ; United States [Department of Commerce), III. Waterloo and City Railway : CivU Engineers [Minutes, vols, cxxxix, clxiv.), II. Great Central. Metropolitan terminus: Civil Engineers [Minutes, vol. cxliii.), II. Great Northern Railway: Civil Engineers [Minutes, vol. cx.),1.; Communica- tions, I. 214 Railways — continued. Law relatng to : Bigg, I. ; Hodges, I. Light railways : Bricc (Seivard), IJ. (a) ; Burdeft {Official Inie.Uigenct), I. ; Highways, II. ; Mackay {J. C), I. ; Oxley, I. ; Rohe.rlson (G. S.), II. See. also "Tramways." London and Birmingham railway: Biitton (John), II. London and South Western railway widening and improvement worlds : Civil Engineers, I. Metropolis, in : City Commissioners, I. ; Communications, I. ; Kemmann, II. ; London County Council (Railway and other schemes), II. ; Metropolitan Board of Works. I. ; Railways, III. ; T'rade, Board of. III. See also " Electric," above. Metropolitan and District Railway: Civil Engineers, (Minutes, vol. l.vxxi.), I. ; Metropolitan Railioay, I. Practice before Railway Commissioners under Regulations of Railway Acts : Broivne (J. H. B.), 1. Rates : Acicorth, II. Ratuig of : Hedley, I. Signalling at Waterloo station: Civil Engineers (Minutes, vol. cxi.), I. South Eastern Railway: South Eastern Railway Co., I. Statistics: Dovei , I.; Raihcay Statistics, II. Statutes relating to : Bigg, I., II. ; Parliament (Acts — Collections on special subjects), I., IL, III. Street railways : United States (Department of Commerce), III. Sub-arch railways : Williams (John), I. Sydenham tunnel : Civil Engineers (Minutes, vol, xlix.), I. Underground railways : Underground Railways, I. See also " Electric," above. United States railroad labour: United States (Labor), I. Workmen's trains : London County Council (Locomotion), II. ; Workmen'' s trains, I., II., III. Rainfall. >See " Meteorology." Ratcliffe, Hamlets of : Ratcliffe, I. Rating. See " Taxation and Rating." Reading, coxtnty BORoroH of. Abstracts of acco\nits : Reading, I., II. Real estate. See " Land." Reookls : Local records. 111. ; Martin (C. T.), II.; Records ll.(a), III.; Selden Society, II. (a) ; Thoyts, II. For records relating to various localities, see under names of towns, etc. Referees, coitrt of: Clifford and Stephen, 1. ; Referees I., II. ; Will, I. Reform Act, 1832 : Black Book, II. (a) ; Rogers (F. N.), I. Reform Club : Fagan, II. Reformation : Cambridge Modern History, II. (a). Reformatory schools. See " Education (Schools). " Refrigeration and cold storage: London County Council (Public Health), II. (a) ; Williams (H.), II. Refuse disposal. See " Public health.'" , Regent's canal. See " Canals." Regent's-park. See " Parks and open spaces." Registration of electors : Mackenzie (M. J. M.) and Lushington, I., III. ; Moloney, (Michael), II. ; Seager, I., II. See also "Elections." Religious life of London. See " London (Aspects)." Renaissance : Cambridge Modern History, II. Representation in parliament: Lubbock (Sir John), I.; Pailiamentary Rep- resentation, III. Restoration, the : Cambridge Modern History, III. Rhodesia. See " South Africa." Richmond — History of vestry: ^MrMC), in. Housing in borough of : Richmond, III. 215 Rio de Janeiro : Bio de Janeiro, III. Rivers — Araerlcan river and harbour bills : Johnson {E. B.), I. Bridges over. See " Bridges." Conservancy Boards : Conservancy Boards, I. Ferries. See " Ferries." Flow of water in open channels: Gordon (B.), III. Hydraulics of Parana, Uruguay and La Plata estuary : B''ry, I. Law respecting rights of way: Hunter (Sir B.), I. Lee river: Floiver, I.; Lea Bivei, I. Navigation of : AllnuU, I. ; Bnidsliaw, III. ; Edwards (S.), I. Ouze, report on proposed improvement of : Mylne {Bobert), I. Pollution of : Dover, I. ; Bivers Pollution, I., III. Soundings : Dru, I. Tables for calculation of flow of. See " Jlathematical tables." Thames. See "Thames." Tunnels under. See "Tunnels." Roads. See " Highways." Rochdale, county borough of. Reports and accounts : Boclidale, 1. Rolls liberty. Acts relating to : Bolls, I. Rome, City of. Reports, etc. Bonie, L, II. RoiiNEY MARSH. See " Marshes and Fens." RosARio DE Santa Fe : Bosario, II. RoTiiERHiTHE. See " Bermondsey." Royal UNmERSiTv of Ireland — Calendar : Boyal University, II. Examination papers, 1901 : Boyal University, TI. Royalties — ]\lineral royalties: Percy, (C. 31.), II. Russia. Reports and returns: Moscow, 1. ; Bussia, ITI. ; St. Petersburg, III. Rye Harbour : Bye, I. S. Saddlers, Cojipany of. See " Livery Companies." St. Andrew, Holborn, parish of. See " Holborn." St. Anne, Westminster, ])arish of. Sec " Westminster." St. Bartholomew's Priory and hospital: Baker (11'. .1/.), II.; Delumotte, I.; London, Corporation of City of, I., II. ; Moore (Norman), II. ; Normanus, I. ; Parker (J. //.), T. ; St. Bartholomeiv'' s Hospital, II. St. Botolph, Aldgate parish: Aldgnte, I. ; Atkinson (A. G. B.), II. St. Botolph ^VITH0UT, Aldersgate, parish : Henrty, (T. S.), II. ; Staples (John), II. St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, parish: Hallen (A. W. C), III. St. Bride, Fleet street, parish: Uaivkins, (E. C), III. St. Bride Foundation Institute. ), I. ; Valuation, III. Betterment : Bauvtann, II. Coal duties : Bunning, I. ; Improvements, 2Ieiropolis (First repoit ]rom select Committee, 184-0), I. ; KiiUrca, II. (a) ; Metropolitan Board of Works (Coal and Wine duties), I. Corporation Duty : Hewitt, I. ; Jackson (M. S.), I. Costs in Crowii Office : Short, I. County rates and expenditvire bill, 1S51 : Comity rate,',. Ill Customs tariffs, 180U-1897 : Customs, II. Death duties : Caitmell (J. A.), II. ; V index, II. Electric lighting, tramways and similar undertakings : Bond (II.). Exemptions from rates : Gri/jith, I. ; Rates, I. Fire insurance, on : Sharman, I. Free trade and protection. See " Trade." Gas and waterworks : Quick, I. Government property : Government Property, I. Ground values. See " Land values " below. History of : Dowell, I. ; Stevens (John), II. House tax : Budapest, II. ; Ellis (Arthur M.), II. Imyjort duties : Impoit duties, I. Income tax : Budapest, II. ; Charities, I. ; Dowell, I., II. ; Income tax, I., HI. ; Smissen (E. van der), II. See also " Corporation duty," above. Land tax : Bourdin, I., II. ; Chandler, II. ; Land Tax, I. ^ Land values : Beken (G.), HI. ; Fox (A. IF.), HI. ; Ground values, IJ. ; Land values, II., HI. ; London County Council (Rating), HI. ; Manchester Uni- versity, HI.; Maitin (Howard), \l. ; Toivn Holdings, I. ; Woodward (IF.), II. Large estates, taxation of : Colhurn, I. Law of rating : Castle (E. J.),l.; Lumley,!.; Mayer, I., II. (a); Ryde (E.), I. ; Ryde (W . G.), L, II., II. (a); iVe.>>uM (G.), HI. Local: Baxter (R. I).), I. ; Blunden, I. ; Boyle, I. ; Cannan,!!. : Cutter, III. : Faraday, I. ; Fogo, II. ; Freshfield, I. ; Fry (I). F.), I. ; Gaelics, II. ; Gomme, II. ; Goschen, I. ; Graham (J. C), H.; Hedley, 1. ; Holborn, I. ; Lange (M. E.), HI. ; Local Government, I. ; Local taxation, I., H., IT. («). HI. ; London Chamber of Commerce, I. ; London County Council (Local Taxation), H. ; London County Council (Rating), II., HI. ; Metropolitan Board of Works (Rating), I. ; Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers (Rales), 1. ; l\cuton, H. ; Poor Law Commissioners, II. ; Probyn, I. : Rates, HI. ; Rogers (J. E. T.), 1. ; St. Margaret, Westminoter, III. ; Sargant, I. ; Sly, 1. ; Smith (E. O.), I. ; Statistical Society (Journal, vols, xxxiii., xxxiv., Iviii., Ixi.), HI. ; Wcstall, IIL ; Wright (R. S.), H., HI. See also " Poor Puate," below. Poor rates: Gii/fith, I.; Hutchinson, T. ; Owen (Sir Hugh), T. ; Pcnfold, I.; Poor Law, I. ; Pownall, I. ; Rates (Poor Rate), HI. ; Statistical Society (Jour- nal, vol. li.). III. ; Warwick, I. 222 Taxation and Rating — continved. Real property, on : Mathews, T. ; Beal Property, I. ' Site values. See " Land values " above. Stamp, legacy and probate duties : Stamp Duties, I. United States, in : Ely (B. T.), I. ; Johnson {E. R.), I. ; New York, I. ; Play- fair, I. Valuation. See "Assessment," above. Water rates : Coidson, I. Window duties : Window duties, II. [a). Wine duties : Bunning, 1. ; Metropolitan Board of ll'o?-A-.i {Coal and Wine duties), I. Technical Education. See " Education." Telegraphy : Civil Engineers, I. ; Garcke, I. ; Preece {Sir W. H.), I. ; Telephone, I. Telephones : Bennett, I. ; Bramwell, I. ; Garcke, I. ; London, Corporation of City of {Telephones), II. (a) ; London County Council {Telephones), II. ; Tele- phones, I., III. Temple. See " Iiins of Court and Chancerj-." Temple Bar : Godivin {E. W.), I. ; Nohle (T. C), I. "Ye Marigold," "No. 1, Fleet-street: Price {F. G. H.), III. Tenant, Law of: Wood fall, I., II. Textile industry. Weaving schools : McLaren, I. Thames Riveb — Barrage. See " Port of London." Bridges. See " Bridges." Communication across : Bramwell, III. ; Thames {Crossings), I. Company of Watermen and Lightermen : Humphcrus, I. ; Watermen, T. Conservancy: Cruden, I.; Giifjiths {B.), I.; Hale {T.), XL (o) ; Parliament {Acts . . . Single Acts), I. ; Thames, i., 11., III. Docks. See " Port of London." Embankments. See " Embankments." Encroachments on, in 1771 near Durham-yard : Sharp, {G.), I. Ferries. See " Ferries." Floods : Metropolitan Board of Works {Floods), I. ; Palme) {F. I.), II. («) Thames, I., III. Jurisdiction of City Corporation over : Statistical Society {Journal, vol. iv.). HI. Law : Pitt-Lewis, III. Navigation of : Ackerley, II. ; Admiralty, North Sea pilot, II. ; AUnvJ, I. Thames, I., III. See also " Port of London." Passenger steamers : Civil Engineers {Minutes, vol. lix.), I. Police : Colquhoun, I. Pollution of: Civil Engineers {Minutes), I., II.; Dove), I.; Drainage, I.; Ma)ti)i, I. ; Metropolitan Board of Works {Sewage), I. ; Odling, T. ; Bawlinso)i {Sir Bobe)t),l. ; Bivers Pollution, I., III. ; Stevens, 1. Port of London. See " Port of London." Purifying and embanking : Walker {Ja)nes), II. Slipway for pleasure boats : Civil Engineers {Minutes, vol. Ixxii.), I. Tides and flow of river: Bazalgette {J. 11'.), I. ; Civil Engineers, I.; Metro- politan Co7nniissioners {Tides), I. Topography, etc. : Belloc iHUaire), 111. ; Besa)it iFascinatio)i of Lo)ido)i), II. (a); Birch {G.H.), IL (a); Boydell {John), II. ; Cook {C.H.), L; Cooke {W. B.), II; Dickois, T. ; Mackay {Charles), I.; Thames, I., III.; Wheatley, I. Tunnels. See "Tunnels." Watershed, Return relating to : London County Council {Thames and Port of Lo)ido)i), II. Wharf map: Eva)i5 {G. D.), III. Wreck-raising in : Civil E)igineer6 {Minutes, vol. cxiv.), I. 223 Theatres, music haixs, etc. — C4eneial works on : Metropolitan Boaid of Worku (Theatres), I. ; Pans (Conseil municipal — Rapports et Documents, 1903), III. ; Theatres, I. Amusements of old London : Boulton, II. Brunswick theatre, AVellclose-square : Smith (G. C), II. Construction of : Gosset, I. ; Sachs, I. Covent Garden : Wyndhani, III. Druiy-lane theatre: Wyatt (B.), II. Fires in: British Fire Prevention Committee, II. ; Fire, I. ; Fires, I. ; Folsch, II. [a) ; Metropolitan Boa)d of Works [Fires), I. ; Sachs, I. ; Trelat, I. History : Baker [H. B.), II. ; Braylcy, II. («) ; Ordish, I. ; Oulton (IF. C), II. ; Williams [M.), I. Law of : Geary, I. Managers' handbook : Hanison (W.), I. Paris, in : Daly, I. Return of : London County Council (Theaties), II. Theatrical licences and regulations : Theatrical Licenses and Regulations, III. Thirty Years War: Cambridge Modern History, IJI. Timber : New South Wcdes, I. ; Timber Trades, II. '• Times " Newspaper : Times, I. Tithes : Burnell, II. ; Clarke, I. ; Leach {G.P.), II. (a) ; Parliament (Single Acts.), I. ; Tite, I. Titles, perusing of : Emmet, I. See also " Land." Tokens. See " London (Antiquities)." Tolls. See " Bridges." Tombs. See " ^Monuments." Tonnage and Poundage : Tonnage, I. Tooting-graveney (Surrey). — History : Morden, I. See also " Wandsworth." Tooting. See " Wandsworth." Topography — Classified catalogue of works in British Museum : Anderson (John P.), II. London. See " London (Topography)." Torquay, borough of. Abstract of accounts : Torquay, I. Torts, law of: Addison, 1. ; Clerk (F. J.), and W. H. B. Lindsell, IL (a). To thill Fields. Act relating to paving of : Parliament (Acts — Single Acts), I. See also " Westminster." Tottenham. History of: Robinson (William), II. Tower of London : Bayley. II. ; Britton and Brayley, I. ; Clark (G. T.), I. ; Dick (W. /?.), III. ; Dixon (IF. H.), II. ; Gower (Lord R. S.), II. (a). Tower bridge. -See " Bridges." Tow'er Hamlets Commissioners of Sewers. Report : Toiver Hainlets, T. Town Holdings : Town Holdings, I. See also "Land." Trade — General works : Customs tariffs, II. ; Giffen, I. ; King^s Weigh House, II. ; London Chamhei of Commerce, I.; Pluyfair, I. ; Shadwell (A.), III.; Trade, I. ; Trade, Board of, I., II., III. Belgium, in : Belgium, III. Bruenn, in : Bruenn, City, II. Free trade and protection : Bear, I. ; Cobden, T. ; Dilkr, 1. ; Edgcuinhe, I. ; Farrer, I. ; Guynt, I. ; Johnson (E. R.), I. ; Leadavi, I.; Medley, I. ; Mon- gredien, I. ; Play fail, I. Home industries in Belgium : Belgium, IT. (a). Txjral industries of Glasgow and West of Scotland : MacLean (Angus), II. Municipal trading. See "Municipal Inuling." Organisation of industry in si.xteenth and seventeenth centuries : Unwin (Geoigo), IL Port of London. See " Port of London." 224 Trade — continued. Servia : Servia, I. Trusts and monopolies: Spelling (T. C), III. United ("tates, in: United States, I., II. Trade claims : Harper (E. J.), I. Trade unions : Brentano, III. ; Gallon, II. (a) ; Trade Unions, III. ; Webb, I. Sec also "Labour," "Political econony." Trades, dangerous and noxious: Arlidgc, I.; France, 21inistne du commerce {Direction da Travail), II. (a) ; Noxious trades, II. (a) ; Oliver (Thomas), II. ; Snell, I. Trafalgar-square. See " Westminster." Traffic. See " Locomotion." Tramways^ General works: Beavan [A. H.), II. (a) ; Clail: {D. A'.), I., II. ; Duncan, II. (a), III.; Garcke, I.; London County Council [Locomotion), III. ; liuelle (J. de la), II. ; Tramways, I., III. Accounts of companies : London Chamber oj Commerce, I. Cast iron: City Commissioners, I., II. Belgium, in: Brees [E.), III. Glasgow Corporation. Abstract of accoimts : Glasgow, I., II. Law of: Brire (Seward), II. (a); Glen (]V. C), II. (a); Keen (F. N.), III. ; Robertson (G. S.), II. London, in : City Commissioners, I. ; City Court, I. ; Hentschel (Carl), II. (a) ; London County Council (Locomotion), III. : London Municipal Society, III. ; London Omnibus Tramivay, I. ; Metropolitan Board of Works (Tramways), I. ; Noble (John), I. ; Scott (W. B.), III. ; Tramivays, III. Manchester : Manchester, I. Paris, in : Paris (Conseil municipal — Rapports cf Documents, 1903), III. ; Paris (Diparterntnt de la Seine), III. Krail>. Coded lists. Rolled sections: Atkinson (R.), II. (a). Rating of electric tramways : Bond, II. Return of imdertakings by municipal corporations : Municipal corpoiations, I. Sj'stems of traction : Biggs, II. ; Leicester, II. ; Reckenzaun , I. ; Wolverhamp- ton, II. Transit. See " Locomotion " Transvaal — Municipal laws of : Transvaal, II. See also " Johannesburg." Trees, Shrubs, etc. : Cook (E. T.), III. ; Kew, II. (a) ; Loudon, I. See also " Gardening." Trent, city (Austria) : Trent, I. Trigonometrical tables. See '" Mathematical tables." Trinity House : Barrett, II. ; London Committee for the Survey, II. ; Mayo (W. H.), III. ; Trinity House, I. ; Whormby, I. Trusts and monopolies : Spelling, III. See (dso " Municipal trading." Trusts and Trustees : Lewin, I. Tuberculosis. See " Public health (Diseases)." Tunnels — Account of tunnels belonging to London County Council : London County Council (Bridges, etc.), II. Baker Street and Waterloo Railway subaqueous tunnelling : Civil Engineers (Minutes, vol. cL), II. Blackwall : Blackwall Tunnel, III. ; Civil Engineers (Minutes, vol. cxxx.), II. Gravesend to Tilbury, proposed (1798) : Dodd (R.), II. Greenwich footway tunnel: Civil Engineers (Minutes, vol. cL), II. Practical tunnelling : Simms, I. Sydenham railway tunnel construction : Civil Engineers (Minutes, vol. xlix.), Thames tunnel : Thames River, I. ; Thames Tunnel, II., III. 225 Turnpike roads. .See " Highways." T^^^CKEXHAM. His-tory and topoiirajihy : Cohbett, II. Ti'PHOiD FEVER. Scc " Public health (Diseases)." u. UxEMPLOYMENT. See " Labour." UxiTED States of America — Agriculture in : Mongredien, I. ; United States (Agriculture, Department of), T. Betterment in : Baumann, II. Education in: Adams (Francis), II. (a); Blair (Robert), II. (a); Education, I., II. Electric street railways : Hedges, I. Fire escapes in American commercial building.s : Daubney, II. Foreign trade of : Giffen, I. Government : Ashley, 111. ; Bryce, I. ; ConkUng, I. ; Eaton (D. B.), III. ; Goodnow, I., II. ; Monro, I. ; Patten (S. 11".), ]". ; Zutblin (C), II. (a). See also " Local Government (Generally)." History: Cambridge Modern History (vol. vii.), II. Hydraulics of Parana, Uruguay, and La Plata estuary : Ri'vy, I. Inland waterways, their relation to transportation : Johnson (E. B.), I. Labour in : Labour (Royal Commission . . Foreign rupoits), II. ; United States (Labour Department of), I., II. Land system : Fisher IC. M.), I. ; Prohyn, I. Library of Congress : United States Library of Congress, TI. Military Hospitals : Evans (T. IF.), I. National Conference of Charities and Correction at Grand Rapids : Barrows, II. River and harbour bills : Johnson (E. B.), I. Sanitary commission: Evans (T. W.), I.; Hammond, I.; United States, I. Sewage disposal in: Rafter (G. W.), II. States, town^, districts, etc. — Albany : Albany, I., II. Boston, city of : Boston, I., II., II. (a) , III ; Matthews (Nathan), I. Brookline : Brooklyn, II. ; Brookline, III. Buffalo City : Buffalo, II. California : California, II. Chicago : Alvord, IL (a) ; Chicago, I., II., II. (a). III. ; Hunter (R.), IL ; Mikh'lsen, I. ; Wisconsin, IJI. Columbia : United States, Senate Committee on . . Columbia, III. Detroit : Detroit, I. Fairmount Park : Fairmount Park, I. Illinois : Hlinois, II. Kansas City : Kansas, II. («). Louisville (Kentucky) : Louisville, I., III. Massachusetts : MasHichusetts, 1., II. III. Minneapolis : Minneapolis, II. (a). Xew Haven : New Haven, I. New York, city : Jones (T. J.), TI. (a) ; Merrian, I. ; Morey (W. C), II. ; New Yoik, I., II., II. (a), III. ; New York Board of Fire Underwriters, III. New York, University of State of : New York, University of State of, II. Niagara Falls Park : Niagara, I. Oakland: Oakland (Cal.),' U. Peoria, Illinois : Peoria, I. Philadelphia: John Hopkins University, III.; Philadelphia, I., III.; Philad<'l])hia Vacant Lois Cultivation, III. ; Raici , I. Providence;, Rhode Island : Providence, I. San B'rancisco : San Francisco, I. Springfield, Massachusetts : Springfield, I. 1 T,2H<; II 22r, United States of America — continued. Statistical publications: American Slatisfical Aifsociation, II. (a). III. Willoughhy (W. F.), II. Taxation in : Ely {R. T.), I. ; Play lair, I. Univer<'vi/, T. ; Piche de Piony, I. ; Trcdgold, I. ; Voisins, I. Law relating to waters : Coulsoii, I. Water Supply — General works : Ansted, I. ; Bake) (31. X.), III. ; Bechman, I. ; Browne (J. H. B.), I. ; Burton (W. K.), II. ; De Ranee, II. ; Gas Lighting, I. ; Health of Towns, I. : Health, General Boatd of, II. (a) ; Leamington, I. ; London Cham- ber of Commerce, I. ; London, Coi poration of City of, II., II. (a) ; London Courtly Council (Waier Supply), TI., TI. (a); MacPherson (J. A.), II.; Rendle (William), II.; Sanitary Institute, II.; Society for the Encourage- ment of Arts, TIT. ; Statistical Society (Journal, vol. xxii.). III. ; Water Supply, L, IT., TIT. Accounts of companies and corporation water undertakings : Lass, I. ; Lon- don Chamber of Commerce, I. ; Wood, Drew and Co., IT. Acts relating to : Parliament (Acts . . . Collections on special subjects),!. ; Reeson (Josef), II. Belgium, in : Antwerp, II. ; Brees (E.), III. ; Brussels, II. Berkshire, in : Blake, II. Birmingham : Barclay (Thomas), II. ; Riimingham, II. Bolton : Bolton, II. Compensation involved in transfer of imdertakings : Quick, I. Denmark : Guichaid, II. Dewsbury, additional regulations : Dewsbury, 11'. East Brent : Denison, I. Fires, at : Fire Brigade, I. ; London Corporation (Reports ftom Gas and Water CommiHee, 1874 , I. ; Metropolitan Board of Works. I. France: Guichard, II. See also " Paris " below. Geological enquiry with reference to : Prestwich, I. Germany, in : Wuttke, 111. Glasgow, in : Gale (J. M.), I. ; Glasgow, II. Hamburg : Hamburg, I. Law relating to: Coulson, I.; Duckwoith, IT., III.; Michael, !. ; Sanitary laws, I. See also " Metropolitan Water Act, 1902," below. 228 Water Supply — continued. Lead poisoning and water supplies : Local Governnieni Boaid, II., II. {a). Melbourne : Melbourne, III. Metropolitan: Bateman, T. ; Blone (Sir G.), TIL; Bolton (Col. Sir F.), I.: Chadivick (Sir E.), II. («) ; Ciril Engineeis, I. ; Clay, T. ; Colhurn (Z.), and W. H. Maw, II. (a) ; Cooke (G. A.), I. ; Cripps (H. L), I. ; Ciookes (W.), 1. ; De Ranee, II. ; Dohhs, I. ; Efjoid, II. ; Fan, II. ; Hassard (R.), JI. ; Health, General Board of, T., II. ; Homersham (S. C), III. ; Kay-Sliutlleu-oi th, II. ; London, Corporation of City of (Water Supply), TI., IJ. (a) ; London County Council (Water Supply), II. ,11. la), III.; Lucas (J.), II. (a; ; Martin IJohn), I. •,Matthews (W.), I. ; Metropolitan Boaid of Works, I., III. ; Metropolitan Commissionei s of Seweis, T. ; Metiojmlitan Waiei Board, III. ; Quick (J.), III. ; Richards (Uemy C), 1. ; Routh (C. H. F.), II. ; St. James, Westminster, TI. ; Shadwell (A:thur), L. ; Simon (John), IT. ; Sisley, I. ; Staiistical Society {Journal, vol. vii.), III. ; Tidy, I. ; Water Supply, J. ; ll'a//)er6/o?i (is. J.), II. ; Welton (Thomas A.), IT. Metropolitan Water Act, 1902 : Clarke (Henry), Ij.. ; Reeson (Josef), IT. ; Rickards (A. 6'.), IT. Naples : Close, I. Nelson, borough: Nelson (Boiough), I. New South Wales, reports : New South Wales, I. Paris : Alphand, I. ; Paris, T. : Paris {Conseil municipal — Rapports et Bocu- meyits, 1903, 190-1), TIT. ; Paris (Departement de la Seine), II. Precedents in private bill legislation affecting undertakings : Stevenson, I. Private and municipal ownership of undertakings: United States, Labour Department of, IT. Purifieation of : iJibdin, IT. ; Rideal, I. Rating and assess:ni?nt of waterworks : Castle, I. ; Quick, T. Return of undertakings : Municipal Corporations, I. Stafford Corporation waterworks : Stafford, III. Stockholm, artificial inidcrground water in : Richert (J. G.), IT. Sussex : Whitaker (W.), and C. Reid, II. Switzerland : Guichard, II. Thirlmere water scheme : Harwood, T. ; Watercress : London County Council (Public health). III. Waterloo bridge. Sec " Bridges." Watermen and Liohtermes. Company of : Humpherus, I. , Watermen, I. W'ealth. See " Political Economy." W^eaving schools of continent : MacLaren, I. Weights and measures — Handbook of : Roberts (James), I. Law relating to : Holdsworth (W. A.), I. ; Whiteley (G. C), I. INIetric system: Spencei (H.), T. ; Wagsta/J, I. : Weights and Measures, II. Regulations for guidance of inspectors : London County Council (Public Control), TI. Wellington Barracks. Royal Military Chapel : Wellington Barracks, TI. Wembley Tower : Toiver, the Great, III. West BR0M^\^CH, county borough of. Abstract of accounts : West Bromwich, I., II. West Ham, borough of. Abolition of works department : West Ham, III. Accounts : West Ham, T. Study in social and industrial problems : Outer London Inquiry Committee, III. West Hartlepool, county borough of. Accounts : West Hartlepool, I., II. Westminster — Abbey : Ackermann, II. (a) ; Bradley (E. T.), 111. ; Bradley (M. C. ), III. ; Brayley (E. W.), Til. ; Dart, IL ; Emden, III. ; Feasnj, II. ; Lethaly (W. R.), III. ; Neale, I. ; Ridgwaii, TI. ; Smith (G. L.), III. ; Stanley, T. ; Westminster Abbey, II. Accounts of collectors of Sewer Rates, etc. : Westminster Sewers Commission, III. 2 29 Westminster — continued. Adelphi : Brereton {A.), III. ; Whealley, I. Admiralty. See " Adniiialty." Belgravia : Besant {Fascinatwn of London), 11. ; Clinch, II. ; Davis (//. 0.), I. Buckingham Palace: Jameson (Mrs. A. B.), IJ. Carlton House : Pi/ne (William II.), IX. Catalogue of records at 'J'own Hall, Caxton-strcet : Smith (John E.), I. Charing Cross: Cliariiig C)oss, 111. ; Muctnichavl (J. //.), III. Charities in : "W eslminster , 1. Churches in: Emdai (T. W. L.), III. City Council, reports, etc. : We-slm.instc7, II., III. Commissioners of Sewers : Westminster, I. Covent-iiarden theatre : Wyndham (H. S.), III. Downing-street, No. 10: Aiscoe (C. £.), ill. Drury-lane : Doran, 1. Education in, in 1838 : Statistical Society (Journal, vol. i.). III. General history, etc. See "Topography" below. Grevcoat Hospital : Day (E. S.), 11. Hospitals in. Sec "Hospitals." Houses of Parhament, Rebuilding of: Hopper, III.; Parliament, Houses of. III. Libriirv. 1 UCSOUTHFR\R("" -ACILITV AA 000 514 885 3 Z 20 2U L3L3 Sup. 2