\- V:iS>^^^'^ 7 '■. V ^-^ 'A 144 CONCLUSION SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. Then siiy the following verses three times. " Whatever weapon is formed against thee, shall not prosper ; and every tongue that contondcth with tliec in judgment, shalt thou condemn. This is the heritage of the Lord's servants, and their righteousness from me, saith the LoRl). They shall come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people yet unborn, what he huth done. Go, eat thy bread in joy ; and drink thy wine with a merry heart ; for God hath already accepted thy deeds." The Render imnicdiiitely begins "And he being merciful," &c., and they say the Evening Service, the same as at the conclusion of the Sab- bath, till after the Amidah. If the Fnat happen on one of the common days of the week, the Reader says after the Amidah Kaddish Tithkabbal, but they do not say the form of the Kedushah, " But thou art holy," &c. If it happen on the Sabbath, he says Kaddish Le'ayla, and begins the last verse of Psalm xci. ; after which say, " But thou art holy," &c., Kaddish Tithkabbal, Hftbdalah, Psalm cixi., and "It is peculiarly our duty," &0. END OF VOL. in. "11*33 DvS nS»;rj 143 TiS : ntr;; ^3 iSi: orS ♦ inpi^ n»jn 1^cD♦ : »» DkVj I •• T ^ ■ X ^- : K i ■ l'~ : ' T t: nj? *D * ^rt 3V0-3S2 nnpn * ^rjoriS nnptr? Sbtj } IV '-:i- • v; IT T T riTDjrn inx • hm2 D'lijDn dv Sn dx : nTn;rn inx n;? • naty 'nxidd -iDN' • natyn hn dxi : ntynp "no imx irNi • S^pnn B'np j-'Vn idn'- : •'n;nK^'2 mNnxi in;rotyx d-d' ^ix • h'nir) • kS'-jtS t^np m'Djrn inx i-ty • 'oi • |3jn nil N-in • S^pnn lynp • '131 • mip nnxi p nnx cbnaai : n3B''7 irS;?i • xoSiy xn' lynp • 'di • 'j';r Niyx n)b^Dh ';^'3'S'j5f'Vn 143 CONCLUSION SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. Thej then blow the Shophar as follows : TEKI'AH, SHEBARIM, TERU'AH, TEKI'AH. May ye be answered, and your petition granted mercifully from heaven ; may your supplication be accepted ; your prayer be favourably heard ; and may the voice of your entreaty be an- swered; and may the LoKD our God I open unto us, and all Israel, the gates of light, blessing, joy, and gladness; of prosperity, good assembly, merits, and compassion ; of goodness, salvation, expiation, instruction, forgiveness, consolation, pardon, and help; of redemption, charity, acceptance, and perfect cure ; of peace and tranquillity ; of knowledge in his law, and of prayer. And may he remove from among you all manner of envy, hatred, and con- tention; and may he fulfil in you the sentence which is written, " May the LoRD God of your fathers make you a thousand times as many as ye are, and bless ye, as he hath promised you." And may he seal you in the book of happy life ; which God in his infinite mercy grant; and let us say, Amen. May the prayers and supplications of the whole house of Israel be accepted in the presence of their Father, who is heaven ; and say ye, Amen. May the fulness of peace from heaven, with life, plenty, salva- tion, consolation, freedom, health, redemptii)n, pardon, expiation, enlargement, and deliverance, be granted unto us, and to all hia people Israel; and say ye. Amen. May he who niaketh peace in his high heavens, through his mercy, bestow peace on us, and all Israel; and say ye. Amen. 11SD DvS nh'Vi 142 V : |- —■(- ~ 1: • • IT T - I • ■-:!-: . it •• . t i ..^-:i- T t : - •• -;i- t • -—.t- t • •• -:i— t t: ♦ nniD n;?tr • nSon n^t:'" * nio? nrc^" ♦ did "in T ■•^-;i— T : V •■^-;i- 'it •• -:i- "l~ HNifi-) nrcr'nSap nrt:''npnv n;;t:*Tinfl nj;.c'" T : •■^-:i- T T I - •• -;i- I""" t : •• -:|- . •• --i nrtr'* min nrtr* niStr' nytr'* diSc^' n;;©^* hdS^t" V T V ■ :■ —■!- ■.•::• | •• t r ■ t . i . i. . t Dip.* ^Jj^l^! h's-Sd"! ' pnoilf^i pnoiSy SapOT ^T !• tt: ■- T-:l- T- tt: : IPX npxi oiSt:^' ntrr* vdhid Nin • vonD3 diSc* nirp ^^ T V ^:r T -: I- : t : • t J-r :•: "t:* t ~: rT 142 CONCLUSION SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. appro:»fh to injure tlit'in." Revoiil imto the solitary people (Is- rai-l) the >eahti period ; " theu shall Ziou rejoice, uml the daughters of Judah bo ghid." iMay our cry a^-ct nd unto the highest heav- ens, to God the King who sittoth on the throne of mercy. Then say," O omnipotent King," &c. as on p. 140. Kaddish Tithkabbal. Read. — May his great name be exalted, and sanctified through- out the world, which he hath created according to his will ; may he establish his kingdom, and cause his redemption to spring forth, and hasten the advent of his anointed. In your life-time, and in your days, and in the life-time of the whole house of Israel; speedily, and in a short time ; and say ye, Amen. Cong. — May bis great name be blessed, and glorified for ever and ever. Read. — May his hallowed name be praised, glorified, exalted, magnified, honoured, and most excellently adored j bles- sed is he, far exceeding all blessings, hymns, praises, and benedic- tions, that are repeated throughout the world, and say ye. Amen. Reader and Congregation then say : Hear, Israel, the Lord our God, the Loed is One. Blessed be the name of the glory of his kingdom for ever and ever. R. and C— The Lord he is God. The Lord he is God. R. and C. — The Lord he is God. The Lord he is God. R. and C — The Lord he is God. The Lord he is God. R. and C— The Lord he is God. The Lord he is God. R. and C. — The Lord he is God. The Lord he is God. R. and C. — The Lord he is God. The Lord he is God. R. and C — The Lord he is God. The Lord he is God. -1133 DvS nS^r^ 141 ♦otrS nSrn ijnric^ : rnin» niJ3 n:h?^r) ri*!f ■• : • V -:r" i- ^ : - t : : t : i" - I • (13) : 'ui ova o • nnSoi • i3;?m • "jSn Sk b^pnn tynp ^''^^n "in^^i t: !• T :*|T : T - -|- : •. -- . 3npn njp-113 noifn ♦ nniDSa n^Son ♦ nni;;")3 ••|t I- -Jt : 1 - : - : : - J • . -. : [ON npxi • nnp jppi nSji;3 N^^rS : Kin Tina Ntriipi notr * S^nnn • nWnn T I": I • : T : |i : •• : t - : • : . . . T T IT V : T T : : • t t |- t t . t i I •• T T : ^T : I T • -: r* T V t: I" v; t: •• t : • *^ - : : "iji;i oh'wb iniD^p imp o^' "in? D%iSKn Nin ♦♦ • d'hSkh nih v. ^ v: IT t; • '." IT T. D^nS^n Kin »» • D'nSxn Kin ♦» 3 v: IT t: v: it t. D%"TSNn Nin »' * D^'^S^<^ Kin »♦ j v: IT t: v; it DNiS^n Kin »♦ • DNi^Kn Kin »» n v: IT t: • v: |t t: D%iSKn Kin »♦ • D'rlSKn Kin »♦ n v; IT t: v; it t: D%iSKn Kin ♦♦ • D%iSKn Kin v "^ v; it t: •.•: it t: D^nSKn Kin »♦ • D%nSKn Kin »♦ r 141 CONCLUSION SKKVICE FOR KimiR. A'. iiidst imivii'ul I n'lutiiil.cr favdurahly untc, us thy cove- naiit made with Jacob tlu' perfiH-f. C. Fnr the sake, &c. R O most iiXTcifiil I rcmcmbor favnuralily unto us th(! imrita of Jiisopih tho righteous. C. For the sake, &c. A'. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy cove- nant made with Moses the prophet. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy cove- naut made with Aaron the priest. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy cove- nant made with Phineas the zealous. C. For the sake, &c. R. O most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy cove- nant made with David thy anointed. C For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us the sup- plication of king Solomon. 6^ For the sake, «fec. R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to seal us in the book of life. G. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful! vouchsafe to seal us in the book of mercy. C. For the sake, &c. *^ R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to seal us in the book of the righteous. G. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to seal us in the book of the upright and perfect. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to seal us in the book of good maintenance and subsistence. C. For the sake, '&c. R. most merciful ! dismiss us not empty from thy presence. C. For the sake, &c. Then say, "And the Lord passed before him," &c., as on page 140. The tribe of Judah laboureth under oppression and trouble ; *• Shall the lion still roar in the forest ?" Fathers and children, the poor and the needy, all await thy salvation. O stand in the breach that we be not laughed at with contempt. '* Wherefore, Lord ! dost thou abide afar off?" Behold thy dove is brought unto the gates of death. Thou who abidest amongst the cheru- bim, shine forth. grant us relief from the oppressor; "Is the hand of the Lord shortened ?" Renew our days in this ancient captivity; "Awake, why sleepest thou?" Remember thy child- ren, who are in a land that is not theirs ; " Suffer no stranger to 24* 1133 DvS nS^i 140 va J^pnv ^P'in nnor i^ "^^in ^^^,pn?- ' ^ t • : V •• T| : I T - . T T . 1 ' ^^ T"i *T5 ••T|;IT ■"• TX.i rn tfni Nnflp5 p;Pi?n t^ionn n *on;]l ^1?P? IJ'P^'^ ^^pn? n »pnvi N"iop? U'^r^D J<39n?- Y'3 ♦p^pni n.tt^'n j^'^OP? I^^Prin N^prjTi rn ♦Jirpi *Pil5l ^"l?P? IJ'^^t? ^^^9^'^ vn ■qpp IP opn. n^ini nSi f^ion^ (HD) : 'iJi nrn ova o • ^^701 • nair^i : -1^3 nnj< :ixtt^''n ♦ -ir^^i pn"»3 rrrin* ddk^' ?]njl» : pin-i? "iQ:;n \\ npS • pin^'S n:>m S5 f l.g5 TIT "t !• •■•.:- T r • VIT -.r It T t: |"t •• - t|: • t: --: t • t: . it ^^S nn ♦ dhS nS f -1.5^3 :)*J3 niD? : ig^'^n naS nnir in nptr» • hiidSjS nS^ onn^n I'p : d-tS^^ nnpt 140 CONCLUSION SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. Righteousness and peace h:ive embraced each other, amidst tbia pwiple, which hath boon oppressed ; and they shall inherit the sub- stance of their oppressors. may he multiply our seed at the sand. Kindness and truth are met, and unto us have approached j may blessing rest on our heads. may he midtiply our seed as the sand. The Holy One of Israel is your Saviour ; he will assuredly pardon your transgressions; we therefore will neither fear nor dread. may he multiply our seed as the sand. Return ye faithful unto your tents, and bless ye the name of your God ; and praise his name in the dance. may he multi- ply our seed as the sand. omnipotent King, who sitteth upon the throne of mercy ; governing with beneficence ; pardoning the iniquities of his peo- ple : by causing them to pass away in due order ; extending par- don unto sinners, and forgiveness unto transgressors; acting cha- ritably towards all flesh and spirit, not requiting them according to their wickedness. God ! thou hast taught us to repeat the thirteen attributes of thy mercy. Remember unto us, we be- seech thee, this day, the covenant of the thirteen attributes which thou didst reveal unto the meek one of old; for thus it is writ- ten in thy law : " And the Lord descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord !" And there it is said : " And the Lord passed by before him and proclaimed. The Lord is the immutable eternal Being ! an omnipotent God ! mer- ciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in beneficence and truth ; keeping mercy even unto the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, and acquitting. Par- don thou our iniquity and our sin, and take for us thy heritage. For on this day shall he make an atinemcnt for you, to cleanse you, that ye may be clean from all your sins before the LoRD." Reader. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy covenant made with Abraham thy beloved. Congregation. ¥oi the sake of the attributes of mercy, proclaimed when he passed. R. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy covenant made with Isaac, who was bound as a sacrifice. C. For the sake, &c niSD DvS rh'ya 139 1V1I : Sin' ov^i : SinD3 lotr' T : : n3"!P • prN-) ptr'N") "i'?j;?o • i»J? niyij;^ Snio nipiv nb^r * wyv/^sh nn'Spi • cxmS nVnp liniin Sn : SoiJi onS Dnr"i3 ^^S * nni n^s-Sp d;? IT •• I •■ V T ^ T T IT . I . T T irS^ nn3 Di*n ijS niD? • nn^i; tr' V rnno iDi? Sk •»♦!»♦• xipn vis Sr '' iD^"*! : ")0N*.^ Dcn * ♦*. V IV •• V ■.-.i:- V IV -: I- - I vi. i - . i::irS nnSoi : npi) HNisni rt^*■S1 pr NtJ'J d'cSnS ,.. "i.^ ^ . - ,^ : I — : ^ T - : - iv t i t •• • t -:ix (13) : nnon »♦ ^^qS • DD'nj Id answer to each of these blessings, the Congregation say : "Amen, may this be his will," J1i"> Tl' JD1 " llflD DvS hStJ 137 Tjna • T]S oniD i:nt' isrn »vS ♦? Dnn^pri T IV I 1 - I— T : ^-.-r r '^ : r- : - : ^nn? *J?-S3 • D^niD D**rr^ oinm - •• T T IV I" t: v: 1" T I : •• t ^'Sn vjd 1 1] m' : ^"i -inn tj'Sn* v;q i ^: -in^» : r\'^W:y • . r •• T : • •• : - : v t ; t ) : •• t : 137 CONCLUSION SERVICE FOR KIPPDR. made it; and every thing formed, understand that thou hast formed it; and all who have breath in their nostrils declare, " The Lord God of Israel reigneth, and his supreme power ruloth over all." sanctify us with thy comniandnients, and ordain our portion to be in thy law. satisfy us with thy goodness; rejoice our soul with thy salvation ; and purify our heart to serve thee in truth; for thou, O LoiiD God! art Truth; and thy word, our King, is truth, and permanent for ever. Blessed art thou, Lord ! the King, who pardonest and forgivest our iniquities, and the iniquities of thy people Israel; causing our trespasses to pass away annually. King of the whole earth, who sanctifiest [on the Sabbath, add, the Sabbath, and] Israel, and the Day of Atonement. O Lord, our God ! let thy people Israel be acceptable to thee, and have regard unto their prayers. Restore the service to the oracle of thy house ; so that the burnt-oiferings of Israel, and their prayers, may be speedily accepted by thee with love and favour; and the worship of thy people Israel, be ever pleasing unto thee. And through thy abundant mercy, deign thou to regard us kindly, and be favourable unto us, and cause our eyes to behold thee at thy return to Zion with mercy. Blessed art thou, O Lord ! who restorest thy divine presence unto Zion. Bow and say. We gratefully acknowledge that thou art the Lord, our God ! and the God of our fa- thers, for evermore. Thou art our Rxx-k ; the Rock of our life, and the Shield of our salvation ; to all generations will we render thanks unto Modim Derabbanan. When the Reader says Modim, the Congregation say: We gratefully acknowledge that thou art the Lord our God ! and the God of our fa- thers ; the God of all flesh ; who formed us, and formed "I1D3 DvS rh'V^ 136 (t •» •• T : • •• v: t: - : t t : v -: t T IT T - ; - •noN i^dS^: ^nnn • noN* D*nS^< »» nnx *d • noN3 V v: !•• : - I : IT : v v: • v: t: t - • v ■:: iv T T T : I" : - • -: i- •• t : • - -:i- : (1. na^n ^^ty^) tr'ipp • pxri-Ss Si; T]So • nj^n t T • : •■ T ; • •■ • : I IV •• • : • t -: it •• t : j^isnn • o'rJin ^'gnTi? nnxi : ^^;; S^ntp^* ni^:^ I • : t !• ; • -: I- - t: t - ) t wi 11.N. nnx S3 ^rnS^ V: ^^^'''"^ ^^Nt? I t : I- -: t "^ : i" -: •• i- ,.. ... t: t - IV I" - " I" 'vT \iSN • irniDN ^riSxi • Nin nn^v ijrir'» poi I" : I r T T I : v t : 136 (ONJLtSlDN SERVICE Ft)K KIITUR. Ji. — () thou, who dwellest in the highest heavens, and art the support of the perfect. C. — Who is god equal unto thee 1 R. — As it is written, " Who i?" omnipotent, like unto thee, pardoning iniquity, and forgiving the transgression to the residue of his heritage ? he retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy. He will again have compassion on us, he will suppress our iniquities; yea, thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea;" as also our sins, and all the sins of thy people the house of Israel, into a place where they shall not be remembered, nor visited, nor thought of for ever. '* Thou wilt show faithfulness unto Jacob, and mercy unto Abraham ; which thou hast sworn to our ancestors, from the days of old." Our God, and God of our fathers, mayest thou be pleased to grant that our memorial, and the memorial of our fathers, the memorial of Jerusalem, thy city, and the memorial of the Mes- siah, the son of David, thy servant, and the memorial of all thy people, the house of Israel, may ascend, come, approach, be seen, accepted, heard, visited, and remembered for the obtaining of a happy deliverance, with favour, grace, and mercy, [ON the Sab- bath, SAY, on this day of rest, and] on this Day of Atone- ment ; this day of pardoning iniquity ; even this day of holy con- vocation. To have mercy, and to save us thereon : Lord, our God I remember us thereon for good; visit us with a blessing; and save us to enjoy a happy life ; with the word of salvation and mercy, have compassion, and be gracious unto us. have mercy upon us, spare and save us, for our eyes are continually towards thee ; for thou, God ! art a merciful and gracious King! Our God, and God of our fathers, reign thou over the whole world in thy glory ; and be exalted in thy majesty over the whole earth ; and shine forth in the excellence of thy supreme power over all the inhabitants of thy terrestrial world; and may vvery thing which hath been made, be sensible that thou hast nifiD DvS nV^J 135 S3; ^Di^i pj; Nb^'j • ^1^3 S{< »p • ^K^Dj 1! Sr. 3inD3 - T : I" - T : T - T T -. : • Dnn^N^ ipn Dpr^;S npj^ jrin : oSip^ dS Sj; iSj;;^ : Dip ^D^o irnnxS nr3J^*J i£2^i< ^151? in 15 n^trp jiipn • tji;]; nhmy. pipr (1 mn ni:Dn ovs ^^t^a) o'oniSi • lonS • rnS •••--IT- : •-:!-: v iv I ■■ : ' rijn f'i:;n nn'Sp dv? • njn Dn.sDn dv3 * ijy;tr"in^i irS); 13 ofii^ * njn trip Nipp dV3 ♦ riDinS ID uipsDi • riDiDS 13 irriSNj »» ^ji^r T T : • i--|: T T : i- v: t: i- : t Din • D^onn nritr* ini3 • d^did d^-^hS id w^ti^'im • -: 1-: '^T : - : • • • - ; ^,- ■ I : : nn^ Dinii p^n T]Sd S^s '? rtS^ dSij/h-Sd Sr IiSd • i:»nuK 'nSxi irnSx •. T '^ IT T ^- I I" -: I" I" v: "Tin? i^5"in) • ^ip*? p.ni-Sd S:; N£r|n"i ♦ ^11353 Sirs'S^ ;;in ♦ rjviN Snn '5{f^v;SD S;; • ^rjj.i^ px^ 185 CONCLUSION SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. oeive him with coinpassion ; and unto our (jlixl, for he aboundeth in forgivfiioss." And thou, O Cnxl of forgivont'ss, art grucioue and mon-iful, long-suffering, and ahund;iiit, in tnercy ; diffusing good abundantly. Thou dost also deliglit in tlu; repentance of the wicked, and hast no pleasure in their death j as it is said, *' Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleas- ure in the death of the wicked ; but that the wicked turn from his evil way, and live; turn ye, turn ye, from your evil ways; wherefore will ye die, house of Israel ?" And it is said, " Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, saith the Lord God ? but rather that he turn from his evil ways, and live." And it is said, " For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God; therefore, turn ye and live." For thou art the pardoner of Israel, and he who granteth remission of sins unto the tribes of Jeshurun ; and besides thee, there is none to whom wc appeal for pardon and forgiveness. B. — thou, who art most mighty and glorious; the Creator of heaven and earth. C. — Who is god equal unto thee? a. — thou who revealest profound things, and speakest right- eousness. C. — Who is god equal unto thee ! B. — O thou, who art magnificent in thy apparel ; for there is no g(jd besides thee. C. — Who is god equal unto thee ! B. — thou, who remembcrest the covenant, and art gracious to the remnant of thy people. C. — Who is god equal unto thee! B. — thou, who art pure-sighted, and residest in the heavens. C. — Who is god equal unto thee ! B. — thou, who suppressest iniquity, and art clothed with righteousness. C. — Who is god equal unto thee! B. — thou Supreme King of kings, who art most awfully exalted. C. — Who is god equal unto thee ! B. — thou, who suppnrtest the fallen, and answerest the prayer of the oppressed. C. — Who is god equal unto thee ! B. — thou lledeemer and Deliverer, who niovest in the great- ness of thy power. C. — Who is god equal unto thee ! B. — thou, who art nigh unto those who call on thee, and merciful and gracious. C. — Who is god equal unto thee I 23* niQD Dvh nh'yi 134 • n^m i3"i"io r J2^'"^ :iit^'3 dj< '3 • j;jrnn nio3 rsnj?^ tt: ;— 'TT : ttit .| -. it t |t : tit v •• . i ' nriK *3 : vm ^rt^•m * nin» ^nx dn^ * non ni03 T - • : • r T : • v: t -: -. : •• - : nSiDi Snio ijS rj< -I" : ■• IT I •• ^rjioD Sn 'd * n^\ pn N113 ♦ iin;i -inN "|ioD Sn »d • nnN*f pin • nn^n -i?i? TiDD Sn 'd * i^^plV ti^?iS ♦ ni:'ii;^ trsis -^iDD St< ^D * p^ni Din-1 ♦ vN-)ip^ Dinj^ 134 CONCLUSION SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. have blaspluMiHHl, wc liavr revolted, we have acted perversely, we have transgressed, we have oppressed, we have been stiff-necked, wo have acted wickeillj, we have corrupted, we have done abom- inably j wo have gone astray, and have caused others to err j wo have also turned aside from thy precepts, and from thy good institutions, and which hath not profited us ; " but thou art just, concerning all that has come upon us ; for thou hast deal most truly, but wc have done wickedly." What shall we say in thy presence, who dwellest on high ? or what shall we declare unto thee, who residest above the skies ? Behold, thou knowcst the secret things, as well as the revealed. What are we? What is our life ? What is our piety? What is our power? What is our might ? What then shall we say in thy presence, LoRD, our God, and God of our fathers? Are not the mighty ones as naught before thee ; and men of fame as if they had not existed ; wise men, as if they were without know- ledge ; and the intelligent, as if void of understanding ? For the majority of our actions is emptiness; and the days of our life are but vanity in thy presence ; even the pre-eminence of man over the beast is naught ; for all is vanity. Thou didst distinguish man from the beginning, and favour him that he might stand in thy presence; for who can say unto thee, What dost thou? And although he be righteous, what can he give unto thee? But in love hast thou given us, LoRD, our God ! [on the Sabbath, say, this day of rest,] this Day of Atonement, this day of pardoning iniquity ; even this day of holy convocation, for remission, forgiveness, and atonement, and thereon to pardon all our iniquities, that we may leave off the oppres- sion of our hands ; and return to perform the statutes of thy will with an upright heart. And through thy abundant mercies deign thou to compassionate us ; for thou dost not delight in the destruc- tion of the world ; as it is said,' " Seek ye the Lord while he may bo found ; call ye upon him, while he is near at hand." And it is said,' " litt the wicked forsake his way, and the iniquitous man bis thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord, and he will re- ' Isaiah Iv. 6. ^ Ibid. 7. ' ^- I • - T - : IT TT — I IV T : •^: IT : • : I :i- t i- "^t v v: • f t t t pitt^' Tj^i^S "isprnpi * onp n;r'i^ ^\;)£)^ iDNrnp 1" T I : - 1" ~ !•• : - . I • IT N*Sn • irniDiV *nS>^ ^^jgS '^D^<:l-nD • T -: |- T •• - •■ : - : I IV T : I • t- : I I" --.I- •■:-•:■ • : t- • : • I • IT T •• : - I • T T IT - I IVT : V IV I" - V IT — IT* T -: r* : r* v; t: it i v r " p]jn nn^Sp DV nN • nrn on^sn nv riK q • nrrr • nn^SoSi ♦ nS^noS • nrn trip Nnpo dv nx • nrn T • : • : T • : • v - v)i t|: ^inj |jL?pS • iyniyiir-S3 n^s is SinpS) * h-i^dS ♦ dSc^' ddS? ^;iiyi 'pn nitrijS DVkr'Ji ♦ ijn^ p0D j^isnri J^'i |-. t): : it • : t: ; • - v.MV v t - t ; - . TIN ir'^Ni • iDTi rt2^"^ 3>i^' • i^J^ ♦ i:NJDn uh^ ijmNt I -: I- : I : it t r -: it t : : |- -; • DiS^j; Sn ijS ]n] ' D'^n^ ^^pr^O • D^pSi;;n ji3-i nnnD »J3-S3 • D'DID D'^nS Dinm : DiSts'ni D**nrr I IV • : •• : T • - : -:i- t - : • - i- "ijn D»:n "i§p5i : oSir T|Spi D'^n DNiSg • d^3 « • - : T - T • T • •• T I" : • D'*n ")ipp rjpp »3 • niNJ) "in>4 • o'-^nS ligJpnji pic'' ♦ Sd^h nr^' nS');;i n;;5i : "iiN-HiSn: ^l"*^? • D^osr' nptr' nS^i^j n;^t:^ni : nj^NVon nSi mi.T •|- T ••^-:r- - ^- : "^ |- : t IV t • : t ; : DDNtsn-SD D' niSyo3 ':]'hlr'n^ * am:ip nSon T - T T •.:■!•:-: t r-: - : ■ rptr D*:n nij< * tj^jd^ nS»;;|5 • D'llinp'? i^nini 131 AFTKHNOON SERVICE FOR KlPrUR. sight: as it is said, ''1, cvon I, nin lie, who blot out thy transgressions fur iii}- own sake; and thy sins I will not romem- bcr." And it is said, " I have made tliy transgressions vanish away like a cloud, and tiiy sins like a vapnur; return unto lue ; for I have redeemed thee." Ani) ♦ ^^g^r.g'Sa W ^^'^h^ I] Tin? jn j??i ^"'nntrn • D'b^)!.?n-SD ^i^n^n • nxna^-nD-Ss Sj; nitrrS nnx nn;iN dSd itrrn ♦ D\xn3n-SD r\':^h ^—.r- - - T-. -: T •-. "ti"; • : - t I iv t : Sjr K")iy?]o^i • !r]:)»9^5 nnin^i • ?]T3 nr • ^rj^j?^ : nN"i3t:^'-nD-S3 T IT T V - T nniD mpni ♦ n^xi^S nVnn ♦ n^rS niD3 rn pni T t| : • : I IV •■ !• T ■ : IV • : t I •• 1 •- : • ^p^NiS nnpir • r]h D*Sn;p!? n|) finrifii * ^'^ll"jV : i:^p;5 nnnp? • ^^'^^ '^.' f?^ 128 CONCLUSION SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. Stand to praise hiiu in his heavoiily abode ; " with two wings they cover their faces." The sparkling angels of Zcbul utter his praise, and hasten to sing his perfections; " with two wings they cover their feet." The princely angels of Ma' on find protection in his shadow, while the Holy One overshadoweth theni with his glory ; "and with two wings they fly." They supplicate him in behalf of his ser- vant Israel, that he may favourably accept the services of his ser- vant ; " for the whole earth is full of his glory." The sections of Machon renew the watch, and with unanimity assemble to praise him with sacred speech ; " and thus one cried unto another, and said," The angels of 'Arabothi, awful hosts, stand forth to praise him, with suitable praises, saying, " Holy, holy, holy, is the LoRD of Hosts." Read, and Cowj. — And thus will we sanctify thee, for thou art our Grod. (Repeated.) Jl — It is true, that with thy book thou hast created the world; (7. — Therein thou will write and seal us to happiness with thy seal. R. — Receive in favour the remnant of thy people that have escaped, who assiduously attend in thy courts, C. — This day to extol thee with fivefold prayer. R. — They that look for thy sal- vation, and the period when thou wilt console them, C. — Hope for thy kindness; for pardon is with thee R. — May their cry ascend to thy high heavens, C— Holy One, when they sanctify thee, among the ministers of thy name. Unto thee, Lord, our God ! shall the heavenly host of angels above, with thy people Israel assembled beneath, ascribe the crown ; and all, with one accord, shall thrice rehearse a holy praise unto thee, according to the word spoken by thy prophet; " And one called unto another, and said, Cong.— \io\y, holy, holy, is the LoRD of Hosts ! the whole earth is full of his glory." ^. — His glory filleth the universe, and his ministering angels inquire, Where is the place of his glory ? that they may adore him. While tho.se angels who are over against them, continue praising and saying, C. — " Blessed is the glory of the Lord from the place of his residence." -^liDD DvS nS'r^ 127 ♦ w-]£)in; vSj; • iiin? i^n^ ' ^y;?'\np\ iSv? * pro S^nS ♦ nn;_ D^pinS • "ip^p cp^inp * jiDo nin? T : t: I r Dinnni Dinpn is 'p • rjoSij; n^^ig Tjnop? nOiV 'n DVn 'p • ^^pSiN npltr' ' ^'t?'V? nvi '" ' ^J?C^'if?? "iriDi • :^j.:.c^''. CD'ipP '" • 'HSP^"^'? riiSarp t^'pn? 'n • iTjpj; nn'Spr-r o ♦ iSnr^ V': ^1>?D 'P * I'^ir^^l I IV : •• : IT ; • T -:i- •• -: • T : - I" ■. . T. I . . .1. r\h nt^np oS^ in: ♦ nog 'mj} ht<'-)j^*] ^pj^l nr Sn nr xnpi ♦ hn^sj n^ Sr "ncNn -inn? ♦ itrSc^> V V V T|T : |-: • ; - - T -. T t I pxn-Ss kSp • niNDV :: i^iip trinp trnp • ipN> n.'iN ♦ whiiW vnntrpi • oSir nSo ni3? : nin? ♦ DnplNi DV^iifD on^vb ' "^'i^'l^'.Ji^h m^? DipP • iDi?S vonn? ipi Nnn iDippp : loippp ;; "imp tina 127 CONCLUSION SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. " O Lord ! open thou my lips, and my mouth shall declare thy praise." Blessed art tliou, LouD our Cmd ! and Cfod of our fathers; God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and Gnd of Jacob; the great, almighty and tremendous God ! the most high God ! who be- Btowest gracious favours, possessor of all things; who remcm- berest the piety of the patriarchs, and who wilt in love send a Redeemer to their children, for the sake of thy name. Remember us unto life, Almighty King! who delightest in life. seal us in the book of life, for thy own sake, God of life ; (who art the living God). King, Supporter, Saviour, and Shield. Blessed art thou, Loud ! the Shield of Abraham. Thou, Lord ! art mighty for ever; it is thou who revivest the dead, and art mighty to save; who causest the dew to de- scend. Who suetaiiiest the living with beneficence, and with great mercy quickenest the dead, supportest the fallen, and healest the sick ; thou loosenest those who are in bonds, and wilt accom- plish thy faith unto those who sleep in the dust. Who is like unto thee, Lord of mighty acts? or who can be compared unto thee, who art the King, who killest, and restorest to life; and causest salvation to spring forth ? Who is like unto thee, merciful Father! who in mercy rememberest thy creatures to life ? Thou art also faithful to revive the dead. Blessed art thou, Lord ! who revivest the dead. Order of the Kedusha, by Rabbi Moses Aben Ezra. Read, and Cong. — And thus will we sanctify thee, King I (Repeated.) The Arelira and Hashmallim, inquire of each other, Where is the God of gods, whom they reverence and praise? The powers of Vilon extol his greatness; with trembling, with shaking, they celebrate his praise; " seraphim stand around him." The troops of Rakia' unanimously sanctify him; and in fear and dread chaunt his praise; "each having six wings." The numerous hosts of Shechakim, in joyful shouts proclaim his praise; they VOL. in. B. — 22 mSD DvS nS»ri 126 1DD3 li^nn ♦ D'^ns rsn ttSo S^: • D^^nS iJ^Dr V I" : I" : T • - 1- I ■• T ( V !•.• •• - . 1 . T 31 * nnx D'DD n*no ♦ »» oSirS "ii3J nnc^J — T IT ... •■ - ; t: t : • t - t't •• "I- T 1 v: "I- : • -: • - : D^'-n'? D^on"i3 vmv* "i3ir • pn-in 3N qi03 'o • - : •-:!-: t I t -: i- t t (it n»nD • *' nnN Tin3 • o^no nvnnS nn{< ?o^^i^ •• - : r: T - I T • •• -: I- : t - I t v: iv : : D^"ipn S];.^p nnox; o'OI^ ' ^^^l}P p'^^^,?! * ^^.^^ ^^').'^ • DpnC'' *jion : inxS d^sdjd trcr' d*dj3 t:>tj^* "inasi I* T . -: T . . 'IT. " ' I— T : .- - |— : D»ntr'3 • v:iro *otr'3 • iSSnS d*3vji • vjn D*r3o • f— : • T : i~ : • r • : t t ; •'. . _ on D♦t^•n • vSSno i£3i;sdv» ♦ Si3r P'r : v:^ nay • T T T -: I- : : - : : J- • t t v - : 126 CONCLUSION SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. worila uf my mouth and the meditations of my heart, be acceptar ble iu thy presence, O LoRO ! who art my Rock and Redeemer." May he who maketh peace in his high heavens, through his infi- nite mercy grant peace unto us and all Israel. Amen. REPETITION OF THE NENGILAII. We are come to supplicate thy favour, for mercy and truth will meet thy presence ; O do not put us to shame ; Odo not dismiss us empty from thy presence j but pardon us, and send us [salva- tion and] mercy from thy residence. We are come to seek forgiveness from thee, thou most dread and tremendous Being, our refuge in times of trouble ; O grant us life, be gracious unto us, that we may invoke thy name ) pardon us, and send us [forgiveness and] mercy from thy exalted habitation. I will hope in God ; I will entreat his presence; and beseech him to grant me eloquence of tongue ; that in the congregation of the people, I may sing of his mighty power, and in joyful strains rehearse his wonderful works. " The dispositions of the heart arc of man, but the utterance of speech is from the Lord." "TlDD DvS nS'^J 125 ^aS |V:)n'i * '5 npx p^f-j'p vn;. • ]n^o\ n\ Sp. ^ while he may be found j call ye upon him, while he is near at hand." And it is said," '* Let the wicked forsake his way, and the iniquitous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the LoKD, and he will re- ceive him with compassion; and unto our (Jod, for he aboundeth in forgiveness." And thou, God of forgiveness, art gracious and merciful, long-suffering, and abundant in mercy ; diffusing good abundantly. Thou dost also delight in the repentance of the wicked, and hast no pleasure in their death ; as it is said,' " Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleas- ure in the death of the wicked ; but that the wicked turn from his evil way, and live ; turn ye, turn ye, from your evil waysj wherefore will ye die, house of Israel?" And it is said,* " Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, saith the Lord God ? but rather that he turn from his evil ways, and live." And it is said,* " For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God ; therefore, turn ye and live." For thou art the pardoner of Israel, and he who granteth remission of Bins unto the tribes of Jeshurun ; and besides thee, there is none to whom we appeal for pardon and forgiveness. my God ! before I was formed I was unworthy ; and now that I have been formed am as though I had not been formed ; dust I am in my life-time, how much more at my decease. Be- hold, I stand before thee, Lord, my God ! and God of my fathers, as a vessel full of .shame and confusion. may it be ac- ceptable in thy presence, Lord, my God ! and God of my fathers, to assist me, that I may sin no more ; and the sins which I have committed against thee, wash away through thy mercy, but not through means of severe bodily sufferings. " May the « Isaiah Iv. 6. * Ibid. 7. ^ Ezek. xxxiii. 11. * Ibid. Tiii. 23. ' Ibid. 32. mSD DvS nS'^i 124 • dSc^" ddS? ^;iy-| 'pn nitr^rS mi^'ji^ ♦ iri^ p^^i^p psnrn nS '3 • irSj; Dn-i a^^in ^'gn^? nn>^i i\ t) : : IT • : t: : • - ■■■:r: :• t t . . riN t^♦■*N1 • lD"n rt^'"» 2>r' * "loxAl * 3np invna V :- !• I" v: V : I" -: |- • t: v t : t : : - T - V : • •• : •.• : - v IV - : • i- - • ]nn'D2 fan nri>< yif.] ' d'i^c^"i hp ]r\^^t^ri3 DN • nin». »nN d»s; 'Jn* *n dh'Sx iD^ * "^^^W • n^m lD"iio i;:r"i mt^'^ D^< 'd • j^trin niD3 rb^^< TT: ;~' TT TTIT .1 ..• IT T IT : TIT ■.•••:-• I I T -: \ : "^ T T I : V I t iv - -.mv : •• t : J : V - ■.•:!•.• : t t : r t : • -: ■ v; nriK 'D : vni ^yl:fn^ ♦ nin» ^jin dnj * nan ni03 T - • : • r T : • v: t -: -. : ■ - : : nSiDi Snio i:S rj< - 1" IT I ■• • : I- V T : '^- : t :•■•■: i- - - v: • *nn'03 "ibm Sp "ns *jx "isr * 'n"ivij nS iSxd • T r : V I T I - T - : • -: t "t • : |- • : n-w^nn nSo 'Sdd • \"n3N* ^riSxi 'nhi^ " h'jdS ♦jn nn T •■ t • : • - -: •• I" - v: t: I iv t : • -; ••-: •D*3in n'on-13 p)'\D Ti^iaS ^riNDnis^-noi • Non>^ • - IT I IV -: r : I I IV T : • it t iv - t ■.•: »v 124 CONCLUSION SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. LoaD, our (iiid I ami CJiul of our lathers, that we are righteous, and have not sinned ; verily we have sinned, we and our fathers. We have trespassed, we have dealt treacherously, we have stolen, we have spoken slander, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly ; wc have acted presumptuously, we have committed violence, we have framed falsehood, we have counselled evil, wo have uttered lies, we have scorned, we have rebelled, we have blasphemed, we have revolted, we have acted perversely, wc have transgressed, we have oppressed, we have been stifl'-neoked, we have acted wickedly, we have corrupted, we have done abominably ; we have gone astray, and have caused others to err ; we have also turned aside from thy pre- cepts, and from thy good institutions, and which hath not pro- fited us; " but thou art just concerning all that is come upon us; for thou hast dealt most truly, but we have done wickedl}'." What shall we say in thy presence, who dwellcst on high ? or what shall we declare unto thee, who residest above the skies ? Behold, thou knowest the secret things, aa well as the revealed. What are we? What is our life ? What is our piety? What is our power? What is our might? What then shall we say in thy presence, Lord, our God, and God of our fathers ? Are not the mighty ones as naught before thee ; and men of fame as if they had not existed ; wise men, as if they were without know- ledge ; and the intelligent, as if void of understanding ? For the majority of our actions is emptiness; and the days of our life are but vanity in thy presence ; even the pre-eminence of man over the beast is naught ; for all is vanity. Thou didst distinguish man from the beginning, and favour him that he might stand in thy presence; for who can say unto thee, What dost thou? And although he be righteous, what can he give unto thee? But in love hast thou given us, Lord, our God ! [on tup: Sabbath, sav, this d:iy of rest,] this Day of Atonement, this day of pardoning ini()uity ; even this day of holy convocation, for remission, forgiveness, and atonement, and niiDD DvS nS^J 123 i:mN D*pny ij'nuN tiSni irrtSN* »* ^'^.^h nciS !•■ .ti- : I- -: IT T T -: it t : ^; I— : • : r v: IV • I : i- • ; |- t : i- t : |- t : I- t •^: I- t c t : I- t : i- • ; i- t ; i- . . - I IV T : • ■ I IV : • • : I- : ; it : ■ ; "^ IT : • : I- -: I- T r T pit:'':]'^;)|3^ -itiprnor onp ntrv ^»jsS iDiVii-no !•• T I : - I" - I" : - V I" - V IT N*Sn • irni:3N 'nhi<^ ^^rhx '' n^jaS -iDK3-nD -: I" -; I" I- I" v: t: ) iv : • T -: r- T •• - •• : - : I iv t : I • r- : I I" -:i~ ••;-•:• • : t - • : • ♦ VH nonsn p Dnxn "iniDi * r\'y:h Sdh ir-'-n *Dn I • IT T •• : - I ■ T T |T - I IVT : V IV I" - : Sdh Vd.i »3 V IT I IVT : -:i- ,...-- .. ... T : I-: • T - — I T ~ V T -: I" : I" v; t: (t i v r *• ♦ nn'SoSi ♦ nS^noS • nrn trip Nnpo dv na • hth T • : • : T • : • v- vji t|: • 123 CONCLUSION SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. noon, ami ovoniiig. Thou alone art good ; for thy mercies never fail; thou alone art merciful, for thy kindness never ceaseth; for from everlasting have we put our trust in thee. And for all these mercies, may thy name, our King ! be continually praised, and highly exalted, for ever and ever ; and all the living shall give thanks unto thee. Selah. And vouchsafe to seal all the children of thy covenant for & happy life. And may they ever in truth praise and adore thy great name, for it is good. God of our salvation, and our help for ever; bene6cent God ! Blessed art thou, Lord ! for goodness is thy name, and unto thee it is proper continually to give thanks. grant us peace, happiness, and blessing, with life, grace, favour, charity, and mercy, unto us, and all thy people Israel ; and bless us, even all of us together, our Father ! in the light of thy countenance ; for by the light of thy countenance hast thou given us, O Lord, our God ! the law, and with it life, love, and benevolence ; righteousness and mercy ; blessing and peace : and may it please thee to bless thy people Israel, with abundant fortitude and peace. And in the book of life, blessing, peace, and prosperity, salva- tion, comfort, and good decrees, may we, and all thy people Israel, be remembered, and sealed before thee, to a good and peaceful life. Blessed art thou, Lord ! who blessest thy people Israel with peace. Amen. " May the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy presence, O Lord ! who art my Rock and Redeemer." Our God and God of our fathers ! may our prayers come before 'hee, and hide not thyself from our supplications ; for we are not BO sharaoless of face, or hardened, as to declare in thy presence, 21* msD DvS nh'Vi 122 T IV I I • - I— T : "^VT T : I- : - : T]nn5 *:5"S3 * d'^iId D»^n^ Dinm •• T T IV I" t: v: I" T I : •• T V IV T I •• • - T T : T T I" : IT I IV - •• T : • T ^- : |" *t • •: r : |t t: ijS nni n*j3 "iixD »3 • ri'^Q niN3 in* ijSd ir2J< IT T I- T I IV T : I IV T : -I- IT ^ IT • -; I- : |t t: v iv t t -: i- • - : t i- v: t: : DiStr'i rr-D-)3 T : "^ T : ^ I' T T T ; - T : T T : • - v I" : : I- -: ( IV T : •• T I" : •• t • •• : t t ": * ". i : * t: I IV T : • • I : v : • •■ ; ■ I t : : •• t^i:; »trpi D»j§ nj; ijtse pxcj'' ♦ -lininnp o^^inn 122 CONCLUSION SKRVICK FOR KIITUR. formed it ; and all who have breath in tht'ir nostrils declare, "The Lord God of Israel reigncth, and his supreme power ruleth over all." O sanctify us with thy commandments, and ordain our portion to be in thy law. satisfy us with thy goodness; rejoice our soul with thy salvation ; and purify our heart to serve thee in truth; for thou, Lord God! art Truth; and thy word, our King, is truth, and permanent for ever. Blessed art thou, O Lord ! the King, who pardonest and forgivest our iniquities, and the iniquities of thy people Israel ; causing our trespasses to pass away annually. King of the whole earth, who sanctifiest [on the Sabbath, add, the Sabbath, and] Israel, and the Day of Atonement. Lord, our God ! let thy people Israel be acceptable to thee, and have regard unto their prayers. Restore the service to the oracle of thy house ; so that the burnt-oiferings of Israel, and their prayers, may be speedily accepted by thee with love and favour; and the worship of thy people Israel, be ever pleasing unto thee. And through thy abundant mercy, deign thou to regard us kindly, and be favourable unto us, and cause our eyes to behold thee at thy return to Zion with mercy. Blessed art thou, Lord ! who restorest thy divine presence unto Zion. Bow and say. We gratefully acknowledge that thou art the Lord, our God ! and the God of our fathers, for evermore. Thou art our Rock ; the Rock of our life, and the Shield of our salvation ; to all gene- rations will we render thanks unto thee, and recount thy praise, for our lives, which are delivered into thy hand, and for our souls, which are ever in thy keeping; and for thy miraculous provi- dence, which we daily experience; and for thy wonders, and thy kindness, which are at all times exercised towards us, at morning, -)1DD Dvh n"?'}^! 121 It T •• t: • •• v: t: - : t t : v -: t T IT T - : - • DON i:idSo TiiDii ♦ noN D%iSN »^ nriK o * noNs V v: !•■ : - I : IT : v • v: t. t - . ■.. i. I" I -:!" " I" : •■ I ■•■ IV t: t - ( r - t tj - . T T T : 1" : - • -; I- •• t : • - -:i- : ; T • ~ "I" : I V IT T T ~ I V IV T T : : Dn|)3n Din SNn?r» T T • : •• T : • •• • : I iv ■• • ; • t -: it •• t • I" I" t: t - IV I T : I ; "l" : • I •• T I" - I" ■ T T : 1" -: W ' ^nSnn isp^i rf^ n-)ii nni nii^ • Nin nnis: I T * ' ITT! IT : |V I T V IV T ', V 121 CONCLUSION SERVICE FOR KIFPUR. THE Saiujatii, say, Oil this day of rest,] on this Day of Atoa^- moiit, on this day of parduiiin-i iniquity, vwu on this day of holy convocation. O bh)t out and remove our transyrcssiona from thy sight : as it is said, " I, even I, am he, who blot out thy transgressions for my own sake ; and thy sins I will not remem- ber." And it is said, " I have made thy transgressions vanish away like a cloud, and thy sins like a vapour; return unto me; for I have redeemed thee." And it is said, " For on this day shall he make an atonement for you, to cleanse you, that ye may be clean from all your sins before the Lord." Our God, and God of our fathers, mayest thou be pleased to grant that our memorial, and the memorial of our fathers, the memorial of Jerusalem, thy city, and the memorial of the Mes- siah, the son of David, thy servant, and the memorial of all thy people, the house of Israel, may ascend, come, approach, be seen, accepted, heard, visited, and remembered for the obtaining of a happy deliverance, with favour, grace, and mercy, [on the Sab- bath, SAY, on this day of rest, and] on this Day of Atone- ment ; this day of pardoning iniquity ; even this day of holy con- vocation. To have mercy, and to save us thereon : Lord, our God I remember us thereon for good; visit us with a blessing; and save us to enjoy a happy life ; with the word of salvation and mercy, have compassion, and be gracious unto us. O have mercy upon us, spare and save us, for our eyes are continually towards thee ; for thou, God ! art a merciful and gracioua King! Our God, and God of our fathers, reign thou over the whole world in thy glory ; and be exalted in thy majesty over the whole earth ; and shine forth in the excellence of thy supreme power over all the inhabitants of thy terrestrial world ; and may every thing which hath been made, be sensible that thou hast made it ; and every thing formed, understand that thou hast VOL. in. B. — 21 "TiSD DvS rhy^ 120 p^\!'. i^n^Sp DV3 • nin Dn.£)3n dv? (nrn ni^ari :i'i;£r'3 nnb Nin o:^« ojx * iions * ^^yv TJio I IVT • IT • IT T IT I IV ^- VIV ■ TT • !• T - ■::i:- : f iv - : •*^:i- Vsp • D^i^jj -inoS D5»Sr.^ ")£)?] nir\ Dl"'5-*3 * "idn^.i : nnon »♦ osiS * OD^riNtsn IT : ■ t: •• : • v •• i - 1" -: I ■■ • : 1" : • •• t • : | •• t • "^ - t • -.- ti": *oj|;.';r"in^i ij»S); 13 onn^ ♦ nn trip x-npp dV3 T T : • i-|: T T : i- v: r: i- : t Din • D'omi nri&:'» -)ai3 • d^did D'^nS 13 ijr»£r"ini *iyrr ^*Sn o • urti'ini irSr on-iiSiDnvu^ni ; nm Dinni p^n r|Sp Snj »3 •1^3 DSi;rn-S3 h:; TjiSp ♦ irnnx %iSNi irriS{< "111?? i^^ini • !r]np'3 pNn-SD hv. Nc^^ni ♦ :]ni333 120 CONCLUSION SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. land, gladness unto thy city, :i roviv:il of tlie kingdom of tby ser- vant David, and a renewed splondour to tlie light of the sou of Jesse, thy anointed, speedily in our days. And then the rii^hteous shall see it, and rejoice; the upright be glad, and the saints exult in song; but iniquity shall be dumb, and all manner of wickedness vanish in smoke ; when thou shalt remove the dominion of presumptuous sin from the earth. And do thou, even thou, O Lord, our God ! speedily reign over all thy works, on mount Zion, the residence of thy glory, and in Jerusalem, the city of thy sanctuary; as it is written in thy holy word, "The Lokd shall reign for ever; even thy God, O Zion ! unto all generations, Hallelujah." Thou art holy ! and thy name is fearful ; and besides thee there is no God; as it is written, " And the Lord of Hosts shall be exalted in judgment ; and the holy God shall be sanctified, by displaying his righteousness." Blessed art thou, Lord ! the Holy King ! Thou hast chosen us from all people ; thou hast loved and fa- voured us, and exalted us above all nations, and sanctified us with thy commandments, and brought us near unto thy service, our King ! and hast called us by thy great and holy name. And with love hast thou given us, Lord our God : [on the Sabbath, say, this day of rest, and] this Day of Atonement, this day of pardoning iniquity ; even this day of holy convoca- tion, for remission, forgiveness, and atonement ; and thereon to pardon all our iniquities ; a holy convocation in love, a memorial of the departure from Egypt, Oar God ! and God of our fathers, pardon our iniquities [oN 1^^D Dvh nS^rJ 119 I IV -.1- T ^- T •• : 1" v: t: t - | : • ; I'**V T-?^S ' °^''^V 1: 1^?' * ^^1p n^n? :3inDD : nnSSrr -iii iiS T : I- T : • ^n.ij^5P niS^;« i^5si ' ^p^" ?>:"t"iJ'i nnx ti'*'i"'p : trnpn T|Spn * ♦; nnx T]n3 • npiy? T r t: it X : 1- t ■ - it t • it : - : t - • I IV : • : IT : - 1 • : ; - t ■ it ; - i : it T |t| T l-'V -IT- V T -: I- : I" t: it I v r - p]jn ^1^'^? °'^' ^^^ ' '^l'^ onssn Di' (n^i ♦ njn • nn^oSi ♦ nS'n^S • nrn :rip N"ipo di» nxi ♦ nrn t • : • : T • : • V - vli t|: • v : t<"ipo HDHN^ • irniJir'Ss nx 13 SinoSi • msDSi T|; • T -: r" : i- i -: t v : • : tt - : : onvo nx'V'S "iiir * trip • IT ; • - • 1- vi" v|i DV3 r\2W2) irniyirS Sino • irniDx \iSNi irnSi< : I" I -:r- : r* -: •• i- i" 119 CONCLUSION SERVICE FOR KirrUR. O King, Supporter, Saviour, and Shield. Blessed art thou, Lord ! the Shield of Ahraham. Thou, Lord ! art mighty for ever; it is thou who revivest tlie dead, and art mighty to save; who causest the dew to de- scend. Who sustainest the living with benefieence, and with great mercy quiokcnest the dead, supportest the fallen, and healest the sick ; thou loosenest those who are in bonds, and wilt accom- plish thy faith unto those who sleep in the dust. Who is like unto thee, Lord of mighty acts? or who can be compared unto thee, who art the King, who killest, and restorest to life; and causest salvation to spring forth ? W^ho is like unto thee, merciful Father ! who in mercy rememberest thy creatures to life ? Thou art also faithful to revive the dead. Blessed art thou, O Lord ! who revivest the dead. Thou art holy, and thy name is holy, and the saints praise thee daily, Selah. Ascribe ye dominion unto God, from generation to generation; for he alone is exalted and holy. And may thy name be sanctified, Lord, our God ! amongst thy people Israel. And thus also extend the fear of thee, O Lord, our God ! over all thy works, and the dread of thee, over all thou hast created ; BO that all thy works may fear thee, and all creatures bow down before thee : so that they may all form one band, to perform thy will with an upright heart ; as we, thy people, know, Lord, our God ! that the dominion is thine ; strength is in thy hand, and might in thy right hand ; and thy name is tremendous over all thou hast created. And thus also grant honour unto thy people ; a good name unto those who fear thee ; a pleasing hope unto those who seek thee ; and confidence unto those who wait for thee : joy unto thy niflD DvS hSt^ 118 D") * nn^^ dtio n^no ♦ »» oSirS "113:1 nnx — T IT •••■•-; t: t - T • D'Sin Nani • d»S?ij tjoid * d*3i D^pnn? D»np »o ♦ nor ot^"'^ injio^i D^poi * aniDX "t^P'J • .Tnpi n»pp T]Sp • ^*?"nDi"] ^pi nnu^ Sj;2 rjiap : D»»nV D'pnn^ iniv; "iDir • J^n^n dn ^^105 »p n^HD • ^' nriN rins • a^iD nvnnS nnx |o>^j'i •• - : t: t - I T • •• -: 1- : t - I t v: iv : : D^npn It : T - : •• t i- : - t I ^ : ■ - IV I" v: t: "^t i-t: : •• t t •• ; | : i : : nN"i3u^-no-S3 T IT T V ~ T 118 CONCLUSION SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. is gracious and full of compassion; long-suffering, and of great uicrcy. The Lord is good to all j and his mercies are over all his works. All thy works shall praise thee, Lord! and thy pious servants shall bless thee. They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power. To make known his niifrhty acts to the sons of men, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom. Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and ihy domi- nion subsisteth throughout all generations. The LoRD upholdeth all who full, and raiseth up all those who are bowed down. The eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest them their food in due sea.«5on. Thou opcnest thy hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and benefi- cent in all his works. The Lord is near unto all those who call upon him, to all who call upon him in truth. He will fulfil the desire of tho.se who fear him ; he will also hear their cry, and save them. The LoRD prcscrvcth all those who love him ; but he will destroy all the wicked. My mouth shall utter the praise of the Lord J and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever. "As for us, we will bless the Lord from henceforth, and for ever. Hallelujah." Then say, Kaddish Le'ayla. " Lord ! open thou my lips, and my mouth shall declare thy praise." Blessed art thou, Lord our God ! and God of our fathers ; God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob; the great, almighty and tremendous God ! the most high God ! who be- stowest gracious favours, possessor of all things; who remem- berest the piety of the patriarchs, and wh'o wilt in love send a Redeemer to their children, for the sake of thy name. Remember us unto life, Almighty King! who delightest in life. O seal us in the book of life, for thy own sake, O God of life; (who art the living God). mSD DvS nS'^J 117 I IV • -:i- I IV *-:!- T t: I I t -.1 t nil -iitSdb •nnSc'oc'i * d'dS';;-Sd mDSo ^noSo T T : I : : - : V • t 1 t . 1 . 1 . — I" ; TIT V '.'Tl" T""* I •IIb tt: t:t:i •- I t- t: -r:- iirr ^' T : IT T ■• : T -: I t v t: ■■ i . DC^' -itr^-Ss TT»nn • »s — i3t »* nSnn : i^otr* ■^.. T T T I "T !• V -: t: - • : • : - T : I- T '^ I IV T • : . - • T : • - T : t -. • Nni^ni nl3jn Snjn Snh ' 2pr ^rlSxy pnv! %iS?< -iDiri • Sdh n;iip • anio onpD Sou • jv^i?. Sts T -: I- : 15D3 ^:onn * o^^na ran tiSo S^t • D'^nS ijnDr V r* : I" : T • - 1- I •• T I V r: ■ i . t 117 CONCLUSION SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. Be gracious unto tlu-iu, ami have mercy upon tliem ; an 1 upon all those who oppress, and fight against them, execute justice at the time of the Nengilah. God! &c. Remember the righteousness of their father, and renew their days, as of ohl, and at the beginning, at the time of the Nengihih. O God! &c. Proehiim, we beseech tliee, the year of acceptance ; and restore the remnant of the flock to Aholibah, and Aholah, at the time of the Nengihih. God! &c. May Michael the prince of Israel,' Elijah and Gabriel, now pub- lish the glad tidings of redemption at the time of the Nengilah. O God! &c. CONCLUSION SERVICE DAY OF ATONEMENT. " Let thy mercy, Lord, be upon us. according as we hope in thee." "Happy are they that dwell in thy house; they will be con- tinually praising thee. Selah. Happy the people who are thus ! Happy the people whose God is the Lord !" — (Psalm cxlv.) — David's Psalm of Praise. — I will extol tbee, my God, O King ! and I will bless thy name for ever and ever. Every day will I bless thee, and I will praise thy name for ever and ever. The Lord is great, and exalted in praise, and his greatness is un- searchable. One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty, and thy wondrous works. And men shall speak of the might of thy tremendous acts ; and thy greatness will I declare. The memorial of thy abundant goodness shall they perpetually utter, and shall sing of thy righteousness. The Lord ' Vide Dan. x. 21, and xii. 1. 20* HDD Dvh nS'^i 116 T : - •••;-; it- i" •■ t . t i vh\ff iniS is^'i • mjb'Kn ts'xi:) K^Diyn f-n;^ • nnnn nj^'pa^S ^idd nja? : D''33i3n nxx mip nmx id^d^i • n'7''7n n;' nniN nnx* orn ntTN : nSo niSSn^ -iir • nn»D ^^c^v ntj^'x ^T ••: - T IV I I : I- : Mv " i •• : - • T : T • : T v: t: iv r t •• : - t it v T ^.'T T : I : ■ T : r-:i— t|i'-' -it-: t : I ; |T \: I" f IV • • ••'• TIT II. . ■ ^ -; i— : " T; V (T T : * r* * I * ! - T: • : 116 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. >I:iy ho who niaketh peace in his high heavens, through his mercy, bestow peace on us, and all Israel; and say ye, Amen. It is peculiarly our duty to praise the Lord of all; to ascribe greatness to him who formed the world in the beginning; since he hath not made us like the nations of the different countries, nor placed us like the other families of the earth ; neither hath he appointed our portion like theirs, nor our lot like their multitude, who worship vanity and emptiness, and make supplication to a god who cannot save. But we prostrate ourselves before the Supreme King of kings! the holy and blessed One! who stretched out the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth : the resi- dence of whose glory is in the heavens above, and the Divine Majesty of whose power is in the highest heavens. He is our God, and there is no other. Our King is truth, and there is none beside him : as it is written in the law, " Know, therefore, this day, and reflect in thy heart that the Lord he is God, in the heavens above, and on the earth beneath, there is none else." PIZMON. God ! awful in deeds, grant us pardon at the time of the Nengilah.' God ! &c. Those who are called few in number, lift up their eyes unto thee, burning with pain of repentance at the time of the Nen- gilah. God! &c. They pour out their soul unto thee ; blot out their trans- gressions and falsehood ; and grant them pardon at the time of the Nengilah. God! &c. Be thou their protection, and deliver them from the curse ; and seal their doom unto glory and joy at the time of the Nen- gilah. God! &c. •NcnsHah denotes locking up or closing; and therefore this prayer is V«11.-(J Thcphilhth Ncngilnh, the Concluding Prayer ni£)D DvS nmo ii5 •• T : • '^ T : IT T T - : - i" : t t - : DiStr ntrr' V!:n"iD Nnn * VDi-i,!D3 diW ntri? T V -:i- T -: |- ; t : • t v •)V1^S n^iJi nnS * Sbn niN^S nstrS irS;r •• : T ••.: •• T - I -: I- - I" - : f'^r ^HD'^ nSi • m^fn.^n »n:i3 my xSt:'' : n^t^^'Xn^ IT T : T -: IT •• : IT T V • •• : 1" T I : V T |i" : V T V T T-: IT : ; • : • : - : • I ■ T V IV : • -: |- ; • •• •.• t -: t : ♦3^0 T]^D 'jpS onnn^'p iif7.^N;,l : i?*p' iih S{< Stj "ipin D^pc^" HDii Nin^' • Nin "ins rnf^n DoS^n V it i" —.1- - t ^ -it: t - T - t I V IV : rixn Sri Sr^o D^Dtra o^nS^n Nin »» »3 ♦ nnnS I V|T T ^- : *"-!-■ M- T - • v;iT t: • |iv r : : "lip pN • nnnp : nhyiin nr JJ^"3 * nS^no i:S n'Vdh * nS^Sp ^«l^i hn T ^- : - ^- |— : T • : |t • : - t • '^-; t onSoDi ♦ D'Nb'i: rr ^S ♦ D'?rS yn? rn D^ots^atr' irrlSj< I IV T : V 1 I : I- T ■ : t • • i- t - v i- v: n'^y • nnicoS ni^t ijar ntrr D*o:^*3tr" ij^hSn •• '^i T IT*^- •• '^-i ■ I- T - V I" v: !iN"i* • D'on-iS niN ijo;; ntrr ' nm^*^S niN* usj? :• • -: I- : it "^ •• "-: t i- it'- i:mri; »» nnN o * 'loSsn ^irD^x irn^ • w'3n ir^jtr IT :-^-: t: t - • : it • : i- : i v:iv i ••: i-- : i : !)jnon:i IT : - !• Sapnn tynp ^''t^n "idiki t: r T :*iT : t - -)- : •: -- : 113 AFTERN(X)N SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. Our God who art in heaven, write us in the book of the up- right and porfoft. Our God who art in heaven, write us in the book of sustenance and good maintenance. Our Grod who art in heaven, do not make an end of us. Our God who art in heaven, punish all those who distress us. Our God who art in heaven, do it for thy sake if not for ours. Our God who art in heaven, subdue all those who oppress us. Our God who art in heaven, contend against those who wish to injure us. Our God who art iu heaven, fulfil the desires of our heart for good. Our God who art in heaven, avenge our cause. Our God who art in heaven, support us in our fallen state. Our God who art in heaven, answer our entreaty. Our God who art in heaven, redeem us from the hand of our enemies. Our God who art in heaven, command thy blessings to be with ua. Our God who art in heaven, command thy salvation to be with us. Our God who art in heaven, justify us at thy judgment. Our God who art in heaven, hasten for us the period of the redemption. Our God who art iu heaven, hasten for us the day of salvation. Our God who art in heaven, draw us near to thy service. Our God who art in heaven, plead our cause, and redeem us. Our God who art in heaven, look to the affliction of thy people Israel. Our God who art in heaven, heal the diseased of thy people Israel. Our God who art in heaven, look to the oppression of the pre- sent hour. -I15D ht:^ nmo 112 T T T : - : •.•!••: i- : t -i- t - v i- v! IT '^' - I- - T T • i- 1 ~ V !■■ v: I- : I V : -I- T - V I" :•: T : I" • -: : • •• - • |- t - v i- I- T I : • V I : 1- T - V I- v: I" T • : V I : • 1- T - V I" !••: I I" ■ !•• ; ■ 1- T - V I- I IV : • IT • ■• - -I- T - V I" ' I ,v "^ 1 : IT • 1- •(- T - V I- v; : n^DD^Ds i:pii; o'Dts^atr ^rrt^N ) IV T : I r : - • |- t - v I" v: : hSn^jh rp ^:h D"ip D'Dtrs::' irriSj^ T •.. : - I I" IT -r I- T - V I- v; ^T : - IT "It -i- t - V I" v: I IV t I -:i- r- :)lT -r r - v |- !•• T : I" • T I- T- T - V I" : S?<")^^ ^p^ '41^3 nxn D.*p^?^" ir.iS.^ : Sn"jp^! ^sr. *Sin N§") D'pf" 3tf^ ^^'0^^* : n};\^n pmn nxn D^DL^*3tr irriS^ •^ T - I - 1 : • I- T - V r- 112 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KllTUR. » none that c:in say unto him, What doest thou ? neither is (here any that can say unto him, What workest thou? for all arc the works of his hands. Riiulrr. Our God who art in heaven, deign to hear our voice, and accept our prayers favourably.' Our God who art in heaven, destroy us not through the length of our captivity. Our God who art in heaven, destroy all those who rise up against us, for evil. Our God who art in heaven, remember thy covenant, and for- get us not. Our God who art in heaven, abolish all injurious decrees which concern us. Our God who art in heaven, bless our bread and water. Our God who art in heaven, reveal the glory of thy kingdom unto us speedily. Our God who art in heaven, we have earnestly sought thee, j^rant that we may find thee. Our God who art in heaven, require our blood, from the hands nf those who rise up against us. Our God who art in heaven, grant our request to us, in answer to our prayers, on this and every other day. Our God who art in heaven, suflFer us not to be ashamed of our hope. Our God who art in heaven, answer us when we call. Our God who art in heaven, remember us with a good memo- rial before thee. Our God who art in heaven, have compas.sion upon us, our children and our sucklings. Our God who art in heaven, cleanse us from our sins. Our God who art in heaven, may thy tender mercy be moved towards us, we pray thee. Our God who art in heaven, write us in the book of happy life. Our God who art in heaven, write us in the book of the right- eous. ' In answer to each of these ver.ses, the Congregation answer "Amen." niQD Sir nmo ill TT •• ^—.X- : pvn? i^n^^n Sap.i ^:Sip i^o^" D*pjf3^' ^rriSiNt I" IX I V 1 : I" : - : - • |- t - v 1 ^T T : I" '^x 'It- X •• - • I- T - v I" : 5iin3:rn Sni "il3r nnnn o^oirstr' ijtiSn I" T : • - : : | : I" : ■ i t - •; i" : nirii nitrp ninrrSs irSro Sis3 o^ot^'se^' ^r riSist : ^TD'D DNi i:pnS niv* "qis D*p^'3^" i^'hSk : nnno irSy nnoSo ii33 n^j D^j^tr^tt^' irriSN : 1:S-^<^:a^r nij:r-i*i D*Dcr'3sr' ^yrihii IX •■ IX • I I : - : ■ I- T - V !•• : ?irDp TO iron t^'m D*otr'3tr' ?irnS{« l-|x - • I- T : ■ I- T - V !•■ v: Din DV-S331 Dv\*-i i:S-"inrn d'd^^z* irnSx "" T T : - IX V Tx •■ • I- X - V 1" I" T • : • : 'm3ti^o ij:^*'*3n Sxi D'otr"3tr' ij*nS{< ...... ,.. . ; _ ; . ^ T - V I" : ii:rn nnNi Nnpji D'oi^*'3:r" ^ynhii ,..*■-;,_ T - : x|:- : • i- t - v i- :■: : n^jfiSo 31D in3D i:"i3r D*D5r'3ir ir.iSN I IV T : • I : • : I" : t • |- x - v |- v: : ^yhv r\'Dn^ Nr^on* D'otr'3£r' irriSN i-'V I IV-: I- T •.•:)■.• • I- 7 - V !■• : D^pn^ -)tDD3 i:3n3 D'Dtr'3t:' irriSx I . . _ V !•■ : r : T • |- t - v r* v: t D^p^pni on^'r nsp? ^^3^3 D'p^'3^" 1^^S^? Ill AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR it for the sake of Israel in poverty. Grant it for the sake of Israel the needy. Grant it for the sake of Israel who languish in distress. Grant it for the sake of orphans and widows. Grant it for the sake of those who suck at the breast. Grant it for the sake of those who are weaned from the milk. Grant it for the sake of young children under tuition, who have not sinned. grant it for thy own sake, if not for our's; O grant it for thy sake, and save us. save and answer us this day, and at all times, when we pray unto thee ; for thou art our praise. Omnipotent ! thou art long-suflFering, and most merciful ; the greatness of thy mercy and kindness hast thou made known to the meek one of old ; and thus it is written in thy law — " And the Lord descended in the cloud, and stood with him there ; and proclaimed the name of the Lord !" And there it is said, "And the Lord pa.ssed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord is the immutable eternal Being ! an omnipotent God ! merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in beneficence and truth; keeping mercy even unto the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, and acquitting. Pardon thou our iniquity, and our sin, and take us for thy heritage." Then say, " For on this day," &c. page 104. grant our request for the sake of thy sanctified name, and not for our sake, " Not for our sake, Lord ! not for our sake, but unto thy name give glory, for the sake of thy mercy and truth. Wherefore should the nations say. Where is now their God ? Since our God is in heaven." Our God in heaven is One: this we acknowledge twice every day. He liveth and existeth eternally ; he is replete with mercy and righteousness ; he hath made every thing that he pleased in heaven and earth. There is 19* iiDD Dvh nmD 110 * on^* *pjv |j;pS n'^v., * ni^p'pNT D^pin; ij;oS Sc'" nipirn ji^p'? nb^j;^ * nSn ^Sid;i h^o^ ntrjr. T IT I" T • n^DH-i nS-Tii • D^Dnin h};2) ♦ nnx d^sn nnx Sn ^^T t: •• : t| : •- t • ..-;.- It tiv t: Vf- ion ivi : nDH^ ' non dit ♦ d»9N n-iNt * n^m V I'.' •• ■.■ v; IV V IV - : ■ i- - I v iv i - : IT : - : I" T - : i- -:r- IT t: IT IT ."•.!.• ', I • ' • IT T - I" I" V ■■ I V. T •• • - .1 m * D'^V.Q dv'Sd? i^innj;. • d.^o^'d 'irrtSK -ini* 110 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. R. Lord! grant our request for the sake of him, who was faithful in all thy house. C. And have compassion, &c. Ji. O Lord ! grant our request for the sake of him, who ministered by thy Urim and Thummim. C And have compas- sion, &c. H. Lord ! grant our request for the sake of him, who was pure and zealous for thy name. 0. And have compassion, &c. R. Lord ! grant our request for the sake of thy sweet psalmist. C. And have compassion, &c. li. O Lord ! grant our request for the sake of the king who built a temple to thy name. C. And have compassion, &c. R. Lord ! grant our request for the sake of those who have been slain and burnt for the testifying of the Unity of thy holy name. C. And have compassion, &c. R. Lord ! grant our request for the sake of thy name. C And have compassion upon thy people Israel. Grant our request, Lord ! for the sake of thy name. Grant it for the sake of thy truth. Grant it for the sake of thy cove- nant. Grant it for the sake of thy greatness. Grant it for the sake of thy law. Grant it for the sake of thy glory. Grant it for the sake of thy promise. Grant it for the sake of thy memo- rial. Grant it for the sake of thy loving kindness. Grant it for the sake of thy goodness. Grant it for the sake of thy rectitude. Grant it for the sake of thy honour. Grant it for the sake of those who study thy law. Grant it for the sake of thy kingdom. Grant it for the sake of thy eternal existence. Grant it for the sake of thy secret. Grant it for the sake of thy mighty power. Grant it for the sake of thy excellence. Grant it for the sake of thy righteousness. Grant it for the sake of thy holiness. Grant it for thy sake of thy tender mercy. Grant it for the sake of thy divine presence. Grant it for the sake of thy holy law. grant it for the sake of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Grant it for the sake of Moses and Aaron. Grant it for the sake of David and Solomon. Grant it for the sake of Jerusalem, thy holy city. Grant it for the sake of Zion, the residence of thy glory. Grant it in compassion of the destruction of thy house. Grant it in compassion of the desolation of thy temple. Grant •TifiD DvS nmo 109 V^'V HDim ^*i?''"''P? °'^P I^P^ '^^^= V: r"T HDini ^|?^S n^5 nj3 -j^g |i;p^ ntrj;^ V^ • T]np^f ]V.^h ^^V.._ ' ^9f IJ!'?^ nb'jj • ^^1^ li^p^ f^i^'J^: • ^^'"'.? li^-?'? •^^^: • TJl*:! IJ^'p^ HB^ir^ • Tjn^ jj/p^ ntrjg • ^15? ir.?^ ^^% * ^TJ^J IJ^-9) ntrr, * T]5iD fj;pS ntr];^ • tj'ipn [ro^ n.^^^^ • T]niD? 1^5^ n'^:;. • T]Tf> [r.?^ nii% * TjniDSp fj;p^ ntrir ♦ T|-TiaS ij;pS nb'i^ • T]niD irp^ ntri;^ * r]ny: jro^ nirir * ?l"jNip tr.^S n^z * ^JP IJ^p^ nc^r. n^'o jrp^ HTO * 2pr;.i pnv. orj-on ]vj$^ n'^v., • T]i3? i5^"p ji'V i^?^ nt^x* ^'IRD '^y. p!?^'n! • T]*7D»rr moptr' [i^p^ nir;;^ • -qno pnn fr.pS hk^j;; 109 AFTKKNOON SERVICE FOR KUTUR. art of infinite perfection, fearful in praises, pardoning iniquities, ami answering in times of distress : we have sinned against thee, have nierey upon us. O thou who art the author of salvation ; who foreseest futurity ; callest into existence generations to come; ridest upon the heavens ; art attentive to prayer j and art perfect io knowledge : we have sinned against thee, O have mercy upon us. The merciful God is thy name; the gracious God is thy name; the long-suffering God is thy name; the infinitely Merciful is thy name ; in us thy name is called ; Lord grant our request for the sake of thy name ! Read. O Lord I be gracious unto us, and raise us up. Cong. remember us, and write us in the book of life. R. Lord ! cause us to hear good tidings, and have mercy upon us, on the day of salvation. C. remember &c. R. Lord ! may the multitude of thy mercies be moved towards us. C. remember, &c. R. O Lord I let thy loving kindness anticipate our request, and have mercy upon us. C O remember, &c. R. Lord ! let thy tender mercy be moved towards us. C. O remember, &c. R. Lord ! may the lasting impression of thy love be sealed on our hearts this day. C. remember, &c. R. Lord ! plead our cause, and contend with those that wish to injure us. C. O remember, &c. R. Lord ! bless our bread and water. C. remember, &c. R. O Lord ! grant our request for the sake of thy name. C. And have compassion upon thy people Israel. R. Lord ! grant our request for the sake of him who shone forth in olden days, and was perfect before thee. 0. And have compassion, &c. R. Lord ! grant our request for the sake of him who was bound in thy porch. C. And have compassion, &C. R. Lord ! grant our request for the sake of him, whose prayer was answered by the vision of a ladder from thy heavens. C And have compassion, &c. R. Lord ! grant our request for the sake of him, who, when imprisoned, hoped in thee. C. And have compassion, &c. VOL. III. B. — 19 HDD DvS nn^o 108 J IV T : IT T ^ .. • ; • : - I" T -- : irSr Dm |"'t • - I" : T : I" : T • - v i" : i" T -;i- I" t t: 1" -: I- : I" : - T It : : t: I" -; I- : I :|-: I IV t -: t: v"n:ii irSr n^on-) nj ion* »♦ I" T I IV -; I- T v:iv t: V'nni ijo^tr Di\n dS Sr onins »^ I" - •• '^ T I- t: ir"nai ij'oniS onSi i^an nnn »» I" -: I - : !•• • T !• Tj iT"nni iro'Di ijanS ^"^3 *♦ I" •■ I- : - I •• T t; : :]^j; Sxni.^' S;^. noini ♦ ^o^" |:;p^ nc^;;. ;♦ y"T HDini T3'^^ '^"!)?*'? ]^.?h rrb'i;. ♦;. r*r HDim ^!?^''^'5? '^PM.-]^-?) ^^^^.. V. r^y HDim ^n'?-SD5 ip^vj ji^p^ ntrj;. »;. r"';; HDim 7|'gi-\i ^'T!.''^? I05P li^p^ ^'^y., V. 108 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KllTUR. us. Hear us, thou who wilt seek us, and answer us. Hear us, O tliou who art gh)rious and majestic, and answer us. Hear us thou who art just in eoniFortin^, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art pure and upright, and answer us. Hear us, thou living and eternal (Jod, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art pure-sighted, and answer us. Hear us, thou who dwellest in heaven, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art omnipotent, and answer us. Hear us, God ! who delightest not in wickedness, and answer us. Hear us, O thou Supreme King of kings, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art tremendous and exalted, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art the aid of the fallea, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art the help of the poor, and answer us. Hear us, our Redeemer and Deliverer, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art jiist and justifying, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art near to those who call upon thee, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art high and exalted, and answer us. Hear us, thou who dwellest above the highest heavens, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art the support of the perfect, and answer us. Hear us, God of Abraham, and answer us. Hear us, thou who answerest in a favourable time, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art the Fear of Isaac, and answer us. Hear us, thou who answerest in times of distress, and an.swer us. Hear us, mighty God of Jacob, and answer us. Hear us, thou who answerest in the time of mercy, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art the Shield of David, and answer us. Hear us, God, who dwellest among thy angels, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art merciful and gracious, and answer us. most merciful and gracious God I we have sinned against thee, have mercy upon us. L jrd of pardon ! who searchest the hearts, revealest hidden things, and speakest righteousness : we have sinned against thee, have mercy upon us. O thou who art glorious in wondrous works, just in comforting, remem- berest the covenant of the fothcrs, and searchest the inward parts; we have sinned against thee, have mercy upon us. thou who art good and beneficent to all creatures, knowest all secrets, Buppressest iniquities, and art clothed with righteousness : we have sinned against thee, have mercy upon us. thou who niD^ Dvh nmo 107 ?<-)i: ijjr.. • iy^: D'oS^pn o^D r|Sg ijjj;^ ♦ ijj^^ [115^ : ^rSij DH") • ^;.^p^ iJNgn pjini Din-) nai"! * mpior.^ nSij • niD?^ [ma * nin'Spn • niNSa^a -inn : irSr onn n^^dS ijndh • nipnv T : • : T i-'t •• - ( IV t : it t I t: • ni»S:p "ipin • nnx nn? ^Dir • mom? p'l?) ^- ,.. ; . _ ... |.. "V •• - I IV T : ITT IT T J T ; •■ -: •• T : ■ T iiSiD • hSnr» N-)li • nvy xSo : irS;; onn tj^^d'? 107 AFTERN(X)N SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. tluv of tho evil, and incline to niorcy. IlitK' not thyself in times like these; for we are in <:reat distress, l^et it be niauifested iu tho sight of all, that thy goodness and merey are with us. O elose *he luouth of the adversary, that he may not aecuse us ; repre- hend him, that he be silent; and suffer the good intercessor to rise up, to justify us, and declare our uprightness. merciful and gracious God ! thou hast revealed thy ways unto him who was faithful in tiiy house, and when he entreated thee, thou didst make thy truth known unto him. Then say "0 omnipotent King," &c., as on page 103. Read, and Con;/. We have sinned, O our Rock ! Pardon us, O thou who hast formed us. R. and C. Hear, Israel, the LoRD our God, the Lord is One. R. and C. Blessed be the glorious name of his kingdom for ever and ever. R. and C. The Lord, he is God. The Lord, he is God. R. The angels above proclaim, C. The everlasting One is our Lord. R. The peculiar chosen peo- ple answer and declare, C. The Lord he is God. R. The spheres above proclaim, C. The everlasting One is our Lord. R. The exalted peculiar people answer and declare, C. The Lord he is God. R. and C. The Lord reigneth ; the Lord hath reigned ; the Lord will reign for ever and ever. R. Before the heavens and the earth were yet expanded, C. The Lord reigneth. R. And ere the bright luminaries shone forth, C. The Lord reigned. R. And when the earth shall wax old as a garment, and the heavens vanish as smoke, O. The Lord will reign for ever and ever. The Lord reigneth, &c. R. And before he made the earth and its extremities, C. The Lord reigneth. R. And when he had established the creatures in the various countries, O. The Lord reigned. R. And when he will assemble the dispersed of Israel from the four corners of the earth, C. The Lord will reign for ever and ever. The Lord reigneth, &c. He to whom peculiarly appertaiueth the appellation of I AM THAT I EVER WILL BE, is he who was, who is, and who will be eternally. He killeth and restoreth to life. Before him no creative power existed, and after him none will exist. Hear us, our Father ! and answer us. Hear us, our Creator ! and answer us. Hear us, our Redeemer ! and answer -)isD DvS nmo 106 T|5iD • Vdl? »r;^S riv • '^^^?.^: ^b"^^^. '"'"JV? '^ * ^^? I" : T ■- h" : - : I ' •■ "i ■ w isr'i^DS : n.\3 irj{<:^ n'S;i * ii^ni cin-) :)0.-^-i t: •• t : • - : I" : i it - : I" it t oSirS inoSo -Ti3D n^ nns : nnN '» * ^rrtW T ^ : : - ; -It t .• t. i .. ■ ^ T ■•. : 1" ■ : I" -: t: • : i t : i— t: • ; I t"^:i- •• - : - • v: it t: • : i . : d^hSnh Nin *» ♦ onciNi d^jii; n^jo *Sijn • ij^nx • v: IT t: • ; 1 : t .. : •• : I" nri : n^D '' ' innoi d^P")n*i • opnc^" d")D3 "- : I V IV t: it : • |- r -r- I" t : v IV : ♦ nS^n n^.3D n.8$ni : T]Sd »; * innr nnixg ? •• • T -:iT V |V •• v:!-.- V IV -. i I - - : T T - : - I ■• T T : IT IT ■•:-.• • I vi . - 1- : n t •• T -: 1- : I - • -: i -it v . - . T I" ^ IT I" T -: I- IV V IV : - -: I" -: ••T •• : I - T -:i- IT : "it ; • I- T T : • - : - : : i- it t »;i*p • ijn*ip N\n ^d Dinn : "i3]; nj; ij^3^' * iNpS ninj^3 Di^r.nn nS : ipn ^sSp ntDp ' nj^nn S];Dm 105 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. R. O most mprciful ! chastise us not according to our evil deeds. C. For tlie sake, &c. R. most merciful I cause tliy splendour to rest upon us. C. For the sake, kc. R. most merciful! seek a justification for our deeda. C. For the sake, &c. R. O most merciful ! devise good for us. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! grant us abundantly the good we need. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! let thy tender mercy be moved towards us. G. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! remove thy anger and indignation from us. For the sake, &c. R. O most merciful ! vouchsafe to write us in the book of life. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to write us in the book of mercy. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to write us in the book of the righteous. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to write us in the book of the upright and perfect. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to write us in the book of good maintenance and subsistence. G. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! do not make an end of us. G. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! pardon and forgive our sins and iniqui- ties. G. For the sake, &c. R. O most merciful ! cause the splendour of th}' goodness to shine upon us. G. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! be thou our aid and support. G. For the sake, «&c. R. most merciful ! show us a token for good. G. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to open the gates of heaven to our supplications. G. For the sake, &c. R. most uierciful ! vouchsafe to accept our supplications in favour. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to accept our supplications and prayers, in time of distress. G. For the sake, &c. 18* -I1SD avh nmo 104 V'3 iro Nnni nhdh tr'i33 NJom It- t : I : t : v t t -: i- rn **m x"iiDD3 poDD Njonn V'3 »Dn-n X-I5D3 rrnns j^jom •• -: I- : T : • : it- : - t t -: r" n »p»'i^;i K"itDD3 ponD NJt:n"» |- • - ; t : • : I T • : - t t -: I- V'D ^D'om n\:;n n"iqd3 p^nns x^on-i n ♦JlrOI 'Dnf5"» X")5D3 pOilD Nioni : " t : - : t : - : It ■ : - t t -: |- It t •• : " •^.- 1- t t t -: r" V'3 |nj;Si p?in^ piD;r>i '^inp NJoq'j ra [Sj^^ nn;x r]??iD nin^ i^^oqn n [S nn Tj'ppi n'];p N^onn n ^dS NnK ^eJQ;; n^D); Njom T : T t t it '^ ■■ ^-: t t -: r" I- :- T-: -: TT-;r" v'3 Nir"<3 Sap NjniS^; xj^ni T -:i- : " I " T IT : t t -: |- I - T : • "^ - - T T -: r- I T '^; -:- t:- t- tt-:i- 104 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIFPUR. Stood with him there, and proclaimed the uame of the Lord!" And there it is said : " And tlu' LoKD passed liy before him and proclaimed, The Lord is the immutable, eternal IJeiug ! an omnipotent God! mer- ciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in beneficence and truth; keeping mercy even unto the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, and acquitting. Par- don thou our iniquity and our sin, and take for us thy heritage. For on this day shall he make an atonement for you, to cleanse you, that yc may be clean from all your sins before the Lord." Reader. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy covenant made with Abraham thy beloved. Conyrejjution. For the sake of the attributes of mercy, proclaimed when he passed. R. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy covenant made with Isaac, who was bound as a sacrifice. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy cove- nant made with Jacob the perfect. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us the merits of Joseph the righteous. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy cove- nant made with Moses the prophet. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy cove- nant made with Aaron the priest. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy cove- nant made with Phineas the zealous. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy cove- nant made with David thy anointed. C For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us the sup- plication of king Solomon. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! exalt thy right hand, and cause thy redemption to spring forth. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! with faces covered with shame, do we come to implore thee : O have mercy upon us. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! display thy mighty power over us. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful! bring forth our judgment to light. C. For the sake, &c. R. O most merciful ! cause thy glory to dwell among us. C. For the sake, ko nifi^DvSnmo 103 ... ,|. ._ ^ ''. .._.._ I t'^tiv t: vi— I t t I : t: t: t): - tt "^ t: -:i-- - v:!.- t : t: npn "iv'j : npNi ipn Dni d'3x tj^n: ' p-ini D^nn ijyirS nnSoi : npji nNtsm pji'tDi nr Nb*: d'dSnS !•• "^r- T : - IT : |"-: t t - : '^ - iv t I 't ■ t - |x ■• - : V •• ^: •• - : V - - I- |T : - : i- t - : (n») : nntpn ;» 'JdS * D;)'nkVtpn Sdp * D^^iV Y'3 N"jpv^ pnvn HQ'p jS "is-jN xjpnn rn N^S^'" dpj;n np:p jS -l^^^? Njpnn VD ■ Npnv ^pv"! nnor 1^ "»^1^< ^^.^H*?. ' ^ T -: I- I -: i~ : ■• t| : I t - . t t . i n HN^p. Dnr i?*l np:p |S -id-in X4??qn n Nn'iT'p Tii^ np;p jS id-tn* s^jpn-i V'D 1S5; on-) t]9p npp^ ^*rn^{ t'9N* ^sdidd? NJ'pn-} Y'n N")in;S p^£)^{ fin ^<^.^n"^ 103 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. Our Father and King ! dismiss us not empty from thy pres- ence. On Snbbath say, " Thy righteousness is exalted as the mighty mountains ; thy judgments are profound as the vast abyss ! for thou, Lord ! sa- vest man and beast. Thy righteousness also, O God ! is exceedingly high ! for thou hast done great things ; God who is like thee? Thy righteousness is everlasting righteousness ; and thy law is truth." Then say, Kaddish Le'ayla. Lord! hear thy needy people, who supplicate thy presence; our Father ! from thy children hide not thy ear. Lord ! thy people call upon thee, from the depths of innumerable oppressions ; do not, we pray thee, dismiss them empty from thy presence this day. Lord I hear, kc. Blot out their perverseness and iniquity j and their numerous presumptuous sins ; and if thou wilt not do it for their sake, yet, do it, my Hock ! for thy own sake. Lord! hear, &.C. Blot out also their offence this day; and ac- cept their prayer, as an agreeable present; dispose their heart to serve thee, and incline thy ear to their request. Lord ! hear, &c. have regard to their tears, and assemble the stray flock ; raise thee up a shepherd over them, and visit thy sheep with be- neficence. Lord ! hear, &c. To those who walk in the right path, publish thou the glad tidings of pardon this day, and at the prayer of the Minchah grant them thy grace. Lord! hear, &c. omnipotent King, who sitteth upon the throne of mercy j governing with beneficence j pardoning the iniquities of his peo- ple : by causing them to pass away in due order; extending par- don unto sinners, and forgiveness unto transgressors; acting cha- ritably towards all flesh and spirit, not requiting them according to their wickedness. God ! thou hast taught us to repeat the thirteen attributes of thy mercy. Remember unto us, we be- seech thpc, this day, the covenant of the thirteen attributes which thou didst reveal unto the meek one of old ; for thus it is writ- ten in thy law : " And the Lord descended in the cloud, and VOL. III. B. — 18 •msD DvS nnio 102 I IV T : ■ It •• I" " • • ' ^ IDIN r\3l?21 T T T - : I IV T ; • ■■ ■■ • • p • I IT . I IV T : !• T I IV T • - : I- II. . . • ^ -r ♦ D'pivp lip ^N-ip* • D'pp^^.gp d;; n; : r\:m o'pvn :^S') • oy: 'i^ i^D nv")i * ddih dvh nnpi n^ : ^}ZI?i ♦ njj.t:^ri dh'J?) nyj^i. ^' : ^J!n* n'c^-pn d^v D5S ppn DID? ip3i * n:i;i ^S D*pn> * njj.in in:[; fiiOk^tni ♦ nmSo Dv\n Dit^Dn • nni^i ri-nn oSin n^ : ?ijnv X • : - •• : - : T : ( v iv : •• : i 1 1 . ♦ nnw3 Jin^ip ' o'pni ndd S;; 2pv rf^D S?*? nsip * jic^N") fit^^'f^"! "»'?J^:? ' i^I^ ^i^'W. ^niD nipnv nirr * o^^'isS nn'Spi • D>*DnS nVnp ijniin Sx :SoiJi onS onri^ ^:3S iJNDn ij^So irDN* I IVT : IT T I" : - I- T : nnx n^n n^'^ "i^^ r^* iJ^^-^ ^^'^^ T IT T V I V IV IT I •■ I" : - !• T : r\D^ ]:;p) 'ligi^ r^ty^^;h^ ^y2^ ^ T : |t t !•• "^t 1" •• - I" : - I- T I- : I : ; - •• - r : - |- r 1" : I - ^: ■• T I- : - |- ▼ : irS);^ r^Dtro") ivSd n*^3 ijdSo )y2H I" ^ I" I • : - - T •• - I" : - r T naira ujSd ij'3k onoix t'k * 100 AFTKKNOON SKKVUK FOK KIITUR. our lift', :iiul the Sliii'M of our salvation; to all gencriitii ns will we render thanks unto thee, and recount thy praise, for our lives, whieh are de- livered into thy hand, and for our souls, whieh are ever in thy keeping; and for thy mi- raculous providence, which we daily experience; and for thy wonders, and thy kindness, which are at all times exer- cised towards us, at morn, noon, and even. Thou alone art good ; for thy mercies never fail; thou alone art merciful, for thy kindness never ceases; for from everlasting have we put our trust in thee. (Jod! and the God of our fa- thers; the God of all flesh; who ft)rined us, and formed the world in the beginning Blessings, and thanksgivings, be ascribed to thy great and holy name, for having pre- served us alive, and supported us. Thus we beseech thee to grant us life, be gracious unto us, and assemble our captives toward the courts of thy sanctuary, to observe thy sta- tutes, to do thy will, and to serve thee with an upright heart. For this we shall gratefully thank thee. Blessed be God to whom appertain all thanksgivings. And for all these mercies, may thy name, our King ! be continually praised, and highly exalted, for ever and ever ; and all the living shall give thanks unto thee. Selah. And vouchsafe to inscribe all the children of thy covenant for a happy life. And may they ever in truth praise and adore thy great name, for it is good. God of our salvation, and our help for ever; O beneficent God ! Blessed art thou, Lord ! for goodness is thy name, and unto thee it is proj)er continually to give thanks. grant us peace, happiness, and blessing, with life, grace, favour, charity, and mercy, unto us, and all thy people Israel ; and bless us, even all of us together, our Father ! in the light "1133 DvS nmD 99 I" : I T T T I : V T T : ■• : *^ I IV T • : ■• - : ')rnvS^f|iDNnyijj3ni-ii • Tj^nix"??^ W) * ^^^:?I^ nio?rS • ^^'np^ nnvnS • ni^-S^?^' • ^^'j^uiD'i nna • riS oni!: i^nc^ i^sn n*S »3 on-iDn J T I T IT V I- ■•-:!- :niNni<7n Sn :^Sir;pDSirp'3^nDrr T IV I 1 ■ - I— T : "^VT T "^ : I- : - : ^nn? ':?"S3 * d^did D':n^ 3in:?i T "^ : ••• v: IV T - I : • v : it ■ : r- • • niton hxn nSo i:nn?ri i:rnrit:'^ hxn • did o •• ,T T IV I" t: v: I" T I : •• t V IV T I •• • - T T : T T I" : IT I !••* ~ •• T : • T ^- : i- *> •-:,-: |t T : \h nna n*:3 -iixzi o * nos "iljo in* 1:^3 1J'3^{ IT T I- T I IV T I IV T : -I- IT ^ r T 90 AFTERNOON SKRVICE FOR KIPPUR. Our Tiotl, and God of our fathorw, roign thou over the whole world in thy glory; and be exalted in thy majesty over the whole earth ; and shine forth in the excellence of thy supreme power over all the inhabitants of thy terrestrial world ; and may every thing which hath been made, be sensible that thou hast made it; and every thing formed, understand that thuu hast formed it; and all who have breath in their nostrils declare, " The Lord God of Israel reigneth, and his supreme power ruleth over all." sanctify us with thy commandments, and ordain our portion to be in thy law. satisfy us with thy goodness; rejoice our soul with thy salvation ; and purify our heart to serve thee in truth; for thou, O Lord God! art Truth; and thy word, our King, is truth, and permanent for ever. Blessed art thou, Lord ! the King, who pardonest and forgivest our iniquities, and the iniquities of thy people Israel; causing our trespasses to pass away annually. King of the whole earth, who sanctifiest [on the Sabbath, add, the Sabbath, and] Israel, and the Day of Atonement. O Lord, our God ! let thy people Israel be acceptable to thee, and have regard unto their prayers. Restore the service to the oracle of thy house; so that the burnt-offerings of Israel, and their prayers, may be speedily accepted by thee with love and favour ; and the worship of thy people Israel, be ever pleasing unto thee. And through thy abundant mercy, deign thou to regard us kindly, and be favourable unto us, and cause our eyes to behold thee at thy return to Zion with mercy. Blessed art thou, O Lord ! who restorest thy divine presence unto Zion. Bow and say. We gratefully acknowledge Modim Dkrabbanan. that thou art the Lord, our When the Reader says Modim, God ! and the God of our fa- the Congregation say: thers, for evermore. Thou We gratefully acknowledge art our Rock ; the Rock of that thou art the Lord our 17* "nsD DvS nniD 98 ~ T IT T ~ I I" -: •■ 1 I I T 1 •■ T : • •• v: t: - : t t : v -: t T IT T - : - • noN ijdSd nnn-n ♦ nox D^riSx ^' nnx .»3 • noN3 V v: !•• : - I : IT : v v: ■ v: t: t - • v v: iv TT T : I" : - • *-: I- •• t : • - -:i- : : DniDDH Din SNntr* .-7 . _ . .. T . . • on'^iDni Sx^ir^ ^trxi • nn^2 i^aiS n"iD;7n ac^m t T • : •■ t : • •• • : I IV " • : ■ t "i: it •• t : • -?»pn pv")^ 'nni * IIV15 Sspn •■^^0?^*^ ''^>'^9 p3-)"i Dnio • TjS i:mx onio ^DX'i it^Ni "inN Sd 1J^;^7iNl V: ^*^'^ nriiXgr T]S 'lim.Nj OHIO oSirV iJ'ni3N 'n^8^;i 98 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIFl'UR. A'. — thou, who supportcst the falK-n, and answerest the prayer of tlic oppressed. C. — Who is god equal unto thee I li. — O thou Redeemer and Deliverer, who niovest in the great- ness of thy power. C — Who is god equal unto thee ! R. — O thou, who art nigh unto those who call on thee, and merciful and gracious. C. — Who is god equal unto thee I R. — thou, who dwellcst in the highest heavens, and art the support of the perfect. C. — Who is god equal unto thee! R. — As it is written, " Who is omnipotent, like unto thee, pardoning iniquity, and forgiving the transgression to the residue of his heritage? he retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy. He will again have compassion on us, he will suppress our iniquities; yea, thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea;" as also our sins, and all the sins of thy people the house of Israel, into a place where they shall not be remembered, nor visited, nor thought of for ever. " Thou wilt show faithfulness unto Jacob, and mercy unto Abraham ; which thou hast sworn to our ancestors, from the days of old." Our God, and God of our fathers, mayest thou be pleased to grant that our memorial, and the memorial of our fathers, the memorial of Jerusalem, thy city, and the memorial of the Mes- siah, the son of David, thy servant, and the memorial of all thy people, the house of Israel, may ascend, come, approach, be seen, accepted, heard, visited, and remembered for the obtaining of a happy deliverance, with favour, grace, and mercy, [on the Sab- bath, SAY, on this day of rest, and] on this Day of Atone- ment ; this day of pardoning iniquity ; even this day of holy con- vocation. To have mercy, and to save us thereon : O Lord, our God I remember us thereon for good; visit us with a blessing; and save us to enjoy a happy life ; with the word of salvation and mercy, have compassion, and be gracious unto us. have mercy upon us, spare and save us, for our eyes are continually towards thee ; for thou, God ! art a merciful and gracious King! "iiDD DvS nnjo 97 : ^103 Sx ^0 • HD n^3 ni;>f • S'VP*i nii3 : -|"ioD Sn ^0 * pJin) D^n-i ♦ vxnipS nnf: : "jiOD Sn »d * D^P'pr^ T]pin ♦ D*pn:p" pv^r' ran *3 ♦ 13X "ir^ P'tnn xS inSm nnxirS • y^'Q I •• T • - "^-T I • v: IV T --.I- . .. ; . - I. - T ; I" - T : T - T T •, . T T : - : V IV I -:i-: v v: I •• ■ t : •• - -:i- : Dip 'f2'D irriDxS nrss:*: "lt^♦N v|iv •■ !• I" -: I- T : I- : • v -: V T|" ^- !•- t: V '^-:i- I" -: •• I" I" v: * irni3iX ]'\'^:?\] • i:;.n;)r iDri • ip3» ♦ rp^' * n>;"in * Tji^j; in |3 n'Z'D pipri * Tjn^j; pS^n^ jnpr V - - I T - ■ -: I- : V IV : I •• : *ijy;Lr'inSi ^rS^^ 13 Dnn^ • njn rip Nnpp Dvp * riDn^S in ijipi)i • nniDS ID irrlS^: '» i:"iDr T T ; ■ i-|: T T : I" v: t: i- ; t Dm • D'pnn-j ninc^» ipnp • D^piD D^:nS in i^lj.'^r'in'i •U'r;; n^Sx '3 * iji^^irim irSr Dnn Siom • ij:ini p. ^.. ) ,v .. . ^i" • 1 : i-'^T ■• -: -;i- i- t : : riDi^ Din"n n^n nSo Sn: »3 T IT - ; I - I V IV 97 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. For the sins for which we have incurred the pcDalty of forty stripes. For the sins for which we have incurred the penalty of excision. For the sins for which we have incurred the penalty of death and excision. For the sins for which we have incurred the penalty of death by the hand of God. For the sins for which we have incurred the penalty of the four kinds of death inflicted by our tribunal of justice; viz. stoning, burning, slaying, and strangling ; for transgressing affirmative precepts, or negative precepts ; whether an action be appropriated thereto, or not; as well those which are known unto us, and those which are unknown \into us. Those which are known unto us we have already confessed before thee, Lord our God ! and God of our fathers. And those which are unknown unto us are known and evident before thee, O Lord our God ! as it is said, " The secret things belong unto the Lord our God ! but the known things belong unto us and our posterity for ever, to perform all the words of this law." For thou art the pardoner of Israel, and grantest remission of sins unto the tribes of Jeshurun : and beside thee there is none to whom we appeal for pardon and forgiveness. B. — thou, who art most mighty and glorious; the Creator of heaven and earth. C. — Who is god equal unto thee? /?. — thou who revealest profound things, and speakest right- eousness. C. — Who is god equal unto thee ! R. — thou, who art magnificent in thy apparel ; for there is no god besides thee. C. — Who is god, equal unto thee ! R. — thou, who rememberest the covenant, and art gracious to the remnant of thy people. C. — Who is god equal unto thee! R. — thou, who art pure-sighted, and residest in the heavens. C. — Who is god equal unto thee ! R. — O thou, who suppressest iniquity, and art clothed with righteousness. C. — Who is god equal unto theel R. — thou Supreme King of kings, who art most awfully exalted. C — Who is god equal unto thee ! vui,. III. b — 17 •T)£)3 DvS nmD 96 : nxtsn on^hv D^rn i^j^cr' d^ndh Sjr : D»i^3iN mp^? DH'Sij D^D^n i^n*!^" D'Npn Sy. : n")3 DH'Sr. D^D^n ont' D'ndh hv. : D^Dtr' no nn^Q d.tS^* oo^n i^xtr' ons^on Sr n^5 nin^p r5iN* cun^Sj;^ a^yn ^:>< »o • inSir pN> * innS? "^nn : ^lOD S5< ^D * nnx^" pin • nn^n n?lr : ")ioD Sn »d ♦ D^o^' DC'V * D^yj; nine? : "|ioD Sn »o * ^"'plV tr?iS ♦ niyij;^ c^did 96 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPrUR. wo h:ive done wirktiUy ; wo havo actod presumptuously, we have coimiiittod violonco, wo have iVaiuod falsclioiid, wo have counselled evil, wo have uttered lies, we have scorned, we have rebelled, we have blasphemed, we have revolted, wo have acted perversely, we have transgressed, we have oppressed, we have been stiff-necked, we have acted wickedly, we have corrupted, we have done abom- inably ; we have gone astray, and have caused others to err ; we have also turned aside from thy precepts, and from thy good institutions, and which hath nut protitod us j "but thou art just, concerning all that has come upon us ; for thou hast deal most truly, but we have done wickedly." What shall we say in thy presence, O thou who dwellest on hi"h ? or what shall we declare unto thee, who residest above the skies ? Behold, thou knowest the secret things as well as the revealed ; thou knowest the secrets of the world, and most hidden privacies of all living ; thou searchest all the inward parts, and reviewest the reins and the heart, so that there is nothing con- cealed from thee, neither is there any thing hidden from thy sii^ht. may it be acceptable in thy presence, Lord, our God ! and the God of our fathers, to pardon all our sins, to forgive all our iniquities, and to grant us pardon and remission for all our transgressions. For the sin which we have committed against thee by compul- sion. For the sin which we have committed against thee voluntarily. For the sin which we have committed against thee secretly. For the sin which we have committed against thee publicly. For the sin which we have committed against thee through ignorance. For the sin which we have committed against thee presump- tuously. For the sins for which we are bound to bring a trespass-offering. For the sins for which we are bound to bring a burnt-offering. For thp sins for which we are bound to bring a sin-offering. : *i-T |v IV : r- T : I- T : |- "^i i- : • : ; I- • : I- T ; t- : i- • ^ t •^" " I- T I V'^l r I T : I- T ; 1- T |-"^T : I- T I IV : ■ • : r-: '^i it*^: • : '^r t : |- • : i- • ^- I • - T - : IT TT - I IV T : ■ • •^: IT : • : I :i- t i- "^t v: I" t t - r n^idS -i3D:i-nDi ♦ ona djtv n^jsS lo^rno I IV t : ■■ - : - T •• J IV T : - T - T T •• : • •. -: i~ : t ^ •• ,t -i" t ^ T T I •• •• T T : IV I V IT •■ ; - T pvn ♦n» : :]'r;^. n^ap nnpj j^nj] • ^rj^p qS;i;: IT • V 1" -: !•■ I" v: t: | ivt : • : • : I" i"-: t v it v - : i- - t 'l-T : T : - : • : v I ; J IV T : IT T IV : •• "^ V !•■ - I IV T ; IT T IV ■• '^- T - I IV T : IT T IV : •• - I IV T ; IT T IV •• - • ■• : I IV T : IT T IV •• - : Dtr'N* DH^Sr D^n^n ^:xir' o^Kton Sr T T V •• -: • T - IT V • T -: - 96 AFTERN(X)N SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. make confession of my transgression and trespass, and the Lord Eternal will help nic. Every one of my limbs also, because of the dread of its iniquity, is terrified, and in a voice of bitterness each maketh confession of its sin, and calling one to another, saith, Congregation then say in a loud voice : We have trespassed, we have dealt treacherously, we have stolen, we have spoken slander, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly ; we have acted presumptuously, we have committed violence, we have framed falsehood, we have counselled evil, we have uttered lies, we have scorned, we have rebelled, we have blasphemed, we have revolted, we have acted perversely, we have transgressed, we have oppressed, we have been stiff-neckTi'd, we have acted wickedly, we have corrupted, we have done abominably ; we have gone astray, and have caused others to err; we have also turned aside from thy precepts, and from thy good institutions, and which hath not profited us; "but thou art just, concerning all that is come upon us; for thou hast dealt most truly, but we have done wickedly." Before our eyes hath our substance been plundered ; torn and stripped from us. They have laid their yoke upon us, we have borne it upon our shoulders; even slaves have had dominion over us, and there is none to deliver us from their power. Multitudes of troubles have encompassed us, and we have called upon thee, O Lord, our God ! but for our iniquities hast thou been far from us. We have turned aside from following thee, and have wandered astray like lost sheep, and are ready to perish ; yet have we not hitherto turned from our errors. How dare we then be so shameless of face and hardened, as to declare in thy pre- sence, O Lord, our God ! and God of our fathers, that we are righteous and have not sinned, but verily we have sinned, we and our fathers. The Congregation then say in a low voice : We have trespassed, we have dealt treacherously, we have Btolen, we have spoken slander, we have committed iniquity, "TiflD DvS nmo 94 • »Sj;gi Tt^'O ''^i^. '"^l"^^ '?'-3S * 'V 'P 'V '■?^? r^ ^^"^ hii nj Nnpi ♦ nD Sip? inN^n n'^lOP^ ' "^PP "i"^^? : iDNi nr - T : I-*-.-: IV -I : I- ■ : i-T : i-t .it n^tostTDOi ♦ ^i^nivso 1J1D1 • ij;^nrni • irrn • ^i^rri I IV T : • ■ I IV : • • : I- : : it : • : it . i- '^i IT : • : 1- -:i- t r 't v v: i:n: • 15SQ DniDi Tiij^^DD • i:iSDr ipw irj^pS : IT IV • T I T ■. : I" T -: I : it i ■• . IT : IT ■ T -: I" : • '^- : |- t i" t t •._ \\ '^i^NJ'^p * i^i3?p ni3"! ni"iv * d^tP r^^ pl3 I IV -: r I" : I- I" '^-■1- IV • T I : I- T I" I" T*^- : • : |- I ■ |- -.1- : IT T : 1 - |- t t: I IV T : - I" . T V I : - : I"t • t | - •■ . IT T : ; I : I • ' " '" "•' " •■■ •■■ v: I" -:i- ; I--: it t t -: 94 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. t(i tli(> Kiuk of my exist (>iu-(\ saying, Poradvonture, the LoRDmay liiok ou my atHioiion. But my mouth answered mo, How dare the mouth accustomod to sj>cak ovil have the confldenoe to utter a word in the presence of Ilini who dwelleth on hiyh ? My dis- Bcmbling lips answered me, How dare the lips accustomed to dis- simulation, address him who speaketh righteousness? And my tongue answered me, Is it decent for the tongue accustomed to utter hlasphemous words to entreat the favour of him who is tre- mendous in praises? I then spoke to my heart and soul, to pray and pour out their complaint before my Holy Rock, who is my glory, and the exaltatiim of my head. But my heart answered me. How can the heart immersed in iniquitous thoughts pray ? or how shall the heart that is continually devising devices of iniquity be intent on prayer ? My soul answered me. How dare the soul loaded with trespass, supplicate the Creator of heaven and earth j or pour forth its complaint before Him who dwelleth on high ? I desired that my hands might be lifted up towards heaven ; but they answered me, How dare impure hands be spread out towards heaven ? I requested my feet to walk to the house of God to arrange prayer ; but they answered me, How can the feet, con- tinually prone to the pursuit of evil, walk to the house of God who delighteth not in wickedness? Ah! wo is me, that my members which I vainly imagined would support me from falling, have by their iui(iuity put me to shame ; thus I called upon my friends, but they deceived me. I therefore called upon the celes- tial and terrestrial being, that they might intercede for me, and supplicate the Lord of lords. I called indeed, but found neither stay nor support; 1 cried aloud, but perceived no one to strengthen or to uphold me ; and I looked, and there was none to help ; and I was astonished that there was no one to uphold. I then reflected in my mind, if I act not for myself,' who will ? I therefore will ' Every man ia responsible for his own deeds ; nevertheless he has also received from God the power and means of reconciliation through re- pentance, and a thorough change of heart, to which prayer and confession are the first steps. niDD DvS nmo 93 pit:* *:?)S "|\x 'Q »::;;n : 'oj;? »;. HiSn: »Sin * *:irp : T : I" - : I •• I t |: : i- - t : • i • : - Nnij »J3 DiXn ':it:^S r\:vr\^ : nipSn 'n£)ti» • nip"iv T ■• : • -: • : ■:'^-:i-- I t -: •• : • I t: T]'^: ^bS 'jJi^n : *::\\n Dnoi ni3? • ^^'np "n^: ^»N* 'r'5: ^JD't^'ipi : pN ma^'np ::n.in dS • pj^ nn^tr T]i3^'n r)»N* ij* • Sji;p"i nnn n-iid 'J^iS j^nj-in »sdS 'phiic* : S>*D S';;Dn '3 &:•£): * S;^ pi::* ':sdS • : T IV : • I ■• -I -:i — • i v : t : i- Ti^Di? '^^"1^ 'W\?-r^ ♦ ^'■W'^ ni::'n^ • d:53 jvpj 'S MN* : n^rh f nS nnnpp d:S;i-i * nj;pn j^an n»S T '^: : • ■ • t I- : • ; i- t v -: -t i- • it|t I •■ •^- • I • T !•■ : I- : I- it|t • i • : • l*^-: -ITT : t|: .it • -: ,t - -:,- • -: i- • Tipin ah] pnno '^l'^S"J ivSi 'np^yi ♦ tjqid n*Si. pS? HD^riNi : T]piD pN"! DDinpr'Np.rj^ pN*1DpN} 93 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. become desolate ; the choicest part of our land ia given to stran- gers; and our strength to aliens; yet, have we not hitherto turned from «)ur errors. How dare we then be so shameless of face and hardi'ued, as to declare in thy presence, Lord, our God, and God of our fathers ! that we are righteous, and have not sinned ; verily we have sinned, we and our fathers. The Confession for the Minchnh, composed by Rabbi Isaac Ben Israel. Sovereign of the Universe, at the time of offering the evening sacrifice, when I reflect on my sin, my transgression, and my guilt ; fear and dread seize me. lam struck with astonishment; ajy thoughts are in amaze ; and my ideas are bewildered and intoxi- cated : when I reflect that God will rise up to judgment. When he sitteth on the throne of justice, who shall not fear him ? When he draweth near to judgment, what shall I answer him ? what shall I do when God ariscth ? When he demandeth an account, what answer shall I return him ? Like one who is dumb, and cannot open his mouth, am I silent, and am overwhelmed with the greatness of my iniquity ; I am ashamed and confounded. Wo indeed to that shame ! alas for that confusion ! What can one composed of the dust of the earth answer in the presence of him who dwelleth on high ? If I pretend to righteou.sness, my own mouth would condemn me; and if my iniquity be canvassed, what shall I say, or how shall I justify myself? I have earnestly desired an advocate to plead in my behalf; I have searched within myself for him; I have sought him, but could not find him. I made application to my head, forehead, and face, to intercede for me before the Lord, peradventure he might receive me favour- ably But my head answered me, How dare that head lift up itself, which hath behaved with such levity ; and hath receded from the service of him who is exalted supreme above ? 3Iy face replied, It was ashamed to appear in his presence; saying, W^here- with wilt thou reconcile thyself unto thy Lord — the wicked man who hast hardened thy face ? My forehead also answered me, saying, O how canst thou be justified, who art born of a woman ! and thy sin is engraven upon thy heart, and thy forehead is so brazen? I spoke to my mouth, my lips, and my tongue, to pray 16* , -iisD DvS nma 92 : !)rni3Ni ijmx ^i^ndh Sd?^ * ijjsjDn nSi ijmts ,.. -:,- : I- -: it t t -: it t . . i . : V'f Sxity p pm"' oiS nnjoS "'ni - • ^■. {- : T ; ■ - -;i~ • :~ t : o »V3* nr"n nx"i» • ^nini ^rt^^'tJ^ ^nxtsn • »nnS IT ^- f-T T : • : • : • r - • T : p-T NDD Sj;; in?ir? : D'rih^ ds^j'dS Dip? ♦ DNnni nt?^j;;!.i< no * i:j];n; np ds^ ,^S in^';i5 * i:int; f^S ^p nnfl' ivS D^x? : i^D^tr'N np iipo: o"i • Sn Qip» »3 • : IT : • - : • : I • : |- ■ -; • : i- ■.•:r: - T ■ : T : T T T : T *^V.T11*3 • '"^Pl^? IP '^PK * •^9''1 p"'^'^?^ '^^?^ npi ")3•^^^ np • pn^j \'7» ^Jir, dk"i • piyj< ofs ♦ vntran '3^p5i • vnnx nj^s 31d pSp : p^t^v^J • 'jQi ^nvoi ^ir'NnS ^riNnp : vn><^o iih^ vnt^^'ps - T • : • • • ITJT • T : : • : |- • r|'^< '^NT 'j;)i^n : »:$ Nji^» 'Six • i\ 'JoVp ^S-c^^pnS nnjsjo aitrS noxn • t^'xi niSp :inj * trx") qit ••-: - I" T V I - |- - T T 92 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. thy mercy to ovorconie thy angor ; and when thou beholdest the poverty of our works, suffer thy charity to flow from thee. our Parent ! when we cry unto thee, command our salvation at our entreaty, and restore the captivity of the tents of him who was perfect; for behold his cities are desolate. O remember ! thou hast said, that the covenant should never depart from the mouth of his posterity. Loosen the seal of the testimony, and reveal thy secret counsel unto thy disciples. May the great senate be restored; and let not aught of its greatness, we pray thee, be wanting. God ! own those who acknowledge thee, and cast down those who disuwu thee ; fur thou wilt cause the enchained prisoners who wait with hope, to return to the stronghold. Our God and God of our fathers ! may our prayers come before thee, and hide not thyself from our supplications ; for we are not so shameless of face, or hardened, as to declare in thy presence, Lord, our God ! and God of our fathers, that we are righteous, and have not sinned ; verily we have sinned, we and our fathers. Reader alone : We have trespassed, we have dealt treacherously, we have stolen, we have spoken slander, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly; we have acted presumptuously, we have committed violence, we have framed falsehood, we have counselled evil, we have uttered lies, we have scorned, we have rebelled, we have blasphemed, we have revolted, we have acted perversely, we have transgressed, we have oppressed, we have been stift-necked, we have acted wickedly, we have corrupted, we have done abominably ; we have gone astray, and have caused others to err ; we have also turned aside from thy pre- cepts, and from thy good institutions, and which hath not pro- fited us; " but thou art just concerning all that is come upon us; for thou hast dealt most truly, but we have done wickedly." We have offended more than any other people ; are ashamed more than any itther nation. Joy is driven from us; and our heart is faint because of our sins. The desire of our heart is de- Btroyed, and our glory is rejected. The dwelling-place of our isanctuary is laid waste, because of our iniquities; our palace hath -iii)D Dvh nm*2 91 vnnQ * on 'Shn* m::^^' n^t^'m • r^^rjD ijnritJ^'' iv r T : T •• t: IT • t : "- |- : - : i-'^T | : - • • - T • •• T : 1- T : I" T • •• : - : I" T • : I IV T : t i" -: •• i" i- ^1^ Tp'' D'^? ';t3^ ^^2;^ r^T' ' i^n|nnp dSj;^ i^mx D'pn^ 'irnnx 'nSi\n irriSN *' :i*:sdS noiS : r -: I • • " f -: "• i ■ v: t: J iv t : r- -:i- : 1 — : it t t -: it t : ^: I- : ■ : r :■: iv • i : |- • ; i- t : i- t ; i- t * mp * nipn ni^i?. 1JVJJ.V "ip.t?:' i^^$o • i^ppn • ijir : i- T : I- t i-"^t : |- t : i- ■ ; |- T : |- : • - I IV T : • • ) IV : ■ • : i- : : it*^: • : V :•: • 1" T T - t I ■ ~ T - : it T t . IT : • : I — : I- T r T IV • T T T • .1 "^T T ■ : |- T "t : : • : i- : v - : t i- t -• i- i- • t r t T : IT I" T 1- I' '^:i- ■■ T I" tJ : • : i- •• : I'l- .1- ■ :t : I" -T : (•• t : - • T - : 91 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. be exalted in judgment ; and the holy God shall be sanctified, by displaying his righteousness." Blessed art thou, LoRD ! the Holy king ' Thou hast chosen us from all people ; thou hast loved and fa- voured us, and exalted us above all nations, and sanctified ua with thy tonmiandments, and brought us near unto thy service, our King ! and bast called us by thy great and holy name. And with love hast thou given us, Lord our God : [on the Sabbath, say, this day of rest, and] this Day of Atonement, this day of pardoning iniquity; even this day of holy convoca- tion, for remission, forgiveness, and atonement; and thereon to pardon all our iniquities ; a holy convocation in love, a memorial of the departure from Egypt. Our God ! and God of our fathers, pardon our iniquities [oN THE Sabbath, say, on this day of rest,] on this Day of Atone- ment, on this day of pardoning iniquity, even on this day of holy convocation. blot out and remove our transgressions from thy sight : as it is said, " I, even I, am he, who blot out thy transgressions for my own sake ; and thy sins I will not remem- ber." And it is said, " I have made thy transgressions vanish away like a cloud, and thy sins like a vapour; return unto me; for I have redeemed thee." And it is said, " For on this day shall he make an atonement for you, to cleanse you, that ye may be clean from all your sins before the Lord." Our God, and God of our fathers ! we beseech thee not to make an end of us, when thy hand taketh hold of justice. When we are to be rebuked by thee, blot not out our name out of thy book. In thy approach to examine the chastisement we deserve, suffer VOL. III. B. — 16 1133 DvS nmo 90 ir'^pj trnpn Sxm ♦ d3C^!23 niXDif '' na^i * Dim? : iiNip irSr T it) T I" "V • I X ~ V T •: i~ ; I" v; t: it i . i nrn nn^So dv n>< * nrn onsDn dv (nxi. * nrn • nn'SoSi • nS^noS • n^n trip Nnpo dv hni • ntn T • : • : T • : • v - vli -rl: v . . t); • -I -: r : i" i -: t v : • : tt - . : onvo riN'V^S "iDr ♦ trip • IT : • - • r vi" vli DV3 ^^^^) irniyirS Sino ♦ irni3N \iSNi irrlS^ : f I -;i- 1" -: •• 1" I" Wn nn'So dv3 • nrn oniDsn dV3 (nrn mjon I •> IV - • : : V ~ ■ •, ■ ~ • V ~ - I T - n^j?tr'£3 nnb Nin o'^x o:Ne • "iidk3 • r\'y}? nji^o I "iVT V • IT • IT T IT I IV ^" VIV • "^TT • I- T - v:iv : : V I IV - : • -: i- : IT : • t: •• : • v •• i - rnj^n * nS3 i^sr tri^n Sx ♦ irni3i< ^nSxi ir.iSN hi< TT-iQDQ i:otr * nnjii nn3in N133 • D3jrs3 ^it - I : : • !•• : ) iv : v t •• i t .- • - | :it 90 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUH. Ciniif. — " Tlio liOun shall reign for over, cvnn thy God, Zion, unti) all gt'iiorations. Hallelujah." Thou art holy, ami thy name is holy, and the saints praise thee daily. Solah. Ascribe ye dominion unto God, from generation to generation ; for he alone is exalted and holy. And may thy name be sanctified, Lord, our God ! amongst thy people Israel. And thus also extend the fear of thee, Lord, our God ! over all thy work.s, and the dread of thee, over all thou hast created ; so that all thy works may fear thee, and all creatures bow down before thee ; so that they may all form one band, to perform thy will with an upright heart; as we, thy people, know, LoRD, our God ! that the dominion is thine ; strength is in thy hand, and might in thy right hand ; and thy name is tremendous over all thou hast created. And thus also grant honour unto thy people ; a good name unto those who fear thee; a pleasing hope unto those who seek thee ; and confidence unto those who wait for thee : joy unto thy land, gladness unto thy city, a re\nval of the kingdom of thy ser- vant David, and a renewed splendour to the light of the son of Jesse, thy anointed, speedily in our days. And then the righteous shall see it, and rejoice; the upright be glad, and the saints exult in song ; but iniquity shall be dumb, and all manner of wickedness vanish in smoke ; when thou shalt remove the dominion of presumptuous sin from the earth. And do thou, even thou, Lord, our God ! speedily reign over all thy works, on mount Zion, the residence of thy glory, and in Jerusalem, the city of thy sanctuary; as it is written in thy holy word, " The LoRD shall reign for ever ; even thy God, Zion I unto all generation.^, Hallelujah." Thou art holy ! and thy name is fearful ; and besides thee there is no God; as it is written, "And the Lord of Hosts shall -n£)D DvVnmb 89 :\:f^lp^ one nnS Nnn o 'SnS id^S/^h -inpnS It : T - : • ■• t r - t T IT T V - T 1- T : T ■■ : ■ J IV • : -•!•.•: : {""ISO [P ini ^k'^^^ '^'^^-^ '5 * ^z*?^ • ^fi'^pp "^*:^ pS^npi • ^7,"i:3? J3^'P fi'V ")n5 JVV ^^iS^ • nh)vh \\ ^Sp» * ri^np nnig :iin33 : nnSSn ini inS T : I- T : • ^^.)J^5P '-'i'?^;^ r^^) * ^W ^'V^) ^^^ ^"'"'p 89 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. Order of tlie Kcdushn, by Rnbbi Moses Aben Ezra. Read, ami Con;/. — And tlius shiill holiness be ascribed unto thee; for thou art our God. (RcpoatcMl.) 7i'. — Lot the pious men, who lift up tlieir voice, C. — "Ascribe glory unto the LoRD." 7i'. — Tiiej- discoursed together, and witli one accord exelaimed, ('. — "To whom canst thou be in any way likened in glory '/ A'. — O may his mighty hand be a pillar of iron in defence of his congregation; C. — "And a wall of fire round about them in glory." R. — May he heal the disease of their sins, and accept their good deeds ; C. — " Let the saints be joyful in glory." R. — The root of Jesse shall stand for an en- sign to the people for ever ; C. — *' The branch of the Lord shall become honourable and glorious." R. — The people will then say, " That as a reward for their sufferings, C. — They have re- ceived all this glory." R. — May he have regard to their prayer; and grant them the inheritance of fortitude, 0. — " With riches and glory." R. — May his goodness announce the glad tidings, that their Creator hath accepted them in favour; C. — "And be- fore his ancients shall be glory." R. — The supporters of his throne, shall proclaim, " Be raised ye everlasting gates, C. — And let the King of Glory enter." R. — The King of Glory, before whom no creative power existed, C. — '• This God declared his holy word." R. — And they resolve to extol and reverence him, as the angels of God; C. — "And they sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and the God of Israel." We will sanctify and reverence thee, with harmonious speech as used in the assembly of the holy seraphim, who thrice rehearse a holy praise unto thee ; for thus it is written by the hand of thy prophet: " And one cried to another, and said, C'ony. — Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts! the whole earth is full of his glory." Read. — While those angels who are over against themcoutinue praising, and say, Cony. — " Blessed is the glory of the Lord from the place of his residence." Read. — And in thy holy word it is written, saying, msD DvS nmo 88 : S"? xi?i' 'i HE'D ':3n^ niynp 'n : 1133 "S ^13.1 'p • oSlp D'Ntrlin "IDH 't^'JX 'n T T|- it' t I • ; I - V IV •• : - 'n : 11DD2 HDD D'Dl 'D Sn 'p * 0^3 in» ^J^T ^23lJ T : T IT T I- T ■ V ' T .. I-- t; ; I y^D tr'N n^im 'p • oSnp n^^ *n* Sn3 niarS it • t •• - I : ' T T |: '^- : ■::■:- - : t itSi;» 'p • oS^iJ ny-in n£dt D^^^?D^ mo 'n : -ii^dS : " - ' t "r.|T V t|": t : • v •• it -: •• : - r : • DSii;S d'd;^ d:S io;r» »t^•> c^nb^' 'n : -tu33 on^on t ^ ; ■ ^- ^:i- - • V I T : • • ": ... . , • - IT T : -it: - IV ' : "■ : ■ T I t - t V t "t ' T : ■ ♦j^trj 'n : 1133 vjpr ijiii 'p • oSSino dh^jq n^j •• : I T T I" : viv: ' t : i : v •• : t t : "ii33n r|Sp ^<3n 'p • dSi;; ^nns iNt?^:n iNip' inp3 itr'ip n3i nStr' 'p ♦ Sn nvi: f■ ■ : 1 : ; - : t t '\ : : ) v it t t ;: rfiD' ♦ ionS 3in3 T)pnp '■?.315i •* loipsp V."''^^^ ; nnSSn in i"iS n-^v I'.iSx oSiyS T : i~ T : I • I ■ i~ v: t ^ : 88 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. the aji.ite, and tlio diaiimuil, — batlio in firo, and not in the waters of pools, or rivers. How then can we estimate or compare the lustre of" tlu'ir splendour, with any known splendour ; since their essence is not as the essence of mortal man, born of woman? *' For their essence is like the transparent body of heaven." And a pure people, sprunjr from beloved and honoured ancestors, who in the dread habitation abide in purity j with a pure heart, and clean bodies, hasten and assemble to become like angels of God ; they in the difierent districts also rise early to offer the morning prayers ; and with souls illuminated as the constellations, " Wash their garments in innocence, and become clean." The sons of the Most High are the loveliest of forms, unlike to men ; but their image is present to the minds of saints, and their form is as sparkling light, and flames of fire; their garments are like lightning and bright flame; they are exempt from hunger' and thirst and every human appetite ; without the step of visible feet' they hasten to their appointed stations, to chant sacred hymns unto thee, " And thus they become the most holy saints." And a pure people with sanctitied bodies hasten to attend at the threshold of thy holy temple, earnestly entreating, that the new praises which they offer in thy presence, may be as accepta- ble unto thee, as the most holy sacrifices ; they also separate themselves from all human appetites ; and sanctify themselves this day, according to the law of Moses, which says,^ " And ye shall sanctify yourselves, that ye may be holy." The sons of the Most High fly to praise and sing the wonders of the Lord, in a time where existeth neither night, nor time measured by fleet- ing hours; there to reverence and worship him with ardent de- sire. And a pure people approach to relate the tremendous praises of the Most High; they stand and worship in the ap- pointed solemn assemblies; all of tliem glorifying with hymns of praise. Him to whom alone praise appertaineth, saying, " Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts." ' Heb., From food nnd drink. ^ Ifeh., Without leg or thigh. ' Levit. xi. 44, and xx. 7. niDD DvS r\mo 87 -I- : • : v: ■•:*=■: t : "^ : - i : tt:ix I .IT -: •• I : T : - i - • i- t - v iv : ( ^—.v: -: IT • v: •• • : t ■ : -: r •: I •• • • : •• T : • -: IT • t : •• • : Sb 'pp^ni • rip?r'oi S^N^gpi * D^p*uS hid 'p7? : DT'lp tJ^'lp VHT DiTiiN* ♦ DT'lpP nii^c^' ♦ 'pn'? • »^"ip3 f]£}inpnS * D'ci'n D1^•^ w^u ♦ *trnp "rino n^i ■ : -it: - : • : ■ : i ) t t I" T-: I- •• : - .. : - . t|it vI i ■■ • : | iv t : • ^^^h ]vhv. 'r?? • D'^i^tp DOV'H) Dric^'ipnni. •• - : T : T T-: 1- ; - - : | ••^:|- : |: T '^:i- •■ - : ■ -:i- t i • : tr^np trnp tj'np • niN.^. iS SSnpi * SSnp -i^^i^ SDni ' 87 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. almighty and tremendous God ! the most high God ! who be- stowcst gracious favours, possessor of all things; who remem- berest the piety of the patriarchs, and who wilt in love send a Kodcoiiior to their children, for the sake of thy Dame. Remember us unto life, Almighty King! who delightest in life. O write us in the book of life, for thy own sake, God of life ; (who art the living God). King, Supporter, Saviour, and Shield. Blessed art thou, Lord ! the Shield of Abraham. Thou, Lord ! art mighty for ever ; it is thou who rerivest the dead, and art mighty to save; who causest the dew to de- scend. "Who sustaincst the living with beneficence, and with great mercy quickencst the dead, supportcst the fallen, and healest the sick ; thou loosenest those who are in bonds, and wilt accom- plish thy faith unto those who sleep in the dust. Who is like unto thee, Lord of mighty acts? or who can be compared unto thee, who art the King, who killest, and restorest to life ; and causest salvation to spring forth ? Who is like unto thee, merciful Father ! who in mercy rememberest thy creatures to life ? Thou art also faithful to revive the dead. Blessed art thou, O LoRP ! who revivest the dead. Read, and Comcj. — And thus will we sanctify thee, King! (Repeated.) The sons of the Most High, in the heights of heaven press for- ward ; and a pure people, soon as the lightbeginneth to illumine the east, hasten to sanctify the Lord, 'their hearts filled with raptur- ous admiration ; they utter song, "And reverence the God of Is- rael." The sons of the Most High, of wondrous stature, with bodies bright as the moon, gifted with the brilliancy of the ligure, 15* niGD Dvh nmD 86 T -: I- : nDDD liDHD ♦ D'-^ns ran tiS^ Sn: * w'nh liiDr V I" : I" : T • - I- 1 •• T I V 1". •• 1 • T on Sn) • D'':n o'nhij^ '];v.t2h ' n^'n Di • nnx D^no n*no ♦ »* aSirS -112:1 nn^s — T IT •••-•-; t: t . • T n^np ♦ npn? a^'n Sd^dp * ^^^ "J'l^^ * ir^^inS • D'Sin Nfini • D'SpiJ TjoiD ♦ D^3") Drpnn? D^np ♦D • "itir oc^'^S in:iJ2NJ D*poi • oniDNJ "i^npi : nij^::'^ n'oypi : D'nan iTN 'Si3tD • "inp ^301 1D^' ♦ »p^S nin on^Sx • -^np 86 AFTKKNOON SERVICE FOR KITFUR. burning, slicing, and strangling; for transgressing affirmative precepts, or negative precepts ; whether an action be appropriated thereto or not; as well those which are known unto us, as those which are unknown unto us. Those which are known unto us we have already confessed before thee, O Louu our God ! and God of our fathers. And those which are unknown unto us are known and evident before thee, O Lord our God! as it is said, "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God ! but the known things belong unto us and our posterity for ever, to perform all the words of this law." For thou art the pardoner of Israel, and grantest remission of sins unto the tribes of Jeshurun ; and be- side thee there is none to whom we appeal for pardon and for- giveness. my God ! before I was formed I was unworthy ; and now that I have been formed am as though I had not been formed j dust I am in ray life-time, how much more at my decease. Be- hold, I stand before thee, Lord, my God ! and God of my fathers, as a vessel full of shame and confusion. may it be ac- ceptable in thy presence, Lord, my God ! and God of my fathers, to assist me, that I may sin no more ; and the sins which I have committed against thee, wash away through thy mercy, but not through means of severe bodily sufferings. " May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart, be accepta- ble in thy presence, Lord ! who art my Rock and Redeemer." May he who maketh peace in hi.s high heavens, through his infi- nite mercy grant peace unto us and all Israel. Amen. REPETITION OF THE AMIDAH. " O Lord ! open thou my lips, and my mouth shall declare thy praise." Blessed art thou, Lord our God! and God of our fathers; God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob; the great, niD3 Dvh nmo 85 fDi ♦ ntrj;. Dip n^ c^;"-.^^' ps • J^?^^,? ^"^^ ^^VP ^^''• t: I ivT : : - -: - ; it • : v v it Sbn i:iS d^Sji orivc^ nxi • irnuN 'hSni irriSNi. IT • : T •• IV V : I" -: •• i I T ; • - ~ v; IV V : I" *•*; t: | iv t . t . t ••t:':It:i t-- - t -••:■ t • T I- : V I T I - T - ; -: t t • : i- T •• T • : • - -: •• I" - v: t: I I. t . N W »ninN ^riSiSn 'hSn ^^^ ^^^sVp pv"^ *n| • hd^S^ji • -|T I IV -; I- : I liv T : • IT t IV - t .. I. 't? P'^ni ♦ '5 npj< ji^f-jS vn'. * pi^D' n\ h:;_ ih Sdn I IV T • : . _ . T : • - T : t -: 85 aft?:kn()ox service for kippur. skies? l?ili(>l(l, tlioii knnwost the socrot things as well as the revealed ; thou kntiwest the secrets of the W(»ild. and most hidden privaeies of all living j thou searchest all the inward parts, and reviewest the reins and the heart, so that there is nothing con- cealed from thee, neither is there any thing hidden from thy sight. may it be acceptable in thy presence, Lord, our God I and the God of our fathers, to pardon all our sins, to forgive all our iniquities, and to grant us pardon and remission for all our transgressions. For the sin which we have committed against thee by compul- sion. For the sin which we have committed against thee voluntarily. For the sin which we have committed against thee secretly. For the sin which we have committed against thee publicly. For the sin which we have committed against thee through ignorance. For the sin which we have committed against thee presump- tuously. For the sins for which we are bound to bring a trespass-offering. For the sins for which we are bound to bring a burnt-offering. For the sins for which we are bound to bring a sin-offering. For the sins for which we have incurred the penalty of forty stripes. For the sins for which we have incurred the penalty of excision. For the sins for which we have incurred the penalty of death and excision. For the sins for which we have incurred the penalty of death by the hand of God. For the sins for which we have incurred the penalty of the four kinds of death inflicted by our tribunal of justice; viz., stoning, VOL. III. B. — 15 niDD Dvh nmo 84 nnx • ^h-Sd nnD moSrm • oSi;^ 'n P.7V nnx pvi 'ri\ : ^o;;?. "i;!,;p "inp^ r^l ' ^^^ ^v'^*.? : )y:;tQ'h:ih rhon) "i-T : T : - . V I : I IV T : IT T IV V I- - I IV T : IT T I . : Dtrx DH^Sr DO*n i^Nir d^ndh Si; . , ... .. .: T- ,TV r- : jgnf: dh'"?!;. D'D;n i:f>T o^xm 71; : nNDn on^Sr^D^rn ^:0 D»i*Dn Si; • HTO m.vp Si; ' p;ni • nn • n^i^r • nVpp ♦ }n 34 AFTEUNOON SERVICE FOU KirrUU. favi.ur, cliurity, and iiiorcv, unto us, and all thy pooplc Israel; and l)loss us, even all of us togetluT, O our Fallicr ! iu the light of thy founlonancM> ; for by the light of thy countenance hast thou given us, Loud, our God ! the law, and with it life, love, and benevolence ; righteousness and mercy; blessing and peace : and may it please thee to bless thy people Israel, with abundant fortitude and peace. And in the book of life, blessing, peace, and prosperity, salva- tion, comfort, and good decrees, may we, and all thy people Israel, be remembered, and written before thee, to a good and peaceful life. Blessed art thou, Lord ! who blessest thy people Israel with peace. Amen. " May the words of my mouth, and the meditation of niy heart, be acceptable in thy presence, Lord ! who art my Rock and Redeemer." Our God and God of our fatliers ! may our prayers come before thee, and hide not thyself from our supplicaticms ; for we are not so shameless of face, or hardened, as to declare in thy presence, O Lord, our God ! and God of our fathers, that we are righteous, and have not sinned ; verily we have sinned, we and our fathers. We have trespassed, we have dealt treacherously, we have stolen, we have spoken slander, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly; we have acted presumptuously, we have committed violence, we have framed falsehood, we have counselled evil, we have uttered lies, we have scorned, we have rebelled, we have blasphemed, we have revolted, we have acted perversely, we have transgressed, we have oppressed, we have been stiff-necked, we have acted wickedly, we have corrupted, we have done abominably ; we have gone astray, and have caused others to err ; we have also turned aside from thy pre- cepts, and from thy good institutions, and which hath not pro- fited us ; " but thou art just concerning all that is come upon us; for thou hast dealt most truly, but we have done wickedly." What shall we say in thy presence, thou who dwellest on high ? or what shall we declare unto thee, who residest above the m£3D DvS nnjo 83 I" : IT I IV - - T : • T ^- : i- 't • -: i- : |t t : ^j^ nnj r\':Q iind o * ^^^3 -ilxs nn* 1:^3 ^r:3N IT T I- T I IV T I IV T : -|- IT •. !• T • -; I- : I T T : v iv t t -: (- • - : t !•• v; t: T : ^ T : "t r T T T : - T : T T : • - v I" : : I- -: I IV T ; •■ T • : •• t ■ •• : t t iv ■ • -: I : • t: I IV T : ■ • I : v : • •• : • I t : : i- - : 1" t • : I IV T : t i" -: I- i- ^"iy ^t?^pi D'^9 '^V. ^^>< V^^ * iJ^injip ch^inn i:mK DV''^^ irniDx 'hSj^i ijttSn »* h^qS -loiS : I- -: I • • - I" -: • f f v: t: J iv t : !•• -:i- : i- -: IT T t -: it t : r v: IV 'I : I- • : i-T : i-t : i- t I'^T : I- T T I- • : I- T : I- : i- • " t ,.. "-^ T - T '^- I • - T - : IT T T : IT : • : I — :i- t r "V v v: n»iflS nsD^-noi ♦ Di^D Dtr'1* n^iflS "iDN^-no I IV T : •• - : - T I IV T : 83 Al'TKKNOON SKHVICK FOK Kiri'lIR. O liOKl), our (!ih1 I Kt thy ponple Lsniol lie ai-(!('ptable to thee, and have regard untip {\\v\v prayers. Re> ! who restorest thy divine presence unto Zion. We gratefully acknowledge that thou art the Lord, our God ! and the God of our fiithers, for evermore. Thou art our Eock j the Rock of our life, and the Shield of our salvation ; to all gene- rations will we render thanks unto thee, and recount thy praise, for our lives, which are delivered into thy hand, and for our souls, which are ever in thy keeping; and for thy miraculous provi- dence, which we daily experience; and for thy wonders, and thy kindness, which are at all times exercised towards us, at morning, noon, and evening. Thou alone art good ; for thy mercies never fail ; thou alone art merciful, for thy kindness never ceaseth ; for from everlasting have we put our trust in thee. And for all these mercies, may thy name, our King ! be continually praised, and highly exalted, for ever and ever ; and all the living shall give thanks unto thee. Selah. And vouchsafe to inscribe all the children of thy covenant for a happy life. And may they ever in truth praise and adore thy great name, for it is good. God of our salvation, and our help for ever; beneficent God ! Blessed art thou, Lord ! for goodness is thy name, and unto thee it is proper continually to give thanks. grant us peace, happiness, and blessing, with life, grace, "n3D DvS nmD 82 • "I'pn [lyn^ %nrn * pv")? ^3p.r» nnnx^ rt^^no I T I- : •-:!-- t: Si! ' ^Oi^^ "iSQ^^ ^^ i^"}"i^ "^"'"^^ "li"'*^ * ^*^^ !^0^ • T]S ni"np?n irnio^J S^.i * ^7:2 Dniopn irn I !•.• I : I IV : ; • '^- : it • t ; v I IV • '^- : 5|Sd nS »3 DltDH ♦ Dnnvi ♦ -ipbi ' any • nySD^t:'" IT - • |tt: it : |v i t v iV ■■ t : v t IV I I • - I- t : "^vt t '^ : i" : - : ^n'1? '^3'S3 * 0'?"i*^ D''n^ ^in;)i T "^ : •.• v: IV T - I : ■ v : it : i- • • Diian hxn nSo ijmrri ^:nritr'^ hxrt • did ^d •■ T T IV (" T : V : 1" T I : •• t V IV T I •• • - T T : T T 82 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. inoninrial of Jerusalem, thy eity, and tlic iiieniorial of the Mc8« slab, the son of David, thy servant, and the memorial of all thy people, the house of Israel, may ascend, come, approach, be seen, aceoptod, hoard, visited, and ri'mcmhcred for the iditaining of a happy deliverance, with favour, grace, and mercy, [on TIIK Sab- HATH, SAY, on this day of rest, and] on this Day of Atone- ment ; this day of pardoning iniquity ; even tliisday of holy con- vocation. To have mercy, and to save us thereon : Lord, our God I remember us thereon for good; visit us with a blessing; and save us to enjoy a happy life ; with the word of salvation and mercy, have compassion, and be gracious unto us. have mercy upon us, spare and save us, for our eyes are continually towards thee; for thou, God! art a merciful and gracious King! Our God, and God of our fathers, reign thou over the whole wiirld in thy glory ; and be exalted in thy majesty over the whole earth ; and shine forth in the excellence of thy supreme power over all the inhabitants of thy terrestrial world ; and may every thing which hath been made, be sensible that thou hast made it; and every thing formed, understand that thou hast formed it; and all who have breath in their nostrils declare, " The Lord God of Israel reigneth, and his supreme power ruleth over all." sanctify us with thy commandments, and ordain our portion to be in thy law. O satisfy us with thy goodness; rejoice our soul with thy salvation ; and purify our heart to serve thee in truth; for thou, Lord God I art Truth; and thy word, our King, is truth, and perninncnt for ever. Blessed art thou, Lord I the King, who pardonest and forgivest our iniquities, and the iniquities of thy people Lsrael ; causing our trespas.ses to pass away annually. King of the whole earth, who sanctifiest [ON THE Sabbath, add, the Sabbath, and] Israel, and the Day of Atonement. mfiD Dvh nmo 81 ij'.iSx " iJ-iDr • ijr»::nnSi ij^Sy 13 omS • nrn trip Dnn Siom njimi Din * D'on-n ni^w* n^is • D*:3iD p^n :]So S?s 'P * 'i^V-'J^ ^\'?^? '? * ')Jif..T"ini irSj; nS^ DSij;n-SD Sr niSo ♦ irniDx \iSNi irriSN* ^ T '^ IT T - I I" -: I" I" v: : :-: t-- : tI-t: :-: t- I T 1 •• T : • •• v; t: - : t t : v -; t T IT T - : - ?]ini;S 1J3S inoi • '^nr^iK^o ^^c'?: n,j2c^ • ^3^£3P V v: I- : - I : IT : v v: • •.•: t: t - V v; iv ,.. i"^-:]- -I" : |v IV t: t - | t '=- t t| - : ("I n3^n ^:3ty3) jj^>ipp • p,??n-S3 Sr. T]'?^ • nj^'l : onsDn Din SN")ir» 81 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPl'UR. Thiiu art holy ! and thy name is fearful ; and besides thee there is no God; as it is written, " And the Loud of Hosts shall be exalted in judgment; and the holy God shall be sanctified, by displaying his righteousness." Blessed art thou, LoRP ! the Holy King ! Thou hast chosen us from all people ; thou hast loved and fa- voured us, and exalted us above all nations, and sanctified ua with thy commandments, and brought us near unto thy service, our King ! and hast called us by thy great and holy name. And with love hast thou given us, O Lord our God : [ON THE Sabbath, say, this day of rest, and] this Day of Atonement, this day of pardoning iniquity ; even this day of holy convoca- tion, for remission, forgiveness, and atonement; and thereon to pardon all our iniquities ; a holy convocation in love, a memorial of the departure from Egypt. Our God ! and God of our fathers, pardon our iniquities [oN THE Sabbath, say, on this day of rest,] on this Day of Atone- ment, on this day of pardoning iniquity, even on this day of holy convocation. blot out and remove our transgressions from thy sight : as it is said, " I, even I, am he, who blot out thy transgressions for my own sake ; and thy sins I will not remem- ber." And it is said, " I have made thy transgressions vanish away like a cloud, and thy sins like a vapour; return unto me; for I have redeemed thee." And it is said, " For on this day shall he make an atonement for you, to cleanse you, that ye may be clean from all your sins before the Lord." Our God, and (io^ r^^l * 'HP^ ^T^l '^^^ ^"^"^p -):• It- ■• t : t : • - r : i: - :■- t - T !■ t: it t : I- t ■ - it t ■ IT : - : T - I IV : ■ : IT : - 1 ■ : : - t • it : - i : it T 1t| T I" "V -it- V T -: I- : I" v; t: it I v i- - • nn'SpSi • nVnpS • nrn sr'ip x"jpp dv dni • nm T I : • T -; r- : i" i^: t t t - : ■ IT : • - • !• vi" v| I : I" I -:i- : I" -: •• i" i- I "^T IV - • : V - ■ •. ■ - -.--IT- ir^..^»$ "inrm nnp ♦ njn c>ip Nt^pp dv? * nrn n»r£2^'s nnb Nin ojn ojnj ♦ -noN3 * n^rr "tj:id I *IVT : V • IT • IT T IT I IV <• viv • : ^I'nS?!*^ '3 *^^< nni^r ♦ ^'n^^ton fij/Di ♦ ^^1^.1^3 Sap ♦ DDrijj "inD^ D^h:;_^iQy njn Dv^n-»3 • npNJ.i I" -: I : • : I" : • •■ t • ; | •• t • - t • v tt*: 80 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. Tliou art holy, and thy name is holy, and the saints praise thee daily, Selah. Ascribe ye dominion unto God, from generation to generation; for he alone is exalted and holy. And may thy name be sanctified, Lord, our God 1 amongst thy people Israel. And thus also extend the fear of thee, Lord, our God ! over all thy works, and the dread of thee, over all thou hast created ; 80 that all thy works may fear thee, and all creatures bow down before thee : so that they may all form one band, to perform thy will with an upright heart; as we, thy people, know, Lord, our God ! that the dominion is thine ; strength is in thy hand, and might in thy right hand ; and thy name is tremendous over all thou hast created. And thus also grant honour unto thy people ; a good name unto those who fear thee; a pleasing hope unto those who seek thee ; and confidence unto those who wait for thee : joy unto thy land, gladness unto thy city, a revival of the kingdom of thy ser- vant David, and a renewed splendour to the light of the son of Jesse, thy anointed, speedily in our days. And then the righteous shall see it, and rejoice; the upright be glad, and the saints exult in song ; but iniquity shall be dumb, and all manner of wickedness vanish in smoke ; when thou shalt remove the dominion of presumptuous sin from the earth. And do thou, even thou, Lord, our God ! speedily reign over all thy works, on mount Zion, the residence of thy glory, and in Jerusalem, the city of thy sanctuary; as it is written in thy holy word, "The Lord shall reign for ever; even thy God, O Zion I untu all generations, Hallelujah." ")"l£)D DvS nmD 79 T - : • •• T !• . T ptoS^ntr' irnSkS* v, ^^I^X^ ''^^ * ^'^^ ^?^? ^^'*?1 : jiNnstr-no-Sa T IT T V ~ T : iro^D n"in;::3 * nn'tro *tr» pS !•• T : T •• : • J IV • : - • I v : ic^ljl nSo nj;c^ini • n^s-pspn nnSi;i * iS'r n^na • ^.tr^'ipp "I'j; pS^npi • ^^.i^p |3^'p p^v "in? p*V ^'0^?? * D^'^^V V: I^P^ ' ^^1p '"?.?"^? ninps T : r T 79 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. "And when tlio :irk rostcd, he said, restore tranquillity to the many thousaiuis of Israel. Cause thou us, Lord ! to return onto thee, and we will return; renew our days as of old." Then say, Kaddish Le'ayla. " Lord ! open thou my lips, and my mouth shall declare thy praise." Blessed art thou, LoRD our God ! and God of our fathers; God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob; the great, almighty and tremendous God ! the most high God ! who be- stowost gracious favours, possessor of all things; who remem- berest the piety of the patriarchs, and who wilt in love send a Redeemer to their children, for the sake of thy name. Remember us unto life, Almighty King! who delightest in life. write us in the book of life, for thy own sake, O God of life; (who art the living God). King, Supporter, Saviour, and Shield. Blessed art thou, O Lord ! the Shield of Abraham. Thou, Lord ! art mighty for ever; it is thou who revivest the dead, and art mighty to save; who causest the dew to de- scend. Who sustainest the living with beneficence, and with great mercy quickenest the dead, supportest the fallen, and healest the sick ; thou loosenest those who are in bonds, and wilt accom- plish thy faith unto tho.se who sleep in the dust. Who is like unto thee, Lord of mighty acts? or who can be compared unto thee, who art the King, who killest, and restorest to life ; and causest salvation to spring forth ? Who is like unto thee, O merciful Father! who in mercy rememberest thy creatures to life ? Thou art also faithful to revive the dead. Blessed art thou, Lord ! who revivest the dead. VOL. in. B. — 14 "n^D DvS nmo 78 ngitt^' • "1p^^^ nn;;ii : ^nnS^^ "inm lin i:ri: pi^'S tit: J IV •• t: I" • -: •• t : • •■ ; - -; • t: : r\rhnn "»u» ^^di * nnon Tifiir onx I IV T • : ... T : ■ - 1 : t -; * DHiDN 'rhi< ' irnnN 'hSni irnSi< »♦ nniV Tins t T ; - •• v: r- -; •• I" 1" v: t: t - | t ♦ Niijim "ii3:in Snjn hiphct, and in the kin<;(lom of the bouse of David thy auointod. May he come speedily and gladden our hearts. 8uftVr no stranger to sit on his throne, nor any other to inherit his glory; for by thy holy name thou hast sworn unto hiiu, that his lamp should never be extinguished. Blessed art thou, Lord 1 the shield of David. For the sake of the law, the worship, the prophets, [oN TUE Sabbath, add, and this day of rest,] and this Day of Atonement, this day of pardoning iniquity, this day of holy eonvocation, which thou hast given us, Lord, our God ! for a day of [on Sab- bath, add, sanctification and rest,] pardon, forgiveness, and ex- piation ; and thereon to grant remission for all our iniquities ; a holy convocation in love, a memorial of the departure from Egypt; for thy word, O our King! is true, and permanent for ever. Blessed art thou, O Lord ! the King, who pardonest and for- givest our iniquities, and the iniquities of thy people Israel ; and who causest our trespasses to pass away annually. King of the whole earth, who sanctifiest [on the Sabbath, add, the Sab- bath, and] Israel, and the Day of Atonement. Whilst the Law is returning to the Ark, the following is said : " Let them praise the name of the Lord ; for his name alone is exalted ; his glory is above the earth and the heavens. He will also exalt the horn of his people, a praise for all his saints; even for the chiWron of Israel, a people near unto him. Halle- lujah ! The Lord he is God ! The Lord he is God ! in the heavens above, and upon the earth beneath ; there is none else. There is none like unto thee among the gods, O Lord ! neither is there any thing (qua! unto thy works. When the Law is returned into the Ark, say : return unto thy dwelling, and reside in thy temple; for every mouth and tongue shall ascribe honour and glory to thy kingdom. niiDD Dvh nnjo 77 : TIT f JO • ♦; nnj:} r|n3 DV S];i • nin on^iDii (dv S];} • rrtn nij^n nn^) -nn:tr' • nm trip NnpD dv S;?*) ♦ nrn ri^n nn'So T I- T V V - Vll ''I- ' ' '■ V - I T1-. • nSnoS (nnijoSi riznr:>h ^^^) ^ynhx '' ^h T • : • T ; • : "^ "J • ' I" "■• '^- 1"^ r- .1 -: T V ^ • • : TT - : t nSiDi SniD r|Sp* v. ^^^* Ti"*^ * "^^^ ^tPI ^?^* ''^?'?^ : Dnapn Din Sn*")^! o ns^^n ♦jdS ♦ vi'Dn-S^S nSnn • lorS np d"i*"i : d'olt'i .. : • T ■ -: T •. T • : - : I vliv vit- • it t : Nin '' ' D^'iS^<^ Nin '' : nnSSn ♦ ilnp di; SNitr* t; • v: it t: t : i- | : - •• t : • : iir px * nnnp p^n Si^i • Sj^op d^o^? • D\iS{f^n : r\>'^VD2 f\vi ♦ 'J'lN* D^rlSxn 7)103 pN -Sd"! ns-Sp o ' r]i)if:D n^?? p^n ♦ TjjirpS ngits^' 77 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. of Jonah, that he became faint; and he wished for himself to die, and said, It is better for me to die than to live. And God said nnto Jonah, Art thou very wroth for the gourd? And he said, I am very wroth, even unto death. And the Lord said, Thou wouldst have spared the gourd, fur wliieh tlmu hadst not laboured, neither hadst thou made it grow ; whieh came up in one night, and perished in one night; and shall not 1 spare Nine- veh, the great city, wherein are more than twelve times ten thou- sand persons who know not (how to discern) between their right hand and their left hand, and also much cattle? Micah vii. 18—20. "Who is omnipotent like unto thee, pardoning iniquity, and forgiving transgression, to the residue of his heritage ? He re- taineth not his anger for ever; because he delighteth in mercy. He will again have mercy on us, he will suppress our iniquities. Yea, thou wilt cast all our sins into the depths of the sea. Thou wilt show faithfulness unto Jacob, and kindness unto Abraham; which thou hast sworn unto our fathers in the days of old. "Our Redeemer, the Lord of Hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel." After the Haphtorah, he says the following: Blessed art thou, Lord, our God ! King of the universe ; Protector of all worlds, who art righteous in all generations ; the faithful God, who promisest and performest; speakest and aceom- plishest ; for all thy words are true and just. Faithful art thou Lord, our God ! and thy words are faithful ; for not one of thy weirds shall return back fruitless ; for thou, O God, art a faithful King. Blessed art thou, LoilD ! the God who art faithful in all thy words. have compassion upon Zion, for it is the dwelling of our life ; and speedily in our days save the afflicted in spirit. Blessed art thou Lord ! who wilt cause Zion to rejoice in her children. Cause us to rejoice, O Lord, our God I in the coming of thy 1153 DvS nnjo 76 <.- IT - 1- I- J : - T : - >•• •• - I aI T I I- - *^ V I : TIT r- •• I- T \\'r)'T^n Sp hon nnN nin^ iDiVn : nio-nj<» ^S-nnn I I T |j- - ^- T : - n - T : v J- v it ^- \.- tit I • vT T T :;- I ■ V A : ~ ■ ■> ■ ^ T : ;- T yv -: rtT : - "J- T v: r - T J • -:i- it t t : j- ntrx Di>< 131 nnb*p-D'nt:>o n^nn nsx'' "il^'n- ?,!:trS ij^o'-p i;■^'-^cS IT - IT •• ; : ■ J • ; I •• -T I J T IV 1.V I ;•■ T r - -T I < v: IV i a t -: i- -Sd w r-iiSvo3 ri^Sc^Tii irn:!;; it'idd* ij6m» T i,t J ^ ; ■ I r : - : A" i = i. : • •• -; i- : : Dip 'o»o irnb.vS nj^sir'j vl IV •• y V -: I- t": y- : ^ •• T : • I: : t : t: i- -; i T T "^ IT I V IV I" v: t: t - | t loiNH * lON^n Snh • nniin-SoD p^^; ♦ D^oWrr IT It v:iv - -t - t:|- 'tIt ipx: : p-TVi npiV v")DT^D p • D*p.qi 131P • nb^n TV T T : I IV T • T v:iv : !•• v: r: t T t : r : I T V. IV - •• t t: t - ) t t it : n^iDS rvv nsb'D • '' nr\i< nn^ • iron nnnos t IV T ; I • - I" - : x: t - | t I" t : t ■• : • I _ . J , . »;^ • T - IT • I" : I" v: r: »•• : - 76" AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. coiuo unto tlir kiiijj: of Nincvoh. lie arose fmiii liis throne and put off his mantle from liim, and e(tvered himself with sackcloth, and sat down on ashes. And he caused to be proclainu'd, and he pub- lishrd through Nineveh, B^' the decree of the king and his chief nicu, it is said, Man nor beast, neither herds nor flocks, shall taste any thing; they shall not feed, nor drink water; but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth; and let men cry unto God with might; and let them turn every one from his evil way, ■ and from the violence which is in their hands. Who knoweth,' but God may turn and bethink himself and turn away from the ticrceness of his auger, that we perish not? And God saw their works, that they had turned from their evil way : and God be- thought himself of the evil which he had spoken that he would do unto them, and he did it not. (Chap, iv.) — But it displeased Jonah exceedingly; and he was wroth. And he prayed unto the Lord, and said, I beseech thee, O Lord ! was not this my word while I was yet in my own country? Therefore made I haste to floe unto Tharshish ; for I kuuw that thou art a gracious and mer- ciful God, long-suflfering, and abundant in kindness, and repentant of the evil. And now, O Lord, take, I pray thee, my soul from me ; because it is better for me to die, than to live. And the Lord said. Art thou very- wroth ? Now Jonah was gone out of the city; and dwelt on the cast side of the city, and had made himself there a booth, and sat under it in the shade, till he should see what would become of the city. And the LoRD God made ready a gourd, and it grew up over Jonah, to be a shade over his head, to relieve him from his affliction; and Jonah rejoiced be- cause of the gourd exceedingly.' But God made ready a worm when the morning dawned on the morrow, and it smote the gourd, and it withered. And it came to pass when the sun arose, that (jod made ready a hot east-wind ; and the sun beat upon the head ' " Wlioever is conscious of guilt, let him return; then God mav re- P"n'," &c. — Heidk.vheim. 2 Dthers, '• Is it right tliat thou art wroth ?" 3 lleb , "With a great joy." -n£33 DvS nmo 75 HDH^m oiN.i iQxS vVijn nSan ort^o mrj2 IT T IV I • "t T IT J : - • ■< •. T : i^t: t : i,- v: ~.yT : rt' ■•■: IT 1.- • : t -"-j- |- iv •■ - : >v -: nr'^n-Sr O'nSNn onri n;r-in D3-no oc^-»3 'yTTlT •'- -."IT VJT • - "rtTT IT JT : " ' 1.T VT V ^ -)■— IT T J : IV T I -:i- /■.■ V -: n:)N* -)6i^cn nin^-Sx S^snn : iS "inn nSiiJi nj;-i < i;^^S;^D n^niin :ign_ nip dc^' iS Wn n^jjjS I Sri IVP'P DNnSx-nin' pn : t^d n\n^-nQ HNn' -J— I It I r v: IT : Ij-:- it iv : I- - . . rt t it- I r - : - • ' • I b^nS^n ipn. : nSn;i nnpir jvp^pn-^r. njv no^n. p^p^pn-nx ^^\ rn^ngS inrn n'iSj;3 np.Sin bnp mn D'flSf^ jpn j:'p^*n nnp i 'nn. : l^'5'•n <- : • - Iat : • - vt > - v v. I ; 76 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. they (iffiTod a s;KTifu'c unto the Loni) and iiiadi' vciws. (ChaP. II.)- — And tho Jauu) niado roady a large ti^h to s\valh)w up Jonah j and Jonali was in the belly' of the lisli three days aud three nights. Then J^iiah prayed unto the JidiiD his God out of the lielly of the lish, and said : J have called from the midst of my distress unto the Lord, and he hath answered me; out. of the depth of the grave have I cried ; and thou hast heard my voice. Thou hast cast me into the deep, in the heart of the seas; and the stream compasseth me about; all thy billows and thy waves have passed over me. And 1 thought, I am driven out from before thy eyes; yet I again shall look toward thy holy temple. The waters surrounded me to the peril of my life f the deep compassed me about ; sea-weeds were bound about my head. To the bottoms of the mountains did I go down; the earth closed her bars about me for ever; when thou broughtest up my life from the pit,' LoRD my God ! When my soul fainted with- in me, I remembered the Lord; and my prayer came unto thee, unto thy holy temple. They that guard false vanities,* forsake the source of their kindness.^ But I will sacrifice unto thee, with the voice of thanksgiving; that which I have vowed, will I pay ; for help is with the Lord. And the Lord com- manded the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry laud. (Chap, hi.) — And the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the second time, saying. Arise, go unto Nineveh the great city ; and proclaim unto her the proclamation which I shall speak unto thee. And Jonah arose, and went to Nineveh according to the word of the Lord. Now Nineveh was a very great^ city, before God, a three days' journey. And Jonah began to go through the city one day's journey; and he called out and said. Yet forty days more, and Nineveh sliall be overthrown. And the men of Nineveh be- lieved in God, and proclaimed a fast, and jmt on sackcloth, from their greatest even to the least of them. For when the matter was ' Heb., "Bowels." * Heb., "Even unto the soul." " Eng. ver , " Corruption." * Heb., " Vnnities of falsehood " * i. e., God from whom the h.nppinessof man comes. ^ Heb., " A city great unto God " 13* niSD DvS nmo 74 >.■ T ;t : T - "j ■ : • t <■ : - ^t : - \ : t r^DD 'j:;^n nin^-S{< 'S ni:^o ^nNip -lONn : Dy'^n I vs.- ■ Vl'^N VT : V -y T/T ' • T|-r V " IT T" 33^3 hh^)iD ^jD'Sr'm : 'Sip ni^otr' ^nric^' Si^^ir J- : • T ; ■<■• • : i- ) i ^: i- r • ;*.- • v ; J- -:i- IT "t i-^y I v.- : I i:-t : ■ t •/,■■ : i : it t ; fillip op?b^ Dinri t^'^inj^ b'b 'i)p^ii : ^^"ip SD\n n»n"i3 riNjn ^nin^ bnn ovpS : ^c^X'iS t^nnn T A- ■ : I V ./T t • : -t ■ t <■• : I ■ : |- : ; t -Sn ^nSiDfi ri'^ii kXinm ^n-i^r nin^-nNS ^li'Gj 'Sr • T • : I V •• < T - .-^T T IT : V • ; - - "t • -.1- 1*^:1- it; - :rtT •• : - i,- : - : I iv : ) t v" ■• nnrisT' naW^y ^niii "il^\v n^-nn^rN* rnin Sips T VT : T^ - -: : v-t j-.- -: | t t : : v t )< : : ntr'3-^n-SN njv-nx xpn yih nin» -)OiVn : nin^S IT T V VT V |;t- ^t- VT : v )- it i- ni:*:-SN nS nip : ioxS n'jir' hjv-Sn* nin'-iDi 'nn v: !• V )/■• I-; I •• r ■■ VT V rr : - : I" :i- V IT r.- -: T -I : - V T V •• < riSn niv opn : ri^Sx "nsi rtT : J- : • v: r v ] :■ J— t |tjt- | iv •• ,•• !• T V J : h- -: I- !•• T : '^^ •• : - r -:i — v it : :■ v: r: "j- t : - ^< - : VT I - J : : •- ^ :): •- ^^ I" n^ri 1ND30 hph niri T]So"Sn nann r^i'i : q:£3P y -:r" ITT- ••: |- i ■: jr.- t t- <- • - it-|: 74 AFTKKNOOX SKUVICE FOR KlI'PUR. luiiii unto his Ciodj and they cast t'ortli the iirticlcd which were in the ship into the sea, to be lightened of tlioiii ; but Jonah was gone down into the hold of the ship; and lay down, and was fast asleep. And the ship-master came near unto him, and said unto him, What meanest thou, sleeper ? arise, call unto thy God ; per- haps it be that God will think on us, that we may not be lost. And they said one to the other. Come, and let us cast lots ; that we may know for whose cause this evil hath happened unto us. And they cast lots 3 and the lot fell upon Jonah. Then said they unto him, Tell us, we pray thee, thou for whose cause this evil hath happened unto us, What is thy business ? and whence comest thou? what is thy country? and of what people art thou? And he said unto them, I am a Hebrew j and I fear the Lord the God of heaven, who hath made the sea and the dry land. Then were the men exceedingly afraid, and they said unto him, What is this thou hast done? for the men knew that he was flying from the presence of the Lord ; because he bad told them. And they said unto him. What shall we do unto thee, that the sea may become calm' around us ? for the sea grew more and more tempestuous. And he said unto them. Take me up, and east me forth into the sea; and the sea will become calm around you ; for I know well that because of me this great tempest is come upon you. Never- theless the men rowed hard to bring the ship back unto the dry land ; but they could not ; for the sea grew more and more tem- pestuous around them And they called unto the LoRD, and said, We beseech thee, Lord, let us not be lost, we pray thee, for the life of this man ; and lay not upon us the guilt of innocent blood ; for thou art the Lord, as it pleaseth thee, so dost thou do. And they took up Jonah, and cast him into the sea, and the sea ceased from its raging. And the men feared the Lord greatly;" and ' Heb., May be silent. « Heb., " With great fear." "IISD DvS nn^D 73 -T T ; AV •■ "^: I" h-T : t- v t t: it • - T I (ST V -no i:S n^rn n;;nn-'p^ ^^^:^ i:^ Ni'nn^^jn VSx : nnN oy. nrp-'xi ^^in no Niin j:npi '^r':?N*Sp »j*v bvbtrn ^riSN nin'-nxi o:n nnr on^Sx ion*;i J- -: • - T - <■• v: T : v : • ^ t j- . i. •» D^J5^JN*n ^Nn^n : nlr■^^n-n^n D\n-nN* ntrr""ip'>? n*")^ • t -: IT < : r- IT T - - V : i.t - >t t t ii;n»-»3 n^trr n}vn D*n ^D irSyo □\n r>n^'^ nS ntrrrno vSx np.^n. D\n-SN* uS'Dm biNtr on^Sx noivn : nrpi. nSin T - V • J-. ■ —.tr ■ T •.•■•-: V J- I . 1^ "^;!prn '^i^'? '? '^^r^ ^7T *^ °3'^i^-5 oin p-^^^l -Sn D*trnS O'^r^xn nnnn : dd'Sj;. nrn Sin^n liVnpn : Dn^Si?^nj;p"! T]Sin D^n ^^iSb^xSi n;:'3*n ..._.; T : I JT - T : T V T : - : . r vt'^t it ;t : '^it i- t ftv'r jt| : (.t : - "O- t •;••: !• T V— AT : \-' : • • T : - - J : • t |tr of thy father, •? the daujrhtor of thy mothiT, whether she he horn at home, or horn abroad — even their nakedness shall tliou not uncover. The naked- ness of thy son's daughter, or of thy daughter's daughter — even their nakedness shalt thou not uneover, for theirs is thy own nakedness. The nakedness of thy father's wife's daughter, begot- ten of thy father, she is thy sister, thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. The nakedness of thy father's sister shalt thou not uncover : she is thy father's near kinswoman. The nakedness of thy mother's sister shalt thou not uncover; for she is thy mother's near kinswoman. The nakedness of thy father's brother shalt thou not uncover, unto his wife shalt thou not approach, she is thy aunt. The nakedness of thy (huightt i-in-law shalt thou not un- cover : she is thy son's wife, thou shall not uncover her nakedness. The nakedness of thy brother's wife shalt thou not uncover : it is thy brother's nakedness. The nakedness of a woman and her daughter shalt thou not uncover; her son's daughter or her daughter's daughter shalt thou not take to uncover her nakedness; for they are her near kinswomen : it is wickedness. And a woman together with her sister, shalt thou not take to vex her, to uncover her nakedness, beside the other, in her life-time. And unto a woman in the separation of her uncleanness shalt thou not approach to uncover her nakedness. And with thy neighbour's wife shalt thou not lie carnally, to defile thyself with her. And any of thy seed shalt thou not let pass through the fire to Molech, and thou shalt not profane the name of thy God : I am the Lord.* With a male shalt thou not lie, as with a woman ; it is an abomination. With any beast shalt thou not lie, to defile thyself therewith j neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto : it is confusion. Do not defile yourselves through any of these things; for through all these were defiled the nations which I cast out before you. And the laud became thereby defiled, wherefore I have visited its iniquity' upon it, and the land itself vomited out •This means, because the itiLnliitants violated the laws of moraJity tlisj should not be suffered to continue liviug in it. "1133 DV^ nnjo 71 niSiD IN* n\2 niSiD ^^N*-n3 in '^'iN*"n5 ^nin^ nni; D : nin ^np^l^. ^ ipnir. nSjn n^ ^^? nSjin nS xin nninx noN rnSio ^^ix ncrx-n^ "♦3 nhyn nS nax-ninx mnr d : xin ri^rjN r A- - : J vl : • 1 -: I- : V |- I <.• t nS:in nS n^nN-'nx nnr d : xin nax nx^r' r[rh3 npv. : Kin r\r)ii nnpn n*S inp'N-Sx D : nnnr n^:in xS s^in h^^ nc'x nVjn xS D : N'.i n^nx nnr nSjn xS n*n><-nj:'i< mnj; I- I r T ;- ■.:■ r\- - ■ ■> I r t v i- i- .^■: 'T\'2'r\'^y ni^-n^-nx rhyr\ nS nnni nti*x nnir V : T : - V rt" - : -< vt • yr • j- : v : Nin r\m n^n nnxtr' nnn^^ niSjS npn xS nn3 !• /t • T V ;t-: i- t t ■.■: J - : ]- • < t • n'Si; nnn;; niSjS -iSj;S npn xS nnnx-Sx nti^Ni t vv "^t ttt :'v s - : : ' Ia' ' J it -: v rr ■ : niSjiS D-ipn xS nnxDO nnjs n^rx-Sxi : n**n3 «. - : -| : • J AT T : ._ j- ■ ; vt ■ v : t iv - : riji? n^?3^' rpn-N*S ^n'?^ h;f x-SxT : nnn;; N*Si Tj'paS "T2];n^ ipr^"*"^^ tIOP^ • nn-nxptoS y T T V : IT : ;• -: I [..■ :■: j- ■■ .y - : I yr •• : T : r iT '^■- i AT ' j • : : ■ i" : ■ 1- : -■■\- I T rtT T : T : i| : : t : I >•■ ■ <■ VA' T ; (.:-!■ - 1 V r: "^t : ■ : /t •• : -riN j^nxn xjprii n^S;; npx "'il?^*! r"'-^C ^*PP^1 71 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KUTUR. Lord ! hast not forsaken those who seek thee. Eternal One, our Lord I how excellent is thy naiuo in all the earth. Be ye then of good cnurage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye who trust in the Lord." Tlit-n say, Kaddish Le'ayla. God ! who art long-suffering, and abundant in mercy and truth : chastise us not in thy anger. Lord ! have pity on thy people Israel, and save us from all evil. We have sinned against thee, Lord God ! forgive us, we beseech thee, according to the abundance of thy mercies. God ! who art long-suffering, and full of compassion, hide not thy face from us. O Lord 1 have pity on the remnant of thy people Israel, and deliver us from all evil. We have sinned against thee, Lord God ! forgive us, we beseech thee, according to the abundance of thy mercies. The Law is then taken out of the Ark (for which see Morning Service), and the Reader reads the following Portion to the Cohen, Levi, and Maphtere. Leviticus xviii. And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the chil dren of Israel, and say unto them, I am the Lord your God After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye have dwelt, shall ye not do; and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do; and in their ordinances shall ye not walk. My ordinances shall ye do; and my statutes shall ye keep, to walk therein : I am the Lord your God. And ye shall keep my statutes and my ordinances ; which if a man do, he shall live in them ; I am the Lord.* None of you shall approach to any that are near of kin to him, to uncover their na- kedness ; I am the Lord. The nakedness of thy father, or the nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover; she is thy mother, thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. The nakedness of thy father's wife shalt thou not uncover; it is thy father's naked. iiflD DvS nmo 70 ♦ ijnoin ^3N3 Sn • noNi -ion mi * d^3x Tinx W !•• • I I : - : - V ■•■; IV V IV - : • r - ) viv I IV T V •• : - - ■ -: I- •• T 1- - I viv T • I" • - : I iv^- •■ T ; ■ "■ t: t i iv • •• I IV -: I- T - : I T I I IT T '^ T I'tDSDHi mSi |n3 13 piipi min ')Sio K'xn 'di oipon inn -idixi S^ntr^ »i3-SN* 131 : i^^- . v . I -^^ T ;- : v IT : ^• -: ^t :"^v j - ; rcrs;}^,. d : nnii;;. 7h^r\ nS N*in iqn* nSjn ivS I . . ITT . . I.-- : , • j| : • rt" - : j nni?. D : Nin n»3N nnr nSjn »vS n'3*v-n:rN • • ' I V T ; . V rt" - : J I I- T •. I" 70 AFTEKNCHW SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. prairsed, and said, Blessed he the ■rlnry of the Lolll), froni tb(j place of the temj)le of liis diviue presence! "The 1x)HD will reign for ever and ever." The kingdom of the LoKD is estab- lished for ever and ever. " 0' Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, our fathers, preserve this for ever, to form the inward thoughts of thy people, and prepare their hearts to serve thee. And he being merciful, forgiveth iuiquit^^, and destroyeth not; yea, he frequently turneth away his anger, and awakeneth not all his wrath. For thou, () Lord ! art good, and ready to forgive, and of abundant mercy unto all who call on thee. Thy right- eousness is everlasting righteousness, and thy law is truth. Thou wilt accomplish the truth unto Jacob, and the mercy unto Abra- ham, which thou hast sworn unto our fathers from the days of old. Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadcth us with benefits; for he is the God of our salvation, for ever. The Lord of Hosts is with us ; the God of Jacob is a refuge unto us. Selah. Lord of Hosts ! blessed is the man who trusteth in thee. Save us, O Lord ; answer us, King ! when we call on thee." Blessed be our God ! who hath created us for his glory, and separated us from those who go astray, and hath given us the law of truth, and planted eternal life within us. May he open our heart to the reception of his law, and firmly fix his love and fear in our heart, that we may perform his will, and serve him with an upright heart; so that we may not labour in vain, nor bring forth unto trouble. May it be acceptable in thy presence, Lord our God, and God of our fathers ! to enable us to observe thy statutes and thy precepts in this world, so that we may be worthy to live, and in- herit the good, and the blessing reserved for the life of the future world. "To the end that my glorious triumphant soul may sing praise to thee without ceasing. Lord, my God ! I will give thanks unto thee for ever. The Lord was pleased for his own righteousness' sake to magnify the law, and adorn it. And those who know thy name, will put their trust in thee; for thou, O ' Here follow a number of verses selected from various portions of Scripture and are not closely connected, though al) have a general, uni- form bearing. ^ "n3D DvS nni!: 69 t: V ^ T "^ : I ; • t: •• : i- : - -: I" ti- T T ; - v: t: t - ; it •• : ~t: t "t ; It : - D^inn Nin^ : r\'h^ onnS pn*) • r]gj; 35^ nu^'riD : - • T : T : • : ■ : - : \ ^r ■• - ; V w - : T-: T-: t-- t-:x ^t n^s^j "^^'■^{ ♦ dh-j^n^ "^pn ♦ D'p:L^;_^ n/p^< |nn * ijS-Dor Dv Dv ^nx rin^ : Dip 'd^d irnb^^S IT T "-;!- T -: I T vliv I- !■• -: |- ^hSn* ):h njtro ♦ ijD;r niN*3V *♦ : nSo ijn;^i^' Sxrr v: IT T : ■ iT*^- T : t: t iv v t- i : •• t »^ : 13 Hld's ai»v nt^'N* ♦ niNJ3y '' : nSo 3pr^ r: I T - 1" T r ••: - t : r: t iv ) -:,- ^yrihi< in3 : i:jsjip dv3 ij^r iS^dh ♦ nrtrin !•• v: I T r- :| T r-"-:!- I v i v -^ '^t i- i:S rn:i ♦ o^rinn p *i:Sn3n'i • ni33S 1:^x13:^ it I - it : ^- - I it • ; • : : • it t ; v mh nnp\ N*in : 1:3^3 r^J dSi^ ':'.ni • hdv; niin • 1:15;") nlr:;S inNin in3nN 1J3S3 D'b'n * inning iS;! iih) • pnS r^'^ n*S jr.pS • dSc* 33S? n3r^Si I" •: •• 1" !■" t: I IV t r • I t • : t t iv - •-• : : V •• • : v - r it p i .• : ■ | 1 1-.- •._ ; ■ •.. iisr' WDb : N3n aSirn "nS n3i3i n3iD d'tji I : V - : I - 1- ; T - T IT •■ - : t t : t - • : *3 • rjp^r' ^iriv rj? in£p3n : inkS*:") niin hny * ipiv C9 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. mighty acts to till" sons dt" iiicii, aiul the <.'l"rii us iii,ij.v-;'y of hia kiugdmii. 'V\\y kiiiL'doin isauovrilaslingkiugdoiii, ami thy doiuiiiioa subsisti'th tlirmigliout all goiuTatiims. The JjURD uplioldt-th nil who fall, and raiseth up all those who arc bowed down. The eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest them their food in due season. Thou i>penest thy hand, and satisfiesl the desire of every living thing. The LoKD is righteous in all his ways, and benelicent in all his works. The Lord is near unto all those who call upon him, to all who call upon him in truth. He will fulfil the desire of those who fear him ; he will also hear their cry, and save them. The Lord preserveth all those who love him ; but he will destroy all the wicked. My mouth shall utter the praise of the Lord; and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever. " As for us, we will bless the Lord from henceforth, and for ever. Hallelujah." " And the redeemer shall come unto Zion, and to those in Jacob, •who turn from transgressions, saitb the Lord. As for me this is my covenant with them, saith the Lord, my spirit which is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not de- part from thy mouth, nor from the mouth of thy children, nor from the mouth of their offspring, saith the Lord, from hence- forth and for ever. But thou art holy, thou ! who dwellest amidst the praises of Israel. And one angel called unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts ! the whole earth is full of his glory." And' they received the word from each other, and said, " Holy, in the highest heaven, the exalted temple of his divine presence; holy, upon earth, the work of hia mighty power ; holy, eternally, for ever and ever. He is the Lord of Hosts ! the whole earth is full of the splendour of his glory. " Then the spirit lifted me up, and I heard a voice rush- ing forth with great impetuosity behind me, saying. Blessed be the glory of the Lord from his residence." Then the spirit took me up, and I heard behind me an in)petuous voice of those who ' The purnphrase of the Tnrgumim is added after the verses from Isaiah vi., Ezekiel iii., and Exodus xv., commonly called the Kadusha, or Sano- tificalion. 32* 113D DvS nmo 68 T : t: I • - 1 T - T : '^- |- : - I i'.t v - I" : ■>■ :|i T : t: Jt t -:i- -r : • t : t t . T •■ : T -: I T V t; •• ■• ■ I : - : • T T T I •• T !• V - : t: - • : ■ : - • t : it nmi • n^Sr n^N 'nn ♦ »» -ion Dni< »nn3 nt^t - T : I IV *> •.•-:■ t: - t t • • : ♦301 • :i];nr ♦5P1 • r\'Qf2 w)di iih • ^^sn 'rip_^ "lC''^f ' jrnp nn^i : dSi;; ij;i nnj;p ♦ i\ "ion • ^o.i^nj tr"l"Tp • "lONi nr Sn nr N-ipi : Sxnt:^* niVnn DtrV |t - t : V t)t : ■• T : • • : hnSj; Noinp *p^3 c^'np • v^w) r*!. IP r"^ r^^p-P'' z'np_ ' r]n'^^:i:i nnij; n;j"in Sj; c-'np * nnrjtr n»? • Snji trr"^ Sip • nnx ro:rNi nn ^^xti^ni : nnp» T - I- I - -: 1- - : viT - I • I" T • - ■■|t: n*;;p^'i Njnn 'J^Sd^ii : loippp \' 1133 rjns 68 AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. for a continual Imnit-offering. The one sheep shalt thou offer in the imirning, and the other sheep shalt, thou offer toward evening And the tenth part of an ephah of line flour for a nieat-offeriug, mingled with the fourth part of a hin of beaten oil. It is a con- tinual burnt-offering which was made on Mount Sinai, for a sweet savour, an offering made bj fire unto the Lord. And ihe drink- offering thereof shall be the fourth part of a hin for the one sheep ; in the holy place shalt thou cause the strong wine to be poured out for a drink-offering to the Lord. And the other sheep shalt thou offer toward evening, as the moat-offcring of the morning, and as the drink-offering thereof shalt thou offer it, an offering made by fire for a sweet savour unto the Lord. Then say the order of Incense, p. I. p. 89, till, " And may the offering," &c. After which continue : " And may the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord as in ancient days, and as in former years." '• Happy are they that dwell in thy house; they will be con- tinually praising thee. Selah. Happy the people who are thus ! Happy the people whose God is the Lord !" — (Psalm cxlv.) — David's Psalm of Praise. — I will extol thee, my God, King ! and I will bless thy name for ever and ever. Every day will I bless thee, and I will praise thy name for ever and ever. The Lord is great, and exalted in praise, and his greatness is un- searchable. One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty, and thy wondrous works. And men shall speak of the might of thy tremendous acts ; and thy greatness will I declare. The memorial of thy abundant goodness shall they perpetually utter, and shall sing of thy righteousness. The LoRD is gracious and full of compassion ; long-suffering, and of great mercy. The Lord is good to allj and his mercies are over all his works. All thy works shall praise thee, Lord ! and thy pious servants shall bless thee. They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power. To make known his "n£3:3 DvS nmo 67 nxi • "ipsn ntrrn -in}< t^♦:l^^-n^< : Ton nS'i; T •■ IT • • '^—.1- IT ; -IT I ■• V -: |- • ■• - V 1 .• - nS'r : vnn n;^»a-i rrriD pt:'^ nSiS^ ' nmoS nSo ~ I • - '^' ■ : ■ T I ■.• 1.- ; T T : • ; v i i3Dj"i : "S HLTN nn^j nnS ♦ ':'d nn^ ^'t^•r^ Ton : • : T|- V ■ - 1 ■ - !•• : - - : t \ "^i it ■ t "))1.?n nn^Dp * D'^iJ^n f^s nt:*ji*n »:^n b^asn n^si T|- - I • - I V ^: I- D^jJTDi oSiy 'oo • oS^nn min^ nmo '^S nnnn • T : T •• ■ • IT T I • T : - : ■ T|- t :^it: : ni^joip. T T •• : - T IV ( I : I- : ^ I IV • I ■• ; • T : T • : T v: x: iv ^ t •• : - t ix v nscr'^ nnS mi : npn tn inSi:iSi • ino SSnoi '♦ - - : : |v I" I •• T ■.. : • : : t •. : rr nnii ♦ ^iin -ii:i? "inn : n^r_ ^'n^i^^i * ^'^r.o I : IT •. : I" I IV I 'v. IV T I- T ) IV : : • vonii • S'dS '' DID : "!Dn-Si:n d^sn n"ikV • »' D^nm T -: |- : - t: v it t : • i- - | viv t: - : • ~ : : T I : r t it •■ ; • ^- r : AFTERNOON SERYICE KOll TIIK DAY OF ATONEMENT (Psalm lxxxiv.) — To the Chief Musician upon Gittith ; A Psalm for the Sons of Korah. — How lovely are thy taber- nacles, Lord of Hosts ! My soul dcsireth, yea, it longeth for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my lip join in singing the praises of the living God. Even the sparrow hath found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, in thy altars, O Lord of Hosts ! my King, and my God ! Happy are they who dwell in thy house, they will be continually praising thee. Selah. Happy the man whose strong confidence is in thee ; and those whose hearts are inclined to the paths which lead to thy service ; who passing through the valley of weeping, make it a well ; the early rain also encircleth it with blessings. They go from strength to strength, all of them appearing before God in Zion, Lord God of Hosts ! hear my prayer : give ear, God of Jacob. Selah. Thou art our shield, God ! behold ! and look upon the face of thy anointed. For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather choose to sit at the threshold of the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. For the Lord God is a sun and shield ; the Lord will give grace and glory to those who walk uprightly, and will not withhold any good from them. Lord of Host? '. happy is the man who trusteth in thee. Numb, xxviii. 1 — 9. And the Lord spoke unto Mo.ses, saying, Command the chil- dren of Israel, and say unto them, My offering, my bread for my sacrifices con.sumed by fire, for a sweet s:rvour unto me, shall ye observe to offer unto me in its due season. Say al.-o unto tlMui, This is the offering made by lire wiiich ye shall offer unto tin; Lord: two sheep of the first year without blemish, every day, VOL. III. B.— 12 (67) 1133 orS nnjD nnn.»-no : niofp nip ♦j^S • n^fijn hv. njr^pS : - : • : - T ; it - : t : : • t ; t: I iv : : • ■ i— T : IT - T •• V : - : ■ T : • • r; t; I IV : : • ■.• t iv t it v -: t IJ- : ^i^VP! "'"^^ * ^f?'? '?F''I *"?-?**^ • '^^^}. '^i^ * nliVDV •• ; "l t t : • • : I t t t ■• : - T iv v; t: I • : • v v ti" • it v . ,- .. ; |.. : hSd api^* ♦riSx nrr^tn • 'nS^m nrotr nixDV T IV I "^-:i- •• v: T !• -: I- • t ■ : t : • t : Dl^ DID o : nn^tr'D »J£d D3m * CD'nha nxi i::ijd I IV • : •• : •■ - : • v: •■ : i" ■ it •• : - t : t: • t : • : i - ^ - : ■ t: I •• • I T - I" T T niDNi VN")tr» ♦j3-nN iv : "ionS nc^b-SiV ^^ -lam T : - IT : •• T : • •• ; v - •• v v t: .. -; - itr'N nt^^'xn nr anS nio>^i : nylon 'S nnpnS V -: V • IT V VI T ; - IT : '^-: i : ■ ) : - : DvS D'^in^ ' ao'Dn njc^-^j3 o'tr^ns • »»S nnpn •I-: TT ••: -t: ti- |-|:- (66) b6 ADDITIONAL SERVICK FOR KIPPUR. nor placed us like the other familios of the earth ; neither hath he appointed our portion like tlioirs, uor our lot like their multitude, who worship vanity and oinptiui'.»s, and make supplieatiou to a god who cannot save. But we prostrate ourselves before the Supreme King of kings! the holy and blessed One ! who stick hod out the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth ; the residence of whose glory is in the heavens above, and the Divine Majesty of whose power is in the highest heavens. He is our God, and there is no other. Our King is truth, and there is none beside him ; as it is written in the law, " Know, therefore, this day, and reflect in thy heart that the Lord he is God, in the heavens above, and on the earth beneath, there is none else." Lord of the universe, who reigned before any thing formed was created. At the time that all was finished according to his pleasure, then was his name proclaimed King. And after all things shall have ceased to exist, he alone will remain tremendous. For he ever was, is now, and will eternally exist in glory. And he is One, nor is there a .second, to be compared, or associated with him. Without beginning, and without end, and to whom alone appertain power and dominion. Without comparison, with- out similitude ; without change or mutability. Without conjunc- tion, without division of parts; great is his power and might. He is my God, and my living Redeemer, and the Rock of my portion on the day of distress. He also is ray Standard, and my Refuge ; the portion of my cup when I call. Into his hands do I comn)it my spirit, when I sleep, and when I awake. And with my spirit, my body also ; for the Lord is for me, and I will not fear. [It is recommended to finish the Moosaph not later than 3 P. M , in order to allow sufficient time for the remainder of the servicfe.] -n£)D DvS rjDID 65 !•■ T I : V T \\- . :■ T V T T -; IT : : • : *dSp T]Sp ♦JoS Dnnn^p i^H^nj : V:pv iih Sn* Stj iDvi • D'Dtr HDi: Nnnsr' : xin nn^ trnpn doSdh •• : •(- T V V I T It - • T : - V IT !•• -:i- - T ": -it: t - r - r i v iv : : "iir pj< • nnnp T : • • : T viv : T T : • : •.•:!• : T : - : - I : nnv DV3 ^Siin mvi T T : • : ■ : : ^<")nN dv3 'did njp • r[Sp n;^'N; oSiir jnK : T T : ♦ ivp"i 'S5 T^.;^.;^? • "ins 'S5 "i^^n 'S5 IT • • : ♦ 'fin I'p^N n^5 • ^nn^ 'nn dj;i : 'a n;riy nnx «]Din nSan yMivh px : Ni^N ^^S"l 'S 'nx 65 ADDITIONAL SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. ThtTp is nunc like our God ; there is none like our Lord ; there is HOMO like our King ; there is none like our Siiviour. Who is like our God ? Who is like our Lord ? Who is like our King? Who is like our Saviour? We will give th.inks unto our God; wo will give thauks unto our Lord; we will give thanks unto our Ki!ig ; we will give thanks unto onr Saviour. Blessed be our God; blessed be our Lord-; blessed be our King; blessed be our Saviour. Thou art our God ! Thou art our Lord ! Thou art our King ! Thou art our Saviour ! Thou wilt save us; *' Thou wilt arise, and have mercy on Zion ; for the time to favour her, yea, the appointed time, approacheth." It was taught in the college of Eliyahu, that whosoever studied the traditions daily,* might be assured of enjoying a happy future state. * * Rabbi Elazar and Rabbi Chanina, say, that the wise men pro- mote peace in the world : as it is said, " And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord : and great shall be the peace of thy children." *****<< jyjay there be peace within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. For the sake of my brethren and friends, I willniow say, Peace be within thee. For the sake of the house of the Lord, our God, will I seek thy good. And thou shalt see thy children's children, and peace in Israel. Abundant peace have they who love thy law, and none shall obstruct them. The Lord will give strength unto his peo- ple; the Lord will bless his people with peace." Then say, Kaddish Derabbanan. It is peculiarly our duty to praise the Lord of all ; to ascribe greatness to him who formed the world in the beginning; since he hath not made us like the nations of the different countries, ' The decisions and rules of the oral law, called the Miehnah and Oemara. "11QD nvh w^DID 64 ,.. i_ .. ,,. ,.. ._. ^,.. . , . T]n2 • ^J'ri'^'JS Ti"i3 : ijij.'C^idS nil: • iJs'poS T - "i" • I I T I" : - I T I--: T - 1- : - T - !■• -: T - !•• - : 1 T ; T -: V - T IT 1" •• : T T T • -: - -.MV •.• T - T IT I V t: •• • I -I- T T : - v: I .• V T "^ IT T • : - T • : I -IT TV I ITT ••) ; • - I "ITT -; 3") DlSsr' : Sx-it:^* S;^ DiStr' • n^^^S dud ^^s5-l1 T T •• T : • - T J IV T : • T : jJ3-n ti^np -raixi n^fvS n^ji nnS • S'Dn riiNjS n^t:^ irSv lioij' ^<^•l • ni^niVn >^i:i3 my n»W' : n^rXis IT T : r -: IT •• : |t "^t v • •• i 64 ADDITIONAL SERVICE FOR KIITUR. of redt'inptioii, iliarity, acceptance, ami perfect cure; of peace and tranquillity ; of knowledge in his law, and of prayer. And may he remove from among you all manner of envy, hatred, and coTitention : ami may the sentence which is written, be fulfilled in you, " May the Lord God of your fathers make you a thou- sand times as many as ye are, and bless ye as he hath promised you." And may he write you in the book of happy life: which (lod in his infinite mercy grant; and let us say, Amen. May the prayers and supplications of the whole house of Israel be accepted in the presence of their Father, who is ia hea- ven ; and say ye. Amen. May the fulness of peace from heaven, with life, plenty, salva- tion, consolation, freedom, health, redemption, pardon, expiation, enlargement, and deliverance, be granted unto us, and to all his people Israel ; and say ye. Amen. May he who maketh peace in his high heavens, through his mercy, bestow peace on us, and all Israel; and say ye. Amen. All Israel are entitled to a portion of future happiness; for it is said, "And thy people shall all be righteous; for ever shall they inherit the land ; the scion of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified." Rabbi Judah said, Happy is he, whose labour is the meditation of the law, thereby doing that wliich is pleasing to Him who formed him ; he in life enjoyeth a good name, and also departeth out of this world with a good re- pute : of such did Solomon in his wisdom say, " A good name is better than precious ointment ; and the day of death than the day of one's birth." Learn much law, and great reward will be Itestowed on thee. But know that the reward of the righteous is only to be bestowed in the future state. Rabbi Chananya, the son of Akashya, saith, that the Holy ]iles.sed One, being pleased to make Israel worthy of enjoying happiness, had enlarged the law with many precepts; as it is said, "The LoRD was pleased for his own righteousness' sake, to magnify the law, and make it honourable." "1153 DvS flDIO 63 -I - !• : - : T : • : t : | • v : i • • t : t • : V •• -: I •• V •• 1 -: •• v: t: t v t) : • v t V T V • V -: I- V : V J • T I- • 'V : | ■.■ ,-.• v t oipj SiVntp^! n'3-S;)^ • P!^^'^V?i P'^^?'i'?y '^^pw * nrit^^'^i * l^^ti^i ' D'*n • N^iDcrrD n3"i NoSt:* N*n» •> !• "^tt: ■- T-;l- T- tt: •■: TT - : T • : T \ ; t : tt i" : t t iv: I •• T : • : •• T : • - t : it t t - : - i- : t V -:i- T -: 1- : t : • t v - v: IV V T - T : I V i- v t •■ •• t : • t ■• : -t : I : - i - i- v : t - t ^—.y: nfbS^' "io{< vSi;i : oSirn jp did Dt^'3 id3Ji. • 3ID fi?^ i^l} * niin -iDb^ T)S i^nn • n?-in n-jin "iioS : ' T V T T : * I T • • •• T ; • .- - ; : n^'iNn nnin Sn;: • ip-iv |j;p^ f on »; • "ipN:t:' 63 ADDITIONAL SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. Our God who art in lu'av»v jr.p^ ntrr./ tr'lpr? -I'l^ p|?^'iT: * T]S^^'^ niz:ptr" [rp'? rttr;;^ • Tjn's p-in fr.p^ nt?^jt; * D^.Tl?'' 'p^i; ]^?b nir)^^ • niJD^N} D^pin: ij;p^ S^" nipij^n jrp^ nlrj;^ * dSh ^Sioji ij;p^ ntrir^ T IT I" T • : • I" T • ; • T T : ^l^Dn-) n^ij ♦ D*on"irr S^ai * nn^ d^bn ^inx S^^ I IV-: I- - •. : • -: I- T ^- 1- t it -i | viv t: t: t) : •- tt - t: ^—.\ — - •.•: iv 58 ADDITIONAL SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. H. O Lord I pl.ad our oause, and contend with those that wish to iiijuro us. C. U rcnuMiibor, &c. K. Lord ! bless our broad and water. C. remember, &c H. () Lord I nti'i; * T]iprr jyoS rft% • ^"IJf': froS n^^jr y< APDITIOXAL SKRVICE FOR KIPI'UR. who nnswortrst in the tiiiio of luercy, :iiul answor us. Hear us. thou wlio art the SliicM of Pavid, ami answer us. Hear us. God, who (IwolU'st anioni; tliy an<;t'ls, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art merciful ami j.;raeious, and answer us. Tlien say, "0 omnipotent King!" &c. as on page 52. O most raereiful and gracious God ! we have sinned against thee, have mercy upon us. O Lord of pardon ! who searchest the hearts, revealcst hidden things, and speakest righteousne.ss : we have sinned against thee, O have mercy upon us. O thou who art glorious in wondrous works, just in comforting, remem- berost the covenant of the fathers, and searehest the inward parts; we have sinned against thee, have mercy upon u:^. thou who art good and beneficent to all creatures, knowest all secrets, suppressest iniquities, and art clothed with righteousness : we have sinned against thee, have mercy upon us. thou who art of infinite perfection, fearful in praises, pardoning ini(juities, and answering in times of distress : we have sinned against thee, have raerey upon us. thou who art the author of salvation ; who foresees! futurity ; callest into existence generations to come ; ridest upon the heavens ; art attentive to prayer ; and art perfect in knowledge : we have sinned against thee, O have mercy upon us. The merciful God is thy name; the gracious God is thy name; the long-suflFcring God is thy name; the infinitely Merciful is thy name ; in us thy name is called ; Lord grant our request for the sake of thy name I Read. Lord I be gracious unto us, and raise us up. Cony. remember us, and write us in the book of life. R. Lord ! cause us to hear good tidings, and have mercy upon us, on the day of salvation. C. O remember, &c. R. Lord ! may the multitude of thy mercies be moved towards us. C. remember, &c. R. Lord ! let thy loving kindness anticipate our request, and have mercy upon us. (J. remember, &c. R. Lord ! let thy tender mercy be moved towards us. C. remember, &c. R. Lord I may the lasting impression of thy love be sealed on our hearts this day. C. O remember, &c. 10* ■)15D Dvh f]D1D 66 • niNSsja -inn : irSr onn t:qS iJNcon • nipn^ T : • : T I" T •• - I IV T : it t I t : T : ) •• T • : •• T IV : I • T riv ♦ ninaS d^ddi did : irSr onn n^jfjS ijndh ^- 1" : ■ - • •■ 1" "r •• - I IV T : IT T IT T I T : -: •• T : • T nSiD • rhnn niij * nvor kSd : irS;^ on-n n'j£)S '- I" -IT • IT •• T !•••> •• - I IV T : ,.. *V •• - I IV T : IT T T - V "^ '^-: I IVT : ITT '^ •• • : -I" T -: : irSr Dm : i^anDi ii"iDr D»*n nfiODi • uo^pm o:in »» I" : T : I" : T • - v i- i" |- -;i- I" t t: I" -: r ■■ I" : - T It : : t: I" -: I- : I :(-: I IV T -: r: I" T I IV -: I- T v.iv t: 56 ADDITIONAL SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. before he made the earth and its extremities, C. The Loud reigneth. R. And when he had established the creatures in the various countries, G. Tlie Lord reigned. R. And when he will assemble the dispersed of Israel from the four corners of the earth, C. The Lord will reign for ever and ever. The Lord reigneth, &c. He to whom peculiarly appertaineth the appellation of I am THAT I EVER WILL BE, is he who was, who is, and who will be eternally. He killeth and restoreth to life. Before him no creative power existed, and after him none will exist. Hear us, our Father ! and answer us. Hear us, our Creator ! and answer us. Hear us, our Redeemer ! and answer us. Hear us, thou who wilt seek us, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art glorious and majestic, and answer us. Hear us thou who art just in comforting, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art pure and upright, and answer us. Hear us, thou living and eternal God, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art pure-sighted, and answer us. Hear us, thou who dwellest in heaven, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art omnipotent, and answer us. Hear us, God ! who delightest not in wickedness, and answer us. Hear us, O thou Supreme King of kings, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art tremendous and exalted, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art the aid of the fallen, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art the help of the poor, and answer us. Hear us, our Redeemer and Deliverer, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art just and justifying, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art near to those who call upon thee, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art high and exalted, and answer us. Hear us, thou who dwellest above the highest heavens, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art the support of the perfect, and answer us. Hear us, God of Abraham, and answer us. Hear us, thou who answerest in a favourable time, and answer us. Hear us, thou who art the Fear of Isaac, and answer us. Hear us, thou who answerest in times of distress, and answer us. Hear us, mighty God of Jacob, and answer us. Hear us, thou -nSDD avh i]D)D 55 Nin • n».T Nini nirt Nim n^n Nin ' h^hk ntrx ■ I- T !•• -: !•• -: -I- ^" l-*^-: |- -: t|-: Njni: ijj;^.^ • ^:)):._ DoS;f-i o^d tj^d ijjr^ * uji? * q:r.,n53-|pn *rtS^ ijji^_/^:r.^"in pp ^j:r./iJ.JJ^, 65 ADDITIONAL SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. who wore wortliv ti» appease tlioo have passed away. We have ranged over flie four (piarters of the globe, hut, have found no re- lief. We now return unto thee, our faces covered with shame, to geek thee early. O God ! at the time appointed for our pardon. Then sii\- " omnipotent King," &c. as on p. 62. We are struck with aniazenient at the evils attending us ; our strength is enfeebled by means of our distresses; we are brought exceedingly low ; we are humbled unto the dust. merciful God! we are stiff-necked and rebellious; for such is our dispo- sition. We indeed with our mouths cry aloud that we have sinned, while our hearts are froward and perverse. most High ! thy mercy is eternal, and pardon is with thee. repent thee of the evil, and incline to mercy. Hide not thyself in times like these ; for we are in great distress. Let it be manifested in the sight of all, that thy goodness and mercy are with us. close the mouth of the adversary, that he may not accuse us ; repre- hend him, that he be silent; and suifcr the good intercessor to rise up, to justify us, and declare our uprightness. merciful and gracious God I thou hast revealed thy ways unto him who was faithful in thy house, and when he entreated thee, thou didst make thy truth known unto him. Then say "0 oranipotent King." &c., as on page 52. Read, and Coiu/. We have sinned^, our Rock ! Pardon us, thou who hast formed us. R. and C. Hear, Israel, the LoRD our God, the Lord is One. R. and C. Bles.«ed be the glorious name of his kingdom for ever and ever. R. and C. The Lord, he is God. The Lord, he is God. R. The angels above proclaim, C. The everlasting One is our Lord. R. The peculiar chosen peo- ple answer and declare, C. The Lord he is God. R. The spheres above proclaim, 0. The everlasting One is our Lord. R. The exalted peculiar people answer and declare, C The Lord he is God. R. and C. The Lord reigneth ; the Lord hath reigned ; the Lord will reign for ever and ever. R. Before the heavens and the earth were yet expanded, C. The Lord reigneth. R. And ere the bright luminaries shone forth, C. The Lord reigned. R. And when the earth shall wax old as a garment, and the heavens vanish as .smoke, C. The Lord will reign for ever and ever. The Lord reigneth, &c. R. And VOL. HI. B. — 10 llfiD DvS :]D^D M I'T t; ■ ^ - : - : ;|- itt I" T 1- : 'J- : I T -: I- : I" t v i : I IV " : l- ninji;? oSi^on nS : ipn ^dS;) hdq • njtjnn S3; on; r|5iD • Sdh *r;;S riv : limx^ nSn^ rr^y^ '5 * Snd : lii^; 1*4: Nin ♦ i^p^vS did f »Sp "ri^i^n : Dli'"l 13 m isTpDa : n\5 ipj<:S n»Sj * pjini o^ni rjon^ : iS ni^iin ^™on * ^'^^^ aSirS inoSo niDD D:r' rin3 : "inx »» • ^':^'th\^ •T ' : : - : -It t V t: |" v: ♦Sx-ikX : CTM^Nn N?in ^» • D\iSNn Nin »» : iri ••-::- ■ v: it t: • v: it t: . t . »■ T .. : I" ■ : I" -: t: • : i t •■ i- *♦ • DHDiN nSro 'SiiS-i : d'hSniI Nin ♦♦ • DnolNi t: • : I T -I- •• - : - v: it t; ■ : i : : D^riSNn Nin *' • dh^ini D*:ir nS;iD »Si:in • irnN v: IT t: • : I : • ^ t \ : •• : i" -: : ni^i oSrS ^S^' '^» • T]Sp '^» • TjSp »^| nri : 'nSo *^ * innoi D^piNi • opntr' did3 "^ : I V IV t: it ; • ) • t -;i- I • t : v iv : • rhiT\ -TJ33 riNm : nSo »» ♦ innr nniN^t: nS V : ■ V IV - I V it 1 : I T T t; rr t ; 54 AnniTioxAL service for kippur. R. O most inorcifiil ! cause the splendour of thy goodness to shine upon us. C. For the sake, &c. R. O most merciful ! be thou our aid and support. C. For the sake, &c. R. O most merciful ! show us a token for good. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to open the gates of heaven to our supplications. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to accept our supplications in favour. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to accept our supplications and prayers, in time of distress. 0. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! have compassion on our souls. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to grant us a happy year. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! turn from thy anger. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! dismiss us not empty from thy presence. C. For the sake, &c. "And the Lord passed by before him (Moses), and proclaimed, The Lord is the immutable, eternal Being ! an omnipotent God ! merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in beneficence and truth ! keeping mercy even unto the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, and acquitting." Then say, " Pardon thou," &c. and " For on this day," &c. as on p. 52. The faithful men who came before thee, by virtue of their good works, are lost : they were powerful, and able to stand in the breach, and to repel by their intercession the evil decrees. They were a wall unto us, and a place of refuge in the day of wrath ; extinguishing anger by their secret prayer, and restraining wrath by their cry ; before they called, thou didst answer them, they knew how to obtain favour by prayer ; for their sake didst thou act like a compassionate father, not dismissing them empty from thy presence. But by reason of the multitude of our sins they are lost to us; they are taken away from us because of our iniqui- ties : they are retired to their rest, and have left us to grieve. They who repaired the wall are gone ; they who averted anger have ceased to exist : there is none to stand in the breach. They ■•- "JIDD DvS f]D1D 53 ^2 [Si^^ nn^N r)DiD "iin^ ^^PH?- It •• -: I ■ : ' ; t T -: i- T ; T T T IT ^' •• -: T T -: r" ^ r^—.t- : •• I - T IT T T -: I- '-• |. ^. .<:... _TT-:f- ^ ^ It *-: •:- t:- t- tt-:i- n W1^ ^''^ ^^T^n^ Tl.N p^ni Dini S^t ;» I ^; ♦ Nnpn.v;3 h:; \\ i^j;^ rir NJTJ d^sSnS ion nvj : noNi non nn d'3N ] *T •■ • T -:iT V |V •■ V v^iv V IV -: i I •• - : T T - : - IV T ^ . . V ■• ^-;i- - I : • T IT T T v: •• ; - T ; (T IT •• : - V I viv - -:r nvi^HDH • Dt^•■^S^ tiN* Qori? : or? dv3 nDnoSi : "it t •■ T -: I- : I - • -: i -it : v ; - : : nl2;n3i iin);S D^i^ii; • on'::;, ^iN")p ong : or,!^? |t •• V •• : T I • t'^:i- ; t : |- ■ 7 : T I" ^ IT I" t -: I- IV V IV : - -: \" "■: "T •• : I - T -:i- IT : "it 53 ADDITIONAL SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. A*. O most nuTciful I romomber favourably unto us the sup- plication ot' king Solomon. (\ For the sake, \'f. A*. () most merciful! exalt thy right hand, and cause thy redemption to spring forth. 6'. For the sake, &c. R. O most luereiful ! with faces covered with shame, do we come to implore theo : liave mercy upon us. ('. For the sake, &c. R. O most merciful ! display thy mighty power over us. C. For the sake, &c. A*. O most merciful ! bring forth our judgment to light. C. For the sake, &c. R. O most merciful ! cause thy glory to dwell among us C. For the sake, &c. A'. most merciful ! chastise us not according to our evil deeds. C For the sake, &g. R. most merciful ! cause thy splendour to rest upon us. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! seek a justification for our deeds. C. For the sake, &c. R. O most merciful ! devise good for us. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! grant us abundantly the good we need. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! let thy tender mercy be moved towards us. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! remove thy anger and indignation from us. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to write us in the book of life. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to write us in the book of mercy. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful! vouchsafe to write us in the book of the righteous. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to write us in the book of the upright and perfect. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! vouchsafe to write us in the book of good maintenance and subsistence. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! do not make an end of us. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful ! pardon and forgive our sins and iniqui- ties. C. For the sake, &c. 1153 DVS ^D^D 52 f2 N^'t^'P "Til*! np;p5 jS "isiN Nipnn V'3 ^^R"^.''? npvNl ^4'P' D'"?.?? ^^^^n?- va n^D Num Nnon c^'idd Nioni • ^ It • T : I : t : v : t t -. i n *'m Nn5D2 rrnnD N:on-) vn ♦pqni N"i?p? ir^i"?? ^<;'?^^ rn 'pnvi ^*";!?P? n'?r^? ^i^^'}- ri ♦P'pni nc^'n ni?PP ]y^^^ ^^9^7 V'3 ♦Jlri2i ^Dnt3i Nn3D3 rrDHD Nioni ' ^ It t •■ : •• *^: 1- T T T — . I- 1*3 inji;S) ppin^ pl3'^i Sinp NJ^nn 52 ADDITIONAL SERVICE FOR KH'PUR. omnipotont King, who sittt'th upon the tlirone of mercy ; governing witli U-nclitHUco ; par(h)ning the iniquities of his peo- ple : by causing them to pass away in due order; extending par- don unto sinners, a!id forgiveness unto transgressors; acting cha- rital)ly towards all flesh and spirit, not requiting them according to their wickedness. Uod ! thou hast taught us to repeat the thirteeu attributes of thy mercy. Remember unto us, we be- seech thee, this day, the covenant of the thirteen attributes which thou didst reveal unto the meek one of old; for thus it is writ- ten in thy law : " And the LonD descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord !" And there it is said : " And the Lord passed by before him and proclaimed, The Lord is the immutable eternal Being ! an omnipotent God ! mer- ciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in beneficence and truth ; keeping mercy even unto the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, and acquitting. Par- don thou our iniquity and our sin, and take for us thy heritage. For on this day shall he make an atonement for you, to cleanse you, that yc may be clean from all your sins before the Lord.'' Reader. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy covenant made with Abraham thy beloved. Congreijation. For the sake of the attributes of mercy, proclaimed when he passed. R. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy covenant made with Isaac, who was bound as a sacrifice. C. For the sake, &c. R. O most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy cove- nant made with Jacob the perfect. G. For the .sake, &c. • R. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us the merits of Joseph the righteous. C. For the sake, &c. R. O most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy cove- nant made with Moses the prophet. C. For the sake, &c. R. most merciful I remember favourably unto us thy cove- nant made with Aaron the priest. C. For the sake, &c. R. O most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy cove- nant made with Phineas the zealous. G. For the sake, &c R. most merciful ! remember favourably unto us thy cove- nant made with David thy anointed. C For the sake, &c niGD nvh f]D1D 51 ''^n : D'p»p-|1 n3"]p • ptr'Ni pc'N") "i'3j;d • isj; ni^w. '^nio I T : "^ : 1 - T • : • t - |- t • : 1 jnnin Sn : Soi;i onS onr"^:? { S>^n • did o •• T T IV I" T : V : I" T I : •■ t V IV •. : I- T T : - !•■ :iT i" -: •■ i" i- I IV •• T T t: t ■ t)iv "•. I- I IV •• TT t: ■• t | iv : : • : • -: I- •• T : • •• : *=• ■ : v t : t ) : •• t : ( : DpnDkX •. IV T I •• • - T T : T T I" : IT I IV - •• T ; • T '^- : i" "t •-:!-: |t t : )h nnj 'nos "iixd 'd * "hob "iIxs nn* 1:^3 ^irnx IT T l-T ( IVT I IV T : -1- IT .. I- T • -; I- : |t T : v IV t t -: i- • - : t |" v: t: T : ^ T : Dl*n : Di*n d?S? d^'D • D?\iSx »;3 0^5*711 djtixi 49 ADDITIONAL SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. [on thk Sauuath, Ann, the Sabbath, and] Israel, and th« Day of Atonement. LoRP, our God ! let thy p^ple Israel be acceptable to thie, and liave regard unto their prayers. Restore the service to the oracle nf tliv house; so that the burnt-oflFerings of Israel, and their prayer.s, may be speedily accepted by thee with love and favour ; and the worship of thy people Israel, be ever pleasing unto thee. .And through thy abundant mercy, deign thou to regard us kindly, and be favourable unto us, and cause our eyes to behold thee at thy return to Zion with mercy. Blessed art thou, Lord ! who restorest thy divine presence unto Zion. Bow and say. We gratefully acknowledge that thou art the Lord, our God ! and the God of our fa- thers, for evermore. Thou art our Rock ; the Rock of our life, and the Shield of our salvation ; to all generations will we render thanks unto thee, and recount thy praise, for our lives, which are de- livered into thy hand, and for our souls, which are ever in thy keeping ; and for thy mi- raculous providence, which we daily experience ; and for thy wonders, and thy kindness, which are at all times exer- cised towards us, at morn, noon, and even. Thou alone VOL. III. B. — 9 MoDiM Derabbanan. When the Reader says Modim, the Congregation say: We gratefully acknowledge that thou art the Lord our God ! and the God of our fa- thers ; the God of all flesh ; who formed us, and formed the world in the beginning. Blessings, and thanksgivings, be ascribed to thy great and holy name, for having pre- served us alive, and supported us. Thus we beseech thee to grant us life, be gracious unto us, and assemble our captives toward the courts of thy sanctuary, to observe thy sta- tutes, to do thy will, and to ni£)D DvS flDIO 48 : Dn^DH Din SNn^» ^. . ^ ^ . . . . .. ^ . . I . ^_ . ,.. ._.; ^. .. . T T • : •• T : • •■ • : I IV •• • : • t -: it ■• t : T - I T • -: 1- : I ■ : I : I : ,.. .. ■, ,._.•.•: iv : I ■ : T (■ : • -: 1 t: pD"ii OHIO • r|S ijmx onio ^o«'i ^^i<^ nnx Sa ^^'D^iV V: ^"^^ ^rikVg^ I" v: t: t - IV I" - I" •i-T I" ■• I T T T I : V T •njli;-! mc'pSi n»pn • Dnnvi ♦ -ipbi • anr II- : '^-: I- : I liv ■. -nr-.n : |v i t vTv 48 ADDITIONAL SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. wilt show faithfuliioss unto Jacob, and mercy unto Abraham*, which thou hast sworn to our ancestors, from the days of old." Our God, and God of our fathers, niayest thou be pleased to grant that our nionional, ami the im nidiial of our fathers, the memorial of Jerusalem, thy city, and the memorial of the Mes- siah, the son of David, t\\y servant, and the memorial of all thy people, the house of Israel, may ascend, come, approach, be seen, accepted, heard, visited, and remembered for the obtaining of a happy deliverance, with favour, grace, and mercy, [on the Sab- bath, SAY, on this day of rest, and] on this day of Atone- ment; this day of pardoning iniquity; even this day of holy convocation. To have mercy, and to save us thereon : Lord, our God I remember us thereon for good ; visit us with a bless- ing ; and save us to enjoy a happy life; with the word of salva- tion and mercy, have compassion, and be gracious unto us. have mercy upon us, spare and save us, for our eyes are continually towards thee ; for thou, God ! art a merciful and gracious King! Our God, and God of our fathers, reign thou over the whole world in thy glory; and be exalted in thy majesty over the whole earth ; and shine forth in the excellence of thy supreme power over all the inhabitants of thy terrestrial world ; and may every thing which hath been made, be sensible that thou hast made it; and every thing formed, understand that thou hast formed it; and all who have breath in their nostrils declare, " The Lord God of Israel reigneth, and his supreme power ruleth over all." sanctify us with thy commandments, and ordain our portion to be in thy law. satisfy us with thy goodness; rejoice our soul with thy salvation; and purify our heart to serve thee in truth; for thou, Lord God! art Truth; and thy word, our King, is truth, and permanent for ever. Blessed art thou, Lord ! the King, who pardonest and forgivest our iniquities, and the iniquities of thy people Israel ; causing our trespasses to pass away annually. King of the whole earih, who sanctifiest "n*:D DvS fjoio 47 V Ti" "^ !•- i: V "-:!- 1" -: i" v :■: (!) njn ni:Dn ov? ^^'^^^ o^pnnSi • -ipnS • jrrS Nipp DV5*njn |U;n nn'Sp Dv^'nin Dni)Dn or? I" v: t: !•• : T !•• • i : i- 't •• - : v - v| i • - ; "^i- • 1 : T T : ■ i-|: t t Dn"n SiDm n^iim Din * d^dhii n^it:''* inis • d^^id [i:in T]^D S^s '3 * i^V'-J^ 'T.^^* '? * uij.^trini irSj; : nrii^ Dinii T IT - : 11^5 oSirn-Sn Sr niSo * irniDN %iSN"i 1:^iS^< T '^ IT T '^ I I" -: I" I" Six^D-Ss ^^nn • TjvnN Snn o^v-Sd Sr. * ^J^ jin^ -iON'1 • innv! nnx ^3 "ii^;-Sd pan • in^ro nnN o I T T •• T : ■ •• v: t: - : t r : v -; t : nhz'D S33 idoSdi T IT T - : - • np?< ijj^p ^"1311 • n^DN* D'riSi:? V: ''^^^':!^ '5 ' ™^f ?. * ii»niJiyS_ nSiDi SniD TjSp ♦ ;; nr\i< rjns • iji;S D^p.i nitr-S^D u^niDtJ'N -i»3;^oi ♦ SNitr* 'isjr niii;^Si 47 ADDITIONAL SERVICE FOR KIPPUR. our God ! as it is said, " The secret things belong unto the Lord our God ! but tho known thiiifjs belong unto us and our posterity for eviT, to perform all the words of this law." For thou art the pardoner of Israel, and grautest remission of sins unto the tribes of Jcshurun : and beside thee there is none to whom we appeal for pardon and forgiveness. J\. — thou, who art most mighty and glorious; the Creator of heaven and earth. C. — Who is god equal unto thee? -/?. — thou who revealest profound things, and speakest right- eousness. 0. — Who is god equal unto thee ! /^. — thou, who art magnificent in thy apparel; for there is no god besides thee. C — Who is god equal unto thee ! R. — thou, who reruemberest the covenant, and art gracious to the remnant of thy people. C. — Who is god equal unto thee! Ji. — thou, who art pure-sigh tedj and residest in the heavens. C. — Who is god equal unto thee ! JR. — thou, who suppressest iniquity, and art clothed with righteousness. C. — Who is god equal unto thee! R. — thou Supreme King of kings, who art most awfully exalted. C. — Who is god equal unto thee ! R. — thou, who supportest the fallen, and answerest the prayer of the oppressed. C. — Who is god equal unto thee! R. — O thou Redeemer and Deliverer, who movest in the great- ness of thy power. (J. — Who is god equal unto thee ! R. — thou, who art nigh unto those who call on thee, and merciful and gracious. 6'. — Who is god equal unto thee I R. — O thou, who dwellest in the highest heavens, and art the support of the perfect. C. — Who is god equal unto thee ! R. — As it is written, " Who is omnipotent, like unto thee, pardoning iniquity, and fr)rgiving the transgression to the residue of his heritage? he retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy. He will again have compassion on us, he will suppress our iniquities; yea, thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea;" as also our sins, and all the sins of thy people the house of Israel, into a place where they shall not be remembered, nor visited, nor thought of for ever. " Thou niSD DvS (r^DM2 46 T : • - - •■•: IV V I" ■•■; t: | iv "r : t . t *-: I- T ^- I- T : IT : • - : I" v: ti— •• T : • : I T : I t - • - t - .. ; . t TIQ3 Sn* "1103 Sk "1103 Sn* »D nSm pn n"i13 • nixji "ini< V IV T I •• T : nipiv "^^n * nipiorji^i:i ♦ inSi? pxi • itrnS^ "inn Til-: : • T • ^\nii'^^ pin • nn?n npir * nipny i^'"?i^ ' nu'i];^ tr'DiD T : • : T • T : | v IV ^'p^^% n;lr • D'Si3lJ TjplD n3 3'"i3 nj;;V • S'VPi nii3 ' p3ni Dini ♦ VN-)ip^ nnp D^p^pii "ipin • D'pnjp' pier' h:i "inn pj^ Ni?': • TjiDD S{< 'p ♦ ^Noj) T Si; 3inD3 j'Dn o • iSkS njrS pnnn kvS inSm nnx^S ♦ r^. n^Strni • irnyir trisD* • ijonn^ di^' : Nin non nNDn-S:)i • irniVfton-SDi : oniVtsn-SD d^ niSvo^ - T : 1" - T : T - T T •. : • iih) ^i^Q' iih] ^'^;}V j^^* Dipp3 * S^jn^^ n»3 ^pj; Dn-i5J