liuxxh Bells of Suffolk J.J. RAVEN. D. D. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Wl}t Cljmlj §tlk 0f c^Mfalk. THE IMPRESSION FOR SALE IS LIMITED TO FIFTY COPIES IMPERIAL QUARTO, c^ FIVE HUNDRED SUPER ROYAL OCTAVO. No. Super Royal Octavo. THE C|iirrli IpIIs nf Inffnlft A CHRONICLE IN NINE CHAPTERS, BV JOHN JAMES RAVEN, D.D.. 0/ Eintnanuel College, Catnbridge : Vicar of Fressingfield with-Withersdale ; and Honorary Cation of Norwich Ca th ea rat ; President of the Not-d)ich Diocesan Association of Ringers ; Author of "Church Bells of Cambridgeshire," Etc, Etc. LONDON : JARROLD AND SONS, 3, PATERNOSTER BUILDINGS. 1 890. JARROLD AND SONS, PRINTERS, NORWICH AND LONDON. DEDICATED, BY PERMISSION, TO THE HONOURABLE AND RIGHT REVEREND THE f orb gtsljop of iortokl^. 718974 PREFACE. As this, the latest contribution to English Campanology, is in one sense the earliest, a few words seem necessary to explain the history of a book which has been forty-two years in hand, and to account for its mipertections. In the days of my boyhood at Mildenhall, where my father was curate, I took great delight in the sound of the bells, and raised a five-pound note for the repair of the gear of the fine old tenor. The bell-hanger, one Flanders Green, an enthusiastic ringer, asked me to read for him two of the inscriptions, of which I made a transcript in a copy-book on August 28th, 1848, and proceeded to the investigation of other bells in the neighbourhood. In the course of two years I had made a considerable collection from Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, and South Lincolnshire. Wherever I went I carried on the work ; but undergraduate life and residence in Dorset and Kent prevented the county of Suffolk receiving very much attention till my college presented me to the Mastership of Bungay Grammar School in 1859, when I attacked at once the north-east of the county. During these eleven years I had become acquainted with Messrs. Ellacombe, Tyssen, Sperling, Lukis, and L'Estrange; and our comparison of discoveries was throwing much light on the history and interpretation of bell- marks. I was enabled to finish and publish the Church Bells of Cambridgeshire, after my removal to Yarmouth in 1866, and by the kindness of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society to put forth a second Vlll THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. and improved edition in 1885. Other counties seemed to pass by me at a gallop while poor Suffolk was slowly hobbling on. Mr. Tyssen's Sussex, Mr. Ellacombe's Devon, and Mr. L'Estrange's Norfolk were things of the far past. Mr. Ellacombe added Somerset and Gloucester, Mr. Dunkin Cornwall, Mr. North swept clear the wide area embraced by Leicester, Northampton, Rutland, Lincoln, and Bedford, leaving at his lamented death Hertford to be completed by Mr. Stahlschmidt, who by himself gave us Surrey and Kent, and, in his turn summoned to rest, has placed Essex within the reach of a third hand. When my college presented me to the Vicarage of Fressingfield in 1885, the end of my labours seemed not far distant; but it receded, and had it not been for the energy of my good friends in other corners of the County, I should have made but little progress. Mr. Sperling's collection, chiefly from North-west Suffolk, communi- cated to the East Anglian some thirty years ago, has supplied the inscriptions from many towers ; and his letters to me about the same time added many useful notes. Messrs. J. L. Biddell, Herbert W. Birch, Charles Candler, E. M. Dewing, R. S. Dewing, C. H. Hawkins, W. C. Pearson, Percy Scott, Shaw, E. J. Wells, Freeman Wright, F. D. Young, and many others among the clergy and laity have been helpers in various parts of the county; among whom the name of Cecil Deedes, late Rector of Wickham S. Paul's, Essex, demands especial mention. To him we are indebted for the bulk of the south-west corner of our county. Mr. Amherst D. Tyssen has kindly allowed me the use of the wood blocks cut for his lamented father ; and a like favour has been granted to me by the representatives of our departed friends, North and Stahlschmidt. The Cambridge Antiquarian Society, too, has per- mitted me to illustrate the Bury lettering, and other marks, with the cuts made for my Church Bells of Cambridgeshire. To Messrs. Wertheimer I am greatly obliged for the cut of the effigy of Robert Brasyer, fig. 53. PREFACE. IX Mr. Tyssen has supplied the translation of the Year Book record of the great bell Lawsuit, on pp. 40, etc. The music of Requiem Etcrnain has been sent to me by the courtesy of Mr. W. J. Birkbeck. The weights and notes of the bells are to be regarded only as approximations, in many cases. The former are generally determined by tradition, with a tendency to magnification. The latter vary with notions of pitch, and the actual note is frequently between two received semitones. When I began my work I had no ambition beyond a registration of inscriptions, and took little account of anything else. During the period that the work has been preparing for the press many changes have come about through recasting. Some of these have not been noticed ; and in other instances, additions to rings have swelled up the list of errata. The lists of bells cast by the various founders are not exhaustive ; and at the last moment information keeps coming in. I may take occasion in the East Anglian to give additional short notes from time to time ; and perhaps to write at greater length in the Journal of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History. Had not the work possessed for me special attractions, it could not have come forth in any form. As it now stands before me I recognize, more fully perhaps than any one else, its errors and shortcomings. I ask the indulgent judgment of those of my subscribers who have not undergone a labour of the kind. From my fellow-labourers I expect it. Those who know what the toil is will say that, with all its faults, it is better that this contribution to the Campanology of England should have come forth than that the heap of material collected should remain without an attempt to reduce it to order. J. J. RAVEN. Fressingfidd Vicarage, Harleston, August 28M, 1S90. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I. Past Introduction — The origin of large bells probably Oriental — General absence of bells of the Saxon and Norman periods — Mediaeval instructions for bell-founding- — Walter of Odyngton's —Those appended to the treatise of Gerbertus Scholasticus on Music — Castings from wax models very rare — Existing Ante- Conquestal towers — Scanty notices of the Norman and Early English periods — iV solitary bell from the Lynn foundry c. 1300, in Suffolk— Early Aldgate founders, from Robert Rider to Henry Derby, and their works in Suffolk ... ... i — i: CHAPTER n. Transition from Longobardic to black-letter — "William ffoundor," shown to be William Dawe — His Suffolk bells — His gun-founding for Dover Castle in 1385 — His will — John Dan- yell's bells — Richard Hille's — Henry Jordan, Fishmonger and Founder — His works at King's College, Cambridge, and at East Bergholt — His will — Bequest remaining to this day — His obit — His son, Dan Henry ... ... ... 13 — 3: CHAPTER HI. Two bells probably by Thomas Bullisdon — The "moon and stars " shield — Two bells by William Culverden — His rebus — History of the use of the word Emmanuel — Culverden's rebus interpreted — His will — Westminster Schools-Boston Merchant Guild — The Norwich Foundry — A nameless group — Fressing- field tenor — The Brasyers — A Mediaeval Law-suit — Richard Brasyer in the Court of Common Pleas — Ingenious argument of Serjeant Genney — -The large group of the Brasyers' bells — The Burlingham group ... ... ... ... ■•• ZZ — 6^ CHAPTER IV. Suffolk founders — BuryS. Edmund's — A joke on S. Barbara's name — H. S. — The Chirches — Reginald Chirche at Bishop's Stortford — His will — Redenhall tenor the greatest remaining work from Bury— Thomas Chirche — Roger Reve — The Seventh at All Saints', Sudbury — Gun-founding at Bury — Waifs — A Venlo bell at Whitton — A Mechlin bell at Bromeswell — Some account of the Mechlin foundry — Gregory Pascal of Capel — • The Tonne family — Sproughton tenor ... ... ... 64 — 8c xil TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHx\PTER V. Page Sance and Sacring bells — Funeral uses — Angelus bell — Curfew — Chime-barrels — Jack o' th' Clock ... ... 8i — 89. CHAPTER VI. The Reformation — Number of Church bells then in Suffolk Spoliation — Restoration — Stephen Tonni of Bury, and his man William Land — Their work at Long Melford — Death of Julian Tonney the weaver — Bury foundry goes to Thetford — Founders dining at Wattisfield — Thomas Draper, ALayor of Thetford — - The Brends of Norwich — -Dier's bell at Clare — Topsel's at Cratfield — Richard Bowler — The Thorington bell and a remi- niscence of Rett's rebellion — Aldgate gun-founding again 90 — 107. CHAPTER VH. John Clarke, an itinerant, in Suffolk — Joseph Carter — Peter Hawkes — The Bury founders in the days of the Stuarts — John Draper of Thetford — The later Brends of Norwich— " Col- chester Graye " and his works, including the Lavenham tenor — The siege of Colchester — Miles Graye's foundry burnt — The Puritan regime — Bunyan — Milton — Compulsory ringing — John Darbie of Ipswich ... ... ... ... 108 — 125. CHAPTER VIII. Dick Whittington— Call changes— Early peals— The "Twenty all over," or "Christmas Eve" — 7,360 Oxford Treble Bob at Bungay, in i860 ... ... ... ... 126 — 130. CHAPTER IX. Later bells — Robard Gurney of Bury — Christopher Hodson of S. Mary Cray — Miles Graye the younger — A solitary bell of Christopher Graye's at Thrandeston — His difficulties in Cam- bridgeshire — Is succeeded by Charles Newman, and the foundry taken to Lynn — Thomas Newman at Bracondale and Bury — John Stephens — Sudbury and its founders — Henry Pleasant — Thomas Gardiner — His critic at Edwardstone — John Goldsmith of Redgrave — Ransomes and Sims — London founders^Newton and Peele — Catlin — The Whitechapel men — Phelps and his record of Dr. Sacheverell at Charsfield — His eight at Bury S. Mary's — Lester — Pack — A failure at Heccles — Chapman — The Mears family — Benefactions of the Suffolk nobility and others — The Warners of Cripplegate — A ship's bell from Stockholm at Lavenheath — John Briant of Exning — The St. Neot's men and their successors — Joseph Eayre — Arnold — The Taylors of Loughborough — Osborn and Dobson of Downham Market — Birmingham founders — Blews at Lowe- stoft — Carr at Newbourne — The Redenhall foundry — Recom- mendation to Southwold — Jubilee bells at Mildenhall— Conclusion ... ... ... ... ... 131 — 155. Inscriptions ... ... ... ... 156^259. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. I.— PLATES. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII, Lettering and Cross used by Richard Wymbish on Bell at Great Bradley ... ... ... Opposite p. lo VIII. Cross and Capitals on Bell at Sudbury S. Peter London Marks Norwich Lettering Lettering, Cross, and Stop of the Burlingham Type The Flight into Egypt, The Annunciation, and a Piece of Border from a Mechlin Bell at Bromeswell (z) Trefoil from Whitton. (b) The Presentation in the Temple, from a Mechlin Bell at Bromeswell. Border and Medallion of S. Michael and the Dragon, from a Mechlin Bell at Bromeswell " Requiem .Eternam " 35 37 45 6o 75 76 86 II. Curs INSERTED IN THE LeTTER-PrESS. Figuf 1. Cross of John Godynge of Lynn, from Worlington 2. Early London Cross, from Barnardiston 3. Stop, from Barnardiston 4. Capital A, from Barnardiston 5. Capital G „ 6. Head of King Edward III., from Ampton 7. Initial Cross, from Ampton 8. The larger Laver Shield Q. The smaller Laver Shield ... Page 7 8 9 9 9 12 12 13 13 XIV THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. Figure Page 10. Seal of Sandre de Gloucetre, with laver ... ... 14 11. The Trefoils Shield ... ... ... ... 15 12. Larger Initial Cross, in Octagon, used by William Dawe and others ... ... ... ... ... 15 13. Smaller ditto, ditto ... ... ... ... 16 14. 15. Smaller Crosses in Lozenges, used by William Dawe and others ... ... ... ... ... 16 16. Rebus of William Dawe ... ... ... ... 16 17. Medallion from Clare ... ... ... ... 17 18. Octagon with six fleur-de-lys ... ... ... 18 19. Arms of France and England, crowned ... ... 21 20. • ,, „ J, uncrowned ... ... 21 21. Mark, of a somewhat French type, used by London Founders 2 1 22. tJ)u . mcrd . laDt . [)clp ... ... ... ... 22 23. Cross and ring shield ... ... ... ... 23 24. Cross on Bell formerly at Wangford S. Denis ... ... 23 25,26. Henry Jordan's Shields ... ... ... 24 27. Clochard formerly at King's College, Cambridge ... 27 28. ,, at East Bergholt ... ... ... 28 29. Shield of T. B., from Kesgrave and Iken ... ... ■t^'^ 30. Cross sometimes used by T. B. ... ... ... 34 31. Moon and Stars Shield ... ... ... ... 35 32 — 35. Emblems of the Evangelists, from Bradfield Com- bust and Saxmundham ... ... 35, 36 36,37. Crosses sometimes found with them ... ... 36 (38 — 44. London Marks, on Plate IIL) 45. Culverden's Rebus, from Stratford S. Mary and Ubbeston 37 46. Pot of Thomas Potter of Norwich, from Market Weston 42 47. Cross from Cratfield Clock-bell, in the early part of the fifteenth century ... ... ... ... 42 48. The earlier Norwich Lion's Head ... ... ... 42 49. Fine Initial Cross, Norwich, from Fressingfield ... 43 50. Brasyer's larger Ermine Shield ,, ... ... 44 51- ,, Sprigged Shield „ ... •••44 52. ,, smaller Ermine Shield „ ... ... 44 53. Effigy of Robert Brasyer, from S. Stephen's, Norwich ... 45 (54—60. The letters D, H, A, L, C, M, and N, used by the Brasyers, on Plate IV.) LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XV Figure ra^e 6i. Brasyer's Later Initial Cross ... ... ... 46 62. ,, „ Lion's Head ... ... ... 46 63. Shield used in Kent, with letters of the Burlingham type, see Plate V. ... ... ... ... 61 64. Shield of Abbot of St. Edmundsbury ... ... 62 65. Larger Bury Shield, with Cannon ... ... ... 64 66. Smaller „ „ ... ... ... 64 67. Cross used at the Bury Foundry, about two-thirds real size 65 68. Stop „ „ „ „ 65 69 — 71, Bury Lettering ... ... ... 65,66 72. Venlo Trefoil, from Whitton ... ... ... 74 73. Large Cross of John Tonne, from Stanstead ... 74 — 76. Stops ,, ,, 77. Small Cross ,, from Stoke-by-Clare 78. Sance-bell on Hawstead Rood-screen, from the east 79. Sance-bell Cot, from Fressingfield 80. Jack o' th' Clock, from Southwold ... 78 79 80 82 83 89 81. Stephen Ton ni's Crown and Arnigi used at Bury, in the) 82. ,, Fleur-de-lys ] reign of Q.. Elizabeth > 83. Clipped Crown and Arrows, probably used at Thetford 98 84. Fleur-de-lys, probably used at Thetford ... . ... 99 85. Thomas Draper's Fleur-de-lys, from Ashbocking ... 100 86. Arms of Norwich City, used by William Brend ... 115 87. A Mark used by Miles Graye, sen., of Colchester, from Stradbroke ... ... ... ... ...116 88. Mark of James Bartlett of London, from Somerleyton 147 89. Old London Initial Cross, from Hadleigh ... ... 197 90. Laxfield Tower ... ... ... ... ...213 91. Cross from All Saints, Sudbury ... ... ... 240 E RR AT A Read on page 24, last line but one, "third " for " treble." ,, ,, 39, line II, "Noah's" for "Noah." ,, ,, 54, ,, 2, "second " for "fjurlh." ,, ,, 54, ,, 1 1, " Earl" for " East." ,, ,, $6, last line but one, "second" for "tenor." ,, ,, 57, line 25, omit " Eye second." ,, ., 64, ,, 5, " Bromeswell " for " Bromenville. " ,, ,, 69, ,, 9, " treble " for "third." ,, „ 78, ,, 12, " possibly " for "probably." ., ,, 86, ,, 10, add "and third " to " second." ,, >. 109, ,, 23, " tenor " for "second." ,, ,,109, ,, 31, "fifth" for "tenor." ,, ,, III, ,, 26, " second " for " treble." ,, ,,112, ,, 2, "Little" for "Great." ,, ,, 1X2, four lines from bottom, "third" for "second." ,, ,, 113, line 35, " Marlesford " for " Marlingford." ,, M 114. )> 4, "third " for "treble." ,, ,, 114, ,, 17, IlketsJmll S. Andrew should be under 1623. ,, ,, 114, four lines from bottom, "second" for "fourth." ,, ,, 117, last line but one, "second" for "third." ,, ,, 119, line 6, " Barham " for " Parham. " „ ,, 123, eight lines from bottom, Ipswich, S. Mary-at-EIms, should be under 1660. ,, ,, 124, -line 2, omit "second." ,,124, ,, 4, "seventh" f>r "fifth." ., M 124, ,, 22, "second " for "treble." ,, ,, 124, ,, 25, "treble" for "second," "tenor" for "fourth." ,, ,> 125, ,, 12, "tenor" for "fifih." ,, ,,1^3. ,, 22, "fourth" for " third." ,, ,, 134, ,, ir, "first, fourth, and fifth" for "first three." ,, ,.138, ,, I, "treble" for " tenor." >» >> I39> >> 25, " Hawkedon" for " Hawkendon." ,, ». 139. ,, 3 (, "third" for "fourth." ,, ,, 140, ,, 23, Westhorpe under 1702. ,, 5,140, ,, 33, "Earl" for " East." ,, ,,141, ,, 12, "Mr." for "Dr." ,, ,, 143, ,, 27, Mickfield under 1716. ,, 5,144, ,, 7, " treble and second ' for "third and fourth." ,, ,, 144, ,, 17, "second" for " bell. ' >' 5> 14S, », 8, "treble, second, and third " for "fourth." ,, ,, 145, ,, 15, " tenor" for "second." ,, ,, 146, after line 2, add Syleham second, Margaret. ,, ,, 148, line 9, Bruisyard under 1732. ,, ,, 148, ,, II, Little Stonham under 1729. ,, ,, 148, ,, 20, the Helmingham bell went to Henley. ,, J, I5I> II 7, omit "Norton and." ,, .1 15I1 ,1 8, "work" for "works." ,, ,, 166, ,, 8, " Grey se ' for " Greyfe." ,,179, ,, CORN ARO, LITTLE, 4 "1591 "for "1597." „ 183, DENNINGTON, i, "66" for "52." „ 189, EYKE, 3, "65 "for "55." „ 205, ICKLINGHAM ALL SAINTS, i, "51 "for "8." „ 222, OFFTON, "2, 5 "for "2, 4." „ 225, PETISTREE, 6, "50" for "8." I^'g- 34j on p. 36, is on its side. ^^t Cljmlj i^IIs of ^nMk CHAPTER I. Introduction — The origin of large bells probably Oriental— General ab- sence of bells of the Saxon and Norman periods — Mediaeval instructions for bell-founding — Walter of Odyngton's — Those appended to the treatise of Gerbertus Scholasticus on Music — Castings from wax models very rare — Existing Ante-Conquestal towers — Scanty notices of the Norman and Early English periods — A solitary bell from the Lynn foundry c. 1300, in Suffolk — Early Aldgate founders, from Robert Rider to Henry Derby, and their works in Suffolk. The sweet voices of our Church Bells contribute to our lives a certain inexpressible charm, yet few realize the fact that bells have a history. They will be found to be no exception to the general rule that on whatever n:iatter man has worked, traces will be sure to remain of the times, places, and methods of workmanship. Such traces often have an important bearing on the general history of a people, and record names of individuals gone long ago, and events of local, or even of national impor- tance ; so that a history of the Church Bells of any County might be expanded without difficulty into a County history. In dealing with those of Suffolk, it will be my endeavour to keep Campanology and Topography abreast of each other, as far as possible. Yet, first of all, a few words must be said about the origin of the kind of bell which we now use, as distinguished from those of more remote days, whether Etruscan, Roman, Greek, Keltic, or any other. A 2 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. There can be little doubt that the idea of casting bells of the size whicli now hang in our towers came from the East, and possibly reached England about the sixth century. The absence of any traces of such things in the Roman period precludes a much earlier date. The Roman ess thermaritm, which sounded to announce the hour for admission to the public baths, seems to have been of a smaller size, and fabricated rather than cast. And the mention of large bells during the Saxon period* leads us to infer that the date of their introduction is not much later than that which I have ventured to assign to it. But there are no bells which may be reasonably supposed to be of this high antiquity. We may be sure that such bells existed. The regulation by which the estate of a Thane was reached, necessitated the erec- tion of a bell-tower ;-f- and it could not have remained inopera- tive in a well-settled district. It may be remarked in passing from this period, that at the venerable " Old Minster," in the Rural Deanery of Southelm- ham, assigned by tradition to S. Felix the Burgundian, there are no signs of a tower, that there was once a round church at Bury S. Edmund's, the foundations of which were discovered in 1274, J that the church of Flixton S. Mary had a Saxon tower, pulled down within the memory of man, and that the round towers of Southelmham All Saints, Bungay Holy Trinity, and others, which were apparently adapted for the reception of a bell or bells, are Ante-Conquestal in their character. The wildness of note in early bells led to free use of the hard chisel and file, always fatal to quality of tone, and sometimes even to existence. This may help to account for the absence of any which may be safely ascribed to the Saxon and Norman times. Such a specimen as that at Wordwell may possibly be the * E. g. The direction in Wulfred's Canons (a.d. 816) for the sounding of the Signum in every church upon the death of a Bishop. See Johnson's English Canons, part I., p. 306, t Churton's Early English Church, p. 230. t Chronicle of John of Oxenedes (Rolls Series), p. 2^6. BURY ABBEY — WALTER OF ODYNGTON. 3 original bell of the little Norman church, and scattered up and down the county are a few of narrow make and sloping crown, which seem old, but may have come from a local hand later on. The county of Suffolk is sparsely supplied with specimens of Norman work, mostly doorways, but at Bury S. Edmund's is a grand tower, built in 1095, as a gateway to the Abbey, and admirably adapted for a campanile, though according to Mr. Gage Rokewode, it did not serve that purpose till 1630. One of the towers of the Abbey fell in 12 10, and another, certainly a campanile, in 1430. In one of the two, we may suppose hung some of those bells of which Jocelin de Brakelond tells us as greeting the newly-appointed Abbot, Sampson de Tottington,* which also were among the Suffolk bells, which rang without human help, at the great earthquake in Ely, Norfolk and Suffolk, on the six and twentieth day of January, in the eleventh year of King Henry II. f The earliest instructions for making bells, known to me, are found in a treatise by Walter of Odyngton, a monk of Evesham, in the time of Henry lll.l This manuscript, which through Archbishop Parker's care escaped the destruction attending on the Dissolution of the Monasteries, is No. 410 in his collection at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Mr. Lewis considers the copy to have been made in the tiTteenth century. The chapter on bells, headed in red ink, De symhalis faciejidis, contains only eleven lines of text, and is to the following effect (recto of f 17) : "Ad simbola facienda tota vis et difficultas extat in appensione certe ex qua formantur et primo sciendi quod quanto densius est tintinnabulum tanto acutius sonat tenuius vero gravius. Unam appensam cerani quantamlibet ex qua formandum primum cimbaluni divides in octo partes et octavam partem addes tant^e certe sicut integra fuit, et fiet tibi cera secundi simbali. Et cetera facies ad eundem modum a gravioribus inchoando. Sed cave ne * " Sonantibus campanis in choro et extra." Cron. Joe. de Brakelonda, p. 18. t " Eodenique anno terrsemotus factus est septimo Kalendas Februarii in Ely et Nortfolc et Sufoc, ila quod stantes prostravit, et campanas pulsavit." — Matth. Paris, Chronica Majora, A.D. 1 165. * Si(mmi4S fratris ll'a'/eri 7nonachi Eveskamie t?i!tsici de specidatione musica. 4 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. forma interior argilla; cui aptanda est cera alio mutetur, ne etiam aliquid de cera appensa addat ad spiramina, proinde et ut quinta vel sexta pars metalli sit stannum purificatum a plumbo, reliquum de cupro similiter mun- dato propter sonoritatem. Si autem in aliquo defeceris, cum cote vel lima potest rectificari." He begins by saying that for making bells, the whole difficulty consists in estimating the models from which they are formed, and first in understanding that the thicker a bell is, the higher is its note, and the reverse. From the use of the word " cera " for a model, some might be inclined to infer that the bells of that time were cast in moulds formed by wax models, but no such instances are known to exist in England. When a bell is to be made, a core or central block is first formed, to which is fitted a model, or "thickness" of the bell that is to be. Outside the model comes the cope. These models seem to have been made at one time from wax. When complete, the outer earth, forming a cope, was rammed tightly round them. A fire was lighted, and the melted wax allowed to escape, the cavity being afterwards filled by the metal from the furnace. There was an easy way of ornamenting the outer earth, or cope, by laying on the model extra strips of wax in the form of letters, &c., which would leave their impression on the cope. We have lighted on no instances of this kind in England, nor does there seem any probability of such a discovery. Mr. Lynam, in his CJiurch Bells of Staffordshire (plates 3a and 3b), gives an interesting and well-executed drawing of what appears to be an inscription thus formed, from a bell at Fontenailles in Normandy, dated 121 1, but he tells us nothing more about it. He also mentions similar lettering at Moissac, with the date 1273, recorded by Viollet le Due. Our earliest inscriptions are set in separate letters, each in its own patera ; and this would be impracticable, save by stamping the cope itself. In castings from wax models the cope is inaccessible. Hence we conclude that loam models were used in England while these instructions remained in the letter. Walter of Odyngton then proceeds to expound the estimation of the wax models of a rinsf of bells. THE CIRE PERDU METHOD. 5 Starting with any givejt *^ model" for the first bell, yo7i take nine-eighths of it as a " model" for the second bell, and so on. If yon start from the heavier bells and work on to the lighter ones, yon must use a like metJiod, i.e., let each " model " be eight-ninths of the previous one. But take care lest the core to zvhich the "•^ model" is to be fitted be changed in a dijferent proportion. Take care also that none of your allotted ''model" get itself into the breathing holes. Then he gives directions about the metal — a fifth or sixth part of the metal to be tin, purified from lead, and the rest copper similarly cleansed. Lastly, contemplating the abominable noise which would be sure to arise from these handi- works, he says that if you fail in any point it can be set right with a whetstone or a file, of which the former would be used for sharpening purposes, grinding away the rim of the bell, and the latter for flattening, filing off the inner surface of the sound- bow. Let us then imagine Walter of Odyngton attending to his own instructions. He starts by allotting a certain amount of wax for his first bell, makes his core by rule of thumb answer- able to it, and then weighs both. By weight he gets his wax for the other bells, on the nine-eighths system. The whole method is so obviously empiric that there is no ground for wonder at the necessity for burine, whetstone, hard chisel, file, or any other tuning apparatus. Indeed, the free use of these instruments may account for the almost total disappearance of bells of the Saxon and Norman periods. We are next to consider an improved method. Unfortunately no date can be assigned to it. It is a little prose tract (c. ii.), appended to an early poem, called Ars Musica. The poem itself is attributed to Gerbertus Scholasticus, afterwards Pope Syl- vester II. ; and if this be right, we are carried, as far as the poem is concerned, beyond the Norman Conquest. But the chapter in which we are interested belongs to a much later time. It seems as though the unknown writer had known of Walter of Odyngton's method, had seen that his nine-eighths made no difference between tones and semitones, and to have thus sup- plied a more workable plan : — 6 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. Should anyone wish to regulate the sound of bells, like that of organ pipes, he should knozv that thicker bells, like shorter pipes, have a higher note. But one must be careful in the zveighing of the wax from which they are formed. He then proceeds to designate the various bells in a ring by letters : — The first, A, The second, B, The third, C, The fourth, D, The fifth, E, The sixth, F, and The eighth, G. It is needless to say that the absence of the mention of a seventh is very perplexing, and not at all to be accounted for by the first and eighth being in unison. Perhaps some master of mediaeval music can solve the mystery. I am content to record the instruction as I find it. B is formed from A, and C from B on Walter of Odyngton's nine-eighths system. But to get D, which is a " semitonium " from C, you take four-thirds of A. Then E is formed from D, and F from E on the nine-eighths system ; but G from D (there being a " semitonium " between G and F), by taking four-thirds. It may be that the text requires emendation, but I am not bold enough to touch it. The MS. is Rawlinson, c. 720, in the Bodleian Library, and the passage, as follows, occurs on f 13 recto and verso : — *' Sonitum tintinnabulorum si quis rationabiliter juxta modum fistularum organicarum facere voluerit scire debet quia sicut fistulee breviores altiorem sonum habent quam longiores, ita et unumquodque tintinnabulum quantum' superat densitate alterum tantum excellit et sono. Quod caute providendum est in appensione ceras qua formantur. Ad primum autem quod est A littera quali volueris pondere ceram appende, dividesque illam ipsam ceram reque in octo partes, ac recipiat sequens, B, videlicet, ejusdem appensionis iterum octo partes alias, addita insuper nona parte. lUasque novem partes in unum coUige dividesque in octo, recipiat tercium quod est C, eadem appen- sione octo alias partes, addita etiam parte nona ejusdem ponderis. Tunc primi appensionem divide in tres partes, supereturque a quarto quod est D quarta parte, hoc est semitonium. Item divides quartum in octo, supere- A BELL FROM LYNN FOUNDRY. turque a quinto quod est E, nona parte, dividesque similiter quintum in octo et recipiat sextum quod est F nonam partem amplius. Ouartum nichilo- minus in tres partes ieque appensum ab octavo quod est G superetur quarta parte, hoc est semitonium." According to my calculation the models of the seven bells would be in this ratio : — A . 8 B . 9 C . io'i25 D . io6 E . 12 F . 13-5 G . 14-2 Early English remains are few comparatively. Mildenhall seems to have had a tower in this style, to judge from the dog-tooth work buried in the buttresses of the present tower, and Rumburgh still has the lower stage of a large square structure with three single lights ; but the record of the bells begins much about the time to which most of the earlier bell-chambers may be referred ; and first we break ground with. a solitary specimen from the King's Lynn foundry. This is the tenor at Worlington, inscribed -^ JOHADnGS i GODYDGG : DG l DGHiaG ] mG : EGCIT, with a plain initial cross on four steps given here (fig. i). The Tallage Roll, Lynn Bishop, 2y Edward I., mentions a Master John, founder of bells, as paying half a mark as his share to the County Subsidy in 1299, and as the same sum was paid in 1333, 8 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. by Thomas Bclleyettir, the business probably went on in the same place. The former is thus mentioned, " Mag'r Joh'nes fundator Campanar' solvit die ven'is p'x ante festum Ste Margar' in subsidiu Co'itatis dj m'rc sterl."* The latter (or his successor, Edmundus Billeyettir) may be the person from whom Cok, the emissary of Alan de Walsingham, purchased copper and tin in 1346.! The examination of lettering will, I think, identify Magister Johannes Riston, at Bexwell, Norfolk, Jhoannes de Guddine, at Wendling in the same county, and Johannes Godynge de Lenne at Worlington, and the time points to the Subsidy payer of 1299 as combining these designations. The location of this one Lynn bell in Suffolk is not without signifi- cance. The old hythe, or staithe, still exists at Worlington, and the bell was no doubt brought by water, showing that the Lark was navigable six hundred years ago. The neglect of the last few years has blocked it, but I see that a company is just formed to open the little river up again. In preparing the Church Bells of Cambridgeshire I was picking my way timidly under the uncertain light of lettering and marks into the history of a little group of bells, bearing a cross (fig. 2) ; Fig. 2. " Quale per incertam lunam sub luce maligna Est iter in silvis." but in the last seven years the labours of Mr. Stahlschmidt have shown that I was on the right lines. The cross is found in Suffolk, on the tenor at Barnardiston, inscribed -^ OfiCtUGS SAHGTI DGI OI\ATG PI\0 ItOBIS, with three roundlets in * L'Estrange's Church Bells of Norfolk, p. 22. t Church Bells of Cambridgeshire, p. 5. LONDON FOUNDERS FROM SUFFOLK, a vertical line by way of stop (fig. 3), and lettering closely re- sembling that used by Robert Rider, whose will, dealing with his real estate only, is dated 1386. His third wife's name was Cristina, and he left her, inter alia, his claim on John and Walter, his apprentices, for their unfinished term of apprentice- ship. His body was to be buried in the churchyard of S. Andrew over Cornhill (Undershaft), and he had a son, Sir John Rider, a chaplain ; but his business cannot be traced into other hands, though the cross appears on bells after his date, e.g., the Fig- 3- fine tenor in Carlisle Cathedral, which belongs to the time of Bishop Strickland, 1400 — 1419, and the fifth and sixth at Christchurch, Hampshire. I place this Barnardiston bell at the head of the Londoners, as being very possibly, from the character of the lettering, earlier than Rider's time, going back perhaps to one of the three Suffolk founders exhumed by Mr. Stahlschmidt, from the City Records, William de Suffolck, potter, 1276, Philip de Ufford,* potter, 1294 — 13 16, and Alan de Suffolk, potter, 1330 — 1 33 1. I would venture to suggest that John Aleyn, who uses the same cross, was a son of this Alan, "Johannes filius Alani." The accompanying A (fig. 4) is a specimen of the lettering on the Barnardiston tenor. The G (fig. 5), of a slightly smaller Fig. 4. Fig. 5. It seems probable that Ufford, near Woodbridge, is intended. 10 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. size, occurs with the Barnardiston lettering on the second bell at Cherry Hinton, Cambridgeshire. In the same part of the county lie the third at Assington, and the fifth at Monks Eleigh, bearing the cross and lettering, which is shown to have been used by Peter de Weston, 1330 — 1348, and William Revel, c. 1356. An unquestionably early date may be assigned to the tenor at Great Bradley, which bears the name of Richard de Wimbis. This man's name first occurs in 1303, as one of a jury for appraising the value of pledges for debt in the custody of Nicholas Pycot, Chamberlain of the Guildhall. His delivery of a bell, weighing 2,820 pounds, " every hundredweight thereof containing 112 pounds," to the Priory of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Aldgate, in 13 12, has been mentioned in the Cambridgeshire book ; but an additional fact has now come out, that one Richard de Wymbish was Prior of the Convent from 13 16 to 1325. Mr. Stahlschmidt suggests that relationship or fellow-townmanship may account for the employment of one Richard, when another was probably sub-prior. Only five of his bells are known to remain, and Suffolk is most fortunate in possessing one of them. Here and at Goring, Oxon., he styles himself " Ricard " ; at Burham, Kent, and Slapton, Northamptonshire, " Richard " ; at Rawreth, Essex, his name is not given ; but at Berechurch (now re-cast), was the full Latin " Ricardvs." The Goring third has the Norman-French " fist," and asks prayers for Peter Quivil, Bishop of Exeter, with- out mention of his soul, whence we may infer that the date is earlier than 1291, when the Bishop died. Three other founders bore the same surname, Michael de Wymbish, 1297 — 13 10, Ralph Wymbish, 1303 — 13 15, and Walter Wymbish, in 1325. This lettering is also now rare. It remains on the third at Fairstead, Essex, and the third at S. Laurence, Norwich, both inscribed -J- YOCOI\ ; JOHAIineS, the first bearing also -i- PGTI^VS : DG ; 1/VGSTOn ; mG : EGCIT, and the other -^ -WlDGDmvs i I^GVGIJ ; mG i EGCIT, and on the third at Heckfield, Hampshire, which bears a charming little piece of old English : PLATE I. Leiterint; & Cross used r.v Richard Wvmbish ox Bell at Grf-at Bradle/. AN OLD BELL AT WISSETT. II -J- now i GOD : HGIiP i ADD i HAVG [ AD. The Assington bell is of a little literary importance, because of an attempt at a pentameter, on which may our classical friends have mercy ! : — •i- HOG : SIGItYm i SGI\VA : XPG i mAI^IA i THOmA. It is not enough to transgress metre. Syntax must suffer too, as in the case of the later versifier, who after much agony over Scott's " Call it not vain ; they do not err, Who say, that when the Poet dies, Mute Nature mourns her worshipper, And celebrates his obsequies," produced " Figmentum cogita non." Peter de Weston's will is given at length by Mr. Stahlschmidt. It bears date, August, 1347. On the Monday before S. Luke's Day in that year, it was proved by the widow Matilda, John de Romeneye, also an ollarius, or potter, Sir Ralph of Cambridge, priest, and Thomas, cousin of the deceased, who died in the year of the Black Death, 1349. The municipal honours con- ferred on Peter de Weston, prove that he must have been a substantial citizen. The last year of his life coincided with the first election to the Common Council by the Wards, and he heads the list for Portsoken Ward, " dressed in a little brief authority." I quite agree with the conclusion, that in absence of further evidence, bells of this letter are rather to be ascribed to him, than to William Revel, who does not seem to have been a man of the same importance. One bell in a secluded village, the fourth at Wissett, bears a wheel-stop, engraved by Mr. Stahlschmidt,* who considers it indicative of William Burford of London. The inscription is simply -5- YII\GO mAI\IA, but the church is dedicated to S. Andrew. William Burford's will, dated and proved in 1390, as well as that of his son Robert, may be found transcribed in full by Mr. Stahlschmidt, notable documents, but too long for us * Church Bells of Hertfordshire, p. 13. The wheel-stop may denote the introduc- tion of wheels in the place of simple levers, and prepare us for the frequent mention of S. Katharine hereafter. Surrey Bells and London Bell Founders, pp. 38, it, and here appiert q le defend, est le Brasier q duist faire le bell' issint il it appears that t/te defendant is the Brasier who ought to make the bell, therefore it appertient a son occupation de c faire, xc. come si un Tailour soit oblige a moy sur appertains to his business to do it as if a tailor is bound to me on condic ~ jeo port a son shoppe iii. ulnes de cloth le quel sjra shape, x condition that I bring to his shop 3 elks of cloth 7vhich shall be cut out, and si le Tailour fait a moy un gown de c q adonqi oblig^i S5ra avoid, x sir ore if the tailor fnakes me a go7un of it that then the bond shall be void, and il n'est mis en certein q doit shape le cloth, x p c il S5ra it is not rendered certain luho ought to cut out the cloth, and for this reason it shall be entend' q le Tailour c doit faire car il ad le conning de c faire, issint icy, held that the tailor shotdd do it, because he had tlie skill to do it, therefore here quod Choke, Littleton, &' Moile concesser, df Choke dit auxi, I'endenture voiet, which {three of the judges) agreed and Choke said also, the indenture expresses in prcEsentia hominum de Mildenhal S3ra wey x mis en few, x in the presence of the Men of M. it shall be weighed and put in the furnace, and c S3ra entend p auters quant il voet q S3ra fait en lour presence, that shall be held by others when it expresses that it shall be done in their presence, X il ne poit esti'e entend p nul aut forsq5 p def. p que, xc. and it cattitot be understood to mean by any others than the defendant, wherefore, etc. IT Neddam. Le pi. poet auxbien weier le bell' come poit le def. {One of the judges). The plaintiff can as well weigh the bell as can the defendant THE BRASYER SHIELDS. 5 1 It seems impossible to refer either to the elder Richard Brasyer, or to his successors, Richard Brasyer the younger, and Thomas Barker, any special bells, unless we have better evi- dence than marks and lettering to support our classification. No doubt the sprigged shield is less heraldic in its character than that with an ermine feld, but the ermine shield is found X auxi grand conning ad, donq3 qiit chose est reherse en le condition and had as great skill then 2vhen a thing is stated in the condition {of the bond) d'estre fait, le quel poet auxibii estre fait p Tun com p Tauter, Tun ad auxi to be done 'which can as well be done by one as by the other, and the one has as bon conning come I'aut x n'est pas mis en certein ~ duist ' faire, cesty a good skill as the other, and it ts not rendered certain who ought to do it, he i o q I'oblig^ est fait doit le faire. Come si un soit oblige a moy sur condic whom the bond is made ought to do it. As if one is bound to fne on condition 4 si jeo port draps a luy, le q P3ra measure la, s'il fait a moy that if I take cloth to him which shall be measured there, and if he makes me un gowne dec q adonq5 1'oblig^ S5ra voide, xc. icy n'est mis en certein a gown of it that then the bond shall be void, etc., here it is not rendered certain q doit measure les draps, x p c q jeo say auxbien measurer come le who ought to measure the cloth, and because I know as well how to measure as the def. en c case il covient a moy de faire c, x issint icy, xc. mes a mett le defendant, in that case it lies on me to do it, and therefore he7-e, etc. but to put the beir en few c appertient al artificer per q come ad estre dit il bell in the furnace that belongs to the xuorkman 7ohe-cfore as has been said he duist faire c, ought to do it. ^ Pigot. Un fait S5ra pris p entendmt, eins p les parolx, {Counsel for defendant). A deed shall be taken to mean what the words say X icy p les parolx il n'est tend^ de faire le belT tanq5 que il soit wey, car and here by the words he is not bound to make the bell imtil it is weighed because les parolx sont ^f" tunc defend. fac, xc. Et auxi comt q le fait the words are '■^ and then the defendant make,'' etc. And also in as much as the deed voit in prcEsentia hominnm de M. issint puissent faire auters homes de expresses in the presence of the men of M., therefore they may make other men weier c en lour presence. weigh it in their presence. IT Dajiby. ' S'il mist tout le bell' en few {Chief Justice of the Common Pleas). If he put the whole bell in the furnace sans weier c x ad fait un bell' disaccord' a les auters, n'ad il without weighing it, and had made a bell out of tune with the others, would he not p forfeite I'oblig^ : il appiert " le cau^e del fesans de I'oblig^ fuist jj c have forfeited the bond: it appears that the cause of the making of the bojid was in order q il ferroit a eux un suffic belle, xc. x c covient il meint, x nemy that he should make them a sufficient bell, etc., and that lies on him now, and it ts no 52 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. on the Fressingficld tenor with earher stops, and portions of the alphabet, which seem to belong to the infancy of inscriptions, are found at Barsham with the sprigged shield, and at Bradwell (tenor) with the ermine. False classification is far worse than none. I will confine myself, therefore, to sorting out the in- scriptions, and then deal with extraneous evidence which we may have about special bells. The Salutation to the Virgin occurs only on Honington, second, Saxham, Little, treble, and Stanningfield, second. Bells bearing the Salutation were used for the Angeiiis, as also would be those thus inscribed : — •. -5- ?^ac In Conclabf. (©abrifl f2unc ^ange -?y your daughter, in such a case s'il espousa \re file la, comt q il chavaucha al Esglise, ou fuit if he m.arries your daughter there, although he rode to the chtirch, or was port en braces, unc c ne forfeit mon oblig;^ x unc I'obligj^ voet carried in braces,* yet that does not forfeit my bond, and yet the bond expresses qu'il alera al Esglise, xc. mes i: n'est le substance del bond' eins q that he shall walk to the church, etc., but that is not the substance of the bond as that il espousera vie file, c est le substance, xc. (Case Fogassa, Com' 15 )t he shall marry yout daughter that is the substatice. ^ Choke, Lytlleton, ]\Ioyle, Needham, and Danby were the judges of the Common Pleas in 1469, Danby being chief justice. There were no judges named Genney or Pigott, so they must be counsel, and it is clear which was on which side. * Braces, according to Johnson's Dictionary, may mean stout leathern bands put under a carriage on wheels — evidently to answer the purpose of springs. It may also mean arms, or armfuDs. t The reference Case Fogassa, Com' 15, is to p. 15 of the Commentaries or reports of Plowden, where the Mildenhall case is cited with approval, and very fully stated in a case of Reniger v. Fogossa, argued on Feb. 8, 4 Edw. VI. NORWICH INSCRIPTIONS. 53 (In this chamber, Gabriel, now sound sweetly), viz. : — Bradwell, treble, Fornham, All Saints, third, Homersfield, tenor, Melton, second, Ottley, fourth, Playford, treble, Reydon bell, Somerleyton, fifth, Uggeshall bell, to which might have been added Brandon, treble, Bruisyard, tenor, Weston, Coney, an old bell, Herringswell, tenor ; Also two inscribed : — -^ i^t£i5u5 lit Cclis. f^abro l^omcn ffiabriclig. (I have the name of Gabriel sent from heaven. The proper form, as occurring in the Midlands, is Missi, not Miss2is), viz. : — Martlesham, treble, Saxham, Little, second ; and the old treble at Flixton, and second at Pettaugh, bearing an inscription which belongs largely to the Western counties, ^ iWi^SuS ITtro ^ie. ffiabrtel iFcrt ilfta i*larte.* (Now Gabriel, being sent, bears joyful tidings to Holy Mary) where " vero " corresponds to " autem " in the Vulgate, S. Luke ii. 26. Perhaps an illiterate reference to the same text may have pro- duced the error in the previous inscription. Stonemasons at the present day do not always deal skilfully with the Authorised Version. We will speak of the Angehis bell under mediseval usages. Other inscriptions relating to the Virgin Mary are -5* CelfSti iWanna, ^ua i^tolcs flog Cibct 3nna. (May thy offspring, Anna, feed us with celestial manna) which is found on Blakenham, Great, treble. Cotton, fourth, * The sixth at S. Giles*, Norwich, bears this inscription. 54 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. Crctingham, fourth, Rishangles, fourth. -*• XKtrgims C?gcfgtc. 2Fofor ClTampana i^am. (I am called the bell of the Glorious Virgin Mary) seems pretty well an exclu- sively Norwich inscription, occurring on Finningham, second, Icklingham, All Saints, second, Linstead, Great, bell, Risby, treble, Somerleyton, fourth, Stonham, East, fourth, to which in former days might have been added Saxstead tenor ; and finally, + 5um liosa ^ulgata. itlunlii i«ada IcTocata. (I am, when rung, called Mary, the Rose of the world), on the tenors at Covehithe, Dalham, Ipswich S. Laurence. This appears to have been an epigraph peculiarly applicable to tenors, from the local pronunciation " Roose," but it is recorded as on the old second at Brandon. The whole company of the Faithful we find commemorated in a somewhat common-place hexameter : — ^ ?^fc ipit Sanctorum. (Campana HauOc ItJonorum. (This bell is made in the praise of good saints), which is on Charsfield, second, Cransford, second, Glemham, Great, treble, Rishangles, treble, and was on Herringswell, second. A line of more force and more dubious theology is on the Fressingfield tenor, "*■ Sanctorum iHcdtis. i^angamug Cantica HauDls. (Let us sound songs of praise by the merits of the saints. It may be " to the merits." Bold is he who dogmatises on mediaeval Latinity). The Archangel Michael we might expect to find on bells used as " soul-bells," answering to our " death bell," rung, how- ever, before the latest travail of man on earth. The hexameter, MORE NORWICH INSCRIPTIONS. 55 + Quids MiMo iWcHs. €ampana Vocot iWic&atlis is on Brundish, second, Charsfield, fourth, H aches ton, third, Kirkley bell, Mendlesham, second, Soham, Monk, third, Spexhall bell, and formerly on Campsey Ash, second, and Herringfleet, third. I am much exercised as to the true meaning of this line. Sis^o is in some cases Cisto, perhaps a mistake for Cista, and Melis, an utterly abnormal form, may have lost a letter. Thus the line would read Diilcis Cista Mellis Campana Vocor Michaelis. (Box of sweet honey, I am called Michael's bell), with an allu- sion to the shape of a bell, and what Mr. Haweis calls a " com- bination hum." I am bound to admit that I can find no such mediaeval use of Cista, but in the Eighth-century Epinal Glossary the word is explained by corbes grandes, a country term for a large basket, and not inapplicable to a hive. The favourite saint of the Norwich founders is that turbulent patriot martyr, Thomas a Becket. The Apostle of the same name shrinks into insignificance in comparison with S. Thomas of Canterbury, as may be understood by any who will examine the dedications of Churches to S. Thomas ; and the merits of him of Canterbury are those referred to in -5- jlog ^Ibome iWccttis. ijiilfuamur (©auliia SuctjJ. (May we merit the joys of Light by the merits of Thomas !) Here follows a round dozen of instances : — Cotton, tenor, Elmham, South, S. George, fourth, Hinderclay, tenor, Hoxne, fourth, Ipswich, S. Laurence, fourth, I x worth, fifth. Melton, third, Ottley, fifth, 56 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. Sapiston, fourth, Syleham, tenor, Thornham, Great, tenor, Wherstead, tenor, and formerly Bungay, S. Mary, fifth, and VVissett, tenor. No one can fail to notice that this is eminently (like Rose, pronounced Roose), an inscription for tenors, on account of the booming sound of large bells resembling the word " Tom." Thus we have Tom of Oxford and Tom of Lincoln, and there is an inscription somewhere on paper, which none of us have ever found on metal, " In Thome Laude Resono Bim Bom sine fraude," translated " In praise of Thomas I repeat. My Dong Ding Dong without deceit." S. Peter, with the line, -J- ^fttus at) literne. JBucat 42o3 (©auDta Wite (May Peter lead us to the joys of Eternal Life !) claims the following list : — Bradwell, second, Bredfield, tenor, Cove, South, bell, Covehithe, fourth, Dallinghoo, third, Hepworth, tenor, Mendlesham, third, Sibton, fourth, Soham, Earl, fourth Soham, Monk, fourth, Wyverstone, third. To S. Andrew (Petrus ante Petrum), with the line -5- ^urgumus Snlirca. ipamulorum ^usttpe 2Fota, (We pray thee, Andrew, receive the vows of thy servants,) belong Barningham, treble, Bedingfield bell, Brundish, tenor, Friston, second, Icklingham, All Saints, tenor, Peasenhall, third. DEDICATIONS TO FEMALE SAINTS. 57 Pettaugh bell, Soham, Earl, second, Stonham, Earl, third, Wenhaston, tenor, and formerly Flixton, second, and Herringfleet, second. S. Margaret, the mediseval Liicina, has the following, bearing ^ dFat iWargareta. J2obtS |^ec i^uneta* Icta. (Make, Margaret, these offices joyful to us). Bungay, Holy Trinity, bell,-|- Dennington, second, Homersfield, second, Hoxne, fifth, Martlesham, second Thrandeston, second, Ufford, second, and formerly Herringswell, treble. The history of S. Katherine, and her torture on the wheel, appears to have suggested the appropriateness of dedications of bells to her. The line, ^ SuSbemat Stgnn. Sonantibus ?^anc iSatcrtna, (May worthy Katherine help the givers of this bell) may be read on Bildeston, fourth, Cretingham, tenor. Eye, second, Southwold, seventh, Stowlangtoft, third, and formerly on Troston, second. This inscription has a philological value, as showing the pronunciation of digna, rhyming with Katerina, which yet survives in our condign. The name of S. Mary Magdalen was given with the same reference to benefactors : — -J- i9ona Jilrpenlic ^la. I^ogo iltttgDalcna i^larta. It remains still on Eye, seventh, a good bell, * Nescio an hie versus rectius ad campanas an ad obstetrices referatur. J. J. R. t Brought from some other church. H 58 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. Kelsale, seventh, Layham, bell, Melton, tenor, and was on Barningham, treble, Felsham, fifth, Fressingfield, fifth, Troston, tenor. S. Nicholas, as the patron Saint of sailors, we should have expected to find near the sea. Such, however, was not the will of the Norwich men. -J- 3)ungcw J}os CI)rl0to. , „ to top of cannons . 56 „ inside . 37 We have notices of Thomas Chirche's operations at King's College, Cambridge, in 1500, when he suppHed the College kitchen with sundry pots and ladles, and recast the second bell of their five, also at S. Mary-the-Great, Cambridge, in 15 14. His will, dated July 12th, 1527, contains the following extracts, especially interesting to Bury people : — " My body to be buried in Seynt Mary chirche in the Ele of Seynt Petyr', vnd' the ston ther be me layd. A priest to synge for my soule at the Awter of Seynt Thorn's, etc., for 5 years. To the seid chirche of o'r lady oon food' of led. To eu'y of the iiij priests that shall bere my body to chirche, xij^. To Margaret my wyfe, my ten't joynyng to the capitall ten't late my ffadres in the Southgate strete, su'tyme called Cobbold's. To Seynt Nicholas Gylde holdyn in the College w'thyn the seid Town of Bury a litil stondyng Of Roger Reve we have but little to say. He recast the " meane belle " (the second of three, apparently) for the parish church of Debden, in Essex, in 1533, and gave the usual year- and-day bond to William West, gentleman, William Byrde and Richard Hamond, " yomen," of that parish. The amount was £\0, which may suggest that the amount forfeited by Richard Brasyer in the matter of the Mildenhall tenor must have been at least £60, if anything like proportion was observed on account of the size of the bell. Reve did not guarantee his success at the first attempt. The Debden people were to carry the bell backwards and forwards as often as need should require, and to take it up into the steeple and set it down again "redy to the carte." This bond throws light on the weighing business, about which Serjeants Genney and Pigot argued before the judges of the Common Pleas in banco. Should the new bell weigh more than the old, the parish is to pay to the founder at the rate of 30X. the hundred of five score and twelve to the * Church Bells of Cambridgeshire, pp. 36, 37. NO EXISTING CANNON FROM BURY. 73 hundred, but if the contrary, the founder was to pay the parish at the rate of 15^-. the hundred. Roger Reve is styled " clothcar," at which by this time we need feel no surprise. Mr. L'Estrange* suggested that the transcriber had misread a contraction of some such word as " clochearius," but the word is unknown, and no explanation at all seems necessary. The bond is given in full in my Church Bells of Cambridgeshire^ and in the East Anglian.^ The largest bell in the county from the Bury foundry is the seventh at All Saints', Sudbury, inscribed : — -5- ^tcUa . i^aria . iKacts . ^uccurre . ^iissima . i^obis. It is a fine bell, with a diameter of 48 inches, and weighing a ton, more or less. The fifth in the same tower is also from Bury, but the sixth, between them, is a London bell, tolerably co-eval. This is rather puzz- ling. Perhaps the London bell hung there by itself for a time, and then was joined by its two Suffolk companions, the effort for adding a big tenor not coming till 1576. I regret much that as in the case of Dawe, no old bronze guns have been discovered with the Bury mark. The Woolwich collection is certainly destitute of them. No doubt they served their purpose, and then went to the melting pot. It can hardly be thought incredible that the guns which riddled the galleys and galleons of the Spanish Armada, did not number amongst them some old campaigners which first saw the light of day at Bury S. Edmund's, under the approving eye of H. S., one of the Chirches, or Roger Reve. In the church of S. Mary, Bury S. Edmund's, there used to be a double brass, to a citizen and his wife, with bells ; the figures had long been removed, but the incident remained. By this time the stone has possibly disappeared, in the course of "restoration." It is pretty sure to have commemorated one of the artificers of whom we have been treating. And now having dealt with the masses we must look up the mediaeval waifs and strays within our borders, some of which * Church Bells of Norfolk, p. 63. t P. 37- % II-. 25- K 74 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. will turn out to be of peculiar importance. A Longobardic three first present themselves : — Ellough, treble, South Elmham, S. James, third, Frostenden, treble. The first bears the Salutation, the second records the name of the donor : — H- JOHADDGS : BI^OYn i mG : EGGIT \ EIGI\I, and the last is inscribed, -^ GAmPAItA omniYm SAIlCTOI^Ym, the dedication of the bell in this instance according with that of the church, not an every-day occurrence. Of the same make was the old second at Gorleston, appropriately dedicated to S. Nicholas, the patron Saint of fishermen, and with these words on the shoulder : — -!- I Am ; mAD •: in i yg iyoi\ghgpg : ob yg ; GI\OS. These seem to have been the work of some itinerant founder, roaming through East Norfolk and North-east Suffolk. There are seven in Norfolk, at Caister-by-Norwich, Gillingham, Les- singham, Mundham, Rockland All Saints, and Wramplingham. As we know nothing further about them we must leave them. The Whitton bell, inscribed abc . mavta . grada . ano . m . cccc . ilt, is a thing quite by itself Dates at that time of day are excep- tional in England, and the trefoil (fig. 72) which separates the words and lettering, as well as the general aspect of the bell, are Continental, possibly Low Country, possibly French. Fig. 72. PLATE VL The Flight into Egypt, The Annunciation, and a Piece of Border from A Mechlin Bell at Bromeswell. VENLO. 75 I incline to the former theory, and from the identity of the lettering with that on a bell at Baschurch, Salop, I feel disposed to ascribe it to Jan Van Venloe. The Baschurch bell is inscribed ^ maria . int . mt . ong . l)ccrcn . m . cccc . cnt)c . ylbii (In the year of our Lord 1400 and 47), with the name jan . ban . bcnloc. The marks at Baschurch and Whitton certainly differ, the former bearing an initial cross, with the Lion of S. Mark and the Eagle of S. John, and only a single stop between the words. But the lettering, the nearness of date, and the fact that the only other recorded bell of Jan Van Venloe's (now, alas ! recast) at Vow- church, Hertfordshire, bore the Salutation, turn the scale with me, in the absence of other evidence. The Baschurch bell is said to have been brought from Valle Crucis Abbey, but such stories are not reliable. Venlo has been the seat of important manufactures in metal for many centuries. An enthusiastic Welshman, misreading the Baschurch inscrip- tion, and thinking it to be in his mother tongue, rendered it into English : — " When cut off from life we become dead earth, the soul departs, and proceeds through the air to Eternal Glory."* The county is most happy in possessing one indubitable foreigner of a high type of beauty, the smaller of the two bells hanging in Bromeswell tower. I mounted this dangerous place on January 13th, 1870, and certainly doubted my getting down again alive. However, I thankfully record the preservation of my life, and proceed to the inscription, in Flemish, Jhesus ben ic ghegoten van Cornelis Waghevens int iaer ons Heeren MCCCCCXXX. (Jesus am I, cast by Cornelis Waghevens in the year of our Lord, 1530), with four medallions on the waist, of which facsimiles are given opposite, and a bold and deep arabesque border. There was formerly a bell smaller than this in the tower, but it fell down, was broken and sold. The note of this bell is C sharp, and of its companion B natural, so that the lost bell, if in tune, was in D sharp. The larger bell belongs to a Longobardic group, and is a • See Morris's MS. collection in the Shrewsbury Museum. 76 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. century or two older. Flemish bells are so rare, and the later specimens have received such high praise at the mouth of Mr. Havveis, that it is not out of place to say that this one is more remarkable for ornamentation than for tone. The family of Waghevens is well known in the annals of the city of Mechlin, and through the kindness of the Reverend William van Caster, one of the Canons of the Cathedral, I am able to give a list of the founders bearing that name : — Henry, who died shortly before 1483. He was twice married, and had issue by the first marriage a son Henry. His second wife (Margaret van Belle) bore him two sons, Peter and George, who carried on the paternal trade from 1483 to 1530, or there- abouts. Simon is supposed to have been a younger brother. His range is from 149 1 to 15 16. Y xom Medard {ii)2\ — 1557), who is partly conterminous with our Cornells, came a bell at Herendal, not far from Mechlin, which bears a legend com- parable to some of the less elegant in Suffolk : — -J- Maria es meinen name Mijn gheluit sij Gode bequame, Also verre me mij horen sal Wilt God beware overal. Medardus Waghevens goet mi te Mechelen in stede als nien screfe. Mcccccxxxni. wede. i.e. Mary is my name, May my sound be agreeable to God ! Also whoever shall hear me May God preserve everywhere ! 1530, the Bromeswell date, is the earliest for Cornells known to Canon van Caster. Jacop's earliest and latest dates are 1542 and I554- John, c. 1 542, was possibly a cousin. From Jacop Waghevens we have the tongueless bell in Glasgow Cathedral called the S. Catherine bell, on which the hours are struck, weighing about five cwt. It bears on one side PLATE VII. {<^) {b) (a) Trefoil from Whitton. (d) The Presentation in the Temple, from a Mechlin Bell at Bromeswell. / Border and Medaluon of S. Michael and the Dragon, from a Mechlin Bell at Bromeswell. MECHLIN. yj the figure of S. Catherine, and on the other the arms of MechHn, and is inscribed, Katherina ben ic, ghegoten van Jacop Vohag- hevens int iaer ons Heeren, 1554, which the reader will by this time be able to translate for himself. A bell discovered by my friend, Mr. Justice Clarence of Colombo, Ceylon, in a bell-cot at Nicholaston, Glamorganshire, seems to have come from the hands of Peter or George Waghevens, or both. There is no dedication, but it is simply inscribed : — Ic ben ghegoten int iaer ons Heeren MCCCCCXVIII. Its tone is excellent, and it bears two medallions. Peter Waghevens (or Waghevents) cast an octave of bells for Louvain in 1525. There seems to have been a later Jacop or Jacques, c. 1590. In 1 86 1, Mr. A. D. Tyssen examined, with his father, the bells in Mechlin Cathedral. He found three inscribed thus : — (i) miCHAGLt YOCOr^ GT FACTA SUm PG1\ GGOI\GIY YYAGHGYGnS AlinO DOI. mCGCCCXY, (2) mccstcr ggmon foagljueng gj^af mgtt accoort mcccqcbiu jitrccfncn iioort (3) l^cnrtcus toagtcucn me fecit anno Domini m cccc Ivrv- These words are only portions of the inscriptions, and the bells are profusely ornamented. Mr. Tyssen thinks that another Mechlin bell is lurking about somewhere in Middlesex, Two bells present inscriptions in great confusion, with the same lettering or letterings : — Capel, S. Mary, tenor, Levington, second. On the former some letters are upside down, and some face the wrong way, while others are afflicted with both these maladies, and there are three distinct types, unknown to me or to anyone to whom I have shown them. The general character of the lettering is early, but when at last deciphered the inscrip- tion brings the date down to the later days of Henry VIII. OB YOUI\ GHGI\ITG P1\AY EOI\ THG W^GDBAI\G OB GI\GGOI\Y PASCAD. Whoever the man may have been who bore this highly ecclesiastical name, the rector of Capel, the Rev. A. Cecil Johnson, found his name early in the register : — 78 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. " Sepultura 32 Henrici Octavi. Sepultura Gregorii Pascall quarto die Februarii. A° p'dicto." The Levington bell has its inscription (to the Virgin) back- wards, but adds no further element of enigma. These I should attribute to some local hand. We now come to the connecting link between the ante- Reformation and post-Reformation bells, the members of the Tonne family. And here I must cast a doubt on much written by me in the Church Bells of Cambridgeshire about two bells at Wood Ditton. I read 1588 as their date, but it is more likely to be 1544. There appear to have been two members of the house of Tonne, probably brothers, often using the same mark, casting I-is- 7Z- TFIE TONNE FAMILY. 79 bells about the same time. John is the man whose name more frequently occurs on the whole, but we have three of Stephen's in East Anglia, the Wood Ditton bells just mentioned, and the fifth at Stanstead of the same date, which bears the large French cross (fig. 73), known elsewhere as John Tonne's, together with three other marks recognizable as used by him (figs. 74, 75, 76). Fig. 74. Fig- 75- Fig. 76. I am not aware that any bell of John Tonne's is dated so late as 1544. Most are undated, but in Sussex, where they are chiefly found, we find 1522 at Sullington, and 1536 at Botolph's, and at Stanstead Mountfitchet, Essex, I read 1540, though I may be wrong, for the figures are very peculiar. On the whole I think that Stephen was the son of John, and identical with the Stephen Tonni, whose works we shall consider in the Elizabethan period. Mr. Amherst Tyssen, who knows more about French bells than anybody, past or present, con- siders these specimens as decidedly French, and that the name Tonne, or Tonni, is a corruption oi Antoine, like our own Tony.* I have already suggested that this John Tonne may be identical with the John Tynny named in Culverden's will. He has left us one little bell in Suffolk, the Clock-bell at Stoke-by-Clare, inscribed, -J- jturgc : mane : garbire : iDfo. (Rise in the morning to serve God), with a cross (fig. yj) and stop, well known as his. It is a rare and good inscription, occurring only once besides, on the third at Down, Kent, dated 1 5 1 1. Here, however, neither * The surname, however, is known in Suffolk in the previous century. We have Johes Tony instituted rector of Icklingham in 1453-4. 8o THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. marks nor lettering are John Tonne's, and I adopt the theory of the Kentish historian, that the bell came from some one from whom our man learned his business. The ornamentation at Down is of a foreign character. We must remember this inscription, for an expansion of it will come from Stephen Tonni in the time of Queen Elizabeth. dL2b Fig. 77. I should be inclined to class Sproughton tenor among the medisevals. It has four coins, apparently the reverse of a shilling, and some letters which may stand for I. H. I found the third and the " ting-tang " at Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, to be of the same character, but so far as I know the universe contains no more of them. Thus my medisevals have gone all over the county. They began in the north-west, and they end in the soiith-e^.st. CHAPTER V. Sance and Sacring bells —Funeral uses — Angelus bell— Curfew — Chime- barrels — Jack o' th' Clock. This discussion of the bells themselves does not release us from the middle ages. The reader must now be carried in imagination to the usages of those distant days. We must devote a little time to Sance and Sacring Bells, Burial uses, the Angelus Bell, the Curfew, the use of Chime-barrels in Tren- tals, and Jack o' th' Clock. First then, of the Sance bell, for which my readers have often noticed a bell-cot standing on the gable of a church nave. By the Constitution of Archbishop Winchelsey all that is required of parishes, in the way of bells, is a Handbell to be carried before the Host at the Visitation of the Sick, and Bells with ropes, which latter seem to have been for the tower alone. About 1367 came the Constitutions of Archbishop Sudbury, wherein we find the first-mentioned, together with " Handbells and Bells in Belfry, with cords to the same." By degrees the hand-bells were partly supplanted by bells hung in the rood-screen, of which instances remain (fig, y^) at Hawstead, and in Norfolk at Wiggenhall S, German's and Scarning, though for several purposes, of which we shall speak presently, the hand-bells were still required. The bell so hung appears to be that which is meant by a Sance, Sancts or Sanctus bell, for we never find this word in the plural number. The main use of it was to arrest attention at important parts of the service, and especially at the Celebration of the Eucharist, where it was rung at the Ter Sanctus, just before the Canon of the Mass. It appears to have occurred to some mind that this use might L 82 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. be extended for the benefit of those unable to come to church ; and thus in the Perpendicular period of architecture arose the practice of erecting a Sance-bell cot on the nave-gable. That belonging to my own church at Fressingfield is (fig. 79) as good Fig. 7S. an example as I can find, the spout for the rope still remaining in the chancel-arch, and a groove for guiding the rope till it would reach the hand of one standing on the floor being still marked in the easternmost of the south arches of the nave. The will of John Colmar of Fressingfield, dated 1495, bequeath- ing one such bell, weighing lOO lbs., gives an approximate date SANCE BELL. 83 for all this work, as it would have been impossible to have inserted the spout into the chancel-arch after it was built. At Mildenhall, where there is an unusually fine Early English chancel-arch, there was never a sance-bell cot, but a turret on the north side of the arch was erected in the Perpendicular period for the purpose, and the mark of the rope is still plain below. Fig- 79- In some cases the Sanctus bell may have been hung in the tower, with the other bells.* The lawfulness or unlawfulness of such things is just the kind of question to rend a nation asunder, upset a throne, cause a frightful effusion of rage and finally of blood, and generally to do the devil's work in the world. There was certainly a time when they were not, so that it is a marvel why anyone should have been seriously injured for the want of them. And, on the other hand, they could have by no possibility propagated error, and their only function was that performed daily in every elementary school in the kingdom by the teacher's little dish-bell, the calling for silence and attention. A bell thus used at the Mass would be called a * See Church Belts of Cambridgeshire, p. 53. 84 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. Sacring bell, whether sounded by hand or by rope ; but the name of Sanctus bell appears to be restricted to the latter kind. The smaller hand-bells are called Rogation Bells in some of the Essex Inventories, and were doubtless used in the parochial perambulations on the Rogation Days.* The use of the Handbell prescribed in the Winchelsey Con- stitutions was not the only one. When a funeral took place, a handbell was rung as the procession went from the abode of the deceased to the church. And this, which was observed at Oxford at the death of Dr. Radcliff,t Principal of Brasenose, in 1645, and is an everyday occurrence on the Continent, is a practice of immemorial antiquity. Under the Levitical Law contact with a corpse produced ceremonial defilement.^ The Roman Law was in some points more stringent still. The Flamen Dialis was not allowed to hear the sound of funeral pipes, and even the statues of gods by the roadside had their faces covered with a cloth before a funeral passed by.|| We have it on good authority that bell- men in black preceded Roman funerals,§ to prevent persons in authority thus being contaminated, and the same plan was pursued in case of those who were being led forth to crucifixion or public scourging. Hence appears to have sprung the custom of ringing a handbell before a funeral ; and no doubt one of those which we find in the parish inventories of the reign of Edward VL, was used for the purpose. The other burial customs which we find prevalent seem to be of later origin, the Soul bell, and bells during Thirty-days and other commemorations, and at Earth-tides. The first requires no treatment from me, having received such abundant illustra- tion in the histories of Bells of other countries. The best instance for the latter in our county will be from the * Transactions of the Essex Archceological Society^ vol. ii., part iii., New Series, pp. 223, etc. t N. and Q., HI., 297. X Lev. xxii. 4. Numb. xix. il. II Festus on Aulus Gellius, Nodes Atlica, x. 15. § Suidas and Gul. Budseus, quoted by Hieronymus Magius, c. x. TRENTALS. 85 will of John Baret of Bury S. Edmund's, who died in 1463, and is buried in S. Mary's Church in that town. I make no apology for inserting his epitaph, which has a noble ring in its sound, and serves to bring the man before us. The will may be read in full in Mr. Tymms's well-known Wt//s and Inventories^ from the Registers of the Covimissary of Bury St. Ednitind's and the Archdeaconry of Sudbury. " He that will sadly behold me with his ie John Maye see his own Merowr and lerne to die. Baret Wrappid in a schete, as a full rewli wretche, No mor of al my minde to me ward will streche, From erthe I kam and on to earth I am brought, This is my natur : for of erthe I was wrought, Thus erthe on to erthe tendeth to knet, So endcth ech creature : doeth John Baret. " Wherefore ye pepil in waye of charitie, With your goode prayeres I pray ye help me. For such as I am : right so shalle ye al bi Now God on my sowle : have merci and pitie. " Amen." His directions are most ample. The two bellmen that went about the town at his death were to have gowns, and to be two of the five torch-holders, for which they were to have twopence and their meat, the Sexton receiving twelve pence and his bread, drink, and meat. At the " yeerday," the bellmen were to receive fourpence each for going about the town to call on the inhabitants to pray " for my soule and for my faderis and modrys." The *' Thirty day " (which may spring from the thirty days' mourning for Moses and Aaron,)t is well-known for its Trehtal of Masses, always of course thirty in number, but varying in detail from time to time. Our concern with them is limited to • Pp. 17, &c. t Deut, xxxiv. 8. Numb. xx. 29. S6 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. the use of bells. We find bellmen employed on the " Thirty day," which seems equivalent to another well-known expres- sion, the " Month's Mind." All the good people of Bury, however, were not of the same opinion as John Baret. John, Coote, for instance, " will neyther ryngyn nor belman goynge," but his almsgivings and dinners on his Thirty-day to be " don in secret manner." Joan Mason, widow, of Bury, in 1510, directed the " bellemen to go abovvte the paryssh," at her anniversary and earth-tide to "pray and rehcrse the sowles " of all the persons she recited. Another remarkable custom was the sounding by means of a Chime-barrel the Requiem Eternam, which, as may be seen, ranged only over five notes. John Baret, of whom we have spoken, makes special arrangement for this music during his Thirty-day. " Itm I wil that the Sexteyn of Seynt Marie chirche hawe at my yeenday xijd. so he rynge wil and fynde breed and ale to his ffelashippe, and eche yeer what tyme my yeerday fallyth that at twelve of the clokke at noon next be forn my dirige he do the chymes smythe Requiem eternam and so to contynue seven nyght aftir tyl the Vtas* of my yeerday be passyd and at eue' lenton Requiem eternam and in lykvyse such day as God disposith for me to passe I wil the seid chymes smyth forthwith Requiem eternam and so day and nyth to c5tynwe with the same song tyl my xxx*'' day be past for me and for my freends that holpe therto with any goods of here. Itm I wil geve and beqwethe yeerly to the Sexteyn of Seynt Marie chirche viijj. to kepe the clokke, take hede to the chymes, wynde vp the pegs and the plummys as ofte as nede is, so that the seid chymes fayle not to goo through the defawte of the seid sexteyn who so be for the tyme, and yif he wil not take it vpon hym the owner of my hefd place, the parish preest, and the Seynt , Marie preest to chese oon of the parysh such as wyl do it for the same money, tyl such a sexteyn be in the office that wil undyrtake to do it and to contynwe, for I wolde the sexteyn hadde it be fore * Octaves. s s s < W a Pi O > It. o G o t3. a" ^ 1^1 Q c -C «!• 73 ANGELUS BELL. ^ anothir, for his wagys be but smale, so he wil vndlrtake to do it and not fayle." And having made provision for the repair of the chimes, he wills " the seid chymes to goo also at the avees, at the complyn eche Satirday, Sunday and hooly day thowrgh- out the yeer." These chime-barrels seem to have been no novelty in the middle of the fifteenth century. The Angelus or Gabriel bell appears to have varied in use from time to time. Polydore Vergil, writing from Urbino in 1499, attributes its origin to Pope John XXII. (1316 — 34), who ordained that thrice every day at evening time bells should be rung, and that then each should thrice recite the Angelic Salur tation to the Holy Virgin. He adds that the institution became so permanent that it was in use in every nation to his day, so that as soon as the sound of the bell was heard all forthwith bent the knee and prayed. Another name for it was the Ave bell, from the first word of the Salutation. In 1399 Archbishop Arundel issued a mandate that at early dawn one Pater and five Aves should be said. Thus arose the morning Angehis, distinguished in Italy at the present day as Ave Maria dell' Aurora from the older Ave Maria della Sera. The well-known Jewish practice of the noon-tide prayer induced a Meridian Angelus on the Continent, but it does not seem to have come into England, though in some parts a mid- day bell is rung. At first any bell would be used, but the prevalence of the Salutation and of the name of Gabriel on some bells seems to indicate that the bell so inscribed was used for the special purpose. But that which we have treated of as the Sance bell, may have been also used. "A gabryell, weigh- ing 100 lbs." is mentioned, as at Blickling, Norfolk, in the returns of 1553, and there would hardly have been two bells of this size in a church. Donors of such bells were desirous of having themselves remembered in prayer. Thus John Alcock, Bishop of Ely,* in 1490, consecrated one large bell at Gamlingay, in Cambridgeshire, and granted forty days' indul- * Founder of Jesus College, Cambridge. 88 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. gence to all truly penitent, who at the sound of the great bell shall say five Paternosters and five Saint. Angel, for the good state of the Catholic Church, for the Bishop consecrating, the King, the Queen, and all the souls of the faithful departed this life ; and to all who, at the sound of the little bell, shall say five Saint. Angel, ad clans, adjunct. "God have mercy of John, Bishop of Ely, that hallowede the alters and bells aforesaid, either seting, standing, lyeing, or kneeling."* Though the Curfew bell, of which there are traces before the Norman Conquest, ceased to have legal sanction in the reign of Henry I,, there are abundant traces of it all along the years to the present time. It served some useful purpose, and so it survived. At Bury it saved the life of John Perfay, draper, who was not forgetful of the incident, as appears in his will, dated 1 509. " I wole that my close which ys holdyn by copy off my lord abbot of Bury Seynt Edmund, and y^ which I purchasyd of Thomas Russell gentylma, my lord payde the residue, I gyve toward y® ryngers charge off the gret belle in Seynt Mary Churche, callyd corfew belle," The original of this bequest is thus related by Mr. Gage Rokewodef : — " John Perfey, tenant of the manor of Fornham All Saints, is said to have lost his way in returning from the court to Bury, and to have recovered himself from a perilous situation by accident, by hearing the striking of the clock or bell ^X S. Mary's, Bury. This circumstance, if we are to believe a tale not uncommon, led to his devising certain pieces of land, which took the name of Bell Meadow, parcel of the manor of Fornham All Saints, to the churchwardens of S. Mary's, in order that the bell might be tolled in summer regularly at four o'clock in the morning and nine in the evening ; and in winter at six in the morning and eight at night." Mr. Gage Rokewode is very likely right in thinking that one purpose of this endowment was to excite the people to repeat the Angelus. Two instances known to me remain of the "Jack o' th' * Gent. Mag., vol. Ixxiii., p. 174. t History of Hengrave, p. 1 1. JACK O' TH' clock. 89 Clock," at Southwold (fig. 80), and at Blythburgh. I conjecture that they date back to the earlier part of the sixteenth century. There are many others, of a later period, up and down the country. Fig. 80. By Shakespeare's time they were " household words," put by him into the mouth of Richard II., who says, " My time Runs posting on in Bolingbroke's proud joy, While I stand fooling here, his Jack o' th' Clock."* In Lacroix's Les Arts du Moyen ^^^f (Paris, 1869), is an account of the celebrated clock brought by one of the Dukes of Burgundy, from Courtray to Dijon, which has two figures, a man and a woman, who strike the hours from one to twenty- four. The name Jacquemart has been usually given to these figures, and a question has arisen as to the origin of the name, which has probably given rise to "Jack o' th' Clock." One derivation \wd,?,jacco inarcJiiardus, a Low-latin word for a coat of mail {jacqiie de viaillcs). But a more probable derivation is from a clock-maker, Jacques Marck, or Jacquemart. There was such a man at Lille in 1422, who seems to have been a grandson of one of the same name, living at Courtray in 1360. * Shakespeare's Richard 11. , Act v., Sc. 5. See also Coriolamis, Act. v., So. 2. + Pp. 179, 180. M CHAPTER VI. The Reformation — Number of Church bells then in Suffolk — Spoliation — Restoration — Stephen Tonni of Bury, and his man William Land — Their work at Long Melford — Death of Julian Tonney the weaver — Bury foundry goes to Thetford — Founders dining at Wattisfield — Thomas Draper, Mayor of Thetford — The Brends of Norwich — Dier's bell at Clare — Topsel's at Crat- field — Richard Bowler — The Thorington bell and a reminiscence of Kett's rebellion — Aldgate gun-founding again. My last chapter will prepare the reader to expect some account of the fate of our Church bells during the Reformation. Under the court of Augmentation, established in 1536, in view of the Dissolution, Commissioners were appointed for the reception of the goods and chattels of the smaller priories. Inventories were taken, and those for S. Olave's, Flixton, Ipswich (Priory of the Holy Trinity), Redlingfield, Blythburgh, Letheringham, Leyston, Eye, Ixworth, and Campsey remain in the Record Office.* No bells occur in any of these. There must have been similar inventories for the larger houses after- wards, but I know nothing about them. Early in the reign of Edward VI. enquiries were set on foot with respect to plate, jewels, bells, and other ornaments belong- ing to the parish churches, which in some parts of the country, especially in Kent, had been embezzled by the churchwardens and others. By whom certificates were demanded from the Suffolk churchwardens does not appear. The volume contain- ing them is 510 of the "Miscellaneous Books" of the Augmen- tation office, containing 179 certificates from Essex and Suffolk. * Bundle 1393, File 136, No. i. The date of the earliest, S. Olave's, is 20 Aug., 1536, and the Commissioners were Sir Humphrey Wingfield, Richard Southwell, and Thomas Mild may. William Dale was the Prior. PLUNDER. pr The Suffolk certificates are dated early in November, I547, whereas the letter of the Privy Council to Cranmer, charging him to prohibit alienation, bears date the last day of April, 1548* The labours of Mr. J. J. Muskett, by which that most useful publication, the East Anglian, has been enriched with these records, have been used by me ; and I desire here to return my best thanks to him, and to another valued friend, the editor, the Rev. C. H. Evelyn White, whom the county would gladly welcome again. Plate went wholesale, and that these prohibitions were needed as to bells, is clear from the sales which had taken place at Belstead, Chelmondiston, and Lound, while the men of Aldring- ham made return that "all ornamets, playt, and belles belongyng to ow"" cherche ar fore to sell." Robert Thurston and Edmund ffeavyear, churchwardens of Rendham, strong in their honesty, fear neither Commissioners nor any one else, and stoutly reply, " For y^ ornaments and y^ Bells we haue solde non as we wuU answere." "j peyer of hand bells" was sold at Darsham for ijj-. \\\)d. In the great majority of instances nothing is said about the bells. So far as one can judge from these relics of the certificates of 1547, and the state of things in 1553, there had been no general robbery of bells. In one parish, Ilketshall S. Andrew, the money from the chalices went to the bells. On March 3rd, 1553, another Commission was issued, the Commissioners being Thomas Lord Darcye of Cheche, Thomas Lord Wentworth, John Jernegan, William Waldegrave, and Thomas Cornwaleys, Knights, Owen Hopton and Christopher Goldyngham. They did not ask for returns, but summoned the churchwardens of each parish before them. The original sum- mons remains in Bedingfield Church chest, and runs thus : — "These shal be by vertue of a precepte dyrected unto me and others ffrom the Ryght Wurshyfull Thomas lord Wentworthe Wyllyam Walgrave John Jernynghm and Thomas Cornwaleys Knyghtes Owen hopton and cfofer Goldynghm Esquyers the Kynge Maties Comyssyoners To Wyll you and * Strype's Cranmer iY.. II. S.), 11., 90. 92 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. neverthelesse in the Kynge Maties name straightely to charge and comaunde you That ye fayle not psonallye to appere before the Kynge ma''es sayde Comyssyoners at Ypswych the secounde daye of maye next ensuenge before ix of the clocke. And that ye brynge before them (All excuses sett ap'te) All and everye suche p'cell of plate Jewells metall or other ornamente (what- soever they be) belongynge to yo^ churche chapell Guylde Brotherheede ffraternytyes or copanyes as doe Reniayne in y custodye or of eny other psonne or psonnes to y knowledge to the uses aforesayd as yow wyll answere upon othe The grete Belles and Saunce Belles in the Steples only excepte. ffrom Brundysshe in Suff the xxvijthe of Aprylle A^ 1553 By me Roger Wade " Endorsed " To the Churchwardens of the townshyppe of Bedyngfelde Geve these."* The Commissioners' book is in a perfect condition. The entries show nothing but chalices and bells, one of the former generally remaining to each parish. There were 1,669 great bells, and 85 " Sancts " bells in the county, without Ipswich, which formed the subject of a separate report, and Thetford S. Mary's, which no doubt appeared in Norfolk. The Ipswich Inventories, which are very full, show a total of 52 large bells and 6 Sanctus.f The grand total for the county was therefore 1,812. At the present day, excluding the six at Thetford S. Mary's, and the metal of the recently melted four at Ilketshall S. Andrew's, there are 1,864 Church bells in Suffolk ; and in w^eight of metal we have, of course, a great advantage. In the towns and larger villages there has been a gain which more than counterbalances the loss in cutting down the pretty little threes in the smaller villages. But the Commissioners' 1,812 is rather under the mark for such a date as 1520, I should say, for though we can point to an increase in some places, there had been a decrease from depre- dation in others, and in one instance for certain the Commis- sioners did not receive a full report. A very suggestive case of depredation is that in the parish of * East Anglian, New Series, IL, 346. Communicated by the Rev. J. W. Millard, Shimpling Rectory, Scole. + The Commissioners' total is 51, but the figures give a total of 52. A SLIGHT MISTAKE. 93; Woolverstone. In the thirty-eight year of Henry VIII., Phih'p Wolferston, Esq., of that place, sold two bells and two vestments belonging to the parish church. When the Commissioners of 1553 were making their enquiries, this transaction came to light and the loss to the parish was reported to be ;^20. Wolferston took the course of bringing in a certificate stating that the bells were not worth £^, that the vestments were of small value, and that he had taken them " supposing the sayd churche to be hys owne chapell."* His name appears foremost in the catalogue of those who who were bound by their recognizances to appear and answer their several debts. " philipp Wolverston, Gentilman, xx/£ Robt Wynkfeld of Branthm, Gentilman, xxx//. fifrauncis Sone of Wantisden, gentilman, iiij//. xiijj-. iiijV. [the xxith of June, ffrauncis Noone of Martlishfn, vli. 1553. paid.] Nicolas Bramston of Chelmeton, yeoman, xiij'//. \\]d. Jeffery Blower, Symond Maddocke, William Harrison, and William dennaunt of debbenh^m, yeomen, x//." By the side is written... hath brought in a testimonyall seelyd and,.,payd the xxj'^ of June, 1553. The seals and subscriptions are gone from the " testimonial " presented to Wolferston in recognition of his little mistake as to the ownership of the church, but the words just quoted appear to refer to that veracious document. As the Commis- sioners made remissions in the case of certain " pore men," which remissions were noted in a "p'ticulr boke " in the custody of Sir Richard Cotton, Comptroller of the Household, we cannot say whether these delinquents paid up in full, after the example of Noone of Martlesham. That parish, with Wantisden and Debenham, will appear not to have suffered in bell metal. Chelmondiston acknowledges to have sold an old broken bell to the value of xxji-. \i\]d. * The certificate may be read in full in the East Ajig'iaii, New Series, III., 1 12. 94 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. Brantham seems a bad case. ;£'30 is a lot of money, and there was only one bell therein 1553. Robert Wingfield (son of the Commissioner of 1536, Humphrey Wingfield), who had married the heiress of Sir John Pargeter, Lord Mayor of London, is absolutely without excuse. The parishes do not seem to have taken benefit from these fines. I have said that in one instance certainly the Commissioners did not receive a full report. That instance is Brockley, which is returned as having one bell, whereas three of Jordan's hang now in the tower, without doubt the same which hung there in 1553- Perhaps the men of Brockley feared that what had been done in the disturbances of 1549 might be attempted in Suffolk, and only one bell of the smallest size left for their church,* and for that reason concealed the true number, relying not vainly on their sequestered position. It must not be supposed that Suffolk is peculiar in these respects. We will take an instance from Northamptonshire, in which county "the towneshipp of Soulgrave...sold before the fyrst Inventory was taken and maid by John Humfrey and John Mayo, Churchewardens there one bell unto Thomas Stuttesbury and Lawrence Wasshyngton,-|* gent' of the same towne for xvj//. whereof vj//. is delyvyd to the I nhy taunts of the same towne And is bestowed uppon the highe wayes and ford^ "And their intent is to bestowe all the rest so," etc.| We have already heard of Stephen Tonni, A gap of fifteen years separates the name found at Stanstead, Suffolk, from that on the bell at Reepham, Norfolk, which first bears the name of Bury S. Edmund's : — BSATI QUI HABITAT (sic) m DOmO TUA DOmillG. (Blessed are they who dwell in Thy house. Psalm Ixxxiv. (Ixxxiii. vulg.), 5). DG BYI\I SAnTG GDmOHDG STGEAHYS TOIini mG BGGIT. 1559. * Froude, H. E., V. 186. f Ancestor of the first American President. See Henry F. Waters's Ancestry of Washington, 1889. X Noytli's C. B. of Northamptonshire, p. 412. STEPHEN TONNI. 95 I am not to decide on the identity of the two Stephens. The latest date of the name is 1587, which would give a range of forty-three years, a good long spell, but nothing incredible. This Reepham bell bears the seal of the cloth subsidy for the county of Suffolk, which may be applied to the history of Roger Reve, "clothear," and a representation of the Crucifixion. Neither of these occur again. His usual marks are the crown and arrows, indicative of the borough (fig. 81), and a flleur-de-lis, perhaps with reference to his French origin (fig. 82). Fig. 81. Fig. 82. 1560. 11562. ti564. As his are the first bells which bear the name of a Suffolk town, I will take them in order of date. I know of none out of East Anglia. The Norfolk and Cambridgeshire bells are in italics, and those -now recast have a dagger (-f-) prefixed to them : — Stanton, All Saints, fourth, Helmingham, tenor, Cockfield, tenor, „ StctcJiivoj'th, tenor. The inscription on the Cockfield tenor was given me by Flanders Green, who set me bell-hunting more than forty years ago, an enthusiastic bell-hanger : — mADG CITYS ItGCTYm EYGG, mODEtCm DISCYTG somnYm, TGmPDYm APPi\opinQYGS, gt ygdgi^ai^g DGYm. It may be compared with the short admonition to rise early, on the Stoke-by-Clare clock-bell. 1566. Hargrave, tenor, 96 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 1567. 1570. 1572. 1573. 1574- 1575- If D. J) It 1576. Lf )> Ij )) t )) t )) L' Ij )) Ij Ii [578. Lf » Is [580. I>] [581. [582. M )> ] [586. » rr I 587. Kettlebaston, third, Stanningfield, third, Troston, treble, Stradishall, third, Chediston, tenor, Fakenham, Great, second, Gedding, the two bells, Haughley, four lower bells, Letheringham bell, Somerton, second, Sternfield, tenor, Ubbeston, tenor, Glemham, Little, second, Mendlcsham, tenor, a fine bell, reputed to weigh 24 cwt., Whatfield, second, Bradley, Great, second, Kersey, third, Ottley, tenor, Petistree tenor, Sudbury, All Saints, tenor, the counterpart of the Mendlesham tenor, Walsham-le- Willows, fourth, Cavibridge, S. Edimmd,fou7'th^ LandbeacJi, tJiird, Wilbraham, Little, treble and second. Winch, West, treble, Rede, treble, Somerton, treble, Newmarket, S. Mary, second and third, Levington, tenor, Elmswell, second, OxburgJi, third, Wicken, fourth, Monewden, treble. Rede, second, Barham, tenor. JULIAN TONNEYE, WEAVER. 97 The bells on this list marked ^ bear the initials W. Ir., thought with great probability to be those of William Land, Stephen Tonni's foreman, of whom more hereafter. Whatfield second also bears those of Thomas Draper. It is a strange thing that we cannot find the will of this active and successful bell-founder, but perhaps (like Briant of Hertford) his labours were more useful to others than profitable to himself. Beyond what is found on his bells, the only glimpses we gain of him are derived from the Long Melford and Wattisfield Parish Books, and from the will of his brother Julian. In the former document, 1582 — 1584, Hugh Isacke being then Churchwarden, may be read. *" For takeinge downe the broken Belle vs. For carryinge the broken Belle to Burye vs. For helpe to loade it ijV/. For layde out at Burye for wayinge the belle viijc/. Two jorneys to Burye xvjV. For makinge the wrytinge between the Church- wardens and the Bell-founder i}d. To the Bell-founder for castinge of the belle and metalle iij//. xiiijj-. ijV. For hangeinge the belle xjs. viijV." And now we stand by the death-bed of Julian Tonney, weaver. It is the 9th of February, 1583. "Julian Tonneye of Bury S' Edmonde in the countye of Suff., weaver, being of good and p'fect remembraunce (thankes be unto God) did speake theise words in manner as followeth, I geve and bequeath unto Stephen Tonney my brother all those my goods, chattells, moveables, and howsholde stuffe, under what manner of kynde soever they be, fownder to paye my debtes so far as they will extend unto, in the p'sence of these men underwritten, John Sterne, Robert Smyth, Williri Longe, John Barrett, John Beacher, Thomas Tonney." Poor Julian did not regard his estate with much confidence. He must have died very soon after making this nuncupative • Kindly sent me by Mr. Percy C. L. Scott, Hall Mills, Long Melford. N 98 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. will, for on the 12th of February, Dr. Deye, Commissary and Official of the Archdeaconry of Sudbury, granted letters of administration to Stephen Tonni, as no executors had been named by the deceased. The Thomas Tonney here mentioned did not follow his father's trade, nor did William Land do much on his own account. I cannot say how we first found the latter name, though it seems familiar enough to me. The original " Wylliam Lawnd," in 1548 — 9, appears in one of those dealings in old metal for which that remarkable time is eminent. The Churchwardens of the Parish of " Mary Maudelen in Barmondesey" note " Item sold more by them a crose of copper and other olde mettyll of lattyn to Wylliam Lawnd weying xlvj pound pryce the pound i'ujd. somme xvs. iiijV."* Possibly he was father to the W. L., whose initials we have seen on Stephen Tonni's bells as early as 1572. This later W. L, cast the tenor at Brettcnham in 1574. He made an excursion to Halstead in Essex in 1575, for which church, in conjunction with Thomas Draper, he cast the fine tenor now in that tower, a very grand bell, said to weigh 25 cwt. It is marked with a crown and clipped arrows (fig. 82,), as though Fig- S3. to mark some past connection with Tonne, but its motto is also on the Whatfield tenor of the same year, which bears the initials of all three founders : — Omnia Jovam laudant animantia. We have this combination of W. L. and T. D. at Wiston in 1574, and at Wattisfield in 1584, where on the fourth appears the following quaint couplet, the words separated by a fleur-de- * Sitrrev Inventories, by J. R. Daniel-Tyssen, p. 98. A DINNER AT WATTISFIELD. 99 lis In a lozenge, (fig. 84) to distinguish it from Tonni's fleur-de- lis in an oblong, ■HTIt TD in THG I^AYnG OB QYGne GIrSGBGTH BIS XIII. Fig. 84. The Wattisfield folk had foundry dealings with Bury in 1578, as we find from their book, but this job was carried out at Thetford. The detail is very graphic : — " Itm. the belfounders dyd dyne, thre of them xd." Very suggestive of Tonni being with Land and Draper on this occasion. Perhaps as senior man he consumed the extra penn'orth. Perhaps also the poetry as above was post-prandial. It must have involved a great effort. " Itm the belfounders hade for earnest for the bell vi". Itm layd out to the belfounders men when the bell was felt (sic.) injd. Itm. layd out to father Smyth for the bell hangen xv^. and for the bell caryenge and recaryenge iiiji". and for bordynge of four men one daye iji". and for bordynge of two men one daye xijd. and for one man's wages one daye iiijV. and for fetching of father Smyth's gear at Reck- ynghal to wynd up the bell ijd. Itm. layd out for eyornes for the bell viiijV. Itm. layd out at fetfor (Thetford) to the bel- founder at or ladyes day xxxiiji". iiijV. 100 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. Itm. for caryenge of a lode of wode to fetfor to U}S. the belfounder and for fellyng and makyng of the wood Itm. layd out for the bell clapper Itm. The belfounders dyd dyne at Nycolas Lockes and thear dyner cam to Itm. Layd out to John Boulton for whyt lether to mend the belles Itm. layd out for half a hundred bord, and thear ar xiij to the half hundred lynge upon the steple to mend the belles wheeles Land's initials occur for the last time on a bell of Stephen Tonni's at Barham in 1587. Another William Land, possibly his son, turns up at Crayford, Kent, 161 5, Kirkoswald, Cumberland, 1619, and Wilmington, Kent, 1636. He was a Houndsditch man, and at Stapleford, Cambridgeshire (1622), his initials occur with those of Thomas Draper's son John. In 1624 he cast the "Silver Bell," at S. John's College, Cambridge, and probably in that town, as there is no charge for carriage. vd. viijV. \]d. Fig. SS. Thomas Draper had moved on permanently to Thetford by 1588 at any rate, wdien he cast there the sixth for Redenhall, esteemed by some the finest bell of that grand eight. It is remarkable that in the same year he cast a small bell for Hutton-in-the-Forest, Cumberland. He has left us but five bells in Suffolk : — 1584. Ashbocking, second, with a peculiar fleur-de-lis (fig. 85), 1 591. Tuddenham, S. Mary's, third, „ Sapiston, third. THOMAS DRAPER, MAYOR OF THETFORD. 10 1 1593. Stradishall, tenor, 1594. Yaxley, tenor. His health was evidently failing by this time, and he died in 1595. Municipal honours in his case were accompanied with heavy cares. There was a turbulent burgess in Thetford named Roger Herbert, who had to be expelled from the " twentieship " for divers heinous offences, " first, he gevcth not his money towards the maiors diet ; he opposeth him selfe against the maior and his companie in repugninge against the constitunes and orders of the Touaic made, etc., viz., made for hogges*, for making rescues against the Serjeant Harington in arestinge him, he Cometh to no assemblie of longe tyme, he defraude men of their money and paye not his detts to the discredit of the towne, and for div'se and sondrie other causes, he misused the maior and burgesses in bad names, in calling Mr. Asteley splittershankes, and some other of the companie cadowes-|- and p'ticadowes^ and Churles meaninge churle by Mr. Sheringe." This expulsion is signed Rich. Asteley John Buxton. " Mr. Drap t Maior his m'ke John Goldyngham Anthonie Frere." We can only trust that the newly-chosen member of the Thetford " twentie " refrained from reflecting on the slenderness of Mr. Richard Asteley's legs, and the loquacity with which Mr. John Goldyngham, Mr. Anthonie Frere, Mr. John Buxton, and even his Worship Mr. Thomas Draper may have been affected. Thomas Draper's last mark in the records of the borough is on May 8th, 1595, in a very trembling hand. His will, proved July 9th in that year, mentions his messuage in S. Cuthbert's parish, his wife Margaret, and his sons Thomas, Edmonde, John, Henrye, Richard, and William. Of these the first and third followed their fathers calling. The eldest son was in business before his father's death, the old fourth at Hepworth, before being recast in 1825, having borne the inscription : — Thomas Draper the younger made me 1 593-11 * No doubt analogous to those at Ipswich. t Jackdaws. t Magpies? II MSS. Davy in loc. 102 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. No bell of his seems now to remain, the second at Cranworth, Norfolk, dated 1598, which I saw in 1850, having been recast in 1853. His domestic relations were not very happy, as he was returned in the Episcopal Visitation for Norwich Diocese in 1597 "for that he keepeth not with his wife, but remaineth wtii his mother, and so have contynewed a quarter of a yeare nowe laste past." I will postpone the larger subject of the third son, John, and leave for a time the Bury and Thetford work with the mention of Thomas Andrew, who used Stephen Tonni's well-known marks. From him we have Carlton, S. Peter's, four bells, Nedging, treble, all dated 1 598 ; to which might have been added the Naughton second, now gone, dated 1599. The Norwich Elizabethan bells, from members of the Brend family, form a considerable group : — 1567. I. B., Stradbroke sixth (the figure 6 is inverted), 1568. I. B., Metfield treble, „ No initials, Little Ashfield second, inscribed Charoli Framlingham Militis, „ No initials, Horham, tenor, 1 581. I. B., Elmham, South, S. James's, tenor, 1582. No initials of founder, Hacheston, tenor. As John Brend the elder died on the 29th or 30th of July, in that year, and was buried on the 31st of July, "greatly indetted to diu'se men in diu'se somes of money," these are the only Suffolkers in which he had a hand. The Horham bell was probably made by him in conjunction with a brother Robert. The works were in S. Stephen's parish, no doubt on the site of the great mediaeval foundry. His lettering is large and clumsy, and the arable numerals very niisleading. William Brend, his son, removed the foundry into All Saints' parish. From him we have : — 1583. Framlingham, sixth, 1590. Farnham, treble, 1592. Dallinghoo, treble, „ Kettleburgh, tenor. HENRY TOPSEL'S BELL AT CRATFIELD. 103 1592. Monewden, tenor, 1593- Cookley, tenor, „ Cratfield, tenor, 1596. Elmham, South, S. Margaret, tenor, 1597. Ellough, tenor, 1598. Fritton bell, 1599. Glemham, Great, fourth, with a large number of others, which we will treat of under the the next century. His 1592 bells are crowded with initials of subscribers or parishioners, notable by those who are reviving the records of their parishes. One bell, the sixth at Clare, is by John Dier, an old acquaint- ance of mine, whom I unearthed at Maulden, Bedfordshire, in 1852, and subsequently at Much Hadham, Hertfordshire, in 1855. I am sorry to add that this prolonged intimacy has not resulted in knowledge of his locality or operations. This Clare bell, dated 1579, is his earliest known. In the following year he cast a bell for Broomfield, Essex, and in 1583, the bell for Arrington, Cambridgeshire. There are ten bells of his in Bedfordshire and eleven in Hertfordshire. His latest date is 1597, and he uses sometimes a pentacle in conjunction with other small trade-marks. Another solitary bell, though hanging in good compan}', is the fourth at Cratfield, the work of Henry Topsel, in 1585, in which year he also made a bell for Hedenham, Norfolk. This the parish sold to Kirby Bedon, when the Hedenham four were run into six in 1838, and it still hangs in Kirby Bedon tower, bearing " Hednam " on it. This placing the name of the parish on a bell is unfortunately a very rare occurrence. " Cratfeld " is on that fourth, and let us hope that it will never show the name in any other tower. The initials I\. T., for Roger, the son of Henry, are found on both these East Anglian bells. These artificers are elsewhere unknown save in Sussex, where they turn up, working at West Tarring, after an interval of fourteen years. The initials H. T. appear on the second at Bury, Sussex, in 1599, and the names of Henry and Roger on the tenor at Felpham in the following year. " Henry Tapsell, the I04 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. elder," was buried at West Tarring, October 5th, 1604. Roger went on with his Sussex work some thirty years afterwards. Their bells are of no surpassing excellence. The surname is curious, as denoting a nautical origin. A far better artificer is Richard Bowler, whom all agree in placing at Colchester, though there is nothing but tradition for it. We have fourteen bells of his in Suffolk : — 1589. Stratford, S. Mary, fifth, 1 591. Bergholt, East, priest's bell, „ Cornard, Little, fourth, 1592. Wenham, Great, tenor, 1598. Cookley, treble, „ IlketsJiall, S. Andreiu, tenor (melted in the fire of 1889), 1600. Greeting, S. Peter, treble, „ Depden, tenor, „ Freston bell, 1 60 1. Bergholt, East, third, „ Campsey Ash, tenor, Wickham Market, fifth, 1603. Lavenham, fourth and sixth, „ Withersfield, second. His lettering is generally of a bold Roman type, resembling that of the first ]\Iiles Graye, the prince of founders, who is supposed to have learned his business under Bowler. At Waltham, Essex, is a bell of his with Richard Holdfeld's mark, an unusual combination. There are two of his bells in Cam- bridgeshire, but none in Norfolk, or further north, west or south, to the best of my knowledge. An Augustine Bowler turns up in Lincolnshire twenty or thirty years later than our Richard, but we know little about him. And now, for the last time I regret to say, we are brought into touch with the gun-founders. The bell at Thorington bears in shallow black letter, with a pentacle at the beginning, a stop, and consisting of one lozenge over another, a la John Dier and the Clarkes, the inscription, 5amtocll ©toen itTalic §ei,z foe toanstfli. 1506. The Owens of Houndsditch were a great gun-making family. "THESE VILE GUNS." IO5 and some idea of John Owen, the first known of the name, and his relations to two who bore the name of Samuel, may be gleaned from his will. We all remember Shakespeare's fop, and his objection to gunpowder. This fabricator of the King's ordnance does not seem to have loved it too well. He is called to a disagreeable service. Kett and his fellows have exchanged their camp on Mousehold heath, around the oak of Reformation, for an occupation of Norwich. Lord Sheffield is killed, and Norwich knows the place of his death to this day. Sir Thomas Cornwallis is a prisoner. Parr, Marquis of Northampton, late in command, has fallen back on Cambridge, and John Dudley, then Earl of Warwick, better known as the Duke of Northum- berland, Lady Jane Grey's father-in-law, is summoned to take his place. The rebels have guns, and Owen, called to Warwick's side, makes his will : — " In the name of God, Amen. The xij'^ daye of August Anno din MVXLix. I John Owyn of London (and one of the kinge's founders of his ordynance) hole in bodye and in p'fte memorie, being sent into Norfolke ageynst the Rebles at Norwich, make this my last will and testament in maner and forme following, that is to saye, I bequeathe my bodye and soule into the keping of the lyvinge god who sees all things. " I give and bequeathe unto Anne Chainley als Rainse fyftie pounds that she owith me without specialtie, and for the four- score pounds I will that after my death she have the occupying of the said ui]//. for foure years, putting in suerties for the pay- ment thereof withoute intereste. " I give and bequeathe to my syster Alice twentie poundes, to the poore people and presoners fourtie poundes. And I bequeathe to a childe that is none of myne although yt is named of me (and as a bill of rekenyng hereto annexed more playnlye shall declare) the whiche is at norsse in sowth meiiles, whose name is Samuell fourtie pounds, unto Samuell my brother Robert sonne I give twentie pounds, to Jones tenne pounds, to Susan fyve pounds. " The rest of my goodes, cattell, moveables and immoveables, o I06 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. debts, vvt all other things I give and bequeathe to my brother Robert whom I make my soole executour, to Robert Eyer I bequeath fyve pounds. In the thirde yere of Edwarde the sixte by the grace of god Kinge of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, defender of the faith, and of the churche of England and Irclande the supreme head. " Wrytten in hast with my owne hande the yere and daye above said by me, John Owen."* I make no apology for transcribing this in full. It is worth record on historical and religious accounts, as well for its con- nection with our special subject. John Owen, however, came back from Norwich, and lived to the following year, when his brother Robert made his renun- ciation of the executorship, and the widow Anne, unmentioned in the will, took out letters of administration on the 25th of August. To which of the Samuels of 1549, the unhappy nurseling, or the acknowledged son of Robert, we may refer the Thorington bell of 1596, is uncertain. Among the Bronze Ordnance in the Rotunda, Woolwich, are three guns (nos. 4, 8, and 9 in the Official Catalogue) by members of this family. Of the three, one is by John and Robert, a brass saker, dated 1538, one by John alone, a cannon royal, undated, but recovered from the wreck of the Mary Rose, lost off Portsmouth in 1545, and a sakeret on which may be read " Tomas Owen made this pese for the YE'L of Garnse, vhan Sir Peter Mevtas vas Governor and Captayn, Anno Din 1550." How this Wanstead bell, the only Owen specimen remaining this side of the county, came to Thorington, may be read in the following memorandum on the second page of the earliest Register : — Memorandu yt ye Right worshipful! Edward Coke Esquier Attourny Generall to the Oueenes most excellent maiestie and Bridgett his Wife did Giue unto the Towneshippe of Thorington in June 1598 one Bell alone vppon this condicion that neyther the Churchwardens nor any of the inhabitants of * Compare Latimer's Sermons, Parker .S., p. 265. EDWARD COKE. 107 the said Towne should at any time after ye aforesaid Guift sell awaye the said Bell but continve and maintayne the same for the callinge together of the inhabitants of the said Towne to divine Service and other seemely vses. In witnes whereof I Robert Golde minister of the said Towne of Thorington have sett to my hand to this wrightinge the xxth day of Septem- ber 1607. Robert' Golde/^^ * Kindly sent me by the Rev. T. S. Hill, Rector. CHAPTER VII. John Clarke, an itinerant, in Suffolk — Joseph Carter — Peter Hawkes — The Bury founders in the days of the Stuarts — John Draper of Thetford — The later Brends of Norwich — " Colchester Graye " and his works, inclu- ding the Lavenham tenor — The siege of Colchester — Miles Graye's foundry burnt — The Puritan rigime — Bunyari — Milton — Compulsory ringing — John Darbie of Ipswich. Before proceeding to the large blocks of bells which occupy- that great campanarian period, the first half of the seventeenth century, there arc three single specimens to be disposed of. The second at Wrentham is the second earliest known (1606) of a few bells, scattered about here and there, by John Clarke (he spells his name at Wrentham without the "e"), who in his pcntacle and shallow lettering resembles John Dier and Samuel Owen. In the following year he cast a tiny treble for Cold Brayficld, in the county of Buckingham. At Wormington, Gloucestershire, and Rumboldswyke, Sussex, he appears un- dated. I turned him up, pentacle and all, at Flitwick, Bedford- shire, with the date 1608. In 1609 he cast the second at Eastry, Kent, and in 161 3 the bell at Welney, Cambridgeshire. The earliest known bell of his is the little tenor of three at Eastwick, Hertfordshire, dated 1601. This seems a genuine case of itine- rancy, and the poorness of the bells may account for it A George Clarke cast a small ring of bells for Duxford S. Peter, Cambridgeshire, in 1564, and a certificate (dated 1557) of the weight of a bell from Wymondley Priory* shows that a bell- founder named Clarke was living at Datchworth at the time. * North and Stahlschmidi's C. B. of Hertfordshire, p. 32. MORE BELLS FROM BURY. 109 The parish register records the baptism of a John Clarke in 1575, probably the maker of the Wrentham bell. He is not our only specimen of a proverbial rolling stone. In 1609 Joseph Carter made the small bell at Great Fin- borough. He originally started business at Reading, his earliest date being 1579. Many bells of his and of his son-in-law, William Yare, are found in Oxfordshire bearing the well-known Norwich shield (fig. 50), but his best work seems to have been three for Wittersham, Kent. He died in 1610, not unmindful of his poor neighbours in Whitechapel.* I wish I could say something about Peter Hawkes, who cast the Poslingford tenor in 161 3. He is known in Essex, but not elsewhere. At Birdbrook a bird, perhaps a hawk, is stamped on one of his bells. We will now take up the Bury bells, but the palmy days of Tonni are over, and such as came forth from James Edbury, John Driver, and Thomas Cheese, are not generally of a high character. They bear for the most part Tonni's marks, and sometimes a bit of arabesque border. These men sometimes worked separately and sometimes together. To disentangle them would be alike impossible and unprofitable, and I give the list in order of time, putting recast bells in italics : — 1602. Rede, second (I. O-) 1603. Saxham, Little, tenor (T. C.) „ Stiirstoii, old tenor [I- G.) 1604. Onehouse bell (I. G.) 1605. Sudbury, S. Peter, fourth (I. G.) This was probably Edbury's greatest effort. 1608. Blythburgh bell (I. G.) Charsfield, third (I. G.) „ Cockfield, tenor (I. G.) Shadingfield bell (I. G.) 1612. Eleigh, Brent, tenor (I. G.) 1614. Denham, S. John Baptist, bell (I. D.) Friston, treble (I. D.) „ Stowlangtoft, second (I. D.) * Tyssen's C. B. of Sussex, p. 36. Stahlschmidt's C. B. of Kent, p. 92. no THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 1 6 14. Thcberton, treble and second {\' G. I. D.) Worlington, third {\. G. I. D.) 1615. Wickham Skeith, third (I. G. I. D.) B. B. with them, and a host of parochial initials, 1618. Greeting, S. Peter, tenor. Naughton bell. Semer, tenor. ( John Driver died this year, teste registro, in S. Mary's parish, j " Sep. 1618. John Driver belfounder, Nov. 21st." These last-named three bells bear his name, (save that at Semer, which omits DI\IVGI\YS,) and the initials of Cheese. In 1619, July 17, Arthur Hindes, bell-founder, was buried ) at S. James's, Bury. He has left no works behind him. J 1621. Semer, treble (T. C.) 1622. Hargrave, treble (T. G. I. G.) 1623. Brettenham, second (T. C, I. G.) 1629. Thorpe Morieux, second (T. G.) 1630. Bradfield Combust, tenor (T. C) 1632. Thorpe Morieux, treble (T-. G.) Pressed hard by the Brends on the North-east, and John Draper of Thetford, who had an agent, Andrew Girne, at Bury on the North-west, with Stamford men at work in Cambridge- shire, and the great reputation of Miles Grayc all round, it is no wonder that these small Bury men did but little. I remember the old Worlington third, which was cracked at the lip. Paro- chial ingenuity sawed out the cracked part, the metal showing clean and strong, but somewhat pale. It used to sound just like a piece of wood. Cheese, who seems to have been the survivor of the three, died in 1635, leaving "Thomas Andrews" — perhaps the Thomas Andrew, bell-founder, lately mentioned — the supervisor of his will. He appears to have contemplated the possible re-marriage of his wife IMary, and while making all provision for her during her life, settles small sums of money on his daughters Mary and Elizabeth, and his son Thomas, who takes the reversion of the parlour furniture, the greatest kettle, and the greatest brass pot. The See of Norwich was vacant at this time through the death of Bishop Corbet, and the will was JOHN DRAPER OF THETFORD. Ill proved before John Jewell, Surrogate of Thomas Eden, LL.D., Archbishop Laud's Commissary, which Surrogate was one of the witnesses to the will. Whatever came from Andrew Gerne we shall now consider under the works of his master, John Draper, third son of Thomas Draper the elder, and for more than forty years a bell- founder in Thetford. His earliest date is 1600, and he died in 1644. The following list gives his Suffolk bells : — 1600. Honington, tenor. In this year in conjunction with his mother, Margaret, he gave a bond to the churchwardens of North Lopham, for the recast- ing of their second bell, which was again recast in 1733. This was on the 29th of August. He had by himself given a bond on the 19th of February of that year to the churchwardens of Lakenheath for the recasting of their tenor, to which his brother Thomas was a witness. This bell was again recast in 1676. Others since recast are in italics : — 1603. Thelnetham, fourth. This bell, like some others in East Anglia, bears the crown and clipped arrows (fig. 83), used by Thomas Draper the elder, and to my mind denoting a past connection with Bury. 1605. Horham, fifth. 1606. Braiscworth bell. In this year he was casting at Wells, May 22nd, " divers of the neighbours of the towne and Beeston- next-Mileham accompanyinge them thither merily together."* 1608. Ampton, treble, „ Barton Mills, second, „ Icklingham, All Saints, tenor, 1609. Knettishall, tenor, 161 5. Thetford, S. Mary, second, 1616. Elmswell, tenor, 16 1 7. Risby, second, 1619. Barton, Great, second, fourth, and tenor, „ Newmarket, S. Mary, treble and fourth, 1620. Chevington, treble, * L'Estrange C. B. of Norfolk, p. 99. 112 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 1621. Hinderclay, fourth (I. O- and A. G.), „ Thurlow, Great, treble, second, third, and fourth, „ Bcrgholt, East, tenor (I. D. and A. G.), 1623. Barnham, S. Gregory, tenor, „ Exning, treble, second, third, and fourth, „ Fornham, All Saints, treble and second, „ Freckenham, second and third, 1624. Burgate, third, „ Fornham, All Saints, tenor, 1625. Lidgate, treble, second, and fourth (I. O. and A. G.), 1626. Hopton, All Saints, tenor, „ Pakenham, second, „ Timworth, tenor, 1627. Beyton bell, „ Combs, fourth, „ Cotton, third, „ Dalham, second and third, „ Sturston, second, „ Wickham Skeith, tenor, 1628. Knettishall, tenor, „ Sapiston, treble, 1629. Hopton, All Saints, second, „ Stow, West, third and fourth, 1630. Badwcll Ash, treble, second, and fourth, „ Hopton, All Saints, third, fourth, and fifth (these were the second, third, and fourth to complete a ring of five), „ Rickinghall Inferior, second, „ Thurston, treble and second (I. D. and A. G.), 163 1. Ashfield, Great, third, „ Stow, West, second and tenor, „ Stowlangtoft, treble, 1632. Buxhall, treble and second, 1635. Buxhall, third, „ Worlington, second, 1636. Wetheringsett, second, „ Rushbrooke, second. This alone by Andrew Gerne, without John Draper's name. WILLIAM AND JOHN BREND. II3 This list is almost exclusively from West Suffolk, and East Suffolk during the same period is largely supplied by Norwich, which may be explained by relationship, for as he speaks in his will of John Brend* of Norwich, as his brother, he presumably married a Brend, no daughter being mentioned in the will of his father, Thomas Draper, A little " ring " was thus formed by the brothers-in-law, which kept out Miles Graye of Colchester from the north of the county, and led to a " mighty pretty quarrel " at Wickham Market, the traces of which yet remain. An observation of the dates will show that John Draper's Suffolk business arose mainly from the collapse of the Bury foundry. As with his death bell-founding died out at Thetford, we will turn to his Norwich relatives, and take up the bells made by William Brend, or his son John, or both, during the first half of the seventeenth century. 1602. Wingfield, fifth, 1603. Elmham, South, All Saints, bell, 1606. Brundish, treble, „ Wilby, second and third, 1608. Carlton Colville, treble, „ Worlingham, third, 1609. Saxmundham, second, 1 6 10. Briiisyard, second, „ Elmham, South, S. George's, second, „ Ringsfield, second, 1611. Halesworth, seventh, „ Herringfleet, second, 161 2. Brampton, second, third, and fourth, „ Mendlesham, treble, „ Mettingham, treble, 161 3. Wickham Market, tenor, „ Wingfield, third, fourth, and tenor, 161 5. Campsey Ash, treble, „ Marlingford, second and third, „ Mutford, second, * L'Estrange's C. B. of Norjolk, p. 47, note. 114 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 1616. Covchithc, second, „ Westhall, treble and fourth, 1 61 7. Kessingland, treble, 1618. Cratfield, treble and fifth, „ Oulton, third, fourth, and tenor, „ Pakefield, second, 1619. Homersfield, treble, „ Ilketshall, S. Laurence, two bells, 1620. Hollesley, treble and tenor, 1621. Bramfield, treble and second, „ Pakefield, tenor, 1622. Aldeburgh, third, Bawdsey bell, Benacre bell, Bradfield, second, Framlingham, seventh, Ilketshall, S. Andmv, treble, second, and third (melted in the fire of 1889), Knoddishall bell. Rend ham, fourth, Worlingham, treble, 1623. Mendham, fifth, 1624. Badingham, second, third and tenor, „ Rumburgh, treble, second, and fourth, „ Wangford, S. Peter, treble, 1625. „ „ fifth, 1626. Cor ton bell, „ Covehithe, third, „ Westhall, tenor, 1627. Bury, S. Mary, fourth, „ Elmham, South, S. Margaret, fourth, „ Gisleham, treble and second, „ Halesvvorth, fifth and tenor, 1628. Cove, North, fourth, ,, Bennington, fourth, „ Mendham, third, 1630. Badingham, treble. NORWICH CITY ARMS. 115 163 1. Farnham, second, 1634. Carlton Colville, third, fourth, and tenor (in this year William Brend died), 1636. Mutford, third, 1637. Carlton Colville, second, 1639. Benhall, fourth, „ Frostenden, second, 1640. Chediston, second, „ Shipmeadow bell, and lastly, in all probability the second, at Metfield, made in 1647. To these may be added the smaller of the two bells at Withersdale, bearing simply the initials "W. B. Let the judicious reader compare the blank years in this list with those in the others of the same period, and he will not fail to note the results of the occupation of the " Associated Counties " by the Earl of Manchester. The commission was accepted by the Earl, August loth, 1643, William Brend's wife's name was Alice, and the monogram of the two, A B with a W below, is very common on his bells. Fig. £6. ii6 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. He often uses also the Norwich ermine shield (fig. 50) and the arms of the city (fig. 86). He died in 1634, leaving his posses- sions to his wife and his son John, who received respectively a silver spoon and a hammer at the signing of the will.* Much of the later work seems to have been done by John, whose name alone occurs as founder in the Bennington Parish book in 1628, "ould Brend " being restricted to the hanging business. I do not regard John Draper or these Brends as very uniform in their work. With some excellent bells there are many of an inferior quality. The Thetford bells are apt to be weak, and the Norwich bells harsh. And now comes the record of their great rival. Miles Graye, of Colchester. The general idea is that he learned his business under Richard Bowler, and the slight overlapping of date need not trouble us. There is a great similarity in the strong Roman lettering often used by both, but Bowler's rough cross goes out, and several marks are occasionally used, of which one found at Stradbroke and elsewhere (fig. Sy) may serve as a specimen. The name is Fig. 87. almost invariably given in full and in English. When he ven- tures into Latin he appears, like the half-Romanized Celts, to have confounded the subject with the object, varying between " Milo " and " Milonem " Graye me fecit. However defective his grammar may have been, he was a L'Estrange'o C. B. of A^orfolk, pp. 36, 37. "COLCHESTER GRAVE." 1 17 prince among workmen. Of the eighty bells and more in Suffolk which yet bear his name most are of excellent quality, and several are said to equal in grandeur of tone that which ringers consider his masterpiece, the celebrated Lavenham tenor. There arc a few of his bells in Norfolk, the bulk of those at Swaffham, etc., some seventeen in Cambridgeshire, one in Sussex (Chiddingly, treble), a good sprinkling in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire, and of course very many in Essex. His most distant work is the tenor at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, which he cast at Colchester in i6 15, said in ArcJicsologia yEliatia* to be his earliest date. However, Suffolk can find earlier. Here is the catalogue : — 1605. Ipswich, S. Matthew, fourth, 1607. „ S. Mary-le-Tower, seventh, 1608. Thrandeston, third, 1610. Ipswich, S. Mary-le-Tower, eleventh, the old tenor, a very fine bell, „ Soham, Earl, treble, „ Woolverstone bell, 161 1. Harkstead, third and fourth, „ Wickhambrook, fourth, 161 3. Ipswich, S. Mary-at-Elms, third, „ „ S. Mary-at-Quay, fourth, „ Kenton, treble, „ Stradbroke, fourth, 1614. Copdock, treble and second, 161 5. Ashbocking, treble, „ Copdock, third, „ Ipswich, S. Mary Stoke, second, Wilby, fifth, 161 7. Stonham, Little, third, 16 1 8. Bromeswell, treble, „ Melton, treble, „ Nettlestead bell, 1619. Combs, third, 162 1. Chattisham bell, • New Seiies IT., 19. Il8 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 1621. Ipswich, S. Helen, treble, „ Newbournc bell, 1622. Stradbroke, fifth, a good bell, „ Stowmarkct, tenor, a very fine bell, „ Wherstead, second, 1623. Bucklesham bell, 1624. Capel, S. Mary, fourth, 1625. Lavenham, tenor, already mentioned, „ Nacton, treble, 1626. Bealings, Great, treble and second, „ Somersham, second, 1627. Felixstowe bell, 1628. Hasketon, five bells, ^/le second recast in 1825, 1629. Shelley, second, 1630. Ipswich, S. Margaret, six bells, „ „ S. Nicholas, second, „ „ S. Peter, sixth, » „ S. Stephen, third, „ Kenton, second, 163 1. Martlesham, tenor, „ Soham, Monk, treble, 1632. Bramford, five bells, a treble added in 1805, 1636. Baylham, second, third, and fourth, 1637. Bedfield, treble, „ Brandeston, third, „ Eleigh, Monks, third, „ Hollesley, treble, „ Monewden, second, (In this year he was at Saffron Walden, where he made a bell for Ickleford, Herts, since recast.) 1638. Eleigh, Monks, second and fourth, „ Felsham, second and fourth, „ Kersey, tenor (" Colchester Graye ") „ Winston, third and fifth, 1639. Felsham, tenor, „ Orford, treble, 1640. Clare, third, THE SIEGE OF COLCHESTER. II9 1640. Edvvardstone, third, „ Eye, sixth and tenor, very good, „ Preston, fourth, 1641. Culpho bell, „ Edvvardstone, fourth, „ Parham, second, „ Sudbury, S. Peter, seventh, „ Wickhambrook, treble, 1646. Stradishall, fourth, Also Barnardiston treble and second, the dates of which I have not. This list is the most important by far which has yet been recorded, for sequences as well as for weight of bells. Especially the work of the years 1610, 1622, 1625, 1640, and 1641 deserves to be remarked. The break of Suffolk work after 164.1 is again suggestive, and business was equally slack for him elsewhere at the same time. But worse misfortunes than slackness of busi- ness were in store for this great founder. Those that blow up the flame of partisanship in matters of religion and politics may well ponder the lessons taught by these " portions and parcels of the dreadful past" which come under our notice, and be content to let what is valuable in their principles work itself naturally to the front. There are no signs of a Millennium, either Anglican or Puritan, at Colchester in the summer of 1648. The Cavaliers of Kent, Hertfordshire, and Essex entered the town, and Fairfax let them " stew in their own juice," not adopting, however, this course till he had failed in an attack upon Headgate. In this attack Miles Graye's " capitall messu- age or tenement... scituate and being below Headgate in Col- chester" was burned down, as we find from his will, and he himself having endured the horrors of the siege, " set his house in order" on the seventeenth day of May, 1649, "weak in body and erased with age, but yet in p'fect mind and memory," and was dead in a month. There is a not unusual gap in the Register of Burials at S. Mary-at-Walls, Colchester from 1642 to 1653, another phenomenon which may be pondered by admirers of Cromwell and the Puritans. But we note the 120 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. baptisms of Christopher* the son of Myles Gray and Jane his wife, 29th January, 1625, and that of Myles, son of Myles Graye and his wife, 19th September, 1628, and " Moyles " Gray certifies the Register at this time as Church- warden. Old Miles's second wife was named Dorothy, and he left her nearly everything. Christopher's name does not appear in the will. Miles and the daughters Ann Darbye and Mary Starlinge are cut off, severally, with a shilling, but James gets the remainder of some leasehold property " to him and to his heyres for ever." The registers of Colchester Holy Trinity, S. Botolph's, and S. Leonard's, and of Stanway give us no information worth recording about either Bowlers or Grayes ; but in 1656 Margaret Graye was imprisoned in Colchester Castle, as a Quaker, for declaring the truth in " Peter's Steeple House." It would be curious if she were a member of this family. The Puritan liberty of opinion, whether for prophetic or other pur- poses, was strictly confined to themselves. " New Presbyter is but Old Priest writ large," and when the Independents came in, it was the old song again to a fresh tune. Quakcx's were clearly out of it, but if George P"ox had got the upper hand he would most likely have taken to coercion like the rest. About this time the names of John Hardy and Abraham Greene, of Bury S. Edmund's, bell-founders, brothers-in-law, appear among the Bury wills, but no bells from either are known to exist. The former, who died in January, 1657, left his house, which he had lately purchased of Simon Wray, baker, " adjoin- ing to a certaine gate then called Risby Gate," to his widow Mary for her life, then to go to John, the son of his brother-in- law John Bixby of " Thorpe Morioux." Abraham Greene, who had married Hardy's sister Joan, is probably identical with the Abraham Greene of Lindsey, who died in 1662, leaving every^ thing to his sister, Prudence Dyer.f The ten years from 1650 are of course not very productive of • This, I think must be Christopher Graye the bell-founder ; but there is in the Register another Christopher, son of Edward, born 1618. t Lib. Heron, 7. THE COMMONWEALTH. 121 bells. The younger Miles Graye cast the Brantham bell in 165 1, and the five for Stansfield in the following year, quite a phenomenon, which the parochial history may explain. John Brend breaks ground in 1654 with the Thrandeston treble, following on with two fives, for Blaxhall and Yoxford, splicing in a medieval at Darsham as a third in a ring of four. But in 1657 he evidently regarded himself as having made a great hit. This was at Wickham Market, where the treble and second bear his name, the latter thus girding at the memory of the late man of Colchester : — = The monument of Graie Is past awaie. In place thereof doth stand The name of John Brend. South Elmham S. Margaret's upper three belong to the same }'ear and man, Bures fourth and Horham fourth to 1658. About that time Miles Graye the younger made the Aldeburgh tenor ; also the Chilton bell, the old second at Newton-next- Sudbury, the second at Acton, the second and third at Glems- ford, and the treble at Great Thurlow, all pretty much in the same neighbourhood. The bell at Brightwell (1657) bearing the name of the parish is probably John Hodson's. John Barbie's star now rises on the horizon, but he must be reserved for a complete list. To do justice to the Puritan regime there seems to have been little or no bell spoliation ; and though Bunyan regarded his own ringing of bells as a sin, there is nevertheless a charming allusion to their sweet voices, when he describes the entrance of Christian into the Celestial City. Milton's magnificent lines : — " Oft on a plot of rising ground I hear the far-off Curfew sound, Over some wide-watered shore, Swinging slow with sullen roar," belong to his earlier career, with " Or let the merry bells ring round, And the jocund rebecks sound To many a youth and many a maid Dancing in the chequered shade." 122 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. Whether he changed his mind about all this we know not, but we know that it would have been summarily put down in the cheerful days of the Major-generals. One compulsory peal in 1650 is recorded in my CliurcJi Bells of Cambridgeshire* and it is worth rehearsing here, as displaying the wariness of the parish authorities of S. Mary-the-Great, Cambridge, in whose book is this entr}- : — " 1650. Paid to Persyvall Sekole the clarke for the ringers, by mi order from the Maior, on 30 Jan.,-|- being a day of thanks- giving o . 2.0." The latter part of the seventeenth century was a mighty time for bells, and for several reasons we shall lead it off with John Barbie's list, as for some time he was working at Ipswich, some of his bells being of excellent tone, and the earliest eight in Suffolk, Horham, mainly coming from his hand. In 1657 he cast the fourth at Rodmersham, Kent. This is his earliest date The Suffolkers run thus : — 1658. Henley, second, „ Horham, fourth, „ Sproughton, treble, second, and fourth, ., Woolpit, fourth and fifth, 1659. Barking, treble and second, 1660. Blakenham, Little, treble and second, „ Wetheringsett, treble, „ Witnesham, second, fourth, fifth, and tenor, 1 66 1. Hartest, five bells, „ Holbrook, fourth, „ Rougham, treble and second, „ Soham, Monk, fifth, Tattingstone, first three, 1662. Barrow, treble, fourth, and tenor, „ Combs, treble, „ Haverhill, third, „ Ipswich, S. Mary-at-Ouay, second, third, and tenor, „ Nacton, second, * p. 108. t The anniversary of the execution of Charles I JOHN DARBIE OF IPSWICH. 1 23 1662. Somersham, treble, „ Sudbury, S. Peter, second, „ Winston, treble and second, 1663. Burgh Castle, tenor, „ Chelmondiston bell, Higham, fourth, . Horham, sixth and seventh, „ Kettlebaston, treble, ,, Newton, Old, treble, third, and fourth, „ Shelley, treble, „ Soham, Earl, third and tenor, ,, Wickhambrook, tenor, 1664. Barnham, S. Gregory, treble, „ Belstead bell, Belton bell, „ Elvedon bell, Thetford, S. Mary, fifth, 1665. Grundisburgh, second and fourth, remains of a com- plete five, „ Ixworth, second and third, 1666. Battisford bell, „ Bennington, tenor, 25 cvvt. (?), very fine, ,, Falkenham, treble and second, 1667. Offton, fourth, „ Thorndon, second, third, fourth, and fifth, 1668. Brampton, treble, ,, Southvvold, fourth and fifth, „ Wangford, S. Peter, third, 1669. Haverhill, treble, „ Ipswich, S. Mary-at-Elms, treble, third, and tenor, „ Mendlesham, fourth, 1670. Sibton, second (he was rather busy in Norfolk and Cambridgeshire this year), 1671. Gislingham, fifth and tenor, very good, Ipswich, S. Mary-le-Tower, eighth and tenth, „ Thorndon, tenor (these are among his best bells), 1672. Stowmarket, seventh, 124 1'HE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 1672. Wick ham Market, third, 1673. Kcdington, second, third, fourth, and tenor, 1674. Holton, S. Mary, second, „ Leiston, fifth, Stow, West, fifth, „ Sudbourne bell, 1675. Higham, S. Mary, second and tenor, „ Rushmere, S. Andrew, treble and second, „ Timworth, treble and second, ,, Tuddenham, S. Mary, tenor, 1676. Cavenham, second and tenor, „ Claydon bell, „ Groton bell, „ Hoxne, treble, „ Lakcnheath, tenor, „ Mildenhall, third (cast for a treble, a singularly fine bell), „ Syleham, treble, 1677. Bealings, Little, treble, „ Copdock, fourth, ,, Elmswell, fourth, „ Hintlesham, treble, „ Southolt bell, 1678. Akenham bell, „ Hintlesham, second, third, and fourth, Rougham, fourth, „ Saxstead bell, „ West hall, second, 16'jg. Boyton bell, „ • Orford, third and fourth, „ Ramsholt bell, 1680. Ipswich, S. Clement, six bells, „ Stanton, S. John-the-Baptist, treble, second, and fourth (in this year he cast the tenor at Isleham, Cambridgeshire, a magnificent bell, said to weigh 25 cwt.), 168 L Kelsale, third and tenor. A POSSIBLE MARRIAGE, 125 1 68 1. Sibton, treble, 1682. Ipswich, S. Peter, treble, „ Ixworth, treble, 1683. Barham, treble, „ Capel, S. Mary, third, „ Hacheston, second and fourth, „ Ipswich, S. Peter, fourth, „ Stradbroke, seventh, 1685. Haverliilt, teUor, „ Tuddenham, S. Martin, treble, „ Wattisfield, treble, second, third, and tenor, „ Yoxford, fifth, 1686. Shotley bell, Ufford, third, 1 69 1. Stowmarket, third. This catalogue far exceeds that of Miles Graye the elder, whose daughter Ann I suspect that he married. CHAPTER VIII. Dick Whittington — Call-changes — Early peals — The " Twenty all over," or " Christmas Eve " — 7,360 Oxford Treble Bob at Bungay, in 1S60. Some day modern critics will be down on the story of Dick Whittington, While as yet we are free from their " triumphant results," let us receive it, as it is fit. The first of his three Lord Mayoralties was in 1397 ; and it must have been in the reign of Edward IIL that he heard the Bow bells calling to him, sup- posing the peal to have been in G : — Turn a - gain, Whit -ting -ton. Thrice Lord Mayor of Lon-don. At any rate this sequence is that which all have known as "Whittington" by tradition, and the tale is natural enough. It is an excellent specimen of what is termed a " call-change." Before bell-machinery had reached its present development, and while most bells only swung to and fro in chiming, it was impossible to change the sequence at every round. So after thirty or forty rounds of one change, the caller would give the signal for another, just as it is done in Sunday chiming at the present day in many a village church. There are very few common subjects on which there are such wild ideas as on bell-ringing. Every Christmas in the illustrated newspapers you see the most grotesque views of ringers plenti- fully exerting themselves in a way which would ensure their own destruction and the ruin of the bell-gear. People think that ringing is a vulgar, low kind of thing, only practised by boors and a few partially-deranged gentlemen, who ouo-ht to be in a GREAT CHANGE-RINGERS. 12/ private lunatic asylum. Did they know anything of the history of the Art, they would find that amongst its votaries have been a nobleman, Lord Brereton ; a great judge, Sir Matthew Hale ; senators, as Sir Symonds d'Ewes ; scholars, as Dawes, and many others, of whose company no honest man need be ashamed. Nor is the nature of change ringing contemptible, for no small mathematical skill is involved in the composition of a peal. These compositions appear to have been unknown till the be- ginning of the seventeenth century, though the allotment of one man to each bell in Udall's Ralph Roister Doisier seems to indicate some system of call-changes. But for a change at every round it was necessary that the mere chiming should be supplanted by a method which should give to the performers a more complete mastery of their instruments ; and that method is what is called '* ringing," where the bell, which was resting mouth upwards, swings completely round and balances mouth upwards again ; a contrivance called the " stay and slide " prevents the bell from falling over, should the balance be dis- turbed. A certain time then, has to elapse between two strokes of the same bell ; and in arranging the sequence of changes it is well to keep the place of any particular bell as near as possible to its place in the preceding change. Thus, if the third bell were sounding fifth in one change, in the next it should be sounding fourth or sixth. The simpler peals which are given by Fabian Stedman in his Tintinnalogia, published in 1667, are recorded by him as having originated fifty or sixty years before his time. His method for treating four-and-twenty changes on four bells amounts to "hunting" the treble only. A bell is said to be "hunted up" as she moves towards the tenor's or last place, and " hunted down " when she moves towards the treble's or first place. By observing the sequence of changes, the treble or first bell being printed in stronger type, this movement will be manifest, while it should be seen that the other bells stay twice in each of the middle places, and thrice in the treble's and tenor's. Each change is called a " single," i.e., a change of place between two bells only, as though the composer had wished to produce as little variety as possible. 128 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. I234 2I34 23I4 234I 324I 32I4 3I24 I324 I342 3I43 34I2 342I. 43 2I 43I2 4I32 I432 I423 4I23 42I3 423I 243I 24I3 2I43 I243 A curious method oq five is inserted by Stedman for antiquity's sake. He calls it the "Twenty all over" ; but I find that it is still well known in Fressingfield by the name of "Christmas Eve." It is extremely simple. First the treble hunts up, while the others change no more than to make room for it. I2345 2I345 23I45 234I5 2345I Now the second does the same thing. 32451 34251 34521 34512 The third now hunts. Now the fourth. 43512 45312 45182 45123 54123 51423 51243 51234 And lastly the tenor, which brings the bells round again. 15234 12534 12354 12345 PLAIN CHANGES ON FIVE. 129 Here every change is a " single." The twenty changes arise, of course, from there being four in each of the five hunts. Another method called " Cambridge Eight-and-Forty " will be found in my Cliurch Bells of Cambridgeshire. But the plaiti changes on five bells are worthy of preservation. 12345 4I235 5I432 5I324 21345 42I35 54I32 53I24 23145 423I5 543I2 532I4 23415 4235I 5432I 5324I 23451 2435I 542 3I 5342I 32451 243I5 542I3 534I2 32415 24I35 54I23 53I42 32145 2I435 5I423 5I342 31245 I2435 I5423 I5342 13245 I2453 I5243 I3542 13425 2I453 5I243 3I542 31425 24I53 52I43 35I42 34125 245I3 524I3 354I2 34215 2453I 5243I 3542I 34251 4253I 2543I 3524I 345 2I 425I3 • 254I3 352I4 345I2 42I53 25I43 35I24 34I52 4I253 2I543 3I524 3I452 I4253 I2543 I3524 I3452 I4523 I2534 I3254 I4352 4I523 2I534 3I254 4I352 45I23 25I34 32I54 43I52 452I3 253I4 325I4 435I2 4523I 2534I 3254I 4325I 4532I 5234I 2354I 4352I 453I2 523I4 235I4 432I5 45I32 52I34 23I54 43I25 4I532 5I234 2I354 4I325 I4532 I5234 I2354 I4325 I4235 I5423 I5324 I2345 If Dr. Burney could assure his readers that the Tlntinnalogia is " not beneath the notice of musicians who wish to explore all the regions of natural melody : as in this little book they will see every possible change in the arrangement of Diatonic sounds, from 2 to 12, which being reduced to musical notes, would, in spite of all which has hitherto been written, point out innumerable passages, that would be new in melody and musical I30 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. composition,"* I may venture to claim at least as high a regard for the modern peals, in which the bells are more freely moved about amongst each other. This method is easily applicable to any number of bells, One of the six bell methods based upon it, the tenor and fifth " hunted down," is called the " Esquire s Tzvclve-score" proving by its name that bell-ringing two centuries ago was a gentle- man's amusement. I do not, however, intend to enlarge further on the subject of change-ringing, on which there are plenty of good treatises, nor to attempt a record of the most remarkable peals rung in the county, this being a work undertaken by Mr. Slater of Glems- ford. However, as I have now the honour to hold the post of President of the Diocesan Society of Change Ringers, it would have been unbecoming in me to pass the subject in silence, nor must I be guilty of ingratitude in forgetting a certain 7,360 of Oxford Treble Bob Major, rung to welcome my bride and myself thirty years ago,-f- when I was Master of Bungay Grammar School, and a member of that Society of Ringers. The band consisted of Benjamin Smith, treble, Benjamin Spilling, fifth, William Sheldrake, second, Jarvis Crickmore, sixth, George Adams, third, Thomas Spalding, seventh, Peter Page, fourth, Captain A. P. Moore, tenor. Of this company, Messrs. Smith and Sheldrake, on the previous Friday, had rung 10,080 of the same method at Reden- hall, taking the treble and third respectively. The second was taken by John Ellis, who was sixty-eight years old at the time. The 7,360 took 4 hours 40 minutes, and the 10,080, 6 hours 25 minutes. * Burney, General History of Music ^ iii., 413. He gives a sprightly "Five Bell Consorte " by John Jenkins, which he traces to Fabian Stedtnan's Tintinnalogia. t Monday, March 26th, i860. CHAPTER IX. Later bells — Robard Gurney of Bury — Christopher Hodson of S. Mary Cray — Miles Graye the younger — A solitary bell of Christopher Graye's at Thrandeston — His difficulties in Cambridgeshire — Is succeeded by Charles Newman, and the foundry taken to Lynn — Thomas Newman at Bracondale and Bury — John Stephens— Sudbury and its founders— Henry Pleasant — Thomas Gardiner — His critic at Edvvardstone — John Goldsmith of Redgrave — Ransomes and Sims — London founders — Newton and Peele — Catlin — The Whitechapel men^Phelps and his record of Dr. Sacheverell at Charsfield — His eight at Bury S. Mary's — Lester — Pack— A failure at Beccles — Chapman —The Mears family — Benefactions of the Suffolk nobility and others — The Warners of Cripplegate — A ship's bell from Stockholm at Lavenheath — John Briant of Exning — The St. Neot's men and their successors — Joseph Eayre — Arnold — The Taylors of Loughborough — Osborn and Dobson of Down- ham Market — Birmingham founders — Blews at Lowestoft — Carr at New- bourne— The Redenhall foundry — Recommendation to Southwold — Jubilee bells at Mildenhall — Conclusion. RoBARD Gurney, of Bury S. Edmund's, a son of the Andrew Gurney already mentioned, first appears in his father's will, dated 1643. He had accommodated his father with the loan of 2 cwt. of metal, which kindness is requited with a legacy of 3 cwt, " with all my tooles and moulds for to worke with all, as to my trade belongeth." In 1649, as I find from a communication from the Rev. A. F. Torry, late fellow and dean of S. John's College, Cambridge, he recast the bells for that college, the cost of recasting, for new metal, and to the Bury carrier being £4 iSs. gd* His earliest existing date is 1652, both in Suffolk and Cambridgeshire (Impington third). The Suffolk list follows : — 1652. Bradley, Little, bell, * In spite of this, the bell still bears the date 1624, and the initials W. I. 132 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 1663. Santon Downham bell, 1664. Stanningfield, treble, 1665. Worlington, second (a very good bell), 1666. Tuddenham, S. Mary, second, 1667. Alpheton, two bells, 1668. Bradfield, S. George, second and third, „ Felsham, treble, „ Poslingford, treble, second, and third, „ Wangford, S. Denis, bell, 1670. Elmswell, treble, 167 1. Tostock, tenor, „ Welnetham, Little, tenor, 1672. Tuddenham, S. Mary, treble, 1673. Onehouse, treble. I consider him as unusually variant in his work. Some of his bells are detestable. ]\Ir. Deedes notices the curiously trun- cated character of their edges. The Andrew Gurney, whose wife's name was Mary, who had a son Robert baptized in 1667, and was a legatee to the extent of £^ by will of his spinster sister Mary, was almost certainly a brother. There was also a sister Alice, who married a Jennings of Wickhambrook, and a kinsman Thomas, Had it not been for Lothingland there would not have been a single bell in the county made by Edward Tookc, of Norwich. As it is there are three : — ■ 1675. Blundeston, the larger of the two, 1676. Oulton, treble, 1677. „ second. His operations lasted from 167 1 to 1679, when he died, and was buried in All Saints' parish. He was the second son of William Tooke, Alderman of Norwich, and Sheriff in 1650. These little bells of his in Suffolk call for no remark. The London founders could hardly get their noses into the county during the heyday of John Darbie. John Hodson cast the Kersey fifth and the Shelley tenor in 1662, and Christopher, his son presumably, the fourth for Ipswich S. Mary-le-Tower and the East Bergholt fourth in 1688, and the Kersey fourth in S. MARY CRAY. I33 the following year. Their bells are more notable for the Stuart coins on them than for specially fine tone. The family, I think, was of Cambridge extraction, the name of Christopher Hodson, gentleman, appearing in the Corporation Lease-book in the year 1589.* The locality of the London foundry is not -known. Christopher was in a kind of partnership with his father for four or five years before 1677, when he removed to S. Mary Cray, when his foundry was " in the High Street, on or about the spot where the blacksmith's forge now stands, under the chestnut tree at the foot of the hill on which the vicarage is built."t No doubt Christopher each day attempted and did something to earn a night's repose, but it could not well have been always at Cray. The situation is too awkward. He probably itinerated, and as he cast Great Tom of Oxford in 1680, it would be worth while seeing whether the Christchurch compoti for that year throw any light on the point. That Great Tom is a poor bell considering its weight, 7 tons 12 cwt. . I return to Miles Graye the younger, whom we have already seen at Brantham and Stansfield. He was in Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire from 1653 to 1656. These are also from him : — 1656. Cockfield, third, 1658. Chilton bell, „ Neivt07i-next- Sudbury, second, 1659. Acton, second, „ Glemsford, second and third, 1660. Thurlow, Great, treble, 1661. Clare, fifth, 1662. Stanstead, third and fourth, 1663. Acton, third, „ Edwardstone, fifth, 1664. Cornard, Great, third, „ Newton-next-Sudbury, fifth, „ Wiston, second, (He is in Cambridgeshire for the next three years.) * Church Bells of Cambridgeshire, p. 88. t Stahlschmidt's Chtwch Bells of Kent, p. 97. 134 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 1671. Assington, treble, 1672. Melford, Long, S. Catherine's Mission Room bell, which used to hang on the tower of the Parish Church, 1678. Hadleigh, treble and second, 1679. „ third, 1680. „ tenor, a fine bell, estimated to weigh 28 cwt., 1681. Somerton, third, 1683. Bildeston, third, „ Hawkedon, five, the fourth since recast, 1684. Stutton, first three, 1685. Acton, tenor. Another storm of politics was then raging over England, and some zealous Abhorrer marks the Acton tenor with " God save the King." About the middle of June in the following year, when James's Irish policy was in full bud. Miles Graye died at Colchester, leaving a shilling each to his children Samuel, Francis, Myles, James, Francis and Jane, and the residue to his widow Elizabeth. The gifts of his father had not fully de- scended to him or to his elder brother Christopher, whom we have only at Thrandeston, for which church he cast the fifth in 1678. In my Cambridgeshire book I traced him to Ampthill in 1659. There can be no doubt that in 1677 he was at Ipswich helping John Darbie, for Mr. L'Estrangc* says that the former name is on the third, and the latter on the fourth at East Harling, both dated 1677, while in the churchwardens' accounts the item of 2s. 6d. appear " for writen the Artickells and the bond between John Darby and the Towen," £\ 6s. od. for bell-clappers bought of John Hollwell of Ipswich, and ^^3 6s. od. " payed John Darby in money for tow new bells casting." As no bells of Christopher Graye's are known to bear date 1673, 1674, 1675, 1676, the probability is very strong that all this time he was helping Darbie, and that the Thrandeston tenor was made at Ipswich, like the East Harling third. * Church Bells of A'orfoik. p. 67. AN EMERGENCY. 135 Being at Haddenham in 1683, very likely he was the man about whom the Rev. J. M. Freeman of Haddenham relates the following local story : — " An old inhabitant recalls a tradition of his early youth, some fifty years since, to the effect that there lived a bell-founder in this place in the olden time ; and that on one memorable occasion, when the operation of melting the metal had reached a critical stage, it was found that there was a deficiency in the supply of materials ; a few moments more and the process would he endangered, if not spoilt. Acting at once on the maxim that 'the end justifies the means,' our traditional ' man of metal ' rushed frantically from his foundry and made his way to a neighbouring inn — the present ' Rose and Crown,' so the story goes — making an unceremonious raid upon the establishment, ' whipping up ' the pewter pots and measures, as well as the ordinary vessels available for the purpose. These were hurriedly conveyed home and cast into the furnace in time, let us hope, to meet the exigences of the case. Passing, however, to the present time, I may just add, that in digging for the foundation of the new tower, a cavity was found in the rock, containing cinder ashes, portions of bell- metal and mussel shells, from which circumstances it has been conjectured that the church bells were, for convenience sake, cast on the very spot over which they were destined to hang."* From Haddenham records it is pretty plain that there was some connection between Christopher Graye and Charles Newman, who in 1684 seems to have moved on to Lynn from that village. Some of his bells are very good, and the county contains about thirty of them : — 1686. Glemsford, tenor, „ Hemingstone bell, 1688. Boxford, fourth, 1 69 1 . Redgrave, five bells ^ 1692. Stutton, second, 1693. Clare, tenor, 1695. Wickhambrook, second, * Cambridge Chronicle, February 5th, 1876. 136 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 1696. Bentlcy bell, „ Bnty S. Edmund's, St. Marys, tenor, 1697. Lakcnheath, fourth, „ Livcrmcrc, Little, bell, „ Stradbroke, third, 1698. Buxhall, fourth, „ Lidgatc, third, „ Occold, third, „ Timworth, third, 1699. Bacton, treble, „ Bradfield, S. Clare, tenor, „ Cockfield, third, „ Kettlebaston, second (?), „ Stowmarket, fifth, „ Thurston, fourth, „ Waisham-le-Willo\vs, second and third, 1700. Cockfield, second, „ Erwarton bell, „ Walsham-le-Willo\vs, treble, 170L Hundon, second, „ Thornham, Great, treble, second, and fourth, 1702. Barham, third. This number pretty nearly equals that in Norfolk. There are some eight in Cambridgeshire, and none elsewhere. Comparing the Norfolk work with the Suffolk in 1699, his busiest year, I am inclined to think that he had returned to Lynn, after a ramble into West and South Suffolk. He seems to have made use of water-carriage both by river and sea. The bell at Blakeney was made by him in 1699, and two years afterwards the churchwardens of S, Laurence's, Norwich, fetched their tenor from the same little port, which is hardly possible to have been used as a business centre. Most of the contempora- neous Suffolk bells are within a fair distance of the river Lark ; and Lakenheath Lode would have carried the bell for that parish from the Little Ouse very conveniently. The arabesques on Charles Newman's bells are something like John Barbie's. His wife's christian name was Alice. THOMAS NEWMAN. 1 37 While they were living at Haddenham, in 1682, she bore him a son Thomas, whose Suffolk works we shall have occasion to mention. The wanderings of Thomas Newman were more frequent than extensive. He was born at Haddenham, April 2nd, 1682, and baptized on the 13th of the same month. The presence of Charles Newman's ornament on his earlier bells is to be noted. He began work when he -was only nineteen years of age, his earliest date being 1701. In the following year his head- quarters were at Norwich,* and after a few single casts, he adventured himself on a ring of five at Tunstead, Norfolk, cast- ing them (according to tradition) in the churchyard, with- no remarkable success. Two little fives of his in Cambridgeshire, Cambridge Holy Trinity and Foulmire, cast in 1705 and 1704, are of poor quality. His Suffolk list contains nothing very remarkable, the peculiarity of his bells, in my opinion, being their inability to make themselves heard among their fellows. Here it is : — 1704. Culford bell, „ Walsham-le-Willows, fifth and tenor, 1706. Somerleyton, tenor, 1707. Elmham, South, S. James, second, 171 1. Blythford bell, „ Kessingland, second, „ Rushbrooke, tenor, 1727. Thornham, Little, bell, 1728. Kessingland, third, „ Pakefield, tenor, " at Norwich," 1729. Haverhill, tenor, 1730. Lound, three bells, Lowestoft, S. Margaret, bell, „ Sapiston, second, 1732. Burgh Castle, treble and second, „ Mildenhall, third and fourth, 1733. Bardwell, fourth, * Teste, the bell at Howe, Norfolk. 138 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 1733. Rushbrooke, tenor, 1734. Cowlinge, treble and second, 1735. Ashficld, Great, treble, Kentford, three bells, Lackford bell, Lawshall, five bells, PakenJLam.fonrtJi, "at Bury," Shimpling, first four, 1736. Redgrave, lower five out of six, 1737. Brome, five bells, „ Palgrave, six bells, 1738. Boxstead, second, 1 74 1. Fressingfield, third, fourth, 3.r\d fifth, „ Hcr7'ingswell, treble, „ Rickinghall Superior, tenor, 1742. Wingfield, treble, 1744. Mildenhall Clock bell (a good bell), 1745. Ashfield, Great, second, „ Wrentham, fourth, In 17 19, in conjunction with Thomas Gardiner, he cast the tenor for Newmarket S. Mary. One thing is to be noticed in his favour, that where he cast once, he very often cast again. Between 171 1 and 1727 he was very busy in Norfolk, and after- wards in Cambridgeshire, Cambridge being his headquarters in 1724, when he cast the tenor for Berden, Essex, and in the following year when he received money for the " brasses " (sockets for the gudgeons to turn in) for S.- Benedict's, Cam- bridge. But a reference to the foregoing list will show that before long he was back in Norwich, his foundry occupying the spot in " Brakindel," where now the "Richmond Hill" public- house stands. All the 1735 bells were doubtless cast at Bury. He was of a poetical turn, no " mute inglorious Milton." As early as 1706 his genius burst forth at Worstead in " I tell all that doth me see, That Newman in Brakindel did new cast mee." In 1707 he married Susan Aspland of Haddenham, who BRACONDALE. ' 139 seems to have survived him, for the entry of his burial in S. John Sepulchre, April 20th, 1745, describes him as a married man. But neither family cares nor business trials could quench his light, which culminated in a lambent flame in 1732, when " Thomas Newman cast me new In 1732 (tew)," occurs at Burgh Castle, Mildenhall, and Winfarthing, Metaphor as well as rhyme occurs at Great Ashfield — " Pull on, brave boys, I am metal to the back- bone, but will be hanged before I crack.'' During his absence from Suffolk the Bracondale foundry was occupied by John Stephens, a very fair workman, from whom we have some twenty bells : — 17 1 8. Burgh, S. Botolph, five bells (a treble afterwards added), „ Framlingham, treble and second to complete the octave. This seems to have been the second or third eight in Suffolk, Bungay S. Mary trebles to the old eight bearing the same date. 1720. Bealings, Great, second, „ Framlingham, third, 1 72 1. Eye, treble, second, and third. This seems to have been the third eight in Suffolk. Hawkendon, fourth, T tins tall, six bells, Wangford, S. Peter, fourth, 1722. Mettingham, second, 1723. Thorpe-by-Ixworth bell, „ Mildenhall, tenor, 1724. Hessett, five bells (the fourth since recast), 1726. Ringsfield, treble, 1727. Bergholt, East, tenor (a fine bell), This was about his last work. His burial at S. John Sepulchre was on October 12th of that year, "widower." After 140 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. his death the Rraconclalc foundry was occupied for a short time by Thomas Gardiner, of whom we shall speak presently, and with whom the long chronicle of Norwich founding ends. Gardiner forms a good connecting link between Norwich and Sudbury, to which latter town we will now turn, when Henry Pleasant, another poetaster, was at work, taking in the district the place of the younger Miles Graye. His list follows : — 1691. Peasenhall, second, 1692. Barnardiston, fourth, 1694. Orford, second, „ Sibton, tenor, 1695. Bradfield, S. George, treble, „ Drinkstone, tenor, „ Welnetham, Great, bell, 1696. Drinkstone, second and fourth, tJiird and fifth, „ Hawstead, second and third, 1697. Hitcham, fourth, 1698. Nayland, second, 1699. Stoke- by-Nayland, fifth, 1700. Offton, second and fifth, 1701. Euston, first three, „ Sudbury, All Saints, third, „ Westhorpe, first two, 1702. HaiigJiley, treble, „ Lavenham, third and seventh, „ Preston, fifth, 1703. Lavenham, fifth, „ Wetherden, tenor, 1704. Preston, tenor, 1706. Eyke, second, „ ' Framsdcn, tenor, „ Ipswich, S. Nicholas, five bells, save the second, „ Stonham, East, treble, ,, Stutton, third, 1707. Cornard, Little, second and third; and Brettenham treble, undated. He was evidently proud of his name, and in the last year of his life celebrated it thus at Maldon : — PLEASANT POETRY. I4I " When three this steeple long did hold, We were the emblems of a scold. No music then, but we shall see What Pleasant music six will be." At Thetford S. Cuthbert's he simply records : — " Henry Pleasant did me run In the year 1701." and with sublime idiom at Ipswich S. Nicholas : — " Henry Pleasant have at last Made as good as can be cast." Mr. L'Estrange* quotes a writer in the Bury and Norwich Post, probably the late Rev. Dr. Badham of Sudbury, to the effect that Pleasant succeeded the Grayes at Colchester about 1686, and afterwards removed his foundry to Sudbury. He also speaks of Pleasant as casting at Bracondale about 1705, and that he was in some way acting with Charles Newman about that time appears from the fact that while two bells at Blickling, dated 1703, bear the name of the latter, three years afterwards the parish recovered three pounds of the former. His English will not allow of his being considered the author of the not faultless hexameter on the tenor at Ipswich S. Nicholas : — " Marlburio duce castra cano vastata inimicis," which records that great general's victory over Villeroy at Ramilies. He left behind him a widow, Milicent, to whom letters of administration were granted February 12th, 1708. John Thornton, whose bells generally please me, followed him, casting in 1708, Cornard, Great, treble, second, and tenor, 17 1 2, Cornard, Little, bell, „ TJiiirloiv, Great, fourth, (both these in conjunction with John Waylett,) 17 16, Acton, treble, * Church Bells of Norfolk, p. 67. 142 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 1718, Boxford, tenor (his most important work), „ Burstall, three bells, „ Withersficld, fourth, 1 7 19, Wiston, tenor, 1720, Hundon, tenor. There are also nice tenors of his at Chevcley and West Wickham, and a neat little five at Newmarket All Saints, all given in my Cambridgeshire book, and three bells in Norfolk, at Pulham S. Mary-the-Virgin, and Shropham. Otherwise he is not found but in Suffolk and Essex, His "infrequent partner," Waylett, however, is known in Sussex (17 15-1724), Hertfordshire (1716), Kent (17 17-1727), and Surrey (17 18). Some of Waylett's work in the South was done for Samuel Knight of Reading. He appears to have been a good, though rough workman, but he hardly belongs to us, and we will pass to the last Sudbury founder, who has been already mentioned, Thomas Gardiner. He started just after Thornton, his earliest date being 1709, when like others of the craft, his first efforts were not fully appreciated. Edwardstone was the earliest scene of his labours, where he was entrusted with splicing in three Miles Grayes (two of the elder and one of the younger) as third, fourth, and fifth in a ring of six. No fault apparently was found with his treble ; but a local genius, one William Culpeck, otherwise to fame unknown, disagreed with him about the note of the second, designated him as a " want-wit," then no uncom- mon term of reproach, as we know from the Pilgriins Progress, and humbled him by compelling him to cast on that bell these words, "Tvned by W'"- Culpeck, 1710." But a quarrel with a founder is like a quarrel with a newspaper editor, and Gardiner had his revenge of the last word on casting the tenor, which he inscribed : — " About ty second Cvlpeck is wrett Becavse the fovnder wanted wett Thair jvdgments were bvt bad at last Or elce this bell I never had cast. Tho. Gardiner." Etymologically this' is valuable, " ty " being the representative AN ALLEGED WANT-WIT. 1 43 of "the," well-known to all who talk the beloved East Anglian tongue, and " wett " for " wit," shows the local pronunciation at the beginning of the eighteenth century. At Ickworth he writes — " Tho. Gardiner he me did cast, I'll sing his praise unto the last," but otherwise he is plain enough, save that he sometimes puts on his bells impressions of coins, as at Pakefield, where I found those of a coin of John V. of Portugal, dated 1745, and a half- penny of our George II., and uses a small cross reduced from a mediaeval one at S. Giles's, Norwich. His Suffolk list is a long one : — 1709. 1710. Edwardstone, treble, second, and tenor, 1 7 10. Badingham, fourth, 171 1. Ickworth bell, 1712. Weston, Market, treble, 17 1 3. Rendlesham, second, „ Snape, tenor, 1 7 14. Boxford, treble, „ Campsey Ash, second, . „ Hemley bell, „ Rendlesham, treble, Waldringfield bell, „ Wenham, Little, bell, „ Wrentham, third, 1715. Bredfield, third, „ Mickfield, tenor, 1 7 16. Hinderclay, second, „ Kersey, treble, second, and clock bell, „ Sternfield, third, „ Sweffling, tenor, 1 7 17. Witnesham, tenor, 17 1 8. Bildeston, tenor, „ Chediston, treble, ,, Sweffling, third, Wissett, second, third, and tenor (at Benhall), 1 7 19. Wattisham, treble. 144 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. I7I9. Wyverstone, second, 1720. Huntingfield, five (the treble recast), )) Knettishall, treble, I72I. Lidgatc, tenor. 1722. Barningham, tenor, >» Glemham, Great, second. » Harkstead, third, fourth, and tenor, >> Hintlesham, fourth. »' Holbrook, tenor, ., Huntingfield, treble. 1723- Wrentham, treble, 1725- Poslingford, fourth, >1 Stoke-by-Nayland, treble. >> Thetford, S. Mary, fourth, » Weston, Market, tenor, 1726. Clare, clock bell, „ Greeting, S. Peter, bell, 1) Elmsett, treble. )> Hepworth, first three, ,, Hundon, third. 1727. Greeting, S. Mary, bell, » Stonham, Earl, second, 1728. Falkenham, third and fourth, » Rumburgh, third. 1729. Gampsey Ash, third, >1 Thelnetham, tenor. 1730. Euston, fourth, 1731- Barton, Great, treble, » Easton, treble, 1732. Burgate, tenor. » Ipswich, S. Mary-at-Quay, treble, 1733. Ipswich, S. Peter, second, 1734- Hinderclay, fifth. 1735- Barnham, S. Gregory, second and tenor, >» Ipswich, S. Peter, fifth, >) Ofifton, treble. 1737- Winston, fourth. GOLDSMITH OF REDGRAVE. I45 1739. Orford, tenor, 1740. Alderton bell, „ VVesthorpe, third, 1743. Eriswell, tenor, „ Kedington, second, „ Stradishall, treble, 1744. Hitcham, tenor, „ Preston, fourth, 1745. Stratford, S. Mary, second (in this year he removed to Norwich), 1746. Burgate, treble and second, 1747. Acton, fourth (surely from Sudbury), 1748. Mendham, treble, second, fourth, and tenor, 1749. Pakefield, treble, 1750. Cove, North, treble and second, 175 1. Mildenhall, tenor (" Norwich," a fine bell), „ Ipswich, Holy Trinity, bell, 1754. Boxford, third „ Glemsford, fourth „ Rattlesden, first four 1755. Dalham, treble His latest known date is 1759, on two bells at Danbury, Essex. The writer in the Bury Post, already quoted, says that the Hospitallers' Yard, near Ballingdon Bridge, and Curds or Silkweaver's Lane were successively the sites of foundries. This is all that can be said about Gardiner, save that in poetry Dr. Johnson would have called him a " barren rascal," for he uses the same jingle in 1754 as at Ickworth in 1711. And now comes a man of some little local interest, John Goldsmith of Redgrave, no poet, but fortunately a preserver of ancient dedi- cations, his bells being frequently inscribed " Maria," " Gabriel," etc. In tone his bells are rather sweet than powerful. About twenty of them remain in Norfolk and Suffolk, and none in any other county. I append a complete list, with N. before those from Norfolk. 1702. Badley, second, Jl/ar/a. „ „ third, Margaret. T (all of these two years at Sudbury). 146 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. N. 1707. Frenze bell. N. 1708. Pulham, S. Mary-the-Virgin, fifth, Margaret 1 7 10. Darmsden bell, JSIaria. 171 1. Hoxnc, third, Gabriel. „ Oakley, Great, treble, Margaret. „ second and fifth, N. 171 1. ShimpHng, third (split). „ Thetford, S. Mary, tenor, Maria. N. „ Terrington, S. Clement, second, Maria. 1712. Rickinghall Superior, second, third, fourth, and fifth (very small). N. „ Ellingham, Little, bell, N. „ Rushall bell. N. „ Thorpe Abbot's, second. 17 1 3. Wilby, treble. We know from Tom Martin that the tenor at Thetford S. Mary was inscribed : — -5- 33ona 3ilepcnDc ^la. II050 i^agDalcna i^ada, from which it appears that Goldsmith's learning did not extend to deciphering the whole inscription, or he would have lettered his recast bell Alagdaleti instead of Maria. His Margarets were probably Brasyer's, bearing ''* JFac iWargarcta. iloftis |i?cc iiXuncra B-cta, or Londoners with -5- fl)cc iiora CTainpana i>Xargarcta lest i^lominata. His Gabriel^ the Hoxne third, was no doubt the Angclus bell of that parish, probably a Brasycr, with the well-known + p?ac In CoHclafac. (gabticl ilunc ^jJangc ^uafae. With the solitary exception of Tattington tenor, cast by the well-known firm of Ransomes and Sims, at Ipswich, in 1853, the record of bells cast in the county now closes. Having now altogether disposed of the bells of East Anglian make in Suffolk, we will revert to the Metropolis. There are two sid generis at Kelsale, and one at Crowfield. All the rest come from the great foundry of Whitechapel, from which as yet we have only had one specimen, the bell at Great Finborough, 1609. The Kelsale bells in question are the second and the sixth, WHITECHAPEL. 147 both dated 1708, the former bearing the name of John Peele, the latter that of Samuel Newton also. The site of their foundry is denoted by a court called Founder's Court, in the parish of S. Giles, Cripplegate, marked in old Ward maps. Newton was the master, and Peele the apprentice. Though the former was Master of the Founders' Company in 171 1, there are very few of his bells in existence. The same remark applies to the latter, son of Samuel Peele, " latt of Bishopsgatt silkman deceased," whose apprenticeship was out in 1704, and who died in reduced circumstances between 1752 and 1755.* The Crow- field bell was made in 1740 by Robert Catlin, who in that year was elected a " love brother " of the Founders' Company, and took up the business of Samuel Knight of Holborn.-f" Pig. 88. Nearly a century separates the two first Whitechapel bells. The Somerleyton second is by James Bartlett in 1700, and bears a well-known mark of his (fig. 88). The name of the donor. Sir Richard Allen, Bart., appears on it. James Bartlett, the elder son of Anthony Bartlett, a "lone man," wrought for about a quarter of a century, doing more work in the home counties than in East Anglia, where there are * Stahlschmidt's C. B. of Kent, pp. 103, 104. t P. loS. 148 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK, three small College-chapel bells in Cambridge, and three not very notable specimens in Norfolk, besides this Somerleyton second. He died in 1701 intestate, and letters of administration were granted to his sister, Elizabeth Bixon, widow. He was succeeded by a very able man, Robert Phelps, said to have been a native of Avebury in Wiltshire, from whom we have : — 1 7 10. Charsfield, treble, 171 1. Kcttleburgh, treble, 1723. Bruisyaj'd, treble, 172S. Ottley, second, „ Stonham, Little, tenor, 1729. Rendham, second, 173 1. Bedfield, second, 1734. Bures, second and third, „ Bury, S. Mary's, eight bells, splicing in the present fourth, a William Brend. Weight of tenor, 24 cwt., in D sharp, very good, „ Soham, jMonk, second, 1735. Bredfield, second, 1736. Helmingham, third, „ Trimley, S. Mary's, bell, 1737. Ringshall, treble. The first on the list has a truly notable legend \- — " Sic Sache- verellvs [ore melos] immortali olli [ecclesiae defensori h] anc dicat [Gvlielmvs] Leman de Cher[sfield Eqves 17 10. R. Phelps]." This is restored from Carthcw's MS., and though " constructio latet," as Person would have said, there can be no doubt as to the political feeling which dictated it. But the immortality of Dr. Sacheverell is not very enviable, and though " Hoy for Hoy Church and Sachcfrel " was the shout at many a harvest home,* it may be doubted whether the name would have got into history save for that zeal which prompted his impeachment. However, Sir William Leman thought well of him, and he may stand in the same hagiology as Thomas of Canterbury, though only a star of an inferior order. Phelps, described as * IVaverhy, ch. li. THE BECCLES FAILURE. 149 " a man from y^ High Street," was buried at Whifechapel in 1738. Thomas Lester, then thirty-three years old, took up his work. His predecessor had given the county an almost complete eight at Bury S. Mary's, He followed with six at Coddenham in 1740, either wholly in great part the gift of Theodore Eccleston, Esq., of Crowfield Hall. But the tenor, of 15 cwt, had to be recast in 1742, and then two trebles were added. In the three following years the same generous donor and the same founder were concerned in the first ten that were ever heard in Suffolk, the Stonham Aspall bells, tenor 24 cwt. ; and the brick tower at Long Melford delighted by its eight tuneful bells, tenor 16 cwt, the ears of many whose eyes it had outraged. Besides these he made the two smaller bells at Cotton and the three smaller at Thelnetham. Soon afterwards he took Thomas Pack into partnership, and lived on to 1769, when he died of convulsions. I have now reached a period with which the antiquary is hardly concerned ; and I shall only notice the principal works of later founders. A pleasant five at Ousden, tenor 14)^ cwt, came from Lester and Pack in 1758, the gift of Thomas Moody, Esq., and the Reverend Richard Bethell ; then in 1761 followed the eight at Debenham, tenor 20 cwt., while in the next year Suffolk saw the smallest five then known. Great Livermere, tenor 5 cwt., and a mighty ten boomed over the Waveney valley, from the massive tower at Beccles, tenor 27^ cwt* But these were originally a bad casting, and it is rather a marvel how they have lasted so long. The third was recast in 1804, and the sixth and seventh in 1871, after having existed in a cracked condition for many years. The treble, second, fourth, and eighth have wooden crowns, the eighth having also a strong iron band round the shoulder, though I could not discover where the crack was. The ninth has a crack in the crown, which did not amount to much when I examined it in i86r. On a second visit, in 1869, I found that a piece of metal, * So by weight, in 1871. Lester and Tack's list gives 28 cwt., and common repute 29 cwt. 150 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. weighing some 1 5 lbs., had fallen from the lip of the seventh, while the fourth chattered, and the vibration of the sixth was a minimum. In the section of the fracture of the seventh, I observed that the metal was quite clear and free from honey- comb, but there was an oval-shaped grain, like the grain of wood, the nucleus of it in the middle of the fracture. Under these circumstances the Beccles folk need not be surprised at further collapses. I am informed by Mr. S. B. Goslin, of the Cripplegate foundry, where the sixth and seventh were recast, that the pecu- liarity noticed by me occurs when castings are poured, the metal flowing in having a chilled surface or cake, which may slip in unless sufficient care is exercised, or sometimes from a chill in the mould, which for some reason may be cooler in one part than another. In such cases the metal, not being lively enough with heat, flows sluggishly, hence such faults in the casting. After Lester's death Chapman became Pack's partner. They made five for Gazeley, tenor 10 cwt., in 1775, and a similar ring for Cavendish in 1779. Pack died of decline in 1781, and Chapman of consumption in 1784. In the meantime a young man from Canterbury, William Mears, had been taken into the Whitechapel business. His name appears on the little five at Moulton, tenor 6 cwt. After Chapman's death William Mears brought in his brother Thomas (said to have been a brewer) from Canterbury, and the two brothers cast the six for Clopton in 1788. Nothing of note came from Whitechapel after this till 1 804, when Thomas Mears made the sixth for Worlingworth. The Duchess of Chandos, then resident in the parish. Lord Henniker, Emily, Lady Henniker, and others were benefactors, as may be seen in the list of inscriptions. The Suffolk nobility have not been unmindful of the bells on their estates. The Earl of Dysart gave eight to Helmingham (by Thomas Mears the younger) in 181 5. In 1820 the inhabitants of Bungay cut down a fine peal of eight, the second or third oldest in the county, to the present set, losing some 2 cwt in the weight of the tenor, though A ship's bell. 151 possibly gaining in equability. The present tenor is in F sharp, and further information will be found in the list of inscriptions. Sev^en for Sudbury S. Gregory's, with a tenor of Pack and Chapman's, gave that tower a complete Whitechapel eight in 1 82 1, and Polstead exchanged a grand old five (probably with one or two cracked) for a lighter but tuneful six of Thomas Mears's in 1825. Norton and Nowton, his last considerable works in Suffolk, followed in 1829. Fornham S. Martin's six in 1844 were from his sons, Charles and George Mears, the latter of whom survived his brother, dying at Landport, Ports- mouth, in 1873. From his hand we have the five at Ingham, " offered " (as we find from the bells themselves) " at the church at Ingham in memory of her Ancestors by Frances Wakeham, June, i860." My fellow-townsman, Mr. Robert Stainbank, took up the Whitechapel work some time before George Mears's death. From him we have two sixes, Troston (1868), and Gorleston (1873), both prompted by the same kindly natal feeling, the former also notable for the preservation, as far as possible, of the old inscription. The donors, respectively, were E. Stanley and Miss Miriarn Chevallier Roberts. The Whitechapel foundry has had of late a formidable rival in the Warners of Cripplegate. They did a mighty work at the "Tower" Church, Ipswich, in .1866, putting a treble and a tenor to the existing ten, and recasting the present ninth, so as to prevent tuning. Ipswich knows the history of all this work, and it is as needless for me to rehearse it, as to sing the praises of the great twelve, from which I heard a good touch of Grand- sire Cinques in December, 1887, when superintending the Cambridge Local Examination. The sixth and seventh at Beccles were recast by the Cripple- gate men in 1871. Two trebles were added by them to Sudbury S. Peter's in 1874, and All Saints' followed suit two years afterwards. A single bell by Oliver of Wapping hangs in Stowupland bell-cot. I know no more of the make. In Lavenheath tinkles an old ship's bell, rather curious than antique, bearing the words — 152 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. " Back Skieppet ADoLF Guten Bygdt Stockholm i Jacobstad A. X. iSoi af Gerhard Horner." When the good barque Adolphus, built at Jacobstad, on the east coast of the Gulf of Bothnia, perished, I know not, or how the bell came to Lavenheath. " Guten " may be noted as the Scandinavian for " cast," and compared with the Flemish " ghegoten." We must now notice a few Suffolk bells by a Suffolk man, John Briant, of Exning, born there in the middle of the last century, and intended for Holy Orders. His love for mechanics and clock-making, however, regulated his destiny, and he developed into bell-founding at Hertford about 1781, when he made the five for Great Thurlow, tenor 13 cwt. In 1800 he cast the old five at Great Waldringfield into six, an achievement which we do not find recorded in his lists. In 1807 and the two following years he recast the tenor at Little Thurlow, added a treble to Gazeley, and recast the third and fourth (apparently Thomas Newman's) at Cowlinge. For some years he had the benefit of the foremanship of Islip Edmunds, who had served Arnold in the same capacity. An honest, capable, and enthusiastic member of his craft, his advice was sought by the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln when the old " Great Tom " was broken, though at the time he had given up the foundry. His sensible, straightforward correspon- dence may be read in North and Stahlschmidt's ClinrcJi Bells of Hertfordshire* and the course of events abundantly justified his counsel. It is painful to record that he fell into difficulties through his unselfishness, and ended his days as a pensioner in the Spencer Almshouses at Hertford, in 1829, not living to witness the completion of the New "Tom o' Lincoln" in 1834. The great Leicester foundry of the Newcombes and Wattses, though claiming, as it seems, East Anglian, origin by the free use of Brasyer's Norwich shield, did not touch Suffolk ; but Joseph Eayre of S. Neot's, who for his part claimed business Pp. 57, &c. DOWNHAM MARKET. 1 53 descent from Watts, has left his mark at Haverhill, when he recast the fourth in 1765. His foreman, Thomas Osborn, and his cousin, Edward Arnold, continued the foundry for a little time, but soon separated, the former going to Downham Market. From the latter we have a little ring of five at Whepstead (1774), and a recast or two. Towards the end of the century Arnold brought the foundry back to Leicester, and was suc- ceeded by Robert Taylor, one of whose sons, John, with his elder brother William, after working at Oxford, and in Devon- shire and Cornwall, finally took up his quarters at Loughborough in 1840. Their first Suffolk work to be noted is the turning of the "Tower" eight into ten in 1845. When I was a boy, disliking much the noise in Worlington tower, I got up a subscription, and the Taylors recast the fourth and added a treble there. Ten years afterwards they put the Mildenhall folk into possession of a tuneable six, and nine years after that recast the three for Herringswell, after the fire at that interesting little church. Then 1879 saw the octave completed at Strad- broke, during the incumbency of the present Bishop of Liverpool, and in 1884 filial and fraternal affection moved the members of the well-known family of Garrett of Leiston to do the same work for their parish church. A peculiarity of St. Neot's work used to be the heavy clapping of 1,4, 6, 8. I know not whether this is still observed. The effect would be manifest. From the St. Neot's foundry arose that at Downham Market. Thomas Osborn, son of Richard Osborn, joiner of that town, baptized 1741, had been foreman to Joseph Lay re, and for a while partner with Arnold. About 1778 they dissolved partner- ship, and Osborn returned to his native place, where he conducted an extensive business. For a short time he was in partnership with Robert Patrick of Whitechapel (from whom by himself we have Holbrook third, 1783); but the bulk of his work bears no name but his own. He made between sixty and seventy bells in our county, the earliest being Great Barton third, in 1779, and the latest. Little Glemham treble and Woodbridge eight, twenty years afterwards. U 154 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. His work is generally held in good repute, and his cJief d'ocnvre is the fine ten in the Norman tower at Bury, in D, tenor 30 cwt.* He died in December, 1806, and lies in Downham Market Churchyard. For the last six years of his life his name seldom occurs, his grandson, William Dobson, managing the foundry. Suffolk has but two bells of this time, Coney Weston bell, 1802, and Hadleigh fifth, 1806. Afterwards Dobson cast between thirty and forty of our bells, none of more note than the treble and second at Lavenham in 181 1, a little five for Brandon in 1815, and the Horningsheath (Horringer) six in 1818. His work is very variable, from the excellent peal at Diss to the not excellent peal at S. Nicholas, Liverpool. After a while he fell into difficulties. Thomas Mears of Whitechapel purchased his business in 1833. He went to London, was made a brother of the Charterhouse, when he died and was buried in 1842.-I- From Birmingham we have six at Christ Church, Lowestoft, by Messrs. Blews and Son, and a bell at Newbourne by Carr, The Redenhall foundry, under my friends Moore, Holmes, and Mackenzie, were not so successful in Suffolk as in Norfolk. They have given us a bell at Holton S. Peter's, 1881, and six at Weybrcad, their first effort in 1879. I much admire the tone of some of their individual bells, and wish that Weybread may some day experience Walter of Odyngton's " cos et lima," so as to " tell the tale " as prettily as Winterton tells it, or as Thorpe would tell it if it had a tower stout enough to carry the eight made for it. As to their work at Southwold, the pity was that they attempted to do anything with such a queer, though inter- esting, crew as the present tenants of that glorious tower. Winterton was occupied by a very " scratch " five, and my counsel to my friends was to attempt nothing with splicing, but send them all to the boiler. The result has been very good, only the Wintertonians would have six out of metal that sufficed for five. Let Southwold take the same course. London, Loughborough, Birmingham — any one of them will do the work, * Note from Robert Carr. Weight from Dobson's list, t n Estrange s Church Bells of Norfolk, p. 49. FINIS CORONAT OPUS. 155 but let the whole eight know the power of the furnace, and if means do not suffice, have a fairly heavy six, and leave it to the future to put on the trebles. Cutting down is often an irreparable evil. My story ends where I took it up in 1848, at Mildenhall. After the many vicissitudes already related, the parishioners determined to have a peal of eight worthy of their church, in commemoration of the Jubilee year of Queen Victoria's reign. Happily they were induced not to top a light six with two trebles, but to " top and tail " with a treble and tenor, flattening by a semitone the old fourth, now the fifth, which being a rather thick bell, from Loughborough, stood the operation well. Mr. Lawson, the representative of Mears and Stainbank, of White- chapel, undertook the work, and carried it out admirably. The detail will be found under the head of that parish. I cannot close this work without an expression of thankful- ness to Him from whom all mercies come, for the continuance, amongst varied scenes of labour, of the will and power to persevere in what seemed once an impossible task. So many friends have helped me that I cannot thank them individually. Not a few, indeed, have left this world, and of those that remain I have lost sight of many in the labours of forty years. But none the less do I cherish an affectionate recollection, so far as memory will extend, of my kind helpers. Long may dear old "sely" Suffolk resound at all appointed times with the solemn and yet cheery music of the " peaceful bells," which " Still upon the hallowed day, Convoke the swains to praise and pray ! " INSCRIPTIONS ON ilje €ljmdj §dh of Suffolk. 1. ACTOM A// Sawfs. 5 Bells. 1 John Thornton made me 1716. 2 Miles Graye made me 1659. Nicholas Kerington. 3 Miles Graye made me 1663. 4 Tho. Gardiner fecit 1747. 5 Miles Graye made me 1685. God save the King. " Great bells iiij." Return ot 1553. Davy, Aug. i8th, 1S26, rotes the date of the 2nd as 1679, and the name " Kennington " ; also the 5th as 1684. 2, 3, 4 chipped. 2. AKENHAM S. Marj: i Bell. Bell. John Darbie made me 1678. (45 in.) 3 in 1553- Davy, 9 Sept., 1827, did not go up to it. 3. A L D E B U R G H 5.9. Paer and Paul. 6 Bells. 1 Cast by John Warner and Son, London, 1885. Rev. H. Thompson, B.A., Vicar, N. f!^ Hde I Churchwardens. Hung by G. Day and Son, Eye. 2 Lester and Pack of London fecit 1764. 3 Anno Domini 1622. W. L B. 4 Recast by John Warner and Sons, London, 1884. Rev. H. Thompson, B.A., Vicar. XT 17 IT 1 I Churchwardens. N. F. Hele ) Hung by G. Day and Son, Eye. 5 Lester and Pack of London fecit 1764. Jn°. Wynter and Samuel Aldrick Ch. Wardens. 6 Thomas Mears of London fecit 1820. Clock-bell. 181 2. " Great bells iiij. Sancts Eells j." Return of 1553. Old 4 by J. Darbie. INSCRIPTIONS. 157 In Davy's MS. 2 and 3, then i and 2, are reversed, and the bell recast in i88| has the same inscription as the present 3rd. The old tenor was inscri- bed " Miles Graye made me 1653." No mention of bells in certif. of iij Nov. 1547. 4. ALDERTON .9. ^;/^;r7<:'. i Bell. Bell. Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1740. No mention of bells in certif. of iij Nov. 1547. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy notes the steeple about half down, 9 June, 1830. 5. ALDH AM S. Mary. i Bell. Bell. XJ 65 thrice. + 67. <§aitfta D iWaria Q ©ra Q iPro D Mohii. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. " One " Davy, 19 Aug., 1825. Faculty for sale of two, 1759. 6. ALDRINGHAM 5. Afidrew. i Bell. Bell. Thomas Mears Founder London. 1842. Diameter i8j in. "One" Davy, 1808. From Eastern Counties' Collectanea, p. 239, we know that there were three in 1687, when Bishop Lloyd granted a faculty for the sale of two. These were probably those alluded to in the words: — "All ornamets playt and belles belongyng to ow^ Cherche ar fore to sell." Certif. iiij Nov., 1547. 5 in 1553. A. cum Thorpe. 7. ALKmSTOH S. Jo/m Baptist. Ecclesia destructa. No return in 1553. 8. ALPHETON .S^". Fcter and Paul. 2 Bells. 1 Roberd O Gvrney made me [667. '^ 2 Robard O Gvrney made me 1667. ^ The mark between the names is a flower with eight petals. Two heavier bells are said to have disappeared in the early part of the eighteenth century. Traces of them still remain. "Alton, Great bellis ij." Return of 1553. Davy, Aug. 16, 1S31, "2 bells." 9. AMPT OH S. Feter. 4 Bells. 1 Presented by the Honorable Clara E. C. Paley, 1888. On a medallion below, John Taylor & Co., Lough- borough. 2 Johanes Draper me fecit 1608. 3 □ 6 thrice. -(- 47. SAnCTA : mAl^GTA : OI\A PP^O : llOBIS : THOmAS : BGCI-T. ^^ 4 6 thrice. <>-■'->- ^'' + 7. □ SAnCTG □ AHDI^GA □ OI\A Q PI\0 □ llOBIS □ DGP^^BY. See pp. 12, 41. The occurrence of fig. 6 on a Norwich and a London A bell in the same tower is remarkable. The "second" mentioned on p. 41 has become the third. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. "Three bells and a clock,' Davy, 158 THE CHURCH BELLS OP^ SUFFOLK. 10. ASHBOCKING^// ^.7////.-. 2 Bells. 1 Miles Ciraye made me 1615. 2 15^4 D ^5 five times. 2 in 1553. Davy, 7 May, 1824, notes i "Blank," and the old tenor " Thos. Gardiner made me 1745." Terrier, 13 May, 1806. " Item, three bells with their frames." n. ASH BY .5. Mary. i Bell. Bell. No inscription. " Great bells ij." Return of 1553. No bells. Davy. 12. ASHFIELD, GREAT, All Saints. Tenor Ab, c. 11 cwt. 5 Bells. 1 Tho. Newman fecit 1735. Thomas Rice Churchwarden. Pull on, brave boys, I am metal to the back- bone, but will be hanged before I'll crack. 2 Thomas Newman of Norwich made me 1745. 3 John Draper made me 1631. 4 U 65 thrice. 4- cSwm ^ofa ^ulfata iHuntt iWaria ITotata. 5 U 65 thrice. -j- i^evitis CJDmuntJt Simug 51 ©viminc itlunDi. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, 6 July, 1843, no notes. 13. ASHFIELD, LITTLE, ^. Mary. 2 Bells. 1 W. M. Moss Churchwarden. 1825. T. Mears of London fecit. 2 Charoli Framlingham Militis 1568. He was resident at Crow's Hill, Debenham, in 1542. His sole heiress was married to Sir Charles Gawdy of Debenham. This seems to be the " Ashefeld," of which Wyllm Seme and Wyllm Roger were C. W. iij Nov., 1547, when they made return, "We have styll remaynyng a peyer of Shalys and iij Bells." Same return in 1553. " The church has long been down . . . part of the steeple still remains, and it is a picturesque object. A small bell hangs near the ground in a latticed shed, at the east end of the chancel." Davy. See Thorpe next Ashfield, whence the larger bell came. 14. ASPALL. I Bell. Bell. No inscription. 2 in 1553. Davy, 7 Nov., 1815, " 2 bells." 15. ASSINGTON .S. ^^;;/?/«./. 4 Bells. 1 Miles Graye made me 167 1. 2 illegible. 3 _|_ HOG ; siGnvm : sgi\ya ; xpg : mAi\iA : THOmA. 4 + i^iffi tic ccHsi j^abeo nomcn CSabttclig. Weight said to be 19 cwt., diameter 43 in. See p. 10 for 3. 4 belongs to the group on pp. 34, 35. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, Oct. 2, 182S. "The steeple is a square tower, containing 5 bells, but I could not get up." INSCRIPTIONS. 159 16. ATHELINGTON 5. /'.Yrr. 3 Bells. 1 -|- : AVG GI\AGIA PLGUA DHSTGCY. 2 4- : omAGDAIJGnA : DUG : nos : AD GAUDIA PErGHA. 3 -}- SGG BAI^THOIJOmGG SALtYG mG. See pp. 61 — 63. " Alyngton, Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, 25 Nov. 1813, notes 3 small bells. The musical notes are E. D. C. Teste Rev. H. W. Thornton. 17. B ACT ON S. Mary. Tenor G#. 5 Bells. I Charles Newman made me 1699. 2, 5 Thomas Mears Founder London 1841. Reyd. E. B. Barker, Rector. Edward Cooper 1 r-u u j ,,,.,,. T' r Churchwardens. William Kerry ] 3 U 65 thrice. -f ^ancta D #TarR Q <9ra Q i^ro D i^obtg. 4 Pack and Chapman of London fecit 1772. 4 in 1553. 2 and 5 flattened by turning. Davy, 21 July, 1831, " 5 bells." 18. BADINGH AM S. /o/in Ba/>f/sL 5 Bells. 1 Anno Domini 1630. 2 Anno Domini 1624. A B W 3 ^nno JSomini 1624. A B W 4 Thomas Gardiner made me 17 10. 5 Anno Domini 1624. U 5°- No mention of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547. 4 in 1553. Two of them noted correctly by Davy, 27 May, 1S06. One recast by Warner in 1889. 19. BAD LEY S. Mary. 3 Bells. 1 68 -|- 68 sancte : augustinc ora pro nobis. 2 -(-John Goldsmith fecit 1702. W. R. S^ Maria. 3 Ex dono Elebth Pooley -f- John Goldsmith fecit 1702. S'. Margaret. Cross on i identical with that at Radwinter. This bell has no crown- staple. 3 in 1553- Davy, 15 June, 1827, imperfectly reports as above. 20. BADWELL ASH S. Mary. Tenor Ff. 5 Bells. I, 2, 4 John Draper made me 1630. 3 John Darbie made me 1664. 5 U 50 thrice. (Diameter 41^ in.) 4- 61 ilRuncrc 33apttstc D 62 UcncDictuS =it ©j^orug Bte. l60 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. " Ashefekl p'va. Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. " Five," Martin ; and Davy, 6 j uly, 1843. 21. BAR DWELL SS. Peter and Paul 6 Bells. 1 Tho. Gardiner Svdbvry fecit 17 19. 2 Pack & Chapman of London fecit 1770. 3 Vv'illiam Eaton Churchwarden 1820. 4 Thomas Spinluf & Charles Phillips C.W. T. Newman fecit 1733. 5 Tho. Newman fecit 173- Roger Cooke, Robert Bvgg. C.W. 6 John Brett Churchwarden, Tho^ Osborn Downham fecit 1780. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. "6," Davy, July 26, 1832. 22. BARHAM S. Mary. Diameter of tenor 40I in. 4 Bells. T John Darbie made me 1683. S. D. 2 Miles Graye made me 1641. 3 Charles Newman made me 1702. Francis Weekes C.W. 4 De Bvri Santi Edmondi Stefanvs. Tonni me fecit W. L. 1587- Left blank in 1553 report. Probably 3, as the numbers fall short of the total by 4, of which Darmsden may reckon for i . Davy, 31 May, 1827, gives obviously wrong dates for i and 2, which he also crosses. 23. BARKING ^. J/^ry. 5 Bells. 1 John Darbie made me 1659. Frances Theobald Esq. 2 John Darbie made me 1659. Thomas Roberts Bvgg Mvdd. 3 Miles Graye made me 16-4. 4 IJ 9 thrice. -[-13 ?i?,ic In Condabc Gabriel i!iunc i^angc *ualJ^ 5 8 thrice. -|- 12 ir^iotrge ^rccc ^la C&uo$ ©onboto ^amta iHarla. Seep. 17. Ncedham-in Barking. No return of bells in certif of 1547. 4 in 1553. So Davy, 16 June, 1827, though, like ourselves, he cannot read the date on 3. 1, 4, 5 cracked. 24. BARNARDISTON ^// .W/^A-. Tenor 37 in. 5 Bells. 1 Milo Graie me fecit. 2 Milo Graie me fecit per nun. 3 u 25 + 22 U 26. ^ancta iHfiria ^fclagtialena (Ttra ^ro iiobi'S. 4 Henry Pleasant made mee 1692. 5 □ omnes = sahgti ; dgi \ oi\atg ; Pi\o : noBis. See pp. 8, 24. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. No notes. Davy. INSCRirXIONS. i6i 25. BARN BY S. John Baptist. i Eell. Bell. U 52 thrice. %q\}. J^iptng. -|- 61 In iWultis Slnnis D 62 lS,csonct ®amfa %^\iKi>. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. 26. BARN HAM 5. Gregory. 4 Bells. I John Darbie made me 1664. 2, 4 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1735. 3 John Draper made me 1623. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. 27. BARN HAM S. Martin. Ecclesia destrjicta, " Great bells iij. Sancts Bells j." Return of 1553. In 1639 the Rectories of S. Gregory and S. Martin were consolidated, and the services directed to be performed in them alternatively. In 1682, there was an order for the sale of S. Martin's bells, and S. Gregory's was made the sole Church. Registr. Nor. 28. BARNINGHAM ^. ^//^/mc'. 3 Bells. 1 17 52 thrice. -f- 61 €lucfumu3 ^ntrca D 62 jpamulorum Sufctpc Uota, 2 U 52 thrice. + 61 iiog 5oci«t ,5ci!3 □ 62 5fmper itiicI)olaMS Jn ^Itig. 3 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1722. " Great bells iij." Returns of 1553. The old treble J3ona ItiepenlTE ^ta ItJogo i^tlagUalrna ftlaiia- T. Martin's notes. Davy, 26 Aug. 1832, "3 bells." Tenor G according to Sperling. 29. BARROW All Saints. 5 Bells. 1 T. Osborn Downham fecit 1786. 2 John Darbie made me 1662. 3 T. Osborn fecit 1786. 4 John Darbie made me 1662 Robert Hayward C.W. 5 John Darbie made me 1662. John Daynes. 30. ^k^K^WK'^ Holy Trinity. In D. Diam. 27^ in. i Bell Bell i^ij no m □ 62 u 51- " Great Bells iij. Sancts Bells j." Return of 1553, Davy mistook KL for RD. He did not see that the inscription is a portion of the alphabet. June 2, 1808. Pits now for three. 31. BARTON, GREAT, Holy Innocents. 5 Bells. I Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1731. 2, 4, 5 John Draper made me 1619. 3 Tho''. Osborn Downham Norfolk fecit 1779. So Davy. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. 32. BARTON MILLS 6^ J/«;.y. 3 Bells. 1 U 66 thrice. n 67 -ancta Q ^Sarbara Q o»^'T D pi^o D Jiobis. 2 Johanes Draper me fecit 1608. V l62 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 3 U 65 thrice. + 67 <^ancic D SluDria D ^postoli Q ora G P^o D iiobis. " Great bells iij. Sancts Bells j." Return of 1553. T. Martin (no date) notes 3. Inscriptions incorrectly given by Davy, 21 Aug., 1829. 33. BATTISFORD S. Mary. i Bell. Bell. John Darbie made me 1666. D. P. C.W. 3 in 1553- Davy, June 18, 1827, could not examine it. 34. BAWDSEY S. Mary. i Bell. Bell. W. I. B. Anno Domini 1622. No return of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553- " One bell which I did not venture to approach." Davy, 9 June, 1830. 35. BAYLHAM S. Peter. Tenor G. Diam. 41 in. 5 Bells. 1 Cast by John Warner & Sons London 1865. 2, 3, 4 Miles Graye made me 1636. 5 Rev^. Henry Asplin, Ambros Brown & Sam'. Southgate Ch: Wardens. Miles StoUery. Pack & Chapman of London fecit 1772. 3 in 1553. Davy, II May, 1824, notes the old treble the same as 2, 3, 4, and the 3rd fallen out of its frame. 36. BEALINGS, GREAT, 6'. J/^r;;. 4 Bells. 3, 4 Miles Graye made me 1626. 2 John Stephens made me 1720. Henry York, Church- warden. I Pack & Chapman of London fecit 1772. Rob'. York Ch. Warden. "Great bells ij." Return of 1553. Robert Godewyne, 1457, left 6/- towards a new bell. Davy, 4 Aug., 1810, crosses i and 2. T. Martin, 1750, notes 3 bells. 37. BEALINGS, LITTLE, ^// 6rt/;//^. 2 Bells. I John Darbie made me 1677. John Rose. 2+67 5ancta □ ittana Q <9ra D 4,3ro Q ^obts. No return of bells in certif. of 1547. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. T. Martin, 1750, notes 3 bells. Davy, 4 Aug., 18 10, notes an intermediate © martir 13arbara, &c. Terrier, 21 Apr., 1834, 3 bells. 38. BECCLES S. Michael. Tenor in B. 10 and Priest's bell. I Lester & Pack of London fecit Edw^. Brooks Portreve 1762. 2, 4 Lester &: Pack of London fecit 1762. 3 Thomas Mears of London fecit 1804. 5 Our voices shall with joyfull sound Make Hills & Valleys echo round. Lester & Pack of London fecit 1762. INSCRIPTIONS. 163 6, 7 Cast by John Warner & Sons, London, Royal Arms Patent, 187 1. C. F. Parker ] r-\ u j ■n /-> TT 1.^ f Churchwardens. R. C. Houghton j 8, 9 [inscriptions entirely covered by an iron band]. 10 4 O Quam dulces sonas. Domini properemus ad eedes (sic) ^ W"\ Clark & Rob'. Margerom Ch. Wardens, Lester & Pack of London fecit 1762. Priest's bell, 1766. No return of bells in certif. of iiij Nov., 1547. " Great bells iij. Sancts Bells j." Return of 1553. East Anglian, N. S. 11., 241, 269. "Eight tuneable bells"! Davy, Oct. 24, 1824, and May 27, 1825. 5 and 8 recast by Warner, 1889. Now a fair peal, though 4 and 9 are cracked. See p. 149. 39. BEDFIELD S. M'c/io/as. 5 Bells. 1 Miles Graye made me 1637. Symond Jefrey Peter Aldreg. 2 The Rev<^. Charles Scolding M.A, Rector, William Warner Ch. Warden. R. Phelps fecit 17 31. 3+67 sanrta D itXaria Q ©ra Q ^to Q i^oliig. 4 T. Osborn Downham fecit 1790. Sam'. Frewer Church Warden. 5 Pack & Chapman London fecit 1774. John Pritty Ch. Warden. 4 in 1553. " Five," Davy, 23 July, 1808. Terrier, 1753, gives 5 bells. In 1839, Davy says, " The steeple now contains 4 bells." This is incom- prehensible. 40. BEDINGFIELD S. Alary. i Bell. Bell. U 52 thrice. -f 61 ©ucfumus ^nDrca Q 62 iFamulorum 5ufclpc Ifota. No return of bells in certif. of 1547. 3 in 1553. Martin notes 3, 21 Nov., 1734. Faculty for sale of one of three, 1760. Terrier, 23 June, 1794, gives 2. 41. BELSTEAD S. Mary. i Bell. Bell. John Darbie made me 1664. " Belstead pva. gregory Crevn^ (.?) & Roberte lynde chvrchwardes one bell solde ffor xxxj. which was broke v yers past which is & shalbe Inployed to the reperacn of chvrch roffe & the palyng of the chvrchyerd." Certif. of 1547- I in 1553 and Sanctus bell. Davy by mistake notes " Gardiner" for " Darbie." 42. B ELTON All Saints. i Bell. Bell. John Darbie made me 1664. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Faculty granted in 1690 to sell the smaller bell in order to hang the other. Weight 6 cwt. 2 qrs. Weighed at Yarmouth Crane, at the time of re- building the tower, by direction of the Revd. T. G. F. Howes, Rector. l64 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 43 BEN AC RE 5. Michael. i Bell. Bell. G. G. W. F. €I)urcIjh)art)cn« Qlnno Somim 1622. 4 in 1553- Davy gives this inscription imperfectly, 17 June, 18 17. 44. BEN HALL ^. J/^/7. 6 Bells. I T. Mears London. 1S42. 2, 3 John Brend made me 1639. 4 James Grimsbye John Bvlling Churchwardens 1639 J. B. 5 U 50 thrice. -j- 61 ?£?ac 1\\ Conclabc Q 62 C^abrid JZunc ^angc ^uafac. 6 Richard Brown John Baldry C. W. 1723. No return of bells in certif. of 3 Nov., 1547. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553- Tenor by Gardiner, diameter 36.J in., weight 7 cwt. Davy gives the five without the treble as here, with "Thomas" for "James," as Grimsbye's christian name. 45. BENTLEY 6". Mary. ' i Bell. Bell. Charles Newman made me 1696. 2 in 1553. " One bell," Davy. 46. BERGHOLT, EAST, 6'. J/.^o'. 5 and Priest's bell. 1 Cast by John Warner & Son, London, 1887. Jubilee bell. Hung by G. Day and Son, Eye. ^ ^ /;//0'. i Bell. Bell. James Edbere Q 82 1608 (arabesque). L. J.M. No return of bells in certif. of iiij Nov., 1547. Legacies — J oh. Greyfe, 1442, towards covering the bell-tower, and Hen. Tool, 1470, 20 marks for a great bell. 5 in 1553. "Formerly 5." Davy, 12 Aug., 1806, "In the belfry below, however, stands another small one, on which is SCG PGTI^G SALtYA me." 54. BLYT H FORD A// Saw fs. i Bell. Bell. Thomas Newman made me 17 11. 3 in 1553, doubly returned. Davy notes one, but refers to Martin, who gives three. 55. BOTESDALE. i Bell. Bell. John Draper made me 16 . . A Chantry, with an inscription : — "©rate p. aiahi Sofjis Sl&ribe et urorts ctus." No return in 1553. 56. BOULGE S. Michael 1 Bell. Bell. No inscription. " Bowge, Great bells iij." Return of 1553. No return of bells in certif. of iiij Nov., 1547. • "The steeple is a small and low square tower of red brick, ... and con- tains one bell, which has no inscription on it. The clerk informed me that there were some years ago 3 bells, but that 2 were sold for repairs." Davy, 27 May, 1823. 57. BOX FORD S. Mary. Tenor Diam. 52 in. 8 Bells. 1 Tho . . s Gardiner Svdbvry me fecit 17 14. 2 ^ancte J^ccolae ©ra pro fiobis U 26 -j- 22 U 25. 3 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1754. 4 Charles Newman made me 1688. 5 T. Osborn fecit 1790. Isaac Strutt, Hugh Green C^. Wardens. 6 [A border]. "'^ + 49 svm i^ATGi^inA □ 48 sempei^ □ 46 UII\GO □ 48 DGO DIGHA. 7 U 31 D 38 + 41 Intonat @ ©dts 2Foc ©ampaiu Gabircltg (sic). 8 Haec Campana Beatse Trinitatis Sacra Fiat. John Thornton Sudbury fecit 1718. " Great bells v, Sancts bells j." Return of 1553. Cannons of 7 gone. Davy, Oct. 2 and 3, 1828. Noted imperfectly, but in accordance with this. 58. BOXTEAD All Saints. 2 Bells. 1 No inscription. 2 T. Newman made me. A. Golding & S. Spalding C.W. 1738. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, 18 Aug., 1831, "Two bells." INSCRIPTIONS. \6y 59. BOYTON S. Andrew. i Bell. Bell. John Darbic made me 1679. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy (22 Jan., 1818), mistakes the date for 1692. 60. BRADFI ELD [Combust] ^// 6'a/;//x. 3 Bells. 1 Mears & Stainbank Founders London. Bartholomew Young Church Warden 1693. 2 Recast 1869, Arthur Young Warden. n 34 D 33 D 35 D 32. -f- 15 ^anctcT illaria itlaglialcua ©ra ^ro ifiobisl. 3 n 81 Thomas □ 82 Cheese made me 1630. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Notes F|, E, D|:. " The steeple is down, but in the roof at the west end' of the Isle are hung 3 bells, but I could not get to them." Davy. Diameter of Tenor 25^ in. 61. BRkD¥\ELD S. Clare. Tenor. Diam. 37I in. 3 Bells. 1 U 66 thrice. 4- .gancta' D 68 ittaria D 63 ©ra D 68 ^ro D 68 2 Richard Ottewell Ch. Warden. W. & T. Mears, late Lester, Pack, & Chapman of London fecit 1787. 3 Charles Newman made mee 1699. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. "2 bells/' Davy. Notes C|, A|, G|:. 62. BR^DV\El.D S. George. Tenor. Diam. 37I in. 5 Bells. 1 H. P. made me 1695. 2 ^ R O G ^ 1668. 3 Robard ^ Gvrney made ^ me 1668. 4 Uriah Woodard & W"". Smith Ch. Wardens. Lester & Pack of London fecit 1764. 5 R. A. Wardens. Henry Pleasant made me 1695. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. So Davy, only mistaking "Robard" on 3 for "Richard." He notes 60 steps in the tower staircase, i cracked, notes of the others C^, B, A|;, G^. 63. BRADLEY, GREAT, ^. Mary. 3 Bells. 1 No inscription. 2 n 81 De D 82 Bvri D 82 Santi D 82 Edmondi D 82 Stefanvs D 88 Tonni D 82 me fecit D 82 W. L. D 81 1576. 3 □ I^ICAP^^D ; DG YYYmBIS \ mG : EGGIT. See p. 10. The treble probably a very old bell. C. Deedes. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. No notes, Davy. 64. BRADLEY, LITTLE, All Saints. i Bell Bell. ^ R. G. ^ 1652. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. No notes, Davy. 65. BRADWELL S. Nicholas. 3 Bells. I XJ 50 thrice, -f- 61 f£?ac Jin ©onclabc Q 62 ©nbcicl f}uc ^i-age ^uabr. l68 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 2 U 5° thrice. 4- 47 ^ctriis 9D Interne D 62 Ducat {loi i^astua Fttc. 3 ij 50 thrice. -j- bifel D 48 ifeJn^ t^^""^ tsfti no mbt. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. I and 2 maiden, 3 a little flattened. 66. BRAISE WORTH S. Mary. i Bell. Bell. Cast by John Warner & Sons, London, 1879. 1606, recast 1879. R. M. Bingley, Rector. W. Allen. ) nu u A ^ r- 1 c ij r Churchwardens. C. Schofield ) Hung by G. Day & Son, Eye. I in 1553- Davy, 22 April, 1S19, "John Draper made me 1606. 67. BRMIiF\ELD S. Andrew. Tenor FJf. 5 Bells. 1, 2 AB U 52 U 86. W Slnno Domini 1621. 3 ^ancta i«argarcta ©ra ^ro iiobi? U 25 + 22 U 26. 4 sit i^omen IBomini 23cnfDictum U 25 -|- 22 U 26. §■§■§'& © 5 f ntonat licrlis £23ot Campana iHirI)acli&. U 25 -|- 22 U 26. So Davy, 23 May, 1806, with one or two involuntary variations. No re- turn of bells in cert, of iiij Nov., 1547. 4 in 1553. The first live of a six. Bells re-opened after hanging, April 17th, 1890. 68. B RAM FORD S. StepJmi. Tenor G. Diam. 41 in. 6 Bells. I Thomas Mears & Son of London fecit 1805. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Miles Graye made me 1632. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, 10 June, 1828, calls the treble the 2nd, and dates the 5th 1636. 69. BRAMPTON ^. /'d'/^r. Tenor Bi. Bells in tune. 5 Bells. 1 John Darbie made me 1668. 2 Anno Domini 161 2. W. B. 3, 4 U 86 AB U 52- W anno lini 1612. 5 y 51 thrice. -|- 61 Jiobig Solamcn Cclorum D 62 Dct i9cus ^men. 4 in 1553. So Davy, 2 June, 180S. 70. BRANDESTON ^// 6'.7/;//i-. 6 Bells. I, 4 Recast at the expense of the parish. Lester and Pack of London fecit 1768. 2 The gift of H. Stebbing, Esq'-% Mrs. A. Rivett, Widow, and other benefactors, obtained by John Revett Gent. 1709. R. Phelps made me. INSCRIPTIONS. 169 3 Miles Graye made me 1637. 5 Recast at the expense of John Revett, Lester and Pack of London fecit 1768. 6 This bell was recast at the expense of John Revett 1768. R. P. F. E. (two impressions of the arms of Revett.) No return of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. AB Havves notes i as 2 here. 2 W Anno Dom. 1600. 3 in i?Hultt6 ^nnte, &c. 4 Sancta ISart^oIma (sic) ora pro nobis, and dates the tenor 1710. He speaks also of a purchase of bells from Little Ashfield. On woodwork of 4, "T. D. Tho^. Packard made me 1670," as at Raveningham, teste G. Day. 71. BRANDON ^6'. Peter and Pard. Tenor in A, 16 cwt. 6 Bells. 1 John Warner «Sc Sons, London, 1S70. 2 These five bells were cast by William Dobson 181 5. 3 Prosperity to the town of Brandon 181 5. 4 Give no offence to the Church. W"". Dobson fecit 1815. 5 William Dobson Downham Norfolk founder 1815. 6 Rev«^. W™. Parson Rector, Tho^ Willett and Rob^ Smith Churchwardens 18 15. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. I recast from the old 2nd at Wangford, q.v. Five noted by Davy, 22 Aug., 1829. These were cast out of an old three inscribed — 1 + l^ac fin Conclabc Oatriel >Cunc iSange ^uabe. 2 + sum Kosa ^^ulsata fflunitt iflarta Vocata. 3 4- ftn ?^onore [^ancti fflactc ct sancti Kaiertnc l^trgtnes {sic)\ Ex infor. J. H. Sperling. 72. BRANTHAM . U 9 coin. So Davy. No return of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547. "Great bells iij." Ret. of 1553. Hawes notes one smaller, inscribed ^ancte y^tXxt ora pro nobis. 174 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 97. BUXH ALL S. Mary. 5 Bells. I, 2 John Draper made me 1632. R. M. & T. N. Wardens. 3 John Draper made me 1635. 4 John Griggs C. W. Charles Newman made mee 1698. 5 Gregory Copinger, Tho. Fuller C. W. Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1739. 4 in 1553. Davy (June 13th, 1827), notes 5 bells, but the door locked. 98. BUXLOW S. Peter. Ecclesia destrncta. 1 in 1553. 99. CAMPSEY ASH 6". >//« ^a///j/. 4 Bells. 1 I. B. Anno Domini 1615. 2 Tho. Gardiner fecit me 17 14. 3 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1729. 4 Ricardus Bowler me fecit 1601 No mention of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547. " Great bells iiij." Re- turn of 1553. So Davy, 20 April, 1S19. Hawes notes the old 2nd, OuIctS fft'sto JffitcItS CTampana Vocor itlirfiaElts, and the 3rd, R. G. Anno Domini 1583. Martin also notes Dulcis, &c. 100. CAP EL 5. A7idrmK Ecclesia destructa. No return in 1553. 101. CAPEL .5-. Mary. 5 Bells. I, 2 T. Mears of London fecit 1829. Rev'd. Joseph Tweed Rector. Cooper Brooke Esq*"., Churchwarden. 3 John Darbie made me 1683. W. O. I. T. 4 Miles Graye made me 1624. 5 OB YOYI\ GHGI\ITG PI\AY BOI\ THG l^GIf- BA1\G OB Gl\GGOI\Z PASGAIf. 5 and Sance bell in 1553. See p. 77. Davy was quite beaten by the tenor, which he gives: — DAIW SIN SONGA CNA LAOSNP NONI FO DRAFIEW ROA. YARP. He leaves 4 blark, notes 4 as 3, 3 as 2, and gives i, TJirgomarta ora pna proiiobifl. Possibly the inscription was one known in the West of England + JInterceOc Ipta ^^ro i^obts 'Firgo ittaria. 102. OKKL'X OH S. Peter. Tenor. Diam. 31I in. 4 Bells. i> 2, 3, 4 □ 81 Thomas □ 82 Andrew □ 82 me □ 82 fecit D 82 1598. 1 has no fleur-de lis between " me" and fecit. Davy, 29 May, 1806, gives 1528, not recognizing the peculiar form of the 9. 3 in 1553- 103. CARLTON CO LVILLE 6-. 7'^/^r. Tenor. Diam. 45! in. 5 Bells. 1 Anno Domini 1608. W. B. 2 John Brend made me 1637. 3 Anno Domini 1634. U 5°- INSCRIPTIONS. 175 4 Anno Domini 1634. 5 □ Omnis Sonvs lavdet Dominom. Anno Domini 1634. U50- No return of bells in certif. of iiij Nov., 1547. "Great bells iiij. Sancts bells j." Return of 1553. So Davy, save that he gives 1634 as the date of the second. 104. CA\/END\SH S. Mary. Tenor 12 cwt. 6 Bells. 1 I mean to make it understood Although I'm little yet I'm good. Mears London fecit 1779. 2 If you have a judicious ear You'l own my voice is sweet & clear. Mears London fecit 1779. 3 Music is medicine to the mind. Mears London fecit 1779. 4 Peace & good neighbourhood. Mears and London fecit 1779. 5 Our voices shall in consort ring In honour both to God & King. Mears London fecit 1779. 6 Cast by John Warner Sz Sons, London, 1869. Royal Arms Patent. "Great bells v." Return of 1553. Davy, Nov. 9th, 1805, 6. *'T. Osborn Downham Norfolk fecit 1786." al. sim. 105. CAVENHANl S. Andrew. 3 Bells. . I William Dobson founder Downham Norfolk 1831. 2, 3 John Darbie made me 1676. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. T. Martin (12 Nov., 1755), and Davy (20 Aug., 1829), note 3 bells. 106. CHARSFIELD .S. T'.f/^r. 5 Bells. 1 Sic Sacheverellvs [ore melos] immortali olli [ecclesise defensori h] anc dicat [Gvlielmvs] Leman de Cher [sfield Eques 17 10. R. Phelps]. 2 IJ 50 thrice. -[-61 ^Bec ipit Scbrum Q 62 Campa Sautif IJonorum. 3 □ 81 James Edbere (arabesque) □ 82 1068 (for 1608). 4 IJ 50 thrice. -|- 61 Sulcia Stgto iitdb D 62 Campa Y^ocox iWicj^adtS. 5 65 thrice. 4- ^ancta D i^arta D ©ta Q iP" D iiobtg. No return of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553- The inscription on the treble restored from Carthew's MSS., who notes the rest like these, and refers to a legacy (1454) for the tower. The Sachevereli inscription was evidently intended as a protest against the prominent part taken by Bp. Trimnell in the House of Lords, 17 10, 107. CH ATT \SH AM S. Mary and A// Saiufs. i Bell. Bell. Miles Graye made me 162 1. No return of bells in certif. of 1547. 3 in 1553. " Three bells," Davy. 1/6 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 108. CHEDBURGH A// Sai;i/s. i Bell. Bell. T. Osborn fecit 1797. Edward Drew Church warden. •' Great bells ij." Return of 1553. No note, Davy. 109. C H E D I STO N ^. Mary. 3 Bells. 1 Tho. Gardiner fecit 1718. R. M. C.W. 2 W. C. J. S. John Brend made me 1640. 3 D 81 Filius D 82 A'irginis D 82 Marie D 82 r)at D 82 Nobis D 82 Gaudia □ 82 Vite. □ 82 De D 82 Bvri n 82 Santi Q 82 Edmondi D 82 Stefanvs D 82 Tonni □ 82 me Q 82 fecit Q 82 1572. (Cracked.) No return of bells in certif. iiij Nov., 1547. 3 in 1553. Davy, 25 May, 1807, notes as above. no. CHELMONDISTON S. Andrew, 1 Bell. Bell. John Darbie made me 1663. " We have sold also an old broken bell to the valevv of \x\s. \i\yi. The trew s'tificat of Rychard Dylley and Wyllam Camper," C. W. 1547. I in 1553. " One bell." Davy. 111. CHELSWORTH ^//6-a////^. 1 Bell. Bell. Lester & Pack, 1763. *' Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, 26 Oct., 1826, notes no inscription. 112. CHEVINGTON All Saints. Tenor in F. Bells in tune. 5 Bells. 1 John Draper made me 1620. 2 C. & G. Mears, founders, London, 1848. W-". Rayner Rolfe ) r-, , ■, W- Jennison [ Churchwardens. Elizabeth White, John White, Francis White. 3 Lester & Pack of London fecit 1760. 4 -|- John Sparrow Ambros Ray C.W.^ Tho. Gardiner fecit 1737. 5 Benj. Downs Church Warden. Tho^ Osborn, Dovvnham, fecit 1780. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy notes 5 bells, but no inscriptions. 113. CHILLESFORD 5. Fcter. i Bell. Bell. XJ 66 thrice. + ^mtta D iWaria Q ©ra D iPro Q MoUfi. So Davy. "Great bells iij." Return of 1533. Pits for three, this probably the treble. 114. CHILTON S. Mary. Diam. 32 in. i Bell. Bell. Miles Graye made me 165S. So Davy, Sept. 13th, 1S27. " Great bells ij." Return of 1553. INSCRIPTIONS. ■ I'j'j 115. CLARE ^6". Peter arid Paul Tenor c. 28 cwt. Diam. 54 in. 8 and Clock bell. 1 Given by voluntary subscription 1781. Mears fecit. 2 T. Mears of London fecit 1829. 3 Miles Graye made me 1640. and a shield, party per pale, a griffin (?) passant. 4 Whilst thus we join in chearful sound Let Love and Loyalty abound. Pack & Chapman of London fecit 1779. 5 Miles Graye made me 1661. 6 ioljn Dicr maDe mc 1579. 7 O 17 ©ongcrba O 17 © O 17 ^linttas O 17 tffampanam O 17 Islam. 8 John Kenyon Vic. William Wade C. W, L L. Charles Newman made mee 1693. Clock bell. Tho. Gardiner fecit i7?6. "Great bells v. Sancts Balls j." Return of 1553. Davy nearly as above, with a mistake or two. The 7th very much worn . See p. 17, and East Anglian, L, 28, for notes by Mr. J. B. Armstead. 116. QLMDO^ S.Peter. i Bell. Bell. John Darbie made me 1676. So Davy, 15 Sept., 1827. 3 in 1553. 117. CLOPTON ^. ^/.?;j. Tenor. Diam. 43I in. 6 Bells. I) 2, 3, 4, 5 W. & T. Mears, late Lester, Pack, & Chapman of London fecit 1788. 6 This peal cast in the year 1788 by unanimous consent of the parishioners ; by recasting the five old bells and adding this tenor made them a peal of six. W. & T. Mears, late Lester, Pack, & Chapman of Lon- don fecit 1788. The C.W. sold a " payre of cKalles," of which they made verdict at Ipswich 28 Sept., 1547, " ffrome y' day we haue neyther sold alyenatyd nor pledged neyther ornam^ Jewells plate nor bellys.' iiij Nov., i547- "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. 118. COCKFIELD^. Peter. 6 Bells. 1 Laus Deo 1843. Thomas Mears fecit Londini. 2 Charles Newman made mee 1700. 3 Charles Newman made me 1699. G. H. H. T. 4 Miles Graye made me 1656. 5 n 81 James Q 82 Edbvry Q 82 1608. 6 John Jowars Rob'. Debenham C.W. Tho. Gardiner fecit 1721 Num. 126. Date on 5 " 1098 " by mistake. See p. 95. " Great bells V." Return of 1553. Davy notes " T. Martin's notes taken in I735-" 178 • THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 119. CO DD EN H AM S. Mary. Tenor c. 15 cwt. 8 Bells. 1 Theodore Ecclestone, Esq', 1742. Thomas Lester made me. Although I am but small I will be heard above you all. T. P. A. F. C. (incised). 2 Thomas Lester made me 1742. The: Ecclestone. 3 Theodore Ecclestone. Thomas Lester made us all, 1740. 4 The Revd. John Longe, Vicar, John Fox, James Brook Ch. Wardens. Thomas Mears & Son of London fecit 1806. 5, 6 Recast by John Warner & Son, London, 1878. These bells are for the honour of God & the use of His Church. Revd. Robert Longe, Vicar of Coddenham. Walter Chapman | Church Frederick Gull [ Wardens. 7 Thomas Lester made us all 1740. 8 . (filed off) 1742. Thomas Lester of London made us all. Clock bell, 1808. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, 7 May, 1824, notes all as Lester's, save 4. Theodore Ecclestone, Esq., was owner of the Crowfield Hall Estate, which was purchased in the year 1764 by Arthur Middleton, Esq., Governor of S. Carolina, and grandfather of the late Sir W. F. F. Middleton, Bart. 120. COMBS S. Mary. Tenor E. Diam. 46} in. 4 Bells. 1 John Darbie made me 1662. R. B. 2 Miles Graye made me 16 19. 3 U 51 thrice. n 49 /io«i ^rccc Baptiate Q 62 ^albent tZTua 2!Julncra .\*pc. 4 John Draper made me 1627. 4 in 1553. Davy notes 5 bells, one broken. Weights, according to Terrier of 1770, 15, 18, 21, and 24 cwt. 1 21 . C O O K L E Y 6". Mic/iael. 3 Bells. 1 Ricardvs Bowler me fecit 1598. 2 Thomas Gardiner fecit 1728. 3 ^nno iBomini 1593 W. B. So Davy, 26 June, 1806. Thomas Haywarde and Wyllam Sparke certify iiij Nov., 1547, that they have sold "neither plate, joyells, bells." 3 in 1553. 122. COP DOCK S. Peter. 5 Bells. I, 2 Miles Graye made me 1614. 3 Miles Graye made me 1615. 4 John Barbie made me 1677. 5 John Darbie made me 1679. No return of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547. 3 in 1553. Davy calls the third the treble, otherwise there is no difference. INSCRIPTIONS. 179 123. CORNARD, GREAT, ^. Andrew. Tenor. Diam. 37 in. 5 Bells. 1 John Thornton made me 1708. 2 Buxton Vnderwood Jef. Poter Warden 1708. 3 Miles Graye made me 1664. 4 CFiernts 'Slnm" Jowells as bells plate and other ornaments remayneth in the Costodye of the Township, " Certif. of James Hanse and Roger Spicer, 1547." 3 in 1553. Terrier rendered 18 May, 1827, "by computation 500 lbs. weight." 129. COVEHITHE ^. ^«^;rz£/. 5 Bells. 1 No inscription. 2 AB W 'llnno Uomtni 1616 3 ^nno Somini 1626. U5I- 4 U 50 thrice. -|- 61 ^3etrus ^D iiternc Q 62 Bucat j^os ^ascua SUite. 5 U 50 thrice. -[- 61 ^wnx ilosa ^ulsata □ 62 iWunDt i^Waria "iJotata. So Davy, 17 June, 181 7, save 1628 on 3rd. '■ Northalys," certif., 15471 no sale of bells. 5 in J553. Well toned bells. 130. COWLINGE ^. J/^r^^r^/. Tenor. Diam. 39 in. 5 Bells. I, 2 Thomas Newman made me. Ex dono F. Dickins, Esq^, 1734. 3, 4 John Briant Hertford fecit 1809. 5 T. Newman made me. Stephen Phillips & John Fenton, C. Wardens. " Great bells iij. Sancts bells j." Return of 1553. 131. CRANSFORD S. Peter. 3 Bells. 1 W. B. Anno Domini 1594. 2 U 52 thrice. -\- 47 }i}tt ^it ^taxw n €*ampa EauDc 33onorum. 3 Recast by John Warner & Sons, London, 1878. Hung by G. Day & Son, Eye. Mrs. Borrett \ Mrs. Pooley f ^ G.T. Borrett ( D^^^'"-^' T. P. Borrett ) G. F. Pooley, M.A., C. C C. C, Rector of Cransford. T T?i '^ I Churchwardens. J. Flory ] " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. The old tenor was inscribed, En Jfilultis Slnnt'S, &c., and bore the same marks as the 2nd. The rhyme-stop is not engraved, I think. Not in tune. 132. CRATFIELD ^. Mary. Tenor a very good bell, 6 and Clock bell, 1 Chapman & Mears of London fecerunt 1781. 2 John Smyth of Norwod and Henry Fiske Chvrchwardens. Ao Do 1593 W, B. INSCRIPTIONS. l8l 3 U 50 U 86 AB ^\' ^nno IBomtm 16 18. 4 Cratfeld. Henry Topsel, R. T. Ano Dni 1585. 5 □ If with my fellowes I doe agree Then Hsten to our harmony. ==W. D. G. S Chvrchwardens. W. B. 16 18. 6 □ 48 Per me fideles invocantur ad preces. 1637. J. B. Clock bell -|- 47 ©irginta lEgrcgic -|- 47 Wocot Campana itlaiic liJrfg dFor Zl)c ^oU Of eatUiam BlcfiS. So Davy, 22 May, 1807, with one or two involuntary variations. No re- turn of bells in certif. of Symond Smyth and John Bateman, C W., iiij Nov., 1547. The battlement to the tower was then built by the sale of "a peyer of Chalys a peyer of Senso''s and a Crosse, the pi'ce xxli." 4 and a Sance bell in 1553. The Clock bell has a staple for a tongue, and is worn internally. See pp. 41, 103. Some of the capitals on the 2nd are of the Norwich mediaeval type, like Nos. 54, etc., and the A is quite peculiar. 133. GREETING^// Saints. Ecclesia destructa. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. T. Martin, Sept., 1732, "3 Bells (old ones)." 134. GREETING 6'. J/c^o'. Diam. 39 in. i Bell. Bell. Thomas Crardiner fecit 1727. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, 13 June, 1827, "One bell which I did not examine." Hung in a chestnut frame and wheel, diam. of latter 7 ft. On the wheel is " Thomas Sharman, Churchwarden, i FF (letters chipped off) 1733." 135. GREETING 6-. Olave. Ecclesia destructa. No return in 1553. 136. GREETING .S. P^/^/'. Tenor. Diam. 27 in. 3 Bells. 1 Ricardvs Bowler me fecit 1600. 2 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1726. 3 Johannes Drivervs T C. me fecit 16 18. "West cretynge. Great bells iij. Sancts bells j." Return of 1553. Notes, probably by Tom Martin, 26 Sept., 1732, record "3 modern bells." Davy, June 15, 1S27, apparently by mistake notes only two, inaccessible. Treble cracked. 137. GRETINGHAM .S. T'^/^r. 5 Bells. 1 John Darbie made me 1661. T. C. 2 John Darbie made me 1661. H. C. 3 XJ thrice. + Vtn iFit ^cotu" D G^ampa SauDc 93onotu. 4 XJ thrice. -|- ©clcfti iKanna Q ^"a l^rolrg iiog ©ibct ^nna. * William Dowsing and Gregorie Smith. 1 82 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 5 U thrice. -|- Jiubbcntat Digaa Q Bonantibug ?i?anc IXateitna. No return of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547. " Great bells iiij." Return of I553. 3, 4, 5 Norwich bells. Shield 50, Cross 61, Rhyme-stop 62, I feel tolerably sure. 138. CROWFIELD ^// Saints. i Bell. IjcII. Rob'. Catlin fecit 1740. From Davy, 12 May, 1824. i in 1553. 139. CULFORD S. Mary- I Bell. Bell. Thomas Newman made me 1704 " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, 18 Aug., 1829, "one bell." 140. CULPHO .S. £otolJ>h. i Bell. Bell. Miles Graye made me 1641 (cracked). " Cvlsfo... Great bells ij." Return of 1553. 141. DALHAM J). Mary. 5 Bells. 1 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1755. 2 SII\ mAI^-Tin STU^J^BIIiDe XJ (Stuteville). J'er pale, arg. and sa. a saliire engrailed crniine and ermines. I am the second in degree And will in tune and time agree. John Draper made me 1627. 3 SIP^ mAP^Tin Sa^U-TEIIJDG \J his arms. I am the third and you shall her Me beare my part, and sound most cleere. John Draper made me 1627. 4 Sir Ja\ Affleck Bart., and Jeremiah Moore Church- wardens. Cha^ D. M. Drake Rector. This bell was recast by ^V'". Dobson, Downham, Norfolk, A.D. 1832. 5 U 50 thrice. -h 61 Sum iiofa ^^ulfata D 62 iHunDt iWatia SFocata. Sir M. S. died suddenly while smoking at the Bell at Thetford. See Rous's Diary. See also Gawdy MSS., p. 116. His daughter Anne married James de Grey of Alerton, who died in 1665. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy could not get the key. 142. DALUHQHOO S. Mary. Tenor G. Diam. 37 in. 4 Bells. 1 C. W. M. L. F. L. F. H. M. 1592. 2 Richard Phelps made me 1732. 3 U 50 thrice. -\- 61 ^^ctru3 an Ictcruc D 62 33ucat floi ^agtua ^ite. 4 Thomas Gardiner made me 1715. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Hawes says "3 by Miles Graye, 5 formerly," and Martin, 1745, says 3. INSCRIPTIONS. 183 143. DARVISDEN^-. Andretc'. i Bell. Bell. John Goldsmith fecit 17 10. Santa Maria. No return of bells in certif of iij Nov., 1547, probably i. Left blank in 1553. Davy, 14 Sept., 1827, "One bell ... no ladder." 144. D^RSH^^ All Saints. 4 Bells. 1 John Brand made mee 1656. 2, 4 John Brand made ma 1656. 3 TJ 65 thrice. -\- i£anctc (sic) ©pont'a <9ra ^jro ^obis. The churche reves of Darsham, John Re^•e and Robt. Backler, A''. 1547, certify to the sale of " j peyer of handbells for the p^ce of \]s. iiijc/." 3 in 1553. Davy, 3 June, 1808. gets the numbers wrong, and reads Cf)Oma on the Tenor, ©ponta is for apollonia. See Cambridc^eshire., p. 126. First four of a tive m G, all maiden, in tune. 145. D E BACH .4/7 5c7z';//j% In F. Diam. 23^ in. i Bell. Bell. Xo inscription. No return of bells in certif of iiij Nov., 1547. " Debedge... Great bells ij." Return of 1553. Davy (27 May, 1823), found it inaccessible. 146. DEBENHAV. S. Mary. Tenor i ton, in E. Diam. 44 in. 8 Bells. I, 3, 6 Lester & Pack of London fecit 1761. 2 Lester & Pack fecit 1761. 4 Lester & Pack of London fecit. Tho% Kersey 1761. 5 Tho\ Mears of London fecit 1793. 7 Lester & Pack of London fecit. Ed\v^'. Davie & J"". Orford Ch. Wardens 1761. 8 In Wedlock's bands all ye who join With hands your hearts unite So shall our tuneful tongues combine To laud the nuptial rite. [The Re\-d. M^ Ja^ Clubb Vicar : The Revj. Mr. Robert Leman Curate, engraved\ So Davy substantially, but without a date to 4, and 1795 o" 5- '■ Gret bells v." Return of 1553. 147. ^"t-H^k^ S. John Baptist. i Bell. Bell. 1 614. I. D. 3 in 1553. Davy, 16 June, 1809, notes one bell. See p. 109. 148. DENHAM 5. yir^zO'. In F. Diam. 21 in. i Bell. Ecll. Xo inscription. •' Great bells ij." Return of 1553. Long-waisted, and apparently old. 149. DENNINGTON ^. Mary (fine bells). 5 Bells. 1 "7 52 thrice. -f- ^anrta iHarta (Dra |3ro ilobt'S. 2 -j- 47 dFac jUaisavcta D 48 iiobis "p^a i'Hunrra ZLcta. 3 -|- ^aiuta ^f)oma Ota ^Jro ilobtg. 4 Anno Domini 162S. \V. I. B. Omnis Sonvs Lavdet Dominvm. 1 84 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 5 1666 Anno Orbis incendio redempti vrbis peremptiie. Gvil. Bell T. P. Vicarius. John Darbie made me. 5 and a Sance bell in 1553. So Davy and Jermyn, Aug. 5, 1S06. Gillingwater, 10 May, 1798, notes 5. Terrier, 3 July, 1753, "Five large bells, the Tenor of 25 cwt., the other proportionable." Much curious matter in parish accounts. The bell-frame is athwart the tower, which has been built around it. Part of the capstan forms a beam. 150. DENSTON 6". Nicholas. 2 Bells. 1 rj 65 thrice. + ^ancta □ i'Harta D ©ra D i^ro D i^obls. 2 U 65 thrice. 4- 5'incte n ^ttrc D <5ra D liJro D iiobis. " Denarston... Great bells iij." Return of 1553. No notes. Davy. Mr. Deedes notes these as i and 3 of a trio, as the middle pit is vacant. The usual failure has of course resulted from an attempt to cut the crack out of 2. 151. DEPDEH S. Mary. Tenor. Diam. 36 in. 3 Bells. 1 U 65 thrice. + 67 ^ancif D [Btco]lac D ®ra D ^to D i^obt^. 2 ij 65 thrice. -f 67 5ancta D ^""a Q <'5ra Q ^ro D i^obi?. 3 Ric ardvs Bowler me fecit 1600. (A band between each word, and six Elizabeth coins on the sound-bow.) "Debden... Great bells iij." Return of 1553. No notes. Davy. Notes C, Ajt, and .\. 152. DRINKSTONE ^// &/;//.f. Tenor. Diam. 39 in. 6 Bells. 1 Pack & Chapman of London fecit 1771. Henry Plume Church Warden. 2 Henry Pleasant made me 1696. F. P. 3, 5 Mears & Stainbank, founders, London, 1869. 4 Henry Pleasant made me 1696. 6 Reginald Sayer, Tho. Cocksedge C.W. Henry Pleasant made me 1695. " Great bells i iij. Sancts Bells j." Return of 1553. Davy notes 3 and 5 like the rest, but "P. C." for " F. P." Tenor cracked. Notes of the others F, D^, C^, C, Air. 153. DUNNINGWORTH S. Mary. Ecclesia destructa. No return in 1553. The church was standing and in use in the year 1561. Davy. 154. D U N W I C H ^// Saints. Ecclesia destructa. See extracts from Gardiner, 1734. No mention of bells in certif. of iiij Nov., 1547. 3 in 1553. " The steeple appears in tolerable repair : I remember a man who had occupied a farm at Yoxford, and whose name was Parker, being convicted and transported for stealing, I think, one of the bells and some of the lead." Davy, 24 Oct., 1839. INSCRIPTIONS. 185 155. D\JNVJ]CH S. /a;;ics. c. 5 cwt. i Bell. Bell. T. Mears of London fecit 1832. Coeval with the church, given by Frederick Barne, Esq. 156. D U N W I C H 6". >//« Bc7j>fisf. Ecclesia d est met a. No return of bells in certif. of iiij Nov., 1547. 3 in 1553. 157. DUNWICH 6-. Leonard. Eeelesia destrucfa. No return in 1553. 158. DUNWICH .S-. Martin. Eeelesia destnteta. No return in 1553. 159. DUNWICH 6-. Nieholas. Eeelesia destrneta. No return in 1 553. 160. DUNWICH S.Peter. Eeelesia destrneta. No return of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547. 3 in 1553. 161. ^^^'T OH All Saints. 5 Bells. 1 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 173T. 2 T. Osborn fecit 1791. Rev. Loder Allen, Rector. Joseph Rust Ch. Warden. 3 Miles Graie made me 1627. I. E. 4 -\- miSSYS YGI\0 PIG GABI\IGD EGI\T DGTA mAI\IG. 5 Recast by John Warner & Sons, London, 1884. This bell was cast and the peal rehung at the expense of the Duke of Hamilton, A.D., 1884. Hung by G. Day & Son, Eye. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. No return of bells in certif of iiij Nov., 1547. The places are still visible in the under-chamber where the beams were built in. The old tenor, like the 4th, was of the " Burhngham " type, inscribed -f SPGS DOSTI^A SAIJYS nOST-I\A O BGATA TI^iniTAS. It bore shield No. 64. 162. EASTON B AVE NTS 6\ Margaret. Eeelesia destrneta. 3 in 1553, either in this Church or the next. 163. EASTON BAVENTS S. Nieholas. Eeelesia destrneta. See No. 162. 164. EDWARDSTON E .S. J/^rry. 6 Bells. 1 Mr. Cook and Nvtting C W. 1709. 2 Tvned by WX Cvlpeck 17 10. 3 Miles Graye made me 1640. 4 Miles Graye made me 1641. 5 Miles Graye made me 1663. 6 About ty second Cvlpeck is wrett Becavse the fovnder wanted wett Thair jvdgments ware bvt bad at last Or elce this bell I never had cast. Tho. Gardiner. 1 86 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. See p. 142. " Great bells iiij ." Return of 1553. Davy, May 21, 1829, leaves out "tuned by" on 2. 4 " 1663." He could not read the Tenor. 165. ELEIGH, BRENT, S. Mary. 3 Bells. 1 n 81 Thomas Cheese n 82 made me 1629. 2 □ 81 Thomas □ 82 Cheese made me 1632. 3 (arabesque) Jeams □ 81 Edbvry D 82 1612. " Brondylly... Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, Oct. 25, 1826, " i, 1632," al. sim. 166. ELEIGH, MONKS. ^. Pc/.r. 6 Bells. 1 T. Osborn fecit 1790. 2 Miles Graye made me M 1638. 3 Miles Graye made me M 1637. 4 U 65 thrice. 4- 67 <9ra n 68 3Laurtnti D 68 93ona D 68 ©ampana n 68 ^^aci. 5 □ AssvmPTA : GST ; mAP^iA ; in ; CGDYm. 6 Miles Graye made me M. 1638. See. p. 10. " Mounksylle... Great bells iiij." Returns of 1553. Davy, Oct. 25, 1826. Imperfect, but accordant notes. '•31 May, 1737- There were only 5 bells." 167. ELLOUGH All Saints. Tenor. Diam. 32 in. 3 Bells. 1 □ AYG : mAl^IA : GI\ACIA : PDGnA : DOmiBYS : TGCVm. 2 The Revd. Rob^ Lemon Rector. John Warne Ch. Warden 1763. Lester & Pack of London fecit. 3 Anno Domini 1597. See p. 74. So in substance, Davy, June i, 1808. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. 168. ELM HAM, SOUTH, ^// .S^i///.-. Note C. i Bell. Bell. Anno Domini 1603. " Pochia omn Scor in Sowthe elmehm... Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Here were three bells till about 60 years ago. It is said that two were sold to Southwold, where there was recasting and addition in 1828. The following note is from the Churchwardens' book : — "€■■. By Cash of Mr. Burgess for 2 Bells. Wt. 10 cwt. I qr. 3 lbs. at 6id. ^31 3 5 Dr. Allowed Mr. Burgess for Tare and Tret in the weight of Bells 8 i Geo. Durrant Churchwarden." That this is true there can be little doubt, for Davy records 3 bells, " I Laudes (for laudet) Deo in 2 Anno Domini 1603. 3 ... ora pro ..." Now the Southwold 6th bears, "Eu (Lifglllb anil in 17o JLaulics Sco," which Davy may well be excused for not deciphering. This was, according to him, the largest of the three. 169. ELMHAM, SOUTH, S. George. 5 Bells. 1 J Taylor & Son, Founders, Loughborough, 1844. J. Hurry, Norwich, Agent. 2 auuo Domini 16 10 AB W INSCRIPTIONS. 187 3 U 64. __ -|- AYG : mAI\IA : GP^AGIA : PDGIIA : DllS : TGGY. 4 U 51 thrice. -{- 61 i^04 ^Oomc iHftttts n 62 iHcrcamur ©autta Suci?. 5 John Brend made me 1635. See p. 61. "Sandcroft in Sowtvilla... Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy notes four, which he did not venture to inspect. 170. ELM HAM, SOUTH, S. fames. Tenor. Diam. 31! in. in C^f. 4 Bells. 1 R. B. 1662. 2 Thomas Newman made mee 1707. Joseph Barber C.W. 3 _|_ joHAnnes : Bi\ovn : me : bggit : bigi\i. 4 Anno Domini 1581. LB. Bells not in tune. See p. 74. R. B. for Ralph Brend. No sale of bells in certif. of 1547. "Great bells iij. Sancts j." Return of 1553. Davy dates 2 1704, crosses 3 and 4, and could not read JOHADIiGS on 3. 171. ELMHAM, SOUTH, 6'. AfargareL 5 Bells. I, 2, 3 John Brend made me 1657. 4 ^nno JDomiui 1627. AB W 5 17 51 thrice. Slnno Somtui 1596. "W". B. So Davy, save that he reads " 1586" for 1596. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. 172. ELMHAM, SOUTH, 6'. Mic/iae/. A good clear bell. I Bell. Bell. C. & G. Mears, founders, London, 1847. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. "Only i bell," Davy. 173. ELMHAM, SOUTH, ^. Nicholas. Ecclesia destructa. " Great bells iiij. Sancts Bells j." Return of 1553. " The church is now entirely demolished." Davy. 174. ELM HAM, SOUTH, 6". /V/^r. Tenor. Uiam. 34I in. NoteBb. 3 Bells. 1 IJ 9 four times. 2 IJ II four times. -\- 15 3)o]^anncs O 16 Cri^ti O 16 €are O 16 Stgnarc O 16 ^ro O 16 jSobis O 16 ©rare. 3 U 8 four times. -f 15 5um O 16 (J^alirtcl O 16 iFata O 16 /«aclf. O 16 ^um O 16 Comitata* Seep. 17. Well-toned bells. No sale of bells in certif. of 1547. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. (The same three hung in the tower m 1889.) 175. ELMSETT 6". Pd'/^r. Notes C and A#. 2 Bells. I Thomas + Gardiner + Sudbury + fecit + 1726 (two coins). l88 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 2 Miles Graye made me 1636. Pits for two others, which are said to be in Stowmarket tower. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy by mistake, 20 May, 1829, " i Bell." 176. ELMSV\/ ELL S. /o/tn £mnge/isf. Tenor. Diam. 4o.nn. 5 Bells. 1 Robard Gvrney ^ made me ^ 1670. W. M. T. F. 2 De D 82 Bvri □ 82 Santi D 82 Edmondi Q 82 Stefanvs D 82 Tonni Q 82 me D 82 fecit D 82 WL D 81 1582 n 81. 3 U 65 thrice. -|- ^anttt D liUmunDt D <9ra D i^" D MoUi. 4 John Darbie made me 1677. 5 3)oJ)" J3rapcr aoc me 1616 (cracked). " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, II June, 1827, imperfect notes, but correct as far as they go. 177. ELVEDEN 6'. Amfrera. i Bell. Bell. John Darbie made me 1664. "Elvedene... Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, 24 Aug., 1829, notes one bell, but gives Ringers' Rules, dated Sept. 19, 1707, showing that there was at that time a ring of bells in this tower, copied by Jermyn, 18 17. 178. ENDGATE S. Alary. Ecclesia destnicta. " Ingate. Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Church taken down 1577. Bells, lead, etc., sold for £j(> 18 4, which was given to Dunwich on account of losses sustained there. See W. J. A. in East Suffolk Gasette, Aug. 9, 1887. 179. ERISWELL .S. Laurence. Ecdesia destructa. No return in 1553. 180. ERISWELL 6". Peter. 3 Bells. I, 2 Tho^ Osborn founder 1795. John Spark Church Warden. 3 Tho. Gardiner made me 1743. So Davy, 21 Aug., 1828. " Great bells vj." Return of 1553. 181. ERWARTON 6'. Mary. 1 Bell. Bell. C. Newman made me 1700. R. Sporll. W. Fisher C. W. So Davy, i and Sance bell in 1553. 182. EUSTON S. Genevieve. 5 Bells. I, 2, 3 Henricvs Pleasant me fecit 1701. 4 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1730. 5 Domini Thome Hanmeri Baronetti. Anno Domini 1701. H. P. " Great bells iij. Sancts bells j." Return of 1553. Davy, 4 July, 1843, " Five." 183. EYMWAQ S. Martin. 5 and Clock bell. ^) 2, 3, 4 John Draper made me 1623. INSCRIPTIONS, 189 5 C. & G. Mears, founders, London, 1S45. William Fyson ] ^, , ,,, , JohnDobede ) Churchwardens. Clock bell. T. Mears of London fecit. W" Fyson ] Tho^ Bryant } ^'^'"'^^^ Wardens 1831. Late the gift of Francis Shepherd Esq''., 1723. "Eycenyng Halfe Hundred :—Eycenyng... Great bells iiij. Sancts Bells j." Return of 1553. 184. EYE SS. Peter and Paid. 8 Bells. 1 Ex dono Gulielmi Brampton generosi Anno Domini 1721. 2 Pack & Chapman of London fecerunt. Simon Cook Churchwarden 1779. 3 Thomas Rust oppidi Prcefecto J. Stephens made us 3 1721. 4 Let us rejoice our King restord. Sami. Cowing Danl Sewell C\ Wardens. T. Osborn fecit 1789. 5 O God continue thy tender mercies to the King. Dan'. Sewell Sam'. Gowing, C". Wardens. T, Osborn fecit 1789. 6, 8, Miles Graye made me 1640. 7 U 51 thrice. -f- 61 IBona McpcnDc ^ta n 62 Mogo JWagDalcna iWarla. So Davy, 17 and 18 June, 1809. 5 and a Sance bell in 1553. Sperling notes the tenor as in Ej?, 24 cwt. Comparison of dimensions of 7th and Tenor: — 7 : 8 ft. in. I ft. in. Height in full ... ... 3 o|^ 2 10^ ,, to shoulder ... 2 6^1^ 26 Diam. lip ... ... 3 6:^ | 4 o Circum at inscription ... 6 4 I 6 ii|- Eye Town Hall possesses an old bell without inscription, but apparently from London, c. 1350. Till the last century it used to hang in a spire which formerly surmounted Eye tower. Very likely the original Sance bell. 185. EYKE All Saints. 3 Bells. 1 No inscription. 2 Henry Pleasant made me 1706. 3 17 55 thrice. + ^antta D iWaria D ©ta D ii^io Q ^oblg. So Davy, 12 Sept. 1807. Martin (no date) notes 5. From Hawes : — i. 2 Henry Pleasant made me 1706. 3 Jbantta Ora |)ro iBobis. 4 3:n JttulttS, cvc. 5 Miles Graye made me 1630. "Great bells iiij. Sancts bells j." Returns of 1553. Faculty for selling two bells in Uavy. 186. FAKENHAM, GREAT, .5. /V/rr. Tenor A J. c. 8 cwt. X Bells. IQO THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 1 -\- Saiuta : marta : ora : pro : nobis. 2 Ue Bvri Santi Edmondi Stefanvs Tonni me fecit 1572. 3 R. G. 1667. "Great bells iij." Returns of 1553. Davy, no notes. 187. FAKENHAM. LITTLE, 5. J;idre7a. Ecclesia destrncia. No return in 1553. 188. FALKENHAM 6-. ^///^/^t-;-/. 4 Bells. 1, 2 John Darbie made me 1666, 3, 4 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1728. So Davy, 15 July, 1829. No return of bells in certif. of iiij Nov., 1547. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. 189. FARNHAM .5". Mary. 2 Bells. 1 T. S. T. P. 1590. 2 ^nno Domini 1631. U 5°- So Davy. Diameters 2ft. 2in., 2ft. 3fin. No clappers. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. 190. FELIXSTOWE ^5. Peter and Paul. i Bell. Bell. Miles Graye made me 1627. "ffylsto^ve. Great bells j." Return of 1553. Davy, 15 July, 1S29, i Bell. 191. FELSHAM 5. i'.^-r. Tenor. Diam. 45I in. in F. 6 Bells. I Robard ^ Gvrney made me ^ 1668. 2, 4 Miles Graye made me M. 163S. 3 ij 65 thrice. -[- 67 Sancta Q ^nna Q . Tenor. Diam. 44 in. Fij:. 3 Bells. 1 Thomas Osborn Downham Norfolk fecit 1799. John Cottingham Churchwarden. 2 De Bvri Santi Edmondi Stefanvs Tonni me fecit 1574. 3 Little Glemham November 1749. Cast by Thomas Lester of London. So Davy, No return of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. 219. GLEMSFORD ^. 3fary. 6 Bells. I Tho^. Mears of London fecit 1830. 2, 3 Miles Graye made me 1659. 4 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1754. 5 Tho^ Mears of London fecit 1830. Rev. W"". Butts, Rector. Rev. E. D. Butts, Curate. Ambrose Jefferys ) churchwardens. Charles Bigg j 6 Charles Newman made mee 1686. William Stanby 1 r-, u ^i^ ^ , , ™ ^ }■ Churchwardens. John iomson J Davy, Aug. 18, 1 83 1. No notes. " Great bells v." Return of 1553. Nov. 16, 1698, "Wm. Tamplin for hanging the tenor and mending the other bells, 9/6." P. Ace. 220. GORLESTON S. Andrew, 6 Bells. I, 2, 3, 4, 5 Mears & Stainbank, founders, London, 1873. 6 Mears & Stainbank, founders, London, 1873. This peal of bells dedicated to the honor and glory of God and the use of the parish church of St. Andrew's Gorleston by Miriam Chevallier Roberts born at Southtown in that parish A.D. 1853. The old 4 were thus inscribed : — 1 U 50 AB U 86. W 1610. Dame Chamberlin Xpofer Poope. 2 (see p. 42) + I Am : IHAD : in ; YG WOI\CHePG : OB YG : CP^OS. -j_ SAHCTG i IIYCHOIJAG • OI\A i PI\0 \ nOBIS. 196 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 3 Anthony Taylor, W^. Cross Ch. Wardens 1763. Lester & Pack of London fecit. 4 U 50 AB U 86. W John Belton, Dame Chamberhn, Xpofer Poope, Church- wardens 16 1 9. " iiij Nov., 1547. Certif. of Erasmus ffox and and Barnard Sudbru Chyrchewardens ther. We snefye that the towneshypp have sold one Crosse of sulu"^ and one sens'" of sylu^ to the value and sma of xiiijli iiijs. yerys sence. The whyche xiiijli is bestowyd vppon a newe belifframe to the bells and a new Battylment to the stepuU for iiij yerys paste." " Great bells iiij. Sancts bells j." Return of 1553. When I was here in 1866 I found only the two smaller of the four whole, being the 2nd and 4th of a six. The treble and third were sold c. 1845 to assist in pewing the church. 221. GOSBECK S. Mary. i Bell. * Bell. Recast by J. Taylor &: Co., Loughborough, 1879. The Rev"d_ y. S. Barry Rector. ^^^ Mayhew, Churchwarden. 3 in 1553. Davy, 8 May, 1824. One bell inscribed— S'sncta iHarta ora pro notts. 222. GROTON 6". Bartholomew. Tenor. Diam. 40^ in. Weight 10 cwt. 3 qrs. II lbs. 5 Bells. 1 John Darbie made me 1676. 2 Lester & Pack of London fecit 1764. Richd. Lifton & Geo Mumford Ct'^Vardens W'^. Dawson. 3 U 25 + 22 U 26 ^anctc IXatcnna ©ra ^ro Jioliis. ■& § ^ § 4 ^ 3S U 31 + .Sit i^omcn Somtni OScnetktum. 5 Lester & Pack of London fecit 1763. Geo Mumford «& Rich^. Lifton Ch.Wardens. " Great bells iiij. Sancts bells j." Return of 1553. 223. GRUNDISBURGH 5. J/.zr>'. Tenor. Diam. 38^. 6" Bells. 1 T. Mears. of London fecit 1830. Reyi. D^ Ramsden Rector. James Hayward Churchwarden. Sam'. Cutting Subscriber. 2 John Darbie made me 1665. William Yorke C. W. 3 Pack & Chapman of London fecerunt 1779. James Johnson Churchwarden. 4 John Darbie made me 1665. 5 G. Mears & Co , London, 1864. 6 Miles Graye made me 1628. T. Martin, 1725, notes "John Darbie made me 1665 upon 4th bell lying at the West end of the Church, upon the least but one William W Yorke C upon the biggest S' William Bloys Knight. Another broken bell run at the same time lies in a Vestry or inclosed place at the West end of the South Isle." INSCRIPTIONS. 197 224. GUNTON S. Peter. No Bell. No return in 1553. None in Robert Reeve's time. " We neur sold no other ymplemens (but plate) nat for ys xxti yers past. Certif. of Henry Heyham and Henry Blocke, C.W. iij Nov., 1547." 225. HACHESTON ^// ^^/V//.. I [Inscription wholly obscured by iron band]. 2, 4 Ihon Darbie made me 1683. 3 U 50 thrice. -f 61 iBulctg ©ifto iWcIig D 62 ©ampa Uocot ^\t\yii,. 5 U Sr. 1582. S. G. Rector. H. F. C.W. Four bells are returned under " Parham Haston" in 1553. Hawes notes the treble as " Richard Phelps made me 1712," and the tenor as SG. RBCT RR RE CR HR. SH BR HT GT MVV HI PII 1589. Davy, Oct. 24, 1817, adds "Anno." 226. HADLEIGH S. Mary. Tenor 28 cwt. Diam. 52^ in. 8 and Clock bell. I, 2 Miles Graye made me 1678. 3 Miles Graye made me 1679, 4 +891731-1-37 c^tt ^omen IBomint 91SencDictum. 5 The Rev. D"". Drummond Rector. J. B. Leake and Thos. Sallows Churchwardens 1806. 6 The Very Rev. H. B. Knox Rector. J. Rand W. Grimwade Churchwardens. C. & G. Mears, founders, London, 1856. 7 The Rev. D^ Thos. Drake, Rector. Samuel Hyell Edward Sallows Ch. Wardens. T. Osborn fecit 1788. 8 Miles Graye made me 1680. Clock bell. AYG mAI\IA GI\ACIA PDGRA (backwards). " Great bells vj." Return of 1 553. . Davy, 5 and 6 Nov., notes 5, Johannes Thornton fecit 1719. In Multis Annis Resonet Campana Johannis, and 6, sum Mosa ^JJulsata jHunill Jtlaria "Focata. al. sim. 19^ THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 227. HALESWORTH 6'. J/.7r>-. Tenor in C. 8 and Clock bell. I, 2 Pack & Chapman of London fecit 1770. 3 Lester & Pack of London fecit 1759. 4 U 65 thrice. + 67 ^anctc n 68 Z\)oma □ 68 ©ta Q 68 ^ro Q 68 iiobis. 5 I\IGHA1^D "WGDTOn ADD DAIIIGD BAI\nG GHV'P^CH ^WAI\DGnS lYIJII 1622 WIB 6 IJ 65 thrice. + 67 n 68 SoDanncS D 68 Cl)vi!3ti D 68 CTarc D 68 IDicinare D 68 pro \J 68 iiobijs Q otaw. 7 U 86 AB U 50. ^v ^nno Domini 161 1. 8 iltio BcpaireD ^5 ^^ogct 2^ooDss CJragmud iHoss CJ)urcI) SSarlicns '^afctg dl^arctt gabc me. WIB. Clock bell. T. Mears London fecit 1826. Davy, 1806, agrees with this. No return of bells in certif. of 1547. 5 and a Sance bell 1553. 7th, inconceivably honeycombed, lasts by a miracle. 228. HARGRAVE ^. ^.//«//«^. Tenor in A. 3 Bells. 1 ^ Thomas Cheese □ 82 James □ 82 Edbere 1622. 2 T. Mears of London fecit 1841. Ehzabeth White, Sarah White. 3 n 81 Anno n 82 : n 82 Regni Q 82 Regine D 81 Elizabeth. De Bvri Santi Edmondi Stefanvs Tonni me fecit. □ 81 Anno n 82 Domini □ 82 1566. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. "3 bells," Davy. The treble has been over-flattened. 229. HARKSTEAD 6". Mary. 5 Bells. 3, 4 Miles Graye made me 161 1. I, 2 Thomas Gardiner fecit 1722. 5 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1722. So Da\y. 3 in 1553. 230. HARLESTON ^. Augicstine. Diam. 16^ in. Note D. I Bell. Bell. J. Warner &: Sons, London. (Royal Arms) Patent. Recast 1862. Rev^. C. Perry Rector. James Matthew Churchwarden. 2 in 1553. Davy, June 13th, 1827, notes a small bell in a cupola, inac- cessible. 231. HARTEST All Saints. Tenor. Diam. 38* in. 11 cwt. 5 Bells. • I5 2, 3, 4 John Darbie made me 1661. 5 John Darbie made me 1661. William Coppinge Richard Mirrld (sic) C.W. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, Aug. 17, 1831, " 5 Bells." INSCRIPTIONS. 199 232. HAS K ETON S. Andreta. Tenor. Diam. 36^ in. Note A. 5 Bells. r, 3, 4, 5 Miles Graye made me 1628. 2 T. Mears of London fecit 1832. Samuel Randale, Churchwarden. I, 3, 4, 5 also bear the arms of Nath. Atherold, ob. 1678. No return of bells in certif. of 1547. " Wodbridge haston... Great bells iiij." Return of 1553- 233. HAUGHLEY^. J/^70'. Tenor. Diam. 45 in., in F. Weight I ton. 5 Bells. 1 Virorum \ sumptus \ nostrorum \ sunt ; Haughley. Recast in memory of E. Ebdon Surgeon for 43 years a resident of this Parish. E. E. Ward A^icar. ^' J- ^'^^^rison | Churchwardens S. S. Baker [ 1885. J. Smyth, G. Reed 1702 HP Recast by John Warner & Son, London, 2, 3, 4, 5 Stefanvs Q 82 Tonni Q 82 me Q 82 Fecit D 82 WL □ 82 1572. D 81 De n 82 Buri D 82 Santi D 82 Edmondi D 82. XJ 81 Sumptus n 82 Nostrorum Q 82 Sunt Q 82 Haughlue □ 82 Virorum. So Davy, 4 and a Sance bell in 1553. 234. HAVERHILL ^. J/^ry. 5 Bells. I, 3 John Darbie made me 1669. 2 John Darbie made me 1685. 4 Joseph Eayre S', Neots 1765, John Godfrey and Abel Bull Churchwardens.^ 5 Tho. Newman of Norwich made mee. W, Wilshere & S. Bridge C,W. 1729. " Great bells iiij. Sancts bells j." Return of 1553. No notes, Davy. 235. HAWKEDON S. Mary. 5 Bells. 1, 2, 3, 5 Miles Graye made me 1683. 4 Samuel Sparrow William Pettit Church Wardens. J. S. fecit 1 72 1, So Davy, " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. 236. HAWSTEAD All Saints. 3 and a Sance bell. I + 15 U 9 CHtcrnig Slnnts Mcfonct Campana 3)o6anntS. 2, 3 Henry Pleasant made me 1696. Thomas Cason CW. Sance Bell. No inscription. " Halstede.. .Great bells j." Return of 1553. The engraving of the Sance bell, fig. 78, is taken from the chancel, and the bell hangs at the south end of the Rood-screen. See p. 82. The Whitechapel foundry cast five bells, tenor 9 cwt., for Hardwick House in this parish at some time in the last 100 years, 237. HAZLEWOOD. Ecclesia destructa. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. 200 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 238. H ELM INGHAM 6". J/tirj. Tenor. Diam. 49 in., in D. Weight igf cwt. 8 Bells. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 T. Mears of London Fecit 18 15. 7 1815. 8 The Peal of Eight Bells were the gift of the Right Hon^'^. the Earl of Dysart. Anno Domini 1815. T. Mears of London Fecit. Davy, 5 Aug., 1806, left spaces for inscription on 6 bells, but alas ! did not write them in. T. Martin (no date) notes 5. Old Tenor, Lionell Tallmach Esq. De Bvri Sti. Edm. 1562. Stephanvs Tonni me fecit. Davy. See Henley. 4 in 1553. 239. HEMmGSTONE S. Gregory. Tenor. Diam. 45in. 3 Bells. 1 Charles Newman made me 16S6. 2 U 65. + 5ancta D i^atia \J ©ra n ^ro Q i^obis. 3 U65. + Cell n Set n iWunus n ^ut n IScgnat D ^t Q So Davy, 8 May, 1824, imperfectly, crossing i and 2. 3 in 1553. 240. HEM LEY A// Saints. 1 Bell. Bell. Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 17 14. So Davy, 21 May, 181 1, save 1715. No return in certif. of 1547. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. 241. H EN GR Ay E S. /c?/i;i. i Bell. Bell. 1796. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. " No bells, except a small one for the clock." Davy. 242. HENHAM. Ecclesia destriicta. No return in 1553. 243. WEWV.Ey S. Peter. Tenor 9 cwt. 5 Bells. 1 Thomas Mears & Son of London fecit 1809. 2 John Darbie made me 1658. Rafve Meadowe | .i- u n Willyam Meadowe ] S^ve this bell. 3 Lionellus Tolmach Comes de Dysart hunc de novo fundi C. 1736. 4 65 thrice. + ^ancta Q iWaria D ®ra D i^to D iiobtg. 5 U 65 thrice. -j- ^anctc D ^oma D ©ra D i^ro D i^obtg. Davy, 9 May, 1824, "The Clerk told me this (now the 3rd) came from Helmingham." 4 in 1553. The old tenor was by Gardiner, 1729, and weighed 10 cwt. i qr. 25 lbs., without the crown staple. From this the present treble is supposed to be made. The old 3rd by Miles Graye, 161 7, was exchanged for a bell at Helmingham c. 1870. In 1730 ^22 \is. was paid to a Sudbury founder, no doubt Gardiner, for casting a bell and carriage. INSCRIPTIONS. 201 244. HEN STEAD 6*. Mary. i Bell. Bell. No inscription. So Davy, 31 Aug., 1809. " One," Martin, 1750. 3 and a Sance bell in 1553. 245. HEPWORTH S. Peter. Tenor. Diam. 35 in, in A. 5 Bells. I, 2, 3 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1726. 4 Rob'. Nunn Churchwarden. William Dobson 1825. 5 U 50 thrice. -|- ^etrus a?) lEtctnc Q 63 Bucat ilios ^^agcua Wwt. Impressions of coins and medals on i, 2, 3. " (ireat bells iij." Return of 1553. 4 "Thomas Draper the younger made me 15931" says Davy, 6 Jan., 1810, otherwise as above. 246. HERRINGFLEET S. Margaret. 2 Bells. 1 1837. 2 AB U 86 U 52. W Slnno J3omim 161 1. "Heryngsheath... Great bells iij." Return of 1553. We find from Reeve's Historical Collection that there were three bells, one inscribed + ©uesumus anUrea. iramuloruiu ^uscipc ¥013, and another + DulctS €tSto i'ttelis. CTamyana Vocov Jtlttljaclts. 247. HERRI NGSWELL 6". Ethclbert. Tenor in B3, all tuned by turning. 3 Bells. I, 2, 3 I. Taylor & Co., Founders, Loughborough, 1869. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. The original treble, iFac Jlflargareta iflobts "^n ittunera Heta ley Ijono robfrii t)ou (T. Martin). Recast 1741, inscribed John Pond C.W. 1741. Tho. Newman made me. 2 Q ?^?fc Ji^'t :=covu □ Cl^ampa Saiilic 23onoru. 3 D ^M £n ©onclafac D (J^abiicl i'iunc ^angc ^uabc. These three bells seen by me early in 1849 bore the usual Norwich marks. Davy reports these so, 22 Aug., 1828. Martin notes 3 in 1755, so that the jFac Jttargareta must have come from earlier notes. 248. H ESS ETT ^. ^///^/^^r/ (fine bells). 5 Bells. I, 2 Robert Midson John Vacher Churchwardens. John Stephens made me 1724. 3 T. Osborn Founder 1787. 4 John Stephens Bell-founder of Norwich made me 1724. 5 John Stephens made me 1724. So Davy. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. See notes in Canon Cooke's History of Hessett, in the proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology, vol. iv.. No. 6, pp. 330, 331. 249. HEVENINGHAM ^. J/;;:^?''^/-^^- Tenor 9 cwt. 5 Bells. 1 Tho. Osborn fecit 1797- Percute dulce cano. 2 T. Osborn Downham fecit 1797. 3 T. Osborn fecit 1797. Cum voco Venite. 4 T. Osborn fecit 1797. 5 Thos. Osborn fecit 1797. Long live King George the Third. 2A 202 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFP^OLK. No return of bells in certif. of 1547. 4 in 1553. Extract from Terrier rendered 24 May, 1784, "also four bells with frames, the least thought to weigh 7 cwt., the 2nd 9 cwt., the 3rd 11 cwt., and the 4th about 15 cwt." One of the present five is cracked in the shoulder. 250. HIGH AM S. Suj>/iaL i Bell. Bell. Cast by John Warner & Sons, London, 1861. Presented by Joseph Gurney Barclay Esq""., Higham, 1861. 251. HIGHAM S. Alary. Tenor 8 cwt. 6 Bells. 1 Thomas Mears, Founder, London 1842. The gift of A. C. Reeve, Esq. 2 John Darbie made me 1675. 3 William Mears of London fecit 1781. John Stubbin Churchwarden. 4 John Darbie made me 1663. 5 + 43 U 23 ^ancta dfiDcS Ora ^ro ilobi^. 6 John Darbie made me 1675. John Partridge C. W. So Davy, only transposing 2 and 3. See p. 23. No return of bells in certif. of 1547. 4 in 1553. On the battlement of the steeple "J. S. W. M. 1786." The late Vicar, the Rev. A. C. Reeve, died early in 1889. He was insti- tuted in 1835. 252. HINDERCLAY ^. Mary. Tenor. Diam. 39I in., in G. c. 13 cwt. 6 Bells. 1 Cum voco venite. T. Osborn Downham fecit 1790. 2 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 17 16. 3 U 65 thrice. -|- gancta : catcrina : ora : pronobif. 4 I. D. and A. G. made me 162 1. 5 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1734. 6 IJ 50 thrice. + 61 J2o«i ©Dome iHcritts D 62 iHcccamut ffiauliia ilucb. 3)ol)cs Samfon. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy"s notes on the Pitcher, 19 June, 1844. Sperling says, " Tenor G, 14 cwt," 253. HINTLESHAM ^. iV}V//^/^^. Tenor. Diameter 37 in., about 8i cwt. 5 Bells. I, 5 John Darbie made me 1678. 2 John Darbie made me 1677. 3 John Darbie made me 1678. S. H. C.W. 4 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury me fecit 1722. So Davy. 2 in 1553. 254. HITCHAM A// Samfs. Tenor 8 cwt. 6 Bells. I, 2 Thomas Mears of London, flounder, 1837. ^ William Powell ] r-. u j 2 W-". Everett j Churchwardens. 4 'Henry Pleasant made me 1697. William Powell | „j , Wm Everett j hardens. INSCRIPTIONS. 203 5 Thomas ... Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1755. I Fieldgate \ r w R. Kemball f *-• ^^• 6 Thomas Gardiner fecit 1744. I. Fieldgate I p w I. King / "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. T. Martin, 6 July, 1741, notes 6. Davy, 24 Oct., 1826, 5. 255. HO LB ROOK A/I Saints. 5 Bells. 1 Pack & Chapman of London Fecit 1775. Thomas Green & Jn°. Clark Ch. Wardens. 2 William Dobson Founder Downham Norfolk 1807. 3 Robert Patrick of London Founder 1783. Tho^ Green Churchwarden. 4 John Darbie made me 1661. 5 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1722. No return of bells in certif. of 1547. 4 in 1553. " Five bells, the oldest founded 1661." Davy. 256. HOLLESLEY ^// Saints. . 3 Bells. 1 Anno Domini 1620. 2 U 65 thrice. -|- Sancta i*laria Ora ^ro iiobis. 3 Per me fidelis invocantur ad preces. Anno 1620. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. There was another bell, with a large hole in the upper part of it, probably the treble, at Davy's visit, 14 Sept., 1824, inscribed, " Miles Graye made me 1637," otherwise his record agrees with this, save that he kindly corrects " hdelis " to " iideles." 257. HOLTON S. Mary. Notes B, Bb, Ab. 3 Bells. 1 U 65 thrice. + ^ancte D 68 \Uyx\t D 68 ©ra Q 68 ^ro Q 68 iiobtS. 2 John Darbie made me 1674. R. T. C.W. 3 ij 65 thrice. + 67 llbc D 68 itlaria D 68 (Sacla (sic) Q 68 ijJIcna D 68 Bominus Q 68 ®ccum. 3 in 1553- 258. HOLTON S. Peter. i Bell. BeU. Three marks, " M. H. M. 1881 " (by Moore, Holmes and Mackenzie.) 2 in 1553. " One bell." Davy. 259. HOMERSFIELD S. Mary. 2 c^ 3 out of tune. 3 Bells. 1 U 86 AB U 5-- ^mio ©omtni 16 19. 2 U 52 thrice. -f- 61 dPac i«arsarcta D 62 £}obU Sicc iHuncra Hcta. ^ ij 50 thrice. + 61 ?i?ac Jin eonclabc D 62 Gabriel Jlunc ^^angc 5uat.c. ^' Hum^sfelde in Sowthelma... Great bells iij." Return of 1553- Davy notes three bells, but could not get ihe key. INIay 18, 1S30. 204 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 260. HONINGTON All Saints. Tenor A, c. 8 cwt. 3 Bells. 1 No inscription. 2 U 50 thrice. -f 61 abc i^atia CUratta ^iJlcna D 62 Sna IZTccum. 3 John Draper made me 1600. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, 25 July, 1832, " 2 bells. ' 261. HOO ^5. Andrew a7id Eustachius. i Bell. Bell. No inscription (very small, cracked). No return of bells in certif. of 1547, or in 1553. Davy, Apr. 21, 1S19, notes it as inacessible. 262. HOPTON All Saints. Tenor in Y%, c. 13 cwt. 6 Bells. 1 William Dobson Downham Norfolk fecit 1807. 2 John Draper made me 1629. 3, 4, 5 John Draper made me 1630. 6 John Draper made me 1626. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, 27 July, 1824, omits date on 2. al. sim. Sperling (i860) says, "Tenor FA, 13 cwt." 263. HOPTON ^. Margaret. i Bell. Bell. T. Mears of London fecit 1S15. No return of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Three bells mentioned in Reeve's Historical Collection. 264. V\0?.\^^\^ S. Mary. Tenor in Bb , out of tune. 8 Bells. 1 John □ Clvb 1673 □ Horham. 2 John Clvb Horham 1672. 3 John Clvb Horham 1672. 4 John Clovb [Gierke] 1658. 5 Johanes Draper me fecit 1605. 6, 7 John Darbie made me 1663. John Clovbe Rector of Horham and Athelington. 8 Anno Domini 1568 (1568 also scratched in the mould). 4 in 1553. Davy, 16 July, 1809, notes these nearly so, except the tenor. They are the earliest octave, apparently, in the county. The Terrier, 13 Dec, 1672, notes " Eight bells, with frames, ropes, etc." John Clubb, Rector, left in 1693, 6^-. 8rtf. to be given to the poor on Plough Monday. His arms are on i, 2, 3. Lettering of these puzzling. 265. MORNINGS HEATH S.Leonard. 6 Bells. 1 William Dobson Founder 18 18. 2 Peace and good neighbourhood. 3 William Dobson Downham Norfolk Fecit 18 18. 4 These Six Bells were given by Arthur Brooks Esq'., 18 18. 5 W>". Bacon Wigson Esq"", and Thomas Gardiner Church- wardens 18 1 8. 6 The gift of Arthur Brooks Esq"". The ReV^. Henry Hasted, M.A. Rector. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Tom Martin, c. 1724, notes, " Steeple lowered. 3 bells." Davy in 1834 by mistake records only 5 bells. IXSCRIPTIONS. 205 266. HOXNE SS. Peter and Paul. 5 Bells. 1 John Darbie made me 1676. E. \V. A. G. J. H. S. L. 2 Omnis Sonus laudet Dominum. 1655 J. B. U (arms of Thruston, engraved on the bell). 3 + John Goldsmith fecit 17 11 Gabriel J. L. R. W. C. W. T. P. 4 U 50 ©rate TJ 50 pro aia U 50 Ifvirarlii Smitlj. n 62 iSos Cljomc iWcritts □ 61 iWrreamur (&aut)ia 3luci0. 5 D 47 AHt iHar^arrta Q 48 iiobis ^}tt itTuncra Seta. 1; and a Sance bell in 1553. See Thorpe Abbot's, L'Estrange, p. 223. Martin (without date) notes "upon one cast some years ago was this, ?^ac fin (JToncIabc ©alirtfl Nunc 13angc Suabt." This was almost certamly the present 3rd. He gives wrongly ISrotonc for Smtlft on the 4th. See his note. Gillingwater, 20 Aug., 1799, says, "The 6th bell being split was sold about 50 years ago, and the money applied towards seating and repairing the church." In witness whereof the present five are in note the first five of a six. N.B. At Thorpe Abbot's are two bells : — 1 John Darbie made me 1678. 2 John Goldsmith fecit 1712. Mr. John Caton Ch. Wd. Mr, SI. Staiiard. T. R. E. iij belles. One said to have been sold to Hoxne. East Ano^lian, I., 108, for repair of Clock (1521) in Bishop's Palace. 267. HULVER. Ecclesia destructa. 268. HUN DON All Saints. Tenor. Diam. 3 ft. 10 in. 6 Bells. 1 Tho''. Osborn Downham Norfolk Founder 1796. 2 Charles Newman made mee 1701. 3 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury Fecit 1726. 4 T. Osborn Fecit Downham Norfolk 1801. 5 Thomas Mears Founder London 1841. 6 John Thornton Sudbury Made me 1720. Henry Teverson | ^h^ Wds John Hills j "Great bells v." Return of 1553. No notes, Davy. 269. W\}n^TO\A S. Michael. 3 Bells. 1 Pack & Chapman of London fecit. John Rust C. W." 2 J. D. made me 16 14. 3 Johannes Drivervs me fecit 161 7. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, 6 July, 1843, " three bells." 2 70. HUNTINGFIELD ^. J/./n'. Tenor cracked. 5 Bells. 1 Thomas IJ Gardiner Q fecit 1722. 2 Thomas Gardiner fecit 1720. 3, 4, 5 Tho. Gardiner fecit 1720. No return of bells in certif. of 1547. 3 in i553- Davy, I Aug., 1806, gives no inscriptions. P^-ame very bad now. 271. \OY.UnQy\^^\^ All Saints. 3 Bells. I IJ 8 thrice, n 61 S^irginig ^grcgic D 61 2Focot CJampana |tTarlf. 206 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK, 2 IJ 51 thrice. n 47 dutfumus SlnDrca □ 48 ipamulorum ^ufcipc Wotti. 3 Johanes Draper me fecit 1608. "Great Bells iij. Sancts Bells j." Return of 1553. 272. \CKL\NGHAN\ S. /c7mes. i Bell. Bell. No inscription. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, 20 Aug., 1829, notes one bell. 273. ICKWORTH S. Mary. i Bell. Bell. Tho: Gardiner he me did cast 111 sing his praise unto the last. 17 11. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. No mention of bells by Davy. 274. \Y.^^ S. Botolph. 4 Bells. 1 U26n2 2U25 ^anttc Xunlit i«aria Uocata. So Davy, 20 May, 181 1. See his note for legacies to the steeple. _ "bells we have sold non." Certif. of parishioners, 1547. "Itm in the Stepyll bells v Wheruppon gothe the Chymes. Itm Sanctus bell." Return of 1553. Tower engraved in the Building News, Dec. 29, 1882. 284. XP^'HXOW S. Margaret. Tenor F. Diam. 44 in. 6 Bells. I, 3, 4, 5 Miles Graye made me 1630. 2 K.obertus Richmond. Miles Graye made me 1630. 6 Miles Graye made me 1630. The living to the church, the dead unto the grave, Thats my onely calling and propertie I have. No return of bells in certif of 1547. "Itm bells in the stepyll iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, 31 Aug., 1825, "six." 2o8 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 285. \PSy\f\CH S. Mary-a^-£/ms. Tenor G. Diam. 36 in. ^> 3) 5 John Darbie made me 1660. 5 Bells. 2 + + U 23. 4 Miles Graye made me 16 13. "Itm bells in the stepyll iiij. Itm Sanctus bell j." Return of 1553. Davy, 21 Aug., 182 1, notes i and 4 as here, gives 1662 as the date of the tenor, crosses 2 and 3, the former of which he calls " plain." 286. \PSVJ\C\^ S. Mary-ai-Quay. Tenor A. Diam. 33 in. 6 Bells. I T. G. fecit 1732. Mr. Henry Bowell C.W. 2, 3, 6 John Darbie made me 1662. 4 Miles Graye made me 1613. 5 Pack & Chapman I^ondon fecit 1775. " Itm Sanctus bell i. Itm bells in the stepyll iv." Return of 1553. Davy, II June, 181 1, notes 2 and 3 as dated 1663. 287. \PSV^\CH S. Mary S^oJ^e. 2 Bells. 1 No inscription. 2 Miles Graye me made 1615. "Itm bells in the stepyll iiij." Return of 1553. Another removed 1887, which Davy, 2 Aug., 1824, notes "plain." 288. I PSW \CH S. Mary le Tower. Tenor D:> , 32 cwt. Diam. 58 in. 12 Bells. 1 -f- CTantatc i3omino CTantico i?iobo -|- 1866. 2 John Taylor & Son, Loughborough, Founders, July 15th, 1845. 3 George Taylor Joselyn & Edwin Brook Churchwardens 1844. 4 Christopher Hodson made me 1688. R. M. T. S. 5 -(- EauDate Bominiim In Cjmbalis Ucncjsonantilius -|- 1866. 6, 8, 10 John Darbie made me 167 1. 7 Miles Graye made me 1607. 9 -|- lEn Mcsono lirparata iHana i3cfora '^ocata -\- Cast by John Warner & Sons, London, 1866. 11 Miles Graye made me 16 10. 12 -|- ITriplcf persona ^rinitas iiunc ©auliia J3ona. Cast by John Warner & Sons, London, 1861. No return of bells in certif. of 1547. 5 and a Sanctus bell in 1553. Davy, 2 Aug., 1810, notes i, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 (the present 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11) as here. The old 2nd (present 5th) was like the old treble, and Warner in 1866 repeated the inscription on the old 6th (present 9th), dated 1707. The recasting saved any tuning. 289. IPSWICH S. Matthew. Tenor G. Diam. 39 in. 5 Bells. I, 2, 5 Pack &: Chapman of London fecit 1772. 3 U 65 thrice. -j- 5ancta D I^^atcrina D ©ra D i^ro Q i^obtg. 4 Miles Graie made me 1605. So Davy, 17 June. 1824. No return of bells in certif. of 1547. " Itm bells in the stepyll iiij. Itm Sanctus bell. Return of 1553. In 1583, ^4 4J. zd. was paid for casting a bell and overweight, and 5^. 4^. for carrying it to Bury. In 1606 the brass of the 3rd cost 6d. for carrying to Colchester and back, and Myles Graye received £,\ 2s. 6d, for casting the 2nd. There are some more curious items. INSCRIPTIONS. 209 290. \PS\N\Ch\ S. 2V/c/w/as. Tenor G. Diam. 39 in. 5 Bells. I, 3 H. P. 1706. W Tweedy E. Syer C"^ 2 Miles Graye made me 1630. 4 Henry Pleasant have at last Made us as good as can be cast. 1706. 5 H. P. 1706. Marlburio duce castra cano vastata inimicis. So Davy, 30 June, 1826. No return of bells in certif. of 1547. " Itiii bells in the stepyll iiij. Itm Sanctus bell." Return of 1553. _ It is supposed that a Church dedicated to All Saints once stood on the site of S. Nicholas. See p. 141. 291. IPSWICH ^. T^t'/^r. Tenor Gij:. Diam. 3 4^ in. 6 Bells. T John Darbie made me 1682. 2 Thos. Gardiner Sudbury Fecit 1733. 3 No inscription 4 John Darbie made me 1683. George Maciery Moreto. ? 5 T. Rainbird, W. Goodrich CW^ T. G. Fecit 1735. 6 Miles Graye made me 1630. " Itffi bells in the Stepyll iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, 15 June, 181 1, assigns these inscriptions thus: — 1 nowhere j 4 to 3 2 to I 5 to 4 3 to 2 I 6 to 5, and calls the tenor "John Catchpole C.W. Charles Newman made me 1701." 292. \PS\N\CH S. Sfe/>/ien. Tenor B, 3 Bells. 1 U II thrice. + Voy auguftini 5onct In ^urc Bci. 2 ij II thrice. -|- ©riftu-i ^crpctuc 33ct iiobis Cautita WiU. 3 Miles Graye made me 1630. No return of bells in certif. of 1547. " Itm bells m the Stepyll iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, 3 Aug., 1810, "3 Bells." See p. 17. 293. \PSVJ\CH Ilo/y Tri;iify. i Bell. Bell. Thomas Gardiner Norwich fecit 1751. Church about the beginning of the century. 294. IXy^ORTH S. Mary. Tenor E, c. 18 cwt. 6 Bells. I John Darbie made me 1682. Sim: Boldero, The. Clark ChvrchWardens. 2, 3 John Darbie made me 1665. 4 U 65 thrice. -j- ^ancta Q iHaria D Ora D il^ro D MoUi. 5 U 50 thrice. -f- 61 iSos ^Jome i^crttis Q 62 iHtrcamur (i5aut)ta Huclg. 6 Roger Boldero Gent & Tho^ Garnham Ch, Wardens. Lester & Pack of London fecit 1766. " Yxford.. .Great bells V. Sancts Bells j." Return of 1553. Davy, 24 July, 1832, gives no bell notes, but an interesting inscription from the tower. The tower bears the name of " Master Robert Schot, Abot" (of Bury). He was a native of Ixworth, and the date is c. 1470. See pp. 55, 69, 123, 125. 2B 2IO THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 295. KEDINGTON vS^. Peter and Paid. 5 and Clock bell. 1 Thomas Mears, Founder, London, 1838. 2 The. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1743. 3, 4, 5 John Darbie made me 1673. Clock bell. 1779. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. No notes, Davy. See p. 124. 296. KELSALE S. Peter. 8 Bells. I, 2 T. Mears of London fecit 1831. 3 John Darbie made me t68i. 4 J. Peele me fecit. E. H. Burssor Churchwarden 1708. 5 T. Mears London fecit 1830. 6 S. Newton, J. Peele fecit. E. Hobart, E H. Burssor, John Brothers, Ralph Eade Churchwardens 1708. 7 U 50 thrice. n 61 IBona l*lcpcnlic ^ia Q 62 iflogo iHagDalcna ifWaria. 8 John Darbie made me 1681. Philip Eade, A. E. feoffees, Ralph Eade, Churchwarden, William Wright, M. W. C. E. No return of bells in certif. of 1547. 4 and a Sance bell in 1553. 6 and 7 noted so by Davy, 29 May, 1806. I am not quite sure of the 7th marks. See pp. 58, 124, 146. 297. KENTFORD 6". i^/^;j. 3 Bells. I, 2 Thomas Newman of Norwich made mee 1735. 3 T. Newman made me. R. Norman & T. MuUinger C. W. 1735. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Three bells. Davy. See p. 138. 298. K^HT on All Saints. 2 Bells. 1 Miles Graye made me 16 13 2 Miles Graye made me 1630. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, 10 Nov., 1815, notes two bells. See pp. 117, 118. 299. KERSEY .S. yl/.^o'. Tenor F. Diam. 42 in. 6 Bells. I, 2 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 17 16. 3 D 81 1576 D 82 De n 82 Bvri D 82 Santi D 82 Edmondi D 82 Stefanvs D 82 Tonni Q 82 me D 82 fecit n 82 W L 4 Christopher Hodson made me 1689. John Fellget Edward Lapeg Church Wardens. 5 Stephen Kembell John Hodson made me 1662. W. H. Rodger Clarke Church Warden. 6 Samuel Sampson Church Warden I say Caused me to be made by Colchester Graye M. 1638. Clock bell. Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 17 16. So with one or two involuntary variations, Davy. Clock bell from him, 19 Aug., 1825. "Carsseye... Great bells v." Return of 1553. See pp. 96, 118, 132, 143. 300. KESGRAVE ^//^-^r/;//^. i Bell. Bell. -|- Sancta ittaria ©ra ^ro ilobtS U 29. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy. Note on Sir Samuel Barnardiston's generosity. See p. 33. INSCRIPTIONS. 211 301. KESSINGLAND ^. ^^///««^. Tenor E. 5 Bells. 1 Anno Domini 1617. WIB 2 Thomas Newman made me 1 7 1 1 . Thomas Jealous C. W. 3 Thomas Newman made me 1728. Thomas Brown, C. Warden. 4 Mears & Stainbank, Founders, London, 1866. 5 J. S. Crowfoot Churchwarden. R. Manthorp Overseer 1813. T. Mears of London fecit. No return of bells in certif. of 1547. "Great bells iiij. Sancts bells j." Return of 1553. The old fourth was merely dated 161 5, and the old tenor was inscribed, "Thomas Newman made me 1728. Thomas Brown C.W. John Jenner." Davy, who gives 161 5 as the date of the treble. Tower, 93 feet high, a line sea-mark, bee pp. 114, 137. 302. KETTLEBASTON S. Mary. 3 Bells. 1 John Darbie made me 1663. 2 Steven Barton John Jenings Churchwardens 1699. 3 D 81 1567 n 82 De D 82 Bvri Q 82 Santi Q 82 Edmondi □ 82 Stefanvs Q 82 Tonni □ 82 me D 82 fecit. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, by mistake, 27 August, 1826, 2 Bells. See pp. 96, 123, 136. 303. KETTLEBURGH .9. ^//^;rw. 3 Bells. I Samuel Thompson, D.D., Rector. Robert Sparrow Gent. Robert Salmon, Ch W. R. P. fee. 171 1. 3 AP RG WW PA F.R. WP SRSNGLBI FTP. O 1592 So Davy, 3 Oct., 1805. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. See pp. 102, 148. 304. KIRKLEY 5. P./^r. i BeU. Bell. U 52 thrice. -f- 61 33ulcis ^tsto iildis Q 62 CTampa iiJocor itlidjis. So Davy. No return of bells in certif. of 1547. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. See p. 55. 305. KIRTON S. Mary. 1 Bell. Bell, No inscription. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, 15 July, 1829, i Bell. In C, not a modern bell, and possibly an old one, with high crown. Diameter 28 in. C. H. H. 306. KNETTISHALL.4// Sahits. 3 Bells. 1 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1720. 2 John Draper made me 1628. 3 John Draper made me 1609. "Great bells iij." Return of 1353. Davy, 7 July, 1843, no notes. See pp. Ill, 112, 144. 307. KNODDISHALL S. Laurence. 1 Bell. Bell. AV. L B. Anno Domini 1622. So Davy, i Aug., 1S08. 3 in 1553. No return in 1553. Terrier of 1725 names three bells. Terrier of 1806 names one bell. Sec p. 114. 212 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 308. LACK FORD vS. Laurence. i Bell. Bell. Thomas Newman of Norwich made me 1735 " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. One bell. Davy. See p. 138. 309. LAKENHEATH 6". J/^rr;'. 5 Bells. 1 Thomas Mears, Founder, London, 1841. 2 ^ancta liatcttna ora pro Jiobis -|- 21 U 20 -f- 3 Cristus ^crpctiic 33ct Jiobis (©auCta 2Fitc + 21 U 20 -f- 4 John Parsley Vicar. Charles Newman made me 1697. 5 John Darbie made me 1676. Thomas Denton James Parlet Churchwardens. Clock Bell. — auc Q maiia O (Sratia. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, 28 Aug., 1829, notes 5 bells. See pp. 21, III. 310. LANG HAM 6-. Mary. 2 Bells. Two small modern bells, about the size of a school-bell. "Great bells ij. Sancts Bells j." Return in 1553. Davy, 7 July, 1843, "one bell." 311. \.K\IEHWk\i\ SS. Peter and Paul Tenor. C. 23 cwt. 8 Bells. I, 2 William Dobson, Founder, 181 1. 3 Henry Pleasant made me 1702. 4 Ricardus Bowler me fecit 1603. Jacobus Fuller et Antonius Hormesby Guardiani ecclesie de Lavenham. 5 Henry Pleasant made me 1703. 6 Ricardus Bowler me fecit 1603. Hie mevs vsvs erit popvlvm vocare (four dwarfs and other devices). 7 C. & G. Mears, Founders, London. Richard Johnson, M.A., Rector. James Knight Jen- nings, MA., Curate. George Mumford | ^,, , j T) I .. tj A r Churchwardens. Robert Howard j Thomas Turner, Woolstapler. Charles King, Shoe- maker, 1846. 8 Miles Graye made me 1625. Davy, Aug. 14 and 15, 1S26, omits " Hie, etc., on 6." al. sim. Long and interesting note. The old 7th " Henry Pleasant made me 1702." The White- chapel men were rightly proud of their new seventh. She had to be flattened, however. The tenor (see p. 117) is a very noted bell. John Carr when he first heard her, said, " She came in with such a noble sound that she vibrated a perfect octave." Others have observed the absence of overtones. Some consider that she varies with the weather. Mr. H. A. O. Mackenzie has kindly allowed me the sight of the vertical section. The peculiarity seems to be thinness, especially at the crown. "Great bells v. Sancts bells j." Return in 1553. See Dr. Howard's Vis. of Suffolk, pp. 170, etc. 312. LAVENHEATH 6-. J/^?////^7£/. i Bell. Bell. Back Skieppet ADoLF Guten Bygdt Stockholm i Jacobstad. A X 1801 af Gerhard Horner. See p. 151. LAXFIELD TO^YER. 21 Fi£. 9c. 214 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 313. LAWSHALL All Saints. 6 Bells. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Thomas Newman of Norwich made me 1735. 6 T. Mears of London fecit 1828. Davy, Aug. 16, 1831. "contains 5 bells, which I did not visit." '• Great bells iiij. Sancts bells j." Return in 1553. 314. LAXFIELD All Saints (good). 6 Bells. I Lester & Pack of London fecit 1760. 2, 4 Cast by John Warner & Sons, 1873. W"". Bloomfield ) Church ^^'ardens. Wf". Aldridge ) George Day hung me. Rev. Dm. 1547. Leystoft. The certyficate of Jamys Jeto"-. Antony Jeto^. Robert Aleyn and Roberd Hudschyd Cherchewardens there" makes no mention of bells. " Great bells iiij. Sancts bells j." Return of 1553. Seep. 132. 330. LOWESTOFT 5, Peter. i Bell. Bell. No inscription. Small and modern. 331. MARLESFORD 6". Andrew. 4 Bells. 1 U 52 thrice. + 61 In iWultis 'Snmp D 62 Bcfonct ©ampa %^\y^ 2 Anno Domini 1615. I }) J 5S mp 3 Anno Domini 1615. • ii p 3i 35. 4 U 50 thrice. -|- 61 iHuncrc i3apti«tc □ 62 93cncDtctuS Sit CTj^otus Igtf. So Davy, nearly. "Mr. Edwd. Williams, Rector, has built a place for the Saint's bell." lijo Nouember Ao Dm 1547. Certif. of Tho. Bayman and John Nuttall C. W. makes no mention of bells. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. See p. 59. 332. MARTLESHAM ^. Mary, 3 Bells. I U 52 thrice. 4- 61 ^Wiffus l)e €t\\i n 62 ?i?abco Jlomcn Gabrtdtg. 3 U 51 thrice. INSCRIPTIONS. 217 > Churchwardens. + 61 dpac i^argarrta Q 62 iiohii ^tc iWuncra Heta. 3 Miles Graye made me 1631. 1547, certificate of and — Syluerne C. W. of Martellesham makes no mention of bells. See pp. 53, 57, 118. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. 333. MELFORD, LONG, Holy THnify. 8 Bells. I T. Lester made me. 2, 3 Thomas Mears of London, founder, 1833. Revd. Edward Cobbold, M.A., Rector. Richard Almack, F.S. A., Sir Hyde Parker, Churchwardens. 4, 7 Thomas Lester made me 1744. 5 C. & G. Mears, Founders, London, 1845. Revtisf. 3 Bells. 1 Anno Domini 1568 I. B. 2 Mr. John Franclin and Mr. Charles Watson Church- wardens 1647. 3 ij 50 U 86 twice. -)- 61 i^uncrc 33aptistf D 62 ^cnctiictus ^tt Cfjorug Igtc. Davy, 7 Jan., 1810, gives "Richard" as Mr. Watson's christian name, and crosses i and 2. Anno Dni 1547. Metffilde. Certif. of John hybarde and Nycholas Gooche C.W. makes r.o mention of bells. 4 and a Sance bell in 1553. See p. 59. 341. METTINGHAM ^// ^a/;//.f. 4 Bells. 1 17 52 thrice, anno tjomtni 1612. 2 John Stephens fecit 1722. Beniamin Culham Church Warden. 3 No inscription. (A pretty border.) 4 No inscription. (A rough old bell.) So in substance, Davy, Aug. 18, 1814. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. The compoti of the College founded here by Sir John de Norwich contain notices of bells. INSCRIPTIONS. 219 342. M\CKf\ELD S. J/tdre7c>. 3 Bells. 1 T. Mears of London fecit 18 16. 2 Miles Graye made me 1626. 3 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury E. F. F. C. 17 16. From Davy, 14 April, 1828. No sale of bells in 1547 certif. 3 in 1553. 343. MIDDLETON Jlo/y Trimly. 5 Bells. 1, 3 Pack & Chapman London fecit 1779. 2, 4 John Darbie made me 1670. 5 Pack & Chapman London fecit 1779. In Wedlock's bands all ye who join With hands your hearts unite So shall our tuneful tongues combine To laud the nuptial rite. So Davy, 23 Sept., 1805. 4 in 1553. No sale of bells in 1547 certif. Terrier of 1678, no mention. )> 1753) "five bells in good tune." 1820 „ 344. MILD EN S. Peter. i Bell. Bell. Mears, Founder, London, i860. " Myldyng... Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Noted inaccessible by Davy, Oct. 25, 1836. 345. MILDENHALL S. Andrew. Tenor in E, c. 18 cwt. 8 Bells. I, 8 Mears and Stainbank, founders, London. V. R. Jubilee 18S7. 2 John Darbie made me 1676. IT DP RS RC IW. 3, 4 Thomas Newman cast me new in 1732, Norwich. 5 I TAYDOI^ ADD CO. DOVGHBOP^OYGH C. B. YovriGmAn g CHAPmAn a pgaghgy. 1860. 6 _|-2i Ij2o + 3Ini*luItts^nni5 3Acfonct®ampana5}of)anni^. 7 lOHH TAYDOl^ AUD CO IJOVGHBOI\OYGH lAmCS P^GAD ADD CHAI\LGS OWGI\S 1860. " Myldenaelye... Great bells iiij. Sancts Bells j." Return of 1553. Davy, 21 Aug., 1829, notes 6 bells. See pp. 21, 46-50, 83, 124, 137, 138, The frame was clearly made for five bells, but the difficulties about the tenor, to which reference has been made, which were not solved in 1530, seem to have been waiting solution in 1553, when there were only four bells in the tower. I regard the old fourth of the six hanging in the tower when I went up in 1848, ins'^cribed + 21 U 19 + i^-omrn ii-lagtralrne CTampaiia ©rrit iftlflottif, as the treble of these. The present 5th was recast from it. It weio-hed 7i cwt. Thus the present 6th would have been the 2nd, a missing bellt from which perhaps John Darbie made the treble (with loss of metal) in 1676, would have been the 3rd, and the bell from which tlie old tenor before i860 was made would have been the 4th. This old tenor weighed close on 15 cwt., and was inscribed "Jos. Arthy, Tho. Casburn C. W. Tho. Gardiner, Norwich, fecit, 1751-" Whether there ever was before the Jubilee a larger bell than this I cannot say. Henry Poulter of Worhngton 220 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK, used to quote his father to the effect that the Isleham tenor, see Cavibs., was brought from Mildenhall because the tower was not strong enough for it. Before i860 there was on the top of the tower a Clock bell, weighing 44 cwt., inscribed, "Thomas Newman of Norwich made me, 1744." 346. MONEWDEN 5. J/^ry. 3 Bells. 1 De Bvn Santi Edmondi Stefanus Tonni me fecit 1586 W. L. D 81. 2 Miles Graye made me 1637. 3 AVM RB GS O S E B U R + PT PS MH AI MR^M O 1592 O TK FB So Harvey's ALS , p. 606. iij Nov., 1547. IMoneden. Certif. of John Malster and John haryson C.W. makes no mention of bells. " Monedele... Great bells iij." Return of 1553. See p. 96. 347. \^0\JL.T OH S. Fcter. Tenor 6 cwt. 5 Bells. I, 3 Chapman & Mears of London Fecerunt 1782. 2 Chapman & Mears of London Fecerunt 1783. 4 Chapman & Mears of London Fecerunt 1784. 5 Chapman & Mears of London Fecerunt 1783. Messrs. Abr™. Cawston & T. Poole Ch Wardens. "Mowton... Great bells iij. Sancts bells J." Return of 1553. 348. MUTFORD S. Andrew. 3 Bells. 1 John Brend made mee 1638. 2 Anno Domini 16 15. W. B. 3 John Brend made me 1636. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Eastern Coiuitics' Collectanea^ p. 240. Davy records three. 349. N ACTON 6". Martin. 2 Bells. 1 Miles Graye made me 1625. 2 John Darbie made me 1662. So T. Martin, Sept , 1725, save date of 2, which he gives 1666 or 1660. " Great bells ij." Return of 1553. 350. NAUGHTON S. Mary. i Bell. Bell, n 81 Johannes □ 82 Driver\-s -|- C me fecit 16 18. So Davy, 14 Sept., 1827, noting also an " old treble Miles Graye made me 1672 (?), and an old second, Thomas Andrew me fecit 1522 or 99 (sic)." (1599. j. J. R.) " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. See pp. 102, 1 10. 351. nK^\.KH^ S. Stephen. 6 and Clock bell. 1 W"". Dobson, Downham, Norfolk fecit 18 10. 2 Henry Pleasant made me 1698. 3 John Murrell, Will. Infield C.W. I.G. 1733. E.G. 4 Messrs. Samuel Alston & Isaac Nicholson Church- Wardens 1789. W. & T. Mears Late Lester & Pack of London fecit. 5 Miles Graye made me 1636. 6 James Edbvrie of Bury made my fellowes and mee. U 1605 □. Both marks contain curious monograms. Clock bell. 1764. "Great bells iiij. Sancts bells j." Return of 1553. Tenor omitted on p. 109. Davy, Sept. 30 and Oct., 1828, "Six bells which I did not e.\amine." INSCRIPTIONS. 221 352. NEDGW^G S. Mary. 2 Bells. 1 D 81 Thomas Q 82 Andrew \J 82 me D 82 fecit D 82 1598. 2 U 8 thrice. + "Dobancs O 16 CTrtSti O 16 C^arc O 16 Bignarc O 16 ^ro O 16 ilobis O 16 ©rare. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. See pp. 17, 102. 353. NEEDH AM MARKET S. fo/in Bapist i Bell. Bell. By Private gift 1886. S. Maude M.A. Vicar. C. Cooper Churchwarden. See Barking. The return for 1553 is for " Nedham in Barkynge." 354. N ETT LEST E AD S. Mary. i Bell. Bell. Miles Graye made me 1618. 3 ill 1553- Davy, 18 May, 1829, notes two inaccessible. 355. NEWBOURNE ^. TJ/^ry. i Bell. Bell. Miles Graye 1621 me made. C. Carr 1885 me remade. Davy. Terrier, 1780, "about six hundred." No sale of bells in 1547 certif. " Great bells ij." Return of 1553. 356. N EW MARKET S. Mary. 5 and Clock beU. I, 4 John Draper made me 16 19. 2) 3 D 81 De Buri Santi Edmondi Stefanus Tonni me fecit W. L. 1580. 5 The. Gardiner and Tho. Newman Fecit 17 19. W. Sandiver W. Headley, C. W. Clock Bell, John Thornton Sudbury Fecit 17 18. So Davy, 21 Aug., 1828. He notes the tenor as not hung. "Eycenyng Halfe Hundred. ..Newmarkett... Great bells iij. Sancts bells j." Return of 1553. See pp. 96, in, 138. 357. NEWTON, OLD, S. Mary. 5 Bells. I, 3, 4 John Darbie made me 1663. TH RP 2 William Dobson Founder 18 10. 5 John Darbie made me 1663. Thomas Hoggar R. P. C. W. 3 in 1553. Seep. 123. 358. NEWTON-NEXT-SUDBURY ^// ^-^///^.f. 5 Bells. I, 2, 3, 4 Cast by John Warner & Sons, London, 1872. (Royal Arms) Patent. 5 Miles Graye made me 1664. Thomas Dearesle. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, Sept. 13, 1827, " Contains three bells :—i Thomas Kearsle Miles Graye made mee 16S5. I. W. 2 Miles Graye made me 1658. 3 Miles Graye made me 1685." He is wrong. See p. 133. 359. NORTOH S. Andre7c>. Tenor c. 13 cwt. 4 Bells. 1 Illegible, broken. 2 John Darbie made me 1674. Richard Clarke C. W. 222 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 3 John Draper made me 1628. 4 John Draper made me 1635. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. T. Martin, 26 May, 1757, "Four bells." Mentioned by mistake on p. 151. 360. NOWTON S. Peter. 6 Bells. I, 2, 3, 4, 5 T. Mears of London fecit 1829. 6 T. Mears of London fecit 1829. This peal of six bells was given by O. R. Okes Esq^ Henry Ja^. Okes Esq"". & the ReV*. Auston Okes. " Nolton... Great bells iij." Return of 1553. T. Martin, 26 Aug., 1749, notes 4 bells. Davy, Aug. 27, 1829, speaks of the present bells as " all cast and hung in the present year, the gift of Mr. Oakes. The belfry is locked up." See p. 151. 361. OAKLEY, GREAT, 5. iVzV/wA7.r. 5 Bells. 1 John Goldsmith Fecit 171 1 S. Margaret. Mr. L K. C.W. 2 John Goldsmith Fecit 17 11. 3 William Dobson, Founder, Downham, Norfolk, 1828. 4 O 15 Sum O 16 lioga O 16 ^ulgata O 16 iHunDi O t6 i.^ate^na O 16 SFotata. 5 John Goldsmith Fecit 1711. Mr. John Kett, Mr. Brown Turner Church Wardens. 3 in 1553. Martin, 5. See pp. 14, 176. 362. OAKLEY, LITTLE, ^. Pder. Ecclesia destnicta. No return in iSS3- 363. OCCOLD^. Michael. 5 Bells. 1, 2, 5 John Brend made me 1653. 3 Charles Newman made mee 1698. 4 William Dobson, Downham, Norfolk, Founder, 1824. 4 in 1553. Davy, iS June, 1809, notes the old 4th like i, 2, 5. See p. 136. 364. OF ETON 6'. Mary. 5 Bells. I rhos. Gardiner Sudbury Fecit 1735. 2, 4 Henry Pleasant made me 1700. 3 + <5aiuta p i^arta Q (Dca n ^ro D i^obig. 4 John Darbie made me 1667. So Davy, 19 May, 1829. A curious extract from Mr. Parker of Ringshall. 4 in 1553. See pp. 69, 123, 140, 144. 365. OHE.WO\}%^ S. John Baptist. 2 Bells. 1 RnGi673 D 2 □ 81 1604 James □ 82 Edbery □ 82. No return in 1553. Tom Martin, 16 April, 1756, "Good Fryday," notes, "Round steeple, two bells." Davy, 13 June, 1827, records the same number, inaccessible, or to use his own words, " the way up seemed by no means convenient, or perhaps safe." See pp. 109, 132. 366. OR FORD S. Bartholomezv. 5 Bells. 1 Miles Graye made me M 1639. 2 Henry IJ Pleasant U made XJ me \J 1694. John Cragg. W. A. INSCRIPTIONS. 223 3, 4 John Darbie made me 1679. 5 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1739. J. Harris C. E. Ellis C. W. So Davy. No sale of bells in certif. of 1547. " Great bells iiij." Return, of 1553. See pp. 118, 124, 140, 145. 367. OTTLEY S. Mary. 6 Bells. 1 Cast by John Warner & Son, London, 1878. Henry & Catherine Woolner gave me August 8th, 1877. H. Wilkinson, M.A., Rector. G. F. W. Meadows ) Church T. King J Wardens, 2 R. Phelps made me 172S. Mr. Bartholomew Russell Donor. 3 17 65 thrice. -|- 3) 4, 5 Gloria Deo in Excelsis W. Plampin Gen'. 1737. 6 I tell all that doth me se that Newman of Norwich new cast me 1737. So Davy, 4 June, 1810. 3 in 1553. Sperling (c. i860), "Tenor 04." See p. 123. 373. PARHAM S. Mary. 3 Bells. 1 □ ueni : sponsA ; mcA i ad : oi^Tum : mevm. 2 nASSUmPTA ; GST : mAP^IA \ in : CGLUm. 3 W. I. B. Anno Domini 1623. So Davy. No sale of bells in certif. of Nov., 1547. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. See Cant. v. i, vulg. 374. PEASENHALL ^. /l//^/;^^/. 5 Bells. I, 4 Mears & Stainbank, Founders, London, 1876. 2 Henry Pleasant made me 1691. 3 U 51 thrice. -\- 61 ©ucsumus '3[ni)rea □ 62 ipamulorum ^uscipc Uota. 5 U 9 thrice. -f- 13 Sum 2A0'"a i,9ulf$ata iiTunDi IXatcrina ^ocata. 4 and a Sance bell in 1553. Davy, June 11, 1806, calls 3 "4," notes a li^ac En Conrlabc... for 3, old treble and present 2nd, " Henry Pleasant made me 1694." al. sim. W's from Terrier. No sale of bells m certif. of Nov., 1547. See pp. 17, 56, 140. 375. PETISTREE SS. Peter and Paul. 6 Bells. 1 John Taylor &: Sons, Founders, Loughb°, 1848. 2 One bell recast unto three at the expense of Richard Brook Esq>- of Petistree Lodge A.D. 1848. Jo. Taylor & Son fecit. INSCRIPTIONS. 225 3 John Taylor & Son, Founders, Loughborough, A.D. 1848. 4 U 8 thrice. 4-12 &tnm% annig Idefonct Campana 3)oDannig. 5 TJ 8 thrice. -j- 12 ittc CFlamante lijtiu i^ancat 93ctljlccm 5inc Hsin. 6 y 8 thrice. + 61 3)ungcte f^os .\*po D 62 ^^tulicat ilic^olaus In ^Ito. Pytestre. Certif. of 1547 records no sale of bells. " Petystre. Great bells iiij.'' Return of 1553. At Davy's visit (6 June, 1806), the inscription on the old tenor, no doubt a grand bell, was" De Bvri Santi Edmondi Stefanvs Tonni me fecit 1576." .See pp. 17, 58. 376. PETTAUGH S. Catherine. i Bell. Bell. U 51 thrice. -[- 61 C^ucfumus antirea Q 62 JPamuIorum Sufctpe ITota. " Pettawe, iii Nov., 1547. The certyficate of Thomas ISIallyng and tlraunces pyrson Cherchewardens th(ere) ffyrst we pi'sent that Robert orvvell and Lacy Lord that tyme beyng Cherchewardens hathe sold a peyer of Shalys pf'ce-xls. Whereof We did bestowyd vpon the cherche in ladyng the seid xls. And yt remayn styll a peyer of Shalys and iiij bells. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. There were three bells at Davy's visit. That which remains seems to have been the tenor. The others were inscribed, John Darbie made me 1662, and Jtttssus Vcro y^iz (Satricl jftrt ILeta fflane. See pp. 53, 57. 377. PLAYFORD ^. Mary. 2 Bells. 1 U 50 thrice. + 61 ^ac Jin Conclabc Q 62 (gabricl iluc ^angc ^uabt. 2 ij 50 thrice -f- 61 2)wnSf« J2ojj ^To n 62 5tut)cat iltcI;olau£{ In aito Terrier, 1784. "Three bells, two of them by Computation about 18 cwt. The third on the ground, having been broken time out of mind, by compu- tation about 12 cwt." Terrier, 1801. "Two bells, by computation about 18 cwt." Certif. of 1547 imperfect, but apparently no mention of sale of bells. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. See pp. 53, 58. 378. POLSTEAD 6". J/«r>'. Tenor, c. 10 cwt. 6 Bells. I, 2, 3, 4, 5 T. Mears of London fecit 1825. 6 T. Mears of London fecit 1825. Rev"!. John Whitmore, Rector. JohnCorder \ churchwardens. Isaac Strutt j " Great bells iiij. Sancts bells j." Return of 1553. No date to any visit by Davy. Formerly 5 heavier bells. Present tenor 12 cwt. A tuneful ring. 379. POSLINGFORD S. Mary. 5 Bells. I, 2, 3 Robard Gurney made me 1668. 4 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury me fecit 1725. 5 Peter Hawkes-made me 161 3. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. See pp. 109, 132, 144. 380. PRESTON S. Mary. 6 Bells. I, 2 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1744. 2D 226 THE CFIURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 3 Tho. Norden Roger C. \V. Tho. G. fecit 1744. 4 Miles Graye me fecit 1640. 5 Henry Pleasant made me 1702. 6 Henry Pleasant made me 1704. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, Au?. 15, 1826, puts 3 for i- al. sim. See pp. 119, 140. The surname to Roger is Coe, as it appears from the parish book (1743), when a cracked treble and a sound tenor were ordered to be cast into three small bells, at a cost not e.xceeding £"]. 381. RAMSHOLT^// Saints. i Bell. Bell. John Darbie made me 1679. " Great bells ij." Return of 1553. "The steeple is round and has but one bell." May, 1726, T. Martin Q) In 1747 the top of the steeple was blown down, and now the tower has no roof, and is much dilapidated. See p. 124. 382. RATTLES DEN S. Nicholas. 5 Bells. 1, 2 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1754. 3 Robart Bumstead John Drake Church Wardens 1754. 4 Tho. Gardiner he did us cast Wee will sound his praise to the last. 5 Henry Westley John Jewers Churchwardens. T. Osborn fecit 1789. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy notes i, 3 as i, 2, 2 as 5, 4 as 3, and 5 as 3. See p. 145. 383. RAYDON.S'. Mary. i Bell. Bell. Cast by John Warner & Sons, London, 18 — . 3 in 1553. Davy records the inscription on the old bell, Sauctc Barnabc (sic) ©ra ^3ro i^obts. 384. REDE All Saints. 3 Bells. 1 n 81 De n 82 Bvri Q 82 Santi D 82 Edmondi D 82 Stefanvs D 82 Tonni Q 82 me D 82 fecit Q 82 W L D 82 1578. 2 n 81 De n 82 Bvri D 82 Santi D 82 Edmondi D 82 Stefanvs D 82 Tonni Q 82 me D 82 fecit Q 82 W L D 81 1586. 3 John n 81 Dry Q 82 Ver D 81 me fe cet D 81 1602. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Tom Martin, March 12, 1724, says, "Steeple above half down, 3 bells." Davy, by mistake, Aug. 25, 1831, speaks of 2 bells. See pp. 96, 109. 385. REDGRAVE 6". J/^o'- 6 Bells. I T. Osborn fecit 1785. 2, 3, 4, 5 Thomas Newman of Norwich made me 1736, 6 John Munns & John Goldsmith C. W. Thomas New- man of Norwich made me 1736. 3 in 1553. T. Martin notes. In Sept., 1736, the five bells were taken out of Redgrave steeple, in order to be new (run or) cast. The tenor had a piece broken out of the top of it. and this circumscription: Chas. Newman made me 1691. Goldsmith Ch W. On the other 4: Chas. Newman made mee 1691, in capitals. Sperling (i860) says, "Tenor G|:, 9 cwt." See pp. 138, 145. INSCRIPTIONS. 227 386. REDISHAM, GREAT, 6". Peter. i Bell. Bell. No inscription. Suckling notes a split bell dated 1621. " The steeple has been long down. But one bell hangs at the west end, in a frame on the ground. It bears inscription, Anno Domini 1621." Davy, June 2, 1808 (.^) " Great bells ij." Return of 1553. 387. REDISHAM, LITTLE, S.James. Ecdesia destrticta. No return in 1553. 388. REDLINGFIELD S. Andrew. i Bell. Bell. No inscription. 3 in I553-. So Dav>% 5 Dec, 1817. Martin (without date) notes three modern bells hanging in a wooden frame. 389. RENDHAM^. Michael. 5 Bells. 1 T. Mears of London fecit 1831. 2 Inscription entirely covered with an iron band. Date of stock 1794. 3 U 65 thrice. -|- IJirgo D Coronata D 33uc Q l^og D ^IJ D I'^cgna il^cata. 4 N. S. T. H. E. L Anno Domini 1622. WIB. 5 Thomas Mears of London fecit 1S02. Davy gives the 2nd"Edmond Palmer, John Blinco Churchwardens. R. Phelps fecit, 1729." Jonathan Grimwood of Rendham went up to see the tenor cast, and flung seven half-crowns into the metal, to which some are said to attribute the good tone of the bell. Tenor c. 13 cwt. "for y^ ornaments and ye Bells we haue solde non as we wull answere." Certif. of Rob. Thurston and Edm. ffeavyear. C.W. 1547. ''Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. See pp. 69, 91, 114. 390. RENDLESHAM 6-. 6^;r-^0'- 3 Bells. 1 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury me fecit 17 14. 2 Thomas Gardiner made me 17 13. 3 JVIiles Graye made me 1630. Pits for five. The usual coins and marks on i and 2. Bells in 4, 5 John Goldsmith fecit 17 12. 6 Mr. George Elmy & Mr. Henry Freeman C. W. 1741. Tho. Newman made me. 4 in 1553. See pp. 138, 146. 394. RINGSFIELD^// Saifds. 2 Bells. 1 John Stephens made mee 1726. 2 IJ 50 thrice. Donvm Clem. Gooch et Rob. Shelford 16 10. "Great bells ij. Sancts Bells j." Return of 1553. Pits for four. Davy notes 3, June 2, 180S. See pp. 113, 139. 395. RINGSHALL S. Catherine. 2 Bells. 1 R. Phelps Londini fecit 1737. 2 + 24 IJ 23 -)- 43 Stancta i^atcrina ©ta ^ro ^obtS. 3 in 1553. So Mr. Parker, who does not condescend to note i. See pp. 23, 148. 396. RISBY 6". (?//^j. 3 Bells. 1 U 51 thrice. 4- 61 IrTtrginls Isgrcgic n 62 2Focor C^ampana iHaric. 2 JOHD DI^APG1\ mADG ffiG 16IC. 3 U 65 thrice. -[- 67 iHcrhls n 68 IcHmunti D 68 ^imus D 68 ^ Q CTriminc □ 68 i*luntii. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. " 3 bells," Davy. See pp. 54,69, iii. 397. RISHANGLES S. Margaret. 3 Bells. 1 U 52 thrice. + i^fc dFtt 5cotum n 62 ©ampa Saulie 33onoruni 2 y 51 thrice. 4- 61 CFcIcstt iW;anna D 62 IZTua ^rolcS Jiog ©tbct Slnna. 3 ij 51 thrice. -|- 61 itTcvitig lilimunlit Q 62 ^imu3 ^ Criminc iHunDi. 3 in 1553. So Davy with involuntary variations from Martin. 4 Dec, 1817. See pp. 54, 58. 398. ROUGH AM S. Mary. 5 Bells. 1 John Darbie made me 1661. William Maning C.W. 2 John Darbie made me 1661. 3 U 9 thrice. -j- 13 <$um ilofa ^iilsata iWunlil i^aria Uocata. 4 John Darbie made me 1678. 5 John Martin Church Warden. Tho^ Osborn fecit 1790. Vcnite Exultemus. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1 553. Davy notes five bells, but no inscriptions. 399. RUMBURGH S. Michael. 5 Bells. I, 4 ^nno Somini 1624 WIB. 2 1^ 5 1: St €i)uicf)barCfnf. ^nno i3omim 1624 WIB. INSCRIPTIONS. 229 3 Tho. Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1728. 5 The Rev"*^. Lombe Althills (sic) Perp. Curate. John Briant Hertford fecit 1823. C. Reynolds. 3 and a Sance bell in 1553. " Old treble T. B. 1660." Davy, 16 May, 1806, See pp. 7, 114. 400. RUSH BROOKE ^. A7^//^A?^. 3 Bells. 1 Thomas Newman of Norwich made me 1733. 2 □ 81 Andrew Gvrny made me 1636. 3 Thomas Newman made mee 1 7 1 1 . "Square steeple, 3 bells, and Dr. Needen says, modern ones." Davy, See p. 1 12. 401 . R U S H M E R E 6*. Andrew. 6 Bells. I, 2 John Darbie made me 1675. 3 U 26 -}- 22 U 25 .^anctc 913otolfe ©ra ^ro i^obig. 4 U 26 -j- 22 IJ 25 1^o)f Slugufitnt Sonet In "Slutc IDct. 5 U26-I-22IJ25 Sancta Ciatanna ©la ^ro iiobig. 6 Mears & Stainbank, Founders, London, 1885. Ad gloriam Dei et in memoriam Sancti Andreae, Apostoli et Martyns, dedicata. Gulielmus Wigston, Vicarius, Alfredus Meller, Gulielmus Dawson, Sacrorum Custodes. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, 4 Aug., 1810. 402. RUSHMERE 6*. J//^//a^/. 2 Bells. 1 IJ 52 thrice. In ITilct anl) In too SautJcs Bco. 2 17 64 thrice. -|- : SCA : BAI^BAI^A : PP^O : mG : DGVm : GXOI^A. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. See p. 59. 403. SANTON DOWNHAM S.Mary. i Bell. Bell. Robard Gvrney made me 1663. •' Great bells ij." Return of 1553. Davy, 24 Aug., 1829, notes one bell. See p. 132. 404. SA PISTON S. Andrew. 4 Bells. 1 John Draper made me 1628. The gift of Thomas Mannynge. 2 Thomas Newman of Norwich made me 1730. 3 'STljomas 33tapcr 1591. 4^51 thrice. -\- 61 ilos ^Dome iWlcritb D 62 iWcteamur (Sautifa 2luctg. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, 25 July, 1832, "four bells." See pp. 56, 100, 112, 137. 405. SAX HAM, GREAT, S. Andrew. 3 Bells. 1 T. Osborn 1787. 2 T. Osborn fecit 1787. 3 Thomas Mears of London, founder, 1836. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. The old tenor was inscribed, " Fred. Evered, Ch. Warden, 1787." Davy, Aug. 19, 1828. 230 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 406. S AX\^ AM, UTTLE, S.JVic/io/as. 3 Bells. 1 U 51 thrice. -j- 61 abc iHana Gratia ^9lcna Q 62 IDominud 'Cecum. 2 51 thrice. -)- 61 iHtffus Sc ®cli5 n 63 ?i)alico iiomcn ffialiticli«{. 3 Thomas Cheese made me 1603. SB " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy transposes i and 2, and omits S. B. on the tenor. See pp. 52, 53, 109. 407. SAXMUNDHAfA S. /':}/m Ba/>ti^. 6 Bells. 1 Cast by John Warner & Sons, London. Presented by Mrs. Ann Crampin. Hung by G. Day & Son, Eye, 1880. 2 Anno Domini 1609. W. B. 3 : -|- • santta : mavgarcta : ora : pro nobi^. 4 -}- O ^anctc jacobc ©ra ^10 ii obis. 5 D 34,' D 35, D 32, D 33- -f- O ^ancta jWargarcta ©ra ^|.Uo iiobts. 6 1762. Lester & Pack of London fecit. _/«». £ade &= Ja^. Last Ch. Wardens. Davy gives 1602 as the date of the 2nd. " Great bells V. Sancts bells j." Return of 1553. See pp 35, 113. 408. SAXSTEAD All Saints. i Bell. Bell. John Darbie made me 1678. 3 in 1553. Martin, 15 June, 1735, notes 3. No notes in Davy. Hawes and Loder, p. 324, give a 2nd, "Anno L P. I. A. 1589, and a 3rd, Vtrgtnts IHgregie "Focor Campaiia Jltartf." See p. 124. 409. SEMER All Saints. 3 Bells. 1 n 81 Thomas □ 82 Cheese me fecit 162 1. 2 17 52 thrice. -j- 61 .iiticritis ictimunt)t Q 62 me 1664. 2 IJ 51 thrice. + 61 abe. (Eracta ^^leiia n 62 IBomtuusi 'STtcum. 3 D 81 De n 82 Bvri Q 82 Santi n 82 Edmondi D 82 Stefanvs D 82 Tonni Q 82 me D 82 fecit D 82 n8i 1567. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. So Davy, with slight variations. See pp. 52, 96, 192. 433. STAN SFI ELD ^// ^^z>^/i-. 5 Bells. I, 2, 3, 4, 5 Miles Graye made me 1652. " Great bells iij," Return of 1553. See p. 121. 434. STAN STEAD 5. y;?;;/^^. 6 Bells. I, 2 T. Mears of London fecit 1830. 3, 4" Miles Graye made me 1662. 5 n 74 -Sancta Q 75 ttimtaai D 76 unusi D 75 ^f«^ D 76 miiScrcrc D 75 nobis. ^544 "^^ gtepbene tonne mc fecit. 6 Pack & Chapman of London fecit 1775. "Great bellys iij." Return of 1553. Davy, Aug. 18, 1831, "Six bells." See pp. 79, 133. INSCRIPTIONS. 235 435. STANTON ^// Sain fs. Tenor G. Diam. 39.^ in. 4 Bells. 1 U 65 thrice. -\- : iSflnrta : mana : ora : pro : nolus, 2 TJ 65 thrice. -j- 67 © martic D 68 33arbara D 68 ^vomc Q 68 iBcum D 68 Izxoxa D 68. 3 U 65 thrice. 4- 67 ©0tt)uS n 68 €di D 68 :^ac Q 68 JSarbara Q 68 ©rcmtna (sic) □ 68 ©cU. 4 n 81 Anno D 82 : n 82 Regni Q 82 Reginae-Elizabeth n 82 De Bvri Santi Edmondi Stefanvs Tonni me fecit n 81 Anno Q 82 Domini □ 82 1560. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, 5 Jan., 1810, notes the niscription on treble defaced. See pp. 69, 95. 436. STANTON S. /o/in BaJ>tisf. Tenor G. Diam. 37 in. 4 Bells. I, 2 John Darbie made me 1680. 3 No inscription. 4 John Darbie made me 1680. I W S B CWs. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, 5 Jan., iSio, as this. See p. 124. 437. ST ERNF\ ELD S. Afary Magdalene. 4 Bells. 1 John Brend made me 1659. 2 John Darbie made me 1681. I. B, 3 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 17 16. 4 De Bvri Santi Edmondi. Stefanvs Tonni me fecit 1573. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. From Davy, June 12, i8c6. 438. STOKE ASH A// Sai;/fs. 4 Bells. 1 William Dobson, founder, Downham, Norfolk. 2 No inscription. 3 TJ 65 thrice. -\- ^aiicta n ^ttna D ©ra D i^ro D i^obis. 4 -|- *CrcDo n Jfn 13cum ©mtti □ potcntcm. 4 in 1553. Davy, 23 April, 1819, notes the treble as AYG flQAI^IA GI\ACIA PDGDA, the third Sanrta iJHaria €>ra ?3ro Nobts. These two dedications had been recorded by T. Martin, c. 17 19. See p. 69. 439. STOKE-BY-CLARE S. Michael. 6 and Clock bell. I, 3 T. Osborn fecit 1786. Cum voco venite. 2 T. Osborn Downham Norfolk fecit 1786. 4 Mors vincet omnia. T. Osborn fecit 1786. 5, 6 Joseph Harrison Daniel Pannell Churchwardens. Tho^ Osborn founder Downham Norfolk 1786. Clock bell + 77 furgc \ mane \ farbirc ; Deo. "Great bells v." Return of 1553. Sec p. 79. 440. STOKE-BY-NAYLAND .9. J/.?9'. 6 and Clock bell. 1 Thomas Gardiner fecit 1725. 2 John . Hollon . Samuel . Bigsbe . C.Ws. 1725. 236 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 3 + 89 In i^tlultis Slnnis lilcfonct CTampana 3)o|^anmg + O %ci\)^$ froft alias tI)orn 4 _|_ oi\A : menTG ; pia ; pp^o : pobis ; Yii\Go i mAP^iA ; AmGP -. 5 Joseph Holies . 1699. Thomas Williams . 1699. H. Pleasant made me. 6 Reverend Joshua Rowley Minister Henry Cook Ed. Cook Churchwardens 181 1. Thomas Mears. Clock bell. No inscription, apparently. "Great bells v." Return of 1553. Davy, Sept. 29 and 30, 1828. "12 bells which I omitted to visit." This is remarkable. J. J. R. The capital lettering on the fourth is unknown to me ; but the initial cross looks like an enlargement of No. 47. After the dissertation was printed, my friend, Mr. Justice Clarence, of Colombo, Ceylon, went to see Giffard Hall, in this parish, formerly the resi- dence of the Mannock family. Here over the gateway he found a small bell, scarce 18 in. high, bearing a coin or two, and the inscription, SaitclE iijugo ©ra l3ro jgobis. There were no marks, but the lettering is Culverden's, see pp. 37, etc. It is remarkable that his Lincolnshire proclivities show themselves here in a dedication to the well-known Bishop of Lincoln. 441. STONHAM ASPALL ^. Z^z/^^^r/. Tenor E. 24 cwt. ID Bells. I, 2, 4 T. Mears of London fecit 1826. 3 T. Mears of London fecit 1826. Dan^ Wade aged 80 years. W"^. Last, Two of the Parish Ringers. 5 Pack & Chapman of London fecit 1770. W™. Banyard & Sam'. Davie Ch: Wardens. 6 T. Mears of London fecit 1826. Job Roper John Blomfield. 7 T. Mears of London fecit 1826. ReV^. Tho'. Methold Rector. W^. Taylor & Saml. Ford Churchwardens. 8 Thomas Lester made me 1746. 9 In this tower hung 5 bells the tenor weighing 10 hun: 2 qrs. o lb. In the year 1742 they were taken down & with y« addition of 3 tons 10 hun: of mettle were recast into ten att ye expence of Theodore Ecclestone Esq""^ of. Crowfield Hall, aged 27 years. He gave also a new frame att y^ same time, 1742. Tho^ Lester made us all. 10 Theodore Eccleston Esq"", gave me 1742. Thomas Lester of London made me 1745. John Williams hanged me. The end crowns the work. So Davy, 12 May, 1824. I, 2 Theodore Ecclestone Esq. 1742. 3 Tho. Lester of London made me. At proper times my voice I'll raise Unto my Benefactor's praise. Theodore Ecclestone Esq"". 1712. No mention of bells in certif. of iij Nov., 1547. 4 in 1553. See p. 149. INSCRIPTIONS. 237 442. ST ON HAM EARL S. Afary. Tenor Gf. Diam. 38 in. 5 Bells. 1 Henry Pleasant made me 1706. 2 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1727. 3 U 50 thrice. -f- 61 €lucrumus ^ntirca D 62 ^Ipamulocum ^ufcipe "Foia. 4 ij 50 thrice. -[- 61 2^trgini= CFgwgic n 62 ©ocor Campa i^Xam. 5 Candler Bird Ch: Warden. T. Osborn Downham fecit 1 781. Percute dulce cano. So Davy imperfectly, 28 March, 181 1. 4 in 1553. Seepp. 54, 57, 140, 144. 443. STONHAM, LITTLE, 6". Mary. 5 Bells. 1 T. Mears of London fecit 18 17. 2 T. Mears of London fecit 18 16. 3 Miles Graye made me 16 17 V. 4 U 65 thrice. -f- SUirgo ®orna I3uc iio» ^D iXcgua. 5 R. Phelps fecit 1729. 4 m 1553. T. Martin notes 5 bells. 3 Siancta Iflarta ora pro nobis. 4 Vix^o (fforonata iJuc nos ail rec^na bcata. 5 ^ancta ISatcrtna ora pro nobis. Davy, 26 Oct., 1829, notes 5 inaccessible. See pp. 67, 117. 444. STOVE N S. Margaret i Bell. Bell. 1759. So Davy, 13 June, 1808. 2 in 1553. 445. STOW WEST S. Mary. Tenor. Diam. 42 J in. 6 Bells. I G. ADD G. meAl^S DOIiDOn IStJfQ. Pl^AISG YG THG LtOI\D. 2, 6 John Draper made me 1631. 3, 4 John Draper made me 1629. 5 John Darbie made me 1674. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, 19 Aug., 1829. "5 bells which I did not visit." See pp. 112, 124. 446. STOWLANGTOFT S. George. 4 Bells. 1 John Draper tiiade me 1631. 2 J. D. 1614. 3 y 51 thrice. -|- 61 ^ubfacniat IStngna □ 62 SDonantibuS ?i?aiic iKatcrina. 4 For the service of God. Cast at the expense of Henry Wilson Esq. 1856. Taylor and Son, Founders, Loughborough. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, 6 July, 1S43. "4 bells," apparently quoting T. Martin. See pp. 57, 109, 112. 447. STOW MARKET SS. Peter atid Mary. Tenor D, c. 24 cwt. Diam. 51* in. 8 Bells. 1 William Dobson, Downham, Norfolk, Founder, iSio. 2 Tho: Osborn fecit 1791. 238 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 3 John Darbie made me 1691. Thomas : Godard MP. John : Keeble : Richard : Osbvrnd : , 4 -[- 22 U 20 iit f2omcn HJomtni 33ene»3ictum. 5 Charles Newman made mee 1699. 6 T. Mears of London fecit 1823. 7 John Darbie made me 1672. 8 Miles Graye made me 1622. Clock bell -f- AYG mAI\IA Gl^ACIA PDGnA. Probably the old Sance bell. 5 and a Sance bell in 1553. Davy transposes 2 and 3. The inscription on the former he records as Adoremus unum Deum in Trinitate fideliter. On 2 he mistakes "Tho" for "John," gives both Darbie's bells wrong dates, and changes the names on 3. See pp. 21, 118, 123, 125, 136. 448. STOWUPLAND Holy Trivity. 1 Bell. Bell. Oliver, Wapping, London. Revd. A. G. H. HoUingsworth. r^ -r, T^ Churchwardens. G. R. J:' notes no date, Sim. Fig. 91. INSCRIPTIONS. 241 458. SUDBURY S. Bartholomew. Ecclesia destrncta. No return in 1553. 459. SUDBURY ^. 6^r<;?-^ry. Tenor F, 16 cwt. 8 Bells. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 T. Mears of London fecit 182 1. 7 Mears of London fecit 182 1. H. W. Wilkinson, Minister. A. Dacon, W"\ Jones, Churchwardens. 8 Pack Chapman of London fecit 1774. Ye Ringers all that prize Your health and happiness Be sober, merry wise And you'll the same possess. " Great bells V. Sancts bells j." Return of 1553. Seep. 151. 460. SUDBURY 5. P.'/t^r. Tenor E'^>. Diam. 49 in. 23 cwt. 8 Bells. I, 2 Cast by John Warner & Sons, London, 1874. 3 John Darbie made me 1662. 4 □ 81 • James • Edbvrie (arabesque) 1605. RB IS RS IW RE RB TB RB WB IC EC ^ Q, ^ ^ 5 + U 31 + 37 5tt i'iomcn 33ommi iJcnetiictum. § § ^ ^ ^ 6 + U 31 + 36 In iHuUig ^nm$ Mcfonct ©ampana 3)oDannig. 7 Miles Graye made me 1641. 8 -1- 15 IJ 31 -|- 3Intonat CH ©cits 2Fo)f ©ampaitc iHicDadis. "Great bells v." Return of 1553. Davy, no date. The lower 6 cor- rectly though imperfectly given. The beauty of these capitals is extraor- dinary. See pp. 35, 109, 119, 123, 151. 461. SUTTON All Saints. i Bell. Bell. Robert Hvrnard Tho. Gardiner fecit 17 13. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. "The steeple is down. One small bell hangs in the roof." Davy, 12 Oct., 1818. Order for sale of a bell, 1692. Eastern Counties Collectanea, p. 240. 462. SWEFFLING ^. J/r?;^. 6 Bells. 1 Cast by John Warner & Son, London, 1887. Jubilee bell. ReV^. R. Peek, M.A., Rector. Hung ])y G. Day & Son, Eye. 2 T. Mears of London fecit 183 1. 3 Tho. Gardiner fecit 17 18. 4 Thomas Mears & Son of London fecit. 5, 6 Thomas Gardiner Benhall fecit. 17 16. " Swestlyng... Great bells iij." Return of 1553. No notes in Davy. See P- 143- 463. SWILLAND 6". Mary. i Bell. Bell. -|- AYG mAI^IA GI\ACIA PliGIlA DOm- invs TGcvm. So Davy imperfectlv, 2S May, 1827. 3 in 1553. See p. 61. 2F 242 THE CHURCH bells of Suffolk. 464. SY LEH AM S. Mary. 3 Bells. 1 John Darbie made me 1676. 2 John Goldsmith made me 1708. S'. Margaret's. 3 -f 61 ilo% Cljome itUdtis D 62 iitcrcamur (Gautita ILucis. So Davy nearly, 13 Oct., 1806. 3 ia 1553. See pp. 56, 124. 2 omitted from Goldsmith's list, p. 145. 465. TANNINGTON 6-. ^///^//vr/. 5 Bells. I, 2, 4 John Darbie made me 1662. 3 John Darbie made me 1662. Thomas Dade Esqvire. 5 John Darbie made me 1662. William Dade Esq, John Jeffrey, W.K. CW. 3 in 1553. Davy, 23 July, 1S08, crosses 3 and 5. 2 and 4 are maidens, the others chipped. On each stock is G. Day, Eye, 1866. A William Dade of Tannington married Mary VVingfield of the Crowfield branch. She died in 1624. No sale of bells in certif. of 1547. 466. TATTINGSTONE 6". J/^ry. 5 Bells. I, 2, 3 John Darbie made me 1661. 4 Thos. Mears of London fecit 1795. 5 Ransomes & Sims made me 1853. The inscription on the old tenor is noted by Davy as i, 2, 3. No sale of bells in certif. of 1547. 4 in 1553. See p. 146. 467. THEBERTON ^. P^/^r. 5 Bells. I, 2, 3, 4, 5 Mears & Stainbank, Founders, London, 1875. J^acfi Suwiis In Honorem Domini. " One in 1553. I, 2 I E. L D. 1614. 3 John Darbie made me 1663. 4 Nos sumus instruct! ad laudem Domini 1594 (Arms, France and England) E. R." Davy, Oct. 8, 1S06. (He says L A. on i, 2, but of course he means I. E.) Diameters, 2 ft. 2f in. ; 2 ft. 4 in. ; 2 ft. 5^ in. ; 2 ft. 7a in. ; 2 ft. 10 in. Weights, 4 cvvt. o qrs. 12 lbs. ; 4 cwt. i qr. ; 4 cwt. 3 qrs. 21 lbs. ; 5 cwt. 2 qrs. 19 lbs. ; 7 cvvt. o qrs. 11 lbs. See p. no. 468. THELNETHAM .S. iWV//^Aw. 5 Bells 1 T. L. made me 1748. 2 T L 1748. 3 Thomas Lester of London fecit 1748. 4 John Draper made me 1603 \ □ 83. 5 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1729. " ffeltham... Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, 27 July, 1S24. 5, 1722. al. sim. Sperling says, "Tenor A, 8| cvvt." See pp. in, 144, 149. 469. THETFORD ^. J/<7rj'. 6 Bells. 1 Lester & Pack of London fecit 1765. 2 John Draper made me 16 15. 3 Thomas Lester & Tho\ Pack of London made me 1753. 4 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury fecit 1725. 5 John Darbie made me 1664 IT Orsburne Clarke Burrage Martine CW. 6 Sa Maria John Goldsmith fecit 17 11. Isaac Fawkes Churchwarden. Sa Maria. No Suffolk return in 1553. Davy, 26 July, 1824, notes 6 bells. See pp. in, 123, 144, 146. INSCRIPTIONS. 243 470. THORINGTON 5. Peter. i Bell. Bell. ( A pentacle) iamtocU— ©tocn D i*lat)c D iWf D foi" D feanstcD. 1596. So Davy, Aug. 17, 1S06. The Terrier, 19 June, 1801, says, "weighing about I cwt" ! Ao. 1547 Thoringhtonne. Thes be the pcells yt hathe been solde wtjn the pishe of Thoryngton in .Suff. Itm sold by the holle pysche ij bells for the prce of vj. iiij. iiij. One in 1553. See p. 104. 471. THORN DON ^// &/;//j. Tenor F. 6 Bells. I C. & G. Mears, founders, London, 1856. 2, 3, 4 John Darbie made me 1667. 5 John Darbie made me 1667. Isaac Wellvm Gent. C.W. 6 En mea campana qvam belle sonas Ex parte donvm Isaaci Wellvm Rectoris 167 1. John Darbie made. 4 in 1553. Davy, 18 June, 1809, notes the old treble, Isaac Wellvm Gent: Ch: Warden I. D. 1669. See his note. See p. 123. 472. THORN HAM, GREAT, .S. J/«/7. 5 Bells. I, 2 Charles Newman made mee 1701. 3 IJ 65 thrice. 4- ^ancta Q iitacia Q ©ra D ^ro D f^o^JiS. 4 Charles Newman made mee 1701. John Govch C.W. 5 U 50 thrice. 4- 61 J2o0 ^f)omc i«eriti5 D 62 iJHcrcamuc ffiautiia 2Luci3. 4 in 1553. Davy, 22 April, 18 19, calls 5 4, and omits John Govch. See pp. 56, 136. 473. THORN HAM, LITTLE, .S. Mary. i Bell. Bell. Thomas Newmman (sic) of Norwich made me 1727. 3 in 1553. Davy, 22 April, 1829. "Charles . . 1707." See p. 137. 474. THORPE-BY-ALDRINGHAM S. Mary. Ecclesia dcstntcta. No return in 1553, 475. THORPE-BY-ASH FIELD S. Peter. Ecclesia dcstrticta. " Grete bells iij."' Return of 1553. " The steeple contains only one bell, thus inscribed, i Charoli Framling- ham Mihtis 1592." Davy. Vid. Little Ashfield, No. 13. 476. THORPE-BY-iXWORTH All Saints. i Bell. Bell. Edmund Whaites Ihon Howlet Church Wardens. John Stephens fecit 1723. "Yexforthe Thorpe. ..Great bells ij." Return of 1553. Davy, 25 July, 1832, " One bell in a cupola." See p. 139. 477. THORPE MORI EUX 6". J/.?0'- 3 Bells. 1 Thomas Cheese made me 1632. 2 n 81 Thomas Q 82 Cheese made me 1629. 3 J. Thornton made me 17 13. R. Santy L Burton CWds. " Thorpe Moresse... Great bells iij." Return of 1553. See p. wo, Martin, 5 July, 1741, by mistake says that they are modern ones. 244 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 478. T HR AND EST ON S. Margaref. 5 Bells. 1 John Brcnd made me 1654. 2 IJ 50 thrice. 4-61 Jfac ^argavrta □ 62 {lohii ?i?cc i^uncra JLtta. 3 Miles Graie made me 1608. 4 George Clay Esq. and Osborn Roper Churchwardens 1813. 5 Christopher Graye made me 1678. 4 in 1553. Davy, 17 June, 1809, crosses 2 and 3, and records 4, Katherin Cliittocke John Brend made me 1650. Sperling (c. i860), "Tenor G." See PP- 57, 117, 121. 134. 479. THURLESTON 5. Bofo//>/i. Ecclesia destnicta. No return in 1553. 480. THURLOW, GREAT, All Saints. 5 Bells. I, 3 Miles Graye made me 1660. 2 Recast by I. Taylor & Co., Founders, Loughborough, 1880. 4 C. & G. Mears, founders, London. This bell recast at the expence of Lady Harland, Lady of the Manor of Great Thurlow, 1849. 5 A. Gardner & W. Eagle, C.W. John Briant Hertford fecit 1781. Clock bell. Tho^ Mears of London fecit 1794. " Great bells iiij. Sancts bells j." Return of 1553. " Five bells," Davy. See p. 121. 481. THURLOW, LITTLE, 5. T'.'/^/'. 5 Bells. I, 2, 3, 4 John Draper made me 162 1. 5 T. Crick Rector, W. Burch C.W. John Briant Hertford fecit, 1807. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. "Five bells," Davy. See p. 112. For " Great" read " Little." 482. THURSTON ^. /'.^^r. 5 Bells. I, 2 John Draper and Andrew Gvrny made me 1630. 3, 5 Thomas Newman made me 17 14. 4 Charles Newman made mee 1699. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy notes " 3 bells." See pp. 112, 136. 483. THWAITE S. George. ' i Bell. Bell. No inscription. New when the church was re- stored in 1846. 3 in 1553. The old bell, inscribed "Miles Graye made me 1626," was sold to McUis c. 1846. See No. 335. 484. TIMWORTH .S. ^;/^m<:'. 4 Bells. I, 2 John Darbie made me 1675. 3 Charles Newman made mee 1698. 4 John Draper made me 1626. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. " 4 bells," Davy. See pp. 112, 124, 136. INSCRIPTIONS. 24.5 485. TOSTOCK S. Ajidrew. 4 Bells. 1 No inscription. 2 U 66 -{- fattct cpctrc bra pro nobtg. 3 -[- 67 ^anrta iitaria ova pro nobis U 65. 4 1671 ^ R ^ G ^ " Great bells iiij." Returns of 1553. Davy calls the tenor " blank," but notes two inscriptions as 2 and 3. 486. TRIM LEY 6". Martin. 1 Bell. Bell. No inscription. "Great bells j." Return of 1553. From Davy, 16 July, 1829, "very small." 487. JRmLEy S. Mary. i Bell. Bell. Lionellus Tolmach comes de Dysart banc de novo fundi C. 1736. (Coronet and crest of Tollemache.) (Arms of Tollemache.) Davy, 16 July, 1829, inaccessible. No sale of bells recorded in certif. of 1549. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. See p. 148. 488. TROSTON S. Mary. Tenor, Diam. 28| in. Wt. 6 cwt. 6 Bells. I, 2, 3 Robert Stainbank, Founder, London, 1868. 4 -(- Stefanus Tonni de Buri Sante Edmonde me fecit 1567. Recast by Robert Stainbank, London, 1868. 5 -|- Subveniat Dingna. Donantibus Hanc Katerina. Recast by Robert Stainbank, London, 1S68. 6 -|- Dona Repende Pia. Rogo Magdalena Maria. Recast by Robert Stainbank, London, 1868. So T. Martin. Davy says, " with 2 bells " ! " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. See p. 151. These inscriptions were reproduced from the old bells. I saw them in Jan., 1859. The 2nd and tenor bore shield No. 51 thrice each; and the usual cross and rhyme stop, Nos. 61 and 62. The treble bore Tonni's usual marks, Nos. 81 and 82. 489. T U D D E N H A M .9. Marthi. 5 Bells. I John Darbie made me 1685 R. C. 2) 3' 4) 5 John Darbie made me 1665. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. T. Martin, 23 April, 1725, 5. See p, 125. 490. TUDDENHAM 6". Mzry, 5 Bells. 1 R. G. 1672. 2 R. G. 1666. 3 Thomas Draper made me 1591. 4 y 65 thrice. -j- .Sancta n ^""^ D o'^a Q P'^o glalxi. 5 John Darbie made me 1675. William Baker C.W. So Davy with a mistake or two, 22 Aug., 1S28. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. See pp. 69, 100, 124, 132. 49L JUHSTkLL S. Michael. 6 Bells. I This bell was added to the former five by the subscrip- tion of the Rector and parishioners 1823. 246 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 2 T. Mears of London 18 r4. 3, 5 T. Mears of London fecit 1S14. 4 T. Mears of London fecit 1833. 6 Rev. Jos. Gerrard Ferrand Rector. T. Flatt C*^. Warden. W'n. Dobson fecit 1823. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. The old six. " I, 2, 3, 4, 5 Anno Domini 1721. 6 George Cutting, Joseph Green, Churchwardens. John Stephens made me 1720." Davy. 492. UBBESTON 6". P.'/.^r. The larger cracked. 2 Bells. 1 ^ancta Sluna ©ra ^^ro ilobis O U 45- 2 De Bvri Santi Edmondi Q 82 Stefanvs Q 82 Tonni □ me □ 82 fecit Q 81 1573 D 81. So Davy, i Aug., 1806, save that he dates 2 1567. Terrier, 16 June, 1801, "Three bells, one of which is cracked." 3 in 1553. Pits for three. See PP- 37> 96. 493. UFFORD S. Mary. Tenor F. 6 Bells. 1 John Taylor & Son, Founders, Loughborough, 1848. 2 U 52 thrice. + 61 jfac iitargarcta n 62 i^obb ?i?cc i^uncca Seta. 3 John Darbie made me 16S6. 4 -|- 14 5um O 16 iiosa O 16 ^ulsata O 16 iHuntit O 16 iWaita O 16 SJotaia. 5 Tho^. Simpson Gent. Churchwarden. T. Osborn founder Downham Norfolk 1798. 6 IJ 50 thrice. 4- 61 In i*lultig ^nnis Q 62 jacsonct Campa 3roK«. No sale of bells recorded in certif. of 1547. "Great bells v." Return of 1553. The old treble was inscribed "RevJ. Jacob Chilton, D.D., Rector, John Hill C. Warden 1727." Davy, 7 June, 1806. The rest of his account mainly agrees with the above. See pp. 17, 57, 59, 125. 494. U GGESH ALL S. Mary. In B3. i Bell. Bell. U 52 thrice. -1- 61 ^ac In ©onclabc n 62 CSabttcl J^imc ^angc ^uabe. . So Davy, 3 Sept., 1807. "There were formerly mrire bells, which were sold for the repairs of the church" (Mr. Sheriffe, R. 17S6 — 1S42). 3 in 1553. Pits for three, this probably being the old 2nd. The other two are said to have been taken to Stoven and Sotherton. At the base of the unfinished tower is the following inscription: — ©rate p"o auimabs lol&is jflnlc ft manoiie ur' etus, with two shields bearing emblems said to be those of a Free Mason and a Mark Mason. See p. 53. 495. WALBERSWICK .S. A;idre7c>. i Bell. Bell. Lester & Pack of London fecit 1767. Diam. 2 ft. o^ in., badly cracked in three or four places across the crown. Davy, 22 June, 1809, "i Bell." Terrier, 8 June, 1791, "One bell with a frame, weight about three hundred." See Ellacombe's Church Bells of Gloucestershire, Stipplement, p. 150, and extracts from Gardiner's Diinwich. No sale of bells recorded in certif. of 1547. 2 and a Sance bell in 1553. INSCRIPTIONS. 247 496. WALDINGFIELD, GREAT, 5. Laurence. Tenor Fij:. Diam 42 in. 6 Bells. 1 Canite Jovce Laudes novo Carmine. John Briant Hartford fecit An: Dom: 1800. 2 Omnes incote audite. John Briant Hartford fecit 1800. 3 Sit Nomen Domini Benedictum. John Briant Hartford fecit An: Dom: 1800. 4 Cast by John Warner & Sons, London, 1876. E. W. Downs & Son, Glemsford, hung me. 5 Supremis Locis Jovam laudate. John Briant Hartford fecit An: Dom: 1800. 6 Adeste. Rev"'^. Thomas Royce Rector, John Lott & Ed. Prior C: W: Adeste. John Briant Hartford fecit An: Dom: 1800. "Great Bells iiij " Return of 1553. Davy, Aug. 18, 1826. 4 "John Briant Hattford fecit 1800. Laudate Deum" (tympanis?) Entry in the Vestry book that 5 old bells were recast into 6 in iSoo. See p. 152. 497. WALDINGFIELD, LITTLE, 5. Laurence. Tenor Fff. Diam. 40 in. 6 Bells. 1, 4 T. Osborn fecit 1785. 2 Jeames D 81 Edbere □ 82 16 12 (arabesque). 3 Jeames (arabesque) Edbury □ 81 1612 □ 82. 5 Miles Graye made me 161 7. So Davy, Sept. 10, 1827. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. 498. WALDRINGFiELD ^// &/V;/i-. i Bell. Bell. Stephen Brame Churchwarden T. G. 17 14. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, 21 May, 181 1, gives 2, 3, 4, Thomas Gardiner Sudbury me fecit 1714, but on 2 Jan., 1824, notes but one bell left. See p. 143. 499. WALPOLE S. Mary. i Bell. BelL 1786. So Davy, 26 June, 1806. T. Martin, 13 Sept., 1760, "They tell me there was once a good steeple with 5 Bells." 3 m 1553. 500. WALSHAM-LE-WILLOWS 6*. J/«ry. 6 Bells. X Charles Newman made mee 1700. 2, 3 Charles Newman made mee 1699. Johannes Hunt Esq. 4 □ 81 De Bvri Santi Edmondi Stefanvs Tonni me fecit 1576. 5, 6 Thomas Newman made me 1704. John Hunt Esq. "Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Davy, 7 July, 1843, " 6 Bells." See pp. 96, 136, 137. 501. WALTON 5. Mary. i Bell. Bell. 4- SADGTG JOHAKIIGS 01\A PP^O nOBIS. Davy, 15 July, 1S29, SAIIGTA JOHAODIS. " The steeple . . . has long been down." No sale of bells recorded in certif. of 1547. " Great bells ij." Return of 1553. 248 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 502. WANG FORD 5. Denis. i Bell. Bell. Robard .^_ Gvrney made me 166S. •' Waynforde... Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, 23 Aug., 1829, notes " one small bell." There were certainly two, for I found two not very small ones in 1849, ^"d no one would have brought in a bell in the interim. The larger of these two weighed 1 1 cwt., and bore -[- 24 IJ 23-(-24 ^it iEomcn Domini 33cuclltftum. It was taken down in 1871, and weighed before being recast into the present Brandon treble. That lamented ringer and campanologist, the late Rev. A Sutton, Rector of West Toft, gave me the weight. Pits for three. See pp. 24, 132, 169. 503. WANGFORD S. Pder. Tenor in G. 5 Bells. 1 Slnno Somtni 1624 WIB. 2 Cast by John Warner and Sons, London, 1863. (Royal Arms) Patent. 3 John Darbie made me 1668. 4 John Stephens made mee 1721. John Sayer Church Warden. 5 ^nno Domini 1625 AB W Davy, 3 Sept., 1807, notes the old 2nd of the same date as the 4th. Terrier, 1827, 5. No sale of bells recorded in certif. of 1547. 4 in 1553. See pp. 114, 123, 139. 504. WA N T ! S D E N 6'. John Baptist. i Bell. Bell. Pack & Chapman of London fecit 1773. So Davy, July 31, 1810. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. 505. WASHBROOK 6". J/^rj'. Diam. 39.V in. i Bell. Bell. U 23 + ^n iWultis llnnts i^csonct CFampana 3)oIjannis. 3 in 1553. Davy was unable to reach this bell in 1S24. See p. 23. 506. WATTIS FIELD S. Margaret. 5 Bells. I, 2, 3, 5 John Darbie made me 1685. 4 WIJ Tb in □ 84 T-HG □ 84 l\AYnG □ 84 OB □ 84 QYGne □ 84 GIJSG □ 84 BGT-H □ 84 BIS □ 84 XIII □ 84. " Great bells iij.'' Return of 1553. Davy, 6 Jan., 1810, as this. Sperling (i860), "Tenor G|." See pp. 98 — 100, 125. 507. WATTIS HAM S. Nieholas. 2 Bells. 1 John Gardiner Church Warden T G fecit 17 19. 2 y 66 thrice. 4- 67 ^ancta Q 68 /ttada D 63 iH:igt)aIcna D 68 (Dra D 68 ^ro D 68 i^obis. So Davy, 24 Oct., 1826. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. See p. 69. 508. WELNETHAM, GREAT, 6". r/ww7^. i Bell. Bell. H. P. made 1695. R- G. Churchwarden. "Great bells ij." Return of 1553. "The steeple is down, but on the roof, at the west end of the nave hangs i small bell." Davy. See p. 140. iNscRimoNs. 249 509. WELNETHAM, LITTLE, S. Mary Magdalene. Tenor G. Diam. 33^ in. 3 Bells. 1 □ me : mAr;GAi\GTG :^GAmPAnAm : DIGin:iG : LrGTG Q 2 R. B. IT IE ? 1614 ID. 3 R. #G. 4 i67i#0 "Burlingham" lettering on treble, but Au5ten Bracker's cross. Ca/nbs., No. 71. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. " 2 bells," Davy. See pp. 62, 132. 510. WEN HAM, GREAT, 5. >////. 3 Bells. I, 2 No inscription. 3 Richardus Bowler me fecit 1592. So Davy. No sale of bells recorded in certif. of 1547. 3 in 1553. See p. 104. 511. WE N HAM, LITTLE, ^// .S-^w/A-. i Bell. Bell. Thomas Gardiner Sudbury me fecit 17 14. 3 in 1553. "In the steeple there is but one bell, inscribed ' John Club Rector of Horham 1672.'" Davy. See Horham, No. 264. See p. 143. 512. ^EHHkSTOH S. Feter. Tenor C^. Diam. c. 40 in. 6 Bells. I, 2 Jn". Ellis & Robt. Tallant Ch. Wardens. W. & T. Mears, late Lester, Pack & Chapman, London fecit 1787. 3 T. Mears of London fecit 1823. 4 U 65 thrice. 5 Lester & Pack of London fecit 1767. 6 IJ 51 thrice. ^61 ®uc5umu5 "^ntitca n 62 iFamulorum Susftpc VoXti. So Davy, 3 June, 1808. Old 3rd, " W^. Fiske, John P'iske, Anno Domini 1629." A clean little ring. No sale of bells recorded in certif. of 1547. 4 and a Sancts bell in 1553. 513. WESTER FIELD 6'. Mary. 3 Bells. 1 iH thrice U 9- 2 IB.QX Hugufiini Sionct Irn '^urc 53ri XJ 9. 3 C. & G. Mears, founders, London, 1852. " Itm bells in the Stepyll iij." Return of 1553, with the Ipswich churches. Davy, 7 Aug., 1829, "3 inaccessible." See p. 17. 514. WEST HALL 5. Alary. Tenor is a rather sharp F, slightly flattened, vibrates a minor third. 5 Bells; I, 4 Slnno Domini 1616 AB W 2 C. & G. Mears, founders, London, 1875. 3 No inscription. 5 Omuis tSonus Saitlirt Sominum. Slnno 33omint 1626 AB \Y So Davy, 2 June, 1808. Old 2nd, "John Darbie made me 167S." 4 in 1553. On the screen, S. Antony's pig with a crotal. See p. 114. 2G 250 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. 515. WESTHORPE 5. Margaret. 5 Bells. I, 2 John Osborne Gent. Simon Hunt Churchwardens. 1702, H. P. 3 Tho. Gardiner Norwich fecit 1740. 4 U 65 thrice. -|- 5'nncta D 68 il^l^rta D 68 roa (sic) D 68 i^ronobis. 5 William Grimwood and Jeremiah Hayward Church- wardens 1808. 4 in 1553- Davy, 22 July, 1831, 5. See pp. 140, 145. 516. WESTLETON S. Pda: i Bell. Bell. C. & G. Mears, founders, London, 1849. S. A. Woods, iun. Esq'" ) ,-,, , , T) r^- r -n r f Churchwardcns. R. Girhng, Esq"^ ) Davy, 22 June, 1809. Sattcta ,{Vtarta ora pro nobis. See his note. No sale of bells recorded in certif. of 1547. 3 in 1553. 517. WEST LEY S. Mary. i Bell. Bell. Thomas Mears of London fecit 1803. "Great bells iij." Return of 1553. Davy, Aug. 18, 1828, notes it as inaccessible. The present church was built in 1836. 518. W£STON S. Pdcr. 3 Bells. 1 _|_ : Dominus : SIT : ADiuToi\ : meus : 2 -f- SGG ; PGTI^G : PI^O : mG : DGU ; inTGI^- GGDG : 3 -|- missus : UGI\0 : PIG : GABI\IGIf : BGI\T : ItGTA : mAI\IG. So Davy, i June, 1808. ''Great bells iij. Sawnce bells j." Return of 1553. See p. 63. 519. WESTON, CONEY, S. Mary. i Bell. Bell. John Barnes Rector, John Alderton Thomas Lanchester Church ^^'ardens. Coney Weston, Suffolk, 1S02. "Great bells iij. Sancts Bells j." Return of 1553. A bell sold in 1690. Eastern Counties' Collectanea, p. 240. T. Martin noted one bell inscribed, ?fear En Conclabc ©abriel i^uc ^angc suabc. The tower fell in 1690. 520. WESTON MARKET 5. J/.?;t. 5 Bells. 1 Thomas Gardiner Sudbury me fecit 17 12. 2 IJ 66 thrice. -[- ^anctc Bttt)rca '^postolt ©ta ^ro ilobts. 3 U 50 thrice. -]- iios ^ocict Sianctts □ temper /licljolaus In ^Itta, 4n^ninsnennninsn««D 5 Charles King, Thomus (sic) Peck Churchwardens. John Stephens made mee 1725. " Great bells iiij." Return of 1553. Tenor according to Sperling 18 cwt. Davy, 27 July, 1824. He noted 2, erased ... ora pro nobis; 3. erased; 4. chipped oft"; 5, " Stephenson " for '" Stephens," of course wrong. Sperling, INSCRIPTIONS. 251 in i860, noted a defaced inscription on single letters with a leopard's head and a fleur-de-lis alternately separating them. My own notes, however, show an initial cross, No. 47 ; and the pot No. 46, at the end of ffllSGI^IS. The leopard's head is probably No. 48. There has been barbarous mutila- tion in this tower. See pp. 41, 58, 69, 143. 521. WETHERDEN ^. ^/«ry. 5 Bells. I, 2 Miles Graye made me 1673. 3 Mears & Stainbank, Founders, London, 18S6. C. J. Goodhart Rector. S. W. Hunt ) ^,, , , P. C. N. Peddar | Churchwardens. 4 T. Osborn Downham fecit 1786. 5 Ralph Rouse Warden. Henry Pleasant made me 1703. 4 in 1553. Old 3 as i and 2, says Davy. See p. 140. 522. WETHERINGSETT ^// 6"^/;//.^. Tenor. Diam. 43.Un. 5 Bells. 1 John Darbie made me 1660. 2 John Draper made me 1636. 3 G. Mears & Co., Founders, London, 1864. 4 Wm. Dobson, Founder, 1824 William Grimwade & John Cobbald Churchwardens. 5 Lester & Pack of London fecit. ]a\ Keen & Thos. Edwards Ch. Wardens 1765. 3 in 1553. Davy, 23 May, 1828, crosses 2 and 3, and notes the inscription on the bell recast in 1864, dLcU M muiius qui regnat CErtnus ct i\]d. "Brande" the bellfounder received for casting it in 1651, " wth some charges spent with him," ^3 2^. The parish book is full of small items about the bells. 524. \NHATF\ELD S. Margaret. 3 Bells. 1 Miles Graye made me 1678. 2 □ 81 Omnia Q 82 Jovam D 82 lavdent. D 82 ani- mantia D 81 1575. S. T. W. L. T. I). 3 Miles Graye made me 1634. So Davy, 26 Oct., 1826. " Great bells iij." Return of 1553. See p. 98. 525. \N HEPST EAD S. Fefromlla. 5 Bells. I, 2, 3, 4, 5 E^ Arnold, S'. Neot's, 1774. "Great bells j." Return of 1553. Church notes about 1724 (Tom 252 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. Martin's). "Church leaded, chancel tylcd. steeple lowered. 4 bells." " Five bells." Davy, Aug. 26, 183 1. The old leaden spire is said to have been blown down in the tremendous storm of Sept 3rd, 165S, the night on which Cromwell died. See p. 153. 526. \N H ERST E AD S. Mjrj. 3 Bells. 1 John Darbie made me 1675, Richard Goodinge C.W. 2 Miles Graye made me 1622. 3 U 50 thrice. -f- 61 4'los ^i)omc iHcritis n 62 il^crcamuc GauDta 2Luct«. 3 in 1553- Davy notes two bells, but does not give the inscriptions. See pp. 56, 118. R. Gooding was buried 27 Nov., 1682. Zincke's Wherstead, p. 9. 527. WHITTON i Bell. Bell. <2> 72 abc a 72 marta & 72 gracia & 72 auo & 72 mctct A J 2 xli, I in 1553. Inscription quite close up to shoulder of bell. Diameter 22 J inches. Height to shoulder 21 inches. Height to top of cannons 28 inches ; square shouldered (Pearson, W.C. 15 May, 18S7). Davy, 9 Sept., 1827, " i Bell." No sale of bells recorded in certif. of 1547. See p. 74. 528. WICKHAM MARKET A// Saints. Tenor F. Diam. 41 in. 6 and Clock bell. 1 John Brend made me 1657. 2 The monvment of Gray Is past awaie In place of it doth stand The name of John Brend, 1657. 3 A. D. 1S83. Gulielmus Thomas Image A.M. Aul : SS : Trin : Cantab: Vicarius. Johannes Cracknell et Gulielmus Nathaniel Whitmore hujus Ecclesice custodes. 4 U 65 thrice. + 67 D J^fS"^ □ S^eata. INSCRIPTIONS. 259 6 Thomas Draper made me at Thetford 1594- Celi solamen nobis det Deus. Amen. Davy, 17 June, 1809, notes the 2nd spht, and the 3rd, 'Firgo Coronata Due Nos aii Kfgua Urata. 4 in 1553. On the old treble, T. Lester made me R. Jacob, D. Tripp, 1746. Sperling (c. i860) "Tenor G." See p. loi. 557. YOXFORD S. Peter. 6 Bells. I) 3) 4) 5 John Brend made me 1655. 2 I. B. made me 1656. Richard Hayle. 6 John Darbie made me 1685. C. R. So Davy, 17 May, 1806, No sale of bells recorded in certif. of 1547. 3 in 1553. See pp. 121, 125. |nirc^^ |l!0mmitm« As the parishes are arranged alphabetically, and under them are frequent references to the Dissertation, there is no necessity for an Index Locorum. The Table of Contents renders an Index Rcruvi superfluous. The names of Bell-founders and County Historians occur so con- stantly in the list of inscriptions that the Index contains no reference to either, save where they occur in the Dissertation. Page rage Page A Atherold ... ... 199 Bayman ... ... 216 Atthills, by found er's Beacher ... ... 97 Adair ... 191 mistake Althills 229 Backet Thomas a 55. 148 Adams .. 130, 171 Ay ton ... 232 Bell ... 184 Affleck ... ... 1S2 Belle van ... 76 Alcock, Bishop . . 87, 88 Belleyettir 8 Alderton ... ... 250 B Belton 8 Aldreg ... 163 Belyetere . . . ... 61 Aldrich ... ... 232 Backler ... ... 183 Berard ... 255 Aldrick ... ... 156 Badham ... 141, 240 Bernard ... ... 67 Aid ridge ... ... 214 Baker 199. 245 Bethell ... 149. 223 Aldous ... 238 Baldry ... ... 164 Bewicke .. ... 171 Alexander .... 192 Banyard ... ... 236 Bigg .. 195 Aleyn 9, 216 Barber ... 187 Bigsbe .-• 235 Aleys 4J, 181 Barclay ... . . . 202 Billeyetti, 8 Allen, 147, 168, 185, 232, Bard well... ... 258 Billes 1 on ••• 34 240, 255, 256 Baret 85, 86 Bingley ... ... 168 Allrede ... ••■ 255 Barett 97. 198 Bird • • 237 Almack .. ... 217 Barfoot ... .- 255 Bisbie ... 217 Alston ... 220 Barker ... 51 , 60, 159 Bixby ... 120 Ambrose . . . ... 172 Barnardiston ... 210 Bixon 148 Andrew . . . 102, no Barne 185, 19S Blackburn, Lord ... 46 Andrews ... 40, no Barnes ... 194, 216, 250 Blews and Son ... 154 Archer 240 Barrett ... ... 97 Blinco ... 227 Arden 240 Barry ... 196 Blithe de ... ... 14 Armstead ... 177 Barthroope ... 179 Blocke ... ... 197 Arnold ... 153. 238 Bartlett ... ... 147 Blois ... 231 Arundel ... ... 87 Barton ... 46 Blomefield 22, 60 Arthy ... 219 Bateman ... ... 181 Blomfield ... 236 Aspland .. ... 138 Bates 165. 192 Bloomfield ... 214 Asplin ... 162 Ba.xter ... 41. 43 Blower ••• 93 Asteley . . . ... lOI Bayly ... 71 Bloys ... 196 INDEX NOMINUM. 201 Page Boaden ... ... 253 Boby ... ... 238 Boggis ... 171, 172 Boldero ... ... 209 Bond ... ... 251 Booty ... .. 257 Borrett ... i8o, 214, 238 Botson ... ... 192 Bowell ... ... 208 Bowier ... 104, 116, 120 Bracker, 62, 179, 248, 249 Brakelond, Jocelyn de 3, 17^ Brame ... ... 247 Brampton .. 189 Bramston ... 93 Brasyer, 41 — 46, 48 (2), 49—51, 60, Tz, 146, 152 Brend, 102, 103, no, 113, 115, 116, 121, 14S, - 187 Brereton ... ... 127 Breton ... ... 164 Brett ... ... 160 Brewster ... ... 194 Briant ... 97, 154. Bridge ... ... 199 Brightly ... ... 171 Brook ... 178, 208, 224 Brooke ... 34, 174 Brooks ... 162, 204 Bromey ... ... 165 Brothers .. ... 2IO Broun ... 43, 74, 187 Brown 162, 164, 170, 21 1 Broven ... ... 164 Bryant ... ... 189 Buchanan ... 173 Buckle ... ... 257 Budaeus ... ... 84 Bugg ... ... 160 Bull ... ... 199 Bulling ... ... 164 Bullisdon ... 34 Bunistead ... 236 Banyan ... ... 121 Burch ... ... 244 Burford ... II, 14 Burgess ... ... 186 Buriey de ... 19 Burney ... 129, 130 Burrage ... ... 242 Burssor ... ... 210 Burton ... ... 243 Bury ... ... 192 Butcher ... ... 171 Butts ... ... 195 Buxton ... ... loi Byrde ... ... 72 Page Page C Cooke Cooper 159, 2 160, 201 [7, 221, 2^9 Cade ... 38 Coote ... 86 Calle ... 48 Copinger .. ... 174 Calver .. ... 251 Coppinge ... 198 Calverley 19 Corbet no Cambridge, Sir Ralph Corder ... 225 of ... II Cornell ... ... 194 Camell ... ... 171 Cornwaleys ... 91 Camper ... ... 176 Cornwall is 19, 105 Candlar ... ... 215 Cottingham •■• 195 Carnsewe ... 38 Cotton 93 Caroline, Q ieen ... 257 Cracknell ... 252 Carr 154 2 '2, 221 Cragg ... 222 Carss ... 173 Crampin ... ... 230 Cartare ... ... 26 Cranmer ... 91 Carter 109, 190 Crevnr ... 163 Carthew ... 148, 175 Crick . . . 2J.4 Casburn ... ... 219 Crickmore ... 130 Cason ... 199 Cromwell 40, 119, 2';2 Caster, Van ... 76 Cross ... 196 Cat on ... 205 Crowfoot ... ... 211 Catchpole ... 2C9 Crystall ... ... 240 Catlin 147, 182 Cubytt ... ... 232 Cawnteler ... 234 Culham ... .. 218 Cawston ... ... 220 Culpeck ... 142, 1S5 Chainley, alias Rainse 105 Culverden, 37, 38, 40, 79, Chamberley T ... 218 236 Chamberlin 195, 196 Cupper ... ... 257 Chandos, Duchess of Curteys . . . ... 172 150, 257 Cutting ... 196, 246 Channell ... ... 41 Chapman 47 150, 178 Charles I. ... 122 D Charles II. 164, 2JI Charles VI. ( 3f France Dacon ... 241 19, 20 Dade ... 242 Chaucer ... ... 44 Dale ... 90 Cheese 109, no Dallas ... ., 214 Chenery ... ... 239 Danby 48 , 49. 51, 52 Chevez . . . 206 Danyell, 22, 2 3. 25, 27, Chilton ... ... 246 34, 47 Chirche 69, 70, / I. 72, 73 Darbie. 121, 122, 132, 134, Chittocke ... 244 136 Choke 48, SO, 52 Darbye . . . ... 120 Churton ... 2 Darcye of Cheche, Clarence ... 77, 236 Lord ... 91 Clark, 27, 63, 203, 209, Dashwood . . . 240 257, 258 Davie 183, 236 Clarke, 104, 108, 109, 210, Davy loi, 233 221; 242 Dawe. 18, 19, 20, 25, 37, Clay ... 244 58,73 Clubb 183, 204, 246, 249 Dawes ... 127 Coates ... 253 Daws ... 253 Cobbald ... ... 251 Dawson ... 196, 229 Cobbold ... ... 217 Day and Son, 156, 164, Cobytt ... ... 232 16S, 169, 183, 1S5, Cocksedge ... 184 214, 230, 239, 241, Coe 217, 226 242 Cok 8 Daynes ... ... 161 Coke 22, 106 Dearesle ... ... 221 Col mar ... ... 82 Death ... 194 Cook 185, 189, 236, 238 Debenham ... 177 262 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. Page Page Page Deedes, 132, 167, 184,217, F Glemham... ... 171 258 Gloucester Sandre de 14 de Grey ... ... 182 Fairfax ... n9 Godard ... ... 238 de la Pole ... 44 Farrow . . . ... 165 Goddard ... •■ 253 Dennaunt ■■• 93 Fawkes ... ... 242 Godewyne ... 162 Denton ... ... 212 Felix S. ... 2 Godfrey ... ... 199 Derby ... 12, 14 Fellget ... ... 210 Godynge ... 7, 8, 257 Derlyngton ... 29 Felton ... 231 Golde ... ... 107 d'Ewes ... ... 127 Fenton ... 180 Golding ... i65, 234 Deye ... 98 Ferrand . . . ... 246 Goldsmith 145 , 146, 226 Dick ... 46 Festus ... 84 Goldyngham ... lOI Dickins ... ... 180 ffeavyear ... 91, 227 Gooch ... 228 Dier 103, 104 108, 177 ffoundor 16 18, 19, 20 Gooche . . . ... 218 Dobede ... ... 1S9 ffu.x ... 196 Goodhart ... 251 Dobson ... ... 154 Ffyncham ... 29 Goodinge ... 252 Doft •■■ 255 Fieldgate ... 203 Goodrich ... 209 Dou ... 201 Fisher ... 1S8 Goslin ... 150 Downs ... 176, 217, 247 Fiske 180, 249 Gowing . . . ... 189 Dowsing ... ... i8i P'itzlewes ... 15, 214 Grant-Francis ... 38 Draper, loo, loi, 102, no, Flack ... 238 Graye, 104, no. 113, 116, III, 112, II 5, 116 Flatt ... 246 118, 119, 120, 121, Drake ... 182^ 197, 226 Fiory ... 180 125, 133. 134, 135, Drew ... 176 Foder - 255 140, 141, 142 Dring ... 180 Fogossa . . . ... 52 Gregory ... ... 47 Driver 100, no Foppe ... 71 Green 95, 166 203, 246 Drummond ... 197 Ford ... 236 Greene ... 120 Dudley ... ... 105 Fox 120, 178 Grey ... IDS Dulley ... ... 176 Foxe ... 40 Greyse ... 166 Durrant ... 186, 192, 216 Framlingham 102, 158, 243 Grice ... 254 Dyer ... 120 Franclin ... ... 218 Griggs ... ... 174 Dysart, E. of, 1 50, 192, Freeman, 135, 228, 233. 238 Grimsbye ... 164 200, 245 French ... 257 Grimwade 197.251 Freston ... .. 218 Grim wood 227, 250 Frewer . . . ... 163 Guddine ... 8 E Frost ... 236 Gull ... 178 Froude 94 Gullifer ... ... 164 Eade 210, 230 Fryer •■• 253 Gurdon ... ... 172 Eagle ... 244 Fuller 174, 212 Gurney ... 131. 132 Elton ... 160 Fyson 189, 194 Gyrling ... ... 252 Eayre ... 152, «53, 199 Ebdon ... 199 Ecclestone 149, 178, 236 G H Edbury ... 109, no Eden ... Ill Gage 172, 173 Edmund, King ... 62 Gardiner, 138, 140, 142, Hale ... 127 Edmunds ... 152 143. 145. 184, 204, Hall ••• 239 Edward L 7 233, 234, 2 46 Hamilton, Duke of i8j; Edward HI. 2, 126 Gardner ... ... 241 Hammond • 255 Edward IV. ... 49 Garnhain . . . 209 Hamond ... 72 Edward VI., 30, 52, 84, Garrard . . . 171, 172 Hanbury ... ... 171 106 Garrett ... »5.3. 214 Hanmer ... ... 188 Edwarde ... ... 232 Gawdy 158, 182 Hanney ... 20 Edwards ... 233> 251 Gellius, Aulus ... 84 Hanse ... 180 Ellacombe ... 246 Genney 48, 49, 50. 52. 72 Harbert ... ... 257 Elizabeth, Queen, 38, 80, George II. ... 143 Hardy ... ... 120 99, 235, 248 Gerbertus Scholasticus 5 | Harington ... lOI Ellis 130, 215, 223. 249 Gerne III, 165 Harland ... ... 244 Elmy ... 228 Gibbs ... 238 Harleton ... 25, 26 Emerys . . . . . . 206 Gibson .. ... 257 Harris ... 1 72, 217, 223 Kvered . . . ... 229 Gillingwater, 184, 193, 205 | Harvey ... 156, 172, 220 Everett ... ... 202 Gilpin ... 171 Haryson ... ... 220 Evesham, Walter of 3 Girling 250, 258 Hasted ... . . . 204 Eyer ... 106 Glasscock ... 70 Haweis . . . 55,76 INDEX NOMINUM. 263 Page Hawes, 169, 173 174, 182, 189, 197, 230, 232, 25s ... 68 109, 225 ... 29 ... 259 161, 196, 250 ... 178 Hawke Hawkes ... Hayes Hayle Hayward Haywarde Headley ... Hebert . . . Hele Henniker Henry I. ... Henry H. Henry HI. Henry V. Henry Vni Herbert ... Hettridges Heyhaixi ... Heylin Hieronymus Magius ... 221 ... 216 ... 156 150, 2S7 ... 88 3 3 20 93 ... lOI ••• 255 ... 197 36 Hill Hille Hills Hindes Hobart Hod son Hoggar Holdtield Holies ... HoUingworth Hollon ... HoUwell ... Hopton ... Hormesby Horner Horth ... Houghton Howard ... Howes Howlet ... Hudschyd Hudson ... Huggan .. Hugh, .S. Humfrey . 107, 246 23, 24, 26, 47 ... 205 ... no ... 210 121, 132, 133 ... 221 104 ... 236 ... 238 ••• 235 ■•- 134 ... 91 ... 212 152, 212 ... 179 ... 163 ... 212 ... 163 ... 243 ... 216 ... 256 ... 48 ... 236 94 Hunt 171, 247, 250, 251 Hurnard ... ... 241 Hurry ... ... 186 Hybard ... ... 218 Hyell ... ... 197 Hynes ... ... 194 Image Infield Ingulph Isaacke 252 220 22 Pase acob ... ... 259 acquemart ... 89 ames II. ... 134 ames ... ... 193 armin .. ... 217 a.xe .. ... 215 ealous ... ... 211 efferys ... ... 195 eftVey ... ... 242 efrey ... ... 163 enings ... ... 211 enkins ... ... 130 ennings ... 132, 212 ennison .. ... 176 entylman ... 233 ermyn ... 184, 188, 193 ernegan ... ... 91 essup ... ... 257 etu"" ... ... 216 ewell ... ... HI ewers ... ... 226 ewle ... ... 246 ohn V. of Portugal 143 ohn XXII , Pope 8/ ohnson, 2, 77, 145, 196, 212 ones ... 224. 241 ordan, 23, 25, 26, 27, iS, 29. 30. 31. 32, 34. 37. 47. 94 oselyn ... ... 208 owars ... ... 177 ulius II., Pope ... 40 Kebyll ... ... 36 Kecble ... ... 238 Keen ... ... 251 Kennball ... ... 203 Kembell ... ... 210 Kemp ... ... 25s Kempe ... ... 255 Kenyon ... ... 177 Kerington ... 156 Kerredge, Kerridge, 230, 231 Kerry ... ... 159 Kersey ... ... 183 Kett ... 105, 215, 222 Killett ... ... 172 King, 194, 203, 212, 223, 250 Kingsbury ... 171 Knight ... 142, 147 Knox ... ... 197 Lacroix 97 Lanchester 250 Pa^e Land 97, 98, 99. 100 Lapeg 210 Larke SO Last 2 30, 236 Latimer, Bishop 106 Laud. Archbishop III Lawrence 40, 41 Lawson 155 Leach 164 Leake 197 Leman .. 148, 75 J83 Lemon 185 le Kous 14 Lester ] 49, 150 Lester and Pack 27, 149 L'Estrang e, 8, 60, J^z , 73. III, 113, II 5, 134. 141, 154. 193. 205, 239 Lewis 3 Li ft on 190 Lines 218 Liverpool Bishop of 153 Lluyd 157 Lockes 100 Loder 230 Longe 97. 178 Lord 2^5 Lott 247 Lynam 4 Lynde 163 Lyttleton :: 48 50 . 52 Mackay ... Mackenzie Mackerell Maddocke Maggs ... Mainprice Malet Mallyng ... Mals:er ... Manchester, Earl of Maning ... Mann Mannock ... Mannynge Manthoipe Marck Margerom Marlborough, of 46 212 60 93 192 192 41 225 220 "5 228 171 236 229 211 89 163 Martin Martyn Mason Mathew Matthew Maude Mayhew Mayo Duke 141, 209 146, 228, 232 217 86 224 198 221 196 94 264 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. Fage Meadowe . . . 200 Meadows 223, 255 Mears ... 150, 151, 154 Mears and Stainbank 154. Mechel ... ... 164 Meller ... ... 229 IMethold ... ... 236 ]Mevtas ... ... ic6 Michel ... ... 39 Middleditch ... 217 Middleton ... 178 Midson ... 201 Mildmay ... ... 90 Millard ... ... 93 Mills ... ... 217 Milton ... i2f, ijS Mirrld (sic) ... 198 Moody ... ... 1 49 Moore ... 71, 130, i8.i Moore, Holmes and Mackenzie, 63, 154, 203, 233 More ... ... 254 Moreto ... ... 209 Morris ... 39, 75 Moseley ... ... 223 Moss ... ... 158 Mothersole ... 215 Moyle ... 48, 50, 52 Mudd ... ... 100 Mulliner ... ... 192 MulJinger ... 210 Mumford 196, 212 Munns ... ... 226 Murrell ... ... 220 Muskett ... ... 91 N Needen ... ... 229 Needham 48, 50, 52 Newcombe ... 152 Newman, 29, 135, 136, 137, .139, 141, isi Newport ... ... 255 Newstead ... 177 Newton ... 147, 210 Nicholson ... 220 Noone ... 93, 233 Norden ... ... 226 Norman ... 43, 194, 210 North 37, 94, 108, 152 Northampton, M. of 105 Norwich, Sir John de 218 Nottingham, Brasiere de ... ... 41 Nunn ... 201, 234 Nufhall ... ... 00 Nuttall ... ... 216 Nutting ... ... 1S5 O Fa^e Oakes ... 217, 222 Odyngton, Walter of 3, 4, 5, 6, 154 Okes .. ... 222 Oliver ... 151, 2^8 Orford ... ... 183 Orwell ... ... 225 0.sborn ... ... 155 Osborne ... ... 250 Osburnd ... ... 238 Ostler ... ... 173 Ottewell ... ... 167 Owen, 104, 105, 106, 108, 243 Owers ... ... 219 Oxnedes, John of ... 2 Pack ... 149, 150 Pack and Chapman 151 Packard ... ... it;9 Page ... 130, 172 Paley ... ... 157 Palmer ... ... 227 Pannell ... ... 235 Pargeter ... ... 94 Paris ... ... 3 Parker, 3, 106, 163, 170, 184, 217, 222, 228 Parlet ... .. 212 Parr ... ... 105 Parsley ... ... 212 Parson ... 169 Parterick ... ... 255 Partridge .. ... 202 Pascal ... 77j 174 Pascall ... ... 78 Paston ... 44, 48 Patrick ... 153, 203 Peach ey ... ... 219 Peake ... ... 164 Pearson .. ... 252 Peck ... ... 250 Peddar ... ... 251 Peek ... ... 241 Peele ... 147, 210 Perfey ... 88 Perrers ... ... 12 Perry ... ... 198 Pettit ... ... 199 I'eyton ... ... 67 Phelps ... ... 1^8 Phillips ... 160, 180 Pigot 48, 49, 51, 52, 72 Piicearn ... ... 172 Plampin ... ... 224 Plant ... ... 239 Pleasant ... 140, 141 Plot ... ... 20 Page Plume ... 184 Plowden ... ... 52 Pond ... 201 Poole ... 220 Pooley 159, 180 Poope 195, 196 Pope ... 50 Porter ... 228 Postle ... ... 234 Poer ... 179 Potter 41, 43 Pouiter ... ... 219 Powell ... . . . 202 Power ... 71 Pratt ... 240 Preston ... ... 40 Prior ... 247 Pritty ... 163 Prockter ...- ... 165 Pycot 10 Pye ... 68 Pyrson ... 22s Quivil, Bishop Radcliffe ... ... 84 Rainbird ... ... 209 Kainse ... los Ramsden ... 196 Rand ... 197 Randale ... ... 199 Ransomes and Sims 146 Rant ... ... 218 Raven ... ... 214 Rawlinson ... 6 Ray ... 176, 232 Rayment ... ... 173 Read ... ... 219 Reede ... ... 199 Reeve, 193, 197, 201, 202, 204, 214, 215, 216 Reniger ... ... 52 Reve 72, 73, 69, 70, 72, 95, 183 Revel ... 10, n Re veil ... .. 192 Revett ... 168, 1C9 Reynolds 17 1, 229 Rice ... ... 158 Richard II. 19, 20 Riches ... ... 193 Richmond ... 207 Rickit ... ... 231 Rider ... ... 9 Riping ... ... 161 Ripyng ... ... 60 Riston ... ... 8 INDEX NOMINUM. i6s Page Page Page Rivett ... 168 Slater ... .. 130 T Rohers ... 192 Smith, 60, 130, 167, 169, Roberts ... 151, 160, 195 171, 181, 182, 201; Tallant ... 249 Rod well ... ... 170 Smyth. 68, 97, 99, '180, Tamplin ... ... 195 Roff.rde ... ... 14 181, 199 Tapsell . . . 103, 104 Roger ... 158 Sone - 93 Taylor 153, 236 Rogers ••■ «73 Southgate .. 162 Teverson . . . ... 205 Rokewood ...3,88 Southwell .. 90 Theobald ... 160 Rolfe ... 176 Spaiding ... 130, 66 Thomas of Canterbury, Romeneye II Spark .. 188 S. ... ... 148 Rope ... 165 >parke .. 178 Thompson 40, 156, 211 Roper 236, 244 Sparrow ... 176, I 99, 211 Thorn ... 236 Rose 14, 162, 179 .Spencer ... .. 152 Thornhill ... 224 Rous 14, 182, 232, 233 Spenser ... 40 Thornton 140, 142, 159 Rouse ... 251 Sperling, 161, 169, 189, Thruston ... ... 205 Rouwenhale 20 202, 204, 224, 226, Thurkill ... ... 70 Rowley ... ... 236 244, 250, 259 Thurston 91, 227 Royce ... 247 Spicer ... i 8g, 255 Tippell ... ... 239 Kufford ... 14, 15 Spilling ... .. 130 Toller ... ... 165 Russe ... 14 Spinke .. 192 Tollemache 192, 200, 245 Russell ... 88, 223 Spmluf ... .. 160 Tomson .. .. 195 Rust 185, 189, 205 Spinny .. 232 Tonne, 41, 78, 7c ), 80, 94, Rye ... 19 .Sporll .. 188 95> 97, 98, ' 100, 102, Ryle ■■ «53 Stahlschmidt, 8, 10 II, 12, 109, 258 Ryon ... 40 14, 18, 19 20, 22, 23, Tony ... 79 26, 37, 61, 6 2, 108, Tooke 132, 223 109, 133, 147, 152 Tool ... 166 S Stainbank .. 151 Topsel ... 103, 104, 181 Stanard . . . .. 205 Torry ... 131 S., H. ... 67, 68, 69 Sianby .. 195 Tottington, Samp- Sacheverell 148, 175 Stanesby ... 29 son, de 3, 172 Sacker ••• 239 Stanley .. 151 Trimnell, Bishop 175 Sallows ... ... 197 Staples ... .. 194 Tripp ... 259 Salmon ... ... 211 Starlinge ... .. 120 Trusse ... 192 Samson . . . 60, 202 Stebbing ... .. 168 Truston ... ... 218 Sampson ... ... 210 Stedman ... 127, I 28, 130 Turage ... 252 Sancroft ... ■•■ 193 Steggall ... .. 228 Turke ... 29 Sandiver ... ... 221 Stephens ... .. 139 Turner ... 212, 222 Santy •■• 243 Sterne 97 Tweed ... 174 Sawer ... 252 Stevenson .. 46 Tweedy . . . . . . 209 Sayer 169, 184, 248 Stollery ... 162 Tylls - 233 Schofield... ... 108 Strickland, Bishop 9 Tymms ... ... 85 Schot . . . 209 Strong .. 216 Tynny 41, 79 Scolding ... ... 163 Strutt ... I 66, 225 Tyrrell ... 194 Scott II, 97, 148 Strype 91 Tyssen, 34, 37, 49, 62, 77, Sekole ... 122 Stuart •• 133 79, 98, 109 Seme ... 158 Stubbin ... .. 202 Sewell ... 189 .Sturdy 24, 26 u Shakespeare 38, 89, 105 Sturt .. 172 Sharman ... 181 STuteville. Stutfilde 182 Udall ... 127 9, 14 Sheffield, Lord .. 105 Stuttesbury .. 94 Ufford, de Sheldrake ... 130 Suckling ... ] 79, 227 Underbill 15 Shelford ... .. 228 Suffock, W. de. 9, 14 Underwood ... 179 Shepherd ... 189 Suffolk, A. de 9 Sheppard ... 171 Sudbru ... ... 196 Sheriffe ... ... 246 .*^udbury ... ... 81 V Sheringe ... ... lOI Suidas ... 84 Sherwood ... 214 Sutherland .. 233 Vacher ... ... 201 Shrive ... i65 Sutton 41, 248 Ven'oe, Van ... 75 Simpson .. . . . 246 Sydnor - 193 Vergil, Polvdore ... 87 Singleton ... i7i Syer ... 209 Victoria, Queen ... 155 Skimming ... 192 Sylverne ... .. 217 Viollet le Due 4 Skytte ... ... 206 Sylvester 11., Pope 5 Votier ... 172 266 THE CHURCH BELLS OF SUFFOLK. Page Page Page W Wentworth, Lord ... 91 Woolner ... ... 223 West 72 Woolnough ... 214 Wade ... 92 -, 177, 236 Weston, P, de 10, II Wray ... 120 Waghevens, 7S> 76,77,170 Westley ... ... 226 Wright 36, 173, 210, 233 Wakeham 151, 207 Westrop ... ... 192 Wulf.ed ... 2 Waldegrave ... 91 Whaites ... ■■■ 243 Wymbis ... .. 167 Wal grave 20 White ... 91, 176, .98 Wymbish 10 Walker ... . . . 206 Whitmore 225, 252 Wydmrpole ... 31 Wallace ... ... 217 Whittingtori 126 VVynier ... ... 93 Walsingham , A. de 8 Wigson ... . . . 204 Wynkfield ... 156 Ward ... 199 Wigston ... ... 229 Ward ley ... ... 2Sl Wilkinson 223, 241 Warne ... 186 Willett ... ... 169 Y Warner . . . 162, 206 Williams, 70, 216, 217, Warr^-n ... 191, 217 236 Yale ... 238 Washington ... 94 Wilshere ... ... 199 Yare 109 W'aters ... ... 94 Wilson ... 194, 237 Yaxle Yaxley ... 258 Watson . . . ... 218 Wimbis ... 10 York ... 162 Watts 152, 153 Winchelsey, Arch- Yorke ... 196 Waylet ... ... 179 bishop 81,84 Young ... 167 Waylett ... 141, 142 Wingfield, 90, 94 214, 242 Youngman ... 219 Waynflete, Bishop 1 8 Wulferston • •• 93 Wedge ... 194 Wood ... ... 171 Weekes ... ... 160 Woodard . . . ... 167 Z Wehincopp .. 231 Woods 198, 250 Wellum ... ... 24? Woolley . . . ... It)4 Zincke ... 252 Walton ... ... 198 Vr UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-100m-9,'52(A3105)444 ■kCC Raven - 212 The church -S7R19~-tielts^"0f Suffolk 212 S7R19 UCLA-Young Research Library * CC212.S7 R19 yr' L 009 651 178 7 f^c^^*"^.,