OMELL SHOCK a ~~JiS C< -k^. V . i. 55 * MAIN saocK^ :.-* fc**4HMM* A fttey In CM Act Jaok .\rnold, Mt Jar of Infantry, U.S. A :*rbrt Hoyltoa t UuUmnt of Robert faya*,Mdiml corps ,U. ::.." - A corner la the grill of the Hew York club of a Efcstsra University. Six tables with chairs plaoed about them are cat at regular Intervals la two revs of three frew left to right. Oa the left, three windows loefrlnc out on a side street. la the rear.four dove opening on an avenue. Oa the rlgat.forwerd,the eln entra&ee to the firill. It is the middle of the afternoon of a hot day in epteober,1918. Through the open windows, the white ourtaias of which hang motionless, unstirred by the faintest breeze, a awl try vapor of dust-clogged sun light can be seen steaming over the hot ashpalt. Hare, in the crill,it la cocl. The drowsy lamming of an electric fan on the left wall lulls to inertness. A bored (middle-aged welter stands leaniag wearily 855 [ T the tablea in the rear, gap! ag and star tag llatleaaly aow and than ha eaata an Imlirfninnl of tho roo.a yajsng nan of about thirty la the uniform of an of floor la tho Uodioal Corps aba is sitting at the middle table, front.alpp Ing a glass of iced oof fee and reading a neee- papar. The officer is undor nsdina height, alight and wiry .with s thin, pale faoe.lirnt brown hair and nuatnohe.anc! grey eyes peering Irssnly through tortolse-rianed apeotaolao. As the curtain rises there is a sound of footater s from tho entrant The waiter half-etraightens Into ar. attitude of respectful attention./ oonant later Herbert Koylstoa enters. Si is s brnsny yonae folio* of twenty-seven or so, clad in the uniform of a f ir t lieutenant ot try* .load and oloen-bhaven,hla rathsr haswy.goad naturad fa< ably bears tho narks of a recant oonwalosooaoo f row serious 111 so so. Li nee of sufforing about tho lipa contrast with, hie ever-ready, jovial eriai and his bins oyos of a hsalthy child soon shadowed by tho rewien- branoa of paiawitaoaaod and not by than to bo forgotten. Roylstoo stands at tho entrance and c lanoss about the grill. Tha waiter starts forward with an Inquiring yea, sir: M . he medical offlcor is aoeroasau In aooa lit of ness and does not look up. Koylstoa walks forssrd to his table and glaneos at the othor curiously. Than the paper is put down and tho oyoa of tho two nsn neat. A look of perplexed re- oognitlon oonsc over both their faoos. Koylston /-(vith a boyish grin] 1 know you* wait a minute*. (Tho other snilos) /hi Now !*YO got it - Wayne. Ian t it - Bobby "aynav Ti usod to roon with Jack Arnold at college. ayno - That* a right) asd this is - Roy Is ton, 1 an* t ) It? I n4 you hare with Jack. r>n r.oylston - That* a who. (The two MB shake hands heartily St this. OheaOO meeting) I Kayna - !* very glad to Me you amla. nit aaam. Wea t ye have thing to drink? die beokone to the waiter) oylston - lire thing. That s What I oaao In for - that.and to try and find OMeon to talk to, and write couple of lttru.(To tho lead ooffeo,ple**.(Tbe mltor fiO out) It* a Mr* enough brollar In the 8trMt. rhMl (iio opc his faoe with his bMriMrohlo* - thon ooa- tioueu apoloeetioftlly ; X gmom l*a still a bit vtk. You knov I bad rathsr a aloaa ttbavottbaalu. to Lou a (Nodding; l oou aeo L^ your faoo ttet jou va oill. V.hat fc. it - aarapnal? oylntoo -(nth a grin) A touch of that in both ohine gun her anti iioro. {./> touches: the u^per part of hi a cheat) ly had me. (rhowlng emotion) If it hadn t bean for Jack vayaa - Uatereatedly) La? ?ou uon t ow.n Jeek ..mold: lloylstou - i cure do* !Jo eaac out inte !, o aae land and ^ot oa ayne (QMlokl)> uhaa wa* tola - after Chateau Thierry? Royletoa - Yea* . ayau (..touHiiatj Toaa you war* th* oua he brouht baak that exploit uoylstoa - 1 uou t iotoe about tha one. aa a_ nc.ut nny rate* \ ( Iti: onthuslnciO v&ck*s ^o- & wlsole caboodle of suoli etunta c hla credit. I wouldn t dare cay that I (ruijled) rut I baard - they dlda t C lws tha MM - but X it *2 tha body of a daad offioar ha riakad his llf* to gat. itaa - (Laugblnc) I a" thay did think I Ma gaaa aaaaa at I the tiMi but I MMM to Mil through. You aan* t put a squirrel la \fat ground. (The aaltar ooves baalc staging tha load ooi i ea hlab ha sati an \tvf tabla . .o y la tou vstraa a ft f I fHl ttffhs oontatttadly } oyne (vttan tha vaitar has reasisad hla paat by tha r*r tiftaaaaa) Tall raa fibout It, will you t Foy latent Tha r Sparta hrta bnan ao n a far, and I* a BO d&an intaraatad in all Jnak dooa. You aaa Jaak end I hc^a cvor i-lacc- va sere knao-hlgh* . oylsu - Ys*. da* a toU .;.., ac - Lot ^U B naoh a rottan correai^om .ant tbot.aran what I vaa in rmnoa,! had to dapanl on tw aar oorrapoidanti2 end the offioial report c far may noas about nin* o It d be n favor If you d Rajlatan -(: nbmrrmssed) Thar* iaa t Moh ta tall, a In a bit f berra^o Half-ray to too tiilnl Bos air trooah - aa v aa U*o ri.-st Uo aod aojuU havo stoppau,jut you ^at dxmJc slUi th Ja)f of ff>^""c then ix-o*: end ;ou don* t stap to Utin&. Haylatoa - Rail. that aaa abara X at alas - in bath laga. X and oouldn t got up. Ih& Uaya Dad to GO baek u> th,. rcnoh aa d just oapturod. .mj iiJn t TO tiaa to do any piaking up. T -aunt hinm ir the 3ooolv auuntar ftltaokad ad oanght hall. ..c.. Uw li w it* BOO. out oa^lataly au far us 1 vas oonoanad. * . ayaa -u overly) But you re haard how Jaak a eauspaay got at avt aft la that aaoond UrcnobfbBvan t -j<mT. :io* the 3ua barrage out oation batveen UMB and UM root of Uw arrHEtaalaatloally) Jaak a aonpaiijr bld out for thraa days and nlffcU agalnat all kinds of Unriflc tell lag and counter atta oka, without aupport or rallaf , until f tba divialoa advanoad Again and caught up with then, nearly aonbor of f-x cora. any ran althar :^llad or wounded - but %hoj staok it rat 1 (tntt"**** ** ***! It waa a wou .orful oxaoplc of o. v t our do Bkaa la a . inohl Roylatan - It aura ana groat atufft 7 haard about that part of it aftorward In hoanltalj but et tha tlna It all hajmanM) I waaa*t lallj Intcreatad In what aa ^olag on around ma* iban * <<iaan a>a it Jaak oama out to gat. yon? - Juut ai tor U divlaian puaxtad up PW| thy -( stoni-ntxl > TIia Roylaton - It a at nigut 9 J at hi.* vlth uoi*.lerloF udmlratioii} ~<u-n - you in o aoa .nncl throo i&y*> and .il^atn - Utuly wounded. I Uida t aotloo tla* OUOA. I a Mkrt oi* out of y UaaU with tlilrat ind palnor to U-tuico iaost of Uvi vl:js. Vou icuov Uuv <MM fat** ( ayao nodi ) 1*4 <lark aou 11 Jit but : alua t UiinL i tatjfUiiiii, - t all - vat raa of <. a-.u. (Ua *usM> uua tuao cqotlouoa auaBtfaao41yj . laally I <MMM ta iu .- u&rk 1 aaaix* aoaaouu aor\x>aig - Uaab oorriulyl I listened and dlaoovcrod toat j_vaa oo4g It MreaMln^ at UM top oi %y lun^al ttoudiitlytl >r*b &aiV4uoato daath of ^ysolf I aana^art to fat to ay faat. I had a u^u - -unoM to got bud; to our Iloua* Tliea a Joaoi** to rattle,*** I foil ft tarrUYa thud la the eheat - end *. grovnd oavo up aad hit . Tfco Beaetae artillery loeetned up a** of trr ahelia aade it llcht day. I aew that .-3 IT trriht for . Ttv air ae,e falrlj BisrII.i, ith bvJLl*^ bai he kept ri^ht n v o<2 then *bm h0 OTI elo I aaw it vac Jack*S* S!M( j;iHoiltitofc,*od httld TC up on ;JL.. t loulder. The pain of it Lnocknf into a faint. . :.on I to I **a i x?siiil.; ith a shy griu of r> iiaf ) .o ..Kt f fc all I AOOT about r.yne - You ;-j a irlg .itful Mr of it, i v 5 r.-- Boyle ton - Ko MTao Uieu : he met of tha boya. e all hTa to our nxxlAeine sooner or lator. But ita luoky for aa Jaok aa a stand - "- tu t ary face) i ho** ao* i u out* to think ha me belli A^ out uaere. I gnees they all Uwu^nt ae uead or they d haw been out looking far M Before tlir.t."(He drinks tn root of :ilc oaf fee) " ali.- ve ,ot to wo dlo i^atalr-J ;un! rrlto - >uit t- adoatowill jou, .u.Iston? :!iore*3 oofMtninf I tolk ovf jrou. "t 1 - nl;jut Jack - .-nil periii>s j-ou oa help .ioylcton - Certainly. (Aa the otter heeitatee) Oiaothlng abmt JaOk, you sr.y - Tec. Bat tirat lot aw explain hoa I happen to bo hero at aot oa leave ,aad I caan t seat book froa . ranoe on ao count AT ill hcalthaa you aicht think. At the baao hoapital over there I vea aaale:ioU to trc iti^ig Tlctlae of uholl-aheok. I d mode ;uite a atady af the diw uinuo it drat beoine kitoiva and as a eonsoquenoe aac f eaful than most at treating it. ~o a fee .lontho ago hea the alok oonnenoet! to be ont x>n in appreciable mill ,! vac otdeyed I to help on ahook petiaata. Koyleton - I eee. " nyne -( 1th ft h*en lanoe at the othar - lowering his roloe) And. thla ic etrlctly confidant 1*1, of couaae,lt appeare fror n Tcttor I ren if jack /mold is likely to oaaniaa ono of -rj ;ti< Ho>ltoo -(. maxod) fhatl r:ot rhall o laton * 5ood C* 4 *. ut thora nuat b aot Mistake. Miy Jok ha ncrwa of an oxl ?;yn - UiU iTa ron t rargot ha a baen In tlr* tJ without. A let-tip - thcr. you cone tc couat Uit tao Its tr< a lth the dianc before ha e& traaafored to oara* That* a a long atrettu - IXit to laat I rci wtl^r of MT he na . IX oyne It nitti ^ou of a tauten luouxlly; Vetl. t by m; certain in jeckc oace* "he letter I epolte of we rroa a Doe to* Thoopcon over there, uuc of the hoacU. dt vrote that Jack had l*ca to the cnce :uicpltal vitu a leg hoiiD(i*aethlb oeriduu in itself UKNiinc I vaa a frieaU of Jack* aThoeyeoB wrote te tell ae Jaok hat been Iznmlidod iioue^uad for sc to otudy biu carefully when IM arrived hiA trouble oooned to be plain r-errouB broeJc-devaVnorjpfion caidbai otiil re &tc oo. it -Uln^ queer abeut tl* caae lie oouldn*t ot iioLd el e !jtdti t the time to devote to individuaia. :a he l^ft it up te Hoylatoa - Didn t \ ^Ivo you eor* hint to Juat *hat ha *a UM trouble vltb Jok? - Only poatoeript evidently torlbkled in harry Te votch mold - clnretta*t" - with the erd eigarettes deeply j.oyl&ton -( o 6 rluioulouatLoefen t it* P.oyl Ian -( .uiokly) "Ii^ie (lid over t:^er - a (root c eal* : o I npnbor rti"! :>o :<i -> stucT: in iilr crath nil the tit:*. aao oo a L9t* i^b too aaa look *i tta atbar far a nwaaat Japly 1 a aouetliii^ queer auoot it*vldeutly - i ra* that poatacrlpt. Toylaton -Cftcr oaot.1 h g r jju-. n It o just Ui> t your Thoi5>ao Is one cf wlwoc t nti-ci^itt-ctit? fieude* ulto tl ba so^autauo iu lt.*I.^>iipiJO& la one cr our keenest :.oylcton -C :oiif lUontl; ] o waiter hov uhar 4 :a ic r*ll tat :Vs all vronc about Ji ci:. hj,* - ha\l - Jncl . a raade of iron. I ve ooea hi* in ft Ux> uciitLfei- - ioi 1 kooti. I* i)o f u lou liot or gasaed or - tut ahall shock - loahl JaoU d lau^h at -hat." {-Jigarly J ut toa do yoo aapajat hia to (jot -jj-c ciyr.e - n; 1 dij nov. ;:oyl.ioD - Oeti,! i.xat Iwpa >M> arrivaa bafora T laavo. I MBit Vo aae Jxir: abore oil other popla in the world - to thonl: him. If I on,fcr -vi y prcaenco in our nUiet. ( Intuitively) If you only know ho* I fool about Juokl (IncoiMMnuaUally; You rocaarater his sonlor yew at collage vhan be RS Ml- , ierioen llf - and his teuahdee* that wen tha orvord ( ayna noda) I ne Just a P*oeJen than and jeu aan 1 -rapine hat ho to c.( yne arsllee) And than to c oor tharo anc rind eyaolf rtlractly u!er Ida oo r w*nrt - t> loo-^ his rrlerdl Tt. r-annt r derll of lot,! U?l -: T - it oylaton - -r* uten to cap th cllrmx tj* *v<* nv llf \T)MB not oa nan lii million noulU ;nvc triU It - and no blaiw to thai,elthrl 1% a* rank suicide, i he ohanooa wore a tftouoand to ono afninst bis ooaia| out of It alivt.i itii * grl&f ht- I gt stertotf on that subjoct I top, no T rueer I bottor boat It to my lotter writing. Be sure and lot o knoc r!-joi; Jack airiroo, ? suro Bant to s; tin. :yoo (. tiicy boU itu^ uiu, u^akc *j*i; I ll iw euro to toii>o long ior Uie , r<aat. out. on tiio table tlth tJ.a ilutfara and ttaros beTor* . d* v o**P in After & o.Mcnt i.t;i>u i-r Jiorrt iron the fcn^ ht ( and Jack mold oonoa into the Till. Ho it. a ond-t!iruldtreU,i w! aiucwy-bullt w-n uf . L&ut thirty tcith blaok U&ir ni soataoho. he .or. tan en Ida -ftK turtc,huntii.onc i>cu u . ut.> a i &Uou to u titki; ^cllov by 11V ox ..oi-v.- w.. uoubiua ; r>.. deep &U>ut hiu ;.utL r.ud noaoand trc .A>l-4a,tiK; ^);li, ui-cwu taut over the check tccaa.ffla dark c; c hiive a etrnined o*ii-ctioi. of ur.owtcin axpcctuncy as if ho ooiictantly hol<liu hl^aolf in clicok while he v&ited for a aiao to :ia rj&ncic tr*ni>lo u little. : * !ma a rruoar maiL.crica of 10 eontlruallj- ral&ing tbe for* tod slAdle fingers of hie ri,.ht hia lips aa t.imufeft be ere snaking an iovialblo cigarette. Us ears the uniform of a oajor of infantry.) rnold ~(Xa edlatel;- reoogalses ayna ad c;>llr out oasu*llj )H11, bobby. (:.c ctridsw toward Uw tntl. ; ryn* -(Jucv* to his frt,MMurly xipMtttnf Uir table} Jack! (Hie fcco . -;l.oviac v,-iUi pleasure AS he punpr. hie friend * hnnd up aad deem) By all tbat*s t onicrful! tea did _ou ^et in: rnolu - .Jiiu raornincj nyno -(iustiiac Ida into & ebair> Sit devu,7o old scoundrel! !* boon expectir. to aear of yaar arrival erery dsty.Claprlng him oa the book aifectioantelj > It s certainly a sicht for sere eyes to ace you ellve ; :- v - a^ainl /rnola - \ee,l*L glj te be bek tor e bit. T was rather done u in a aervouc vcy ayne - o .x>cwor hoopoon rote no* "mold -(Betra^i&e isaoaalneiia) Chhe wrote ; ou.did - "oe; sold you were oo^inc lack. mold -(Irritably) He s a fosaillzed ol<: roraea,your fuases liice fe ot fteu a Lout l^ajl.iar^ ej- v - Yet he s o;,e of UK. beet in liia line. - Arnold -(Dryly; tertians; but you ll not convince e of It. ( atkec t^e peculiar laetlou of fingers to uie lipe>> * got on ny u frigUtiully *1U fcla inoaaaant otami nations - pure rot, If you want my opinion* -Uitii a keen profea-ioaol jlanoe at hia frianfl* faca - fro* tl^o iM atudiea ..nwid oa a patleatj :\it.}otvetly,jOU do look aa If you d kacii imookoU out Tor a tine. Arnold -(..nuoyed) seifit &a a fiUdla.Uaiualy) t only tha al (ha HC*IO JMi Uiu too .aotioa to .iiu lipa) ilaaoa : uddan oai naac; r-ve you a oiartta*Bot>o?. out rii oaao ami oTfarr. iw to Arnold} ?ou*ra - :tatjrlly.(:ia lights the oljarotte un<!,dr ing in lnfe>latxtaalea it ni-li a aign of relief.) aync .;ow,aaturill^. Vou didn t ^oe lo,j u itao* - r.jry puff. .rnold - .lad to orer thera. ("1th out den renanbawnce) T tm Jbr- *3 suah tlrwHi lor v while aince I*vc soo-i / . oyne - Tiireti y rnold -(Vagualjr) . lot of thig can happen In thft ( ItU i- ootco.ioi nir,a If ha varc unoonaciouo of what ho is dolagha a out the cifarotta frov ahloh .ia has hardl) Uikan .-oro than a fav t oV. OArafully ;*ut the butt Into n packet of his unlforn. ) ajrna -i etcuiae hiu curlouaijr; <ual . i.* auddanly thinka oat tar of nit quaatioo ana -(Charply) aync - Ch,nothing.(Ae Jack staree at hla) Moa c tha wound la rnold - .Ml O.K. Only a soratah. (Sa again 4 t his fU0ara to !* lip* aorvoualy - then ttla e^aa fall on the cigarette e*so on the table) 1*11 ruf;. uiiut.^ar of your fa&i, 1 I nay. nyna /mold -(; i^htinc upj !vnt atrtii^ht to your :-wu*e row t?ic dock. . your ;TOtiir. -h told * I d i^Oorbly riifci . ou APC. ( ith di*ptaf f affoctloa; It* ;-<xKi to * you a^in bby t dnB ^oodt r.i .t* toolc, L;; JovoS I i eel uuekod up alrotwly. -nyne -CiUi a auilo; ! lad uf . rnold -(; hat tiraur w<; uaa< . to "eyne - i^illyt "mold - >..o.c vcfc.;-oiaio in the ity ba you OB me on fro more - hn you acre t jr Iodine uxxllcrl atuda and I vna a - ( "oornfullf ) . :-vt yuu .< PUJ t; ,u^ to gat any vritliic done orer there? -( ita a froan) ;.o. hat a tha uaa i Tt*a not a thine eon rriv about, la itt(Tbara la a pauaa. "mold aatenioally pvta ant hlo clc^ratta end Sa Ju^t placitie It in iilo puokat *:* ha looks up oatohco his friend* n cya probing into hie atranga action, la Ir: ediataly baooncr cnnceious of shc.t he lo dslng and ahn>fpoedly Irtrla M.B ol- Cnratto ov. Vic floor and stands on It.) !>nian It all tf Irritably) Wl are you ataring at, Bobby? r > T 19 (Vluahlng) Nothing - or Arnold - You ouat think a* a thundering aaa whan you oatoh on in oblldlali aot Ilk* that - Juat Ufca a kid an the atraat* "aniplng butta* . I oan t eoea to break mymlt of the deviliaU habit - oust have ooattraat- od It lii the front line tronabaa - a%vlng up butta far an emarganay hao I d be vltbout a amoka. /jau no I Uo maahanloalljr - (hccltetaa - then ooodllj In a loa voioa; whoncvar tna allaaaa oas orar aa. . ayne -(. oaine 1x1 a frlaod s ambarrassvant - soothingly) It s ural anoueb* Arnold -(AB If ha were talklnfi to hlaaalf ) v of It I can t gat at - anaat.hlng that drive* ma to do it. ( la ohakaa his haad aa If bnnlaliing aoiw rylHful t^kouxlita0c! produalttc TTI of elgaratta* froo oaoh of hla pockatatrna to Vay no vita a foroad laugh) Hero I ve c*t a full box Ineaoh portal aad yot 1*11 bat I va grafting youra aa thangh thara wnon t ana for aala la the ahala world* It* a a diaguating obaaaalaa* I ve ot to braak M w aalf of 1% ar ;-oople 111 think I TO i-. aarav looae aoaavhera. It a up to you, oall ae do. a eyory tine you oatoh raa. That ll do the trl ok. (Forgetful of tho full baxea on the table ha calls to the waiter roughly) y, waiter I Tha .-altar -( tar ting out of hla doaa) Yea, air? Arnold - A box aftlgarattaa* Tha Bailor - ehatklnd wold you like. air. mold -(Vaguely) ny kind* ayna - But you* TO all thoaa unopened an the table, Jack, mold -(/luahij - avkwardly) Yaa - so I hava - I aa forgetting. "T 14 (To tho waiter) :;ver lnd about thMi now. (There IB a pawja* during which Arnold preeoea hl tends to tola forehead aa if . ere trying to hi* though ta. : Inelly bo out tors la low voice) It e the olloaoo. It. .ayne (. taring at him koonly) Ttet a tte third tine you ve tlonod tte alienee, Jack, hat do you aeon, exactly? Whet ailonooT Arnold -( fter a pauae) Juat that - & sileaoe. It hita yon you re sont book hona after you ve boon in tte linea for a long say a year or more without a holiday. (Ho laufha ueoKlngly) A holiday! A rest perlodl Reatt Oood Oodi(Be turna to ayne excitedly) Ci that I n only apeakiag fron ny own experience and my foolinga may no gonaral significance. F<ut X believe they have. I ve seen then fled in the faooa of those nan aho oona baok to tte trenohaa after a leave at hone - ttelr exproaaion of genuine nappinaaa at U Khy,aaui,they look relieved, freed froo alavery! (Ho pauaaa for a rettectinc - then continuea intensely) You ve boon tearing tte and oraah o: tte big g guna,the rat-a-pet rivetting of tte tte eraok of rifles, the whine of bull eta, the roar of bursting sheila. Lvarythinc whirls ia a eonatant f overlah movement eruund you tte eerta treat lee ana cuekoe bonooth your fee tj even tte derknosa ia only an inter ittent phanoaena anatching greedily at tte earth between the wans of one star shell and tteburating brilliance of the next; even tte nlg&t ia goaded Into Inaonnla by the everlasting firaverka. Nothiog is fixed es cort* In. Tte next moment of your life never attains to tte stability of even a probable oeourenee. Tt hita you with tte epocd of a ballet* passes through you, is L one. (Ha pauses) And than you cone out into tte -A poaceful world you once know - for a reat - and it eaena as if yen in thu toob af a pyramid orootea beioro t. a >ar6 tare " Tie hwa died of old ng; and in* sllonoo.lllEe the old Chin*** tortore,dr*pa laarienly drop by drop - on your brela.- and thai yo - you .vfc to Ukiak - au>ut the things you ou(tat to forgot - -ayne -(1m a brlak velos - trying to rewae his frlond) Yea 11 used to the c.ulot after s bit. You re lettlap your impglnstloa rvi 1th ;ou. (Arnold lookc at bin rlt . r curious, ha^rard snila} Do ! - It s a eurlou& oolaoldo 40 - I - . c Just tnlklne about you vlth a frle..d of jours before you cane in. ".peak of tlic devil, jou kaov. ho It mold -(Indinerontly) I don t knee. . nyne - noylaton. it s funna? you didn t run Into hln. Arnold -(. ooi.i no Interest - as If He hadn t heard toe naa> X ea* aasona in unlfona alng up the stair* - ulda t get a look at hie faoo. rho did you nay it MS; 1 ayne -(Lnylnc cm.n mcls on the nrna) oylston - Herb oylston man you ra 70*1 out of :;-> ana :*nd after Chateau h lorry vban yen your load of ae<iala v ?ou o! ..raolci -( tunuad; You don t mean - t t-yno - -hat* a bjiaotl? *ao I do naaa. ..mold -(.alo and e^alteu) Here - In tMs club - Herb? Cut thrt lapoesible. Jiarb was dead, I tell you. nync - You nay think ao; but you ll be dovbl? glad to hear he s Tory auch nllTOnd he wrnts to see you and thank you for Arnold -( -orerlnc his faoe with his hande) Ob Oodt id v.aym* -(Alarmed) Jack! Vihat a the --rouble. Arnold -(Controlling himself with an effort) Fothing - !* brines it all bask. (His fingers flutter to his mouth. Ha ly) Got a cigarette. Bobby ? ayne - Taere - on Uw table nld - TiianKa. die coca not toueU hia own boxes but plcka a oi- garette fron his friend s ease and light* It. :ia takes a daep Inhale and eonraences to talk volubly In a foroad too* aa if ha were trying to cover up hia apparent indifference i.; th.; natter of ivoylaton) I m daaa glnd to hear ebout liarb. o ha o nl!ve - rrnilly alive! It ! luartil Ible. lie was svimine la hla ovn blood. I carried .dm over ay ahooldar* I vaa aoc^od hi;A it . ogblvHe abuddara at the reoolleotlon bat talks again, try tnr to droen hie ronoriee) T ll b Vnn fled to ass hisi r-gain - damn glad* Herb a a corking ohap - one of the ^est* Ha sad I were great ohuas over there. (He uta hla cigarette out and atioka it hastily in hia pooket. ffayae eesa this and aeene nbout to apeak bat thinks better of it* mold goes on in aa agitated tone) Tec .Barb s one fine chap* That vaa aa a. ful aeca - the *oret ever - thnt \ntoau Thierry affair* I ll have to toll you rbout It. EC ran out of olgarettee you know - not a dam one in the rhsle oorapany - not a ar*okr> of may desariptlon* It voa hall. Cpaakiag of smokes - you ve another fag, haven t you, Bobby? tayne -( .uiotlyj Oti the tablo ( Jask. .Tuold - ihaniift.dio aai& takeft one :ro* ayaa a oase and puffs ner ouslyj "You can t reftlise what a smoke coses to mean to you in s first line trench. You d have to have been there, Pobhy. v<ni wondered si my ar.oking now when I never had in the old days. T didn t nt first , . T JT I lied te - hod te.I tell yoml Ton know - the stenoh and the llee and the reet of It. A smoke takes year a&nd off thM.eenehov. nyns -<::oo thin&ly) I kass it s s jo<xl thing. Arnold -(Oo^lriningly) And tnet tine in that CTwtean "Merry treat bnrrege there was nothing. The dosche Jamah cut us off completely froa the rest e4f> army. - not sroke In the whole oewpanyl *k> chance of onot v;o only had emergency field rotlona and vhan they ~?.Te out the toyr - toward -be and - .hose who were still unvoundod - were vild rlth huT4*cr and third. I oan raaeaber Pllly terett - a corporal - be vent west with a bullet throu h his heart later en t poor fellow - laglnr sooo Idiotic neneetwe abobt boef tek pt orr am* till it tirove you nearly nad u> lloton te hin. .-e cust hare out of :^s heed. Ittt 1 didn t feel iiuneer or thiret at all. All X v*a a waake - end not e ooe! (He puffs furieualy at his - I ve read aoout your fanouc three dxya t Jaok. It was a iou.j txilr.j but I san veil ivsglae ho* terrible it was nlse. (; *olte*lyj Terrible? *\o ord for itl >n oouldn t knewt 7,e f d srouoh down in the aud with the trench rate ing and so&aporing with fright over our feet - nipping et your legs - while wo waited for the nst s untor attnok,woniflrine if the fosohe get tiirough the next tiae,rittine w teeth to stick it oat* artillery pl*yod hell with us* The world seuaed flying te bit** oonaucalor.a of the bursting aholls - all about ne - would J heart i-i ht baok Mgainst your spine. It mined shell ttpllnters. ten kept falling, writhing etui groaning in the rmtok - onr>*G friends! - and nothing t.o do. A little Italian private - Tony - he uaod to slag for us in one? - uon t know hie eesond none a - used to be a bootblaok r et hoot - was standing noar s A shall fragpcnt oasis dow sn his stall his brslns spsttorsd sll over - (: huddsri**) - surer mj r.oe. Aad all that tir.s act s cigarette - not s daoaod smoke of &ar kind - to tsJM your ir.d off - all thsti I nyne -(worried by Arnold* rapidly laoreaalnc excitement) to try nnd forest thocc unavoidable horrors, Taok. . ar has to bs it is - until vs oak* an end to itf crever. -(Favine this ronar aaido) Yem ve got to knee about lt,sU you othere - then you* 11 eond ur tho things wo noed, smokes and tho root. (He throve hie olfarette a ay and lights another) nd nt nights it was frl L htful f expecting ft surprise nttsok every nimate - vatehin - strain* Ing your cyost o had to lie the docd up a^tinat the rear wall of the trench; end when jou*d etuiwblo in the dark you d put your haad oat east touc r. - a face, or s log - or - coeethinc stloky with blood, "ot a wink of sleppltou oouldn tt I :ven when the guns 1st up for r. oonsnt then* were the aoroans of thr wouodod out la lio ; ana rand. Tlioy d keep the dead a nits - lyiii out there dyin by bits* : ml you couldn* t ~o out to t;ot thca in that fire. It was suicide* I told tho non tiiat. Thsy to out and get their friends and I couldn t give _er Isr.lon. " e nooded every toan* It wss suicide. ! told then so. They wept and It was so* duty. They would have teen killed - uselessly. ayne - ut you vent out y owes If - for Hoy 1 ton. rioLd (V*t violy - thakinc hiu head) No; Roylston was dead. I SM hin fall flat on his fsoa. hen after that for throe - rye T didn t so* or hccr hire - so ho <*ust Jvvo bora dead* (T o hurrlor. or. volubly ac if this thouht of . .oylhtor. disturbsd liim) I thoucht I d go nsuU ~ place :or t!x \ ouruicd TO be oarod for - rocn? rnti t:!iric^s en all sidos! twA not a tlii..g to a wee!! vou ~-d to think - think boot til And the stench of tlx: bodies letting in the ran between the Boeche trenoh md oure! Ood And not a single olaerette,de jou Hnderetead? Hot oool You d fool olear down to the ooles of your feel. You finally to believe were putrefying youreelf - rllret - and the living nn around you - they too - rottenl . a/no -(.\evoltod) /or heavona sake ,Jaek, out It out! rnold - ol^aratte would iiave boon heaven - to fill your long* with olefui aaoke - to cleanse tha steaoii out of your noatrllst ut oal lot tho tlnUat butt 1 . Kot a dann thlnct Its unbelievable t Ooelnff MM nnd r.orc oxoltod) . nri when the relief oano - our boye - n:xl I aa waap li\C with tac joy of It - and I -rayad to tiiao - yeo*actually prayed - ClTe -X3 a cl caret to, for roU a aakat ".at a ona,\j>>by t do you banr*^ Not a blcesod one of then h*d any* "hare*d Leon a delay,* one had oowe op with the supplloc. I waa wild* I ourced ly rcnenberdd :^oylto. M d -*lven :r* one jvct before ve had a whole case full I remembered, end ! knew tho apet here he went down tho exact spot* "fter that - I forget. It s all a blnnk. T ouet have (rone over tbc top and trouht aim taek. (Hi* voice sinks to a doll :ie r.ctlcee tU:> iiali -arokici cigarette In his hand and throm* it lth *oturo of loathing) ayne (QMlafi at hlr with .torrlfled eyes/ Then that wee whj - ; hoy Is too - for a cigarette - Qedl (As Arnold oldea his faoe In bandc ltn a hmfl-eob ftayne fantene to edd oeetpeaeleaetely/ > Re, It have v,ooa Umt. Vour Bind la alofc,old pel, do you keee it Very &leiu Ceee slti: neJaok. Let* a get ou. of here. (He fete to ills feet putting his hfind on hla friend 1 ; ehoulder) mold -(Uettlac to ula feet - In agonised tenee) shet I cayinc? ! new*r talked about it Before - but that s Mia thou-ht that* been oetlnc into ay brala,nobjy - what you Juat said. That s why X* C0lu oad * thlnXin^ about it - da; and nightt (With frenslsd protest) It oculdn t :re been thetl I oust here gone out for him - for 1IMI I nuct hre suddenly realised thnt he we* out there - still llv arferln^KBrwikixie dovn) But ho* asl< I lv* knon Uwt? I thought ho vn dood. Iloo I ooji t ayao -( ulcKljj You ua tiAo w.wn ho stood up, of courao - hm ho triod to ct bs,ok to our liaoc. rnoM -(KopolOhSl; * rlta a ^roan) 3s - no - I sav noono - nothfcg . nyne -( . orcitlyj ?hon you Heard him soroaaitif oat with ^Aia ia iila dslirium* ..mold (ills oyoa wldonlue) "oroaniiig? 7es - thwre vra seroan driving you sad - (His f&os contracts conruiaWely* To vwta his with !:ia hands, rilo oyos chut in .la effort to vlj-v.ll :r t! ccons) T< and thoa - Cod* one voloe - when all -he --t^iora wore ..ilsnt fo seoorul - like tliia -( 10 ..-.rows his toad Look anu aoivenc ; IT in ble ?ayae -(. t. t- waiter ahrinka ^aek arnlnst a window torrfied) top! Arnold - (In a fronsy of Joyj I rensnber it all ;>ow. It was his voice - "crt e - sereo- is^: - Just at tho nonent wo wero relieredt Than T know he was out there m.lve. I oouldn t bear it! Twit s wh;- I went pyer - to aewe hia - Herbt - not the <tawned cicarett^al (!!lr face It-hU up nnd he ^robs abac s hnad at*c f :4i^?o it up arvi down) "Tiat s why I ve been nlo i - c;uoar - jras? - off ny nut, lobby i Tlie^ -wci all been telling ,M hat a :-tro I vno - .- i.d I t:. ntfit :V done it all for - I couldn t roost bor hy I*d rons for hln - except the cigarottos - and they ** dais for trevory - and all tho tlaa I *s boon eolne "** - slowly iasU * thlafclnc I B darnod aurt Cut ao I knov, r fcby. ? riMtaUir bit thnt happaiMd. I htwrd hl ooreiut - and T did go oror to iobl$-l ".AnVc oodt (5Se alnka doa>n vnck into a ehalrwek but rndltwtt) . ayno -( .uli>: i. . v r euro jou aid. It* a only a touch o/ otusr Tool aoLLoa iiito your uaud. (. itii a &*ia) Aad now X oai loyltttoo a^poara iu u^orv^.y. .lieu bo OCAS . r aok iio lv*a a of del anJ rugose OTOT throning liiu orraa around . mold in n boar Isn c.-lutou -(. .-^li. - iiici ai f octionat*!^ ; "ello.Jpckl ( Ic holds hia 1 . length - niUi enlau-rawiaaont ) Ik re ;\>v; arc : t last I ve wanted t< eoo you - to try aiKi tell - to tr; oid Umnk - tlann itt (Ksx funblos in tils pockst nnd pulla out his cipxrctto cnse wiilch ho of^ot^r. to Jack) It< hard to spent nbout nuoh tliinpt - but ?* too - *YC r 3tfnrett rnolu - *oi or. your lifoi >cver anathori A piyo or r.iao for rott of j llfal (.* Uec*jcua i.ildlj to U miter) .loyv>ltari Bring ow it t^allo.-. of fcinol r^uaouflafe it 1-. a totpotlf you navo uu,. nd povr it tm-ou^ii a Jtruioar* or s .ru * oslsb: **i (I a* stoaia:id vaitor atando ..piuc at ait iu j,>otrifiod noaaor as Jaok crabs Usrb*s boad and It u^ am: down; Hot; sjre you, *rb,you old son oT A ^uu? 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