UC-NRLF B 3 642 740 ". . . . / . -.. ! : . ' '. T sT OF I A JLf A vJ> i - - . ^ i i FOREST PRESERVE. -:..: V. GIFT OF - - -V^-*^--*-^-%. STATE OF NEW YORK CONSERVATION COMMISSION List of Lands in the Forest reserve DIVISION of JANUARY 1, 1914 FORESTRY COLLEGE of A AGRICULTURE MIVCHSITY APPENDIX TO THE THIRD ANNUAL REPORT ALBANY J..B. LYON COMPANY. PRINTERS 1914 or>0tvsoN or FORESTRY COLLEGE Of A AGfttCUlTUftC tmtvtftfiT Y of CAurn NI A LIST OF LANDS IN THE FOREST PRESERVE REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF FORESTS ALBANY, N". Y., January 1, 1911. Conservation Commission., Albany, N. Y.: GENTLEMEN. I submit herewith a list of lands constituting the Forest Preserve. This information forms the basis for the the entire landed business of this Bureau. The data contained herein is in many ways most important, and the publication from an administrative standpoint more valuable than any other issued by this Division. In this list will be found full information as to what lands the State owns in the Forest Preserve, the acreage of each lot and its location. The source of title is also indicated whether acquired at tax sales, by purchase, or otherwise. The years of the tax sales at which the State acquired a parcel of land are stated. This publication is essential for every one of our forest rangers, and is required for general use in this Division, and there is a demand for thi-gj- information from a large number of people generally. Section 50, chapter 441 of the Laws of 1912, defines the Forest Preserve as follows: " S'ection 50. Forest Preserve. The Forest preserve shall include the lands owned or hereafter acquired by the state within the county of Clinton, except the towns of Altona and Dannemora, and the counties of Delaware, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton. Herkimer, Lewis, Oneida, Saratoga, St. Lawrence, Warren. Washington, Greene, Ulster, and Sullivan, except 1. Lands within the limits of any village or city, and '2. Lands not wild lands acquired by the state on fore- closure of mortgages made to loan commissioners." [3] TjtiBJ)^Jbi T NiJA^ THE This section provides that all the lands owned by the State within the above named counties, except within the limits of in- corporated villages and cities, and certain mortgage title lands, constitute a part of the Forest Preserve. Lands acquired by the foreclosure of United States Deposit Fund mortgages, if not wild, are not part of the Forest Preserve. The Attorney-General has advised that the classification as to whether or not lands are wild should apply as of the time of the foreclosure of the mortgage. Since the last publication of this 'kind was issued in 1909 an ex- amination of these mortgage lands has been made and those which do not come within the definition have been separated and are in- cluded in an appendix to this report. The Attorney-General has also rendered opinions to the effect that lands acquired by the State within these counties for specific purposes and so used did not become a part of the Forest Preserve and, therefore, they are listed separately. Lands within ten miles of Clinton Prison, although within a Forest Preserve county, are not included as a portion of the Forest Preserve. A list of the various parcels in the St. Lawrence Reservation, or International Park, and other lands owned by the State in the Forest Preserve counties, not classified as Forest Preserve land, are appended for convenient reference but not included in the schedule of the Preserve. The area of the Preserve by counties, together with information in regard to the number of parcels, sources of titles, etc., are in- cluded herewith. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 88SS8S33338S 888 :S8 :S3 HI :gS :|| ^ - ro O 00 co : :S :8 : :SS : 11 eo o o o o Nu of pa SlJI if*'!, c 2 KU 3 ^^, ii ***^ sS^-^ THIRD AXNUAL REPORT OF THE Catskill Preserve. COUNTY Num- ber of parcels Acquired at tax sales Acquired by purchase Mortgage fore- closures Original >wner ship Appro- Total acres Delaware 105 12,527.61 894.50 415. CO j 13,837.11 Greene... 84 924.00 11,979.01 95.00 I 297.25 13,295.26 Sullivan... 18 1,038.80 4.75 1,043.55 Ulster 536 38,942.01 42,825.85 1,972. 87 | 2690.0 84,009.73 Total 743 53,432.42 55,701.11 2,482.87 I 297.25 j 269.00 112,185.65 SUMMARY. NUMBER OF SEPARATE PA no ELS. Adirondack Preserve 6,107 Catskill Preserve 743 Total r>,S50 ACREAGE. Adirondack Preserve. Land. Water. Total. *Withiii the park 1,389,081.89 23,620.32 1,412,702.21 Without the park.... 122,787.85 178,207.00 300,994.85 Total 1,511,869.74 201,827.32 Total Adirondack Preserve 1,713,697.06 Catskill Present. * Within the park, land 101,436.65 Without the park, land 10,749 . 00 Total Oatskill Preserve 112,185 . 65 Total Forest Preserve, land 1,624,055.39 Total Forest Preserve, water. 201,827.32 1,825,882.71 * lo'S not include entire area within tlu- \<;\rk. pr. sent only a part of the territory. tate has acquired at CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 7 AREA BY SOURCES OF TITLES. Purchased 769,136.96 .Mortgage foreclosures 8,249 .01 Tax sales 753,186.53 Original ownership 25,290.48 Appropriated 68,192 .41 Areu. land . 1,624,055.39 Waters 201,827.32 Total acreage, forest preserve 1,825,882.71 The Forest Preserve, as already indicated, consists of all the lands owned by the State, with above exceptions, within the twelve Adirondack and four Catskill counties, while the central portions of each of these mountainous sections are distinguished as the Adirondack and Catskill Parks respectively. The boundaries of these parks are fixed by statute and indicated upon our forest maps by a heavy blue line. The original purpose of establishing the park was to prescribe a certain area within which the State would purchase land for Forest Preserve purposes. The definition "Adirondack and Catskill Parks " until 1912, ap- plied to the lands owned by the State within the blue line but since that time has been changed to mean all lands both State and private within that area. The first appropriation for buying land for the Forest Preserve wa> made in the year 1890. Purchases were to be made by the Forest Commission with the approval of the Commissioners of the Land Office, and the price that might be paid was limited to one dollar and fifty cents per acre. The first purchase was December 8, 1891. In 1895 the Fisheries, Game and Forest Commission was created taking over the work of the former Forest Commission and under an appro- priation made that year the limit in price that might be paid was removed. Purchases by the two commissions amounted to 140.305 acres. In 1897 a special board, known as the Forest Preserve Board, for the purchase of land for the preserve was created. They 8 THIRD ANNUAL KEPORT OF THE were authorized to make purchases without the approval of the Commissioners of the Land Office. Appropriations for the extension of the Forest Preserve have been made as follows : 1890 $25,000 1895 600,000 1897 1,000,000 1898 500,000 1899 350,000 1900 250,000 1904 250,000 1906 400,000 1907 500,000 1909.. 200,000 Total $4,075,000 ADIRONDAC K PARK. The area of the Adirondack Park, of which the State owns only a portion, is 3,313,564 acres. Within this area the State owns 3,389,081.89 acres of land and 23,620.32 acres of water. The remaining area in the Adirondack forest is outside of the Park. The figures as to the area of these lands are based, upon old sur- veys and, in many cases, are less than the actual acreage. CATSKILL PARK. The Catskill Park, as denned by law, contains' 576,120 acres and includes a portion of the following named counties : Delaware, Greene, Ulster and Sullivan. Within the park area the State owns 101,436.65 acres. There are without this section in the Catskill Forest Preserve counties 10,749.00 acres. This list is compiled on the basis of the best available inform- ation at hand and is published as a matter of information and convenience. The omission of any lands does not necessarily mean that the State does not claim title to such premises. In case de- tailed information, in regard to the title to any specific premises, is required the original records should be consulted. C. R PETTIS, Superintendent of State Forests. LIST OF LANDS BELONGING TO THE KORE^SX PRESERVED JANUARY 1, 1914 CLINTON COUNTY (Total number of acres, 51,668.58.) Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres STATE GORE BETWEEN OLD MILITARY AND REFUGEE TRACTS. Mooers 5 S 1859* 86 20 do 6 S 1859* 88 do 20 X. part 1859* 70 56 Total State Gore, 244.76 acres. LIVINGSTON PATENT, DI- VISION 5, HART TRACT Peru . . 3 1881, '85 . 75.25 MAUL'S PATENT Ausable .... 196 B'd N & E. bv land form- erly of Earl Pierce, S. by Ausable River & W. by school-house lot and lands sold in 1841 by Martin' Pope to Hugh McClerkin . . ' 1881 .'85.. 16 * Resale. 10 THIBD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CLINTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Black Brook, do do do do do do do do do do do 10 11 15 17 17 17 17 18 24 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 3 N. part Ex. 50a. N. E. cor. 12^. wide, N. & S. & 40c. long E. & W., 250a. S. E. cor., 62K N. & S. & 40c. E. & W. and 16a. S. W. cor .... Ex. 89a. N. W. cor.. Sub. 3 Sub. 4 Sub. 8 Sub. 9 Ex. 80a. S. E. cor Ex. 50a. W. p't to E. of J. T Duncan, b'd beg. on W. line of lot in center of Port Kent & Hopkinton Turnpike, th. N. 1 E. on line 13c. 61. to a stake & stones, th. S. 89 E. 32c. 601. to center of Saranac River, th. up the center thereof to the small island nearest the Wly shore of the head of the rapids above the falls, th. N. 43 W. 3c. 821. to the bend in said Turnpike, & th. W. along center of said Turnpike to beg.; & ex. 40a. to John McCullom,b'd N'ly by Port Kent & Hopkinton Turnpike, E. by Saranac River as it winds & turns, S. 2c. by a line running E. parallel with N. line of lot from a point on W. line of lot 42c. S. from where said Turnpike crosses said W. line to W. bank of Sara- nac River at high water 1900, '05 1877, '81, '90... 1890, '95 1877, '81, '85, '00. 1890 '95.. 1871, '77, '81, '85. 1877, '81, '85 1881/90 1871, 77, '81 1871,77, '81 1877, '81, '85, '90. 326 853.33 537.33 764 853 853.33 35 85 85 85 773 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. CLINTON COUNTY 11 Town Lot Tax sales DESCRIPTION or source of title Acres Black Brook 24 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 3 (Continued) mark, & W. 168 rods by lot line. 1881, '85 763 do .. 26 X. E. cor. square 1881 113 do 27 1871 77 '81 '85 853 do '33 Ex. Subs. 1, 2, 3 (being all N. & W. of Sampson's! Pond), 460a., & ex. 50a. S. E. cor. (Silver Lake) .... 1853 .... 343 do 33 X. p't b'd E. by lot line & Sampson's Pond, & S. by Sampson's Pond & X. line of 139a. S. W. cor. owned by Thos. Howard, 319a. ex. 169a. X. p't thereof b'd S. by Sampson's Pond & a line par'l with X. line of 289a. S. W. cor. owned by Thos. Howard & Eli Clough. . . . 1885 150 do 41 X. i 1877 '81 '85 '95 426 do 72 S. E. cor. b'd X. by S. line of land of Moses Perry and by the continuation E. of said S. line to E. line of lot & W. by John Musgrove's 50a. lot 1877 '81 '85 125 do 73 1871 '77 '81 '85'90 46 9 50 do 74 Ex. lOOa. X. W. cor 1843* 753 Total, T'wp. Three, 9..2S8.49 acres. Saranac 67 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 4 1395 '00 '05 640 Black Brook. .. . do 70 70 Sub. 5, X. p't across 1885 Sub. 7 1895 '00 6 77 Saranac 74 Pelkev Gilbert- b'd X bv do 89 lot line E. by land of Lapan, S. by land of Burnah & W.. by Rasco 1905 W. end of 140a. X. p't 1871 50 70 * Resale. 12 THIKD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CLINTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 4 (Continued} Black Brook .... 90 Sub. 2 1877, '81, '85 160 do 91 S. E. cor. square 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 71 do 91 B'd on E. line 26c. 651. N. of S. E. cor. 27c. 471. on E., 27c. 771. on W. & 26c. 651. on N. & S. lines 1871, '77, '81 74 Total, T'wp. Four, 1,148 acres. OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 5 Ellenburgh 43 S. W. cor 1871 50 do 72 1853 213 do 105 S. E. cor . . 1877 71.33 Elleiiburgh 142 Ex. 62a. bd. beg. at a point on E. line of said lot 30r. N. of S. E. cor. th. W. par'l with S. line lOOr. th. N. par'l with E. line lOOr. th. E. par'l with S. line lOOr. to E. line of lot and th. S. on E. line lOOr. to beg 1895, '00 151 .33 do 143 1895 '00 213.33 do 144 1895 '00 213.33 do . 160 1877, '81, '85, '95. 213.33 do 161 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 213.33 Total, T'wp. Five, 1,338.98 acres. OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 6 Ellenburgh 15 N. E. cor 1871 26 Clinton 24 N. E. cor. 50r. wide N. & S. & 160r. long E. & W 1900, '05 50 do ... 35 E. p't 178r. wide, 356a. ex. lOfia. being Sub. 1, S. E. cor.oflotb'dN.by25a. N. p't of lot . . 1885.. 250 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. CLINTON COUNTY 13 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or Acres source of title Clinton 37 48 59 61 85 31 ii 102 OLD MILITARY TRACT TOWNSHIP 6 (Continued}. Sub 4 1900 '05 '10 52 81 do On X line HSr. W. from X. E. cor., 12Cr. X. & S. & 9ir. E. &W 1881/85 7 W. side, 208a. & X. end of 54a. E. side of 262a. W. side. 37a 1877 245 Ellenburgh Clinton What remains of Sola. X. E cor., 32Cr. X. & S. 175|r E. & W., after ex. so much thereof as is contained in 286a. E. pt. of lot X. E. cor. 38Gr. X. & S. & 98r. E. & W., 232a. and 50a. on S. line 132r. E. from S. W. cor. 195r. X. & S. & 45r. E. & W 1871 65 do 1877 282 Peru .... Total, T'wp. Six, 977.81. acres. 5 1853 45 PLATT'S GREAT LOCATION. B'd X. by land formerly of Benj. Bragg, E. by Prentiss Hewitt. S. by A. H. Merritt and W. by J. B. Spalding. . Chazy Mooers REFUGEE TRACT 420 ACRE LOTS. S. E. cor S. p't X. i Sam'l St. John, b'd X. by a line par'l with X. line of lot 1900... 32.50 do B'd beg. in center of highway opposite Wood's dwelling and in line with the W. side of a road leading N. to A. B. Wood & Co.'s starch' factory, th. X'ly 10r. to aj TllIRD A.N.M Al. liKI'OHT OF TJIE CLINTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Mooers 102 do 103 do do do do do do do 149 176 195 197 203 204 210 REFUGEE TRACT 420 ACRE LOTS Continued. stake on W. line of said Starch Factory Road. th. W'ly par'l with the road running E'ly from Wood's Falls to Mooer's Village. 75ft., th. S'ly par'l with E line of this land 10r., and th. E'ly along centre of high- way 75 ft. to beg George White place bd. begins at N. E. cor. of land of Wm. Wilson in W. line of highway from Wood Co.'s store to Altona, th. X'ly on said W. line to a post & board fence built by Geo. White and Wm. Cheeseman for a division fence, th. W'ly along said fence to within 2r. of high water mark on the river, th. S'ly within 2r. of high water mark of the river to X. W. cor. of said Wilson's land, and th. E'ly to beg S. pt S. E. cor W. \ of S. W. 1 E. pt. b'd W. by Killis S. E. cor ! N. W. \ and W. * of S. W. \ . Total, Refugee Tract, 814.29 acres. Water Lake Champlain, all in Clinton Co . . See Appendix for other State land. 1895 1895 1853 1853 1853 1877, '81 .... 1877 1853 1871. '81, '85. Original ,50 1 156 48 210 52 100 12 157 37,760 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 15 ESSEX COUNTY (Total number of acres, 363,379.70.) Town ! Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Schroon 1 BRANT LAKE TRACT Purchase & 1910 120 do .2 All in Eesex Co Purchase & 1910 . . 53 do . 34 All in Essex Co Purchase & 1910 48 do 35 Purchase & 1910 96 do 36 Purchase & 1910 96 do . 37 All in Essex Co Purchase & 1910 56 do 66 All in Essex Co Purchase & 1910 63 do 67 Purchase & 1910 . . 96 do . 68 Purchase & 1910 96 do 69 All in Essex Co Purchase & 1910 65 do 98 \ll in Essex Co Purchase & 1910 65 do 99 Purchase & 1910 96 do 100 Purchase & 1910 96 do 101 All in Essex Co Purchase & 1910 69 do ... 130 All in Essex Co Purchase & 1910 70 do 131 Purchase & 1910 96 do 132 Purchase & 1910 96 do 133 All in Essex Co Purchase & 1910 75 do . 162 All in Essex Co . . Purchase & 1910 79 do 163 Purchase & 1910 96 w do 164 Purchase & 1910 96 do .... 165 All in Essex Co Purchase & 1910 83 do 194 All in Essex Co Purchase & 1910 85 do .... 195 Purchase & 1910 96 do ... 196 Purchase & 1910 96 do 226 do . - >:> 7 All in Essex Co., 31 a. ex. 17 n, a. W. part thereof, being a strip of an average width of 15c 161. E. & W., bd. X. by the Lake Shore. . Ex 43- 1 3 i, a ja W pt thereof Purchase & 1910 . . 13.40 &c Purchase & 1910 31 6 Total, Brant Lake Tract, 2,130.02 acres. ELLIS TRACT OR PATENT. Gore, bd. N. by lots 262, 263 and 264 Ellis Tract, E. by lot 94 Ellis Tract, S. by the Town of Hague 0 do do 18 19 S. \.. 1877, '85, '90, '95. . Purchase & 1900 250 125 do 20 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 250 do . . 21 Purchase 250 do 22 Purchase 250 do 23 1885 '90 250 do ... 28 S i 1877 '81 '85 125 do . 29 1877 '81 '85 '.H do 30 N. \ Purchase 125< do 38 S E 4 ex 2^a b'd beg at N. W. cor. of S. E. \ ofj the lot, run S. 69 deg., E. 9c. 251. to trout brook, th. down said brook as it winds and turns to intersection with W. line of said S. E. \, th. N. 21. dog. E. on said line 3c. to the N. W. cor. of said S. E. -J-, the place of bejrinninsr. . . Purchase . . 60 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY 21 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Schroon 42 HOFFMAN TOWNSHIP (Con.) Purchase 1877, '81, '85 Purchase 250 250 157.50 212.50 250 250 62.50 100 90 250 250 250 250 250 250 42 125 125 80 100 250 33 72 45 63 160 30.75 68 do 43 55 56 * 57 58 60 65 66 67 72 74 75 76 77 78 SO 81 94 95 96 ; 19 78 92 142 197 205 217 do Ex. X.W. i & 30a. S. end of E. | . . do Ex 37 ^a X W cor Purchase do 1885 '90 do do 1881, '85, '90 . S E | Purchase rva do X. W. Cor. Sq 1910 & purchase. . . 1877, '90 . W.Pt do Schroon 1885/90/95 1910 & Purchase.. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877 '81 '85 do do do do 1890, '00 & con- veved 1910 & purchase part & conveyed part Purchase Purchase 1881, '85 1871,77, ? S1 1895, '00 1895 '00 do do do S. E. Cor. Bd. X. & W. by Burnell E. & W. bv lot lines x.* \11 in Schroon Minerva X. * ex. 45a. X. i of 90a. W. part X. part bd. S. by land of M. Kennison Minerva do Moriah Total, Hoffman Twp., 10,797 acres. IRON ORE TRACT X. E. part 1895 Elizabethtown . . "Westport Elizabethtown . . do do do S. \. . 1881 1890 X. W. cor 1871 77 '81 1895 1881 Mortgage S. E. i, Ex. und. -} pd. by Hartwell Bd. beg. at S. W. cor. of lot 221, th. S. 40r.,th. E.toE.: line of lot, th. N. on E. line to E'ly cor. of lot to beg. . . 22 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot Tax sales DESCRIPTION or source of title Acres HOFFMAN TOWNSHIP (Con.) - Elizabethtown . . 218 : . i88i . 50 do 221 Ex. 60.a, beg. at N. W. cor. of lot, th. S. 10 E. 22c. to S. W. cor. of said lot, th. N .! 70 E. 26c., 21. to a stake, th. N. 10 W. 26c. to the N. line of lot to a stake, th. S. 64 20' W. 26c. 21. to beg.! 1881 55 Total, Iron Ore Tract, 576.75 acres. JAY TRACT Wilmington 6 Ex. 50a. N. E. cor. square. . . Purchase & 1910 . . 280 do 11 Ex. 160a. W. part Purchase 40 do 20 Ex. 44A a- E. end; SOiVU.; W. end and 3-ia.b'd. beg. at N. E. cor. of lot 18, th. N'ly along highway 7c., th.Wly at right angles 5c., th. S'ly par'l with highway 7c. and th. E'ly along lot line to beg Purchase 131.25 do 21 N. end across Purchase 111 do 22 Purchase . . . 227 do 25 1871, 77, '81 278.80 do 29 1881/85 429 do 32 Ex 200a. N. pt ' 1853 150 do 52 S. -| Purchase 248.50 do 71 Beg. at Beech sapling on E. bank of W. branch of Au- sable river, at cor. of lots 71 S. 1 ~o AT. o orr_ Ti j. & 152, th. S. 35c. 71 , to cor of lots 71, 152, 153 & 154, th. N. 66 30' W. 27c. to an alder stake and stone on the river bank and th. down river to beg j Total, Jay Tract, 1,935.55 acres Original* 40 * Resale. CONSERVATION COM M i ss ION. ESSEX COUNTY 23 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Jav MALLORY'S GRANT JAY VILLAGE Near J. & J. Rogers' store, bd N. by highway, S. E. by J. & J. Rogers' tannery lot & W. by the Falls lot 1885, '90 9 Ticonderoga . . LAKE GEORGE ISLANDS Juniper Original. do do .... Prisoner's Willow Original. Original Westport LAKE CHAMPLAIN ISLAND Cole or \o Man's Island Original do LEWIS (STEWART) TRACT Bd N'ly by lot 24 Split Rock Tract, E'ly by Lake Champlain, S'ly by lot 19 & W'ly by lot 20, Split Rock Tract 1895, '00 ... 200 Lewis 9 MAUL'S PATENT X. A of S * 1890 50 Chesterfield . . . 30 All in Chesterfield . 1877 '81 . . 75 Lewis 46 S E. pt b'd N. bv town line 1885 100 Chesterfield ... . 56 1877, '81, '85 ... 200 do 106 N. | 1881 '85 100 Total, Maul's Patent, 525 acres. North Hudson 9 NORTH RIVER HEAD TRACT 1905 '10 & Purch 160 do do 10 11 Purchase Purchase 160 160 do 12 1885 '90 160 do 16 1890 '95 160 do 19 1885 '90 .... 160 do do 25 26 1885 1905 '10 & Con- 160 do do 43 44 veyed 1900,. '05 1881 '85.. 160 160 160 24 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT or THE ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres NORTH RIVER HEAD TRACT (Continued). North Hudson . 45 1905, '10 & Con- veyed 160 do 46 1877, '81, '85 160 do 50 1885, '90 160 do 85 All in North Hudson 1885, '90 54 ICCGTIG 85 All in Keene 1885 '90 15.20 do 89 All in Keene . . . 1910 106 do 96 1885 '90 . . 160 Elizabethtown. . . 98 Ex. N. W. 1 1877 120 do 103 1871, '77, '81, '90, '95 160 do 110 1871, 77, '81, '90, '95 160 do 114 All in Elizabethtown 1910 137 do 126 1871, '90 160 do 128 &129 Being the bed of the Bouquet river, and land b'd beg. 3 ft. E'ly from a black cherry tree in the highway fence, nearly opposite the dwelling house of Elisha Holcomb, . th. N. 11 deg., E. 3r., 171., to E. bank of said river; th. down said river on its E. bank N. 65 deg. 30 min., E. 20r. to the top of the lower falls, th. continuing on said E. bank N. 50 deg., E. 42r. to S. line of lot 2, Roaring Brook Tract, th. W. on said south line 17r. & 151.; th. S. 50 deg., W. 29r.; th. S. 65 deg., 30 min., W. 12r.; th. N. 73 deg., W. 16r.; th.S. 17 deg., W. 12r. to a point 4r. up stream (on E. bank of said river) from the top of the Upper or Split Rock Forge Falls; th. S. 50 deg., E. 16r. to a large rock near the W. wheel track of the CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY 25 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Elizabethtown. . . 128 & NORTH RIVER HEAD TRACT (Continued) State Road, and th. X. 85 deg., E. 10r., to beg 1877, '81, '85 6 129 * Total, North River Head Tract, 3,158.20 acres. Elizabethtown. . 16 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 1, THORN'S SURVEY. S. W 1 1877 '81 30 Lewis 44 *Original & 1853 160 do 50 S. W. i beg. at N. E. cor. of lot 51, th. S. 12 ch. to the N. W. cor. of lot 27 a stake and stone, th. E. along N. bounds of lot 27, 20 ch. to a stake and stones on a ledge, th. N. 18 ch. to a stake and stones, th. W. 20 ch. to the E. line of lot 48 a stake and stones, th. S. 6 ch. along the E. bounds of lot 48 to the S. E. cor., the beg. . Conveyed & 1877 Elizabethtown. . . do 55 79 W.f '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 Orijrinal 36 106.66 138 do 81 Original 160 Keene 84 W'ly part Purchase on do 85 1885 '05 IfiO do 86 Purchase & 1910 120 do 87 Purchase 160 do 88 160 do 89 Purchase & 1910 160 do 90 Purchase & 1910 160 Total, Twp. One, 1,580.66 acres. Keene 14 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIPS 1 AND 2, RICHARD'S SURVEY. N. W. cor. bd. beg. at the N. W. cor. of lot, at a point 131 S. E. from a silver birch * Resale. 26 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Ke6n6 . . OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIPS 1 AND 2, RICHARD'S SUR VE T ( Continued) tree; th. S. 34c. to Walton brook; th. down said brook as it winds and turns to a spruce tree blazed on the N. and S. sides; th. N. 17c. to S. line of Lot 15, and th. W. 26c. to beg. . 1877, '81 57 do 15 1877, '81 350 do 42 Purchase 299 25 do 45 Purchase & 1905 256 75 do . 46 Purchase & 1905. . 328 do 47 Purchase & 1905. 568 do 48 Purchase & 1905. . . 518.30 do 49 Purchase 299 30 do 50 All in Keene 1885, '90 '95 375 Wilmington . 50 All in Wilmington 1871, '77, '81, '85.. 187 do 51 N. pt. in Wilmington 1871, 77, '81 205 do 52 All in Wilmington 1877, '81 '85 247 50 Keene. . 52 All in Keene 1881, '85 514.75 Wilmington 54 1877 '81 '85 '95 1 002 do 56 1877, '81, '85, '90. 382 do 57 1905 & purch'se 436 18 do 58 1905 & purch'se . . . 487.28 do 60 Ex. 100 acres b'd. beg. at a point in W. line of said lot 60 in center of Cascade Lake, th. N. 5 deg. 50 min. E. 700 ft. to a stake & stones, th. N. 65 deg. 10 min. E. 3,300 ft. to a stake & stones, th. S. 5 deg. 50 min. W. 1,400 ft. th. S. 65 deg. 10 min. W. 3,300 ft. and th. N. 5 deg. 50 min. E. 700 ft. to center of Cas- cade Lake, and ex. 27.77 acres b'd, beg. at N. E. cor. of lot 60, th. N. 84 deg. 10 min. W. along lot line 1,900 ft. to a stake, th. S. 5 deg. 50 min. W CO.NSKKV.VTIOX COMMISSION. COUNTY Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title 1 Acres Wilmington 60 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIPS 1 AND 2, RICHARDS' SURVEY (Continued) , 1 290 ft. to the highway * from Xo. Elba to Keene Ctr. th. along said high- way as it winds and turns X. 72 deg. 15 min. E. 68.8 ft. S. 79 deg. 15 min. E. 209. 5 ft., S. 87 deg. E. 85. 9 ft. N. 64 deg. 10 min. E. 440.5 ft., N. 66 deg. 30 min. E. 193.7 ft. N. 51 deg. 30 min. E. 1&3. 44 ft. ' i do 94 Ex. 4r| a- b'd beg. at a point on lot line of 94 & 130, 170ft. S. from N. E. cor. of lot 94, th. S. on lot line 500ft., th. W. 350ft., th. N. 500ft. & th. E. 350ft, to beg Purchase lo-l do 287 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 do do do 288 289 290 ; 1877, '81, '85, '95.. : 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 160 160 do 302 1910 & purchase 120 do 303 1877 '81 '85 '95 120 do do do 304 305 306 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1877/81. '85.'90.'95. 120 120 120 THIRD ANNUAL KEPORT OF THI; ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres St. Armand . ... 307 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 11, RICHARDS' SURVEY (Continued). 1877, '81 '85 '95. 120 do 308 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 120 do 309 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 120 do . ... 310 1877, '81, '85. 120 North Elba . 318 1877 '81 '85 '95. 160 St Armand 321 1877 '81 '85 120 do .... 322 1877, '81, '85, '90. 160 do 323 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 do 324 1881, '85, '95 160 do do 325 326 Ex. N. E. i 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877 '81 '85 '95 120 160 do 327 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 160 do 328 1877, '81, '85, '95 160 do 329 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 do 330 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 North Elba do . ... 337 338 Ex. N. E. \ 1877/81/85/90/95. 1877 '81 '85 150 160 St Armand 341 S part 17c N. & S Purchase 68 do 347 1877, '81, '85, '95 160 do North Elba 350 354 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 160 do 355 1877, '81, '85, '95 160 do 357 1877, '81 '85 200 do 358 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 do 359 S. E. 1 . . 1877, '81 40 do 360 N. I . : 1877 '81 '95 80 do 361 S. W. cor. b'd E. by Mill Brook & N. by line parallel to and 17c. from S. line of lot . Purchase 37 do 369 1905 & purchase 160 St. Armand 375 Mortgage & 1900 160 Total, Township 11, 32,- 608.74 acres. North Elba 1 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 12, RICHARDS' SURVEY. Sub. 3 Original . . 155 80 do 2 Sub. 1, ex. N. W. 1 1881, ,85, '90 123 CONSEKVATM.LN COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY 35 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres North Elba 2 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 12, RICHARDS' SURVEY (Continued). Sub. 3 1871 77 '81 '85 192 70 do 2 Sub. 4, ex. N. W. 1 1885, '90 . . 138 do 3 Original* i i in do * 4 Original* 835 do 5 1877 '81 '85 '95 839 do 6 N. | 1877, '81 '85 720 do 7 Sub. 1 Original 160 do 7 Sub. 2 Original 160 do 7 Sub. 3, und. | 1885, '90 83 66 do . ... 10 Sub. 1 1871 77 '81 '85 168 do ... 10 Sub. 2 Original 152 do 10 Sub. 3, und. -TV 1881 '85 '90 00 9^ do 10 Sub. 4, und. -f^r 1881 '85 '90 44 65 do ... 13 1877 '81 '85 847 60 do 14 Purchase i MO do 17 Sub. 2 1871 77 '81 '85 '90 m70 do 17 Sub. 3, N. E. i 1871 77 '81 '85 34 25 do do . ... 22 & 27 22 & Sub. 15 Sub. 16 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81 '85 140 100 do 27 22 & Sub. 17 1877 '81 '85 '95 ion do do 27 22 & 27 22 & Sub. 18 > Sub. 19 1877/81, '85, '95.. 1877 '81 '85 '95 100 ion do 27 22 & Sub. 20 1877 '81 '85 '95 100 do 27 22 & > Sub. 21 1877 '81 '85 '95 100 do 27 23 Sub. 1 1877 '81 '85 'QO 1fiO do 23 Sub. 2, ex. S. E. i 1871,77, '81, '85.. 111 * Resale. 36 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres North Elba 23 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 12, RICHARDS' SURVEY (Continued). Sub. 3 1877 '81 '85 '90/95. - 188 do 23 Sub. 4 1871, 77/81, '85/90, '95 . 174 do do do do 24 24 24 24 Sub. 1, N. E. 1 & S. W. 1 . . . Sub. 2 Sub. 3 Sub. 4, N. W. \ 1877/81/85/90/95. 1871, '77, '81, '95... 1877/81/85/90/95. 1871, '77, '81 82 152 148 34 25 do 30 1877, '81/85, '90.. 1,458 do 31 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 709 75 do 32 S. | 1877 '81, '85, '95 314 50 do 33 Ex. N. E. 1 of S. E. I 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 583 do do 34 36 N. W. cor. pf S. E. 1 . . . 1877, '81, '85 1885, '90, '95 . . 711.75 40 do 37 Original and con- do 38 veyed* Original* . . . 1,121 1,449 do 39 1877 '81 '85 '95 708 40 do do . . 40 41 Original* Purchase 614.75 540 do 42 Purchase 624 80 do 43 Original* 1 278 Total, Township 12, Rich- ards' survey, 19,709.81 acres. North Elba 1 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 12, THORN'S SURVEY. Ex S E 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 120 do 9 1877 '81/85/90/95. 160 do 3 1877/81/85/90/95. 160 do 4 1877/81/85/90/95, 1905 160 do do do 5 6 7 N. i &S. W. i 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877/81/85/90/95. 120 160 160 do 8 1877, '81, '85/95 160 do 9 1877 '81/85/90 '95. 160 do 10 1877.'81.'85.'90/95. 160 ' Resale. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY 37 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Xorth Elba 11 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 12, THORN'S SURVEY (Continued). 1877/81, '85/90, '95. 160 do 12 1877/81/85/90/95. 160 do * 13 1905 & purchase. 160 do 14 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 160 do 15 S. and N. E. .... 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 120 do 16 1877, '81, '85, '95 160 do 17 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95. 160 do 18 1877/81/85/90/95. 160 do 19 1877/81/85/90/95. 160 do 20 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 160 do do 21 22 S. andN. W. } 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 1877/81/85/95/05. 120 160 do 23 N. W. 1 andS. | 1877/81/85/90/95, do 23 N. E. i, S. E. cor. sq. . . . 1905 Purchase . 120 15 do 24 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 1905 160 do do do 25 26 27 1877/81/85/90/95, 1877/81/85/90/95. 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95. 160 160 160 do 28 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 do 29 1877, '81, '85, '95 160 do do 30 31 S i 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 80 do 32 1877, '81, '85... . 160 do 33 1877 '81 '85 160 do 34 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 35 Ex. N. W. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 120 do 36 1877, '81, '85, '95 160 do do 37 40 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81 '85 160 160 do 41 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 42 1877/81/85/90/95, 1900 160 do 43 1877 '81 '95 160 do 47 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 do do 48 49 Ex. S. W. |... 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877 '81 '85 '90 160 120 do 50 1871 77 '81 '95 160 do 53 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 do :.i X. * and S. W. i . . 1877, '81, '85, '95.., 120 38 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres North Elba 55 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 12, THORN'S SURVEY (Continued). g W i 1881 '85 '95 40 do 56 S. W. i 1871, '77, '81, '85 40 do 59 N \ 1871,77/81 '85 '90. 80 do 59 S. \ Purchase 80 do 60 N. W. \ 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 40 do 61 1877, '81, '85 160 do 62 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 63 1877/81, '85/90/95. 160 do 64 1877, '81, '85 160 do 65 1877 '81 '85 160 do ... 66 N. W. \ 1881, '85 40 do 67 Ex N. W. \ 1877/81/85/90 '95. 120 do 69 1877 '81 '85 '90 160 do 83 1877, '81, '85/95 . 160 do 84 Ex. S. W. \ 1877, '81, '85, '95 120 do 90 1877/81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 91 1877, '81, '85, '95 . 160 do 95 Conveyed .... *240 do 96 1877, '81, '85 160 do 98 1877 '81 '85 160 do do 101 115 Starch mill lot, b'd beg. on west branch of Ausable river, 30 ft. below Fenout & Thompson's saw mill, th. N E'ly 40 ft. to a large rock, th.S.E'ly60ft.,th.S.W'ly 40ft.andth.N.W'ly60ft. to beg N. E. \ . . 1877 1877 '81 .05 40 do 121 1877 '81 '85 '90 160 do do 123 126 1877/81/85/90/95. 1871 '77 '81 '85 '90 160 do 127 1895 1881, '85 160 160 do 128 1881, '85 .. 160 do 129 1877 '81 '85, '95 160 do 130 1871 '77 '81 '85/90. 160 do .... 131 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95. 160 do 132 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 134 N. W. i&S. E. \... 1877, '81, '85, '95. 80 * John Brown farm. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY 39 Tow a Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres North Elba 135 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 12, THORN'S SURVEY (Continued}. 1871, '77/81, '85/90. 160 do 136 1877/81, '85, '90.. 160 do . . 137 Ex N. E. 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 120 do TT 138* 1871, '77, '81, '85, do do 139 140 W. end of N. \ N. W. i '90, '95..... 1871, '85 1881, '85.. 160 20 40 do . . 141 1877 '81, '85 '95 160 do 142 Ex. N. E. \ 1877, '81, '85, '95.. ..120 do do do 145 146 147 Ex. N. E. i N. |&S. E. -1- 1885, '90, '95 1871, '85, '90, '95.. 1871, '77, '81, '85, 120 120 '90, '95. . 160 do do 148 149 N. \ & S. E. \ 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 1877 '81 '85 120 160 do 153 1877, '81, '85, 1900. 160 do .... 154 1871, '77, '81, '85. . 160 Total, Township 12, Thorn's survey, 13, 195.05 acres. Ticonderoga do do 22 23 25 PARADOX TRACT. 1881, '90 1881, '90 1881, '90... 164 164 l&i do 39 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 160 Schroon do . 56 70 Ex 18a bd beg at a cor Purchase & 1910 . . 150 in Pyramid Lake, being the N. E. cor. of lot 69, Paradox Tract, running W. along said line 15c. to a stake and stones for a cor., th. N. 12c. to a stake and stones, th. E. loc. to a stake and stones, th. S. 12c. to beg Purchase 160.40 do ... 76 Purchase 160 do 81 1885 . . . 178.40 do 82 Purchase ITS 4ti 40 THIRD ANNUAL Ivi.rom OF THE ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres PARADOX TRACT (Continued). Schroon 85 Beg. at a post and stones being the N. W. cor. of Io1 85, running th. S. 6 deg. W | at 39 chains 25 links to the North Shore of Paradox Lake at 40 chains to the S. W. cor. of lot 85 in the lake, th. S. 84 deg. E. along the , lake 22 chains 31 links in the lake, th. N. 6 deg. E. at 17 chains 10 links to the North Shore of the lake; continuing the same course at 40 chains to a post and stones in the North line of lot 85, th. along the north line of lot 85, N. 84 deg. W. 22 chains 31 links to beg. ex. right of way of the j Champlain and Sanford Railroad, 200 feet wide. . . . 1877, '81 and con- veyed 80 do 86 1910 & purchase.. 160 do 88 ! 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 160 do 89 j 1877, '81 '85 165 . 10 do 95 1871, 77, '81, '90. . 160 do 102 Original & 1910*. 165 . 10 do 112 Purchase & 1910.. 150 do 113 Purchase & 1910 150 do ... 114 ! Purchase & 1910. . 150 do 115 I Purchase & 1910 . . 160 do 120 Und. 40a. of 60a. E. pt Purchase & 1910 . . i 40 do 135 1871, '77, '81 160 N.Hudson 139 i Conveyed* 114.40 do 140 ; 1895, '00 110.80 do 141 1890 150 do 142 S. E. cor Conveyed & 1910.. 45 do 144 1 1895, '00 122 do 145 1895, '00 122 do 146 Purchase 122 Schroon 147 Original* 122 do 148 1885, '90 160 * Resale. COXSEKVA rr<>\ ( V>M MISSION. ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sale? or source of title Acres Schroon 149 PARADOX TRACT (Continued) 1885, '90... . 160 do 165 1885/90 160 do X. Hudson do 166 171 tf2 Ex. und. ^ Crown Point Iron Co 1885, '90, '95 1890, '95 1877, '81, '85 160 160 84 30 do do do 174 184 185 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81, '85, '95 150 160 149 30 do 188 Und i Conveyed 80 do 195 Purchase 165 20 do 196 1895, '00 160 do 197 1890, '95 '00 160 do 199 Conveyed 152 do 201 Conveyed 160 do 203 Purchase 152 70 do 212 S. 1910 & Purchase . . 80 do 217 1871 77 '81 '85 '90 '95 . 160 do 218 Conveyed & 1910 160 do 220 Purchase & 1910 160 do 221 Purchase & 1910. . 160 do 222 Purchase 20 do 10 S. | 1877, '81, '90 ... 80 do 11 1877 '81 '85 160 do 12 1877 '81 '85 940 do 13 Purchase & 1900 240 do do 14 16 1871, 77, '81 Conveyed & 1905 160 & '10. 160 do do 18 19 S.pt.bd.N.byMcCullogh.. 1885, '90, '95 1881 '85 53 160 do 20 1877 '81 '85 160 do 21 All in Essex county . 1885 '90 '95 100 do 28 All in Essex countv Conveyed & 1905 & '10 28 do 29 All in Essex county 1877, '85 156 fnrm> A:\.vi.\i. Utroni ESSEX COUNTY 01- HTK Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Minerva 30 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 14, N. % & S. E. i (POND'S SURVEY), (Continued) N. E, I 40a. & S. E. cor. b'd do 31 N. by F. Harvey & E. & S. by lot lines & W. by Har- vey 30a W. pt. across Conveyed & 1877. . 1885, '90 70 60 do do 31 33 All of 60a. N. pt. not cont'd in 60a. W. pt. of lot Purchase 1877 '81 '85 37.50 160 do do 34 35 W. | ' 1877, '81, '85 Purchase . 80 160 do 36 Purchase 240 do 37 1885, '90 240 do 38 1877, '81, '85, '90 160 do 39 1885, '90 160 do 40 1877 '81 '85 160 do 41 S. pt. bd. N. by Hudson River, E. by lands of R. Bulger, S. by lands of James Ordway and W. by lands of W. H. Bennett . . . 1877, '81, '85 15 do 42 1877, '81, '85 '90 do do do 43 44 56 Ex. 50a. N. W. cor All in Essex county '95 1885, '90 1885/90 ; 1890 182 110 88 160 do do .... 57 58 E.| 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81, '85 80 160 do 59 1877 '81 '85 160 do do 60 61 1885, '90 1885, '90 240 240 do 75 Ex. SO-foVa. N. E. cor. 18c. 711. E. & W. & 16c. 341. N. & S., less T 7 o\ a - being so much thereof as is con- tained in W. 106a. not con- tained in 60a. N. part of lot. 1877, '85 130.13 do 77 1881, '85 160 do 79 S. .. 1890 120 do do 81 82 1881/85 1877. '81. '85... 160 160 ( 'o:s>]-j;VA I 1<.\ COMMIBSION. 55 ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Alinerva 86 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 14, N. & S. E. i (POND'S SURVEY), (Continued) All in Essex countv 1877, '85, '90 127 do 87 1881, '85 160 do 88 1881, '85 160 do 89 Purchase & 1900.. 160 do 90 Purchase & 1900 240 do . . . 91 Purchase & 1900. . 240 do 92 Purchase & 1900.. 160 do do 93 94 1881/85 1885 '90 160 160 do 99 All in Essex county 1885, '90 116 do 100 1885 160 do do 101 104 1881, '85 1881 '85 160 132 do 106 All in Essex county 1885, '90 '95 29 Total, T'wp. 14, 8,337.63 acres. do 1 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 15 Purchase & 1890, '95 '00 160 do 2 Purchase & 1890, '95 '00 160 do 3 All in Essex county Purchase & 1890, do 21 All in Essex countv '95, '00 Purchase & 1890, 116.50 do 22 '95, '00 Purchase & 1890, 45 25 do 23 '95, '00 Purchase & 1890 160 160 do 24 Purchase & 1890 160 do 25 Purchase & 1890 do 26 '95, '00 Purchase & 1890, 160 '95 160 do 27 Purchase 160 do 28 All in Essex county Purchase & 1890. . 132 do 29 All in Essex countv. . Purchase . . 10 5(3 THIRD ANNTAI. REPORT OF THK ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Minerva 44 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 15 (Continued) All in Essex county . Purchase 62 25 do 45 Purchase 160 do 46 Purchase 160 do 47 Purchase & 1890, do do 48 49 '95 Purchase & 1890, '95, '00 Purchase & 1890, 160 160 '95 '00 160 do 50 Purchase & 1890 do 51 '95, '00 Purchase & 1890, '95, '00 160 160 do 52 Purchase & 1890, do do 53 54 All in Essex county All in Essex county '95, '00 Purchase Purchase & 1890, '95, '00 160 144 7 do 67 All in Essex county Purchase & 1890 do 68 '95, '00 Purchase & 1890, 79.25 do 69 '95, '00 Purchase & 1890, 160 '95 '00 160 do 70 Purchase & 1890 do 71 '95, '00 Purchase & 1890, 160 '95 '00 160 do 72 Purchase 160 do 73 Purchase & 1890, do 74 '95 Purchase & 1890, 160 '95 '00 . . 160 do 75 Purchase & 1890, do do 76 77 '95, '00 Purchase & 1890, 95, '00 Purchase & 1890 160 160 '95, '00 160 do 78 All in Essex countv Purchase & 1890 '95, '00. .. 152.50 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY 57 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Minerva 79 TOTTEN & CROSSFIKLD'S PUR- CHASE. TOWNSHIP 15 (Continued) All in Essex county Purchase & 1890 '95, '00 15 do do V 90 91 All in Essex county All in Essex countv Purchase & 1890, '95, '00 Purchase & 1890 50 do do 92 93 '95, '00 Purchase & 1890, '95, '00 Purchase & 1890 150 160 do 94 '95, '00 Purchase & 1890, 160 do 95 '95, '00 Purchase & 1890, 160 do 96 '95, '00 Purchase & 1890. 160 160 do 97 < Purchase & 1890, do 98 '95, '00 Purchase & 1890, 160 '95 '00 160 do 99 Purchase & 1890 do do 100 101 All in Essex county '95, '00 Purchase & 1890, '95, '00 Purchase & 1890, '95 '00 160 160 100 do do do 102 117 118 All in Essex county All in Essex county All in Essex county Purchase & 1890, '95, '00 Purchase & 1890, '95, '00 Purchase & 1890 10 45 do 119 '95, '00 Purchase & 1890, '95, '00 . 110 160 do 120 Purchase 160 do 121 All in Essex county Purchase & 1890, '95. 133 do 122 All in Essex county Total, Township 15,1 7.336.75 acres Purchase & 1890. '95. '00 6S 58 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Minerva 1 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE (Continued) TOWNSHIP 16 1885 '90 '95 1 000 do 2 1885 '90 '95 1 000 do 3 1885 '90 '95. 1 000 do 4 1885 '90 '95 1 000 do - 5 1885, '90, '95 1,000 do 6 1885, '90 '95 . 1 000 do 7 1885 '90 '95 1 000 do do do 8 13 14 N. pt. lOOa. &S. pt. 317a.. 1885, '90 1877/81/85/90/95. 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95. 417 1,000 1 000 do 15 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 1 000 do 16 N. | . . . 1877/81/85 '90 '95. 500 do 17 N. \ 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95. 500 do 20 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 1 000 do 21 g i Conveyed 500 do 22 Ex. lOOa. S. end . 1877 '81 '85 '90 900 do do 23 24 Ex. lOOa. S. end 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1877 '81 '85 '95 900 1 000 Total, Township 16, 15,717 acres do TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 17 All in Essex countv 1885 '90 '95 779 39 Newcomb C. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 20 All in Essex county Purchase & 1910 . . 13 Minerva 2 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 25 (BAILEY'S PATENT) E. Dt 1877 '81 '85 70 do do 3 5 1885, '90, '95 Purchase . ... 78 78 do 6 1885 '90 '95 . . 78 do 7 1885 '90 '95 78 do 8 1877, '81, '85 78 do ... Q 1877 '81 '85 '95 78 do do do 10 11 14 Purchase 1877, '81, '85 1885. '90 '95... 94 128 100 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 59 ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Minerva 15 TOTTEN & CROSS FIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 25 (BAILEY'S PATENT) (Con- tinued). 1877, '81, '85 100 do 17 1877 '81 '85 100 do 22 S. \ 1885, '90, '95 50 do 30 1881, '85 117 do 37 W \ 1877, '81 '85 . . 50 do 46 1885 '90 '95 100 do 51 Purchase & 1905. . . 123 do 53 Purchase 100 do 54 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95. 100 do 60 Purchase 100 do 61 Purchase 100 do 64 W \ Purchase 50 do 65 w. *.. Purchase . . 50 do 67 1885, '90 . . 100 do 68 Purchase 100 do 69 1881, '85 100 do 70 Purchase & 1900 123 do do .... 71 72 1881, '85 1881, '85 122 100 do 73 1881, '85 . . 100 do 74 1871 '77 '81 '95 100 do 75 1871, '77, '81, '95.. 100 do 76 Purchase 100 do 77 1885 '90 '95 100 do 78 1881, '85, '90 100 do 79 1877, '81 '85. ... 100 Total, Bailey's Patent, 3,345 acres. do do 3 5 TOWNSHIP 25 (DOMINION'S PATENT) All in Essex county E\ 75-nra X. W cor. 27c 1885, '90, '95 161 do 8 wide E. & W. & 28c. long N. fc S. and 62a. S. E. cor. 20c. E. & W. & 31c. X. & S. Purchase 1885, '90, '95 112.40 200 do do do 9 12 1!) All in Essex county All in Minerva 1885, '90 Purchase & 1910. . . Purchase 56 152 200 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Minerva. . 48 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 25 (DOMINICK'S PATENT) (Continued), S. * . 1885 '90 100 do 52 1877, '85, '90, '95.. 200 do do do 53 54 57 w^;;;;;!!!'.'.'.'.;.'!;!.';! 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1885, '90 1885 '90 200 100 200 do do 58 59 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1885 '90 200 200 do 60 N. * 1885 '90 100 Total, Dominick's Pat., 2,181.40. do 1 TOWNSHIP 25 (THORN'S SURVEY) 1877 '81 '85 113 75 do 2 1881, '85 ... 97 50 do 3 1881, '85 98 do 4 1881 '85 130 do 5 1877 '81 '85 130 do 6 1881, '85 . . 105 do do 7 8 1881, '85 1881 '85 90 90 do 9 1881 '85 120 do do .... 10 11 1881/85 1881 '85 120 140 do 12 1881 '85 120 do do 13 14 1881, '85 1881 '85 120 160 do do do 15 15 16 Ex. 70a. N. W. cor N. W. cor 1877, '81, '85 Purchase 1885 '90 '95 90 70 140 do 17 1881 '85 120 do 18 1885 '90 120 do 19 1881 '85 160 do 20 Purchase 160 do 21 Ore Bed Lot 1881, '85 140 do do do do 22 23 24 25 1885, '90, '95 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 1881 '85 . 120 120 160 160 do 26 1885. '90. '95. . . 140 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY 61 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres \linerva 27 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 25, (THORN'S SURVEY) (Con- tinued) 1885, '90, '95 120 do 28 1885, '90, '95 120 do do 29' 30 Ex. 24a. S. E. cor. 8c. wide N. AS. &30c.longE. &W. Ex. 36a. S. pt. 9c. N. & S. 1881/85 136 do do 31 32 &40c.E.&W 1881, '85 1881, '85 Purchase & 1905, 124 140 '10 120 do 33 Purchase 11 '81, '85, '00, '05.. Conveved & 1877, 1,000 '81, '85 . 1 000 do 12 Conveved & 1877 '81, '85 1,000 do .... 13 Purchase & 1877, do 14 X end '81, '85 Purchase 1,000 850 Minerva . ... 15 All in Minerva Conveved & 1877, X. Hudson 15 All in Xorth Hudson '81, '85 Conveved & 1877, 250 Minerva 16 All in Minerva '81 Conveyed & 1877, '81, '85 750 575 X. Hudson 16 All in Xorth Hudson . Conveved & 1877, '81, '85 425 do 17 All in Xorth Hudson Conveyed & 1877, '81, '85. . 300 Minerva 17 All in Minerva ex. 7a. to Mvra J La Bier Purchase 743 Minerva! 18 All in Minerva . . Conveyed & 1877, '81 700 X. Hudson . . 18 \11 in Xorth Hudson Conveved & 1877 '81, '85 250 Minerva 19 \11 in Minerva Conveyed & 1877 '81 800 X.Hudson.. 19 All in Xorth Hudson Conveyed & 1877 Minerva. . . 20 All in Minerva '81 Conveved & 1877 150 '81 900 X. Hudson 20 All in Xorth Hudson Conveyed & 1877, '81, '85 100 Minerva . 9 1 \11 in Minerva Conveved & 1877 '81 955 X.Hudson.... 21 All in Xorth Hudson Conveved & 1877 '81 50 Minerva. . 22 1877. '81 '85... 1,000 72 THIED ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ESSEX COUNTY Town Minerva. . . do N. Hudson, do do do do do do do Newcomb. . N. Hudson. Keene N. Hudson. Keene do do do Newcomb. . Keene. . . . Newcomb . Keene. . Newcomb . Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres 23 ?4 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 30 (Continued) 1877, '81, '85 Purchase & 1877 1,000 '81, '85 1,000 Total, Township 30, 23,883 acres. 4 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 44 Sub. 1 Purchase 128 25 4 Sub. 2 Purchase . .... 120 4 Sub. 3 Purchase 120 4 4 Sub. 4, ex. 1| acres, Sch. House & lot & ex. 50a. S. pt Sub. 5 Purchase Purchase 68.50 120 4 Sub. 6 Purchase 120 4 4 Sub. 8 . Sub. 9 ... Purchase Purchase 120 120 14 14 33 33 36 Total, Township 44, 916.75 acres. TOWNSHIP 45 All in Newcomb All in North Hudson Und. -f fa. of all in Keene. . Und. f^a. of all in N. Hud- son Purchase & 1881 . . Purchase Purchase & 1910. . Purchase & 1910 . . Purchase & 1910 491 23 349.30 57.60 514 37 38 Purchase & 1910 . . 1881, '85 514 514 39 All in Keene Purchase & 1881 '85 197 39 47 All in Newcomb, ex. so much of 50a. S. E. cor. of lot as is not in Keene All in Keene Purchase Purchase & 1910 . . 257 450 47 48 9 All in Newcomb Und. f fa Total, Township 45, 3,837.50 acres TOWNSHIP 46 Purchase Purchase & 1910 . . 1885. '90 . . 64 406.60 252 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 73 ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Xewcomb. TOTTEN& CROSSFIELD'S PUB- CHASE (Continued). TOWNSHIP 47 Bd. beg. at a point which is described as being a small birch sapling standing on the top of a steep hill in a windfall, being the X. E. cor. of Township 50, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, th. running E. 554c 401 to a stake standing in a line on the E'ly bounds of Town- ship 47, and known as the Lynch line, th. S. 30 E. 108c. 801 along the Lynch line to the summit of the ridge forming the boundary line of the Cold River Water Shed, at a stake and stones marked O, th. along the summit of the ridges and mountains forming the boundary of the Water Shed of the Cold River and its tributaries, the following courses and distances (the bearings given being from the meridian of 1772, and the variations used being 4 degrees) :S. 8 W. 4c 321, X. 57 15' W. 3c 441., S. 89 30' W. 21c 121, S. 21 30' W. 4c 81, S. 44 15' W. 3c. S. 63 30' W. 4c 801, S. 24 30' W. 35c 311, S. 8 E. 3c 901, S. 37 W. 7c 191. S. 13 30' W. lie 161, S. 21 30' E. 8c 231, S. 29 W. 13c 911, S. 5 W. lOc 341, S. 46 30' W. 901, X. 76 W. 8c 871, X. 27" W. lc 681, X. 77 W. 5c 751. X. 4445'W. oclOl, X. 71 D THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 47 Newcomb . (Continued). W. 13c 771, S. 78 15' W. 5c 911, S. 40 30' W. 5c 321, S. 85 W. 3c 721, N. 46 W. 2c 201, N. 70 30' W. 7c 381, S. 69 W. 3c 941, S. 87 W. 5c 551, S. 51 30' W. 5c 521, N. 86 W. 24c 671, N. 65 W. 15c 121, N. 58 W. 12c 891, N. 10 W. 2c 161, N. 58 30' W. 6c 51, N. 57 W. lOc 371, S. 51 30' W. 15c 651, S. 55 E. Ic 61, S. 30 30' W. 18c 881, S. 9 E. 4c 621, S. 6 30' W.7c931,S. 18 E. lie 191, S. 3 30' W. 7c 221, S. 10 E. 8c 521, S. 4 E. 21c, S. 9 45' W. 3c 941, S. 44 W. 13c, S. 41 30' E. 5c 451, S. 21 W. 14c 851, S. 45 W. 7c 501, S. 38 W. Sc 261, S. 59 W. 19c 501., S. 42 30' W. 4c. 731., S.2630'W. lc.201.,S.5E. 26c. 261., S. 29 E. 5c. 901., S. 52 W. 29c. 41., S. 38 E. 2c.,S.50W.6c.441.,S.67 W. Ic. 591., S. 71 30' W. 29c.701.,S.56W.24c.911., S. 77 W. 17c. 431., S. 50 W.3c.461.,S.3530'W.8c. 911., S. 33 W. 21c. 281., S. 19E.10c.731.,S.4630'E. 8c. 231., S. 11 E. 14c. 911, S. 11 30' W. 6c. 331., S. 34 W. 7c. 381., S. 15 30' W. 8c. 571., S. 21 30' W. 3c.671.,S.24W.4c. lll.,S. 49 W. 3c. 401. and N. 89 30' W. 4c. 941., to Transit Station No. 65 of the Colvin Survey, in east bounds o: Township 28, th. N. 30 W 285c. to the N. E. cor. of CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY 75 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Newcomb . do TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 47 (Continued) Township 28, th. N. 60 E 18c. 501., and th. N. 30 W 247c. 401., more or less, to beg., containing 14,080.82 acres, more or less, except- ing and reserving from said premises the highest peak oi Santamoni mountain, as shown upon the topograph- ical map of the United States Geological Survey for a distance of 4 chains from the signal station on said peak; also excepting and excluding therefrom 3,490 acres, more or less being the so-called " Morse Gore," bd. beg. at the N. E cor. of Township 50, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, th S. 30' E. along the east bounds of said Township 50, 72c 401, th. E. 554c 4 th. N. 30 W. 72c 401 and th. W'ly 554c 401 to beg. leaving 10,590 AV a - more or less; also ex. 422. 27a. being so much land as is in- cluded in the Gore between Townships Nos. 28, 47. 27 and 50 Bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of Township 50, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, th. S. 30 E. along E. bounds of said Township 50, 72c. 401., th. E. 554c. 401., th. N. 30 W. 72c. 401., and th. W'ly 554c. 4C1. to beg., 3,274.08 acres, more or less, except- ing and expressly reserving therefrom 2C2a. bd. beg. at Purchase & 1905.. 10,16855 76 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot Tax sales DESCRIPTION or source of title Acres TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 47 (Continued) Newcomb a cedar post and heap of stones standing in N. line of Township 47 and in the S. line of the Gore N. of Town- ship 47, 6c. 501. E. of the point in N. line of Town- ship 47, where the line run East from the N. W. cor. of Township 47 comes to Cold River and S. 60 30' W. 7c. from the North wing of a dam across Cold River now owned by John Anderson, Jr., th. S. 5 W. 9c. 401. to a cedar post and stones Marked "A. O." and stand- ing in a small brook, th. S. 85 E. 39c. 91. to a cedar post standing on a hill in hardwood timber, th. S. 40 W. 28c. 501. to a cedar post and stones, th. S. 30 E. lie 121. to a cedar post and stones, th. N.70 E. 20c. 651. to a cedar post and stones, th. S. 30 E. lie. 121. to a cedar post and stones, th. N. 80 E. 20c. 501. to a cedar post and stones standing on the South end of a small hill, th. N. 55 E. 31c. 931. to a cedar post and stones, th. N 35 W. 3c. 751. to a cedar post and stones, th. N. 55 E. 7c. 611. to a cedar post and stones standing in N. line of Township 47, and th. N. 84 45' W. along N. line of Township 47, 95c. 501. to beg Purchase & 1905 . . 3,274.08 Total, Township 47, 13,442.63 acres. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY 77 1 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres N. Hudson do do 1 2 ,3 4 4 5 6 7 . 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 21 21 59 60-61 i 65 66 76 77 87 88 91 92 95 96 97 98-99 103 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE TOWNSHIP 49 Purchase Purchase Purchase 1,050 665 300 30 183 1,050 1,003 852 ,050 ,050 ,050 ,050 ,050 ,050 ,050 442.50 607 50 17.75 132.50 71.40 2 10.45 115.68 141 40 15 .50 69 140 140 140 173 isn W. part N. E. cor. bd. S. by Pepper, & S. W. by Walker E. end bd. N. by Schroon River E. end ex. 30a. bd. X. by Schroon River do do do do do do do do do do do do do 1885, '10 . . Purchase & 1885, '90 & '95 Ex. 42a. S. W. cor. owned by Walker Purchase Ex. 194a. N. E. part Purchase Purchase & 1910 . . Purchase Purchase & 1910. . Purchase & 1910. . 1885, '90, '95 Purchase All in X. Hudson Purchase Purchase Keene All in Keene Purchase Newcomb Total, Township 49. 13,533 acres. Conveyed TOWNSHIP 50. All in Essex county All in Essex county All in Essex county All in Essex county All in Essex county All in Essex county All in Essex county All in Essex county All in Essex county All in Essex county do do Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase do do do do do Purchase Conveyed & 1910. . Conveyed Purchase & 1900 . . Conveyed & 1910.. 1877/81/85 1877, 'SI/85 1877/81/85 1877, 'si/So 1877 si. '85. '90 '95. do do do do do do ! do 78 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Newcomb 104 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 50 (Continued). 1877/81/85/90/95. 180 do 105 1877 '81 '85 '90/95. 180 do do 106 107 Ex. 50a. S. W. cor. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. Purchase & 1900 . . 180 88.87 do 108 1877 '81 '85/90/95. 183 do do 109 110 1877/81/85/90/95. 1877/81/85/90/95. 160 160 do 111 1877, '81, '85 160 do 112 1877 '81 '85 160 do 115-16 1877, '81, '85 299 do 117 1877 '81 '85/90/95. 236 do 118 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95. 236 do 119 1877/81/85/90/95. 236 do 120 1877/81/85/90/95. 236 do 121 Total, Township 50, 4,184.15 acres. 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 101 N Hudson 1 TRACT WEST OF ROAD PATENT Purchase 148 do 2 Purchase 176 do 4 1877/81/85/90/95. 160 do do 5 6 1877/81/85/90/95. 1890, '95 152 76 do 7 1881, '85 68.50 do do 8 10 Purchase & 1910 . . 1871/77/81/85/90, 149.10 '95 . . 160 do 11 1871/77/81/85/90, do 13 '95 Purchase & 1910 . . 164.40 160 do 14 Purchase 160 do 15 1895 '00 160 do 16 Purchase 160 do 19 Purchase 160 do do do 24 27 28 Purchase Purchase & 1877, ' Purchase & 1877, 156.30 160 '81. . 160 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY 79 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres X. Hudson . . 29 TRACT WEST OF ROAD PATENT (Continued) Purchase & 1877 '81 160 do do 30 31 Purchase Purchase . 160 160 do 3* 1881, '85. .. 168 40 do do 34 35 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85. . . . 160 160 do 36 1881, '85... . 160 do .... 37 1881, '85 160 do 38 Purchase & 1895 160 do 39 Purchase & 1895 160 do 40 1881, '95 160 do 41 Purchase 159 30 do 42 North end Purchase . . 80 do 43 1877, '85 160 do 44 Purchase 160 do 45 Purchase . 160 do 46 Purchase 160 do 47 1877 '81 '85 160 do 51 1885 '90 160 do 52 1885, '90 . . 119 30 do 53 1885, '90 228 50 do 54 1881 '85' '90 160 do 55 1885 '90 160 do 59 Purchase 160 do 60 Purchase 160 do 61 Purchase 160 do 62 Purchase 160 Schroon 65 1877 '81 '85 '95 127 80 do 67 1877, '81, '85 160 do 68 Purchase 160 do 71 Und. \ formerly R. R. land. 1885, '90, '95 80 do 72 Und. \ 1885- '90 80 do do 73 74 1881, '85, '90 1881 '85 '90 160 160 do ... 75 1881 '85 '90 160 do 76 1885 '90 168 do 77 1885 '90 171 do 78 1885 '90 165 60 do . 79 1885 '90 168 40 do do 80 81 1885, '90 1885, '90 181.60 168.20 80 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ESSEX COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Schroon 82 TRACT WEST or ROAD PATENT (Continued) 1881, '85 '90 160 do ... 85 Und. i formerly R. R, land 1885 '90 '95 80 do . 86 Und 1885 '90 '95 80 do 88 Purchase .... 160 do .. 89 Purchase 160 do 90 Purchase 160 do 91 1881 '85 '90 116 10 do . 93 1881 '85 '90 . . 120 do . 94 1885 '90 160 do 100 1885 '90 . . 160 do . 101 1881 '85 '90 160 do 102 1885, '90 168.20 do 103 1885 '90 ... 181 60 do 104 1885 '90 148 50 do 105 1881, '85, '90 115 do 106 1885 '90 . . 158 do 110 Purchase & 1905 . . 160 do 111 Purchase 160 do 112 Purchase . . 160 do . 113 1877 '81 '85 '90 120 do 117 1881, '85, '90 160 do 118 Purchase & 1895 . . 160 do 119 Purchase & 1900 . . 155 do 120 Purchase 143 do 121 Purchase & 1900 . 157 do . . 122 Purchase 156 70 do 123 Purchase & 1910 . . 156.70 do 129 1885 '90 160 do . . 130 Purchase 160 do 131 Original & 1900* . . 105.80 do 132 Purchase & 1900 . . 95 do ... 133 Original & 1900* 137 do do 134 135 1881, '85, '90 Purchase & 1910 . . 180.80 160 do 138 1881 '85 '90 96 do ... 139 1881 '85 '90 50 SO do 141 1881, '95 83 do 142 1881 '85 '90 74.80 do 143 1885. '90 . . 28.60 * Resale. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY 81 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Schroon 145 TRACT WEST or ROAD PATENT (Continued) X. E. cor Purchase & 1910 . . 20 do 146 1885, '90 . . 30 60 do 147 1881, '85, '90 86 50 'do 148 1881, '85, '90 155 10 Minerva 149 1881, '85, '90, '95 157 do 150 1885, '90. . 159 do do 151 152 1881, '85 1881, '85 141 182 do 153 1885, '90 . . 161 90 do 154 Purchase 157 do 155 Purchase 175 60 do . . 156 1881, '85 144 do 157 1890 160 do 158 All in Minerva Purchase 80 Schroon 158 All in Schroon Purchase 80 do . . 159 Purchase & 1910 90 75 do 160 Purchase 83 60 Minerva 161 All in Minerva 1885, '90 .... 100 Schroon . . . 161 All in Schroon 1885 '90 60 Minerva 162 1885 '90 146 do 163 1881, '85. .. 167 60 do ... 164 Purchase 152 do . . 165 1885 '90 157 do 166 1881/85 167.60 do 167 Purchase 152 do 168 All in Minerva .... 1877, '81, '85 60 Schroon . 168 E part in Schroon 1877 60 do 169 Purchase 53 Minerva. . . 171 Purchase 157 do 175 Purchase 120 30 do 178 Original . 53 Total, Tract West of Road Patent, 17,841.08 acres. Ticonderoga WENDALL'S (JOHN) LOCATION All Purchase, 1908 . 400 North Elba II WHITE FACE MOUNTAIN TRACT All in X. Elba S. of river. . . Conveyed ., 1877, '81 '85 '90 328 do ... 23 1877 '81 '85 '90 328 do 4 1877 '81 '85 '90 328 do 25 1877, '81, '85, '90 328 do .... 26 1877 '81 '85 354 do 27 Ex. und. pd. by Hartwell. . 1877, '81, '85 176 do 28 Ex. und. 1877/81,85. . 175 do 29 Ex. und. \ 1877, '81 '85 . 174 do 30 Ex. und \ 1877 '81 '85 173 do 31 1877, '81, '85, '90 . 328 do ....!... 32 1877, '81, '85, '90 328 do 33 1877 '81 '85 '90 328 do . . 34 1877 '81 '85 '90 328 do 35 1877, '81, '85, '90 328 do 36 1877 '81 '85 352 do 37 Purchase 352.67 do 38 Purchase . 350 85 do 39 Conveved & 1877 '81, '85, '00 350 do ... 41 1877 '81 '85 328 do 42 1877, '81 '85 '90 328 do 43 1877 '81 '85 '90 328 do 44 1877 '81 '85 '90 328 do .. 45 1877 '81 '85 '90 '05 328 do 46 Conveved & 1877 '81, '85, '00 351 do 47 Purchase & 1877, '81, '85... 349 38 do .... 48 Purchase & 1877 '81, '85 347.48 do 58 Ex. 277-jVo-a. W. part olc. wide E. & W. bd. E. by Ricketson's Purchase .... Purchase 50 56 do 67 1877 '81 '85 '90 328 do 68 E. part bd. E. by Ricketson's Purchase Purchase 34 44 do 68 W. Dt. . 1877 '81 'R5 '90 243 90 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FRANKLIN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 18 Brighton 76 (Continued) S. W. cor. 27c. N. & S. & 35c. E. & W 1877 94 do 77 S. W. cor. 21c. N. & S. & 36c. do 87 E. & W 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 75 328 do 98 Ex. 160a. N. pt 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 168 do Ricketson Tract B'd beg. at N. E. cor. of lot 6 of said Ricketson Tract, at an old cedar post which point is the N. E. cor. of James Patterson's farm; th. N. on E. line of Town- ship 18, 221c. 13 1. to N. E. cor. of S. E.^ of said Town- ship 18, th. N. 85 W. along N. line of said S.E.i also N. do line of the Ricketson Tract 75c. 901 to land of Rainbow Inn; th. S. 5 W. along E. line of Rainbow Inn land and land of H. M. T. Doty, 40c. 871 to land of Frank Wardner; th. S. 85 E. along Frank Wardner's N. line 14c. 401 to N. E. cor. of said Wardner's land; th. S. 5 W. along said Ward- ner's land 26c. 531., to S.E. cor. of said Wardner's land; th. N. 85 W. along said Wardner's S. line lie. 871 to N. E. cor. of L. Chase's land; th. 5 W. along E. lines of Chase's, Butts and Mclntosh lands 33c. 431. to S. E. cor. of said Mclntosh's lands; th. N. 85 W. along Mclntosh S. line 38c. 801. to N. E. cor. of H. L. Wait's land; th. S. 5 W. along Wait's E. line 31c. to CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 91 FRANKLIN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 18, RICKETSON TRACT (Con- tinued)'. S. E. cor. of said Wait's x land; th. N. 85 W. along said H. Wait's S. line 5c. 821. to N. E. cor. of C. J. Riley land; th. S. 5 W. along Riley's E. line 21c. 151. to said Riley's S. E. cor.; th. S. 85 E. along the old lot line 37c. 601. to N. W. cor. of lot 18; th. S. 5 W. along W. line of said lot loc. 501. to N. W. cor. of Mrs. Jane Russell's land; th. S. 85 E. along Jane Russell's N. line 25c. 551. to the N. E. cor. of said Russell's land; th. S. 5 W. along said Russell's E. line 17c. 601. to N. W. cor. of; the Ricketson farm; th. S. 85 E. along N. line of said farm 46c. 401. to X. E. cor. of said Ricketson farm; th. S. 5 W. along E. line of said Ricketson farm 35c. 381. to N. W. cor. of James Patterson's land; th. S. 85 E. along said Patterson's N. line loc. 621. to beg ! Purchase. Total Township 16,021.17 acres. 18.! GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 20 Bd. beg. on N. line 6c. W. from N. E. cor., th. S. 9c 801. th. W. 18c. 501. th. X. lOc. 201. to X. line of lot, th. E. to beg 1,686.79 Purchase Purchase Purchase 640 640 18.50 92 THIRD AXMJAL REPORT OF THE FRANKLIN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 20 Santa Clara 3 (Continued). S - Purchase . ... 325 do 3&4 Beg. on E. line of Township 20 at a point Ic. from the centre of Little Clear Pond outlet, th. S. E'ly so as to include a uniform width of Ic. on each side of said stream to high water mark do 4 on Big Clear Pond outlet. . Ex. 12.17a. a strip of land Conveyed 10 100 ft. wide right of way of M. & M. R. R. 57.51a. S. W. cor. bd. N. by R. R. land E. by a line par'l to and 56c. 501. E. from W. line of lot and 8.4a. S. E. cor.bd.N.by R. R. land and W. by a line par'l to and 6c. do 5 W. from E. line of lot Purchase Purchase 562.28 640 do 6 Purchase 790 do do 7 8 Purchase Purchase 790 640 do 9 Ex. 13.28c. a strip of land 100 ft. wide right of way of M. & M. R. R. and ex. 245.61a. being all of lot S. of R. R. Co. land Purchase 381.11 do 11 Ex. 6a. being all therein of Dry Island; 6.8a. known as Tommy's Rock and 46a. all therein known as Mark- ham Point Purchase 581. do do 12 13 Ex. 7.3 Markham Point Ex. 91.4 Moss Point Purchase Purchase 632.70 548.60 do 14 Ex. 244.8a. W. p't bd. E. by Saranac Lake; 6a. all there- in of Dry Island; 12a. Green Island; i\a. Markham Point & 3a. Moss Point . . Purchase . . 373 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. FRANKLIN COUNTY 93 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Santa Clara do 16 17 . Al MACOMB'S PURCHASE GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 20 (Continued) Ex. 472.71a. all of lot S. of M. & M. R. R Purchase Purchase . 167.21 &40 do 18 Purchase 790 do 19 Purchase ... . 790 do 20 Purchase . 640 do 21 Ex. 15a. strip of land 100 ft. wide right of way of M. & M. R. R Purchase . . . 625 do 22 Purchase . 640 do 23 Purchase 640 do . . 24 Purchase ... . 640 do 25 Purchase . "640 do 26 Purchase 640 do 27 Purchase 640 do 28 Ex. 12.9i. a strip of land 100 ft. wide right of way M. & M. R, R Purchase 627 01 do 29 Purchase ... . 640 do 30 Purchase . 790 do 31 Purchase 790 do 32 Purchase . . . 640 do ... . 33 Ex. 14.22a. a strip of land 100 ft. wide, right of way M. &M. R. R Purchase . . . 625 71 do 34 Ex. 9.48a., a strip of land 100 ft. wide, right of way M. cV: M. R. R Purchase . 630 52 do 35 Purchase 640 do 36 Purchase . ... 640 do 37 Ex. 49a., being Pine or Camp Point on Rollins Pond .... Purchase . 591 do 38 Ex. 15.55., a strip of land 100 ft. wide, right of way M. & M. R. R Purchase. . . 64 45 do 39 Ex. 6.97a. right of wav R. R. Purchase 633 03 do 40 Purchase 640 do 41 Purchase 640 do 42 Purchase 790 Total, Township 20, 25,006. 12 acres. THIRD AXXUAL REPORT OF THE FRANKLIN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Harrietstown , do MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 21 Beg. on E. line of Township 20, at a point 2c. S. of the S.shore of Little Clear Pond at high-water mark, th. N'ly on Township line 60c. & th. following the E. shore of said pond at a distance of 2c. from high-water mark S'lytobeg S. E. i, ex. 3,095a. E. pt. & 3,095a. W. pt. 2|a. beg. at a point on Greenough's W. line moving th. S. to the shore of lower Saranac lake, th. N. E'ly along the shore of said lake as it winds and turns to old Colby pond carry, th. Wly along Erick's & Greenough's line to beg. 125a. bd. beg. at a cedar post on the N'ly shore of West bay in Colby pond lOc. N. from a cedar post standing on the S. bank of a small brook which empties into said bay, said post standing at the edge of the pond, th. N. 86 W. 35c. 501. to a hemlock post marked "A. W. M.," th. S. 4 W. 35c. 501. to a soft maple tree marked "A. W. M.," th. S. 86 E. 35c. 501. to a hemlock tree and stones and th. N. 4 E. 35c. 501. to beg. reserving therefrom la. water and ex. l,109a. N. W. cor. of remainder 152c. long N. & S., & ex. 109|a,, being all Conveyed 40 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. FRANKLIN COUNTY 95 Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 21 (Continued) of lots 18, 19, 33; map made by H. K. Averill, Jr., of lands sold by M. L. Ins. Co. to Nathan Strauss con- tained therein also ex. 241 a. being all of a parcel in- scribed William J. Ehrick, and so much of a parcel in- scribed Ida Ehrick as is con- tained therein and also ex. oCj^a., being all of two parcels of land described as Patrick Buckley on said map as is contained therein leaving S. E. i north part 152 chs. long N. and S. of 3,095 acres W. part 1,809 acres ex l,060i acres, being all of lots 33, 34, 35, 36, 47, 48, 49, 50, 61, 62, 63 and 88. Map made by H. K. Averill Jr., of lands sold by the M. L. Ins. Co. to Nathan Strauss contained therein, ex. 70 acres being all of a parcel inscribed P.S Carley on said map, bd. N. by lot 105, E. by an unallotted parcel, S. by a parcel in- scribed Ellery Donaldson, and W. by another parcel inscribed Ellery Donaldson, contained therein, llS-j 7 ^ acres being all contained therein of a parcel inscribed P. S. Carley on said map, bd. N. by an unallotted par- cel, E. by a parcel inscribed Frank Coolon S. by lots 62 1895 585 96 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FRANKLIN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 21 (Continued) Harrietstown. and 63, and W.by McAuley Pond and a parcel inscribed Ellery Donaldson contained therein; 60 acres, being all contained therein of a par- cel inscribed Ellery Donald- son on said map, bd. N. by another parcel inscribed Ellery Donaldson and a parcel inscribed P. S. Car- ley, E. by another parcel inscribed P. S. Carley, S. by McAuley Pond and lot 93, and W. by lot 93 and said other piece inscribed Ellery Donaldson contained therein 220 acres being all of a parcel inscribed Frank Coolon on said map; 35 1 a o acres being all of a parcel occupied by William McMaster, bd. N. by McAuley Pond E. by lot 63 S. by lot 49 and W. by another parcel of said McMaster, and ex. 29/0 acres being all of a parcel inscribed Henry Coolon on said map, bd. N. by lot 88, E. by lot 74, S. by lot 60, and W. by another parcel of said Coolon 1895 220 do .... S. E. i N. W. cor. 152 chs. long N. & S. of all that remains after ex. 3,095 acres E. part & 3.095 acres W. part 1,109 acres ex. SSl-j^Q acres being all of lots 18, 33, 45, 46, 47, 59, 60, 61, 74, 87 & 88 on map made by H. K. Averill, Jr., CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 97 FRANKLIN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or sourc6 of title Acres Harrietstown. . . MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 21 (Continued) of lands sold by the M. L. Ins. Co. to Nathan Strauss contained therein; also ex. 29 T \ acres being all of a parcel inscribed Henry Coolon on said map con- tained therein . . . 1895 248.40 140 151.90 136.80 121.70 105.50 91.60 78.20 90.20 171.60 147.60 70.80 46.80 160 160 200.30 213.50 do > \V. part 3,095 acres ex. 1,809 acres N. part thereof, 152 chs. N. & S. 1,286 acres ex. 1,013| acres being all of lots 1.2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8,19, 20.. 21, 22, 33, 34, 35 & 36 on map made by H. K. Aver-ill, Jr., of lands sold by the M. L. Ins. Co. to Nathan Strauss contained therein, & ex. 133 acres being all of a parcel in- scribed Ida Ehrick on said map contained therein .... (AveriIVs Survey) 1895 do do do do lo Lo do do lo io .0 lo lo do 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Appropriated .... Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated & 1905. . Part N. of Forest Home Koad Part N. of Forest Home Pvoad Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated 98 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT or THE FKANKLIN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Hanietstown. . . . 26 MACOMB'S PURCHASE GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 21, Averill's Survey (Continued} Appropriated 223 do 27 Appropriated 160 do 28 Appropriated 229 do 33 Appropriated 166 do 34 Appropriated 160 do 35 Appropriated . 155 30 do 36 Appropriated 160 do 37 Appropriated 17 30 do 41 Appropriated 130 do 42 Appropriated 217 80 do 45 Appropriated 134 60 do do 46 47 Ex. 7a. R. R Appropriated Appropriated 156 160 do 48 Appropriated 160 do do 49 50 Appropriated Appropriated . 159 . 10 170 do 55 Appropriated 114 10 do do 56 59 Appropriated Appropriated . . 207.40 203 70 do 60 Appropriated 143 60 do do do 61 62 63 Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated 134.90 141.90 84 do do v ... 66 67 Appropriated Appropriated ... . 79.10 85 40 do 68 Appropriated 81 90 do do do 69 70 74 Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated ... . 138.50 234.40 116 do 80 Appropriated 202 do do do do do 81 82 83 87 88 Ex. the part N. of Mill Pond. Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated 200 209 .50 181 .70 17 98.40 do 93 Appropriated 248.30 do 105 Appropriated 24*. do 106 Total, Township 21, 9,195 acres. Appropriated US. 20 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. FRANKLIN COUNTY 99 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Santa Clara. . do Harrietstown do MA COMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 23. NORTH ^ E. end W. end SOUTH EAST i E. end of l,240a. S. end ... N. end 6,280a. ex. 144a. N W. cor. thereof 80c. long X. & S. by 18c. wide E. & W. ; 40a. being Birch Island in S'ly end of the " Upper Saranac Lake, near and in a N'ly direction from Cony's Cany;" 267a. bd beg. at a stake and stones. X. 2 W. 24r. from a large rock on N'ly bank of the outlet to Upper Saranac Lake and 2r. and 10 ft. below the State Dam, called Xorton's Dam, th. N, 80 E. loOr. to a stake and stones, standing, lOr. N. of the N. bank of said outlet, th.S. 10E.214r.toastake and stones on a high hill, th. S. 80 W. 200r. to a stake and stones, th. N. 10 W. 214r. and th. N. 80 E. 50r. to beg. 266| -J-a. b'd beg at a large rock on the S'ly shore of the Upper Saranac Lake, which rock is near the Indian Cany, nearly N. from Jesse Cony's " Rustic House " and S. from house on Birch Island, th. N. 34r., th. E. 114r., th. S. 230r., th. W. 194r., th. N. 200r. and th. E. 80r. to beg., ex. 27 parcels reserved in deed by S. M. Weed and M. V. 1877, '81, '85... 1898.. Purchase 4,379 6,661 300 100 THIRD AXXTAL REPORT OF THE FRANKLIN COUNTY Town Lot Harrietstown . , do do do do DESCRIPTION MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 23 - (Continued) SOUTH EAST j B. Turner and wife to State in 1901 Parcel bd. on the E'ly side by! the E'ly line of the town- ship, on the W'ly side by| the W'ly line of the | town-! ship, on the N'ly side by 6,280a. N. part of the \ township, and on the S'ly side by l,240a., S. part of the \ township, ex. a parcel of about 38a. bd , com- mencing on the W. shore of Stony Creek Pond and run- ning W'ly 1,908 ft., th. S'ly along the line of marked trees 876 ft. to the Ward line, th. E'ly along the said Ward line 913 ft. to the center of the highway, th. N'ly along the center of the highway to a small creek th. N'ly down the creek to the shore of Stony Creek Pond and th. N'ly along the shore of said pond to place of beg SOUTH WEST I All ex. lOOa. N. E. cor. 2oc. wide N. and S. and 40c. long E. and W Total, Township 23, 23,048 acres. TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH EAST W.-| ex. l,662a. water Parcel, beg. at a hewn wooden post placed 124 ft. S. from edge of timber or Tax sales or ource of title \crea Conveyed & 1877 '81, '00/05 Conveyed Purchase 1X77. '81, '85, 3,862 420 CONSERVATION (-.'OM MISS my r . : . 101 FRANKLIN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or j Acres source of title Harrietstown do do do do MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 24 (Continued) NORTH EAST j Bluff line as shown on map in office of Secy, of State marked "A," and on a line marking the E'n. boundary of the lands of the State of! Xew York, and running along said line of the State of Xew York, X. 4 45' E. 1,050 ft. to another hewn post; th. deflecting 90 and running S. 85 15' E. 2,455 ft. to a hewn post; th. de- flecting 90 and running S. 4 45' W. 1,050 ft to a hewn post; th. deflecting 90 and running X. 85 15' W. 2,455 ft. back to the point of beg XORTH WEST j All ex. l,000a. Lower Sara- nac Lake. . SOUTH EAST J All.. SOUTH WEST J All. Total Township 24, 23,647.18 acres. GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 26 All E. of Raquette River b'd. S. by a line parallel to X. line of Township and far enough distant therefrom to contain 15,619a. ex.. therefrom and that part of I,333i 4 ^ a. known as the : Raquette Falls lot lying E.' of the Raquette River, and! also ex. \&. being the Unionj School house lot . . Appropriated 59.13 1877, '81, 'So. '95.. 6,500 1877/95, '00 7.500 1877, 'SI, '85... Purchase . 7,500 . . . . 14.951 73 102 ANM-.NL KEPOIJT OF THE FRANKLIN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Harrietstown. . . . do do 1 2 3 MA COMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 1, TOWNSHIP 27 NORTH WEST North Part l,961a. Tract (West End l,561a. Part) W. end W. . 1881 Conveyed 1881 390.25 100 195 12 do 4 Conveyed 386 do NORTH EAST |- All Purchase 7,500 Total Township 27, 8,571.37 acres. Bellmont . . 10 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 8 E. pt lOc wide E & W of 73^ a. S. W. cor. of lot, 24c. 501. wide N. & S. & 3Cc. long E. & W 1890 24.50 do do 36 55 N. W. cor. square 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81, '85 . . 200 640 do 63 N. W. 1- 1871 77 '81 '85 160 do 63 S. i 1895 '00 320 Total, Township 8, 1,344.5 acres. Franklin . 9 OLD MILITARY TRACT. TOWNSHIP 9 1885 '90 136 do 7 N W i 1877 '81 '90 36 87 do 31 1900 171 Bellmont 45 1871 '77 '81 160 do Franklin 81 138 Ex. N. E. i S. W I 1871, '90 1877 '81 '85 120 50 Bellmont Franklin 273 294 1881, '85 Original & 1900* 160 180 do do 296 300 1905, '10 1877 '81 '85 '90 160 160 do Bellmont . 308 309 Ex. 93a. W. pt 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1881 '85 '90 '95 67 160 do 310 1877, '81 '85 '90 160 *Resale. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. FRANKLIN COUNTY 103 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Franklin 317 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 9 (Continued) Original & 1900*... 160 do 330 Original & 1900*. . . 160 do do .... 332 333 Original & 1900*.. Original & 1900*... 160 160 Bellmont r 338 8. E. I 1877, '81, '85 40 do 341 E \ 1881, '85 .. 80 do 343 1881, '85 107 Franklin. . 352 1871, '77, '81 182.80 do 353 Original* 180 do 354 1881 '85 220 60 do ... 359 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 161.40 Total, Township 9, 3,332.67 acres. Franklin . . 5 TOWNSHIP 10 Purf-hftSfi 200 do 14 Purchase 200 do 15 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 200 do 16 1877 '81, '85, '90. . 200 do .. 17 1877 '81 '85 '90. 200 do 18 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 200 do 19 S. f of W. 120a 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 80 do .. 24 S * Purchase 100 do 25 Purchase 200 do 30 E. Dt Purchase . 145 do .. 31 1900 '05 200 do 33 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 200 do 34 1877 '81, '85, '95. . 200 do ... 38 1877 '81 '85 '90. 200 do 57 1890 200 do 60 X - 1 , & S. W. 1 Purchase . 150 do 61 Purchase . . 232 do do do 76 77 80 N. part 1895, '00 1890, '95 Purchase 232 232 60 do 81 N. W. cor . . . 1895 '00 23 do 83 All W. of highway, " Hall lot" 1881, '85 107 do 84 S. W. cor 1877, '81 15 do 85 1877, '81 '85 168 do 87 1877 '81 '85 '90 168 do 88 1881, '85, '90 168 do 89 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 168 * Resale. 104 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FRANKLIN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Franklin . . 90 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 10 (Continued) 1877 '81 '85 '90 do 96 1877, '81 '85 '90. do 97 1895 '00 do 99 Purchase do 100 Ex. 33a. W. pt . . Purchase do do 101 102 s.i Purchase Purchase .... do 103 Purchase do .. 104 Purchase do 105 1900, '05 . do 106 1877 '81 '85 '95. do .. 107 1877 '81 '85 '95 do 108 Purchase do 109 Purchase do 112 1877, '81, '85, '90. . do do .. 113 114 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1871 '77 '81 '85 '90. do do 115 116 1871, '77, '81, '85. . 1881, '85 . do 126 1871 '77 '81 '85 '90. do . 127 1871 77 '81 do 128 1871 77 '81 do do 130 131 Purchase & 1905 . . Purchase do 137 1900 '05 do 138 1877 '81 '85 do do .. 140 141 Purchase 1871 77 '81 '85 do do do . 144 150 151 Ex. N. % of W. 120a E \ 1871, '77, '81, '85.. Original* do 152 1877 '85 do .. 153 1881 '85 do 154 1885 90 do 160 1890 '95 do do do 166 167 168 Ex. 40a. N. \ of W. 120a... 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, ? 85 1877 '81 '85 do 171 1871 77 '81 '85 '90 do 172 *0riginal & con- veved. . * Resale. CONSERVATION COMM ISSION. 105 FRANKLIN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION 1 Tax sales or source of title Acres Franklin 179 OLD MILITARY TRACT TOWNSHIP 10 (Continued) 187 1,77/81, '85/95. 200 do ' 180 X J- and S E. 1900, '05 150 do 188 1877 '81 '85 200 do . 189 Purchase 200 do 190 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 200 do 191 1881, '85 200 do 193 do 195 do 198 S. of E. SOa Ex. S. E. J 1871, '77, '81, '95. . 1881, '85 1871, '77, '81 200 40 150 do 199 do 200 do 201 W. 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1890 100 200 200 do 2ii'.) do 210 do 211 do 212 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1871/77/81/85/95. 1881 '85 200 200 200 200 do 213 do . 214 Purchase Purchase . . 200 200 do 215 Purchase 200 do 216 do 22.5 do 226 Purchase 1^71/77/81/85/95. 1871 77 '81, '85. 200 :oi 200 do 227 do 228 do 229 do 230 do 231 do 232 E.*.'.' '...'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Purchase Purchase 1871/77/81/85/95. 1871, 77, '81, '85.. 1871, 77, '81, '85. . 1877, '81 200 100 200 200 200 200 do 233 do 235 do 242 S. E. cor. b'd X'ly & W'ly by center of Lyon Brook . . X. pt. of S. W. i 1877, '81 1900 1895, '00 200 2 20 do . . 250 1871 '81 '85 '90 200 do 251 do 254 1871, 77, '81, '85.. Purchase 200 200 do 255 Purchase 200 do . . 256 1877 '81 '85 '95 200 do 270 do 271 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 200 200 do 272 Ex. 25a. S. E. cor. owned by Sylvan us Page 1890 '95 175 do 274 1890. '95. '00 . . 200 106 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FRANKLIN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Franklin 278 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 10 (Continued) Ex. 40a. S. of E. 80a 1877, '81, '95 160 do 278 40a. S. of E. 80a Purchase 40 do . 279 Purchase 260 do 280 1877, '81/95 200 do 281 1877, '81 .. . 200 do . 285 N. W. i 1881, '85 50 do do ... 287 288 8. f &NE. J... 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 '90. 200 150 do . 289 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 200 do 290 1871 77 '81 '85 200 do .... 293 1885, '90 . 200 do do 294 312 1871, '77, '81, '85. . 1871, 77, '81, '85. . 200 200 do .. 313 1871, 77, '81, '85. 200 do . 314 1877 '81 '85 '90 200 do 315 E. pt . . 1885, '90 80 do ... 316 Ex. 50a. S. W. cor 1871, 77, '85 150 do 317 Purchase & 1871 do .. 318 77, '81, '85 '10.. 1871, 77, '81 '85 200 200 do 319 S i 1871 77 '85 100 do 321 S. pt. 13c. on E. line & 24c. do 323 on W. line, b'd N. by high- way, 92a. ex.4 i| f| v a. being right of way of the D. & H. R. R. and a. on high- way adj. said R. R N. Purchase 1881, '85 87yVoV* 100 do 324 Ex. S. E. 1 1871, 77, '81, '85 150 do 327 1877, '81. '85, ? 95.. 200 do 328 1887 '81 '85 '90 200 do 329 1877, '81, '85, '90 200 do .. 330 1877 '85 '90 200 do 333 1877 200 do 334 1877, '95 200 do .... 335 N & S. W i 1871 '85 '95 150 do .. 352 1877 '81 '85 '90 240 do 353 1871, 77/81, '85/95. 240 do 355 1877, '81, '85, '90 . 240 do 356 1877 '81 '85 '90 240 do 357 1877,81, '85 240 do 358 1877 ,'81 '85, '90.. 240 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. FRANKLIN COUNTY 107 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Franklin do Bombay Bombay Harrietstown . 359 360 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 10 (Continued] Ex. 50a. W. end, sold to Geo. LaBounty Total, Township 10, 25,999.91 acres. 1871, '77, '85 1871, '77, '81, '85.. ST. REGIS' RESERVATION, FARM LOTS N. E. cor. . Resale, 1867 . WATER St. Lawrence River. All in Franklin Co Original Lower Saranac Lake. All in Twp. 24, Great Tract 1,, Macomb's Purchase 1S77, '81, '85 Total, Waters, 3,662 acres. 190 240 TW 1,000 2,662 For other State land in Frank- lin Co., see Appendix 108 TIIIIJD ANNUAL KKI'OKT OF THE FULTON COUNTY (Total number of acres, 23,274.85.) Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax s.drs or source of title Acres CHASE'S PATENT Bleecker 8 1871, 77, '85 100 do 35 1877, '81, '85 100 do 46 E. pt. b'd W. by land of C. Shafer 1895, 'CO 48 do 52 E.* 1881, '85 50 do 60 1877, '81, '85 100 do 61 1871, '77, '81, '85. . 100 Mayfield 92 All in Mavfield 1877, '81, '85 30 Bleecker 103 All in Bleecker 1881, '85 17.50 Mayfield 110 N. W. cor. 30a. & S. W. cor. 15a 1877, '81, '85 45 do 114 1877, '81, '85 100 Total, Chase's Patent, 690.50 acres. GLEN, BLEECKER AND LAN- SING PATENT Mayfield 2 Sub. 1 1877, '81 125 do 2 Sub. 2 1877, '81, '85. 125 do 3 Sub. 1 1877 '81 '85 . 100 do 4 Sub. 2 1881 99 do 4 Sub. 3 1877, '81 99 do 4 Sub. 4 1877, '81, '85 80 do 4 Sub. 5 1877, '81, '85 119 do 4 Sub. 6 1877, '81, '85 99 do 4 Sub. 7 1877, '81, '85... .. . 99 do 6 Sub. 5 S. -J in Mayfield 1877, '81 50 do 6 Sub. 7 1877, '81, '85 100 do 6 Sub 10 1877, '81, '85 100 do 9 Sub. 5 1877, '81, '85.... .. 82.50 do 9 Sub. 6 1877, '81, '85 82.50 do 9 Sub. 7 1877, '81, '85 94 do 11 Sub. 3 1881, '85 105 do 11 Sub. 4 1877 '81 '85 105 do 11 Sub. 5 1885, '90 105 do 11 Sub. 6 1885, '90 105 do 11 Sub. 7 1881, '85, '95 105 do 11 Sub. 11 . . 1881. '85. '95 105 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 109 FULTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres GLEN, BLEECKER & LANSING PATENT (Continued) Bleecker 11 Sub. 12 1881, '85, '95 105 do 14 Sub. 5, S. p't. 40a. ex. lOa. b'd. beg. at S. W. cor. of Sub., th. E'ly along S. line * of Sub. 5, along land of C. Bobbins 21c. to a tree, th. N. 3 E. 5c. to a stake, th. W'ly along land late of Mr. Munsey & Ira Hall 21 c. 211. to W. line of Sub. 5 & th. 8. 2 W. to beg., on which taxes were formerly paid by W. H. Porter, and ex. lOa. bd. beg. in W. line of lot 14 4c. 611. from S. W. cor., th. S. 79 E. par'l. with patent line lie., th. N. 2 E. 9c. 221. to S. E. cor. of lOa. sold by Calvin DeGolies to N. B. Potter, th. along his S. line N. 79 W. lie. to W. line of lot & th. along same S. 2 W. 9c. , 221. to beg , redeemed by Ira Hall 1900 27 do 14 Sub. 6 1877, '81. '85 100 do 15 Sub 1 1881, '85 125 Mavfield . . 16 Sub. 1 1881 '85 100 Bleecker 16 Sub. 2 All in Bleecker 1885, '90 51 do 16 Sub. 6 Same 1885, '90 . . 49.50 Mavfield 16 Sub. 7E. \ in Mavfield 1885. 50 do 16 Sub. 8 1877, '81, '35, '90. . 100 do 17 Sub 2 1895, '00 .... m^n do 17 Sub. 3 1871, '77, '81, '85. . OU 125 do 17 Sub. 4 .... 1895, '00 12 1 ! do 17 Sub. 5 1877, '81, '85.. . L'J 12^ do 17 Sub. 6 1877, '81, '85 J. ~*J 125 do 17 Sub. 7 All in Mavfield 1895, '00 122.50 Bleecker 18 Ex. 200a. N. side 1877, '85 ... 550 do 21 Sub. 3, ex. 50a. N. pt. 16c. 131. wide N & S . 1877, '81 .... 53 do 22 Sub. 1 . . 1877. '81 . . 50 110 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FULTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Bleecker 33 GLEN, BLEECKER & LANSING PATENT (Continued) E. Dt 1881 '85 100 do 35 Sub. 4 1895, '00 ... 100 do 38 N. p't b'd. S. by Wm. Claflin or by a line par'l. to & 40c S. from N. line of lot 1890, '95 ... 400 do 41 Sub. 7 1877 '81 100 do 41 Sub 8 1877 '81 '90 100 do 43 Sub. 3 ex. 74|a. E. pt . . . . 1881, '85 . . 24 75 do 43 Sub 4 ex 109f a. E. pt 1881 '85 36 25 do 43 Sub 8 ex 74^a E pt 1881 '85 24 75 Caroga do 49 51 Sub 1 1890, '95 1871 '77 1,300 127 50 do 51 Sub. 2 1871 '77 127 50 do . 51 Sub. 3 1877 '95 127 50 do 51 Sub 5 1871 '77 132 50 do 51 Sub. 7 1871, '77 132 50 do 51 Sub 8 1871 '77 . . 132 50 do 52 Sub 2 1877 125 do 52 Sub. 6 , . 1877 '81, '85 125 do 53 Sub 7 1877 '81, '85. 100 do 53 Sub. 10 1877, '81, '85 100 do 58 Sub. 8 1877 112 do 61 Sub. 4 1877 100 do 62 Sub 1 1877 130 do 62 Sub 2 ... 1871 '77. . 130 do 62 Sub 3 1877 130 do 62 Sub. 4 1895 '00 130 do ... 62 Sub. 5 1895 '00 130 do 62 Sub 6 1871 '77 130 do 62 Sub. 7 1871 '77 130 do 62 Sub 8 1877 .... 130 do 62 Sub 9 1877 130 do 62 Sub. 10 ... 1877 130 do ... 63 S Dt 1871 '77 '81 300 do . 68 Sub 10 1877 '81 100 Stratford 70 Sub. 3 bd. N. by lot line E. by town line, S. by lands of R. Glasco & W. by a 109a lot 1890, '95, '00 99 do , 70 Sub. 4, bd. beg. at a spruce tree at S. W. cor. of land of N. Hillebrant, th. N. 5 deg. E. 16c. 991., th. S. 85 deg. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. FULTON COUNTY 111 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres GLEN, BLEECKER & LANSING PATENT (Continued) Stratford 70 E. 31c. 701. to town line, th. S. 5 deg. W. 33c. 721. and th. N. 56 deg. W. along S. line of Patent 36c. 581. to do % 71 beg Sub. 1 1885, '90, '95 1877, '81, '85 80.35 101.50 do 71 Sub. 4 1877, '81, '85 101.50 do 71 Sub. 5 1877, '81, '85 101.50 do do 71 71 Sub. 8 Sub. 9 1895, '00 1895 '00 101.50 137 do 71 Sub. 10 1895 '00 151.20 do 72 Sub. 1 1890 '95 ... 118 do 72 Sub. 4 1890, '95 118 do 72 Sub. 8 W. end 25c. 751. E. & W . ... 1895, '00 49.64 do 78 S. E. cor. 50c. X. & S. 20c. E. do 82 & W Sub. 7 bd. X. & W. by S. 1895, '00 100 Johnson's laud. E. by lot line & S. by Middle Sprite . 1881, '85 118 do 82 S. E. cor. 288a. ex. 60a. S. E. cor. bd. X. by the creek & W. by the Schull lot and lOOa. in E. end S. of the Tamarack swamp, or Fly. bd. beg. at a stake standing in \V. line of lot, th. >. '2 deg. W. 106r. to a spruce tree on the bank of Mill Creek, th. Wly down said creek 14r., th. X. 2 deg. E. 129r. to .>. edge of the Fly, th. E'ly along said S. edge. as it winds and turns, to E. line of lot & th. along said E. line to beg \ 1890 128 do 82 Sub. 10 | 1890 18 do do 82 83 Sub. 11 Sub. 3. S. pt. of X i 1890, '95 1871 76.11 30 do 83 Sub. 4 " 1877, '81, '85, '00. . 105 do 83 Sub. 5 1877, '81, '85 96.12 do 83 Sub. 6, ex. V'Oa. X. pt '' 1871 ; 110 112 THIED ANNUAL KEPORT OF THE FULTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Stratford 83 GLEN, BLEECKER & LANSING PATENT (Continued) Sub. 6, Jacob Arnst lot b'd N. & Wly by highway, E. by land of Hugh Ward & land of Kit Brown 1900 2 do 84 Sub. 2 1881 '90 100 do 84 Sub. 3, S. \ 1885, '90 51 do .... 84 Sub. 4 . ... 1877, '81, '85 98 do 84 Sub 5 1877 '81 '85 98 do 84 Sub. 9 1895, '00 . 100 do ... 84 Sub. 10 ex. 85a. W. part thereof 1895 16.50 do 85 Sub. 2. W. \ 1890, '95, '00 50 do do 85 85 Sub. 4 Sub. 9 1877, '81 1877 '81 '85 '90 100 100 do 85 Sub. 3 1895 100 do 90 Sub. 1 N. pt. of 32a., W. pt. Total, Glen, Bleecker & Lansing Patent, 12,277.17 acres 1871 4 do 32 JERSEYFIELD PATENT E. |, Sub. 2, N. W. cor. John Wheeler Lot, bd. N. by lands of Barney White, or B. S. Whyte, E. by high- way, S. by lands of Jacob Bronson & W. by land of Lucy Gibbs 1895 12 50 do 32 Sub. 3 W. | 1877 105 do 32 E \ Sub 4 1895 '00 109 48 do 32 Sub. 5 1877, '81, '00 150 do 33 N. E. cor 1877 150 do 34 All in Stratford 1877 130 do 59 Sub. 6 1877 '81 '90 85 do do 59 60 W. \ All in Fulton Co N. E. cor. square 1900 1871. 60 20 do . . 60 Bd N by highway E by G. lot 66, S. by E. Canada Creek, W. by lands of G. P. Goodwin, 80a. ex. 45a. sq. S. E. cor. thereof . 1900 35 do 63 S. W. i... 1900.. 250 CONSERVATION COMMITS i < > x. FULTON COUNTY 113 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Stratford do do 63 64 64 JERSEYFIELD PATENT (Continued) E.i Sub. 1, Peck lot Sub. 2 ... 1900/05 1900 1877 '81 500 106.20 106 20 do do H 64 Sub. 3 Sub. 4 1877. '81 1900 . . 106.20 106 do 64 Sub. 5 1900 106 do do do do do do 66 66 67 68 88 90 W.4 S. E. i All in Fulton Co., 934a.. ex. 40a. N. E. cor. thereof All in Stratford All in Stratford, 365a., ex. lOOa., X. E. cor. thereof. . . N. W. \ 1877, '81, '85 1895, '00 -7/81/85 1900, '05 1x7 1/77/81 1^71, '77, '81. 525 262.50 894 135 265 262 do 91 1871 '77 '81 1 non do 92 1885 1 000 do 93 1885 '90 1 080 do do 94 95 x.- " West " Old Porter Place 1900, '05 821 bd. N. by lands of Powley or Livingston, E'ly by Avers or Cayers Creek. AY'ly by lands of Shaad. being a triangle 1900 'C5 . i do 95 Bd. X. by W. of lot 62, E. by lands of A. A. Bullock & Wm. Doxtater or Dox- sader, S. by land of John Keller or Xora or Xorah Bracey or J. Keck, & W. by land of Parmeliah Xewell V- Martin Bracey or Xora Brocev & Jason Hall 1890. '95 . . . 125 Total, Jerseyfield Patent. 8,516.58 acres. Johnstown . . 516 KIXGSBORO PATENT. W'LY ALLOTMENT X'lv nt. J. WiW lot \fnrt.o-ao-P 1 S3H 9^ 114 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FULTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Ephratah 7 LOTT & Low's PATENT Sub. 2 all in Ephratah of all ex. lOOa. E. end of sub. & 30a. W. end of sub 1895 68 47 Caroga do 11 11 Sub. 2, ex. 25a. N. part of 45f-a. S. part of sub Sub. 3 same as Sub. 2 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1881 '85 '90 '95 '00 108 108 Stratford Caroga 11 16 Sub. 4, all in Stratford Sub. 1, all in Caroga . . . 1890, '00 1900 '05 33 25 Stratford 16 Sub. 1 S. pt across bd. N. by land of Crowner 44.13a. ex. 5.52a. all of E. J of W. | and 10.91a. all of W. of lot contained therein 1900, '05 27 70 do 16 Sub. 4 E. i ex. 37a. N. pt 1910 15 do do do 16 17 17 Sub. 5, W. 1 Sub. 1 Sub 2 N W i D. Miles lot. 1900, '05 1890, '95, '00 1900 '05 52 101.50 25 do do 17 17 Sub. 2,N. E. l&S.E. i.... Sub. 3, S. E. j Dempster. 1910 1910 50 25 do 17 Sub. 3, N. \ of E. Johnson. 1900, '05 25 do .... 17 Sub. 3, E. of W. | Mosher. 1900, '05 25 do 17 Sub. 5 S. end 1900, '05 62 do 22 Sub. 2, E. end 1890, '95, '05 20 do 37 0. Holcomb lot, bd. N. by E. Canada Creek, E. by lands of Leavitt and Horan, S. by lands of Caryl, W. by E. Canada Creek or by creek and blacksmith shop property 1900 '05 1.50 do 37 B'd bv N. highway leading from Emmonsburg and Stratford road to Geo. Hel- terline's, E. by Leavitt's mill lot, S. by Moose Creek, W by highway 1900 1 do 37 B'd N. & W. by highway, E. & S. by land of E. W. Leavitt 19CO i do 37 Carryl, Caryl, Caral or Carl. L. lot, b'd. beg. at N. W. cor. of land of Gertrude' CONSERVATION- COMMISSION. 115 FULTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title I Acres Stratford 37 Ephratah . . Oppenheim . 24 30 do do LOTT & Low's PATENT (Continued) Hoxie, at a point 291. E. of E. end of the abutment of bridge over Moose Creek, th. Wly. along highway 2c. 581. to hotel lot, th. S. 20 s W. along said hotel lot 4c. 401., th. N. 68 W. along rear line of lands of Mary Horn and O. Holcomb and the hotel lot 2c. 831., th. S. 49 W. along shore of East Canada Creek 201., th. E'ly. along said creek to S. W. cor. of land of Gertrude Hoxie and th. X'ly along said Hoxie's land to beg ... j 1905, '10 Total, Lott & Low's! Patent, 776.10 acres.! 3.75 MAGIN'S PATENT Sub. 4 Sub. 1 , beg. at land of Doug- las Robinson th. 8. 32 W. 26c. 251. to a boundary stake, th. X. 58 W. 20c. to a large hemlock marked 1 & 2, th. X. 32 E. 26c. 251. to a boundary stake, and th. to beg Sub. 2, bd. X. by lauds form- erly of Philip Armstrong & Jas. Graham & S. by lands formerly of Isaac Connell. being in the S. k of sub .... X. E'ly cor., 31c. long X'ly and S'ly and 33c. 9G1. wide E'ly and Wly Total, Magin's Patent. 285 acres. 1895, '00 . 100 Mortgage. . . . Mortgage. . . . Mortgage 1SO:-J*. 52.50 27.50 105 116 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FULTON COUNTY Town Bleecker. do . do . do . do Caroga .... do do do do do do Mayfield. Broadalbin. Let 07 98 100 102 103 107 & 108 DESCRIPTION Tax sales or mrce of title MAYFIELD PATENT 1881, '85. W. pt. in Bleecker 1881 All in Bleecker 1881, '85 . Same 1881, '85. Bd. N. by 68iV in N. E. cor. of lot, E. and W. by lot lines S. by land of Sprung . . ! 1895, '00 . Bd. N. E. by land of Sprung, S. by land of Peck, W. by! land of Stewart 1895, '00 . Bd. N'ly by land formerly owned by N. Storms, E. by land of A. Nuger, S. W. by land of M. Ruff & W. by] highway | 1900 S. pt. bd. N. by land of: Christian or Mary Ruff ... 1 895, '00 N. E. cor I 1885.. . . S. E. | 1881 .... N. pt j 1881, '85 Geo. Wright b'd N. by: Edward Bradt, E. byj Michael Doran or Michael A. Dorn, S. by highway & W. by Wm. B. Caldwell . . . 1890 Total, Mayfield Patent, 63 H acres. MAYFIELD VILLAGE Broadalbin Electric Power & Light Co., Chas. H. Harris, bd. N. by the high-; way, E. by lands of Bu-| chanan & Warner, S. by! lands of Mrs. Barney Pink- iiey, or Barney Pinkney,, and W. by lands of N. O. Barney & Wm. Peck ... 1910. ... 10 38 11 50 215 25 5 ( SACANDAGA PATENT All that certain piece or par- cel of land lying in the county of Montgomery,! and in the Sacandaga! CONSERVATION COMMISSION. FULTON COUNTY 117 Tux sales Town Lot ! DESCRIPTION or i Acres source of title lilbin. SACANDAGA PATENT (Continued) Patent, bd. as follows: beg. at a stake and stones near the foot of Haines Creek Hill, where the road runs up said hill, th. S. 61 deg. 30 min. W. 16c. 151. to a stake standing in the line of lot No. 4, th. along said line N. 31 deg. 30 min. W. 46c. to a stake and stones, th. N. 61 deg. 30 min. E. 8c. 81. to a stake and stones, th. S. 31 deg. 30 min. E. 14c. 101. to a stake and stones, th. N. 61 deg. 30 min. E. 8c. 71. to a stake and stones, th. S. 31! deg. 30 min. E. 31c. 301. toj beg I State Mtg. (1833)* 63 u ; oiiier State l;\nd in Fulton County, Se3 Appendix. 118 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY (Total number of acres, 625,655.66.) Town Lot Morehouse 1 do 2 do 3 do 4 do 5 do 7 do 8 do 13 do 15 do 16 do 17 do 19 do 21 do 22 do 23 do 24 do 25 do 26 do 27 do 28 do 29 do 30 do 31 do 32 do 33 do 34 do 35 do 36 do 37 do 38 do 39 do 41 do 42 do 46 do 47 do 48 do 49 do 50 DESCRIPTION Tax sales or >urce of title ARTHURBORO PATENT, NORTH \ Ex. 30a. S. W. pt. . ; Purchase . Purchase .. 1895, '00 . 1895, '00 . ! 1895, '00 . Purchase . Purchase . Purchase . Purchase . Purchase . Purchase . Purchase . Purchase . Purchase Purchase Purchase ' Purchase Purchase ; 1877, '81 and Con- veyed 1877, '81, '85 and Conveyed Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase 1877, '81, '85 Purchase Purchase ' 1877, '81, '85 Purchase : 1881 Purchase 1877, '81, '85 and Conveyed i Purchase j Purchase i 1877, '81, '85 ! 1877, '81, '85 1877,. '81, '85 i 1877, '81. '85 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 119 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Morehouse 51 ARTHURBORO PATENT NORTH \ (Continued) 1877, '81, '85 200 do 59 Purchase 200 do 62 1877, '81, '85 200 do 63 1877. '81, '85 200 do ^4 Purchase & 1900, do 65 '05 1877 '81 '85 '90 200 200 do 66 N. | 1877, '81, '85 100 do . . 66 S. ., Purchase 100 do 75 Purchase 200 do 76 1877, '81, '85 200 do 77 Purchase & 1900, '05 200 do 78 Purchase & 1900, '05 200 do 79 1877, '81, '85 200 do 80 Purchase 200 do 81 Purchase 200 do ... 83 1877, '81, '85 . 200 do 85 Purchase & 1900, do 86 '05 Purchase & 1900, 200 '05 200 do 89 1877. '81, '85 and conveyed 200 do 90 1877 '81 '85 and conveyed 200 do 91 Purchase & 1900, '05 200 do 92 1877 '81 '85 & conveyed 200 do 95 1877 '81 '85 231 do .... 101 Conveved 231 Total, N. |, 13,032 acres. * Resale. 120 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Morehouse do do do do do do do do do do 10,11 & 12 ARTHURBORO PATENT, SOUTH , BETHUNE TRACT (Con- tinued) W. pt. of 134a., N. pt Bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of a lot of land formerly owned by Alanson Tifft, th. N'ly on E. line of said lot to N. E. cor. of lot 1, th. Wly on N. line of said lot 44c. 751. to the corner, th. S'ly on W.j line to S. shore of Canada creek, th. E'ly along said creek to the cor. of a 50a lot owned by Gruset, th. S. on a parallel line and a course of the E. line of aforesaid Tifft and th. E'ly on said Tifft's line to beg. . N.pt.,100a,,&N. W. cor. of rem. 25 acres . . N. E. pt., 25a., & S. W. pt., 17a Ex. N. E. pt. 25a. & S. W. pt. 17a.. W. side, N. W. of east branch 1885, '90 50 In S. E. cor. bd. beg. in center of highway at Be- thurie, on the division line between lots 9 & 12, th. S. 33 W. 9c. 731. to a course stake and being the cor. of lots 9, 10, 11 & 12, th. N. 57 W. 18c. to center of highway west of Bethune, th. due E. 20c. 251. to beg . . Beg. at most N. E'ly cor. of lot 10, th. N. 55 W. along Purchase . . . 1843,* 1885. 1843* 1843* 1843*.. Purchase 1843,* 77 '81, '85 '90 1843*.. Purchase 84 125 120 120 42 258 300 'Resalo. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 121 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Morehouse . 10,11 & 12 do 13 ARTHURBORO PATENT, SOUTH %, BETHUNE TRACT (Con- tinued) N. line thereof 19c. 121.. th. S. 27 10' W. along Be- crafts E. line 67c. 111. to S. line of Bethune Tract, th. S. 55 E. along said line 9c. 501. to S. E'ly cor. of lot 10 & th. along E'ly line of said lot 65c. 501. to beg. 93.73a. lotll,300a. and lot 12. Ex. lOa. bd. beg. at stake & stones S. 20 W. 2c. 31. from a white ash tree stand- ing S. of the road leading from Wilmurt to More- houseville and E. of the E. line of this parcel of land and 5c. from center of road from Wilmurt to More- houseville, th. N. 86 W. par'l. with said road lOc. to a stake and stones marked corner, th. S. 80 E. lOc. to a stake and stones marked corner, th. S. 4 E. lOc. across the road to beg. Ex. and reserving from the parcels described in lots 10. 11 & 12-26a. bd. beg. at a point in S'ly line of highway from Nobleboro to Pisecoj Lake, at intersection of S'ly line of highway with Wly line of lot 12, th. S. 8 30' E. 492ft.,th. S. 77 E. 600ft., th. N. 5730'E. 694ft.,th. N. 4 E. 663 ft,, th. X. 86 W.957ft.,th.S.3430'W. 545 ft. to beg N. E. cor. 33c. 521. X'ly & S'ly. and 14c. 9H1. E'ly & W'ly Purchase Purchase 656.73 ....| 50 122 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Morehouse do 14 15 ARTHURBORO PATENT, SOUTH \, BETHUNE TRACT (Con- tinued) Ex. 200a. S. pt. heretofore paid to by T. P. Ballou. . 1885, '90 1843* 100 120 do 16 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 120 do 17 1877 '81, '85 '90 do 20 N. E. part Total, Bethune Tract, 2,549.48 acres '95 Purchase 300 35 do 3 ARTHURBORO PATENT, MAXWELL TRACT Ex. 75a. N. E. cor Purchase 225 do 4 E. pt. of 80a. N. pt 1885 '90 . . 40 do 4 S W cor Purchase 15 do 7 S. i. Purchase & 1905 . 150 do 8 N. % & 32n)%a. N. W. cor. of remainder Purchase 182.58 do 12 S. E. cor. 20c. 751. wide N'ly & S'ly & 29c. long E'ly & Wly Purchase 60 do 13 W. of 230a. N. part Purchase 115 do 13 Bd. N. bv Romel, E. & S. do do 14 19 by highway & W. by lot line W. | of 240a. S. pt N. pt 140a & 19|a. N. W. 1895, '00 Purchase & 1900. . 21 120 do 20 cor. of rem. 16c. 541. N. & S. & lie. 641. E. &W Purchase & 1905 . . Purchase & 1905 159.25 302 46 Total, Maxwell Tract, 1,390.29 acres. do 2 ARTHURBORO PATENT, MOREHOUSE 8,000 ACRE TRACT S. end 1877, '81, '85 50 do 4 Purchase & 1900, '05.. 200 * Resale. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 123 HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres use 5 do 6 ARTHURBORO PATENT, SOUTH |, MOREHOUSE 8,000 ACRE TRACT (Continued) Purchased & 1900, '05 Purchase 200 200 do . . 7 * Purchase 200 do 8 S 5 Purchase 100 do 11 do !> E. * Purchase Purchase & 1900, 100 '05 200 do 13 S \V cor 1877 '95 45 do 17 S. i.. 1877, '81, '85 '90 100 do 20 S. -i- Purchase & 1900 '05 100 do 26 N. i Purchase & 1900, '05 100 do . . ->7 Purchase & 1900 do 28 W. i . '05 Purchase & 1900, 200 do 29 c j . . 30 '05 Purchase & 1900, '05 Purchase & 1900 100 200 '05 ... 200 ...... 32 do 33 i;\. 2Sa. b'd. beg. on E. line of lot in cen. of Piseco & Morehouseville road, th. \V'ly along cen. of said road to W. line of lot, th. X. 35 E. along lot line lOc. to a post, th. S. 55 E. 26c. 581. to E. line of lot, th. S. 35 W. lie. to beg , Purchase & 1900, '05 Purchase & 1900, 172 '05 200 do 34 E ^ or pt lOOa ex 56a N 35 do 40 pt. thereof X. pt. of E. 67a., JcX. W. cor. 50a "\ end 1885, '90 1S77,'S1/85,'90,'05. 1877 '81 '85 '95 44 117 3^ Total, Morehouse Tract, 2,866 acres. 124 TIIIKD ANNUAL REPORT OK TIIK HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION T;ix sales or source of title Morehouse do do do 1 2 3 ARTHURBORO PATENT S. ^ (Continued] TIFFT (J. G.) TRACT E. pt. bd. W. by lot 3 Ex. 50a. square, N. W. cor. . Ex. lOOa, E'ly pt 1877/81/85/90/95 Purchase Purchase & 1900 . . Purchase 255 Total, Tifft Tract, 2,290 acres. Benson 9 BENSON TOWNSHIP 1877, '81, '85. 160 do 10 S. pt. or S. ^ 1881 '85 '93 so do . . 14 1877 '81 '85 160 do 15 N. . 1877, '81, '85 so do ..... 15 S. * Purchase 90 do 16 Purchase & 1910 . . 160 do do 17 18 Purchase & 1910 . . Purchase & 1910 160 ] 60 do . . 19 1881 '85 '90 IR) do 20 Conveyed & 1895 160 do do 21 22 Conveyed & 1895. . Conveyed & 1895 160 160 do 23 Conveyed & 1895 160 do 24 All in Benson 1895 '00 80 Arietta 24 All in Arietta Purchase 80 do 25 1890 '95 160 do 26 1885 '90 1 1)( ) do 27 1881, '85, '90 100 do do 28 29 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81 '85 160 160 do 30 1881, '85. 214 do 32 1881 '85 160 do 33 1881 '85 160 do do do do 34 35 36 37 All in Arietta 1881, '85 Purchase Purchase Purchase 160 160 .SO Benson do 37 38 All in Benson Purchase Conveyed & 1895 80 160 do 39 Conveyed 160 do 40 1890, '95 160 do 41 1885 '90 160 do 42 1881, '85, '90 160 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 125 Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres 1 43 BENSON TOWNSHIP (Continued) 1877 '81, '85 '95 160 44 1881 '85 '90 160 45 46 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1S77 '81, '85.. . 160 160 47 t Purchase 160 51 52 53 I ' X. end across Purchase & 1905 . . ! Purchase Purchase 160 160 105 62 1S53 '71 '77 '81 160 63 E. & und. i of W. -i- 1853, '71, '81, '85 120 68 1877, '81, '85, '90 160 69 1877 '81 '85 160 72 Purchase & 1905 160 74 1890 160 75 1877, '81, '85, '90 160 77 1877, '81, '85 160 78 79 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81, '85, '90 160 160 80 1885 '90 160 81 Conveyed and 1895 160 82 Conveyed and 1895 160 83 1885 '90 160 84 84 All in Arietta All in Benson .... 1881 1881, '85, '90, '95 80 80 . 85 1877 '81 '85, '90 160 86 Purchase 160 87 1881, '85, '90 160 88 1881 '85 '90 160 90 \ parcel conveyed by Wm SI A. Palmer to Wm. Claflin in 1868 Purchase 1877 106 160 92 1877, '85 160 93 Purchase & 1905 160 94 Purchase . . 160 95 All in \rietta 1881 80 95 All in Benson 1881 . 'So '90 '95 80 96 Purchase & 1900 97 '05 1881, '85, ? 90 160 160 98 1 Conveyed & 1895 < 160 99 Conveved . . 160 126 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acrrs Benson 100 BENSON TOWNSHIP (Continued] 1877 '81 '85 '90 160 do 101 1877, '81, '85 '90 160 do .... 102 1877 '81 '85 160 do 103 1885 '90 160 do 104 1877, '81 '85, '90 160 do ... 106 1885 '90 '95 160 do do 107 109 Purchase Purchase 160 160 do ... 110 1877 '81 '85 '90 160 do 111 Purchase & 1885 '90 '10 160 do ... 112 Purchase 160 do . 113 \V pt across 1890 '95 90 do 116 Purchase 160 do ... 117 Ex 70a S pt 1885 '90 114 do 118 1853 '81 85 248 do 119 Conveyed . . . Ifr i do . . 120 N. pt 40a ex und. \ thereof do . 121 Adirondack Co 1877, '81, '85 1871 '77, '81 ... 30 160 do . . 123 1871 '85 . 160 do 124 Purchase 160 do 125 Purchase . ... 160 do ... 126 1890 '95 160 do do 127 128 1885, '90 1885 '90 160 160 do 129 Purchase 160 do . . 130 Purchase 160 do 131 1877 '81 '85 '90 160 do 132 1885, '90 160 do 133 Purchase & 1905 . . 160 do do 134 135 Purchase & 1905. . Purchase & 1905 . 160 160 do 136 Conveyed & 1895.. 160 do do 137 138 1881, '85, '90 Purchase iec 16G Arietta 139 All in Arietta Conveyed & 1895. . 89 Benson Arietta do 139 . 140 141 All in Benson Conveyed & 1895. . Conveyed & 1895. . Purchase 80 166 160 do 142 Purchase & 1900 . 16V do 143 Purchase . . 178 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 127 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Arietta 144 BENSON TOWNSHIP (Continued) Purchase 92 do 145 1871, 77, '81 160 do 146 Purchase 160 do 147 1871,77, '81 160 do 148* All in Arietta Conveyed & 1895 . 80 Benson 148 All in Benson ... Conveyed & 1895. . 80 do 149 1871, 77, '81 160 do 150 1877, '81, '85 160 do 151 Conveyed . . 160 do 152 1881/85, '90 160 do 153 1881, '85, '90 160 do 154 1881, '85, '90 160 do do 155 156 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 160 160 do 157 1887 '81, '85. '90 . 160 do do ... 158 159 1877, '85 1877, '90, '95 160 160 do . 162 1885 '90. '95 160 do do . 163 168 Ex. und. \ pd. by Finch, Pruyn & Co 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 80 160 do 169 1881 '85, '90 154 do 170 Purchase 220 do ... 171 1877, '81, '85 & do 177 conveyed 1877 '81 '85, '90, 160 '95 160 do 179 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 160 do . 180 1877 '81 '85 ... 160 do 181 1877 '81 '85 '90 160 do 182 1881, '85, '90 160 do 183 1881, '85, '90 160 do 184 1877, '81, '85, '90, do 185 '95 1890 '95 160 160 do 186 1890, '95 160 do 187 1843 '00* 160 do 188 1877, '81 '85 160 do 189 1S77 '81 '85 '90 160 Arietta 190 All in Arietta !VT7. '81 80 Resale. 128 THIRD ANNUAL UKPORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Benson 190 BENSON TOWNSHIP (Continued) All in Benson 1881, '95 . 80 Arietta do 191 192 1871, 77, '81 Purchase 160 160 do 193 Purchase 176 do 194 Purchase 262 do do 195 196 All in Arietta . . 1877, '81, '85 1881 160 80 Benson 196 All in Benson 1881, '85, '90 80 do 197 1877 '81 '85 160 do 198 1877, '81, '85 160 do 199 1890 '95 160 do do 200 201 Purchase & 1900, '05 1843 '00* 160 160 do 202 1877, '81, '85, '95 160 do 203 1843, '59, '00* 160 do 204 1877 '81 '85 '90 160 do 205 1877, '81, '85, '90 160 do do ... 206 207 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81 '85 160 160 do do do 208 209 210 1843, '59, '00* 1843, '59, 'CO* 1843 '00* 160 160 160 do 211 1881 '85 '90 160 do 213 1881 '85 '90 160 do 214 1877 '81 '85 '90 160 do do do 215 216 217 1881, '85, '90 1890, '95 1871 '77 '81 '85 160 120 184 do 218 . 1871 '77 '81 160 do 219 1871,77, '81 160 do 220 1871, 77, '81, '85 160 do . . 221 Purchase & 1900 do do 222 223 '05 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1877 '81 '85 '90 160 160 160 do do do 224 225 226 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. Purchase & 1905 160 160 160 do 227 Purchase & 1905.. 160 * Resale. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres BCD son 228 BENSON TOWNSHIP (Continued) 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 160 do ... 229 1881, '85, '90, '95. . 160 do 230 Ex. 25a. N. W. cor 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 135 do 230 25 N W Purchase . . 25 do 231 1877, '81, '85 160 do 232 Purchase & 1900, '05 160 do 233 Purchase & 1900, '05 160 do do 234 235 1890/95 Conveyed & 1895.. 160 160 Arietta 236 All in Arietta . Conveyed & 1895. 80 Benson 236 All in Benson Conveyed & 1895 80 Arietta do 237 238 Conveyed & 1895. . Conveyed & 1895 160 ' 172 do 239 Conveyed & 1895 234 do 240 All in Arietta ... Conveyed & 1895. . 80 Benson . ... 240 All in Benson . Conveyed & 1895 . 80 do 241 Conveyed & 1895 160 do 242 Conveyed & 1895 160 do 243 1881 '85, '90 '95 160 do 244 1877 '81 '85 160 do 245 1877 '81, '85 160 do 246 1877 '81, '85', 90 '95. 160 do . . 247 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 248 1885 '90 '95 160 do 249 1885 '90. 160 do 250 1885 '90 160 do ... 251 1885, '90 160 do 252 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do do do ... 253 254 255 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877,'81,'85,'90,'95. 1877 '81 '85 160 160 IfiO do 256 1871 '77 '81 '00 IfiO do 257 1871 '77 '81 '85 160 do 258 1877, '81, '90. ... 249 do do do 259 260 261 1871, '77, '81, '90.. 1877, '81, '85 1881, '85, '90 . . 160 160 160 do 262 1877 '81 '85 ifin do 263 1877 '81 '85'9ft'Q5 IfiO 130 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF UIK HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Benson 264 BENSON TOWNSHIP (Continued) 1890 '95 160 do 265 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 160 do 266 1885 '90 '95 160 do 267 1881, '85, '90. 160 do do 268 269 1885, '90 1877 '81 '85 160 160 do 270 1885 '90 160 do 271 1877 '81 '85 160 do 272 1881 '85 '90 160 do 273 1877, '81, '85, '90 . 160 do 274 1881 '85 '90 '95 160 do . 275 1881 '85 '90 160 do 276 1881, '85, '90, '95. . 160 do .. 277 All in Benson . . 1890 '95 80 Arietta 277 All in Arietta Purchase 80 do 278 1890, '95 146 do 279 All in Arietta Conveyed & 1895. 138 Benson 279 All in Benson Purchase 80 do 280 Conveyed & 1895. . 160 do . . 281 1881, '85 '90, '95 160 do 282 1885 '90 '95 160 do do 283 284 1885, '90 1885, '90 160 160 do 285 1881 '85. '90 160 do 286 1881, '85, '90 160 do 287 1877, '81, '85, '90 160 do . . 288 1881 '85 '90 '95 160 do 289 1885, '90, '95 160 " do 290 1885, '90 160 do . 291 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 160 do 292 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 160 do 293 1877 '81 '85 '90, '95 160 do 294 1877, '81, '85 160 do 295 1881 '85, '90 '95 . 160 do 296 1877 '81 '85 210 do . . 297 1877, '81, '85 92 do 298 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 160 do 299 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 160 do 300 1877 '81 '85 160 do 301 1877 '81 '85... 160 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 131 Town Lot 1 DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Benson do do 302 303 304 BENSON TOWNSHIP (Continued) 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877, '81, '85 1885, '90 do 305 1881, '85, '90 '95 do 306* 1885, '90 do do 307 308 1877, '81, '85 1881 '85 '90 do . . 309 Purchase . do 310 1881 '85 '90 do 311 1881 '85 '90 '95 do 312 Conveyed & 1895 do . . 313 Conveyed & 1895 Arietta 314 All in Arietta . . Conveyed & 1895 Benson 314 All in Benson Conveyed & 1895 do . . 315 Conveyed & 1895 do 316 1885 '90 '95 fc conveyed Benson 317 1881 '85 '90 do 318 1881 '85 '90 '95 do 319 1881 '85 '90 '95 do 320 1877 '81 '85 do 321 1877 '81 '85 do 322 1877 '81 '85 do 323 1877 '81 '85 do 324 1881 '85 '90 do 325 1877 '81 '85 do 326 1885 '90 '95 do 327 1877 '81 '85 do 328 1877 '81 '85 do 329 1871 '77 '81 '85 do 330 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 Wells 331 1877 '81 '85 do 332 1877 '81 '85 do 332 1877 do 333 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95. do .. 334 1CC1 QX >Q() do 335 1881 '85 '90 do 336 1877 '81 '85 do . 337 1881. '85 '90... Acres 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 80 80 204 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 148 206 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 132 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Wells 338 BENSON TOWNSHIP (Continued) 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 160 do 339 Purchase 160 do 340 1881 '85 '90 160 do 341 1881, '85, '90 160 do 342 Purchase .... 160 -do do 343 344 Conveyed & 1895.. 1881, '85, '90, '95. . 160 160 do 345 1877, '81, '85, '90, do 346 '95 1885, '90 122 197 do 347 1881 '85 '90 160 do 348 Purchase 160 -do 349 1890, '95 160 do 350 1881, '85, '90 160 do 351 1877 '81 '85 .. . 160 do . . 352 1877, '81, '85 160 do 353 1877 '81, '85 ..160 do 354 1877, '81, '85 160 do 355 1877, '81, '85 160 do 356 1885 160 do . 357 Ex. so much of 50a. S. E. do 358 cor. as it is not contained in IDOa. W. pt. of lot 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1877, '81 '85 126 160 do do 360 361 1877, '81 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 164 160 do 362 1877, '81, '85 160 do 368 1877 '81, '85 160 do 369 Purchase 160 do 370 Purchase 160 do do 371 372 Purchase 1890, '95 160 107 do do 373 374 1885, '90 1871, '81, '85, '90. . 182 160 wu do do 375 376 1877, '81, '85 1871, '77, '81 160 160 do 377 1871, '77, '81 160 do 378 1877, '81, '85 160 do 379 1877, '81, '85 160 do 380 1877, '81, '85 160 do 382 1871, 77, '81 154 Total, Benson Township, 51,984 acres. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 133 Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres BERGEN'S PURCHASE, PATENT No. 1 Ex. 90a. N. W. cor.. PATENT No. 2 S. W. cor. b'd beg. at S. W. cor. of Patent, th. N. 62 deg. E. 57c., th. N. 28 W. 20c., th. S. 62 W. 57c., & th. S. 28 E. 20c. to beg. All E. of E. b'ch. of Sacan- daga River, 333a. ex. 25a. N. E. cor. 25c. long N. & S. & lOc. wide E. & W. & ex. 33a. b'd beg. S. 62 30' W. 61c. from S. E. cor. of Pat., th. N. 27| W. 12c. 501., th. S. 62 W. 25c. to the river, th. S. E'ly along river to S. line of Pat., & th. N. 62 E. 33c. to beg. & ex. 80a. S. E. cor. of Pat. 40c. long N. & S. & 20c. wide E. &W.. PATENT No. 3 All E. of both branches of Sacandaga river, 650a., ex. 126a, bd. beg. on E. bank of E. branch of said river on line of Patents 2 & 3, th. N. 63 deg. E. along said line 30c., th. S. 27 deg. E. 30c., th. S. 63 deg W. 54c. to E bank of said E. branch, and th. N'ly along said bank to beg All W. of both branches of Sacandaga River, 629a., ex. lOOa. bd. beg. in center of W. branch of said river on line of Patents 2 & 3, th. S. 1871 .... 1877, '81 1853/85 10 100 100 1881, '85, '90. 114 Purchase 195 1890, '95 524 134 THIRD ANNUAL KEPOKT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres BERGEN'S PURCHASE, PATENT j No. 3 (Continued) Wells 63 deg. W. 32c., th. S. 27 deg. E. 30c., th. N. 63 deg. E. 38c. to W'ly bank of said W. branch, & Th. N'ly up said branch to beg 1890,, '95 529 do Bd. beg. at poplar tree on W. bank of L. Pleasant branch of Sacandaga River, about 20r. above or N'ly of Cran- nel's, th. S'ly and W'ly to oak tree blazed and marked on N'ly bank of W. branch of said river, th. down said branch to confluence of forks of said river, th. up L. Pleasant branch to beg .... Purchase 2fi PATENT No. 4. Hope All in Hope 1871, '81, '85 107 Wells All in Wells 1885, '90 580 PATENT No. 5. Hope 1 1871, 77, '85 273 do 2 1871, '77 273 do 3 1871, '77, '81, '85. . 273 do 4 Ex. lOa. N. E'ly cor. bd. S'ly by Sacandaga river, now or formerly occupied by Fred'k Colomb; 50a. N'ly end other than above 10a., conveyed by Wm. Suther- land to Jas. Murray & about 23a. S. end S'ly of river for- merly occupied by Rooney. Purchase 190 PATENT No. 6 (East Side of Sacandaga River) East Part of North \ Hope 1 Sturges' lot. . 1877, '81 100 do 2 1877, '81 100 do 4 W. pt.. 1871 175 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 1:5 f> Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title ?f Acres Hope * 1 BERGEN 's PURCHASE, PATENT No. 6 (Continued) EAST SIDE of SACANDAGA RIVEE (Continued) East Part of South \ Sturges' lot 1877 100 do } Same 1877 100 do (West Side of Sacandaga River) i All 1871, '77 ... . 668 do 1 PATENT No. 7 N \ 1885 90 do 1,2, 3.4 Sub. 9, bd. N. by Sub. 8, S by Patent line, & W. by Calvin Osborn's lot 1881, '90 100 do 2 Sub 2 Purchase 133 50 do 3 W. pt. . 1890 100 do .... 4 N. pt. 90a 1890 90 do 5 1854, '77, '81, '85, '90 273 do 6 1854 '77 '81 273 do 7 PATENTS Nos. 8 & 9 1848 108 do 11 N. W'ly 1853 54 do 12 1848 108 do ... 13 1890 '95 135 do 14 Purchase 136 do 15 Purchase 135 do 16 E\ 12a Geo Gardiner on S side of highway from Hope Cen. to Hope Falls Purchase 123 do 2 PATENT No. 10 Bd. N. by lands of E. H. Willard, E. by same & J. T. N. Russell, S. by lands of J. Williams & W. by land of D. Stickney 1890 100 do. PATENT No. 11 Ex. 30a. S. W. & 25a. N. W . 1853 . . 218 136 THIRD ANNUAL RELMVKT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Hope. 12 Inlet. . do . K BERGEN 's PURCHASE, PAT- ENT No. 13 (Continued). Bd. N. by Patent No. 12, E. by Patent line, S. by lot 10 & W. by lots 13 & 14 Total, Bergen's Purchase, 6,953.50 acres. BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWNSHIP 8 All in Inlet of a parcel, beg. on E. line of Township, 35c. S. E'ly from S. shore of Big Moose Lake at high-water mark, th.S. E'ly 205c. along Township line, th. to the right 104 deg. 30 min. 182c. th. to the right 96 deg . 15 min. 172c. to a point where a line runs at right angles to the E. line of said Town- ship from place of beg. intersect the last course & th. along said line Hoc. to beg All in Hamilton Co. of the following described land, viz.: beg. at the S. E. cor. of parcel E on the N. line of the Fulton Chain Allot- ment, th. N'ly along the E. line of said parcel E to the N. E. cor. of said parcel E, th. 144 deg. to the right 23c. to the N. W. cor. of the Moss Lake Allotment, th 4 deg. to the right 64c. to the S. W. cor. thereof, th. 90 deg. to the left along the S. line of the Moss Lake Allotment, 32c., th. to the right 20 deg. 45 min. 23c., th. to the left 64 deg. 15 min. 19c. to the S. W. cor. 1890. 241 Purchase 463 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 137 Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN-J SHIP 8 (Continued) of parcel C, th. E'ly along! the S. line of parcel C, 95c.j to the N. W'ly cor. of the Cascade Lake Allotment th. to the right 90 deg. 51c. to the S. W. cor. of said Cascade Lake Allotment, th. to the left 90 deg. lOOc. to the E'ly line of said Township No. 8, th. S'ly along said twp. line. 120c. to the S. E'ly cor. of Township No. 8, th. S. W'ly along the S'lyl ine of said twp. to the E'ly cor. of the Fulton Chain Allotnent, th. W'ly along the N'ly line of said Fulton Chain Allot- ment to the place of beg., ex. the following lands from said parcel K, designated on said annexed map as parcel O, viz.: Beginning on E. line of Twp. No. 8, at the point of intersection of line running parallel to and at lOc. distant S'ly from the Raquette Lake road; th. W'ly parallel to said road and lOc. S'ly to a line which shall be run from the cor. of lots 124 and 128 of the Ful- ton Chain Allotment and at right angles to the rear line of said Fulton Chain Allot- ment at that point; th. S'ly along said line 13c. to said cor.; th. W'ly along the N. line of said Fulton Chain allotment to the cor. of lots 146 and 147 in said Fulton Cham allotment; th. to the right 86 30' ooc to the S. 138 THIKD ANNUAL KEPOJKT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Inlet BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 8 (Continued) line of the Big Moose road' th. E'ly along the S. line of said Big Moose Road to a point of intersection with a line run N'ly of and parallel to said Raquette Lake road and at lOc. distant from it; th. E'ly along said line to the E. line of said Twp. 8; th. S'ly along said Twp. 8 line to place of beg Total, Twp. 8, John Brown Tract, 1,634.71 acres. Purchase 1,171.71 Morehouse do 1 2 CALDWELL & OTHERS' TRACT Purchased 1900, '05 Purchase & 1905 600 200 do 3 Purchase & 1905 . . 200 do do 4 5 Purchase & 1905 . . Purchase & 1905 600 200 do 6 Purchase & 1905 . . 200 do 7 Purchase & 1905 . . 200 do 8 Purchase & 1905 200 do 9 Purchase & 1905 200 do 10 Purchase & 1900, '05 200 do 11 Total, Caldwell& Others' Tract, 3,000 acres. 1885, '90, '95 200 Benson do do . 91 101 102 CHASE'S PATENT E. pt. in Benson All in Hamilton County. . . . 1881 1871, 77, '85 1871 77 '81 '85 15 90 100 do do do 103 105 106 All in Hamilton County. . . . 1871, '81, '85 1871, 77, '81 1871, 77, '81 85 100 100 do 107 1877 '81 '85 100 do do . . 108 116 N'ly pt 1871, 77, '81 1871 100 40 do 117 1871,77. '81, '85.. 100 C< >.\SI:K YATIOX HAMILTON COUNTY 139 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acre* Benson. . . . 118 CHASE'S PATENT (Continued} 1871 77 '81 '85 100 do .. 119 1871 77 '81 '85 100 do 120 1871 77 '81 100 do % Total, Chase's Patent. 1,130 acres. GLEN, BLEECKER & LANSING PATENT. Sub. 2 S \ Purchase 55 do Sub. 3 1871 77, '81 ... . 111 do . . Sub. 4 1871 77 '81 111 do . Sub 5 Purchase 111 do Sub. 6 ... 1871, 77 '81 111 do ... Sub. 7 1871 77 '81 109 do do Sub. 8 Sub 9 1871 ? 77, '81 1871 77 '81 '00 111 111 do 2 Sub 5 1877 '81 '85 125 do o Sub 6 1871 77 125 do 2 Sub 7 1871 '81 125 do 2 Sub. 8 1871 77 '81 125 do ... 6 Sub 1 1877 '8^65 '90 '95 100 do 6 Sub. 2 1871 77, '81 100 do 6 Sub. 3 1871 77 '81 '85 100 do ... 6 Sub 4 1871 77 '81 '85 do 6 Sub. 6 N. -| & Conveyed .... 1871 '81 '85 100 50 do .. 7 1881 '85 '90 1,000 do 8 Sub. 1, N. pt 1885 56 do 8 Sub. 1 S. pt 1871 '81 60 do 8 Sub 2 1877 '81 '85 '90 150 do 8 Sub 3 1877 '81 '85 '90 150 do 8 Sub 6 1871 77 '81 220 do 8 Sub 7 1871 '77 '81 101 do 9 Sub 1 1877 '81 '85 100 do 9 Sub. 2 ... 1877 '81 '85 100 do 9 Sub. 3 1871 77 '81 '85 95 50 do 9 Sub. 4 1871 77 '81 95 do 34 All in Hamilton county .... Total, Glen, Bleecker & Lansing Patent, 4,007 acres. Purchase 100 140 THIRD A:\NTA i. RKPOKT OK THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres L. Pleasant do do do Long Lake. 10 11 12 13 GORES GORE BET. MOOSE RIVER TRACT, OXBOW TRACT AND TOWNSHIPS 1 & 2 TOTTEN AND CROSSFIELD's PURCHASE (Jones Gore] Total, Jones Gore, 750.28 GORE NORTH OF TOWNSHIP 50, TOTTEN AND CROSS- FIELD'S PURCHASE All in Hamilton County of the following described land viz : beg. at a beech sapling marked "120" and "1809" standing on the top of a steep hill in a windfall which is the N. E. cor. of Twp. 50 T. & C. P. as located by John Richards in 1809; and running from said cor. in a Wly direc- tion 554 chains and 27 links, more or less, along the N. line of said Twp. 50, as located by John Richards in 1809, to the N. W. cor. of said Twp., which is a maple tree marked "No. 1" with witness trees around marked by long blazes; thence N. Wly along the lines of lot 12 of Twp. 22 in T. & C. P. and lot 52 in the triangle E. of Twp. 23 in T. & C. P. to the N. E. cor. of said lot 52 being in the S. line of Twp. 26, Macomb's Purchase, as surveyed by Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase 124.87 182.07 207 236 34 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 141 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Long Lake. Arietta . Arietta and Morehouse. . , GORES (Continued) GORE NORTH OF TOWNSHIP 50, TOTTEN AND CROSS- FIELD'S PURCHASE (Con- tinued.) Benjamin Wright about 1800; and running thence E'ly along the aforesaid S'ly line of said Twp. 26 as sur veyed by Benj. Wright to a point upon said S. line of Twp. 26 where the E'ly line of Twp. 50 as located by John Richards, if prolonged would intersect said S. line of Twp. 26; and from thence S. E. along said pro- longation of the E'ly line of Twp. 50 to the place of beg GORE NORTH OF LAWRENCE PATENT All that tract or parcel of land bounded N'ly by the Oxbow Tract, W'ly by the Tefft Tract in Arthurboro Patent, S'ly by the Law- rence Patent, and E'ly by Benson Township or Tract. LAWRENCE PATENT All that remains of 2,493.35 b'd beg. at the most E'ly cor. of the Jerseyfield Patent, th. as the needle point- ed in 1770 N. 58 W. along N. W'ly line of said Patent l,061c. toS. E. cor. of lot 1, Sickles Tract, th. N. 32 E. 23c. 501. th. along S. line of lot 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Lawrence Patent, and nearly parallel with N. Original and Con- veyed Original 1,580 1,180 142 THIKD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Arietta and JMorehouse. . . . LAWRENCE PATENT (Continued). Wly line of Jerseyfield Pat- ent to N. Wly line of Ben- son Twp., th. S. Wly along said N. Wly line of Benson Twp. 23c. 501. to beg., afterl ex. 276a. bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of Lot 90, Jerseyfield Patent and running in a N'ly direction on a con- tinuation of the E. line of said lot 90, to a point where said E. line continued inter- sects the so-called Bray- house line, the S. line of Lot 6, Lawrence Patent, th. Wly along said Brayhouse line, being S. line of lots 6 and 7, Lawrence Patent, to a point where the W. line of lot 90, Jerseyfield Patent continued intersects said Brayhouse line, th. S'ly across said gore to the so- called transit line and the N. W. cor. of said lot 90, and th. E'ly along so-called transit line to beg. and ex. 520.12 acres bd. beg. at S. E. cor. of lot 1, Sickles Tract, th. N. 32 E. along E'ly line of said lot 1, 23c., 501., to S. line of lots 11 & 12, Lawrence Patent, th. E'ly along S. line of said lots 11 & 12 to S. E. cor. of said lot 11, and th. continuing along S. line of lot 10, Law- rence Patent 12c., 501., to S. E'ly cor. of a parcel of lOOa. W. side of lot 10, th S. 32 W. 23c., 501. along the continuation of E'ly linej CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 143 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Arrietta and Morehouse. Morehouse. . do do LAWRENCE PATENT (Continued). 4 of said lOOa. to N'ly line of Jerseyfield Patent, com- monly called the County line, and th.N. 58 W. along said County line 221c., 331. to S. E. cor. of lot 1 of the Sickles Tract & beg Bd. beg. at N. E'ly cor. of lot 7. Sickles & Van Angle Tract, th. N. 58 W. along N. E'ly line of said lot 71 14c., 441, th.N. 32 E. along E. line of lot 8 23c, 501. th. S. E'ly along lot 36 Law- rence Patent 14c, 441., and th. S'ly along said lot 36 23c., 501., to beg Bd. beg. at most E'ly cor. of lot 8, Sickles & Van Angle Tract, th. N. 58 W. along N. E'ly line of said lot 8, 44c, 731, to S. E'ly line lot 5 of said Tract, th. N. 32 E. along lot 5, 18c, 581, to most E'ly cor. thereof th. N. 58 W. along N. E'ly line thereof 44c, 731, to E. line of lot 13, Lawrence Patent and th. N. E'ly along S. E'ly line thereof, 23c, 501, to N. E. cor. of said lot 13, th. S. E'ly along S. Wly line of lot 49, Law- rence Patent, 44c, 731, to lot 36, Lawrence Patent, and th. following the lines of lot 36 S. Wly 18c, 581, S. E'ly 44c, 731, and S. Wly 23c, 501, to beg B'd beg. at most E'ly cor. of lot 14 of the McClellan Tract, th. N. 32 E. along Purchase 1,697.35 Purchase 33.93 Purchase 210.23 144 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Aere^ LAWRENCE PATENT (Continued) Morehouse . N. W'ly line of lots 4 and 5 of the Sickles Tract, 23c, 501, th. N. W'ly along S. W'ly lines of lots 13 and 56, Lawrence Patent, 44c, 731, to the interior cor. of lot 56, Lawrence Patent, th. S. W'ly along S. E'ly line of said lot 56 23c, 501, to most N'ly cor. of lot 14, McClellan Tract, and th. S. 58 E. along N. E'ly line thereof 44c, 751, to beg. . . . Purchase 105 .11 do B'd beg. at most N'ly cor. of lot 12, McClellan Tract, th. S. 58 E. 32c, 731, to most W'ly cor. of lot 13 of said Tract, th. N. 32 E. along N. W'ly line of said lot 13, 23c, 501, th. N. W'ly along S. W'ly line of lot 56, Law- rence Patent, 32c, 731, to most W'ly cor. of said lot 56 and th. S. 32 W. to beg. Purchase 7a.'.. '00 269 174 THIK.U ANNUAL KLPOKT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 2 (Jones' Map) (Continued) Lake Pleasant . . . 16 Ex. 50a. Pine Point on / Purchase & 1890, do 17 Sacandaga Lake j '95 488 do 18 Ex. 21a., across S. E. cor. of Echo Lake and 52a. on t E. line adj. Echo Lake beg. j.24c. from S. E. cor. of lot, ^26c. long N'ly & S'ly & 20c wideE'ly & W'ly Purchase & 1900, '05 195 do 19 N. end & S. E cor 1877, '81, '90, '95. . 164 do 20 E. side 1877, '90 160 do 21 W. pt. 240a. & N. pt. of rem. 28c., 571., long N. & 8. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 252 do 22 1877, '90 151 do 23 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 269 do 24 B'd N. by Tefft & Russell's, 84a., E. & W. by lot lines & S. by lands of Chas. Ahl- schlager 1877, '81 70 do 24 Ex. 70a. as per above Purchase 199 do 25 N. end 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 50 do 25 Ex. 50a. N. end Purchase 219 do ... 26 Ex. l^a. on Indian Bay Point sold W. W. Wiles in 1891, & ex. island in Sacan- daga Lake sold L. F. Fish. . Purchase & 1900, '05 266 do 27 Purchase & 1900, '05 269 do 28 Purchase & 1900, '05 269 do 29 Purchase & 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95. 269 do 31 Ex. 9a. in S. E. part occu- pied by B. Page Purchase & 1900, '05 260 do 32 S'ly end Purchase 100 do 32 Ex. lOOa. S'ly end, 26c., 321. wide on W., & 26c., 301. wide on E. line of lot 1881, '85, '90, '00, '05 169 do 33 1877. '81. '85, "JO.. 137 CONSERVATION COM MISS i < \ . HAMILTON COUNTY 175 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Lake Pleasant. . . 34 TOTTEN T & CROSSFIELD'S PUB- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 2 (Jones' Map) (Continued) Purchase OfiQ do do 35 36 All not under water 1885, '90, '95, '00. . Purchas^ & 1910 217 OQ do do . . * 37 38 Purchase & 1900. '05 Purchase & 1900 269 '05 269 do 39 Purchase & 1900 do 40 '05 1877 '81 '85 '90 269 OfiQ do 41 Purchase & 1900 do 42 '05 Purchase & 1900 269 do 43 Ex. 20a. N. \V. cor. & 4a. S. E. cor '05 1890 '95 269 24^ do 44 1877 '81 '85 '90 m\[\ do 45 1885 '90 '95 '00 9AQ do 46 1877 '81 '85 '90 9AQ do 47 Und. \ 1895 mr/) do do 47 48 Und. 1 Purchase & 1900. . 189C '95 134. i 50 9fiO do 51 1877 '81 '85 '90 do 53 '95 1877 '81 '85 '90 269 '95 269 do 55 1877 '81 '85 '90 108 do 56 Purchase 2fiQ do 57 Purchase OfiQ do 58 1885 '90 '95 269 do do do do 62 63 64 66 1885, '90 1885, '90 1890, '95 1877 '81 '85 '90 269 269 269 QQ nn Arietta Lake Pleasant . . . 67 67 All in Arietta All in Lake Pleasant Purchase Purchase 19.50 249 50 do 68 Purchase 2fiQ do 69 1890 '95 2fiQ do 70 1890 '95 9QO) do 71 Purchase 2fiQ do 72 1890, '95 269 176 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acre* Lake Pleasant. . . do 73 74 TOTTEN&CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 2 (Jones' Map) (Continued) 1890, '95 1890 '95 269 269 do do do 75 76 77 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90 1877 '81, '85, '90 269 269 80 do Arietta Lake Pleasant 79 79 81 All in Lake Pleasant All in Arietta Purchase Purchase 1890, '95 . 250 19 269 do do do 84 85 86 1885, '90, '95 1871, '77, '81, '85, '95 1871, '77, '81, '85, 181 181 do 87 '95 1885, '90 ... 181 181 do 88 Total, Township 2, 14,646 acres. 1885, '90 48 Arietta do 1 3 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 3 N. E. i All in Arietta 1881, '85 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 37.50 105.20 Lake Pleasant. . . 4 1871, '77, '81, '85, do do 6 7 '95 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 1877 '81, '85, '90, 96.36 89.94 do do 8 9 '95 1890, '95 1885, '90, '95 87.25 85.56 87.17 do 10 1871, '77, '81, '85, do do 11 12 '95 1877, '85, '90, '05. . 1871 '77, '81, '85 87.85 90.64 do Ow do 13 M lo '95 1890, '95 | IS'K), '95 1890, '95 150 150 150 150 do do 10 17 1S!)0, 'Do ! 1890, '95 : 150 150 do 18 1S71. '77, 'SI, 'So. '!:> ; 150 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 177 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sale.* or source of title Acres TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 3 Arietta 20 (Continued) 1877, '81, 'So, '90. . 150 do 21 Ex. 37$a. X.W.I, & 25a. E. do 22 end of S. \ across 1877/81, '85 1877, '85, '90 87.50 150 do 24 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 150 do 2.3 1877, '85, '90 150 Lake Pleasant . . . 27 All in Lake Pleasant 1881, '85, 'SO & conveved H4 do 28 1877, '77, '81, '85, do 29 '95 1871, '77. '81, '85, 150 '95 150 do 30 1871, '77, '81, '85, '95 150 do . . 31 1871, '77, '81, '85, do 32 '95 1871, '77, '81, '85, '95 150 150 do 33 1871, '77. '81, '85, '95 150 do 31 1871, '77, '81, '85, do 35 '95 1871, '77, '81, '85 r 150 do 36 '95 1877, '81, '90, '95, 150 '00 150 do 37 1877, '81, '90, '95, '00 150 do 38 1877, '81, '90, '95, do 39 '00 1877. '81, '90, '95, 150 '00 1.50 Arietta 40 All in Arietta 1881, '85, '95, '00.. 70 Lake Pleasant . . . j 40 All in Lake Pleasant IsM. '85, '90, '00.. SO Arietta 41 18??, '81, '85, '95. 150 do 43 Ex. 30a. X. \V. cor. square. . $01, 'So, '90 120 do 4(5 BrW.I 1881, '85 ^7.50 do ! 47 1877, '81, '85, '90.., 1.50 THJKD A:\.\UAJ, REPORT OF TH.I-: HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 3 (Continued) Arietta 48 1881, '85, '90 & purchase 150 do . : 49 All in Arietta of S. E. i Purchase 30.50 Lake Pleasant. . . 49 All in L. Pleasant of S. E. } . Purchase 7 do 51 1877, '81, '85, '90, '00 150 do 52 N. 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 75 do 53 Ex.S. E. i 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 112.50 do 54 1871, 77, '81, '85. '95 1.50 do 55 S. W. 1 1881. '85, '90. 37.50 do 58 1871, 77, '81, '85, '95 150 do 59 Ex. N. E. -i 1877, '81, '85, '90. '95 112. .50 do 60 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 150 Arietta 63 1877, '81 '85, '90, '95 1.50 do 64 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 150 do 65 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 150 do 66 1877, '85, '90, '95.. 150 do 67 Ex. N.W.I.. 1871, 77, '81, '85, '95 ...'.....'....' 112.50 do 68 S. w. i 1871 77 '90. Q7 cn do 69 Ex. N. E. i 187l', 77, '81, '85, Of . \J\j '90 112.50 do 70 1871, 77, '81, '85, '90...'....!....' 150 do 71 1871 '77 '81 '85 J-Oilj * ' > Olj OO , '90 150 do 72 1871, 77 '81, '85 150 do 73 N. W. pt. in Arietta 1871,77 46 Lake Pleasant. . . 73 N'ly end of 75a. E. pt., in Lake Pleasant 1871, '93 50 do 74 1871 77 '81 '85 . '95 . . 150 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 179 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres ike Pleasant . . . 75 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 3 (Continued) Ex. S. W. \ 1871, 77, '81, '85, '95 112 50 do do 76 g 77 1871, 77, '81, '85, '95 1871, 77, '81, '85 150 ] do do 78 79 '95 1871, 77, '81, '85, '95 1871, 77 '81 '85 150 J. 150 do 80 '95 1871 77 '81 '85 150 '95 150 do do 81 82 N. end of all in Lake Pleasant S end of all in Lake Pleas- ant of 25a. S. E. cor of lot . . 1871, '90, '95 1871 20 10 rietta do 82 83 N. W. cor., square 1871 1871 77 '81 '85 5 '90 150 do do 84 85 Ex. X W. i . 1871, 77, '81, '85, '95 1871 77 '81 '85 150 '90 II 9 50 do 86 Ex 127a X W pt 1871 '81 '85 '90 23 do 88 1871 77 '81 '85 '95 150 do 89 Ex. S.E. i 1871, 77, '81, '85, '95 ... 112 50 do 90 1871 77 '81 '85 '95 150 do 91 Ex. X. E. i 1871, 77, '81, '85, '95 112 50 do 92 X. W. cor., square . 1871 '85 '90 ^ do .... 93 1871 77 '81 '85 do 94 '95 1871 77 '81 '85 150 '90 150 do 95 Ex. S. E. \. 1871 77 '81 '85 do 96 S'ly end of 75a. W pt in '95 112.50 Arietta. . 1871 . . 3 180 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Lake Pleasant. . . do do 96 97 98 TOTTEN & CEOSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 3 (Continued) All in Lake Pleasant 1871,77, '81, '85.. 1871, 77, '81, '85, '95 1871 77 '81 '85 70 150 '95 150 do 99 1871, 77, '81, '85, '95 ... 150 do 100 1871 77 '81 '85 do 101 & conveyed 1871 77 '81 '85 150 do Arietta 102 102 All in Lake Pleasant All in Arietta & conveyed 1877, '81, '85, & conveyed 1877, '81, '85 & conveyed 150 122 28 do 103 All in Arietta . . . 1871 77 '81 & conveyed 147 Lake Pleasant. . . Arietta . 103 104 All in Lake Pleasant 1871, 77, '81 & conveyed 1871 '81 '85 & 3 do do 105 106 conveyed 1871, '81, '85 & conveyed 1871 '81 '85 & 150 150 do do 107 108 conveyed 1871, 77, '81, '85 & conveyed Conveved 150 150 150 do do do do . 109 110 111 112 1871, ''77, '81 & conveyed 1871, '81, '85 & conveyed 1871, '81, '85 & conveyed 1871 '81 '85 & 150 150 150 do do ( m 114 i conveyed 1871, '81, '85 & conveyed 1871, '85, & con- veyed 150 150 150 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 181 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Arietta 115 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 3 (Continued) 1871, '81, '85 & do do ,116 117 conveyed 1871 ? '81, '85 & conveyed 1871, '81, '85 & 150 150 do do 118 119 All in Arietta conveyed 1871, '81, '85 & conveyed Conveyed 150 150 120 Lake Pleasant. . . 119 All in Lake Pleasant Conveved 30 Arietta 120 All in Arietta 1871, 77 & con- veyed 2 Lake Pleasant. . . do 120 121 All in Lake Pleasant 1871, 77 & con- veyed 1877, '81, '85 & conveyed 148 150 do 122 1881, '85 & con- veved 150 do Arietta do do 123 123 124 125 All in Lake Pleasant All in Arietta 1871, '81 & con- veyed 1871, '81 & con- veyed 1885 & conveyed . . 1871 '81, '85 & 84 66 150 do 126 conveyed 1885 & conveved 150 150 do do 127 128 1885 & conveyed . . Conveved 150 150 do 129 1871 & conveved loO do 130 1871, '85 & con- veyed 150 do do 131 !:;> 1871, '81, '85 & conveyed 1871 77 ; 81 '85 150 do do do 133 134 135 iV r.mveyed 1871, '81, '85 & conveyed 1871, '85 & con-! veyed 1871, 77, '85 &! conveyed j ISO 300 300 300 182 THIRD ANNUAL REPOJRT OF TIN-: HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Arietta . . ... 136 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 3 (Continued) 1871, '85, & con- do 137 veyed 1871, '85 fc con- veyed 300 300 do 138 1871, '85 & con- veyed 300 do 139 1871, '77, '85 & do 140 conveyed 1871, '77. '85 & 300 conveyed 300 do Lake Pleasant 141 142 All in Lake Pleasant 1871, '77, '85 & conveyed Conveyed 300 8.50 Arietta do 142 143 All in Arietta All in Arietta 1871, 77 & con- veyed 1871, 77 & con- veyed 291.50 100 Lake Pleasant. . . 143 All in Lake Pleasant Total, Township 3, T. & C. P., 18,788.47 acres. 1871, 77 & con- veyed 200 Arietta do 56 57 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 4 Purchase & 1900.. . Purchase & 1900. . . 157.66 157.66 do do do 67 68 60 All in Arietta All in Arietta Purchase & 1900. . . Purchase & 1900.. . Purchase & 1900. . . 7.19 128.96 157.66 do 70 Purchase & 1900.. . 157.66 do do do do do do 71 72 73 74 75 76 Purchase & 1900.. . Purchased 1900.. . Purchase & 1900. . Purchase & 1900.. . Purchase & 1900. . . Purchase & 1900. . . 157.66 157.66 157.66 157.66 157.66 157.66 do do 77 78 Purchase* 1900.. . Purchase & 1900. . . 157.66 157.66 do 79 Purchase & 1900. . . 157.66 do 80 Purchase & 1900. . . 157.66 CONSERVATION COMMISSION*. HAMILTON COUNTY 183 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 4 (Continued) Arietta 81 Purchase & 1900. . . 157,66 do 82 Purchase & 1900. 157.66 do 83 Ex. 9.7in. W. 30c. to a' stake and stones in Town-' ship 5; th. X. 26 deg. 45 i in. \V. 5Gc. to stake and stones; th. X. 63 deg. 15 u. in. E. 3Gc. to W'ly line of Township 6 to stake and stones; th. X'ly along the! line of said Township 6 X. 26 deg. 45 min. "W. 20c. to a stake and stones; th. X. 63 deg. 15 min. E. 80c. to E'ly line of Lot 63 to a stake and stones; th. S. 26 deg. 45 min. E. HOc. to stake and stones at the S. E. cor. of Lot 3; th. S. 63 deg. 15 min. W. 80c. to the beg. < Year 1895.) Also ex. a parcel described as beg. on line of said Township 6 at S. W. cor. of Lot 72, running th. X. 26 deg. 45 min. W. on Town- ship line HOc. 521. to a stake and stones standing on Township line; th. X. 63 deg. 15 min. E. 43c. to stake and stones in Lot 68; 186 TniHi) ANMAL RKI-OIH OK THK HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot Arietta and Lake Pleasant DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of titlt Acres TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP G (Continued) th. N. 26 deg. 45 min. W.j 49c. 841. to stake and stones' in Lot 67; th. N. 63 deg. 15; min. E. 37c. to the E'ly line of Lot 66 to a stake and stones; th. 8. 26 deg. 45 min. E. 49c. 841. to a stake and stones on E'ly line of Lot 65; th. N. 63 deg. 15 min. E. 41c. 661. to stake awl stones in Lot 57; th. 8. 20 deg. 45 iniii. E. UOc. 521. to stake and stones on S'ly line of Lot 56; th. S. 63 deg. 15 min. W. 121c. 661. to the place of beg., 1,526, acres. 1 (Year 1895.) Also ex. a parcel beg. on the! S'ly shore of Raquette Lake! at low water mark where' the N'ly line of Lot 50 in said Township 6 touches the same, which lot line is also the N'ly line of said Township 6 and the S'ly line of Township 40, th. Wly along said Town- ship line 85c. to a cor.; th. at right angles S'ly 15c. to a cor.; th. at right angles; and, running E'ly and par-! allel to the N'ly line of said Township 6 about 92c. to the shore of Raquette Lake at low water mark; th. N'ly and Wly along said shore as it winds and turns at low water mark to place of beg., containing 139 acres, more or less, being the tract known as the C. P. TTunt- ington wood lot Appropriated CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 187 HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION ' Tax sales or source of title Acres TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE , TOWNSHIP 7 Lake Pleasant. . . Gospel and School lands ir X. E. i 1885, '90 320 do * S. E. i, ex. S'ly pt. thereof 87c., 521. wide N.&S Purchase & 1900. . . 4,199.50 do .... All of S. W. i in Lake Pleas- ant G,l76.05a. ex. 658.8a being all in Lake Pleasant of 750a. N'ly part of S. W { 31c., 251. wide X. &S... Purchase & 1900... 5,517 25 Arirtta All of S. W. \ in Arietta 123.95a. ex. 91.20a. being all thereof contained in 750a. N'ly part of S. W. \ 31c., 251. wide X. & S Purchase & 1900. . . 32.75 Total, Township 7, 10,- 069$ acres. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 8 (North \) Lake Pleasant Gospel & School lot , Purchase 640 do 1 Purchase 262.50 do 2 Purchase 262.50 do :; Purchase 262.50 do 4 Purchase . . . 262.50 do 5 1881 ,'85, '90 262.50 do ... G 1881, '85,. '90 362.50 do 7 S. end 1881, '85, '95...... . 50 do 7 X. cud Purchase 212.50 do g Purchase 262.50 do 9 Purchase & 1905... 262.50 do 10 Purchase 262.50 do 11 Purchase & 1905. . 2G2.50 do 12 Purchase & 1905. . . 2(32.50 do 13 1877, '81, '85, 'W. ''>"> it purchase. . 262.50 do 11 . 1877, '81, '85, '90, i '95 & purchase . . 262.50 188 Tmiii> ANNUAL IVEJL'OKT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Ac Lake Pleasant 15 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 8 ( North ^(Continued) 1877 '81 '85 '90 do do 16 17 '95 & purchase . . 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 & purchase . . 1877, '81, '85, '90, 26 26 do 18 '95 & purchase . . 1877 '81 '85 '90 2(j do do 19 19 N.J S -5 '95 & purchase . . 1877, '81, '90, '95, '00 Purchase 26 8 17 do do do 20 21 Purchase 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95. 26 26 ^6 do do do 23 24 25 Purchase Purchase Purchase & 1900. 26 26 9fi do 26 Purchase 9 6 do do 27 28 Ex. 240a. W. pt 1877/81/85/95/00. 1885 '90 '95 '00 26 9 do do do 28 29 30 W. part Purchase 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95. 24 26 9 6 do do 31 32 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81, '85 . . 26 9fi do 33 Purchase ?6 do do do 34 35 36 Ex. G.89a. on lake Ex. 16.07a. on lake Purchase Purchase Purchase 26 25 04 do do do do do do 37 38 39 39 40 41 Ex. 48a. N. W. cor N. W. cor Purchase Purchase Purchase 1871/77/85/90/95. 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81 '85 26 26 21 4 26 94 do do do do 42 43 44 45 Purchase Purchase 1877/81/85/90/00. Purchase 24 24 24 do do 46 46 Ex. 115a. E. part E. part Purchase Conveyed 12 11 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 189 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Lake Pleasant. . . do 1 2 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 8, (So. East i) Great lot Purchase 1881, '85, '90. . 1,000 125 do do 3 J5 1881, '85, '90 1877 '81 '85 '95 '00. 125 125 do 6 1881 '85 '90 125 do 1881, '85, '90 15 do do Q Q Purchase & 1900.. . Purchase & 1900 125 125 do 10 1877, '81, '85, '95 '00. 125 do do 11 12 1877/81/85, '95/00. 1877 '81 '85 '95 '00 125 1 9 5 do 13 1877/81/85/95 '00. 125 do do 14 15 1877, '81, '85, '90.. 1877 '81 '85 '90 125 195 do 16 1877, '81, '85 '90 125 do do 17 18 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 1877 '81 '85 '95 '00 125 125 do 19 1877/81,^85/95 '00. 125 do do 20 21 1877/81/85/90/95. 1877 '81 '85 '90 '95 125 125 do 22 1877, '81, '85 125 do 23 1877 '81 '85 '90 1 9 5 do 24 1877 '81 '85 '90 125 do 25 1877 '81 '85 '90 125 do do 26 27 Purchase Purchase 125 125 do 28 Purchase 125 do do do 29 29 30 "East" " West " 1871/77/81/85/95. 1871/77/81/85/95. 1871 '77 '81 '85 125 125 125 do 31 1871 '77 '81 lO^j do 32 1871 '77 '81 1^0 125 do do do 33 34 35 1871/77/81/85/95. 1871/77/81/85/95. 1871 '77 '81 '85 '95 125 125 125 do do 36 37 1871/77/81/85/95. 1871 '77 '81 '85 '95 125 125 do do 38 39 1871/77/81/85/95. 1871 '77 '81 '85 '95 125 1 >" do Wells... 40 40 All in Lake Pleasant All in Wells... 1871/77/81/95/00. 1871. '77. '81. '95 75 fin 100 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Lake Pleasant. . . TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, (Continued) TOWNSHIP 8 (So. West |) S. W. cor., being Newbold Tract 1877, '81 '85 '05 2,500 do Literature lot Purchase 320 do Suckley Tract All that remains of S. W. \ Township after ex. 2,500a. S. W. cor. thereof & 320a., being so much of Gospel, School & Literature lot as is contained therein 1881 '85, '90 3,500 Total, Township 8, T. & C. P., 24,770.54 acres. do TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP Parcel b'd beg. at a tree standing at the outlet of Elm lake, marked "W. B. & B. B." 251., th. S. 60 deg. do 3 W. 12c. th. N. 30 deg. E. 60c. to a stake marked "B.,"th.N. 60 deg. E. 14c. to the lake shore, and th. S. along lake shore to beg . . . Elm Lake Road Tract 1877', 81, '85, '90.. 1877 60 50 do 6 1853 50 do do 8 10 1853 1853 5C 50 do 14 1853 50 do 22 1853 50 Total, Township 9, T. & C. P., 360 acres. Wells TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 10 Beg. at N. E'ly cor. of lot 5 in said Township, th. along the E'ly line of said lot 5 S. 27 deg. E. 106c, th. S. 4 deg. W. llOe. to the N. E'ly CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 191 HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Wells. . . Lake Pleasant. . TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 10 (Continued) cor. lot 10, & the N'ly cor. of lot 11 in said Township, th. S. 55 deg. 15 min. E. along the N'ly line of lots 11 & 12 in said Township 124c. th. N. 63 deg. E. along the N'ly line of said lot 12 to the N. E'ly cor. thereof, th. in the same course along the X'ly line of lots 13, 14 & 15 j of said Township to the N. E. cor. of said lot 15 & Township line, th. N'ly on Township line 312c. 501. to the N. E'ly cor. of said Township, & th. S. 63 deg. W. 204c. to beg., 6.905a. ex. la. bd. beg. at a stake in the S. W. cor. thereof, th. N. 63 1 deg. E. 3c., th N. 27 deg. W.3c.,th.S.63deg.W.4c., & th. S. 55 deg. 15 min. E. 3c. 251. to beg. & ex. 191a. bd. beg.at X. E'ly cor. of lot 12 & N. W. cor. of lot 13, th. S. 63 deg. W. 20c., th. X. 20c.. th. X. 63 deg. E. 67c., th. N. 4c., th N. 67 deg. 30 min. E. 30c.. th. S. 21c. to the X'ly line of said, lot 14, & th. S. 63 deg. W.; 73c. to beg Tax sales or source of title Acres Purchase TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIPS 10 & 20 All in L. Pleasant of 817 1 acres, ex. 50a. heretofore; conveyed to Chas. Fisher, lla. bd. beg. at X. W. cor. of 50a. owned by Chas. Fisher, in centre of high- way on E'ly line of Town- ship 1. and W'ly line ofi 6,713 392 THIRD ANNUAL KEFORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIPS 10 & 29 (Continued) Lake Pleasant. . . Township 10, th. N. 27 deg. W. 5|c. to Ely shore of Mud or Gilmour's lake, th. N'ly along shore of said lake to a hemlock tree marked for a corner, th. S. 47 deg. E. 4c. 161. to centre of highway and th. S'ly along highway to beg.; and 19a. beg. at S. E'ly cor. of Chas. Fisher's farm, th. N. 27 deg. W. 32-J-c. to centre of highway, th. N. 74 deg. W. 4c. 161. to E'ly shore of lake, th. N'ly along lake 7|c. to a birch tree, th. S. 74 deg. E. 4c. to a beech tree, th. S. 27 deg. E. 35c. to town line, th. S. on town line 9c. and th. N. 27 deg. W. to beg Purchase 737 Wells 1 All in Wells Purchase 250 Lake Pleasant . . . 2 All of 361 a. N. pt. in Lake Pleasant Purchase 323 Wells 2 All of 361a. N. pt. in Wells.. Purchase 33 do . . 2 Parcel beg. at S. W. cor. of lot, th. N. 27 deg. W. on lot ' line 75c. 501. to town line th. N. 1 deg. W. on town line 28c., th. S. 59 deg. E. 21c., th. N. 31 deg. E. 16c., th. N. 59 deg. W. 15c., th. N. 31 deg. E. 31c. to E. line of lot, th. S. 27 deg. E. on E. line of lot 131c. to S. E. cor., th. S. 63 deg. W. on S. line 53c. to beg 1885, '90, '05 540 do 3 Sub. 1 1895, '00 108.80 do 3 Sub. 2 Conveyed & 1895.. 108.80 do q Sub 3 Conveyed & 1895. . 108.80 do g Sub. 4 Conveyed & 1895. . 108.80 do . 3 Sub. 5... Conveyed & 1895.. 108.80 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 193 Tax sales Tcwn Lot DESCRIPTION or Acres source of title TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIPS 10 & 29 (Continued) Wells 3 Sub. 6 Conveyed & 1895.. 108.80 do 3 Sub. 7 Conveyed & 1895. . 108.80 do 3 Sub. 8 Conveyed & 1895. . 108.80 Lake Pleasant. . . , 3 Sub. 9, All in Lake Pleasant . 1895/00.... , 2 Wells 3 Sub. 9, All in Wells 1890, '00. . 106.80 do 3 Sub. 10, All in Wells 1895, '00 88.65 Lake Pleasant. . . 3 Sub, 10, All in Lake Pleasant 1895/00 20.15 Wells 4 S. end 1877, '81, '85 300 do 6 Ex. 200a. N. end & 290a. S. end 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 549.20 do 7 Ex. 290a. S. end 1890, '95 . 738.25 do 10 Ex. 450a. N'ly end 1881, '85, '90 593 do 11 Ex. lOOa. N. end 1877, '81, '85 716 do 12 All S. of Sacandaga river ex. 50a. com. on S. bank of said river on line between lots 11 &12,th. S.SOdeg. E.on lot line 32c. 251., th. N. 60 deg. E. 12c. 501., th. N. 30 deg. W T . (all as the needle pointed in 1872), 47c. 751. to S. bank of Sacandaga river, and th. S'ly along said river to beg Purchase . 609 do 13 Ex. 222 1 7 o 8 oa-N. pt Purchase 633.72 do 14 Ex. 239 1 % oa. N. pt Purchase 624.60 do 15 All in Hamilton Co., 831.88a. ex. 222 T Vfra. N. pt. thereof. Purchase 609.14 do 16 All X. of Sacandaga River ex. so much thereof as was sold by McEchroii & others to Drake in 1883, described as beg. at stake and stones standing on or near the E. bank of Sacandaga River at high water mark, up the river 3c. from the mouth of George's Brook and running th. from stake and stones X. 25 deg. E. 50c. to stake and stones for a. cor., th. S. 194 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres 17 TOTTEN&CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIPS 10 & 29 (Continued) 65 deg., E. 40c. to stake and stones for a cor. th. S. 25 deg. W. to the center of George's Brook, th. down center of said brook as it winds and turns to a point 4c. and 401. from place of beg., th. N. 65 deg. W. 4c., 401. to beg All in Ham. Co. S. of Sacan- daga River ex. lOOa. sold by McEchron & others to Thos. J. Hayes in 1883, de- scribed as beg. at a stake and stones that stands on the E. bank of Sacandaga River at high water mark and is up the river 3c. from the mouth of George's Brook, running th. from said stake S. 25 deg. W. 25c. to a stake and stones for a cor., th. S. 65 deg. E. 40c. to a stake and stone, th. N. 25 deg. E. to the center of George's Brook, th. down center of the brook as it winds and turns within 4c. and 401. of starting point, then leave the brook and run N. 65 deg. W. 4c. 401. to starting point, and also ex. so much of 200a. sold by McEchron & others to Drake in 1883, as is S. of Sacandaga River. (For metes and bounds, see above) All in Hamilton Co Total, Townships 10 & 29, T. &C. P., 15,497.06 i Purchase Purchase Purchase 200 107.37 37.78 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 195 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Indian Lakf 3 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE (Continued) TOWNSHIP 15 All in Hamilton Co Purchase 43.50 do 4 1890, '95 & pur- chase . . 160 do "5 Purchase 160 do 6 1890, '95 & pur- chase . . ... 160 do 7 E i Purchase 80 do 10 Purchase 160 do 11 Purchase 160 do 12 Purchase 160 do 13 Purchase 160 do 14 1890, '95, '00 & purchase . ... 160 do 15 1890, '95, '00 & purchase 160 do 16 1890, '95 & pur- chase 160 do 17 Purchase 160 do 18 1890, '95 & pur- chase 160 do 19 All N. of S. shore of Indian River 1890 & purchase. . . 40 do 20 Ex. 13 45a. S W. cor Purchase 146 55 do 21 All in Hamilton Co Purchase 114 75 do do 28 29 All in Hamilton Co All in Hamilton Co. Ex. 2a. N W cor 1890 & purchase.. . 1890, '95, '00 & purchase 28 148 do 33 W'ly | Purchase 80 do ... 34 1890, '95 & pur- do 35 chase 1890 '95 '00 & 160 purchase 160 do 36 Purchase 160 do do 37 38 1890, '95, '00 & purchase 1890 '95 '00 & 160 do 39 purchase 1890, '95, '00 & purchase 160 160 do 40 1890 & purchase 160 do 41 Purchase 160 196 THIKD ANNUAL KEPOKT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Indian Lake 42 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 15 (Continued) Purchase 160 do 43 Purchase 160 do do 44 53 All in Hamilton Co All in Hamilton Co Purchase Purchase 97.75 16 do do 54 55 All in Hamilton Co Purchase Purchase 153 160 do 56 All E of Centre Brook Purchase 20 do 57 Wly part . Purchase 74.09 do 58 Purchase 160 do 59 1890, '95, '00 & purchase 160 do .... 60 1890, '95, '00 & do 61 purchase Purchase 160 160 do 62 1890, '95, '00 & do 63 Wly part . purchase 1890, '95 & pur- 160 do do 64 65 W'ly* All W of Centre Brook Ex. chase Purchase 23.90 80 do do 67 78 10.60a., S. E. part All in Hamilton Co All in Hamilton Co Purchase 1890, '95, '00 & purchase 1890 & purchase. 119.40 80.75 7.75 do 79 N E'ly part in Hamilton County .... Purchase 21.50 do 83 1890, '95 & pur- do 84 chase 1890, '95, '00 & 160 do 85 purchase 1890, '95, '00 & 160 do 87 E'lv part purchase Purchase 160 80 do 88 Purchase 160 do do do do 89 90 104 105 All in Hamilton Co All in Hamilton Co Purchase 1890 & purchase. . . Purchase Purchase 160 63.50 133.50 160 do 106 1890, '95, '00 fc purchase 160 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 19T Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title ; Acres Indian Lake. 107 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR CHASE, TOWNSHIP 15 (Continued) S E'lv part 1890 '95 & pur- do 108 chase 1890 & purchase.. 65 160 do 14)9 1890 '95, '00 & do 110 purchase 1890, '95, '00 & purchase 160 160 do 111 1890 '95 & pur- , do do do 112 113 129 S. Wly part All in Hamilton Co All in Hamilton Co chase Purchase 189C & purchase.. . 1890, '95, '00 & purchase 160 69 46.50 137 do 130 1890 '95, '00 & purchase 160 do 131 1890, '95 & pur- chase 160 do 132 1890 & purchase. 160 do 133 1890 '95 '00 & do 134 purchase 1890 '95 '00 & 160 do 135 All in Hamilton Co purchase 1890, '95, '00 & purchase 160 158 50 do 136 All in Hamilton Co Purchase 30.50 do 154 All in Hamilton Co 1890, '95, '00 & purchase 113 do 155 1890 '95 '00 & do 156 purchase 1890. '95, '00 & 160 purchase 160 Total, Township 15, T. & C. P., 9,631.44 acres. do TOWNSHIP 17 The Gospel School & Lit- erature lots Conveyed & 1890 1 280 do 1 Purchase IfiO do 2 .. Purchase 160 198 THIRD ANNUAL REPOKT OF T HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Aerea Indian Lake. . . 3 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 17 (Continued) Purchase 160 do 4 Purchase 160 do 5 Purchase 160 do 6 Purchase 160 do 7 Purchase 160 do 8 Purchase 160 do 9 Purchase 160 do 10 Purchase 160 do 11 Purchase . . 160 do 16 Purchase 160 do 17 Purchase 160 do do 18 19 Purchase Purchase 160 160 do 20 Purchase 160 do do 21 22 Purchase Purchase . 160 160 do ....>' 23 Purchase 160 do 24 Purchase 160 do 27 Purchase . 160 do 29 Purchase 160 do 32 Purchase 160 do 33 Purchase . 160 do 34 Purchase 160 do 35 Purchase 160 do 36 Purchase . 160 do 37 Purchase 160 do 38 Purchase 160 do 39 Purchase 160 do 45 Purchase 160 do do 46 47 Purchase Purchase 160 160 do 48 Purchase . . 160 do 49 Purchase 160 do 50 Purchase 160 do do 51 52 Purchase Purchase . . 160 160 do 56 Bd. beg. at cor. of lots 42, 43, 55 & 56, th. N. 25 30' W. 23c. 191. to S'ly shore of Cedar river, th. along the shore of said river N. 1 30' Co N s KK VATIOX COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 199 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 17 (Continued) Indian Lake W. 2c. 371. th. X. 42 30' W. 3c. 501. to a point in line between lots 43 & 56, th. N. 25 W. along said lot line 13c. 301. to the bank of said river, th. X. 17 E. 601.. th. N. 48 10' E. Ic. 231., th. on an average course of the river N. 78 30' E. 19c. 181., th. N. 38 15' E. Ic. 91., th. S. 40 E. 3c. 731, th. S. 56 E. 17c. 731., to a soft maple tree stand- ing on the W'ly shore of said Cedar River, th. S. 27 W. 6c. 51. to a hub in center of the old Mill Road, th. X. 77 W. along said center 2c. 401. to a hub, th. S. 45 15' W. 17c. to a cedar tree, cornered & marked, th. S. 44 45' E. lie. 601. to a cedar post standing on S'ly line of lot 56 & th. S. 64 W. along line between lots 55 & 56 12c. 581. to beg Purchase . . 82.25 do 57 Purchase 160 do 58 Purchase 160 do 59 Purchase. . . . 160 do 60 Purchase . . 160 do 61 Purchase 160 do 62 Purchase 160 do 63 Purchase . . . 160 do 64 Purchase 160 do 65 Purchase 160 do 69 All X. of Cedar River Purchase . . . 128 do 70 M Purchase 80 do 74 N. \ Purchase 80 do 75 Purchase 160 do 76 Purchase . . 160 200 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Indian Lake 77 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE. TOWNSHIP 17 (Continued} Purchase . . . 160 do ... . 78 Purchase 160 do 81 Purchase 160 do do 82 83 S. *... Purchase Purchase 160 80 do 87 N. k Purchase 80 do 88 Purchase . . . 160 do 89 Purchase . 160 do 90 Purchase 160 do 91 Purchase . . . 160 do 94 Purchase . 160 do 95 Purchase 160 do 96 Purchase 160 do 97 Purchase . . 160 do 98 Purchase 160 do 99 Purchase 160 do 100 Purchase . . . 160 do 101 Purchase 160 do . . 102 Purchase 160 do 103 Purchase . . 160 do 104 Purchase 160 do 106 Purchase 160 do 107 Purchase . . 160 do 108 Purchase 160 do 109 Purchase 160 do 110 Purchase . . . 160 do 111 Purchase . 160 do ... . 112 Purchase 160 do 113 Purchase 160 do 114 Purchase . . 160 do 115 Purchase 160 do 116 Purchase 160 do 117 Purchase . . 160 do 120 Purchase 160 do 121 Purchase 160 do 122 Purchase 160 do 123 Purchase . . ... 160 do 124 Purchase 160 do 125 Purchase 160 do 126 Purchase 160 do 127 Purchase . . 160 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 201 HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Indian Lake 128 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 17 (Continued) Purchase 160 do 129 Purchase 160 do 130 Purchase 160 do . . * 132 All in Hamilton Co Purchase 80 do 133 All in Hamilton Co Purchase 140 do 134 Purchase 160 do 135 Purchaw , 160 do 136 Purchase 160 do 137 Purchase 160 do 138 Purchase 160 do 139 Purchase . . . 160 do 140 Purchase . 160 do 141 Purchase 160 do 142 Purchase 160 do 143 Purchase 160 do 146 All in Hamilton Co Purchase 30 do 147 All in Hamilton Co Purchase 80 do 148 Purchase . 160 do 149 Purchase 160 do 150 Purchase 160 do 151 Purchase .... 160 do 152 Purchase 160 do 153 Purchase 160 do 154 Purchase . 160 do 155 Purchase 160 do 156 Purchase 160 Total, Township 17, T. & C. P., 19,740.25 acres. do TOWNSHIP 19 Gospel School & Literature lands Conveved 1,280 do 10 Ex. 3a. bd. beg. at a maple sapling on N. bank of Tyr- ell Pond stream in E. line of lot 10 2c. 501. up said stream above the O'Neil dam, th. N. 25 30' W. along E. line of lot 10, Ic. 202 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF TIIK HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or A M M I SSIOX. HAMILTON COUNTY 203 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Long Lake. do Indian Lake. Long Lake, do do do do do do TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 20 (Continued) Lake and Long Lake, th. S. 60 W. along the town line 40c. to a stake and stones, th. N. 30 W. 125c. to a stake and stones standing on X. line of the lot. th. 60 E. along X. line of lot 81c., 501., to the most X'ly cor. thereof, th. S. 30 E. 16c., 501., to a stake, th. S. 60 W. 41c., 501., to a stake, th.i S. 30 E. 108c., 401., along; E. line of lot to beg.; and 40a. b'd beg. at a stake & stones standing on the town line, S. 60 W. 75c. from S. E. cor. of lot, th. along the town line S. 60 W. 2Cc. to a stake & stones, th. N. 30 W. 20c. to a! stake & stones, th. X. 60! E. 20c. to a stake & stones: & th. S. 30 E. 20c. to beg . Conveyed & 1910. .. 1 , 191 . 11 Conveyed 1,050 All in Indian Lake Conveyed and pur- chase. Total, Township 20, T., t C\ P., 6,470.61 acre*. TOTTEN fc CROSSFIELD, TOWNSHIP 21 1,829.50 Conveyed & 1905. . Conveyed & 1905. . \ Conveyed & 1905. . Conveyed & 1905. . Conveyed & 1905. . 1S77;S1,'85/90,'95. & purchase 1877,'81,'85, '90/95, 132 do 13 Purchase 132 do ... . 14 Purchase 132 do 15 Purchase 16S do 16 Purchase 121 do 17 Purchase . ... 121 do . . 18 Purchase . . 131 do do . 19 22 Purchase 1885. '90 '95... 131 131 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 209 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Wella 23 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 31, Gorton Tract (Continued) 1885, '90, '95 131 do 24 Purchase 121 do ... 25 Purchase 121 do 26 Purchase 131 do 27 Purchase 131 do 28 Purchase 131 do 29 Purchase 131 do '30 Purchase 131 do 31 Purchase .... 144 do . . . 32 Purchase . . 121 do 33 Purchase 121 do 34 Purchase .... 131 do 35 Purchase 131 do 36 Purchase 131 do 37 Purchase 131 do 38 Purchase 131 do 39 do 40 Purchase Purchase 131 173 do 41 Purchase 165 do . . . 42 Purchase 165 do 43 Purchase 156 do 44 Purchase . . 136 do 45 Purchase 128 do 46 Purchase 120 do 47 Purchase . . 120 do 48 1890 '95 120 do . . 49 1890 '95 120 do 50 1890 '95 . . . 109 do 51 1890 '95 117 do 52 1890 '95 117 do 53 1890 '95 117 do . 54 1890 '95 117 do 55 1890 '95 117 do 56 1890 '95 115 do ... . 57 1890 '95 146 do 58 1890 '95 113 do 59 do 60 1890, '95 1890 '95 113 113 do 61 1890 '95 112 do 62 do 63 1890, '95 1890 '95 163 163 do 64 1890, '95 163 210 THIRD ANNUAL KEPORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sale3 or source of title Acres Wells 65 do 66 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 31, Gorton Tract (Continued) 1890, '95 1890 '95. 178 163 do 67 1890, '95 163 do 68 1890, '95 114 do 69 1890 '95 . 123 do 70 1890, '95 93 do . 1 Ranges 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 1890 '95 228 do 2 do 3 1890, '95 1890, '95 ... 228 228 do 10 1890 '95 228 do 11 1890, '95 228 do . . . . 12 1890 '95 228 do 13 1890 '95 . . 228 do 14 1890 '95 228 do .... 15 1890, '95 228 do 22 1890 '95 228 do 23 do , 24 1890, '95 1890. '95 ... 228 228 do 25 Purchase 182 do 26 Purchase 182 do 27 Purchase 182 do 28 Purchase 182 do ; 29 Purchase 182 do | 30 do . 31 Purchase Purchase . . . 182 182 do 32 Purchase 181 do 33 do 34 1890, '95 1890, '95 182 182 do 35 1890 '95 182 do 36 1890, '95 182 do 37 1890, '95 . . 160 do 38 do . . Roosevelt Trad Being what remains of 1890, '95 160 l,920a., N. E. cor. of Town- ship, 160c. long N'ly & S'ly and 120c. E'ly and W'ly, after ex. therefrom 640a. sq. in S. E'ly cor. thereof. . 189C, '95 1,280 CONSERVATION COMMISSION: 211 HAMILTON COUNTY Town Wells. Indian Lake. do do do do Lot DESCRIPTION* TOTTEX & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 31 (Continued) Wells & Redfield Tract X. \V. cor. 153c. on N. line 166.9c. on E. line 152.95c on S. & 162fc. on W. line. Total, Township 31, T. & C. P., 20,321.91 acres. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD, TOWNSHIP 32 The Gospel & School & Lit- erature lots X. W. cor. square X. W. cor. sq. 1,100 acres, ex. 273a. N. W. cor. thereof (formerly in Lake Pleasant) X. & S. W. i 19,528.6a. ex. 512a. being lots 2, 3, 5 & 7 on X. Wly side of Indian Lake on Map & Survey in Comptroller's office, 960a. Gospel S. & L. Land & l,100a. sq. in N. W. cor. of Township, ex. the waters of Indian Lake B'd beg. at S. E. cor. of 5,800a. sq. S. E. cor. being Twp. cor., th. N. on Twp. line, 80c., 271. to a cor., th. S. 62 15' W. par'l with S. line of sq. 240c., 831. to W. of sq., th. S. on said W. line 80c.,271. &th N.62lo'E. par'l with N. line to beg. (being S. ^ of said square) . . Total, Township 32, 18,013.33 acres. Tax sales or source of title Acres Purchase 2,519.91 Conveyed . . Conveved . . 1877, '81, 'So. 1,280 273 827 Purchase 13,700 Conveyed . . 1,933.3? 212 THIKD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title t Acres TOTTEN 4 ; E. 50c.. th. X. 26 45' W.' Ic. .301. to a stake at low! water mark on the S. shore of Utowana lake, th. in a S. E'ly direction, following the said shore, as it winds and turns, at low water mark 15c. to X. W. cor. of lot 210, th. S. 18 12' W. 16c. 701.. th. S. 64 30' E. 88c. 601.. th. X. 78 30' E. 142c. 4C1., th. X. 61 30' E. 99c. 701. to- the S. W. cor. of the Hiram Duryea tract, th. X. 60 E. along S. line! of said Duryea tract 24c. Acres 214 THIRD A NATAL I <>F THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Indian Lake. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE TOWNSHIP 34 (Continued) 251. to W. line of the H. C.j Caswell tract, th. S. 28 E.i along said W. line 21 c., th. S. 60 W. 30c. 301., th. S. 71 W. 25c., th. S. 29 E. 9c. 221., th. N. 72 E. 5c. 501.,th.N.80E.5c.,th.N. 84 E. 14c. 671., th. N. 60 E. 10c., th. X. 85 E. Sc. 501., th. N. 70 E. 14c. 801. to 8. W. cor. of Prospect Homestead tract, th. X. 01 E. along S. line of said tract 41 c. 361. to X. W. cor. of Griffin tract, th. S. 28 E. along AY. line of said Griffin tract 39c. 461. to 8. W. cor. thereof, th. X. 63 E. 36c. 901. to W. line of the Mitch- ell tract, th. S. 26 15' E. 15c. 101. to 8. W. cor. of Mitchell tract, th. X. 64 E. 2c. to X. W. cor. of the cemetery lot, th. 8. 33 15' E. 3c. 501., th. X. 44 W. 5c. 451. to center of road from Xorth Creek to Pros- pect (now Utowana) House, th. S. E'ly along the center of said-road 16c. 601. to the junction thereof with the road to Hollands and Long lake, th. X. 64 E. 33c. 801. to E. line of township, th. S. 26 15' E. along town- ship line 227c. 331. to S. E. cor. of township, th. S. 63 45' W. along S. line of town- ship 504c. 551. to S. W. cor. thereof, and th. X. 26 15' W. along AY. line of town- CONSERVATION COM M ISSION. HAMILTON COUNTY 215 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Indian Lake do Long Lake. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE. TOWNSHIP 34 (Continued} ship 454c. 731. to beg.. 16,150a., ex. 160a. beg. on W. line of township at S. W. cor. of Marion River Carry lot, th. S. 26 15' E. along said W. line 50c., th. X. 64 E. 32c., th. X. 26 15' W. 50c. to S. line of said Marion River Carry lot. and th. S. &4 W. 32c. to beg.; and lOOa. beg. in center of highway from Blue Mountain Lake to Indian Lake, where said highway crosses the E. line of township 34, it being 383c. 511. S. 26 15' E. from the X. E. cor. of township, running th. X'ly along the center of said highway Ic. 831., th. S. 64 W. 12c. Sol. to a stake blazed for the >. E. cor. of this parcel, th. X. 2f c 15' W. 20c.. th. S. 64 W. 50c.. th. S. 26 15' E. 20c., and th. N. 64 E.; 50c. to said S. E. cor S. end 73c. X. and S., 12c. 231. on X.and 13c. on S. line Total, Township 34. 20,985 acres. Purchase & 1905, '10 '15,890 TOTTEN _\ . HAMILTON COUNTY 219 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Long Lake. TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 40 (Continued] Diocese of Albany, by chap. 552, laws of 1881 \ 11 iWoa- beg. at the cor. of l,127a. par'l of land occupied by C. P. Huntington for rail- way purposes and situated on the shore of Raquette Lake about 1,000 feet X. of Brown's Tract Inlet, S. 75 28' W. a distance of 40ft. from a copper bolt in a boulder on the shore of Raquette Lake; th. S. 75 28' W. along the shore of said lake 264 ft.; th. S. 76 5' W. along the shore of the said lake 146.3 ft.; th. S. 46 59' W. along the shore of the said lake 95.7 ft.; th. S. 10 16' W. along the shore of said; lake 89.8 ft.; th. S. 19 49'j W. along the shore of said, lake 164.2 ft.; th. N. 70 11' W. along the N. line of lands formerly claimed by W. W. Durant 435.6 ft.; th. S. 19 49' W. along the W. line of the aforesaid lands occupied by said! Durant 200 ft.; th. S. 70 11' east to the shore of Raquette Lake 435.6 ft.; thS.7623' W. 378.9 ft. :th. X. 43=50' W. 868.2 ft.: th. N. 126.4 ft.; th. E. 787.2 ft.; th. S. along lands formerly occupied by said, C. P. Huntington 68.5 ft.: th. S. 89 51' E. 150ft.: th. 220 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot Long Lake. DESCRIPTION TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 4C (Continued) N. 88 14' E. 400.6ft.; th N. 85 30' E. 240.8 ft.; th. S. 1 27' W. 28 ft. to the place of beginning and being the premises now occupied as a terminal at Raquette Lake by the Raquette Lake Railway Company; 3a. being an island in Raquette Lake known as Pine or Harding Island located about op- posite the outlet of Brown's Tract Inlet and nearly opposite and a short dis- tance from the depot of the Raquette Lake Ry. Co.; 78a. beg. on the north shore or what is known as Constable Point, Raquette Lake, Township 40, at an iron bolt set in a rock at high water mark fromi which the extreme westerly end of Round Island, bears south 16 E. and the ex- treme E'ly end thereof as seen from this point bears S. 29^ E. running from thence due N. along the W. line of said Con- stable Point on which now stands the hotel known as the " Antlers " 8c. and 131. to a stake standing in the field or clearing made by Charles Bennett; from thence due W. 26c. and 501. to a stake; th. due S. 50c. to a copper bolt with the figures 44 Tax sales or source of title Acres CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 221 HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or Acres source of title Long Lake. do do TOTTEN Purchase 160 224 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Long Luke 59 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 50 (Continued) All in Hamilton Co Conveyed 142 25 do 60,61 All in Hamilton Co Purchase 60 do 65 All in Hamilton Co Purchase 88 60 do do 66 67 All in Hamilton Co Purchase Purchase 158 160 do 68 1890, '00 160 do 69 Purchase 120 do do 72 73 Purchase Conveyed .... 158.76 120 do 76 All in Hamilton Co Purchase 149 55 do 77 All in Hamilton Co Purchase 44 32 do 87 All in Hamilton Co Conveyed & 1910. 19 do 88 All in Hamilton Co Conveved . . . 120 do 89 Conveyed & 1910.. 120 do 90 Purchase 184 do 91 All in Hamilton Co . ... Conveved 68 75 do 92 All in Hamilton Co Conveved & 1910. 36 Total, Township 50, 7,860.60 acres. Morehouse do do do 9 10 11 12 VROOMAN'S PATENT All in Morehouse All in Morehouse 1885, '90, '95 1881, '85, '90 1881, '85, '90 1881, '85, '90, '95 66 200 200 66 do do 17 18 All in Morehouse 1881, '85, '90, '95.. 1885, '90 66 200 do 19 1885, '90 200 do 20 All in Morehouse 1881 '85 '90 66 do 25 All in Morehouse 1881/85, '90, '95.. 66 do 26 1885, '90/95 200 do 27 Purchase & 1905 '10 200 do do do do 28 34 35 35 All in Hamilton Co All in Morehouse . Ex. 50a. W. pt, of E. * W. pt. of E. \ 1 Purchase & 1905, '10 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90 Purchase 66 66 150 50 do 42 Purchase 200 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 225 HAMILTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Morehouse YROOMAN'S PATENT Continued 51 1885, '90 134 do 52 S. end 1885 '90 '95. 34 do 52 Ex 34a. S. end Purchase 100 Total, Vrooman's Patent. 2,330 acres. Inlet WATERS ! Fourth Lake, Fulton Chain, All in Twp. 8, Hamilton Co. Purchase 400 Indian Lake Indian Lake, all in Tw*p. 32, T. & C. P Purchase . 3 256 \rietta Piseco Lake Original 2 430 Long Lake Raquette Lake, all in Twp. 40, T. & C. P Purchase .... 5 075 do .... Forked Lake, all in Twp. 40, T. & C. P Purchase & 1871 . . 147 do .... Cranberry Pond Total, Waters, 11,337 acres. Purchase & 1871 . . 226 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT CXF THE HERKIMER COUNTY (Total number of acres, 195,467.14) Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres ! I Wilmurt ADGATE'S EASTERN TRACT Blake Lot All . . Purchase 13 963 do 11 Cramer Lot Purchase . . . 212 do 13 Purchase 211 do 14 Purchase 204 do . . 15 i Purchase . . 206 do 16 Purchase 203 do 17 Purchase 202 do ... 18 Purchase 200 50 do 19 Purchase 189 do 20 Purchase 197 do ... 21 Purchase 196 .50 do 22 Purchase . 195 do 23 Purchase 205 50 do 24 Purchase 183.50 do do 25 26 Purchase Purchase 197 335 do do 27 28 Ex. 19|a. N. W. pt Ex. 34.83a. E. pt Purchase Purchase 156 . 75 158.17 do 29 Purchase 111 do 30 Purchase 252 . 75 do 31 Ex. 103.9a. S. pt Purchase 91.60 do 32 Ex. 02a. S. E. cor Purchase 190 . 73 do 19 Devereaux Lot Purchase 100 do 33 E pt Purchase 54 23 do do 34 35 Purchase Purchase . 100 104 86 do 36 Purchase 83, .50 do do 37 38 Purchase Purchase 100 142.86 do 39 Purchase . 80.80 do do 40 Hamilton Lot All Purchase 1885 & Purchase. . 184.53 825 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY 227 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Wilmurt ADGATE'S EASTERN TRACT (Continued) Kirkland Lot E. \ Purchase 812 do X W cor 1885 25 do W. k ex. 25a. X. W. cor . Purchase . . 789 do * 3 Miller (J. A.) Lot Purchase 100 do 4 1881, '85 & Pur- do ,5 chase Purchase 100 100 do 6 1881 '85 '05 and do 7 Ex. 3Ca. bd. beg. on E'ly line of lot 4c. X. from S. E. cor. thereof, th. W'ly par'l to S'ly line of lot A the dis- tance between the E'ly & Wly line thereof, th. X'ly par'l with E'ly line of lot to a point | the distance from S'ly to X'ly line of lot, th. E'ly par'l to S'ly line of lot to E'ly line thereof & th. S'ly on lot line to beg .... purchase 1881, '85 and pur- chase 100 70 do S 1881, '85 and pur- chase 100 do 9 1881 & Purchase 100 do 12 1881, '85 and Pur- chase . . . 100 do 13 1881, '85 and Pur- chase 100 do 14 1881 '85 and Pur- chase . . . 100 do 15 1881 '85 and Pur- do 16 chase 1881, '85 & Pur- chase . . . 100 100 do 17 1881 '85 and Pur- do 18 X. W. cor. sq chase 1881, '85 and Pur- chase . . 100 25 228 THIRD A.N.M-AI. KKI-OKT OF THE HEEKIMER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTIOX T sou ADGATE'S EASTERN TRACT (Continued) (Minuse (J. H.) Tract.) Wilmurt 9 1900, do . 12 Purch do 13 Purch do 26 Purch Total, Ad gate's Eastern Tract, 23,162.83 acres. BAYARD OR FREE MASON'S PATENT Litchfield . 64 Sub. 10 Forfei (Tn BROWN (JOHN ) TRACT, \ -*- o TOWNSHIP 1 Webb . . Beg. at a stone set in a pile of stones on the south side of the track of the old Brown's Tract Road, so- called, on the east line of Township No. 1, John Brown's Tract; th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 67.91c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 40 deg. W. 4.29c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 70 deg. 20 min. W. 5.55c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 62 deg. 22 min. W. 2.03c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 53 deg. 26 min. W. 1.24c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 45 deg. 12 min. W. 3.27c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 6S deg. 31 min. W. 4.17c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 61 deg. 41 min. W. 4.82c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 81 deg. 41 min. W. 4.85c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 55 deg. 45 min. W. 4.80c. to a stake and stones; th Tax sales or source of title Acres 100 100 100 100 land 11 > CONSERVATION C >.M M ISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY 229 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Webb . . Tax sales or source of title Acres BROWN (JOHN) TRACT,TOWN- SHIP 1 (Continued) S. 11 deg. 13 min. W. 5.77c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 14 deg. W. 33.80c. to & stake and stones; th. S. 76| deg. W. 22.04c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 88 deg.j 3mi n. W. 15.51c to a stake and stones; th. N. 68 deg. 12 min. W. 26.17c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 57 deg. 9 min. W. 9. lie. to a stake and stones; th. S. 75 deg. 22 min. W. S.42c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 49 deg. 32 min. W. 3.12c. to a stake and stones; th. 8. 51 deg. 9 min. W. 10.72c. to a stake and stones; th. S. .33 deg. 1 min. W. 12.33c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 7" deg. 31 min. \V. 50c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 41 deg. 31 min . W. 20.83c. to a stake and stones; th. S. 5 deg. 21 min. W. 33.34c. to a stake and stones in the line between Lyon de Camp and J. P. Gould; th. N. 82 deg. 39 min. W. along said Gould line, 94.16c. to the county line between Her- kimer and Lewis counties; th. X. 5 deg. 25 min. E. along said county line 206. 14c. to the north line of said Township Xo. 1, John Brown's Tract; th. S. 84 deg. 35 min. E. 335.83c. to the northeast corner of said Township Xo. 1 ; th. S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 61.72c. to the place of beginning . . Purchase 4.W7.20 230 TliUM) A.VM'AI, liKl'ORT OF THE HERKIMER COUNTY Town Webb . . do do do do Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title BROWN (JOHN) TRACT (Continued) TOWNSHIP 2 All in Herkimer Countv. . Appropriated* . TOWNSHIP 3 All in Herkimer County. . . .! Appropriated* TOWNSHIP 4 All in Herkimer County, S.! of Beaver River. . TOWNSHIP 5 E. pt., bd. W'ly by 9,600a set off to Lyman R. Lyon ll,250a. ex. 48a. bd. beg at N. W. cor. of lot 51 Township 42, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, th S. 63 deg. W. 10c., th. S. E'ly parallel with W'ly line of said Township 42, 48c. to a point lOc. W'ly of the S. W. cor. of said lot 51 th. N. 63 deg. E. lOc. to said S. W. cor.. & th. N'ly along W'ly line of said lot 51,48c. to beg. ex. 30 R. R Beg. at a pt. on the line bet. Twps. 5 & 6, th. along said twp. line S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 7,728 ft.,th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 265 ft,, th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 460 ft., th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 1,166 ft., th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 3,650 ft., th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 2,894 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 653 ft., th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 937 ft., th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 2,629 ft., th. N. 5 deg. 1 Appropriated* . Purchase & 1900 Acres 14,696 14,605 4,500 11,172 'The validity of this alleged appropriation of land is the subject matter of litigation. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 231 HERKIMER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Webb . ; BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN SHIP 5 (Continued) 30 min. E. 1,285 ft., th. N 84 deg. 30 min. W. 636 ft. th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E 1,844 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 320 ft., th. N. 5 deg 30 min. E. 851 ft., th. S 84 deg. 30 min. E. 2,194ft. th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E 1,166 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 50 min. E. 5,824 ft. to the E line of land of Mary L. Fisher, th. along said E line N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 836 ft., N. 50 min. W. 94 ft., N. 5 deg. 40 min. E 152 ft., N. 6. deg. 58 min. E. 108 ft., N. 4 deg. 22 min E. 256 ft., N. 6 deg. 52 min. E. 2,278 ft, X. 5 deg. 9 min. E. 163ft.,N. 5 deg. 49 min. E. 306 ft., N. 5 deg. 54 min. E. 219ft., N. 3 deg. 44 min. E. 118 ft, N. 4 deg. 19 min. E. 328 ft, X. 6 deg. 18 min. E. 253 ft. and N. 7 deg. 12 min. E. 148 ft., th. X. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 1,578 ft., th. S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 943 ft., th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 6,012 ft, th. S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 903 ft., th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 5,850 ft, to land of Adiron- dack Timber and Mineral Co., th. along said land S. 7 deg. 14 min. W. 151 ft., S. 4 deg. 33 min. W. 119 ft, S. 7 deg. lOmin.W. 223ft, S. 5 deg. 39 min. W. 262 ft, S. 6 deg. 1 min. W. 324 ft, S. 7 deg. 34 min. W. 235 ft, S. 7 deg. 42 min. W. 169 ft., 232 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HERKIMEB COUNTY To^n Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acre* BROWN (JOHN) TRACT,TOWN- SHIP 5 (Continued) Webb S. 3 deg. 22 min. W. 123 ft.. S. 6 deg. 2 min. W. 213 ft., S. 6 deg. 27 min. W. 124ft., S. 6 deg. 9 min. W. 252ft., S. 10 deg. 16 min. W. 180 ft., S. 5 deg. 41 min. W. 2,685 ft., S. 20 deg. 39 min. W. 64 ft., S. 4 deg. 35 mm. W. 265 ft., S. 22 min. W. 33 ft., S. 6 deg. 25 min. W. 312 ft, S. 5 deg. 23 min. W. 1,476 ft., S. 7 deg. 22 min. W. 175 ft., S. 4 deg. 51 min. W. 291 ft., S. 5 deg. 49min.W.812ft.,S. 6 deg. 51 min. W. 320 ft., S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 218ft, S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 589 ft,, S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 354 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 43 min. E. 1,424ft., th. S. 5 deg. 17 min. W. 1,954 ft, th. S. 84 deg. 28 min. E. 1,743 ft., th. S. 5 deg. 32 min. W. 1,797 ft. to point of beginning * Appropriated 2,754 do Beginning at a point north of Beaver River, th. S. 10 deg. W. 1,355ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 791 ft, th. S. 5 deg. min. W. 870 ft. th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 221 ft, th. S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 1,220 ft, th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 516 ft, th. S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 1,644 ft, th. N. 84 deg. 45 min. W. 1,450ft, th. S. 5 deg. 1 min. W. 1,829 ft, th. N. 84 deg. 59 min. W. 1,417 ft, th. S. 5 deg. 6 min. W.I, 547 ft., th * This land was acquired by condemnation proceedings for reservoir purposes as compensation for water diverted from Black River for use of Erie canal . The Court of Appeals has decided that the land not flooded is forest preserve land. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 233 HERKIMER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Webb . . do BROWN (JOHN) TRACT TOWNSHIP 5 (Continued) S. 84 deg. 43 min. E. 3,392 ft., th. N'ly along the W. line of Mrs. Mary L. Fisher 8,437ft,, th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 2,031 ft. to the point of beginning Total, Township 5, 14- 274| acres, less 2,517 acres, B. R. Reservoir. 11,757.80 acres. *Appropriated 348.80 BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWNSHIP 6 Beginning at a point on the line between Townships 5 and 6, th. S. 5 deg. 32 min. W. 1,521 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 1,890 ft., th. S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 2,057 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 2,739 ft., th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 1,497 ft., th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 624 ft., th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 1,390 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 minJ E. 903 ft., th. S. 5 deg. 30 min. W. 489 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 1,613 ft., th. N. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 731 ft., th. S. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 1,207 ft,, th. X. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 449 ft,, th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 7,728 ft., to the point of beginning . . *Appropriated Total, less 116a. B. RJ Reservoir, 253.50 acres 369.5) * This land was acquired by C9ndemnation proceedings for reservoir purposes as compensation for water diverted from Black River for use of Erie canal. The land not flooded belongs to the forest preserve. 234 THIKD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HERKIMER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWNSHIP 7 Range I Webb 1 Purchase do 2 Purchase do 3 Purchase do 4 Purchase do 5 Purchase do 6 Purchase do 7 Purchase . do 8 Purchase do 9 Purchase do 10 Purchase . do 11 North, of the old Brown's Tract Road, so-called, be- ginning at a stone set in the center of a pile of stones on the southerly side of the track of the old Brown's Tract Road on the line be- tween Township 1 and Township 7, John Brown's Tract, th. along the center of said road S. 74 deg. 54 min. E. 1.45c. ; th. S. 79 deg. 09 min. E. 5.15c; th. S. 84 deg. 11 min. E. 1.11 c.; th. N. 83 deg. 05 min. E. 1.41c.; th. S. 81 deg. 17 min. E. 3.25c.; th. N. 83 deg. 17 min. E. 0.98c.; th. N. 64 deg. 03 min. E. 1.97c.; th. N. 71 deg. 19 min. E.I. 52c.; th. N. 61 deg. 35 min. E. 1.42c.; th. N. 64 deg. 26 min. E. 2.33c.; th. N. 84 deg. 40 min. E. l.OOc.; th. N. 75 deg. 07 min. E. 1.31c.; th. N. 81 deg.. 33 min. E. 1.86c.; th. N. 72 deg. 39 min. E. 1.31c.; th. N. 85 deg. 39 min. E. 1.12c.; th. N. 71 deg. 17min.E.2.27c.; th. S. 77 deg. 51 min. E. Acres CONSERVATION COM .MISSION. 235 HERKIMER COUNTY Town Lot Webb . . do do do do do do do do do do DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres BROWN (JOHN) TRACT.! TOWNSHIP 7 (Continued) 1.72c.; th. S. 36 deg. 45 min. E. 2.19c.; th. S. 65; deg. 10 min. E. 1.60c.; th. ; N. 79 deg. 07 min. E.I. 81 c.; th. N. 52 deg. 53 min. E. ( 3.29c.; th. N. 55 deg. Oo! min. E. 3.69c.; th. N. 43J deg. 25 min. E. 1.35c. to thei easterly line of said lot ll.j Range 1; th. northerly along the line between Lot 11, Range 1 and Lot 11. Range 2 in said tract X. 5 deg. 30 min. E. 21. 60c. to the corner of Lots 10 and 11, Range 1 and Lots 10 and 11, Range 2; th. along j the northerly line of said Lot 11, N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 40.00c. to the northwest corner of said Lot 11, a point on the line between Township 1 and Township 7 in said tract; th. S. 5 deg.i 30 min. W. 30.82c. to thej point of beg Purchase Range 2 N'ly side of the old Brown's Tract Road in lot 10, Range 2, of said township No. 7, beg. at a stone set in the center of a pile of stones 51. X'ly of the track of the old Brown's Tract Road, so-, Purchase Purchase Purchase , Purchase . Purchase . Purchase . Purchase . Purchase . Purchase . 113.70 160 160 ' 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 236 THIRD ANNUAL RETORT OF THE HERKIMER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Webb 10 do 11 42 32 03 75 BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWNSHIP 7 (Continued) Range 2 called, on the S. line of lot 10, Range 2, Township 7, John Brown's Tract; th. along said road N. 53 15' E. 1.90c.; th. N. 27' E. 4.05c.; th. N 9' E. 4.48 c.; th. N. 4' E. 2.80c.; th. N. 36' E. 5.36c.; th. N. 85 6' E. 3.34c.; th. N. 89 23' E. 4.72c.; to a stone in the center of a pile of stones 101. N. of the track of said road on the east line of said lot 10, Range 2; th. N. 5 30' E. along the east line of said lot 10, 26c. to the northeast corner thereof; th. N. 84 30' W. 40c. to the northwest corner of said lot; th. S. 5 30' W. 39.27c. to the southwest corner of said lot; th. S. 85 7' E. 19.01c. to the place of beg . Also that parcel of land in lot 11, Range 2, beg. at a stone set in the center of a pile of stones 51. N. of the track of the old Brown's Tract Road, so-called, on the line between lots 10 and 11, Range 2; th. N. 85 7' W. along said lot line 19.01c to the northwest corner of said lot 11; th. S. 5 30' W. 21.60c. to the center of the Old Brown's Tract Road; th. along the center of said road N. 43 25' E. 4.93c.; th. N. 43 21' E. 5.47c.; thN. 4941'E. 13.73c.;th. N. 45 46' E. 4.82c. to the place of beginning Purchase . . 130.40 Purchase 19.89 CONSERVATION ( '< >.M M ISSION. 237 HERKIMER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Webb 1 BROWS- (JOHN) TRACT, TOWNSHIP 7 (Continued) Range 3 ; Purchase 1 160 do 2 Purchase . 160 do . 3 Purchase 160 do . 4 Purchase 160 do 5 Purchase . . 160 do 6 Purchase 160 do ... 7 Purchase 160 do 8 W. 4 Purchase 80 do 9 Purchase 160 do 1 Range 4 Purchase IfiO do 2 Purchase 160 do 3 Purchase 160 do . 4 Purchase IfiO do 1 Range 5 Purchase IfiO do > Purchase 160 do 3 Purchase 160 do 1 Range 6 Purchase 160 do Parcel beg. at a point on large rock marked (f) S. 24 deg. 12 min. W. 4c. 851. from S. W. cor. of Lamber- ton's sawmill, th. X. 49 deg. W. 6c.. 691., th. X. 10 deg. W. lc.. 491., th. X. 74 deg. 13 min. E. 4c. 641. th. X 80 deg. 15 min. E. 4c. 831., th. S. 65 deg. 9 min. E. 4c., 441., th. S. 73 deg. 1 min. E. 3c.. 281., th. S. 41 deg. W. lie. 141., th. X. 49 deg. W. 5c.. 21. to beg *Appropriated TQ do Parcel for a road 3 rods wide the center line of which is * This land was acquired by condemnation proceedings for reservoir purposes as comDensation for water diverted from Black River for use of Erie canal. 238 THIRD ANNUAL KEPORT OF THE HERKIMER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax gales or source of title Acrea Webb BROWN (JOHN) TRACT TOWN- SHIP 7 (Continued) described as beg. at a soft maple tree at end of Brown's Tract road marked 13y miles from Moose River, th. N. 57 deg. E. lOc. 801., th. N. 62 deg. 52 min. E. on a line towards S. W. cor. of sawmill 8c. 21. to where it intersects the S. E. line of land as aforesaid described. (Last item above) Total, Township 7, 5,953.99 acres *Appropriated 1.41 TOWNSHIP S do A B'd N'ly by Township line, E'ly 70c. by Township line, S'ly by a line running 68c. parallel with N. line of Township, & th. S. W'ly 206c. to W. line of Town- ship & Wly 160c. by Town- ship line, ex. right of way of Mohawk & Malone R. R. Co Purchase 2,453 do I B Beg. on E. line of Township, 25c. from S. W. cor. of Township 42, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, & being a rectangular parcel at right angles to E. line of Township, 75c. wide N. & S., & 235c. long E. & W. . Purchase 1 ,762 .50 do C All in Webb of a parcel bd. beg. in E. line of Township 35c. S. E'ly from S. shore of j Big Moose Lake, at high- * This land was acquired by condemnation proceedings for reservoir purposes as compensation or water diverted from Black River for use of Erie canal. CONSERVATION COM MISSION. 239 HERKIMER COUNTY Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Webb . do . I) do. BROWN (JOHN) TRACT,TOWN- SHIP 8 (Continued) water mark, th. S. E'ly 205c. along township line, th. to the right 104 deg. 30 min. 182c., th. to the right 96 deg. 15 min. 172c. to a point whence a line run at right angles to the east line of said township from place of beg. would intersect the last course, and th. along said line lloc.to beg. Beg on W. line of township 73c. S. from S. E. cor. of Township 6, John Brown's Tract, th. Wly on the town- ship line 193c. to the S. boundry of right of way of the Mohawk & Malone railway th. N. E'ly along the S. boundary of said right of way to a line at right angles with W. line of Township, which line, if projected, would intersect W. line of Township, 197c. N'ly from S. E. cor. of said Township 6, th. E'ly on said line 80 c. from said boundary of said right of way of said railway, th. S'ly at right angles to the last mentioned line, 21c., th. E'ly & at right angles to said Township line, 84c. th. to the left 31 deg. 30 min. 32c., th. to the right 110 deg. 30 min. 41c., th. to the right 69 deg. 106c. th. to the left 18 deg. 30 min. 162c., th. to the right 18 deg. 30 min. 92c. to beg ... Beg. on W. line of Town- Purchase 2,155 Purchase . 3,753 240 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HERKIMER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres BROWN (JOHN) TRACT,TOWN- SHIP 8 (Continued) Webb E ship 133c. S'ly from S. E. cor. of Township 6 of said tract, th. to the right 59 deg. 120c., th. to the left 18 deg. 30 min. 186c. 581. th. to the right and par'l with W. line of Township 163c. to N. E. cor. of lot 206 of the Fulton Chain Allot- ment, th. along rear line of said allotment and rear line of lands of Robert Perrie & Chas. Barrett & Mary Sprague to W. line of Township 8, & th. N'ly along said W. line 126c. to beg Purchase 2,468 do F All S. of Fulton Chain Allot- ment which allotment is shown by map & survey of David C. Wood, filed Aug. 30, 1893, in the office of the Clerk of Herkimer County. 2,141 do G Beginning at the S. E. cor. of Parcel A. on the E line of Township 8, th. S'ly along the E. line of said Township 8, 60c. to the N.' E'ly cor. of Parcel B, th. W'ly along the N. line of Parcel B to Twitchell Lake Allotment 56i 5 o Q c., th. to the right 27 deg. along the E. line of the Twitchell Lake Allotment 49y 5 ooc., th. to the left 40 deg. 30 min. 38c. to the S. line of Parcel A, th. E'ly along the said S. line of Par- cel A, 33c. to place of beg Purchase 244 do . .. H Beginning at the angle on the S. line of parcel A, th. E'ly along said S. line 14c. . CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY 241 Tawn Lot Webb do . do H DESCRIPTION Tax sales or I Acres source of title BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 8 (Continued) to the N. line of the Twitchell Lake Allotment, th. to the right 133 deg. 15 min. 134c. to the Silver Lake Allotment, th. to the right along the E. line of Silver Lake Allotment 92 deg. 30 min. 33 T %c., th. to the right 82 deg. 45 min. 14c. to S. line of Parcel A, th. E'ly along S. line of said Parcel A 128c. to the place of beginning Beginning at a cor. on the N. line of Parcel D, which cor. is 80c. from the Mohawk & Malone Railroad, measured on a line at right angles to the W. line of the Township, th. X'ly to the left 90 deg. 32c. to the road leading to Big Moose Lake, th. E'ly along the S. line of said road X. 50 deg. 45 min. E. 4c., th. X. 72 deg. 45 min. E. l-jW-.th. X. 71 deg. 15 min. E. 13 r %c. to the Big Moose Lake Allotment, th. S'ly to the right 68 deg. 30 min. 37c., th. to the left 52 deg. 15 min. 63c., th. to the right 29 deg. S-j^c., th. to the right 54 deg. 30 min. 22c. to the X. E'ly cor. of Parcel D, and th. W'ly & X'ly along the X. & W. lines of Parcel D to the place of beginning Beginning at the S. W'ly cor. of Parcel A on the W. line of Township 8, th. E'ly along the S. line of Parcel A 30c. Purchase Purchase 426 455 242 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HERKIMER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Webb . . BROWN (JOHN) TRACT,TOWN- SHIP 8 (Continued) to the W. line of the Silver Lake Allotment, th. to the right 61 deg. 45 min. 14/oV., th. to the right 69 deg. 30 min. 33c., th. to the left 81 deg. 45 min. 40c., th. to the left 27 deg. 44c. to the W. line of the Twitchellj Lake Allotment, th. S'ly 60 deg. 15 min. to the righi 22^o\c., to the N. line o: Parcel B, th. W'ly on a straight line along the N line of Parcel D and the Thirsty Pond Allotment 86c. to the W. line of the Thirsty Pond Allotment; th. left 79 deg. 30 min, along the W. line of said Allotment 27/o ft c. to a point which is the inter- section of the continuation of the E'ly line of the Five- acre lot conveyed by W. S. Webb to D. B. Sperry, th S'ly along said continued line 16i%\c. to the E'ly cor. of said Sperry lot, th. to the right 90 deg. 7.07c., th. 7 deg. to the right 55c. to the west line of said Township 8, 17c. N. of its intersection with the N. line of the Mohawk Malone Railroad th. along the said W. line of Township 8 to the place of beginning All in Herkimer Co. of the following described land, viz.: Beginning at the S. E. cor. of Parcel E on the N.j line of the Fulton Chain A1-! Purchase 9.33 Co:S S K i; V AT ION ( \J M M ISS K) X . HERKIMER COUNTY 243 Town Lot Webb K DESCRIPTION BROWN (JOHN) TRACT,TOWX- SHIP 8 (Continued) lotment, th. N'ly along the E. line of said Parcel E to the N. E. cor. of said Parcel E, th. 144 deg. to the right 23c. to the N. W. cor. of the Moss Lake Allotment, th. 4 deg. to the right 65c. to the S. W. cor. thereof, th. 90 deg. to the left along the S. line of the Moss Lake Al- lotment 32c., th. to the right 20 deg. 45 min. 23c. th. to the left 64 deg. 15 min. 19VW C - to the S - cor. of Parcel C, th. E'ly along the S. line of Parcel C 95 AV. to the N. W'ly cor. of the Cascade Lake Al- lotment, th. to the right 90 deg. 51 T 5 oC. to the S. W. cor. of said Cascade Lake Allotment, th. to the left 90 deg. lOOc. to the E'ly line of said Township 8, th. S'ly along said Township line 120c. to the S. E'ly cor. of Township 8, th. S. W'ly along the S'ly line of said Township to the E'ly cor. of the Fulton Chain Allot- ment, th. W'ly along the X'lv line of said Fulton Chain Allotment to the place of beginning, except- ing the following lands from said Parcel K, designated on said annexed map as Parcel O, viz.: Beginning on the E. line of Township S, at the point of inter- section of a line running parallel to and at lOc. Tax sales or source of title Acrea 244 TlIIIJl) A-XM'AL IvKI'OKT OF THE HERKIMER COUNTY Town Webb . . . Lot K DESCRIPTION BROWN (JOHN) TRACT,TOWN- SHIP 8 (Continued) distant S'ly from the Ra- quette Lake Road, th. Wly parallel to the said road and lOc. S'ly to a line which shall be run from the cor. of lots 124 & 128 of the Fulton Chain Allotment and at right angles to the rear line of said Fulton Chain Allotment at that point, th. S'ly along said line 13c. to said cor., th. Wly along the N. line of said Fulton Chain Allot- ment to the cor. of Lots 146 & 147 in said Fulton Chain Allotment, th. to the right 86 deg. 30 min. 55c. to the S. line of the Big Moose Road, th. E'ly along the S. line of said Big Moose Road to point of intersection with a line run N'ly of & parallel to said Raquette Lake Road and at lOc. distant from it, th. E'ly along said line to the E. line of said Township 8, th. S'ly along said Township 8 line to place of beginning Beginning on the W. line of Township 8 at its intersec- tion with the N. line of the 160 acre lot now or formerly owned or occupied by Julia L. DeCamp, th. N'ly along said Township to the N. line of the Fulton Chain Allotment, th. E'ly along the S. line of Parcel D to the N. W. cor. of Lot 24, Second Lake. Fulton Chain Allot- Tax sales or iource of title Purchase 1,946 CONSERVATION ( '().M MISSION. 245 HERKIMER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Webb.. do Salisbury BROWN (JOHN) TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 8 (Continued) ment, th. S'ly along the W. line of said lot 24 to the N. shore of Second Lake, Ful- ton Chain, th. Wly along the N. Shore of said lake and the N. line of the land of said Julia L. DeCamp to the place of beginning Parcel near Big Moose sta., com. in S'ly right of way' line of M. & M. R. R. at a point 4,000 ft. E'ly from the W. line of Twp. 8, th. E'ly, S'ly & Wly along said right of way line to W. line of Twp. 8, th. N'ly along Twp. line 87c., 121.," th. N. E'ly 60c., 741. to beg. 500a. ex. 2.6a. bd. beg. at place of beg. of first described par- cel, th. at right angles to right of way of line of M &M. R. R.450ft.,th. Wly par'l with said right of way about 500 ft. to last described line of first tract, & th. X. E'ly along said line about 675 ft. to beg . . . Total, Township 8. Brown Tract, 19,263.50 acres. JERSEYFIELD PATENT X. W. J-. 210 acres sq. in X. W. cor. and 33 acres, being all that remains thereof after ex. 210 acres sq. in N. W. cor. and the und. i of the rem. of said, X. "W. 4 on which taxes were paid by A'an Rens- : selaer . . Purchase 29.60 Purchase 1885 497.40 243.33 246 Till KM) A.NMAI. RF.roKT OK 'I' HE HERKIMER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title \ err- JERSEYFIELD PATENT (Continued] Salisbury 3 S. W. \ ex. 174 acres S. end thereof 30 chains wide N. & S. and 58 chains long E. & W 1877 '81 '85 7<-J do 3 N. E. i 50 acres in the S. W. cor 1877, '81, 85 50 do 5 E. \ ex. 150a. S. pt. thereof, 35a. W. pt. of 50a. N. W. cor. of S. E. J, & 154a. N. E. cor., b'd S. by Ransom & W. by Jerseyfield road . . 1885 247.50 do 6 E. i Sub. 1 1885, '95 100 do ....... 23 All of 104a. E. part in Salis- bury S. of Gray ville & Cali- fornia highway 1895, '00 15 do 24 E. i 1881, '85 525 do 35 S W \ 1877, '81, '85 262.50 do 38 W. \ & N. E. \ 1877, '81, '85, '95 762.50 do 39 1881, '85, '90 1,050 do 40 All of N. \ in Salisbury. 223|a. after ex. so much of 215a. N. E. cor. as is not contained in 153ja. N. pt. of all in Salisbury & ex. 15a. N. E. cor. thereof 1877, '81, '85 144.25 )hio 48 N. Mclntosh's pt. Mortgage. . . . 14 do 48 B'd beg. at the lower end of the old Mclntosh mill yard on E. bank of W. Canada creek, th. N. 82 25' E. Ic. 531., th. N. 71 45' E. 6c. 951., th. N. 82 35' E. 6c. 251., th. N. 71 E. 3c., 601., th. N. 74 E. 3c.,501. to the N. line of lot 48, th. N. 55 W. 2c. 691. to W. Canada creek, th. down creek S. 42 W. 541. S. 82r W. lOc. 251., S. 73 W. 4c. 381., S. 60 W. 2c., 371. & S. 38' W. 3c. 401. to beg 1895,, '00 4.1*0 'do . ..... 52 S. W. cor . . 1881, '85. . 20 -SE HA" AT 1 < ) .\ COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Aeires Ohio Salisbury 53 SB JERSEYFIELD PATENT (Continued) All of W. \ in Ohio ex. 200a. W. pt. thereof heretofore conveyed to Benj. Hall & others Mortgage & 1885. 232 40 do 67 All of W | in Salisburv Mortgage & 1881 99 go do 68 All in Salisbury .... 1877 '81 '85 66 Ohio 79 W. * 1877 '81 '85 '90 500 S. E. cor. Chauncey Fergu- son lot, bd. W. by Abeel. 1877 98 40 do 80 Bd \ S & E by Radlev do . . 82 & W. by highway All in Ohio 1877, '81 1881 '85 7 639 Salisbury 82 All in Salisbury . . . 1877, '81 '85 12 Ohio 47 48 &79 Land adjoining the Hinckley Reservoir Appropriated . 165 51 Russia 11-15, 16-18, 46,47 Laud adjoining the Hinckley Reservoir Appropriated . 331 89 Total, Jerseyfield Patent, 5,660.28 acres. do :.... 5 MACHIN'S PATENT (Lush & Marvin's Tract) North % 1877 '95 160 do Land adjoining the Hincklev Reservoir \ppropriated 61 10 Webb 112 MOOSE RIVER TRACT, TOWNSHIP 3 Purchase & 1895 do 113 '05, '10 Purchase & 1895 160 '05, '10. . . 160 248 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HERKIMER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Webb 114 MOOSE RIVER TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 3 (Continued) Purchase & 1895, do 124 '05, '10 Purchase & 1895 132 '05, '10 160 do 125 Purchase & 1895, '05 '10 . 160 do 126 Purchase & 1895, do 136 '05 Purchase & 1895, 140 do 138 Ex. 20a. N. W. cor., sq Total, Township 3, 1,200 acres. '05, '10 Purchase & 1895, '05, '10 160 128 Wilmurt 103 MOOSE RIVER TRACT, TOWNSHIP 4 All in Herkimer countv .... Purchase do A MOOSE RIVER TRACT, TOWNSHIP 5 Bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of Twp. 5, th. W. on N. line 44c. to S. W. cor. of lot 1, Twp. 2, th. S. 31 deg. 30 min. E.40c.,th. N. 58^ E. 44c. to W. line of Twp. 4, & th. N. 31 deg. 30 min. W. on W. line of Twp., 4, 40c. to bee Purchase & 1885, '90 '95 176 do 1 NOBLEBORO PATENT, NEW SURVEY 1881, '85, & pur- do 2 chase 1881, '85, & pur- 150 chase . . 150 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY 249 Town Lot Tax sales DESCRIPTION or source of title Acres Wilmurt 3 NOBLEBOBO PATENT, NEW SURVEY (Continued) 1885 & purchase 150 do 4 1885 150 do 5 . . 1881, '85, and pur- chase . 150 do ... * 6 1885 & purchase 150 do 7 1848 '00 150 do 8 1881, '85 & pur- chase . . 150 do 9 1885 & purchase 150 do 10 1885 & purchase 150 do 11 1885 & purchase 150 do 12 1881, '85 and pur- do 13 chase . . 1881, '85, & pur- 150 chase 150 do 14 1881 '85 & pur- do do 15 16 chase 1885 & purchase. . . 1881, '85 and pur- 150 150 chase 150 do 17 1885 & purchase 150 do 18 ... Purchase 150 do 19 Purchase 150 do 23 1848, '85 150 do 24 1881, '85 . . 150 do do . . 2.5 26 ! 1885 & purchase . . . 1881 '85 & pur- 150 do 27 chase .... . 1885 & purchase 150 150 do 28 1881 '85 & pur- do 29 chase ' 1885 & purchase . 150 150 do do 30 31 1885 & purchase . . : 1881, '85, and pur- chase 150 150 do do . 32 33 1881, 85, & pur- chase Purchase 150 150 do 34 Purchase 150 do 35 : i 1885 do ... 60 Purchase 166 RT do 61 Purchase Ififi RTi do 62 Purcha.se 166 85 do 63 Purchase 197 4ft do 64 Purchase 107 Aft do 65 Purchase 1Q7 4ft do 66 Purchase 197 40 do 67 Purchase 197.40 260 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HERKIMER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Webb . ... 68 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 43 (Continued) Purchase 197 40 do 73 Purchase 197 40 do 74 Purchase 197 40 do ... . 75 Purchase 197 40 do 76 Purchase 197 40 do 77 Purchase . . 197 40 do ... 78 Purchase 197 40 do 79 Purchase 166 85 do 80 Purchase 166 85 do 81 Purchase 166 85 do 82 Purchase 166 85 do 83 Purchase 197 40 do 84 Purchase . . 197 40 do 85 Purchase 197 40 do 86 Purchase 197 40 do 87 Purchase 197 40 do 88 Purchase . ... 197 40 do 93 Purchase 184 80 do 94 Purchase 184.80 do . . 95 Purchase 184 80 do 96 Purchase 184 80 do 97 Purchase 184.80 do 98 Purchase 184 80 do 99 Purchase 156 20 do 100 Purchase 156 20 do 104 Ex. 171 T %a. E. pt Purchase 13 20 do do 105 106 Purchase Purchase 184.80 184 80 do 107 Purchase 184 80 do 108 Purchase 184 80 do 109 Purchase 156 20 do 110 Purchase 156 20 do 111 Purchase 182.40 do 112 Purchase 196 do 113 Purchase 196 do 114 Purchase 196 do 115 Purchase 196 do 116 Purchase 196 do 121 Purchase 75.60 do 122 Purchase 174.30 do . 123 Purchase . . 197.40 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. HERKIMER COUNTY 261 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acrea Webb 124 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TOWNSHIP 43 Continued) Purchase 197 40 do 125 Purchase 197 40 do . 126 Purchase 197 40 do 127 Purchase 166 85 do 128 Purchase 166 85 do 129 Purchase 166 85 do 130 Purchase . . . 166 85 do . . 131 Purchase 197 40 do 132 Purchase 197 40 do 133 Purchase 174 30 do 134 Purchase 75 60 do 135 Purchase 75 60 do 136 Purchase 174 30 do 137 Purchase . . 166 85 do 138 Purchase 166 85 do 139 Purchase 125 85 do 140 Purchase . 53.78 Total, Township 43. 22,393.93 acres do 1 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD, TRIANGLE NORTH OF TOWNSHIP 38 Purchase 140 do 2 Purchase 214 36 do 3 Purchase 117 24 do . 4 Purchase 140 do 5 Purchase 160 do 6 Purchase 160 do 7 Purchase 180 80 do 8 Purchase 82 88 do 9 Purchase 143 80 do 10 Purchase 164 do 11 Purchase 164 12 Purchase 164 do 13 Purchase 164 do 14 Purchase 146 60 do 15 Purchase 143 do 16 Purchase 164 do . 17 Purchase 164 do . 18 Purchase . . 164 262 THIRD A.X.XUAL REPORT OF THE HERKIMER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Webb 19 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE, TRIANGLE, NORTH OF TOWNSHIP 38 (Continued) Purchase 164 do 20 Purchase 140 do 21 Purchase 160 do 22 Purchase 160 do ' 23 Purchase 160 do 24 Purchase 160 do 25 Purchase 160 do 26 Purchase 160 do . . 27 All in Webb Purchase ... 97 14 do 29 Purchase 160 do 30 Purchase 160 do . . 31 Purchase 160 do 32 Purchase 160 do 33 Purchase 160 do . . 34 All in Webb Purchase 144.80 do do 35 40 All in Webb Purchase Purchase 11.50 164 do 41 Purchase 164 do 42 All in Webb Purchase . . . 118 28 do 45 Purchase 48 60 do 46 Purchase 127.30 Total, Triangle N. of Township 38, 5,716.30 acres. Wilmurt 1 VROOMAN'S PATENT Bd. beg. at a line stone marked " H " set in the ground on a knoll, in the edge of the clearing on the Hinckley farm, at Wilmurt corners (said monument was placed by D. C. Wood, survej'or, for heirs of Gard- ner Hinckley, Nov. 1889, in place of a pile of stones which was previously lo- cated by James Popple, sur- veyor, for said Gardner ( '< > .\ SEliVATIOA Co M MISSION. 263 HERKIMER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres VROOMAN'S PATENT (Con- tinued) Wilmurt 1 Hincklev about the vear 1849, to locate the corner between the Hincklev farm i and the Wilkinson lot), th. N. from said monument 54 30' W. 45c. 721. to a stake th. N. 35 E. along a line of marked trees 47c. 431. to a stake, th. S. 55 E. along a line of marked trees 46c. 51. to a hub in highway leading from Wilmurt cor- ners to Nobleboro, th. S. 35 30' W. partly along said highway to beg., being part of Subs. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of Great Lot 1 and is bd. N. by land of Consolidated Water Co. of Utica, E. by said highway and land of heirs of Gardner Hincklev, dec'd., S. by land of heirs of said Hincklev and W. by lands of Nathaniel Sheperd. Purchase . 217 do 1 B'd. beg. in center of West Canada Creek, on S. E'ly line of the Wilkinson lot, as surveyed by Popple, and known as subs. 3, 4, 5 and 6 of lot 1, Vroomau's Patent th. S. 54 30' E. 26c. 651. to a stake, th. X. 35 E. 62c. to center of West Canada Creek, th. down said creek. as it winds and turns to beg Purchase 138.50 do 12 All in Wilmurt 1881, '85 134 do 13 S. % of N. \ 1QC1 CK en do 17 All in Wilmurt -LOO J.) OtJ ....... 1881 '85 ou 134 do .. 20 All in Wilmurt, 134a. ex. 60a. W. pt. thereof. . . 1881 '85 74 do 20 W. part .... Purchase . . 60 264: THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HERKIMEK COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Wilmurt 24 VROOMAN'S PATENT (Con- tinued) W end 19c. 131. E & W Purchase 50 do 24 Ex. 50a. N. W. part, re- deemed from 1885 sale by Ballou Purchase 150 do 25 All in Wilmurt 1881 '85 134 do 28 All in Wilmurt . Purchase & 1905 134 do . 29 Purchase 200 do do 30 33 N.J Purchase & 1905.. . Purchase & 1905. 100 200 do 34 All in Wilmurt 1885 '90 134 do 41 All in Wilmurt 134a ex 18a N. W. pt. thereof 1881, '85 116 Total, Vrooman's Patent, 2,025 acres. Webb 4 WATSON'S EAST TRIANGLE E. part of all in Webb Purchase 344 do 4 All in Webb of 145 36a middle part across, bd. N. & S. by lot lines, E. by land formerly owned by I. D. Buel & W. by land formerly owned by A. Lovejoy . Purchase 83 do 6 1877 '81 '85 '90 '05 do . ... 7 W 4 and conveyed . . . 1877 '81 '85 '90 542 286 do 9 N. W. cor. sq 1885 '90 '95 and do 10 conveyed 1885 '90 '95 and 475 conveyed 671 10 do 12 N. W. cor. sq 1885 '90 '95 and do 13 Ex. 39? 73a E pt conveyed 1877 '81 '85 500 660 27 do 13 E part Conveyed 392 73 do 15 E pt 346a & lOOa N W do 17 cor. sq. of 334a. W. pt 1877/81, '85/90/95, and conveyed . . . Purchase & 1910 446 695 do 18 N. & S. E. i Purchase & 1910. 520 50 do 19 Purchase & 1910 690 57 do 22 All in Her Co of 2 9 8 61a N part and 158.82a. S. E. cor. of lot . . Purchase . . 318 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 265 HERKIMER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION- Tax sales or source of title Acres Webb 23 WATSON'S EAST TRIANGLE (Continued) Purchase & 1910 715 do 24 Purchase & 1910 704 do 27 Ex 495a N W cor & 102- 9 AV-, all of 194 T f a. E. side across not contained in 495a. sq. in X. W. corner of lot 1885 '95 '00 96 47 do 28 W | 357a ex 288f a all of 495a. N. W. cor. sa. therein 1885, '90, '95 68 25 do 29 1881 '85 '90 and do ... 34 purchase Purchase & 1910 658 702 do 36 S E cor 81c on X 30 1 c do 40 on E., 80c. on S. and 29|c. on W. line N. W. cor. sq . . Purchase 1885 '90 '95 and 239. 4S conveyed 130 Total, Watson's East Triangle, 9,937.37 acres Wilmurt 1 WOODHULL TRACT Purchase 653 04 do 4 Purchase 624 do 6 1881 '85 '95 600 do .. 7 All in Wilmurt 1877 '81 '85 qo do . 12 All in Wilmurt 1881 '85 166 Total, Woodhull Tract, 2,135.04 acres Webb WATERS Big IVIoose Lake \11 in Twp. 8, Brown's Tract . . . Purchase 975 20 do Bub's Lake Purchase 52 do Cascade Lake fifi do Dart's Lake (Second Lake Xorth Branch) . Purchase 115 do Fourth Lake Fulton Chain All in Twp. 8 Brown's Tract, Her. Co Purchase 1 390 do Moss Lake Purchase 118 do Razor Back Lake Purchase 7 50 do Rondaxe Lake (First Lake No. Branch) Purchase 84.40 266 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HERKIMER COUNTY Tax sales Town Lot DESCRIPTION or Acres source of title WATERS (Continued) Webb Second Lake Fulton Chain Purchase 140 do Silver Lake Purchase 62 do Third Lake Fulton Chain Purchase 230 do Thirsty Pond Purchase 30 do . . Twitchell Lake Purchase 145 60 do West Pond . . Purchase 5 20 Total Waters, 3,414.90 acres For other State land in Herkimer county, see Appendix. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 267 LEWIS COUNTY (Total number of acres, 4,542.42) Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Osceola do 38 50 BOYLSTON PURCHASE, TOWN- SHIP 13 N. W. cor. bd. E. by Grif- fiths, & S. by Jackson Bd. N. by Potter or Porter, E. & W. by lot lines, & S. by Brockwaj r ... ... 1881, '85 1877 62 61 do 50 N. \ ex. und. \ pd. by S. Burleson 1885 61 50 do 69 X. end 1881, '85 25 do 74 1877, '81, '85 236 do 98 N. W. cor bd. E bv Hinnian & Williams 120a. & S. W. cor. bd. X. & E. by R. Steward, 62a 1881, '85 . 182 do 127 1881 '85. 265 do 134 Bd. X. & S. bv Driscol, & E. & W. by lot line . 1881, '85 ... . 83 Total, Boylston Pur- chase, Township 13,- 975i acres Greig 95 BRANTINGHAM TRACT S. Dt. " W. Trull " 1877, '81 '85 141 do . 113 X. \ 1877 '81 '85 102 do 171 W. side 50a. ex. 16f a. all con- tained therein of 50a. bd. X. by Bender, E. & W. by lot lines & S. by Smith 1877 33 33 do 187 E. pt. or side 1881 '85 73 do ... 188 1881 '85 236 do Lvonsdale 189 203 Ex. 50a. X. E. cor E. side . . 1881, '85 1871 '77 '81 104.67 32 do do do do 203 204 205 222 Bd. X. & S. by lot lines, E. by Brown fc W by Warren W. side bd. E. by Bogart, 144a., & S. E. cor. of Rein. 30c. long, X. &S. 33a X. E. cor., bd. S. by Paint Creek, & W. by road 1895 1871, 77, '81 1877, '81, '85 1871, 77. '81 70 183 177 2.50 268 A:\.\LTAL EEPOKT OF THE LEWIS COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Lyonsdale . . 223 BRANTINGHAM TRACT (Continued) N. E. cor. of lot bd beg at said N. E. cor., th. N. 86i deg. W. on N. line 32c. 801., th. S. 3| deg. W. 6c. 681. to center of Old Road to Paint Creek, th. E'ly up Paint Creek to E. line of lot & th. N. 4^ deg. E. along said E. line 5c. 121. to beg. 23a. & W. part bd. E. by Bogart, 90a 1877, '81 '90 113 do 226 E. pt 1877 '81 77 do 262 N E cor bd S by Moose river 1877 50 do 305 N. W. cor. bd. E. by Rodgers & S. by River . . . 1877, '81, '85 14 do 308 Bd N by Chase E & S by Rodgers, & W. by Banning 1881. 14 do 311 S W cor bd N by Hoi- do 314 comb, & E. by G. H. Brown 1881 1S77 '81 '85 50 181 Total, Brantingham Tract, 1,653 acres Lewis 153 INMAN'S TRIANGLE E. side . . . 1877 '81 '90 147 do 153 N W cor 1877 '81 'QO 50 Total, Inman's Triangle, 197 acres West Turin 5 LYONS FALLS VILLAGE BLOCK 7 N. W. ex. und. paid by Julia L. De Camp . . . 1881. .13 Diana. . 906 MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 4 S W'lv ror bH N'lv hv William Hunt & others, & E'ly by Hammond & Morse lands . . . 1881 50 do 924 Simon Van Patten bd N'lv by lot line, E'ly by Paddock CONSERVATION COMMISSION. LEWIS COUNTY 269 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Diana 924 MA COMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 4 (Continued) & Judson & G. W. Leonard S'ly by Paddock & Judson & Wm. Leonard, & W'ly b} Wm. A. Paddock & Judson lands 1881, '85 66 do 924 McKenna est. bd. N'ly bj St. Lawrence County, E'h by Lyman Barber, S'ly by lot 925, & W'ly by Wm Leonard 1885 '.. 65 do 990 Bd. X'lv bv lot 991 E'ly by lots 337 & 338, S. by lot 989 & Seeley, & W'ly b\ Hughes & Paul's land 1881, '85 4^ 290 do do 1 2 Total, 471 acres. TRIANGLE IN EASTERLY END Bd. N'ly & W'ly by Beach, E'ly by Humes, & S'ly by lot 2 Bd. N'ly by lot 1, E'ly by Humes, S'ly by Buell & Bartholomew, & W'ly by Beach & Buell or Bush & Buell 1881. '85 1881 '85 90 219 Croghan 1977 Total, 309 acres. MA COMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 5 (Chassinis Tract) Range 4 W 24 N N pt 1881 20 Lewis 20 MACOMB'S PURCHASE GREAT TRACT 6 TOWNSHIP 1 E. side, 199|a. ex. 135a. E. pt. thereof 1877 '81 '85 64 50 do 38 1881 '85 257 do 44 1877 '81 '85 259 do 57 E. side 1877 '81 '85 100 Total, Great Tract 6, Township 1;680 acres 270 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE LEWIS COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Turin 84 MACOMB'S PURCHASE, GREAT TRACT 6, TOWNSHIP 3 LUCRETIA CONSTABLES' PURCHASE Bd N'ly bv Carpenter E'ly by Parsons & others, S'ly by lot line, & W'ly by Rob- erts deceased 1877 . 2 do 84 Bd. N'ly & E'ly by Car- penter, S'ly by lot line, & W'ly by Coe & others 1877 3 do 84 Bd. N'ly, E'ly & W'ly by Doud's land, & line thereof same course continued, S'ly by lot line 1877 . . . 4 do 84 S. W. cor. bd. N'ly by Car- penter, & E'ly by Coe . 1877 3 Total, Township 3, 12 acres. Watson 4 WATSON'S EAST TRIANGLE All in Lewis Co. of 145.36a. the middle part across, b'd. on E. by land formerly of I. D. Buel, on the W. by land formerly of Ansel Lovejoy on the N & S by lot lines Purchase 62 36 do do 22 240 All in Lewis Co. of 228.61a. N. pt. and 156.82a. S. E. cor. of lot Total, Watson's East Tri- angle, 129.79 acres. WATSON'S WEST TRIANGLE S. part Purchase 1877, '81, '85 67.43 48 Greig 5 WILKES' TRACT S. Dart 1866 46 For other State land in Lewis County see Appendix. COXSERVATIOX COMMISSION. 271 ONEIDA COUNTY (Total number of acres, 28,889.91) Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Forestport do do do do ADGATE'S EASTERN TRACT (Gouoerneur Lot) Ex. lOOa. S. pt. owned by T. Delarme. . (Miller & Swanton Lot) N. pt.. Sub. 1.. Total, Adgate's Eastern Tract, 1,762 acres Boonville do 55 55, 56, 62, 63 ADGATE'S WESTERX TRACT (East side of Black River) N. pt All that certain parcel oi land known and distin- guished by a survey there- of made by B. Wright, in the year 1794, on a map of said land filed in the C erk's office of Oneida County, by being lots No. 56, 62 and 63, on the E. side of the river in Adgate's Western Tract, said lot 56 containing 155fa., more or less, said lot 62 containing 160Ja. and said lot 63, con- taining 164|a., more or less, excepting and reserving however, from said lot 56 so much said part thereof, if any, as is included in a farm of 51 ^a., surveyed for Wm. Booth, under contract to Stephen Barns; and also excepting and reserving from said lot 62 all that 1877, '81 1877, '85.... 1877, '81, '85. Mortgage 1877, '81, '85. 600 350 300 50 462 Mortgage. 25 272 THIRD AXSCAL REPORT OF THE ONEIDA COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres ADGATE'S WESTERN TRACT Boonville (EAST SIDE OF BLACK RIVER) (Continued} part thereof lying N'ly of the center of the Brown's Tract Road, under contract to Richard Lee; also is here- by conveyed 25a. off the N. part of lot 55 in said Tract on the E. side of river, b'd N. b'y N. line of said lot, E. by E. line of lot, W. by the Patent line and the line of lot 9 in said Tract, and S. by line par'l with N. line of lot, drawn so as to include 25a .... *Mortgage 480.75 do 74,75 Parts thereof, being the same 76,79 premises conveyed by Mor- ris S. Miller & others to Richard Hurlbert, dated Jan. 15, 1856, recorded in clerk's office of Oneida Co., March 22, 1856, in Book 194 of Deeds, page 478, etc. Mortgage 155.89 do 75, 76 Beg. at a point in E. line of & 79 lot 74 where it is crossed by Dan'l Thayer's N. line th. N'ly 4c. 251. along said E. line to the center of a road. th. E'ly along said center to a point where it is inter- sected by a S'ly line of B. Churchill's lot, th. E'ly along said S'ly line to a birch tree cornered and marked, th. S'ly on a line par'l with Dan'l Thayer's E. line & 9c. distant there- from 35c. to center of Cum- mins' Creek, th. N. & W. along the center of said creek to Dan'l Thayer's S. ' Resale. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 2T3 ONEIDA COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Boonville . do 75,76 &79 Bridgewater. Lee Western . . do ADGATE'S WESTERN TRACT (EAST SIDE OF BLACK RIVER) (Continued) E. corner, th. N'ly along said Thayer's E. line to his N. E. corner, & th. W'ly along his N. line lOc. to beg Parts thereof bd. beg. at a hemlock tree, on N. side of Cummins' Creek, about Ifc. below Burgess' saw- mill; th. N. 10 deg. E. 7c. 501. to a beech marked; th. N. 80 deg. E. 40c. 501. to a hemlock, marked; th. S. 10 deg. E. 16c. 751. to a spruce, marked; th. S. 71 deg. W. 49c. 461. to Cummins' Creek, at a spruce, marked. & th. up said creek 33c. 501. to beg., lOOa. ex. 15a. pt. of lot 75 as surveyed by C. L. Phelps, Feb. 23, 1864, & deeded to Andrew Wells, Jan. 1, 1864 Total, Adgate's West- ern Tract, East Side Black River, 796.64 acres BAYARD'S, OR FREE MASON'S PATENT Sub. 7 FONDA'S PATENT Land adjoining the Delta Reeervor Lan adjoining the Delta Reservoir Total, 317.94 acres. MA CHIN'S PATENT Land adjoining the Delta Reservoir. . . Mortgage . Mortgage . Forfeited Appropriated . Appropriated . Appropriated . 50 85 2.50 45.15 272.79 8.49 274 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF TILE ONEIDA COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Remsen . . . MA CHIN'S PATENT (Cont'd) (Walker Tract) Land adjoining the Hinckley Reservoir Appropriated .... 12.76 Vernon 5 ONEIDA RESERVATION Purchase of 1840 N. part .... *0riginal 30 do .... 28 Part *Original 6 65 Total, Oneida Reserva- tion. 36.65 acres. Forestport 3 REMSENBURGH PATENT Sub. 3 1881 '85 93 Remsen Forestport 8 19 N. W. cor. bd. E. by Her. Co., S. by O'Brien S W | 1895 1877 120 1 9 5 do 21 S. E. cor. bd. N. & W. by river 1877 3 Remsen Land adjoining the Hinckley Reservoir Total, 568.54 acres. Appropriated 27.54 Annsville do 13 80 SCRIBA'S PATENT TOWNSHIP 3 S. E. cor In N 2} fa & all of S ^ of 1877 18 lot ex. 50a. W. end thereof, Mortgage 50 75 do 81 All Mortgage 154 50 Florence 103 S. E. cor. bd. beg. on E. side of highway leading from Empyville to Remsen at Benj. Tanner's saw mill at S. line of T. H. Simpkin's land; th. along Simpkin's land to lot 104; th. S'ly along lot line to land of Ramson & Benj. Tanner; th. Wly along said land to highway & th. N'ly along said highway to beg .... Mortgage 11 Annsville . 112 W'ly^ of 152}| fa bd beg at N. E. cor. of lot, th. S. 21 W. along E. line of said lot 62c. 151. to S. E. cor. thereof, th N. 69 deg. W. * Resale. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ONEIDA COUNTY 275 Lot DESCRIPTION 112 117 44 19 39 SCRIBA'S PATENT, TOWNSHIP 3 (Continued) along S. line of lot 24c. 601. to a stake, th. N. 21 deg. E. along a line of marked trees 62c. 131. to N, line of said lot and th. S. 69 deg. E. 24c. 601. to beg Bd. beg. at S. W. cor. of lot; th. S. 67 deg. E. along lot line 16c. 261.; th. N. 23 deg. 53 min. E. 22c. 321. ; th. S. 67 deg. E. 3c. 501. to centre of highway; th. N. 23 deg. 53 min. E. 20c. 891. to cen- ter or turn in highway; th. N. 6 deg. 52 min. along cen- ter of highway 6c. 811. to lands of Wm. Whipple on lot 103; th. N. 67 deg. W. 16c. 261. to lot line. & th S. 23 deg. 53 min. along lot line 48c. 741. to beg SCRIBA'S PATENT, TOWNSHIP 8 (West Part in Camden) Bd. N. by lands of Abram Skinner, E. by lands of F. Skinner, S. by lands for- merly owned by Strong. and W. by lands of Robt. Robertson N. W. cor. bd. E. by Fish Creek, & S. & W. by lands of Miner Buell or Buel . . SCRIBA'S PATENT, TOWNSHIP 9 N. W. cor Bd. beg. at S. W. cor. of lot. th. N. 21 deg. E. on W. line of lot 43c. 701. to N. W. cor. th. S. 69 deg. E. on N. Tax sales or source of title Acres Mortgage. Mortgage. 88.32 1877.. 1871, '77 30 1877 14 276 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ONEIDA COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Vienna do do 39 30 53 SCRIBA'S PATENT, TOWNSHIP 9 (Continued) line of lot lie. 431. to a stake, th. S. 21 deg. W. 43c 751. to a stake on S. line ol lot and th. N. 69 deg. W on S. line of lot, lie. 401 to beg Bd. beg. in E'ly bounds of lot at N. E. cor. of estate of A. Bailey, th. N. 65| deg W. parallel with N'ly line of lot 17c. 261., th. S. deg. W. parallel with W'ly line of Bailey estate 23c 811. to the center of high- way crossing said lot, th. N. E'ly along said highway and along a disused high- way to E'ly line of lot and th. N. 24] deg. E. on said line 15c. 501. to beg Parcel described as beg. at the N. E. cor. of the lot th. N. 68 deg. W. along the N. line of the lot 8c and 621. to a stake and stones, th. S. 22 deg. W.29c. to center of highway run- ning E'ly and W'ly across the lot, th. S. 68 deg. E. along the center of said highway 8c. and 621. to the E. line of the lot, th. N. 22 deg. E. on said E. line 29c. to the place of beginning, 25a. ex. 6||a. heretofore deeded by Ezra Dun to Robert Horn and 2a. deeded by said Dun to Alex Horn both parcels being taken off N. part of above described land . . Mortgage. 50 Mortgage . 35.65 Mortgage . 16.35 CONSERVATION Ct > M MISSION. ONEIDA COUNTY 277 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Vienna 53 SCRIBA'S PATENT, TOWNSHIP 9 (Continued} ' Parcel described as beg. at % the N. W. cor. of the lot, th. S. 67 E. along a line of lots 25c. to a stake, th. S. 23 deg. W. 9c. and 81. to a stake at the X. E. cor. of Benjamin Sanford's land, th. N. 67 deg. W. along the W. line of said San- ford's land 25c. to a stake on the W. line of said lot No. 53, th. X. 23 deg. E. along a line of lots 9c. and 431. to the place of beg Mortgage 23 10 do 54 Parcel described as beg. at the S. W. cor. of the lot, th. N. 22 deg. E. along the E. line of lot 53, 43c. 821. to the N. E. cor. of lot 53, th. S. 68 deg. E. 6c. 841. to a stake and stones, th. S. 22 deg. W. 43c. 821. to a hem- lock sapling standing on the S. line of lot 54, th. X. 68 deg. W. 6c. 841. to beg. ex. l^a. so'd to Alfred Dun by Ezra Dun and 5a. deeded by John Haws to Xathaniel Danly on X. end of lot. . . Mortgage 1.60 do 54 Part 30a. ex. l.oOa. deeded to Dun and ex. 5a. deeded J. Hawes to Dawlev Mortgage ... 23 50 do 9 SCRIBA'S PATENT, TOWNSHIP 10 North Part Mortgage 155 do 21 Bd. X'lv bv land of Jno. Pierce, E'ly by land of said Pierce, S'ly by lot 32. Wly by lot 20, being premises 278 TIRED A. \.\r.\T. TIKPOKT OF THE ONEIDA COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Vienna 21 SCRIBA'S PATENT, TOWNSHIP 10, North Park-(Cont'd) purchased of sheriff of Co. do 31 recorded Book 363, page 349 N. end Mortgage 1877 .. 70 79 do 33 Mortgage 151 75 do 50 N. . C. T 1884 fr Mt"-e 50 do 55 W. 1 of 49 J a S pt Mortgage 24 75 do 66 W. pt., bd. beg. at N. E. cor. do 29 o lot 65, th. S. 68 deg. E. along lot line 7c. 751. to a stake, th. S. 22 deg. W. 33c. to a stake on N. line oi Peter J. Monroe's tract, th. N. 80 deg. W. along said Monroe's N. line, 8c. 41. to S. E. cor. of lot 65, & th. 22 dg. E. along E. line of aid lot 65, 35c. to beg .... tiouh Part X. ?, Mortgage Mortgage 26.84 50 do .... 30 S. i of N. f of N \ Mortgage 12 50 Total Scriba' Pat nt, 1,190.51 acroo do 13 X. W. cor. bd. E. & S. by Vy\7 Perkins or Wood 1877, '81 16 do .... 16 1895, '00 200 do . 21 X. or end 1885 '90 '95 .l/w 100 Il/w Total, Glen & Yates Patent, 716 acres. 292 THIRD ANNUAL, REPORT OF THE SARATOGA COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Edinburgh 39 GLEN ( JOHN) AND 44 OTHERS' PATENT All in Edinburgh 1877, '81, '85 138 Corinth 39 All in Corinth 1881, '90 112 do 51 All in Corinth 1881, '85 '90 86 Edinburgh . . . . s 85,86, 87,88 do do jsub. 3 Sub. 6 Sub. 7 . 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1881, '85 1871 '77 '81 100 100 100 do Sub 9 1877 '81 '85 100 do do 112 Sub. 10 W. pt 1877, '81 1885 100 50 Total 886 acres. Greenfield 9 KAYADEROSSERAS PATENT 17TH ALLOTMENT (Great Lot 6) Bd. N. by land of Ebert, E. by land of Sesselman, S. by schoolhouse and highway leading from Style's to Greenfield Ctr., & W. by highway running N'ly from School No. 9 1895 '00 1 do 12 Bd. N. by highway from Wilton . . 3 Stile Tavern to H. Lock- wood's, E. by Great Lot 7, S. by Morris, & W. by Williams (Great Lot 9) Sub. 1., E. pt. bd. beg. at a Mortgage 40.15 stake in the Skew line, th. N. 74 deg. 45 min. W. lOc. to a stake, th. S. 9c. to the Skew line & th. N. 55 deg. E. along said line to beg . . . Mortgage 4.50 Providence 2 21sT ALLOTMENT (Great Lot 8) Sub. 6 W. 1890 KM) do do 3 4 (Great Lot 10) Sub. 1, S. W. cor. square. . . . (Great Lot 11) Sub. 8. . . 1890 1885.. 10 107 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. SABATOGA COUNTY 293 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Corinth. do do do do Day... Corinth do KAYADEROSSERAS PATENT, (Continued) 23o. ALLOTMENT (Great Lot 2) Bd. beg. in center of highway leading S'ly past W. W. Grippen's house, at a point where A. N. Clothier's land commences & th. W'ly along Clothier's S. I'nc to A. M. Young's land, th. S. along Young's E. line & lands of Kingsley to R. P. Clothier's land, th. E. along said Clothier's N. line to where said Clothier's land runs N. past this lot, th. N. to said highway & th along said center of saic highway past W. W. Grip- pen's dwelling house to beg 24TH ALLOTMENT (Great Lot 1, Town of Corinth) 1 j Sub. 2 or B 2 I Sub. IN. end 2 I Sub. 2S. part 2 | Sub. 2, B'd N. by Sanders Mill lot . . (Town of Day) 2 I Sub. 1 (Great Lot 2) 1 or A Sub. 1. X. pt. bd. S. by Hewitt Clark & others, 900a.ex.200a.S.iof600a., X. end 2 or B S. pt, 737a.. ex. 400a. bd. N. by the Chrysler lot, E. & W. by lot lines, & S. by Houghton Mortgage. .31 1890, '95 1885, '90 1881, '85, '90, '95. 1895 1890 1881,^85, '90. 1881.. '85,/90 337 348 100 100 100 100 700 294 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SARATOGA COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Corinth, do . do . do do do do do do . do do Northumberland KAYADEROSSERAS PATENT, 24TH ALLOTMENT (Con- tinued] (Great Lot 3) Sub. A 1881, '85, '90. Sub. B 1881, '85, '90. Sub. C ... 1881, '85, '90. Sub. 1, N. pt. bd. S. by I Carpenter or Martin 1881, '85, '90 Sub. 2,S.pt. bd.N. by Tiffany 1881 , '90 ... 175 175 175 503 90 (Great Lot 4) Sub. 2, ex. 150a. S. end (Great Lot 5) Bd. N. by I. S. Murray, E. & W. by lot lines, & S. by C. Johnson Sub. 1, on S. end, or S. pt. bd. N. by Widow White's lot.. (Gr at Lot 6) Sub. N. N. pt Sub. H (Great Lo'. 8) Bd. N. byHolden, E. & W.| by lot lines, & S. \ y J. R. | Cruse Total, Kayaderosseras Paten , 3,922.65 acres. 1881, '85, '90. 1890 . Mortgage & 1885. 1881, '85, '90. 1890, '95 . . . . 1881 100 100 35 100 60 NORTHUMBERLAND, TOWN OF Lot known and distinguished as farm lot No. 1 on a map of estate of Herman Ganes- vort, made by Jos. Mott; bd. beg. at N. W. cor., a stake standing in S. line of land of John Snyder, being N. E. cor. of land of Wind- CONSERVATION COM MISSION. 295 SARATOGA COUNTY Town Lot Northumberland Day do do do do 16 25 26 27 30 DESCRIPTION Tai or s ,u'.'c^ of title Acres NORTHUMBERLAND, TOWN OF (Continued) sor Hartwell, th. S. along E. line of said Hartwell laud: 15c. 561. to X. line of land of John Burt, th. E. abngj said N. line 9c. 501., th. 15c. 561. to land of John. Snyder, & th. W. along said Snyder's land 9c. 501. to beg ... Also a parcel in said lot l,j bd. beg. on S. line of E. Merchant, being N. W. cor.j oflandofS.Gifford,th. W. 32c. to pt. in road, 2r. from stump on W. side o" oad, th. X. 31 deg. E. 571. to N. line of lot 2, said map, th. W. on N. line 39c. 21., th.j S. on E. line of lot 5, said; map, 8c. 211. to N. line of C. Cramer, th. lie. 141. to Cramer's N. E. cor., th. S. along Cramer's line 8c. 221. to stake in J. Snyd^r's N. line, th. E. along Snyder's X. line 54c. 961. to S. > cor. of S. Gifford's land & th. X. along Gifford's W. line 8c. 221. to beg Total, 89-rW acres. PALMER'S PURCHASE (General Allotment) All in Day All in Day All in Day.". All in Day N. pt. of all in Saratoga Co., bd. S. by land of Sherman & Lapham Mo 14 71 Ma t -age. 1877 1881, '85 1881/85 . .So, '81, '10 & purchase 1881 ,'85 75.18 37 66 290 555 509 290 AAALAI, REPORT OF THE SARATOGA COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Day. 31 PALMER'S PURCHASE, General Allotment (Continued) All in Saratoga Co ex 888a do . . 44 S. E. end land of Sherman & Lapham N end 1877, '81/85 1895 1900 61 600 do 45 Ex. 700a. N. end & 150a S end Total, 2,268 acres. 1877, '81, '85 150 do 19 MIDDLK DIVISION, GKIOAT LOT 2 (West Part, Bruce Tract) 1881, '85, '90 104 do 20 1895, '00 104 do 26 (Great Lot 3) 1895, '00 64 30 do 27 1895 '00 ... 64 30 do 28 1895 '00 64 30 do 29 1895, '00 ... . 64 30 do 30 1895 '00 64 30 do 31 1895, '00 64 30 do 32 1895, '00 64 30 do do do . . . 33 34 35 1895, '00 1895, '00 1895 '00 64.30 64.30 64 30 Corinth 15 Total, Middle Division, 851 acres. SANDERS' PATENT 1890, '95 ... 100 do do Day 17 22 23 Bussing lot N. end in Day 1890, '95 1881, '85 & mort- gage 1885 '90 '95 100 95 53 Co inth 29 1890, '95 99 do 30 , 1890 '95 96 do 31 1881, '85 87 do do do 32 33 34 1881, '85 1890, '95 1890 '95 87 87 87 do 35 1890 '95 101 do do 37 44 All in Corinth.., 1890, '95 1890 . . 101 77 CONSERVATIOX C<> M M I SSTOX. 29' SARATOGA Cor. MY Town Corioth ., Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title SANDERS' PATENT (Cont'd) Small Lots Total, Sanders' Patent. 1,187 acres. WATERS Hudson River, all in Sara- toga Co. ex. so much there- of as is within Kayaderos- seras Patent and Saratoga Patent Mohawk River, AU in Sara- toga Co 1890.. Original Original. Acres 17 For other State lands in Saratoga County see Appendix 208 T 1 1 1 K i > A .\ \ r A L REPORT OF T 1 1 K WARREN COUNTY (Total number of acres, 155,150.32) Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Ha^ue do 2 3 BRANT LAKE TRACT All in Warren Co Purchase Purchase 67 120 do do 4 5 Purchase Purchase 120 120 do 6 Purchase 120 do do . . 7 8 Purchase Purchase 144 160 do 9 Purchase 160 do do do 10 16 17 Purchase 1877, '81, '85 1877 '81 '85 '90 160 160 '95 160 do 18 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95. 160 do 19 1877, '81, '85, '90, '95 160 do 22 1877 '81 '85 '95 160 do 23 1877, '81, '85 160 do do ... 24 25 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 1881 '85 160 160 do . . 30 1895 '00 160 do 32 Purchase 160 do 33 Purchase 160 do 34 All in Warren Co Purchase 112 Horicon do 37 38 All in Warren Co Purchase & 1910 . . Purchase 104 160 do . . 38 Purchase & 1910 160 do do 41 63 Original* Purchase 160 160 do 64 Purchase & 1910 160 do do do 65 66 69 All in Warren Co All in Warren Co. Purchase & 1910. . Purchase & 1910 . . Purchase & 1910. 160 97 95 do do do do 70 71 96 97 Purchase & 1910 . . Purchase & 1910 . . Purchase & 1910 . . Purchase & 1910 160 160 160 160 do 98 All in Warren Co.. Purchase & 1910. . 95 * Resale ( 'o.VSKKVATloX COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY 299 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Horicon 101 BRANT LAKE TRACT (Continued) All in Warren Co Purchase & 1910 . . 91 do 102 Purchase & 1910 160 do 103 Purchase & 1910 160 do 128 Purchase & 1910 160 do flB Purchase Range Q 1877 '81 '85 234 do (i 1877 '81 '85 '90 234 do do ., ' 7 11 1881/85 1900 '05 & pur- itf \ do do 10 11 It'll li iff: 7 <-|i:ist; l.Vsl A iMircha Piirrh.-lSf A- I MM). '05 234 L-:: l "Ml do 13 Purchase & 1910. . 234 300 THIED ANNUAL REPOKT OF THE WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title ! Acres Thurman 6 DARTMOUTH PATENT, (GREAT TRACT) (Continued) Range 8 1881 234 do do 7 8 1877, '81, '85, '90. . Purchase 234 234 do 9 Purchase 234 do 10 Purchase 234 do 11 Purchase ' 234 do 12 Purchase 234 do 13 Purchase 234 do 2 Range 9 S. of 67a. W. part 1890. 33 50 do 6 Ex. 50a. N. E. cor Purchase 184 do 7 Purchase '234 do 8 Purchase 234 do 10 Purchase 234 do 11 Purchase 234 do 12 Purchase 234 do 13 Purchase 234 do 6 Range 10 Purchase 234 do 7 Purchase 234 do ... 8 Ex. 27a N E cor 5c on E'ly. 25c. on S'ly & 16.8c. on W'ly line Purchase . . 206.75 do 9 Purchase 234 do 10 Purchase 234 do 11 Purchase 234 do 12 Purchase & 1910 234 do 13 Purchase 234 Stony Creek 3 SMALL TRACT (Range 4) All in Warren Co 1885, '90 19S do 4 1881 '85 '90 9 34 do 5 N. end 1881, '90 100 Stony Creek .... 4 UPPER Riv. DIVISION 1SIH) '05 11 1 do 5 W. i 1877 . . . 50 do W. > Total, Dartmouth Pat., 8,088.25 acres. 1877, '90 50 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY 301 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Ha^ue ELLIS PATENT Gore, bd. beg. in line be- tween the counties Essex and Warren at a pi e of stones in W T 'ly line of 'ot 89 of said Ellis Tract, th. N. * 87 30' W.along said county line 122c. to E. line of the Hague Tract, th. S. 4 10' W. along sa'd E. line 92c. 921. to S. E. cor. of lot 33 of said Tract, being 501. E. of a clump of spruce trees cornered and marked many years ago. th. S. N. 85 30' W. 20c. 251. to a beech tree cornered and marked many years ago, th. S. 4 10' W. along E. line of lot 36 of . said Hague Tract 20c. 501. to N. W. cor. of lot 226, Ellis Tract, at a soft maple tree cornered and marked many years ago, th. S. 85 30' E. along N. line of lot 226, 44c. ; 501. to S.W'ly cor. of lot 86, of said Ellis Tract, at a spruce tree on top of the mountain cornered and marked many years ago, th. N. 42 30' E. along W'ly line o" lots 86, 87 & 88, 122c. to N. W'ly cor. of lot 88. th. S. 47 30' E. along N'ly line of lot 88, 5c. to S. W'ly cor. of lot 89, and th. X. 42 30' E. along Wly line of lot 89, 30c. to beg Purchase 837.90 do 105 E. part 1910 35 do 105 W. pt. bd. E. by Patchen 1881, '85 85 do 226 Purchase . ! 112 do 236 1895 '00 115.60 do 237 1895 102.50 do 1895.. 100.30 302 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION " Hi K Tax sales or source of title Acres Hague 246 ELLIS PATENT (Coriinued) 1895 102 60 do 248 1871 77 '81 102 60 do 250 1895, '00 ... 107 50 do 251 1895, '00 105 40 do . . 252 1895 '00 148 60 do do 255 256 1895/00 1895, '00 . 100.30 102 60 do 257 1871 77 '81 94 50 do do 258 259 1895, '00 1895, '00 123.60 126 75 Total, Ellis Patent, 2,502.75 acres. Bolton 3 GARLAND'S (PETER) PATENT 1877, '90, '95 169 do 5 N. W. cor . . 1900. 50 Total, 219 acres. Warrensburgh . . . GOLDWAITH'S PATENT N. W. I Ex. 400a. W. end 80c. long E. & W. & 50c. wide N. & S 1895 100 Thurman 1 Gores GORE BETWEEN DARTMOUTH PATENT AND TOWNSHIP 11, TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE 1885 '90 127 25 do .... '2 1885, '90 160 do 3 1881, '85 160 Johnsburgh Thurman do Johnsburgh do 4 4 5 7 8 All in Johnsburgh All in Thurman ' S. W. cor. in Thurman 1881, '85, '90 1885 1885, '95 Purchase Purchase 50 110 26 160 160 Thurman 14 1885, '90 | 38.33 do 15 ' Purchase 119 do 16 Purchase .... 180 25 do. 17 All in Thurman 1881 '85 154 50 Johnsburgh do 17 18 All in Johnsburgh All in Johnsburgh ! 1885, '90 Purchase 5.50 75 1 hu -man 18 AH in Thurman Purchase 85 CONSERVATION COM M i 303 WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Thurman Johnsburgh 19 * 19 Gores GORE BETWEEN DARTMOUTH PATENT AND TOWNSHIP 11, TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE (Continued) All in Thurman All in Johnsburgh Original & 1905, '10* Original & 1905* 8 152 do 23 1895 160 Thurman . 26 Purchas p 90 32 do 27 Ex. 56.08a. beg at point on E'ly line of lot on shore of Mill Creek Pond at high water mark, th. S. 30 deg. E. to N. line of Dartmouth Pat,, th. W'ly along taid X. line 27|c. th. N. 30 deg. W. 9 T \c. to high water mark on shore of Mill Creek Pond & th. E'lv along pond to bog. Purchas? 108.25 do Johnsburgh 28 28 All in Thurman All in Johnsburgh 1881 1881 1*2 18 do 33 All in Johnsburgh 935a., ex. 700a. N. Pt. bd. S. by line par'l to town line 1890, '95 2o5 Thurman . . . 35 Purchas 72 33 Total, 2,594.73 acres. Johnsburgh . . 196 GORE BETWEEN TOWNSHIPS 12 AND 14, TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE. 1885 106 do 7 GORE BETWEEN TOWNSHIPS 29 AND 31 , TOTTEN & CROSSFIELDS' PURCHASE, All in Warren Co Conveved 38 50 do do 8 9 All in Warren Co 1885 & conveyed . . 1885 '05 176 187 do 10 1881 . 187 Total, Gore between Townships 29 and 31, Totten & Crossfield's Purchase, 588.50 acres. ' Resale. THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Johnsburgh 5 Gores (Continued) GORE SOUTH OF TOWNSHIP 1 2, TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE (West of River} 1895, '00 . 279 52 do do 8 13 1900 1881 '85 475.59 157 76 do do 26 LO 1881, '85 1890 171.53 264 50 do 31 1885, '90 . 149 88 Total. Gore south of Twp 12, 1,498.78 acres. Hague 28 HAGUE TRACT All in Warren Co Purchase 14 50 do do 20 30 All in Warren Co Purchase Purchase 68 170 20 do 31 Purchase 175 50 do .... 32 Purchase 175 50 do do 33 34 Purchase Purchase 145.70 165 30 do 35 Purchase . 157 10 do do 36 37 Purchase Purchf se 160 160 do 38 Purchase 184 50 do do do . ... 39 41 42 Purchase ' Purchase Purchase 184.50 184.50 184 50 do 50 1877 '81 '85 -'95 150 do do 54 57 Original* ; 1877, '81, '85, '95 I 180 184 50 do 58 1877 '81 '85 '<)"> ] s 1 f)0 do 60 Total, Hague Tract, 3,013.30 acres. 1877, '81, '85 184.50 Chester do 03 ! 93 HOFMAN TOWNSHIP S. E. cor S VV port 1S77 : ! SS ! 165 120 ! Total, 285 acres. ' *Rc3ale. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY 305 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Thurman ....... do 17 17 HYDE TOWNSHIP N. W. cor S. W. cor 1871 1881 50 50 do 17 % On W. line, so much of 50a. commencing 26r. N. from the S. W. cor. of lot, 160r. long N. & S. and 50r. wide, E. & W. as is not contained in 50a. N. W. cor. and 50a. S. W, cor. 1881 30 17 do 37 Sub. 1, N. E. i 1885/90 125 do 37 Sub 2 S E i N W side do Warrensburgh . . . do 39 64 64 17|c. wide N. W. & S. E. and 20c. long N. E. & S. W. Ex. 50a. S. E. cor Sub. 4 X. -i of S. W. I, 63a., ex. 25a. on W. line 31c. 41. from X. W. cor . . . 1885/90 1881 1881, '95 1890 35 450 61 38 do 76 Sub. 3 . 1881 188 do 78 Ex. 26a. E. pt. of 200a.W.pt. Total, Hyde Township, 1,501 T VV acres. 1881, '85 474 Luzerne 11 JESSUP'S 4,100 ACRE PATENT Bd. X. & S. by lot line, E. by H. C.'emons 50a. & W. by Whitton 1885 98 75 do 11 Clemons H bd N & S by do ... lo lot line, E. by John Pier's 50a. K TMK WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres JESSUP'S 7,550A. PATENT (Continued) Luzerne 5 Bd. N. & S. by lot lines, E. by Howe or Home, & W. by Lewis 1881 100 do 5 Sub. 3, loc. N. & S. do 8 Bd. N. & S. by lot lines, & W. by Hudson River 1871, 77* 121 do 12 E. pt. bd. "VV. by Goodness . 1871, 77 96 do 12 Middle pt. bd. N. & S. by lot lines, E. by Job a Hall, & W. by Henry Pulver or Putnam 1S90 80 Total, Jessup's 7,550, Patent, 1,081 acres. KAYADEROSSERAS PATENT, 23 1) ALLOTMENT (Great Lot 5) do i Bd. N. by Perkins' lot, E. by George Murray, S. by Mur- ray, & W. by Barker or Banker 1881 50 LAKE GEORGE ISLANDS Bolton Dick's (2) ( Original i do Happy Family (5) Original 1.25 do Goose Original A .do Unnamed near Hi 11 view .... Original A- 1 *> do Whipple Original ~ i do Unnamed (2) S. of Whipple . Original i do Rush Orignal .0-5 do Phelps (near Buck MtJ Original 4 do Sweet Briar Original .53 do Refuge Original 1 do Perch Original .50 do Unnamed (1) near Perch . . . Original i 8 do Log Bay Original 3 do Huckelberry . Original 9 * Resale. 307 WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Bolton do ... LAKE GEORGE ISLANDS (Continued) Hen and Chickens Unnamed (3) near Hen and Original 2 " Chickens Original A do do % Pine, near Tongue Moun- tain, S. of Turtle Unnamed Islands (5) near Pine Island Original Original .75 50 do Ranger Original 2 do Phelps, near Turtle Original . . . 6 00 do Ship, in the Narrows Original 1 do Unnamed (4) Original 8 ,- 7 n do Juanita. . . . Original . . . 1 do Unnamed (1) near Juniata Original 1 do Perch N of Turtle Original 9 5 do do Unnamed (1) near Perch. . . . Little Turtle X. E. of Turtle Original Original 4 25 do Uncas Original do do Unnamed (3), near Uucas. . . Glen Original Original 1.05 1.50 do Phantom Original 75 do . Gravelly Original . . . 1 do Gem. Original 50 do do do Unnamed (1), near Gem. . . . Hermit Unnamed (1), near Hermit . Original Original Original .25 .25 .25 do Watch Original 50 do . . Big Burnt Original 10 do Gourd . . . Original 1 do do . . Unnamed (9), near Gourd.. . Fork or Kettle Original Original . . .75 do do do .... Little Harbor Black Rock, north of Little Harbor As-you-were Original Original Original 4.00 JL do do Round Rock or Artist's Rock. ent. Paradise Bay. . . Commission Original Original 1 i 2 00 do do Unnamed (6), near Commis- sion Arrow. . . . Original Original .75 JL do do Red Rock Bay Dollar Original Original 3 .20 2 308 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Bolton LAKE GEORGE ISLANDS (Continued) Unnamed (2), near Dollar. Original 1 13 do Hazel near Paradise Bay Original 1 00 do Sarah's, near Paradise Bay. . Original 1 00 do The Sirens (3) Original 20 dO do Unnamed (2), near The Sirens Fox.. Original Original .05 1 do do . . Unnamed (3), near Fox Halfway at Five Mile Mt , Original Original 8 .25 1 50 do do . . One Tree, near Floating Bat- tery Floating Batterv . Original Original v 5 do do do do Unnamed (10), near Float- ing Battery Hatchet Unnamed (1), near Hatchet . Mother Bunch (name of prin- cipal island " Isle Lac du Saint Sacrement ") Original Original Original Original 18.00 1 i 7 do do Unnamed (11), near Mother Bunch Island Steere Original Original 50 Hague do Nobles, on E. side Unnamed (4) near Nobles Original Original 2.00 Vo do Vicar's Original 6 do do Burgess Huletts, N. of Hulett's Landing Original Original 1.50 50 do do do do do do .... Unnamed (2), near Hulett's . Narrows at Pickerel Bay . . . Unnamed (1), near Pickerel . Loon, near Meadow Point. . . Rock Dunder Unnamed, near Rock Dun- der Original Original Original Original Original Origina' A .50 i 8 1 .50 50 do do Agnes Unnamed (5) near Agnes Original Original . . 2.W 1 25 do Odell Original 1 do do do .... Unnamed (2), near Odell.. . . Watrous or Temple Noe. . . . Watch or Delaware, near Uncas Hotel Original Original O- i<>;i pal , ' 8 1 (i .50 1.00 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 309 WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Hague LAKE GEORGE ISLANDS (Continued) Pudding, near west shore . . Original .25 do Skipper's Jib, near west shore Original 05 do % Scotch Bonnet, near west shore .... Original iV do Mallorv, on east side Original .75 do Gull, on east side Original .50 do do Unnamed (2), near Gull .... Round Rock Original Original .30 2.3 do Unnamed (1), near Round Rock Original i do Waltonian . Original 2 do Cook's (7) Original 3.25 do Unnamed (7), near Harbor Island Original 3 00 Total, 129 acres. Luzerne 4 LUZERNE TRACT Original* 99 50 do do . 5 6 Original* Original* 157 165 do 11 1881 '85 75 do ... 23 Sub. 3 Original* 65 Caldwell 66 Original 127 Luzerne 94 X i 1881 75 75 do 139 Original*.. 105 Total, Luzerne Tract. S69 acres. Bolton . . 40 NORTH WEST BAY TRACT Original 175 do 119 1871 '77 '81 '90 182 Total, North West Bay Traet, .T>7 aen Stony Creek .... 11 PALMER'S PUR< i< < II.NERAL ALLOTMENT All in Stony Creek Cll 30 do 12 All in Stony Creek 1890 '95 300 do Thiirmau Stony Creek *Reale. 1 1 II 16 All in Stony Cn:<>k All in Thunnan All in Stony Creek 1885, '90 :H) ixvi. '90 660 245 265 310 THIRD A \.\r.\i, RKPOKT OF TIIK WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Stony Creek, do do do do PALMER'S PURCHASE, GEN- ERAL ALLOTMENT (Con- tinued) All in Stony Creek 1895 542 All in Stony Creek Purchase 1 ,018 Ex. HOa. bd. beg. on W. line of lot in center of Stony Creek, th. S. 26 deg. 45 min. E. 27c. 501. to a stake & stones, th. N. 63 deg. E. 36c. to a stake, standing on E'ly line of lot near a large pine stump, th. N. 26 deg. 45 min. W. along said line 34c. to a stump 3c. N. of the pond above the dam, th. S. 63 deg. W. 3c. 751. to a small hemlock tree marked for a corner on north bank of creek, & th. down said creek as it winds and turns 1 to beg 1885, '90 938 Ex. 50a. res. land assessed to T. Burgess, bd. beg. at a stake on W. line of lot, th N. 27 deg. W. along said line 44c. 501. to center of Stony Creek, th. up saidi creek lie. 241., th. S. 27 deg. E. 44c. 501. to a stake! and fence corner, & th. S. 63 deg. W. lie. 241. to beg.l 1885, '90 998 Ex. 21 Oa. bd. beg. at a stake! on S. bank of Stony Creek, i th. along line between lots 21 & 22, 44e. 501. to an ashj i,ree marked, th. N. 64. deg. j K. 3 36 do Tax sales or source of title Acres PALMER'S PURCHASE, GEN ERAL ALLOTMENT (Con- tinued) to an elm tree on N. bank of Stony Creek, th. S. 64 deg. W. about 20c. to the line of lot 21, & th. S. 26 deg. E. along said line to beg 1885, '90 Ex. 203a. bd. beg. at a stake in line between lot 23 & Great lot 3, Rear Division, 3c. S. of Bakertown Road, th. S. 64 deg. W. 33c.tolot 22, th. N. 26 deg. W. 61c. to a stake on line of lot 22, th. N. 64 deg. E. 33c. to Great lot 3, aforesaid, & th. S. 26 deg. E. along said Great lot line 61^c. to beg. . | 1885, '90 . All in Stony Creek I 1885, '90 . All in Stony Creek j 1885, '90 , All in Stony Creek j 1895, '00 . All in Stony Creek All in Stony Creek All in Stony Creek All in Stony Creek Total, General Allot- ment 7,982 acres. 1895, '00 1895, '00 1895, '00 1895, '00 MIDDLE DIVISION, GREAT LOT 1 All except the following 1 described parcels, . viz.: lOOa. in the S. E. cor Sub. 4, lOOa. deeded by Hollis Hussell to Joseph L. Fuller Subs. f> and (I, ~t?m., inure or less, deeded by Counjl,u< Gill to Chas. W. Murray, descr bed as beg. at a hem- lock tree on the S. line of 838 845 49 70 78 156 240 300 360 312 THIRD ANNUAL IVKPOKT OK THE WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or jurce of title Acres Stonv Creek. PALMER'S PURCHASE, MID-I DLE DIVISION, GREAT LOT! 1 (Continued) lot (or sub.) 7 and being the S. E. cor. of land owned by Ja\ Ackley, th. S. 26 deg. 30 min. E. 39c.i to a beech tree on the N. line of lot (or sub.) 4, th. S. 63 deg. 30 min. W. along the line of said lot (or sub.) 4, 14c. to a stake and stones, th. N. 26 deg. 30 min. W. 39c. to a stake and stones standing in the 5. line of lot (or sub.) 7, th. N. 63| deg. E. to beg. . Subs. 5 and 6, 55a. deeded by Columbus Gill to Syl- vester McDonald described as beg. at the S. W. cor. of lot (or sub.) 7 and runs th. N. 63 deg. E. 14c. and 371. to a stake and stones, th. S. 26 deg. 30 min. E. 39c. to a stake standing on the N. line of lot (or sub.) 4, th. S. 63. deg. 30 min. W. 14c. to a stake standing on the W. line of lot No. 1. th. N. 26|deg.W.tobeg.. Sub. 7, 104|a. deeded by Geo. T. Rockwell to Lyman T. Fuller and another Sub. 8, 25^-a. in described as beg. at Jas. Ackley 's N. W. cor. and runs th. N. 27 .V dog. W. 9c. to a maple treo, th. N. 61$ deg. E. 28c. to the E. line of the sub., th. S. 28$ deg. E. 9o. 1,1, UH- S. lint; of the sub., (h. S. (ii ! , dc-i-. W. 2Sc. to ))<->. . CONSERVATION COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY 313 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres .Stony Creek PALMER'S PURCHASE, MID- DLE DIVISION (Contin'd) GREAT LOT 2 EAST PART All. bd. E. by Great Lot 1, W. by W'ly part of Great Lot 2 known as " Bruce Lot " or Douglas survey, S. by Saratoga ('<>. and X. by land formerly owned by Dr. Patterson, except; the following described parcels, viz. : 163a. conveyed to John Pailej- described as beg. en the 1 ne of lots 1 and 2 where the line crosses Lens Lake Creek, th. up said! creek as it winds and turns to an Elm tree near the saw mill, th. S. 78 deg. W. 36c. to the lake near the dam, th. X'ly along the flow as it winds and turns to a small creek, th. up said creek to a spruce treej marked 10 and 29, th. X.' 51 deg. E. to lot 1, th. S. 30 deg. E. (in 1784) 40c. to be- 100 acres more or less con- veyed to Albro Tripp, de- scribed as beg. at the X. E. cor. of lot 3, sub. of Great Lot 2, th. S. 28 deg. 30 min.i E. 40c. to a stake and stones for a cor., th. X. 2S deg. 30 u iu. E. 25c. to a spruce tree, th. X. 28 deg. 30 min. 40c. to a hemlock tree, th. deg. 30 min. 25c. to beg. 1 100 acres more or less con- veyed to Henry Tripp (sup- 314 THIRD ANNUAL KKPOK-T OK TIM-; WARREN COUNTY Town Lot Stony Creek DESCRIPTION PALMER'S PURCHASE, MID DLE DIVISION, GREAT LOT 2, EAST PART (Cont'd) posed to be described in deed to Thos. H. Tripp, dated Oct. 4. 1861 and re- corded in Warren Co. Clerk's office, Book 6 of deeds,, page 55), known as sub. 1, bounded commenc- ing at a hemlock tree on rear line marked XIV, XVI on the S. E. side of the state road, th. running S. 28 deg. 30 min. along said line 40c. to a spruce tree. th. N. 58 deg. 30 min. E. 25c. to a spruce tree, th. N. 28 deg., 30 min. W. 40c. th. S. 58! deg. 30 min. W. 25c. to beg. | 100 acres conveyed to Joseph E. Fuller, described, beg. at the N. W. cor. of lot or sub. 2, of Great Lot 2, th. S. 28 deg. 30 min. E. 40c. to a spruce tree, th. N. 58j deg. 30 min. 25c. to a stake and stones for a cor., th. N. 28 deg. 30 min. W. 40c. to a spruce tree, th. S. 58 deg. 30 min. W. 25c. to beg. 50 acres agreed to be con- veyed to R. Welch and A. Clements, 46 acres sold to James H. Fuller about the year 1877, known as lot or sub. 4 and a piece of land near the saw mill supposed to contain 11 acres, deeded to Wm. H. Millis or Miles by Colum- bus Gill in 1881.. Tax sales cr Arr source of title Purchase . XI 10 CONSEK v A T i ( x COMMISSION. 315 WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Stony Creek 1 PALMER'S PURCHASE, MIDDLE DIVISION GREAT LOT 2 (Continued) WEST PART, BRUCE TRACT, (Jas. Green's Survey) 1895 '00 102 do do do do do 2 3 4 5 6 1895/00 1895, '00 1895, '00 1895 ; '00 1895, '00 102 102 102 102 102 do 7 1895, '00 102 do 8 1895 '00 10 9 do 9 1895 '00 103 do 10 1895, '00 103 do 11 1895 '00 103 do 12 1895 '00 103 do ..... 13 1895 '00 103 do do 15 16 All in Warren Co \11 in AVarren Co 1895 1895 52 96 do 3 GREAT LOT 3, (Green's Survey) Conveyed 100 do 4 Con ve ved 100 do 5 Conveyed 100 do do S 9 Conveyed c. 401.. th. N. 57 W. Ic. 801.. th. X.G2W. lc. r>!)l.. th.X. . 316 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Stony Creek do do do do do do do 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PALMER'S PURCHASE, MIDDLE DIVISION, GREAT LOT (Green's Survey} (Con- tinued) 45 W. 2c., th. N. 21| W Ic. 281., th. N. 60 W. Ic. 691., th. N. 35 W. 3c. 121., th.N.63W.lc.661.,th. N 79 W. 2c. 441. to N. line of lot 7c. 501. W. of N. W. cor. thereof Ex. 2 T \\ a. being a strip of land 4r.wide, beg. at a point in E. line of lot, 6c. N. from S. E. cor. thereof, th. N. 36 W. 2c., N. 80 W. Ic. 691., N.58W.2c.881.,N.230' W. 751., N. 40 W. Ic. 381., N. 28 W. Ic. 731., N. 43 W. 4c. 341., N. 34 W. 2c. 181., N. 44 W. 2c. 181., N. 66 W. 2c. 661., N. 89 W. Ic. 231., N. 75 W. 2c. 311., N. 14 30' W. Ic. 501., 37 30' W. 2c. to W. line of lot at a point 8c. from S. W. cor Ex. 3y 7 Q-a., being a strip of land 4 rods wide, beg. in S. line of lot, 2c. E. from S. W. cor. thereof, th. N. 21 W. 2c., N. 58 W. Ic. 571., N. 40 W. 2c. 401., N. 36 W. Ic. to W. line of lot 6c. N. from S. W. cor. . Ex. 3-j- 7 ^ a., being a strip of land 4r. wide, beg. in S. line of lot 4c. E. from S. W. cor., running th. N. 70 W. 801., N. 52 W. 2c. 181., N. 50 W. 3c. 491., N. 47 W. 2c. 1895, '00 Of) .25 1895, '00 97.17 1895, '00. 1895, '00, 1895, '00 . 1895, '00 . 1895, '00. 99.30 100 98.30 100 100 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY 317 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres PALMER'S PURCHASE, MIDDLE DIVISION, GREAT LOT 3 (Green's Survey) (Con- tinued) Stony Creek .... 241., N. 25 W. 2c. 421., N. 5E. 2c.,N. 27 W. 3c. 251. N. 23 W. 3c. 401., N. 20 30'W.2c. N. 46 W. 3c., N. 23 W. 2c. 561., N. 10 W. 3c. 351., N. 27 W. 2c. 431., N. 14 W. 14c. 201. to N. line at a point 2c. E. of N W. cor. of lot 1895, '00 96.27 do 20 1895, '00 100 do 21 All in Warren Co 1895 '00 21 do 22 All in Warren Co 1895, '00 51 do 23 All in Warren Co 1895 '00 80 do 24 Ex. 4 1 V T) a , being a strip of land 4r. \vide, the center line ofwhich runs as follows Beg. at a point in the S. line of said lot, 13c. W. from 8. E. cor. thereof, th. N. 8 W. 30c., N. 10 W. Ic. 501., X. 30 W. Ic. 481., N. 32 W. 3c. 371., N. 12 W. 4c. 841., N. 35 W. 3c., N. 13 W. lc.,N. 20 E. lc.301., N. 18 W. 2c. 521., N. 27 W. 2c.,N.40W.3c.,N. 10 W. 771., N. 56 W. 3c. 661., N 58 W. 2c. 561., N. 63 W. 4c. 181., N. 70 W. 3c. 401. to N. line of said lot at a point 4c. E. from N. W. cor. thereof 1895, '00 ... 95.88 do 28 1895, '00 100 Total, Middle Division, Pal. Pur., 4,877.92 a. PALMER'S PURCHASE, REAR DIVISION (Great Lot 1) do 1 Purchase 160 do 2 Purchase . . 1GO 318 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF TIIK WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres PALMER'S PURCHASE, REAR DIVISION, GREAT LOT 1 (Continued) Stony Creek .... 3 Purchase 160 do 4 Purchase 80 do 26 Purchase 160 do 27 1877, '81, '85, '95.. 160 do 34 1877, '81, '85 160 do 35 1881, '85, '90 160 do 37 1881, '85, '90, '95.. 122 do 38 1881, '85, '90 160 do 39 1885 160 do 40 Purchase 80 do 46 All in Stony Creek 1885 135.53 do ' 49 All in Stony Creek Purchase 98.77 Thurman 49 All in Thurman Purchase 10.23 do 58 Purchase 160 do 59 1881, '95 160 do 60 All in Thurman 1881, '90 102 do 61 1871, '77, '81 96 do 62 1890 160 do 63 S * 1871, '77, '81, '90. 80 do 64 1871, '77, '81. 80 do 69 1871 77, '81 80 do 70 1881, '85 160 do 74 Purchase 160 do 75 1890 160 do 76 Purchase 80 do 81 Purchase 80 do 82 1895 160 do 83 1890, '95 160 do 85 1877, '81, '85 58 do 86 1871, 77, '81 144 do 87 Purchase 160 do 88 Purchase 72 Total, Great Lot 1, 4,278.53 acres. lllOAH DIVISION, (Urml Lot 2) Stony Creek .... 3 1890, '95 125.60 do 4 1890, '95 125.60 do 5 1890, '95 '. 125.60 do 6 1890, '95 125.60 ( Y.XSKKVATION COMMISSION. 319 WARREN COUNTY Town Lot 1 DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Stony C'rc-^k do PALMER'S PURCHASE, REAR DIVISION, GREAT LOT 2 (Continued) 7 g 1890, '95 1890 '95 125.60 125 60 do 9 1890, '95 125.60 do do 1U 11 1890, '95 1890 '95 125.60 125 60 do 12 1890 '95 125 60 do do Thurnuu I:i 14 All in Stony Creek It All in Thurman 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890 '95 125.60 101.60 24 Stony Creek Thurman do 1.1 All in Stony Cr"ek I-") All in Tlmrmuu Hi . . 1890/95 1890, '95 1890 '95 . 9.60 116 ro t;o do 17 1890 '95 125 60 do do 1> 10 .... 1890, '95 1890. '95 . 125.60 125 60 do 20 1871 '81 '85 150 70 do do 21 22 1871, '81, '85 1890 '95' 150.70 195 60 do 23 . 1890 '95 125 60 do do 24 2o 1980, '95 1890, '95 ... 125.60 125 60 do 26 . . 1890 '95 125 60 Stonv Creek .... 27 All in Stony Creek 1890 3 Thurman Sto. v Creek .... 27 All in Thurman All in Stony Creek 1871, '81, '85, '90, '95 1890, '95 122.60 93.60 Thurman . Stonv Creek.... 28 All in Thurman 29 1890, '95 1890, '95 32 125 60 do 30 . 1890 '95 . 1 125 60 do 31 1890 '95.. 125 60 do 32 . 1890 '95 1 9 5 60 do do 33 34 1890, '95 1890, '95 125.60 125 GO do 1890 '95 | 125 60 do do 50 37 1890, '95 1890 '95 125.60 1 9 5 60 do do do do do do 43 44 ''..'.''.".'"".'^.'i 40 47 . 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890, '95 1890. '95 . . 125. GO 125.60 125.60 125.60 125.60 125.60 320 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT or THE WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres PALMER'S PURCHASE, REAR DIVISION, GREAT LOT 2 (Continued) Stony Creek 48 1890 '95 125.60 do 49 1890, '95 126.50 do 50 1890 '95 125. 6C do 51 1890 '95 125.60 do 52 All in Stony Creek 1890 70.60 Thurman 52 N. E. cor. in Thurman 1890 '95 25 Stony Creek 53 All in Stony Creek 1890 1 Thurman 53 All in Thurman, 124i a. ex. 75a. E. end thereof 1890, '95, '00... .-. . 49.60 do 54 1871, '81, '85, '90, '95 125.60 do 55 1871, '81, '85 125.60 do 56 1871 '81 '85 125.60 do ....... 57 1890, '95 125.60 do 58 1890, '95 125.60 do 59 1871, '81, '85, '90, '95 125.60 do 60 1871, '81, '85 150.70 Total, Great Lot 2, 6,753.60 acres. (Great Lot 3) Stony Creek All in Stony Creek, 3,9 14a. ex. 563a. S'ly end thereof and ex. 200a. in l,575a. S'ly end, bd. beg. at a stake and stones in W. line of lot being the N. W. end of lot known as the Mill lot, run- ning N. 26 W. 44c. 731, th. N. 26 E. 4ic. 731. to S. line of lot, th. S. 64 W. along said line 44c. 731. to beg ... 1890, '95, '00 and conveyed 3,151 Thurman All in Thurman 1890, '95 1,400 Total, Great Lot 3, 4,551 acres. (Great Lot 4) do H.T.P All in Thurman Purchase 274 Stony Creek II.T.P All in Stony Creek Purchase 302 Total, 576 acres. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 321 WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION 1 Tax sales or source of title Acres Stnnv Creek PALMER'S PURCHASE (Con- tinued} RIVER DIVISION (East End} Part bd. N.E. by Dartmouth * Patent, N. W. by lots 1 and 2, Middle Division and S.by Saratoga Co. (as surveyed), bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of said lot, th. S. 60 W. 150c. to Co. line, th. along said line to E. side of said lot, th. N. 30 W. 90c. to beg. 675a. ex. 160a. N. W. pt. thereof, also ex. that part oi E. \ of Great Lot 2, in War- ren Co. 120a. and W. of lot 2, 90a. (being all of Great Lot 1, in Warren Co) 1848 on^ do .... (Great Lot 3) N. E. cor. bd. N. by Middle Div., E. by Sub. 1, S. by Saratoga Co., and W. by lot 4. . . 1877 4^ Total, River Division, 350 acres. Hague 3 TONGUE MOUNTAIN TRACT All in Hague . Original* OK CA Bolton 3 All in Bolton Original * mKf) do 6 Original* ICO Hague 35 All in Hague 1900 fin do 44 Original* 219 do 46 Original* 1 tt do 48 Original* 273 do 49 Original* 270 Total, Tongue Mt. Tract, 1,343 acres. Resale. 11 322 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Thurman . 15 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PURCHASE TOWNSHIP 10 (ALLOTMENT IN TOWNSHIPS 10 AND 29) All in Warren Co. . Purchase . 62.80 Johnsburgh 11 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD TOWNSHIP 11 All in Johnsburgh . Purchase . 277 Thunnan . 11 All in Thurman 1877 '85 23 do 12 All in Thurman 1885, '90 48 Johnsburgh 12 All in Johnsburgh . Purchase .... 102 do 13 1885 '90 . 150 do 14 Ex. und 1877 '81 '85 200 do 14 Und. i . . Purchase 100 do 15 1877 '81 '85 300 do 16 1877 '81 '85 300 do 17 1885, '81 ... 300 do do 18 19 1885, '81 1885 '81 300 300 do 20 1885, '81 : . . 300 do do 21 22 1885, '81 1885 '81 300 300 dO 27 S. W. part . ... 1895, '00 ... 150 do 28 1885 '81 ... 300 do 29 1885 '81 300 do 30 1877 '81 '85 300 do 31 1877 '81 '85 300 do 32 1877 '81 '85 300 do . . 33 Purchase 300 do 34 1877 '81 '85 300 do 35 Purchase . . 300 do 36 Purchase 150 do 37 Ex. 50a. S. end Purchase 100 do 37 S. end.... . .. 1877, '81/85, '95. . 50 do 38 Purchase 300 do do 39 40 1877, '81 1877, '81 300 300 do 42 Purchase 300 do 44 N. end 1877, '81 '85 150 do 45 N. end 1877, '81 150 do 46 N. end 1877, '81, '95 98 do 56 1877, '81, '85. . 300 CONSEKYATIOIS C WARREN COUNTY 323 Town ' Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Johusburgh 57 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 11 (Continued) 1885, '90 300 do . . . . 58 1881, '85 300 do 59 1877, '81, '85 300 do *60 1881, '85 150 do do 61 62 1885, '90, '95 1885, '90, '95 150 300 do 63 1885, '90, '95 300 do 64 1885, '90, '95 300 do 81 Purchase . 300 do 82 Purchase 300 do 83 Purchase & 1900 . 300 do 84 Purchase & 1900 150 Total, Township 11, 11., 198 acres. do 60 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD . TOWNSHIP 12 1881, '85 . 16$ do 134 S. E. cor. 12|c. E. & W. & 24c. N. & S 1885 3O do 135 N. W. pt. 60a. ex. 36a. N. W. cor. thereof 24c. N. & S. & 15c. E. & W . . 1885 9 4 Total, Township 12, 220 acres. do .... 3 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD TOWNSHIP 13 1877, '90 . . 235 do 4 Purchase & 1910 256 do 5 Purchase & 1910 297 do 6 Purchase & 1910 241 10 do 7 Purchase & 1910 272 do 8 Purchase & 1910 246 60 do do 9 10 1885, '90 1877 '85 233 258 do do do do 11 12 14 15 1877/85 1877/85 Purchase & 1910 . . 1885, '90 244.80 232.75. 141. 4O 145 9O do 16 Purchase & 1910 . . 134. 8O 324- THIKD ANNUAL REPORT OF TJIE WAKREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Johnsburgh 17 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 13 (Continued) Purchase & 1910 137 W) do 18 Purchase & 1910 . . ! 154 -do 19 Purchase & 1910 135 do 20 Purchase & 1910 165 20 do 21 Purchase & 1910 . . 143 40 do 22 1877, '85 . . 131 90 do 23 1885 '90 '95 127 75 do 26 1885 '90 145 20 do do 27 28 1885, '90, '95 Purchase & 1910 . . 151.10 164.50 do 29 Purchase & 1910 187 10 do ... 30 Purchase & 1910 152 50 do 31 Purchase . 174 30 do 32 Purchase & 1910 155 do 33 Purchase . 152 40 do 34 Purchase 163 60 do 35 Purchase & 1910 . . 157.50 do 36 1885, '90 . . 152 40 do 37 1885 '90 148 30 do .... 38 1885, '90 151.70 do 39 Purchase 157 20 do 40 Purchase 146 50 do do do 41 42 43 Purchase & 1910 . . Purchase & 1910 . . Purchase 147.40 165.25 143 25 do 44 Purchase 174 75 do 45 Purchase 156 10 do do 46 47 Purchase Purchase 140.30 134 20 do 48 Purchase .... 122 60 do ... 49 1877 '85 . 122 60 do 50 1885 '90 146 90 do do 51 52 Purchase Purchase 154.30 169 do .... 53 Purchase 187 80 do .... 54 Purchase 153 do do 55 56 Purchase & 1910 . . Purchase & 1910 175.30 155 50 do ... 57 Purchase & 1910 154 60 do ... 58 Purchase & 1910 163 80 do 59 1885. '90. . 155.90 CONS ERVATIOX COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY 325 Town : Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Johnsburgh do do 60 61 62 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 13 (Continued) 1885, '90, '95 1885/90 Purchase & 1910 152.50 118.20 119 80 do do * 63 64 Purchase & 1910 . . Purchase 125.50 118 40 do 65 Purchase 117 80 do 66 Purchase 132 80 do 67 Purchase 114 40 do do 68 69 1885, '90 1885 '90 140.70 126 30 do 70 1885, '90 . 115 80 do do do 71 72 73 1885, '90 1885/90 1885, '90 . . 107.60 118.30 136 80 do 74 1885 '90 122 75 do do 75 76 1885/90 Purchase 131.80 146 30 do 77 Purchase 161 30 do 78 Purchase 132 40 do 80 1885, '90 137.70 do 81 Purchase & 1910 139 75 do 82 Purchase & 1910 147 90 do 83 Purchase & 1910 140 30 do do 84 85 1885/90 1885, '90 140.60 152 60 do 86 Purchase & 1910 153 40 do 87 Purchase & 1910 161 90 do 88 Purchase & 1910 154 50 do 89 1885, '90 151 90 do 90 1885 '90 171 80 do 91 Purchase 147 50 do 92 Purchase 179 80 do 93 Purchase . 165 70 do 94 Purchase .... 149.50 do 95 1885, '90 ... 138 70 do 96 1885, '90 ... . 157 60 do do 97 98 Purchase Purchase 178.20 153 70 do 99 Purchase 152 20 do do 100 101 Purchase 1877 '85.. 186.10 200 326 THIKD ANNUAL KEPOIIT OF THE WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tux sales or source of titl<> Acres Johnsburgh 102 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 13 (Continued) Purchase 163 80 do do 103 104 Purchase . . . Purchase . 192.30 169 80 do ... 105 Purchase . 174 20 do 106 1885, '90 181 50 do 107 1885 '90. 171 do 108 1885 '90 171 75 do 109 1885, '90 149.60 do do 110 111 1885, '90 1885 '90 147.40 156 do 112 Purchase 149 60 do 113 Purchase 143 80 do 114 Purchase 162 10 do 115 Purchase 136 75 do do ... 116 117 1877, '85 Purchase 165.80 158 50 do 118 1885 '90 137 do 119 Purchase 123.75 do 120 Purchase 146 75 do 121 1877 '85 167 30 do 122 1877, '85 138.50 do 123 1877 '85 154 do 124 1877 '85 173 60 do 125 1877, '85 184 10 do 126 Purchase 152 do 127 Purchase 181 . 10 do 128 Purchase 159 25 do 129 1885, '90 168.75 do 130 1885 '90 174 60 do ... 131 1885 '90 164 25 do 132 1885, '90 167.50 do 133 1885 '90 111.30 do do do 134 135 136 1885/90 1885, '90 1885, '90 110.10 118.90 116 do 137 Purchase 112.20 do 138 Purchase 128.60 do 139 Purchase 108.90 do 140 1877, '85 134 do 141 1.877, '85 130 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY 327 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Aor-s Johnsbur r h 142 TOTTEN&CROSSFIELD'S PUB- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 13 (Continued) 1877 '85. . .. 115 70 do 143 1877, '85 104 75 do 144 1877, '85 125 80 do .... Gdre Bounded on the N. or N. W. by the N. W. line of the Twp., on the E. or N. E. by the N. E. line of said Twp., on the W. by the boundary line of Warren Co., and on the S. or S. E. by the N'ly line of lots Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of said Twp., and being a strip of land about 45c. wide across the N'ly side of the Twp . . . Purchase . ... 1,901 66 Total, Township 13, 23,420.11 acres. do 50 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S TOWNSHIP 14 North % and South East i (Pond's Survey) 1877 '81 '85 160 do 51 1877, '81, '85 160 do 99 S. W. cor 1877, '81, '85 33 do 106 All in Warren Co 1881 '85 . 132 do 6 South West 1-. Conklin & Others' Tract (LeggeVs Sur- vey) Ex. 20a. X. W. cor . . 1895 . . ... 130 do do 13 14 Purchase & 1910... 1881 '85 150 150 do do do 22 24 2B 1877, '81/85 1877, '81 1877 '81 '85 112.50 178 178 Total, Township 14, 1,383.50 acres. 328 THIRD ANNUAL HEPOKT OF TIM: WARKEN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Aoro.s Johnsburgh . . . 90 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE (Continued) TOWNSHIP 15 All in Warren Co 1895 & purchase 46 50 do 91 All in Warren Co Purchase 10 do 101 All in Warren Co. 1895, '00 & pur- chase . 60 do 102 All in Warren Co 1895, '00 & pur- chase ... 150 dp 103 1895 '00 & pur- chase 160 do do 104 112 All in Warren Co All in Warren Co 1895 & purchase. . . Purchase 26.50 3 do 113 All in Warren Co Purchase 113.50 do 114 Purchase 160 do 115 1895 & purchase. 160 do 116 1895 '00 & pur- chase 160 do 117 All in Warren Co 1895, '00 & pur- do 118 All in Warren Co chase Purchase 115 50 do 121 All in Warren Co Purchase 27 do 122 All in Warren Co Purchase 105 do 123 1895 '00 & pur- chase . 160 do 124 1895 '00 & pur- chase 160 do 125 1895, '00 & pur- do 126 chase 1895 '00 & pur- 160 chase 160 do 127 1895, '00 & pur- do 128 chase Purchase 160 160 do do 129 135 All in Warren Co All in Warren Co Purchase Purchase 23 1.50 do 136 All in Warren Co Purchase 129.50 do 137 1895 '00 & pur- chase 160 do 138 1895 '00 & pur- chase 160 do 139 1895 '00 & pur- chase 160 do 140 1895, '00 & pur- chase 160 ( '< >\SERVATIOX COMMISSION. 329 WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Johnsburgh 141 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELO'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 15 (Continued) 1895 '00 & pur- chase 160 do 142 % 1895, '00 & pur- chase 160 do 143 1895, '00 & pur- chase 160 do 144 1895, '00 & pur- chase 160 do 145 1895, '00 & pur- 160 do 146 1895, '00 & pur- chase . . 160 do 147 1895, '00 & pur- chase 160 do 148 1895 '00 & pur- do 149 chase 1895, '00 & pur- 160 chase 160 do 150 1895 '00 & pur- chase 160 do 151 1895, '00 & pur- chase 160 do 152 1895 '00 & pur- chase 160 do 153 1895, '00 & pur- do 154 All in Warren Co chase Purchase .... 160 47 Total, Township 15, 5,227 acres. Chester 18 TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD, ' TOWNSHIP 24 N. pt . . 1877 '81 '85 300 Johnsburgh do 24 25 1881, '85, '90 1877 '85 '95 420 420 Chester 29 Sub. 12, N. E. pt . . 1877 16 Total, Township 24, 1,156 acres. 330 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acre.- Thurman . do ... Johnsburgh do TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE (Continued) TOWNSHIP 29 All that pt. of l,430a. in N. W. cor. of Thurman, bd. N. by Johnsburgh, S. E'ly by N'ly line of numbered lots in allotments of Townships 10 and 29, and W'ly by Hamilton County, which is included in or covered by a tract of 5,000a., which was patented by the State to H. Balfour. . S. E. cor. bd. N. by town line & W. by lot 20 N. pt. of all of Balfour Tract in Warren County All of unallotted pt. of Town- ship 29 in Johnsburgh, ex- cept 2,400a. E'ly end of the Rutherford Tract, 80c. wide E. & W. (being the Russell Tract), l,200a. N. pt. of all of the Balfour Tract in Warren County, 176 Ja. bd. N. by the Sacandaga River, E'ly by a line parallel with and 80c. W. from E. line of Township and S. by the S. line of the Rutherford Tract. | 116a. known as the Benj.l Harrington farm, bd. E. by said 176ja. parcel, 64a. be- ing all of 125a. on S. line of the Rutherford TracS 80c. W. from E. line of Town- ship, lOc. 261. wide on E. and lOc. 671. on W. line not covered by said 176^a. and 116a. parcels 1853, '81, '85, '90 and conveved. Purchase Purchase . 702.07 1,129.00 1,200 Purchase 7,317. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY 331 Town Lot Johnsburgh do do do TOTTEN & CROSSFIBLD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 29 (Continued) On S. line of the Balfour and Rutherford Tracts 80c. W. from E. line of township, lOc. 261. wide on E. and lOc. 671. on W. line. . DESCRIPTION Russell Tract Bd. N'ly by line parallel to and 44c N'ly from lot 20 of Townships 10 and 29, E'ly 44c. by Townships line, S'ly 80c by lot 20, and W'ly 44c. by a 1'ne parallel to and 80c. from E. line of Town- ship On E'ly line of Townsh'p 44c. S'ly from N'ly line thereof 129fc. long N. and S. and 80c. wide E. and W. bd. N'ly by the Hopkins lot, and S'ly by the G. R. Martin 'ot, l,038a. ex. 300a. bd. beg. at a post and stones in the line between 11 and 29, said post stand- ing 2c. 251. on the W'ly side of the Sacandaga River from high water mark running th. along said Township lines N. 3 W. 37c. 501., & th. S. 60 W. 80c., th. S. 30 E. 37c. 501. to a post & stones, & th. N. 60 E. along the N'ly line of the Ho den Cook lot 80c. to beg Bd. beg. at a post & stones on line bet. Twps. 11 & 29, said post standing 2c. 251. on W'ly side of Sacandaga j River from high water Tax sales or source of title Acres 1885 125.50 1885, '90, '95. 352 1885, '90, '95. 738 332 TJIJIJD AKJS'UAL REPOKT OF THE WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Johnsburgh .... TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD'S PUR- CHASE, TOWNSHIP 29, Russell Tract (Continued) mark, th. along town line N. 30 W. 37c., th. S. 60 W. 80c., th. S. 30 E. 37c. & th.N. 60 E. along N'ly'ine of H. Cook lot 80c. to beg. . Purchase 300 do N. E. cor. 41 c. 251. wide N. &S &80c longE &W Purchase 330 do On E line of Township 191|c. S'ly from N'ly line, 15c.wideN'ly&S'ly&80c. long E'lv & W'ly Purchase 120 Thurman 16 Allotment in Townships 10 and 29 All in Warren Co Purchase . . . 735 84 do 17 All in Warren Co Purchase 1,328.34 do 18 All in Warren Co Purchase 1,370.75 Johnsburgh . 19 All in Johnsburgh Purchase 26 23 Thurman 19 All in Thurman Purchase 1,396.41 Johnsburgh 20 All in Johnsburgh ... . Purchase 315 Thurman 20 All in Thurman Purchase 1,104.80 Total, Township, 29, 18,593.28 acres. do TOTTEN & CROSSFIELD, TOWNSHIP 31 All in Warren Co 1885 '90 3,476 60 Warrensburgh . . . 3 WARRENSBURGH TRACT Original* 201 do 7 Original* 214 do 10 Original* 214 do 14 Original* 200 Total, Warrensburgh Patent, 829 acres. * Resale. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. WARREN COUNTY 333 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres .... WATERS Hudson River. All S. of Hyde Twp. ex. so much as is within Kayaderosseras Patent . Original Sacandaga River All E of % Livingston Patent Original . . Schroon Lake All in War- ren Co . . Original 2 136 Lake George. All S of Essex Co Original 26,482 Total, 28,618 acres. For other State land in Warren County see Appendix. 334 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT or THE WASHINGTON COUNTY ( Total number of acres, 4,320) Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Ac-re- Easton EASTON, TOWN OF Bd. N. by J. Wetsell, E. by Thos. Berry & S. & W. by Wm. Weed or lands of Jacob Hill 1877, '81, '85 23 Granville GRANVILLE, TOWN or Bd. E. by Lansing Day's es- ^do tate, S. by highway and W. by A. W. Tupper Potter Anna, estate of, bd. 1881 1 N. by Thos. Clark, E. by Chas. Savage & highway to Hampton, & S. & W. by O. J. Merrill 1885 3 Total, Town of Gran- ville, 4a. Hebron .... HERBRON, TOWN OP Bd. N. by Sherman, E. by Boyington, S. by Sherman, & W. by James Elate 1877 15 Dresden 50 SOUTH BAY TRACT 1881 '85 '95 120 do 58 Original* 57 do 90 1877 '81 160 do 91 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 160 do . 98 1885 160 do 109 Original* 103 Tfort Ann 122 Original* 160 Dresden . .... 157 1885 122 Total, 1,042 acres * Resale. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. WASHINGTON COUNTY 335 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres WESTFIELD TRACT Fort Ann . 36 Original* 160 do 46 Original* . 160 do 49 Original* 160 do 50 Original* 160 do 54 Original* 160 do *56 Original* . 160 Total, Westfield Tract, 960 acres WILLIAM'S NORTH TRACT 61 1890 100 WATERS Hudson River All in Wash- ington County, ex. so much thereof as is within Sara- toga Pat Original Lake Champlain, All in Washington Co Original 2,176 * Resale. For other State land in Washington County see Appendix. 336 THIRD A:\.\rAi, RKPORT OF TIIK CATSKILL PRESERVE DELAWARE COUNTY (Total number of acres, 13,837.11) Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Walton 10 BABINGTON PATENT 1853 108 do 11 S. W. * . . 1853 54 Total, Babington Patent, 162a. Tompkins 29 EVANS' PATENT Sub 6 Mortgage 18^6 200 D a v6np ort 10 FITCH'S (JONATHAN) PATENT 1895 '00 200 Hancock 1 HAEDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 2, Division 28 S. pt. bd. N. by lands of Cyrus Peak 1881, '85 390 do 2 S. pt. bd. N. by lands of Cyrus Peak 1881 '85 400 do 3 N. W. cor. bd. E. by land of Ricard & S. by land of Geers 1895 76 50 do 1 Division 29 (East ) Ex right of R. R 1881 '85 125 do ... 4 S. % 1881, '85. . 67 50 do 2 (West |) 1885 '90 170 Total, Great Lot 2, 1,229 acres CoMM 1SSIOX. 337 DELAWARE COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Hancock 12 HARDENBURGH PATENT (Continued) GREAT LOT 3 (South Part, Jacob R. Hardenburgh Tract), Division 3 1871 76 do . 16 1871, 77 67 do 17 1871,77.. 67 do do 20 21 1871,77 1871, 77 67 67 Total, 344 acres do 34 10,000 acre tract Division 3 1895, '00 69 50 do 35 1895 '00 69 50 do . . 36 1895, '00 69.50 do 37 1895, '00 69 50 Colchester 39 Total, 278 acres HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 4 (Ray Tract) Ex 40a N W cor 1871 77 '81 115 do 57 S. bd. N. by Bell 1895, '00 80 do 73 All in Colchester 1877, '85 .. 50 do 78 1877 160 do 79 1877, '81, '85 160 do 80 Bd. N. E. by lot 72, S. E. by county line & W. by Francisco 1890, '95 28.86 do 87 All hi Delaware Co . 1877 75 Hancock 34 (Spooner Tract) All in Hancock 1877, '81 50 Total, Great Lot 4, 718.86 acres 18 GREAT LOT 5 Bd. N. by Francisco, E. by Warren & Bogart, S. by lot 17 & W. by Brainerd or Brainard & D. Francisco. 1877.. 38 338 THIRD ANNUAL KEPORT OF THE DELAWARE COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Colchester do do do do do do 120 156 314 329 336 HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 5 (Con- tinued) S. pt. bd. N. by lands of Smith S. W. pt. bd. N. & E. by lands of A. Campbell, & E. B. Bradley, 165a., ex. 15a. bd. N. by Campbell & Bradley & W. by Campbell, E. by Miller & S. by Reid S. or S'ly pt. bd. N. or N'ly by Buckley or Bulkley . . 1885. 113 1885. N. E. pt. bd. S'ly by land of Holmes, Brown & Brown . . S. E'ly cor. bd. N'ly by Wm. Finch & W'ly by J. or Wm. Brock Ex. 55a. Beginning at a pile of stones, the corner of lots 335, 336, 351 and 352, on land descending S. W'ly & running th. S. 37 deg. 42 min. W. along a line of marked trees the bounds of lot No. 351, 23c. & 451. to a pile of stones a beech staddle W'ly, marked A. S. D., another beech staddle N. E'ly marked E. W. L. 1878, th. N. 52 deg. 18 min. W. 23c. & 461. along a line of blazed trees to a pile of stones on a small rock on a steep side hill descending S'ly & about 4 deg. from its base, th. along a line of blazed trees N. 34 deg. 42 min. E. 23c. & 451. to a stone set in the ground and stones piled around it on table land near the base of a steep hill descending 1877, 1877, 1885. 1877, '81, '85. 150 30 84 91 110 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. DELAWARE COUNTY 339 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Colchester, - HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 5 (Con- tinued) S. E'ly & in the bounds of lot No. 335, th. along a line of blazed trees said bounds, S. 52 deg. 18 min. E. 23c. & 461. to the place of beg., being 55a. in the N. E. cor. of lot No. 336 in Great Lot No. 5 of the Hardenburgh Patent 1885 105 do .... 338 1877, '81, '85. . 160 do ... 374 1877 '81 '85 168 do 375 1877 '81 172 do 376 1877, '81, '85. 150 do 377 1877 '81, '85 . 150 do 379 Ex. 20a, S. or S'ly cor 1877 '81 130 do 380 Ex 25a. S'ly cor sold to Reagan 1877 140 do 386 Ex. lOa. S. or S'ly cor 1877 '81 150 do 388 1877 '81 '85 153 do 390 1877 '81 181 Andes do 14 20 Total, Great Lot 5, 2,275 acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 6, DIVISION 3, (Robimon Tract) 1871,77 Purchase & 1910 130 136 do 21 1871 77 '85. 133 do 26 1877 129 do 37 1877 '81 '85 153 do ... . 44 1871 77 '81 '85 136 do . . 50 1877 '81 '85 '95 1QA Catskill CATSKILL, TOWN OF A triangular piece or train- gular lot bd. E. by Page & S. & W. by Yager 1895 18 do Funk, Mrs. Robert, Wood lot, bd. N. by Massino, E. by C. K. Smith, S. by Funk & W. bv J. H. Snyder 1895 ;> do Peters or Petus Herman, bd. N. by J. Carnwright or Carnright, E, by Goodwin or E. Goodwin & C. Fiero, S. by Cooke & Hommel & W. by Chas. Griffin, being S. of lot formerly owned by Peters and Cartwright . 1895, '00 13 do Highway and King's Road Brenk Samuel C. bd N by T. & E. Millington, E. by same and highway, S. by highway and W. by King's Road, with house 1900, '05 2 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 345 GREENE COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Catskill . . Lexington do . do . do . do . do . do 55 56 .37 58 00 61 Jewett , 27 | CATSKILL, TOWN OP ((Con) King's Road West Side Smith, Eliza or Elijah, lot in District No. 3, bd. N. by land of R. Smith, E. by King's Road, S. by land of Wm. H. Thrompbour, and W. by land of Smith and J. Sterrett Total, Catskill, 58 acres. HAEDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 21 West Part X. W. cor. Bd. N. & E. by lands of Richard Congdon or Ru- land Congdon, S. by lot 60 & land of Abner or Abram Mead & W. by lot 34 ... Total, Great Lot 21, 1,120.25 acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 22 North Part Bd. beg. at the end of a stone wall at N. E. cor. of land formerly of Ann Ayres N. 40 20' E. 632 ft. from a pile of stones in lines of lands formerly of Oliver C. Peck & lands formerly of Ann Ayres, th. N. 40 20' E. 1,435 ft. to a stone wall, th. S. 49 40' E. along a stone wall, 1,610ft., th. S. 1 W. 892 ft. to a pile of stones, th. S. 38 .50' W. 774 ft, to a 1900. 20 Purchase Purchase 1895/00. Purchase Purchase , Purchase Purchase 188.25 30 195 186.50 187.. 50 177 156 346 THIRD ASNUAI, UKI-OKT OF TIN-: GREENE COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Jewett. . . do!.. 27 35 HARDENBTJRGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 22, North Part (Continued) pile of stones, th. N. 49 40' W. 2,200 ft. to beg Bd. beg. at a pile of stones in line between lands formerly of Oliver C. Peck and lands formerly of Ann Ayres, which pile of stones is S. 40 20' W. 632 ft. from the in- tersection of the line wall between the lands here described and lands for- merly of Jason Bloodgood, N. 49 40' W. 1,690 ft. to a clump of basswood trees cornered and marked, th. N. 40 20' E. 650 ft. to a large oak tree marked, standing on the height of land, th. along the height of land N. 12 30' W. 346 ft. to an oak tree cornered, th. along the height of land N. 9 30' E. 322 ft. to a beech tree cornered, th. along the height of land N. 45' E. 625 ft. to a beech tree cornered, standing in the division line between the towns of Windham and Jewett, th. along said division line N. 33 E. 270 ft. to a pile of stones, th. along said division line N. 46 E. 400 ft. to a beech tree cornered, th. along said division line N. 51 30' E. 110 ft. to a maple tree cor- nered, th. along said divi- sion line N. 72 30' E. 426 ft. to a beech tree cornered, th. along said division line S. 81 30' E. 230 ft. to a Purchase 68 CONSERVATION CoMMISSIOX. GREENE COUNTY 347 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Jewett HARDENBURQH PATENT, GREAT LOT 22, North Part (Continued) beech tree cornered, th. ; Lexington 3 along said division line S. 58 E. 182 ft. to a beech * tree cornered, th. along said division line S. 71 30' E. 250 ft. to an oak tree cor- nered, th. along said divi- sion line S. 37 E. 261. ft. to an oak tree cornered, th. along said division line S.48 E. 525 ft. to a beech tree cornered, th. along said division line S. 34 30' E. 565 ft. to a billberry tree, cornered and marked, th. along said division line S. 58 15' E, 357 ft. to a pile of Stones on a rock, th. S. 40 20' W. 2,827 ft. to beg.. S. Township W. Purchase Purchase . ... 145 79 75 do ) Purchase 144 50 do 6 W. pt Purchase 46.50 do 13 Purchase 127 50 do 14 Purchase . . 137 do 15 Purchase 135 25 do 16 143 do 17 1877 '81, '85 144 do 18 E. part Purchase 40 do 19 S. J 1877, '81, '85 120 do 21 N W cor Purchase 46 do 23 1877, '81, '85 140 do 37 S. \ .. Purchase 109.37 do 38 Purchase 104 50 do 40 Purchase 105.50 do 41 Ex. und. o ... 1877, '81, '85 51 do 41 Und. 4. Conveyed 51 do 76 S. 4 Purchase 126 50 do do 77 78 S. S. ?, Purchase Purchase 124.50 121.50 do 79 Purchase . . 159.75 348 THIRD A NAT IXKPOKT OF TIIK GREENE COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Lexington do . do do , do Jewett . . . Lexington do HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 22, (S. Town ship) (Continued) 80 81 82 84 86 90 92 16,17, 18,19 A- 20 Ex. 50a. N. W. cor. square BRYANT TRACT (Loir Tract) Parcel beg. at a large maple tree cornered on the north west side of the brook on the line between Benj Milks' and Peter Angle's (formerly) and running from th. S. fifty-four (54; deg. E., seventy-seven (77) chains along a line oi marked trees to a stake and stones on the line between the Low and Kennedy Tracts, th. S. twelve (12) deg. W., twenty-six (26) chains to a stake and stones th. N. sixty-six (66) deg. twenty-six (26) min. W., one hundred and twenty- four (124) chains, six (6) links to a large forked elm tree on the N. bank of the brook on the line between Benj. Milks' and Peter Angle's land, (formerly) and running thence N. a general course along said brook as it winds and turns seventy (70) deg. E., sixty- one (61) chains to the place of beginning Total, Great Lot 22, 3.957.52 acres. Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase , Purchase Purchase , Purchase . 148 161 157.50 146.50 198.50 182 140.50 Purchase 353.40 CONSERVATION ( 'OM MISSION-. 349 GREENE COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres do do 47 49 78* HABDENBURGH PATENT (Continued) GREAT LOT 23 N. E. cor. & water privilege bd. N. & E. by land of Mills, S. W. by land of Butts Webster lot Bd. beg. at a pile of stones at S. W. cor. of the Benj. Tay- lor Tract, th. along W. side of said Tract as the needle now points N. 38' 50' E. 3,567 ft. to a pile of stones at formerly the S. W. cor. of the James Jones farm, and now in S. line of the Milton Jones farm. th. along said Milton Jones farm S. 51 10' E. 1,222 ft. to center line of the old road leading from South Jewett to Spruceton, th. a'ong said road in a S'ly direction to N. line of the Benj. Taylor Tract (the courses and distances along said road are as follows, viz.) S. 54 50' W. 347 ft. 9 in., S. 40 46' W. 291 ft. 4 in., S. 23 10' E. 190 ft. 7 in., S. 31 43' E. 208 ft. S. 1418'E. 146ft. 5 in., S. 6 1' W. 147 ft, 5 in., S. 18 51' W. 214 ft. 1 in., S. 21 32' W. 610 ft, 8 in., S. 18 25' W. 556ft. 2 in., S. 2 4' E. 128 ft. 8 in., S. 8 3' E. 245 ft. 2 in., S. 10 47' E. 359 ft. 4 in., S. 2 26' E. 233 ft. 8 in., S. 16 1' W. 171 ft. 5in. ; S. 4339'W. 172ft. 5 in., S. 54 40' W. 236 ft. 9 in., th. along said X. line N. 51 10' W. 2,838 ft. to beg 1895.... Purchase Purchase 4 120.37 161 350 TIIIKU AAAUAL IVEPO.KT OF THE GREENE COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Jewett . . . Lexington. do . do 80 87 88 00 Hunter . HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 23 (Con- tinued) Ex. 50a. S. W. cor North end North end West* Total, .Great Lot 23, 794. 87 acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 24 East Division Bd. beg. on W. line of said tract at a heap of stones by a spruce tree, cornered, on the top of the mountain at the E. side of the Stony Clove Notch, th. along said line S. 36 W. 220c. to the 5-mile tree marked, th. E'ly across the lot 84c. to E. bounds thereof, th. along said E. bounds N. 35 E. 174c. to stones 151. S. of a birch tree cornered and marked for the S. E. cor. of a tract of land surveyed for A. S. Brown, th. along the same N. 55 W. 70c. 751. to beg., l,393a., being a por- tion of the premises con- veyed by Robert R. Kerr and wife to John Martin, Jr., April 15, 1857, recorded in Greene County Clerk's office Feb. 12, 1862, in Liber 57 of Deeds, page 412, Ex. and reserving therefrom 100 acres, bd. beg. at a bass- wood tree, cornered, in W'ly line of said l,393a. parcel, N. 35 E. 77c. 471. from the 5-mile tree, cor- 1895, '00. Purchase , Purchase Purchase 324 60 60 65.50 CON&EBVATIOB 351 GREENE COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 24, East Divi- sion (Continued) Huuter nered, which marks the S. Wly cor. of said 1,393 acre tract, th. from said bass- Wood tree, cornered, S. 55 % E. 25c. to a stake and stones, th. N. 35 E. 40c. to a stake and stones, th. N. 55 W. 25c. to a stake and stones, and th. S. 35 W. 40c. to beg Purchase 1,293 (East Division) West Part do 50 Ex. 5.39 acres R. R Purchase 134.61 do 51 Purchase 140 do 52 Purchase 140 do 53 Ex. 5.39 acres R. R Purchase 134.61 do . 54 Ex. 5.39 acres R. R Purchase 134.61 do 55 Purchase 140 do 56 Purchase 140 do 57 Ex. 111.33a., beg. at a beech tree cor. the S. E. cor. of the lot, th.N. 35 E. 31c.811. to a stake and stones, th. N. 55 W. 35c. to an ironwood cor. th. S. 35 W. 31c. 811. to a beech tree cor. th. S. 35 E. 35c. to beg. and ex. 1 09a. R. R Purchase 27.58 West Division do .... Part of a certain tract of 1,000 acres in the W. part of Great lot 24 lying directly S. of Schoharie hill, bd. beg. at N. E. cor. of that part of said l,000a. tract owned by Ingalls & Brewer Feb. 1, 1871, th. S'ly along said land to S. line of said hOOOa. tract, 352 THIRD ANIXTAI. KKPORT OF THE GBEENE COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Hunter . . do HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 24, West Diti- sion (Continued) th. E'ly along said S. line to a point to be run in con- tinuation of the E. line of a part of said l,000a. tract sold the late Amos J. Hard, th. N'ly along said line to the said S. E. cor. of said Hard's land, th. Wly along said Hard's land to beg. . . . Bd. beg. at the N. W. cor. of lot 63 in W. of said Great Lot 24, th. as the magnetic needle pointed Jan. 16, 1907, S. 38 45' W. lie. 501., th. N. 51 15' W. 20c., th. S. 38 45' W. 12c. 501. to the N. Wly cor. of lot 62 and N. E'ly cor. of lot 61, th. along ; N'ly boundary of said lotj 61 N. 51 15' W. 20c. to' the N. Wly cor. of lot 61 and the E'ly bounds of lands now or formerly of Edward Lane, th. along said last mentioned lands N. 34 45' E. 116c. to a large birch tree, cornered and marked, th. S. 34 15' E. 13c. 151., th. N. 37 30' E. 17c. 251., th. S. 59 45' E, 20c. to a stake, th. N. 34 45' E. 4c. to lands of the Fenwick Lumber Co.-, th. along said last mentioned land S. 59 45' E. I4c. 401., th. S. 45' W. 9c., th. S. 7 15' W. 6c., th. S. 15 45' W. 45c. 501., to lands now or for- merly of Albert Post, th. along said last mentioned Purchase . . 100 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. GREENE COUNTY 353 Town Lot DESCRIPTIOX Taz sales or source of title Acres Hunter do HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 24, West Divi- sion (Continued) land N. 12 30' W. 31c. to an old beech stump, th. N. 75 30' W.6c. 561. to a heap of stones, th. S. 12 E. 36c. to a heap of stones on the \V. bank of a small brook, th. S. 52 E. 5c. 251. to the division line between the E. \ and W. \ of said Great Lot 24, th. along said last mentioned line S. 38 45' W. 3c. 501. to the N. E'ly cor. of lands now or for- merly of Daniel Ostrander, th. along said last men- tioned land N. 84 W. 28c. 501. to a heap of stones, th. N. 8 15' E. 12c. to a stake. th. X. 84 30' W. 24c. to a large elm tree standing in the center of a brook, gen- erally called Kibby creek, th. S. 3 15' W. 39c. 901. to beg Bd. beg. at a point in W. line of Great Lot 24, Hardenburgh Patent, said point being 24c. S'ly of the S. W. cor. of W. W. Ed- wards 1,000 acre tract, said tract being S. of and bounded by the Schoharie Kill, th. S. 51 20' E. 89c.| 301. to the James Howard lot, th. S. 38 40' W. along said Howard, lot 20c. 701. j to S. W. cor. of said Howard lot, th. X. 51 20' W. 7c. 501. to brow of mountain, th. along said brow S. 54 20' W. 36c. 561, th. S. 76 Purchase . 585.50 12 354 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GREENE COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Hunter. do HABDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 24, West Divi- sion (Continued) W. 12c. 401., th. S. 24 15' W. 3c. 21., th. S. 38 30' W. 3c. 21., th. S. 6 W. 6c. 41., th. S. 68 W. lOc. 801., to a marked spruce and stones at N. W. cor. of lands form- erly of John Jansen, th. along said Jansen's land S. 38 40' W. 5c. to a cor- nered spruce on ledge, to lands formerly of Nelson Van Valkenburgh, th. along the ledge N. 17 30' W. 38c. 21. to marked spruce on top of ledge, th. N. 14 56' W. 25c. 761., th. N. 41 26' W. lOc. 601. to a balsam, cornered, in W. line of said Great Lot 24, th. along said W. line N. 3840'E. 52c.751. to beg.. E. part of a 200a. tract in W. part of said Great Lot 24, bd. and described as follows: Beg. at N. E. cor. of land of S. Becker, and at S. E. cor. of lands herein conveyed, th. as the needle pointed in 1907, S. 38 40' W. 24c. to land of John Robb,th.N.5120'W.45c. 421. along lands of said John Robb, th. N. 38 40' E. 24c. and th. S. 51 20' E. 45c. 421. to beg., being a rectangular parcel 45c. 421. by 24c., the shorter side being parallel with W. line of Great Lot 24 Total, Great Lot No. 24 3,631.39 acres. Purchase 552.48 Purchase 109 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 355 GREENE COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HAKDENBURGH PATENT. GREAT LOT 25 Hunter 86 Purchase 776.80 do 124 Purchase 250 do 130 Parcel, beg. at S. W. cor. of a lot convej'ed by J. Haines * to O. Tamagno and running N. 85 deg. 50 min. W. 42c. to stones, th. X. 5 deg. 40 min. E. 8c. to stones, th. X. 85 deg. 40 min. E. 36c. to stones on a ledge, th. N. 7 deg. 40 min. E. 5c. to a beech cor. tree, th. S. 82 deg. 20 min. E. 18.30c. to said Tamagno lot and th. along same S. 38 deg. 40 min. W. 22c.to beg. (N. pt. of lot 130) Purchase KQ do 130 Parcel, beg. at S. E. cor. of t/tf the lot conveyed by J. Haines to 0. Tamagno and running S. 29 deg. 50 min. E. 42c. to the Patent line between Great Lots 25 and 26, th. along same N. 38 deg. 40 min. E. 12c. to stones, th. N. 37 deg. 20 min. W. 40c. to said Tamagno's lot, th. along same S. 38 deg. 40 min. TT. 6c. to beg Purchase q do 131 Parcel, beg. at the S. W. cor. Ovl of a lot conveyed to C. W. Haines at a beech cor. tree and stones and running S. 38 deg. 40 min. W. 28.60c. to a small spruce cor. tree, th. X. 37 deg. 20 min. W. 9c. to a birch cor. tree, th. X. 38 deg. 40 min. E. 22c. to the S. bounds of land formerly of A. Haines, th. along the same S. 82 deg. 20 356 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GREENE COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Hunter. . . 131 do HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 25 (Con- tinued) min. E. 9.90c. to beg. (W. pt. of lot 131) Total, Great Lot No. 25, 1,143.80 acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 26 Division 1 Parcel, beg. at S. W. cor. of Div. 1 at a stone monument marked 1 and 2 with stones piled around it and running th. (in 1907) S. 51 deg. 20 min. E. HOc. to a round boulder on top of a high ledge of rocks, th. N. 38 deg. 40 min. E. 33c. to a large beech tree cornered and marked, th. N. 51 deg. 20 min. W. HOc. to a small beech tree, cornered and marked in the div. line be- tween Great Lots 25 and 26, th. along said line S. 38 deg. 40 min. W. 33c. to beg. 363a. ex. 50a. beg. at a small beech tree at the N Wly cor. of above de- scribed parcel and running th. along the div. line be- tween Great Lots 25 and 26, S. 38 deg. 40 min. W. 17c. to a heap of stones on a large rock, th. S. 51 deg. 20 min. E. 29c. 411. to a stake and stones, th. N. 38 deg. 40 min. E. 17c. to the center of a large hemlock stump standing in the N'ly line of above described 363a. of land, th. along said N'ly line N. 51 deg. 20 min. W. 29c. 411. to beg Purchase Purchase CONSERVATION COMMISSION. GREENE COUNTY 35T Town Lot DESCRIPTION Taz sales or source of title Acres Cairo. . Jewett. Cairo. . do . 30 30 33 35 do STATE LAND TRACT ' All in Cairo All in Jewett. . . Parcel, N. side of lot on the N. side of Garrison's hill, described as beg. at a stake marked = and stones, 70 ft. E. from a tree marked = and being 12c. 881. due S. from center of brook, th. N. 5 deg. E. by land of Alpheus Wright's heirs, 22c. 181. to S. side of Bald Hill to a hemlock tree, marked on E. and S. sides 9, th. S. 85 deg. E. 50c. 701. by land of Robert Scott to stake marked = the same being due E. Ic. 501. from a pine tree on hill marked , th. S. 5 deg. W. 22c. 181. by land of J. Filmore Scott and line of marked trees to a stake marked = and stones on S. side of wood road 891. 1 E'ly from hemlock tree on! N. side of said road marked =, this corner is 8c. 81. j from center of brook, th. running by land of Alpheus Wright's heirs X. X. W. 85! deg. 50c. 701. to beg Parcel, S. side of lot de- scribed as beg. at a hickory tree by brook and running th. S. 1 deg. E. 16c. along the E. line of the lot to an ironwood tree by brook at the S. E. cor. thereof, th. 8. 89 deg. W. 73c. 701. along the S. of the lot to a chest- i Purchase Purchase Purchase 356 48 277 Purchase 112.48 * This tract of land is sometimes called "Tract between Bat:ivia Patent and Caderskill " and also sometimes "Greene Co. Tract." 358 TlIIKD ANNUAL ItEPORT OF THE GREENE COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres STATE LAND TRACT (Con- tinued) Cairo 35 nut tree at the S. W. cor. thereof, th. N. 1 deg. W. 9c. 501. along the W. line of the lot to a chestnut tree, th. along the line of marked trees N. SO deg. 5 min. E. 30c. to a small oak tree, th. N. 86 deg. 35 min. E. 44c. to beg .... Purchase . 100.73 do 41 Original* 173.25 do . ... 43 Purchase 118 Windham 74 All in Windham. . . . Original* 14 Jewett 74 All in Jewett Original* 110 do 75 S. pt. bd. N. bv town line and S. bv lot 79 Purchase ..... 84 do 76 Purchase . 274 do .... 77 Parcel, beg. at a pile of stones on a rock or ledge at the N. or N. W. cor. of land of T. Moore 12c. 251. from the S. W. cor. of lot 77 and running th. along the N. side of Moore's lot S. 49 deg. E. (in 1909) 2,640 ft. to a stake and stones in a line of blazed trees the E. line of said lot 77, th. along the same N. 41 deg. E. 1,000 ft. to a stake and stones in the 8. E. cor. of land of John Raines, th. along said Raines lot N. 49 deg. W. 2,640 ft. to W. line of said lot 77, th. along same S. 41 deg. W. 1,000 ft. to beg. Purchase . . 60.60 do . 79 Ex. parcel beg. at point where the line between the Distin and DeLong farms intersects the S. line of lot 79, 30c. from the S. W. cor. * Resale. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. GREENE COUNTY 359 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Jewett STATE LAND CONTRACT (Continued) of said lot 79 and running th. along the S. line of said lot 79, N. 84 deg. 15 min. W. (in 1909) 895 ft. to a stake and stones, th. X. 19 deg. E. 786 ft. to a stake and stones, th. S. 88 deg. E. 1,155 ft. to a stake and stones, th. S. 77 deg. 30 min. E. 1,570 ft. to a stake and stones, deg. 35 min. W. 735 ft. to the S. line of said lot 79 near a blazed maple tree, th. along the said S. line X. 84 deg. 15 min. W. 1,722 ft. to beg 47.80a ................... Total, State Land Tract, 2,181.43 acres. Purchase 453.37 For other State land in Greene County see Appendix. 360 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SULLIVAN COUNTY (Total number of acres, 1,043.55) Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Thompson Mamakating , Liberty.. . Neversink do 29 22 Kockland . 17-18 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 1 Division 30 Ebenezer Coddington lot, bd. N. by lands of P. C. Brown, Browne, or Brome, E. by D. Stratton, S. by W. A. Hansee lot and W. by land of E. Coddington Division 84 Est. of Josiah Greene, bd. N. E. and W. by Est. of J. W. Cudney, and S. by high- way Total, Great Lot 1, 48 acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 3 FOURTH ALLOTMENT Division 4 N. W. cor. heirs of E. A. Lockwood. . HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 4 EAST DIVISION (Middle Allotment) West Allotment Ex. 28a. N. E. cor. bd. S. by Cogan, 8 T Va. N. W. cor. bd. E. by Hanophy, and 28a. S. E. cor. bd. N. by Hanophy MIDDLE DIVISION (West Allotment) Beg. at a stake and stones standing on the point of a 1900, '05 47 1895. 1905. 25 1871 126 1871 32.20 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 361 SULLIVAN COUNTY Town Lot Rockland . 17-18 Neversink . 528 Thompson 70 DESCRIPTION HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 4, MIDDLE DIV- ISION (West Allotment) (Continued) small island on line bet. Delaware and Sullivan Counties and S. 7l\ W. Ic. 441. from a large elm tree, marked, th. X. 66 35' E. j 6c. 951., along said county line to an iron driven in the ground, th. S. 1 W. lie. 501. to an iron driven in the Tax sales or source of title Acres ground, on X. side of a. brook or pond and in line between lots 17 and 18, th.i X. 741 \V. 3c. 801. to a ! small water beech tree, 1 cornered and standing near a point of land on E. side of Mill Pond or raceway, an th. following the E. side of, said raceway at low water; mark, X. 181 W. 8c. 101. to beg. subject to reserved rights of grantor Total, Great Lot 4, 162.95 acres. Purchase HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 5 S. pt HARDENBURGH PATENT. GREAT LOT 14 East % W. W. Gilman lot, bd. X. by C. Delany, E. by Jas. Oster- hout, S. by Jno. Ruddick and W. bv J. Crovdev . . 4.75 1871 112 1900. 114 362 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SULLIVAN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HARDENBURGH PATENT, (Continued) GREAT LOT 17, Division 51 Bethel 29 1910 55.50 do 30 1910 40.50 Total, Great Lot No. 17 96 acres. MINISINK PATENT, DIVISION 1 Forestburgh 11 Whole lot, l,707a.,. ex. 41 T -|^a. (R. C. West) bd. N. by lot 12, S. & E'ly by Beakes & Otis, & W. by W. A. Stokes, 85 T 6 o~a. (W. A. Stokes) bd. N. by lot 12, S. by J. J. Stewart & Beakes & Otis, E. by R. C. West, 728a. (Beakes & Otis), S'ly end, 516K (J. H. Stewart) bd. N'ly by Stokes, a tract called the " gore " and the "Mill lot" so called, S. E'ly by Beakes & Otis, & S. W'ly & N. W'ly by lot lines, Sub. 4 (106a., H. L. West), & 114a., being the und. of 228a. (pd. April 24th, 1828, by William Thomas), 1,590-j-Q^- acres.. 1826 116.42 DIVISION 7 Highland 16 A.11 of oriii'iliiil Sub 8 SLS shown on a map made by Win. Cockburn & John Kiersted, lying N. of a line par'l to & 3 miles S. of Mt. Hope and Lumberland Turnpike 41.66 do 18 Sub. 5. . 1895.. 100 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 363 SULLIVAN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Highland . . . Lumberland . do do Mamakating IS 31 31 37 MINISINK PATENT, DIVISION 7 (Continued) Sub. 18 Sub. 25 Sub. 26 Sub. 4 Total, Minisink Patent, j 485.48 acres. 1871, 77, '81 1895, '00 1895, '00.... 1895, '00.. 50 46.40 64 67 PHILLIPSPORT VILLAGE Hanyen or Hanvene, William H., heirs; bd. X. by lands of! Mrs. James Allen, E. by the Kingston Road, or Kingston Public Road, S. by lands of; Mrs. Berdell S.. or Bedel S.j Johnson, and W. by lands of estate of J. B. Daved or Deved . . 1905 364 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY (Total number of acres, 84,009.73) Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Wawarsing . . 58 BOGARDUS PURCHASE On E'ly side of Delaware & Hudson Canal, between lot 59 and Broadhead St 1890 Esopus ESOPUS, TOWN OF Woodland, bd N by land of do do . George D. Frear & Charles Lake, E. by lands of Jonas Frear, S. by lands of Alex. Humphrey & W. by land of Hanna Hunt Quick, James T.; bd N. by lands of Jerry Auchmoody & S. T. Litts, E. by lands of Rosmer or Rosner, & S. W. by lands of Laflin, Rand & Co., or of Laflin & the Rand Powder Co Wood lot bd N bv Nicholas 1881 1895, '00 20 7 do or Nichols E. by Taylor & S. & W. by S. W. or S. N. or S. W. Dumond Bd N bv lands formerly 1895, ? 10 30 do . owned by M. Fountain, E. lands of M. Fountain, heirs of R. L. Pell and heirs of John T. Griffiths, S. by lands of Wm. Terpening and W. by lands of heirs of Richard R. Rich Near New Salem' bd N by 1905 17 do land of Joseph W. Cornell or heirs of said Cornell, E. by the Public highway, S. by a small stream dividing Election Districts 1 and 2 and W. by Rondout Creek . Wood, John R., heirs of, bd. N. by Richard Deyo, E. by Joseph Welch, S. by Julia 1905, '10 50x100 ft CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 365 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres EBODUS ESOPUS, TOWN OF (Continued) McEneary and Wly by T. Schirsky or E. Litchenburg, 7 acres ex 5 acres E side 1910 2 do ... Maloy, Sarah A., or heirs of, Gardiner bd. N. by Evereon St., E. by land of Win. Hayes, S. by land of Robert Hayes and W. by the highway to Port Ewen Total, Esopus, Town of 76.30 acres. GARDINER, TOWN OF Slater, Peter; bd. N. & E. by lands of John D. Van Leu- ven, S. by land of George Davis & W. by the top of the mountain 1905, '10 1895 50x100 ft 30 do Van Wagoner Josiah H pt do do .... of lot 19, Partners Tract, bd. X. by John H. Van Wagoner, E. by top o: mountain, S. by land of P P. Aldrich, & W. by Wm Enderly estate Van Wagoner, Cornelia D. part of lot 19, Partners Tract, bd. N. by land of Methuselah Dubois, E. by top of mountain, S. by Solo- mon Sahler, Richard D. Sahler, Isaac R. Sahler & Mary E. Turpening, & W. by Wm. Enderly estate. . . . Jenkins Albert or Albert 1877, &C.T. 1879. 1877 &C.T. 1879. 5.70 6 est., bd. N. by lands of Lambert Jenkins, E. by lands of Lambert Jenkins or by the highway, S. by Luther Lefever and W. by land of John Jenkins 1900 50 Total, Gardiner, Town of, 42.20 acres. 366 TIIIKD ASSUAL KEPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax salea or source of title Acres Plattekill GRAHAM'S OR GRAME'S PATENT Flagler, Francis; bd. N by do S. Penny, E. by Derant & others, S. by J. Harris, & W. by J. B. Griffin Lockwood, Wm or W W 1877 5 bd. N. by Lockwood, E. by N. Adams or J. S. Cosmond or Crasmon S. by J. S. Cos- mond or Crosmon, & W. by Pembrook, Penbrook or Tenbrook 1877, '81, '85 & C.* T 1879 . 5 Total, Graham's Patent, 10 acres. do GREEN'S PATENT Gillis, Jesse, bd N by J Lockwood or Lockwoods, E. by Green or Gerow, & S. & W. by Wm. Pembrook or W. Tenbrouck 1877, '81, '85 8 GROTE TRANSPORT See Rochester Patent Denning. . 1 HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 6 Bowen's Survey of East Part, 8,000 Acre Tract Benedict Tract Purchase & 1905 . . 112 do 2 Purchase & 1095 . . 100 do 8 Purchase & 1905 100 do 1 Pell (Robert L.) 4,000 Acre Tract 1877, '81 100 do 3 1871 77 '81 100 do 4 1871, 77, '81 100 do 5 Purchase 100 do 6 Purchase 100 do 7 1877 '81 & C T * 100 do 13 Purchase 100 do 14 Purchase. . 100 "County Treasurer's sales, 1879. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 367 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Denning. 15 HABDENBUEGH PATENT GREAT LOT 6, EAST PART Pell (Robert L.) 4,000 Acre Tract (Continued) Purchase 100 do 16 W. pt 1877, '81, '95 & C. T.* 50 do 17 1877, '81, '95 & C. T* 100 do 18 1877, '81 '95 & C T.* 109 do .... 19 1877, '81, '95 & C T * 100 do 20 1877, '81, '95 & C. T.* 100 do ... 21 1877, '81 '95 & C T.* 100 do 22 1877 '81 '95 & C T.* 100 do ... 23 1877 '81 '95 & C T.* 100 do 24 1877 '81 '95 & C T* 100 do 25 1877 '81 '95 & C T.* ... 100 do 26 1877, '81, '95 & C T.* 100 do 27 1877 '81 '95 & C T * 100 do 28 Purchase 100 do 29 Purchase 100 do 30 Purchase 100 do 31 Purchase 100 do 32 Purchase 100 do 33 Purchase 100 do 34 Purchase 100 do 35 Purchase 100 do 36 Purchase 100 do 37 Purchase 100 do 38 Purchase 100 do 39 Purchas 100 do 40 Purchase 100 Total, Pell and Benedict Tracts, 3,662 acres. * County Treasurer's sales, 1879. 368 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Denning . do do do do do do do do HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 6 (Continued) DIVISION 1 (Denning Tract) A. triangle in S. Wly cor. 20|c. on S'ly and 27^c. on Wly line All E. of Buttermilk Falls Brook . . 11 25 26 29 30 32 33, 35, 38&40 E. pt Bd. beg. at a pile of stones Ic. from the corner of lots 33, 35, 36, 37 and 38, on the line of 35 and 38, th. N. 8 E. 59c. to a yellow birch tree, corner of lots 40, 51, 53 and 38, said birch tree standing on a slope facing tho west, with trees marked around a said birch, being marked " J.B.S., 1907," th N. 50 E. along the line of lots 40 and 51, 25c. to corner of Joseph Blasse and Romaine Moo to a pile of stones on a low rock about 10 ft. N'ly of a large rock, with trees marked around, th. along the line of R. Moe and the Countryman lot S 50 E. 62c. to a pile of stones on a steep bank facing the north, with tress marked around, and being on the line of Norman Da Bois, th. S. 50 W. 31c. to a pile of stories on top of a hill in a level spot, with trees Purchase . Purchase . Purchase , Purchase , Purchase . Purchase , Purchase Purchase , 25.50 150 184 160 160 160 160 60 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 369 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Denning do 33, 35 : 38&40 36,37 &38 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 6, DIVISION 1, (Denning Tract) (Con- tinued) marked around, th. X. 50 W. 22c. to a pile of stones on the south of an old road in a swampy place, th. S. 50 W. 45c. to beg Bd. be^. at the corner of lots 36 and 146, Great Lot 5, on the county line be- tween Ulster and Sullivan, at a pile of stones, th. along said county line S. 50 E. 9c. to the Herman Depuy lot, now owned by George Porter, th. along his W. line N. 50 E. 34c. to corner, th. X. 50 W. 9c. to a corner of Barnes' lot, formerly, now E. Van Wagner, on line of lots 36 and 37. th. X. 50 E. 29c. to corner of the William Porter lot on line of lots 35 and 38, th. X. 8 E. 18c. 301. to stones on X. side of an old log the corner of the Quick lot and lands formerly of Luff Smith, now Standard Cooperage Co., th. along Smith and Quick lot X. 50 W. 2Sc. to a pile of stones on top of a steep bank up from the Sugar Loaf Brook, cor. of P. Connor, th. S. 50 W. 2c. 481. to a pile of stones on the S. bank of Sugar Loaf Brook, about 10 ft, W'ly of a yellow birch tree, th. down said brookS. 18 E.lc.,S. 17 W. Purchase , 266 370 TI-IIKD ANNUAL REPORT or THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 6, DIVISION 1 (Denning Tract) (Con tinned) Denning 36,37 4c. 801., S. 35 30' W. 4c., S &38 12 30' W. 7c., S. 3 W. 6c and S. 29 30' W. 6c. 701 to line of John Van Wagner at the brook, th. S. 50 E 4c. to a pile of stones on a steep bank below the old dug road, th. S. 50 W. 16c to stones near a poplar tree standing on the W. side o; Sugar. Loaf Brook, th. S 50 E. 22c. to Barnes corner, in line of lots 36 and 37, and th. S. 50 W. 34c to the county line and beg . Purchase 147 do 62 Bd. beg. at cor. of lots 62 63, 64 & 65, th. S. 52 deg. E. 40c. to cor. of lots 62, 63, 46 & 47, th. S. 48| W. along line of lots 62 & 47 30c. to cor. of L. Barber's, th. N. 52 W. along said line 18c. to a pile of stones, th. S. 48| W. lOc. to line of lots 61 & 62, th. N. 52 W. along line of lots 61 & 62, 18c. to cor. of lots 61, 62, 65 & 66, & th. N. 48| E. along line of lots 62 & 65, 40c. to beg Purchase 142 do 63 Purchase 160 do 81 Bd. beg. at cor. of lots 64, 65, 80 & 81, th. W'ly in line of lots 80 &.81, lOc. to cor. of Dunan's or Peter Vander- mark, th. N. 66 E. 9c. to a pile of stones, witnesses, th. N. 87 E. lOc. to a stake & stones, th. S. 52 E. 8c. to CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 371 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 6, DIVISION 1 (Denning Tract) (Con- Denning 81 tinued) the line of lots 64 & SI to a beech tree, marked corner, * & th. along lines of lots 64 & 81, 20c. to beg 1895 14 do 102, Bd. beg. at a birch tree, 115 cornered, standing at a falls &116 in Iron Brook, near the iron mine, th. X. 68 W. 2c. 901. to a large birch tree, marked, on the S. side of the tail race of Satterlee's saw mill, th. down the S. side of said tail race to within 2 rods of west branch stream ordinary water mark, th. down said stream, 2 rods S. ETy to W. line of lot 115, th. along line of lots 115 and 120, S. 49 W. to the cor. of lots 115, 120, 121 and 114, th. along line of lots 115, 102, 114 and 103, S. 51 E. 80c. to cor. of lots 102, 97, 96 and 103, th. X. 49 E. 40c. to cor. of lots 101, 102, 97 and 98, th. X. 41 W. 40c. to cor. of lots; 116, 115, 102 and 101, thj X. 15 W. 16c. 601. to a pile of stones witnessed by a birch tree on E. bank of a small stream called Iron Brook, th. down the E. bank of said brook, as it winds and turns, 23c. to beg Purchase 320 Total, Denning Tract, 2,108.50 acres. 372 THIED ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Hardenburgh. . . . do Denning 1 4 5 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 6 (Continued) DIVISION 2 (Connecticut Tract) 1881, C.T. 1883... 1877, '85&C. T.*. 1881, '85 & C.T* 197 195 192 50 do do 6 7 1877, '81, '85 & C. T. 1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. 180 Hardenburgh. . . . do 9 10 . T. 1879 Purchase Purchase 248.75 177 219 Denning 11 Purchase & 1910 197 50 do do 12 13 Purchase & 1910. . 1877, '81, '85 & C 192 do Hardenburgh . 14 17 T. 1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. T. 1879 1881 '85 '90 & C 182.75 251.75 Denning 18 T. 1879 1877 '81 '85 & C 105 T. 1879 98.25 do 19 1877 '81 '85 & C T. 1879 94 50 do 20 1877, '81, '85 & C Hardenburgh. . . 22 T. 1879 1881 '85 '95 86.75 126 do Denning do do Hardenburgh. . . . Denning ......... 24 25 26 28 29 31 1885, '90, '95. 1877, '81, '85, '90 & C.T. 1879.... 1877, '81 , '85, '90 &C. T. 1879.... 1881, '85 & C.T... 1877, '81, '85 & C. T. 1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. T. 1879 120 109.75 102.50 133.50 103 124 do 32 1877 '81 '85 & C do 33 T. 1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. T 1879 123.75 118 50 do 34 Purchase 112.50 ! County Treasurer's sales, 1879. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 373 Town Lot DESCRIPTION' Tax sales or source of title Acres Denning 35 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 6, DIVISION 2, (Connecticut Tract) (Con- tinued) 1881 & C T 1879 156 Hardenburgh. . . . do 36 * 37 1877, '81, '85 & C. T. 1879, '80, '81 . 1881, '85 & C. T 71 72 Denning 38 1877, '81 '85 & C do do do Hardenburgh. 39 40 42 43 T. 1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. T. 1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. T. 1879 1877 &C.T. 1879. 1871, 77 '81 '90 82.25 87 89 127 98 do Denning do 44 45 46 1877, '81 &C. T.*. 1877, '81, '85 & C. T. 1879 1877 '81 '85 & C 91 96.50 do 47 T. 1879 1877, '81 & C T.* 90.75 63 75 Hardenburgh. . . . 50 Purchase & 1910 90 Denning 52 1877, '81, '85 & C. T. 1879 94 75 do do do Hardenburgh. . . . 53 54 56 57 1877, '81 &C. T.*. 1877, '81 &C. T.*. 1881 &C. T. 1879. 1877, '81 & C T * 93 87 128 95 Denning 58 1895, '00 95 do do 59 60 1877 &C.T. 1879. 1877, '81, '85 & C. T 1879 99 97 75 do 61 1877 '81 '85 99 50 do 66 1881 & C. T. 1880 96 do do 67 68 1881, '85&C. T.*. 1877 '81 '85 96.75 90 75 do 74 Purchase 106 do do do do do 75 76 78 81 82 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 & C. T. 1879 1877, '85 & C. T.* 1877, '81/85 1877, '81, '85 91.75 96 85.75 89.50 86.50 * County Treasurer's sales. 374 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Denning 83 HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 6, DIVISION 2 (Connecticut Tract) (Con- tinued) 1877, '81, '85 85 25 do 85 1877 '81 '85 '95 100 * do 89 1877 '81 '85 & iw -i ^ *JLM{ do 90 C. T. 1879 Purchase 109.75 111 do 93 1877 '81 '85 & C 112 50 T.*... 129 50 do 106 Ex. 82a. N. W. cor 1871, 77 52 do 106 N. W cor Purchase & 1905 82 1 do 108 1881, '85 & C T "^ * do 112 1879, '80, '81.... Purchase 153 *; 127 E do 113 1877 '81 '85 & do 118 W. part C. T. 1879 Purchase & 1905 142.50 60 Total, Connecticut Tract, 7,878.50 acres. Hardenburgh .... 154 GREAT LOT 6, DIVISION 3 (Robinson Tract) Purchase 135 do 156 Purchase 135 do do 177 175 Ex. 14a.N. E. cor Appropriated Appropriated 122 147 do 194 Purchase 143 do 196 1877 148 do 207 Purchase 120 do do 215 216 Purchase Purchase 143 130 do 217 Purchase 133 do do 218 219 1877, '81, '85 tfc C. T.*1879 1877 '81 '85 & C 127 do 220 T.* 1879 1877 '81 '85 & C 129 do 221 T.*1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.*1879 142 141 * County Treasurer's sales. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 375 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Hardenburgh 222 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 6, DIVISION 3 (Robinson Tract) (Con- tinued) 1877, '81, '85 & C. do 227 T.*1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. 145 do 4fM 228 T.*1879 1877 '81 161 115 do 229 1877 137 do 232 1877, '81, '85 & C. do 233 T.*1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. 140 T.* 1879 115 do 234 1877, '81, '85 & do 239 C. T.*1879 1877, '81 &C. T.*. 164 142 do 244 1877, '81, '85 & C T * 1879 112 do 248 Purchase 134 do 253 1877, '81, '85 & C do 254 T.*1879 1877 '81 '85 & C 161 T.* 1879 110 do 258 Purchase 134 75- do 259 Purchase 109 do 260 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 1879 162 do 268 Purchase 120 do 269 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 1879 105 do 270 Purchase & 1905 98 do 271 Purchase 117 do 274 1877 '81 '85 & C do 275 T.* 1879, '80, '81 Purchase 135 136 do 276 Purchase 136 do 277 Purchase & 1905 131 do . . 278 Purchase & 1905 138 do 279 Purchase 166 25 do 280 Purchase 109 50 da 281 Purchase 137 75 Total, Robinson Tract, 5,481.25 acres. * County Treasurer's sales. 376 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HARDENBURGH PATENT (Continued) GREAT LOT 7 Denning Bd. N'ly by town of Shan- daken, E. by Yernoy's sur- vey of '0 lo s, S. by an 864a. tract, & W. by town of Harde burgh. (M ,p.461.) Purchase. . 1,'25 Easterly Part Olive Parcel, bounded beg at a pile of stones in the line of Patent Marbletown, the S. E. cor. of Peter P. Barringers, th. S. 69 45' W. along his bounds and the bounds of Chas. Hamil- ton 42c. 421. to a pile of stones and soft maple sap- ling at the foot of the hill, th. S. 48 30' W. along line of Charles Hamilton and Henry Bartlett 69c. 201. to a heap of stories against the E. side of High Point Moun- tain in line formerly of Solomon Barringer, th. S. 45 45' E. along said Bar- ringer's line 32c. 801. to a pile of stones on a high rock on top of Round Top Mountain, a cor. of Martin Winchell's farm, th. N. 45 45' E. 63c. 801. to a pile of stones at the foot of the hill, a corner of the Martin Winchell farm, th. N. 26 45' W. 8c. 501. to a pile of stones at foot of ledge, th. N. 22 45' E. 8c. 751. to an old maple stump on the N. side of the brook, th. down said brook N. 73$ E. 2c. 201., th. S. 83 E. 4c., th. N. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 377 Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HARDENBURG PATENT, GREAT LOT 7, EASTERLY PART (Continued) 89 E. 4c. to a pile of stones on N. side of the brook, th. S. 54 E. 7c. 501., th. S. 84 50' E. 6c. 281. to a pile of stones on the Marbletown line & th. N. 1 E. along said Marbletown line 28c 141. to beg. (formerly in possession of Benjamin Hyatt) Bd. beg. a a heap of stones around a bunch of soft maple, a corner of formerly John Ennist, Jr., th. N. 50 W. along land of Lewis Bell 33c. to a heap of stones near a black birch tree on W. side of Blackberry mountain, th. X. 33 E. 16c to a heap of stones against a black birch tree in division lin of Montgomery Living- ston-Eugene A. Livingston, th. S. 34 E. 43c. to a birch tree and stones in said divi- sion line, a corner of Adam Traver, th. S. 40 W. along his bounds 12c. to a rock oak tree against a ledge of rocks in a rocky place and th. X. 5 E. 6c. to beg A parcel known as the Krom lot, near, Watson Hollow, bd. beg. at N'ly end of a rock in the Bushkill in line of Catherine A very; th. X 33 50' E. along her bounds 34c. to a heap of stones in the line of W. H. Watson (formerly Walter A. Cun- ningham), th. S. 57 E. Purchase. . 277.70 Purchase 46 378 TIIIKD ANNUAL REPOET OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HARDINBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7, EASTERLY Olive PART (Continued) along his bounds 19c. 501. to a stake and stones on a hill against the mountain th.S.3350'W.40c.501.to stones around a hem- lock sapling, cornered and marked, on the NTy side of said Bushkill stream, th. N'ly down the same, as it winds and turns, to beg., 72y^al ex. 15a. square, in -do N. W. cor. thereof Land at Watson's Hollow, Purchase 57.60 in the town of Olive, sold by Chas. DuBois to John B. Atwood and by said At- wood to Nathan W. Watson by deed dated May 4, 1850, recorded in Ulster County Clerk's office, in Book of Deeds No. 76, page 38, May 7, 1850 Mortgage .... 1,700 Total, Easterly Part, 2,081.30 acres. Denning 2 Chamber's Survey 1877, '81, '85 & C. T * 1879 86 do 3 1877, '81, '85 & C. T * 1879 85 do 6 1877, '81 & C. T.*. 83.75 do 7 Purchase 79 do s 1881, '85 & C. T.*. 85 do 9 1877, '81, '85 & C T.*1879 84 do 10 1881 & C. T. 1879. 83 do 11 1881, '85 & C. T.*. 81.30 do 12 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.*1879.. 106 * County Treasurer's sales. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 379 ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Denning . 13 14 15 18 25 26 27 28 30 33 37 38 39 40 1 2 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7, Chamber's Survey (Continued) . 1877, '81, '85 & C. T. * 1879 . 118.50 100 100 99.80 101 100 99.50 100 123 101 150 150 80 183 132 do do 1877,' '81, '85 & C. T.*1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 1879 do do do do 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.*1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.*1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 1879. 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 1879 do do do do do do do 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.*1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.*1879 1881 &C.T.* 1879. 1881, '85 &C. T.*. 1881 &C.T.* 1879. 1881 &C.T.* 1879. 1SSI &C.T.*1879. Purchase Total, Chamber's Survey, 2,378.85 acres. Livingston Tract, Division 1 X. W. cor. 44c. X. and S. and 30c. E. and W Bd. beg. at a heap of stones against a hill around a small hard maple tree in line of the lot formerly Ira Murray's, th. S. 55 E. 30c. to a heap of stones on the mountain, the S. W. cor. of the Charles Travis lot afore- said, th. along line of such Shandaken do * County Treasurer's sales. 380 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken . HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7, LIVINGSTON TRACT, Division 1 (Con- tinued) lot and the lines of the Daniel Marsh and Francis Kelder lots or lots of farms 3, 2,. and 1 to a heap of stones, the S. E. cor. of the Francis Kelder's lot or lot No. 1 of farms in the line of Great Lot 7, th. along the same S. 55 E. 70c. to a heap of stones around a beech tree, th. N. cor of lot 3, Division 1, th. along lot 3, S. 34 W. 103c. to a heap of stones in a hollow, the N. E. cor. of lot 11 of farms or the Levi Vermilyea lot, th along the bounds of said lot S. 89 W. 20c. to the cor. of ot of farms or the John Keely lot, th. along same N. 1 W. 50c. o N. E. cor. of same, a heap of stones, th. still along same S. 89 W. 26c. to Esopus creek (Big Indian branch), th. down the same as it winds and turns, 26c. to- N. E. cor. of lot 5 of farms, or the Martin C. Kelder lot, th. along the bounds of said lot 17c. 601. to stones, the corner of Ira Murray lot or lot 4 of farms, and th. along the same N. 7' E. 20c. to beg., 590a., ex. la., being school house lot next the bounds of Ira Murray lot; also so much of the lot sold by George W. Tuttle to Christopher Long, containing lOOa., more or CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 381 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken. do do do HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7, LIVINGSTON TRACT, DIVISION 1 (Con- tinued) less, as lies within the bounds of said lot above described and which last excepted portion is bounded and described in the deed from said Tuttle to Long (! as follows: All that lot of land lying and being in the^ town of Shandaken, in Great Lot 7, Hardenburgh Patent, at or near a place called Big Indian Hollow, on E. side of Esopus Creek, bd. beg. at a stake and stones on line of a lot of land formerly surveyed for Levi Vermilyea and known as Lot 11 on the Mill Lot, a corner of a lot formerly sur- veyed for Joshua Kelly, th. as the needle pointed in 1845, N. 89 E. 33c. 341. to a stake and stones 101. from a hard maple tree, th. N. 1 W. 33c. 341. to a hemlock tree and stones on flat land, th. S. 89 W. 33c. 341. to a heap of stones on the line of Joshua Kelly aforesaid on W. side of the hill and th. along said line S. 1 E. 33c. 341. to beg. Ex. 150a. being all that remains of 214a. in N. E. part of lot bd. beg. at a pile of stones in E'ly line of said lot, being line bet. Gt. Lot? 7 & 8, 25c. E'ly from where Purchase Purchase & 1905 . . Purchase & 1905 . . 489 1,000 1,000 382 ANNUAL IMPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken . do do do HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 7, LIVINGSTON TRACT, Diviison 1, (Con- tinued) said line crosses the wood- land stream opposite three marked soft maple trees on E. side of said stream, th from said pile of stones as the compass pointed Jan 1901, S. 37 W. lOc. to the center of a hollow or dry run, th. due W. along the side of the mountain about 32c. to a hemlock marked, and stones standing on the W. side of a woodland stream, th. N. 51 W. on a line par'l -with & 30c. from line bet. Gt. Lots 7 & 8 to the line of Lot 5, th. N. 37 E. along said line 30c. to line bet. Gt. Lots 7 & 8, the same being the N'ly cor. of lot 6, th. S. 51 E along said Gt. Lot line & the N'ly line of said Lot 6, 83c. to beg. after ex. therefrom 64a. N'ly part thereof bd. beg. at N. W. cor. of Lot 6, at the cor. of Lot 5, th. S. 51 E. along N'ly line of Gt. Lot 7, 21c., th. S. 39 W. parallel with \V. line of lot, 30c., th. N. 51 W. par'l with N. line of Gt. Lot 7, 21c. to division line bet. Lots 5 & 6, & th.N. 39 E. along said division line to beg All in Shandaken of the fol- lowing premises: Bd. beg. at a stake & heap of stones Purchase Purchase Purchase & 1905 . 915 1,065 1,115 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 383 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7, LIVINGSTON TRACT, Division 1 (Con- tinued) Shandaken 9 on top of a mountain known as Sam's or Samuel's Point, in the Town of Olive, th. as Q the needle pointed May 7th, 1901, N. 77 32' W. 60c. to where a tree form- erly stood, with stones around it, th. S. 11 2' E. 40c., th. N. 49 32' W. 55c. to a beech tree, th. X. 40 28' E. 90c. 351. to a stake & heap of stones, th. S. 78 12' E. 81c. 711. to a stake & heap of stones near a road, th. S. 40 28' W. 80c. 211. to the top of Sam's Point to beg Purchase 440 Olive .... 9 All in Olive of above prem- ises Purchase 160 do . 9 Bd. beg. at a fallen birch tree and pile of stones, cor. of lots 9 and 10, Divisions 1 and 2, th. N. 50 30' W. along line between Divi- sions 1 and 2, 21c. to a pile of stones on top of Black- berry mountain, th. X. 7 15' W. along the average top of said mountain 46c. to a pile of stones on top of said mountain, th. S. 50 30' E. 35c. to center of Drykill Brook, th. down said brook S. 14^ W. 2c. 961., th. S. 11 W. 2c. 611., th. S. 3 45' W. Ic. 231., th. S. 1 50' E. Ic. 321., th. S. 5 15' E. 2c. 131., th. S. 26 E. 3c. 341., th. S. 32 30' E. Ic. 981., th. S. 28 35' E. Ic. 931., th. S. 384 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Olive . . Shandaken . Gore do HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7, LIVINGSTON TRACT, Division 1 (Con- tinued) 2335'E.2c. 131., th. S. 77 35'E.841.,th.S.29pE.2c. 601., th. S. 18 E. Ic. 931. to E'ly line of said lot 9, Divi- sion 1, and th. S. 37 W. along said Division line 17c. 251. to beg Total, Division 1, 6,414.50 acres. Livingston Tract, Division 2 Gore lot, bd. beg. at a heap of stones, the E. cor. of lot 13 of farms, or Robert Tornp- kins lot, th. along lot 4, Division 2, to a heap of stones the W. cor. of lot 3, Division 1, th. along same N. 53 10' W. 95c. to cor. of lots 2 & 3, Division 1 and cor. of N . 11 of farms, th. along sa'd No. 11, S. 1 E. 18c. to stones in line of No. 12 of farms, th. along same S. 89 E. lOc. to E. cor. of lot 13 of farms and th. S. 35 E. along lots 12 & 13 of farms 82c. to beg Parcel, beg. at a beech tree in he bounds of a lot of Mary B. Day and runs th along the same as in 1895 N. 89 E. Ic. 701.; N. 85 E.3c. 501.;N.7230'E.4c. 801. to a dogwood tree; th. (as in 1908) S. 75 10' E. 13c. 331. to a stake and stones; th. (as in 1908) S. 44 45' E. 5c. to a stake and Purchase 98.50 Purchase 190 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 385 ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 7, LIVINGSTON TRACT, Division 2 (Con tinned) Shandaken. 3 stones; th. (as in 1908) S 66 20' E. 8c. to a stake and stones; th. (as in 1908) S 57 20' E. 2c. 531. to a stake and stones; th. (as in 1908 S. 3 55' E. 2c. 331.; th (asinl908)S.2615'E.6c 421. to a stake and stones th. (as in 1908) S. 18 45 E. 6c. 701. to a stake and stones; th. (as in 1908) S 73 15' E. 2c. 101. to a stake and stones about 3c. from the Esopus River and in the N'ly line of lot No. 4 o; Div. 2 of the Livingston tract; th. along the same (as in 1845) S. 34 30' W. 21c. to the W'ly side of a wood road in the bounds of the lands of the party of the second part, the State of Xew York; th. along the W'ly side of said wood road and along the bounds of the lands of the State of New York (as in 1907) the fol- lowing courses and dis- tances: N. 730'E. 6c., N. 2115'E.5c., N.3845'E. 6c. to a stake set in the ground on the W'ly side of the said wood road; th. along the lands of the said State of New York (as in 1907) N. 48 W. 22c. 251.; N. 64 W. 5c. 201.; N. 83 W. 13c.;N. 26 W. 5c. 201. to the place of beg Purchase. . 40.60 13 386 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7, LIVINGSTON TRACT, Division 2 (Con- tinued) Shandaken 3 Parcel beg. at the E'ly cor. of lot No. 3 of Div. 3 and the W'ly cor. of lot No. 4, of div. 4 of said tract and runs th. along said lot No. 4 as the needle pointed in 1845 N. 34 30 ' E. 24c. 501. to the W'ly side of a wood road; th. along the W'ly side of said road as in 1907, N. 7 30' E. 6c. to a stake; N.2115'E.5c.toastake; N. 38 45' E. 6c. to a stake on the said side of said road; th. continuing as in 1907 N. 48 W. 22c. 251. to a stake; N. 64 W. oc. 201. to a stake; N. 83 W. 13c. toastake;N.26W.5c.201. to a birch tree in the bounds of lands of Mary B. Day; th. along said lands as in 1895 S. 89 W. Ic. 801. to a beech tree; S. 75 W. 5c.; S.50W.5c.561.toayellow birch tree and stones; S. 75 W. 12c. 651. to a beech tree; S. 85 W. 15c. to stones and a hemlock tree; S. 65 W. 4c. to said lot No. 3; th. along said lot No. 3 as in 1845 S. 51 30' E. 72c. 501. to the place of beg Purchase 213.86 do 6 Purchase 1,000 do 7 Purchase 1,000 do 8 Purchase 1,000 Olive 9 In Wittenbergh Hollow, bd. beg. at a red oak stump and pile of stones on N'ly line of Ephraim Burger's 300a. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 387 ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Olive.. do 10 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7, LIVINGSTON TRACT, Division 2 (Con- tinued) farm and in line between lots 9 and 10, th. N. 34 36' W. 14c. 171. to a pile of stones in town line of Olive and Shandaken, th. X. 58 30' W. 9c., 361. to a pile of stones at S. E'ly cor. of the Moonhaw Club, th. N. 45 E. 13c. 221. to a pile of stones at N. E'ly cor. of the Moonhaw Club land, th. N. 26 45' W. 88c. 701. to N. W'ly cor. of Moonhaw Club land, formerly H. A. Samp- son's and Lemuel Boice's, a pile of stones about 30 ft X'ly of the Wittenburgh creek, th. S. 50 30' E lOlc. 181. to a pile of stones and old fallen black birch tree to the cor. of lots 9 and 10, Division 1 and 2 th. S. 37 30' W. along line between lots 9 and 10 Division 2, olc. 481. to beg. Xear a place called Bushkill, bd. beg. at a red oak stump with pile of stones on X'ly line of Ephraim Burger's 300a. farm, in division line between lots 9 and 10, th. along said division line X. 37 30' E. 34c. 661. to a pile of stones, th. S. 47 E. 36c. 601. to a pile of stones around a soft maple sapling, th. S. 81 42' W. 16c. 801. to a pile of stones, th. S. 17 30' W. 9c. 321. to a pile of of stones in a wet place, th. Purchase . 246.70 388 THIRD ANNUAL KEPOET OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7 LIVINGSTON TRACT, Division 2 (Con- tinued) Olive. 10 N. 87 W. 14c. 731. to a pile of stones by an old fallen birch tree, th. S. 64 45' W. 8c. 691. to a pile of stones and th. N. 28 30' W. 13c. 791 to beg. Purchase 90.60 Total, Division 2, 3,781.- 76 acres. Livingston Tract, Division 3. Shandaken 1 Purchase & 1905 1,120 do , 2 Purchase & 1905 . . 885 do 3 Ex. 261a. in N. E'ly cor. 87c. long N. W'ly & S. E'ly, & 30c. wide N. E'ly & S. W'ly 1881 &C. T. 1882. 819 do 3 N. E. cor., bd. beg. at the cor. of lots 3 and 4, Division 3, and lots 3 and 4 of Division 2, th. N. 51 30'W. (as the needle pointed in 1845), 70c., more or less, to E. bank of Joe Brook, th. following said E. bank of Joe Brook in a S'ly course 13c., more or less, to a stone set on the W. side of the road, th. S. 33 W. 2c. to a hard maple, th. S. 40 W. 2c. to a beech tree and stones, th. S. 30 W. 3c. to a pile of stones near a beech sapling, th. S. 15 E. (as the needle pointed in 1895) lOc. to a beech tree and stones, th. S. 24 30' W. (as the needle pointed in 1895) 2c., th. S. 51 30' E. (as the needle pointed in 1845) CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 389 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken 3 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7, LIVINGSTON TRACT, Division 3 (Con- tinued) 63c., th. N. 34 30' E. (as do do 4 6 the needle pointed in 1845) 30c. to beg., including N. W. cor. square Ex. 161a. S. E'ly cor. 46c. N. E'ly and S. W'ly and 35c. X~ W'ly and S. E'ly.. Ex. 20a. X. E. cor. sq Purchase & 1910 . . Purchase & 1881, 1910 & C. T., 1882 Purchase 207 929 1,100 do 7 1881 & C. T.* 1879 1,100 do do 8 9 All in Shandaken 1881, '85 & C. T.* Purchase 1,115 790 Total, Division 3, 8,065 acres. Hardenburgh 14 GREAT LOT 7, Garretson Tract. S. E. pt. bd. N. W. by A. Riley 1881 &C.T.* 1879. 60 do 15 1881 & C. T.* 1879 160 do 16 1881, '85 & C T * 79 160 do 17 All in Hardenburgh Purchase 48 Shandaken. . . . 17 All in Shandaken Purchase 112 Hard enburgh 18 Purchase & 1910 240 do 20 All in Hardenburgh Purchase & 1905.. . 5 Shandaken 20 All in Shandaken Purchase & 1905 155 do 21 All in Shandaken Purchase & 1905 15 Hardenburgh. . . . do 21 22 All in Hardenburgh Purchase & 1905... 1881 '85 & C T * 145 do 23 1879 1885 151 149 do do 25 54 N. W'ly across, adj. lot 26 . All in Hardenburgh 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 1879, '80, '81. 1877, '81, '85 & C. T. 1S79, '80.... 72 104 County Treasurer's sale. 390 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken 54 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7 Garretson Tract (Continued) All in Shandaken 1877, '81, '85 & C. T. 1879, '80 56 Hard enburgh 55 Purchase & 1905 163 do 57 Purchase 240 do 58 All in Hard enburgh Purchase 64 Shandaken 58 All in Shandaken Purchase 96 do 59 All in Shandaken. . . . Purchase .... 3 Hard enburgh . 59 All in Hard enburgh Purchase 157 do 66 1877 '81 160 do 84 All in Ulster County ex. und. | of lOa. N. W. side Purchase 25 do do 93 94 1866, '77, '81, '85 &C.T.* 1879/80 1881 & C T * 1880 160 160 do 95 All in Hard enburgh 1881, '85 & C. T. 1879 138 Shandaken 95 All in Shandaken 1877 '81 '85 & C T.* 1879. . . 99 do 96 All in Shandaken. 1881 '85 & C T * 231 Hard enburgh. . . . 96 All in Hard enburgh 1881, '85&C. T.*. 9 do Shandaken 97 97 All in Hard enburgh All in Shandaken Purchase Purchase 224 16 Hard enburgh. . . . 98 Purchase 160 do 99 1881 '85 . 160 do 107 1866 '81 '85 147 do 108 1881 '85 150 do do 109 129 All in Ulster County Purchase 1881 '85 '90 75 187 do 138 1877, '81, '85, '90 Denning 3 Total, Garretson Tract, 4,712 acres. GREAT LOT 7, Vernooy's Survey &C. T.* 1879, '80 1881 '85 & C T * 333 160 do 7 1877 '81 '85 '90 &C. T.*1879... 160 * County Treasurer's sale, CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 391 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Denning 8 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7, Vernooy's Survey (Continued) 1877, '81, '85 '90 do 9 &C.T.* 1882/84 Purchase 160 160 do 10 1881 '85 & C. T.* * 1879 160 do 12 N. side 15c. N. & S . Purchase 60 do 13 1877, '81 & C. T.* 1879 160 do 16 1877, '81, '85 & C. do 17 T.* 1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.*1879 160 160 do . 18 1877 '81, '85 & C. T.*1879 160 do 19 1877, '81, '85, '90 . 160 do 22 1881 '85 '90 & C. do do 23 24 T.* 1881, '83.... Purchase 1877, '81, '85 & C. 160 160 T.*1879 176 do 25 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 1879 176 do 26 1881 '85 160 do 27 1890, '95 ... 160 do 29 Purchase 160 do do 30 31 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.*1879 Purchase & 1910. 160 160 do 32 1877 '81 '85 & C T.*1879 160 do 33 1877, '81, '85 ... 160 do 36 1877 '81 '85 & C T.*1S79 160 do 37 1881, '85 & C. T.* 1879 200 do 38 1877 '81 '85 & C do 39 T.* 1879, '80, '81 1877 '81 '85 & C 200 do 43 T.* 1879, '80, '81 1881 '85 & C T * 200 1879.. 200 * County Treasurer's sale. 392 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Denning 44 HARDENBUEGH PATENT GREAT LOT 7 Vernooy's Survey (Continued) Purchase & 1900 do do . . 45 46 N. part '05 Purchase Purchase 200 120 200 do 47 Purchase & 1900, do .... 48 '05 1881 & C. T.* 1879 200 200 do 49 Purchase 200 do 50 Purchase 200 do 51 1881, '85 & C. T.* '80 200 do do 52 53 1877, '81, '85 1877, '81, '85 & C 200 T.*1879 200 do 54 1877, '81, '85 & C. do 55 T.*1879 1881, '85 & C. T.* 200 do 57 1880 Purchase & 1900 200 '05 200 do do do 58 59 60 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.*1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.*1879 1877, '81, '85 & C 200 200 do do 61 62 T.*1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.*1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. 200 250 do do 63 64 T.*1879 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.*1879 1877 '81 '85 & C. 245 229 T.*1879 221 do 65 1877, '81, '85 & C. do 67 T.*1879 1877 '81 & C. T.* 214 1879 198 do 68 1877, '81, '85 & C. T. 1879 189 * County Treasurer's sale. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 393 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Denning 69 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7 (Vernooy's Survey} (Continued). 1881 & C T * 1879 180 do 70 1881 & C. T.* 1879 173 do 71 1877 '81 '85 & C. T.* 1879 165 do * 72 1881 '85 & C T * 1880 . 156 do 73 1877 '81 '85 & C T.*1879 235 do 74 1877, '81, '85 & C. T.* 1879 200 do . 75 1881 '85 & C T* 79 200 do 79 1877 '81 '85 & do 80 C. T*1879 1877 '81 '85 & 1,377 Total, Vernooy's Survey, 12,790 acres. C. T* 1879 1,026 Hardenburgh. . . . 21 HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOTS 7 AND 10, Darling's 1st. Survey. S. TV part Purchase & 1905 20 do 22 Purchase 160 do 41 Purchase 160 do 44 Purchase 160 do do 48 52 The part in Ulster Co Purchase Purchase & 1900 92 '05 226 do do 53 54 1877, '81, '85 & C. T. 1879 1877, '81, '85 & 221 C. T. 1879 215 do 55 Total, Darling's 1st, Sur- vey, 1,464 acres Purchase 210 * County Treasurer's sale. 394 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken. . Woodstock. . Shandaken.. Shandaken and Woodstock HARDENBURGH PATENT, (Continued) GREAT LOT 8 Allotment North of Beaver Creek All in Shand.aken Purchase All in Woodstock Purchase Parcel described as beg. at a cor. of lots 3, 4, 5 & 6, th. along the bounds of lot 4, N. 56 W. 28c., th. N. 34 E. 35c. 701., th. S. 56 E. 28c. to bounds of lot 3, th. along the same S. 34 W. 35c. 701. to beg Purchase On N. side of Beaver Creek, bd. beg. at a heap of stones, the S. E. cor. of lot 3, in the Goodkill Hollow, th. 5 30' W., as the needle pointed 1900, 1,650 ft., th. S. 6 18' E. 1,122 ft., th. S. 28 18' E. 750 ft. to a heap of stones th. S. 4 30' E. 3,010 ft. to the N. E. cor. of lands now or heretofore owned by N. Powers, th. S. 55 15' W. 1,160 ft, th. N. 37 48' W. 264 ft, th. S. 84 45' W. along land now or formerly owned by D. M. Devall, 660 ft, th. S. 83 45' W. along' line of land now or formerly owned by W. Mil- ler, 1,320 ft, th. S. 7 45' W. along said Miller's W. bounds 990 ft, th. S. 79 45' W. along N'ly bounds of land now or formerly owned by A. D. Ladue 1,188 ft, th. N. 4 15' E. 1,887 ft. to a heap of stones, th. N. 5 45' E. 8,453 ft. to a corner of lots 3, 4 and 6, th. S. 53 30' E. 3,489 ft. to beg ' Purchase 254 250 99.96 672 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 395 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken. HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 8, ALLOTMENT NORTH OF BEAVER CREEK (Continued) All in lot 6 of parcel de- scribed as beg. at a heap of stones, the S. E'ly cor. of 870a, known as the Tan- nery lot, and in E'ly line of lot 23 (of the Sherwood tract) th. S. 38 W. loc. 171. to stones around a hemlock tree, cornered and marked, th. S. 31 30' E. 18c. to a heap of stones near a ledge, th. N. 87 30' E. olc. to a heap of stones nearly on top of the moun- tain, th. X. 30' W. 33c. 751. to a heap of stones in S'ly line of lands of Simon Holley, th. along said last mentioned line X. 52 W. 56c. to a pile of stones on a ledge, th. N. 38 E. 2c. to a heap of stones on the edge of a ledge on the W'ly side of a ravine, th. S. E'ly cor. of lands of Edward Keator, th. along said Keator's lands X. 52 W. 7c. 751. to a birch tree, cornered and marked, th. X. 38 E. 8c. 401. to a heap of stones, th. N. 52 W. 7c. 251. to a heap of stones, th. X. 23 30' E. Gc. to a heap of stones on a rock, the S. E'ly cor. of lands owned or occupied by Mrs. DuBois, th. along said last mentioned lands X. 29 30' W. 26c. to a heap of stones in E'ly line of lands now or formerly of Isaiah: 396 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shnadaken. do HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 8, ALLOTMENT NORTH OF BEAVER CREEK (Continued) Hill, th. along said last mentioned lands S. 23 30' W. 7c. to a heap of stones, th. N. 72 30' W. 7c. 501. to a heap of stones, th. S. 38' W. 18c. 501. to a heap of stones, th. N. 74 30' W. 6c. 501. to a heap of stones, th. N. 65 W. 6c. 501. to heap of stones near a rock in N'ly line of lands of James Kinkade, th. along said last mentioned lands S. 52 E. lie. to S. E'ly cor. of lands of said Kin- kade, th. along said last mentioned lands S. 38 W 29c. to a stake and stones in N'ly line of lands of Mrs Maria B. Newton, th. S. 50 E. 67c. 50 links to bg. (re serving right of way, across and also a spring of water sold Phoenicia Water Works Co.) Total, Allot. No. o Beaver Creek, 1,608.96 acres Allotment West of Esopm Creek (Peter R. Livingsyon Tract) In W. end, bd. beg. on the line formerly of H. D. H Snyder, now Jno. A. Lord at a basswood tree ana stones about 20c. W. o the Cross Mountain Brook th. S. 34 30' W. 45c. to yellow birch tree cornerec Purchase & 1910 333 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 397 ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken . do 2 &3 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 8, ALLOTMENT WEST OF ESOPUS CREEK. (Peter R. Livingston Tract) (Continued) and marked, on the line be- tween Great Lots 7 & 8, th. S. 54 E. on the line of said Great Lots 27c. to cor. of lots2&3,th.N.72E.21c. to center of Cross Moun- tain Brook, th. down cen- ter of said brook 7c. to a hemlock tree on said brook, cornered and marked, being the boundary of said party of the first part and John A. Lord, th. as the compass pointed in 1900, X. 21 W. 26c. to two butternut trees cornered and marked, th. S. 59 W. 4c. 501. to a large rock on the upper side of the Wittenburg road, and th. N. 21 W. 17c. to beg.. Survey made by Col. John B. Davis in 1846: bd. beg. at a bunch of basswood and stones 7c. 501. from cen- ter of Cross Mountain Brook on line of H. D. Snyder, formerly P. R. Livingston, th. N. 72 E. 61 c. to a heap of stones and beech tree, marked, th. S. 27 E. 12c. to stones and beech tree, marked, th. S. 18 E. 17c. to stones on rock th. S. 45 E. 7c. to a pile of stones, th. S. 65 E. 7c. to stones, th. N. 18 E. 7c. to a hemlock tree cornered and marked, th. along and around the highest ridge on Purchase 124 398 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken. 2&3 HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 8, ALLOTMENT WEST OF ESOPUS CREEK. (Peter R. Livingston Tract) (Continued) the Cross Mountain, as marked by Laomi Lord, Wm. V. N. Boice, John N. Weeks and John A. Lord, in 1867, and surveyed by G. Van Benschoten, No- vember, 1900, from the above hemlock tree, cor- nered and marked, S. 48 E. lie. to a red oak tree, marked, on top of said Cross Mountain, th. over the highest ridge of moun- tain S. 10 E. 4c. to a large hemlock tree, marked, th S. 84 30' W. 29c. to a pile of stones on a rock th. S., 49 W. lOc. to a pile of stones near a large rock, th. S. 12 W. 5c. to a hard maple tree and stones, th. S. 71 W. 9c. to top of a ledge of rocks, th. S. 32 W. 15c. to stones on a rock, th. S. 10 W. lie. to stones on a rock, th. S. 40 W. 7c. to a black cherry tree, marked, th. S. 12 E. 2c. to a red oak tree, cornered and marked, th. S. 63 W. 18c. to a line between Great Lots 7 and 8 and a corner of lot 4 in Al- lotment west of Esopus Creek, th. along line of Great Lots 7 and 8 N. 52 30' W. 74c. to a corner of lot 2, th. along line of lot 2 N. 74 30' E. 21 c. to Cross Mountain Brook, th. down COXSEKVATIOX COMMISSION. 399 ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken . 2&3 do 3&4 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 8, ALLOTMENT WEST OF ESOPUS CREEK. (Peter R. Livingston Tract) (Continued) center of said brook about 7c. to a hemlock tree, marked, and corner of Edwin Du Bois and John A. Lord, th. S. 45 E. 21c. to tree and stones on S. side of a small stream, th. X. 45 C E. lOc. 501. to a pile of stones on a rock and a yel- low birch tree marked, standing below a road lead- ing on top of Cross Moun- tain, th. N. 3 W. 30c. 501. to a pile of stones on a rock near a small elm tree, marked, th. N. 36 W. 44e. to beg Bd. beg. on the division line between Great Lots 7 and 8 of Hardenburgh Patent at the corner of division lots 3 and 4, th. along the highest ridge of the Cross Mountain X. 11 17' E. 980 ft., th. N. 18 54' W. 153 ft., th. N. 1 2 49' E. 236ft., th. X. 53 19' E. 147 ft,. th. X. 22 49' E. 208 ft., th. X. 22 11' W. 130 ft., th. X. 19 5' E. 257 ft., th. X. 38 40' E. 108 ft., th. X. 40 25' E. 221 ft., th. X. 19 50' E. 148 ft., th. X. 47 25' E. 143 ft., th. X. 55 35' E. 71 ft., th. X. 57 20' E. 581 ft., th. S. 84 E. 146 ft., th. N. 38 30' E. 1,311 ft., th. N. 60 45' E. 1,725 ft., to a corner in line Purchase 757 400 THIRD ANNUAL KEPOBT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken. 3&4 Olive. HABDENBUEGH PATENT GREAT LOT 8, ALLOTMENT WEST OF ESOPUS CREEK (Peter R. Livingston Tract) (Continued) of Sub. lots 2 and 3, th. S. 17 10' E. 938 ft., th. S. 15 10' E. 859 ft., th. S. 62 10' E. 900 ft., th. S. 2 50' W. 1,138 ft. to a blazed red oak on line of Sub. lots 3 and 4 th. S. 14 10' E. 300 ft., th. S. 51 10' E. 890 ft., th. S. 24 50' W. 1,270 ft., th. S. 87 10' W. 264 ft., th. S. 58 20' W. 2,000 ft. to stake below the wood lot on E'ly side of Bushkill, in line of John N. Weeks, for- merly, th. along said line N. 11 20' E. 752.5 ft. to stake and stones around it. th. departing from his said line and running N. 17 17' W. 822.4 ft. to a stake 2 ft. W. of a stone about 6 ft. high, standing on end, th. N. 4 43' E. 1,117.5 ft. to stones, being an old corner and the N. E'ly cor. of a 27-acre tract of land con- veyed to Andrew L. Weeks, being 264 ft. E. of the cen- ter of the Chestnut Bush- kill in the line of Sub. lots 3 and 4, th. along said lot line S. 74 50' W. 3,225 ft. to beg B'd beg. at a heap of stones on bounds of the farm of Andrew A very or John E. Weeks, on the line between the Towns of Olive & Shan- daken, th. N. 78 18' E. Purchase 400.51 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 401 ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Olive HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 8, ALLOTMENT WEST OF ESOPUS CREEK. (Peter R. Livingston Tract} (Continued) along said town line 40c. 701., th. S. 30 36' E. 39c. 91. to a heap of stones cor. of Joshua P. Davis' farm, th. S. 42 E. 8c. 191. to a flat stone standing in center of a pile of stones, th. S. 8 20' W. along a line of marked trees 13c. 41., th. N. 51 10' W. 2c. 41. to a heap of stones on a ledge, corner of the Solomon Hill farm, th. S. 20 9' W. 5c. 291. to a pile of stones the S. E. cor. of the Byrnes lot, th. X. 40 28' W. 38c. to a pile of stones on the moun- tain, th. S. 49 9' W. 22c. 501. to a pile of stones on the E. side of the road lead- ing from Avery to Weeks farm, S'ly to the Shan- daken road the N. E. cor. of the Byrnes lot, th. N. 28 20' W. 3c. 211. along said road, th. N. 12 30' W. 3c. 401., th. N. 19 45' W. 4c. 881., th. N. 48 55' W. 3c. 791., th. N. 27 40' W. Ic. 501. to the line of the Andrew Avery farm, th. N. 46 50' E. Ic. 811. to a pile of stones, the S. E. cor. of said farm, th. N. 33 29' W. 21c. 621. to beg.... Total, Allotment West of Esopus Creek, 1,444.71 acres Purchase 163.20 -02 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken 27 HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 8 (Continued) Duer Tract Purchase 103 75 do 28 Purchase 103 75 do 29 N'ly | Purchase 51 55 do 30 N'ly . Purchase 53 50 do 37 Purchase 104 do 38 Purchase 112 do 45 Purchase 119 do 46 Purchase 118 do do 30 31 Total, Duer Tract, 765.55 acres (Division 6) Lausette Tract Purchase & 1905 . . Purchase 160 160 do 32 Purchase 160 do 42 Purchase 147 do 44 N. E. part Purchase 44 do 54 1871 100 Total, Lausette Tract, 771 acres do 3 Sherwood or Joanna Living- ston Tract, Peter R. Living- ston Allotment (Burns' Sur- vey) Coons Edward situated at Fox Hollow; bd. N. by the U. & D. R. R., E. & S. by land of Mrs. Peck and W. by land of Mrs. Dutcher. . 1905 1 do 10-15 inc. on Eli Whitney's line; th. N. 50 30' W. 48c., th. N. '39 30' E. 18c., th. N. 50 30' W. 20c., th. N. 39 30' E. 3|c., th. N. 50 20' W. . CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken. 1Q-15 inc. do 11-23 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 8, Joanna Liv- ingston or Sherwood Tract Peter R. Livingston Allot- ment (Burns' Survey) (Continued) 41c., th. S. 39 30' W. 36c., th. S. 15' E. 3c. 51., th. S. 10 E. 5*c., th. S. 6 30' W. Ic. 321., th. S. 12 E. 3c. 701., th. S. 44 30' E. 7c. 861., th. S. 61 5' E. 36c. 71., th. S. 43 7' E. 12c., th. S. 30 7' E. loc., th. S. 80 T E. 5Jc., th. X. 78 53' E. 31c. to beg Bd. beg. at a hemlock cor- nered, and stones marked P. R. L. D. H. B. 1833, in line between Great Lots 7 and 8, Hardenburgh Pat- ent, where it intersects the line between the Joanna Livingston Tract, and the Peter R. Livingston Tract, th. N. 35 30' E. 36c., th. N. 56 W. 46c. 211. to stones with trees wit- nessed, th. S. 35 30' W. 16c. to a hemlock tree at S. E. cor. of the Harrington lot, th. N. 56 W. along said lot 50c. to a hemlock sap- ling against Fork Ridge, th. N. 35 30' E. along said Harrington lot and the Larkin lot 40c. 501. to a stump and stones, th. S. 52 30' E. 49c. to stones near a beech tree, on line of the Lord lot, th. N. 35 30' E. 2oc. to Beech & Wood- worth's 600a. lot, th. X. 56 W. along said 600a. lot and Purchase 359 404 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken. 11-23 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 8 Joanna Liv- ingston or Sherwood Tract, Peter R. Livingston Allot- ment (Burns' Survey) (Continued) the 76a. lot sold Beech & Wood worth 22c., th. N. 26 E. along line of said 76a. parcel 62c. to the line of Beech & Woodworth's 600a. th. N. 56 W. along line of Beech & Wood- worth's 600a. 22c., th. N. 34 E. along line of Beech & Woodworth's 600a. 29c., th. N. 55 40' W. 32c. to center of the Painter Kill, th. following the course of said Kill, W'ly as it winds and turns, 27c. to a hemlock tree, cor. of the 44a. sold to P. Conway, th. S. 16 W. along said Conway's lot 20c. to a cluster of beeches, th. N. 74 W. along said Conway lot 22c. to stones in old bark road 201. from a hemlock tree, th. N. 16 E. 20c. and across the Painter Kill to basswood and stones in line of Pat Conway's 75a. lot, th. N. 74 W. 12c. to line of John Conway, th. S. 15 15' W. 12c., th. N. 75 W. 77c. 201. to a heap of stones and birch tree, th. N. 15 15' E. 42c. to a heap of stones and brush, th. S. 75 E. 99c. 41. to two hemlocks, th. S. 15 W. 8|c. to the cor. of the Kelsey lot, th. N. 34 20' E. along the Kelsey lot 20c., th. S. 55 40' E. (in 1851) CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 405 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken . 11^-23 do 11-23 PATENT, GREAT LOT 8, Joanna Liv- ingston or Sherwood Tract, Peter R. Livingston Allot- ment (Burns' Survey (Continued) 30c. to the bounds of the Longyear 98a. lot, th. N. 34 20' E. 35c. and across the Muddy Brook, th. N. 56 W. 20c. to Longyear HOa. lot, th. S. 34 W. o^c. to the Muddy Brook, th. N. W'ly along Muddy Brook, as it winds and turns, 21 c. to the bounds of Cullen's ! 80a. lot, th. S. 34 W. along the bounds of the Cullen lot about lc., th. N. 56 W. along bounds of Cullen 20c. to the J. Murray lot, th. N. 55 30' W. along lot of J. Murray 64c. to maple tree and stones, th. S. 34 W. lOc. 681., th. N. 56 W. 4c., th. S. 65 W. 63c. to stones and birch tree marked S. W. 1850, th. S. 34 W. 156c. to line of Great Lot 7, th. S. 56 E. 305c. to beg Bd. beg. on line bet. the Joanna Livingston Tract and the Peter R. Livingston Tract, at a point about 156c. 501. N. 34 E. from the line bet. Gt. Lots 7 & 8, and being also a cor. of the 102a. sold to Beech & Wood- worth, th. N. 14 W. 36c. 751. to the Beech & Wood- worth 600a. lot, th. N. 34 E. along said 600a. lot 25c. th. N. 56 W. along said 600a. lot, 30c. to the bounds Purchase 4,259.65 406 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 8, Joanna Liv- ingston or Sherwood Tract Peter R. Livingston Allot- ment (Burns' Survey) (Continued) Shandaken. . . . 11-23 of the H. D. H. Snyder 248a. lot, th. N. 14 W. 55c through the 248a. lot of H. D. H. Snyder to the W'ly line thereof, th. N. 34 E. along W'ly line of said 248a. lot about 25c., th. S. 56 E. along the line of said 248a. lot 40c. to bounds of Christian Winne lot, th. S. 34 W. along said Winne lot about lOc. to a corner there- of, th. S. 12 E. along said Winne lot 84c. to line bet. the Joanna Livingston Tract and the Peter R. Livingston Tract, th. S. 34 W. along said tract line 44c. to beg Purchase 419 do 20,21 All in the Sherwood or Jo- 22 & anna Livingston Tract of 23 the following described land bd. beg. at a heap of stones, the S. E'ly cor. of 870a. known as the Tannery lot, and in E'ly line of lot 23, th. S. 38 W. 15c. 171. to stones around a hemlock tree, cor- nered and marked, th. S. 31 30' E. 18c. to a heap of stones near a ledge, th. N. 87 30' E. 51c. to a heap of stones nearly on top of the mountain, th. N. 30' W. 33c. 751. to a heap of stones in S'ly line of lands of Simon Holley, th. along said last mentioned line N. 52 W. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 407 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken . 20,21, 22&23 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 8, Joanna Liv- ingston or Sherwood Tract. Peter R. Livingston Allot- ment (Burns' Survey) (Continued) 56c. to a pile of stones on a ledge, th. N. 38 E. 2c. to a heap of stones on the edge of a ledge on the Wly side of a ravine, th. S. E'ly cor. of lands of Edward Keator, th. along said Keator's lands N. 52 W. 7c. 751. to a birch tree, cornered and marked, th. N. 38 E. 8c. 401. to a heap of stones, th. N. 52 W. 7c. 251. to a heap of stones, th. N. 23 30' E. 6c. to a heap of stones on a rock, the S. E'ly cor. of lands owned or occupied by Mrs. DuBois, th. along said last mentioned lands N. 29 30' W. 26c. to a heap of stones in E'ly line of lands now or formerly of Isaiah Hill, th. along said last mentioned lands S. 23 30' W. 7c. to a heap of stones, th. N. 72 30' W. 7c. 501. to a heap of stones, th. S. 38 W. 18c. 501. to a heap of stones, th. N. 74 30' W. 6c. 501. to a heap of stones, th. X. 60 \V. 6c. 501. to a heap of stones near a rock in X'ly line of lands o f James Kinkade, th. along said last mentioned lands S. 52 E. lie. to S. E'ly cor. of lands of said Kin- kade, th. along said last mentioned lands S. 38 W.; 29c. to a stake and stones 408 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken. do 20, 21, 22&23 22&23 do HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 8, Joanna Liv- ingston or Sherwood Tract, Peter R. Livingston Allot- ment (Burns' Survey) Con- tinued). in N'ly line of lands of Mrs. Maria B. Newton, th. S. 50 E. 67c. 501. to beg. (ex. right of way across and ex. a spring of water Sold Phoe- nicia Water Works Co.) . . . Bd. beg. at a pile of stones on line between John A. Lord and the Beech and Woodworth 600a. lot, th. N. 56 W. lie. 301. to a corner, witnessed, th. S. 33 W. 31c. to a pile of stones on S. line of John Larkins' farm, th as the needle pointed Nov., 1900, S. 51 E. 25c. to a pile of stones, th. N. 30 E. 12c. to a pile of stones on top of a ridge, th. N. 25c. to beg . . Parcel described as beg. at a point in the Livingston Patent line and in the S'ly bounds of Great Lot 8 of the Hardenburgh Patent on the division line between the lands formerly of Madi- son Longyear, now owned by B. Frank Wood, and lands formerly of H. E. Short, now Bernstein, which point is the most N'ly cor. of the one acre parcel of land mentioned in deed from Benjamin J. Winne and Wife to Davis Winne under date of Dec. 30, 1870 and is designated by an iron pipe driven in the ground about 125 ft. from the fence Purchase & 1910 211.70 Purchase . 07 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 409 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shandaken. 23 HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 8, Joanna Liv- ingston or Sherwood Tract, Peter R. Livingston Allot- ment (Burns' Survey) (Continued) on the N'ly side of the road where said road turns to the W. below the house formerly of Madison Long- year and now owned by B. Frank Wood and said points is nearly a prolonga- ation of the center line of the road running N. Wly; and th. from said point or pipe driven in the ground running S. 38 W. along said patent line the S. E'ly bounds of Great Lot 8, Hardenburgh Patent, 4,900 ft. to the height of ground just below a rocky hill on the summit of the mount- ain; th. X. 5 W. along the height of ground and pass- ing through a point out in the rock on the ridge desig- nated as Bear Point, a dis- tance of 3,585.10 ft. to lands of Thomas McGrath; th. N. 38 E. 1813.50 ft. to the S. Wly cor. of the so-called forty acre lot of Winne now owned by B. Frank Wood; th. along said Wood's bounds S. 52 E. 1,387 ft. to stones 5 ft. S. 52 E. from a chestnut tree; th. N. 38 E. 507.51 ft. to stones on the E'ly slope of hill; th. S. 52 E/1,103.51 ft. to beg.. Total, Sherwood or Joanna Livingston Tract, 5,507.- 55 acres. . Purchase & 1910 190.20 410 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Olive. . IARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 8 (Contin'd) Torron's Hook Allotment All in Great Lot 8 of land described as parts of lot 2 in Torron's Hook and lot 1, 2d Allotment, Hurley Pat- entee Woods; b'd and described as follows: Beg. at a pile o" stones, on S. side of a red oak, marked on four sides standing on S'ly side of Torron Hook Mountain, on N'ly line of Marbletown and 23c. 501. W'ly from the intersection of said Marbletown line with the S. W'ly line of Hurley Pat- entee Woods, 2d Allot- ment, said point of inter- section being a large flat stone set up in the center of a large pile of stones, th N. 89 W. along N'ly line of Marbletown 30c. 91 to a pile of stones, th. N. 15 35' W 16c. 191. to a pile of stones th. N. 20 28' W. 9c. 861. to a pile of stones around a chestnut tree, th. N. 87 45 E. 6c. 51. to a point, th. N 7015'E. 6c. 931., th. S. 90 E. lOc. 911. to a stone around a chestnut tree, th S. 25 E. 9c. 941. to i stone around a chestnut tree, th. S. 54| E. 5c. 561 to a pile of stones around a birch tree standing on rock, th. N. 80 30' E. 12c 371. to a pile of stones by a ledge of rocks near a quarry and a point on the S. W'ly line of lot 1, 2d Allotment Hurley Patentee Woods, th CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 411 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Olive 2 HARDENBURGH PATENT. GREAT LOT 8, TORRON'S HOOK ALLOTMENT (Con.) X. 51 31' E. 22c. 101. to a * rock oak tre , marked, th. S. 39 45' E. along X. E'ly line of said lot 1, 13c. 111. to a pile of stones, th. S. 47 45' W. 21 c. 361. to a pile of stones, being the S. Wly cor. of said lot 1, and th. S. 65 40' W. 17c. 961. to beg Purchase 96.80 Hardenburgh . . . . 32 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 9. (Beekman Tract) 1877, '81, '85, '95 do 33 &C. T.* 1879.. 1871, '77, '81 156 156 do 34 1871, '77, '81 156 do 35 1877, '81, '85 & C T * 1879 156 do 36 1877, '81, '85 & C T.* 1879 156 do 40 1881 '85 & C T * 156 do 41 1881, '85 & C. T.* 156 do 42 Purchase 156 do 47 Purchase 156 do 48 Purchase 156 do 50 X. E. 1910 78 do 56 All in Hardenburgh 1877 '81 & C. T.* 75 Denning 56 S end across Purchase 70 Hardenburgh. . . . 57 All hi Hardenburgh . 1877, '81 & C. T.* 75 Denning 57 S. pt. or S. W. \ in Denning. 1877 '81 & C. T.* 75 do 58 All in Denning Purchase 78 Hardenburgh. . . . 58 All in Hardenburgh Purchase 78 Denning 59 1877 & C. T * 1879 156 do 60 1877 & C T * 1879 156 do 61 1877 '81 & C T * 320 do 62 Purchase 160 do 63 Purchase 222 Total, Great Lot 9, 3,103 acres. * County Treasurer's sales. 412 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HARDENBURGH PATENT (Continued) GREAT LOT 10 Harden burgh .... Bd. N. E'ly by Great Lot 7, S. .E'ly by Town of Den- ning, S. W'ly by Great Lot 9, and W. by Jarvis Tract . 1881 &C. T.*1879 912 Denning Bd. N. by a l,325a. lot, E. by Vernoy's Survey, S. by Beekman Tract and W. by town of Hardenburgh Purchase 864 Jarvis Tract Hardenburgh. . . . 1 Purchase and 1900, '05 100 do 3 Purchase and 1900, '05 100 do 5 1881, '85. .. 100 do 6 1881 '85 100 do 7 1881, '85, & C. T.* 100 do 8 1881, '85&C. T.*. 100 do 9 W'ly \ Purchase 50 do 11 * * *J 2 ' 1885 100 do 12 1885 '90. 100 do 13 1881, '85 & C. T.* 100 do 14 1881, '85 &C. T.*. 100 do 15 1881, '85&C.T.*. 120 Total, Great Lot No. 10, 2,946 acres. HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 26, Division 4 Saugerties Parcel beg. at a point in the division line between Di- visions 4 and 5 at the inter- section of such division line between Divisions 4 and 5 with the county line be- tween Greene and Ulster counties; th. S. 57 30' E. (in 1836) 22c., th. N. 22 E. ('n 1865) 27c. to stones around an oak stump, th. * County Treasurer's sales. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 413 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HARDENBURGH PATENT GREAT LOT 26 Division 4 (Continued) Saugerties .... X. 25 E. (in 1865) 18c., th. X. 32 E. (in 1865) 52c. to the division line between * divisions 3 and 4; th. X. 5521'W. (in 1880) 20c. to the line between Greene and Ulster counties; th. S'ly along the division line between Greene and Ulster counties 97c. to the place of beg Purchase 183.64 HURLEY COMMONS Hurley ... . 6 Quarry lot, bd. N. & W. by U. & D. R. R. and S. E. by U. & D. Stone Road and S. & S. W. by Wallace Lee, etal 1900 1.75 Rosendale 45 1895, '00 ... 28 do 67 1895 27 Total, 56.75 acres. HURLEY PATENTEE WOODS, IST ALLOTMENT Great Lot 1 Hurley . . . Parcel described as beg. at a white oak tree standing on the bounds of Solomon D. Crispell and wood lands of Gardiner Smith between Great Lots Xos. 1 and 2, and running from th. S. 29 W. 4c. 881. to a white oak and stones, th. S. 7 E. 2c. to a larg - rock. th. S. 17 W. 2c. 771. to a hemlock tree, th. S. 23i W. 2c. 261. to a pine tree on bounds of Mrs. William A. Teal, th. X. 43 W. 54c. 401. to a small rock about 4c. X. W. from a 414 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HURLEY PATENTEE WOODS, IST ALLOTMENT, GREAT LOT 1 (Continued) Hurley falls, th. N. 47 E. 12c. 401. to a hickory tree, th. S. 42 E. 49c. 501. to beg., con- taining 60fa. more or less, ex. 1.15a. sold by S. D. Crispell to Gardiner Smith in 1860, 2.02a. sold by S. D. Crispell to David DuBois in 1860, and 8.46a. sold by S. D. Crispell to David Du Bois in 1861. (Part of Solomon D. Crispell farm) . Mortgage* 48.87 Great Lot 2 do 1, 2, 3 A parcel described as being j **) **j 4&5 the E'ly part of lots 1, 2 and 3, and beg. at the foot of the hill on bounds of Great Lots 1 and 2. th. along same N. 40 W. 28c. 401. to a rock oak tree cornered and a heap of stones on the bounds of John M. Myer, Jr., th. N. 50 E. 6c. 301. to a rock oak croached tree cornered, and a heap of stones on the bounds of Egbert Houghtaling, th. along same S. 40 E. 31c. 201. to the foot of the hill, th. along the same S. 77 W. Ic. 701., th. S. 86 W. 231. S. 41 W. 2c. 251. to beg., containing about 16|a. ex. of so much of the 6th Allotment as is within the metes and bounds A parcel described as being the S. E. part of lot 4 and beg. at the foot of the hill on the N. E. side of lot No. * Resale. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 415 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Hurley . . . 1, 2, 3, 4&5 HURLEY PATENTEE WOODS FIRST ALLOTMENT, GREAT LOT 2 (Continued) 3, th. N. 44 54' W. to the 6th allotment, th. N. 46 E. 2c. 801. to the S. W. line of lot No. 5, th. S. 44 38' E. along the line of lot No. 5 to the foot of the hill, th. along the same to place of beg. , containing in all about 3a. more or less. A parcel described as being the S. E'ly part of lot 5 and beg. at the foot of the hill at the low land at a marked walnut sapling 5, 6 and runs N. 44 22' W. 34 c. 431. to a stake and stones th. S. 46 W. 2c. 241. to stones around a white oak sapling then S. 44 38' E. 34c. 431. to the foot of the hill at the low land and th. N. 42 30' E. 2c. 211. to beg., contain- ing 6 acres exclusive of the 6th. Allotment which is included within the bound- aries. Excepting from the three above described par- cels, about 3 acres sold by S. D. Crispell to Gardiner Smith in 1860 described as being the extreme E'ly ends of lots 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 and beg. at a heap of stones on the line between Great Lots 1 and 2 of the First Allot- ment of the Hurley Paten- tee Woods on the top of the hill and runs th. E'ly as the fence stood on or near the top of the hill to the bounds of George P. Newkirk then 416 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Hurley i 2, 3, 4&5 do .... do 7 8&9 do 10, 11, &12 HURLEY PATENTEE WOODS FIRST ALLOTMENT, GREAT LOT 2 (Continued) S'ly along his bounds to the foot of the hill then W'ly and N. W'ly along the bounds of Gardiner Smith to the place of beg. containing 3 acres, more or less. (Part of Solomon D Crispell Farm) E'ly part. (Part of Solomon D. Crispell Farm) Ex. 60.50 acres sold by S. D Crispell to Edgar B. New- kirk, being the W'ly ends of the lots and ex. 6 acres beg. at foot of the mountain running a N. W'ly direction 12c. along lands formerly of Philip Newkirk (in possession of S. D. Crispell in 1852) th. a S. W'ly direction 5 c. along land of Judith DuBois (formerly) th. a S. E' y direction 12c. along land formerly of Hyman Roosa th. a N. E'ly direction along the foot of said mountain to beg., 5c. (Part of Solomon D. Cris- pell farm) The S'ly part of lot 10 being all that part of the lot up to the N. W'ly cor. of the Seventh Allotment, con- taining after deducting the Sixth Allotment, 6.37 acres, more or less. Also a parcel described as beg. at the W. cor. of said aforesaid conveyed parcel and runs th. N. 40 W. 17c. Mortgage*. Mortgage*. 22.50 10 Mortgage* * Resale. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 417 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Hurlev 10, 11 & 12 HURLEY PATENT WOODS FIRST ALLOTMENT, GREAT LOT 2 (Continued) 101. to a stone heap and th X. 50 E. 2c. 101. to a stone heap on the bounds of lot No. 11, th. S. 40 E. 17c 101. to the aforesaid lot then S. 50 W. lOc. and 101. to beg. containing 3.85 acres more or less, (in lot 10). The S. E'ly part of lot 11 described as beg. on the bounds of lot No. 10, at the foot of the hill near the lands of John M. Myer, Jr. and runs th. N. 40 W. 14c. 421. to the Sixth Al otment of Hurley Patentee Woods and then after crossing the said Sixth Allotment the same course 6c. and 801. to the Seventh Allotment and then along the Seventh Allotment S. 5U E. to the angle formed by the Sixth and Seventh Allotment, then along the Sixth Allot- ment S. 26 W. Ic 541., then across the Sixth Allot- ment S. 40 E. 4c. then X. 26 E. along the Sixth Allotment 2c 481. to a heap of stones and then S. 40 E. 14c. 421. to the foot of the hill and th. along the foot of the hill S. 45 W. 2c. 481. to beg., containing 4.81 acres. The S. E'ly end of lot 12 bounded S. W'ly by lot 11, N. W'ly by Sixth Allotment and X. E'ly by Seventh 418 THIKD AS:\ T UAL, REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Hurley . . . 10, 11 & 12 do HURLEY PATENTEE WOODS, FIRST ALLOTMENT, GREAT LOT 2 (Con inued) Allotment about 2 acres. Ex. from the above de- scribed lands in lots 10, 11 and 12, land sold by S. D. Crispell to John G. Bell in 1857, described as beg. at the foot of the hi 1 on the bounds of George P. New- kirk between lots Nos. 9 and 10 in division of Great Lot No. 2, First Allotment, Hurley Patentee Woods, th. along said bounds to the top of the high hill at the ledge of rocks th. along said rocks to the bounds of the Seventh Allotment th. along to the foot of the hill to the place of beg., being the S. E. part of lots Nos. 10, 11 and 12 in Great Lot No. 2. (Part of Solomon D. Crispell farm) Great Lot 3 Land in the S. E'ly end of Lot No. 1 described as all that piece of land beg. at the N. E. cor. of Lot No. 1, Great Lot 3, Hurley Pat- entee Woods and runs th. N. 39 W. 18c., th. S. 44 W. 7c. to the cor. of a lot of land of the Heirs of Jona- than Hasbrouck deceased, (7th Allotment), th. S. 53 E. 20c. and 701. to lands lately of Judith and Dinah Dubois and from th. to place of beg. (Part of Solo- mon D. Crispell farm) .... Mortgage' 11 Mortgage* 9.25 : Resale. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 419 ULSTER COUNTY Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres 16 HURLEY PATENTEE WOODS FIRST ALLOTMENT, GREAT LOT 3 (Continued) E'ly part bd N. W'ly by land of James Rourk. (Part o Solomon D. Crispell farm) (West *) Bd. X. E. & N. W. by res lands of heirs of Geo. Shaw & S. E. & S. W. by lands o Henry Crasser or Crozier. Great Lot 4 (East ) Bd. X. E. & S. W. by lo lines, S. E. by McMullen road & X. W. by lands o Thos, Cornell Est Parcel, b ? d X. E. & S. W. by lot lines, S. E. by land of G. C. Woolsey, X. W. by Dumond . . Great Lot 5 (Subdivision 4) (Bulger's Survey) X. E. part; bd. S.W. by land of C. B. Bushnell.. (Subdivision o) Bd. X. E. & S. W. by lot lines S. E. by land of S. C Wynkoop & X. W. by land of A. Ten Eyck Great Lot 6 B d X. E. & S. W. by lot lines S. E. by land of Den nis Connell and X. W. by School Dist. Xo. 9 Handrahan place or Hender- han, Thomas place, Charles Simmons, occupant; b'd X. E. by lands of John Purcell, Mortgage*. 124 1900, '05 1900. 1910. 11 45 1900. 14.80 1895, '00 1900. *Reaale. 420 THIED ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Hurley do ... 16 30&31 do ... do ... do do ... do Lot DESCRIPTION HURLEY PATENTEE WOODS, FIRST ALLOTMENT, GREAT LOT 6 (Continued} S. E. by lands of Palmer or Palmer A. Canfield, S. W. by lands of Julius Oster- houdt & N. W. by lands of Mary Chambers S. E. end bd. by land of Burger Est., S. E. by lot 20, S. W. by land of Wm. Eckert or heirs, and N. W. by the U. & D. Stone road, with buildings Great Lot 8 (East $) Small lot . (West (Great Lot 9) Bd. N. E. by 22d Allot ment, S. E. by line of S D. No. 4, S. W. by G't lot 8 & N. W. by 12a. State land Bd. N. E. by J. Simpson S. E. by Morgan Hill road & S. W. & N. W. by land ofT. Coogan Part of Gore lot & pt. of W. Van Aken lot, bd. E. by Kingston Town line, S. W'ly by Benj. J. Newkirk & N W. by Philip V. D. Lock- wood Bd. N. E. & S. E. by res. land of Timothy Bahan, S W. by Ulster & Delaware Plank Road Co., & N. W. Tax sales or source of title Acres 1905, '10 10 1900, '05 1895, '00 . . . . 1900/05 1895, '00, '10. 1900, '05 14.50 28.75 15.50 69.25 1895, '00 . 1895. . 126 1871 12 N COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 421 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HURLEY PATENTEE WOODS, FIRST ALLOTMENT, GREAT LOT 9 (Continued) Hurley 7 by res. land of heir of Win. Mulligan 1890, '95 i do Bd. N. E. by lands of James Simpson, S. E. by Morgan * Hill road, S. W. by lands of Mary Lynch and X. W'ly by land of Mulligan 1900 i do Bd. N. E. by the U. & D. R. R. and lands of the Est. of Wrn. Mulligan, S. E. by lands of John Fanning, S. W. by the U. & D. Stone road and X. W. by Coogan Est 1900 i do Bd. X. E. by land formerly 2 of Timothy McCarthy, S. E. by road leadin? from U. & D. Stone R:>ad to Yandale, S. W. by the U. & D. R. R. and N. W. by res. land of John Murphy 1900, '05 * do Bd. X. E. by res. lands of Margaret Cully, S. E. by a lane running from U. & D. Stone road, S. W. by land of John Van Aken and N. W. by res. land of Coogan Est 1900 1 HURLEY PATENTEE WOODS, 2o ALLOTMENT Olive 1 All of the following de- scribed land in the 2d Al- lotment (the balance being in Torron's Hook Allot- ment of Great Lot 8, Hard. Pat.) bounded as follows: beg. at a pile of stones, on S. side of a red oak, marked on four sides standing on S'ly side of Torron Hook Mountain, on 422 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT or THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Olive. HURLEY PATENTEE WOODS, 2o ALLOTMENT (Con- tinued) N'ly line of Marbletown and 23c. 501. Wly from the intersection of said Marbletown line with the S. Wly line of Hurley Pat- entee Woods, 2d Allot- ment, said point of inter- section being a large flat stone set up in the center of a large pile of stones, th. N. 89 W. along N'ly line of Marbletown 30c.91. to a pile of stones, th. N. 15 35' W. 16c. 191. to a pile of stones, th. N. 20 28' W. 9c. 861. to a pile of stones around a chestnut tree, th. N. 87 45' E. 6c. 51. to a point, th. N. 7015'E. 6c. 931., th. S. 90 E. lOc. 911. to a stone around a chestnut tree, th. S. 25 E. 9c. 941. to a stone around a chestnut tree, th. S. 54 E. 5c. 561. to a pile of stones around a birch tree standing on a rock, th. N. 80 30' E. 12c. 371. to a pile of stones by a ledge of rocks near a quarry and a point on the S. Wly line of lot 1, 2d Allotment, Hurley Patentee Woods, th. N. 51 31' E. 22c. 101. to a rock oak tree, marked, th. S. 39 45' E. along X. E'ly line of said lot 1, 13c.j 111. to a pile of stones, th. S. 47 45' W. 21c. 361. to a' pile of stones, being the S. Wly cor. of said lot 1, and th. S. 65 40' W. 17c. 961. to! Purchase 29.70 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 423 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Hurley . . do Kingston do Woodstock. do Kingston . . 13 13 20 21 25 HURLEY PATENTEE WOODS, GTH ALLOTMENT All. (Part of Solomon D. Crispell farm) HURLEY PATENTEE WOODS. ?TH ALLOTMENT All. (Part of Solomon D. Crispell farm) Total, Hurley Patentee Woods, 725. 12 acres. KINGSTON COMMONS (Binnewater Class) Madden, Mrs. Patrick, or Catherine Cumings; bd. X. by land of E. Sweeney & Son, E. by land of Susan Fitzpatrick, S. by U. & D. plank road & W. by land of Katherine Murtha Haggerty, James; bd. X. by land of Mrs. Edward Brophy, E. and S. by land of Mary Cunningham and W. by land of Jas. Brophy . Ex. 12.75a. described as beg. at the center of Kingston and Delaware plank road, th. X. 24 20c. E., 481. to a cor. of a heap of stone, th. along lot Xo. 26. X. 60 W. 6c. to a cor. of a heap of stone. 31. N. W. from a pitch pine tree, marked, th. S. 24 W. 21c. 421. to the center of said plank road, th. down to center of said road as it winds and turns to the place of beg., con- taining 12|a. according to Mortgage*. Mortgage*. 30.25 1900, '05 1905, '10, 1895, '00 1895 . . 30 45 * Resale. 424 THIKD AXXUAJ, REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Kingston KINGSTON COMMONS (BINNE- WATER C-LASs)-(Continued). a survey made in 1861, the same being the N. E'ly por- tion of lot No. 25 1900 & conveyed 33 25 do .... 60 1881 '85 & C T do 61 1879, '80 1895 '00 30 45 do 64 1905 29 75 do 74 1905 30 75 do 75 1895 '00 46 do 76 1905 30 50 do 84 1880 '81 C T '80 30 do do 86 87 1900, '05 1895 '00 30 45 90 do . . 97 1895 '00 45 do 99 1895 '00 '05 45 do 101 1890 '95 45 do 111 1900, '05 . . 45 do 113 1895 '00 . 45 40 do 114 1890 '95 '05 40 do 125 1895 '00 45 do 128 1905 30 do 130 Hickey Owen widow of or Owen or heirs or Hickey, Mrs. Owen, bd. N. by land of heirs of John Neenan or lands of Mrs. J. Neenan or lands of Mary Murray and J. Haggerty, E. by land of heirs of John Murray or land of Mary or Mrs. James Murray, S. by land of John Starr or land of heirs of Mrs. John Neenan and W. by land of Mrs. Daniel Nee- nan or heirs of Daniel Nee- nan or Mrs. John Neenan . 1905 '10 .... 1 do 131 S. \ or part Patrick Hag- gerty, heirs of, bd. E. S. and W. by lot lines and N. by lands of James Haggerty 1905 22.70 do 148 1890. '95 . . 30 CUXSKIJVATIOX COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 425 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Kingston . do Ulster. Kingston . . do do Saugerties Woodstock. 18 15 73 88 89 49 98 do Plattekill. do 25 Marbletown . KINGSTON COMMONS (Continued) (Clove Class) S. J (Compensation Cl iss. ) (First Class.) E. orS. E. .... (Second Class) (South West Class) Sub. 4, A. and W. Wolven, bd. X. by Saugerties town line, E. by Sub. 3, S. by lot 97 and W. by Sub. 5.... (Three Mile Class) Total, Kingston Com- mons, 1,022.35 acres. LAKE'S PATENT Lewis, Geo. W., bd. N. W, & by F. Baxter, E. by G Birdsall, & S. by Gilberts. . Staples, Lewis, bd. N. by H. or J. Button, E. by Wm. Pembrook, S. by G. Thorne & W. by H. Sutton Total, Lake's Patent 7 acres. MARBLETOWN COMMONS Ackert, Lewis; bd. X. b\ land of Samuel J. Davis, E by land of Henry Krom, S by the public highway & W by land of Silas Krom 1910. 1910. 1877. 1905.... 1900, '05 1900, '05 1900, '05 11 6 10 44.90 30 15 45 1905.... 1877. 29.70 1881,'85&C.T.'79 1881/85, &C.T.79 1895 94 426 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Olive, do Marbletown. do do do Plattekill do do do TRUSTEE ALLOTMENT, Subbeatty Mountain, Letter B) N. Part Total, 141 acres. MARBLETOWN, TOWN OF Bd. E'ly by B. F. Atkins, S'ly by M. Elting & W'ly by Wm. M. Dupuy or Dupay or Wm. H. Dupuy. . Hasbrouck, Jacob, lot, bd. N. & E. by lands of John H. Hasbrouck and S. & W. by lands of Peter G. Wager. . . Jansen, Garret lot, bd. N. & E. by lands of Alex. S. Markle, S. by lands of Cath- erine Broadhead or Thos. Sampson, and W. by lands of said Broadhead or Samp- son Krom, John J., lot, bd. N. by land of James P. Van- dermark, E. by highway and S. and W. by land of John Krom Total, 33 acres. PLATTEKILL, TOWN OF Cole, Richard, heirs of; bd. N. and W. by John Cole, E. by J. C. Brodhead and S. by Gertrude LeFever Bd. N. by Jno. Cole, E. by J. Simpson S. by N. Barnes and W. by S. B. Fowler . Bd. N. by T. Bloomer, E. by town line, S. by William Mackey and W. by S. Fowler Bd.N.byKentlot,E.byW. Merritt, S. by T. or D. 1871, 77 1871, '77 28 19 1877 . . 1900.. 27 1900, '05 1900.. 1.50 .50 1877 . . 1895.. 1895, '00... 10 10 55 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 427 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Plattekill PLATTENKILL, TOWN OP (Continued) Woolsey and W. by T. Tuthill 1895, '00 6 do Woolsev. A.; bd. X. bv land * of W. or Win. Mackey, E. by land of Crosby or T. Crosby, S. by land of Scott and W. by land of Wygart. Total. 93 acres. 1910 12 Esopus 39 PORT EWEN VILLAGE (Haicley and Tilden Streets) 1895 do 41 1895 do 59 1895, '00 do 45 (Minturn Street) East Side 1895 do West Side Ball, Michael, heirs of; bd. X. by lot 4, E. by Minturn St.. S. by land of Connack and W. by lot 1, being 50 ft. front 25 ft. rear and 115 ft. deep * with hous^ 1910 50x1 15 ft do 73 (Main and Minturn Streets) 1905 . . . . 46x111 Wawarsing 1 ROCHESTER PATENT Dewitt's Estate, 1st Division Heirs of B. Dewitt, bd. X. E. by A. Vernoy. deceased, S. E. by lot 2. S. W. by Drowned lands and X. W. by settlement of Rochester and Hardenburgh Patents 1890 249 do 1 ROCHESTER PATENT Grote Transport GREAT LOT 24 1881 160 428 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Rochester. do ROCHESTER PATENT, GROIE TRANSPORT (Cont'd) (Cornelius Hoornbeek's 29,000 Acre Tract) (Great Lot 2) Bd. beg. on W'ly cor. of lot 7, allotted in said Sub- division to Leah Hoorn- beek, th. N. 47| W. (as the needle pointed in 1845) 169c. 701., th. N. 46 10' E. 14c. to lot 2 in said Sub- division alloted to Cath- erine Van Gaasbeek, th. along said lot S. 47 E. 168c. 201. to said lot 7 and th. W'ly along lot 7, 14c. to beg Parcel described as beg. at a pile of stones in the N. E'ly side line of Lot No. 1, formerly belonging to John Feltman, now belonging to the State of New York, and 25c. distant from the most E'ly cor. of said Lot No. 1, and runs th. from said pile of stones N. 47 and 30' W. as in 1851 along said Lot No. 1, 55c. to a pile of stones at the S'ly cor. of the lot of Horace Diamond or Dymond, th. N. 39 and 27' E. along the said lot of Horace Diamond 14c. and 21. to a pile of stones in the bounds of Lot No. 3, known as the Daniel Every lot; th. along the same S. 47 and 30' E. as in 1851, 55c. and 741. to a pile of stones; th. S. 42 and 30' W. as in 1851, 14c. to the place of beg Purchase 236 Purchase 77.51 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 429 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres ROCHESTER PATENT, GROT TRANSPORT (Corneliiu Hoornbeek's 29,000 acr Tract), (Great Lot 2) (Continued) Rochester 3 Parcel described as beg. a most N'ly cor. of Lot No * 2 and allotted to Catherin Van Gaasbeek and at pile of stones in the town line between the towns o Denning and Rochester and runs th. along saic town line as in 1851 N. 46 and 10' E., 8c. and 31. t the division line between Great Lot 1 and Grea Lot 2 of said Tract; th along said division line S 47 and 30' E., 118c. and 601. to a pile of stones 48c from the most E'ly cor. o of Lot No. 3 of Great Lot No. 2 and th. S. 42 and 30 W. 8c. to a pile of stones in the bounds of Lot No. 2 in Great Lot No. 2; th. N. 47 and 30' W. along the same 119c. and 201. to the place of beg Purchase 95.12 (Great Lot 4) do Vernov Falls Co. 's lot bd. beg. at the settlement line at N. W. cor. of Great lot 3, th. S. E. along Great Lot 3, 190c., th. S. 42 W. 27c., th. N. 48 W. 192c. to the set- tlement line & th. N. E. 27 T %c. to beg. 515a. ex. 76a. bd. beg. at the Turn- pike Road & S. line of Great Lot, th. S. 44 W. 18c., th. N. 46 W. 40c., th. X. 44 430 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acr^s ROCHESTER PATENT, GROTE TRANSPORT (Cornelius Hoornbeek's 29,000 Acre Tract), Great Lot 4 (Con- tinued) Hochester E. 18c. to said road, & th. S. E'ly along said road to beg., and 58|a. S. E. pt. bd. beg. at S. E. cor. of said 515a. lot, th. N. 46 W. on lot line 95c., th. S. W. at right angles to said lot lines 5c.,th. S. 46 E. par 1 to lot line 32c. 101. to the Bush- kill, th. S. E'ly down said kill to land of P. Kelly, th. N. 62 E. 3c. 501., th. S. 46 E. 8c. 701., th. S. 62 W. 3c. 801. to the Turnpike Road, th. S. E'ly along said road to S. E. end of said 515a. lot, & th. N. 44 E. 8c. to beg 1890 380.75 (Great Lot 5) do A part of the N. E. end of Great Lot 5 of said Trans- port, being part of the same premises described in a cer- tain deed made and exe- cuted by Simon S. West- brook, Sheriff of Ulster County, N. Y., to Pierre C. Van Wyck, bearing date March 15, 1867, and re- corded in the office of the Clerk of Ulster County, Nov. 6, 1867, in book 146 of Deeds, page 6, com. at a stake and stones 7c. S. fas the needle pointed in 1850) 43 W. from the N. W'ly cor. of land now or formerly CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 431 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Rochester . ROCHESTER PATENT, GROTE TRANSPORT (Cornelius Hoornbeek's 29,000 Acre Tract) (Great Lot 5) (Con- tinued) belonging to Abraham Palen, th. (as the needle pointed in 1850) S. 43 W. 24c. to a pile of stones, th. (as the needle pointed in 1820) N. 49 40' W. 20c. to a stake and stones, th. (as the needle pointed in 1820) S. 40 20' W. 13c. 501. to a stake and stones, th. (as the needle pointed in 1820) N. 49 40' W. 174c. 501. to the settlement line of the town of Denning, th. (as the needle pointed in 1820) along the same N. 46 10' E. 44c. 901. to a stake and stone, being the N. E. cor. of Great Lot 5 of the Groton Transport, th. along the bounds of Great Lots 4 and 5 (as the needle pointed in 1850) S. 47 E. 125c. to a stake and stone at the X. E'ly cor. of Abraham Osterhout's 50 acre lot, in said Great Lot 5, th. (as the| needle pointed in 1850) S.j 43 W. 16c. to an ironwoodi i tree and stones, th. (as the needle pointed in 1850) S. 47 E. 36c. 81. to a basswood tree and stones, th. (as the needle pointed in 1850) X. 43 E. 8c. 251. to chestnut tree and stones, th. (as the needle pointed in 1850) S. 47 E. 31 c. 101. to beg.. .. Purchase 761 432 THIKD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres ROCHESTER PATENT, GROTE TRANSPORT (Cornelius Hoornbeek's 29,000 Acre Tract (Continued) (Great Lot 8) Rochester .... W'ly part known as the A. S. Schoonmaker lot, bd. beg. at a stake and stones on line between lots 7 and 8 on E'ly side of the Dicke} r burgh, th. N. 47 30' W. along said line 216c. to a heap of stones near a beech tree, markec " I K I H W & C," on line of the town of Denning, th. S. 45 30' W. along said town line 35c. to line of lol 9, th. S. 47 30' E. along lot 9, 21 6c. to a heap of stones and th. N. 42 30' E. 35c. to beg Purchase 756 (Great Lot 9) do N. W. ^, known as the Herman Morse lot, bd. N. E'ly by Great Lot 8, S. E. by H. D. Brodhead, S. W. by Great Lot 10 and N. W. bv the town of Denning Purchase . 300 ROCHESTER, TOWN OF do Gillispie, Ham lot heirs of' bd. N. and E. by land of Isaac Mowel and S. and W. by land of George Law- rence 1895 15 do Slater heirs or Slater Levi heirs of; bd. N. by Rondout Kill, E. by Rondout Kill or said Kill and Delaware & Hudson canal or Canal Co., S. by said canal or Canal CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 433 Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres ROCHESTER, TOWN OF- (Continued) Co., and W. by lands of Abram Johnson or heirs of G. Johnson Davis, John H., Cook & Lounsberry lot or R. Hard enburgh wood lot; bd. N by land of Wm. H. Brown and Jno. Rose, E. by land of J. M. Roose and Reuben Krom and Eli Krom, S. by Reuben Krom and Rachel Baker and W. by land of Rachel Baker Total, Rochester, 3,081.38 acres. ROSENDALE, TOWN OF On X'ly side of highway from Creek Locks to Rosendale near Rock Lock, bd. beg. in center of road on line of lot of C. H. Clearwater, th. N. 33 E. along his line 6c. 461. to a stake or stones, th. S. 64 15' E. 6c. 481. to division fence, th. S. 26 W. Sc. to road, th. along road to beg Buckley, Patrick; bd. X. by Daniel Driscoll and Con- solidated Cement. Co.. E. by highway from Whiteport to Kingston, S. by land formerly of Michael Mitch- ell or Consolidated Cement Co King, Catharine, heirs of; bd. X. and E. by B. F. Hardenburgh, deceased, and highway from Lefevre Falls to Kingston, S. by W. Ackerraan, W. by highway 1895. 1910 50 1905, escheat, 1900 1910, 4-34 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Rosendale ROSENDALE, TOWN OF (Continued) from Lefevre Falls to Creek Locks, the Ackerman estate and heirs of B. F. Harden- burgh 1910 I Total, Rosendale, 5.62 acres. Saugerties SAUGERTIES, TOWN OF Kelly, Peter, in Dist. No. 1 at Veteran, bd. N., S. and W. by land of Win. Keenan, E. by lane and land of Ellen Bailey; with house 1905 i do Bird, M. E., Maria or Maria E., at Maiden, in Dist. No. 1, bd. by lands of James or J. S. Moon or James S. Moore, E. by a lane or public lane leading from the turnpike, S. by land of Henry T. Ransom and W. by land of P. S. Wickham, with house 1905 1 do (Highbank Road) Ward, Thomas, at Highbank in District No. 3, bd. N. by land of Polly Short, E. by land of Curtis Plass and S. and W. by land of Edward Hackett; with house same, on Highbank Road, in Dis- trict No. 2 or 3, bd. N. by land of Wilhelma Short, E. by Highbank Road and S. and W. by land of John Hackett; with house 1900, '05 \ Shawangunk .... SHAWANGUNK, TOWN OF Brennan, Patrick, bd. N. by land now or late of J. C. S. Hardenburgh, de eased, E. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ULSTER COUNTY 435 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Shawangunk do do do Ulster.. do . SHAWANGUNK, TOWN OF (Continued) by land of said Harden- burgh or of Daniel McCord, S. by land of Inez J. Whit- maith or Inez Whitmarsh, & W. by land of D. Mc- Cord McEnny, James; bd. N. by lands of Helen McEnny, E. by lands ' of Robert C. Lewis, S. by lands of Sam- uel E. McEnny & W. by lands of Nelson France. . Tombs, Mrs. John; bd. N. & E. by lands of D. R. Gill & S. & W. by lands of J. Rowe, deceased Tombs, Mrs. John (now A. Rogers); bd. X. & W. by lands of Thos. Rowe, E. by lands of Peter Pride or Bride & S. by lands of G. C. Burger Total, 119f acres. ULSTER, TOWN OF Brown, Michael; bd. N. by the Ulster & Delaware Stone Road, E. by lands of John 0. Reilly, S. by lands of Wm. Brophy or by the Ulster & Delaware R. R. & W. by lands of Chas. O. Reilly or the Stony Hollow School House, Ulster & Delaware R. R. and lands of Thomas Cornell or by blacksmith shop of Kit Kelley Bd. X. by Young, E. by lane leading X. to woods, S. by Ever, & W. by Young; with house . . 1895, '00 113 1881, '85 1890.. 1890 1890, '95 1900, '05 436 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Ulster. do . do do . do do . do . do ULSTER, TOWN OF (Continued") Alwell, Patrick, wife of; bd N. by U. & D. R. R., E. by D. Halloran and Jas. Orear don, S. by Wm. Brophy. . Burger, Daniel P.; bd. N by N. Terbush, E. by highway and S. and W. by F. Haber Burke, Anna or Ella; bd. N by U. & D. Plank Road, E & S. by the U. & D. Plank Road and Thos. Cornell Est. and W. by Jas. Carr Fitzpatrick, John; bd. N. by Hagerty, E. & W. by Elizabeth Lynch and S. by the U. & D. R. R. or the U. & D. Plank Road... . Galvin, Jane; bd. N. by Dennis Calahan or heirs E. by U. & D. Planck Road and S. & W. by Thos. Cor- nell Est Haggerty, James; bd. N., E & W. by Elizabeth Lynch and S. by James Fitzpat- rick Halloran, James or Daniel; heirs of, bd. N. & W. by Patrick H. Urall, Alwell or LTrell and Jas. Creardon and E. & W. by Thos. Cornell Est Hyman, Fred, or Grauback or Graubart, S.; bd. N. by Jno. McKeen or McKuen heirs, E. by highway, S. by Geo. Diamond or Dumond or heirs and W. by land of Lewis or Lewis D. Black, 75 ft. front and 150 ft. deep, with house 1910. 1910. 1910 1910. 1910. 10 1910. 1910 1910 ft. 75x150 ( '< >.\ SM II VAT I < ).\ ('<) AL M 1SSIOX. ULSTER COUNTY 437 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Ulster ULSTER, TOWN OF (Continued) Kelley or Kellv Thomas- * bd. N. by lands of C. Kelly, E. & W. by Peter H. Urell or Patrick H. Urall and S. by Michael Monahan, be- ing 20 ft front & 30 ft deep 1910 ft. 20 x 30 do do Kelly, Edward; bd. N. by Catherine Riggins. E. by highway, S. by John McKeon or heirs and W. by L. I. Black Kingston Savings Bank 1910 i 4 do vacancy lot on Church Hill; bd. N. by Sch. Dist. No. 3, E. by highway, S. by D. & H. Canal Co. and Thos. Flannery and Wly b)' Rondout Creek Lundv Anna A * bd N & 1910 i do E. by \Ym. D. Brmnier, S. by Mrs. E. J. Kiersted and W. by Saugerties Road . . . Malahan or Molohan 1910 i do Michael, Jr.; X. by Thos. Kelley and the U. & D. Plank Road, E. & W. by Patrick H. Urell and Elizabeth Lynch and S. by William Brophy and Pat- rick H. Urell Osterhoudt, Henry; bd. X. by Sch. Dist. Xo. 1, E. & S. by the D. & H. Canal Co. and W. by the Rondout Creek 1910 1910 i 1 50 Total, Ulster, Town 17.89 acres For other State laud in Ulster County see Appendix. APPENDIX [439] CLINTON COUNTY List of State Prison Lands* Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Dannemora . do do do do do Beekmantown do do do do 6 7 25 26 29 20 35 52 57 DUERVILLE PATENT Ex. 47a. N. W. cor., 90a. N. E. cor., 21 T Vfra. s. W. cor. and 27a., being so much of 74a. bd. N. by lot line and Nelson's 105a. N. E. cor. of lot, E. by said Nelson and another, S. by McNana and W. by lot line as is not here- tofore excepted; also S. E. cor. of lot bd. N. by James Nelson's land and W. by P. McCormick's land Ex. 155a. W. side, 5fa. bd. N. by Rand Hill road, E. by a line parallel to and 18r. E. from W. line of this parcel, S. by lot line and W. by 155a. W. side of lot and ex. 26a. bd. N. by lot line, E. by Parks, S. by highway and W. by Shaw All in Dannemora . . 1871, 77 '81 1871, 77, '81. 1895, '00.... 1871, 77, '90. 1895, '00. . E. pt. bd. W. by 41fa. of Wm. Year and 33fa. of Lafore or Before and S. by Rand Hill road, 175a. ex. 91a. E. pt. thereof. N. i of 95a. E. end of lot W. ^ ex. 35|a. N. p't & 45a. W. p't of S. | of lot All in Beekmantown S. W. i N. W. i ex. 44fa. N. p't thereof 1881, '95 1881.. 1877 1871,77.... 1877, '81, '85. 1890. 86.28 96.25 283.30 46 250 84 23.75 44.37 43.61 62.50 19.25 *The prison law provides that all State land within ten miles of Clinton Prison (Dannemora) shall be devoted to the use of the prison. [441] 442 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CLINTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Beekmantown. . . Altona 82 93 DUERVILLE PATENT (Continued) Ex. loa. N. W. cor., 37a. S. E. cor., 53|a. S. W. cor. and 67f a. N. E. cor. . . Bd. N. by highway E by 1871, 77, '81 74 do 93 land of N. Holland, S. by land of Philip Murtagh and W. by land of J. F. O'Neil . Bd N by highway E by 1895, '00 12.50 do 97 land of J. F. or John F. O'Neil, S. by land of Storrs and W. by land of P. Goodman 1895, '00 1853 12.50 250 do 98 Ex 25a S \\ 7 cor souare 1895 '00 225 do 100 Ex 137 50a N E part 1885 '90 112 50 do 104 Bd N and S bv lot lines E. by land of P. Rooney and W. by land of M. Lynch, Thornton, John or John and James 1895, '00 25 do 104 Bd N bv highway E by do 118 land of Eleazer Mclntyre and P. Rooney, S. by lot line and W. by land of Jeremiah Ryan Ex 72a W side and 115 70a 1895, '00 50 do . 120 E'lypart 1853 1871 '77 '81 '85 62.30 2^0 do 121 1871 '77 '81 '85 250 do 135 N. W. cor 1877 '81 '85 48 do . . 136 N W | 1895 '00 62 50 Total, Duerville Patent, 2,474.61 acres. do GORES GORE No. 2 (D. B. Johnson's Survey) Bd N by lot 215 of 420 a lots, Refugee Tract, E. by said tract, S. by Chazy river and W. by Richard's Survey of State Gore . . 1885.. 123.22 ( '( ) X S Ki; VAT I OX Co M M I SSJO X. CLINTON COUNTY 443 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Saranac 22 do 22 LIVINGSTON GORE Sub. 1 X. part bd. S. by Burns & McMurray S. E. cor. (Sub. 1) 39a. ex. 1895, '00 10.80 do '> S. Eells, 3a. in S. E. cor., lOa. b'd N. by A. Norris' 10a., E. by lot line and S. by 3a. owned by Eells & W. by 15a. of McMurray & lla. b'd X. by Farrell, E. by town line, S. by Allen & W. by McMurray Sub 2 b'd X bv Farrell E 1881 15 by McMurray, S. by Sibley & W. by Widow Norris . . . Total Livingston Gore, 40.8 acres. 1885 15 Altona 22 STATE GORE (Bet. Old Military and Ref- ugee Tracts) Part 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 160 do 23 Bd. X and E. by Sherlock and S and W bv hi^hwav 1885 . .. i do 9 4 1890 '95 368 20 do 26 1885, '90, '95 174 do 28 1885 '90 '95 200 do 43 do 43 On W. line 3c. 331. X. from S. W. cor. loc. 251. long N. and S. and lOc. 501. wide E. and W. (State coal kilns) . . E\ 16a last above described Purchase, 1869. . . . 1890 '95 16 159 do 44 do . . 4.5 Reverted, 1844. . . . Reverted, 1844. . . . 200 200 do 46 Bd. beg. Ir. E. of W. line S. 14c. 671. from X. W. cor. of lot, th. S. 87 E. 21c. 141., th. S. 3 W. 13c. 651. to a brown ash tree, marked, th. S. 86 W. Ic. 401. to a balsam tree, marked, th. X. 47 W. 4c. 41. to a birch tree, marked, th. X. 4 W. 071. to a stake in S. line of 444 THIRD ANNUAL REPOKT OF THE CLINTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Altona do do do .... do do Dannemora do Altona Dannemora , do do 46 40 46 47 48 50 50 51 51 53 54 56 STATE GORE (Bet. Old Mili- tary and Refugee Tracts) (Continued) lOa. mill lot, th. N. 87 W. 16c. 521. to a stake and stones, 951. N. of the large bolt in center of bridge crossing the river on W. line of lot 46, and th. N. on lot line to beg. (State saw mill) Bd. beg. on E. line of lot at S. E. cor. of land conveyed to Samuel Shaw by Beckwith & Johnson, Executors, 15c. S. of N. E. cor. of lot, th. Wly along S. line of said land 13c. 861. to N. E. cor. of lOa. mill lot, th. S'ly along E. line of said mill lot and a part of said lot sold Jarvis, about 15c. 671. to S. E. cor. of said Jarvis land, th. Wly along said Jarvis land about 21 c. to W. line of lot, th. S'ly along lot line 9c. 101. to a stake at N. W. cor. of 40a. S. side of lot 46, th. E'ly along N. line of said 40a. to E. line of lot & th. N'ly along said E. line to beg Bd. N. & E. by lot lines, S. by a line par'l with N. line of lot & W. by town line, being 14c. 671. wide N. & S. All in Altona All in Dannemora All in Dannemora All in Altona. . . Purchase, 1869 Purchase, 1869. 1895, '00 Reverted, 1844. . . . Reverted, 1844 1871, 77, '81, '95.. 1877, '81, '95 1877, '81, '95 1877, '81, '95 1871, '77 1871,77, '81, '95.. 1871, 77, '81, '95.. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. CLINTON COUNTY 445 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Dannemora do 57 58 STATE GORE (Bet. Old Mili- tary and Refugee Tracts) (Continued) 1871, 77, '81, '95.. 1890 '95 & pur- 200 do do sa 60 chase, 1866 1890, '95 & pur- chase, 1866 1853 154 200 200 do 61 1853 175 do 62 1853 176 do . . 63 1853 176 do 64 1853 152 50 do 65 1877, '81, '85 152.53 Total, State Gore, 4,- 580.15 acres. do HOCKSTROSSER LOT Bd. N. by lots 62 & 63 of Gore bet. O. M. T. & Refu- gee Tract, E. by lots 231 & 233 of Refugee Tract, S. by lot 5 Pion Tract & W. by lots 64 & 65 1881 '85 500 Saranac 1 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 4 All in Saranac 1877, '81, '85 114 Black Brook do 9 10 Sub. 7 Sub. 2 1877, '81, '85 1881 85 100 Saranac 23 N. E. cor. 50c. N. & S. 30c. E. & W 1900 '05 150 do do do 32 48 62 Bd. X. by highway, E. by Trombley, & W. by Gokey. Bd. X. by center line of lot, or Farrell, E. by Hanlon, or Farrell, S. by lot line, or Hanlon, & W. by Coffee . . . Ex 50a S E cor 50a S W 1877 1881/85 99 17 cor., and 400a. on X. line adj., 50a. X. E 1853 140 Total, Township 4, 705 acres. 446 THIJRD ANNUAL REPORT or THE CLINTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Ellenburgh do do 123 124 125 OLD MILITARY TRACT (Continued) TOWNSHIP 5 Purchase, 1868 Purchase, 1868. . . . Purchase 1868 213.33 213.33 213 33 do do do 126 129 130 Purchase, 1868 Purchase, 1868 Purchase 1868 213.33 213.33 213 33 do 171 Purchase, 1868 213 33 do 172 Purchase 1868 213 33 do 173 1890 '95 213 33 do do do 174 175 176 Purchase, 1868 Purchase, 1868... . Purchase 1868 213.33 213.33 213 33 do 177 1895, '00 ... . 213 33 do do . . 178 179 Purchase, 1868.... Purchase 1868 213.33 213 33 do do do 181 182 183 All in Ellenburgh All in Ellenburgh All in Ellenburgh Purchase, 1868 Purchase, 1868 Purchase 1868 188.33 188.33 188 33 do do 184 185 N. of outlet of Chazy lake; all in Ellenburgh All in Ellenburgh Purchase, 1868 Purchase 1868 175 186 do 186 All in Ellenburgh Purchase, 1868 188 33 do do 187 188 All in Ellenburgh All in Ellenburgh Purchase, 1868.... Purchase 1868 188.33 188 33 do 189 All in Ellenburgh Purchase, 1868.. 188 33 do Dannemora do do do do 190 190 231 232 235 236 All in Ellenburgh All in Dannemora N'ly pt. bd. S. E'ly by Levi Boyce et al. & S. W'ly by Levi Boyce N. W. cor. triangle, bd. N. by lot line, N. E'ly by S. Brooks, S. E'ly by B. Bushey & J. Sawyer and W. by lot line Bd. N. by Jno. Larusha, E. by lot line, S. by J. Pollard & W. by lot line & Chazy Lake Bd. N. by land of John Larusha, E. & W. by lot lines & S'ly by highway. . Purchase, 1868 Purchase, 1868 Purchase, 1868 Purchase, 1868.. .. Purchase, 1868 Purchase, 1868 188.33 25 76.75 12.50 37 71 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 447 CLINTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION- Tax sales or source of title Acres OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 5 (Contimied) Dannemora 237 Bd. N. by land of John Larusha, E. by land of Ed- ward Fournier, S. by high- way & W. by lot lines Purchase, 1868 20 do 246 J3. W. cor. bd. N. by land of * G. W. Storrs & Ida M. Rogers & John Welch, & E. by lands of John Welch & Ganowy Purchase, 1867 60 do 247 S. E'ly pt, bd. N. by land of J. F. Rogers & G. W. Storrs & Ida M. Rogers, E. & S. by lot lines & W. by Io1 line & J. F. Rogers Purchase, 1868. 92 do 248 S. end bd. N. by land of J. F. Rogers Purchase, 1868. . . . 55 do 249 S. E. cor. 20c. 701. long N. & S. bd. W. by Chazy Lake Purchase, 1868 3.50 do 291 All not in Chazy Lake Purchase, 1868. . . . 208 do 292 S. E'ly pt. bd.* X. by land par'l to & 27c. 811. S. from X. line of lot & W. by Chazy Lake .... Purchase, 1868. 54 do 293 S'ly pt. bd. X. by land of Geo. Dunn & Geo. A. Dunn, Jr., E. by same & lot line & S. & W. by lot lines Purchase, 1868 100 do 294 S. pt. 35c. 191. long N. & S. bd. X. by land owned by Geo. A. Dunn Jr Purchase, 1868. 94 do 295 Ex. 21a. N. W. cor. 44c. 811. long X. & S. & 4c. 661. wide E. & W Purchase, 1868 192 do 296 Ex. 7^a- N. E. cor. 25c. long N. & S. & 3c. wide E. & W. & 45a. on E. line 2oc. from X. E. cor. of lot 25c. long N. & S. & 18c. wide E. & W Purchase, 1868. 160 do 297 S. pt. 30c. long N. & S. bd. N. by land of Jas. Cunning- ham . . Purchase. 1868. . 80 448 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CLINTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Dannemora . do do do do Saranac Dannemora , Altona. . . do . 299 299 300 do 62 62 83 OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWN- SHIP 5 (Continued) S'ly pt. bd. N. by land of Zeb Cayea & James Cun- ningham, E. & S. by lot line and land of Jas. Cunning- ham N. E. cor. 35c. 411. long N. & S. & 13c. 341. wide E. & W. S. W. cor. 44c. 591. long N. & S. & 13c. 331. wide E. & W. N. part 35c. 411. long N. & S. Chazy Lake, at the level be- fore construction of dam at the outlet Total, Township Five 8,276.18 acres PION PATENT B'd N. by center, E. by Douglas, S. by lot line, & W. by J. Dwyre Bd. N. by Thorn & Watson's lot, E. by lot 233 Refugee Tract, S. by town line and W. by 500a. said to belong to A. C. Moore, 200a. ex. und. \ pd. by Burton and und. j pd. by Davison (Ore bd. lot und. 1) Total, Pion Patent, 75 acres. REFUGEE TRACT (420a. lots) Bd. N. by lot line, E. & S. by land of Dragon & W. by - land of Laf orce Mrs. Joseph Laforce, bd. N. by lot line, E. by land of Geo. Jelly & John Deo, S. by highway & W. by Mil- lette Estate Small lot (whole) . . Purchase, 1868 Purchase, 1868. . . . Purchase, 1868. . . . Purchase, 1868. . Purchase, 1868. . . . 135 47.25 62.25 94.50 1,528.84 1881 25 1890.. 1895, '00 1895 .... 1853.. 50 56 66 290 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. CLINTON COUNTY 449 Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres \ltoona 84 REFUGEE TRACT (420a lots) (Continued) 1853 '77 81 '85 420 do 107 1890 '95 331 do 108 1877 '81 '85 '95 4?0 do 109 1877 '81 '85 '95 40 do 111 Romer, Brown, bd. X. & S. by land of Palmer & Co., E. by highway & W. by land of Estate of Hanlev 1885 '90 5 do 132 Bd. N. bv land of Peter Gardner, E. by highway & S. & W. bv Hughson & Co. 1885 9 do 185 All S. of turnpike of 70a. E. side of lot 1881 46 do do 223 223 N. part of X. E. i 51a. and X. part of S. E. J, ola All of 50a. N. E. cor., Pat- 1877, '81, '85, '90. . 102 do .. 225 rick Caffrey, b'd S. by land of A. or N. Collins of J. C. Hubbell or A. Collins & J. B. Hubbell, and W. by land of Lewis Beach. & Wesley Spaulding, not contained in above 102a. parcel All in Altona 1881, '85, '90 1877 '81, '85 25 235 Dannemora 225 Ail in Dannsmora 1877 '81 '85 190 do 229 S. E. cor. 33a. & S. W. cor. 33a 1877, '81, '85, '95. . 60 Saranac 237 B'd beg. at a point in center of highway from Clinton Prison to Saranac, being X. W. cor. of a lot of land here- tofore contracted to Ted- ford, th. X. in center of said road to the S. line of lot 235, th. E. on the S. line of lot 235 far enough to make 25a., besides 2 rods herein and hereby severed on and from the S. line of said 25a. for a road, & the said 2 rods are not to be in- cluded in the 25a . . Purchase. 1893. . 25 15 450 THIRD Ax x UAL, REPORT OF THE CLINTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres REFUGEE TRACT (420a lots) (Continued) Plattsburgh 241 Ex. 57^a. E. | of S. E. | . . . . 1853, '85 367.50 do 250 E. pt. of W. 1853 83 do 252 Sub. 32 Mortgage, 1843*. . 2.64 Total, Refugee Tract, 3,147.64 acres. THORP'S PATENT Peru 5 Allan Plain lot, b'd N. & W. by the Craig lot, E. by the Ricketson lot, & S. by A. Irwiu Downs 1895 40 Total, 19,962.60 acres. * Resale. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 451 DELAWARE COUNTY List of State Lands other than Forest Preserve Town Lot DESCRIPTION" Tax sales or source of title Acres FRANKLIN PATENT. GREAT LOT 1 Meredith 33 X'ly cor. orpt. ofE'ly^ of rear lot I, bd. beg. at an angle of the roads, one leading past Sherman D. Mitchell's to Meredith sq. and the other leading past the house lately owned by the late Jotham Gay (in 1862) th. S. 61 deg. W. S2r. 121. to a stake and stones to the said cor. of lands lately owned by said Gay. th. S. 29 deg. E. along line of said land 72r. till it strikes the center of the road mentioned aforesaid andth. along said road to beg Mortgage 18.50 Meredith & Clymer's Rear Dinsion do 15 >. Wly cor. of lot 15, bd. beg. at a stake and stones at the cor. of said lot 15. in center of highway, th. X. 29 deg. 15 min. W. 77r. 101. to a stake and stones, being the cor. of land lately sold to \Vm. and Levi B. Strong. th. X. 60 deg. 15 min. E. in line of said Strong's land 41 ^r. to a stake and stones. th. S. 29 deg. 15 min. E. 77r. 101. to center of high- way leading past S. D. Mitchell's to Meredith sq. and th. S. 60 deg. 15 min. W. in said highway 41 ^r. to' beg Mortgage 20 Total, 38.50 acres. 452 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DELAWARE COUNTY Town Middletown. Andes. . Lot 121 14 DESCRIPTION HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 7, GARRETSON TRACT Beg. at the N. W. cor. of lot 121 at the intersection of existing stone walls, th. S. 48 deg. 57 min. E. 1,687 ft. along the general line of existing brush fence and wall between lots 121 and 114 to the cor. of said fence and a fence running N'ly th. S. 43 deg. 5 min. W. 713 ft. by the Gait lot owned by Swart and Hitt, (in 1901) to the center of the highway, th. N. 56 deg. 47 min. W. 166 ft. along center of high- way, th. N. 46 deg. 20 min. W. 211 ft., th. N. 59 deg. 23 min. W. 322 ft., th. N. 28 deg. 18 min. W. 170 ft., th. N. 70 deg. 27 min. 294 ft., th. N. 83 deg. 47 min. W. 248 ft,, th. N. 60 deg. 45 min. W. 220 ft., th. N. 68 deg. 35 min. W. 167 ft. along said highway to a point in the W. line of said lot 121, th. N. 43 deg. 5 min. E. 1,074 ft. along what was known as the 500a. lot and land owned by Clark Olds (in 1901) to the point of beg. (Acquired for and occupied by the Delaware Fish Hatchery) GREAT LOT 38 (Johnson's 1st Purchase) S. E'ly cor., being same premises conveyed by Abram Hyzer & wife to Tax sales or source of title Purchase, 1901 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. DELAWARE COUNTY 453 Town Lot DESCRIPTION' Tax sales or source of title Acres Andes do . 14 14 do 14 do 14 &15 HARDENBURGH PATENT, GREAT LOT 38 (Johnson's 1st Purchase (Continued) Duncan Ballentine, Jan. 3d, 1861 Beg. at a point below the house formerly occupied by Elizabeth Coon, on S. side of the road, on division line formerly between Solomon Earll & Joseph J. Webb, th. up said road to the line of Lot 11, th. to the cor. of lot 15, th. along line of land formerly occupied by Wil- liam Xeild to a cherry sap- ling, th. through the or- chard to a stake & stones in the line aforesaid between Solomon Earll & Joseph Webb, th. along said di- vision line to a beech tree & th. to beg., conveyed by John Burch & wife to D., Ballantine Feb. 1, 1858. . . J Beg. below the house on S. side of the road, on division line between Solomon Earll & Jos. W. Webb, th. up said road to lot 11, th. up said line to within 40 rods of the corner, th. 20 rods on lot 11, th. 40 rods to lot 10, th. to original corner, th. through orchard to stake & stones, th. down division line to a beech tree & th. to beg Beg. at lot 11, th. along Sol- omon Earll's land 64 rods to a cherry sapling, th. S. 20 rods to a basswood sap- ling, th. X. W'ly 66 rods to a stake & stones, th. S. W'ly Mortgage, 1905. 11 Mortgage, 1905.. 12 Mortgage., 1905. 454 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT or THE DELAWARE COUNTY Town Lot Andes . 14&15 DESCRIPTION- Tax sales or source of title Acres HARDENBURGH PATENT. GREAT LOT 38 (Johnson's 1st Purchase) (Continued) to division line of lot 15, th.| to beg. ; also all that part of lot 15 lying N. W'ly at the highway from Tranperskill to Wolf Hollow; also beg. at lot 15 and N'ly part of 1 4, th. N'ly to a beech tree, th.j 35 rods to a soft maple tree.j th. S. W'ly to a birch treej 27 rods & th. along the high-! way to beg., all conveyed by Abrarn Hyzer & wife to' Duncan Ballantine March 4, 1859 Total, Great Lot 38, 69 acres. Total, 139.55 acres. Mortgage, 1905. ( '<>. \SKUVATIOX COMMISSION. 455 ESSEX COUNTY List of State Lands other than Forest Preserve Town Crown Point Lot DESCRIPTION- GARRISON GROUNDS Commencing at an iron monument set in the ground at a points. 7 deg. 5 min. E. l.lOc. from the southermost angle of " Old Fort Am-: herst," so called; th. X. 42 deg. E. 11.45c. to an iron monument set in the ground near a spring; th. S. 68 deg 20 min. E. 6.88c. to the centre of the highway as now traveled leading from Crown Point Village to the dwelling house of John F. Xadeau; th. in the centre of said highway as now traveled X. 40 deg. W. 3.04c.; th. along the lands of the Cham plain Trans- portation Co. X T . 1 deg. W. 2.33c. to an iron pipe driven in the ground near the angle of an old fence, being the! X. W'ly cor. of the said! lands of the Champlain Transportation Co.; th. X. 78 deg. 30 min. E. along the lands of said Champlain Transportation Co. 5.60c. to an Elm tree standing on the bank of Lake Cham-: plain; th. in the same course and still along the lands of said Champlain Transpor- tation Co. 401. to a point on the shore of said lake at low water mark; th. X. 2"> deg. W. along the shore ofj said lake at low water mark 1 6.80c.; th. X. 75 deg. W| Tax sales or source of title Ac THIED ANXTAL HP: PORT OF THE ESSEX COUNTY Town Crown Point Lot DESCRIPTION GARRISON GROUNDS (Continued) still along said shore at low water mark 1.75c. to a point in the centre of an old highway (now discon- tinued) leading to said shore at the W. side of the Old French Fort; th. along said shore at low water mark N. 83 deg. 30 min. W. o.lOc.; th. along said shore at low water mark N. 80 deg W. 6c. ; th. S. 12 deg. 40 min. W. G.lOc. to an iron pipe driven in the ground near the N'ly side of said high- way leading from Crown Point Village to the dwel- ling house of said John F. Nedeau; th. N. 80 deg. 30 min. W., crossing said high- way, 5.18c. to an iron pipe driven in the ground; th. S. 20 deg. 10 min. W. 10.40c. to an iron pipe driven in the ground and th. S. 56 deg. 5 min. E. 9.20c. to an iron monument first above men- tioned, the point or place of beg., including all the rights formerly possessed by the grantors in and to the lands under the waters of said lake adjacent to said prem- ises. Ex. therefrom all that pt. of said premises contained within the outer verge of the ditch which surrounds Old Fort Amherst, so called (known also as the English Fort), as said ex. premises! are described in a lease Tax sales or source of title CONSERVATION COMMISSION. ESSEX COUNTY 457 Town Crown Point. Elizabethtown. North Elba do do do Lot 221 37 56 57 7.5 DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title GARRISON GROUNDS (Continued) from Sylvester Churchill and wife to James Mur- dock and Samuel F. Mur- dock, dated May 28th, 1839, recorded in said Essex County Clerk's Office June 3rd, 1839, in Book No. R. of Deeds, page 388, (Chap. 151, Laws of 1910) (Presented by Witherbee, Sherman & Co., for park purposes) IRON ORE TRACT Parcel bd. beg. at X. W. cor. of lot, th. S. 10 E. 22 ch. to S. W. cor. of lot, th. N. 70 E. 26 ch. 21. to a stake th. N. 10 W. 26 ch. to a stake on N. line of lot and th. S. 64 20' W. 26 ch. 21. to beg OLD MILITARY TRACT, TOWNSHIP 11 N. E. cor. 94r. N. & S. & 64r. E. & W. 38a. ex. 5.80a. sold Albert Goodspeed, and T \a. sold Fred Mclntyre and ex. right of way of R. R. Ex. 5a. conveyed to Hughes. Ex. right of way Ex. 6a * (RAY BROOK STATE HOS- PITAL) Total, 520.10 acres Total, Essex County, 600 acres Conveyed, 1910. Mortgage . Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Acres 60 31.60 115 200 173.50 458 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FRANKLIN COUNTY List of State Lands other than Forest Preserve Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres OLD MILITARY TRACT, Franklin 243 TOWNSHIP 10 N. \ ex. la. in N. W. cor. on which is a starch mill Mort^a^e 99 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 459 FULTON COUNTY List of State Lands other than Forest Preserve Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Johnstown . 511 do 511 Stratford Oppenheim 29 30 KINGSBORO PATENT. WESTERLY ALLOTMENT Bd. beg. at X. E. cor. of lot, th. S. 69 deg. W. 22c. 391. to highway, th. S. 58 deg. W. 41c. 661. to S. line of lot, th. X. 64 deg. W. 12c. 101. th. X. 24 deg. E. 27c. 741. to a spruce tree standing on side of a small creek, being S. line of Mayfield Patent, & th. along same S. S3 deg. E. 57c. 411. to beg. ex. 20a. on X. E. side of road from Bennett's Corners to Peck's saw mill Bd. beg. at X. E. cor. of lot 510, th. X. 64 deg. W. 32c., th. X. 58 deg. E. 41c. 661. to the road, th. X. 69 deg. E. 22c. 391. to X. E. cor. of said lot 511, & th. S. 34 deg. W. olc. to beg Total, 161.53 acres LOTT & Low's PATENT - X. pt. of E'ly i bd. X. by Pat. line, E. by lot 28, S. by Big Sprite Creek. W. by lands of Austin Bd., beg. on E. line of lot, 75c. S. from X. E. cor., th. S. 32 W. on E. line of lot 50c. 661. to S. E. cor. of lot, th. X. 58 W. on S. line of lot 26c. 21., th. X. 32 E., 24c. 61. to beg., HOa. ex. 37|a.; S. E. pt. sold Clemens Total, 188.50 acres Mortgage. Mortgage. 90.50 Mortgage & 1900. 116 . Mortgage.. F2.50 460 THIRD ANNUAL, REPOBT OF THE FULTON COUNTY Town Mayfield.. Oppenheim do Lot DESCRIPTION MAYFIELD, TOWN OF All that remains of the und. | of a parcel, bd. N. W'ly by Kingsboro Patent, S. W. by lands of Nelson Gardner, S. by lands of Mr. Rogers & E. by lands of Justice Merchant, lOOa. after ex. 5a. sold by Simon Thurston to Justice Merchant . . OPPENHEIM, TOWN OF Bd. N. by land of Hiram Bixby, E. & S. by land of A. Michael and W. by lands of G. Handy Bd. N. by land of Jas. Demp- ster, W. by land of Jacob Weaver, S. by land of Geo. Handy and E. by land of Hiram Bixby Total, Town of Oppen- heim, 51 acres Total, Fulton County, 446.03 acres Tax sales or source of title Acres Mortgage. 45 Mortgage . Mortgage . CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 461 GREENE COUNTY List of State Lands other than Forest Preserve Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres CATSKILL PATENT Cat skill 7 Bd. X. by land now or re- cently owed by heirs of Abraham A. Salisbury, de- ceased, & land of Chas. Schwalli, E. by land of said Chas. Schwalli & land of Bortle Flegle & wife, S. by land of John H. Overbaugh 14.00acirs. SANDEHS' PATENT Stedman lot . . SARATOGA PATENT Bd. beg, at X. E. cor. of land of D. Morey, th. S. 24 W. 13c. 81., th.*X. 65 W. 24c. 481., th. S. 24 W. lOc. 601. to S. line of lot 7 of Saratoga Pat., th. X. 65 45' W. along same 3Gc. 201.. th. X. 24 E. 31c. 171.. th. S. 04.1 = E. 20c. 001., th. 24 30' W. 6c. 671., th. S. 65 E. 39c. 781. to beg., 133ia. ex. loa. bd. beg. at stake at N. W. cor. of land of Samuel Den- Mortgage, 1880 Mortgage, 1880 & 1881, '85 Acres 60 100 488 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SARATOGA COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres SARATOGA PATENT (Continued) Stillwater 7 ton and on E. line of above- described parcel, th. N. 24 30' E. to N. line of land sold Abram Refenburgh by Wood & Morey, th. S. 63 45' E. 20c. to stake, th. S. 20 15' W. 13c. 301. to a large white ash tree, th. N. 65 30' W. 20c. to beg Mortgage, 1899 . . . 118.25 STATE RESERVATION AT SARATOGA SPRINGS Saratoga Springs Geyser Park Purchase 218 (Also High Rock Park, Con- gress Park and Lincoln Park which are within the boundaries of Saratoga Springs Village) Total, Saratoga county, 999.06 acres. CONSERVATION ( 'OM MISSIOX. 489 ULSTER COUNTY List of State Lands other than Forest Preserve Town Shandaken . * Resale. Lot DESCRIPTION HARDENBURGH PATENT . GREAT LOT 8, DUER TRACT All in Ulster Co. of that cer- tain lot of land lying in the Town of Shandaken, bd. com. at a stake and stones: the cor. of lots 1. 2, 15 and 16| in the Low Tract, th. S. 55 E. 43c. 161. to a hemlock tree cornered, the cor. of lots 2, 3, 14 and 15 of the Low Tract, th. S. 35 AV. 43c. to a beech tree on the line of Duer Tract, th. X. 55 W. loc. 611. to a stake and stones the cor. of lots 6 and 7 Duer Tract, th. S. 35 W. 3c. to a small beech tree, cornered, th. W. 31c. to the cor. of Mrs. Floyd's lot, th. X. 7 E. lOc. 50L, th. X. 50 E. 3c. 251., th. X. 1 1 E. Sc. 701. to the line of Mrs. A. G. Lot-t, th. S. 77 E. 12c. 751. to the cor. of lots 1 and 2 of the Low Tract, th. X". 35 E. 43c. to beg.; also one other piece of land for a right of way to and from across a piece of land heretofore deeded to Charles Floyd; also the use of a spring on the said land deeded to Charles Floyd, at ths foot of the hill and being the same premises described in a deed from Corydon Bush- nell and wife to Edwin R. Longendyke, dated Xov. 5, 1870, and recorded in Ul- ster County Clerk's office, Xov. 9, 1870 Tax sales or source of title Acres i 1 Mortgage* 37.50 400 THIKD Axxi'Ai. "RKPOKT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres HURLEY, TOWN OP Hurley Parcel, bounded E'ly by the highway, S'ly and W'ly by Hurley Patentee Woods and N'ly by land formerly of John Crispell and was the homestead of Judith DuBois. (Part of Solomon D. Crispell farm) Mortgage * 26 OLIVE, TOWN OF Olive Bd. beg. on E. side of the Tangore road at the end of a stone wall on the N. side of a lane S'ly from the M. E. church, th. S. 88 W. along said land Gc. 501. to stones a little E. of a stone wall running N., th. N. 87 E. 50c. 901., to stones in the edge of the woods, th. 87 E. lOc. 501. to stones on top of ridge in a field, th. N. 83| E. 7c. 401. to a stone wall, th. N. 17 E. 2c. to stones on W. side of a wall, th. N. 18 W. 17c. to a stake and stones on bounds of lands of J. H. Oster- houdt, th. N. 65 W. 15c. 501. to a cor. of a stone wall in bounds of heirs of Stephen Merihew, deceased, th. along their bounds S. 38 W. 9c. 161. to a chestnut oak formerly cor. of a stone wall, th. still along said Merihew bounds S. 36 30' E. 8c. 601. to a stake at end of a wall the N. E. cor. of lot of Win. Merihew, th. along same S. 78 E. 5c. 571. to stones, th. S. 84 W. 14c. to center of the Ton- gore road, th. S. 6| E. 5c. "\Tr\f4-rrnrra. 1 OHQ 251. to beg Mortgage, iyuo . . . 45.75 Resale. COXSEKVATIOX COMMISSION. 491 ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Wawarsing. STAATS (J.) TRACT, (Eastern New York Reforma- tory at Napanoch) All the parcel of land described as beg. at the S. E. bank of the Rondout Creek where the division line with lands late of Lewis Bevier leaves said creek, and runs th. along said bounds and the farm now or late of Jacob John- son, as the compass pointed in the year 1825, th. S. 44 E. 68c. to an old heap of stones in a line run for the S. E. bds. of Staats Patent, th. along the same S. 23 W. 50c. to stones by an old cor., th. X. 44 W. 58c. to Rondout. kill, th. down and along the same to the division fence between this farm and where the farm late of William Doll leaves the creek on the W. side thereof, th. along said division fence X. 52 and 30' W. 7c. Sol. to the end of a fence X. 36 30' W. 851. to a corner of fence N. 54 W. 3c. 791. and N. 51 W. oc. and 311. to a stone on the X. side of a hill, th. in the old road N. 52 30' E. 8c. and 891. to a stone in front of Mrs. Doll's house on the TV. side of road, th. S. 4S E. 9c. and 501. to the said Rondout Creek by a stone set in the TV. side thereof, th. down and 'along the said creek to the place of beg.; excepting and reserving from the above- 492 TIIIED ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Wawarsing. do STAATS (J.) TRACT, (Eastern New York Reformatory at Napanoch) (Continued) described premises one lot heretofore conveyed to Wm. G. Hill, one lot here- tofore conveyed to the Del. & Hudson Canal Company and one lot here- tofore to Adam Zwerval; also excepting and reserving all the lands on the W'ly side of the Delaware & Hudson Canal Parcel of land described as Beg. at a point on the N. E'ly boundary line of pre- mises of the Eastern New York Reformatory at an iron pipe driven in the ground on the boundary line between premises of Uriah E. Wood and the New York, Ontario and Western Railway, and run- ning th. in a S. E'ly direc- tion along the N. E'ly boundary line of the premi- ses of said Eastern New York Reformatory and across the Berme Road a distance of 1,809.65 feet; th. in a N. E'ly direction and at right angles to the last mentioned course a distance of 97 feet to an iron pipe driven in the ground; th. in a N. W'ly direction at right angles to the last mentioned course and in a line parallel to the course first above men- tioned a distance of 775.55 feet to an iron pipe driven Purchase 281 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 493 ULSTER COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Wawarsing. STAATS (J.) TRACT (Eastern New York Reformatory ai Napanoch) (Continued) in the ground on the N. E'ly side of the said Berme Road; th. deflecting to the right 111 47' along the said side of the Berme road a distance of 53.85 feet to an iron pipe driven in the ground on the S. E'ly side of a brook; th. N. Wly in a line parallel with the course first above men- tioned and a distance of 147 feet therefrom 985.05 feet to an iron pipe driven in the ground on the line of a wire fence on the boundary line between premises of Uriah E. Wood and the New York, Ontario and Western Railway Co.; th. deflecting to the left 62 2' along said wire fence a distance of 56.60 feet to an iron pipe driven in the ground; th. deflecting to the left 4 and 18' along said wire fence a distance of 105.90 ft. to an iron pipe driven in the ground and constituting the point or place of beg. Subject to the easement in the public in and to the road or high- way known as the Berme Road Total, 395.25 acres. Purchase 494 THIUD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE WARREN COUNTY List of State Lands other than Forest Preserve Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Caldwell.. do FORT GEORGE BATTLE GROUNDS Bd. beg. at a point in the W. bounds of the Fort George road, said road leading from the S. end of Lake George to the Glens Falls & Lake George plank road, said point being the N. E. cor. of lands formerly owned by the late Dr. J. W. Dowling, th. N. 55 W. along the N. line of said Dowling's prem- ises 5c. to N. W. cor. there- of, it being the S. bounds of the new road (so called) leading from the said Fort George road, from point where the same crosses the D. & H. Co.'s R. R. to the said plank road, intersect- ing the same near the West Brook bridge, th. S. 85 20' E. along the S. bounds of said new road 6c. 681. to the W. bounds of said Fort George road, th. S. 48 W. along the W. bounds of said Fort George road 3c. 471. to beg Bd. E'ly by the highway leading from the head of Lake George to the Glens Falls & Caldwell plank road, surveyed by J. H. Smith, 1858, viz. : beg. 57 E. 251. from the S. E. cor. of the Spafford lots, being lots Nos. 5 & 6 in the Old Fort George Village Plot, th. S. 30 W. 6c., th. S. 12 W. 5c. Purchase, 1898. CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 495 WARREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres CaldweU. 26 do 27 FORT GEORGE BATTLE GROUNDS (Continued) to a stake & stones, th. S. 35 W. 5c. 551. to a stake & stones E. of a poplar tree, th. N. 57 W. to an alder stake & stones marked & witnessed, th. N. 30 E. 16c. to a stake & stones, and th. S. 57 E. 5c. to beg Bd. beg. at a point in the Wly bounds of the D. & H. Co. lands about 12c. 501. N'ly from the point formed by the intersection of said Wly bounds with the N'ly line of lot 6 of the Garrison ground, said point of beg. being also the N. E'ly cor. of a certain parcel of land in said lot 27, conveyed by Harriet C. Nivent' of Paris, France, to the party of the second part by deed, July 3, 1900, th. N'ly along the Wly line of said D. & H. Co. land to the point formed by the intersection of said Wly with the E'ly line of the Fort George road leading from the S'ly shore of Lake George to the Glens Falls & Lake George plank road, th. S'ly along the E'ly line of said road as it winds and turns 13c. 901. to N. Wly cor. of the Nivent lands referred to above, which last mentioned corner is distant N'ly 22c. 721., fol- lowing the E'ly line of said Fort George road as it winds and turns from the S. line of lot 27 Garrison ground . th. E'ly alone; the X. Purchase, 1898. 8.75 496 Till It I ) A.XXl'AL IiK PORT OF THE WAKREN COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Caldwell. 27 do 27 FORT GEORGE BATTLE GROUNDS (Continued) bounds of said Nivent lands about 8c. 501. to beg., in- cluding the right, title, and interest in that portion of the said Fort George road which bounds the premises conveyed Fort George lot bd. beg. at a point in the center of the highway known as the Fort George road, leading from the Glens Falls and Lake George plank road to the head waters of Lake George, th. E'ly along N. line of lots 5 & 6 Garrison ground (the said N. line of lot 5 being also the N. line of land owned by the late W. H. Bradley, and the N. line of lot 6 being also the N. line of premises now owned or occupied by Henry Cham- bers) about 17c. to a point in the W. bounds of land owned by the D. & H. Co. R. R., th. N'ly along the W. bounds of said R,. R. lands about 12|c. to S. E. cor. of lands owned by Catherine T. R. Matthews and Ann S. Van Cortlandt, th. W'ly along S. bounds of said Matthews & Van Cort- landt lands until the line intersects the center line of the above described Fort George road & th. S'ly & W'ly along center of said road to beg Total, 45 acres. Purchase, 1900. Purchase, 1900 . 17.50 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 40' WASHINGTON COUNTY List of State Lands other than Forest Preserve Town Fort Ann . do Lot 60 DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres ARTILLERY PATENT. Lying near Parish's lock bd.< N. by lands of I. V. Baker, Jr., and Widow White, E. by Wood Creek, S. by land of Ariel West and Leonard Wellen, and W. by lands of Milo Starks and I. V. Baker, Jr., lately owned by Win. Morton, 70a. ex. about 22a. on the W. side of the lot which has been released andi now owned by R. R. Parish. ' Mortgage (Great Meadmv Prison Lands) Parcel described as beg. at a point on the E. bank of Wood Creek, where the W'ly line of lot 74 in Ar- tillery Patent intersects said Wood Creek (said point being distant 175 ft. X. from the S. W'ly cor. of the Albert Johnson farm, measured on the W. of said Johnson farm) ; running th. S. 175 ft. to the S. W'ly cor. of said Johnson farm; th. Ely along the S'ly line of said Johnson farm 39c. 38|L; th. N. on a line at right angles to the said S'ly side of lot 74 and along the E'ly line of said Johnson farm 16c. 77^1. more or less to the N'ly side of said lot 74; th. running E'ly along the N'ly side of said lot 74, 39c. 381. to the E. side of 48 4-98 TJUKD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Fort Ann ARTILLERY PATENT (Grea Meadow Prison Lands) (Continued) said lot 74; th. running S'ly along the E'ly line of said lot 74, 34c. 621. more or less to the S'ly side of said lot 74; th. running W'ly along the S'ly side of said lot 74 to the W. side of land in or about the year 1869, oc- cupied by Benjamin Baker th. S'ly along the W. side of said land formerly occupied by Benjamin Baker to the S. E'ly cor. of land con- veyed by Ebenezer Martin to Peter Comstock by deed recorded in Liber pp. cp 520; th. W'ly along the S'ly side of said land, S. 86 deg. W. until it strikes the land conveyed by Silas W. Briggs and Paulina, his wife, to George W. Baxter, by deed recorded in Liber 19, cp 437; th. S. W'ly along the S. E'ly side of said land about 531 ft.; th. N. W'ly along the S. W'ly side of said land 165 ft. more or less to the center of the highway; th. S. W'ly along the center of said highway to a point where it strikes the dividing line between lots 59 and 60 in the Ar- tillery Patent at the N. E'ly cor. of said lot No. 60; th. running S'ly along the E'ly side of said lot No. 60 to the S'ly side of said lot No. 60 and th. W'ly along the S'ly side of said lot No. 60 CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 499 WASHINGTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres ARTILLERY PATENT (Great Meadow Prison Lands) (Continued) Fort Ann to the E'ly bank of the Wood Creek; th. N'ly along the E'ly boundary of said Wood Creek and along the -. W'ly sides of the pieces of land conveyed by John Williams to Isaac V. Baker, by deed recorded in Liber 53, cp. 53, and by Jervis Martin and Lucinda, his wife, to Peter Comstock, by deed recorded in Liber BB, cp. 199, and land conveyed by Nathan Mason and Elizabeth, his wife, to Peter Comstock, by deed recordec in Liber PP, cp. 510, to the point or place of beg.; the last course including also at its N'ly end that part o the land conveyed by Jo- seph D. Seldon and Ethel- inda, his wife, to Samue Churchill, by deed recordet in Liber FF, cp. 429, which lies E. of the Wood Creek containing 868. 2a., be the same more or less exclusive of the following reserve* parcels, viz. : First : All that piece or par eel of land, together with all buildings, barns, co\v sheds, race track, etc. herein known as the I. V Baker, Jr., Reservation bounded and described as follows: Beg. at a point in the cente of the highway leading from Comstock to Gran 500 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OP THE WASHINGTON COUNTY Town Lot Fort Ann. DESCRIPTION ARTILLEY PATENT (Great Meadow Prison Lands) ( Continued) ville, a distance of 23.7 ft from the face of the E abutment of bridge span- ning Wood Creek, and run- ning from th. N. 7 deg. 2C min. E. 50 ft. 3 ft. W. of and parallel to the W. line of the store and post-office; th E'ly along the N. line ol aforementioned store and post-office, about 10 ft. to the foot of ledge; th. N'ly along the foot of ledge 365 ft. to an elm tree 2 ft. in diameter, marked for a cor. th. S. 83 deg. 45 min. E. 180 ft. more or less; th. ap- proximately N. 82 deg. E 134 ft. to a point on the W. side of a barn 8 ft. from the N. W. cor. ; th. through said barn 63.5 ft. to a point on the E. side of aforemen- tioned barn 8 ft. from the N. E. cor.; th. N. 84 deg. 30 min. E. 142.5 ft.; th. S. 83 deg. 30 min. E. 170 ft. to a cor.; th. S. 11 deg. 45 min. E. 148 ft. to a spike in the center of the highway leading from Comstock to Gran ville; th. N. E'ly along the center of said highway 1,021 ft. to a spike in the center of a traveled way; th. S. 23 deg. 30 min. W. 1,326 ft. to a spike in the center of a private way leading from I. V. Baker, Jr. residence past race track; th. S. 21 deg. 45 min. Tax sales or source of title Acres CONSERVATION COMMISSION. WASHINGTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title 501 Acres Fort Ann . ARTILLERY PATENT, (Great Meadow Prison Lands) (Continued) AY. 1,657 ft. to a hub marked for a cor. ; th. N. 66 deg. 25 min. W. 968.3 ft. more or less to a hub marked for a cor.; th. N. 51 deg. 40 min. W. 535 ft. to the E. bank of Wood Creek; th. down the said creek as it winds and turns to a point opposite the place of beg. Reserving, also, a right of way over the land running N'ly from the highway be- tween the store and Wood Creek or Champlain Canal; containing 70.02a. of land, be the same more or less. Second: All that piece or parcel of land known as the Baker Cemetery, being portion of the Great Meadow Farm on the W. side of the highway leading from the N. E. cor. of lot 60, Artillery Patent, to the Schoolhouse Lot herein- after reserved, containing .26a. of land, be the same more or less. Third : All that piece or par- cel of land bounded and de- scribed as follows: Beg. at a point in the center of the highway leading from Comstock to Granville on the line between the lands of the Harrigan and Martin farms and running! th. N. 13 E. 68.1 ft. to a cor.;th.N.7615'W.66ft. to a cor.; th. S. 15 15' W. 502 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Fort Ann ARTILLERY PATENT (Great Meadow Prison Lands) (Continued] 66.55 ft, to center of high- way; th. S. 76 45' E. 68.2 ft. along the center of high- way to the place of beg., containing 16 square rods of land, be the same more or less. The premises herein de- scribed being the school house lot in the S. E. cor. of the Harrigan farm. Fourth: All that piece or parcel of land, bounded and described as follows: Beg. at a point in the center of the highway at the S. W. cor. of the Martin farm and running th. E'ly along the S. line of said Martin farm 418ft. to a cor.; th. N. 28 45' E. 103ft.;th. N. 67 W. 395.6 ft. to the center of highway; th. along center of highway to place of beg. , containing 1.47a. of land, be the said distances and di- mensions more or less. The premises herein described being in the S. W. cor. of the Martin farm and known as the Mrs. Freeland J. Kingsley lot and being the same premises conveyed by Ruben Martin and wife to Horace Seeley by deed re- corded in Liber 34, cp. 437. Excepting and reserving, also, out of the before men- tioned conveyance that part of the cemetery which lies at the N. E. cor. of lot 60, CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 503 WASHINGTON COUNTY Town Lot DESCRIPTION Tax sales or source of title Acres Fort Ann da 74 ARTILLERY PATENT (Great Meadow Prison Lands) (Continued) and also the three springs that furnish water for the stone house and barns near thereto Parcel described as, beg. at the N. W. cor. of this lot No. 74 at a stake and a small beech tree, 141. N. Wly, marked W. B. 74, H. B. 57, D. S. 56, W. M. 75, and from th. E. along the S. bounds of lot No. 75, 39c. 38^1. to a stake; th. S. 16c. 77*1. to the N. E. cor. of what was formerly William Norton's farm; th. W. along the N. bounds of said Norton's farm 39c. 38^1. to the W. bounds of this lot No. 74; th. N. along a line of marked trees 16c. 77^1. to the place of beg., containing 60a. of land, it being the same property formerly owned and occu- pied by Jonathan Polly .... Total, Washington Co., 904.38 acres. Purchase 796.38 Purchase 60 I BERKELEYLIBRARIES 301120 SITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY