LB UC-NRLF $B 20 of LIBRARY OF THF, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIF-T OF" \ . P\^ ^^ , TTleO.- ibui^T s\ iLxt Accession 85447 class PAMPHLET is the property of the office or the school district to which it is furnished, and is to be turned over to their successors in office by school officers, and left in the school house by teachers on retiring. . . . STATE OF NEVADA SCHOOL LAWS 1897 Compiled by H. C. CUTTING Superintendent of Public Instruction OF THE UNIVERSITY STATE OF NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION- CARSON CITY, NEVADA To SCHOOL OFFICERS OF NEVADA: The following are the amendments, or changes, made to the School Laws of the State at the Nine- teenth Session of the Legislature, 1899. Very respectfully, ORYIS RING, Superintendent of Public Instruction. AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAWS. An Act to authorize the State Board of Education to issue special certificates to teach. [Approved March 14, 1899.] The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The State Board of Education, or a majority of said Board, are hereby authorized, and it shall be their duty, to issue special certificates, good for two years, authorizing persons to teach any of the following subjects, to wit: Music, drawing, penmanship, kindergarten work and any of the foreign languages, in the public schools of this State, when employed by the Trustees of any school district for that pur- pose; provided, that a person applying for a certificate to teach any of the above subjects, shall first satisfy, in such a man- ner as they shall deem proper, a majority of said Board of Education that he or she is thoroughly qualified to teach that subject. SEC. 2. It shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars for any School Trustee to draw a voucher upon any school fund within this State in 785447 4 AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAWS. forty-five months of successful, instruction in public schools. To all graduates of the Nevada State Normal School, who hold a State grammar school certificate, the State Board of Education shall grant a life diploma of the grammar grade when said graduates shall have completed at least forty-five months of successful instruction in public schools. The State Board of Education shall also issue a diploma of the gram- mar grade to all persons Avho hold in full force and effect, and who have held for at least one year, a county or a State certificate of the grammar grade, and who shall present sat- isfactory evidence of having been successfully engaged in teaching in public schools for a period of seventy-two months, twenty-four of which must have been in the public schools of the State of Nevada. A grammar grade life diploma shall entitle the holder thereof to teach in any primary or gram- mar school in the State without further examination. Thirteenth To have appellate jurisdiction over all ques- tions relating to schools and referred to County Boards of Examination. Fourteenth To prescribe in what studies shall be examined an applicant for a county high school certificate valid for four years; an applicant for a county grammar school cer- tificate valid for three years, ajid an applicant for a county primary certificate valid for two years. Fifteenth Upon the recommendation of the County Super- intendent of the county in which the applicant resides, the State Board of Education may renew a high school or gram- mar certificate, or make it valid in any county in the State of Nevada. Sixteenth Upon presentation to them of a life certificate of any State or of the diploma of any State Normal School, the Board may grant a State certificate of equivalent grade without examination, valid for three years or less; provided, that since the issuing of such certificate or diploma the applicant has been continuously or successfully engaged in teaching. Seventeenth Graduates of the Nevada State Normal School who have taught successfully for the time specified in this Act, on or before January 1, 1900, shall be entitled to life diplomas of undesignated grade. Eighteenth All Acts and parts of Acts in conflict with this Act, are hereby repealed. PREFACE STATE OF NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, j CARSON CITY, April 15, 1897. \ In making this compilation of the School Laws, the General Statutes of Nevada (edition of 1885) has been taken as a basis; and where no statutes are cited, either at the head of the article or the end of a sec- tion, the law as printed here will be found in Chapters X. or XI. of that publication. The articles and sections in this pamphlet have no reference to the articles and sections in the statutes, but have been arranged for the convenience of school officers and teachers. A reference at the beginning of an article refers to the whole article, but at the end of a section shows where that one particular section may be found. This pamphlet is prepared and distributed by direction of Section 1290, p. 373, General Statutes of Nevada. H. C. CUTTING, Superintendent of Public Instruction. SCHOOL OFFICERS OF NEVADA. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION: H. C. CUTTING Carson City STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION: REINHOLD SADLER, Acting Governor, President Carson City Dr. J. E. STUBBS, President of the State University Reno H. C. CUTTING, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Secretary Carson City REGENTS OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY: Hon. W. E. F. DEAL, President Virginia City Hon. J. N. EVANS Reno Hon. H. S. STABRETT . ..Battle Mountain PRESIDENT OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY: J. E. STUBBS, M.A., LL.D., D.D Reno COUNTY SCHOOL OFFICERS: County. Superintendent. Postoffice. Churchill Ira H Kent __ Still water Douglas E C Nagel Genoa Elko \V~ebster Patterson Elko Esmeralda George S Green Hawthorne Eureka Peter Breen Eureka Humboldt L A Buckner Winnemucca Lander W D Jones Austin Lincoln F R McNamee Pioche A L Fish Dayton Nye J L Butler Belmont Ormsby A. J. McGowan . . .Carson City Storey George N. Noel Virginia City "\Vashoe T. V. Julien _ Reno White Pine A. B. Treece Ely COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION, GOVERNING COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL, ELKO COUNTY: WEBSTER PATTERSON, A. M. MCAFEE, W. W. BOOHER. E. C. SNYDER _ Principal Elko County High School A. LOUISE ADAMS Assistant Principal Elko County High School SCHOOL PRINCIPALS: Austin. W. C. G"ayhart Battle Mountain H. S. Starrett Carson H. H. Howe Dayton O. T. Williams Empire F. C. McDiarmid Elko C. C. Hurley Eureka A. L. Dornberger Genoa. T. W. Clark Gold Hill A. E. Baugh Hawthorne- .Jennie R. Sherman Lovelock B. F. Lynip Panaca D. L. Bathurst Reno John Edwards Bray Ruby Hill Louis Rodgers Silver City Mary Holmes Tuscarora A. L. Snider Virginia City M. R. Averill Virginia City Orvis Ring Verdi-. - E. E. Caine Wadsworth Victor Dornberger Winnemucca-- E. E. Winfrey SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. Compiled April, 1897. ARTICLE I. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. [Statutes 1895, p. 81.] SECTION 1. The State Board of Education shall consist of d of the Governor, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Education, and the President of the University. SEC. 2. The Governor is the President, and the Superin- officers tendent of Public Instruction the Secretary of the Board. SEC, 3. The Board shall meet at the call of the Secretary, but shall hold at least two meetings a year. SEC. 4. The powers and duties of the Board shall be as follows: First To prescribe and cause to be adopted a uniform Powers and series of text books in the principal studies pursued in the Board. * public schools, to wit: Reading, writing, arithmetic, spell- ing, language, grammar, geography, history of the United States, physiology and drawing. Special prominence shall be given in all public schools to the effect of alcoholic stimulants and of narcotics upon the human system. No school district shall be entitled to receive its pro rata of the public school money unless such text books on the above subjects as have been prescribed by the State Board of Education shall be used in all the public schools pursuing subjects covered by said text books; and text books shall not be changed oftener than once in four years. For the schools in which the Trus- tees may direct instruction to be given in additional branches, there shall also be prescribed text books in algebra, geometry, physics, astronomy, physical geography, chemistry, Latin, rhetoric,' literature, English history, general history, civics, geology, bookkeeping and music. Second To adopt a uniform system of rules for State and RuleH - county examinations. Third To prescribe and cause to be adopted the course of course of i . . , IT i i study. study in the public schools. Fourth To recommend a list of books for district libraries. jF e ommentl Fifth To grant, first, life diplomas; second, State educa- tional diplomas, valid for six years; third, State High School certificates, unlimited to those graduates from the School of Liberal Arts of the Nevada State University, who have elected at least two University courses in pedagogics; fourth, State high school certificates, valid for five years, to graduates of SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. official seal, the Nevada State Normal School who have completed the four years' course of study; fifth, State grammar school certificates, valid for five years, to graduates of the Nevada State Normal School who have completed the three years' course of study. Sixth To revoke for immoral' conduct, or evident unfit- ness ^ or teaching, any State diploma, or any State or county certificate. Seventh To have done by the State Printer any printing re( l u i re d bv the Board, such as the proceedings of the State Teachers' Institute, circulars of information to school officers or teachers, and blank forms. Eighth To adopt and use in authentication of its acts an official seal. Ninth To keep a record of its proceedings, which shall be published biennially in the report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Tenth To have appellate jurisdiction over all questions re l a ting to schools and referred to County Boards of Exam- ination. Eleventh To prescribe in what studies shall be examined an applicant for a county high school certificate, valid for . T - / i tour years; an applicant for a county grammar school certi- ficate, valid for three years; and an applicant for a county primary certificate, valid for two years. Twelfth Upon the recommendation of the County Super- intendent of the county in which the applicant resides, the State Board of Education may renew a high school or gram- mar certificate, or make it valid in any county in the State of Nevada. Thirteenth Upon presentation to them of a life certificate of any State or of the diploma of any State Normal School the Board may grant a State certificate of equivalent grade without examination, valid for three years or less; provided, that since the issuing of such certificate or diploma the applicant has been continuously and successfully engaged in teaching. ARTICLE II. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. SECTION 1. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be elected, by the qualified voters of the State, at the general provided for. e i ect i on f or g tate an( } COU nty officers, to be held in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and every four years there- after at such general elections, and shall enter upon the duties of his office on the first Monday of January next after his election. He shall be paid a salary of two thousand dollars per annum. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, subject to the supervision of the State Board of Education, immediately after the State Controller shall have ju??8dictfon TO prescribe studies for examination, Board certificates. state Election of, OF THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. made his semi-annual report as hereinafter required, to appor- Required to tion to the several counties the amount of school money in So? 10 " the State Treasury to which each shall be entitled under the moneys. provisions of this Act, in proportion to the number of persons between the ages of six and eighteen years residing therein, as shown by the last previous reports of the County Super- intendents, and to furnish to the State Controller, to each County Treasurer, to each County Auditor, and to each County Superintendent an abstract of such apportionment, and with such apportionment to furnish each County Treas- urer his order on the State Controller, under the seal of the State Board of Education, for the amount of school moneys in the .State Treasury to which such counties shall be entitled, and to taVe such County Treasurer's receipt for the same. SEC. 3. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall T {jjj e a report to the Governor, biennially, on or before the first of report* December of the years preceding the regular session of the Legislature. The Governor shall transmit said report to the Legislature; and whenever it is ordered published, the State Printer shall deliver two hundred and fifty copies to the Super- intendent, who shall distribute the same among school officers of the State and of the United States. Said report shall con- tain a full statement of the condition of public instruction in the State; a statement of the condition and amount of all funds and property appropriated to the purpose of educa- tion; the number and grade of schools in each county; the number of children in each county between the ages of six and eighteen years; the number of such attending public schools; the number of such attending private schools; the number attending no schools; the number under six years of age; the number between eighteen and twenty-one years of age; the amount of public school moneys apportioned to each county; the amount of money raised by county taxation, district tax, rate bills, subscription or otherwise, by any city, town, district or county, for the support of schools therein; the amount of money raised for building school houses; a statement of plans for the management and improvement of public schools; and such other information relative to the educa- tional interests of the State as he may think of importance. SEC. 4. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall prescribe suitable forms and regulations for making all reports provide and conducting all necessary proceedings under this Act, and bl shall cause the same, with such instructions as he shall deem necessary and proper for the organization and government of schools, to be transmitted to the local school officers, who shall be governed in accordance therewith. He shall pre- pare a convenient form of school register for the purpose of securing more accurate returns from teachers of public schools, and shall furnish each County Superintendent with a number sufficient to supply at least one copy thereof to each district or school of such county. He shall prepare SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. pamphlet copies of the school law and all amendments thereto, and shall transmit a number of the same to the County Superintendent, sufficient to supply each and every School Trustee, School Marshal and school teacher with at least one copy of the same. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to visit each county in the State at least state. once in each year for the purpose of visiting schools, of con- sulting County Superintendents, of lecturing and addressing public assemblies on subjects pertaining to public schools; and the actual traveling expenses incurred by the Superin- tendent in the discharge of this duty shall be allowed, audited and paid out of the General Fund in the same manner as claims upon said fund are now allowed, audited and paid; provided, that the sum so expended in any one year shall not exceed one thousand dollars. SEC. 6. ,The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall, a * ^ e expiration of his term of office, deliver over, on demand, to his successor, all property and effects belonging to his office, and take his receipt for the same. ARTICLE III. EX OFFICIO COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. SECTION 1. On and after the first Monday in January, A. Attorneys to ^' e ig nteen hundred and eighty-nine, the District Attorneys, beex r offl C 8 io in addition to their respective duties, shall be ex officio Super- superintend- intendent of Schools within their respective counties, without ents. additional compensation. [As amended Stats. 1887, p. 73.] In Lyon county the County Recorder, as ex officio County Auditor, shall also be ex officio Superintendent of Public Schools. [As amended Stats. 1891, p. 63.] SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the County Superintendent TO apportion of Public Schools, upon receiving notice from the County money. Treasurer and County Auditor, as provided in this Act, to apportion the public school moneys in the county treasury among the several school districts of his county as follows: First He must ascertain the number of teachers each dis- trict is entitled to, by calculating one teacher for every seventy-five census children or fraction thereof, as shown by the next preceding school census. Second He must ascertain the total number of teachers for the county by adding together the number of teachers assigned to the several districts, upon the basis of one teacher to each seventy-five census children or fraction thereof. Third Forty per cent of the amount of the apportionment from the State and County School Fund shall be apportioned equally to each district for every teacher assigned it, upon the basis of seventy-five census children or fraction thereof. Fourth All school moneys remaining on hand after appor- SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. tioning forty per cent of the State and county apportionment equally to each district for every teacher assigned it, upon the basis of seventy-five census children or fraction thereof, must be apportioned to the several districts in proportion to the number of children between the ages of six and eighteen years, as returned by the School Trustees and Census Mar- shals, and to forthwith notify the County Treasurer, County Auditor and the School Trustees, in writing, of such appor- tionment in detail. He shall make such apportionment on the first Monday in January of each year, and quarterly MQ] thereafter. He shall have power, and it shall be his duty, to Jamuuy. draw his order on the County Auditor in favor of the Trus- tees of any school districts in his county for any bill signed by said Trustees, and authorized by this Act; provided, that such order shall not be drawn except upon presentation of an itemized account, which shall remain on file in his office, and until full and correct returns have been made to him as required by law; and provided, further, that if, in the opinion of the Superintendent, any bill contains an exorbitant or unwarranted charge, he may refuse to draw his order until ordered to do so by the Board of County Commissioners, who shall act as auditors upon all bills rejected by the County Superintendent. No order shall be drawn in favor of any school district by the County Superintendent upon 'the Aud- itor unless there be cash in the treasury at the time to the credit of said district. It shall be the duty of the County Auditor to draw his warrant upon the County Treasurer for the amount of any such order of the County Superintendent upon the presentation of the same to him, if there be cash in the treasury to the credit of the particular fund on which he is called upon to draw. No charge for issuing said war- rant shall be made by the County Auditor. [As amended Stats. 1889, p. 38.] SEC. 3. The County Superintendent shall have power, and it shall be his duty: First To visit each public school in his county within ten gjjjy of miles of the county seat, at least once in each term ; provided, superin- that he shall visit all the schools in his county once in each tendent - year; to exercise a general supervision over the interests of the public schools in his county, and give to the School Trustees, Marshals and teachers such aid as may be important to the prosperity of the schools. Second To distribute promptly such blanks, reports, forms, laws and instructions as shall be received by him from the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the use of School Trustees, Marshals and teachers, and any other officers entitled to receive the same. Third To keep on file in his office the reports of the School Trustees, Marshals and teachers received by him, and to record all his official acts in a book to be provided for that purpose, and at the close of his official term to deliver to his 10 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. Fine in case of failure to report. Deputy allowed. successor such records, and all documents, books and papers belonging to his office, and to take duplicate receipts for the same, which shall be filed in the office of the County Treas- urer and the County Auditor. Fourth To make a full report, annually, on or before the fifteenth day of September for the school year ending on the last day of August next previous thereto, to the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction; such report to include an abstract of all the various annual reports of the City Boards of Education, School Trustees, Marshals and teachers, by law required to be made to the County Superintendents for the previous school year. Fifth To preside over, regulate and conduct ^all County Teachers' Institutes which may be called under the* provisions of the section of this Act providing for the calling of such institutes. Sixth To appoint School Trustees in all the districts in which the qualified voters fail to elect, and to fill by appoint- ment all vacancies occurring in said office. Seventh To draw his orders on the County Auditor in favor of the Board of Trustees for warrants on'the County Treasurer for the purchase of school books which may be furnished by said Trustees to indigent children of the district, making the same payable out of the county school moneys apportioned to such districts. SEC. 4. If the County Superintendent fails to make a full and correct report to the Superintendent of Public Instruction of all statements required to be made by law, he shall forfeit the sum of two hundred dollars from his salary; and the Board of Commissioners are hereby authorized and required to deduct therefrom the sum aforesaid, upon information from the Superintendent of Public Instruction that such returns have not been made; and in case said Superintendent remain delinquent for a period of two months, it shall be the duty of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to give notice to the Board of County Commissioners of such county of the removal from office of said delinquent and the appointment of some other person to fill the vacancy. SEC. 5. He may appoint a deputy, who shall have authority to transact all the business of the office during the absence or inability of the Superintendent; provided, that the county shall not be responsible for the payment of the salary of such deputy. He shall, in person or by deputy, attend to his office during business hours of Saturday of each week, for the pur- pose of drawing warrants and the transaction of other official business. SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. 11 ARTICLE IV. SCHOOL DISTRICTS. SECTION 1. Each village, town or incorporated city of this State shall constitute but one school district; and the public schools therein shall be under the supervision and control of the Trustees thereof; provided, in all such villages, towns and cities wherein the aggregate number of registered voters thereof, at the last previous general election, exceeds fifteen hundred, there shall be elected five (5) instead of only three Trustees. SEC. 2. The Board of County Commissioners of the several counties of this State are hereby authorized And empowered county coin- to create new school districts, change the boundaries of school "veTsch districts heretofore established, or abolish the same whenever districts. in their judgment it shall be for the best interests of the common schools so to do; provided, that the boundaries of any school district shall not be changed nor shall any school district with the legal number of school children within said district be abolished for the purpose of joining or consolidat- ing said school district with another school district unless a petition signed by at least three-fifths (f ) of the residents of said district be presented to said Board of County Com- missioners praying for the change in the boundaries or for the abolishment of said district; provided, further, that when a new school district is organized school shall be commenced within one hundred and twenty J120) days from the action of the Board of County Commissioners creating such new school district, and if school shall not be commenced within the said one hundred and twenty (120) days in the said district, then such action shall become void and no such dis- trict shall exist; and provided, further, that no district organ- ized under the provisions of this Act after its passage shall exceed in size sixteen (16) miles square. [As amended Stats. 1895, p. 43.] SEC. 3. In any neighborhood or community containing county not more than twenty school census children, and where one school can accommodate all the school census children therein, although the most distant school census child resides .not to exceed five miles from the school house, but one school shall receive public school money, and the County Superin- tendent of Public Schools shall decide the school house in which the school shall be kept open. SEC. 4. No school district shall be entitled to receive moneys from the county funds unless there shall be resid- ing in the district at least five school census children. [As amended Stats. 1887, p. 19.] SEC. 5. No school district, except when newly organized, Must keep 1-11 , -,i i , . ,. P ,1 -IT i i school three shall be entitled to receive any portion of the public school months, moneys, in which there shall not have been taught a public school for at least three months within the year ending the 12 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. Funds divided. School dis- tricts formed. Proviso. County Com- missioners to appoint Trustees. Successors, when chosen. Apportion- ment of moneys. last day of August previous; and no public school shall receive any moneys, benefits or immunities under the provis- ions of this Act, unless such school shall have been instructed b y a teacner or teachers duly examined, approved and employed by legal authority, as herein provided. When a new district is formed by the division of an old- one, it shall be entitled to a just share of the school moneys to the credit of the old district, after the payment of all outstanding debts at the time when a school was actually commenced in such new district; and the County Superintendent shall divide and apportion such remaining money, according to the num- ber of census children resident in each district, for which purpose he may* order a census to be taken, the expenses of which shall be met as provided in section thirty-two. JOINT SCHOOL DISTRICTS. SECTION 1. School districts may be formed of parts of two or more counties; provided, there are not in such part of either county the number of heads of families required by law for the formation of school districts. SEC. 2. When the petition for such school shall be granted and the district established, the County Commissioners of each county in which parts of such district is located shall appoint three Trustees, two from the county having, at the time of such application, the largest number of census chil- dren in its part of said district, their successors to be chosen at the next general election on the same basis. SEC. 3. The County Superintendents of Public Schools of each county out of which such school districts may be formed, shall apportion the public school moneys in propor- tion to the number of census children of school age residing in such districts in their, respective counties, as provided by law, upon the basis of the fractional part of the district con- tained in said county for every teacher assigned it, upon the basis of one hundred [seventy -five] census children or fraction thereof. school vacancies ARTICLE V. ELECTION OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES. [Stats. 1897, p. 100.] SECTION 1. An election of School Trustees shall be held in each school district in the State on the fourth Monday in May, 1898, and every two years thereafter, and at such elec- tions two Trustees shall be elected, one to serve two years and one to serve four years. The Trustees so elected shall take their office on the first Monday in July next succeeding their election. SEC. 2. In all cases where Trustees are not elected as pro- vided in this Act, or whenever vacancies occur, the Superin- SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. 13 tendent of Public Schools shall fill such vacancies by appoint- ment. SEC. 3. All Judges and Inspectors of Election and such ^tion other officers as may be necessary, shall be appointed by the appointed. School Trustees in each district. If the Trustees fail to appoint the election officers, or if they are not present at the time of opening the polls, the electors present may appoint them. All such officers shall serve without compensation. SEC. 4. The Election Board shall issue certificates of elec- certificates . . ,, , . . , i e . , . of election. tion to those receiving the greatest number 01 votes cast in accordance with the provisions of this Act. SEC. 5. Not less than ten days before the election held Notices to be under the provisions of this Act, the 'Trustees in each district shall post notices in three public places in the district, which notice shall specify that there will be an election held at the school house of such district and the hours between which the polls will be kept open. If the Trustees of any district shall have failed to post the notices as required by this section, then any three electors of the district may, within five days of the day of election, give notice of such election, which notices shall be sufficient for the election required by this Act, and in such case no registration shall be necessary, but all the other provisions of this Act shall be enforced. SEC. 6. No person shall be allowed to vote at any school {^JJJJJI* 1011 election unless he is a resident of the district and his name appears upon the official registry list of the voting precinct or precincts including the district for the last preceding gen- eral election; provided, that any citizen of the United -States who shall have resided in this State six months, and in the school district thirty days next preceding the day of election, and whose name is not upon the said official registry list, may apply to the Clerk of the Board of School Trustees, or to a person authorized by the Trustees of the district to act as registry agent, not more than eight nor less than five days prior to the day of election, to have his name registered. SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Board of Relating to School Trustees, or the person appointed by the Board of r( School Trustees, as the case may be, to register any qualified voter of the school district who may apply to be registered under the provisions of the preceding section; provided, that if the person applying to be registered be unknown to the registry agent, or his qualifications for voting be unknown, he shall, before having his name registered, be required to subscribe to the following oath : You do solemnly swear Form of that you are a citizen of the United States; that you are ot twenty -one years of age; that you will have resided in the State six months and in this school district thirty days next preceding the day of the school election. False swearing under the provisions of this section shall be deemed perjury and punished as now provided by law. SEC. 8. No person shall be entitled to vote under the pro- 14 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. List of voters. List of voters to be prepared. Compensa- tion allowed. List delivered to Inspectors of Election. Voting shall be by ballot. Ballots, what to contain. Number of ballots. How to vote. Ballot can contain. visions of this Act except he be registered as herein provided. The Board of School Trustees shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, a list of the names of all persons entitled to vote at the school election as herein provided, which said list shall be completed at least three days prior to the day of election, and shall be under the charge of the Clerk of the Board of School Trustees and subject to the inspection of any qualified voter in the district. SEC. 9. The Board of School Trustees in all school dis- tricts having a voting population of fifty or more, are author- ized to employ a competent person to prepare said list of qualified voters and to pay for the work out of the school fund of the district, in [a] manner as other claims against the dis- trict are allowed and paid, a reasonable sum, not exceeding five cents a name for each qualified voter, providing, that the total amount to be allowed shall not exceed twenty dollars. The list so prepared shall be sworn to by the person making the same as correct according to his best knowledge, informa- tion and belief. SEC. 10. The list of qualified voters, as hereinbefore described, shall be delivered to the Inspectors of Election prior to the time of opening the polls on the day of election, and no person shall be entitled to vote at the election whose name is not on said list; provided, that any person whose name is left off said list by mistake, design, accident or otherwise, may have his name placed thereon by the Inspect- ors of Election upon satisfactory proofs being presented of his having previously been registered in accordance with the provisions of this Act. SEC. 11. The voting shall be by ballot, either written or printed, and when two or more Trustees are to be elected for different terms, the ballots shall designate such term as " long term " and " short term " respectively. SEC. 12. In all school districts having a voting popula- tion of one hundred or over, the Board of School Trustees shall have printed ballots of uniform size containing the names, in alphabetical order, of all persons candidates for the office of School Trustee. There shall be twice as many ballots printed as there are voters in the district, and no ballots other than those furnished by the Board of School Trustees shall be voted. SEC. 13. A person desiring to vote shall, if his name be upon the registry list as herein provided, receive from the Board of Election or some member thereof, and from no other person, a ballot upon which he shall designate his choice for Trustee or Trustees to be elected in the district, by placing a cross thus: X, opposite and to the right of the name of the person for whom he intends to vote. SEC, 14. There shall be placed upon the ballots, in addi- tion to the names of the candidates, such information as the Board of Trustees may deem necessary to inform the voter OF THE .. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. V ~ JJ 15 how to mark his ballot, such as: "Place a cross opposite and to the right of the name of the candidate for whom you wish to vote," " vote for one," " vote for two," etc. SEC. 15. No person, other than the Board of Election or a police officer in the discharge of his duty, shall be allowed within one hundred feet of the polls, except when actually engaged in voting or in going to or from the polls for the pur- pose of voting or of challenging the vote of another, and excepting all persons in attendance upon any school which may be in session in the building. No person shall show his ballot to another while marking it or after marking it so as to disclose for whom he has voted, but he shall, as soon as possible after marking it, fold it so that the marking will be on the inside and return it to the Board of Election to be counted. Willful violation of any of the provisions of this Misdemeanor section shall constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisonment in the County Jail not exceeding twenty-five days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 16. No person shall receive assistance in marking Assistance his ballot unless physically unable to mark it and then only by permission of the Board of Election. A voter spoiling his ballot may procure another by delivering the spoiled bal- lot to the Board of Election. SEC. 17. Any registered person offering to vote may be challenges, challenged by any elector of the district, and the Judges of Election must thereupon administer to the person challenged an oath in substance as follows: You do swear that you are a citizen of the United States; that you are twenty-one years of age; that you have resided in this State six months, and in this school district thirty days next preceding this elec- tion, and that you have not voted before this day. If he takes the oath prescribed in this section his vote shall be received, otherwise his vote must be rejected. Illegally vot- ing under the provisions of this Act shall be punished the Penalty, same as the law now provides for punishing offenses of this character. SEC. 18. In school districts having a voting population of candidates ITT -I i j i r** e* t file their one hundred or over, candidates for the office of School names. Trustee shall, not later than five days before the day of elec- tion, have their names filed with the Clerk of the Board of School Trustees with the designation of the term of office for which they are candidates, and no names shall be placed upon the ballots unless filed within the time herein provided. SEC. 19. The Board of Election shall keep a poll list Bo a ^ d of and tally sheet, which, together with the registry list and all Election ballots cast, shall be delivered to the County Clerk upon the completion count being completed, and such returns shall be kept as the ot count - law now provides for keeping returns of general elections. 16 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. ARTICLE VI. BOARDS OF TRUSTEES OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS. SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the Trustees, a majority TO appoint of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, to meet as soon as practicable after taking the oath of office, at such place as may be most convenient in the district, and to organize by appointing one of their number Clerk of the 'Board, who shall preside at official meetings of the Trustees, and record their proceedings in a book to be provided for the purpose; and all such proceedings, when so recorded, -shall be signed by said Clerk. Said book shall at all times be subject to the inspection of any taxpayer in the district; and said Clerk shall cause full minutes of the pro- ceedings of each session of the Board to be published in some newspaper having general circulation in the district; pro- videdj that such publication can be had without expense to the district. In districts having a school population of three cierk allowed hundred or more the Clerk of the Board of Trustees may receive such salary as said Board may allow; provided, that such salary shall not exceed ten dollars per month. SEC. 2. Each Board of Public School Trustees shall con- Duties stitute a body corporate, and shall have care and custody of all school property within their district. They shall have power to convey by deed all the estate or interest of their district in any school house or site directed to be sold by vote of the district. It shall be their duty, directed by a vote of their district, to build, purchase or hire school houses for the use of the district, and also, without such vote, to cause any needed repairs of the same, when the expense of such repairs will not exceed five hundred dollars, and to supply school houses with necessary furniture, fixtures and fuel; provided, that no public school house shall be erected in any school district in the State until the plan of the same has been sub- mitted to and approved by the County Superintendent of Public Schools. County Superintendents may refuse to draw their warrants in payment of expenses incurred in disregard of this provision. Trustees shall cause to be erected such outhouses as decency requires, and in case of failure or neglect in this particular, it shall be the duty of the County Superintendent to cause the work to be done, and to pay for the same out of the funds belonging to the delinquent dis- trict. All conveyances of real estate made to the Board of School Trustees shall be in their name corporate and to their successors in office. SEC. 3. No Trustee shall be pecuniarily interested in any contract made by the Board of Trustees of which he is a member; provided, that any school district in this State which, at the last school census taken in the year 1894 by the School Census Marshal in said district, had an enumera- tion of not less than one hundred and fifty school census SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. 17 children, and not exceeding four hundred resident within such district, or any district which may in the future have an enumeration of not less than one hundred and fifty school census children, and not exceeding four hundred, the Board of Trustees for such district may purchase supplies for such Board of district not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of thirty p dollars in any one month from one of their number, when, 8U PP liea - in the judgment of said Board of Trustees, it would be an inconvenience not to do so, but the member from whom said supplies are purchased shall not vote upon the allowance of any bill for the same, and any contract made in violation of this section shall be null and void.[ As amended Stats. 1895, p. 27.] SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the Trustees of each dis- TO cause trict to take, or cause to be taken, by a School Census Marshal, taken 8 to be annually, in the month of May, an enumeration of all the children between the ages of six and eighteen years, resident within such district, and return a certified copy thereof, under oath, to the County Superintendent, on or before the first day of July next following. The Trustee shall also report the number of schools, .specifying the different grades, the number of teachers, male and female; the number of children, male and female, who have attended school within the past year; the average attendance; the length of the term of the school; the compensation of teachers, male and female; the number and condition of school houses and furniture, and the esti- mated value thereof; the number of books in public school libraries; the text books used in schools; the value and kind of school apparatus; the amount of money raised by rate bills, district taxation and subscription for school purposes; the amount expended in erecting and furnishing school houses, and such other statistics as the Superintendent of Public Instruction may require. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the School Trustees to TO empioy employ teachers and certify to the amount due them for serv- teachers - ices to the County Superintendent, who shall draw his order on the County Auditor for a warrant on the County Treasurer for the amount; provided, that salaries of teachers shall be determined by the character of the service required, and that in no district shall there be discrimination in the matter of salary as against female teachers. Trustees may dismiss any teacher, at any time, for such reasons as they deem sufficient. They shall visit the school or schools under their charge at least once in each term, by one or more of their number, with such other persons as they may choose to invite. SEC. 6. The School Trustees shall have power, and it shall be their duty: First To provide school houses with maps, blackboards, Duties of furniture and other necessary appendages, including library Trustees - and cabinet cases, if deemed expedient, and pay for the same out of the county school moneys belonging to their district. 18 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. Duties of Trustees. Consoli- dation of schools. Apply to certain counties. Second To provide books for the indigent children, and record books for the district, and to pay for the same out of the county school moneys belonging to their district. Third To divide the public schools within their district into infant, taught by the Frcebel system, primary, grammar and high school departments, and to employ competent and legally qualified teachers for the instruction of the different departments whenever they shall deem such division into departments advisable; provided, there shall be such means for all such departments, and, if not, then in the order in which they are herein named, excepting the infant depart- ment, which shall not be considered as taking precedence of any other department; provided, also, that the infant depart- ment shall not be established in a school district having a school population of less than three hundred children. Fourth To suspend or expel from any public school within their district, with the advice of the teachers, any pupil who will not submit to the reasonable and ordinary rules of order and discipline therein, and to exclude from school children under six years of age, when the interest of the school requires it to be done. Fifth To apportion the School Fund among the several schools within their district in proportion to the average number of pupils attending such schools. Sixth At the close of their official term, to deliver over their books of record, and all papers, books, blanks, docu- ments, money and all other property in their hands as such Trustees, to their successors in office, and take their receipt for the same, which receipt shall be filed with the County Superintendent. SEC. 7. The School Trustees shall also have power : First To unite two contiguous school districts in the same county or in adjoining counties, and to establish a union school to be supported out of the funds belonging to their respective districts, and a school thus established shall be governed by a joint board composed of the Trustees of the combining districts. Second To make arrangements with the Trustees of any adjoining district for the attendance of such children in the school of either district as may be best accommodated therein, and to transfer the school moneys due by apportionment to such children to the district in which they may attend school. The School Trustees of any district shall transfer to an adjoining district any child, together with all school moneys due by apportionment to such child, whenever the parent or guardian shall present a written request, accompanied by a written permit from the Board of School Trustees of- the adjoining district. The provisions of this -Act shall only apply to counties polling; not less than. twenty-five hundred votes at the last preceding general election. [As -amended Stats. 1891, p. 99.] This may be void on account of the proviso. SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. 19 SEC. 8. When the State and county money to which any TO keep district is entitled is not sufficient to keep a school open in such district for at least six months in each year, it is hereby made the duty of the Trustees of each district to levy, and they shall levy, a district tax upon the taxable property of such district, sufficient to raise an amount which, together with the State and county money to which such district is entitled, will keep a school open six months in each year; and such tax shall be assessed, equalized and collected in the manner prescribed for assessing, equalizing and collecting taxes voted for furnishing additional school facilities, in sec- tions ten and eleven of this Act. The taxes so levied shall include a sum sufficient to pay the cost of assessing and collecting. SEC. 9. The Board of Trustees, or Board of -Education, of B h u n ^ money each city, town and district, may use the moneys from the may be used. County School Funds to purchase sites, build or rent school houses, to purchase libraries, and to pay teachers or contin- gent expenses, as they may deem proper. SEC. 10. The Board of Trustees of any school district may, when in their judgment it is advisable, call an election tax. and submit to the qualified electors of the district the ques- tion whether a tax shall be raised to furnish additional school facilities for said district, or to keep any school or schools in such district open for a longer period than the ordinary funds will allow, or for building an additional school house or houses, or for any two or all of these purposes. Such elec- tion shall be called by posting notices in three of the most public places in the district for twenty days, and also if there be a newspaper in the county, by advertisement therein once a week for three weeks. Said notice shall contain time and place of holding the election, ithe amount of money pro- posed to be raised and the purpose or purposes for which it is intended to be used. The Trustees shall appoint three judges Election to conduct the election, and it shall be held in all other respects as nearly as practicable in conformity with the general election law. At such election the ballot shall con- tain the words, " Tax Yes," or " Tax No." If a majority of the votes cast are " Tax Yes," the officers of the election shall certify the fact to the County Commissioners, together with a statement of the amount of money proposed to be raised, who shall ascertain the necessary percentage on the property of said district as shown by the last assessment made thereof after equalization, to raise the amount of money voted, and shall add it to the next county tax to be collected on the property aforesaid; and the same shall be paid into the county treasury as a special deposit in favor of said school district, to be drawn in the same manner as other school moneys; provided, if in any school district the School Trustees shall certify to the County Commissioners that the State and county money to which any district is entitled is 20 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. not sufficient to keep school open in such district up to the date when State and county taxes shall become due, the tax provided for in this section shall be due and payable to the Assessor of such county in which the tax is levied, immedi- ately after he shall make the assessment and demand for payment of the tax; provided, the owner of the property shall, if he deem the assessment too high, have the privilege of submitting the assessment to the Board of County Corn- Equalization missioners for equalization within ten days after demand made for the payment of the tax, and the County Commis- sioners, within five days after complaint made to them, shall meet and determine the correct valuation of the property assessed, and may change the same by adding to or deduct- ing from the sum fixed either by the owner or Assessor, and upon notice to the owner of the result of their equalization the tax shall be immediately payable to the Assessor, and if not paid shall become deliquent; and all taxes so assessed as Taxes in this Act provided, shall constitute a lien on the property SeS 8tit l charged therewith, from the date of the levy thereof by the County Commissioners, or entry thereof on the assessment roll by the County Auditor, until the same are paid, and thereafter if allowed to become delinquent shall be enforced in the same manner as now provided by law for the collec- tion of State and county taxes. State vs. Yellow Jacket S. M. Co., 5 Nev. 415. SEC. 11. If for any reason said tax is not added to the in case of county tax by the County Commissioners, the County Audi- faaure to j. Qr s h a n enter it on the assessment roll to be charged against the property of that district, on application from the Trus- tees of said district. SEC. 12. All taxes assessed, as in this Act provided, shall school tax a constitute a lien on the property charged therewith from the date of the levy thereof by the County Commissioners, or entry thereof on the assessment roll by the County Auditor, until the same are paid; and their payment, if allowed to become delinquent, shall be enforced in the same manner. SEC. 13. After a school shall have been maintained free whei ? to all pupils six months of the current school year, the Trus- a888 e ?a, ay tees of any district shall have power, at their discretion, to assess such rate bills of tuition as they may deem necessary for the payment of teachers' salaries, in addition to the pub- lic moneys of such district. Said rate bills of tuition shall be made out by said Board of Trustees against all persons send- ing children to school, in proportion to the number of chil- dren sent, and the time of attendance of said children; and the Board of Trustees shall exempt such indigent persons from the payment of such rate bills as they may consider entitled to such exemption. Any person refusing or neglect- ing to pay said bills shall be excluded from the benefits of said school, in such manner as the Board of Trustees, with SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. 21 the advice and consent of the public school teachers, may determine. ARTICLE VII. SCHOOL CENSUS MARSHAL. SECTION 1 . It is the duty of the Census Marshal : First To take annually, between the first and thirty-first census c n i -i i i V.L Marshal, days of May, inclusive, a census of all children under eighteen duties or. years of age and over six years, who are residents of his dis- trict on the first day of May. Second To report the result of his labors to the County Superintendent of Schools on or before the fifteenth day of June in each year. Third He shall, when practicable, visit each habitation, home, residence, domicile or place of abode in his district, ;uul by actual observation and investigation enumerate the census children of the same. SEC. 2. Whenever a district is found lying partly in two adjoining counties, the Census Marshal must report to each County Superintendent the number of children in each county. SEC. 3. His report must be made under oath, upon blanks what report furnished by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and mU8t sbow - must show: First The number, age, sex, color and nationality of the children listed. Second The name of the parents or guardians of said children. Third Such other facts as the Superintendent of Public Instruction may designate. Fourth The Census Marshal shall have power to admin- ister oath to parents or guardians. Fifth If at any time the County Superintendent has reason to believe that a correct report has not been returned, he may appoint a Census Marshal, have the census retaken, and the compensation for the same shall be audited by the County Commissioners and paid out of the County General Fund. SEC. 4. He must include in his report all children of the district that are absent attending institutions of learning, and whose parents or guardians are residents of the district. SEC. 5. He must not include in his report non-resident {JJ/^JJJj not children who are attending in his district institutions of learning, benevolent institutions, such as deaf and dumb, blind and orphan asylums, nor any other children not actually residing in his district. SEC. 6. The compensation of the Census Marshal must be audited by the County Commissioners and paid as other claims out of the General Fund of the county. SEC. 7. If the Census Marshal neglect or refuse to make 22 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. Neglect of duty punished. Indian children not included. Penalty. County Superin- tendent to appoint Board of Examiners. Shall grant certificates. hig report at the time and in the manner herein required, and to perform any other duty devolving upon him, he must be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, be punished by a fine in any amount not exceeding one hun- dred dollars or imprisonment not exceeding ten days. SEC. 8. The School Census Marshals, in the various school districts of the State, shall not include in their enumeration of children between the ages of six and eighteen years any Indian children not attending public school. SEC, 9. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the various County Superintendents, to cause the arrest and prosecution of any person who shall violate the provisions of this Act. And any person convicted of such violation shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty (20) nor more than three hundred (300) dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than ten nor more than sixty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sections 8 and 9 as amended Stats. 1897, p. 115. Must pass satisfactory examination ARTICLE VIII. COUNTY BOARD OF EXAMINATION. SECTION 1. The County Superintendent shall appoint two competent persons who, with himself, shall be and constitute a Board of Examination, of which he shall be Chairman. Said Board shall be constituted for the purpose of examining applicants for teachers' certificates and granting certificates of qualification for teaching in the public schools. They shall hold examinations at such times as may be provided by law, and be governed by such rules and regulations as the State Board of Education may from time to time direct. They shall grant certificates, except as hereinafter provided, to such persons only as shall pass a satisfactory examination. The certificate so granted shall remain in force as specified in this section, unless revoked for incompetency, immorality or gross neglect of duty. Said Board shall have power to grant certificates of the following grades: High school grade, for teaching a high school, which shall be good for four years; grammar grade, for teaching unclassified and grammar schools, which shall be good for three years; primary grade, for teaching a primary school, which shall be good for two years. High school and grammar certificates shall entitle the holders to teach in high schools and grammar schools respectively; a primary certificate shall not entitle the holder to teach any class or classes pursuing high school branches. The certificate provided for in this section shall be issued to such persons only as pass a satisfactory examination in the branches of studies pursued in each specified grade of the public schools, and such additional studies as the State Board of Education may direct, and shall have given evidence of good moral character and of fitness for teaching. The cer- SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. 23 tificate shall be signed by a majority of the Board of Exam- ination. The Board of Examination shall have power to renew the high school or grammar certificate of any person successfully teaching in the county; provided, that the certifi- cate of no one not thus engaged shall be renewed. County certificates made valid for all the counties of this State shall be accepted in all the counties. [As amended Stats. 1895, p. 87.] ARTICLE IX. EXAMINATIONS FOR TEACHERS' COUNTY CERTIFICATES. [Stats. 1893, p. 102.] SECTION 1. Examinations for teachers' certificates in this Time held. State shall be held in the several counties semi-annually, beginning on the second Monday in January and July, and continuing not more than three days at any one examina- tion; provided, that the interest of the schools in any county requires such examinations. Examinations shall not be held at other times than are herein specified, except with the con- sent and authorization of the State Board of Education. [As amended Stats. 1895, p. 15.] SEC. 2. The questions used for written work in teachers' ^ stlon8 ' examinations shall be prepared by the State Board of Educa- prepared, tion, and shall be uniform throughout this State. Such examination questions shall be forwarded to the various County Superintendents by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, so as to reach their destination on or before the dates hereinbefore specified. Such questions shall be sent under seal of the State Board of Education, and shall not be opened by County Superintendents or others until the first day of the examination for which they are prepared. Questions shall be used in the order directed by the State Board of Education. SEC. 3. Examination papers of applicants shall be graded Disposition by the County Boards of Examination, and shall be kept on examination file in the offices of the County Superintendents for such time P a P ers - as the State Board of Education may direct. All applicants shall reach such standing as the State Board may require in written examinations in order to obtain a certificate. The County Boards of Examination may give such oral examina- tions additional to the written as they may deem proper, and . they shall keep an accurate record of standings made in both written and oral examinations. SEC. 4. The State Board of Education shall not indorse certificates county certificates submitted to them for such purpose for use in other counties until the State Superintendent is satisfied wnen - from an inspection of the examination papers of the person holding such certificate that such indorsement should be made. The County Superintendent who recommends to the State Board of Education that a certificate should be indorsed or 24 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. Certificates annulled. Compen- sation of Board of Examiners. County primary school certificate. County grammar school certificate. County high school certificate. On applying for higher grade. made good for other counties than his own must forward to the State Superintendent, with such recommendation, the original papers of the applicant, with the gradings given in both written and oral work. The certificate so submitted of any person whose papers are found deficient in merit shall be canceled by the State Board of Education, and the County Superintendent of the county in which it was issued shall be immediately notified of such action. SEC. 5. [Repealed by implication. Stats. 1895, p. 87.] SEC. 6. Members of County Boards of Examination shall be paid from the General School Funds of their respective counties such reasonable compensation as the County Super- intendent shajl allow; provided, that such compensation shall not exceed five dollars per day. County Superintendents are hereby authorized to draw their orders upon the County Aud- itors of their respective counties in payment thereof. No County Superintendent shall receive for his services in exam- ining teachers any compensation additional to his salary. EXAMINATION SUBJECTS COUNTY CERTIFICATES. [Stats. 1895, p. 110.] SECTION 1. The county primary school certificate, good for two years, shall be issued upon satisfactory examination in the following subjects, and shall entitle the holder to teach in any school in which only primary branches are taught: Orthography, reading, grammar, written arithmetic, mental arithmetic, penmanship, physiology, history of the United States, civil government, geography, current news, drawing, theory and practice of teaching, and, at the discretion of the State Board of Education, music and 'the elements of chem- istry and physics. SEC. 2. The county grammar school certificate, good for three years, shall be issued upon satisfactory examination in the following subjects, and shall entitle the holder to teach in primary, grammar or unclassified schools: All the subjects designated for county primary school certificates, and in addition thereto, algebra, the first and second books of plane geometry, English history, bookkeeping, physical geography, physics, chemistry, and methods of teaching. SEC. 3. The county high school certificate, good for four years, shall entitle the holder to teach in any school, and shall be issued upon satisfactory examination in all the sub- jects mentioned in sections one and two of this Act, and, in addition thereto, botany, Latin, general history, English literature, plane geometry, astronomy, rhetoric, civil govern- ment, and the history and methods of teaching. SEC. 4. Applicants who have taught successfully under any grade of certificate issued under this Act shall, when applying for the next higher grade, be required to take only the studies of that grade; provided, that any person, holding a county primary school certificate, in applying for a county SCHOOL LAWS OF NEfTA^Jt*! Y j[ 25 \^ grammar school certificate, need take otTry- the additional branches named in section two of this Act. SEC. 5. No certificate authorized by this Act shall be issued No certificate , . , ^ in T i to persons to persons under sixteen years of age; nor shall any high under IB school certificate be issued to any person who shall not have years successfully taught at least twelve months. SEC. 6. Examinations for certificates named in this Act shall be conducted by the County Boards of Examination,. ount cted by under such rules and restrictions as the State Board of Edu- Boards, cation may prescribe. SEC. 7. The County Board of Examination may renew the certificate of any person successfully engaged in teaching in the county; provided, that after the year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven a primary school certificate shall not be subject to renewal. SEC. 8. As the county certificates of the first and second certificates or grade, in force at the passage of this Act, expire, the County Board of Examination may issue, without examination, to the persons holding the same, certificates of equivalent grade as named in this Act; provided, that high school certificates shall be thus issued only to those teaching in high schools. ARTICLE X. EDUCATIONAL AND LIFE DIPLOMAS. SECTION 1. The State Board of Education shall grant a TO grant life life diploma to any resident of the State of Nevada who diploma - shall present evidence of having taught successfully and con- tinuously in the public schools of the State of Nevada for a period of ten years. SEC. 2. A life diploma granted under the first section of this Act shall be of the same grade as the certificate held by the applicant at the time of application for the diploma, and shall entitle the holder thereof to teach in any school in the State of Nevada of a grade corresponding to the grade of the certificate upon which the life diploma was granted. Sees. 1 and 2, Stats. 1897, p. 29. SEC. 3. State educational diplomas may be issued to such Diplomas, to persons only as have held a State certificate of high school w grade, or a county certificate of high school grade for at least one year, and* shall furnish satisfactory evidence of having been successfully engaged in teaching at least forty-five months in the public schools, twenty months of which must have been in Nevada. Every application for an educational diploma must be accompanied by a certified copy of a resolu- tion adopted by the Board of School Trustees of the district in which the applicant has taught at least one year. An Educational educational diploma shall entitle the holder thereof to teach dipl01 in any public school in the State of Nevada without further examination. 26 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. SEC. 4. Life diplomas may be issued on all and the same Lite conditions as educational diplomas, except that the applicant ias ' must furnish satisfactory evidence of having been successfully engaged in teaching seventy-two months in public schools, twenty-four of which must have been in Nevada. A life diploma shall entitle the holder thereof to teach in any school in the State of Nevada without any further exam- . i nation. SEC. 5. To the graduates of the Nevada State Normal Cnf S cno l> wno no ^ State high school certificates, the State Board of Education shall grant a life diploma of high school grade when said graduates shall have completed at least forty-five months of successful instruction in public schools. To all graduates of the Nevada State Normal School who hold a State grammar school certificate, the State Board of Education shall grant a life diploma of the grammar grade when said graduates shall have completed at least forty-five months of successful instruction in public schools. SEC. 6. Graduates of the Nevada State Normal School Diplomas of who have taught successfully for the time* specified in this A . ct > on or before January 1, 1900, shall be entitled to life diplomas of undesignated grade. Sees. 3, 4, 5 and 6, Stats. 1895, p. 82. SEC. 7. The State Board of Education shall grant a life Board of diploma to any resident of this State of good moral character, Education to , , ,, J . . . . , e . , grant Hfe and who shall present satisiactory evidence of having taken diplomas. a course j n pedagogics and received the degree of Bachelor of Arts from any university or college situated within the United States, and of reputable standing; provided, such person shall have been an actual resident of the State of Nevada for at least five years next preceding his or her hav- ing entered the university or college in which the course in pedagogics was taken, and from which the degree of Bachelor of Arts was received. [Stats. 1897, p. 61.] . ARTICLE XL TEACHERS. SECTION 1. No teacher shall be entitled to receive any por- tion of the public school moneys as compensation for serv- o?teacher n ices rendered, unless such teacher shall have been legally employed by the Board of Trustees, nor unless such teacher shall have had a certificate from the State Board of Educa- tion or from the County Board of Examination, in full force and effect, nor unless such teacher shall have made a full and correct report, in the form and manner prescribed by law, to the County Superintendent, and to the Board of School Trustees. SEC. 2. Each and every teacher employed in this State, whose compensation is payable out of the public funds, shall take and subscribe to the oath as prescribed by the fifteenth SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. 27 article of the State Constitution before entering upon the dis- charge of the duties of such teacher. Such oath, when so taken and subscribed to, shall, if that of teacher in the State University, be filed in the office of the Board of Regents; if of any other class of teachers, the same shall be filed in the office of the County Superintendent of Schools. [As amended Stats. 1887, p. 141.] The oath is as follows: I, -7-r , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I T 2J her>8 will support, protect and defend the Constitution and Govern- l ment of the United States, and the Constitution and Govern- ment of the State of Nevada, against all enemies, whether domestic or foreign, and that 1 will bear true faith, alle- giance and loyalty to the same, any ordinance, resolution or law of any State Convention or Legislature to the. contrary notwithstanding; and further, that I do this with a full deter- mination, pledge and purpose, without any mental reservation or evasion, whatsoever. And do further solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have not fought a duel, nor sent or accepted a challenge to fight a duel, nor been a second to either party, nor in any manner aided or assisted in such duel, nor been knowingly the bearer of such challenge or acceptance, since the adoption of the Constitution of the State of Nevada, and that I will not be so engaged or concerned, directly or indi- rectly, in or about any such duel, during my continuance in office. And, further, that I will well and faithfully perform all the duties of the office of - on which I am about to enter (if an oath), "So help me God," (if an affirmation) "Under the pains and penalties of perjury." Sworn and subscribed to before me, a - - of the county of - - and State of Nevada, this - - day of , Anno Domini 189 . SEC. 3. All teachers of public schools shall keep a register of all the scholars attending such schools, their age, daily attendance and time of continuance at school, and such further statistics as may be required by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and shall deliver such register, at the close of their term of employment, to the Board of Trustees of .their district. ARTICLE XII. TEACHERS' INSTITUTES. SECTION 1. The Superintendent of Public Instruction, by Teachers- and with the consent of the State Board of Education, shall have power to convene two State Teachers' Institutes annu- ally, in different sections of the State, and shall preside over and regulate the exercises of the same in pursuance of the provisions of this Act. Teachers who attend one such Insti- tute shall not be required to attend another in the same year. 28 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. Sessions shall not be less than three days nor more than ten ' days. SEC. 2. The purpose of such Institutes shall be to train purposes of. and instruct the teachers of the State, so far as may be found necessary, in practical and scientific methods of work, to sim- plify and unify, so far as may be practicable, the courses of study in the public schools, and in general to raise the standard of educational work and qualification on the part of the teachers. Class work in common school branches shall be a prominent feature of all Institute programmes. The State Superintendent shall have power to engage such lecturers and instructors as he may deem advisable to aid him in conducting the exercises. SEC. 3. All teachers shall be required to attend and participate in the proceedings of the Institute held in the sec- tion of the State wherein they may be engaged in teaching, and without loss of salary for the time thus employed. Sees. 1, 2 and 3, Stats. 1893, p. 108. SEC. 4. The County Superintendent shall have the power to call one or more Teachers' Institutes annually, and the expenses of such Institutes shall be paid out of the County General Fund, upon the warrant of the County Superintend- ent; provided, that the Board of Commissioners authorize such Institutes, upon the application of the County Superintend- ent; and provided, that the expenses of such Institute shall not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars in any one year. Teachers required to attend. Expenses of Institutes, how paid. School year defined. Printing ordered. Oaths. School month defined. Sectarianism prohibited. ARTICLE XIII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. SECTION 1. The public school year shall commence on the first day of September, and shall end on the last day of August, SEC. 2. Any printing required under this Act shall be executed in the form and manner and at the prices of other State printing, and shall be paid for in like manner out of the General Fund. SEC. 3. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the County Superintendent of Public Schools are hereby authorized to administer the oath (or affirmation) to teachers, and all other oaths (or affirmations) relating to public schools. SEC. 4. Except when special agreement is made, a school month shall consist of four weeks of five days each, and teachers shall be paid only for the time in which they are actually engaged in teaching; provided, that when an inter- mission of less than six days is ordered by the Trustees no deduction of salary shall be made therefor. SEC. 5. No books, tracts or papers of a sectarian or denomi- national character shall be used or introduced in any school established under the provisions of this Act; nor shall any sectarian or denominational doctrines be taught therein; nor SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. 29 shall any school whatever receive any of the public school funds which has not been taught in accordance with the pro- visions of this Act. SEC. 6. All lots, buildings or other school property, owned f a x x e ^? t n from by any district, town or city, and devoted to public school purposes, shall be, and the same are hereby exempted from taxation, and from sale on any execution, or other writ or order in the nature of an execution. ARTICLE XIV. PROTECTION OF PUPILS AND PEACE OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. [Stats. 1893, p. 106.J SECTION 1 . It shall be a misdemeanor for any person or Misdemeanor persons to detain, beat, whip or otherwise interfere with any pupil or pupils attending any public school in the State of Xevada on his, her or their way to or from such school against the will of such pupil or pupils. SEC. 2. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person or per- Misdemeanor sons to disturb the peace of any public school in the State of ?hooi tur Xevada by using vile or indecent language, or by threaten- ing or assaulting any pupil or teacher within the building or grounds of such school, and for the purpose of this Act the ground of every public school in the State of Nevada shall extend to a distance of fifty yards in all directions from the school building. SEC. 3. Any person or persons convicted of a misdemeanor Penalty. under either of the foregoing sections of this Act shall be subject to a fine not exceeding three hundred .dollars or imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six months, or to both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE XV. TO PREVENT INJURY TO SCHOOL PROPERTY. [Stats. 1895, p. 63.] SKOTION 1. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person or injure or persons to willfully and maliciously injure, mark or deface bXidfngH. any church edifice, school house or other building, public or private, its fixtures, books or appurtenances, or to commit any nuisance therein, or to purposely and maliciously commit any trespass upon the grounds attached thereto, or any fix- tures placed thereon, or any enclosure or sidewalk about the same, or in any manner to maliciously and purposely inter- fere with or disturb those peaceably assembled within such building or buildings. SEC. 2. Any person or persons convicted of a misdemeanor Penalty, under the foregoing section of this Act shall be subject to a fine, not exceeding two hundred dollars, or to imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six months, or to both such fine and imprisonment. 30 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. School holiday. Governor to make proc- lamation. ARTICLE XVI. ARBOR DAY. [Stats. 1887, p. 51.] SECTION 1. Arbor Day is hereby established in the State of Nevada, and shall be fixed each year by proclamation of the Governor at least one month before the fixing of such date, and fit] shall be observed as a holiday by the public [schools] of this State; provided, that nothing in this Act shall be so construed as making this a legal holiday, so far as the courts and civil contracts are concerned. SEC. 2. His Excellency the Governor is requested to make proclamation setting forth the provisions of the first section of this statute, and recommending that Arbor Day, so estab- lished, be observed by the people of the State in [the] plant- ing of trees, shrubs and vines, in the promotion of forest growth and culture, in the adornment of public and private grounds, places and ways, and in such other efforts and undertakings as shall be in harmony with the character of the day so established. ARTICLE XVII. EDUCATION OF DEAF, DUMB AND BLIND.' SECTION 1. The Superintendent of Public Instruction is care of deaf, authorized and required to make arrangements with the dumb and j)i rec tors of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and Blind, at San Francisco (now Berkeley), in the State of Cali- fornia, for .the admission, support, education and care of the deaf and dumb and blind of this State, and for that purpose is hereby empowered to make all needful contracts and agreements with said Directors to carry out the provisions of this Act. SEC. 2. Upon the application, under oath, of a parent or Qualification nearest friend of any deaf, dumb or blind person, resident of of applicant, this State, setting forth that by reason of deafness, dumbness or blindness, such person is disqualified from being taught by the ordinary process of instruction, and that the parents or guardian of said person are unable to pay for his or her support or education in the aforesaid institution, and file the same with the Board of County Commissioners of the proper county, and said Board shall be satisfied of the truth thereof, and such Board shall have made application to the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction for that purpose, it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to issue a certificate to that effect; which certificate, being produced, shall be the authority Of the Directors of the institution aforesaid for receiving such deaf and dumb or blind person as a pupil, SEC. 3. All deaf arid dumb or blind persons between the ages of eight and twenty-one years, that are not mentally or SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. 31 physically incapacitated to receive an education; that are who entitled free from contagious or offensive diseases, and whose parents to beneflts - or guardians reside in the State of Nevada, and are not able to pay for their support and education in the aforesaid insti- tution, shall be entitled to the benefits intended by the Act; and it is hereby made the duty of the Board of County Com- missioners of such county to make provisions, at the expense of the county carrying such pupil, to the office of the Super- intendent of Public Instruction, who shall make necessary arrangements for carrying the pupil to the institution of instruction before mentioned, at the expense of the State, payable out of the fund provided this Act. ARTICLE XVIII. COMPULSORY EDUCATION. SECTION 1. Every parent, guardian or other person in the school State of Nevada, having control or charge of a child or chil- dren, between the ages of eight and fourteen years, shall be required to send such child or children to a public school for a period of at least sixteen weeks in each school year, at least eight weeks of which shall be consecutive, unless such child or children are excused from such attendance by the Board of School Trustees of the school district in which such par- ents or guardians reside, upon its being shown to their satis- faction that the bodily or mental condition of such child or children has been such as to prevent his or her or their attendance at school, or application to study for the period required, or that such child or children are taught in a pri- vate school or at home, in such branches as are usually taught in primary schools, or have already acquired the ordi- nary branches of learning taught in the public schools; pro- vided, in case a public school shall not be taught for the period of sixteen weeks, or any part thereof, during the year, within two miles, by the nearest traveled road, of the resi- dence of any person within the school district, he or she shall not be liable to the provisions of this Act. SEC. 2.. It shall be the duty of the Board of School Trus- Trustees to tees of each school district in the State, on or before the first Monday in September of each year, to furnish the Principal of each public school taught in such district with a list of all children resident in the school district, between the ages of eight and fourteen years, said list to be taken from the report of the School Census Marshal. At the beginning of each school month thereafter, it shall be the duty of the Principal of each school in such district to report to the Board of School Trustees of such district, the names of all children attending school during the previous school month; when, if it shall appear, at the expiration of four school months, to the Board of School Trustees, that any parent, guardian or other person 32 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. Penalty for non- compliance. Trustees to furnish books, etc., to indigent children. Fines, how disposed of. County Sui'frin- tendent to publish this law. having charge or control of any child or children, shall have failed to comply with the provisions of this Act, the Board shall cause demand to be made upon such parent, guardian or other person, for the amount of the penalty hereinafter provided; when, if such parent, guardian or other person shall neglect or refuse to pay the same within five days after the making of said demand, the Board shall commence pro- ceedings, in the name of the school district, for the recovery of the fine hereinafter provided, before any Justice of the Peace in the township in which said school district is located; or, if there shall be no Justice of the Peace therein, then before the nearest Justice of the Peace in the county. SEC. 3. Any parent, guardian or other person having con- trol or charge of any child or children, failing to comply with the provisions of this Act, shall be liable to a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one "hundred dollars for the first offense, nor less than one hundred dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for the second and each subsequent offense, besides the cost of collection. SEC. 4. Whenever it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Board of School Trustees of any school district in this State that the parents, guardians or other persons having control and charge of any child or children in attendance upon the public school of said district, in accordance with the provis- ions of this Act, are unable to procure suitable books, station- ery, etc., for such child or children, it shall be the duty of such Board to procure or cause to be procured, for such child or children, all necessary books, stationery, etc., the same to be paid for out of the fund of said school district, in the same way that other claims against the school district are now allowed and paid; provided, that all books, stationery, etc., purchased under the provisions of this Act shall be deemed to be the property of the school district, to be under the care and control of the School Trustees when not in actual use. SEC. 5. All fines collected under the provisions of this Act shall be paid into the County Treasury on account of the State School Fund. SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the County Superintendent of Public Schools in each county in this State to cause this law to be published in some newspaper in his county, if there be [one], four consecutive times, annually, for a period of two years, the expense of such publication to be allowed and paid out of the General School Fund of the county. The Board of School Trustees in each school district shall cause to be posted, annually for a period of two years, in three public places in their district, notices of the requirements and pen- alties of this law. SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. 33 ARTICLE XIX. GENERAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO SCHOOL FUNDS AND TAXES. SECTION 1. The principal of all moneys accruing to this " mo r ne ed State from the sale of lands heretofore given or bequeathed, or that may hereafter be given or bequeathed, for public school purposes; all fines collected Under the penal laws of the State; two per cent of the gross proceeds of all toll roads and bridges; and all estates that may escheat to the State, shall be and the same are hereby solemnly pledged for edu- cational purposes, and shall not be transferred to any other fund for other uses, but shall constitute an irreducible and indivisible fund, to be known as the State School Fund, the interest accruing from which shall be divided semi-annually among the counties in this State entitled by the provisions of this Act to receive the same, in proportion to the ascer- tained number of persons between the ages of six and eigh- teen years, in said counties, for the support of public schools. SEC. 2. No portion of the public school funds, nor of moneys raised by State tax, or specially appropriated for the support of public schools, shall be devoted to any other object or purpose; nor shall any portion of the public school funds, nor of money raised by State tax for the support of public schools, be in any way segregated, divided, or set apart for the use or benefit of any sectarian or secular society or asso- ciation. SEC. 3. The school moneys distributed to the various coun- state funds, ties of this State, from the State school funds, shall not be how used ' used for any other purpose than the payment of qualified teachers, under this Act; and no portion of said funds shall, either directly or indirectly, be paid for the erection of school houses, the use of school rooms, furniture, or any other con- tingent expenses of public schools. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the State Treasurer to pay state over all public school moneys received by him only on war- pay asl rants of the State Controller, issued upon orders of the warrants. Superintendent of Public Instruction, under seal of the Board of Education, in favor of County Treasurers, or on orders of the State Board of Education, for purposes of invest- ment, as provided in section three of this Act, which orders, duly endorsed, shall be valid vouchers in the hands of the State Controller for the disbursement of public school moneys. SEC. 5. All school moneys due each county in the State shall be paid over by the State Treasurer to the County Treas- urers on the tenth day of January and the tenth day of July of each yeur, or as soon thereafter as the County Treasurer may apply for the same, upon the warrant of the State Con- troller, drawn in conformity with the apportionment of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, as provided in section five of this Act. SEC. 6. The State Controller shall keep a separate and 34 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. Controller to keep account. To present statement. To be levied. No diminution of proceeds allowed. State school tax levied. distinct account of- the Public School Fund, and of the interest and income thereof, together with such moneys as shall be raised by State tax, or special appropriation, or otherwise, for the support of public schools. SEC. 7. The State Controller shall, on or before the tenth day of April and the tenth day of October of each year, make to the State Board of Education a statement of the securities belonging to the State School Fund. He shall also, on or before the tenth day of January and the tenth day of July of each year, render to the Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion a statement of the moneys in the treasury subject to distribution to the several counties of the State, as provided in section five of this Act. SEC. 8. The Board of County Commissioners of each county shall annually, at the time of levying other county taxes, levy a county school tax, not to exceed fifty cents, nor less than fifteen cents, on each one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property, which tax shall be added to the county tax, and collected in the same manner, and paid into the county treasury as a special deposit, to be drawn in the same manner as other public school moneys; and should said County Com- missioners fail or neglect to levy said tax as required, it shall be the duty of the County Auditor to add such tax as the County Superintendent of Public Schools may deem sufficient, between the limits of fifteen (15) and fifty (50) cents on each one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property in the county to the assessment roll, to be collected as specified in this section. SEC. 9. No Tax Collector or County Treasurer shall receive any fees or compensation whatever for collecting, receiving, keeping, transporting or disbursing any school moneys (except what may be specially provided for in this Act), but the whole moneys collected, as provided in section forty-five of this Act, shall be paid to the County Treasurer, and disbursed by him according to law. SEC. 10. An ad valorem tax of one half of one mill on the dollar of all taxable property in the State is hereby levied, and directed to be collected and paid in the same manner as other State taxes are required to be paid; and said tax shall be known as the State school tax, and the Board of Commissioners of the several counties shall, annually, at the same time other State taxes are levied, add this to the other taxes provided by law to be levied and collected, and it shall be annually collected at the same time and in the same man- ner as other State taxes are collected, and if from any reason whatever, in any year, said taxes are not levied 'as herein required, by the Board of County Commissioners, the County Auditor shall enter them on the assessment roll, as required by law for other taxes. All moneys derived from the tax herein levied shall be paid into the State School Fund and SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. 35 be apportioned in the same manner as other money in that fund. SEC. 11. There shall be set apart, semi-annually, five per cent out of all moneys received as State tax for school pur- poses; and such amount shall be distributed pro rata, and be paid according to the provisions of section fourteen of this Act. SEC. 12. It shall be the duty of the County Treasurer of each county: First To receive and hold as a special deposit all public school moneys, whether received by him from the State Treas- bold and urer or raised by the county for the benefit of public schools, over mone y- or from any other source, and to keep a separate account thereof and of their disbursements. Second On receiving any public school moneys subject to distribution, to notify the County Superintendent of Public Schools of the amount thereof. Third To pay over all public school moneys received by him only on warrants of the County Auditor, issued upon orders of the County Superintendent of Public Schools of such county; which orders shall be valid vouchers in the hands of the County Auditors for warrants drawn upon such orders. Fourth On or before the first day of October, annually, to county make a fall report to the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the public school moneys received into the county treasury within the school year ending on the last day of August next previous thereto, with a particular statement of the disburse- ments of said school moneys, and of any amount of said school moneys which remains in his hands for distribution at the close of such school year, designating whether of State or County School Fund; and in case of failure or neglect of said County Treasurer to make such report, he shall forfeit, for the benefit of the County School Fund, the sum of one hundred dollars from his official compensation; and it is hereby made the duty of the County Commissioners, or; notice from the Superintendent of Public Instruction of such failure or neglect on the part of the County Treasurer, to deduct one hundred Jjjjj' 7 for dollars from his compensation, and place said amount to the credit of the County School Fund. SEC. 12. From and after the passage of this Act the State Treasurer to Treasurer shall be the legal custodian of all State and be CU8todian National securities in which the moneys of the State (irre- ducible) School Fund of the State of Nevada, are or may hereafter be invested, and for 'their safe keeping he shall be liable on his official bond. SEC. 13. When due (after procuring the Controller's war- Payment of rant for the amount thereof), the State Treasurer shall, in coupon8 ' the presence of the State Board of Education, or a majority of the. same, cut off and pay the coupon on such State securi- ties as may be in said fund, and place the moneys so-paid in 36 SCHOOL* LAWS OF NEVADA. Duties of State Controller and Treasurer. Duties of the Attorney- General. Duties of State Board of Education the General (distributing) School Fund of the State, and keep a correct account thereof on his books. SEC. 14. It is hereby made the duty of the State Con- troller, quarterly, to notify the State Board of Education of the amount of money in the State School Fund, and whenever there shall be a sum in said fund sufficient for investment, said Board shall direct the State Treasurer to negotiate for invest- ment of the same in United States securities, or in the bonds of this State, or in the bonds of other States, at the lowest purchasable rates, and the Board shall then draw their order upon the Controller in favor of the State Treasurer for the amount to be invested. Said Controller shall thereupon draw his warrant as directed, and the State Treasurer shall com- plete the purchase of the securities negotiated for by him in pursuance of this Act; provided, that before any such invest- ment of said school moneys as is contemplated by the pro- visions of this Act is made, said Board of Education shall require of the Attorney-General of this State his legal opinion as to the validity of any Act or Acts of any State under which said bonds are issued and in which said Board of Education are about to make an investment; and provided, further, that in no case shall any bonds be purchased as herein provided without said Board of Education making due and diligent inquiry as to the financial standing and responsibility of the State or States whose bonds it is proposed to purchase. [As amended Stats. 1891, p. 14.] To establish High Schools. Board of County Com- missioners must make order. Board may order special election. ARTICLE XX. COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL. [Stats. 1895, p. 28.] SECTION 1. There may be established in any county in this State a High School; provided, that at any general or special election held in said county after the passage of this Act, a majority of all the votes cast at such election, upon the prop- osition to establish a High School, shall be in favor of estab- lishing and maintaining such High School at the expense of said county. SEC. 2. The Board of County Commissioners at any gen- eral election to be held in any county after the passage of this Act, upon the presentation of a petition signed by fifty or more qualified electors, taxpayers of said county, at any regular meeting of said Board, held not less than eight weeks before any general or special election, must make an order submitting the question of establishing, constructing and maintaining a County High School to the qualified electors thereof. The Board of County Commissioners, upon the pre- sentation of said petition, if they deem it expedient, may order a special election for said purpose. Said election shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by law for conduct- ing elections, and the ballots at such election shall have SCHOOL LAWS OP NEVADA, printed thereon the words: "For a County High School," The election and the words: "Against a County High School." The votes according to cast for and against said county high school at any election law - therefor, shall be counted and returns thereof made and can- vassed in a manner provided for by law for counting, making returns and canvassing the votes of a general election; pro- vided, that the election officers appointed to conduct any special election held for said purpose,, as required by law, shall perform all services required of them by law in hold- ing and conducting such elections, without any fees or pay therefor. SEC. 3. If the majority of all the votes cast on the propo- Board to sition to establish a High School are in the affirjnative it icooi. the shall be the duty of the Board of County Commissioners, within thirty days after canvassing said vote, to locate the school in some suitable and convenient place in said county. The County Board of Commissioners, together with the County Board of Examiners, who shall be known as the County county Board of Education, shall also at the same time estimate the IducatTon to cost of purchasing suitable grounds, erecting a building and ^'JJ^ashS furnishing the same for the accommodation of the school, grounds, together with the cost of conducting such school for the next "~ twelve months; provided, that the County Board of Education etc - may rent suitable rooms for the accommodation of the school. If rooms can be obtained in the public school buildings in the place in which said school shall be located, such rooms shall be given the preference. SEC. 4. When such estimate shall have been made, the special tax to Board of County Commissioners shall thereupon immediately |Vard e of by proceed to levy a special' tax upon all the assessable property " of the county, sufficient to raise the amount estimated as necessary for the purchase of suitable grounds, procuring plans and specifications, erecting a building, furnishing the same, fencing and ornamenting the grounds, and the cost of running said school for the following twelve months. Said tax shall be computed, entered on the tax roll, and collected in the same manner as other taxes are computed, entered and collected, and the amount so collected shall be deposited in the County Treasury, and be known and designated as the " County High School Fund," and shall be drawn from the treasury as other moneys so deposited are drawn. SEC. 5. When the Board of County Commissioners shall have properly provided and completed the building, together county' with the necessary fencing of the grounds so purchased, they Education, shall cause the same to be deeded to the County Board of Education, who shall hold the same in trust for the county. SEC. 6. The Board of County Commissioners of such u c t n y stitute counties wherein a County High School shall be established Board of shall, after the expiration of the term for which the County E Superintendent holding office at the time of the establish- ment of a County High School in that county, thereafter 38 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. Board of Education. admitted. appoint two competent persons, who, with the County Super- intendent, shall constitute the County Board of Education. Such appointments shall be made biennially at the first meeting of the Board of Commissioners held after the first day of January following the election of a County Superin- tendent of Schools, and the persons so appointed shall hold their office two years, or until their successors are appointed and qualified. SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the County Board of Edu- ca tion to furnish, annually, an estimate of the amount of money needed to pay all the necessary expenses of running ga j^ g^^. ^ o adopt the necessary text books, to adopt and enforce a. course of study for said school; to employ suitable teachers, janitors and other employes, and discharge such employes when sufficient cause therefor shall exist; and to do any and all other things necessary to the proper conduct of the school. The course of study shall be such as will, when it is completed by the student, fit him for admission to the University of Nevada. SEC. 8. It shall be the duty of the Board of County Com- m i ss i ners to include in their annual tax levy the amount estimated by the County Board of Education as needed to pay the expenses of conducting the County High School; and such amount, when collected and paid into the County Treasury, shall be known as the "County High School Fund,'' and may be drawn therefrom for the purpose of defraying the expenses of conducting said County High School, in the man- ner now provided by law for drawing money by School Trustees. SEC. 9. All High Schools shall be open for the admission o f such pupils residing in the county as shall be able to pass ,, r . x .. , . . , . r , . .. 1111 the examination for admission, which examination shall be conducted by the County Board of Education and the Prin- cipal of the County High School. ARTICLE XXI. STATE UNIVERSITY. [Stats. 1887, p. 42.] SECTION 1. There shall be established in the State Univer- Literaryand sity of Nevada, a school for the instruction of teachers, in which shall be taught all the branches of instruction which are taught in the common schools of this State, together with the theory and practice of teaching, school law, botany, pyschology, and geology. There shall also be taught in. said University, chemistry, assaying, mineralogy, surveying and geology, so far as they relate to the theory and practice of mining, agriculture and the mechanic arts. There shall also be taught in the preparatory department of said University, type-writing, shorthand, telegraphy, bookkeeping and com- state SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. 3< mercial law, so far as they relate to the practical affairs of life. [As amended Stats. 1891, p. 92.] SEC. 2. The Governor, Secretary of State and Superin- Regents, tendent of Public Instruction shall constitute the Board of Regents of the State University until the first day of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and 'eighty-nine, and until their suc- cessors are elected and qualified. There shall be elected at the next general election, in the same manner as other State officers are elected, three qualified electors, who shall consti- tute the Board of Regents of the State University. The term of office of two of the Regents so elected shall be four years from the first day of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and until their successors are elected and quali- . fied. The term of office of one of the Regents so elected shall be two years from and after the first day of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and until his suc- *cessor is elected and qualified. And thereafter at each Election of general efection preceding the expiration of the term of office Regents - of any member of the Board of Regents a successor shall be elected in the same manner as other State officers are elected. The persons elected as Regents under the provision of this Act, before entering upon the duties of their office, shall take and subscribe the official oath and file the same in the office of Secretary of State. In case of vacancy in said Board .of Regents, after the same shall have been filled by election as herein provided, the Governor shall fill the same by appoint- ment until the next general election, when such vacancy shall be filled by election, as herein provided. SEC. 3. The powers and duties of the Board of Regents are as follows: First To prescribe rules for their own government, . and Powers and for the government of the University. Regents' Second To prescribe rules for the reports of officers and teachers of the University. Third To prescribe the course of study, the time and standard of graduation, and the commencement and dura- tion of the terms, and the length of the vacations of the University. Fourth To prescribe the text-books, and provide appa- ratus and furniture for the use of pupils. Fifth To appoint a President of the University, who shall have a diploma from some recognized college of learning of good standing, or some State Normal School, who has had at least five years of practical experience as an instructor; who is familiar with the modern methods of imparting instruction generally approved in the United States, and who shall be endorsed as to moral character and qualifica- tions as an instructor by the President and Faculty of three institutions of learning authorized by law to confer degrees. Sixth To prescribe the duties of the President, and fix 40 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. his salary and the salaries of all other teachers in the Uni- versity. Seventh To require the President, under their direction, to establish and maintain training or model schools, and require the pupils of the University to teach and instruct classes therein. Eighth To control the expenditures of all moneys appro- priated for the support and maintenance of the University, and all moneys received from any source whatsoever. Ninth To keep open to public inspection an account of receipts and expenditures. Tenth To annually report to the Governor a statement of all their transactions, and of all other matters pertaining to the University. Eleventh To transmit with such report a copy of the Pres- ident's annual report. Twelfth To revoke any diploma by them granted, on receiving satisfactory evidence that the holder {hereof is addicted to drunkenness, is guilty of gross immorality, or is reputably dishonest in his or her dealings; provided, that such person shall have at least thirty days' previous notice of such contemplated action, and shall, if he or she asks it, be heard in his or her own defense. SEC. 4. The Board of Regents shall have the power to chairman to appoint a Chairman, who shall receive no compensation be appointed, therefor, nor shall any member receive any compensation for his services except necessary expenses in attending meetings of the Board. The Board of Regents may employ a Clerk of said Board, who shall receive a salary of twenty-five dollars per month, and who shall keep a full record of all proceedings of the Board, which shall at all times be open to public inspection, and said Clerk shall not be a teacher in said University. SEC. 5. The Board must hold four regular meetings in each year, and may hold special meetings at the call of the Chairman of the Board. SEC. 6. The President of the University must make a detailed annual report to the Board of Regents, with a cata- logue of pupils, and such other particulars as the Board may require or he may think useful. SEC. 7. Upon the recommendation of the President of the University, the Board of Regents shall issue to those who worthily complete the full course of study in the School of Mines, or in the School of Agriculture, or in the School of Liberal Arts, or in any equivalent course that may hereafter be prescribed, a diploma of graduation, conferring the proper Academic academic degree, from the Nevada State University; and no Sued.' h W diploma bearing the distinctive title, " Nevada State Univer- sity," shall be issued to any one who has not completed the full course of study as above set forth. Upon the recommen- dation of the President of the University, the Board of SCHOOL LAWS OP NEVADA, 41 Regents shall issue to those who worthily complete the full four years' course of study prescribed in the Nevada State Normal School, a department of the State University, a diploma of graduation, and said diploma shall bear the head- formal State ing, " The Nevada State Normal School," and to all persons school, receiving this diploma, the State Board of Education shall issue a State High School certificate of the first grade, good l^of Igh for five years. To the holders of the above State High School certificates, certificates of the first grade, the State Board of Education shall grant a life diploma when said graduates of the Nevada Life diploma. State Normal School shall have completed at least five years of successful instruction in the public schools of Nevada, or of any other State. Upon the recommendation of the Presi- dent of the University, the Board of Regents shall issue to those who worthily complete the three years' course of study prescribed in the Nevada State Normal School, a grammar Grammar grade diploma of graduation, and said diploma shall bear ^oma the heading, " Nevada State Normal School Grammar Grade Diploma," and to all persons receiving this grammar grade diploma, the State Board of Education shall grant a grammar grade State certificate good for five years. The Board of Regents may require said Normal School graduates, before granting the diplomas herein provided for, to sign the fol- lowing obligation : a I hereby agree to report to the Presi- dent of the University, by letter, at least twice a year for three years after my graduation, and once a year thereafter, so long as I continue in the profession of teaching, and when I shall leave the profession I will report the fact to him, with the cause therefor. A failure to make such reports may be cause tor considered sufficient cause for the revocation of my diploma." revocation - And further, it is hereby expressly provided that the gradu- ates of the Nevada State Normal School for the year 1895 shall receive their diplomas and State certificates according to the Act of March 19, 1891, hereby amended. Upon the recommendation of the President of the University, the Board of Regents shall issue to those who worthily complete the full course of study in any other department of the Uni- versity, not equivalent to a regular University course, a diploma of graduation, but said diploma shall bear the name Diploma of of the department from which it is issued, and in no case to s raduatlon - bear the heading of the regular University diploma. [As amended Stats. 1895, p. 89.] SEC. 8. It shall be the duty of the President of the Univer- Duty of sity to instruct in the University, and, under the direction of the Board of Regents, to manage all matters connected with the institution, to employ assistant teachers and servants, purchase supplies and make monthly statements to the Board of Regents of all receipts and expenditures, supported by vouchers. SEC. 9. There shall be no discrimination in the admission NO dis- of pupils on account of sex, race or color; but no person shall criminatlon - 42 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. Duties of Board of Examiners. be admitted who is not of good moral character, and who has not arrived at the age of fifteen years, and passed such an examination as shall be prescribed by the Board of Regents, and no person under said age shall hereafter be taught in said institution. SEC. 10. Tuition shall be free. SEC. 11. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction must visit the University at least every three months, inquire into its condition and management and report to the Board of Regents quarter-yearly the condition of the institution, with such suggestions as he may deem proper. SEC. 12. All expenses incurred, of every name and nature, involving the payment of money by or under the direction of the Board of Regents of the University, shall be passed upon by the Board of Examiners as other accounts against the State, and be paid out of the moneys appropriated for the University. Relating to chemical analysis at State University. Relating to analysis in duplicate. Sample assays for gold and silver. ORES TO BE ANALYZED AT THE UNIVERSITY. [Stats. 1895, p. 76.] SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the President of the State University, in addition to his other duties as fixed by law, to cause to be analyzed by an assistant, teacher or teachers employed at the State University, any ores, min- eral, soil or water taken from within the boundaries of the State of Nevada, and sent by any citizen of said State for. that purpose. Any citizen of the State may send any such substances and have the same analyzed free of charge, and the result of the same returned to him by mail with as near as possible an explanation of their uses and value in market, and there shall be kept at the State University a book of record open for inspection, under such rules as may be made by the Regents, of all mineral, ores or other matters so sent, with the history of such mineral or other matters, stating the name of the person or persons from whom received, the district and county from which it came, and all other matters that may be beneficial touching the same. A duplicate of the sample analyzed, as far as practicable, shall be kept at the University, properly labeled, so as to correspond to the record, and properly preserved. SEC. 2." If the same kind of matter for analysis is sent from the same place it shall not be necessary to analyze the same, but a duplicate of the analysis shall be sent by mail to the person desiring the same. SEC. 3. Samples for analysis shall be analyzed in the order received. SEC. 4. Sample assays for gold or silver shall be made, and when the value per ton exceeds five dollars in gold, the returns shall state the fact thus, " Test for gold." And when the value per ton exceeds five dollars in silver the returns SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. 43 shall state the fact thus, "Test for silver." [As amended Stats. 1897, p. 91.] ARTICLE XXII. HONORARY BOARD OF VISITORS OF NEVADA STATE UNIVERSITY. [Stats. 1895, p. 40.] SECTION 1. There is hereby created a Board to be known as the Honorary Board of Visitors of the Nevada State University. Said Board shall consist of fifteen members. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall be ex officio a member and the Chairman of said Board. In the absence of said Chief Justice the members of the Board may elect one of their number to act as Temporary Chairman. The term of office of the members of said Board shall be two Term of years from the date of their appointment and until their Ol successors are appointed. SEC. 2. The Governor shall appoint and commission, who shaii within forty days after the passage of this Act, from each act ' county, one suitable and discreet person who is interested in higher education and who is an actual resident of said county as a member of said Board. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of said Board of Visitors to Duties of meet annually at the seat of the Nevada State University Board - during commencement week, and inspect the grounds, build- ings and equipment of said University, and also inquire into the actual state of the discipline, instruction, police adminis- tratioh and other affairs or concerns of the University. The Board of Visitors shall report thereon to the Governor within thirty days after each annual meeting, for the information of the people of the State and of the next succeeding Legislature of the State, their action as such Visitors, with their views and recommendations concerning the University, such as they shall deem wise and just and for the best interests of the University. SEC. 4. The President of the University shall cause at Notice to least thirty days' notice to be given to the members of the Honorary Board of Visitors of the time and place of their annual meeting. SEC. 5. No compensation shall be made to the members No com - of said Board of Visitors for their services or for their travel- pen ing expenses, but the Board of Regents shall pay out of the University Contingent Fund their expenses for board and lodging while at the University. APPENDIX CONSTITUTION OF NEVADA. Superin- tendent, when elected. Term of System to be uniform. Lands and funds pledged to educational purposes. Escheated estates and fines pledged to educational purposes. ARTICLE XI. EDUCATION. SECTION 1. The Legislature shall encourage, by all suit- able means, the promotion of intellectual, literary, scientific, mining, mechanical, agricultural and moral improvements; and also provide for the election by the people, at the gen- eral election, of a Superintendent of Public Instruction, whose term of office shall be two years from the first Monday of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and until the election #nd qualification of his successor, and whose duties shall be prescribed by law. SEC. 2. The Legislature shall provide for a uniform sys- tem of common schools, by which a school shall be estab- lished and maintained in each school district at least six months in every year; and any school district neglecting to establish and maintain such a school, or shall allow instruc- tion of a sectarian character therein, may be deprived of its proportion of the interest of the public school fund during such neglect or infraction; and the Legislature may pass such laws as will tend to secure a general attendance of the children in each school district upon said public schools. SEC. 3. All lands, including the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections in any township donated for the benefit of public schools in the Act of the Thirty-eighth Congress, to enable the people of Nevada Territory to form a State Government, the thirty thousand acres of public lands granted by an Act of Congress, approved July second, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty -two, for each Senator and Representative in Con- gress, and all proceeds of lands that have been or may here- after be granted or appropriated by the United States to this State, and also the five hundred thousand acres of land granted to the new States under the Act of Congress distrib- uting the proceeds of the public lands among the several States of the Union, approved A. D. eighteen hundred and forty-one; provided, that Congress make provision for or authorize such diversion to be made for the purpose herein contained; all estates that may escheat to the State; all of such per centum as may be granted by Congress on the sale of lands; all fines collected under the penal laws of the State; all property given or bequeathed to the State for educational purposes, and all proceeds derived from any or all of said sources, shall be and the same are hereby solemnly pledged SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. 47 for educational purposes, and shall not be transferred to any other fund for other uses; and the interest thereon shall, from time to time, be apportioned among the several counties as the Legislature may provide by law; and the Legislature shall provide for the sale of floating land warrants to cover the aforesaid lands, and for the investment of all proceeds derived from any of the above-mentioned sources, in United States bonds, or "the bonds of this State, or the bonds of other States of the Union; provided, that the interest only of the interest only aforesaid proceeds shall be used for educational purposes, tc and any surplus interest shall be added to the principal sum; and provided, further, that such portions of said interest as May be may be necessary may be appropriated for the support of the Sr P state a State University. [As amended Fifth Amendment.] university. SEC. 4. The Legislature shall provide for the establish- university. ment of a State University, which shall embrace departments for agriculture, mechanic arts, and mining, to be controlled by a Board of Regents, whose duties shall be prescribed by law. SEC. 5. The Legislature shall have power to establish ^ normal schools, and such different grades of schools, from the primary department to the University, as in their discre- tion, they may deem necessary, and all professors in said University, or teachers in said schools, of whatever grade, shall be required to take and subscribe to the oath as pre- scribed in Article XV. of this Constitution. No professor or teacher who fails to comply with the provisions of this sec- tion shall be entitled to receive any portion of the public moneys set apart for school purposes. SEC. 6. The Legislature shall provide a special tax, which special tax shall not exceed two mills on the dollar of all taxable property Jducatfonai in the State, in addition to the other means provided for the P ur P ses - support and maintenance of said University and common schools. [As amended Sixth Amendment.] SEC. 7. The Governor, Secretary of State and Superin- tendent of Public Instruction shall, for the first four years, and until their successors are elected and qualified, constitute a Board of Regents, to control and manage the affairs of the University and the funds of the same, under such regulations as may be provided by law. But the Legislature shall, at its regular session next preceding the expiration of the term of office of said Board of Regents, provide for the election of a new Board of Regents, and define their duties. SEC. 8. The Board of Regents shall, from the interest accru- Duties of ing from the first funds which come under their control, Regen immediately organize and maintain the said mining depart- ment in such manner as to make it the most effective and useful; provided, that all the proceeds of the public lands donated by Act of Congress, approved July second, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty -two, for a college for the benefit of agriculture, the mechanic arts, and including military 48 SCHOOL LAWS OF NEVADA. tactics, shall be invested by the said Board of Regents in a separate fund, to be appropriated exclusively for the benefit of the first named departments of the University, as set forth in section four above; and the Legislature shall provide that, if through neglect or any other contingency, any portion of the fund so set apart shall be lost or misappropriated, the State of Nevada shall replace said amount so lost or misap- propriated in said fund, so that the principal of said fund shall remain forever undiminished. SEC. 9. No sectarian instruction shall be imparted or S rowSted 8m tolerated in any school or university that may be established under this Constitution. SEC. 10. No public funds of any kind or character whatever, sectarian f r State, county or municipal, shall be used for sectarian purposes. purposes. [Added by Second Amendment.] INDEX. INDEX TO SCHOOL LAWS. ARBOR DAY Page. Section. Established 30 APPENDIX Article XL, State Constitution 46 AUDITOR, COUNTY To draw warrant 9 2 Shall enter tax, when 20 11 Tax to enter, when 34 10 BOARD OF EDUCATION, STATE Power and duties 5 4 Prescribe text books 5 4 Prescribe rules for examination 5 4 Adopt course of study 5 .4 Recommend books for libraries 5 J Grant certificates and diplomas 5 4 Revoke certificates 6 4 Appellate jurisdiction 6 4 Prescribe studies for examination 6 4 Make certificates valid in all counties 6 4 Renew certificates _ (5 4 Grant State certificates on credentials 6 4 Teachers' examination, direction of I 23 1 Examination questions, to prepare 23 2 Certificates made valid, when 23 4 Certificates made valid by, must be accepted 22 1 Shall cancel certificates, when 24 4 Life diplomas, to grant 25 1 Educational diplomas, to grant 25 3 Life diplomas to certain graduates 26 4, 7 Duty of in relation to school funds 36 14 Opinion of Attorney-General, required 36 14 Graduates of University, certificates for 40 7 BOARD OF EDUCATION, COUNTY Established ! 37 3 Members appointed, how 37 6 May rent room for High School 37 3 High School building to be deeded to 37 5 Duties of 38 7 County Superintendent to appoint members 22 1 Certificates, to grant 22 1 Certificates, may renew 22 1 Governed by rules of State Board .__ 22 1 Examinations, when held 23 1 Directions to follow : 1 23 2 To grade papers _ 23 To preserve papers 23 3 Pay of. - 24 6 Certificates, not to renew certain. _ 25 7 INDEX TO SCHOOL LAWS. 51 BOARD OF VISITORS OF UNIVERSITY Page. Section. How composed 43 1 Term of office 43 1 Who shall act... 43 2 Duties of 43 3 President of University shall notify--- _ 43 4 No compensation r 43 5 CENSUS MARSHAL When to take census _-_ 21 1 Duties of - 21 County Superintendent may appoint, when 21 3 Who to include 21 4 Who not to include 21 5 Neglect of duty, penalty for . 21 7 Must not take Indian children 22 8 CERTIFICATES, COUNTY Made valid in all counties 23 4 Accepted in all counties, when 22 1 Necessary to draw public money 12 5 Grades of 22 1 Revoked * 6 4 Canceled, when 24 4 May be renewed 25 7 Age, qualification for 25 5 Primary, not to be renewed 25 7 State, to whom issued 5 4 Issued without examination 6 4 Issued to graduates 41 7 See Examinations; -also, Board of Examination. COMPULSORY EDUCATION Who affected 31 1 Trustees, duty of, regarding '. 31 2 Penalty for non-compliance 32 3 COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS District Attorney, ex officio 8 1 To apportion school money 8 2 Draw orders on County Auditor 9 2 When not to draw orders 7 9 2 Bills rejected by County Superintendent, how audited 9 2 Must visit schools 9 3 Distribute blanks r _.' 9 3 Must make annual report _._^ 10 3 County Institutes, to preside over 10 3 County Institutes, power to call 28 4 Appoint School Trustees.. ..._i 10 3 Penalty for failing to make report _- 10 4 Deputy may appoint 10 .5 Must attend office, when 10 5 To designate school house, when 11 3 Joint districts, to apportion money . 12 3 To approve plans of school houses 16 2 Out -houses, to supply, when 16 2 May appoint Census Marshal, when 21 3 Duty in relation to Census Marshal 22 9 Appoint Board of Examination 22 1 Care of examination questions 23 2 Examination papers, to preserve -_ 23 3 52 INDEX TO SCHOOL LAWS. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS (Continued) Page. Section. Examination papers, to forward 23 4 Member County Board of Education 38 6 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Audit bills on School Fund, when 9 2 Enforce penalty against County Superintendent, when 10 4 Create, change and abolish school districts 11 2 Appoint Trustees of joint districts 12 2 Levy special tax, when 19 10 Audit pay of Census Marshal 21 *> Authorize County Institute.. .. 28 4 Deaf, dumb and blind, duty in relation to 30 2 Deaf, dumb and blind, furnish transportation for 31 3 Levy school tax 34 8 Enforce penalty against County Treasurer, when 35 12 Election for County High School, to call, when 36 2 To locate County High School 37 :', To deed High School over 37 5 To appoint members of Board of Education 37 ti Levy High School tax 38 8 DIPLOMAS State Board to grant 5 4 Educational, to whom granted 25 3 Life, to and by whom granted 25 1 Life, to and by whom granted 20 4 Life, to and by whom granted 26 5 Life, to and by whom granted 26 H Life, to and by whom granted 26 7 Life, to and by whom granted 41 7 Life, grade of. 25 2 Life, grade of 26 6 Accepted in all schools ^ 25 ^ Accepted in all schools 25 3 Accepted in all schools ,___ 26 4 State Board to grant 41 7 Whatexcepted 1 6 4 DEAF, DUMB AND BLIND Education of_ 30 1 Application for education, how made 30 2 Who to be educated 30 3 Transportation of 31 ! ELECTION OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES When held 12 1 Take office, when 12 1 Trustees appointed when not elected 12 Appointment of Judges and Inspectors 13 :: Trustees to post notices of- 13 "> Who may vote at 13 6 Clerk of Board to register voters 13 7 Oath of voter 13 7 Voter must be registered 1 13 8 Trustees may employ Clerk, when 14 9 Ballots at election of 14 12,14 How to vote at election of 14 13,16 Ballot not to be shown 15 15 Challenge of voter 15 17 Candidates in certain districts __ . 15 18 INDEX TO SCHOOL LAWS. ."),', EXAMINATION, TEACHERS' Page. Section. Time of. 23 I Questions for 23 2 Order of questions.-. . 23 - J Percentage to attain 23 3 Subjects required 24 Subjects required when applying for higher certificate 24 4 Hoard of K,i-iiiuiiiti 4 < 'reated. changed and abolished, how 11 2 Size of 11 '2 One school to receive public money ll :: < 'hildren, necessary to draw money 11_ 4 Time school must be maintained in 11 5 Teacher must be qualified 11 5 When divided, money apportioned, how 12 5 Joint, how established 12 Trustees of joint districts . 12 54 INDEX TO SCHOOL LAWS. SCHOOL FUNDS, STATE Page. Section. Irreducible, what constitutes 33 1 Not to be used for sectarian purposes 33 2 Apportioned, how and when 7 2 How drawn from treasury 7 2 How drawn from treasury 33 4 How used T 33 3 State Treasurer, custodian of securities 35 12 Controller to keep separate account 33 6 Controller to make statement 34 7 Controller, duty of, in relation to 36 14 School tax levied 34 8,10 Percentage of State tax set apart 35 11 Board of Education shall invest 36 14 Constitutional provisions 46 SCHOOL FUNDS, COUNTY Apportioned, how 8 2 Paid out, how 9 2 New districts, to share funds of old 12 5 Apportioned to joint districts, how 12 3 May be used, how _ 19 9 County Treasurer to receive 35 12 County Treasurer to pay out 35 12 SCHOOL TRUSTEES See Trustees of School Districts ; also. Election of School Trustees, SCHOOL MONTH Length of -' 28 4 SCHOOL YEAR Defined - 28 1 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Election of 6 1 Apportion school money 6 2 Report to Governor 7 3 Blank forms and registers, to furnish 7 4 Compile and distribute school laws 8 4 Visit counties 8 5 Examination questions, to forward 23 2 Examination papers, to inspect _ 23 4 Visit University - 42 11 TAXES * Election for voting.- . 19 10 Duty of County Commissioners--. - 20 10 When due 20 10 Constitute lien - 20 10 Duty of County Auditor _ 20 11 To establish County High School- . 37 4 For maintaining County High School 38 8 Constitutional'provisions 46 TEACHERS Qualifications of - 26 1 Oath, to take - 26 Register, to keep -- - 27 See Institute, Certificates, Examinations : also, Board of Examina- tion. INDEX TO SCHOOL LAWS. 55 TEXT BOOKS Pa e- Section. Adopted by State Board 5 4 Districts, must use 5 4 Changed, how often 5 4 TRUSTEES OF SCHOOL DISTRICT Appointed by County Superintendent, when 10 3 Election of . 12 Clerk to appoint, pay of, etc 16 1 Duties of, defined . 16 2 Members not to be interested in contracts of (exception) 16 3 To cause school census to be taken 17 4 To make report 17 4 Employ and dismiss teachers 17 5 Powers and duties of 17 6 Suspend or expel pupils 18 6 Apportion money 18 6 May unite contiguous districts 18 7 Transfer pupils and money 18 7 Must keep school six months 19 8 Money, how to use 19 9 Taxes, election called on 19 10 Rate bills of tuition ' 20 13 Duty of in relation to compulsory law 31 2 To furnish books and stationery 32 4 TREASURER, COUNTY Receive school money -."--..- 35 12 N'otify County Superintendent Jl__ _z- 35 12 l';iy out school money, lmw-____ __--- 35 12 Report to Superintendent of Public Instruction, what 35 12 Failure to report, penalty r v _____- 35 12 TREASURER, STATE Pay over school funds ^ /. 33 4 Custodian of securities 35 12 Cut coupons, when 35 13 Purchase bonds, when 36 14 UNIVERSITY, STATE Graduates to receive certificates _/__i 5 4 Graduates to receive life diplomas I 26 7 Normal department of .'___,. 38 1 Regents of 39 3 President of_ 39 3 President must report 40 6 Diplomas, how issued-, 40 Graduates to receive State' certificates 41 7 Special diplomas issued 41 7 Who admitted ,__. 41 9 Superintendent of Public Instruction" : to visit - 42 11 Ores to be analyzed at 42 1 Assays to be made 42 4 - Board of Visitors of ... - 43 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY This is the date on which this book was charged out. 10V 2 WM [30m-6,'ll] 06575