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It is expressed by music ( ), as the song of the soul in active response to the Father-Mind or Spirit. HOLINESS, AS THE LOVE-SUBSTANCE OF LOVE, IS OUR SERVICE IN THE SECOND HEAD OF THE LAW. Holiness as the love-substance of Love, is expressed in silent prayer, to be followed by responsive reading of the Lord's prayer, with its spiritual interpretation according to the Christ-law. 1. Our Father which art in heaven. Obedience as the life-action of Love, will establish . our loyalty, service and liveliness, in expressions of sub- stantial Holiness. 2. Hallowed be thy name. Holiness as the love-substance of Love, will conse- crate, sanctify and purify, our thoughts of perfect Har- mony. 3 3. Thy kingdom come. Harmony as the truth-perfection of Love, will mani- fest the peace,- unity and freedom, of substantial Right- eousness. 4. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Righteousness as the love-substance of Truth, will teach us judgment, honesty and justice, through its per- fect Principle. 5. Give us this day our daily bread. Principle as the truth-perfection of Truth, will teach the science, law and order of right ideas, as states of active Dominion. 6. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Dominion as the life-action of Truth, is an infallible, controlling power to destroy sin, in proportion to our perfect Intelligence. 7. And lead us not into temptation. Intelligence as the truth-perfection of Life, is an un- derstanding consciousness of creation, which destroys all mortal imagination of sin, and reveals active Being. 8. But deliver us from evil. Being as the life-action of Life, delivers us from death concepts, and expresses reality as infinite presence in substantial Wisdom. 9. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever. Wisdom as the love-substance of Life, demonstrates sagacity and knowledge, within the kingdom of love's Holiness; and within the power of truth's Principle; and within the glory of life's Being; through universal active Obedience for ever. HARMONY, AS THE TRUTH-PERFECTION OF LOVE, IS OUR SERVICE IN THE THIRD HEAD OF THE LAW. Harmony as Ihe truth-perfection of Love, is expressed by music ( ), as the song of the soul, to the Father-Mind or Spirit in perfect love. THE OFFERTORY. Malachi 3 :10 — Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windovrs of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. RIGHTEOUSNESS, AS THE LOVE-SUBSTANCE OF TRUTH, IS OUR SERVICE IN THE FOURTH HEAD OF THE LAW. Righteousness as the love-substance of Truth, is expressed by scriptural reading pertaining to ( ) as the law for today's instruction, followed by an explanation of its life-love-truth- meaning as given in the sermon on the mount. 1. (Obedience, Matt. 5:13 to 21.) 2. (Holiness, Matt. 5:21 to 38.) 3. (Harmony, Matt. 5:38 to end of chapter.) 4. (Righteous- ness, Matt. 6:1 to 9, also 16 to 19.) 5. (Principle, Matt. 6:19 to 24.) 6. (Dominion, Matt. 6:24 to end of chapter.) 7. (Intelligence, Matt. 7:1 to 13.) 8. (Being. Matt. 7:13 to 21.) 9. (Wisdom, Matt, 7 :21 to end of chapter.) PRINCIPLE, AS THE TRUTH-PERFECTION OF TRUTH, IS OUR SERVICE IN THE FIFTH HEAD OF THE LAW. Principle as the truth-perfection of Truth, is expressed in the 5 responsive reading of the commandments, with their spiritual interpretation of good as all, which is their fulfilling and keep- ing, according to the new covenant of the Christ-law. PREFACE TO ALL OF THE COMMANDMENTS. Exodus 20:2 — ''I am the Lord thy God which 'have' brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage." Therefore : 1. Thou Shalt have no other gods before me. Obedience as the life-action of Love, fulfills this promise and satisfies the keeping of this commandment. Because in active loveliness we worship one God of sub- stantial Holiness. 2. Thou Shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any like- ness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them.'"''''^% Holiness as the love-substance of Love, fulfills this promise and satisfies the keeping of this commandment. Because an image of inanimate matter, cannot respond to the soul's worship in the purity of perfect Harmony. 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.*"* Harmony as the truth-perfection of Love, fulfills this promise and satisfies the keeping of this commandment. Because to accept and abide within perfect love, will manifest freedom as substantial Righteousness. 4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Righteousness as the love-substance of Truth, fulfills this promise and satisfies the keeping of this cprhmand- ment. Because in keeping the Sabbath day law; we are justified alone by its perfect Principle. 5. Honor thy father, and thy mother, that thy days may be long 6 upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thefe>i^^ Principle as the truth-perfection of Truth, fulfills promise and satisfies the keeping of this commandment. Because to know the order of the law is to honor the Father-Mother-Spirit, and to abide forever within its active Dominion. . 6. Thou shalt not kill. Dominion as the life-action of Truth, fulfills this promise and satisfies the keeping of this commandment. Because the povv^er of truth compels immortal life, in which every death concept is overcome by perfect In- telligence. ■ 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Intelligence as the truth-perfection of Life, fulfills this promise and satisfies the keeping of this command- ment. Because sense-imaginations as death concepts, cannot adulterate the true intelligence of man in active Being. 8. Thou shalt not steal. 10. Thou shalt not covet— anything that is thy neighbor's. Being as the life-action of Life, fulfills this promise and satisfies the keeping of these commandments. Be- cause God's children already have every good gift, in the possession of substantial Wisdom. 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Wisdom as the love-substance of Life, fulfills this promise and satisfies the keeping of this commandment. Because of the power of knowing right we cannot falsify the law, nor wilfully oppose its active Obedience. DOMINION, AS THE LIFE-ACTION OF TRUTH, IS OUR SERVICE IN THE SIXTH HEAD OF THE LAW. Dominion as the life-action of Truth, is expressed in Bible 7 readings as a lesson sermon, with reference to ( ) as the law for today's instruction in the life-action, love-substance, truth-perfection, of Christ. INTELLIGENCE, AS THE TRUTH PERFECTION OF LIFE, IS OUR SERVICE IN THE SEVENTH HEAD OF THE LAW. Intelligence as the truth-perfection of Life, is expressed by music ( ) as the song of the soul, to the Father-Mind or Spirit in perfect life. BEING, AS THE LIFE-ACTION OF LIFE, IS OUR SERVICE IN THE EIGHTH HEAD OF THE LAW. Being as the life-action of Life, is expressed in the responsive reading of the beatitudes, with their spiritual interpretation and intent of blessing according to the Christ-law. 1. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for their 's is the kingdom of heaven. Obedience as the life-action of Love, is that blessed realization which makes poor the spirit of mortal vrill, for loveliness reveals the kingdom of Holiness. 2. Blessed are they that mourn : for they shall be comforted. Holiness as the love-substance of Love, is that blessed realization which awakens us from expressing sorrow and affliction, for in purity we gain the comfort of Har- mony. 3. Blessed are the meek : for they shall inherit the earth. Harmony as the 1 ruth-perfection of Love, is that blessed realization which delivers from strife, and man- ifests supply, through knowing the freedom of Right- eousness. 8 4. Blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness : for they shall be filled. Righteousness as the love-substance of Truth, is that blessed realizalion Avhich justifies spiritual growth in the law, through its Principle. 5. Blessed are the merciful : for they shall obtain mercy. Principle as the truth-perfection of Truth, is that blessed realization of order, which is God's mercy to man ; through it shall he gain mercy as spiritual Do- minion. 6. Blessed are the pure in heart : for they shall see God. Dominion as the life-action of Truth, is that blessed realization vrhich understands God, as the power of Spirit in Intelligence. 7. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the chil- dren of God. Intelligence as the truth-perfection of Life, is that blessed realization which manifests peace, and creates the children of spiritual Being. 8. Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for their 's is the kingdom of heaven. Being as the life-action of Life, is that blessed real- ization which persecution cannot overcome, because of the power of spiritual presence in the knowledge of Wisdom. 9. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake, rejoice and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Wisdom as the love-substance of Life, is the blessed realization of spiritual knowledge, which prevents any false accusation from overcoming our joy in Obedience. WISDOM, AS THE LOVE-SUBSTANCE OF LIFE, IS OUR SERVICE IN THE NINTH HEAD OF THE LAW. AVisdom as the love-substance of Life, is expressed in music ( ) as the song of the soul, in substantial praise of the Father-Mind or Spirit. The service will close with the following acknowledgment : To God our Saviour who is able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before his throne with exceeding joy, be given all glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen. 10 THE TENETS OF THE CHURCH OF THE CHRIST-I^W. 1. OBEDIENCE, the life-action of Love. We believe that we owe absolute allegiance to the Christ-law alone, by living a life of loveliness, for therein only shall we receive honor and reward. 2. HOLINESS, the love-substance of Love. We believe that the Holy Bible is a text-book of righteousness, as the law of perfect love, and that the Holy Bible alone is able to illumine with the light of love, Christ's law of life-action, love-substance, truth- perfection within us, as portrayed by the Star of Bethlehem. 3. HARMONY, the truth-perfection of Love. We believe that love is the substantial spiritual body of the perfect conscience as man, which is made active in life, and perfected in truth, and our conscience sealed in love through declaring and expressing the law of love only. 4. RIGHTEOUSNESS, the love-substance of Truth. We believe that to love the truth is to express the law of the Christ-righteousness, which is our means of fulfilling every right experi- ence here and hereafter with soul expressions which can be known and understood as good. 5. PRINCIPLE, the truth-perfection of Truth. We acknowledge one God as supreme Intelligence, who is the Father- Mind or Spirit, and Jesus Christ his Son, who is the life-love-truth- meaning of God, as His will or absolute law of salvation. Also the Holy Ghost, as the life-love-truth-meaning of the Christ-law. 6. DOMINION, the life-action of Truth. We believe in the Holy Ghost as the spiritual meaning of the Christ- law, even the spirit of truth expressed by the nine heads of this law, as Obedience, Holiness, Harmony, Righteousness, Principle, Dominion, In- telligence, Being, Wisdom, which are given in the Star of Bethlehem, These heads as states of perfect being are to teach us all truth, and lead us into one perfect understanding of our Saviour, who is one with the Father-Mind or Spirit. 7. INTELLIGENCE, the truth-perfection of Life. We believe that the Christ-law of right ideas as states of spiritual being, can be learned with certainty and expressed in perfection, to overcome transgressions of the law, as sin. Because he that is born of God cannot sin. 8. BEING, the life-action of Life. We believe that man is immortal, and has being alone as an active spiritual mentality, whose body is spiritually resurrected, and through the soul's expression alone as a living conscience of love, is man made in the image and likeness of the Father-Mind or Spirit. 9. WISDOM, the love-substance of Life. We believe that immortal life as the possession of true love, is gained through knowing the right ideas of the Christ-law in their live-love-truth-meaning alone, and that this true knowledge will mani- fest the healing dominion of the law. Because we are to know the truth, and the truth shall make us free. 263430 UNIVERSITY OF CAWFORNIA LIBRARY