: CO : o ; o ; > 2 ^ — CO ^^ 4 ^ ^=^ "< 9 = = J> H ^^— —i 2 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES o--' ---NTS Op ALREADY ISSUED. ROMANCE AND OTHER STUDIES BY GEORGE C. KEIDEL, Ph.D. Number One.-THE EVAMr-rT„ An Old-French Salt on W '''''' ^^^^^3. IntroducHon and Notes, "gj^.""™' ^"''"^ "'*'' (Romance an^ Ot^tv ^(u'^m BY GEORGE C. KEIDEL, Ph.D., Assistant in Romance Languages in the Johns Hopkins University. Number Two; A MANUAL OF /ESOPIC FABLE LITERATURE. A First Book of Reference for the Period Ending A. D. 1500. FIRST FASCICULE. (With Three Facsimiles.) BALTIMORE: ^, THE FRIEDENVVALD COMPANY, 1896. / GEORGE C. KEIDEL. (Romance atib Ot^tv ^^uMea BY GEORGE C. KEIDEL, Ph.D., Assistant iti Romance Languages in the Johns Hopkins University. Number Two: A MANUAL OF ^SOPIC FABLE LITERATURE A First Book of Reference for the Period Ending A. D. 1500. FIRST FASCICULE. (With Three Facsimiles.) BALTIMORE: THE FRIEDENWALD COMPANY, 1896. :> zf/rz h Jl QUanuaf of A FIRST BOOK OF REFERENCE FOR THE PERIOD ENDING A. D. 1500, BY GEORGE C. KEIDEL, Ph.D., Assistant in Romance Languages in the Johns Hopkins University. FIRST FASCICULE. (With Three Facsimiles.) 659482 CONTENTS. PAGE Title Page to the Series ' Title Page '" Contents • • ^ Prefatory Note ^' Facsimiles "^^ Introduction. General Remarks on Fable Literature vii Subjects for Investigation vm Intrinsic Value of the ^Esopic Fable xi Mode of Construction and Limitations of the First Fascicule . xii Non Vidimus ^^' Description of Facsimiles '^^'i General Bibliography. History of ^sopic Fable Literature i History of Related Subjects 3 History of Special Fields of Fable Literature 4 Definitions of Fable 6 History of Single Fables 7 Tables of Fable Literature 8 Incunabula. Editions and Descriptions 9 Extant Copies 28 Reference Lists S3 a. Authors - S3 d. Cities Where Printed 54 c. Printers 5S d. Size of the Folio Editions S^ e. Size of the Quarto Editions S9 /, Languages "° ^. Cities Where Preserved 61 k. Alphabetical List of Sales and Catalogues 66 i. Chronological List of Sales and Catalogues 69 J. Prices Brought 7- k. Bibliographers' Vidimus ^ 7S /. Former Owners 7S PREFATORY NOTE. Among the earliest appointments to the Academic Staff of the Johns Hopkins University made by the Board of Trustees was that of Arthur Marshall Elliott on June 5, 1876, to be an Associate in Languages, and it is in com- memoration of the twentieth anniversary of this most important event in the history of the Romance Studies of America, representing as it does the beginning of a double decennium of incessant effort to raise the standard of modern linguistic work in the New World, that this first idiSCxcnXe o^ di Manual of Aisopic Fable Literature \s issued by one of his pupils as a tribute and memorial of a long period of labor under his direction and inspiration. By a singular coincidence this same date of June 5, 1896, marks approximately the close of a decennium of con- tinuous attendance at the Johns Hopkins University by the author of the present book, and at once a lustrum of association with Professor Elliott in his work in P'able Literature, the special subject to which this publication is devoted. George C. Keidel, Assista7it in Romance Languages. Johns Hopkins University, June 5, 1896. ^ .fti^ blat fZDic viccb fabcl von ^m ban^ ^"^ M^^ff' On bJit 'V , - fcQCt cfopus chi faMt ct jm ijclibcrt bet b3 rd>af Uuguct vri fpmcb ^tbctUfmb:ot>x>njmcmp|i:iii^CiC5i-vXc bunb lunict ficb 3cud^nup ^ic wxttb jm ^ubocc cchcjiiKt bo u■^t1l'^ fiit$tc50jcit cm u>olff ixt fptucb-3d> \pai^ eoo a: )m* bxxs b:ot Selibctt b^t-^ilct eni xvcp 06 aac Cxi: fpuu'bc \Ajbm Cwtbcp (fexi^cfcri'tx^ 6 jjctt bbcin gic^ fpuicb a-'.u hmtfd:)af•\pic^ct^t|b!{au0n«rC«&^^ cn^rf^in ctcit {)aft,C«5 fd>af \x>atb ubccxx>uitvXii mu ^:ci fvilfch/ u^cft vit Stutteilt bent hunb Cos p2ott a\is h\\at6 bewmtj^en fern u>ollc ^u '^nccd^teii^iafott nn^cgtciffcii^Cxis a* bc^^aleti luocbtc* tuo C5 nic f(^ul6tjj tootCttt wa&.CXIfo tburib bid bcri vnrd>ulbigeti Cwo fp allw^Cfje tiictjciTi Jtccr fp ctb^itdimt v>nb )c fiimcmcn mit falfdym ^iuf^x vii jcftufftcii lu3G!t IxftatiSctit • Reduced one-fifth. < . - y^-^J^ TF •v V~ - .- V ■ -. -^-Ji/ " ■• £r, ■■•5, 1 h:h ►J! M J ^ I H 2 9 n' ^ ^ ^ U vrj " "* V _-* 7 ^ s * i ca .< K & - ^ s .^ ^ » % i 'ir^ « i i it i Il l i> M fc * * rt << » ii «i' i MiW' ii ;i i > i l i rtr > *H ii < i i iii i i i ii fi ii iw i m C 00 A.^^ ii ^-m- ^-(9 I I ^^TJ I' -I I s"" '^ i I I !• I i- < .- a' ^ ^ -sW IF Oi . C C-. Q I, r Cj 5- £-2--. =t I- *-• c r! •**, Si ^^ ._ t> i/i ^ <-. P f2 i^ ^ « :_, — - 5J ,^ ^-< r CI O ^ * «^ .* t ' t i 1 v*. ?-: O \,' ..^^ ■ "^ >i^ ^ ::! — >r ii JS > c- 3 ti " § c - «J 5 j:i « - «_ " U H (^ S' .1 .^ l/) ^ s rt i.j T^ ir i"> 'h> p 5 V^-. V- ■ *»• *s ^1 S ^ ^' - - ^< ^. ? .N •> 1 e e » Sr- •f«, S INTRODUCTION. Fable Literature, taking the term in its most general sense, may be said to include all forms of animal tales in which a moral purpose is evident. Such tales appear to have existed at all times and among all peoples, and the attempt to trace mutual relations between them in their oral form appears to be a well-nigh hopeless task. It is only when they definitely appear as literature and are con- signed to writing that tangible results in this direction are attainable to the modern scholar. Fable Literature as a whole may be divided into three main groups : Bidpai Literature, j^sopic Fables and the Animal Epic. Each of these has its problems, each of these has its charms ; but it is with the second of them as lying more especially within the domain of the author's habitual studies that the present Manual is exclusively concerned. Indeed it may well be claimed that in the usual accepta- tion of the English term. Fable refers exclusively to this class of literature, whilst the other two classes (if known at all) are considered merely as cognate branches. Having thus already greatly restricted the scope of the present work, it will be necessary to explain that even the yEsopic Fable in its entirety has seemed to the author too large a subject for treatment here, and that he has therefore given items of information only for the period extending from the earliest known times of the ^sopic Fable, as mani- fested in the extant writings of the Greeks, down to the close of the Fifteenth Century, an epoch when manuscript copying as the recognized means of recording man's thoughts gave way to book printing and the general exter- viii Ivtrodtiction. nal aspect of literature in consequence changed to its modern form. The chief aim in the compilation of such a manual has been to provide scholars with a handy book of first refer- ence which would serve as a general guide to the subject from whatever side it might happen to be approached. Its scope, therefore, is quite different from that of the best work of a similar nature now in the hands of scholars — Joseph Jacobs' History of the ALsopic Fable — its aim being merely to present the bare facts as far as they are known to the author, while leaving all constructive reasoning if not entirely to other writers at least to another occasion. Should the present Manual some day reach completion, a vast mass of the dry bones of literary history will no doubt have therein been presented ; but, however great it may have been possible to make such a collection of raw material, the extent of this field of literature is so immense that at least as much more will probably still remain to be gleaned by those that come after. Should any one be inclined to doubt the approximate truth of this statement, the author would politely recommend him to inspect M. Hervieux' immense publication on Latin Fable Literature alone as evidencing the possibilities of attainment still open to the investigator in other less cultivated fields of Mediaeval Literature as regards the Mso^ic Fable. In any case it is evident that much, very much, still remains to be done in this field of literature which was once so popular with the learned, and which is even yet familiar in its best specimens to all educated people — for it would probably be a difficult task indeed to find an intelli- gent person who had never heard of the Hare and the Tor- toise say, or the Mouse and the Lion, or any one of a dozen of the best-known fables. Subjects for Investigation. The general problem in this connection before the scholar of to-day may be fitly divided into three heads : Introduction. ix discovery, critical editing, and correlation. It is the author's hope that the present Mafiical, when completed, may be of some assistance for the first and last of these categories at least by furnishing the investigator with a convenient tool to aid him in making new conquests in the domain of the still unknown. To accomplish this result his aim has been to compile the pertinent informa- tion given by the best authorities on the subject in hand, and at the same time to add as far as possible new material derived from his own reading, thus producing on a limited scale a thesaurus of information concerning the ^sopic Fable in its period of greatest influence. It would seem, indeed, that it will be only by gathering together such scattered bits of information and by making them generally known that any great advance in such a difficult field of research will be possible to us, and it is perhaps not too much to hope that the present Manual may serve as a nucleus for such work and as a starting- point for a more scientific treatment of the bibliography of so large a subject. A few general notions may perhaps be here not inappro- priately set forth of the work that is still to be done in ^sopic Fable Literature : -^ I. A thorough search for new manuscripts containing collections of fables is yet to be made in the various public and private libraries, especially of Europe, which no doubt still contain many treasures of this sort as yet unknown to the scholarly world. As an instance of the possibilities in this direction there may be mentioned the fact that only a few months ago M. Paul Meyer, the well-known Romance scholar and palaeo- grapher, was able to announce* the discovery of a new manuscript of the Old French collection of fables written by Marie de France, perhaps the most talented of all the ^ Mediseval fabulists. If this is still possible in the case of so * Romania, "Vol. XXV (1896), p. 154, note i. X Introduction. celebrated an author and for a large public library like the Bibliotheque Natiotiale at Paris, what may we not yet hope to find in the case of less known authors and smaller libraries? A bibliographical contribution to this side of ^sopic Fable Literature is included in the proposed plan for the present Manual, though postponed to a later fasci- cule. 2. With the art of printing as a means of literary propa- gation came a revival of interest in ^sopic Fable Litera- ture, and for the first century or two after its invention editions of the various collections then in vogue followed each other with great rapidity. An individual and also a comparative study of these editions is surely an important part of the fable investigator's task, besides offering much of interest from other points of view. It is with this aspect of the subject that the present fascicule is chiefly concerned, and in spite of the rather formidable array which it has been so far possible for the author to set up, it seems not unlikely that the discoveries still to be made in this direction will be even greater than in the case of the manuscripts, for in spite of the excellent work done by the numerous and justly celebrated bibliographers of the present as well as of the last century, it seems that but a beginning has been made in this sphere of investigation. 3. Citations of-^Esopic fables in illustration of some point in an author's works have at all times been numerous, and in addition to this there are to be found many references to this sort of literature which are of value especially in an investigation of the earliest phases of its development. This class of citations and references, while of considerable importance to fable scholars, is perhaps the most difficult of all to control. It would seem that hitherto only a small portion of them have been collected by the various investi- gators, and it is therefore hoped to make the present 7J/a«//rt'/ especially full in this direction. Introduction. xi 4. The text of every collection of fables should, of course, be subjected to careful critical editing, and all the special information concerning it should be painstakingly examined and thoroughly sifted by a competent scholar in each case. This has unfortunately been done for only a few of the many extant collections, and is, of course, a sphere of scholarly usefulness falling wholly without the scope of the present work. 5. Each one of the known ^Esopic Fable collections should be carefully compared as a whole with its cognate collections in order to ascertain as far as this is possible the relations in which it stands to the latter. This is a species of investigation peculiarly difficult in its very nature, but one which has already received considerable attention because of its psychological allurements, and which may therefore be considered as fairly well worked out by the many celebrated scholars who have expended their critical acumen upon this part of the general field. 6. Lastly, each separate fable should be made the subject of a comparative literary study as an individual entity and its gradual development and endless wanderings from writer to writer and country to country be subjected to careful investigation. Hitherto but few such attempts have been made, and even these are rather incomplete it would seem ; as a sine qua non for this sort of study it is proposed to include in this Manual, as being perhaps its most important feature, a General Index of Fables giving under each title as complete a list as possible of the places where it is to be found, together with numerous cross refer- ences to the various cognate forms which exist for almost every fable. Intrinsic Value of the ^sopic Fable. In addition to all this work which is still to be done on the formal side of a complete study of -^sopic Fable Lit- erature there remains a set of deeper questions regarding xii Introduction. the intrinsic value of the Fable both from a moral and from an artistic standpoint, and innumerable minor ques- tions which are more or less closely connected with the more general subjects of inquiry just mentioned also pre- sent themselves. But little appears to have been done as yet in this interesting field for study and mature reflection, and much of what has therein been accomplished may no doubt be justly placed to the credit of that enthusiastic fable investigator of the last century, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. This writer's philosophical analysis of the true inward- ness of the ^sopic Fable may well stand perusal and re- perusal, as it clearly shows the essential points which con- stitute the various species when at their best, while inci- dentally proving that the vast majority of fabulists have had only the most rudimentary conception of the scope and true purpose of their chosen field of literary endeavor. It clearly appears from this treatment of the subject that our most popular fables embody just these principles, while the great mass of practically unknown fables have remained so because of their failure to include in themselves one or more of the characteristics essential to a lasting success. Mode of Construction and Limitations of the First Fascicule. In the compilation of the General Bibliography the aim has been to present a list of the chief contributions to a study of Fable Literature both for the subject as a whole and for the single branch of it treated more in detail in the present Manual. The citations of book titles have been made very full in order that such information might be given in even a limited space as would serve to indicate their general scope to those who may never have had the opportunity of seeing the books themselves. The skeleton citation of book titles so much in vogue seems to the writer a matter to be espe- Introduction. xiii cially deplored in this age of scientific exactness, as such scanty notices are usually tantalizing rather than satisfying, and more often do they perhaps lead the novice astray than they actually convey desired information to the veteran. With the complete list of books on Fable Literature here cited before him any student may approach the subject for serious study without great misgivings as to a lack of the necessary material for general investigations, though of course hundreds of other books more or less germane to the subject and more or less important in themselves could easily have been cited. Text editions as such have been rigidly excluded from this list for obvious reasons, and also because they belong rather to other more special por- tions of the present Manual. It is believed that the various lists given in connection w^ith the general subject of Fable Incunabula will prove to be of considerable assistance for a further study of this subject, as properly speaking no such lists appear to have been hitherto attempted, for although both Brunet and Hervieux* have made valuable and extensive contributions to this field, their work was conceived in quite a different spirit from that here attempted, which, it may be remarked, is necessarily based to a considerable extent upon the results already attained by them. The BritisJi Museum Catalogue of Printed Books comes nearer perhaps to the plan of the lists here given than any other such publication, but its sphere of action is of course limited to the specimens contained in a single great library, * M. Hervieux' recently published volume on Odo of Sherington did not appear in time to be included in the list of his publications given on pages i and 2 of this Manual; as no incunabula are, however, referred to in this new volume, the present fascicule has not thereby been deprived of any additional information. The complete title of the book is as follows : Les Fabulistes Latins depuis le Silcle d^ Augusie Jusqu'' a la Fin du Moye7i Age. Tome IV : Elides de Cheriton et ses Derives. Paris : librairie de Firmin-Didot et Cie., 56 Rue Jacob, 1896. Svo, viii and 482 pp. xiv Introduction. and it is at the same time naturally constructed with some- what different ends in view. The inclusion of the Dialogiis Creaturarum commonly attributed to Nicolaus Pergamenus and of two of the Spe- cula of Vincentius Bellovacensis in these lists may perhaps be considered by some critics as unnecessary and uncalled for, but in any case it would appear that no particular excuse for their presence is here demanded unless it be the possible plea of supererogatory merit. In consulting the various bibliographies and books of reference while compiling the lists here given, it has been a matter of much surprise to the author to find that in the vast majority of cases the descriptions given were rather scanty, sometimes even meagre to the last degree ; and he has hence in certain cases attempted to supply the infor- mation which was lacking, either by way of implication or by way of conjecture. Had this plan not been followed, the descriptions given would have been in many cases mere skeletons of perhaps a single item, and hence of but little use to any one ; the author, however, does not pretend to be in any sense of the word wiser than his sources, and therefore earnestly recommends all readers to look up for themselves the references given, and thus to use the present Manual merely as a guide and not in any way as a possible authority on the subject. Some slips have undoubtedly been made, especially in the attempt to assign an approximate date to all undated editions, and it is to be hoped that these blemishes will be to a considerable extent corrected by persons able to judge intelligently of such matters. Peculiarities of orthography occurring in the originals have been kept where known, but the great majority of them have probably been omitted by the various biblio- graphers whose works have been drawn upon. Besides the numerous cases in which the descriptions furnished by the bibliographers afford conflicting evidence, Introduction. xv the chief matter of regret must remain the fact that it has been their almost universal custom to omit a statement as to whether their material was derived at first hand or not ; to obviate this difficulty as much as possible, the statement that an actual inspection of the work in question has been made by the bibliographer cited, is given in a foot-note wherever there appeared to be sufficient justification for so doing. It has given the author especial pleasure to have been able to point out the existence of several extant copies of Fable Incunabula now preserved in American libraries, as none of them appear to have been known to previous bibliographers. The treasures of this sort still hidden away in the public and private libraries of Europe, and perhaps even of America and other continents, are probably quite considerable as they are of a sort extremely difficult of control through the usual manuals. Finally, it is hoped that the generous use made of bold- faced type together with the numerous Reference Lists appended, will make the present Maftual one of easy and rapid reference — an essential characteristic of such a work only too often overlooked by compilers. NoN Vidimus. The general practice in this Manual has been to give only references which have been obtained at first hand. In some cases, however, it has seemed advisable to include a certain number of references obtained merely at second hand, as at the moment a personal inspection of the works cited was impossible, and as by following any other rule there would have arisen inconvenient gaps in some of the lists given. In order to make the best possible amends for this unavoidable blemish it is my purpose to state here quite distinctly which books I have not seen with my own eyes, with the direct implication that all the other books men- tioned have been so inspected : xvi Introduction. Page 6, Nos. i, 2,4, 5, 6; Page 7, Nos. 8, 9, 10, 13 ; and No. 2 in the next list; Page 8, No. 6 ; Pages 9 to 28, Nos. i to 63 and 65 to 178 ; Pages 28 to 53, all the references in the body of the text, except No. 64a. Description of Facsimiles. It will have been noticed that in the earlier days of the printing-press very large-sized editions were prevailingly issued, a statement which is corroborated by the fact that all of the editions herein cited up to A. D. 1500 are either folios or quartos. Including the present fascicule there are specimen pages of at least two such large-sized editions accessible to the general reader in facsimile, and it has been deemed of interest to likewise insert by way of contrast facsimiles from two small-sized editions oi JEsof s Fables from the seventeenth century. The latter are given merely as representatives of a style of printing differing widely at once from" the earliest and from the latest usage for such works. I, In his valuable treatise on Early Illustrated Books* Mr. Alfred W. Pollard has given a reduced facsimile of a page from one of Antonius Sorg's reprints of the original Ulm edition of Stainhowel's Esopus.\ The page chosen contains an illustration representing the situation in the fable entitled : De Ra?iis et loue, which is considered by Mr. Pollard to be one of the best illustrations in the whole work. The portion of the Latin text occurring on the same page is quite legible in the facsimile in spite of its reduced size. * Early Illustrated Books ; a History of the Decoration and Illustra- tion of Books in the 15th and i6th Centuries; by Alfred W. Pollard. London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trlibner (and) Co., Ltd., 1893. 8vo, xvi and 256 pp., with numerous illustrations. See page 52. tCf. page 13 of this Manual, Nos. 38 and 39; the facsimile was probably taken from the copy No. 39^^ referred to on page 36. Introduction . x v i i 2. The largest of the three facsimiles herewith given has been taken from a copy which was one of the more valuable books of the large collection bequeathed to the Johns Hop- kins University by the late John W. McCoy. The volume is handsomely bound in parchment, but has been errone- ously lettered as follows : ^sopi [ Fabulae | Editio ] Prin- ceps I Germanicse | 1483. Far from being the original German edition of yEsofs Fables, our book is merely a reprint of the German text alone of Stainhowel's Latin and German edition of Ulm about the year 1475." It can, however, probably claim the distinc- tion of being the oldest edition of the German version issued separately whose date is fixed by the printer's colophon. M. Hervieux has had the good fortune of being able to inspect two other copies of this edition (the only copies hitherto known to exist, it would seem), and according to his description the book is a folio of 169 leaves, of which the Life of ALsop and the text of the fables occupy the first 154 leaves, while the remainder contain a work entitled Historia Sigisiminde. The McCoy copy is unfortunately not entirely complete, though the lost portions are of no great extent. The first 34 leaves contain the Life of yEsop already mentioned and preceded by a full-page portrait headed Esopus on the verso of the first leaf. The leaves in this portion of the book are entirely devoid of any numbering. The text is headed as follows : Vita Esopi fabulatoris clarissimi e greco | latina per Rimicin(m) facta ad reuerendissimu(m) | patrem dominum Anthonium Tituli sancti | Chrisogoni prespiterum Car- dinalem. The entire text, however, is in German, as we find explained further down the page by the words : . . . ausz latein von doctore heinrico steinho | wel schlecht vn(d) verstentlich geteiitscht. * Cf. page 16 of this Manual, and the references there given. XV ill Introduction. Up to this point there appear to be no leaves missing, although the text of the first six has suffered a partial loss at the lower corners, apparently owing to excessive thumb- ing previous to the time of the present binding. There then follow 120 numbered leaves containing the text of the fables, but of this series the fifth and sixth leaves are missing. Finally there comes a series of only eight additional unnumbered leaves containing a species of Index Rerum, a portion of the Historia Sigismunde and the printer's colophon. According to M. Hervieux' description there must therefore be seven more leaves missing from the McCoy copy in this portion. Indeed the verso of the next to last leaf breaks off abruptly thus ; sy inwendigen allein dye thiir auf vnnd nam alldo — At the top of the recto of the last leaf there occurs a colophon worded thus: Esopus der hochberiimbt fabeltichter — mit etlichen zuogelegten fabeln Rimicy vund Auiani — vnd d' histori sigismunde der toh- ter des fiirsten Tancredi vnd des iiinglin ges Gwisgardi enndet sich hie — Gedruckt vnd vollendet in der hochwirdigen vnnd keiserlichen stat Augspurg — von Antho- nio Sorg am montag nach Agathe Da man zalt nach Cristi geburt — M — CCCC vnd in dem— LXXXIII— lar— The remainder of the leaf is blank, and on its verso there is written in pale black ink the name Johannes Schaff- haiisser, probably one of the early owners of this copy. The present size of the leaves is about seven inches by ten, the type used is the Gothic, and the whole work is adorned by numerous rudely executed wood-cuts. The normal number of lines on full pages appears to be 36, although some have only 35 ; it is also to be noted that Introduction. xix the following leaves are wrongly numbered : leaf xii is given as xiii; leaf liiii has no number; leaf Ivi is given as li ; leaf xci is given as ci ; and leaf cxv is given as cv. A note in pale black ink on the upper margin of leaf xvi gives evidence of trimming by the binder, who appears to have greatly reduced what was originally a wide margin. The verso of this same leaf has had an extra illustration pasted over the one originally printed in the text, and as the superimposed wood-cut suits the accompanying text yet appears to be wholly different from the one beneath,* though in the same style as the remaining illustrations, we may suppose that the printer erroneously inserted an irrelevant wood-cut in his text at this point, and discover- ing this fact after the leaf was printed struck off special copies of the proper illustration and thus corrected his original error as well as he could. It would be of interest to note whether the same thing was done in the case of the other two copies mentioned above. Many of the illustrations have been touched up with either black or red ink, and various marginal notes and other marks are to be found which are evidently due to some one or more of the early possessors of this copy. A point worthy of note, and one which would probably suffice to easily identify all the extant copies of this edition, is that in certain cases a blank space has been left in the body of the text which should have been filled out by some word not inserted by the printer. Thus among the unnum- bered leaves at the beginning of the book there is a blank space in the last line on the verso of the twenty-first leaf, and on the recto of the third numbered leaf there are three such spaces, the first of which has been filled in with a pen, the second crossed out, and the third left blank. It is this last-mentioned page which has been chosen for pre- * This illustration is no doubt the same as the one correctly inserted in the text on the recto of leaf li. XX Introdtiction. senting in facsimile, as the occurrence of such a series of blank spaces is perhaps the most curious feature in the whole book. The original is about one-fourth larger in its dimensions than would appear from the facsimile, in which the wide margin has also been much reduced. As the paper in the original is rather thin, and as at the same time the ink used is extremely black, there are noticeable in the facsimile faint traces of the wood-cut on the verso as well as of the accompanying text itself. The wood-cuts used in this edition are probably identical with those occurring in that from which Mr. Pollard's fac- simile was taken, as the one there reproduced also occurs in the McCoy copy here described. 3. The first of the two smaller facsimiles given repre- sents very accurately the appearance of the original, excepting that the whole background is of the mellow tint which even the whitest of paper assumes with age. The two pages chosen represent the end of the diffuse Life of y-Esop, which occupies almost all of the preceding portion of the book, and the beginning of the fables themselves. The original is bound in parchment and formerly contained two medallions on the outside of the cover, as well as fastenings of some sort or other. The fly-leaf is occupied by the following inscription: Ingeniosissimo puero | Cornelio Luackio | Curatores et rector | scholae Brielanae* | Hoc industriae | Praemium | L. M. D. D. I Leonardus lohannis F. | Theophilus Rycke- waert | Corn. Bunzolzdt | Franciscus Villeius | rector. * Uriel is a fortified seaport town on the north side of the island of Voorne, S. Holland, and lying about fourteen miles west of Rotterdam. From 1585 to i6t6 it was held by England as security for certain advances made to the states of Holland, and it was probably some time during this period in its history that the award of the present school- prize occurred. Introduction. xxi The title-page reads as follows: ^SOPI PHRYGIS FABVLiE, ELEGANTIS- SIMIS ICONIBVS illustratae. CVM LATINA VERSIONE, Graeco textui adiuncta.* Adiectae sunt diuersorum fabulce, nee non opuscula qus in sequenti pagina videre est. LVGDVNI, Sumptibus loannis lullieron. M. DCIX. On the reverse side of the title-page there is given a brief table of contents, and then on page 3 there begins the body of the text with : Ex Aphtho- | nij sophistae praeexerci- ] tamentis. On the following page we find: Ex Philo- | strati imaginibus | fabula, with an illustration which is curiously enough repeated on page lO. On page 7 begins: -^sopi Fa- | bulatoris vita, a Ma- | ximo Planude con- | scripta. This portion of the book contains some thirty-four woodcuts. Thereafter come, as shown in the facsimile, the fables themselves, occupying pages 139-305 and numbered consecutively up to 150. This portion of the book contains fifty-two woodcuts. Up to this point the Greek text and its Latin translation have been arranged throughout in parallel columns on the same page ; but from page 306 to page 363 the two texts are arranged on opposite pages, as is also the case from *The next following portion has been partially erased in the copy at hand. xxii Introduction. page 366 to page 399, whilst for the rest of the book no parallel texts occur. Pages 306-333 are occupied by: Gabriae Graeci ] Tetra- sticha, numbering forty-three fables. Pages 334-363 by : Homeri Ranarum | (et) Murium pugna, after which comes a two-page index of the proper names therein occurring. Four pages are next devoted to a species of preface headed: Aristobulus Apo- | stolicus sacer diaconus iis qui I hoc usuri sunt libro, | S. D. Pages 370-399 are occupied by a piece entitled : Felium Muriumque | pugna, incerto auctore, followed on page 400 by an index of proper names. Then come forty-two Latin fables headed: ^Esopi Fa- bulae XLII | ab Avieno elego j carmine conscriptae; they are preceded by two short prefaces, and the whole occupies pages 401-427, On page 428 is given a list entitled: Capita iEsopi | Vitae, and this is followed on pages 429-432 by an Index Fabularum, which closes the book. Another case of a double use being made of the same illustration occurs on pages 169 and 289 for the fables entitled Mulier et Gallina and Gallina miripara respectively. A number of typographical errors have been noticed, and it is a matter of some surprise to find that the two prefaces on pages 401 and 402, as well as fables 30 to 42 of the Avianus collection, have been put in the same small type in which the indices are given. 4. The last facsimile given is taken from another edition of fables of a later date and of a different scope, but of much the same size and typographical workmanship as that just described, the chief exception being the complete omission of illustrations. The two pages chosen represent the beginning of the fables of Aphthonius, although occur- ring well on towards the end of the book. The original has been inadequately protected from the rough usage which it has received by an indifferent leather binding apparently contemporaneous with the printing. Introduction. xxiii On the margin of the title-page there is to be found in writing the legend : Ex libris Dr. Eligii De Longo jumello, a phrase which is repeated on the margin of page 21, thus possibly indicating the birth-year of the original possessor of this copy. The title-page reads as follows : A ^0 N I OT 20OI2T0T nPOTTMNASMATA. APHTHONII SOPHISTiE PROGYMNASMATA. Francisco Scobario Inter pre- te : cum Notts & Commentariis Hadamarij. Eiusdem Aphthonii Fabvl^ nunc primiim in lucem prolatae. Editio noua a P. S. I. micia &^ recognita, 6^ ad vsum studiosa mtientiitis accommodata. P A R IS I I S, Apud SiMONEM Benard, via lacobsea, sub Imagine Divae Mariae de Fide, e Regione Collegij Societatis Iesv. M. DC. LXVI. The reverse of the title-page together with the ten follow- ing pages contain a detailed table of contents of very clumsy typographical workmanship, a few almost wholly illegible signatures being given at the bottom of the pages. There then follow the Progymnasmata of Aphthonius with a parallel-page Latin translation by Franciscus Sco- barius, the whole occupying pages 1-121. Then at length come the fables, as shown in the facsimile, extending to page 161 and being forty in number. xxiv Introduction. The majority of the pages up to this point have their margins partially filled by short printed critical and ex- planatory notes, and the remaining seventeen pages of the book arranged in signatures are devoted to a similar set of longer notes entitled: In Aphthonii | Progymnasmata ] Scholia. I Ab vno e Societ. lesu Reuer. Patr. | huic Edi- tioni nunc primiim addita; and: In Aphthonii | Progym- nasmata, I Notae ex Comment. Hadamarii. 1 In Chria. III. Progymnasmate respectively ; the latter with certain mar- ginal notes in print. Typographical errors are numerous in this edition as well, and the printing is on the whole not as satisfactory as that of the earlier edition just described. V HISTORY OF ^SOPIC FABLE LITERATURE. i I. Anonymous, Essai stir la Fable et sur les Fabiilistes avant La Fontaine. In : CEuvres Completes de La Fontaine, avec les notes de tous les commentate urs et des notices historiques en tete de chaque ou- vrage. Fables: Tome I, pp. 81-142. Paris, chez P. Dupont, libraire-editeur, 1826. 8vo, iv and 393 PP- 2. Edelestand Du Meril, Histoire de la Fable Esopiqiie. In his : Poesies Inedites du Moyen Age, precedees d'une histoire de la fable esopique, pp. 1-167. Paris: librairie Franck, 67 Rue Richelieu, 1854. 8vo, 456 pp. ,1, 3. Leopold Hervieux, Les Fabulistes Latins depnis le Siecle d'Auguste jusqiia la Fin du Moyen Age. Tome I : Phedre et ses Anciens Imitatctirs Directs et Indirects. Paris: librairie de Firmin-Didot et Cie., 56 Rue Jacob, 1884. 8vo, viii and 729 pp. Tome II : Phedre etses Anciens Lmitateurs Directs et Indirects. Paris : librairie de Firmin-Didot et Cie., 56 Rue Jacob, 1884. 8vo, 852 pp. Tome III : Aviamis et ses Ancietis lmitateurs. Paris: librairie de Firmin-Didot et Cie,, 56 Rue Jacob, 1894. 8vo, iii and 530 pp. Tome IV*: Phedre et ses Anciens lmitateurs Directs et Indirects. Tome I, deuxieme edition, entierement refondue. Paris : librairie de P'irmin- Didot et Cie., 56 Rue Jacob, 1893. 8vo, xii and 834 pp. Tome V* : Phedre et ses Anciens lmitateurs, Directs et Indirects. Tome II, deuxieme edition, * Thus denominated by me for purposes of compact reference. 2 /^sopic Fable Literature. entierement refondue. Paris: librairie de Firmin- Didot et Cie., 56 Rue Jacob, 1894. 8vo, 808 pp. 4. Joseph Jacobs, History of the Aisopic Fable. In : The Fables of ^Fsop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484 with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio, now again edited and induced by Joseph Jacobs. Vol. I. London : published by David Nutt, in the Strand, 1889. 8vo, xx and 283 pp. 5. F. Max Miiller, On the Migration of Fables. In: Chips From a German Workshop, by F. Max Miiller. Vol. IV, pp. 145-209. London : Long- mans, Green & Co., 1875. 8vo, viii and 581 pp. Also in : Selected Essays on Language, Mythology and Religion, by F. Max Miiller. Vol. I, pp. 500- 576. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1881. 8vo, viii and 623 pp. i 6. A. C. M. Robert, Essai sur les Autcurs dontles Fables out Precede Cclles de La Fontaine. In : Fables Incdites des Xlle, XLLLe et XlVe Siecles, et Fables de La Fontaine, rapprochees de celles de tous les auteurs qui avoient, avant lui, traite les memes sujets, par A. C. M. Robert. Tome I, pp. xiii- ccxlviii. Paris: Etienne Cabin, libraire-editeur, Rue de La Harpe, No. 50 bis, 1825. 8vo, cclxii and 368 pp. 7. A. Wagener, Essai sur les Rapports qid Existent entre les Apologues de V Inde et les Apologues de la Grece. In : Mcmoires Couronncs et Memoires des Savants Etra*^gers, publics par 1' Academic Royale de Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Bel- gique. Tome XXV (1851-1853), pp. 1-126 (at the end). Bruxelles, M. Hayez, imprimeurde I'Acade- mie Royale, 1854. 4to, vi and 670 pp. -|-4i pl- and 3 maps. Related Subjects. 3 HISTORY OF RELATED SUBJECTS. 1. Joseph Bedier, Les Fabliaux ; etudes de litterature populaire et d'histoire litteraire du Moyen Age. {Bibl. Ec. Hautes Etudes, Fasc. 98.) Paris : Emile Bouillon, editeur, 6"] Rue Richelieu, 1893. 8vo, xxvii and 485 pp. Deuxieme edition, revue et corrigee, 1895. 8vo, viii and 499 pp. 2. Domenico Comparetti, Researches Respecting the Book of Sindibdd. London : published for the Folk-Lore Society by Elliot Stock, 1882. Vol. IX, 8vo, viii and 167 pp. 3. Bruno Herlet, Beitrdge zur Geschichte der Asopischen ^Fabel im Mittelalter. Programm. Bamberg, W. Gartner's Buchdruckerei (D. Siebenkees), 1892. 8vo, 113 pp. 4. Otto Keller, Thieve des Classischett Alterthums in Cul- iurgeschichtlicher Besiehnng. Innsbruck, Verlag der Wagner'schen Universitats-Buchhandlung, 1887. 8vo, ix and 448 pp. (Cf. esp. his notes.) 5. Eduard Kolloff, Die Sagenhafte und Symbolische Thiergescldchte des Mittelalters. In : Historisches Taschenbuch, herausgegeben von Friedrich von Raumer. Vierter Folge, achter Jahrgang, pp. 177- 269. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1867. i2mo, vi and 430 pp. 6. lK2iX^^l'&'L'^iQ.^'^i\^.,DieQ^lellendesDekameron. Zweite sehr vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Stutt- gart: J. Scheible's Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1884. 8vo, xviii and 345 pp. IS 7. Charles Louandre, L Epopee des Animaux. In : Revue des Deux Mondes, XXIIIe annee, seconde serie de la nouvelle periode. Tome IV, pp. 929- 953 and 1126-1152. Paris: Bureau de la Revue des Deux Mondes, 20 Rue Saint-Benoit, 1853. 8vo, 1272 pp. Ditto, XXIVe annee: Tome V, pp. 308-340. Paris, 1854. 8vo, 1280 pp. I. • |. special Fields of Fable Literature. 8. C. Prantl, Einige Restedes Thier-Epos bei den Sammely scliriftstellern und Naturhistorikern des S pater en AltertJmms. In: PhilologJis ; Zeitschrift fiir das klassische Alterthum, herausgegeben von F. W. Schneidewin, Vol. VII, pp. 61-76. Gottingen, Verlag der Dieterichschen Buchhandlung, 1852. 8vo, iv and 768 pp. 9. H. L. D. "Ward, Catalogue of Romances in the Depart- ment of Manuscripts in the British Museuin. Vol. II. Printed by order of the Trustees: sold at the British Museum, 1893. 8vo, xii and 748 pp. Pp. 1 1 1-27 1 : Easterfi Legends and Tales. Pp. 368-396 : Reynard the Fox. HISTORY OF SPECIAL FIELDS OF FABLE LITERATURE. 1. Joseph Bedier, Les Contes d'Animaux dans V An- tiquitc Greco-Latine. In his : Les Fabliaux, 1st ed., pp. 64-77 ; 2d ed., pp. 93-106. (See p. 3.) 2. Richard Bentley, De Aesopo ct Aliis Fabularum Scriptoribus. I n : loawiis Alberti Fabricii Biblio- theca Graeca. Editio Quarta, curante Gottlieb Christophoro Harles. Vol. I, pp. 618-661. Ham- burgi, apud Carolum Ernestum Bohn, 1790. 4to, xxviii and 888 pp. > 3. B. le B. de Fontenelle, De VOrigine des Fables. In: CEuvres de Fontenelle, precedees d'une notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages. (Tome IV :) Melanges, pp. 294-310. Paris: Salmon, libraire-editeur, 19 Quai des Augustins, 1825. 8vo, 538 pp. 4. W. K. Grimm, Thierfabeln bei den Meistersdngern. In : Philologische und Ilistorische Abhandlungen der Kojiiglichen Akademie der Wissettschaften 2u Berlin. Aus dem Jahre 1855, pp. 1-27. Berlin, gedruckt special Fields of Fable Literature, 5 in der Druckerei der Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1856. 4to, iii and 635 pp. + 24 plates. 5. Bruno Her let, Studien ubcr die Sogenanntcn Yzopcts {Lyoncr Yzopet, Yzopet I nnd Yzopet II). Wiirz- burg Diss. Erlangen, Druck derUniversitats-Buch- druckerei von Junge & Sohn, 1889. 8vo, 94 pp. (Separatabdruck aus den Romanischen Forsch- tmgen, herausgegeben von Karl VoUmoUer, Vol. IV, pp. 2 19-309. Erlangen, Verlag von Fr. Junge, 1891. 8vo,iv and 550 pp.) 6. G. E. Lessing, Ubcr die Sogenannten Fabcln aus den Zeiten der Minnesinger. In : Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's Sdvimtliclie Schriften, herausgegeben von Karl Lachmann. Auf's neue durchgesehen und vermehrt von Wendelin von Maltzahn, Vol. IX, pp. 7-38 ; and Vol. X, pp. 329-358- Leipzig, G. J. Goschen'sche Verlagshandlung, 1 853-1857, 12 vols., 8vo. 7. G. E. Lessing, Romulus und RimiciuSy ed. Maltzahn, Vol. IX, pp. 39-64. 8. G. E. Lessing, Zur Geschichte der ^sopischen Fabel, ed. Maltzahn, Vol. XI, i, pp. 237-251; cf. also Vol. I, pp. 129-198; Vol. V, pp. 395-460; and Vol. XI, I, pp. 1 17-132. iQ. Gaston Paris, Manuel d'Ancien Frangais : La Lit- terature Frangaise au Moycn Age {Xle-XIVe Siecle). Paris : librairie Hachette et Cie., 79 Boule- vard Saint-Germain, 1888. 8vo, vii and 292 pp. Pp. 1 17-123 (§§79-84) : Fable Esopique et Roman de Renard. Ditto: Deuxieme edition, revue, corrigee, aug- mentee et accompagnee d'un Tableau Chronolo- gique, 1890. 8vo, xii and 316 pp. Reference unchanged. 10. K. L. Roth, Die Mittelalterlichen Sammlungen Latein- ischer Thierfabeln. In : Philologus ; Zeitschrift fiir 6 Defifiitions of Fable. das klassische Alterthum, herausgegeben von F. W. Schneidewin. Vol. I, pp. 523-546. Stolberg, O. Kleinecke's Buchhandlung, 1846. 8vo, vi and 769 pp. 11. K. L. Roth, Die y^sopische Fabel in Asieii. In: Philologus, do. Vol. VIII, pp. 130-141. Gottin- gen, Verlag der Dieterichschen Buchhandlung, 1853. 8vo, iv and 764 pp. 12. Karl Simrock, Aesops Leben Jind Fabeln, nebst den iJim Ziigeschriebenen Alien Fabeln nnd den Fabeln des Remiciiis und Aviamis. In : Die Dentscheji Volksbucher, gesammelt und in ihrer urspriing- lichen Echtheit wiederhergestellt von Karl Sim- rock. Dreizehnter Band, pp. 155-371. Frank- furt a. M. : Christian Winter, 1867. i6mo, xvi and 524 pp. 13. H. L. D. Ward, Catalogue of Romances in the Depart- vient of Manuscripts in the British Hhisenm. Vol. II. Printed by order of the Trustees : sold at the British Museum, 1893. 8vo, xii and 748 pp. Pp. 272-367 : yFsopic Fables. DEFINITIONS OF FABLE.* 1. Anonymous, Critische Brief e, Zurich, 1746, p. 168. 2. Aphthonius, in Aisopi Phrygis Vita et Fabcllae, ed. Froben. Basel, 15 17, p. 254. 3. Aristotle, Rhetor., 2. 20. 4. Batteux, Principes de Litterature, Vol. 2, Pt. i, p. 5. 5. Breitinger, Die Critische Dichtkiinst, p. 194. 6. De la Motte, Disconrs sur la Fable [ap. Du Meril, p. 6, note 2). 7. Du Meril, Poes. hied., p. 6. ♦Compare especially G. E. Lessing's treatment of this question in Vol. V, 395-460, as quoted above on p. 5, whence most of these refer- ences were obtained. Single Fables. 7 8. Eustathius, in Putsch, Grain. Lat. Auct. Antigid, col. 1329. 9. G. C. Lewis, Philol. Mtisetim, Vol. I (1832), p. 280. 10. Priscian, in Putsch, Gram. Lat. And. Aiitiqui, col. 1329. 11. Suidas, s. V. mythos. 12. Webster, Intematiojial Dictionary, s. v. fable, and apologue. 13. Wolfius, Philosophiae Practicae Universalis Pars Pos- terior, §§302-323. HISTORY OF SINGLE FABLES. 1. Ass' Heart: George C. Keidel, Die Esclherz- {Hirschherz-, Eberherz-) Fabel. In : Zeitschrift fi'ir Vergleich- eride Litteraturgeschichte, herausgegeben von Dr. Max Koch. N. F.,Bd. VII, pp. 264-267. Weimar und Berlin, Verlag von Emil Felber, 1894. 8vo, iv and 492 pp. 2. Caliph and Poor Man : P. Ristelhuber, Une Fable de Flcriafi ; etude de litterature comparee. Paris: Baur, 1882. 8vo, 40 pp. 3. Daw in Peacock's Feathers : Max Fuchs, Die Fabel von der Kralie die sick mit Fremden Federn Schmnckt, betrachtet in ihren ver- schiedenen Gestaltungen in der abendlandischen Litteratur. Berlin, Schade. 8vo, 46 pp. (Berlin diss.) 4. Mouse-Maiden: Anonymous, The History of a Fable ; an episode from the history of literature. In : Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol. XXII, pp. 240-246. New York : Harper & Bros., publishers, Franklin Square, 1861. 8vo, viii and 864 pp. 8 Tables of Fable Literature. 5. Three Wishes: Joseph Bedier, Les Quatre Souhaits Saint- Martin. In his: Les Fabliaux, ist ed., pp. 177-193; 2d ed., pp. 212-228. (See p. 3.) 6. Woman of Ephesus : Eduard Grisebach, Die Wanderung der Novelle von der Treulosen Witttve durch die Weltlitteratur. Zweite mit einem Anhang vermehrte Ausgabe. Berlin: Lehmann, 1889. 4to, 151 pp. TABLES OF FABLE LITERATURE. 1 . Table of Fable Literature : F. Max Miiller, Chips from a German Workshop, Vol. IV, p. 171. (See p. 2.) 2. Table of Fable Literature : J. Jacobs, History of the ^sopic Fable, opp. p. i. (See p. 2.) 3. Table of Mediaeval Latin Fable Literature : K. L. Roth, in PJiilologus, Vol. I, p. 545. (See p. 5.) 4. Table of Syntipas Literature : M. Landau, Die Quellen des Dekameron, opp. p. 340. (See p. 3.) 5. Table of Bidpai Literature : M. Landau, Die Qtiellen des Dekameron, opp. p. 18. 6. Table of Bidpai Literature : J. Jacobs, in : TJie Earliest English Version of the Fables of Bidpai, " The Morall Philosophic of Doni " by Sir Thomas North, whilom of Peterhouse, Cambridge. Now again edited and induced by Joseph Jacobs, late of St. John's College, Cambridge. London: published by David Nutt, in the Strand, 1888. 8vo, Ixxx and 258 pp. Table opp. p. Ixxx. Incunabula. 9 7. Table of Bidpai Literature : J, Bedier, Les Fabliaux, ist ed., opp. p. 54; 2d ed., opp. p. 82. (See p. 3.) 8. Table of Les Souhaits Saint-Martin : J. Bedier, Les Fabliaux, ist ed., opp. p. 186 ; 2d ed., opp. p. 220. INCUNABULA. 1. (1461) Ulrich Boner, Edelstein, Bamberg, Albert Pfister, fo. ed. of 88 leaves. {German: see Brunet, Vol. I, cols. 1096-1097.)* 2. (ab. 1462) Ulrich Boner, Edelstein, Bd^mhtrgi}), M- bert Pfister (?), fo. ed. of yy leaves. {German : see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 1097.) .- 3. (ab. 1470) Laurentius Valla, Facecie Morales, Neth- erlands (?), Ludovicus Pontanus (?), 4to ed. of 24 leaves. {Latin: see Brunet, Stippl., Vol. II, col. 83s ; B. M. ^sop, col. ii.)t *The work cited thus is: Manuel du Libraire et de V Amateur de Livres, par Jacques-Charles Brunet. Cinquidme edition originale entierement refondue et augmentee d'un tiers par I'auteur. Paris : librairie de Firmin-Didot Freres, Fils et Cie., imprimeurs de I'lnstitut, 56 Rue Jacob. Tome I : i860, 8vo, xlvii pp. and 1904 cols. Tome II : 1861, 8vo, iv pp. and 1848 cols. Tome III : 1862, 8vo, iv pp. and 1984 cols. Tome IV : 1863, 8vo, iv pp. and 1478 cols. Tome V : 1864, 8vo, iv pp. and 1800 cols. Tome VI : 1865, 8vo, Ixiv pp. and 1878 cols. Supplement, par MM. P. Deschamps et G. Brunet. Paris : librairie de Firmin-Didot et Cie., imprimeurs de I'lnstitut, 56 Rue Jacob. Tome I : 1878, 8vo, xv pp. and 11 38 cols. Tome II : 1880, 8vo, iv pp. and 1226 cols. t The pamphlet cited thus is : British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books: yEsop. London: printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross, 1883. 4to, 19 pp. lO Incunabula. 4. (ab. 1470) Vincentius Bellovacensis, Speculum Doctrinale, Argentorati,* Johannes Mentellin, fo. ed. of 400 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 392; 4. 446.) 5. (ab. 1470) Vincentius Bellovacensis, Speculum Historiale, Argentorati, Johannes Mentellin, To. mus I, fo. ed. of 155 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 393 ; 4. 447-) 6. (ab. 147 1) Omnibonus Leonicenus, ^sopus,Yene- tiis (?), Christophorus Valdarfer (?), 4to ed. of 42 leaves. {Latin: see Brunei, Vol. I, cols. 89-90; B. M. ^sop, col. 1 1 .) 7. (ab. 1472) Remicius Aretinus, Augustae, fo. ed. {Latin : see Brunet, Suppl., Vol. I, col. 12.) 8. (1473) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Rome, Joannes Philippi, 4to ed. {Latin : see Herv., I. 542; 4. 603 ; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 88.) 9. (ab. 1473) Vincentius Bellovacensis, Speculum Doctrinale, Argentinae, Johannes Mentellin, fo. ed. of 400 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 393; 4. 446; Brunet, Vol. V, col. 1253; Brunet, Suppl., Vol. II, col. 90i.)t 10. (bef. 1474) Vincentius Bellovacensis, Speculum Historiale, Argentinae, lohannes Mentellin, Tomus * Latin names of cities referred to frequently are : 1. Argentoratum or Argentina — for Strasbourg. 2. Augusta — for Augsburg. 3. Brixia — for Brescia. 4. Colonia — for Cologne. 5. Daventria — for Deventer (Holland). 6. Lugduuum — for Lyons. 7. Mediolanum — for Milan. 8. Mons Regalis — for Mondovi (Italy). 9. Mutina — for Modena. 10. Tusculanum Lacus Benaci — for Toscolano (Italy). 11. Venetiae — for Venice. \ Says at Cologne in the convent of Weidenbach. Incunabula. 1 1 I, fo. ed. of i68 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 394- 395; 4. 448 and 454; Brunet, Vol. V, col. 1253; Brunet, SuppL, Vol. II, col. 901.) 11. (1474) Bonus Accursius, Mediolani, Antonius Za- rotus, 4to ed. of 50 leaves. {Latin: see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 90; B. M. ^sop, cols. 4 and 11.) 12. (1474) Vincentius Bellovacensis, Speculum His- toriale, Monast. Sanctae Afrae (Augustae), Antho- nius Sorg (?), Tomus I, fo. ed. of 326 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 395-396; 4. 449; Brunet, Vol. V, col. 1256.)* 13. (1474) Vincentius Bellovacensis, Speculum His- toriale, "Parisns, fo. ed. {Latin: see Herv., i. 396; 4. 450; Brunet, Vol. V, col. 1256.) 14. (ab. 1474) Gualterus Anglicus (?), Esopus Moralisa- tus{}), Coloniae (?), Guldenschaf (?), 4to ed. of 62 leaves. {Latin: see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 89.) 15. (147s) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Rome, Wendellinus de Willa, 4to ed. of 20 leaves. {Latin : see Herv., i. 542 ; 4. 603 ; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 88.) 16. (ab. 1475) Avianus, Ulmae, Johannes Zainer, fo. ed. {Latin and German: see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 585.)! i/TTab. 1475) Hainricus Stainhowel, Vim, Johannes ^.^^^^ / Zeiner, fo. ed. of 288 leaves. {Latin and German : see Herv., i. 312-322 ; 4. 349-360; Brunet, Vol. I, cols. lOi:}: and 585.) 18. (ab. 1475) Gualterus KmglicViS i^), Esopus Moralisa- tus (?), 4to ed. of 63 leaves. {Latin : see Brunet, Vol. I, cols. 88-89.) * Says 336 leaves. t This is probably merely a fragment of the celebrated collection of Stainhowel as first published in the edition described immediately after this one, and not a separate edition as has been supposed by some bibliographers. X Says 275 leaves ; see also the preceding description in this list. 12 Incunabula. 19. (1476) Bonus Accursius, Mediolani, Zarotus, 4to ed. of 55 leaves. {Latin : see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 90; B. M. ^sop, col. 1 1 .) 20. (1476) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Monte Regali, Dominicus de Vivaldis et Filii, fo. ed. {Latin: see Herv., i. 542-543; 4. 603-604; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 89.) 21. (ab. 1476) Bonus Accursius, Romae(?), Bartholo- maeus Guldinbeck (?), 4to ed. of 66 leaves. {Latin : see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 90; B. M. ^sop, col. 11.) 22. (ab. 1476) Gualterus Anglicus(?), Esopus Morali- sattis{'?), Mediolani (?), 4to ed. of 19 leaves. {Latin: see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 89.) 23. (1478) Accio Zuccho, Libellus Zucharinus, 4to ed. {Latin and Italian : see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 97.) 24. (ab. 1478) Laurentius Valla, Facetie Morales, 4to ed. {Latin : see B. M. y^sop, col. 1 1.) 25. (1479) Accio Zuccho, Libellus Zucharinus, Veronae, Gioanni Aluise, 4to ed. of 120 leaves. {Latin and Italian : see Herv., i. 438 and 564-565 ; 4. 482 and 651-653; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 97;* B. M. ^sop, col. 9.) 26. (1479) Bonus Accursius, Mediolani, Philippus La- vagnia, 4to ed. of 50 leaves. {Latin: see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 90; B. M. Jisop, col. II.) 27. (1479) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, in Tusculano Lacu Benaci, Gabrielis Petri, 4to ed. {Latin: see Herv., i. 543; 4. 604; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 88.) 28. (1479) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Argentinae, Martinus Flachen, 4to ed. {Latin: see Herv., i. 543 ; 4. 604.) i. 29. (1479) Jehan de Vignay, Mir air Historial, Lyon, Bar- tholomieu Buyer, 4to ed. {French: see Herv., i. 401 ; 4- 455-) • Says 160 leaves. Incunabula. 13 K 30. (bef. 1480) Julien Macho, Lyon (?), Nicolas Philippi et Marc Reinhardi (?), fo. ed. of 72 leaves. {French: see Herv., i. 365-367; 4. 403-406.)* 31. (1480) Bonus Accursius, Mediolani, Philippus La- uagnia, 4to ed. of 50 leaves. {Lathi : see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 90; B. M. jEsop, col. 12.) 32. (1480) Franciscus Philelphus, Venetiis, M. C, 4to ed. of 24 leaves. {Latin : see Brunet, Vol. IV, col. 603.) 33. (1480) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Lugduni, Johannes Fabri, 4to ed. of 286 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 447-448, 543-544 and 547; 4. 492, 607 and 608-609.)! X 34. (1480) Julien Macho, Lyon, Nicolas Phillipi et Marc Reinhardi, fo. ed. of 146 leaves. {French: see Herv., 4. 406-407.) 35. (1480) Nicolaus Pergamenus, Dyalogus Creatu- rarmn, Goudae, Gerardus Leeu, fo. ed. of 103 leaves. {Latin : see Herv., i. 340 and 375 ; 4. 377 and 418; Brunet, Vol. H, cols. 674 and 676.) 36. (ab. 1480) Accio Zuccho, Libellus Zucharinus, \\.o ed. {Latin and Italian: see Herv., i. 566; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 97.) 37. (ab. 1480) Bonus Accursius, Mediolani (?), 4to ed. of 167 leaves. {Greek and Latin : see Brunet, Vol. ^5:=^ I, col. 83 ; B. M. yFsop, col. 4.) MS. j(ab. 1480) Hainricus Stainhowel, Augustae(?), An- V y tonius Sorg (?), fo. ed. of 129 leaves. {Latin: see ^-^ Herv., I, 323 ; 4. 360-361 ; Brunet, Vol. I, col. go.)X /39.)(ab. 1480) Hainricus Stainhowel, Augustae (?), An- \_y tonius Sorg (?), fo. ed. of 129 leaves. {Latin: see *In his first volume Hervieux attributed it to the year 1482 (which see) and to the printers Mathis Husz and Jehan Schabeller. tin both the direct references in his fourth volume Hervieux gives the date as 1490, which see. tSays 130 leaves. 14 Incunabula. Herv., I. 323-327; 4. 361-365; Brunet,Vol, I,col. ^ go; B. PL yEsop, col. 12.) 40. (ab. 1480) Hainricus Stainhowel, Augustae (?), An- tonius Sorg(?), fo. ed. of 158 leaves. (^German: see Herv., i. 354-355 5 4- 39^-392; Brunet, Vol. I, C\ col. loi.) \ 41. (ab. 1480) Hainricus Stainhowel, Augustae (?),An- tonius Sorg (?), fo. ed. of 190 leaves. {German: see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 100.) \^ 42. (ab. 1480) Hainricus Stainhowel, Augustae (?), An- tonius Sorg (?), fo. ed. of 170 leaves. {German: see Herv., i. 355 ; 4. 392-393; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 100.) r^'^ (ab. 1480) Hainricus Stainhowel, Augustae (?), An- tonius Sorg (?), fo. ed. of 115 leaves. {German: see Herv., i. 355-357; 4- 393-394; Brunet, Vol. /^x I, col. 100.) j 44. (ab. 1480) Heinricus Stainhowel, Augustae (?), y I Guentherus Zainer (?), fo. ed. of 167 leaves. {Ger- \ ) man: see Herv., i. 351-354; 4. 389-391; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 100.) 45. (ab. 1480) Vincentius Bellovacensis, Speculum Doctrinale, Argentorati (?), Johannes Mentellin (?), fo. ed. {Latin: see Herv., i. 395 ; 4. 449.) 46. (ab. 1480) Vincentius Bellovacensis, Spectdum Historiale, Argentorati (?), Johannes Mentellin (?), fo. ed. {Latin: see Herv., i. 395 ; 4. 449.) 47. (1481) Accio Zuccho, LJbellus Zucharinus,'Vene\\\s,, Manfredus de Monteferato, 4to ed. of 72 leaves.* {Latin and Italian: see Herv., i. 566; 4. 655-656 ;t Brunet, Vol. I, col. 97.) 48. (1481) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Brixiae, 4to ed. {Latin: see Herv., i. 545; 4. 604.) * In his first volume Hervieux says that the edition is a folio, tin his fourth volume Hervieux gives the date as 1491 in Venetian reckoning, equivalent to 1492 in our reckoning, both of which see. Incunabula. 1 5 49. (148 1) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Monte Regali, Dominicus de Vivaldis et Filii, fo. ed. of 30 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 545; 4- 604; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 89.) 50. (148 1) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Mutine, Thomas Septemcastrensis et Joannes Fran- ciscus, 4to ed. {Latin: see Herv., i. 440 and 545 ; 4. 485 and 604; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 89.) 51. (148 1) Nicolaus Pergamenus, Dialogus Creatu- rarum, Goudae, Gerardus Leeu, fo. ed. of 103 leaves. {^Latin : see Herv., i. 340; 4- 377-378; Brunet, Vol. II, cols. 674 and 6^6.) 52. (1481) Nicolaus Pergamenus, Dialogus Creatu- rarum, Coloniae, Conradus de Hamborch, fo. ed. of 62 leaves. {Latin: see Brunet, Vol. II, col. 674; Brunet, StippL, Vol. I, col. 388.) 53. (1481) Nicolaus Pergamenus, Dialogus Creatu- raruin, Gouda, Gheraert Leeu, fo. ed. of 125 leaves. {Flemish: see Brunet, Vol. II, col. 676.) y 54. (1482) Colard Mansion, Dyalogue des Creatures, Gouwe, Gerart Lyon, fo. ed. of lOi leaves. {French: see Herv., i. 340; 4. 377; Brunet, Vol. II, cols. 675-676; Brunet, Suppl.,No\. I, col. 388.)* 55. (1482) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, ^■^^^ Venetiis. {Latin and Italian: see Herv., i. 572.)t (^^1482) Hainricus Stainhowel, Goudae, Gerardus \^ ) Leeu, 4to ed. {Latin: see Herv., i. 340; 4. 377; Brunet, Vol. I, cols. 91 and 585.) y 57. (1482) Julien Macho, Lyon (?), Mathis Husz et Jehan Schabeller (?), fo. ed. of 72 leaves. {French: see Herv., i. 365-367; 4- 403-406.):}: * Says 102 leaves. tin his fourth volume Hervieux has omitted all reference to this edition. Jin his fourth volume Hervieux attributes it to a date earlier than 1480 (which see), and to the printers Nicolas Philippi and Marc Rein- hardi. 1 6 Incunabula. 58. (1482) Nicolaus Pergamenus, Dialogus Creatu- rarum^ Goudae, Gerardus Leeu, fo. ed. of 103 leaves. {Latin : see Herv., i. 336-340 ; 4. 376-378 ; Brunet, Vol. 11, cols. 674 and ^"J^^j 59. (1482) Nicolaus Pergamenus, Dialogus Creatu- varum, Gouda, Gheraert Leeu, fo. ed. {Flemish: see Herv., i. 340; 4. 377; Brunet, Vol. II, col. 676.) 60. (ab. 1482) Bonus Accursius, Mediolani, Bonus Ac- cursius, 4to ed. of 38 leaves. {Greek and Latin : see B. M. yEsop, col. 5.) 61. (1483) Accio Zuccho, Libellus Zucharinus, Rome, Eucharius Silber alias Franck (?), 4to ed. of 82 leaves. {Latin and Italian : see Herv., i. 566-567; 4. 653-654; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 97; B. M. yEsop, col. 9.) v'62. (1483) Colard Mansion, Dialogue des Creatures, Lyon, Matthieu Husz et Jean Schabeller, fo. ed. {French : see Brunet, Vol. 11, col. 676.) 63. (1483) Franciscus de Tuppo, Aquile, Eusanius de Stella, Joannes de Hamell et Loisius de Masson, fo. ed. of 123 leaves. {Latin and Italian: see Ox. Herv., I. 572-573-)* 164.^^1483) Hainricus Stainhowel, Augspurg, Antho- nius Sorg, fo. ed. of 196 leaves.f {German: see Herv., I. 357-358; 4. 394-395; Brunet, Vol. I, col. lOI.) 65. (1483) Nicolaus Pergamenus, Dialogus Creatura- rum, Stockolm, Johannes Snell, 4to ed. {Latin: see Brunet, Vol. II, col. 674.) * In his fourth volume Hervieux has omitted all reference to this edition. t A copy of this edition is preserved in the library of the Johns Hop- kins University, and has been described at length in Modern Language Notes, Vol. XI, cols. 46-48 : George C. Keidel, An Early German Edition of ^sop''s Fablei, \ Incunabula. 17 66. (1483) Vincentius Bellovacensis, Specuhwi His- toriale, Nurmberge, Antonius Koburger, fo. ed. {Latin: see Herv., i. 397; 4-451; Brunet, Vol. V, col. 1255.) ey. (1484) Julien Macho, Lyon, Mathis Hucz et Jean Schabeller, fo. ed. {French : see Herv., i. 367-368 ; 4. 407-408 ; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 93.) 68. (1484) Vincentius Bellovacensis, Speculum Doc- trinale, Venetiis. {Latin: see Herv., i. 398; 4. 452; Brunet, Vol. V, col. 1255.) 69. (1484) Vincentius Bellovacensis, Speculum His- toriale, Venetiis. {Latin: see Herv., i. 398; 4. 452 ; Brunet, Vol. V, col. 1255.) 70. (1484) William Caxton, Esope, Westmynstre, Wil- liam Caxton, fo. ed. of 142 leaves. {English: see Herv., I. 373-374; 4- 413-414; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 102; B. M. yEsop, col. 18.) 71. (ab. 1484) Hainricus Stainhowel, Augustae (?), Er- hardt Ratdolt (?), fo. ed. of 114 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 327-333; 4. 366-370; B. M. yEsop, col. 13.) 72. (1485) Francisco del Tuppo, Neapoli, Matteo Mo- ravo (?), fo. ed. of 168 'leaves. {Latin and Italian : see Herv., i. 573 ; 4. 662-663 ; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 98; Brunet, SuppL,No\. I, col. 14; B. M. ^Esop, col. 9.) 1(1485) Hainricus Stainhowel, Augspurg, Johannes Schobsser, fo. ed. {German: see Herv., i. 358; 4. 395-396; Brunet, Vol. I, col. loi.) (1485) Hainricus Stainhowel, Gouda, Gheraert Leeu, 4to ed. {Flemish: see Herv., i. 375-37^; 4.418.) I 75. (1485) Hainricus Stainhowel, Antwerpen, Gher- 1/ aert Leeu, fo. ed. of 112 leaves. {Flemish: see Herv., I. 376; 4. 418-419; Brunet, Vol. I, col. lOi.) I. 1 8 Inamabula. 76. (ab. 1485) Bonus Accursius, Romae(?), Eucharius Silber alias Franck (?), 4to ed. of 44 leaves. {Latin: see B. M. j^sop, col. 12.) 77. (ab. 1485) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopiis Moralisatus, 4to ed. of 20 leaves. {Latin: see Brunet, Vol. I, ^^^^^ col. 88.) V78?\(ab. 1485) Hainricus Stainhowel, Argentorati (?), ^> — J Heinrich Knoblotzer (?), fo. ed. of 114 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., I. 333-336; 4- 373-377; B. M. ^sop, col. 12.) 79. (i486) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Bononiae, Ugo Rugerius, 4to ed. of 18 leaves. {Latitt: see Herv., i. 546; 4. 605 ; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 89.) 80. (i486) Hainricus Stainhowel, Antwerpie, Gerardus Leeu, fo. ed. of 104 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 340-343; 4. 377-380; Brunet, Vol. I, cols. 90 and 585 ; B. M. ^Esop, col. 12.) ^81. (i486) Julien Macho, Lyon, Mathis Husz, 4to ed. {French: see Herv., i. 368-369; 4. 408-409; Bru- net, Vol. I, col. 93.)* 82. (i486) Nicolaus Pergamenus, Dyalogus Creatura- rum, Antwerpiae, Gerardus Leeu, fo. ed. of 74 leaves. {Latin: see Brunet, Vol, II, cols. 674- 675 ; Brunet, SnppL, Vol. I, col. 388.) 83. (i486) Nicolaus Pergamenus, Dialogus Creatura- rum, Gouda, Gheraert Leeu, fo. ed. {Flemish: see Brunet, Vol. II, col. 6y6.) 84. (i486) Vincentius Bellovacensis, Speadnm Doc- trinale, Nurembergk, Anthonius Koberger, fo. ed. {Latin: see Herv., i. 398; 4. 452; Brunet, Vol. V, col. 1255.) 85. (1487) Accio Zuccho, Libellus Zncharinns, Brixie, Boninus de Boninis, 4to ed. of 100 leaves. {Latin * Says folio edition. Incunabula. 19 and Italian: see Herv,, i. 567-568; 4. 654-655; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 97 ; B. M. ALsop, col. 10.) Z6. (1487) Bonus Accursius, Rome, Eucharius Silber alias Franck, 4to ed. of 19 leaves. {Latin : see B. M. ^sop, col. 12.) '^'j. (1487) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Antverpiae, 4to ed. {Latin: see Herv., i. 546; 4. 605.) '88. (1487) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, f 4to ed. {Latin: see Herv., i. 546; 4. 605.) ^A ^.\(i487) Hainricus Stainli6wel,Augspurg, Johannes ^ — -' Schobsser, fo. ed. {German: see Herv., i. 358; 4. 396; Brunet, Vol. I, col. loi.) '\)'focM(ab. 1487) Hainricus Stainhowel, Prague, 4to ed. V^ {Bohemian : see Brunet, Vol. I, col. loi.) 91. (1488) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Antverpiae (?), Gerardus Leeu, 4to ed. of 34 leaves. {Lati7i: see Herv., i. 546-547; 4. 605; Brunet, Vol. I, col, 91 ; B. M. yEsop, col. 13.) 92. (1488) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Lugd., Joan, de Prato, 4to ed. {Latin: see Herv., I. 547; 4. 478 and 607.)* 93. (1488) Nicolaus Pergamenus, Dialogtis Creatu- rarum, Delf, fo. ed. {Flemish : see Brunet, Vol. II, col. 676.) '^4D[ab. 1488) Hainricus Stainhowel, Parisiis, Petrus \^/ Leuet, 4to ed. {Latin : see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 90.) 95. (1489) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralizatus, 4to ed. of 42 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 547; 4. 608 ; B. M. ^sop, col. 13.) 96. (1489) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, 4to ed. of 33 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 547; 4. 608; B. M. yEsop, col. I3.)t *In his first volume Hervieux gives the printer's name as Joan, de Fabro ; in his fourth volume, p. 478, by a typographical error the date is given as 1884. t Hervieux gives the number of leaves as 32. 20 Incunabula. 97. (1489) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralizatus, Brixie, Boninus de Boninis, 4to ed. {Lati7i: see Herv., I. 547; 4-6o8.) ^ ^B^ (1489) Hainricus Stainhowel, Ysopete Ystoriado, Zaragoga, Johan Hurus Alaman de Costancia, fo. ed. of 120 leaves. {Spa?iish: see Herv., i. 379; ..-v^ 4. 421-424; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 99.)* ,99. (1489) Hainricus Stainhowel, Tolosa, fo. ed. Vy {^Spanish: see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 99.)t 100. (1490) Accio Ti\\.Q.Q\iOy Libellus Zuchariiius,'S[&nt\\2., Manfredo da Montefera, 4to ed. of 71 leaves. {Latin a?id Italian : see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 97.) 10 1. (1490) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Lugduni, Johannes Fabri, 4to ed. of 286 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 447-448 and 543-544; 4. 492 and 608-609.):}: 102. (1490) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralizatus, Dauantrie (?), Jacobus de Breda (?), 4to ed. of 38 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 547-548; 4, 609; B. M. JEsop, col. 13.) 103. (1490) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisattis, Dauantrie, Jacobus de Breda, 4to ed. of 31 leaves. {Latin : see Herv., i. 548 and 555 ; 4. 609 and 618.) 104. (1490) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Coloniae, Quentel, 4to ed. {Latin: see Herv., 4. 609.) 105. (ab. 1490) Accio Zuccho, Libellus Zucharinus, Mediolani (?), Fratres Guillermi le Signerre (?), 4to ed. {Latin and Italian: see Herv., i. 568-569.)§ * Cf. A. Morel-Fatio, V Isopo Castillan, in Romania, Vol. XXIII, pp. 561-575 (especially p. 563, Note i). tCf. A. Morel-Fatio, /. c, p. 564. t In both of the references in his first volume Hervieux gives the date as 1480, which see. §In his fourth volume Hervieux has omitted all reference to this edition. Incunabula. 2 1 106. (ab. 1490) Gabrielis Bracii (?), 4to ed. {Greek and Latin : see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 84.) 107. (ab. 1490) Gualterus Anglicus, £'^^/w^^QXVi%KT\.^\Q^^.'S,y Esopus Moralisatus, Parisiis (?), 4to ed. of 42 leaves. {Latin : see Herv., I. 448; 4. 492; B. M. ^sop, col. 13.)! 124. (1492) Accio 7kViCch.0y Libellus Zucharinus,Y tneWia, Manfredus de Monteferato, 4to ed. of 72 leaves. {Latin and Italian : see Herv,, i. 566; 4. 655-656; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 97.):}: 125. (1492) Franciscus de Tuppo, Venetiis, Manfredus de Monteferato, 4to ed. {Latiti a7id Italian: see Herv., I. 573 ; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 96.)§ •In his first volume Hervieux says that the edition is a folio. The date here given is found in the printer's colophon and is according to Venetian reckoning; in our own this is equivalent to 1492, which see (as also 1481). t Hervieux assigns no date to this edition; the last-mentioned work assigns it to 1490, but from the other statements there made I should be inclined to assign it rather to the following year at the very earliest. JThis edition was published in 1491 according to Venetian reckoning; in his first volume Hervieux says that the edition is a folio and gives the date as 1481, which see (as also 1491). § In his fourth volume Hervieux has omitted all reference to this edition. Incunabula. 23 126. (1492) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Anthonius Lambillon, 4to ed. {Latin: see Herv., I. 448 and 548-549; 4. 610.)* 127. (1492) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, 4to ed. of 36 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 548; 4. 610-61 1.) 128. (1492) Laurentius Valla, Facecie Morales, Dauen- triae (?), Jacobus de Breda (?), 4to ed. of 36 leaves. {Latin : see B. M. yEsop, col. 14.) 129. (1492) Omnibonus Leonicenus, Brixiae (?), Bap- tista de Farfengo, 4to ed. of 22 leaves. {Latin: see Brunet, Vol. I, cols. 89-90; B. M. yEsop, col. 14.) 130. (ab. 1492) Laurentius Valla, F.«^m^ -^ 148. (ab. 1495) Julien Macho, fo. ed. of 88 leaves. {French: see Herv., i. 369-370; 4. 406; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 93 ; B. M. ^sop, col. 25.)* 149. (ab. 1495) Laurentius Valla, Facecie Morales, Dauentriae, Jacobus de Breda, 4to ed. of 6 leaves. {Latin: seeB. M. yEsop, col. 14.) 150. (1496) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Dauentrie, Jacobus de Breda, 4to ed. of 38 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 551; 4. 613-614; B. M. ^sop, col. 14.) 151. (1496) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Mediolani, Philippus de Mantegatiis, 4to ed. of 18 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 551-552; 4. 614.) 152. (1496) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Lugduni, Petrus Marescalli et Barnabas Chaus- sardi, 4to ed. {Latin: see Herv., i. 448 and 552; 4. 6i4.)t 153. (1496) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Dauentrie, Richardus Paffroed, 4to ed. {Latin: see Herv., i. 552; 4. 615.) 154. (1496) Gualterus Anglicus, Favole di Esopo Vol- *In his first volume Hervieux gives the number of leaves as 72, as does Brunet; in his fourth volume Hervieux identifies this as the cditio princeps printed before 1480. tin his fourth volume Hervieux has omitted the first reference to this edition. 26 Incunabula. garizzate, Firenze, Francesco Bonaccorsi. {Italian: see Herv., 4. 645.)'" GTs^ (1496) Hainricus Stainh'wel, Augspurg, Hann- -J sen Schonsperger (?), fo. ed. {German: see Herv., f'^N^ I. 359 ; 4. 397 ; Brunet, Vol. I, col. loi.) 156.^(1496) Hainricus Stainhowel, Ysopo Historiado, Burgos, Fadrique Aleman, fo. ed. of 102 leaves. {Spanish: see Herv., i, 379; 4.424; Brunet, Vol. I, cols. 99-ioo.)t 157. (1497) Accio TtViCcho, Libelltis Ziicharinus,YenQt\a., Manfredo da Montefera, 4to ed. of 72 leaves. , {latin and Italian : see Herv., i, 569 ; 4. 657-658 ; Brunet, Vol. I, cols. 97-98 •,X Brunet, StippL, Vol. I, col. 14; B. M. Aisop, col. 10.) 158. (1497) Accio Zuccho, Libellus Zucharinus, Medio- lani, Uldericus Scinzenzeler, 4to. ed. of 40 leaves. {Latin and Italian : see Herv., i. 569; 4. 658.) 159. (1497) Bonus Accursius, Regii, Dionysius Ber- tochus, 4to ed. of 38 leaves. {Greek and Latin: see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 84; B. M. yEsop, col. 5.) 160. (1497) Gualterus Anglicus, Esoptis Moralisatns, Coloniae (?), Henricus Quentell (?), 4to ed. of 40 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 552-553; 4. 615; B. M. JEsop, col. I4.)§ 161. (1497) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopns Moralisatns, Brixia^ (?), Bernardinus de Misuitis, 4to ed. of 36 leaves. {Latin aiid Italiati : see Herv., i. 553; 4. 615-616; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 91; B. M. yEsop, col. 14.) 162. (1497) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopns Moralisatns, 4to ed. {Latin: see Herv., i. 553; 4. 616.) * This edition includes the translations of both Accio Zuccho and the Anonimo Senese. t Cf. A. Morel-Fatio, U Isopo Castillan, in Romania, Vol. XXIII, pp. 561-575- X Says 71 leaves. § Hervieux says 39 leaves. Incunabula. 27 163. (ab. 1497) Sebastianus Brandt, Moguntiaci (?), P. Schoeffer (?), fo. ed. of 75 leaves. {Latin: see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 91.) 164. (1498) Accio Zuccho, Libellus ZtuJiarinus, Medio- lani, Guillermus le Signerre, 4to ed. of 70 leaves. {Latin and Italian : see Herv., i. 569; 4. 658-659; B. M. u^sop, col. 10.) 165. (1498) Gabrielis Bracii, Venetiis, 4to ed. of 48 leaves. {Greek: see Brunet, Vol. I, col. 84; B. M. u^sop, col. I.) 166. (1498) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatns, Dauentriae, Jacobus de Breda. {Latin : see Herv., I. 553; 4.616.) 167. (1498) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Lugduni, Nicolaus Lupi (?), 4to ed. of 186 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 553; 4. 616-617.) 168. (1498) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Lugduni (?), Nicolaus Lupi (?), 4to ed. {Latin : see Herv., i. 554; 4. 617.) 169. (1498) Hainricus Stainhowel, Augspurg, Hanns- sen Schonsperger, fo. ed. of 105 leaves. {German: see Herv., i. 359-360; 4.397; Brunet, Vol. I, col. lOI.) ^1498) Hainricus Stainhowel, Delf, Henrick Eck- ert van Homberch, fo. ed. of 100 leaves. {Flemish : see Herv., i. 376-378; 4. 419-421; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 10 1 ; B. M. ^sop, col. 24.) 171. (1499) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Parisiis, Petrus Leuet, 4to ed. of 36 leaves. {Latin : see Herv., i. 448 and 554 ; 4. 493 and 617.) Jrl72. (1499) Julien Macho, Lyon, Pierre Mareschal et Barnabbe Chaussard, 4to ed. of yy leaves. {French : see Herv., i. 369; 4. 409; Brunet, Vol. I, col. 93.) 173. (1499) Laurentius Abstemius, Venetiis, Joannes de Cereto,4to ed. of 28 leaves. {Latin : see Brunet, Vol. I, cols. 15-16.) 28 Incunabula. 174. (1500) Bonus Accursius, Florentiae. {Greek arid Latin : see Cat. Carlsruhe Libr.)* 175. (1500) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, Dauentrie, Jacobus de Breda, 4to ed. of 40 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., i. 554-555; 4. 618.) 176. (1500) Gualterus Anglicus, Esopus Moralisatus, 4to ed. of 92 leaves. {Latin: see Herv., 4.618- 619.) 177. (1500) Nicolaus Pergamenus, Dialogus Creatu- rarum, Genevae (?), Jehan Bellot(?), fo. ed. {Latin: see Brunet, Vol. II, col. 675.) 178. (ab. 1500) William Caxton, Esope, London (?), R. Pynson, fo. ed. of 94 leaves at least. {English: see Herv., i. 374; 4. 414; B. M. u^Esop, col. 19.) Extant Copies. f 1 . TJlrich Boner : a. Wolfenbiittel, Herzogliche Bibl., (?).:j: 2. Ulrich Boner : a. Berlin, Kmiigliche BibL, (?).§ 3. Lauren tins Valla : a. Amsterdam, Enschede Sale, dpo fl.\ b. Haarlem, Bibl. Cotmmale, (?).|j c. London, British Musetmi, G. 7722. 4. Vincentius Bellovacensis : a. London, Kloss Sale, 1835, (?). * Katalog der Grossherzoglichen Badischen Hof- und Landesbibliothek in Carlsruhe. Zweite Abtheilung, Vierter Band. Carlsruhe : Druck und Verlag von Ch. Th. Groos, 1877. 8vo, pp. 308-593. See p. 530. t Owing to the great difficulty of identifying editions and descriptions of Incunabula, much of the information given in this, as well as in the preceding list, is to be regarded as merely tentative and hence peculiarly liable to correction. \ Seen by Brunet. § In March of 1835, Brunet saw this copy, for which M. Fieri Benard, a bookseller of Paris, asked 3000 yV. Il3rt and 3/' are identical. Incunabula. 29 5. Vincentius Bellovacensis : a. London, Kloss Sale, 1835, (?). 6. Omnibonus Leonicenus : a. London, British Museum, C. i. a. 2. 7. Bonus Accursius: a. London, Bernard Quaritch Cat., 1886, ;^ioo.* b. Paris, Yemeniz Sale, 1868, \\Q>ofr. 8. Gualterus Anglicus : a. London, Sykes Sale, 1824, £\^ 3^. 6d. b. London, Thorold Sale, i884.t 9. Vincentius Bellovacensis : a. Boston, Boston Public Libr., B. 150. 34 b. London, Kloss Sale, 1835, (?). c. Paris, Bibl. Nationale, (?).§ d. Paris, MacCarthy Sale, 1779, 685/3^.! * Cf. : I. Monuments of the Early Priftters in All Countries ; preceded by some examples of the Art of Xylography. Part I : Germany and the Low Countries. Offered for cash at the affixed net prices by Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, W, London, December, 1886. 8vo, pp. 3527- 3622. See p. 3555, No. 36052. 2. Book-Binding : A Catalogue of Fifteen Hundred Books Remarkable for the Beauty or the Age of Their Bijidings, or as Bearing Indications of Former Ownership by Great Book-Collectors and Famous Historical Per- sonages ; now on sale at 15 Piccadilly. Bernard Quaritch, London, November, 1888. 8vo, 200 pp. See p. 103, No. 754. tCf. Catalogue of an Important Portion of the Extensive and Valuable Library of the Late Sir John Hayford Thorold, Bart., Removed from Syston Park, Lincolnshire, which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson (and) Hodge at their house. No. 13 Wellington Street, Strand, W. C. (London), 1884. 8vo, vii and 193 pp. See p. 5, No. 36. t Cf . Index to the Catalogue of Books in the Bates Hall of the Public Library of the City of Boston. First Supplement. Boston: J. E. Far- well (and) Co., Printers to the City, No. 37 Congress Street, 1866. 8vo, V, 71S and 21 pp. See p. 673, col. 2. §Seen by Deschamps, or G. Brunet. II Brunet states that this set consists of ten volumes and was later offered for sale at 700 /r. 30 Incunabula. 10. Vincentius Bellovacensis : a. London, Kloss Sale, 1835, (?). b. Paris, Andry Sale, 1830, 299/?-.* c. Paris, Hervieux' Libr.\ d. Paris, MacCarthy Sale, 1779, 6^fr.X e. Paris, Morante Sale, 205 /r.f /. Paris, Soubise Sale, 1788, lOO/r.* 11. Bonus Accursius : a. London, British Museum, C. i. a. 1.(1.). b. London, British Museum, C. 19. c. (i.). c. London, British Museum, G. 7726. (2.). d. Paris, Brienne-Laire Sale, 1791, 30 /r. 12. Vincentius Bellovacensis : a. Boston, Boston Public Libr., B. 150. 4.§ b. Boston, Boston Public Libr., B, 150. 6.§ c. Paris, Goloivkin Sale, (?).|| 13. Vincentius Bellovacensis : a. (No copy known to me.) 14. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Paris, Brienne-Laire Sale, 179 1, 27 /r. 15. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Stuttgart, Kgl. Offentliche Bibl., (?).! 16. Avianus : a. Paris, Elcy Sale, (?). 17. Hainricus Stainhowel : a. Althorp, Earl Spencer's Libr., (?).** b. Firenze, R. Bibl. Mediceo-Laurenziana, E, 2. 326.^^ * \ob and 10/ are identical. Brunei states that this edition of the Speculum Historiale consists of four volumes. t \oc and \oe are identical. t Brunet states that this set consists of ten volumes and was later offered for sale at 700 /r. §Cf. reference given for 9a. See p. 674, col. i. II lirunet states that this edition of the Speculum Historiale consists of three volumes. H Seen by Hervieux. ♦* 17a and x^d are identical ; Earl Spencer's Library was removed to Manchester in 1893. Incunabula. -i \ c. London, Bernard Qiiaritcli Cat., 1874, ^15. Im- perfect.* d. Manchester, Mrs. Rylands' Libr., (?),t e. Miinchen, Kgl. Hof- u. Staatsbibl., A. Gr. B. 124 f. Oxford, Bodleia?i Libr., Douce G. P. 252. Imper- fect.:}: g. Wien, K. II. K. Hofbibl., 3. D. 8^ h. VVolfenbiittel, Herzogliche Bibl., 10. 2. Ethic.§ 18. Gualterus Anglicus : a. (No copy known to me.) 19. Bonus Accursius : a. London, British Museum, G. 7727. b. London, Heber Sale, 1834-1836, ;^i i.y. c. London, Hibbert Sale, 1829, £\2 \^s. d. London, Libri Sale, 1859, -^2 I2.f.| e. London, Pinelli Sale, 1789, \2s. 6d. 20. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Paris, Bibl. Nationale, (?). 21. Bonus Accursius : a. London, British Museum, G. 7728. b. Paris, Boutourlin Sale, 1839-1841, (?).1[ c. Rome, Unspecified Sale, 1478, 3/r.^ * Cf. A Gateral Catalogue of Books Offe?-ed to the Public at the Affixed Prices by Bernard Quaritch. London : 15 Piccadilly, 1874. 8vo, x and 1889 pp. See pp. 355-356, No. 3732. 1 17a and 17^? are identical ; Earl Spencer's Library was removed to Manchester in 1S93. % Seen by Hervieux. § Seen by Schwabe. 11 This copy was bought by Mr. Leslie; cf. a manuscript note on the margin of p. 50, No. 32, of a copy of the following catalogue now in the Library of the Johns Hopkins University (No. 42434) : Catalogue of the Choicer Portio7is of the Magnificent Library Formed by M. Guglielmo Libri, so eminent as a collector, who is leaving London in consequence of ill-health and solely for that reason disposing of his literary treasures : which will be sold by auction by Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby (and) John Wilkinson at their house, 3 Wellington Street, Strand (London), 1859. 8vo, XX and 380 pp. IT 21^ and 2\c are identical. V 32 Incunabula. 22. Gualterus Anglicus : a. (No copy known to me.) 23. Accio Zuccho : , a. Paris, Boutourlin Sale, 1839-1841, 40 fr. 50 <:.* b. Paris, Moli?ii Sale, 18 13, 220/r.* 24. Laurentius Valla : a. London, British Museum, 1079. m. 8. 25. Accio Zuccho: a. London, Bernard Quaritch Cat., 1894, ;^50.t b. London, British Museum, 12305. g. 6. Imper- fect. c. London, British Museum, C. i. a. 5.:}: ^/. London, British Museimi, G. 7729.:}: ^. Paris, Botitourlin Sale, 1839-1841, 40 /r. 50 <;.* /. Paris, Molini Sale, 18 13, 220 /r.* 26. Bonus Accursius : «. (No copy known to me.) 27. Gualterus Anglicus : a. (No copy known to me.) 28. Gualterus Anglicus : a. (No copy known to me.) 29. Jehan de Vignay : a. Rio de Janeiro, Bibl. Nacional, 63. Imperfect.§ *The identity of these copies is doubtful. tCf. : \. A Catalogue of Greek (and) Latin Classics, Modern Latinists, Works on Classical Philology, History and Archceology ; offered by Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, September, 1893. 8vo, viii and 136 pp. See p. 2, No. 14. 2. A Catalogue of Italian Literature, Art, Archaology and History ; offered by Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, April isth, 1894. 8vo, I20 pp. See p. 6, No. 126, and pp. 84-85, No. 1149. This copy formerly belonged to Mr. Fountaine Walker. \ Seen by Hervieux. § Cf. Catalogo da Exposicdo Fermanente dos Cimelios da Bihliotheca Nacional, publicado sob a direccao do Bibliothecario Joao de Saldanha da Gama. Kio de Janeiro : typ. de G. Leuzinger (e) Filhos, Kua do Ouvidor 31, 1885. 8vo, 1071 pp. and 5 plates. See p. 163. Incunabula. 33 30. Julien Macho : a. London, British Museiwi, G. 7806.* 31. Bonus Accursius : a. London, British Museum, G. 7731. b. Paris, Salle Silvestre, 1809, 2^fr. 32. Francisciis Philelphus : a. London, Heber Sale, 1834- 1836, ^^3. Imperfect. b. Copy seen by Robert.f 33. Giialterus Anglicus : a. Grenoble, Bibl. Municipale, 173. b. Wiirzburg, UniversitatsbibL, L. R. 9. 444 34. Julien Macho: a. Tours, Bibl. Mimicipale, 3266. 35. Nicolaus Pergamenus : a. Amsterdam, Meermann Sale, ^o fl. b. Darmstadt, Grossherzogl. Hofbibl., (?).§ c. l^ondon, Beckford Sale, 1882. || d. London, Bernard Quaritcli Cat., 1886, £20^ Imperfect. e. London, Bernard Quaritch Cat., 1886, ;^40.** *Seen by Hervieux ; his account of this book and that given b> the printed catalogue, col. 25, are at variance as to its identity. tCf. description of his work given on p. 2 of this Manual. See Vol. I, p. ccxlvii. JSeen by Hervieux. §Cf. Nene Beitrdge zur Naheren Kenntniss der Grossherzoglichen Hof- bibliothek in Dar7nstadt, von Dr. Ph. A. F. Walther. Darmstadt : Verlag von Johann Philipp Diehl, 1871. 8vo, xv and 168 pp. See p. 40, No. 17. II Cf. The Hamilton Palace Libraries: Catalogue of the First Portion of the Beckford Library, Removed from Hamilton Palace, which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson (and) Hodge at their house, No. 13 Wellington Street, Strand, W. C. (London), 1882. Svo, V and 237 pp. See p. 201, No. 2741, T[ Cf. reference given for 7a (i.). See p. 3603, No. 36274. **Cf. reference given for 7a (i.). See p. 3603, No. 36275; the signa- tures of Thomas Ireland, Nicholas Stokesley, Bartholomew Kirkbye and Robert Thacker, all written in this volume between 1490 and 1570, attest its early arrival in England. There are a few English glosses in the writing of the earliest owner, Thomas Ireland. 34 Incunabula. f. London, Berfiard Qnaritch Cat., 1886, ;^63.* g. London, British Museum, C. 38. h. 3.f h. London, British Musezim, G. 8989.:}: /. London, Hebcr Sale, 1834- 1836, ^3 js. j. London, Hcber Sale {bis), 1834- 1836, £2) H-^- k. London, Stanley Sale, (?), ;^42.§ /. London, Sykes Sale, 1824, £d> 18^. 6d. m. London, Thorold Sale, 1884, (?).§ n. Paris, Gaignat Sale, 1769, g6 Jr. o. Paris, MacCarthy Sale, 1779, 88 /r. p. Copy seen by Robert. || 36. Accio Ziiccho : a. Firenze, R. Bibl. Nazionale Centrale, Magi. 15. F.b.T b. London, Hibbert Sale, 1829, £6 \6s. 6d. c. London, Cassano Serra Sale, (?).*'^ *Cf. reference given for 7^(1.). See p. 3603, No. 36276; this copy is bound up with the Gesta Kovianoriim of the same printer. It bears the inscription : " Pertinet in Steyn prope Goudani," first written early in the sixteenth century, and repeated elsewhere at a later date. ^\ a. British Museum : Catalogue of Printed Books. D'ff-Uiez y Fon- calda. London : printed by William Clowes and Sons, limited, Stam- ford Street and Charing Cross, 1887. 4to, 306 cols. See col. 22. tCf. I. Reference given for 35^. See col. 22. 2. British Museum : A Guide to the Printed Books Exhibited to the Public, by W. H. Rye. Printed by Order of the Trustees. London : Woodfall and Kinder, Milford Lane, Strand, W. C, 1870. lamo, 32 pp. See p. 10. §35/4 and 35W are identical. Cf. reference given for 8/^. Sec p. 65, No. 672. II Cf. description of his work given on p. 2 of this Manual. See Vol. I, p. ccxlvi. \ Seen by Ghivizzani ; cf. // Volgarizzamento delle Favole di Gal/redo Dette di Rsopo ; testo di lingua edito per cura di Gaetano (ihivizzani. Con un discorso intorno la origine della favola, la sua ragione storica e i fonti dei volgarizzamenti italici. Bologna: presso Gaetano Roma- gnoli, 1866. i2mo, ccxvii and 289 pp. See pp. cxci-cxciii. (Scelta di Curiosita Letterarie Iiieditc o Rare dal Sccolo xiii al xvii ; in appendice alia Collexione di Opere Inedile Rare. Dispense Ixxv e Ixxvi.) **Cf. Allgemeines Bibliographisches Lexikon, von Friedrich Adolf Ebert. Poster Band. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1821. 410, xxii pp. and 1076 cols. See col. 22. Inciinabtila. 35 ly. Bonus Accursius : «. Althorp, Earl Spe7icer's Libr., (?).* b. London, British Museum, C. i. a. i. (2.). c. London, British Museum, C. 19. c. (2.).f d. London, British Museum, G. 7726. (i.). e. London, Duke of Devonshire's Libr., (?).:}: f. 'London, Heber Sale, 1834-1836,;^ 6. g. London, Hibbert Sale, iZ2g,£g t^s. h. London, Pinelli Sale, 1789,^14. i. London, Thorold Sale, i884.§ J. Manchester, Mrs. Rylauds' Libr., (?).* k. Oxford, Bodleian Libr., (?),|| /. Oxford, Bodleian Libr., (?).T[ ni. Paris, Boutourliji Sale, 1 839-1 841, i?,'^ fr. 71. Paris, La Vallicre Sale, 1767, 121 fr. 0. Paris, Libri Sale, 1847-1858, 2^0 fr. *Cf. Caxton Celebration, 1877: Catalogue of the Loan Collection of Antiquities, Curiosities and Appliances Connected with the Art of Printing, South Kensington, edited by George Bullen. London : printed at the Elzevir Press; published by N. Triibner and Co., Ludgate Hill. 8vo, xix and 472 pp. See p. 60, No. 432. 37« and 377 are identical. Earl Spencer's library was removed to Manchester in 1893. t Either this copy or the preceding is probably referred to by : 1. An Ititroduction to the Knowledge of Rare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics, by the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin. Fourth edition, greatly enlarged and corrected. Vol. I. London : 1827. Svo, xiii and 562 pp. See pp. 245-246. 2. Cf. reference given for 35// (2.). Seep 12, No. 8. The copy in question formerly belonged to the Rev. C. M. Crache- rode, by whom it was bequeathed to the British ISIuscum. JCf. reference given for 37^ (i.). See pp. 245-246. § Cf. reference given for 8/'. See p. 5, No. 37. II Cf. I. Reference given for 37^ (i.). See pp. 245-246. 2. Catalogus Libr or urn Impressorum Bibliotheccv Bodleiana in Aca- deniia Oxoniensi. Volumen Primum. Oxonii : e Typographeo Acade- mico, 1843. fO' X ^i^d 834 pp. See p. 23, col. i. 1[Cf. the catalogue just cited, same reference. The two editions there mentioned are perhaps not identical. 36 Incunabula. p. Paris, Mac Car thy Sale, 1779, 400 fr. q. Washington, Libr. of Congress, (?).* 38. Hainricus Stainhbwel : a. l^ondon, Hcber Sale, i834-i836,;^4 i^. b. Paris, Brienne-Laire Sale, 1791, 30 /r. c. Wien, Bibl. Albertina, (?).t d. Copy seen by Robert (possibly of this edition). :{; 39. Hainricus Stainhowel : a. Firenze, R. Bibl. Mediceo-Lanrenziana, F. 2. 879.t b. Linz, K. u. K. Studietibibl., D. iv. 9. c. London, British Museum, G. 7805. f d. Miinchen, Kgl. Hof- u. Staatsbibl., A. Gr. B. I5.t e. Stuttgart, Kgl. Offentliche Bibl., (?).t /. Wien, K. u. K. Hof bibl., V. F. 36. 40. Hainricus Stainhowel : a. Paris, Bibl. Nationalc, (?). b. Copy seen by Robert (possibly of this edition).:}: 41. Hainricus Stainhowel : a. Paris, Bibl. Nationale, (?). 42. Hainricus Stainhowel : a. (No copy known to me.) 43. Hainricus Stainhowel : a. (No copy known to me.) * Cf. Alphabetical Catalogue of the Library of Congress. Vol. I. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office, 1S7S. 410, ii and 912 pp. Seep. 85, col. I. On April 7, 1S96, an unsuccessful attempt was made by me to verify this entry; the most that I was able to do was to make a copy of the corresponding entry in their card catalogue, where the book is described as an imperfect copy, etc., etc., preserved in the Librarian's private office. This gentleman, Mr. A. R. Spofford, kindly made a personal search for me, but was obliged to report it as " uiifindable." The copy in question was acquired by the Library of Congress in 1875. tSeen by Hervieux. }Cf. description of his work given on p. 2 of this Manual. See Vol. I, p. ccxlviii. Incunabula. 37 44. Heinricus Stainhowel : a. Paris, Unspecified Sale, 1856, i8o/r. b. Wien, ^. ?/. K. Hofbibl., X. E. 28 * 45. Vincentius Bellovacensis : a. Toulouse, Bibl. du College, (?). 46. Vincentius Bellovacensis : a. Toulouse, Bibl. du College, (?). 47. Accio Zuccho : a. Venezia, Bibl. Nazionale Marciatia, CXIII. 7. 41304* b. Wien, iT. u. K. Hofbibl, IV. H. 36 * 48. Gualterus Anglicus : a. (No copy known to me.) 49. Gualterus Anglicus : a. V2iv\s, Molini Sale, i^il, 16^1. Imperfect. 50. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Venezia, Apostolo Zends Libr., (?).t 51. Nicolaus Pergamenus : a. London, British Museum, 637. k. 15.:}: b. Paris, Bibl. Nationale, Y. 6592. c. Paris, La Valliere Sale, 1767, 87 /r. d. Paris, 5rt//^ Silvestre, 1830, 134/r. 52. Nicolaus Pergamenus : «. London, British Museum, 637. k. 28.:}: b. London, British Museum, 694. 1. 17. (2.).:j: <:. London, Heber Sale, 1834- 1836, £\ \^s. d. London, Thor old Sale, i884.§ e. Paris, Brienne-Laire Sale, 1791, 14/^- /. Paris, Yemeniz Sale, 1868, 400 /r. * Seen by Hervieux. t Seen by Morelli. tCf. reference given for 35^. See col. 22. §Cf. reference given for 8^. See p. 65, No. 673. 38 Inamabnla. 53. Nicolaus Pergamenus : a. Haag, Martinus Nijhoff Cat., 1893, Sofl.^' b. London, Bcrtiard Quaritch Cat., 1886, £"] \os.\ Imperfect. 54. Colard Mansion : a. Koln, Stadtbibl., (?). b. Paris, Bibl. Nationale, (?). c. Paris, Ycmcniz Sale, 1868, 6000 /r.:{: 55. Giialterus Anglicus : a. (No copy known to me.) 56. Hainricus Stainhbwel : a. (No copy known to me.) 57. Julien Macho : a. London, British Museum, G. 78o6.§ 58. Nicolaus Pergamenus : a. London, British Museum, C. 19. d. 5.§ b. London, British Museum, C. 19. d. 26. || c. Paris, Bibl. Nationale, (?). d. Windsor Castle, Royal Libr., (?)•![ 59. Nicolaus Pergamenus : a. Darmstadt, GrossJierzogl. Hofbibl., (?).** b. Paris, Bibl. Nationale, (?). 60. Bonus Accursius : a. London, British Museum, C. i. a. i. (2.). b. London, British Museum, C. 19. c. (2.). c. London, British Museum., G. 7726. (i.). *Cf. Curiositt's de r Art Typographiqiie (1466-1890); Catalogue de Livres Rares et Curieux en Vente aux Prix Marqiids chez Martinus Nijhoff, a la Haye. La Haye : Martinus Nijhoff, 1893. 8vo, 81 pp. See p. 5, No, 34. tCf. reference given for "ja. See p. 3603, No. 36277. \ M. Ycmcniz bought this copy at Ghent in 1849 fo"" ~ooo fr,, and then had a \ooo/r. binding put on it by Trautz. § Seen by Ilervieux. II Cf, reference given for 35^. See col. 22. ITCf. reference given for 37^. See p. 70, No, 513. **Cf, reference given for 35<^. See p. 40, No. 18. Inamabtila. 39 61. Accio Zuccho : a. London, British Museum, G. 7732. b. Paris, Bibl. Nationale, 6534 Y.* 62. Colard Mansion : a. Paris, Du Fay Sale, 1725, (?).t 63. Franciscus de Tuppo : a. London, British Museum, G. 7807.:]; b. Miinchen, Kgl. Hof- u. Staatsbibl., Inc. c. a. 28oo.§ 64. Hainricus Stainhbwel : a. Baltimore, y^f/^/w Hopkins University Libr., 38047. || Imperfect. b. Linz, K. u. K. Studienbibl., D. iv. 9.§ c. Stuttgart, Kgl. Hofbibl, (?).§ 65. Nicolaus Pergamenus : a. (No copy known to me.) 66. Vincentius Bellovacensis : a. London, Heber Sale, 1834-1836, £\ i^s^ b. FslyIs, Bearsi Sale, 1855, igo/r.*^ c. St. Gallen, Vadianische Bibl., 785.** * Seen by Hervieux ; this is probably the same copy as that seen by Robert, cf. description of his work given on p. 2 of this Manual; see Vol. I, p. ccxli. ICf. Bibloinania in the Present Day in Fratice and England; from the French of Philomneste Junior. New York, 18S0. Svo. 141pp. See p. 14. t Seen by Hervieux; the printed catalogue, col. 9, otherwise identi- fies this copy. § Seen by Hervieux. II Seen by G. C. Keidel, Dec. 11, 1895; this copy was purchased by the late John W. McCoy in 1878 at the Strong Sale in New York for $17.50, and was at his death in 1889 bequeathed by him to the Johns Hopkins University. Cf, Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, etc., of the late George T. Strong, Esq., which will be sold at auction by Messrs. Bangs (and) Co., 656 Broadway, New York, 1878. Svo, iv and 167 pp. See p. 2, No. 14, with the price of purchase given in the margin in the late owner's copy. Tr66(z and 66b are identical. Brunet states that this set, including No. 84 of the present list, consists of four volumes. ** Cf. Verzeichniss der Manuscripte und Incunabeln der Vadianischen Bibliothek in St. Gallen. St. Gallen : Druck der Zollikofer'schen Offizin, 1864. Svo, xiii and 353 pp. See p. 345. 40 hicunabula. 6y. Julien Macho : a. Paris, Bibl. Nationale, (?). Imperfect.* 68. Vincentius Bellovacensis : a. (No copy known to me.) 69. Vincentius Bellovacensis : a. (No copy known to me.) 70. William Caxton : a. London, British Museum, C. 11. c. i/.f b. Oxford, Bodleian Libr., Auct. Q. Q. supra i. 2i.:{; c. Windsor Castle, Royal Libr., (?).§ 71. Hainricus Stainhowel: a. Basel, Mtiseum, B. C. iii. 7.t b. London, British Museum, 167. f. \2.\ c. London, British Museum, G. 783 i.f d. Maestricht, Bibliotheek, 484.t 72. Francisco del Tuppo : a. Amsterdam, Crevemia Sale, 1789, 180^. b. Escorial, R. Bibl. S. Laurentii Escurialeusis,\. v. N. 2. c. Hannover, Kgl. Offentliche Bibl., 54. * Seen by Brunet; this is probably the same copy as that seen by Robert, cf. description of his work given on p. 2 of this Manual; see Vol. I, p. ccxlv. t Seen by Hervieux. t Seen by Hervieux ; cf. also reference given for 2,1^ (2-)> P* ~3' ^^^- '• § Cf. I. The Bibliographer^ s Manual of English Literature, by William Thomas Lowndes. Vol.1. London: William Pickering, 1834. 8vo, xv and 482 pp. See p. 15, col. i. 2. Ditto, second edition, revised by Henry G. Bohn. Vol. L Lon- don : George Bell and Sons, York Street, Covent Garden, 1875. i2mo, 576 pp. See pp. 15-16. 3. Cf. reference given for 37/. See p. 17, No. 106 (and also No. 107). 4. Early Illustrated Books : A History of the Decoration atid Illustra- tion of Books in the i^th and i6ih Centuries, by Alfred W. Pollard. Lon- don : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trlibner (and) Co., Ltd., 1893. 8vo, xvi and 256 pp. See p. 225. 5. Cf. reference given for 35*:. See pp. 15-16, No. 8, note. The woodcut of y'Esop contained in this copy is said to be unique. Incunabula. 4^ d. Heidelberg, Universitdtsbibl., Sch. 69. n. 450. e. London, Bernard Quaritch Cat., 1874, £'^0.* f. London, British Museum, 167. f. 14- Imperfect. g. London, British Muse^im, G. 7807. h. London, Hibbert Sale, 1829, £1^. i. London, Pinelli Sale, 1789, £^"2.. j. London, Unspecified Sale, iSi6,£26 155. k. Oxford, Bodleian Libr., Douce 225. /. Vdius, Boutourlin Sale, 1839-1841, 36 /r. 50 42 /j^. 107. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Bruxelles, Bibl. Royale, 74 (formerly 1358).* b. Dijon, Bibl. Municipale, 10974. 108. Gualterus Anglicus : a. (No copy known to me.) 109. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Bern, Bibl. Bongarsiana, Inc. 153. 1 10. Gualterus Anglicus : a. (No copy known to me.) I T I. Gualterus Anglicus : a. London, British Museum, 12304. ee. 17. 112. Guillaume Tardif : a. London, Bernard Quaritch Cat., 1888, i^20.t b. Paris, Bibl. Nationale, (?). c. Paris, La Valliere Sale, 1767, 12 fr, 113. Hainricus Stainhowel : a. Darmstadt, Grossherzogl. Hofbibl., {}).% b. Dresden, Kgl. Offentliche Bibl., (?). 114. Julien Macho: a. London, British Museum, 638. k. 2. 115. Laurentius Valla : a. London, British Mtiseum, C. i. a. 3. 116. Vincentius Bellovacensis : a. (No copy known to me.) 117. Accio Zuccho: a. 'London, Beckford Sale, i882.§ b. Venezia, Bibl. Nazionale Marciana, CXI II. 7 41304-1 c: Wien, K. u. K. Hofbibl, iv. H. 36.! *In his first volume Hervieux gave the shelf number as 229. tCf. reference given for 7a. (2.). See p. 60, No. 394 ; this copy has the name of Girardot de Prefond stamped in a straight line on the leather below the roulette inside the cover. J Cf. reference given for 353. See p. 41, No. 26. § Cf . reference given for 35^:. See p. 6, No. 66. II Seen by Hervieux. 46 Inctmabula. 118. Gualterus Anglicus : a. (No copy known to me.) 1 19. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Paris, Hervieux' Libr., (?). 120. Gualterus Anglicus : a. (No copy known to me.) 121. Hainricus Stainhowel : a. Carlsruhe, Grossherzogl. Badische Hof- u. Landes- bibl., 22886. *2.* 122. Nicolaus Pergamenus : a. Darmstadt, Grossherzogl. Hofbibl., (?).t b. London, British Museum, 1073. 1. 2. {1.).% c. VdiVis, Regnazilt-Bretel Sale, 18 19, iZJr. 123. Gualterus Anglicus : a. London, British Museum, G. 7724. b. Rouen, Bibl. Municipale, O. 638. 124. Accio Zuccho : a. Venezia, Bibl. Nazionale Marciana, CXIII. 7. 4i304-§ /;. Wien, K. u. K. Hofbibl., iv. H. 36.§ 125. Franciscus de Tuppo : a. London, Hibbert Sale, 1829, £a^ 45. 1 26. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Bruxelles, Bibl. Roy ale, 1840 (formerly 1620). 1 27. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Bruxelles, Bibl. Roy ale, 1740. b. London, British Museum, 1073. 1. 28. || c. London, British Museum, 12304. cc. 19. (3.). d. Miinchen, Kgl. Hof- u. Staatsbibl., A. Lat. a. 13. g. *Cf. note I on p. 28 of this Manual. t Cf. reference given for 35/'. See p. 42, No. 35. t Cf. reference given for 35^^^. See col. 22. § Seen by Hervieux. II Hervieux gives in each of his references a different shelf number for the single British Museum copy known to him ; neither of them agrees with that given by the printed catalogue. Hervieux' numbers are : 1073. "• '• (2), and 1073. 1. 28. (2.). Incunabula. 47 e. Munchen, Kgl. Hof- u. StaatsbibL, Inc. c. a. 870. /. Oxford, Bodleian Libr., Auct. 5. Q. 6. 80. g. Padova, R. Bibl. Universitaria, So. XV. 496. h. Wien, K. u. K. Hof bibl., ix. H. 34. i. Wolfenbiittel, HerzoglicheBibl.,A\xs. 171. 14- Qu- 128. Laurentius Valla : a. (Same as preceding — an oversight.) 129. Omnibonus Leonicenus : a. London, British Museum, G. 7734. 1 30. Laurentius Valla : a. London, British Museum, 1073. 1. i. b. London, British Museum, 12304. cc. 19. (2.). 131. Accio Zuccho: a. 'London, Bee kf or d Sale, 1882.* b. Verona, Bibl. Comunale, yy. 2. 132. Franciscus de Tuppo : a. Munchen, Kgl. Hof- u. StaatsbibL, Inc. c. a. 2800. b. Sevilla, Bibl. Colombina, 2. 6. 26 (formerly C. K. K. Tab. 196. N. 19). 133. Francisco del Tuppo : a. London, Bernard Quaritch Cat., 1888, ^250.! 134- Francisco del Tuppo : a. London, British Museum, G. 7735- b. Oxford, Bodleian Libr., (?).:{: 135. Avianus : a. Koln, Stadtbibl., C. B. II. c. 257. f. b. London, British Museum, 1073. 1. 33. 136. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Nevers, Bibl. Municipale, 28. 137. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Dijon, Bibl. Municipale, 10973. * Cf. reference given for 35^. See p. 6, No. 76. tCf. I. Reference given for 70.(2.). See p. 20, No. 119; this copy bears the inscription: " lo. Grolieri et amicorum." 2. Reference given for 250.(2.). See p. 84, No. 1150; in this later catalogue the price has been advanced to £,2>^o. tCf. reference given for yjk. (2.). See p. 23, col. i. 48 Incunabula. 138. Gualterus Anglicus : a. \J\x\z, K.u. K. Studienbibl., B. 100. B. b. London, British Museum, G. 773S- c. Munchen, Kgl. Hof- u. StaatsbibL, Inc. c. a. 1054. d. Munchen, Kgl. Hof- u. StaatsbibL, A. Gr. b. 59. e. Munchen, Kgl. Hof- u. StaatsbibL, A. Gr. b. 60. /. Munchen, KgL Hof u. StaatsbibL, A. Gr. b. 536. 1 39. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Haag, Kong. Bibliotheek, 364. /;. Linz, K. u. K. StudienbibL, B. 73. c. VaiUS, Unspecified Sale, 2^ fr. 140. Vincentius Bellovacensis : a. London, British Musetnn, 526. n. 4.* b. London, Thorold Sale, i884.t c. St. Gallen, Vadianische BibL, 7864 d. Venezia, BibL Monasterii S. Michaelis Venetiarum Prope Murianuni, (?).§ e. Washington, Libr. of Congress, (?).| 141. Vincentius Bellovacensis : a. London, British Museum, 1309. l.^f * Cf. British Museum : Catalogue of Fri?tted Books. Victoria-Virgilius. London : printed by William Clowes and Sons, limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross, 1890. fo, 446 cols. See col. 356. tCf. reference given for Zb. See p. 187, No. 2043. X Cf. reference given for 66^. See p. 345. §Cf. Bibliotheca Codicum Manuscriptorum Monasterii S. Michaelis Venetiarum Prope Murianum, una cum Appendice Librortnn Impres- sorum Seculi XV. Opus posthumum Johannis-Benedicti Mittarelli, Veneti Abbatis Ex-Generalis Benedictino-Camaldulensis. Venetiis, 1779. Ex Typographia Fentiana : sumptibus Prrefati Monasterii. fo, xxiv pp. and 1257 cols.; viii and xv pp.; 491 cols. See Seculi XV. Appendix Librorum, col. 475. II Cf. Catalogue of the Books Added to the Library of Coiigress from December i, 1866, to December i, 1867. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1868. 4to, ii and 526 pp. See p. 437, col. i. On April 7, 1896, an unsuccessful attempt was made by me to verify this entry; the overcrowding of the library has resulted in many books being " unfindable." TICf. reference given for 140a. See col. 356. Incunabula. 49 b. Paris, Hervietix' Libr., (?). c. Venezia, Bibl. Monasterii S.Michaelis Venetiarum Prope Murianum, (?).* 142. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Oxford, Bodleian Libr., Douce 58. 143. Jehan de Vignay: a. London, British Museum, 580. k. i.f b. London, British Museum, C. 22. d.f Imperfect. c. Paris, Bibl. de Sainte- Genevieve, (?).:}: d. Paris, Bibl. Nationale, G. 203-207.§ 144. Laurentius Abstemius : a. Copy seen by Robert. | 145. Gualterus Anglicus : a. (No copy known to me.) 146. Gualterus Anglicus : a. London, British Museum, 12304. ee. 41. 147. Gualterus Anglicus : a. London, British Museum, G. 7723. 148. Julien Macho : a. London, British Museum, G. 7806. 149. Laurentius Valla : a. London, British Museum, G. 7719. 150. Gualterus Anglicus : a. London, British Museum, 1073, 1. 29.!^ 151. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Milano, Bibl. Nazionale di Brera, AM. X. 'j.% 152. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Arras, Bibl. Municipale, 14680. *C£. reference given for 1400^. See col. 475. tCf. reference given for 140a. See col. 356. JBrunet states that this edition consists of five volumes. § Seen by Hervieux. II Cf, description of his work given on p. 2 of this Manual. See Vol. I, p. ccxli. 1[ Hervieux gives in each of his references a different shelf number for this copy; neither of them agrees with that given by the printed catalogue. Hervieux' numbers are: 1073. 1. i. 2.*, and 1073. 1. 29. 2*. 50 Incunabula. 153. Gualterus Anglicus : a. (No copy known to me.) 154- Gualterus Anglicus : a. Firenze, R. Bibl. Riccardiana, 560.* 155. Hainricus Stainhowel : a. (No copy known to me.) 156. Hainricus Stainhowel : a. Paris, Bibl. Nationale, (?).t 157. Accio Zuccho : a. Carpentras, Bibl. Municipale, E. 1320. b. Ferrara, Bibl. Comunale, O. 66. c. London, British Museum, C. 20. b. d. London, Heber Sale, 1834-1836, £2 195. e. Oxford, Bodleian Libr., Auct. 6. Q. 6. 74. f. Paris, Unspecified Sale, lyofr. 158. Accio Zuccho : a. London, Sunderland Sale, 1 88 i.ij: 159. Bonus Accursius : a. Amsterdam, Crevenna Sale, 1789, 25 y?. b. Amsterdam, Meermann Sale, 41 fi. c. London, British Museum, C. i. a. i. (2.). d. London, British Museum, C. 19. c. (2.). e. London, British Museum, G. 7726. (i.). f. London, Gennadius Sale, 1895, (?).§ *Cf. reference given for 36a. See pp. dxxvii-clxxx. tSeen by Morel-Fatio ; this was probably the copy that was seen by Robert ; cf. description of his work given on p. 2 of this Manual, See Vol. I, p. ccxlviii. X Cf. Sale Catalogue of the Sunderland or Blenheim Library : Portion the First ; to be sold by auction by Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, 47 Leicester Square, London, W. C, 1881. 8vo, viii and 213 pp. See p. 8. §This copy formerly belonged to Mr. Lakelands ; cf. Catalogue of the Extensive and Valuable Library of Manuscripts {^and) Printed Books of his Excellency Monsieur John Gennaditis, D.C.L., E.A'.S.L., Late Greek Minister at the Court of St. James's, which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson (and) Hodge at their house, No. 13 Welling- ton Street, Strand, W. C. (London), 1895. 8vo, xv and 283 pp. See p. 5. Incunahila. 5 ^ g. London, Hibbert Sale, 1829, £2, IS-^- h. London, Hibbert Sale {bis), 1829, £7, 155. i. Oxford, Bodleian Libr., (?).* j Paris, Reine Sale, 1834-1840, 41/^. 160. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Linz, K. u. K. Studienbibl., B. in. b. London, British Museum, 12304. ee. 42. c. Miinchen, Kgl. Hof- u. Staatsbibl., Inc. c. a. 1360. d. Munchen, Kgl. Hof~ u. Staatsbibl., A. Gr. b. 61. e. Oxford, Bodleian Libr., Auct. Q. 5. 53. /. Stuttgart, Kgl. Offentliche Bibl., (?). g. Wien, K. u. K. Hof bibl, x. H. 47. 161. Gualterus Anglicus : a. London, British Mjiseum, 12304. e. 5. b. Paris, Costabili Sale, AS fr. c. Verona, Bibl. Comunale, 79. e. 162. Gualterus Anglicus : a. (No copy known to me.) 163. Sebastianus Brandt : a. (No copy known to me.) 164. Accio Zuccho : a. London, British Museum, 1073. 1. 26. b. Milano, Bibl. Ambrosiana, S. Q. Q. II. 18. c. Milano, Bibl. Nazionale di Brera, AM. IX. 43. d. Milano, Bibl. Nazionale di Brera, AN. X, 20. e. Padova, R. Bibl. Univer sit aria, So. XV. 494. 165. Gabrielis Bracii : a. Althorp, Earl Spencer s Libr., (?).t b. London, British Museum, 1067. m. 6. c. London, British Museum, G. 7717- d. London, Pinelli Sale, 1789, ^^40 19.?. e. London, Sunderland Sale, i88i.t /. London, Th or old Sale, 1884.^ *Cf. reference given for 37^.(2.). See p. 23, col. i. tCf. reference given for 158a. See p. 7. tCf. reference given for 8(5. See p. 5, No. 38. 5 2 Incunabula. g. Manchester, Mrs. Rylaiids Libr., (?) * h. Oxford, Bodleian Libr., (?).t /. Paris, Brienne-Laire Sale, i^gi, 200 fr. 166. Gualterus Anglicus : a. (No copy known to me.) 167. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Basel, Miiseum, C. E. VI. 49. 168. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Oxford, Bodleian Libr., (?). 169. Hainricus Stainhowel : a. London, Bernard Qjiaritch Cat., 1886, ;^54 170. Hainricus Stainhowel : a. Gand, Bibl. de la Ville et de VUniv., Res. 35. b. London, British Museum, C. 20. e. c. Copy seen by Robert.§ 171. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Bruxelles, Bibl. Royale, 2075 (formerly 2044). 172. Julien Macho : a. London, British Miiseum, 638. k. 2.\ b. Paris, Coulon Sale, 1829, ly^fr. Imperfect. 173. Laurentius Abstemius : a. Copy seen by Robert.^ 174. Bonus Accursius : a. Carlsruhe, Grossherzogl. Badische Hof- u, Landes- Bibl., 22886.31.** 175. Gualterus Anglicus : a. Basel, Museum, D. D. VII. 12. /;. Hannover, Kgl. Offentliche Bibl., 201. ♦165a and iGs^' are identical. Earl Spencer's Library was removed to Manchester in 1893. tCf. reference givenfor yjk. (2.). See p. 23, col. i. JCf. reference given for -ja. See p. 3560, No. 36076. §Cf. description of his work given on p. 2 of this Manual. See Vol. I, p. ccxliii. II In his fourth volume, p. 409, Hervieux gives this reference as being to a copy of No. 1 14 of this list. ^ Cf. description of his work given on p. 2 of this Manual. See Vol. I, p. ccxli. ♦*Cf. note I on p. 28 of this Manual. Incunabula. 5 3 176. Gualterus Anglicus : a. (No copy known to me.) 177. Nicolaus Pergamenus : a. Darmstadt, Grossherzogl. HofbibL, (?).* b. Paris, Salle Silvestre, 1842, 21/r. 178. William Caxton : a. London, British Museum, C. 38. g. 2. Imperfect. b. London, British Museum, 12305. g. c. hondon, John Radcliffe' s Libr., (?).t Reference Lists. a. Authors. 1. Abstemius, see Nos. 144, 173. 2. Accursius, see Nos. 11, 19, 21, 26, 31, 37, 60, 76, Z6, 159, 174. 3. Avianus, see Nos. 16, 135. 4. Boner, see Nos. i, 2. 5. Bracii, see Nos. 106, 165. 6. Brandt, see No. 163. 7. Caxton, see Nos. 70, 178. 8. Gualterus, see Nos. 8, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 27, 28, 33, 48, 49, 50, 55, 77, 79, 87, 88, 91, 92, 95, 96. 97, loi, 102, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109, no. III, 118, 119, 120, 123, 126, 127, 136, 137, 138, 139, 142, 145. 146, 147. 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 160, 161, 162, 166, 167, 168, 171, 175, 176. 9. Macho, see Nos. 30, 34, 57, 67, 81, 114, 148, 172. 10. Mansion, see Nos. 54, 62. 11. Nicolaus, see Nos. 35, 51, 52, 53, 58, 59, 65, 82, 83, 93, 122, 177. * Cf. reference given for 35^. See p. 44, No. 57. tCf. ^ View 0/ i/i€ English Editions, Translations and Illustrations of the Ancient Greek and Latin Authors, with remarks, by Lewis William Briiggemann. Stettin : printed by lohn Samuel Leich, 1797. 8vo, xvi and 838 pp. See p. 50. 54 Incunabula. 12. Omnibonus, see Nos. 6, 129. 13. Philelphus, see No. 32. 14. Remicius, see No. 7. 15. Stainhowel, see Nos. 17, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 56, 64, 71, 73, 74, 75, 78, 80, 89, 90, 94, 98, 99, 113, 121, 155, 156, 169, 170. 16. Tardif, see No. 112. 17. Tuppo, see Nos. 63, 72, 125, 132, 133, 134. 18. Valla, see Nos. 3, 24, 115, 128, 130, 149. 19. Vignay, see Nos. 29, 143. 20. Vincentius, see Nos. 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 45, 46, 66, 68, 69, 84, 116, 140, 141. 21. Zuccho, see Nos. 23, 25, 36, 47, 61, 85, 100, 105, 117, 124, 131, 157, 158, 164. b. Cities Where Printed.^ 1. Anonymous, see Nos. 2, 3, 6, 14, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 30, 36, 37, 38, 39> 40, 41, 42. 43, 44. 45, 46, 57, 7i, 76,77,78,88,91,95,96, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, no, III, 113, 116, 119, 123, 126, 127, 128, 129, 135, 138, 146, 147, 148, 160, 161, 162, 163, 168, 176, 177, 178. 2. Antwerp, see Nos. 75, 80, 82, 87, 91 (?), 118, 122, 130. 3. Aquileja, see Nos. 63, 132, 133. 4. Augsburg, see Nos. 7, 12, 38(?), 39(?), 40(?), 4i (?), 42(?). 43(?). 44(?).64, 7i(?),73. 89, 121, i55, 169. 5. Bamberg, see Nos. i, 2(?). 6. Bologna, see No. 79. 7. Brescia, see Nos. 48, 85, 97, I29(?), 161. 8. Burgos, see No. 156. 9. Cologne, see Nos. 911, I4(?), 52, 104, 13511, 160. 10. Delft, see Nos. 93, 170. 11. Deventer, see Nos. io2(?), 103, 115, i28(?), i35(?), 139, 142, 145, 149, 150, 153, 166, 175. * For a list of the Latin names of cities mentioned, with their English equivalents, see p. lo, note J. Incunabula. 5 5 12. Engolisme, see No. 120. 13. Florence, see Nos. 154, 174. 14. Geneva, see No. i77(?). 15. Gouda, see Nos. 35, 51, 53, 54, 56, 5^, 59' 74. 83. 16. Haguenau, see No. i38(?). 17. London, see Nos. 70, ii6(?), I78(?). 18. Lyons, see Nos. 29, 30 (?), 33, 34, 57 (?). 62, 67, 81, 92, loi, 114, 136, 137, 152, 167, i68(?), 172. 19. Mayence, see No. i63(?). 20. Milan, see Nos. 1 1, 19, 22 (?). 26, 31, 37 (?), 60, 105 (?), 151, 158, 164. 21. Modena, see No. 50. 22. Mondovi, see Nos. 20, 49. 23. Naples, see No. 72. 24. Nuremberg, see Nos. 66, 84. 25. Paris, see Nos. 13, 94, 108 (?), 1 1 1 (?), 1 12, 123 (?), 143, i47(?), 171. 26. Prague, see No. 90. 27. Reggio, see No. 159. 28. Rome, see Nos. 8, 15, 21 (?), 61, •]6{X), 86. 29. Saragossa, see No. 98. 30. Stockholm, see No. 65. 3 1 . Strasbourg, see Nos. 4, 5 , 9, 10, 28, 45 (?), 46 (?), 78 (?)• 32. Toscolano, see No. 27. 33. Toulouse, see No. 99. 34. Ulm, see Nos. 16, 17. 35. Venice, see Nos. 6 (?), 32, 47, 55,68, 69, 100, 117, 124,- 125, 131, 134, 140, 141, 144, 157, 165, 173. 36. Verona, see No. 25. c. Printers. 1. Aleman, see No. 156. 2. Alvise, see No. 25. 3. Anonymous, see Nos. 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 30, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 56 Incunabula. 48, 55. 57. 61, 68, 69, 71, 72, -je, 77, 78, 87, 88, 93, 95,96,99, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, no, III, 113, 119, 120, 123, 127, 128, 135, 136, 138, 146, 147, 148, 155, 160, 162, 163, 165, 167, 168, 174, 176, 177. 4. Bac, see No. 130. 5. Bellot, see No. i77(?). 6. Bertochus, see No. 159. 7. Bocard, see No. I47(?). 8. Bonaccorsi, see Nos. 60, 154. 9. Boninis, de, see Nos. 85, 97. 10. Breda, de, see Nos. io2(?), 103, 115, i28(?), i35(?), 139, 142, 149, 150, 166, 175. 11. Buyer, see No. 29. 12. C, M., see No. 32. 13. Caxton, see Nos. 70, 116. 14. Cereto, de, see Nos. 144, 173. 15. Chaussard, see Nos. 114, 152, 172. 16. Conradus, see No. 52. 17. Eckert, see No. 170. 18. Fabri, see Nos. 33, loi. 19. Fabro, de, see No. 9211. 20. Farfengo, see No. 129. 21. Flachen, see No. 28. 22. Franciscus, see No. 50. 23. Franck, see Nos. 61 (?), 76{}), 86. 24. Gran, see No. i38(?). 25. Guldenschaf, see No. i4(?). 26. Guldinbeck, see No. 21 (?). 27. Hamell, de, see Nos. 63, 132, 133. 28. Hurus, see No. 98. 29. Husz, see Nos. 3011, 57(?), 62, 67, 81, 137. 30. Knoblotzer, see No. 78 (?). 31. Koburger, see Nos. 66, 84. 32. Lambillon, see No. 126. 33. Lavagnia, see Nos. 26, 31. 34- Leeu, see Nos. 35, 51, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 74, 75, 80, 82, 83, 91, 118, 122. Incunahda. 57 35. Levet, see Nos. 94, 171. 36. Liechtenstein, see Nos. 140, 141. 37. Lupi, see Nos. i67(?), i68(?). 38. Mantegatiis, de, see No. 151. 39. Mareschal, see Nos. 114, 152, 172. 40. Masson, de, see Nos. 63, 132, 133. 41. Mentellin, see Nos. 4, 5, 9, 10, 45, 46(?). 42. Misuitis, de, see No. 161. 43. Monteferato, de, see Nos. 47, 100, 117, 124, 125, 131, 134, 157- 44. Moravo, see No. 72 (?). 45. Pafroed, see Nos. 145, 153. 46. Pteri, see No. 27. 47. Pfister, see Nos. i, 2 (?). 48. Philippi, loannes, see No. 8. 49. Philippi, Nicholas, see Nos. 30, 34, 5711. 50. Pontanus, see No. 3 (?). 51. Prato, de, see No. 92. 52. Pynson, see No. 178. 53. Quentel, see Nos. 104, i35n,6o(?). 54. Ratdolt, see No. 71 (?). 55. Reinhardi, see Nos. 30, 34, 57n. 56. Rugerius, see No. 79. 57. Schabeller, see Nos. 3011, 57(?), 62, ^t- 58. Schobsser, see Nos. 73, 89. 59. Schoffer, see No. 163 (?). 60. Schonsperger, see Nos. 121, i55(?), 169. 61. Scinzenzeler, see No. 158. 62. Septemcastrensis, see No. 50. 63. Signerre, le, see Nos. 105 (?), 164. 64. Silber, see Nos. 61 (?), ^6{l\ 86. 65. Snell, see No. 65. 66. Sorg, see Nos. I2(?), 38 (?), 39(?)> 4o(?). 41 (?), 42 (?), 43 (?). 64. 67. Stella, de, see Nos. 63, 132, 133. 68. Valdarfer, see No. 6 (?). 5 8 Incunabula. 69. Verard, see Nos. 112, 143. 70. Vivaldis, de, see Nos. 20, 49. 71. Willa, de, see No. 15. 72. Zainer, Guentherus, see No. 44 (?). 73. Zainer, Johannes, see Nos. 16, 17. 74. Zarotus, see Nos. 11, 19. d. Size of the Folio Editions. 1. 30 leaves, see No. 49. 2. 36 leaves, see No. 112. 3. 62 leaves, see No. 52. 4. 72 leaves, see Nos. 30, 4711, 57, 11711, 14811. 5. 74 leaves, see No. 82. 6. 75 leaves, see No. 163. 7. 77 leaves, see No. 2. 8. 88 leaves, see Nos. i, 148. 9. 94 leaves, see No. 178. 10. 100 leaves, see No. 170. 11. 101 leaves, see No. 54. 12. 102 leaves, see Nos. 5411, 156. 13. 103 leaves, see Nos. 35, 51. 5^"^- 14. 104 leaves, see No. 80. 15. 105 leaves, see No. 169. 16. 112 leaves, see No. 75. 17. 114 leaves, see Nos. 71, 78. 18. 115 leaves, see No. 43. 19. 120 leaves, see No. 98. 20. 123 leaves, see No. 63. 21. 125 leaves, see No. 53. 22. 129 leaves, see Nos. 38, 39. 23. 130 leaves, see No. 3811. 24. 142 leaves, see No. 70. 25. 146 leaves, see No. 34. 26. 151 leaves, see No. 121. 27. 155 leaves, see Nos. 5, 15. 28. 158 leaves, see No. 40. Incunabula. 59 29. 159 leaves, see No. 133. 30. 167 leaves, see No. 44. 31. 168 leaves, see Nos. 10, 72, 132. 32. 170 leaves, see No. 42. 33. 180 leaves, see No. 113. 34. 190 leaves, see No. 41. 35. 196 leaves, see No. 64. 36. 255 leaves, see No. 140. 37. 275 leaves, see No. i7n. 38. 288 leaves, see No. 17. 39. 326 leaves, see No. 12. 40. 332 leaves, see No. 143. 41. 336 leaves, see No. 1211. 42. 400 leaves, see Nos. 4, 9. 43. Unspecified, see Nos. 7, 13, 16, 20, 45, 46, 59, 62, 66, 6t, 71, 8in, 83. 84, 89, 93, 99, 141, 155, 177. e. Size of the Quarto Editions. 1. 6 leaves, see Nos. 115, 130, 149. 2. 18 leaves, see Nos. 79, 151. 3. 19 leaves, see Nos. 22, 2>6. 4. 20 leaves, see Nos. 15, yy, no. 5. 22 leaves, see No. 129. 6. 24 leaves, see Nos. 3, 32. 7. 26 leaves, see No. 13511. 8. 28 leaves, see No. 173. 9. 29 leaves, see No. 144. 10. 30 leaves, see No. 135. 11. 31 leaves, see Nos. 103, 146. 12. 32 leaves, see No. 9611. 13. 33 leaves, see No. 96. 14. 34 leaves, see No. 91. 15. 35 leaves, see Nos. 108, 147. 16. 36 leaves, see Nos. 127, 128, 138, 161, 171. 17. 37 leaves, see No. 145. 18. 38 leaves, see Nos. 60, 102, 107, 150, 159. 6o Inainabula. 19. 39 leaves, see Nos. 139, i6on. 20. 40 leaves, see Nos. iii, 158, 160, 175. 21. 42 leaves, see Nos. 6, 95, 123. 22. 44 leaves, see No. 76. 23. 48 leaves, see No. 165. 24. 50 leaves, see Nos. II, 26, 31. 25. 55 leaves, see No. 19. 26. 56 leaves, see No. 109. 27. 62 leaves, see No. 14. 28. 63 leaves, see No. 18. 29. 66 leaves, see No. 21. 30. 70 leaves, see No. 164. 31. 71 leaves, see Nos. 100, 15711. 32. 72 leaves, see Nos. 47, 117, 124, 131, 157. 33. 77 leaves, see Nos. 114, 172. 34. 82 leaves, see No. 61. 35. 92 leaves, see No. 176. 36. 100 leaves, see No. 85. 37. 120 leaves, see No. 25. 38. 160 leaves, see No. 2511. 39. 167 leaves, see No. 37. 40. 186 leaves, see No. 167. 41. 212 leaves, see No. 136. 42. 286 leaves, see Nos. 33, loi. 43. Unspecified, see Nos. 8, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 36, 48, 50, 56, 65, 74, 81, 87, 88, 90, 92, 94, 97, 104, 105, 106, 119, 120, 122, 125, 126, 134, 142, 152, 153, 162, 168. 44. Unidentified, see Nos. 55,68,69, 116, 118, 137, 154, 166, 174. /. Languages. 1. Bohemian, see No. 90. 2. English, see Nos. 70, 116, 178. 3. Flemish, see Nos. 53, 59, 74, 75. ^"^3- 93. '70- 4. French, see Nos. 29, 30, 34, 54, 57.62,67,81, 112, 114, 143, 148, 172. Incunabula. 6i 5. German, see Nos. i, 2, 16, 17,40,41,42,43,44,64, 73, 89, 113, 121, 155, 169. 6. Greek, see Nos. 37, 60, 106, 159, 165, 174. 7. Italian, see Nos. 23, 25, 36, 47, 55, 61, 63, 72, 85, 100, 105, 117, 124, 125, 131, 132, 133, 134, 154, 157, 158, 161, 164. 8. Latin, see Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 5°, 5i, 52, 55, 56, 58, 60, 61, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71, 72, y^, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 100, loi, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, no. III, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177. 9. Spanish, see Nos. 98, 99, 156. g. Cities Where Preserved. 1. Althorp: a. Earl Spencer's Libr., see Nos. 17^, 37^, 165^:. 2. Amsterdam: a. Crevenna Sale, see Nos. 72^, 159^. b. Enschede Sale, see No. ^a. c. Meermann Sale, see Nos. 35^, g\a, i^gb. 3. Arras: a. Bibl. Miinicipale, see No. 152^. 4. Baltimore : a. Johns Hopkins Univ. Libr., see No. 64^. 5. Basel : a. Museum, see Nos. 7\a, 78a, 167a, 17 ^a. 6. Berlin: a. K'onigliche Bibl., see No. 2a. 7. Bern: a. Bibl. Botigarsiana, see Nos. 78^^, 109^. 62 Incunabula. 8. Boston : a. Boston Public Libr., see Nos. ga, 12a, 12b. 9. Bruxelles : a. Bibl. Royale, see Nos. 80^, gib, loya, 126a, I2ya, lyia. 10. Cambridge, Eng.: a. University Libr., see No. ?,ob. 1 1 . Carlsruhe : a. Grossherzogl. Badische Hof- u. Landesbibl., see Nos. \2ia, 124a. 12. Carpentras: a. Bibl. Municipalc, see No. I57«. 13. Darmstadt : a. Grossherzogliche HofbibL, see Nos. 35/^, 59^, 75^, 113^:, I22«, I77«. 14. Dijon : a. Bibl. Municipale, see Nos. 107/^, 137^. 15. Dresden: a. Kgl. bffentliche Bibl., see No. w^b. 16. Escorial : a. R. Bibl. S. Laiirentii Escurialensis, see Nos. 72*^, 98^. 17. Ferrara: a. Bibl. Comunale, see No. I57<^. 18. Firenze: a. R. Bibl. Mediceo-Laurenziatia, see Nos. ijb, yga. b. R. Bibl. Nazionale Centrale, see No. 36^. c. R. Bibl. Riccardiana, see No. 154^. 19. Gand : a. Bibl. de la Ville et de rUniv., see No. 170^. 20. Grenoble : a. Bibl. Municipale, see Nos. 33^, 10 1^;. 2 1 . Haag : a. Kong. Bibliotheek, see Nos. y^b, \02a, 139^-. b. Martinus Nijhoff Cat., see No. 53^. 22. Haarlem : a. Stcidtischc JUbl., see No. ^b. Incunabula. 63 23. Hannover: a. Kgl. Offentliche Bibl, see Nos. ']2c, 175^. 24. Heidelberg: a. Universitdtsbibl., see Nos. 72^/, 78^:. 25. Eoln : rt:. StadtbibL, see Nos. 54^:, 135^. 26. Linz : a. K. u. K. StudienbibL, see Nos. i(^b,6^b, 96^, I38«, 1391^, i6o«. 27. London : a. Beckford Sale, see Nos. 35^, ii7rt, 131^. 35/. 53<^. 72^. ii2«, i33«, 169^. c. British Musetmi, see Nos. y, 6a, iia, lib, i\c, iga, 21a, 24a, 2Sb, 2SC, 2Sd, ^oa, ^la, 35^, 35/^, 37^. 37^. 37^. 39^. 5i«. 52^, 52<^, 57«, 58«. 58^'. 60a, 60b, 60c, 6ia, 6ia, yoa, 71a, 71b, 72/, 72^, y6a, 76b, 7?>d, ?>oc, S2a, 85^, 86a, gic, 93^, 95^^, g6b, 102b, 103a, ma, 114a, ii^a, 122b, 123^, I27<5, 127^, 129^, 130^, 130/^ I34«, I35/^ 138/^ 140^, 141^?, 143^, 143^. h6«, H7^y h8«. 149^, 150^, 157^, 159^, 159^, 159^, 160^, i6ia, 164a, i6sb, i6sc, 170b, 172a, 178a, i7Sb. d. Cassano Serra Sale, see No. 36^. e. Dtike of Devonshire'' s Libr., see No. 37^. /. Gennaditcs Sale, see No. 159/- g. Heber Sale, see Nos. \()b, 2,2a, 35/, 357, 37/, 38^'. S2C, 66a, 84a, 1^7 d. h. Hibbert Sale, see Nos. 19c, 36^, 37^, 72h, 91^, I25«, 159^, 159^^- i. John Radcliffe's Libr., see No. 178^. j. Kloss Sale, see Nos. 4a, 5^, gb, loa. k. Libri Sale, see No. \gd. I. Payne and Foss Cat., see No. 99^. m. Pinelli Sale, see Nos. \ge, 17 h, 72?, 165^. 71. South Kensington Museum, see No. 74^. 64 Incunabula. o. Stanley Sale, see No. 3 5 /I'. p. Sunderland Sale, see Nos. 158^, i6^e. q. Sykes Sale, see Nos. 8«, 35/. r. Thorold Sale, see Nos. 8<^, 35W, 37/, 52^, 140^, 165/ s. Unspecified Sale, see No. 727. 28. Maestricht: a. Bibliotheek, see No. 71^. 29. Manchester: ^. 71/r.y. Rylands Libr., see Nos. 17^/, 377, 165^. 30. Milano : a. Bibl. Ambrosiana, see Nos. \0'^a, 164b. b. Bibl. Nazionale di Brera, see Nos. lO^b, lo^c, \$\a, 164c, 164^/. 31. Miinclien: a. Kgl. Hof- u. Stadtbibl, see Nos. ije, 39^, 63<^, 95<^, 964b. c. Bibl. Natiotiale, see Nos. (^c, 20a, 40a, 41a, 51/^ 54/7, 58<;, sgb, 6ib, 67a, 112b, 143^/, 156^. d. Bibl. de Sai?ite- Genevieve, see No. 143^:. e. Bontourlin Sale, see Nos. 2\b, 2ia, 25^, 37W, 72/. /. Brienne- Lair e Sale, see Nos. \\d, 14a, 38/;, 52^', 72W, io6«, 165/. Incunabula. 65 g. Cailhava Sale, see No. 82(5. h. Celotti Sale, see No. 77^. z. Costabili Sale, see No. 161 (5. J, Coulon Sale, see No. iy2b. k. Du Fay Sale, see No. 62a. I. Elcy Sale, see No. i6«. »/. Gaignat Sale, see No. 35«. n. Golowkin Sale, see No. 12c. o. Hervieux' Libr., see Nos. \Qc, iiga, 141^. /. La Valliere Sale, see Nos. 37^, 51^:, 11 2c:. ^. Zz<5W Sale, see Nos. 37^, 72^, 85^. r. MacCarthy Sale, see Nos. 9^, io2a. 22. Elcy Sale, Paris, (?), see No. \6a. 23. Enschede Sale, Amsterdam, (?), see No. 3^. 24. Gaignat Sale, Paris, 1769, see No. 35«. 25. Gennadius Sale, London, 1895, see No. 159/ 26. Golowkin Sale, Paris, (?), see No. \2c. 27. Grossherzogl. Hofbibl., Darmstadt, 1871, see Nos. SS*^. 59«. 75^> 113^. i22«, 177^. 28. Grossherzogl. Hof- und Landesbibl., Carlsruhe, 1877, see p. 28n and Nos. 121a, YjA^a. 29. Heber Sale, London, 1 834-1 836, see Nos. \(^b, 32^, 35^'. 357, 37/ 38^. 52^, 66«, 84a, 157^. 30. Hibbert Sale, London, 1829, see Nos. 19c, 36/^, 37^, 72h,gid, i2Sa, 159^, 159/^. 31. Kloss Sale, London, 1835, see Nos. 4a, ^a, gb, loa. 32. La Valliere Sale, Paris, 1767, see Nos. 37«, 51^, 1 12c. 33. Library of Congress, Washington, 1867, see No. 140^. 34. Library of Congress, Washington, 1878, see No. 37^- 35. Libri Sale, Paris, 1847-1858, see Nos. 37^?, 72^, 85^. 36. Libri Sale, London, 1859, see No. igd. 37. MacCarthy Sale, Paris, 1779, see Nos. gd, lod, 35^, 37A 38. Martinus Nijhoff Cat., The Hague, 1893, see No. 53^- 39. Meermann Sale, Amsterdam, (?), see Nos. 35^, gia, iSgb. 40. Molini Sale, Paris, 1813, see Nos. 23/;, 25/, 49^. 41. Monasterium S. Michaelis, Venetiis, 1779, see Nos. 140^, 141c. 42. Morante Sale, Paris, (?), see No. lor. 43. Payne and Foss Cat., London, 1824, see No. 99^. 44. Pinelli Sale, London, 1789, see Nos. I9(f, 37//, 721, i6sd. Incunabula. 69 45. Regnault-Bretel Sale, Paris, 1819, see No. \22c. 46. Reine Sale, Paris, 1834-1840, see No. 159/ 47. Salle Silvestre, Paris, 1809, see Nos. i\b,i\d, lyyb. 48. Soubise Sale, Paris, 1788, see No. 10/. 49. Stanley Sale, London, (?), see No. 35/C\ 50. Strong Sale, New York, 1878, see No. 6^a. 51. Sunderland Sale, London, i88i,see Nos. 158a, 165^. 52. Sykes Sale, London, 1824, see Nos. 8«, 3V- 53. Thorold Sale, London, 1884, see Nos. 8/7, 35;;/, 372, ^2d, 14.0b, 165/. 54. Unspecified Sale, Rome, 1478, see No. 21c. 55. Unspecified Sale, London, 1816, see No. 72/ 56. Unspecified Sale, Paris, 1856, see No. 44^. 57. Unspecified Sale, Paris, (?), see Nos. 72c', 82^, I39<:, 157/ 58. Vadianische Bibl., St. Gallen, 1864, see Nos. 66c, g6d, 14.0c. 59. Yemeniz Sale, Paris, 1868, see Nos. yb, 52/, 54c. i. Chronological List of Sales and Catalogiies. 1. 1478, Unspecified Sale, Rome, see No. 2\c. 2. 1725, Du Fay Sale, Paris, see No. 62a. 3. 1767, La Valliere Sale, Paris, see Nos. 37;/, ^\c, I \2C. 4- 1769, Gaignat Sale, Paris, see No. 35«. 5. 1779, MacCarthy Sale, Paris, see Nos. 9^, \od, 35^, 37A 6. 1779, Monasterium S. Michaelis, Venetiis, see No. 140^. 7. 1788, Soubise Sale, Paris, see No. 10/. 8. 1789, Crevenna Sale, Amsterdam, see Nos. 72^, i59rt. 9. 1789, Pinelli Sale, London, see Nos. 19^, 37//, 72/, 165^. 10. 1791, Brienne-Laire Sale, Paris, see Nos. \\d, 14a, T,Sb, 52^, y2fn, \o6a, 1652. 70 Incunabula. 11. 1809, Salle Silvestre, Paris, see N0S.3 1^,5 1^,177^. 12. 1813, Molini Sale, Paris, see Nos. 23<^, 25/ 49^. 13. 1816, Unspecified Sale, London, see No. 72/ 14. 1819, Regnault-Bretel Sale, Paris, see No. 122^. 15. 1824, Payne and Foss Cat., London, see No. 99^. 16. 1824, Sykes Sale, London, see Nos. 8^, 35/. 17. 1825, Celotti Sale, Paris, see No. Tja. 18. 1829,tIoulon Sale, Paris, see No. 172^^. 19. 1829, Hibbert Sale, London, see Nos. 19c, 36^, 37^, '/2h,gid, i2Sa, 159^, 159/^. 20. 1830, Andry Sale, Paris, see No. io/a 21. 1834-1836, Heber Sale, London, see Nos. 19^, 32rt, 35^. 357, 37/, 38^, 52^, 66rt. 84^, 157^. 22. 1834-1840, Reine Sale, Paris, see No. 159/ 23. 1835, Kloss Sale, London, see Nos. 4a, 5«, gd, loa. 24. 1839-1841, Boutourlin Sale, Paris, see Nos. 2i<^, 23^, 25^, 37m, 72/. 25. 1843, Bodleian Libr., Oxford, see Nos. 37k, 37/, yod, 103^, 134^, 159/, i6s/i. 26. 1845-1852, Cailhava Sale, Paris, see No. Szd. 27. 1847-1858, Libri Sale, Paris, see Nos. 37^, 72^, 85.. 28. 1855, Bearzi Sale, Paris, see Nos. 66^5, 84^. 29. 1856, Unspecified Sale, Paris, see No. 44^. 30. 1859, Libri Sale, London, see No. 19c/. 31. 1864, Vadianische Bibl., St. Gallen, see Nos. 66c, 96c/, 140^. 32. 1866, Boston Public Libr., Boston, see Nos. ga, 12a, 12b. 33. 1867, Library of Congress, Washington, see No. i40£'. 34. 1868, Yeme'niz Sale, Paris, see Nos. yb, 52/, 54*:. 35. 1871, Grosslierzogl. Hofbibl., Darmstadt, see Nos. 35<^, 59^.75^. 113^^. i22rt, lyya. 36. 1874, Bernard ftuaritch Cat., London, see Nos. 17^, 72r. Inainahila. 7 1 37. 1877, Caxton Celebration, London, see No. 37^. 38. 1877, Grossherzogl. Hof-undLandesbibl.,Carls- ruhe, see p. 28n and Nos. 121^:, \'j^a. 39. 1878, Library of Congress, Washington, see No. 37^- 40. 1878, Strong Sale, New York, see No. 6A,a. 41. 1881, Sunderland Sale, London, see Nos. 158^?, 165^. 42. 1882, Beckford Sale, London, see Nos. 35^, wja, 43. 1883-1890, British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books, London, see p. 9n, and Nos. y, 6a, iia, lib, lie, iga, 21a, 24a, 2^b, 2SC, 2sd, 30«, iia, 35^, 35/2, 37^, 37^, 37^, 39^, 5i«, 52^, 52/;, 57«, 58^, 58^^, 60a, Gob, 60c, 6ia, 63^, 70^, 71/;, 71^, 72/, 72^, 76a, y6d, ySd, Soc, S2a, 85^, 86a, gic, g^a, g^a, g6b, 102b, i03«, ma, 114a, 115(3:, I22<^, 123^, \2yb, 12'jc, I2ga, i^oa, 130^, I34«, 135/^, 138-^, 140^, 141 «, 143(7, 143/;, 146^, I472c, 139^. 157/ J. Prices Brought. A. London Sales. 1. 12s. 6d., see No. ige. 2. £1 Is., see No. igb. 3. £1 13s., see Nos. 66a, 84^. 4. £1 16s., see No. 52^. 5. £2 5s., see No. g\d. 6. £2 12s., see No. igd. 7. £2 19s., see No. 157^. 8. £3, see No. 32^. 9. £3 7s., see No. 35/. 10. £3 13s., see No. 159^. 11. £3 14s., see No. 35/ 12. £3 15s., see No. 159/?. 13. £4 Is., see No. 38^. 14. £4 4s., see No. 125^. 15. £5, see No. 169^. 16. £6, see No. 37/ 17. £6 16s. 6d., see No. z6b. 18. £7 10s., see No. 53/^ 19. £8 18s. 6d., see No. 35/. 20. £9 5 s., see No. 37^. 21. £12, see No. 72/. 22. £12 15s., see No. I9<:. J Incunabula. 73 23. £14, see No. 37/2. 24. £14 3s. 6d., see No. 8«. 25. £15, see No. 17^. 26. £17, see No. 72/^. 27. £20, see Nos. 35^, 112a. 28. £26 15s., see No. 72/ 29. £31 lOs., see No. So^^n. 30. £40, see No. 35^. 31. £40 19s., see No. 165^. 32. £42, see No. 35^. 33- £50, see No. 21a. 34- £63, see No. 35/ 35- £80, see No. 72^. 36. £100, see No. ya. 37. £250, see No. 133^. 38. £320, see No. 133^11. B. Paris Sales. I. 3fr., see No. 2\c. 2. 12fr., see No. 112c. 3- 14fr., see No. 52^. 4- 18fr., see No. \22c. 5- 21fr., see No. 177^. 6. 25fr., see Nos. 31^, 139^. 7- 27fr., see No. 14^. 8. 30fr., see Nog. 11^, 38^^. 9- 36fr. 50c., see No. 72/. 10. 40fr. 50c., see Nos. 23^, 25^ II. 41fr., see No. 159/ 12. 42fr., see No. 106.3:. 13- 45fr., see No. i6i<5. 14. 81fr., see No. T^a. 15- 87fr., see No. 51^. 16. 88fr., see No. 35^. 17- 96fr., see No. 35«. 18. lOOfr., see No. 10/ 74 Incunabula. 19. 121fr., see No. 37«. 20. 134fr., see No. 51^. 21. 170fr., see No. 157/ 22. 175fr., see Nos. 85*:, I'jib. 23. 180fr., see No. 44^. 24. 185fr., see No. lym. 25. 190fr., see Nos. 66a. D. Flore?ice Sales. I. 1681., see No. 49a. £. Neiv York Sales. I. $17.50, see No. 64a. Incunabula. 75 k. Bibliograpliers' Vidimus.'^ 1. Amador de los Rios has seen No. 98^. 2. Brunet has seen Nos. \a, 2a, 6ya. 3. Deschamps (or G. Brunet) has seen No. gc 4. Ghivizzani has seen No. 36^. 5. Hervieux has seen Nos. 15^, lyb, ije, \yf, lyg, 2^c, 25^, 30^. 33^. 38^. 39^. 39^. 39^. 39^. 44'^' 47«- 47^, 57«, 58«, 6i/^ 63^, 63<^, 64^5, 64*:, 70^, 70^-, 71^, 71^, 7ir, 7i«', 74^, 78^, 78^, 78t-, 78^, 78^, 78/, 78^, 8o«, 80/;, Z\a, 98^, loi^, 105^, 105^, 105^, wyb, wye, 124a, 124b, I43<:/, 151^. 6. Keidel, G. C, has seen No. 64a. 7. Morel-Fatio has seen No. 156^. 8. Morelli has seen No. 50^. 9. Robert has seen Nos. 32^^, 35/, 38^, 40^-, 61^, 67«, 72^, I44«, 156^, 170^:, 173^. 10. Schwabe has seen No. ly/i. I. Former Owners.^ 1. Benard, Fieri, see No. 2^n. 2. Colombo, Ferdinando, see No. 85^n. 3. Cracherode, C. M., see No. 37cn. 4. Grolierus, lo., see No. i33rtn. 5. Ireland, Thomas, see No. 35m. 6. Kirkbye, Bartholomew, see No. 35^n. 7. Lakelands, see No. 159/n. 8. Leslie, see No. \<^dn. 9. McCoy, John W., see No. 64«n. *The great majority of the catalogues and bibliographies consulted by me were as a rule so indefinite in their statements that I have been able to include only a few references in this list ; to do otherwise would have been giving the semblance of fact to only the merest conjectures for most of the copies not mentioned in this short list. f This list includes only those names which have not been given in the lists of Sales and Catalogues because of a lack of the necessary information. 76 Incunabula. 10. Prefond, Girardot de, see No. ii2«n. | 11. Stokesley, Nicholas, see No. 35^n. 12. Thacker, Robert, see No. 35m. 13. Walker, Fountaine, see No. 25^^11. 14. Yemeniz, see No. 'j2ew. ■■>». .•ui.>iuiiii||||l|||lll|l|l|l|ll|l||||il||||||tl||||t|| ITY ^ -— „^ -.y ■^^ 'M UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. fTfAW I ■ liLCU LJ-uKL J^ JAM? 197p DEC 2 1^ DEC 19 1958 ^;\-- f. * iVIAlM LOAN IJtU, ; 231986 r„ \^;i.^. I mil' fiPRl9 1599 ■'0< 'isi. »4 DESK : uyj^^g ^£c'o ccf.o?g 1972' P.M. 2^344 ;-€M- S,.^ Tm- J^W9 ,4s f^AR 1 6 1974 r & A.M. ' ,' TO'i ^ Formli9-50w-ir,"'50^2S54)4« - — ' ^' ®; P.f.:. i tC, T.: ^^i tj Id V 19C, 3 1158 00163 2123 F AA 000 652 491 2 vi