. t*JW!r>--:y«f !?^- UC-NRLF .• »• B M IDM Ell ATHCOTE •OF M^ANQOILif^ ^■^•v^ •*■«'=» « A. • r 11^ 'fi®'^ A Night's Ride, 33 its predecessor. But Gangoil was not far outside tlie tropics, and there were no long summer nights. The heat was intense ; but there was a low soughing wind, which ;v^^f seemed to moan among the trees without moving them. As they crossed the little home enclosure and the horse-paddock the track was just visible, the trees being dead and the spaces open. About half a mile from the house, while they were still in the horse-paddock, Harry turned from the track, and Jacko, of course, turned with him. "You can sit your horse jumping, Jacko?" he asked. " My word ! jump like glory ! " answered Jacko. He was soon tried. Harry rode at the bush fence, which was not, indeed, much D 34 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. of a fence, made of logs lengthways and crossways, about three feet and a half high, and went over it. Jacko followed him, rushing his horse at the leap, losing his seat, and almost falling over the ani- mal's shoulders as he came to the ground. "My word!" said Jacko, just saving himself by a scramble; " who ever saw the like of that?" " Why don't you sit in your saddle, you stupid young duffer ? " " Sit in my saddle ! Why don't he jump proper ? Well, you go on. I don't know that I'm a duffer. Duffer, indeed ! My word !" Heathcote had turned to the left, leav- ing the track, which was indeed the main road towards the nearest town and the coast, and was now pushing on through A Night's Ride. 35 tlie forest witli no pathway at all to guide liim. To ordinary eyes tlie attempt to steer any course would have been hopeless. But an Australian squatter, if he have any well-grounded claim to the character of a bushman, has eyes which are not ordinary, and he has, probably, nurtured within him- self, unconsciously, topographical instincts which are unintelligible to the inhabitants of cities. Harry, too, was near his own home, and went forward through the thick gloom without a doubt, Jacko following him faithfully. In about half an hour they came to another fence, but now it was too absolutely dark for jumping. Harry had not seen it till he was close to it, and then he pulled up his horse. " My word ! why don't you jump away, Mr. Harry ? "Who's a duffer now ? " D 2 36 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. " Hold your tongue, or I'll put nij whip across your back. Get down and lielp me pull a log away. The horses couldn't see where to put their feet." Jacko did as he was bid, and worked hard, but still grumbled at having been called a duffer. The animals were quickly led over, the logs were replaced, and the two were again galloping through the forest. ''I thought you were making for the wool-shed," said Jacko. "We're eight miles beyond the wool- shed," said Harry. They had now crossed another paddock, and had come to the ex- treme fence on the run. The Grangoil pas- tures extended much farther, but in that direction had not as yet been enclosed. Here they both got off their horses and walked along the fence till they came to an opening — with a slip panel, or moveable A Night's Ride, 37 bars — Tvliicli had been Heatlicote's intended destination. " Hold tbe liorses, Jacko, till I come back," he said. Jacko, when alone, nothing daunted by the darkness or solitude, seated himself on the top rail, took out a pipe, and struck a match. When the tobacco was ignited he dropped the match on the dry grass at his feet, and a little flame instan^ sprang up. The boy waited a few seconds till the flames began to run, and then, putting his feet together on the ground, stamped out the incipient fire. "My word!" said Jacko to himself; "it's easy done, any way." Harry went on to the left for about half a mile, and then stood leaning against the fence. It was very dark, but he was now looking over into an enclosure which had been altogether cleared of trees, and which, 38 Harry Heathcote of Ga7igoiL as lie knew well, had been cultivated and was covered with sugar-canes. Where he stood he was not distant above a quarter of a mile from the river, and the field before him ran down to the banks. This was the selected land of Gile^Medlicot — two years since a portion of his own run, which had now been purchased from the Government — for the loss of which he had received and was entitled to receive no compensation. And the matter was made worse for him by the fact that the interloper had come be- tween him and the river. But he was not standing here near midnight merely to exercise his wrath by straining his eyes through the darkness at his neighbour's crops. He put his finger into his mouth to wet it, and then held it up that he might discover which way the light breath of wind A Night's Ride. was coming. There was still the low moan to be heard contin-iiallj through the forest, and yet not a leaf seemed to be moved. After a while he thono^ht he cauc^ht a sound, and put his ear down to the ground. He distinctly heard a footstep, and, rising up, walked quickly towards the spot whence the noise came. "Who's that?" he said, as he saw the figure of a man standing on his side of the fence, and leaning against it, with a pipe in his mouth. " Who are you ? " replied the man on the fence. " My name is Medlicot." ''Oh, Mr. Medlicot, is it?" " Is that Mr. Heathcote ? Good night, Mr. Heathcote. You are going about at a late hour of the night." 40 Harry Hcathcote of Gangoil. " I liave to go about early and late ; but I ain't later tlian you." " I'm close at home," said Medlicot. " I am, at any rate, on my own run," said Harry. " You mean to say that I am trespass- ing," said the other; "because I can very soon jump back over the fence." " I didn't mean that at all, Mr. Medlicot ; anybody is welcome on my run, night or day, who knows how to behave himself." " I hope I'm included in that list." " Just so — of course. Considering the state that everything is in, and all the damage that a fire would do, I rather wish that people would be a little more careful about smoking." " My canes, Mr. Heathcote, would burn quite as quickly as your grass." A Night's Ride. 41 " It is not only tlie grass. I've a liiin- dred miles of fencing on the run, wliicli is as dry as tinder ; not to talk of the station and the wool-shed." ^' They shan't suffer from my neglect, Mr. Heathcote." " You have men about v^ho mayn't be so careful. The wind, such as it is, is coming right across from your place. If there were light enough, I could show you three or four patches where there has been fire within half a mile of this spot. There was a log burning there for two or three days, not long ago, which was lighted by one of your men." " That was a fortnight since. There was no heat then, and the men were boiling their kettle. I spoke about it." '^ A log hke that, Mr. Medlicot, will burn 42 Harry Heathcote of Ga7igoiL for weeks sometimes. I'll tell you fairly wliat I'm afraid of. There's a man with you whom I turned out of the shed last shearing, and I think he might put a match down — not by accident." " You mean JSTokes. As far as I know, he's a decent man. You wouldn't have me not employ a man just because you had dismissed him ?" '^ Certainly not — that is, I shouldn't think of dictating to you about such a thing." " Well, no, Mr. Heathcote, I suppose not. Nokes has got to earn his bread though you did dismiss him. I don't know that he's not as honest a man as you or I." " If so, there's three of us very bad — that's all, Mr. Medlicot. Good night — and if you'll trouble yourself to look after A Nighfs Ride. 43 the ash of your tobacco it might be the saving of me and all I have."' So saying, he turned round, and made his way back to the horses. Medlicot had placed himself on the fence during the interview, and he still kept his seat. Of course he was now thinking of the man who had just left him, whom he declared to himself to be an ignorant, pre- judiced, ill-constituted cur. '^ I believe in his heart he thinks that I'm going to set fire to his run," he said almost aloud. "And because he grows wool he thinks himself above everybody in the colony. He oc- cupies thousands of acres, and employs three or four men. I till about two hun- dred, and maintain thirty families. But he is such a pig that he can't understand all that ; and he thinks that I must be some- 44 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. thing low because I've bought with my own money a bit of land which never belonged to him, and which he couldn't use." Such was the nature of Giles Medlicot's soliloquy as he sat swinging his legs, and still smok- ing his pipe, on the fence which divided his sugar-canes from the other young man's run. And Harry Heathcote uttered his soli- loquy also. " I wouldn't swear that he wouldn't do it himself, after all;" meaning that he almost suspected that Medlicot himself would be an incendiary. To him, in his way of thinking, a man who would take advantage of the law to buy a bit of another man's land — or become a free- selector, as the term goes — was a public enemy, and might be presumed capable of any iniquity. It was all very well for the A Night's Ride. 45 girls — meaning his wife and sister-in-law — to tell liim that Medlicot had the manners of a gentleman, and had come of decent people. Women were always soft enough to be taken by soft hands, a good-looking- face, and a decent coat. This Medlicot went about dressed like a man in the towns, exhibiting, as Harry thought, a contemp- tible, unmanly finery. Of what use was it to tell him that Medlicot was a gentleman ? What Harry knew was, that, since Medlicot had come, he had lost his sheep, that the heads of three or four had been found buried on Medlicot' s side of his run, and that if he dismissed '' a hand " Medlicot employed him — a proceeding which,- in Harry Heathcote's aristocratic and patri- archal views of life, was altogether ungen- tlemanlike. How were the '* hands" to be 46 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. kept in tlieir place if one employer of labour ydid not back np another ? He had been warned to be on liis guard against fire. The warnings had hardly been implicit, but yet had come in a shape which made him unable to ignore them. Old Bates, whom he trusted implicitly, and who was a man of very few words, had told him to be on his guard. The German, at whose hut he had been in the morning, Karl Bender by name, and a servant of his own, had told him that there would be fire about before long. " Why should any one want to ruin me ?" Harry had asked. " Did I ever wrong a man of a shilling ? " The German had learned to know his young master, had made his way through the crust of his master's character, and was prepared to be faithful at all points — though A Night's Ride. 47 lie, too, could have quarrelled, and liave avenged himself, had it not chanced that he had come to the point of loving instead of hating his employer. " You like too much to be governor over all," said the German, as he stooped over the fire in his own hub in his anxiety to boil the water for Heathcote's tea. " Somebody must be governor, or every- thing would go fothe-devilXi'' said Harry. '^ Dat's true ; only fellows don't like be made feel it," said the German. " J^okes, he was made feel it when you put him over de gate." But neither would Bates nor the German express absolute suspicion of any man. That Medlicot's "hands" at the sugar-mill were stealing his sheep, Harry thought that he knew; but that was comparatively a 48 Hcwry Heathcote of Gangoil. small affair, and lie would not have pressed it, as lie was witliout absolute evidence. And even lie had a feeling that it would be unwise to increase the anger felt against himself — at any rate, during the present heats. Jacko had his pipe still alight when Heathcote returned. "You joung monkey," said he, " have you been using matches ?" "Why not, Mr. Harry? Don't the grass burn ready, Mr. Harry ? My word ! " Then Jacko stooped down, lit another match, and showed Heathcote the burned patch. "Was it so when we came?" Harry asked, with emotion. Jacko, still kneeling on the ground, , and holding the lighted match in his hand, shook his head and tapped his breast, indicating that he had A Night's Ride. 49 burned tlie grass. '' You dropped the matcli by accident ? " " My word, no ! Did it o' purpose to see. It's all just one as gunpowder, Mr. Harry." Harry got on his horse without a word, and rode away through the forest, taking a direction different from that by which he had come, and the boy followed him. He was by no means certain that this young fellow might not turn against him ; but it had been a part of his theory to make no difference to any man because of such fears. If he could make the men around him re- spect him, then they would treat him well ; but they could never be brought to respect him by flattery. He was very nearly' right in his views of men, and would have been right altogether could he have seen accu- rately what justice demanded for others as E 50 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. well as for himself. As far as tlie intention went, he was minded to be,just^to every man. It seemed, as they were riding, that the heat grew fiercer and fiercer. Though there was still the same moaning sound, there was not a breath of air. They had now got upon a track very well known to Heathcote, which led up from the river to the wool- shed, and so on to the station, and they had turned homewards. When they were near the wool-shed, suddenly there fell a heavy drop or two of rain. Harry stopped, and turned his face upwards, when, in a moment, the whole heavens above them and the forest around were illumined by a flash of lightning so near them that it made each of them start in his saddle, and made the horses shudder in every limb. Then A Night's Ride. 5 1 came the roll of tliunder immediately over tlieir heads, and, witli tlie tliunder, rain so thick and fast that Harry's "ten thousand buckets" seemed to be emptied directly over their heads. "God A' mighty has put out the fires now," said Jacko. Harry paused for a moment, feeling the rain through to his bones, for he had nothing on over his shirt, and rejoicing in it. "Yes," he said, " we may go to bed for a week, and let the grass grow and the creeks fill, and the earth cool. Half an hour like this over the whole run, and there won't be a dry stick on it." As they went on, the horses splashed through the water. It seemed as though a deluge were falling, and that already the ground beneath their feet were becoming a lake. E 2 5 2 Harry Heathcote of GangoiL "We miglitjiave too inucli of tliis, Jacko." " My word, yes ! " ^^^ " I don't want to have tlie Mary flooded again." *'My word, no !" But by the time they reached the wool- shed it was over. From the first drop to the last there had hardly been a space of twenty minutes. But still there was a noise of waters as the little streams washed hither and thither to their destined courses, and still the horses splashed, and still there was the feeling of an incipient deluge. When they reached the wool- shed, Harry again got off his horse, and Jacko, dismounting also, hitched the two animals to the post, and followed his master into the building. Harry struck a wax match, and, holding it up, strove to look round the building by A Night's Ride. the feeble ligTit wliicli it slied. It was a remarkable edifice, built in tlie shape of a great T, open at the sides, with a sharp- pitched timber roof covered with felt, which came down within four feet of the ground. It was calculated to hold about four hundred sheep at a time, and was divided into pens of various sizes, partitioned off for various purposes. If Harry Heathcote was sure of anything he was sure that his wool- shed was the best that had ever been built in this district. " By Jimini ! what's that ?" said Jacko. "Did you hear anything?" Jacko pointed with his finger down the centre walk of the shed, and Harry, striking another match as he went, rushed forward. But the match was out as soon as ignited, and gave no glimmer of light. Neverthe- 54 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. less lie saw, or tliouglit tliat he saw, tlie figure of a man escaping ont of the open end of the shed. The place itself was black as midnight, but the space beyond was clear of trees, and the darkness outside, being a few shades lighter than within the building, allowed something of the outline of a figure to be visible ; and, as the man escaped, the sounds of his footsteps were audible enough. Harry called to him, but of course received no answer. Had he pursued him he would have been obliged to cross sundry rails, which would have so delayed him as to give him no chance of suc- cess. " I knew there was a fellow about," he said ; " one of our own men would not have run like that." Jacko shook his head, but did not speak. '' He got in here for shelter out of the rain, but he was doing no good A Nighfs Ride, 55 about the place." Jacko again sliook liis head. " I wonder who he was ?" Jacko came up and whispered in his ear, "KilNok^." "You couldn't see him." " Seed the dras; of his leo^." Now it was well known that the man Nokes had injured some of his muscles, and habitually dragged one foot after another. " I don't think you could have been sure of him by such a glimpse as that." " May be not," said the boy> " only I'm sure as sure." Harry Heathcote said not another word, but, getting again upon his horse, galloped home. It was past one when he reached the station, but the two girls were waiting up for him, and at once began to condole with him because he was wet. 56 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. ''Wet!" said Harry; "if you could only know liow mucli I prefer things being wet to dry just at present ! But give Jacko some supper. I must keep that young fellow in good humour if I can." So Jacko had half a loaf of bread, and a small pot of jam, and a large jug of cold tea provided for him, in the enjoyment of which luxuries he did not seem to be in the least impeded by the fact that he was wet through to the skin. Harry Heathcote had another nobbier — being only the second in the day — and then went to bed. Medlicofs Mill. 57 CHAPTEH III. medlicot's mill As Harry had said, tliej might all now lie in bed for a day or two. The rain had set aside for the time the necessity for that urgent watchfulness which kept all hands on the station hard at work during the great heat. There was not, generally, much rest during the year at Gangoil. Lambing in April and May, washing and shearing in September, October, and No- vember, with the fear of fires and the necessary precautions in December and 58 Harry Heathcote of GangoiL January, did not leave more than sufficient intervals for looking after the water-dams, making and mending fences, procuring stores, and attending to the ailments of the flocks. jSTo man worked harder than the young squatter. But now there had sud- denly come a day or two of rest — rest from work which was not of itself productive, but only remedial, and which, therefore, was not beoTudo-ed. But it soon was apparent that the rest could be only for a day or two. The rain had fallen as from ten thousand buckets, but it had fallen only for a space of minutes. On the following morning the thirsty earth had apparently swallowed all the flood. The waters in the creek beneath the house stood two feet higher than it had done, and Harry, when he visited the dams Medlicofs Mill. 59 round the run, found tliat tliej were full to overflowing, and the grasses were already springing, so quick is the all but tropical growth of the country. They might be safe, perhaps, for eight-and-forty hours. Fire would run only when the ground was absolutely dry, and when every twig or leaf was a combustible. But during those eight and forty hours there might be com- parative ease at Gangoil. On the day following the night of the ride Mrs. Heathcote suggested to her hus- band that she and Kate should ride over to Medlicot's Mill, as the place was already named, and call on Mrs . Medlicot . ' ' It isn't Christian," she said, ''for people living out in the bush, as we are, to quarrel with their neighbours just because they are neigh- bours." 6o Harry Heathcote of Gang oil. "Neighbours!" said Harrj; ''I don't know any word that there's so much humbug about. The Samaritan was the best neighbour I ever heard of, and he Hved a long way off, I take it. Any way, he wasn't a free-selector." " Harry, that's profane." " Everything I say is wicked. You can go, of course, if you like it. I don't want to quarrel with anybody." *' Quarrelling is so uncomfortable," said his wife. " That's a matter o£ taste. There are people whom I find it very comfort- able to quarrel with. I shouldn't at all like not to quarrel with the Brownbies, and I'm not at all sure it mayn't come to be the same with Mr. Giles Medli- cot." MedlicofsMilL 6i '' The Brownbies live by slieep- stealing and liorse-stealing." "And Medlicot means to live by em- ploying slieep-stealers and horse-stealers. You can go if you like it. You won't want me to go with you. Will you have the buggy ? " But the ladies said that they would ride. The air was cooler now than it had been, and they would like the exercise. They would take Jacko with them to open the slip -rails, and they would be back by seven for dinner. So they started, taking the track by the wool-shed. The wool-shed was about two miles from the station, and Medlicot' s Mill was seven miles farther, on the bank of the river. Mr. Giles Medlicot, though at Gangoil he was still spoken of as a new-comer, had 62 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. already been located for nearly two years on tlie land wliicli lie liad purchased imme- diately on liis coming to the colony. He had come out direct from England with the intention of growing sugar, and, whether successful or not in making money, had certainly succeeded in growing crops of sugar-canes and in erecting a mill for crushing them. It probably takes more than two years for a man himself to dis- cover whether he can achieve ultimate success in such an enterprise ; and Medli- cot was certainly not a man likely to talk much to others of his private concerns. The mill had just been built, and he had lived there himself as soon as a water-tight room had been constructed. It was only within the last three months that he had completed a small cottage residence, and Medlicofs Mill. 6-^^ had brought his mother to hve with him. Hitherto he had hamly made himself popular. He was not either fish or fowl. The squatters regarded him as an inter- loper, and as a man holding opinions directly adverse to their own interests — in which they were right. And the small free-selectors, who lived on the labour of their own hands — or, as was said of many of them, by stealing shee^D and cattle — knew well that he was not of their class. But Medlicot had gone his way steadfastly, if not happily, and complained aloud to no one in the midst of his difl&culties. He had not, perhaps, found the Paradise which he had Expected in Queensland, but he had found that he could grow sugar, and, having begun the work, he was deter- mined to go on with it. 64 Harry Heathcote of GangoiL Heathcote was liis nearest neiglibour, and the only man in his own rank of life who lived within twenty miles of him. When he had started his enterprise he had hoped to make this man his friend, not compre- hending at first~lTow great a cause for hostility was created by the very purchase of the land. He had been a new-comer from the old country, and, being alone, had desired friendship. He was Harry Heath- cote's equal in education, intelligence, and fortune, if not in birth— which surely in the Australian bush need not count for much. He had assumed, when first meet- ing the squatter, that good fellowship between them, on equal terms, would be acceptable to both ; but his overtures had been coldly received. Then he, too, had drawn himself up, had declared that Heath- Medlicot's MilL 65 cote was an ignorant as^T'and Had. uncon- sciously made up liis mind to commence hostilities. It was in this spirit that he had taken j^okes into his mill — of whose character, had he inquired about it, he would certainly have heard no good. He had now brought his mother to Medlicot's Mill. She and the Gangoil ladies had met each other on neutral ground ; and it was almost necessary that they should either be friends or absolute enemies. Mrs. Heath- cote had been aware of this, and had declared that enmity was horrible. '' Upon my word," said Harry, " I some- times think that friendship is more so. I suppose I'm fitted for bush life, for I want to see no one from year's end to year's end but my own family and my own people." And yet this young patriarch in the wilder- 66 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. ness was only twefirty:^our_j"ears old^ and had been educated at an Ensflish. scTiool ! Medlicot's cottage was abont a hundred and fifty yards from the mill, looking down upon the Mary, the banks of which at this spot were almost precipitous. The site for the plantation had been chosen because the river afforded the means of carriage down to the sea, and the mill had been so constructed that the sugar hogs- heads could be lowered from the build- ings into the river-boats. Here Mrs. Heathcote and Kate Daly found the old lady sitting at worky-all alone, in the verandah. She was a handsome old woman, with grey hair, seventy years of age, with wrinkled face, and a toothless mouth, but with bright eyes, and with no signs of the infirmity of age. Medlicot's Mill, 67 '' This is gay kind of you to run so far to see an auld woman," slie said. Mrs. Heatlicote declared that they were used to the heat, and that after the rain the air was pleasant. "You're two bright lasses, and you're hearty," she said. " I'm auld, and just out of Cumberland, and I find it's hot enough — and I'm no gude at horseback at all. I didna know how I'm to get aboot." Then Mrs. Heathcote explained that there was an excellent track for a buggy all the way to Gangoil. " Giles is ae telling me that I'm to gang aboot in a bouggey, but I do na feel sure of thae bouggies." Mrs. Heathcote, of course, praised the country carriages, and the country roads, and the country generally. Tea was F 2 6S Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. brought in, and tlie old lady was delighted with her guests. Since she had been at the mill, week had followed week, and she had seen no woman's face but that of the uncouth girl who waited upon her. " Did ye ever see rain like that ?" she said, putting up her hands. " I thought the Lord was sending His clouds down upon us in a lump like." Then she told them that some of the men had declared that if it went on like that for two hours the Mary would rise and take the cottage away. Giles, however, had declared that to be trash, as the cottage was twenty feet above the ordinary course of the river. They were just rising to take their leave when Giles Medlicot himself came in out of the mill. He was a man of good presence, Medlicofs Mill. 69 dark, and tall like Heathcote, but stoutly made, with a strongly-marked face, given to frowning much when he was eager, bright-eyed, with a broad forehead — cer- tainly a man to be observed as far as his appearance was concerned. He was dressed much as a gentleman dresses in the country at home, and was therefore accounted to be a fop by Harry Heathcote, who was rarely seen abroad in other garb than that which has been described. Harry was an aristocrat, and hated such innovations in the bush as cloth coats and tweed trousers and neck handkerchiefs. Medlicot had been full of wrath against his neighbour all the morning. There had been a tone in Heathcote' s voice when he gave his parting warning as to the fire in Medhcot's pipe, which the sugar-grower had 70 Harry Heathcote of GangoiL felt to be intentionally insolent. Nothing had been said wliicli could be openly resented, but offence liad surely been intended; and then he had remembered that his mother had been already some months at the mill, and that no mark of neighbourly courtesy had been shown to her. The Heathcotes had, he thought, chosen to assume themselves to be superior to him and his, and to treat him as though he had been some labour- ing man who had saved money enough to purchase a bit of land for him- self. He was, therefore, astonished to find the two young ladies sitting with his mother on the very day after such an interview as that of the preceding night. " The leddies from Gangoil, Giles, have MedlicofsMill 71 been guid enougli to ride over and see me," said liis mother . Medlicot, of com^se, shook hands with them, and expressed his sense of their kindness, bnt he did it awkwardly. He soon, however, declared his purpose of riding part of the way back with them. " Mr. Heathcote must have been very wet last night," he said, when they were on horseback, addressing himself to Kate Daly rather than to her sister. '' Indeed he was, wet to the skin ; were you not ?" " I saw him at about eleven, before the rain began. I was close home, and just escaped. He must have been under it all. Does he often go about the run in that way at night ?" 72 Ha7^ry Heathcote of Gangoil. " Only wlien lie's afraid of fires," said Kate. *' Is there mTicli to be afraid of ? I don't suppose that anybody can be so wicked as to wish to burn the grass." Then the ladies took upon themselves to explain. " The fires might be caused from negligence or trifling accidents, or might possibly come from the unaid^ heat of the sun — or there might be enemies." " My word, yes ; enemies, rather !" said Jacko, who was riding close behind, and who had no idea of being kept out of the conversation merely because he was a servant. ' Medlicotj turning round, looked at the lad, and asked who were the enemies. *' Free-selectors," said Jacko. *' I'm a free-selector," said Medlicot. Medlicot's Mill. "j^ " Did not jist mean yon," said Jacko. '' Jacko, you'd better hold your tongue," said Mrs. Heattcote. " Hold my tongue ! My word ! Well, you go on." Medlicot came as far as tlie wool-slied, and tken said that lie would return. He had thoroughly enjoyed his ride, Kate Daly was bright, and pretty, and winning ; and in the bush, when a man has not seen a lady perhaps for months, brightness and jDrettiness and winning ways have a double charm. To ride with fair women over turf, through a forest — with a woman who may perhaps some day be wooed — can be a matter of indifference only to a very lethargic man. Giles Medlicot was by no means lethargic. He owned to himself that though Heath cote was a pig-headed 74 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. ass, the ladies were very nice, and lie tliouglit that the pig-headed ass, in choos- ing one of them for himself, had by no means taken the nicest. "You'll never find your way back," said Kate, "if you've not been here before." " I never was here before, and I suppose I must find my way back." Then he was urged to come on and dine at Gangoil, with a promise that Jacko should return with him in the evening. But this he would not do. Heathcote was a pig-headed ass, who possibly regarded him as an incendiary, simply because he had bought some land. This boy of Heath- cote's, whose services had been offered to him, had not scrupled to tell him to his face that he was to be regarded as an enemy. Much as he liked the company of Mcdlicofs Mill, 75 Kate Dalj, lie could not go to tlie house of tliat stupid, arrogant, pig-headed young squatter. "I'm not such a bad bushman but what I can find my way to the river," he said. " Find it blindful !" said Jacko, who did not relish the idea of sfoino^ back to Med- licot's Mill as guide to another man. There was a weakness in the idea that such aid could be necessary, which was revolting to Jacko's sense of bush independence. They were standing on their horses at the entrance to the wool-shed as they dis- cussed the point, when suddenly Harry himself appeared out of the building. He came up and shook hands with Medlicot, with sufficient courtes}^, but hardly with cordiality, and then asked his wife as to her ride. 76 Ha7^ry Heathcote of Gangoil. " We have been very jolly, haven't we, Kate ? Of course it has been hot, but everything is not so frightfully parched as it was before the rain. As Mr. Medlicot has come back so far with us, we want him to come on and dine." *'Pray do, Mr. Medlicot," said Harry. But again the tone of his voice was not sufficiently hearty to satisfy the man who was invited. " Thanks, no ; I think I'll hardly do that. Good-night, Mrs. Heathcote, good- night. Miss Daly;" and the two ladies im- mediately perceived that his voice, which had hitherto been pleasant in their ears, had ceased to be cordial. " I'm very glad he has gone back," said Heathcote. '' Why do you say so, Harry ? You are Aledlicofs MilL 'jj not given to be inhospitable, and wlij sbould you grudge me and Kate the rare pleasure of seeing a strange face ?" " I'll tell you why. It's not about him at this moment ; but I've been disturbed. Jacko ! go on to the station, and say we're coming. Do you hear me ? Go on at once !" Then Jacko, somewhat unwillingly, gal- loped off towards the house. '' Get off your horses, and come in here!" He helped the two ladies from their saddles, and they all went into the wool- shed, Harry leading the way. In one of the side pens, immediately under the roof, there was a large heap of leaves, the out- side portion of which was at present damp, for the rain had beaten in upon it, but J^ Harry Heathcote of Ga7igoiL wliicli liad been as dry as tinder Aylien collected; and there was a row or ridge of mixed brusli-wood and leaves so con- structed as to form a line from the grass outside on to the heap. '' The fellow who did that was an ass," said Harry ; ''a greater ass than I should have taken him to be, not to have known that if he could have gotten the grass to burn outside, the wool- shed must have gone without all that preparation. But there isn't much difficulty now in seeing what the fellow has intended." " Was it for a fire ?" asked Kate. " Of course it was. He wouldn't have been contented with the grass and fences, but wanted to make sure of the shed also. He'd have come to the house and burned us in our beds, only a fellow like that is Med li cot's Mill, 79 too mucli of a coward to run the risk of being seen." " But, Harry, why didn't he light it when he'd done it?" said Mrs. Heathcote. " Because the Almighty sent the rain at the very moment," said Harry, striking the top rail of one of the pens with his fist. " I'm not much given to talk about Providence, but this looks like it ; does it not?" " He might have put a match in at the moment?" " Rain or no rain ? Yes, he might. But he was interrupted by more than the rain. I got into the shed, myself, just at the moment — I and Jacko. It was last night, when the rain was pouring. I heard the man, and, dark as was the night, I saw his figure as he fled away." 8o Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. " You didn't know liim," said Miss Daly. " But that boy, who has the eyes of a cat, he knew him." ''Jacko?" '' Jacko knew him by his gait. I should have hardly wanted any one to tell me who it was. I could have named the man at once, but for the fear of doing an in- justice." " And who was it ?" '' Our friend Medlicot's prime favourite and new factotum, Mr. William Nokes. Mr. William Nokes is the gentleman who intends to burn us all out of house and home, and Mr. Medlicot is the gentleman whose pleasure it is to keep Mr. Nokes in the neighbourhood." The two women stood awestruck for a Medlicofs MilL 8i moment, but a sense of justice prevailed upon the wife to speak. " That maybe all true," she said. " Per- haps it is as you say about that man. But you would not therefore think that Mr. Medlicot knows anything about it ? " '' It would be impossible," said Kate. " I have not accused him," said Harry; *'but he knows that the man was dis- missed, and yet keeps him about the place. Of course he is responsible." G 82 Harry Heathcote of GangoiL CHAPTER lY. HAREY heathcote' S APPEAL. For tlie first mile between tTie wool-shed and the house Heathcote and the two ladies rode without saying a word. There was something so terrible in the reality of the danger which encompassed them that they hardly felt inclined to dis- cuss it. Harry's dislike to Medlicot was quite a thing apart. That some one had intended to burn down the wool-shed, and had made preparation for doing so, was as apparent to the women as to him ; , Harry Heathcotes Appeal. 83 and tlie man wlio had been baulked by a shower of rain in his first attempt might soon find an opportunity for a second. Harry was well aware that even Jacko's assertion could not be taken as evidence against the man whom he suspected. In all probability no further attempt would be made upon the wool-shed; but a fire on some distant part of the run would be much more injurious to him than the mere burning of a building. The fire that might ruin him would be one which should get ahead before it was seen, and scour across the ground, consuming the grass down to the very roots over thousands of acres, and destroying fencing over many miles. Such fires pass on, leaving the standing trees unscathed, avoiding even the scrub, which is too moist with the sap of life for G 2 84 Harry Heathcote of Ga^igoiL consumption, but licking up witTi fearful rapidity everything that the sun has dried. He could watch the wool-shed and house, but with no possible care could he so watch the whole run as to justify him in feeling security. There need be no preparation of leaves ; a match thrown loosely on the ground would do it ; and, in regard to a match so thrown, it would be impossible to prove a guilty intention. " Ought we not to have dispersed the heap?" said Mrs. Heathcote at last. The minds of all of them were full of the matter, but these were the first words spoken. *' I'll leave it as it is,'* said Harry, giving no reason for his decision. He was too full of thought, too heavily laden with anxiety to speak much. " Come, let's get Harry Heathcotes Appeal, 85 on ; you'll want your dinner, and it's get- ting dark." So they cantered on, and got oflf their horses at the gate without another word. And not another word was spoken on the subject that night. Harry was very silent, walking up and down the verandah with his pipe in his mouth — not lying on the ground in idle enjoyment — and there was no reading. The two sisters looked at him from time to time with wistful anxious eyes, half afraid to disturb him by speech. As for him — he felt that the weight was all on his own shoulders. He had worked hard, and was on the way to be rich. I do not know that he thought much about money, but he thought very much of suc- cess; and he was by nature anxious, sanguine, and impulsive. There might be before him, within the next week, such 86 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. desolation as would break liis heart. He knew men who had been ruined and had borne their ruin almost without a wail, who had seemed contented to descend to security and mere absence from want. There was his own superintendent, old Bates, who, though he grumbled at everything else, never bewailed his own fate. But he knew of himself that any such blow would nearly kill him — such a blow, that is, as might drive him from Gangoil, and force him to be the servant instead of the master of men. Not to be master of all around him seemed to him to be misery. The merchants at Brisbane, who took his wool and supplied him with stores, had advanced money when he first bought his run, and he still owed them some thousands of pounds. The injury which a great fire would do him Harry Heathcotes Appeal, 87 would bring him to such a condition that the merchants would demand to have their money repaid. He understood it all, and knew well that it was after this fashion that many a squatter before him had been ruined, " Speak a word to me about it," his wife said to him imploringly, when they were alone together that night. '' My darling, if there were a word to say, I would say it. I must be on the watch and do the best I can. At present the earth is too damp for mischief." " Oh that it would rain again ! " " There will be heat enough before the summer is over ; we need not doubt that. But I will tell you of everything as we go on. I will endeavour to have the man watched. God bless you ! Go to 88 Harry Heathcofe of Ga?igoil. sleep, and try to get it out of your thou gilts." On tlie following morning he breakfasted early and mounted his horse without say- ing a word as to the purport of his journey. This was in accordance with the habit of his life, and would not excite observation ; but there was something in his manner which made both the ladies feel that he was intent on some special object. When he in- tended simply to ride round his fences or to visit the hut of some distant servant, a few minutes signified nothing. He would stand under the verandah and talk, and the women would endeavour to keep him from the saddle. But now there was no loitering, and but little talking. He said a word to Jacko, who brought the horse for him, and then started at a gallop towards the wool- Harry Heathcotes Appeal. 89 shed. He did not stop a moment at the slied — not even entering it to see whether the heap of leaves had been displaced during the night — but went on straight to Med- licot's Mill. He rode the nine miles in an hour, and at once entered the building in which the canes were crushed. The first man he met was Nokes, who acted as over- seer, having a gang of Polynesian labourers under him, sleek, swarthy fellows, from the South Sea Islands, with linen trousers on and nothing else, who crept silently among the vats and machinery, shifting the sugar as it was made. " Well, Nokes," said Harry, " how are you getting on ? Is Mr. Medlicot here ? " Nokes was a big fellow, with a broad, solid face, which would not have condemned him among physiognomists, but for a bad go Harry Heathcote of GangoiL eye, wliich could not look you in tlie face. He liad been a boundary-rider for Heathcote, and on an occasion had been impertinent, refusing to leave the yard behind the house unless something was done which those about the place refused to do for him. During the discussion Harry had come in. The man had been drinking, and was still insolent, and Harry had ejected him vio- lently, thrusting him over a gate. The man had returned the next morning, and had then been sent about his business. He had been employed at Medlicot's Mill, but from the day of his dismissal to this, he and Harry had never met each other face to face. " I'm pretty well, thank ye, Mr. Heath- cote. I hope you're the same, and the ladies. The master's about somewhere, I take it. Harry Heathcotes Appeal. 91 Pick J, go and find tlie master." Picky was one of the Polynesians, wlio at once started on his errand. " Have you been over to Gangoil since you left it ?" said Harry, looking the man full in the face. "Not I, Mr. Heathcote. I never go where I've had words. And, to tell you the truth, sugar is better than sheep. I'm very comfortable here, and I never liked your work." " You haven't been at the wool-shed ? " " What, the Gangoil shecl ? What the blazes 'd I go there for ? It's a matter of ten miles from here." " Seven, Nokes." " Seven, is it ? It is a longish seven miles, Mr. Heathcote. How could I get that distance ? I ain't so good at walking 92 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. as I was before I was hurt. You should have remembered that, Mr. Heathcote, when you laid hands on me the other day." '' You're not much the worse for what I did, nor yet for the accident, I take it. At any rate, youVe not been at Gangoil wool-shed? " " No, IVe not," said the man roughly. " What the mischief should I be doing at your shed at night time ? " " I said nothing about night time." "I'm here all day, ain't I? If you're going to palm up any story against me, Mr. Heathcote, you'll find yourself in the wrong box. What I does, I does on the square." Heathcote was now quite sure that Jacko had been rio^ht. He had not doubted much Harry Heathcote s Appeal. before, but now he did not doubt at all but that the man with whom he was speaking was the wretch who was endeavourinsf to ruin him; and he felt certain, also, that Jacko was true to him. He knew, too, that he had plainly declared his suspicion to the man himself ; but he had resolved upon doing this. He could in no way assist himself in circumventing the man's villany by keeping his suspense to himself. The man might be frightened, and, in spite of all that had passed between him and Medlicot, he still thought it possible that he might induce the sugar-grower to co- operate with him in driving Nokes from the neighbourhood. He had spent the night in thinking over it all, and this was the reso- lution to which he had come. " There's the master," said Nokes. " If 94 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. you've got anytliing to say about anything you'd better say it to him." Harry liad never before set liis foot upon Medlicot's land since it bad been bought away from his own run, and had felt that he would almost demean himself by doing so. He had often looked at the canes from over his own fence, as he had done on the night of the rain, but he had stood always on his own land. Now he was in the sugar mill — never before having seen such a building. " You've a deal of machinery here, Mr. Medlicot," he said. " It's a small affair after all," said the other. " I hope to get a good plant before I've done." *' Can I speak a word with you ? " " Certainly. Will you come into the "It's all just one as guiipowder, Mr. Harry." rPaae 94. Harry Heathcote s Appeal. 95 office, or will you go across to the house?" Harry said that the office would do, and followed Medlicot into a little box-like en- closure which contained a desk and two stools. " Not much of an office, is it ? What can I do for you, Mr. Heathcote ? " Then Harry began his story, which he told at considerable length. He apologized for troubling his neighbour at all on the subject, and endeavoured to explain, some- what awkwardly, that as Mr. Medlicot was a new comer, he probably might not under- stand the kind of treatment to which em- ployers in the bush were occasionally subject from their men. On this matter he said much which, had he been a better tactician, he might probably have left unspoken. He g6 Harry Heathcote of Ga^igoil. then went on to tlie story of his own quarrel with. Nokes, who had, in truth, been grossly impudent to the women about the house, but who had been punished by instant and violent dismissal from his employment. It was evidently Harry's idea that a man who had so sinned against his master should be allowed to find no other master — at any rate in that district — an idea with which the other man, who had lately come out from the old country, did not at all sympa- thize. "Do you want me to dismiss him ? " said Medlicot, in a tone which impUed that that would be the last thing he would think of doing. " You haven't heard me yet." Then Harry went on and told of the fires in the heat of summer, and of their terrible effects, Harry Heathcotes Appeal. 97 of the easy manner of revenge wliicli tliey supplied to angry, unscrupulous men, and of his own fears at the present moment. " I can believe it all," said Medlicot, " and am very sorry that it should be so. But I cannot see the justice of punishing a man on the merest, vaguest suspicion. Your only ground for imputing this crime to him is that your own conduct to him may have given him a motive." Harry had schooled himself vigorously during the ride as to his own demeanour, and had resolved that he would be cool. " I was going on to tell you," he said, what occurred that night after I saw you up by the fence." Then he described how he and his boy had entered the shed and had both seen and heard a man as he escaped from it; H 98 Harry Heathcote of Ga7igoiL how tlie boy had at once declared that the man was Nokes ; how the following day he had discovered the leaves, which Nokes no doubt had deposited there just before the rain, intending to burn the place at once \ and how Nokes's manner to him within the last half hour had corroborated his suspi- cions. " Is he the boy you call Jacko ? " " That's the name he goes by." " You don't know his real name ? " '' I have never heard any other name." " ISTor anything about him ? " Harry owned, in answer to half a dozen such questions, that Jacko had come to Gangoil about four months ago — he did not know whence — had been kept for a week's job, and had then been allowed to remain about the place without any regular wages. Harry Heathcotes Appeal. 99 ''You admit it was quite dark," con- tinued Medlicot. Hariy did not at all like tlie cross- examination, and his resolution to be cool was quickly fading. " I told you that I saw, myself, the figure of a man." " But that you barely saw a figure. You did not form any opinion of your own as to the man's identity." Harry Heathcote was as honest as the sun. Much as he disliked being cross- examined, he found himself compelled not only to say the exact truth, but the whole truth. " Certainly not. I barely saw a glimpse of a figure, and, till I spoke to Nokes just now, I almost doubted whether the lad could have distinguished him. I am sure he was right now." " Eeally, Mr. Heathcote, I can't go along H 2 I oo Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. with you. You are accusing a man of com- mitting an offence, wliicli I believe is capital, on the evidence of a boy of whom you know nothing, who may have his own reasons for spiting the man, and whom you yourself did not believe till you had looked this man in the face. I think you allow yourself to be guided too much by your own power of intuition." " No, I don't," said Harry, who hated his neighbour's methodical argument. " At any rate I can't consent to take a man's bread out of his mouth, and to send him away tainted as he would be with this suspicion, either because Jacko thought that he saw him in the dark, or be- cause — " " I have never asked you to send him away." Harry Heathcote s Appeal. loi " What is it you want then ? " " I want to have him watched, so that he may feel that, if he attempts to destroy my property, his guilt will be detected." " Who is to watch him ? " " He is in your employment." " He lives in the hut down beyond the gate. Am I to keep a sentry there all night and every night ? " " I will pay for it." " No, Mr. Heathcote. I don't pretend to know this country yet, but I'll encourage no such espionage as that. At any rate it is not English. I dare say the man misbe- haved himself in your employment. You say he was drunk. I do not doubt it. But he is not a drunkard, for he never drinks here. A man is not to starve for ever be- cause he once got drunk and was imperti- I02 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. nent, nor is he to liave a spy at his heels because a boy whom nobody knows chooses to denounce him. I am sorry that you should be in trouble, but I do not know that I can help you." Harry's passion was now very high, and his resolution to be cool was almost thrown to the winds. Medlicot had said many things which were odious to him. In the first place, there had been a tone of insufferable superiority — so Harry thought — and that, too, when he himself had divested himself of all the superiority which naturally attached to his position, and had frankly appealed to Medlicot as a neighbour. And then this newfangled sugar-grower had told him that he was not English, and had said grand words, and had altogether made himself objectionable. Harry Heathcote s Appeal, 103 "What did this man know of the Australian bush, that he should dare to talk of this or that as being wrong because it was un- English ? In England there were police to guard men's property. Here, out in the Australian forests, a man must guard his own or lose it. But perhaps it was the indifference to the ruin of the women belonging to him that Harry Heathcote felt the strongest. The stranger cared nothing for the utter desolation which one unscrupulous ruffian might produce — felt no horror at the idea of a vast devastating fire; but could be indignant in his mock philanthropy because it was proposed to watch the doings of a scoundrel ! " Good morning," said Harry, turning round and leaving the office brusquely. Medlicot followed him, but Harry went so quickly 1 04 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. that not anotlier word was spoken. To liim the idea of a neighbour in the bnsh refusing such assistance as he had asked was as terrible as to us is the thouo-ht of a ship at sea leaving another shij^ in dis- tress. He unhitched his horse from the fence, and galloped home as fast as the animal would carry him. Medlicot, when he was left alone, took two or three turns about the mill, as though, inspecting the work, but at every turn fixed his eyes for a few moments on Nokes's face. The man was standing under a huge caldron, regulating the escape of the boiling juice into the different vats by raising and lowering a trap, and giving directions to the Polynesians as he did so. He was evidently conscious that he was being regarded, and, as is usual in Harry Heaihcotes Appeal. 105 such a condition, manifestly failed in liis struggle to appear unconscious. Medlicot acknoAYledged to liimself that the man could not look even him in the face. Was it possible that he had been wrong, and that Heathcote, though he had expressed himself badly, was entitled to some sym- pathy in his fear of what might be done to him by an enemy ? Medlicot also desired to be just, being more rational, more logical, and less impnlsiye than the other — being also somewhat too conscious of his own superior intelligence. He knew that Heathcote had gone away in great dud- geon, and he almost feared that he had been harsh and unneighbourly. After a while he stood opposite Nokes and addressed him. '' Do the squatters suffer much from fires ?" he said. io6 Harry Heathcote of Gaiigoil. " Heathcote lias been talking to you about that," said the man. " Can't you say ' Mr. Heathcote ' when you speak of a gentleman whose bread you have eaten ? " " Mr. Heathcote, if you like it. We ain't particular to a shade out here as you are at home. He has been telling you about fires, has he ? " " Well, he has." " And talking of me, I suppose ?" " You were talking of having a turn at mining some day. How would it be with you if you were to be off to Gympie ?" " You mean to say I'm to go, Mr. Medlicot?" " I don't say that at all." " Look here, Mr. Medlicot. My going or staying won't make any difference to Ha7'ry Heathcotes Appeal. 107 Heatlicote. There's a lot of 'em about here hates him that much that he is never to be allowed to rest in peace. I tell you that fairly. It ain't anything as I shall do. Them's not my "ways, Mr. Medlicot. But he has enemies bere as '11 never let him rest." "Who are they?" " Pretty nigh everybody round. He has carried himself that high they won't stand him. Who's Heathcote?" '' J^ame some who are his enemies." " There's the Brownbies." '^ Oh, the Brownbies ! Well, it's a bad thing to have enemies." After that he left the sugar-house and went across to the cottao'e. io8 Haj^ry Heathcote of Gangoil. CHAPTER Y. BOSCOBEL. Two days and two nights passed without fear of fire, and then Harry Heathcote was again on the alert. The earth was parched as though no drop of rain had fallen ; the fences were dry as tinder, and the ground was strewed with broken atoms of timber from the trees, each of which a spark would ignite. Two nights Harry slept in his bed, but on the third he was on horse- back about the run, watching, thinking, endeavouring to make provision, directing Boscobel. 109 others, and hoping to make it believed that his eyes were everywhere. In this way an entire week was passed, and now it wanted but four days to Christmas. He would come home to breakfast about seven in the morning, very tired, but never owning that he was tired, and then sleep heavily for an hour or two in a chair. After that he would go out again on the run, would sleep perhaps for another hour after dinner, and then would start for his night's patrol. During this week he saw nothing of Med- licot, and never mentioned his name but once. On that occasion his wife told him that durino; his absence Medlicot had been at the station. " What brought him here ?" Harry asked fiercely. Mrs. Heathcote explained that he had no Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. called in a friendly way, and liad said tliat if there were any fear of fire he would be happy himself to lend assistance. Then the young squatter forgot himself in his wrath. " Confound his hypocrisy ! " said Harry, aloud. '' I don't think he's a hypocrite," said the wife. "I'm sure he's not," said Kate Daly. Not a word more was spoken, and Harry immediately left the house. The two women did not as usual go to the gate to see him mount his horse — not refraining from doing so in any anger, or as wishing to exhibit displeasure at Harry's violence, but because they were afraid of him. They had found themselves compelled to difier from him, but were oppressed at finding themselves in opposition to him. Boscobel. Ill The feeling tliat his wife sliould in any way take part against liim added greatly to Heathcote's trouble. It produced in his mind a terrible feelino; of loneliness in his sorrow. He bore a brave outside to all his men, and to any stranger whom in these days he met about the run — to his wife and sister also, and to the old woman at home. He forced upon them all an idea that he was not only autocratic but self- sufficient also — that he wauted neitter-help nor sympathy. He never cried out in his pain, being heartily ashamed even of the appeal which he had made to Medlicot. He spoke aloud and laughed with the men, and never acknowledged that his trials were almost too much for him. But he was painfully conscious of his own weakness. He sometimes felt, when alone in the bush, 1 1 2 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. that lie would fain get off his horse and lie upon the ground and weep till he slept. It was not that he trusted no one. He sus- jDected no one with a positive suspicion except l^okes, and Medlicot as the sup- porter of Nokes. But he had no one with whom he could converse freely, none whom he had not been accustomed to treat as the mere ministers of his will except his wife and his wife's sister, and now he was disjoined from them by their sympathy with Medlicot 1 He had chosen to manao^e everything himself, without contradiction and almost Avithout counsel; but, like other such imperious masters, he now found that when trouble came the privi- lege of dictatorship brought with it an almost insupportable burden. Old Bates was an excellent man, of Boscobel. 113 whose fidelity the young squatter was quite assured. l^o one understood foot-rot better than old Bates, or was less sparing of himself in curing it. He was a second mother to all the lambs, and, when shearing came, watched with the eyes of Argus to see that the sheep were not wounded by the shearers, or the wool left on their backs. But he had no conversation, none of that imag^ination which in such a time as this might have assisted in devising safeguards, and but little enthusiasm. Shepherds, so-called, Harry kept none upon the run, and would have felt himself in- sulted had any one suggested that he was so backward in his ways as to employ men of that denomination. He had fenced his run, and dispensed with shepherds and shepherding as old-fashioned and unprofit- T 1 1 4 Hamy Heathcote of Gangoil. able. He had two mounted men, wliom lie called bonndary-riders — one an Irishman and the other a German — and them he trusted fully, the German altogether and the Irishman equally as regarded his honesty ; but he could not explain to them the thoughts that loaded his brain. He could instigate them to eagerness ; but he could not condescend to tell Karl Bender, the German, that if his fences were destroyed, neither his means nor his credit would be sufficient to put them up again, and that if the scanty herbage were burnt off any large proportion of his run, he must sell his flocks at a great sacrifice. ]^or could he explain to Mickey O'Dowd, the Irishman, that his peace of mind was destroyed by his fear of one man. He had to bear it all alone. And there was heavy BoscobeL 115 on liim also the great misery of feeling that everything might depend on his own exertions, and that yet he did not know how or where to exert himself. When he had ridden about all night and discovered nothing, he might just as well have been in bed; and he was continually riding about all night and discovering nothing. After leaving the station on the evening of the day on w^hich he had expressed him- self to the women so vehemently respecting Medlicot, he met Bates coming home from his day's work. It was then past eight o'clock, and the old man was sitting wearily on his horse, wdth his head low down between his shoulders, and the reins hardly held within his grasp. ''You're late, Mr. Bates," said Harry; T 2 1 1 6 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. " you take too much out of yourself this hot weather." " I've got to move slower, Mr. Heath- cote, as I grow older — that's about it — and the beast I'm on is not much good." Now Mr. Bates was always complaining of his horse, and yet was allowed to choose any on the run for his own use. ''If you don't like him, why don't you take another?" " There ain't much difference in 'em, Mr. Heathcote. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. It's getting un- common close shaving for them wethers in the new paddock. They're down upon tbe roots pretty well already." " There's grass along the bush on the north side." " They won't go there ; it's rank and Boscobel. 1 1 7 sour. Thej won't feed up there as long as they can live lower down and nearer the water. Weather like this, they'd sooner die near the water than travel to fill their belhes. It's about the hottest day we've had, and the nights a'most hotter. Are you going to be out, Mr. Heathcote ?" " I think so." " What's the good of it, Mr. Heathcote ? There is no use in it. Lord love you ! what can you do ? You can't be every side at once." " Fire can only travel with the wind, Mr. Bates." " And there isn't any wind, and so there can't be any fire. I never did think, and I don't think now, there ever was any use in a man fashing himself as you fash your- self You can't alter things, Mr. Heathcote." 1 1 8 Harry Heathcote of Gangoli. "But that's just wliat I can clo — wliat a man lias to do. If a match were thrown there, at your feet, and the grass was aflame, couldn't you alter that by putting your foot on it ? If you find a ewe on her back, can't you alter that by putting her on her legs ?" "Yes, I can do that, I suppose." " What does a man live for except to alter things ? When a man clears the forest, and sows corn, does he not alter things ?" " That's not your line, Mr. Heathcote," said the cunning old man. "If I send wool to market, I alter things." " You'll excuse me, Mr. Heathcote. Of course I'm old, but I just give you my ex- perience." BoscobeL 119 ''I'm much obliged to you, though we can't always agree, you know. Good night. Go in and say a word to my wife, and tell them you saw me all right." "I'll have a crack with 'em, Mr. Heath- cote, before I turn in." " And tell Mary I sent my love." " I will, Mr. Heathcote, I will." He was thinking always of his wife during his solitary rides, and of her fear and deep anxiety. It was for her sake and for the children that he was so careworn — not for his own. Had he been alone in the world he would not have fretted himself in this fashion because of the malice of any man. But how would it be with her, should he be forced to move her from Gangoil ? And yet, with all his love, they had parted almost in anger. Surely she I20 Harry Heathcotc of Gangoil. would understancl tlie tenderness of tlie message lie had just sent her ? Of a sudden, as he was riding, he stopped his horse and listened attentively. From a great distance there fell upon his accus- tomed ear a sound which he recognized, though he was aware that the place from whence it came was at least two miles distant. It was the thud of an axe ao^ainst a tree. He listened still, and was sure that it was so, and turned at once toward the sound, though in doing so he left his course at a right angle. He had been going directly away from the river, with his back to the wool-shed; but now he changed his course, riding in the direction of the spot at which Jacko had nearly fallen in jumping over the fence. As he continued on, the sounds became plainer. BoscobeL 121 till at last, reining in his horse, he could see the form of the woodman, who was still at work ringing the trees. This was a job which the man did by contract, receiving so much an acre for the depopu- lation of the timber. It was now bright moonlight, almost as clear as day — a very different nioiit indeed from that on which the rain had come — and Harry could see at a glance that it was the man called BoscobeL^ still at work. Now there were, as he thought, very good reasons why Boscobel at the present moment should not be so employed. Boscobel was receiving wages for work of another kind. " Bos," said the squatter, riding up, and addressing the man by the customary abbrevia,tion of his nickname, '' I thought you were watching at Brownbie's boun- 1 2 2 Harry Heathcole of Gangoil. dary?" Boscobel lowered liis axe, and stood for a wliile contemplating the propo- sition made to liim. '' You are drawing tliree shillings a night for watching; isn't that so?" "Yes, that's so. Anyways, I shall draw it." " Then why ain't you watching ?" " There's nothino^ to watch that I knows on — not just now." " Then why should I pay you for it ? fm to pay you for ringing these trees, ain't I ?" " Certainly, Mr. Heathcote." " Then you're to make double use of your time, and sell it twice over, are you ? Don't try to look like a fool, as though you didn't understand. You know that what you're doing isn't honest." ''i^obody ever said as I wasn't honest before." Bos code L 123 " I tell you so now. You're robbiug me of the time you've sold to m^e, and for Trliich I'm to pay you." " Tliere ain't notliino; to watcli while the wind's as it is now, and that chap ain't any- where about to-night." "What chap?" " Oh, I know. I'm all right. What's the use of dawdling about up there in the broad moonlight, and the wind like this ?" " That's for me to judge. If you engage to do my work and take my money, you're swindling me when you go about another job, as you are now. You needn't scratch your head. You understand it all as well as I do." " I never was told I swindled before, and I ain't a-going to put u|) with it. You may ring your own trees, and watch your own 1 24 Harry Heathcote of Gang oil. fences, and the whole place may be burned for nie. I ain't a-going to do another turn in Gangoil. Swindle, indeed ! " So Boscobel shouldered his axe and marched off through the forest, visible in the moonlight till the trees hid him. There was another enemy made ! He had never felt quite sure of this man, but had been glad to have him about the place as being thoroughly efficient in his own business. It was only during the last ten days that he had agreed to pay him for night watching, leaving the man to do as much additional day-work as he pleased, for which, of course, he would be paid at the regular contract price. There was a double purpose intended in this watching, as was well understood by all the hands employed; first, that of preventing incen- Boscobel, 125 diary fire by the mere presence of the watchers, and, secondly, that of being at hand to extinguish fire in case of need. ]^ow a man ringing trees five or six miles away from the beat on which he was sta- tioned could not serve either of these purposes. Boscobel, therefore, had been fraudulently at work for his own dishonest purposes, and knew well that his employ- ment was of that nature. All this was quite clear to Heathcote ; and it was clear to him also that when he detected fraud he was bound to expose it. Had the man acknowledged his fault, and been submis- sive, there would have been an end of the matter. Heathcote would have said no word about it to any one, and would not have stopped a farthing from the week's unearned wages. That he had to encounter 126 Harry Heathcote of GaiigoiL a certain amount of ill-usage from tlie rough men about liim, and to forgive it, lie could understand; but it could not be Lis duty either as a man or a master to pass over dishonesty without noticing it. No ; that he would not do, though Gangoil should burn from end to end. He did not much mind being robbed. He knew that to a certain extent he must endure to be cheated — he would endure it — but he would never teach his men to think that he passed over such matters because he was afraid of them, or that dishonesty on their p?.rt was indif- ferent to him. But now he had made another enemy — an enemy of a man who had declared to him that he knew the movements of '' that chap," meaning I^okes ! How hard the world was ! It seemed that all around Boscobel. 127 were trouble to him. He turned his horse back, and made again for the spot which was his orio^inal destination. As he can- tered on among the trees, twisting here and there, and regulating his way by the stars, he asked himself whether it would not be better for him to go home and lay himself down by his wife and sleep, and await the worst that these men could do to him. This idea was so strong upon him that at one spot he made his horse stop till he had thousrht it all out, Xo one encourag^ed him in his work. Every one about the place, friend or foe. Bates, his wife, Medlicot, and this Boscobel spoke to him as though he were fussy and fidgety in his anxiety. " If fires must come, they will come; and if they are not to come, you are simply losing your labour." This was the upshot of all 12 8 Har7y Heathcote of GangoiL they said to liim. Why should he be wiser than they ? If the ruin came, let it come. Old Bates had been ruined, but still had enough to eat and drink, and clothes to wear, and did not work half as hard as his employer. He thought that if he could only find some one person who would sympa- thize with him, and support him, he would not mind ; but the mental loneliness of his position almost broke his heart. Then there came across his mind the dim remembrance of certain old school- words, and he touched his horse with~his spur and hurried onwards. Let there be no steps backward. A thought as to the manliness of persevering, of the want of manliness in yielding to depression, came to his rescue. Let him at any rate have the comfort of thinking that he had done BoscobeL 129 his best according to his lights. After some dim fashion, he did come to recognize it as a fact that nothing could really sup- port him but self- approbation. Though he fell from his horse in utter weariness, he would persevere. As the night wore on he came to the German's hut, and, finding it empty, as he expected, rode on to the outside fence of his run. When he reached this he got off his horse, and, taking a key out of his pocket, whistled upon it loudly. A few minutes afterwards the German came up to him. " There's been no one about, I suppose ?" he asked. " Not a one," said the man. "You've been across onBrownbie's run?" " Ve're on it now, Mr. 'Eathcote." They K 130 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. were both on tlie side of tlie fence away from Gangoil station. '' I don't know liow tliat is, Karl. I tliink Gangoil goes a quarter of a mile beyond this. But we did not quite strike the boundary when we put up the fence." " Brownbie's cattle is allays here, Mr. 'Eathcote, and is knocking down the fence every day. Brownbie is a rascal, and 'is cattle as bad as 'isself." " Never mind that, Karl, now. When we've got through the heats, we'll put a mile or two of better fencing along here. You know Boscobel ? " " In course I know Bos." " What sort of a fellow is he ? " Then Harry told his German dependent exactly what had taken place between him and the other man. Boscobel. I X i o " He's in aucl in wid all them young Brownbies," said Karl. '' The Brownbies are a bad lot, but I don't think they'd do anything of this kind," said Harry, whose mind was still dwelling on the dangers of fire. " They likes muttons, Mr. 'Eathcote." " I suppose they do take a sheep or two now and then. They wouldn't do worse than that, would they ? " " Noting too 'ot for 'em ; noting too 'eavy," said Karl, smoking his pipe. " The vind, yat there is, comes just here, Mr. 'Eathcote," and the man lifted up his arm and pointed across in the direction of Brownbie's run. " And you don't think much of Bos- cobel?" Karl Bender shook his head. " He was always well treated here," said K 2 132 Hm^ry Heathcote of Gangoil. Harrj, " and lias had plenty of work, and earned large wages. The man will be a fool to quarrel with me." Karl again shook his head. With Karl Bender Harry was quite sure of his man, but not on that account need he be quite sure of the cor- rectness of the man's opinion. Thence he went on till he met his other lieutenant, O'Dowd ; and so, having com- pleted his work, he made his way home, reaching the station at sunrise. "Did Bates tell you he'd met me?" he asked his wife. " Yes, Harry ; kiss me, Harry ! I was so glad you sent a word. Promise me, Harry, not to think that I don't agree with you in everything." The Brownbies of Boolabong. i -^ ^ OJ CHAPTER VI. THE BROWNBIES OF BOOLABONG. Old Bbownbie, as lie was usually called, was a squatter also, but a squatter of a class very different from that to wliicli Heatlicote belonged. He had begun Ms life in the colonies a little under a cloud, having been sent out from home after the perpetration of some peccadillo of which the law had disapproved. In colonial phrase, he was a " lag," having been transported ; but this was many years ago, when he was quite young, and he had now 134 Harry HeoJhcote of GangoiL been a free man for more than thirty years. It must he owned on his behalf that he had worked hard, had endeavoured to rise, and had risen ; but there still stuck to him the savour of his old life. Every one knew that he had been a con- vict; and even had he become a man of high principle — a condition which he cer- tainly never achieved — he could hardly have escaped altoo^ether from the thraldom of his degradation. He had been a butcher, a drover, part owner of stock, and had at last become possessed of a share of a cattle run, and then of the entire property, such as it was. He had four or five sons, un- educated, ill-conditioned, drunken fellows, who had all their father's faults without his energy, some of whom had been in prison, and all of whom were known as The Brownbies of Boolabong, 135 pests to the colony. Their place was called Boolabong, and was a cattle run, as distinguished from a sheep run ; but it was a poor place, was sometimes altogether unstocked, and was supposed to be not unfrequently used as a receptacle for stolen cattle. The tricks which the Brownbies played with cattle were notorious through- out Queensland and New South Wales, and by a certain class of men were much admired. They would drive a few head of cattle — perhaps forty or fifty — for miles around the country, across one station and another, travelling many hundreds of miles, and here and there as they passed along they would sweep into their own herd the bullocks of the victims whose lands they passed. If detected on the spot, they gave up their prey. They were 136 Harry Heathcote of Ga^igoil. in tlie right in moving their own cattle, and were not responsible for the erratic tendencies of other animals. If success- ful, they either sold their stolen beasts to butchers on the road, or got them home to Boolabong. There were dangers, of course, and occasional penalties ; but there was much success. It was supposed also that, though they did not own sheep, they preferred mutton for their daily uses, and that they supplied themselves at a very cheap rate. It may be imagined how such a family would be hated by the respectable squatters on whom they preyed. Still there were men — old stagers, who had known Moreton Bay before it was a colony, in the old days when convicts were common — who almost regarded the Brownbies as a part of the common order of things, and The Brownbies of Boolaboiig. i '^'] wlio were indisposed to persecute them. Men must live, and what were a few sheep ? Of some such it might be said that, though they were above the arts by which the Brownbies lived, they were not very scrupulous themselves, and it per- haps served them to have within their ken neighbours whose morality was lower even than their own. But to such a one as Harry Heathcote the Brownbies were utterly abominable. He was for law and justice at any cost. To his thinking the Colonial Government was grossly at fault because it did not weed out and extirpate, not only the identical Brownbies, but all Brownbieism wherever it might be found. A dishonest workman was a great evil, but to his thinking a dishonest man in the position of master was the incarnation of 138 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. evil. As to difficulties of evidence, and obstacles of that nature, Harry Heatli- cote knew nothing. The Brownbies were rascals, and should therefore be exter- minated. And the Brownbies knev^ Avell the esti- mation in which their neighbour held them. Harry had made himself altogether disagreeable to them. They were squatters as well as he, or at least so they termed themselves ; and though they would not have expected to be admitted to home intimacies, they thought that when they were met out of doors, or in public places, they should be treated with some respect. On such occasions Harry treated them as though they were dirt beneath his feet. The Brownbies would be found, whenever a little money came among them, at The Brownbies of Boolabong. 139 the public billiard-rooms and race-courses within 150 miles of Boolabono-. At such places Harrj Heathcote was never seen. It would have been as easy to seduce tlie Bishop of Brisbane into a bet as Harry Heathcote. He had never even drank a nobbier with one of the Brownbies. To their thinking he was a proud, stuck-up, unsocial young cub, whom to rob was a pleasure, and to ruin would be a delight. The old man at Boolabong was now almost obsolete. Property that he could keep in his grasp there was in truth none. He was the tenant of the run under the Crown, and his sons could not turn him out of the house. The cattle, when there were cattle, belonged to them. They were in no respect subject to his orders, and he would have had a bad life amons^ them 140 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. were it not that they quarrelled among themselves, and that in such quarrels he could belong to one party or to the other. The house itself was a wretched place, out of order, with doors and windows and floors shattered, broken, and decayed. There were none of womankind belonging to the family, and in such a house a decent woman-servant would have been out of her place. Sometimes there was one hag there, and sometimes another, and some- times feminine aid less respectable than that of the hags. There had been six sons. One had disappeared utterly, so that nothing was known of him. One had been absolutely expelled by the brethren, and was now a vagabond in the country, turning up now and then at Boolabong and demanding food. Of the whole lot, The Brownbies of Boolabong. 141 Georgie Brownbie, the vagabond, was tlie worst. The eldest son was at this time in prison at Brisbane, having on some late occasion been less successful than usual in regard to some acquired bullocks. The three youngest were at home — Jerry, Jack, and Joe. Tom, who was in prison, was the only staunch friend to the father, who consequently at this time was in a more than usually depressed condition. Christmas Day would fall on a Tuesday, and on the Monday before it Jerry Brown- bie, the eldest of those now at home, was sitting with a pipe in his mouth on a broken- -- down stool on the broken-down verandah of the house, and the old man was seated on a stuffy, worn-out sofa with three legs, which was propped against the wall of the house and had not been moved for years. 142 Haj^ry Hcathcote of Gmigoil, Old Brownbie was a ina>n of gigantic frame, and Lad possessed immense personal power; a man, too, of will and energy, bnt lie was now worn ont and dropsical, and could not move bevond the confines of the home sta- tion. The verandah was attached to a big room which ran nearly the whole length of the house, and which was now used for all purposes. There was an exterior kitchen, in which certain processes were carried on, such as salting stolen mutton and boiling huge masses of meat, when such work was needed. But the cookery was generally done in the big room. And here also two or three of the sons slept on beds made upon stretchers along the wall. They were not probably very particular as to which owned each bed, enjoying a fraternal com- munism in that respect. At the end of The Brownbies of Boolabong. 143 this cliamber the old man had a room of his own. Boolabong was certainly a miserable place ; and yet, such as it was, it was fre- quented by many guests. The vagabond- ism of the colonies is proverbial. Vaga- bonds are taken in almost everywhere throughout the bush ; but the welcome given to them varies. Sometimes they are made to work before they are fed, to their infinite disgust ; but no such cruelty was exercised at Boolabons;. Boolabono- ^-as a very paradise for vagabonds. There was always flour and meat to be had, generally tobacco, and sometimes even the luxury of a nobbier. The Brownbies were wise enough to have learned that it was neces- sary for their very existence that they should have friends in the land. On the Sunday the father and Jerry Brownbie were 144 Har^y Heathcote of GangoiL sitting out in the veranclali at about noon, and the otlier two sons. Jack and Joe, were lying asleep on tlie beds witliin. The heat of the day was intense. There was a wind blowing, but it was that which is called there the hot wind, which comes dry, scorching, sometimes almost intoler- able, over the burning central plain of the country. No one can understand without feeling it how much a wind can add to the suJBferings inflicted by heat. The old man had on a dirty, wretched remnant of a dressing-gown, but Jerry was clothed simply in trousers and an old shirt. Only that the musquitoes would have flayed him he would have dispensed probably with these. He had been quarrelling with his father respecting a certain horse which he had sold, of the price of Avhich the father The Brownbies of Boolabong. 145 demanded a share. Jerry had unblushingly declared that he himself had " shaken " the horse (Anglice, had stolenhim twelve months since on Darnley Downs), and was there- fore clearly entitled to the entire plunder. The father had rejoined with animation that unless " half a quid " — or IO5. — were given him as his contribution to the keep of the animal, he would inform against his son to the squatter on the Darnley Downs, and had shown him that he knew the very run from which the horse had been taken. Then the sons within had interfered from their beds, swearing that their father was the noisiest old '' cuss " unhung — they having had their necessary slumbers disturbed. At this moment the debate was inter- rupted by the appearance of a man outside the verandah. L 1 46 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. '' Well, Mr. Jerry, how goes it ? " asked the stranger. " What, Bos, is that you ? What brings you up to Boolabong ? I thought you was ringing trees for that young scut at Gan- goil ? I'll be even with him some of these days. He had the impudence to send a man of his up here last week looking for sheepskins ! " " He wasn't that soft, Mr. Jerry, was he ? Well, I've dropped working for him. How are you, Mr. Brownbie ? I hope I see you finely, sir. It's stifl&sh sort of weather, Mr. Brownbie, ain't it, sir ?" The old man grunted out some reply, and then asked Boscobel what he wanted. " I'll just hang about for the day, Mr. Brownbie, and get a httle grub. You never begrudged a working man that yet." The Brownbies of Boolabong. 147 Old Brownbie again grunted, but said no word of welcome. That, however, was to be taken for granted, without much ex- pression of opinion. "No, Mr. Jerry," continued Boscobel, " I've done with that fellow." " And so has IN'okes done with him." '* ISTokes is at work on Medlicot's Mill. That sugar business wouldn't suit me." " An axe in your hand is what you're fit for. Bos." " There's a many things I can turn my hand to, Mr. Jerry. You couldn't give a fellow such a thing as a nobbier, Mr. Jerry, could you ? I'd offer money for it, only I know it would be taken amiss. It's that hot that a fellow's very in'ards get parched up." Upon this Jerry slowly rose, and, going L 2 1 48 Harry Heathcote of GangoiL to a cupboard, brouglit forth a modicum of spirits, wlaicli lie called " Battle Axe," but wliicli was supposed to be brandy. This Boscobel swallowed at a gulp, and then washed it down with a little water. '' Come, Jerry," said the old man, some- what relenting in his wrath, ''you might as well give us a drop as it's going about." The two brothers, who had now been thoroughly aroused from their sleep, and who had heard the enticing sound of the spirit bottle, joined the party, and so they drank all round. " Heathcote' s in an awful state about them fires, ain't he ? " asked Jerry. Boscobel, who had squatted down on the verandah, and was now lighting his pipe, bobbed his head. The Broiviibles of Boolabong, 149 " I wish, he was clean burned out — over liead and ears," said Jerrj. Boscobel bobbed his head again, sucking with great energy at the closely-stuffed pipe. "If he treated me like he does you fel- loYfs," continued Jerry, " he shouldn't have a yard of fencing or a blade of grass left, nor a ewe, nor a lamb, nor a hogget. I do hate fellows who come here and want to be better than any one about 'em — young chaps especially. Sending up here to look for sheepskins, cuss his impudence ! I sent that German fellow of his away with a flea in his ear." "Karl Bender?" " It's some such name as that." " He's all in all with the young squire," said Boscobel. " And there's a chap there called Jacko — he's another. He gets 'em 150 Harry Heathcote of GmigoiL down tliere to Gangoil, and tlie ladies talks to 'em, and then they'd go tlirougli fire and water for liim. There's Mickey — lie's another, jist the same way. I don't like them ways myself." " Too much of master and man about it ; ain't there. Bos ?" " Just that, Mr. Jerry. That ain't my idea of a fr ee coun try. I can work as well as another, but I ain't going to be told that I'm a swindler because I'm making the most of my time." " He turned Nokes out by the scruf of his neck?" said Jerry. Boscobel again bobbed his head. " I didn't think Nokes was the sort of fellow to stand that." " No more he ain't," said Boscobel. " Heathcote's a good plucked 'un all the same," said Joe. The Browiibies of Boolaboitg. 151 "It's like you to speak up for sucli a fellow as that," said Jerry. " I say lie's a good plucked 'un. I'm not standing up for him. Nokes is kalf a stone keavier tkan Mm, and ougkt to have knocked him over. That's what you'd've done ; wouldn't you. Bos ? I know I would." " He'd've had my axe at his head," said Boscobel. " We all know Joe's game to the back- bone," said Jerry. "I'm game enough for you, anyway," said the brother ; " and you can try it out any time you like." " That's right ; fight like dogs ; do," said the old man. The quarrel at this point was interrupted by the arrival of another man, who crept up round the corner on to the verandah 152 Harjy Heathcote of Gangoil. exactly as Boscobel had done. This was Nokes, of whom they had that moment been speaking. There was silence for a few moments among them, as though they feared that he might have heard them, and ISTokes stood hanging his head as thouofh half ashamed of himself. Then they gave him the same kind of greeting as the other men had received. Kobody told him that he was welcome, but the spirit jar was again brought into use, Jerry measuring out the liquor, and it was understood that Nokes was to stay there and get his food. He, too, gave some account of himself, which was supposed to suffice, but which they all knew to be false. It was Sunday, and they were off work at the sugar-mill. He had come across Gan- goil run intending to take back with him The Broiunbics of Boo la bong: 153 tliino^s of liis own wliich lie had left at Bender's liut, and, having come so far, had thought that he would come on and get his dinner at Boolabong. As this was being told a good deal w^as said of Harry Heathcote. Xokes declared that he had come right across Gangoil, and explained that he w^ould not have been at all sorry to meet Master Heathcote in the bush. Master Heathcote had had his own way up at the station when he was backed by a lot of his own hands ; but a good time w^as coming perhaps. Then Nokes gave it to be understood very plainly that it was the settled purpose of his life to give Harry Heathcote a thrashing. During all this there was an immense amount of bad lan- guage, and a large portion of the art which in the colony is called "blowing." 154 Harry Heathcote of GangoiL Jeny, Boscobel, and ISFokes all boasted^ each that on the first occasion he would give Harry Heathcote such a beating that a whole bone should hardly be left in the man's skin. " There isn't one of you man enough to touch him !" said Joe, who was known as the freest fighter of the Brownbie family. " And you'd eat him, I suppose?" said Jerry. "He's not likely to come in my way," said Joe ; " but if he does, he'll get as good as he brings — that's all." This was unpleasant to the visitors, who, of course, felt themselves to be snubbed. Boscobel afiected to hear the slight put upon his courage with good humour, but j^okes laid himself down in a corner and sulked. They were soon all asleep, and The Browiibies of Boolabo7ig, 1 5 5 remained dozing, snoring, clianging their uncomfortable positions, and cursing tlie musquitoes, till about four in tlie after- noon, when Boscobel got up, shook him- self, and made some observation about "grub." The meal of the day was then prepared. A certain quantity of flour and raw meat, ample for their immediate wants, was given to the two strangers, with which they retired into the outer kitchen, prepared it for themselves, and there ate their dinner, and each of the brothers did the same for himself in the big room — Joe, the fighting brother, pro- viding for his father's wants as well as his own. One of them had half a leg of cold mutton, so that he was saved the trouble of cooking, but he did not offer to share this comfort with the others. An enor- 1 56 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. mous kettle of tea was made, and that was common among tliem. While this was being consumed, Boscobel put his head into the room, and suggested that he and his mate wanted a drink ; whereupon Jerry, without a word, pointed to the kettle, and Boscobel was allowed to fill two pannikins. Such was the welcome which was always accorded to strangers at Boolabong. After their meal the men came back on to the verandah, and there was more smoking and sleeping, more boasting and snarling^. Different allusions were made to the spirit jar, especially by the old man ; but they were made in vain. The " Battle Axe" was Jerry's own property, and he felt that he had already been almost foolishly liberal. But he had an 7 he Bi^ownbies of Boolabong. 157 object in view. He was quite sure that Boscobel and Nokes had not come to Boolabong on the same Sunday by any chance coincidence. The men had some- thing to propose, and in their own way they would make the proposition before they left, and would make it probably to him. Boscobel intended to sleep at Boo- labong, but Nokes had explained that it was his purpose to return that night to Medlicot's Mill. The proposition no doubt would be made soon — a little after seven, when the day was preparing to give way suddenly to night. Xokes first walked off, sloping out from the verandah in a half shy, half cunning manner, looking no whither, and saying a word to no one. Quickly after him, Boscobel jumped up suddenly, hitched up his trousers, and 158 Hany Heathcote of Gangoil. followed the first man. At about a similar interval, Jerry passed out tlirougli the big room to the yard at the back, and from the yard to a shed that was used as a shambles. Here he found the other two men, and no doubt the proposition was made. " There's something up," said the old man as soon as Jerry was gone. " Of course there's something up," said Joe. *' Those fellows didn't come all the way to Boolabong for nothing." "It's something about young Heath- cote," suggested the father. "If it is," said Jack, "what's that to you?" " They'll get themselves hanged, that's all about it." " That be blowed ! " said Jack. "You go The Brownbies of Boolabong. 159 easy and hold your tongue. If you know nothing nobody can hurt you." ^' I know nothing," said Joe, " and don't mean. If I had scores to quit with a fellow like Harry Heathcote 1 should do it after my own fashion. I shouldn't get Boscobel to help me, nor yet such a fellow as Nokes. But it's no business of mine. Heathcote' s made the place too hot to hold him — that's all about. iL-" There was no more said, and in an hour's time Jerry returned to the family. Neither the father nor brother asked him any questions, nor did he volunteer any information. Boolabong was about fourteen miles from Medlicot's Mill. ISTokes had walked this distance in the mornina*, and no\v retraced it at night ; not going right across 1 6o Haj^jy Heathcote of Gangoil. Gangoil, as lie had falsely boasted of doing early in the day, but skirting it, and keeping on tlie outside of the fence nearly the whole distance. At about two in the morning he reached his cottag^e outside the mill on the river bank ; but he was unable to skulk in unheard. Some dogs made a noise, and presently he heard a voice calling him from the house. " Is that you, Nokes, at this time of night ? " asked Mr. Medlicot. Nokes grunted out some reply, intending to avoid any further question. But his master came up to the hut door and asked- him where he had been. " Just amusing myself," said Nokes. " It's very late." "It's not later for me than for you, Mr. Medlicot." The Brownbies of Boolaboiig, i6i " That's true. I've just ridden home from Gangoil." " From Gangoil ? I didn't know you was so friendly there, Mr. Medhcot." " And where have you been ?" "Not to Gangoilj anyway. Good night, Mr. Medhcot!" Then the man took himself into his hut, and was safe from further questioning that night. M 1 62 Har7y Heathcote of Ga7igoiL CHAPTEE YII. " I WISH you'd like me." All tlie Saturday niglit Heathcote had been on the run, and he did not return home to bed till nearly dawn on the Sun- day morning. At about noon, prayers were read out on the verandah, the con- gregation consisting of Mrs. Heathcote and her sister, Mrs. Growler, and Jacko. Harry himself was rather averse to this performance, intimating that Mrs. Growler, if she were so minded, could read the prayers for herself in the kitchen, and that. " / wish youd like 7716." 1 6 o as regarded Jacko, tliey would be altogether thrown away. But his wife had made a point of maintaining the practice, and he had of course yielded. The service was not long, and when it was over Harry got into a chair and was soon asleep. He had been in the saddle during sixteen hours of the previous day and night, and was en- titled to be fatigued. His wife sat beside him, every now and again protecting him from the flies, while Kate Daly sat by with her Bib le in her hand. But she too, from time to time, was watching her brother-in- law. The trouble of his spirits and the work that he felt himself bound to do touched them with a strono; feeling;', and taught them to regard him for the time as a young hero. " How quietly he sleeps ! " Kate said. M 2 164 Harry Heathcote of GangoiL " The fatigue of tlie last week must Iiave been terrible." ''He is quite, quite knocked up," said the wife. " I ain't knocked up a bit," said Harry, jumping up from his chair. "What should knock me up ? I wasn't asleep, was I ?" " Just dozing, dear." '' Ah, well ! there isn't anything to do, and it's too hot to get out. I wonder old Bates didn't come in for prayers." '' I don't think he cares much for prayers," said Mrs. Heathcote. "But he likes an excuse for a nobbier as well as any one. Did I tell you that they had fires over at Jackson's yesterday — at Coolaroo ?" " Was there any harm done ? " " A deal of grass burned, and they had * * / wish yotid like me!' 165 to drive tlie slieep, wliich. won't serve them this kind of weather. I don't know which I fear most — the grass, the fences, or the sheep. As for the buildings, I don't think they'll try that again." ''Why not, Harry?" " The risk of being seen is so great. I can hardly understand that a man like Nokes should have been such a fool as he was." " You think it was Nokes ? " " Oh, yes, certainly. In the first place, Jacko is as true as steel. I don't mean to swear by the boy, though I think he is a good boy; but I'm sure he's true in this. And then the man's manner to myself was conclusive. I cannot understand a man in Medlicot's position supporting a fellow like that. By heavens! it nearly drives me mad 1 66 Harry Heathcote of GangoiL to think of it. Tliousands and thousands of pounds are at stake. All that a man has in the world is exposed to the malice of a scoundrel like Nokes ! And then a man who calls himself a gentleman will talk about it being un-English to look after him. He's a ' new chum ;' I suppose that's his excuse." " If it's a suflS.cient excuse, you should excuse him," said Kate, with good feminine logic. '' That's just like you all over. He's good-looking, and therefore it's all right. He ought to have learned better. He ought, at any rate, to believe that men who have been here much longer than he has must know the ways of the country a great deal better." " It's Christmas time, Harry," said his '* / zvish youd like me!' 167 wife, "and you sliould endeavour to forgive your neighbours." " What sort of a Christmas will it be if you and I, and these young fellows here, and Kate, are all burned out of Gangoil? Here's Bates ! Well, Mr Bates, how goes it?" " Tremendous hot, sir." "We've found that out already. You haven't heard where that fellow Boscobel has gone ?" " No, I haven't heard ; but he'll be over with some of those Brownbie lads. They say Georgie Brownbie' s about the country somewhere. If so, there'll be a row among 'em." " When thieves fall out, Mr. Bates, honest men come by their own." " So they say, Mr. Heathcote. All the i68 Hariy Heathcote of Ga?igoil. same, I shouldn't care liow far Georgie was away from any place I liad to do with." Then the yonng master and his old superintendent sauntered out to his back premises to talk about sheep and fires, and plans for putting out fires. And no doubt Mr. Bates had the glass of brandy and water, which he had come to regard as one of his Sunday luxuries. From the back premises they went down to the creek to gauge the water. Then they sauntered on, keeping always in the shade, sitting down here to smoke, and standing up there to discuss the pedigree of some particular ram, till it was past six. " You may as well come in and dine with us, Mr. Bates," Harry suggested, as they returned towards the station. *' / wish yo2t d like me!' 1 69 Mr. Bates said tliat he tliouglit that he would. As the same invitation was given on almost every Sunday throughout the year, and was invariably answered in the same way, there was not much excitement in this. But Mr. Bates would not have dreamed of going into dinner without being asked. "That's Medlicot's trap," said Mr. Bates, as they entered the yard. " I heard wheels when we were in the horse-paddock." Harry looked at the trap, and then went quickly into the house. He walked with a rapid step on to the verandah, and there he found the sugar-grower and his mother. Mrs. Heathcote looked at her husband almost timidly. She knew from the very sound of his feet 1 70 Harry Heathcote of GangoiL that he was perturbed in spirit. Under his own roof-tree he wonld certainly be courteous ; but there is a constrained courtesy very hard to be borne, of which she knew him to be capable. He first went up to the old lady, and to her his greet- ing was pleasant enough. Harry Heath- cote, though he had assumed the bush mode of dressing, still retained the manners of a high-bred gentleman in his intercourse with women. Then, turning sharply round, he gave his hand to Mr. Medlicot. "I am glad to see you at Gangoil," he said. " I was not fortunate enouo^h to be at home when you called the other day. Mrs. Medlicot must have found the drive very hot, I fear." His wife was still looking into his face, and was reading there, as in a book, the " / wish yoztd like me!' 171 mingled pride and disdain with wliicli her husband was exercising civility to his enemy. Harry's countenance wore a look not difficult of perusal ; and Medlicot could read the lines almost as distinctly as Harry's wife. "I have asked Mrs._Medlicot to stay and dine with us,"" she said, " so that she may have it cool for the drive back." " I am almost afraid of the bush at night," said the old woman. "You'll have a full moon," said Harry. " It will be as light as day." So that was settled. Heathcote thought it odd that the man whom he regarded as his enemy, whom he had left at their last meeting in positive hostility, should con- sent to accept a dinner under his roof ; but that was Medlicot' s affair, not his. 172 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. They dined at seven, and after dinner strolled out into the horse-paddock, and down to the creek. As they started the three men went first, and the ladies followed them ; but Bates soon dropped behind. It was his rest day, and he had already moved quite as much as was usual with him on a Sunday. " I think I was a little hard with you the other day," said Medlicot, when they were alone together. " I suppose we hardly understand each other's ideas," said Harry. He spoke with a constrained voice and with an almost savage manner, engendered by a determination to hold his own. He would forgive any offence for which an apology was made, but no apology had been made as yet ; and, to tell the truth, he was a ' ' / wish youd like me, " 173 little afraid that, if tliey got into an argu- inent on the matter, Medlicot would have the best of it. And there was, too, almost a claim to superiority in Medlicot' s use of the word " hard." "When one man says that he has been hard to another he almost boasts that, on that occasion, he got the better of him. " That's just it," said Medlicot ; '' we do not quite understand each other. But we might believe in each other all the same, and then the understanding would come. But it isn't just that which I want to say ; such talking rarely does any good." ' "What is it, then?" " You may perhaps be right about that man Nokes." " No doubt I may. I know I'm right. When I asked him whether he had been at 1 74 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. my slied, what made him say that he hadn't been there at night time ? I said nothing about night time. But the man was there at night time, or he wouldn't have used the word." "I'm not sure that that is evidence." " Perhaps not in England, Mr. Medlicot, but it's good enough evidence for the bush. And what made him pretend he didn't know the distances ? And why can't he look a man in the face ? And why should the boy have said it was he if it wasn't ? Of course, if you think well of him, you're right to keep him. But you may take it as a rule out here that when a man has been dismissed it hasn't been done for nothing. Men treated that way should travel out of the country. It's better for all parties. It isn't here as it is at home. * ' / wish yoiHd like me!' 175 where people live so tliick together that nothinof is thousfht of a man beino; dis- missed. I was obliged to discharge him, and now he's my enemy." " A man may be your enemy without beino^ a felon." " Of course he may. I'm his enemy in a way, but I wouldn't hurt a hair of his head unjustly. When I see the attempts made to burn me out, of course I know that an enemy has been at work." *' Is there no one else has got a grudge ao^ainst you ?" Harry was silent for a moment. What right had this man to cross-examine him about his enmities — the man whose own position in the place had been one of hos- tility to him, whom he had almost suspected of harbouring Xokes at the mill simply 1 76 Harry Heathcote of GangoiL because l^okes liad been dismissed from Gangoil ? That suspicion was indeed fading away. There was something in Medhcot's voice and manner which made it impossible to attribute such motives to him. Nevertheless, the man was a free- selector, and had taken a bit of the Gan- /goil run after a fashion which to Heathcote was objectionable politically, morally, and \socially. Let Medlicot in regard to cha- racter be what he might, he was a free- selector and a squatter's enemy, and had clenched his hostility by employing a servant dismissed from the very run out of which he had bought his land. "It is hard to say," he replied at length, '' who have grudges — or against whom — or why. I suppose I have a grudge against you, if the truth is to * ' / zvish youd like me. " 177 be known ; but I slian't burn down your mill." " I'm sure you won't." " JN'or yet say worse of you behind your back than I will to your face." " I don't want you to think that you have occasion to speak ill of me either one way or the other. What I mean is this — I don't quite think that the evidence against IN'okes is strong enough to justify me in sending him away ; but I'll keep an eye on him as well as I can. It seems that he left our place early this morning ; but the men are not supposed to be there on Sundays, and of course he does as he pleases with himself." The conversation then dropped, and in a little time Harry made some excuse for leaving them, and returned to the house N 178 Hariy Heathcote of Gangoil. alone, promising, however, tliat lie would not start for his night's ride till after the party had come back to the station. '' There is no hnrry at all," he said ; " I shan't stir for two hours yet, but Mickey will be waiting there for stores for himself and the German." " That means a nobbier for Mickey," said Kate. '' Either of those men would think it a treat to ride ten miles in and ten miles back, with a horse-load of sugar and tea and flour, for the sake of a glass of brandy and water." " And so would you," said Harry, • " if you lived in a hut by yourself for a fort- night, with nothing to drink but tea with- out milk." The old lady and Mrs. Heathcote were soon seated on the grass, while Medlicot '' / wish youd like mer 1 79 and Kate Daly roamed on together. Kate was a pretty, modest girl, timid withal and sliy, unused to society, and therefore awk- ward, but with the natural instincts and aptitudes of her sex. What the glass of brandy and water was to Mickey O'Dowd after a fortnight's solitude in a bush -hut, with tea, dampers, and lumps of mutton, a young man in the guise of a gentleman was to poor Kate Daly. A brother-in-law, let him be ever so good, is, after all, no better than tea without milk. ISTo doubt Mickey O'Dowd often thought about a nobbier in his thirsty solitude, and so did Kate specu- late on what might possibly be the attrac- tions of a lover. Medlicot probably in- dulged in no such speculations ; but the nobbier, when brought close to his lips, was grateful to him as to others. That N 2 1 8o Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. Kate Daly was very pretty no man could doubt. " Isn't it sad that lie should have to ride about all night like that?" said Kate, to whom, as was proper, Harry Heathcote at the present moment was of more importance than any other human being. " I suppose he likes it." " Oh no, Mr. Medlicot; how can he like it ? It is not the hard work he minds, but the constant dread of coming evil." " The excitement keeps him alive." " There's plenty on a station to keep a man alive in that way at all times." " And plenty to keep ladies alive too?" '' Oh ! ladies ? I don't know that ladies have any business in the bush. Harry's trouble is all about my sister, and the " I wish yottd like me!' 1 8 1 children, and me. He wouldn't care a straw for himself." " Do you think he'd be better without a wife?" Kate hesitated for a moment. " Well, no. I suppose it would be very rough without Mary ; and he'd be so lonely when he came in." *' And nobody to make his tea." " Or to look after his things," said Kate earnestly ; *' I know it was very rough be- fore we came here. He says that himself. There were no regular meals, but just food in a cupboard when he chose to get it." " That is not comfortable, certainly." " Horrid, I should think. I suppose it is better for him to be married. You've got your mother, Mr. Medlicot." " Yes ; I've got my mother.'' 1 8 2 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. " That makes a difference, does it not ?" ''A very great difference. She'll save me from having to go to a cupboard for my bread and meat." " I suppose having a woman about is better for a man. They haven't got any- thing else to do, and therefore they can look to thing's." " Do you help to look to things ? " " I suppose I do something. I often feel ashamed to think how very little it is. As for that, I'm not wanted at all." " So that you're free to go elsewhere ? " "I didn't mean that, Mr. Medlicot; only I know I'm not of much use." " But if you had a house of your own ?" " Gangoil is my home just as much as it is Mary's ; and I sometimes feel that Harry is just as good to me as he is to Mary." *' I wish yoiid like me!' 1 8 o '' Your sister will never leave Gangoil." " Not unless Harry gets another sta- tion." " But you will have to be transplanted some day." Kate merely cliucked up her head and pouted her lips, as though to show that the proposition was one which did not deserve an answer. " You'll marry a squatter of course. Miss Daly ? " " I don't suppose I shall ever marry any- body, Mr. Medlicot." " You wouldn't marry any one but a squatter ? I can quite understand that. The squatters here are what the lords and the country gentlemen are at home." " I can't even picture to myself what sort of life people live at home." 1 84 Har7y Heathcote of Ga^igoiL Bo til Medlicot and Kate Daly meant England wtien they spoke of liome. '' There isn't so much difiference as people think. Classes hang together just in the same way; only I think there's a httle more exclusiveness here than there was there." ' In answer to this Kate asserted with in- nocent eagerness that she was not at all exclusive, and that if ever she married any one she'd marry the man she liked. "I wish you'd like me," said Med- licot. " That's nonsense," said Kate, in a low, timid whisper, hurrying away to rejoin the other ladies. She could speculate on the delights of the beverage as would Mickey O'Dowd in his hut, but when it was first brought to her lips she could only fly away ' ' I wish you 'd like me.'' 185 from it. In this respect Mickey O'Dowd was the more sensible of the two. JSTo other word was spoken that night between them, but Kate lay awake till morning, thinking of the one word that had been spoken ; but the secret was kept sacredly within her own bosom. Before the Medlicots started that night the old lady made a proposition that the Heathcotes and Miss Daly should eat their Christmas dinner at Medlicot's Mill. Mrs. Heathcote, thinking perhaps of her sister, thoroughly liking what she herself had seen of the Medlicots, looked anxiously into Harry's face. If he would consent to this an intimacy would follow, and probably a real friendship be made. "It's out of the question," he said. The very firmness, however, with which he 1 86 Hm^ry Heathcote of Gmigoil. spoke gave a certain cordiality even to Ms refusal. " I must be at home, so tliat Ijie men may know wliere to find me till I go out for tlie night." Then after a pause he con- tinued, " As we can't go to you, why should you not come to us ? " So it was at last decided, much to Harry's own astonishment, much to his wife's delight. Kate, therefore, when she lay awake, thinking of the one word that had been spoken, knew that there would be an opportunity for another word. Medlicot drove his mother home safely, and, after he had taken her into the house, encountered ISTokes on his return from Boolabong, as has been told at the close of the last chapter.. ^' I do zuish he wotdd come / " 187 CHAPTEE YIII. " I DO ^ISH HE WOULD COME ! " On the Mondaj morniiig Harry came home as usual, and as usual went to bed after his breakfast. '' I wouldn't care about the heat if it were not for the wind," he said to his wife, as he threw himself down. '' The wind carries it so, I suppose?'' " Yes ; and it comes from just the wrong side — from the north-west. There have been half a dozen fires about to- day." " During the night, you mean ?" 1 88 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil, " No ; yesterday — Sunday. I cannot make out wlietlier they come by them- selves. They certainly are not all made by incendiaries." " Accidents, perhaps ?" "Well, yes. Somebody drops a match, and the sun ignites it. But the chances are much against a fire like that spreading. Care is wanted to make it spread. As far as I can learn, the worst fires have not been just after mid-day, when, of course, the heat is greater, but in the early night, before the dews have come. All the same, I feel that I know nothing about it — nothing at all. Don't let me sleep long." In spite of this injunction, Mrs. Heath- cote determined that he should sleep all day if he would. Even the nights were ** / do zvish he wo7ild come ! " 1 89 fearfully hot and sultry, and on this Monday morning he had come home much fatigued. He would be out again at sunset, and now he should have what rest nature would allow him. But in this resolve she was opposed by Jacko, who came in at eleven, and requested to see the master. Jacko had been over with the German, and, as he explained to Mrs. Heathcote, they two had been in and out, sometimes sleeping and sometimes watching. But now he wanted to see the master, and under no persuasion would impart his information to the mis- tress. The poor wife, anxious as she was that her husband should sleep, did not dare in these perilous times to ignore Jacko and his information, and therefore gently woke the sleeper. In a few minutes Jacko was standing by the young squatter's bedside, 1 90 Hainy Heathcote of GangoiL . and Harry Heathcote, quite awake, was sitting up and listening. " George Brownbie's at Boolabong." That at first was the gravamen of Jacko's news. " I know that already, Jacko." " My word ! " exclaimed Jacko. In those parts Georgie Brownbie was re- garded almost as the Evil One himself; and Jacko, knowing what mischief was, as it were, in the word, thought that he was entitled to bread and jam, if not to a nobbier itself, in bringing such tidings to Gangoil. "Is that all?" asked Heathcote. ''And Bos is at Boolabong, and Bill l^okes was there all Sunday, and Jerry Brownbie' s been out along with Bos and Georgie." " / do wish he wo7dd coine / " 191 " The old man wouldn't do anything of that kind, Jacko." " The old man ! He knows nothing about it. My word! they don't tell him about nothing." '' Or Tom ?" " Tom's away in prisin. They always cotches the best when they want to send 'em to prisin. If they'd lock up Jerry, and Georgie, and Jack ! My w^ord, yes ! " ''You think they're arranging it all at Boolabong?" "In course they are." " I don't see why Boscobel shouldn't be at Boolabong wdthout intending me any harm. Of course he'd go there when he left Gangoil — that's where they all go." " And Bill Nokes, Mr. Harry ?" " And Bill Nokes too. Though why he 192 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. should travel so far from liis work this weather, I can't say." " My word, no, Mr. Harry !" " Did 3^ou see any fires about your way last night ?" Jacko shook his head. " You ofo into the kitchen and o-et somethinof to O CD CI eat, and wait for me. I shall be out before long, now." Though Heathcote had made light of the assemblage of evil spirits at Boolabong, which had seemed so important to Jacko, he by no means did regard the news as un- essential. Of Nokes's villany he was con- vinced. Of Boscobel he had imprudently made a second enemy at a most inauspicious time. Georgie Brownbie had long been his bitter foe. He had prosecuted, and perhaps persecuted, Georgie for various offences ; but as Georgie was supposed to be as much ^^ I do wish he would come / " 193 at war with his own brethren as with the rest of the world at large, Heathcote had not thought much of that miscreant in the present emergency. But if the miscreant were in truth at Boolabong, and if evil things were being plotted against Gangoil, Georgie would certainly be among the con- spu-ators. Soon after noon Harry was on horseback and Jacko was at his heels. The heat was more intense than ever. Mrs. Heathcote had twisted round Harry's hat a long white scarf, called a puggeree — though we are by no means sure of our spelling. Jacko had spread a very dirty fragment of an old white handkerchief on his head, and wore his hat over it. Mrs. Heathcote had begged Harry to take a large cotton parasol, and he had nearly consented — being unable at 1 94 Harry HeatJicote of GangoiL last to reconcile himself to the idea of riding with such an accoutrement, even in the bush. "The heat's a bore," he said, "but I'm not a bit afraid of it as long as I keep moving. Yes, I'll be back to dinner, though I won't say when ; and I won't say for how long. It will be the same thing all day to- morrow. I wish with all my heart those people were not coming." He rode straightaway to the German's hut, which was on the north-western extremity of his farther paddock in that direction. From thence the western fence ran in a southerly direction, nearly straight to the river. Beyond the fence was a strip of land, in some parts over a mile broad, in others not much over a quarter of a mile, which he claimed as belonging to Gangoil, but over which the Brownbies had driven their cattle since the ^' I do wish he 'W02old come / " 195 fence liacl been made, under the pretence that the fence marked the boundary of two runs. Against this assumption Heathcote had remonstrated frequently, had driven the cattle back, and had exercised the OT\Tiership of a Crown tenant in such fashion as the nature of his occupation allowed. Beyond this strip was Boolabong, the house at Boolabono- beino- not above three miles distant from the fence, and not above four miles from the German's hut ; so that the Brownbies were in truth much nearer neio^hbours to the German than was Heathcote and his family. But between the German and the Brownbies there raged an internecine feud. No doubt Harry Heath- cote, in his heart, liked the German all the better on this account ; but it behoved him, both as a master and a magistrate, to regard 2 1 96 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. reports against Boolabong coming from tlie German with something of suspicion. Now Jacko had been introduced to Gangoil under German auspices, and had soon come to a decision that it would be a good thing and a just to lock up all the Brownbies in the great gaol of the colony at Brisbane. He probably knew nothing of law or justice in the abstract, but he greatly valued law when exercised against those he hated. The western fence, of which mention has been made, ran down to the Marv river. hitting it about four miles west of Medli- cot'sMill; so that there was a considerable portion of the Gangoil run having a frontage to the water. As has been before said, Medlicot's plantation was about fourteen miles distant from the house at Boolabong, and the distance from the Gano^oil house ^' I do wish he wozdd come / " 197 to that of tlie Brownbies was about tlie same. The oppressiveness of the day was owing more to the hot wind than to the sun itself. This wind, coming from the arid plains of the interior, brought with it a dry, suffo- cating heat. On this occasion it was odious to Harry Heathcote, not so much on account of its own intrinsic abominations as because it might cause a fire to sweep across his run from its western boundary. Just beyond the boundary there lay Boolabong, and there were collected his enemies. A fire that should have passed for a mile or so across the pastures outside and beyond his own farm would be altoo^ether unextin- guishable by the time that it had reached his paddock. The Brownbies, as he knew well, would care nothing for burning a 198 Harry Heathcote of Ga7igoiL patcli of tlieir own grass. Tlieir stock, if tliey had any at the present moment, were much too few in number to be affected by such a loss. The Brownbies had not a yard of fencing to be burned, and a fire, if once it got a hold on the edge of their run, would pass on away from them, right across Harry's pastures and Harry's fences. If such were the case, he would have quite enough to do to drive his sheep from the fire, and it might be that many of them also would perish in the flames. The ca- tastrophe might even be so bad, so frightful, that the shed and station and all should go ; though in thinking of all the fires of which he had heard, he could remember none that had spread with fatality such as that. He found Karl Bender in his hut asleep. '^ I do wish he zuotild come / " 199 The man was soon up, apologizing for his somnolence, and preparing tea for his master's entertainment. "It is not Christmas-like at home at all ; is it, Mr. 'Eathcote ? Dear, no ! Them red divils is there readj to give us a Christmas roasting." Then he told how he had boldly ridden np to Boolabong that morning, and had seen Georgie and Bos- cobel with his own eyes. When asked what they had said to him, he replied that he did not wait till anything had been said, but had hurried away as fast as his horse , could carry him. " I'll go up to Boolabong myself," said Harry. " My word ! they'll just about knock your head ofE !" suggested Jacko. Karl Bender also thouo'ht that the 200 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. making of such a visit would be a source of danger; but Heathcote explained that any personal attack was not to be appre- hended from these men. '' That's not their game," he said, arguing that men who premeditated a secret outrage would not probably be tempted into personal violence. The horror of the position lay in this, that though a fire should rise up almost under the feet of men who were known to be hostile to him, and whose characters were acknowledged to be bad, still would there be no evidence against them. It was known to all men that, at periods of heat such as that which was now raging, fires were common. Every day the pastures were in flames here, there, and everywhere. It was said, in- deed, that there existed no evidence of '' I do luisJi he zuoidd come ! '"' 201 fires in tlie bush till men had come with their flocks ; but then there had been no smoking, no boiling of pots, no camping out, till men had come — and no matches. Every one around might be sure that some particular fire had been the work of an incendiary — might be able to name the culprit who had done the deed ; and yet no jury could convict the miscreant. Watch- fulness was the best security — watchful- ness day and night till rain should come ; and Heathcote calculated that it would be better for him that his enemies should know that he was watchful. He would go up among them and show them that he was not ashamed to speak to them of his anxiety. They could hear nothing by his coming which they did not already know. They were well aware that he was on the 202 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. watcli, and it miglit be well tliat tliey should know also liow close his watcli was kept. He took the German and Jacko with him, but left them with their horses about a mile on the Boolabong side of his own fence, nigh to the extreme boundary of the Debateable Land. They knew his whistle, and were to ride to him at once should he call them. He had left the house about noon, saying that he would be home to dinner, which, however, on such occasions was held to be a feast moveable over a wide space of time. But on this occasion the women expected him to come early, as it was his intention to be out again as soon as it should be dark. Mrs. Growler was asked to have the dinner ready at six. During the day Mrs. Heathcote was back- '' I do wish he would covie I '' 203 ward and forward in the kitchen. There was something wrong, she knew, but could not quite discern the eviL Sing-Sing, the cook, was more than ordinarily alert ; but Sing-Sing, the cook, was not much trusted. Mrs. Growler was '' as good as the Bank" as far as that went, having lived with old Mr. Daly when he was prosperous ; but she was apt to be down-hearted, and on the present occasion was more than usually low in spirits. Whenever Mrs. Heathcote spoke she wept. At six o'clock she came into the parlour with a budget of news. Sing-Sing, the cook, had been gone for the last half-hour, leaving the leg of mutton at the fire. It soon became clear to them that he had altogether abscojided. " Them rats always does leave a falling house," said Mrs. Growler. 204 Har7y Heathcote of Gafigotc. At seven o'clock the sun was down, tliougli the gloom of the tropical even- ing had not yet come. The two ladies went out to the gate, which was but a few yards from the verandah, and there stood listening for the sound of Harry's horse. The low moaning of the wind through the trees could be heard, but it w^as so gentle, continuous, and unaltered, that it seemed to be no more than a vehicle for other sounds, and was as deathlike as silence itself. The gate of the horse-paddock through which Heathcote must pass on his way home was nearly a mile distant ; but the road there was hard, and they knew that they could hear from there the fall of his horse's feet. There they stood from seven to nearly eight, w^hispering a word now and then to each other — listening " I do wish he wotdci come ! " 205 always, but in vain. Looking away to the west, every now and then tliey fancied that they could see the sky glow with flames, and then they would tell each other that it was fancy. The evening grew darker and still darker, but no sound was heard through the moaning wind. From time to time Mrs. Growler came out to them, declaring: her fears in no measured terms. " Well, marm, I do declare I think we'd better go away out of this." ''Go away, Mrs. Growler? "WTiat non- sense ! Where can we go to ?" " The mill would be nearest, ma'am, and we should be safe there. I'm sure Mrs. Medlicot would take us in." ''Why should you not be safe here?'^ said Kate. " That wretched Chinese hasn't gone 2o6 Hainy Heathcote of Gangoil. and left us for nothing, miss, and wTiat would we tliree lone women do here if all them Brownbies came down upon us ? Why don't master come back ? He ought to come back; oughtn't he, ma'am? He never do think what lone women are." Mrs. Heathcote took her husband's part very strongly, and gave Mrs. Growler as hard a scolding as she knew how to pro- nounce. But her own courage was giving way much as Mrs. Growler's had done. " We are bound to stay here," she said, " and if the worst comes we must bear it as others have done before us." ^Then Mrs. Growler was very sulky, and, retreating to the kitchen, sobbed there in solitude. " Oh, Kate, I do wish he would come !" said the elder sister. '' I do luish he zuo7Lld come / " 207 " Are you afraid ? " "It is so desolate, and lie may be so far off, and ^e couldn't get to him if anything happened, and we shouldn't know." Then they were again silent, and re- mained without exchanging more than a word or two for nearly half an hour. They took hold of each other, and every now and then went to the kitchen door that the old woman might be comforted by their pre- sence; but they had no consolation to offer each other. The silence of the bush, and the feeling of great distances, and the dread of calamity, almost crushed them. At last there was a distant sound of horses' feet. "I hear him," said Mrs. Heathcote, rushing forward towards the outer gate of the horse paddock, followed by her sister. 2o8 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. Her ears were true, but she was doomed to disappointment. The horseman was only a messenger from her husband, Mickey O'Dowd, the Irish boundarj-rider. He had great tidings to tell, and was so long in telling them, that we will not attempt to give them in his own words. The purport of his story was as follows : — Harry had been to Boolabong House, but had found there no one but the old man. Eeturning home thence towards his own fence, he had smelt the smoke of fire, and had found, within a furlong of his path, a long ridge of burning grass. According to Mickey's account it could not have been lio-hted above a few minutes before Heath- cote's presence on the spot. As it was, it had got too much ahead for him to put it out single-handed; a few yards he might '^ I do wish he woidd come / " 209 liave managed, but — so Mickey said, pro- bably exaggerating tlie matter — there was half a quarter of a mile of flame. He had therefore ridden on before the fire, had called his own two men to him, and had at once lighted the grass himself some two hundred yards in front, making a second fire, but so keeping it down that it should be always under control. Before the hinder flames had caught him. Bender and Jacko had been Avith him, and they had thus managed to consume the fuel which, had it remained there, would have fed the fire which was too strong to be mastered. By watching the extremities of the line of fire, they overpowered it, and so the damage was for the moment at an end. The method of dealing with the enemy was so well known in the bush, and had p 2 lo Har^y Heathcote of Gangoil. been so often canvassed in the hearing of the two sisters, that it was clearly intelli- gible to them. The evil had been met in the proper way, and the remedy had been effective. But why did not Harry come home ? Mickey O'Dowd, after his fashion, ex- plained that too. The ladies were not to wait dinner. The master felt himself obliged to remain out at night, and had gotten food at the German's hut. He, Mickey, was commissioned to return with a flask full of brandy, as it would be neces- sary that Harry, with all the men whom he could trust, should be ''on the rampage " all night. This small body was to consist of Harry himself, of the German, of Jacko, and, according to the story as at present told, especially of Mickey O'Dowd. Much '' 1 do wish he wotUd come / " 211 as she would have wished to have kept the man at the station for protection, she did not think of disobeying her husband's orders. So Mickey was fed, and then sent back with the flask ; with tidings also as to the desertion of that wretched cook, Sing- Sing. " I shall sit here all night," said Mrs. Heathcote to her sister. " As things are, I shall not think of going to bed." Kate declared that she would also sit in the verandah all night, and, as a matter of course, they were joined by Mrs. Growler. They had been so seated about an hour, when Kate Daly declared that the heavens were on fire. The two young women jumped up, flew to the gate, and found that the whole western horizon was lurid with a dark red lio^ht. p 2 2 1 2 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. CHAPTER IX. THE BUSH FIGHT. Haeky Heathcote had, on this occasion, entertained no doubt whatever that the fire had been intentional and premeditated. A hghted torch mnst have been dragged along the grass, so as to ignite a line many- yards long all at the same time. He had been Inckily near enough to the spot to see almost the commencement of the burning, and was therefore aware of its form and circumstances. He almost wondered that he had not seen the figure of the man who The Bush Fight. 213 had drawn the torch, or at any rate heard his steps. Pursuit would have been out of the question, as his work was wanted at the moment to extinguish the flames. The miscreant probably had remembered this, and had known that he might escape steal- thily, without the noise of a rapid retreat. When the work was over, when he had put out the fire he had himself lighted, and had exterminated the lingering remnants of that which had been intended to destroy him, he stood still awhile almost in despair. His condition seemed to be hopeless. What could he do against such a band of enemies, knowing as he did that, had he been backed even by a score of trusty followers, one foe might still suffice to ruin him? At the present moment he was very hot with the work he had done, as were also Jacko and 214 Harjy Heathcote of Gangoil, tlie German. O'Dowd liad also come up as they were completing their work. Their mode of extinguishing the flames had been to beat them down with branches of gum- tree loaded with leaves. By sweeping these along the burning ground, the low flames would be scattered and expelled. But the work was very hard and hot. The boughs they used were heavy, and the air around them, sultry enough from its own properties, was made almost unbearable by the added heat of the fires. The work had been so far done, but it might be begun again at any moment, either near or at a distance. ISTo doubt the attempt would be made elsewhere along the boundary between Gangoil and Boola- bong — was very probably being made at this moment. The two men whom he The Bush Fight. 215 could trust and Jacko were now with him. They were wiping their brows with their arms, and panting with their work. He first resolved on sending Mickey O'Dowd to the house. The distance was great, and the man's assistance might be essential; but he could not bear to leave his wife without news from him. Then, after considering a while, he made up his mind to go back towards his own fence, making his way as he went southerly down towards the river. They who were deter- mined to injure him would, he thought, repeat their attempt in that direction. He hardly said a word to his two followers, but rode at a foot pace to the spot at his fence which he had selected as the site of his bivouac for the night. '' It won't be very cheery, Bender," he 2 1 6 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil, said to the German; ''but we shall have to make a night of it till they disturb us ag^ain ! " The German made a motion with his arms, intended to signify his utter indiffer- ence. One place was the same as another to him. Jacko uttered his usual ejaculation, and then, having hitched his horse to the fence, threw himself on his back upon the grass. No doubt they all slept, but they slept as watchers sleep, with one eye open. It was Harry who first saw the light which a few minutes later made itself visible to the ladies at the home station. " Karl ! " he exclaimed, jumping up, " they're at it again — look there 1 " In less than half a minute, and without speaking another word, they were all on The BiLsh FigJit. 2 1 7 tlieir horses and riding in tlie direction of tile light. It came from a part of the Boo- labong run somcAvhat nearer to the river than the place at Tvhicli they had stationed themselves, where the strip of ground be- tween Harry's 'fence and the acknowledged boundary of Brownbie's run was the nar- rowest. As they approached the fire they became aware that it had been lio-lited on Boolabong. On this occasion Harrj^ did not ride on ujd to the flames, knowing that the use or loss of a few minutes might save or destroy his property. He hardly spoke a word as he proceeded on his business, feel- ing that they upon whom he had to depend were sufficiently instructed, if only they would be sufficiently energetic. " Keep it well under, but let it run," was all he said, as, lighting a dried bush with a 2 1 8 Harry Heathcote of Ga7tgoiL matclij he ran the fire along the ground in front of the coming flames. A stranger seeing it all would have felt sure that the remedy would have been as bad as the disease, for the fire which Harry himself made every now and again seemed to get the better of those who were endea- vouring to control it. There might, per- haps, be a quarter of a mile between the front of the advancing fire and the line at which Harry had commenced to destroy the food which would have fed the coming flames. He himself, as quickly as he lighted the grass, which in itself was the work but of a moment, would strain himself to the utmost at the much harder task of control- ling his own fire, so that it should not run away from him and get as it were out of his hands, and be as bad to him as that which The Btcsh Fight. 219 lie was thus seeking to circumvent. Tlie German and Jacko worked like heroes, probably with intense enjoyment of the excitement, and after a while found a fourth figure among the flames, for Mickey had now returned. " You saw them ? " Harry said, panting with his work. " They's all right," said Mickey, flop- ping away with a great bough, " but that tarnation Chinese has gone off*." " My word ! Sing-Sing. Find him at Boolabong," said Jacko. The German, whose gum-tree bough was a very big one, and whose every thought was intent on letting the fire run while he still held it in hand, had not breath for a syllable. But the back fire was extending itself so 2 20 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. as to get round them. Every now and then Harry extended his own line, moving always forward towards Gangoil as he did so, though he and his men were always on Brownbie's territory. He had no doubt but that where he could succeed in destroy- ing the grass for a breadth of forty or fifty yards he would starve out the inimical flames. The trees and bushes without the herbage would not enable it to travel a yard. "Wherever the grass was burned down black to the soil the fire would stop ; but should they, Avho were at work, once allow themselves to be outflanked, their exertions would be all in vain. And then those wretches mis^ht lio^ht a dozen fires. The work was so hard, so hot, and often so hopeless that the unhappy young squatter was more than once tempted to bid his men The Bush Fight. 221 desist and to return to his homestead. The flames would not follow him there. He could, at any rate, make that safe. And then, when he had repudiated this feeling as unworthy of him, he began to consider within himself whether he would not do better for his property by taking his men with him on to his run, and endeavouring to drive his sheep out of danger. But as he thought of all this he still worked, still fired the grass, and still controlled the flames. Presently he became aware of what seemed to him at first to be a third fire. Through the trees, in the direction of the river, he could see the glimmering of low flames, and the figures of men. But it was soon apparent to him that these men were working in his cause, and that they, too, were burning the grass that would 2 2 2 Ha7'ry Hecithcote of Gangoil. liave fed tlie advancing flames. At first lie could not spare tlie minute wMch would be necessary to find out wLo was liis friend, but as tliey drew nearer he knew tlie man. It was the sugar planter from the Mill, and with him his foreman. " We've been doing our best," said Med- licot, " but we've been terribly afraid that the fire would slip away from us." "It's the only thing," said Harry, too much excited at the moment to ask ques- tions as to the cause of Medlicot's presence so far from his home at that time in the evening. " It's getting round us, I'm afraid, all the same." "I don't know but it is. It's almost impossible to distinguish. How hot the fires make it ! " " Hot, indeed," said Harry. " It's killing The Bush Fight. 22 o work for men, and then all for no good ! To think that men — creatures that call themselves men — should do such a thing as this ! It breaks one's heart." He had paused as he spoke, leaning on the great battered bough which he held, but in an instant was at work with it again. " Do you stay here, Mr. Medlicot, with the men, and I'll go on beyond where you began. If I find the fire growing down I'll shout and they can come to me." So saying he rushed on with a lighted bush-torch in his hand. Suddenly he found himself confronted in the bnsh by a man on horseback, whom he at once recognized as Georgie Brownbie. He forgot for a moment where he was, and began to question the reprobate as to his presence at that spot. 2 24 Ha7^ry Heathcote of Gangoil. " That's like your impudence ! " said Georgie. '' You're not only trespassing, but you're destroying our property wilfully, and you ask me wliat business I liave liere. You're a nice sort of young man ! " Harry, cliecked for a moment by tlie re- membrance that he was in truth upon Boolabong run, did not at once answer. " Put that bush down and don't burn our grass," continued Georgie, " or you shall ' have to answer for it. What right have you to fire our grass ? " "Who fired it first ? " "It lighted itself. That's no rule why you should light it more. You give over, or I'll punch your head for you 1" Harry's men and Medlicot were advanc- ing towards him, trampling out their own embers as they came, and Georgie Brown- The Bicsk Fight. 225 bie, wlio was alone, wlien lie saw that there were four or five men against him, turned round and rode back. " Did you ever see impudence like that ?" said Harrj. " He is probably the very man who set the match, and yet he comes and brazens it out with me ! " " I don't think he's the man who set the match," said Medlicot quietly; ''at any rate there was another." "Who was it?" " My man Nokes. I saw him with the torch in his hand." " Heaven and earth ! " " Yes, Mr. Heathcote ; I saw him put it down. You were about right, you see, and I was about wrong." Harry had not a word to say, unless it were to tell the man that he loved him for Q 2 26 Hai^ry Heathcote of Gangoil. tlie frankness of Ms confession; but tlie moment was hardly auspicious for such a declaration. There was no excuse for them to pause in their work, for the fire was still crackling at their back, and they did no more than pause. *'Ah!" said Harry, " there it goes ! We shall be done at last;" for he saw that he was being outflanked by the advancing flames. But still they worked, drawing lines of fire here and there, and still they hoped that there might be ground for hope. Kokes had been seen; but, pregnant as the theme might be with words, it was almost impos- sible to talk. Questions could not be asked and answered without stopping in their toil. There were questions which Harry longed to ask. Could Medlicot swear to the man? Did the man know The Btcsh Fight. 227 that lie had been seen ? If he knew that he had been watched whilst he lit the grass, he would soon be far away from Medlicot's Mill and Gangoil. Harry felt that it would be a consolation to him in his trouble if he could get hold of this man, and keep him, and prosecute him, and have him hung. Even in the tumult of the moment he was able to reflect about it, and to think that he remembered that the crime of arson was capital in the colony of Queensland. He had endea- voured to be good to the men with whom he had dealings. He had not stinted their food, or cut them short in their wages, or been hard in exactino^ work from them. And this was his return ! Ideas as to the excellence of absolute dominion and power flitted across his brain — such power as Q 2 2 28 Hamy Heathcote of Gangoil. Abraham no doubt exercised. In Abra- ham's time the people were submissive and the world was happy. Harry Heathcote, at least, had never heard that it was not happy. But as he thought of all this he Tvorked away with his bush and his matches — extinguishing the flames here and lighting them there — striving to make a cordon of black bare ground between Boolabong and Gangoil. Surely Abraham had never been called on to work like this ! He and his men were in a line, cover- ing something above a quarter of a mile of ground, of which line he was himself the nearest to the river, and Medlicot and his foreman the farthest from it. The German and O'Dowd were in the middle, and Jacko was working with his master. If Harry had just cause for anger and TJie BiLsJi Fight. 229 sorrow in regard to Nokes and Boscobel, lie certainly liad equal cause to be prond of tlie stauncliness of his remaining satel- lites. Tlie men worked with a will, as though the whole run had been the per- sonal property of each of them. ISTokes and Boscobel would probably have done the same had the fires come before they had quarrelled with their master. It is a small and narrow point that turns the rushing train to the right or to the left. The rushing man is often turned off by a point as small and narrow. "My word!" said Jacko, on a sudden; *' here they are all o' horseback !" And as he spoke there was the sound of half a dozen horsemen galloping up to them through the bush. " Why, there's Bos, his own self!" said Jacko. 230 Harry Heathcote of GangoiL Tlie two leading men were Joe and Jerry Brownbie, who for tliis niglit only had composed their quarrels, and close to them was Boscobel. There were others behind, also mounted — Jack Brownbie and Georgie, and Nokes himself. But they, though their figures were seen, could not be distin- guished in the gloom of the night ; nor, indeed, did Harry at first discern of how many the party consisted. It seemed that there was a whole troop of horsemen, whose purpose it was to interrupt him in his work, so that the flames should cer- tainly go ahead. And it was evident that the men thought that they could do so without subjecting themselves to legal penalties. As far as Harry Heathcote could see, they were correct in their view. He could have no right to burn the grass The Bush Fight. 231 on Boolabong. He had no claim even to be there. It was true that he could plead that he was stopping the fire which they had purposely made ; but they could prove his handiwork, whereas it would be almost impossible that he should prove theirs. The whole forest was not red, but lurid, with the fires, and the air was laden with both the smell and the heat of the con- flagration. The horsemen were dressed, as was Harry himself, in trousers and shirts, vtdth old slouch hats, and each of them had a cudgel in his hand. As they came gal- loping up through the trees, they were as uncanny and unwelcome a set of visitors as any man was ever called on to receive. Harry necessarily stayed his work, and stood still to bear the brunt of the coming attack ; but Jacko went on with his em- 232 Hainy Heathcote of Gangoil. plojment faster tlian ever, as tlioiigli a troop of men in tlie dark were nothing to liim. Jerry Brownbie was tlie first to speak. " What's this you're up to, Heathcote ? Firing our grass ? It's arson. You shall swing for this !" " I'll take my chance of that," said Harry, turning to his work again. " No ! I'm blessed if you do ! Ride over him, Bos, while I stop these other fellows ! " The Brownbies had been aware that Hany's two boundary-riders were with him, but had not heard of the arrival of Medlicot and the other man. Nokes was aware that some one on horseback had been near him when he was firing the grass, but had thought that it was one of the party from Gangoil. By the time that TJic B7ish Fight. 233 Jerry Brownbie had readied the German, Medlicot was there also. "Who the deuce are you?" asked Jerry. " What business is that of yours ?" said Medhcot. " No business of mine, and you firing our grass ! I'll let you know ni}^ business pretty quickly !" "It's that fellow Medlicot, from the sugar-mill," said Joe; "the man that Nokes is with." " I thought you was a horse of another colour," continued Jerrj^, who had been given to understand that Medlicot was Heathcote's enemy. " Any way, I won't have my grass fired. If God A' mighty chooses to send fires, we can't help it ; but I'm not going to have incendiaries here as well. You're a new chum, and don't 234 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. understand wliat you're about, but you must stop this." As Medlicot still went on putting out ^ the fire, Jerry attempted to ride liim down. Medlicot cauglit the horse by the rein and violently backed the brute in among the embers. The animal plunged and reared, getting his head loose, and at last came down, he and his rider together. In the meantime Joe Brownbie, seeing this, rode up behind the sugar-planter, and struck him violently with his cudgel over the shoulder. Medlicot sank nearly to the ground, but at once recovered himself. He knew that some bone on the left side of his body was broken; but he could still fight with his right hand — and he did fight. Boscobel and Georgie Brownbie both The Bush Fight. 235 attempted to ride over Harry together, and miglit have succeeded, had not Jacko ingeniously inserted the burning branch of gum-tree with which he had been working under the belly of the horse on which Boscobel was riding. The animal jumped immediately from the ground, bucking into the air, and Boscobel was thrown far over his head. Georgie Brownbie then turned upon Jacko, but Jacko was far too nimble to be caught, and escaped among the trees. For a few minutes the fight was general, but the footmen had the best of it, in spite of the injury done to Medlicot. Jerry was bruised and burned about the face by his fall among the ashes, and did not much rehsh the work afterwards. Boscobel was stunned for a few moments, and was quite ready to retreat when he came to himself. 236 Harry Heathcotc of Gaiigoil. Nokes during the wliole time did not show himself, alleging as a reason afterwards the presence of his employer, Medlicot. " I'm blessed if your cowardice shan't hang you ! " said Joe Brownbie to him on their way home. " Do you think we're going to fight the battles of a fellow like you, who hasn't pluck to come forward himself?" " I've as much pluck as you," answered ISTokes, " and am ready to fight you any day. But I know when a man is to come forward and when he's not. Hanof me ! I'm not so near hanging as some folks at Boolabong." We may imagine therefore that the night was not spent pleasantly among the Brownbies after these adventures. There was, of course, very much cursing The BitsJi Fight. 237 and swearing, and very many threats before the party from Boolabong did retreat. Their great point was of course this — that Heathcote was wilfully firing the grass, and was, therefore, no better than an incendiary. Of course they stoutly denied that the original fire had been in- tentional, and denied as stoutly that the original fire could be stopped by fires. But at last they went, leaving Heathcote and his party masters of the battle-field. Jerry was taken away in a sad condition ; and in subsequent accounts of the transac- tion given from Boolabong, his fall was put forward as the reason of their flight, he having been the general on the occasion. And Boscobel had certainly lost all stomach for immediate fighting. Imme- diately behind the battle-field they came 238 Harry Heathcote of GangoiL across Nokes, and Sing-Sing the runaway cook from Gangoil. The poor Chinaman had made the mistake of joining the party which was not successful. But Harry, though the victory was with him, was hardly in a mood for triumph. He soon found that Medlicot's collar-bone was broken, and it would be necessary, therefore, that he should return with the wounded man to the station. And the flames, as he feared, had altogether got ahead of him during the fight. As far as they had gone they had stopped the fire, having made a black wilderness a mile and a half in length, which, during' the whole distance, ceased suddenly at the line at which the subsidiary fire had been extin- guished. But, while the attack was being made upon them, the flames had crept on The BiLsh Fight, 239 to the southward, and had now got beyond then* reach. It had seemed, however, that the mass of fire which had got away from them was small, and already the damp of the night was on the grass ; and Harry felt himself justified in hoping, not that there might be no loss, but that the loss might not be ruinous. Medlicot consented to be taken back to Gangoil instead of to the mill. Perhaps he thought that Kate Daly might be a better nurse than his mother, or that the quiet of the sheep station might be better for him than the clatter of his own mill-wheels! It was midnight, and they had a ride of fourteen miles, which was hard enougfh upon a man with a broken collar-bone. The whole party also was thoroughly fatigued. The work they had been doing 240 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil, was about as liard as could fall to a man's lot, aud tliey had now been many hours without food. Before they started, Mickey produced his flask, the contents of which were divided equally among them all, in- cluding Jacko. As they were preparing to start home, Medlicot explained that it had struck him by degrees that Heathcote might be right in regard to Nokes, and that he had deter- mined to watch the man himself whenever he should leave the mill. On that Monday he had given up work somewhat earlier than usual, saying that, as the following day was Christmas, he should not come to the mill. From that time Medlicot and his foreman^ had watched him. " Yes," said he, in answer to a question from Heathcote; " I can swear that I saw The Btcs/i Fight. 241 him witli the lighted torch in his hand, and that he placed it among the grass. There were two others from Boolabong with him, and they must have seen him too." B 242 Harry Heathcote of GangoiL CHAPTER X. HAEEY HEATHCOTE RETURNS IN TRIUMPH. When the figlit was quite over, and Heath- cote' s party had returned to their horses, Medlicot for a few minutes was faint and sick, but he revived after a while, and declared himself able to sit on his horse. There was a difficulty in getting him up, but when there, he made no further com- plaint. " This," said he, as he settled himself in his saddle, '^ is my first Christmas Day in Australia. I landed early in January, and Heathcote 7^eturns in trunnph, 243 last year I was on my way home to fetch my mother." ''It's not much Hke an English Christ- mas," said Harry. '' ISTor yet as in Hanover/' said the German. '' It's Cork you should go to, or Galway, bedad, if you want to see Christmas kep' after the ould fashion," said Mickey. " I think we used to do it pretty well in Cumberland," said Medlicot. " There are things which can't be transplanted. They may roast beef, and all that, but you should have cold weather to make you feel that it is Christmas indeed." " We do it as well as we can," Harry pleaded. '' I've seen a great pudding come into the room all afire — just to remind one of the old country — when it has been so R 2 244 Har^y Heathcote of Gangoil. liot tliat one could hardly bear a sliirt on one's shoulders. But yet there's some- thing in it. One likes to think of the old place, though one is so far away. How do you feel now? Does the jolting hurt you much? If your horse is rough, change with me. This fellow goes as smooth as a lady." Medlicot declared that the pain did not trouble him much. " They'd have ridden over us, only for you," continued Harry. " My word ! wouldn't they ?" said Jacko, who was very proud of his own part in the battle. '' I say, Mr. Medlicot, did you see Bos and his horse part company ? You did, Mr. Harry. Didn't he fly like a bird, all in among the bushes ? I owed Bos one — - I did, my word ! — and now I've paid him." Heathcote returns in irmmph. 245 " I saw^ it," said Harrj. '' He was riding at me as hard as he could come. I can't understand BoscobeL l^okes is a slj, bad, slinging fellow, whom I never liked. But I was always good to Bos ; and when he cheated me, as he did, about his time, I never even threatened to stop his money." " You told him of it too plain," said the German. " I did tell him — of course — as I should you. It has come to that now, that if a man robs you — your own man — you are not to dare to tell him of it ! What would you think of me, Karl, if I were to find you out and was to be afraid of speaking to you, lest you should turn against me and burn my fences ?" Karl Bender shrugged his shoulders, holding his reins up to his eyes. 246 Harry Heathcote of Gaiigoil. " I know wliat you ought to think ! And I "wisli that every man about Gangoil should be sure that I will always say what I think riofht. I don't know that I ever was hard upon any man. I try not to be." " Thrue for you, Mr. Harry," said the Irishman. "I'm not going to pick my words because men hke N^okes and Boscobel have the power of injuring me. I'm not going to truckle to rascals because I'm afraid of them. I'd sooner be burned out of house and home, and go and work on the wharves in Brisbane than that." " My word ! yes," said Jacko, " and I too." '^ " If the devil is to get ahead he must, but I won't hold a candle to him. You fellows may tell every man about the place Heathcote rehirns in triumph. 247 what I say. As long as I'm master of Gangoil I'll be master, and wlien I come across a swindle I'll tell the man who does it he's a swindler. T told Bos to his face; but I didn't tell anybody else, and I shouldn't if he'd taken it right and mended his ways." They all understood him very well — the German, the Irishman, Medlicot's foreman, Medlicot himself, and even Jacko ; and, though, no doubt, there was a feeling within the hearts of the men that Harry Heathcote was imperious, still they respected him — and they believed him. " The masther should be the masther, no doubt," said the Irishman. "A man that is a man vill not sell hisself body and soul," said the German slowly. ''Do I want dominion over your soul, 248 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. Karl Bender?" asked the squatter with energy. "You know I don't, nor over your body, except so far as it suits you to sell your services. What you sell you part with readily — like a man ; and it's not likely that you and I shall quarrel. But all this row about nothing can't be very pleasant to a man with a broken shoulder." "I like to hear you," said Medlicot. *' I'm always a good listener when men have something really to say." '' Well, then — I've something to say," cried Harry. " There never was a man came to my house whom I'd sooner see as a Christmas guest than yourself." " Thankee, sir." "It's more than I could have said yester- day with truth." " It's more than you did say." Heathcote returns in triumph, 249 " Yes, bj George ! But you've beat me now. AYlien you're hard pressed for bands down yonder, you send for me and see if I won't turn tbe mill for you — or hoe canes either." " So '11 I — my word, yes ! — -just for my rations." They had by this time reached the Gan- goil fence, having taken the directest route for the house. But Harry in doing this had not been unmindful of the fire. HadMed- licot not been wounded he would have taken the party somewhat out of the way, down southwards, following the flames ; but Medlicot's condition had made him feel that he would not be justified in doing so. ]^ow, however, it occurred to him, that he mio'ht as well ride a mile or two down the fence, and see what injury had been done. 250 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. The escort of the men would be sufficient to take MedHcot to the station, and he would reach the place as soon as they. If the flames were still running ahead, he knew that he could not now stop them, but he could at least learii how the matter stood with him. If the worst came to the worst he would not now lose more than three or four miles of fencing and the grass off a corner of his run. JSTeyertheless, tired as as he was, he could not bear the idea of going home without knowing the whole story. So he made his proposal. Medlicot, of course, made no objection. Each of the men offered to go "wdth him, but he declined their services. " There is nothing to do," said he, ^' and nobody to catch ; and if the fire is burning it must burn." Heathcote returns in trmmph. 251 So he went alone. The "words that he had uttered among his men had not been lightly spoken. He had begun to perceive that life would be very hard to him in his |)resent position, or perhaps altogether impossible, as long as he was at enmity with, all those around him. Old squatters whom he knew, respectable men who had been in the colony before he was born, had advised him to be on good terms with the Brownbies. " You needn't ask them to your house, or go to them — but just soft-sawder them when you meet," an old fyentleman had said to him. He certainly hadn't taken the old gentleman's advice — thinkino; that to '' soft-sawder " so great a reprobate as Jerry Brownbie would be holding a candle to the devil. But his own plan had hardly answered. Well, he 252 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. was sure at any rate of this — tliat lie could do no good now by endeavouring to be civil to the Brownbies. He soon came to the place where the fire had reached his fence, and found that it had burned its way through, and that the flames were still con- tinuing their onward course. The fence to the north — or rather to the north-westward, the point whence the wind was coming — stood firm at the spot at which the fire had struck it. Dry as the wood was, the flames had not travelled upwards against the wind ; but to the south the fire was travel- ling down the fence. To stop this he rode half a mile along the burning barrier till he had headed the flames, and then he pulled the bushes down and rolled away the logs, so as to stop the destruction. As regarded his fence, there was less than a mile of it Heathcote 7'ettcrns in trhtinph. 253 destroyed, and tliat he could now leave in security, as the wind was bloT\ang away from it. As for his grass, that must now take its chance. He could see the dark light of the low running fire, but there was no longer a mighty blaze, and he knew that the dew of the night was acting as his protector. The harm that had been as yet done was trifling, if only he could protect himself from further harm. After leaving the fire he had still a ride of seven or eisfht miles through the gloom of the forest — all alone. Not only was he weary, but his horse was so tired that he could hardly get him to canter for a furlong. He regretted that he had not brought the boy with him, knowing well the service of companionship to a tired beast. He was used to such troubles, and could always tell himself that 2 54 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. Ms back was broad enougli to bear them ; but bis desolation among enemies oppressed bim. MedHcot, however, was no longer an enemy. Then there came across his mind for the first time an idea that Medlicot might marry his sister-in-law, and become his fast friend. If he conld have but one true friend he thought that he could bear the enmity of all the Brownbies. Hitherto he had been entirely alone in his anxiety. It was between three and . four when he reached Gangoil, and he found that the party of horsemen had just entered the yard before him. The sugar planter was so weak that he could hardly get off his horse. The two ladies were still watching when the cavalcade arrived, though it was then between three and four in the morning. It Heathcote retu^nis in triumph. 255 was Harry's custom on such occasions to ride up to the little gate close to the verandah, and there to hang his bridle till some one should take his horse away ; but on this occasion he and the others rode into the yard. Seeing this, Mrs. Heathcote and her sister went through the house, and soon learned how things were. Mr. Medlicot from the mill had come with a bone broken, and it was their duty to nurse him till a doctor could be procured from Mary- borough. Now, Maryborough was thirty miles distant. Some one must be despatched at once. Jacko volunteered, but in such a service Jacko was hardly to be trusted. He might fall asleep on his horse and con- tinue his slumbers on the ground. Mickey and the German both offered ; but the men were so beaten by their work that 256 Hamy Heathcote of Gangoil. Heatlicote did not dare to take tlieir offer. " I'll tell you what it is, Mary," lie said to his wife, "" there is nothing for it but for me to go for Jackson;" — Jackson was the doctor — " and I can see the police at the same time." " You shan't go, Harry. You are so tired already you can hardly stand this moment." " Get me some strong coffee — at once. You don't know what that man has done for us. I'll tell you all another time. I owe him more than a ride into Maryborough. I'll make the men get Yorkie up" — Yorkie was a favourite horse he had — " while you make the coffee ; and I'll lead Colonel" — Colonel was another horse well esteemed at Gangoil. " Jackson will come quicker on him than on any animal he can get at Heathcote retitriis in triumph. 257 Maryborough " And so it was arranged, in spite of the wife's tears and entreaties. Harry had his coffee and some food, and started with his two horses for the doctor. Nature is so good to us that we are some- times disposed to think we might have dis- pensed with art. In the bush, where doctors cannot be had, bones will set themselves; and when doctors do come, but come slowly, the broken bones suit themselves to such tardiness. Medlicot was brous^ht in and put to bed. Let the reader not be shocked to hear that Kate Daly's room was given up to him, as being best suited for a sick man's comfort; and the two ladies took it in turn to watch him. Mrs. Heathcote was, of course, the first, and remained with him till dawn. Then Kate crept to the door, and asked whether she should relieve her s 258 Hm^ry Heathcote of Gangoil. sister. Medlicot was asleep, and it was agreed tliat Kate should remain in the verandah, and look in from time to time, to see whether the wounded man required aught at her hands. She looked in very often, and then, at last, he was awake. "Miss Daly," he said, " I feel so ashamed of the trouble I'm giving." " Don't speak of it. It is nothing. In the bush everybody, of course, does any- thing for everybody." When «^e words were spoken she felt that they were not as complimentary as she would have wished. " You were to have come to-day, you know, but we did not think you'd come like this, did we?" " I don't know why I didn't go home instead of coming here." " The doctor will reach Gangoil sooner Heathcote ret2iriis irt triumph. 259 than lie could the mill. You are better here, and we will send for Mrs. Medlicot as soon as the men have had a rest. How was it all, Mr. Medlicot ? Harry says that there was a fight, and that you came in just at the nick of time, and that but for you all the run would have been burned." " Not that at alL" " He said so ; only he went off so quickly, and was so busy with things, that we hardly understood him. Is it not dreadful that there should be such fighting ? And then these horrid fires I You were in the middle of the fire, were you not?" It suited Kate's feelings that Medlicot should be the hero of this occasion. " We were lighting them in front to put them out behind." *'And then, while you were at work, s 2 26o Ha7'ry Heathcote of Gangoil. these men from Boolabong came upon you. Oh, Mr. Medlicot, we shall be so very, very wretched if you are much hurt ! My sister is so unhappy about it." " It's only my collar-bone, Miss Daly." " But that is so dreadful." She was still thinkino- of the one word o he had spoken when he had — well, not asked her for her love, but said that which between a young man and a young woman ouo^ht to mean the same thins^. Perhaps it had meant nothing ? She had heard that young men do say things which mean nothing. But to her, living in the solitude of Gangoil, the one word had been so much ! Her heart had melted with absolute ac- knowledged love when the man had been brouo^ht throuQ^h into the house with all the added attraction of a broken bone. While Heathcote returns in trininph. 261 her sister had watcliecl, slie had retired — to rest, as Mary had said, but in truth to think of the chance which had brought her in this guise into familiar contact with the man she loved. And then, when she had crept up to take her place in watching him, she had almost felt that shame should re- strain her. But it was her duty; and, of course, a man with a collar-bone broken would not speak of love. " It will make your Christmas so sad for you !" he said. " Oh, as for that, we mind nothing about it — for ourselves. We are never very gay here." ''Bat you are happy ?" '' Oh, yes, quite happy — except when Harry is disturbed by these troubles. 1 don't think anybody has so many troubles 262 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. as a squatter. It sometimes seems that all tlie world is agrainst him." "We shall be allies now, at any rate." "Oh, I do so hope we shall !" said Kate, putting her hands together in her energy, and then retreating from her energy with sad awkwardness when she remembered the personal application of her wish. " That is, I mean you and Harry," she added in a whisper. " Why not I and others besides Harry ?" "It is so much to him to have a real friend. Things concern us, of course, only just as they concern him. Women are never of very much account, I think. Harry has to do everything, and everything ought to be done for him." " I think you spoil Harry among you." - Heathcote retiLrns in triumph, 263 " Don't you say so to Mary, or she will be fierce." ''I wonder whether I shall ever have a wife to stand up for me in that waj^?" Kate had no answer to make, but she thought that it would be his own fault if he did not have a wife to stand up for him thoroughly. " He has been very lucky in his wife?" " I think he has, Mr. Medlicot ; but you are moving about, and you ought to lie still. There ! I hear the horses ; that's the doctor. I do so hope he won't say that anything very bad is the matter." She jumped up from her chair, which was close to his bed, and, as she did so, just touched his hand with hers. It was involuntary on her part, having come of instinct rather than will, and she withdrew herself in- 264 Harry Heathcote of Ga^igoil. stantlj. The liand slie had touched be- longed to the arm that was not hurt, and he put it out after her, and caught her by the sleeve as she was retreating. *'0h, Mr. MedHcot, you must not do that ; you will hurt yourself if you move in that way." And so she escaped, and left the room, and did not see him again till the doctor had gone from Gangoil. The bone had been broken simply as other bones are broken; it was now set, and the sufferer was, of course, told that he must rest. He had suggested that he should be taken home, and the Heathcotes had concurred with the doctor in asserting: that no proposition could be more absurd. He had intended to eat his Christmas dinner at Gangoil, and he must now pass his entire Christmas there. Hcathcote retnrns in U^himph. 265 " The sugar can go on very well for ten days," Harry liad said ; " I'll go over myself and see about the men, and I'll fetch your mother oyer." To this, however, Mrs. Heathcote had demurred successfully. " You'll kill your- self, Harry, if you go on like this," she said. Bender, therefore, was sent in the buggy for the old lady, and at last Harry Heathcote consented to go to bed. " My belief is I shall sleep for a week," he said as he turned in. But he didn't begin his sleep quite at once. '' I am very glad I went into Maryborough," he said to his wife, rising up from his pillow. " I've sworn an information against JSTokes and two of the Brownbies, and the police will be after them this afternoon. They won't catch Nokes, and they can't convict the 266 Harry Heathcote of GangoiL other fellows. But it will be something to clear tlie country of such a fellow, and something also to let them know that de- tection is possible." " Do sleep now, dear !" she said. " Yes, I will ; I mean to. But look here, Mary; if any of the police should come here, mind you wake me at once. And Mary, look here; do you know I shouldn't be a bit surprised if that fellow was to be making up to Kate?" Mrs. Heathcote, with some little inward chuckle at her husband's assumed quick- ness of apprehension, reminded herself that the same idea had occurred to her some time ago. Mrs. Heathcote gave her hus- band full credit for more than ordinary intelligence in reference to affairs apper- taining to the breeding of sheep and the Heathcote rehirns in triumph. 267 growing of wool, but she did not think highly of his discernment in such an affair as this. She herself had been much quicker. When she first saw Mr. Med- licot she had felt it a God-send that such a man, with the look of a gentleman, and unmarried, should come into the neigh- bourhood; and in so feeling her heart had been entirely with her sister. For herself it mattered nothing who came or did not come, or whether a man were a bachelor or possessed of a wife and a dozen children. All that a girl had a right to want was a good husband. She was quite satisfied with her own lot in that respect, but she was anxious enough on behalf of Kate. And when a young man did come, who might make matters so pleasant for them, Harry quar- 268 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. relied with, him because lie was a free- selector ! "A free fiddlestick!" slie had once said to Kate — not, however, communicating to her innocent sister the ambition which was already filling her own bosom. '' Harry does take things up so, as though people weren't to live, some in one way and some in another ! As far as I can see, Mr. Med- licot is a very nice fellow." Kate had remarked that he was " all very well," and nothing more had been said; but Mrs. Heathcote, in spite of Harry's aversion, had formed her little project — a project which, if then declared, would have filled Harry with dismay. And now the young aristocrat, as he turned himself in his bed, made the suggestion to his wife as thous^h it were all his own ! Heathcote returns in triwnph. 269 " I never like to tliink inucli of these things beforehand," she said innocently. " I don't know about thinking," said Harry; "but a girl might do worse. If it should come up, don't set yourself against it." " Kate, of course, will please herself," said Mrs. Heathcote. " Now do lie down and rest yourself!" His rest, however, was not of long duration. As he had himself suggested, two policemen reached Gangoil at about three in the afternoon on their way from Maryborough to Boolabong, in order that they might take Mr. Medlicot's deposition. After Heathcote' s departure it had oc- curred to Sergeant Forrest, of the police— and the suggestion, having been trans- ferred from the sergeant to the stipendiary 2 70 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. magistrate, was now produced witli magis- terial sanction — that after all there was no evidence against tlie Brownbies. They had simply interfered to prevent the burn- ing of the grass on their own run, and who could say that they had committed any crime by doing so ? If Medlicot had seen J^okes with a lighted branch in his hand, the matter might be different with him; and therefore Medlicot's deposition was taken. He had sworn that he had seen Nokes drag his lighted torch along the ground ; he had also seen other horse- men — two or three, as he thought — but could not identify them. Jacko's deposi- tion was also taken as to the man who had been heard and seen in the wool-shed at night. Jacko was ready to swear point blank that the man was Nokes. The Heathcote rehirns in triumph. 271 policemen suggested that, as the night was dark, Jacko might as well allow a shade of doubt to appear, thinking that the shade of doubt would add strength to the evidence. But Jacko was not sroinsr to be taught what sort of oath he should swear. " My word ! " he said. " Didn't I see his leg move ? You go away ! " Armed with these depositions, the two constables went on to Boolabono: in search of l^okes, and of ISTokes onlv, much to the chagrin of Harry, who declared that the police would never really bestir themselves in a squatter's cause. " As for Nokes, he'll be out of Queensland by this time to-morrow." 272 Ha7^ry Heathcote of Gangotl. CHAPTER XI. SERGEANT EOREEST. The Brownbie party returned, after their midniglit raid, in great discomfiture to Boo- labong. Their leader, Jerry, was burned about his hands and face in a disagree- able and unsightly manner ; Joe had hardly made good that character for " fighting it out to the end," for which he was apt to claim credit ; Boscobel was altogether disconcerted by his fall ; and Nokes, who had certainly shown no aptitude for the fray, was abused by them all as having Sergeant Forrest. 273 caused tlieir retreat by liis cowardice; while Sing- Sing, tlie runaway cook, wTio knew tliat tie had forfeited his wages at Gangoil, was forced to turn over in his heathenish mind the ill-effects of joining the losing side. '' You big fool. Bos," he said more than once to his friend the woodsman, who had lured him away from the comforts of Gangoil. '' I'll punch your head, John, if you don't hold your row," Boscobel would reply. But Sing- Sing went on with his reproaches, and, before they had reached Boolabong, Boscobel had punched the Chinaman's head. "You're not coming in here," Jerry said to Nokes, when they reached the yard gate. " Who wants to come in ? I suppose you're not going to send a fellow on with- T 2 74 Harry Heathcote of Ga7igoiL out a bit of grub after sucli a night's work?" " Give him some bread and meat. Jack, and let him go on. There'll be somebody here after him before long. He can't hurt us, but I don't want people to think that we are so fond of him that we can't do without harbouring him here. Georgie, you'll go too, if you take my advice. That young cur will send the police here as sure as my name is Brownbie, and if they once get hold of you, they'll have a great many things to talk to you about." Georgie grumbled when he heard this, but he knew that the advice given him was good, and he did not attempt to enter the house. So Nokes and he vanished away into the bush together — as such men do Sergeant Forrest. 275 vanish — wandering fortli to live as tlie wild beasts live. It was still a dark niglit when thej went, and the remain- der of the party took themselves to their beds. On the following afternoon they were lying about the house, sometimes sleeping and sometimes waking up to smoke, when the two policemen, who had ah^eady been at Gangoil, appeared in the yard. These men were dressed in flat caps, with short blue jackets, hunting breeches, and long black boots, very unlike any policeman in the old country, and much more pictu- resque. They leisurely tied their horses up, as though they had been in the habit of making weekly visits to the place, and walked round to the verandah. '' Well, Mr. Brownbie, and how are T 2 276 Hariy Heathcote of Gangoil. you?" said the sergeant to tlie old man. The head of the family was gracious, and declared himself to be pretty well, considering all things. He called the ser- geant by his name, ^ and asked the men whether they'd take a bit of something to eat. Joe also was courteous, and, after a little delay in getting a key from his brother, brought out the jar of spirits — which, in the bush, is regarded as the best siofn known of thorouo-h 2:00 d breedino^. The sergeant said that he didn't mind if he did; and the other man, of course, followed his officer's example. So far everything was comfortable, and the constables seemed in no hurry to al- lude to disagreeable subjects. They con- descended to eat a bit of cold meat before Sei^geant Fo7n^est. 277 they proceeded to business. And at last the matter to be discussed was first intro- duced by one of the Brownbie family. '' I suppose you've heard that there was a scrimmasfe here last nis^ht ? " said Joe. The Brownbie party present consisted of the old man, Joe and Jack Brownbie, and Boscobel — Jerry keeping himself in the backo^round because of his disfisfure- ment. The sergeant, as he swallowed his food, acknowledged that he had heard somethino; about it. "And that's what brings you here?" continued Joe. " There ain't nothing wrong here," said old Brownbie. '' I hope not, Mr. Brownbie," said the sergeant. " I hope not. We haven't got anything against you, at any rate." 278 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. Sergeant Forrest was a graduate of Oxford, tlie son of an Englisli clergyman, who, having his way to make in the world, had thought that an early fortune would be found in the colonies. He had come out, had failed, had suffered some very hard things, and now, at the age of thirty-five, enjoyed life thoroughly as a sergeant of the colonial police. " You haven't got anything against any- body here, I should think ?" said Joe. " If you want to get them as begun it," said Jack, " and them as ought to be took up, you'll go to Gangoil." " Hold your tongue. Jack ! " said his brother. " Sergeant Forrest knows where to go better than you can tell him." Then the sergeant asked a string of questions as to the nature of the fight ; Sergeant Forrest. 2 79 who had been hurt; and how badly had anybody been hurt ; and what other harm had been done. The answers to all these questions were given with a fair amount of truth, except that the little circumstance of the origin of the fire was not explained. Both Boscobel and Joe had seen the torch put down, but it could hardly have been expected that they should have been ex- plicit as to such a detail as that. J^or did they mention the names of either their brother George or Nokes. " And who was there in the matter ? " asked the sergeant. '' There was young Heathcote, and a boy he has got there, and the two chaps as he calls boundary-riders, and Medlicot, the sugar fellow from the mill, and a chap of Medlicot' s I never set eyes on before. 2 8o Hiwry Heathcote of Gangoil. They must have expected something to be up, or Heathcote would not have been going about at night with a tribe of men like that." '' And who were your party ? " ''Well, there were just ourselves, four of us, for Georgie was here, and this fellow - Boscobel. Georgie never stays long, and he wouldn't be welcome if he did. He turned up just by chance like, and now he's off again." " That was all, eh ? " Of course, they all knew that the ser- geant knew that Nokes had been mth them. " Well, then, that wasn't all," said old Brownbie. " Bill JSTokes was here, whom Heathcote dismissed ever so long ago. And that Chinese cook of his. He dis- Serzeant Fo7'-rest. 281 missed him too, I suppose. And he dis- missed Boscobel here." " No one can live at Gangoil any time," said Jack. '' Everybody knows that. He wants to be lord a'mighty over everything; but he ain't going to be lord a'mighty at Boolabong." *' And he ain't going to burn our grass either," said Joe. " It's like his impu- dence coming on to our run and burn- ing everything before him. He calls his- self a magistrate, but he's not to do just as he pleases because he's a magis- trate. I suppose we can swear against him for lighting our grass, sergeant ? There isn't one of us that didn't see him do it." " And where is Nokes ? " asked the sergeant, paying no attention to the appli- 282 Hairy Heathcote of GangoiL cation made by Mr. Brownbie, juniorj for redress to himself. "Well," said Joe, '' Nokes isn't any- where about Boolabong." " He's away with, yom^ brother George?" "I shouldn't wonder," said Joe. "It's a serious matter lighting a fire, you know," said the sergeant. "A man would have to swinsf for it." " Then why isn't young Heathcote to swing ? " demanded Jack. " There is such a thing as intent, you know. When Heathcote lighted the tire, where would the tire have gone if he hadn't kept putting it out as fast as he kept light- ing it ? On to his own run ; not to yours. And where would the other fire have gone which somebody lit, and which nobody put out, if he hadn't been there to stop it ? Sergeant Forrest. 283 The less you say against Heatlicote tlie better. So I^okes is off, is lie ? " " He ain't here, anyways," said Joe. " When the row was over we wouldn't let him in. We didn't want him about here." "I dare say not," said the sergeant. " Now let me go and see the spot where the fight was." So the two policemen, with the two young Brownbies, rode away, leaving Bos- cobel with the old man. " He knows eyerything about it," said old Brownbie. " If he do," said Boscobel, " it ain't no odds." " Not a ha'porth of odds," said Jerry, coming out of his hiding-place. " Who cares what he knows ? A man may do 284 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. wliat he pleases on liis own run, I sup- pose?" " He mayn't light a fire as '11 spread," said the old man. " Bother ! "Who's to prove what's in a man's mind ? If I'd been Nokes I'd have stayed and seen it out. I'd never be driven about the colony by such a fellow as Heathcote, with all the police in the w^orld to back him." Sergeant Forrest inspected the ground on which the fire had raged, and the spot on which the men had met ; but nothing came of his inspection, and he had not expected that anything would come of it. He could see exactly where the fire had commenced, and could trace the efforts that had been made to stop it. He did not in the least doubt the way in which Sergeant Forrest. 285 it liad been lit; but lie did very mucli doubt wlietlier a jury could find Nokes guilty, even if lie could catcli Nokes. Jacko's evidence was vrorth nothing, and Mr. Medlicot might be easily mistaken as to what he had seen at a distance in the middle of the nio'ht. All this happened on Christmas Day. At about nine o'clock the same evenino; the two constables reappeared at Gangoil, and asked for hospitality for the night. This was a matter of course, and also the reproduction of the Christmas dinner. Mrs. Medlicot was now there ; and her son, with his collar-bone set, had been allowed to come out on to the verandah. The house had already been supposed to be full ; but room, as a matter of course, was made for Sergeant Forrest and his man. 286 Ha7ny Heathcote of Gangoil. " It's a queer sort of Christmas we've all been liaving, Mr. Heathcote," said tlie sergeant, as the remnant of a real English plum-pudcling was put between him and his man by Mrs. Growler. " A little hotter than it is at home, eh ?" " Indeed it is. You must have had it hot last nigkt, sir ?" '' Very hot, sergeant. We had to work uncommonly hard to do it as well as we did." " It was not a nice Christmas game, sir, was it?" " Eh, me !" said Mrs. Medlicot. " There's nae Christmas games or ony games here at all, except just worrying and harrying, like sae many dogs at each others' throats." " And you think nothing more can be done ?" Harry asked. Sei^gean t Foi^resL 287 '' I don't tliink we sliall catch tlie men. "WTien they get out backwards it's very hard to trace them. He's got a horse of his own with him, and he'll be beyond reach of the police by this time to-morrow. Indeed, he's beyond their reach now. However, you'll have got rid of him." " But there are others as bad as he left behind. I wouldn't trust that fellow Bos- cobel a yard." " He won't stir, sir. He belongs to this | country, and does not want to leave it. \ And when a thins^ has been tried like that and has failed, the fellows don't try it ; again. They are cowed like by their own failure. I don't think you need fear fire ; from the Boolabono; side ao^ain this \ summer." After this the sergeant and his man dis- 288 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. creetly allowed tliemselves to be put to bed in the back cottage ; for, in truth, when they arrived, things had come to such a pass at Gangoil that the two additional visitors were hardly welcome. But hos- pitality in the bush can be stayed by no such considerations as that. Let their employments or enjoyments on hand be what they may, everything must yield to the entertainment of strangers. The two constables were in want of their Christmas dinner, and it was given to them with no grudging hand. As to Nokes, we may say that he has never since appeared in the neighbourhood of Gangoil, and that none thereabouts ever knew what was his fate. Men, such as he, wander away from one colony into the next, passing from one station to another, Sergeant Forrest. 289 or sleeping on the ground, till they become as desolate and savage as solitary animals. And at last tliey die in the bush, creeping, we may suppose, into hidden nooks as the beasts do when the hour of death comes on them. U 290 Har7y Heathcote of Gangoil. CHAPTER XII. CONCLUSION. The constables had started from Gangoil on tlieir way to Boolabong a little after four, and from tliat time till lie was made to get out of bed for liis dinner Harry Heatlicote was allowed to sleep. He had riclily earned liis rest by liis work; and lie lay motionless, without a sound, in the broad daylight, with his arm under his head — dreaming, no doubt, of some happy squatting land, in which there were no free-selectors, no fires, no rebellious ser- Conclusion. 291 vants, no floods, no droughts, no wild dogs to worry the lambs, no grass-seeds to get into the fleeces, and in which the price of wool stood steady at two shillings and six- pence a pound. His wife from time to time came into the room, shading the light from his eyes, protecting him from the flies, and administering in her soft way to what she thouo^ht mio;ht be his comforts, CD O His sleep was of the kind which no light, nor even flies, can interrupt. Once or twice she stooped down and kissed his brow, but he was altogether unconscious of her caress. During this time old Mrs. Medlicot arrived ; but her coming did not awake the sleeper, though it was by no means made in silence. The old woman sobbed and cried over her son, at the same time IT 2 292 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. expressing her thankfiilness that lie should have turned up in the forest so exactly at the proper moment — evidently taking part in the conviction that her Giles had saved Gangoil and all its sheep. And then there were all the necessary arrangements to be made for the night, in accordance with which almost everybody had to give up his or her bed, and sleep somewhere else. But nothing disturbed Harry. For the present he was allowed to occupy his own room, and he enjoyed the privilege. Kate Daly during this time was much disturbed in mind. The reader may re- member — Kate at any rate remembered well — that just as the doctor had arrived to set his broken bone, Mr. Medlicot, dis- abled as he was, had attempted to take her by the arm. He had certainly chosen an Cojichision. 293 odd time for a declaration of love, just at the moment in which he ought to have been preparing himself for the manipula- tion of his fractured limb ; but unless he had meant a declaration of love, surely he would not have seized her by the arm ? It was a matter to her of great moment. Oh, of what vital importance ! The Eng- lish girl living in a town — or even in what we call the country — has no need to think of any special man till some special man thinks of her. Men are fairly plentiful, and if one man does not come another will. And there have probably been men coming and going in some sort since the girl left her schoolroom, and became a young lady. But in the bush the thing is very different. It may be that there is no young man available -^v-ithin fifty miles — no possible 294 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. lover or future husband, unless Heaven should interfere almost with a miracle. I To those to whom lovers are as plentiful as blackberries it may seem indelicate to 1 surmise that the thought of such a want ^ should ever enter a girl's head. I doubt whether the defined idea of any want had ever entered poor Kate's head. But now that the possible lover was there — not only possible but very probable — and so eligible in many respects, living so close, with a house over his head and a good business ; and then so handsome and, as Kate thought, so complete a gentleman ! Of course she turned it much in her mind. She was very happy with Harry Heathcote. There never was a brother-in-law so good ! But, after all, what is a brother-in law, though he be the very best ? Kate had already Conchision. ' 295 begun to fancy tliat a house of lier own and a husband of her own would be essen- tial to her happiness. But then a man cannot be expected to make an offer with a broken collar-bone — certainly cannot do so just when the doctor has arrived to set the bone. Late on in the day, when the doctor had gone and Medlicot was, according to in- structions, sitting out on the verandah in an arm-chair, and his mother was with him, and Avhile Harry was sleepmg as though he never meant to be awake again, Kate managed to say a few words to her sister. It will be understood that the ladies' hands were by no means empty. The Christmas dinner was in course of preparation, and Sing-Sing, that villanous Chinese cook, had absconded. ^ Mrs. 296 Harry Heathcote of Ga7igoil. Growler, no doubt, did her best; but Mrs. Growler was old and slow, and the house was full of guests. It was by no means an idle time, but still Kate found an oppor- tunity to say a word to her sister in the kitchen. " What do you think of him, Mary?" To the married sister ''him" would naturally mean Harry Heathcote, of whom, as he lay asleep, the young wife thought that he was the very perfection of patri- archal pastoral manliness ; but she knew enough of human nature to be aware that the " him " of the moment to her sister was no longer her own husband. " I think he has got his arm broken fighting for Harry, and that we are bound to do the best we can for him." " Oh, yes ; that's of course. I'm sure Conclusion. 297 Harry will feel that. He used, you know, to — to — ^tliat is, not just to like liim, be- cause he is a free-selector." " They'll drop all that now. Of course, they could not be expected to know each other at the first starting. I shouldn't wonder if they became regular friends." '' That would be nice ! After all, though you may be so happy at home, it is better to have somethino; like a neio'hbour. Don't you think so ?" '' It depends on who the neighbours are. I don't care much for the Brownbies." '' They are quite different, Mary." " I like the Medlicots very much." '' I consider he's quite a gentleman," said Kate. " Of course he's a gentleman. Look here, Kate. I shall be ready to welcome 298 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. Mr. Medlicot as a brotlier-in-law, if things should turn out that way." " I didn't mean that, Mary." *' Did you not ? Well, you can mean i if you please, as far as I am concerned. Has he said anything to you, dear ?" "No." "JSTot a word?" " I don't know what you call a word. Not a word of that kind." " I thought perhaps — " " I think he meant it once — this morn- ing." "I dare say he meant it; and if he meant it this morning, he won't have for- gotten his meaning to-morrow." " There's no reason why he should mean it, you know." " None in the least, Kate, is there?" CoiicliLsion. 299 " Now you're laughing at me, Maiy. I never used to laugli at you when Harry was coming. I was so glad, and I did everything I could." '' Yes, you went away and left us in the Botanical Gardens. I remember. But, you see, there are no Botanical Gardens here, and the poor man couldn't walk about if there were." " I wonder what Harry would say if it were to be so?" " Of course he'd be glad, for your sake." '' But he does so despise free-selectors ! And then he used to think that Mr. Med- licot was quite as bad as the Brownbies. I wouldn't marry any one to be despised by you and Harry." " That's all gone by, my dear," said the wife, feeling that she had to apologize for 300 Hai^ry Heathcote of Gangoil. her husband's prejudices. " Of course one has to find out what people are before one takes them to one's bosom. Mr. Medlicot has acted in the most friendly way about these fires, and I'm sure Harry will never despise him any more." " He couldn't have done more for a real brother than have his arm broken." " But you must remember one thing, Kate. Mr. Medlicot is very nice, and like a gentleman, and all that; but you never can be quite certain about any man till he speaks out plainly. Don't set your heart upon him till you are quite sure that he has set his upon you." '' Oh, no ! " said Kate, giving her maidenly assurance when it was so much too late. Just at this moment Mrs. Growler came into the kitchen, and Kate's promises and Conchision, 301 lier sister's cautions were for tlie moment silenced. " How we're to manage to get the dinner on tlie table I for one don't know at all," said Mrs. Growler. " There's Mr. Bates '11 be here ; that will be six of 'em ; and that Mr. Medlicot will want somebody to do everything for him, because he's been and got hisself smashed. And there's the old lady has just come out from home, and is as particular as anything. And Mr. Harry himself never thinks of things at all. One pair of hands, and them very old, can't do everything for everybody." All of which was very well understood to mean nothing at all. Household deficiencies — and, indeed, all deficiencies — are considerable or insig- nificant in accordance with the aspirations 302 Ha7^ry Heathcote of Gangoil. of those concerned. When a man has a regiment of servants in his dining-room, with beautifully cut glass, a forest of flowers, and an iceberg in the middle of his table if the weather be hot, his guests will think themselves ill-used and badly fed if aught in the banquet be astray. There must not be a rose-leaf ruffled; a failure in the attendance, a falling- off in a dish, or a fault in the wine, is a crime. But the same guests shall be merry as the evening is long with a leg of mutton and whisky toddy, and will change their own plates, and clear their own table, and think nothing wrong, if from the beginning such has been the intention of the giver of the feast. In spite of Mrs. Growler's prognos- tications, though the cook had absconded, and the chief guest of the occasion could Coiichision. 30; not cut up his own meat, that Christmas dinner at Gangoil was eaten with great satisfaction. Harry had been so far triumphant. He had stopped the fire that was intended to ruin him, he had beaten off his enemies on their own ground, and he was no longer oppressed by that sense of desolation which had almost overpowered him. " We'll give one toast, Mrs. Medlicot," he said, when Mrs. Growler and Kate between them had taken away the rehcs of the plum-pudding. " Our friends at home !" The poor lady drank the toast with a sob. *' That's vera weel for you, Mr. Heath- cote. You're young, and will win your way hame, and see auld freends again, nae doubt ; but I'll never see ane of them mair. 304 Hai^ry Heathcote of Gangoil. except those I have here." ISTevertlieless, the old lady ate her dinner, and drank her toddy, and made much of the occasion, going in and out to her son upon the verandah. Soon after dinner, Heathcote, as was his wont, strayed out with his prime minister, Bates, to consult on the dangers which might be supposed still to threaten his kingdom, and Mrs. Heathcote, with her youngest boy in her lap, sat talking to Mrs. Medlicot in the parlour. Such was not her custom in weather such as this. Kate had been sent out on to the verandah, with special commands to attend to the wants of the sufferer, and Mrs. Heathcote would have followed her had she not remembered her sister's appeal, " I did everything I could for you." In those happy days Kate Conclusion, 305 had been very good, and certainly deserved requital for lier services. And, therefore, when the men had gone out, Mrs. Heath- cote with her guest remained in the warm room, and went so far as to suggest that at that period of the day the room was preferable to the verandah. Poor Mrs. MedHcot was new to the ways of the bush, and fell into the trap ; and thus Kate Daly was left alone with her wounded hero. When told to take him out his glass of wine, and when conscious that no one fol- lowed her, she felt herself to have been guilty of some great sin, and was almost tempted to escape. She had asked her sister for help ; and this was the help that was forthcoming — ^help so palpable, so manifest, as to be almost indelicate ; 3o6 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. Would lie think that plans were being made to catch him, now that he was a captive and impotent? The thought that it was possible that such an idea might occur to him was terrible to her. She would rather lose him altogether than feel the stain of such a suggestion on her own conscience. She put the glass of wine down on the little table bj his side, and then attempted to withdraw. '' Stay a moment with me," he said. " Where are they all ?" " Mary and your mother are inside. Harry and Mr. Bates have gone across to look at the horses." " I almost feel as though I could walk too." " You must not think of it yet, Mr. Medlicot. It seems almost a wonder that Conclusion. 307 you shouldn't have to be in bed, and you witli your collar-bone broken only last night. I don't know how you can bear it as you do." '' I shall be so glad I broke it, if one thing will come about." "What thing?" asked Kate, blushing. " Kate — may I call you Kate ?" " I don't know," she said. " You know I love you — do you not ? You must know it. Dearest Kate, can you love me and be my wife ?" His left arm was bound up, and was in a sling, but he put out his right hand to take hers — if she would give it to him. Kate Daly had never had a lover before, and felt the occasion to be trying. She had no doubt about the matter. If it vrere only 23roper for her to declare herself, X 2 3o8 Harry Heathcote of GangoiL slie could swear witli a safe conscience tliat slie loved him better tlian all tlie world. " Put your hand here, Kate," he said. As the request was not exactly for the gift of her hand, she placed it in his. "May I keep it now?" She could only whisper something which was quite inaudible, even to him. "I shall keep it and think that you are all my own. Stoop down, Kate, and kiss me if you love me." She hesitated for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts. She did love him and was his own ; still to stoop and kiss a man, who, if such a thing were to be allowed at all, ought certainly to kiss her ! She did not think she could do that. But then she was bound to protect him, wounded and broken as he was, from his own imprudence ; and if she did not stoop Conclusion. 309 to him, he would rise to her. She was still in doubt, still standing with her hand in his, half bending over him, but yet half resisting as she bent, when, all suddenly, Harry Heathcote was on the verandah, followed by the two policemen, who had just returned from Boolabong. She was sure that Harry had seen her, and was by no means sure that she had been quick enough in escaping from her lover's hand to have been unnoticed by the policemen also. She fled away as though guilty, and could hardly recover herself sufficiently to assist Mrs. Growler in producing the addi- tional dinner which was required. The two men were quickly sent to their rest, as has been told before ; and Harry, who had in truth seen how close to his friend his sister-in-law had been standing, 3 1 o Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. would, liad it been possible, have restored t]ie lovers to their old positions ; but they were all now on the verandah, and it was impossible. Kate hung back, half in and half out of the sitting-room, and old Mrs. Medlicot had seated herself close to her son. Harry was lying at full length on a ruof and his wife was sitting^ over him. Then Giles Medlicot, who was not quite contented with the present condition of affairs, made a little speech. " Mrs. Heathcote," he said, '' I have asked your sister to marry me." " Dearie me, Giles ! " said Mrs. Medlicot. Kate remained no long^er half in and half out of the parlour, but retreated alto- gether and hid herself. Harry turned himself over on the rug, and looked up at his wife, claiming infinite credit in that Conclusion. 3 1 1 lie had foreseen tliat sucli a thino^ mig^lit happen. " And what answer has she given you ? " said Mrs. Heathcote. " She hasn't given me any answer yet. I wonder what you and Heathcote would say about it." " What Kate has to say is much more important," rephed the discreet sister. " I should like it of all things," said Harry, jumping up. "It's always best to be open about these things. When you first came here I didn't like you. You took a bit of my river frontage — not that it does me any great harm — and then I was angry about that scoundrel Nokes." "I was wrong about Xokes," said Med- licot, " and have, therefore, had my collar- bone broken. As to the land, you'll forgive 312 Harry Heathcoie of Gangoil. mj having it if Kate will come and live there?" " By George ! I should tMnk so. Kate, why don't you come out ? Come along, my girl ! Medlicot has spoken out openly, and you should answer him in the same fashion." So saying he dragged her forth, and I fear that, as far as she was concerned, something of the sweetness of her court- ship was lost by the publicity with which she was forced to confess her love. "Will you go, Kate, and make sugar down at the mill ? I have often thought how bad it would be for Mary and me when you were taken away ; but we shan't mind it so much if we know that you are to be near us." " Speak to him, Kate," said Mrs. Heath- Conclusiojt. 313 cote, with her arm round her sister's waist. " I think she's minded to have him," said Mrs. Medlicot. "Tell me, Kate— shall it be so?" pleaded the lover. She came up to him, and leaned over him, and whispered one word which no- body else heard. But they all knew what the word was. And before they separated for the night, she was left alone with him, and he got the kiss for which he was ask- ing when the policemen interrupted them. '' That's what I call a happy Christmas," said Harry, as the party finally parted for the night. THE END. G-ILBEET AND EIVIXGTON, PEINTEES, ST. J0H:^f'3 SQUAEE. Crown Buildings, 1 88, Fleet Sireet, London, October, 1S74. SAMPSON LOW^ MARSTON & CO.^S NEW BOOKS FOR THE SEASON, 1874-5. BIDA'S FOUR GOSPELS, with the whole of the Original Etchings. As promised last year, tJie Pttblishers beg to announce THE GOSPEL OF ST. MATTHEW, CONTAINING FORTY-ONE ETCHINGS. 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DA VINCI, BARTOLOMEO, MICHAEL ANGELO, ROMAGNA, DEL SARTO, CORREGGIO, PARMIGIANO, CARACCI, GUIDO, DOMENICHINO, GUERCINO, BAROCCIO, VOLTERRA, ALLORI, MARATTI, AND CARLO DOLCI. Reproduced in Photography from the Celebrated Engravings by LoNGHi, Anderloni, Garavaglia, Toschi, and Raimondt, in THE Collection of Prints axd Drawings in the British Museum, with Biographical Notices. BY STEPHEN THOMPSON. FLEMISH AND FRENCH PICTURES. WITH NOTES CONCERNING THE PAINTERS AND THEIR WORKS BY F. G. STEPHENS, author of "flemish relics," "memoirs of sir EDWIN LANDSEER," ETC. Small 4to. cloth extra, bevelled boards, gilt sides, back, and edges, 28.^. This Volume contains twenty Etchings by famous modern French en- gravers, taken from well-known pictures, most of which are in the private galleries of amateurs distinguished by their love of art. The names of Rembrandt, Frank Hals, Watteau, and Greuze, of past time, and of Troyon, Baron Leys, Meissonier, and Madame Henriette Browne, of the present century, are household words in England ; though it is seldom that on this side of the Channel we meet with good transcripts of their work. The exhibition of the magnificent collection of Sir Richard Wallace has done more than anything else to popularize the best French Art among us ; and two annual exhibitions of French pictures in London — one of which has flourished for nearly twenty years— have familiarized Englishmen with the rich genius and diverse styles of modern celebrated French and Belgian painters. The older schools of the Low Countries are better known through their masterpieces in the National Gallery. THE PICTURE GALLERY. CONTAINING THIRTY-EIGHT PERMANENT PHOTOGRAPHS AFTER THE WORKS OF THE MOST POPULAR ARTISTS. The New Volume is now ready. Large 4to. cloth e.xtra, gilt edges, i8.y. WARBURTON'S JOURNEY ACROSS AUSTRALIA. An Account of the Exploring E.xpedition sent out by Messrs. Elder and Hughes, under the command of Colonel Egerton Warburton ; giving a full Account of his perilous Journey from the centre to Roebourne, W'estem Australia. With Illustrations and a Map. Edited, with an Introductory Chapter, by H. W. Bates, Esq., of the Royal Geographical Society. [In the Press. List of New Books. iii Notice. — hnportant Work on Assyrian Exploration, ^c. ASSYRIAN EXPLORATIONS AND DISCOVERIES. BY GEORGE SMITH (of the British Museum). One Vol. demy 8vo., Illustrated by Photographs and numerous Woodcut Illustrations of his recent Discoveries. Mr. Smith, who was recently spoken of by Sir Henry Rawlinson as the greatest living authority on Assyrian antiquities and the ablest interpreter of cuneiform characters, gives an account in this volume of his recent journeys to the East, his excavations, and the important discoveries made by him. In addition to the details of these discoveries, his volume will be found inte- resting as a record of personal adventure. Demy St'o., about 500 f>ages, with upivards of Sixty Woodcuts from the Author s own Photographs and SketcJies, cloth extra, 21^. THE STRAITS OF MALACCA, INDO-CHINA, AND CHINA; OR, TEN YEARS' TRAVELS. ADVENTURES, AND RESIDENCE ABROAD. BY J. THOMSON, F.R.G.S., Author of "Illustr.^tions of China and its People." This work contains a narrative of the writer's personal experience and adventures in the Straits of Malacca, Siam, Cambodia, Cochin-China, and China, illustrated with over sixty wood engravings from the author's sketc'nes and photographs. New Work by tJie Celebrated French Architect, Viollet le Due. HOW TO BUILD A HOUSE. BY VIOLLET LE DUC, Author of "The Dictionary of Architecture," &c., &c. One Volume, medium 8vo., cloth, gilt edges, numerous Illustrations, Plans, &C., XT.S. This little volume is written in the simplest language, and being in the form of a story will be found as amusing as It is instructive. Volumes 1. and II., detny ?,vo., price iis. each. A HISTORY OF MERCHANT SHIPPING AND ANCIENT COMMERCE. BY W. S. LINDSAY. IN FOUR VOLUMES. " Here is a work of true erudition and unquestionable value. The author has been engaged upon it for many years, pursuing the only legitimate method — that of arranging his authorities first, and then beginning to write with the whole subject in perspective before him. It is strange that a com- mercial country such as England should hitherto have possessed, in all its literature, no book of the kind — nothing, indeed, beyond fragments; though a huge library might be collected of voyages, travels, historical speculations and special treatises. ... It need scarcely be observed that a thorough practical knowledge pervades the grand story thus told. . . . It is impossible, however, that justice should be done in such a brief and hasty notice to a book so far superior in every sense to a mere compilation." — From review in The St.a.nd.\rd, Sept. 28, 1874. iv Sampson Loiv and Co!s , Demy 8vo. numerotis Illustrations, cloth extra. TURKISTAN. NOTES OF A JOURNEY IN THE RUSSIAN PROVINCES OF CENTRAL ASIA AND THE KHANATES OF BOKHARA AND KOKAND. BY EUGENE SCHUYLER, Secretary of American Legation, St. Petersburg. A MANUAL OF PRECIOUS STONES AND ANTIQUE GEMS. BY HODDER M. WESTROPP, Author of " The Traveller's Art Companion," "Pre-Historic Phases," &c. Small post 8vo., numerous Illustrations, cloth extra, 6j. The Death of the Great Historian -will not affect the Completion of this Important ^Vork. *^* Volumes I. to III. are now ready, and it would he difficult to select any more useful or appropriate ivork for a Christmas Present. A POPULAR HISTORY OF FRANCE, FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES. By M. GUIZOT, Author of " The History of Civilization in Europe," &c. WITH numerous illustrations by a, de neuville. Translated by ROBERT BLACK, M.A. Volumes I. to III., royal 8vo., cloth extra, each 24s., now ready. (Volume iV. is in progress.) The Times says : — " M. Guizot possesses pre-eminently the historic faculty. For the past there are few guides so trustworthy, and none who interpret history more faithfully than the illustrious author of ' The History of Civilization.' He lifts the mind to heights of history. He unfolds it as a drama, which interests young and old. The careful study of such a work as Guizot's ' France ' is an important element in culture and training. It is impossible to over-estimate the importance of a history where facts are chosen to illustrate principles and enforce great truths ; where there is a continuous protest in favour of liberty, whether political, intellectual, or religious, and where good and evil are not tampered with to suit party purposes, but the historian is as impartial and open to the reception of truth as he hopes to make the students who follow his pages. The work supplies a want which has long been felt, and it ought to be in the hands of all students of history. We cannot doubt that it will meet with the same favourable reception in England which has already attended its publication in France." CRUSTS. A SETTLER'S FARE DUE SOUTH; OR, LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND. BY LAURENCE J. KENNAWAY. Crown 8ro., Illustrations by the Author, cloth extra, ss. List of New Books.'' BRYANT'S POPULAR HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. A POPULAR HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Bv WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT, assisted by SYDNEY HOWARD GAY. To be profusely Illustrated with numerous Engravings on Steel and Wood, after designs by the best artists. Messrs. Sampson Low and Co. beg to announce that they have arranged with the American publishers for the simultaneous publication of a Popular History of the United States by William CuUen Bryant, assisted by Sydney Howard Gay. The work is to begin with the earliest authentic history of the Western Continent — though not ignoring the earlier mythical period — and to come down to the close of the first century of American Inde- pendence. It will occupy four or five volumes, and is to be profusely and largely illustrated from original designs. The aim of the publishers and authors is to supply a want which has long been felt by the reading public, and is well understood by booksellers. Admirable histories of America, of the United States, of different portions of both, and of many distinguished men whose lives at one time or another have helped to make those histories, have been written, and are familiar to scholars. Some of them cover one period and some another ; and some are more, some less, full and exhaustive. But a popular history, in the true sense of that term, one that shall be instructive through the sense of sight as well as through the labour of perusal ; one which is sought for by that im- mense number of readers with whom literature is not a profession, but who choose to be well informed in the history of their own and other countries, however much their lives may be absorbed in other pursuits — a popular his- tory of this sort, compendious and not appalling from its size, accurate with- out being tedious, and one that at the same lime shall be attractive by its appeal to the love of the picturesque and the artistic, has as yet no exist- ence. Such it is meant Bryant's " History " shall be, and the name of that distinguished author is an assurance of its success. LAOCOON; AN?ESSAY UPON THE LIMITS OF PAINTING AND POETRY, WITH REMARKS ILLUSTRATIVE OF VARIOUS POINTS IN THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT ART. By GoTTHOLD Ephraim Lessing. A new translation by Ellen Frothingham, crown 8vo., cloth extra, 5^. Crown Svo., cloth extra, price los. 6d. TE ROU; OR, THE MAORI AT HOME. A TALE. Exhibiting the Social Life, Manners, Habits, and Customs ot the Maori Race in New Zealand prior to the introduction of civilization amongst them. By JOHN WHITE, Native Interpreter, Auckland ; formerly Resident Magistrate at VVanga7iui, and Native Land Purchase Commissioner . New Work by Rev. Edward Bickersteth. THE SHADOWED HOME, AND THE LIGHT BEYOND. Notice. — An entirely New Edition at a lower price. PLUTARCH'S LIVES. An entirely new and Library Edition, Edited by A. H. Clough, Esq. 5 vols. 8vo., £,-2. 10s. ; half morocco, top gilt, ;C3- vi Satnpson Loiv and Co.'s NOVEL BINDING. Printed in colours and enamelled, quite smooth, and free frotn finger- marks and adhesiveness. THE ROSE LIBRARY. POPULAR LITERATURE OF ALL COUNTRIES. I {^^^^HIS Series has been commenced with the view of presenting to English readers in the cheapest possible forTn, works by the best writers in English, American, Prefich, and Germait popular literature. The works chosen being intended for family reading, and for readers of all ages, it is almost needless to say that the greatest care will be taken in the selection, so that nothing shall be introduced which is not calculated to amuse innocently, to interest, and to instruct. Owing to the doubtful reputation which French literature has (in many instances quite deservedly) obtained in this country, it has become a fashion to ex- clude it wholly from the family library. In so doing, we hope to prove by our selection that many English readers have thus been shut out from a source of amusement and instruction quite as innocent and pure as is to be found in the literature of any country. One of the special features of this series, which, it is hoped., will commetid itself to all readers, is its price, which will rarely exceed ONE SHILLING EACH VOLUME. \ Another special and attractive feature is that mafty of the volumes ivill cofttain N^UMEROUS FULL-PAGE AND SMALLER ILLUSTRATIONS. Tfie following Vohtmes are 7iow ready. I. SEAGULL ROCK. By Jules Sandeau, of the French Academy. Translated by Robert Black, M.A. *^* This little iwlume contains many of the Illustrations ivhich are in tlie hatidsome Edition published two years ago. "A story more fascinating, more replete with the most frolicing fun, the most harrowing scenes of suspense, distress, and hair-breadth escapes from danger, was seldom before written, published, or read." — At/temeum. " It deserves to please the new nation of boys to whom it is presented." — Times. " The very best French story for children we have ever seen." — Standard. " A delightful treat." — I Ihistrated London News. "Admirable, full of life, pathos, and fun It is a striking and attractive book." — Guardian. N.B. — A few copies of the best Edition, printed on toned large paper and in large type, beautifully bound, js, 6d., still on hand. II. LITTLE WOMEN. By Louisa M. Alcott. List of Nau Books. vii The Rose Library — continued. III. LITTLE WOMEN WEDDED. (Forming a Sequel to the above.) Notice. — The immense popularity which immediately followed the first introduction of this work (originally published as one consecutive story) by the present publishers, led other publishers to appropriate it, divide into tivo shilling volumes under titles quite unauthorized by the author, and then puff them off as a marvel of cheapness. The present volumes, and others which the present publishers propose to issue, will certainly compete with any such surreptitious issues, not only in quality, but in price. On this subject we beg to add a quotation from the Spectator : — " We may be allowed to add that Messrs. Low's is the 'Author's edition.' We do not commonly make these announcements, but everyone is bound to defeat, as far as he can, the efforts of those enterprising persons who proclaim with much unction the sacred duty of not letting an American author get his proper share of profits." IV. THE HOUSE ON WHEELS; OR, FAR FROM HOME. By Madame de Stolz. With numerous very graphic Full-Page Illustrations. V. LITTLE MEN. By Louis.A. M. Alcott. VI. THE OLD-FASHIONED GIRL. By Louis.\ M. Alcott. Notice. — These two volumes, being copyright, cannot be reproduced, as " Little Women^" has been, by any other house. The public and the trade will therefore see the advantage of purchasing Miss Alcott's four volumes in one uniform series. , New copyright zvork by tJie A zetkor oj"" A rtJucr Boiinycastle. " VII. THE MISTRESS OF THE MANSE. By J. G. Holland (" Timothy Titcomb"), Author of "Arthur Bonny- castle," &c. [This work is copyright. VIII. TIMOTHY TITCOMB'S LETTERS TO YOUNG PEOPLE, SINGLE AND MARRIED. Notice. — The Volumes in this Series are also published in a more expen- sive form on fine toned paper, cloth extra, gilt edges, at -zs. 6d. or 3.^. 6d. each, according to size, &c. /;; Two Volumes, crown ?,vo., cloth extra, 21s. AN HISTORICAL AND STATISTICAL ACCOUNT OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Fourth Edition, thoroughly revised, bringing the history and condition of the colony down to the year 1874, with an Account of the recent remarkable Mineral Discoveries of Gold, Copper, and Tin in its Territories. By John Dunmore Lang, D. D., A.M., recently one of the Repre- sentatives of the City of Sydney, in the Parliament of New South Wales, &-'c. viii Sampson Low a7id Co.'s List of New Books. New Work, uniform with the 'js. 6d. Edition of Verne s Works. THE FANTASTIC HISTORY OF THE CELEBRATED PIERROT; Written by the Magician Alcofribas, and translated from the Sogdien by Alfred Assollant, with upwards of One Hundred humorous Illustrations by Yan' Dargent. Square crown 8vo., cloth extra, gilt edges, 7*. ^d. "Terribly thrilling and absolutely harmless."— Times. JULES VERNE'S WONDERFUL BOOKS. " M. Verne exaggerates scientific possibilities into romance in a way so natural and charming that even sober men and women are fascinated by his extravagance." — British Quarterly Revieiv. "These tales are very popular in France, and as the love of the marvel- lous is no stronger in French than in English boys, they will, no doubt, be well appreciated by the latter, especially as they are full of pictures." — Times. Two 7iew books by Jnles Ve7-ne. A FLOATING CITY AND THE BLOCKADE RUNNERS. Containing Fifty very fine Full-Page Illustrations. Square crown 8vo., cloth, gilt edges, 7^. 6d. DR. OX'S EXPERIMENT; MASTER ZACHARIUS; A DRAMA IN THE AIR; A WINTER AMID THE ICE, &c. Numerous Full-Page Illustrations. Cloth, gilt edges, ys. 6d. See Alphabetical List for rest of Verne's Works. NEW NOVELS. HARRY HEATHCOTE OF GANGOIL. A Story of Bush Life in Australia. By Anthony Trollope. In one Volume, with graphic Illustrations, crown 8vo., cloth extra, loj. 6d. THE VILLAGE SURGEON. A Fragment of Autobiography. By Arthur Locker, Author of "Sweet Seventeen," "Stephen Scudamore," "On a Coral Reef," &c. One Volume, crown 8vo., cloth, 10s. 6d. OVER THE HILLS AND FAR AWAY. By C. Evans, Author of "A Strange Friendship." One Volume, crown Svo., cloth extra, 10s. 6d. THE MASTERS OF CLAYTHORPE. By the Author of "Only Eve." Three Volumes, crown 8vo., cloth, 315. 6d. OUT OF THE WORLD. A Novel. By Mary Healy, Author of "Lake Ville," "A Summer's Romance," &c. Three Volumes, crown 8vo., cloth extra, 2^^- 6^- A ROMANCE OF ACADIA TWO CENTURIES AGO. From a Sketch by the late Charles Knight. In Three Volumes, crown Svo., 31J. 6d. Crown Buildings, i88, Fleet Street, London, October, 1 874. a Hist of TBoofes PUBLISHING BY SAMPSON LOW^ MARSTON, LOW, & SEARLE. ALPHABETICAL LIST. BBOTT (J. S. C.) History of Frederick the Great, with numerous Illustrations. 8vo. \l. is. About in the World, by the author of '* The Gentle Life." Crown 8vo. bevelled cloth, 4th edition. 6s. Adamson (Rev. T, H.) The Gospel according to St. Matthew, expounded. 8vo. 12^-. Adventures of a Young Naturalist. By Lucien Biart, with 117 beautiful Illustrations on Wood. Edited and adapted by Parker Gillmore. Post 8vo. cloth extra, gilt edges, new edition, 7s. 6d. Adventures of a Brownie. See Craik, Mrs. Adventures on the Great Hunting Grounds of the World, translated from the French of Victor Meunier, u-ith engravings, 2nd edition. 5J. " The book for all boys in whom the love of travel and adventure is strong. They will find here plenty to amuse them and much to instruct them besides." — Times. Aikin-Kort right (Fanny.) A Little Lower than the Angels. Small post Svo., cloth extra. 3.?. 6d. Alcott, (Louisa M.) Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag. Square i6mo, -^s. 6d. Cupid and Chow- Chow. Small post Svo. ^s. 6d. Little Men : Life at Plumfield with Jo's Boys. By the author of " Little Women." Small post Svo. cloth, gilt edges, 2S. 6d. Cheap edition, cloth, ■zs. ; fancy boards, u. 6d. Little Women. Complete in i vol. fcap. 3^. 6d. Cheap edition, 2 vols, cloth, 2s. ; boards, is. 6d. each. Old Fashioned Girl, best edition, small post Svo. cloth extra, gilt edges, 3^. 6d. ; Low's Copyright Series, is. 6d. ; cloth, 2s. A 2 Sampson Low and Co.^s Alcott, (Louisa M.) Work. A Story of Experience. New Edition. In One volume, small post 8vo., cloth extra. 6s, Several Il- lustrations. Shawl Straps. Small post 8vo. CI. extra, gilt, sx. 6d. Alexander (Sir James E.) Bush Fighting. Illustrated by Remarkable Actions and Incidents of the Maori War. With a Map, Plans, and Woodcuts, i vol. demy 8vo. pp. 328, cloth extra, 16$. Alexander (W. D. S.) The Lonely Guiding Star. A Legend of the Pyrenean Mountains and other Poems. Fcap. 8vo cloth. 5 jr. Amphlett (John.) Under a Tropical Sky : a Holiday Trip to the West Indies. Small post 8vo., cloth extra, ■js. 6d. Andersen (Hans Christian) The Story of My Life. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Fairy Tales, with Illustrations in Colours by E. V. B. Royal 4to. cloth, i/. s-r. Andrews (Dr.) Latin-English Lexicon. 13th edition. Royal Svo. pp. 1,670, cloth extra. Price i8j. " The best Latin Dictionary, whether for the scholar or advanced student." — Spectator. " Every page bears the impress of industry and care." — Athetueutn. Anecdotes of the Queen and Royal Family, collected and edited by J. G. Hodgins, with Illustrations. New edition, revised by John Times, ss. Angell (J. K.) A Treatise on the Law of Highways. Svo. Second Edition, i/. 5J. Anglo- Scottish Year Book, The, for 1874. By Robert Kempt. A Handbook of the Patriotic Institutions, Learned and Social Societies, Clubs, &c., in London, connected with Scotland, number of Members, place and date of Meeting. Fcap. 8vo. \s. Arctic Regions (The). Illustrated. See Bradford. German Polar Expedition. See Koldeway. Explorations. See Markham. Art, Pictorial and Industrial, Vol. i, il. lis. 6d. Vols, and 3, I Si", each. Ashton (Frederick T.) The Theory and Practice of the Art of Designing Fancy Cotton and 'Woollen Cloths from Sample. With fifty-two Illustrations. Folio. 2/. lor. List of Publications. Atmosphere (The). See Flammarion. Auerbach (Berthold). Waldfried. Translated from the German. 3 vols, crown 8vo. 31^. bd, Australian Tales, by the " Old Boomerang." PostSvo. 5j-. " an Autobiography. By E. Dyne Fenton, Author of " Sorties from ' Gib' in Quest of Sensation and Sentiment," " Eve's Daughters," &c. 3 vols, crown 8vo. 315. 6;/. BACK-LOG Studies. ^s. 6d. Barnes's (Rev. A.) Lectures on the Evidences of Christi- anity in the igth Century. i2mo. 75^. 6d. Bamum (P. T.) Struggles and Triumphs. Crown Svo. Fancy boards. 2S. 6d. Barrington (Hon. and Rev. L.J.) From Ur to Macpelah ; the Story of Abraham. Crown 8vo., cloth, 55. THE BAYARD SERIES. Comprising Plea- sure Books of Literature produced in the Choicest Style as Companionable Volumes at Home and Abroad. Price 2S. 6d. each Vohane, complete in itself, printed at the ChisTvick Press, hound by Burn, flexible cloth extra, gilt leaves, with silk Headbands and Registers. The Story of the Chevalier Bayard. By M. De Bervilie. De Joinville's St. Louis, King of France. Sampson Low and Co.^s The Essays of Abraham Cowley, including all his Prose Works. Abdallah; or, the Four Leaves. ByEDOUARDLABOULLAYE. Table-Talk and Opinions of Napoleon Buonaparte. Vathek : An Oriental Romance. By William Beckford. The King and the Commons : a Selection of Cavalier and Puritan Song. Edited by Prof. Morley. Words of Wellington : Maxims and Opinions of the Great Duke. Dr. Johnson's Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia. With Notes. Hazlitt's Round Table. With Biographical Introduction. The Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend. By Sir Thomas Browne, Knt. Ballad Poetry of the Affections. By Robert Buchanan. Coleridge's Christabel, and other Imaginative Poems. With Preface by Algernon C. Swinburne. Lord Chesterfield's Letters, Sentences and Maxims. With Introduction by the Editor, and Essay on Chesterfield by M. De Ste. Beuve, of the French Academy. Essays in Mosaic. By Thos. Ballantyne. My Uncle Toby; his Story and his Friends. Edited by P. Fitzgerald. Reflections ; or, Moral Sentences and Maxims of the Duke de la Rochefoucauld. Socrates, Memoirs for English Readers from Xenophon's Memorabilia. By Edw. Levien. Prince Albert's Golden Precepts. ^ suitable Case containing 12 volutnes, price 31^. 6d. ; or the Case separate, price 3^. 6d. " We can hardly imagine a better book for boys to read or for men to ponder over." — Times. Beecher (Henry Ward, D. D.) Life Thoughts. 12xixo.2s.6d. ■ Sermons Selected. i2mo. Ss. 6d. Norwood. Crown 8vo. 6s. (Dr. Lyman) Life and Correspondence of. 2 vols. post 8vo. i/. IS. Bees and Beekeeping. By the Times' Beemaster, Illustrated, Crown 8vo. New Edition, with additions, as. 6d. List of Publications. Bell (Rev. C. D.) Faith in Earnest. i8mo. is. 6d. Blanche Nevile. Fcap. 8vo. 6s. Bellows (A. J.) The Philosophy of Eating. Post 8vo. ■js. 6d. How not to be Sick, a Sequel to Philosophy of Eating. Post 8vo. js. 6d. Better than Gold. By Mrs. Arnold, Author of "His by Right," &c. In 3 volumes, crown 8vo., 2>'^s. 6d. Benedict (F. L.) Miss Dorothy's Charge. 3 vols. 31^-. 6d. Biart (L.) Adventures of a Young Naturalist. (See Adventures.) Bickersteth's Hymnal Companion to Book of Common Prayer. The following Editions are now ready : — s. d. No. I. A Small-type Edition, medium 32mo. cloth limp o 6 No. I. B ditto roan limp, red edges No. I. C ditto morocco limp, gilt edges No. 2. Second-size type, super- royal 32mo. cloth limp No. 2. A ditto roan limp, red edges No. 2. B ditto morocco limp, gilt edges No. 3. Large-type Edition, crown 8vo. cloth, red edges No. 3. A ditto roan limp, red edges No. 3. B ditto morocco limp, gilt edges 3 6 5 6 No. 4. Large-type Edition, crown Bvo. with Introduction and Notes, cloth, red edges . . . . ..36 No. 4. A ditto roan limp, red edges . . 46 No. 4. B ditto morocco, gilt edges . . 6 6 No. 5. Crown 8vo. with accompanying Tunes to every Hymn, New Edition 30 No. 5. A ditto with Chants 40 No. 5. B The Chants separately 16 No. 6. Penny Edition. Fcap. 4to. Organists' edition. Cloth, 7^. 6d. %* A liberal allowance is made to Clergymen introducing • the Hymnal. t^ The Book of Common Praye'?, bound with The Hymnal Com- panion. 32mo. cloth, (^d. And in various superior bindings. Bickersteth (Rev. E. H., M.A.) The Reef, and other Para- bles. One Volume square 8vo., with numerous very beautiful En- gravings, uniform in character with the Illustrated Edition of Heber's Hymns, &c., price 75. td. Sampson Low and Co!s Bickersteth (Rev. E. H., M.A.) The Master's Home- Call ; Or, Brief Memorials of Alice Frances Bickersteth. 3rd Edition. 32mo. cloth gilt. xs. " They recall in a touching manner a character of which the religious beauty has a warmth and grace almost too tender to be definite." — The Guardian. The Shadow of the Rock. A Selection of Reli- gious Poetry. i8mo. Cloth extra. ■2s. 6d. Bida, The Authorized Version of the Four Gospels. With the whole of the magnificent etchings on steel, after the drawmgs by M. Bida. It is intended to publish each Gospel separately, and at intervals of from six to twelve months ; and in order to preserve uniformity, the price will in the first instance be fixed at ;^3 3^. each volume, large imperial quarto. The Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Luke contain more etchmgs and more letterpress than St. Mark and St. John ; it must be understood that at the expiration of three months from the first issue of each of these two volumes, the price (if purchased separately) will be raised to four guineas. This extra charge will, however, be allowed at any time to all bona fide purchasers of the four volumes. The Gospel of St. John, appropriately bound in cloth extra, price £-^ 35., is now ready ; the first volume issued. Bishop (J. L.) History of American Manufacture. 3 vols. 8vo. 2/. $s. (J. P.) First Book of the Law. 8vo. i/. is. Bits of Talk about Home Matters. By H. H. Fcap. 8vo. cloth gilt edges. 35, Black (Wm.) Uniform Editions : ' Kilmeny : a Novel. Small Post 8vo. cloth. 6^-. In Silk Attire. 3rd and cheaper edition, small post 8vo. 6s. " A work which deserves a hearty welcome for its skill and power in delineation of character. " — Saturday Review. A Daughter of Heth. nth and cheaper edition, crown 8vo., cloth extra. 6s. With Frontispiece by F. Walker A.R.A. " If humour, sweetness, and pathos, and a story told with simplicity and vigour, ought to insure success, ' A Daughter of Heth ' is of the kind to deserve it." — Saturday Review. Black (C. B.) New Continental Route Guides. Guide to the North of France, including Nor- mandy, Brittany, Touraine, Picardy, Champagne, Burgundy, Lorraine, Alsace, and the Valley of the Loire ; Belgium and Holland ; the Valley of the Rhine to Switzerland ; and the South-Wcst of Germany, to Italy by the Brenner Pass. Illustrated with numerous Maps and Plans. Crown 8vo., cloth limp, qs- 6d, List of Puhlicaticns. Black (C. B.) New Continental Route Guides. Guide to Normandy and Brittany, their Celtic Monuments, Ancient Churches, and Pleasant Watering-Places. Illus- trated with Maps and Plans. Crown 8vo., cloth limp, 2J-. dd. Guide to Belgium and Holland, the North-East of France, including Picardy, Champagne, Burgundy, Lorraine, and Alsace ; the Valley of the Rhine, to Switzerland ; and the South-West ©f Germany, to Italy, by the Brenner Pass, with Description of Vienna. Illustrated with Map^ and Plans. Crown 8vo., cloth limp, ^s. Paris, and Excursions from Paris. Illustrated with numerous Maps, Plans, and Views. Small post 8vo., cloth limp, price 3J. Guide to the South of France and to the North of Italy : including the Pyrenees and their Watering-Places ; the Health Resorts on the Mediterranean from Perpignan to Genoa ; and the towns of Turin, Milan, and Venice. Illustrated with Maps and Plans. Small post Svo., cloth limp, ^s. Switzerland and the Italian Lakes. Small post Svo. price 3^. 6d. Guide to France, Corsica, Belgium, Holland, the Rhine, the Moselle, the South-West of Germany, and the North of Italy. With numerous Maps and Plans. Complete in One Volume. Limp cloth, price isi'. Railway and Road Map of Switzerland, West Tyrol, and the Italian Lake Country. Boards, price is. Blackburn (H.) Art in the Mountains : the Story of the Passion Play, with upwards of Fifty Illustrations. Svo. i2j. Artists and Arabs. With numerous Illustrations. Svo. •]S. 6d. Harz Mountains : a Tour in the Toy Country. With numerous Illustrations. 12s. Normandy Picturesque. Numerous Illustrations. Svo. 16s. Travelling in Spain. With numerous Illustrations. Svo. i6j. Travelling in Spain. Guide Book Edition i2mo. zs. 6d. The Pyrenees. Summer Life at French Watering- Places. 100 Illustrations by Gustave Dore, Royal Svo. iSj. Blackmore (R. D.) Lorna Doone.. New edition. Crown, Svo. 6s. " The reader at times holds his breath, so graphically yet so simply does John Ridd tell his tale . . . . ' Lorna Doone' is a work of real excellence, and as such we heartily commend it to the public." — Saturday Review. Samps 071 Low and Co.'s Blackmore (R. D.) Cradock Nowell. 2nd and cheaper edi- tion. 6s. Clara Vaughan. Revised edition. 6s. Georgics of Virgil. Small 4to. 4^. 6d. Blackwell (E.) Laws of Life. New edition. Fcp. 3J. 6d. Boardman's Higher Christian Life. Fcp. is. 6d. Bonwick (J.) Last of the Tasmanians.> 8vo. i6s. Daily Life of the Tasmanians. 8vo. 12s. 6d. Curious Facts of Old Colonial Days. i2mo. cloth. Book of Common Prayer with the Hymnal Companion. 32mo. cloth, gd. And in various bindings. Books suitable for School Prizes and Presents. (Fuller description of each book will be found in the alphabet.) Adventures of a Young Naturalist, js. 6d. on Great Hunting Grounds. 5J. Allcott's Aunt Jo's Scrap-bag. 3J. 6d. Cupid and Chow Chow^. 3^. 6d. Old Fashioned Girl. 3^. 6d. Little Women. 3J. 6d. Little Men. 3J. 6d. Shawl Straps. 35. 6d. ■ Anecdotes of the Queen, 5J. Atmosphere (The). By Flammarion. 30J. Backw^ard Glances. 5^. Bickersteth (Rev. E. H.) Shadow of the Rock 2s. 6d. Black (Wm.) Kilmeny. 6s. In Silk Attire. 6s. • A Daughter of Heth. 6.r. Blackmore (R. D.) Cradock Nowell. Clara Vaughan. 6s. Lorna Doone. 6s. Burritt's Ten Minute Talk on all sorts of Topics. Sm» 8vo. 6^-. Butler's Great Lone Land. ^i. 6d. Bayard Series (See Bayard.) Changed Cross (The), zs. 6d. Child's Play. -js. 6d. Christ in Song. ss. Craik (Mrs.) Adventures of a Brownie. 55. List of Publications. Books for School Prizes and Presents, continued — Craik (Mrs.) Little Sunshine's Holiday. 4J. Craik (Miss) The Cousin from India. 4^. Miss Moore. 4^. Dana's Corals and Coral Islands, iis. Two Years before the Mast. 6j. Davies's Pilgrimage of the Tiber. iSj. De Witt (Mad. J An Only Sister. 4^. Erkmann-Chatrian's, The Forest House. 3J. dd. Faith Gartney. 3J. 6d. cloth; boards, \s. 6d. Favell Children (The). 4^. Favourite English Poems. 300 Illustration. 21J. Forbes (J. G.) Africa : Geographical Exploration and Chris> tian Enterprise. Crown 8vo. cloth, -js. 6d. Franc's Emily's Choice. 5J. John's Wife. 4s. Marian. 5^. Silken Cord. 5^. Vermont Vale 5; Minnie's Mission. Friswell (Laura) The Gingerbread Maiden. -1,3. 6d Gayworthys (The). 3J. 6d. Gentle Life, (Queen Edition), ioj. 6d. Gentle Life Series. {See Alphabet). Getting on in the World. 6s. Glover's Light of the Word. 2s. 6d. Hayes (Dr.) Cast Away in the Cold. 6.y. Healy (Miss) The Home Theatre, 3;. 6d. Henderson's Latin Proverbs, ioj. 6d. Hugo's Toilers of the Sea. los. 6d. »» »» >> Dj. Jack Hazard, by Trowbridge. 35. 6d. Kingston's Ben Burton. 3J. 6d. Kennan's Tent Life. 6s. King's Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. Low^'s Edition of American Authors- is. 6d. and 2s. each. 23 Vols, published. See Alphabet under Low. Lyra Sacra Americana. 4s. 6d. Macgregor (John) Rob Roy Books. {See Alphabet.) Marigold Manor, by Miss Waring. 4s. Maury^s Physical Geography of the Sea 6s. Parisian Family. 5J. Phelps (Miss) The Silent Partner, cc. Picture Gallery British Art. 12^. A 3 lo Sampson Low and CoJs Books for School Prizes and Presents, continued — Picture Gallery Sacred Art. 12s. Ready, O Ready. By Captain AUston, R.N. y. 6d. Reynard the Fox. 100 Exquisite Illustrations, -js 6d. Sea-Gull Rock. 79 Beautiful Woodcuts. 7^. 6d. Stanley's How I Found Livingstone, zis. Stowe (Mrs.) Pink and White Tyranny. 3^. 6d. Old Town Folks. Cloth extra 6s. and 2s 6d. Ministers Wooing. 5J. ; boards, \s. 6d. Pearl of Orr's Island. 5^. My W^ife and I. 6s. Tauchnitz's German Authors. 5"^^ Tauchnitz. Tayler (C. B.) Sacred Records. 2s. 6d. Titcomb's Letters to Young People. \s. 6d. and 2s. Twenty Years Ago. 4i-. Under the Blue Sky. 75. 6d. Verne's Meridiana. 75. 6d. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. \os. 6i. Whitney's (Mrs.) Books. See Alphabet. Bowles (T. G,) The Defence of Paris, narrated as it was Seen. 8vo. i4.r, Bowker (G.) St. Mark's Gospel. With Explanatory Notes. For the Use of Schools and Colleges. By George Bowker, late Second Master of the Newport Grammar School, Isle of Wight, i vol. foolscap, cloth. Boynton (Charles B., D.D.) Navy of the United States, with Illustrations of the Ironclad Vessels. 8vo. 2 vols. 2/. Bradford (Wm.) The Arctic Regions. Illustrated with Photographs, taken on an Art Expedition to Greenland. With Descrip- tive Narrative by the Artist. In One Volume, royal broadside, 25 inches by 20, beautifully bound in morocco extra, price Twenty-five Guineas. Bremer (Fredrika) Life, Letters, and Posthumous Works. Crown 8vo. lof. 6d. Brett (E.) Notes on Yachts. Fcp. 6j. Bristed (C. A.) Five Years in an English University. Fourth Edition, Revised and Amended by the Author. Post Bvo. los. 6d. Broke (Admiral Sir B. V. P., Bart,, K.C.B.) Biography of. l/. Brothers Rantzau. See Erckmann Chatrian. Browning (Mrs. E. B.) The Rhyme of the Duchess May. Demy 4to. Illustrated with Eight Photographs, after Drawings by Charlotte M. B. Morrell. 2\s. List of Publications. 1 1 Burritt (E.) The Black Country and its Green Border Land. Second edition. Post 8vo. ts. A Walk from London to Land's End. Cr. 8vo. 6j. Lectures and Speeches. Fcap. 8vo. cloth, ^s. Ten-Minute Talk on all sorts of Topics. With Autobiography of the Author. Small post 8vo., cloth extra. 6j. Bush (R.J.) Reindeer, Dogs, and Snow Shoes. 8vo. I2J.6^. Bushnell's (Dr.) The Vicarious Sacrifice. Post Svo. 'js.dd. Sermons on Living Subjects. Crown Svo. cloth. 7 J. 6d. Nature and the Supernatural. Post Svo. 3^. dd. Christian Nurture. 3^. td. Character of Jesus. 6d. The New Life. Crcvn Svo. 3J-. dd Butler (W. F.) The Great Lone Land ; an Account of the Red River Expedition, 1869-1870, and Subsequent Travels and Adven- tures in the Manitoba Country, and a Winter Journey across the Sas- katchewan Valley to the Rocky Mountains. With Illustrations and Map. Fifth and Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth extra, is. 6d. (The first 3 Editions were in Svo. cloth. 16s.) The Wild North Land : the Story of a Winter Journey with Dogs across Northern North America. Demy 8to. cloth, with numerous Woodcuts and a Map. Fourth Edition. i8j. ADOGA.N (Lady A.) Illustrated Games of Patience. I3y the Lady Adelaide Cadogan. Twenty- four Diagrams in Colours, with Descriptive Text. Foolscap 4to., cloth extra, gilt edges, 12^. 6d. California. See Nordhoff. Canada on the Pacific : being an account of a journey from Edmonton to the Pacific, by the Peace River Valley. By Charles Horetzky. Cloth. $3. Carlisle (Thos.) The Unprofessional Vagabond. Fcap. Svo. Fancy boards, i^. Ceramic Art. See Jacquemart, Changed Cross (The) and other Religious Poems. 2s. 6d. Child's Play, with 16 coloured drawings by E. V. B. An entirely new edition, printed on thick paper, with tints, 7J. 6d. 1 2 Sampson Low and Coh Chefs -d'ceuvre of Art and Master-pieces of Engraving, selected from the celebrated Collection of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. Reproduced in Photography by Stephen Thompson. Imperial folio, Thirty-eight Photographs, cloth gilt. 4/. 14.?. 6d. China. See Illustrations of. Christ in Song. Hymns of Immanuel, selected from all Ages, wath Notes. By Philip Schaff, D.D. Crown 8vo. toned paper, beautifully printed at the Chiswick Press. With Initial Letters and Ornaments and handsomely bound. New Edition. 5^. Christabel. See Bayard Series. Christmas Presents. See Illustrated Books. Chronicles of Castle of Amelroy. 4to. With Photographic Illustrations. 2/. is. Clara Vaughan. See Blackmore. Coffin (G. C.) Our New Way Round the World. 8vo. 12s. Commons Preservation (Prize Essays on), written in compe- tition for Prizes offered by Henry W. Peek, Esq. 8vo. 14J. Conquered at Last ; from Records of Dhu Hall and its Inmates; A Novel. 3 vols. Crown ; cloth. 31J. 6^. Cook (D.) Young Mr. Nightingale. A Novel. 3 vols. Crown 8vo., cloth. 31^. 6d. Courtship and a Campaign; a Story of the Milanese Volun- teers of 1866, under Garibaldi. By M. Dalin. 2 vols. or. 8vo. 21J. Cradock Nowell. See Blackmore. Craik (Mrs.) The Adventures of a Brownie, by the Author of " John Halifax, Gentleman." With numerous Illustrations by Miss Paterson. Square cloth, extra gilt edges, ^s. A Capital Book for a School Prize for Children from Seven to Fourteen. Little Sunshine's Holiday (forming Vol. 1. of the John Halifax Series of Girls' Books). Small post 8vo. 4s. John Halifax Series. See Girls' Books. . Poems. Crovm, cloth, 5^. (Georgiana M.) The Cousin from India, forming Vol. 2. of John Halifax Series. Small post 8vo. 4s. Only a Butterfly. One Volume, crown 8vo., cloth, 10s. 6d. Miss Moore. Small post 8vo., with Illustrations, gilt edges. 4^. Without Kith or Kin. 3 vols, crown 8vo., 31J. 6d. Hero Trevelyan. 2 Vols. Post Svo. 21s. List of Publications. 1 3 Craik's American Millwright and Miller. With numerous Illustrations. 8vo. i/. u. Cruise of "The Rosario. See Markham (A. H.) Cummins (Maria S.) Haunted Hearts (Low's Copyright Series). 161110. boards. \s. 6d. ; cloth, 2J. Curtis's History of the Constitution of the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. 24J. [ALTON (J. C.) A Treatise on Physiology and Hygiene for Schools, Families, and Colleges, with numerous Illustrations, "js. 6d. Dana (R. H.) Two Years before the Mast and Twenty-four years After. New Edition, with Notes and Revisions. 1 2 mo. 6s. Dana (Jas. D.) Corals and Coral Islands. Numerous Illustrations, charts, &c. Royal 8vo. cloth extra. 21s. "Professed geologists and zoologists, as well as general readers, will find Professor Dana's book in every way worthy of their attention." — The AtheTUEinn, October 12, 1872. Darley (Felix O. C.) Sketches Abroad with Pen and Pencil, with 84 Illustrations on Wood. Small 4to. yj. td. Daughter (A) of Heth, by Wm. Black. Eleventh and Cheaper edition, i vol. crown 8vo. 6^. Davies (Wm.) The Pilgrimage of the Tiber, from its Mouth to its Source ; with some account of its Tributaries. 8vo., with many very fine Woodcuts and a ^lap, cloth extra. xZs. Devonshire Hamlets ; Hamlet 1603, Hamlet 1604. I Vol. 8vo. 7^. (>d. De Witt (Madame Guizot). An Only Sister. Vol. V. of the "John Halifax" Series of Girls' Books. With Six Illustrations. Small post 8vo. cloth. 4.?. Dhow-Chasing. See Sulivan. Draper (John ^V.) Human Physiology. Illustrated with more than 300 Woodcuts from Photographs, &c. Royal 8vo. cloth extra, i/. 5 J. Dream Book (The) with 12 Drawings in facsimile by E. V. B. Med. 4to. i/. iiJ. td. Duer's Marine Insurance. 2 vols. 3/. 3^". Duplais and McKennie, Treatise on the Manufacture and Distillation of Alcoholic Liquors. With numerous Engravings. 8vO. 2/. 2.S. Duplessis (G.) Wonders of Engraving. With numerous Illustrations and Photographs. 8vo. 12^. td. ^ 1 4 Sampson Low and Co.^s Dussauce (Professor H.) A New and Complete Treatise on the Art of Tanning. Royal 8vo. 2/. 10s. General Treatise on the Manufacture of Vinegar. 8yo. il. IS. NGLISH Catalogue of Books (The) Published during 1863 to 1871 inclusive, comprising also the Important American Publications. This Volume, occupying over 450 Pages, shows the Titles of 32,000 New Books and New Editions issued during Nine Years, with the Size, Price, and Publisher's Name, the Lists of Learned Societies, Printing Clubs, and other Literary Associations, and the Books issued by them ; as also the Publisher's Series and Collections — altogether forming an indispensable adjunct to the Bookseller's Establishment, as well as to every Learned and Literary Club and Association. 30J. half- bound. %* The previous Volume, 1835 to 1862, of which a very few remain on sale, price 2/. 5.^. ; as also the Index Volume, 1837 to 1857, price i/. 6s. Supplements, 1863, 1864, 1865, ^s. 6d. each; 1866, J867 to 1872, 5 J. each. Writers, Chapters for Self-improvement in English Literature ; by the author of "The Gentle Life." 6s. Matrons and their Profession ; With some Con- siderations as to its Various Branches, its National Value, and the Education it requires. By M. L. F. , Writer of " My Life, and what shall I do with it." " Battle of the Two Philosophies," and "Strong and Free." Crown 8vo. , cloth, extra, js. 6d. [Now ready, Erckmann-Chatrian. Forest House and Catherine's Lovers. Crown 8vo 3J. 6d. The Brothers Rantzau : A Story of the Vosges. 2 Yols. crown 8vo. cloth. 21^. New Edition, i vol. , profusely illustra- ted. Cloth Extra, ^s. Evans (T. W.) History of the American Ambulance, Established in Paris during the Siege of 1870-71. Together with the Details of its Method and its Work. By Thomas W. Evans, M.D., D. D. S. Imperial 8vo., with numerous illustrations, cloth extra, price ^AITH GARTNEY'S Girlhood, by the Author of " The Gayworthys. " Fcap. with Coloured Frontispiece. 3J. 6d. Royal Book of Pastry and Confectionery. By Jules Gouffe, Chef-de-Cuisine of the Paris Jockey Club. Translated from the French by Alphonse Gouffe, Head Pastrycook to Her Majesty the Queen. Royal Svo., illustrated with 10 Chromo-lithographs and 137 Woodcuts, from Drawings from Nature by E. Monjat, cloth extra, gilt edges, 35J. 1 8 Sampson Low mid Co.^s Girls' Books. A Series written, edited, or translated by the Author of "John Halifax." Small post 8vo., cloth extra, 4^. each. 1. Little Sunshine's Holiday. 2. The Cousin from India. 3. Twenty Years Ago. 4. Is it True. 5. An Only Sister. By Madame GuizoT De Witt. 6. Miss Moore. Gospels (Four), with Bida's Illustrations. See Bida. Gray (Robertson) Brave Hearts. Small post 8vo. 3^. 6d Great Lone -Land. See Butler. Grant (Rev. G. M.). See Ocean to Ocean. Greenleaf's Law of Evidence. 13th Edition. 3 vols. 84^-. Guizot's History of France. Translated by Robert Black. Royal 8vo. Numerous Illustrations. Vols. I., II. and III., cloth extra, each 2^s. ; in Parts, 2s. each (to be completed in two more volumes). Guyon fMad.) Life. By Upham. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. 6s. Method of Prayer. Foolscap, is. Guyot (A.) Physical Geography. By Arnold Guyot, Author of " Earth and Man." In i volume, large 4to., 128 pp., nume- rous coloured Diagrams, Maps and Woodcuts, price xos. 6d., strong boards. lALE (E. E.) In His Name; a Story of the Dark Ages. Small post 8vo., cloth, 35. 6d. ^ Hacklander (F. W.) Military Life in Prussia. First Series. The Soldier in Time of Peace. Translated (by permission of the Author) from the German of F. W. Hacklander. By F. E. R. and H. E. R. Crown 8vo., cloth extra, gs. Harrington (J.) Pictures of Saint George's Chapel, Wind- sor. Photographs. 4to. 63J. Harrington's Abbey and Palace of Westminster. Photo- graphs. 5/. 5s. Harper's Handbook for Travellers in Europe and the East. New Edition, 1874. Post 8vo. Morocco tuck, i/. iis. 6d. Haswell (Chas. H.) The Engineers' and Mechanics' Pocket- Book. 30th Edition, revised and enlarged. i2mo, morocco tuck, 14s. Harz Mountains. See Blackburn. List of Publications. 19 Hawthorne (Mrs. N.) Notes in England and Italy. Crown 8vo. loy. dd. Hayes (Dr.) Cast Away in the Cold; an Old Man's Story of a Young Man's Adventures. By Dr. I. Isaac Hayes, Author of "The Open Polar Sea." With numerous Illustrations. Gilt edges, 6j. The Land of Desolation; Personal Narrative of Ad- ventures in Greenland. Numerous Illustrations. Demy 8vo., cloth extra. 14^-. Hazard (S.) Santo Domingo, Past and Present; With a Glance at Hayti. With upwards of One Hundred and Fifty beautiful Woodcuts and Maps, chiefly from Designs and Sketches by the Author. Demy 8vo. cloth extra. 18^. Hazard (S.) Cuba with Pen and Pencil. Over 300 Fine Woodcut Engravings. New edition, 8vo. cloth extra. 15,^. Hazlitt (William) The Round Table; the Best Essays of William Hazlitt, with Biographical Introduction (Bayard Series). 2j. 6d. Healy (M.) Lakeville. 3 vols. i/. \\s. 6d. A Summer's Romance. Crown 8vo,, cloth. lOJ. 6d, The Home Theatre. Small post 8vo. 3^. 6d. Henderson (A.) Latin Proverbs and Quotations ; with Translations and Parallel Passages, and a copious English Index. By Alfred Henderson. Fcap. 4to., 530 pp. ioj. 6d. Hearth Ghosts. By the Author of * Gilbert Rugge.' 3 Vols, i/. lis. 6d. Heber's (Bishop) Illustrated Edition of Hymns. With upwards of loo Designs engraved in the first style of art under the superintendence of J. D. Cooper. Small 4to. Handsomely bound, js. 6d. Higginson (T. W.) Atlantic Essays. Small post 8vo. 6s. Hitherto. By the Author of " The Gayworthys." New Edition, cloth extra. 3J. 6d. Also in Low's American Series. Double Vol. 2J. 6d. Hofmann (Carl) A Practical Treatise on the Manufac- ture of Paper in all its Branches. Illustrated by One Hundred and Ten Wood Engravings, and Five large Folding Plates. In One Volume, 4to, cloth ; about 400 pages. 3/. 13J. 6d, Hoge — Blind Bartimaeus. Popular edition, u. Holland (Dr.) Kathrina and Titcomb's Letters. See LoVs American Series. 2 Sampsofi Low and Co.'s Holmes (Oliver W.) The Guardian Angel; a Romance. 2 vols. 16^. (Low's Copyright Series.) Boards, is. 6d. ; cloth, 2s. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. i2mo. is. ; Illus- trated edition, 3J. 6d. The Professor at the Breakfast Table. 3^-. 6d» Songs in Many Keys. Post 8vo. 7^-. 6d. Mechanism in Thought and Morals. i2mo. is. 6d. Homespun, or Twenty Five Years Ago in America, by Thomas Lackland. Fcap. 8vo. 75'. 6h. Standard, Globe, Echo, Pall Mall Gazette, Literary World, &c. %* A pamphlet containing the principal reviews will be forwarded gratui- tously on application. Sea-Gull Rock. By Jules Sandeau, of the French Aca- demy. Translated by Robert Black, M.A. With Seventy-nine very beautiful Woodcuts. Royal i6mo., cloth extra, gilt edges. 75. dd. " A story more fascinating, more replete with the most rollicking fun, the most harrowing scenes of suspense, distress, and hair-breadth escapes from danger, was seldom before written, published, or read." — Athencpu7n. '■ It deserves to please the new nation of boys to whom it is presented." — Ti7nes. " The very best French story for children we have ever seen." — Standard. " A delightful treat." — Illustrated London News. " Admirable, full of life, pathos, and fun. . . . It is a striking and attractive book." — Guardian. " This story deserves tc be a great a\ourite with English boys as well as with French." — Saturda-i Review. List of FubliccUions. 3 3 Sedgfwick, (T.) Treatise on the Measure of Damages. 8vo. 6th Edition. 2/. 5J. Shadow of the Rock. See Bickersteth. Silent Hour (The), Essays original and selected, by the author of "The Gentle Life." Second edition, ts. Silliman (Benjamin) Life of, by G. P. Fisher. 2 vols. crown 8vo. i/. 4^. Simson (W.) A History of the Gipsies, with specimens of the Gipsy Language, xos. 6d. Smith and Hamilton's French Dictionary. 2 vols. Cloth, 2 If. : half roan, 22s. Socrates. Memoirs, from Xenophon's Memorabilia. By E. Leviek. Flexible cloth. 2s. 6d. Bayard Series. Spayth (Henry) The American Draught-Player, 2nd edition. lamo. i2j. 6d. Spray from the Water of Elisenbrunnen. By Godfrey Maynard. Small Post 8vo. Fancy Boards, zs. 6d. St. Cecilia, a modern tale of Real Life. 3 vols, post 8vo. 2,1s. 6d. Stanley (H. M.) How I Found Livingstone. Crown 8vo., cloth extra, 7J. 6d. This Edition contains all the small Illustrations, and a long Introductory Chapter on the Death of Livingstone, with a brief Memoir and Extracts from Dr. Livingstone's last Correspondence with Mr. Stanley not yet published. *^* This Edition has been revised most carefully from beginning to end, and all matters of a personal or irrelevant character omitted. N.B. — Copies of the Original Edition, cloth extra, gilt edges, may be had, 10s. 6d. " My Kalulu," Prince, King, and Slave. A Story from Central Africa. Crown 8vo., about 430 pp., with numerous graphic Illustrations, after Original Designs by the Author. Cloth, js. 6d. Coomassie and Magdala : A Story of Two British Campaigns in Africa. Demy Svo., with Maps and Illustrations, i6.y. Second Edition. "His new book, telling the story of two campaigns, will be almost as welcome as that which told of the finding of Livingstone." — Daily News. " We are struck throughout his volume by the shrewdness of his surmises when he is guessing in the dark, and of the frequency with which his hurried judgments are confirmed." — Times. " He fairly wins admiration by the frank and yet stem eloquence of his narrative." — Telegraph. "Mr. Stanley writes in a brisk and characteristic style, full of pic- turesqueness and vivacity. . . . We commend it as a spirited aiid graphic story of an expedition which reflected credit on all who took part in it." — Standard. 34 Sampson Low and Co.'s Steele (Thos.) Under the Palms. A Volume of Verse. By Thomas Steele, translator of "An Eastern Love Story." Fcap. 8vo. Cloth, 55. Stewart (D.) Outlines of Moral Philosophy, by Dr. McCosh. New edition. i2mo.' 3J. 6d. Stone (J. B.) A Tour with Cook Through Spain. Illus- trated by Photographs. Crown 8vo., cloth. 6s. Stories of the Great Prairies, from the Novels of J. F. Cooper. With numerous illustrations. 5s. Stories of the Woods, from J. F. Cooper. 5^. Sea, from J. F. Cooper. 5^-. Story without an End, from the German of Carove, by the late Mrs. Sarah T. Austin, crown 4to. with 15 exquisite drawings by E. V. B., printed in colours in facsimile of the original water colours, and numerous other illustrations. New edition. 7J. 6d. square, with illustrations by Harvey. 2s. 6d. of the Great March, a Diary of General Sherman's Campaign through Georgia and the Carolinas. Numerous illustrations. i2mo. cloth, js. 6d. Stowe (Mrs. Beecher). Dred. Tauchnitz edition. i2mo. 3^, 6d. Geography, with 60 illustrations. Square cloth, 4$-. 6d. House and Home Papers. i2mo. boards, is. ; cloth extra, 2s. 6cl. Little Foxes. Cheap edition, is. ; library edition, 4s. 6d. Men of our Times, with portrait. 8vo. 12s. 6d. Minister's Wooing. 5^-. ; copyright series, is. 6d. cloth, 2S. Old Town Folk. 6s. Cheap Edition, 2s. 6d. Old Town Fireside Stories. Cloth extra. 3^-. 6d. My Wife and I ; or, Harry Henderson's His- tory. Small post 8vo, cloth extra. 6s. " She has made a very pleasant book." — Guardian. " From the first page to the last the book is vigorous, racy, and enjoyable." — Dally Telegraph. Pink and White Tyranny. Small post 8vo. y. 6d. Cheap Edition, is. 6d. and 2s. Queer Little People, is. ; cloth, 2S, Religious Poems ; with illustrations. 3J. 6d. Chimney Corner, is. ; cloth, is. 6d. The Pearl of Orr's Island. Crown 8vo. 5j. Little Pussey Willow. Fcap. 2s. -, (Professor Calvin E.) The Origin and History of the Books of the New Testament, Canonical and Apocryphal. 8vo. 8s. 6d. Woman in Sacred History. Illustrated with 15 chromo-lithographs and about 200 pages of letterpress, forming one of the most elegant and attractive volumes ever published. Demy 4to. cloth extra, gilt edges, price il. 55. List of Publications. 3 5 STORY'S (JUSTICE) WORKS: Commentaries on the Law of Agency, as a Branch of Commercial and Maritime Jurisprudence. 8th Edition. 8vo. i/. ii.r. td. Commentaries on the Law of Bailments. 8th Edition. 8vo. i/. 1 1 J. (sd. Commentaries on the Law of Bills of Exchange, Foreign and Inland, as administered in England and America. 4th Edition. 8vo. xl. lu. td. Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws, Foreign and Domestic, in regard to Contracts, Rights, and Remedies, and especially in regard to Marriages, Divorces, Wills, Successions, and Judgments. 7th Edition. 8vo. i/. 15.?. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States ; with a Preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States before the adoption of the Constitution. 4th Edition. 2 vols. Svo. 3/. 3J. Commentaries on the Law of Partnership as a branch of Commercial and Maritime Jurisprudence. 6th Edition, by E. H. Bennett. Svo. i/. lu. 6d. Commentaries on the Law of Promissory Notes, and Guarantees of Notes and Cheques on Banks and Bankers. 6th Edition ; by E. H. Bennett. Svo. i/. x\s. 6d. Commentaries on Equity Pleadings and the Inci- dents relating thereto, according to the Practice of the Courts of Equity of England and America. Sth Edition. Svo. il. 11s. 6d. Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence as admi- nistered in England and America, nth Edition. 3/. 15J. Treatise on the Law of Contracts. By William W. Story. 4th Edition, 2 vols. Svo. 3/. 3J. Treatise on the Law of Sales of Personal Property. 4th Edition, edited by Hon. J. C. Perkins. Svo. i/. lu. 6d. Sub-Tropical Rambles. See Pike (N.) Suburban Sketches, by the Author of "Venetian Life." Post Svo. 6s. Sullivan (G. C.) Dhow Chasing in Zanzibar Waters and on the Eastern Coast of Africa ; a Narrative of Five Years' Expe- riences in the suppression of the Slave Trade. With Illustrations from Photographs and Sketches taken on the spot by the Author. Demy Svo, cloth extra. i6j. Second Edition. Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's Life, by the Author of "The Gayworthys," Illustrations. Fcap. Svo. 3^.6*/. 36 Sampson Low and Co Us Sweet not Lasting. A Novel, by Annie B. Lefurt. I vol, crown 8vo., cloth, lof. 6d. ; cloth, 2s.; roan, 2S. bd. Spanish and English. 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