THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID NATURAL HISTORY FISHES MASSACHUSETTS, EMBRACING A PRACTICAL ESSAY ON ANGLING. BY JEROME V. C. SMITH, M. D. BOSTON: ALLEN AND TICKNOR 1833. r' i. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1833, by ALLEN AND TICKNOR, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. HON. JOSIA.H QUINCY, Volume RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR, M361859 PREFACE. IN the course of several years residence on a small island in Boston harbor, the author became interested in the study -of ichthyology. The daily opportunities which the locality afforded of examining a large' portion of the species described in the following pages, resulted, three years since, in a catalogue of the fishes of the Northern States ; but within a few months past, the manuscript has been revised, and that part of it is now presented, which more particularly relates to Massa- chusetts. There are many unfortunate errors, and repetitions, which escaped notice, till it was too late to make the corrections. The distance at which the writer resides from the compositor, and the extreme difficulty, often- times, of going to the city, against wind and tide, are some, among many apologies, that might be offered in extenuation of these vexatious deformities. A table of errata, however, is inserted at the end. With respect to the engravings, they are far short, in many instances, of what was anticipated. Some of PREFACE. them are beautifully and accurately executed ; but others are miserable caricatures. The artist was young and inexperienced, and when he would have willingly made a second drawing, the press could not be kept in waiting. As a revised and enlarged edition, embracing the natural history of all the fishes of the North, is con- templated, the engravings in that will not only be more numerous, but correctly delineated on copper. No pretensions are made to originality ; the object has been to collect and preserve such facts as are already known in this interesting department of local Natural History. The remarks and observations of other writers have been freely introduced, wherever they were perti- nent to the subject under consideration. The collection of native fishes, from which the scien- tific arrangement has been made, will probably be deposited with the Boston Society of Natural History. With a little exertion on the part of the members, it might become a most valuable ichthyological cabinet. Those gentlemen who have so promptly and kindly forwarded specimens from various sections of the State, will please accept our sincere thanks. To DAVID ECKLEY, Esq., of Boston, the author is particularly in- debted. His exact knowledge of the habits and char- acters of the aquatic tribes, and his truly philosophical energy, demand the warmest gratitude. All that is interesting to the practical angler, in the second part of the volume, originated with that gentleman. The services of Capt. J. P. COUTHOUY, in procuring and preserving the marine fishes of this coast, during a period of several years, with reference to a correct classification, also place the writer under lasting obliga- tions. PREFACE. Vii To SOLOMON LINCOLN, Esq., acknowledgments are made in another place, for his valuable services. A digest of the Fishery Laws, by the Hon. JOHN PICKERING, to have been annexed, and to have con- stituted part the third, was not seasonably completed, and may therefore be expected hereafter, should the present Essay meet the approbation of the public. J. V. C. SMITH. QUARANTINE GROUND, Port of Boston, May, 1833, IMPORTANCE THE FISHERIES IT was an opinion of Pliny, " that nature's great and wonderful power is more demonstrated in the sea than on the land." This power is dis- played in forms of exquisite beauty, and awful grandeur. It is exhibited on the mountain wave, and in the unexplored caverns of the deep. It appears, in an eminent degree, among the myriads of tribes which traverse the ocean with a veloci- ty far surpassing that produced by human power, equalling almost that of the tenants of the air. Science has not so far penetrated this field of agreeable research, as to induce us to suppose, that we have anything like a complete history of the watery tribes. We have indeed new 1 2 THE IMPORTANCE OF names, but with their increase, we have not a corresponding knowledge of the habits and char- acter of the marine inhabitants. Linnaeus has given names to upwards of four hundred species ; yet it is probable that the recesses of the fathom- less sea contain a great variety of tribes never seen by man. Imagination has frequently been busy in tenanting these unexplored regions with unreal creations, and superstition has exercised her inventive faculties to impose a belief in their existence, on credulous and inexperienced minds. It would be an agreeable employment to enter into a detail of the interesting facts connected with this branch of Natural History. It would afford a rich gratification to the inquiring mind, to discover the singular adaptation to its state of existence, which is to be found in this class of animated nature, and to witness the order and beauty which here, as well as elsewhere, is stamped upon the works of the Almighty. The object, however, in this introductory part of the following work, is rather more of a prac- tical nature, than an examination of the history of the marine tribes ; rather to exhibit the im- portance of the fisheries as a matter of sound political economy, than to enter upon the sub- ject with the enthusiasm which would be felt alone by the man of science, to show how THE FISHERIES. 3 much individuals and even nations may, from in- considerable sources, derive comfort, strength and power. To increase the physical and moral power of a nation, to the greatest possible extent, regard must be had to the proper adaptation of the means to produce desired results, under every variety of circumstances. Education must, in some measure, be adapted to the genius of the people, in order to give the greatest efficacy to their institutions. Even forms of religion must be shaped to correspond with the prevailing dis- positions, habits and taste. A grave, sober peo- ple will prefer great simplicity in their forms of worship, and others, whose local circumstances place them more under the dominion of the im- agination, will avoid whatever appears to them cold and austere, and seek to elevate their feel- ings and indulge their taste by more showy and imposing observances. So, also, in relation to the ordinary pursuits of life, employments which in some nations tend most to promote general pros- perity, in others are found not to be adapted to their habits or circumstances. It will often occur also, in a country like ours, full of resources putting forth its strength in every variety of form, where under favorable auspices, any individual with common skill and 4 THE IMPORTANCE OF prudence, if he but throws himself upon the cur- rent, will be sure of being borne on to prosperous results, that those pursuits which can be turned to the quickest account in building up fortunes, are followed to an unreasonable extent, and that the result, under a change of circumstances, is frequent distress and disappointment. The avidity with which the Spanish adventur- ers rushed into the pursuit of the glittering trea- sures of South America, absorbed all inclination to cultivate those practical arts, upon which ex- perience shows, that the prosperity of a nation mainly depends ; and its operation was to weaken and undermine the very' foundations of the strength and glory of the Spanish monarchy. A prevalent desire among a people to gather riches too fast, and to swell their fortunes under the influence of a feverish excitement, by means ill adapted to employ all the powers whose exer- cise contributes to ultimate and permanent good, is frequently cherished by an ignorance of the true principles of a wise political economy. We should not think it strange even in our own coun- try, where so much has been done, and is now being done, to ascertain the mutual connexion and dependence of the arts of life, and their bearing on general interests. We should not think it strange if the importance of some of the humbler THE FISHERIES. 5 and less attractive pursuits should be overlooked or undervalued. It is for these reasons, that we have been in- duced to comply with a request to offer some remarks on the history, nature, extent and im- portance of the Fisheries. In the language of an early historian of Vir- ginia,* " therefore, honorable and worthy coun- trymen, let not the meanness of the word fish distaste you, for it will afford as good gold as the mines of Guiana or Potosi, with less hazard and charge, and more certainty and facility." Sir Henry Wotton remarked of fishing, that it was " a rest to the mind, a cheerer of his spirits, a diverter of sadness, a calmer of unquiet thoughts, a moderator of passions, a procurer of contentedness ; and that it begat habits of peace and patience." " The Romans, in the height of their glory," says the celebrated Walton, " made fish the mis- tress of all their entertainments," of which the value and importance are confirmed not only by their historians, but by their essayists and bards. It is not for us, however, to speak of the de- licious entertainments which may be provided from the treasures of the deep ; we shall remark * Smith. 6 THE IMPORTANCE OF on them with the more useful design of fostering the fisheries as a branch of industry, as wise economy for a state or nation like our own. The first knowledge we have of the fisheries on the American coasts, was in the year 1504, when vessels from Biscay, Bretagne and Normandy, were employed in the cod fishery, on the coasts of Newfoundland. In 1517, the French, Spanish and Portuguese had vessels engaged in this fish- ery. England had then one ship employed in this lucrative trade. Prince was in error when he dated the commencement of the English fishing trade in 1560, because in 1548, an act was passed by Parliament, prohibiting the admirals and others from making exactions in money or fish, from English fishermen, going on the service of fishing at Newfoundland. This was the first act of par- liament which had any relation to this country ; and it indicates the sagacity of the English states- men, in protecting a trade which has ever since been of great value to their nation. In 1578, England employed fifteen vessels in the trade, France one hundred and fifty, Spain one hundred, and Portugal fifty. In 1615, the num- ber of British vessels had increased to two hun- dred and fifty, and those of other nations to four hundred. It is an interesting fact to us, that had it not THE FISHERIES. 7 been for the treasures of the sea, the pilgrim fa- thers of New England would have probably perished by famine. The pious Brewster and his associates lived for months almost entirely upon fish, and his daily thanks were given, that he and his associates could " suck of the abundance of the seas, and of the treasures hid in the sands." The infant colony of Plymouth was nourished into strength and power by the trade of fishing. It was, for a long series of years, one of the princi- pal sources from whence they derived sustenance for themselves, and articles of traffic, in exchange for which they obtained commodities necessary for their comfort and protection. It is due to that noble race of natives, who were afterwards almost entirely swept from New England by pestilence and war, here to state, that to them were our fa- thers indebted for their first knowledge of the man- ner of taking fish, as well as of the rudiments of Indian agriculture. It is a singular and an interesting fact, that our beautiful system of free schools took its rise in Plymouth Colony, from the fisheries. The sub- ject was commenced in 1663, in the Colony Court, by the following proposition : "It is proposed by the court unto the several townships in this juris- diction, as a thing that they ought to take into se- rious consideration, that some course may be taken 8 THE IMPORTANCE OF in every town, that there may be a school-master set up to train up children to reading and writing." In 1670, " the court did freely give and grant all such profits as might or should accrue annually to the colony, for fishing with nets or seines, at Cape Cod, for mackerel, bass or herring, to be improv- ed for and towards a free school, in some town of this jurisdiction, for the training up of youth in literature for the good and benefit of posterity, provided a beginning be made within one year af- ter said grant, &c." This school was immediate- ly established at Plymouth, and was supported by the proceeds of the Cape fishery, until 1677, when they were distributed among several towns for the same purpose. After the union of Massa- chusetts with Plymouth, in 1692, this fishery be- came free.* Many of the towns in the colony of Massachu- setts began at an early date to cultivate their river fisheries. Wears w r ere erected upon the rivers in Watertown and Roxbury, as early as 1631. In 1641, we learn from Winthrop, that 300,000 dry fish were sent to market. The English commenced the whale fishery at a very early period. Before the American Revolu- tion, it had grown into an important branch of trade, then considered of great value to the na- * Deane's History of Scituate. THE FISHERIES. 9 tion ; yet the whole amount of tonnage employed did not equal that of the port of New Bedford at the present time. The enterprising Hollanders, however, surpassed the English in this trade, and during nine years preceding the year 1778, their ships bore to those of Great Britain the proportion of two to one. Previously to the American Revolution, the cod fishery of Massachusetts employed 28,000 tons of shipping, and four thousand seamen. The annual value of their industry and enterprise was about $1,000,000. In 1775, Great Britain deeming the various fish- eries of essential importance to the colonies, and like an unnatural parent, desirous of enforcing obedience by arbitrary and oppressive measures at the instigation of Lord North, passed the ob- noxious act, prohibiting the colonies the exercises of the right of fishery on the banks of Newfound- land. This unwise act of arbitrary power drew forth the powerful invectives of Fox and Burke, and sixteen peers regarded it with so much dis- pleasure as to enter their protest against the pas- sage of the bill. It was in a debate preceding the passage of the act, that in allusion to the enter- prise of the Americans in the whale fishery, the eloquent Burke said " While we follow them among the tumbling 10 THE IMPORTANCE OF mountains of ice, and behold them penetrating into the deepest frozen recesses of Hudson's and Davis's Straits, while we are looking for them be- neath the Arctic circle, we hear that they have pierced into the opposite region of polar cold, that they are at the Antipodes, and engaged under the frozen serpent of the south. Faulkland isl- and, which seemed too remote and romantic an object for the grasp of national ambition, is but a stage and resting place for their victorious indus- try. Nor is the equinoctial heat more discourag- ing to them, than the accumulated winter of both poles. We know that while some of them draw the line or strike the harpoon on the coast of Af- rica, others run the longitude, and pursue their gigantic game on the coast of Brazil. No sea, but what is vexed with their fisheries. Neither the perseverance of Holland, nor the activity of France, nor the dexterous and firm sagacity of English enterprise, have carried their most perilous mode of hardy industry to the extent to which it has been pursued by this recent people, who are still in the gristle, and not hardened into man- hood." The war of our independence, however, gave a new direction to the " victorious industry," which was carried to an extent which far surpassed " the sagacity of English enterprise," whether in the THE FISHERIES. 11 cabinet or the field. It was the spirit of men trained to such daring pursuits, accustomed to perilous undertakings, which, in the course of eight years, obtained from Great Britain a recog- nition " as a right " of that which had been with- held, at the commencement of that period, as a privilege, to be dispensed at the pleasure of par- liament. The restoration of peace revived the fisheries of this country. The state of Massachusetts, alive to its true interests, and desirous of strengthening this essential branch of national industry, made a representation to Congress in 1790, asking some encouragement in the form of bounty, on export- ed fish. This was granted, and a few years after- wards a bounty was allowed to vessels employed in the business for a given length of time. This gave a stimulus to the trade, and up to the period when restrictions were placed upon our commerce, it gradually increased in value and extent. ' In 1807, 71,000 tons of vessels were employed in the cod fishery alone, and the average value of exports from this country, of the productions of the sea for that and the four preceding years, was estimated at $3,000,000. From that time, until the close of the last war, all our fisheries dimin- ished. With the return of peace, they revived, and the very next year 68,000 tons of vessels, 12 THE IMPORTANCE OF employing 10,000 fishermen, were again upon the ocean, thus exhibiting the sagacity and prompt- ness with which the sons of New England avail themselves of such circumstances as affect individ- ual or public prosperity. This branch of the fisheries has been pursued since that period, with a success somewhat change- able, but within the few last years, apparently more sure and increasing. The enterprise with which our fisheries have been prosecuted has attracted the attention and excited the jealousy of our colonial neighbors. A late writer* upon the British dominions of North America, in remarking on their fisheries says, " By encouraging bounties to secure the adven- turer against the serious loss consequent upon an unsuccessful voyage, the number of vessels would soon be considerably increased, and this important branch of trade so effectually carried on by the hardy inhabitants, as to compete in some degree at least, if not rival, that of our American neigh- bors, who are now almost in the exclusive enjoy- ment of it, and carry on their enterprising fisheries at the very mouths of our bays and harbors." The inhabitants of the British dominions pos- sess very great facilities for the promotion of this * Bouchette. THE FISHERIES. 13 trade. They have a country filled with a heavy growth of the most valuable timber for the build- ing of vessels, and they derive no inconsiderable advantages from their proximity to the fishing grounds. They can, and frequently do, in some districts, carry on their fisheries in open boats of cheap construction, within a few miles from shore. The bounty allowed by our government to encourage the trade, being, in part, intended as a drawback for duties paid on imported salt, can scarcely be an adequate cause for the supe- rior success of our fisheries over those of the British, even on their own shores. The colonial fishermen derive a similar encouragement from the importation (free of duty) of the salt which they consume. The form in which they receive encouragement is different, but its effect is de- signed to be the same. The secret of the suc- cess of our fishermen lies in their greater activity and perseverance. A late English traveller in Nova Scotia, was surprised to find the bays swarm- ing with Marblehead boats, before the Nova Sco- tians had moved in the business. Burke acknowl- edged the superiority of the hardy fishermen of New England, more than half a century since, a superiority which they have ever since maintained, and will continue to maintain unless our govern- ment should withdraw the protection and reward 14 THE IMPORTANCE OF which now in some measure give a stimulus to in- creased exertion to extend this lucrative branch of our commercial pursuits. Another branch of our fisheries which has grown up within a few years is deserving consideration, as an object of great importance to the State and nation, viz : the Mackerel Fishery. This busi- nes was, as before stated, pursued to some extent in the early settlement of the country, but the whole annual profit of the fishery of Cape Cod, when its proceeds were appropriated for the sup- port of a free grammar school, was but from 30 to 40 annually. This fishery included Macker- el, bass, and herring. It appears from the histor- ical collections, that mackerel were first taken in any considerable quantities in seines by moonlight. This method is supposed to have been first adopt- ed by Mr Isaac Allerton and his associates, at Nantasket, as early as 1626.* Fishing by torch- light is common on the St Lawrence. The scene as witnessed from the banks of that broad and beautiful expanse of water, is described as almost of a fairy nature. The flashing of the lights upon * " 1671 John Prince and Nathaniel Bosworth, of Hull, petition the General Court of Plymouth for liberty to fish at Cape Cod for Mackerel, they having discovered a method of fishing with nets by moon-light." Thacher's History of Plymouth." THE FISHERIES. 15 its glassy surface spread out before the spectator, with its edges fringed by a dark mass of huge forest tress, sweeping to the very brink of the riv- er with the song of the voyager floating over the smooth and silent waters, may well fill the mind with delightful emotions. To show the superior success of our Mackerel fishery over that of Nova Scotia, it is merely ne- cessary to advert to a few facts in relation to the mode and circumstances under which the colonial fishery is carried on. In Nova Scotia, mackerel are taken by seining with great facility. The Sur- veyor General of Lower Canada states in his late interesting work, that 1000 barrels have been ta- ken in a seine at one draught. At the commence- ment of the season, the fisherman obtains permis- sion of the proprietor of the beach to erect his hut and occupy a certain space for his boats and nets, for which he pays, at the end of the season, a certain part of the fish taken. The fishery is usually held in shares, the owner of the boat and nets taking one part of the proceeds, and the fishermen the remainder. Some of the proprietors receive each 2000 barrels of mackerel annually for the use of their fishing grounds. Notwithstanding these facilities and advantages on the side of the Nova Scotians, the fishermen of New England have entered into the business with great spirit 16 THE IMPORTANCE OF and zeal ; and it bids fair to become one of our chief and most permanent sources of prosperity. So rapid has been the increase of the business, that the eagle-eyed friends of retrenchment can scarcely keep pace with its progress, in order to prune off any extravagant allowance which a pros- perous year of fishing might bring to the Inspector General. In 1803, Massachusetts passed a law providing for an inspection of fish. In the following year, the number of barrels of mackerel packed in Mas- sachusetts, was 8,079. The number gradually increased until 1808, when after a temporary de- clension, the business extended, and in 1811 the number of barrels packed was upwards of 19,000. The war almost entirely destroyed the business. In 1815 it revived, and the returns of the next year show that 16,000 barrels were packed. In 1820, the increase was so rapid that the number of barrels packed amounted to 236,243. This was before the separation of Maine. The number packed in Massachusetts the subsequent year, was 111,009, but in 1825 it was again increased to an amount exceeding that of the whole state at the time of the separation, and in 1831 there were packed in this State 348,750 barrels ; and the mere increase from the preceding year, amounted to a greater number than were packed in the sev- THE FISHERIES. 17 en years subsequent to the passage of the Inspec- tion law.* The number of vessels employed in 1831 did not fall much short of 400, and the num- ber of men employed probably exceeded 4000. If we include those who are employed in building the vessels, manufacturing the barrels, making or importing the salt, packing the fish, transporting them to market, and vending them, we can form some opinion of the extent of the advantages of this trade to the community. The probable value of the proceeds of the mackerel fishery for 1831, exceeded one million and a half of dollars. There is no doubt but the fisheries of Massachu- setts have derived great advantage from our In- spection laws. Whatever plausibility there may be in a specious theory, which is sometimes put forth and urged with much ingenuity and zeal, that these laws are a restriction upon trade, still there is no doubt as to their great practical benefit, both to purchaser and seller. The fishermen of Massachusetts have acquired for their produce a high character, under the operation of these laws, which commands for them regular prices and cer- tain sales. The public are protected, at the same time, from imposition in purchasing an article with * The returns for 1832 were not completed when this sketch was prepared. Owing to temporary causes, the te catch" falls much short of that of the preceding year. 18 THE IMPORTANCE OF which they are not familiarly acquainted, and which they would not purchase at all, were it not for the character stamped upon them by the laws of the State. It is true that the laws have in some instances been carelessly enforced, but they give a remedy to the injured it is true also, that there have been frequent attempts at vexatious and almost farcical legislation on this subject, which have been promptly rejected by the Legislature ; yet these attempts to interfere to an unnecessary extent, with the occupation and business of citizens, has sometimes created disgust against the laws, and rendered the whole system odious to many. The Whale fishery, at the present time, attracts unusual attention, both in Europe and America. It is a wild and romantic employment. It requires patience, perseverance, intrepidity it is full of interest and excitement. We are glad to kno\v that the object of the chase affords a rich reward to those who fear not a perpetual conflict with the elements, and continually grapple with danger in pursuing their game. " The congratulation and enjoyment resulting from victory, are scarcely to be equalled in any other human pursuit." We have noticed the early history of this fishery in our previous remarks. It is now rapidly increasing. The number of barrels of sperm oil which have* been imported into the Uni- THE FISHERIES. 19 ted States since the late war has not fallen short of 1 ,000,000 barrels. Nearly one third of the quanti- ty now imported, is consumed in manufacturing es- tablishments. The quantity of whale oil imported has been about the same as of sperm. The num- ber of ships employed in the whale fishery, the past year, was upwards of 300. The number of persons employed to navigate them exceeded 6000. It is well known, that these vessels are chief- ly owned, built and manned in Massachusetts. They are supposed to require to equip for sea, 6000 tons of iron hoops for casks, 18,000 bolts of sail cloth, 36,000 barrels of flour, 30,000 barrels of beef and pork, 6,000,000 staves for casks, besides numerous other expensive articles of equipment and provisions. They require annually about 700,000 pounds of sheathing copper.* It is a fact highly honorable to the enterprising men engaged in this hazardous, daring and roman- tic-employment, that they can compete so success- fully with those of other nations, while they encour- age their fishery by a protective duty and liberal bounties. The protective duty of Great Britain is nearly double our own. There is probably no branch of business more directly calculated, in all its ramifications, to enrich a state, than this. It gives employment to me- * Boston Courier. 20 THE IMPORTANCE OP chanics and artizans of almost every description wherever it extends itself, it scatters opulence. In peace, it is rearing up a hardy race of navigators, who with souls steeled by unremitted action al- most naturalized to the element on which they pursue their gigantic game accustomed to buffet the tempest and the storm on every ocean, will not hesitate-, in war, if it must come, to display the same daring intrepidity, the same recklessness of danger, the same. love of country and of home, in defending their dearest rights. It would be gratifying to sketch, in detail, the animating scenes which are presented in this employment, to por- tray the exciting contests by man for the mastery over the monsters of the deep and to describe the skill and ingenuity by which victory is obtain- ed but the limits which we have prescribed to ourselves will not permit us to continue the sub- ject further. The remaining fisheries of the Commonwealth, as subjects of general interest, are in a great mea- sure losing, and in some instances have lost their importance. The beautiful salmon, which Isaac Walton accounted the king offish, is a rare visitor to our waters, although we find them occasionally exhibited by those who cater for the public taste. The statutes in relation to our interior fisheries, including those of the Colonies of Massachusetts THE FISHERIES. 21 and Plymouth, contain many provisions as singular as they are absurd. In the almost endless variety of detail, however, certain general principles have been settled in a manner to prevent angry and unprofitable litigation. In relation to our sea-coast fisheries, the statutes and general principles are highly important, and new acts of legislation should be adopted with great caution. Our citizens would regard with extreme sensitiveness any enactments which might tend to abridge, under the appearance of enlarg- ing their privileges. Whatever may be the right, our hardy and enterprising fishermen, for the sake of an exclusive privilege of fishing on our own shores, would scarcely wish to abstain from carrying their successful industry into the mouths of the bays and harbors of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. In relation to the general subject, however,' it must be apparent, that the fisheries of this Com- monwealth are of vital importance to its interests. There are many views of it, showing the depend- ance of other branches of manufactures and trade on them, which cannot now be presented. The direct advantages are numerous. Taking into consideration the amount of capital invested in them, they ^ield a fair income which is divided among a large number of persons, contributing to 22 THE IMPORTANCE OF the support of no inconsiderable portion of our population, who but for this employment, might be left in destitute circumstances. Perhaps no trade no pursuit with the same amount of cap- ital, employs so large number of our citizens, and gives more encouraging impulses to enterprise and exertion. The employment is not unfriendly to the morals of those who engage in it. It has been remarked, that every person on board a fish- ing vessel, has an interest in common with his as- sociates. Their reward depends upon their indus- try and enterprise. Much caution is observed in the selection of crews of fishing vessels, and it often happens, that every individual is connected, by blood and the strongest ties of friendship. They are remarkable for their sobriety and good con- duct, and they rank with the most skilful naviga- tors. The celebrated Talleyrand, in speaking of our fishermen, said, " Excepting the whalers, fishing is an idle employment, requiring neither courage nor skill ; the fishermen do not venture more than two leagues from the coast, the fisheries do not fur- nish a nursery for seamen, they have no attach- ment to their homes, they are cosmopolites, and a few codfish more or less determine their country." These remarks only show how ignorant a learned man may be of facts which fall under the observa- THE FISHERIES. 23 tion of all who have any curiosity to examine the subject. Bouchette says, " The daring enterprise of the fisherman is known on this side the ocean, as well as the other it would be idle to dwell upon the boldness, the activity, the extreme collectedness and presence of mind, that characterize that class of navigators, who apparently naturalized to the elements, buffet the heavy swell of the Atlantic, in their frail fishing smacks and vessels, and seem to laugh the ocean storms to scorn." It might be enough to quote one foreign writer against another, to show the absurdity of the alle- gations of the French diplomatist but who that has seen upon the shores of New England, beau- tiful villages springing up under no operating cause but the " silver drawn from the sea," filled with seminaries for learning and temples for the worship of God abounding with all the means for social improvement and intellectual culture the wharves laden with the rich productions of the ocean the harbor whitened by the canvas of the enterprising fishermen, and does not know that the declarations of Talleyrand are the very reverse of the truth ! Who does not know, that when war swept the barque of the fisherman from the ocean, that he was among the foremost to enrol his name under the flag of his country and gallant- 24 THE IMPORTANCE OF ly to stake his life upon a contest for what he con- ceived duty to that country required ? Who does not know, that the fishermen of New England, under a Tucker, (himself a fisherman), and a Hull, performed for their country the most brilliant achievements, and displayed at the same time, all the noble qualities of the citizen and the patriot ? Massachusetts, with her intelligent population, her advances in manufactures and the arts, her enterprising commerce and flourishing fisheries, contains within herself, all the elements of strength and power. A minute examination of the mutual bearing of all these interests, will show how im- portant it is, that each should be sustained by the protection of the others. The inhabitants of the sea-board will exchange with those of the interior, the products of the ocean and foreign climes, for those of our native soil, with mutual advantage and profit. The interior will naturally seek channels for the conveyance of its surplus productions to the sea-board, for the purposes of exchange, and thus private interests, if not public sentiment, will in obedience to the dictates of a wise and prudent policy, open avenues which will at the same time develope the resources of the State bind together the various local interests and quicken the cir- culation of intelligence and good feelings. Small though she is in territory, what State. THE FISHERIES. 25 more than Massachusetts, possesses within herself all that constitutes the moral and physical strength of a Commonwealth ? Where is industry more manfully displayed and better rewarded ? We think no where on the face of the earth. It is for us then to examine all the capacities of our ancient Commonwealth to study well all her interests, to procure for them all the protection of good laws, to overlook none of her important, nor in- considerable branches of industry, and above all, to take good precaution to observe the principles and to obey the precepts of that noble generation of men, who appropriated the proceeds of the Cape Cod fishery to found our beautiful system of free schools.* * Some of the uses to which the productions of the sea may be applied, and which are not adverted to in the preceding sketch, appear by the following extract from the Barnstablo Journal, of Feb. 7, 1833. " FEEDING CATTLE ON FISH. The cattle at Province- town feed upon fish with apparently as good relish as upon the best kinds ot fodder. It is said that some cows, kept there several years, will, when grain and fish are placed before them^at the same time, prefer the latter, eating the whole of the fish before they touch the grain. Like one of old, we were rather incredulous on this subject, till we had the evi- dence of ocular demonstration. We have seen the cows at that place boldly enter the surf, in pursuit of the offals thrown from the fish boats on the shore, and when obtained, masticate and swallow every part except the hardest bones. A Pro- 26 THE IMPORTANCE OF THE FISHERIES. vincetown cow will dissect the head of a cod with wonderful celerity. She places one foot upon a part of it, and with her teeth tears off the skin and gristly parts, and in a few mo- ments nothing is left but the bones. The inhabitants of Provincetown are not the only people who feed their cattle upon fish. The nations of the Coroman- del coast, as well as in the other parts of the East, practise feeding their flocks and herds with fish. The celebrated tra- veller, Ibn Batuta, who visited Zafar, the most easterly city in Yemen, in the early part of the fourteenth century, says that the inhabitants of that city carried on a great trade in horses in India, and at that period fed their flocks and herds with fish, a practice which he says, he had no where else ob- served. [NoTE. The preceding article has been obligingly furnish- ed by SOLOMON LINCOLN, Esq. of Hingham, whose indus- try and research entitles him to our warmest thanks.] ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY FISHES THE naturalist, by his observations on the phe- nomena of life, is irresistibly led to the conclusion, that a progressive advancement towards the per- fect organization of man, is discoverable in the whole chain of inferior existences. As it respects the time and order of the crea- tion of animals, we are expressly informed, in the book of Genesis, that on the fifth day after the creation of the world, " God said, ' let the waters bring forth abundantly, the moving creatures that hath life, &c. J j: Moreover, the sacred chronicle further says, that " God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the wa- ters brought forth abundantly after their kind." Man was created on the sixth and the seventh was the first Sabbath a day of rest. 28 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY It is therefore implied, that man, being the last in the series of organized beings, surpassed all that had preceded him in the perfection of his organs, the elements of which were displayed in a graduated scale of animal mechanism. There is a beautiful simplicity discoverable in the structure of purely aquatic beings, that strengthens the declaration of the sacred historian, that they were the first that were endowed with life ; and the accurate anatomist discovers, that the machinery of organic life, commencing with the single heart of fishes, becomes more and more complex, as species advance towards the animal perfectability of man.* In ICHTHYOLOGY, as in all other departments of natural history, it was found necessary to establish an orderly course of examination, in order to as- certain the true characters of the almost endless varieties of animals, which inhabit the ocean and its tributary streams. It was discovered in the earliest ages, in relation to the study of ichthyolo- * A certain literary gentleman, in a romantic work on the Deluge, supposes that in the old world, the atmospheric temperature was much greater, than in this modern affair, in which we live, and consequently terrestrial animals had such an exaltation of the passions, that they were destroyed for their crimes ; but fishes, residing in a cooler element, were so much hetter in their conduct, that they were exempted from the otherwise terrible destruction of the primitive world. ' --; OP PISHES. 29 gy, that nature had pursued an undeviating plan, with regard to the shape of the body and the po- sition of the limbs of all such animals as were designed to exist in water. A further discovery in connexion with this, that there was a peculiari- ty in the structure of the gills of fishes, fitting them for different localities, led the way to- wards a systematic arrangement. To Linnaeus, Artedi, Shaw, and lastly, the lamented Cuvier, who improved upon their labors, modern science is indebted for our limited knowledge of this inter- esting pursuit. Fishes are naturally divided into two great fam- ilies, viz : the spinous and the cartilaginous. In the first division, are included all that have a skel- eton of bones, resembling, in some measure, the compact frame-work of land animals. They have articulations approaching, in structure, the joints of quadrupeds, and there is, moreover, a firmness of body, in consequence of the peculiar arrange- ment of the asseous textures, and the shortness of the muscles, indicating their peaceable disposition ; in fine, the spinous fishes have not that organiza- tion which presupposes extraordinary speed. On the other hand, cartilaginous fishes are so constructed, that they can be distorted with impu- nity. Their bones possess both elasticity and flexibility. Their swallows (esophagus) as well 30 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY as digestive organs, are capable of supporting a surprising distention, without subjecting the indi- vidual to even a temporary inconvenience. In the act of gorging their food, the jaws are thrown so far apart, that with the organization of the spinous fishes, the capsular ligaments would be torn from the bones, and the blood-vessels rent from their connexion with the heart. Such, indeed, is the gristly elasticity of the skeleton of this second natural division, that the bones are separated as often as the stomach is called into vigorous action, and resume their places again, without injuring, or in fact, disturbing the functions of the vital or- gans.* These grand divisions are analogous to the two great classes of land animals, the one of which is carnivorous, and the other is sustained by the ve- getable productions of the earth. Spinous fishes may be compared, in general character, to the graminivorous quadrupeds, being timid, not uni- versally provided with weapons of defence, and possessing, to a certain extent, social habits, and are therefore rarely found alone. But the cartila- ginous, like the carnivorous animals, are exceed- ingly voracious ; they pursue their living ali- * The jaws of serpents are separated in a similar manner, in swallowing food. The distortion of the Boa Constrictor, in the act of gorging, is truly horrible. OP FISHES. 31 ment with untiring speed, and devour their help- less victims, when practicable, at a single mouth- ful. It will be perceived, therefore, that this remark- able difference in organization, adapts these two families, to that peculiar condition of things, exist- ing in the element in which they were designed to live. " Eat or be eaten" is the only law known to the inhabitants of the ocean. Each individual, therefore, under the instinctive influence of that immutable ordinance, feeds luxuriously on its nearest neighbor ; and, at last, from the insecurity of its home, is preyed upon in its turn. Another law, no less important and interesting in its operation, explains that prolific attribute, which is characteristic of this race of beings. Sus- tained on food already animalized, its rapid assim- ilation soon perfects the growth ; and were it not for incessant slaughter throughout the seas, the ocean could not contain its own. The putrid ex- halations of the floating dead, if this eternal war- fare for food were suspended, would corrupt the atmosphere of the whole globe, and all life would inevitably be sacrificed to the over-peopling of the world of waters.* * Most fishes seem to give a preference to living food: it is only under the influence of extreme hunger, that they are 32 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Before commencing a particular description of the fishes, peculiar to the sea-board and interior of this Commonwealth, which is the ultimate object of this essay, it may, perhaps, contribute towards the advancement of such as are desirous of under- standing some of the first principles of the science of ichthyology, to make the following preliminary observations on the anatomy of this great and truly diversified tribe of animals. Avoiding all the jargon of technical language, a plain and con- cise description of the most prominent physical characteristics, is all that is contemplated. willing to feed on putrid aliment. In this respect, they re- semble the frogs, toads, serpents, and indeed, several families of reptiles, that would starve, before they would voluntarily swallow animal matter in a state of decomposition or, in- deed, deprived of motion. Frogs and serpents, as far as the writer's observation extends, never dart upon insects or other reptiles, unless they first perceive that they possess some power of motion. The toad, whose biography is given in some of the books on natural history, in consequence of the loss of one eye, was not only unable to strike the object regularly, when it darted its tongue, as in former times, but it was also deceived in the character of the object. At any 'rate, the poor toad became melancholy, took less exercise than formerly and, if the above account is true, which there ie no reason to doubt, took less food too, and being sick of the world, finally died of a broken heart ! This is a fair specimen of a very clever gentleman's sympathy for the inferior animals, which was ex- ceedingly excited by his researches in natural history. OF FISHES. 33 BONES AND ARTICULATIONS. The skulls of fishes, more particularly the por- tion including the brain, is the only compact part of the skeleton. Bones without number seem to penetrate the muscles, floating at one extremity like the ribs of an umbrella. Next to the head, the spine presents regularity and comparative so- lidity. Joints, necessarily, are numerous, but dif- fer essentially in structure from land animals. SKELETON OF AN OSSEUS FISH. Although serpents have spinal articulations, so flexible that they can be tied into knots, without injury to the spinal marrow, they do not possess that freedom of motion which is so peculiar and common to joints in the back-bone of fishes. Each vertebra, entering into the composition of the spine, instead of being locked into the next, by hook-like processes of the bone, is excavated at each end. Thus, when two are brought in 3 34 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY contact, there will be an oval or spherical space between them, as the case may be, depending on the kind of motion required at any particular place. In this cavity is placed a strong sac, con- taining a gelatinous fluid ; the bones move round it, like a surveyor's compass with the ball and socket joint. The sac is more or less convex, according to the necessary mobility of the section where it may be found. Near the tail, the organ of locomotion in propelling the body forward, they are nearly globular. Towards the chest and head, where less motion is requisite, the sacks assume the appearance of slightly convex lenses. Being incompressible, though yielding, and remarkably, withal, confined to their places by strong elastic ligaments, both symmetry and power are beautifully and effectual- ly combined.* * Between the joints of the spinal column of quadrupeds, as well as man, there are pieces of what the books term in- tervertebral substance, resembling in shape a common sun- glass, but thicker in the centre. If it were not for the inter- vention of this elastic stuff between every two bones of the spine, which is built up of twenty-four bones, every time we take a step, the meeting of the foot with the ground would produce such a jar in the body, as to destroy the action of many vessels, and perhaps break down the brain. Construct- ed as it is, there is no jerk felt in the system the weight of the body is transmitted so easily, from bone to bone, through these twenty-four cushions, that no sensation whatever is OF FISHES. 35 MUSCLES; That prodigious mass of flesh enveloping the bones, is regularly destributed in a way that is both conducive to the protection of the vital ap- paratus, and to the best mode of exerting muscu- lar power. Like the cordage of a ship, every A DISSECTION OF THE MUSCLES OF THE JAWS, AND THE FIRST TISSUE OF MUSCULAR FIBRES. UNDER THE SKIN. felt. The fact of this intervertebral substance being elastic, has been taken advantage of by soldiers, who have often en- listed themselves under a recruiting officer at night, when, after being on their feet all day, the weight of the body, by pressing down the intervertebral pieces, had made them shorter. Thus, the next morning, after lying in a recum- bent posture, the pieces recover their former thickness, and the individual is an inch or more taller than the night be- fore, when his height was measured. There is scarcely a person that is not an inch taller in the morrrng than at night, provided he has been exercising much on his feet, -through the day. In old age, this substance looses its elasticity, and hence aged people become crooked and unsteady in walking. In fishes and serpents, no such change is ever effected by age. 36 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY rope has its appropriate place ; but, owing to the little obliquity of their direction, the muscles act to very great disadvantage. If the bones were provided with long projecting processes, as in the bones of land animals, they would have retarded the motion of the fish through the water ; it was necessary, therefore, in the economy of their na- tures, to sacrifice the mechanical advantage of nu- merous levers, that facility might be afforded to their easy movement in their destined element. Those muscles which control the fins and jaws, are short, well developed and strong in contraction : those on the sides, take a winding direction, and consequently cannot act in producing short curves. The object to be attained, in this conformation, was ample security of the viscera, with a sub- stance that would give power to exert power. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. A single heart, an organ containing only two cavities, instead -of four, as in mammalia ; circu- lating cold blood, which in terrestrial animals is warm, gives additional interest to the natural his^ tory of the beings under consideration ; in them, the heart does not propel the vital fluid through the system, which presents another extraordi- nary circumstance in their organization. The OF FISHES. 37 SCHEME OF THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD IN FISHES A A. The gills, 'the fringes of which are the extreme terminations of arteries. B. The ventricle of the heart, or forcing pump, which drives the blood into a single artery, that soon divides into two principal branches, carrying the blood equally to the gills, on each side of the head. C. The oracle of the heart, or receiving organ, into which the veins empty the blood which has been the round of cir- culation. This contracts, and throws its contents into the ventricle, and that, again, forces it onward into the gills. D. The main artery of the heart, or branchial artery, anal- ogous to the pulmonary artery of breathing animals. E. Refers to the branchial veins, which carry the blood that has been exposed to the action of the water, in the gills, back into the bod 3^, and pours it into the great tube lying un- der the back-bone. F. This is the vessel into which all the renewed blood is emptied which is an artery, acting like the left side of the heart in warm blooded animals ; when it contracts, or pulsates, it throws its contents through all the small vessels that branch from it, into and over every portion of the body. heart exerts its muscular force in throwing gru- mous blood, which has been the round of circula- tion, to the gills, and no further. From these, it 38 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY is collected by numerous vessels, which ultimately unite in one single artery, coursing its way down the body, under the protection of the vertebral column. This, unlike the vascular apparatus of any species of warm-blooded creatures, takes up- on itself the action of a heart, propelling the blood, by successive pulsations, to the remotest parts of the body. It is almost unnecessary to remark, that animals breathing air, have a double heart; indeed man, and not only man, but all animals that breathe at- mospheric air, have two hearts, but for the sake of economising the room for the purpose of packing the parts to the best advantage, the two are united ; hence they occupy less space than would otherwise be the case, were they placed at different parts of the body. One heart throws all the blood, which has once been the round of circula- tion, into the lungs ; here its office ceases. The blood is collected from the lungs, where the first heart left it, and gradually poured into the other, or left heart, which forces the blood through every artery in the body. Both hearts are forcing pumps, and both have valves. The much ad- mired invention of the ship-pump, with three valves, is only an imitation, and a poor one too, of the semilunar valves of the pulmonary artery. Reptiles and fishes, having only one heart, the OF FISHES. 39 heart of the gills, which is equivalent to the heart of the lungs, in mammalia, are cold-blooded ani- mals. On the contrary, those having two hearts, are warm-blooded animals. A whale has no gills, but lungs, and consequently breathes air, and therefore, necessarily has a double heart. Since it has lungs, and a double heart, it also necessari- ly, has warm blood ; and therefore, a whale, as Dr Mitchell rightly declared, is not a fish. And why ? because the fish is without lungs, has but a single heart, and cannot breathe air alone, or wa- ter alone, but a mixture of both. GILLS. In the economy of fishes, the gills fulfill the of- fice of lungs ; they are so constructed, that there is a free exposure, in their fringes, of ,the impure venous blood, to the direct action of the water. Deprive the water of its air, by an air-pump, and it will no longer sustain aquatic life. The simple act of soaking the fimbriae of the gills, in this fluid, is not sufficient ; it is necessary to have the water forcibly driven through them by an ac- tion of the jaws. If the operculum, or gill cover, be confined and closed with a ligature, suffocation takes place im- 40 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY mediately. On the other hand, if the gills are forcibly kept open, so that no reaction can be ef- fected upon the column of water on which the mouth is exerting a pressure, death will also ensue. Most of the lizards possess lungs, which are long cylinders, extending through the whole ex- tent of the body, but if their mouths be propped open, they will assuredly die for want of air, in a "little time, as they necessarily breathe through their nostrils. The frog respires precise- ly in the same way drawing the mouth full of air, and when the pouch under the lower jaw is thrust out with it, the reptile forces it into its lungs, through a slit at the root of the tongue, which is the glottis. Thus, the mouth of the frog, toad, and all the lizards, is a bellows, to force the air into the lungs. Breathing with them, is an act of volition. This explanation will account to the young reader, for the broad, flat heads of this class of reptiles ; in this respect, there is a curious analogy between them and the action of the jaws of fishes. The one is a forcing pump, as in the fish, for forcing the water suddenly through the fringes of the gills, and the other, a bellows for driving the atmospheric air into the long slender lungs. The muscular force of the sides and abdomen, soon presses it out again. OF FISHES. 41 DIGESTIVE APPARATUS. No contrivance could be more simple, and at the same time more complete, than their digestive apparatus ; the stomach varies in anatomical struc- ture, according to the nature of the substances on which the species are to subsist. Possessing but STOMACH OF THE SALMON. slight muscularity, the gastric juice, which is 'se- creted in rapid abundance, soon dissolves the bones and tissues of smaller animals, and converts them into that condition, which fits them for being assimilated to a living system.* * Instances are without number, which might be cited, il- lustrative of the active power of the gastric fluid of fishes. Very recently, a master of a vessel informed the writer, that he caught a shark, which the day before had bitten one of his men in two, who was bathing, along-side, but there was nothing remaining in the stomach, but the tibia, some of the bones of one foot, and the metallic eyes of some buttons. 42 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY AIR BLADDER. Only such fishes as swim with facility, rising and falling, as circumstances require, possess this cu- rious and extraordinary organ. Flounders, and indeed all the flat fish, together with many of the eels, are without it ; therefore, as scavengers of the ocean, they generally remain at the bottom. In common parlance, this air sac is called the sound. These diagrams are representations of the different forms which the sound or swimming bladders have, in different families of fishes. The short threads at the extremities, are ES. BY close examination, it will be observed that the perches, says a writer to whom we are indebt- ed for the discovery, have the dorsal and anal fin slightly scaled, and supported, anteriorly, by sharp spines, the foremost Being sohietimes follded back and concealed in the scales and dorsal furrow. The body is covered with scales, which are gene- rally large in proportion to the magnitude of the fish ; the intestines are large and provided with coacums, but the swimming bladder is disconnect- ed with the stomach by air ducts. The sparoi- des have one dorsal fin running the entire length of the back, but the perseques have two, or rather there is a tolerably well marked division between the spinous and adipose portions of the organ. GEN. SCORPJENA. MAJOR-DEVIL, YELLOW SCULPIN, Scorpa- na Porous, [Lin. vel,flava.] Whether this out- rageously ugly fish gets the name of major-devil because it presents a more horrible aspect than the cottus family, it is not important to inquire. Linnaeus, in this genus, included fish with tuber- culated or spinous heads, pendant cirri, and other cranial accompaniments, conducing to a truly hor- rible appearance. SCORP^ENA. 265 The specimen before us is not far from fifteen inches long, thick through the head and shoul- ders ; gills enormous, gape of the mouth wide, lips tendon-like, fins broad and stiff, and the body of a dirty yellowish complexion, having the appear- ance of being partially coated with patches of short moss. Shaw gives a vivid description of the scorpaena horrida, a native of the Indian Seas, which is so absolutely forbidding, as to realize to the eye all that the most vivid imagination considers horrible. At times we are inclined to believe the one be- fore us a variety of that, species. The margin of the lips are fringed with scolloped, membranous ribbons, hanging down and floating like oak-leaves, so that it would seem difficult to swallow, with- out drawing them into- the mouth. We cannot explain their use, yet it is certain they subserve some important purpose: The head is large, cov- ered with tubercles,, broad bumps and depress^ ions. In the dorsal fin are twentynine rays ; the first sixteen are stiff,, but the remainder are of the character that would place the fish among the per- seques. There are twenty rays in the caudal, fif* teen in the anal, and three in the ventral fins ; the gill membrane has seven rays. When the mouth is open, and put upon the stretch, as noticeable when "266 PfiRCOIDES. the scorpaena is first drawn from the water, the top of the aesophagus may be distinctly observed ; the gills are bloated, the fins spread, and the writh- ing of its body, and snapping of its jaws, to- gether with the singular appearance of its wrinkled, loose skin, apparently much too large for the body, actually shock the spectator. There are infinitely more marvellous animal for- mations in the ocean than on the land ; in some instances the departure from the ordinary laws of symmetry is exceedingly striking. In this case, we involuntarily associate the idea of hor- rible propensities^ and actually excite a tremor of nervous disgust, by the mere power of imagina- tion. Scorpcena Scrofa, having cirri under the eyes, and dangling from the lateral line, are some- times taken in fishing in very deep water. All the specimens we have seen prove conclusively that they plough through the mud in search of shells, cuttle-fish, sea-eggs, as they are called, and the like kinds of food, and it is not improbable, that the leaves which float about the body so con- ceal it, that the appearance is that of a roll of weeds, thus enabling the scorpaena more cer- tainly and effectually to steal upon its prey. MUGIL 267 Scorpana Gibbosa, another, by no means a distant relation of the family, with forked spines and broad pectoral fins, is also taken under sim- ilar circumstances. It would seem that they lurk about the feeding places of other more active spe- cies ; and it is quite probable, that they are suc- cessful in seizing the cod, the gape of the mouth, even in those often inches, being large enough to receive the entire head of a good sized one. They could not swallow a morsel so large, but by killing the fish they might afterwards feed upon the car- case leisurely, in the dark regions where they are unquestionably organised to thrive. by renewed efforts, the pumps were found to suck. Every person on board was astonished, nor could they account for the very sudden check given to the great force with which the water had entered but a moment before. A few days after brought them into port, where, on examination, a large hole was found beaten through the plank, in which was a live fish, exactly filling the orifice, and this saved the ship. It was supposed that the fish was sucked in by the water, rushing into the hull, and being too large to pass through, and unable to extricate itself, there remained till liberated by its grateful benefactors. URANOSCOPUS. 285 loose and shrivelled. At the corners of the mouth are threads, and small cirri or tendrils hanging from the tip of the under lip. It is destitute of a swimming bladder, and therefore must be confined to the mud, where we imagine it passes the time in snatching the smaller fishes that happen to, come within reach of its dilatable mouth. We have only one specimen, taken in deep water, in fishing for cod. WEB-FINGERED GURNARD, Trigla Palmi- pes. Dr Mitchell found also the sea-robin, (line- ata,) at New York, but we have never detected it in Massachusetts. There are fleshy filaments attached to the skin, just under the lower fissure of the gills, before the pectoral fins, which have given it the name. At their extremities they are like the fine threads of a tassel. Over the head there is a coat of mail, quite rough. On the mid- dle plate of the operculum, there is a sharp bony spear, directed backward, and the posterior is notched like two saw teeth. On the walls of the chest are two broad shields of bone, also armed with thorns ; and from the eyes are two others, end- ing near the dorsal fin. A mottled olive is the pre- vailing color, but the abdomen is delicately white ; and interspersed here and there are spots of red. The pectoral fins almost equal those of the flying 286 PERCO1DES. fish, being stretched on long, hard rays, projecting beyond the inter-spinous membrane. The anal fin is of a dusky yellow. In the branchial mem- brane are six rays, in the pectoral fourteen, ven- tral six, dorsal nine and fourteen, anal sixteen, and caudal fifteen, rays. It is very ugly to the eye. GEN. COTTUS. This genus is characterised by a head thicker than the body, beset with occasional spines, gen- erally flattened horizontally ; the first dorsal fin spinous, and separated from the second, which is near the tail, and soft ; the pectoral fins are broad, large, strong, and powerfully, and sometimes dan- gerously exerted on the fishermen's hands. They are found in salt and fresh water, and live consid- erable time out of the water, in the shade. Those from the ocean are less tenacious of life than the others. If irritated, their heads appear to become enormously distended with air, which is drawn in by the gills. RIVER-BULLHEAD, Cottus Gobio. This fish is universally known all over New England, and we imagine, all over the continent, existing in all latitudes. The body is of a variable olive color, approaching a dark yellow, and on the back near- ly black. On each side of the head is a long c o T T u s . 287 sickle-shaped spine, sharp at the point, familiar to youth, who, in the interior, have great enjoyment in catching them. Some of them exceed a foot in length, but the average in New England, is not far from seven inches. One would hardly, at first, discover the difference between the pout, before mentioned, and the bullhead, though they are totally unlike. SEA-BULL, Coitus Quadricornus. This fish resembles the sculpin, but has the addition of four short spines, rooted in the cheeks, below the eyes, lying nearly flat to the face, and pointed backward. Both pectoral and dorsal fins are broad and large, and tinged with red. It is found along the whole coast, also in the Baltic and Mediterranean. It is also taken in the Duno in Livonia, and the Dal- erou, in Sweden. With us, the usual length is eight and ten inches. The ground-work of the color is yellow, patched over with red and dark brown spots, and it is called, familiarly in this part of the country, the four-horned sculpin. SCULPIN, Coitus Scorpius. In England this is the father-lasher, figured exceedingly well in the old works on icthyology. Sculpin is a familiar name for the family, derived, most likely, from scorpcena, or scorpius. The head is large, and 288 PERCOIDES. so are the fins ; stiff rayed, and the body marbled over with yellow and smoky patches, which, in reality, are beautiful. There are two spines on the gill cover, and two short ones, also, near the eyes. It never appears very active, but lies on the shoal bottom, and as the .tide ebbs and flows, seems to take advantage of it. THE SCUXPIN. The fins, when in that quiet state, are fully spread, and should a baited hook be passed within a few feet they leisurely swallow it down. They are the pest of saltwater fishermen. As food they are not esteemed. They abound in Europe, New- foundland and Greenland ; they are able to main- tain a long combat with a small shark by bristling up their spines. ARMED BULLHEAD, Coitus Cataphactus. Nei- ther does this differ so much from the others as not to be instantly recognised as a sculpin. If the BATRACHUS. 289 head is wanting in some of the spines and warty excrescences, so forbidding in them, it has a com- pensation in the development of horny bumps, like the crusts on a rhinoceros, and a dingy yellow skin, marbled much like the preceding. On inquiring of the aged fishermen to whom we showed the specimens, they were particularly fa- miliar with them under the names ofruper sculpin, horn sculpin, and toad sculpin. GEN. BATRACHUS. GRUNTING BULLHEAD, Batrachus Grunni- ens. Its name originated from the circumstance of its making a grunting noise as it comes out of the water, which is effected by the prodigious inflation of the gills and side muscles of the mouth, similar in office to the buccinators. The mouth is small, with minute, almost concealed teeth ; but in the fauces are large molar blocks, constituting a crush- ing mill, of a powerful order. A whitish color predominates, shaded by dark bands. in- the branchial membrane are seven rays ; sev- enteen in the pectoral fin, six in the ventral, seven in the anal, nineteen to twenty five in the caudal, and ten in the first, and twentyfour, ordinarily, in the second dorsal ; under the tip of the lip are cirri. About the length of the sculpin. 19 290 PERCOIDES, GEN. LOPHIUS. FROG-FISH, MOUSE-FISH, ANGLER, BEL- LOWS-HEAD, and SEA-DEVIL, Lophius Pis- catorius. We were fortunate in procuring a specimen of this monster, but it was subsequent- ly destroyed by vermin, in the process of dry- ing. It was taken near Cohasset rocks, on the tautog fishing ground, by a pleasure party from Boston. The head was enormously large, but the body slender and tapering, and four feet long. When the jaws were open it could re- ceive a morsel as large as a man's head. THE FROG FISH. Separately from the fins, it resembled a colos- sal tad-pole or pollywog. The skin was rough- ened by warty excrescences of a clayish blue color, and snug over the body, but loose over the head; the eyes were large and dull. Many threadswere projecting from, the sides and angles of the mouth, short and flexible, and at their ex- LOPHIUS. 291 tremities bulbous. There were two long rays be- hind the upper lip. In fact, the dorsal fin com- menced by another ray, somewhat solitary, seve- ral inches from the last, towards the tail. Only a few rays were given for the support of the two dor- sal fins, which appeared to have been torn ; indeed, it would not be difficult to make three distinct dor- sals. The pectoral had twentyfive deeply lodged rays, enveloped in a fleshy, reddish mass, like the meshes in the palm of a child's hand ; in the branchial were five on each side, at considerable distance, allowing the gill to be spread out like a dust-pan ; the caudal had eight ; the anal ten, and under the belly were loose, fleshy appendages, of a roseate color, covered by an elastic, gelatinous tissue, which are called flippers. Both lips, as well as the jaws, were stocked with sharp, conical teeth, of unequal length, and in the swallow were patches of another kind, but apparently thrown about without much regard to order. Where the body joined the head, although that measured over four feet in circumference, it did not much exceed the diameter of a man's arm. Old writers, to whom the fishing frog was known, assured their readers that the cirri were fishing lines, and the bulbous extremities were the baits, which nature had provided for its use in angling. BufFon, who relates some strange facts of this fish, 292 PERCOIDES. says it lies concealed in the weeds, allowing the lines to float above its head, which so much resemble a favorite species of marine worms, that the fishes being deceived by them, are successful- ly decoyed into the capacious vortex which is open to receive them. That the sturgeon practises a similar method seems generally admitted by naturalists. Pliny goes still farther by allowing the little fishes to " swallow the bait" when the concealed dragon draws them in by shortening the line. Dog-fish are mentioned by some writer, as their favorite food, which, by the way, we are right glad to hear, as they are the robbers and murderers that keep many species from visiting our shores. When the intestines are taken out and the shell of the head dried, it becomes diaphanous, in which con- dition boys put a candle inside, and make use of it as a scarecrow lantern. Perhaps in fishing six months another might not be caught, so that they may be considered as prone to concealment. From the nature of the organization of the viscera, it is certain they are destructively voracious; confined to deep,. dark, muddy bottoms, and never disposed to wander far from localities which yield a tolerable subsistence. SCOMBER. 293 FAMILY V. SCOMBEROIDES. The scales in this family are almost impercep- tible, on account of their smallness. Usually, the adipose portion of the dorsal and anal fins are thickened by the scales, anteriorly; the mem- brane of the rays behind is slender, and sometimes wanting in some genera. Cuvier divided the fam- ily into four tribes, characterised by the structure, rather than the position of the dorsal fins. CHUB-MACKEREL, Scomber Grex. This is the same fish called thimble-eyed and bull-eyed mackerel, to the south of Cape Cod ; to the north of that point of land, for some reason which we cannot explain, it rarely makes its appearance, though abounding at New York. By a round, gently tapering body, waving lateral line, a dark green color on the dorsal surface, and a va- riegated, changeable color on the sides, when firs caught, like feathers on a pigeon's breast, it may always be known. In the Literary Transactions before referred to, we find that in the years 1781 and 1813, all the bays, rivers, creeks and coves were crowded with this species, which has, since those memorable periods, been comparatively scarce. In the branchial membrane are five, pectoral 294 SCOMBEROIDES. nineteen, dorsal nine and twelve, anal thirteen, and caudal twentythree rays, though not invariably. Probably age adds to the strength, and in fact completes the growth of some of the soft rays. SPRING MACKEREL, Scomber Vernalls. We have long been in doubt about the existence of this fish, but on the whole, conclude that it really differs from the common mackerel. In the first place, it is truly beautiful, being elegantly propor- tioned, from ten to sixteen inches in length, and two and a half, or thereabouts, through the shoul- ders ; waving stripes of a rich blue, emerge from the dark color of the back and wind under the abdomen, where they are lost ; the interstices be- tween the bands are of a changeable red, mixed with green ; the caudal fin is forked, and spreads either way to the extent of more than three inch- es, supported on the outer edges by spines. - On the ventral fins, early in the spring, are cloud- ed blackish spots ; the eyes have a night or nicti- tating curtain, moved over the cornea it would seem, as in birds. We are not, however, precise- ly certain that this is the fact. Only a very few of these visit the shore further north than Salem ' and its neighborhood. There are six rays in (he branchial, seventeen in the pectoral, five in the ventral, ten or twelve in the dorsal, twelve in the SCOMBER. 295 anal, and from eighteen to twenty four in the cau- dal. YELLOW MACKEREL, Scomber Crysos. Only six inches in length, and two deep at the thick- est part ; said to be on the coast, though we have not procured a specimen, but taken in the bay of New York, and at Newport, &c. Rhode Island. HoRSErMACKEREL, Scomber Plumbeus. On the authority of the late Dr Mitchill, we no- tice the existence of this little fish, thirteen inches long, with a name that is associated with the idea of something large enough to swallow a horse. Not a single specimen could be procured last season, in the vicinity of Boston. SPANISH MACKEREL, Scomber Maculatus, so called by writers, and the banded-mackerel, scomber zonatus, are minutely described by Dr Mitchill, but after a tedious and satisfactory ex- amination, we are fully persuaded that the doctor was deceived by the soft rays and the accidental difference of color, at different seasons of the year, and that there are not so many varieties of the mackerel as he imagined. If at any subsequent period we change this opinion, in a future edition we shall certainly be honest in confessing it. 296 SCOMBEROIDES. MACKEREL, Scomber Scomber. This com- mon fish has a head compressed and smooth ; the body is also smooth ; the lateral line carinate ; has several spurious fins, oftentimes observed between the dorsal fin and caudal. Twenty two species are thought to be known to icthyologists, distinguished by having or not having spurious fins ; those which have the spurious, are divided into those having them distinct and those having them con- nected together. Three species are found near Massachusetts by the fishermen. Occasional stragglers are proba- bly taken, but are not recognised as such. The common mackerel of commerce is certain- ly one of the most beautiful fish in our waters, so familiar, that it is almost needless to describe its figure. It has, till very recently, been supposed that the mackerel was a migratory fish, retiring, towards winter, to the polar regions, where it pro- tected itself from the intense cold, by keeping under the vast mountains of ice. Lately, it has been as- serted, but on rather doubtful authority, that this fish remains on the coast through the year, imbed- ded during the severity of the winter, in the soft mud but a few leagues from the coast. The following subjoined letter to the author, from Capt. Couthouy, a highly intelligent navi- gator of Boston, not only on the subject of their SCOMBER. 297 migration, but on other controverted points among naturalists, will in some measure settle the point in question. Jit Sea passage from Cadiz to Boston, Jan. 1832. DR SMITH Dear Sir, Believing that any information, however hum- ble or limited, respecting the habits and peculiarities of fish- es, will, in consequence of your present occupation, possess some interest for you, and also mindful of the request you made last summer, I take the liberty of sending the few obser- vations I have been able to make this voyage. I regret that owing to the hurry of preparing for sea, I omitted informing you according to promise of the time of my sailing, in order to be furnished with large bottles, &c. for the preservation of specimens since, though I have taken a great number of fishes, the greater part have unluckily been lost for want of means of preservation. I have, however, saved the following, two species of remo- rse ; one of the pipe or file fish ; a fine specimen of the mo- noceros, one of the largest I ever saw; and a very singular worm. Of the remorae, the common or black one was taken from a large shark we -caught, to which it adhered for some time after he was on deck. The striped one was attach- ed to the monoceros, and is, I think, the male, as the black one is the female, of the species ; the stripes, which the liquor has turned nearly white, were then of a brilliant yellow, the body of an uniform dark ash color. At the same time there was one adhering to the heel of the rudder, of similar appear- ance, but near five feet in length ; he remained there several days, although the vessel was sailing at the rate of six to sev- en miles the whole time ; but all attempts to capture him proved fruitless. The pipe fish appears to be a variety of the species brought you last summer, the most remarkable circumstance relating 298 SCOMBEROIDES. to it, is its having been taken in a small pond of fresh water, fifty miles from sea, and where no salt water ever came. I imagine it was transported thither by some sea-fowl, which swallowed it while in the ovum, and subsequently deposited it in this pond. The monoceros was taken with a bucket, at a time when a number of large sharks were around us ; it is a very stupid fish, suffering itself to be knocked several times with the bucket, without attempting to remove ; the sharks also frequently rubbed against it, but it paid no attention to them. The worm is the first of the kind, I have ever met with ; it was found in a living state, in the maw of a flying fish which came on board, but whether it was taken for food, or preyed upon the fish itself, I could not determine. At the time the monoceros was taken, as above mentioned, there were great numbers of dolphin swimming among the sharks with perfect familiarity ; and although the latter were so ravenous that we took five of them from seven to twelve feet long, they did not manifest the slightest disposition to molest the dol- phins; a circumstance which confirms me in the belief I had long entertained, that the stories of sharks catching dolphins were merely fabulous. The shark holds about the same position among fishes, as the vulture among birds excessively greedy, but seldom at- tacking any thing but carrion. Another reason for this belief is the difficulty of a shark's seizing any object above him, in consequence of the upper jaw projecting so far beyond the lower ; a conformation which obliges him to turn over, in or- der to secure his prey. Any fish, during this act, could make its escape with ease. Man does so with less readiness, be- cause, being out of his element, he cannot manage himself with so much facility. I would here mention that one of the sharks was entirely different from any which have before come under my observation, and might be called a most beautiful fish, pos- sessing none of that clumsiness of shape or motion, which is characteristic of the species ; but by no means inferior in vo- SCOMBER. 299 racity, of which he gave us ample proof. He was nineteen feet or more, in length, our stern being eighteen feet across, and his head and tail projecting considerably on either side. His color on the back, was a brilliant purple, which became gradually fainter towards the belly, where it was a pure white ; the pectoral and dorsal fins were much smaller than in the other species, and the tail not so perpendicular, it being in most of them, thus while this was more horizontal, and tapered more gradually in this form the head also, instead of being flat and semicircular, like the rest, was long and pointed in somewhat this manner the eyes were of a bright green hue. He stole about thirty pounds of meat from the lines, while we were trying to noose him, in which, however, we finally succeeded, and I had al- ready in imagination, placed his head in a barrel of pickle, in order that it might, at some future moment be submitted to the philosophic investigation of Dr J. V. C. S., when owing to the peculiar formation of his opposite extremity, the noose slipped over it, and for aught I can tell, he may yet be hur- rying off as fast as his fins will permit him. 300 SCOMBEROIDES. If your patience is not too far tested already by this long fish story, there is another circumstance which may be inter- esting to you. I am not sufficiently versed in icthyology to be positive, but believe it to be generally understood, that the mackerel which disappear from our coasts in the fall, run to the northward, and remain during the winter under the ice. I have not the presumption to assert that this is not the case, but leave you to judge how far the following facts may go to disprove such a position. On the 10th Nov. 18.31, we were sailing at the rate of five knots per hour to the northeastward, when we were passed by an immense shoal of mackerel, swimming in a southeast direction. They first came in sight about 10, A. M. and continued passing till after 11, They would not take the hook. There were hundreds of dolphin in pursuit, by whom they were sometimes driven almost on board. This was in lat. 44 north, long 39 30' west. Supposing its progress to have been nt the rate of six miles per hour, which it must have been at least, the shoal was about seven miles in extent from northwest to southeast their breadth was far as the eye could discern on both sides.* On coupling * The following extract is a corroborationofCapt. Couthouy's remark, that they go in immense shoals. "This fish," says the Newburyport Herald, of 1831, l< was never more abundant in our bay than on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday of this week. A solid shoal of miles in extent, lay outside of our harbor, within twelve miles, and gave in- cessant occupation and fine sport to a large fleet of mackerel- men. The number of craft engaged was supposed to be about three hundred. We have already stated that one ves- sel took, in a single day, seventy barrels. On Wednesday, the shoal had disappeared." *' A mackerel, three feet ten inches long, and measuring eighteen and a half inches round the body, was caught in Sev- ern River, near Round bay, on Saturday last, and was ser- SCOMBER. 301 this with the facts, that in the early part of May, 1829, in about 19 north lat. and 48 west long., I passed a large shoal swimming to the northwest, and their making their first ap- pearance on our coast to the southward, I am inclined to be- lieve that in lieu of going to the northward on the approach of winter, as generally imagined, they on the contrary quit our seas for those of a more temperate clime. Again, is not their extreme leanness when first appearing with us, a natural consequence of their long and fatiguing passage ? I am wholly ignorant, whether they have been seen in more southern climates, except in the instance I have mentioned, but if they have not, I think it may be reasonably supposed that they swim deep to avoid the havoc which would otherwise be committed in their ranks by the fishes of prey, which inthose seas abound near the surface. How far the facts stated justify such an inference, you are the best judge ; they are certainly singular and novel ; it is to be lamented that in general, those who have the most frequent opportunities of investigation, are apt to regard such occurrences as hardly worthy of notice ; as a habit of observa- tion and remark, would no doubt be the means of elucidating many doubtful or disputed points. And now, requesting your indulgence for this long and I fear tedious letter, my only excuse for which, is the motive with which it was written. I remain, very respectfully, your obt. servant. Jos. P. COUTHOUY. I will just add, though you are already, perhaps, aware of it, that the male dolphin may be easily distinguished from the ved up at Wilson and Swan's Hotel, on Sunday. A delicious dish it was." We are told, but on what authority we are totally unable to divine, that the mackerel has a strong predilection for hu- man flesh. In the Mediterranean, the famous article called caviare is manufactured from the roes. 302 SCOMBER OIDES. female, in the water, by the shape of its head ; that of the former being abrupt, and almost perpendicular, thus while the female's is more rounded, thus. Yours, &c. J. P. C. Certain it is that in the spring they make their appearance in vast shoals, scarcely inferior, as it regards numbers, to the herring being many miles in extent. From some cause not yet under- stood, the common mackerel appears to be consti- tutionally subject to a disease of the tunica con- junctiva, the skin covering the eyes.* This mem- brane seems to thicken, during the winter, to such a degree, as apparently to obstruct the entrance of the rays of light to the retina ; but as warm * Effects of lime upon fish. As a barge laden with lime was proceeding up the Ouse from Lewes, from some cause or other, it sunk near Barcombe. The effect on the fish in the river was instantly manifested ; hundreds rose to the sur- face, and a great number were taken by hand. Pikes were seen darting about in great agony; and most of the finny tribe within a mile of the spot where the accident occurred, were rendered blind from the burning nature of the lime. It is calculated that some thousands of fish perished. SCOMBER. 303 weather approaches it sloughs off. The color of the mackerel is altogether beautiful, and it may, in this respect be considered the Adonis of the sea. Commonly, in length, it is about ten. and from that to fourteen inches. It has dark blue, trans- verse stripes, from the dorsal fin, elegantly shaded with a rich tinge of green. On the male, the stripes are nearly straight, but on the female wa- vering. Numerous black spots are noticed on the sides, fading into a splendid golden green, that cannot well be imitated by artists. THE MACKEREL* In the catalogue of edible fishes, this has main- tained a high rank from remote antiquity. The ancients manufactured from the mackerel a sauce, in universal estimation, called garum, which was little else than the pickle, in which they were pre- served. The same article still holds an elevated rank at the fashionable tables of Constantinople. Surely, the mackerel fishery of Massachusetts, now exceedingly extensive, must be reckoned one of the most important branches of business, giving 304 SCOMBEROIDES. employment to thousands, who could not contribute to the general prosperity of the state in any oth- er way.* The thousands of barrels annually exported to the West Indies, give peculiar activity to our commerce. THE SURMULLET, Mullus Surmuletus, a variety of the mackerel, was held in the high- est possible estimation by the Romans, those princes of good living. Pliny says that a Ro- man Consul paid for only one of them, a sum equal to $216,68, and Suetonius furthermore re- * The following is the number of barrels of mackerel pack- ed in this state during the last twentysix years. The halves are reduced to whole barrels. 1804 8,0794 1818 47,210 1805 8,9364 1819 105,433 1806 8,473 1820 236,243 1807 10,9044 1821* 111,0094 1808 7,7384 1822 160,2944 1809 8,8654 1823 145,006 1810 13,0584 1824 191,6504 1811 19,632 1825 254,3814 1812 5,0184 1826 158,7404 1813 3,832i 1827 190,3104 1814 1,349 1828 237,3244 1815 I2ts.l6,3494 1829 225,882 1816 30,021 1830 308,462 1817 37,982 * The first year after the dMsion of the States from Maine. SCOMBER. 305 lates that one of the Emperors, at an aera of osten- tatious luxury, gave for three surmullets, 30,000 sesterces, which is $1065,60 cents. The markets in Constantinople are liberally supplied with this fish, under the royal appella- tion of sultan baMJc. A variety of the surmullet is found to the south of New York, and sometimes there, which is familiarly known to fishermen as the short mackerel. These are often poisonous, which results, most likely, from the substance on which they have been feeding. The follow- ing notice in a New York paper., of the last sea- son, is confirmatory of this assertion. " Families are cautioned against eating a spe- cies of small mackerel which are now selling in our markets. Seven of the writer's family, yesterday morning, were affected in a way which leaves no doubt as to the fact of their having been poisoned. Each individual was variously affected, according to the quantity eaten. The face and whole body, became flushed, and in a short time the complex- ion resembled the color of mahogany. The head was also affected, and sickness at the stomach and vomiting succeeded in two or three instances ; in others medicine was administered. The pupils of the eye dilated, and then swam as it were in liquid ; the body also became swollen. No serious con-* sequences ensued, though an individual is still con-* 20 306 COMBEROIDES. fined to her bed. As the writer has since heard of another instance of similar effects being produ- ced from eating this fish, there is no doubt as to the cause which produced it. The effects were visible a few minutes after the fish was eaten." The mackerel, with all its beauty, is decidedly stupid, in many respects. A red rag, or a bit of paper tied to the hook and rapidly trailed from a boat, affords delightful sport. We actually won- der that the worshippers at the shrine of honest Izaak Walton, who cannot angle for trout in the ocean, do not turn their attention to mackerel chases in our beautiful harbors. GEN. THYNNUS. TUNNY, Scomber Thynnus. Occasionally the tunny is taken in baiting other more common fish. They do not run in shoals, on this coast. Sometimes they have been seen ten feet in length, but on this shore they oftener fall short of two feet, than exceed it. They may be known by a hissing, or cutting of the dorsal fin through the water, while running with great swiftness. They sometimes pursue the mackerel, which they de- vour voraciously. In this place they are not frequently eaten, being so scarce that their -quality, as food, is not commonly known. Pliny, the naturalist, CENTRONOTUS. 307 gives an account of a shoal of tunnies, so vast that the fleet of Alexander the Great, could scarcely maintain its course. The ships were arranged in battle array, to force the extraordinary aquatic pha- lanxes to give way to the conqueror of the world. The tunny will be recognised by its dark blue back ; silvery sides, and the gray color of the first dorsal fin, and the darker gray of the tail. Its spinous fins have a yellowish tinge. GEN. CENTRONOTUS. PILOT FISH, Centronotus Ductor. To mar- iners, this frequent attendant on vessels is well known, and is the theme of many fore-castle tales. It has a light blue colored body, with wide trans- verse bands of a deeper and beautiful shade, four dorsal spines, a forked tail, and varies in length from six to eighteen inches. In a recent publication on natural history, it is positively asserted that two of these fishes, some years ago, accompanied a ship from the Mediter- ranean into Falmouth, where they were taken in a nest. This was an unfeeling and ungenerous act, after they had travelled such a distance. Sailors are very confident that the pilot fish swims before sharks, to conduct them where to commence a slaughter, but this is altogether gra- tuitous ; but that they are much in their bad com- 308 SCOMBEROIDES. pany, is very true, but then it may be with the expectation of nibbling at the remnants of the feast. With the most determined perseverance, they will keep within a few feet of the hull of a ship, night and day, for weeks together, as though they were actually on business. Whether this arises from a feeling of safety, while in company with a vessel, a love of wandering, or a hope of plunder, cannot be determined. GEN. ZEUS. COMMON DORY, Zeus Faber. Three spe- cies, the hair-finned, rostrated, and bristly, zeus capillariSj restrains et setapinnis, are known in the waters about Long Island Sound, New York, but the common dory is the only one of the fami- ly which has been detected in Boston Bay, so far as known to us. It is a thin, broad fish, fashion- ed somewhat like the fresh water bream, with sloping head, and a body of a yellowish color, having a black patch each side, large as the thumb nail. From the middle of the back over the shoulders, long, slender, thread-like spines, three or four inches long, are given off, which, when the fish swims fast, are laid nearly flat. Farther back little spikes of bone are presented above the skin, and at the commencement of the dorsal spine are CHRYSOTOSUS. 309 forked spines, the first being long and semi- flexible ; the anal fin is similar, the tail forked, like the mackerel. There are other marks, such as two long, slen- der, brush-like fins, under the throat, and pouting lips, the under being a trifle the longest. The black spots are said ta have been given it by St Peter, as in the haddock, by the pressure of the thumb and finger. Another vulgar notion is this, that St Christopher, in wading through an arm of the sea, having caught a stray dory, left on it the marks of the grip which he gave. Quin, the cele- brated English comedian, is said to have brought it into repute as a luxury, in his day, though it is now neglected. Its usual length is not far from ten inches. GEN. CHRYSOTOSUS. MOON-FISH, Chrysotosus Luna. Within the last few years, some of these splendid fishes have been brought into port by homeward-bound ves- sels. .During long and tedious calms, within a day's sail of Boston, Newburyport, Salem, See. the moon-fish has been taken with a hook, ^ sometimes measuring six feet in length. The body and tail are flat, oval, without perceptible scales, short snout, and destitute of teeth. There are six rays in the gill membrane, the 310 SCOMBER01DES. first portion of the dorsal fin is pointed and high, but the middle part of it short. A silvery green is the prevailing color, but in a certain position, golden, with azure tinges, are seen, and then, as though there was a particular design in beautifying it. though only occasionally seen by man, well defined white oval spots are dotted along the sides. Much as has been said of the splendor of the mackerel, the moon-fish is really, to our appre- hension, the Adonis of the sea. We have not seen a single specimen in spirit, in any cabinet in this country, those brought on shore being usually first placed in pickle, and afterwards dried, which ruins the color. GEN. XIPH1AS. SWORD-FISH, Xiphias Gladius. Two species of the sword-fish have been discovered, but only one of them is known to exist here, which, by way of eminence, is called the great sword-fish. The snout is long and flattened, resembling a dirk; the first dorsal fin, commencing just back of the shoulders, is high, and particularly elevated ante- riorly, but gradually slopes off towards the tail, where it presents merely a sharp ridge above the back, and then suddenly rises into a point again ; some of the first rays are spinous. The anal fin f . XIPHIAS. 311 is short and pointed ; the tail lunated, the color of the body a sort of brown, running into a bluish shade, but on the abdomen, the skin is white. As THE SWORD FISH. before remarked of some preceding fish, this is ev- idently possessed of a highly irritable disposition, and therefore appears to be constantly involved in perilous and fearful difficulties ; it is voracious, and yet without teeth ; and though it seems to be the knight errant of the deep, by meddling with the affairs of others, in which it has no personal interest, it also appears, at other times, to be at open war with whatever moves in the same liquid element. Whales of prodigious magnitude, though truly peaceably disposed, if by chance they get within the sphere of its vision, are butchered without mercy ; whenever the sword-fish fails of accom- plishing the death of this great animal, it is often- er because the sword is not long enough to pene- 312 SCOMBEROIDES. trate through the thick sheet of blubber to the vi- tals, than from any want of exertion on the part of the warlike assailant. Mariners assure us, that on making our coast, it is no uncommon circumstance to see this fish, six, ten, and fifteen feet long, playing about the vessel. We have been inclined, at times, to sup- pose that the makaira, cr lesser sword-fish, also inhabited these waters, but no specimens having been procured to establish the fact, we have con- cluded that the young of the gladius are the little ones adverted to by seamen. We have had an opportunity of conversing on the subject with several intelligent vineyard pilots, particularly Mr Dagget, an aged man, who has pursued his adventurous business nearly half a cen- tury, to whom we are indebted for all the accurate knowledge we possess of their history in Mas- sachusetts. Instead of being rare, they are certainly nu- merous, and some of them of tremendous power. They are sometimes sought, successfully too, for their flesh, which is considered a wholesome,' nu- tritious food, much superior to common fish. Mr Dagget remarked that he salted it down in barrels for retailing.* * Let a man do what he will, if he is honest and industri- ous, the labor of his hands is not only profitable to himself, X1PH1AS. 313 Very recently this same gentleman procured a magnificent one, the head of which, with its sword, upwards of four feet long, was neatly prepared by Dr Yale, of Holmes's Hole, by whom it was forwarded to Boston. There are times when they appear unusually numerous ; and then again, sev- eral weeks perhaps will pass by before they are seen again. On a calm sunny day, during the last summer, as a pilot was leisurely rowing his little skiff over the glassy bosom of the gently swelling waves, he was suddenly roused from his seat by the plunge of a sword fish, thrusting his long spear more than three feet up through the bottom of the slender bark ; when the pilot, with that pres- ence of mind for which the whole fraternity are distinguished, broke it off on a level with the floor, by the butt of an oar, before the submarine assas- sin had time to withdraw his fearfully offensive weapon. but of real utility to others. The truth of the observation is finely illustrated in the following extract. " In the garden grounds along the river Sitter, in the Can- ton of Appenzell, Switzerland, such numbers of snails are kept for fattening, that the noise of their dentriulatedjaws, are heard several paces. Sometime before Lent, they are packed in casks, and sent to the convents of Suabia, Bavaria, Austria, even as far as Vienna, where they are sold as luxuries. By this traffic, some have acquired Handsome fortunes." 314 SCOMBER011JES. Within five or six years, a Boston ship, on a return from a long voyage, being overhauled for repairs, presented the stump of a sword-fish's blade, the point of which was driven a considerable way into the hard oak. In repairing his Britannic Majesty's ship Leopard, in 1725, on her return from the coast of Guinea, a sword of this fish was found to have gone through the sheathing one inch, next through a three inch plank, and beyond that four inches and a half into the firm timber. It was the opinion of mechanics, that it would require nine strokes of a hammer, weighing twentyfive pounds, to drive an iron bolt of similar size and form, to the same depth in the same hull ; yet this was accomplished by a single thrust. The Hon. Josiah Robbins of Plymouth, rela- ted to us the following extraordinary fact. On the return of the ship Fortune, of Plymouth, from a whaling voyage, in the Pacific, some time in the year 1826, or 7, he does not recollect which ; the stump of a sw r ord-fish's blade was discovered on the outside of the hull, which, on examin- ation, was found to have penetrated through the copper sheathing, an inch board sheathing, a three inch hard wood plank, the solid white oak timber of the ship, twelve inches thick, through anoth- er two and a half inch hard oak ceiling-plank, and lastly perforated the head of an oil cask, where XIPH1AS. 315 it still remained immovably fixed, so that not a single drop of oil had escaped. We are enabled by these relations, to form some tolerable idea of their amazing muscular power. The late Sir Joseph Banks was informed by an East India Captain of a fact equally interesting ; the sword was driven its entire length into the solid wood of the ship, but the extreme violence of the shock instantly killed the enraged fish. The block, sawed out of the hull, containing the imbed- ded instrument, is still exhibited in the British museum. On the coast of Brazil, the sword-fish attains its greatest dimensions, being found twentyfive feet long. Ship-carpenters do not view the cir- cumstance of finding points and portions of blades in vessels a rare occurrence, and more particularly in those from South America. We have many specimens of the swords, from various parts of the world, but two only possess the skeleton of the head, which renders them quite valuable to a cabinet. Seamen, who bring them from foreign parts as curiosities, are very apt to ruin them in two ways, viz : first, by sawing them off too far from the jaw ; and secondly, by scraping the blades smooth with knives and glass, by way of improving upon nature ; hence a ma- jority of the specimens in museums are nearly ru- ined. 316 SQUAMIPENNES. The blade, as it comes from the fish, is between three and four inches wide, at the base, depending on the proportions of the individual to which it belonged, tapering to a sharp point ; the edges are rough, like a coarse file, not cutting, but cal- culated rather for tearing ; the upper surface is ash-colored, convex, and covered by an epi- dermis, or scarf skin, also rough to the touch, like sand paper. The under side is lighter color- ed, freer from roughness, and less convex. A smaller fish is found in the southern states, whose under jaw is terminated in a sword, in character and use precisely like this ; how either of them feed is a question which remains to be answered. FAMILY VI. SQUAMIPENNES. Members of this family are known by the scales mounting the soft portion of the fins, and by the peculiarity of the teeth, which are very much like short bristles, irregularly crowded together. GEN. SESERINUS. Seserinus Alepidotus. Though quite rare, whenever taken, it will be recognised by the blue FISTULAR1A. 317 color of its body, forked tail, and oval form. The body is wide and thin, the little teeth, hardly per- ceptible, are sharp, in one row ; the scales are also so small that a glass is required to observe them distinctly ; the first spines of the anal and dorsal fins are hooked forward towards the head ; and instead of ventral fins, there are two slender bones ; and beside, two lateral lines on each side. FAMILY VII. FISTULARHXZE. The characteristic of this family, is a long, semi- transparent tube, formed by the extended eth- moid bones, bones of the partition of the nose, and others of the head, covered with a prolongation of the skin ; and at the extremity is the mouth. The body is long, slender, and delicately formed. GEN. FISTULARIA. TOBACCO-PIPE FISH, Fistularia Tabacaria. Had we not two excellent specimens of this fish, taken near Holmes's Hole, its existence would not have been credited so far to the north of the equa- tor. Those before us, now under examination, are upwards of eighteen inches long and from the caudal fin, a single hair runs off one foot fur- 318 PISTUL ARID^E. ther, giving an entire length of two feet and a half. The body is smooth, the jaws narrow, scales mi- nute, fins tinged with red near their joinings ; one dorsal fin opposite to the anal, and both are near the tail, which is forked ; in the branchial mem- brane are seven rays. TOBACCO-PIPE FISH. As it respects the habits of the tobacco-pipe fish, we have no means of gaining a knowledge. None have been seen excepting those which have been driven on shore in storms. In South Amer- ican seas, they are larger, and between three and four feet in length. END OF PART FIRST. TROUT AND ANGLING PART SECOND: TROUT, INTERSPERSED WITH REMARKS THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ANGLING. TROUT AND ANGLING. THE State of Massachusetts may be said to abound in that highly esteemed and well known fish, the trout, which is unrivalled, either as an object of gratification to the palate of the epicure, or as contributing to the innocent sport of the an- gler. Every ingenious device which has been practised in other countries to lure this wary, yet bold and voracious fish, has been adopted in this, and with equal success. In treating of them, the subject of angling is necessarily introduced, since all the works which have been published in England, and all well known in this country, upon fishing generally, give them a preeminence over every other, as being most worthy the pur- suit of the scientific angler. In Great Britain, trout are divided and subdivi- ded into many varieties, and it is not impossible there may be as many in this country j but as it 324 TROUT AND ANGLING. is often difficult to settle these shades of difference, on account of the supposition that they are capa- ble of hybridous productions, it is sufficient to know that there are but three principal varieties in this state. These are pond-trout, river or brook'trout, and sea-trout. The two former being such fish as live exclusively in fresh water, and the latter, such as live, a great part of the year, in that which is salt or brackish, ascending the streams as spring ad- vances, and returning to their native element so soon as the spawning season is over. There are but few natural ponds or lakes in this state which contain trout, for it is that which is found in natural ponds, which we denominate ponoV trout, and not the more common fish which is generally found in artificial mill-ponds, and which closely resembles such as are found in the brooks and rivers, which being flooded form the ponds. The species referred to are found in Winnipis- seogee Lake, in New Hampshire, whence they are often brought to market in a frozen state, but are in no estimation for the table, the flesh being white and quite tasteless. They are taken only in the winter through the ice, but seldom or never by the usual method of angling. These fish are doubtless natives of the lake in which they are found, and like others of the same TROUT AND ANGLING. 325 species, congregate in winter in its deeper waters ; feeding upon the surface, as the weather grows warm and the season advances, and depositing their spawn in the still shallows of the rivers which flow from it. Their spots are large, faint and dark. Their shape is long like the mackerel, but without its symmetry, and their average weight from three to five pounds. Though what we denominate, more strictly speaking, pond-trout, have no red spots, there may be some exceptidns, even among such as are found in natural ponds. But their distinction as a species, is indicated by their never attaining the same weight. For instance, in the town of Bel- grade, in the state of Maine, there are two ponds united by a river, called Long Pond and Snow's Pond, the latter of which flows into the Kennebec, where the trout are of a very beautiful description, as it respects their form, bright vermilion spots, and the pink-color of the flesh . They however do not grow to a very large size, yet much larger than the generality of brook and river trout. These fish are not often caught in the ponds above named, but as the spring advances they are taken in the river which unites them. Warm weather drives them back into the deep waters of the ponds again, whence they return in the autumn to deposite their spawn, at which 326 TROUT AND ANGLING. time they become too easy a prey to the an- gler. There is another variety peculiar for its bright red spots, in the town of Sandwich, in what is called the Upper Pond. This is supplied by springs, but it is difficult to say whether the fish are indigenous to the water or not, for although the water is cold, and therefore congenial to their hab- its, yet they may have originally come from the sea, and changed their nature from being confined to the pond, by the obstructions upon the stream which runs from it ; this may be said of many other ponds and the effect of confinement and change of food, is that of rendering the flesh soft and muddy to the taste. It has been remarked that the larger the water the longer the fish, and also that wherever trout are found, there are few of any other kind offish. This arises from the fact of their requiring a cold- er temperature than suits the nature of most other fresh water fishes. In fact, according as the water^ is cold, the flesh of the trout is firm and high fla- vored. In Enfield Pond, in the state of New Hampshire, there is a very large growth, which in this and other waters of the same size, have been known to attain the weight of ten or twelve pounds ; here as elsewhere, they are never taken but in the winter through the ice, a method which TROUT AND ANGLING. 327 affords no sport to the true angler, as requiring no skill, and is despised accordingly. Into this pond, the pickerel, sometimes called the fresh wa- ter shark, has been introduced, and the result has been that the pickerel gained the ascendency and exterminated the trout in a very few years. The same thing has been practised in a number of ponds in the state of Maine, and the same re- sult has followed. It is remarkable that on the west side of the Penobscot river, the ponds are mostly filled with pickerel, while on the east side they are as generally stocked with trout ; this must arise from some particular quality or tem- perature of the water, nature having placed them in that which is most congenial to their habits, and necessary to their perpetuity. In treating of the fish now under consideration, it was intended to confine our remarks to such as were found in Massachusetts alone, but as it has been before observed, there are few ponds in tjiis state, or if any, not well known, which contain the pond-trout as a distinct variety. We have alluded to such waters in the neighboring states as are well known to afford the subject of our illus- tration. They are found of immense size in the Schoo- dic Lakes, but larger still in proportion to the ex- tent of the waters, in the great Moose-head Lake. 328 TROUT AND ANGLING. In both these they are only taken in the usual way, through the ice in the winter season. Per- haps no attempt has ever been made, but could these " monarchs of the deep" be taken by the regular angler, aided by all the devices so essen- tial to the true enjoyment of his sport, the pleasure resulting from the success of his achievement, would be proportioned to the size and strength of his captive. The possibility of taking a very large fish, (though not a trout) with the rod and line, has been settled by the performance of Col. Thornton, mentioned in " Daniel's Rural Sports," who caught a pike in one of the Lochs in Scotland, which weighed fortynine pounds and a quarter. He was prepared with trolling apparatus to take this very fish, which was known to be in the lake, hav- ing at a previous time carried off a hook. It re- quired one hour and a quarter to, exhaust his strength, and on being safely secured in the boat, a scar was perceptible where the hook had escap- ed through the skin. It is said that the trout of the great western lakes attains the enormous size of one hundred pounds. The largest that we know in the state of Maine, are found in the Moose-head Lake. To confirm this fact, it is known that a fish was found dead upon its shore which weighed fifty pounds. TROUT AND ANGLING. 329 having been suffocated in an attempt to gorge another of a large size, which protruded from its mouth. The flesh of all these overgrown fish is described to be coarse and unpalatable. Of all the ponds or lakes which have been ad- verted to as containing the primitive trout, there is no one so well known or so much resorted to by the ardent angler, as Sebago Pond, near Portland. As early as March, in the spring of the year, these fish emerge from the deep, and therefore warmer water of the lake, and enter the Songo river, in pursuit of their favorite bait, the smelt, at this time they may be taken in great numbers with the rod and line. The attempt would be fruitless to succeed in the pond itself, at this early season. It is customary, therefore, by those who make this visit so early in the year, and whose love of the sport prevails over the necessary privations, to en- camp upon the margin of this tributary river. The number of such, however, is small, but as the sea- son advances, and the fish have receded from the river, and dispersed themselves over the whole lake, rising and feeding upon the various insects which float upon its surface, the angler approach- es with a better prospect of comfort, if not success. His equipments are a long stout salmon rod, with rings upon it as usual to guide the line, which is made of silk and hair, woven together, and eighty 330 TRO LTT AND ANGLING. or a hundred yards long. He has a brass reel or winch, upon which the line is wound. The winch is not a multiplying one, but single, and attached to the butt of the rod, the end joint of which is short and stout ; other spare joints are contained in the butt of the rod. His hooks are large and well tempered, of the size best known as mack- erel-hooks, and they are attached to double and twisted gut, upon which a weight, about the size of a musket-ball, is made by loops to fasten on at pleasure. His pocket-book is well furnished with all the materials necessary for the prosecution of his sport, together with such implements as are requir- ed to repair that derangement of his apparatus which in fishing is always likely to occur. Only one thing more is added to complete his gear, (for artificial flies have seldom or never been tried,) and that is, a net with a wide bow and a shor^ han- dle, or a gaff which answers the same purpose, to land his fish, when, after being sufficiently exhaus- ted by playing, they are ready to take in. Thus equipped, the angler visits Sebago in the month of June. If he is a lover of nature, there is much to admire, not only in that densely wooded scenery which generally surrounds our inland lakes, and is so striking in this, but also in those little quiet fairy islands which here and there break the glassy TROUT AND ANGLING. 331 monotony of its surface. Notwithstanding the fact that the artificial fly has seldom been used by the frequenters of this lake, it does not follow that the practice of fly-fishing would not be attended with the same success, which attends the act as practis- ed without exception upon the various waters in England and Scotland. There is reason to think so, from the well known fact that, differing from the trout of various other ponds, they live and feed near the surface of the water at least, this is known to be their habit in the summer time, and it may be stated still farther, in confirmation of the probable success which would result from the use of the artificial fly, that the insect, familiarly known as the beetle or daw-bug, is often found on exam- ination to have been their food. Since then it is not fly-fishing, trolling may be considered the usual method of taking the fish in this pond. Trotting is a term which is generally applied to fishing for pike, but it means nothing more or less than moving about either with a dead or live bait from place to place, and fishing upon the surface, in distinction to fishing in deep wa- ter, and confined to one spot. In this pond it is customary to fish from a boat, which is slowly moved through the water, either by the help of oars or a sail. If the former, the fish take the bait at a greater distance from the boat, being alarmed 332 TROUT AND ANGLING. by the motion of the water ; in this case it is ne- cessary to uncoil half the line, but if a sail is used, a shorter line is sufficient. But though the greater number of fish are taken from a boat while moving through the water, many are also caught at a favorite re- sort, on a rocky shore of the pond called the " images" This well known spot has been the scene of many a festive meal/ and often have the caverned rocks reverberated to the sound of the joyous angler's mirth. Though very little can be said in favor of the quality of the Sebago trout, as a delicacy for the table, still ample amend is made by their unrival- led activity on the hook, which is in the highest degree exciting to the angler. When struck, they instantly bound from the water to the height of many feet, plunging and leaping alternately, in the vain attempt to disengage the hook, but good man- agement, and a " steady hand which feels him, yet still to his furious course gives way," sub- dues his strength at last, and the unwilling captive, floating on his side, yields as a trophy to the an- gler's skill. It has been before observed, that their food, more particularly in the early spring, is the fresh water smelt ; but in summer, there are various other small fry, such as the shiner, and minnow, TROUT AND ANGLING. 333 which yield them sustenance. It is therefore an object to obtain these small fish if alive, so much the better, but as it often happens from the state of the weather, or some other cause, that live bait is not to be procured, recourse is then had to a small slip taken from the most shining part of the fish itself; this, if not so killing, is for the reason stated, the bait which is generally used for the Sebago trout. It may be here remarked, once for all, that the success of the sport, like all fresh water fishing, very much depends upon the state of the weather, and its influence upon the water. For though at times there seems to be an unaccountable caprice in their habits, yet how common it is, at that season of the year when nature is dressed in her gayest attire, when the air is filled with fragrance, the field with flowers, the grove with music, and the heart with delight when the balmy south wind generally undulates, without agitating the surface of the lake or stream and above all, when " from the bosom of yon dropping cloud" a gentle rain descends how common a thing it is to hear the ardent angler, his feelings responsive to the charms of nature, exclaim, " What a glorious fishing-day !" A few years ago, on a visit to this lake in the last week of May, the season being backward, the water and the weather cold and unpropitious, there 334 TROUT AND ANGLING. was no such thing as taking a fish, but having pro- ceeded farther to the eastward, and revisiting the lake after a lapse often days, the result was such as might be expected from warm weather and a more advanced season. On this occasion the average number taken in a day, by the party of four, which ransacked the lake in a boat, was near twenty- five, the weight being from about two to five pounds each. Very erroneous opinions are formed of the weight of these trout. They are generally exag- gerated ; and this may be said of them wherever they are found, but as it respects this pond, though it is not uncommon to take them of six, and occa- sionally of twelve pounds, yet it was the opinion of the celebrated Mr White, which has been con- firmed by our own observation, that considering the prevailing number of small fish, they do not aver- age over a pound and a half each through the sea- son of fishing. This remark may strike some with surprise, who have told a very different story, founded perhaps on their individual good success. The truth is, they have degenerated not only in size, but numbers, owing to various causes, un- necessary to detail. Not less erroneous, than that which respects their weight, is the opinion entertained by some, that these fish were originally salmon, but being TROUT AND ANGLING. 335 pent up and confined to the pond, by the various obstructions in the river which forms its outlet to the sea, they have changed their form, assumed the spots, and become trout. If the fact were to be settled merely by the color of the flesh alone, there might be some ground for the notion, for it is redder than any salmon's ever was, but with this exception there is no other striking resemblance between them. And as it is believed that the va- rious shades of color peculiar to the trout, are the result of some chemical action, arising from the varieties of food which they eat, it may hence be inferred, that had they ever been salmon, a change of color would have been quite as likely to result from their transition from salt to fresh water, as well as a number of other transformations which are said to have taken place. As well might it be said that a trout on entering the sea, would turn into a salmon. It may be remarked in addition, that the color of which we are speaking is not confined to the fish of this lake only. In no other respect then are they salmon, than as being individuals of the genus salmo, may render them such. Neither are they exclusively salmon trout, as all of the species may with propriety be so denomin- ated. Indeed it is doubtful if in this country that particular variety is known which corresponds with 336 TROUT AND ANGLING. that described as the salmon trout of England ; in fact, no two authors agree upon the subject. Since then, those of which we are speaking, possess the obvious qualities of their species, to say nothing of the more scientific arrangement established by nat- uralists, by whom the trout and salmon are classed as distinct species, since they possess neither the form, the fat, the flavor nor the projecting excres- cence of the under jaw, peculiar to the male sal- mon, since the longitudinal line as well as the spots are more clearly defined, we may, however our minds have harbored a doubt that a whale is a fish, as safely arrive at the conclusion that a trout is not a salmon, as that " fleas are not lobsters." With the exception of a few observations, which apply to the species generally, our remarks thus far have been mostly confined to the variety which we denominate the pond-trout ; w r e proceed now to speak of the second description, viz: the brook or river-trout, considering them as strictly a fresh water fish . And in this class, we mean to include, as before observed, such as are found in the artificial ponds, as well as the running water by which they are supplied, for they are precisely the same fish, differing only in size, in which the pond-fish have generally the advantage, since they are less approachable, and not so effectually thinned out as the trout of the streams. They may be TROUT AND ANGLING. 337 considered the common trout of the country, and abound in all parts of the state, being most plenti- ful however, in such streams as have the fewest obstructions. There is a great similarity in their ap- pearance wherever they are found, and in size much less variation than is generally supposed. One scarcely ever hears of a brook, but at some time or other the largest trout has been ta!ken from it that ever was seen. And further, there is scarcely a brook or river, but there is sure to be located at a convenient distance from it, some vet- eran angler from the old country, who enjoys the undisturbed monopoly of its finny treasures. He scorns the vulgar bait. He enjoys the sport, and exults in its success, according as it requires an exertion of his skill, for the more the art " is redu- ced to a complete science," the greater is the pleasure which he derives from it. There are not only the individuals of whom we speak, but others, who, availing themselves of all the information to be acquired from books and experience, are fully aware that fly-fishing is the perfection of angling. They import the best tackle from England, for it is not to be bought in all its variety in this coun- try, including a stock of artificial flies, which are more particularly considered standards, for it would be useless, (our streams being, a part of the year, 22 338 TROUT AND ANGLING. " in icy fetters bound,") to include such as are de- signed, in England and Scotland for each particu- lar month* A pocket-book, not only well supplied with ar- tificial flies, but with such materials, particularly feathers, as enable him to repair his losses, and imitate nature upon the spot, is an important arti- cle of the fly-fisher's equipment ; his rod, howev- er, deserves the first consideration. The wood is hickory ; it is twelve and a half feet long ; it has but three joints, which are ferruled only on one end for the sake of lightness; the butt is solid, very large in the hand, and tapers very suddenly ; into the end of it a spike of five inches in length, thin like a knife, is made to screw, for the purpose of supporting the rod upright in the ground, as this is a position in which it is least exposed to dan- ger ; the length of the spike is required to give it firmness in the ground in which it is thrust, which is often of a sandy or mossy nature finally, when put together, it weighs but thirteen or fourteen ounces without the spike, and may be held all day at the extremity, or, as some prefer, above the winch, without the least fatigue, and is under as much command as a coach- whip. A reel or winch is indispensable ; it should be such as is called multiplying, with which advantage is taken in ex- hausting the fish, by winding up the line with greater TROUT AND ANGLING. 339 rapidity, whenever it becomes relaxed. The line should be about thirty yards long, and made of pa- tent silk and hair, either of a green or gray color ; smaller lines, made of that indispensable mate- rial, gut, are also necessary ; these are called " casting lines" and sometimes "foot lengths" and are attached, as occasion may require, to the prin- cipal line, for the purpose of falling with less vio- lence upon the water. A line made of hair, or silk and hair wove together, is preferred, (indeed no fly-fisher ever uses any other,) on account of its not becoming heavy and saturated with water, like lines of silk and other materials, which cling to the rod,, when wet and swelled, fall with vio- lence when the fly is cast, and are not delivered freely through the rings of the rod. There are some small materials which may prove convenient, all duly noticed in every book on angling, such as the clearing ring, the landing hook, &c. The fish pannier, which should be' of a middle size, and the landing net, are however in- dispensable. The handle of the latter should be made of the lightest wood, about five feet long, and the bow of the net about twelve inches in di- ameter. The landing net is carried under the left arm, and beside the use for which it is designed, of landing the fish, it often proves serviceable in 340 TROUT AND ANGLING. sounding the depth of a bog, or breaking the force of a fall. Having thus described the most material parts of the angler's apparatus, we proceed to say, that success will depend upon the expertness with which the fly is cast, and this it would be in vain to attempt, in the teeth of even a gentle breeze. He must take advantage of the wind, and if it blows from him, the fly may be cast to a distance with great precision. Much depends on practice, and to some it has proved a knack very difficult to acquire. Two flies are generally used, termed technical- ly, a dropper, and a stretcher, the latter being at the extremity of the line, and both made to re- move at pleasure, by a simple arrangement of the casting line. The trout of which we were speak- ing, and to which we now return as compared to the sea-trout, yet to be noticed, has a large mouth, dark within ; the general complexion of the skin, particularly about the head, is of a deep brown color ; the spots are bright, and the pecto- ral fins often of a reddish tinge. A fish in good condition, of a pound weight, measures fourteen inches in length. The color of the flesh is various in different waters, in some it is of a cream-color, in others white, which is the most usual, and in others, again, of a pink or TROUT AND ANGLING. 341 salmon hue, depending, no doubt, upon their food. If any, however, deserve the name of sal- mon-trout, it should be those only which -resemble the salmon in the color of the flesh, since in that particular the salmon never vary, which the trout often do. Though their average size and weight is much the same, but falling short of that which is usually ascribed to them ; still there is in every water some peculiarity by which the fish may be distinguish- ed, some being darker, some of a more shining hue, and some of a fuller form. And there are also exceptions as to the fact of the uniformity of their size, for they are known, in one stream to be of a very minute description, not longer than min- nows, yet perfectly formed and beautiful fish, while in another stream the average is large, and small fish seldom seen. Two pounds may be considered large, yet they sometimes attain the weight of three. To give, however, a better idea of the usual size, we should say, that after a day's fishing, and having return- ed to the water such as were too small to keep, the balance would generally compare to the stand- ard of herrings, a fish well known for their uniform- ity in this particular. But here it may be remarked, that it is this very variation in size, so peculiar to the trout, 342 TROUT AND ANGLING. which is the delight of the angler. His skill is constantly liable to be put in requisition, and should he succeed in securing a larger fish than ever he had previously taken, his prime object is ac- complished. He exults in the size, as an offset to the numbers taken by the companion of his sport. It has been correctly remarked, that they will seize upon any small object in motion on the wa- ter, for which reason, unless they happen to be particularly dainty, it is unnecessary to be very curious in the selection of a fly, as a proof of this, and at the same time of their well known vo- racity, we remember to have taken a trout of about a pound weight, when on disengaging the hook, something like a string was observed to hang out of its mouth. This proved to be the tail of a mouse, which we drew from the throat of the fish in a partly digested state. This circumstance happened in the town of Tyngsborough, in a beau- tiful stream, which take it for all in all, is as a trout-brook, the very beau ideal of the angler's im- agination, and is one fact, to which many others might be added, that they are not over particular in their food. We shall mention but one more, occurring in the town of Sandwich, in the well known " Monument River." On opening a fish of about TROUT AND ANGLING. 343 the same weight, the stomach was found to con- tain a stone we will not be so indefinite as to say " about the size of a piece of chalk," but weighing an ounce and a half. It may be hence inferred that the fish in this river or estuary, as it may be called, are rather short of food, which is the fact, they are consequently poor and in bad condition, feeding on sand-fleas, and a few minnows, and are the most inferior of all the sea trout, peculiar to a part of the country to which we shall presently refer. The sensibili- ty of the angler is relieved by the belief that, in fish, the organs of feelings are somewhat obtuse. If this is true, the opponents to the sport are dis- armed of the only argument which can be alleged against it, viz : its cruelty. If, however, they mean to apply the charge not only to the fish, but to the \vorm or other living bait with which they are tak- en, the fly-fisher at least, must be exempted from such an imputation. The impaling of the writhing worm does no violence to his tender sen- sibility, neither does the lively minnow quiver upon his hook. Provided with his book of flies, he pursues the pleasure of his sport guiltless of its only objec- tion. Still farther, to remove what is urged against fishing on the score of its cruelty, we may notice how frequently the troul is hook- 344 TROUT AND ANGLING. ed a second time, with the hook which but a few moments before his struggling had de- tached, fixed firmly in his jaw. In fact, the loss of a favorite fly, is generally attended with the consolation that it may be thus recovered again. Once angling with the bait by the side of a friend, we struck a trout, and he shortly doing the same, on raising our rods, a fine fish was suspended between us. It was judged to belong to him whose hook was deepest. We have heard it said that it was necessary to the existence of the fresh water trout that they should periodically visit the sea, but this notion is too ridiculous to deserve a serious contradiction. The innumerable ob- structions of our rivers and rivulets now-a-days, most effectually prevent it. On the contrary we say farther, that there is a small description of trout often found in such streams as flow into the tide waters, that have this opportunity without availing themselves of it. They are not only na- tives of the stream, but live within its confines all the year round. Alas ! that the manufacturing interest should clash with the success of the fisheries ! It is not that we complain of these obstructions as prevent- ing the fish from going down to the sea ; we should be content to find them still where nature placed ' them. But now, they are dispersed and degen- TROUT AND ANGLING. 345 erated in quality, the waters are poisoned, and the legitimate current of the rivers, like the present course of politics, is forced into new and untried channels ; so that in the anguish of our hearts, adopting a distich to the teeming times, and blend- ing the patriot's apprehension with the angler's re- gret, the thought occurs to us that i "Nullification is vexation, Division is as bad " For such is the creed .of him who is both a lover of his country and its enjoyments. But if fortu- nately chance should have directed his thoughts and steps to a more favored scene ' Where purple violets lurk With all the lowly children of the shade " there, having passed a day of temperate pleasure, far from the world of strife, having tried conclu- sions with none but the companion of his toil, or the -victims of his skill, he lingers till " the evening shades prevail," then homeward-bound returns, his basket heavy as his heart is light. By the influence of a distinguished individual who occasionally indulges in angling, as a relief from the cares of an arduous profession and a pub- lic life, an act of the Legislature of Massachusetts 346 TROUT AND ANGLING. was passed, imposing a penalty of fifty cents for each trout taken in any other way except with the rod and line. It is to be regretted however, that the intention of extending the protection of jhe law to this estimable fish, has not been altogether realized : the law exists, but is disregarded. Factories and saw-rnills have done their part to- wards the work of extermination, and the destruc- tive net bids fair to do the rest. But though much diminished from these causes, there are more or less waters all over this state, and particularly in Plymouth county, and Barnstable county on Cape Cod, where the fish live and thrive in the undisturbed possession of their element. -In no place, however, do we remember to have seen them in such abundance as in Duke's county, upon Martha's Vineyard ; and it is perhaps from this very circumstance that they are held in so lit- tle estimation, the preference, as an article of food, being given to the silvery " neshaw eel," as it is called ; neither has the pleasure of taking them ever entered into the minds of the people. It may well be supposed then, how favorable these circumstances must have proved, not only to their preservation and wonderful increase, but also to their attaining that respectable growth which en- titles them to the name of " old settlers." It was here in the month of November last, and of course TROUT AND ANGLING. 347 \ in their spawning time, while returning home from a ramble among the heaths and hills of Chilmark and Tisbury, that crossing the principal brook of the island, our attention was attracted towards the agitated state of the waters, and never do we recol- lect so fully to have realized the expression of its be- ing "alive with fish,' y as on this occasion. As we carelessly descended the course of the brook, they were constantly rushing before us, but on a closer and more careful inspection, they might be discern- ed lying dormant in the gravelly shallows with then- back fins out of water, watching their spawn, occa- sionally darting out, as danger in the shape of some unwelcome intruder approached the object of their care. Departing once more from the intention of con- fining these remarks to the trout of Massachusetts alone, it may be here stated that with the excep- tion of the Vineyard alone, there is no place with- in our knowledge where they appeared to be so numerous as in the river at Dennysville, in the state of Maine. They were in all respects like those we have been describing. They were found in all parts of the river, but more par- ticularly in certain spots where a cold brook en- tered and mingled with its waters, called trout- holes ; in such places they were congregated in im- mense numbers. 348 TROUT AND ANGLING. Had these been the only object of a visit to a part of the country and a stream, which consid- ering their numerous attractions to the eye of the angler, may be viewed as unequalled, there would have been ample field for gratification. But on the contrary, being prepared, and fishing for sal- mon, their numbers proved rather annoying, than otherwise., At this time, the late season, and some other obstacles, interfered with the success of our en- deavors to take the salmon with the rod, line and artificial fly ; an achievement which had been rare- ly attempted, and probably never accomplished, unless by foreigners, except in the single instance of one of our party, who on a previous visit to this wild river, in a more propitious season, had the good fortune to realize that object, which is said to constitute the apex of the angler's ambition. Proceeding with the order in which we arrang- ed the three principal varieties of trout peculiar to this state and its vicinity, we come now to the last, and by far the most esteemed, viz : the sea- trout. They are found, as may be inferred from the name, in the salt and brackish waters of tide rivers, creeks and inland bays, in various parts of this and the adjoining states. But with the ex- ception of "Fire-Place" on Long Island, we are not aware of their being known in the same plen- TROUT AND ANGLING. 349 ty and perfection as in " Waquoit Bay," upon Cape Cod ; a place of well known resort, and to which our remarks will more particularly apply. Waquoit Bay is a large expanse of shallow wa- ter upon the southern shore of Cape Cod ; it was so called by the aborigines, who in this respect were governed by the suggestions of nature, from the resemblance of the sound of the word to that which is emitted by the male quail at the time of incubation. A number of small streams are discharged into it, which render its waters slightly brackish, and it has but one narrow outlet to the sea. The soil in the country generally, but particularly in the neighborhood of this bay, is of a sandy, sterile qual- ity, but nature, which has been rather niggardly in this respect, has made ample amends, pot only in the superior quality of the trout of which we are speaking, but of other fine fish, such as eels, basse, &;c., with which its waters abound. There is another neighboring bay, called "Pop- ponesset" upon the same shore, (scarcely less fa- mous for the sea-trout than Waquoit,) into which the celebrated Marshpee river flows, perhaps the greatest resort of anglers in New England for the sea-trout, after they have begun to ascend the fresh water streams. When taken from the salt water early in the spring, they are in high perfection, 350 TROUT AND ANGLING and nothing can exceed their piscatory symmetry. The general appearance of the skin is of a silvery brightness ; the back being of a greenish and mackerel complexion ; the spots of a vermilion color, mixed with others of a faint yellow, and sometimes slightly tinged with purple, extend the whole length on each side of the lateral line ; the fins are light in color, firm in texture, and together with the tail are rather shorter and more rounded than in the common trout ; they have a firm com- pactness of form from head to tail, which accounts for the superior sprightliness of their motions ; the head and the mouth are very small, and the latter never black inside like the common or fresh water trout ; the flesh is even redder or rather, we should say, more pink-colored than the sal- mon, to which by many, they are preferred as a delicacy, having, like the salmon, much of what is called the curd or fat between the flakes. - A fish of a pound weight, measures about eleven inches in length. Their average size is consider- ably larger than the fresh water or brook trout having been taken in the waters to which we re- fer, of nearly five pounds weight. Such instances however, are rare, three pounds being considered a very large fish. We may here remark respecting their size, that it is considered very good luck when after a day's fishing ten or a dozen will average a TROUT AND ANGLING. 351 pound each, and we have a recollection of a few days only which have shown a greater result ; we mean to each individual. We do not remember of ever seeing a poor fish of this kind taken ; they are invariably in good condition, let the size be what it will ; their principal food is the minnow and the shrimp, particularly the latter, with which, early in the season, their stomachs are found to be filled ; they feed upon the minnow rather later in the season, when the increasing warmth of the water invites it to leave the warmer springs of fresh water, where it has passed the winter, and venture into the shallows round the margin of the bay ; it then becomes an easy prey to the voracious trout, which pursues it with despe- rate boldness to the very feet of the angler as he stands in the water, obliging it in shoals to leap from the surface, and sometimes even to be cast on shore in its attempts to escape his hungry jaws. There is a place called minnow-cove, where they are very plentiful, particularly in the boggy marsh holes, in which they collect in the spring so abundantly, that half a net full may be sometimes taken at a single dip. At this time, however, they are out of the reach of the trout, though they are on the whole, the best bait ; the shrimp on the contrary, living as they do among the eel-grass in the bay, which 352 TROUT AND ANGLING. also affords shelter to the trout, being more with- in reach, may consequently be said to supply their principal food, at least through the winter months. As it is necessary in the pursuit of all game to be governed by a knowledge of its particular food, so it may be said of the sea-trout, their motions while in the salt water being regulated by those of the minute fish upon which they live. Both minnows and shrimps are more or less affected by the action of the tide, particularly the latter, which in its re- flux sweeps the passive shrimp in shoals across a sandy eddy of the bay into the very mouths of the expectant trout, who there collect and lie in wait to feast upon them. It may be hence inferred that the shrimp is a good bait, and so it is, the only objection to it, is that of its not being sufficiently tough upon the hook, and therefore stolen with such ease by the fish as to require very frequent rebaiting ; in this respect, the minnow has the advantage, and may be considered the established bait for the sea- trout. If ever so well provided, it would be in vain to fish in the broad waters of the bays to which we allude an occasional trout is sometimes taken while following ,the edge of the eel-grass which forms the channel, but it is not the way to fill the basket. They are governed, as we have ob- TROUT AND ANGLING. 353 served by the operation of the tide upon the bait, which occasions their collecting in two well known rendezvous or sand spits which project into the bay, forming a current favorable to the purpose of their resort. To give some idea of the numbers which are occasionally taken, it may not be amiss to state that upon one of the points alluded to, being the one of least note, and forming a sort of narrow to a division of the bay, we perceive by a memoran- dum made at the time, that two persons took eighty sea-trout, the weight of which, including two baskets four pounds each, was fiftynine pounds. This was on the fourth of April, the wind west, flood tide most of the time, and the bait equally shrimp and minnow. Though the artificial fly is by no means used for sea-trout, with much success, before they are led by instinct to change the nature of their food with the ele- ment in which it is formed, yet it is customary in this sort of fishing to have a red fly, as it is called, but more strictly speaking, a caterpillar, perma- nently attached to the line ; this with one bait, either the shrimp or minnow, is the common prac- tice, by which two fish are often taken at the same time, and occasionally three, as we have once seen, when the three varieties of bait were used together. 23 354 TROUT AND ANGLING. There is another sandy point, and the only one in the bay, named Poponessett, previously alluded to, which forms one side of the channel called " Sampson's Narrows," not less famous for the size and quality of the trout than Waquoit, though not so remarkable for numbers. A basket of twenty pounds capacity is often filled in this spot, at one tide, and it is worthy of notice that, prob- ably on account of the action of the current upon the various sand-bars, the flood is decidedly best upon this of which we are speaking, while in the other bay the ebb tide is preferable. If we should be called upon to give a preference to the trout of any particular place over all the others which we have seen, the decision would be in favor of those of Sampson's Narrows, as possessing all the fine qualities heretofore enumerated in the sea-trout, with compactness of form and richness of flavor in a more remarkable degree. With a view to make further discoveries of the resort of fish, we have followed the shore of one of these bays, so far as the very outlet to the sea. No addition, however, was made to the stock of knowledge already possessed. The only trout which was taken at this outlet, confirms the fact often noticed in other places, that the nearer they are taken to the sea, and the salter the water, the more they possess the greenish color peculiar to TROUT AND ANGLING. 355 the back of the mackerel, as well as a more dazzling and silvery brightness, compared to those living in waters at all brackish. That some idea may be formed of the size of the fish, not unusu- ally taken in these waters, and particularly at the sandy point last referred to, we may state the cir- cumstance of our having caught, a few years since, on the 24th of March, three trout, which together weighed eight and a quarter pounds two of them approaching very nearly to three pounds each, be- sides many others at the same time, over a pound, their stomachs being filled with shrimps ; on this occasion both wind arid tide were favorable the latter for sea-trout being much the most impor- tant. We have now to mention a well known and by far most frequented spot in all these waters, called "Poket Point," in Waquoit Bay. Its name like that of the bay, is no doubt of Indian origin, and agreeably to the custom already, re- ferred to, might have been given to it for the very simple reason of its poking out in so striking a manner as to form those singularly abrupt projec- tions from the shore or main land, generally known by the name of " Sand Spits." Be that as it may, it is a very remarkable place, and for many years, has been no less the resort of the angler, than the great abundance of fine sea-trout which 356 TROLTTAND ANGLING. form the object of his visits. But to describe it more particularly. Having proceeded about a quarter of a mile, or it may be nearer a half, from the landing place, (which by the way is that point we have previously mentioned as being the second best,) along the fringed upland which skirts the marsh, we come to a gently sweeping curve of the grassy shore ; on the other side there is a similar curve or swell of the bay, both of which, inclining together towards the extremity, form the celebra- ted spot of which we are now speaking, It is a few hundred feet from the upland to the end of the point, which at low water particularly, is a mere sand bank, and upon which there is no other vegetable growth to be seen except the coarse, rank beach grass, so peculiar to the sterile shores " of the stormy Cape Cod." The distance between high and low water mark upon the point, is but a very few feet ; indeed, the tides in these land-locked bays are so much governed by the force and direction of the winds that it is frequently difficult to tell whether it is high or low, rising or falling ; in moderate weather, however, there can be no doubt, and the calculation of high water in this bay, is about two hours later than the almanac. At low water, there is a wading-place from near the point to the opposite shore which forms one side of " Child's TROUT AND ANGLING. 357 River" the current of which sets against the point and adds to its advantages as a resort for the fish, especially if the wind happens to be in an opposite direction, for the froth which is consequently col- lected upon the surface; is what the trout, beyond all other fish, so much delight in, and they are seen at such times, jumping their whole length out of water, their bright broad sides glistening in the sun. This state of things however, -is not always the most favorable for fishing ; for at such times it may be sport to the fish, but by no means to the angler ; few in fact are taken upon the surface, and they evince little or no acquaintance with the artificial fly, that which we have heretofore men- tioned being a sort of decoy, serving but to attract their attention towards the more deadly bait. One circumstance, adding very much to the pleasure of fishing at this, and indeed at other points of a similar character, is that of the line never becoming entangled, or the hook fouled, the action of the current, particularly at ebb tide, which for reasons in relation to the bait, is the best time, being such as to keep the line always free. Neither is there much annoyance from the hideous sculpin. It does occasionally happen however, and is a misfortune soon ascertained by the heavy strain upon the line, and the dead weight upon the hook ; we 358 TROUT AND ANGLING. are consequently prepared to deal with him as soon as he reaches terra firma, which is not always realized without serious consequences to an appa- ratus, a little too delicate for this species of fishing. Though we profess to feel nothing like a mor- bid sensibility, nor to expend our small stock of compassion upon this maritime monster, yet we have feeling ; but it would be affectation to say that under these circumstances we have no ill will towards the- sculpin, considering the great disappointment he has occasioned us by not being a trout. We would not however, torment this much abused fish by thrusting a stick into his jaws and turning him adrift, thereby putting an effectual veto upon his "biting times," as some of our chil- dren do ; we would merely put him out of harm's way as effectually and as speedily as possible, with that tenderness which a due regard to his feelings ana 1 our own comfort may dictate. His indomita- ble love of his native element, is evinced by fre- quent short and powerful jerks, but finally having baffled his spirit of opposition, and with quite as much regard to the safety of our tackle, as to his views of a change of element, dragged the unwil- ling monster to the sand, we disregard the ang- ling rule, by .which one should " Gently disengage, 'and in the stream again indulgent throw.' TROUT AND ANGLING. 359 but on the contrary, with feelings by no means pro- pitiated in his favor by the threatening erection of his horns, and his obvious objection to a restoration of the hook, first having disposed of the rod by placing it in the only safe position, that is, in an upright one, by means of the spike, then take the staff of the landing net, which is also armed with a spear, for this and other purposes, seize a quiet moment as he lies upon the shore, and force it quickly through his head into the sand, by which operation he is instantly and therefore humanely, deprived ever after of an indulgence in his pro- pensities of smelling, biting, and jerking ; we then withdraw the handle of the net from the sand, with the impaled sculpin " dead as a herring" upon it, after which, his mouth being open for the first time since the enjoyment of his personal ac- quaintance, the hook is disengaged with perfect con- venience. Finally, the handle of the net acting as a powerful lever, the unfortunate " sea-devil " is cast from it with that force and to that distance which settles the question of further annoyance ; then into the water, splash he falls like Lucifer, never to bite again. But enough, perhaps too much of sculpins let us therefore return to the trout. Their only screen from the view of the angler at the point, is the depth of the water, and it is for this reason, as 360 TROUT AND ANGLING. they can probably see though not seen, that a breeze upon the surface is absolutely necessary. There must be a ripple so as to render objects, if they are seen, at least broken and indistinct to the fish ; even a very light breeze, which comes par- ticularly favorable from the southeast and south, added to the tide current is sufficient, but noth- ing can be done in a calm. It is true that on first throwing in, a few fish are taken, laying as they do when undisturbed, near the sand-bank in watch for the bait ; but the effect of the natural timidity peculiar to the species, is to make them recede farther and farther, until being out of his reach, the angler, notwithstanding his having pursued them half leg deep, finally abandons the sport until a more auspicious time. Favored, however, by the united circumstances of tide and wind, plenty of bait, and the established equipments, he has every prospect of all the enjoyment which he anticipated. But the idea of enjoyment, to those not of the fraternity will appear rather enigmati- cal, when it is premised that he stands for hours at a time over his knees in the water, (and here it maybe remarked, by way of parenthesis, that as but two or three can fish, conveniently, at one time, upon this and the other similar points, they cer- tainly, having the ground to themselves, have no desire to refute the maxim of de gustibus non est TROUT AND ANGLING. 361 disputandum,) but it does not follow that his feet, though cold, are wet, being protected by his imper- vious india-rubber leggings, in which, after some hours' pressure of the water, there is not the least appearance of moisture, except what arises from the natural exudation from the skin. Even as early as February, the trout may be taken in this and other places, and as before ob- served, are in high perfection ; but the cold, at this season requires to be guarded against, and the an- gler is consequently supplied with a pea-jacket, as it is called, among his other defences ; his dress, in fact, is regulated according to the season, March, April and May being the most favorable months. Though by no means giving it the preference, he likes the fishing because he likes the fish, and more particularly, for its novelty, being the first fruits of the season. His other gear, as varying strictly from fly-fish- ing, are these : the rod should be rather longer and stouter, though, well managed, the fly-rod may be used without danger and with still greater convenience. Casting lines may be used or not, at pleasure, but a single shot of the size called B. is absolute- ly necessary. A very minute swivel is used for the double purpose of spinning the bait and preserving the line from snarling. Several spare hooks, already 362 TROUT AND ANGLING. ganged upon silk-worm gut, must be at hand to repair losses, as well as shot previously split. Short casting lines will be necessary only in case of using a small red or gaudy fly, of which a slight stock should also be provided. The meshes of the landing net should be small, for the purpose not only of landing, or it may be said dipping up the fish, but also for catching the live bait. If the net is carried as recommended in fly-fishing, un- der the left arm, the fish should be unhooked over it, so that if it happens to drop, it will drop into the net and not into the water. A japaned box is strapped round the waist, with apartments for the two kinds of bait. The winch and line are the same as that described for fly-fishing. The pock- et book is well supplied with materials to refit, re- pair, and replenish, and the basket, if not carried upon the back, is left in a convenient situation near the edge of the water. There have been incredible numbers of trout taken at the celebrated point to which we more particularly refer ; hundreds, and perhaps we may say thousands every year, nor is it perceived, on the whole, that they are diminished in proportion. From particular causes, however, generally attrib- utable to the state of the weather, there are sea- sons of scarcity ; as a proof of this, we may men- tion the circumstance which happened a few years TROUT AND ANGLING. 363 since, of a change of temperature attended with snow, which suddenly succeeded a few uncommon- ly warm days, during which the trout, invited by the warmth of the water, rather than governed by the early season, began to change their quarters and ascend the streams, agreeably to the instinct of their nature. The consequence was, that chill- ed by the snow, the streams and shallows near the shore became a mass of sludge, whence the trout, dead and dying, were collected in great numbers, as well as from the edge of the marshes, where they were left by the receding tide. The mortality was such as to occasion a perceptible diminution in the quantity and size of the fish, on that as well as the following season. Instances of this nature are, however, of rare oc- currence, but w r e wish that as much could be said of the shameful practice of NETTING, which, under pretence of taking herring, is annually perpetra- ted, more particularly in Child's and Quash,nut rivers, in defiance of the well known law against it.- It may be said of this and every other place, where trout are found, that fair fishing never thin- ned their numbers yet. Since upon Poket Point, there is nothing to screen the angler, on first approaching, it is best to be cautious, particularly if it happens to be a calm time. It not unfrequently happens that two 364 TROUT AND ANGLING. persons on first throwing in, will both instantly take double game, as it is called. If it is late in May, two of them may be striped Bass, which we have seen repeatedly taken to- gether ; for it is in May that these fish run in from the sea. At that time they are in such fine condition that there is no reason to regret the chance of taking one occasionally, if it were for nothing else but to give variety to the repast in an- ticipation. After premising that there is never a day in the season of fishing, but more or less trout may be taken at this point always enough to eat ; still, to give a better idea of the numbers, though perhaps incurring the charge of dry detail, we would now refer to such days as have been considered fortunate ; and we mention them only as coming within our own observation, and such as every fre- quenter of these waters must also have experi- enced. April the twentysecond, two persons took twen- tyseven pounds principally upon this point : a great part of the time the tide was ebb, and of course favorable, but the wind being north-east, by no means so, which is one of the many proofs of their capriciousness for the want of a better reason, already adverted to. The angler, of all persons, therefore, should never despair. On the ninth of April the year is of no consequence TROUT AND ANGLING. 265 two persons took, in the same spot, fiftyeight trout, weighing thirty pounds ; and this gives a correct idea of their average weight of half a pound, many being not much over a quarter, a considerable number up to a pound, and but few reaching the weight of two pounds and over. It would be well if some who are in the habit of angling here, would remember the petition of the fish in the fable, and release all trout under the size of minnows, instead of basketing every one they catch, merely to swell the number, without regard to weight, beside the detriment to future sport such conduct is a wanton sacrifice of life, which no true angler will countenance. On the seventh of May, twentynine pounds were taken by two persons, the number of fish not known, but probably between fifty and sixty. We shall merely add as an instance of the greatest re- sult of fishing at the two principal points here al- luded to, of which we have any recollection, that in the middle of April 1829, there were taken by two persons, in five day's fishing, 296 sea trout, weighing 191 pounds. On one of the five days the number was eightytwo, and the weight sixty- one pounds, thirty fish of one of the parties weigh- ing thirty pounds and a quarter, and the largest two pounds and eleven ounces. The wind and weather on the whole were favorable, but even 366 TROUT AND ANGLING. when otherwise, it made, as sometimes happens, but little difference in the sport By a singular coincidence, though in perfect keep- ing with the genius of the place, the names of Phinney, Fish and Handy, are among the occu- pants of the surrounding soil. To those who de- sire to be near the scene of action, the house of the former affords substantial comforts, while that of the latter has been from time immemorial the point tfappui of the visiter, let him come from where he will. It is here that we commence the note of preparation, arrange the tackle and select the bait. It is here we often linger upon the sun- ny slope that fronts his lowly cot, or seated at the window, watch the sluggish tide, or favoring breeze ; or if detained within, we listen to the aged veteran, while with kindling enthusiasm he conjures up a series of such incidents as form the humble part he took in achieving his country's inde- pendence, or dwells with doting fondness and cheering satisfaction, upon the circumstance of his eyes having once been blessed with the sight of the glorious Washington and Lafayette, as the brightest reminiscence of his unpretending history. Grateful for the pittance of his country's bounty, he contrives to live ; his utmost wants all realized in the necessaries of life. But still, without the treasures of the sea, his boat and spear, it might TROUT AND ANGLING. 367 go hard with the aged pensioner, whom we have sometimes seen of a calm dark night engaged in the picturesque process of eeUng ; the boat gently cleaving the smooth surface ; a bright fire kindled in the bow ; his attenuated form standing erect in the centre, and seen by the glare of light in strong relief contrasted with the murky darkness around, darting his spear at times into the lurid water ; then like a trident brandishing it aloft, the very person- ification of old Neptune himself. As a short digression from our subject, but con- nected with eeling an occupation so essential to the poorer inhabitants, that the eel spear may be called the staff of life we have to state the cir- cumstance as related to us, which happened in these waters some fifty years ago, of an Indian who one dark night was beset by a host of wild geese. Attracted by the bright glare of the flam- ing pine knots, they approached his boat in a dense black mass, croaking most vehemently, rushing at the fire, which they soon flapped out and scattered with their wings. His only defence was his pad- dle, and this he laid about him with such effect to prevent the canoe from sinking by their numbers, that on reaching the shore with great difficulty, he found his cargo unexpectedly consisting of wild geese instead of eels. Having now noticed the principal bays and 368 TROUT AND ANGLING. points, where the sea trout are found in the great- est numbers and perfection, compared to all the other tide waters in the state, we proceed to men- tion the two well known rivers, into which upon the return of warm weather they begin to migrate, called Child's and Marshpee rivers, or in other words, we speak of the sea trout in fresh water. The first mentioned river is shallow and will be found more or less brackish according to its prox- imity to the bay into which it runs ; the banks are not wooded, and it receives the water of a brook that takes its rise in springs and bogs at only a short distance from the head of tide waters, or rather we should say where the fresh water is backed by the impulse" of the flowing tide. As this brook is alto- gether unfavorable for a mill, on account of its short and sluggish character, the trout have unin- terrupted access to its head waters, where they re- pair in spawning time, but seem in no haste to run in -any great numbers at an earlier period of the season, which fact is peculiar to this stream, and no doubt is to be accounted for by the greater abundance of good feed below. Occasionally this boggy brook affords good di- version in its few approachable parts, but generally speaking they are found collected in one or more of the little shallow basins, a successive chain of which forms this peculiar river. It has neither TROUT AND ANGLING. 369 shelving banks, or rocks, or brush, the only cover for the fish being a green spongy weed at the bot- tom, and so easily detached by a little too much wind, as to be very annoying to the angler. In- deed there is an end of fishing whenever this sub- stance is inclined to float upon the surface, as we have often noticed in this, as well as other rivers. Child's River however, though by no means pos- sessing the rural charms in which the fly-fisher so much delights, or the difficulties which it is his am- bition to contend with and overcome ; has no supe- rior as a place favorable to the practice of the in- cipient state of the art, particularly on account of its freedom from the usual impediments, enabling the angler to cast his fly without difficulty. In this water we have found the same red fly already mentioned, very successful, as also others of a bright and showy description, which certainly for sea-trout are the most killing. And here it would not be amiss to mention the materials composing this fly, and forming the great dependence of the angler for sea-trout. The hook is small and of the kind called limerick, ganged of course upon silk worm gut, the snood of which may be the whole length of the gut if used for a stretcher, but if used for a dropper, either with another fly, or with the bait, it should be but three or four inches long, and the gut of the stiffest kind, to prevent its winding 24 370 TROUT AND ANGLI NG. round the casting line when wet, as it is inclin- ed to do. Its distance from the end fly or stretch- er is about three feet, but if bait is used, it should be at least double that distance. Its body or dub- bing may be made of red worsted, mohair or floss silk, the last being neatest, and objectionable in all flies only on account of its greater liability to hold the water. Then comes the hackle, from the neck feathers of a white rooster dyed red, which is wound round the body, making a very simple fly, so called, but more resembling a caterpillar, as it will be observed it has no wings. When three flies are used, there can be no better arrangement for them than the following. The first drop-fly, to be thirty inches from the stretch- er, the gut only four inches long, and of the stout- est kind. The second drop-fly to be thirtyfive inches from the first, and the gut eight inches long. The advantage of observing this fixed distance be- tween the flies, is that of their all three coming in contact with the water in the ordinary position of the line after it is cast. Highly as we appreciate it as a pleasing resource to the angler, and forming one object for the exercise of his skill, it is not intended to add to these remarks our own experience in the art ' of fly making ; it will however be proper to state the names of those mentioned in the books on TROUT AND ANGLING. 371 angling where ample directions may be seen of such as are said, and we have proved to be, stan- dard flies, that is, such as are found to be good at all times and in all places. They are the palmer flies, namely, the red hackle, yellow hackle, grouse hackle, etc ; and wing flies, such as the green drake or may-fly, the march brown, and indeed any and all of that class of insects known by the name of phryganeae and ephemerae, to which may be added the grasshopper as well as beetles, for " there is hardly any insect that flies, including the wasp, the hornet, the bee and the butterfly, that does not become at sometime the prey of fishes." If the angler has half a dozen of each of the palmers, as well as a small stock of the wing flies above alluded to, he may be considered well pro- vided, particularly if he has also feathers and other materials to repair his loss in case either variety should be exhausted. The manufacture of flies is a very nice operation, and more suited to the del- icate fingers of females, by whom they are princi- pally made in England, Scotland, &c. The very best of them are but rude imitations of nature, but the practised eye will distinguish at a glance those that are made by rule, from those that are made by a novice in the art. From our own experience we have been of opinion that quite as much stress is laid upon the necessity of an infinite variety of 37*2 TROUT AND ANGLING. flies as is consistent with fact ; neither do we be- lieve that the most killing will prove to be such flies, as at the time the trout happen to be taking. For on the contrary we have often noticed that a totally different fly may be used with success, and it may too, be unlike any insect in creation, for which reason, they seem to give it the prefer- ence. There are however certain general rules to be observed, such as a dark fly for a bright day, and a bright fly for a cloudy day ; a small fly for calm water and a larger one for a rapid. The great difficulty in fly making is in the wings, nay, it is not only difficult but impossible to imitate with anything like truth to nature, those little retic- ulated gossamer transparencies, neither would the flies be any better if we could. A judicious selection of feathers then is all that can be done ; they have the advantage of any sub- stance more delicate, which would not bear the use. The smaller the fly the more difficult it is to make, and this accounts for the artificial ones being so out of all proportion ; though we do not believe they are any the worse for it. Indeed it would be a very difficult thing not only to procure a hook sufficiently small, but to make a fly so very minute as to be scarcely perceptible on the wa- ter. It frequently happens, in a calm time, that the surface is covered with an insect so small TROUT AND ANGL.ING. 373 that they could not be perceived by the fish if it was at all agitated by the wind. At such times the trout are rising in all directions, apparently in sport j but upon examination they will be found to have fifty or more of these little specks collected in the throat. To imitate the size then is out of the question, the most we can do is to corne as near as possible to the colors, and if we have nothing like it in our collection, to make one upon the spot, though it may be twenty times as large. But enough of calms, the test of an angler's skill. The most showy and therefore the most killing salmon flies, resemble nothing which skims the air; after the body requiring great nicety in the operation of tying, they are principally made up of a mass of the most gaudy feathers pos- sible ; well arranged, gay and attractive as the butterfly, and intermingling their tints like the pris- matic colors of the rainbow. Such are the Irish flies of Martin Kelly, some remarks upon which, taken from an English Magazine, we here subjoin, as they apply to fly fishing and fly making in gen- eral. " I would recommend every man who aspires to be a first rate salmon fisher, or is ljkely to have frequent opportunities of enjoying that noble sport, to learn the art of fly dressing. The occu- pation is agreeable, and the pleasure of killing a 374 TROUT AND ANGLtNG. salmon with those of one's own manufacture is infi- nitely greater than that afforded by doing so with the handy-work of any other artist. The dress- ing an Irish fly is, it must be admitted, a tedious, and to do it neatly, rather a difficult operation, and requires not only practice in the mere mechanical part of the process, but likewise considerable judg- ment in the selection and adaptation of the com- ponent parts. Any man who has been taught to tie flies, may imitate a pattern correctly enough ; but it is not so easy a matter, without a model, to select and mix a good wing, and choose the colors of the body, legs, head, &c., so as to make a ju- dicious whole. The merely being able to tie a neat and pretty looking fly, is not sufficient ; some- thing more is wanting, and this something, most men whether regular tackle makers, or amateurs, want, and nothing but experience and careful and minute observation will supply the deficiency." Having made this long detour from Childs' Riv- er, we now return to it, for the purpose merely of stating the numbers and size of the fish taken at one particular time. It was on the eighteenth of May 1829, that two persons one of whom was an English gentleman, a " brother of the angler," to whom we are principally indebted for the small stock of practical skill we possess took seventy fine sea-trout, weighing thirtyeight pounds. A TROUT AND ANGLING. 375 number of the largest weighed about a pound and a half, but none over. They were nearly all tak- en with the fly, and most of them with three or four varieties of those standard flies already men- tioned, namely, the red and yellow palmer or hackle, the march brown, and grouse hackle. The time on the whole was favorable, though the sun was out, the wind blowing up the river, mild and gentle. There is another river which flows into Wa- quoit Bay, known by the Indian name of Quashnut. In its tide waters the sea-trout are sometimes col- lected in considerable numbers. It is at best how- ever an uncertain place, and never can amount to much as a trout stream on account of the mill which obstructs their progress to its upper waters, to say nothing of the stealthy practice of seining, before mentioned. And here it may be remarked that the effect of a mill, as it respects the trout in a stream, depends very much upon its location. If it is high up and near the source, its operation is far. less unfavorable to their annual upward tenden- cy, as many instances might be adduced to prove, but if on the contrary, as in the instance of the stream last mentioned, the fall happens to be such that the mill is erected upon the lower waters, it proves an effectual barrier to their migrations, and they desert the stream for one more congenial to 376 TROUT AND ANGLING. their nature. As it respects this mill, it is a more desperate case for the fish, than indeed where the communication with the brook is entirely cut ofF 7 since the improvement of the dam for factory pur- poses, and the consequent alteration of a waste way, that now falls in a lofty cascade. We have been surprised that this arrangement was permit- ted, since it effectually shuts out the herrings as well as the trout, the former being so essential to the support of the poorer class. We remember in the olden time, when every drop of water was by no means so precious as it is now-a-days, that while passing this darn, on our way to " Poket," it was a common thing to be accosted by the worthy miller, with an offer of large trout, which of course we always rejected, expecting to take larger and better ourselves, nei- ther did we altogether approve his modus operandi, simple enough to be sure, as may be seen by what fol- lows. Observing that the trout, in their efforts to struggle through what is called the waste way, were cast back again by the force of the gorge, into one particular shallow of the stream ; he there drove a circle of stakes, making a sort of pound, from which there was no escape, and whence the trout thus confined, were taken at pleasure. We remember to have noticed the same invention, though upon a larger scale, in Canada, at the up- TROUT AND ANGLING. 377 per bridge, that crosses the Jacques Cartier River. A view is given of this wild scene in Mr Vignes " Six Months in America," taken by himself, rep- resenting the identical personage with whom we conversed on the subject of the salmon, while on a journey in the month of August 1826. But the circumstance alluded to, being noticed in a short journal of one of the parties, and also applicable to our subject, we therefore subjoin an extract from it. " At seven o'clock we arrived at the beautiful and romantic spot called Jacques Cartier Upper Bridge. Though on a smaller scale, it resembles " Trenton Falls," in the rude features of nature, the river having worn a deep passage in the solid rock, through which the impetuous water foams and tumbles in its progress towards the mighty St Lawrence. Two pedestrian highland officers had arrived from Quebec on an excursion for salmon fishing, the spot being celebrated in its facilities for the enjoyment of this sport. With great civility, one of- them perceiving that we were strangers and travellers, accosted us, and imparted all the infor- mation possible in the half hour that we were able to devote to the enjoyment of this interesting scene. It was with great reluctance that we looked with the hurried glance of the passing traveller upon a prospect so truly picturesque, and above all, at the 378 TROUT AND ANGLING. only place where we had ever yet visited where the art of angling is enjoyed in its greatest perfec- tion ; but so it was we were bound to Cape Saint to lodge, and even if we had been disposed to stay, the tavern, which was also the toll-house, appeared much too small to accommodate our party without dispossessing the said officers, who had already taken up their quarters there. " The salmon are taken with the rod, line and artificial fly, and often in an eddy of the river very near the bridge. The w r ater here has scooped out a vast hollow in the rock ; in this the salmon were to be seen in the morning when the sun shone, doggedly still, because seeing as well as seen, but as the officer observed, all his efforts to allure them by the most enticing flies, proved inef- fectual, though he confidently expected better suc- cess early tomorrow morning ; and well he might, for we understood from the tollman, in French, that four were taken yesterday with the hook, one of which weighed eighteen pounds. " On the other side of the bridge, up the river, there was also an elbow in the rock, forming a sort of natural trap, where the salmon, in attempting to leap a rapid, were forced back into a small pool, from which they were taken and removed to another and more secure pen ; out of this our informant took one with a dip net, weighing about three pounds, a TROUT AND ANGLING. 379 size in England called grilse . Though out of season and very indifferent, it proved a valuable addition to our viands, cleanliness being a more striking char- acteristic of Canada, in summer, than good cheer. On the flat surface of the rock, we were shown the deep prints of feet, as they are called ; they have something of the form, to be sure, but are without doubt the natural effect of the torrent, which when the river is swollen, covers these places, and has at some time or other, whirled round loose peb- bles within them, so as to produce, by abrasion, these peculiar forms. It was with regret that we bade adieu to this gem of creation." The other stream which we proposed to notice, as being remarkable for its sea-trout, is called Marshpee Brook or River, and takes its rise from the Marshpee or Wakeby pond, flowing through the plantation of the Marshpee tribe of Indians, adjoin- ing the town of Falmouth and Sandwich, it empties into the before mentioned Popponesset Bay. Like many other streams, it is called both a river and a brook, though it is well understood that when the former term is used, it applies to its lower waters, and vice versa. We have little to say of its river part, except that being much deeper than the one last describ- ed, the trout are taken sometimes through the ice, in the winter and early spring, in certain deep 380 TROUT AND ANGLING. parts, known by the familiar names of the Crow's Nest, Amos's Landing, &ic. And here it may be remarked that, go where you will, let the scene and the country be ever so uninteresting and in- describable, there is hardly an acre of ground or water unprovided with its appropriate name, some of them very ludicrous, and all familiarly known by the occupants of the soil. Though this is observ- able throughout the country generally, it is more particularly so in all our Indian settlements, and in that to which we have alluded as much as any. Mixed and degenerate as they are, it is still grati- fying to see here and there the slightest vestiges, and they are few, of the primitive customs of the sons of the forest. One of these, if not still extant, must have been so at no very distant period, and is that of stopping to rest at certain spots in the roads, (once paths) indicated by a considerable pile of dried sticks, and called "Indian Taverns." These are still visible in many places, and were sustained by the practice of each individual who passed casting a stick upon the heap But alas ! even these Indian Tumuli, if they may be so called, are gradually sinking to decay, an indication of that total extinction, .sure and cer- tain, which awaits those with whom they origin- ated. Where is the warlike front, the firm step, the native pride, the majestic bearing, where is TROUT AND ANGLING. 381 the feathered mantle, the gaudy plume, the dead- ly arrow, and the elastic bow, where is the friendly wigwam, and the calumet of peace, where ? all civilized away. Disgrace not the name of Indian, by applying it to that squalid, mongrel race who halt exhausted at an Indian tavern ; they bear the white man's poison, they stop to drink, where once their ancestors, with solemn purpose, cast a bough upon the landmark pile as a propitiatory sacrifice to the Great Spirit ; but at length a too potent spirit has sacrificed them, their civilized and degenerate descendants. One of the most interesting remains of Indian anti- quity is to be seen upon the banks of Cotuit brook, on the land of the venerable and worthy Gideon Hawley, Esq. one of the overseers of the Marshpee tribe. It is a large tumulus, so obliterated by time as hardly to attract notice, but on examination a regularity of form is perceptible. It is an oblong square, but not much elevated. There are trees upon it of a considerable size and spontaneous growth. The tradition is that of its being the grave of a large trout, which having forced its way and pioneered the herrings from the sea, was there taken and buried. This is ridiculous enough, as most Indian traditions are ; but should an excava- tion ever be made, there is but little doubt that the labors of the antiquarian would be rewarded with 382 TROUT AND ANGLING. a sufficiency of bones; they would, however, be of those the Indian, and not of the. trout.* From the peculiar nature of the stream, the fishing of Marshpee Brook may be considered as perfectly sui generis. We have seen the time, when, as beginners, we had no objection to it, particularly on account of the great hauls, with which we sometimes even astonished the natives ; but as that time has gone by, and nothing short of doing the thing secundum artem will satisfy us now ; we shall say merely a few words for the benefit of all those " pot-fishers " that care more about the end than the means. It may then be inferred, from what we have said, that the use of the fly in this stream, is out of the question, and so it is ; from one end to the other, with very little exception, its banks are cov- ered to the water's edge with a dense mass of pri- meval foliage, so close, the broad limbs embracing and intermingling from either side, and " wreathing * On a recent visit to Cotuit, having visited this Tumulous or " Trout-Mound," as it is there called, the form was found to be rather oval than oblong ; an egg cut longitudinally in halves, will best convey an idea of its shape. \Ve also learnt that some years since, an excavation was caused to be made by D. L. Child, Esq. whose expectations in bringing some- thing to light, interesting to the antiquarian, were not realiz- ed. We are still of opinion however, that had the work been prosecuted to a greater extent, a satisfactory result would have followed. TROUT AND ANGLING. 383 their old fantastic roots on high," as effectually to screen the view of the water. The only way to fish in Marshpee brook, therefore, is by wading ; and fortunately, its hard, gravelly bottom, so un- common in other brooks, but remarkable in this, renders it perfectly practicable. Notwithstanding our present predilection for what we conceive to be a greater refinement of the art, our thoughts must often recur to Marshpee and its interesting associations, as being our first love. Many are the friends who must recip- rocate in the gratification of having wet a line to- gether in this enticing stream, of which it may be truly said, our lines have fallen in pleasant places ; and among those of the most pleasing kind is blended the recollection of a successful day, passed with one whom we delight to honor, and one whose skilful management in alluring the speckled captive was, as it were, emblematical of that transcendent talent, which, as a statesman and a " fisher of men," has since made captives of us all. And here it may be observed, that if great names were requir- ed to sanction the diversion of angling, and give it a preference, we can refer to Salmonia, that vade mecum of the angler, not only for authority of such a character, but for arguments founded on its ra- tiontd enjoyment as a philosophic pursuit. Halieus there says, " I can find authorities of 384 TROUT AND ANGLING. all kinds, statesmen, heroes and philosophers; I can go back to Trajan, who was fond of angling. Nelson was a good fly-fisher, and as a proof of his passion for it, continued the pursuit even with his left hand. Dr Paley was ardently attached to this amusement ; so much so, that when the Bishop of Durham inquired of him, when one of his most important works would be finished, he said, with great simplicity and good humor, " My lord, I shall work steadily at it when the fly-fishing sea- son is over," as if this were a business of his life. And I am rather reserved in introducing living characters, or I would give a list of the highest names in Britain, belonging to modern times, in science, letters, arts, and arms, who are ornaments of this fraternity, to use an expression borrowed from the freemasonry of our forefathers. Physicus. I do not find much difficulty in understanding why warriors and statesmen, fishers of men, many of whom I have known particularly fond of hunting and shooting, should likewise be attached to angling ; but I own I am at a loss to find reasons for a love of this pursuit among phi- losophers and poets. Halieus. The search after food is an instinct belonging to our nature ; and from the savage, in his rudest and most primitive state, who destroys a piece of game, or a fish, with a club or spear, to TROUT AND ANGLING. 385 a man in the most civilized state of society, who employs artifice, machinery, and the resources of various other animals, to secure his object, the ori- gin of the pleasure is similar, and its object the same ; but that kind of it requiring most art may be said to characterise man in his highest or intel- lectual state ; and the fisher for salmon and trout with the fly, employs not only machinery to assist his physical powers, but applies sagacity to con- quer difficulties ; and the pleasure derived from ingenious resources and devices, as well as from active pursuit, belongs to this amusement. How delightful in the early spring, after the dull and tedious time of winter, when the frosts disap- pear and the sunshine warms the earth and waters, to wand'er forth by some clear stream." To this feeling, whether as fly-fishers, or more general anglers, we most cordially respond, and not the less so as it applies to the stream in ques- tion, among other favorite resorts, for the circum- stance of the necessity of wet feet. There are sundry places where it is customary to enter Marshpee Brook, either higher or lower, according to circumstances. To stem the current and fish upwards, is out of the question, and never practised, neither should we recommend ever " tracing up the brooks," though unimpeded by trees, if it were for no other reason than the derangement of the line, 25 TROUT AND ANGLING. which constantly occurs by its flowing towards you ; an inconvenience which never happens while descending. In this brook, however, the agitation of the waters in ascending and thereby disturbing the fish, would be a sufficient reason for going with the current, its operation being such as to guide the bait, and often by the minutest aperture; into those deep recesses whence the monarch of the brook is drawn vi et armis, as he struggles to recede into his dark haunt; in fact, as there is no sea-room to play a fish, the tackle should be altogether of a stouter description than that which is confined to the use of the artifi- cial fly. The rod for instance should be but eight or ten feet long, with a very stiff top joint a longer rod cannot be used with convenience on account of the trees. It must have a winch or reel attached, and rings through which to pass the line of ten or fifteen yards in length, and made of silk. The hooks should be of rather a large size, and if ganged on silk worm gut, so much the better. A swivel will be required, and at least one large shot of the size of B. The angler should have a supply of all those materials before recommended, to repair his loss- es, which in this brook of all others, on account of the large size of the fish, and more particularly TROUT AND ANGLING. 387 the obstructions in its course, are so likely to oc- cur. Let the rod be of what kind it will, there should always be a spike in the butt, for a rod should never be suffered to lay upon the ground or fall into the water, particularly in a current, which is sure to sag down the line and do such mischief as a little pains might have prevented. He should have his fish pannier at his back, and never be without his landing net under the left arm, for reasons before stated. A clearing ring is also often required in a brook like this. The meshes of the net may be either small or large, as the minnow, though always a good bait, is not used in this stream. The practice is to procure a fresh herring, and after having scaled it, make three longitudinal cuts on each side, and then trans- verse cuts, so as to reduce the whole shiny part of the herring to square bits about double the size of dice. To keep this bait in a convenient situa- tion for use, either a small basket attached to the pannier, or a tin box, with air holes in the top, is necessary. We have mentioned a reel as essential, though it is not for the usual purpose of holding a long line to play and drown the fish, as in more open waters ; but for the purpose of governing the length of the line with greater convenience, as it becomes often necessary, in order to insinuate the bait under the 388 TROUT AND ANGLING. bushes, or guide it near some frothy hummock, to leave but one or two feet beyond the end of the rod. In such places, sometimes not larger than a hat, to all appearance, but often extending under the banks of the stream to the length of the rod, the trout on coming from the salt water take up their abode, and also disperse themselves, under every log, stone, bank or bush, calculated to afford them cover. It is a peculiar kind of fishing, and requires both caution and patience. The angler should descend the stream so mod- erately as not to rile the water more than possible, and stand a moment before coming to a favorite bend or bank, for the cloud to pass off and the wa- ter to become quiet, before he casts his bait into the tempting whirl. On striking, that is, hooking the fish, time should be given to gorge the bait a little, neither should it be done with violence for fear of either breaking the rod, or jerking the line and hook into a tree over head, which, of all things is a difficulty most apt to try one's patience in this brook. To guard against this latter incon- venience, it is best to have a hook, made to screw into the rod of the landing net, for the purpose of drawing down a limb that may be out of reach, in order to disengage the line. There are a small species of trout in this stream which are what we call natives, and do not visit the TROUT AND ANGLING. 389 lower parts of the river ; they are easily distinguish- ed from the sea-trout by their yellow sides, scarlet bellies and red fins. The latter however not only re- tain their silvery appearance, but grow brown on the back and black on the head, and in the mouth, ac- cording to the length of time they have been in the fresh water. It is said that they come up with the herrings, but the number taken by the herring fishers in their hand nets is so few, as to establish the fact, not only that they run in the night, but of their continuing to ascend from the bay or mouth of the river, long after the herrings have passed into the Wakeby pond. Their "bright, fresh run appear- ance as well as their large size and numbers, may be mentioned in further confirmation of their run- ning more or less all summer long. For though the fishing may be tolerable by the middle of May, the greatest show of fish has always been taken in the middle of summer. At this time herring bait of course is not to be had, minnows, if possi- ble, or worms, are then substituted. The largest sea-trout in the State, have been taken in this brook ; we believe nearly up to five pounds ; two and three being by no means uncommon. But we would repeat again that the average size is much smaller than is generally admitted, and we should sooner call it half a pound than two pounds, as it has been erroneously stated ; indeed we 390 TROUT AND ANGLING. should go farther, and call the average much less even in the best day's fishing, if every trout, great and small is " basketed," for it all depends upon the number of those that are rejected and returned to the stream. This is one of the brooks that does not suffer by a mill, that which is upon it, but now in decay, being so near the outlet from the pond as to be no impediment to the course of the fish towards their cold-spring haunts, neither do they incline to pen- etrate into the still and warmer waters of the pond ; but prefer invariably to spawn in the gravelly shal- lows of the running water, for which it is so re- markably adapted. In fact, to all frequenters of the Cape, it has been for generations, renowned for the purity and coolness of the waters, the abun- dance of shelters, the size and plenty offish, and indeed for every quality that constitutes a most perfect trout-strearn, with the single exception of its being, from its wild state, unfavorable to the use of the artificial fly. Since we have mentioned worms as a bait, and not remembering to have seen any direction for the process of what is called scouring, it may not be amiss to introduce it here ; for if they are used at all, they are much improved by the operation, both as it respects their being cleaner and more lively. TROUT AND ANGLING. 391 First, get some clean meadow moss ; wash it and wring it nearly dry, then fill a vessel of the shape of a gallon measure. Let some common earth worms be dug, of a middle size, enough to fill half a pint ; put the worms as fast as dug into a basin of clean water ; take all that are alive and not broken, of a suitable size, and put them in a heap upon the top of the moss, into which on the fol- lowing day, they will be found to have buried themselves, leaving the earth with which they were filled, upon the surface. The moss and worms must then be taken out, both washed sep- arately, the broken worms picked out, and the. living ones placed as before. This, if repeated two or three times will be sufficient, and will ren- der them bright, clean and lively, in which state they may be kept, occasionally sprinkling the moss with a little milk, for many days, As it respects the sea-trout, we have confined our remarks thug far to a few particular places, but it is proper to state that though the last mentioned water is the main resort of visiters to Sandwich, whence it is distant about ten miles ; that town is the most remarkable for its abundance of this fine fish of any other in the State ; so much so, that it was for years frequented not only by those w r ho delight in the pursuit of angling, but also by those who set quite as much value upon them as one of 392 TROUT AND ANGLING. the greatest delicacies of the table. It was there they were once taken in great numbers and eaten in the highest perfection. It was there that the hot air of the city was exchanged for the pure and piny fragrance of the Cape. It was there the com- forts of a public house were once realized to the heart's content. But alas ! the glory of Sandwich has departed, and " Fessenden's" exists no longer, except in the remembrance of those who have en- joyed its luxuries and the kind attentions of its re- spected host. Besides this lamentable change from what was once justly considered the best house in the coun- try, to its .opposite extreme ; the corrupting influ- ence of a foreign population has proved, in this in- stance, the usual scourge of a village, so that now it may be said, Sandwich fuit, and even " John," the guide of the young angler, has seen his best days ! Deep as our regret may be for this deterioration, occasioned less by the diminution of the fish than the substitution of a low tavern, we do not say grog- shop, for a public house, which from its superior excellence under its former landlord, was of itself sufficient to give character and celebrity to a vil- lage ; we have yet the consolation left us of chang- ing our head-quarters to that beautiful oasis in the desert of pines, called Cotuit. This charming settlement, which to its honor be it said, was nev- TROUT AND ANGLING. 393 er permitted to be cursed with a "bar-room," so called, is now without a public house. We there- fore refrain from saying anything in its commen- dation, as a starting point of the angler ; except that we are among the favored few 1 who are still per- mitted by our obliging friend, Ezra Crocker, Esq. though having taken down his sign, to make his house our home.* We mention this place as by far the most con- venient location, either for early or late fishing, to say nothing of its various other charms as a sum- mer resort ; yet all the places, to which we have alluded, may be visited with great convenience from Sandwich, requiring only a little more time in going from place to place. For whether you reside at one or the other, your excursions will de- pend upon the season of the year. If early in the spring before the sea-trout have begun to run, they will be to the narrows of Popponesset bay, to * As a proof of the salubrity of the village of Cotuit, as vvell as the primitive temperance of its occupants, it may be re- marked, that for the space of 20 years, a physician has not been called to the family of Mr Crocker, with one exception, and that was to a child, now a blooming young lady, who was on a visit to the family. The physician being from home however, and the patient mending, his services even in this solitary instance were finally dispensed with. The father and mother of Mr Crocker died at the advanced age of 80. Their sons and descendants, together with Mr Hawley and the Rev. Mr Fisk, are the principal occupants of the village. 394 TROUT AND ANGLING. Waquoit bay, to the lower waters of Marshpee river, and to Monument river, &c. ; but if later in the spring, and in the early summer, though Marshpee brook will be the great dependence, the various other places where the sea-trout are found are almost innumerable ; for there is not a rivulet that flows from the springy banks of the upland into the creeks of the salt marsh, but con- tains more or less. Among the most celebrated, however, are the two tide rivers in Sandwich, call- ed Scusset, and Scorton, to the former of which, once without its equal, we may again apply the word fuit 9 for it has now suffered from the usual effects of a mill. As to the smaller streams, that which crosses the Barnstable road and enters the salt meadows, about four miles from Sandwich, near the Quaker Meeting-house, has, from our own expe- rience, sometimes yielded great results ; in fact, it may be said that the whole country is full of trout, and not confined, though peculiar to this town, for they abound in the neighboring towns of Falmouth, Barnstable, Wareham, Plymouth, etc., and to come nearer home, Marshfield, of which last, by the way, out of regard to the tena- cious notions of such friends as view the ground their own by a sort of prescriptive right, but for which we can feel no sympathy, we forbear to make that particular mention which it justly, merits. TROUT AND ANGLING. 305 Having thus considered the three principal va- rieties, viz : the natural pond or lake-trout, the river or artificial pond-trout, and the sea-trout, both in salt and fresh water, as connected with the art of angling, and with the exception of the first de- scription, as applied to the state of Massachusetts, the few remarks with which we conclude, will be of a more miscellaneous character, and are such as have been overlooked in our progress thus far. The trout being a very timid fish, seldom rise or take the bait, either when seeing or seen, it is therefore necessary to keep out of sight as much as possible. Indeed it is necessary that the angler should steal upon them with the cunning of a fox ; and we have a friend in our mind whose great suc- cess is founded upon his observance of this rule. He uses- the bait only, but always keeps at a re- spectful distance from the water. The fly-fisher, if he has learnt the art of throw- ing the fly, may proceed with less caution ; his greatest delight is to overcome distance by the length of line, rather than by the length of the rod. Lines are generally made of an equal size from one end to the other, but a better way is to make them like a whip-lash, that is, larger in the mid- dle than at the extremities, for this gives an im- petus in casting the fly. The best rods will be 396 TROUT AND ANGLING. found to have a small piece of wire moulded on the joints where they unite ; this is intended to tie them together by a silk thread, to prevent the awkward predicament of throwing rod and all into the water, one of the miseries of anglers, and a thing that often happens, unless so prevented. Since we are upon nice points, though we hope not more nice than wise, we will observe still fur- ther, that the silk thread should be waxed with bees' wax, and not with shoemaker's, that it may be unwound with greater convenience, this being the only use in all the apparatus, to which the former is put in preference to the latter. Shoe- maker's wax is absolutely essential, both as hold- ing the work together and resisting the action of the water. The silk thread should be left hang- ing upon the joints ready for use, which if it is a three-joint rod, as recommended, will require but two wooldings, and gives very little trouble. Before putting a rod together, the end of one joint (without a brass ferrule, as advised,) which goes in- to the ferrule or socket of the other, should have a little hard grease applied to it, to prevent its swell- ing and adhering, so that it cannot be taken apart ; oil will not do. If, however, on account of rain, or falling into the water, it should stick fast, which often happens, it should not be forced, but the brass held in the flame of a candle, when by TROUT AND ANGLING. 397 the expansion of the socket, it will soon cease to bind. In bait-fishing, on feeling a fish, do not jerk the bait out of his mouth, or give him a toss over your head into the interior, but instantly drop the end of the rod a little, then raise it with a brisk motion ; this is striking with a better chance of hooking ef- fectually, the bait being more or less gorged. There are, however, two objections to this prac- tice, effectual as it is, in which fly-fishing has great- ly the advantage, one is that of giving pain to the fish, allowing it has feeling and another is the difficulty of disengaging the hook, when deeply fixed in the throat. Should this be the case, al- ways withdraw the hook first through the gills for- cibly, with the thumb and finger of the left hand, then placing the fore-finger of the right hand upon the point while there, bring it out of the mouth. Observing this rule, the instrument called the dis- gorger will be unnecessary, for the hand that holds the line, and the finger shielding the point, an- swer a better purpose. With the artificial fly, however, the affair of striking a fish is reversed, the eye must be constantly directed to the extremity of the line, and the fish struck the instant it breaks water. Quickness of sight is absolutely necessary to success in fly-fishing, and those who do not pos- sess it, and are, besides, constitutionally clumsy, 398 TROUT AND ANGLING. had better give it up in despair. It is a very con- venient way to hook into the hat, that is, by the point of the hook of the fly, and a pin in the other end of the snood, such flies as may chance to be wanted, to the amount of half a dozen, or more. A three-joint rod, such as we have described for fly-fishing, should have a spare middle and a spare end-joint, which will be much the same as two rods, as the butt seldom or never breaks ; it will then consist of five pieces. A bright sun is always unfavorable to fishing, and if calm at the same time, still more so, but a bright sun with a good breeze is better than a cloudy calm. The glassy surface of the water must be broken that objects may appear indistinct to the fish ; for this reason a shower, particularly in its commencement 1 , is very favorable, but if on the contrary it has continued so long and with such violence as to render the water turbid, and to gorge the fish with feed wash- ed into it from the shores, such a time is unfavora- ble, both for the bait and the fly. Unpleasant as it is to the angler, he should fish with his face to the sun, particularly in a calm tirre, lest the sha- dow of his person be cast into the water ; this is not, so material if there is a breeze. To conclude ; there exists among the fraternity, not only that kindliness of feeling towards each other which usually accompanies a kindred taste TROUT AND ANGLING. 399 in all pursuits, yet more particularly observa- ble in that of the contemplative angler; but even a holier feeling often takes possession of his thoughts ; and how can it be otherwise ? Once having felt, he never can "renounce the boundless joys that nature to its votary yields." He is. cheered by the radiance of the rising sun ; he breathes the balmy air of morning soothed by the humming stillness which prevails at noon ; the feathered songsters greet his ear, mixed with the brawling brook, " that down the distant rocks hoarse-murmuring falls." He contemplates with wonder all the secrets of the insect tribe ; he hears, he feels, he sees that nothing is made in vain ; he looks " from nature up to nature's God." ERRATA. Page 29, eighth line from bottom, for osseous, read osseous. " last line, for oesophagus, road oesophagi. " 37, in reference marked C., for oracle, read auricle. " 46, fourth line from top, for candal, read caudal. '* 49, third line from bottom, for sclerotic, read scleroticr " 57, fifth line from top, lor which to, read which by. 59, sixth seventh ninth 63-, tenth " oviperous, read oviparous, condropterygii, read chondropterygii. nviperous, read viviparous. tenth line from bottom, for andromous, read anadromous. for expregnate, read impregnate. for oviperous, read oviparous. 63, third line from top, for Brancfiiostagous, read Branchiostagious. 79, eighth " " Vedious, read Vcdius. " tenth line from bottom, for lest, read less. 80, in some of the impressions for Celachii, read Selachii. " ninth line from bottom, for cliein de mer, read chien de mer. " tenth " " for Scylliam, read Scyllium. 124, first line top, for Dr Yates, read Dr Vale. 145, ninth line from top, for Block, read Bloch. 168, fourteen lines from bottom, do. do. 173, twelve " " for he, read it. 176, two " for genera, read general. 179, eighth " " " for hirando, read hirundo. , 184. three lines from top, for loche, read loach. 187, two " " " do. do. 207, five lines from bottom, for pluinosus, read pruinosus. 208, sixth line from top, do. do. 226, twelfth * for auguilliform , read anguilliform. Owing to a mistake of the compositor, in the whole article on An- guilla, the word is mis-spelt Jlugmlla. 236, last line before note, for Idua, read Idria. 237, first line from top, do. do. 264, eleven lines from : top, for ccecums, read coeca. 271, three " for littoral, read litteral. 304, last line from bottom, for States^ read State. 306, head of page, for Comberoides, read Scomberoides. 307, sixth line from bottom, for nest, read net. 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