REPORT ON THE QUANTUM THEORY OF SPECTRA BY L. SILBERSTEIN, PH.D. PUBLISHED BY ADAM HILGER, LTD. 75A CAMDEN ROAD, LONDON, N.W. i. IQ20 s COPYRIGHT PREFACE THE present report was written originally for the private use of Messrs. Adam Hilger, and was then, at their instance, amplified and prepared for publication. But even with this extension it will be found to contain a brief account of only the most important contributions to the Quantum Theory of Spectra, a new field of inquiry opened only six or seven years ago by Niels Bohr, but already very vast and rapidly growing and ramifying in multiple directions. It will, no doubt, soon call for a supplement. As it is, however, it is hoped to be a helpful guide for those desiring to enter upon this new and strangely fascinating line of thought and investigation. I take the opportunity of expressing my best thanks to Messrs. Hilger for bringing me into closer contact with this refreshing new line of thought of the modern spectroscopists. My thanks are also due to my beloved teacher, Prof. Max Planck, and to my friend, Prof. A. W. Porter, for reading the proof slips, and to Messrs. MacLehose for the indefatigable care they have bestowed upon this book. L. S. RESEARCH DEPT. ADAM HILGER, LTD., LONDON, February 17, 1920. 439996 CONTENTS PAGE 1. BIBLIOGRAPHY - I 2. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. BOHR'S ASSUMPTIONS AND FIRST RESULTS - 2 3-4. RYDBERG'S CONSTANT AND FINITE MASS OF NUCLEUS 5. QUANTIZING PRINCIPLES. ELLIPTIC ORBITS AND POTENTIAL MULTIPLICITY OF SPECTRUM LINES 9 6. RESTRICTING INEQUALITIES. QUANTIZATION OF ORBITS IN SPACE - 13 7. SOMMERFELD'S THEORY OF FINE-STRUCTURE. HY- DROGEN DOUBLETS AND HELIUM TRIPLETS - 16 8. THEORY OF ROENTGEN SPECTRA 27 9. THEORY OF THE STARK-EFFECT - 28 10. ZEEMAN-EFFECT. PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT. PLANCK'S THEORY OF ROTATION SPECTRA. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON RECENT WORK - 33 INDEX 41 REPORT ON THE QUANTUM THEORY OF SPECTRA. 1. The present report, which I shall attempt to bring up to date, is based upon the reading and scrutiny of the following original papers : 1. N. Bohr, Phil. Mag., xxvi, pp. 1-25, 1913. 2. xxvi, 476-502, 1913. 3- ,, xxvi, 857-875, 1913. 4. ' xxvii, 506-524, 1913. 4*. ,, M xxix, 332-335, 1915. 5. Th. Wereide, Annalen der Physik, xlix, 966-1000, 1916. $a. ,, ibid., Hi, 276-290, 1917 (three notes). 6. M. Planck, ibid., 1, 385-418, 1916. 7. P. S. Epstein, ibid., 489-520, 1916. 8. ,, 815-840, 1916. 9. F. Paschen, ibid., 901-940, 1916. 10. A. Sommerfeld, Ann. d. Physik, li, 1-94, 1916. 11. 125-167, 1916. na. K. Glitscher, ibid., Hi, 608-630, 1917. 12. P. S. Epstein, ibid., li, 168-188, 1916. 13. K. F. Herzfeld, ibid., 261-284, 1916. 14. P. Ehrenfest, ibid., 327-352, 1916. 15. N. Bohr, Danish Acad. Sc., IV, I, Parts I and II, pp. i-ioo, 1918. 1 6. M. Planck, Annalen der Physik, Hi, pp. 491-505, and liii, pp. 241-256, 1917. 17. J. M. Burgers, ibid., pp. 195-202, 1917. 18. H. A. Kramers, Memoires Acad. Sc., Copenhagen, 8th ser., iii, No. 3, pp. 287-384, 1919- 19. L. Silberstein, Phil. Mag., xxxix, January 1920. These papers will, whenever the need occurs, be referred to by the attached numbers [in square brackets]. In addition to this 2 THE^ptJANTUM; THEORY OF SPECTRA first-hand material may be mentioned Mr. J. H. Jeans' Report on Radiation and the Quantum Theory, Physical Society of London, 1914 (pp. iv-f 90), in which a few pages (pp. 50-57) are dedicated to Bohr's elementary theory of line spectra. Jeans' Report may be recommended for a rapid and easy initiation into Planck's theory of quanta in connection with black-body radiation, the knowledge of which I here presuppose, at least as far as its rudi- ments are concerned. With regard to the nucleus structure of the atoms (upon which all these spectrum theories are based) and to the experimental evidence for such a structure, it is advisable to consult Rutherford's papers, which are easily accessible (Phil. Mag.*) and as easily read. There is no need for incorporating here a description of Rutherford's work. 2. The strong side of the quantum theory of spectra, as first proposed by Bohr [i] and further developed by Sommerfeld and others, consists in its very remarkable agreement with experiment, which in certain directions can be traced even to minute details of observations, such as the fine-structure of the ' lines ' or groups of Fowler's helium series ; the weak side of the theory consists in the heavy sacrifices it requires at the very outset, e.g. the abandonment of otherwise well-established principles of mechanics and of electromagnetism, in addition to the radical innovation inherent in the discontinuity of the very concept of Planck's quantum (quantum of 'action,' that is, ' Wirkungsquantum '), which is one of the most essential parts of the spectrum theory under consideration. The agreement, however, is of such a startling nature that the theory deserves, in spite of all these heavy sacrifices, and notwithstanding its somewhat magically arithmetical character, the greatest active interest of the modern physicist. Moreover, some of the recent predictions of the new theory require, for their experimental verification, a further refinement of spectro- scopic apparatus and methods of observation, which soon may find an echo in the optician's workshop. The best way to become acquainted with the fundamental assumptions and with the chief results of the quantum theory of spectra will be to consider, in some detail, the simplest atomic * The chief of these papers is published in vol. xxi of Phil. Mag- (1911), p. 669. BOHR'S ASSUMPTIONS 3 system, to wit, the hydrogen atom, which according to Ruther- ford and his school consists of a single electron (of mass m and charge -e) circling round a single positive nucleus, i.e. an electric positive charge (+e) contained in such a small volume that it represents almost entirely the mass of the hydrogen atom.* In Bohr's first attempt at a spectrum theory [i, also 2, 3], the electrodynamic as well as the relativistic complications of the motion are disregarded, and only the purely electrostatic attraction between the nucleus and the electron is taken into account. In short, the motion is treated as ordinary Keplerian planetary motion (inverse square law), well-known since the beginnings of Celestial Mechanics. Moreover, to begin with, the mass of the nucleus is treated as infinite, in comparison with that of the planet or the electron, so that the vector equation of motion of the electron is simply e being the charge in ordinary or so-called ' irrational,' electro- static units, and r = m, the vector drawn from the nucleus to the electron. It is scarcely necessary to say that writing down (i) as the equation of motion, the force-component corresponding to electromagnetic radiation is disregarded, as already stated. But it is of importance .to note that radiation is thus ' disregarded ' not simply as a means of getting a first approximation, but it is disregarded radically, with purpose ; it is suspended, in virtue of a postulate of the theory, precisely for the whole duration of validity of this smooth, Newtonian motion. In other words, apart from the small corrections due to relativity and due to the finite mass of the nucleus, the above equation (i) is assumed to hold rigorously, and the electron is assumed not to radiate at all while it describes round the nucleus any of the Keplerian orbits contained in (i). And herein lies the chief of the sacrifices : the validity of Max- wellian principles is denied to these electronic orbits ; notwith- standing that the motion of the electron is not uniform, it does not * It will be kept in mind that ' mass ' stands here for electromagnetic mass, and this is inversely proportional to the radius of the, say, spherical charge. Thus, according to Rutherford, the linear dimensions of the hydrogen nucleus would be about 1840 times smaller than those of an electron, and, therefore, of the order of io~ 16 cm. 4 THE QUANTUM THEORY OF SPECTRA radiate any electromagnetic energy while describing any of these orbits.* Excluding hyperbolic and parabolic orbits (since we are not in- terested here in electrons which are abandoning their atoms), the orbits corresponding to (i) are ellipses described by the electron according to the ordinary laws of Kepler. Thus, if 2a be the major axis of such an ellipse, and T the period of revolution, we have the well-known relations [with v= velocity at any instant] . whence, denoting the negatived total energy of the system, e 2 i ~ mv 2 , by W, e 2 I A/ 2 \V^ 2a = u/; J-- ' ^77= ( 2 ) giving the major axis and the frequency of revolution =, in terms of the negatived total energy W, which, of course, remains constant during the Keplerian motion in question. Now comes Bohr's further assumption, which is not less revolu- tionary than the suspension of radiation already mentioned. It is most important to make this assumption as plain as is possible : If the nucleus were our Sun and the electron a planet, say our Earth, the latter could under given ' initial ' conditions describe any one of the multiply-infinite class of Keplerian orbits given above, and each of these would be stationary and, as such, possible for the planetary system for ever. Now, according, to Bohr's assumption, only certain of these Keplerian orbits and motions are possible as ' stationary ' states of motion of the atomic system (hydrogen atom = nucleus and electron), viz. in each plane through the nucleus a certain discrete series of Keplerian motions, corresponding to a, discontinuous series of values of the angular momentum and, therefore, of the energy constant W, appearing in (2). * Th. Wereide's attempt to replace the usual radiation formula by a slightly different one which would give no radiation for uniformly described circular orbits [50, first note] does not change very the state of things. Nor is Prof. Wereide's reasoning, leading to the new radiation formula, free from serious objections. BOHR'S ASSUMPTIONS 5 The procedure of picking out or ' quantizing ' [Sommerfeld says : ' quanteln '] these privileged values and the corresponding Keplerian motions is based upon Planck's universal constant h, the ' Wirkungsquantum,' which appears in his famous formula for the black-body radiation.* The principle of such quantizing has undergone of late several subtle modifications (or, in part, generali- zations), of which we will speak later on. To begin with, however, it will be best to give the principle as it appears in Bohr's first paper [i]. Bohr limits himself here to the consideration of circular orbits, and then the principle in question is equivalent to the following assumption : Stationary states of motion are those and only those for which the angular momentum of the electron is equal to an exact multiple of an universal constant, to wit, of A/2?r, i.e. 2?r x angular momentum =nh, (3) where n is an integer. This is, in Bohr's case under consideration, equivalent to putting, for the ' stationary ' states, W = W n = ^. ( 3 a) By (30) and (2) we have _ I VV n ~ z i and h 2 . n 2 At this stage it may be well to note, parenthetically, that if q be the angle between the variable radius vector and a fixed radius vector, the kinetic energy for circular orbits is and the moment p (in Hamilton's sense of the word) corresponding to the configurational coordinate q is p = ~- = mr 2 q = angular momentum. oq * It will be recalled that, according to Planck's theory, radiation from an atomic system takes place in quanta (separate emissions), the energy radiated out by an oscillator of frequency v in each single emission being equal to n . hv, where n is an integer. Planck's constant equals about 6-5 . io- 2? C.G.S. Dimensions : [h] = [energy x time] = \ml-t- r \ = [angular momentum]. A2 6 THE QUANTUM THEORY OF SPECTRA Thus the quantizing principle (3) can be written and since p is constant (Kepler's second law), this is the same as or, in words : p dq integrated over a full period of the motion is equal to an exact multiple of h. It is precisely this form which has turned out more recently to be adaptable to cases more general than that treated by Bohr in his first essay. Thus, out of all circular orbits only such whose radii are given by (5) are * stationary '.* Imagine, now, a series of such stationary orbits, No. I, 2, 3, etc., to which correspond the energy constants W lt W 2 , W s , etc., given by (4), with n = i, 2, 3, etc. As long as the atom is left to itself, the electron will move along one of these (and these only) without ever emitting any radiation. [Max- wellianism suspended, ordinary mechanics fully valid.] But, if through some foreign agency whose mechanism cannot yet be treated mathematically the electron is thrown out from its stationary orbit (n) to another stationary orbit (n f ), it suddenly radiates out the difference of energies in the form of monochromatic waves, of a frequency v, say, and Bohr's new assumption is precisely this : E n = - W n being the total energy on the initial, and E n , = - W n -, that on the final stationary orbit, the emitted frequency v is suck W..-W n -*. (6) Needless to say the founder of the new theory and his followers do not attempt to describe the mechanism of such an extraordinary performance, one, that is, that enables the atomic system to hit precisely upon the frequency v required by the assumption (6). [But future generations may be able to reduce this assumption to something more plausible and more familiar, when it will cease to be a mere assumption. After all, (6), is not more and not less extravagant than what Planck requires for his black-body radiation.] /i- * Notice that the smallest of these quantized radii is, by (5), a, = -. , ^.TT W< which is about 0-6 . io~ 8 cm., i.e. of the atomic order. BALMER SERIES AND RYDBERG CONSTANT 7 The last assumption, as well as the preceding ones, being granted, introduce into (6) the values of W n , W n , from (4). Then the result will bef the corresponding spectrum series, (/') where n', n are integers. This is one of Bohr's most elegant results. Putting n r = const, and letting n assume a series of integral values (n > n'), we have in (7') a series of spectrum lines, converging towards v J)r=M as the * head ' of the series. In (7') v is the reciprocal of the period of the emitted waves ; in experimental work it is usual to quote the reciprocal i/A. of the wave-length in vacuo. Since this is=i>/c, we have, ultimately, where c being the light velocity in vacuo. * If we take n' const. =2, we have in (7) the well-known Balmer series of hydrogen ( = 3, 4, 5, ...) ; n' = const. =3 gives the infra-red series predicted by Ritz and observed by Paschen. A further, very remarkable result of Bohr's elementary theory is that the factor N in (7), as defined by (8), is not only of the order of Rydberg's well-known constant, ^ = 109675 cm." 1 , but coincides with it numerically pretty well when the values of the electronic constants e, m and that of h (derived from experiments on black-body radiation, and from other sources) are substituted. In fact, with = 47- io- 10 ; - = 5'3- io 17 (z>. w=o-9 . io~ 27 ) ; h = 6-$ . io~ 27 ; c = 3 . io 10 (everything in C.G.S.), formula (8) gives N = 1-005 i 5 , differing from Rydberg's constant only by 9 per cent., which is well within the limits of error of m, e*, h*. This coincidence seems to be a very strong support of the theory. Notice that (7), (8) do not contain any new empirical constants. 8 THE QUANTUM THEORY OF SPECTRA % 3. For spectroscopic purposes, of course, the 5 or 6-figure value of N will not be calculated from the very uncertain values of e, m, h, but from the observed lines of the spectrum in question (here that of hydrogen). It is well known that JV = 109675 repre- sented excellently (with n' 2\ = 3, 4, 5, etc.) Balmer's series or the so-called diffuse series of hydrogen. For other elements (notably for helium) the factor N is slightly different. But, and this is again a very remarkable result, even these slight differences can be accounted for by taking into consideration the finite mass (say, M) of the nucleus in question. In fact, this converts m in (8) into Jf+m' so that the quantum value of the Rydberg factor becomes slightly smaller, viz., instead of N, N'=j^N. (8') M+m A very elegant application of this correction-factor has been made by Fowler, and later by Paschen. It will be mentioned presently- 4. The details of the quantum theory of spectra for atoms whose nuclei carry the charge 2e (as helium) or $e, etc., are up to the present not quite satisfactory. But even in the present crude state the theory as applied to helium has yielded some very interesting results. According to Rutherford's well-supported opinion the atom of helium consists of a nucleus whose charge is 2e and, therefore, in its neutral state, there must be two electrons circling round the nucleus. Thus e 2 = e . e in the equation of motion (i), p. 3, is now to be replaced by e . 2e = 2e 2 . If the perturbations of the motion of one of the electrons due to the other electron are simply neglected,* or better, if the helium * As in Bohr's first paper [i, p. 10]. The neglect of such perturbations does not seem satisfactory. Equally unsatisfactory is Bohr's later assump- tion [2, p. 477], that the electrons of more complicated atomic systems * are arranged at equal angular intervals in coaxial rings,' and that a whole ring of electrons jumps simultaneously from one stationary state of motion to another. It is scarcely necessary to point out the unlikelihood of such configurations and processes. The assumptions of Bohr's [2] lead him again to the same result (9) ; cf. [2, p. 488]. FINITE MASS OF NUCLEUS 9 atom in question is ionized and thus retains only one of its electrons f everything will be as before, except that ** in (8) will be replaced by i.e., still disregarding the finite mass of the nucleus, N will be replaced by ^N, so that, instead of (7) we shall have, - rX.1 (0) '/2)2 (n/2)*J Now, if we put here w' = 3=const., and w=4, 6, 8, etc., orn = 5, 7, 9, etc., we get Fowler's ' first ' and ' second principal ' series of helium, respectively (cf. M. N. of R. A. S., vol. 73, Dec. 1912, p. 62 et seq.), which properly constitute but one series. [Notice in passing that n' = const. =4 gives the series observed by Pickering in the spectrum of the star.f Puppis.] Now, Fowler's measurements are tolerably well represented when we take in (9), (a) |A^f while I of 109675 (hydrogen) is (b) t N H According to (8') we should have , JV He _ i+m/M N H i+frn/M' where m/M is the ratio of the mass of the electron to that of the hydrogen atom (remember that the atomic weight of He is four times that of H). Now, on substituting in the right-hand member of (c) the numbers (a), (b), we get m which is in excellent agreement with other determinations of the mass ratio of the electron and the hydrogen atom. This is the remarkable result hinted at before : a refinement of the theory due to taking into account the finite mass of the central body of the atomic system. 5. A further refinement, which is due to Sommerfeld [10], consisted in taking account of the relativistic complications of the original Keplerian motion of the electron. This refinement, which yielded the fine-structure of spectrum lines, will now occupy our io THE QUANTUM THEORY OF SPECTRA attention, together with the generalization of Bohr's original quantizing principle, made by Sommerfeld himself, on the lines laid down by Planck, Ehrenfest, and others. Since bi- and poly-electronic atomic systems are not yet worked out satisfactorily, it will be best to speak henceforth exclusively of the single-e nucleus with its single electron, as in the hydrogen atom.* Such, in fact, is the case of Sommerfeld, paper [io], and also of Epstein's investigations concerning the Stark effect, to be treated in a subsequent section. Sommerf eld's investigations, more especially [io], deserve careful attention, and will, therefore, be treated here at some length. It will be remembered that Bohr, in his first papers (1913-14), limited himself to the consideration of circular orbits. But, as Som- merfeld justly remarks, the electron cannot be prevented from choosing an elliptic orbit, and he shows that contrary to Bohr's original statement this is by no means irrelevant for the final result. In fact, if the angular momentum alone is quantized, the result would be a series of diffuse bands, not sharp lines (as will be shown presently). In short, in Bohr's treatment the atomic system (hydrogen) appeared as a system with one degree of freedom, while admitting ellipses of every eccentricity, and still confining himself to a plane Sommerfeld treats it more completely, that is, as a system of two degrees of freedom. Let q 1} q 2 be the two configurational coordinates, say the polar coordinates , r of the electron, T the kinetic energy as function of the q and q, pi = ^, ^2 = 3 > tne corresponding moments. More especially let q 1} q 2 be canonical coordinates [such are precisely the said r, <], that is, in which, the equations of motion assume the well-known Hamiltonian canonical form. Then, basing himself in part on Planck's investigations [6] and in part upon his own modifications of Planck's reasoning (cf. also [12] and [14]), Som- merfeld adopts as a quantizing principle, for each of the q's, and for the case of two or of any number of degrees of freedom, dft-rtA (10) * The reasoning, with N replaced by +N, will apply also to ionized (not to neutral) He-atoms, such, that is, as have been deprived of one of their two electrons and retain but a single electron. QUANTIZING PRINCIPLES 11 where n t are positive integers, independently chosen for each degree of freedom, and h, as before, Planck's constant. He states himself explicitly that he has no support (' Berechtigung ') for this * Quan- tenansatz ' or for the elementary, differential quantum cells which are equivalent to (10). As to the integration limits to be adopted in each of the equations (10) nothing very definite can be said in general. But when the motion, as in the present case [without relativity], is strictly periodic, he integrates p dq over a full period, i.e. over q 1 = ^ from O to 27r, and over q<^ = r from r min . (perihelion) to r max (aphelion) and back again, or, which is the same thing, (writing dr = ~- d] over again from O to 2ir. When the relati- vistic complications are taken into account the motion is no longer strictly periodic. Yet for moderate velocities (v/c = small fraction) the electron can be considered as describing a Keplerian ellipse with slowly moving perihelion [ =peri-nucleon], and Sommerfeld says, therefore [10, p. 8], that ' the statistical manifold of the orbits is also here determined by a direction varying from O to 27r, as for instance that of the initial line of apses, so that here also the integration domain in is 2:r, and does not depend on the shape of the orbit.' In short, without being able to support the procedure adopted, he applies it both without and with the relativistic compli- cations. Properly speaking, its only support is a post facto one, to wit, the admirable agreement of the final results, especially those concerning the fine-structure of helium lines, with the experimental observations. Sommerfeld treats first the atomic system without the relativistic terms. The motion is then strictly Keplerian. One first integral is the well-known p 1 = mr 2 = const., and the equation of the ellip- tical orbit is I me 2 , ^ = -^-2( I + COS }> ( JI ) r p 1 where e is the eccentricity. The total energy (E = - W) is easily found to be ^* __, //Z-C> / AX. t \ -^i ('-*> < 12 ) Now, if we were to quantize with respect to q l only, i.e. to make, by (10), 12 THE QUANTUM THEORY OF SPECTRA "! J or t> t **-, 9* 'Mo 27r' we should have, by (12), and by (6) which Sommerfeld takes over from Bohr's theory without modification, the spectrum series (13) where the eccentricities e n , e n , can assume all possible values. Thus we should have no discrete series of sharp lines but ' ein verwaschenes Band,' to use Sommerfeld's own expression. To remedy this, Sommerfeld quantizes also with respect to the second variable (r), and through this he quantizes the eccentricity, which converts (13) into a series of sharp lines. In fact, the moment p 2 or p r is = mf, and thus, by (10), i L ; f-,7 F- dr j' n^fi \pzdr = m\r dr = m\ r j- a* 2 ) 2 belong several elliptic orbits. Sommerfeld discusses these at some length [10, 5, 6] in connection with the intensity question of the emitted lines. This interesting subject deserves some attention. 9 6. Notice that, by (2), p. 4, all the ellipses belonging to the same *W have equal major axes, 2a = e 2 /W ; and, remembering that the p 2 i semi-minor axis is b = -^ 2 / > we nave > by (16) and (14), i + n 2) 2 * b = -^-. (17) a The Balmer series of hydrogen is given by (15), when we put const. =2, 3, 4, 5, -00. The lines are emitted when the electron passes from one of the latter, initial, to one of the former, final, orbits. Both n^ and n 2 are positive integers (such being the integrals J^^, \p 2 dr). As to zero, we can well have n 2 = O, which, by (14), means e = o, i.e. a circular orbit; but n x equal zero would mean pi = o, i.e. a rectilinear orbit passing through the nucleus, and this cannot be treated (even approximately) without taking into account the relativistic terms, * i.e., with the value (8) for N, a t> (n-. + n.^ 2 . 47r-mtf 2 A3 14 THE QUANTUM THEORY OF SPECTRA for the velocity would increase beyond limit. Therefore, in the present treatment, we have to assume n 1 >o, n^Q. (18) Thus the final orbits (n 1 / + w 2 ' = 2) are but two in number, viz. fw 2 '=0, < = 2; /. b = a, by jn 2 ' = l, < = i ; /. b = ", The initial orbits are, always by (17) and (18), , line H a of [-3 orbits, to wit - = I, -, -; spectrum series,; forw 1 + w 2 = 4, ) , . . b 311 line//* 'J4 orbits, to wit-- 1, |, -, -, and so on. Thus the line H a can be generated by a passage of the electron from three different initial to either of the two final orbits, i.e. in all in 2 .3=6 ways; similarly, H$ in 2.4=8 ways ; H y in 2.5=10 ways, and so on, in general, in (n^ + n 2 ')(n 1 + n 2 ) ways. This number of possibilities, which thus far is only ' arithmeti- cally ' determined, Sommerfeld first reduces, on the ground of some quantist guesses (* quantentheoretische Vermutungen '), and then increases on the ground of some * generalized assumptions,' in 6 and 7, respectively, of his paper [10]. These guesses are partly supported by spectroscopic experience. Of course, the quantists have still to seek, groping, their way through the marvellously complicated labyrinth of spectroscopic phenomena. We have obviously, for every actual passage associated with radiation, n 1 + n 2 > n t f + n 2 f - Now, Sommerfeld assumes, in the way of a guess, that only suck passages are ' possible ' for which, separately, n ^ w/ and w 2 ^ n z '. ' (19) These are Sommerfeld's ' Quantenungleichungen,' which he attempts to bring into relation with intensity questions. These RESTRICTING CONDITIONS 15 considerations assume a more definite aspect when the hitherto single spectrum lines are resolved into several separate com- ponents ; for, it will appear later that every one of the possible 1 ways of generation ' gives rise to a distinct line. This is due to the variability of the mass of the electron, and it will be better, therefore, to postpone details concerning this subject until we come to consider the relativistic complications. [The actual resolution becomes even more conspicuous through the agency of an electric field ; Stark-effect. Cf. infra.] Here it will be enough to state that Sommerfeld finds the rules (19), which instead of n . n' ways [I write n^ + n^ n t n^ +n 2 '=n'] give only n'(n-n' + i) (190) ways of generation, in general well corroborated by the observations. Yet he adds that the first of (19) ' nur im groben richtig ist,' while the second alone, i.e. H 2 > H 2 ', (20) is, * under normal conditions,' satisfied without exception. The corresponding number of ways of generation is '(*" ~T^)' (2<>) \ / As the measure of intensity of a line, due to the passage from an orbit n^ n 2 to n^, n 2 ', Sommerfeld proposes to consider, provisionally, inasmuch as none of the ' Quantenungleichungen ' is violated ; in the latter case the intensity is to be * small ' or zero. The above rules reduce the arithmetically computed number of ways (nn'}. On the other hand, an increase of this number is brought about by taking into account the orientation of the orbit in space. In fact, proceeding to quantize also the inclination a of the plane of the orbit with respect to an arbitrarily fixed reference plane, he finds that cos a can assume only rational values, viz. ^ where w 3 is a new integer, corresponding to I p^d\// = n 3 h, where \f/ Jo 16 THE QUANTUM THEORY OF SPECTRA is an angular coordinate (fixing, together with r and another angle, the position in space), and p^ the corresponding moment. But, in the absence of any physically given direction (say, an actually given axis of symmetry) such an * orientation of the orbit plane in space ' is obviously meaningless. Sommerfeld is well aware of this fact, and he discusses this matter only in view of considerations con- cerning such phenomena as the Stark effect, in which the external (homogeneous) electric field offers an axis of reference. He mentions, in fact, in this connection Epstein's investigations on the Stark effect, without, however, entering deeply into them. We shall come to the quantum theory of the Stark effect, as worked out by Epstein and Bohr himself, a little later. Meanwhile let us go on with the review of Sommerfeld's own researches. 7. The most important and, at the same time, the most beautiful part of Sommerfeld's investigation is his explanation of the fine- structure of the hydrogen and similar series-lines by means of the relativistic treatment of the motion of the electron round the nucleus. Sommerfeld does not omit to mention that the importance of the theory of relativity for the completion of his atom model was, on several occasions, pointed out by Bohr himself, who [40] proposed also to view the hydrogen doublets as a relativistic effect, of the r fV order of ( - But in taking up Bohr's suggestion, Sommerfeld modifies essentially the standpoint. While Bohr confined his attention to ellipses of evanescent eccentricity, Sommerfeld in accordance with the first part of his investigations explained above seeks the origin of the doublets and the more complicated ' lines ' in the finitely different, discrete values of eccentricity of his quantized elliptic orbits. [Cf. especially formula (14), p. 12, of the present report.] To simplify matters Sommerfeld assumes the nucleus to be fixed [which, provided that m is ultimately replaced by - '-**, is sufficiently correct for the purpose in hand]. Then the force upon the electron is, also according to the theory of relativity, SOMMERFELD'S THEORY OF FINE-STRUCTURE 17 rigorously given by e*/r 2 , and directed towards M, but the electron's mass is no longer constant ; it becomes and our previous equation of motion, (i), becomes (*)-- (*-*) (23) This gives a plane orbit, as before, and the integral of areas is again [we shall now write p instead of p ] p = mr z (j> = const., (24) with the difference, however, that m -is now a function of the P= ~' m being the so-called rest mass of the electron. The total energy E, which is another first integral, is easily found to be . (26) [For a simple deduction of this from (23) see, for instance, my ' Theory of Relativity.'] The equation of the orbit is easily found to assume the form [with =O as initial perihelion] - =C(i +e . cos y<), (27) where (28) and = const. If y differs but slightly from I, (27) represents an ellipse with slowly moving perihelion, to wit, the motion of the perihelion is progressive (as the astronomers say), i.e. in the sense of revolution, and amounts, angularly, per period of revolution, to Put - =p [more generally, /> = - x charge of nucleus] ; then c c (28*) 18 THE QUANTUM THEORY OF SPECTRA Thus for small ^ the orbit is almost an ellipse with slowly moving perihelion. But when p approaches p , the orbit ceases to exhibit any resemblance to an ellipse and can, under certain circumstances, assume the form of a spiral. The manifestly all-important p , as defined above, will hereafter be referred to as the critical value of p = mr 2 ij>. Using (24) and (26), and eliminating /3 = v/c, the energy belonging to a relativistic elliptic orbit will be seen to be The equation of the orbit, (27), (28), now becomes where the signs correspond to initial F ^K^^T ta ken as = < Notice that the quantized moment p is m *f* and for n = i, so that the ratio of the critical or, as Sommerfeld calls it also, the 1 universal ' moment p to p l is a small fraction, to wit, for hydrogen (nucleus e), and for a nucleus of charge ne, ^ = K. 7 . io- 3 . Pi ' If p approaches p and, at the same time, e-> i, we have, under some further specifications which need not detain us here, spiral orbits ; but since in this case (velocity tending to c and therefore mass m growing without limit) the assumption of a fixed nucleus is illegitimate, Sommerfeld is not able to utilize these orbits for the spectrum theory. We can, therefore, omit here his short dis- cussion of spiral orbits altogether, and confine ourselves to quasi- Keplerian ellipses. SOMMERFELD'S THEORY OF FINE-STRUCTURE 19 Passing to the quantizing process, with respect to 9 and r which continue to be canonical variables, we have, by (10), for the ^-coordinate, p-?, (33) while \p r dr = n 2 h gives (since, owing to the motion of the peri- helion we have now to integrate from d /i\ f 2 ^ d /i\ dr , T-, [-} . dr= p\ T7I I ! T: 09, d\r/ d

=>hn 9 simply gives a<\/m=hn 3 /27r. The calculation of the (5; 2 -terms of the first two integrals would offer some technical difficulties, but these higher terms are, for the present, scarcely needed, and Epstein, therefore, does not push his approximations beyond (. The expressions thus obtained T| = O has also a third root 77.5, but this is imaginary, and ^- = has a third root 3 , which is real but ( for G small as compared with -5 ) enormous, while lf , differ but little from their values for = o. These latter, therefore, are chosen for the purpose in hand. 30 THE QUANTUM THEORY OF SPECTRA contain, besides n lt n 2 , w 3 , the energy constant IV, and yield ultimately for the value of W for a stationary orbit characterized by n lt n 2 , 3 , the expression TT/ . W = - s + o o n (n, - 2 ) , 46) 2 2 v 1 where N = p- is, as before, the Bohr value of the Rydberg constant, and n = n 1 + n 2 + n s . The corresponding series of spectrum lines is, by Bohr's principle, <6), P. 6, X ' W ^ - n + 8 e {"' - "*'> - " <*' - ) > ' (47) The first term is the ordinary series of the Balmer type (for hydrogen K = I, etc.) ; the second term, proportional to the inten- sity ( of the electric field, gives the Stark-effect, i.e. a slight shift and a splitting of the lines given by the first term. For, and n' = n- L f +n 2 ' +n 3 ' being fixed, there are still, in general, several possibilities for the addends, and, therefore, for n^ -n 2 and n\ - n 2 which appear in the second term. Such then is Epstein's final formula of the Stark-effect, for hydrogenic [hydrogen-like] spectrum lines at least. The resolution or splitting of lines is here somewhat similar to, but, with the electric fields available, much stronger than the relativistic one discovered by Sommerfeld. The comparison with observations is, therefore, in Epstein's case considerably easier. Paschen had to discover many of the components or satellites predicted by Sommerfeld, whereas owing to the assiduity of Johann Stark and his school, much good material was ready for comparison with the theory in question. Now, the agreement of the theoretical effect, which for K = i is, by (47), with Stark's rneasurements on hydrogen lines, is even more striking than in the case of the relativistic refinement. THEORY OF STARK-EFFECT 31 * According to Stark's measurements the separation is proportional to (, as in (470). [We will, however, not count this agreement as one of the triumphs of the theory ; for the above series development was simply stopped at the ( term ; it would rather seem incumbent upon Epstein to estimate the ( 2 -term and show that it is but a small fraction of the above 1st order term.] . In the second place Stark's observations show that the separation is symmetric with respect to the original position of the line, and (47#) is in full agree- ment with this experimental result (interchanging n-^ with n 2 , which does not change n 1 + n 2 + n 3 , i.e. the original position, we have for every + AX a corresponding AA). But the most remarkable feature is the excellent agreement of the several intervals AA between the electrically separated components, as obtained by Epstein's theory and by observation, to wit, in the case of the lines H a) Hp, H y , H s of the Balmer series of hydrogen. If, in (470), we call n, etc., the integers of the constant term and m t etc., those of the variable term, the Balmer series will be given by n = 2, m = 3, 4, 5, 6, ... (H a Hp H y HS ...), and the last factor in (470) will become A [(!- W 2 )]=m(w 1 -m 2 )- 2(n 1 -n 2 )=Z, say, (48) where m=m 1 + m 2 + m Z) n 1 + n 2 + n 3 = 2. Epstein adopts, as the basis of selection of possible Z-values, Sommerfeld's inequalities, extended also to the third integer w 3 , i.e. l^% n 2^>2, n 3 ^W 8 . (49) He thus obtains, for the H line (w = 3), for instance, the following six possible values : Z = 5, 4, 3, 2, i, o; (H a ) similarly, for m = 4, the seven values Z = I2, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0, (H ft ) for w = 5 (H y ) as many as twenty different values, and for Hs seventeen different Z-values. Now, most of the theoretical components had been actually observed, and in all cases in which they were observed and their (wave-length) shifts measured, the results are in excellent agree- ment with the theory. Thus, for instance : 32 THE QUANTUM THEORY OF SPECTRA r (Z = 5 ) (4) (3) (2) (i) (o) H a - A/V calculated : 147 117 8-8 5-9 2-9 o A. U. I ,, measured: 11-5 8-8 6-2 2-6 o ( (12) (10) (8) (6) (4) (2) (o) H J calc. 19-4 16-1 12-9 97 6-5 3-2 o I meas. 19-4 16-3 13-2 10 & 97 67 & 6-6 3-3 & 3-4 o. V /-comp. j-cotnp. / s p s Here p and s stand for ^-component and s-component, the usual notation of Johann Stark and others for light polarized parallel, i.e. with the electric oscillations parallel to the vector (, and perpendicular (s senkrecht) to this vector. Now, it is most remarkable that, as Epstein found without exception, w 3 -w 3 even gives a ^-component,) , . and m 3 n s odd gives an ^-component./ This is also a good hint which Nature (observation) gives the groping quantist for the further development of his theory. The above reproduction of the H a - and //^-tables does not exhibit this remarkable rule (50), but Epstein's full tables (loc. cit. t pp. 512, 513), show it in a striking manner. To quote but a few examples, we have for H s , Z = 32 28 24 [w 3 -n 3 even] calc. AA = 38-i 33-4 28-6, obs. AA = 37-5 33 ^p 2S-6p, etc., etc. Even the intensities as based on theoretical guesses agree suffi- ciently well with the observations, especially if the last of (49) is replaced by n 3